how do i set the timezone (non-graphically)?
if it isn't you can always run base-config, that should allow you to set it
what's the shortcut to setting the screensaver to start?
ctrl+alt+l ??
i installed an awesome gtk2 theme, but nautilus and gedit, among others, use the ugly default gnome theme! how do i make them pretty?
where did you get the theme from?
how can i disable the auto black screen? i have disable the screen savers and removed the dpms from xorg.conf
sys > prefs > power mgt
grub2 knows how to read lvm - grub does not
you might want to start reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntudevelopment, particularly the section on new packages
is to easy to restore default network config if i break networking messing about with tap0 and bridging interfaces?
i would think there's a way to backup/restore your network configuration... but i'm not sure how.
when will the new ubuntu 10.4 be ready as a stable version?
april 28 i believe
does anyone know why the desktop version is always sending network traffic out?
you could get wireshark and find out
'mount -t ........' what does '-t' means?
just a second let me read man mount
all due respect, how can you not know what ver. of an os you've installed?
i just went through a dist-upgrade and had received some errors and warnings. after many retries, i wasn't convinced that i fully upgraded hoary to breezy. hence, the need to know convincingly that it's been updated.
is there a way to re-generate the xorg.conf file? i'm trying to the proprietary drivers and it cannot activate, saying the xorg.conf file is invalid
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
is there any canonical place to store *.deb files? or for that matter, is there any reason to save them after i have installed them?
they usually get saved into /var/cache/apt/archives. there's no real reason to save them
is there any way to make synaptic ignore a broken package?
that's not a good idea.
anyone have a suggestion as to a good, free, linux friendly virtual machine?
virtualbox-ose, kvm, qemu, xen, and there are some others
any reason why this small graphics tablet won't work in linux/ubuntu? http://tinyurl.com/5zy4fo
does it have a driver?
where can i download a dvd image not cd!
http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/ is what people have been using
is there a console graphical tool to manage users/groups?
i meant to say 'yes'
tcl cannot be found on this system. <-- what are the rights tcl to be installed to make it work, im settings up an eggdrop bot
maybe you need some -dev packages?
hello. does anyone have the md5 hashes for the image ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso ?
how can i get a command to execute automatically when gnome starts?
i don't use gnome, but there should be an 'autostart' directory somewhere in .gnome. in kde it's at ~/.kde/autostart
does anyone know of a rss feeder for the terminal
install ntfsprogs
good evening, how do i make dvd playback work on my new laptop, have installed libdvdcss2 but no luck
i think there's a new package now, libdvdread3, that replaces it. and depending on where you are, maybe regionset.
i have a script that echos some shit that i would like it to be run upon logins via console or ssh. how do i make it?
put the script in your .bash_profile
canany one tell me how to make admin user from command line
sudo -i
i am having trouble downloading torrents on my school's wifi network. i have internet access. nmap says my ports are all blocked. does this mean i can't torrent?
not that im a expert or anything
hello. reading http://www.ubuntugeek.com/kernel-2-6-35-officially-available-for-ubuntu-10-04.html it says 'this kernel is now available in the git repository of ubuntu 10.04' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'. if its a dist-upgrade, isn't that 10.10 beta? i don't understand how it can remain 10.04 but with kernel. can anyone help me understand this please? thanks.
a dist-upgrade does not always upgrade to the next release.
hello guyes , i need assistance on this .. am on ubuntu live-cd trying to resize my windows 7 partition , but i'm unable to .. there is a ! mark in-front of the ntfs partition !
also, of course, make sure you shut down properly.
what files do i need to change to change the hostname?
check /etc/hosts
ubuntu's installed uses uids to mount things, regardless of their device. how can i find teh uid of my devices so it does not matter which device node they are on?
disk uuid's are just symlinks to the various devices in /dev -- they are linked in this directory - /dev/disk/by-uuid
hello, i have an xps m1330 and i'm trying to get ekiga working on it. have plugged in a mic/headset but i'm getting no audio recording. same result with arecord. anyone got any suggestions as to why?
are any of you able to help me get my sound working again?
depends on yoru question. please ask a technical question
anyone know if theres a way to shrink my windows vista partition so i can install ubuntu without reinstalling windows?
rt-click on computer, choose manage, then look for disk management.
i have been having a problem with 3d acceleration. the drivers are installed. glxgears works fine, beryl works fine. i have no errors except when i try to run a game in wine or cedega. has anyone had this problem before?
what game(s)?
so, i had a hard reboot from windows, and now wubi/ubuntu 8.04 goes to busybox after grub. is there a way to recover from this?
what's the error?
anyone know what server(s) will have dapper first?
just check it by hand, scripts will just load the servers un-necessarily
how can i add aufs and squashfs modules to my kernel using ubuntu karmic ? thanks
if they are built into the kernrel.. then they are not modules. you would have to recompile the kernel and check them to be built in
is it possible (legal) to use code libraries in commercial development? the library in question is nlopt, and i would like to use the algorithms to run on some commercially sold devices. is this allowed?
linking to the libraries is allowed
what would be a good player for wma files?
anyone know what qmgr is??
you have more context than we do
hi all. would someone be willing to help me get my microphone working? thnx in advance
is it present in alsamixer (terminal)?
does anyone have any ideas?
what wa the questionß
can i create a live usb of ubuntu 9.04 from a linux distro such as fedora?
you can use 'unetbootin' and an iso file to do that from most any linux disrto.
whats the command for stopping x server please
log out, ctl-alt-f1, log in, type sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop
has any of you succesfully managed to set up a mail client for a microsoft exchange 5.5 server? what do you recommend?
i would check if evolution supports 5.5, it's the most popular
when i cp or rename a file with ( ) in its name, i get this message -su: syntax error near unexpected token `(' how can i fix that?
use \( for the special characters or molest tab
hi, somebody already installed visio 2010 in ubuntu10.10 with wine?
i started azureus today and it's in russian now. what's going on?
- in azureus.
is google broken for anyone else?
i'm just randomly getting errors that say i might be a spambot or trojan
how do i determine my laptop's mac address?
that depends on your local network. or you can use a public dns server like opendns.
could someone tell me the difference between libboost-python-dev and libboost-python1.34.1?
a -dev file is a development file, meaning if you wanna code something for it you will need this or also if cyou wanna compile something that needs this
for a year i have had 3 external usb hardrives plugged into my computer. 5 hours ago all were working. now as of 1 hour ago the computer is saying that only 2 of them are there. it isn't just saying the 1 isn't mounted, it is not seeing it at all. i have unplugged & replugged it, on both sides several times, unplugged the power, let it sit & replugged it is. the drive spins up, but then does't talk with the pc, and lsusb & fdisk -l does n
well..it looks like your usb-drive is dead
i¬m going to a friends today to install ubuntu on his new laptop, ive never used a 64bit before so i`m just making sure :) if i installed ubuntu-restricted-extras will it install 64bit java/flash/w64codecs?
checkout medibuntu.org
hi, i've installed ubuntu 8.10 on a computer with a realtek 8139c (or c+? not sure), when the ethernet cable is connected ubuntu tries to connect but fails (i called dhclient manually and it also failed), i tried configuring it manually but it doesn't seem to reach the network...
is there a dhcp server in your network?
i have an .ogg video (with sound) and i would like to remove the sound from it so it's all silent (no audio)... how can i do that??
ffmpeg -i input.ogg -acodec copy -sameq -vn output.ogg
hi, is there a apt command that helps you finding out which package provides a specific file even if the package is not installed on the system?
apt-file does that i think
will thunar work well with gnome?
yes i think so
please remind me what is name of compiz plugin that shows all open windows on screen and allows me to choose one
scale i believe
maybe someone else could help me here...: i want to burn a cdrom but im currently on the a ubuntu live-cd and i cant open the tray..
type 'eject'.
i'm running ubuntu 64-bit and for some reason i can't get my java apps to work anymore
you said your java wasn't working, right? isn't azureus java based?
why does my computer take for ever to open anything online? yesterday it was running fairly fast.
kill any torrents that are active on your network? that's my first suspicion
how do i check the available user groups of my machine?
'cat /etc/group' and 'sudo adduser <username> <groupname>'
hello, all! how do ubuntu developers like reiserfs or reiser4?
you just dont hear much about any of the reiserfs's these days. btrfs is the next big thing i guess.
hey amigo i install qemu where do i find it
no idea.. is it not in the menus.. i dont do wine or any of that stuff
i'm about to set up ubuntu with a separately partitioned home directory. will it wipe the contents of that partition before installing my home folder, or is it safe for me to leave my backup there?
i mean when reinstalling ubuntu, my home partition is not cleared
hi, how do i find out some information about my hardware? i have an additional pci sata controller..
hi ! i want to install ubuntu netbook 10.04 on my hp mini 210 but i still want to keep windows 7. the problem is that the ubuntu installer does not recognize my windows 7 installation and profiles. what can i do to be sure that after i install ubuntu i would still be able to boot win7 too ?
ubuntu installer do not migrate anything from windows
is there a way to check what module eth0 is using? im trying to figure out what module one of the networkcards on my brothers computer is using, but i cant figure out which.. :(
what package has documentation on c library functions?
what's the name of the program that ubuntu uses to setup multiple monitors? just display preferences is shown, but i swear this is an app (or very similar to another app) with another name..
hey is there a way to resize my ubuntu partition....i need it to be smaller...what program can i use?
can you help me?
probably not, but i will tell you that hal is probably broken in 9.10 on your system and broke when you upgraded, sometimes upgrading is not the best choice as it tends to break things, you could try to 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure hal' .. no promises weather it will work
my 'locale' is configured to utf-8. concordingly, when i request output from a text file from the cli (using cat, less, more, nano,...) it's interpreted as utf-8. the problem arises when i want to 'cat' an iso-8859 txt file... it gets outputted as utf-8 so many chars don't look okay. my question is: how can i get iso-8859 files to be displayed as such from the cli when my config is set to utf-8?
try this: iconv --from-code=iso-8859-1 --to-code=utf-8 filename
anyone know the specific time for the 7.04 to relase? does it go after the uk time or?
i'd stick with regularily visiting the ubuntu-page for an announcement.
hi there. eclipse include in universe is compiled with gcj or in bytecode ?
bytecode iirc
first time, can you people see this msg?
maybe your router is blocking ping, can you pastebin the output of 'ip addr && ifconfig'
i'm going to be installing a cd-rw drive and a dvd drive into my box. aside from checking out the jumper setting for master or slave, is there anything else i have to do to install?
make sure you ground yourself, and while you have your case opened, clean all that dust out of there. make sure the drives are screwed in snugly, otherwise they will cause vibrations that might cause reading errors.
is there a big performance difference between the 2.6.10-5-386 kernel and 2.6.10-5-k7 kernel with a athlon xp barton?
not a big
hey guys sorry, excuse my ignorance (im new to ubuntu/linux) .. im trying to figure out how to install amsn so far i have 4 files: amsn-0.94-3-linux-installer.bin, control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz, debian-binary
try 'sudo apt-get install amsn' m?
hi guys, do you think i can trust ubuntu 9.04 to resize an ntfs partition without losing the data on it?
make the backup first.
is ubuntu good for server?
server edition should be and if it's data critical you'll want the lts version
how do i customize my 'start' menu ?
right click your menu, and press edit menu.
who's having issues with xchat autocomplete?
i do. if you aren't specific enough, it autocompletes for the first name. ideally, it would just not autocomplete at all until you've typed in enough to narrow it down to a specific nick
anyone? what is the package that is a browse/install interface to art.gnome.org?
sudo apt-get install gnome-art
hey all... so, i have a significant amount of music and i wanted to know if there was a good piece of software to organize it...
gtk itunes store application
i have ubuntu working on this computer, im trying to install network drivers on another computer that succussfully installed from the live cd. is there an easy way to take the files from an apt-get and move them via sneeker net?
after installing, look at /var/apt/cache/archive
how do i get into the back end of firefox? on the address line it's something like.. about:<something>
i'm having a problem with my touchpad (netbook, ubuntu 10.4 netbook remix): it seems that synaptics doesn't like my touchpad: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/64te3nta (important part of /var/log/xorg.0.log)
your touchpad works or not ? the logs seems fine till line 50
what to choose on /boot, swap, '/', and /home partitions: logical or primary?
you could make /boot a primary, and the rest in a extended/logical or all primary.
hey, i found a server that is stuck on 8.04, intrepid. how can i upgrade it to the latest version, or at least, 10.04 lts?
see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/lucidupgrades
hey how do you save a file in the terminal , i done sudo nano /usr/bin/startxgl.sh and pasted some stuff , i need to save them now
hi, is it safe to suspend to ram in the middle of a download? is there any risk of damaging the disk, or creating data corruption?
i should effectively be a free of state, including all processes etc
can a directory be renamed in linux?
'mv postfixadmin-2.1.0 postfixadmin'
i just installed a .deb file, how do i uninstall it?
dpkg -r packagename
question, when i copy loads of large files on my computer, ubuntu freezes up, i simpy cannot surf anymore? i have a dual processor and 2gb ram, any idea?
well hd's can be that way. but make sure you got dma turned on on your harddrives.
why do some programs install easily, but others i need to use the console, like i did with installing adobe air??
because that's how adobe made it... and they made it that way because they wanted it to work on any linux, not only ubuntu
hmmm, this reminds me: is there a list of laptops that are known to work very well with ubuntu?
/msg ubotu hardware
does xine have codecs built in?
not the windows codecs, for them look at the link ubotu tells u
do we need to dpkg-reconfigure x ?
some people have had to yes
i just installed ubuntu 12.04, and most of my x setup is working, but i want to make adjustments to the default xorg setup. unfortunately, there's no xorg.conf, and i'm afraid if i try to create one manually, i'm going to end up with a setup that doesn't work. is there any way to get the existing xorg.conf, both as a starting point, and as a backup?
type !xorgconf for more information
how do i use clamscan to scan all the folders and subfolders of my /media/disk/ ?
man clamscan