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A yau ma a makarantun hauzar mu akwai dalibai da manyan malamai da suke a matsayin dakarun Basiji, kuma suna alfahari da hakan. | Today in our Islamic seminaries, there are great basiji scholars who are proud of being members of Basij. | Today in our school there are students and prominent scholars who are committed to the Basij and they are proud of this. | 0.812534 |
A yau ma a makarantun hauzar mu akwai dalibai da manyan malamai da suke a matsayin dakarun Basiji, kuma suna alfahari da hakan. | Today in our Islamic seminaries, there are great basiji scholars who are proud of being members of Basij. | Today in our school there are students and prominent scholars who are active in the Basij and they are proud of this. | 0.805201 |
A yau ma a makarantun hauzar mu akwai dalibai da manyan malamai da suke a matsayin dakarun Basiji, kuma suna alfahari da hakan. | Today in our Islamic seminaries, there are great basiji scholars who are proud of being members of Basij. | Today in our school there are students and prominent scholars who are committed to establishing Basij and they are proud of this. | 0.781235 |
Wani lamarin da ya zama wajibi gwamnatocin kasashen musulmi da cibiyoyin kasa da kasa su lura da shi da kuma ba shi muhimmanci shi ne taimakawa gwamnatin kasar Pakistan wajen yadda za a fuskanci wannan bala'i da yadda za a isar da taimako na gaggawa (da wadanda abin ya shafa), da kuma yadda za a fuskanci sakamako na yanzu da kuma na nan gaba na wannan bala'i. | An important point which Islamic governments and international organizations should consider is that they should help the Pakistani government develop and carry out plans to deal with this tragedy, provide aid to the people, and to help cope with the immediate and long-term consequences of this tragedy. | One point that Islamic governments and international organizations should pay attention to is how to help the government of Pakistan facing this disaster, how to provide urgent aid and how to deal with the current and future results of this disaster. | 0.809404 |
Wani lamarin da ya zama wajibi gwamnatocin kasashen musulmi da cibiyoyin kasa da kasa su lura da shi da kuma ba shi muhimmanci shi ne taimakawa gwamnatin kasar Pakistan wajen yadda za a fuskanci wannan bala'i da yadda za a isar da taimako na gaggawa (da wadanda abin ya shafa), da kuma yadda za a fuskanci sakamako na yanzu da kuma na nan gaba na wannan bala'i. | An important point which Islamic governments and international organizations should consider is that they should help the Pakistani government develop and carry out plans to deal with this tragedy, provide aid to the people, and to help cope with the immediate and long-term consequences of this tragedy. | One point which Islamic governments and international organizations should pay attention to is how to help the government of Pakistan facing this disaster, how to provide urgent aid and how to deal with the current and future results of this disaster. | 0.806997 |
Wani lamarin da ya zama wajibi gwamnatocin kasashen musulmi da cibiyoyin kasa da kasa su lura da shi da kuma ba shi muhimmanci shi ne taimakawa gwamnatin kasar Pakistan wajen yadda za a fuskanci wannan bala'i da yadda za a isar da taimako na gaggawa (da wadanda abin ya shafa), da kuma yadda za a fuskanci sakamako na yanzu da kuma na nan gaba na wannan bala'i. | An important point which Islamic governments and international organizations should consider is that they should help the Pakistani government develop and carry out plans to deal with this tragedy, provide aid to the people, and to help cope with the immediate and long-term consequences of this tragedy. | One point that Muslim governments and international organizations should pay attention to is how to help the government of Pakistan facing this disaster, how to provide urgent aid and how to deal with the current and future results of this disaster. | 0.806759 |
Tattaunawa da Ayatullah Taskhiri, shugaban majalisar hadin kai tsakanin mazhabobin Musulunci dangane da ma’anar sakon hajj na Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci. | An interview with Ayatollah Taskhiri, chairman of the International Forum for Proximity of Islamic Denominations, about the hajj messages issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution | Speaking with Ayatollah Taskhiri, the chairman of the Assembly of Experts, regarding the meaning of the hajj message issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. | 0.790623 |
Tattaunawa da Ayatullah Taskhiri, shugaban majalisar hadin kai tsakanin mazhabobin Musulunci dangane da ma’anar sakon hajj na Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci. | An interview with Ayatollah Taskhiri, chairman of the International Forum for Proximity of Islamic Denominations, about the hajj messages issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution | Speaking with Ayatollah Taskhiri, the chairman of the Assembly of Experts, about the meaning of the hajj message issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. | 0.790948 |
Tattaunawa da Ayatullah Taskhiri, shugaban majalisar hadin kai tsakanin mazhabobin Musulunci dangane da ma’anar sakon hajj na Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci. | An interview with Ayatollah Taskhiri, chairman of the International Forum for Proximity of Islamic Denominations, about the hajj messages issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution | Speaking with Ayatollah Taskhiri, the chairman of the Islamic Ummah Conference, regarding the meaning of the hajj message issued by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. | 0.797471 |
To kuna tsammanin su wa kuke suka din? | But who do you think the people you are criticizing are? | What do you think of them? | 0.647473 |
To kuna tsammanin su wa kuke suka din? | But who do you think the people you are criticizing are? | Do you think of them? | 0.550514 |
To kuna tsammanin su wa kuke suka din? | But who do you think the people you are criticizing are? | What do you think about them? | 0.673038 |
Abin da a yau yake faruwa a wasu kasashen musulmi, fitowar al'ummomi da kasantuwarsu a fagen gwagwarmaya ne. | What we see today in certain Islamic countries is the presence of the people on the scene. | What is happening today in some Islamic countries is the presence of nations and their presence in the battlefield. | 0.733049 |
Abin da a yau yake faruwa a wasu kasashen musulmi, fitowar al'ummomi da kasantuwarsu a fagen gwagwarmaya ne. | What we see today in certain Islamic countries is the presence of the people on the scene. | What is happening today in some Islamic countries is the presence of nations and their presence in the battlefields. | 0.731193 |
Abin da a yau yake faruwa a wasu kasashen musulmi, fitowar al'ummomi da kasantuwarsu a fagen gwagwarmaya ne. | What we see today in certain Islamic countries is the presence of the people on the scene. | What is happening today in some Islamic countries is that the presence of nations and their presence is in the battlefield. | 0.671382 |
Wannan shi ne matakai na ci gaban al'ummar musulmi; suna girmama da samun daukaka, da kuma karfafa. | [The Holy Quran, 48: 29] These are the developmental stages of the Islamic Ummah. | This is the progressive movement of the Islamic Ummah. | 0.641221 |
Wannan shi ne matakai na ci gaban al'ummar musulmi; suna girmama da samun daukaka, da kuma karfafa. | [The Holy Quran, 48: 29] These are the developmental stages of the Islamic Ummah. | This is the step of the progress of the Islamic Ummah: honor and dignity. | 0.611392 |
Wannan shi ne matakai na ci gaban al'ummar musulmi; suna girmama da samun daukaka, da kuma karfafa. | [The Holy Quran, 48: 29] These are the developmental stages of the Islamic Ummah. | This is the step of the progress of the Islamic Ummah: they appreciate and appreciate dignity. | 0.583063 |
A daidai wannan lokacin ne kuma ya karanci littafin ‘Mu’alim’. Daga nan kuma ya karanci littafin ‘Shara’iy al-Islam’ da ‘Sharh al-Lum’a’ wajen mahaifinsa da kuma marigayi Agha Mirza Mudarris Yazdi, littafan Rasa’il da Makasib kuma a wajen marigayi Hajj Sheikh Hashim Kazwini. | At Soleiman Khan and Nawwab religious schools and under the supervision of his father and the tutorships of some great religious scholars, he studied all the 'intermediate level ' curriculum including logic, philosophy and Islamic jurisprudence in the exceptionally short time of five years. | He read the books “Islam†and “Sharh†“Lumeâ€. He read the books “Islam†and “Sharh†for his father, for the writer Agha Mirza Mudarris Yazdi, for the writer Rasayl and Makasib and for the writer Hajj Sheikh Hashem Kazwini. | 0.419367 |
A daidai wannan lokacin ne kuma ya karanci littafin ‘Mu’alim’. Daga nan kuma ya karanci littafin ‘Shara’iy al-Islam’ da ‘Sharh al-Lum’a’ wajen mahaifinsa da kuma marigayi Agha Mirza Mudarris Yazdi, littafan Rasa’il da Makasib kuma a wajen marigayi Hajj Sheikh Hashim Kazwini. | At Soleiman Khan and Nawwab religious schools and under the supervision of his father and the tutorships of some great religious scholars, he studied all the 'intermediate level ' curriculum including logic, philosophy and Islamic jurisprudence in the exceptionally short time of five years. | He read the books “Islam†and “Sharh†“Lumeâ€. He read the books “Islam†and “Sharh†to his father, to the writer Agha Mirza Mudarris Yazdi, to the writer Rasayl and Makasib and to the writer Hajj Sheikh Hashem Kazwini. | 0.423799 |
A daidai wannan lokacin ne kuma ya karanci littafin ‘Mu’alim’. Daga nan kuma ya karanci littafin ‘Shara’iy al-Islam’ da ‘Sharh al-Lum’a’ wajen mahaifinsa da kuma marigayi Agha Mirza Mudarris Yazdi, littafan Rasa’il da Makasib kuma a wajen marigayi Hajj Sheikh Hashim Kazwini. | At Soleiman Khan and Nawwab religious schools and under the supervision of his father and the tutorships of some great religious scholars, he studied all the 'intermediate level ' curriculum including logic, philosophy and Islamic jurisprudence in the exceptionally short time of five years. | He read the books “Islam†and “Sharh†“Lumeâ€. He read the books “Islam†and “Sharh†for his father, for the writer Agha Mirza Mudarris Yazdi, for Rasayl and Makasib and for the writer Hajj Sheikh Hashem Kazwini. | 0.419161 |
A zahiri suna fadin maganganu, to amma badinin lamarin shi ne cewa sun boye wannan gatari mai tsini cikin wani kyalle kamar yadda na fadi (wato abin da suke fadi a zahiri daban abin da kuma ke cikin zuciyarsu daban) . | They flattered us a lot in the hope that they will manage to reopen the path that was closed to them. | They are saying something in fact, but the final point is that they have hidden this steadfast message in a sentence as I said (i.e., what they are saying is something different from what is in their own heart). | 0.532309 |
A zahiri suna fadin maganganu, to amma badinin lamarin shi ne cewa sun boye wannan gatari mai tsini cikin wani kyalle kamar yadda na fadi (wato abin da suke fadi a zahiri daban abin da kuma ke cikin zuciyarsu daban) . | They flattered us a lot in the hope that they will manage to reopen the path that was closed to them. | They are saying something in fact, but the final point is that they have hidden this steadfast message in a sentence as I said (i.e., what they are saying is something different from what is in their own heart). | 0.532309 |
A zahiri suna fadin maganganu, to amma badinin lamarin shi ne cewa sun boye wannan gatari mai tsini cikin wani kyalle kamar yadda na fadi (wato abin da suke fadi a zahiri daban abin da kuma ke cikin zuciyarsu daban) . | They flattered us a lot in the hope that they will manage to reopen the path that was closed to them. | They are saying something in fact, but the final point is that they have hidden this steadfast message in a sentence as I said (i.e., what they were saying is something different from what is in their own heart). | 0.535684 |
Ni dai ina bukatar dukkanin ma'aikata, kwararru da masu aiki a wannan wajen - bayan gode musu - lalle ina son su dinga jin cewa wannan aiki na su wani jihadi ne saboda Allah. | I would like to thank all the people who are active in this area, and I demand from them that they should consider their work as jihad in the way of God. | I ask all the officials - after thanking them - to realize that their work is jihad for the sake of God. | 0.770042 |
Ni dai ina bukatar dukkanin ma'aikata, kwararru da masu aiki a wannan wajen - bayan gode musu - lalle ina son su dinga jin cewa wannan aiki na su wani jihadi ne saboda Allah. | I would like to thank all the people who are active in this area, and I demand from them that they should consider their work as jihad in the way of God. | I ask all the employees and those who are working here for - after thanking them - to realize that their work is jihad for the sake of God. | 0.747969 |
Ni dai ina bukatar dukkanin ma'aikata, kwararru da masu aiki a wannan wajen - bayan gode musu - lalle ina son su dinga jin cewa wannan aiki na su wani jihadi ne saboda Allah. | I would like to thank all the people who are active in this area, and I demand from them that they should consider their work as jihad in the way of God. | I ask all the officials - after thanking them - to realize that their work is an jihad for the sake of God. | 0.764303 |
To amma hakan dai ta faru. | But it happened. | But that was what happened. | 0.873388 |
To amma hakan dai ta faru. | But it happened. | But that has already happened. | 0.869845 |
To amma hakan dai ta faru. | But it happened. | But this was what happened. | 0.86272 |
Imam ya yi amanna da hakan. Idan har a wani lokaci mutane marasa dacewa irin su Shah Sultan Husain sun kaskantar da al'ummar Iran, to amma a wani lokacin kuma jaruman mutane irin su Nadeer Kali - ba tare da wadannan lakabobi da yake da su ba - sun bayyanar da kansu cikin mutane sannan cikin dukkanin jaruntaka sun jagoranci al'umma, sakamakon hakan al'ummarmu ta iya bayyanar da kanta tun daga Delhi har zuwa ga ‘Black Sea'. | One time an incompetent person like Shah Sultan Hussein caused the Iranian nation to retreat into a corner, but another time a courageous person like Nader Gholi - without those honorary titles - emerged among the people and became their leader by relying on his courage and as a result, our nation managed to expand the arena of its glory from Delhi to the Black Sea. | Imam Khomeini (r.a.) believed this. If unfair people such as Shah Sultani Hussein had once humiliated the Iranian nation, then courageous people such as Nadeer Kali would have once revealed themselves among the people and they were leading the nation with all their courage. Their people would have been able to move from Delhi to the Black Sea. | 0.721537 |
Imam ya yi amanna da hakan. Idan har a wani lokaci mutane marasa dacewa irin su Shah Sultan Husain sun kaskantar da al'ummar Iran, to amma a wani lokacin kuma jaruman mutane irin su Nadeer Kali - ba tare da wadannan lakabobi da yake da su ba - sun bayyanar da kansu cikin mutane sannan cikin dukkanin jaruntaka sun jagoranci al'umma, sakamakon hakan al'ummarmu ta iya bayyanar da kanta tun daga Delhi har zuwa ga ‘Black Sea'. | One time an incompetent person like Shah Sultan Hussein caused the Iranian nation to retreat into a corner, but another time a courageous person like Nader Gholi - without those honorary titles - emerged among the people and became their leader by relying on his courage and as a result, our nation managed to expand the arena of its glory from Delhi to the Black Sea. | Imam Khomeini (r.a.) believed this. If unfair people such as Shah Sultani Hussein had once humiliated the Iranian nation, then courageous people such as Nadeer Kali would have once revealed themselves among the people and they were leading the nation with all their courage. | 0.703164 |
Imam ya yi amanna da hakan. Idan har a wani lokaci mutane marasa dacewa irin su Shah Sultan Husain sun kaskantar da al'ummar Iran, to amma a wani lokacin kuma jaruman mutane irin su Nadeer Kali - ba tare da wadannan lakabobi da yake da su ba - sun bayyanar da kansu cikin mutane sannan cikin dukkanin jaruntaka sun jagoranci al'umma, sakamakon hakan al'ummarmu ta iya bayyanar da kanta tun daga Delhi har zuwa ga ‘Black Sea'. | One time an incompetent person like Shah Sultan Hussein caused the Iranian nation to retreat into a corner, but another time a courageous person like Nader Gholi - without those honorary titles - emerged among the people and became their leader by relying on his courage and as a result, our nation managed to expand the arena of its glory from Delhi to the Black Sea. | Imam Khomeini (r.a.) believed this. If unfair people such as Shah Sultani Hussein had once humiliated the Iranian nation, then courageous people such as Nadeer Qali would have once revealed themselves among the people and they were leading the nation with all their courage. | 0.696405 |
Yana da kyau al'ummar mu masu girma su san cewa dukkanin masana tattalin arziki - shin wadanda mahangarsu ta tattalin arziki ta yi daidai da ta gwamnati mai ci ne, ko kuma wadanda ra'ayinsu na tattalin arziki ya saba wa mahangar gwamnatin - dukkaninsu sun yi amanna da cewa manufantar da rangwamin da gwamnatin take bayarwa lamari ne da ya zama wajibi sannan kuma mai amfani matuka. | Our dear people should know that all economic experts - both the experts who agree with the economic views of the current administration and the experts whose economic views are different from the views of the current administration - unanimously agree that redistributing subsidies is necessary, essential and very constructive. | Our dear people should know that all economic figures - both those whose economic outlook is similar to the positive government and those whose economic outlook is similar to the government's outlook - believe that subsidy products are absolutely necessary and beneficial. | 0.660042 |
Yana da kyau al'ummar mu masu girma su san cewa dukkanin masana tattalin arziki - shin wadanda mahangarsu ta tattalin arziki ta yi daidai da ta gwamnati mai ci ne, ko kuma wadanda ra'ayinsu na tattalin arziki ya saba wa mahangar gwamnatin - dukkaninsu sun yi amanna da cewa manufantar da rangwamin da gwamnatin take bayarwa lamari ne da ya zama wajibi sannan kuma mai amfani matuka. | Our dear people should know that all economic experts - both the experts who agree with the economic views of the current administration and the experts whose economic views are different from the views of the current administration - unanimously agree that redistributing subsidies is necessary, essential and very constructive. | Our dear people should know that all economic figures - both those whose economic outlook is similar to the positive government and those whose economic outlook is similar to the government's outlook - believe that subsidy products are necessary and beneficial. | 0.655263 |
Yana da kyau al'ummar mu masu girma su san cewa dukkanin masana tattalin arziki - shin wadanda mahangarsu ta tattalin arziki ta yi daidai da ta gwamnati mai ci ne, ko kuma wadanda ra'ayinsu na tattalin arziki ya saba wa mahangar gwamnatin - dukkaninsu sun yi amanna da cewa manufantar da rangwamin da gwamnatin take bayarwa lamari ne da ya zama wajibi sannan kuma mai amfani matuka. | Our dear people should know that all economic experts - both the experts who agree with the economic views of the current administration and the experts whose economic views are different from the views of the current administration - unanimously agree that redistributing subsidies is necessary, essential and very constructive. | Our dear people should know that all economic figures - both those whose economic outlook is similar to the positive government and those whose economic outlook is similar to the government's outlook - believe that subsidy products of the government are necessary and beneficial. | 0.658712 |
Da Sunan Allah Mai Rahama Mai Jin Kai | In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, | In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful | 0.905289 |
Da Sunan Allah Mai Rahama Mai Jin Kai | In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, | In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful | 0.907758 |
Da Sunan Allah Mai Rahama Mai Jin Kai | In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, | In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful | 0.870671 |
Wajibi ne a kalli dukkanin irin wadannan kokari da aka yi a duk fadin kasar nan da kuma irin sakamakon da za a samu a cikinsu. | It is necessary to see what results are produced by the efforts that are made throughout the country. | It is necessary to see all the efforts that have been made across the country as well as the results that will be achieved in this regard. | 0.853016 |
Wajibi ne a kalli dukkanin irin wadannan kokari da aka yi a duk fadin kasar nan da kuma irin sakamakon da za a samu a cikinsu. | It is necessary to see what results are produced by the efforts that are made throughout the country. | It is necessary to see all the efforts which have been made across the country as well as the results that will be achieved. | 0.861929 |
Wajibi ne a kalli dukkanin irin wadannan kokari da aka yi a duk fadin kasar nan da kuma irin sakamakon da za a samu a cikinsu. | It is necessary to see what results are produced by the efforts that are made throughout the country. | It is necessary to see all the efforts that have been made across the country as well as the results that will be achieved. | 0.863247 |
Kafin nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci, ba mu da wata nasara da ci gaba a fagen ilimi a kasar nan. | Before the Revolution, we had not made any scientific achievements in the country. | Before the Revolution, we did not have any scientific advances in the country. | 0.913224 |
Kafin nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci, ba mu da wata nasara da ci gaba a fagen ilimi a kasar nan. | Before the Revolution, we had not made any scientific achievements in the country. | Before the Revolution, we did not have any scientific progress in the country. | 0.915636 |
Kafin nasarar juyin juya halin Musulunci, ba mu da wata nasara da ci gaba a fagen ilimi a kasar nan. | Before the Revolution, we had not made any scientific achievements in the country. | Before the Revolution, we had no scientific advances in the country. | 0.913253 |
Haka kuma da yardar Allah nan gaba kadan ku din nan matasa za ku ga daukaka da ci gaban wannan kasar ta ku. | Hopefully, you dear youth will see the glory and development of your country in the near future. | By Allah's favor, you dear youth will see the glory and progress of your country in the future. | 0.808889 |
Haka kuma da yardar Allah nan gaba kadan ku din nan matasa za ku ga daukaka da ci gaban wannan kasar ta ku. | Hopefully, you dear youth will see the glory and development of your country in the near future. | And by Allah's favor, you dear youth will see the glory and progress of your country in the future. | 0.806431 |
Haka kuma da yardar Allah nan gaba kadan ku din nan matasa za ku ga daukaka da ci gaban wannan kasar ta ku. | Hopefully, you dear youth will see the glory and development of your country in the near future. | By Allah's favor, you dear youth will experience the glory and progress of your country in the future. | 0.79602 |
Da farko dai ina muku barka da zuwa Ya ku ‘yan'uwa maza da mata masu girma, wadanda kuka shafe wannan doguwar hanya sannan kuma kuka kawata yanayin wannan husainiya da wannan gagarumin imani da kumaji na ku a wannan rana ta babbar salla. | First of all, I would like to welcome you dear brothers and sisters who have traveled this long distance [from Isfahan to Tehran] to imbue the atmosphere of this Hussainiyyah with your faith and emotions on this auspicious Eid. | First of all, I would like to welcome you dear brothers and sisters who have passed this long path and experienced this spirituality with your great faith and motivation in this holy day. | 0.67004 |
Da farko dai ina muku barka da zuwa Ya ku ‘yan'uwa maza da mata masu girma, wadanda kuka shafe wannan doguwar hanya sannan kuma kuka kawata yanayin wannan husainiya da wannan gagarumin imani da kumaji na ku a wannan rana ta babbar salla. | First of all, I would like to welcome you dear brothers and sisters who have traveled this long distance [from Isfahan to Tehran] to imbue the atmosphere of this Hussainiyyah with your faith and emotions on this auspicious Eid. | First of all, I would like to welcome you dear brothers and sisters who took this long path and saw the atmosphere of this spirituality and your great faith and motivation in this holy day. | 0.672033 |
Da farko dai ina muku barka da zuwa Ya ku ‘yan'uwa maza da mata masu girma, wadanda kuka shafe wannan doguwar hanya sannan kuma kuka kawata yanayin wannan husainiya da wannan gagarumin imani da kumaji na ku a wannan rana ta babbar salla. | First of all, I would like to welcome you dear brothers and sisters who have traveled this long distance [from Isfahan to Tehran] to imbue the atmosphere of this Hussainiyyah with your faith and emotions on this auspicious Eid. | First of all, I would like to welcome you dear brothers and sisters who took this long path and saw the atmosphere of this spirituality and your great faith and motivation in this great prayer day. | 0.669797 |
Wadansu lalatattun shugabanni, maciya amana, masu bautar kudi da kuma sha'awarsu ta abin duniya ne suke mulkin kasar nan, amma sai aka sauya su da wakilan al'umma. | Corrupt, treasonous and materialistic rulers, who were immersed in their carnal desires and human passions, were in charge of our country. They were replaced by representatives of the people. | Some of the weak leaders, religious scholars, financial scholars, and material enthusiasm were in power of the country, but they were then replaced by representatives of the people. | 0.693841 |
Wadansu lalatattun shugabanni, maciya amana, masu bautar kudi da kuma sha'awarsu ta abin duniya ne suke mulkin kasar nan, amma sai aka sauya su da wakilan al'umma. | Corrupt, treasonous and materialistic rulers, who were immersed in their carnal desires and human passions, were in charge of our country. They were replaced by representatives of the people. | Some of the weak leaders, religious scholars, financial scholars, and material enthusiasm were in the hands of the country, but they were then replaced by representatives of the people. | 0.632909 |
Wadansu lalatattun shugabanni, maciya amana, masu bautar kudi da kuma sha'awarsu ta abin duniya ne suke mulkin kasar nan, amma sai aka sauya su da wakilan al'umma. | Corrupt, treasonous and materialistic rulers, who were immersed in their carnal desires and human passions, were in charge of our country. They were replaced by representatives of the people. | Some of the weak leaders, religious scholars, financial scholars, and material sentiments were in the hands of the country, but they were then replaced by representatives of the people. | 0.636417 |
Tabbatar da sakon hajji yana nufin tabbatar da yunkurin al’umma ne. | Implementing the hajj messages would initiate the movement of the Islamic Ummah. | Similarly, the hajj means the movement of the Islamic Ummah. | 0.804282 |
Tabbatar da sakon hajji yana nufin tabbatar da yunkurin al’umma ne. | Implementing the hajj messages would initiate the movement of the Islamic Ummah. | Defining the hajj means defining the movement of the people. | 0.705355 |
Tabbatar da sakon hajji yana nufin tabbatar da yunkurin al’umma ne. | Implementing the hajj messages would initiate the movement of the Islamic Ummah. | Similarly, the manifestation of the hajj means that the people are moving forward. | 0.71642 |
A ci gaba da ayyukansa na kiyayya da Musulunci, a watan Esfand 1354 (Fabrairun 1975), Shah ya canza kalandar (kwanakin wata) da hukuma take amfani da ita da ta fara daga hijiran Ma'aikin Allah (s.a.w.a) ya zuwa farkon mulkin mulukiyya Hakhamanshiyyawa. Imam Khumaini ya mayar da kakkausar martini ta hanyar fitar da fatawar haramcin amfani da wannan kalanda. Kamar dai yadda al'umma suka karbi fatawar haramcin shiga jam'iyyar Rastakhiz da Imam ya bayar, haka ma a wannan karon suka karbi wannan fatawa da hannu bibbiyu. | Subsequent elections were held to approve of the newly-drafted Constitution. Along with the position of the Grand Leader, the constitution also requires that a president be elected every four years, but only those candidates approved indirectly by the Council of Guardians may run for the office. Imam Khomeini himself became instituted as the Grand Leader for life, and officially decreed as the "Leader of the Revolution." | During his activities of anti-Islamism, in Esfand 1354, the Shah changed the kalendar (one month of Farvardin) and the use of the kalendar (one day of Farvardin) started with the exile of the Prophet's (s.w.a.) household and started with the hegemony of the Hakhamanshiyeh kingdom. Imam Khomeini replaced the martyrdom with the option of using that kalendar. | 0.452337 |
A ci gaba da ayyukansa na kiyayya da Musulunci, a watan Esfand 1354 (Fabrairun 1975), Shah ya canza kalandar (kwanakin wata) da hukuma take amfani da ita da ta fara daga hijiran Ma'aikin Allah (s.a.w.a) ya zuwa farkon mulkin mulukiyya Hakhamanshiyyawa. Imam Khumaini ya mayar da kakkausar martini ta hanyar fitar da fatawar haramcin amfani da wannan kalanda. Kamar dai yadda al'umma suka karbi fatawar haramcin shiga jam'iyyar Rastakhiz da Imam ya bayar, haka ma a wannan karon suka karbi wannan fatawa da hannu bibbiyu. | Subsequent elections were held to approve of the newly-drafted Constitution. Along with the position of the Grand Leader, the constitution also requires that a president be elected every four years, but only those candidates approved indirectly by the Council of Guardians may run for the office. Imam Khomeini himself became instituted as the Grand Leader for life, and officially decreed as the "Leader of the Revolution." | During his activities of anti-Islamism, in Esfand 1354, the Shah changed the kalendar (one month of Farvardin) and the use of the kalendar (one month of Farvardin) started with the exile of the Prophet's (s.w.a.) household and started with the hegemony of the Hakhamanshiyeh kingdom. Imam Khomeini replaced the martyrdom with the option of using that kalendar. | 0.450097 |
A ci gaba da ayyukansa na kiyayya da Musulunci, a watan Esfand 1354 (Fabrairun 1975), Shah ya canza kalandar (kwanakin wata) da hukuma take amfani da ita da ta fara daga hijiran Ma'aikin Allah (s.a.w.a) ya zuwa farkon mulkin mulukiyya Hakhamanshiyyawa. Imam Khumaini ya mayar da kakkausar martini ta hanyar fitar da fatawar haramcin amfani da wannan kalanda. Kamar dai yadda al'umma suka karbi fatawar haramcin shiga jam'iyyar Rastakhiz da Imam ya bayar, haka ma a wannan karon suka karbi wannan fatawa da hannu bibbiyu. | Subsequent elections were held to approve of the newly-drafted Constitution. Along with the position of the Grand Leader, the constitution also requires that a president be elected every four years, but only those candidates approved indirectly by the Council of Guardians may run for the office. Imam Khomeini himself became instituted as the Grand Leader for life, and officially decreed as the "Leader of the Revolution." | During his activities of anti-Islamism, in Esfand 1354, the Shah changed the kalendar (one month of Farvardin) and the use of the kalendar (one day of Farvardin) started with the exile of the Prophet's (s.w.a.) household and started with the hegemony of the Hakhamanshiyeh kingdom. Imam Khomeini replaced the martyrdom with the option of using that kalendar. As far as the people accepted the option of Haramsin. | 0.449107 |
A hakikanin gaskiya abin da ke faruwa a Palastinu bala'i ne mai tada hankali, a Gaza ma (abin da ke faruwa) bala'i ne yake gudanar, a yammacin Kogin Jordan ma haka lamarin yake. | Today real tragedies are happening in Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank. The events that happened in Mecca should not be underestimated. | The event that is happening in Palestine is in fact a tragic event. It is happening in Gaza as well as in the West of Jordan. | 0.737541 |
A hakikanin gaskiya abin da ke faruwa a Palastinu bala'i ne mai tada hankali, a Gaza ma (abin da ke faruwa) bala'i ne yake gudanar, a yammacin Kogin Jordan ma haka lamarin yake. | Today real tragedies are happening in Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank. The events that happened in Mecca should not be underestimated. | In fact, what is happening in Palestine is a tragic event, and in Gaza it is happening, just as in the West of Jordan. | 0.744008 |
A hakikanin gaskiya abin da ke faruwa a Palastinu bala'i ne mai tada hankali, a Gaza ma (abin da ke faruwa) bala'i ne yake gudanar, a yammacin Kogin Jordan ma haka lamarin yake. | Today real tragedies are happening in Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank. The events that happened in Mecca should not be underestimated. | The event that is happening in Palestine is in fact a tragic event. It is happening in Gaza, and the same thing is happening in the West of Jordan. | 0.738098 |
Alal hakika daya daga cikin manyan ni'imomin Ubangiji a wannan lokacin ga dakarunmu masu makami, ita ce samuwar jami'ai masu gaskiya da kuma kokari; wannan lamari ne da ke sanya mutum ya girmama irin wannan ni'ima mai girma sannan kuma ya gode. | The existence of sincere and friendly officials is indeed one of the greatest divine blessings for the Armed Forces in this era. One must consider this a truly great blessing and thank God for it. | One of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on our Armed Forces is the existence of honest and hardworking officials. This is something that makes people appreciate this great blessing and thank them. | 0.827033 |
Alal hakika daya daga cikin manyan ni'imomin Ubangiji a wannan lokacin ga dakarunmu masu makami, ita ce samuwar jami'ai masu gaskiya da kuma kokari; wannan lamari ne da ke sanya mutum ya girmama irin wannan ni'ima mai girma sannan kuma ya gode. | The existence of sincere and friendly officials is indeed one of the greatest divine blessings for the Armed Forces in this era. One must consider this a truly great blessing and thank God for it. | One of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on our Armed Forces is the existence of honest and hardworking officials. This is what makes people appreciate this great blessing and thank them. | 0.826042 |
Alal hakika daya daga cikin manyan ni'imomin Ubangiji a wannan lokacin ga dakarunmu masu makami, ita ce samuwar jami'ai masu gaskiya da kuma kokari; wannan lamari ne da ke sanya mutum ya girmama irin wannan ni'ima mai girma sannan kuma ya gode. | The existence of sincere and friendly officials is indeed one of the greatest divine blessings for the Armed Forces in this era. One must consider this a truly great blessing and thank God for it. | One of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on our Armed Forces is the existence of honest and hardworking officials. This is something that makes people appreciate and thank them for. | 0.813165 |
Aikin da Dakta Zarif da abokan aikinsa suka faro, kuma ya zuwa yanzu sun gudanar da ayyuka masu kyau, za a ci gaba da su. | The task that Dr. Zarif and his friends have started and in which they have made good achievements will continue. | The work that Dr. Zarif and his associates started, and good work has been done so far, will be continued. | 0.846458 |
Aikin da Dakta Zarif da abokan aikinsa suka faro, kuma ya zuwa yanzu sun gudanar da ayyuka masu kyau, za a ci gaba da su. | The task that Dr. Zarif and his friends have started and in which they have made good achievements will continue. | The work that Dr. Zarif and his associates had started, and good work has been done so far, they will be continued. | 0.814997 |
Aikin da Dakta Zarif da abokan aikinsa suka faro, kuma ya zuwa yanzu sun gudanar da ayyuka masu kyau, za a ci gaba da su. | The task that Dr. Zarif and his friends have started and in which they have made good achievements will continue. | The work that Dr. Zarif and his associates started, and still have been done good things, will be continued. | 0.804991 |
Ya yunkura ne saboda Allah, ya yi magana da kuma aiki a kas yana da yakinin cewa: "Idan kun taimaki Allah, zai taimake ku" (Suratu Muhammad 47:7), wannan dai alkawari ne na Ubangiji, wanda tabbas ne zai cika shi, babu wani kokwanto cikin hakan. | He acted, worked and spoke for the sake of God and he knew that "if you help (the cause of) Allah, He will help you" [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] is a divine promise and that it is definite and inviolable. | [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Mustafa, Ayah 7] If you help Allah, He will help you. | 0.597282 |
Ya yunkura ne saboda Allah, ya yi magana da kuma aiki a kas yana da yakinin cewa: "Idan kun taimaki Allah, zai taimake ku" (Suratu Muhammad 47:7), wannan dai alkawari ne na Ubangiji, wanda tabbas ne zai cika shi, babu wani kokwanto cikin hakan. | He acted, worked and spoke for the sake of God and he knew that "if you help (the cause of) Allah, He will help you" [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] is a divine promise and that it is definite and inviolable. | [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] If you help Allah, He will help you. [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] This is a divine promise which will definitely be fulfilled. | 0.707403 |
Ya yunkura ne saboda Allah, ya yi magana da kuma aiki a kas yana da yakinin cewa: "Idan kun taimaki Allah, zai taimake ku" (Suratu Muhammad 47:7), wannan dai alkawari ne na Ubangiji, wanda tabbas ne zai cika shi, babu wani kokwanto cikin hakan. | He acted, worked and spoke for the sake of God and he knew that "if you help (the cause of) Allah, He will help you" [The Holy Quran, 47: 7] is a divine promise and that it is definite and inviolable. | [The Holy Quran, Sura al-Mustafa, Ayah 7] If you help God, He will help you. | 0.601275 |
Lalle wajibi ne farkakkun idanuwan matasa da masana da malaman addini su zamanto masu lura ainun. | The vigilant eyes of the youth, intellectuals and religious scholars should be very watchful. | The youth, intellectuals and religious scholars should be extremely vigilant in this regard. | 0.841285 |
Lalle wajibi ne farkakkun idanuwan matasa da masana da malaman addini su zamanto masu lura ainun. | The vigilant eyes of the youth, intellectuals and religious scholars should be very watchful. | The youth, intellectuals and religious scholars should be extremely careful in this regard. | 0.811387 |
Lalle wajibi ne farkakkun idanuwan matasa da masana da malaman addini su zamanto masu lura ainun. | The vigilant eyes of the youth, intellectuals and religious scholars should be very watchful. | The youth, intellectuals and religious scholars should be extremely vigilant in the world. | 0.820749 |
A ci gaba da jawabin nasa Jagoran ya jaddada wajibci ci gaba da gudanar da ayyukan da aka sa a gaba har sai an kai ga manufar da aka sa a gaba yana mai cewa: Barin aiki ba tare da an gama ba, hakan yana sanya alamun tambaya, koda yake abin bakin cikin shi ne cewa har ya zuwa yanzu ana samu hakan na faruwa a wasu bangarori na kasar, wanda daga cikinsu kuwa abin bakin cikin shi ne irin albashi na fitar hankali da wasu jami'ai suka sanya wa kansu. | His Eminence stressed the necessity of pursuing projects and tasks until the desired results are produced, saying: “Leaving tasks unfinished will raise certain questions and it will be problematic. Unfortunately in the present time, this situation is witnessed in some areas of the country, an example of which is the issue of the extraordinary high salaries. | His Eminence stressed the necessity of pursuing the measures that were adopted in the country and added: "The measures that have not been fulfilled are clear. Unfortunately this is the case in certain sectors of the country. Unfortunately certain measures have been fulfilled in certain government officials." | 0.626306 |
A ci gaba da jawabin nasa Jagoran ya jaddada wajibci ci gaba da gudanar da ayyukan da aka sa a gaba har sai an kai ga manufar da aka sa a gaba yana mai cewa: Barin aiki ba tare da an gama ba, hakan yana sanya alamun tambaya, koda yake abin bakin cikin shi ne cewa har ya zuwa yanzu ana samu hakan na faruwa a wasu bangarori na kasar, wanda daga cikinsu kuwa abin bakin cikin shi ne irin albashi na fitar hankali da wasu jami'ai suka sanya wa kansu. | His Eminence stressed the necessity of pursuing projects and tasks until the desired results are produced, saying: “Leaving tasks unfinished will raise certain questions and it will be problematic. Unfortunately in the present time, this situation is witnessed in some areas of the country, an example of which is the issue of the extraordinary high salaries. | His Eminence stressed the necessity of pursuing the measures that were adopted in the country and added: "The measures that have not been fulfilled are clear. Unfortunately this is the case in certain sectors of the country. Unfortunately certain measures have been adopted by certain government officials." | 0.649453 |
A ci gaba da jawabin nasa Jagoran ya jaddada wajibci ci gaba da gudanar da ayyukan da aka sa a gaba har sai an kai ga manufar da aka sa a gaba yana mai cewa: Barin aiki ba tare da an gama ba, hakan yana sanya alamun tambaya, koda yake abin bakin cikin shi ne cewa har ya zuwa yanzu ana samu hakan na faruwa a wasu bangarori na kasar, wanda daga cikinsu kuwa abin bakin cikin shi ne irin albashi na fitar hankali da wasu jami'ai suka sanya wa kansu. | His Eminence stressed the necessity of pursuing projects and tasks until the desired results are produced, saying: “Leaving tasks unfinished will raise certain questions and it will be problematic. Unfortunately in the present time, this situation is witnessed in some areas of the country, an example of which is the issue of the extraordinary high salaries. | His Eminence stressed the necessity of pursuing the measures that were adopted in the country and added: "The measures that have not been fulfilled are clear. Unfortunately this is the case in certain sectors of the country. Unfortunately certain measures have been adopted by certain government officials. | 0.643142 |
Har ila yau yayin da ya ke ishara da yadda kundin tsarin mulki ya tsara wa kowa aiki da nauyin da ke wuyansa, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya bayyana cewar: Jagora dai ba shi da niyyar tsoma baki cikin ayyukan gwamnati, face dai a wajen da ya fahimci cewa an gafala daga maslaha (ta kasa). Jagoran ya ci gaba da cewa: Dangane da abin da ya faru na baya-bayan nan ma dai, mun ji cewa an gafala ne daga maslaha mai girma ta kasa. | The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the responsibilities have been clearly specified in the Constitution. He added that the Leader does not want to interfere in the decisions and actions of the administration, but that he will intervene whenever he feels an important national interest has been ignored. Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: "Regarding the recent event, which is not very important, I felt that an important interest has been ignored." | The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the consequences of the Constitution and added: "The Leader is not after interference in the activities of the government, but after realizing that the people have not been vigilant in the country." His Eminence added: "As far as the recent event has happened, I have heard that the people have not been vigilant in the country." | 0.614965 |
Har ila yau yayin da ya ke ishara da yadda kundin tsarin mulki ya tsara wa kowa aiki da nauyin da ke wuyansa, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya bayyana cewar: Jagora dai ba shi da niyyar tsoma baki cikin ayyukan gwamnati, face dai a wajen da ya fahimci cewa an gafala daga maslaha (ta kasa). Jagoran ya ci gaba da cewa: Dangane da abin da ya faru na baya-bayan nan ma dai, mun ji cewa an gafala ne daga maslaha mai girma ta kasa. | The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the responsibilities have been clearly specified in the Constitution. He added that the Leader does not want to interfere in the decisions and actions of the administration, but that he will intervene whenever he feels an important national interest has been ignored. Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: "Regarding the recent event, which is not very important, I felt that an important interest has been ignored." | The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the consequences of the Constitution and added: "The Leader is not after interference in the affairs of the government, but after realizing that the people have not been vigilant in the country." | 0.561293 |
Har ila yau yayin da ya ke ishara da yadda kundin tsarin mulki ya tsara wa kowa aiki da nauyin da ke wuyansa, Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya bayyana cewar: Jagora dai ba shi da niyyar tsoma baki cikin ayyukan gwamnati, face dai a wajen da ya fahimci cewa an gafala daga maslaha (ta kasa). Jagoran ya ci gaba da cewa: Dangane da abin da ya faru na baya-bayan nan ma dai, mun ji cewa an gafala ne daga maslaha mai girma ta kasa. | The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the responsibilities have been clearly specified in the Constitution. He added that the Leader does not want to interfere in the decisions and actions of the administration, but that he will intervene whenever he feels an important national interest has been ignored. Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: "Regarding the recent event, which is not very important, I felt that an important interest has been ignored." | The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the consequences of the Constitution and added: "The Leader is not after interference in the affairs of the government, but after realizing that the people have not been vigilant in the country." His Eminence added: "In the case of the recent events, we have heard that the people have not been vigilant in the country." | 0.616413 |
Jagoran ya ci gaba da cewa: Ko shakka babu jami'anmu sun mayar musu da martani a wasu lokuta ma masu kaushi. | Of course, in these negotiations, our officials gave them sharper rejoinders in response to their unreasonable expectations. | His Eminence added: “Our officials undoubtedly responded to them in certain instances and in certain cases. | 0.584574 |
Jagoran ya ci gaba da cewa: Ko shakka babu jami'anmu sun mayar musu da martani a wasu lokuta ma masu kaushi. | Of course, in these negotiations, our officials gave them sharper rejoinders in response to their unreasonable expectations. | His Eminence added: “Our officials undoubtedly responded to them in certain instances and in certain instances. | 0.555345 |
Jagoran ya ci gaba da cewa: Ko shakka babu jami'anmu sun mayar musu da martani a wasu lokuta ma masu kaushi. | Of course, in these negotiations, our officials gave them sharper rejoinders in response to their unreasonable expectations. | His Eminence added: “Our officials undoubtedly responded to them in certain instances and in certain instances.” | 0.570962 |
Ruhin yafuwa, wannan ruhi na sadaukarwa, haka nan a lokacin da aka fahimci irin nauyin da ke wuya, sannan kuma aka aiwatar da aiki a lokacin da ya dace, hakan lamari ne mai 'yantarwa. | The spirit of self-sacrifice and identifying the right time to fulfill one's duty can deliver a nation. | The spirit of despair, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and when the responsibility has been identified and the action has been carried out at the right time, the spirit of salvation is satisfied. | 0.656826 |
Ruhin yafuwa, wannan ruhi na sadaukarwa, haka nan a lokacin da aka fahimci irin nauyin da ke wuya, sannan kuma aka aiwatar da aiki a lokacin da ya dace, hakan lamari ne mai 'yantarwa. | The spirit of self-sacrifice and identifying the right time to fulfill one's duty can deliver a nation. | The spirit of despair, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and when the responsibility has been identified and the action has been carried out at the right time, the spirit of salvation is a source of salvation. | 0.623531 |
Ruhin yafuwa, wannan ruhi na sadaukarwa, haka nan a lokacin da aka fahimci irin nauyin da ke wuya, sannan kuma aka aiwatar da aiki a lokacin da ya dace, hakan lamari ne mai 'yantarwa. | The spirit of self-sacrifice and identifying the right time to fulfill one's duty can deliver a nation. | The spirit of forgiveness, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and when the responsibility is recognized and the action is carried out at the right time, the spirit of salvation becomes prepared. | 0.668609 |
Abin farin cikin shi ne cewa al'ummar mu suna lura, suna karanta addu'oi, suna ambaton Allah, suna halartar wajaje masu tsarki na addini; hatta mutanen da suke tafiya garuruwan da a zahiri ba su da fitattun wajaje masu tsarki, to amma idan har aka gano wani hubbare na 'ya'yan Imamai, to su kan tafi wannan wajen don gudanar da lokacin da sabuwar shekara take shigowa a wajen. | They pray, they engage in dhikr and they go to holy places. Even those who travel to another city - in which there are no famous holy places - spend the first hours of the New Year at the shrine of a descendant of an infallible Imam if they find one. | Fortunately our nation is vigilant, reading prayers, remembering God, attend religious holy places. Even those who go to cities that do not have any outstanding holy places, but if a sample of the infants of the Imams (a.s.) is found, they should go there and celebrate the beginning of the new year. | 0.676367 |
Abin farin cikin shi ne cewa al'ummar mu suna lura, suna karanta addu'oi, suna ambaton Allah, suna halartar wajaje masu tsarki na addini; hatta mutanen da suke tafiya garuruwan da a zahiri ba su da fitattun wajaje masu tsarki, to amma idan har aka gano wani hubbare na 'ya'yan Imamai, to su kan tafi wannan wajen don gudanar da lokacin da sabuwar shekara take shigowa a wajen. | They pray, they engage in dhikr and they go to holy places. Even those who travel to another city - in which there are no famous holy places - spend the first hours of the New Year at the shrine of a descendant of an infallible Imam if they find one. | Fortunately our nation is vigilant, reading prayers, remembering God, attend religious holy places. Even those who go to cities that do not have any outstanding holy places, but if a sample of the infants of the Imams (a.s.) is found, they go there and celebrate the beginning of the new year. | 0.6792 |
Abin farin cikin shi ne cewa al'ummar mu suna lura, suna karanta addu'oi, suna ambaton Allah, suna halartar wajaje masu tsarki na addini; hatta mutanen da suke tafiya garuruwan da a zahiri ba su da fitattun wajaje masu tsarki, to amma idan har aka gano wani hubbare na 'ya'yan Imamai, to su kan tafi wannan wajen don gudanar da lokacin da sabuwar shekara take shigowa a wajen. | They pray, they engage in dhikr and they go to holy places. Even those who travel to another city - in which there are no famous holy places - spend the first hours of the New Year at the shrine of a descendant of an infallible Imam if they find one. | Fortunately our nation is vigilant, reading prayers, remembering God, attend religious holy places. Even those who go to cities that do not have any outstanding holy places, but if a sample of the infants of the Imams (a.s.) is discovered, they should go there and celebrate the beginning of the new year. | 0.676538 |
Wasiyyar Imam dai tana tare da mu. | Imam's testament is available to us. | The Imam's resurrection is with us. | 0.611113 |
Wasiyyar Imam dai tana tare da mu. | Imam's testament is available to us. | The Imam’s resurrection is with us. | 0.61945 |
Wasiyyar Imam dai tana tare da mu. | Imam's testament is available to us. | Our magnanimous Imam was with us. | 0.716299 |
Ina sake mika gaisuwa ta da kuma taya murna ga al'ummarmu masu girma, sannan kuma ina rokon Allah Madaukakin Sarki da yayi salati da tabbatar da aminci ga Annabi Muhammadu da Alayen Muhammadu haka nan kuma ga mai girma Baqiyatullah (Imam Mahdi), rayukanmu su zamanto fansa a gare shi. | And I ask God to bestow His peace and blessings on Muhammad (s.a.w.a.), on his household and on the Imam of the Age (God’s greetings be upon him and may our souls be sacrificed for his sake). | I extend my greetings and congratulations to our dear people and I hope that Allah the Exalted will bestow peace and blessings on Prophet Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household and on the one remaining with Allah on earth. | 0.777942 |
Ina sake mika gaisuwa ta da kuma taya murna ga al'ummarmu masu girma, sannan kuma ina rokon Allah Madaukakin Sarki da yayi salati da tabbatar da aminci ga Annabi Muhammadu da Alayen Muhammadu haka nan kuma ga mai girma Baqiyatullah (Imam Mahdi), rayukanmu su zamanto fansa a gare shi. | And I ask God to bestow His peace and blessings on Muhammad (s.a.w.a.), on his household and on the Imam of the Age (God’s greetings be upon him and may our souls be sacrificed for his sake). | I extend my greetings and congratulations to our honorable people and I hope that Allah the Exalted will bestow peace and blessings on Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his immaculate household and on the one remaining with Allah on earth. | 0.768762 |
Ina sake mika gaisuwa ta da kuma taya murna ga al'ummarmu masu girma, sannan kuma ina rokon Allah Madaukakin Sarki da yayi salati da tabbatar da aminci ga Annabi Muhammadu da Alayen Muhammadu haka nan kuma ga mai girma Baqiyatullah (Imam Mahdi), rayukanmu su zamanto fansa a gare shi. | And I ask God to bestow His peace and blessings on Muhammad (s.a.w.a.), on his household and on the Imam of the Age (God’s greetings be upon him and may our souls be sacrificed for his sake). | I extend my greetings and congratulations to our honorable people and I hope that Allah the Exalted will bestow peace and blessings on Muhammad (s.w.a.) and his household and on the one remaining with Allah on earth. | 0.778778 |
Idan har muka sami wasu sojoji a duniya da akidarsu tamkar akidar jama'a ce, abin da suke ji tamkar abin da mutane suke ji ne, sannan kuma ba sa ganin kansu a matsayin masu hidima ga daidaikun mutane face dai a matsayin masu hidima ga dukkanin mutane da kuma manufa ta kasa da dukkanin ma'anarta ta hakika; to kuwa wadannan sojojin suna da kimar gaske. | If we find an army in the world whose beliefs and feelings are the same as those of the people, an army which is truly at the service of the people and national interests rather than at the service of certain individuals, that army is a very valuable army. | If we find a army in the world whose ideals are similar to social ideals, which feels like what the people feel, and does not consider themselves servants of individual individuals rather than servants of all individuals and national goals in all realities, then these armies are very valuable. | 0.762432 |
Idan har muka sami wasu sojoji a duniya da akidarsu tamkar akidar jama'a ce, abin da suke ji tamkar abin da mutane suke ji ne, sannan kuma ba sa ganin kansu a matsayin masu hidima ga daidaikun mutane face dai a matsayin masu hidima ga dukkanin mutane da kuma manufa ta kasa da dukkanin ma'anarta ta hakika; to kuwa wadannan sojojin suna da kimar gaske. | If we find an army in the world whose beliefs and feelings are the same as those of the people, an army which is truly at the service of the people and national interests rather than at the service of certain individuals, that army is a very valuable army. | If we find a army in the world whose ideals are similar to social ideals, which feels like what the people feel, and does not consider themselves servants of individual individuals rather than servants of all individuals and national motives in all realities, then these armies are very valuable. | 0.752758 |
Idan har muka sami wasu sojoji a duniya da akidarsu tamkar akidar jama'a ce, abin da suke ji tamkar abin da mutane suke ji ne, sannan kuma ba sa ganin kansu a matsayin masu hidima ga daidaikun mutane face dai a matsayin masu hidima ga dukkanin mutane da kuma manufa ta kasa da dukkanin ma'anarta ta hakika; to kuwa wadannan sojojin suna da kimar gaske. | If we find an army in the world whose beliefs and feelings are the same as those of the people, an army which is truly at the service of the people and national interests rather than at the service of certain individuals, that army is a very valuable army. | If we find a army in the world whose ideals are similar to social ideals, which feels like what the people feel, and does not consider themselves servants of individual individuals rather than servants of all individuals and national goals in all realities, then those armies are very valuable. | 0.762741 |
A nan gaba ma haka ya kamata lamarin ya kasance; haka ya kamata himmar ta kasance. | The situation can be same in the future as well. | This should be the case in the future as well. | 0.838047 |
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