7 values
import unittest from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2 from caffe2.python import core, dyndep, workspace dyndep.InitOpsLibrary("@/caffe2/caffe2/contrib/prof:cuda_profile_ops") class CudaProfileOpsTest(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipIf(workspace.NumCudaDevices() < 1, "Need at least 1 GPU") def test_run(self): net = core.Net("net") net.CudaProfileInitialize([], [], output="/tmp/cuda_profile_test") net.CudaProfileStart([], []) with core.DeviceScope(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0)): net.ConstantFill([], ["out"], shape=[1, 3, 244, 244]) net.CudaProfileStop([], []) workspace.CreateNet(net) workspace.RunNet(net)
def get_divisors_count(number: int): c = 2 for i in range(2, c): if not (number % i): c += 1 return c def get_max_divisions_number(n: int, m: int) -> int: maximum = n for i in range(n, m + 1): temp = get_divisors_count(i) if maximum < temp: temp = maximum return maximum
from collections import namedtuple import math import sys from morton import Morton try: from shapely import geometry as shapely_geometry except ImportError: shapely_geometry = None Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) def is_point_on_line(point, start, end): if start.x <= point.x and point.x <= end.x: se = Point((end.x - start.x), (end.y - start.y)) sp = Point((point.x - start.x), (point.y - start.y)) return (sp.x*se.y - sp.y*se.x) == 0 return False def ray_intersects_segment(point, start, end): # type: (Point, Point, Point) -> bool ''' Check if the point is inside or outside the polygon using the ray-casting algorithm (see point : the point from which the ray starts start : the end-point of the segment with the smallest y coordinate ('start' must be "below" 'end') end : the end-point of the segment with the greatest y coordinate ('end' must be "above" 'start') ''' if start.y > end.y: start, end = end, start if point.y == start.y or point.y == end.y: point = Point(point.x, point.y + 0.00001) if point.y > end.y or point.y < start.y or point.x > max(start.x, end.x): return False if point.x < min(start.x, end.x): return True m_blue = (point.y - start.y) / float(point.x - start.x) \ if point.x != start.x else sys.float_info.max m_red = (end.y - start.y) / float(end.x - start.x) \ if start.x != end.x else sys.float_info.max return m_blue >= m_red def point_in_geometry(point, geometry): # type: (Point, list) -> bool # point does not belong to polygon if located on some edge for i in range(1, len(geometry)): if is_point_on_line(point, geometry[i-1], geometry[i]): return False if is_point_on_line(point, geometry[0], geometry[-1]): return False contains = ray_intersects_segment(point, geometry[-1], geometry[0]) for i in range(1, len(geometry)): if ray_intersects_segment(point, geometry[i - 1], geometry[i]): contains = not contains return contains class Hex(namedtuple('Hex', ['q', 'r'])): @property def s(self): return -(self.q + self.r) class FractionalHex(Hex): def to_hex(self): q = round(self.q) r = round(self.r) s = round(self.s) dq = abs(q - self.q) dr = abs(r - self.r) ds = abs(s - self.s) if(dq > dr and dq > ds): q = -(r + s) elif(dr > ds): r = -(q + s) return Hex(int(q), int(r)) _Orientation = namedtuple( 'Orientation', ['f', 'b', 'start_angle', 'sinuses', 'cosinuses']) class Orientation(_Orientation): def __new__(cls, f, b, start_angle, sinuses=None, cosinuses=None): assert type(f) is list and len(f) == 4 assert type(b) is list and len(b) == 4 sinuses = sinuses or [] cosinuses = cosinuses or [] # prehash angles if not sinuses: for i in range(6): angle = 2.0 * math.pi * (i + start_angle)/6.0 sinuses.append(math.sin(angle)) if not cosinuses: for i in range(6): angle = 2.0 * math.pi * (i + start_angle)/6.0 cosinuses.append(math.cos(angle)) return super(Orientation, cls).__new__(cls, f, b, start_angle, sinuses, cosinuses) OrientationPointy = Orientation( f=[math.sqrt(3.0), math.sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0, 3.0/2.0], b=[math.sqrt(3.0)/3.0, -1.0/3.0, 0.0, 2.0/3.0], start_angle=0.5) OrientationFlat = Orientation( f=[3.0/2.0, 0.0, math.sqrt(3.0)/2.0, math.sqrt(3.0)], b=[2.0/3.0, 0.0, -1.0/3.0, math.sqrt(3.0)/3.0], start_angle=0.0) _Grid = namedtuple('Grid', ['orientation', 'origin', 'size', 'morton']) class Grid(_Grid): def __new__(cls, orientation, origin, size, morton=None): # type: (Orientation, Point, Point, Morton) -> Grid morton = morton or Morton() return super(Grid, cls).__new__(cls, orientation, origin, size, morton) def hex_to_code(self, hex): # type: (Hex) -> int return self.morton.spack(hex.q, hex.r) def hex_from_code(self, code): # type: (int) -> Hex return Hex(*self.morton.sunpack(code)) def hex_at(self, point): # type: (Point) -> Hex x = (point.x - self.origin.x) / float(self.size.x) y = (point.y - self.origin.y) / float(self.size.y) q = self.orientation.b[0]*x + self.orientation.b[1] * y r = self.orientation.b[2]*x + self.orientation.b[3] * y return FractionalHex(q, r).to_hex() def hex_center(self, hex): # type: (Hex) -> Point f = self.orientation.f x = (f[0] * hex.q + f[1]*hex.r)*self.size.x + self.origin.x y = (f[2] * hex.q + f[3]*hex.r)*self.size.y + self.origin.y return Point(x, y) def hex_corners(self, hex): # type: (Hex) -> list corners = [] center = self.hex_center(hex) for i in range(6): x = self.size.x*self.orientation.cosinuses[i] + center.x y = self.size.y*self.orientation.sinuses[i] + center.y corners.append(Point(x, y)) return corners def hex_neighbors(self, hex, layers): # type: (Hex, int) -> list neighbors = [] for q in range(-layers, layers+1): r1 = max(-layers, -q-layers) r2 = min(layers, -q+layers) for r in range(r1, r2+1): if q == 0 and r == 0: continue neighbors.append(Hex(q+hex.q, r+hex.r)) return neighbors def _make_region(self, geometry): # type: (list) -> Region x, y = zip(*geometry) hexes = [ self.hex_at(Point(min(x), min(y))), self.hex_at(Point(min(x), max(y))), self.hex_at(Point(max(x), max(y))), self.hex_at(Point(max(x), min(y))), ] q, r = zip(*hexes) q_min = min(q) - 1 q_max = max(q) + 1 r_min = min(r) - 1 r_max = max(r) + 1 def any_point_in_geometry(ps, g): for p in ps: if point_in_geometry(p, g): return True hexes = [] lookup = {} for q in range(q_min, q_max+1): for r in range(r_min, r_max+1): hex = Hex(q, r) corners = self.hex_corners(hex) if( any_point_in_geometry(corners, geometry) or any_point_in_geometry(geometry, corners) ): hexes.append(hex) lookup[self.hex_to_code(hex)] = True return Region(self, hexes, lookup) def _shapely_make_region(self, geometry): # type: (list) -> Region polygon = shapely_geometry.Polygon(geometry) (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = polygon.bounds x, y = zip(*geometry) hexes = [ self.hex_at(Point(minx, miny)), self.hex_at(Point(minx, maxy)), self.hex_at(Point(maxx, maxy)), self.hex_at(Point(maxx, miny)), ] q, r = zip(*hexes) q_min = min(q) - 1 q_max = max(q) + 1 r_min = min(r) - 1 r_max = max(r) + 1 hexes = [] lookup = {} for q in range(q_min, q_max+1): for r in range(r_min, r_max+1): hex = Hex(q, r) corners = self.hex_corners(hex) if polygon.intersects(shapely_geometry.Polygon(corners)): hexes.append(hex) lookup[self.hex_to_code(hex)] = True return Region(self, hexes, lookup) if shapely_geometry: make_region = _shapely_make_region else: make_region = _make_region class Region(namedtuple('Region', ['grid', 'hexes', 'lookup'])): def union(self, region): # type: (Region) -> Region if self.grid is not region.grid: raise ValueError("grid is different") hexes = list(self.hexes) lookup = dict(self.lookup) for hex in region.hexes: if self.contains(hex): continue hexes.append(hex) lookup[self.grid.hex_to_code(hex)] = True def contains(self, hex): # type: (Hex) -> bool return self.grid.hex_to_code(hex) in self.lookup
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- c = 0 t = 0 p = input("enter a string to see if it is a palindrome ") Pa = list(p) count= len(Pa) - 1 and while c <= count: if Pa[c] == Pa[count - c]: t = t + 1 c = c + 1 else: print(p, "is not a palindrome") c = count + 12 if t == count + 1: print(p, "is a palindrome")
<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.6 on 2017-03-30 14:57 from __future__ import unicode_literals import cms.models.fields from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ('cms', '0016_auto_20160608_1535'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='MenuItem', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('path', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)), ('depth', models.PositiveIntegerField()), ('numchild', models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)), ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Tytuł')), ('menu_id', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Menu ID')), ('url', models.URLField(null=True)), ('target', models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('_blank', 'Open in new window'), ('_self', 'Open in same window'), ('_parent', 'Delegate to parent'), ('_top', 'Delegate to top')], max_length=255, verbose_name='Target')), ('page', cms.models.fields.PageField(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='cms.Page', verbose_name='Strona')), ], options={ 'abstract': False, }, ), ]
<filename>02-Coding-skills-swagger/swagger_server/test/ # coding: utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import from flask import json from six import BytesIO from swagger_server.models.aws_info import AwsInfo # noqa: E501 from swagger_server.test import BaseTestCase class TestDefaultController(BaseTestCase): """DefaultController integration test stubs""" def test_get_ec2_instances(self): """Test case for get_ec2_instances List AWS EC2 instances """ AwsInfo = AwsInfo() response = '/ec2', method='POST', data=json.dumps(AwsInfo), content_type='application/json') self.assert200(response, 'Response body is : ' +'utf-8')) def test_healthz_get(self): """Test case for healthz_get Health Check """ response = '/healthz', method='GET') self.assert200(response, 'Response body is : ' +'utf-8')) if __name__ == '__main__': import unittest unittest.main()
from peewee import * from .base import BaseModel from . import climate from . import hru as hru_db from . import routing_unit from . import aquifer from . import channel from . import reservoir from . import exco from . import dr from . import simulation from . import recall class Con(BaseModel): """Inheritable base class for all connect files.""" name = CharField(unique=True) gis_id = IntegerField(null=True) area = DoubleField() lat = DoubleField() lon = DoubleField() elev = DoubleField(null=True) wst = ForeignKeyField(climate.Weather_sta_cli, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') cst = ForeignKeyField(simulation.Constituents_cs, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') ovfl = IntegerField() # ??? Pointer to the connections of spatial objects for overbank flooding rule = IntegerField() # ??? Pointer to ruleset for flow fraction of hydrograph class Con_out(BaseModel): """Inheritable base class for all outflow parameters in many of the connect files.""" order = IntegerField() obj_typ = CharField() obj_id = IntegerField() hyd_typ = CharField() frac = DoubleField() class Hru_con(Con): hru = ForeignKeyField(hru_db.Hru_data_hru, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Hru_con_out(Con_out): hru_con = ForeignKeyField(Hru_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Hru_lte_con(Con): lhru = ForeignKeyField(hru_db.Hru_lte_hru, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Hru_lte_con_out(Con_out): hru_lte_con = ForeignKeyField(Hru_lte_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Rout_unit_con(Con): rtu = ForeignKeyField(routing_unit.Rout_unit_rtu, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Rout_unit_con_out(Con_out): rtu_con = ForeignKeyField(Rout_unit_con, on_delete ='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Modflow_con(Con): mfl = IntegerField() # Should be FK to something, but no modflow object yet that I can find. class Modflow_con_out(Con_out): modflow_con = ForeignKeyField(Modflow_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Aquifer_con(Con): aqu = ForeignKeyField(aquifer.Aquifer_aqu, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Aquifer_con_out(Con_out): aquifer_con = ForeignKeyField(Aquifer_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Aquifer2d_con(Con): aqu2d = ForeignKeyField(aquifer.Aquifer_aqu, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') # Some doubt in documentation about this link class Aquifer2d_con_out(Con_out): aquifer2d_con = ForeignKeyField(Aquifer2d_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Channel_con(Con): cha = ForeignKeyField(channel.Channel_cha, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Channel_con_out(Con_out): channel_con = ForeignKeyField(Channel_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Reservoir_con(Con): res = ForeignKeyField(reservoir.Reservoir_res, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Reservoir_con_out(Con_out): reservoir_con = ForeignKeyField(Reservoir_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Recall_con(Con): rec = ForeignKeyField(recall.Recall_rec, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Recall_con_out(Con_out): recall_con = ForeignKeyField(Recall_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Exco_con(Con): exco = ForeignKeyField(exco.Exco_exc, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Exco_con_out(Con_out): exco_con = ForeignKeyField(Exco_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Delratio_con(Con): dlr = ForeignKeyField(dr.Delratio_del, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') class Delratio_con_out(Con_out): delratio_con = ForeignKeyField(Delratio_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Outlet_con(Con): out = IntegerField() # Should be FK to something, but no outlet object yet that I can find. class Outlet_con_out(Con_out): outlet_con = ForeignKeyField(Outlet_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') class Chandeg_con(Con): lcha = ForeignKeyField(channel.Channel_lte_cha, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL') # Think this is connect for channel-lte, but not positive. class Chandeg_con_out(Con_out): chandeg_con = ForeignKeyField(Chandeg_con, on_delete='CASCADE', related_name='con_outs') # Though organized in the routing unit section, this needs to be here due to circular referencing of rout_unit_con and rout_unit_rtu class Rout_unit_ele(BaseModel): name = CharField(unique=True) rtu = ForeignKeyField(Rout_unit_con, null=True, related_name='elements', on_delete='SET NULL') obj_typ = CharField() obj_id = IntegerField() frac = DoubleField() dlr = ForeignKeyField(dr.Delratio_del, null=True, on_delete='SET NULL')
<reponame>eragasa/pypospack<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy as np from pypospack.potential import func_generalized_lj_w_cutoff b1 = b2 r1 V0 delta
<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. __author__ = "<NAME> <<EMAIL>>" from iotronic_lightningrod.proxies import Proxy from oslo_log import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) import json import os import site import subprocess import time from iotronic_lightningrod.common.exception import NginxError from iotronic_lightningrod.modules import utils import iotronic_lightningrod.wampmessage as WM from subprocess import call class ProxyManager(Proxy.Proxy): def __init__(self): super(ProxyManager, self).__init__("nginx") def finalize(self): """Function called at the end of module loading (after RPC registration). :return: """ pass def _proxyInfo(self): nginxMsg = {} try: stat = subprocess.Popen('systemctl status nginx.service', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_list = str(stat.communicate()[0]).split('\n') for line in stdout_list: if 'Active:' in line: nginxMsg['log'] = line.split('\\n')[2].replace(" ", "") if '(running)' in line: nginxMsg['status'] = True else: nginxMsg['status'] = False nginxMsg = json.dumps(nginxMsg) return nginxMsg except Exception as err: LOG.error("Error check NGINX status: " + str(err)) nginxMsg['log'] = str(err) nginxMsg['status'] = False nginxMsg = json.dumps(nginxMsg) return nginxMsg def _proxyStatus(self): nginxMsg = {} try: stat = subprocess.Popen( 'systemctl status nginx.service', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout_list = str(stat.communicate()[0]).split('\n') for line in stdout_list: if 'Active:' in line: if '(running)' in line: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX is running" nginxMsg['status'] = True #"--> " + nginxMsg['log']) else: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX is not running" nginxMsg['status'] = False # LOG.warning("--> " + nginxMsg['log']) except Exception as err: nginxMsg['log'] = "Error check NGINX status: " + str(err) nginxMsg['status'] = True # LOG.error("--> " + nginxMsg['log']) return json.dumps(nginxMsg) def _proxyReload(self): nginxMsg = {} try: stat ='service nginx reload', shell=True) if stat != 0: raise NginxError(str(stat)) else: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX successfully reloaded" nginxMsg['code'] = stat"--> " + nginxMsg['log']) except NginxError: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX reloading error" nginxMsg['code'] = stat LOG.warning("--> " + nginxMsg['log']) except Exception as err: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX Generic error: " + str(err) nginxMsg['code'] = stat LOG.warning("--> " + nginxMsg['log']) nginxMsg = json.dumps(nginxMsg) return nginxMsg def _proxyRestart(self): nginxMsg = {} try: stat = os.system('systemctl restart nginx') if stat != 0: raise NginxError(str(stat)) else: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX successfully restart" nginxMsg['code'] = stat"--> " + nginxMsg['log']) except NginxError: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX restarting error" nginxMsg['code'] = stat LOG.warning("--> " + nginxMsg['log']) except Exception as err: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX generic error: " + str(err) nginxMsg['code'] = stat LOG.warning("--> " + nginxMsg['log']) return json.dumps(nginxMsg) def nginx_conf_verify(self, fp): with open(fp, "r") as text_file: LOG.debug( def _proxyEnableWebService(self, board_dns, owner_email): nginxMsg = {} try: nginx_path = "/etc/nginx/conf.d/" nginx_board_conf_file = nginx_path + "/" + board_dns + ".conf" nginx_board_conf = '''server {{ listen 80; server_name {0}; }} '''.format(board_dns) with open(nginx_board_conf_file, "w") as text_file: text_file.write("%s" % nginx_board_conf) self.nginx_conf_verify(nginx_board_conf_file) time.sleep(3) self._proxyReload() time.sleep(3) command = "/usr/bin/certbot -n " \ "--redirect " \ "--authenticator webroot " \ "--installer nginx " \ "-w /var/www/html/ " \ "--domain " + board_dns + " " \ "--agree-tos " \ "--email " + owner_email LOG.debug(command) certbot_result = call(command, shell=True)"CERTBOT RESULT: " + str(certbot_result)) nginxMsg['result'] = "SUCCESS" nginxMsg['message'] = "Webservice module enabled.""--> " + nginxMsg['message']) except Exception as err: nginxMsg['log'] = "NGINX DNS setup error: " + str(err) nginxMsg['code'] = "" LOG.warning("--> " + nginxMsg['log']) return json.dumps(nginxMsg) def _exposeWebservice(self, board_dns, service_dns, local_port, dns_list): nginxMsg = {} try: nginx_path = "/etc/nginx/conf.d" service_path = nginx_path + "/" + service_dns + ".conf" string = '''server {{ listen 80; server_name {0}; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; location / {{ proxy_pass http://localhost:{1}; }} }} '''.format(service_dns, local_port) with open(service_path, "w") as ws_nginx_conf: ws_nginx_conf.write("%s" % string) time.sleep(3) self.nginx_conf_verify(service_path) self._proxyReload() time.sleep(3) command = "/usr/bin/certbot " \ "--expand -n " \ "--redirect " \ "--authenticator webroot " \ "--installer nginx -w /var/www/html/ " \ "--domain " + str(dns_list) command = "/usr/bin/certbot " \ "-n " \ "--redirect " \ "--authenticator webroot " \ "--installer nginx -w /var/www/html/ " \ "--cert-name " + str(board_dns) + " " \ "--domain " + str(dns_list) LOG.debug(command) certbot_result = call(command, shell=True)"CERTBOT RESULT: " + str(certbot_result))"Webservices list updated:\n" + str(self._webserviceList())) nginxMsg['result'] = "SUCCESS" nginxMsg['message'] = "Webservice '" + service_dns + \ "' exposed in NGINX."['message']) except Exception as e: nginxMsg['message'] = "Error exposing Webservice '" + \ service_dns + \ "' configuration in NGINX: {}".format(e) nginxMsg['result'] = "ERROR" LOG.warning("--> " + nginxMsg['message']) return json.dumps(nginxMsg) def _disableWebservice(self, service_dns, dns_list): """ :param service: :param dns_list: :return: """ nginxMsg = {} try: nginx_path = "/etc/nginx/conf.d" service_path = nginx_path + "/" + service_dns + ".conf" if os.path.exists(service_path): os.remove(service_path) time.sleep(1) self._proxyReload() time.sleep(3) command = "/usr/bin/certbot " \ "--expand -n " \ "--redirect " \ "--authenticator webroot " \ "--installer nginx -w /var/www/html/ " \ "--domain " + str(dns_list) LOG.debug(command) certbot_result = call(command, shell=True)"CERTBOT RESULT: " + str(certbot_result))"Webservices list updated:\n" + str( self._webserviceList())) nginxMsg['message'] = "webservice '" \ + service_dns + "' disabled." nginxMsg['result'] = "SUCCESS"['message']) else: nginxMsg['message'] = "webservice file " \ + service_path + " does not exist" nginxMsg['result'] = "ERROR" except Exception as e: nginxMsg['message'] = "Error disabling Webservice '" + \ service_dns + "': {}".format(e) nginxMsg['result'] = "ERROR" return json.dumps(nginxMsg) def _webserviceList(self): nginx_path = "/etc/nginx/conf.d/" if os.path.exists(nginx_path): service_list = [f for f in os.listdir(nginx_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(nginx_path, f))] else: service_list = [] return service_list async def NginxInfo(self): rpc_name = utils.getFuncName()"RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED") message = self._proxyInfo() w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(message) return w_msg.serialize() async def NginxStatus(self): rpc_name = utils.getFuncName()"RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED") message = self._proxyStatus() w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(message) return w_msg.serialize() async def NginxReload(self): rpc_name = utils.getFuncName()"RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED") message = self._proxyReload() w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(message) return w_msg.serialize() async def NginxRestart(self): rpc_name = utils.getFuncName()"RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED") message = self._proxyRestart() w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(message) return w_msg.serialize() async def NginxIotronicConf(self): rpc_name = utils.getFuncName()"RPC " + rpc_name + " CALLED") message = self._proxyIotronicConf() w_msg = WM.WampSuccess(message) return w_msg.serialize()
<filename>scripts/ #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import json import pychemia filename = None if len(sys.argv) == 2: filename = sys.argv[1] else: print('Enter the JSON filename to store the data') exit(1) dirs = [x for x in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(x)] ret = [] for idir in dirs: if os.path.isfile(idir + '/POSCAR'): try: st = pychemia.code.vasp.read_poscar(idir + '/POSCAR') except ValueError: print('Bad POSCAR\n\n' + open(idir + '/POSCAR').read()) continue # shutil.copy2(idir+'/POSCAR',idir+'_POSCAR') print(idir, st.natom) else: st = pychemia.Structure.load_json(idir + '/structure.json') # shutil.copy2(idir+'/structure.json',idir+'_structure.json') print('ERROR:', idir, st.natom) continue if os.path.isfile(idir + '/OUTCAR'): try: vo = pychemia.code.vasp.VaspOutput(idir + '/OUTCAR') except ValueError: print('Error reading Vasp Output @ ' + idir + '/OUTCAR') continue if not vo.has_forces_stress_energy(): print('Error extracting forces @ ' + idir + '/OUTCAR') continue else: print('No OUTCAR found @ ' + idir) continue spacegroup = pychemia.crystal.CrystalSymmetry(st).number() energy_pa = vo.final_data['energy']['free_energy'] / st.natom data = {'id': idir, 'energy_pa': energy_pa, 'natom': st.natom, 'spacegroup': spacegroup, 'forces': vo.relaxation_info()['avg_force'], 'stress': max(vo.relaxation_info()['avg_stress_diag'], vo.relaxation_info()['avg_stress_non_diag'])} ret.append(data) wf = open(filename, 'w') json.dump(ret, wf, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) wf.close()
<reponame>benburk/shifty<filename> """run examples from the examples folder""" from examples import calculator def main(): """run calculator""" calculator.main() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from measurements import page_cycler import page_sets from telemetry import test class PageCyclerBloat(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.BloatPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerDhtml(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.DhtmlPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerIntlArFaHe(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.IntlArFaHePageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerIntlEsFrPtBr(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.IntlEsFrPtBrPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerIntlHiRu(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.IntlHiRuPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} @test.Disabled('android', 'win') #, class PageCyclerIntlJaZh(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.IntlJaZhPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerIntlKoThVi(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.IntlKoThViPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerMorejs(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.MorejsPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerMoz(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.MozPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} @test.Disabled('linux', 'win') # class PageCyclerNetsimTop10(test.Test): """Measures load time of the top 10 sites under simulated cable network.""" tag = 'netsim' test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.Top10PageSet options = { 'cold_load_percent': 100, 'extra_wpr_args': [ '--shaping_type=proxy', '--net=cable' ], 'pageset_repeat': 5, } def __init__(self): super(PageCyclerNetsimTop10, self).__init__() # TODO: This isn't quite right. # This option will still apply to page cyclers that run after this one. self.test.clear_cache_before_each_run = True class PageCyclerTop10Mobile(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.Top10MobilePageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} class PageCyclerKeyMobileSites(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.KeyMobileSitesPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} @test.Disabled('android') # class PageCyclerToughLayoutCases(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.ToughLayoutCasesPageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10} # This test is really flakey on xp. # This test is always timing out on Android. @test.Disabled('android', 'win') class PageCyclerTypical25(test.Test): test = page_cycler.PageCycler page_set = page_sets.Typical25PageSet options = {'pageset_repeat': 10}
import numpy as np import tools import warnings class Alpha(): """ Docstring for ALPHA. Alpha is the an influence coefficient matrix Influence coefficient matrix is a representation of the change of vibration vector in a measuring point when putting a unit weight on a balancing plane. """ def __init__(self:'Influence matrix', name:'string'=''): """ Instantiate an instance of Alpha name: optional name of Alpha """ = name def add(self, direct_matrix:'np.array'=None, A:'intial_vibraion numpy.array'=None, B:'trial matrix numpy.array'=None, U:'trial weight row vector numpy.array'=None, keep_trial:'optional keep the previous trial weight in every succeeding trial'=False, name:'string'=''): ''' Method to add new values for Alpha instance either the direct_matrix is needed or ALL of (A, B, U) Args: direct_matrix: numpy array M rows -> measuring points, N columns -> balancing planes A: Initial vibration column array -> numpy array B: Trial matrix MxN array -> numpy array U: Trial weights row array -> numpy array alpha = (A - B) / U ''' try: # test if direct input _ = direct_matrix.shape # TODO raise error when matrix is 1 dim if direct_matrix.shape[0] >= direct_matrix.shape[1]: self.value = direct_matrix else: raise tools.CustomError('Number of rows(measuring points) should be ' 'equal or more than the number of columns ' '(balancing planes)!') except AttributeError: # if direct matrix is not input calculate it from A, B, U # test the exstiance of A, A0, B, U to calculate ALPHA try: all([A.shape, B.shape, U.shape]) # Test dimensions if A.shape[1] > 1: raise tools.CustomError('`A` should be column vector') elif U.ndim > 1: raise tools.CustomError('`U` should be row vector') elif B.shape[0] != A.shape[0] or B.shape[1] != U.shape[0]: raise tools.CustomError('`B` dimensions should match `A`and `U`') else: if not keep_trial: self.value = (B - A) / U else: _A_keep_trial = np.delete((np.insert(B, [0], A, axis=1)), -1, axis=1) self.value = (B - _A_keep_trial) / U except AttributeError: raise tools.CustomError('Either direct_matrix or (A,B,U) ' 'should be passed "numpy arrays"') def check(self, ill_condition_remove=False): ''' Method to check the alpha value * check the symmetrical of the matrix (check for square matrix only, for square matrix it should be symmetric obeyin the reciprocity law) * check for ill conditioned planes: if for any reason two or more planes has independent readings for example [[1, 2 , 3], [2, 4, 6]] this is named as ill-conditioned planes as they does not carry new information from the system and considering them cause solution infliteration. ill_condition_remove = True : remove the ill_condition planes after the check ''' self.M = self.value.shape[0] self.N = self.value.shape[1] if self.M == self.N: _check_sym = np.allclose(self.value, self.value.T, 0.1, 1e-06) if not _check_sym: warnings.warn('Warning: Influence Matrix is asymmetrical!') _check_status_sym = 'Influence Matrix is asymmetrical, check your data' else: _check_status_sym = 'Influence Matrix is symmetric --> OK' else: _check_status_sym = 'Not a square matrix --> no exact solution' # Checking ILL-CONDITIONED planes ill_plane = tools.ill_condition(self.value) if ill_plane: _check_ill_condition = 'Ill condition found in plane{}'.format(ill_plane) if ill_condition_remove: self.value = np.delete(self.value,[ill_plane], axis=1) else: _check_ill_condition ='No ill conditioned planes --> ok' return print('{}\n\n{}'.format(_check_status_sym, _check_ill_condition))
<reponame>sdpython/pymyinstall """ @brief test log(time=140s) skip this test for regular run """ import sys import os import unittest from pyquickhelper.loghelper import fLOG from pymyinstall.installcustom import install_pandoc class TestLONGPandoc (unittest.TestCase): def test_install_pandoc(self): fLOG( __file__, self._testMethodName, OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__") fold = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0]) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): temp = os.path.join(fold, "temp_pandoc") if not os.path.exists(temp): os.mkdir(temp) for _ in os.listdir(temp): if ".msi" in _: os.remove(os.path.join(temp, _)) r = install_pandoc( temp_folder=temp, fLOG=fLOG, install=False, force_download=True) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(r)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
<gh_stars>0 import operator def sortIncreasing(results): print(operator.itemgetter(1)) results.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1)) return results def sortDecreasing(results): results.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True) return results def sortIncreasingDiscoount(results): results.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(1)) return results
#!/usr/bin/env python # * coding: utf8 * ''' A module that contains the static names and places of feature classes ''' feature_classes = { #: Input dataset names, set these (must all exist in the workspace gdb) #: Current Broadband Service layer 'bb_service': 'Utilities_BroadbandService_20201105', #: Current Address Points layer 'address_points': 'AddressPoints_20200923', #: County Boundaries 'counties': 'county_boundaries', #: Municipal Boundaries 'municip': 'municipal_boundaries', #: Approximate unincorporated areas 'unincorp': 'unincorporated_boundaries', #: Output dataset names 'address_service_final': 'Address_Service_Final_20201105no_syringa', 'msba': 'MSBA_20201105no_syringa', 'address_count_area': 'AddressCount_AreaName_20201105no_syringa', 'address_count_type': 'AddressCount_AreaType_20201105no_syringa', 'address_count_county': 'AddressCount_County_20201105no_syringa' }
<reponame>mechkro/TestGrounds<filename> import tkinter as tk class newwin3(object): """ """ def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.emptycurrent() self.addnew() #-------------------------------------- def emptycurrent(self): """ """ for i in self.master.winfo_children(): i.destroy() return #-------------------------------------- def addnew(self): """ """ self.f = tk.Frame(self.master, bg = 'green') self.f.grid(padx = 2, pady = 2) self.l = tk.Button(self.f, text = 'Win 3', command = lambda: self.newwin()) self.l.grid(padx = 10, pady = 10) #-------------------------------------- def newwin(self): """ """ self.ll = tk.Label(self.f, text = 'Tada', bg = 'green') self.ll.grid(row = 1, padx = 5, pady = 5) self.b2 = tk.Button(self.f, text = 'back', command = lambda: self.backwin()) self.b2.grid(row = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5) #-------------------------------------- def backwin(self): """ """ from oldwin import Recalled = Recalled(self.master)
<reponame>fernandolguevara/crosswalk-app-tools #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import commands import shutil from optparse import OptionParser import urllib2 import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import platform os.system("node -v") SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) crosswalk_test_suite = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, "crosswalk-test-suite") tmp = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, "tmp") apptools = os.path.join(crosswalk_test_suite, "apptools") apptools_android_tests = os.path.join(tmp, "apptools-android-tests") apptools_windows_tests = os.path.join(tmp, "apptools-windows-tests") apptools_ios_tests = os.path.join(tmp, "apptools-ios-tests") os.environ['CROSSWALK_APP_SRC'] = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, "src") + "/" returnCode = 0 if os.path.exists(crosswalk_test_suite): os.chdir(crosswalk_test_suite) cmd = 'git pull' returnCode = os.system(cmd) os.chdir(SCRIPT_PATH) else: cmd = 'git clone' returnCode = os.system(cmd) if returnCode == 1: sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(tmp): shutil.rmtree(tmp) def crosswalk_version(channel, platform): htmlDoc = urllib2.urlopen( '' + platform + '/' + channel + '/').read() soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlDoc) alist = soup.find_all('a') version = '' for index in range(-1, -len(alist)-1, -1): aEle = alist[index] version = aEle['href'].strip('/') if'[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*', version): break return version def main(): usage = "Usage: ./ -p android" opts_parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) opts_parser.add_option( "-p", dest="platform", help="specify the testsuit platform, e.g. android, windows, ios") opts_parser.add_option( "-a", dest="arch", help="specify the packing apk bit, e.g. 32bit, 64bit") global BUILD_PARAMETERS (BUILD_PARAMETERS, args) = opts_parser.parse_args() if BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform == "android": os.environ['CROSSWALK_APP_TOOLS_CACHE_DIR'] = os.path.join(apptools_android_tests, "tools") x = [] for i in list(os.popen('adb devices -l'))[1:]: if i.strip(os.linesep) != "" and i.strip(os.linesep).split(" ")[0] != "*": x.append(i.strip(os.linesep).split(" ")[0]) if x: os.environ['DEVICE_ID'] = ",".join(x) os.environ['SKIP_EMULATOR'] = "True" android_crosswalk_version = crosswalk_version("stable", BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(apptools, "apptools-android-tests"), apptools_android_tests) fp = open(apptools_android_tests + '/arch.txt', 'w+') fp.write("arm") fp.close() if platform.system() != "Linux": hp = open(apptools_android_tests + "/host.txt", 'w+') hp.write("Windows") hp.close() else: hp = open(apptools_android_tests + "/host.txt", 'w+') hp.write("Android") hp.close() if BUILD_PARAMETERS.arch == "64bit": vp_64 = open(apptools_android_tests + "/version.txt", 'w+') vp_64.write(android_crosswalk_version + " 64") vp_64.close() os.chdir(os.path.join(apptools_android_tests, "tools")) data = urllib2.urlopen("" + BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform + "/stable/" + android_crosswalk_version + "/crosswalk-" + android_crosswalk_version + "").read() with open("crosswalk-" + android_crosswalk_version + "", 'wb') as f: f.write(data) else: vp_32 = open(apptools_android_tests + "/version.txt", 'w+') vp_32.write(android_crosswalk_version + " 32") vp_32.close() os.chdir(os.path.join(apptools_android_tests, "tools")) data = urllib2.urlopen("" + BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform + "/stable/" + android_crosswalk_version + "/crosswalk-" + android_crosswalk_version + ".zip").read() with open("crosswalk-" + android_crosswalk_version + ".zip", 'wb') as f: f.write(data) os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.join(apptools_android_tests, "apptools"), "CI")) if platform.system() != "Linux": retval = os.system("python -m unittest discover > null") else: retval = os.system("python -m unittest discover --pattern=*.py") elif BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform == "windows": os.environ['CROSSWALK_APP_TOOLS_CACHE_DIR'] = os.path.join(apptools_windows_tests, "tools") shutil.copytree(os.path.join(apptools, "apptools-windows-tests"), apptools_windows_tests) os.chdir(os.path.join(apptools_windows_tests, "tools")) windows_crosswalk_version = crosswalk_version("canary", BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform) try: data = urllib2.urlopen("" + BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform + "/canary/" + windows_crosswalk_version + "/crosswalk-" + windows_crosswalk_version + ".zip").read() with open("crosswalk-" + windows_crosswalk_version + ".zip", 'wb') as f: f.write(data) except Exception as e: data = urllib2.urlopen("" + BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform + "/canary/" + windows_crosswalk_version + "/crosswalk64-" + windows_crosswalk_version + ".zip").read() with open("crosswalk64-" + windows_crosswalk_version + ".zip", 'wb') as f: f.write(data) os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.join(apptools_windows_tests, "apptools"), "CI")) retval = os.system("python -m unittest discover --pattern=*.py > null") elif BUILD_PARAMETERS.platform == "ios": shutil.copytree(os.path.join(apptools, "apptools-ios-tests"), apptools_ios_tests) os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.join(apptools_ios_tests, "apptools"), "CI")) retval = os.system("python -m unittest discover --pattern=*.py > null") return retval if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
""" This file implements a general simulation interface. The SimulationWindow has a space for thedisplay of a specific task, a display area showing the counts of steps and episodes so far, and buttons for controlling the simulation. It also adds two menus - a File menu and a Simulation menu. It is easy to make a GUI simulation interface for your RL task by specializing the SimulationWindow class with methods appropriate for your application. Make a specialized simulation window class with: class MyApplication(SimulationWindow): def __init__(wwidth, wheight): # wwidth and wheight specify the size of the data display area you want. SimulationWindow.__init__(self, wwidth, wheight) ... your own stuff here ... ... including setting various members and adding extra buttons and menus Make gViews with the SimulationWindow as the parent for the data areas in your simulation interface. It uses an RLinterface to do the actual steps and episodes. In your initialization, make sure that you set the data member rlsim to an RLinterface. self.rlsim = RLinterface(agentFunction, EnvironmentFunction) The following methods can and in some cases should be defined by the user: updateSimDisplay(self) - update the data display area of the simulation - required! wholeSimDisplay(self) - redraw the data display area of the simulation - required! printInfo(self) - what to do if the user chooses Print under the File menu resetSimulation(self) - resets the agent and environment For reading and writing, define methods: readFile(self, filename) - reads filename (called from openFile, invoked by Open on File menu) writeFile(self, filename) - writes current simulation info into filename (called from saveFile and saveFileAs, invoked by Save and SaveAs on File menu) also set self.readtitle as the title of the open file dialog self.writetitle as the title of the save file dialog self.initialdir as the directory to start reading or writing at or for more control, specify the menu handling methods themselves: openFile(self) - what to do if the user chooses Open under the File menu saveFile(self) - what to do if the user chooses Save under the File menu saveFileAs(self) - what to do if the user chooses Save As under the File menu The preset buttons are: Start/Stop - starts or stops a currently running simulation Step - executes one step of the simulation Episode - executes one episode of the simulation The previous 3 buttons use the RLinterface member and call methods step and episode for it Faster - makes the execution faster by updating the display less Slower - makes the execution slower by updating the display more or pausing before updates Menu items: File menu: Open - calls method openFile(self) Save - calls method saveFile(self) Save As - calls method saveFileAs(self) Print - calls method printInfo(self) Quit - quits the simulation and stops event processing Simulation menu: the button commands are repeated here, and some additional things Start/Stop simulation Step simulation Simulate one episode Faster Slower Redisplay - calls method gDrawView Redisplay All - calls method wholeView Reset Simulation - calls method resetSimulation(self) Some methods which you may wish to call: gDrawView(self) - force updating of the whole display wholeView(self) - force redrawing of the whole display debugon(self) - returns True is debug mode is set to on, False otherwise Note: your agent and environment functions should update the data members stepnum, episodenum, and episodestepnum for the count displays to work properly """ # Example of usage: """ Given functions myAgentFn and myEnvFn that conform to the RLinterface requirements: def myAgentFn(state, reward=None): ... return action def myEnvFn(action=None): ... ... increment stepnum, episodestepnum, episodenum appropriately return state, reward class MySimClass (SimulationWindow): def __init__(self, wwidth, wheight): SimulationWindow.__init__(wwidth, wheight) gSetTitle(self, "My Simulation") self.rlsim = RLinterface(myAgentFn, myEnvFn) dataview = Gview(self) ...draw desired stuff on the dataview ... def wholeSimDisplay(self): ...draw dataview however you want... gMakeVisible(self) # might be necessary to force the changes to show def updateSimDisplay(self): ... update dataview with current data ... gMakeVisible(self) # might be necessary to force the changes to show def resetSimulation(self): ... reset agent info ... ... reset environment inf, including stepnum, episodestepnum and episodenum self.wholeView() # force drawing of entire simulation display mysim = MySimClass(1000, 1000) gMainloop() To add additional buttons or menus: inside __init__ x1, y1, x2, y2 = gdGetViewport(self) gdSetViewport(self, x1, y1+20, x2, y2+50) # compensate for title bar, add enough for buttons gdAddButton(self, "myNewButton", self.myFunction, 5, y2) self.addMyMenu() # add another menu def myFunction(self): ... self.wholeSimDisplay() def addMyMenu(self): gAddMenu(self, "My Menu", ...) """ from RLtoolkit.g import * from RLtoolkit.basicclasses import * import sys import time class SimulationWindow(Gwindow, Simulation): def __init__(self, wwidth=500, wheight=600): Simulation.__init__(self) if sys.platform in ['mac', 'darwin']: extrah = 30 else: extrah = 50 # account for menu being added to window in Windows and Linus Gwindow.__init__(self, windowTitle="Simulation Window", gdViewportR=(0, 20, wwidth, wheight + extrah)) self.simulationrunning = False self.updatedisplay = True self.displaypause = 0 self.redrawinterval = 1 self.countsx = self.countsy = 0 # xcoord and ycoord of time displays self.lastcount = None self.dcount = 0 # display counter self.status = Gview(self) self.goff = gColorOff(self) gdSetViewportR(self.status, 0, wheight, wwidth, 30) self.gobutton = gdAddButton(self.status, "Go ", self.simStopGo, 5, 0, self.goff) self.stepbutton = gdAddButton(self.status, "Step", self.singleStep, 65, 0, self.goff) self.episodebutton = gdAddButton(self.status, "Episode", self.singleEpisode, 125, 0, self.goff) if wwidth < 350: # make the window longer and add the buttons there gdSetViewportR(self.status, 0, wheight, wwidth, 60) self.fastbutton = gdAddButton(self.status, "Faster ", self.simFaster, 5, 30, self.goff) gdAddButton(self.status, "Slower", self.simSlower, 80, 30, self.goff) else: # add the buttons horizontally self.fastbutton = gdAddButton(self.status, "Faster ", self.simFaster, 210, 0, self.goff) gdAddButton(self.status, "Slower", self.simSlower, 285, 0, self.goff) self.debug = gIntVar() self.debug.set(0) self.setupTimeDisplay() self.addFileMenu() self.addSimulationMenu() self.readtitle = "Open File" self.writetitle = "Save File As" self.initialdir = None def gDrawView(self): if self.updatedisplay: self.updateSimDisplay() self.simDisplayCounts() gMakeVisible(self) def gKeyEventHandler(self, key): print(("got key", key)) def wholeView(self): self.dcount = 0 self.wholeSimDisplay() self.simDisplayCounts() gMakeVisible(self) def simstep(self): if self.simulationrunning: self.rlsim.stepsQ( self.redrawinterval) # do a number of steps at once for speed self.simDisplay() gCheckEvents(self, self.simstep) # self.after(1, self.simstep) # using tk method after to force it to check for stop event def simStopGo(self): if self.simulationrunning: # already running, stop it self.simulationrunning = False # setSimulationRunning(self, False) gButtonEnable(self.stepbutton) gButtonEnable(self.episodebutton) gSetTitle(self.gobutton, "Go ") self.wholeView() else: # set it running self.simulationrunning = True # setSimulationRunning(self, True) gButtonDisable(self.stepbutton) gButtonDisable(self.episodebutton) gSetTitle(self.gobutton, "Stop") gMakeVisible(self) self.simstep() def singleStep(self): self.rlsim.step() self.wholeView() def epstep(self): if self.simulationrunning: self.rlsim.step() # one step at a time - must check for episode termination self.simDisplay() if self.rlsim.action != None: # end of episode gCheckEvents(self, self.epstep) # self.after(1, self.epstep) # using tk method after to force it to check for stop event else: self.simStopGo() # reset buttons on display def singleEpisode(self): if not self.simulationrunning: gButtonDisable(self.stepbutton) gButtonDisable(self.episodebutton) gSetTitle(self.gobutton, "Stop") self.simulationrunning = True self.rlsim.action = None # force start of episode self.epstep() def simFaster(self): if self.displaypause == 0: gSetTitle(self.fastbutton, "Jumpier") self.redrawinterval = 2 * self.redrawinterval if self.redrawinterval > 32: self.updatedisplay = False elif self.displaypause <= 0.01: self.displaypause = 0 gSetTitle(self.fastbutton, "Faster ") self.redrawinterval = 1 else: self.displaypause = self.displaypause / 2 def simSlower(self): if self.displaypause > 0: self.updatedisplay = True self.displaypause = max(0.01, 2 * self.displaypause) elif self.redrawinterval == 1: self.updatedisplay = True gSetTitle(self.fastbutton, "Faster ") self.displaypause = 0.01 else: self.updatedisplay = True self.redrawinterval = self.redrawinterval // 2 if self.redrawinterval == 1: gSetTitle(self.fastbutton, "Faster ") def simDisplay(self): self.dcount += 1 pause(self.displaypause) if self.redrawinterval != None and self.dcount % self.redrawinterval == 0: self.gDrawView() def gDestroy(self, event): global GDEVICE Gwindow.gDestroy(self, event) if GDEVICE.childwindows == []: self.quit() def exit(self): gQuit() def setupTimeDisplay(self): oldx1, oldy1, oldx2, oldy2, oldcorner = gGetCS(self.status) self.countsy = 10 self.countsx = self.wwidth - 60 def simDisplayCounts(self): # Note: the specific application must update the stepnum, episodenum # and episodestepnum !!! if self.countsx != None: if self.lastcount != None: gDelete(self.status, self.lastcount) countstr = str(self.stepnum) + '|' + str(self.episodenum) + \ '|' + str(self.episodestepnum) self.lastcount = gdDrawTextCentered(self.status, countstr, ("Chicago", 12, "normal"), \ self.countsx, self.countsy, gOn) def wholeSimDisplay(self): "display routine to redraw entire display - should be specified for each application" pass def updateSimDisplay(self): "update routine for display - should be specialized for each application" pass def openFile(self): "open simulation file" filename = gOpenFileUserPick(None, \ title=self.readtitle, \ initialdir=self.initialdir) self.readFile(filename) def readFile(self, filename): "open file - should be specialized for each application" print("File not read - there is no readFile method") pass def saveFile(self): "save currently open file" filename = filenameFromTitle(self.title) if filename != None and filename != "": self.writeFile(filename) else: self.saveFileAs() pass def saveFileAs(self): "save current simulation as" filename = gSaveFileUserPick(self, \ title=self.writetitle, \ initialdir=self.initialdir) if filename != None and filename != '': # not cancelled self.writeFile(filename) setWindowTitleFromNamestring(self, filename) def writeFile(self, filename): "save current simulation info - should be specialized for each application" print("File not saved - there is no writeFile method") pass def printInfo(self): "print simulation info - should be specialized for each application" pass def resetSimulation(self): "reset simulation - should be specialized for each application" pass def debugon(self): if self.debug.get() == 1: return True else: return False def toggleDebug(self): debugset(self.debugon()) def addSimulationMenu(self): gAddMenu(self, "Simulation", \ [["Start/Stop simulation", self.simStopGo], \ ["Step simulation", self.singleStep], \ ["Simulate one episode", self.singleEpisode], \ ["Faster ", self.simFaster], \ ["Slower", self.simSlower], \ '---', \ ["Redisplay", self.gDrawView], \ ["Redisplay All", self.wholeView], \ '---', \ ["Reset Simulation", self.resetSimulation], \ '---', \ ['button', "Debug Mode", self.debug, 1, 0, self.toggleDebug], \ ]) def addFileMenu(self): gAddMenu(self, "File", \ [["Open ...", self.openFile], \ ["Save", self.saveFile], \ ["Save As ...", self.saveFileAs], \ ["Print", self.printInfo], \ ["Quit", self.exit]]) def pause(seconds): time.sleep(seconds) """ x = 0 for i in range(int(seconds * 118000000)): x*= 1 """ def filenameFromTitle(title): position = title.find('-') if position != None and position != -1: name = title[:position] path = title[position + 1:] filename = path + '/' + name filename = filename.strip() return filename def setWindowTitleFromNamestring(window, filename): if isinstance(window, Gwindow): position = filename.rfind('/') if position == None or position == -1: newtitle = filename else: newtitle = filename[position + 1:] + ' - ' + filename[:position] window.title = newtitle gSetTitle(window, newtitle)
"""Unit test package for cellartracker."""
<reponame>MandelaK/SendITAPI-V2 import psycopg2 from db_config import init_db from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required, get_jwt_identity class Parcels(): """The methods defined in this class represent methods that users will use to manipulate parcels in the database""" def __init__(self): self.db = init_db() def create_parcel(self, parcel_name, recipient_name, pickup_location, destination, weight): """This method handles requests for creating parcel delivery orders""" user_data = get_jwt_identity() self.parcel_name = parcel_name self.sender_email = user_data["email"] self.recipient_name = recipient_name self.destination = destination self.pickup_location = pickup_location self.current_location = pickup_location self.weight = int(weight) self.price = int(weight) * 3 self.status = "pending" parcel_info = { "parcel_name": parcel_name, "sender_email": self.sender_email, "recipient_name": recipient_name, "pickup_location": pickup_location, "current_location": self.current_location, "destination": destination, "weight": int(weight), "price": int(self.price), "status": self.status } save_parcel = """ INSERT INTO parcels (parcel_name, sender_email, recipient_name, pickup_location, current_location, destination, weight, price, status) VALUES (%(parcel_name)s, %(sender_email)s, %(recipient_name)s, %(pickup_location)s, %(current_location)s, %(destination)s, %(weight)s, %(price)s, %(status)s)""" try: cursor = self.db.cursor() print("Successfully created cursor. Saving parcel to database...") cursor.execute(save_parcel, parcel_info) except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print("Could not save the parcel to database: ", error) return error else: self.db.commit() print("Successfully saved the order to database") return 201 def change_destination(self, parcel_id, destination): """This method will handle requests to the database to change the destination of a parcel delivery order.""" user_data = get_jwt_identity() parcel = self.get_parcel_by_id(parcel_id) if not parcel: return 404 elif parcel[2] != user_data["email"]: return 401 elif parcel[9] != "pending": return 400 else: update_destination = """UPDATE parcels SET destination = '{}' WHERE parcel_id = {}""".format(destination, parcel_id) try: cursor = self.db.cursor() print("Successfully created cursor. Updating destination for parcel number {} ...".format( parcel_id)) cursor.execute(update_destination) self.db.commit() count = cursor.rowcount print("Destination successfully changed for parcel {}. {} rows affected".format( parcel_id, count)) return 204 except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print("Error. Could not update destination of parcel: ", error) return error def get_parcel_by_id(self, parcel_id): """We have to validate a parcel exists before we can begin to make changes on it.""" get_parcel = """SELECT * FROM parcels WHERE parcel_id = {} """.format(parcel_id) try: cursor = self.db.cursor() print("Successfully created cursor. Getting parcel {} ...".format(parcel_id)) cursor.execute(get_parcel) parc = cursor.fetchone() if not parc: return False else: return parc except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print ("Could not get parcel {}... ".format(parcel_id), error) return error @jwt_required def get_all_parcels(self): """This will be called if the admin wishes to see all parcels in the database""" user_data = get_jwt_identity() if user_data["is_admin"] is True: admin = True admin_get_all = """ SELECT * FROM parcels ORDER BY parcel_id""" else: admin = False user_get_all = """ SELECT * FROM parcels WHERE sender_email = '{}' ORDER BY parcel_id """.format(user_data["email"]) try: cursor = self.db.cursor() print("Successfully created cursor. Getting all parcels ...") if admin is True: cursor.execute(admin_get_all) else: cursor.execute(user_get_all) data = cursor.fetchall() if data == []: return 404 res = [] for parcel, parcels in enumerate(data): parcel_id, parcel_name, sender_email, recipient_name, pickup_location, current_location, destination, weight, price, status = parcels structured_response = dict( parcel_id=parcel_id, parcel_name=parcel_name, sender_email=sender_email, recipient_name=recipient_name, pickup_location=pickup_location, current_location=current_location, destination=destination, weight=int(weight), price=int(price), status=status) res.append(structured_response) return res except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print("Could not get any parcels from database: ", error) return error def change_status(self, parcel_id, status): """This method handles requests to change the status of an order""" parcel = self.get_parcel_by_id(parcel_id) if not parcel: return 404 elif parcel[9] == "delivered" or parcel[9] == "cancelled": return 400 else: change_status = """ UPDATE parcels SET status = '{}' WHERE parcel_id = {}""".format(status, parcel_id) try: cursor = self.db.cursor() print("Successfully created cursor. Changing the status of parcel number {} ...".format( parcel_id)) cursor.execute(change_status) self.db.commit() count = cursor.rowcount print("Successfully changed the status parcel {}. {} rows affected.".format( parcel_id, count)) return 204 except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print("Could not change the status of the order: ", error) return error, 400 def change_location(self, parcel_id, current_location): """This method handles requests to change the location of a delivery in transit""" parcel = self.get_parcel_by_id(parcel_id) if not parcel: return 404 elif parcel[9] != "transit": return 400 else: update_location = """ UPDATE parcels SET current_location = '{}' WHERE parcel_id = {}""".format(current_location, parcel_id) try: cursor = self.db.cursor() print("Successfully created cursor. Updating current location for parcel \ number {} ...".format(parcel_id)) cursor.execute(update_location) self.db.commit() print("Location successfully changed") return 204 except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print("Could not change destinaion of parcel: ", error) return error @jwt_required def cancel_parcel(self, parcel_id): """User can only cancel orders they create so long as they are not yet 'delivered'""" user_data = get_jwt_identity() get_parcel = self.get_parcel_by_id(parcel_id) if get_parcel is False: return 404 elif user_data["email"] != get_parcel[2]: return 401 elif get_parcel[9] == "cancelled" or get_parcel[9] == "delivered": return 400 else: cancel_query = """UPDATE parcels SET status = 'cancelled' WHERE parcel_id = {}""".format(parcel_id) try: cursor = self.db.cursor() print("Successfully created cursor. Cancelling parcel number {} ...".format( parcel_id)) cursor.execute(cancel_query) self.db.commit() count = cursor.rowcount print("Successfully changed the status parcel {}. {} rows affected.".format( parcel_id, count)) return 204 except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print("Could not change the status of the parcel: ", error) return error
<gh_stars>0 #!C:\Python27\python.exe import sys, os from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from docx import Document from docx.shared import Cm, Inches, Pt from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH from PIL import Image from StringIO import StringIO import dokumentasi_ui Ui_Main = dokumentasi_ui.Ui_MainWindow def main(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) window = Dokumentasi() sys.exit(app.exec_()) class Dokumentasi(QtGui.QMainWindow, Ui_Main): def __init__(self): super(Dokumentasi, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.prepareUi() self.btnInput.clicked.connect(self.browseInput) self.btnOutput.clicked.connect(self.browseOutput) self.btnExit.clicked.connect(self.close) self.btnStart.clicked.connect(self.start) self.btnLog.clicked.connect(self.toggleLog) def prepareUi(self): self.setWindowTitle('AutoDoc v1.2 - Karogis') self.mTop.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 10, 2, self)) self.mBottom.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 10, 2, self)) self.mLeft.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 10, 2, self)) self.mRight.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0, 10, 2, self)) self.logger('====================================') self.logger('|| ***** ***** ||') self.logger('====================================\n\n') self.logVisible = False self.toggleLog() self.statusbar.showMessage('Siap') def browseInput(self): directory = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Pilih Folder') if directory: self.inputFolder.setText(directory) self.logger('Folder Sumber: ' + directory) self.dirs = 0 self.images = 0 self.evaluateDirectory(directory) self.logger('Jumlah Folder: ' + str(self.dirs)) self.logger('Jumlah Foto: ' + str(self.images)) self.statusbar.showMessage('Jumlah Folder: ' + str(self.dirs) + ', Jumlah Foto: ' + str(self.images)) def evaluateDirectory(self, directory, strip = '-'): directory = str(directory) for file in os.listdir(directory): if file.lower().endswith('.jpg') or file.lower().endswith('.jpeg') or file.lower().endswith('.png'): self.logger(strip + ' Foto: ' + file) self.images += 1 QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() for file in os.listdir(directory): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, file)): self.dirs += 1 self.logger('=====================================') self.logger(strip + ' Folder: ' + file) self.evaluateDirectory(os.path.join(directory, file), strip + ' -') self.logger('=====================================') QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() def browseOutput(self): file = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Simpan Sebagai', '', 'Word Document (*.docx)') if file: self.outputFolder.setText(file) self.logger('File Hasil: ' + file) def start(self): if self.inputFolder.text() == '' or self.outputFolder.text() == '': self.showDialog('error', 'Kesalahan!', 'Folder Sumber & File Hasil harus diisi') return elif self.images == 0: self.showDialog('error', 'Kesalahan!', 'Tidak ditemukan foto') return top_margin = float(self.mTop.text()) if self.mTop.text() != '' else 2.0 bottom_margin = float(self.mBottom.text()) if self.mBottom.text() != '' else 1.5 left_margin = float(self.mLeft.text()) if self.mLeft.text() != '' else 3.0 right_margin = float(self.mRight.text()) if self.mRight.text() != '' else 1.5 self.logger('\nMenggunakan pengaturan jarak: Atas = ' + str(top_margin) + 'cm; Bawah = ' + str(bottom_margin) + 'cm; Kiri = ' + str(left_margin) + 'cm; Kanan = ' + str(right_margin) + 'cm') self.doc = Document() try: except Exception as e: self.logger('KESALAHAN: ' + e.strerror) self.showDialog('error', 'Kesalahan', e.strerror) return QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) self.logger('\n\nMemulai Proses...') self.logger('Ngopi sek coy...\n\n') self.statusbar.showMessage('Ngopi sek coy...') self.btnStart.setText('Udud dulu...') self.btnStart.setEnabled(False) self.btnExit.setEnabled(False) self.progressBar.setMaximum(self.images) self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.progressCounter = 0 QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() for section in self.doc.sections: section.top_margin = Cm(top_margin) section.bottom_margin = Cm(bottom_margin) section.left_margin = Cm(left_margin) section.right_margin = Cm(right_margin) section.page_width = Inches(8.267) section.page_height = Inches(11.692) directory = str(self.inputFolder.text()) self.insertPictures(directory) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() try: except Exception as e: self.logger('KESALAHAN: ' + e.strerror) self.statusbar.showMessage('Siap') self.btnStart.setText('Mulai') self.btnStart.setEnabled(True) self.btnExit.setEnabled(True) self.showDialog('error', 'Kesalahan', e.strerror) else: self.logger('Selesai!') self.statusbar.showMessage('Siap') self.btnStart.setText('Mulai') self.btnStart.setEnabled(True) self.btnExit.setEnabled(True) self.showDialog('info', 'Selesai coy...', 'Dokumentasi berhasil dibuat.\nBuka file?', [('Tidak', QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole), ('Ya', QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole)], self.openFile) def insertPictures(self, directory): counter = 0 titlePrefix = str(self.titlePrefix.text()) + ' ' if self.titlePrefix.text() != '' else '' if self.countPictures(directory) > 0: heading = self.doc.add_heading(titlePrefix + os.path.basename(directory).upper()) heading.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER heading_format = heading.paragraph_format heading_format.space_before = Pt(0) heading_format.space_after = Pt(24) table = self.doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2) cells = table.rows[0].cells for file in os.listdir(directory): if (file.lower().endswith('.jpg') or file.lower().endswith('.jpeg') or file.lower().endswith('.png')) : if counter % 6 == 0 and counter != 0: self.doc.add_page_break() h = self.doc.add_heading(titlePrefix + os.path.basename(directory).upper()) h.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER hf = h.paragraph_format hf.space_before = Pt(0) hf.space_after = Pt(24) table = self.doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2) cells = table.rows[0].cells elif counter % 2 == 0 and counter != 0: cells = table.add_row().cells self.logger('Memproses foto ' + file) self.progressCounter += 1 self.progressBar.setValue(self.progressCounter) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() img =, file)) output = StringIO() width = 600 width_percent = float(width) / float(img.size[0]) height = int(img.size[1] * width_percent) image = img.resize((width, height), Image.BICUBIC), 'JPEG', quality=80) run = cells[counter % 2].paragraphs[0].add_run() run.add_picture(output, width=Cm(8)) cells[counter % 2].add_paragraph(os.path.splitext(file)[0]).alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER counter += 1 QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() for file in os.listdir(directory): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, file)): self.logger('=====================================') self.logger('Folder ditemukan ' + file) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() if len(self.doc.paragraphs) > 0: self.doc.add_page_break() self.insertPictures(os.path.join(directory, file)) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() def countPictures(self, directory): counter = 0 for file in os.listdir(directory): if (file.lower().endswith('.jpg') or file.lower().endswith('.jpeg') or file.lower().endswith('.png')) : counter += 1 QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() return counter def openFile(self, reply): if reply == 1: try: os.startfile(str(self.outputFolder.text())) QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() except Exception as e: self.showDialog('error', 'Kesalahan', e.strerror) return return def toggleLog(self): if self.logVisible: self.label_3.hide() self.logs.hide() self.btnLog.setText('Tampilkan Log') self.logVisible = False else: self.btnLog.setText('Sembunyikan Log') self.logVisible = True def logger(self, string): self.logs.insertPlainText(string + "\n") self.logs.ensureCursorVisible() def showDialog(self, type, title, text, buttons = None, callback = None): dialog = QtGui.QMessageBox() if type == 'info': icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Information elif type == 'warning': icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning elif type == 'error': icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Critical elif type == 'question': icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Question else: icon = QtGui.QMessageBox.Information ico = QtGui.QIcon() ico.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/icon/folder.png"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) dialog.setIcon(icon) dialog.setWindowTitle(title) dialog.setWindowIcon(ico) dialog.setText(text) if buttons == None: dialog.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) else: for button, role in buttons: dialog.addButton(button, role) reply = dialog.exec_() if callable(callback): callback(reply) def closeEvent(self, event): reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Keluar', "Sudah ngopi bro?", 'Belum', 'Sudah') if reply == 1: event.accept() else: event.ignore() self.showDialog('info', 'Ngopi', 'Ngopi dulu bro...') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import pytest from import create_new_game from import Game from app.schemas.game_schema import Team @pytest.fixture def game_creator(): def _game_creator(size, game_id="x"): players = list(map(str, range(size))) return create_new_game(game_id, players, players[0]) return _game_creator def test_create_game_correct_teams(game_creator): for i in range(1, 10): game: Game = game_creator(size=i) has_dutch = i % 2 != 0 britain_players_count = 0 france_players_count = 0 dutch_count = 0 for info in game.players_info.values(): if == Team.BRITAIN: britain_players_count += 1 elif == Team.FRANCE: france_players_count += 1 else: assert has_dutch is True dutch_count += 1
<filename>examples/ import os import simplekml from polycircles.polycircles import Polycircle polycircle = Polycircle(latitude=31.611878, longitude=34.505351, radius=100) kml = simplekml.Kml() pol = kml.newpolygon(name=f"Polycircle", outerboundaryis=polycircle.to_kml())'02.kml')
from zschema.leaves import * from zschema.compounds import * import zschema.registry from ztag.annotation import Annotation import zcrypto_schemas.zcrypto as zcrypto import zgrab2_schemas.zgrab2 as zgrab2 import zgrab2_schemas.zgrab2.mssql as zgrab2_mssql import as zgrab2_oracle import zgrab2_schemas.zgrab2.ssh as zgrab2_ssh __local_metadata = {} for key in Annotation.LOCAL_METADATA_KEYS: __local_metadata[key] = WhitespaceAnalyzedString() local_metadata = SubRecord(__local_metadata) ztag_dh_export = SubRecord({ "dh_params": zcrypto.DHParams(doc="The parameters for the key."), "support": Boolean(), "metadata": local_metadata, "timestamp": Timestamp(), }) ztag_dh = SubRecord({ "dh_params": zcrypto.DHParams(doc="The parameters for the key."), "support": Boolean(), "metadata": local_metadata, "timestamp": Timestamp(), }) ztag_rsa_export = SubRecord({ "rsa_params":zcrypto.RSAPublicKey(), "support":Boolean(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_ecdh = SubRecord({ "ecdh_params":zcrypto.ECDHParams(), "support":Boolean(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) zgrab_certificate_trust = SubRecord({ "type":Enum(doc="root, intermediate, or leaf certificate"), "trusted_path":Boolean(doc="Does certificate chain up to browser root store"), "valid":Boolean(doc="is this certificate currently valid in this browser"), "was_valid":Boolean(doc="was this certificate ever valid in this browser") }) _zcrypto_parsed_cert = zcrypto.ParsedCertificate() zgrab_certificate = SubRecord({ "parsed": SubRecord({ "__expanded_names": ListOf(String()), }, extends=_zcrypto_parsed_cert), "validation":SubRecord({ "nss""NSS (Firefox) Validation"), "apple""Apple Validation"), "microsoft""Microsoft Validation"), "android":zgrab_certificate_trust, "java":zgrab_certificate_trust, }), }) zgrab_server_certificate_valid = SubRecord({ "complete_chain":Boolean(doc="does server provide a chain up to a root"), "valid":Boolean(doc="is this certificate currently valid in this browser"), "error":WhitespaceAnalyzedString() }) ztag_tls_type = SubRecordType({ # This is "version": zcrypto.TLSVersionName(), # cipher_suite = { id: server_hello.cipher_suite.hex, name: } "cipher_suite": SubRecord({ "id": String(doc="The hexadecimal string representation of the numeric cipher algorithm identifier."), "name": WhitespaceAnalyzedString( doc="The algorithm identifier for the cipher algorithm identifier, see e.g.", examples=["unknown", "TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5", "TLS_KRB5_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"], ), }), # server_hello.ocsp_stapling "ocsp_stapling": Boolean(), # server_hello.secure_renegotiation "secure_renegotiation": Boolean(), # certificate.parsed = server_certificates.certificate.parsed "certificate": zgrab_certificate, # chain.parsed = [ elt.parsed for elt in server_certificates.chain ] "chain": ListOf(zgrab_certificate), # server_hello.scts "scts": ListOf(zcrypto.SCTRecord()), # session_ticket = { key: session_ticket[key] for key in ("length, "lifetime_hint") } "session_ticket": zcrypto.SessionTicket(), # validation = { server_certificates.validation[key] for key in ("browser_trusted", "browser_error", "matches_domain") } "validation": zcrypto.TLSCertificateValidation(), # server_key_exchange = { server_key_exchange[key] for key in ("ecdh_params", "dh_params", "rsa_params") "server_key_exchange": zcrypto.ServerKeyExchange(), # signature = ... "signature": SubRecord({ # ... = signature.valid "valid": Boolean(), # ... = signature.signature_error "signature_error": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), # ... = signature.signature_and_hash_type.signature_algorithm "signature_algorithm": String(), # ... = signature.signature_and_hash_type.hash_algorithm "hash_algorithm": String(), }), "metadata": local_metadata, "timestamp": Timestamp(), }) ztag_tls = ztag_tls_type() ztag_heartbleed = SubRecord({ "heartbeat_enabled":Boolean(), "heartbleed_vulnerable":Boolean(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_smtp_starttls = SubRecord({ "banner": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "ehlo": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "starttls": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "tls": ztag_tls, "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_mail_starttls = SubRecord({ "banner": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "starttls": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "tls": ztag_tls, "metadata": local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_mail_tls = SubRecord({ "tls":ztag_tls, "banner": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) zgrab_unknown_http_header = SubRecord({ "key":String(), "value":WhitespaceAnalyzedString() }) zgrab_http_headers = SubRecord({ "access_control_allow_origin":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "accept_patch":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "accept_ranges":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "age":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "allow":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "alt_svc":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "alternate_protocol":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cache_control":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "connection":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_disposition":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_encoding":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_language":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_length":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_location":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_md5":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_range":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_type":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "date":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "etag":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "expires":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "last_modified":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "link":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "location":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "p3p":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "pragma":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "proxy_authenticate":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "public_key_pins":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "refresh":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "referer":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "retry_after":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "server":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "set_cookie":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "status":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "strict_transport_security":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "trailer":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "transfer_encoding":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "upgrade":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "vary":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "via":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "warning":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "www_authenticate":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_frame_options":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_xss_protection":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "content_security_policy":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_content_security_policy":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_webkit_csp":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_content_type_options":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_powered_by":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_ua_compatible":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_content_duration":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_forwarded_for":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_real_ip":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "proxy_agent":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "unknown":ListOf(zgrab_unknown_http_header) }) ztag_http = SubRecord({ "status_code":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "status_line":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "body":HTML(), "headers":zgrab_http_headers, "body_sha256":HexString(validation_policy="warn"), "title":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) golang_crypto_param = SubRecord({ "value":IndexedBinary(), "length":Unsigned32BitInteger() }) #ztag_open_proxy = SubRecord({ # "connect":SubRecord({ # "status_code":Integer(), # "status_line":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), # "body":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), # "headers":zgrab_http_headers # }), # "get":SubRecord({ # "status_code":Integer(), # "status_line":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), # "body":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), # "headers":zgrab_http_headers, # "random_present":Boolean(), # "body_sha256":HexString() # }), # "metadata":local_metadata #}) # 2018/09/07: Workaround for mis-typed field in ES; actual type is uint32, current ES # type is keyword (string). ssh_certkey_public_key_type = zgrab2_ssh.CertType(exclude={"bigquery"}) ssh_certkey_public_key_type["id"].set("exclude", ssh_certkey_public_key_type["id"].exclude | {"elasticsearch"}) ztag_ssh_v2 = SubRecord({ "metadata": local_metadata, "timestamp": Timestamp(), "banner": zgrab2_ssh.AnalyzedEndpointID(), # This is a massaged version of zgrab2_ssh.KexInitMessage "support": SubRecord({ "kex_algorithms": zgrab2_ssh.KexAlgorithms(), "host_key_algorithms": zgrab2_ssh.KeyAlgorithms(), "first_kex_follows": Boolean(), "client_to_server": SubRecord({ "ciphers": zgrab2_ssh.CipherAlgorithms(), "macs": zgrab2_ssh.MACAlgorithms(), "compressions": zgrab2_ssh.CompressionAlgorithms(), "languages": zgrab2_ssh.LanguageTags(), }), "server_to_client":SubRecord({ "ciphers": zgrab2_ssh.CipherAlgorithms(), "macs": zgrab2_ssh.MACAlgorithms(), "compressions": zgrab2_ssh.CompressionAlgorithms(), "languages": zgrab2_ssh.LanguageTags(), }), }), # This is a massaged version of zgrab2_ssh.AlgorithmSelection "selected": SubRecord({ "kex_algorithm": zgrab2_ssh.KexAlgorithm(), "host_key_algorithm": zgrab2_ssh.KeyAlgorithm(), "client_to_server": zgrab2_ssh.DirectionAlgorithms(), "server_to_client": zgrab2_ssh.DirectionAlgorithms(), }), "key_exchange": zgrab2_ssh.KeyExchange(), # This is a massaged version of zgrab2_ssh.SSHPublicKeyCert "server_host_key": SubRecord({ "key_algorithm": zgrab2_ssh.KeyAlgorithm(), "fingerprint_sha256": HexString(), "rsa_public_key": zcrypto.RSAPublicKey(), "dsa_public_key": zcrypto.DSAPublicKey(), "ecdsa_public_key": zcrypto.ECDSAPublicKey(), "ed25519_public_key": zgrab2_ssh.ED25519PublicKey(), "certkey_public_key": SubRecord({ # "nonce" is an IndexedBinary here, not a Binary() "nonce": IndexedBinary(), # This is an SSHPublicKey ("algorithm", not "key_algorithm") "key": zgrab2_ssh.SSHPublicKey(), "serial": String(), # "cert_type" is renamed to "type" "type": ssh_certkey_public_key_type, "key_id": String(), "valid_principals": ListOf(String()), "validity": SubRecord({ # These are DateTimes in SSHPublicKeyCert "valid_after": Timestamp(doc="Timestamp of when certificate is first valid. Timezone is UTC."), "valid_before": Timestamp(doc="Timestamp of when certificate expires. Timezone is UTC."), "length": Signed64BitInteger(), }), "reserved": Binary(), "signature_key": SubRecord({ "key_algorithm": zgrab2_ssh.KeyAlgorithm(), "fingerprint_sha256": HexString(), "rsa_public_key": zcrypto.RSAPublicKey(), "dsa_public_key": zcrypto.DSAPublicKey(), "ecdsa_public_key": zcrypto.ECDSAPublicKey(), "ed25519_public_key": zgrab2_ssh.ED25519PublicKey(), }), "signature": SubRecord({ "signature_algorithm": SubRecord({ "name": zgrab2_ssh.KeyAlgorithm(), }), "value": Binary(), }), "parse_error": String(), # Flattens known/unknown "extensions":SubRecord({ "permit_X11_forwarding": Boolean(), "permit_agent_forwarding": Boolean(), "permit_port_forwarding": Boolean(), "permit_pty": Boolean(), "permit_user_rc": Boolean(), "unknown": ListOf(String()), }), # Flattens known/unknown "critical_options": SubRecord({ "force_command": Boolean(), "source_address": Boolean(), "unknown": ListOf(String()), }), }), }), }) ztag_ftp = SubRecord({ "banner":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) telnet_caps_list = ListOf(SubRecord({ "name":String(), "value":Unsigned32BitInteger() })) ztag_telnet = SubRecord({ "support":Boolean(), "banner":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "will":telnet_caps_list, "wont":telnet_caps_list, "do":telnet_caps_list, "dont":telnet_caps_list, "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_modbus = SubRecord({ "support":Boolean(), "function_code":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "mei_response":SubRecord({ "conformity_level":Signed32BitInteger(), "objects":SubRecord({ "vendor":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "product_code":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "revision":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "vendor_url":URL(), "product_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "model_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "user_application_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), }) }), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_bacnet = SubRecord({ "support":Boolean(), "instance_number": Signed32BitInteger(), "vendor": SubRecord({ "id": Signed32BitInteger(), "reported_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "official_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), }), "firmware_revision": String(), "application_software_revision":String(), "object_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "model_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "description":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "location":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_dns_question = SubRecord({ "name":String(), "type":String() }) ztag_dns_answer = SubRecord({ "name":String(), "response":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "type":String() }) ztag_dns_lookup = SubRecord({ "support":Boolean(), "errors":Boolean(), "open_resolver":Boolean(), "resolves_correctly":Boolean(), "answers":ListOf(ztag_dns_answer), "authorities":ListOf(ztag_dns_answer), "additionals":ListOf(ztag_dns_answer), "questions":ListOf(ztag_dns_question), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_tls_support = SubRecord({ "support": Boolean(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_fox = SubRecord({ "support":Boolean(), "version":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "id":Signed32BitInteger(), "hostname":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "host_address":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "app_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "app_version":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "vm_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "vm_version":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "os_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "os_version":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "station_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "language":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "time_zone":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "host_id":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "vm_uuid":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "brand_id":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "sys_info":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "auth_agent_type":String(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_dnp3 = SubRecord({ "support":Boolean(), "raw_response":Binary(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_s7 = SubRecord({ "support":Boolean(), "system":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "module":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "plant_id":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "copyright":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "serial_number":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "reserved_for_os":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "module_type":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "memory_serial_number":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cpu_profile":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "oem_id":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "location":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "module_id":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "hardware":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "firmware":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "metadata":local_metadata, "timestamp":Timestamp(), }) ztag_smb = SubRecord({ "smbv1_support":Boolean(), "metadata":local_metadata, }) ztag_upnp_discovery = SubRecord({ "usn": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "agent": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "st": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "ext": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "location": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "server": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cache_control": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "x_user_agent": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "metadata": local_metadata, }) # Add the common zgrab2 fields to the results schema which are added by # ZGrab2Transform._transform_object(). def ztag_zgrab2_transformed(service, results): results["supported"] = Boolean(doc="If true, %s was detected on this machine." % service) results["metadata"] = local_metadata return results # The oracle ztag transform is a plain copy of the "handshake" field. ztag_oracle = ztag_zgrab2_transformed(service="Oracle", results=zgrab2_oracle.oracle_scan_response["result"]["handshake"]) ztag_oracle["tls"] = ztag_tls_type(doc="The TLS handshake with the server (if applicable).") ztag_mssql = ztag_zgrab2_transformed(service="MSSQL", results=SubRecord({ "version": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The MSSQL version returned by the server in " "the PRELOGIN response. Its format is " "'MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD_NUMBER'."), "instance_name": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The value of the INSTANCE field " "returned by the server in the PRELOGIN " "response."), "encrypt_mode": Enum(values=zgrab2_mssql.ENCRYPT_MODES, doc="The negotiated encryption mode for the session. " "See " "for details."), "tls": ztag_tls_type(doc="The TLS handshake with the server (for " "non-encrypted connections, this used only " "for the authentication phase).") })) ztag_mysql = ztag_zgrab2_transformed(service="MySQL", results=SubRecord({ "protocol_version": zgrab2.mysql.mysql_scan_response["result"]["protocol_version"], "server_version": zgrab2.mysql.mysql_scan_response["result"]["server_version"], "capability_flags": zgrab2.mysql.mysql_capability_flags, "status_flags": zgrab2.mysql.mysql_server_status_flags, "error_code": zgrab2.mysql.mysql_scan_response["result"]["error_code"], "error_id": zgrab2.mysql.mysql_scan_response["result"]["error_id"], "error_message": zgrab2.mysql.mysql_scan_response["result"]["error_message"], "tls": ztag_tls_type(doc="If the server allows upgrading the " "session to use TLS, this is the log of " "the handshake.") })) ztag_mongodb = ztag_zgrab2_transformed(service="MongoDB", results=SubRecord({ "build_info": SubRecord({ "version": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="Version of mongodb server"), "git_version": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="Git Version of mongodb server"), "max_wire_version": Signed32BitInteger(), "build_environment": SubRecord({ "dist_mod": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "dist_arch": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cc": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cc_flags": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cxx": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cxx_flags": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "link_flags": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "target_arch": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "target_os": WhitespaceAnalyzedString() }) }, doc="Result of issuing the buildInfo command see"), "is_master": SubRecord({ "is_master": Boolean(), "max_wire_version": Signed32BitInteger(), "min_wire_version": Signed32BitInteger(), "max_bson_object_size": Signed32BitInteger(), "max_write_batch_size": Signed32BitInteger(), "logical_session_timeout_minutes": Signed32BitInteger(), "max_message_size_bytes": Signed32BitInteger(), "read_only": Boolean() }, doc="Result of issuing the isMaster command see") })) ztag_postgres = ztag_zgrab2_transformed(service="PostgreSQL", results=SubRecord({ "supported_versions": WhitespaceAnalyzedString(doc="The error string returned by the " "server in response to a " "StartupMessage with " "ProtocolVersion = 0.0"), "protocol_error": zgrab2.postgres.postgres_error, "startup_error": zgrab2.postgres.postgres_error, "is_ssl": Boolean(doc="If the server supports TLS and the session was " "updated to use TLS, this is true."), "authentication_mode": zgrab2.postgres.postgres_auth_mode["mode"], "backend_key_data": zgrab2.postgres.postgres_key_data, "tls": ztag_tls_type(doc="If the server allows upgrading the " "session to use TLS, this is the log of " "the handshake.") })) ztag_ipp = ztag_zgrab2_transformed(service="IPP", results=SubRecord({ "version_major": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["version_major"], "version_minor": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["version_minor"], "version_string": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["version_string"], "cups_version": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["cups_version"], "attributes": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["attributes"], "attr_ipp_versions": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["attr_ipp_versions"], "attr_cups_version": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["attr_cups_version"], "attr_printer_uris": zgrab2.ipp.ipp_scan_response["result"]["attr_printer_uris"], "tls": ztag_tls_type(doc="If the server allows upgrading the " "session to use TLS, this is the log of " "the handshake."), })) ztag_schemas = [ ("ztag_https", ztag_tls), ("ztag_heartbleed", ztag_heartbleed), ("ztag_smtp_starttls", ztag_smtp_starttls), ("ztag_imap_starttls", ztag_mail_starttls), ("ztag_pop3_starttls", ztag_mail_starttls), ("ztag_imap_tls", ztag_mail_tls), ("ztag_pop3_tls", ztag_mail_tls), ("ztag_http", ztag_http), ("ztag_ftp", ztag_ftp), ("ztag_dh", ztag_dh), ("ztag_dh_export", ztag_dh_export), ("ztag_rsa_export", ztag_rsa_export), ("ztag_ecdh", ztag_ecdh), ("ztag_sslv3", ztag_tls_support), ("ztag_tls1", ztag_tls_support), ("ztag_tls2", ztag_tls_support), ("ztag_tls3", ztag_tls_support), ("ztag_modbus", ztag_modbus), ("ztag_ssh_v2", ztag_ssh_v2), ("ztag_dns_lookup", ztag_dns_lookup), ("ztag_bacnet", ztag_bacnet), ("ztag_fox", ztag_fox), ("ztag_dnp3", ztag_dnp3), ("ztag_s7", ztag_s7), ("ztag_smb", ztag_smb), ("ztag_upnp_discovery", ztag_upnp_discovery), ("ztag_oracle", ztag_oracle), ("ztag_mssql", ztag_mssql), ("ztag_ipp", ztag_ipp), ("ztag_mongodb", ztag_mongodb), ] for (name, schema) in ztag_schemas: x = Record({ "ip_address":IPAddress(required=True), #"timestamp":Timestamp(required=True), "tags":ListOf(String()), "metadata": SubRecord({}, allow_unknown=True), }, extends=schema) zschema.registry.register_schema("%s" % name, x) ztag_lookup_spf = SubRecord({ "raw":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), }) ztag_lookup_dmarc = SubRecord({ "raw":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "p":String(), }) ztag_lookup_axfr = SubRecord({ "servers":ListOf(SubRecord({ "server":String(), "status":String(), "name":FQDN(), "support":Boolean(), "error":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "records":ListOf(SubRecord({ "algorithm":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "answer":String(), "class":String(), "data":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "digest":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "digest_type":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "expire":Unsigned32BitInteger(), "flag":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "flags":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "key_tag":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "mbox":FQDN(), "min_ttl":Unsigned32BitInteger(), "name":FQDN(), "ns":FQDN(), "preference":Signed16BitInteger(), "protocol":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "public_key":String(), "refresh":Signed32BitInteger(), "retry":Signed32BitInteger(), "serial":Unsigned32BitInteger(), "tag":String(), "type":String(), "ttl":Unsigned32BitInteger(), # FIXME 2018/10/15: Conflict with auto-detected version in Elasticsearch (auto type # FIXME 2018/10/15: is text, new type is keyword) "value": String(exclude={"elasticsearch"}), })), })), "truncated":Boolean(), "support":Boolean() }) _zdb_location_fields = { "continent":String(), "country":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "country_code":String(), "city":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "postal_code":String(), "timezone":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "province":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "latitude":Double(), "longitude":Double(), "registered_country":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "registered_country_code":String(), } zdb_location = SubRecord(_zdb_location_fields, category="Location") zdb_restricted_location = SubRecord(_zdb_location_fields, exclude=["bigquery",]) zdb_as = SubRecord({ "asn":Unsigned32BitInteger(), "description":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "path":ListOf(Unsigned32BitInteger()), "rir":String(), "routed_prefix":FQDN(), "name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "country_code":String(), "organization":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), }) __metadata = {} for key in Annotation.GLOBAL_METADATA_KEYS: __metadata[key] = WhitespaceAnalyzedString() zdb_metadata = SubRecord(__metadata) CTServerStatus = SubRecord({ "index":Signed64BitInteger(), "added_to_ct_at":Timestamp(), "ct_to_censys_at":Timestamp(), "censys_to_ct_at":Timestamp(), "sct":IndexedBinary(), }) CTStatus = SubRecord({ "google_aviator":CTServerStatus, "google_pilot":CTServerStatus, "google_rocketeer":CTServerStatus, "google_submariner":CTServerStatus, "google_testtube":CTServerStatus, "google_icarus":CTServerStatus, "google_skydiver":CTServerStatus, "google_daedalus":CTServerStatus, "digicert_ct1":CTServerStatus, "izenpe_com_ct":CTServerStatus, "izenpe_eus_ct":CTServerStatus, "symantec_ws_ct":CTServerStatus, "symantec_ws_vega":CTServerStatus, "wosign_ctlog":CTServerStatus, "wosign_ct":CTServerStatus, "cnnic_ctserver":CTServerStatus, "gdca_ct":CTServerStatus, "startssl_ct":CTServerStatus, "certly_log":CTServerStatus, "venafi_api_ctlog":CTServerStatus, "symantec_ws_deneb":CTServerStatus, "nordu_ct_plausible":CTServerStatus, "comodo_dodo":CTServerStatus, "comodo_mammoth":CTServerStatus, "gdca_ctlog":CTServerStatus, "symantec_ws_sirius":CTServerStatus, "certificatetransparency_cn_ct":CTServerStatus, "venafi_api_ctlog_gen2":CTServerStatus, "digicert_ct2":CTServerStatus, "comodo_sabre":CTServerStatus, "sheca_ct":CTServerStatus, "letsencrypt_ct_clicky":CTServerStatus, "behind_the_sofa":CTServerStatus, "gdca_log":CTServerStatus, "gdca_log2":CTServerStatus, "wotrus_ctlog":CTServerStatus, "wotrus_ctlog3":CTServerStatus, "akamai_ct":CTServerStatus, "google_argon_2017":CTServerStatus, "google_argon_2018":CTServerStatus, "google_argon_2019":CTServerStatus, "google_argon_2020":CTServerStatus, "google_argon_2021":CTServerStatus, "google_xenon_2018":CTServerStatus, "google_xenon_2019":CTServerStatus, "google_xenon_2020":CTServerStatus, "google_xenon_2021":CTServerStatus, "google_xenon_2022":CTServerStatus, "cloudflare_nimbus_2017":CTServerStatus, "cloudflare_nimbus_2018":CTServerStatus, "cloudflare_nimbus_2019":CTServerStatus, "cloudflare_nimbus_2020":CTServerStatus, "cloudflare_nimbus_2021":CTServerStatus, "digicert_nessie_2018":CTServerStatus, "digicert_nessie_2019":CTServerStatus, "digicert_nessie_2020":CTServerStatus, "digicert_nessie_2021":CTServerStatus, "digicert_nessie_2022":CTServerStatus, "digicert_yeti_2018":CTServerStatus, "digicert_yeti_2019":CTServerStatus, "digicert_yeti_2020":CTServerStatus, "digicert_yeti_2021":CTServerStatus, "digicert_yeti_2022":CTServerStatus, "digicert_golem":CTServerStatus, "izenpe_com_pilot":CTServerStatus, "letsencrypt_ct_birch":CTServerStatus, "letsencrypt_ct_faux":CTServerStatus, "letsencrypt_ct_oak":CTServerStatus, "nordu_ct_flimsy":CTServerStatus, "sheca_ctlog":CTServerStatus, "wosign_ctlog2":CTServerStatus, "wosign_ctlog3":CTServerStatus, "ctlogs_alpha":CTServerStatus, }) CertificateAudit = SubRecord({ "ccadb":SubRecord({ "current_in_intermediates":Boolean(), "was_in_intermediates":Boolean(), "owner_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "parent_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "certificate_name":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "certificate_policy":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "certification_practice_statement":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "cp_same_as_parent":Boolean(), "audit_same_as_parent":Boolean(), "standard_audit":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "br_audit":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "auditor":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "standard_audit_statement_timestamp":Timestamp(), "management_assertions_by":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "comments":EnglishString(es_include_raw=True), "ev_policy_oids":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "approval_bug":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "first_nss_release":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "first_firefox_release":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "ev_audit":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "current_in_roots":Boolean(), "was_in_roots":Boolean(), "test_website_valid":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "mozilla_applied_constraints":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "company_website":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "geographic_focus":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "standard_audit_type":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), }, category="CCADB Audit") }) ztag_certificate_validation = SubRecord({ "valid":Boolean(doc="((has_trusted_path && !revoked && !blacklisted) || whitelisted) && !expired"), "was_valid":Boolean(doc="True if the certificate is valid now or was ever valid in the past."), "trusted_path":Boolean(doc="True if there exists a path from the certificate to the root store."), "had_trusted_path":Boolean(doc="True if now or at some point in the past there existed a path " "from the certificate to the root store."), "blacklisted":Boolean(doc="True if the certificate is explicitly blacklisted by some method than OneCRL/CRLSet. " "For example, a set of certificates revoked by Cloudflare are blacklisted by SPKI hash in Chrome."), "whitelisted":Boolean(doc="True if the certificate is explicitly whitelisted, " "e.g. the set of trusted WoSign certificates Apple uses."), "type":Enum(["leaf","intermediate","root","unknown"], doc="Indicates if the certificate is a root, intermediate, or leaf."), "paths":NestedListOf(HexString(), "path", validation_policy="ignore"), "in_revocation_set":Boolean(doc="True if the certificate is in the revocation set (e.g. OneCRL) associated with this root store."), "parents":ListOf(HexString()), }) class LintBool(String): ES_TYPE = "boolean" # Lints can have any of the following outputs: # - RESERVED [should never happen] # - NA [not applicable] # - NE [not applicable] # - PASS [test success] # - INFO [failed for info] # - WARN [failed for warn] # - FAIL [failed for error] # - FATAL [test could not complete because cert is broken] # - UNKNOWN [should never occur] # We don't want to store a string for every lint in elasticsearch because # our index size would explode. Instead we map these to a string: # { # (reserved, unknown, ne, na, pass) -> null, # (notice, warning, fail, fatal) -> true # } # For BigQuery, we have more options, so we allow some more information: # { # all map to original value # } # This is horrible to schema, so define a custom type Lints = SubRecord({ "e_basic_constraints_not_critical":LintBool(), "e_ca_common_name_missing":LintBool(), "e_ca_country_name_invalid":LintBool(), "e_ca_country_name_missing":LintBool(), "e_ca_crl_sign_not_set":LintBool(), "e_ca_is_ca":LintBool(), "e_ca_key_cert_sign_not_set":LintBool(), "e_ca_key_usage_missing":LintBool(), "e_ca_key_usage_not_critical":LintBool(), "e_ca_organization_name_missing":LintBool(), "e_ca_subject_field_empty":LintBool(), "e_cab_dv_conflicts_with_locality":LintBool(), "e_cab_dv_conflicts_with_org":LintBool(), "e_cab_dv_conflicts_with_postal":LintBool(), "e_cab_dv_conflicts_with_province":LintBool(), "e_cab_dv_conflicts_with_street":LintBool(), "e_cab_iv_requires_personal_name":LintBool(), "e_cab_ov_requires_org":LintBool(), "e_cert_contains_unique_identifier":LintBool(), "e_cert_extensions_version_not_3":LintBool(), "e_cert_policy_iv_requires_country":LintBool(), "e_cert_policy_iv_requires_province_or_locality":LintBool(), "e_cert_policy_ov_requires_country":LintBool(), "e_cert_policy_ov_requires_province_or_locality":LintBool(), "e_cert_unique_identifier_version_not_2_or_3":LintBool(), "e_distribution_point_incomplete":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_bad_character_in_label":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_contains_bare_iana_suffix":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_empty_label":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_hyphen_in_sld":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_label_too_long":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_left_label_wildcard_correct":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_not_valid_tld":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_underscore_in_sld":LintBool(), "e_dnsname_wildcard_only_in_left_label":LintBool(), "e_dsa_correct_order_in_subgroup":LintBool(), "e_dsa_improper_modulus_or_divisor_size":LintBool(), "e_dsa_params_missing":LintBool(), "e_dsa_shorter_than_2048_bits":LintBool(), "e_dsa_unique_correct_representation":LintBool(), "e_ec_improper_curves":LintBool(), "e_ev_business_category_missing":LintBool(), "e_ev_country_name_missing":LintBool(), "e_ev_locality_name_missing":LintBool(), "e_ev_organization_name_missing":LintBool(), "e_ev_serial_number_missing":LintBool(), "e_ev_valid_time_too_long":LintBool(), "e_ext_aia_marked_critical":LintBool(), "e_ext_authority_key_identifier_critical":LintBool(), "e_ext_authority_key_identifier_missing":LintBool(), "e_ext_authority_key_identifier_no_key_identifier":LintBool(), "e_ext_cert_policy_disallowed_any_policy_qualifier":LintBool(), "e_ext_cert_policy_duplicate":LintBool(), "e_ext_cert_policy_explicit_text_ia5_string":LintBool(), "e_ext_cert_policy_explicit_text_too_long":LintBool(), "e_ext_duplicate_extension":LintBool(), "e_ext_freshest_crl_marked_critical":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_dns_not_ia5_string":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_empty_name":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_no_entries":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_rfc822_format_invalid":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_space_dns_name":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_uri_format_invalid":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_uri_host_not_fqdn_or_ip":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_uri_not_ia5":LintBool(), "e_ext_ian_uri_relative":LintBool(), "e_ext_key_usage_cert_sign_without_ca":LintBool(), "e_ext_key_usage_without_bits":LintBool(), "e_ext_name_constraints_not_critical":LintBool(), "e_ext_name_constraints_not_in_ca":LintBool(), "e_ext_policy_constraints_empty":LintBool(), "e_ext_policy_constraints_not_critical":LintBool(), "e_ext_policy_map_any_policy":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_contains_reserved_ip":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_directory_name_present":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_dns_name_too_long":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_dns_not_ia5_string":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_edi_party_name_present":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_empty_name":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_missing":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_no_entries":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_not_critical_without_subject":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_other_name_present":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_registered_id_present":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_rfc822_format_invalid":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_rfc822_name_present":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_space_dns_name":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_uniform_resource_identifier_present":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_uri_format_invalid":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_uri_host_not_fqdn_or_ip":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_uri_not_ia5":LintBool(), "e_ext_san_uri_relative":LintBool(), "e_ext_subject_directory_attr_critical":LintBool(), "e_ext_subject_key_identifier_critical":LintBool(), "e_ext_subject_key_identifier_missing_ca":LintBool(), "e_generalized_time_does_not_include_seconds":LintBool(), "e_generalized_time_includes_fraction_seconds":LintBool(), "e_generalized_time_not_in_zulu":LintBool(), "e_ian_bare_wildcard":LintBool(), "e_ian_dns_name_includes_null_char":LintBool(), "e_ian_dns_name_starts_with_period":LintBool(), "e_ian_wildcard_not_first":LintBool(), "e_inhibit_any_policy_not_critical":LintBool(), "e_international_dns_name_not_nfkc":LintBool(), "e_international_dns_name_not_unicode":LintBool(), "e_invalid_certificate_version":LintBool(), "e_issuer_field_empty":LintBool(), "e_name_constraint_empty":LintBool(), "e_name_constraint_maximum_not_absent":LintBool(), "e_name_constraint_minimum_non_zero":LintBool(), "e_old_root_ca_rsa_mod_less_than_2048_bits":LintBool(), "e_old_sub_ca_rsa_mod_less_than_1024_bits":LintBool(), "e_old_sub_cert_rsa_mod_less_than_1024_bits":LintBool(), "e_path_len_constraint_improperly_included":LintBool(), "e_path_len_constraint_zero_or_less":LintBool(), "e_public_key_type_not_allowed":LintBool(), "e_root_ca_extended_key_usage_present":LintBool(), "e_root_ca_key_usage_must_be_critical":LintBool(), "e_root_ca_key_usage_present":LintBool(), "e_rsa_exp_negative":LintBool(), "e_rsa_mod_less_than_2048_bits":LintBool(), "e_rsa_no_public_key":LintBool(), "e_rsa_public_exponent_not_odd":LintBool(), "e_rsa_public_exponent_too_small":LintBool(), "e_san_bare_wildcard":LintBool(), "e_san_dns_name_includes_null_char":LintBool(), "e_san_dns_name_starts_with_period":LintBool(), "e_san_wildcard_not_first":LintBool(), "e_serial_number_longer_than_20_octets":LintBool(), "e_serial_number_not_positive":LintBool(), "e_signature_algorithm_not_supported":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_aia_does_not_contain_ocsp_url":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_aia_marked_critical":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_aia_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_certificate_policies_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_crl_distribution_points_does_not_contain_url":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_crl_distribution_points_marked_critical":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_crl_distribution_points_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_eku_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_eku_name_constraints":LintBool(), "e_sub_ca_must_not_contain_any_policy":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_aia_does_not_contain_ocsp_url":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_aia_marked_critical":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_aia_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_cert_policy_empty":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_certificate_policies_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_country_name_must_appear":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_crl_distribution_points_does_not_contain_url":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_crl_distribution_points_marked_critical":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_eku_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_eku_server_auth_client_auth_missing":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_given_name_surname_contains_correct_policy":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_key_usage_cert_sign_bit_set":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_key_usage_crl_sign_bit_set":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_locality_name_must_appear":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_locality_name_must_not_appear":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_not_is_ca":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_or_sub_ca_using_sha1":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_postal_code_must_not_appear":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_province_must_appear":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_province_must_not_appear":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_street_address_should_not_exist":LintBool(), "e_sub_cert_valid_time_too_long":LintBool(), "e_subject_common_name_max_length":LintBool(), "e_subject_common_name_not_from_san":LintBool(), "e_subject_contains_noninformational_value":LintBool(), "e_subject_contains_reserved_ip":LintBool(), "e_subject_country_not_iso":LintBool(), "e_subject_empty_without_san":LintBool(), "e_subject_info_access_marked_critical":LintBool(), "e_subject_locality_name_max_length":LintBool(), "e_subject_not_dn":LintBool(), "e_subject_organization_name_max_length":LintBool(), "e_subject_organizational_unit_name_max_length":LintBool(), "e_subject_state_name_max_length":LintBool(), "e_utc_time_does_not_include_seconds":LintBool(), "e_utc_time_not_in_zulu":LintBool(), "e_validity_time_not_positive":LintBool(), "e_wrong_time_format_pre2050":LintBool(), "n_ca_digital_signature_not_set":LintBool(), "n_contains_redacted_dnsname":LintBool(), "n_sub_ca_eku_not_technically_constrained":LintBool(), "n_subject_common_name_included":LintBool(), "w_distribution_point_missing_ldap_or_uri":LintBool(), "w_dnsname_underscore_in_trd":LintBool(), "w_dnsname_wildcard_left_of_public_suffix":LintBool(), "w_eku_critical_improperly":LintBool(), "w_ext_aia_access_location_missing":LintBool(), "w_ext_cert_policy_contains_noticeref":LintBool(), "w_ext_cert_policy_explicit_text_includes_control":LintBool(), "w_ext_cert_policy_explicit_text_not_nfc":LintBool(), "w_ext_cert_policy_explicit_text_not_utf8":LintBool(), "w_ext_crl_distribution_marked_critical":LintBool(), "w_ext_ian_critical":LintBool(), "w_ext_key_usage_not_critical":LintBool(), "w_ext_policy_map_not_critical":LintBool(), "w_ext_policy_map_not_in_cert_policy":LintBool(), "w_ext_san_critical_with_subject_dn":LintBool(), "w_ext_subject_key_identifier_missing_sub_cert":LintBool(), "w_ian_iana_pub_suffix_empty":LintBool(), "w_issuer_dn_leading_whitespace":LintBool(), "w_issuer_dn_trailing_whitespace":LintBool(), "w_multiple_issuer_rdn":LintBool(), "w_multiple_subject_rdn":LintBool(), "w_name_constraint_on_edi_party_name":LintBool(), "w_name_constraint_on_registered_id":LintBool(), "w_name_constraint_on_x400":LintBool(), "w_root_ca_basic_constraints_path_len_constraint_field_present":LintBool(), "w_root_ca_contains_cert_policy":LintBool(), "w_rsa_mod_factors_smaller_than_752":LintBool(), "w_rsa_mod_not_odd":LintBool(), "w_rsa_public_exponent_not_in_range":LintBool(), "w_san_iana_pub_suffix_empty":LintBool(), "w_serial_number_low_entropy":LintBool(), "w_sub_ca_aia_does_not_contain_issuing_ca_url":LintBool(), "w_sub_ca_certificate_policies_marked_critical":LintBool(), "w_sub_ca_eku_critical":LintBool(), "w_sub_ca_name_constraints_not_critical":LintBool(), "w_sub_cert_aia_does_not_contain_issuing_ca_url":LintBool(), "w_sub_cert_certificate_policies_marked_critical":LintBool(), "w_sub_cert_eku_extra_values":LintBool(), "w_sub_cert_sha1_expiration_too_long":LintBool(), "w_subject_dn_leading_whitespace":LintBool(), "w_subject_dn_trailing_whitespace":LintBool(), }, validation_policy="ignore") ZLint = SubRecord({ # version is an int64 in the protobuf "version":Unsigned16BitInteger(validation_policy="ignore"), "notices_present":Boolean(), "warnings_present":Boolean(), "errors_present":Boolean(), "fatals_present":Boolean(), "lints":Lints, }) certificate = Record({ "parsed": SubRecord({ "__expanded_names": ListOf(String()), }, extends=zcrypto.ParsedCertificate()), "raw":Binary(), "fingerprint_sha256":HexString(), "tags":ListOf(WhitespaceAnalyzedString()), "metadata":SubRecord({ "updated_at":Timestamp(), "added_at":Timestamp(), "post_processed":Boolean(), "post_processed_at":Timestamp(), "seen_in_scan":Boolean(), "source":String(), "parse_version":Unsigned16BitInteger(), "parse_error":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "parse_status":String(), }, category="Metadata"), "parents":ListOf(String(), category="Misc"), "parent_spki_subject_fingerprint":HexString(), "validation":SubRecord({ "nss""NSS (Firefox) Validation"), "apple""Apple Validation"), "microsoft""Microsoft Validation"), #"java":ztag_certificate_validation, #"android":ztag_certificate_validation, "google_ct_primary""Google CT Validation"), #"google_ct_submariner":ztag_certificate_validation, }), "ct""Certificate Transparency Logs"), # TODO: 2018/08/14 -- ccadb data is not being loaded, so hold off on creating this schema. # "audit":CertificateAudit, "zlint""ZLint"), "precert":Boolean(category="Misc") }) zschema.registry.register_schema("certificate", certificate) ipv4_host = Record({ Port(443):SubRecord({ "https":SubRecord({ "tls":ztag_tls, "get":ztag_http, "heartbleed":ztag_heartbleed, "dhe": ztag_dh, "rsa_export": ztag_rsa_export, "dhe_export": ztag_dh_export, "ssl_3": ztag_tls_support, "tls_1_1": ztag_tls_support, "tls_1_2": ztag_tls_support, "ecdhe": ztag_ecdh, }, category="443/HTTPS") }), Port(80):SubRecord({ "http":SubRecord({ "get":ztag_http, }, category="80/HTTP"), }), Port(8080):SubRecord({ "http":SubRecord({ "get":ztag_http, }, category="8080/HTTP"), }), Port(8888):SubRecord({ "http":SubRecord({ "get":ztag_http, }, category="8888/HTTP"), }), Port(25):SubRecord({ "smtp":SubRecord({ "starttls": ztag_smtp_starttls, }, category="25/SMTP"), }), Port(23):SubRecord({ "telnet":SubRecord({ "banner":ztag_telnet }, category="23/Telnet") }), Port(2323):SubRecord({ "telnet":SubRecord({ "banner":ztag_telnet }, category="2323/Telnet") }), Port(21):SubRecord({ "ftp":SubRecord({ "banner":ztag_ftp, }, category="21/FTP") }), Port(102):SubRecord({ "s7":SubRecord({ "szl":ztag_s7 }, category="102/S7") }), Port(110):SubRecord({ "pop3":SubRecord({ "starttls":ztag_mail_starttls, }, category="110/POP3") }), Port(143):SubRecord({ "imap":SubRecord({ "starttls":ztag_mail_starttls, }, category="143/IMAP") }), Port(445):SubRecord({ "smb":SubRecord({ "banner":ztag_smb }, category="445/SMB", validation_policy="error") }), Port(993):SubRecord({ "imaps":SubRecord({ "tls":ztag_mail_tls, }, category="993/IMAPS") }), Port(995):SubRecord({ "pop3s":SubRecord({ "tls":ztag_mail_tls, }, category="995/POP3S") }), Port(587):SubRecord({ "smtp":SubRecord({ "starttls": ztag_smtp_starttls, }, category="587/SMTP") }), Port(502):SubRecord({ "modbus":SubRecord({ "device_id":ztag_modbus }, category="502/Modbus") }), Port(22):SubRecord({ "ssh":SubRecord({ "v2": ztag_ssh_v2 }, category="22/SSH"), }), Port(53):SubRecord({ "dns":SubRecord({ "lookup":ztag_dns_lookup }, category="53/DNS") }), Port(47808):SubRecord({ "bacnet":SubRecord({ "device_id":ztag_bacnet }, category="47808/BACNET") }), Port(1911):SubRecord({ "fox":SubRecord({ "device_id":ztag_fox }, category="1911/Fox") }), Port(20000):SubRecord({ "dnp3":SubRecord({ "status":ztag_dnp3, }, category="20000/DNP3") }), Port(7547):SubRecord({ "cwmp":SubRecord({ "get":ztag_http, }, category="7547/CWMP") }), Port(1900):SubRecord({ "upnp":SubRecord({ "discovery":ztag_upnp_discovery, }, category="1900/UPnP") }), Port(1521):SubRecord({ "oracle":SubRecord({ "banner": ztag_oracle, }, category="1521/Oracle"), }), Port(1433):SubRecord({ "mssql":SubRecord({ "banner": ztag_mssql, }, category="1433/MSSQL"), }), Port(3306): SubRecord({ "mysql": SubRecord({ "banner": ztag_mysql, }, category="3306/MySQL"), }), Port(27017): SubRecord({ "mongodb": SubRecord({ "banner": ztag_mongodb , }, category="27017/MongoDB"), }), Port(5432): SubRecord({ "postgres": SubRecord({ "banner": ztag_postgres, }, category="5432/Postgres"), }), Port(631): SubRecord({ "ipp": SubRecord({ "banner": ztag_ipp, }, category="631/IPP"), }), "tags":ListOf(WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), category="Basic Information"), "metadata":zdb_metadata, "location":zdb_location, "__restricted_location":zdb_restricted_location, "autonomous_system""Basic Information"), "notes":WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), "ip":IPv4Address(required=True, category="Basic Information"), "ipint":Unsigned32BitInteger(required=True, doc="Integer value of IP address in host order"), "updated_at":Timestamp(), "zdb_version":Unsigned32BitInteger(), "protocols":ListOf(String(), category="Basic Information"), "ports":ListOf(Unsigned16BitInteger()) }) website = Record({ Port(443):SubRecord({ "https":SubRecord({ "get":ztag_http, "tls":ztag_tls, "heartbleed":ztag_heartbleed, "dhe": ztag_dh, "rsa_export": ztag_rsa_export, "dhe_export": ztag_dh_export, "ssl_3": ztag_tls_support, "tls_1_1": ztag_tls_support, "tls_1_2": ztag_tls_support, "ecdhe": ztag_ecdh, }), "https_www":SubRecord({ "tls":ztag_tls, "get":ztag_http, }) }, category="443/HTTPS"), Port(80):SubRecord({ "http":SubRecord({ "get":ztag_http, }), "http_www":SubRecord({ "get":ztag_http, }), }, category="80/HTTP"), Port(25):SubRecord({ "smtp":SubRecord({ "starttls": ztag_smtp_starttls, }) }, category="25/SMTP"), Port(0):SubRecord({ "lookup":SubRecord({ "spf":ztag_lookup_spf, "dmarc":ztag_lookup_dmarc, "axfr":ztag_lookup_axfr, }) }, category="Basic Information"), "tags":ListOf(WhitespaceAnalyzedString(), category="Basic Information"), "metadata":zdb_metadata, "notes":EnglishString(es_include_raw=True), "domain":String(category="Basic Information"), "alexa_rank":Unsigned32BitInteger(doc="Rank in the Alexa Top 1 Million. " "Null if not currently in the Top 1 Million sites.", category="Basic Information"), "updated_at":Timestamp(), "zdb_version":Unsigned32BitInteger(), "protocols":ListOf(String(), category="Basic Information"), "ports":ListOf(Unsigned16BitInteger()) }) DROP_KEYS = {'ip_address', 'metadata', 'tags', 'timestamp'} zschema.registry.register_schema("ipv4host", ipv4_host) zschema.registry.register_schema("website", website)
<gh_stars>1-10 import importlib import os import sys def to_list(): root = os.path.dirname((os.path.dirname(__file__))) temp_dir = os.path.join(root, "templates") return os.listdir(temp_dir) def create(temp_name, dst): # 检查templates目录下有没有对应的目录 if temp_name not in to_list(): print(f"无该{temp_name}模板项目.") sys.exit(0) model = importlib.import_module("builder.cli.project") class_name = f"{temp_name.capitalize()}Project" clazz = getattr(model, class_name) if not clazz: print(f"No {temp_name} template!") sys.exit(2) instance = clazz() # print(f"创建{temp_name}项目完成, 在\"{instance.output_dir}\".") print(f"{temp_name} project created successfully! 🎉") print(f"Location at \"{instance.output_dir}\".") if __name__ == '__main__': # create("python", "/Users/xiangzheng/developer/projects/personal/") create("spring", "/Users/xiangzheng/developer/projects/personal/") # create("golang", "/Users/xiangzheng/developer/projects/personal/") # create("python", "/Users/xiangzheng/developer/projects/personal/")
import argparse import random import os import random import torch import numpy as np from torch import nn from torch import optim from torch.autograd import Variable from torchvision import datasets, transforms, models from collections import OrderedDict from PIL import Image parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Prediction APP') parser.add_argument('image_path', action="store", help="Location of image to predict") parser.add_argument('checkpoint', action="store", help="Location of last checkpoint for prediction") parser.add_argument('--top_k', action="store", dest= "top_k", default=5, help="Number of most likely classes") parser.add_argument('--category_names', action="store", dest="category_names", default='cat_to_name.json', help="Mapping of categories to real names") parser.add_argument('--gpu', action='store_true', default=False, dest='gpu', help="Set GPU mode") print(parser.parse_args()) results = parser.parse_args() def build_model(input_size, hidden_size, output_size, arch): action = 'models.' + arch + '(pretrained=True)' model = eval(action) print('Using pretrained model ' + arch) print("Building classifier with " + format(hidden_size) + " Hidden Units") for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False classifier = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([ ('fc1', nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size)), ('drop1', nn.Dropout(p=0.1)), ('relu1', nn.ReLU()), ('logits', nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)), ('output', nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)) ])) model.classifier = classifier return model def load_checkpoint(filepath): checkpoint = torch.load(filepath, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model = build_model(checkpoint['input_size'], checkpoint['hidden_layer'], checkpoint['output_size'], checkpoint['arch']) model.class_to_idx = checkpoint['class_to_idx'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) return model def process_image(image): ''' Scales, crops, and normalizes a PIL image for a PyTorch model, returns an Numpy array ''' im = im.load() im = im.resize((256,256)) value = 0.5*(256-224) im = im.crop((value,value,256-value,256-value)) im = np.array(im)/255 mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) im = (im - mean)/std im = im.transpose((2, 0, 1)) return im def predict(image_path, model, topk, gpu): ''' Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. ''' if gpu == True: mode = 'cuda' print('Running in GPU Mode...') else: mode = 'cpu' print('Running in CPU Mode...') model.eval() image = process_image(image_path) image = torch.from_numpy(np.array([image])).float() image = Variable(image).to(mode) output = model.forward(image) probabilities = torch.exp(output).data prob = torch.topk(probabilities, topk)[0].tolist()[0] index = torch.topk(probabilities, topk)[1].tolist()[0] ind = [] for i in range(len(model.class_to_idx.items())): ind.append(list(model.class_to_idx.items())[i][0]) # transfer index to label label = [] for i in range(topk): label.append(ind[index[i]]) return prob, label import json with open(format(results.category_names), 'r') as f: cat_to_name = json.load(f) model_load = load_checkpoint(format(results.checkpoint)) model_load image = format(results.image_path) probs, classes = predict(image, model_load, int(results.top_k), results.gpu) labels = [] for cl in classes: labels.append(cat_to_name[cl]) print(probs) print(labels) #How to run # python ./flowers/test/1/image_06752.jpg checkpoint/checkpoint.pth --top_k 3
<gh_stars>1-10 from django.views.generic import (TemplateView) class VisualiseTemplateView(TemplateView): """ Class-based view to show the visualise template """ template_name = 'researchdata/visualise.html'
import ply.lex as lex import ply.yacc as yacc import lexer import sys import ast tokens = lexer.tokens precedence = ( ('right', 'ELSE'), ) def p_start (t): '''start : program''' t[0] = t[1] def p_program_01 (t): '''program : program_part''' t[0] = ast.Program(t[1]) def p_program_02 (t): '''program : program program_part''' t[1].add(t[2]) t[0] = t[1] def p_program_part (t): '''program_part : include_directive | typedef | structdef | using_directive | function_definition | declaration_statement | comment ''' t[0] = t[1] def p_typedef_01 (t): '''typedef : typedef_body SEMI''' t[0] = t[1] def p_typedef_body (t): '''typedef_body : TYPEDEF type IDENTIFIER''' lexer.typedefs[t[3]] = 'TYPEID' t[0] = ast.TypeDef(t[2], t[3]) def p_structdef (t): '''structdef : struct_name LBRA struct_elem_list RBRA SEMI''' t[3].id = t[1] t[0] = t[3] def p_struct_name (t): '''struct_name : STRUCT IDENTIFIER''' print "Added typeid " + t[2] lexer.typedefs[t[2]] = 'TYPEID' t[0] = t[2] def p_struct_elem_list_01 (t): '''struct_elem_list : declaration_statement''' t[0] = ast.StructDef(t[1]) def p_struct_elem_list_02 (t): '''struct_elem_list : struct_elem_list declaration_statement''' t[1].add(t[2]) t[0] = t[1] def p_struct_elem (t): '''struct_elem : type identifier_list SEMI''' for c in t[2].children: c.type = t[1] t[0] = t[2] def p_identifier_list_01 (t): '''identifier_list : IDENTIFIER''' t[0] = ast.VariableDeclarationStatement(ast.VariableDeclaration(t[1])) def p_identifier_list_02 (t): '''identifier_list : identifier_list COMMA IDENTIFIER''' t[1].add(ast.VariableDeclaration(t[3])) t[0] = t[1] def p_comment_01 (t): '''comment : LINECOM''' t[0] = ast.LineComment(t[1]) def p_comment_02 (t): '''comment : BLOCKCOM''' t[0] = ast.BlockComment(t[1]) def p_include_directive_01 (t): '''include_directive : INCLUDE LT IDENTIFIER GT | INCLUDE LT STRING GT | INCLUDE LT VECTOR GT''' t[0] = ast.Include(t[3]) def p_include_directive_02 (t): '''include_directive : INCLUDE STRING_LIT''' t[0] = ast.Include(t[2]) def p_using_directive (t): '''using_directive : USING NAMESPACE IDENTIFIER SEMI''' t[0] = ast.UsingNamespace(t[3]) def p_function_definition_01 (t): '''function_definition : type IDENTIFIER LPAR RPAR block''' t[0] = ast.Function(t[2], t[1], ast.FormalParametersList(), t[5]) def p_function_definition_02 (t): '''function_definition : type IDENTIFIER LPAR formal_parameters_list RPAR block''' t[0] = ast.Function(t[2], t[1], t[4], t[6]) def p_empty (t): '''empty :''' pass def p_formal_parameters_list_01 (t): '''formal_parameters_list : formal_parameter''' t[0] = ast.FormalParametersList(t[1]) def p_formal_parameters_list_02 (t): '''formal_parameters_list : formal_parameters_list COMMA formal_parameter''' t[1].add(t[3]) t[0] = t[1] def p_formal_parameter_01 (t): '''formal_parameter : type IDENTIFIER''' t[0] = ast.FormalParameter(t[2], t[1]) t[0].is_ref = False def p_formal_parameter_02 (t): '''formal_parameter : type AND IDENTIFIER''' t[0] = ast.FormalParameter(t[3], t[1]) t[0].is_ref = True t[0].type.is_reference = True def p_statement_list_01 (t): '''statement_list : statement''' t[1].isStatement = True t[0] = ast.CompoundStatement(t[1]) def p_statement_list_02 (t): '''statement_list : statement_list statement''' t[2].isStatement = True t[1].add(t[2]) t[0] = t[1] def p_statement (t): '''statement : declaration_statement | cout_statement | cin_statement | while_statement | for_statement | if_statement | assignment_statement | return_statement | block | comment | empty_statement ''' # | while_statement_cin t[0] = t[1] def p_empty_statement (t): '''empty_statement : ''' t[0] = ast.NullNode() def p_block (t): '''block : LBRA statement_list RBRA''' t[0] = t[2] def p_cout_statement_01 (t): '''cout_statement : COUT cout_elements_list SEMI''' t[0] = t[2] def p_cout_statement_02 (t): '''cout_statement : CERR cout_elements_list SEMI''' t[0] = t[2] def p_cout_statement_03 (t): '''cout_statement : COUT DOT IDENTIFIER LPAR actual_parameters_list RPAR SEMI''' t[0] = ast.CoutModifier(t[3], t[5]) def p_cout_statement_04 (t): '''cout_statement : CERR DOT IDENTIFIER LPAR actual_parameters_list RPAR SEMI''' t[0] = ast.CoutModifier(t[3], t[5]) def p_cout_elements_list_01 (t): '''cout_elements_list : LPUT cout_element''' t[0] = ast.CoutStatement(t[2]) def p_cout_elements_list_02 (t): '''cout_elements_list : cout_elements_list LPUT cout_element''' t[1].add(t[3]) t[0] = t[1] def p_cout_element_01 (t): '''cout_element : ENDL''' t[0] = ast.CoutBreakLine(); def p_cout_element_02 (t): '''cout_element : lor_expression''' t[0] = ast.CoutElement(t[1]) def p_cin_bloc (t): '''cin_bloc : CIN cin_elements_list''' t[0] = t[2] t[0].is_expression = True def p_cin_statement (t): '''cin_statement : CIN cin_elements_list SEMI''' t[0] = t[2] t[0].is_expression = False def p_cin_elements_list_01 (t): '''cin_elements_list : RPUT reference_expression''' t[0] = ast.CinStatement(t[2]) def p_cin_elements_list_02 (t): '''cin_elements_list : cin_elements_list RPUT reference_expression''' t[1].add(t[3]) t[0] = t[1] def p_literal_01 (t): '''literal : INTEGER_LIT''' t[0]=ast.IntLiteral(t[1]) def p_literal_02 (t): '''literal : REAL_LIT''' t[0]=ast.FloatLiteral(t[1]) def p_literal_03 (t): '''literal : TRUE | FALSE''' t[0]=ast.BoolLiteral(t[1]) def p_literal_04 (t): '''literal : STRING_LIT''' t[0]=ast.StringLiteral(t[1]) def p_literal_05 (t): '''literal : CHAR_LIT''' t[0]=ast.CharLiteral(t[1]) def p_factor_01 (t): '''factor : literal''' t[0] = t[1] def p_factor_02 (t): '''factor : reference_expression''' t[0] = t[1] def p_factor_03(t): '''factor : LPAR assignment_expression RPAR''' t[0] = ast.Parenthesis(t[2]) def p_factor_04 (t): '''factor : IDENTIFIER LPAR actual_parameters_list RPAR''' t[0] = ast.FunctionCall(t[1], t[3]) def p_factor_05 (t): '''factor : IDENTIFIER COLONCOLON assignment_expression''' t[0] = t[3] def p_factor_06 (t): '''factor : reference_expression DOT IDENTIFIER LPAR actual_parameters_list RPAR''' t[0] = ast.FunctionCall(t[3], t[5], t[1]) def p_factor_07 (t): '''factor : type LPAR actual_parameters_list RPAR''' t[0] = ast.Constructor(t[1], t[3]) def p_factor_08 (t): '''factor : LPAR type RPAR assignment_expression''' t[0] = ast.CastExpression(t[2], t[4]) def p_reference_expression_01 (t): '''reference_expression : IDENTIFIER''' t[0] = ast.Identifier(t[1]) def p_reference_expression_02 (t): '''reference_expression : reference_expression LCOR relational_expression RCOR''' t[0] = ast.Reference(t[1], t[3]) def p_reference_expression_03 (t): '''reference_expression : reference_expression DOT IDENTIFIER''' t[0] = ast.StructReference(t[1], t[3]) def p_unary_expression_01(t): '''unary_expression : unary_operator factor | PLUSPLUS unary_expression | MINUSMINUS unary_expression ''' t[0]=ast.UnaryOp(t[1],t[2]) t[0].pre = True def p_unary_expression_02(t): '''unary_expression : unary_expression PLUSPLUS | unary_expression MINUSMINUS ''' t[0]=ast.UnaryOp(t[2],t[1]) t[0].pre = False def p_unary_expression_03(t): '''unary_expression : factor ''' t[0]=t[1] # me faltara tema ++ def p_cast_expression_01(t): ''' cast_expression : unary_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_cast_expression_02(t): ''' cast_expression : type LPAR lor_expression RPAR ''' t[0]=ast.CastExpression(t[1],t[3]) def p_multiplicative_expression_01(t): ''' multiplicative_expression : unary_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_multiplicative_expression_02(t): ''' multiplicative_expression : multiplicative_expression multiplicative_operator unary_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]); def p_additive_expression_01(t): ''' additive_expression : multiplicative_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_additive_expression_02(t): ''' additive_expression : additive_expression additive_operator multiplicative_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) #def p_shift_expression_01(t): #''' #shift_expression : additive_expression #''' #t[0]=t[1] #def p_shift_expression_02(t): #''' #shift_expression : shift_expression shift_operator additive_expression #''' #t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_relational_expression_01(t): ''' relational_expression : additive_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_relational_expression_02(t): ''' relational_expression : relational_expression relational_operator additive_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_equality_expression_01(t): ''' equality_expression : relational_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_equality_expression_02(t): ''' equality_expression : equality_expression equality_operator relational_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_and_expression_01(t): ''' and_expression : equality_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_and_expression_02(t): ''' and_expression : and_expression AND equality_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_xor_expression_01(t): ''' xor_expression : and_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_xor_expression_02(t): ''' xor_expression : xor_expression XOR and_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_or_expression_01(t): ''' or_expression : xor_expression | cin_bloc ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_or_expression_02(t): ''' or_expression : or_expression OR xor_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_land_expression_01(t): ''' land_expression : or_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_land_expression_02(t): ''' land_expression : land_expression LAND or_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_lor_expression_01(t): ''' lor_expression : land_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_lor_expression_02(t): ''' lor_expression : lor_expression LOR land_expression ''' t[0]=ast.BinaryOp(t[1],t[2],t[3]) def p_assignment_expression_01(t): ''' assignment_expression : lor_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_assignment_expression_02(t): # a=b=3 ''' assignment_expression : reference_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression ''' t[0]=ast.AssignmentStatement(t[1],t[2],t[3]) # ojo q se puede liar una buena asignandoCONTROLAR def p_declaration_statement_01(t): ''' declaration_statement : type declaration_list SEMI ''' # para cada elemento de la declarator list crear un nodo declaracion for c in t[2].children: c.type=t[1] t[0]=t[2] #def p_declaration_statement_02(t): #''' #declaration_statement : declaration_statement_init #''' ## para cada elemento de la declarator list crear un nodo declaracion #t[0]=t[1] #def p_declaration_statement_init(t): #''' #declaration_statement_init : type declaration_list EQUALS initializer SEMI #''' ## para cada elemento de la declarator list crear un nodo declaracion #for c in t[2].children: #c.type=t[1] #c.init=t[4] #t[0]=t[2] #def p_declaration_statement_03(t): # ''' # declaration_statement : struct ID LBRA RBRA # ''' def p_declaration_list_01(t): ''' declaration_list : declaration_list COMMA declaration ''' t[1].add(t[3]) t[0]=t[1] def p_declaration_list_02(t): ''' declaration_list : declaration ''' t[0]=ast.VariableDeclarationStatement(t[1]) def p_declaration_01(t): ''' declaration : IDENTIFIER ''' t[0]=ast.VariableDeclaration(t[1]) def p_declaration_02(t): ''' declaration : IDENTIFIER EQUALS initializer ''' t[0]=ast.VariableDeclaration(t[1]) t[0].init = t[3] def p_declaration_03(t): ''' declaration : IDENTIFIER LPAR actual_parameters_list RPAR ''' t[0]=ast.VariableDeclaration(t[1]) t[0].params = t[3] def p_declaration_04(t): ''' declaration : IDENTIFIER LPAR RPAR ''' t[0]=ast.VariableDeclaration(t[1]) t[0].cons = ast.ActualParametersList() def p_initializer(t): # ampliable con vectores ''' initializer : lor_expression ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_assignment_statement(t): ''' assignment_statement : assignment_expression SEMI ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_type_01 (t): '''type : TYPEID''' t[0] = ast.CustomType(t[1]) def p_type_02 (t): '''type : VOID | INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE | CHAR | BOOL | STRING''' t[0] = ast.Type(t[1]) def p_type_03 (t): #PRODUCE AMBIGUEDAD '''type : CONST type''' t[0] = t[2] t[0].constant = True def p_type_04 (t): '''type : VECTOR LT type GT''' t[0] = ast.VectorType(t[1], t[3]) def p_unary_operator(t): ''' unary_operator : MINUS | LNOT ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_multiplicative_operator(t): ''' multiplicative_operator : MULT | DIV | MOD ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_additive_operator(t): ''' additive_operator : PLUS | MINUS ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_shift_operator(t): ''' shift_operator : RPUT | LPUT ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_relational_operator(t): ''' relational_operator : GT | LT | LE | GE ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_equality_operator(t): ''' equality_operator : EQ | NE ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_assignment_operator(t): ''' assignment_operator : EQUALS | MULTEQUAL | DIVEQUAL | MODEQUAL | PLUSEQUAL | MINUSEQUAL | ANDEQUAL | OREQUAL | XOREQUAL | RIGHTSHIFTEQUAL | LEFTSHIFTEQUAL ''' t[0]=t[1] def p_while_statement_01 (t): '''while_statement : WHILE LPAR lor_expression RPAR statement''' t[0] = ast.WhileStatement(t[3], t[5]) t[5].isStatement = True def p_while_statement_02 (t): '''while_statement : WHILE LPAR lor_expression RPAR SEMI''' t[0] = ast.WhileStatement(t[3], ast.NullNode()) #def p_while_statement_cin (t): #'''while_statement_cin : WHILE LPAR cin_bloc RPAR statement''' #t[0] = ast.WhileStatementCin(t[3], t[5]) def p_for_statement (t): '''for_statement : FOR LPAR assignment_statement assignment_statement assignment_expression RPAR statement''' t[0] = ast.ForStatement(t[3], t[4], t[5], t[7]) t[7].isStatement = True def p_for_statement_init (t): '''for_statement : FOR LPAR declaration_statement assignment_statement assignment_expression RPAR statement''' t[0] = ast.ForStatementInit(t[3], t[4], t[5], t[7]) t[7].isStatement = True def p_if_statement_01 (t): '''if_statement : IF LPAR assignment_expression RPAR statement''' t[0] = ast.IfStatement(t[3], t[5]) t[5].isStatement = True def p_if_statement_02(t): '''if_statement : IF LPAR assignment_expression RPAR statement ELSE statement''' t[0] = ast.IfStatement(t[3], t[5], t[7]) t[5].isStatement = True t[7].isStatement = True def p_return_statement_01 (t): '''return_statement : RETURN assignment_statement''' t[0] = ast.ReturnStatement(t[2]) def p_return_statement_02 (t): '''return_statement : RETURN SEMI''' t[0] = ast.ReturnStatement(None) def p_actual_parameters_list_01 (t): '''actual_parameters_list : empty''' t[0] = ast.ActualParametersList() def p_actual_parameters_list_02 (t): '''actual_parameters_list : actual_parameter''' t[0] = ast.ActualParametersList(t[1]) def p_actual_parameters_list_03 (t): '''actual_parameters_list : actual_parameters_list COMMA actual_parameter''' t[1].add(t[3]) t[0] = t[1] def p_actual_parameter (t): '''actual_parameter : assignment_expression''' t[0] = t[1] def p_error (t): print 'Syntax error around line %d in token %s.' % (t.lineno, t.type) yacc.errok() #raise Exception('Syntax error around line %d in token %s.' % (t.lineno, t.type)) # Build the parser parser = yacc.yacc()
""" Scikit-Optimize, or `skopt`, is a simple and efficient library to minimize (very) expensive and noisy black-box functions. It implements several methods for sequential model-based optimization. `skopt` is reusable in many contexts and accessible. [![Build Status](]( ## Install ``` pip install scikit-optimize ``` ## Getting started Find the minimum of the noisy function `f(x)` over the range `-2 < x < 2` with `skopt`: ```python import numpy as np from skopt import gp_minimize def f(x): return (np.sin(5 * x[0]) * (1 - np.tanh(x[0] ** 2)) * np.random.randn() * 0.1) res = gp_minimize(f, [(-2.0, 2.0)]) ``` For more read our [introduction to bayesian optimization]( and the other [examples]( ## Development The library is still experimental and under heavy development. The development version can be installed through: git clone cd scikit-optimize pip install -r requirements.txt python develop Run the tests by executing `pytest` in the top level directory. """ from . import acquisition from . import benchmarks from . import callbacks from . import learning from . import optimizer from . import space from .optimizer import dummy_minimize from .optimizer import forest_minimize from .optimizer import gbrt_minimize from .optimizer import gp_minimize from .optimizer import Optimizer from .searchcv import BayesSearchCV from .space import Space from .utils import dump from .utils import expected_minimum from .utils import load __version__ = "0.6" __all__ = ( "acquisition", "benchmarks", "callbacks", "learning", "optimizer", "plots", "space", "gp_minimize", "dummy_minimize", "forest_minimize", "gbrt_minimize", "Optimizer", "dump", "load", "expected_minimum", "BayesSearchCV", "Space" ) from ._version import get_versions __version__ = get_versions()['version'] del get_versions
<filename>daydayup_submit/<gh_stars>1-10 from daydayup_layer import GCN, My_APPNP, Cheb_Net, ARMA_Net, GAT_Net, SGC_Net, TAG_Net, DNA_Net import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import lightgbm as lgb from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv, Node2Vec from torch.nn import PReLU from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from import DataLoader import time import xgboost as xgb from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize from xgboost import XGBClassifier import numpy as np from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from collections import Counter class GCNTrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.005, weight_decay=2e-4, epochs=700, features_num=16, num_class=2, num_layers=3, hidden=128): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs self.num_layers = num_layers self.hidden = hidden self.features_num = features_num self.num_class = num_class def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = GCN(features_num=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class, hidden=self.hidden, num_layers=self.num_layers) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class MyAPPNPTrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.005, weight_decay=2.5e-4, epochs=500): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = My_APPNP(num_features=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class ChebTrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.005, weight_decay=5e-4, epochs=600, features_num=16, num_class=2, hidden=64, num_hops=3, dropout=0.5): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs self.features_num = features_num self.num_class = num_class self.hidden = hidden self.num_hops = num_hops self.dropout = dropout def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = Cheb_Net(features_num=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class, hidden=self.hidden, num_hops=self.num_hops, dropout=self.dropout) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class ARMATrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.027, weight_decay=5e-4, epochs=700, features_num=16, num_class=2, hidden=16, num_stacks=1, num_layers=1, shared_weights=True, dropout=0.5, skip_dropout=0.75): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs self.features_num = features_num self.num_class = num_class self.hidden = hidden self.num_stacks = num_stacks self.num_layers = num_layers self.shared_weights = shared_weights self.dropout = dropout self.skip_dropout = skip_dropout def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = ARMA_Net(features_num=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class, hidden=self.hidden, num_stacks=self.num_stacks, num_layers=self.num_layers, shared_weights=self.shared_weights, dropout=self.dropout, skip_dropout=self.skip_dropout) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class GATTrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.005, weight_decay=2e-4, epochs=600, features_num=16, num_class=2, hidden=16, heads=3, output_heads=1, concat=True, dropout=0.6): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs self.features_num = features_num self.num_class = num_class self.hidden = hidden self.heads = heads self.output_heads = output_heads self.concat = concat self.dropout = dropout def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = GAT_Net(features_num=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class, hidden=self.hidden, heads=self.heads, output_heads=self.output_heads, concat=self.concat, dropout=self.dropout) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class SGCTrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.005, weight_decay=5e-4, epochs=800, features_num=16, num_class=2, K=3, cached=True): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs self.features_num = features_num self.num_class = num_class self.K = K self.cached = cached def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = SGC_Net(features_num=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class, K=self.K, cached=self.cached) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class TAGTrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.018, weight_decay=2e-4, epochs=500, features_num=16, num_class=2, hidden=16, dropout=0.5): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs self.features_num = features_num self.num_class = num_class self.hidden = hidden self.dropout = dropout def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = TAG_Net(features_num=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class, hidden=self.hidden, dropout=self.dropout) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class DNATrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.005, weight_decay=5e-4, epochs=500, features_num=16, num_class=2, num_layers=5, hidden=128, heads=4, groups=16 ,dropout=0.5): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.epochs = epochs self.features_num = features_num self.num_class = num_class self.num_layers = num_layers self.hidden = hidden self.heads = heads self.groups = groups self.dropout = dropout def train_nn(self): self.features_num =[1] self.num_class = int(max( + 1 self.model = DNA_Net(features_num=self.features_num, num_class=self.num_class, num_layers=self.num_layers, hidden=self.hidden, heads=self.heads, groups=self.groups ,dropout=self.dropout) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = F.nll_loss(self.model([],[]) if epoch % 100 == 0: print(epoch, loss) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pred = self.model([].max(1)[1] return pred.cpu().numpy().flatten() class N2VTrainer(object): def __init__(self, data, lr=0.001, epochs=4): self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') = data = lr self.epochs = epochs def test(self, train_z, train_y, test_z, solver='lbfgs', multi_class='auto', *args, **kwargs): clf = LogisticRegression( solver=solver, multi_class=multi_class, *args, **kwargs ), train_y.detach().cpu().numpy()) pred = clf.predict(test_z.detach().cpu().numpy()) return pred def train_nn(self): self.model = Node2Vec(, embedding_dim=128, walk_length=20, context_size=10, walks_per_node=10 ) self.model = = self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), self.loader = DataLoader(torch.arange(, batch_size=128, shuffle=True) for epoch in range(1, self.epochs+1): t1 = time.time() self.model.train() total_loss = 0 for subset in self.loader: self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self.model.loss(, loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() total_loss += loss.item() total_loss = total_loss/len(self.loader) print("epoch: %d, time elapsed: %.2f, loss: %.5f" % (epoch, time.time()-t1, total_loss)) self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): z = self.model(torch.arange(, device=self.device)) return z class GBDTTrainer(object): def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, test_x, n_class): self.train_x = train_x self.train_y = train_y self.test_x = test_x self.n_class = n_class def train_nn(self): clf = GradientBoostingClassifier( loss="deviance", # "exponential" learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=100, criterion="friedman_mse", min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0., max_depth=5, min_impurity_decrease=0., min_impurity_split=1e-7, subsample=1.0, max_features=None, # "auto" "sqrt" "log2" random_state=1234, verbose=0, max_leaf_nodes=None, warm_start=False, presort='auto', validation_fraction=0.1, n_iter_no_change=None, tol=1e-4 ), self.train_y) pred = clf.predict(self.test_x) return pred class XGBTrainer(object): def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, test_x, n_class, prob=False, max_depth=5, learning_rate=0.08, n_estimators=100, silent=True, objective="multi:softmax", booster='gbtree', n_jobs=1, nthread=None, gamma=0, min_child_weight=1, max_delta_step=0, subsample=0.6, colsample_bytree=0.6, colsample_bylevel=1, reg_alpha=1.0, reg_lambda=0.8, scale_pos_weight=1, base_score=0.5, random_state=214, seed=None, missing=None): self.train_x = train_x self.train_y = train_y self.test_x = test_x self.n_class = n_class self.prob = prob self.max_depth = max_depth self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.silent = silent self.objective = objective self.booster = booster self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.nthread = nthread self.gamma = gamma self.min_child_weight = min_child_weight self.max_delta_step = max_delta_step self.subsample = subsample self.colsample_bytree = colsample_bytree self.colsample_bylevel = colsample_bylevel self.reg_alpha = reg_alpha self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda self.scale_pos_weight = scale_pos_weight self.base_score = base_score self.random_state = random_state self.seed = seed self.missing = missing def train_nn(self): model = XGBClassifier( max_depth=self.max_depth, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, n_estimators=self.n_estimators, silent=self.silent, objective=self.objective, booster=self.booster, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, nthread=self.nthread, gamma=self.gamma, min_child_weight=self.min_child_weight, max_delta_step=self.max_delta_step, subsample=self.subsample, colsample_bytree=self.colsample_bytree, colsample_bylevel=self.colsample_bylevel, reg_alpha=self.reg_alpha, reg_lambda=self.reg_lambda, scale_pos_weight=self.scale_pos_weight, base_score=self.base_score, random_state=self.random_state, seed=self.seed, missing=self.missing), self.train_y) if self.prob: pred = model.predict_proba(self.test_x) else: pred = model.predict(self.test_x) return pred
""" a delay line using pre-parsed sax events """ from xml.sax import ContentHandler class OneEventDelay(ContentHandler): "pre-parse sax document then feed events to handler" def __init__(self): "" = [] self.index = 0 def set_handler(self, handler): self.handler = handler self.handler.pre_parser = self self.handler.read_ahead = self.read_ahead def store(self, what, **kw): "store events", kw)) def handle(self, event): "make our handler handle an event" # this should handle iterators as gracefully as methods fname, kw = event fn = getattr(self.handler, fname) return fn(**kw) def read_ahead(self): "return next-event-but-one" index = self.index + 1 if index < len( return[index] else: return '', {} def next(self): "pass the next event to our handler" if self.index < len( res = self.handle([self.index]) self.index += 1 return res else: # reset the index for the next run through self.index = 0 raise StopIteration def handler_read_ahead(self): "read event method for our handler" return self.pre_parser.read_ahead() # events def startDocument(self): ""'startDocument') def startElement(self, tag, atts): ""'startElement', tag=tag, atts=atts) def characters(self, content): ""'characters', content=content) def endElement(self, tag): ""'endElement', tag=tag) def endDocument(self): ""'endDocument') # be an iterator def __iter__(self): return self class GeneratingHandler(ContentHandler): "flow oriented handler" # events def startDocument(self): ""'startDocument') def startElement(self, tag, atts): ""'startElement', tag=tag, atts=atts) def characters(self, content): ""'characters', content=content) def endElement(self, tag): ""'endElement', tag=tag) def endDocument(self): ""'endDocument') #### TEST #### class PrintingContentHandler(ContentHandler): "a content handler to print out events" def show(self, event, **kw): "show an event" print event, kw # events def startDocument(self): ""'startDocument') def startElement(self, tag, atts): ""'startElement', tag=tag, atts=atts) def characters(self, content): ""'characters', content=content) def endElement(self, tag): ""'endElement', tag=tag) def endDocument(self): ""'endDocument') # flush out event queue here'')'') if __name__=='__main__': from xml.sax import parse handler = PrintingContentHandler() pre = OneEventDelay(handler) parse('test.xml', pre)
<filename>qcengine/ """ Creates globals for the qcengine module """ import fnmatch import getpass import logging import os import socket from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union import pydantic from .extras import get_information __all__ = ["get_config", "get_provenance_augments", "global_repr", "NodeDescriptor"] # Start a globals dictionary with small starting values _global_values = None NODE_DESCRIPTORS = {} LOGGER = logging.getLogger("QCEngine") LOGGER.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Generic globals def get_global(key: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]: import cpuinfo import psutil global _global_values if _global_values is None: _global_values = {} _global_values["hostname"] = socket.gethostname() _global_values["memory"] = round(psutil.virtual_memory().available / (1024**3), 3) _global_values["username"] = getpass.getuser() # Work through VMs and logical cores. if hasattr(psutil.Process(), "cpu_affinity"): cpu_cnt = len(psutil.Process().cpu_affinity()) else: cpu_cnt = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) if cpu_cnt is None: cpu_cnt = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True) _global_values["ncores"] = cpu_cnt _global_values["cpuinfo"] = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info() _global_values["cpu_brand"] = _global_values["cpuinfo"]["brand"] if key is None: return _global_values.copy() else: return _global_values[key] class NodeDescriptor(pydantic.BaseModel): """ Description of an individual node """ # Host data hostname_pattern: str name: str scratch_directory: Optional[str] = None # What location to use as scratch memory: Optional[float] = None memory_safety_factor: int = 10 # Percentage of memory as a safety factor # Specifications ncores: Optional[int] = None jobs_per_node: int = 2 retries: int = 0 def __init__(self, **data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BaseModel': data = parse_environment(data) super().__init__(**data) class Config: extra = "forbid" class JobConfig(pydantic.BaseModel): # Specifications ncores: int # Number of ncores per job memory: float # Amount of memory in GiB per node scratch_directory: Optional[str] # What location to use as scratch retries: int # Number of retries on random failures class Config: extra = "forbid" def _load_defaults() -> None: """ Pulls the defaults from the QCA folder """ # Find the config load_path = None test_paths = [os.getcwd(), os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".qcarchive")] if "DQM_CONFIG_PATH" in os.environ: test_paths.insert(0, os.environ["DQM_CONFIG_PATH"]) for path in test_paths: path = os.path.join(path, "qcengine.yaml") if os.path.exists(path): load_path = path break if load_path is None:"Could not find 'qcengine.yaml'. Searched the following paths: {}".format(", ".join(test_paths)))"Using default options...") else: import yaml"Found 'qcengine.yaml' at path: {}".format(load_path)) with open(load_path, "r") as stream: user_config = yaml.load(stream) for k, v in user_config.items(): NODE_DESCRIPTORS[k] = NodeDescriptor(name=k, **v) # Pull in the local variables _load_defaults() def global_repr() -> str: """ A representation of the current global configuration. """ ret = "" ret += "Host information:\n" ret += "-" * 80 + "\n" prov = get_provenance_augments() for k in ["username", "hostname", "cpu"]: ret += "{:<30} {:<30}\n".format(k, prov[k]) ret += "\nNode information:\n" ret += "-" * 80 + "\n" for k, v in get_node_descriptor(): ret += " {:<28} {}\n".format(k, v) if k in ["scratch_directory", "memory_per_job"]: ret += "\n" ret += "\nJob information:\n" ret += "-" * 80 + "\n" for k, v in get_config(): ret += " {:<28} {}\n".format(k, v) ret += "-" * 80 + "\n" return ret def get_node_descriptor(hostname: Optional[str] = None) -> NodeDescriptor: """ Find the correct NodeDescriptor based off current hostname """ if isinstance(hostname, NodeDescriptor): return hostname if hostname is None: hostname = get_global("hostname") # Find a match for name, node in NODE_DESCRIPTORS.items(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(hostname, node.hostname_pattern): config = node break else: config = NodeDescriptor(name="default", hostname_pattern="*", memory=get_global("memory"), ncores=get_global("ncores")) return config def parse_environment(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Parses a dictionary looking for environmental variables """ ret = {} for k, var in data.items(): if isinstance(var, str) and var.startswith("$"): var = var.replace("$", "", 1) if var in os.environ: var = os.environ[var] else: var = None ret[k] = var return ret def get_config(*, hostname: Optional[str] = None, local_options: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> JobConfig: """ Returns the configuration key for qcengine. """ if local_options is None: local_options = {} local_options = parse_environment(local_options) config = {} # Node data node = get_node_descriptor(hostname) ncores = node.ncores or get_global("ncores") config["scratch_directory"] = local_options.pop("scratch_directory", node.scratch_directory) config["retries"] = local_options.pop("retries", node.retries) # Jobs per node jobs_per_node = local_options.pop("jobs_per_node", None) or node.jobs_per_node # Handle memory memory = local_options.pop("memory", None) if memory is None: memory = node.memory or get_global("memory") memory_coeff = (1 - node.memory_safety_factor / 100) memory = round(memory * memory_coeff / jobs_per_node, 3) config["memory"] = memory # Handle ncores ncores = local_options.pop("ncores", int(ncores / jobs_per_node)) if ncores < 1: raise KeyError("Number of jobs per node exceeds the number of available cores.") config["ncores"] = ncores if local_options is not None: config.update(local_options) return JobConfig(**config) def get_provenance_augments() -> Dict[str, str]: return { "cpu": get_global("cpu_brand"), "hostname": get_global("hostname"), "username": get_global("username"), "qcengine_version": get_information("version") } def get_logger() -> 'Logger': return LOGGER
<gh_stars>0 from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from pymonkey import token TOKENMAPS = { ";": token.Token(token.SEMICOLON, ";"), "(": token.Token(token.LPAREN, "("), ")": token.Token(token.RPAREN, ")"), ",": token.Token(token.COMMA, ","), "{": token.Token(token.LBRACE, "{"), "}": token.Token(token.RBRACE, "}"), "+": token.Token(token.PLUS, "+"), "-": token.Token(token.MINUS, "-"), "*": token.Token(token.ASTERISK, "*"), "/": token.Token(token.SLASH, "/"), ">": token.Token(token.GT, ">"), "<": token.Token(token.LT, "<"), "": token.Token(token.EOF, ""), } KEYWORDS = { "fn": token.FUNCTION, "let": token.LET, "if": token.IF, "else": token.ELSE, "return": token.RETURN, "true": token.TRUE, "false": token.FALSE, } def new(_input: str) -> Lexer: l = Lexer(_input) l.read_char() return l def is_letter(ch: str) -> bool: return "a" <= ch <= "z" or "A" <= ch <= "Z" or ch == "_" def is_digit(ch: str) -> bool: return "0" <= ch <= "9" @dataclass class Lexer: _input: str = "" _position: int = 0 _read_position: int = 0 _ch: str = "" def read_char(self): if self._read_position >= len(self._input): self._ch = "" else: self._ch = self._input[self._read_position] self._position = self._read_position self._read_position += 1 def next_token(self) -> token.Token: self.skip_whitespace() ch = self._ch if ch == "=": if self.peek_char() == "=": self.read_char() tok = token.Token(token.EQ, "==") else: tok = token.Token(token.ASSIGN, "=") elif ch == "!": if self.peek_char() == "=": self.read_char() tok = token.Token(token.NOT_EQ, "!=") else: tok = token.Token(token.BANG, "!") else: tok = TOKENMAPS.get(ch) if tok is None: if is_letter(ch): _literal = self.read_identifier() tok = token.Token(KEYWORDS.get(_literal, token.IDENT), _literal) return tok elif is_digit(ch): tok = token.Token(token.INT, self.read_number()) return tok else: tok = token.Token(token.ILLEGAL, ch) self.read_char() return tok def skip_whitespace(self): while any( [self._ch == " ", self._ch == "\t", self._ch == "\n", self._ch == "\r"] ): self.read_char() def read_identifier(self) -> str: pos = self._position while is_letter(self._ch): self.read_char() return self._input[pos : self._position] def read_number(self) -> str: pos = self._position while is_digit(self._ch): self.read_char() return self._input[pos : self._position] def peek_char(self) -> str: if self._read_position >= len(self._input): return token.EOF else: return self._input[self._read_position]
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # training script #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import torch, torchvision, torch.nn.functional as F import argparse from tqdm import tqdm from pathlib import Path from Model import DeepInfoMaxLoss if __name__ == "__main__": device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') batch_size = 256 num_epochs = 1000 num_workers = 4 save_interval = 100 version = "cifar10_v2" lr = 1e-4 # image size (3,32,32) # batch size must be an even number # shuffle must be True transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose([torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(),]) train_dataset = torchvision.datasets.cifar.CIFAR10("~/.torch/", download=True, transform=transform) train_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, drop_last=True, num_workers=num_workers) dim = DeepInfoMaxLoss(alpha=0.5, beta=1.0, gamma=0.1).to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(dim.parameters(), lr=lr) dim.train() for epoch in range(1, num_epochs+1): Batch = tqdm(train_loader, total=len(train_dataset) // batch_size) for i, (data, target) in enumerate(Batch, 1): data = Y, M = dim.encoder(data) # shuffle batch to pair each element with another M_fake =[1:], M[0].unsqueeze(0)), dim=0) loss = dim(Y, M, M_fake) Batch.set_description(f"[{epoch:>3d}/{num_epochs:<3d}]Loss/Train: {loss.item():1.5e}") dim.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # checkpoint and save models if epoch % save_interval == 0: file = Path(f"./Models/{version}/checkpoint_epoch_{epoch}.pkl") file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True), str(file))
<filename>src/study/fashion_mnist/ from src import network import numpy as np from import downloader from import mnist_reader items = ["T-shirt/top","Trouser","Pullover","Dress","Coat","Sandal","Shirt","Sneaker","Bag","Ankle","boot"] def download_mnist_fashion_data(): downloader.download_data("", ["train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz", "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz", "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz", "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"]) download_mnist_fashion_data() def train_model(): net = network.Network([784,30,10]) training_data,test_data = mnist_reader.load() net.train("mnists_fashion_classifier.learnings", training_data, epochs=70, mini_batch_size=4, eta=0.01, test_data=test_data) return net def print_result(actual,expected): print("%s is detected as %s" % (items[expected],items[actual])) def evaluate(net): training_data, test_data = mnist_reader.load() for test_sample in test_data[9000:]: print_result(np.argmax(net.feedforward(test_sample[0])),test_sample[1]) if(__name__ == "__main__"): evaluate(train_model())
# This file was automatically generated by SWIG ( # Version 3.0.12 # # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify # the SWIG interface file instead. from sys import version_info as _swig_python_version_info if _swig_python_version_info >= (2, 7, 0): def swig_import_helper(): import importlib pkg = __name__.rpartition('.')[0] mname = '.'.join((pkg, '_checkers_swig')).lstrip('.') try: return importlib.import_module(mname) except ImportError: return importlib.import_module('_checkers_swig') _checkers_swig = swig_import_helper() del swig_import_helper elif _swig_python_version_info >= (2, 6, 0): def swig_import_helper(): from os.path import dirname import imp fp = None try: fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_checkers_swig', [dirname(__file__)]) except ImportError: import _checkers_swig return _checkers_swig try: _mod = imp.load_module('_checkers_swig', fp, pathname, description) finally: if fp is not None: fp.close() return _mod _checkers_swig = swig_import_helper() del swig_import_helper else: import _checkers_swig del _swig_python_version_info try: _swig_property = property except NameError: pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'. try: import builtins as __builtin__ except ImportError: import __builtin__ def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, static=1): if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value) if (name == "this"): if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject': self.__dict__[name] = value return method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name, None) if method: return method(self, value) if (not static): if _newclass: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value else: raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self) def _swig_setattr(self, class_type, name, value): return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self, class_type, name, value, 0) def _swig_getattr(self, class_type, name): if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own() method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name, None) if method: return method(self) raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (class_type.__name__, name)) def _swig_repr(self): try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__() except __builtin__.Exception: strthis = "" return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,) try: _object = object _newclass = 1 except __builtin__.Exception: class _object: pass _newclass = 0 class SwigPyIterator(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SwigPyIterator, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SwigPyIterator, name) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined - class is abstract") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _checkers_swig.delete_SwigPyIterator __del__ = lambda self: None def value(self): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_value(self) def incr(self, n=1): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_incr(self, n) def decr(self, n=1): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_decr(self, n) def distance(self, x): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_distance(self, x) def equal(self, x): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_equal(self, x) def copy(self): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_copy(self) def next(self): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_next(self) def __next__(self): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator___next__(self) def previous(self): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_previous(self) def advance(self, n): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_advance(self, n) def __eq__(self, x): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator___eq__(self, x) def __ne__(self, x): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator___ne__(self, x) def __iadd__(self, n): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator___iadd__(self, n) def __isub__(self, n): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator___isub__(self, n) def __add__(self, n): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator___add__(self, n) def __sub__(self, *args): return _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator___sub__(self, *args) def __iter__(self): return self SwigPyIterator_swigregister = _checkers_swig.SwigPyIterator_swigregister SwigPyIterator_swigregister(SwigPyIterator) CellStatus__None = _checkers_swig.CellStatus__None CellStatus_Black = _checkers_swig.CellStatus_Black CellStatus_White = _checkers_swig.CellStatus_White CellStatus_BlackQueen = _checkers_swig.CellStatus_BlackQueen CellStatus_WhiteQueen = _checkers_swig.CellStatus_WhiteQueen CellStatus_Forbidden = _checkers_swig.CellStatus_Forbidden Team__None = _checkers_swig.Team__None Team_Black = _checkers_swig.Team_Black Team_White = _checkers_swig.Team_White def TeamOfCell(status): return _checkers_swig.TeamOfCell(status) TeamOfCell = _checkers_swig.TeamOfCell def Opponent(team): return _checkers_swig.Opponent(team) Opponent = _checkers_swig.Opponent def IsQueen(cell): return _checkers_swig.IsQueen(cell) IsQueen = _checkers_swig.IsQueen class GameState(_object): __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, GameState, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, GameState, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_setmethods__["State"] = _checkers_swig.GameState_State_set __swig_getmethods__["State"] = _checkers_swig.GameState_State_get if _newclass: State = _swig_property(_checkers_swig.GameState_State_get, _checkers_swig.GameState_State_set) __swig_setmethods__["Parent"] = _checkers_swig.GameState_Parent_set __swig_getmethods__["Parent"] = _checkers_swig.GameState_Parent_get if _newclass: Parent = _swig_property(_checkers_swig.GameState_Parent_get, _checkers_swig.GameState_Parent_set) __swig_setmethods__["CurrentTeam"] = _checkers_swig.GameState_CurrentTeam_set __swig_getmethods__["CurrentTeam"] = _checkers_swig.GameState_CurrentTeam_get if _newclass: CurrentTeam = _swig_property(_checkers_swig.GameState_CurrentTeam_get, _checkers_swig.GameState_CurrentTeam_set) def __init__(self, *args): this = _checkers_swig.new_GameState(*args) try: self.this.append(this) except __builtin__.Exception: self.this = this if _newclass: CreateEmpty = staticmethod(_checkers_swig.GameState_CreateEmpty) else: CreateEmpty = _checkers_swig.GameState_CreateEmpty def Equal(self, other): return _checkers_swig.GameState_Equal(self, other) def Hash(self): return _checkers_swig.GameState_Hash(self) if _newclass: Index = staticmethod(_checkers_swig.GameState_Index) else: Index = _checkers_swig.GameState_Index def IsTerminal(self): return _checkers_swig.GameState_IsTerminal(self) def At(self, i, j): return _checkers_swig.GameState_At(self, i, j) def Cell(self, i, j): return _checkers_swig.GameState_Cell(self, i, j) def KillingMovesFor(self, team): return _checkers_swig.GameState_KillingMovesFor(self, team) def NonKillingMovesFor(self, team): return _checkers_swig.GameState_NonKillingMovesFor(self, team) def KillingMovesForQueen(self, i, j): return _checkers_swig.GameState_KillingMovesForQueen(self, i, j) def KillingMovesForRegular(self, i, j): return _checkers_swig.GameState_KillingMovesForRegular(self, i, j) def NonKillingMovesForQueen(self, i, j): return _checkers_swig.GameState_NonKillingMovesForQueen(self, i, j) def NonKillingMovesForRegular(self, i, j): return _checkers_swig.GameState_NonKillingMovesForRegular(self, i, j) def Expand(self): return _checkers_swig.GameState_Expand(self) def Dump(self, stream): return _checkers_swig.GameState_Dump(self, stream) def __eq__(self, other): return _checkers_swig.GameState___eq__(self, other) __swig_destroy__ = _checkers_swig.delete_GameState __del__ = lambda self: None GameState_swigregister = _checkers_swig.GameState_swigregister GameState_swigregister(GameState) cvar = _checkers_swig.cvar BoardSize = cvar.BoardSize def GameState_CreateEmpty(): return _checkers_swig.GameState_CreateEmpty() GameState_CreateEmpty = _checkers_swig.GameState_CreateEmpty def GameState_Index(i, j): return _checkers_swig.GameState_Index(i, j) GameState_Index = _checkers_swig.GameState_Index # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.
from invoke import task @task def start(ctx, docs=False):' FLASK_DEBUG=1 venv/bin/flask run --host=') @task def update_dev(ctx, docs=False):'zappa update dev') @task def update_prod(ctx, docs=False):'zappa update prod') @task def tail(ctx, docs=False):'zappa tail prod --since 1m')
<gh_stars>1-10 # full assembly of the sub-parts to form the complete net import torch.nn.functional as F from .unet_parts import * # from .mobilenet2 import * def debug(str): if False: print(str) class UNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_channels, n_classes): super(UNet, self).__init__() = inconv(n_channels, 32) self.down1 = down(32, 64) self.down2 = down(64, 128) self.down3 = down(128, 256) self.down4 = down(256, 512) self.down5 = down(512, 512) self.up0 = up(1024, 256, bilinear=False) self.up1 = up(512, 128,bilinear = False) self.up2 = up(256, 64,bilinear = False) self.up3 = up(128, 32,bilinear = False) self.up4 = up(64, 16,bilinear = False) self.outc1 = outconv(16, n_classes) def forward(self, x): x1 = debug('x1 shape is {}'.format(x1.shape)) x2 = self.down1(x1) debug('x2 shape is {}'.format(x2.shape)) x3 = self.down2(x2) debug('x3 shape is {}'.format(x3.shape)) x4 = self.down3(x3) debug('x4 shape is {}'.format(x4.shape)) x5 = self.down4(x4) debug('x5 shape is {}'.format(x5.shape)) x6 = self.down5(x5) debug('x6 shape is {}'.format(x6.shape)) x = self.up0(x6, x5) x = self.up1(x, x4) x = self.up2(x, x3) x = self.up3(x, x2) x = self.up4(x, x1) x = self.outc1(x) return x
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import pprint import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import bloat_test def rounded_kb(bytes): x = round(bytes / 1024, 1) if x >= 100: return int(x) return x def get_test_prettyname(test): names = { 'bloat-control': 'empty', 'bloat-scanf': '`std::scanf`', 'bloat-iostream': '`std::istream`', 'bloat-scnlib': '`scn::input`', 'bloat-scnlib-header-only': '`scn::input` (header-only)', 'bloat-scnlib-value': '`scn::scan_value`', 'bloat-scnlib-value-header-only': '`scn::scan_value` (header-only)', } return names[test] def process_test(exec_dir, test): size, stripped =, test)) return {'test': test, 'testPretty': get_test_prettyname(test).replace("`", ""), 'testPrettyMD': get_test_prettyname(test), 'size': size, 'stripped': stripped, 'sizeH': bloat_test.convert_size(size), 'strippedH': bloat_test.convert_size(stripped), 'sizeKiB': rounded_kb(size), 'strippedKiB': rounded_kb(stripped)} def make_plot(results, title): results = list(reversed(results)) names = list(map(lambda x: x['testPretty'].replace(' ', '\n'), results)) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10.5)) plt.suptitle(f'Executable size benchmarks: {title}') a = plt.subplot(211) a.barh(names, list(map(lambda x: x['size'], results))) a.set_title('Executable size') plt.xlabel('Size in KiB') b = plt.subplot(212) b.barh(names, list(map(lambda x: x['stripped'], results))) b.set_title('Stripped size') plt.xlabel('Size in KiB') def main(): exec_dir = sys.argv[1] title = sys.argv[2] pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) tests = [f for f in os.listdir(exec_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(exec_dir, f)) and f.startswith('bloat-') and not f.endswith('stripped') and not f.endswith('.py')] presort_results = {item['test']: item for item in list(map(lambda test: process_test(exec_dir, test), tests))} results = [ presort_results['bloat-control'], presort_results['bloat-scanf'], presort_results['bloat-iostream'], presort_results['bloat-scnlib'], presort_results['bloat-scnlib-header-only'], presort_results['bloat-scnlib-value'], presort_results['bloat-scnlib-value-header-only'] ] first_column_width = len(max(results, key=lambda x: len(x['testPrettyMD']))['testPrettyMD']) execsize_txt = 'Executable size' stripsize_txt = 'Stripped size' print('Full results pretty-printed') pp.pprint(results) print('\n') print('Formatted as markdown table (sorted by size, asc)') print(f'| {"Method":{first_column_width}} | {execsize_txt} | {stripsize_txt} |') print(f'| {":":-<{first_column_width}} | {":":->{len(execsize_txt)}} | {":":->{len(stripsize_txt)}} |') for result in results: print( f'| {result["testPrettyMD"]:{first_column_width}} | {result["sizeKiB"]:>{len(execsize_txt)}} | {result["strippedKiB"]:>{len(stripsize_txt)}} |') print('\n') make_plot(results, title) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>pagotti/dasladen """ Driver Module Oracle Driver External Dependencies: - cx_oracle: (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Portions Copyright 2007-2015, <NAME>. Portions Copyright 2001-2007, Computronix (Canada) Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. BSD License ( MySQL Driver External Dependencies: - PyMySQL: (c) 2010, 2013 PyMySQL contributors - MIT License ( MSSQL Driver (via ODBC) External Dependencies: - pyodbc: (c) <NAME> - MIT License ( Postgres Driver External Dependencies: - psycopg2: (c) <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> - LGPL License ( Features: - Connection to MS SQL - Connection to MySQL - Connection to Oracle - Connection to PostgreSQL """ import os from . import compat try: import cx_Oracle as oracle except ImportError: pass try: import pyodbc as odbc except ImportError: pass try: import pymysql as mysql except ImportError: pass try: import psycopg2 as postgres import psycopg2.extras as postres_extras except ImportError: pass def get_env(value): """Return the [VAR] environment variable if starts with $env.[VAR]""" if len(value) > 5 and value.startswith("$env."): return os.environ[value[5:]] else: return value class CursorProxy(object): """Proxy for cursor that not has support a executemany with iterators""" def __init__(self, cursor): self._cursor = cursor def executemany(self, statement, parameters, **kwargs): # convert parameters to a list parameters = list(parameters) # pass through to proxy cursor return self._cursor.executemany(statement, parameters, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self._cursor, item) class OracleDriver(object): """Driver for Oracle connections""" def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def get_db(self): conn = self.config host_address = conn.get("host", "localhost") port = conn.get("port", "1521") str_conn = "{}/{}@{}:{}/{}".format(get_env(conn["user"]), get_env(conn["pass"]), host_address, port, conn["service"]) db = oracle.connect(str_conn) db.outputtypehandler = self.output_type_handler if "initializing" in conn: for sql in conn["initializing"]: db.cursor().execute(sql) return db def output_type_handler(self, cursor, name, defaultType, size, precision, scale): if defaultType in (STRING, FIXED_CHAR): if compat.PY2: return cursor.var(unicode, size, cursor.arraysize) else: return cursor.var(cx_Oracle.STRING, size, cursor.arraysize) def cursor(self, db): return CursorProxy(db.cursor()) class MSSQLDriver(object): """Driver for MS SQL connections via ODBC""" def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def get_db(self): conn = self.config db_charset = "CHARSET={};".format(conn["charset"]) if "charset" in conn else "" host_address = conn.get("host", "(local)") port = conn.get("port", "1433") if not conn["user"]: str_conn = ("DRIVER={{SQL Server}};SERVER={};" "PORT={};DATABASE={};Trusted_Connection=yes;{}").format( host_address, port, conn["database"], db_charset) else: str_conn = ("DRIVER={{SQL Server}};SERVER={};" "PORT={};DATABASE={};UID={};PWD={};{}").format( host_address, port, conn["database"], get_env(conn["user"]), get_env(conn["pass"]), db_charset) db = odbc.connect(str_conn) if "initializing" in conn: for sql in conn["initializing"]: db.cursor().execute(sql) return db def cursor(self, db): return db.cursor() class MySQLDriver(object): """Driver for MySQL connections""" def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def get_db(self): conn = self.config db_charset = conn.get("charset", "utf8") host_address = conn.get("host", "localhost") port = conn.get("port", 3306) db = mysql.connect(host=host_address, port=port, user=get_env(conn["user"]), password=<PASSWORD>(conn["pass"]), database=conn["database"], charset=db_charset, local_infile=1) # needed for petl work correctly db.cursor().execute('SET SQL_MODE=ANSI_QUOTES') if "initializing" in conn: for sql in conn["initializing"]: db.cursor().execute(sql) return db def cursor(self, db): return db.cursor() class PostgreBatchCursor(): """Proxy that bypass executemany and run execute_batch on psycopg2 """ def __init__(self, cursor): self._cursor = cursor def executemany(self, statement, parameters, **kwargs): return postres_extras.execute_batch(self._cursor, statement, parameters, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self._cursor, item) class PostgreSQLDriver(object): """Driver for PostgreSQL connections""" def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def get_db(self): conn = self.config db_charset = conn.get("charset", "utf8") host_address = conn.get("host", "localhost") port = conn.get("port", 5432) db = postgres.connect(host=host_address, port=port, user=get_env(conn["user"]), password=<PASSWORD>_env(conn["pass"]), database=conn["database"], client_encoding=db_charset) if "initializing" in conn: for sql in conn["initializing"]: db.cursor().execute(sql) return db def cursor(self, db): return PostgreBatchCursor(db.cursor())
<reponame>tankishev/Python # Until the "Sail" command is given, you will be receiving: # • You and your crew have targeted cities, with their population and gold, separated by "||". # • If you receive a city that has already been received, you have to increase the population and gold with the given values. # After the "Sail" command, you will start receiving lines of text representing events until the "End" command is given. # Events will be in the following format: # • "Plunder=>{town}=>{people}=>{gold}" # o You have successfully attacked and plundered the town, killing the given number of people and stealing the respective amount of gold. # o For every town you attack print this message: "{town} plundered! {gold} gold stolen, {people} citizens killed." # o If any of those two values (population or gold) reaches zero, the town is disbanded. #  You need to remove it from your collection of targeted cities and print the following message: "{town} has been wiped off the map!" # o There will be no case of receiving more people or gold than there is in the city. # • "Prosper=>{town}=>{gold}" # o There has been dramatic economic growth in the given city, increasing its treasury by the given amount of gold. # o The gold amount can be a negative number, so be careful. If a negative amount of gold is given, print: "Gold added cannot be a negative number!" and ignore the command. # o If the given gold is a valid amount, increase the town's gold reserves by the respective amount and print the following message: # "{gold added} gold added to the city treasury. {town} now has {total gold} gold." # Input # • On the first lines, until the "Sail" command, you will be receiving strings representing the cities with their gold and population, separated by "||" # • On the following lines, until the "End" command, you will be receiving strings representing the actions described above, separated by "=>" # Output # • After receiving the "End" command, if there are any existing settlements on your list of targets, you need to print all of them, in the following format: # "Ahoy, Captain! There are {count} wealthy settlements to go to: # {town1} -> Population: {people} citizens, Gold: {gold} kg # {town2} -> Population: {people} citizens, Gold: {gold} kg # … # {town…n} -> Population: {people} citizens, Gold: {gold} kg" # • If there are no settlements left to plunder, print: # "Ahoy, Captain! All targets have been plundered and destroyed!" targets = {} while True: input_line = input() if input_line == 'Sail': break town, pop, gold = input_line.split('||') if town in targets: targets[town]['pop'] += int(pop) targets[town]['gold'] += int(gold) else: targets[town] = {'pop': int(pop), 'gold': int(gold)} while True: input_line = input() if input_line == 'End': break tokens = input_line.split('=>') command, town = tokens[0], tokens[1] if command == 'Plunder': people, gold = int(tokens[2]), int(tokens[3]) kills = min(people, targets[town]['pop']) gold_plundered = min(gold, targets[town]['gold']) targets[town]['pop'] -= people targets[town]['gold'] -= gold print(f"{town} plundered! {gold} gold stolen, {people} citizens killed.") if targets[town]['gold'] <= 0 or targets[town]['pop'] <= 0: targets.pop(town) print(f"{town} has been wiped off the map!") elif command == 'Prosper': gold = int(tokens[2]) if gold < 0: print('Gold added cannot be a negative number!') else: targets[town]['gold'] += gold print(f"{gold} gold added to the city treasury. {town} now has {targets[town]['gold']} gold.") if len(targets) == 0: print("Ahoy, Captain! All targets have been plundered and destroyed!") else: print(f"Ahoy, Captain! There are {len(targets)} wealthy settlements to go to:") output = ['{0} -> Population: {1} citizens, Gold: {2} kg'.format(town, stats['pop'], stats['gold']) for town, stats in targets.items()] print(*output, sep='\n')
import GPy import scipy.optimize import scipy.stats as stats from scipy.spatial.kdtree import KDTree from general.utils import * class Sensor: """ Sensor model is designed to compute the possibility of getting a certain observation at a certain position. In this implementation, gaussian process with path loss model as mean function is used. """ # General X_ = None # Position data matrix: expected to be n x 2 Z_ = None # RSS reading matrix: expected to be n x m n_ap_ = None # Literally: the number of access points, positive integer # Path loss parameters path_loss_params_ = None # The parameters used to compute path loss model, expected to be 4 x n_ap_ epsilon_ = 1e-3 # The term used to prevent distance evaluation between reference positions and access point positions from zero penalty_factor_ = 0.02 # The term used to penalize "bad" path loss predictions delta_ = 0.01 # Small interval for computing probability weight_scale_ = 2 # The scaling factor used to supress low likelihood # GP GP_ = None # Gaussian process model def _init__(self): """ Initializer """ return None def setData(self, X, Z, verbose=False): """ Set the data and parameters Args: X: n x 2 array, position data Z: n x m array, normalized rss reading verbose: Boolean, True to display execution details """ assert X.shape[1] == 2 assert X.shape[0] == Z.shape[0] self.X_ = X self.Z_ = Z self.n_ap_ = Z.shape[1] self.path_loss_params_ = np.zeros((4, self.n_ap_)) if verbose: print("The position data has dimension of:\n", self.X_.shape) print("The RSSI reading has dimension of:\n", self.Z_.shape) print("The path loss parameters have been initialized to:\n", self.path_loss_params_) def setParameters(self, epsilon, penalty_factor, delta, weight_scale, verbose=False): """ Set the parameters Args: epsilon: float, minimum value to prevent evaluation of distance between reference points and access points to be zero penalty_factor: float, greater than zero, used to penalize zero rss value from path loss evaluation verbose: Boolean, True to display execution details """ assert penalty_factor > 0 self.epsilon_ = epsilon self.penalty_factor_ = penalty_factor self.delta_ = delta self.weight_scale_ = weight_scale if verbose: print("Epsilon has been set to:\n", epsilon) print("Penalty has beeb set to:\n", penalty_factor) print("Delta has beeb set to:\n", delta) print("Weight scale has beeb set to:\n", weight_scale) def optimize(self): """ Calculate the path loss model and gaussian process parameters """ self.initializePathLossParameters() self.calculatePathlossModel() self.calculateGP() def initializePathLossParameters(self, verbose=False): """ Initialize path loss parameters, the potential AP position will be initialized to where the corresponding reading are the biggest. Args: verbose: Boolean, True to display execution details """ self.path_loss_params_[0, :] = 0.9 self.path_loss_params_[1, :] = 1.5 indexes = np.argmax(self.Z_, axis=0) for i in range(self.n_ap_): self.path_loss_params_[2:4, i] = self.X_[indexes[i], :] if verbose: print("The maximum indexes:\n", indexes) print("Initialized path loss parameters:\n", self.path_loss_params_) def calculatePathlossValue(self, x, parameters, epsilon, verbose=False): """ Calculate the path loss of RSSi at position X from a given access point specified by parameters. pl =p0 - k*log(|x - x_ap|) where p0 is the signal strength at 1m, k is the decaying factor, x is location, x_ap is the ap position. Args: x: n x 2 numpy array, the position data parameters: 4 x 1 or 4 x m numpy array (in this case, x has to be 1 x 2), with each column in the form of [p0, k, x, y] epsilon: float, to prevent distance to be 0 verbose: Boolean, to publish calculation details Return: float, or m x 1 numpy array, path loss prediction for singal access point or all access point at given location """ x = x.reshape(-1, 2) p0 = parameters[0] # Signal strength at ... k = parameters[1] # Decaying factor x_ap = parameters[2:4].T # x,y coordinats of access points d = np.sum((x - x_ap)**2, axis=1)**0.5 + epsilon pl = p0 - k*np.log10(d) pl = np.clip(pl, 0, 1).astype(float) # Debug only if verbose: print("Parameters:\n", parameters) print("Position vector:\n", x) print("AP position:\n", x_ap) print("Positional difference:\n", x - x_ap) print("Squared difference:\n", (x - x_ap)**2) print("Distance:\n", d) print("Path loss value:\n", pl) return pl @staticmethod def func(parameters, *args): """ Calculate the path loss for a certain access point, constant terms have been removed. Args: parameters: 4 x 1 numpy array, the form [p0, k, x, y] args: [0] -> X, n x 2 numpy array, position data [1] -> Z, n x 1 numpy array, RSS reading from the same access point collected at different positions. [2] -> epsilon, float, used to prevent distance evaluation from being zero [3] -> penalty, penalty factor, positive number, used to penalize zero reading as those number indicate inability of network interface [4] -> evaluate_function, to calculate path loss [5] -> verbose, Boolean, True to display calculation details Return: float, cost """ # Unfold arguments X = args[0] Z = args[1] epsilon = args[2] penalty = args[3] evaluate_function = args[4] verbose = args[5] # Compute the path loss pl = evaluate_function(X, parameters, epsilon) # Compute the weights sign = Z <= 0.1 deviation = sign*penalty + 0.01 # Display calculation details if enabled if verbose: print("Path loss estimation:\n", pl) print("Deviation:\n", deviation) log_prob = stats.norm.logpdf(pl, loc=Z, scale=deviation) return -np.sum(log_prob) def calculatePathlossModel(self, verbose=False): """ Calculate path loss parameters for each access point. Args: verbose: Boolean, to publish execution details """ # Define the bound bounds = [(0.8, 1), (0.5, 2.5), (-np.inf, np.inf), (-np.inf, np.inf)] # Compute parameters for each access point for i in range(self.n_ap_): if verbose: print("Compute path loss parameters for ", i+1, "th access point.") # Define arguments arg_list = (self.X_, self.Z_[:, i], self.epsilon_, self.penalty_factor_, self.calculatePathlossValue, False) # Optimize result = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.func, x0=self.path_loss_params_[:, i], bounds = bounds, args=arg_list) # Refill optimized parameters self.path_loss_params_[:, i] = result.x # ... if verbose: print("Optimized path loss parameters:\n", self.path_loss_params_) def calculateGP(self, verbose=False): """ Calculate gaussian process, refer to for more information about GPy Args: verbose, Boolean, True to display calculation details """ Z_predict = np.zeros(self.Z_.shape) # Calculate path loss prediction for each access point for i in range(self.n_ap_): Z_predict[:,i] = self.calculatePathlossValue(self.X_, self.path_loss_params_[:, i], self.epsilon_) self.GP_ = GPy.models.GPRegression(self.X_, (self.Z_ - Z_predict)) self.GP_.optimize() if verbose: print("Difference between Z predict and Z:\n", np.sum(abs(self.Z_ - Z_predict))) print("Optimized GP:", self.GP_) def predict(self, x, observation, verbose=False): """ Calculate gaussian process, refer to for more information about GPy x = (x' - mean)/(variance^1/2) cdf(z) = 1/2*[1 + erf(z/sqrt(2))] (standard normal distribution) Args: x: n x 2 numpy array, positions to predict observation: 1 x n_ap or (n_ap, ) numpy array, normalized rss reading verbose, Boolean, True to display calculation details return: mean, variance, probability """ start = time.time() # Calculate mean from path loss mean = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.n_ap_)) # Calculate path loss prediction for each access point for i in range(self.n_ap_): mean[:,i] = self.calculatePathlossValue(x, self.path_loss_params_[:, i], self.epsilon_) # Calculate mean and variance u, v = self.GP_.predict(x) mean = np.clip(mean + u, 0, 1) variance = np.ones(self.n_ap_)*v # Compute probability standardized = (observation - mean)/variance**0.5 probability = stats.norm.pdf(standardized) probability = np.product(probability, axis=1) probability = probability**(1/self.n_ap_) # Boost probability max_probability = np.max(probability) method = np.vectorize(lambda x: x * self.weight_scale_ if (max_probability - x) <= max_probability/2 else x / self.weight_scale_) probability = method(probability) end = time.time() if verbose: print("Prediction took ", end-start, " seconds.") return probability def saveModel(self, path_loss_file, gp_file): """ Save training results to specified files Args: path_loss_file: string, csv file to save path loss parameters gp_file: string, file name with no extension, to which the traned GP model will be saved """ # Save path loss parameters pass_loss_parameters = self.path_loss_params_.tolist() for i in range(len(pass_loss_parameters)): if i == 0: option = 'w' else: option = 'a' line = concatenateString([str(x) for x in pass_loss_parameters[i]]) writeLineToFile(path_loss_file, line, option) # Save GP model self.GP_.save_model(gp_file) print("Model has been saves sucessfully.") def loadModel(self, path_loss_file, gp_file): """ Load training results from specified files Args: path_loss_file: string, csv file wehre path loss parameters are saved gp_file: string, file name with ".zip" extension, in which the traned GP model is saved """ # Load path_loss_file parameters = readData(path_loss_file, True) self.n_ap_ = len(parameters[0]) self.path_loss_params_ = np.zeros((len(parameters), self.n_ap_)) for i in range(len(parameters)): self.path_loss_params_[i] = np.array(parameters[i]) # Load GP self.GP_ = def __del__(self): """ The destructor of the class """ return None class KNN: """ KNN predictor is used to predict probability of getting a certain observation at a location """ # General X_ = None # Position data matrix: expected to be n x 2 Z_ = None # RSS reading matrix: expected to be n x m kdtree_ = None n_ap_ = None k_ = 6 threshold_ = 1 delta_ = 0.02 variance_ = 0.0004 def _init__(self): """ Initializer """ return None def setData(self, X, Z): """ Set the data and parameters Args: X: n x 2 array, position data Z: n x m array, normalized rss reading verbose: Boolean, True to display execution details """ assert X.shape[1] == 2 assert X.shape[0] == Z.shape[0] self.X_ = X self.Z_ = Z self.kdtree_ = KDTree(self.X_) self.n_ap_ = Z.shape[1] def loadData(self, coordinates_file, rss_file): """ Load data from specified data path and set internal states Args: coordinates_file: string, coordinates data file corresponding to specified rss data file rss_file: string, processed rss data file (filtered, normalized and averaged) """ X = np.array(readData(coordinates_file, True, ' '))[:, 0:2] Z = np.array(readData(rss_file, True)) self.setData(X, Z) def getClosestDistance(self, x, number=1): """ Return the closest distances between references and provided point(s) Args: x: n x 2 numpy array, positions to query """ distance_vector, _ = self.kdtree_.query(x, k=number) return np.array(distance_vector).reshape(-1) def predict(self, x, observation, verbose=False): """ Predict the likelihood of getting observation at position x based on closest reference point Args: x: n x 2 numpy array, positions to predict observation: 1 x n_ap or (n_ap, ) numpy array, normalized rss reading verbose, Boolean, True to display calculation details return: probability """ start = time.time() x = x.reshape(-1, 2) # Calculate closet points distance_vector, closest_indexes = self.kdtree_.query(x, k=self.k_) # Reshape distance_vector = np.array([distance_vector]).reshape(-1) closest_indexes = np.array([closest_indexes]).reshape(-1) # Find references references = self.Z_[closest_indexes] # Compute weighted probability lb = (references-observation-self.delta_)/(2*self.variance_)**0.5 ub = (references-observation+self.delta_)/(2*self.variance_)**0.5 probability = 1/2*(scipy.special.erf(ub)-scipy.special.erf(lb)) probability = np.product(probability, axis=1)**(1/self.n_ap_) weighted_probability = np.array([self.computeWeightedProbability(probability, distance_vector, i*self.k_, (i+1)*self.k_) for i in range(x.shape[0])]) end = time.time() if verbose: print("Prediction took ", end-start, " seconds.") return weighted_probability def computeWeightedProbability(self, probability, distance_vector, start, end): """ Compute weighted probability based on distance """ mask = distance_vector[start:end] <= self.threshold_ weights = mask + (1- mask)*(0.1/(distance_vector[start:end] + 1e-2)) # 1e-2 to prevent "divide by 0" return np.sum(probability[start:end]*weights) def __del__(self): """ The destructor of the class """ return None class Hybrid: """ Hybrid predictor to estimate probability of getting a certain observation at a location """ knn_ = None estimator_ = None threshold_ = 1 def __init__(self): """ Initializer """ return None def loadModel(self, coordinates_file, rss_file, path_loss_file, gp_file): """ Load data from specified data path and set internal states Args: coordinates_file: string, coordinates data file corresponding to specified rss data file rss_file: string, processed rss data file (filtered, normalized and averaged) path_loss_file: string, csv file wehre path loss parameters are saved gp_file: string, file name with ".zip" extension, in which the traned GP model is saved """ self.knn_ = KNN() self.knn_.loadData(coordinates_file, rss_file) self.estimator_ = Sensor() self.estimator_.loadModel(path_loss_file, gp_file) def predict(self, x, observation, verbose=False): """ Predict the likelihood of getting observation at position x by using hybrid model Args: x: n x 2 numpy array, positions to predict observation: 1 x n_ap or (n_ap, ) numpy array, normalized rss reading verbose, Boolean, True to display calculation details return: probability """ x = x.reshape(-1, 2) distance_vector = self.knn_.getClosestDistance(x) probability = np.zeros(distance_vector.shape) knn_indexes = np.argwhere(distance_vector < self.threshold_).reshape(-1) estimator_indexes = np.argwhere(distance_vector >= self.threshold_).reshape(-1) if np.size(knn_indexes) is 0: probability = self.estimator_.predict(x, observation) elif np.size(estimator_indexes) is 0: probability = self.knn_.predict(x, observation) else: probability[knn_indexes] = self.knn_.predict(x[knn_indexes], observation) probability[estimator_indexes] = self.estimator_.predict(x[estimator_indexes], observation).reshape(-1) return probability
<reponame>aaren/pharminv from io import BytesIO import numpy as np import numpy.testing as nt import harminv class ReferenceData(object): # output generated from command line use of harminv # cat tests/input.dat | harminv -t 0.01 0.001-1 cli_output = """frequency, decay constant, Q, amplitude, phase, error -0.506426, 3.072252e-03, 517.856, 0.507868, -0.200813, 2.128453e-04 -0.301698, 6.482521e-04, 1462.11, 0.49748, -0.0520909, 7.269295e-05 -0.104134, 9.490460e-04, 344.711, 0.481868, -0.129022, 1.780971e-04 0.104119, 9.403484e-04, 347.851, 0.481781, 0.128571, 1.766600e-04 0.301435, 6.051884e-04, 1564.78, 0.497346, 0.0438478, 6.678115e-05 0.50092, 3.922559e-04, 4011.89, 0.499714, 0.0283455, 3.297469e-05 1.10893, -2.500241e-01, -13.9339, 0.000228962, 1.03671, 6.522260e-04 """ refp = BytesIO(cli_output.encode()) data = np.genfromtxt(refp, delimiter=',', names=True) def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def create_signal(): """Create the test signal. N.B the random component varies the results slightly. If you regenerate the test data then you will need to update ReferenceData.cli_output. """ tau = 2 * np.pi dt = 0.01 time = np.arange(1000) * dt noise = 0.1 * np.random.random(1000) signal = np.cos(tau * 0.1 * time) \ + np.cos(tau * 0.3 * time) \ + np.cos(tau * 0.5 * time) return noise + signal def write_signal(signal): with open('tests/input.dat', 'w') as f: signal.tofile(f, sep=' ') def read_signal(): return np.fromfile('tests/input.dat', sep=' ') def test_harminv(): refdata = ReferenceData() signal = read_signal() harm = harminv.Harminv(signal=signal, fmin=0.001, fmax=1, nf=100, dt=0.01) nt.assert_allclose(harm.freq, refdata['frequency'], rtol=1e-5) nt.assert_allclose(harm.decay, refdata['decay_constant'], rtol=1e-4) nt.assert_allclose(harm.Q, refdata['Q'], rtol=1e-4) nt.assert_allclose(harm.amplitude, refdata['amplitude'], rtol=1e-4) nt.assert_allclose(harm.phase, refdata['phase'], rtol=1e-4) nt.assert_allclose(harm.error, refdata['error'], rtol=1e-4) for i in range(harm.freq.size): print("%g, %e, %g, %g, %g, %e" % (harm.freq[i], harm.decay[i], harm.Q[i], harm.amplitude[i], harm.phase[i], harm.error[i]))
<filename>nlp100/chapter-01/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- s ="" s = s.replace(".","") words = s.split(" ") word_count = [] count = 0 for word in words: count+=1 if count in [1,5,6,7,9,16,19]: word_count.append(word[:1]) else: word_count.append(word[:2]) print(word_count) #リスト内包表記を上手く使えばもっと上手く書けそう
# This is an auto-generated Django model module. # You'll have to do the following manually to clean this up: # * Rearrange models' order # * Make sure each model has one field with primary_key=True # * Make sure each ForeignKey has `on_delete` set to the desired behavior. # * Remove `managed = False` lines if you wish to allow Django to create, modify, and delete the table # Feel free to rename the models, but don't rename db_table values or field names. from django.db import models class AuthGroup(models.Model): name = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=80) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'auth_group' class AuthGroupPermissions(models.Model): group = models.ForeignKey(AuthGroup, models.DO_NOTHING) permission = models.ForeignKey('AuthPermission', models.DO_NOTHING) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'auth_group_permissions' unique_together = (('group', 'permission'),) class AuthPermission(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) content_type = models.ForeignKey('DjangoContentType', models.DO_NOTHING) codename = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'auth_permission' unique_together = (('content_type', 'codename'),) class AuthUser(models.Model): password = models.CharField(max_length=128) last_login = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) is_superuser = models.IntegerField() username = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=150) first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=150) email = models.CharField(max_length=254) is_staff = models.IntegerField() is_active = models.IntegerField() date_joined = models.DateTimeField() class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'auth_user' class AuthUserGroups(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(AuthUser, models.DO_NOTHING) group = models.ForeignKey(AuthGroup, models.DO_NOTHING) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'auth_user_groups' unique_together = (('user', 'group'),) class AuthUserUserPermissions(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(AuthUser, models.DO_NOTHING) permission = models.ForeignKey(AuthPermission, models.DO_NOTHING) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'auth_user_user_permissions' unique_together = (('user', 'permission'),) class DjangoAdminLog(models.Model): action_time = models.DateTimeField() object_id = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) object_repr = models.CharField(max_length=200) action_flag = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() change_message = models.TextField() content_type = models.ForeignKey('DjangoContentType', models.DO_NOTHING, blank=True, null=True) user = models.ForeignKey(AuthUser, models.DO_NOTHING) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'django_admin_log' class DjangoContentType(models.Model): app_label = models.CharField(max_length=100) model = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'django_content_type' unique_together = (('app_label', 'model'),) class DjangoMigrations(models.Model): app = models.CharField(max_length=255) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) applied = models.DateTimeField() class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'django_migrations' class DjangoSession(models.Model): session_key = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=40) session_data = models.TextField() expire_date = models.DateTimeField() class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'django_session' class DotaAdmin(models.Model): admin = models.ForeignKey('DotaUser', models.DO_NOTHING, primary_key=True) admin_registration_number = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=20) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_admin' class DotaGamer(models.Model): gamer = models.ForeignKey('DotaUser', models.DO_NOTHING, primary_key=True) gamer_ign = models.CharField(max_length=20) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_gamer' class DotaGamerMatch(models.Model): matchid = models.ForeignKey('DotaMatch', models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='matchid', primary_key=True) match_gpm = models.IntegerField(db_column='match_GPM') # Field name made lowercase. match_kills = models.IntegerField(db_column='match_Kills') # Field name made lowercase. match_xpm = models.IntegerField(db_column='match_XPM') # Field name made lowercase. match_death = models.IntegerField() match_assist = models.IntegerField() gamerid = models.ForeignKey(DotaGamer, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='gamerid') dota_gamer_matchcol = models.CharField(max_length=45, blank=True, null=True) match_status = models.CharField(max_length=45) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_gamer_match' class DotaMatch(models.Model): match_id = models.IntegerField(db_column='match_ID', primary_key=True) # Field name made lowercase. match_type = models.CharField(db_column='match_Type', max_length=15) # Field name made lowercase. match_duration = models.CharField(db_column='match_Duration', max_length=50) # Field name made lowercase. class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_match' class DotaMmr(models.Model): mmr = models.ForeignKey(DotaGamer, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='mmr_Id', primary_key=True) # Field name made lowercase. mmr_score = models.BigIntegerField() mmr_medal = models.CharField(max_length=30) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_mmr' class DotaPremiumuser(models.Model): premiumuser_registration_number = models.BigIntegerField(db_column='premiumuser_Registration_Number', primary_key=True) # Field name made lowercase. premiumuser_registrationexpirydate = models.CharField(db_column='premiumuser_RegistrationExpiryDate', max_length=30) # Field name made lowercase. premiumuser_gamer = models.ForeignKey(DotaGamer, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='premiumuser_Gamer_ID') # Field name made lowercase. class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_premiumuser' class DotaTournament(models.Model): tournament_id = models.IntegerField(db_column='Tournament_ID', primary_key=True) # Field name made lowercase. tournament_name = models.CharField(db_column='Tournament_name', max_length=100) # Field name made lowercase. tournament_starting_timedate = models.DateTimeField(db_column='Tournament_starting_timedate') # Field name made lowercase. tournament_end_timedate = models.DateTimeField(db_column='Tournament_end_timedate') # Field name made lowercase. tournament_prize = models.CharField(db_column='Tournament_prize', max_length=100) # Field name made lowercase. class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_tournament' class DotaTournamentMatch(models.Model): matchid = models.ForeignKey(DotaMatch, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='Matchid', primary_key=True) # Field name made lowercase. tournamentid = models.ForeignKey(DotaTournament, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='Tournamentid') # Field name made lowercase. class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_tournament_match' class DotaUser(models.Model): user_id = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True) user_name = models.CharField(max_length=45) user_email = models.CharField(max_length=45) user_username = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=30) user_password = models.CharField(max_length=30) class Meta: managed = False db_table = 'dota_user'
<gh_stars>1-10 import json buildings = ["HEADQUARTER", "BARRACKS", "STABLE", "WORKSHOP", "ACADEMY", "SMITHY", "RALLY_POINT", "STATUE", "MARKET", "TIMBER_CAMP", "CLAY_PIT", "IRON_MINE", "FARM", "WAREHOUSE", "HIDING_PLACE", "WALL"] requirements = [ {}, {"HEADQUARTER": 3}, {"HEADQUARTER": 10, "BARRACKS": 5, "SMITHY": 5}, {"HEADQUARTER": 10, "SMITHY": 10}, {"HEADQUARTER": 20, "SMITHY": 20, "MARKET": 10}, {"HEADQUARTER": 5, "BARRACKS": 1}, {}, {}, {"HEADQUARTER": 3, "WAREHOUSE": 2}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {"BARRACKS": 1} ] levels = [ [ [[90, 80, 70, 5, 5], 0.95], [[113, 102, 88, 1, 6], 0.91], [[143, 130, 111, 1, 7], 0.86], [[180, 166, 140, 1, 8], 0.82], [[227, 211, 176, 1, 9], 0.78], [[286, 270, 222, 2, 11], 0.75], [[360, 344, 280, 2, 13], 0.71], [[454, 438, 353, 2, 15], 0.68], [[572, 559, 445, 3, 18], 0.64], [[720, 712, 560, 3, 21], 0.61], [[908, 908, 706, 3, 24], 0.58], [[1144, 1158, 890, 4, 28], 0.56], [[1441, 1476, 1121, 5, 33], 0.53], [[1816, 1882, 1412, 5, 38], 0.51], [[2288, 2400, 1779, 7, 45], 0.48], [[2883, 3060, 2242, 8, 53], 0.46], [[3632, 3902, 2825, 9, 62], 0.44], [[4577, 4975, 3560, 10, 72], 0.42], [[5767, 6343, 4485, 12, 84], 0.40], [[7266, 8087, 5651, 15, 99], 0.38], [[9155, 10, 311, 7120, 17, 116], 0.36], [[11535, 13146, 8972, 19, 135], 0.34], [[14534, 16762, 11304, 23, 158], 0.33], [[18313, 21371, 14244, 27, 185], 0.31], [[23075, 27248, 17947, 31, 216], 0.30], [[29074, 34741, 22613, 37, 253], 0.28], [[36633, 44295, 28493, 43, 296], 0.27], [[46158, 56476, 35901, 51, 347], 0.26], [[58159, 72007, 45235, 59, 406], 0.24], [[73280, 91809, 56996, 69, 475], 0.23] ], [ [[200, 170, 90, 7, 7], 0.63], [[252, 218, 113, 1, 8], 0.59], [[318, 279, 143, 2, 10], 0.56], [[400, 357, 180, 1, 11], 0.53], [[504, 456, 227, 2, 13], 0.50], [[635, 584, 286, 2, 15], 0.47], [[800, 748, 360, 3, 18], 0.44], [[1008, 957, 454, 3, 21], 0.42], [[1271, 1225, 572, 4, 25], 0.39], [[1601, 1568, 720, 4, 29], 0.37], [[2017, 2007, 908, 5, 34], 0.35], [[2542, 2569, 1144, 5, 39], 0.33], [[3202, 3288, 1441, 7, 46], 0.31], [[4035, 4209, 1816, 8, 54], 0.29], [[5084, 5388, 2288, 9, 63], 0.28], [[6406, 6896, 2883, 11, 74], 0.26], [[8072, 8827, 3632, 12, 86], 0.25], [[10170, 11298, 4577, 15, 101], 0.23], [[12814, 14462, 5767, 17, 118], 0.22], [[16146, 18511, 7266, 20, 138], 0.21], [[20344, 23695, 9155, 24, 162], 0.20], [[25634, 30329, 11535, 27, 189], 0.19], [[32298, 38821, 14534, 32, 221], 0.17], [[40696, 49691, 18313, 38, 259], 0.16], [[51277, 63605, 23075, 44, 303], 0.15] ], [ [[270, 240, 260, 8, 8], 0.63], [[340, 307, 328, 1, 9], 0.59], [[429, 393, 413, 2, 11], 0.56], [[540, 503, 520, 2, 13], 0.53], [[681, 644, 655, 2, 15], 0.5], [[857, 825, 826, 3, 18], 0.47], [[1080, 1056, 1040, 3, 21], 0.44], [[1361, 1351, 1311, 3, 24], 0.42], [[1715, 1729, 1652, 4, 28], 0.39], [[2161, 2214, 2081, 5, 33], 0.37], [[2723, 2833, 2622, 5, 38], 0.35], [[3431, 3627, 3304, 7, 45], 0.33], [[4323, 4642, 4163, 8, 53], 0.31], [[5447, 5942, 5246, 9, 62], 0.29], [[6864, 7606, 6609, 10, 72], 0.28], [[8648, 9736, 8328, 12, 84], 0.26], [[10897, 12462, 10493, 15, 99], 0.25], [[13730, 15951, 13221, 16, 115], 0.23], [[17300, 20417, 16659, 20, 135], 0.22], [[21797, 26134, 20990, 23, 158], 0.21] ], [ [[300, 240, 260, 8, 8], 0.63], [[378, 307, 328, 1, 9], 0.59], [[476, 393, 413, 2, 11], 0.56], [[600, 503, 520, 2, 13], 0.53], [[756, 644, 655, 2, 15], 0.5], [[953, 825, 826, 3, 18], 0.47], [[1200, 1056, 1040, 3, 21], 0.44], [[1513, 1351, 1311, 3, 24], 0.42], [[1906, 1729, 1652, 4, 28], 0.39], [[2401, 2214, 2081, 5, 33], 0.37], [[3026, 2833, 2622, 5, 38], 0.35], [[3812, 3627, 3304, 7, 45], 0.33], [[4804, 4642, 4163, 8, 53], 0.31], [[6053, 5942, 5246, 9, 62], 0.29], [[7626, 7606, 6609, 10, 72], 0.28] ], [ [[15000, 25000, 10000, 80, 80], 0.63], [[30000, 50000, 20000, 14, 94], 0.59], [[60000, 100000, 40000, 16, 110], 0.56] ], [ [[220, 180, 240, 20, 20], 0.91], [[277, 230, 302, 3, 23], 0.83], [[349, 293, 381, 4, 27], 0.75], [[440, 373, 480, 5, 32], 0.68], [[555, 476, 605, 5, 37], 0.62], [[699, 606, 762, 7, 44], 0.56], [[880, 773, 960, 7, 51], 0.51], [[1109, 986, 1210, 9, 60], 0.47], [[1398, 1257, 1525, 10, 70], 0.42], [[1761, 1603, 1921, 12, 82], 0.39], [[2219, 2043, 2421, 14, 96], 0.35], [[2796, 2605, 3050, 16, 112], 0.32], [[3523, 3322, 3843, 20, 132], 0.29], [[4439, 4236, 4842, 22, 154], 0.26], [[5593, 5400, 6101, 26, 180], 0.24], [[7047, 6885, 7687, 31, 211], 0.22], [[8879, 8779, 9686, 36, 247], 0.2], [[11187, 11193, 12204, 42, 289], 0.18], [[14096, 14271, 15377, 49, 338], 0.16], [[17761, 18196, 19375, 57, 395], 0.15] ], [ [[10, 40, 30, 0, 0], 1.0] ], [ [[220, 220, 220, 10, 10], 1.0] ], [ [[100, 100, 100, 20, 20], 1], [[126, 128, 126, 3, 23], 2], [[159, 163, 159, 4, 27], 3], [[200, 207, 200, 5, 32], 4], [[252, 264, 252, 5, 37], 5], [[318, 337, 318, 7, 44], 6], [[400, 430, 400, 7, 51], 7], [[504, 548, 504, 9, 60], 8], [[635, 698, 635, 10, 70], 9], [[800, 890, 800, 12, 82], 10], [[1009, 1135, 1009, 14, 96], 11], [[1271, 1447, 1271, 16, 112], 14], [[1601, 1846, 1601, 20, 132], 19], [[2018, 2353, 2018, 22, 154], 26], [[2542, 3000, 2542, 26, 180], 35], [[3203, 3825, 3203, 31, 211], 46], [[4036, 4877, 4036, 36, 247], 59], [[5085, 6218, 5085, 42, 289], 74], [[6407, 7928, 6407, 49, 338], 91], [[8073, 10109, 8073, 57, 395], 110], [[10172, 12889, 10172, 67, 462], 131], [[12817, 16433, 12817, 79, 541], 154], [[16149, 20952, 16149, 92, 633], 179], [[20348, 26714, 20348, 107, 740], 206], [[25639, 34060, 25639, 126, 866], 235] ], [ [[50, 60, 40, 5, 5], 30], [[63, 77, 50, 1, 6], 35], [[78, 98, 62, 1, 7], 41], [[98, 124, 77, 1, 8], 47], [[122, 159, 96, 1, 9], 55], [[153, 202, 120, 1, 10], 64], [[191, 258, 149, 2, 12], 74], [[238, 329, 185, 2, 14], 86], [[298, 419, 231, 2, 16], 100], [[373, 534, 287, 2, 18], 117], [[466, 681, 358, 3, 21], 136], [[582, 868, 446, 3, 24], 158], [[728, 1107, 555, 4, 28], 184], [[909, 1412, 691, 5, 33], 214], [[1137, 1800, 860, 5, 38], 249], [[1421, 2295, 1071, 5, 43], 289], [[1776, 2926, 1333, 7, 50], 337], [[2220, 3731, 1659, 8, 58], 391], [[2776, 4757, 2066, 9, 67], 455], [[3469, 6065, 2572, 10, 77], 530], [[4337, 7733, 3202, 12, 89], 616], [[5421, 9860, 3987, 14, 103], 717], [[6776, 12571, 4963, 16, 119], 833], [[8470, 16028, 6180, 19, 138], 969], [[10588, 20436, 7694, 21, 159], 1127], [[13235, 26056, 9578, 24, 183], 1311], [[16544, 33221, 11925, 29, 212], 1525], [[20680, 42357, 14847, 33, 245], 1774], [[25849, 54005, 18484, 38, 283], 2063], [[32312, 68857, 23013, 43, 326], 2400] ], [ [[65, 50, 40, 10, 10], 30], [[83, 63, 50, 1, 11], 35], [[105, 80, 62, 2, 13], 41], [[133, 101, 76, 2, 15], 47], [[169, 128, 95, 2, 17], 55], [[215, 162, 117, 2, 19], 64], [[273, 205, 145, 3, 22], 74], [[346, 259, 180, 3, 25], 86], [[440, 328, 224, 4, 29], 100], [[559, 415, 277, 4, 33], 117], [[709, 525, 344, 4, 37], 136], [[901, 664, 426, 5, 42], 158], [[1144, 840, 529, 6, 48], 184], [[1453, 1062, 655, 7, 55], 214], [[1846, 1343, 813, 8, 63], 249], [[2344, 1700, 1008, 8, 71], 289], [[2977, 2150, 1250, 10, 81], 337], [[3781, 2720, 1550, 12, 93], 391], [[4802, 3440, 1922, 13, 106], 455], [[6098, 4352, 2383, 15, 121], 530], [[7744, 5505, 2955, 16, 137], 616], [[9835, 6964, 3664, 20, 157], 717], [[12491, 8810, 4543, 22, 179], 833], [[15863, 11144, 5633, 25, 204], 969], [[20147, 14098, 6985, 28, 232], 1127], [[25586, 17833, 8662, 33, 265], 1311], [[32495, 22559, 10740, 37, 302], 1525], [[41268, 28537, 13318, 42, 344], 1774], [[52410, 36100, 16515, 48, 392], 2063], [[66561, 45666, 20478, 55, 447], 2400] ], [ [[75, 65, 70, 10, 10], 30], [[94, 83, 87, 2, 12], 35], [[118, 106, 108, 2, 14], 41], [[147, 135, 133, 2, 16], 47], [[184, 172, 165, 3, 19], 55], [[231, 219, 205, 3, 22], 64], [[289, 279, 254, 4, 26], 74], [[362, 356, 316, 4, 30], 86], [[453, 454, 391, 5, 35], 100], [[567, 579, 485, 6, 41], 117], [[710, 738, 602, 7, 48], 136], [[889, 941, 746, 8, 56], 158], [[1113, 1200, 925, 10, 66], 184], [[1393, 1529, 1147, 11, 77], 214], [[1744, 1950, 1422, 13, 90], 249], [[2183, 2486, 1764, 15, 105], 289], [[2734, 3170, 2187, 18, 123], 337], [[3422, 4042, 2712, 21, 144], 391], [[4285, 5153, 3363, 25, 169], 455], [[5365, 6571, 4170, 28, 197], 530], [[6717, 8378, 5170, 34, 231], 616], [[8409, 10681, 6411, 39, 270], 717], [[10528, 13619, 7950, 46, 316], 833], [[13181, 17364, 9858, 54, 370], 969], [[16503, 22139, 12224, 63, 433], 1127], [[20662, 28227, 15158, 74, 507], 1311], [[25869, 35990, 18796, 86, 593], 1525], [[32388, 45887, 23307, 100, 693], 1774], [[40549, 58506, 28900, 118, 811], 2063], [[50768, 74595, 35837, 138, 949], 2400] ], [ [[45, 40, 30, 0, 0], 240], [[59, 53, 39, 0, 0], 281], [[76, 70, 50, 0, 0], 329], [[99, 92, 64, 0, 0], 386], [[129, 121, 83, 0, 0], 452], [[167, 160, 107, 0, 0], 530], [[217, 212, 138, 0, 0], 622], [[282, 279, 178, 0, 0], 729], [[367, 369, 230, 0, 0], 854], [[477, 487, 297, 0, 0], 1002], [[620, 642, 383, 0, 0], 1174], [[806, 848, 494, 0, 0], 1376], [[1048, 1119, 637, 0, 0], 1613], [[1363, 1477, 822, 0, 0], 1891], [[1772, 1950, 1060, 0, 0], 2216], [[2303, 2574, 1368, 0, 0], 2598], [[2994, 3398, 1764, 0, 0], 3045], [[3893, 4486, 2276, 0, 0], 3569], [[5060, 5921, 2936, 0, 0], 4183], [[6579, 7816, 3787, 0, 0], 4904], [[8552, 10317, 4886, 0, 0], 5748], [[11118, 13618, 6302, 0, 0], 6737], [[14453, 17976, 8130, 0, 0], 7896], [[18789, 23728, 10488, 0, 0], 9255], [[24426, 31321, 13529, 0, 0], 10848], [[31754, 41344, 17453, 0, 0], 12715], [[41280, 54574, 22514, 0, 0], 14904], [[53664, 72037, 29043, 0, 0], 17469], [[69763, 95089, 37466, 0, 0], 20476], [[90692, 125517, 48331, 0, 0], 24000] ], [ [[60, 50, 40, 0, 0], 1000], [[76, 64, 50, 0, 0], 1229], [[96, 81, 62, 0, 0], 1512], [[121, 102, 77, 0, 0], 1859], [[154, 130, 96, 0, 0], 2285], [[194, 165, 120, 0, 0], 2810], [[246, 210, 149, 0, 0], 3454], [[311, 266, 185, 0, 0], 4247], [[393, 338, 231, 0, 0], 5222], [[498, 430, 287, 0, 0], 6420], [[630, 546, 358, 0, 0], 7893], [[796, 693, 446, 0, 0], 9705], [[1007, 880, 555, 0, 0], 11932], [[1274, 1118, 691, 0, 0], 14670], [[1612, 1420, 860, 0, 0], 18037], [[2039, 1803, 1071, 0, 0], 22177], [[2580, 2290, 1333, 0, 0], 27266], [[3264, 2908, 1659, 0, 0], 33523], [[4128, 3693, 2066, 0, 0], 41217], [[5222, 4691, 2572, 0, 0], 50675], [[6606, 5957, 3202, 0, 0], 62305], [[8357, 7566, 3987, 0, 0], 76604], [[10572, 9608, 4963, 0, 0], 94184], [[13373, 12203, 6180, 0, 0], 115798], [[16917, 15497, 7694, 0, 0], 142373], [[21400, 19682, 9578, 0, 0], 175047], [[27071, 24996, 11925, 0, 0], 215219], [[34245, 31745, 14847, 0, 0], 264611], [[43320, 40316, 18484, 0, 0], 325337], [[54799, 51201, 23013, 0, 0], 400000] ], [ [[50, 60, 50, 2, 2], 150], [[63, 75, 63, 0, 2], 200], [[78, 94, 78, 1, 3], 267], [[98, 117, 98, 0, 3], 356], [[122, 146, 122, 1, 4], 474], [[153, 183, 153, 0, 4], 632], [[191, 229, 191, 1, 5], 843], [[238, 286, 238, 1, 6], 1125], [[298, 358, 298, 1, 7], 1500], [[373, 447, 373, 1, 8], 2000] ], [ [[50, 100, 20, 5, 5], 0.04], [[63, 128, 25, 1, 6], 0.08], [[79, 163, 32, 1, 7], 0.12], [[100, 207, 40, 1, 8], 0.16], [[126, 264, 50, 1, 9], 0.2], [[159, 337, 64, 2, 11], 0.24], [[200, 430, 80, 2, 13], 0.29], [[252, 548, 101, 2, 15], 0.34], [[318, 698, 127, 3, 18], 0.39], [[400, 890, 160, 3, 21], 0.44], [[504, 1135, 202, 3, 24], 0.49], [[635, 1447, 254, 4, 28], 0.55], [[801, 1846, 320, 5, 33], 0.6], [[1009, 2353, 404, 5, 38], 0.66], [[1271, 3000, 508, 7, 45], 0.72], [[1602, 3825, 641, 8, 53], 0.79], [[2018, 4877, 807, 9, 62], 0.85], [[2543, 6218, 1017, 10, 72], 0.92], [[3204, 7928, 1281, 12, 84], 0.99], [[4037, 10109, 1615, 15, 99], 1.07] ], ] data = { "requirements": {}, "levels": [] } def create_files(): for i, name in enumerate(buildings): f = open(f"{name}.json", "w") data["requirements"].clear() data["requirements"].update(requirements[i]) data["levels"] = levels[i] f.write(json.dumps(data)) f.close() def json_parser_for_buildings(): s = """[ [1,"{{Res|50|100|20}}","{{Workers|5|5}}","4%" ], [2,"{{Res|63|128|25}}","{{Workers|1|6}}","8%" ], [3,"{{Res|79|163|32}}","{{Workers|1|7}}","12%" ], [4,"{{Res|100|207|40}}","{{Workers|1|8}}","16%" ], [5,"{{Res|126|264|50}}","{{Workers|1|9}}","20%" ], [6,"{{Res|159|337|64}}","{{Workers|2|11}}","24%" ], [7,"{{Res|200|430|80}}","{{Workers|2|13}}","29%" ], [8,"{{Res|252|548|101}}","{{Workers|2|15}}","34%" ], [9,"{{Res|318|698|127}}","{{Workers|3|18}}","39%" ], [10,"{{Res|400|890|160}}","{{Workers|3|21}}","44%" ], [11,"{{Res|504|1135|202}}","{{Workers|3|24}}","49%" ], [12,"{{Res|635|1447|254}}","{{Workers|4|28}}","55%" ], [13,"{{Res|801|1846|320}}","{{Workers|5|33}}","60%" ], [14,"{{Res|1009|2353|404}}","{{Workers|5|38}}","66%" ], [15,"{{Res|1271|3000|508}}","{{Workers|7|45}}","72%" ], [16,"{{Res|1602|3825|641}}","{{Workers|8|53}}","79%" ], [17,"{{Res|2018|4877|807}}","{{Workers|9|62}}","85%" ], [18,"{{Res|2543|6218|1017}}","{{Workers|10|72}}","92%" ], [19,"{{Res|3204|7928|1281}}","{{Workers|12|84}}","99%" ], [20,"{{Res|4037|10109|1615}}","{{Workers|15|99}}","107%" ] ]""" json_object = json.loads(s) result = "" for index, element in enumerate(json_object): wood, clay, iron = str(element[1][6:-2]).split("|") pop = str(element[2][10:-2]).split("|")[0] factor = float(element[3][0:-1]) / 100 print(f"[[{wood},{clay},{iron},{pop}], {factor}],") def json_parser_for_points(): s = """[ ["1,10,16,20,24,10,10,42,512,19,0,24,10,6,6,6,5,6,5,8","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["2,2,3,4,5,2,,8,,4,,,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["3,2,4,5,6,2,,10,,4,,,2,2,2,2,1,2,1,2","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["4,3,5,6,6,,,13,,6,,,3,1,1,1,2,1,2,2","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["5,4,5,6,9,,,14,,6,,,4,2,2,2,1,2,1,3","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["6,4,7,9,10,,,18,,8,,,4,3,3,3,2,3,2,3","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["7,5,8,10,12,,,20,,10,,,5,3,3,3,3,3,3,4","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["8,6,9,12,14,,,25,,11,,,6,3,3,3,3,3,3,5","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["9,7,12,14,17,,,31,,14,,,7,5,5,5,3,5,3,5","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["10,9,14,17,21,,,36,,16,,,9,5,5,5,5,5,5,7","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["11,10,16,21,25,,,43,,20,,,10,6,6,6,5,6,,9","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["12,12,20,25,29,,,52,,23,,,12,8,8,8,6,8,,9","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["13,15,24,29,36,,,62,,28,,,15,8,8,8,8,8,,12","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["14,18,28,36,43,,,75,,34,,,18,11,11,11,8,11,,15","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["15,21,34,43,51,,,90,,41,,,21,13,13,13,11,13,,17","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["16,26,42,51,,,,108,,49,,,26,15,15,15,13,15,,20","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["17,31,49,62,,,,130,,58,,,31,19,19,19,15,19,,25","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["18,37,59,74,,,,155,,71,,,37,22,22,22,19,22,,29","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["19,44,71,88,,,,186,,84,,,44,27,27,27,22,27,,36","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["20,53,85,107,,,,224,,101,,,53,32,32,32,27,32,,43","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["21,64,102,,,,,,,,,,64,38,38,38,32,38,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["22,77,123,,,,,,,,,,77,46,46,46,38,46,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["23,92,147,,,,,,,,,,92,55,55,55,46,55,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["24,110,177,,,,,,,,,,110,66,66,66,55,66,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["25,133,212,,,,,,,,,,133,80,80,80,66,80,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["26,159,,,,,,,,,,,,95,95,95,80,95,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["27,191,,,,,,,,,,,,115,115,115,95,115,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["28,229,,,,,,,,,,,,137,137,137,115,137,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["29,274,,,,,,,,,,,,165,165,165,137,165,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ], ["30,330,,,,,,,,,,,,198,198,198,165,198,,","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" ] ]""" json_object = json.loads(s) matrix = [[0 for x in range(30)] for y in range(16)] y = 0 x = 0 for index_y, element_y in enumerate(json_object): l = str(element_y[0][1:]).split("'")[0].split(",") for index_x, element_x in enumerate(l): if index_x == 0 or 5 <= index_x <= 7: continue matrix[y][x] = 0 if element_x == '' else int(element_x) y += 1 x += 1 y = 0 f = open(f"POINTS.json", "w") f.write(json.dumps(matrix)) f.close() # create_files() # json_parser_for_buildings() # json_parser_for_points()
import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.utils import get import asyncio from gtoken import * comando = ["turma entrar", "turma sair", "turma add", "info", "alterar prefix"] client = discord.Client() prefixo = Prefixo() msg_id = None msg_user = None @client.event async def on_ready(): print('Rodando {0.user}'.format(client)) @client.event async def on_message(message, prefixo = prefixo): if == client.user: return if message.content.startswith((prefixo.retornaPrefix() + ' turma add')): await'Esse comando permite que você adicione uma turma/cargo!') elif message.content.startswith((prefixo.retornaPrefix() + ' turma sair')): await'Esse comando permite que você saia de uma turma/cargo que você está incluso!') elif message.content.startswith((prefixo.retornaPrefix() + ' turma entrar')): embed1 = discord.Embed( title="Escolha a turma que deseja entrar!", color=0x690FC3, description="- IHC = 🐤\n" "- Grafos = 📘 \n" "- LIP-Rodrigo = 📙",) botmsg = await await botmsg.add_reaction("🐤") await botmsg.add_reaction("📘") await botmsg.add_reaction("📙") global msg_id msg_id = elif message.content.startswith((prefixo.retornaPrefix() + ' info')): await'O BODOC tem como objetivo reunir alunos das mesmas turmas ' + 'facilitando assim a comunicação entre eles.') mensagem = "\nEsses são todos os comandos disponiveis:" for item in comando: mensagem += "\n" + prefixo.retornaPrefix() + " " + item await elif message.content.startswith((prefixo.retornaPrefix() + ' alterar prefix')): prefixo.alteraPrefix(message.content.split()[3]) await'Prefixo alterado para ' + prefixo.retornaPrefix()) # await'Esse comando permite que você saia de uma turma/cargo que você está incluso!') global msg_user msg_user = @client.event async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user): msg = reaction.message if reaction.emoji == "🐤" and == msg_id and != await user.add_roles(get(reaction.message.guild.roles, name="IHC")) elif reaction.emoji == "📘" and == msg_id and != await user.add_roles(get(reaction.message.guild.roles, name="Grafos")) elif reaction.emoji == "📙" and == and != await user.add_roles(get(reaction.message.guild.roles, name="LIP-Rodrigo")) @client.event async def on_reaction_remove(reaction, user): msg = reaction.message if reaction.emoji == "🐤" and == msg_id and != await user.remove_roles(get(reaction.message.guild.roles, name="IHC")) elif reaction.emoji == "📘" and == msg_id and != await user.remove_roles(get(reaction.message.guild.roles, name="Grafos")) elif reaction.emoji == "📙" and == and != await user.remove_roles(get(reaction.message.guild.roles, name="LIP-Rodrigo"))
<gh_stars>0 def btc_total(cheese=0, pie=0, tea=0, sandwich=0, chips=0, end="\n\n"): return cheese * 4 + pie * 3 + sandwich * 8 + tea + chips
<reponame>eriknyquist/chatbot_utils import re import random from unittest import TestCase from chatbot_utils.redict import ReDict class TestReDict(TestCase): def fill_redict(self, dictobj=None, numitems=1000): if not dictobj: dictobj = ReDict() testitems = {"((foo+|bar*) )?%d" % i : i for i in range(numitems)} for key, val in testitems.items(): dictobj[key] = val return testitems, dictobj def test_all_items_accessible(self): num_iterations = 50 d = ReDict() for i in range(num_iterations): expr = "(foo*|bar+) %d" % i d[expr] = i for i in range(num_iterations): test1 = "fo %d" % i test2 = "foo %d" % i test3 = "foooo %d" % i test4 = "bar %d" % i test5 = "barr %d" % i test6 = "barrrrr %d" % i for testval in [test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6]: self.assertEqual(i, d[testval]) def test_groups_per_regex(self): d = ReDict() num_iterations = d.groups_per_regex * 3 for i in range(num_iterations): expr = "((f)(o)(o)*|(b)(a)(r)+) %d" % i d[expr] = i for i in range(num_iterations): self.assertEqual(i, d["foo %d" % i]) def test_value_can_be_arbitrary_object(self): d = ReDict() strval = "test string" boolval = False classval = self.__class__ funcval = self.setUpClass d["str"] = strval d["bool"] = boolval d["class"] = classval d["func"] = funcval self.assertIs(d["str"], strval) self.assertIs(d["bool"], boolval) self.assertIs(d["class"], classval) self.assertIs(d["func"], funcval) def test_compile(self): # get type object for compiled regex retype = type(re.compile("a+")) d = ReDict() d["a"] = 1 d["b"] = 2 d["c"] = 3 self.assertFalse(d.compiled) d.compile() self.assertTrue(len(d.compiled) > 0) for c in d.compiled: self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, retype)) def test_groups(self): d = ReDict() num = 8 val1 = "hello" val2 = "world" val3 = "!" expr = "(.*) (.*) (.*)" d[expr] = num testinput = "%s %s %s" % (val1, val2, val3) self.assertEqual(num, d[testinput]) groups = d.groups() self.assertEqual(groups[0], val1) self.assertEqual(groups[1], val2) self.assertEqual(groups[2], val3) def test_dump_to_dict(self): testitems, d = self.fill_redict() dumped = d.dump_to_dict() for key in dumped: self.assertTrue(key in testitems) self.assertEqual(dumped[key], testitems[key]) self.assertEqual(len(testitems), len(dumped)) def test_load_from_dict(self): testitems = { "x+": 1, "y?": 2, "z*": 3 } d = ReDict() for key in testitems: d[key] = testitems[key] dumped = d.dump_to_dict() loaded_redict = ReDict().load_from_dict(dumped) self.assertEqual(testitems["x+"], loaded_redict["xxxx"]) self.assertEqual(testitems["y?"], loaded_redict["y"]) self.assertEqual(testitems["z*"], loaded_redict["zz"]) def test_pop(self): d = ReDict() d["a+"] = 1 d["b+"] = 2 self.assertEqual(2, len(d)) self.assertEqual(d["aaa"], 1) self.assertEqual(d["bbb"], 2) self.assertEqual(d.pop("b"), 2) self.assertEqual(1, len(d)) self.assertEqual(d["aaa"], 1) self.assertRaises(KeyError, d.__getitem__, "bbb") def test_items(self): testitems, d = self.fill_redict() redict_items = d.items() self.assertEqual(len(redict_items), len(testitems)) for key, value in redict_items: self.assertTrue(key in testitems) self.assertEqual(value, testitems[key]) def test_values(self): testitems, d = self.fill_redict() redict_values = d.values() self.assertEqual(len(redict_values), len(testitems)) for value in redict_values: self.assertTrue(value in testitems.values()) def test_keys(self): testitems, d = self.fill_redict() redict_keys = d.keys() self.assertEqual(len(redict_keys), len(testitems)) for key in redict_keys: self.assertTrue(key in testitems) def test_iteritems(self): item_count = 0 testitems, d = self.fill_redict() for key, value in d.iteritems(): self.assertTrue(key in testitems) self.assertEqual(value, testitems[key]) item_count += 1 self.assertEqual(item_count, len(testitems)) def test_clear(self): d = ReDict() testitems = { "q+": 4, "r*": 5, "s?": 6 } for key, val in testitems.items(): d[key] = val self.assertEqual(d["qqq"], 4) self.assertEqual(len(testitems), len(d)) d.clear() self.assertEqual(0, len(d)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, d.__getitem__, "qqq") def test_copy(self): d = ReDict() testitems = { "xyz+": 4, "ab*c": 5, "def?": 6 } for key, val in testitems.items(): d[key] = val d2 = d.copy() self.assertEqual(len(d), len(d2)) for key, val in d.iteritems(): self.assertTrue(key in d2.keys()) self.assertTrue(val in d2.values()) self.assertEqual(d2["xyz"], d["xyz"]) self.assertEqual(d2["abbbc"], d["abbbc"]) self.assertEqual(d2["def"], d["def"]) def test_update(self): d1 = ReDict() d2 = ReDict() testitems = { "xyz+": 4, "ab*c": 5, "def?": 6 } updateitems = { "q+": 1, "r*": 2, "s?": 3 } for key, val in testitems.items(): d1[key] = val for key, val in updateitems.items(): d2[key] = val d1.update(d2) self.assertEqual(len(d1), len(testitems) + len(updateitems)) for key, val in testitems.items(): self.assertTrue(key in d1.keys()) self.assertTrue(val in d1.values()) for key, val in updateitems.items(): self.assertTrue(key in d1.keys()) self.assertTrue(val in d1.values()) def test_delete_items(self): num_iterations = 50 d = ReDict() added = {} deleted = {} for i in range(num_iterations): expr = "(bar?|foo*) %d" % i added[expr] = i d[expr] = i # Randomly delete some items delete_count = random.randrange(20, 30) for _ in range(delete_count): key = random.choice(list(added.keys())) deleted[key] = added[key] del added[key] del d[key] # Verify deleted items are missing for key, value in d: if key in added: self.assertTrue(key in d.keys()) self.assertEqual(value, added[key]) elif key in deleted: self.assertFalse(key in d.keys()) try: _ = d[key] except KeyError: keyerror = True else: keyerror = False self.assertTrue(keyerror) else: raise RuntimeError("Malformed test data")
<reponame>nonlinearxwaves/MultiLevelQuantumGates<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Library of classes for varius quantum gates # # By Claudio # Initial version september 2018 # Current version 3 february 2019 import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf #class for defining various operators class quantumgates: def Rz(a,N=2,datatype=np.complex64): ''' Return the 2x2 rotator matrix Rz Rz(alpha)=[exp(i a/2) 0; 0 exp(-i a /2)] see PRA 52, 3457 (1995) ''' if N!=2: print("error: Rx only returned for N=2") return data=np.zeros((N,N),dtype=datatype) data[0,0]=np.exp(1j*0.5*a) data[0,1]=0.0 data[1,0]=0.0 data[1,1]=np.exp(-1j*0.5*a) return data def Ry(t,N=2,datatype=np.complex64): ''' Return the 2x2 rotator matrix Ry Ry(t)=[cos(t/2) sin(t/2); -sin(t/2) cos(t/2)] see PRA 52, 3457 (1995) ''' if N!=2: print("error: Ry only returned for N=2") return data=np.zeros((N,N),dtype=datatype) data[0,0]=np.cos(t*0.5) data[0,1]=np.sin(t*0.5) data[1,0]=-np.sin(t*0.5) data[1,1]=np.cos(t*0.5) return data def paulix(N=2,datatype=np.complex64): ''' Return the 2x2 Pauli matrix \sigma_x sigmax=[0 1; 1 0] see PRA 52, 3457 (1995) ''' if N!=2: print("error: sigmax only returned for N=2") return data=np.zeros((N,N),dtype=datatype) data[0,0]=0.0 data[0,1]=1.0 data[1,0]=1.0 data[1,1]=0.0 return data def Xgate(N,datatype=np.complex64): #Return a matrix NxN that represent a X gate for 1 qdit with size N # in the input one has the size N and the optional datatype argument # default for datatype is np.complex64 dataXN=np.zeros((N,N),dtype=datatype) for ix in range(N): dataXN[ix,divmod(ix+1,N)[1]]=1.0 return np.asarray(dataXN,dtype=datatype) def Zgate(N,datatype=np.complex64): #Return a matrix NxN that represent a Z gate for 1 qdit with size N # in the input one has the size N and the optional datatype argument # default for datatype is np.complex64 dataXN=np.zeros((N,N),dtype=np.complex64) for ix in range(N): dataXN[ix,ix]=np.complex(np.exp(1j*np.pi*ix/N)) return np.asarray(dataXN,dtype=np.complex64) def randomU(N,datatype=np.complex64): #Return a random unitary matrix # in the input one has the size N and the optional datatype argument # default for datatype is np.complex64 # Important need to set the randomseed dataUc=np.zeros([N,N],dtype=datatype) for ix in range(N): for iy in range(N): dataUc[ix,iy]=np.random.random()+1j*np.random.random() dataU_np=np.asarray(dataUc,dtype=datatype) Q , _ = np.linalg.qr(dataU_np) #use LQ to generate a unitary matrix return Q def randomvector(N,datatype=np.complex64): #Return a random vector with complex values data=np.random.random([N,1])+1j*np.random.random([N,1]) return data def unitarize(M_np): # Use LQ decomposition and return Q to convert a matrix into a unitary Q , _ = np.linalg.qr(np.asarray(M_np)) #use LQ to generate a unitary matrix return Q def randomuniform(N,datatype=np.complex64): #Return a random square matrix with uniform numbers # in the input one has the size N and the optional datatype argument # default for datatype is np.complex64 # Important need to set the randomseed dataUc=np.zeros([N,N],dtype=datatype) for ix in range(N): for iy in range(N): dataUc[ix,iy]=np.random.random()+1j*np.random.random() return np.asarray(dataUc,dtype=datatype) def randomdiagonal(N,datatype=np.complex64): #Return a random square matrix with uniform numbers # in the input one has the size N and the optional datatype argument # default for datatype is np.complex64 # Important need to set the randomseed dataUc=np.zeros([N,N],dtype=datatype) for ix in range(N): dataUc[ix,ix]=np.random.random()+1j*np.random.random() return np.asarray(dataUc,dtype=datatype) def projector(N,M,datatype=np.complex64): #Return a projector, i.e., a matrix with size NxM formed by [IN, 0] # with IN the identity matrix and all other elements zero data=np.zeros([N,M],dtype=datatype) if M<N: print("Error ! M cannot be smaller than N in quantumgates.projector") return 0.0 for ix in range(N): data[ix,ix]=1.0 return data def riggoperator(X,M,datatype=np.complex64): # given an operator X with size NxN return a rigged operator with size NxM # with shape [X | 0 ] with 0 a zeros matrix with size NxM-N N=X.shape[0] N1=X.shape[1] if N!=N1: print("Error ! X must be a square matrix in quantumgates.riggoperator") return 0.0 data=np.zeros([N,M],dtype=datatype) if M<N: print("Error ! M cannot be smaller than N in quantumgates.riggoperator") return data for ix in range(N): for iy in range(N): data[ix,iy]=X[ix,iy] return data def riggunitary(X,M,datatype=np.complex64): # given an operator X with size NxN return a rigged operator with size MxM # with shape [X | 0 ; 0^T | U(M-N)] with 0 a zeros matrix with size NxM-N # and U a random unitary matrix N=X.shape[0] N1=X.shape[1] if N!=N1: print("Error ! X must be a square matrix in quantumgates.riggunitary") return 0.0 data=np.zeros([M,M],dtype=datatype) if M<N: print("Error ! M cannot be smaller than N in quantumgates.riggunitary") return data for ix in range(N): for iy in range(N): data[ix,iy]=X[ix,iy] if M>N: Ureduced=quantumgates.randomU(M-N,datatype) for ix in range(M-N): for iy in range(M-N): data[ix+N,iy+N]=Ureduced[ix,iy] return data def riggzero(X,M,datatype=np.complex64): # given an operator X with size NxN return a rigged operator with size MxM # with shape [X | 0 ; 0^T | 0C)] with 0 a zeros matrix with size NxM-N # and 0C a zero matrix of size (M-N x M-N) N=X.shape[0] N1=X.shape[1] if N!=N1: print("Error ! X must be a square matrix in quantumgates.riggunitary") return 0.0 data=np.zeros([M,M],dtype=datatype) if M<N: print("Error ! M cannot be smaller than N in quantumgates.riggunitary") return data for ix in range(N): for iy in range(N): data[ix,iy]=X[ix,iy] if M>N: for ix in range(M-N): for iy in range(M-N): data[ix+N,iy+N]=0.0 return data def riggidentity(X,datatype=np.complex64): # given an operator X with size NxN return a N+1xN+1 operator # with structure [1 | 0; 0 | X] i.e. embed in a identiy matrix X=np.matrix(X) (N,M)=X.shape if M!=N: print("Error: quantumgates.riggidentity only works with square matrix") return 0.0 N1=N+1 I1=np.eye(N1,dtype=datatype) for ix in range(N): for iy in range(N): I1[ix+1,iy+1]=X[ix,iy] return I1 def multiriggidentity(X,N,datatype=np.complex64): # given an operator rigg many times the X as in riggunitary as far as # the dimension is N X=np.matrix(X) (NX,MX)=X.shape if MX!=NX: print("Error: quantumgates.multiriggidentity only works with square matrix") return 0.0 if N<MX: print("Warning: quantumgates.multiriggidentity, operator has size greater than N") return X tildeX=X for count in range(N-NX): tildeX=quantumgates.riggidentity(tildeX) return tildeX def schwinger(c,datatype=np.complex64): # return a unitary operator built with the schwinger basis P^m Q^n # as a linear combination c(m,n)P^m U^n # M, N is the size of the input coefficient matrix c (M,N)=c.shape if M!=N: print("Error: quantumgates.schwinger only works with square matrix") return 0.0 U=np.zeros([M,M],datatype) P=quantumgates.Xgate(N,datatype) Q=quantumgates.Zgate(N,datatype) E=np.identity(N,datatype) xQ=E for ix in range(M): xPQ=xQ for iy in range(N): U=U+c[ix,iy]*xPQ xPQ=np.matmul(P,xPQ) xQ=np.matmul(Q,xQ) return U, P, Q def isunitary(U): #return true if matrix U is unitary (M,N)=U.shape if M!=N: print("quantumgates.isunitary: matrix is not square") return False U1=np.matrix(U) identity=np.matmul(U1.getH(),U1) output=False if np.round(np.trace(identity),0)==M: output=True return output def Householderreflection(v,datatype=np.complex64): # Given a complex vector generate an Hausholder reflection # References Ozlov notes, Mezzadri arXiv:math-ph/0609050 # # This operator H(v) is such thatn H(v).v=||v||e1 # # Version 2 november 2018, by claudio v=np.matrix(v) (N,M)=v.shape if M!=1: print("quantumgates.Householderreflection: v must be column") return 0.0 # extract firs element of v v1=np.asscalar(v[0]) theta=np.asscalar(np.angle(v1)) expitheta=np.exp(1j*theta) normv1=np.linalg.norm(v) # build unitary vector in direction 1 e1=np.zeros([N,1],dtype=datatype) e1[0]=1.0 # build u vector u=v+expitheta*normv1*e1 u=u/np.linalg.norm(u) # build matrix H=np.eye(N,dtype=datatype)-2*np.matmul(u,u.getH()) H=-np.exp(-1j*theta)*H return H # def beamsplitter(N,p,q,omega,phi,datatype=np.complex64): # # return the beam splitter matrix in the subspace of a matrix N\times NxN # # for the general decomposition of a Unitary operator in beam splitters # # See Reck et al, PRL 73, 58 (1994 # # # # Remark the index goes from 0 to N-1 ## T=np.eye(N,dtype=datatype) ## T[p][p]=np.exp(np.1j*phi)*np.sin(omega) ## T[p][q]=np.exp(np.1j*phi)*np.cos(omega) ## T[q][p]=np.cos(omega) ## T[q][q]=-np.sin(omega) # return T # #%% class for useful output operations with tensorflow class utilities: def printonscreen(VT): #print a tensor a matrix on the screen with a given precision VTnp=VT.numpy() N=VTnp.shape[0] M=VTnp.shape[1] for ix in range(N): for iy in range(M): re=np.real(VTnp[ix,iy]) im=np.imag(VTnp[ix,iy]) print('{:+02.1f}{:+02.1f}i'.format(re,im),end=" ") print("") #print endlie def printonscreennp(VTnp): #print a tensor a matrix on the screen with a given precision N=VTnp.shape[0] M=VTnp.shape[1] for ix in range(N): for iy in range(M): re=np.real(VTnp[ix,iy]) im=np.imag(VTnp[ix,iy]) print('{:+02.1f}{:+02.1f}i'.format(re,im),end=" ") print("") #print endlie #%% class for training quantum gates class quantumgatesinference: def trainrandom(X_np,M, verbose=2, inputaccuracy=1e-4, ntrain=100, nvalid=50): # Given a gate with size N, generate a random unitary matrix and # use a NN to train an input gate to act as the input unitary class # # Input: # X_Np, gate as numpy matrix # M, size embedding space # verbose, 0 no output, 1 minimal, 2 all #%% vari import here ###### DA FINIRE !!!!!!!!! from utilitiesquantumgates import quantumgates from utilitiesquantumgates import utilities from tensorboardutilities import tensorboardutilities from datetime import datetime import time #%% datatypes npdatatype=np.complex64 tfdatatype=tf.complex64 tfrealdatatype=tf.float32 # to use double switch aboe to complex128 #%% number of training points # ntrain=100 # training set # nvalid=50 # validation set #%% epochs epochs=100 # maximal number of epochs display_steps=2 # number of steps between each validations #%% learning rate learning_rate=0.01 #%% threshold for stopping iterations in validation cost threshold_valid=inputaccuracy #%% set the tensorboard utilities tensorboarddir = tensorboardutilities.getdirname(); #%% random seed timestamp = int(time.mktime( RANDOM_SEED=timestamp if verbose>1: print('Random seed = ' + repr(timestamp)) #%% define graph tf.reset_default_graph() #%% summaries for tensorflow def variable_summaries(var): """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).""" with tf.name_scope('summaries'): mean = tf.reduce_mean(var) tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean) with tf.name_scope('stddev'): stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean))) tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev) tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var)) tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var)) tf.summary.scalar('norm', tf.norm(var)) tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var) #%% seed random number generation tf.set_random_seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(seed=RANDOM_SEED) #%% generate the tf tensor for the input gate #XT=tf.constant(X_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% unitary rigging of X RXT_np=quantumgates.riggunitary(X_np,M) RXT=tf.constant(RXT_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% random unitary matrix dataU_np=quantumgates.randomU(M,npdatatype) U=tf.constant(dataU_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% generate the training matrix W0=tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype) WC=tf.complex(tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) Wreal=tf.get_variable("Wr",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) Wimag=tf.get_variable("Wi",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) W=tf.get_variable("W",initializer=WC,dtype=tfdatatype,trainable=False) #%% transfer matrix transfer_matrix=tf.get_variable("transfer_matrix",initializer=WC,trainable=False) #%% place holder x=tf.placeholder(dtype=tfdatatype,shape=(M,1),name="x") #%% generate training set xtrains=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(ntrain): for i in range(M): xtrains[i,j]=np.random.random_sample()+1j*np.random.random_sample() #%% normalize training set xtrains=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xtrains,axis=0,order=2) #%% generate validation set xvalids=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(nvalid): for i in range(M): xvalids[i,j]=np.random.random_sample()+1j*np.random.random_sample() #%% normalize validation set xvalids=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xvalids,axis=0,order=2) #%% projector that extract the first N rows from a vector M #project=tf.constant(quantumgates.projector(N,M,npdatatype),dtype=tfdatatype) #%% equation with tf.name_scope("equation") as scope: with tf.name_scope("Wreal") as scope: variable_summaries(Wreal) with tf.name_scope("Wimag") as scope: variable_summaries(Wimag) yt=tf.matmul(RXT,x) W=tf.complex(Wreal,Wimag) transfer_matrix=tf.matmul(U,W) equation=tf.matmul(transfer_matrix,x)-yt eqreal=tf.real(equation) eqimag=tf.imag(equation) cost_function=tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(eqreal)+ tf.square(eqimag)) tf.summary.scalar('cost_function',cost_function) #%%TO DO : TRY OTHER MINIMIZER with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: # global_step=tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name='global_step') # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cost_function) #%% message if verbose>0: print('Running with M ' + repr(M) + ' ntrain ' + repr(ntrain) + ' nvalid ' + repr(nvalid)) #%% writer train_writer=tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboarddir) merged=tf.summary.merge_all() #%% xtmp=np.zeros((M,1),dtype=npdatatype) with tf.Session() as sess: train_writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Tinitial=transfer_matrix.eval() for epoch in range(epochs): avg_cost=0. for i in range(ntrain): xtmp=np.reshape(xtrains[0:M,i],(M,1)),feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) train_writer.add_summary(summary,i+epoch*epochs) avg_cost=avg_cost/ntrain # messagers if epoch % display_steps == 0: # evaluate the validation error avg_cost_valid=0. for i in range(nvalid): xtmp_valid=np.reshape(xvalids[0:M,i],(M,1)), feed_dict= {x: xtmp_valid}) avg_cost_valid=avg_cost_valid/nvalid if verbose>1: print('epoch '+repr(epoch)) print('cost '+repr(avg_cost)) print('valid cost '+repr(avg_cost_valid)) # check the validation cost and if needed exit the iteration if avg_cost_valid < threshold_valid: if verbose: print('Convergence in validation reached at epoch ' + repr(epoch)) break if epoch>=epochs-1: if verbose>0: print('No convergence, maximal epochs reached ' +repr(epochs)) Tfinal=transfer_matrix.eval() Wfinal=W.eval() TVV=tf.matmul(W,W,adjoint_a=True).eval() # print('Determinant Structure matrix ' + repr(np.linalg.det(dataU_np))) #%% if verbose>1: print("Final Sinput=W") utilities.printonscreennp(Wfinal) print("Final TV V for unitarity ") utilities.printonscreennp(TVV) print("Initial T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tinitial) print("Final T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tfinal) #%% sess.close() #%% set the output dictionary of parameters out=dict(); out['accuracy']=threshold_valid out['epoch']=epoch out['ntrain']=ntrain out['nvalid']=nvalid out['N']=X_np.shape[0] out['M']=M out['X']=X_np return out, Wfinal, Tfinal, Tinitial #%%%% def traincomplex(X_np,U_np, verbose=2, inputaccuracy=1e-4, ntrain=100, nvalid=50): # Given a gate with size N, and a complex system described by an input MxM U_np transfer matrix # use a NN to train an input gate to act as the input unitary class # # The input gate is only a phase gate, described by a diagonal matrix # with diagonal exp(i phi1), exp(i phi2), ..., exp(i phin) # # with phi1, phi2, ..., phin are trainable # # TO DO, make batch training (not use it can train without batch) # # Date: 5 April 2019, by Claudio # # Input: # X_np, gate as numpy matrix # U_np, complex system unitary matrix (not checked if unitary) a numpy matrix # verbose, 0 no output, 1 minimal, 2 all #%% vari import here ###### DA FINIRE !!!!!!!!! from utilitiesquantumgates import quantumgates from utilitiesquantumgates import utilities from tensorboardutilities import tensorboardutilities from datetime import datetime import time #%% datatypes npdatatype=np.complex64 tfdatatype=tf.complex64 tfrealdatatype=tf.float32 # to use double switch aboe to complex128 #%% number of training points # ntrain=100 # training set # nvalid=50 # validation set #%% epochs epochs=100 # maximal number of epochs display_steps=2 # number of steps between each validations #%% learning rate learning_rate=0.01 #%% threshold for stopping iterations in validation cost threshold_valid=inputaccuracy #%% set the tensorboard utilities tensorboarddir = tensorboardutilities.getdirname(); #%% random seed timestamp = int(time.mktime( RANDOM_SEED=timestamp if verbose>1: print('Random seed = ' + repr(timestamp)) #%% define graph tf.reset_default_graph() #%% summaries for tensorflow def variable_summaries(var): """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).""" with tf.name_scope('summaries'): mean = tf.reduce_mean(var) tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean) with tf.name_scope('stddev'): stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean))) tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev) tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var)) tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var)) tf.summary.scalar('norm', tf.norm(var)) tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var) #%% seed random number generation tf.set_random_seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(seed=RANDOM_SEED) #%% generate the tf tensor for the input gate #XT=tf.constant(X_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #Extract N and M in input N=X_np.shape[0] M=U_np.shape[0] #%% unitary rigging of X RXT_np=quantumgates.riggunitary(X_np,M) RXT=tf.constant(RXT_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% random unitary matrix U=tf.constant(U_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% generate the training matrix W0=tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype) WC=tf.complex(tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) Wreal=tf.get_variable("Wr",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) Wimag=tf.get_variable("Wi",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) W=tf.get_variable("W",initializer=WC,dtype=tfdatatype,trainable=False) #%% transfer matrix transfer_matrix=tf.get_variable("transfer_matrix",initializer=WC,trainable=False) #%% place holder x=tf.placeholder(dtype=tfdatatype,shape=(M,1),name="x") #%% generate training set xtrains=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(ntrain): for i in range(M): xtrains[i,j]=np.random.random_sample()+1j*np.random.random_sample() #%% normalize training set xtrains=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xtrains,axis=0,order=2) #%% generate validation set xvalids=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(nvalid): for i in range(M): xvalids[i,j]=np.random.random_sample()+1j*np.random.random_sample() #%% normalize validation set xvalids=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xvalids,axis=0,order=2) #%% projector that extract the first N rows from a vector M #project=tf.constant(quantumgates.projector(N,M,npdatatype),dtype=tfdatatype) #%% equation with tf.name_scope("equation") as scope: with tf.name_scope("Wreal") as scope: variable_summaries(Wreal) with tf.name_scope("Wimag") as scope: variable_summaries(Wimag) yt=tf.matmul(RXT,x) W=tf.complex(Wreal,Wimag) transfer_matrix=tf.matmul(U,W) equation=tf.matmul(transfer_matrix,x)-yt eqreal=tf.real(equation) eqimag=tf.imag(equation) cost_function=tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(eqreal)+ tf.square(eqimag)) tf.summary.scalar('cost_function',cost_function) #%%TO DO : TRY OTHER MINIMIZER with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: # global_step=tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name='global_step') # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cost_function) #%% message if verbose>0: print('Running with M ' + repr(M) + ' ntrain ' + repr(ntrain) + ' nvalid ' + repr(nvalid)) #%% writer train_writer=tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboarddir) merged=tf.summary.merge_all() #%% xtmp=np.zeros((M,1),dtype=npdatatype) with tf.Session() as sess: train_writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Tinitial=transfer_matrix.eval() for epoch in range(epochs): avg_cost=0. for i in range(ntrain): xtmp=np.reshape(xtrains[0:M,i],(M,1)),feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) train_writer.add_summary(summary,i+epoch*epochs) avg_cost=avg_cost/ntrain # messagers if epoch % display_steps == 0: # evaluate the validation error avg_cost_valid=0. for i in range(nvalid): xtmp_valid=np.reshape(xvalids[0:M,i],(M,1)), feed_dict= {x: xtmp_valid}) avg_cost_valid=avg_cost_valid/nvalid if verbose>1: print('epoch '+repr(epoch)) print('cost '+repr(avg_cost)) print('valid cost '+repr(avg_cost_valid)) # check the validation cost and if needed exit the iteration if avg_cost_valid < threshold_valid: if verbose: print('Convergence in validation reached at epoch ' + repr(epoch)) break if epoch>=epochs-1: if verbose>0: print('No convergence, maximal epochs reached ' +repr(epochs)) Tfinal=transfer_matrix.eval() Wfinal=W.eval() TVV=tf.matmul(W,W,adjoint_a=True).eval() # print('Determinant Structure matrix ' + repr(np.linalg.det(dataU_np))) #%% if verbose>1: print("Final Sinput=W") utilities.printonscreennp(Wfinal) print("Final TV V for unitarity ") utilities.printonscreennp(TVV) print("Initial T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tinitial) print("Final T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tfinal) #%% sess.close() #%% set the output dictionary of parameters out=dict(); out['accuracy']=threshold_valid out['epoch']=epoch out['ntrain']=ntrain out['nvalid']=nvalid out['N']=N out['M']=M out['X']=X_np out['U']=U_np return out, Wfinal, Tfinal, Tinitial #%% class for training SLM with single input class SLM: def trainSLMsingleinputquantized(X_np,U_np, verbose=2, inputaccuracy=1e-4, epochs=10,display_steps=100, realMIN=-1.0, realMAX=1.0, imagMIN=0.0, imagMAX=0.0, quantizedbits=8): # Given a gate with size N, generate a random unitary matrix and # use a NN to train an input gate to act as the input unitary class # # Input: # X_Np, gate as numpy matrix # M, size embedding space # verbose, 0 no output, 1 minimal, 2 steps, 3 all # # Use single input SLM # # WrealMAX, WrealMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wreal # # WimagMAX, WimagMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wimag (if both 0 is a real weigth) # # quantized bits #%% vari import here ###### DA FINIRE !!!!!!!!! from utilitiesquantumgates import quantumgates from utilitiesquantumgates import utilities from tensorboardutilities import tensorboardutilities from datetime import datetime import time #%% datatypes npdatatype=np.complex64 tfdatatype=tf.complex64 tfrealdatatype=tf.float32 # to use double switch aboe to complex128 #%% number of training points ntrain=1 nvalid=1 #%% learning rate learning_rate=0.01 #%% threshold for stopping iterations in validation cost threshold_valid=inputaccuracy #%% set the tensorboard utilities tensorboarddir = tensorboardutilities.getdirname(); #%% random seed timestamp = int(time.mktime( RANDOM_SEED=timestamp if verbose>1: print('Random seed = ' + repr(timestamp)) #%% define graph tf.reset_default_graph() #%% summaries for tensorflow def variable_summaries(var): """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).""" with tf.name_scope('summaries'): mean = tf.reduce_mean(var) tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean) with tf.name_scope('stddev'): stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean))) tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev) tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var)) tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var)) tf.summary.scalar('norm', tf.norm(var)) tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var) #%% seed random number generation tf.set_random_seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(seed=RANDOM_SEED) #%% Extract N and M in input N=X_np.shape[0] M=U_np.shape[0] if M<N: print("Error: embedding dimension M cannot be smaller then N") return #%% unitary rigging of X RXT_np=quantumgates.riggunitary(X_np,M) RXT=tf.constant(RXT_np,dtype=tfdatatype) print(RXT) #%% unitary rigging of X # XT=tf.constant(X_np) #%% random unitary matrix U=tf.constant(U_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% generate the training matrix W0=tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype) WC=tf.complex(tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) Wreal=tf.get_variable("Wr",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) Wimag=tf.get_variable("Wi",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) W=tf.get_variable("W",initializer=WC,dtype=tfdatatype,trainable=False) #%% transfer matrix transfer_matrix=tf.get_variable("transfer_matrix",initializer=WC,trainable=False) #%% place holder x=tf.placeholder(dtype=tfdatatype,shape=(M,1),name="x") #%% generate training set xtrains=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(ntrain): for i in range(M): xtrains[i,j]=1.0 #%% normalize training set xtrains=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xtrains,axis=0,order=2) #%% generate validation set xvalids=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(nvalid): for i in range(M): xvalids[i,j]=1.0 #%% normalize validation set xvalids=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xvalids,axis=0,order=2) #%% projector that extract the first N rows from a vector M #project=tf.constant(quantumgates.projector(N,M,npdatatype),dtype=tfdatatype) #%% equation with tf.name_scope("equation") as scope: with tf.name_scope("Wreal") as scope: variable_summaries(Wreal) with tf.name_scope("Wimag") as scope: variable_summaries(Wimag) yt=tf.matmul(RXT,x) #clipping the weigths Wreal=tf.clip_by_value(Wreal,realMIN,realMAX) Wimag=tf.clip_by_value(Wimag,imagMIN,imagMAX) # quantize Wreal=tf.quantization.quantize_and_dequantize(Wreal,realMIN,realMAX,signed_input=False,num_bits=quantizedbits) Wimag=tf.quantization.quantize_and_dequantize(Wimag,imagMIN,imagMAX,signed_input=False,num_bits=quantizedbits) # build the matrices (phase only modulator) #W=tf.complex(cWreal,cWimag) W=tf.complex(tf.cos(Wreal),tf.sin(Wreal)) transfer_matrix=tf.matmul(U,W) equation=tf.matmul(transfer_matrix,x)-yt eqreal=tf.math.real(equation) eqimag=tf.math.imag(equation) cost_function=tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(eqreal)+ tf.square(eqimag)) tf.summary.scalar('cost_function',cost_function) #%%TO DO : TRY OTHER MINIMIZER with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: # global_step=tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name='global_step') # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cost_function) #%% message if verbose>0: print('Running with M ' + repr(M) + ' N ' + repr(N) + ' ntrain ' + repr(ntrain) + ' nvalid ' + repr(nvalid)) #%% writer train_writer=tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboarddir) merged=tf.summary.merge_all() #%% xtmp=np.zeros((M,1),dtype=npdatatype) with tf.Session() as sess: train_writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Tinitial=transfer_matrix.eval() for epoch in range(epochs): avg_cost=0. for i in range(ntrain): xtmp=np.reshape(xtrains[0:M,i],(M,1)),feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) train_writer.add_summary(summary,i+epoch*epochs) avg_cost=avg_cost/ntrain # messagers if epoch % display_steps == 0: # evaluate the validation error avg_cost_valid=0. for i in range(nvalid): xtmp_valid=np.reshape(xvalids[0:M,i],(M,1)), feed_dict= {x: xtmp_valid}) avg_cost_valid=avg_cost_valid/nvalid if verbose>1: print('epoch '+repr(epoch)) print('cost '+repr(avg_cost)) print('valid cost '+repr(avg_cost_valid)) # check the validation cost and if needed exit the iteration if avg_cost_valid < threshold_valid: if verbose: print('Convergence in validation reached at epoch ' + repr(epoch)) break if epoch>=epochs-1: if verbose>0: print('No convergence, maximal epochs reached ' +repr(epochs)) Tfinal=transfer_matrix.eval() rWfinal=Wreal.eval() iWfinal=Wimag.eval() Wfinal=W.eval() TVV=tf.matmul(W,W,adjoint_a=True).eval() # print('Determinant Structure matrix ' + repr(np.linalg.det(dataU_np))) #%% if verbose>2: print("Final Wreal") utilities.printonscreennp(rWfinal) print("Final Wimag") utilities.printonscreennp(iWfinal) print("Final Sinput=W") utilities.printonscreennp(Wfinal) print("Final TV V for unitarity ") utilities.printonscreennp(TVV) print("Initial T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tinitial) print("Final T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tfinal) #%% sess.close() #%% set the output dictionary of parameters out=dict(); out['accuracy']=threshold_valid out['epoch']=epoch out['ntrain']=ntrain out['nvalid']=nvalid out['N']=X_np.shape[0] out['M']=M out['X']=X_np return out, Wfinal, Tfinal, Tinitial def complexqtzd(X_np,U_np, verbose=2, inputaccuracy=1e-4, epochs=10,display_steps=100, realMIN=-1.0, realMAX=1.0, imagMIN=0.0, imagMAX=0.0, nbits=8): #%% Train a single input SLM with complex matrix # Given a gate with size N, generate a random unitary matrix and # use a NN to train an input gate to act as the input unitary class # # Input: # X_np, gate as numpy matrix # U_np, unitary matrix for medium # verbose, 0 no output, 1 minimal, 2 steps, 3 all # # Use single input SLM with complex matrix # # WrealMAX, WrealMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wreal # # WimagMAX, WimagMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wimag # If WimagMAX=WimagMIN=0 is a amplitude modulator #%% from utilitiesquantumgates import quantumgates from utilitiesquantumgates import utilities from tensorboardutilities import tensorboardutilities from datetime import datetime import time # datatypes npdatatype=np.complex64 tfdatatype=tf.complex64 tfrealdatatype=tf.float32 # to use double switch aboe to complex128 #%% number of training points ntrain=1 nvalid=1 #%% learning rate learning_rate=0.01 #%% threshold for stopping iterations in validation cost threshold_valid=inputaccuracy #%% set the tensorboard utilities tensorboarddir = tensorboardutilities.getdirname(); #%% random seed timestamp = int(time.mktime( RANDOM_SEED=timestamp if verbose>1: print('Random seed = ' + repr(timestamp)) #%% define graph tf.reset_default_graph() #%% summaries for tensorflow def variable_summaries(var): """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).""" with tf.name_scope('summaries'): mean = tf.reduce_mean(var) tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean) with tf.name_scope('stddev'): stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean))) tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev) tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var)) tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var)) tf.summary.scalar('norm', tf.norm(var)) tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var) #%% seed random number generation tf.set_random_seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(seed=RANDOM_SEED) #%% Extract N and M in input N=X_np.shape[0] M=U_np.shape[0] if M<N: print("Error: embedding dimension M cannot be smaller then N") return #%% unitary rigging of X RXT_np=quantumgates.riggunitary(X_np,M) RXT=tf.constant(RXT_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% random unitary matrix U=tf.constant(U_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% generate the training matrix W0=tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype) WC=tf.complex(tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) Wreal=tf.get_variable("Wr",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) Wimag=tf.get_variable("Wi",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) W=tf.get_variable("W",initializer=WC,dtype=tfdatatype,trainable=False) #%% transfer matrix transfer_matrix=tf.get_variable("transfer_matrix",initializer=WC,trainable=False) #%% current output yC=tf.complex(tf.random.uniform([M,1],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random.uniform([M,1],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) yout=tf.get_variable("current_y",initializer=yC,trainable=False) yt=tf.get_variable("target_y",initializer=yC,trainable=False) #%% place holder x=tf.placeholder(dtype=tfdatatype,shape=(M,1),name="x") #%% generate training set, one single input all 1 to N, M-N zeros xtrains=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(ntrain): for i in range(N): xtrains[i,j]=1.0 #%% normalize training set #xtrains=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xtrains,axis=0,order=2) #%% generate validation set (here equal to the training) xvalids=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(nvalid): for i in range(N): xvalids[i,j]=1.0 #%% normalize validation set #xvalids=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xvalids,axis=0,order=2) #%% equation with tf.name_scope("equation") as scope: with tf.name_scope("Wreal") as scope: variable_summaries(Wreal) with tf.name_scope("Wimag") as scope: variable_summaries(Wimag) yt=tf.matmul(RXT,x) #clipping the weigths Wreal=tf.clip_by_value(Wreal,realMIN,realMAX) Wimag=tf.clip_by_value(Wimag,imagMIN,imagMAX) # quantize Wreal=tf.quantization.quantize_and_dequantize(Wreal,realMIN,realMAX,signed_input=False,num_bits=nbits) Wimag=tf.quantization.quantize_and_dequantize(Wimag,imagMIN,imagMAX,signed_input=False,num_bits=nbits) # build the matrices (phase only modulator) W=tf.complex(Wreal,Wimag) transfer_matrix=tf.matmul(U,W) yout=tf.matmul(transfer_matrix,x) equation=yout-yt eqreal=tf.math.real(equation) eqimag=tf.math.imag(equation) cost_function=tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(eqreal)+ tf.square(eqimag)) tf.summary.scalar('cost_function',cost_function) #%%TO DO : TRY OTHER MINIMIZER with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: # global_step=tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name='global_step') # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cost_function) #%% message if verbose>0: print('Running with M ' + repr(M) + ' N ' + repr(N) + ' ntrain ' + repr(ntrain) + ' nvalid ' + repr(nvalid)) #%% writer train_writer=tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboarddir) merged=tf.summary.merge_all() #%% xtmp=np.zeros((M,1),dtype=npdatatype) with tf.Session() as sess: train_writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Tinitial=transfer_matrix.eval() for epoch in range(epochs): avg_cost=0. for i in range(ntrain): xtmp=np.reshape(xtrains[0:M,i],(M,1)),feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) train_writer.add_summary(summary,i+epoch*epochs) avg_cost=avg_cost/ntrain # messagers if epoch % display_steps == 0: # evaluate the validation error avg_cost_valid=0. for i in range(nvalid): xtmp_valid=np.reshape(xvalids[0:M,i],(M,1)), feed_dict= {x: xtmp_valid}) avg_cost_valid=avg_cost_valid/nvalid if verbose>1: print('epoch '+repr(epoch)) print('cost '+repr(avg_cost)) print('valid cost '+repr(avg_cost_valid)) # check the validation cost and if needed exit the iteration if avg_cost_valid < threshold_valid: if verbose: print('Convergence in validation reached at epoch ' + repr(epoch)) break if epoch>=epochs-1: if verbose>0: print('No convergence, maximal epochs reached ' +repr(epochs)) Tfinal=transfer_matrix.eval(), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) rWfinal=Wreal.eval() iWfinal=Wimag.eval() Wfinal=W.eval() TVV=tf.matmul(W,W,adjoint_a=True).eval() # print('Determinant Structure matrix ' + repr(np.linalg.det(dataU_np))) #%% if verbose>2: print("Final Wreal") utilities.printonscreennp(rWfinal) print("Final Wimag") utilities.printonscreennp(iWfinal) print("Final Sinput=W") utilities.printonscreennp(Wfinal) print("Final TV V for unitarity ") utilities.printonscreennp(TVV) print("Initial T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tinitial) print("Final T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tfinal) #%% sess.close() #%% set the output dictionary of parameters out=dict(); out['accuracy']=threshold_valid out['epoch']=epoch out['ntrain']=ntrain out['nvalid']=nvalid out['N']=X_np.shape[0] out['M']=M out['X']=X_np out['xtrain']=xtrains out['Wreal']=rWfinal out['Wimag']=iWfinal out['Wfinal']=Wfinal out['Tfinal']=Tfinal out['yt']=ytargetf out['y']=youtf out['cost']=avg_cost_valid return out def complex(X_np,U_np, verbose=2, inputaccuracy=1e-4, epochs=10,display_steps=100, realMIN=-1.0, realMAX=1.0, imagMIN=0.0, imagMAX=0.0): #%% Train a single input SLM with complex matrix # Given a gate with size N, generate a random unitary matrix and # use a NN to train an input gate to act as the input unitary class # # Input: # X_np, gate as numpy matrix # U_np, unitary matrix for medium # verbose, 0 no output, 1 minimal, 2 steps, 3 all # # Use single input SLM with complex matrix # # WrealMAX, WrealMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wreal # # WimagMAX, WimagMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wimag # If WimagMAX=WimagMIN=0 is a amplitude modulator #%% from utilitiesquantumgates import quantumgates from utilitiesquantumgates import utilities from tensorboardutilities import tensorboardutilities from datetime import datetime import time # datatypes npdatatype=np.complex64 tfdatatype=tf.complex64 tfrealdatatype=tf.float32 # to use double switch aboe to complex128 #%% number of training points ntrain=1 nvalid=1 #%% learning rate learning_rate=0.01 #%% threshold for stopping iterations in validation cost threshold_valid=inputaccuracy #%% set the tensorboard utilities tensorboarddir = tensorboardutilities.getdirname(); #%% random seed timestamp = int(time.mktime( RANDOM_SEED=timestamp if verbose>1: print('Random seed = ' + repr(timestamp)) #%% define graph tf.reset_default_graph() #%% summaries for tensorflow def variable_summaries(var): """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).""" with tf.name_scope('summaries'): mean = tf.reduce_mean(var) tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean) with tf.name_scope('stddev'): stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean))) tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev) tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var)) tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var)) tf.summary.scalar('norm', tf.norm(var)) tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var) #%% seed random number generation tf.set_random_seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(seed=RANDOM_SEED) #%% Extract N and M in input N=X_np.shape[0] M=U_np.shape[0] if M<N: print("Error: embedding dimension M cannot be smaller then N") return #%% unitary rigging of X RXT_np=quantumgates.riggunitary(X_np,M) RXT=tf.constant(RXT_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% random unitary matrix U=tf.constant(U_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% generate the training matrix W0=tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype) WC=tf.complex(tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) Wreal=tf.get_variable("Wr",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) Wimag=tf.get_variable("Wi",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) W=tf.get_variable("W",initializer=WC,dtype=tfdatatype,trainable=False) #%% transfer matrix transfer_matrix=tf.get_variable("transfer_matrix",initializer=WC,trainable=False) #%% current output yC=tf.complex(tf.random.uniform([M,1],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random.uniform([M,1],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) yout=tf.get_variable("current_y",initializer=yC,trainable=False) yt=tf.get_variable("target_y",initializer=yC,trainable=False) #%% place holder x=tf.placeholder(dtype=tfdatatype,shape=(M,1),name="x") #%% generate training set, one single input all 1 to N, M-N zeros xtrains=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(ntrain): for i in range(N): xtrains[i,j]=1.0 #%% normalize training set #xtrains=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xtrains,axis=0,order=2) #%% generate validation set (here equal to the training) xvalids=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(nvalid): for i in range(N): xvalids[i,j]=xtrains[i,j] #%% normalize validation set #xvalids=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xvalids,axis=0,order=2) #%% equation with tf.name_scope("equation") as scope: with tf.name_scope("Wreal") as scope: variable_summaries(Wreal) with tf.name_scope("Wimag") as scope: variable_summaries(Wimag) yt=tf.matmul(RXT,x) #clipping the weigths Wreal=tf.clip_by_value(Wreal,realMIN,realMAX) Wimag=tf.clip_by_value(Wimag,imagMIN,imagMAX) # build the matrices (phase only modulator) W=tf.complex(Wreal,Wimag) transfer_matrix=tf.matmul(U,W) yout=tf.matmul(transfer_matrix,x) equation=yout-yt eqreal=tf.math.real(equation) eqimag=tf.math.imag(equation) cost_function=tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(eqreal)+ tf.square(eqimag)) tf.summary.scalar('cost_function',cost_function) #%%TO DO : TRY OTHER MINIMIZER with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: # global_step=tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name='global_step') # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cost_function) #%% message if verbose>0: print('Running with M ' + repr(M) + ' N ' + repr(N) + ' ntrain ' + repr(ntrain) + ' nvalid ' + repr(nvalid)) #%% writer train_writer=tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboarddir) merged=tf.summary.merge_all() #%% xtmp=np.zeros((M,1),dtype=npdatatype) with tf.Session() as sess: train_writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Tinitial=transfer_matrix.eval() for epoch in range(epochs): avg_cost=0. for i in range(ntrain): xtmp=np.reshape(xtrains[0:M,i],(M,1)),feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) train_writer.add_summary(summary,i+epoch*epochs) avg_cost=avg_cost/ntrain # messagers if epoch % display_steps == 0: # evaluate the validation error avg_cost_valid=0. for i in range(nvalid): xtmp_valid=np.reshape(xvalids[0:M,i],(M,1)), feed_dict= {x: xtmp_valid}) avg_cost_valid=avg_cost_valid/nvalid if verbose>1: print('epoch '+repr(epoch)) print('cost '+repr(avg_cost)) print('valid cost '+repr(avg_cost_valid)) # check the validation cost and if needed exit the iteration if avg_cost_valid < threshold_valid: if verbose: print('Convergence in validation reached at epoch ' + repr(epoch)) break if epoch>=epochs-1: if verbose>0: print('No convergence, maximal epochs reached ' +repr(epochs)) Tfinal=transfer_matrix.eval(), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) rWfinal=Wreal.eval() iWfinal=Wimag.eval() Wfinal=W.eval() TVV=tf.matmul(W,W,adjoint_a=True).eval() # print('Determinant Structure matrix ' + repr(np.linalg.det(dataU_np))) #%% if verbose>2: print("Final Wreal") utilities.printonscreennp(rWfinal) print("Final Wimag") utilities.printonscreennp(iWfinal) print("Final Sinput=W") utilities.printonscreennp(Wfinal) print("Final TV V for unitarity ") utilities.printonscreennp(TVV) print("Initial T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tinitial) print("Final T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tfinal) #%% sess.close() #%% set the output dictionary of parameters out=dict(); out['accuracy']=threshold_valid out['epoch']=epoch out['ntrain']=ntrain out['nvalid']=nvalid out['N']=X_np.shape[0] out['M']=M out['X']=X_np out['xtrain']=xtrains out['Wreal']=rWfinal out['Wimag']=iWfinal out['Wfinal']=Wfinal out['Tfinal']=Tfinal out['yt']=ytargetf out['y']=youtf out['cost']=avg_cost_valid return out def phaseonly(X_np,U_np, verbose=2, inputaccuracy=1e-4, epochs=10,display_steps=100): #%% Train a single input SLM with complex matrix # Given a gate with size N, generate a random unitary matrix and # use a NN to train an input gate to act as the input unitary class # # Input: # X_np, gate as numpy matrix # U_np, unitary matrix for medium # verbose, 0 no output, 1 minimal, 2 steps, 3 all # # Use single input SLM with complex matrix # # WrealMAX, WrealMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wreal # # WimagMAX, WimagMIN, maximal and minimal value for Wimag (if both 0 is a real weigth) # #%% from utilitiesquantumgates import quantumgates from utilitiesquantumgates import utilities from tensorboardutilities import tensorboardutilities from datetime import datetime import time import math # datatypes npdatatype=np.complex64 tfdatatype=tf.complex64 tfrealdatatype=tf.float32 # to use double switch aboe to complex128 #%% number of training points ntrain=1 nvalid=1 #%% learning rate learning_rate=0.01 #%% threshold for stopping iterations in validation cost threshold_valid=inputaccuracy #%% set the tensorboard utilities tensorboarddir = tensorboardutilities.getdirname(); #%% bounds for weigths realMAX=math.pi realMIN=-math.pi imagMAX=0.0 imagMIN=0.0 #%% random seed timestamp = int(time.mktime( RANDOM_SEED=timestamp if verbose>1: print('Random seed = ' + repr(timestamp)) #%% define graph (compatibility for tf 2) # tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() #%% summaries for tensorflow def variable_summaries(var): """Attach a lot of summaries to a Tensor (for TensorBoard visualization).""" with tf.name_scope('summaries'): mean = tf.reduce_mean(var) tf.summary.scalar('mean', mean) with tf.name_scope('stddev'): stddev = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(var - mean))) tf.summary.scalar('stddev', stddev) tf.summary.scalar('max', tf.reduce_max(var)) tf.summary.scalar('min', tf.reduce_min(var)) tf.summary.scalar('norm', tf.norm(var)) tf.summary.histogram('histogram', var) #%% seed random number generation # tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed(RANDOM_SEED) # for tf 2 tf.set_random_seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.seed(seed=RANDOM_SEED) #%% Extract N and M in input N=X_np.shape[0] M=U_np.shape[0] if M<N: print("Error: embedding dimension M cannot be smaller then N") return #%% unitary rigging of X RXT_np=quantumgates.riggunitary(X_np,M) RXT=tf.constant(RXT_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% random unitary matrix U=tf.constant(U_np,dtype=tfdatatype) #%% generate the training matrix W0=tf.random_uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype) WC=tf.complex(tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random.uniform([M,M],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) # Wreal=tf.compat.v1.get_variable("Wr",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) # for tf 2 # Wimag=tf.compat.v1.get_variable("Wi",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) # for tf 2 Wreal=tf.get_variable("Wr",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) Wimag=tf.get_variable("Wi",initializer=W0,dtype=tfrealdatatype) W=tf.get_variable("W",initializer=WC,dtype=tfdatatype,trainable=False) #%% transfer matrix transfer_matrix=tf.get_variable("transfer_matrix",initializer=WC,trainable=False) #%% current output yC=tf.complex(tf.random.uniform([M,1],dtype=tfrealdatatype),tf.random.uniform([M,1],dtype=tfrealdatatype)) yout=tf.get_variable("current_y",initializer=yC,trainable=False) yt=tf.get_variable("target_y",initializer=yC,trainable=False) #%% place holder x=tf.placeholder(dtype=tfdatatype,shape=(M,1),name="x") #%% generate training set # it is a single input with M size, first elements are 1 the other are zeros xtrains=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(ntrain): for i in range(N): xtrains[i,j]=1.0 #%% normalize training set #xtrains=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xtrains,axis=0,order=2) #%% generate validation set xvalids=np.zeros((M,ntrain),dtype=npdatatype) for j in range(nvalid): for i in range(M): xvalids[i,j]=xtrains[i,j] #%% normalize validation set #xvalids=tf.keras.utils.normalize(xvalids,axis=0,order=2) #%% equation with tf.name_scope("equation") as scope: with tf.name_scope("Wreal") as scope: variable_summaries(Wreal) with tf.name_scope("Wimag") as scope: variable_summaries(Wimag) yt=tf.matmul(RXT,x) #clipping the weigths Wreal=tf.clip_by_value(Wreal,realMIN,realMAX) Wimag=tf.clip_by_value(Wimag,imagMIN,imagMAX) # build the matrices (phase only modulator) W=tf.complex(tf.cos(Wreal),tf.sin(Wreal)) transfer_matrix=tf.matmul(U,W) yout=tf.matmul(transfer_matrix,x) equation=yout-yt eqreal=tf.math.real(equation) eqimag=tf.math.imag(equation) cost_function=tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(eqreal)+ tf.square(eqimag)) tf.summary.scalar('cost_function',cost_function) #%%TO DO : TRY OTHER MINIMIZER with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: # global_step=tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name='global_step') # optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function, global_step=global_step) # optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( # cost_function) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize( cost_function) #%% message if verbose>0: print('Running with M ' + repr(M) + ' N ' + repr(N) + ' ntrain ' + repr(ntrain) + ' nvalid ' + repr(nvalid)) #%% writer train_writer=tf.summary.FileWriter(tensorboarddir) merged=tf.summary.merge_all() #%% xtmp=np.zeros((M,1),dtype=npdatatype) with tf.Session() as sess: train_writer.add_graph(sess.graph) Tinitial=transfer_matrix.eval() for epoch in range(epochs): avg_cost=0. for i in range(ntrain): xtmp=np.reshape(xtrains[0:M,i],(M,1)),feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) train_writer.add_summary(summary,i+epoch*epochs) avg_cost=avg_cost/ntrain # messagers if epoch % display_steps == 0: # evaluate the validation error avg_cost_valid=0. for i in range(nvalid): xtmp_valid=np.reshape(xvalids[0:M,i],(M,1)), feed_dict= {x: xtmp_valid}) avg_cost_valid=avg_cost_valid/nvalid if verbose>1: print('epoch '+repr(epoch)) print('cost '+repr(avg_cost)) print('valid cost '+repr(avg_cost_valid)) # check the validation cost and if needed exit the iteration if avg_cost_valid < threshold_valid: if verbose: print('Convergence in validation reached at epoch ' + repr(epoch)) break if epoch>=epochs-1: if verbose>0: print('No convergence, maximal epochs reached ' +repr(epochs)) Tfinal=transfer_matrix.eval(), feed_dict={x: xtmp}), feed_dict={x: xtmp}) rWfinal=Wreal.eval() iWfinal=Wimag.eval() Wfinal=W.eval() TVV=tf.matmul(W,W,adjoint_a=True).eval() # print('Determinant Structure matrix ' + repr(np.linalg.det(dataU_np))) #%% if verbose>2: print("Final Wreal") utilities.printonscreennp(rWfinal) print("Final Wimag") utilities.printonscreennp(iWfinal) print("Final Sinput=W") utilities.printonscreennp(Wfinal) print("Final TV V for unitarity ") utilities.printonscreennp(TVV) print("Initial T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tinitial) print("Final T") utilities.printonscreennp(Tfinal) #%% sess.close() #%% set the output dictionary of parameters out=dict(); out['accuracy']=threshold_valid out['epoch']=epoch out['ntrain']=ntrain out['nvalid']=nvalid out['N']=X_np.shape[0] out['M']=M out['X']=X_np out['xtrain']=xtrains out['Wfinal']=Wfinal out['Tfinal']=Tfinal out['yt']=ytargetf out['y']=youtf out['cost']=avg_cost_valid return out
<reponame>abhigyan709/dsalgo<gh_stars>1-10 # list is a type of an array/or simply array # its same like any other languages having arrays # it stores a series of items in a particular order. # allows to store sets of information in one place, # whether you have just a few items or millions of items. # one of the most poweful feature in Python # Defining a list # Making a List users = ['val', 'bob', 'mia', 'ron', 'ned'] # accessing the elements # indexing starts from 0 from L -> r first_user = users[0] # first element second_user = users[0] # second user newest_user = users[-1] # last element # modifying individual items users[0] = 'valerie' users[-2] = 'ronald' # printing the list: print("Here is my List: ",users) # adding elements, appending users.append('amy') # adding an element to end of list new_users = [] new_users.append('val') new_users.append('bob') new_users.append('mia') # inserting elements at particular position new_users.insert(0, 'joe') new_users.insert(3, 'bea') print("My new list: ", new_users) del users[2] print("Deleted list: ", users) # removing an item by its value print(new_users.remove('mia')) print("After remove: ", new_users) # popping elements """If you want to work with an element that you are removing from the list, you can 'pop' the element. If you thing of the list as a stack of items, pop() takes an items, pop() takes an item off the top of the stack. By default pop() returns the last element in the list, but you can also pop elements from any position in the list""" # pop the last element from a list most_recent_user = users.pop() print(most_recent_user) # pop the last item from a list first_user = users.pop(0) print(first_user) # length of the list num_users = len(new_users) print("There are " + str(num_users) + " users in new_list.") # list sorting """The sort() method changes the order of a list permanently. The sorted() function returns a copy of the list, leaving the original list unchanged. You can sort the items in a list in alphabetical order or reversed alpabetical order. """ # list sorting permanently users.sort() users.sort(reverse=True) # sorting a list temporarily print(sorted(users)) print(sorted(users, reverse = True)) # reversing the order of a list users.reverse() print(users) # looping through the lists """Lists can have millions of items, so python provides an efficient way to loop through all the items in a list. When you set up a loop, Python pulls each item from the list one at a time and stores it in a temporary variable, which you provide a name for. This name should be a singular version of the list name. The indented block of code makes up the body of the loop, where you can work with each individual item. Any lines that are not indented run after the loop is completed.""" # print all items and len in the list for user in users: print(user, len(user)) # printing a message for each item, and a seperate message afterwards for user in users: print("Welcome, " + user + "!") print("Welcome you all!") # The range() function """You can use the range() function to work with a set of numbers efficiently. The range() functions starts at by default, and stops one number below the number passed to it. You can use the list() function to efficiently generate a large list of numbers. """ # printing the numbers fron 0 to 1000 for numbers in range(1001): # syntax of range: range(start, stop, step) print("Number: ", numbers) # basic statstics in list: ages = [25, 26, 28, 19, 18, 17, 35, 36] sum_ages = sum(ages) min_ages = min(ages) max_ages = max(ages) print("Sum of ages: ", sum_ages) print("Youngest: ", min_ages) print("Oldest: ", max_ages) # slicing a list """You can work with any set of elements from a list. A portion of a list is called a slice. """ # getting the 1st 3 elements: finishers = ['kai', 'abe', 'ada', 'gus', 'zoe'] print("Finishers: ", finishers) first_3 = finishers[:3] print("Fisrt 3 finishers: ", first_3) middle_3 = finishers[1:4] print("Middile 3 finishers: ", middle_3) last_3 = finishers[-3:] print("Last 3 of finishers: ", last_3) # copy of a list copy_of_list = finishers[:] print(copy_of_list) # list comprehension """To use a list comprehension, define an expression for the values you want to store in the list. Then write a for loop to generate input values needed to makes the list.""" square = [] for x in range(10): square.append(x**2) print(square) squares = list(map(lambda x: x**2, range(10))) # list comprehension print(squares) """another method list comprehension""" cubes = [x**3 for x in range(10)] print(cubes) """a list comprehension consists of brackets containing an expression followed by a for clause, then zero or more for or if clauses. The result will be a new list resulting from evaluating the expression in the context of the for and if clauses which follow it. For example: """ my_tuple = [(x, y) for x in [1, 2, 3] for y in [3, 1, 4] if x != y] print(my_tuple) my_tuple_2 = [(x, y) for x in [1, 2, 3] for y in [2, 2, 2] if x == y] print(my_tuple_2) """nested list comprehension can be any arbitrary expression, including another list comprehenshion. Consider the following example of 3 * 4 matrix implemented as a list of 3, length of 4: """ matrix = [ [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], ] new_mat = [[row[i] for row in matrix] for i in range(4)] print(new_mat) transposed = [] for i in range(4): transposed.append([row[i] for row in matrix]) print(transposed) """using a loop to convert a list of names to upper case""" names = ['kai', 'abe', 'ada', 'gus', 'zoe'] upper_names = [] for name in names: upper_names.append(name.upper()) print(upper_names) """Another Methods""" names_2 = ['kai', 'abe', 'ada', 'gus', 'zoe'] upper_names_2 = [nam.upper() for nam in names_2] print(upper_names_2) # tuples in the python """A tuple is like a list but it is immutable in nature. We can overwrite an entire tuple but you can't change the individual elements in a tuple. """ """Defining a tuple""" dimensions = (800, 600) for dimension in dimensions: print(dimension) dimensions = (800, 1080) # tuple over written
import re from ..base import Base class Regex(Base): _description = 'matching {}' def _check(self, value): return bool(, value))
x=[2,25,34,56,72,34,54] val=int(input("Enter the value you want to get searched : ")) for i in x: if i==val: print(x.index(i)) break elif x.index(i)==(len(x)-1) and i!=val: print("The Val u want to search is not there in the list")
<filename>lecciones/05/ def mensaje(): # Declaración de la función print("Estamos aprendiendo Python.") print("Estamos aprendiendo instrucciones básicas.") print("Poco a poco iremos avanzando.") mensaje() # Llamada a la función print("Ejecutando código fuera de función") mensaje()
<filename>django/contrib/flatpages/tests/<gh_stars>1-10 import os from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage from django.test import TestCase class FlatpageViewTests(TestCase): fixtures = ['sample_flatpages'] urls = 'django.contrib.flatpages.tests.urls' def setUp(self): self.old_MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES flatpage_middleware_class = 'django.contrib.flatpages.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware' if flatpage_middleware_class in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = tuple(m for m in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES if m != flatpage_middleware_class) self.old_TEMPLATE_DIRS = settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates' ), ) self.old_LOGIN_URL = settings.LOGIN_URL settings.LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/login/' def tearDown(self): settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = self.old_MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = self.old_TEMPLATE_DIRS settings.LOGIN_URL = self.old_LOGIN_URL def test_view_flatpage(self): "A flatpage can be served through a view" response = self.client.get('/flatpage_root/flatpage/') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200) self.assertContains(response, "<p>Isn't it flat!</p>") def test_view_non_existent_flatpage(self): "A non-existent flatpage raises 404 when served through a view" response = self.client.get('/flatpage_root/no_such_flatpage/') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404) def test_view_authenticated_flatpage(self): "A flatpage served through a view can require authentication" response = self.client.get('/flatpage_root/sekrit/') self.assertRedirects(response, '/accounts/login/?next=/flatpage_root/sekrit/') User.objects.create_user('testuser', '<EMAIL>', 's3krit') self.client.login(username='testuser',password='<PASSWORD>') response = self.client.get('/flatpage_root/sekrit/') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200) self.assertContains(response, "<p>Isn't it sekrit!</p>") def test_fallback_flatpage(self): "A fallback flatpage won't be served if the middleware is disabled" response = self.client.get('/flatpage/') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404) def test_fallback_non_existent_flatpage(self): "A non-existent flatpage won't be served if the fallback middlware is disabled" response = self.client.get('/no_such_flatpage/') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 404) def test_view_flatpage_special_chars(self): "A flatpage with special chars in the URL can be served through a view" fp = FlatPage.objects.create( url="/some.very_special~chars-here/", title="A very special page", content="Isn't it special!", enable_comments=False, registration_required=False, ) fp.sites.add(1) response = self.client.get('/flatpage_root/some.very_special~chars-here/') self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200) self.assertContains(response, "<p>Isn't it special!</p>")
transformers = [] def register_transformer(transformer): transformers.append(transformer) def find_transformer(extension=None, mime_type=None): if not extension and not mime_type: raise ValueError("Either extension or mime type should be specified") info = None for trans in transformers: if extension and extension.lower() in trans["extensions"]: info = trans if mime_type and mime_type.lower().startswith(trans["mime_types"]): info = trans if not info: return None return info["class"] def transformer(type_name, resource, url, query): """Get transformation module for resource of given type""" mime_type = query.get('mimetype') trans_class = find_transformer(extension=type_name, mime_type=mime_type) if not trans_class: trans_class = find_transformer(extension='*') if not trans_class: return None return trans_class(resource, url, query) class Transformer(object): """Data resource transformer - abstract class""" def __init__(self, flow, url, query): self.flow = flow self.url = url self.query = query self.open_data = query['handler'] self.max_results = 500 self.mimetype = query.get('mimetype', None) if "max-results" in query: try: self.max_results = int(query.get("max-results", 500)) except: raise ValueError("max-results should be an integer") if "audit" in query: self.audit = True else: self.audit = False def close_stream(self, handle): if handle and hasattr(handle, 'close'): handle.close() def read_source_rows(self, src): rows = [] record_count = 0 for row in src.rows(): rows.append(row) record_count += 1 if self.max_results and record_count >= self.max_results: break result = { "fields": src.field_names, "data": rows } if self.max_results: result["max_results"] = self.max_results return result def requires_size_limit(self): '''Whether the transformer is subject to the 'limit', due to needing to loading the whole file into memory to only read a sample of it. ''' return True
<gh_stars>0 import math import numpy as np import itk from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Union, Callable # frequently used types from itk.itkImagePython import itkImageBase2 as Image2 from itk.itkImagePython import itkImageBase3 as Image3 from import ImageLike as AnyImage from import itkCType itkImage = Union[Image2, Image3] ImageOrArray = Union[Image2, Image3, np.ndarray] _COLLAPSE_STRATEGY_SUBMATRIX = 2 def identity(x: AnyImage) -> AnyImage: return x def as_image(x: AnyImage) -> AnyImage: if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return itk.image_view_from_array(x) return x def as_array(x: AnyImage) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x return itk.array_from_image(x) def array_view_reverse_ordering(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return x.transpose(np.flip(np.arange(len(x.shape)))) def imread(filename: Path) -> itkImage: """Wrapper around itk.imread to avoid having to convert Path to str""" return itk.imread(f"{filename}") def imwrite(image: itkImage, filename: Path, compression: bool = False) -> None: """Wrapper around itk.imwrite to avoid having to convert Path to str""" return itk.imwrite(image, f"{filename}", compression=compression) def pixeltype(image: itkImage) -> itkCType: """Get pixel type""" return itk.template(image)[1][0] def make_image( shape: Sequence[int], spacing: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, value: Union[int, float] = 0, pixel_type: itkCType = itk.UC, ) -> itkImage: """Create (2D/3D) image with specified shape and spacing""" dim = len(shape) region = itk.ImageRegion[dim]() region.SetSize(shape) region.SetIndex(tuple([0] * dim)) image = itk.Image[pixel_type, dim].New() image.SetRegions(region) if spacing: if len(shape) != len(spacing): raise ValueError("shape and spacing must have same dimension") image.SetSpacing(spacing) image.Allocate() image[:] = value return image def extract_slices(img: Image3, axis: int = 2) -> List[Image2]: """Get 2D image slices from 3D image Args: img (Image3): 3d image axis (int, optional): Axis perpendicular to slices. Defaults to 2, i.e. XY slices Returns: List[Image2]: [description] """ slices = [] size = itk.size(img) region = itk.region(img) region.SetSize(axis, 1) for k in range(size[axis]): region.SetIndex(axis, k) slices.append( itk.extract_image_filter( img, extraction_region=region, direction_collapse_to_strategy=_COLLAPSE_STRATEGY_SUBMATRIX, ) ) return slices def scale_to_range(img: AnyImage, vmin: float = 0.0, vmax: float = 255.0) -> AnyImage: """Scale numpy itk.Image to fit in range [vmin,vmax]""" x_view = as_array(img) x_min, x_max = np.min(x_view), np.max(x_view) x_view += vmin - x_min np.multiply(x_view, vmax / (x_max - x_min), out=x_view, casting="unsafe") np.clip(x_view, a_min=vmin, a_max=vmax, out=x_view) return img def resample(img: itkImage, target_spacing: Optional[Sequence] = None) -> itkImage: """resample (2D/3D) image to a target spacing Args: img (itkImage): input image target_spacing (Optional[Sequence]): target spacing (defaults to 0.85) Returns: itkImage: resampled image """ dim = img.GetImageDimension() interpolator = itk.LinearInterpolateImageFunction.New(img) transform = itk.IdentityTransform[itk.D, dim].New() if not target_spacing: target_spacing = [0.85] * dim size = itk.size(img) spacing = itk.spacing(img) for d in range(dim): size[d] = math.ceil(size[d] * spacing[d] / target_spacing[d]) spacing[d] = target_spacing[d] # resample to target resolution resampled = itk.resample_image_filter( img, transform=transform, interpolator=interpolator, size=size, output_spacing=spacing, output_origin=itk.origin(img), output_direction=img.GetDirection(), ) return resampled def resample_to_ref(img: itkImage, ref: itkImage) -> itkImage: """resample (2D/3D) image to a reference grid Args: img: input image ref: reference image Returns: itkImage: resampled image """ dim = img.GetImageDimension() interpolator = itk.LinearInterpolateImageFunction.New(img) transform = itk.IdentityTransform[itk.D, dim].New() # resample to target resolution resampled = itk.resample_image_filter( img, transform=transform, interpolator=interpolator, size=itk.size(ref), output_spacing=itk.spacing(ref), output_origin=itk.origin(ref), output_direction=ref.GetDirection(), ) return resampled def pad( img: AnyImage, target_size: Sequence[int] = (256, 256), value: float = 0 ) -> AnyImage: """Pad (2D/3D) image to the target size""" size = itk.size(img) delta = [t - min(s, t) for s, t in zip(size, target_size)] if any(delta): pad_lo = [(d + 1) // 2 for d in delta] pad_hi = [delta[i] - p for i, p in enumerate(pad_lo)] img = itk.constant_pad_image_filter( img, pad_lower_bound=pad_lo, pad_upper_bound=pad_hi, constant=value, ) return img def crop_center(img: AnyImage, target_size: Sequence[int] = (256, 256)) -> AnyImage: """Crop (2D/3D) image to the target size (centered)""" size = itk.size(img) delta = [max(s, t) - t for s, t in zip(size, target_size)] if any(delta): crop_low = [(d + 1) // 2 for d in delta] crop_hi = [delta[i] - p for i, p in enumerate(crop_low)] img = itk.crop_image_filter( img, lower_boundary_crop_size=crop_low, upper_boundary_crop_size=crop_hi, direction_collapse_to_strategy=_COLLAPSE_STRATEGY_SUBMATRIX, ) return img def crop( img: AnyImage, target_offset: Sequence[int], target_size: Sequence[int] = (256, 256) ) -> AnyImage: """Crop (2D/3D) image to the target size/offset""" region = itk.region(img) region.SetIndex(target_offset) region.SetSize(target_size) return itk.extract_image_filter( img, extraction_region=region, direction_collapse_to_strategy=_COLLAPSE_STRATEGY_SUBMATRIX, ) def get_files( dir: Path, predicate: Callable[[str], bool] = lambda f: f.endswith(".nii.gz") ) -> List[Path]: """Collect list of file names filtered by 'predicate'""" return [f for f in Path(dir).glob("*.*") if predicate(f"{f}")]
<filename>Juego del TaTeTi/ # Diseñado por <NAME> - # Éste contenido es de uso libre y contiene licencia MIT, por lo tanto, no me responsabilizo de daños y prejuicios en el caso de su uso y/o modificación. # @author: facundopadilla # @linkedin: from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from ui_tateti import Ui_MainWindow import sys class Tateti(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): # -- Constructor -- def __init__(self): super(Tateti, self).__init__() # inicializo y heredo los widgets self.tateti = Ui_MainWindow() # creo mi atributo self.tateti.setupUi(self) # cargo mi setupUi # -- Variables -- self.turno = 1 # si vale 1, es del jugador 1, si es 2, es del jugador 2, pero siempre empieza el jugador 1 self.matriz = [[None, None, None],[None, None, None],[None, None, None]] # matriz de 3x3 self.contador = 0 # para verificar si hay empate o no # --- Clicked buttons --- # >>> Matriz de Tateti <<< self.tateti.btn1.clicked.connect(self.btn1Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 1 (fila 1, columna 1) self.tateti.btn2.clicked.connect(self.btn2Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 2 (fila 1, columna 2) self.tateti.btn3.clicked.connect(self.btn3Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 3 (fila 1, columna 3) self.tateti.btn4.clicked.connect(self.btn4Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 4 (fila 2, columna 1) self.tateti.btn5.clicked.connect(self.btn5Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 5 (fila 2, columna 2) self.tateti.btn6.clicked.connect(self.btn6Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 6 (fila 2, columna 3) self.tateti.btn7.clicked.connect(self.btn7Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 7 (fila 3, columna 1) self.tateti.btn8.clicked.connect(self.btn8Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 8 (fila 3, columna 2) self.tateti.btn9.clicked.connect(self.btn9Clicked) # cuando hago click en el boton 9 (fila 3, columna 3) # >>> Boton de "Comenzar juego" <<< self.tateti.btnComenzar.clicked.connect(self.comenzar) # --- Funciones --- def comenzar(self): # -- Limpiar las X y O -- self.tateti.btn1.setText("") self.tateti.btn2.setText("") self.tateti.btn3.setText("") self.tateti.btn4.setText("") self.tateti.btn5.setText("") self.tateti.btn6.setText("") self.tateti.btn7.setText("") self.tateti.btn8.setText("") self.tateti.btn9.setText("") # -- Limpiar matriz -- self.matriz = [[None, None, None],[None, None, None],[None, None, None]] # -- Activar casillas -- self.tateti.btn1.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn2.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn3.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn4.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn5.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn6.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn7.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn8.setEnabled(True) self.tateti.btn9.setEnabled(True) # --- Reiniciar el contador --- self.contador = 0 def validarGanador(self): # --- Filas y columnas en X --- if((self.matriz[0][0] == "x" and self.matriz[0][1] == "x" and self.matriz[0][2] == "x") # fila 1 completa de X or (self.matriz[1][0] == "x" and self.matriz[1][1] == "x" and self.matriz[1][2] == "x") # fila 2 completa de X or (self.matriz[2][0] == "x" and self.matriz[2][1] == "x" and self.matriz[2][2] == "x") # fila 3 completa de X or (self.matriz[0][0] == "x" and self.matriz[1][0] == "x" and self.matriz[2][0] == "x") # columna 1 completa de X or (self.matriz[0][1] == "x" and self.matriz[1][1] == "x" and self.matriz[2][1] == "x") # columna 2 completa de X or (self.matriz[0][2] == "x" and self.matriz[1][2] == "x" and self.matriz[2][2] == "x") # columna 3 completa de X or (self.matriz[0][0] == "x" and self.matriz[1][1] == "x" and self.matriz[2][2] == "x") # diagonal de izquierda a derecha de X or (self.matriz[0][2] == "x" and self.matriz[1][1] == "x" and self.matriz[2][0] == "x")): # diagonal de derecha a izquierda de X self.ganador("Ganador: jugador 1") # envío el ganador # -- Filas y columnas en O --- elif((self.matriz[0][0] == "o" and self.matriz[0][1] == "o" and self.matriz[0][2] == "o") # fila 1 completa de O or (self.matriz[1][0] == "o" and self.matriz[1][1] == "o" and self.matriz[1][2] == "o") # fila 2 completa de O or (self.matriz[2][0] == "o" and self.matriz[2][1] == "o" and self.matriz[2][2] == "o") # fila 3 completa de O or (self.matriz[0][0] == "o" and self.matriz[1][0] == "o" and self.matriz[2][0] == "o") # columna 1 completa de O or (self.matriz[0][1] == "o" and self.matriz[1][1] == "o" and self.matriz[2][1] == "o") # columna 2 completa de O or (self.matriz[0][2] == "o" and self.matriz[1][2] == "o" and self.matriz[2][2] == "o") # clumna 3 completa de O or (self.matriz[0][0] == "o" and self.matriz[1][1] == "o" and self.matriz[2][2] == "o") # diagonal de izquierda a derecha de O or (self.matriz[0][2] == "o" and self.matriz[1][1] == "o" and self.matriz[2][0] == "o")): # diagonal de derecha a izquierda de O self.ganador("Ganador: jugador 2") # envío el ganador # -- Si nadie gana -- elif self.contador == 9: self.ganador("Empate, nadie gana.") def ganador(self, ganador): alerta = QMessageBox() # creo una caja de mensaje (QMessageBox) alerta.setWindowTitle("Ganador") # le defino un título alerta.setText(f"{ganador}") # le indico quien es el ganador mostrar_alerta = alerta.exec_() # la ejecuto y muestro en pantalla def btn1Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: # si es el turno del primer jugador self.tateti.btn1.setText("X") # le modifico el texto del botón por una X self.matriz[0][0] = "x" # añado a la matriz la X self.turno = 2 # modifico el turno y ahora es del jugador 2 elif self.turno == 2: # si es el turno del segundo jugador self.tateti.btn1.setText("O") # le modifico el texto del botón por una O self.turno = 1 # modifico el turno y ahora es del jugador 1 self.matriz[0][0] = "o" # añado a la matriz la X self.tateti.btn1.setEnabled(False) # desactivo para que no haya modificación self.contador += 1 # sumo el contador self.validarGanador() # valido si ganó o no def btn2Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn2.setText("X") self.matriz[0][1] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn2.setText("O") self.matriz[0][1] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn2.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() def btn3Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn3.setText("X") self.matriz[0][2] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn3.setText("O") self.matriz[0][2] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn3.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() def btn4Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn4.setText("X") self.matriz[1][0] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn4.setText("O") self.matriz[1][0] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn4.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() def btn5Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn5.setText("X") self.matriz[1][1] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn5.setText("O") self.matriz[1][1] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn5.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() def btn6Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn6.setText("X") self.matriz[1][2] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn6.setText("O") self.matriz[1][2] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn6.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() def btn7Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn7.setText("X") self.matriz[2][0] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn7.setText("O") self.matriz[2][0] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn7.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() def btn8Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn8.setText("X") self.matriz[2][1] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn8.setText("O") self.matriz[2][1] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn8.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() def btn9Clicked(self): if self.turno == 1: self.tateti.btn9.setText("X") self.matriz[2][2] = "x" self.turno = 2 elif self.turno == 2: self.tateti.btn9.setText("O") self.matriz[2][2] = "o" self.turno = 1 self.tateti.btn9.setEnabled(False) self.contador += 1 self.validarGanador() # -- Inicio de la app -- app = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) application = Tateti() sys.exit(app.exec())
<filename>story-pointr-backend/storypointr/apps/pointing/ from channels.exceptions import DenyConnection from apps.pointing.pointingroom import PointingRoom from protocol.consumers.jsonrpcconsumer import AsyncJsonRpcWebsocketConsumer, JsonRpcException, rpc_method, rpc_notification from import EventMessage from import AsyncChannelGroupEventRegistry import logging from .pointingroom import PointingRoom import uuid logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Event: USER_JOINED = "USER_JOINED" USER_LEFT = "USER_LEFT" class UserConsumer(AsyncJsonRpcWebsocketConsumer): async def connect(self): """ Connects to the room with the indicated room_code. The username must be unique to the room that is being joined, otherwise the connection will be denied. """ try: # If no room_code is specified, we will start a new room. Otherwise, join existing one if 'room_code' in self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']: self.room_code = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['room_code'] else: self.room_code = uuid.uuid4() self.username = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['username'].strip() = AsyncChannelGroupEventRegistry(self, self.room_code) self.pointingRoom = PointingRoom(self.room_code) self.pointingRoom.add_user(self.username) await self.accept()'User %s joined room %s', self.username, self.room_code) await, self.on_user_joined) await, self.on_user_left) await except Exception as ex:'%s - Denying connection.', str(ex)) raise DenyConnection from ex async def disconnect(self, close_code): """ Disconnects from the room and channel that the user is part of. """'User %s leaving room %s', self.username, self.room_code) self.pointingRoom.remove_user(self.username) await await async def on_user_joined(self, username=None, **kwargs): """ Called when a user joins the room. Args: username {str} -- The username of the user that joined. """'User %s.%s received user_joined event', self.room_code, self.username) await self.send_json(EventMessage('user_joined', username=username)) async def on_user_left(self, username=None, **kwargs): """ Called when a user leaves the room. Args: username {str} -- The username of the user that left. """'User %s.%s received user_left event', self.room_code, self.username) await self.send_json(EventMessage('user_left', username=username)) @rpc_method async def get_room_code(self): """Gets the code for the current room.""" return dict(room_code=self.pointingRoom.room_code) @rpc_method async def get_users(self): """Gets the list of users currently active within the room.""" return dict(users=self.pointingRoom.get_users()) @rpc_method async def update_point(self, point): """Updates the current users point.""" self.pointingRoom.update_point(self.username, point)
<reponame>Peilonrayz/typing_inspect_lib<gh_stars>1-10 import typing from .helpers import PY_OLD, typing_ # TODO: reduce complexity if PY_OLD: # noqa: MC0001 def get_base_type(type_): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements """Get the generic type and if it is unwrapped.""" ret_type = None if isinstance(type_, typing._ProtocolMeta): ret_type = typing_.BaseProtocol elif isinstance(type_, typing_.ProtocolMeta): ret_type = typing_.Protocol elif isinstance(type_, typing.GenericMeta): ret_type = typing.Generic if ret_type is not None: if type_.__origin__ is None: return ret_type, True else: return ret_type, False return None, None else: def get_base_type(type_): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements if isinstance(type_, typing._ProtocolMeta): return typing_.BaseProtocol, True if isinstance(type_, typing_.ProtocolMeta): return typing_.Protocol, True if isinstance(type_, typing._GenericAlias): if isinstance(type_.__origin__, typing._ProtocolMeta): return typing_.BaseProtocol, False elif isinstance(type_.__origin__, typing_.ProtocolMeta): return typing_.Protocol, False elif getattr(type_, '_special', False): return typing.Generic, True else: return typing.Generic, False if hasattr(type_, '__orig_bases__') and typing.Generic in type_.__mro__: return typing.Generic, True return None, None
<filename>src/clusto/test/drivers/resourcemanagers/ import clusto from clusto.test import testbase from clusto.drivers import IPManager, BasicServer, ResourceTypeException, ResourceException import IPy class IPManagerTest(testbase.ClustoTestBase): def data(self): ip1 = IPManager('a1', gateway='', netmask='', baseip='') ip2 = IPManager('b1', gateway='', netmask='', baseip='') ip3 = IPManager('c1', gateway='', netmask='', baseip='') ip4 = IPManager('c2', gateway='', netmask='', baseip='') s = BasicServer('s1') def testBadIPAllocation(self): ip1, ip2, s1 = map(clusto.get_by_name, ['a1', 'b1', 's1']) self.assertRaises(ResourceTypeException, ip1.allocate, s1, '') def testNewIP(self): ip1, ip2, s1 = map(clusto.get_by_name, ['a1', 'b1', 's1']) num = 50 for i in range(num): ip1.allocate(s1) self.assertEqual(ip1.count, num) self.assertEqual(len(ip1.resources(s1)), num) self.assertEqual(ip1.owners('192.168.1.' + str(num+1)), [s1]) def testGetIPManager(self): ip1, ip2 = map(clusto.get_by_name, ['a1', 'b1']) self.assertEqual(ip1, IPManager.get_ip_manager('')) self.assertEqual(ip2, IPManager.get_ip_manager('')) def testGetIPManagers(self): ip3, ip4 = map(clusto.get_by_name, ['c1', 'c2']) self.assertEqual([ip3, ip4], IPManager.get_ip_managers('')) self.assertEqual([ip4], IPManager.get_ip_managers('')) self.assertEqual([], IPManager.get_ip_managers('')) def testGetIP(self): ip1, ip2, s1 = map(clusto.get_by_name, ['a1', 'b1', 's1']) ip1.allocate(s1) ip2.allocate(s1) self.assertEqual(sorted(IPManager.get_ips(s1)), sorted(['', ''])) def testReserveIP(self): ip1, ip2, s1 = map(clusto.get_by_name, ['a1', 'b1', 's1']) ip2.allocate(ip2, '') self.assertRaises(ResourceException, ip2.allocate, s1, '') def testAdditionalAttrs(self): ip1, ip2, s1 = map(clusto.get_by_name, ['a1', 'b1', 's1']) ip1.allocate(s1, '') self.assertEqual(str(s1.attr_value(key='ip', subkey='ipstring')), '') self.assertEqual(str(s1.attr_value(key='ip', subkey='cidr')), '')
<filename>reactivex/internal/ # Rx Exceptions from typing import Optional class SequenceContainsNoElementsError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(msg or "Sequence contains no elements") class ArgumentOutOfRangeException(ValueError): def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): super(ArgumentOutOfRangeException, self).__init__( msg or "Argument out of range" ) class DisposedException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(msg or "Object has been disposed") class ReEntracyException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(msg or "Re-entrancy detected") class CompletedException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(msg or "Observer completed") class WouldBlockException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(msg or "Would block")
<filename><gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python """ Usage: python --listcolumns /fh/fast/gilbert_p/grp/compass_hvtn602_aw/tmpdata/flow-data-2of9-responses.feather python --columns CCR6,CCR7,CD154,CD45RA,CXCR3,GzA,HLA-DR,IFNg,IL13/4,IL17a,IL2,IL22,KLRG1,Perforin,TNFa /fh/fast/gilbert_p/grp/compass_hvtn602_aw/tmpdata/flow-data-2of9-responses.feather """ n_neighbors_help = """This parameter controls how UMAP balances local versus global structure in the data. It does this by constraining the size of the local neighborhood UMAP will look at when attempting to learn the manifold structure of the data. This means that low values of n_neighbors will force UMAP to concentrate on very local structure (potentially to the detriment of the big picture), while large values will push UMAP to look at larger neighborhoods of each point when estimating the manifold structure of the data, loosing fine detail structure for the sake of getting the broader of the data.""" min_dist_help = """The parameter controls how tightly UMAP is allowed to pack points together. It, quite literally, provides the minimum distance apart that points are allowed to be in the low dimensional representation. This means that low values of min_dist will result in clumpier embeddings. This can be useful if you are interested in clustering, or in finer topological structure. Larger values of min_dist will prevent UMAP from packing point together and will focus instead on the preservation of the broad topological structure instead.""" if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='UMAP for dimensionality reduction of a matrix stored in feather format.') parser.add_argument('filename', type=str, help='Path to the feather file.', default='/fh/fast/gilbert_p/grp/compass_hvtn602_aw/tmpdata') parser.add_argument('--metric', type=str, help='A scipy distance metric, e.g. correlation, euclidean, manhattan', default='correlation') parser.add_argument('--out', type=str, help='Out put filename.', default='xxxx_out.feather') parser.add_argument('--n_neighbors', type=int, help=n_neighbors_help, default=20) parser.add_argument('--min_dist', type=float, help=min_dist_help, default=0.5) parser.add_argument('--columns', type=str, help='Comma-sperated list of columns to consider as input dimensions', default='ALL') parser.add_argument('--listcolumns', action='store_true', help='List the columns in the input feather file.') args = parser.parse_args() import numpy as np import pandas as pd import umap import feather import sys if args.columns != 'ALL': cols = args.columns.split(',') # cols = [c for c in cols if c in fDf.columns] # fDf = fDf[cols] else: cols = None fDf = feather.read_dataframe(args.filename, columns=cols) if args.listcolumns: print(','.join(fDf.columns)) print('Rows: %d' % fDf.shape[0]) else: umapObj = umap.UMAP(n_components=2, metric=args.metric, n_neighbors=args.n_neighbors, min_dist=args.min_dist) xy = umapObj.fit_transform(fDf.values) assert xy.shape[0] == fDf.shape[0] xyDf = pd.DataFrame(xy, index=fDf.index, columns=['X', 'Y']) if args.out == 'xxxx_out.feather': args.out = args.filename[:-len('.feather')] + '_out' + '.feather' feather.write_dataframe(xyDf, args.out) print('Successfully applied UMAP: %s' % args.out)
#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import anydbm import sys import BaseHTTPServer import SocketServer class MetricRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): db_filename = None def do_GET(self): database = output = ['%s %s' % (k, database[k]) for k in database.keys()] self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() print >>self.wfile, '\n'.join(output) def parse_args(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Output the metrics stored in a dbm file') parser.add_argument( '--db_file', metavar='DB_FILE', required=True, help='The DBM file to read the metrics from') parser.add_argument( '--port', metavar='PORT', type=int, default=8080, help='The port on which the server should run') return parser.parse_args(argv) def main(argv): args = parse_args(argv[1:]) MetricRequestHandler.db_filename = args.db_file httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", args.port), MetricRequestHandler) httpd.serve_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)
from gameai.core import Algorithm class Minimax(Algorithm): ''' Implementation of the minimax algorithm. Attributes: horizon (int): The max depth of the search. Defaults to infinity. Note that if this is set then the game's hueristic is used ''' def __init__(self, horizon=float('inf')): self.horizon = horizon def best_action(self, g, s, p): actions = g.action_space(s) rewards = [self.min_play(g, g.next_state(s, a, p), 1-p, 0) for a in actions] return actions[rewards.index(max(rewards))] def min_play(self, g, s, p, depth): ''' Get the smallest value of all the child nodes Args: g (Game): The game s (any): The state of the game upon execution p (int): The current player (who is about to make a move) depth (int): The current depth of the search tree Returns: int: The smallest value of all the child states ''' actions = g.action_space(s) if g.terminal(s) or depth > self.horizon: return g.reward(s, 1-p) return min([self.max_play(g, g.next_state(s, a, p), 1-p, depth+1) for a in actions]) def max_play(self, g, s, p, depth): ''' Get the largest value of all the child nodes Args: g (Game): The game s (any): The state of the game upon execution p (int): The current player (who is about to make a move) depth (int): The current depth of the search tree Returns: int: The largest value of all the child states ''' actions = g.action_space(s) if g.terminal(s) or depth > self.horizon: return g.reward(s, p) return max([self.min_play(g, g.next_state(s, a, p), 1-p, depth+1) for a in actions])
<reponame>AngelinNjakasoa/Range-analysis-experiments<filename> #!/usr/bin/python2.7 # coding: utf8 """ Test the Range Analysis on a python source code """ import sys import ast import visitor_iteration def main(): """ Takes a python source code file as arguments and performs a range analysis """ if len(sys.argv) == 2: source_file = open(sys.argv[1]).read() ast_node = ast.parse(source_file) visitor = visitor_iteration.VisitorRangeAbstract() try: visitor.visit(ast_node) except Exception: print "Invalid source code" else: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>tim-fiola/nautobot-plugin-version-control """ This is the main module that contains the code for the Dolt backed Version Control plugin. """ try: from importlib import metadata except ImportError: # Python version < 3.8 import importlib_metadata as metadata from django.db.models.signals import pre_migrate, post_migrate import django_tables2 from nautobot.extras.plugins import PluginConfig from nautobot_version_control.migrations import auto_dolt_commit_migration __version__ = metadata.version(__name__) class NautobotVersionControl(PluginConfig): """NautobotVersionControl initializes the dolt configs, middleware, and sets up migrations.""" name = "nautobot_version_control" verbose_name = "Nautobot Version Control" description = "Nautobot Version Control with Dolt" base_url = "version-control" version = __version__ author = "Network to Code, LLC" author_email = "<EMAIL>" min_version = "1.2.0-beta.1" max_version = "1.999" required_settings = [] default_settings = { # TODO: are these respected? # this is also set in /development/ "DATABASE_ROUTERS": [ "nautobot_version_control.routers.GlobalStateRouter", ], "SESSION_ENGINE": "django.contrib.sessions.backends.signed_cookies", "CACHEOPS_ENABLED": False, } middleware = [ "nautobot_version_control.middleware.dolt_health_check_intercept_middleware", "nautobot_version_control.middleware.DoltBranchMiddleware", "nautobot_version_control.middleware.DoltAutoCommitMiddleware", ] def ready(self): super().ready() # disable the GlobalStateRouter during migrations. pre_migrate.connect(switch_global_router_off, sender=self) post_migrate.connect(switch_global_router_on, sender=self) # make a Dolt commit to save database migrations. post_migrate.connect(auto_dolt_commit_migration, sender=self) config = NautobotVersionControl # pylint: disable=C0103 def query_registry(model, registry): """Performs a lookup on a content type registry. Args: model: a Django model class registry: a python dictionary like ``` { "my_app_label": True, "my_other_model": { "my_model": True, }, } ``` The type of `<value>` is specific to each registry. A return value of `None` signals that nothing is registered for that `model`. """ app_label = model._meta.app_label model = model.__name__.lower() if app_label not in registry: return None if not isinstance(registry[app_label], dict): return registry[app_label] # subset specified if model not in registry[app_label]: return None return registry[app_label][model] # Registry of Content Types of models that should be under version control. # Top-level dict keys are app_labels. If the top-level dict value is `True`, # then all models under that app_label are allowlisted.The top-level value # may also be a nest dict containing a subset of version-controlled models # within the app_label. __VERSIONED_MODEL_REGISTRY___ = { "nautobot_version_control": { # Pull Requests are not versioned "pullrequest": False, "pullrequestreviewcomments": False, "pullrequestreviews": False, "branchmeta": False, "branch": False, # todo: calling the following "versioned" is odd. # their contents are parameterized by branch # changes, but they are not under VCS. "commit": True, "commitancestor": True, "conflicts": True, "constraintviolations": True, }, "dcim": True, "circuits": True, "ipam": True, "virtualization": True, "taggit": True, "tenancy": True, "extras": { # TODO: what should be versioned from `extras`? "computedfield": True, "configcontext": True, "configcontextschema": True, "customfield": True, "customfieldchoice": True, "customlink": True, "exporttemplate": True, # "gitrepository": True, "graphqlquery": True, "imageattachment": True, # "job": True, # "jobresult": True, "objectchange": True, "relationship": True, "relationshipassociation": True, "secret": True, "secretsgroup": True, "status": True, "tag": True, "taggeditem": True, "webhook": True, }, } def is_versioned_model(model): """ Determines whether a model's is under version control. See __MODELS_UNDER_VERSION_CONTROL__ for more info. """ registry = __VERSIONED_MODEL_REGISTRY___ return bool(query_registry(model, registry)) def register_versioned_models(registry): """Register additional content types to be versioned. Args: registry: a python dict of content types that will be placed under version control: ``` { "my_app_label": True, "my_other_model": { "my_model": True, }, } ``` """ err = ValueError("invalid versioned model registry") for key, val in registry.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): # key must be string raise err if isinstance(val, bool): # val may be bool continue if not isinstance(val, dict): # val must be dict if not bool raise err # validate nested dict for k, v in val.items(): if not isinstance(k, str): # k must be string raise err if not isinstance(v, bool): # v must be bool raise err __VERSIONED_MODEL_REGISTRY___.update(registry) __DIFF_TABLE_REGISTRY__ = {} def diff_table_for_model(model): """ Returns a table object for a model, if it exists in the ` __DIFF_TABLE_REGISTRY__`. """ return query_registry(model, __DIFF_TABLE_REGISTRY__) def register_diff_tables(registry): """Register additional tables to be used in diffs. Registry values must be subclasses of django_tables2.Table. Args: registry: a python dict of content types that will be placed under version control: ``` { "my_app_label": True, "my_other_model": { "my_model": True, }, } ``` """ err = ValueError("invalid diff table registry") for key, val in registry.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): # key must be string raise err if not isinstance(val, dict): # val must be dict raise err for k, v in val.items(): if not isinstance(k, str): # k must be string raise err if not issubclass(v, django_tables2.tables.Table): # v must be Table raise err __DIFF_TABLE_REGISTRY__.update(registry) __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ = True def is_global_router_enabled(): """Returns true if the __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ is turned on""" global __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ # pylint: disable=W0602 return __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ def switch_global_router_on(**kwargs): """Sets __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH to true""" global __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ = True def switch_global_router_off(**kwargs): """Sets __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH to false""" global __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ __GLOBAL_ROUTER_SWITCH__ = False
<gh_stars>1-10 #! /usr/bin/python3.5 # -*- coding: utf-8 import numpy as np import re def read_data(file): """ Give a .dat file, we read the: - n - W - D """ opened_file = open(file) n = int(opened_file.readline().strip('\n')) W = np.zeros((n, n)) D = np.zeros((n, n)) opened_file.readline() for iterator in range(n): # the separator is a space line = opened_file.readline().strip('\n').split(' ') # we put the reading line in the matrix if '' in line: line.remove('') W[iterator, :] = line opened_file.readline() for iterator in range(n): # i use regex because your way to separate element is aweful line = opened_file.readline() D[iterator, :] = re.findall(r"[0-9]+", line) return [n, W, D] def fitness(W, D, sol): """ Fitness will compute the value of our solution. We assume that: - W is the flow matrix - D is the distance matrix - sol is a solution We assume that W,D are some numpy matrix Sol is a list. """ res = 0 for i in range(len(sol)): for j in range(i+1, len(sol)): # we take the object i in sol and object j # we substract 1 beacause we count from 0 res += W[i, j] * D[sol[i] - 1, sol[j] - 1] return 2 * res def delta(W, D, sol, i, j): """ We compute the delta between two solution. We assurme that: - W ia the flow matrix - D is the distance matrix - sol is the solution - i is the index of first moved object - j is the index of second moved object We assume that W,D are numpy matrix Sol is a list. """ res = 0 # we reduce i,j because we count from 0 j -= 1 i -= 1 for k in range(len(sol)): if k != i and k != j: res += (W[j, k] - W[i, k]) * (D[sol[i] - 1, sol[k] - 1] - D[sol[j] - 1, sol[k] - 1]) return 2 * res def generate_neighbor(W, D, sol): """ We generate all solution. We use the same sum as the fitness. We have: -W : the flow matrix -D : the distance matrix -sol : a solution """ res = [] fitness_sol = fitness(W=W, D=D, sol=sol) for i in range(len(sol)): for j in range(i + 1, len(sol)): neighbor = list(sol) # we swap the i and j objects neighbor[i], neighbor[j] = neighbor[j], neighbor[i] # we compute the fitness new_fitness_sol = fitness_sol + delta(W=W, D=D, sol=neighbor, i=i, j=j) r = i s = j object_i = sol[r] object_j = sol[s] res.append([new_fitness_sol, neighbor, object_i, r, object_j, s]) return res class ListeTabou: """ It's a matrix to represente the forbbiden assignation. It has a size = nxn. """ def __init__(self, listeTabouSize): self.listeTabou = np.zeros((listeTabouSize, listeTabouSize)) def add(self, i, r, j, s, t, l): # we decrease i,j because it's some object # and the object are 1 to N not 0 to N-1 i -= 1 j -= 1 self.listeTabou[i, r] = t + l self.listeTabou[j, r] = t + l def permitted(self, i, j, r, s, t): return self.listeTabou[i, r] <= t and self.listeTabou[j, s] <= t def random_solution(W, D, n): """ We generate a solution of size n """ sol = np.random.permutation(n) + 1 fitness_sol = fitness(W=W, D=D, sol=sol) return [fitness_sol, sol] def choose_neighbor(W, D, sol, best, t, l, listeTabou): """ We choose a neighbor according to tabou liste and asspiraiton """ neighbors = generate_neighbor(W=W, D=D, sol=sol) neighbors.sort() for ele in neighbors: [fitness, sol, i, r, j, s] = ele # if we have a new best element if ele[0] < best[0]: # we add this movement to the matrix listeTabou.add(i=i, r=r, j=j, s=s, t=t, l=l) best = [fitness, sol] return [best, best] else: if listeTabou.permitted(i=i - 1, j=j - 1, r=r, s=s, t=t): listeTabou.add(i=i, r=r, j=j, s=s, t=t, l=l) return [best, [fitness, sol]] return [best, [fitness(W, D, sol), sol]] def tabouSearch(file, l, t_max): """ It combines all previous function to build a tabou search """ # read file for n, W, D [n, W, D] = read_data(file) # generate solution sol = random_solution(W=W, D=D, n=n) # at begining the best is the sol best = list(sol) # we define t and l t = 0 if l != 1: l = round(l * n) # the list tabou listeTabou = ListeTabou(n) acc = [] # loop while t != t_max: # we choose a solution [best, sol] = choose_neighbor(W=W, D=D, sol=sol[1], best=best, t=t, l=l, listeTabou=listeTabou) acc.append(sol[0]) t += 1 return [best, acc] def runTenTimesDat(file, l, t_max): """ We run ten times the algorithme on a certain problem with a certain l and t_max """ acc = [] best = [] for ele in range(10): res = tabouSearch(file=file, l=l, t_max=t_max) acc.append(res[1]) best.append(res[0]) print("For l= " + str(l) + "\tBest = " + str(min(best)[0]) + "\tmean = " + str(np.mean(acc)) + "\tstd. dev = " + str(np.sqrt(np.var(acc)))) def generate_data(n): """ We generate data for a QAP problem. Two symterical matrix """ # we create the matrix of the right size with random integers D = np.random.random_integers(0, 5, size=(n, n)) W = np.random.random_integers(0, 10, size=(n, n)) # we create symetrical matrix D = np.tril(D) + np.tril(D, -1).T W = np.tril(W) + np.tril(W, -1).T # we define the diag to 0 np.fill_diagonal(D, 0) np.fill_diagonal(W, 0) # we write data in file data = open(str(n) + ".dat", 'w+') data.write(str(n) + "\n\n") # we write the D matrix for line in D: string = "" for ele in line: string += str(ele) + " " data.write(string + "\n") data.write("\n") # same thing for the W for line in W: string = "" for ele in line: string += str(ele) + " " data.write(string + "\n") if __name__ == '__main__': runTenTimesDat(file="1.dat", l=1, t_max=5000) runTenTimesDat(file="1.dat", l=0.5, t_max=5000) runTenTimesDat(file="1.dat", l=0.9, t_max=5000) generate_data(40) generate_data(50) generate_data(80) generate_data(100)
<reponame>GuilhermeEsdras/Grafos<gh_stars>0 from Roteiro4.Roteiro4__funcoes import Grafo class Grafos: # Grafo da Paraíba paraiba = Grafo(['J', 'C', 'E', 'P', 'M', 'T', 'Z']) for aresta in ['J-C', 'C-E', 'C-E', 'C-P', 'C-P', 'C-M', 'C-T', 'M-T', 'T-Z']: paraiba.adicionaAresta(aresta) # --- # # Grafo Completo grafo_completo = Grafo(['J', 'C', 'E', 'P']) for aresta in ['J-C', 'J-P', 'J-E', 'C-E', 'C-P', 'P-E']: grafo_completo.adicionaAresta(aresta) # --- # # K3 k3 = Grafo(['A', 'B', 'C']) for aresta in ['A-B', 'B-C', 'C-A']: k3.adicionaAresta(aresta) # --- #
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Nov 17 12:38:15 2021 @author: Oscar """ # Golden Search, mimics the secant method, but for finding the Global Max and min (optimization of a function) # Strategy in selecting the bounds of the interval: # l0 = distance between estimate, # l0 = l1+l2 ; l1/l0 = l2/l1 # R = (l2/l1)**-1 (reciprocal) # From substitution : 1 +R = 1/R -> R**2 + R - 1 = 0 # R = [sqrt(5)-1]/2 <- GOLDEN RATIO # d = R(x_u - x_l) #x1 = x_l + d ; x2 = x_u - d import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt """ Interval Selection """ # Parameters xu = 20 #int(input("Please choose a upper bound: ")) xl = -20 #int(input("Please choose a lower bound: ")) N = 100 #int(input("Please choose Maxt number of iterations: ")) # Golden Ratio R = (math.sqrt(5) - 1)/2 """ Evaluation of the Function """ # Evaluated function f = lambda x: 2*np.sin(x) - x**2/10 def GoldenSearchMax(xu, xl, f, N): for i in range(0, N-1): # Intermediate points d = R*(xu - xl) x1 = xl + d x2 = xu - d fx1, fx2 = f(x1), f(x2) if fx1 > fx2 : xl = x2 elif fx1 < fx2: xu = x1 else: #print("The local maxima is located at:", x1, fx1) break return x1, fx1 def GoldenSearchMin(xu, xl, f, N): for i in range(0, N-1): # Intermediate points d = R*(xu - xl) x1 = xl + d x2 = xu - d fx1, fx2 = f(x1), f(x2) if fx1 < fx2 : xl = x2 elif fx1 > fx2: xu = x1 else: #print("The local minima is located at:", x1, fx1) break return x1, fx1 # Arrays to store the numbers Max = GoldenSearchMax(xu, xl, f, N) Min = GoldenSearchMin(xu, xl, f, N) print('The local max and min of the interval is:', Max, Min) # Initializing Arrays x_value = np.linspace(xl, xu, N-1) y_value = np.zeros(N-1) # Populating y_array for k in range(N-1): y_value[k] = f(x_value[k]) # Plotting the function f plt.plot(x_value ,y_value) plt.scatter(Max[0], Max[1], label = 'Maxima', color = 'r') plt.scatter(Min[0], Min[1], label = 'Maxima', color = 'g') plt.legend(['Function', 'Maxima', 'Minima']) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y')
<reponame>mdomarsaleem/Facial_Plan<filename>Database creation/ import cv2 import numpy as np from picamera.array import PiRGBArray from picamera import PiCamera import scipy.misc import cPickle import os import time os.chdir("//home//pi/Desktop//Image_db/") import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=DeprecationWarning) def rgb2gray(rgb): return[:,:,:], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114]) def standard(X): return (X - X.mean())/X.max() def Pre_Process(face): from skimage.transform import resize X = standard(resize(face,(96,96))).reshape(-1,1,96,96) X_normal = X.reshape(-1,9216) return X,X_normal # load it again with open('/home/pi/Desktop/files/linear_model.pkl', 'rb') as fid: Net = cPickle.load(fid) map = np.load('/home/pi/Desktop/files/map.npy') #print map #face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('/home/pi/Downloads/opencv-2.4.13/data/haarcascades_GPU/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') #face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('/home/pi/Downloads/opencv-2.4.13/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('/home/pi/Downloads/opencv-2.4.13/data/lbpcascades/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml') # initialize the camera and grab a reference to the raw camera capture camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (1000, 750) camera.framerate = 15 camera.zoom = (0,0,0.75,0.75) rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=(1000, 750)) cv2.namedWindow('Video',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow('Video',640,480) i = 0 for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True): # grab the raw NumPy array representing the image, then initialize the timestamp # and occupied/unoccupied text frame = frame.array gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) start_time = time.time() faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale( gray, scaleFactor=1.2, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(90, 90) ) #print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) # Draw a rectangle around the faces if len(faces)>0: for (x, y, w, h) in faces: i +=1 fac = np.array(frame)[y:(y+h),x:(x+h),:] fac_gray = np.array(gray)[y:(y+h),x:(x+h)] X,X_normal = Pre_Process(fac_gray) Probability = Net.predict_proba(X.reshape(-1,9216)) prob = np.amax(Probability) #print Probability index = np.argmax(Probability) #print index cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x+h, y+w), (0, 255, 0), 2) #cv2.putText(frame,'omar',(x,y+h), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX,1,(0,0,255), 2,8) #cv2.putText(frame,str(map[index])+' '+str(round(prob*100,2) )+'%',(x,y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX,1,(255,255,255), 1,2) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) scipy.misc.toimage(cv2.cvtColor(fac, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)).save(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+'_'+str(i) +'.jpg') # Display the resulting frame cv2.imshow('Video', frame) #time.sleep(0.1) # clear the stream in preparation for the next frame rawCapture.truncate(0) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break if time.localtime(time.time()).tm_hour == 20: break #os.system("shutdown now -h") # When everything is done, release the capture cv2.destroyAllWindows()
# import the necessary packages from Automation.Web import wikipedia, movie_review, play_song, recommendation, open_website from Automation.OS.Windows import open_installed_apps, create_and_write_file from Senses import listen, speak import os import platform import subprocess def assist(command): """if statements for executing commands""" if "information" in command: speak.tokioResponse("information about what?") topic = listen.myCommand() try: bot = bot.get_info(topic) except Exception as e: print(e) elif "review" in command: speak.tokioResponse("which movie?") movie_name = listen.myCommand() try: bot = movie_review.Movie() bot.movie_review(movie_name) except Exception as e: print(e) elif "play song" in command: speak.tokioResponse("which song?") song_name = listen.myCommand() try: bot = play_song.Music() bot.fromytvideo(song_name) except Exception as e: print(e) elif "recommend" in command: try: bot = recommendation.IMDBlatestBestMovies() bot.recommend() except Exception as e: print(e) elif "open website" in command: speak.tokioResponse("which website?") website_name = listen.myCommand() try: bot = open_website.Website() bot.open_website(website_name) except Exception as e: print(e) else: # Check for OS if platform.system().lower() == 'windows': if "open" in command: speak.tokioResponse("which app?") app_name = listen.myCommand() try: bot = open_installed_apps.Apps() bot.openApps(app_name) speak.tokioResponse("opened " + app_name + "sir") except Exception as e: print(e) elif "create new" in command: speak.tokioResponse("What should I make note of") list_of_commands = [] while listen.myCommand() != 'stop please': list_of_commands.append(listen.myCommand() + '\n') try: bot = create_and_write_file.CreateNewFile() bot.takenote(list_of_commands) speak.tokioResponse("Note taken sir!!") except Exception as e: print(e)
<filename> import tensorflow as tf def conv(x, filter_height, filter_width, num_filters, stride_y, stride_x, name, padding='SAME', groups=1, weights=None, biases=None): """Create a convolution layer. Adapted from: """ # Get number of input channels input_channels = int(x.get_shape()[-1]) # Create lambda function for the convolution convolve = lambda i, k: tf.nn.conv2d(i, k, strides=[1, stride_y, stride_x, 1], padding=padding) with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: if weights is None: # Create tf variables for the weights and biases of the conv layer weights = tf.get_variable('weights', shape=[filter_height, filter_width, input_channels / groups, num_filters]) if biases is None: biases = tf.get_variable('biases', shape=[num_filters]) if groups == 1: conv = convolve(x, weights) # In the cases of multiple groups, split inputs & weights and else: # Split input and weights and convolve them separately input_groups = tf.split(axis=3, num_or_size_splits=groups, value=x) weight_groups = tf.split(axis=3, num_or_size_splits=groups, value=weights) output_groups = [convolve(i, k) for i, k in zip(input_groups, weight_groups)] # Concat the convolved output together again conv = tf.concat(axis=3, values=output_groups) # Add biases bias = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases), tf.shape(conv)) # Apply relu function relu = tf.nn.relu(bias, return relu def fc(x, num_in, num_out, name, relu=True, weights=None, biases=None): """Create a fully connected layer.""" with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: # Create tf variables for the weights and biases if weights is None: weights = tf.get_variable('weights', shape=[num_in, num_out]) if biases is None: biases = tf.get_variable('biases', [num_out]) # Matrix multiply weights and inputs and add bias act = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(x, weights, biases, if relu: # Apply ReLu non linearity relu = tf.nn.relu(act) return relu else: return act def max_pool(x, filter_height, filter_width, stride_y, stride_x, name, padding='SAME'): """Create a max pooling layer.""" return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, filter_height, filter_width, 1], strides=[1, stride_y, stride_x, 1], padding=padding, name=name) def lrn(x, radius, alpha, beta, name, bias=1.0): """Create a local response normalization layer.""" return tf.nn.local_response_normalization(x, depth_radius=radius, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, bias=bias, name=name) def dropout(x, keep_prob): """Create a dropout layer.""" return tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob)
"""Provides multi-point element-wise operations such as ``contains``.""" from shapely import speedups from ._vectorized import (contains, touches)
<filename>fastsc/coloring/ from fastsc.util import get_map_circuit, get_layer_circuits import networkx as nx import numpy as np from fastsc.models import IR, Qbit, Inst from .util import relabel_coloring, get_qubits, decompose_layer, decompose_layer_flexible, reschedule_layer, limit_colors, get_max_time from fastsc.util import get_connectivity_graph, get_aug_line_graph from fastsc.models import Sycamore_device import z3 def smt_find(smt_dict, omega_lo, omega_hi, num_color, alpha, verbose, threshold = None): # concert omega and alpha to MHz, so that they are int omega_lo = int(omega_lo * 1000) omega_hi = int(omega_hi * 1000) alpha = int(alpha * 1000) if (omega_lo, omega_hi, num_color, alpha) in smt_dict: if verbose == 0: print("Found existed entry.") return smt_dict[(omega_lo, omega_hi, num_color, alpha)] if threshold != None: threshold = int(threshold * 1000) else: thr_lo = -alpha // 10 thr_hi = (omega_hi-omega_lo)//num_color max_iter = 10 it = 0 thr = thr_lo if verbose == 0: print("Start: ", thr_lo, thr_hi, num_color) while it <= max_iter and thr_hi - thr_lo > 1: if verbose == 0: print("iter", it) thr = thr_lo + (thr_hi - thr_lo) // 2 c = [z3.Int('c%d' % i) for i in range(num_color)] s = z3.Solver() for i in range(num_color): s.add(c[i] > omega_lo, c[i] < omega_hi) for i in range(num_color): for j in range(num_color): if i != j: s.add((c[i]-c[j])**2 > thr**2, (c[i]-c[j]+alpha)**2 > thr**2) if s.check() == z3.sat: thr_lo = thr + 1 else: thr_hi = thr - 1 it += 1 threshold = thr if verbose == 0: print("Threshold: ", threshold) c = [z3.Int('c%d' % i) for i in range(num_color)] s = z3.Solver() for i in range(num_color): s.add(c[i] > omega_lo, c[i] < omega_hi) for i in range(num_color): for j in range(num_color): if i != j: s.add((c[i]-c[j])**2 > threshold**2, (c[i]-c[j]+alpha)**2 > threshold**2) if s.check() == z3.sat: m = s.model() result = (True, [float(m.evaluate(c[i]).as_long())/1000.0 for i in range(num_color)]) else: result = (False, []) if verbose == 0: print(result) smt_dict[(omega_lo, omega_hi, num_color, alpha)] = result return result def color_opt(device, circuit, scheduler, d, decomp, lim_colors, verbose): freqsdata = [] gatesdata = [] width = device.side_length height = device.side_length num_q = device.qubits omega_max = device.omega_max omega_min = device.omega_min delta_int = device.delta_int delta_ext= device.delta_ext delta_park = device.delta_park ALPHA = device.alpha G_connect = device.g_connect #G_connect = get_connectivity_graph(width*height, 'grid') park_coloring = nx.coloring.greedy_color(G_connect) num_park = len(set(park_coloring.values())) G_crosstalk = device.g_xtalk #G_crosstalk = get_aug_line_graph(width, height, d) coupling = device.coupling Cqq = device.cqq q_arr = get_qubits(circuit) smt_dict = dict() def _build_park_color_map(): # negative colors for parking, non-negative colors for interaction. colormap = dict() (sat, omegas) = smt_find(smt_dict, omega_min, omega_min + delta_park, num_park, ALPHA, verbose, None) if not sat: step_park = delta_park / num_park omegas = [omega_max - delta_int - delta_ext - c * step_park for c in num_park] if verbose == 0: print("Warning: SMT not satisfied for idle freq.") for c in range(num_park): colormap[str(-(c+1))] = omegas[c] return colormap def _add_int_color_map(colormap, n_int): if decomp == 'cphase' or decomp == 'flexible': if n_int > 5: step_int = (delta_int + ALPHA) / n_int omegas = [omega_max + ALPHA - c * step_int for c in range(n_int)] else: (sat, omegas) = smt_find(smt_dict, omega_max-delta_int, omega_max + ALPHA, n_int, ALPHA, verbose, None) if not sat: step_int = (delta_int + ALPHA) / n_int omegas = [omega_max + ALPHA - c * step_int for c in range(n_int)] if verbose == 0: print("Warning: SMT not satisfied for int freq.") for c in range(n_int): colormap[str(c)] = omegas[c] else: if n_int > 5: step_int = delta_int / n_int omegas = [omega_max - c * step_int for c in range(n_int)] else: (sat, omegas) = smt_find(smt_dict, omega_max-delta_int, omega_max, n_int, ALPHA, verbose, None) if not sat: step_int = delta_int / n_int omegas = [omega_max - c * step_int for c in range(n_int)] if verbose == 0: print("Warning: SMT not satisfied for int freq.") for c in range(n_int): colormap[str(c)] = omegas[c] color_to_freq = _build_park_color_map() def _park_freq(c): omg = color_to_freq[str(-(c+1))] return omg #+ get_flux_noise(device, omg, sigma) def _initial_frequency(): freqs = dict() for q in range(num_q): freqs[q] = _park_freq(park_coloring[q]) return freqs circ_mapped = get_map_circuit(circuit, coupling) #circuit.draw(output='mpl') t_act = np.zeros(num_q) t_2q = np.zeros(num_q) active_list = [False for i in range(num_q)] success_rate = 1.0 tot_success = 0.0 tot_cnt = 0 max_colors = 0 # max number of colors used worst_success = 1.0 park_freqs = _initial_frequency() alphas = [ALPHA for f in park_freqs] for i in range(num_q): q_arr[i].idle_freq = [park_freqs[i], park_freqs[i]+alphas[i]] ir = IR(qubits = q_arr, width = num_q, coupling = coupling, alpha = ALPHA) # Check scheduler if (scheduler == 'hybrid'): print("Hybrid scheduler to be implemented.") sys.exit(2) else: layers = get_layer_circuits(circ_mapped) num_layers = len(layers) idx = 0 total_time = 0.0 # ns total_tcz = 0.0 if verbose == 0: print("Num of layers:", num_layers) #while (idx < num_layers or len(leftover) > 0): for idx in range(num_layers): # all_gates = [] layer_circuit = layers[idx] if verbose == 0: print(layer_circuit) print(idx, "-----------------") if decomp == 'flexible': if verbose == 0: print("Decompose layer", idx) decomp_layer = decompose_layer_flexible(layer_circuit, G_crosstalk, verbose) else: decomp_layer = decompose_layer(layer_circuit, decomp) if (scheduler == 'greedy'): resched_layer = reschedule_layer(decomp_layer, coupling, verbose) else: resched_layer = decomp_layer if lim_colors > 0: resched_layer = limit_colors(resched_layer, lim_colors, G_crosstalk, verbose) for layer in resched_layer: print(layer.qasm()) insts = [] # Pre-fill edges for constructing (undirected) xtalk graph #edges = [leftover[i//2] if i%2==0 else (leftover[i//2][1], leftover[i//2][0]) for i in range(2*len(leftover))] edges = [] #edges_cphase = [] # if (q1,q2) is in it, then (q2,q1) is also in it #edges_iswaps = [] # if (q1,q2) is in it, then (q2,q1) is also in it #curr_gates = [e for e in left_gates] #leftover = [] #left_gates = [] taus = {} # For storing coupling times gt = 0.0 layer_time = 0.0 barrier = False for _, qargs, _ in if len(qargs) == 2: q1, q2 = qargs[0].index, qargs[1].index edge = (q1, q2) edges.append(edge) edges.append((q2,q1)) # because undirected graph #print("+Edges:") #print(edges) if (len(edges) > 0): #idx += 1 #continue subgraph = nx.subgraph(G_crosstalk, edges) #print(G_crosstalk.nodes()) #print(subgraph.nodes()) int_coloring = nx.coloring.greedy_color(subgraph) #print("+int_coloring:") #print(int_coloring) num_int = len(set(int_coloring.values())) while lim_colors > 0 and num_int > lim_colors: # need to recolor the layer, cannot use greedy_color because it is not seeded # int_coloring = nx.coloring.greedy_color(subgraph,strategy='random_sequential') int_coloring = {} nodes = list(subgraph) np.random.shuffle(nodes) for u in nodes: # Set to keep track of colors of neighbours neighbour_colors = {int_coloring[v] for v in subgraph[u] if v in int_coloring} # Find the first unused color. temp_color = 0 while temp_color in neighbour_colors: temp_color += 1 # Assign the new color to the current node. int_coloring[u] = temp_color num_int = len(set(int_coloring.values())) if verbose == 0: print("num_int: ", num_int) int_coloring = relabel_coloring(int_coloring) if num_int > max_colors: max_colors = num_int if num_int == 0: idx += 1 continue _add_int_color_map(color_to_freq, num_int) def _int_freq(c): omg = color_to_freq[str(c)]#+np.random.normal(0,sigma) return omg #+ get_flux_noise(device, omg, sigma) #print(layer) #print("-----------------") # Refill edges and curr_gates #edges = [e for e in leftover] # edges = [] #curr_gates = [e for e in left_gates] # curr_gates = [] # single_qb_err = 0.0015 # single_qb_err_acc = 1.0 for g, qargs, cargs in if == "barrier": barrier = True if == "measure": continue #print(qargs) #print(qargs[0].index) if len(qargs) == 1: # single qubit gates # all_gates.append((g.qasm(),(qargs[0].index, -1))) active_list[qargs[0].index] = True gt = device.gate_times[] if gt > layer_time: layer_time = gt insts.append(Inst(g,qargs,cargs, None, gt)) # single_qb_err_acc *= 1 - single_qb_err elif len(qargs) == 2: q1, q2 = qargs[0].index, qargs[1].index active_list[q1] = True active_list[q2] = True #edges.append((q1, q2)) #curr_gates.append((g.qasm(),(q1, q2))) try: f = _int_freq(int_coloring[(q1, q2)]) except: f = _int_freq(int_coloring[(q2, q1)]) if ( == 'unitary' and g.label == 'iswap'): f1 = f f2 = f taus[(q1,q2)] = np.pi / (2 * 0.5 * np.sqrt(f*f) * Cqq) elif ( == 'unitary' and g.label == 'sqrtiswap'): f1 = f f2 = f taus[(q1,q2)] = 0.5 * np.pi / (2 * 0.5 * np.sqrt(f*f) * Cqq) elif ( == 'cz' or g.label == 'cz'): f1 = f f2 = f - alphas[q2] # b/c match f1 with f2+alpha taus[(q1,q2)] = np.pi / (np.sqrt(2) * 0.5 * np.sqrt(f*f) * Cqq) # f is interaction freq else: print("Gate %s(%s) not recognized. Supports iswap, sqrtiswap, cz." % (, g.label)) t_2q[q1] += taus[(q1,q2)] t_2q[q2] += taus[(q1,q2)] insts.append(Inst(g, qargs, cargs, [f1, f2], taus[(q1,q2)])) # success_rate *= single_qb_err_acc #if (scheduler == 'greedy'): # edges, leftover, ind = greedy_reschedule(coupling, edges) # for i in range(len(ind)): # if (ind[i]): # all_gates.append(curr_gates[i]) # else: # left_gates.append(curr_gates[i]) #else: # for i in range(len(curr_gates)): # all_gates.append(curr_gates[i]) #for i in range(len(curr_gates)): # all_gates.append(curr_gates[i]) if not barrier: ir.append_layer_from_insts(insts) qb_freqs = [q_omega[0] for q_omega in[-1][1]] print(qb_freqs) gt = get_max_time(gt, taus) tot_cnt += 1 if gt > layer_time: layer_time = gt total_time += layer_time for qubit in range(num_q): if active_list[qubit]: t_act[qubit] += layer_time idx += 1 ir.t_act = t_act ir.t_2q = t_2q ir.depth_before = idx ir.depth_after = tot_cnt ir.total_time = total_time ir.max_colors = max_colors return ir
<reponame>djevans071/Reba<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jun 15 22:15:40 2017 @author: psamtik071 """ #functions for feature-engineering import pandas as pd # make sure tot_docks > 0 (especially when calculating bikes available) def bulk_query(year): # query all bikes after or before a certain time if year == 2015: date_string = "< '2016-03-01'" if year == 2016: date_string = ">= '2016-03-01'" query = """ SELECT,, a.hour, bikes_out, bikes_in, dayofweek, month, is_weekday, is_holiday, rebal_net_flux, tot_docks, avail_bikes, avail_docks, precip, snow, temp, long, lat FROM features a LEFT JOIN weather b ON = AND a.hour = b.hour LEFT JOIN stations c on WHERE {} AND tot_docks > 0 ORDER BY,, a.hour; """.format(date_string) return query def strip_unused_stations(df, station_list): return df[] def make_categorical(df, cols): for col in cols: df[col] = df[col].astype('category') return df def flux_conditions(x, threshold = 0.2): # for x in pct_flux, set the following parameters: # if x > 0.2 ---> flux_type 1 (rebalance down -- remove bikes) # if x < -0.2 ---> flux_type -1 (rebalance up -- add bikes) # if abs(x) <= 0.2 ---> flux_type 0 (don't rebalance) if x > abs(threshold): return x elif x < -abs(threshold): return x else: return 0 def temp_conditions(x): # temperature categories if x > 80.: return 80 #hot elif (x > 60.) & (x <= 80.): return 70 #mild elif (x > 40.) & (x <= 60.): return 50 #chilly else: return 30 #cold def precip_conditions(x): # precipitation categories if x > 0.10: return 1 else: return 0 def merge_by_date(df1, df2): return pd.merge(df1, df2, how = 'left', on = 'date') # create a daily avg flux column and shift it to get yesterday's flux for a given date. # also with weekly fluxes def make_lagged_fluxes(df): mean_daily_flux = df.groupby('date').mean().flux mean_yesterday_flux = mean_daily_flux.shift(1).reset_index() mean_lastweek_flux = mean_daily_flux.shift(7).reset_index() mean_daily_flux = mean_daily_flux.reset_index().rename(columns = {'flux': 'mean_flux'}) mean_yesterday_flux = mean_yesterday_flux.rename(columns = {'flux': 'yest_flux'}) mean_lastweek_flux = mean_lastweek_flux.rename(columns = {'flux': 'last_week_flux'}) dfs = [df, mean_daily_flux, mean_yesterday_flux, mean_lastweek_flux] return reduce(merge_by_date, dfs) def new_features(df): df['date'] = pd.to_datetime( df['hour'] = df['hour'].astype(int) # turn strings 'True' and 'False' into 1 and 0 string_dict = {'True': 1, 'False':0} df[['is_weekday', 'is_holiday']] = df[['is_weekday', 'is_holiday']].replace(string_dict) # fix the number of total docks for a given day total_docks = df.groupby(['date']).max().tot_docks.reset_index() df = pd.merge(df, total_docks, how = 'left', on = 'date').rename(columns = {'tot_docks_y': 'tot_docks'}) df.drop('tot_docks_x', 1, inplace=True) # engineer new features df['flux'] = df.bikes_in - df.bikes_out df['pct_bikes_in'] = df.bikes_in / df.tot_docks df['pct_bikes_out'] = df.bikes_out / df.tot_docks df['pct_avail_bikes'] = df.avail_bikes / df.tot_docks df['pct_avail_docks'] = df.avail_docks / df.tot_docks df['pct_flux'] = df.flux / df.tot_docks #df['pct_rebal_flux'] = df.rebal_net_flux / df.tot_docks #normalize precipitation df['precip'] = df.precip / df.precip.max() # get lagged features df_with_lags = make_lagged_fluxes(df).dropna() # hist_cols = ['mean_flux', 'yest_flux', 'last_week_flux'] # for col in hist_cols: # df_with_lags[col] = df_with_lags[col].apply(flux_conditions).astype('category') # df_with_lags = df_with_lags.dropna() # features_to_clear = ['bikes_out', 'bikes_in','rebal_net_flux', # 'tot_docks', 'avail_bikes', 'avail_docks', 'flux'] return df_with_lags
<filename>tests/regression/lib/ TEST_COTROL_FILE = "test.cntl"
<filename>alesisvsysex/ui/<gh_stars>1-10 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from alesisvsysex.protocol.model import AlesisV from alesisvsysex.device.alesis import AlesisV25Device from alesisvsysex.device.file import FileDevice from alesisvsysex.ui.components import * from alesisvsysex.ui.filedialog import * __all__ = ['AlesisVSysexApplication'] class ActionMenuWidget (QWidget): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.initLayout() def initLayout(self): layout = QHBoxLayout() bsavef = QPushButton('Save To File', self) bsavef.clicked.connect(self.propagateCommand('saveFile')) layout.addWidget(bsavef) bloadf = QPushButton('Load From File', self) bloadf.clicked.connect(self.propagateCommand('loadFile')) layout.addWidget(bloadf) bsaved = QPushButton('Save To Device', self) bsaved.clicked.connect(self.propagateCommand('saveDevice')) layout.addWidget(bsaved) bloadd = QPushButton('Load From Device', self) bloadd.clicked.connect(self.propagateCommand('loadDevice')) layout.addWidget(bloadd) self.setLayout(layout) self.setFixedHeight(50) def propagateCommand(self, command): def closure(): getattr(self.parent().parent(), command)() return closure class ContainerWidget (QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def getModel(self): p = self.parent() while not isinstance(p, EditorWidget): p = p.parent() return p.getModel() class EditorWidget (QTabWidget): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.children = [] self.initLayout() def addChild(self, parent, widget): parent.addWidget(widget) self.children.append(widget) def initLayout(self): pane1l = QHBoxLayout() self.addChild(pane1l, BasicWidget(self, "Keys", 'keys')) self.addChild(pane1l, BasicWidget(self, "Pitch Wheel", 'pwheel')) self.addChild(pane1l, BasicWidget(self, "Mod Wheel", 'mwheel')) self.addChild(pane1l, BasicWidget(self, "Sustain", 'sustain')) pane1 = ContainerWidget() pane1.setLayout(pane1l) pane2l = QVBoxLayout() self.addChild(pane2l, CompoundWidget(self, "Knobs", 'knobs')) # self.addChild(pane2l, CompoundWidget(self, "Buttons", 'buttons')) pane2 = ContainerWidget() pane2.setLayout(pane2l) pane3l = QVBoxLayout() self.addChild(pane3l,CompoundWidget(self, "Pads", 'pads')) pane3 = ContainerWidget() pane3.setLayout(pane3l) self.addTab(pane1, "Keys / Wheels / Sustain") self.addTab(pane2, "Knobs") self.addTab(pane3, "Pads") def getModel(self): return self.parentWidget().parentWidget().model def updateState(self): for c in self.children: c.updateState() class MainWidget (QWidget): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.initLayout() def initLayout(self): layout = QVBoxLayout() self.actionWidget = ActionMenuWidget(self) layout.addWidget(self.actionWidget) self.editorWidget = EditorWidget(self) layout.addWidget(self.editorWidget) self.setLayout(layout) def updateState(self): self.editorWidget.updateState() class AlesisVSysexApplication (QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.model = AlesisV() self.device = AlesisV25Device() self.initWindow() def initWindow(self): self.setWindowTitle('Alesis V-Series SysEx Editor') self.initWidget() self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready.') def initWidget(self): self.widget = MainWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(self.widget) def saveFile(self): launchSaveFileDialog(self) def saveFileCallback(self, name): f = FileDevice(name) f.set_config(self.model) self.statusBar().showMessage("Saved configuration to '%s'." % name) def loadFile(self): launchLoadFileDialog(self) def loadFileCallback(self, name): f = FileDevice(name) self.model = f.get_config() self.widget.updateState() self.statusBar().showMessage("Loaded configuration from '%s'." % name) def saveDevice(self): self.device.set_config(self.model) self.statusBar().showMessage("Saved configuration to MIDI device.") def loadDevice(self): self.model = self.device.get_config() self.widget.updateState() self.statusBar().showMessage("Loaded configuration from MIDI device.")
from math import log2 import torch from torch import nn, einsum import torch.nn.functional as F from einops import rearrange from x_transformers import Encoder, Decoder # helpers def exists(val): return val is not None def masked_mean(t, mask, dim = 1): t = t.masked_fill(~mask[:, :, None], 0.) return t.sum(dim = 1) / mask.sum(dim = 1)[..., None] # classes class DiscreteVAE(nn.Module): def __init__( self, num_tokens, dim = 512, hidden_dim = 64 ): super().__init__() hdim = hidden_dim self.encoder = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(3, hdim, 4, stride = 2, padding = 1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(hdim, hdim, 4, stride = 2, padding = 1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(hdim, hdim, 4, stride = 2, padding = 1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(hdim, num_tokens, 1) ) self.decoder = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(dim, hdim, 4, stride = 2, padding = 1), nn.ReLU(), nn.ConvTranspose2d(hdim, hdim, 4, stride = 2, padding = 1), nn.ReLU(), nn.ConvTranspose2d(hdim, hdim, 4, stride = 2, padding = 1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(hdim, 3, 1) ) self.num_tokens = num_tokens self.codebook = nn.Embedding(num_tokens, dim) def forward( self, img, return_recon_loss = False, return_logits = False ): logits = self.encoder(img) if return_logits: return logits # return logits for getting hard image indices for DALL-E training soft_one_hot = F.gumbel_softmax(logits, tau = 1.) sampled = einsum('b n h w, n d -> b d h w', soft_one_hot, self.codebook.weight) out = self.decoder(sampled) if not return_recon_loss: return out loss = F.mse_loss(img, out) return loss # main classes class CLIP(nn.Module): def __init__( self, *, dim = 512, num_text_tokens = 10000, num_visual_tokens = 512, text_enc_depth = 6, visual_enc_depth = 6, text_seq_len = 256, visual_seq_len = 1024, text_heads = 8, visual_heads = 8 ): super().__init__() self.scale = dim ** -0.5 self.text_emb = nn.Embedding(num_text_tokens, dim) self.visual_emb = nn.Embedding(num_visual_tokens, dim) self.text_pos_emb = nn.Embedding(text_seq_len, dim) self.visual_pos_emb = nn.Embedding(visual_seq_len, dim) self.text_transformer = Encoder(dim = dim, depth = text_enc_depth, heads = text_heads) self.visual_transformer = Encoder(dim = dim, depth = visual_enc_depth, heads = visual_heads) def forward( self, text, image, text_mask = None, return_loss = False ): b, device = text.shape[0], text.device text_emb = self.text_emb(text) text_emb += self.text_pos_emb(torch.arange(text.shape[1], device = device)) image_emb = self.visual_emb(image) image_emb += self.visual_pos_emb(torch.arange(image.shape[1], device = device)) enc_text = self.text_transformer(text_emb, mask = text_mask) enc_image = self.visual_transformer(image_emb) if exists(text_mask): text_latents = masked_mean(enc_text, text_mask, dim = 1) else: text_latents = enc_text.mean(dim = 1) image_latents = enc_image.mean(dim = 1) sim = einsum('i d, j d -> i j', text_latents, image_latents) * self.scale if not return_loss: return sim labels = torch.arange(b, device = device) loss = F.cross_entropy(sim, labels) return loss class DALLE(nn.Module): def __init__( self, *, dim, num_text_tokens = 10000, num_image_tokens = 512, text_seq_len = 256, image_seq_len = 1024, depth = 6, # should be 64 heads = 8, vae = None ): super().__init__() self.text_emb = nn.Embedding(num_text_tokens, dim) self.image_emb = nn.Embedding(num_image_tokens, dim) self.text_pos_emb = nn.Embedding(text_seq_len, dim) self.image_pos_emb = nn.Embedding(image_seq_len, dim) self.num_text_tokens = num_text_tokens # for offsetting logits index and calculating cross entropy loss self.image_seq_len = image_seq_len self.total_tokens = num_text_tokens + num_image_tokens + 1 # extra for EOS self.vae = vae self.image_emb = vae.codebook self.transformer = Decoder(dim = dim, depth = depth, heads = heads) self.to_logits = nn.Sequential( nn.LayerNorm(dim), nn.Linear(dim, self.total_tokens), ) def forward( self, text, image, mask = None, return_loss = False ): device = text.device is_raw_image = len(image.shape) == 4 text_emb = self.text_emb(text) text_emb += self.text_pos_emb(torch.arange(text.shape[1], device = device)) if is_raw_image: assert exists(self.vae), 'VAE must be passed into constructor if you are to train directly on raw images' image_logits = self.vae(image, return_logits = True) codebook_indices = image_logits.argmax(dim = 1).flatten(1) image = codebook_indices image_emb = self.image_emb(image) image_emb += self.image_pos_emb(torch.arange(image.shape[1], device = device)) tokens =, image_emb), dim = 1) if exists(mask): mask = F.pad(mask, (0, self.image_seq_len), value = True) out = self.transformer(tokens, mask = mask) out = self.to_logits(out) if not return_loss: return out offsetted_image = image + self.num_text_tokens labels =, offsetted_image), dim = 1) labels = F.pad(labels, (0, 1), value = (self.total_tokens - 1)) # last token predicts EOS loss = F.cross_entropy(out.transpose(1, 2), labels[:, 1:]) return loss
<reponame>kingsznhone/Project-Ragnarok<gh_stars>1-10 import asyncio import pathlib import ssl import websockets import json import threading from threading import Thread async def rx (websocket): while True: greeting = await websocket.recv() print (greeting) async def startclient(): uri = "wss://localhost:8765" async with websockets.connect(uri, ssl=ssl_context) as websocket: await websocket.send("963") await websocket.send("Kings") while True: greeting = await websocket.recv() greeting = greeting.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape') print(f"< {greeting}") #buffer = json.dumps({"msgType":"PrivateMessage", # "TgtUser":"Queens", # "text":input()}) buffer = json.dumps({"msgType":"Broadcast","text":input()}) await websocket.send(buffer) ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ssl_context.load_verify_locations("self.crt") asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(startclient())
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/python import yaml import os import ast import sys from collections import OrderedDict curr_dir = os.getcwd() work_dir = sys.argv[1] network_type = sys.argv[2] testplan_dict = {} testplan_dict["name"] = "System performance test" testplan_dict["description"] = "This test is to create as much chaincode computation load as possible" testplan_dict["runid"] = "RUNID_HERE" if network_type == "ibp": testplan_dict["networkid"] = sys.argv[3] testplan_dict["collectFabricMetrics"] = False testplan_dict["storageclass"] = "default" testplan_dict["saveLog"] = False testplan_dict["continueAfterFail"] = True testplan_dict["tests"] = [] testplan_dict["peernodeAlias"] =[] if os.path.exists(work_dir) != True: print 'certs keyfiles directory do not exist' exit(1) # Load template file with open(curr_dir + "/templates/testplan_template.yml", 'r') as stream: template = yaml.load(stream) channel_create = template["CHANNEL_CREATE"] # channel_join = template["CHANNEL_JOIN"] chaincode_install = template["CHAINCODE_INSTALL"] chaincode_instantiate = template["CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATE"] chaincode_invoke = template["CHAINCODE_INVOKE"] execute_command = template["EXECUTE_COMMAND"] connectionProfile = {} org_list = [] org_list_lowercase = [] orderer_list = [] peer_list = [] org_peers_dict = {} org_anchor_dict ={} allAnchor_list =[] # Load connection profile for orgName in os.listdir(work_dir + '/keyfiles'): if os.path.isfile(work_dir + '/keyfiles/' + orgName + '/connection.yml'): with open(work_dir + '/keyfiles/' + orgName + '/connection.yml', 'r') as stream: connectionProfile = yaml.load(stream) if connectionProfile["orderers"] is None: continue orderer_list = orderer_list + connectionProfile["orderers"].keys() if (connectionProfile["organizations"][orgName.lower()]["peers"] != None): org_list.append(orgName) org_list_lowercase.append(orgName.lower()) org_peers_dict[orgName] = connectionProfile["organizations"][orgName.lower( )]["peers"] peer_list = peer_list + \ connectionProfile["organizations"][orgName.lower( )]["peers"] org_anchor_dict[orgName] = sorted( connectionProfile["organizations"][orgName.lower( )]["peers"])[0] # When there is only peer or orderer, we skip tests. if len(orderer_list) == 0 or len(peer_list) == 0: outputfile =open(work_dir + '/testplan_example.yml','w') outputfile.write("") outputfile.close() exit(0) orderer_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(orderer_list)) peer_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(peer_list)) for orgName in org_list : tempOrgAnchorObj={} tempOrgAnchorObj[orgName+"Anchor"] = org_anchor_dict[orgName] testplan_dict["peernodeAlias"].append(tempOrgAnchorObj) tempOrgPeersObj={} tempOrgPeersObj[orgName+"Peers"] = ','.join(org_peers_dict[orgName]) testplan_dict["peernodeAlias"].append(tempOrgPeersObj) allAnchor_list.append(org_anchor_dict[orgName]) testplan_dict["peernodeAlias"].append({"allAnchors":','.join(allAnchor_list)}) testplan_dict["peernodeAlias"].append({"allPeers":','.join(peer_list)}) print 'org list: ' print org_list_lowercase print 'orderer_list: ' print orderer_list print 'peer_list: ' print peer_list print 'allAnchor_list' print allAnchor_list # CREATE_CHANNEL channel_create["parameters"]["connectionProfile"] = org_list[0] if network_type == 'cello': channel_create["parameters"]["channelConsortium"] = 'FabricConsortium' else: channel_create["parameters"]["channelConsortium"] = 'SampleConsortium' channel_create["parameters"]["channelOrgs"] = ','.join(org_list_lowercase) channel_create["parameters"]["ordererName"] = orderer_list[0] testplan_dict["tests"].append(channel_create) # JOIN_CHANNEL and INSTALL_CHAINCODE join_list = [] install_list = [] for org in org_list: channel_join = template["CHANNEL_JOIN"] channel_join["parameters"]["connectionProfile"] = org channel_join["parameters"]["peers"] = ','.join(org_peers_dict[org]) channel_join["parameters"]["ordererName"] = orderer_list[0] join_list.append(str(channel_join)) # CHAINCODE_INSTALL chaincode_install["parameters"]["connectionProfile"] = org chaincode_install["parameters"]["peers"] = ','.join(org_peers_dict[org]) install_list.append(str(chaincode_install)) for join_org in join_list: join_item = ast.literal_eval(join_org) testplan_dict["tests"].append(join_item) for install_org in install_list: install_item = ast.literal_eval(install_org) testplan_dict["tests"].append(install_item) # CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATE chaincode_instantiate["parameters"]["connectionProfile"] = org_list[0] chaincode_instantiate["parameters"]["peers"] = ','.join(peer_list) # CHAINCODE_INVOKE # Invoke with fixed transaction count : 100 chaincode_invoke["iterationCount"] = '100' chaincode_invoke["parameters"]["connectionProfile"] = org_list[0] chaincode_invoke["parameters"]["peers"] = ','.join(peer_list) chaincoode_invoke_count = str(chaincode_invoke) # Invoke with fixed running duration : 0 hour 10 minutes 0 second. # And enable running tests parallel by setting waitUntilFinish to true chaincode_invoke["iterationCount"] = '0h10m0s' chaincode_invoke["waitUntilFinish"] = False chaincoode_invoke_time = str(chaincode_invoke) # Invoke with fixed running duration : 0 hour 10 minutes 0 second chaincode_invoke["iterationCount"] = '0h10m0s' chaincode_invoke["parameters"]["peers"] = peer_list[0] chaincoode_invoke_parallel = str(chaincode_invoke) testplan_dict["tests"].append(chaincode_instantiate) testplan_dict["tests"].append(ast.literal_eval(chaincoode_invoke_count)) testplan_dict["tests"].append(ast.literal_eval(chaincoode_invoke_time)) testplan_dict["tests"].append(ast.literal_eval(chaincoode_invoke_parallel)) # Execute command with default images testplan_dict["tests"].append(ast.literal_eval(str(execute_command))) # Execute command with customized image execute_command["name"] = "execute-command-with-customized-image" execute_command["container"] = "user/ownimage" testplan_dict["tests"].append(ast.literal_eval(str(execute_command))) connYamlStr= yaml.dump(testplan_dict,default_flow_style=False) tempstr= connYamlStr for orgName in org_list : tempstr = tempstr.replace(orgName+"Anchor:",orgName+"Anchor: &"+orgName+"Anchor") tempstr = tempstr.replace(orgName+"Peers:",orgName+"Peers: &"+orgName+"Peers") tempstr = tempstr.replace("allAnchors:","allAnchors: &allAnchors") tempstr = tempstr.replace("allPeers:","allPeers: &allPeers") tempstr = tempstr.replace("runid:","runid: &runid") if network_type == "ibp": tempstr = tempstr.replace("networkid:","networkid: &networkid") # Dump testplan file outputfile =open(work_dir + '/testplan_example.yml','w') outputfile.write(tempstr) outputfile.close()
<reponame>euranova/estimating_eces # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: nicolas.posocco """ from abc import ABC import numpy as np class MulticlassDistribution(ABC): def __init__(self): """ Initializes the distribution, allowing later sampling and posterior probabilities calculations. """ pass def sample(self, n_samples, return_posterior=True, reproducible=None): """ Samples n_samples times from the distribution, and their label. Returns also the array of posterior probabilities if return_posterior=True. """ # n_samples assert type(n_samples) is int, "n_samples should be an integer." assert n_samples > 0, "n_samples should be positive." # return_posterior assert type(return_posterior) is bool, "return_posterior should be a boolean." # reproducible assert type(reproducible) is np.random.RandomState, "reproducible should be a np.random.RandomState object." raise NotImplementedError def posteriors(self, X): # X assert type(X) is np.ndarray, "X should be a numpy array." assert X.ndim == 2, "X should be of shape (n_samples, n_features), here is of shape {}".format(X.shape) raise NotImplementedError def get_bayes_classifier(self): """ Instanciates the optimal Bayes classifier for this distribution. """ return BayesClassifier(distribution=self) class BayesClassifier(ABC): def __init__(self, distribution): # distribution assert isinstance(distribution, MulticlassDistribution), "distribution should inherit from MulticlassDistribution." self.distribution = distribution def fit(self, X): pass def predict_proba(self, X): # X assert type(X) is np.ndarray, "X should be a numpy array, here is a {}.".format(type(X)) assert X.ndim == 2, "X should be of shape (n_samples, n_features), here is of shape {}".format(X.shape) posteriors = self.distribution.posteriors(X) return posteriors def predict(self, X): # X assert type(X) is np.ndarray, "X should be a numpy array, here is a {}.".format(type(X)) assert X.ndim == 2, "X should be of shape (n_samples, n_features), here is of shape {}".format(X.shape) posteriors = self.predict_proba(X) return np.argmax(posteriors, axis=0)
# Wifi Configuration # import machine import network import time import uiot._cfg as _cfg import unetrepl as nr # activate wifi network _ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) _wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) _wlan_laststate = False # connect to wifi and really try to connect def connect_blocking(): global _wlan activate() # no scan of networks to allow connect to hidden essid # Try to connect tries = 15 for i in range(tries): print("%d/%d. Trying to connect." % (i + 1, tries)) machine.idle() time.sleep(1) if connected(): break if connected(): print('Wifi: connection succeeded!') print(_wlan.ifconfig()) else: print('Wifi: connection failed, starting accesspoint!') accesspoint() nr.start(nostop=True) def activate(): global _wlan if _cfg.config.wifi_name: _wlan.connect(_cfg.config.wifi_name, _cfg.config.wifi_pw) def deactivate(): global _wlan def monitor(): # needs to be called on regular basis global _wlan_laststate if _wlan_laststate != connected(): # connection status change if _wlan_laststate: # network became inactive pass # shoudl be retried by esp in background else: # network became active nr.start(nostop=True) # start netrepl _wlan_laststate = not _wlan_laststate # there was a change, so toggle # TODO: consider activating AP mode, if not active for long time def accesspoint(): global _wlan print('Wifi: activating accesspoint.') def connected(): return _wlan.isconnected() and _wlan.status() == network.STAT_GOT_IP def config(): return _wlan.ifconfig() class SCAN: def __call__(self): global _wlan state = if not state: nets = _wlan.scan() return nets def __repr__(self): l = "" for n in self.__call__(): l = l + n[0].decode() + " %ddB\n" % n[3] return l scan = SCAN() class WIP: def __repr__(self): return config()[0] def __call__(self): return self.__repr__() wip = WIP() # write config and connect def setup(name, password, reset=True): if name != _cfg.config.wifi_name or \ password != _cfg.config.wifi_pw: _cfg.wifi(name, password) print("Updated wifi config.") if reset: print("Resetting system in 3 seconds.") time.sleep(1) nr.stop() time.sleep(2) machine.reset() else: activate() # when module loaded the first time start blocking to also bring up netrepl at # right time connect_blocking()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from import Application # noqa __version__ = '0.3.0' __author__ = 'mozillazg' __license__ = 'MIT' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 mozillazg'
<gh_stars>1-10 """Highly divisible triangular number The sequence of triangle numbers is generated by adding the natural numbers. The 7th triangle number would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28. The first ten terms would be: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ... Let us list the factors of the first seven triangle numbers: 1: 1 3: 1, 3 6: 1, 2, 3, 6 10: 1, 2, 5, 10 15: 1, 3, 5, 15 21: 1, 3, 7, 21 28: 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28 We can see that 28 is the first triangle number to have over five divisors. What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five hundred divisors? """ import math def triangle_number_generator(): """Generator yielding the sequence of triangle numbers.""" i = 0 while True: i += 1 yield int(i * (i + 1) / 2) def check_divisors(target): """Return the value of the first triangle number to have greater than the target number of divisors.""" triangles = triangle_number_generator() for triangle in triangles: divisors = 0 for i in range(1, int(math.sqrt(triangle) + 1)): if triangle % i == 0: divisors += 1 if i*i != triangle: divisors += 1 if divisors > target: return triangle def check_divisors_alternate(target): """Return the value of the first triangle number to have greater than the target number of divisors. Uses prime factorizations. Any integer N can be expressed as N = p_0^a_0 + p_1^a_1 + ... + p_n^a_n, where p_n is a distinct prime number and a_n is its exponent. The number of divisors D(N) of any integer N can be computed as D(N) = (a_0 + 1) * (a_1 + 1) * ... * (a_n + 1) """ triangles = triangle_number_generator() for triangle in triangles: divisors = 1 number = triangle for candidate in range(2, triangle): exponent = 0 while number % candidate == 0: exponent += 1 number /= candidate divisors *= exponent + 1 if divisors > target: return triangle if number == 1: break
<reponame>derekray311511/permatrack from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import pycocotools.coco as coco import numpy as np import torch import json import cv2 import os import math from ..video_dataset import VideoDataset class PDTracking(VideoDataset): num_categories = 5 dataset_folder = 'pd' default_resolution = [384, 960] class_name = ['Pedestrian', 'Car', 'Cyclist', 'Caravan/RV', 'Truck'] # negative id is for "not as negative sample for abs(id)". # 0 for ignore losses for all categories in the bounding box region # ['Pedestrian', 'Car', 'Bicyclist', 'Bus', 'Caravan/RV', 'OtherMovable', # 'Motorcycle', 'Motorcyclist', 'OtherRider', 'Train', 'Truck', 'Dontcare'] cat_ids = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:-9999, 5:4, 6:-2, 7:-9999, 8:-1, 9:-1, 10:-9999, 11:5} max_objs = 500 def __init__(self, opt, split, rank=None): data_dir = os.path.join(opt.data_dir, self.dataset_folder) split_ = 'train' if opt.dataset_version != 'test' else 'test' #'test' img_dir = data_dir if split == 'train': ann_file_ = "train" else: ann_file_ = 'val' ann_path = os.path.join( data_dir, 'annotations', 'tracking_{}.json'.format( ann_file_)) self.images = None super(PDTracking, self).__init__(opt, split, ann_path, img_dir) self.box_size_thresh = [300, 500, 300, 500, 500] if opt.only_ped: self.num_categories = 1 self.class_name = ['person'] self.cat_ids = {1:1, 2:-9999, 3:-1, 4:-9999, 5:-9999, 6:-9999, 7:-9999, 8:-1, 9:-1, 10:-9999, 11:-9999} self.box_size_thresh = [300] if self.num_categories = 8 self.class_name = ['Car', 'Truck', 'Bus', 'Trailer', 'construction_vehicle', 'Pedestrian', 'Motorcycle', 'Bicycle'] self.cat_ids = {1:6, 2:1, 3:0, 4:3, 5:1, 6:-1, 7:-7, 8:0, 9:0, 10:-9999, 11:2, 12:5, 13:-8} self.box_size_thresh = [500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 300, 500, 500] self.alpha_in_degree = False self.depth_scale = 1 self.dep_mask = 0 self.dim_mask = 1 self.rot_mask = 0 self.amodel_offset_mask = 0 self.ignore_amodal = True self.num_samples = len(self.images) self.exp_id = opt.exp_id if opt.const_v_over_occl: self.const_v_over_occl = True print('Loaded {} {} samples'.format(split, self.num_samples)) def save_results_ioueval(self, results, save_dir): formattted_results = [] if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.mkdir(save_dir) for video in self.coco.dataset['videos']: video_id = video['id'] images = self.video_to_images[video_id] for image_info in images: img_id = image_info['id'] if not (img_id in results): continue frame_id = image_info['frame_id'] for i in range(len(results[img_id])): item = results[img_id][i] if item['age'] != 1: continue if 'visibility' in item and not item['visibility']: continue category_id = item['class'] track_id = item['tracking_id'] if 'tracking_id' in item else -1 bbox = [item['bbox'][0].item(), item['bbox'][1].item(), item['bbox'][2].item() - item['bbox'][0].item(), item['bbox'][3].item() - item['bbox'][1].item()] entry = {'video_id': video_id, 'image_id': img_id, 'category_id': category_id, 'track_id': track_id, 'bbox': bbox, 'score': item['score'].item()} formattted_results.append(entry) print(save_dir + '/iou_eval.json') json.dump(formattted_results, open(save_dir + '/iou_eval.json', 'w')) def run_eval(self, results, save_dir, write_to_file=False, dataset_version="val"): self.save_results_ioueval(results, save_dir) os.chdir("../tao") command = 'python scripts/evaluation/ ' + \ '../data/%s/annotations/tracking_%s_tao.json ' % (self.dataset_folder, dataset_version) + \ '{}/iou_eval.json'.format(save_dir) + ' --config-updates CATEGORIES 1,2' if write_to_file: print("Writing to file") command += ' > ../exp/tracking/{}/eval_out.txt'.format(self.exp_id) os.system(command) def __len__(self): return self.num_samples def _to_float(self, x): return float("{:.2f}".format(x))
<filename>campbell_diaz/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020 Wageningen-UR # <NAME>, June 2020 from pcse.base import SimulationObject, ParamTemplate, RatesTemplate, StatesTemplate, VariableKiosk from pcse.decorators import prepare_rates, prepare_states from pcse.traitlets import Float,Int, Instance, Enum, Unicode import math from mpmath import mp from array import array import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import pandas as pd from .partitioning import DVS_Partitioning as Partitioning from .wofost_soybean_phenology import SoybeanPhenology as Phenology from pcse.util import AfgenTrait def convert_cm_to_m(v): return v/100. def convert_KPa_to_hPa(p): return p*10. def convert_hPa_to_KPa(k): return k/10. def convert_ha_m2(m): return m*10000 def convert_j_Mj(j): return j/1000000 def convert_g_kg(g): return g/1000 class Campbell(SimulationObject): """Parameters** ============ ================================================= ==== ======== Name Description Unit ============ ================================================= ==== ======== DVV1 Paramter 1 for vapor deficit equation DVV2 Paramter 2 for vapor deficit equation DVV3 Paramter 3 for vapor deficit equation NTR Nitrogen content in grain g.g-1 LNTR Nitrogen content in leaves g.g-1 FNTR Fraction of N translocated from leaves to seeds HD Factor to standardize humidity content at 13% K Light extinction coefficient (Kukal and Irmak, 2020) Ppar Proportion of PAR in the total radiation WUE Dry matter water ratio Pa DSLA Specific leaf area for dead leaves m-2 kg-1 RUE Radiation use efficiency (Kukal and Irmak, 2020) g Mj m2 GCC Conversion coefficient (CHO to soyeban seed) LAIC Critic leaf area index m-2 m-2 FTRANSL Fraction of TDM to be translocated RDRSHM Maximum relative death rate of leaves due to shading (LINTUL2) d-1 ============ ================================================= ==== ======== Rates** ============ ================================================= ==== ======== Name Description Unit ============ ================================================= ==== ======== FI Fractional interception PE Potential evaporation m PT Potential transpiration m VDD Correction by vapor deficit water KPa PARi Intercepted PAR Mj m-2 DM Rate of growth kg m-2 ROOT Growth rate root kg m-2 STEMS Growth rate stems kg m-2 LEAF Growth rate leaf kg m-2 SEED Growth rate storage organs kg m-2 TN Translocated nitrogen from leaves to grains kg m-2 DLEAF Senescence rate of leaf kg m-2 RDRSH Relative death rate of leaves due to shading (LINTUL2) d-1 RDRT Table of RDR as a function of temperature ============ ================================================= ==== ======== State variables** Name Description Unit ============ ================================================= ==== ======== TPE Total potential evaporation m TPT Total potential transpiration m TDM Total above-ground biomass kg m-2 TROOT Total weight of roots kg m-2 TSTEMS Total weight of stems kg m-2 TLEAF Total weight of leaves m-2 m-2 TSEED Total weight of storage organs kg m-2 LAI Leaf area index m-2 m-2 TDLEAF Total of dead leaves m-2 m-2 GLEAF Total of green leaves m-2 m-2 SLA Specific leaf area m-2 kg-1 ============ ================================================= ==== ======== **External dependencies:** ======= =================================== ================= ============ Name Description Provided by Unit ======= =================================== ================= ============ FR Fraction partitioned to roots. Y - FS Fraction partitioned to stems. Y - FL Fraction partitioned to leaves. Y - FO Fraction partitioned to storage orgains Y - DVS Development stage ======= =================================== ================= ============ """ # sub-model components for crop simulation pheno = Instance(SimulationObject) part = Instance(SimulationObject) soil = Instance(SimulationObject) class Parameters(ParamTemplate): RDRT = AfgenTrait() RDRSHM = Float(-99.) LAIC = Float(-99.) DVV1 = Float(-99.) DVV2 = Float(-99.) DVV3 = Float(-99.) initLAI = Float(-99.) K = Float(-99.) Ppar = Float(-99.) WUE = Float(-99.) DSLA = Float(-99.) NTR = Float(-99.) LNTR = Float(-99.) FNTR = Float(-99.) HD = Float(-99.) GCC = Float(-99.) FTRANSL = Float(-99.) SLATB = AfgenTrait() RUE = Float(-99.) RDMAX = Float(-99.) class RateVariables(RatesTemplate): RDRDV = Float(-99.) RDRSH = Float(-99.) RDR = Float(-99.) DLAI = Float(-99.) DM_W = Float(-99.) DM_R = Float(-99.) DM = Float(-99.) PDM = Float(-99.) VDD = Float(-99.) FI = Float(-99.) ROOT = Float(-99.) STEMS = Float(-99.) LEAF = Float(-99.) WLEAF = Float(-99.) SEED = Float(-99.) PSEED = Float(-99.) TN = Float(-99.) WDLEAF = Float(-99.) DLEAF = Float(-99.) GLEAF = Float(-99.) TRANSL = Float(-99.) #root RD = Float(-99.) WD = Float(-99.) class StateVariables(StatesTemplate): TDM = Float(-99.) TDMv = Float(-99.) TSTEM = Float(-99.) TLEAF = Float(-99.) TSEED = Float(-99.) YIELD = Float(-99.) LAI = Float(-99.) LAIFlowering = Float(-99.) TDLEAF = Float(-99.) SLA = Float(-99.) TDMFlowering = Float(-99.) TDMTRANSL = Float(-99.) POOLTRSL = Float(-99.) #root TRD = Float(-99.) da = Int CWDv = Float(-99.) CWDr = Float(-99.) def initialize(self, day, kiosk, parametervalues): self.params = self.Parameters(parametervalues) self.rates = self.RateVariables(kiosk, publish=["FI"]) self.kiosk = kiosk # Initialize components of the crop self.pheno = Phenology(day, kiosk, parametervalues) self.part = Partitioning(day, kiosk, parametervalues) DVS = self.kiosk["DVS"] SLA = self.params.SLATB(DVS) # ============================================================================= # # Initial total (living+dead) above-ground biomass of the crop # FR = self.kiosk["FR"] # FS = self.kiosk["FS"] # FL = self.kiosk["FL"] # FO = self.kiosk["FO"] # ============================================================================= self.states = self.StateVariables(kiosk, publish=["TRD"], TDM=0.00, TDMv=0, GLEAF=0.0, TSTEM=0.0, TLEAF=0.0,TSEED=0.0,YIELD=0.0, LAI=self.params.initLAI, TDLEAF =0, SLA=SLA, TRD=0.0,da=0, TDMFlowering=None, LAIFlowering=None, TDMTRANSL=0,POOLTRSL=0, CWDv=0.,CWDr=0.) @prepare_rates def calc_rates(self, day, drv): p = self.params r = self.rates s = self.states k = self.kiosk self.pheno.calc_rates(day, drv) crop_stage = self.pheno.get_variable("STAGE") # if before emergence there is no need to continue # because only the phenology is running. if crop_stage == "emerging": return self.part.calc_rates(day, drv) r.VDD = convert_hPa_to_KPa(drv.TMAX - drv.TMIN)*((p.DVV1*drv.TEMP+ p.DVV2)*drv.TEMP+ p.DVV3) print("VDD=", r.VDD) r.FI = 1. - mp.exp(-p.K * s.LAI) r.PARi = convert_j_Mj(drv.IRRAD) * p.Ppar * r.FI if k.DVS < 2: if "Ta" not in self.kiosk: k.Ta = 0.001 else: k.Ta = self.kiosk["Ta"] if "W_Stress" not in self.kiosk: k.W_Stress = 0.0 else: k.W_Stress = self.kiosk["W_Stress"] if "PTa" not in self.kiosk: k.PTa = 0.0 else: k.PTa = self.kiosk["PTa"] r.DM_W = k.Ta * (p.WUE/r.VDD) print("Ta=", k.Ta) print("DM=", r.DM_W) r.DM_R = convert_g_kg(r.PARi * p.RUE ) r.DM = min(r.DM_W, r.DM_R) r.PDM = k.PTa * (p.WUE/r.VDD) r.STEMS = r.DM * k.FS r.WLEAF = r.DM * k.FL r.LEAF = r.DM * k.FL * convert_ha_m2(s.SLA) r.PSEED = r.PDM * k.FO # Biomass reallocated from vegetative to seed if s.TDMTRANSL>0: r.TRANSL = r.PSEED - (r.DM * k.FO) r.SEED = (r.DM * k.FO) + r.TRANSL else: r.SEED = r.DM * k.FO # Senescence from N translocation r.TN = ((r.SEED*p.NTR)/p.FNTR) #senescence rate from LINTUL if k.DVS>1.5: r.RDRDV = p.RDRT(drv.TEMP) r.RDRSH = p.RDRSHM *((s.LAI - p.LAIC)/ p.LAIC) if r.RDRSH >0 or r.RDRSH <0.03: r.RDRSH = r.RDRSH if r.RDRSH < 0: r.RDRSH =0 if r.RDRSH >0.03: r.RDRSH =0.03 else: r.RDRDV = 0 r.RDR = max(r.RDRDV, r.RDRSH) r.DLAI = s.LAI * r.RDR r.WDLEAF = r.TN/p.LNTR r.DLEAF = r.WDLEAF * p.DSLA r.GLEAF = r.LEAF - max(r.DLAI, r.DLEAF) #Rooting growth r.RD = p.RDMAX * (1./(1+44.2*math.exp(-15*(s.da)/(140)))) r.WD = k.PTa - k.Ta @prepare_states def integrate(self,day,delt): p = self.params r = self.rates s = self.states k = self.kiosk # crop stage before integration crop_stage = self.pheno.get_variable("STAGE") self.pheno.integrate(day, delt=1.0) # if before emergence there is no need to continue # because only the phenology is running. # Just run a touch() to to ensure that all state variables are available # in the kiosk if crop_stage == "emerging": self.touch() return self.part.integrate(day, delt=1.0) DVS = self.kiosk["DVS"] s.SLA = p.SLATB(DVS) s.TDM += r.DM print("TDM", s.TDM) s.TDMv += r.STEMS + r.WLEAF if s.TDMFlowering is None and k.DVS >= 1.: s.TDMFlowering = s.TDMv s.TDMTRANSL = s.TDMFlowering * p.FTRANSL s.TDMTRANSL -= r.TRANSL s.TSEED += r.SEED s.YIELD = s.TSEED * p.GCC * p.HD s.TSTEM += r.STEMS s.TLEAF += r.DM * k.FL s.LAI += r.GLEAF if s.LAIFlowering is None and k.DVS >= 1.3: s.LAIFlowering = s.LAI s.da+=1 s.TRD = r.RD if k.DVS<1: s.CWDv += r.WD else: s.CWDr += r.WD
import platform import as target import as environment import os import subprocess def add_item_to_list(items, item): new_list = [] if not items: return new_list for i in items: if isinstance(i, target.Target): new_list.append(item + else: new_list.append(item + i) return new_list def verify_type(name): if not isinstance(name, str): raise SystemError("Can't call this method with " + str(type(name))) def assemble_path(sub_directory, name, main_directory=None, prefix="", suffix=""): if main_directory: assembled = os.path.join( main_directory, sub_directory, prefix + name + suffix) else: assembled = os.path.join(sub_directory, prefix + name + suffix) return assembled def casual_build_version(): if environment.get("CASUAL_MAKE_BUILD_VERSION"): return ["-DCASUAL_MAKE_BUILD_VERSION=\"" + environment.get("CASUAL_MAKE_BUILD_VERSION") + "\""] else: return [] def casual_build_commit_hash(): try: githash = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]).rstrip().decode() return ["-DCASUAL_MAKE_COMMIT_HASH=\"" + githash + "\""] except: return [] def optional_flags(): return environment.get("OPTIONAL_FLAGS", "").split() def cxx(): return ["g++"] if not environment.get("CXX") \ else environment.get("CXX").split() def lint_command(): return ["clang-tidy"] if not environment.get("LINT_COMMAND") \ else environment.get("LINT_COMMAND").split() def lint_pre_directives(): return ["-quiet", "-config", "''", "--"] if not environment.get("LINT_PRE_DIRECTIVES") \ else environment.get("LINT_PRE_DIRECTIVES").split() def executable_linker(): return cxx() if not environment.get("EXECUTABLE_LINKER") \ else environment.get("EXECUTABLE_LINKER").split() def archive_linker(): return ["ar", "rcs"] def cpp_standard(): if platform.system().startswith('CYGWIN'): return ["-std=gnu++17"] else: return ["-std=c++17"] def optional_possible_flags(): return ["-fdiagnostics-color=always"]
from django.conf.urls import url from rest_framework import permissions from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication, TokenAuthentication from rest_framework.generics import ListAPIView, RetrieveAPIView from medical_peek_core.service.url import UrlProperty from medical_peek_core.model.dmo.medical_item import MedicalItem, MedicalItemSerializer class MedicalItemDetail(RetrieveAPIView, UrlProperty): """ Detailed Medical Item Information """ queryset = MedicalItem.objects.all() serializer_class = MedicalItemSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly,) authentication_classes = (SessionAuthentication, TokenAuthentication,) def __get_urls(self, prefix = r'medical-item/'): url_patterns = [ url(regex = prefix + r'(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/?$', view = MedicalItemDetail.as_view()), ] return url_patterns @property def urls(self): return self.__get_urls() class MedicalItemList(ListAPIView, UrlProperty): """ All Detailed Medical Item Information """ queryset = MedicalItem.objects.all() serializer_class = MedicalItemSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly,) authentication_classes = (SessionAuthentication, TokenAuthentication,) def __get_urls(self, prefix = r'medical-item/?'): url_patterns = [ url(regex = rf'{prefix}$', view = MedicalItemList.as_view()), ] return url_patterns @property def urls(self): return self.__get_urls() medical_item_detail = MedicalItemDetail() medical_item_list = MedicalItemList()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import jieba import xlrd from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS from PIL import Image import numpy as np class wcd: # workBook = xlrd.open_workbook('../data/TagSupplement2.xlsx') def beTXT(self): global file_handle allSheetNames = self.workBook.sheet_names() print(allSheetNames) # 1.2 按索引号获取sheet的名字(string类型) sheet1Name = self.workBook.sheet_names()[0] print(sheet1Name) # 2. 获取sheet内容 ## 2.1 法1:按索引号获取sheet内容 sheet1_content1 = self.workBook.sheet_by_index(0) # sheet索引从0开始 for n in range(1,sheet1_content1.nrows): x=sheet1_content1.cell(n,1).value file_handle = open('wd.txt', mode='a') for m in range(0,int(sheet1_content1.cell(n,2).value)): file_handle.write(x+" ") return file_handle def create(self): txt=open('../map/wd.txt','r').read() mask_pic ="u=1302885550,4025528368&fm=26&gp=0.png") mask_pic_array = np.array(mask_pic) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) stopwords = set(STOPWORDS) stopwords.add("美国") stopwords.add("说") stopwords.add("没") stopwords.add("没有") wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path="simsun.ttf", mask=mask_pic_array, stopwords=stopwords, collocations=False, background_color="white").generate(txt) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis("off") # plt.savefig('口罩词云.jpg') if __name__ == '__main__': x = wcd x.create(x)
# # # Python the Hard Way Exercise #3B # # Created by <NAME> on 12/23/14. # Copyright (c) 2014 ddApps. All rights reserved. # ------------------------------------------------ # Study Drill Question 3: # Find something you need to calculate and write a new .py fi le that does it. # import the Python math Standard Library import math print "Let's calculate the Area of a Circle with radius of 5." # Area = pi x radius squared print math.pi * pow(5, 2)
#Automatically created by SCRAM import os __path__.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/Treemaker/Splitter/',1)[0])+'/cfipython/slc6_amd64_gcc493/Treemaker/Splitter')
<reponame>LeeBeral/python x = 'abc' y = 'def' z = ['d','e','f'] print(x.join(y)) print(x.join(z))
default_app_config = 'oscar.apps.voucher.config.VoucherConfig'
#This is the flitesensor init file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on 2021/4/25 10:22 上午 --------- @summary: 将浏览器的cookie转为request的cookie --------- @author: Boris @email: <EMAIL> """ import json import pyperclip from import get_cookies_from_str, print_pretty class CreateCookies: def get_data(self): """ @summary: 从剪切板中读取内容 --------- --------- @result: """ input("请复制浏览器cookie (列表或字符串格式), 复制后按任意键读取剪切板内容\n") text = pyperclip.paste() print(text + "\n") return text def create(self): data = self.get_data() cookies = {} try: data_json = json.loads(data) for data in data_json: cookies[data.get("name")] = data.get("value") except: cookies = get_cookies_from_str(data) print_pretty(cookies)
# Source: # sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline dataset = "otto" metric = "neg_log_loss" def make_pipeline(): from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.svm import SVC # focused on SVC pipeline # to provide some diversity # (i.e. not just XGB pipelines) # probability=True needed for neg_log_loss clf = SVC(probability=True, random_state=0) p = Pipeline([("clf", clf)]) return p
from .models.db_init import db from .app import application from .routes import api from .logger import Logger __all__ = [ 'db', 'application', 'api', 'Logger' ]
<reponame>PacktPublishing/-Data-Wrangling-with-Python-3.x<filename>Section 2/2.1/ import xlrd book = xlrd.open_workbook('SampleSuperstore.xls') print("The number of sheets in the above excel file are {}".format(book.nsheets)) print("The names of sheets in the above excel file are {}".format(book.sheet_names())) sheet1 = book.sheet_by_name('People') sheet2 = book.sheet_by_index(0) for i in range(sheet1.nrows): print(sheet1.row(i))