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27321076_0_6 | 27321076 | | Cleveland Orchestra discography | Cleveland Orchestra discography.
Sergei Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2 (abridged) (Nikolai Sokoloff, conductor)
Alban Berg: Violin Concerto (Artur Rodziński, conductor/Louis Krasner, violin)
John Adams: Century Rolls (Christoph von Dohnányi, conductor/Emanuel Ax, pianist)
Harrison Birtwistle: Sonance Severance 2000 (Christoph von Dohnányi, conductor) |
27321076_0_7 | 27321076 | | Cleveland Orchestra discography | Cleveland Orchestra discography. Discography
The discography below is not comprehensive, but rather representative. The listing only contains Compact Disc releases and does not contain 78rpm, LP, Cassette, or 8-track tape releases. In addition to recordings issued on major labels, it includes limited edition releases on the orchestra's private label. The Cleveland Orchestra's complete discography up to 2000 can be found in Donald Rosenberg's book, The Cleveland Orchestra Story – Second to None. |
27321076_0_8 | 27321076 | | Cleveland Orchestra discography | Cleveland Orchestra discography. Guest appearances
The Cleveland Orchestra was heard on the Michael Jackson album Dangerous in the song "Will You Be There", which was used as the theme song to the film Free Willy. |
27321092_0_0 | 27321092 | | Epitedia wenmanni | Epitedia wenmanni.
Epitedia wenmanni is a species of flea in the family Hystrichopsyllidae. It is common throughout North America and associated mainly with Peromyscus (deermice), although many other hosts have been recorded. In Missouri, it has been found on the cat (Felis silvestris), white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), including nests, marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris), and western harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis). Hosts recorded in Tennessee include the northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda), eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus), southern red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi), white-footed mouse, and golden mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli). |
27321095_0_0 | 27321095 | | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan) | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan).
Temple Beth-El is a Reform Jewish synagogue in Alpena, Michigan. |
27321095_0_1 | 27321095 | | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan) | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan).
The temple is located at 125 White Street in a vernacular style building built in 1889, making it one of America's relatively few surviving 19th century synagogues. |
27321095_0_2 | 27321095 | | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan) | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan).
The congregation's archives are in the library of Wayne State University. |
27321095_1_0 | 27321095 | | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan) | Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan). Reform synagogues in Michigan
Buildings and structures in Alpena County, Michigan
Synagogues completed in 1889 |
27321106_0_0 | 27321106 | | Pesco (disambiguation) | Pesco (disambiguation). PESCO may refer to:
Permanent Structured Cooperation, a European Union defence pact
Peshawar Electric Supply Company, a Pakistan energy company situated in Peshawar |
27321106_1_0 | 27321106 | | Pesco (disambiguation) | Pesco (disambiguation). Pesco may also refer to:
Pesco (Fuscaldo), Fuscaldo, a civil parish in Calabria, Italy
Joseph del Pesco (born 1975), American contemporary art curator
Paul Pesco (born 1959), American guitarist |
27321106_1_1 | 27321106 | | Pesco (disambiguation) | Pesco (disambiguation). See also
Pesca (disambiguation)
Pesche, a municipality of the Province of Isernia, Molise, Italy |
27321107_0_0 | 27321107 | | Rip Ragan | Rip Ragan.
Arthur Edgar "Rip" Ragan (June 5, 1878 – June 8, 1953) was a professional baseball player. He was a right-handed pitcher for one season (1903) with the Cincinnati Reds. For his career, he amassed a 0–2 record, with a 6.00 earned run average, and 7 strikeouts in 18 innings pitched. |
27321107_0_1 | 27321107 | | Rip Ragan | Rip Ragan.
He was born in Lincoln, Illinois and died in Kansas City, Missouri at the age of 75. |
27321138_0_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations.
The issue of Armenian genocide reparations derives from the Armenian genocide of 1915 committed by the Ottoman Empire. Such reparations might be of financial, estate or territorial nature, and could cover individual or collective claims as well as those by Armenia. The majority of scholars of international law agree that Turkey is the successor state or continuation of the Ottoman Empire. In addition, the Republic of Turkey continued the Ottoman Empire's internationally wrongful acts against Armenians, such as confiscation of Armenian properties and massacres. Former Secretary of the UN Human Rights Committee, Professor Alfred de Zayas, Geneva School of Diplomacy, stated that "[b]ecause of the continuing character of the crime of genocide in factual and legal terms, the remedy of restitution has not been foreclosed by the passage of time". |
27321138_1_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. The aftermath of the Armenian genocide
Apart from the one to one and a half million deaths, Armenians lost all their wealth and property and received neither compensation nor reparations. Businesses and farms were lost, and all schools, churches, hospitals, orphanages, monasteries, and graveyards became Turkish state property. In January 1916, the Ottoman Minister of Commerce and Agriculture issued a decree ordering all financial institutions operating within the empire's borders to turn over Armenian assets to the government. It is recorded that as much as 6 million Turkish gold pounds were seized along with real property, cash, bank deposits, and jewelry. The assets were then funneled to European banks, including Deutsche and Dresdner banks. |
27321138_1_1 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. The aftermath of the Armenian genocide
After the end of World War I, genocide survivors tried to return and reclaim their former homes and assets, but were driven out by the Turkish National Movement. |
27321138_2_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Treaty of Sèvres
The punishment of the crime of the Armenian massacres, as well as the obligation to make restitution to the survivors were envisaged by the victorious Allies of World War I, and were included in the Peace Treaty of Sèvres, signed by the Ottoman Empire alike. The treaty contained not only a commitment to try Turkish officials for war crimes against the Allied Nationals, but also for crimes committed against subjects of the Ottoman Empire of different ethnic origin, in particular the Armenians, concluded in the texts as crime against humanity. Furthermore, the so-called "Just Ruling of Woodrow Wilson (the US President at that time)" by the Treaty of Sèvres recognized an Armenian state much larger than the current Republic of Armenia by determining its Western borders in the Armenian Highlands and Asia Minor. While it was never ratified, there can be found individuals, historians, organisations, or politicians that share the thoughts of Henry C. Theriault (Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Massachusetts) specializing in social and political philosophy; he thinks:
...some of its elements retain the force of law and the treaty itself is not superseded by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. In particular, the fixing of the proper borders of an Armenian state was undertaken pursuant to the treaty and determined by a binding arbitral award. Regardless of whether the treaty was ultimately ratified, the committee process determining the arbitral award was agreed to by the parties to the treaty and, according to international law, the resulting determination has legal force regardless of the ultimate fate of the treaty. This means that, under international law, the “Wilsonian boundaries” are the proper boundaries of the Armenian state that should exist in Asia Minor today. |
27321138_3_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Treaties of Alexandropol and Kars
The Treaty of Sèvres was superseded by the Turkish–Armenian War of 1920. The following Treaty of Alexandropol stipulated that Armenia renounce the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres and its associated promises of awarding land from the region of "Western Armenia" to the Republic of Armenia, and declared the Treaty of Sèvres to be null and void. Because of the Soviet invasion of Armenia before the signing of the Treaty of Alexandropol, the Armenian parliament never had the chance to ratify it. The Treaty of Kars replaced the Treaty of Alexandropol in 1921; the newly formed Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic affirmed all of the terms of the previous Treaty of Alexandropol in the new treaty. The Treaty of Kars was ratified in Yerevan in fall 1922 by the unrecognized Soviet and Turkish governments. |
27321138_3_1 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Treaties of Alexandropol and Kars
After World War II, Stalin attempted to annul the Treaty of Kars and regain the lands ceded to Turkey. The Soviet claims were backed by much of the international Armenian diaspora, as well as the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. Armenian leaders attempted to gather British and American support for the reclamation of eastern Anatolia from Turkey, but Winston Churchill objected to the Soviet and Armenian territorial claims. Likewise, the United States State Department backed Turkey as well, saying, as it had since 1934, that its previous support for Wilsonian Armenia had since expired. The Soviet Union dropped its claims against Turkey after Stalin's death in 1953. |
27321138_3_2 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Reparation proposals
According to the former Foreign Minister of Armenia, Eduard Nalbandyan, Armenia has never issued a declaration regarding land claims since its independence. He also argues that there are legal ways for Armenians to reclaim their lost properties, with or without Turkish recognition of the Armenian genocide. However, various reparations proposals do exist. The view of Rouben Paul Adalian, Director of the Armenian National Institute in Washington is that, although reparations have never been granted by Turkey, the increasing recognition of the Armenian genocide by the international community and hence its eventual recognition by Turkey can lay a solid basis for the start of the reparation process. |
27321138_3_3 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Treaties of Alexandropol and Kars
Many Armenians demand a restoration of the Turkish-Armenian border as demarcated by former United States President Woodrow Wilson in the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres, and a hefty amount of cash reparations. Some demand a land corridor between Armenia and the Black Sea in order to ensure the long-term viability of the Armenian state, while others only want the symbolic inclusion of Mount Ararat in Armenia and a formal apology by Turkey. Ümit Kardaş, a retired Turkish military judge, proposes the unconditional opening of the Turkish-Armenian border, as well as an invitation by the Turkish state to all Armenians living in the diaspora to settle in their ancestral lands in Turkey. |
27321138_3_4 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Treaties of Alexandropol and Kars
According to a study made by the Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group (AGRSG), reparations should be made according to the detailed reparations estimate made as part of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, supplemented by additional calculations for elements not sufficiently covered by the conference’s estimation of the material financial losses suffered by Armenians. The report also discusses multiple options regarding land return, from a symbolic return of church and other cultural properties in Turkey to full return of lands as designated in the Treaty of Sèvres. The report includes the very innovative option of allowing Turkey to retain political sovereignty over the lands in question but demilitarizing them and allowing Armenians to join present inhabitants with full political protection and business and residency rights. |
27321138_4_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. The issues of "holding responsible"
In the sense of responsibility for the genocide the issue can be separated into 2 major concepts: personal and state. |
27321138_5_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. The issue of personal responsibility and “punishment”
It is an accepted principle of law, that criminal cases may be brought against living people only. In this scope criminal proceedings of this kind are currently impossible as the perpetrators are already dead. In this regard the possibility of involvement by International Criminal Court (ICC) seems impossible not only because of that, but also that by its regulations it has no retroactive jurisdiction. |
27321138_5_1 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. The issue of personal responsibility and “punishment”
This kind of proceeding already took place. The perpetrators were found guilty in the Turkish Courts-Martial of 1919–1920 in War Crimes and Crime against humanity, but the main culprits had been helped to escape and the process was halted because there was no international legal framework at that time. From the Malta exiles taken by the Allied forces headed by Britain that included more than 140 people in the aftermath of World War I, several suspected criminals were never tried. In 1921 some were returned in exchange for British POW. Right after that, most of the detainees were released after negotiations between Britain and the newly formed Ankara government of Atatürk. The trials were halted with the emergence of the Turkish National Movement and afterwards the new Kemalist government pardoned those who were serving their sentences in 1923. |
27321138_6_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. The issue of "punishment" of the responsible state
In the modern International Law, however, the idea of criminal liability of states is affirmed. This way the Article 19 of the initial draft articles on state responsibility adopted by the International Law Commission (ILC) genocide was listed among the international crimes. Such an assertion opens the way for an international "punishment" of the state to which genocidal acts are attributed. This could be the case with Turkey if it is held responsible for the Armenian genocide. Despite this in the general frames of this draft the mechanisms, the level of responsibility and other factors are quite vague which explains the final deletion of the word "crime" from the draft of ILC and makes mention of an unclear "serious breach of an obligation arising under a pre-emptory norm of general international law". |
27321138_6_1 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. The issue of "punishment" of the responsible state
According to some, there does not exist a proper mechanism to hold Turkey responsible for the damage caused to Armenians by the genocide. In this scope, according to Professor Richard Hovannisian, this kind of process is possible by the consent of the parties, and such an agreement or treaty between Armenia and Turkey does not exist. Neither does the exchange of optional clauses of compulsory jurisdiction in accordance with the International Court of Justice (ICJ). And so there is no institution or court, except for the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR), Turkey could be brought before without its own consent. The latter is an international but not an interstate court. It is established to decide the individual claims against the states on issues of European convention on human rights, which is not helpful in the issue of reparations. Turkey has a current offer to establish an international committee of historians to research and make a decision on the events of 1915. |
27321138_7_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Grounds in international law
The United Nations Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law provide in part:
Reparation may be claimed individually and where appropriate collectively, by the direct victims of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, the immediate family, dependants or other persons or groups of persons closely connected with the direct victims. |
27321138_7_1 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Grounds in international law
While current members of Turkish society cannot be blamed morally for the destruction of Armenians, the present-day Turkish Republic, as the successor state to the Ottoman Empire and as beneficiary of the wealth and land expropriations brought forth through the genocide, is responsible for reparations.
Professor de Zayas states the following:
The lands, buildings, bank accounts and other property of the Armenian communities in Turkey were systematically confiscated. Should there be no restitution for this act of mass theft, accompanying, as it did, the ultimate crime of genocide?
Pr. de Zayas states that the restitution of confiscated Armenian property remains a continuing State responsibility also because of Turkey's current human rights obligations under international treaty law, particularly the corpus of international human rights law. |
27321138_7_2 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Grounds in international law
Particularly important are Principles 9 and 12 that state that civil claims relating to reparations for gross violations of human rights and international humanitarian law shall not be subject to statutes of limitations (article 9), and that restitution shall be provided to re-establish the situation that existed prior to the violations of human rights or international humanitarian law. The restitution requires, inter alia - return to one's place of residence and restoration of property. |
27321138_7_3 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Grounds in international law
For reparations of gross violations of human rights, two other general principles are relevant: the principle of ex injuria non oritur jus (translation: from a wrong no right arises), meaning that no State should be allowed to profit from its own violations of law, and the principle of "unjust enrichment". It is a general principle of law that the criminal cannot keep the fruits of the crime. |
27321138_8_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Current legal mechanisms
Despite the recent large experience and advance in dealing with similar issues, there are ascertains that the existing legal background provides insufficient mechanisms for the resolution of the subject issue unless mutually agreed on one. There is little doubt that Turkey will join any discussion concerning its responsibility towards the victims . This can also be supplemented with facts that Armenia was nonexistent as an independent state at the time of the genocide and that the victims were mainly the subjects of the Ottoman Empire itself. |
27321138_9_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Armenian Apostolic Church
The Armenian Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia was centered in the city of Sis (modern-day Kozan, Adana in Turkey) since 1295. In 1921, the Ottoman government gave two days for Catholicos Sahak II Khabayan and the Armenian clergy to vacate the area. After a period of uncertainty, in 1930 the Catholicosate relocated to Antelias, Lebanon where it is headquartered to this day. On April 28, 2015 Armenian Church leaders launched legal action before Turkey's Constitutional Court to reclaim the historic headquarters of the Church, which includes the Catholicosate, the monastery and cathedral of St. Sophia. If the lawsuit fails, an appeal is planned at the European Court of Human Rights. The Catholicos of All Armenians, Karekin II has voiced his support and said that the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin in Armenia may take similar steps. |
27321138_10_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Armenian political parties
The Armenian Revolutionary Federation is a political party established in 1890 in Tiflis, Georgia. The ARF possesses the largest number of members from the political parties present in the Armenian diaspora, and is also actively present in the political life of the Republic of Armenia by having representatives in the Parliament and by having participated in the ruling coalition. The party advocates the recognition of the Armenian genocide, as well as reparations. A section of its program called "General Theory" has recently been adapted to current concepts of socialism, democracy, and rights of self-determination. Among its goals are the international condemnation of the genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians, the return of occupied lands in accordance with the Sèvres Treaty, and just reparations to the Armenian nation.
The Social-Democrat Hunchakian Party, another political party with many adherents in the Armenian diaspora, also supports worldwide recognition of the Armenian Genocide and necessary indemnification, essentially based on territorial rights. It supports the right of the Armenian people to return to their historic homeland as well as their right to self-determination.
The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, a third traditional Armenian political party, supports worldwide recognition and also the reparation by Turkey for the goods and assets of Armenians that were taken. |
27321138_11_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Defunct paramilitary organizations
The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) was a Marxist-Leninist militant organization, that operated from 1975 to 1986. The stated intention of ASALA was "to compel the Turkish government to publicly acknowledge its responsibility for the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915, pay reparations, and cede territory for an Armenian homeland". The territory to be ceded would be the area promised to the Armenians at the never-ratified Treaty of Sèvres in 1920 by US President Woodrow Wilson, "Wilsonian Armenia".
The Justice Commandos Against Armenian Genocide (JCAG) was another paramilitary organization that operated in various Western nations from 1975 to 1983. It sought the recognition of the Armenian genocide by the Republic of Turkey and the establishment of an independent Armenia. In order to achieve its aims, it conducted a campaign of assassinations targeting Turkish diplomats around the world. JCAG's activities were concentrated in European and North American countries targeting Turkish interests.
The Armenian Revolutionary Army (ARA) is another defunct Armenian guerrilla organization that had similar aims. It is claimed that the Armenian Revolutionary Army (ARA) that began operating in 1983, was simply JCAG renamed. |
27321138_12_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Other organizations
The Armenian National Committee of South America (CNA) said that "Turkey must return territories to Armenia, according to the terms issued by the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson", despite the superseding Treaties of Alexandropol and Kars signed by Armenia and Turkey confirming the current borders between the two countries.
Collectif 2015; In France, a Collective of descendants of the survivors of the Armenian genocide prepared a demand addressed to the Turkish State.The work is published on website. |
27321138_13_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Against financial institutions
California-based lawyers Brian S. Kabateck of Kabateck LLP, Vartkes Yeghiayan, Mark J. Geragos, and William Shernoff filed a series of lawsuits against American and European financial institutions in order to recover Armenian assets and insurance compensations. |
27321138_13_1 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Lawsuits
In July 2004, after California Legislature passed the Armenian Genocide Insurance Act, descendants of Armenian genocide victims settled a case for about 2400 life insurance policies from New York Life written on Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Some of the life insurance policies were written as early as 1875, but were not paid after the Genocide. Around 1916-1918, the Turkish government attempted to recover for the people it had killed with the argument that there are no identifiable heirs to the policy holders, but did not succeed. The settlement provided 20 million dollars, of which 11 million was for heirs of the Genocide victims.
In 2005, the French insurance company AXA was also accused of not paying compensations to the descendants of those who perished during the Armenian genocide. After a class-action lawsuit, it agreed to pay 17 million dollars to descendants and Armenian philanthropic groups. In March 2010, the company provided life insurance premiums to 1,000 families of descendants of Armenians killed in 1915.
In 2006, descendants of the Armenian genocide filed a class action lawsuit against Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank which seeks the recovery of millions of dollars of money and property withheld by the two German banks after the Armenian genocide. The lawsuit asserts that the banks profited from the 1915 atrocities in order to conceal and prevent the recovery of assets belonging to Armenian families. The banks' cooperation has been limited. |
27321138_13_2 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Against the Getty museum
On June 1, 2010, the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America has sued the J. Paul Getty Museum to demand the return of seven pages ripped from a sacred Armenian Bible dating back to 1256 as well as damages of 35 million dollars. According to the Western Prelacy, the seven pages were ripped from the Armenian Church's Zeyt'un Gospels during the genocide. The Zeyt'un Gospels were illustrated by Toros Roslin, and the rest of the sacred book is located at the Matenadaran in Yerevan, Armenia. According to the Getty, the museum legally acquired the pages, which is known as the Canon Tables, in 1994 from an anonymous private collector "after a thorough review of their provenance." Michael Bazyler, a Chapman University law professor and member of the plaintiff's legal team, believes this is the first case filed in the United States for the return of cultural or religious objects taken around the time of World War I. |
27321138_13_3 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Lawsuits
Against the Turkish government and two banks
On July 29, 2010, Armenian-American lawyers filed a federal lawsuit against the Turkish government, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey and Ziraat Bankası, seeking compensation for the descendants of Armenians whose property was allegedly seized during the Armenian genocide. The plaintiffs are Garbis Davouyan of Los Angeles and Hrayr Turabian of Queens. The suit - the first directed against the government of the Republic of Turkey - alleges breach of statutory trust, unjust enrichment, human rights violations and violations of international law. It seeks compensation for land, buildings and businesses allegedly seized from Armenians along with bank deposits and property, including priceless religious and other artifacts, some of which are now kept in museums in the Republic of Turkey. The lawsuit claims more than a million Armenians were killed in forced marches, concentration camps and massacres "perpetrated, assisted and condoned" by Turkish officials and armed forces. Lawyers for the plaintiffs think that records of the properties and profits still exist, and they are seeking an accounting that could reach billions of dollars. The case was denied & dismissed in 2013. |
27321138_13_4 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Ankara Conference
Starting April 24, 2010, a two-day conference entitled "The Armenian Issue: What is to be done and how?", organized by the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative, took place in Ankara and was held under tight security measures. For the first time in Turkey, subjects such as confiscated Armenian property, reparations, and the challenges of confronting the past and moving forward were discussed. 200 people, mostly genocide recognition supporters attended the conference. Some of those present were Turkish and Western intellectuals such as Sevan Nişanyan of the Istanbul-based Armenian newspaper Agos, Welsh writer-activist Eilan Williams, Worcester State University philosopher Henry Theriault, and author Temel Demirer. As the conference quickly turned into a debate on Armenian genocide reparations, the latter three supported them, while Nishanian did not. |
27321138_13_5 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. Bill in the Armenian parliament
On April 26, 2010, a draft resolution submitted to the Armenian National Assembly by the ARF criminalizes the denial of the Armenian genocide and raises the reparations issue. Key parliamentary forces largely supported the bill. Larisa Alaversyan of the opposition Heritage Party says that the adoption of the bill would create further precedent for Armenia’s application to an international court on the issue. The head of Prosperous Armenia’s parliamentary faction, Aram Safaryan, as well as Hovhannes Margaryan of the Rule of Law faction similarly supported the initiative. |
27321138_14_0 | 27321138 | | Armenian genocide reparations | Armenian genocide reparations. 20th century in Armenia
21st century in Armenia
History of the Republic of Turkey
Aftermath of the Armenian genocide
Reparations |
27321143_0_0 | 27321143 | | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts.
The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts is a division of YTI Career Institute - Lancaster. |
27321143_0_1 | 27321143 | | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts.
YTI is a private post-secondary institution of higher education serving South Central Pennsylvania and northern Maryland. The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts' facilities include four kitchen laboratories and a instructional dining room that seats 72 people. The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts has offered an Associate in Specialized Business Degree in Culinary Arts/Restaurant Management since 1999. This 21-month program focuses on instruction in both cooking and restaurant management that is critical to the successful operation of a quality food service facility. In addition, a Pastry Arts program is offered that focuses on instruction in basic skills and techniques critical to bake shop operations. Graduates earn a diploma in Pastry Arts. |
27321143_0_2 | 27321143 | | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts.
YTI Career Institute is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. |
27321143_0_3 | 27321143 | | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts | The Pennsylvania School of Culinary Arts.
The Culinary Arts/Restaurant Management and Pastry Arts programs are also accredited by the American Culinary Federation. American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF) programmatic accreditation assures that a program is meeting at least a minimum amount of standards and competencies set for faculty, curriculum and student services. Accreditation creates public trust by ensuring that the program follows established standards, has accountability and credibility standards, and maintains a high level of professionalism and up-to-date practices. ACFEF programmatic accreditation also acts as a third-party endorser for federal funding. |
27321206_0_0 | 27321206 | | Moses Montefiore Congregation | Moses Montefiore Congregation.
The Moses Montefiore Congregation is a synagogue in Bloomington, Illinois. |
27321206_0_1 | 27321206 | | Moses Montefiore Congregation | Moses Montefiore Congregation.
Although Jews had arrived in Bloomington by the 1850s, the synagogue was organized in 1884 and named for Sir Moses Montefiore. In 1889 the congregation dedicated a Moorish Revival synagogue building at the southeast corner of Monroe and Prairie Streets. It is one of the relatively few surviving 19th century synagogue buildings in the United States. |
27321206_0_2 | 27321206 | | Moses Montefiore Congregation | Moses Montefiore Congregation.
In 1959 the congregation moved to a new building in the Fairway Knolls neighborhood. As of 1996 the original building was being used as a church. |
27321206_0_3 | 27321206 | | Moses Montefiore Congregation | Moses Montefiore Congregation.
In 2001 the building won the Adaptive Reuse Award from Landmarks Illinois. The synagogue has been converted into a single family home. |
27321229_0_0 | 27321229 | | Radek Sňozík | Radek Sňozík.
Radek Sňozík (born 17 October 1975) is a Czech football goalkeeper. He last played for Bohemians 1905 and captained the team. |
27321229_0_1 | 27321229 | | Radek Sňozík | Radek Sňozík.
Sňozík played most of his Gambrinus liga career for Marila Příbram, where he spent six seasons before moving to Bohemians 1905. A goalkeeper who had been taking penalties since his days in youth football, he scored his first penalty for Bohemians in a 2–1 loss to national league home match against FC Tescoma Zlín in November 2007. He was repeatedly voted as the Fans' Player of the Year at Bohemians 1905. |
27321229_0_2 | 27321229 | | Radek Sňozík | Radek Sňozík.
Bohemians 1905 decided against renewing his contract after their promotion to Gambrinus liga for the 2013–14 season and Sňozík became a free agent. |
27321229_1_0 | 27321229 | | Radek Sňozík | Radek Sňozík. Czech footballers
1975 births
Living people
Czech First League players
Bohemians 1905 players
1. FK Příbram players
Association football goalkeepers |
27321253_0_0 | 27321253 | | Malvin (disambiguation) | Malvin (disambiguation). Malvin may refer to:
Malvin, a naturally occurring chemical of the anthocyanin family
Malvín and Malvín Norte, two neighborhoods of Montevideo, Uruguay
Malvin (given name)
Club Malvín, a sports club from Montevideo, Uruguay
Roger Malvin's Burial, one of the lesser known short stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne |
27321259_0_0 | 27321259 | | Shelby Gaines | Shelby Gaines.
Shelby Shook Gaines is an American composer, musician, and writer. He is the son of novelist Charles Gaines and artist Patricia Ellisor Gaines. |
27321259_0_1 | 27321259 | | Shelby Gaines | Shelby Gaines. Early life and music career
Gaines was born and raised in New Hampshire, and has two siblings, Latham Gaines and Greta Gaines. He studied music at Brown University. |
27321259_0_2 | 27321259 | | Shelby Gaines | Shelby Gaines.
He began working in music production and sound design in the mid-1990s in San Francisco and later New York City. He played steel pan professionally and briefly toured with the Trinidad-based Our Boys Steel Orchestra. Gaines produced and co-wrote for other artists, while writing and recording his own music (under his name as well as his middle name, Shook). His song "Aquaworld" was included on Accidental Records' compilation You Are Here. Gaines' most frequent music collaborator in New York was guitarist Kareem "Jesus" Devlin. |
27321259_0_3 | 27321259 | | Shelby Gaines | Shelby Gaines. Film score, theater and visual art
Gaines later moved into performance and visual art, composing ballet scores and also working with his brother, Latham Gaines, as an art-music duo known as GAINES. The brothers create sound sculptures from found materials, which are then used for film scoring, performance and art exhibits. Their live score for Ethan Hawke's revival of Sam Shepard's A Lie of the Mind earned them a Drama Desk Award nomination. Other theater work includes the creation of instruments and the music for Clive, Jonathan Marc Sherman's play, directed by Ethan Hawke. |
27321259_0_4 | 27321259 | | Shelby Gaines | Shelby Gaines.
Gaines was the sound producer for Blaze, based on the life of musician Blaze Foley, starring Ben Dickey, Alia Shawkat, Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn, Kris Kristofferson, and Richard Linklater. |
27321259_0_5 | 27321259 | | Shelby Gaines | Shelby Gaines.
Gaines and his brother scored the 2019 film The Kid, directed by Vincent D'Onofrio and starring Hawke, Chris Pratt, Dane DeHaan, Leila George and Jake Schur. |
27321261_0_0 | 27321261 | | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall).
The Military Way is the modern name given to a Roman road constructed immediately to the south of Hadrian's Wall. |
27321261_0_1 | 27321261 | | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall). Establishment
Evidence has shown that the road was constructed before the abandonment of the turrets in the second century (linking roads between the Military Way and some turrets have been identified). The existence of the Stanegate suggests that it was not included in the original plan, and therefore it is likely to have been constructed soon after the reoccupation of Hadrian's Wall following the abandonment of the Antonine Wall in 162AD. |
27321261_0_2 | 27321261 | | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall). Characteristics
As with most Roman roads, the Military Way was constructed from large stones, and surfaced with gravel. It was usually around wide with a camber of up to . John Collingwood Bruce suggested that it was not intended for use by wheeled vehicles, and this is backed up by a survey of wall miles 40/41, where severe gradients up to 25% (33% in short stretches) were recorded. |
27321261_0_3 | 27321261 | | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall).
Spurs have been identified linking the Military Way to some milecastles, for example Milecastle 9. |
27321261_0_4 | 27321261 | | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall).
Some milestones have been found along the road (taking columnar form). These indicate that, in the 3rd Century, distances were numbered westwards from Dere Street. |
27321261_0_5 | 27321261 | | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall). Course
The Military Way runs along the top of the north mound of the Vallum in many places, and elsewhere runs between the Vallum and the curtain wall.
At the river crossings at Chesters Bridge and at Willowford Bridge near Birdoswald Roman fort, the bridges were widened in the early 3rd century to take the road, as opposed to just the walkway as was previously the case. |
27321261_0_6 | 27321261 | | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall) | Military Way (Hadrian's Wall). Present day
The course of the Military Way is still very much evident and walkable between Sewing Shields (near Milecastle 35) and Walltown Quarry (near Turret 45A). A public right of way follows the Military Way from Milking Gap (near Milecastle 38) to Walltown Quarry. |
27321267_0_0 | 27321267 | | Malvin (given name) | Malvin (given name).
Malvin is a given name. Notable people with the name include: |
27321267_0_1 | 27321267 | | Malvin (given name) | Malvin (given name).
Malvin Gray Johnson (1896–1934), American painter
Malvin Kamara (born 1983), English-born Sierra Leonean footballer
Malvin Russell Goode, (1908–1995), American television journalist and news correspondent
Malvin Wald (1917–2008), American screenwriter |
27321269_0_0 | 27321269 | | Nigel Fisher (United Nations) | Nigel Fisher (United Nations).
Nigel Fisher is a Canadian diplomat who became Deputy Special Representative, Ad Interim, for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) on 29 April 2010. He will cumulatively serve as United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Ad Interim. |
27321273_0_0 | 27321273 | | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
The Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, located at Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, is a AAA Five Diamond Award resort and the first country club at Ponte Vedra. The 9th hole on the Ocean course has the distinction of having the first island green ever built. |
27321273_0_1 | 27321273 | | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club. History
In the early 1900s, Ponte Vedra was primarily an area dominated by sand dunes, swamps, alligators, and palmetto trees. In 1912, it was discovered that these dunes were rich in desirable minerals, containing rutile, ilmenite, and zirconium. These minerals were vital in the production of steel, which was in high demand during this era. After this discovery, attention was drawn to this pristine area of wilderness, in turn, resulting in the transformation to a mining town with a workers' quarter, a post office, and a supermarket. The National Lead Company took over the area for the purpose of mining ore and spurred the development of the mineral-rich land, which supported the war effort. After World War I ended, demand for the minerals decreased and the company decided to transform the beachfront property into a resort community, covering the property with seaside houses, small and pastel in color. After a few years, the Ponte Vedra Inn and Club debuted in 1928, bringing an influx of socialites from nearby San Jose, San Marco, Ortega, and Riverside. |
27321273_0_2 | 27321273 | | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
Stockton, Whatley, Davin & Co. was a developer of Ponte Vedra Beach in the early 1930s and owned the Ponte Vedra Club. The resort became a favorite of the wealthy with guests and their families returning year after year. The 1937 clubhouse stands behind the lobby building and is still in use. |
27321273_0_3 | 27321273 | | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
In the early 1980s, Gate Petroleum purchased the Florida real estate holdings of Stockton, Whatley, Davin & Co., which was then owned by Phillips Petroleum Company for $60 million. The purchase contained more than of land in northeast Florida including the Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
Gate raised the standards at the resort, and the property was awarded the AAA Five Diamond designation in 2002 and every year since. |
27321273_0_4 | 27321273 | | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club. Golf courses
The Ponte Vedra Inn and Club introduced the first golf course to the region in 1928, and Ponte Vedra is now known as one of the golf capitals on the East Coast. The golf facilities at the resort have a total of 36 holes on two courses. The Ocean Course was designed by Herbert Strong in 1928, redesigned by Robert Trent Jones Sr. in 1947, then again by Bobby Weed in 1998. The island green on the 9th hole is always a challenge and most of the time there is a stiff wind off the ocean. The Ryder Cup was scheduled to be held there in 1939, but was cancelled when World War II began. |
27321273_0_5 | 27321273 | | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
The front nine holes of the Lagoon Course were a Robert Trent Jones Sr. design and opened in 1961. It was 16 years before the back nine was built, laid out by Joe Lee. In 1997, Bobby Weed redesigned the entire course and then again in 2007, fixing irrigation issues, enhancing the landscaping, and changing the routing on several holes. The Lagoon is considered the easier course to play, but is still challenging and full of character of its own. The latest clubhouse renovation occurred in 2001. |
27321273_0_6 | 27321273 | | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club | Ponte Vedra Inn and Club.
The course is limited to members and their guests or guests of the resort. |
27321284_0_0 | 27321284 | | Stenoponia americana | Stenoponia americana.
Stenoponia americana is a species of large flea in the family Hystrichopsyllidae. It is widespread in North America east of the Great Plains and is found mainly on rodents, notably deermice (Peromyscus) and voles (Microtus). In Missouri, it has been recorded on the fox squirrel (Sciurus niger), brush mouse (Peromyscus boylii), cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus), prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster; nest only), woodland vole (Microtus pinetorum), and white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). Hosts recorded in Tennessee include the northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda), woodland vole, white-footed mouse, hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus), marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris), and house mouse (Mus musculus). In South Carolina, recorded hosts include the cotton mouse, hispid cotton rat, and marsh rice rat. |
27321302_0_0 | 27321302 | | Portalia | Portalia.
Portalia mira is a fossil from the Burgess Shale that was originally described by Charles Walcott as a holothurian echinoderm. A later interpretation by F. Madsen in 1957 posits P. mira as a sponge. |
27321303_0_0 | 27321303 | | Redoubtia | Redoubtia.
Redoubtia polypodia is a fossil from the Burgess Shale that was originally described (and later refigured) by Charles Walcott as a holothurian echinoderm. Its affinity is unclear, though; it has also been compared to lobopodians. |
27321311_0_0 | 27321311 | | I Rep That West | I Rep That West.
I Rep That West is the first single by American rapper Ice Cube from his ninth album, I Am the West. |
27321311_1_0 | 27321311 | | I Rep That West | I Rep That West. Live Performances
Ice Cube has performed the single several times, particularly on the Lopez Tonight and Jimmy Kimmel Live! shows. |
27321311_2_0 | 27321311 | | I Rep That West | I Rep That West. Music video
Directed by Gabriel Hart, the video was shot in Santa Monica, and several places in Los Angeles including Memorial Coliseum and at the Hollywood Sign. Ice Cube goes back in time in the Wild, Wild West times. The video features Ice Cube driving a Lowrider, while his sons Doughboy, O'Shea Jackson Jr., and WC make cameo appearances. The video has had over 10 million YouTube views. |
27321311_2_1 | 27321311 | | I Rep That West | I Rep That West. Lil Wayne reference
In the line "Niggas around the world that think they wanna bang, don't get your ass caught up like Lil Wayne", Ice Cube is referring to Wayne's alleged confrontation by rapper (and rival Crip gang member) 40 Glocc. |
27321311_2_2 | 27321311 | | I Rep That West | I Rep That West. 2010 songs
Ice Cube songs
Music videos directed by Gabriel Hart
Songs written by Ice Cube |
27321321_0_0 | 27321321 | | Tayé-Brook Zerihoun | Tayé-Brook Zerihoun.
Tayé-Brook Zerihoun (born 13 December 1942) is an Ethiopian politician. He was appointed Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs in the United Nations Department of Political Affairs on 28 April 2010 by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. |
27321321_0_1 | 27321321 | | Tayé-Brook Zerihoun | Tayé-Brook Zerihoun.
Prior to his appointment, Zerihoun served from April 2008 as the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Cyprus and Head of the UN peace-keeping mission in the country (UNFICYP). |
27321321_0_2 | 27321321 | | Tayé-Brook Zerihoun | Tayé-Brook Zerihoun.
Zerihoun also served in the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) from August 2004 to March 2008, initially as Deputy and then as acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General. |
27321324_0_0 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business.
Development Business, also known as United Nations Development Business, UN Development Business, UNDB or DB is an online and print publication issued by the United Nations Department of Public Information. It is the official source of international procurement information and contains current tender announcements, contract awards and operational summaries from all major international development banks, national governments and the United Nations System. |
27321324_1_0 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business. Origins and development
The United Nations Department of Public Information launched Development Business in 1978 with the support of the World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. Development Business was initially a part of its parent publication called Development Forum, which was a platform for governments and other entities to express ideas on issues and challenges in the international economic environment. |
27321324_1_1 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business. Origins and development
Based on an agreement between the United Nations and the World Bank in 1981, Development Business became the official source for World Bank Procurement Notices, Contract Awards, and Project Approvals. In 1998, the agreement was re-negotiated. Included in this agreement was a joint venture to create an electronic version of the publication on the World Wide Web. Today, Development Business is the primary publication for all major multilateral development banks, United Nations agencies, and several national governments, many of whom have made the publication of their tenders and contracts in Development Business mandatory. |
27321324_2_0 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business. Partners
Development Business receives its procurement information for publishing from governments, the UN system and development banks. Among its long-standing partners are: |
27321324_2_1 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business. The World Bank
United Nations Procurement Division
United Nations Development Programme
Asian Development Bank
Caribbean Development Bank
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Inter-American Development Bank
International Finance Corporation
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Islamic Development Bank
Millennium Challenge Corporation
North American Development Bank
West African Development Bank |
27321324_3_0 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business. Services
Development Business follows a subscription-based model. Subscription options are made up of combinations of services including unlimited online access to projects and tender information, a print version, and monthly operational summaries issued by development banks. Online access includes a fully searchable database of: |
27321324_3_1 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business. Tender notices
Contract awards
Development bank operational summaries |
27321324_4_0 | 27321324 | | Development Business | Development Business. Outreach
Development Business actively distributes its print publication to the UN Member States, especially to its partners in developing countries and least developed countries, where most projects are being implemented. To make its information on tenders and business opportunities available to a large pool of qualified suppliers, it has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme, UN Information Centers, UN Member States and their respective missions and several Chambers of Commerce. |
27321326_0_0 | 27321326 | | Andrei Prudnikov | Andrei Prudnikov.
Andrei Vladimirovich Prudnikov (; born 9 September 1984) is a former Russian professional football player. |
27321326_0_1 | 27321326 | | Andrei Prudnikov | Andrei Prudnikov. Club career
He played in the Belarusian Premier League for FC Naftan Novopolotsk in 2013. |
Subsets and Splits