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The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "San Francisco has developed a large tourist infrastructure with numerous hotels, restaurants, and top-notch convention facilities." is "Việc thường xuyên xuất hiện trong âm nhạc, phim ảnh, văn chương và văn hóa phổ thông đã giúp cho thành phố và những danh lam thắng cảnh được biết đến trên khắp thế giới." | 0 |
The Arabic translation of English sentence "Fifteen of these rocks are attributed to the meteorite shower last July." is not "وتُعزى خمسة عشر من هذه الصخور إلى وابل الشهب الذي حدث في تموز الماضي." | 0 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "San Francisco has developed a large tourist infrastructure with numerous hotels, restaurants, and top-notch convention facilities." is "સંગીત, ફિલ્મો, સાહિત્ય અને લોકપ્રિય સંસ્કૃતિમાં વારંવાર દર્શાવવામાં આવતા હોવાથી શહેર અને તેના સ્થળોને સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં પ્રસિદ્ધ કરવામાં મદદ મળી." | 0 |
The Igbo translation of English sentence "After it became apparent that many families were seeking legal help to fight the evictions, a meeting was held on March 20 at the East Bay Community Law Center for the victims of the housing scam." is not "Ndi ngaghari iwe nwere olile-anye inweta mkpesa ntibanye aka n’akwukwo nde 1.2 iji gosi nzuko ome-iwu ala-anyi n’onwa Novemba." | 1 |
The Portuguese translation of English sentence "However in 991 Ethelred was faced with a Viking fleet larger than any since Guthrum's a century earlier." is not "Após a reconquista de Danelaw, a Inglaterra havia vivido um longo período de paz." | 1 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "These scarps were found all over the moon and appear to be minimally weathered, indicating that the geologic events that created them were fairly recent." is "Những đường đứt gãy được tìm thấy trên khắp mặt trăng và bị phong hóa rất ít, cho thấy những sự kiện địa chất tạo nên chúng mới diễn ra gần đây." | 1 |
The Kazakh translation of English sentence "The setting might be an historic old building with antique furnishings, manicured grounds and a swimming pool." is not "Бұл жер ежелгі жиһаздары, күтім көрсетілген жерлері және жүзу бассейні бар тарихи ескі ғимарат болуы мүмкін." | 0 |
The Italian translation of English sentence "If you want to learn throwing a boomerang that comes back to your hand, make sure you have a suitable boomerang for returning." is "Se vuoi imparare a lanciare un boomerang in modo che ti torni indietro, devi prima assicurarti che il tuo boomerang sia idoneo." | 1 |
The Turkish translation of English sentence "It is not a learning disability, it is a learning disorder; it "affects 3 to 5 percent of all children, perhaps as many as 2 million American children"." is "Dikkat Eksikliği Bozukluğu "klasik tanımında dürtülerine hakim olamama, dikkati bir yerde toplayamama ve hiperaktiflik veya aşırı enerjinin dahil olduğu semptom trilojisini tanımlayan bir nöreolojik sendromdur"." | 0 |
The Afrikaans translation of English sentence "Unless you are a diplomat, working overseas generally means that you will have to file income tax in the country you are based in." is "Raadpleeg die instansie, sowel as die immigrasie departement vir die land waarin jy graag wil studeer vir die gedetaileerde vereistes." | 0 |
The Hausa translation of English sentence "The White Sea–Baltic Canal connects the Arctic Ocean to the Baltic Sea, via Lake Onega, Lake Ladoga and Saint Petersburg, mostly by rivers and lakes." is "Madatsar ruwa ta Tekun Baltic ta haɗe da Tekun Arctic zuwa Kogin Baltic, ta cikin Tabkin Onega, Tabkin Ladoga da a Saint Petersburg, yawanci ta ƙoramu ko tafkuna." | 1 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "It is not known at this time what charges will be laid or what led authorities to the boy but juvenile proceedings have begun in federal court." is not "Hiện vẫn chưa biết những cáo trạng nào sẽ được đặt ra hay điều gì đã giúp cơ quan thẩm quyền tìm ra cậu bé nhưng tòa thanh thiếu niên đã bắt đầu các thủ tục ở tòa án liên bang." | 0 |
The Spanish translation of English sentence "Charles was the first member of the British Royal Family to be awarded a degree." is "Charles fue el primer miembro de la familia real británica en obtener un título universitario." | 1 |
The Swahili translation of English sentence "In 1994, the ethnically Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan waged war against the Azeris." is "Mnamo 1994, eneo la Azabaijan lililo la Nagorno-Karabakh kikabila lilifanya vita dhidi ya Azeris." | 1 |
The Kazakh translation of English sentence "In short, using your car is a great way to take a road trip but seldom in itself a way to "camp"." is not "Жекеменшік мүлікте немесе кез келген өлшемдегі қалада тент құру қалаусыз назарды оңай аударуы мүмкін." | 1 |
The Irish translation of English sentence "The JAS 39C Gripen crashed onto a runway at around 9:30 am local time (0230 UTC) and exploded, closing the airport to commercial flights." is "Deir príomhthaighdeoirí gur féidir le seo aimsiú luath d'ailse, eitinn, HIV agus maláire a chur ar fáil d'othair i dtíortha ísealioncaim, áit ar féidir leis an ráta marthanais do thinnis ar nós ailse chíche a bheith ina leath den ráta atá i dtíortha níos saibhre." | 0 |
The Nyanja translation of English sentence "Families with children are a rare sight, but some hostels do allow them in private rooms." is "Ndizosowa kuti uwone mabanja omwe ali ndi ana, koma malo ogona chigulu amalola kuti akhale muzipinda zawozawo." | 1 |
The Latvian translation of English sentence "Day hiking involves distances of less than a mile up to longer distances that can be covered in a single day." is "Dienas pārgājienos tiek veikti attālumi gan līdz vienai jūdzei, gan arī garākas distances, ko var paveikt vienā dienā." | 1 |
The Nyanja translation of English sentence "Since then, China's economic size has grown by 90 times." is "Kuyambira pamenepo, chuma cha dziko la China chakula ndi maulendo okwana 90." | 1 |
The Russian translation of English sentence "Virgin have only purchased the ‘good bank’ of Northern Rock, not the asset management company." is "В ходе своей национализации в 2010 году действующий центральный банк Northern Rock Plc был отделён от "плохого банка" Northern Rock (Asset management)." | 0 |
The Luxembourgish translation of English sentence "Maroochydore then defeated Caboolture in the Preliminary Final." is not "Maroochydore huet dunn an der Virfinall géint Caboolture gewonnen." | 0 |
The Hausa translation of English sentence "The effect is dependent on how often your brain attempts to lucidly dream per night." is "Wannan yana da gajiyarwa kamar kuna tashi kowane minti ashirin ko talatin ku kalli Talabijin." | 0 |
The Luxembourgish translation of English sentence "Red tide is caused by a higher than normal concentration of Karenia brevis, a naturally-occurring single-celled marine organism." is not "D'Zeeche war net physesch beschiedegt; d'Modifikatioun gouf mat schwaarze Plane mat Friddenszeechen an Häerzer duerchgeféiert, fir den "O" an e klengen "e" ze verwandelen." | 1 |
The Hindi translation of English sentence "Airlines such as Emirates, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways & Turkish Airlines have greatly expanded their services to Africa, and offer connections to many major African cities at competitive rates than other European airlines." is "हालाँकि, आप यह सोचते होंगे कि आप जिस एयरलाइन से अक्सर यात्रा करते हैं उसी से यात्रा करना ज़्यादा सही है. आपको इस बात की जानकारी होनी चाहिए कि एयरलाइन में दी जाने वाली खास सुविधाएँ अक्सर अलग-अलग होती हैं. इसलिए, अक्सर यात्रा करने वाले यात्रियों की राय ज़्यादा सही होगी जो एक ही क्षेत्र में काम करने वाली अलग-अलग एयरलाइन से यात्रा करते हैं." | 0 |
The Nyanja translation of English sentence "It allows students the ability to work at their own pace and control the pace of instructional information." is not "Kuyakhula motsindika kumathandiza kupeleka nthawi yachikumbu mtima ndikuti ena achitepo kanthu." | 1 |
The Hindi translation of English sentence "King Sejong was the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty and is one of the most highly regarded." is not "किंग सेजोंग जोसन राजवंश के चौथे राजा थे और सबसे सम्माननीय माने जाते हैं." | 0 |
The Chinese translation of English sentence "Sometimes the same flight can have vastly differing prices at various agregators and it pays to compare search results and to also look at the website of the airline itself before booking." is "现在已经很少有人不先搜索和比较价格,就直接通过航空公司订票了。" | 0 |
The Lao translation of English sentence "Stewart, Gordon, Kenseth, and Harvick round out the top-ten positions for the Drivers' Championship with four races remaining in the season." is not "ໃນຄັ້ງທີ່ສາມ, Hamlin ແມ່ນມີຄະແນນຕາມຫລັງຊາວຄະແນນແຕ່ຢູ່ໃນຫ້າອັນດັບຕົ້ນຂອງນັກຍິງທະນູ Kahne and Truex, Jr. ແມ່ນອັນດັບຫ້າ ແລະ ຫົກຕາມລຳດັບພ້ອມດ້ວຍ 2,220 ແລະ 2,207 ຄະແນນ." | 1 |
The Latvian translation of English sentence "Although in theory they can take place annually (so long as they are in different countries), in practice they are not." is "Starptautiskās dārzkopības izstādes ir specializēti pasākumi, kuru laikā tiek izstādīti ziedi, rādīti botāniskie dārzi un jebkas cits, kas saistīts ar augiem." | 0 |
The Arabic translation of English sentence "The believer seeks a direct experience, intuition, or insight into divine reality/the deity or dieties." is not "يسعى المؤمن إلى الحصول على تجربة مباشرة، أو حدس، أو رؤية للحقيقة الإلهية/المعبود أو المعبودين." | 0 |
The Afrikaans translation of English sentence "You need to notice the victim's position as you approach him or her and any automatic red flags." is "Jy moet die slagoffer se posisie en enige outomatiese rooi vlaggies opmerk soos jy hom of haar nader." | 1 |
The Russian translation of English sentence "The crash site was located today and is so inaccessable that two policemen were dropped into the jungle in order to hike to the scene and seek survivors." is "Сегодня было установлено место крушения, но к нему настолько трудно добраться, что двое полицейских были опущены в джунгли, чтобы они дошли до места происшествия и нашли выживших." | 1 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "The steel needle floats on top of the water because of surface tension." is "પૃષ્ઠતાણના કારણે સ્ટીલની સોય પાણીમાં સપાટી ઉપર તરે છે." | 1 |
The Igbo translation of English sentence "Residents from other areas often cite family-friendliness as a primary reason for moving there, and visitors often find the city easy to enjoy with children around." is "Ndị bi n’obodo ndị ọzọ na-arụtụkarị aka na nnabata ndị ezinaụlọ dịka isi ihe na-akpata ịkwaga ebe ahụ, ndị ọbịa na-ahụkarị obodo ahụ dịka ebe di mfe inwe obi ụtọ ma gi na ụmụaka gi soro." | 1 |
The Kyrgyz translation of English sentence "Army ant colonies march and nest in different phases as well." is "Көчмөн кумурскалардын топтору жер алмаштырып, ар кандай баскычтарда уя салышат." | 1 |
The Turkish translation of English sentence "They generate high winds (often 100-200 miles/hour) and can lift heavy objects into the air, carrying them as the tornado moves." is "Onlar sert rüzgarlar oluştururlar (genelde 100-200 mil/saat) ve ağır nesneleri havaya kaldırabilir ve hortum hareket ettikçe onları taşıyabilirler." | 1 |
The Kyrgyz translation of English sentence "The Thais invaded Cambodia several times in the 18th century and in 1772 they destroyed Phnom Phen." is not "Тайланд жана Вьетнам сыяктуу эки күчтүү кошунанын ортосунда Камбожа 18-кылымда кысылып калган." | 1 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "Around 11:29, the protest moved up Whitehall, past Trafalgar Square, along the Strand, passing by Aldwych and up Kingsway towards Holborn where the Conservative Party were holding their Spring Forum in the Grand Connaught Rooms hotel." is not "11:29 ની આસપાસ, વિરોધ વ્હાઇટહોલ તરફ આગળ વધ્યો, ભૂતકાળમાં ટ્રફાલ્ગર સ્ક્વેર, સ્ટ્રાન્ડની સાથે, એલ્ડવિચથી પસાર થઈને કિંગ્સવે ઉપર હોલોર્ન તરફ જ્યાં કન્ઝર્વેટિવ પાર્ટી ગ્રાન્ડ કનોટ રૂમ્સ હોટેલમાં તેમની સ્પ્રિંગ ફોરમ ધરાવે છે." | 0 |
The Turkish translation of English sentence "Make and carry copies of your policy and your insurer's contact details with you." is not "Poliçenizin ve sigorta şirketinizin iletişim ayrıntılarının kopyalarını alın ve bunları yanınızda taşıyın." | 0 |
The Turkish translation of English sentence "The town lies immediately next to the falls, and they are the major attraction, but this popular tourist destination offers both adventure seekers and sightseers plenty of opportunities for a longer stay." is not "Victoria Falls, Zimbabve'nin batı kesiminde, Livingstone, Zambiya sınırının karşısında ve Botsvana yakınlarında bir kasabadır." | 1 |
The Irish translation of English sentence "“It will move over the west coast of northern California and will light the sky from California through central Oregon and on through Nevada and Idaho and into Utah,” Tom Duxbury, Stardust's project manager said." is not "Déanfaidh Stardust curiarracht nua is fearr riamh a bhaint amach as bheith ar an spásárthach is tapa a thuirling chuig an Domhan, ag sárú na curiarrachta a baineadh amach i mBealtaine 1969 le linn do mhodúl ceannais Apollo X a bheith ag filleadh." | 1 |
The Hausa translation of English sentence "Latvia and Slovakia have both delayed the process of joining ACTA." is not "Latvia da Slovakia duk sun jinkirtar da aiwatar haɗin kai da ACTA." | 0 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "If you visit Greenland during cold seasons (considering that the further north you go, the colder it will be), it is essential to bring warm enough clothing." is "Thời tiết lạnh có lẽ là mối nguy hiểm thực thụ duy nhất mà người thiếu chuẩn bị sẽ gặp phải." | 0 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "Only the effects of catastrophizing, not depression and fear was conditional of regular weekly structured PA sessions." is not "અભ્યાસે શોધી કાઢ્યું હતું કે હતાશા, ભય, અને આફતે પીઠની નીચેના ભાગની પીડા ભોગવનારાઓમાં દર્દ અને અસમર્થતા વચ્ચેનાં સંબંધમાં મધ્યસ્થી તરીકે કાર્ય કર્યું હતું." | 1 |
The Hausa translation of English sentence "Registration is an additional requirement for the visa process. In some countries, you must register your presence and address where you are staying with the local authorities." is "A jirgin mai bacci na dare, mai gudanarwa na iya karban fasfo domin kada a dameka yayinda kake bacci." | 0 |
The Arabic translation of English sentence "The approach to obtaining information was different. No longer did pressure reside within individual recall, but the ability to recall text became more of a focus." is not "بينما أصبحت القدرة على اقتناء المعرفة والتعلم متغيرة بالطريقة المذكورة أعلاه، فإن المعدل الأساسي لاقتناء المعرفة قد تغير." | 1 |
The Spanish translation of English sentence "These plateaus are often referred to as "vidde" meaning a wide, open treeless space, a boundless expanse." is "En Noruega son típicos los fiordos y valles de gran pendiente que de pronto abren paso a una meseta elevada, más o menos homogénea." | 0 |
The Italian translation of English sentence "The earliest known book in the world was written in Sanskrit. After the compilation of Upanishads, Sanskrit just faded due to hierarchy." is not "Il primo libro al mondo di cui si ha conoscenza fu scritto in sanscrito. Dopo la composizione delle Upanishad, il sanscrito perdette di importanza." | 0 |
The Indonesian translation of English sentence "Auxiliary languages are artificial or constructed languages created with the intent of facilitating communication between peoples who would otherwise have difficulty communicating." is not "Bahasa tambahan adalah bahasa artifisial atau buatan untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi antara orang yang kesulitan berkomunikasi." | 0 |
The Afrikaans translation of English sentence "His name is still unknown to authorities, although they do know he is a member of the Uighur ethnic group." is not "Sy naam is steeds onbekend aan die owerhede, al weet hulle hy is 'n lid van die Uighur etniese groep." | 0 |
The Hindi translation of English sentence "Stewart, Gordon, Kenseth, and Harvick round out the top-ten positions for the Drivers' Championship with four races remaining in the season." is "सीज़न की चार रेस बची रहने पर भी, स्टीवर्ट, गॉर्डन, केंसेथ और हार्विक ड्राइवर्स चैम्पियनशिप के शीर्ष-दस स्थान में जगह बना चुके हैं।" | 1 |
The Kazakh translation of English sentence "Although in theory they can take place annually (so long as they are in different countries), in practice they are not." is not "Халықаралық бау-бақша көрмелері - бұл гүлдер көрмесін, ботаникалық бақтарды және өсімдіктерге қатысты кез-келген нәрсені көрсететін мамандандырылған іс-шаралар." | 1 |
The Irish translation of English sentence "As time passed, many words that were borrowed from German coalesced. This was the beginning of enlightenment." is "Le himeacht ama, rinneadh comhtháthú ar go leor focal ar tógadh ón nGearmáinis iad. Ba é sin tús na heagnaíochta." | 1 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "Since then, China's economic size has grown by 90 times." is not "Kể từ đó, nền kinh tế của Trung Quốc đã tăng trưởng gấp 90 lần." | 0 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "The nucleus consists of two particles - neutrons and protons." is "Chiếu theo mô hình Bohr giản hóa, đây là một thực thể vô cùng phức tạp bao gồm một hạt nhân có các electron xoay quanh theo quỹ đạo, gần giống như các hành tinh xoay quanh mặt trời - xem Hình 1.1." | 0 |
The Irish translation of English sentence "Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Group had a bid for the bank rejected prior to the bank’s nationalisation." is "D'iarr Northern Rock tacaíocht i ngeall ar a nochtadh le linn ghéarchéim na morgáistí fo-phríomha in 2007." | 0 |
The Hindi translation of English sentence "Hesperonychus elizabethae is a species of the family Dromaeosauridae and is a cousin of Velociraptor ." is "मारूचिडोर ने इसके बाद प्रारंभिक फाइनल में कैबुलचर को हराया।" | 0 |
The Luxembourgish translation of English sentence "Perhaps the most common type of tourism is what most people associate with traveling: Recreation tourism." is "D'Spill gëtt op Gras gespillt an d'Gras ronderëm d'Lach gëtt méi kuerz geschnidden a Green genannt." | 0 |
The Russian translation of English sentence "At home, due to this constant exposure to the local germs, odds are very high that you're already immune to them." is not "Дома на вас постоянного воздействуют местные микробы, следовательно вероятность того, что вы уже выработали к ним иммунитет, очень высока." | 0 |
The German translation of English sentence "Long before The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, Heck and Johnson envisioned a publication that would parody the news—and news reporting—when they were students at UW in 1988." is "Lange vor The Daily Show und The Colbert Report dachten sich Heck und Johnson eine Publikation aus, die die Nachrichten - und die Nachrichtenberichterstattung - parodieren sollte, als sie 1988 an der UW studierten." | 1 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "He originally named the Hangeul alphabet Hunmin Jeongeum, which means "the correct sounds for the instruction of the people"." is "Vua Sejong là vua thứ tư trong Triều đại Joseon và là một trong những vị vua được kính trọng nhất." | 0 |
The Arabic translation of English sentence "Already reporting in English and Japanese, the global organization is launching Spanish, Italian, and Korean-language programs, for television, the web, and mobile devices." is "في الأسبوع الماضي، أعلنت Naked News أنها سوف تزيد بشكل كبير من تفويضها الخاص باللغة الدولية في إعداد التقارير الإخبارية، مع بث ثلاث برامج جديدة." | 0 |
The Latvian translation of English sentence "The Serengeti region contains the Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Maswa Game Reserve in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya." is not "Serengeti reģionā atrodas Serengeti nacionālais parks, Ngorongoro dabas aizsardzības zona, Masvas medību rezervāts Tanzānijā un Masajas Maras nacionālais rezervāts Kenijā." | 0 |
The German translation of English sentence "The president's condition is stable, though he will be isolated at home for several days." is not "Der Zustand des Präsidenten ist stabil, wenngleich er mehrere Tage zu Hause in Isolation verbringen wird." | 0 |
The Irish translation of English sentence "Some of the rainfall was accompanied by thunderstorms and frequent lightning." is "Ghabh stoirmeacha toirní agus lasracha rialta le cuid den bháisteach." | 1 |
The Afrikaans translation of English sentence "With roots in Barcelona's Running Tours Barcelona and Copenhagen's Running Copenhagen, it was quickly joined by Running Tours Prague based in Prague and others." is "Met konneksies in Barselona se Hardlooptoere Barselona en Kopenhagen se Hardlopende Kopenhagen, is dit vinnig deur Hardlooptoere Praag wat in Praag en elders gebaseerd is, aangesluit." | 1 |
The Swahili translation of English sentence "The building housed a number of pilgrims who came to visit the holy city at the eve of hajj pilgrimage." is not "Jengo hilo lilikuwa na mahujaji kadhaa ambao walikuja kuzuru mji mtakatifu siku iliyotangulia hija." | 0 |
The German translation of English sentence "Callejon del Beso (Alley of the Kiss). Two balconies separated by only 69 centimeters is home of an old love legend." is not "Es befinden sich zahlreiche Restaurants in der Umgebung des Gartens, wo nachmittags und abends oft kostenlose Konzerte im zentralen Pavillon stattfinden ." | 1 |
The German translation of English sentence "The fabulous riches of the tomb are no longer in it, but have been removed to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo." is "Jeder, der Interesse daran hat, Belege des Schadens zu sehen, der der Mumie bei den Entnahmeversuchen aus dem Sarg zugefügt wurde, wird enttäuscht sein, da nur Kopf und Schultern sichtbar sind." | 0 |
The Kazakh translation of English sentence "At 1:15 a.m. Saturday, according to witnesses, the bus was going through a green light when the car made a turn in front of it." is "Автобус музыкалық топ барлық билеттерді сатып алған көпшілікке ойнауы үшін Миссури штатындағы Six Flags St. Louis паркіне бағыт алған." | 0 |
The Irish translation of English sentence "The town lies immediately next to the falls, and they are the major attraction, but this popular tourist destination offers both adventure seekers and sightseers plenty of opportunities for a longer stay." is not "Is baile sa chuid thiar den tSiombáib é Victoria Falls, trasna na teorann ó Livingstone, an tSaimbia, agus gar don Bhotsuáin." | 1 |
The Kyrgyz translation of English sentence "Another disadvantage of zoom lenses is that the maximum aperture (the speed) of the lens is usually lower." is not "Жакындатуу объективдеринин дагы башка кемчилиги объективдердин максималдык диафрагмасы (жаркыроо) азыраак болгондугунда." | 0 |
The French translation of English sentence "Long before The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, Heck and Johnson envisioned a publication that would parody the news—and news reporting—when they were students at UW in 1988." is "Les États-Unis disent avoir appris d’une source anonyme que des kamikazes seraient utilisés pour faire exploser des « sites importants » en Éthiopie et au Kenya." | 0 |
The Chinese translation of English sentence "Today's announcement also extended the government's commitment made in March of this year to fund extra carriages." is not "今天的公告也延续了政府在今年 3 月作出的承诺:为额外车厢提供资金援助。" | 0 |
The Irish translation of English sentence "Turkish diva Sezen Aksu performed with the Italian tenor Alessandro Safina and Greek singer Haris Alexiou." is "Chan an diva Turcach Sezen Aksu, an teanór Iodálach Alessandro Safina agus an t-amhránaí Gréagach Hair Alexiou le chéile." | 1 |
The Italian translation of English sentence "Despite these accusations, Ma won handily on a platform advocating closer ties with the Chinese mainland." is not "A discapito di queste accuse, Ma ha vinto con facilità su una piattaforma che promuove una collaborazione più stretta con la Cina continentale." | 0 |
The Russian translation of English sentence "The case was prosecuted in Virginia because it is the home to the leading internet service provider AOL, the company who instigated the charges." is "Дело было возбуждено в Вирджинии, так как там находится главный офис ведущего интернет-провайдера AOL, компании, которая выдвинула обвинения." | 1 |
The Portuguese translation of English sentence "This is the first time a conviction has been gained using the legislation enacted in 2003 to curb bulk e-mail, aka spam, from unsolicited distribution into users mailboxes." is "O caso foi instaurado na Virgínia porque é onde fica a sede do provedor líder de serviços de Internet AOL, a empresa que instigou as acusações." | 0 |
The Italian translation of English sentence "The country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has described the dependency on oil as "a trap" dating from before Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979 and from which the country should free itself." is not "Il leader supremo del Paese, l’Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ha parlato della dipendenza dal petrolio paragonandola ad "una trappola" che risale al periodo precedente la rivoluzione islamica iraniana del 1979 e dalla quale il Paese si dovrebbe liberare." | 0 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "As of Wednesday afternoon, the tank vents were still leaking probably from thermal expansion inside the tank." is not "Tính đến chiều thứ Tư, ống thông khí của bể vẫn bị rò rỉ, có thể do sự giãn nở theo nhiệt độ bên trong bể." | 0 |
The Italian translation of English sentence "The aircraft had been headed to Irkutsk and was being operated by interior troops." is not "Il velivolo era diretto a Irkutsk ed era sotto il controllo di truppe interne." | 0 |
The Afrikaans translation of English sentence "The glaciers are not stable, but flow down the mountain. This will cause cracks, crevasses, which may be obscured by snow bridges." is not "In Rogaland en Agder word hulle meestal "hei" genoem, wat verwys na 'n boomlose moerasland wat in heide bedek is." | 1 |
The Kazakh translation of English sentence "The militaristic nature of the Roman empire aided in the development of medical advances." is not "Рим империясының милитаристік сипаттағы түрі медициналық жетістіктерді дамытуға өз үлесін қосты." | 0 |
The Latvian translation of English sentence "When all individuals in a population are identical with regard to a particular phenotypic trait they are known as monomorphic." is not "Populācija ir konkrētas sugas organismu kopa noteiktā ģeogrāfiskā teritorijā." | 1 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "The Global Running Tours successor, Go Running Tours networks dozens of sightrunning providers on four continents." is "આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય રીતે, લગભગ 200 ટૂર સંસ્થાઓ ચાલે છે. તેમાંની મોટાભાગની સ્વતંત્ર રૂપે સંચાલન કરે છે." | 0 |
The Vietnamese translation of English sentence "The advice assumes that travellers do not steal, trespass, participate in the illegal market, beg, or otherwise exploit other people for their own gain." is not "Đối với những người sẵn sàng hy sinh sự thoải mái, thời gian và khả năng dự đoán giúp giảm chi phí xuống gần bằng không, hãy xem xét ngân sách du lịch tối thiểu." | 1 |
The Italian translation of English sentence "If traveling in a developing country for the first time – or in a new part of the world – don't underestimate the potential culture shock." is not "Se si visita per la prima volta un Paese in via di sviluppo o una parte nuova del mondo, è bene non sottovalutare la possibilità di shock culturale." | 0 |
The Nyanja translation of English sentence "In the 1960s he headed back to newly-independent Algeria to teach film directing." is not "Muzaka zam'ma 1960 adabwelera ku Algeria watsopano odziimira payekha kukaphunzitsa kuwongolera kanema." | 0 |
The Maltese translation of English sentence "Already reporting in English and Japanese, the global organization is launching Spanish, Italian, and Korean-language programs, for television, the web, and mobile devices." is "Wara li kienet diġà qed tirrapporta bl-Ingliż u l-Ġappuniż, l-organizzazzjoni globali issa qed tniedi programmi bl-Ispanjol, it-Taljan u l-Korean, għat-televixin, il-web, u l-apparat mobbli." | 1 |
The Russian translation of English sentence "There are a number of restaurants surrounding the garden, and in the afternoons and evening there free concerts are often given from the central gazebo." is "Сейчас оно является центральной площадью, где постоянно, и днём, и ночью что-то происходит." | 0 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "Fred currently has winds of 105 miles per hour (165 km/h) and is moving towards the northwest." is not "હવામાનના વર્તા મુજબ, કેપ વર્દ ટાપુની પશ્ચિમે 645 માઇલ (1,040 કિમી)ના અંતરે આવેલું વાવાઝોડું કોઈ ભૌગોલિક વિસ્તારોને હાનિ પહોંચાડ્યા વિના શમી જવાની સંભાવના છે." | 1 |
The Kyrgyz translation of English sentence "It was followed by the Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra, a Janissary band, and the singers Fatih Erkoç and Müslüm Gürses." is not "Дүйнөгө белгилүү болгон Cirque du Soleil тобу атайын шоу көрсөтүп, мааракени ачып берди." | 1 |
The Hindi translation of English sentence "The hostel's guests were mostly citizens of the United Arab Emirates." is "इस इमारत में कई तीर्थयात्री रहते थे जो हज यात्रा की पूर्व संध्या पर पवित्र शहर में आते थे।" | 0 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "The South Pole Traverse (or Highway) is a 1600 km trail from McMurdo Station on the Ross Sea to the Pole." is not "સાઉથ પોલ ટ્રાવર્સ (અથવા ધોરી માર્ગ) એ 1600 કિમીનો માર્ગ છે જે રૉસ સી ના મેક મર્ડો સ્ટેશન થી પોલ સુધીનો છે." | 0 |
The Gujarati translation of English sentence "The US Navy also said they were investigating the incident." is not "યુએસ નૌસેનાએ તે પણ કહ્યું હતું કે તેઓ આ ઘટનાની તપાસ કરી રહ્યા છે." | 0 |
The Italian translation of English sentence "On September 24, 1759, Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000 year lease for the St James' Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland." is not "Fred rappresenta il ciclone tropicale più violento mai registrato fino ad oggi a sud e a est dell'Atlantico da quando sono state introdotte le immagini satellitari, e soltanto il terzo uragano più grande mai registrato a est del 35°W." | 1 |
The Igbo translation of English sentence "Although in the end, Krushchev sent in tanks to restore order, he did give way to some economic demands and agreed to appoint the popular Wladyslaw Gomulka as the new prime minister." is not "Agbanyeghị, na Juun 1956, ụmụ nkwa Krushchev ka e tinyere n’ule mgbe ọgbaaghara dara na Poland, ebe ndị ọrụ nọ na-eme ngagharị iwe gbasara ụkọ nri na mbelata ụgwọ ọrụ, ghọrọ ngagharị iwe izugbe megide Kọmunizim." | 1 |
The Hindi translation of English sentence "If the objective of one’s visit to a particular place is to get to know its history and culture then this type of tourism is known as cultural tourism." is "बीच, थीम पार्क्स और कैम्प ग्राउंड्स ऐसी आम जगहें हैं जहां पर अक्सर मनोरंजन चाहने वाले पर्यटक पहुँचते हैं." | 0 |
The Nyanja translation of English sentence "The pattern should be deep enough, 5 mm (1/5 inch) or more, and the material soft enough in cold temperatures." is not "Mosachepera, mukhale ndi nsapato zomwe zazidendene zabwino. Nsapato za nthawi yotentha nthawi zambiri zimakhala zotelera pa madzi wowuma ofewa, ngakhaleso nsapato za nthawi yozizira zimakhala zosakwanira." | 1 |
The Hindi translation of English sentence "The balance of power was a system in which European nations sought to maintain the national sovereignty of all European states." is not "शक्ति का संतुलन' एक तरह की व्यवस्था थी. इस व्यवस्था के अंतर्गत सभी यूरोपीय राष्ट्रों ने एक-दूसरे की राष्ट्रीय संप्रभुता का सम्मान करने की मांग की." | 0 |
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