### Comment: Yes ^plz ### REPLY: What's the story behind your flair? ### END.
### Comment: they're what this guy is taking a bath in. yummy. ### REPLY: just tell me what it is please ### END.
### Comment: Fuck it ### REPLY: JD calls it is! ### END.
### Comment: I think the volatility will jump up a bit after 1 and prob get out at .25. I was hoping it to find some way to get to 279 today, but that looks like it's stalled a bit. ### REPLY: Good runntoday. Sold at 40% gains. Might do another one tomorrow expiring mid next week for 279 and hope to get a good run tomorrow. ### END.
### Comment: My mother’s my father ### REPLY: Is your last name Jenner? ### END.
### Comment: plz close....plz ### REPLY: Nope not yet. Finished +$57,000 on the day. Thanks Obama. ### END.
### Comment: Do they have three lines now? 1 for stubs members, 1 for a-list, and one for plebs? ### REPLY: Yeah, at least at the theater I was at. I'm going to a different theater today and can report back. The wife and I signed up for it, so we're doing our part. ### END.
### Comment: It’s the American IQ ### REPLY: wow, thanks I'll look into it. Typical Americans ripping off Chinese innovation ### END.
### Comment: They call me an overachiever cause all I do is suck-seed ### REPLY: Asian girls everywhere, UCLA ### END.
### Comment: To give you perspective, I was employed at a fruit based technology company, as a grad student intern I made 45 an hour, before California OT laws, my housing was paid for and I lived within 3 miles of their campus. I was there for 9 months ( called a co op when it’s 9 months, summer plus the next term till December ). I worked approximately 60 to 70 hours a week. You do the math. ### REPLY: Holy shit, Fruit ninja pays that much to interns? ### END.
### Comment: Or YOLOing his student loans ### REPLY: I'm so poor they will only let me borrow 7k a year. ### END.
### Comment: :^( ### REPLY: Hehe 🤔🤔🤔 ### END.
### Comment: and remember to set the sybian to low so that you keep the anal fissuring to a minimum ### REPLY: I have to keep it low so my bhole doesn’t wreck the machine ### END.
### Comment: Sorry, didn't notice that at all - Zika virus messing up my eyesight ### REPLY: Tiny dome lmao ### END.
### Comment: when is the earning? July 27th ### REPLY: Did you just answer your own question? Yes ### END.
### Comment: $XLU is up 6-8% in past month or two ... If you want specifics inside the sector I have seen my $D shares up about 9% same timeframe. Other movers are $XLF and $XLV, financials and healthcare. Watch for rotation into com staples too though I am not a big fan of $XLP and its holdings. Within each of the dozen or so sectors are also sub sectors and there is always momentum somewhere to play for a month or so ### REPLY: Was expecting to be called a fag, got solid info instead. Thanks a lot for the insight. ### END.
### Comment: He should ask someone that eats ass - it's not hard. ### REPLY: You're thinking of metaphorical cannibal, Sharing LaButt. Different people. ### END.
### Comment: Cuz it’s a shit company ### REPLY: Buying stock in SOGO would be like buying stock for Chinese Microsoft Bing. Not Chinese Microsoft, just Chinese Microsoft Bing. ### END.
### Comment: Portfolio 💥🔫 ### REPLY: Don't catch MU dippin' now ### END.
### Comment: The ones I currently have actually expire on the 20th, I'm betting purely on MSFT's earnings which is on the 19th. I'm expecting MSFT to beat, and with my options being currently ITM if they gain on a beat then I make even more money. I'm willing to lose the full amount (it's like ~4k worth of calls), but I've bet on every MSFT earnings for the past like 2 years and have had pretty good success. YTD I've made like 30k from MSFT calls alone. ### REPLY: Do you not have the cash to just exercise? ### END.
### Comment: >Investing early in a growing industry. Miss me with that gay shit. ### REPLY: Yeah, this is /r/Wallstreetbets, we only invest at the end of a pump ### END.
### Comment: tech or die. ### REPLY: if you're not living, you're dying. ### END.
### Comment: Sorry bud. ### REPLY: why sorry? stonks were up today. not like i had any puts. btw you had 50 50 at being right. ### END.
### Comment: risk adjusted is just another word for 'vanguard'. The problem isn't that you can or get have a good retirement in the market, the problem is this is wallstreet bets and we like to see people either lose everything or gain everything. For the ones that gain everything not having to work ever again seems pretty nice. ### REPLY: Yeah I get the idea of why it's appealing. It's like buying lottery tickets with much better odds. ### END.
### Comment: sounds like you dont own either, lol ### REPLY: whatever you say bud, enjoy your ego trip, you seem to need it ### END.
### Comment: yeah good point. forgot about the cash settled too. thanks ### REPLY: whats the cash settled thing about? whats that mean? ### END.
### Comment: Of course. I was trying to give him some better advice than 'invest in a stock you know nothing about because someone mentioned it on Reddit'. Theres no such thing as consistent non-risky profit that is meaningful in size. ### REPLY: that is fair. I meant to write that comment out to other amateurs who don't know any better and are lurking. ### END.
### Comment: Imo valuations based on active users is suspect at best. I just think long term the app has a niche and huge market penetration. You dont see an article written that references a Facebook post very often but every other article has a tweet embedded in it. ### REPLY: Facebook makes money though ### END.
### Comment: Haven't looked at them in awhile are premium prices still retarded? ### REPLY: Expensive af but if that stock moons like it did before the crash, they’re worth it ### END.
### Comment: Accept? ### REPLY: Words be hard. Thanks ### END.
### Comment: I tend to agree but the narrative around the last 2 ERs turned heavily towards shit about suppliers having orders cut or analyst hitpieces about overall iPhone demand and the stock was hit hard. I hope it doesn’t happen again cuz I have a lot of AAPL but the market loves to beat this stock up for no good reason. ### REPLY: go longer dated and/or wait for the drop ### END.
### Comment: RH has your SSN, DOB, name, they can easily verify income thru Equifax ### REPLY: But do they? Fidelity knows I lied but I don’t think they give a rats ass ### END.
### Comment: thats some serious downside risk. might as well just buy calls ### REPLY: It's not that serious. If they get executed you just sell. Probably wouldn't lose many percentage points unless a company like MSFT gets fucked, which is unlikely. ### END.
### Comment: im already in commodities ### REPLY: Let me guess, Pork Belly? ### END.
### Comment: I bought Chantix in Australia for $66/mo, here at walgreens in Seattle, they charge $580/mo for the same goddamn thing. ### REPLY: Ya they pass the R&D cost onto American consumers because they know our shit ass insurance system will pay for it. But at least the rest of the world benefits! ### END.
### Comment: Congrats man, its required for you to post a barefoot pic in your lambo ### REPLY: well considering he has 1 mil to just *play around with*, he better post a pic in his private jet ### END.
### Comment: i mean i like the idea ### REPLY: If I had serious capital available it's what I'd do. Warren Buffet did the same thing ### END.
### Comment: $70; Average cost $4.98. I'll be holding these not just because I'm down. If I lose, so does Marty and I'll feel better knowing I went down, but not that hard. ### REPLY: Good luck man, you still have a lot of time till Jan, Mu is due for a run up. I bought some 55/60/65 strike Jan 19 calls last week. ### END.
### Comment: Have you seen mine? ### REPLY: I wish daddy warbuccis would gimme one FeelsBadMan ### END.
### Comment: Yeah, that all makes sense. Personally, I stick to RH (but use thinkorswim for paper trading and research) because the commissions on other brokers are just too much for me, but my portfolio is pretty much pennies. I’m glad that RH lets poors like me do a bit of trading, but I don’t think it’s the best option for everyone by any means. ### REPLY: Yep. Based on how you've described your trading profile, it sounds much better suited for RH for the time being. Dig in, get your tendies, and expand your portfolio needs 🙂 ### END.
### Comment: you mean a cock ring? ### REPLY: this guy decodes ### END.
### Comment: how do I find the people that need private equity? ### REPLY: 1. Ask about getting into accelerator demo days. Ycombinator and it's clones. 2. Equity crowdfunding, too many competitors to really list, but some of their accredited only holdings are pretty neat. 3. Angel list. 4. Walk into any bar in the Bay Area and yell 'FOUNDERS, OVER HERE' But really, Paul Graham had a good blog post on it, dig it up. Once you get started networking is easy. ### END.
### Comment: Yes, Papa. ### REPLY: Hey, we're fucking conjoined twins, what the fuck you doing typing behind my side. ### END.
### Comment: F ### REPLY: A ### END.
### Comment: I knew I was forgetting something ### REPLY: You also forgot BILI ### END.
### Comment: If you were me would you sell any of those puts i have for $COST calls? ### REPLY: Yes, you are going against me again. I just got into $COST today... see my profile. ### END.
### Comment: I didn’t say it was easy or risk free, but with enough companies, selling cash covered puts is a much safer approach then a lot of the plays on here. I did it many times, never assigned once, never lost money once, of course I have far less than $1 million and I’m very impatient, so I went a much riskier route. ### REPLY: And you're speaking in past tense. ### END.
### Comment: I use Wells Trade and can't find it. So I'm going to assume they don't allow it? ### REPLY: HK exchange ### END.
### Comment: If they were aware of all the bots there wouldn’t be any. ### REPLY: yea but i guess they can at least suspect if some are bots ### END.
### Comment: Don’t hate the players hate the game my guy ### REPLY: I hate neither the player nor the game. I hate my trades for not giving me enough money to do that. ### END.
### Comment: all that shit they own and the only thing you hear: but ESPN is bringing them down!. ### REPLY: They should just donate ESPN to someone. ### END.
### Comment: It's actually the name of Dallas's airport Love Field ### REPLY: They’ve spent about 20 years trying to loosen the restrictions on Love field. Hence the ticker. It’s one of Dallas two main airports. It’s the closest one to downtown Dallas and far less busier than DFW ### END.
### Comment: There was a post today that concurred, so I guess so? What did you sell, exactly? ### REPLY: I sold 7/20 $43.5 puts for $1.02 each. Really can't imagine it going much lower in that timeframe. I've already lost 18% because of IV continuing to rise. Hopefully it settles tomorrow. ### END.
### Comment: Why not both?! ### REPLY: I sold an at the money call and an at the money put on $PEP. I can't lose right? ### END.
### Comment: Yeah but let’s be honest with ourselves about Stranger Things: it’s garbage, and we now have to endure that annoying little shit with the lisp in every commercial. ### REPLY: Season two was a letdown for sure ### END.
### Comment: Start networking with investment bankers or consider getting an MBA, you just need to get your foot in the door. IBs like people with high quantitative skills like you, just need to show your passion for this field and competence. ### REPLY: How do I get to network with investment bankers? Haven't found any in my lab yet. ### END.
### Comment: OoooOooOOo gotcha ty ### REPLY: Just do your own DD. Some stuff here is good, some is bad. Stocks may go up, but i heard they could go down too. ### END.
### Comment: That's pretty fucking retarded ### REPLY: Yeah it’s pretty retarded and not true ### END.
### Comment: Ya, Microsoft would have to have their servers hacked and held hostage all windows computers in the world in order for it to drop enough make a dent in selling puts lol ### REPLY: i think their servers run on AWS, so should be pretty secure ### END.
### Comment: Buying stock in SOGO would be like buying stock for Chinese Microsoft Bing. Not Chinese Microsoft, just Chinese Microsoft Bing. ### REPLY: I believe their share is even smaller than Chinese Microsoft Bing. ### END.
### Comment: yeah that too ### REPLY: I would like to give a big 'fuck you' to anybody that actually still believes I was behind the thing that happened a year ago ### END.
### Comment: if anything it increases advertiser interest because it shows twitter is doing its best to be genuine. ### REPLY: This is the kind of optimism I come to this sub for ### END.
### Comment: It's going to trade sideways and you both lose ### REPLY: i fucking hope so. sold an iron fly today. ### END.
### Comment: Yes, you should be scared. The soy bois are coming for your tendies ### REPLY: Not my tendies! ### END.
### Comment: Lol and then when Netflix growth stagnates it will get dumped ### REPLY: I’m glad someone else feels this way, their current valuation is geared towards an absolutely pristine earnings call... one miss and it might get ugly. I’m long but 80 cents a share earnings? When they just fucking announced 12-13 billion worth of content dev this year? Tall fucking order ### END.
### Comment: Your cousin Craig? ### REPLY: THANKS CRAIG ### END.
### Comment: It doesn't really matter, they're basically the same truck anyways. ### REPLY: Yep. Pretty much a motorized wheelbarrow. ### END.
### Comment: He feeds on opportunities like a pig at an all you can eat Buffet. ### REPLY: We Gen X'ers and Millennials could learn a thing or two from Jimmy Buffet. The way he bleeds Boomers dry with nostalgia, bullshit, and subpar music/food/booze should be an inspiration to us all. ### END.
### Comment: whats the cash settled thing about? whats that mean? ### REPLY: think about it this way. if you sold puts and they expire in the money: if you traded SPX you'd be out a buncha cash. If you traded SPY you'd be put shares at a loss for you. Theoretically you could just sell covered calls on SPY until you were green again but you couldn't do the same with SPX. ### END.
### Comment: could you help me find this 2x overnight law/rule aw fuck i think its called fed call ### REPLY: ### END.
### Comment: Was a bit more nuanced than that. Graham worries that it shows a lack of initiative on the company and that the company would be pissing away premium on acquisitions and not be able to effectively monetize them. So depending on what the company does with its purchases, how it innovates them, and its ROI on them. ### REPLY: Imo, three exceptions: 1. Patents. 2. Synergies. 3. Stifling competition. ### END.
### Comment: []( This article is the foundation of how I've been trading, give it a read. Keep in mind I've been doing this for a whopping 7 months though. ### REPLY: Thanks I’ll definitely take a look ### END.
### Comment: I want to understand this comment ### REPLY: In a hundred years they'll find the Reddit servers and begin scouring them for a sense of our pop culture. It'll take them another hundred to understand once they hit /r/wsb. ### END.
### Comment: this reminds me of the 2016 election when the dow futures were down 800 points & the rally that followed was like a scene out of Rocky IV. ### REPLY: my dick still hurts from the freedom boner i had that night ### END.
### Comment: You know what they say - even a broken smart watch is right twice a day ### REPLY: More likely a broken smart watch won't even be right once a day. ### END.
### Comment: Did you just answer your own question? Yes ### REPLY: Should more people answer their own easily searchable questions? Yes ### END.
### Comment: You holding through earnings? I picked up 10 10AUG45C @ 2.33 on a whim, haven't been following TWTR at all ### REPLY: He said fds, earning isnt this week ### END.
### Comment: Same here. I'm not great at predicting downward trends, so have made zero profit on puts so far. ### REPLY: I’m in that same boat. Apparently I’m an optimist and didn’t know it? Can only see the upside. ### END.
### Comment: You will find out what PEs are and what value investing is, don't worry. You don't understand now, you will. ### REPLY: I'm so happy I didn't invest in AMZN, NFLX, TWTR, any biotech, etc. It may have returned 10x, but P/E is the only metric that matters. You're like a dumb David Einhorn. ### END.
### Comment: Nope. Nor do I care. ### REPLY: Then you shouldn't be making statements about AMD ### END.
### Comment: Everyone is responding that sneakers are a better investment. wow ### REPLY: Hey that’s what you think. You’re not the one who had to wear Apple options on their feet for the last 200 years. ### END.
### Comment: 'I'm willing to pay $45 to overcome shitty UI on my free trading app' ### REPLY: I have 6k worth of calls, I’m pretty bullish on the stock bro. You think I mind owning a share? ### END.
### Comment: The strongest kids are out first, any weaker ones they might think won’t make it would go in the sun as a plan b. All in all though kids got a free submarine and flame throwers I’d be pretty happy with those toys ### REPLY: The weakest kids went out first ### END.
### Comment: So happy for my USO calls. ### REPLY: Oil will be a good bet until mid 2019, then we’ll see how the market reacts to the added volume of the pipelines opening up next year. ### END.
### Comment: Have to have a party when you’re done! ### REPLY: > flamethrowers for absolutely no reason. ummm, you can never have too many flamethrowers. Especially around O2 tanks in a confined space. (Except for the pillow biting faggots among us, are you one of those?) ### END.
### Comment: finally! thank you. ### REPLY: This applies to literally every security ### END.
### Comment: I'm not sure, let's ask the Justice Department. There's a department of the Federal government that's run by Republicans (Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller - ALL Republicans), who are deep into an investigation to get all the facts. There have been 100 criminal charges with 19 indictments so far and five guilty pleas. ### REPLY: But are those indictments and guilty pleas have anything to do with Trump? or connecting Trump to Russia? Hmmmm? kek. ### END.
### Comment: those will be glorious by the end of the week holy shit ### REPLY: Or a little depressing ### END.
### Comment: All the tariff stuff that made it drop is settled? ### REPLY: No. But the tariff should have never effected IQ To begin with ### END.
### Comment: Hasn’t it been grossly overvalued for like 7 years? This is my fundamental issue with fundamental design it’s almost always gonna keep you out of the best performing stocks ### REPLY: I wouldn’t say so, as it still had a lot of growth to realistically achieve ### END.
### Comment: You're right. I should have just kept the puts and taken the loss. I'll make sure to blow my account up later this week to honor you guys. ### REPLY: Post a screen shot of your trades ### END.
### Comment: Are you clinically retarded? ### REPLY: It happened like it or not ### END.
### Comment: when the ship is sinking they're more likely to try an unconventional ceo. ### REPLY: >women & non-white men > >unconventional ceo. 80% of the planet. ### END.
### Comment: ironically Karma is also another luxury EV company ### REPLY: Company is fisker, Karma is just a car edit: apparently they renamed. ### END.
### Comment: Only people who are completely lost in the drug believe this. Meanwhile they wonder why non of their old friends talk to them anymore. ### REPLY: Have you ever smoked continuously for a month or two? Your tolerance goes out the wall and you don’t really get a true “high” anymore. I’m convinced a lot of the people I work with at my firm are high off their ass 24/7 but nobody notices ### END.
### Comment: Oh noooo your easy money tendies are being questioned. what will you do? Do what all other millennials do, report them, silence them. Fight against obvious statements and facts. ### REPLY: Dude... it’s a joke. This sub used to worship AMD. Those were the days! ### END.
### Comment: suppose the stock goes up such that the intrinsic cost of the option is greater than the premium you bought it for. you will always find a willing buyer. ### REPLY: Apparently not if the stock reverse split or split and you have one of those -.1/-.2 options and no one else has. ### END.
### Comment: Great yeah but how does that make money though? ### REPLY: Advertising. ### END.
### Comment: What's the story behind your flair? ### REPLY: What part don’t you understand? ### END.