anyone have an hint on how i could 1) make the eject button works 2) get mouse emulation (when pressing f10 f11 it does middle click and right click) to work ??
1) unmount the cd... try right-clicking and selecting eject ;)
hello. after updating cupsys last night i cannot print at least pdf files to an smb connected hp laserjet 1200 anymore. is this a known issue?
to find out the answer to that check out launchpad.net the bug recorder
is it ok to ask general linux questions here?
what for? maybe you want a fifo ? « man mkfifo »
i will be installing ubuntu 10.04 to a customers computer. any real reason not to install 64bit and doing 32 bit for it?
32 is a little more compatible for now
hie everybody, my samsung x30 notebook can wake up after suspend or hibernate. anybody has a clue what to do about it?
unfortunately the samsung folk don't let linux developers know about how their acpi stuff works at a bios level so it's a bit tricky. try to make sure that the package acpi-support is installed.
how do i get a developer environment with includes for x development?
install build-essential, and then whatever dev files you need
hi im new to linux and want to know what i can use for word documents like in microsoft word
hey quick question, whats the command to move the contents of a folder to another
did you manage?
did anyone else's upgrade kill flash in firefox?
yes, sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree then download the latest flash from adobe
question: how can i change my dns servers for a specific wireless network? i tried editing resolv.conf but networkmanager overwrites them. i can not find an option in networkmanager to change them.
right click nm-applet in the gnome-panel then edit connections > wireless connections > select one > ipv4 settings, you need to set method to dhcp only or manual to edit the dns servers
which ftp server do you recommend to install ??? proftpd ???
i used pureftp and found it pretty simple to use and setup on my first day of using a linux server
does anyone know how i can find out 'what packages were updated on my system yesterday'?
look in /var/log/dpkg.log
i am trying to install ubuntu through a usb , extracting ubuntu files on the usb , will do ? what shud be the root folder on usb ?
follow the instructions.
or do you know a simple network ports scanner?
gnome-nettool knows how to scan for open ports..
for multiple command line, do i use '&&'??
like: sudo mkdir /mnt/temp && sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/temp
hello guys! i have ubuntu installed now. but i want to install windows xp as dual boot (some of my hardware is not supported in ubuntu) how can i set this up ?i can only find how to's wich tell me to install xp first.. wich would mean formatting my current setup
try this: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm
hey guys. i have problems changing the owner of a folder on my ntfs partition: sudo chown -r gabriel.gabriel /media/bigmama/found.000/ but after the owner is still root when i check! why?
ntfs partitions don't use chmod or chown, because they don't support unix-style permissions. you'd need to specify the owner and group when mounting it.
hi, i just installed a .deb package with alien but can't find where it actually installed the files
dpkg --listfiles packagename
how do i disable swap (temporarily(
sudo swapoff -a
aah, how can i activate apm?
man apm
hello, what is the simplest way to free disk space?
they deleted unnesary files and dependencies
can someone else in here running virtualbox confirm that their ' id ' command *does not* list ' vboxusers '
id command *lists* vboxusrs here
how can i find out which ubuntu i have?
lsb_release -a
anyone else unable to install through apt-get? the repositories seem to have stopped working all of the sudden
if the server is down or something, that could happen
http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download ...... is this a livecd?
all ubuntu images are live cds
ricochet, what for?
i cant see anything and its angering me
using freebsd my sort doesn't have a -r option or would have
what about shuf? =)
so what's the difference between 'erease entire disk' and 'erease entire disk and use lvm'?
lvm is for use if you want to use more than one hd, you can safely not use it
hi, how can i open a blog?
sorry, totally new, but which is latest hoary, dapper, or breezy?
dapper is in the development
i hope someone can help me with this problem: i have a laptop with i5 processor (which integrates graphics sandybridge) and graphic card nvidia geforce gt540m. at first system info said 'graphics: unknown'. when i started to use the gnome 3 shell system info began to say 'graphics: mobile intel sandybridge' and the processor heats up a lot. i tried to install the nvidia driver (suggested by 'additional drivers') and the graphics stopped working altogether,
sounds like you have intel/nvidia hybrid graphics - there is some special software to use such devices. bumblebee i believe is one option (i don't have the hardware so no personal experience)
sorry to bother everyone, but how do i change the password for my root account?
it's in the faq, and the installer also prompted you to say you'd read it during the install
if i make a partition and install ubuntu will windows still boot up or which has priority?
grub will let you switch
how can i start emerald theme at startup?? compiz fusion starts at startup but not with emerald window decorator
i believe emerald --replace under sessions in preferences.
my dash is coming up behind open windows. is there a fix for this?
i didnt see anything in my compiz settings
i'm transferring 4 gigs of data from my ubuntu hd to my windows hd. both are sata, but the transfer is going slower than paris hilton doing a suduku puzzle. i've transferred 20 gig of data faster than this before (it was a ide to sata)... any ideas?
ntfs-3g is really slow because it's in userspace
is there a command to list the largest files on your system? almost over night, ive gone to having 98% of my disk filled and i cant figure out what file(s) are doing it.
cd / then run du -sh
is it possible to set nautilus background transparent?
the best you can do is not have nautilus draw the background (and then you loose the icons)
what is the most lightweight ubuntu-variant ?
if you want something even lighter then lubuntu, use the mini.iso and install whatever wm you want.
how do i extract file 'foo.bar_1_2_3.tar.bz2?
tar xjf foo.bar_1_2_3.tar.bz
pleas anybody can help me im getting 'release no md5sum entry in release when i run 'sudo apt-get update'
there can be many resons. people could be busy, just not see you, not know the answer to your question or something else.
has somebody figured out how it's possible to disable opening program menu by f10 in unity? or change it to <ctrl>f10. i've looked from system settings -> keyboard shortcuts, but it wasn't there, and i've also gone to gconf-editor and changed all the places that have f10 to <ctrl>f10, and i've restarted xorg, but no effect.
compizconfig settings manager. install it.
hi all, i have a pc with windows 7 on it and it has troubles. blue screens, freeze ups etc.. i want to figure out if this is a hardware or software problem so that's why i want to try ubuntu. my usb startup failed and i'm reading now about the wubi installer. i was wondering: you install it through windows, but when you run it, is it still on top of windows or more independant?
it is running itself but from a compressed filesystem on the windows partition
how do you install local debs? apt-get install package.deb doesn't work
sudo dpkg -i <debfile>
hmmm, well can you give me a link for gparted?
what about --purge?
you can do apt-get source <package> , you'll get the pristine source along with a diff
my wubi installer crashes on windows xp sp3 : an error says : 'writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings'. it looks like python exception. any idea of where does that come from ?
with this simple scron script, what would cause this 'exit status 1' error? https://gist.github.com/1961183
some possibilities: script is not executable, log file directory does not exist or is not writable.
on ubuntu with apache2 installed where is it installed to? more specifically where can i find the vhosts file?
do you guys think it's possible to turn off pci slots in the bios?
hmm.. not sure thats possible.
never heard of teamviewer before... can ubuntu detect the webcam via another program? (i.e., cheese?)
ubuntu wil never work with a webcam
guys what to put in space used to preserve files across reboots field when making a bootable iso using unetbootin ???
i honestly have no idea, im guessin files stored there would be if you were to install programs and such when you are booting from your usb key, so if you are going to just boot and play around, i would put 0 if you are going to boot play around and then install on the hdd i would still put 0 but if you are going to use it i would say 1gb or so depends on what you are going to do
hello! how to permanently set environment variable? (bash) i tried doing: set myemail='myemail <[email protected]', but it doesn't work...
it's export, not set.
can anyone tell me what i need to install kde instead of gnome on ubuntu please
kde4 still isnt ready some bugs yet first release sched for july
are there other, small de's for ubuntu other than xubuntu and lubuntu?
anyone know the latest db util for ubuntu? or how i can check?
hello all are the forums down for you peeps as well can't seem to connect.just want to make sure it's not just me
yes they are down
whats the terminal command to build dependancies?
depmod -a?
ubuntu doesn't work on my sata system... which kinda lame as debian does :\
more likely it was fixed in debian and hasn't yet been fixed in ubuntu
hello people. has anyone else experienced problems installing flashplugin-nonfree? i get a md5sum mismatch
easiest way to do - if installing for firefox is go to the adobe flash detector page and it will instlal as plugin ;)
what is the git equivalent of 'svn checkout -r 1448' to get a specific revision?
that is if you have already cloned the repository with git clone.
i dont see the kernel source for 2.6.12 in the beezy repos -- therfore i cannot build ndiswrapper
i believe its linux-source
is there a program for ubuntu that does the same that ms one note??????
heres a blog about one note alternatives http://www.wickedblog.com/2007/04/12/onenote-replacement-a-few-options/
uhm, shouldn't 'swap' show up under 'df'?
how to open rar files in ubuntu?
insall unrar
hey -- where can i find out what changes were made with the new kernel update in hoary?
hey guys, i messed up, x is gone :d, how to burn iso from cli
there is a command-line tool called cdrecord.
question: what is needed to install wine. directories, files, dos???
sudo apt-get install wine;winecfg thats it
can anyone recomend an ircd. i want the most secure and the most stable and with most veriety options and control
but freenode is running hyperion-1.0.2b if that helps
how can i stop the graphical server (and start it up again?
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and close session
hi ihave a kernel patch for 2.4.28 wich adds support for my sis i2c controllers on my motherboard.. can i apply this patch to my current ubuntu kernel?
hmm, i don't think ubuntu sues 2.4.x kernels, unles you're running something scarily old.
how to format dvd-rw with command line ?
man growisofs ; growisofs --help
hi there, i have a .deb package im trying to install on ubuntu but its the wrong architecture, can i repackage it someone from just the deb?
include --force-architecture
hello. how can i set an application to load after compiz for startup? to delay a little bit
how do you start compiz in the first place?
hello .. i'm experiencing lots of trouble with firebox under ubuntu recently .. the browser window hangs (and turns grey) sometimes for seconds, sometimes minutes, sometimes indefinitely ... what can be the cause?
under security disable tell me about visiting an attack site or forgery, though it is not ideal to dissable this extra security
night! i'm trying to install sogo package on karmic, but it needs libssl0.8.9k and karmic comes with 0.8.9g. i've found lucid have the version i need. how can i install it? i've tryed adding lucid as source at source.list later apt-get update and apt-get -t lucid install libssl with no luck...
personal package archive
what repos do i need to add to be able to get sun java 6 on ubuntu 10.04
canonical partners i think
when you said 'noapi apci=off....' how do i specify that during a boot ? f6 ?
just append it to the end of the line.
any cool color pickers for ubuntu ?
gcolor2, not so much cool, but simple
where did xmms go?
it's development stopped. there's xmms2 now but it's way different
hi. do i can install ubuntu 9.10 on ext3 file system? (ext4 destroyed my hdd ;/ )
ext4 should not do that. what happened. ext4 is vary stable and better for 9.10 but yes you should bre able to use ext3 fine i should think
update manager is telling me a new version of compiz is out, is it ok to update it? will i have to reboot after the update?
i updated last night and didnt have to reboot
hello again :) i'm trying to compile ndiswrapper from source and i have to type in this line in the console: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r' but after i hit enter it just shows me '>' and nothing else :s any ideas?
you're missing a `
hi, how can i change the mirror i use to get the updates / new apps?
in synaptic.. go to settings/repositories.. then where it says 'select servers'.. choose find best server..
what could consume all my free disk space (20.2gb) and then give it back on a reboot? i'm in gnome, and only firefox and xchat are running.
/tmp ?
hi.what can i do with ssh port forwarding? a simple description actually i have read wikis and .. mybe with an example!
among other things, you can jump across cliffs and scale the empire state building
whats the proper way to install ndiswrapper? does ndiswrapper-common include the binaries? i can't find a straight answer, it seems to be the kernel has ndiswrapper with it?
sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ndiswrapper-common
how do i apply only security updates from aptitude?
you'd have to do some apt 'pinning' iir. been some time since debian... that was before i was gentoo...
anyone have a 1680x1050 lcd? just wondering if it's as hard as the forums sound to make one work on ubuntu.
if your screen and video card can handle it , you just need to add the resolution to the xorg.conf file
hi everyone. is it possible to 'put' two or more iso images of distros in the same usb stick so to have them ready to install?
check http://www.pendrivelinux.com/
how do i make a mounted partition made by 'mount -t vfat /dev/hdb6 /media/hdb6' stay mounted even after reboot?
add it to fstab.
did you try rt clicking on the network icon on the menu bar and selecting preferences?
when i say theres no gui network stuff i even mean there's no icon
how do i change file associations?
: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=374660
how can i set dns search space without dhcp overwriting it in resolv.conf?
have a look in man dhclient, et alia
any idea on a powerpoint viewer for linux to avoid using openoffice ?
i looked for something like that ages ago, but there isn't.
hi, i was wondering how i can edit the 'applications' menu because it seems to point to stuff which i have uninstalled already and i also want to add a couple of things. i have tried the program 'menu editor' but it doesn't seem to be able to do anything other than hiding links.
right click 'applications' and select edit menu
anyone know about file recovery? i've already ran photorec but recovered almost no files even though no action in the drive other unmount and remount it. can anyone suggest anything?
is there a jigdo file that will allow me to update my jaunty desktop-i386-rc to the release version? none of the mirrors i've checked seem to have it.
i would recommend rsync or bittorrent
lduros best to keep the chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic and this place for direct support ;)
yeah i figured its not welcome to do that here, apologies
nautilus is unbearably slow loading a folder with more than a few dozen files. is there an alternative file browser that actually works?