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1d4nrgb | Is no one going to mention the three apostles? | 1 |
1d263x7 | If this is a legit text then Fines Vic need need a better system because it looks exactly like other scam texts. | 1 |
1d417qg | Rock-it Barber ... they're looked after me from mohawks to mullets to quiffs. Little on the expensive side but I haven't found anywhere cheaper that does a better cut. | 0 |
1cwtko0 | There is an argument that you can capitalise on that good will by securing an election win early.
You never know what might happen: if the economy falls off a cliff over Xmas, Labor will be wishing they pulled the trigger this year. | 1 |
1d51qif | I ride every day and I’m regularly cut off by cars/trucks or nearly doored along streets like Sydney Rd. Even pedestrians just stepping out into bike lanes like on Swanston St are a massive hazard. I wouldn’t be without my helmet personally. But I recognise that’s my choice.
I think they should be compulsory up to the age of 18. Peer pressure being what it is means kids will definitely bully their peers for wearing a helmet if it’s not compulsory, and being less risk-averse naturally, we’re guaranteed to end up with a lot more teenaged brains splashed on our roads if they’re made optional. | 1 |
1d3k6b7 | Great drive for the most part. There are some stunning beaches north of Sydney; try to stop by the one just north of Tea Gardens (a town). Byron Bay and Coff's Harbour are nice, though I hear they're swarmed with tourists these days.
There are beautiful bushwalks in Southeast Queensland. I like the Mt. Mee Lookout walk, but that can take 5 hours and requires at least moderate physical fitness. There are so many others of varying length in the area. That region also has the Glasshouse Mountains, Australia Zoo, and the Blackall ranges.
Somewhere near Isis I think there's a "Canadian" roadside diner. Could stop there if it's open and see how it compares to the real thing. Rockhampton has a pretty good zoo with free admission. Beyond Rockhampton there's a pretty boring stretch for about 4 hours before you get to Mackay.
Airlee Beach is not particularly impressive, but you'd have to pass through if you want to check out the Whitday Islands. Whitehaven Beach is consistently rated as one of the best and most beautiful in the world.
Two months gives you way more time than necessary to do that trip. If you do end up taking that journey between those cities specifically, you'll want to take it slow and explore lots of different places along the way. | 0 |
1d24t3a | Typically yes. It sits in my wallet, in my bag, which is usually on me.
In terms of buying alcohol, I'm up in the NT, so showing ID is mandatory at bottle shops, regardless of age.
It is definitely less common in the UK though for sure. | 0 |
1d639g5 | I have no interest in Texas at all. But Aussies go everywhere around the world as generally we are fairly wealthy, so have the luxury of travel | 0 |
1d25xi7 | Only if the Australian will back Labor for the next few elections, otherwise that’s just a trap to get the Liberals back in, which is what ‘The Australian’ journalists want. | 1 |
1czkzax | Bbq Lamb cutlets + veg, roast pork loin + veg, BBQ chicken breast + salad, beef, veg and Noodle stir fry. Simple, easy and quick. I also cook a slab of lasagne, portion it up and freeze it along with chicken curries and fried rice. It's good to have healthy meals in the freezer to pull out when you don't have time or couldn't be bothered cooking. | 0 |
1d2d56d | Why should the government be different to the rest of us. We do actually have building regulations but it suited dan to defund the regulatory agency. | 0 |
1cql8oq | OK so a few questions, just to pick apart this fairly insipid response - why aren't any other unions doing this? The AWU don't do it, they instead also get assaulted by the CFMEU.
No other union is this militant, even the ETU.
Remember when the CFMEU exhibited truly blue collar values by backing domestic violence enthusiast John Setka, in his comments against Rosie Batty?
Remember how the union rallied behind Setka in reaction to the now-PM seeking his expulsion from the Labor Party?
Setka's VIc branch is already extending into ACT and SA.
I know for you PINOs, mindless backing of all unions is what you do to avoid being accused of being anti-worker as your politics aren't based on conviction but on status and conformity and inclusion. You can be pro-worker and conclude the CFMEU are a massive problem for Australia. If even parts of the Labor Party are worried about the CFMEU's unhinged militancy, you know there's a problem. What will it take - wives and kids of building firm employees disappearing before people realise that it's an issue? We know you CFMEU fans are ok with domestic violence so it's useless to ask about *that*. | 1 |
1d2kf2d | As is tradition with a midlife crisis, buy a sports car and bang a string of younger people, getting rid of each for a new one any time they don't suit you anymore. | 1 |
1cza07d | In bed lol | 0 |
1d2awds | If only it connected to the other side of Spencer St, meaning commuters didnt have to risk the traffic. | 0 |
1cx2i9u | I guess the cynicism comes from years of Labor announcing something, followed by the Coalition saying it will do something different. It wouldn't be so bad if the "something different" was based on real data or experience. However, it's usually just marketing, and usually optional as to whether they do it at all. | 0 |
1cyuujw | I really miss those toffee apple lollies! Not the actual apples covered in toffee that you’d get in the fruit section, but the lolly bars that were almost like redskins. They were so good!! | 0 |
1d35ec2 | Dutton a survivor?
He's the silly duffer left behind after Morrison and Brother Stu laid waste to the LNP.
And he's only got the job because no one but Hastie wants it, and Hastie can't have it cos Australians aren't ready for another evangelical idiot in a position of power. | 1 |
1d662ph | The Australian Energy Market is a speculative gambling environment where profit is key, regardless of the cost to society for an essential service: it's like putting the future of Australia in the hands of a casino. | 1 |
1d4k6zi | Did he lose access to medical cannabis? | 0 |
1cwrwmv | Our fair share is 0%. Anything above that is morally good. Comparison to other OECD nations doesn’t make donating less immoral. | 0 |
1cyyfzp | Just say back, 'no worries cunt'. | 1 |
1cqpxa5 | can't believe jacqui lambie is talking shit about asbestos best building material ever made. Too bad it is toxic | 1 |
1cwahc0 | They’ed be using it in a rhetorical sense to describe the perception of the voter they’re concerned about.
I think it’s a smart political move. Labor does itself the biggest disservice when it is perceived as being out of touch with its core demographic of voters (ie the voice referendum).
In the age of a cost of living crisis, having a minister for the republic is done deaf not required. | 0 |
1d3eybn | Since the Wicked Witch was crushed... still much the same.
All work is controlled by the guilds, and the tall people take all the good property. | 1 |
1d358n6 | This might be way out there... But you could ask your local friendly blacksmith? Google waterside metal art in footscray. | 0 |
1cp4p45 | General Assembly votes don't mean anything, it's all symbolic. The Security Council has all the power. | 0 |
1d0bo37 | There are some people for whom it really does matter. The rest of us don't give a shit.
WA *did* have a referendum in 1933 to exit the Federation, some 32 years after Federation, and the state voted two thirds in favor. However later legislation in English Parliament left them unable to carry out the secession.
WA contributes to 46% of Australias export revenue and as such with their distance and size compared to the rest of Australia the secessionist conversation has remained relevant even up to this day, with them feeling they could do just fine on their own. | 1 |
1d348o3 | Paintball! | 0 |
1d5z5pc | What a load of absolute shite. What Marles said is consistent with Australia’s position for years. The SCS is a massive global trade route and China militarising it is an issue for everyone.
Unilaterally cutting all trade would of course damage Australia - but it would also do a lot of damage to the Chinese economy. China tried its economic coercion campaign and all it did was demonstrate Australia’s economic resilience and ability to diversify markets.
The raw imports China gets from Australia are essential to China’s economy (which is struggling) - they cannot quickly substitute the proximity and scale of iron ore, coal, gas, lithium etc that they get from Australia.
All this cheerleading for China makes me want to throw up. Australia should absolutely be making its position on these matters clear - all this does is prove how sensitive China is on these matters. | 1 |
1czih0z | Certificate in concreting | 1 |
1cwhypl | Ideally, they shouldn't get it because they don't need it, but the changes to stage 3 dwarf $300 for high-income households anyway. Swings and roundabouts, etc. | 0 |
1d2gipl | Is there an off leash area in St Kilda Beach? | 0 |
1d4czup | I’m in Sydney and there’s quite a difference in the walkability and public transport of different areas here. But you’d definitely find a bunch of areas that’d fit all your criteria!
Feel free to message me if you’d like (although I’m not as knowledgeable as most locals) | 0 |
1d4ny77 | Are you doing the stalking then? Or some sort of criminal activity?
Because you could just pay a homeless dude $100 to set it up under there name .. then it's untraceable | 0 |
1d2x52g | Had my plastic license for 18 months. Still hasn't glitched or run out of batteries. | 0 |
1d2j2oj | I've used []( they printed a custom miniature for me.
What is it you are printing? | 0 |
1czv2em | Bring lotsa cash cos our dollar rate sux and everything is OVERPRICED. Good luck. | 1 |
1d4hwzs | Too many commercial properties have been sitting empty in City of Port Phillip, with new ones being vacated all the time. Dropping the asking rents on these properties would impact their perceived value (which is probably tied to loans) and potentially drive down rents on existing properties at the end of a lease. | 0 |
1d2zpxm | Yeah, that's what I looked at and thought. Mid-morning out of Avalon, and if there is an issue there should be enough time to sort the next flight out. | 0 |
1d4k9fe | Thanks dude, will look into them. | 0 |
1d5kce4 | > It can't be that much different from sitting in a fluorescently lit office all day though and not getting any daylight except 10 minutes during lunch.
Are you speaking from experience? Because if you aren't - imagine piercing light(s) you can't switch off, on camera, migraines, blurred vision, loss of equilibrium and balance. It fucks with your senses and feels invasive. An assault on your senses. | 1 |
1ctqtgq | Agree to disagree that they are aligned. It's like saying captlism and crony captlism are same thing but actually are very much the opposite in principles. | 1 |
1d5vino | Having been proven correct with respect of the actual jus cogens offences at play in this war (CAH, war crimes) and being told by very, *very* Online people how I was wrong at it was all the fashionable crime starting with G - which the ICC neglected to indict upon, suggesting jews I mean AKSHULLY zionists! do control the world - I'm really keen to see how my international law major stacks up against people who have a Bachelor's in TikTokPoliSci from Reddit University!
Conceptually, the idea that no state's leaders can be immune to prosecution from *jus cogens* offences is one that, even in spite of the views of some states like China and the US, holds water. We have agreed that in customary international law and through some treaty law, that no state is permitted to derogate from the peremptory norms of international law - which, in lay speak, means no state can justify one of these crimes by saying that the sovereign state made it legal. The sovereign state cannot make it legal, which is the main reason why America struggles with the concept, because of their own take on Constitutional jurisprudence. The ICC sought, in a sense, to manage this by targeting individuals (the ICJ focuses on disputes between states) because generally one or more senior figures in a group or regime are responsible for the policy that leads to these crimes. Entire semesters on international legal jurisdictional theory was devoted to how the US views, and makes use of, the different types of jurisdiction in international law.
So we're getting to the intersection of the practice and the theory. In practice, the US also raised the prospect of misuse of the court's authority on political grounds, where the politics of statecraft get in the way and the court becomes a blunt instrument of vengeance, not justice. The way the ICC handled this does give that complaint some credit. For one; in trying to give an appearance of balance, Prosecutor Khan made a false equivalence by inferring that the leaders of a radical terrorist group are equal to leaders of a democratically elected state. As flawed as those leaders are, it is a gross violation of protocol to give them false equivalence and pandered *entirely* to politics in doing so. The calculus was that the pressure would be less to defy convention and equate the two than issue warrants for the likes of Mohammed Deif and Yayha Sinwar first and incur the wrath of the useful idiocy movement.
The ICC's investigators were also due to meet with officials from the government of Israel, as part of their investigations. It was arranged and never followed through on. Under the ICC charter, if a state is investigating its own for the commission of a jus cogens offence, then the ICC will defer any acts until such a time as the investigation was over. It is of course, doubtful to the point of fantasy to believe Israel would self-investigate on these grounds - but a court like this *must* be strict in its observing of protocol, if it is to have legitimacy in any meaningful sense. The US, Russia, and China all already are in opposition to the concept, which is 60% of the Permanent members of the UN Security Council. International cooperation has died for less (see also: League of Nations, and US non-involvement).
This brings us to Australia. The opt-out clause Dutton refers to exists for the US, and this situation - though it's hard to see Bibi coming here. It should exist. Dutton, on a diplomatic front, is right to suggest we avail ourselves of it. But there's a wider argument, which Dutton is missing, and that's not the first time I've had to say this about the LOTO.
Israel is right to view this war as an existential crisis. It is right to view 7 October as unacceptable. It is right to view the legions of useful morons parroting HAMAS talking points and confidently saying they're too smart for propaganda, as an existential threat as the rhetoric only gets more and more aligned to radical Islamic views of Jewish people.
It is **not** right, however, to carry out collective punishment under international law.
Australia's correct path has been trodden by the Albanese government, despite unhelpful, performative, and stupid opposition from the Liberals and Greens alike. Reaffirm ally status with Israel. Ask Israel to observe its international obligations at law. Hold it to account as we would *any* liberal democracy that falls short of the standards, whilst also worshipping at the altar of Moynihan's Law as our left so ably does. **But also suggest that where the ICC is concerned, the legal case is valid and that Australia will only ever consider extraditing** ***after*** **Mohammed Deif, Yiyha Sinwar, and Mohammed al Masri have been locked up in den Haag.**
There is less pressure on Qatar to hand these billionaire religious racists over, these cowards who make America's Koch brothers look lovely and secular. That has to change, and if Israeli leaders are tried where HAMAS leaders are not, it makes a mockery of the whole system. Saying as such should be without controversy.
So, like many things, Dutton is a little bit right, but it's purely by accident; he doesn't know why or how, and it's grossly offset by how wrong he is too. | 1 |
1cxlqov | You get what you pay for. Renewables are not significant enough in quantity or reliable enough to power the entire country. Places like California in the States have had to learn this the hard way as they moved too aggressively to renewables causing rolling blackouts in peak periods. Let's not repeat their mistake. | 0 |
1d4r7ks | I went into this knowing the answer and left doubting the f#ck out of myself. I give up on interpreting Sunday. | 1 |
1d5q1gh | Adelaide - Port Noarlunga is an mid-outer suburb, 40 minutes to the city by train. Has beach and reef right there. Reasonably cool in winter tho' | 0 |
1d421d6 | To be blunt have you taken a shit? Are you constipated? Drinking Soy milk and eating no fibre or veg or protein is a sure way to wreck your gut. If you haven’t seen a gp why would you assume it’s for a specialist to look at. It’s approx $40 after medicare. Pay it, no brainer.
*note* Not sure why people are suggesting for you to go to ER it’s not a solution to someone who doesn’t want to pay for a gp and who is saying they don’t eat for days and smoke (how can you afford to smoke then?) | 1 |
1d305e2 | Most of the kids who got 201 all hate each other tho | 1 |
1d4hkgy | there’s plenty of subs that can help you with advice. also facebook groups are shockingly helpful too. search for key words trans/ftm/transmasc ect | 0 |
1cz9h1f | Oysters. And no, I don’t care about how you could eat 2 dozen of them right now. | 1 |
1d2g00p | Tesla drivers are not just that, but they are also pissed off idiots because the price has dropped by another 20%. | 1 |
1d5fwz9 | I drive past it every day. All I gotta do is stop for a couple of minutes lol! | 0 |
1d2z0b3 | Doctors can and do accept gifts. Bottles of wine or a cake are commonplace. | 0 |
1d4jcta | If the slabs are squeaking, I’d say the house was built on an old burial ground and you should consider an exorcist. | 1 |
1d5ime1 | Tell me you’ve never been anywhere with actual bad public transport, without sayin it…. | 1 |
1cye52b | >Kind of makes sense why Coal (Eraring) is being extended, we're doubling down on gas & the LNP is wanting legislation changed so that private enterprise can consider the viability of nuclear.
Does the AFR know its actually not illegal for private enterprise to consider and cost nuclear? | 1 |
1d0n6f8 | The Federal Government will s doing precisely nothing about the ‘transition’ except hope and pray that private investment will solve the problem. | 1 |
1d3t5mt | Lots of charcoal chicken shops are now gas. Most of them actually- so if you’re looking for OG charcoal that’s where it’s at or Westall charcoal chicken | 0 |
1cp0hp3 | Agreed. It also allows literally every other political party to re-use a coalition slogan from the Voice campaign:
"If you don't know [where the nuclear power plants will be built], vote no." | 0 |
1d2fobc | If you're looking to buy a big appliance I highly recommend a Choice membership. They've tested so many products and give you excellent ratings, pros and cons. The $25 you pay is worth it for what you end up saving in time spent researching! [ | 0 |
1cyee7t | Thank you very much to all the green eco warriors. Like they were told a million times; changing a grid which has been built over a century is no easy feat. Instead of incentivising the private sector the heavy hand of government has tried to tell us our power mix at a certain date in the future and failed.
Now as a state we have to provide a profit guarantee to coal plant operators to make sure we don’t end up in rolling black outs next summer.
Entirely predicted and ignored from the start by the green energy lobby | 1 |
1d36p9f | Really surprised Coffs and Port Macquarie haven't taken off more. Good weather and between Brisbane and Sydney. | 0 |
1d1ngrk | If you are interested in upskilling, some TAFE courses can be free for you, judging by your age and low income. | 0 |
1d36g27 | Well done Editor | 0 |
1d59lcc | Luckier than many others, that's for sure | 0 |
1d4y0co | They're all the same. They don't do shit. They just resell power and skim off the top. OVO gave me $50/momth for my business power and don't skim as much so they're the best. At the moment. | 1 |
1d5yvdq | I recommend Tom Toon Thai at 241 Victoria St Abbotsford. Its food has all the richness of Isarn | 0 |
1d07lhu | Better than the Beyoncé country album. | 1 |
1cupgad | And this week’s #8 special edition of fuck around and find out.
Let me find my violin | 1 |
1d23h6l | Probably because it doesn't work. | 1 |
1d35hu3 | “I wanna say hi to the girl sitting upstairs near the exit on the 7.40am train to Central… I thought your eyes are really cute. I’m the guy in the green shirt who couldn’t stop staring… same time tomorrow?”
The column was always my fav bit. | 0 |
1d4s9l5 | Yes, I have been eating 65kg of grass per day.
In all seriousness, my slow cooker has been working overtime. Beef cheek, lamb ragu, vege soup, etc.
I feel you. Also, I look forward to winter for this very reason. Freezing my balls off, putting on the uggs, cuppa, a movie.
Colour me cozy. | 0 |
1d36j3j | I will admit I have pissed in a former PMs final resting place.
Harold Holt. | 1 |
1d5klqx | People don't care about rugby. Especially whatever Rugby this is | 1 |
1d639bm | Accept it, sell it and buy something else. | 0 |
1d10p0r | By never telling us where she's from! | 0 |
1d0wvb9 | Australia needs a battery industry so we have slogans and announcements and subsidies. White coats and high viz and of course Pocock seeking relevancy where what is his business and technical background. | 1 |
1d639g5 | From my point of view, there is absolutely nothing appealing about Texas… or the rest of the USA. | 1 |
1d4qq3b | She only has nine investment properties. Is something concerned for her cost of living. | 1 |
1d43it3 | Heard its a progressive city, vibrant and with a good society | 0 |
1d5j03x | Once bins are on the curb it’s legal to put stuff in them. So just wait for bin night to do it. | 0 |
1d1rxsp | Wet + mold. | 0 |
1cxv5kt | This is a classic Liberals move.
Pull one single populist lever as if it’s going to be a magic economic bullet, then when it doesn’t work because it’s never that simple, the stage is set to blame Labor for it. | 1 |
1d3wwhk | Nothing I love more than people knowing and using their consumer rights to hold big companies accountable | 0 |
1czcrzr | No, I don't watch media that shows ads. | 0 |
1d4wbf1 | My partner's Jetstar flight back to me just got cancelled I knew Jetstar was prone to last minute no reasoning cancellations, but it's still disappointing. Do pilots last minute call in sick or something? They still never compensated me when I was forced to stay another night in Brissy in 2022, and I was calling monthly back then asking for at least a hotel compensation :')
Edit: apparently Perth Airport is having a fuel shortage. But Jetstar ain't off yet MY hook yet. I'm never forgetting about my compensation you say you'll give every time but never do. >:( | 1 |
1d25d2i | I don’t drive during the week, but Saturday mornings are horrible | 0 |
1crcyya | > Honestly they're not even trying to hide it anymore
Who knows? These guys don't have real jobs for a reason... | 1 |
1cz2gy8 | I thought that Queensland was already doing that? A friend's son, half-Brazilian, is already being frequently searched. | 0 |
1ct4epu | That’s not what the bill actually was though. | 0 |
1d4k42f | There’s one that does this in surfers paradise turning onto cavil ave. It’s an absolute fuck around on Friday and Saturday night when you got 50 people crossing and cars backed all the way down the road | 0 |
1d3cwsb | Anyone know if the bathrooms at the Sofitel are still accessible? Haven’t been in years but recall they limited access during the COVID years. | 0 |
1d2gnlt | Wtf 7$ muffin and 1$ to heat up haha. The owner is living life hahaha | 1 |
1d0n6f8 | Isn’t this the “market at work”?
Higher prices = a signal for investors to come in with supply?
You know, Adam Smith and all that. Capitalism. The Animal Spirt? | 1 |
1d10jja | It's always been evenings for me, but I'm not a morning person generally. Feels like the best way to wind down at the tail end of the day, wash away the stress, and then get cosy and relax before bed. | 0 |
1d3bok9 | Look at the job you want, go on LinkedIn and find people who do that job. Look at their work history and find the starting point. | 0 |
1d3cwsb | Might have to make a roast in the work ovens next week.
[ | 0 |
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