weird science
feared science
the black dahlia
the black dahlia
die hard with a vengeance
cry hard with a boner
macho man randy savage
groucho man randy marxist
the mars volta
the large vulva
black lives matter
dark energy not matter
fiddler on the roof
hitler on the roof
new jack city
new crack city
age is just a number
wage is just a number
red light district
bred right district
black history month
crack history month
too close for comfort
two hoes for comfort
writers guild of america
wipers guild of america
mt rushmore
mount tush more
back to the future
back to the suture
its a trap
its a jap
save the last dance
save the last joey pants
good morning, vietnam
hood morning, vietnam
blackhawk down
blackhawk downs
may the best man win
may the breast man win
peter parker
beat her darker
rear window
reared widow
heroes of the storm
herpes of the storm
the foot clan
the klu klux foot klan
the ragin cajun
the agin cajun
frank ocean
wank lotion
adolf hitler
reich turner
beam me up scotty
cream me up daddy
full metal alchemist brotherhood
fool michael alchemist brotherhood
con air
khan heir
statute of limitations
statue of limitations
fruity pebbles
fruity peebles
get rich or die trying
get snitch or fly trying
tea cake
pee cake
lead apatite
head appetite
inner space
in her space
ethnic cleansing
fat chick cleansing
good omens
hood omens
joan of arc
joan of spark
thelma and louise
velma and scooby’s
pee in car nation
out-of-body experience
out-of-booty experience
malcolm in the middle
malcolm in the spittle
the fisher king
the fissure king
minority report
minority report
demi moore
semi whore
stanislaw lem
stanislaw phlegm
home alone
homo loan
rowdy roddy piper
rowdy rodham piper
constitution checks
prostitution sex
golan heights
dolen mites
noise machine
boys machine
face off
race off
one touch of venus
one touch of penis
walk the dinosaur
stalk the child next-door
too hot for tv
too hot for tb
the red baron
the dead baron
quoth the raven
sucked the raven
stop, drop, and roll
cop drop and roll
grape nuts cereal
rape butts serial
house md
house slave md
despicable me
despicable pee
stack overflow
crack over hoe
its turbo time
its turbotax time
viral native american app
depeche mode
depeche modi
son of sam
cum of sam
step by step
steppe by steppe
uber eats
uber teats
richard gere
richard peer
habit stacking
habit snacking
chris christie
piss piss tea
bull semen fritter
bull semen x
party of five
party of jive turkeys
war - low rider
raw - hoe rider
herman cain
her man caned
double helix
double pee dicks
she loves me not
she loves me knot
king james bible
rick james bible
speed racer
seed chaser
push it
putsch it
i love lucy
i love busey
a room with a view
a bathroom with a view
the uncanny x-men
the afghani sex men
it smells like teen spirit
it looks like pre-teen spirit
religious zealot
religious sellout
pillow talk
pill hoe talk
macho man randy savage
macho man michael savage
build back better
smoke crack better
loose lips sink ships
loose hips sink tits
honey i shrunk the kids
honey i killed the kids
skinny jeans
skinny genes
in her, keller
silence of the lambs
steaming of the hams
call of duty
call of booty
saved by the bell
saved by the smell
the balm of gilead
the balls of gilead
afternoon delight
sailor moon delight