stringlengths 38
### Comment:
it was the value of the stocks that fell for a short period of time
### REPLY:
Oh okay thanks
### END. |
### Comment:
Paid services will use your data to personalize ads too
brave new mofuggin world
### REPLY:
That’s fine. But don’t come here and say it’s free.
### END. |
### Comment:
Still the richest african American doh.
### REPLY:
Not that it's difficult
### END. |
### Comment:
Very nice.
Tits or GTFO.
### REPLY:
If I remember correctly the rule no women in the internet has a caveat. If being a woman provides a legitimate different context to the story or they are answering a question meant for women. The whole no women on the internet came about to get rid of attention whores whose only contribution to something was, 'I'm a women, pay attention to me!' I'd say she's in the rules with her post that asked what women got out of WSB.
### END. |
### Comment:
They preemptively fucked us so it will be difficult to fuck us even more.
### REPLY:
You’re kidding right? The Chinese govt can flip a switch one day and be like no these companies can’t operate here anymore, or bog them down in so much red tape they effectively can’t operate. There’s plenty more fucking that can happen.
### END. |
### Comment:
Show your short loser
### REPLY:
Wtf are you talking about? You’re probably one of these dumbass’ that blame everything on liberals. Are you not rich? Must be Obama’s fault! Learn to think for yourself.
### END. |
### Comment:
I bought SPY short in 2012 and I'm still holding. I am down about 40%. Don't ever short the indexes. First hand
### REPLY:
have you not looked at SPYs all time chart? there are instances where shorts made decent money.
### END. |
### Comment:
For long options?!? Like, you have $500 in your account, you can buy $1000 worth of options? You're kidding
### REPLY:
He is a lying faggot. Regulations do not allow brokers to let you to do that. He is claiming his portfolio was 100% long spy puts which is not possible to go negative on.
### END. |
### Comment:
>Doooo it. I’ll tell you this. I won’t touch it so we can be sure it goes up.
You're the hero I deserve but not the one I need right now.
### REPLY:
When you need it just let me know. I’ll be here
### END. |
### Comment:
That seems to be the common theme with you software guys...what would you do here?
### REPLY:
A lot of waiting for things like compiling, regression testing, and combine that with how u r in front of computer all day. It’s easy to trade
### END. |
### Comment:
Is there a bathroom in the top of the tower
### REPLY:
Not sure, don't work in a tower. I stare at a radar scope in a dark, cold dungeon.
### END. |
### Comment:
Still not sure I understand the point
### REPLY:
Well, if you’re sharing your screen with a group of strangers, I can see where you wouldn’t want them to see your p&l.
### END. |
### Comment:
Why don't you believe in Asians Go Wild?
### REPLY:
I believe Asians are a myth tbh, I mean have you actually ever *seen* someone from China? Prob just a collective apparition conjured by wsb out of the need for meme stocks.
### END. |
### Comment:
What else?
### REPLY:
Benzos to come down afterwards?
### END. |
### Comment:
What the hell are you hitman or something
### REPLY:
Lol, unfortunately no. Sold my last business and am staying on to help them run it. It feels weird though.
### END. |
### Comment:
nobody tell him
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
CVS is good right now. Being a hipster REALLY helps in the market.
### REPLY:
and REGN
### END. |
### Comment:
Dont take this away from me, man...
### REPLY:
Shit I bet the week before it was only a quarter. Gains
### END. |
### Comment:
That answer makes so much more sense now. I usually try to sell far OTM but I’ve never found (or even looked for) a good stock that stays in such a tight range.
### REPLY:
I’m doing same thing with CRON now. Look at the last three months. Just hangs around $7. Good premiums on these calls because stoned fags buy them. But 100 shares at 6.50 to $7 and sell a 7.5 calls.
### END. |
### Comment:
I think you forgot a zero.
### REPLY:
^ and that's not even a joke
### END. |
### Comment:
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
To Be Continued...
### REPLY:
Pool's closed.
### END. |
### Comment:
100% suck-cess rate
### REPLY:
They call me an overachiever cause all I do is suck-seed
### END. |
### Comment:
Not until oct-nov, buy all the dips, market wants to go higher, look at us treasury bonds and all the crazy buybacks, last few months of bull run. ntflx, amd and amazon are your friends, don't touch anything else
### REPLY:
FB too, Zuck forever.
### END. |
### Comment:
sparkling water
### REPLY:
La Croix I guess
### END. |
### Comment:
He probably has no idea what that even means
### REPLY:
I can't even imagine that world.
### END. |
### Comment:
Then robinhood fucked up because I’m not lying
### REPLY:
What was this supposed to prove? That youve only bought options over the last few days? what is your point
### END. |
### Comment:
Pay is phenomenal but at the end of the day there’s something missing career wise
### REPLY:
Exactly what someone I know said too. He ended up quitting.
### END. |
### Comment:
Wow. Last time I looked at my paycheck it didn’t have your name on it. You do realize I work for a private company and not the govt, right? My (large) salary couldn’t be made working for the govt. oh and it couldn’t be made without taxpayers like you. Thanks!
### REPLY:
\>thinks I don't know what a government contract is
look in the mirror and say it with me, 'My job is meaningless, I steal money from hardworking people, I am a scumbag'
### END. |
### Comment:
Cisco is decent if you want networking. Juniper too.
### REPLY:
Don't forget ubiquiti
### END. |
### Comment:
My apologies. I have much to learn.
### REPLY:
> I have much to l*ose*~~earn~~.
### END. |
### Comment:
> copper's manipulated
Proof and source ?
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
Got it, so you’re kind of doing a wheel strategy with a leap off to the side as well.
### REPLY:
I think I understand more what you are asking actually. The leaps would not cover short-term calls unless they were deep In the money and in that case it would technically be a spread
### END. |
### Comment:
It's going down, but whether that happens by next week or month who knows.
### REPLY:
I’ll sell you a 280 put
### END. |
### Comment:
I know you can’t cuck the Zuck...
But how much Zuck would a Zuck cuck cuck if a Zuck cuck could cuck Zucks?
Food for thought
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
I'm betting on a small pull back next week. Then I will buy more calls for earnings.
### REPLY:
No next week will be pre earnings run up and then more frustrating beat and drops
### END. |
### Comment:
No my point is that the model used to come up with an analytical solution is completely bullshit and arbitrary and abstracted so far from reality that it makes zero sense to even consider.
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
He's as good as an upper tier high school art student now. The question is has he peaked or is he going to reach great master status with 15+ more years?
### REPLY:
I see him painting a Mona Lisa of Dick Cheney that changes how we see what it means to be human
### END. |
### Comment:
That’s okay... if you’ve watched his interviews lately he’s just repeating the same stories over and over. I’m kidding tho. He’s on my Rushmore of inspirational people. Up there with Elon, Kobe and Shia Labouf.
I hope he never dies.
### REPLY:
That’s quite a collection of individuals you pulled out there.
### END. |
### Comment:
Thanks Daddy
### REPLY:
Thanks Daddy
### END. |
### Comment:
I'm picturing a chocolate dildo in Jesus's ass
### REPLY:
if that's your first thought.... you should probably download grindr
### END. |
### Comment:
I hope you can keep that confidence when you lose all your money.
### REPLY:
at least he has money to lose.
### END. |
### Comment:
Naked options.
### REPLY:
Does RH even allow naked options? Wtf
### END. |
### Comment:
I definitely need system installed this in my future yacht
### REPLY:
Yacht futures > future yachts
### END. |
### Comment:
True, you could just as easily sell $70 calls and still be fine.
### REPLY:
Except 90s go down faster so they can be bought and resold many times by the seller
### END. |
### Comment:
I think you misspelled autism
### REPLY:
I think the word you are looking for is fag.
### END. |
### Comment:
Look up 'Selling the wheel'
IQ would be a good one if you can afford a $30 stock. It's at $29.64 right now. If you want to buy shares, sell a $29.5 naked put for a $1.05. You keep the credit and it either expires, or you get the shares at a discount. You lose money if it closes below $28.45, but it's much better than the position you would be in if you bought the shares at the beginning of the week. Now that you have your shares, start selling covered calls.
### REPLY:
Unless China meme stock crap out then you big loser
### END. |
### Comment:
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
I still think it's useful to see at the very least that trading can be a successful venture. Sometimes we learn tid-bits from the interviewees, like on position sizing, basics, etc.
### REPLY:
Definitely. It helped me realize that maybe I have a shot at navigating the mine field.
### END. |
### Comment:
It's insane that Spotify almost had a 8 year lead in the industry and yet Apple music managed to pass their sub count easily.
### REPLY:
Is it really that surprising when they have iTunes and the whole Apple eco system on their side?
### END. |
### Comment:
Pretty sure RH has stop losses but I could be wrong
### REPLY:
Only for stocks. If I buy an option I want to be able to put in a stop at -35% and a limit sell so I can go on with my day without having to be constantly checking my phone..
### END. |
### Comment:
Don't forget ubiquiti
### REPLY:
I love Ubiquiti equipment, pretty much the easiest shit I've ever installed and operated.
### END. |
### Comment:
That fag is probably a mod there already
### REPLY:
he probably created it
### END. |
### Comment:
Tim Sykes seems to be at least somewhat legitimate but he's probably not a popular name.
### REPLY:
Nice, I'll check him out
### END. |
### Comment:
other companies are working on electric cars and have know that right?
### REPLY:
But it’s not like those companies have the infrastructure and know how to mass produce said vehicles
*oh wait* ...
### END. |
### Comment:
There are no chicks with dicks, only dudes with tits.
### REPLY:
Dicks is dick once the lights go out ...
### END. |
### Comment:
Jeez bud. Getting a little out of hand. Maybe take a breather and go for a walk.
### REPLY:
3252... we are going in the wrong direction you fucking losers. Downvote!!!!! Fuck you all. RH is free because they are not insured! I can’t spell whining! Because I only write win! So fuck you! Make me a mod or ban!
### END. |
### Comment:
does this mean i can buy the spread in one click too instead of doing each leg separately?
### REPLY:
Yes, one click close! This is a relatively new feature but it makes multi-leg option trading much bette
### END. |
### Comment:
Production issues due to the highest demand for a car.
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
yes it is a non-issue. the miss was entirely due to phone sales, samsung didn't say anything about NAND weakness, that was just some random analyst
### REPLY:
I love their $800 smart phones I just don't want a new phone every 6 months.
Edit: those poor guys just want some business
### END. |
### Comment:
You mean 2 pages, right?
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
hey im not taking sides here. as for the protection i dont think its due to that (they have enough money to hire bodyguards themselves anyways). its probably more to do with the fact presidents hold lots of confidential information so its better to keep em safe
### REPLY:
An excellent point. I look at it from the point of view that we should protect the people we've elected to hold our highest offices. Our government wastes far more money on grants studying the reproductive habits of prairie chickens or the mating tendencies of transsexual goldfish than it does on lifetime SS details anyway.
### END. |
### Comment:
'Find something more important to do.'
I'm a high schooler in summer. Would you rather me act like a fag on this subreddit, or go out and do illegal shit. I would totally spend all my time on Robinhood, but I'm too young.
Also, happy trading on Monday.
### REPLY:
Work in construction. Legit.
### END. |
### Comment:
Yeah man, in Texas, we dont have casinos because 'HuR DuRr GaMBliNG Is DaNgERoUs'. Evidently its 100% fine for retards to yolo away *borrowed* money on Robinhood.
### REPLY:
Yeah at least I don't have to drive to Oklahoma or, God forbid, Shreveport to lose my money on options
### END. |
### Comment:
>open interest of 5,918
What does that make you as a proud owner of the calls?
### REPLY:
Don't believe anything you read on WSB
### END. |
### Comment:
All of em
### REPLY:
What’s the book on top of Market Wizards?
That’s the only one I can’t make out in the pic
### END. |
### Comment:
### REPLY:
I shorted Elon where is my yacht please?
### END. |
### Comment:
Waiting for ~~Gedot~~ MU
### REPLY:
This sub is so culturally literate, except that you spelled Godot wrong
### END. |
### Comment:
fuck you, you watched the wolf of wall street once
### REPLY:
Twice actually, and yes I had to google the spelling of quaaludes.
### END. |
### Comment:
With legal gambling in the pipeline, soon enough we'll all have a bookie app and it'll be a lot easier to lose money
### REPLY:
I dunno, I'm pretty good at it already. CRON calls stretching out my poor pooper.
### END. |
### Comment:
Don't do this.
### REPLY:
unless you want to be blind
### END. |
### Comment:
Damn hackerz!
### REPLY:
Український хакери
### END. |
### Comment:
Stats, not anecdotes
Wait, this is WSB. Anecdote away.
### REPLY:
Last time I was in Canada I saw a moose
### END. |
### Comment:
I'm pretty sure that one is a TEDx
Anyone can do a TEDx... all you need to do is commender a college lecture hall or theater for 20 minutes and flash mob craigs list fiverrs who will sit still and clap when prompted.
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
I guess I mean more along the lines of journaling trades and taking notes as you go, if that’s the thing you do
### REPLY:
Try using notepad?
### END. |
### Comment:
That's pretty cool, you think you're gonna go the digital media route when you graduate?
### REPLY:
Oh yeah definitely. Right on the money
### END. |
### Comment:
Dude, Nikkei is Japan. Trade war is with China mostly.
### REPLY:
In his defense the Nikkei took a beating the last 3 weeks.
### END. |
### Comment:
My friend used to work at b of a and said they’ll probably do well at earnings so I bought $30 calls expiring the week after
### REPLY:
“Probably”... can you do the thing where you ask a question and he takes a sip of his drink pls
### END. |
### Comment:
Trying to get that limit price you start clicking through the menus too quickly.
### REPLY:
You're very diversified because you're chasing so many low priced options on different stocks. Try trading major indexes and then focusing on industry. (XLP, XLK, XLE, XLY). Look at the holdings those and you'll see that one has significant exposure to at least one stock that has relation to a the ideas your have interest in.
### END. |
### Comment:
Which is why they want to close stores that are unprofitable and contributing to the problem. I don’t understand why the stock is getting beat up so bad.
I don’t want to have to deal with the homeless when I’m drinking my 6 dollar coffee.
### REPLY:
Your last sentence is why they are getting beat up. True if they went all high class maybe but they’re fucked. It’s always going to be this racial thing withStarbucks. People will still demonstrate there and shit. It’s a mess.
### END. |
### Comment:
What’s the book on top of Market Wizards?
That’s the only one I can’t make out in the pic
### REPLY:
How to make a living trading stocks
### END. |
### Comment:
Source on losing market share?
### REPLY:
I switched.
### END. |
### Comment:
It's like comparing a New York strip to hamburger.
### REPLY:
You could make a hamburger from a new york strip. You just got to ground it up and make it into a hamburger patty.
### END. |
### Comment:
It means the same for GE as been for a while... they will still be getting rid of BHGE cause they never should have went into the service side of the oilfield to begin with. DOJ should have let the HAL BH merger happen but I digress.
It means nothing for them
### REPLY:
What does this mean for MU?
### END. |
### Comment:
>Buying a Tesla after shorting Tesla
### REPLY:
you win either way it's a sure thing
### END. |
### Comment:
### REPLY:
Yeah, I'm a fuckhead.
### END. |
### Comment:
I bought an E36 for $1100 on Ebay. Flew from Texas to Phoenix to pick it up. Both the window motors failed while the guy was showing me it, so he gave me $150 back on the spot. Drove it back to Texas and had no more problems with it for a year. Ran strong and was a good car. Until I left if parked on the street one night during a flash flood(my town got that level of rain once every 50 years maybe, so i didn't know the street would flood). Never ran again after that. I miss that car.
### REPLY:
No insurance I guess? I suppose liability only makes sense for a $950 car.
### END. |
### Comment:
Then once more at $32
### REPLY:
Average down mate! Nice work
### END. |
### Comment:
Sounds expensive
### REPLY:
A lot cheaper if no one is pulling over time hours.
### END. |
### Comment:
If you can afford the maintenance
### REPLY:
5k for the car, 15k in repairs. Welcome to luxury cars
### END. |
### Comment:
yeah ill pass i get it was a stupid example and question here i should buy put if anything
### REPLY:
Check out 'the Options Workbook' by Anthony Saliba Skip all the internet BS and go straight to the good stuff. Also, I would recommend some virtual trades on think or swim to see what happens as the options mature thruout the expiration period.
### END. |
### Comment:
### REPLY:
Not with Musk's dick with Bezos pushing
### END. |
### Comment:
Is broccoli autistic...?
### REPLY:
If you have to ask
### END. |
### Comment:
I like AMD a lot, especially lt. but holy shit HOG is going to get anally prolapsed soon without a culture shift forget trump
### REPLY:
Post short position or ban.
### END. |
### Comment:
someone called me a fag once and idk it seemed pretty accurate
### REPLY:
### END. |
### Comment:
Think I got a full time job at Mickey D's? HA! Why work when I can easily clear $250+/day panhandling? SEATTLE FTW!!!!
### REPLY:
This guy ain't jokin either
### END. |
### Comment:
Dummy, it’s to help me get new ex’s
### REPLY:
Like OPs mom
### END. |
### Comment:
Germans really do think of everything.
### REPLY:
“Everything” being what?
### END. |
### Comment:
No, obviously Apple and Amazon going down, AMD taking its rightful throne
### REPLY:
As God intended
### END. |
### Comment:
What do you think about pypl and sq?
### REPLY:
I’m thinking a lot about some 8/17 PYPL $90 calls
### END. |
Subsets and Splits