god of the gaps
god of the craps
make america great again
make america mexico again
dyson sphere
tysons fear
means to an end
memes to the end
flowers for algernon
hours in al gores mom
papa was a rolling stone
papa was mick jagger
x marks the spot
stretch marks her spot
twas the night before christmas
twats the night before christmas
i shot the sheriff
i shot the parish
janes addiction
trains addiction
my chemical romance
i typically blow mans
kent brockman
bent cockman
free agency
pee agency
gilmore girls
kill more girls
hard days night
hard gays night
owner of a lonely heart
boner of a lonely fart
is it the shoes
is it the jews
patrick swayze
fat chick lazy
one size fits all
one guys lit balls
the golden girls
the mold and ghouls
bretton woods system
bet on woods system
paul reiser
small riser
drop it like its hot
block it like its clot
dj snake
dj snake eater
injustice gods among us
in just us rods humongous
peace corps
piss corps
angels in the outfield
angels in the at field
kids in the hall
kids rob will call
gut feelings
butt feelings
hunter s thompson
hunter x thompson
americas funniest home videos
americas funniest homo videos
stolen election claims
swollen erection claims
absolution for sins
abs solution for sins
jensen huang
jen sun-huang
rolex watch
dole sex, watch
dial m for murder
heil h for hitler
betty boop
betty poop
the supreme court
the supreme fart
the fifth element
the filth element
clash of the titans
gash of the titans
father of the year
father of the beer
first responders
worst responders
a data scientist
afraid of scientists
good golly miss molly
good golly this molly
buy low sell high
buy blow smell high
come what may
cum butt mae
dr quinn, medicine woman
hester prynne, medicine harlot
rainbow six
rainbow shits
praying mantis
spraying man piss
pulp fiction
gulp friction
sissy spacek
shitty spacek
go woke, go broke
go coke, go broke
teen pregnancy
guillotine pregnancy
tales from the crypt
whale-tails from the crypt
barbara bush
barbarous tush
neil young
neil dung
street fighter
streep fighter
spontaneous combustion
spontaneous cum bustin
mob psychology
rob psychology
marriage pact-man
art collector
fart collector
war and peace
bore in piece
rush hour
kush hour
inside man
inside man
sega master system
sega slave master system
lil pump
lil dump
fred durst
head thirst
netflix and chill
wet dicks and chill
joined at the hip
joined on the ship
rappers delight
child trappers delight
lan party
flan party
magnum pi
magnum penile
puberty blockers
liberty blockers
on the origin of species
on the origin of feces
nippon steel
gypped on deal
paul schraeder
ball shredder
falling down
falling brown
jacob’s ladder
jacob’s bladder
naughty by nature
haughty by nature
dayton, ohio
dating a high hoe
rank and file
shank with file
battle angel alita
battle angel alito
america runs on dunkin
medieval scotland runs on duncan
emancipation proclamation
emancipation indoctrination
the muppets take manhattan
the muppets break manhattan
invasion of the body snatchers
flirtation of the maggie thatcher
its now or never
tits now or never
ancient greeks
ancient geeks
parallel programming
parallel hoe slamming
dj clue
dj klu
adam and eve
adam and steve harvey
rhodes scholar
lana rhoades scholar
come on down
cum on clowns
pro life
ho life
get down on it
go down on it
max plank
max blanck
welcome to verizon
welcome to event horizon
farm to table
sperm to a-hole