that you can load as module ?
loaded and ready to go
is there a way to change the time it takes for the unity dock to appear when i touch the left side of the screen? that second is just a bit too long for me. upper left corner is better, but it's annoying to go there every time.
try holding down the super key (win key) and see if that delay is too long for you too
i don't knowabout the wiki's page pricechild, but i have searched and googled alot all the instructions i found never helped so am thinking this are just lies
try here ,.,. http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-7-10-on-ps3-73272.shtml
hey folks, how do i change the clock?
right click, either properties or change time
how to grep a command?
suffic > suffix
is there a messaging client that works on aim and msn and stuff from within the terminal?
it's basically pidgin with a text interface.
anyone here use jabber? i'm trying to test my new jabber id, [email protected] . it'd be great if someone would im me so i know it's all working.
i think you can add [email protected], it's a chat bot :)
i'm trying to use remote desktop to access an xp machine on my network. the xp machine is set up properly and the firewall allows remote access. when i use remote desktop and put the computer name, username, and password in, i get an error box: unresolved host. what am i doing wrong?
open the case and look ? :-) errrr, cat /proc/meminfo | grep memtotal might be easier
i need the mcrypt php function which does not come with the defaiult bb ubuntu install. how do i add it?
'you need to compile php with the --with-mcrypt[=dir] parameter to enable this extension. dir is the mcrypt install directory. make sure you compile libmcrypt with the option --disable-posix-threads.'
guys what do u use as a text editor? kate is cool n all that but still notepad++ under win kicks ass
anyone know where virtualbox under windows saves its disk image files
try searching for *.vdi'?
whats the best way to get my ubuntu to always load headless
either remove any display managers from the boot sequence, or append 'text' to the kernel line
i don't think anything mounted from fstab will show up in nautilus' computer/desktop/etc.
i know that if i mount something in fstab under /media, it will show up in both desktop and computer
question: when updates are applied to ubuntu, do they apply it to the main iso for download ? or its a standard thing, and you must update it?
lts versions of ubuntu get 'point release' updates every so often with updated isos. other than that, updates aren't applied.
how does netbooting work? i'm trying to install ubuntu on a laptop that refuses to boot from the cd drive
you can boot the netboot kernel from hard drive, usb drive, or the network (hardest)
how to switch between screens on irssi
bah slipping my mind, what is the uname arg to find the kernel version you're running?
uname -r
does apt-cache policy only work on installed packages?
no it should work on anything
i tried to give ubuntu server a go but i felt like i was trying to work blindfolded with hands tied behind my back... is there a way to have an idea of its own surroundings from the terminal (for example listing the installed applications)?
help.ubuntu.com would also be helpful
what do you have to have to run flash on ubuntu?
that should install flash on ubuntu, its been awhile since i have done it
hi guys, permissions question: if i have a folder /usr/local/bin/myfolder/myprogam.pid and a user 'myuser', what permissions does 'myuser' need in order to read/write a pid file in 'myfolder'? does he need write access to every folder on the path, including /usr and /usr/local, etc?
he only needs --x to get into them
how do i setup an nfs client in ubuntu?
hi guys! a got an apple wireless mouse (just one button) but i can't do the control + click for doing the double click. is there a way to do this under ubuntu?
double click? you could try clicking twice on the one button that is there. if you do it fast enough it would probably emulate a doubleclick
i'm using an edgy with mysql5 server ... does someone know where to set mysql to use unicode instead of latin1 ?
that is done table by table if needed, else you may have to recompile it :(
nick to be here. i have a removable harddisk. all partations are ntfs. my problem is one of the partitions won't automount. i have googled, but have no idea.
mount by hand. see if any errors show up
the wine package i got for ubuntu doesnt seem to support jack audio
did you install jackd?
i don't know. never heard of them? i'll check online, ... do you recommend a website as reference
if i try apt-getting something that depends on other packages as well, can i make the installcommand automatically get those packages for me?
it does that by default
. i just installed this, not sure how to start program. http://stereopsis.com/flux/linux.html
try fluxgui
hi. where do i touch environment variables ?
/etc/environment (system-wide)
is kde unadvisable to install?
no. install kubuntu-desktop to get the full environment with applications.
my mute button doesnt mute anything...even when i go to preferences in the volume thing and select every channel
does it do anything at all
hello. how does one go about moving the /home partition, or the contents of it, to a new, larger /home partition ? using 7.10. have added a hard disk, no problem partitioning it with gparted or mounting the partitions, that's all good, but we do need help with naming the partitions properly and what steps are needed to give the /home partition a new larger home.
how do i get something (like a doc app) to start up automatically?
ubotu is a bot
guys, why my ubuntu tries to open places from start menu in gedit ? how do i stop it ?
websearch for: ubuntu places opens rhythmbox ,same fix
when trying to install a tar.gz file i *always* get stuck on the './configure' step... i feel like im missing something obvious... do i need to write something before the ./configure?
if you dont know what ./configure is doing you need to do some more research and understand the implications of compiling from source -- ie. you will not get security updates
do any free programs exist that generate uml diagrams from java code?
i'd look around the eclipse stuff.
hi, how can i check my hard disk for errors in karmic?
then 'man smartctl' (sorry not an ubuntu computer right now so i cant look up the exact command)
hello i'd like to know how to make the mouse left click every 3 minutes? can i do it easily?
you can use xvkbd or xmacro (packaged), or you can find a simple c program called 'click' that is floating around somewhere
is there some sort of guide somewhere on dealing with kernel panics?
theres a bunch of pages on the ubuntu wiki, especially the kernel section
any torrent program for ubuntu?
transmission is installed by default
a question: what size linux swap i should have if i plan on replacing my current 1gb ram with 4gb ram in total ?
more than 1gb of swap is excessive in most cases - with 4gb of ram you probably don't need any swap at all.
anyway to upgrade office 2.4 to 3.0 in intrepid ?
there is even a repo for it
is there any way to control my volume (i'm running ubuntu 9.10) remotely from my laptop? possibly ssh in and do something in the bash?
man amixer
quick question: do you guys see any problems about installing webmin and ispconfig on the same computer?
i don't think you should have any problems. i have webmin installed on my mandriva 2006 perfect setup and it works fine
on a somewhat related note, what would be the best way to have the machine reboot an hour after a specific user logs in?
or /sbin/reboot
question: any value to using lvm on a laptop with one drive?
unless your disk layout changes a lot and your disk is quite big
hello, are there currently known changes/bugfixes in 10.4 beta1 that are applied before it is released as version 10.4 (server edition)?
seerver edition, no sure however
i am a recent convert from windows. i used to keep my data on a separate partition. should i keep my 'home' folder in ubuntu on a different partition?
many consider it a good idea
hey all, how can i get dmraid to load during boot up?
install the packet, should happen automatically
if i have a bin file under ~/bin, how do i make my system recognice its there?
without installing it?
am i the only one having problems with xmms? it freezes when i try to play a mp3 file
mie seg faults
can someone tell me where i can find my xorg.conf file? i can't find it in /etc/x11/ - i'm using the latest version of ubuntu
'locate command
wow, i just plugged in the usb hard drive, and ubuntu recognized it right away, just opened a window on my desktop
that would be bruenig who sent you that message
whenever i try to list the files in a tarball with 'tar -t file.tar.gz' the shell just stalls, why?
tar tfz ...
it seems that ipv6 must be enabled and my connection must be slow :(
i give up - couple of things didn't work.
is there a way to be able to watch youtube vids with sound on firefox while having rhythmbox open?
try apt-get install libflashsupport
guys how do i kill gnome shell window manager?
you can restart it with alt+f2, then type in r + return
is there an easy way that if you from a shell have logged in to a computer via ssh to copy a file to your home computer from there?
evening all. i seem to have lost the ability to do dns lookups. anyone know how i can check what servers ubuntu is using?
check your /etc/resolv.conf
hi, does cat /proc/asound/modules give my card # or id?
try /proc/asound/cards; they'll be listed in order.
how do i create a thumbnail of an image using the gimp gui - ie how do i 'change image size'?
use image drop down menu scale image
hey. how do i make a screenshot of my desktop?
hit print screen button on keyboard
why cant i minimize openoffice word
try alt+space then n
has anyone compiled their own kernel with ubuntu? i'm on 8.04 and i used to use archlinux. my first step would be 'zcat /proc/config.gz' but it seems that that option is unavailable to me. how do i get the default kernel .config?
don't like modules? :p
i'd like to recursively delete all the files in my home directory and subdirectories that start with '._' -- rm -r \._* doesn't seem to work -- can someone help?
run it without all the -exec stuff first though, to make sure that you are getting the right files.
nobody answered in #launchpad, so i'll ask here. is it okay to just make an experimental project in launchpad, or does it need to be an already-established project... is it okay to use it temporarily for personal tracking, i mean?
it is fine.
object 'config' is unknown, try 'ip help'.
is a command set for you ip
how do i associate filetypes in ubuntu (or more specific gedit)? i recently merged from kubuntu, in kde there is a sidewide configscreen for this.
system > prefrences > preferred applications
hi - i'm running ubuntu 9.1 and i want to disable the startup sound. i've looked in system-settings-sound but the only option here is to turn of all sound, or change themes. i've looked in the system-administration-login, but nothing there either. how do i turn i of?
there's probably something called gnome login sound in the startup applications.
anyone a data recovery expert here?
what is the command to find out which package a file belongs too?
otherwise use apt-file or packages.ubuntu.com
i just downloaded aa (that native army game) and its a .run file and for some reason my wine won't run it? why is this? i click on it and nothing happens
if its native then surely you dont need wine? right click on it and make it executable (under permissions) and then try double clicking it
is vncserver not in the default repositories?
then you probably need to enable universe
*poke* guys, still no takers on my flicker issues?
that is a driver limitation, don't use compiz if you want 3d apps to be flicker-free
so, i've managed to break ~/.profile - i had added a call to launch a python script i wrote that detects if my virtualbox has provided multiple monitors, and makes the appropriate xrandr call - and now i can't login. i'm in recovery mode in the root shell, but the files are unmounted so i cant fix .profile from there. not sure where to go from here
mount your /home then fix.
in what file is all the gnome settings being saved that i have doon to my gui? i want to save the file and put it on the other linux computer so i dont have to tweak it over again
most stuff is probably in ~/.gconf* ~/.gnome*
has anyone here ever tried installing ubuntu on external hdd? does it work ok? is it easy to switch computers?
yes yes and yes
hey, i've installed ubuntu on a work machine, and plan on using parallels for running windows (only vm software our company bought). i tried to install it, but ran into an issue. are there any known issues with parallels and ubuntu?
you should contact parallels about that; we recommend virtualbox among other free solutions.
where i can download ubuntu 9.10 ?
which file do i edit to 'blacklist' a usb device so that it doesnt try and automatically load the kernel modules for it so the device is not in use and can be connected to a virtual machine?
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ??
what is the most common application that newcommers install?
: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23578
how do you show the cube when you enable desktop effects?
ctrl+alt+dragmouse on desktop
i'm having trouble with /usr/local/man : i can't cd into it or write to it (as root)
i just did with cd /usr/local/man; sudo cp <some file> .
can anyone help me with the vga values for my grub menu.lst? i have a 1280x1024 resolution and my font in the tty's is too big. it goes off screen
vga values can be found in some posts in the forums, i use vga=792 or 789, i think. 789 is bigger, 792 is smaller,795 even smaller.
if uname -r says 'generic' does that mean 32 bit?
ask uname -m
all, i set 'bash -v' by accident, now i want to disable that, how to do?
exit and re-enter bash
i accidentally deleted my top panel in gnome, is there a way to restore default configuration?
resetting the config is done by rm -rf ~/.gnome*
help! i need to reinstall linux-image-2.6.22-14-386, but i get the message to install the meta-package instead. how do i do this?
sudo apt-get install linux-image-386 --reinstall
is there a simple way to throttle network bandwidth of an application - something like 'nice' for network usage?
depends on your understanding of /simple/ :-) ...
hi there, fo which is the name of gnome window manager package? apt-cache show me a lot of package
ok - another q. will the i386 install to an amd64 machine?
but, you won't be using any cpu features newer than what came with the i386 processor.
i am currently using 32-bit ubuntu 12.04 and a intel processor capable of supporting 64-bit. i want to use 64-bit. and when i went to the site, it said the 32-bit are available for intel and 64-bit for amd. then how can i download 64-bit for intel??
it should be fine
hey, is there any quick way to disable pidgin's integration with ubuntu gnome?
that works through dbus so probably disable dbus in pidgin would work
is there a way to use apt-get or aptitude list every file belonging to a package ?
dpkg -l packagename
currently using ubuntu 10.04 lts - the lucid lynx, looking for knowledgable opinion regarding whether i should upgrade to latest.
if you are fine with .04 stay there...my opinion
anyone have suggestions for troubleshooting ftp connection issues with ubuntu server karmic?
um....so you're trying to ping the server, but you get nothing back - just a hang?
hi, how can i see my processor speed in ubuntu ?
try cat /proc/cpuinfo
why is that?
sudo su runs su through sudo, so it is starting another process under sudo. sudo -i exists for the same functionality. i don't really know the technical details
what is the name of the program that is like wine, but you must pay?
for gaming its cedega