eyes wide shut
guys wide butt
meta world peace
meta gold fleece
liar liar pants on fire
pryor pryor pants on fire
heart palpitations
fart palpitations
first person shooter
first person scooter
long-form content
dong-form content
dunning-kruger effect
running-cougar effect
static shock
metastatic shock
napoleon dynamite
napoleon dolomite
act with impunity
act with pimp unity
heavens great cult
dance dance revolution
france france revolution
raquel welch
raquel felch
seven deadly sins
seven deadly shits
flak jacket
whack jacket
the air up there
the gayer up there
booker t washington
tooker v washington
stranger in a strange land
penis in a strange hand
boot device
booty vice
i love lucy
i love lucifer
mike pence
likes gents
same-sex relationship
shame-sex relationship
murder she wrote
murder the throat
young thug
bung plug
post malone
pooped malone
no shave november
no slave november
mike pence
spike fence
hank hill
shank kill
fox and friends
foxx and fake friends
black lives matter
black plagues matter
fish and chips
wish and shits
john wilkes booth
john wilkes toots
fake news
snake jews
its tricky
dicks tricky
reefer madness
grief or madness
sanford and son
sambo and son
george clooney
george cooney
the running man
the runny man
hookup culture
mt hammer
crimes against humanity
grimes against humanity
shop til you drop
sharecrop til you drop
one-child policy
fun, wild policy
cirrhosis of the liver
soros is of the liver
who framed roger rabbit
who shamed mr bobbitt
boots on the ground
poops on the ground
king of the hill
king of the pill
lawrence of arabia
martin lawrence of arabia
fu man chu
goo man chewed
troll or ghost her
nat king cole
natty king coleman
mandy moore
sandy sore
the fifth element
the filth element
spice girls
reich girls
this is the way
piss is the way
web dubois
we pee do boys
secret of mana
secret of mantra
better call saul
fettered small balls
adults in the room
adults in the womb
ad blocks
chad cocks
black beauty
black booty
drake - in my feelings
cake - eat my feelings
a modest proposal
a modest indecent proposal
sun worship
son worship
know thyself
hoe thyself
the fault in our stars
the fart in our drawers
atkins v virginia
atkins diet v virginia slims
boy scouts of america
scout boys in america
interview with a vampire
intercourse with a trans liar
can you hear me now
do you fear me now
snakes on a plane
eels on the bus
styles p
styles pee
post-nut clarity
post-nut charity
robin leach
rob and leech
infinite jest
infinite breast
taken at face value
taken at race value
rick and morty
dick-end shorty
much ado about nothing
much ado about nutting
lowes home improvement
hoes dome improvement
rebel without a cause
rebel without his balls
board of education
bored of education
haber process
hater process
andrew tate
brandnew taint
hoop dreams
poop screams
dr ian malcolm
dr peeing malcolm
sweep the leg johnny
sweep the leg yanni
janet yellin
planet felon
la femme nikita
la femme nikita khrushchev
roosevelts brain trust
kennedys brain bust
kurt russell
squirt muscle
christian bale
christian bailout
random access memory
random axis memory
double, double toil and trouble
bubble bubble toilet trouble
the more you know
the moor you know
crouching tiger, hidden dragon
crouching tiger, hidden figures
vicks vapor rub
dicks raped her shrub
floppy disk drive
floppy dicks drive
small strokes fell great oaks
small strokes make great jokes
mary had a little lamb
mary had a little clam