hi, is there an official archive with discontinued ubuntu versions?
can i install rpm and debian packages on ubuntu
better to search in repository, rpm sucks
hi guys! how is keymap configured in ubuntu? (linux?)
keyboard layout?
hey, if i want to start the systems default mail application, from my own application, is there something like mailto:<email> i can pass to a shell command that then opens the correct default mail application for me?
xdg-email ?
is there anyway to make ubuntu compile my apps from source rather than using the binaries?
that will get you going
hey, whats the easiest way to upgrade from hoary to breezy?
change your sources.list from hoary to breezy and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
how unstable is gutsy? is it noticable?
don't use it. it is for developers and bug triagers only,.
how do i install a .deb file?
sudo dpkg -i packagename
guys please tell me how can i konw information about my hard disc?
there are lots of ways, what kind of information do you seek?
how do i upgrade to server edition of ubuntu?
the 'edition' is just a set of packages, you can install the server packages using any other type of install
what's the default root pw ?
- sudo su -
http://packages.debian.org i know that a similar page exists for ubuntu, but i can't remember url
i ran a ./configure.sh script so i can make and install a 3rd party wireless util, and i got instruction to upgrade to at least gtk 2.6.0. how do i do this? i can't find gtk in the guified upgrade utils with *buntu, nor does sudo apt-get install gtk, or libgtk2, or libgtk-dev work. all fail to give me a way of upgrading to at least 2.6.0.
you already have gtk > 2.6. you probably want libgtk2.0-dev to build stuff, though. searching in synaptic for 'libgtk' would have told you that faster :)
hey folks, would anyone have a quick moment for advice? my putty session timed out while running a grub update, and like an idiot i decided to just give the machine a quick reboot to resolve the dpkg lock. now the system starts to boot but does not quite get to a prompt. i assume i just need to get in and run dpkg --configure -a... is a live cd the best way to go about this?
don't forget to mount-bind /dev/ and /proc before you enter the chroot. else grub won't see any hard disks
hey, i'm having a really weird problem when loading xmms...
you need both libesd0 and libmikmod2 installed if you're using the binary-only nvidia driver
what packages must i install to compile kernel modules???
making your own script in /etc/init.d/ and link it from /etc/rcs.d
my updatemanager had problems updating some packages. how can i manually reinstall them?
sudo apt-get -f install : or sudo dpkg -i /path/to/downloaded/debsfiles
i installed hamtchi deb onto my server from a deb now i want to remove it how i do tis ?
sudo apt-get remove hamtchi?
hello, what are the tools needed if i want to create programs for ubuntu
- automake for 1, gcc, some development environment, or at least a decent text editor.
where is the wakeup script located in ubuntu after a computer wakes up after having gone to sleep (suspend to ram)
look into /etc/acpi
i'm playing streaming music with xmms and cannot make it work with alsa. it only works with the esound plugin
stop esd first, then
hi, how can i `ssh` into another box run a program and leave it running after i exit `ssh`?
most importantly 'screen' to start, and ^a^d to detach. screen -r to resume
do we have to install an anti virus?
clamav is nice (free) antivirus software for linux. but honestly you should only worry if you're running a mail server that serves mail to windows users. otherwise if you're just talking about your desktop you're very safe without i
if i have a personal development machine, and another machine acting as a local server with multiple accounts, should i be creating ssh keys for each account, or is it normal to use just one private/public key pair when ssh-ing into the 3 different accounts?
generally i'd setup a key per account.
in what file in a .deb package i can create a system user?
you need to do it in the config scripts aiui. read man adduser and look at the debian-package config script documentation.
hello , how i restart apache and mysql service in ubuntu ?
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
does ubuntu come with the verdana font pre-installed?
maybe msttcorefonts (multiverse repo)
anyone know the command to show who has loggin to a server?
there is no such command afaik but you can grep that info out of /var/log/auth.log and there a logcheck scripts that i.e. mail this stuff to you.
can somebody help me to install god damn java :((
also, it is a faq and there is a nice tutorial on the ubuntu wiki iirc
hi, at the moment a user called user 'dave' has no permission to write to the folder /var/www i wish to give him this so he can make a website but i do not know how to, can anybody help?
you create a new group in which you add the users you want to have write permissions and then allocate the www (or whatever folder) new group's name so people in this group will be able to write providing the chmod correspond to for the group users
: can you please help me ?
shift key and \
is there a way to hide file extensions in nautilus in feisty or gutsy? i think i remember it used to do that by default and i always turned it off, but now i can't find the option anywhere. now that i want it back on, of course. :)
if it's a gnome session aware apps, you can change it's style to restart in system->prefs->session
hello, i have a problem relative to the font rendering in gnome under hoary. i'm trying to use the sans font but some characters with diacritics (czech) are taken from a different font - nimbus sans l. text with mixed characters looks really ugly. this problem occurs in all gnome-applications i have tested. can you direct me to some solution? plz
try to figure where sarge differs from ubuntu in this then :)
i just installed samba onto a machine running 10.04 desktop (with sudo apt-get install samba), and i can't find /etc/init.d/samba to restart it. did that script change names or location, or is there some other method of restarting it?
sudo restart smbd
can anyone suggest a good gmail notifier app for ubuntu? something minimal dock icon kinda like...
hey i finally managed to make my wlan card work with an ndiswrapper and a windows driver, now i have to run 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' everytime before it works, where could i put that so that it happens on every startup?!
i know of a file /etc/rc.local where you can put commands that are tun on boot
offtopic grammar question: 'i would advise against adjusting one's jock strap shortly after handling hot peppers'. do i include the apostrophe between one and s?
of course you include the apostrophe
i installed vsftpd and changed the config file. how do i restart vsftpd so that the new settings take effect?
sudo restart vsftpd
if i just want to download a package, what apt-get command would i use? the man page said i would use -d but it didn't tell me which command to use (i.e. apt-get install, apt-get download, etc)
sudo apt-get -d install packagename
how can i check which version of the ati driver has been installed by the restricted driver manager?
lspci | grep -i vga
is there any way to see if an audio interface is sending audio? i have a pctv card which seems to be working properly, but there is no audio.
u can use pavucontrol to check your audio playback stream(s) if you're using pulseaudio
hei, do anyone knows about a writer program for terminal?
if you're talking about a terminal based text editors then there are: nano & vim <--- well the most popular atleast :)
please help, i can't execute applets in any browser (konqueror, firefox), i get the following message: kjas: error: could not parse length out of
: contact the programmer and tell him to fix his program
what is bt_metadata in ~/.opera/
at a guess, maybe someting to do with opera's bittorrent client?
is there any way to issue a command remotely that looks like it has been issued locally? i tried appending & to the end of my command but it still attaches the process to my login.
`nohup commandname &` will not die when you close the terminal.
anyone free? please help me fix this 7 line bash code: http://pastebin.com/rs1sqtdk . i run './runmount.sh u' to unmount but it gives error
hi all , the dvd playback on my laptop using totem is quite dark, is there anyway to adjust it?
totem menu -> edit - preferneces - display
hi am using ubuntu 5.04 how do i launch the file manager with root priveleges? thanks
do : sudo filemanagernamehere to launch file manager as root
hi all - what is the alt+f2 launcher command in ubuntu? (one terminal command)
the what?
can anyone tell me where the packages in universe were selected from?
debian main as of late june
is there a way to remove a package without removing dependencies
dpkg --ignore-depends=<package>
hey i'm in a really big mess here. does anyone know how to recover ntfs partitions from ubuntu or linux?]
too large an answer for irc i guess ... but basically (simplifying too much )windows has the gui included in the kernel (to make it faster) linux has not and many other details
hey, just a question...i know that the universe packages aren't updated. but, will they be updated between releases? for instance, amsn is at version 0.92 in universe right now and it wont be updated. but when hoary is released, will it be updated to say version 0.95 in the hoary tree?
it will be up to date with the version that is current on relese
anyone knows how to retrieve your password on freenode or how to change it?? i forgot my password
the default sshd_config allows authentication with rsa keys, so no
any idea how i can add a directory to my favourites, so it appears in my places menu
open nautilus and drag the folder into the favorites area
what can happen if somebody exploits my hardware? can they get root or is it just to nuke me?
it just drops yoru connection
hi all, upgraded from 9.04 .. to 10.04.1 ... now usb wifi disconnects randomly and i have to unplug and replug and it works again.. didn't have this problem with the old version... looked at ubuntu site hardware compatibilty page and it says the same problem... so i guess i'll go back to the old 9.04 which seems dumb but ok.. where can i download the iso for 9.04 is my question ?
because you can upgrade from 9.04 to 10.04, whatever you did it broke your ubuntu installation
guys, i compile k3b, to the point it said 'sudo make install' now what? i dont see it install yet
what's it doing?
is there an apt-get equivalent of the a 'yum provides' command?
apt-file search <pattern>
how do i create a symbolic link ??
ln --help
hey now. got a weird problem. i can't get ctrl-alt-f1 to a console anymore. f2, f3, etc either.
maybe this is your problem, no idea though: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/linux/+bug/129910
hi, just installed xubuntu on a laptop with a partitioned hdd (partitioned in 2 parts) now it only sees the partion on which xubuntu's installed. i checked the dimensions and it didnt melt them together, the 2nd partition simply disappeared... help?
ubuntu won't mount the second partition unless you tell it to. look in nautilus. you should see an icon indicating an unmounted partition (30 gb media, or something like that.)
hello , does anyone knows where mozilla firefox save cookies ?
in your profile folder ~/.mozilla/firefox
hi all question re: open torrent files from firefox with transmission. i get an 'unknown error' and it suggest i try saving the file first. i tried selecting 'open with /usr/bin/transmission' which works once, but on subsequent clicks just download the .torrent files in /tmp - any suggestions?
i've had it before. save the file and then open it with transmission (just drag the file on there)
i am using ubuntu on a macbook and i want to define keys for the infraret remote control. but xev doesnt show keycodes for most of the buttons, but some kind of events. they work find with rhythmplayer, but i dont want to use them as media buttons... what app is responsible for that?
i think if you type dmesg after hitting the key, it will give you a command for setkeycodes
what should i use to install ubuntu from windows onto a bootable usb drive without using any other boot media? i have tried putting the livecd image on a partition of the flash drive, but it then refuses to install to the remaining partition of that drive, as it cannot unmount the drive 'to finalize partitions' (despite me not making any new partitions except marking that one as /)
is there a program like 'virtual audio cables' for linux? virtual audio cables allows you to take the audio output from one program, and use it as the input for another program, for example, form skype, to a recording program.
i know one program that kindof does that (not from one program to the other... but it records the output on the sound device)... it's vsound
how can i convert a filesystem from ntfs to linux and mount it at /portal/, preferrably from ubuntu
why do you want to convert it?
evening, i'm wondering if anybody knows where ubuntu edgy stores the firmware file for the ipw2200 driver, i'm unable to find any file ending with .fw.
they'll be in /lib
so i have a laptop here that i've used on previous versions of ubuntu. with 11.10, it locks up when it tries to get into the livecd interface and present me with the rest of the gui. it just sits at the purpleish desktop background as if its waiting to load. but then the cd goes quiet and nothing happens. i managed to install it earlier and it's doing the same thing when installed as it is on the livecd.
try the alternate installer
hi i am trying to install apache and it says pacakge has no installation candidate
try apache2
hi guys, i reported a bug that is completely wrong... how can i adjust or close it?
if no one is there, you can just post a comment, saying its invalid, etc. someone will come by and do the official stuff
hey guys where can i find a gui client for ffmpeg?
try winff
hi, i show 61 updates here, is that real?
- i have 64
can sb tell me where ufw stores its rules?
someone know why my fullscreen applications get windowed after a while, and i have to minimize them then maximize again to make it fullscreen?
depends on the application. some will use f11, others ctrl-f others ctrl-shift-f
my /etc/apt/sources.list file is messed up. is there an official on the web that i could download?
also, make backups of config files before editing them, in future
if someone here can help me with a booting problem, /msg me please.
better to ask here, let everyone help
total newb question: how do i make ls report one page at a time?
ls | more -- or even better, ls | less
hi all, does anybody know what application is used to record the screencasts on screencasts.ubuntu.com?
this should help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/screencastteam/recordingscreencasts
what 'path' has the 'ubuntu- sound output device'???
hi, does anyone know how to play .mov (quicktime) files? thanks
i mean .mov, sorry
question: how do i eject a usb device, and how do i 'know' it is ejected, so i can be sure of a safe removal?
i just right click the icon on the desktop and push unmount or whatever. or you can always do it in a terminal sudo umount /media/mountpoint
ok, then like i said earlier: mount /dev/<something> -text3 /mnt where something is like hda1 or sda1 , whatever you made the / directory in the install
s/text3/ext3 right?
i'm trying to create a bzr branch of mplayer so i can create personal packages that track the official releases but some of the launchpad branches don't seem to be setup and others give bzr: not a branch
it'd probably be better, i don't know how many people in here are package developers
hey, check out this: microsoft describes ubuntu as perfect:
they also describe vista as 'good', so i don't think we'd want to be associated with them in any wany.
hi. which key is kp1 or kp9?
kp = keypad.
hi, i have 2 lucid lynx boxes that seem to hang at fsck during startup - is there any way i can disable it/ find out what is wrong with it?
do you edit the grub boot command and remove the 'quiet' from it? or try booting in 'single' (or recovery? can't remember what it's called)
avast ye scurvey dogs! how do i install this 'ere ubuntu? it boots straight to the live desktop
run the 'install' icon on the desktop
cd rom not being detected in jaunty , can we call thata critical bug?
it could laso be called hardware failure
hello, where can i find xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.7? it used to be on my repos but cant find it after a reinstallation
it looks like it's just xserver-xorg-video-intel now, with no version number
how can i make my laptop's touchpad slower in ubuntu?
mouse settings
anyone have a clue why i would be getting that garbled screen during installation. i would assume it is a driver issue. if anyone has a fix please let me know.
some recent cards require safe graphics mode, some require the text-mode installer. once you've installed ubuntu, you can add the proprietary nvidia driver, then it should all be fine.
is there any way to have firefox report itself as ie to a website?
user agent switcher https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/search?q=user+agent&cat=all
i'm @ the terminal and want to launch and executable, but return to the terminal and keep using it rather than locking it up ... i can't remember what that is called or how to do it =\
i.e. somecommand &
does anyone know where i can go to get some help with photoshop?
really, so i can just pkill k3b, for example?
is there a way i can tast fstab config with out restart my computer
mount -a
hey there folks. how can i get guest additions to work for my ubuntu vm? the guest additions i click with virtualbox in the menu is for windows
- there should be some source code appear in the virtual cd drive which you can compile i think
in lamp, 12.04, when i type, apache can't recognize index.php, but index.html works well. how can i fix this?
you have to activate php shell on apache