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1d2gu9c | I bought a Gondwana coat from Anaconda a few years back and it still looks fairly new. Just make sure you go there on a sale or they are rather overpriced. Alternatively, get "club" membership. | 0 |
1d5al5g | It’s your wedding, and if your parents have no problem with being the only ones invited in your side, I would gently push back and insist that her parents not invite anyone else.
It’s what we did and we were happy our wishes were respected.
Edit: your wedding should not be stressful. | 0 |
1d3s3ut | The feedback I’m getting from hiring managers in my org is they get around 200 applications per advertisement and 150 of them are total shit, but then you’re still in a pile of 49 competitors. | 0 |
1d0v37a | That is not an aussie humor thing, that is a red flag thing. She doesnt trust you | 0 |
1d27csq | Raya has great cookies (I think they're baked fresh each day). | 0 |
1d68uab | Maybe no bad luck but a fucking shit effort on behalf of the thief, people trying to make a living and some fuckhead steals your work vehicle? | 0 |
1d5al5g | My husband and I got married at the registry office with about 30 people in attendance. We then held a lunch 'reception' of sorts at Tazio (7min wall from the Old Treasury Building) and had the whole first floor to ourselves. Room hire free, just paid for food and drinks. Best day of our lives. | 0 |
1d5rzal | It depends on what you mean by 'we'. It is likely in the top 100 issues wealthy people, celebrities and politicians need addressed.
Fake nudes of me getting out might be embarrassing, but it's not like with the elites where it could be a career ender. | 1 |
1d5a48g | Eshays have always worn nautica and polo. There are certain styles within those brands that appeal to certain types of fuckwits. | 1 |
1d0met9 | I saw plenty of Aussie B listers when I used to work at the Novotel Darling Harbor Function Rooms.
Tripod, Russel Gilbert, Southern Sons, Short Stack. | 0 |
1d10jja | First generation Pom. I shower morning (before work) & evening (immediately after work). My job doesn’t necessitate a second shower, but I don’t feel complete without it. Plus in my mind, it means pyjamas. | 0 |
1d2awds | Was run down the day it opened.
That particular state government wasn't great with builds (see also: Footscray Rail Bridge opened with a roof that let the rain through intentionally). | 0 |
1d3xmly | My beauty therapist was under contract that she wasn’t allowed to poach customers when she left as too not take away money from the business. During my last appointment with her, a piece of paper “fell” into my bag with her private number and new place of business and now I just happen to still see her and said new business. She was working at one of the big names business that pay staff horribly and charge customers so much more than the small places so I have no bad feelings towards ditching them to follow her | 1 |
1ct1q7k | Can I interest anyone in a nice warm cup of stagflation? Because that’s where this appears to be heading. | 1 |
1d0skc8 | Fuck a duck a day is one of my stepdad’s reoccurring phrases | 1 |
1d5ycgm | In my opinion, the best way to handle it if you are a business owner is to spread the additional cost of weekend labour out over the entire permanent menu, so you don’t have to charge a weekend surcharge and leave a bad taste in every customer’s mouth every week, especially when a large chunk of your business comes from weekend trade.
For public holidays, these are less frequent and most people expect the surcharge on those days anyway, so no big deal. | 0 |
1d0wqfz | No one is talking about the LCOE measurement utilised in the methodology of the Gencost report - it’s heavily flawed and limited.
Here’s a link to a great report which highlights the main issues with LCOE.
Also, value matters more than cost - a great analogy to consider: ‘Imagine you are standing in Manhattan and need to get to London in the most cost- effective way. We would find that swimming is the cheapest! By the cost per mile of swimming, it is far cheaper than building a boat, and the infrastructure needed to use a plane would be very expensive; swimming is clearly the cheapest way to get to London.’ - Mark Nelson | 0 |
1d3iwgi | Appreciate it | 0 |
1cwyvpm | explain why so many countries are heading down the same path .... they are being pulled by their noses. | 1 |
1d4tu5f | While this may be the case, Australia is one of the most wealthy countries in the world despite having to spread that wealth across a vast continent. It js pointless making comparisons with countries like Norway. Sure, make them pay a bit more but don’t make it uncompetitive to mine here. | 1 |
1d64kx5 | Depending on the place.
Council work.
Mining towns
Hair dressers
Local iga/shopping centers
Local schools
If there is a whole housing project going or a nearby plant/construction project then for a variety of tradies there is usually years of work to be had.
Farms obviously
Local bunnings/car dealership. Etc
There is always a gap to be filled | 0 |
1d4yx58 | I think it would be a mistake to cull Giles from the portfolio too soon. Remember that this whole issue allegedly stems from a directive that Giles passed almost a year ago, which required tribunals to take into consideration how long a person had spent in Australia when revoking or restoring their visas etc.
One person has died - which is clearly very horrible - But the killer's visa had expired in 2019. Why was he still in the country? And why wasn't the minister informed that this person's visa had been restored? How long has that been the normal practice within the department?
Ultimately, we need a lot more information; the department could prove Giles wrong very easily with a few emails. But as it's a Labor government, the press will continue to blow the issue out of proportion and take up the opposition's line of attack as if it's genuine | 1 |
1d47wn7 | Druidism died out long ago. People claiming to be Druids now are just cosplaying. | 1 |
1d4u875 | I'm Not a Junkie, But Who Has The Best Gear? Can't Bring Any With Me. Help! | 0 |
1d0s25i | The truly poor form is filming people without their knowledge and sharing the video online. The world would be better if more politicians were so open minded. | 1 |
1d3k6b7 | Add another 100km and drive up to Port Douglas, it’s worth it. The town itself is nicer than Cairns (at least in my opinion) and the drive up there is beautiful. | 0 |
1d5j6wm | Yeah I get killed every day by venomous snakes and I just respawn the following morning | 1 |
1cwrdmn | I just don't believe people care about truth as a concept any more. Being true is not an important property of claim to people anymore. Whether people can determine what is true or false is irrelevant, because they don't care anyway. | 0 |
1d1m0lw | We had a similar event ... the real estate was aware of the situation prior to us moving in and never warned us. Screams and gibberish from 5 pm to the small hours of the morning. Then this person would get up - start their car and rage at the world. Then take off and disappear for the day. Found out later it was to avoid the social workers. We contacted police to do a wealth fare check but the person would turn the lights off and refuse to answer the door. The police would just leave. We called them more than once. The Ambulance would not attend as their was reason to believe that the person was aggressive and dangerous. Long story short it took 2 years before anyone would help this person. Our health in that time deteriorated due to a lack of sleep. We were lucky to get 2 hours sleep. What worked was to get in contact with the local public mental health services.
I worry that this is the same person.. | 1 |
1d3louj | Dr Chou @ Mount Waverley Orthodontics. She did my braces for my biting issue & was smooth experience. | 0 |
1cqsjbd | > The OECD has recommended that Australia cut or reduce the largest subsidy, the Fuel Tax Credit Scheme, which alone cost the Federal Government $9.6 billion in 2023-24, more than Australia spends on the Royal Australian Air Force
A lot of people take issue with treating this as a fossil fuel subsidy, but I have been to corporate events in the mining industry where they are already discussing shifting on-site vehicles towards electric to save on fuel. Making them pay the same fuel prices as the rest of the country would only incentivise such shifts faster. | 0 |
1cvi72m | If you read the budget yourself and use your brain instead of parroting talking heads this article becomes impossible to finish, if you think this is worth reading you need to turn off sky, go outside and touch some grass. | 1 |
1d27182 | Good. There's [many]( studies showing Corporate tax [falling heavily on consumers and employees]( | 0 |
1cs31w4 | I thought they simply said they wouldn't have been able to get the data on people's net worth/earnings re. Energy relief. Still a stupid point because there are other ways to help just the poor and struggling like with jobseeker payment increases.
I think it is mostly just an election year gimmick. | 1 |
1d267b2 | Love how halfway trough the article we find out that the questions include:
Hume has asked several department and agencies – including smaller entities such as the Australian Institute of Family Studies and Cancer Australia – how much paper they have used over the past five years and who manufactured it.
She has also asked several departments how many of their staff work on public holidays.
Other more common accountability questions have gone to the use of agency credit cards and the costs of overseas trips."
Aka: Shes asking some questions that make some people very uncomfortable because they know they are rorting the system. Nothing like claiming youre working on a public holiday while really youre sending yourself down to bali for the weekend and charging it on the good ol company card. Also wouldnt be suprised if the paper company is owned by someones mate and shes wondering how a block of printing paper can cost $200. | 1 |
1d4msni | My only close experience of this was when a gang attacked a couple of young blokes in our local area, they killed one and the other was badly injured. Knives, machetes, hammers, something like 12 onto the 2 unarmed guys. Everyone had a chop at them. So, in the end only 2 were charged, the two youngest involved who I believe were about 14. They got 4 years in youth detention and nobody else got anything. Standard way these shit heads operate is get the youngest to cop the charges. They do it too because they are then legends and have earned a good place in the crew. This was a good few years back so things might have changed somewhat. | 1 |
1d47wn7 | I think plane makes a lot of sense tbh. It’s always cool to hear | 0 |
1ctzm63 | You're quite wrong on all fronts, which is consistent for your take on this matter but I'll explain. Again.
Genocide is a *jus cogens* offence. As such, the Australian state cannot punish it; it has a solemn duty to prevent it but that's it. South Africa, in a bold move to distract ANC critics at home (when electoral woes were headed their way) sought to make a case for it in the ICJ, and that ruling has been ignorantly and wilfully interpreted since.
**Our** obligation under the convention is for the prevention, though. **Not** the punishment. Some objective research would have illustrated why, and I'll have to explain it for you because of the pesky "objective" part.
The first jus cogens trial, for which our own Doc Evatt was not involved (but he was in UNGAR 181, fun fact), was the Nuremberg trials. Here, the new German government did not punish the old, nor did the US take the lead. A tribunal was convened with a panel of Allied judges.
When the Rwandan genocide went to trial, it was at a UN-backed [International Tribunal]( Similarly, when the Serbian leadership went on trial for the genocide committed in the Yugoslav wars, it was via a UN international tribunal ([ICTY](
This is not coincidence. It is a function of a jus cogens offence, because as opposed to the application of jus commune in the domestic courts, no state can permit any derogation from this norm nor validly punish it. In other words, you can *only* have an international legal trial.
The right thing has happened; the ICJ was involved. Australia's best bet is to let that play out, and make sure politically and legally ignorant senators don't say the kind of stupid shit normally reserved for horrifically unqualified redditors on the topic, lest someone take them seriously. | 1 |
1d0onj5 | Search the sub; it's been asked to death! | 0 |
1cxtves | She said "close your legs", it's pretty obvious from the audio, the health ministers immediate response, and how quickly she withdrew it with her tail between her legs.
Regardless of if she was trying to make a point about maternity wards or not, she still used a very well-worn sexist phrase to shock the minister. | 0 |
1d47wn7 | It is a new thing happening, very annoying. I am just cross checking all the land site names from a past reference book dated 1992 'Waterloo Creek'. | 0 |
1ctvihi | I whole heartedly agree nurses, police, teachers, fire fighters and the like deserve to be paid much better than they are. | 0 |
1d1yfiq | Start as a labourer. Hit up some temp hire places get a feel for the trades and what you think you'll be into. Labouring is the most physical demanding part of the job. Any potential employers will look favourably at the fact you've already done some hard work.
Plenty of work going. Come join us on site. | 0 |
1cvnyoi | It's Newscorp, they always frame the results in the worst possible way for Labor. | 1 |
1d07lhu | I don't understand the hate they get. I think everyone hated on them just to be 'cool'. But I bet they know every word to 'How you remind me' | 1 |
1d2y11s | Yes, wherever possible. But not tools. *German* tools. | 1 |
1d31dkk | Obviously we *should*. There's no downside to the consumer. | 0 |
1d42oma | The reality is that only time and experience will make a difference. It was idiotic for the Manager to put you in the position you were in. There are a number of other tasks within the store more suitable | 0 |
1d5gc93 | [u/JacintaAllanMP]( “Hundreds of properties in apartment towers have been identified as vacant for more than six months through a compliance investigation, making them liable for vacant residential land tax (VRLT). These investigations aim to make better use of empty homes by encouraging owners to put them on the rental market to avoid paying VRLT.” | 0 |
1d4jj8u | I’ll give you a quick breakdown of dating apps in Melbourne;
-Plenty of fish; more like plenty of bots
-OkCupid; Crazy expensive dodgy dating app that matches you with 8-9 invisible profiles from Africa and asks you to pay $90 to see where they are from. OkCupid used to be a safe haven for people from all walks of life, bought it and drove it to ground.
-Tinder: most users are Instagram and TikTok influencer wannabes posing in filtered photos with their tongues out drinks in their hands, asking people to entertain them. Rest are 40+ single parents with Snapchat filtered photos and anger management issues
- Feeld; Like Tinder only worse, Lot of torso pictures, short attention span, no interest for relationships, great majority are either after hookups or they have no idea what they are looking for (this is literally what people write) admittedly there are some interesting people on Feeld but there is also so much rubbish, bots and spammers and unstable folks that you lose interest combing through shit very quickly.
-Bumble; you are more likely to make friends there through BFF option than anything else, less bots as app is better regulated but clientele tends to be more white collar and elitists there, would you like to choose between a real estate agent with character issues or a business owner that looks down on blue collar people?
I erased all of these a while ago, it was exhausting.
My suggestion is that get out there and meet people through socializing; meetup app is amazing to build friend circles, don’t use it to date, it’s frowned upon but once you get out there you’ll meet people anyway.
There is everything from mental health support groups to mindfulness practices, hiking groups to book clubs.
I am an introvert so it’s perfect app to find my crowd, dating apps were literally torturing my soul.
I am not single luckily, I wouldn’t want to be single in this internet age, it brought out the worst in people.
There are plenty of men in dating scene who are convinced women wants to see them naked or their private parts, and there are also women who know there are many desperate men so they treat men like trained monkeys who should roll on command, it’s so toxic.
Go meet people in real life, they tend to be more genuine. | 1 |
1d0a204 | You can make your own really easily. Just cut up strawberries, add some orange or apple juice (just enough to cover the strawberries) and brown sugar (about a dessert spoon per cup of strawberries) and simmer slowly. Should only take 6-7 minutes. | 0 |
1d1m0lw | It can't hurt to contact the manager though there is likely little can be done on that end. If the person has a carer it might be worth talking to them about it. If the person doesn't have a carer it might be worth contacting social services or one of the charities like the salvos and they might be able to hook him up with some support. With support there might come silence. Good luck. | 0 |
1d0oce5 | IMO only the strong will survive. Monique Ryan is a teal who has done things I'm aware of (speak out against HECS indexation), the rest, I don't know what they are doing. These seats won't consign themselves to having minimal political influence in the long-term, they will likely return the seats to the Liberals in the next couple of elections. | 0 |
1d2y8wr | What are you talking about?!
It’s **vital** we import as many dancers and entertainers as possible. We *need* accountants and hotel managers from overseas! You can’t just develop these crucial skills on the homeland.
Next thing you’ll be telling me we aren’t desperately in need of acupuncturists…. Smh.
We must import these jobs. | 1 |
1d1atru | That's why we have the concept of net zero: industries that can't produce without emissions are offset by other industries that absorb the emissions. This could even work globally with a re-greening of the Amazon offsetting emissions from essential industry elsewhere for example that doesn't have an alternative. | 0 |
1cwcri9 | Straight or “political”, white or “political”, male or “political”, etc. | 1 |
1d3xfaw | It doesn't look that big and cheap androids can be affordable or sourced for you if it becomes one of your main means of contact with services or family
Also upgrading can become more frequent if you have a tendency to lose or break things or they're nicked from you | 0 |
1d25xi7 | No its actual populism, like comparing a wealth fund, the kind Bandt has advocated for in Parliament himself, gambling.
Or calling on the Federal government to override the RBA and lower rates (with inflation STILL sticky im very glad we didnt listen to Landlord McKim!).
Or saying that supply has no impact on prices but only the tax settings do.
Some of the Greens ideas are good, like a commonwealth builder, but they also have some rank populist lines being trod out very often. | 1 |
1d4kufy | Pickles Milkbar in Carlton North. They haven't been open that long, but they are slinging some of the best sandwiches and other snackos in the city AND owned and run by the biggest sweetheart legends in the business you could come by. (I worked with most of them previously at a different business). | 0 |
1d4pzpv | Way ahead of the game | 0 |
1d0v37a | She's batshit crazy. Dump her. | 0 |
1ctbnbr | Claims that labor did not address housing in their latest budget are abjectly false. There is a $300 energy rebate for every airbnb operator. Per property. | 0 |
1cw99d1 | >However, no such limits on general project expenditures when agency temps are involved.
It's not much of a stretch to say that for a "short term one-off" project you don't want to add public servant FTEs that then need to be served a redundancy when the project completes.
It's a lot harder to justify when you have:
\* project teams that move directly to the next project in the queue when their current one winds up
\* long term rollover contracts for ongoing service provision
The argument I do see that is hard to counter (currently) is high-demand contributor skills where the PS position is not paid that well, as the higher pay grades are for managers and directors+, so the only way to get those people are to offer high-paying contracts.
If there was an individual contributor paygrade that went higher that might counter that issue. | 0 |
1d29tvx | Ah, bugger. While you are sorting out the schooling, we’ve recently found getting an in-classroom OT has been invaluable in linking the therapy goals and addressing the gap in the support needs being met.
I would also put in writing your concerns to the relevant leadership for your school (principal/head of learning), if your child has a diagnosed disability, regardless of NDIS funding, they need to be on an Individual Learning Plan, which outlines how the school will meet your child’s learning and support needs. I wouldn’t move your child without pursuing this avenue first. | 1 |
1cvnyoi | That 37% are probably the rusted on LNP voters, I'd imagine the swing voters are convinced otherwise | 1 |
1d5f2t8 | Staggering that this is new to anyone. Whether renting or buying in the zone, what you pay is inflated. Been that way for eons.
Parents expect to have to open their wallets. | 1 |
1cww9te | >An independent report **commissioned by the Clean Energy Council** and conducted by Egis
So, we have a lobby group paying for a report from Egis, a firm that is in the business of designing, building & operating renewable energy systems and calling it independent? Sure... This sort of thing does nothing but kill credibility for the renewable industry.
It's equal to the nuclear or fossil fuel lobby paying GE for a report to justify the cost of nuclear. These are never commissioned to find facts, they are commissioned to justify an existing position. | 1 |
1d2lv0e | Saw him being chased by Council Rangers about a week ago near Clayton Reserve, North Melbourne. Its a pity as I'm pretty sure he was local to that park before he got loose and was a good boy. He is a big fella and used to wear a thick gold chain I think | 0 |
1d4im5u | They're doing it because idiots turning left come and sit right beside them and then nobody can see to turn. | 1 |
1crcyya | Who cares?
How is any of that at all relevant to the CCP operating illegally in Australia?
Maybe these criminals should be extradited, but until they are China can piss off. | 1 |
1d2fobc | Combo units have two good points. They take up less room, and they are set and forget. You can chuck a load of washing into it in the morning, and when you get home from work, it will be clean and dry.
They take a LOT longer though, and there's no lint filter, so you either have to run the tub clean cycle or wipe the lint out somehow. | 0 |
1d4iyvu | I'm assuming refinancing does seem excessive though | 0 |
1d3jqrl | Is /r/Melbourne just a Google alternative these days? | 1 |
1cz84qa | Pretty well the opposite, have to try and speak more clearly as my country accent is a bit strong. You do see some people absolutely hyping it up and it's cringey. It's even worse when some of them try and use the local language but just murder it and make it sound nothing like the local language - Sell a mat mal lamb, tear rim a kassy mate. | 1 |
1d3m34g | So we should deport Australian criminals as well then?
Not sure how the safety argument applies. If they have been sentenced they are in prison. If they've served their sentence, then we don't have an issue (unless you think the sentence is less than it should be, in which case this also applies to Australian criminals).
Deportation, if you think it's a safety issue, just puts the problem on another country's hands. It's called bad behaviour if you shove your own problems onto others. | 1 |
1cug696 | Opposition leader Peter Dutton says under the Albanese government, the “only thing made in Australia is inflation”.
“I just think the Prime Minister is trying to get this slogan up of ‘Made in Australia’,” he said during a media conference on Friday.
“But under this government, the only thing made in Australia is inflation.” | 0 |
1d0wqfz | My prediction is that the Liberals manage to pick up a few seats, but Labor remains in government (albeit in a minority). I honestly just can’t see the Liberals winning at this stage, and especially with Dutton at the helm. | 1 |
1d3i32i | I haven’t locked a door or a window in my entire adult life. I’d rather they come through the front door that smash up my windows or wreck the roof.
That being said I live with four grown ass men and two dogs that would happily take off the nuts of intruders. | 1 |
1d5klqx | Saw their first game ever, that was the last game I went to, which was one more than most.
I kind of like Rugby Union, I kind of like a lot of sports, but only willing to regularly spend money on a few of them.
Not sad to see them go, Melbourne is a bit of a saturated sports market, the Rebels just didn't capture the imagination. | 0 |
1d0vfvd | What kind of interests do you have? | 0 |
1d3t46i | Pretty common I think | 0 |
1d4o6wp | I thought they dumped stuff there in protest of terrible traffic. You'd have to be stationary to be able to throw stuff there. | 0 |
1d31dkk | It would be a great option.
But the industry won't like it, so when donation time comes around, the industry will let both parties know that they don't like it, and it will disappear before it starts.
Why do I say that?
Remember when there was going to be a start rating for healthiness?
That was over before it started.
All because our government caters to big business instead of ordinary Australians. | 1 |
1csv37q | If rather they try and fail than have a self servicing, do nothing LNP government. | 1 |
1d3y6tb | What even am I looking at | 1 |
1d60iqa | Yeah that’s part of what has alarmed me to the way and how of fish | 1 |
1d1vtzv | The govt blocks access to popular torrenting sites and ISPs are required to report piracy.
The simple solution is a VPN so that you can access the sites and mask the activity from your ISP.
I suggest avoiding free VPNs and investing in one that doesn’t keep activity logs. | 0 |
1d4ml23 | Heres a few words you may have trouble with. Copy and paste into Google if needed....
Go to the library and have a look for an atlas or an encyclopaedia. | 1 |
1d0te17 | I don't think cost is the issue for most people as to whether they use public transport or not.
It's have a frequent, reliable and pleasant service that gets them from A to B in a reasonable time. They're willing to pay for that.
Quite often the A or B aren't on the network, and if they are, the service is not frequent, reliable or pleasant. People aren't willing to pay for that. The outer suburbs of Melbourne are an unfortunate example of this. Nobody's walking 1.5km to stand at a bus stop in the sun or rain for a bus that comes once every 45 minutes and is often late or cancelled so they can then walk 1.5km at the other end. They'll just drive instead, if they can possibly afford it.
Even with the much better trains in Melbourne, they're often late or cancelled due to trackworks, whether building new tracks and stations or fixing up old lines. You can't plan, "Let's visit the city this weekend and go to Vic Market," you might find yourself taking a 90 minute bus journey instead of a 25' train journey, and falling over every time the overcrowded bus lurches to a stop or swings around a corner. | 0 |
1d357ly | TLDR | 1 |
1d4vktg | I guess I have to message all of them one by one but thanks for your help | 0 |
1d4y1lu | The multiple people who have posted, asking the same question, know. | 1 |
1d0a204 | SPC used to make them many years ago. I found them problematic as they had a weird mold spore that survived the canning process and regenerated after opening the cans. | 0 |
1d0yydp | You can self exclude. In Tassie, Anglicare’s gamblers help can do bulk exclusions where you are banned from locations with pokies. Once you agree to the exclusion, it can’t be removed for 6 months. It’s great, but it’s useless if someone isn’t ready to make a change due to the gambling apps available
Does your mum want to stop? | 0 |
1d5abdi | To be funny. | 0 |
1d4qm6t | Nightingale is a rare project, or rather, an architect's wet dream... and I would know, I've designed similar projects.
Two things you should know, they're extremely energy efficient, and are built to European building code, not Australian - meaning they're neither freezing nor hot. This can't be understated enough how rare this is to have in Australia. This is a massive plus!
Secondly, not having a car space sucks... it just isn't practical. It wouldn't be a problem if the city was built for it, but it isn't. You will most likely feel trapped within the proximity of Melbourne's slow PT system.
But if you can make the car sacrifice, it's an easy choice. Personally, the only apartment I'd ever think of purchasing is a nightingale apartment. | 1 |
1d4msni | It's called "acting in concert" they all get charged as the principal offender. | 0 |
1d3k6b7 | Very possible, it’s a very long drive but plenty to see on the way, once you get to Rockhampton and depending on the weather can get a bit more tricky. Had a very strong wet season and some roads have been closed at times because of it, there is a website that will tell you road conditions (sorry don’t know it if the top of my head) and if you stick to the m1 the whole way you should be fine and see plenty of beaches along the way and some pretty cool places. Some you would need to turn off for but it’s never far away from the main road | 0 |
1d3t46i | I often see lactose free milk selling quite quickly, so I think it's not uncommon. | 0 |
1czynj3 | Sure it could be shut down, but Australia would then find the US less co-operative on other fronts.
Australians are pragmatic about it. We know we need allies. | 0 |
Subsets and Splits