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can somone give me a hand, if i switch to driver 'nvidia' from 'nv' i dont get high resolutions. 0-o | system --> administration --> restricted drivers manager |
hey everyone, i was thinking last night: if a few bits are wrong in an encfs encrypted archive (due to, say, a hardware error) will the entire archive become unreadable? | i don't see any value in that |
hello, i have a few .c files i wish to print. is there some nice program out there that will let me print them all into the same file ? | just do something like `cat *.h *.c > printme && a2ps printme` |
what user/group does apache2 run as by default? | : www-data |
how do i change the icons of a shortcut? | think you right click on it then properties, then click on the icon and select location of a new one |
am trying to build kvm-83 with 'debuild -s -sa'. problem is that it complains about not having any rules to setup config-host.mak. that file is created when running configure on the program manually. how can i make debuild build it? what have i missed? | just us chkconfig, if the source tree has no debian rules debuild isnt very effective. |
anyone got acpi suspend working on a samsung q20? | have a look at the ubuntu wiki page pmtesting... it has some good tests that you should definitely check if you want suspend to work on hoary :) |
how do i name a workspace? used to be able to do it, can't now. | what window manager? |
can someone suggest a good torrent program for ubuntu? | deluge |
does anybody know how i can tunnel my current x session over vnc? | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vncoverssh?highlight=%28ssh%29%7c%28vnc%29 |
is a 5gb partition large enough to install ubuntu on if i just want to play around with the os? | you can fit it in a few hundred megs, i think 2 gig is the minimum to be usable |
hey guys, one last question - how do i change my computer name | by diting /etc/hostname i think |
any suggestion for a fps linux game? | urbanterror. they're about to put out a new major release! |
if i configure the wired in /etc/network/interfaces will this bypass network manager ? is there some kind of how to or guide out there? | as soon as you specify a device in /etc/network/interfaces network manager will be disabled 'not managed' for that device. good luck. |
hi does anybody know of a way to index my file system so that search results in nautilus are quicker, similar to the way google desktop does it | if you are using gnome, tracker is installed by default, check your preferences menu for a search item there ;) |
btw did they canceled kubuntu? i can't find it anywhere on the official site | http://www.kubuntu.org/ |
how do i invert this regex: grep '.*someword.*' > file2 (ie, that prints every line that contains somework, i want the ones that don't | grep with -v |
so when installing ubuntu studio i can compile real time programs ? | and the devel one: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-devel |
while i'm here, is there a way to disable some of the things that start on boot? e.g. bluetooth, since i don't even have bluetooth? | sudo apt-get install rcconf; sudo rcconf |
how can i change my hsync and vsync settings? | applications > system tools > configuration editor |
hey, anyone know what the name is of the app that produces the grey notification boxes in ubuntu 9.10? | notify-osd? |
quick question about bug reporting procedures. if i report a bug through launchpad and it turns out to be an upstream problem, should i go to the app's bug repository and file a bug or just note that it's upstream in the launchpad ticket? | as an upstream provider, i prefer it if people report bugs to me directly too. |
hey, would any of you know if there is a way to get the bootsplash from 9.10 back in 10.4? i've been searching, and searching, google, ubuntu forums, etc. but to no avail. | likely, but likely it's not worth the effort and instability it would resut in, i have no idea how, either (btw the term is boot splash if you are going to be googling...) |
i've missing nautilus icons after upgrade to breezy -- any ideas? | try changing theme |
hello all, just booted ubuntu for the first time, and i like it (i'm not a newcomer to linux). one question: during the install, it never asked me to set the root password, and now how can i 'su' to root in a terminal? is there a default root password? | sudo with the pass you put in for your user. |
how do i restart the sound services..it messed up | alsactl init |
anyone knows what is hup? | -> man signal for detailed explanations |
hello, does anyone know a good java compiler for beginner beginners? | eclipse |
how ready is karmic for primetime desktop usage? | backups |
hi people - my pc keeps freezing for no apparent reason. it won't restart until i power down completely and it only restarts after a break of a few minutes. does anyone have a clue as to what this might be? any troubleshooting guides about? | run a memtest |
my ubuntu is 10.10, i have a problem with hibernate, it is hibernated very good but when i start again the machine this has been reset and i see just a restarted ubuntu without my changes, please help me | check /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume for the uuid of your swap |
hello. i am looking for a tutorial on how to apply a patch to a package source. astonishingly there is little info about this in the wiki. can anyone refer me to a howto ? | the various debian related packaging documents will be fine - might be worth looking at the new maintainers guide. generally you just need to make a few modifications to files in the debian/ folder of the package |
how do i turn on syntax coloring in vim on ubuntu 6.06? | 'syntax on' you could add it to a local runtime configuration as well |
how do i install mysql 4 instead of 5? | i don't think mysql 4 is available for later ubuntu versions |
is this a solution for me? | logout and from the longin screen you can switch to ubuntu classic |
nvu changed is name? | kompozer |
~ isn't there an edit he needs to do though to make it talk on other than lo? | of course not |
i was wondering how that 128 was working for you | heh :) |
what port\s does samba run on? | 137-139,445 |
how do i command line update? | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade |
is it possible to change the email address of a gpg key? | dunno offhand, type 'help' in the edit menu, it'll list all commands. |
hi!, why i have shiretoko instead of firefox? | firefox 3.5 is unbranded in jaunty, firefox 3.0 is still called firefox |
what should i install to get an embeded video player working in firefox? | mozilla-mplayer |
hey, how can i find what model and brand is my wireless card? | iwconfig |
how can i get rid of the cdrom icons of the mounted devices on the desktop? | gconf-editor, search volumes icon. |
a qemu command to test ubuntu install?? | qemu is an emulator; that means it completely reimplements the processor. i suggest looking at a virtualization tool, which works by sharing the processor - virtualbox is an example of this. |
can anyone recommend a good app for adding / deleting tracks from an ipod on ubuntu? | gtkpod |
when you create a samba pdc how do you go about getting xp and other ubuntu machines using the pdc ? | also, look for the sambapdc on the wiki |
how can i make a #define something as a parameter for gcc? | gcc -dthing_to_define -o file.o file.c |
is there a mysql frontend that does not require php/apache? | mysql-admin ;) gui / standalone |
how do i see/change what the 'system fixed width font' is? | sidenote - i like terminus (both x and console available) as a fixed width font |
my ubuntu 5.04 install is failing. it goes through reformatting the hard drive, etc. then hangs when it gets to a screen that says 'installing the ubuntu base system 6% retrieving bsdutils...' | i had that too with a incomplete iso, running md5sum revealed the checksum not matching up |
how come 'gksudo network-admin' doesn't do anything anymore? (pls refer to https://www.opendns.com/homenetwork/start/device/ubuntu ) | /etc/resolv.conf |
not sure if this is where i should ask this question but here gos anyways ... useing clonezilla server ... have 4 more computers on same net as cz ... i need to find a way that when i hit f12 to boot from network device and it connects to clonezilla ... i need the option to repartition the client's hard drive in to one partition ... basicly delete all partitions of clinet and build one fat32 partition | clonezila live cd perhaps. om not sure it can netboot itself |
anyony knows how to enable the mouse in the tty console? | sudo apt-get install gpm |
hello , if i have a log file and i like to see it real time how do i do that , i saw a friend do something cat foo.log | grep ... | you can try watch 'tail /path/to/logfile' |
does edgy only come with 2 workspaces defaultly? | right click on it to add morje. |
does anyone know a way to control the cpu clock on an intell atom n270 processor with ubuntu 9.10 | right click on an empty part of the panel, and select 'add to panel' |
what can i format my hard disk (data disk) with in kubuntu? | real men also make really sure of which partition they are formatting |
how to delete the previous commands executed in a terminal ? | history -c |
is there any ntfs defragger for linux? | i think theres 1... but again.. i have learned its best to let windows handle the fancy ntfs stuff. |
i've a little problem with a 13gb's .xsession-error file. can i remove it safely ? | you can open it with 'less' |
hello all. have a small question. understand that ubuntu supports 64bits processor. but how abt dual core? does ubuntu takes advantage of the dual core setup? | supports both cores of my core duo at least. |
i'm running hoary and i'm having a sound problem with totem, mplayer and xmms - totem plays video but no sound, while xmms and mplayer hang - can anyone point me in the right direction as to a fix? | i think something similar applies to mplayer -- maybe -ao esd, something like that |
what is the default admin password for ubuntu? | use sudo and your normal user password |
what is the command to show what kernel version you are using? | uname -a |
hello, anyone know the name of the site where i can post my error code and it will give me a link so i can post it? | install/use the pastebinit command.. :) is a top 10 tip .. |
how do i remove/delete a symbolic link (ln -s)? | just delete it? |
is there a log where i can see recently added or removed apps? | if yer using synaptic... file ... history |
hello! how do i change user's password in command line? | passwd user |
anyone can tell me if it is a good thing change dapper to edgy | it can be, just depends what you want. if dapper is working fine, dont bother |
hello. i now have ubuntu server (drapper drake version) and ubuntu-desktop installed. so far things have been a breeze and i am starting to love ubuntu. i now need to install java, eclipse, jboss, hibernate, axis. are there packages for these already? what is the best way to go about doing this. | -> check ubuntuguide.org |
does rhythmbox not support the playback of .wav files? i am running the version that is included in hoary. | natively no, however there is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/restrictedformats |
hi, i've just installed the atomatical updates of oo3 and now it doesn't start anymore, has anyone experienced the same problem? | hopefully they will update the ppa soon with a fix, i'll go investigate on the forums |
hey guys. simple question. how can i uninstall shockwave flash plugin from firefox? | go into .mozilla/firefox/plugins and delete libflashplayer.so |
does anyone know how to configure the internet on ubuntu? | maybe i can help? |
alright; i am vastly confused about security certificates. i want to install a new certificate, so when i wget https://migs.mastercard.com.au/ i don't have to --no-check-certificate. everything i have googled so far has told me to install firefox and click on things. this is a server, without firefox. what do i want to google next? | you download the certificate file, put it in /etc/ssl/certs, cd to that dir, and run 'c_rehash' as root |
audio input thru a mic doesnt work. | that wasn't really a question . . . but the mic is set to mute by default. right click on the sound icon and go into the preferences |
i'm creating a linux-swap partition. is that a primary partition or an extended partition? | depends on what you want, i'd use a primary if you have less than 4 other partitions. |
when i want add an user config in apache2, do i add in conf.d/ or httpd.conf? | its not in httpd |
hi. i'm trying to disable one key in the move plugin in compiz via gconf. how do i set it to disabled? | is the string you want to disable ctrl+alt+f7? if so, i doubt you can. and you probably shouldn't. |
what's a very light weight text editor with grammar and spelling check? | anything with grammer check wont be light |
hi, short question: i have a .deb file and like'd to install it.. but how? no success with apt | sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb |
i'm new to ubuntu (and linux). my laptop speakers and headphone jack aren't working. can anyone help? | did you look in preferances in volume control , there are about 40 different channels, one of them might work. worth a try. might be a driver problem. |
hi, is there any way to make a path variable recursive? or, do you have to add ever subdirectory? | you need to add every subdirectory |
has anyone got any idea why firefox is segfaulting every time i try to launch it in karmic? it was fine yesterday... | corrupt profile would be a guess, try running 'firefox -p' and creating a new one. |
i need a good program as customer registry / contacts do any of you have a good tip? | evolution, thunderbird, etc |
is there a 64-bit ubuntu for intel processors? | core 2 duo is x86-64/amd64 |
just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04, my sound isn't working. the first few google links aren't helping here. anyone? | cuz mine is not :( |
hi, how can i disabled the firewall please? | not a good idea, what are you trying to do? |
iwconfig wlan0 scan | mine gives error : unrecognised wireless request 'scan' |
which cd burning program burns iso's right?> | brasero |
hi! just installed ubuntu (long time debian user) - is it possible to run 2.4 kernel on ubuntu? (need it for 2.4 kernel modules that doesn't exists in 2.6). one problem - 2.4 doesn't support ufs, other - init gots killed (kernel too old). maybe there is some howto for this? i googled whole day, didn't found anything useful. any ideas or maybe someone has practical experience? | not adviseable |
2 questions: anyone ever setup ubuntu on a compaq tc1000? and there's no make command in terminal, is there a replacement command or how can i add that in? | apt-get install build-essential |
hi there, can anyone point me how to install apache2 + php5 + gd + openssl + postgresql + mysql, the whole shebang of packages? | - i think you could use somthing called llamp |
hey guys, can someone advise me how to get a terminal app (such as wget or lynx) to pass through a ssh proxy (ssh -d 8080 $remotehost) | check out tsocks |
how do i subscribe to [email protected] | www.ubuntu.com --> right hand side lists mailing lists |
what's the usual '/' partition size if im going to use the rest of the space for the '/home' partition? | 10-15g should be enough. probably ~ 5g used |
is it possible to forward / intercept ports with iptables? ex, can you forward an incoming connection from port 27080 to port 80? | yes i belive it can |
how do i control power management? is there a gui ? | yes, its inthe preferences |
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