7 values
<reponame>dewoolkaridhish4/C104 import csv with open("height-weight.csv",newline="") as f: reader=csv.reader(f) filedata=list(reader) filedata.pop(0) newdata = [] for i in range(len(filedata)): n_num=filedata[i][1] newdata.append(float(n_num)) n=len(newdata) total=0 for x in newdata: total+=x mean=total/n print("Mean = " +str(mean)) import csv with open("Internet Users.csv",newline="") as f: reader=csv.reader(f) filedata=list(reader) filedata.pop(0) newdata = [] for i in range(len(filedata)): n_num=filedata[i][1] newdata.append(float(n_num)) n=len(newdata) total=0 for x in newdata: total+=x mean=total/n print("Mean = " +str(mean))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import torch.nn as nn from fairseq import checkpoint_utils from fairseq.models import BaseFairseqModel, register_model from pytorch_translate import rnn from pytorch_translate.rnn import ( LSTMSequenceEncoder, RNNDecoder, RNNEncoder, RNNModel, base_architecture, ) from pytorch_translate.tasks.pytorch_translate_task import PytorchTranslateTask logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @register_model("dual_learning") class DualLearningModel(BaseFairseqModel): """ An architecture to jointly train primal model and dual model by leveraging distribution duality, which exist for both parallel data and monolingual data. """ def __init__(self, args, task, primal_model, dual_model, lm_model=None): super().__init__() self.args = args self.task_keys = ["primal", "dual"] self.models = nn.ModuleDict( {"primal": primal_model, "dual": dual_model, "lm": lm_model} ) def forward(self, src_tokens, src_lengths, prev_output_tokens=None): """ If batch is monolingual, need to run beam decoding to generate fake prev_output_tokens. """ # TODO: pass to dual model too primal_encoder_out = self.models["primal"].encoder(src_tokens, src_lengths) primal_decoder_out = self.models["primal"].decoder( prev_output_tokens, primal_encoder_out ) return primal_decoder_out def max_positions(self): return { "primal_source": ( self.models["primal"].encoder.max_positions(), self.models["primal"].decoder.max_positions(), ), "dual_source": ( self.models["dual"].encoder.max_positions(), self.models["dual"].decoder.max_positions(), ), "primal_parallel": ( self.models["primal"].encoder.max_positions(), self.models["primal"].decoder.max_positions(), ), "dual_parallel": ( self.models["dual"].encoder.max_positions(), self.models["dual"].decoder.max_positions(), ), } @register_model("dual_learning_rnn") class RNNDualLearningModel(DualLearningModel): """Train two models for a task and its duality jointly. This class uses RNN arch, but can be extended to take arch as an arument. This class takes translation as a task, but the framework is intended to be general enough to be applied to other tasks as well. """ def __init__(self, args, task, primal_model, dual_model, lm_model=None): super().__init__(args, task, primal_model, dual_model, lm_model) @staticmethod def add_args(parser): rnn.RNNModel.add_args(parser) parser.add_argument( "--unsupervised-dual", default=False, action="store_true", help="Train with dual loss from monolingual data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--supervised-dual", default=False, action="store_true", help="Train with dual loss from parallel data.", ) @classmethod def build_model(cls, args, task): """ Build both the primal and dual models. For simplicity, both models share the same arch, i.e. the same model params would be used to initialize both models. Support for different models/archs would be added in further iterations. """ base_architecture(args) if args.sequence_lstm: encoder_class = LSTMSequenceEncoder else: encoder_class = RNNEncoder decoder_class = RNNDecoder encoder_embed_tokens, decoder_embed_tokens = RNNModel.build_embed_tokens( args, task.primal_src_dict, task.primal_tgt_dict ) primal_encoder = encoder_class( task.primal_src_dict, embed_dim=args.encoder_embed_dim, embed_tokens=encoder_embed_tokens, cell_type=args.cell_type, num_layers=args.encoder_layers, hidden_dim=args.encoder_hidden_dim, dropout_in=args.encoder_dropout_in, dropout_out=args.encoder_dropout_out, residual_level=args.residual_level, bidirectional=bool(args.encoder_bidirectional), ) primal_decoder = decoder_class( src_dict=task.primal_src_dict, dst_dict=task.primal_tgt_dict, embed_tokens=decoder_embed_tokens, vocab_reduction_params=args.vocab_reduction_params, encoder_hidden_dim=args.encoder_hidden_dim, embed_dim=args.decoder_embed_dim, out_embed_dim=args.decoder_out_embed_dim, cell_type=args.cell_type, num_layers=args.decoder_layers, hidden_dim=args.decoder_hidden_dim, attention_type=args.attention_type, dropout_in=args.decoder_dropout_in, dropout_out=args.decoder_dropout_out, residual_level=args.residual_level, averaging_encoder=args.averaging_encoder, ) primal_task = PytorchTranslateTask( args, task.primal_src_dict, task.primal_tgt_dict ) primal_model = rnn.RNNModel(primal_task, primal_encoder, primal_decoder) if args.pretrained_forward_checkpoint: pretrained_forward_state = checkpoint_utils.load_checkpoint_to_cpu( args.pretrained_forward_checkpoint ) primal_model.load_state_dict(pretrained_forward_state["model"], strict=True) print( f"Loaded pretrained primal model from {args.pretrained_forward_checkpoint}" ) encoder_embed_tokens, decoder_embed_tokens = RNNModel.build_embed_tokens( args, task.dual_src_dict, task.dual_tgt_dict ) dual_encoder = encoder_class( task.dual_src_dict, embed_dim=args.encoder_embed_dim, embed_tokens=encoder_embed_tokens, cell_type=args.cell_type, num_layers=args.encoder_layers, hidden_dim=args.encoder_hidden_dim, dropout_in=args.encoder_dropout_in, dropout_out=args.encoder_dropout_out, residual_level=args.residual_level, bidirectional=bool(args.encoder_bidirectional), ) dual_decoder = decoder_class( src_dict=task.dual_src_dict, dst_dict=task.dual_tgt_dict, embed_tokens=decoder_embed_tokens, vocab_reduction_params=args.vocab_reduction_params, encoder_hidden_dim=args.encoder_hidden_dim, embed_dim=args.decoder_embed_dim, out_embed_dim=args.decoder_out_embed_dim, cell_type=args.cell_type, num_layers=args.decoder_layers, hidden_dim=args.decoder_hidden_dim, attention_type=args.attention_type, dropout_in=args.decoder_dropout_in, dropout_out=args.decoder_dropout_out, residual_level=args.residual_level, averaging_encoder=args.averaging_encoder, ) dual_task = PytorchTranslateTask(args, task.dual_src_dict, task.dual_tgt_dict) dual_model = rnn.RNNModel(dual_task, dual_encoder, dual_decoder) if args.pretrained_backward_checkpoint: pretrained_backward_state = checkpoint_utils.load_checkpoint_to_cpu( args.pretrained_backward_checkpoint ) dual_model.load_state_dict(pretrained_backward_state["model"], strict=True) print( f"Loaded pretrained dual model from {args.pretrained_backward_checkpoint}" ) # TODO (T36875783): instantiate a langauge model lm_model = None return RNNDualLearningModel(args, task, primal_model, dual_model, lm_model)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 from multiprocessing import Pool from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np test_num = 500000000 output_path = "feature_output" base_dir = "dataset" prob_dir = output_path val_t_correct_index = np.load( base_dir + "/wikikg90m_kddcup2021/processed/val_t_correct_index.npy", mmap_mode="r") train_hrt = np.load( base_dir + "/wikikg90m_kddcup2021/processed/train_hrt.npy", mmap_mode="r") val_hr = np.load( base_dir + "/wikikg90m_kddcup2021/processed/val_hr.npy", mmap_mode="r") val_t_candidate = np.load( base_dir + "/wikikg90m_kddcup2021/processed/val_t_candidate.npy", mmap_mode="r") test_hr = np.load( base_dir + "/wikikg90m_kddcup2021/processed/test_hr.npy", mmap_mode="r")[:test_num] test_t_candidate = np.load( base_dir + "/wikikg90m_kddcup2021/processed/test_t_candidate.npy", mmap_mode="r")[:test_num] # HT def f(x): res = np.zeros_like(x) unique, counts = np.unique(x, return_counts=True) mapper_dict = {} for idx, count in zip(unique, counts): mapper_dict[idx] = count def mp(entry): return mapper_dict[entry] mp = np.vectorize(mp) return mp(x) # valid val_h_sorted_index = np.argsort(val_hr[:, 0], axis=0) val_h_sorted = val_hr[val_h_sorted_index] val_h_sorted_index_part = [] last_start = -1 tmp = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(val_h_sorted) + 1)): if i == len(val_h_sorted): val_h_sorted_index_part.append(tmp) break if val_h_sorted[i][0] > last_start: if last_start != -1: val_h_sorted_index_part.append(tmp) tmp = [] last_start = val_h_sorted[i][0] tmp.append(i) val_h_sorted_index_arr = [ np.array( idx, dtype="int32") for idx in val_h_sorted_index_part ] inputs = [ val_t_candidate[val_h_sorted_index[arr]] for arr in val_h_sorted_index_arr ] mapped_array = None with Pool(20) as p: mapped_array = list(tqdm(p.imap(f, inputs), total=len(inputs))) ht_feat = np.zeros_like(val_t_candidate) for (arr, mapped) in zip(val_h_sorted_index_arr, mapped_array): ht_feat[val_h_sorted_index[arr]] = mapped"%s/valid_feats/ht_feat.npy" % output_path, ht_feat.astype(np.float32)) # test test_h_sorted_index = np.argsort(test_hr[:, 0], axis=0) test_h_sorted = test_hr[test_h_sorted_index] test_h_sorted_index_part = [] last_start = -1 tmp = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(test_h_sorted) + 1)): if i == len(test_h_sorted): test_h_sorted_index_part.append(tmp) break if test_h_sorted[i][0] > last_start: if last_start != -1: test_h_sorted_index_part.append(tmp) tmp = [] last_start = test_h_sorted[i][0] tmp.append(i) test_h_sorted_index_arr = [ np.array( idx, dtype="int32") for idx in test_h_sorted_index_part ] inputs = [ test_t_candidate[test_h_sorted_index[arr]] for arr in test_h_sorted_index_arr ] mapped_array = None with Pool(20) as p: mapped_array = list(tqdm(p.imap(f, inputs), total=len(inputs))) ht_feat = np.zeros_like(test_t_candidate) for (arr, mapped) in zip(test_h_sorted_index_arr, mapped_array): ht_feat[test_h_sorted_index[arr]] = mapped"%s/test_feats/ht_feat.npy" % output_path, ht_feat.astype(np.float32))
<reponame>codebyravi/otter """Code related to gathering data to inform convergence.""" import re from functools import partial from effect import catch, parallel from import do, do_return from pyrsistent import pmap from toolz.curried import filter, groupby, keyfilter, map from toolz.dicttoolz import assoc, get_in, merge from toolz.functoolz import compose, curry, identity from toolz.itertoolz import concat from otter.auth import NoSuchEndpoint from otter.cloud_client import ( list_servers_details_all, list_stacks_all, service_request ) from otter.cloud_client.clb import ( CLBNotFoundError, get_clb_health_monitor, get_clb_node_feed, get_clb_nodes, get_clbs ) from otter.constants import ServiceType from otter.convergence.model import ( CLB, CLBNode, CLBNodeCondition, HeatStack, NovaServer, RCv3Description, RCv3Node, get_stack_tag_for_group, group_id_from_metadata ) from otter.indexer import atom from otter.models.cass import CassScalingGroupServersCache from otter.util.http import append_segments from otter.util.retry import ( exponential_backoff_interval, retry_effect, retry_times) from otter.util.timestamp import timestamp_to_epoch def _retry(eff): """Retry an effect with a common policy.""" return retry_effect( eff, retry_times(5), exponential_backoff_interval(2)) def get_all_server_details(changes_since=None, batch_size=100): """ Return all servers of a tenant. :param datetime changes_since: Get changes since this time. Must be UTC :param int batch_size: number of servers to fetch *per batch*. :return: list of server objects as returned by Nova. NOTE: This really screams to be a independent fxcloud-type API """ query = {'limit': [str(batch_size)]} if changes_since is not None: query['changes-since'] = ['{0}Z'.format(changes_since.isoformat())] return list_servers_details_all(query) def get_all_scaling_group_servers(changes_since=None, server_predicate=identity): """ Return tenant's servers that belong to any scaling group as {group_id: [server1, server2]} ``dict``. No specific ordering is guaranteed :param datetime changes_since: Get server since this time. Must be UTC :param server_predicate: function of server -> bool that determines whether the server should be included in the result. :return: dict mapping group IDs to lists of Nova servers. """ def has_group_id(s): return 'metadata' in s and isinstance(s['metadata'], dict) def group_id(s): return group_id_from_metadata(s['metadata']) servers_apply = compose(keyfilter(lambda k: k is not None), groupby(group_id), filter(server_predicate), filter(has_group_id)) return get_all_server_details(changes_since).on(servers_apply) def mark_deleted_servers(old, new): """ Given dictionaries containing old and new servers, return a list of all servers, with the deleted ones annotated with a status of DELETED. :param list old: List of old servers :param list new: List of latest servers :return: List of updated servers """ def sdict(servers): return {s['id']: s for s in servers} old = sdict(old) new = sdict(new) deleted_ids = set(old.keys()) - set(new.keys()) for sid in deleted_ids: old[sid] = assoc(old[sid], "status", "DELETED") return merge(old, new).values() @curry def server_of_group(group_id, server): """ Return True if server belongs to group_id. False otherwise """ return group_id_from_metadata(server.get('metadata', {})) == group_id @do def get_scaling_group_servers(tenant_id, group_id, now, all_as_servers=get_all_scaling_group_servers, all_servers=get_all_server_details, cache_class=CassScalingGroupServersCache): """ Get a group's servers taken from cache if it exists. Updates cache if it is empty from newly fetched servers # NOTE: This function takes tenant_id even though the whole effect is # scoped on the tenant because cache calls require tenant_id. Should # they also not take tenant_id and work on the scope? :return: Servers as list of dicts :rtype: Effect """ cache = cache_class(tenant_id, group_id) cached_servers, last_update = yield cache.get_servers(False) if last_update is None: servers = (yield all_as_servers()).get(group_id, []) else: current = yield all_servers() servers = mark_deleted_servers(cached_servers, current) servers = list(filter(server_of_group(group_id), servers)) yield do_return(servers) def get_all_stacks(stack_tag=None): query = {} if stack_tag is not None: query['tags'] = stack_tag return list_stacks_all(query) def get_scaling_group_stacks(group_id, get_all_stacks=get_all_stacks): return get_all_stacks(stack_tag=get_stack_tag_for_group(group_id)) @do def get_clb_contents(): """ Get Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer contents as list of `CLBNode`. CLB health monitor information is also returned as a pmap of :obj:`CLB` objects mapped on LB ID. :return: Effect of (``list`` of :obj:`CLBNode`, `pmap` of :obj:`CLB`) :rtype: :obj:`Effect` """ # If we get a CLBNotFoundError while fetching feeds, we should throw away # all nodes related to that load balancer, because we don't want to act on # data that we know is invalid/outdated (for example, if we can't fetch a # feed because CLB was deleted, we don't want to say that we have a node in # DRAINING with draining time of 0; we should just say that the node is # gone). def gone(r): return catch(CLBNotFoundError, lambda exc: r) lb_ids = [lb['id'] for lb in (yield _retry(get_clbs()))] node_reqs = [_retry(get_clb_nodes(lb_id).on(error=gone([]))) for lb_id in lb_ids] healthmon_reqs = [ _retry(get_clb_health_monitor(lb_id).on(error=gone(None))) for lb_id in lb_ids] all_nodes_hms = yield parallel(node_reqs + healthmon_reqs) all_nodes, hms = all_nodes_hms[:len(lb_ids)], all_nodes_hms[len(lb_ids):] lb_nodes = { lb_id: [CLBNode.from_node_json(lb_id, node) for node in nodes] for lb_id, nodes in zip(lb_ids, all_nodes)} clbs = { str(lb_id): CLB(bool(health_mon)) for lb_id, health_mon in zip(lb_ids, hms) if health_mon is not None} draining = [n for n in concat(lb_nodes.values()) if n.description.condition == CLBNodeCondition.DRAINING] feeds = yield parallel( [_retry(get_clb_node_feed(n.description.lb_id, n.node_id).on( error=gone(None))) for n in draining] ) nodes_to_feeds = dict(zip(draining, feeds)) deleted_lbs = set([ node.description.lb_id for (node, feed) in nodes_to_feeds.items() if feed is None]) def update_drained_at(node): feed = nodes_to_feeds.get(node) if node.description.lb_id in deleted_lbs: return None if feed is not None: node.drained_at = extract_clb_drained_at(feed) return node nodes = map(update_drained_at, concat(lb_nodes.values())) yield do_return(( list(filter(bool, nodes)), pmap(keyfilter(lambda k: k not in deleted_lbs, clbs)))) _DRAINING_CREATED_RE = ( "^Node successfully created with address: '.+', port: '\d+', " "condition: 'DRAINING', weight: '\d+'$") _DRAINING_UPDATED_RE = ( "^Node successfully updated with address: '.+', port: '\d+', " "weight: '\d+', condition: 'DRAINING'$") _DRAINING_RE = re.compile( "({})|({})".format(_DRAINING_UPDATED_RE, _DRAINING_CREATED_RE)) def extract_clb_drained_at(feed): """ Extract time when node was changed to DRAINING from a CLB atom feed. Will return node's creation time if node was created with DRAINING. Return None if couldnt find for any reason. :param list feed: ``list`` of atom entry :class:`Elements` :returns: drained_at EPOCH in seconds :rtype: float """ for entry in feed: if _DRAINING_RE.match(atom.summary(entry)): return timestamp_to_epoch(atom.updated(entry)) return None def get_rcv3_contents(): """ Get Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer contents as list of `RCv3Node`. """ eff = service_request(ServiceType.RACKCONNECT_V3, 'GET', 'load_balancer_pools') def on_listing_pools(lblist_result): _, body = lblist_result return parallel([ service_request(ServiceType.RACKCONNECT_V3, 'GET', append_segments('load_balancer_pools', lb_pool['id'], 'nodes')).on( partial(on_listing_nodes, RCv3Description(lb_id=lb_pool['id']))) for lb_pool in body ]) def on_listing_nodes(rcv3_description, lbnodes_result): _, body = lbnodes_result return [ RCv3Node(node_id=node['id'], description=rcv3_description, cloud_server_id=get_in(('cloud_server', 'id'), node)) for node in body ] return eff.on(on_listing_pools).on( success=compose(list, concat), error=catch(NoSuchEndpoint, lambda _: [])) def get_all_launch_server_data( tenant_id, group_id, now, get_scaling_group_servers=get_scaling_group_servers, get_clb_contents=get_clb_contents, get_rcv3_contents=get_rcv3_contents): """ Gather all launch_server data relevant for convergence w.r.t given time, in parallel where possible. Returns an Effect of {'servers': [NovaServer], 'lb_nodes': [LBNode], 'lbs': pmap(LB_ID -> CLB)}. """ return parallel( [get_scaling_group_servers(tenant_id, group_id, now) .on(map(NovaServer.from_server_details_json)).on(list), get_clb_contents(), get_rcv3_contents()] ).on(lambda (servers, clb_nodes_and_clbs, rcv3_nodes): { 'servers': servers, 'lb_nodes': clb_nodes_and_clbs[0] + rcv3_nodes, 'lbs': clb_nodes_and_clbs[1] }) def get_all_launch_stack_data( tenant_id, group_id, now, get_scaling_group_stacks=get_scaling_group_stacks): """ Gather all launch_stack data relevant for convergence w.r.t given time Returns an Effect of {'stacks': [HeatStack]}. """ eff = (get_scaling_group_stacks(group_id) .on(map(HeatStack.from_stack_details_json)).on(list) .on(lambda stacks: {'stacks': stacks})) return eff
<reponame>koshiishide/calendar from django import template import datetime register = template.Library() #0,1,2 @register.simple_tag @register.filter def test2(day): tmp=day.weekday() if ((tmp==5)or(tmp==6)): return 1 else: return 0 @register.simple_tag @register.filter def test(a): dict = {1:0,2:0} list = a for k in list: try: if (int(k.type_name) >1): dict[1]+=1 dict[2]+=1 elif(int(k.type_name) == 1): dict[1]+=1 else: continue except: continue if (((dict[1])>=2) and (dict[2]>=2)): return 0 else: return 1
from copy import copy from random import Random import numpy as np class SimulationPolicy(object): def __init__(self, random_state, **kwargs): self.local_random = Random() self.local_random.setstate(random_state) def get_random_state(self): return self.local_random.getstate() class RandomSimulationPolicy(SimulationPolicy): def __init__(self, random_state, **kwargs): super().__init__(random_state) def choose_action(self, state, possible_actions): available_acts = tuple(possible_actions) chosen_action = self.local_random.choice(available_acts) return chosen_action
<gh_stars>0 import pytorch_lightning as pl from {{cookiecutter.project_name}} import models parser = ArgumentParser(description="{{cookiecutter.project_name}} model training script") parser.add_argument( "--epochs", type=int, default=50, metavar="N", help="number of epochs to train (default: 50)", ) parser.add_argument( "--model", type=str, default="", help="Model specification, refer to", ) parser.add_argument( "--cpu", type=bool, default=False, help="Force CPU model (default: False" ) parser.add_argument( "--sweep", type=bool, default=False, help="If using wandb for a sweep (default: False", ) parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=64) parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, default="devset.h5") parser.add_argument("--clip", type=float, default=0.) # this grabs the model choice without running parse_args temp_args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() # pick out the model we want to train model_choice = models.get(temp_args.model) logger = pl.loggers.TensorBoardLogger()
<filename>examples/02_decoding/ """ Decoding with SpaceNet: face vs house object recognition ========================================================= Here is a simple example of decoding with a SpaceNet prior (i.e Graph-Net, TV-l1, etc.), reproducing the Haxby 2001 study on a face vs house discrimination task. See also the SpaceNet documentation: :ref:`space_net`. """ ############################################################################## # Load the Haxby dataset # ------------------------ from nilearn.datasets import fetch_haxby data_files = fetch_haxby() # Load behavioral data import numpy as np behavioral = np.recfromcsv(data_files.session_target[0], delimiter=" ") # Restrict to face and house conditions conditions = behavioral['labels'] condition_mask = np.logical_or(conditions == b"face", conditions == b"house") # Split data into train and test samples, using the chunks condition_mask_train = np.logical_and(condition_mask, behavioral['chunks'] <= 6) condition_mask_test = np.logical_and(condition_mask, behavioral['chunks'] > 6) # Apply this sample mask to X (fMRI data) and y (behavioral labels) # Because the data is in one single large 4D image, we need to use # index_img to do the split easily from nilearn.image import index_img func_filenames = data_files.func[0] X_train = index_img(func_filenames, condition_mask_train) X_test = index_img(func_filenames, condition_mask_test) y_train = conditions[condition_mask_train] y_test = conditions[condition_mask_test] # Compute the mean epi to be used for the background of the plotting from nilearn.image import mean_img background_img = mean_img(func_filenames) ############################################################################## # Fit SpaceNet with a Graph-Net penalty # -------------------------------------- from nilearn.decoding import SpaceNetClassifier # Fit model on train data and predict on test data decoder = SpaceNetClassifier(memory="nilearn_cache", penalty='graph-net'), y_train) y_pred = decoder.predict(X_test) accuracy = (y_pred == y_test).mean() * 100. print("Graph-net classification accuracy : %g%%" % accuracy) ############################################################################# # Visualization of Graph-net weights # ------------------------------------ from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map, show coef_img = decoder.coef_img_ plot_stat_map(coef_img, background_img, title="graph-net: accuracy %g%%" % accuracy, cut_coords=(-52, -5), display_mode="yz") # Save the coefficients to a nifti file coef_img.to_filename('haxby_graph-net_weights.nii') ############################################################################## # Now Fit SpaceNet with a TV-l1 penalty # -------------------------------------- decoder = SpaceNetClassifier(memory="nilearn_cache", penalty='tv-l1'), y_train) y_pred = decoder.predict(X_test) accuracy = (y_pred == y_test).mean() * 100. print("TV-l1 classification accuracy : %g%%" % accuracy) ############################################################################# # Visualization of TV-L1 weights # ------------------------------- coef_img = decoder.coef_img_ plot_stat_map(coef_img, background_img, title="tv-l1: accuracy %g%%" % accuracy, cut_coords=(-52, -5), display_mode="yz") # Save the coefficients to a nifti file coef_img.to_filename('haxby_tv-l1_weights.nii') show() ################################### # We can see that the TV-l1 penalty is 3 times slower to converge and # gives the same prediction accuracy. However, it yields much # cleaner coefficient maps
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Run with: # PYTHONPATH=.. python3 # """ Boilerplate for some s3 utility code. create_configured_boto3_session groks environment variables and profile to create a Session configured with the required AWS access key ID/password/token The most interesting is probably delete_bucket() which first deletes all the objects in the bucket by first listing using a Paginator then iterating over the pages to retrieve the maximum result set to enable batched object deletes. The get_object/put_object wrappers parse s3 URI of the form s3://<bucket>/<key> but the main use is to make it easy to launch those calls from Executors """ import sys assert sys.version_info >= (3, 8) # Bomb out if not running Python3.8 import os from utils.logger import init_logging logger = init_logging(log_name=__name__) def create_configured_session(module): """ boto3.client() doesn't have a (direct) way to set profile_name so we first create a Session instance and use that to create the client. The precedence below is taken from from AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_PROFILE """ name = module.__name__ aws_access_key_id = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") aws_secret_access_key = os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") aws_session_token = os.environ.get("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN") aws_profile = os.environ.get("AWS_PROFILE") if aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key:"Creating {name} Session from AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID env var") session = module.Session( aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token=aws_session_token ) else: available_profiles = module.Session().available_profiles profile = aws_profile if aws_profile else os.getlogin() profile = profile if profile in available_profiles else "minio" if profile in available_profiles:"Creating {name} Session from profile: {profile}") session = module.Session(profile_name=profile) else:"Creating default {name} Session") session = module.Session() return session def parse_s3_uri(s3_uri): """ Given a URI of the form s3://<bucket>/<key> parse into bucket, key tuple For a trivial parse this is faster than using urlparse(s3_uri) """ return s3_uri.replace("s3://", "").split("/", 1) def get_object(s3, s3_uri): bucket, key = parse_s3_uri(s3_uri) try: # First get get_object response from s3 obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) # Then read actual object from StreamingBody response. # # TODO make exception handling more useful #value = obj["Body"].read().decode("utf-8") value = obj["Body"].read() return value except s3.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as e: except s3.exceptions.NoSuchKey as e: except Exception as e: code = type(e).__name__ messsage = f"get_object caused unhandled exception: {code}: {str(e)}" logger.error(messsage) return b"" def put_object(s3, s3_uri, body): bucket, key = parse_s3_uri(s3_uri) # TODO make exception handling more useful try: s3.put_object(Body=body, Bucket=bucket, Key=key) except s3.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as e: except Exception as e: code = type(e).__name__ messsage = f"put_object caused unhandled exception: {code}: {str(e)}" logger.error(messsage) def create_bucket(s3, bucket_name): try:"Creating bucket {} for running test".format(bucket_name)) response = s3.create_bucket( Bucket=bucket_name ) except s3.exceptions.BucketAlreadyExists as e: except s3.exceptions.BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou as e: except Exception as e: code = type(e).__name__ messsage = f"create_bucket caused unhandled exception: {code}: {str(e)}" logger.error(messsage) def purge_and_delete_bucket(s3, bucket_name): # Delete the objects we created then the bucket to tidy things up up try: """ To deal with lots of response values from list_objects_v2 use a paginator to make it easy to iterate through batches of results. """ paginator = s3.get_paginator("list_objects_v2") pages = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket_name) for page in pages: contents = page.get("Contents", []) """ Can't just use "Contents" list as "Objects" value in delete_objects request so use list comprehension to create valid "Objects" list. """ delete_list = [{"Key": obj["Key"]} for obj in contents] if delete_list: s3.delete_objects( Bucket=bucket_name, Delete={"Objects": delete_list, "Quiet": True} )"Deleting bucket {}".format(bucket_name)) response = s3.delete_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) except s3.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as e: except Exception as e: code = type(e).__name__ messsage = f"purge_and_delete_bucket caused unhandled exception: {code}: {str(e)}" logger.error(messsage)
import logging from typing import List from bson.objectid import ObjectId from pymongo import ReturnDocument from core.config import ( DOCTYPE_CONTRACT, ERROR_MONGODB_DELETE, ERROR_MONGODB_UPDATE, ) from db.mongo import get_collection from models.contract import Contract, ContractCreate, ContractInDB, ContractUpdate from crud.utils import ( delete_empty_keys, fields_in_create, fields_in_update, raise_bad_request, raise_not_found, raise_server_error, ) async def find_many(limit: int, skip: int): collection = get_collection(DOCTYPE_CONTRACT) contracts: List[Contract] = [] cursor = collection.find({}, limit=limit, skip=skip) async for row in cursor: contracts.append(row) return contracts async def find_many_by_license(slug: str, limit: int, skip: int): collection = get_collection(DOCTYPE_CONTRACT) contracts: List[Contract] = [] cursor = collection.find({"license": slug}, limit=limit, skip=skip) async for row in cursor: contracts.append(row) return contracts async def find_one(slug: str, id: str): collection = get_collection(DOCTYPE_CONTRACT) return await collection.find_one({"license": slug, "_id": ObjectId(id)}) async def insert(slug: str, client: str, data: ContractCreate): try: contract = ContractInDB(**data.dict(), license=slug, clientId=client) props = fields_in_create(contract) collection = get_collection(DOCTYPE_CONTRACT) rs = await collection.insert_one(props) if rs.inserted_id: return await collection.find_one({"_id": rs.inserted_id}) except Exception as e: raise_server_error(str(e)) async def update(slug: str, id: str, data: ContractUpdate): try: props = delete_empty_keys(data) collection = get_collection(DOCTYPE_CONTRACT) contract = await collection.find_one_and_update( {"_id": ObjectId(id), "license": slug}, {"$set": fields_in_update(props)}, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER ) if contract: return contract except Exception as e: raise_server_error(str(e)) async def delete(slug: str, id: str): try: collection = get_collection(DOCTYPE_CONTRACT) contract = await collection.find_one_and_delete( {"_id": ObjectId(id), "license": slug}, {"_id": True} ) if contract: return {"message": "Contract has been deleted."} except Exception as e: raise_server_error(str(e))
from typing import List import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from . import pointnet2_utils class StackSAModuleMSG(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, radii: List[float], nsamples: List[int], mlps: List[List[int]], use_xyz: bool = True, pool_method='max_pool'): """ Args: radii: list of float, list of radii to group with nsamples: list of int, number of samples in each ball query mlps: list of list of int, spec of the pointnet before the global pooling for each scale use_xyz: pool_method: max_pool / avg_pool """ super().__init__() assert len(radii) == len(nsamples) == len(mlps) self.groupers = nn.ModuleList() self.mlps = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(radii)): radius = radii[i] nsample = nsamples[i] self.groupers.append(pointnet2_utils.QueryAndGroup(radius, nsample, use_xyz=use_xyz)) mlp_spec = mlps[i] if use_xyz: mlp_spec[0] += 3 shared_mlps = [] for k in range(len(mlp_spec) - 1): shared_mlps.extend([ nn.Conv2d(mlp_spec[k], mlp_spec[k + 1], kernel_size=1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(mlp_spec[k + 1]), nn.ReLU() ]) self.mlps.append(nn.Sequential(*shared_mlps)) self.pool_method = pool_method self.init_weights() def init_weights(self): for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) if m.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1.0) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def forward(self, xyz, xyz_batch_cnt, new_xyz, new_xyz_batch_cnt, features=None, empty_voxel_set_zeros=True): """ :param xyz: (N1 + N2 ..., 3) tensor of the xyz coordinates of the features :param xyz_batch_cnt: (batch_size), [N1, N2, ...] :param new_xyz: (M1 + M2 ..., 3) :param new_xyz_batch_cnt: (batch_size), [M1, M2, ...] :param features: (N1 + N2 ..., C) tensor of the descriptors of the the features :return: new_xyz: (M1 + M2 ..., 3) tensor of the new features' xyz new_features: (M1 + M2 ..., \sum_k(mlps[k][-1])) tensor of the new_features descriptors """ new_features_list = [] for k in range(len(self.groupers)): new_features, ball_idxs = self.groupers[k]( xyz, xyz_batch_cnt, new_xyz, new_xyz_batch_cnt, features ) # (M1 + M2, C, nsample) new_features = new_features.permute(1, 0, 2).unsqueeze(dim=0) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ..., nsample) new_features = self.mlps[k](new_features) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ..., nsample) if self.pool_method == 'max_pool': new_features = F.max_pool2d( new_features, kernel_size=[1, new_features.size(3)] ).squeeze(dim=-1) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ...) elif self.pool_method == 'avg_pool': new_features = F.avg_pool2d( new_features, kernel_size=[1, new_features.size(3)] ).squeeze(dim=-1) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ...) else: raise NotImplementedError new_features = new_features.squeeze(dim=0).permute(1, 0) # (M1 + M2 ..., C) new_features_list.append(new_features) new_features =, dim=1) # (M1 + M2 ..., C) return new_xyz, new_features class StackSAModulePyramid(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, mlps: List[List[int]], nsamples, use_xyz: bool = True, pool_method='max_pool'): """ Args: nsamples: list of int, number of samples in each ball query mlps: list of list of int, spec of the pointnet before the global pooling for each scale use_xyz: pool_method: max_pool / avg_pool """ super().__init__() self.num_pyramid_levels = len(nsamples) assert len(nsamples) == len(mlps) self.groupers = nn.ModuleList() self.mlps = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.num_pyramid_levels): nsample = nsamples[i] self.groupers.append(pointnet2_utils.QueryAndGroupPyramid(nsample, use_xyz=use_xyz)) mlp_spec = mlps[i] if use_xyz: mlp_spec[0] += 3 shared_mlps = [] for k in range(len(mlp_spec) - 1): shared_mlps.extend([ nn.Conv2d(mlp_spec[k], mlp_spec[k + 1], kernel_size=1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(mlp_spec[k + 1]), nn.ReLU() ]) self.mlps.append(nn.Sequential(*shared_mlps)) self.pool_method = pool_method self.init_weights() def init_weights(self): for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) if m.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1.0) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def forward(self, xyz, xyz_batch_cnt, new_xyz_list, new_xyz_r_list, new_xyz_batch_cnt_list, features=None, batch_size=None, num_rois=None): """ :param xyz: (N1 + N2 ..., 3) tensor of the xyz coordinates of the features :param xyz_batch_cnt: (batch_size), [N1, N2, ...] :param new_xyz_list: [(B, N x grid_size^3, 3)] :param new_xyz_r_list: [(B, N x grid_size^3, 1)] :param new_xyz_batch_cnt_list: (batch_size) :param features: (N1 + N2 ..., C) tensor of the descriptors of the the features :return: new_xyz: (M1 + M2 ..., 3) tensor of the new features' xyz new_features: (M1 + M2 ..., \sum_k(mlps[k][-1])) tensor of the new_features descriptors """ new_features_list = [] for i in range(self.num_pyramid_levels): new_xyz = new_xyz_list[i] new_xyz_r = new_xyz_r_list[i] new_xyz_batch_cnt = new_xyz_batch_cnt_list[i] new_xyz = new_xyz.view(-1, 3).contiguous() new_xyz_r = new_xyz_r.view(-1, 1).contiguous() new_features, _ = self.groupers[i]( xyz, xyz_batch_cnt, new_xyz, new_xyz_r, new_xyz_batch_cnt, features ) new_features = new_features.permute(1, 0, 2).unsqueeze(dim=0) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ..., nsample) new_features = self.mlps[i](new_features) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ..., nsample) new_features = F.max_pool2d( new_features, kernel_size=[1, new_features.size(3)] ).squeeze(dim=-1) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ...) new_features = new_features.squeeze(dim=0).permute(1, 0) # (M1 + M2 ..., C) num_features = new_features.shape[1] new_features = new_features.view(batch_size * num_rois, -1, num_features) new_features_list.append(new_features) new_features =, dim=1) # (B x N, \sum(grid_size^3), C) return new_features class StackSAModuleMSGDeform(nn.Module): """ Set abstraction with single radius prediction for each roi """ def __init__(self, *, temperatures: List[float], div_coefs: List[float], radii: List[float], nsamples: List[int], predict_nsamples: List[int], mlps: List[List[int]], pmlps: List[List[int]], pfcs: List[List[int]], grid_size: int, use_xyz: bool = True): """ :param radii: list of float, list of radii to group with :param nsamples: list of int, number of samples in each ball query :param mlps: list of list of int, spec of the pointnet before the global pooling for each scale :param use_xyz: :param pool_method: max_pool / avg_pool """ super().__init__() assert len(radii) == len(nsamples) == len(mlps) self.grid_size = grid_size self.MIN_R = 0.01 self.radii_list = radii self.div_coef_list = div_coefs self.norm_groupers = nn.ModuleList() self.deform_groupers = nn.ModuleList() self.feat_mlps = nn.ModuleList() self.predict_mlps = nn.ModuleList() self.predict_fcs = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(radii)): radius = radii[i] nsample = nsamples[i] predict_nsample = predict_nsamples[i] temperature = temperatures[i] self.norm_groupers.append( pointnet2_utils.QueryAndGroup(radius, predict_nsample, use_xyz=use_xyz) ) self.deform_groupers.append( pointnet2_utils.QueryAndGroupDeform(temperature, nsample, use_xyz=use_xyz) ) mlp_spec = mlps[i] predict_mlp_spec = pmlps[i] if use_xyz: mlp_spec[0] += 3 predict_mlp_spec[0] += 3 self.feat_mlps.append(self._make_mlp_layer(mlp_spec)) self.predict_mlps.append(self._make_mlp_layer(predict_mlp_spec)) fc_spec = pfcs[i] self.predict_fcs.append(self._make_fc_layer(fc_spec)) self.init_weights() def init_weights(self): for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) if m.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1.0) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) if m.bias is not None: nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def _make_mlp_layer(self, mlp_spec): mlps = [] for i in range(len(mlp_spec) - 1): mlps.extend([ nn.Conv2d(mlp_spec[i], mlp_spec[i + 1], kernel_size=1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(mlp_spec[i + 1]), nn.ReLU() ]) return nn.Sequential(*mlps) def _make_fc_layer(self, fc_spec): assert len(fc_spec) == 2 return nn.Linear(fc_spec[0], fc_spec[1], bias = True) def forward(self, xyz, xyz_batch_cnt, rois, roi_features, features=None, temperature_decay=None): """ :param xyz: (N1 + N2 ..., 3) tensor of the xyz coordinates of the features :param xyz_batch_cnt: (batch_size), [N1, N2, ...] :param rois: (B, num_rois, grid_size^3, 3) roi grid points :param roi_features: (B, num_rois, C) roi features :param features: (N1 + N2 ..., C) tensor of the descriptors of the the features :return: new_xyz: (M1 + M2 ..., 3) tensor of the new features' xyz new_features: (M1 + M2 ..., \sum_k(mlps[k][-1])) tensor of the new_features descriptors """ batch_size = rois.shape[0] num_rois = rois.shape[1] new_xyz = rois.view(batch_size, -1, 3).contiguous() new_xyz_batch_cnt = new_xyz.new_full((batch_size), new_xyz.shape[1]).int() new_xyz = new_xyz.view(-1, 3).contiguous() new_features_list = [] for k in range(len(self.norm_groupers)): # radius prediction predicted_features, ball_idxs = self.norm_groupers[k]( xyz, xyz_batch_cnt, new_xyz, new_xyz_batch_cnt, features ) # (M, C, nsample) predicted_features = predicted_features.permute(1, 0, 2).unsqueeze(dim=0) # (1, C, M, nsample) predicted_features = self.predict_mlps[k](predicted_features) # (1, C, M, nsample) predicted_features = F.max_pool2d( predicted_features, kernel_size=[1, predicted_features.size(3)] ).squeeze(dim=-1) # (1, C, M) # M = batch_size * num_rois * grid_size^3 predicted_features = predicted_features.squeeze(0).permute(0, 1).contiguous() # (M, C) num_predicted_features = predicted_features.shape[1] predicted_features = predicted_features.view(batch_size, num_rois, self.grid_size ** 3, num_predicted_features) predicted_features = predicted_features.view(batch_size, num_rois, -1).contiguous() predicted_residual_r = self.predict_fcs[k]([predicted_features, roi_features], dim = 2)) # (batch_size, num_rois, C -> 1) new_xyz_r = predicted_residual_r / self.div_coef_list[k] + self.radii_list[k] # constrain predicted radius above MIN_R new_xyz_r = torch.clamp(new_xyz_r, min = self.MIN_R) new_xyz_r = new_xyz_r.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, self.grid_size ** 3, 1) # (batch_size, num_rois, grid_size^3, 1) new_xyz_r = new_xyz_r.view(-1, 1).contiguous() # feature extraction # new_features (M, C, nsample) weights (M, nsample) new_features, new_weights, ball_idxs = self.deform_groupers[k]( xyz, xyz_batch_cnt, new_xyz, new_xyz_r, new_xyz_batch_cnt, features, temperature_decay ) new_features = new_features.permute(1, 0, 2).unsqueeze(dim=0) # (1, C, M, nsample) new_features = self.feat_mlps[k](new_features) # (1, C, M, nsample) # multiply after mlps new_weights = new_weights.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) # (1, 1, M, nsample) new_features = new_weights * new_features new_features = F.max_pool2d( new_features, kernel_size=[1, new_features.size(3)] ).squeeze(dim=-1) # (1, C, M1 + M2 ...) new_features =, dim=1) # (M1 + M2 ..., C) return new_xyz, new_features class StackPointnetFPModule(nn.Module): def __init__(self, *, mlp: List[int]): """ Args: mlp: list of int """ super().__init__() shared_mlps = [] for k in range(len(mlp) - 1): shared_mlps.extend([ nn.Conv2d(mlp[k], mlp[k + 1], kernel_size=1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(mlp[k + 1]), nn.ReLU() ]) self.mlp = nn.Sequential(*shared_mlps) def forward(self, unknown, unknown_batch_cnt, known, known_batch_cnt, unknown_feats=None, known_feats=None): """ Args: unknown: (N1 + N2 ..., 3) known: (M1 + M2 ..., 3) unknow_feats: (N1 + N2 ..., C1) known_feats: (M1 + M2 ..., C2) Returns: new_features: (N1 + N2 ..., C_out) """ dist, idx = pointnet2_utils.three_nn(unknown, unknown_batch_cnt, known, known_batch_cnt) dist_recip = 1.0 / (dist + 1e-8) norm = torch.sum(dist_recip, dim=-1, keepdim=True) weight = dist_recip / norm interpolated_feats = pointnet2_utils.three_interpolate(known_feats, idx, weight) if unknown_feats is not None: new_features =[interpolated_feats, unknown_feats], dim=1) # (N1 + N2 ..., C2 + C1) else: new_features = interpolated_feats new_features = new_features.permute(1, 0)[None, :, :, None] # (1, C, N1 + N2 ..., 1) new_features = self.mlp(new_features) new_features = new_features.squeeze(dim=0).squeeze(dim=-1).permute(1, 0) # (N1 + N2 ..., C) return new_features
<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ test_karnickel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test for karnickel, AST macros for Python. :copyright: Copyright 2010, 2011 by <NAME>. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import ast from textwrap import dedent from karnickel import * def raises(exc, func, *args, **kwds): """Utility: Make sure the given exception is raised.""" try: func(*args, **kwds) except exc: return True else: raise AssertionError('%s did not raise %s' % (func, exc)) @macro def foo(x, y): x = 2*y @macro def bar(): pass test_macros = parse_macros(''' import os # unrelated def not_a_macro(): pass @macro def add(i, j, k): i + j + k @macro def set_x(o): setattr(o, 'x', 1) @macro def assign(name, value): name = value @macro def do_while(cond): while True: __body__ if not cond: break ''') def expand_in(code): ex = Expander(None, test_macros) tree = ast.parse(code) new_tree = ex.visit(tree) code = compile(new_tree, '<test>', 'exec') ns = {} exec code in ns return ns def test_macro_decorator(): @macro def test(): pass # test that a function marked as "macro" can't be called as an # ordinary function assert raises(RuntimeError, test) def test_parse(): # only functions decorated with @macro are macros assert 'not_a_macro' not in test_macros # test categorization assert isinstance(test_macros['add'], ExprMacroDef) assert isinstance(test_macros['assign'], BlockMacroDef) assert isinstance(test_macros['do_while'], BlockMacroDef) # test __body__ presence assert not test_macros['assign'].has_body assert test_macros['do_while'].has_body # invalid macro definitions assert raises(MacroDefError, parse_macros, dedent(''' @macro def foo(x, y=1): pass ''')) def test_import_from(): ns = expand_in(dedent(''' from test_karnickel.__macros__ import foo foo(a, 21) ''')) assert ns['a'] == 42 def test_expr_macro(): # expr macros can be used in expressions or as expr statements assert expand_in('k = add(1, 2, 3)')['k'] == 6 assert expand_in('class X: pass\no = X(); set_x(o)')['o'].x == 1 # only calls are expanded assert expand_in('add = 1; add')['add'] == 1 # invalid # of arguments assert raises(MacroCallError, expand_in, 'add(1)') def test_block_macro(): # in particular, this tests context reassignment ns = expand_in('assign(j, 1); assign(k, j+1)') assert ns['j'] == 1 assert ns['k'] == 2 ns = expand_in('assign([j, k], [1, 2])') assert ns['j'] == 1 assert ns['k'] == 2 # block macros cannot be used as expressions assert raises(MacroCallError, expand_in, 'k = assign(j, 1)') # block macros without __body__ cannot be used in with blocks assert raises(MacroCallError, expand_in, 'with assign(j, 1): pass') # invalid # of arguments assert raises(MacroCallError, expand_in, 'assign(i)') def test_body_macro(): ns = expand_in(dedent(''' i = 0 with do_while(i != 0): j = 1 ''')) assert ns['j'] == 1 # block macros with __body__ cannot be used in expressions or # as expr statements assert raises(MacroCallError, expand_in, 'k = do_while(1)') assert raises(MacroCallError, expand_in, 'do_while(1)') # test that unrelated with statements are left alone assert raises(NameError, expand_in, 'with a: pass') def test_recursive_expansion(): # test that arguments are expanded before being inserted ns = expand_in(dedent(''' k = add(add(1, 2, 3), 4, 10) ''')) assert ns['k'] == 20 # test that the macro body is expanded before being inserted ns = expand_in(dedent(''' with do_while(False): k = add(5, 5, 5) ''')) assert ns['k'] == 15 def test_import_macros(): # test import_macros function macros = import_macros('test_karnickel', {'foo': 'fuu', 'bar': 'bar'}, {}) assert 'fuu' in macros assert 'bar' in macros macros = import_macros('test_karnickel', {'*': '*'}, {}) assert 'foo' in macros assert 'bar' in macros assert raises(MacroDefError, import_macros, 'some_module', {}, {}) assert raises(MacroDefError, import_macros, 'test_karnickel', {'x': ''}, {}) def test_import_hook(): importer = install_hook() import example.test assert example.test.usage_expr() == 22 try: import except ImportError, err: assert '__body__' in str(err) else: assert False, 'ImportError not raised' # test import of builtin module, should still work normally import xxsubtype assert xxsubtype.spamdict # test import of C module import _testcapi assert _testcapi.error remove_hook() # test calling load_module without find_module assert raises(ImportError, importer.load_module, 'foo')
from fcapsy import Context from bitsets import bitset from tests import load_all_test_files import os import pytest import json import pandas as pd TEST_DATA_DIR_FIMI = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'fimi', ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_file, json_file", load_all_test_files(TEST_DATA_DIR_FIMI)) def test_context_from_fimi(data_file, json_file): # Load dataset file with open(data_file) as f: context = Context.from_fimi(data_file) # Load expected output with open(json_file) as f: expected_json = json.load(f) # Compare assert list(context.Attributes.supremum.members( )) == expected_json['attributes'] assert list(context.Objects.supremum.members( )) == expected_json['objects'] assert tuple(context.to_bools()) == tuple( map(tuple, expected_json['bools'])) TEST_DATA_DIR_CSV = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'csv', 'no_parameter' ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_file, json_file", load_all_test_files(TEST_DATA_DIR_CSV)) def test_context_from_csv(data_file, json_file): # Load dataset file with open(data_file) as f: context = Context.from_csv(data_file) # Load expected output with open(json_file) as f: expected_json = json.load(f) # Compare assert list(context.Attributes.supremum.members( )) == expected_json['attributes'] assert list(context.Objects.supremum.members( )) == expected_json['objects'] assert tuple(context.to_bools()) == tuple( map(tuple, expected_json['bools'])) TEST_DATA_DIR_CSV_DELIMITER = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'csv', 'delimiter' ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data_file, json_file", load_all_test_files(TEST_DATA_DIR_CSV_DELIMITER)) def test_context_from_csv_delimiter(data_file, json_file): # Load dataset file with open(data_file) as f: context = Context.from_csv(data_file, delimiter=';') # Load expected output with open(json_file) as f: expected_json = json.load(f) # Compare assert list(context.Attributes.supremum.members( )) == expected_json['attributes'] assert list(context.Objects.supremum.members( )) == expected_json['objects'] assert tuple(context.to_bools()) == tuple( map(tuple, expected_json['bools'])) def test_context_from_pandas(): bools = ( (2, 0, 6), (132, 1, 0) ) expected_bools = ( (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0) ) context = Context.from_pandas(pd.DataFrame(bools)) assert tuple(context.to_bools()) == expected_bools def test_context_from_pandas_truth_values(): bools = ( (2, 0, 6), (132, 1, 0) ) expected_bools = ( (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0) ) df = pd.DataFrame(bools) context = Context.from_pandas(df > 2) assert tuple(context.to_bools()) == expected_bools
#!/usr/bin/env python from functools import reduce from import MetricServiceClient from import LabelDescriptor, MetricDescriptor, TimeSeries from os import environ import psutil as ps import requests from signal import signal, SIGTERM from sys import stderr from time import sleep, time def get_metadata(key): return requests.get( '' + key, headers={'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'} ).text def reset(): global memory_used, disk_used, disk_reads, disk_writes, report_time # Explicitly reset the CPU counter, because the first call of this method always reports 0 ps.cpu_percent() memory_used = 0 disk_used = 0 disk_reads = disk_io('read_count') disk_writes = disk_io('write_count') report_time = 0 def measure(): global memory_used, disk_used, report_time memory_used = max(memory_used, MEMORY_SIZE - mem_usage('available')) disk_used = max(disk_used, disk_usage('used')) report_time += MEASUREMENT_TIME_SEC sleep(MEASUREMENT_TIME_SEC) def mem_usage(param): return getattr(ps.virtual_memory(), param) def disk_usage(param): return reduce( lambda usage, mount: usage + getattr(ps.disk_usage(mount), param), DISK_MOUNTS, 0, ) def disk_io(param): return getattr(ps.disk_io_counters(), param) def format_gb(value_bytes): return '%.1f' % round(value_bytes / 2**30, 1) def get_metric(key, value_type, unit, description): return client.create_metric_descriptor(PROJECT_NAME, MetricDescriptor( type='/'.join(['', METRIC_ROOT, key]), description=description, metric_kind='GAUGE', value_type=value_type, unit=unit, labels=LABEL_DESCRIPTORS, )) def create_time_series(series): client.create_time_series(PROJECT_NAME, series) def get_time_series(metric_descriptor, value): series = TimeSeries() series.metric.type = metric_descriptor.type labels = series.metric.labels labels['workflow_id'] = WORKFLOW_ID labels['task_call_name'] = TASK_CALL_NAME labels['task_call_index'] = TASK_CALL_INDEX labels['task_call_attempt'] = TASK_CALL_ATTEMPT labels['cpu_count'] = CPU_COUNT_LABEL labels['mem_size'] = MEMORY_SIZE_LABEL labels['disk_size'] = DISK_SIZE_LABEL series.resource.type = 'gce_instance' series.resource.labels['zone'] = ZONE series.resource.labels['instance_id'] = INSTANCE point = series.points.add(value=value) point.interval.end_time.seconds = int(time()) return series def report(): create_time_series([ get_time_series(CPU_UTILIZATION_METRIC, { 'double_value': ps.cpu_percent() }), get_time_series(MEMORY_UTILIZATION_METRIC, { 'double_value': memory_used / MEMORY_SIZE * 100 }), get_time_series(DISK_UTILIZATION_METRIC, { 'double_value': disk_used / DISK_SIZE * 100 }), get_time_series(DISK_READS_METRIC, { 'double_value': (disk_io('read_count') - disk_reads) / report_time }), get_time_series(DISK_WRITES_METRIC, { 'double_value': (disk_io('write_count') - disk_writes) / report_time }), ]) ### Define constants # Cromwell variables passed to the container # through environmental variables WORKFLOW_ID = environ['WORKFLOW_ID'] TASK_CALL_NAME = environ['TASK_CALL_NAME'] TASK_CALL_INDEX = environ['TASK_CALL_INDEX'] TASK_CALL_ATTEMPT = environ['TASK_CALL_ATTEMPT'] DISK_MOUNTS = environ['DISK_MOUNTS'].split() # GCP instance name, zone and project # from instance introspection API INSTANCE = get_metadata('name') _, PROJECT, _, ZONE = get_metadata('zone').split('/') client = MetricServiceClient() PROJECT_NAME = client.project_path(PROJECT) METRIC_ROOT = 'wdl_task' MEASUREMENT_TIME_SEC = 1 REPORT_TIME_SEC = 60 LABEL_DESCRIPTORS = [ LabelDescriptor( key='workflow_id', description='Cromwell workflow ID', ), LabelDescriptor( key='task_call_name', description='Cromwell task call name', ), LabelDescriptor( key='task_call_index', description='Cromwell task call index', ), LabelDescriptor( key='task_call_attempt', description='Cromwell task call attempt', ), LabelDescriptor( key='cpu_count', description='Number of virtual cores', ), LabelDescriptor( key='mem_size', description='Total memory size, GB', ), LabelDescriptor( key='disk_size', description='Total disk size, GB', ), ] CPU_COUNT = ps.cpu_count() CPU_COUNT_LABEL = str(CPU_COUNT) MEMORY_SIZE = mem_usage('total') MEMORY_SIZE_LABEL = format_gb(MEMORY_SIZE) DISK_SIZE = disk_usage('total') DISK_SIZE_LABEL = format_gb(DISK_SIZE) CPU_UTILIZATION_METRIC = get_metric( 'cpu_utilization', 'DOUBLE', '%', '% of CPU utilized in a Cromwell task call', ) MEMORY_UTILIZATION_METRIC = get_metric( 'mem_utilization', 'DOUBLE', '%', '% of memory utilized in a Cromwell task call', ) DISK_UTILIZATION_METRIC = get_metric( 'disk_utilization', 'DOUBLE', '%', '% of disk utilized in a Cromwell task call', ) DISK_READS_METRIC = get_metric( 'disk_reads', 'DOUBLE', '{reads}/s', 'Disk read IOPS in a Cromwell task call', ) DISK_WRITES_METRIC = get_metric( 'disk_writes', 'DOUBLE', '{writes}/s', 'Disk write IOPS in a Cromwell task call', ) ### Detect container termination def signal_handler(signum, frame): global running running = False running = True signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler) ### Main loop # # It continuously measures runtime metrics every MEASUREMENT_TIME_SEC, # and reports them to Stackdriver Monitoring API every REPORT_TIME_SEC. # # However, if it detects a container termination signal, # it *should* report the final metric # right after the current measurement, and then exit normally. reset() while running: measure() if not running or report_time >= REPORT_TIME_SEC: report() reset() exit(0)
<filename>ALGOs/RNN/ import math import random # 1D dot def dot(a, b): ans = [ a[i]*b[i] for i in range(len(a)) ] return [sum(ans)] # 2D random array def dot_2D(a, b): matrix = [] for i in range(len(a)): row = [] for j in range(len(b[0])): element = sum( [a[i][k]*b[k][j] for k in range(len(a[0]))] ) row.append(element) matrix.append(row) return matrix def tanh_(x): return math.tanh(x) def tanh_2D(matrix): for i in range(len(matrix)): for j in range(len(matrix[0])): matrix[i][j] = tanh_(matrix[i][j]) return matrix def tanh(matrix): return [tanh_(x) for x in matrix] # 2D random array def random_2D(n_rows, n_cols): ans = [] for i in range(n_rows): ans.append([ random.random() for j in range(n_cols) ]) return ans # 1D random array # Here n_cols = 1 def random_(n_rows, n_cols): return [ random.random() for j in range(n_rows) ] def add(a,b,c): ans = [a[i]+b[i]+c[i] for i in range(len(a))] return ans
<gh_stars>0 from leapp.actors import Actor from leapp.libraries.common.rpms import has_package from leapp.models import InstalledRedHatSignedRPM from leapp.reporting import Report, create_report from leapp import reporting from leapp.tags import ChecksPhaseTag, IPUWorkflowTag class CheckGrep(Actor): """ Check if Grep is installed. If yes, write information about non-compatible changes. """ name = 'checkgrep' consumes = (InstalledRedHatSignedRPM,) produces = (Report,) tags = (ChecksPhaseTag, IPUWorkflowTag) def process(self): if has_package(InstalledRedHatSignedRPM, 'grep'): create_report([ reporting.Title('Grep has incompatible changes in the next major version'), reporting.Summary( 'If a file contains data improperly encoded for the current locale, and this is ' 'discovered before any of the file\'s contents are output, grep now treats the file ' 'as binary.\n' 'The \'grep -P\' no longer reports an error and exits when given invalid UTF-8 data. ' 'Instead, it considers the data to be non-matching.\n' 'In locales with multibyte character encodings other than UTF-8, grep -P now reports ' 'an error and exits instead of misbehaving.\n' 'When searching binary data, grep now may treat non-text bytes as line terminators. ' 'This can boost performance significantly.\n' 'The \'grep -z\' no longer automatically treats the byte \'\\200\' as binary data.\n' 'Context no longer excludes selected lines omitted because of -m. For example, ' '\'grep "^" -m1 -A1\' now outputs the first two input lines, not just the first ' 'line.\n' ), reporting.Severity(reporting.Severity.LOW), reporting.Tags([reporting.Tags.TOOLS]), reporting.Remediation(hint='Please update your scripts to be compatible with the changes.') ])
example_grid = [ [5,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0] ,[9,2,6,5,0,0,0,0,0] ,[3,0,0,8,0,9,0,2,0] ,[4,0,0,0,2,0,0,3,5] ,[0,3,5,1,0,4,9,7,0] ,[8,6,0,0,5,0,0,0,4] ,[0,4,0,3,0,8,0,0,2] ,[0,0,0,0,0,5,6,9,3] ,[0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,7]] def print_grid(grid): for row in grid: print(row) def get_indices_of_empty_cells(grid): return [(i,j) for i in range(0,9) for j in range(0,9) if grid[i][j] == 0] def get_rows_with_empty_cells(grid): indices = get_indices_of_empty_cells(grid) return [[grid[indices[i][0]][j] for j in range(0,9)] for i in range(0, len(indices))] def get_columns_with_empty_cells(grid): indices = get_indices_of_empty_cells(grid) return [[grid[i][indices[j][1]] for i in range(0,9)] for j in range(0, len(indices))] def get_indices_of_boxes(): return [[(i + x, j + y) for i in range(3) for j in range(3)] for x in [0,3,6] for y in [0,3,6]] def get_boxes_with_empty_cells(grid): indices_of_boxes = get_indices_of_boxes() indices_of_empty_cells = get_indices_of_empty_cells(grid) indices_of_boxes_for_each_empty_cells = [indices_of_boxes[i] for x in indices_of_empty_cells for i in range(len(indices_of_boxes)) for y in indices_of_boxes[i] if x == y] return [[grid[i][j] for (i,j) in x] for x in indices_of_boxes_for_each_empty_cells] def get_clues_of_groups(grid): rows = get_rows_with_empty_cells(grid) columns = get_columns_with_empty_cells(grid) boxes = get_boxes_with_empty_cells(grid) return [[[x[i] for i in range(len(x)) if x[i] != 0] for x in [row, column, box]] for (row, column, box) in zip(rows, columns, boxes)] def generate_pencil_marks(grid): clues = get_clues_of_groups(grid) all_clues = [set([y for i in range(len(x)) for y in x[i]]) for x in clues] pencil_marks = [set(set({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}) - set(x)) for x in all_clues] return pencil_marks def get_indices_and_candidates(grid): indices = get_indices_of_empty_cells(grid) pencil_marks = generate_pencil_marks(grid) return [(tuple_of_indices, candidate) for tuple_of_indices, candidate in zip(indices, pencil_marks)] def insert_pencil_marks(grid): indices_and_candidates = get_indices_and_candidates(grid) for i in range(len(indices_and_candidates)): grid[indices_and_candidates[i][0][0]][indices_and_candidates[i][0][1]] = indices_and_candidates[i][1] return grid print(insert_pencil_marks(example_grid))
<gh_stars>1-10 ############################################################################### # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ############################################################################### import json import logging from pathlib import Path from bufr2geojson import transform as as_geojson from import BaseAbstractData LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ObservationDataBUFR(BaseAbstractData): """Observation data""" def __init__(self, topic_hierarchy: str) -> None: """ Abstract data initializer :param topic_hierarchy: `wis2box.topic_hierarchy.TopicHierarchy` object :returns: `None` """ super().__init__(topic_hierarchy) self.mappings = {} self.output_data = {} def transform(self, input_data: Path) -> bool:'Processing BUFR data') with open(input_data, 'rb') as fh: results = as_geojson(, serialize=False)'Iterating over GeoJSON features') # TODO: iterate over item['geojson'] for collection in results: # results is an iterator # for each iteration we have: # - dict['id'] # - dict['id']['_meta'] # - dict['id'] for id, item in collection.items(): data_date = item['_meta']['data_date'] # date is range/period, split and get end date/time if '/' in data_date: data_date = data_date.split("/")[1] # make sure we only include those items expected items_to_remove = list() for key2 in item: if key2 not in ('geojson', '_meta'): items_to_remove.append(key2) for key2 in items_to_remove: item.pop(key2) # populate output data for publication self.output_data[id] = item self.output_data[id]['geojson'] = json.dumps( self.output_data[id]['geojson'], indent=4) self.output_data[id]['_meta']['relative_filepath'] = \ self.get_local_filepath(data_date) return True def get_local_filepath(self, date_): yyyymmdd = date_[0:10] # date_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') return (Path(yyyymmdd) / 'wis' / self.topic_hierarchy.dirpath) def process_data(data: str, discovery_metadata: dict) -> bool: """ Data processing workflow for observations :param data: `str` of data to be processed :param discovery_metadata: `dict` of discovery metadata MCF :returns: `bool` of processing result """ d = ObservationDataBUFR(discovery_metadata)'Transforming data') d.transform(data)'Publishing data') d.publish() return True
from forked.cli import main def test_main(): """Worst test ever.""" main([])
for _ in range(int(input())): d = {} s = input() i = 0 while i < len(s): try: d[s[i]] +=1 except: d[s[i]] = 1 if d[s[i]] == 3: if i+1 <len(s) and s[i+1] == s[i]: d[s[i]] = 0 i+=1 else: print("FAKE") break i+=1 else: print("OK")
from discord import Embed import requests from datetime import datetime, timezone from ..bases import Definition, Webhook TIMEFILE = "chunks.sqlite" class DiscordWebhook(Webhook): url: str link: str def _construct_embed(self, defi: Definition) -> Embed: embed = Embed(title="Map updated!", tfile = (defi.dest / TIMEFILE) if tfile.exists(): embed.timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp( tfile.stat().st_mtime, tz=timezone.utc) return embed def push(self, defi: Definition = None) -> requests.Response: " Calls the Discord webhook " defi = self._parent or defi assert defi embed = self._construct_embed(defi) r =, json={"embeds": [embed.to_dict()]}) r.raise_for_status() return r Webhook.specs["discord"] = DiscordWebhook
<filename>tests/ #!/usr/bin/env python """ Runs all the tests for every type of gym environment. Tests for the screen environment will only be run if the screen environment was registered in the gym registry """ from gym import envs import unittest from tests.grid_env_test import GridGymTest # from tests.ram_env_test import RamGymTest # Ram environment is not ready yet. # only test the screen environment if its available if "agario-screen-v0" in [ for env_spec in envs.registry.all()]: from tests.screen_env_test import ScreenGymTest if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
""" A unit test for the script """ import os import pylearn2 from pylearn2.scripts.train import train def test_train_cmd(): """ Calls the script with a short YAML file to see if it trains without error """ train(os.path.join(pylearn2.__path__[0], "scripts/autoencoder_example/dae.yaml"))
<filename>src/algoritmia/datastructures/trees/ from algoritmia.datastructures.trees.interfaces import IRootedTree class BoundedArityTree(IRootedTree): #[bounded def __init__(self, arity: "int"=0, seq: "Iterable<T>"=[], bounded_arity_tree: "BoundedArityTree<T>"=None, root_index: "int"=0): if bounded_arity_tree != None: self._arity = bounded_arity_tree._arity self._list = bounded_arity_tree._list else: self._arity = arity self._list = list(seq) self._root_index = root_index root = property(lambda self: self._list[self._root_index]) def succs(self, v: "T") -> "Iterable<T>": for i in range(self._root_index, len(self._list)): if v == self._list[i]: first_child = self._arity * i + 1 for i in range(first_child, min(len(self._list), first_child + self._arity)): if self._list[i] != None: yield self._list[i] break def preds(self, v: "T") -> "empty Iterable<T> or Iterable<T> with a single item": if v != self._list[self._root_index]: for i in range(self._root_index, len(self._list)): if v == self._list[i]: yield self._list[(i-1) // self._arity] def in_degree(self, v: "T") -> "0 or 1": return 1 if v != self._list[self._root_index] else 0 def out_degree(self, v: "T") -> "int": return sum(1 for _ in self.succs(v)) def subtrees(self) -> "Iterable<BoundedArityTree<T>>": first_child = self._arity * self._root_index + 1 for i in range(first_child, min(len(self._list), first_child + self._arity)): if self._list[i] != None: yield BoundedArityTree(bounded_arity_tree=self, root_index=i) def tree(self, v: "T") -> "BoundedArityTree<T>": i = self._list.index(v) if i >= self._root_index: return BoundedArityTree(bounded_arity_tree=self, root_index=i) def __repr__(self) -> "str": return "{}({}, {!r}, root_index={!r})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._arity, self._list, self._root_index) #]bounded
from collections import defaultdict from .common import IGraph ''' Remove edges to create even trees. You are given a tree with an even number of nodes. Consider each connection between a parent and child node to be an "edge". You would like to remove some of these edges, such that the disconnected subtrees that remain each have an even number of nodes. For example, suppose your input is the following tree: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 / | \ 6 7 8 In this case, if we remove the edge (3, 4), both resulting subtrees will be even. Write a function that returns the maximum number of edges you can remove while still satisfying this requirement. ''' def max_edges1(graph): def traverse(graph : IGraph, cur, result): descendants = 0 for child in graph.neighbors(cur): num_nodes, result = traverse(graph, child, result) result[child] += num_nodes - 1 descendants += num_nodes return descendants + 1, result start = graph.root() vertices = defaultdict(int) _, descendants = traverse(graph, start, vertices) return len([val for val in descendants.values() if val % 2 == 1])
import numpy as np import gym import itertools as it from dqn.dqn_agent import DQNAgent from tensorboard_evaluation import * from dqn.networks import NeuralNetwork, TargetNetwork from utils import EpisodeStats def run_episode(env, agent, deterministic, do_training=True, rendering=False, max_timesteps=1000): """ This methods runs one episode for a gym environment. deterministic == True => agent executes only greedy actions according the Q function approximator (no random actions). do_training == True => train agent """ stats = EpisodeStats() # save statistics like episode reward or action usage state = env.reset() step = 0 while True: action_id = agent.act(state=state, deterministic=deterministic) next_state, reward, terminal, info = env.step(action_id) reward = reward if not terminal else -10 # I added if do_training: agent.train(state, action_id, next_state, reward, terminal) stats.step(reward, action_id) state = next_state if rendering: env.render() if terminal or step > max_timesteps: break step += 1 print("Episodes before terminal: ", step) return stats def train_online(env, agent, num_episodes, model_dir="./models_cartpole", tensorboard_dir="./tensorboard"): if not os.path.exists(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) print("... train agent") tensorboard = Evaluation(os.path.join(tensorboard_dir, "train"), ["episode_reward", "valid_episode_reward", "a_0", "a_1"]) # training for i in range(num_episodes): print("episode: ",i) stats_training = run_episode(env, agent, deterministic=False, do_training=True) if i % 10 == 0: valid_reward = 0 for j in range(5): valid_stats = run_episode(env, agent, deterministic=True, do_training=False) valid_reward += valid_stats.episode_reward #stats_eval = run_episode(env, agent, deterministic=True, do_training=False) tensorboard.write_episode_data(i, eval_dict={"episode_reward" : stats_training.episode_reward, "valid_episode_reward" : valid_reward/5, "a_0" : stats_training.get_action_usage(0), "a_1" : stats_training.get_action_usage(1)}) # TODO: evaluate your agent once in a while for some episodes using run_episode(env, agent, deterministic=True, do_training=False) to # check its performance with greedy actions only. You can also use tensorboard to plot the mean episode reward. # ... # store model every 100 episodes and in the end. if i % 100 == 0 or i >= (num_episodes - 1):, os.path.join(model_dir, "dqn_agent.ckpt")) tensorboard.close_session() if __name__ == "__main__": environment = "CartPole-v0" # environment = "MountainCar-v0" env = gym.make(environment).unwrapped state_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] num_actions = env.action_space.n num_episodes = 100 Q = NeuralNetwork(state_dim, num_actions) Q_target = TargetNetwork(state_dim, num_actions) agent = DQNAgent(Q, Q_target, num_actions) train_online(env, agent, num_episodes)
<filename>Operators/ExampleFaceDetectOperator/ from abc import ABC import cv2 import numpy as np from Operators.DummyAlgorithmWithModel import DummyAlgorithmWithModel from Operators.ExampleFaceDetectOperator.PostProcessUtils import get_anchors, regress_boxes from Utils.GeometryUtils import center_pad_image_with_specific_base, \ nms, resize_with_long_side, force_convert_image_to_bgr from Utils.InferenceHelpers import TritonInferenceHelper class FaceDetectOperator(DummyAlgorithmWithModel, ABC): name = 'FaceDetect' __version__ = 'v1.0.20210319' def __init__(self, _inference_config, _is_test): super().__init__(_inference_config, _is_test) class GeneralUltraLightFaceDetect(FaceDetectOperator): """ 这个模型超级轻量级,速度快,但是漏检的概率会比较大 适合对检测精度要求不高的场景,人脸比较明显的场景 """ name = '自然场景下的基于UltraLightFaceDetect的人脸检测' __version__ = 'v1.0.20210319' def __init__(self, _inference_config, _is_test, _score_threshold=0.7, _iou_threshold=0.5): super().__init__(_inference_config, _is_test) self.score_threshold = _score_threshold self.iou_threshold = _iou_threshold self.candidate_image_size = (320, 240) def get_inference_helper(self): if self.inference_config['name'] == 'triton': inference_helper = TritonInferenceHelper('UltraLightFaceDetect', self.inference_config['triton_url'], self.inference_config['triton_port'], 'UltraLightFaceDetect', 1) inference_helper.add_image_input('INPUT__0', (320, 240, 3), '识别用的图像', ([127, 127, 127], [128, 128, 128])) inference_helper.add_output('OUTPUT__0', (1, 4420, 2), 'detect score') inference_helper.add_output('OUTPUT__1', (1, 4420, 4), 'box predict') self.inference_helper = inference_helper else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.inference_config['name']} helper for ultra light face detect not implement") def execute(self, _image): to_return_result = { 'locations': [], } padded_image, (width_pad_ratio, height_pad_ratio) = center_pad_image_with_specific_base( _image, _width_base=32, _height_base=24, _output_pad_ratio=True ) resized_image = cv2.resize(_image, self.candidate_image_size) resized_shape = resized_image.shape[:2] resize_h, resize_w = resized_shape candidate_image = force_convert_image_to_bgr(resized_image) if isinstance(self.inference_helper, TritonInferenceHelper): rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(candidate_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) result = self.inference_helper.infer(_need_tensor_check=False, INPUT__0=rgb_image.astype(np.float32)) score_map = result['OUTPUT__0'].squeeze() box = result['OUTPUT__1'].squeeze() else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.inference_helper.type_name} helper for ultra light face detect not implement") # 0为bg,1为人脸 box_score_map = score_map[..., 1] available_box = box_score_map > self.score_threshold if np.sum(available_box) == 0: return to_return_result filter_scores = box_score_map[available_box] filtered_box = box[available_box, :] filtered_box_without_normalization = filtered_box * (resize_w, resize_h, resize_w, resize_h) final_box_index = nms(filtered_box_without_normalization, filter_scores, _nms_threshold=self.iou_threshold) final_boxes = filtered_box[final_box_index] final_scores = filter_scores[final_box_index] for m_box, m_score in zip(final_boxes, final_scores): m_box_width = m_box[2] - m_box[0] m_box_height = m_box[3] - m_box[1] m_box_center_x = m_box[0] + m_box_width / 2 - width_pad_ratio m_box_center_y = m_box[1] + m_box_height / 2 - height_pad_ratio box_info = { 'degree': 0, 'center_x': m_box_center_x, 'center_y': m_box_center_y, 'box_height': m_box_height, 'box_width': m_box_width, } to_return_result['locations'].append({ 'box_info': box_info, 'score': m_score, }) return to_return_result class GeneralRetinaFaceDetect(FaceDetectOperator): """ 这个模型比较大,精度比较高 """ name = '自然场景下的基于RetinaFace的人脸检测' __version__ = 'v1.0.20210319' def __init__(self, _inference_config, _is_test, _score_threshold=0.7, _iou_threshold=0.5): super().__init__(_inference_config, _is_test) self.score_threshold = _score_threshold self.iou_threshold = _iou_threshold self.candidate_image_size = (512, 512) def get_inference_helper(self): if self.inference_config['name'] == 'triton': inference_helper = TritonInferenceHelper('RetinaFace', self.inference_config['triton_url'], self.inference_config['triton_port'], 'RetinaFace', 1) inference_helper.add_image_input('INPUT__0', (512, 512, 3), '识别用的图像', ([0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1])) inference_helper.add_output('OUTPUT__0', (1, 16128, 2), 'face classification') inference_helper.add_output('OUTPUT__1', (1, 16128, 4), 'box predict') inference_helper.add_output('OUTPUT__2', (1, 16128, 10), 'landmark') self.inference_helper = inference_helper else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.inference_config['name']} helper for retina face detect not implement") def execute(self, _image): to_return_result = { 'locations': [], } resized_image = resize_with_long_side(_image, 512) resized_shape = resized_image.shape[:2] resize_h, resize_w = resized_shape padded_image, (width_pad_ratio, height_pad_ratio) = center_pad_image_with_specific_base( resized_image, _width_base=512, _height_base=512, _output_pad_ratio=True ) candidate_image = force_convert_image_to_bgr(padded_image) candidate_shape = candidate_image.shape[:2] if isinstance(self.inference_helper, TritonInferenceHelper): rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(candidate_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) result = self.inference_helper.infer(_need_tensor_check=False, INPUT__0=rgb_image.astype(np.float32)) filter_scores = result['OUTPUT__0'].squeeze() box = result['OUTPUT__1'].squeeze() else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.inference_helper.type_name} helper for retina face detect not implement") anchors = get_anchors(np.array(candidate_image.shape[:2])) all_boxes, _ = regress_boxes(anchors, box, None, candidate_image.shape[:2]) exp_box_score = np.exp(filter_scores) face_classification_index = np.argmax(exp_box_score, axis=-1) max_classification_score = np.max(exp_box_score, axis=-1) candidate_box_index = (face_classification_index == 0) & (max_classification_score > self.score_threshold) filter_scores = max_classification_score[candidate_box_index] filtered_box = all_boxes[candidate_box_index] if len(filter_scores) == 0: return to_return_result filtered_box_without_normalization = filtered_box * (resize_w, resize_h, resize_w, resize_h) final_box_index = nms(filtered_box_without_normalization, filter_scores, _nms_threshold=self.iou_threshold) final_boxes = filtered_box[final_box_index] final_scores = filter_scores[final_box_index] for m_box, m_score in zip(final_boxes, final_scores): m_box_width = m_box[2] - m_box[0] m_box_height = m_box[3] - m_box[1] m_box_center_x = (m_box[0] + m_box_width / 2 - width_pad_ratio) * candidate_shape[1] / resized_shape[1] m_box_center_y = (m_box[1] + m_box_height / 2 - height_pad_ratio) * candidate_shape[0] / resized_shape[0] box_info = { 'degree': 0, 'center_x': m_box_center_x, 'center_y': m_box_center_y, 'box_height': m_box_height * candidate_shape[0] / resized_shape[0], 'box_width': m_box_width * candidate_shape[1] / resized_shape[1], } to_return_result['locations'].append({ 'box_info': box_info, 'score': m_score, }) return to_return_result if __name__ == '__main__': from argparse import ArgumentParser from Utils.AnnotationTools import draw_rotated_bbox ag = ArgumentParser('Face Detect Example') ag.add_argument('-i', '--image_path', dest='image_path', type=str, required=True, help='本地图像路径') ag.add_argument('-u', '--triton_url', dest='triton_url', type=str, required=True, help='triton url') ag.add_argument('-p', '--triton_port', dest='triton_port', type=int, default=8001, help='triton grpc 端口') args = ag.parse_args() img = cv2.imread(args.image_path) ultra_light_face_detect_handler = GeneralUltraLightFaceDetect({ 'name': 'triton', 'triton_url': args.triton_url, 'triton_port': args.triton_port }, True, 0.7, 0.5) retina_face_detect_handler = GeneralRetinaFaceDetect({ 'name': 'triton', 'triton_url': args.triton_url, 'triton_port': args.triton_port }, True, 0.7, 0.5) ultra_light_face_detected_boxes = ultra_light_face_detect_handler.execute(img)['locations'] ultra_light_face_result = img.copy() for m_box in ultra_light_face_detected_boxes: draw_rotated_bbox(ultra_light_face_result, m_box['box_info'], (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('ultra_light_face_result', ultra_light_face_result) retina_detected_face_boxes = retina_face_detect_handler.execute(img)['locations'] retina_detected_face_result = img.copy() for m_box in retina_detected_face_boxes: draw_rotated_bbox(retina_detected_face_result, m_box['box_info'], (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('retina_detected_face_result', retina_detected_face_result) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
""" Count the number of ways to tile the floor of size n x m using 1 x m size tiles Given a floor of size n x m and tiles of size 1 x m. The problem is to count the number of ways to tile the given floor using 1 x m tiles. A tile can either be placed horizontally or vertically. Both n and m are positive integers and 2 < = m. Examples: Input : n = 2, m = 3 Output : 1 Only one combination to place two tiles of size 1 x 3 horizontally on the floor of size 2 x 3. Input : n = 4, m = 4 Output : 2 1st combination: All tiles are placed horizontally 2nd combination: All tiles are placed vertically. """ """ This problem is mainly a more generalized approach to the Tiling Problem. Approach: For a given value of n and m, the number of ways to tile the floor can be obtained from the following relation. | 1, 1 < = n < m count(n) = | 2, n = m | count(n-1) + count(n-m), m < n """ def tiling(n,m): count=[] for i in range(n+2): count.append(0) count[0]=0 for i in range(1,n+1): # recurssive cases if i > m: count[i]=count[i-1]+count[i-m] #base cases elif i <m: count[i]=1 # i == m else: count[i]=2 return count[n] # print(tiling(7,4)) """ Count number of ways to fill a “n x 4” grid using “1 x 4” tiles Given a number n, count number of ways to fill a n x 4 grid using 1 x 4 tiles Examples: Input : n = 1 Output : 1 Input : n = 2 Output : 1 We can only place both tiles horizontally Input : n = 3 Output : 1 We can only place all tiles horizontally. Input : n = 4 Output : 2 The two ways are : 1) Place all tiles horizontally 2) Place all tiles vertically. Input : n = 5 Output : 3 We can fill a 5 x 4 grid in following ways : 1) Place all 5 tiles horizontally 2) Place first 4 vertically and 1 horizontally. 3) Place first 1 horizontally and 4 horizontally. Let “count(n)” be the count of ways to place tiles on a “n x 4” grid, following two cases arise when we place the first tile. Place the first tile horizontally : If we place first tile horizontally, the problem reduces to “count(n-1)” Place the first tile vertically : If we place first tile vertically, then we must place 3 more tiles vertically. So the problem reduces to “count(n-4)” Therefore, count(n) can be written as below. count(n) = 1 if n = 1 or n = 2 or n = 3 count(n) = 2 if n = 4 count(n) = count(n-1) + count(n-4) """ def titling(n): count=[0 for i in range(n+1)] for i in range(1,n+1): if i<=3: count[i]=1 elif i==4: count[i]==2 else: count[i]=count[i-1]+count[i-4] return count[n]
import logging import os import shutil from tempfile import mkdtemp from import BuildCreator from import TravisBuildCreator from service_buddy.service import loader from service_buddy.service.service import Service from service_buddy.util import pretty_printer from testcase_parent import ParentTestCase DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) class TravisBuildTestCase(ParentTestCase): def tearDown(self): pass @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TravisBuildTestCase, cls).setUpClass() cls.test_resources = os.path.join(DIRNAME, '../resources/travis_build_test') cls.yml_folder = os.path.join(cls.test_resources, "app1", "service") cls.app_dir = os.path.join(cls.test_resources, "app1") def test_travis_file_detection(self): build_creator = BuildCreator(dry_run=True, template_directory=self.test_resources) test_service = Service(app="app1", role="service", definition={"service-type": "test"}) build_creator.create_project(service_definition=test_service, app_dir=self.app_dir) self._assertInYaml({"ubar":"Overwrote existing travis.yml"},self.yml_folder) temp = mkdtemp() loader.safe_mkdir(test_service.get_service_directory(temp)) build_creator._get_default_build_creator().dry_run = False build_creator.create_project(service_definition=test_service, app_dir=temp) def test_travis_arg_render(self): items = "infra-buddy validate-template --service-template-directory . --service-type {role}" item2 = "pyb install_dependencies package -P build_number=0.1.${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}" list_args = [] TravisBuildCreator._append_rendered_arguments(list_args, items, {'role': 'vbar'}) self.assertTrue("vbar" in list_args[0],"Did not render properly") TravisBuildCreator._append_rendered_arguments(list_args, item2, {'role': 'vbar'}) self.assertTrue("${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}" in list_args[1],"Did not render properly") def test_yml_update(self): temp = mkdtemp() source = os.path.join(self.yml_folder, '.travis.yml') destination = os.path.join(temp, '.travis.yml') shutil.copy(source, destination) build_creator = BuildCreator(dry_run=True, template_directory=self.test_resources) build_creator._get_default_build_creator()._write_deploy_stanza(temp) self._assertInYaml({"deploy":"Cound not find deploy stanza"},temp) def _assertInList(self, param, line_list, error_message): for line in line_list: if param in line: return def _assertInYaml(self, expected_error_msg, directory): destination = os.path.join(directory, '.travis.yml') with open(destination) as desty: readlines = desty.readlines() for expected, error_msg in expected_error_msg.iteritems(): self._assertInList(expected, readlines, error_msg)
#!/usr/bin/env python kingdoms = ['Bacteria', 'Protozoa', 'Chromista', 'Plantae', 'Fungi', 'Animalia'] print(kingdoms[-6]) print(kingdoms[-1]) print(kingdoms[-6:-3]) print(kingdoms[-4:-1]) print(kingdoms[-2:])
from pageobject import PageObject from homepage import HomePage from locatormap import LocatorMap from robot.api import logger class LoginPage(): PAGE_TITLE = "Login - PageObjectLibrary Demo" PAGE_URL = "/login.html" # these are accessible via dot notaton with self.locator # (eg: self.locator.username, etc) _locators = { "username": "id=id_username", "password": "<PASSWORD>", "submit_button": "id=id_submit", } def __init__(self): self.logger = logger self.po = PageObject() self.se2lib = self.po.se2lib self.locator = LocatorMap(getattr(self, "_locators", {})) def navigate_to(self, url): logger.console ("Navigating to %s".format(url)) self.se2lib.go_to(url) if 'yahoo' in url: logger.console ("Navigating to homepage") return HomePage() def create_browser(self, browser_name): self.se2lib.create_webdriver(browser_name) def enter_username(self, username): """Enter the given string into the username field""" self.se2lib.input_text(self.locator.username, username) def enter_password(self, password): """Enter the given string into the password field""" self.se2lib.input_text(self.locator.password, password) def click_the_submit_button(self): """Click the submit button, and wait for the page to reload""" with self.po._wait_for_page_refresh(): self.se2lib.click_button(self.locator.submit_button) return HomePage()
import pygame from data.clip import clip def load_tileset(path): tileset_img = pygame.image.load(path + 'tileset.png').convert() tileset_img.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) width = tileset_img.get_width() tile_size = [16, 16] tile_count = int((width + 1) / (tile_size[0] + 1)) images = [clip(tileset_img, i * (tile_size[0] + 1), 0, tile_size[0], tile_size[1]) for i in range(tile_count)] return images
import math import os from decimal import Decimal from django import template from django.utils import timezone from import Money from app import settings from app.enums import FileStatus from app.utils import get_site_url from event.enums import ApplicationStatus, DietType, TshirtSize, CompanyTier from user.enums import SexType register = template.Library() @register.simple_tag def settings_value(name): return getattr(settings, name, "") @register.filter def time_left(time: timezone.datetime): return time - @register.filter def timedelta_display(time: timezone.timedelta): seconds = time.total_seconds() m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(math.floor(h), math.floor(m), math.floor(s)) @register.filter def days_left(timedelta: timezone.timedelta): return int(timedelta.total_seconds() // (60 * 60 * 24)) @register.filter def file_name(value): return os.path.basename( @register.filter def display_departments(departments): return " / ".join([ for d in departments]) @register.filter def response_title(code): if float(code) / 100.0 == 2.0: return "Success " + str(code) return "Error " + str(code) @register.filter def application_status(status): return ApplicationStatus(status).name.capitalize() @register.filter def user_sex(status): return SexType(status).name.capitalize() @register.filter def application_tshirt(status): return TshirtSize(status).name.upper() @register.filter def application_diet(status): return DietType(status).name.replace("_", "-").capitalize() @register.filter def company_tier(status): return CompanyTier(status).name.capitalize() @register.simple_tag def site_url(): return get_site_url() @register.filter def money(value): if isinstance(value, Money): value = value.amount return "{:,.2f}".format(value).replace(",", " ").replace(".", ",") @register.simple_tag def money_vat(value, vat): if isinstance(value, Money): value = value.amount value = (value * vat) / Decimal("100.0") return "{:,.2f}".format(value).replace(",", " ").replace(".", ",") @register.simple_tag def money_total(value, vat): if isinstance(value, Money): value = value.amount value += (value * vat) / Decimal("100.0") return "{:,.2f}".format(value).replace(",", " ").replace(".", ",") @register.filter def code(value): return " ".join(value[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(value), 4))
<reponame>TylerPham2000/zulip<gh_stars>1000+ import time from unittest import TestCase, mock from scripts.lib.check_rabbitmq_queue import CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, WARNING, analyze_queue_stats class AnalyzeQueueStatsTests(TestCase): def test_no_stats_available(self) -> None: result = analyze_queue_stats("name", {}, 0) self.assertEqual(result["status"], UNKNOWN) def test_queue_stuck(self) -> None: """Last update > 5 minutes ago and there's events in the queue.""" result = analyze_queue_stats("name", {"update_time": time.time() - 301}, 100) self.assertEqual(result["status"], CRITICAL) self.assertIn("queue appears to be stuck", result["message"]) def test_queue_just_started(self) -> None: """ We just started processing a burst of events, and haven't processed enough to log productivity statistics yet. """ result = analyze_queue_stats( "name", { "update_time": time.time(), "current_queue_size": 10000, "recent_average_consume_time": None, }, 10000, ) self.assertEqual(result["status"], OK) def test_queue_normal(self) -> None: """10000 events and each takes a second => it'll take a long time to empty.""" result = analyze_queue_stats( "name", { "update_time": time.time(), "current_queue_size": 10000, "queue_last_emptied_timestamp": time.time() - 10000, "recent_average_consume_time": 1, }, 10000, ) self.assertEqual(result["status"], CRITICAL) self.assertIn("clearing the backlog", result["message"]) # If we're doing 10K/sec, it's OK. result = analyze_queue_stats( "name", { "update_time": time.time(), "current_queue_size": 10000, "queue_last_emptied_timestamp": time.time() - 10000, "recent_average_consume_time": 0.0001, }, 10000, ) self.assertEqual(result["status"], OK) # Verify logic around whether it'll take MAX_SECONDS_TO_CLEAR to clear queue. with mock.patch.dict("scripts.lib.check_rabbitmq_queue.MAX_SECONDS_TO_CLEAR", {"name": 10}): result = analyze_queue_stats( "name", { "update_time": time.time(), "current_queue_size": 11, "queue_last_emptied_timestamp": time.time() - 10000, "recent_average_consume_time": 1, }, 11, ) self.assertEqual(result["status"], WARNING) self.assertIn("clearing the backlog", result["message"]) result = analyze_queue_stats( "name", { "update_time": time.time(), "current_queue_size": 9, "queue_last_emptied_timestamp": time.time() - 10000, "recent_average_consume_time": 1, }, 9, ) self.assertEqual(result["status"], OK)
# Princess No Damage Skin (30-Days) success = sm.addDamageSkin(2432803) if success:"The Princess No Damage Skin (30-Days) has been added to your account's damage skin collection.")
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Example script that processes the servers of a server or group nickname. """ import sys import os from pprint import pprint import easy_server def main(): """Main function""" if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: {} SERVERFILE [NICKNAME]".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(2) server_file = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 2: nickname = sys.argv[2] else: nickname = None try: esf_obj = easy_server.ServerFile(server_file) except easy_server.ServerFileException as exc: print("Error: {}".format(exc)) return 1 if nickname: es_list = esf_obj.list_servers(nickname) else: es_list = esf_obj.list_default_servers() for es in es_list: nickname = es.nickname host = es.secrets['host'], username = es.secrets['username'] password = es.secrets['password'] print("Server {n}: host={h}, username={u}, password=********". format(n=nickname, h=host, u=username)) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
<gh_stars>0 from pathlib import Path import sys import platform import os import time import datetime def readIgnores(): with open("ignore.txt") as file: ignoreLines = file.readlines() ignorePaths = {} for line in ignoreLines: ignorePaths[line.rstrip()] = True return(ignorePaths) def CompareDirectories(path1, path2, ignorePaths): for item1 in path1.iterdir(): if str(item1) in ignorePaths: continue found = False for item2 in path2.iterdir(): if == found = True if item1.suffix == ".jpg": # I rarely change .jpg files but they might still have different modified times for some reason -> ignore them break if item1.is_dir(): CompareDirectories(item1, item2, ignorePaths) else: time1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(item1.stat().st_mtime) time2 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(item2.stat().st_mtime) difference = time1 - time2 # A little ugly solution here, but sometimes the last modified time differs 1 second or about one hour even if they were modified at the same time. The latter is probably related to the summer time and different memory technologies. Let's ignore those. if difference > datetime.timedelta(0,2) and not (difference > datetime.timedelta(0,58,0,0,59) and difference <= datetime.timedelta(0,0,0,0,0,1)): print("diff mod time\t" + str(item1) + " | " + str(difference)) break if found == False: print("not found\t" + str(item1)) def main(): path1 = sys.argv[1] path2 = sys.argv[2] ignorePaths = readIgnores() CompareDirectories(Path(path1), Path(path2), ignorePaths) main()
import numpy as np def diamondarray(dimension=1,fill=1,unfill=0): """ Create a diamond array using a square dimension. Fill and unfill values can be integer or float. """ nullresult=np.zeros(1) #// verify inputs try: if not isinstance(dimension, (int, np.integer)): dimesion=int(dimension) if not isinstance(fill, (int, float, np.integer)): fill=int(fill) if not isinstance(unfill, (int, float, np.integer)): unfill=int(unfill) except: return nullresult #// check if odd return nullresult #// initialize 2d array a=np.zeros((dimension,dimension)) for row in range(dimension): for col in range(dimension): a[row,col]=unfill #// find the middle of the array midpoint=(dimension-1)/2 #// initialize an offset offset=-1 offsetstep=1 #// loop through rows and columns for row in range(dimension): if dimension%2 == 0 and row == np.ceil(midpoint): #// repeat offset for second midpoint row offset=offset else: if row <= np.ceil(midpoint): #// increase offset for each row for top offset=offset+offsetstep else: #// decrease offset for each row for bottom offset=offset-offsetstep for col in range(dimension): #// set value to one if dimension%2 == 0: if col <= np.floor(midpoint): if col == np.floor(midpoint)-offset: a[row,col]=fill if col >= np.ceil(midpoint): if col == int(midpoint)+offset+1: a[row,col]=fill else: if col == midpoint+offset or col == midpoint-offset: pass a[row,col]=fill return a def bisectorarray(dimension=1,vertical=True,horizontal=True,fill=1,unfill=0): """ Create an array using square dimension with the midpoint column filled. Fill and unfill values can be integer or float. """ nullresult=np.zeros(1) #// verify inputs try: if not isinstance(dimension, (int, np.integer)): dimesion=int(dimension) if not isinstance(fill, (int, float, np.integer)): fill=int(fill) if not isinstance(unfill, (int, float, np.integer)): unfill=int(unfill) except: return nullresult #// initialize 2d array a=np.zeros((dimension,dimension)) for row in range(dimension): for col in range(dimension): a[row,col]=unfill #// find the middle of the array midpoint=(dimension-1)/2 #// loop through rows and columns for row in range(dimension): for col in range(dimension): #// set value to one if (col == np.floor(midpoint) or col == np.ceil(midpoint)) and vertical==True: a[row,col]=fill if (row == np.floor(midpoint) or row == np.ceil(midpoint)) and horizontal==True: a[row,col]=fill return a
<filename>enhancements/ import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import import tensorflow as tf tf.random.set_seed(10) import os import sys sys.path.append('../') from csen_regressor import model import argparse from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # INITIALIZATION # construct the argument parser and parse the argument ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('--method', default='CSEN', help="Method for the regression: CL-CSEN, CSEN, CL-CSEN-1D, CSEN-1D, SVR.") ap.add_argument('--feature_type', help="Features extracted by the network (DenseNet121, VGG19, ResNet50).") ap.add_argument('--weights', default=False, help="Evaluate the model.") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) modelType = args['method'] # CL-CSEN, CSEN, and SVR. feature_type = args['feature_type'] weights = args['weights'] MR = '0.5' # Measurement rate for CL-CSEN and CSEN approaches. if modelType == 'CL-CSEN': from cl_csen_regressor import model elif modelType == 'CL-CSEN-1D': from cl_csen_1d_regressor import model elif modelType == 'CSEN': from csen_regressor import model elif modelType == 'CSEN-1D': from csen_1d_regressor import model elif modelType == 'SVR': from competing_regressor import svr as model # From where to load weights weightsDir = '../weights/' + modelType + '/' # Init the model modelFold = model.model() weightPath = weightsDir + feature_type + '_' + MR + '_1' + '.h5' modelFold.load_weights(weightPath) # Load image to be evaluated data = '../CSENdata-2D/' + feature_type dataPath = data + '_mr_' + MR + '_run1' + '.mat' dic_label ='../CSENdata-2D/dic_label' + '.mat')["ans"] x_train, X_val, x_test, y_train, y_val, y_test = None, None, None, None, None, None Data = x_dic = Data['x_dic'].astype('float32') x_train = Data['x_train'].astype('float32') x_test = Data['x_test'].astype('float32') y_dic = Data['dicRealLabel'].astype('float32') y_train = Data['trainRealLabel'].astype('float32') y_test = Data['testRealLabel'].astype('float32') print('\n\n\n') print('Loaded dataset:') print(len(x_train), ' train') print(len(x_test), ' test') # Partition for the validation. x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(x_train, y_train, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 1) # Data normalization. m = x_train.shape[1] n = x_train.shape[2] x_dic = np.reshape(x_dic, [len(x_dic), m * n]) x_train = np.reshape(x_train, [len(x_train), m * n]) x_val = np.reshape(x_val, [len(x_val), m * n]) x_test = np.reshape(x_test, [len(x_test), m * n]) scaler = StandardScaler().fit(np.concatenate((x_dic, x_train), axis = 0)) x_dic = scaler.transform(x_dic) x_train = scaler.transform(x_train) x_val = scaler.transform(x_val) x_test = scaler.transform(x_test) x_dic = np.reshape(x_dic, [len(x_dic), m, n]) x_train = np.reshape(x_train, [len(x_train), m, n]) x_val = np.reshape(x_val, [len(x_val), m, n]) x_test = np.reshape(x_test, [len(x_test), m, n]) x_train = np.concatenate((x_dic, x_train), axis = 0) y_train = np.concatenate((y_dic, y_train), axis = 0) print("\n") print('Partitioned.') print(len(x_train), ' Train') print(len(x_val), ' Validation') print(len(x_test), ' Test\n') print("\n\n\n") x_train = np.expand_dims(x_train, axis=-1) x_val = np.expand_dims(x_val, axis=-1) x_test = np.expand_dims(x_test, axis=-1) print("x_test shape: {}".format(x_test.shape)) print("Image shape: {}".format(x_test[0:2].shape)) image = x_test[0:30,:,:,:] print("Image shape: {}".format(image.shape)) y_pred = modelFold.predict_distance(image) print("y_pred: {}".format(y_pred)) print("vs.") print("y_test: {}".format(y_test[0:20]))
<reponame>csisarep/groundwater_dashboard # Generated by Django 2.2 on 2021-09-11 04:58 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('waterApp', '0010_auto_20210911_1041'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='gwmonitoring', name='id', field=models.BigAutoField(primary_key=True, serialize=False), ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import socket HOST = "" PORT = 65431 def send(s, cmd): s.sendall(cmd.encode("utf-8")) data = s.recv(1024) print("Received", repr(data)) def get_val(s, key): cmd = "get {}".format(key) s.sendall(cmd.encode("utf-8")) data = s.recv(1024) print("Received", repr(data)) def set_val(s, key, value): cmd = "set {} {}\r\n{}".format(key, len(value), value) s.sendall(cmd.encode("utf-8")) data = s.recv(1024) print("Received", repr(data)) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) send(s, "set k1 7\r\n123557") send(s, "get k1") send(s, "set k2 15\r\nthis is second value") send(s, "get k2") send(s, "set k3 7\r\nI am third") send(s, "get k3") send(s, "set k1 7\r\nover written first") send(s, "get k1") set_val(s, "big_input_key", "The ParaPro Assessment is a general aptitude test that is required in many states for paraprofessional certification. It also offers school districts an objective assessment of your foundation of knowledge and skills. Start now and take the necessary steps to become a paraprofessional.") get_val(s, "big_input_key") # key that doesn't exist get_val(s, "get k6")
<filename>Aspect_Extraction/ import logging import keras.backend as K from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Embedding, Input from keras.models import Model from my_layers import Attention, Average, WeightedSum, WeightedAspectEmb, MaxMargin from w2v_emb_reader import W2VEmbReader as EmbReader logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def create_model(args, maxlen, vocab): def ortho_reg(weight_matrix): # orthogonal regularization for aspect embedding matrix w_n = weight_matrix / K.cast(K.epsilon() + K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(weight_matrix), axis=-1, keepdims=True)), K.floatx()) reg = K.sum(K.square(, K.transpose(w_n)) - K.eye(w_n.shape[0].value))) return args.ortho_reg * reg vocab_size = len(vocab) # Inputs sentence_input = Input(shape=(maxlen,), dtype='int32', name='sentence_input') neg_input = Input(shape=(args.neg_size, maxlen), dtype='int32', name='neg_input') # Construct word embedding layer word_emb = Embedding(vocab_size, args.emb_dim, mask_zero=True, name='word_emb') # Compute sentence representation e_w = word_emb(sentence_input) y_s = Average()(e_w) att_weights = Attention(name='att_weights')([e_w, y_s]) z_s = WeightedSum()([e_w, att_weights]) # Compute representations of negative instances e_neg = word_emb(neg_input) z_n = Average()(e_neg) # Reconstruction p_t = Dense(args.aspect_size)(z_s) p_t = Activation('softmax', name='p_t')(p_t) r_s = WeightedAspectEmb(args.aspect_size, args.emb_dim, name='aspect_emb', W_regularizer=ortho_reg)(p_t) # Loss loss = MaxMargin(name='max_margin')([z_s, z_n, r_s]) model = Model(inputs=[sentence_input, neg_input], outputs=loss) # Word embedding and aspect embedding initialization if args.emb_path: emb_reader = EmbReader(args.emb_path, emb_dim=args.emb_dim)'Initializing word embedding matrix') K.set_value( model.get_layer('word_emb').embeddings, emb_reader.get_emb_matrix_given_vocab(vocab, K.get_value(model.get_layer('word_emb').embeddings)))'Initializing aspect embedding matrix as centroid of kmean clusters') K.set_value( model.get_layer('aspect_emb').W, emb_reader.get_aspect_matrix(args.aspect_size)) return model
<reponame>zeroam/TIL """ 구글 스프레드 시트 문서에 데이터 입력 및 접근하기 """ import ezsheets ss = ezsheets.createSpreadsheet("My SpreadSheet") sheet = ss[0] # 첫번째 시트에 접근 print(sheet.title) # '시트1' # 데이터 입력 sheet["A1"] = "Name" sheet["B1"] = "Age" sheet["C1"] = "Favorite Movie" print(sheet["A1"]) # Name print(sheet[2, 1]) # Age sheet[1, 2] = "Alice" sheet[2, 2] = 30 sheet[3, 2] = "RoboCop" # 특정 행, 열 접근하기 print(sheet.getRow(1)) # 첫 번째 행 접근 print(sheet.getColumn(1)) # 첫 번째 열 접근하기 # print(sheet.getColumn("A")) # 첫 번째 열 접근하기 # 특정 행, 열 수정하기 sheet.updateRow(3, ["Pumpkin", 25, "Halloween"]) column_one = sheet.getColumn(1) for i, value in enumerate(column_one): column_one[i] = value.upper() sheet.updateColumn(1, column_one) # 대문자로 변환된 리스트로 수정 내용 반영 # 모든 데이터 접근하기 rows = sheet.getRows() print(rows[0]) # 첫 번째 행 데이터 rows[3][0] = "NewName" sheet.updateRows(rows)
<gh_stars>0 import logging import pytest from math import isclose import numpy as np from haystack.modeling.infer import QAInferencer from haystack.modeling.data_handler.inputs import QAInput, Question @pytest.fixture() def span_inference_result(bert_base_squad2, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) obj_input = [ QAInput( doc_text="Twilight Princess was released to universal critical acclaim and commercial success. It received perfect scores from major publications such as, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, and GameSpy. On the review aggregators GameRankings and Metacritic, Twilight Princess has average scores of 95% and 95 for the Wii version and scores of 95% and 96 for the GameCube version. GameTrailers in their review called it one of the greatest games ever created.", questions=Question("Who counted the game among the best ever made?", uid="best_id_ever"), ) ] result = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_objects(obj_input, return_json=False)[0] return result @pytest.fixture() def no_answer_inference_result(bert_base_squad2, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) obj_input = [ QAInput( doc_text='The majority of the forest is contained within Brazil, with 60% of the rainforest, followed by Peru with 13%, Colombia with 10%, and with minor amounts in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. States or departments in four nations contain "Amazonas" in their names. The Amazon represents over half of the planet\'s remaining rainforests, and comprises the largest and most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world, with an estimated 390 billion individual trees divided into 16,000 species.', questions=Question( "The Amazon represents less than half of the planets remaining what?", uid="best_id_ever" ), ) ] result = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_objects(obj_input, return_json=False)[0] return result def test_inference_different_inputs(bert_base_squad2): qa_format_1 = [ { "questions": ["Who counted the game among the best ever made?"], "text": "Twilight Princess was released to universal critical acclaim and commercial success. It received perfect scores from major publications such as, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, and GameSpy. On the review aggregators GameRankings and Metacritic, Twilight Princess has average scores of 95% and 95 for the Wii version and scores of 95% and 96 for the GameCube version. GameTrailers in their review called it one of the greatest games ever created.", } ] q = Question(text="Who counted the game among the best ever made?") qa_format_2 = QAInput( questions=[q], doc_text="Twilight Princess was released to universal critical acclaim and commercial success. It received perfect scores from major publications such as, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, and GameSpy. On the review aggregators GameRankings and Metacritic, Twilight Princess has average scores of 95% and 95 for the Wii version and scores of 95% and 96 for the GameCube version. GameTrailers in their review called it one of the greatest games ever created.", ) result1 = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_dicts(dicts=qa_format_1) result2 = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_objects(objects=[qa_format_2]) assert result1 == result2 def test_span_inference_result_ranking_by_confidence(bert_base_squad2, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) obj_input = [ QAInput( doc_text="<NAME>cess was released to universal critical acclaim and commercial success. It received perfect scores from major publications such as, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, and GameSpy. On the review aggregators GameRankings and Metacritic, Twilight Princess has average scores of 95% and 95 for the Wii version and scores of 95% and 96 for the GameCube version. GameTrailers in their review called it one of the greatest games ever created.", questions=Question("Who counted the game among the best ever made?", uid="best_id_ever"), ) ] # by default, result is sorted by confidence and not by score result_ranked_by_confidence = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_objects(obj_input, return_json=False)[0] assert all( result_ranked_by_confidence.prediction[i].confidence >= result_ranked_by_confidence.prediction[i + 1].confidence for i in range(len(result_ranked_by_confidence.prediction) - 1) ) assert not all( result_ranked_by_confidence.prediction[i].score >= result_ranked_by_confidence.prediction[i + 1].score for i in range(len(result_ranked_by_confidence.prediction) - 1) ) # ranking can be adjusted so that result is sorted by score bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].use_confidence_scores_for_ranking = False result_ranked_by_score = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_objects(obj_input, return_json=False)[0] assert all( result_ranked_by_score.prediction[i].score >= result_ranked_by_score.prediction[i + 1].score for i in range(len(result_ranked_by_score.prediction) - 1) ) assert not all( result_ranked_by_score.prediction[i].confidence >= result_ranked_by_score.prediction[i + 1].confidence for i in range(len(result_ranked_by_score.prediction) - 1) ) def test_inference_objs(span_inference_result, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) assert span_inference_result def test_span_performance(span_inference_result, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) best_pred = span_inference_result.prediction[0] assert best_pred.answer == "GameTrailers" best_score_gold = 13.4205 best_score = best_pred.score assert isclose(best_score, best_score_gold, rel_tol=0.001) no_answer_gap_gold = 13.9827 no_answer_gap = span_inference_result.no_answer_gap assert isclose(no_answer_gap, no_answer_gap_gold, rel_tol=0.001) def test_no_answer_performance(no_answer_inference_result, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) best_pred = no_answer_inference_result.prediction[0] assert best_pred.answer == "no_answer" best_score_gold = 12.1445 best_score = best_pred.score assert isclose(best_score, best_score_gold, rel_tol=0.001) no_answer_gap_gold = -14.4646 no_answer_gap = no_answer_inference_result.no_answer_gap assert isclose(no_answer_gap, no_answer_gap_gold, rel_tol=0.001) def test_qa_pred_attributes(span_inference_result, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) qa_pred = span_inference_result attributes_gold = [ "aggregation_level", "answer_types", "context", "context_window_size", "ground_truth_answer", "id", "n_passages", "no_answer_gap", "prediction", "question", "to_json", "to_squad_eval", "token_offsets", ] for ag in attributes_gold: assert ag in dir(qa_pred) def test_qa_candidate_attributes(span_inference_result, caplog=None): if caplog: caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) qa_candidate = span_inference_result.prediction[0] attributes_gold = [ "aggregation_level", "answer", "answer_support", "answer_type", "context_window", "n_passages_in_doc", "offset_answer_end", "offset_answer_start", "offset_answer_support_end", "offset_answer_support_start", "offset_context_window_end", "offset_context_window_start", "offset_unit", "passage_id", "probability", "score", "set_answer_string", "set_context_window", "to_doc_level", "to_list", ] for ag in attributes_gold: assert ag in dir(qa_candidate) def test_id(span_inference_result, no_answer_inference_result): assert == "best_id_ever" assert == "best_id_ever" def test_duplicate_answer_filtering(bert_base_squad2): qa_input = [ { "questions": ["“In what country lies the Normandy?”"], "text": """The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse (\"Norman\" comes from \"Norseman\") raiders and pirates from Denmark, Iceland and Norway who, under their leader Rollo, agreed to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia. Through generations of assimilation and mixing with the native Frankish and Roman-Gaulish populations, their descendants would gradually merge with the Carolingian-based cultures of West Francia. The distinct cultural and ethnic identity of the Normans emerged initially in the first half of the 10th century, and it continued to evolve over the succeeding centuries. Weird things happen in Normandy, France.""", } ] bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].n_best = 5 bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].n_best_per_sample = 5 bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].duplicate_filtering = 0 result = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_dicts(dicts=qa_input) offset_answer_starts = [] offset_answer_ends = [] for answer in result[0]["predictions"][0]["answers"]: offset_answer_starts.append(answer["offset_answer_start"]) offset_answer_ends.append(answer["offset_answer_end"]) assert len(offset_answer_starts) == len(set(offset_answer_starts)) assert len(offset_answer_ends) == len(set(offset_answer_ends)) def test_no_duplicate_answer_filtering(bert_base_squad2): qa_input = [ { "questions": ["“In what country lies the Normandy?”"], "text": """The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse (\"Norman\" comes from \"Norseman\") raiders and pirates from Denmark, Iceland and Norway who, under their leader Rollo, agreed to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia. Through generations of assimilation and mixing with the native Frankish and Roman-Gaulish populations, their descendants would gradually merge with the Carolingian-based cultures of West Francia. The distinct cultural and ethnic identity of the Normans emerged initially in the first half of the 10th century, and it continued to evolve over the succeeding centuries. Weird things happen in Normandy, France.""", } ] bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].n_best = 5 bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].n_best_per_sample = 5 bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].duplicate_filtering = -1 bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].no_ans_boost = -100.0 result = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_dicts(dicts=qa_input) offset_answer_starts = [] offset_answer_ends = [] for answer in result[0]["predictions"][0]["answers"]: offset_answer_starts.append(answer["offset_answer_start"]) offset_answer_ends.append(answer["offset_answer_end"]) assert len(offset_answer_starts) != len(set(offset_answer_starts)) assert len(offset_answer_ends) != len(set(offset_answer_ends)) def test_range_duplicate_answer_filtering(bert_base_squad2): qa_input = [ { "questions": ["“In what country lies the Normandy?”"], "text": """The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse (\"Norman\" comes from \"Norseman\") raiders and pirates from Denmark, Iceland and Norway who, under their leader Rollo, agreed to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia. Through generations of assimilation and mixing with the native Frankish and Roman-Gaulish populations, their descendants would gradually merge with the Carolingian-based cultures of West Francia. The distinct cultural and ethnic identity of the Normans emerged initially in the first half of the 10th century, and it continued to evolve over the succeeding centuries. Weird things happen in Normandy, France.""", } ] bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].n_best = 5 bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].n_best_per_sample = 5 bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].duplicate_filtering = 5 result = bert_base_squad2.inference_from_dicts(dicts=qa_input) offset_answer_starts = [] offset_answer_ends = [] for answer in result[0]["predictions"][0]["answers"]: offset_answer_starts.append(answer["offset_answer_start"]) offset_answer_ends.append(answer["offset_answer_end"]) offset_answer_starts.sort() offset_answer_starts.remove(0) distances_answer_starts = [j - i for i, j in zip(offset_answer_starts[:-1], offset_answer_starts[1:])] assert all( distance > bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].duplicate_filtering for distance in distances_answer_starts ) offset_answer_ends.sort() offset_answer_ends.remove(0) distances_answer_ends = [j - i for i, j in zip(offset_answer_ends[:-1], offset_answer_ends[1:])] assert all( distance > bert_base_squad2.model.prediction_heads[0].duplicate_filtering for distance in distances_answer_ends ) def test_qa_confidence(): inferencer = QAInferencer.load( "deepset/roberta-base-squad2", task_type="question_answering", batch_size=40, gpu=True ) QA_input = [ { "questions": ["Who counted the game among the best ever made?"], "text": "Twilight Princess was released to universal critical acclaim and commercial success. It received perfect scores from major publications such as, Computer and Video Games, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, and GameSpy. On the review aggregators GameRankings and Metacritic, Twilight Princess has average scores of 95% and 95 for the Wii version and scores of 95% and 96 for the GameCube version. GameTrailers in their review called it one of the greatest games ever created.", } ] result = inferencer.inference_from_dicts(dicts=QA_input, return_json=False)[0] assert np.isclose(result.prediction[0].confidence, 0.990427553653717) assert result.prediction[0].answer == "GameTrailers" if __name__ == "__main__": test_inference_different_inputs() test_inference_objs() test_duplicate_answer_filtering() test_no_duplicate_answer_filtering() test_range_duplicate_answer_filtering() test_qa_confidence()
<filename>poly_classifier/ # assumptions: δ = 2 # configurations = [(root,child_1,child_2),...] # labels = set([label_1,label_2,...]) import math import networkx from rooted_tree_classifier.log_decider import isFlexible def get_labels(configurations): labels = set() for conf in configurations: for label in conf: labels.add(label) return labels def trim(labels, configurations): # trim outputs a subset of labels that can label any sufficiently large Δ-regular tree # lemma 5.28 in the paper while True: new_labels = get_new_labels(labels, configurations) assert not (set(new_labels) - set(labels) ) # trimming labels should not introduce any new labels if set(new_labels) == set(labels): break else: labels = new_labels return labels def get_new_labels(old_labels, configurations): new_labels = set() for conf in configurations: pot_label = conf[0] if pot_label not in old_labels: continue ok = True for cont_label in conf[1:]: if cont_label not in old_labels: ok = False break if ok: new_labels.add(pot_label) return new_labels def create_graph(labels, configurations): graph = {label: [] for label in labels} for conf in configurations: head = conf[0] if head in labels: for tail in conf[1:]: if tail in labels: graph[head].append(tail) return graph def flexible_scc_restrictions(labels, configurations): # output: list of all label restrictions # lemma 5.29 in the paper # create automaton M graph = create_graph(labels, configurations) # find all strongly connected component nxgraph = networkx.to_networkx_graph(graph, create_using=networkx.DiGraph) flexible_restrictions = [] for component in networkx.strongly_connected_components(nxgraph): representative = list(component)[0] if isFlexible(graph, representative): flexible_restrictions.append(component) return flexible_restrictions def max_depth(labels, configurations): if not labels: return 0 maximum = 0 for flexible_restriction in flexible_scc_restrictions( labels, configurations): if labels - flexible_restriction: # if we removed something depth = max_depth(trim(flexible_restriction, configurations), configurations) maximum = max(maximum, depth) else: return math.inf return 1 + maximum def rooted_polynomial_classifier(configurations): labels = get_labels(configurations) return max_depth(trim(labels, configurations), configurations)
<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This plugin is 3rd party and not part of p2p-streams addon Sopcast.ucoz """ import sys,os current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) basename = os.path.basename(current_dir) core_dir = current_dir.replace(basename,'').replace('parsers','') sys.path.append(core_dir) from peertopeerutils.webutils import * from peertopeerutils.pluginxbmc import * from peertopeerutils.directoryhandle import * import acestream as ace import sopcast as sop base_url = '' def module_tree(name,url,iconimage,mode,parser,parserfunction): if not parserfunction: sopcast_ucoz() elif parserfunction == 'play': sopcast_ucoz_play(name,url) def sopcast_ucoz(): conteudo=clean(get_page_source('')) listagem=re.compile('<div class="eTitle" style="text-align:left;"><a href="(.+?)">(.+?)</a>').findall(conteudo) for urllist,titulo in listagem: try: match = re.compile('\((.*?)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\. (.*?):(.*?) UTC\) (.*)').findall(titulo) if match: for dia,mes,ano,hora,minuto,evento in match: import datetime from utils import pytzimp d = pytzimp.timezone(str(pytzimp.timezone('Europe/London'))).localize(datetime.datetime(int(ano), int(mes), int(dia), hour=int(hora), minute=int(minuto))) timezona= settings.getSetting('timezone_new') my_location=pytzimp.timezone(pytzimp.all_timezones[int(timezona)]) convertido=d.astimezone(my_location) fmt = "%y-%m-%d %H:%M" time=convertido.strftime(fmt) addDir('[B][COLOR orange]' + time + '[/B][/COLOR]-' + evento,urllist,401,os.path.join(current_dir,'icon.png'),len(listagem),False,parser="sopcastucoz",parserfunction="play") else: addDir(titulo,urllist,401,'',len(listagem),False,parser="sopcastucoz",parserfunction="play") except: addDir(titulo,urllist,401,'',len(listagem),False,parser="sopcastucoz",parserfunction="play") def sopcast_ucoz_play(name,url): conteudo=clean(get_page_source(url)) blogpost = re.findall('<tr><td class="eMessage">(.*?)<tr><td colspan', conteudo, re.DOTALL) if blogpost: ender=[] titulo=[] match = re.compile('br.+?>(.+?)<').findall(blogpost[0]) for address in match: if "sop://" in address: titulo.append('Sopcast [' + address +']') ender.append(address) elif "(ace stream)" in address: titulo.append('Acestream [' + address.replace(' (ace stream)','') +']') ender.append(address.replace(' (ace stream)','')) else: pass if ender and titulo: index = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(translate(40023), titulo) if index > -1: nomeescolha=titulo[index] linkescolha=ender[index] if'acestream',nomeescolha,re.IGNORECASE) or'TorrentStream',nomeescolha,re.IGNORECASE): ace.acestreams(nomeescolha,'',linkescolha) elif'sopcast',nomeescolha,re.IGNORECASE): sop.sopstreams(nomeescolha,'',linkescolha) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(translate(40000),translate(40024)) else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(translate(40000),translate(40008))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Created by techno at 25/04/19 #Feature: #Enter feature name here # Enter feature description here #Scenario: # Enter scenario name here # Enter steps here """ tokenizing a string and counting unique words""" text = ('this is sample text with several words different ' 'this is more sample text with some different words') word_counts = {} #count ocurrences of each unique word for word in text.split(): if word in word_counts: word_counts[word] +=1 #update existing key-value pair print(word_counts) # print just to check how is working else: word_counts[word] = 1 #insert new key-value pair print(word_counts) # print just to check how is working print(f'{"WORD":<12}COUNT') for word, count in sorted(word_counts.items()): print(f'{word:<12}{count}') print('\nNumer of unique words:', len(word_counts)) """ Line 10 tokenizes text by calling string method split, which separates the words using the method’s delimiter string argument. If you do not provide an argument, split uses a space. The method returns a list of tokens (that is, the words in text). Lines 10–14 iterate through the list of words. For each word, line 11 determines whether that word (the key) is already in the dictionary. If so, line 12 increments that word’s count; otherwise, line 14 inserts a new key–value pair for that word with an initial count of 1. Lines 16–21 summarize the results in a two-column table containing each word and its corresponding count. The for statement in lines 18 and 19 iterates through the diction-ary’s key–value pairs. It unpacks each key and value into the variables word and count, then displays them in two columns. Line 21 displays the number of unique words. """
# coding: utf-8 import sys sys.path.append(".") from workshop.en.z_1 import * reportErrors = True """ - when 'True', the validity of the values are checked upstream. - when 'False', no check; if errors, Python exceptions are displayed. """ def solveFirstDegreeEquation(a, b, c): solution = (c-b)/a return str(solution) def solveFirstDegreeInequation(a, b, ineg, c): sol = solveFirstDegreeEquation(a, b, c) if ineg == "≥": if a > 0: return "[" + sol + " ; " + "+∞[" else: return "]-∞" + " ; " + sol + "]" if ineg == ">": if a > 0: return "]" + sol + " ; " + "+∞[" else: return "]-∞" + " ; " + sol + "[" if ineg == "≤": if a > 0: return "]-∞" + " ; " + sol + "]" else: return "[" + sol + " ; " + "+∞[" if ineg == "<": if a > 0: return "]-∞" + " ; " + sol + "[" else: return "]" + sol + " ; " + "+∞[" def solve(a, b, c, operator): # Only useful when 'reportErrors' at 'False'. if (a == 0): warn("'a' must be different from 0 !") return # There are other tests to do. erase() display("Solution of") display("{:g} × x + {:g} {} {:g}:".format(a, b, operator, c)) if operator == '=': display("x = " + solveFirstDegreeEquation(a, b, c)) else: display("x = " + solveFirstDegreeInequation(a, b, operator, c)) go(globals())
import sys import logging import argparse import shutil from collections import OrderedDict import git import yaml import torch import torch.optim as optim from baselines.common.atari_wrappers import EpisodicLifeEnv, FireResetEnv OPTS = OrderedDict({None: None, 'adam': optim.Adam, 'rmsprop': optim.RMSprop}) CLI_LOGGING_FORMAT = '[%(filename)s][%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d]' + \ '[%(levelname)s] %(message)s' CLI_LOGGING_STREAM = sys.stdout def get_logger(logger_name, log_level='info'): CLI_LOGGING_LEVEL = getattr(logging, log_level.upper(), None) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(CLI_LOGGING_LEVEL) ch = logging.StreamHandler(CLI_LOGGING_STREAM) formatter = logging.Formatter(CLI_LOGGING_FORMAT) ch.setFormatter(formatter) ch.setLevel(CLI_LOGGING_LEVEL) logger.addHandler(ch) logger.propagate = False return logger logger = get_logger(__file__) def read_yaml(config_file): if not config_file.is_file(): logger.error('Not a file, {}'.format(config_file)) return try: with'r') as pfile: d = yaml.load(pfile, yaml.FullLoader) assert validate_config(d)'Read config file {}'.format(config_file.as_posix())) return d except Exception as err: logger.error('Error reading {}, {}'.format(config_file, err)) def atari_play_env(env): env = EpisodicLifeEnv(env) if 'FIRE' in env.unwrapped.get_action_meanings(): env = FireResetEnv(env) return env def get_repo_hexsha(): filepath = __file__ repopath = filepath.split('utils')[0] g = git.Repo(repopath) return g.head.commit.hexsha[:8] def copy_yaml(src_file, dest_dir, hexsha): stem = src_file.stem fname = '{}-{}.yaml'.format(stem, hexsha) dst_file = dest_dir.joinpath(fname) shutil.copyfile(src_file.as_posix(), dst_file.as_posix()) def write_model(model, tag, dest): model_savefile = '{0}/agent-{1}.pth'.format(dest, tag) logger.debug("Saving Agent to {}".format(model_savefile)), model_savefile) def add_verbosity_parser(parser): parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', dest='log', choices=['info', 'debug'], default='info', help='Set verbosity for the logger') return parser def validate_config(cfgs): assert cfgs.get('env'), 'Expected Environment info in config file' assert cfgs.get('agent'), 'Expected Agent info in config file' assert cfgs.get('train'), 'Expected Training info in config file' assert cfgs.get('test'), 'Expected Testing info in config file' return True
import duckdb from decimal import Decimal import pytest def initialize(con): con.execute("Create Table bla (i integer, j decimal(5,2), k varchar)") con.execute("insert into bla values (1,2.1,'a'), (2,3.2,'b'), (NULL, NULL, NULL)") return con.table('bla') def munge(cell): try: cell = round(float(cell), 2) except (ValueError, TypeError): cell = str(cell) return cell def munge_compare(left_list, right_list): assert len(left_list) == len(right_list) for i in range (len(left_list)): tpl_left = left_list[i] tpl_right = right_list[i] assert len(tpl_left) == len(tpl_right) for j in range (len(tpl_left)): left_cell = munge(tpl_left[j]) right_cell = munge(tpl_right[j]) assert left_cell == right_cell def aggregation_generic(aggregation_function,assertion_answers): assert len(assertion_answers) >=2 # Check single column print(aggregation_function('i').execute().fetchall()) munge_compare(aggregation_function('i').execute().fetchall(), assertion_answers[0]) # Check multi column print(aggregation_function('i,j').execute().fetchall() ) munge_compare(aggregation_function('i,j').execute().fetchall(), assertion_answers[1]) if len(assertion_answers) < 3: # Shouldn't be able to aggregate on string with pytest.raises(Exception, match='No function matches the given name'): aggregation_function('k').execute().fetchall() else: print (aggregation_function('k').execute().fetchall()) munge_compare( aggregation_function('k').execute().fetchall(), assertion_answers[2]) # Check empty with pytest.raises(Exception, match='incompatible function arguments'): aggregation_function().execute().fetchall() # Check Null with pytest.raises(Exception, match='incompatible function arguments'): aggregation_function(None).execute().fetchall() # Check broken with pytest.raises(Exception, match='Referenced column "nonexistant" not found'): aggregation_function('nonexistant').execute().fetchall() class TestRAPIAggregations(object): def test_sum(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.sum,[[(3,)], [(3, Decimal('5.30'))]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_count(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.count,[[(2,)], [(2,2)], [(2,)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_median(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) # is this supposed to accept strings? aggregation_generic(rel.median,[[(1.5,)], [(1.5, Decimal('2.10'))], [('a',)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_min(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.min,[[(1,)], [(1, Decimal('2.10'))], [('a',)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_max(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.max,[[(2,)], [(2, Decimal('3.2'))], [('b',)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_mean(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.mean,[[(1.5,)], [(1.5, 2.65)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_var(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.var,[[(0.25,)], [(0.25, 0.30249999999999994)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_std(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.std,[[(0.5,)], [(0.5, 0.5499999999999999)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_apply(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) rel.apply('sum', 'i').execute().fetchone() == (3,) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_quantile(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) extra_param = '0.5' aggregation_function = rel.quantile # Check single column assert aggregation_function(extra_param,'i').execute().fetchone() == (1,) # Check multi column assert aggregation_function(extra_param,'i,j').execute().fetchone() == (1, Decimal('2.10')) assert aggregation_function(extra_param,'k').execute().fetchone() == ('a',) # Check empty with pytest.raises(Exception, match='incompatible function arguments'): aggregation_function().execute().fetchone() # Check Null with pytest.raises(Exception, match='incompatible function arguments'): aggregation_function(None).execute().fetchone() # Check broken with pytest.raises(Exception, match='incompatible function arguments.'): aggregation_function('bla').execute().fetchone() duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_value_counts(self, duckdb_cursor): con = duckdb.connect() rel = initialize(con) con.execute("insert into bla values (1,2.1,'a'), (NULL, NULL, NULL)") munge_compare(rel.value_counts('i').execute().fetchall(),[(None, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1)]) with pytest.raises(Exception, match='Only one column is accepted'): rel.value_counts('i,j').execute().fetchall() def test_length(self, duckdb_cursor): con = duckdb.connect() rel = initialize(con) assert len(rel) == 3 def test_shape(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) assert rel.shape == (3, 3) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_unique(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.unique,[[(1,), (2,), (None,)], [(1, Decimal('2.10')), (2, Decimal('3.20')), (None, None)],[('a',), ('b',), (None,)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_mad(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.mad,[[(0.5,)], [(0.5, Decimal('0.55'))]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_mode(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.mode,[[(1,)], [(1, Decimal('2.10'))],[('a',)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_abs(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.abs,[[(1,), (2,), (None,)], [(1, Decimal('2.10')), (2, Decimal('3.20')), (None, None)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_prod(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(,[[(2.0,)], [(2.0, 6.720000000000001)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_skew(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.skew,[[(None,)], [(None, None)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("create table aggr(k int, v decimal(10,2), v2 decimal(10, 2));") duckdb_cursor.execute("""insert into aggr values (1, 10, null), (2, 10, 11), (2, 10, 15), (2, 10, 18), (2, 20, 22), (2, 20, 25), (2, 25, null), (2, 30, 35), (2, 30, 40), (2, 30, 50), (2, 30, 51);""") rel = duckdb_cursor.table('aggr') munge_compare(rel.skew('k,v,v2').execute().fetchall(),[(-3.316624790355393, -0.16344366935199223, 0.3654008511025841)]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table aggr") duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_kurt(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.kurt,[[(None,)], [(None, None)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("create table aggr(k int, v decimal(10,2), v2 decimal(10, 2));") duckdb_cursor.execute("""insert into aggr values (1, 10, null), (2, 10, 11), (2, 10, 15), (2, 10, 18), (2, 20, 22), (2, 20, 25), (2, 25, null), (2, 30, 35), (2, 30, 40), (2, 30, 50), (2, 30, 51);""") rel = duckdb_cursor.table('aggr') munge_compare(rel.kurt('k,v,v2').execute().fetchall(),[(10.99999999999836, -1.9614277138467147, -1.445119691585509)]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table aggr") duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_cum_sum(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.cumsum,[[(1,), (3,), (3,)], [(1, Decimal('2.10')), (3, Decimal('5.30')), (3, Decimal('5.30'))]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_cum_prod(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.cumprod,[[(1.0,), (2.0,), (2.0,)], [(1.0, 2.1), (2.0, 6.720000000000001), (2.0, 6.720000000000001)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_cum_max(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.cummax,[[(1,), (2,), (2,)], [(1, Decimal('2.10')), (2, Decimal('3.20')), (2, Decimal('3.20'))], [('a',), ('b',), ('b',)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_cum_min(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.cummin,[[(1,), (1,), (1,)], [(1, Decimal('2.10')), (1, Decimal('2.10')), (1, Decimal('2.10'))], [('a',), ('a',), ('a',)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_cum_sem(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) aggregation_generic(rel.sem,[[(0.35355339059327373,)], [(0.35355339059327373, 0.38890872965260104)]]) duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla") def test_describe(self, duckdb_cursor): rel = initialize(duckdb_cursor) assert rel.describe().fetchall() == [('[Min: 1, Max: 2][Has Null: true, Has No Null: true][Approx Unique: 3]', '[Min: 2.10, Max: 3.20][Has Null: true, Has No Null: true][Approx Unique: 3]', '[Min: a, Max: b, Has Unicode: false, Max String Length: 1][Has Null: true, Has No Null: true][Approx Unique: 3]')] duckdb_cursor.execute("drop table bla")
<reponame>ysharma12/Food-Name-Classification-and-Ingredients-Prediction from imports import* import utils class dai_image_csv_dataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_dir, data, transforms_ = None, obj = False, minorities = None, diffs = None, bal_tfms = None): super(dai_image_csv_dataset, self).__init__() self.data_dir = data_dir = data self.transforms_ = transforms_ self.tfms = None self.obj = obj self.minorities = minorities self.diffs = diffs self.bal_tfms = bal_tfms assert transforms_ is not None, print('Please pass some transforms.') def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir,[index, 0]) img = img = img.convert('RGB') # img = torchvision.transforms.functional.to_grayscale(img,num_output_channels=3) y =[index, 1] if self.minorities and self.bal_tfms: if y in self.minorities: if hasattr(self.bal_tfms,'transforms'): for tr in self.bal_tfms.transforms: tr.p = self.diffs[y] l = [self.bal_tfms] l.extend(self.transforms_) self.tfms = transforms.Compose(l) else: for t in self.bal_tfms: t.p = self.diffs[y] self.transforms_[1:1] = self.bal_tfms self.tfms = transforms.Compose(self.transforms_) # print(self.tfms) else: self.tfms = transforms.Compose(self.transforms_) else: self.tfms = transforms.Compose(self.transforms_) x = self.tfms(img) # if self.obj: # s = x.size()[1] # if isinstance(s,tuple): # s = s[0] # row_scale = s/img.size[0] # col_scale = s/img.size[1] # y = rescale_bbox(y,row_scale,col_scale) # y.squeeze_() # y2 =[index, 2] # y = (y,y2) return (x,y) class dai_image_csv_dataset_food(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_dir, data, transforms_ = None, obj = False, minorities = None, diffs = None, bal_tfms = None): super(dai_image_csv_dataset_food, self).__init__() self.data_dir = data_dir = data self.transforms_ = transforms_ self.tfms = None self.obj = obj self.minorities = minorities self.diffs = diffs self.bal_tfms = bal_tfms assert transforms_ is not None, print('Please pass some transforms.') def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir,[index, 0]) img = img = img.convert('RGB') y1,y2 =[index, 1],[index, 2] self.tfms = transforms.Compose(self.transforms_) x = self.tfms(img) return (x,y1,y2) class dai_image_dataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_dir, data_df, input_transforms = None, target_transforms = None): super(dai_image_dataset, self).__init__() self.data_dir = data_dir self.data_df = data_df self.input_transforms = None self.target_transforms = None if input_transforms: self.input_transforms = transforms.Compose(input_transforms) if target_transforms: self.target_transforms = transforms.Compose(target_transforms) def __len__(self): return len(self.data_df) def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir,self.data_df.iloc[index, 0]) img = img = img.convert('RGB') target = img.copy() if self.input_transforms: img = self.input_transforms(img) if self.target_transforms: target = self.target_transforms(target) return img, target def listdir_fullpath(d): return [os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d)] def get_minorities(df,thresh=0.8): c = df.iloc[:,1].value_counts() lc = list(c) max_count = lc[0] diffs = [1-(x/max_count) for x in lc] diffs = dict((k,v) for k,v in zip(c.keys(),diffs)) minorities = [c.keys()[x] for x,y in enumerate(lc) if y < (thresh*max_count)] return minorities,diffs def csv_from_path(path, img_dest): path = Path(path) img_dest = Path(img_dest) labels_paths = list(path.iterdir()) tr_images = [] tr_labels = [] for l in labels_paths: if l.is_dir(): for i in list(l.iterdir()): if i.suffix in IMG_EXTENSIONS: name = label = new_name = '{}_{}_{}'.format(,label,name) new_path = img_dest/new_name # print(new_path) os.rename(i,new_path) tr_images.append(new_name) tr_labels.append(label) # os.rmdir(l) tr_img_label = {'Img':tr_images, 'Label': tr_labels} csv = pd.DataFrame(tr_img_label,columns=['Img','Label']) csv = csv.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) return csv def add_extension(a,e): a = [x+e for x in a] return a def one_hot(targets, multi = False): if multi: binerizer = MultiLabelBinarizer() dai_1hot = binerizer.fit_transform(targets) else: binerizer = LabelBinarizer() dai_1hot = binerizer.fit_transform(targets) return dai_1hot,binerizer.classes_ def get_img_stats(dataset,sz): print('Calculating mean and std of the data for standardization. Might take some time, depending on the training data size.') size = int(len(dataset)*sz) i = 0 imgs = [] for d in dataset: img = d[0] # print(img.size()) if i > size: break imgs.append(img) i+=1 imgs_ = torch.stack(imgs,dim=3) imgs_ = imgs_.view(3,-1) imgs_mean = imgs_.mean(dim=1) imgs_std = imgs_.std(dim=1) del imgs del imgs_ print('Done') return imgs_mean,imgs_std def split_df(train_df,test_size = 0.15): try: train_df,val_df = train_test_split(train_df,test_size = test_size,random_state = 2,stratify = train_df.iloc[:,1]) except: train_df,val_df = train_test_split(train_df,test_size = test_size,random_state = 2) train_df = train_df.reset_index(drop = True) val_df = val_df.reset_index(drop = True) return train_df,val_df def save_obj(path,obj): with open(path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_obj(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) class DataProcessor: def __init__(self, data_path = None, train_csv = None, val_csv = None,test_csv = None, tr_name = 'train', val_name = 'val', test_name = 'test', extension = None, setup_data = True): self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") (self.data_path,self.train_csv,self.val_csv,self.test_csv, self.tr_name,self.val_name,self.test_name,self.extension) = (data_path,train_csv,val_csv,test_csv, tr_name,val_name,test_name,extension) self.multi_label = False self.single_label = False self.img_mean = self.img_std = None self.data_dir,self.num_classes,self.class_names = data_path,0,[] if setup_data: self.set_up_data() def set_up_data(self,split_size = 0.15): (data_path,train_csv,val_csv,test_csv,tr_name,val_name,test_name) = (self.data_path,self.train_csv,self.val_csv,self.test_csv, self.tr_name,self.val_name,self.test_name) # check if paths given and also set paths if not data_path: data_path = os.getcwd() + '/' tr_path = os.path.join(data_path,tr_name) val_path = os.path.join(data_path,val_name) test_path = os.path.join(data_path,test_name) if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_path,tr_name+'.csv'))) and train_csv is None: train_csv = tr_name+'.csv' # if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_path,val_name+'.csv')): # val_csv = val_name+'.csv' # if os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_path,test_name+'.csv')): # test_csv = test_name+'.csv' # paths to csv if not train_csv: # print('no') train_csv,val_csv,test_csv = self.data_from_paths_to_csv(data_path,tr_path,val_path,test_path) train_csv_path = os.path.join(data_path,train_csv) train_df = pd.read_csv(train_csv_path) if 'Unnamed: 0' in train_df.columns: train_df = train_df.drop('Unnamed: 0', 1) if len(train_df.columns) > 2: self.obj = True img_names = [str(x) for x in list(train_df.iloc[:,0])] if self.extension: img_names = add_extension(img_names,self.extension) if val_csv: val_csv_path = os.path.join(data_path,val_csv) val_df = pd.read_csv(val_csv_path) val_targets = list(val_df.iloc[:,1].apply(lambda x: str(x))) if test_csv: test_csv_path = os.path.join(data_path,test_csv) test_df = pd.read_csv(test_csv_path) test_targets = list(test_df.iloc[:,1].apply(lambda x: str(x))) targets = list(train_df.iloc[:,1].apply(lambda x: str(x))) lengths = [len(t) for t in [s.split() for s in targets]] self.target_lengths = lengths split_targets = [t.split() for t in targets] if lengths[1:] != lengths[:-1]: self.multi_label = True # print('\nMulti-label Classification\n') try: split_targets = [list(map(int,x)) for x in split_targets] except: pass dai_onehot,onehot_classes = one_hot(split_targets,self.multi_label) train_df.iloc[:,1] = [torch.from_numpy(x).type(torch.FloatTensor) for x in dai_onehot] self.data_dir,self.num_classes,self.class_names = data_path,len(onehot_classes),onehot_classes else: # print('\nSingle-label Classification\n') self.single_label = True unique_targets = list(np.unique(targets)) unique_targets_dict = {k:v for v,k in enumerate(unique_targets)} train_df.iloc[:,1] = pd.Series(targets).apply(lambda x: unique_targets_dict[x]) if val_csv: val_df.iloc[:,1] = pd.Series(val_targets).apply(lambda x: unique_targets_dict[x]) if test_csv: test_df.iloc[:,1] = pd.Series(test_targets).apply(lambda x: unique_targets_dict[x]) self.data_dir,self.num_classes,self.class_names = data_path,len(unique_targets),unique_targets if not val_csv: train_df,val_df = split_df(train_df,split_size) if not test_csv: val_df,test_df = split_df(val_df,split_size) tr_images = [str(x) for x in list(train_df.iloc[:,0])] val_images = [str(x) for x in list(val_df.iloc[:,0])] test_images = [str(x) for x in list(test_df.iloc[:,0])] if self.extension: tr_images = add_extension(tr_images,self.extension) val_images = add_extension(val_images,self.extension) test_images = add_extension(test_images,self.extension) train_df.iloc[:,0] = tr_images val_df.iloc[:,0] = val_images test_df.iloc[:,0] = test_images if self.single_label: dai_df = pd.concat([train_df,val_df,test_df]) dai_df.iloc[:,1] = [self.class_names[x] for x in dai_df.iloc[:,1]] dai_df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path,'dai_df.csv'),index=False) train_df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path,'{}.csv'.format(self.tr_name)),index=False) val_df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path,'{}.csv'.format(self.val_name)),index=False) test_df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path,'{}.csv'.format(self.test_name)),index=False) self.minorities,self.class_diffs = None,None if self.single_label: self.minorities,self.class_diffs = get_minorities(train_df) self.data_dfs = {self.tr_name:train_df, self.val_name:val_df, self.test_name:test_df} data_dict = {'data_dfs':self.data_dfs,'data_dir':self.data_dir,'num_classes':self.num_classes,'class_names':self.class_names, 'minorities':self.minorities,'class_diffs':self.class_diffs,'single_label':self.single_label,'multi_label':self.multi_label} self.data_dict = data_dict return data_dict def data_from_paths_to_csv(self,data_path,tr_path,val_path = None,test_path = None): train_df = csv_from_path(tr_path,tr_path) train_df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path,self.tr_name+'.csv'),index=False) ret = (self.tr_name+'.csv',None,None) if val_path is not None: val_exists = os.path.exists(val_path) if val_exists: val_df = csv_from_path(val_path,tr_path) val_df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path,self.val_name+'.csv'),index=False) ret = (self.tr_name+'.csv',self.val_name+'.csv',None) if test_path is not None: test_exists = os.path.exists(test_path) if test_exists: test_df = csv_from_path(test_path,tr_path) test_df.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path,self.test_name+'.csv'),index=False) ret = (self.tr_name+'.csv',self.val_name+'.csv',self.test_name+'.csv') return ret def get_data(self, data_dict = None, s = (224,224), dataset = dai_image_csv_dataset, bs = 32, balance = False, tfms = None,bal_tfms = None, num_workers = 8, stats_percentage = 0.6, img_mean = None, img_std = None): self.image_size = s if not data_dict: data_dict = self.data_dict data_dfs,data_dir,minorities,class_diffs,single_label,multi_label = (data_dict['data_dfs'],data_dict['data_dir'], data_dict['minorities'],data_dict['class_diffs'], data_dict['single_label'],data_dict['multi_label']) if not single_label: balance = False if not bal_tfms: bal_tfms = { self.tr_name: [transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip()], self.val_name: None, self.test_name: None } else: bal_tfms = {self.tr_name: bal_tfms, self.val_name: None, self.test_name: None} resize_transform = transforms.Resize(s,interpolation=Image.NEAREST) if not tfms: tfms = [ resize_transform, transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ] else: tfms_temp = [ resize_transform, transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ] tfms_temp[1:1] = tfms tfms = tfms_temp # print(tfms) data_transforms = { self.tr_name: tfms, self.val_name: [ # transforms.Resize(s[0]+50), # transforms.CenterCrop(s[0]), transforms.Resize(s,interpolation=Image.NEAREST), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ], self.test_name: [ # transforms.Resize(s[0]+50), # transforms.CenterCrop(s[0]), transforms.Resize(s,interpolation=Image.NEAREST), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ] } if img_mean is None and self.img_mean is None: temp_tfms = [resize_transform, transforms.ToTensor()] temp_dataset = dataset(os.path.join(data_dir,self.tr_name),data_dfs[self.tr_name],temp_tfms) self.img_mean,self.img_std = get_img_stats(temp_dataset,stats_percentage) elif self.img_mean is None: self.img_mean,self.img_std = img_mean,img_std data_transforms[self.tr_name][-1].mean,data_transforms[self.tr_name][-1].std = self.img_mean,self.img_std data_transforms[self.val_name][-1].mean,data_transforms[self.val_name][-1].std = self.img_mean,self.img_std data_transforms[self.test_name][-1].mean,data_transforms[self.test_name][-1].std = self.img_mean,self.img_std if balance: image_datasets = {x: dataset(os.path.join(data_dir,self.tr_name),data_dfs[x], data_transforms[x],minorities,class_diffs,bal_tfms[x]) for x in [self.tr_name, self.val_name, self.test_name]} else: image_datasets = {x: dataset(os.path.join(data_dir,self.tr_name),data_dfs[x], data_transforms[x]) for x in [self.tr_name, self.val_name, self.test_name]} dataloaders = {x:[x], batch_size=bs, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers) for x in [self.tr_name, self.val_name, self.test_name]} dataset_sizes = {x: len(image_datasets[x]) for x in [self.tr_name, self.val_name, self.test_name]} self.image_datasets,self.dataloaders,self.dataset_sizes = (image_datasets,dataloaders, dataset_sizes) return image_datasets,dataloaders,dataset_sizes
<reponame>Capping-WAR/API import connexion import six from swagger_server.models.request_info import RequestInfo # noqa: E501 from swagger_server.models.rule import Rule # noqa: E501 from swagger_server import util from swagger_server.__globals__ import _globals def add_rule(Rule): # noqa: E501 """Add a Rule # noqa: E501 :param Rule: Rule to be added :type Rule: dict | bytes :rtype: None """ if connexion.request.is_json: values = list(Rule.values()) cols = ','.join(list(Rule.keys())) results = _globals.pgapi.insert('Rules', values, cols=cols) if type(results) != list: results = str(results) return results def delete_rule(ruleID): # noqa: E501 """Delete a Rule # noqa: E501 :param ruleID: ID of Rule :type ruleID: int :rtype: None """ results = _globals.pgapi.delete( 'Rules', clause=f'WHERE ruleID={ruleID}' ) if type(results) != list: results = str(results) return results def get_rule_by_id(ruleID): # noqa: E501 """Get a Rule by ruleID # noqa: E501 :param ruleID: ID of Rule :type ruleID: int :rtype: List[Rule] """ results = _globals.pgapi.get( 'Rules', clause=f'WHERE ruleID={ruleID}' ) if type(results) != list: results = str(results) return {'Rule':results} def get_rules(): # noqa: E501 """Get all Rules # noqa: E501 :rtype: List[Rule] """ results = _globals.pgapi.get( 'Rules', ) if type(results) != list: results = str(results) return {'Rules':results} def update_rule(ruleID, Rule): # noqa: E501 """Update a Rule # noqa: E501 :param ruleID: ID of Rule :type ruleID: int :param Rule: Updated Rule :type Rule: dict | bytes :rtype: None """ if connexion.request.is_json: results = _globals.pgapi.update( 'Rules', Rule, clause=f'WHERE ruleID={ruleID}' ) if type(results) != list: results = str(results) return results
<reponame>arpancodes/pyre-check # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import dataclasses import json import logging from pathlib import Path from typing import TextIO from .. import configuration as configuration_module, log from . import commands, server_connection, remote_logging LOG: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) HELP_MESSAGE: str = """ Possible queries: - attributes(class_name) Returns a list of attributes, including functions, for a class. - batch(query1(arg), query2(arg)) Runs a batch of queries and returns a map of responses. List of given queries may include any combination of other valid queries except for `batch` itself. - callees(function) Calls from a given function. - callees_with_location(function) Calls from a given function, including the locations at which they are called. - defines(module_or_class_name) Returns a JSON with the signature of all defines for given module or class. - dump_call_graph() Returns a comprehensive JSON of caller -> list of callees. - inline_decorators(qualified_function_name, decorators_to_skip=[decorator1, ...]) Returns the function definition after inlining decorators. Allows skipping certain decorators when inlining. - less_or_equal(T1, T2) Returns whether T1 is a subtype of T2. - path_of_module(module) Gives an absolute path for `module`. - save_server_state('path') Saves Pyre's serialized state into `path`. - superclasses(class_name1, class_name2, ...) Returns a mapping of class_name to the list of superclasses for `class_name`. If no class name is provided, return the mapping for all classes Pyre knows about. - type(expression) Evaluates the type of `expression`. - types(path='path') or types('path1', 'path2', ...) Returns a map from each given path to a list of all types for that path. - validate_taint_models('optional path') Validates models and returns errors. Defaults to model path in configuration if no parameter is passed in. """ class InvalidQueryResponse(Exception): pass @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Response: payload: object def _print_help_message() -> None: log.stdout.write(HELP_MESSAGE) def parse_query_response_json(response_json: object) -> Response: if ( isinstance(response_json, list) and len(response_json) > 1 and response_json[0] == "Query" ): return Response(response_json[1]) raise InvalidQueryResponse(f"Unexpected JSON response from server: {response_json}") def parse_query_response(text: str) -> Response: try: response_json = json.loads(text) return parse_query_response_json(response_json) except json.JSONDecodeError as decode_error: message = f"Cannot parse response as JSON: {decode_error}" raise InvalidQueryResponse(message) from decode_error def _send_query_request(output_channel: TextIO, query_text: str) -> None: query_message = json.dumps(["Query", query_text]) LOG.debug(f"Sending `{log.truncate(query_message, 400)}`") output_channel.write(f"{query_message}\n") def _receive_query_response(input_channel: TextIO) -> Response: query_message = input_channel.readline().strip() LOG.debug(f"Received `{log.truncate(query_message, 400)}`") return parse_query_response(query_message) def query_server(socket_path: Path, query_text: str) -> Response: with server_connection.connect_in_text_mode(socket_path) as ( input_channel, output_channel, ): _send_query_request(output_channel, query_text) return _receive_query_response(input_channel) @remote_logging.log_usage(command_name="query") def run( configuration: configuration_module.Configuration, query_text: str ) -> commands.ExitCode: socket_path = server_connection.get_default_socket_path( project_root=Path(configuration.project_root), relative_local_root=Path(configuration.relative_local_root) if configuration.relative_local_root else None, ) try: if query_text == "help": _print_help_message() return commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS response = query_server(socket_path, query_text) log.stdout.write(json.dumps(response.payload)) return commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS except server_connection.ConnectionFailure: LOG.warning( "A running Pyre server is required for queries to be responded. " "Please run `pyre` first to set up a server." ) return commands.ExitCode.SERVER_NOT_FOUND except Exception as error: raise commands.ClientException( f"Exception occured during pyre query: {error}" ) from error
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals from time import strftime, gmtime from email.header import make_header from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from .utils import strip_tags, format_email_address from .attachment import Attachment from .compat import unicode_compatible, to_unicode, to_string, PY3 @unicode_compatible class PlainMessage(object): """Simple wrapper for data of e-mail message with plain text.""" _PREAMBLE_TEXT = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." def __init__(self, sender, subject, content, charset="utf-8"): self._sender = format_email_address(sender) self._charset = to_string(charset) self._content = to_unicode(content) self._subject = to_unicode(subject) self._attachments = [] self._recipients = {"To": [], "Cc": [], "Bcc": []} @property def sender(self): return self._sender @property def subject(self): return self._subject @property def recipients(self): to = self._recipients["To"] cc = self._recipients["Cc"] bcc = self._recipients["Bcc"] return frozenset(to + cc + bcc) def add_recipients(self, *recipients): recipients = self._unique_recipients(recipients) self._recipients["To"].extend(recipients) def add_recipients_cc(self, *recipients): recipients = self._unique_recipients(recipients) self._recipients["Cc"].extend(recipients) def add_recipients_bcc(self, *recipients): recipients = self._unique_recipients(recipients) self._recipients["Bcc"].extend(recipients) def _unique_recipients(self, recipients): recipients = map(format_email_address, recipients) return frozenset(recipients) - self.recipients @property def content(self): return self._content @property def payload(self): payload = self._build_content_payload(self._content) if self._attachments: content_payload = payload payload = MIMEMultipart("mixed") payload.attach(content_payload) payload.preamble = self._PREAMBLE_TEXT payload = self._set_payload_headers(payload) for attachment in self._attachments: payload.attach(attachment.payload) return payload def _build_content_payload(self, content): return MIMEText(content.encode(self._charset), "plain", self._charset) def _set_payload_headers(self, payload): for copy_type, recipients in self._recipients.items(): for recipient in recipients: payload[copy_type] = self._make_header(recipient) payload["From"] = self._make_header(self._sender) payload["Subject"] = self._make_header(self._subject) payload["Date"] = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", gmtime()) return payload def _make_header(self, value): return make_header([(self._to_string(value), self._charset)]) def _to_string(self, value): if PY3: return value else: return value.encode(self._charset) def attach(self, file, charset=None, mimetype=None): if charset is None: charset = self._charset attachment = Attachment(file, charset, mimetype) self._attachments.append(attachment) return attachment if PY3: def __str__(self): return self.payload.as_string() else: def __bytes__(self): return self.payload.as_string() def __repr__(self): return to_string("<PlainMessage: %s>" % self.subject) class HtmlMessage(PlainMessage): """Simple wrapper for data of e-mail message with HTML content.""" def _build_content_payload(self, content): content = content.encode(self._charset) payload = MIMEMultipart("alternative", charset=self._charset) text_alternative = MIMEText(strip_tags(content), "plain", self._charset) payload.attach(text_alternative) html_alternative = MIMEText(content, "html", self._charset) payload.attach(html_alternative) return payload
import json import random import glob import os import string from collections import OrderedDict questions = {} user_answers = OrderedDict() current_question = None current_solution = None formatted_solution = None possible_solutions = None requires = ['db'] def start_quiz(bot, c, e, args): # TODO: I assume global state breaks if the bot is in more than one channel global current_question global current_solution global formatted_solution global possible_solutions global questions global user_answers if current_solution: bot.reply(c, e, 'There already is a quiz running.') return elif not in bot.channels: # TODO: Should also be usable somewhere else bot.reply(c, e, 'This command can only be used in channels.') return elif len(args) < 1: datasets = ', '.join(questions.keys()) bot.reply(c, e, 'Please specify a dataset name: %s' % datasets) return bot.logger.debug('Starting quiz') dataset = args[0] if dataset not in questions: bot.reply(c, e, 'Dataset "%s" does not exist' % dataset) return current_question = question = random.choice(questions[dataset]) timeout = question['time'] if 'time' in question else 20 + 25 * question['level'] full_question = '%s (%d secs)' % (question['question'], timeout) if 'options' in question: full_question += ': ' + ', '.join([string.ascii_lowercase[i] + ') ' + option for i, option in enumerate(question['options'])]) bot.reply(c, e, full_question) current_solution = question['answers'].copy() if 'options' in question: current_solution += [string.ascii_lowercase[i] for i, answer in enumerate(question['options']) if answer in question['answers']] formatted_solution = ', '.join([string.ascii_lowercase[i] + ') ' + answer for i, answer in enumerate(question['options']) if answer in question['answers']]) possible_solutions = question['options'] + list(string.ascii_lowercase[:len(question['options'])]) else: formatted_solution = ', '.join(question['answers']) possible_solutions = question['answers'] user_answers = OrderedDict() bot.hook_timeout(timeout, end_quiz, c, e) def save_answers(bot, c, e, matches): global current_solution global possible_solutions if not current_solution: return username, _, _ = e.source.partition('!') answer = e.arguments[0] if answer.lower() in map(str.lower, possible_solutions): if username in user_answers: user_answers.move_to_end(username) user_answers[username] = e.arguments[0] def end_quiz(bot, c, e): global formatted_solution global current_question global current_solution global user_answers correct_users = [user for user, answer in user_answers.items() if answer.lower() in map(str.lower, current_solution)] # Scores: If there were correct answers, in total we reward as many points as users participated in the quiz. # The user with the first correct answer is rewarded 2 * base_score points, all other correct users are rewarded base_score points each. # This scheme incentivizes that many users participate, and correctly answering difficult questions (user answers are spread out evenly among the options) results in a higher reward. Furthermore the first correct user gets a bonus over imitators. # Note that this does not work well when a question does not have any 'options', as the number of participants cannot be measured. base_score = len(user_answers) / (1 + len(correct_users)) res = 'Quiz has ended. Correct solution is: %s (%d %swere right).' \ % (formatted_solution, len(correct_users), 'out of ' + str(len(user_answers)) + ' ' if 'options' in current_question else '') if correct_users: res += ' %.1f p. for %s' % (2 * base_score, prevent_highlight(correct_users[0])) if len(correct_users) > 1: res += ' (first), %.1f p. for rest' % base_score res += '.' bot.reply(c, e, res) if 'explanation' in current_question and current_question['explanation']: bot.reply(c, e, current_question['explanation']) conn = bot.provides['db'].get_conn() cursor = conn.cursor() for i, username in enumerate(correct_users): cursor.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO quiz_score (username, score) VALUES (?, ?)''', (username, 0)) score = 2 * base_score if i == 0 else base_score # user with first correct answer gets bonus cursor.execute('''UPDATE quiz_score SET score = score + ? WHERE username = ?''', (score, username)) conn.commit() current_solution = None def quiz_score(bot, c, e, args): conn = bot.provides['db'].get_conn() cursor = conn.cursor() if len(args) > 0: username = args[0] cursor.execute('''SELECT score FROM quiz_score WHERE username = ?''', (username,)) row = cursor.fetchone() score = row[0] if row else 0 bot.reply(c, e, '%s: %d' % (prevent_highlight(username), score)) else: cursor.execute('''SELECT username, score FROM quiz_score ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 10''') score_outs = [] for username, score in cursor: score_outs.append('%s: %d' % (prevent_highlight(username), score)) bot.reply(c, e, ', '.join(score_outs)) def load_module(bot): global questions conn = bot.provides['db'].get_conn() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quiz_score ( username TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, score INTEGER NOT NULL )''') conn.commit() for filepath in glob.glob('data/quiz/*.json'): set_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] data = [] with open(filepath) as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('#') and line.strip(): # not comment or empty line question = json.loads(line) # remove empty options (they might exist due to conversion from other formats) if 'options' in question: question['options'] = [o for o in question['options'] if o] data.append(question) questions[set_name] = data bot.hook_command('quiz', start_quiz) bot.hook_command('quiz-score', quiz_score) bot.hook_regexp('.*', save_answers) return [hash(start_quiz), hash(quiz_score), hash(save_answers)] def commands(): return [('quiz', 'Start a new round of a quiz', 'quiz set-name'), ('quiz-score', 'Show the current score. Each quiz rewards as many points as the number of players who participate. The first correct user gets twice the points.', 'quiz-score [user]')] def prevent_highlight(username): # use ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE so that users' clients don't notify them return username[0] + '\ufeff' + username[1:]
#!/usr/bin/python3 __version__ = '0.0.8' # Time-stamp: <2021-09-14T10:47:01Z> ## Language: Japanese/UTF-8 """Simulation Buddhism Prototype No.3 - Death 死亡関連 """ ## ## Author: ## ## JRF ( (in Japanese)) ## ## License: ## ## The author is a Japanese. ## ## I intended this program to be public-domain, but you can treat ## this program under the (new) BSD-License or under the Artistic ## License, if it is convenient for you. ## ## Within three months after the release of this program, I ## especially admit responsibility of efforts for rational requests ## of correction to this program. ## ## I often have bouts of schizophrenia, but I believe that my ## intention is legitimately fulfilled. ## import math import random import simbdp3.base as base from simbdp3.base import ARGS, Person0, Economy0 from simbdp3.common import Death, Tomb, np_clip from simbdp3.inherit import calc_inheritance_share class PersonDT (Person0): def is_dead (self): return self.death is not None def die_relation (self, relation): p = self rel = relation economy = self.economy if p.age > 60: p.a60_spouse_death = True rel.end = economy.term if rel.spouse != '' and economy.is_living(rel.spouse): s = economy.people[rel.spouse] if s.marriage is not None and s.marriage.spouse == s.marriage.end = economy.term s.trash.append(s.marriage) s.marriage = None for a in s.adulteries: if a.spouse == a.end = economy.term s.trash.append(a) s.adulteries.remove(a) def die_child (self, child_id): p = self economy = self.economy ch = None for x in p.children: if == child_id: ch = x if ch is None: return ch.death_term = economy.term p.children.remove(ch) p.trash.append(ch) def die_supporting (self, new_supporter): p = self economy = self.economy ns = None if new_supporter is not None \ and new_supporter != '': assert economy.is_living(new_supporter) ns = economy.people[new_supporter] assert new_supporter is None or new_supporter == ''\ or (ns is not None and ns.supported is None) if new_supporter is None or new_supporter == '': for x in [x for x in p.supporting]: if x != '' and x in economy.people: s = economy.people[x] assert s.supported == if new_supporter is None: s.remove_supported() else: s.supported = '' else: ns.add_supporting(p.supporting_non_nil()) p.supporting = [] def do_inheritance (self): p = self economy = self.economy assert p.is_dead() q = p.death.inheritance_share a = p.prop + * ARGS.prop_value_of_land if q is None or a <= 0: economy.cur_forfeit_prop += p.prop economy.cur_forfeit_land += p.prop = 0 = 0 return land = prop = p.prop for x, y in sorted(q.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): a1 = a * y l = math.floor(a1 / ARGS.prop_value_of_land) if l > land: l = land land = 0 else: land -= l if x == '': economy.cur_forfeit_land += l economy.cur_forfeit_prop += a1 - l * ARGS.prop_value_of_land prop -= a1 - l * ARGS.prop_value_of_land else: assert economy.is_living(x) p1 = economy.people[x] if l > 0: p1.tmp_land_damage = \ (p1.tmp_land_damage * + p.tmp_land_damage * l) / ( + l) += l p1.prop += a1 - l * ARGS.prop_value_of_land prop -= a1 - l * ARGS.prop_value_of_land = 0 p.prop = 0 class EconomyDT (Economy0): def is_living (self, id_or_person): s = id_or_person if type(id_or_person) is not str: s = return s in self.people and self.people[s].death is None def get_person (self, id1): economy = self if id1 in economy.people: return economy.people[id1] elif id1 in economy.tombs: return economy.tombs[id1].person return None def die (self, persons): economy = self if isinstance(persons, base.Person): persons = [persons] for p in persons: assert not p.is_dead() dt = Death() dt.term = economy.term p.death = dt tomb = Tomb() tomb.death_term = economy.term tomb.person = p tomb.death_hating = p.hating.copy() tomb.death_hating_unknown = p.hating_unknown tomb.death_political_hating = p.political_hating tomb.death_merchant_hating = p.merchant_hating tomb.death_merchant_hated = p.merchant_hated economy.tombs[] = tomb prs = [[] for dist in economy.nation.districts] for p in economy.people.values(): if not p.is_dead() and p.in_priesthood(): prs[p.district].append( for p in persons: tomb = economy.tombs[] if prs[p.district]: tomb.priest = random.choice(prs[p.district]) a = (p.prop + * ARGS.prop_value_of_land) \ * ARGS.priest_share if a > 0: p.prop -= a economy.nation.districts[p.district].priests_share += a for p in persons: if p.in_jail(): p.release_from_jail() for p in persons: if p.dominator_position is None: continue p.get_dominator().resign() for p in persons: if in economy.dominator_parameters: economy.dominator_parameters[].economy = None del economy.dominator_parameters[] for p in persons: p.death.inheritance_share = calc_inheritance_share(economy, for p in persons: spouse = None if p.marriage is not None \ and (p.marriage.spouse == '' or economy.is_living(p.marriage.spouse)): spouse = p.marriage.spouse if p.marriage is not None: p.die_relation(p.marriage) for a in p.adulteries: p.die_relation(a) # father mother は死んでも情報の更新はないが、child は欲し # い子供の数に影響するため、更新が必要。 if p.father != '' and economy.is_living(p.father): economy.people[p.father].die_child( if p.mother != '' and economy.is_living(p.mother): economy.people[p.mother].die_child( fst_heir = None if p.death.inheritance_share is not None: l1 = [(x, y) for x, y in p.death.inheritance_share.items() if x != '' and economy.is_living(x) and x != spouse and (economy.people[x].supported is None or economy.people[x].supported == and economy.people[x].age >= 18] if l1: u = max(l1, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] l2 = [x for x, y in l1 if y == u] fst_heir = max(l2, key=lambda x: economy.people[x].asset_value()) if (fst_heir is None or fst_heir not in [ for ch in p.children]) \ and spouse is not None and spouse in p.supporting: if spouse == '': fst_heir = '' p.remove_supporting_nil() else: s = economy.people[spouse] if s.age >= 18 and s.age < 70: fst_heir = spouse s.remove_supported() if fst_heir is not None and fst_heir != '' \ and fst_heir in p.supporting: fh = economy.people[fst_heir] fh.remove_supported() if p.supporting: if p.supported is not None \ and economy.is_living(p.supported): p.die_supporting(p.supported) elif fst_heir is None or p.death.inheritance_share is None: p.die_supporting(None) else: p.die_supporting(fst_heir) if p.supported is not None: p.remove_supported() if fst_heir is not None and fst_heir != '': fh = economy.people[fst_heir] fh.add_supporting(p) for p in persons: p.do_inheritance() def update_death (economy): print("\nDeath:...", flush=True) l = [] for p in economy.people.values(): if not p.is_dead(): if random.random() < ARGS.general_death_rate: l.append(p) else: threshold = 0 if p.age > 110: threshold = 1 elif p.age > 80 and p.age <= 100: threshold = ARGS.a80_death_rate elif p.age > 60 and p.age <= 80: threshold = ARGS.a60_death_rate elif p.age >= 0 and p.age <= 3: threshold = ARGS.infant_death_rate ij = np_clip(p.injured + p.tmp_injured, 0, 1) threshold2 = ARGS.injured_death_rate * ij if random.random() < max([threshold, threshold2]): l.append(p) economy.die(l)
<gh_stars>10-100 import numpy as np from scipy.signal import butter from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion, Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer from classification.features.constants import ( FREQ_BANDS_ORDERS, FREQ_BANDS_RANGE, NYQUIST_FREQ, ) from classification.features.pipeline.utils import ( get_data_from_epochs, get_transformer, ) def _get_signal_mean_energy(signal): """ signal: array of (nb_sample_per_epoch,) """ return np.sum(signal**2) * 1e6 def _get_pipeline_per_subband(subband_name: str): """ Constructs a pipeline to extract the specified subband related features. Output: sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline object containing all steps to calculate time-domain feature on the specified subband. """ freq_range = FREQ_BANDS_RANGE[subband_name] order = FREQ_BANDS_ORDERS[subband_name] assert len( freq_range) == 2, "Frequency range must only have 2 elements: [lower bound frequency, upper bound frequency]" bounds = [freq / NYQUIST_FREQ for freq in freq_range] b, a = butter(order, bounds, btype='bandpass') def filter_epochs_in_specified_subband(epochs): return epochs.copy().filter( l_freq=bounds[0], h_freq=bounds[1], method='iir', n_jobs=1, iir_params={ 'a': a, 'b': b }, verbose=False) return Pipeline([ ('filter', FunctionTransformer(filter_epochs_in_specified_subband, validate=False)), ('get-values', FunctionTransformer(get_data_from_epochs, validate=False)), ('mean-energy', FunctionTransformer( get_transformer(_get_signal_mean_energy), validate=True )), ]) def get_subband_feature_union(): return FeatureUnion([( f"{band_name}-filter", _get_pipeline_per_subband(band_name) ) for band_name in FREQ_BANDS_ORDERS.keys()], n_jobs=1)
from __future__ import annotations from typing import List from reamber.base.lists.notes.HoldList import HoldList from import BMSHold from import BMSNoteList class BMSHoldList(List[BMSHold], HoldList, BMSNoteList): def _upcast(self, objList: List = None) -> BMSHoldList: """ This is to facilitate inherited functions to work :param objList: The List to cast :rtype: BMSHoldList """ return BMSHoldList(objList) def multOffset(self, by: float, inplace:bool = False): HoldList.multOffset(self, by=by, inplace=inplace) def data(self) -> List[BMSHold]: return self
<gh_stars>0 from sensormodule import isSensorLeft, isSensorRight from directions import forward, left_forward,right_forward while True: if isSensorLeft() == True: right_forward() elif isSensorRight() == True: left_forward() else: forward()
<reponame>trackuity/jinx import os import json import bsddb3 import struct class Indexer: def __init__(self, name, key_field, prefix_fields=None): self._key_field = key_field self._prefix_fields = prefix_fields self._file = open(name, 'r') self._db = bsddb3.hashopen(name + '.jinx', 'c') self._offset = 0 def index(self): for line in self._file: data = json.loads(line) key = data[self._key_field] if self._prefix_fields is not None: prefix_key = ",".join( data[prefix_field] for prefix_field in self._prefix_fields ) key = '{0}:{1}'.format(prefix_key, key) self._db[bytes(key, 'utf-8')] = struct.pack('L', self._offset) self._offset += len(line) def close(self): self._file.close() self._db.close() class Database: def __init__(self, name, data_dir='.'): path = os.path.join(data_dir, name) if os.path.isdir(path): # when directory, pick last member alphanumerically filename = sorted(f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.jinx'))[-1][:-5] path = os.path.join(path, filename) else: for ext in ('', '.json', '.jsonl'): path = os.path.join(data_dir, name + ext) if os.path.exists(path + '.jinx'): break else: raise ValueError('database does not exist') self._file = open(path, 'r') self._index = bsddb3.hashopen(path + '.jinx', 'r') def multi_get(self, keys): for key in keys: packed = self._index.get(bytes(key, 'utf-8')) if packed is not None: offset = struct.unpack('L', packed)[0] yield self._file.readline()[:-1] # don't include newline def close(self): self._file.close() self._index.close()
<reponame>steinnymir/sytools<filename>sytools/pes/<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: <NAME> Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import json import os import cv2 as cv import h5py import skimage.filters as skfilt import tifffile import xarray as xr from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar from scipy.ndimage import rotate from tqdm import tqdm from .utils import * def main(): pass class DldProcessor(object): PARAMETERS = ['k_center', 'k_final', 'unit_cell', 'aoi_px', 'aoi_k', 'warp_grid_reg', 'warp_grid_dist', 'warp_grid_spacing', 'tof_to_ev', 'tof_0', 'h5_file', 'raw_file','mask_file', 'sigma_tof_blur', 'sigma_highpass', 'sigma_lowpass', 'rotation_angle', 'rotation_center', ] def __init__(self, h5_file=None, raw_data=None, processed=None, mask=None, chunks=None): # data containers self.processed = None self.raw = None self.mask = None # disk file properties self.h5_file = None self.raw_file = None self.mask_file = None self.chunks = chunks self.k_center = None, None # as row,col => y, x self.k_final = None self.unit_cell = None, None, None self.aoi_px = None, None self.aoi_k = None, None self.warp_grid_reg = None self.warp_grid_dist = None self.warp_grid_spacing = None self.tof_to_ev = None self.tof_0 = None # Processing parameters self.sigma_tof_blur = None self.sigma_highpass = None self.sigma_lowpass = None self.rotation_angle = None self.rotation_center = None self._dos = None self.history = '' if h5_file is not None: self.load_h5(h5_file) self.h5_file = h5_file self.update_history('load_h5', f'faddr:{h5_file}') if raw_data is not None: if isinstance(raw_data, np.ndarray): data = raw_data.astype(np.uint16) elif isinstance(raw_data, str): if os.path.isfile(raw_data): self.raw_file = raw_data data = tifffile.imread(raw_data).astype(np.uint16) else: raise ValueError(f'invalid entry "{raw_data}" for Raw Data') coords = {'ToF': np.arange(data.shape[0]), 'X': np.arange(data.shape[1]), 'Y': np.arange(data.shape[2]), } self.raw = xr.DataArray(data=data, coords=coords, dims=['ToF', 'X', 'Y']) if self.processed is None: self.processed = xr.DataArray(data=self.raw.values.astype(np.float64, copy=True), coords=coords, dims=['ToF', 'X', 'Y']) if mask is not None: self.load_mask(mask) if processed is not None: self.processed = processed @property def metadata_dict(self): d = {} for par in self.PARAMETERS: d[par] = getattr(self, par) return d # d = {'bz_width': self.bz_width, # 'k_center': self.k_center, # 'k_final': self.k_final, # 'unit_cell': self.unit_cell, # 'aoi_px': self.aoi_px, # 'aoi_k': self.aoi_k, # 'warp_grid_reg': self.warp_grid_reg, # 'warp_grid_dist': self.warp_grid_dist, # 'warp_grid_spacing': self.warp_grid_spacing, # } @property def dos(self): if self._dos is not None: return self._dos else: self._dos = self.raw.sum(dim=('X', 'Y')) return self._dos @property def dos_masked(self): if self._mdos is not None: return self._mdos else: self._mdos = self.raw.where(self.mask).sum(dim=('X', 'Y')) return self._mdos @property def reciprocal_unit_cell(self): return tuple([2 * np.pi / x for x in self.unit_cell]) @property def masked_data(self): return self.processed * self.mask def update_history(self, method, attributes): self.history += f'{method}:{attributes}\n' def reset_data(self): self.processed.values = self.raw.astype(np.float64, copy=True) def reset_history(self): self.history = '' def chunk(self, chunks=None): if chunks is not None: self.chunks = chunks if self.chunks is None: self.chunks = {'ToF': 1, 'X': 128, 'Y': 128} self.processed = self.processed.chunk(chunks=self.chunks) self.raw = self.raw.chunk(chunks=self.chunks) self.mask = self.mask.chunk(chunks=self.chunks) self.update_history('chunk', f'chunks:{chunks}') def renormalize_DOS(self, use_mask=True): """ normalize the """ print('Renormalizing DOS and applying mask...') if use_mask and self.mask is not None: data = self.processed * self.mask raw_data = self.raw * self.mask else: data = self.processed raw_data = self.raw norm = data.sum((1, 2)) / raw_data.sum((1, 2)).astype(np.float64) self.processed.values = data / norm[:, None, None] self.update_history('renormalize_DOS', f'use_mask:{use_mask}') def make_finite(self, substitute=0.0): """ set all nans and infs to 0. or whatever specified value in substitute""" print('Handling nans and infs...') self.processed.values[~np.isfinite(self.processed.values)] = substitute self.update_history('make_finite','substitute:{substitute}') def filter_diffraction(self, sigma=None): """ divide by self, gaussian blurred along energy direction to remove diffraction pattern""" print('Removing diffraction pattern...') if sigma is not None: self.sigma_tof_blur = sigma self.processed = self.processed / skfilt.gaussian(self.processed, sigma=(self.sigma_tof_blur, 0, 0)) self.update_history('filter_diffraction', f'sigma:{self.sigma_tof_blur}') def high_pass_isoenergy(self, sigma=None, truncate=2.0): """ gaussian band pass to remove low frequency fluctuations """ print('Applying high pass filter to each energy slice...') if sigma is not None: self.sigma_highpass = sigma lp = skfilt.gaussian(self.processed, sigma=(0, self.sigma_highpass, self.sigma_highpass), preserve_range=True, truncate=truncate) self.processed = self.processed - lp self.update_history('high_pass_isoenergy', f'sigma:{self.sigma_highpass}, truncate:{truncate}') def low_pass_isoenergy(self, sigma=(2, 2, 2), truncate=4.0): """ gaussian band pass to remove low frequency fluctuations """ print('Applying low pass filter to each energy slice...') if sigma is not None: self.sigma_lowpass = sigma self.processed.values = skfilt.gaussian(self.processed, sigma=self.sigma_lowpass, preserve_range=True, truncate=truncate) self.update_history('low_pass_isoenergy', f'sigma:{self.sigma_lowpass}, truncate:{truncate}') def rotate(self, angle, axes=(1, 2), center=None, **kwargs): """ Rotate the plane defined by axes, around its center.""" if angle is not None: self.rotation_angle = angle if center is not None: self.rotation_center = center # TODO: implement off center rotation self.processed.values = rotate(self.processed, angle, reshape=False, axes=axes, **kwargs) self.mask.values = rotate(self.mask, angle, reshape=False, axes=axes, **kwargs) hist_str = f'angle:{self.rotation_angle}, center:{self.rotation_center}' for k, v in kwargs.items(): hist_str += f', {k}:{v}' self.update_history('rotate', hist_str) def describe_str(self, data=None, print=False): if data is None: data = self.processed s = 'min {:9.3f} | max {:9.3f} | mean {:9.3f} | sum {:9.3f}'.format(np.amin(data), np.amax(data), np.mean(data), np.sum(data)) if print: print(s) else: return s def load_mask(self, mask=None): print('loading mask...') if isinstance(mask, xr.DataArray): self.mask = mask else: coords, dims = None, None if isinstance(mask, str): self.mask_file = mask if '.np' in mask: mask = np.load(mask) elif '.h5' in mask: with h5py.File(mask, 'r') as f: mask = f['mask/data'][...] try: coords = {} for key in f['mask/axes']: coords[key] = f[f'mask/axes/{key}'] dims = [x for x in ['ToF', 'X', 'Y'] if x in coords] except KeyError: pass if coords is None and dims is None: coords = {'ToF': np.arange(0, mask.shape[0]), 'X': np.arange(0, mask.shape[1]), 'Y': np.arange(0, mask.shape[2])} dims = ['ToF', 'X', 'Y'] self.mask = xr.DataArray(data=mask.astype(np.bool_), coords=coords, dims=dims) def warp_grid(self, grid_dict, mask=True, ret=False, replace=True): """ use the given points to create a grid on which to perform perpective warping""" if isinstance(grid_dict, dict): pass elif isinstance(grid_dict, str): with open(grid_dict, 'r') as f: grid_dict = json.load(f) elif None in [self.k_center, self.warp_grid_spacing, self.warp_grid_dist, self.warp_grid_reg]: pass else: raise KeyError('grid_dict is neither a dictionary nor a file') self.warp_grid_reg = grid_dict['regular'] self.warp_grid_dist = grid_dict['distorted'] self.k_center = grid_dict['k_center'] self.warp_grid_spacing = grid_dict['spacing'] hist_str = f'k_center:{self.k_center}, ' + \ f'warp_grid_spacing:{self.warp_grid_spacing}, ' + \ f'warp_grid_reg:{self.rotation_angle}, ' + \ f'warp_grid_dist:{self.rotation_center}' self.update_history('warp_grid', hist_str) print('Warping data...') # Divide the xy plane in squares and triangles defined by the simmetry points given # At the moment, only the squares are being used. squares = [] triangles = [] def get_square_corners(pt, dd): tl = pt tr = pt[0] + dd, pt[1] bl = pt[0], pt[1] + dd br = pt[0] + dd, pt[1] + dd return [tl, tr, br, bl] print(' - making squares...') for i, pt in enumerate(self.warp_grid_reg): corner_pts = get_square_corners(pt, self.warp_grid_spacing) corners = [] # ensure at least one vertex is inside the figure if not any([all([x[0] < 0 for x in corner_pts]), all([x[0] > self.processed.shape[1] for x in corner_pts]), all([y[1] < 0 for y in corner_pts]), all([y[1] > self.processed.shape[2] for y in corner_pts])]): for c in corner_pts: for j in range(len(self.warp_grid_reg)): dist = point_distance(self.warp_grid_reg[j], c) if dist < 0.1: corners.append(j) break if len(corners) == 4: squares.append(corners) elif len(corners) == 3: triangles.append(corners) # Add padding to account for areas out of selected points pads = [] pads.append(int(np.round(max(0, -min([x[0] for x in self.warp_grid_reg]))))) pads.append(int(np.round(max(0, max([x[0] for x in self.warp_grid_reg]) - self.processed.shape[1])))) pads.append(int(np.round(max(0, -min([x[1] for x in self.warp_grid_reg]))))) pads.append(int(np.round(max(0, max([x[1] for x in self.warp_grid_reg]) - self.processed.shape[2])))) for i in range(4): if pads[i] == 0: pads[i] = self.warp_grid_spacing xpad_l, xpad_r, ypad_l, ypad_r = pads warped_data_padded = np.zeros( (self.processed.shape[0], self.processed.shape[1] + xpad_l + xpad_r, self.processed.shape[2] + ypad_l + ypad_r)) if mask: warped_mask_padded = np.zeros( (self.processed.shape[0], self.processed.shape[1] + xpad_l + xpad_r, self.processed.shape[2] + ypad_l + ypad_r)) print(' - calculate warp...') for e in tqdm(range(self.processed.shape[0])): # if mask and True not in self.mask[e, ...]: if mask and True not in self.mask[e, ...].values: pass else: img_pad = np.zeros( (self.processed.shape[1] + xpad_l + xpad_r, self.processed.shape[2] + ypad_l + ypad_r)) img_pad[xpad_l:-xpad_r, ypad_l:-ypad_r] = self.processed[e, ...] if mask: mask_pad = np.zeros( (self.processed.shape[1] + xpad_l + xpad_r, self.processed.shape[2] + ypad_l + ypad_r)) mask_pad[xpad_l:-xpad_r, ypad_l:-ypad_r] = self.mask[e, ...].astype(np.float) for corners in squares: xf, yf = self.warp_grid_reg[corners[0]] xt, yt = self.warp_grid_reg[corners[2]] xf += xpad_l xt += xpad_l yf += ypad_l yt += ypad_l pts1 = np.float32([(x + xpad_l, y + ypad_l) for x, y in [self.warp_grid_dist[x] for x in corners]]) # [pts[39],pts[41],pts[22],pts[24]] pts2 = np.float32([(x + xpad_l, y + ypad_l) for x, y in [self.warp_grid_reg[x] for x in corners]]) M = cv.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2) dst = cv.warpPerspective(img_pad, M, img_pad.shape[::-1]) if mask: dst_mask = cv.warpPerspective(mask_pad, M, mask_pad.shape[::-1]) # print( warped_data_padded[e,yf:yt,xf:xt].shape,dst[yf:yt,xf:xt].shape) try: warped_data_padded[e, yf:yt, xf:xt] = dst[yf:yt, xf:xt] if mask: warped_mask_padded[e, yf:yt, xf:xt] = dst_mask[yf:yt, xf:xt] except Exception as ex: print(ex) warped_data = warped_data_padded[:, xpad_l:-xpad_r, ypad_l:-ypad_r] if mask: warped_mask = warped_mask_padded[:, xpad_l:-xpad_r, ypad_l:-ypad_r].astype(np.bool_) if replace: self.processed.values = warped_data if mask: self.mask.values = warped_mask if ret: if mask: return warped_data, warped_mask else: return warped_data def create_dataframe(self, data='processed', masked=True, chunks={'ToF': 1, 'X': 128, 'Y': 128}): da = getattr(self, data) = data if da.chunks is None: self.chunk(chunks) if masked: da = da.where(self.mask, other=0.0) self.df = da.to_dataset().to_dask_dataframe().dropna(subset=[data]) self.df = self.df[self.df['processed'] != 0] def to_parquet(self, file, cols=None): if cols is None: df = self.df else: df = self.df[cols] with ProgressBar(): df.to_parquet(file) def compute_energy_momentum(self, k_center=None, aoi_px=None, aoi_k=None, tof_to_ev=None, tof_0=None): # TODO: generalize for arbitrary unit cell and energy momentum conversion parameters if k_center is not None: self.k_center = k_center if aoi_px is not None: self.aoi_px = aoi_px if aoi_k is not None: self.aoi_k = aoi_k if tof_to_ev is not None: self.tof_to_ev = tof_to_ev if tof_0 is not None: self.tof_0 = tof_0 kx = to_reduced_scheme( to_k_parallel(self.processed.X, self.k_center[1], aoi_px=self.aoi_px[1], aoi_k=self.aoi_k[1]), aoi_k=self.aoi_k[1]) ky = to_reduced_scheme( to_k_parallel(self.processed.Y, self.k_center[0], aoi_px=self.aoi_px[0], aoi_k=self.aoi_k[0]), aoi_k=self.aoi_k[0]) kz = to_reduced_scheme(to_k_perpendicular((self.processed.Y, self.processed.X), self.k_center, kf=self.k_final, aoi_px=np.mean(self.aoi_px), aoi_k=np.mean(self.aoi_k) - self.reciprocal_unit_cell[2] / 2), self.reciprocal_unit_cell[2]) e = slice_to_ev(self.processed.ToF, ToF_to_ev=self.tof_to_ev, t0=self.tof_0) coords = {'kx': kx, 'ky': ky, 'kz': kz, 'e': e} self.processed = self.processed.assign_coords(coords) self.mask = self.mask.assign_coords(coords) hist_str = f'k_center:{self.k_center}, ' + \ f'aoi_px:{self.aoi_px}, ' + \ f'aoi_k:{self.aoi_k}, ' + \ f'tof_to_ev:{self.tof_to_ev}, ' + \ f'tof_0:{self.tof_0}' self.update_history('compute_energy_momentum', hist_str) def save(self, file, save_raw=True, format='h5', mode='a', overwrite=False, chunks='auto', compression='gzip'): """ Store data to disk. Allowed formats are h5, numpy and tiff """ if f'.{format}' not in file: file += f'.{format}' dir = os.path.dirname(file) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) elif os.path.isfile(file): if not overwrite: # TODO: check for "mode" raise FileExistsError(f'File {file} already exists, set new name or allow overwriting') else: os.remove(file) print(f'Saving processed data as "{file}"...') if format == 'h5': with h5py.File(file, mode=mode) as f: errors = [] if self.processed.chunks is not None: # TODO: auto define chunks size from xarray chunks pass if chunks == 'auto': chunks = 1, self.processed.shape[1] // 16, self.processed.shape[2] // 16 elif chunks and self.chunks is not None: chunks = [self.chunks[k] for k in self.processed.dims] f.create_dataset('processed/data', data=self.processed, chunks=chunks, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('processed/axes/ToF', data=self.processed.ToF, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('processed/axes/X', data=self.processed.X, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('processed/axes/Y', data=self.processed.Y, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('mask/data', data=self.mask, chunks=chunks, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('mask/axes/ToF', data=self.mask.ToF, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('mask/axes/X', data=self.mask.X, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('mask/axes/Y', data=self.mask.Y, compression=compression) if save_raw: f.create_dataset('raw/data', data=self.raw, chunks=chunks, dtype=np.uint16, compression=compression) # raw detector data f.create_dataset('raw/axes/ToF', data=self.raw.ToF, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('raw/axes/X', data=self.raw.X, compression=compression) f.create_dataset('raw/axes/Y', data=self.raw.Y, compression=compression) for par in self.PARAMETERS: v = getattr(self, par) if v is not None: try: f.create_dataset(f'metadata/{par}', data=v) except Exception as e: errors.append((par, v, e)) if len(errors) > 0: for par, v, e in errors: print(f'Failed writing {par} = {v}. Error: {e}') f.create_dataset("history", data=self.history) # metadata as string elif format == 'npy':, self.processed) elif format == 'tiff': tifffile.imsave(file, self.processed, description=self.hist_str) def load_h5(self, file, read_groups=None): """""" print(f'loading data from "{file}".') with h5py.File(file, mode='r') as f: groups = f.keys() if read_groups is None: read_groups = groups print(f'Found {len(groups)} groups: {groups}\nLoading:') for group in f.keys(): if group not in read_groups: print(f' - {group} ignored') else: print(f' - {group}...') if group == 'history': self.hist_str = f['history'][()] if group == 'metadata': for key, value in f[f'{group}'].items(): v = value[...] if getattr(self,key) is None: #TODO: improve metatadata reading try: v = float(v) if v%1 == 0: v = int(v) except ValueError: v = str(v) except TypeError: pass else: v = tuple(v) setattr(self, key, v) elif group in ['raw','processed','mask']: data = f[f'{group}/data'][...] coords = {} try: for key in f[f'{group}/axes']: coords[key] = f[f'{group}/axes/{key}'] dims = [x for x in ['ToF', 'X', 'Y'] if x in coords] except KeyError: coords = {'ToF': np.arange(0, data.shape[0]), 'X': np.arange(0, data.shape[1]), 'Y': np.arange(0, data.shape[2])} dims = ['ToF', 'X', 'Y'] setattr(self, group, xr.DataArray(data=data, coords=coords, dims=dims, name=group)) # self.update_history('load_h5', f'file:{file}, read_groups:{read_groups}') def main(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>10-100 from hooks.pre_gen_project import check_valid_email_address_format import pytest # Define test cases for the `TestCheckValidEmailAddressFormat` test class args_invalid_email_addresses = ["", "foo_bar"] args_valid_email_addresses = ["<EMAIL>", "foo@bar"] class TestCheckValidEmailAddressFormat: @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input_email", args_invalid_email_addresses) def test_raises_assertion_error_for_invalid_emails( self, test_input_email: str ) -> None: """Test an `AssertionError` is raised for invalid email addresses.""" # Execute the `check_valid_email_address_format` function, and check it raises # an `AssertionError` with pytest.raises(AssertionError): check_valid_email_address_format(test_input_email) @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input_email", args_valid_email_addresses) def test_passes_for_valid_emails(self, test_input_email: str) -> None: """Test no errors are raised for valid email addresses.""" # Execute the `check_valid_email_address_format` function, which should not # raise any exceptions for a valid email address try: check_valid_email_address_format(test_input_email) except Exception as e:"Error raised: {e}")
from functools import lru_cache from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List from translator.translator import _ @dataclass class Product: name: str friendly_name: str description: str extended_description: str picture: str technical: List[str] hilights: List[str] products = ( Product(name="EyePoint_P10", friendly_name=_("EyePoint P10"), picture="P10.png", description=_("Автоматическая настольная система для поиска неисправных электронных компонентов на " "печатных платах по методу АСА."), extended_description=_("Система сочетает в себе автоматическую оптическую систему распознавания выводов " "компонентов и летающий щуп для проведения электрического тестирования по методу " "аналогового сигнатурного анализа. " "Для использования системы EyePoint Вам необходима последняя версия драйвера. " "Предыдущие версии выложены для пользователей, которые не хотят переходить на новые версии. "), hilights=[_("Прост в использовании"), _("Снизит нагрузку на инженера"), _("Не повредит плату")], technical=[_("Метод тестирования: АСА"), _("Диапазон частот тестирующего сигнала: 1 Гц – 100 кГц"), _("Рабочие напряжения: 1,2, 3,3, 5, 12 В"), _("Максимальный размер платы: 280x275 мм"), _("Поддержка корпусов: LQFP, SOIC, SMD, SOT, DIP и т.д"), _("Построение карты тестирования до 10 см²/мин"), _("Скорость тестирования: 100 точек в мин"), _("Точность установки щупа: 30 мкм"), _("Время на смену платы: 30 сек"), _("Тестирующее напряжение до +/- 12 В"), _("Чувствительность по R 2 Ом - 450 кОм"), _("Чувствительность по C 300 пФ - 100 мкФ"), _("Чувствительность по L от 270 мкГн"), _("Габариты и вес: 604х543х473 мм, 50 кг"), _("Управляющий ПК: Intel i5 2.8 ГГц, 16 Гб RAM, 256 Гб SSD"), _("Электропитание: ~220В, 300 Вт") ] ), Product(name="EyePoint_P10b", friendly_name=_("EyePoint P10b"), picture="P10b.png", description=_("EyePoint P10b - автоматическая настольная система для поиска неисправных электронных " "компонентов на печатных платах с опцией выявления контрафактных, перемаркерованных или " "поврежденных компонентов в BGA корпусах."), extended_description=_("Система сочетает в себе автоматическую оптическую систему распознавания выводов " "компонентов и летающий щуп для проведения электрического тестирования по методу " "аналогового сигнатурного анализа. " "Для использования системы EyePoint Вам необходима последняя версия драйвера. " "Предыдущие версии выложены для пользователей, которые не хотят переходить на новые версии. "), hilights=[_("PCB и BGA"), _("Экономия времени на поиске до 3 раз"), _("Автоматическая проверка до 2500 выводов")], technical=[_("Метод тестирования: АСА"), _("Диапазон частот тестирующего сигнала: 1 Гц – 100 кГц"), _("Рабочие напряжения: 1,2, 3,3, 5, 12 В"), _("Максимальный размер платы: 280x275 мм"), _("Поддержка корпусов: LQFP, SOIC, SMD, SOT, DIP и т.д."), _("Поддержка тестирования корпусов типа BGA"), _("Построение карты тестирования до 10 см²/мин"), _("Шаг и количество выводов BGA микросхем: 1,5 - 0,4 мм, 8 - 2500 шт."), _("Расположение выводов: произвольное"), _("Скорость тестирования: 100 точек в мин"), _("Точность установки щупа: 30 мкм"), _("Время на смену платы: 30 сек"), _("Тестирующее напряжение до +/- 12 В"), _("Чувствительность по R 2 Ом - 450 кОм"), _("Чувствительность по C 300 пФ - 100 мкФ"), _("Чувствительность по L от 270 мкГн"), _("Предоставляются подложки для крепления BGA микросхем"), _("Габариты и вес: 604х543х473 мм, 50 кг"), _("Управляющий ПК: Intel i5 2.8 ГГц, 16 Гб RAM, 256 Гб SSD"), _("Электропитание: ~220В, 300 Вт") ] ), Product(name="EyePoint_S2", friendly_name=_("EyePoint S2"), picture="S2.png", description=_("Ручная версия локализатора неисправных электронных компонентов с сенсорным экраном."), extended_description=_("EyePoint S2 – второе поколение настольной системы для локализации неисправных " "электронных компонентов на печатных платах методом аналогового сигнатурного " "анализа. Система обладает большим удобным сенсорным экраном, а дополнительная " "педаль позволит упростить управление системой. " "Для использования системы EyePoint Вам необходима последняя версия драйвера. " "Предыдущие версии выложены для пользователей, которые не хотят переходить на новые версии. "), hilights=[_("Простой и легкий прибор"), _("Частота зондирования до 100 кГц"), _("Доступен план тестирования ")], technical=[_("Диапазон частот тестирующего сигнала: 1 Гц – 100 кГц"), _("Рабочие напряжения: 1,2, 3,3, 5, 12 В"), _("В зависимости от диапазона измеряемых значений максимальное напряжение до 12 В, " "максимальный ток до 250 мкА"), _("Габаритные размеры: 205 х 204 х 120 мм"), _("7-ми дюймовый цветной дисплей с функцией touchscreen"), _("Регулируемый порог совпадения сигнатур"), _("Внешняя педаль для дополнительного функционала"), _("Экспорт данных в формате данных PNG на внешний Flash накопитель"), _("Поддержка режима «План тестирования»"), _("Возможность подключения к ПК по USB (Win, Linux)"), _("Возможность программного управления (C/C++, C#, Python)") ] ), Product(name="EyePoint_u2", friendly_name=_("EyePoint u2"), picture="u2.png", description=_("EyePoint u2 – миниатюрная система для поиска неисправных электронных компонентов на " "печатных платах методом аналогового сигнатурного анализа ASA. Для работы необходимо " "подключить EyePoint u2 к компьютеру по USB и начать тестирование в ручном режиме."), extended_description=_("EyePoint u2 – миниатюрная система для поиска неисправных электронных компонентов " "на печатных платах методом аналогового сигнатурного анализа АСА. Для работы " "необходимо подключить EyePoint u2 к компьютеру по USB и начать тестирование в " "ручном режиме. Версии: u21 – одноканальная система, u22 – двухканальная система. " "Для использования системы EyePoint Вам необходима последняя версия драйвера. " "Предыдущие версии выложены для пользователей, которые не хотят переходить на новые версии. "), hilights=[_("Частота зондирования до 100 кГц"), _("Миниатюрные размеры"), _("Доступен функционал старшей модели S2")], technical=[_("Метод тестирования: АСА"), _("Диапазон частот тестирующего сигнала: 1 Гц – 100 кГц"), _("Рабочие напряжения: 1.2, 3.3, 5, 12 В"), _("Чувствительность по току: 250 мкА, 2.5 мА, 25 мА"), _("Напряжение питания: 5 В"), _("Габаритные размеры: 175 х 90 х 40 мм"), _("Регулируемый порог совпадения сигнатур"), _("Поддержка режима «План тестирования»"), _("Интерфейс связи USB 2.0"), _("Поддержка ОС: Windows 7/8/10 (х64/х86), Linux"), _("Возможность программного управления: C#/C++, Qt, Python"), _("В зависимости от диапазона измеряемых значений максимальное напряжение до 12 В, " "максимальный ток до 250 мкА") ] ), Product(name="EyePoint_a2", friendly_name=_("EyePoint a2"), picture="a2.png", description=_("Одноканальный OEM модуль аналогового сигнатурного анализа без корпуса и пользовательского " "ПО."), extended_description=_("EyePoint a2 - ОЕМ модуль, предназначенный для поиска неисправных электронных " "компонентов на печатных платах методом аналогового сигнатурного анализа (АСА) с " "подключением к ПК по USB и возможностью составления плана тестирования. Для " "подключения щупов используется коаксиальный кабель с обязательным подключением " "экрана кабеля к заземляющим контактам со стороны платы. С модулем предоставляется " "доступ к API для разработки собственного программного обеспечения с " "использованием результатом измерения а2. " "Для использования системы EyePoint Вам необходима последняя версия драйвера. " "Предыдущие версии выложены для пользователей, которые не хотят переходить на новые версии. "), hilights=[_("Открытый API"), _("Полный функционал"), _("Максимально доступный")], technical=[_("Метод тестирования: АСА"), _("Диапазон частот тестирующего сигнала: 1 Гц – 100 кГц"), _("Рабочие напряжения: 1.2, 3.3, 5, 12 В"), _("Чувствительность по току: 250 мкА, 2.5 мА, 25 мА"), _("Интерфейс подключения к ПК: USB 2.0"), _("Возможность программного управления: С#/С++; Python"), _("Габаритные размеры: 60х40х5 мм"), _("Напряжение питания: 5 В"), _("Питание от USB разъема") ] ) ) assert(all([" " not in for p in products])) @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def product_by_name(name: str) -> Product: for product in products: if == name: return product raise ValueError("No such product ", name)
import os import subprocess import tempfile import uuid import graphviz from IPython.display import display, Image from IPython.core.magic import Magics, cell_magic, magics_class from IPython.core.magic_arguments import argument, magic_arguments, parse_argstring from common import helper compiler = 'iverilog' yosys_run = '/content/cad4u/verilog/yosys' script_run = '/content/cad4u/verilog/script.ys' ext = '.v' @magics_class class VERILOGPlugin(Magics): def __init__(self, shell): super(VERILOGPlugin, self).__init__(shell) self.argparser = helper.get_argparser() self.already_install = False def updateInstall(self): print("Installing iverilog. Please wait... ", end="") args = ["sh", "/content/cad4u/verilog/"] output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = output.decode('utf8') #helper.print_out(output) print("done!") @staticmethod def compile(file_path, flags): args = [compiler, file_path + ext, "-o", file_path + ".out"] # adding flags: -O3, -unroll-loops, ... for flag in flags: if flag == "<": break args.append(flag) subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def run_verilog(self, file_path): args = [file_path + ".out"] output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = output.decode('utf8') helper.print_out(output) def run_yosys(self, file_path): args = [yosys_run, "-Q", "-T", "-q", "-s", script_run] output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = output.decode('utf8') helper.print_out(output) # Printer dot display(Image(filename="/content/code.png")) @cell_magic def verilog(self, line, cell): if not self.already_install: self.already_install = True self.updateInstall() args = line.split() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(uuid.uuid4())) with open(file_path + ext, "w") as f: f.write(cell) try: self.compile(file_path, args) self.run_verilog(file_path) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: helper.print_out(e.output.decode("utf8")) @cell_magic def print_verilog(self, line, cell): if not self.already_install: self.already_install = True self.updateInstall() args = line.split() file_path = os.path.join('/content/code') with open(file_path + ext, "w") as f: f.write(cell) try: self.run_yosys(file_path) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: helper.print_out(e.output.decode("utf8")) @cell_magic def waveform(self, line, cell): if not self.already_install: self.already_install = True self.updateInstall() args = line.split() if len(args) > 0: name = args[0] if '.vcd' not in name: name += '.vcd' else: print("Name of file not exist! Please give the name.") print("Ex. \%\%waveform <name_file>.vcd") exit(0) import sys sys.path.insert(0,'.') from cad4u.verilog.vcd_parser.vcd_plotter import VcdPlotter op_dict = [] sign_list = [] time_begin = [] time_end = [] base = [] flag_op_dict = False for l in cell.strip().split("\n"): l = l.split("#")[0] if l == '': continue if 'sign_list' not in l and 'op_dict' not in l: s = l.replace('=', '+=[') + ']' exec(s) else: if 'op_dict' in l: flag_op_dict = True exec(l.replace('=', '+=')) if flag_op_dict == False: op_dict = [[{}]] vcd_plt = VcdPlotter('/content/%s'%name), sign_list, time_begin[0], time_end[0], base[0])
<filename>train/ import os import math import numpy as np import torch def set_lr_scheduler(optimizer, cfg): r"""Sets the learning rate scheduler """ if cfg.lr_scheduler == 'step': lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, cfg.step_size, cfg.step_gamma) elif cfg.lr_scheduler == 'multistep': lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer, cfg.step_milestones, cfg.step_gamma) elif cfg.lr_scheduler == 'exp': lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(optimizer, cfg.step_gamma) elif cfg.lr_scheduler == 'cosine': #lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=cfg.epochs) #lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(optimizer, T_0=cfg.epochs) lr_scheduler = WarmupCosineAnnealing(optimizer, epochs=cfg.epochs, warmup_epoch=0) elif cfg.lr_scheduler == 'warmup_cosine': lr_scheduler = WarmupCosineAnnealing(optimizer, epochs=cfg.epochs, warmup_epoch=cfg.warmup) else: raise ValueError('==> unavailable lr_scheduler:%s' % cfg.scheduler) return lr_scheduler def step_lr_epoch(trainer): trainer.lr_scheduler.step() def step_lr_batch(trainer): curr = trainer.reports['epoch'] + (trainer.memory['i'] + 1) / trainer.memory['batch_len_trn'] trainer.lr_scheduler.step(curr) class WarmupCosineAnnealing(torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler): def __init__(self, optimizer, epochs, warmup_epoch=5, last_epoch=-1): if epochs <= 0 or not isinstance(epochs, int): raise ValueError("Expected positive integer epochs, but got {}".format(epochs)) if warmup_epoch < 0 or not isinstance(warmup_epoch, int): raise ValueError("Expected positive integer or zero warmup_epoch, but got {}".format(warmup_epoch)) self.epochs = epochs self.warmup_epoch = warmup_epoch super(WarmupCosineAnnealing, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch) def get_lr(self, epoch): if not self._get_lr_called_within_step: warnings.warn("To get the last learning rate computed by the scheduler, " "please use `get_last_lr()`.", UserWarning) lrs = [] for base_lr in self.base_lrs: if epoch < self.warmup_epoch: lr = base_lr * (epoch + 1) / self.warmup_epoch else: lr = base_lr * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * (epoch - self.warmup_epoch) / (self.epochs - self.warmup_epoch))) / 2 lrs.append(lr) return lrs def step(self, epoch=None): """Step could be called after every epoch or batch update Example: >>> scheduler = CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(optimizer, T_0, T_mult) >>> iters = len(dataloader) >>> for epoch in range(20): >>> for i, sample in enumerate(dataloader): >>> inputs, labels = sample['inputs'], sample['labels'] >>> optimizer.zero_grad() >>> outputs = net(inputs) >>> loss = criterion(outputs, labels) >>> loss.backward() >>> optimizer.step() >>> scheduler.step(epoch + i / iters) """ if epoch is None: epoch = self.last_epoch + 1 elif epoch < 0: raise ValueError("Expected non-negative epoch, but got {}".format(epoch)) self.last_epoch = math.floor(epoch) class _enable_get_lr_call: def __init__(self, o): self.o = o def __enter__(self): self.o._get_lr_called_within_step = True return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.o._get_lr_called_within_step = False return self with _enable_get_lr_call(self): for i, data in enumerate(zip(self.optimizer.param_groups, self.get_lr(epoch))): param_group, lr = data param_group['lr'] = lr self._last_lr = [group['lr'] for group in self.optimizer.param_groups]
<reponame>juanjnc/TGBot from telegram import Update, ChatAction from telegram.ext import CallbackContext def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): """Envía un mensaje cuando se manda el comando /start.""", action=ChatAction.TYPING, timeout=10) user = update.effective_user update.message.reply_markdown_v2(fr'Hola {user.mention_markdown_v2()}, encantado de conocerte\!') def unknown(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): """Para comando no reconocido""", action=ChatAction.TYPING, timeout=10), text="Ente, no puedo hacer algo para no que no estoy programado. Háztelo mirar, gracias")
import copy import ast class ReadableFields: """ This class is responsible for getting all fields from the constructors of the classes that inherity from it """ def __init__(self): """ This constructor makes impossible to create a class without a __init__ mehtod. """ raise Exception("Class must implement a constructor") def get_dict(self): """ Return a copy of the dictionary that represents the class """ return copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) def get_deep_dict(self): """ Return a dictionary represeting the classes and all their sub-classes """ result = self.get_dict() mutiple_types = (list, tuple) default_types = (str,) for field in self.get_init_attributes(): field_type = type(result[field]) if field_type in mutiple_types: field_list = [] for sub_field in field: field_list.append(sub_field.get_deep_dict()) result[field] = field_list elif not field_type in default_types: result[field] = result[field].get_deep_dict() return result @classmethod def get_init_attributes(cls): """ Return a list of attributes of the class (excluding self and cls) """ removable_attributes = ('self', 'cls') attributes = list(cls.__init__.__code__.co_varnames) for attribute in removable_attributes: try: attributes.remove(attribute) except ValueError: pass return attributes @classmethod def generate_instance(cls): """ Generate a instance of the class by receiving it fields automatically on the terminal """ kwargs = {} callable_classes = cls.get_callable_classes() for field in cls.get_init_attributes(): if field in callable_classes.keys(): kwargs[field] = callable_classes[field].generate_instance() else: kwargs[field] = input(f"Please inform {field}: ") return cls(**kwargs) @classmethod def get_callable_classes(cls): """ Return the a dictionary that represent fields and their respective class """ from models import variables return variables
<reponame>Trustmega/luxatray import os import hid from gi.repository import Gtk as gtk, AppIndicator3 as appindicator def main(): indicator ="luxatray", "starred-symbolic", appindicator.IndicatorCategory.APPLICATION_STATUS) indicator.set_status(appindicator.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE) indicator.set_menu(menu()) gtk.main() def menu(): menu = gtk.Menu() cmd_off = gtk.MenuItem('Off') cmd_off.connect('activate', lightOff) menu.append(cmd_off) cmd_red = gtk.MenuItem('Red') cmd_red.connect('activate', red) menu.append(cmd_red) cmd_green = gtk.MenuItem('Green') cmd_green.connect('activate', green) menu.append(cmd_green) cmd_blue = gtk.MenuItem('Blue') cmd_blue.connect('activate', blue) menu.append(cmd_blue) cmd_exit = gtk.MenuItem('Exit') cmd_exit.connect('activate', quit) menu.append(cmd_exit) menu.show_all() return menu def lightOff(_): off = [0, 0, 0] writeToLux(off) def red(_): red = [255, 0, 0] writeToLux(red) def green(_): green = [0, 128, 0] writeToLux(green) def blue(_): blue = [0, 0, 255] writeToLux(blue) def quit(_): gtk.main_quit() def writeToLux(color): device = hid.device(), 0xF372) device.write([2] + [0x41] + color + [10]) device.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys from .config import COLORS def prompt(message): if sys.version_info.major == 3: action = input(message) else: action = raw_input(message) return action def default(message): print(message) def success(message): print('{}{}\033[1;m'.format(COLORS['SUCCESS'], message)) def error(message): print('{}{}\033[1;m'.format(COLORS['ERROR'], message)) def info(message): print('{}{}\033[1;m'.format(COLORS['INFO'], message))
<reponame>henriquekirchheck/Curso-em-video-Python # Escreva um programa que leia um número N inteiro qualquer e mostre na tela os N primeiros elementos de uma Sequência de Fibonacci tt = 0 t = int(input('Digite o numero de termos da sequência de Fibonacci: ')) n1 = 0 n2 = 1 print(f'\n{n1} -> ', end='') while(tt != (t - 1)): n = n1 + n2 n2 = n1 n1 = n if(tt <= (t - 3)): print(n, end=' -> ') elif(tt == (t - 2)): print(f'{n} -> Fim') tt = tt + 1
# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright © 2021 <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated # documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of # the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT # LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF # CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import numpy as np from random import random, seed import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn import linear_model from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.utils import resample # FrankeFunction: a two-variables function to create the dataset of our vanilla problem def FrankeFunction(x,y): term1 = 0.75*np.exp(-(0.25*(9*x-2)**2) - 0.25*((9*y-2)**2)) term2 = 0.75*np.exp(-((9*x+1)**2)/49.0 - 0.1*(9*y+1)) term3 = 0.5*np.exp(-(9*x-7)**2/4.0 - 0.25*((9*y-3)**2)) term4 = -0.2*np.exp(-(9*x-4)**2 - (9*y-7)**2) return term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 # 3D plot of FrankeFunction def Plot_FrankeFunction(x,y,z, title="Dataset"): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) ax = fig.gca(projection="3d") # Plot the surface. surf = ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) # Customize the z axis. ax.set_zlim(-0.10, 1.40) ax.set_xlabel(r"$x$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$y$") ax.set_zlabel(r"$z$") ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) # Add a color bar which maps values to colors. fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) plt.title(title) # Create xyz dataset from the FrankeFunction with a added normal distributed noise def create_xyz_dataset(n,mu_N, sigma_N): x = np.linspace(0,1,n) y = np.linspace(0,1,n) x,y = np.meshgrid(x,y) z = FrankeFunction(x,y) +mu_N +sigma_N*np.random.randn(n,n) return x,y,z # Error analysis: MSE and R2 score def R2(z_data, z_model): return 1 - np.sum((z_data - z_model) ** 2) / np.sum((z_data - np.mean(z_data)) ** 2) def MSE(z_data,z_model): n = np.size(z_model) return np.sum((z_data-z_model)**2)/n # SVD theorem def SVD(A): U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(A,full_matrices=True) D = np.zeros((len(U),len(VT))) print("shape D= ", np.shape(D)) print("Shape S= ",np.shape(S)) print("lenVT =",len(VT)) print("lenU =",len(U)) D = np.eye(len(U),len(VT))*S """ for i in range(0,VT.shape[0]): #was len(VT) D[i,i]=S[i] print("i=",i)""" return U @ D @ VT # SVD inversion def SVDinv(A): U, s, VT = np.linalg.svd(A) # reciprocals of singular values of s d = 1.0 / s # create m x n D matrix D = np.zeros(A.shape) # populate D with n x n diagonal matrix D[:A.shape[1], :A.shape[1]] = np.diag(d) UT = np.transpose(U) V = np.transpose(VT) return np.matmul(V,np.matmul(D.T,UT)) # Design matrix for two indipendent variables x,y def create_X(x, y, n): if len(x.shape) > 1: x = np.ravel(x) y = np.ravel(y) N = len(x) l = int((n+1)*(n+2)/2) # Number of elements in beta, number of feutures (degree of polynomial) X = np.ones((N,l)) for i in range(1,n+1): q = int((i)*(i+1)/2) for k in range(i+1): X[:,q+k] = (x**(i-k))*(y**k) return X def scale_Xz(X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test, with_std=False): scaler_X = StandardScaler(with_std=with_std) #with_std=False X_train = scaler_X.transform(X_train) X_test = scaler_X.transform(X_test) scaler_z = StandardScaler(with_std=with_std) #with_std=False z_train = np.squeeze(scaler_z.fit_transform(z_train.reshape(-1, 1))) #scaler_z.fit_transform(z_train) # z_test = np.squeeze(scaler_z.transform(z_test.reshape(-1, 1))) #scaler_z.transform(z_test) # return X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test # Splitting and rescaling data (rescaling is optional) # Default values: 20% of test data and the scaler is StandardScaler without def Split_and_Scale(X,z,test_size=0.2, scale=True, with_std=False): #Splitting training and test data X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = train_test_split(X, z, test_size=test_size) # Rescaling X and z (optional) if scale: X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = scale_Xz(X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test, with_std=with_std) return X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test # OLS equation def OLS_solver(X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test): # Calculating Beta Ordinary Least Square Equation with matrix pseudoinverse # Altervatively to Numpy pseudoinverse it is possible to use the SVD theorem to evalute the inverse of a matrix (even in case it is singular). Just replace 'np.linalg.pinv' with 'SVDinv'. ols_beta = np.linalg.pinv(X_train.T @ X_train) @ X_train.T @ z_train z_tilde = X_train @ ols_beta # z_prediction of the train data z_predict = X_test @ ols_beta # z_prediction of the test data return ols_beta, z_tilde, z_predict # Return the rolling mean of a vector and two values at one sigma from the rolling average def Rolling_Mean(vector, windows=3): vector_df = pd.DataFrame({'vector': vector}) # computing the rolling average rolling_mean = vector_df.vector.rolling(windows).mean().to_numpy() # computing the values at two sigmas from the rolling average rolling_std = vector_df.vector.rolling(windows).std().to_numpy() value_up = rolling_mean + rolling_std value_down = rolling_mean - rolling_std return rolling_mean, value_down, value_up # Plot MSE in function of complexity of the model (rolling mean) def plot_ols_complexity(x, y, z, maxdegree = 20, title="MSE as a function of model complexity"): complexity = np.arange(0,maxdegree+1) MSE_train_set = [] MSE_test_set = [] for degree in complexity: X = create_X(x, y, degree) X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test = Split_and_Scale(X,np.ravel(z)) #StardardScaler, test_size=0.2, scale=true ols_beta, z_tilde,z_predict = OLS_solver(X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test) MSE_train_set.append(MSE(z_train,z_tilde)) MSE_test_set.append(MSE(z_test,z_predict)) plt.figure( figsize = ( 10, 7)) MSE_train_mean, MSE_train_down, MSE_train_up = Rolling_Mean(MSE_train_set) plt.plot(complexity, MSE_train_mean, label ="Train (rolling ave.)", color="purple") plt.fill_between(complexity, MSE_train_down, MSE_train_up, alpha=0.2, color="purple") MSE_test_mean, MSE_test_down, MSE_test_up = Rolling_Mean(MSE_test_set) plt.plot(complexity, MSE_test_mean, label ="Test (rolling ave.)", color="orange") plt.fill_between(complexity, MSE_test_down, MSE_test_up, alpha=0.2, color="orange") plt.plot(complexity, MSE_train_set, '--', alpha=0.3, color="purple", label ="Train (actual values)") plt.plot(complexity, MSE_test_set, '--', alpha=0.3, color="orange", label ="Test (actual values)") plt.xlabel("Complexity") plt.ylabel("MSE") plt.xlim(complexity[~np.isnan(MSE_train_mean)][0]-1,complexity[-1]+1) plt.title("Plot of the MSE as a function of complexity of the model\n– Rolling mean and one-sigma region –") plt.legend() plt.grid() def ridge_reg(X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test, lmd = 10**(-12)): ridge_beta = np.linalg.pinv(X_train.T @ X_train + lmd*np.eye(len(X_train.T))) @ X_train.T @ z_train #psudoinverse z_model = X_train @ ridge_beta #calculates model z_predict = X_test @ ridge_beta #finds the lambda that gave the best MSE #best_lamda = lambdas[np.where(MSE_values == np.min(MSE_values))[0]] return ridge_beta, z_model, z_predict def lasso_reg(X_train, X_test, z_train, z_test, lmd = 10**(-12)): RegLasso = linear_model.Lasso(lmd) _ =,z_train) z_model = RegLasso.predict(X_train) z_predict = RegLasso.predict(X_test) return z_model, z_predict
from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals from otp.otpbase.PythonUtil import nonRepeatingRandomList import DistributedGagAI, DistributedProjectileAI from direct.task import Task import random, time, Racer, RaceGlobals from direct.distributed.ClockDelta import * class DistributedRaceAI(DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('DistributedRaceAI') def __init__(self, air, trackId, zoneId, avIds, laps, raceType, racerFinishedFunc, raceDoneFunc, circuitLoop, circuitPoints, circuitTimes, qualTimes=[], circuitTimeList={}, circuitTotalBonusTickets={}): DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.__init__(self, air) self.trackId = trackId self.direction = self.trackId % 2 self.zoneId = zoneId self.racers = {} self.avIds = [] self.kickedAvIds = [] self.circuitPoints = circuitPoints self.circuitTimes = circuitTimes self.finishPending = [] self.flushPendingTask = None self.kickSlowRacersTask = None for avId in avIds: if avId and avId in self.air.doId2do: self.avIds.append(avId) self.racers[avId] = Racer.Racer(self, air, avId, zoneId) self.toonCount = len(self.racers) self.startingPlaces = nonRepeatingRandomList(self.toonCount, 4) self.thrownGags = [] self.ready = False self.setGo = False self.racerFinishedFunc = racerFinishedFunc self.raceDoneFunc = raceDoneFunc self.lapCount = laps self.raceType = raceType if raceType == RaceGlobals.Practice: self.gagList = [] else: self.gagList = [ 0] * len(RaceGlobals.TrackDict[trackId][4]) self.circuitLoop = circuitLoop self.qualTimes = qualTimes self.circuitTimeList = circuitTimeList self.qualTimes.append(RaceGlobals.TrackDict[trackId][1]) self.circuitTotalBonusTickets = circuitTotalBonusTickets return def generate(self): DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.generate(self) self.notify.debug('generate %s, id=%s, ' % (self.doId, self.trackId)) trackFilepath = RaceGlobals.TrackDict[self.trackId][0] taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.5, self.enableEntryBarrier, 'enableWaitingBarrier') def enableEntryBarrier(self, task): self.enterRaceBarrier = self.beginBarrier('waitingForJoin', self.avIds, 60, self.b_racersJoined) self.notify.debug('Waiting for Joins!!!!') self.sendUpdate('waitingForJoin', []) def removeObject(self, object): if object: self.notify.debug('deleting object: %s' % object.doId) object.requestDelete() def requestDelete(self, lastRace=True): self.notify.debug('requestDelete: %s' % self.doId) self.ignoreBarrier('waitingForExit') for i in self.thrownGags: i.requestDelete() del self.thrownGags if lastRace: for i in self.racers: racer = self.racers[i] self.ignore(racer.exitEvent) if racer.kart: racer.kart.requestDelete() racer.kart = None if racer.avatar: racer.avatar.kart = None racer.avatar = None self.racers = {} if self.flushPendingTask: taskMgr.remove(self.flushPendingTask) self.flushPendingTask = None if self.kickSlowRacersTask: taskMgr.remove(self.kickSlowRacersTask) self.kickSlowRacersTask = None DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.requestDelete(self) return def delete(self): self.notify.debug('delete: %s' % self.doId) DistributedObjectAI.DistributedObjectAI.delete(self) del self.raceDoneFunc del self.racerFinishedFunc def getTaskZoneId(self): return self.zoneId def allToonsGone(self): self.notify.debug('allToonsGone') self.requestDelete() def getZoneId(self): return self.zoneId def getTrackId(self): return self.trackId def getRaceType(self): return self.raceType def getCircuitLoop(self): return self.circuitLoop def getAvatars(self): avIds = [] for i in self.racers: avIds.append(i) return avIds def getStartingPlaces(self): return self.startingPlaces def getLapCount(self): return self.lapCount def requestKart(self): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId in self.racers: kart = self.racers[avId].kart if kart: kart.request('Controlled', avId) def b_racersJoined(self, avIds): self.ignoreBarrier('waitingForJoin') racersOut = [] for i in self.avIds: if i not in avIds: racersOut.append(i) if len(avIds) == 0: self.exitBarrier = self.beginBarrier('waitingForExit', self.avIds, 10, self.endRace) for i in self.avIds: self.d_kickRacer(i) return for i in racersOut: self.d_kickRacer(i) self.avIds = avIds self.waitingForPrepBarrier = self.beginBarrier('waitingForPrep', self.avIds, 30, self.b_prepForRace) avAndKarts = [] for i in self.racers: avAndKarts.append([self.racers[i].avId, self.racers[i].kart.doId]) self.sendUpdate('setEnteredRacers', [avAndKarts]) def b_prepForRace(self, avIds): self.notify.debug('Prepping!!!') self.ignoreBarrier('waitingForPrep') racersOut = [] for i in self.avIds: if i not in avIds: racersOut.append(i) if len(avIds) == 0: self.exitBarrier = self.beginBarrier('waitingForExit', self.avIds, 10, self.endRace) for i in racersOut: self.d_kickRacer(i) if len(avIds) == 0: return self.avIds = avIds for i in xrange(len(self.gagList)): self.d_genGag(i) self.waitingForReadyBarrier = self.beginBarrier('waitingForReady', self.avIds, 20, self.b_startTutorial) self.sendUpdate('prepForRace', []) def b_startTutorial(self, avIds): self.ignoreBarrier('waitingForReady') racersOut = [] for i in self.avIds: if i not in avIds: racersOut.append(i) if len(avIds) == 0: self.exitBarrier = self.beginBarrier('waitingForExit', self.avIds, 10, self.endRace) for i in racersOut: self.d_kickRacer(i) if len(avIds) == 0: return for avId in avIds: av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId, None) if not av: self.notify.warning('b_racersJoined: Avatar not found with id %s' % avId) elif not self.raceType == RaceGlobals.Practice: if self.isCircuit() and not self.isFirstRace(): continue raceFee = RaceGlobals.getEntryFee(self.trackId, self.raceType) avTickets = av.getTickets() if avTickets < raceFee: self.notify.warning('b_racersJoined: Avatar %s does not own enough tickets for the race!') av.b_setTickets(0) else: av.b_setTickets(avTickets - raceFee) self.avIds = avIds self.readRulesBarrier = self.beginBarrier('readRules', self.avIds, 10, self.b_startRace) self.sendUpdate('startTutorial', []) return def b_startRace(self, avIds): self.ignoreBarrier('readRules') if self.isDeleted(): return self.notify.debug('Going!!!!!!') self.ignoreBarrier(self.waitingForReadyBarrier) self.toonCount = len(self.avIds) self.baseTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() + 0.5 + RaceGlobals.RaceCountdown for i in self.racers: self.racers[i].baseTime = self.baseTime self.sendUpdate('startRace', [globalClockDelta.localToNetworkTime(self.baseTime)]) qualTime = RaceGlobals.getQualifyingTime(self.trackId) timeout = qualTime + 60 + 3 self.kickSlowRacersTask = taskMgr.doMethodLater(timeout, self.kickSlowRacers, 'kickSlowRacers') def kickSlowRacers(self, task): self.kickSlowRacersTask = None if self.isDeleted(): return for racer in self.racers.values(): avId = racer.avId av = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avId, None) if av and not av.allowRaceTimeout: continue if not racer.finished and avId not in self.kickedAvIds:'Racer %s timed out - kicking.' % racer.avId) self.d_kickRacer(avId, RaceGlobals.Exit_Slow) self.ignore(racer.exitEvent) racer.exited = True racer.finished = True taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, self.removeObject, 'removeKart-%s' % racer.kart.doId, extraArgs=[racer.kart]) taskMgr.remove('make %s invincible' % avId) self.racers[avId].anvilTarget = True self.checkForEndOfRace() return def d_kickRacer(self, avId, reason=RaceGlobals.Exit_Barrier): if avId not in self.kickedAvIds: self.kickedAvIds.append(avId) if self.isCircuit() and not self.isFirstRace() and reason == RaceGlobals.Exit_Barrier: reason = RaceGlobals.Exit_BarrierNoRefund self.sendUpdate('goToSpeedway', [self.kickedAvIds, reason]) def d_genGag(self, slot): index = random.randint(0, 5) self.gagList[slot] = index pos = slot self.sendUpdate('genGag', [slot, pos, index]) def d_dropAnvil(self, ownerId): possibleTargets = [] for i in self.racers: if not self.racers[i].anvilTarget: possibleTargets.append(self.racers[i]) while len(possibleTargets) > 1: if possibleTargets[0].lapT <= possibleTargets[1].lapT: possibleTargets = possibleTargets[1:] else: possibleTargets = possibleTargets[1:] + possibleTargets[:1] if len(possibleTargets): id = possibleTargets[0].avId if id != ownerId: possibleTargets[0].anvilTarget = True taskMgr.doMethodLater(4, setattr, 'make %s invincible' % id, extraArgs=[self.racers[id], 'anvilTarget', False]) self.sendUpdate('dropAnvilOn', [ownerId, id, globalClockDelta.getFrameNetworkTime()]) def d_makeBanana(self, avId, x, y, z): gag = DistributedGagAI.DistributedGagAI(simbase.air, avId, self, 3, x, y, z, 0) self.thrownGags.append(gag) gag.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId) def d_launchPie(self, avId): ownerRacer = simbase.air.doId2do.get(avId, None) targetId = 0 type = 0 targetDist = 10000 for iiId in self.racers: targetRacer = simbase.air.doId2do.get(iiId, None) if not (targetRacer and targetRacer.kart and ownerRacer and ownerRacer.kart): continue if targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[1] < 500 and targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[1] >= 0 and abs(targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[0]) < 50 and avId != iiId and targetDist > targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[1]: targetId = iiId targetDist = targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[1] if targetId == 0: for iiId in self.racers: targetRacer = simbase.air.doId2do.get(iiId, None) if not (targetRacer and targetRacer.kart and ownerRacer and ownerRacer.kart): continue if targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[1] > -80 and targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[1] <= 0 and abs(targetRacer.kart.getPos(ownerRacer.kart)[0]) < 50 and avId != iiId: targetId = iiId self.sendUpdate('shootPiejectile', [avId, targetId, type]) return def d_makePie(self, avId, x, y, z): gag = DistributedProjectileAI.DistributedProjectileAI(simbase.air, self, avId) self.thrownGags.append(gag) gag.generateWithRequired(self.zoneId) def endRace(self, avIds): if hasattr(self, 'raceDoneFunc'): self.raceDoneFunc(self, False) def racerLeft(self, avIdFromClient): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId in self.racers and avId == avIdFromClient: self.notify.debug('Removing %d from race %d' % (avId, self.doId)) racer = self.racers[avId] taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, self.removeObject, racer.kart.uniqueName('removeIt'), extraArgs=[racer.kart]) if racer.avatar: racer.avatar.kart = None self.racers[avId].exited = True taskMgr.remove('make %s invincible' % id) self.racers[avId].anvilTarget = True raceDone = True for i in self.racers: if not self.racers[i].exited: raceDone = False if raceDone: self.notify.debug('race over, sending callback to raceMgr') self.raceDoneFunc(self) if avId in self.finishPending: self.finishPending.remove(avId) return def hasGag(self, slot, type, index): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId in self.racers: if self.racers[avId].hasGag: return if self.gagList[slot] == index: self.gagList[slot] = None taskMgr.doMethodLater(5, self.d_genGag, 'remakeGag-' + str(slot), extraArgs=[slot]) self.racers[avId].hasGag = True self.racers[avId].gagType = type else: return return def requestThrow(self, x, y, z): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId in self.racers: racer = self.racers[avId] if racer.hasGag: if racer.gagType == 1: self.d_makeBanana(avId, x, y, z) if racer.gagType == 2: pass if racer.gagType == 3: self.d_dropAnvil(avId) if racer.gagType == 4: self.d_launchPie(avId) racer.hasGag = False racer.gagType = 0 def heresMyT(self, inputAvId, numLaps, t, timestamp): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId in self.racers and avId == inputAvId: me = self.racers[avId] me.setLapT(numLaps, t, timestamp) if me.maxLap == self.lapCount and not me.finished: me.finished = True taskMgr.remove('make %s invincible' % id) me.anvilTarget = True someoneIsClose = False for racer in self.racers.values(): if not racer.exited and not racer.finished: if me.lapT - racer.lapT < 0.15: someoneIsClose = True break index = 0 for racer in self.finishPending: if me.totalTime < racer.totalTime: break index += 1 self.finishPending.insert(index, me) if self.flushPendingTask: taskMgr.remove(self.flushPendingTask) self.flushPendingTask = None if someoneIsClose: task = taskMgr.doMethodLater(3, self.flushPending, self.uniqueName('flushPending')) self.flushPendingTask = task else: self.flushPending() return def flushPending(self, task=None): for racer in self.finishPending: self.racerFinishedFunc(self, racer) self.finishPending = [] self.flushPendingTask = None return def d_setPlace(self, avId, totalTime, place, entryFee, qualify, winnings, bonus, trophies, circuitPoints, circuitTime): self.sendUpdate('setPlace', [avId, totalTime, place, entryFee, qualify, winnings, bonus, trophies, circuitPoints, circuitTime]) def d_setCircuitPlace(self, avId, place, entryFee, winnings, bonus, trophies): self.sendUpdate('setCircuitPlace', [avId, place, entryFee, winnings, bonus, trophies]) def d_endCircuitRace(self): self.sendUpdate('endCircuitRace') def unexpectedExit(self, avId): self.notify.debug('racer disconnected: %s' % avId) racer = self.racers.get(avId, None) if racer: self.sendUpdate('racerDisconnected', [avId]) self.ignore(racer.exitEvent) racer.exited = True taskMgr.doMethodLater(10, self.removeObject, 'removeKart-%s' % racer.kart.doId, extraArgs=[racer.kart]) taskMgr.remove('make %s invincible' % id) self.racers[avId].anvilTarget = True self.checkForEndOfRace() return def checkForEndOfRace(self): if self.isCircuit() and self.everyoneDone(): simbase.air.raceMgr.endCircuitRace(self) raceOver = True for i in self.racers: if not self.racers[i].exited: raceOver = False if raceOver: self.raceDoneFunc(self) def sendToonsToNextCircuitRace(self, raceZone, trackId): for avId in self.avIds: self.notify.debug('Handling Circuit Race transisiton for avatar %s' % avId) self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'setRaceZone', [raceZone, trackId]) def isCircuit(self): return self.raceType == RaceGlobals.Circuit def isLastRace(self): return len(self.circuitLoop) == 0 def isFirstRace(self): return len(self.circuitLoop) == 2 def everyoneDone(self): done = True for racer in self.racers.values(): if not racer.exited and racer.avId not in self.playersFinished and racer.avId not in self.kickedAvIds: done = False break return done
<reponame>opencomputeproject/HWMgmt-DeviceMgr-PSME """ * @section LICENSE * * @copyright * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Intel Corporation * * @copyright * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * @copyright * * * @copyright * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @section DESCRIPTION """ from include.common.shell_command import ShellCommand from include.psme_xml_structure.managers.drive_manager import DriveManager as DriveManager_abstract from include.common.globals import * DRIVE_RPM_DATA_SIZE = 2 DRIVE_RPM_SECTION = 0 class DriveManager(DriveManager_abstract): @classmethod def set_fields(cls, drive, data, context=None): try: if XML_NODE in data.keys(): if isinstance(data[XML_NODE], dict): if data[XML_NODE][XML_AT_ID].startswith(LSHW_DISK): data = data[XML_NODE] capabilities = data[LSHW_CAPABILITIES][LSHW_CAPABILITY] if not isinstance(capabilities, list): capabilities = [capabilities] for cap in capabilities: rpm_info = cap[XML_AT_ID].split(LSHW_RPM) if len(rpm_info) == DRIVE_RPM_DATA_SIZE: try: drive_hdparm = ShellCommand("hdparm -I " + str(data[LSHW_LOGICALNAME]) + " | grep Rotation | cut -d':' -f2") drive_hdparm.execute() drive.rpm = int(drive_hdparm.get_stdout()) except ValueError: # unable to parse hdparm output - it returned "solid state drive" in "rotation" section drive.rpm = 0 if DISK_SSD_TYPE in data[XML_PRODUCT]: drive.type = DISK_SSD_TYPE del drive.rpm else: drive.type = DISK_HDD_TYPE drive.capacityGB = int(int(data[LSHW_SIZE][XML_HASH_TEXT]) / 1000 ** 3) drive.physicalId = data[LSHW_PHYSID] drive.firmwareVersion = data[XML_VERSION] except (KeyError, TypeError): return None return drive @classmethod def prepare_data(cls, data): ret = [] drives = data[LSHW_DRIVES] if not isinstance(drives, list): drives = [drives] for drive in drives: if drive[LSHW_PCI_STORAGE_CNTRL] in data[LSHW_STORAGE][LSHW_BUSINFO]: ret.append(drive) return ret @classmethod def split_data(cls, data): return data
<gh_stars>0 def announce(f): def wrapper(): print("Starting function") f() print("Function completed execution") return wrapper @announce def hello(): print("Hello, world!") hello()
<filename>sistemas_rpg/ sistema_ficha ='''『🗃️- ° } F̶i̶c̶h̶a̶ P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶g̶e̶m̶ { ° -🗃️』 →: Identificação do Player ╘ N̶o̶m̶e̶ o̶u̶ N̶i̶c̶k̶ ↝: ╘ N̶ú̶m̶e̶r̶o̶ T̶e̶l̶e̶f̶o̶n̶e̶ ↝: ╘ R̶e̶c̶r̶u̶t̶a̶d̶o̶ P̶o̶r̶.̶.̶.̶ ↝: →: Identificação Do Personagem ╘ N̶o̶m̶e̶ ↝: ╘ A̶p̶a̶r̶ê̶n̶c̶i̶a̶ ↝: ╘ I̶d̶a̶d̶e̶ (̶A̶t̶é̶ 1̶3̶)̶ ↝: ╘ S̶e̶x̶o̶ ↝: ╘ T̶i̶p̶o̶ S̶a̶n̶g̶u̶í̶n̶e̶o̶ ↝: use o comando /rollsangue →: Dados ╘ B̶a̶s̶e̶ (̶S̶ó̶ 1̶)̶ ↝: ╘ C̶l̶ã̶ (̶A̶t̶é̶ 2)̶ ↝: ╘ E̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶o̶ I̶n̶i̶c̶i̶a̶s̶(̶S̶ó̶ 1̶)̶ ↝: ╘ ̶S̶h̶i̶n̶o̶b̶i / ̶N̶u̶k̶k̶e̶n̶i̶n / A̶n̶d̶a̶r̶i̶l̶h̶o̶ ↝: ╘ D̶a̶t̶a̶ d̶e̶ C̶r̶i̶a̶ç̶ã̶o̶ ↝: ╘N̶o̶t̶a̶s̶ (̶A̶D̶M̶'̶s̶)̶↝̶:'''
import os import time import math import asyncio import requests if bool(os.environ.get("WEBHOOK", False)): from sample_config import Config else: from config import Config from script import script headers = { "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0", "Referer":"", "Accept":"*/*", "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate, br", "Connection":"keep-alive", "Accept-Language":"en-US,en;q=0.9", "Origin":"", "sec-fetch-dest":"empty", "sec-fetch-mode":"cors", "sec-fetch-site":"same-site" } async def progress_for_pyrogram( current, total, ud_type, message, start ): now = time.time() diff = now - start if round(diff % 10.00) == 0 or current == total: # if round(current / total * 100, 0) % 5 == 0: percentage = current * 100 / total speed = current / diff elapsed_time = round(diff) * 1000 time_to_completion = round((total - current) / speed) * 1000 estimated_total_time = elapsed_time + time_to_completion elapsed_time = TimeFormatter(milliseconds=elapsed_time) estimated_total_time = TimeFormatter(milliseconds=estimated_total_time) progress = "\n[{0}{1}] \n\n⭕️Progress: {2}%\n".format( ''.join(["▣" for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 5))]), ''.join(["▢" for i in range(20 - math.floor(percentage / 5))]), round(percentage, 2)) tmp = progress + "{0} of {1}\n\n⭕️Speed: {2}/s\n\n⭕️ETA: {3}\n".format( humanbytes(current), humanbytes(total), humanbytes(speed), # elapsed_time if elapsed_time != '' else "0 s", estimated_total_time if estimated_total_time != '' else "0 s" ) try: await message.edit( text="{}\n {}".format( ud_type, tmp ) ) except: pass def humanbytes(size): # # 2**10 = 1024 if not size: return "" power = 2**10 n = 0 Dic_powerN = {0: ' ', 1: 'Ki', 2: 'Mi', 3: 'Gi', 4: 'Ti'} while size > power: size /= power n += 1 return str(round(size, 2)) + " " + Dic_powerN[n] + 'B' def TimeFormatter(milliseconds: int) -> str: seconds, milliseconds = divmod(int(milliseconds), 1000) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) tmp = ((str(days) + "d, ") if days else "") + \ ((str(hours) + "h, ") if hours else "") + \ ((str(minutes) + "m, ") if minutes else "") + \ ((str(seconds) + "s, ") if seconds else "") + \ ((str(milliseconds) + "ms, ") if milliseconds else "") return tmp[:-2] async def take_screen_shot(video_file, output_directory, ttl): out_put_file_name = output_directory + \ "/" + str(time.time()) + ".jpg" file_genertor_command = [ "ffmpeg", "-ss", str(ttl), "-i", video_file, "-vframes", "1", out_put_file_name ] # width = "90" process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *file_genertor_command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() e_response = stderr.decode().strip() t_response = stdout.decode().strip() if os.path.lexists(out_put_file_name): return out_put_file_name else: return None def DownLoadFile(url, file_name, chunk_size, client, ud_type, message_id, chat_id): if os.path.exists(file_name): os.remove(file_name) if not url: return file_name r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, stream=True) total_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) downloaded_size = 0 with open(file_name, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): if chunk: fd.write(chunk) downloaded_size += chunk_size if client is not None: if ((total_size // downloaded_size) % 5) == 0: time.sleep(0.3) try: client.edit_message_text( chat_id, message_id, text="{}: {} of {}".format( ud_type, humanbytes(downloaded_size), humanbytes(total_size) ) ) except: pass return file_name
import os import threading import time import unittest import subprocess import signal if "CI" in os.environ: def tqdm(x): return x else: from tqdm import tqdm # type: ignore import cereal.messaging as messaging from collections import namedtuple from tools.lib.logreader import LogReader from selfdrive.test.process_replay.test_processes import get_segment from common.basedir import BASEDIR ProcessConfig = namedtuple('ProcessConfig', ['proc_name', 'pub_sub', 'ignore', 'command', 'path', 'segment', 'wait_for_response']) CONFIGS = [ ProcessConfig( proc_name="ubloxd", pub_sub={ "ubloxRaw": ["ubloxGnss", "gpsLocationExternal"], }, ignore=[], command="./ubloxd", path="selfdrive/locationd/", segment="0375fdf7b1ce594d|2019-06-13--08-32-25--3", wait_for_response=True ), ] class TestValgrind(unittest.TestCase): def extract_leak_sizes(self, log): log = log.replace(",","") # fixes casting to int issue with large leaks err_lost1 = log.split("definitely lost: ")[1] err_lost2 = log.split("indirectly lost: ")[1] err_lost3 = log.split("possibly lost: ")[1] definitely_lost = int(err_lost1.split(" ")[0]) indirectly_lost = int(err_lost2.split(" ")[0]) possibly_lost = int(err_lost3.split(" ")[0]) return (definitely_lost, indirectly_lost, possibly_lost) def valgrindlauncher(self, arg, cwd): os.chdir(os.path.join(BASEDIR, cwd)) # Run valgrind on a process command = "valgrind --leak-check=full " + arg p = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) # pylint: disable=W1509 while not self.done: time.sleep(0.1) os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGINT) _, err = p.communicate() error_msg = str(err, encoding='utf-8') with open(os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/test/valgrind_logs.txt"), "a") as f: f.write(error_msg) f.write(5 * "\n") definitely_lost, indirectly_lost, possibly_lost = self.extract_leak_sizes(error_msg) if max(definitely_lost, indirectly_lost, possibly_lost) > 0: self.leak = True print("LEAKS from", arg, "\nDefinitely lost:", definitely_lost, "\nIndirectly lost", indirectly_lost, "\nPossibly lost", possibly_lost) else: self.leak = False def replay_process(self, config, logreader): pub_sockets = [s for s in config.pub_sub.keys()] # We dump data from logs here sub_sockets = [s for _, sub in config.pub_sub.items() for s in sub] # We get responses here pm = messaging.PubMaster(pub_sockets) sm = messaging.SubMaster(sub_sockets) print("Sorting logs") all_msgs = sorted(logreader, key=lambda msg: msg.logMonoTime) pub_msgs = [msg for msg in all_msgs if msg.which() in list(config.pub_sub.keys())] thread = threading.Thread(target=self.valgrindlauncher, args=(config.command, config.path)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() time.sleep(5) # We give the process time to start for msg in tqdm(pub_msgs): pm.send(msg.which(), msg.as_builder()) if config.wait_for_response: sm.update(100) self.done = True def test_config(self): open(os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/test/valgrind_logs.txt"), "w") for cfg in CONFIGS: self.done = False URL = cfg.segment lr = LogReader(get_segment(URL)) self.replay_process(cfg, lr) time.sleep(1) # Wait for the logs to get written if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
<filename><gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import yaml basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Load ACL Action file _ACL_ACTIONS = None with open(basedir + '/acl-actions.yaml') as _f: _ACL_ACTIONS = yaml.load( class Config(object): ADMIN_USERNAME = os.environ.get('ADMIN_USERNAME') SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY') or 'h3bF9paWv9nNfAEo' SSL_DISABLE = True SQLALCHEMY_COMMIT_ON_TEARDOWN = True SQLALCHEMY_RECORD_QUERIES = True SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = True BOOTSTRAP_SERVE_LOCAL = True RECORDS_PER_PAGE = 15 FLASKY_SLOW_DB_QUERY_TIME = 0.5 BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en' ACL_ACTIONS = _ACL_ACTIONS['aclActions'] ADMIN_DEFAULT_ACL_ACTIONS = _ACL_ACTIONS['adminDefaultAclActions'] LIMITED_ACL_ACTIONS = _ACL_ACTIONS['limitedAclActions'] @classmethod def init_app(cls, app): from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) class DevelopmentConfig(Config): DEBUG = True SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.environ.get('WAT_DB_DEV_URL') or \ 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(basedir, 'db-dev.sqlite') class ProductionConfig(Config): SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.environ.get('WAT_DB_URL') or \ 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(basedir, 'db.sqlite') config = { 'development': DevelopmentConfig, 'production' : ProductionConfig, 'default': DevelopmentConfig }
<gh_stars>0 import unittest2 as unittest from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from isaw.policy.testing import ISAW_POLICY_INTEGRATION_TESTING from isaw.policy import config class TestInstallation(unittest.TestCase): layer = ISAW_POLICY_INTEGRATION_TESTING def setUp(self): = self.layer['app'] self.portal = self.layer['portal'] self.qi_tool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_quickinstaller') def test_product_is_installed(self): """ Validate that our products GS profile has been run and the product installed """ pid = 'isaw.policy' installed = [p['id'] for p in self.qi_tool.listInstalledProducts()] self.assertTrue(pid in installed, 'package appears not to have been installed') def testIS_PRODUCTION_globalIsFalseInTests(self): self.assertFalse( config.IS_PRODUCTION, 'We should not think we are running in production!' )
<reponame>draustin/otk import numpy as np from otk.sdb import * def test_transforms(): m = orthographic(-2, 3, -4, 5, 6, 7) assert np.allclose([-2,-4,-6,1], m), [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0]) assert np.allclose([3,5,-7,1], m), [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) assert np.allclose(lookat([1.0, 3.0, -1.0], [1.0, -4.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 2.0]), np.asarray(( (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -0.0, 1.0, 3.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))).T) def test_misc(): assert all(pix2norm(np.asarray((0,3)), 4) == (-0.75, 0.75)) invP = np.linalg.inv(orthographic(-2.0, 3.0, -4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0)) x0, v, d_max = ndc2ray(-1, -1, invP) assert np.allclose(x0, (-2.0, -4.0, -6.0, 1.0)) assert np.allclose(v, (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0)) assert np.isclose(d_max, 1.0)
# coding: utf-8 from .request import Request class UserGetRequest(Request): def __init__(self): self.fields = None # 查询字段:User数据结构的公开信息字段列表,以半角逗号(,)分隔 self.nick = None # 用户昵称,多个以半角逗号(,)分隔,最多40个 self.method = 'taobao.user.get' self.p = {} def set_nick(self, nick): self.fields = nick self.p['nick'] = nick def set_fields(self, fields): self.fields = fields self.p['fields'] = fields class UsersGetRequest(Request): def __init__(self): self.fields = None # 查询字段:User数据结构的公开信息字段列表,以半角逗号(,)分隔 self.nicks = None # 用户昵称,多个以半角逗号(,)分隔,最多40个 self.method = 'taobao.users.get' self.p = {} def set_nicks(self, nicks): self.fields = nicks self.p['nicks'] = nicks def set_fields(self, fields): self.fields = fields self.p['fields'] = fields
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Uncomment the import only for coding support # import numpy # import pandas # import geopandas # import torch # import torchvision # import tensorflow # import tensorboard # from shapely.geometry import Point from openeo_udf.api.feature_collection import FeatureCollection from openeo_udf.api.udf_data import UdfData __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, <NAME>" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" def fct_buffer(udf_data: UdfData): """Compute buffer of size 10 around features This function creates buffer around all features in the provided feature collection tiles. The resulting geopandas.GeoDataFrame contains the new geometries and a copy of the original attribute data. Args: udf_data (UdfData): The UDF data object that contains raster and vector tiles Returns: This function will not return anything, the UdfData object "udf_data" must be used to store the resulting data. """ fct_list = [] # Iterate over each tile for tile in udf_data.feature_collection_list: # Buffer all features gseries = # Create a new GeoDataFrame that includes the buffered geometry and the attribute data new_data = # Create the new feature collection tile fct = FeatureCollection( + "_buffer", data=new_data, start_times=tile.start_times, end_times=tile.end_times) fct_list.append(fct) # Insert the new tiles as list of feature collection tiles in the input object. The new tiles will # replace the original input tiles. udf_data.set_feature_collection_list(fct_list)
# # Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Mbed. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # from unittest import TestCase from mbed_build._internal.mbed_tools.configure import configure from mbed_build import mbed_tools class TestExport(TestCase): def test_aliases_export(self): self.assertEqual(mbed_tools.configure, configure)
<reponame>Himusoka/Beatmap-gen_Thesis import os import random from collections import deque import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F from import Dataset, DataLoader import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, precision_recall_curve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import glob from tqdm import tqdm from utilities.feature_extractor import FeatureExtractor, convert_time BATCH_SIZE = 16 VAL_SIZE = 0.15 EPOCHS = 50 PATIENCE = 5 LR_RATE = 0.0005 class TypeDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, file): self.extractor = FeatureExtractor() ground, data, comboground = self.extractor.extract_types(file) self.x = torch.from_numpy(np.array(data)) self.y = torch.from_numpy(np.array(ground)) self.z = torch.from_numpy(np.array(comboground)) self.samples = self.x.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, index): return self.x[index].float(), self.y[index].long(), self.z[index].float() def __len__(self): return self.samples class LstmClustering(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.lstm1 = nn.LSTM(input_size=13, hidden_size=128, batch_first=True, num_layers=2) self.lin = nn.Linear(3*128, 128) self.out = nn.Linear(128, 3) self.clu = nn.Linear(3*128, 256) self.clu2 = nn.Linear(256, 128) self.cluout = nn.Linear(128, 1) self.sig = nn.Sigmoid() self.soft = nn.Softmax(dim=1) def forward(self, x, h_t=None, c_t=None): if h_t is None or c_t is None: x, (h_n, c_n) = self.lstm1(x) else: x, (h_n, c_n) = self.lstm1(x, (h_t, c_t)) x = F.relu(x) lstmout = torch.flatten(x, start_dim=1) x1 = F.dropout(F.relu(self.lin(lstmout)), x1 = self.out(x1) x2 = F.dropout(F.relu(self.clu(lstmout)), x2 = self.cluout(F.relu(self.clu2(x2))) if not x1 = self.soft(x1) x2 = self.sig(x2) return x1, x2, h_n, c_n def start_training(self, dir, device, outputdir="..\\models\\default", ev_set=None, file_set=None): if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.mkdir(outputdir) modelname = dir.split('\\')[-1] all_files = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, "**/*.osu"), recursive=True)] eval_files_len = int(len(all_files) * VAL_SIZE) + 1 folders = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, "*\\")) np.random.shuffle(folders) eval_files = [] i = 0 while len(eval_files) < eval_files_len: eval_files.extend([f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(folders[i], "*.osu"))]) i += 1 files = [x for x in all_files if x not in eval_files] np.random.shuffle(files) if ev_set is not None and file_set is not None: eval_files = np.load(ev_set) files = np.load(file_set) optimizer = optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=LR_RATE) loss_fn1 = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() loss_fn2 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() loss_vals = [] val_losses = [] highest_f = 0 loss_vals = [] f_scores = [] prev_val_loss = float('inf') prev_state = self.state_dict() model_thresh = 0 training_patience = PATIENCE for epoch in range(EPOCHS): self.train() running_loss = 0 dataset_len = 0 np.random.shuffle(files) for i, file in enumerate(files): try: dataset = TypeDataset(file) loader = DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=False, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE) dataset_len += len(loader) print("Epoch: " + str(epoch) + "/" + str(EPOCHS) + ", data: " + str(i) + "/" + str(len(files))) for (batch_X, batch_Y, batch_Z) in tqdm(loader): optimizer.zero_grad() out1, out2, _, _ = self( loss1 = loss_fn1(out1.view(-1, 3), loss2 = loss_fn2(out2.view(-1), loss = loss1 + loss2 loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() except FileNotFoundError as e: print(str(e)) files.remove(file) train_loss = running_loss/dataset_len print("loss: ", train_loss) loss_vals.append(train_loss) val_loss, f1, thresh, _ = self.evaluate(eval_files, device) if prev_val_loss < val_loss: print("loss increased", abs(training_patience - 5)) training_patience -= 1 if training_patience == -1: print("Early training stop checkpoint after", epoch, "epochs"), os.path.join(outputdir, "seq_clust_model_check.pth")), "seq_clust_thresh.npy"), np.array(model_thresh)) else: prev_state = self.state_dict() training_patience = PATIENCE model_thresh = thresh prev_val_loss = val_loss f_scores.append(f1) val_losses.append(val_loss) if f_scores[-1] > highest_f:, "seq_clust_thresh_best_f1.npy"), np.array(thresh)), os.path.join(outputdir, "seq_clust_model_best_f1.pth")) highest_f = f_scores[-1], "seq_clust_thresh.npy"), np.array(thresh)), "train_files.npy"), np.array(files)), "val_files.npy"), np.array(eval_files)), os.path.join(outputdir, "seq_clust_model.pth")) return loss_vals, val_losses, f_scores def evaluate(self, files, device, dir=None, model=None): if model is not None: self.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(model, "seq_clust_model.pth"), map_location=device)) if dir is not None: files = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, "**/*.osu"), recursive=True)] ground = [] loss_fn1 = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() loss_fn2 = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() running_loss = 0 dataset_len = 0 with torch.no_grad(): self.eval() predictions = [] combo_pred = [] ground = [] combo_ground = [] for i, file in tqdm(enumerate(files)): try: dataset = TypeDataset(file) loader = DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=False, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE) dataset_len += len(loader) for i, (batch_X, batch_Y, batch_Z) in enumerate(loader): out1, out2, _, _ = self( loss1 = loss_fn1(out1.view(-1, 3), loss2 = loss_fn2(out2.view(-1), loss = loss1 + loss2 running_loss += loss.item() predictions.extend(torch.argmax(out1.cpu(), dim=1)) ground.extend(batch_Y.numpy()) combo_pred.extend(out2.cpu()) combo_ground.extend(batch_Z.cpu()) except FileNotFoundError as e: print(str(e)) files.remove(file) predictions = np.array(predictions) ground = np.array(ground) combo_pred = np.array(combo_pred) combo_ground = np.array(combo_ground) print(combo_pred) pr, re, thresh = precision_recall_curve(combo_ground, combo_pred) fscore = (2*pr*re)/(pr+re) ix = np.argmax(fscore) print("Best:", thresh[ix], "f1score:", fscore[ix]) print(running_loss/dataset_len) sequence_f1 = f1_score(ground, predictions, average='micro') combo_threshed = np.zeros(len(combo_pred)) for i, pred in enumerate(combo_pred): if pred >= thresh[ix]: combo_threshed[i] = 1 print(combo_threshed) combo_f1 = f1_score(combo_ground, combo_threshed) print("ppl:", torch.exp(torch.tensor(running_loss/dataset_len))) print("seqf1:", sequence_f1) print("combof1:", combo_f1) print((sequence_f1 + combo_f1) / 2) return running_loss/dataset_len, ((sequence_f1 + combo_f1) / 2), thresh[ix], torch.exp(torch.tensor(running_loss/dataset_len)) def infer(self, onsets, target_diff, sections, global_tempo, local_tempo, device, model="..\\models\\default"): self.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(model, "seq_clust_model.pth"), map_location=device)) thresh = np.load(os.path.join(model, "seq_clust_thresh.npy")) predictions = [] combo_preds = [] with torch.no_grad(): self.eval() h_0 = None c_0 = None prev_time = 0 out = 0 curr_tempo = -1 tempo = (1 / local_tempo[0][1]) * 60 * 1000 past_var_feat = deque([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, convert_time(onsets[0], (1 / local_tempo[0][1]) * 60 * 1000)]], maxlen=3) const_t = np.array(global_tempo) difficulty = target_diff for x in tqdm(range(onsets[:-1].shape[0])): for (t, flag, _, _) in np.flip(sections): if t < x: if flag == -1 and target_diff != 0: difficulty = target_diff - 1 elif flag == 1 and target_diff != 5: difficulty = target_diff + 1 else: difficulty = target_diff const_feat = np.append(const_t, np.eye(6)[difficulty]) if curr_tempo + 1 < local_tempo.shape[0]: if onsets[x] >= local_tempo[curr_tempo][0]: curr_tempo += 1 tempo = (1 / local_tempo[curr_tempo][1]) * 60 * 1000 if out == 1: typ = np.eye(3)[out] out = 0 predictions.append(2) combo_preds.append(0) prev_time = onsets[x] - prev_time next_time = onsets[x + 1] - onsets[x] past_var_feat.append(np.append(typ, [0, convert_time(prev_time, tempo), convert_time(next_time, tempo)])) continue if out == 2: typ = np.eye(3)[out] out = 0 predictions.append(5) combo_preds.append(0) prev_time = onsets[x] - prev_time next_time = onsets[x + 1] - onsets[x] past_var_feat.append(np.append(typ, [0, convert_time(prev_time, tempo), convert_time(next_time, tempo)])) continue input = [] features = list(past_var_feat) for i in features: frame = np.append(const_feat, i) input.append(frame) input = torch.from_numpy(np.array(input)).float() out, combo, h_0, c_0 = self(input.view(-1, 3, 13).to(device), h_0, c_0) out = torch.argmax(out.view(3), dim=0).cpu() if convert_time(onsets[x + 1] - onsets[x], tempo) > 2 and out == 1: out == 0 combo = combo.cpu().item() if combo > thresh: combo = 1 else: combo = 0 combo_preds.append(combo) typ = np.eye(3)[out] if out == 2: predictions.append(4) else: predictions.append(out) prev_time = onsets[x] - prev_time next_time = onsets[x + 1] - onsets[x] past_var_feat.append(np.append(typ, [combo, convert_time(prev_time, tempo), convert_time(next_time, tempo)])) if out == 1: combo_preds.append(0) elif out == 2: combo_preds.append(0) else: input = [] features = list(past_var_feat) for i in features: frame = np.append(const_feat, i) input.append(frame) input = torch.from_numpy(np.array(input)).float() out, combo, h_0, c_0 = self(input.view(-1, 3, 13).to(device), h_0, c_0) out = torch.argmax(out.view(3), dim=0).cpu() if out == 1 or out == 2: out = 0 combo = combo.cpu().item() if combo > thresh: combo = 1 else: combo = 0 combo_preds.append(combo) predictions.append(out) return np.array(predictions), np.array(combo_preds) def prob_func(combo_len): return -0.3038 + 3.3241 / combo_len def cluster_onsets(onsets, tempo): random.seed(onsets[0]) n_combo = np.zeros_like(onsets) n_combo[0] = 1 combo_len = 1 prev_onset = onsets[0] local_avg = 0 curr_tempo = -1 for i, onset in enumerate(onsets[1:-1]): if curr_tempo + 1 < tempo.shape[0]: if onset >= tempo[curr_tempo + 1][0]: curr_tempo += 1 dist = convert_time(onset - prev_onset, 1 / tempo[curr_tempo][1] * 60 * 1000) if n_combo[i] == 1: local_avg = dist else: local_avg += dist local_avg /= 2 if dist > (local_avg + 0.1) or dist > 4.95: n_combo[i + 1] = 1 combo_len = 0 elif round(combo_len / 2) >= 4: if random.random() > prob_func(combo_len): n_combo[i + 1] = 1 combo_len = 0 combo_len += 1 prev_onset = onset return n_combo
<reponame>amcclead7336/Enterprise_Data_Science_Final # coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class RunDefinition(Model): """A class to manage Run Definition. Run Definition encompass all the properties including Run Configuration required to create a Run. :param configuration: Fully specified configuration information for the run. Even when that information is contained in configuration files within the project folder, the client collapses it all and inlines it into the run definition when submitting a run. :type configuration: ~_restclient.models.RunConfiguration :param snapshot_id: Snapshots are user project folders that have been uploaded to the cloud for subsequent execution. This field is required when executing against cloud-based compute targets unless the run submission was against the API endpoint that takes a zipped project folder inline with the request. :type snapshot_id: str :param snapshots: The code snapshots that have been uploaded to the cloud for subsequent execution. At least one snapshot is required when executing against cloud-based compute targets unless the run submission was against the API endpoint that takes a zipped project folder inline with the request. :type snapshots: list[~_restclient.models.Snapshot] :param parent_run_id: Specifies that the run history entry for this execution should be scoped within an existing run as a child. Defaults to null, meaning the run has no parent. This is intended for first-party service integration, not third-party API users. :type parent_run_id: str :param run_type: Specifies the runsource property for this run. The default value is "experiment" if not specified. :type run_type: str :param description: Description provided by the user for the run. :type description: str :param properties: Any Properties users like to add to the run. This is an immutable property. :type properties: dict[str, str] :param tags: Tags may contain free form text provided by users. :type tags: dict[str, str] """ _attribute_map = { 'configuration': {'key': 'configuration', 'type': 'RunConfiguration'}, 'snapshot_id': {'key': 'snapshotId', 'type': 'str'}, 'snapshots': {'key': 'snapshots', 'type': '[Snapshot]'}, 'parent_run_id': {'key': 'parentRunId', 'type': 'str'}, 'run_type': {'key': 'runType', 'type': 'str'}, 'description': {'key': 'description', 'type': 'str'}, 'properties': {'key': 'properties', 'type': '{str}'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, } def __init__(self, configuration=None, snapshot_id=None, snapshots=None, parent_run_id=None, run_type=None, description=None, properties=None, tags=None): super(RunDefinition, self).__init__() self.configuration = configuration self.snapshot_id = snapshot_id self.snapshots = snapshots self.parent_run_id = parent_run_id self.run_type = run_type self.description = description = properties self.tags = tags
# # Copyright © 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator # of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed # in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: NASA-1.3 # """Generate a grid of pointings on the sky.""" import astropy.units as u from astropy.table import QTable import numpy as np from ligo.skymap.tool import ArgumentParser, FileType from .. import skygrid def parser(): p = ArgumentParser(prog='dorado-scheduling-skygrid') p.add_argument('--area', default='50 deg2', type=u.Quantity, help='Average area per tile') p.add_argument('--method', default='healpix', help='Tiling algorithm', choices=[key.replace('_', '-') for key in skygrid.__all__]) p.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='OUTPUT.ecsv', default='-', type=FileType('w'), help='Output filename') return p def main(args=None): args = parser().parse_args(args) method = getattr(skygrid, args.method.replace('-', '_')) coords = method(args.area) table = QTable({'field_id': np.arange(len(coords)), 'center': coords}) table.write(args.output, format='ascii.ecsv') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>ardila/python-docs-samples #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """An Apache Beam streaming pipeline example. It reads JSON encoded messages from Pub/Sub, transforms the message data and writes the results to BigQuery. """ import argparse import json import logging import time # Unused dependency used to replicate bug. import matplotlib import numpy as np import apache_beam as beam from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions import apache_beam.transforms.window as window def useless_numpy_function(x): return str(np.array(x)) def run(args, output_text): """Build and run the pipeline.""" options = PipelineOptions(args, save_main_session=True) with beam.Pipeline(options=options) as pipeline: # Read the messages from PubSub and process them. _ = ( pipeline | "Create tiny collection" >> beam.Create(["a", "b", "c"]) | "Useless Numpy Function" >> beam.Map(useless_numpy_function) | "Write output" >> ) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--output_text", help="Path to output location (should be in a bucket)" ) known_args, pipeline_args = parser.parse_known_args() run(pipeline_args, known_args.output_text)
import uuid from datetime import datetime from sentry_sdk._types import MYPY from sentry_sdk.utils import format_timestamp if MYPY: from typing import Optional from typing import Union from typing import Any from typing import Dict from sentry_sdk._types import SessionStatus def _minute_trunc(ts): # type: (datetime) -> datetime return ts.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) def _make_uuid( val, # type: Union[str, uuid.UUID] ): # type: (...) -> uuid.UUID if isinstance(val, uuid.UUID): return val return uuid.UUID(val) class Session(object): def __init__( self, sid=None, # type: Optional[Union[str, uuid.UUID]] did=None, # type: Optional[str] timestamp=None, # type: Optional[datetime] started=None, # type: Optional[datetime] duration=None, # type: Optional[float] status=None, # type: Optional[SessionStatus] release=None, # type: Optional[str] environment=None, # type: Optional[str] user_agent=None, # type: Optional[str] ip_address=None, # type: Optional[str] errors=None, # type: Optional[int] user=None, # type: Optional[Any] ): # type: (...) -> None if sid is None: sid = uuid.uuid4() if started is None: started = datetime.utcnow() if status is None: status = "ok" self.status = status self.did = None # type: Optional[str] self.started = started self.release = None # type: Optional[str] self.environment = None # type: Optional[str] self.duration = None # type: Optional[float] self.user_agent = None # type: Optional[str] self.ip_address = None # type: Optional[str] self.errors = 0 self.update( sid=sid, did=did, timestamp=timestamp, duration=duration, release=release, environment=environment, user_agent=user_agent, ip_address=ip_address, errors=errors, user=user, ) @property def truncated_started(self): # type: (...) -> datetime return _minute_trunc(self.started) def update( self, sid=None, # type: Optional[Union[str, uuid.UUID]] did=None, # type: Optional[str] timestamp=None, # type: Optional[datetime] started=None, # type: Optional[datetime] duration=None, # type: Optional[float] status=None, # type: Optional[SessionStatus] release=None, # type: Optional[str] environment=None, # type: Optional[str] user_agent=None, # type: Optional[str] ip_address=None, # type: Optional[str] errors=None, # type: Optional[int] user=None, # type: Optional[Any] ): # type: (...) -> None # If a user is supplied we pull some data form it if user: if ip_address is None: ip_address = user.get("ip_address") if did is None: did = user.get("id") or user.get("email") or user.get("username") if sid is not None: self.sid = _make_uuid(sid) if did is not None: self.did = str(did) if timestamp is None: timestamp = datetime.utcnow() self.timestamp = timestamp if started is not None: self.started = started if duration is not None: self.duration = duration if release is not None: self.release = release if environment is not None: self.environment = environment if ip_address is not None: self.ip_address = ip_address if user_agent is not None: self.user_agent = user_agent if errors is not None: self.errors = errors if status is not None: self.status = status def close( self, status=None # type: Optional[SessionStatus] ): # type: (...) -> Any if status is None and self.status == "ok": status = "exited" if status is not None: self.update(status=status) def get_json_attrs( self, with_user_info=True # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> Any attrs = {} if self.release is not None: attrs["release"] = self.release if self.environment is not None: attrs["environment"] = self.environment if with_user_info: if self.ip_address is not None: attrs["ip_address"] = self.ip_address if self.user_agent is not None: attrs["user_agent"] = self.user_agent return attrs def to_json(self): # type: (...) -> Any rv = { "sid": str(self.sid), "init": True, "started": format_timestamp(self.started), "timestamp": format_timestamp(self.timestamp), "status": self.status, } # type: Dict[str, Any] if self.errors: rv["errors"] = self.errors if self.did is not None: rv["did"] = self.did if self.duration is not None: rv["duration"] = self.duration attrs = self.get_json_attrs() if attrs: rv["attrs"] = attrs return rv
<filename>plots/midterm/<gh_stars>1-10 import time import copy import os from multiprocessing import Pool import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation import matplotlib.animation as animation import flowrect from flowrect.simulations.util import calculate_age, calculate_mt, eta_SRM from flowrect.simulations import particle_population from flowrect.simulations import flow_rectification from flowrect.simulations import quasi_renewal save = False save_path = "" save_name = "activity.pdf" def moving_average(x, w): return np.convolve(x, np.ones(w), "valid") / w dt = 1e-2 N = 25000 I_ext = 2.5 # Take similar as in article time_end = 40 params = dict( time_end=time_end, dt=dt, Lambda=[1.0, 5.5], Gamma=[-4.0, -1.0], # Lambda=np.array([28.0, 8.0, 1.0]), # Gamma=np.array([-3.5, 3.0, -1.0]), c=1, lambda_kappa=2, I_ext=I_ext, I_ext_time=20, interaction=0, ) print(f"QR approximation") QR_params = copy.copy(params) QR_params["dt"] = 1e-2 t = time.time() ts_QR, A_QR, cutoff = quasi_renewal(**QR_params) print(f"{time.time() - t:.2f}s") print(f"Particle simulation") t = time.time() ts, M, spikes, A, X = particle_population(**params, N=N, Gamma_ext=True) m_t = calculate_mt(M, spikes) A_av = moving_average(A, 50) # m_ts = np.zeros(m_t.T.shape) # w = 50 # m_ts[: -w + 1, 0] = moving_average(m_t.T[:, 0], w) # m_ts[: -w + 1, 1] = moving_average(m_t.T[:, 1], w) # m_ts[-w + 1 :, :] = m_ts[-w, :] print(f"{time.time() - t:.2f}") print(f"Flow rectification approximation") t = time.time() ts, a_grid, rho_t, m_t_exact, x_t, en_cons, A_t = flow_rectification(a_cutoff=10, **params) print(f"{time.time() - t:.2f}s") I_ext_vec = np.concatenate((np.zeros(int(len(ts) / 2)), I_ext * np.ones(int(len(ts) / 2)))) from_t = int(5 / dt) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[5, 1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) # fig.suptitle(r"Activity response to a step input ($\Delta t=10^{-2}$)") (A_1,) = ax1.plot(ts[from_t:], A[from_t:], "--k", linewidth=0.5, label=f"Particle ({N=})") (A_2,) = ax1.plot(ts[from_t : len(A_av)], A_av[from_t:], "--r", label="P. rolling av.") (A_3,) = ax1.plot(ts[from_t:], A_t[from_t:], "-.g", linewidth=1.5, label="PDE") (A_4,) = ax1.plot(ts_QR[from_t:], A_QR[from_t:], "-b", linewidth=1.5, label="QR") ax1.set_ylim(0, 1.5) ax1.set_ylabel(r"$A(t)$ (Hz)") ax1.legend(handles=[A_1, A_2, A_3, A_4]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax1) ax2.plot(ts[from_t:], I_ext_vec[from_t:], "-k") ax2.set_xlabel(r"$t$ (s)") ax2.set_xlim(5, time_end) ax2.set_ylabel(r"$I_0$ (A)") if save: fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, save_name), transparent=True)
# file: # Example of InsesrSort program # that is not inputted by user def insertSort(array): length = len(array) i = 0 while(i < length - 1): j = i + 1 tmp = array[j] while( (j > 0) & (tmp > array[j - 1]) ): array[j] = array[j - 1] j = j - 1 array[j] = tmp i = i + 1 return(array) userInput = [ 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 23, 11 ] print("Array: ",userInput) result = insertSort(userInput) print("Array after sorting: ",result)
<reponame>scwolof/doepy<gh_stars>1-10 """ MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint from ..continuous_time import MSFB2014 """ <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> and <NAME> (2014) "Active fault diagnosis for nonlinear systems with probabilistic uncertainties" IFAC Proceedings (2014): 7079-7084 """ class Model (MSFB2014.Model): def __init__ (self, name): super().__init__(name) def __call__ (self, x, u, p): f = lambda x,t: self._ode_func(x,u,p) t = np.linspace(0, self.dt, 51) X = odeint(f, x, t) return X[-1] class M1 (Model): """ Nominal scenario (no fault) """ def __init__ (self): super().__init__('M1') self._ode_func = MSFB2014.M1() self.p0 = self._ode_func.p0 class M2 (Model): """ Multiplicative actuator fault in inlet pump """ def __init__ (self): super().__init__('M2') self._ode_func = MSFB2014.M2() self.p0 = self._ode_func.p0 class M3 (Model): """ Circular leak in tank """ def __init__ (self): super().__init__('M3') self._ode_func = MSFB2014.M3() self.p0 = self._ode_func.p0 class DataGen (M2): def __init__ (self): super().__init__() self.true_param = np.array([ 0.97, 0.82, 0.96, 0.67 ]) def __call__ (self, x, u): return super().__call__(x, u, self.true_param) def get (): return DataGen(), [M1(), M2(), M3()]
n = int(input('Digite um número para ver sua tabuada: ')) print('____________ \n' '{} x 1 = {} \n' '{} x 2 = {} \n' '{} x 3 = {} \n' '{} x 4 = {} \n' '{} x 5 = {} \n' '{} x 6 = {} \n' '{} x 7 = {} \n' '{} x 8 = {} \n' '{} x 9 = {} \n' '{} x 10 = {} \n' '____________'.format(n, n, n, 2*n, n, 3*n, n, 4*n, n, 5*n, n, 6*n, n, 7*n, n, 8*n, n, 9*n, n, 10*n))
<reponame>kanesoban/pulmonary_fibrosys<gh_stars>0 import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf def laplace_log_likelihood(y_true, y_pred): uncertainty_clipped = tf.maximum(y_pred[:, 1:2] * 1000.0, 70) prediction = y_pred[:, :1] delta = tf.minimum(tf.abs(y_true - prediction), 1000.0) metric = -np.sqrt(2.0) * delta / uncertainty_clipped - tf.math.log(np.sqrt(2.0) * uncertainty_clipped) return tf.reduce_mean(metric) class LaplaceLogLikelihood(tf.keras.metrics.Metric): def __init__(self, name='laplace_log_likkelihood', **kwargs): super(LaplaceLogLikelihood, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.y_true = [] self.y_pred = [] def reset_states(self): self.y_true = [] self.y_pred = [] def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): self.y_true.append(y_true) self.y_pred.append(y_pred) def result(self): y_true = tf.concat(self.y_true, axis=1) y_pred = tf.concat(self.y_pred, axis=1) uncertainty_clipped = tf.cast(tf.constant(100), tf.float32) delta = tf.minimum(tf.abs(y_true - y_pred), 1000.0) metric = -np.sqrt(2.0) * delta / uncertainty_clipped - np.log(np.sqrt(2.0) * uncertainty_clipped) return tf.reduce_mean(metric)
from .cky import CKY from .deptree import DepTree from .linearchain import LinearChain from .semimarkov import SemiMarkov from .semirings import LogSemiring, MaxSemiring, StdSemiring, SampledSemiring import torch from hypothesis import given, settings from hypothesis.strategies import integers, data, sampled_from smint = integers(min_value=2, max_value=4) tint = integers(min_value=1, max_value=2) lint = integers(min_value=2, max_value=10) @given(smint, smint, smint) def test_simple(batch, N, C): vals = torch.ones(batch, N, C, C) semiring = StdSemiring alpha = LinearChain(semiring).sum(vals) assert (alpha == pow(C, N + 1)).all() LinearChain(SampledSemiring).sum(vals) @given(data()) @settings(max_examples=50, deadline=None) def test_generic(data): model = data.draw(sampled_from([LinearChain, SemiMarkov, DepTree, CKY])) semiring = data.draw(sampled_from([LogSemiring, MaxSemiring])) struct = model(semiring) vals, _ = model._rand() alpha = struct.sum(vals) count = struct.enumerate(vals) print(alpha, count) assert torch.isclose(count[0], alpha[0]) vals, _ = model._rand() struct = model(MaxSemiring) score = struct.sum(vals) marginals = struct.marginals(vals) assert torch.isclose(score, struct.score(vals, marginals)).all() @given(data(), integers(min_value=1, max_value=10)) @settings(max_examples=50, deadline=None) def test_generic_lengths(data, seed): model = data.draw(sampled_from([LinearChain, SemiMarkov, DepTree, CKY])) struct = model() torch.manual_seed(seed) vals, (batch, N) = struct._rand() lengths = torch.tensor( [data.draw(integers(min_value=2, max_value=N)) for b in range(batch - 1)] + [N] ) m = model(MaxSemiring).marginals(vals, lengths=lengths) maxes = struct.score(vals, m) part = model().sum(vals, lengths=lengths) assert (maxes <= part).all() m_part = model(MaxSemiring).sum(vals, lengths=lengths) assert (torch.isclose(maxes, m_part)).all(), maxes - m_part # m2 = deptree(vals, lengths=lengths) # assert (m2 < part).all() seqs, extra = struct.from_parts(m) # assert (seqs.shape == (batch, N)) # assert seqs.max().item() <= N full = struct.to_parts(seqs, extra, lengths=lengths) if isinstance(full, tuple): for i in range(len(full)): if i == 1: p = m[i].sum(1).sum(1) else: p = m[i] assert (full[i] == p.type_as(full[i])).all(), "%s %s %s" % ( i, full[i].nonzero(), p.nonzero(), ) else: assert (full == m.type_as(full)).all(), "%s %s %s" % ( full.shape, m.shape, (full - m.type_as(full)).nonzero(), ) @given(data(), integers(min_value=1, max_value=10)) def test_params(data, seed): model = data.draw(sampled_from([LinearChain, SemiMarkov, DepTree, CKY])) struct = model() torch.manual_seed(seed) vals, (batch, N) = struct._rand() if isinstance(vals, tuple): vals = (v.requires_grad_(True) for v in vals) else: vals.requires_grad_(True) # torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) semiring = StdSemiring alpha = model(semiring).sum(vals) alpha.sum().backward() def test_hmm(): C, V, batch, N = 5, 20, 2, 5 transition = torch.rand(C, C) emission = torch.rand(V, C) init = torch.rand(C) observations = torch.randint(0, V, (batch, N)) out = LinearChain.hmm(transition, emission, init, observations) LinearChain().sum(out)
#coding: utf-8 import os __all__ = [ "UTILS_DIR", "MODULE_DIR", "REPO_DIR", "DATA_DIR", "SAMPLE_LIST_PATH", ] UTILS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #: path/to/TeiLab-BasicLaboratoryWork-in-LifeScienceExperiments/teilab/utils MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(UTILS_DIR) #: path/to/TeiLab-BasicLaboratoryWork-in-LifeScienceExperiments/teilab REPO_DIR = os.path.dirname(MODULE_DIR) #: path/to/TeiLab-BasicLaboratoryWork-in-LifeScienceExperiments DATA_DIR = os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, "data") #: path/to/TeiLab-BasicLaboratoryWork-in-LifeScienceExperiments/teilab/data SAMPLE_LIST_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "sample_list.txt") #: path/to/TeiLab-BasicLaboratoryWork-in-LifeScienceExperiments/teilab/data/sample_list.txt
<gh_stars>0 # This file is part of the Extra-P software ( # # Copyright (c) 2020, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany # # This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of a BSD-style license. # See the LICENSE file in the base directory for details. import argparse import logging import sys import threading import traceback import warnings from PySide2.QtCore import Qt from PySide2.QtGui import QPalette, QColor from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox, QToolTip from matplotlib import font_manager import extrap from extrap.fileio.cube_file_reader2 import read_cube_file from extrap.fileio.experiment_io import read_experiment from extrap.fileio.extrap3_experiment_reader import read_extrap3_experiment from extrap.fileio.json_file_reader import read_json_file from extrap.fileio.talpas_file_reader import read_talpas_file from extrap.fileio.text_file_reader import read_text_file from extrap.gui.MainWidget import MainWidget from extrap.util.exceptions import RecoverableError, CancelProcessError TRACEBACK = logging.DEBUG - 1 logging.addLevelName(TRACEBACK, 'TRACEBACK') def main(*, args=None, test=False): _update_mac_app_info() # preload fonts for matplotlib font_preloader = _preload_common_fonts() arguments = parse_arguments(args) # configure logging log_level = min(logging.getLevelName(arguments.log_level), logging.INFO) if arguments.log_file: logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s: %(message)s", level=log_level, filename=arguments.log_file) else: logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s: %(message)s", level=log_level) logging.getLogger().handlers[0].setLevel(logging.getLevelName(arguments.log_level)) app = QApplication(sys.argv) if not test else QApplication.instance() apply_style(app) window = MainWidget() _init_warning_system(window, test) try: load_from_command(arguments, window) except CancelProcessError: pass if not test: app.exec_() font_preloader.join() else: font_preloader.join() return window, app def parse_arguments(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=extrap.__description__) parser.add_argument("--log", action="store", dest="log_level", type=str.upper, default='CRITICAL', choices=['TRACEBACK', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], help="set program's log level (default: CRITICAL)") parser.add_argument("--logfile", action="store", dest="log_file", help="set path of log file") parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=extrap.__title__ + " " + extrap.__version__) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) group.add_argument("--cube", action="store_true", default=False, dest="cube", help="load data from cube files") group.add_argument("--text", action="store_true", default=False, dest="text", help="load data from text files") group.add_argument("--talpas", action="store_true", default=False, dest="talpas", help="load data from talpas data format") group.add_argument("--json", action="store_true", default=False, dest="json", help="load data from json or jsonlines file") group.add_argument("--extra-p-3", action="store_true", default=False, dest="extrap3", help="load data from Extra-P 3 experiment") parser.add_argument("path", metavar="FILEPATH", type=str, action="store", nargs='?', help="specify a file path for Extra-P to work with") parser.add_argument("--scaling", action="store", dest="scaling_type", default="weak", type=str.lower, choices=["weak", "strong"], help="set weak or strong scaling when loading data from cube files [weak (default), strong]") arguments = parser.parse_args(args) return arguments def load_from_command(arguments, window): if arguments.path: if arguments.text: window.import_file(read_text_file, file_name=arguments.path) elif arguments.json: window.import_file(read_json_file, file_name=arguments.path) elif arguments.talpas: window.import_file(read_talpas_file, file_name=arguments.path) elif arguments.cube: window.import_file(lambda x, y: read_cube_file(x, arguments.scaling_type, y), file_name=arguments.path) elif arguments.extrap3: window.import_file(read_extrap3_experiment, model=False, file_name=arguments.path) else: window.import_file(read_experiment, model=False, file_name=arguments.path) def _init_warning_system(window, test=False): open_message_boxes = [] current_warnings = set() # save old handlers _old_warnings_handler = warnings.showwarning _old_exception_handler = sys.excepthook def activate_box(box): box.raise_() box.activateWindow() def display_messages(event): for w in open_message_boxes: w.raise_() w.activateWindow() if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): window.activate_event_handlers.append(display_messages) def _warnings_handler(message: Warning, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): nonlocal current_warnings message_str = str(message) if message_str not in current_warnings: warn_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, 'Warning', message_str, QMessageBox.Ok, window) warn_box.setModal(False) warn_box.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) warn_box.destroyed.connect( lambda x: (current_warnings.remove(message_str), open_message_boxes.remove(warn_box))) if not test: activate_box(warn_box) open_message_boxes.append(warn_box) current_warnings.add(message_str) _old_warnings_handler(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) logging.warning(message_str) logging.log(TRACEBACK, ''.join(traceback.format_stack())) QApplication.processEvents() def _exception_handler(type, value, traceback_): traceback_text = ''.join(traceback.extract_tb(traceback_).format()) if issubclass(type, CancelProcessError): logging.log(TRACEBACK, str(value)) logging.log(TRACEBACK, traceback_text) return parent, modal = _parent(window) msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, 'Error', str(value), QMessageBox.Ok, parent) print() if hasattr(value, 'NAME'): msg_box.setWindowTitle(getattr(value, 'NAME')) msg_box.setDetailedText(traceback_text) open_message_boxes.append(msg_box) logging.error(str(value)) logging.log(TRACEBACK, traceback_text) if test: return _old_exception_handler(type, value, traceback_) _old_exception_handler(type, value, traceback_) if issubclass(type, RecoverableError): activate_box(msg_box) else: activate_box(msg_box) msg_box.exec_() # ensures waiting exit(1) warnings.showwarning = _warnings_handler sys.excepthook = _exception_handler warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning) def apply_style(app): app.setStyle('Fusion') palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor(190, 190, 190)) palette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, palette.setColor(QPalette.Base, QColor(220, 220, 220)) palette.setColor(QPalette.AlternateBase, QColor(10, 10, 10)) palette.setColor(QPalette.Text, palette.setColor(QPalette.Button, QColor(220, 220, 220)) palette.setColor(QPalette.ButtonText, palette.setColor(QPalette.Highlight, QColor(31, 119, 180)) palette.setColor(QPalette.HighlightedText, Qt.white) palette.setColor(QPalette.ToolTipBase, QColor(230, 230, 230)) palette.setColor(QPalette.ToolTipText, palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.Text, QColor(80, 80, 80)) palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.ButtonText, QColor(80, 80, 80)) palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.Button, QColor(150, 150, 150)) app.setPalette(palette) QToolTip.setPalette(palette) def _preload_common_fonts(): common_fonts = [ font_manager.FontProperties('sans\\-serif:style=normal:variant=normal:weight=normal:stretch=normal:size=10.0'), 'STIXGeneral', 'STIXGeneral:italic', 'STIXGeneral:weight=bold', 'STIXNonUnicode', 'STIXNonUnicode:italic', 'STIXNonUnicode:weight=bold', 'STIXSizeOneSym', 'STIXSizeTwoSym', 'STIXSizeThreeSym', 'STIXSizeFourSym', 'STIXSizeFiveSym', 'cmsy10', 'cmr10', 'cmtt10', 'cmmi10', 'cmb10', 'cmss10', 'cmex10', 'DejaVu Sans', 'DejaVu Sans:italic', 'DejaVu Sans:weight=bold', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Display', font_manager.FontProperties('sans\\-serif:style=normal:variant=normal:weight=normal:stretch=normal:size=12.0'), font_manager.FontProperties('sans\\-serif:style=normal:variant=normal:weight=normal:stretch=normal:size=6.0') ] def _thread(fonts): for f in fonts: font_manager.findfont(f) thread = threading.Thread(target=_thread, args=(common_fonts,)) thread.start() return thread def _parent(window): if not sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): return window, False modal = QApplication.activeModalWidget() parent = modal if modal else window return parent, bool(modal) def _update_mac_app_info(): if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): try: from Foundation import NSBundle # noqa bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle() if bundle: app_info = bundle.localizedInfoDictionary() or bundle.infoDictionary() if app_info: app_info['CFBundleName'] = extrap.__title__ from AppKit import NSWindow NSWindow.setAllowsAutomaticWindowTabbing_(False) except ImportError: pass if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from seleniumwire.thirdparty.mitmproxy.addons import core from seleniumwire.thirdparty.mitmproxy.addons import streambodies from seleniumwire.thirdparty.mitmproxy.addons import upstream_auth def default_addons(): return [ core.Core(), streambodies.StreamBodies(), upstream_auth.UpstreamAuth(), ]
<reponame>ardihikaru/mlsp<gh_stars>0 # Source: import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components from scipy import spatial from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas import math import argparse def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--filename', type=str, default="toydata.csv", help='path of data file') parser.add_argument('--k', type=int, default=11, help='number of nearest neighbors for the k-means') parser.add_argument('--out_dim', type=int, default=2, help='dimensionality of the output') parser.add_argument('--color_column', type=int, default=0, help='which column in the data represents the color') parser.add_argument('--max_iterations', type=int, default=300, help='how many iterations will be performed for the gradient descent') parser.add_argument('--neighborhood_radius', type=float, default=0.15, help='how many iterations will be performed for the gradient descent') args = parser.parse_args() # read data from csv, convert to data matrix data = pandas.read_csv(args.filename).values print(data) # delete label row z = data[:, args.color_column].astype(np.float) for i in range(0, args.color_column + 1): data = np.delete(data, 0, 1) print("#fdjnksnkjfsd") print(data) print(data) data = data.astype(np.float) print(data) print("Z") print(z) df = pandas.DataFrame(data) # calculate pairwise distances dist_matrix = pandas.DataFrame(distance_matrix(df.values, df.values)).values # find k closest neighbors for each data point D0 = np.zeros(dist_matrix.shape) for index in range(0, dist_matrix.shape[0]): vector = dist_matrix[:, index] k_smallest = np.argpartition(vector, args.k)[:args.k + 1] for k_index in k_smallest: D0[k_index, index] = dist_matrix[k_index, index] D0[index, k_index] = dist_matrix[k_index, index] # find distances in graph of k neighbors (dijkstra) print("D0") print(D0) shortest_paths = sparse.csgraph.shortest_path(D0, 'D', False) # minimize error in distances in a lower dimensional space X = gradient_descent(shortest_paths, args.out_dim, args.max_iterations) rc = recall(dist_matrix, d_matrix(X), args.neighborhood_radius) pr = precision(dist_matrix, d_matrix(X), args.neighborhood_radius) print("precision:") print(pr) print("recall:") print(rc) np.savetxt('isomap.csv', X, delimiter=';', fmt='%1.3f') plot_data(X, z) def gradient_descent(D0, dim, iterations): data_length = D0.shape[0] # distance matrix in lower dimensional space D = np.random.rand(data_length, data_length) # data matrix in lower dimensional space X = np.random.rand(data_length, dim) for iteration in range(0, iterations): # update distance matrix df = pandas.DataFrame(X) D = pandas.DataFrame(distance_matrix(df.values, df.values)).values # calculate gradient d_d = (D0 - D) / D np.fill_diagonal(d_d, 0) d_d_rowsum = d_d @ np.ones((data_length, dim)) gradient = (d_d @ X - d_d_rowsum * X) * 2 # normalize gradient to unit length magnitude = math.sqrt(np.sum(gradient ** 2)) gradient = gradient # / magnitude # update X X = X - (gradient * 0.001) if iteration % 10 == 0: print("Iteration: " + str(iteration) + " / " + str(iterations)) print("Precision: " + str(precision(D0, D, 0.15))) print("Recall: " + str(recall(D0, D, 0.15))) print("Updated X: ") print(X) print("Pairwise distances in reduced dimension") print(D) return X def plot_data(data_matrix, color): vector1 = data_matrix[:, 0] vector2 = data_matrix[:, 1] cm ='RdYlBu') sc = plt.scatter(vector1, vector2, c=color, s=7, cmap=cm) plt.colorbar(sc) def d_matrix(X): df = pandas.DataFrame(X) D = pandas.DataFrame(distance_matrix(df.values, df.values)).values return D def intersect(b1, b2): return [val for val in b1 if val in b2] def precision(o, re, radius): print(o) original = np.copy(o) reduction = np.copy(re) # 1 true, 0 false original[original == 0] = -1 original[original > radius] = 0 original[original > 0] = 1 original[original == -1] = 1 # 2 true, -2 false reduction[reduction > radius] = -2 reduction[reduction >= 0] = 2 combined = original + reduction # if both conditions true 1, otherwise 0 combined[combined < 0] = 0 combined[combined % 2 == 0] = 0 combined[combined > 0] = 1 n = original.shape[0] pr = 0 for i in range(0, n): c = np.argwhere(combined[i, :] == 1).tolist() o = np.argwhere(original[i, :] == 1).tolist() inter = len(c) pr += inter / len(o) return pr / n def recall(o, re, radius): original = np.copy(o) reduction = np.copy(re) # 1 true, 0 false original[original == 0] = -1 original[original > radius] = 0 original[original > 0] = 1 original[original == -1] = 1 # 2 true, -2 false reduction[reduction > radius] = -2 reduction[reduction >= 0] = 2 combined = original + reduction # if both conditions true 1, otherwise 0 combined[combined < 0] = 0 combined[combined % 2 == 0] = 0 combined[combined > 0] = 1 n = original.shape[0] rc = 0 for i in range(0, n): c = np.argwhere(combined[i, :] == 1).tolist() o = np.argwhere(reduction[i, :] == 2).tolist() inter = len(c) rc += inter / len(o) return rc / n if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>DO-Ui/grabble-bot def RemoveFromList(thelist, val): return [value for value in thelist if value != val] def GetDic(): try: dicopen = open("wordlist.txt", "r") dicraw = dicopen.close() diclist = dicraw.split("\n") diclist = RemoveFromList(diclist, '') return diclist except FileNotFoundError: print("No Dictionary!") return def Word2Vect(word): l = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] v = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] w = word.lower() wl = list(w) for i in range(0, len(wl)): if wl[i] in l: ind = l.index(wl[i]) v[ind] += 1 return v def Vect2Int(vect): pv = 0 f = 0 for i in range(0, len(vect)): wip = (vect[i]*(2**pv)) f += wip pv += 4 return f def Ints2Dic(dic): d = {} for i in range(0, len(dic)): v = Word2Vect(dic[i]) Int = Vect2Int(v) if Int in d: tat = d.get(Int) tat.append(dic[i]) d[Int] = tat elif Int not in d: d[Int] = [dic[i]] return d
<reponame>TingwenH/Project # AUTO GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT from dash.development.base_component import Component, _explicitize_args class Row(Component): """A Row component. Row is one of the core layout components in Bootstrap. Build up your layout as a series of rows of columns. Row has arguments for controlling the vertical and horizontal alignment of its children, as well as the spacing between columns. Keyword arguments: - children (a list of or a singular dash component, string or number; optional): The children of this component. - id (string; optional): The ID of this component, used to identify dash components in callbacks. The ID needs to be unique across all of the components in an app. - align (a value equal to: 'start', 'center', 'end', 'stretch', 'baseline'; optional): Set vertical alignment of columns in this row. Options are 'start', 'center', 'end', 'stretch' and 'baseline'. - className (string; optional): **DEPRECATED** Use `class_name` instead. Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties. - class_name (string; optional): Often used with CSS to style elements with common properties. - justify (a value equal to: 'start', 'center', 'end', 'around', 'between', 'evenly'; optional): Set horizontal spacing and alignment of columns in this row. Options are 'start', 'center', 'end', 'around' and 'between'. - key (string; optional): A unique identifier for the component, used to improve performance by React.js while rendering components See for more info. - loading_state (dict; optional): Object that holds the loading state object coming from dash-renderer. `loading_state` is a dict with keys: - component_name (string; optional): Holds the name of the component that is loading. - is_loading (boolean; optional): Determines if the component is loading or not. - prop_name (string; optional): Holds which property is loading. - style (dict; optional): Defines CSS styles which will override styles previously set.""" @_explicitize_args def __init__(self, children=None, id=Component.UNDEFINED, style=Component.UNDEFINED, class_name=Component.UNDEFINED, className=Component.UNDEFINED, key=Component.UNDEFINED, align=Component.UNDEFINED, justify=Component.UNDEFINED, loading_state=Component.UNDEFINED, **kwargs): self._prop_names = ['children', 'id', 'align', 'className', 'class_name', 'justify', 'key', 'loading_state', 'style'] self._type = 'Row' self._namespace = 'dash_bootstrap_components' self._valid_wildcard_attributes = [] self.available_properties = ['children', 'id', 'align', 'className', 'class_name', 'justify', 'key', 'loading_state', 'style'] self.available_wildcard_properties = [] _explicit_args = kwargs.pop('_explicit_args') _locals = locals() _locals.update(kwargs) # For wildcard attrs args = {k: _locals[k] for k in _explicit_args if k != 'children'} for k in []: if k not in args: raise TypeError( 'Required argument `' + k + '` was not specified.') super(Row, self).__init__(children=children, **args)