how come firefox reports i dont have java runtime environment installed, when i do in fact ahve the sun-jre1.5 package installed and have configured to use by default
did you install sun-java5-plugin?
now, when i boot up , i get a message about waiting for network configuration.. and then waiting 60 seconds..
if you don't get a reply here, try the ubuntu forums
catch 22, wubi install of jaunty, updated to beta of karmic worked fine. grub update to grub2 blew up! now cann't boot asus express go, vista, or karmic. looking for recovery suggestions to recove boot to each partition. thx
you need to restore whatever bootloader wubi came with
hi, in ubuntu, i fixed 3 lan cards, and ubunntu give name to that lan cards like, eth0, eth1, eth2, now i removed the 2 lan cards, and only one eth2 remaining, how can i change this eth2 to eth0, from where we can change or clear these ethx name,
check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
hi who can tell me how do i install the pidgin the new version? what are the commands, thx you
all the instructions can be found there.
is there a skype app for linux?
until yesterday, i did too.
please, can anyone tell good download manager like idm(win) for ubuntu.?
these are typically plugins. check your browser addons, especially firefox
how do i rar enable fille-roller?
sudo apt-get install unrar
downthemall add-on for firefox?
-- ok. i'll take a look at that. i've been downloading everythign from gwget, axel, aria2c, fatrat , jdownload, etc... nothing has meet my needs. thanks.
i know what are gdesklets and i actually have some working on my ubuntu, i would like to know about a tutorial of how to develop my own gdesklets
you should probably look for a place where gnome developers hang out. this channel may not be the best one to ask your question.
hey all... i just installed kubuntu and i seem to be having keyboard troubles... i keep getting `` instead of forward slashes, etc... anyone know the remedy?
try to change your keyboard layout in settings
what the heck is going on with daper ubuntu! is it still buggy??
dude, i updated, and i regret it! everything on my system is messed up now
is it possible to check by ps process just my as a user?
cleaner is: ps -u $user
is anybody there know how can i run freegate on ubuntu? i copied all dlls from a winxp com to wine but still get some error in mfc42.dll
is it the appdb?
anyone here experienced with ups (battery backup)?
- have you played with the s2 s3 power settings in the bios on the box that shuts down?
hi just want to see if this is possible. i have a bunch of window open: brower (with tabs), natuatus windows, totem, etc. i need to reboot. is there a way i can save this setting of all the windows and positions and return to it upon reboot?
sessions, your de should have them
does anyone know how the modules are loaded at boot time? i tried to look in /etc/modules and /etc/init.d and i can't find a module i want to remove
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist if you don't want a module to be loaded ...
guys, how can i get the kernel source
linux-source is what youre looking for
where is grub.conf located?
probably looking for /boot/grub/menu.lst
how can i remove the icons for mounted drives from my desktop without un-mounting the drive?
open gconf-editor and go /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck volumes_visible
as a non-root user i only have to enter the root password once and i have full access to admin tools even after loggin in and out (not reboot). is this normal behaviour? if so, how do i change it?
you need to set your sudo timeout. do not know how to do so but try man sudo
i want to install the full lamp stack on my ubuntu desktop. some web tutorials show how to install apache, mysql etc separately, some just show apt-get install lamp-server^. which one is a better idea?
sudo apt-get install lamp-server phpmyadmin
hello, have a linux question: how do i test if a text file has unix or dos formating (line break)?
open in it in any linux text editor...
my keypad moves my cursor around - how do i make it stop doing this?
id guess its an accessibility setting
why not just kick him out? he's obviously a troll
because i'm in a good mood
hi, do you know some way to record the sound output with gtk-recordmydektop?
i never record audio with it so im not sure. but i assume ticking the checkbox serves that function.
how can i know which hardware ubuntu did/didn't recognize? does it have a device manager like windows does?
for the record though, ubuntu recognizes about 90% of all hardware i have thrown at it
i need help with the keyboard shortcut settings of gnome-terminal. i want to disable a shortcut, but i can't figure out how.
iirc backspace removes the accelerator
where did you mean 'new folder' ? do your vfstp user have permission on the new folder?
somehow i solved it...
what program would i use to create an image file (.iso) from a cd/dvd? (not brasero, dont seem to work for me)
when i installed kubuntu-desktop (and all its dependencies), i was prompted with a dialog box that asked to specify which display manager (gdm or kdm) i wanted to use. is there any way to get that dialog box again so i can change the display manager again?
no. both of those commands will give you that little dialogue box to pick the manager.
what's the program for cloning hdds?
grub has a gui, just hold shift at boot and you'll see it
how do i copy and paste to terminal? i used ctrl c and ctrl v, doesnt seem to work?
it is shit ctrl c
i'd like to have a does-everything panel on the bottom, in a similar style to windows (sorry). i've deleted the top panel and added everything i want to the bottom. however, now, if i right click a program from the and select 'add this launcher to panel' it hides the list of running programs. is there any way to fix this?
add the applet called 'window list' to the bottom panel
will installing kde libs adn using a few kde programs slow down my computer? ( i'm using xubuntu because there's only 300 mb of ram)
might use a bit more ram is all
how do i make more partitions with linux? (i left space during windows installation)
install gparted
any native spanish speakers can tell me if i have any mistakes here: http://pastebin.com/ey39znjp thanks.
that's not the purpose of this channel though.
does anyone know what version of python ubuntu 11.4 runs, im just curious if its 2 or 3
is there a nice method of installing java support for firefox from within kubuntu?
: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin
how can i restart my sound driver w/o restarting the computer?
if your using alsa that is
does anyone know wheter there is a gnutella client for linux=
limewire, gtk-gnutella...and i believe a few more
i'm an debian user looking to use ubuntu xorg packages...can someone tell me where ubuntu installes xorg?
prob. /usr/bin/x11
ive got a usb wireless usb adaptor (awuso36h), works ok in ubuntu but i can't get it to run in a linux virtual machine (under virtualbox). the wireless adaptor is detected, it shows available networks etc but when i try to connect to a wpa2 secured network it reports 'bad password'. the exact same settings work in the host (ubuntu) machine. any ideas? the driver is the same for both cases (rtl8187)
once it is set up gpa does a decent (and easy) job
where can i download the plasma screensaver?
its in the rss-glx package.
ok i asked my question. is there any person here who can help me?
just writing 'anyone?' or 'can someone answer my question?' will just make people annoyed... noone likes to scroll around trying to find the actual question
anyone here have a lenovo thinkpad?
i believe they're matte, and they do.
i guess now that i can use firefox again, i can just look it up.
use deluser, it's pretty smart about removing users. just don't remove your original user, unless you've already made another one a member of the admin group
i need a help...someone should tell me ubuntu defaults fonts 'cause ive messed up with mine
just 'sans' for everything and 'monospace' for terminal fonts
i guess i'm on a wrong track anyways as there's no where the installer can get files from
feisty fawn
hi guys. i need a project management tool on ubuntu, is there one in the repo's somewhere? i had a look in osalt.com for ms project alternatives and the 3 options they suggest have no packages in the repos.
scunizi's solution is directed to you, in case you missed that
do you know if your joystick is working?
yes, it is working in mupen64plus though it needs a bit config... that's why i need to know the numbers
at what frequency are packages updated? (i'm waiting for unity 4.24 and i don't know what to do)
no updates were sync over the weekend i heard wait till tomorrow
m using edgy 6.10 and totally new to linux, so is there any way of upgrading to 7.10 without remove this 6.10?
you have to update to 7.04 before 7.10 gksu update-manager then refresh and it should say new release and update to feisty
is there any way i can find all files in the system with group id 12345 ?
find / -group 12345
abiword, gnumeric, and criawips are the whole gnome office suite, right?
hi, how can i get archive manage rto extract rar files ???
sudo aptitude install unrar -y
is running ubuntu from an usb disk as simple as from an internal drive? or do you need to do something dfferently during install?
the most complicated part is figuring out to choose your boot device from the bios or efi. not really a linux issue
- there doesnt seemto be any apm daemon on this?
amd or intel?
i'm setting up karmic on my friends computer and i'm having issues trying to figure out how you set up evolution mail to work with a yahoo address. i'm the gmail kinda guy...
you have to pay yahoo to be able to use pop i belive
hi. where does google chrome stores its extension files? thanks
hi. i cant play a sound in firefox and rhythmbox at the same time. someone here who has a solution or a hint?
i could get that working changing the sound server from auto-detect (which defaults to pulse audio) to alsa in system -> preferences -> sound
what happens when i execute mv (single filename) *.iso
depends on what *.iso matches
can anyone help me out? im attempting to install ubuntu on a toshiba m45-s169 and the problem is on the wiki.. but i dont understand the solution, it says ' need to install with framebuffer off; video needs ati's proprietary driver, but using kernel module hangs the machine'
it means you will have to do alot of command line editing
in setting up my wireless conneciton on my laptop running ubuntu 8.04 ...what is : 'open system' auth and 'shared key' auth ?
in case you missed it the last time open system no passkey shared key need passkey
question: what is the different between a system user and normal user?
at least that's my understanding of the term
does anyone know which package the syscall manpages are held in?
probably manpages-dev
does anybody have an idea why the 7.10 installed doesn't detect my ntfs partitions on my sata drive ?
i remember something about that... did they drop sata support...
this is pieces, i just switched computers. should i uninstall the drivers i have now?
i don't run 8.10 so i don't know what its called, sorry
how do i uninstall somthing in ubuntu
rm deletes files. ignore that.
is anybody here able to access archive.ubuntu.com?
archive.ubuntu.com is accessable for me
hey all - if i were looking to setup a box as a primary file server, hosting music and apps and such for the other boxes in the network, what would the proper protocol be...? nfs? samba?
if you have mixed environment, you're probably better off going samba
when upgrading to a binary 686 kernel from the stock 386 kernel, i added the right packages, but what now? do i change my grub entry and that's it? or something else?
thats it it will give you a boot option when grub comes up
how can i disable xserver (so im just left with a basic cmd line?)
sudo update-alternatives gdm remove
how does one restart or stop the x server without restarting the os?
i wanna make firefix to make a pdf file when printing but the only printer device i get listed in firefox is postscript/default. in texteditor i can print to pdf :(
print a ps and then ps2pdf
i got a problem, when trying to install madwifi it gives me this error build is missing, please set kernelpath. stop. any idea how to fix it?
i'm trying to restore my xorg.conf to its original state. what's the `dpkg` for doing that?
sudo dpkg-reconifgure -phigh xserver-xorg
hey you guys. does cron savve entries past a reboot? i used crontab -e then i rebooted myserver and got kicked out by my firewall...i set up a backup cron but then i reboot so im not sure now if it will fire
did you ever verify the cron job worked?
how to force-terminate a running program?
ctrl+c, pkill, kill, xkill
does anyone know a command like 'pwd' that will show which filesystem (as in one on a remote server) the cwd is mounted on
did you try 'mount' by itself?
hey guys, is there any app besides phpmyadmin that has a gui to manipulate mysql tables? ie. insert data into tables etc...
i'm getting an error upgrading to ff: 'unable to find expected entry mail/binary-i386/packages in meta-index file' i think it's supposed to be 'main/binary...' any ideas?
you have a typo in your sources.list
how can i set the compression level over ssh on the command line?
i believe like: ssh -c -o compressionlevel# where # is 1-9
i have downloaded and unpacked the mozilla thunderbird executable on my new ubuntu installation. how do i install the program. don't i just double click the thunderbird-bin file? any pointer in the right direction is appreciated.
thnderbird is in the repositories, you might try that.
i really really really hate it when they turn off ctrl-alt-backspace
then re-enable it?
am i the only one that hosed his machine from the latest 10.04 kernel update? first part of the error is complaining about a missing post-install hook.
can you boot the older kernel ok?
what package owns libsm.so.6?
is it possible to umount a drice which is busy, by forcing it somehow?
umount -l /dev/sdx#
hey there i need to import information i have in .xls to a database like kexi i have tried google searching but i can't find anything helpful
never heard of kexi. open office.org should support opening your xls though. then maybe you can save it to an intermediate format, if kexi doesn't support xls directly
i already did and i think i viewed every file with iptables in it but maybe i missed something.
dont know if it is still using that files
hey guys is there a command to check the size of a directory?
you might want to add '-h' to that as well
what can i use at the command line to play a music file? tried aplay with a mp3 and nothing but static
mpg123 if you want minimal mp3 only
is there a way to highlight your nick in irssi?
yeah it should hilight nick when mentioned
does ubuntu server come wtih gnome?
not by default, no
question to all: i'm resurrecting my powerbook g3 series, and i would like to try ubuntu. what do you think - does it make sense to test breezy? i'm pretty familiar with linux, and i figured that you might like reports better on something that is fresh...
anyone else happen to be using the packages.medibuntu.org repos? they appear to currently be down, can someone validate this for me?
hypn0: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html
in ubuntu hardy heron version, how do i see what the pc's specs are like what the brand name of the harddrive is inside of it, or name and processor speed, ect..?
sudo lshw
ummm where would one find ati x300 drivers for ubuntu ? ati dont seem to be of much help
try the wiki instructions for ati
anyone can help me about installing a program (stellarium 0.10.1o)?
why not install version from repos
hello. i've got a brand new usb hd, 2tb, and it's formatted with a 2tb ntfs partition. how can i create 2 partitions of 1tb each, and format them in etx3?
use gparted