### Comment: Did on Wednesday :) ### REPLY: pics or it didnt happen ### END.
### Comment: I honestly thought we were talking about paper types until now. ### REPLY: My best friend likes E45. ### END.
### Comment: They do, they just aren't exactly helpful to newcomers or really anyone. It's part of the charm ### REPLY: Don't lie, none of us know what we're doing ### END.
### Comment: I thought Robinhood didn’t allow margin to be used on options or high volatile positions? ### REPLY: Rh gold you can , he just got approved then did that shit. ### END.
### Comment: What is the minimum deposit ### REPLY: 500 ### END.
### Comment: I bought em last Monday while it was just getting in the red. 'Certainly this Tom foolery cannot continue' I said to my favorite parrot who sat perched atop my favorite canine. ### REPLY: You need to cut losses fast so you can buy back in when it's ready to run again, gives you more capital in the long run. ### END.
### Comment: I bought an OTM butterfly. It’s going back up ### REPLY: If it breaks $212 with 300K Volume on a 3 minute chart that's a buy sign also. ### END.
### Comment: This sub really has gone down the drain ### REPLY: Agreed ### END.
### Comment: I’d recommend focusing on 1 or 2 equities for short-term options positions at any given time. They require attention. And another thing is, don’t dump your calls when they hit 30%. When they hit 30% start slowly taking profits over the course of a few hours to a few days. I only dump all my faggies if I spike a vein and start doubling or more within minutes. ### REPLY: Please guide my hand. ### END.
### Comment: the that point Excel would be better ### REPLY: Say saying this is just like when my girl asks me to pick a place for dinner, but then bitches about my decision. You already have some preconceived notion on what would work and already think it's better; just use that till you outgrow it. ### END.
### Comment: 10,000 short term ### REPLY: Some of us go up/down $20-30k/day on given equity positions (not even silly options plays). Some, I imagine, go up and down quite a bit more than that. So “rich” becomes relative. ### END.
### Comment: Its not just condos in calgary. Houses too. People were buying during that frenzy a couple years back and now the price of the market is 20-30% lower in many areas then when they bought and they wont sell at old prices. Couple houses in my area been for sale for 2 years+ right now and theyre asking for like 70k more than what its currently worth. Anyone i know under 40 who bought a house hates life right now, while renters are laughing. ### REPLY: If condo prices go up, then the house prices naturally should go higher. If condo prices start declining so will house prices. ### END.
### Comment: You can have both my margin calls ### REPLY: Bro I can’t take another margin call :( ### END.
### Comment: This is play money. Honestly all these mistakes were because I learned options from this subreddit :) I thought wild swings of a few thousand per day was normal. I didn't realize I could mitigate the risk with better expiry. I'm totally not worthy of options trading - I know it. I'm just trying to party. ### REPLY: Well good attitude man gotta start somehow ### END.
### Comment: Interested. Reasoning? ### REPLY: Take a look at their current vs forward P/E then line that up against the price of WTI crude -> doesn't make any sense. There is going to be *more* oil exploration happening over $70/barrel, not less. Getting too cheap. Also, Trump loves America too much to let an American oil company keep getting pounded like it is with their market cap being down 15% in the last 6 weeks or so. ### END.
### Comment: .9*1.5? Did I miss something? Where'd 1.2 come from? ### REPLY: Low end of NAND bit growth for MU is 40% so 20% is six months ### END.
### Comment: Definitely putting some down on Anacott Steel. ### REPLY: Is this from The Office? ### END.
### Comment: Temperature regulation for one ### REPLY: For what? It’s an assembly line for cars dude. It’s not a prep kitchen for a restaurant where temp matters. Your argument holds no water. ### END.
### Comment: Only for stocks. If I buy an option I want to be able to put in a stop at -35% and a limit sell so I can go on with my day without having to be constantly checking my phone.. ### REPLY: I don’t think stop losses are a good idea with options. You’ll just be locking in losses. A price swing of 35% can easily be offset within an hour even. I think if you feel like you need stop losses with options, then you’re lacking confidence in your strategy. ### END.
### Comment: Chess is 4d, fag. Time your games, or gtfo. ### REPLY: time is not a degree of freedom in chess, you can't choose to stop or go back in time. You'll need robinhood support for that. ### END.
### Comment: That's true of every big tech firm in Silicon Valley and half the start-ups too. I thought we were ranking on architecture here. ### REPLY: Apple isn't like that at all. Also Google is nowhere near as nice. FB is my favorite facility even if their campus is built on a fucking swamp. ### END.
### Comment: Bruh what? S54 > M54 all day ### REPLY: It's not an M3, the picture Edit: whoosh, BMW things ### END.
### Comment: In a row...? ### REPLY: Standard Tuesday night... ### END.
### Comment: Just helping out: /r/gonewidl ### REPLY: Gonewidl? Such a typical WSB response. Helping out or providing some DD, and it turned out to be wrong. ### END.
### Comment: Seen Steve Jobs Daughter? Banging 11/10 ### REPLY: LISA WHYYYYY ### END.
### Comment: Not at all, german cars all the way. Especially 911's ### REPLY: Yep that's a nice lambo and all but Porsche 911's are the best everyday rich guy cars. Lambos look awful to drive. It's like the entire world is your blindspot ### END.
### Comment: Generation fuck you ### REPLY: [You sure?]( ### END.
### Comment: Any source for the claim that Hulu is stealing market share? I’m considering buying and holding NFLX and so far haven’t found any data that indicates slower growth or declining market share. NFLX investing in originals was always going to be necessary and if anything it’s a positive signal that NFLX is preparing to compete vs DIS/Hulu. ### REPLY: Hulu has all 3 lord of the rings movies. Case closed. ### END.
### Comment: I don't know who is the bigger hero in this situation. ### REPLY: It’s okay I’m a real wolf of wall street now. I just needed help off the ground. ### END.
### Comment: 3252... we are going in the wrong direction you fucking losers. Downvote!!!!! Fuck you all. RH is free because they are not insured! I can’t spell whining! Because I only write win! So fuck you! Make me a mod or ban! ### REPLY: ### END.
### Comment: These companies have moved far too slow... When Facebook, Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, and Hulu gobble up the sports contracts.... They dead... And it will probably start in the next 2 years Edit: sry replied to the wrong dude... Too lazy to change it ### REPLY: Upvoting for your laziness. ### END.
### Comment: aw your friend's daddy let u sit in his wamboghini ### REPLY: Not relevant but you are 100% correct, waffles are vastly superior to pancakes. Pancakes offer literally nothing to compete with the superior aesthetics and engineering that has gone into waffles. If pancakes were publicly traded I'd short them. ### END.
### Comment: Jimmy buffet is a fantastic entrepreneur ### REPLY: He feeds on opportunities like a pig at an all you can eat Buffet. ### END.
### Comment: 2010 you creeper. ### REPLY: 2010? And here I thought you were slumming it... ### END.
### Comment: It's hard to draw price elasticity curves with a crayon. ### REPLY: No, it isn't. ### END.
### Comment: What sectors are you looking at ### REPLY: $XLU is up 6-8% in past month or two ... If you want specifics inside the sector I have seen my $D shares up about 9% same timeframe. Other movers are $XLF and $XLV, financials and healthcare. Watch for rotation into com staples too though I am not a big fan of $XLP and its holdings. Within each of the dozen or so sectors are also sub sectors and there is always momentum somewhere to play for a month or so ### END.
### Comment: Bro I can’t take another margin call :( ### REPLY: Is there a margin voicemail? ### END.
### Comment: Yep, but believe it or not those guys could all put the bumper back on. They just like to make it a point to everyone around them that they have an engine rebuild twin turbo on their Lamborghini so they leave the bumper off, haha. ### REPLY: I know some people who have multiple Huracan done by them along with an Aventador, a GTR, and a R8. 2500 wheel HP for the Huracan. The work is amazing. Highly recommended. ### END.
### Comment: I would buy a jerkoff machine ### REPLY: Hold this man to it or ban ### END.
### Comment: It's a porsche. Look at the logo. ### REPLY: It’s a Tesla, are you two blind ### END.
### Comment: Load up on FDP puts? ### REPLY: There’s practically no volume on the stock itself nor the options. ### END.
### Comment: 10/19 $16. I bought it when it was above $15. ### REPLY: honestly i think we should be fine by then. ### END.
### Comment: HK 1810 Edit: just saw your sub-heading. I looked into OTC options but the HK exchange seems to be the only reliable play on this one ### REPLY: Is it available OTC? I can't find it through my broker :( ### END.
### Comment: I’m not short it ### REPLY: Short or ban. ### END.
### Comment: expirations? ### REPLY: 39 days out. Aug 17 Exp. ### END.
### Comment: Sorry comrade but it’s actually *Democratic* Socialist. Don’t you know that [adding “Democratic” to your name automatically makes you Democratic?]( ### REPLY: He’s actually a social democrat but he calls himself a dem socialist because political education is so weak in the United States. My proof is he called Scandinavian counties democratic socialist when they’re really social democracies. Social Democracy = market economy, expansion of welfare state, reforming capitalism Democratic Socialism = achieving socialism through democratic means ### END.
### Comment: Well fuck me huh bud ### REPLY: SHOULD HAVE CASHED OUT FAG. PIGS GET SLAUGHTERED ### END.
### Comment: Most countries with single payer still give you the choice to go with private insurance if you really want to, so that's not even really an argument. ### REPLY: But aren't you already paying tax out the ass for healthcare? Shouldn't that do its job? Btw private insurance wouldn't let you skip the surgery queue anyway. ### END.
### Comment: robinhood has one 👌 ### REPLY: Oh I ACATd out of Robinhood. They don't let me play with their toys any longer. ### END.
### Comment: Man, let me know when you when you can beat that market rate over the long term on a risk-adjusted basis. Pro tip: *you* can't. ### REPLY: risk adjusted is just another word for 'vanguard'. The problem isn't that you can or get have a good retirement in the market, the problem is this is wallstreet bets and we like to see people either lose everything or gain everything. For the ones that gain everything not having to work ever again seems pretty nice. ### END.
### Comment: Wow really? One of the main reasons I bought a 330 instead were the insurance quotes I got. I guess it's more practical as a daily but who cares about that. ### REPLY: Yep, I'm paying ~$125/month to USAA for full coverage (100/300/100, IIRC -- so well in excess of the state minimums). The downside to that is that the premiums are low because they don't know how to value it. When my M3 was rear-ended, they valued it $12k initially, and then $15k when I yelled at them (for reference, I refused an offer of $24k six months before that). ### END.
### Comment: If you weren't trading at 5 years old you might as well give up ### REPLY: I was. I made much, much better trades. ### END.
### Comment: Going all in on the most bloated sector in the entire market . What could possibly go wrong. ### REPLY: tech or die. ### END.
### Comment: I’ve been holding some 7/20s for a while. They’re hurting me now but I believe in the company. Trump gets/brings them media attention and page views everyday. ### REPLY: dead cat bounce to $40 by next week imo. cleaning out that many fake accounts is going to scare investors at least in the short term. ### END.
### Comment: I can garuntee that you must be fun at parties ### REPLY: yeah my party trick is flopping my three inch wee wee around in the punch ### END.
### Comment: Dude Norway ain’t no commies. Don’t fucking confused social benefits with socialism. You can be a greedy fuck waving a capital gains and have social benefits. ### REPLY: >Don’t fucking confused social benefits with socialism But whenever someone talks about what Sanders wants, especially republicans, they are saying that social benefits = socialism specifically. ### END.
### Comment: In tents and purple Seuss ### REPLY: In tense and past poses. ### END.
### Comment: Yes, one click close! This is a relatively new feature but it makes multi-leg option trading much bette ### REPLY: Hey so i opened a spread today and I cant seem to find a way to close it in one click on RH. Maybe it's because I use a Samsung? ### END.
### Comment: i've noticed a lot of Model 3s for sale on kijiji (Canadian craigslist) and it's not hipsters reselling at a higher price for profit. most if not all are at less or close to the original price, but idk if there was a tax credit they are pocketing can't tell what's FUD and what's legit. stock is too much of a battleground for me ### REPLY: Unless they are beyond stupid and didn't read the rebate requirements. You need to keep the car for 1 year. I have a feeling that those who are selling are not satisfied with the $65k (before tax and rebate) car. ### END.
### Comment: damn that's a lot of jobs ### REPLY: They growing ### END.
### Comment: Go back to 2008 and sell a ton of decade long puts with your billions of dollars. ### REPLY: Why not buy calls? ### END.
### Comment: It's funny because Elon Musk pulled this the other day. ### REPLY: *Enron Musk ### END.
### Comment: Explain. What bearing does margin maintenance have on the notion that all transactions in the options market are zero sum? ### REPLY: 1st what you're saying is not counterparty risk, which is addressed by margins and collateral in otcs 2nd if you buy options to hedge (like many corporates do) it doesn't matter whether you gain or lose, it matters that it smoothes your quarterly income ### END.
### Comment: Isn’t the point to lose money? ### REPLY: 🤔 did you short yourself first? ### END.
### Comment: I come to this sub for this optimism ### REPLY: Too much optimism leads to posts like this. IMHO, we need to hear about losses more often and keep it real. Personally I’ve been playing with fire too long lol ### END.
### Comment: Ok, so if graphs and data doesn't count as proof for you, then what is proof? Looking out the window and getting a vibe? ### REPLY: he acts like he could use a good dragon dildo up his ass ### END.
### Comment: Eurofag checking in. No options in degiro. ### REPLY: IB is deffinately beyond me right now, thankyou pepe for the confirmation. Sorry to see you're in the same boat Tony. I'll look into Tastyworks and Ameritrade in the mean time. Also FYI for byFlare & Tony, IB told me over the phone they only do Options via telephone, not on their platform. Thank you all for the feedback! ### END.
### Comment: and left if you switch hit like most of us on this sub due to carpal tunnel. ### REPLY: and remember to set the sybian to low so that you keep the anal fissuring to a minimum ### END.
### Comment: 2010? And here I thought you were slumming it... ### REPLY: It doesn't really matter, they're basically the same truck anyways. ### END.
### Comment: 270k fake accounts on WSB. Illuminati confirmed. ### REPLY: wheres my money ### END.
### Comment: Everyone still does for some reason. Everyone still does. ### REPLY: Oh my god that looks awful ### END.
### Comment: Hulu has all 3 lord of the rings movies. Case closed. ### REPLY: Yep. Watched all 3 in 4k last week. Made me cry. ### END.
### Comment: Ur mom ### REPLY: No u ### END.
### Comment: Bouncing back bb ### REPLY: yus, at last ### END.
### Comment: Ha. I just listened to that song ### REPLY: Neat ### END.
### Comment: Originally 750 shares. Have been paring it down as it goes up and taking profit. Don’t remember how many shares I have now... maybe like 150? ### REPLY: Holy shit! Thats gotta be over 500,000 of profit! ### END.
### Comment: Franklin Templeton. ### REPLY: This was my favorite. ### END.
### Comment: At one point this sub was all about gold mining stocks, it was a wild ride that ended with me out of money ### REPLY: \#JNUG ### END.
### Comment: This this and this. Comcast owns the infrastructure. They have a monopoly at least on the internet in many places. They are the Monsanto of telecom ### REPLY: > They are the Monsanto of telecom [just FYI Bayer bought Monsanto]( ### END.
### Comment: Bilibili ### REPLY: [Biribiri?]( ### END.
### Comment: HOW COME ROBINHOOD DIDNT WORK YESTERDAY ### REPLY: How do I contact Robinhood about a refund? ### END.
### Comment: Some of us go up/down $20-30k/day on given equity positions (not even silly options plays). Some, I imagine, go up and down quite a bit more than that. So “rich” becomes relative. ### REPLY: >Some of us go up/down $20-30k/day on given equity positions (not even silly options plays). Some, I imagine, go up and down quite a bit more than that. Assuming 1% daily volatility, that's a $2-3 million balance. Jesus. ### END.
### Comment: And was president of a small college. I'm not sure why you would be surprised how two people both making 150k + benefits could become wealthy. ### REPLY: And who got a nice severance package for bankrupting said college. ### END.
### Comment: I do not believe there is one. If your looking to minimize taxes on gains you need to shoot for 1 year + buy and hold for long term cap gains and/or futures markets I believe are taxed in some adventitious way. I play with significantly less funds than you and am blessed with all losses on MU so I wont have to worry about taxes for the next couples years so I do not spend too much time looking into it. With that said... you should as 15-30% tax on ~250k in gains is 37.5k. ### REPLY: Nibba read up before you talk all retarded and shit. ### END.
### Comment: > Kayla Tausche [unc cheerleader]( ### REPLY: Winner, close the thread. ### END.
### Comment: Yeah seriously, I was up 20% last week. ### REPLY: Yeah I had to go ### END.
### Comment: I'll pass on that ITM nonsense ### REPLY: Wait for it... ### END.
### Comment: Yeah I drive a 911 GT2 RS but you don’t see me showing off ### REPLY: I don't trust you ### END.
### Comment: ### REPLY: ^* \* - this message brought to you by your broker ### END.
### Comment: Good for you. I left mu many moons ago and the losers who continue to edit on it are pretty funny. Just playing the Spx alone today would have killed waiting on mu.. ### REPLY: > Just playing the Spx alone today would have killed waiting on mu.. oh really? ### END.
### Comment: > Show us what you put your money into Probably Chinese meme stocks ### REPLY: $LOPE ### END.
### Comment: Balance sheet is still good though so it's not going to zero. They just need some major releases for console to come out and they might be good for a bounce like red dead. ### REPLY: God, I can't wait for Red Dead to come out ### END.
### Comment: Mom has a big available credit balance ### REPLY: ... and soon an outstanding margin call ### END.
### Comment: Your title... it makes me laugh uncontrollably every time ### REPLY: >it makes me hard uncontrollably every time **FTFY** ### END.
### Comment: i cut all my FD losses and bought 3 options which made money. the $AAPL and $ROKU show negative but that number is representative of the contract's total daily value, NOT how much it's currently worth. this is a comeback so many things from previous bad decisions are still red. i couldn't go from red to green in an instant, there were a lot of bad positions to exit. ### REPLY: Your options have no rhyme or reason and literally look like you threw darts at a wall and saw where they stuck. You should not have these many different options this early on. It looks like you're just throwing money around. This is gambling. ### END.
### Comment: Hi, slow fuck here. Can someone explain to me what happened here? Edit seriously though will someone please explain ### REPLY: Yes ### END.
### Comment: DOUBLE DOWN ### REPLY: This. ### END.
### Comment: I was submitting this shit the same way I was submitting my JNUG sell order. Can the mods delete this one? ### REPLY: Even if he fucked up, this fucking post was funny. ### END.
### Comment: The average home in San Francisco is $1.6million and the average condo $1.2 million, and it's still increasing. I know someone living there who makes $300k + whatever his wife's income is and they can't find a house to buy. No thanks. ### REPLY: You don't have to live in SF proper. Cities like Vallejo are much nicer and cost a helluva lot less. A nice house with a pool in the mountains goes for around $400,000, and the ferry commute gives you time to catch up on emails and shit. ### END.
### Comment: Where I live you have to use paper or reusable, plastic bags have been banned for almost a decade now. ### REPLY: so i have to buy plastic bags for the cat litter instead? ### END.