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1d404vh | Depends if im in a push kind of mood or a pull kind of mood. Variety is the spice of life | 0 |
1d4z202 | Giles is the first Immigration Ministers in a decade who is trying to tackle the difficult issues within the portfolio, instead of weaponising it like most governments. He's just not strong in the politiking aspect of the job.
Albo is setting the standard of not letting the media and Opposition dictate Cabinet positions. We haven't had a PM with that authority since Howard. | 1 |
1d0uxwj | Fuck yes it’s rude in Australia | 0 |
1d63w7o | German or Japanese. I chose German because we'd already been learning that since we started primary school. I think it was roughly 50/50. | 0 |
1d0uxwj | I was taught that. But that’s because kids don’t understand social nuances so it’s not safe. If they point it’s to point out something rudely. “That man is fat” for example, pointing. If I was a Bunnings and the front desk says “Ask Bob, down by Aisle 6” (pointing) there’s no risk that anyone will feel insulted or bullied. I don’t think the prohibition was intended to be permanent. | 0 |
1d67ahs | I volunteer for other things.
Plus, a lot of the activities take place when I'm unavailable.
I used to do bushcare at my old place but all the shifts were early morning. I would've loved an evening 'water the community garden' type shift. | 0 |
1cye52b | It's a bloody good answer, actually, they just needed to scope out the project for a few more years. instead they jumped in and tried to dig a tunnel through soft shitty soil without the proper equipment in place. Smart move! | 1 |
1cq4slp | a major part of the problem is perpetuating the idea that "mental illness" is in the same category as physical illness
it is not and the trend in mental health is to recognise that many mental health issues are in large part responses to social and environmental stressors
biomedical psychiatry has already lost in the battle of ideas but desperately clings to its fiction to preserve the power the state gives them | 0 |
1d0uxwj | Yes I was bought up to have manners. Pointing is rude! | 1 |
1d31i2u | > continuing the Allan Labor Government’s priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men.
How can domestic violence be a valid priority when more women and children die on the roads, if indeed death is the primary determinant of the program?
I'm assuming they mean women in Victoria rather than Victorian women (from the Victorian era) none of whom are still alive.
It's deceitful to blather on about number of deaths of women in domestic violence as justification, when more women die in other arenas, in order to support a program that aims to reduce domestic violence of a wide range of forms including raised voices.
Surely the focus should be on the worst triaged objective outcomes, not subjective hurt feelings; and on men who kill, not profiling all men for the actions of a minority.
Didn't we ban gay conversion therapy only to now implement a generic Men's Behaviour conversion therapy? Behaviour is in response to causative factors, it doesn't magically spring into being through immaculate conception. Perhaps we should be looking at causative factors in priority outcomes. | 1 |
1d54cey | You got that arse about - human rights were overridden by general stupidity, masquerading as public safety. Still, human rights ought to take precedence. | 1 |
1d4qwie | It's kinda funny how the quality varies from place to place. If you have Pizza Hut or Domino's in Asian countries, the quality is so much better than what we get here.
If I had to choose between the two here, I'd probably go with Domino's. | 0 |
1d40hsg | As someone who went to a private school where union is the code we played at school most of us supported {an NRL team + the Wallabies}.
Provincial union has historically never been that big in Australia and there was usually only 2 teams (NSW / QLD). The Brumbies did well but there was never the depth for the Rebels. It was a bad idea and to be honest Rugby Australia’s scant resources are better focused on those 3 teams and the Force for as long as they have a fairy godfather in Twiggy.
I’d love to see Union be better run here but NRL is our professional rugby code. It’s crazy to me that the “big money leagues” for Union are France and Japan. | 0 |
1d0xz4e | If those resources were extracted by public enterprise, 100% of that profit would be available to the people of Australia as public revenue, not less than 50% and government would not need to plead to reserve enough strategic resources for Australians or pay international prices to buy back their own resources. | 0 |
1d2tgir | In the Herald reporting on this proposal, the Premier is tying infrastructure funding for schools and hospitals to meeting these housing targets.
So what we'll get is more public schools that open their doors on day 1 at 150% capacity. No wonder families are fleeing the system in droves. | 1 |
1d31y51 | There's heaps of stuff to see just in Victoria start with some weekend trips.
Back when I was a young 'un, many moons ago, my ex and I had a paper map of Vic and loads of time on our hands. One of us would close our eyes, point to a random spot, and we'd go there
Sometimes we saw interesting stuff, sometimes not, but the base method was sound. A few of those, then you get a feel for what you like, what you can afford and what your car can handle. Then you spread your range.
From Melbourne, I've driven as far west as Adelaide, as far north west as Broken Hill and as far North as Brisbane. All of them had their high points.
Go for it and enjoy! Definitely get RACV roadside assist though, it's reciprocal in all the states I've been to and has saved my hide more than once! | 0 |
1d396bj | Their cult stuff is pretty crummy of the way they treat their staff and OHS record is!? | 0 |
1d3xktx | >it's all about trying to convince you to eat a whole meal in the cinema, in the dark. which is weird, and not a thing I want to do. and being around other people munching away on their meals is not great. People getting food delivered is also a bit distracting.
This is the big turn off for me. Eating a meal in a cinema makes both of those things less enjoyable lol.
It's a pity because this place is not far from me and seems cool, but i'd rather just watch a movie and eat elsewhere. | 0 |
1d0ny0b | It’s all in the GenCost report. Their figures for large scale nuclear assume a continuous build and it’s optimistically applying South Korean numbers. Even so, it’s a very expensive alternative to firmed solar and wind and the build times are out the door.
Likewise, when a single LSR goes down it’s the equivalent of losing about three coal units at once. You need a lot of redundancy to make it work. This is also in the GenCost report.
Insiders isn’t on iview yet so I can’t check your poll but if we’re just saying a majority of Australians are in favour of nuclear, then sure. But that doesn’t justify the selective omission and distortion of facts to push nuclear. If it’s the better approach then it should be obvious in the numbers. | 0 |
1d3u21h | Definitely worth doing the tour there. I had no idea about some of the history and the tour guide told us some fascinating stuff. | 0 |
1d4tlv6 | Which closed economy of the last few decades do you think we should emulate? | 0 |
1d2do69 | While I'm always in favour a good mural, getting rid of graffiti shouldn't be halted because of it. | 0 |
1cxlqov | Gas runs out. It produces ongoing waste. It's sourced from a small number of places, with a small number of providers. The price can rise incredibly sharply when policies (national, state, or corporate) change. Supply can be cut off.
Renewables don't run out - that's their whole point. They don't, in general, produce ongoing waste of multiple types from their point of production to their point of use, or at least it's significantly less than fossil fuels or nuclear. The production equipment is either highly recyclable or likely to be able to become so as technology advances. And because renewable power can be produced by thousands of companies, and even in-house by businesses and individuals, it's a lot harder for prices to do anything but go down per watt-hour, even on initial equipment costs. It's not controlled by a small number of providers. It doesn't need large-scale and separate infrastructure (of a kind significantly different to the existing electrical grid) to be maintained. It doesn't need things continually physically transported in order to operate. And it's a lot harder to cut off supply when more end-consumers are producing at least some of their needs themselves and can source the rest extremely locally.
The only two reasons to go with non-renewables are (1) price per watt-hour, and (2) politics from people who want to make all the money and/or have control over fuel supplies. And the first reason is rapidly approaching a non-issue, especially if you factor in total cleanup and waste-management costs from every aspect of the operational process.
Previously, the first reason held economic sway, and it made sense to go with non-renewables. I'm not about to point fingers at people who made that decision at the time. But it's becoming far less of one, and increasingly likely to swing over to renewables on larger scales than it already has, over time. | 0 |
1d4lztg | With food costs sadly I have no idea how the vulnerable and old are coping when they struggled when everything was cheaper. | 0 |
1czih0z | I believe a considerable amount of theory taught as well | 0 |
1d35ec2 | why is the title 'women voters', that really doesnt flow well
why not just female voters?
you wouldnt say 'men voters', you'd say male voters | 0 |
1cygxqf | Those Palestinian deaths which Husic uses a Hamas figure to quantify , are on Hamas and by default the people of Gaza for first carrying out a despicable act and then refusing to release the remaining hostages. Husic seeks to put them on Israel. Husic lacks the courage to come out and state clearly his position. | 0 |
1d2fqxt | To everyone freaking out, as a plumber this happens often.
No rain last night, so not a roof leak. Water has been isolated so issue has stopped.
Could be a bath left on, fire sprinkler, Flexi hose burst, burst pipe in wall etc. the main floor thats burst will need floors replaced, the other floors wil probably just need hallway carpet dried. Lift shaft will likely be fine.
The comments about cost and not buying in this building are ridiculous. This will almost certainly be covered by insurance - either strata, individual or builders. A few people will be put out, almost all will be fine. | 1 |
1cwahc0 | Being an Assistant Minister brings with it an additional $53K.
Of course, MT is assistant minister for a couple of portfolios, so removing that specific area of duty wont change that salary supplement.
Having an assistant minister with no policy of actually implementing anything opens a political line of attack with very little upside. | 0 |
1d5wft9 | I find it hilarious that this is an article about emergency ambulances and they’re using a NPT truck, which appears to be breaking the law by speeding | 0 |
1d2fira | We called it wagging when I was in school from 90s to 2010 | 1 |
1d4yemq | Port stephens is beautiful | 0 |
1d466dk | So the teens that were committing the robberies got bail and no prison time I assume. | 1 |
1d1cqon | Well you can develop probability field that depends on a characteristic. E.g young people of X demographic are Y% likely to vote Z. | 0 |
1crpjgi | No mention that Australia's current birthrate doesn't allow for a sustainable country without immigration? | 1 |
1d4qkqz | I am always confused by people "complaining" about deals like this for police/nurses/teachers etc. The deals they have in place are reflective of societies desire and need to do that particular job. It's supply and demand of labour. Literally the most basic tenant of capitalism.
This post points out that the requirements for the job aren't high. Sure. But yet we can't get enough people to apply for the job. So you have to increase incentives.
Same applies to teachers. Want more "better" (not even going to delve into what better means or how you quantify that) PAY THEM MORE.
It's not about making the qualifications easier or lowering the bar to entry. It's about making the job more attractive.
We are happy to pay CEOs million to get the best candidate. I don't see the problem with apply this logic to cops and teachers and nurses etc.
This rant made sense in my ADHD brain. Hope it makes sense to others lol | 1 |
1cxm0x5 | There does seem to be some confusion between how many additional houses need to be built (about 250,000) and the current shortfall (about 70,000 according to this, not 20,000. | 0 |
1d4j6lo | Very true about the misdiagnoses! I had so much therapy growing up, diagnosed with ocd tendencies and chronic anxiety. I’m surprised it wasn’t picked up earlier for me- although I’m female and the social stuff is less obvious in women/it presents differently to boys
When I had my autism diagnosis, my doctor asked if I wanted to be tested for adhd, I was like nah I do not relate to any of those symptoms
I hope your child is doing better/well after their diagnosis :) | 0 |
1cqmy49 | leftist shill i see | 1 |
1cwv29h | Biden is working hard on shutting down the Gaza War now as unlike Ukraine , he would suffer politically if he goes to an election and it is still unresolved. | 1 |
1d41a1q | I'm going back to cash. Or at least I'm trying to but there are no fucking ATMs | 1 |
1d5jc60 | The fun police have been here
We should smoke some crack cocaine and smash this shit into bits | 1 |
1d1cwy1 | Because I drive home on country roads, getting tailgated by some idiot in a vehicle 3x heavier than mine is putting everyone’s life at risk unnecessarily, I think I’m entitled to dislike them.. | 0 |
1d5z5pc | Yet if a Liberal did this, you'd love it. I'm pretty sure there are Sane Voice comments praising Morrison standing up to China, over Covid, for example.
Please have some integrity in the criticisms. A user's already pointed out how China folded like an accordion and saved face by not publicly admitting they'd folded, reaccepting our food and energy exports as quickly as they announced they were done with them. | 1 |
1d4qq3b | Fair enough.
I have written to other MPs before and always had follow-up by them or their office. Even if it was a BS response, there was a follow-up.
Dr. Anada-Rajah just simply brushed me off... | 1 |
1d0bo37 | Launceston vs Hobart.
Like two turds arguing who has the best piece of corn. | 1 |
1d4qwie | They're both fucking awful, try your local independent and support them. | 0 |
1czvemb | He's not wrong though alot of media is RW slanted, especially news Corp.
Imo there needs to be a pretty serious discussion on the toxicity of sky "news" as an organisation..
Abc might occasionally be pro-labor, the Guardian aswell. But these organisations maintain a degree of civility in their reporting.
Turn on any sky segment and you'll be met with the most vile language, laced with toxicity and venom. There is no civility in it, there is no decorum. Just pure disgusting narrativisation and crude character assassination tactics.
It is not news, it is political toxic social engineering and should be seen for what it is, and addressed accordingly.
That kind of toxicity is not good for a person's psyche and we can see its affects everywhere that Newscorp has its tendrils. | 0 |
1d68uab | Thank you, I’ll do that | 0 |
1d4kc9e | Humpback whales migrate through the NW shelf where Woodside Chevron and Santos have offshore facilities in abundance, along with service vessels, major iron ore shipping routes and container ship traffic all the way down to Fremantle and Bunbury itself.
I think the whales will be fine. | 0 |
1d5ldv0 | The trash is the bikes that get left there. | 1 |
1cum8y0 | Man I’m pro Palestinian as it comes but can the media and politicians just stop. Whatever they say ain’t gonna do shit about the situation, I’ve already accepted this and I don’t care for what albo feels on the matter. Address the cost of living issues and things that are affecting us here in real time. Seems like they’re trying to polarise and divide everyday Australians and keep us distracted from the domestic issues we have in this country like homelessness, mental health, increasing crime and violence and cost of living!! Never felt so out of touch with a government and I thought scomo was bad | 0 |
1d2flpg | Triage is there for them to determine the order of priority. Not you. | 1 |
1d3j26m | Thanks for the article, which at least provides enough quotes and context behind the entirely reasonable arguments being made by the IPA, despite the hyperventilating rhetoric surrounding it to try and make it seem unhinged. | 1 |
1cozx5z | I advocate mass importation of small , portable accommodation ( aka like current mining accom) en masse.
Buy it from China if needs be and use federal land to bypass council and state red tape.
We need immediate solutions to alleviate the crisis in the very short term whilst more permanent solutions for housing are found.
Once achieved, sell these on the private market to recoup some costs.
Power , water , and sanitation needs can be addressed in a timely manner with new technology available in a quick fashion also.
It can be done. | 0 |
1d42g4j | That’s so cute! | 0 |
1cz8de0 | Most of the mainstream media is fairly right leaning. ABC is centre and places like the Guardian are left leaning. Though this can vary on certain issues | 0 |
1cp7krx | Only 10% of international students are still in the country 2 years after graduation. | 1 |
1d5iuvf | The first two words in the title are unnecessary... | 0 |
1d40hsg | The fans care but decades of mismanagement have led to poor fan numbers. | 0 |
1d4ffjg | I was so mad when I saw that a couple of weeks ago. We came in specifically to see the shot tower, and instead we got… that. | 1 |
1d3k5pj | I think my current ones are Armani but honestly I will just try to get the same size dimensions as my current ones because they completely cover my peripheral vision. I know already that the numbers on the frame denote the size dimensions of the frame so will be going off that.
The lens additions sound good have never tried them and I think will be better to have so looks like spec savers might be the one for me so I can try them in store in person though I have bought online ones in the past I believe they were from clearly. | 0 |
1crheft | More examples of Australian whistleblower protection laws f
Just do fuck all to actually protect whistleblowers | 1 |
1d2y8wr | While labour and materials are the biggest cost inputs into homes trades who work for domestic builders arent even on that much.
High wages defenitely afflict high rise builders though especially in victoria.
But what does my head in is the liberals are all over this new car tax and yet they introdiced GST on homes, then mainly labor state governments introduced developer levies, councils more charges.
So we have liberals crying foul on a 15k impost on 4x4s but then the 150k plus in taxes from homes - 15bn odd per annum we dont say the same - what does this 150k do to the proce of all homes.
To my mind it is a bigger issue of justice and equality that homes are made more expensive by tax than 4x4s and i drive and holiday in 4x4s.
Why is this not on the radar? Why can we go; congrats labor spending 2bn on supply while we milk 15bn back out as generous to prospective first home buyers.
I mean we are literally putting a tax on these 4x4s of 15k to discourage them but then dont care we have 150k odd on a new home and wonder where is the supply. | 1 |
1d15q3q | I work hospo. People do it to "cheap and cheerful" whites/rose a lot, it is considered a bit low-brow but is fairly common at low-brow establishments. Reds almost never, but occasionally an old lady wants iced red.
When I worked a wine bar it was a lot less common, but it happened. Usually people would stick to whatever our cheapest white by the glass was if they were gonna do that. But I was asked once to put ice in a Domaine Sainte Marie rose, and another time in a De Sainte-Gall champagne. I don't think I can ever go to France now. They'll look at me and just *know*. I'm afraid of random mobs forming to seek justice for what I have done.
In 20 years of selling drinks I have never been asked to put ice in beer. Ever. That is insane talk. Nobody would do that. What the actual fuck. | 1 |
1d0r77q | I'm in a strata as a renter and tbh I'm okay with it.
During the really bad flooding situation we had a few years back, my apartment flooded due to there being no flashing at all in my external wall to my private courtyard (owners responsibility) and also the external wall that the driveway is on (strata responsibility). And I'm talking 2inches deep in my apartment removing access to my loungeroom and kitchen. Also inadequate drainage in my courtyard which helped make it even worse according to the guys who xame to fix it.
My landlord (owner) decided that because it was unprecedented flooding they wouldn't be fixing the wall to my courtyard, that it was fine and likely wouldn't happen again, while strata was prepping to fix the driveway side. This caused an argument between the two as technically strata would have to rip apart some of my internal walls to ensure the flashing was fixed and for of course... Mold checks. One of the other issues I had was my courtyard is 2ft below the road level and I only had the one drain, which wasn't effective to stop water pooling, so that + absolutely no flashing and the courtyard being under water so far the weep holes (I think that's what they called them) were under the water.. so the water only had one way to drain. Into my apartment.
Strata ripped away ALL the walls affected to redo the flashing, including in the courtyard, had 2 more drains added to my courtyard and then took the owners to court to pay for the repairs to their part of the wall and the new drainage as my strata saw it rightly as unreasonable to not fix the other part of the issue. Took the lovely workers 3 days to do it all including repainting the inside walls they had to pull apart to fix it.
We had a very similar flooding incident this year, strata were all over me to check the flashing was working, there was nothing coming into my apartment and even sent an inspector out to just... Check via little holes they fixed the same week.
And look, while it was unprecedented flooding, it still was absolutely not okay for my apartment to 3xs in 6mths end up 2inches under water. And there was time between each event to fix it, clearly as it was done in 3 days total.
Others can I guess be absolute shit shows, but not all are.
Edit to add: ours is a corporate style strata, no owners are on their board or whatever it is. They are a management of the property style set up. Owners can bitch at them/ask them to do repairs to common area, but owners have to accept anything really they say, unless totally unreasonable. Like the fight they had about cleaning the exterior with a pressure washing company. Owners didn't want to... Strata told them we are doing it either comply and pick a company yourself or we will and you'll be fined, there mold growing lol | 0 |
1d1eojd | Maybe not housework related but when you buy a house in America it comes with the existing fridge but in Australia and buying a house it never comes with a fridge…you bring your own fridge and take it with you when you sell | 0 |
1d03qfh | I have NEVER had an issue returning shit to Bunnings.
And I've returned alot of stuff.
I bought a $600 canopy cover, that ripped to pieces after two years. They didn't give a shit. I dropped off the scraps and they refunded . | 0 |
1d28erd | Not understanding how deadly the heat can be. There've been many tragedies with tourists bushwalking in 40+C temperatures. I might be the same dealing with extreme cold and snow. | 0 |
1d2z4dt | ‘Vent your spleen’ should have an entire page dedicated. | 1 |
1d67m5c | Everyone just needs to learn what the different symbols on the dash mean!
| 0 |
1cvgxg1 | >Why younger voters say the budget does nothing to fix generational inequality
...Because it does nothing to fix generational inequality.
Saved you a read. | 1 |
1d5yvdq | Assume you want city restaurants, but huge shout out to Imm Oon in Lilydale, it’s fantastic. | 0 |
1d5n43e | There’s Afro dance at imax/museum from
What I know they all meet up there and vibe out. They’ve got an Instagram page. I’ve never got a chance get down there but the turn outs are good | 0 |
1d2flpg | Priority urgent care, kinda in between a GP and the emergency room. I had to go on Sunday night, only waited an hour and a half, google your nearest one. Again they also triage so if someone worse off comes in, they go before you. ( they support the nearest emergency hospital, quick google says the one supporting Casey emergency is located in narre Warren ) | 0 |
1cx2znc | I would not be surprised if both major parties thought they could simply import skilled people when the need arose without considering the possibility those skilled people would not be available, or that those additional people plus natural population growth would have other repercussions.
The LNP is against research and the ALP's focus is on workers and jobs, so pure research has been declining, when many of historys serendipidous discoveries have been made during research.
Neither party is really looking to the future, only firefighting and managing by crisis. | 1 |
1d27csq | The Cookie Box has 3 locations. They are so good! but dangerous, I've only let myself have them twice. The Churros was my favourite.
| 0 |
1cqqah0 | Oh thanks. Our net debt is higher than Qlds Gross debt and expected to rise like crazy in the next few years. | 1 |
1d42oma | Ok if you have access to Netflix please watch [Kath and Kim]( this will give you a broad range from strine through to whine with some snooty thrown in
If you don’t checkout YouTube bloopers, Magda is a giggler | 0 |
1d5fsq6 | Not uncommon and not good enough. | 0 |
1d4y1lu | We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all.
Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban | 0 |
1cpsju3 | Not really, the past 30 years has brought in way more regulation than ever before, there hasn’t been anything called the free market for way longer than before the 80s.
It’s why the west is failing and Asia is growing at a rapid rate. It’s much harder to start a business, or get a job in a new industry in the west now. We have all forgotten that people want to make money and we need less barriers, not more, to make that happen.
Woke policies, nanny state policies, lots of environmental bull shit, nimby, over regulated. And each year it’s just getting worse and worse because the more laws the government introduces the harder it gets for business to swim through the swamp of shit law. | 1 |
1d0s25i | She is in a Marginal Seat outside of SEQ in an election where her party is set to lose, she will be out of a job in October | 0 |
1d5j84n | The only thing Kew has ever had and will ever have is the Skinny Dog | 1 |
1d5z5pc | So, they spoke harshly to him? Is that it? | 1 |
1d60dm6 | I think we're better off using our military to conquer French island. Not sure how or why they got it in the first place. | 1 |
1cwrwmv | I would be happy if the entire aid budget is used to better Australia’s political goals. If it can help people at the same time, perfect. But while we’re in a domestic housing crisis and with in high levels of immigration, Australia is doing more than its fair share of global philanthropy. | 0 |
1d3bx0j | Six admissions in the last twelve months baby!
I was so happy with the care provided to me over the last year. Nursing staff are at their worst not bad and many are absolutely bloody amazing. The unit manager on level 1 is a legend. I have been seeing my doctor there as an outpatient for years but had a few second opinions from other psychiatrists there and all of them were respectful, thoughtful and really took me seriously which I appreciated. Please feel free to PM if you have any specific questions! | 0 |
1cpc5wo | Like many victorians?
This is why it is impossible to engage with you. You don't interpret language properly.
She is relating her experience to the (present tense) experience of "many" in the state.
If she meant the experience of Victorians 50 years ago, she would have stated such. | 1 |
1cp0296 | Brisbanes economy is still a lot smaller than Melbourne. Head offices don’t move up there as much because there are no banks and financial markets up there. | 0 |
1d0pw2n | Enough that I forbade myself from buying any new perfume this year. I usually allow myself one high end bottle at a time, but I think I spent about $1000 last year. I have a box of sample sets and testers.
Cost-wise its not that bad if I count it as a hobby rather than cosmetics, but I'll be sad if any of it spoils and I have to throw it out before enjoying it. | 0 |
1d42g4j | Aussies are the scamees, not the scammers | 1 |
1cpr67f | I’ve got more sympathy for animals that are helpless than people who have choices. | 0 |
1d237qo | *Yo-ho blow the man down*
Excuse me…
*Yarr, shiver me timbers*
*avast ye, landlubber* | 1 |
1d1s8rm | Carbon credits - taxpayer $ -> corporations, setup as a rort to replace the carbon 'tax' - corporate $ -> taxpayers. | 1 |
1d5cns8 | Yep. Reception can be poor or non existent depending on where you go. Important to have nav and safety sorted without a need for data/signal. | 0 |
1d55w77 | Don't support Murdoch's businesses | 0 |
1cuq695 | Part of the issue that all the solutions are pitched to helping housing be more affordable for the upper middle, and middle of the economy.... which doesn't really grasp the issue as young people feel it. Not to mention the homeless and disabled who will probably struggle the most in their life times to ever find a path to home ownership.
You kind of have to help the poorest into home ownership to be seen as actually addressing the problem as it is felt. | 0 |
1d3xfaw | At least his honest | 0 |
1d65vcq | laksa king | 0 |
Subsets and Splits