if the live cd has an installer, why should i not download the live cd? what advantages does the non-live cd have
specialised install methods (oem, expert, server)
hello. i recently moved from xp to ubuntu and it seems that was a great great decision to make... except one thing. i can't seem to configure xorg.conf properly .. and i have very low graphics responce/parformance ... . i currently have intel onboard 945gm video card.
see the links ubottu just posted
'lo everyone. i have a toshiba satellite m70 that won't use 1280x800 resolution. i've tried using the wiki guide, but it's still not supporting the right resolution. any suggestions?
same they use 1280x786
what is the name of the application, that is on the panel and reports updates?
how to use internet expoler optimized website in ubuntu 9.04?
its a way to install ie in wine
does ubuntu/linux offer 64bit versions for 64bit intel processors? or is it only for 64amd?
amd64 is for both intel and amd
my screen flickers big time on ubuntu (64) i cannot increaset the refresh rate coz i donthave the nvidia drivers...
i'm not on 64. but envyng might be of help. it's an utility which helps you choose the nvidia driver.
where is the old application menu that used to exist, which showed all installed applications?
that menu (assuming applications, places, system) is gone, i'm afraid. however, you can see all your installed apps by pulling up the dash (press and release <super>, or hit the ubuntu icon at the top of the launcher) then clicking the ruler/pen/pencil icon at the bottom, and then clicking 'show more'.
hello. i'm wondering if gnome 2.18 is available on the ubuntu repositories?
only for feisty i believe.
is there a way to create a launcher that runs the command as root?
i mean gksu... they are the same thing
hi, how can i set the thunderbird like this. when a mail from [email protected] is received, it will be listed in a specific sub dir?
some finger print readers aren't well supported by linux. fedora has the best support for them i believe
ohh now i have to install fedora?? :o plz can u help out in ubuntu only?
how can i connect to a vpn using command lines? it's already configured in networkmanger
anyone recommend a good anti virus/firewall?
firestarter is probably what you want
i understand that root is locked in ubuntu. but i don't have acces to my ubuntu server right now and wanted to clarify something i can't test. if root is locked, does that mean root can't even log in at the console, no matter the runlevel or init?
you can do a single user shell or recovery
when running xubuntu instead of ubuntu. how much do i need to focus on what programs i install ? as in some programs are made for gnome, and some for xfce or am i completely wrong ?
it doesn't matter. it is true that some programs are made for gnome, but they'll run in xfce anyway.
q: i read about the maintenance release of dapper drake 6.06.1 on heise.de and now i am wondering if i am supposed to do any updating or if the update manager is already keeping my dapper up-2-date. any suggestions?
its already upto date.
anyone knows what happened to the alt+f2 ?
it should still be a run dialog
i have this laptop i've just purchased that currently has vista on it. i'd like to do a dual boot configuration on it. it worries me because it doesn't come with any install cds, and in addition to the os partition, it apparently has a vista-restore partition. i'm worried that if i make room and install ubuntu that when it writes to mbr i wont ever be able to access the system restore partition. is that true ?
there is probably a program to create the recovery disk installed. search for that 1st
hi all ..how to enable the fingerprint reader for login in laptops??
does anyone know about the log off applet?
you could try using the log out applet instead of the user switcher applet
hello, when i export java_home=/something/ where is that path set? is there a file i can open to see the current java_home path? thanks.
what program will allow me to translate kde/qt .ts files? qt4-linguist is the only one i found, but it is not available as a deb.
it's part of qt4-dev-tools
i did something stupid. i gotta rely less on google :( | how do i reverse the command: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake
did you accidentally delete or overwrite /usr/bin/make? -- sudo apt-get install --reinstall make
hi, umm, i don't want my hard drives to show up on the desktop. how do i get rid of them?
it's in the gnome editor options, for nautilus 'show volumes on desktop'
after establishing an ad-hoc network per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/wifidocs/adhoc, will windows clients see it as a wi-fi access point?
why don't you try it?
hi people, how do i find which applications accesses a file or device ?
what is the command for network-gnome manager in the terminal>
where is pidgin installed to on ubuntu?
how do i reboot into a command prompt with no x?? (not recovery mode, at least runlevel 3 recquired)
ctrl+alt+f1, then login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
what is the command to configure xorg from the terminal
'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'
how can i change the promt in bash?
in the file ~/.bashrc
how do i install a fortran compiler, and the xorg devel libraries in ubuntu feisty ?
sudo aptitude install fortran-compiler xorg-dev ;)
how about this.. is there a kernel parameter to disable acpi trip points or acpi in general, so i can attempt to debug the machine?
noacpi on your kernel line in menu.lst?
anyone that knows the location of the ubuntu logo in the gnome-panel so i can remove it?
in your icons folder named start-here.png
everything is so user friendly here in ubuntu.. whatawhy there is no smbmount?
install it with synaptic
anyone know how to get rid of the authentication warnings every time i try to install a package?
sudo apt-get update, and let it finish.
what would you guys say is the best solution for running ubuntu in a vm. virtualbox, vmware, parallels? i'm going to have a shared vm file across lion and windows 7 and want to share my ubuntu develop environment :)
virtualbox worked fine for me
hi! i can't seem to find a guide to installing a realtime kernel for 9.10 (64 bit). does anyone know where i can find such a thing?
and linux-image-2.6.31-9-rt package might be what you want, no comments on how stable it is however
hi. i want to install debian on my server. but it has like 21cds :\ is the 1st cd enough for the server installation?
the first cd is enough to get you started
ive got a msi 9600xt card using the ati fglrx driver, if i set visual effects to anything but off google earth flickers so bad i cant use it, any ideas???
yeah dont use compiz
lol i was going to get away from all the make-kpkg crap and just do it manualy (make && make modules_install) and add an entry to grub.conf but grub.conf is menu.lst now and i don't remember how to specify the root the old way
debian maybe. i wouldnt use gentoo :)
is there any package that can be used to create split archives?
tar can
can anyone help me get this ????? http://img440.imageshack.us/my.php?image=appsinkonquerorpf1.png
right click on a folder and go to properties and then open with and make sure it's not set to open with you media player :)
hi i need urgent help..i use firestarter and there are strange occurences..mas source is my ip and target is my localhost on port 16001..after that there is an connection attempt from my router to my ip on port 14013..rkhunter and chrootkit does not show any alarm..netstat tulpen does not show any open socket
you should use ufw instead and monitor its logs with : watch -n1 -d 'tail /var/log/messages | grep ufw '
how do i make apps (tbird, gaim) run when i log in?
system > preferences > sessions
hi, i have a problem with my screen resolution, its seems that the xorg server from breezy doesn't support 1600x1024 very well. http://vern.chem.tu-berlin.de/~stephan/images/ubuntu-cinemadisplay.jpg
xserver-xorg would probably be the best place to report a bug against...xorg is being updated pretty much daily though
can i run ubuntu on a 2 gig thumbdrive?
4 gb is min req
how do you force quit a program in term??
killall xmms
could i get some help setting up a ppp connection?
sudo pppconfig
what's the command to 'eject' /dev/sda or whatever? ipod
eject /dev/sda should work
how do i enable compiz?
system->preferences->appearance->visual effects->extra
does anyone know of a way (besides looking in xorg.conf) to tell what xorg video driver is in use? xdpyinfo and xvinfo won't tell me... any other ides?
glxinfo or the xorg log file?
howdy, all the default fonts in ubuntu blow. anyone know any good font packages/
looking at devede to make dvd, it does not support picture-slideshow, is there an app that can do both(dvd movie + pic slideshow)?
check http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/sw_list.php?id_kategory=19
i have wallpaper images disabled. any help?
did you manually 'disable' them or are they simply not working?
any ideas how to fix kernel on 11.10? i have access to tty console only
to fix what¿ do we have to guess¿
ok guys, i got a big one if anyone has any ideas. my /home won't mount, the partition is not listed in /dev/disk/by-uuid (i thought my fstab maybe got corrupted), i can mount it manually but i have to specify the fs type (mount can't find it), did both fsck and e2fsck, didn't help
replace uuid=..... with /dev/yourdrive in /etc/fstab
is there a symbol that can take the place of a space in terminal?
example. my\ name\ is\ coleys/
is it possible to mount a partition on a drive image? i did a 'dd if=/dev/sdb of=filename' now i want to mount what was sdb1 on that drive
hi - what file can set utc = false ?? i have a dual boot system - linux time ok, but winblows is 6 hours off.
/etc/timezone maybe ?
folks, isn't there a way to install ubuntu from console?
alternate cd has the text-mode installer
if i wanted to know whether any pakage is or not , how i can know that??
use synaptic
know anything about hostap drivers?
nope, sorry.
im having a problem with grub. my bootdisk is sata and my ubuntu install is on a pata drive. but the install refuse to install grub on the sata drive, so i dont get any boot menu, it just boots directly to windows. <- is it possible to use windows bootmenu somehow to boot ubuntu?
if you install from the alternate cd you should be able to choose where to install grub
where can i find linus' latest april fools' joke?
don't know but dave jones has a nice post on lkml: http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/4/1/41
hello is there a way to disable daemons on startup?
system services
where do i change my default ip-adress? can't find any /etc/local.conf or anything like in archlinux...
just a quick question, i am able to play dvds but i get no sound. any ideas why?
can you hear sound from other files?
hmmm what package provides iwconfig ?
can someone tell me where system links are stored when i use the ln command? i'm trying to erase an old link before creating a new one.
well, there's more too it, but for all intents and purposes you delete the link, the link is gone
hi, i have ubuntu 12.04 live/desktop that i want to burn onto cd, what burn speed do i set it on using brasero - maximum speed, 48.0x (cd), 40.0x (cd), 32.0x (cd), 24.0x (cd), 16.0x (cd), 8.0x (cd)?
no. just burn an iso
anybody here has installed the realplayer? is it really as easy as typing `apt-get install realplayer` or does it involve anything more complex?
check ubuntuguide.org... i cant install it cause of amd64
hi ,i am trying to install the 32 bit emulation libraries for firefox, i am following instruction from one of the ubuntu help form which tells me to install the library file first..so when i type ' sudo aptitude install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2
have you done a sudo aptitude update
anyone know if there's a term for using a laptop as a wireless adapter for a wired-only device?
but i would call it a network bridge
will pulseaudio be in 9.14?
i'd imagine it will be pulse in 10.04
how do i find out what my drives are?
gparted will let you view them easily
so is ubuntu 7.10 supposed to be released at midnight tonight or what?
not at midnight
where is the cache of installed packages located?
is there a way to adjust where the new notification bubbles pop up?
for some reason, when i turned my laptop on, it told me that there was no bootable partition found.. i boot to the live usb, and the partition mounts just fine... what could be the issue?
did you mark the partition bootable
when i type 'sudo modprobe snd-cmi8330' it says 'no such device' but when i type 'sudo modprobe snd-cmipci' it doesn't say anything at all it just goes to another line, does that mean i have snd-cmipci?
if it says nothing then it has loaded, you can verify this with 'lsmod'
how do i delete a folder with commands?
rmdir (if it's empty) rm -r (if it's not)
can netbook remix be run from usb only, no hard drive install?
anything can be run from usb only
hi guys! please help me! i want to install a program from source, but it says: bash: make: command not found. what to do?
sudo apt-get install build-essentials
perhaps somebody can help me with my networking settings on my ubuntu 11.04 - is there a way to run a 'ip addr add xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yy dev eth0' every time 'network config' graphical tool configures the ip address of an adapter?
you can add static routes in the gui
hi, any recommendation for usb headset that works under ubuntu?
try it first, we never know which one works or not, unless problem appears to you
hello, has anything with the fonts changed in gutsy? it looks like the font from fedora 7, gnome.... it looks really nice. not sure how to explain, but the fonts are bigger, and more smooth?
you can change the font in system > preferences > fonts
can anyone help me? in tty 1 (i think its called like that (ctrl+alt+f1)) i want to change colors like background and stuff just for fun anyone know the commands?
and maybe stty
hello everyone. any python user here, m new to this irc thing and was trying to connect to #python, but got a response saying 'you need to identify yourself' no idea what this means. can anyone help me out joining that channel, thanks
type '/msg nickserver help register' and do waht it says :)
what are my options for installing openoffice 3.2 on karmic?
probably find a repo or install from the site
does anyone know of mysql gui tools in apt?
what is the most recent version of ubuntu?
7.10 gutsy gibbon
can anyone give me the name of the package for ati radeon drivers ?
is there a way using a cli to automatically remove a package and all it's dependencies and sub-dependencies?
sudo aptitude purge <packagename> will probably do an even better job.
hi, how work better, reiserfs or ext3
ext3 is the standard now and well-supported. you may like to read up later on xfs
i get this error trying to install crystalcursors, any help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16574
then try installing it again
hey guys somebody know where are the wireless's network passkey stored in ubuntu?
accessories > passwords and encryption keys
what's an easy way to rewrite the ubuntu boot sector?
you could follow the instructions from 'lost grub after installing windows'
how can i share my custom compiled kernel image with someone, do i just package up what's in /boot?????
normally /lib/modules/$(uname -r) is essential as well. didn't you use a ubuntu or debian method to compile? that would give you a .deb in /usr/src