Accepts: priority, identifier, fade_in, fade_out, trigger_delay, song_delay, level, start_toggled, not, persistence, start_delay, passive_persistence, toggle_inactive_playable
Requires: identifier, level
level: The required difficulty level of the current world.
0 = Peaceful
1 = Easy
2 = Normal
3 = Hard
4 = hardcore
Activates under specific time, day, and moon conditions.
Accepts: priority, identifier, fade_in, fade_out, trigger_delay, song_delay, start_toggled, not, persistence, start_delay, passive_persistence, toggle_inactive_playable, time_bundle, start_hour, end_hour, moon_phase, lowest_day_number, highest_day_number
Requires: identifier, time_bundle OR start_hour
time_bundle: Preset time bundles for the convenience of not having to figure out how the hours work.
Accepted values are "day", "night", "sunrise", and "sunset".
start_hour: The hour of the day between 0-24 the trigger can activate. Daytime starts at 0 and nighttime starts
at 13. Decimal values are accepted.
end_hour: The hour of the day between 0-24 the trigger is no longer active. The default is 3 hours after the
start_hour. Decimal values are accepted.
moon_phase: The phase of the moon that must be current in the world
0 = Any moon phase
1 = Full Moon
2 = Waning Gibbous
3 = Last Quarter
4 = Waning Crescent
5 = New Moon
6 = Waxing Crescent
7 = First Quarter
8 = Waxing Gibbous
lowest_day_number: The minimum required day number of the world.
highest_day_number: The maximum day number of the world.
Activates under certain light conditions
Accepts: priority, identifier, fade_in, fade_out, trigger_delay, song_delay, level, start_toggled, not, persistence, start_delay, passive_persistence, toggle_inactive_playable, light_type
Requires: identifier, level
level: The light level must be at or below this. Accepts integer values between 0-15.
light_type: The type of light that gets checked for. Accepts "block", "sky", or "any" for either of those.
Activates under certain height conditions based on the y level of the player,
Accepts: priority, identifier, fade_in, fade_out, trigger_delay, song_delay, level, start_toggled, not, persistence, start_delay, passive_persistence, toggle_inactive_playable, check_for_sky, check_above_level
Requires: identifier, level
level: The y level the player must be under.
check_for_sky: Determines if there must be blocks above the player's head for the trigger to be active.
This is true by default.
check_above_level: Reverses the height check so the player must be above the set level instead of under.
If this is true, check_for_sky will be ignored.
Activates when the player is riding something
Accepts: priority, identifier, fade_in, fade_out, trigger_delay, song_delay, start_toggled, not, persistence, resource_name, start_delay, passive_persistence, toggle_inactive_playable
Requires: identifier
resource_name: A list mob display names or ids that the entity being ridden must match. If not included, the
trigger will be active for any entity being ridden. If the display name is being checked against, the resource
name must match exactly, but if the id is used, it is allowed to partially match.
Activates based on the dimension the player is in
Accepts: priority, identifier, fade_in, fade_out, trigger_delay, song_delay, start_toggled, not, persistence, resource_name, start_delay, passive_persistence, toggle_inactive_playable
Requires: identifier, resource_name
resource_name: A list of dimension ids. If in 1.12.2, it is recommended to use numerical IDs to guard against
mods that register null dimension names. The dimension id is allowed to partially match.
Activates based on the biome the player is in
Accepts: priority, identifier, fade_in, fade_out, trigger_delay, song_delay, start_toggled, not, persistence, resource_name, start_delay, passive_persistence, toggle_inactive_playable, biome_category, rain_type, biome_temperature, check_lower_temp, biome_rainfall, check_higher_rainfall