20 values
What gives the US the right to keep New York? It is the home of the United Nations as well as being home to a myriad of ethnic groups. (Actually, NYC is more comparable to the Gaza Strip; the controlling authority would probably be pleased as punch to unload it on someone else -- but no-one seems to want it! :-) A-historical bullshit. Shamir fought the British (who, incidentally, shipped whole shiploads of Jews back to the Nazis for extermination and hung those Jewish fighters that they captured and didn't want to deal with anymore). Shamir did not attack civilians on airliners, cruise ships, in airports, sports events, movie theaters, markets, on buses and children in schoolyards. Your comparison to a Master Murderer like Abu Nidal is BLIND!
[Text deleted, no value judgement implied] More than shocking. What this says to me is no less than that government is very interested in monitoring the public. This does more than scare me, it mortifies me. PGP and RIPEM must become widespread enough to resist what Mr. Finney has [IMHO correctly] identified as the next logical step. What was once an academic discussion with regard to concealing cyphertext, has now become a real consideration. The rhetoric that the clinton administration seems obsessed with, harmony, either or propositions, tension, tells me that they know how difficult it will be to sell this proposition. The phrase I hear more and more is "I can't believe this is actually happening here." Call me conserative, Clinton was a huge mistake that we'll all be paying for tommorow and many years from now. Have we approached the age of speakeasy public key depositiories? uni (Dark)
Just what do gay people do that straight people don't? Absolutely nothing. I'm a VERY straight(as an arrow), 17-year old male that is involved in the BSA. I don't care what gay people do among each other, as long as they don't make passes at me or anything. At my summer camp where I work, my boss is gay. Not in a 'pansy' way of gay (I know a few), but just 'one of the guys'. He doesn't push anything on me, and we give him the same respect back, due to his position. If anything, the BSA has taught me, I don't know, tolerance or something. Before I met this guy, I thought all gays were 'faries'. So, the BSA HAS taught me to be an antibigot.
...quickly followed by... This is the standard method for claiming non-combatant status, even for the commanders of combat. "Innocent civilians"??? Like the ones who set up the booby traps or engaged in shoot-outs with soldiers or attack them with grenades or axes? And the rest of the world is getting used to Arab tactics of claiming innocence for even the most guilty of the vile murderers among them. Keep it up long enough and it will backfire but good.
I have an old Optonica tuner and integrated amp that I no longer use. The integrated amp section does not work right now but should not cost much to fix. I believe that it is just a Chip. I have used it as a preamp and it works great! This is a very nice looking and well built set. They both are low profile but the amp is rather heavy. The tuner is in fine working condition and is a match to the amp. The amp is rated at 75w/ch. These peices went for about $850 New. I would like to get $150. obo for the pair. If anybody has knowledge anough to fix the amp, I have had an estimate done that it should cost less than $50 in parts. Please email me if you are interested. I will be moving back home for the summer and will sell it back there if I do not do so here. Todd
Hello, This is my first net letter, so forgive mistakes! I have been plagued by problems (or lack of info) with authorization in Open Windows 3.0 for a long while and would like some help please! I generally use strait MIT X, and so don't use OW much, but when I share X software with others - bad news. PROBLEM: My friend who logs into his SSII trys to run my program that runs fine on my machine, however, my friend gets "client not authorized to connect to server" (or something close). If OW is started with the -noauth option all is well, but surely this is not required in general! Also, xhost + does not work, becoming root does not work, etc... Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanx
Good thing i stuck in a couple of question marks up there. I seem to recall, somebody built or at least proposed a wasp waisetd Passenger civil transport. I thought it was a 727, but maybe it was a DC- 8,9??? Sure it had a funny passenger compartment, but on the other hand it seemed to save fuel. I thought Area rules applied even before transonic speeds, just not as badly.
Society those shaky Now, I'm not saying you're wrong because I know that the R-12 substitutes exist, but this sounds a lot like the 200mpg carbs that the oil companies keep us all from getting.
Greetings: Here is a list of items for the 3B1 which I am selling: dBase III - Full dBase III multiuser Development/Runtime for 3B1! Microsoft Basic Interpreter - Gives 2.5 Megabytes RAM available! Microsoft Word - Full featured mouse-based multiuser word-processor. Microsoft MultiPlan - Nice multiuser spreadsheet program. GSS-Chart - Nice graphical program for creating business charts. LPI-C - A robust C compiler. I'll throw in LPI-DEBUG:single-step,alter vars. AT&T Electronic Mail - Very nice Office-based front end to mail. I'll take $500 or best offer for the whole bunch. I bought all of these new in 1985, and paid over $2,000 for these excellent programs. I'd rather sell them together, but don't hesitate to make me an offer for one. I'd consider possible trades. I'm interested in the following 3b1 Hardware: Ethernet Card with or without Software Tape Backup External Expansion Unit Upgraded P5.1 motherboard (Or just info on who can do the P5.1 upgrades) ICUS 2nd hard drive upgrade kit AT&T 513bct, 610, 615, or 4415 terminals with the UNIXPC-style keyboard Make me an offer. Bob Ames [email protected] 707-546-0669 PS: I can get UNIX PCs with 40M Drives and 1M Motherboards loaded with 3.51m, cnews, smail, trn, rn, elm, nethack, gzip, HDB, and a couple other things for about $550 each plus shipping. Let me know if you're interested.
The National Air & Space Museum has both the prototype and the film. When I was there, some years ago, they had the prototype on display and the film continuously repeating.
This is probably a stupid question but as I am new to the motorcycle scene I don't really know anything about it. What is DoD? Thanks,
It depends on the attack. Adding a bit to the key doubles the amount of work to be done in a straight brute-force attack, where you try every single possible key until one works. Processing and storage requirements for this kind of attack on a 128-bit key seem like they ought to make it effectively impossible. However, there may be other attacks whose difficulty is (for example) proportional to, say, 2**sqrt(n), or some such. Also, a long key does you little good if there is a way to incrementally guess a little of the key at a time....
Walt Weiss tripled just barely inside the right field line and into the corner, driving in Santiago and Conine. These were the first two RBIs. The third came later when Weiss was knocked in.
from Anna Matyas: Yeah, and also be second in the team in scoring and play about 35 minutes a game and play on the power play and kill penalties and be the best defenseman in the league. I'd take a whole team of Chelioses if I could. (That way, when one got a penalty the others could kill it!)
Some variant is quite popular. This, and other arguments, are discussed in John Leslie Mackie's "The Miracle of Theism: arguments for and against the existence of God". Although Mackie ultimately sides with "against", his arguments are, I think, quite fair to both sides. Brief discussions can be found in the alt.atheism FAQs.
Assume in this case the usual canard-adversary of narcotraficantes. They probably have more cash than the KGB did, and they're probably more generous at handing it out. It will be easier than ever to find or cultivate Walkers and Pollards for the keys, and it will be easy enough to find someone to reverse-engineer the chip (unless the tamper proofing is damned clever and effective).
Well, I thought it must have been a joke, but I don't get the joke in the name. Read it aloud? David MACaloon. David MacALLoon. David macalOON. I don't geddit.
At the company I worked for previously, I received a file that was des encryped and the person that had sent it, went on vaction. Rather than wait two weeks I set up a straight frontal attack with one key at a time. It only took two(2) days to crack the file. No, I don't have any faith in DES. A.G.
: : Where could I find a description of the JPG file format? Specifically : I need to know where in a JPG file I can find the height and width of : the image, and perhaps even the number of colors being used. : : Any suggestions? : : Peter Try ftp.uu.net, in /graphics/jpeg. --
Anti Freeze I was wrong, still had the issue of "Street Rodder" in my last pile. In the February 1991 issue on page 24 there is an advirtisement for anti freeze. AND IT MAKES A GREAT PARTY MIXER The Neo Synthetic Oil Company has a reputation for developing overkill priducts the protect and extend the life of mechinical things, and here is there latest development. Propylene Glycol, probably the finest radiator coolant available. After 100,000 miles of testing, they find it has a boiling point of 365 degrees (much higher than conventional coolants)- which helps elminate detonation and pinging, it allows the use of smaller radiators in race cars, it will not damage aluminum blocks or heads, and it is environmentally safe. Yep, this is the good stuff. Baker Precision Products Dept SRM 2865 Gundry Ave Long Beach Ca 90806 [213] 427-2375 I neither endorse or unendorse the above product, I only copied the advert blurb for others info, YMMV
Does anyone have the NHL STANDINGS for March 28th? I need them IMMEDIATELY for a project. Please post or email. THANKS.
I agree. Where in the Gospels does Jesus advocate any of the actions you mention? I couldn't find "witch" or "sorceress" in my concordance. Is there something in the Epistles about witches? (I'm still working my way through the Gospels.) JJ
Note: This file will also be available via anonymous file transfer from csrc.ncsl.nist.gov in directory /pub/nistnews and via the NIST Computer Security BBS at 301-948-5717. --------------------------------------------------- THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release April 16, 1993 STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY The President today announced a new initiative that will bring the Federal Government together with industry in a voluntary program to improve the security and privacy of telephone communications while meeting the legitimate needs of law enforcement. The initiative will involve the creation of new products to accelerate the development and use of advanced and secure telecommunications networks and wireless communications links. For too long there has been little or no dialogue between our private sector and the law enforcement community to resolve the tension between economic vitality and the real challenges of protecting Americans. Rather than use technology to accommodate the sometimes competing interests of economic growth, privacy and law enforcement, previous policies have pitted government against industry and the rights of privacy against law enforcement. Sophisticated encryption technology has been used for years to protect electronic funds transfer. It is now being used to protect electronic mail and computer files. While encryption technology can help Americans protect business secrets and the unauthorized release of personal information, it also can be used by terrorists, drug dealers, and other criminals. A state-of-the-art microcircuit called the "Clipper Chip" has been developed by government engineers. The chip represents a new approach to encryption technology. It can be used in new, relatively inexpensive encryption devices that can be attached to an ordinary telephone. It scrambles telephone communications using an encryption algorithm that is more powerful than many in commercial use today. This new technology will help companies protect proprietary information, protect the privacy of personal phone conversations and prevent unauthorized release of data transmitted electronically. At the same time this technology preserves the ability of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to intercept lawfully the phone conversations of criminals. A "key-escrow" system will be established to ensure that the "Clipper Chip" is used to protect the privacy of law-abiding Americans. Each device containing the chip will have two unique 2 "keys," numbers that will be needed by authorized government agencies to decode messages encoded by the device. When the device is manufactured, the two keys will be deposited separately in two "key-escrow" data bases that will be established by the Attorney General. Access to these keys will be limited to government officials with legal authorization to conduct a wiretap. The "Clipper Chip" technology provides law enforcement with no new authorities to access the content of the private conversations of Americans. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this new technology, the Attorney General will soon purchase several thousand of the new devices. In addition, respected experts from outside the government will be offered access to the confidential details of the algorithm to assess its capabilities and publicly report their findings. The chip is an important step in addressing the problem of encryption's dual-edge sword: encryption helps to protect the privacy of individuals and industry, but it also can shield criminals and terrorists. We need the "Clipper Chip" and other approaches that can both provide law-abiding citizens with access to the encryption they need and prevent criminals from using it to hide their illegal activities. In order to assess technology trends and explore new approaches (like the key-escrow system), the President has directed government agencies to develop a comprehensive policy on encryption that accommodates: -- the privacy of our citizens, including the need to employ voice or data encryption for business purposes; -- the ability of authorized officials to access telephone calls and data, under proper court or other legal order, when necessary to protect our citizens; -- the effective and timely use of the most modern technology to build the National Information Infrastructure needed to promote economic growth and the competitiveness of American industry in the global marketplace; and -- the need of U.S. companies to manufacture and export high technology products. The President has directed early and frequent consultations with affected industries, the Congress and groups that advocate the privacy rights of individuals as policy options are developed. 3 The Administration is committed to working with the private sector to spur the development of a National Information Infrastructure which will use new telecommunications and computer technologies to give Americans unprecedented access to information. This infrastructure of high-speed networks ("information superhighways") will transmit video, images, HDTV programming, and huge data files as easily as today's telephone system transmits voice. Since encryption technology will play an increasingly important role in that infrastructure, the Federal Government must act quickly to develop consistent, comprehensive policies regarding its use. The Administration is committed to policies that protect all Americans' right to privacy while also protecting them from those who break the law. Further information is provided in an accompanying fact sheet. The provisions of the President's directive to acquire the new encryption technology are also available. For additional details, call Mat Heyman, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (301) 975-2758. --------------------------------- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION'S TELECOMMUNICATIONS INITIATIVE Q: Does this approach expand the authority of government agencies to listen in on phone conversations? A: No. "Clipper Chip" technology provides law enforcement with no new authorities to access the content of the private conversations of Americans. Q: Suppose a law enforcement agency is conducting a wiretap on a drug smuggling ring and intercepts a conversation encrypted using the device. What would they have to do to decipher the message? A: They would have to obtain legal authorization, normally a court order, to do the wiretap in the first place. They would then present documentation of this authorization to the two entities responsible for safeguarding the keys and obtain the keys for the device being used by the drug smugglers. The key is split into two parts, which are stored separately in order to ensure the security of the key escrow system. Q: Who will run the key-escrow data banks? A: The two key-escrow data banks will be run by two independent entities. At this point, the Department of Justice and the Administration have yet to determine which agencies will oversee the key-escrow data banks. Q: How strong is the security in the device? How can I be sure how strong the security is? A: This system is more secure than many other voice encryption systems readily available today. While the algorithm will remain classified to protect the security of the key escrow system, we are willing to invite an independent panel of cryptography experts to evaluate the algorithm to assure all potential users that there are no unrecognized vulnerabilities. Q: Whose decision was it to propose this product? A: The National Security Council, the Justice Department, the Commerce Department, and other key agencies were involved in this decision. This approach has been endorsed by the President, the Vice President, and appropriate Cabinet officials. Q: Who was consulted? The Congress? Industry? A: We have on-going discussions with Congress and industry on encryption issues, and expect those discussions to intensify as we carry out our review of encryption policy. We have briefed members of Congress and industry leaders on the decisions related to this initiative. Q: Will the government provide the hardware to manufacturers? A: The government designed and developed the key access encryption microcircuits, but it is not providing the microcircuits to product manufacturers. Product manufacturers can acquire the microcircuits from the chip manufacturer that produces them. Q: Who provides the "Clipper Chip"? A: Mykotronx programs it at their facility in Torrance, California, and will sell the chip to encryption device manufacturers. The programming function could be licensed to other vendors in the future. Q: How do I buy one of these encryption devices? A: We expect several manufacturers to consider incorporating the "Clipper Chip" into their devices. Q: If the Administration were unable to find a technological solution like the one proposed, would the Administration be willing to use legal remedies to restrict access to more powerful encryption devices? A: This is a fundamental policy question which will be considered during the broad policy review. The key escrow mechanism will provide Americans with an encryption product that is more secure, more convenient, and less expensive than others readily available today, but it is just one piece of what must be the comprehensive approach to encryption technology, which the Administration is developing. The Administration is not saying, "since encryption threatens the public safety and effective law enforcement, we will prohibit it outright" (as some countries have effectively done); nor is the U.S. saying that "every American, as a matter of right, is entitled to an unbreakable commercial encryption product." There is a false "tension" created in the assessment that this issue is an "either-or" proposition. Rather, both concerns can be, and in fact are, harmoniously balanced through a reasoned, balanced approach such as is proposed with the "Clipper Chip" and similar encryption techniques. Q: What does this decision indicate about how the Clinton Administration's policy toward encryption will differ from that of the Bush Administration? A: It indicates that we understand the importance of encryption technology in telecommunications and computing and are committed to working with industry and public-interest groups to find innovative ways to protect Americans' privacy, help businesses to compete, and ensure that law enforcement agencies have the tools they need to fight crime and terrorism. Q: Will the devices be exportable? Will other devices that use the government hardware?
A brilliant algorithm. *NOT* Seriously - it's correct, up to a sign change. The flaw is obvious, and will therefore not be shown. sorry about that.
Here are some cool 3-D background patterns I made. Edit your CONTROL.INI and add the following lines to your [Patterns] section. Bricks=148 43 86 172 89 182 99 201 Tile=1 43 85 43 85 43 85 255 Tile (diagonal)=148 107 54 156 73 182 99 201 Slats=0 170 85 170 85 170 85 255 Make sure your desktop color is one of the standard 16 colors or the patterns might not work. I like dark grey the best with these.
I am currently looking for a 3D graphics library that runs on MS Windows 3.1. Are there any such libraries out there other than Visuallib? (It must run on VGA and should not require any other add-on graphics cards). For Visuallib, will it run with Metaware High C compiler v3.0? Any email contact for the author of Visuallib? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I have the need for displaying 2 1/2 D surfaces under X, using only Xlib, Xt and Xm. Does anyone know of a package, available on internet, which will be able to do the work? I am looking for a STAND-ALONE package providing similar functions to "xprism3" available with Khoros, but without the numerous libraries required for it. I want to be able to recompile it and run it on various platforms, from SGIs to i486s (UNIX). Any help will be appreciated.
To answer your irrelevant question, yes a person of color is human, but I still don't know what you mean by human being and you have merely begged the question without responding. By trying to inject the notion of race into the discussion, you muddy the waters without adding any insight whatever. The same parallel question could be "Is a polydactyl person a human being?" You still have not answered what you mean by human being. Please do so. You won't answer the question and instead drag in irrelevancies. If you want a definition of human being that does not depend on the vagaries of law, but holds solid whatever the law may rule, provide it for me. More irrelevancies. As Larry Margolis pointed out, the law has made special exceptions in order to include fetuses, but does not follow your version of human being. And as he pointed out, brain death is not a means of determining who has the rights of the living, but rather who has died. There is a significant difference. What I am wondering now is, has your argument so failed you that you feel it necessary to drag out irrelevancies and leave the thread you started? You got answers to your questions when you began baiting me, if you recall, after you had made some ridiculous remarks about Adrienne Regard and, having been corrected, changed the subject with your remarks about having a discussion of substance. If you really wanted a discussion of substance, why then do you disregard logic and substance in order to toss silly accussations, e.g. "It really doesn't matter to you..." If it matters to you, then why not define human being and seek some substance? You're not going to convince a logical person of the rightness of your position unless you apply some logic and show some meaning to your words. As others point out, one is sacrificed for the other depending on which has the better chance at survival. Again, your analogy fails. Not precedence, but possession makes a difference here. A woman's womb is indisputably her own. Also, I see you ignore my statement that you would grant rights to a fetus that would not be granted a born human being. Was that due to its inconvenience? Is it? Please cite a precedent and the basis of the ruling. You simply assert things without any support. Your analogy is not accurate and your assertions are unsupported. Try this on for size. It is not murder for one Siamese twin to kill the other in the womb. There. We now have equal arguments. But the idea is illogical. For one Siamese twin to kill the other in the womb would likely be to kill itself as well. The systems are dependent on each other for life. I'm still struggling to see anything analagous here and failing to do so. Your argument is from Fantasy Island. Your comparison is a total failure, as I have demonstrated already, and has no basis in reality, neither legally nor medically. And for you to assert that it is not a perfect comparison because of the impossible, that of coercion or oppression, is ridiculous. As I said, you give the analogy too little credit for failure. On the one hand you start this by saying you want to take a real, rather than a hypothetical, situation, then you fly off into Siamese twins murdering one another in the womb or coercing or oppressing each other in the womb when the reality of the situation you describe in now way matches your version. As I said before, decisions are made regarding which twin lives and dies in situations where they cannot both survive. And, furthermore, as I have already said, there is a difference between an equal claim to organs and a claim that is unequal. You seem to be asserting that a fetus has a claim on a woman's womb. When the fetus is born, what happens to its claim? And by what reason do you assert its claim? You haven't answered the question. The situations are not analagous. Again you avoid the question. Dependence can be transferred, and it is not as slow as you seem to think. Yes, and I'd hate to have been the one to tell Dr Gunn's children that he was murdered by a religious, "pro-life" fanatic. Please do try to stay relevant. Clever comeback. I congratulate you on the readiness of your wit. What happened to that claim to bodily organs where life is at stake? Why does this parent now have an indisputable right to his or her kidney when previously the parent did not, by your standards? What is different about the two situations? I see I have to spell this out for you since the meaning was too subtle for you. In the one case you do not recognize a difference between a fetus and a born child (you ask why a born child cannot be abandoned but a fetus can), and in this case you recognize a significant difference between the fetus and born child where the lives of the two are at stake. You can't have it both ways. Action and inaction are irrelevant to the principle, but you are wrong about the inaction anyway. Ask any of the numerous women who post here and have borne children how inactive their pregnancy was. To have a healthy, live child, a woman does more than hang out, eat as she chooses, plays volleyball like she always did, drinks at parties with her friends, etc. She behaves very differently, and the provision of her resources to a fetus may be no more voluntary than the beating of her heart, but it is far from inactive.
I HEARTILY agree. Now that the BATF warrant has been unsealed, it is CLEAR that Clinton and Reno supported an ILLEGAL raid. Did they not KNOW this? NO authority for a 'no-knock" raid NO authority to use helicopters. NO authority to search for a "drug lab" And, apparently, not even any authority to search for "automatic weapons".
Hello, We are having troubles using the PC/TCP onpredir (printer redirection program with lpr support) with the Windows print manager. The onpredir simply waits an do only the capture till the end of the Windows session, while after some printer inactivity it should start the printing. Does anybody uses this two programs together?
i think lamont is tryin sax out in left because he is messing with his mind. he is trying to stir loose the mental block that he has had. sax was supposed to play in left last night (4-14) but we were rained out. it's not like we need to add any more outfielders to our team. it's mental
Hi ... can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of updated Canon BJ-200 printer driver for Windows 3.1, if any ? I have ver 1.0 which comes with my BJ-200 printer, I just wonder if there is any newer version.
-- MoOLIT (Motif/Open Look Intrinsic Toolkit allows developers to build applications that can switch between Motif and Open Look at run-time, while OLIT only gives you Open Look.
Hello fellow netlanders. I have a Genius Mouse model GM-6, but no driver for it. It's a 3 button mouse. If anyone that;s got one of theese could mail me a driver (config.sys or autoexec.bat) I would be very happy.
You know, it just occurred to me today that this whole Christian thing can be blamed solely on Mary. So, she's married to Joseph. She gets knocked up. What do you think ol' Joe will do if he finds she's been getting around? So Mary comes up with this ridiculous story about God making her pregnant. Actually, it can't be all THAT ridiculous, considering the number of people that believe it. Anyway, she never tells anyone the truth, and even tells poor little Jesus that he's hot shit, the Son of God. Everyone else tells him this too, since they've bought Mary's story. So, what does Mary actually turn out to be? An adultress and a liar, and the cause of mankind's greatest folly... Just my recently-minted two cents. Chris
I need to port several OS/2 PM applications to X (OpenWindows or Motif), and desperately need any information on how to go about doing this (short of a complete rewrite. Are there any tool to make porting easer? Any References? Any talent out there to hire to do this? I will even take an OS/2 Presentation Mgr emulator for sun! Any, and all replies (except flames) welcome! Brian Colaric
I don't think they provide homeopaths, heck the heir apparent was trying to promote Osteopaths to the ranks of eligibility a couple of years back... It pleased my family no end, since I'm at an Osteopathic school, sort of validated it for them...then I told them that the name was the same but the practice was different....oh. If you're seeking validation for your philosophy on the strength of the national health service adopting it, I suggest that you are not very sure of the validity of your philosophy. I believe in 1946, the NHS was still having its nurses taught the fine art of "cupping", which is the vacuum extraction of intradermal fluids by means of heating a cup, placing it on the afflicted site and allowing it to cool. I wouldn't take my sick daughter to a homeopath.
Well, I was told that my last message came through without anything in it, so I'll try again. I have a Leading Edge 386SX 16 with a flaky motherboard and a friend game me one to replace it, but he didn't have any docs for the mother board. It's a CHEERTRON board with Award bios and has a sticker on it that says VI 1 T1 3 T2 3 on it. I can tell what most of the switches on the blue blocks mean. except FDC and SH, but I have no idea about all the jumpers. I've replaced hard drives and modems and installed math co-processes, but this is a bit out of my league and without the docs, I'm really lost. If anyone could give me some help on this, I'd really appreciate it. I don't get on news regularly, so if you can help, please e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks.
but what is Saturn's motivation here? they're already selling every car they make, with multiple shifts in the plant. given this, what possible motivation could they have to lower prices? cheers, richard
I have 2 new SMC 270E ARCNET cards for sale . They are brand new. $50 each
After reading some of the reports of possible NHL moves to Milwaukee or that Milwaukee should have an NHL team, I thought I'd pass along a story I heard recently. This is second hand, so I don't know how true it is, but I have no reason to doubt it either. Bradley Center in Milwaukee is home to the Milwaukee Admirals minor leauge hockey team. The owner of the Admirals (sorry, I can't remember his name) either owns or at least shelled out the majority of the funds to build the Bradley Center. Supposedly he was approached by the NHL about an expansion franchise, but turned it down because he thought the franchise fee of $50 million was too high. Like I said, I don't know whether this story is true or just a rumor, but if it's true, don't look for an NHL team in Milwaukee anytime soon. The Admirals aren't going to be forced out of the building and you won't see an NHL club and a minor league club in the same building, especially since the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks play there as well.
I would like to sell some software. Shipping is $3 per order - 1 or more games in the continental U.S. $6 to Canada. Contact me for shipping to other locations. Contraption Zack $20 Perfect condition. Unregistered & all docs/disks/packaging A 3-D puzzle game with great animated graphics. Your tools for fixing up a manufacturing plant are hidden throughout the levels and you must solve puzzles to get the tools and then use the tools to fix the machines. The levels are HUGE and span many screens. The graphics are cartoony and humorous. (256 color VGA,MCGA, AdLib,Soundblaster,Roland,3.5") Legend of Kyrandia $30 Perfect condition. Unregistered & all docs/disks/packaging An adventure where you are the unknowing heir to the throne of the kingdom of Kyrandia. An evil jester has murdered your parents, the king and queen, and attempted to take control of the kingdom, only to be thwarted by a spell cast upon him by your grandfather and three other magic users. You must travel to find each of the magic users to gain use of an amulet that will help you to defeat the jester. Beautiful graphics and a great soundtrack. (VGA,MCGA, Adlib,Sound Blaster,SoundBlaster Pro,MT-32/LAPC-1,3.5") Spirit of Excalibur by Virgin Mastertronic $15 Good condition. All docs/disks/packaging. A fantasy game combining Role-Playing, adventure, and combat simulation. You are the Heir to the throne of Britain after Arthur has died. You must re-unite the land under your rule and then defend it against an invading army from the north. (EGA, Tandy, MCGA, VGA, Sound cards, 5.25") Loom $15 Perfect condition. Unregistered & all docs/disks/packaging. Received a Computer Gaming World Award for Artistic achievement. An adventure game where you play the role of a young weaver of musical spells. You must save your fellow weavers from oblivion by traveling through the land, casting spells, learning new spells befriending people you meet, and foiling an evil plot. All point and click -- no typing. Every action in the game involves casting your musical spells. (VGA,EGA,CGA,MCGA,TANDY,AdLib,CMS sound, 5.25") Dark Seed $35 Perfect condition, used very little. Unregistered & all docs/disks/ packaging. An adventure based on the surrealistic and macabre artwork of H.R. Giger -- the inspiration for Alien, Alien III, and Poltergeist II. You have just bought an old victorian house at a bargain in a secluded town. You find that there is a portal to a dark, sinister world in your house and a plot against the world as you know it. You must save yourself and your world from a horrible fate. Gorgeous and Gory high resolution graphics. (VGA,Adlib,SoundBlaster,3.5")
Yeah, but what's your point? You still need the offense to score more runs than you allow, too. The Braves do have a fine pitching staff. But that's still only half the game.
) The documentation says that Wordperfect for windows, requires 4 M of ram, but )when I try to install it on my laptop I get a not enough memory error message. )I've unloaded everything that I possibly could but still, NOT ENOUGH MEMORY. )Anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening.
I was wondering if anyone had any kind of Fenway Park gif. I would appreciate it if someone could send me one. Thanks in advance.
Hi there, when I run Disk First Aid on my external hard drive (Quantum LPS 240) I get the followinf message: Error -535: Missing thread record (TarID=31015; TarBlock 416) Disk First Aid is not able to fix this problem, Norton Utils doesn't find it at all. When I use Norton Disk editor to look at TarBlock 416 I can read something like "DirReservedArea" My question: How can I get rid of this error (without reformatting of course)
[much discussion about switching 5.25" and 3.5" drives removed] Another (albeit strange) option is using a program like 800 II (available via anonymous FTP at many major sites), or FDFORMAT (also available via anonymous FTP), that allows you to format 5.25HD disks to 1.44Meg, or 3.5"HD disks to 1.2Meg (along with many MANY other formats!) so you can DISKCOPY (yes, the broken MeSsy-DOS DISKCOPY!) the 5.25" disks onto 3.5" disks or vice versa... I use this techniques with "NON-DOS" self-booting game disks on my old Tandy 1000, and it works... Another program named Teledisk (shareware--available on many major BBS's) will also make the weird format disks, provided you have 800 II or FDFormat installed.... Some disks that won't DISKCOPY properly can be readily Teledisk'd into the proper format... At least this is a software solution for a hardware/BIOS deficiency, eh? -- Joseph Zbiciak [email protected] [====Disclaimer--If you believe any of this, check your head!====] ------------------------------------------------------------------
: Most, if not all, credit card companies offer to double the warranty up : to one year, namely, if you make a purchase by a credit card, you get : additional warranty up to one year. Does it apply to the purchase of : computers? I wonder if anyone out there has used it. Is there any catch? : Thanks in advance. I am just about to post the results of my big computer purchase. One of the key points was the ability to use my American Express card. I read the fine print between double warranty policies of Amex and Citibank VISA. Sure, both will allow you double warranty on computers, but Citibank has a maximum claim of $250.00. Could you imagine trying to get your monitor or mother board fixed for $250.00? Amex has NO limit on claims. Remember, if you use Amex, you must either send a copy of the warranty info to them in 30 days from purchase, or you must call them to pre-register and then send them the paperwork within 90 days of purchase (my pre-register pak arrived today). Citibank VISA requires no pre-registration.
If you haven't heard yet, US Senator Patty Murrey, a Mom in tennis shoes, is planning to introduce legislation to tax all handgun transactions and increase dealer licnese costs in order to raise money to cover the costs of un-insured shooting victums. She plans to start with $2500.00 per year dealer fees and $40.00 or so, depending on the type of firearm, per gun transaction. She plans to make it federal. She was elected in Washington state under the trade mark as just a mom in tennis shoes. She can be written to via the United States Senate, Washinton DC. She is looking for your tennis shoes. So if you have a pair please send them to her with your feelings regarding this tax. She claims she has heard little from the opposition. Lets inundate her!
From article <[email protected]>, by [email protected] (Sabri T Atan): There were a couple millions of Greeks living in Asia Minor until 1923. Someone had to protect them. If not us who?? Compromise on what, the invasion of Cyprus, the involment of Turkey in Greek politics, the refusal of Turkey to accept 12 miles of territorial waters as stated by international law, the properties of the Greeks of Konstantinople, the ownership of the islands in the Greek lake,sorry, Aegean. There are some things on which there can not be a compromise. Any person who supports the policies of the Turkish goverment directly or indirecly is a "bad" person. It is not your nationality that makes you bad, it is your support of the actions of your goverment that make you "bad". People do not hate you because of who you are but because of what you are. You are a supporter of the policies of the Turkish goverment and as a such you must pay the price. You do not need brainwashing to turn people against the Turks. Just talk to Greeks, Arabs, Slavs, Kurds and all other people who had the luck to be under Turkish occupation. They will talk to you about murders,rapes,distruction. You do not learn about Turks from history books, you learn about them from people who experienced first hand Turkish friendliness.
500,000 to 1,000,000 self-defense incidents a YEAR doesn't count with you? Maybe they're just UNLUCKY. If a rapist pulls a woman into an alley in Boston, chances are almost certain that she won't be counted as one of those self-defenders because our local constabulary didn't consider it important that she be allowed to arm herself. Even though the shotgun she owns at home makes her show up in the "gun owner" column. Ironic words for somebody who lives in Florida. The "average threat level" in Florida has been REDUCED by a liberal CCW policy. It's well known that your local thugs like to target tourists precisely because they are less likely to be carrying than your natives. Come on up to Boston, or NYC, or Washington DC, and see how much diddlysquat the "average threat level in the country" means to a resident there. Sometimes this works. Sometimes it just lands your good neighbors on the dance card for the next wave of drive-bys. Someone here once told a story about LA gangs moving into Phoenix. I've misplaced the original text, but the story started with one resident calling the cops on a gang member. Sure enough, a few nights later, there was a drive-by performed at the resident's house. Except that this time, unlike in LA, the entire street came out and returned fire, putting an end to the car's occupants. The gang packed up and left. Of course, in LA, or in a place like Florida after the hurricane, your first problem is to FIND an officer to step up to and tell anything. Look, nobody is arguing this. I have a fire extinguisher at home. That doesn't mean I can be careless about tossing my burnt matches on the carpet. I live carefully, monitor the woodstove, get my flue cleaned twice a year, and test my smoke alarms annually. But if -- DESPITE all this -- a fire does start, it's too late for any of these things EXCEPT the extinguisher. You seem to be agreeing with your opponent. You can't trust your government to protect you from abusers and violators -- white-collar, blue-collar, epauletted, or tank-shirted. Ultimately, no one has the power to enforce your "rights" but you. Unless you've given up that power. Too many people fit that category, that is true. Some of us like to believe that they are uninterested in the facts behind the case for gun ownership because they've been conditioned to believe that there AREN'T any. You seem content to underestimate the electorate; I'm willing to try to raise their consciousness. I think we can. HCI was founded in what, 1980? In the mid-80's, they ran a "One Million Strong!" campaign for two years before reaching this goal. My understanding is that they "reached" it by the stratagem of including wide classes of people other than dues-paying members. (I can't speak authoritatively on this -- maybe somebody else has details.) Then they started running a "Two Million Strong!" campaign for a while -- but they let it slip into unannounced obscurity when it became clear that they simply were never going to reach that level of membership. In 1964, just after the commencement of the Dodd Hearings -- the starting point of the modern gun-control movement, the NRA had a mere 625,000 members. By 1968, barely after the first murmurs of future registration, it had about a million. Today, it has over three million members, making it the third largest membership organization in the country (next to AARP and AAA). And its membership is GROWING FASTER than at any previous time. (Historical figures from Kukla's "Gun Control," pp. 61 and 420.) As you say, many of the people in the middle of this debate are bemused by their T-bones and MTV. That leaves hard-core gun-owners against hard-core gun banners. I know a number of ex-HCI members who have recently become NRA members. I've never heard of a single one who has gone the other way. Yes, I think we can and will win this one. I think they would be used far less to hammer nails, as well, but, like you, I can't give any citation showing that this utilization is CURRENTLY significant at more than an anecdotal level. If you can, I'm waiting. --
Clinton has backed off from the $16 billion jobs bill. Word is he's paring it down to the core: jobless benefits, money for creating full time jobs (ie, no summer jobs money). Chalk one up for holding the line on spending.
Also, Alomar got a FAR greater boost from his home park than Baerga did from his. And "six or seven home runs"? Hmm. So, if you wanted to pick a second baseman to play in Toronto, you'd take Alomar. Anywhere else, and you'd probably take Baerga. Mike
The 4-bit server should work fine. As far as I know, Xterminals running older versions can run the latest apps as long as the host machine has the R5 libraries installed. I could be wrong though. -- [email protected]
Careful now folks... Also consider the 90VAC+ @20Hz that is forced on ring and tip when the phone's supposed to ring! Even with a simple zener and LED setup, you might end up with some carbon real quick. Whatever scheme you use, make sure you've got at least 200V-rated components on the frontend. Also remember that, if I'm not mistaken, the phone line is a 600ohm equivalent circuit. Any current you draw from the 48V or so gets dropped across that 600ohms. That's fine until you're down to roughly 12V, when Ma Bell considers it to be off-hook. But dropping it that far down is probably a big no-no. The easiest implementation to accomplish the above?? tip ------->|-----\/\/\/\-----+----------+ rectifier resistor | | diode | \ V / zener /---/ \ resistor | / | | | V LED | --- | | ring --------------------------+----------+ This is only a suggestion...go ahead and blow holes in it, but you get the idea. Choose a high-efficiency LED so you don't need much current to get it to light up. Choose values for the other components as required.
Whether there is a "why" or not we have to find it. This is Pascal's(?) wager. If there is no why and we spend our lives searching, then we have merely wasted our lives, which were meaningless anyway. If there is a why and we don't search for it, then we have wasted our potentially meaningful lives. Suppose the universe is 5 billion years old, and suppose it lasts another 5 billion years. Suppose I live to be 100. That is nothing, that is so small that it is scary. So by searching for the "why" along with my friends here on earth if nothing else we aren't so scared. What if you woke up at a party, with no memory, and everyone was discussing who the host might be? There might not be a host, you say. I say let's go find him, the party's going to be over sometime, maybe he'll let us stay. Because we recognize our own mortality we have to find the "why". This is a good point. But more of a good point for studying religion than ignoring it. Some Christians disagree with me, but it is worthwhile to study different religions and philosophies and glean the truth from them. To quote (of course out of context) "Test everything and keep what is true."
Not clear to me at all. I'd certainly rather have a team who was winning 4-1 games than 2-1 games. In the 2-1 game, luck is going to play a much bigger role than in the 4-1 game.
There are roughly 1200 fatal, firearms-related accidents each year. The large majority involve rifles and shotgun; there are under 500 fatal handgun accidents each year. I really doubt all of those occur while the pistol is holstered, so the number of "self-inflicted gunshot wounds by people wearing thigh holsters" is probably well under 250 per year. Handguns designs have included a "hammer block" since around 1960 or earlier. This is a metal part which physically seperates the cartridge and the firing pin: Even under impact, the gun cannot fire. The hammer block is connected to the trigger and is pulled out of the way as the trigger is pulled. As a result, modern pistols can fire _only_ if the trigger is pulled (or in some cases, if they are cocked by hand and then dropped.) I don't know about animal attacks, but there are 23,500 murders each year and under 500 die in the manner you suggest. If only 2.1% of the murders were killings by "wacko"s, you would be wrong. Worse, there are also 102,500 rapes and 1,055,000 aggravated assaults each year. These numbers make violent attacks, and preventing them, thousands of times more significant than the accidents you are worried about. (These figures, by the way, are from the FBI's "Uniform Crime Report" for 1990. I'll stop by a library tomorrow and look at the "National Crime Victimization Survey", which is more specific about where and when the crimes occured.)
There is this newsgroup sci.med.physics and there has been quite a lot discussion in this group about many chemical items e.g. prolactin cholesterol, TSH etc. Should there also be a newsgroup sci.med.chemistry?
There was a recent discussion of Dungeons and Dragons and other role playing games. Since there is a lot of crossover between gamers and science fiction and fantasy fans, I will mention that I am the editor and publisher of RADIO FREE THULCANRA, a Christian-oriented science fiction fanzine. It is not a Christian magazine with a special interest in science fiction. It is a science fiction fanzine with a special interest in Christianity. Gaming is not a major topic of discussion but it has come up in some letters. (No, there are no arguments about whether D&D is satanic. People who think it is are not likely to be reading RFT.) Anyway, I am now working on the April issue. I will send a sample copy to any reader of soc.religion.christian who requests it. It is printed on paper, so requests should include a snail-mail address. ------- Marty Helgesen Bitnet: mnhcc@cunyvm Internet: [email protected]
Could someone please send me the postal and email address of Congruent Corporation (and any competitors they may have). Thank you. -- [email protected]
================ ------------------------------------------------------------ |||||||| SciP+Fi ction set in C-Sci\programming environs list by Ian Feldman ..........:::::: ---------------------------------------- ---- -------------- Written by:_____ _Book Title_; publisher'year, pp v2.7 ISBN ----------- =============================== ------- ==== ############## John Brunner _Shockwave Rider_; Ray/Ballantine'84 $5_______ 0-345-32431-5 "cracking the net to free information for the common good" Pat Cadigan _Mindplayers_; ("an absolute must-have" --Bruce Sterling) Pat Cadigan _Synners_; Bantam $5; (virtual reality)_______ 0-553-28254-9 Orson Scott Card _Lost Boys_; Harper Collins'92; (programmer and family \ encounters strange events in North Carolina) Denise Danks _Frame Grabber_; St.Martin's, hrdb [GBP]17____ 0-312-08786-1 computer-illiterate journalix tracks down murderer via BBS Toni Dwiggins _Interrupt_; ("a techno-mystery set in Silicon Valley") Michael Frayn _The Tin Men_; Fontana, ("inspired lunacy" but out of print) David Gerrold _When HARLIE was One Release 2.0_; Bantam'88__ 0-553-26465-6 William Gibson _Count Zero_; (computers as gods, part of a trilogy) William Gibson _Mona Lisa Overdrive_; (virtual reality)______ 0-553-28174-7 William Gibson _Burning Chrome_; (cyberpunk short stories)___ 0-441-08934-8 William Gibson _Neuromancer_; (industrial espionage)_________ 0-441-56959-5 (author guilty of inventing the cyberpunk genre) James Hogan _The Genesis Machine_; Del Ray'87 $3__________ 0-345-34756-0 James Hogan _Thrice Upon A Time_; ("time travel for information") James Hogan _The Two Faces of Tomorrow_; Del Ray'79_______ 0-345-27517-9 ultimate test of AI-OS by letting it run a spacelab -> amok Stanislaw Lem _His Master's Voice_; (failed attempt to decode ET-message) Tom Maddox _HALO_ ("remarkable SF of robots & artificial intelligence") George RR Martin _Nightflyers_; Tor Books'87___________________ 0-8125-4564-8 R A MacAvoy _Tea with the Black Dragon_; ("mystery around a computer \ fraud situation; computing bits ring true.") Vonda N McIntyre _Steelcollar Worker_; in Analog Nov'92; (blue-collar VR) Marge Piercy _Body of Glass_; Penguin'92, 584pp; (data piracy++) review \ finger "books=Body_of_Glass%danny"@orthanc.cs.su.oz.au ---> David Pogue _Hard-Drive_; Diamond'93 $5, 304pp____________ 1-55773-884-X (*programmer dies in accident, leaves no documentation \ behind; software firms fight for market share with virii; \ "right out of the pages of MacWorld" --Steve Brock) Richard Powers _The Gold Bug Variations_; Morrow '91, (famous molecular \ scientist ponders on the ?why? of love, life in EDP dept.) Paul Preuss _Human Error_; (nanotech computer infects brain-damaged kid) Thomas J Ryan _The Adolescence of P1_; ACE'79_______________ 0-671-55970-2 (runaway AI experiment takes over mainframes, wrecks havoc) Bruce Sterling _The Difference Engine_; (with W Gibson) Bantam'91; finger \ "books=The_Difference_Engine%danny"@orthanc.cs.su.oz.au Cliff Stoll _The Cuckoo's Egg_; (non-fiction but reads like one); review FTP <garbo.uwasa.fi>; /mac/tidbits/1991/tb048_18-Mar-91.etx Tom T Thomas _ME_; ("smart computers") Vernor Vinge _Across Realtime_; Baen Books_____________ [several titles \ Vernor Vinge _Tatja Grimm's World_; Baen Books__________ soon available \ Vernor Vinge _The Witling_; Baen Books___________________ as Millennium \ Vernor Vinge _Threats and Other Promises_; Baen Books_____ Books in UK] Vernor Vinge _True Names & Other Dangers_; Baen Books'87___ 0-671-65363-6 Vernor Vinge _A Fire Upon The Deep_; Tor Books, 640p, $6___ 0-8125-1528-5 ("essentially about the future of the Internet") John Varley _Press Enter_; ("Short story, gruesome, but good") Ed Yourdon _Silent Witness_; ("Computer crime caper story; gumshoe \ has to explain intricacies of computer OS to girlfriend") Herbert W Franke _Das Zentrum der Milchstrasse_; ("the center of the galaxy") Herbert W Franke _Letzte Programmierer_; ("'the last programmer'; \ I do NOT mean Frank Herbert!") Emil Zopfi _Computer Fuer 1001 Nacht_; Limmat Verlag, Switzerland Emil Zopfi _Jede Minute Kostet 33 Franken_; (last 4 in German; last 2 \ "set in the commercial computing world of the early 70's") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- current version of this list via `finger "scip+fi%danny"@orthanc.cs.su.oz.au' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- compiled 930424; % mail -s "additions/ comments/ updates --->" [email protected] ================ ============================================= ============== Statistical breakdown -------------------------- +-- --------------------- SciP+Fiction -----+------------+------------------+ | # nominations /title ~~~~~~~~~~~~ /author # books nominated | +-- =========== ----------------------------+ =========== ================= + | 5 _The Adolescence of P-1_; Ryan | Vinge 10 6 titles | | 5 _Neuromancer_; Gibson | Gibson 10 5 titles | | 4 _True Names and Other Dangers_; Vinge | Ryan 5 _The Adolescence..| | 4 _Shockwave Rider_; Brunner | Brunner 4 _Shockwave Rider_ | | 4 _When H.A.R.L.I.E was One_; Gerrold | Gerrold 4 _When H.A.R.L.I.E.| | 4 _A Fire Upon The Deep_; Vinge | Hogan 3 3 titles | | 2 _Threats and Other Promises_; Vinge | Lem 3 _Fiasco_HMV_Solar.| +-- ----------------------------------------+ ----------- ----------------- + | # total nominations: 85; authors: 27; female: 5?6; sent in by: 42 readers | +======== ================ ============ ============ =======================+ Contributions by [unsorted FIFO]: ---------------------------------------- From: [email protected] (Steve Brock) From: "John Lacey" <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (Sean Malloy) From: thom kevin gillespie <[email protected]> From: Paul Christopher Workman <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (Kelly Sorensen) From: [email protected] (William W. Hughes) From: [email protected] (Tim North) From: [email protected] (Maurizio Loreti) From: Stephen Hart <[email protected]> From: Duane F Marble <[email protected]> From: Matthias Neeracher <[email protected]> From: Wolfram Wagner <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (Peter Webb) From: [email protected] (Thomas Setzer) From: [email protected] (Beth Kevles) From: [email protected] (Jeff DelPapa) From: [email protected] (Roger Squires) From: [email protected] (Richard Hartman) From: Vernor Vinge <vinge%[email protected]> From: Paul Lebeau <[email protected]> From: "Lawrence Rounds" <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (David Weingart) From: [email protected] (By learning+courtesy) From: Rowan Fairgrove <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (Peter Chubb,x114,6982322,3982735) From: Gara Pruesse <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (Russell Schulz) From: [email protected] (Andreas Meyer) From: [email protected] (Jon Jacky) From: [email protected] (Eugene N. Miya) From: "A.M.MAIR" <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (Marc Mengel) From: Roger Scowen <[email protected]> From: [email protected] (Kevin Oster -- System Administrator) From: [email protected] (Darrah Chavey) From: Vonda McIntyre <[email protected]> From: Bruce Sterling <[email protected]> From: "Scott Thomas Yabiku" <[email protected]> From: Thomas Adshead <[email protected]> From: Paul Andrews <[email protected]> ===== ======================================= ---------> MUCHO thanks to all!
1992-93 Los Angeles Kings notes. -------------------------------- Playoffs: --------- *Stauber disturbed by third-man theme by Rick Sadowski, Daily News Barry Melrose's decision to stick Robb Stauber in the stands rather than in the crease or even on the bench for the Stanley Cup playoffs does not sit well with the rookie goaltender. "I want to be a part of the team at the most crucial time of the year, the most fun time of the year, and I'm not," Stauber said with some emotion Monday. "I think I have worked hard enough for that." Stauber said he accepts Melrose's choice of Kelly Hrudey as the teams top goalie in their playoff series with the Calgary Flames. Hrudey made 21 saves in Sundays 6-3 opening victory. But Stauber clearly is upset with his sudden status as the No. 3 man behind Rick Knickle. Stauber had a 4-1-2 record and 2.98 goals-against average down the stretch in the regular season and nearly wrestled the No. 1 job from Hrudey. Knickle? He won 2 of 3 decisions but had a bloated 5.26 average, twice was yanked from games (once for stomach cramps) and hasn't played since March 29. Yet, when the series resumes Wednesday, Knickle will serve as Hrudey's backup again and Stauber will have to satisfy his playoff hunger by munching on Olympic Saddledome popcorn. "If I'm supposedly close to being the starter or could have been the starter...I dropped too. 3. What happened to No. 2?" Stauber wondered. "Not that I'd be happy with No. 2, but I feel I should at least be a part of this team in the playoffs." Perhaps Stauber eventually will get his chance, but Melrose apparently is not convinced the 25-year old is capable of handling playoff pressure. While insisting he is the Kings' "goalie of the future," Melrose said Stauber flubbed all four of the big games he was asked to win this season. They were, according to Melrose: a 7-2 loss to San Jose on Dec. 26; An 8-3 loss to the New York Rangers on Jan. 23; a 6-6 tie with Detroit on Feb. 11; an 8-6 loss to Vancouver on Thursday. "Four times this season Robb could have emerged as the elite goalie, he could have taken it away from Kelly Hrudey, and he didn't do it," Melrose said. "An elite goaltender has to carry the ball when you give it to him. The mark of a great goalie is that he isn't satisfied to be a backup." "I'm not blaming Robb for the losses, but if you're going to be No. 1, you've got to be able to walk your talk. You've got to be able to play when everything is on the line. Robb Stauber has a great deal of ability, but maybe I expect more from him than he does." Ouch. That remark stung Stauber. He began the season 9-0-1, struggled when the team hit a mid-season slump, didn't play for a month after Knickle was signed off the San Diego Gulls roster, then came on at the end. "I expect more from myself than anybody, including Barry Melrose," said Stauber, a three-year star at the University of Minnesota who left school in 1989, only to have his development hampered by a string of serious injuries. "What I've been through the last four years - two knee operations, a herniated disk in my back, shoulder surgery - what more can I go through? I obviously do expect a lot from myself, otherwise I wouldn't be here." "Anybody who would disagree with that doesn't know me. I'm not saying Barry doesn't know me, but don't say I've been without expectations. If anything, I'm a perfectionist." Stauber acknowledged he played poorly in the four games Melrose mentioned. "But even though I didn't play well, I get knocked down from maybe on to three? It's a bit of a jump," he said. "You're almost No. 1, or if you play a good game you're No. 1 and if you don't you're No. 3? Why does Jack Nicklaus shoot a 67 and then a 75? Can you explain that? That's what barry wanted me to explain to him, why I didn't come through when he counted on me. I don't know. What I do know is, it's a sport. I'll be there." Melrose's "goalie of the future" statement doesn't mean much to Stauber. "Before you know it, I'll be 30 and there will be no future," he said. ------ *Game 1 of the Kings @ Flames playoff series drew a 4.2 Nielsen rating on ABC Channel 7 here in LA. The Kings averaged a 2.1 Nielsen rating in the 10 regular season games aired on Channel 5. Around the NHL: --------------- *San Jose fired Coach George Kingston, who lead the team to a 11-71-2 mark in their 2nd NHL season. Kingston was 28-129-7 over the past 2 years with the Sharks. ------ *Former Islander executive Bill Torrey was named as President of the expansion Florida Panthers. Bobby Clarke was named as the clubs General Manager. *Last nights games: ------------------- WIN 2 @ VAN 4 (VAN leads 1-0) TOR 3 @ DET 6 (DET leads 1-0) =============================================================================== Stan Willis ([email protected]) net contact: L.A. Kings
Read this through once or twice. Then replace "prince" with "government" or "president", as appropriate, and read it again. [From Chapter XX of _The Prince_, by N. Macchiavelli, as translated by Daniel Donno.] In order to keep their lands secure, some princes have disarmed their subjects; others have prompted division within the cities they have subjugated. Some have nurtured animosities against themselves; others have sought to win the approval of those they initially distrusted. Some have erected fortresses; others have destroyed them. Now, although it is impossible to set down definite judgements on all of these measures without considering the particular circumstances of the states where they may be employed, I shall nevertheless discuss them in such broad terms as the subject itself will allow. To begin with, there has never been a case of a new prince disarming his subjects. Indeed, whenever he found them disarmed, he proceeded to arm them. For by arming your subjects, you make their arms your own. Those among them who are suspicious become loyal, while those who are already loyal remain so, and from subjects they are transformed into partisans. Though you cannot arm them all, nonetheless you increase your safety among those you leave unarmed by extending privileges to those you arm. Your different treatment of the two categories will make the latter feel obligated to you, while the former will consider it proper thoat those who assume added duties and dangers should receive advantages. When you disarm your subjects, however, you offend them, by showing that, either from cowardliness or from lack of faith, you distrust them; and either conclusion will induce them to hate you. Moreover, since it is impossible for you to remain unarmed, you would have to resort to mercenaries, whose limitations have already been discussed. Even if such troops were good, however, they could never be good enough to defend you from powerful enemies, and doubtful subjects. Therefore, as I have said, a new prince in a newly acquired state has always taken measures to arm his subjects, and history is full of examples proving that this is so. But when a prince takes posession of a new state which he annexes as an addition to his original domain, then he must disarm all the subjects of the new state except those who helped him to acquire it; and these, as time and occasion permit, he must seek to render soft and weak. He must arrange matters in such a way that the arms of the entire state will be in the hands of soldiers who are native to his original domain. ...
No, VGALIB? Amazing.. I guess it was lost in all those subdirs :-) Thanks for correcting me. It doesn't sound very appealing though, only 320x200? I'm glad it wasn't something major I missed.
Well, let me see. UZI, no. M-11/9, no. M-16/AR-15, maybe. I remember there being a selector swtich on the AR-15. If I remember correctly (please correct me if I'm wrong) the switch would set to an "off" position or an "on" position because the gun (AR-15) is semi-automatic. Wouldn't the M-16 have a position for semi-auto fire and full-auto fire (or maybe 3 round bursts)? If this is correct wouldn't it be easy to distinguish each gun by this alone? Of course if the AR-15 were modified to full-auto fire I wouldn't think it would be that easy but I'm talking about distinguishing between an unmodified AR-15 and M-16. How about the other guns? Do they also have selector switch to switch between semi-auto and fully-auto fire? Actually it was pretty hard for the kids in my neighborhood to figure that out as Richard Petty lived in my neighborhood and left his stock car in the driveway. ;-) Well, what about what I said above? If that is correct I guess TV would be acceptable (if you had a good enough picture and a picture of the lower receiver of the AR-15/M-16).
It looks like Dorothy Denning's wrong-headed ideas have gotten to the Administration even sooner than we feared. It's time to make sure they hear the other side of the story, and hear it loudly! Phil ------- Forwarded Message Subject: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption Note: This file will also be available via anonymous file transfer from csrc.ncsl.nist.gov in directory /pub/nistnews and via the NIST Computer Security BBS at 301-948-5717. --------------------------------------------------- THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release April 16, 1993 STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY The President today announced a new initiative that will bring the Federal Government together with industry in a voluntary program to improve the security and privacy of telephone communications while meeting the legitimate needs of law enforcement. The initiative will involve the creation of new products to accelerate the development and use of advanced and secure telecommunications networks and wireless communications links. For too long there has been little or no dialogue between our private sector and the law enforcement community to resolve the tension between economic vitality and the real challenges of protecting Americans. Rather than use technology to accommodate the sometimes competing interests of economic growth, privacy and law enforcement, previous policies have pitted government against industry and the rights of privacy against law enforcement. Sophisticated encryption technology has been used for years to protect electronic funds transfer. It is now being used to protect electronic mail and computer files. While encryption technology can help Americans protect business secrets and the unauthorized release of personal information, it also can be used by terrorists, drug dealers, and other criminals. A state-of-the-art microcircuit called the "Clipper Chip" has been developed by government engineers. The chip represents a new approach to encryption technology. It can be used in new, relatively inexpensive encryption devices that can be attached to an ordinary telephone. It scrambles telephone communications using an encryption algorithm that is more powerful than many in commercial use today. This new technology will help companies protect proprietary information, protect the privacy of personal phone conversations and prevent unauthorized release of data transmitted electronically. At the same time this technology preserves the ability of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to intercept lawfully the phone conversations of criminals. A "key-escrow" system will be established to ensure that the "Clipper Chip" is used to protect the privacy of law-abiding Americans. Each device containing the chip will have two unique 2 "keys," numbers that will be needed by authorized government agencies to decode messages encoded by the device. When the device is manufactured, the two keys will be deposited separately in two "key-escrow" data bases that will be established by the Attorney General. Access to these keys will be limited to government officials with legal authorization to conduct a wiretap. The "Clipper Chip" technology provides law enforcement with no new authorities to access the content of the private conversations of Americans. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this new technology, the Attorney General will soon purchase several thousand of the new devices. In addition, respected experts from outside the government will be offered access to the confidential details of the algorithm to assess its capabilities and publicly report their findings. The chip is an important step in addressing the problem of encryption's dual-edge sword: encryption helps to protect the privacy of individuals and industry, but it also can shield criminals and terrorists. We need the "Clipper Chip" and other approaches that can both provide law-abiding citizens with access to the encryption they need and prevent criminals from using it to hide their illegal activities. In order to assess technology trends and explore new approaches (like the key-escrow system), the President has directed government agencies to develop a comprehensive policy on encryption that accommodates: -- the privacy of our citizens, including the need to employ voice or data encryption for business purposes; -- the ability of authorized officials to access telephone calls and data, under proper court or other legal order, when necessary to protect our citizens; -- the effective and timely use of the most modern technology to build the National Information Infrastructure needed to promote economic growth and the competitiveness of American industry in the global marketplace; and -- the need of U.S. companies to manufacture and export high technology products. The President has directed early and frequent consultations with affected industries, the Congress and groups that advocate the privacy rights of individuals as policy options are developed. 3 The Administration is committed to working with the private sector to spur the development of a National Information Infrastructure which will use new telecommunications and computer technologies to give Americans unprecedented access to information. This infrastructure of high-speed networks ("information superhighways") will transmit video, images, HDTV programming, and huge data files as easily as today's telephone system transmits voice. Since encryption technology will play an increasingly important role in that infrastructure, the Federal Government must act quickly to develop consistent, comprehensive policies regarding its use. The Administration is committed to policies that protect all Americans' right to privacy while also protecting them from those who break the law. Further information is provided in an accompanying fact sheet. The provisions of the President's directive to acquire the new encryption technology are also available. For additional details, call Mat Heyman, National Institute of Standards and Technology, (301) 975-2758. - - --------------------------------- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION'S TELECOMMUNICATIONS INITIATIVE Q: Does this approach expand the authority of government agencies to listen in on phone conversations? A: No. "Clipper Chip" technology provides law enforcement with no new authorities to access the content of the private conversations of Americans. Q: Suppose a law enforcement agency is conducting a wiretap on a drug smuggling ring and intercepts a conversation encrypted using the device. What would they have to do to decipher the message? A: They would have to obtain legal authorization, normally a court order, to do the wiretap in the first place. They would then present documentation of this authorization to the two entities responsible for safeguarding the keys and obtain the keys for the device being used by the drug smugglers. The key is split into two parts, which are stored separately in order to ensure the security of the key escrow system. Q: Who will run the key-escrow data banks? A: The two key-escrow data banks will be run by two independent entities. At this point, the Department of Justice and the Administration have yet to determine which agencies will oversee the key-escrow data banks. Q: How strong is the security in the device? How can I be sure how strong the security is? A: This system is more secure than many other voice encryption systems readily available today. While the algorithm will remain classified to protect the security of the key escrow system, we are willing to invite an independent panel of cryptography experts to evaluate the algorithm to assure all potential users that there are no unrecognized vulnerabilities. Q: Whose decision was it to propose this product? A: The National Security Council, the Justice Department, the Commerce Department, and other key agencies were involved in this decision. This approach has been endorsed by the President, the Vice President, and appropriate Cabinet officials. Q: Who was consulted? The Congress? Industry? A: We have on-going discussions with Congress and industry on encryption issues, and expect those discussions to intensify as we carry out our review of encryption policy. We have briefed members of Congress and industry leaders on the decisions related to this initiative. Q: Will the government provide the hardware to manufacturers? A: The government designed and developed the key access encryption microcircuits, but it is not providing the microcircuits to product manufacturers. Product manufacturers can acquire the microcircuits from the chip manufacturer that produces them. Q: Who provides the "Clipper Chip"? A: Mykotronx programs it at their facility in Torrance, California, and will sell the chip to encryption device manufacturers. The programming function could be licensed to other vendors in the future. Q: How do I buy one of these encryption devices? A: We expect several manufacturers to consider incorporating the "Clipper Chip" into their devices. Q: If the Administration were unable to find a technological solution like the one proposed, would the Administration be willing to use legal remedies to restrict access to more powerful encryption devices? A: This is a fundamental policy question which will be considered during the broad policy review. The key escrow mechanism will provide Americans with an encryption product that is more secure, more convenient, and less expensive than others readily available today, but it is just one piece of what must be the comprehensive approach to encryption technology, which the Administration is developing. The Administration is not saying, "since encryption threatens the public safety and effective law enforcement, we will prohibit it outright" (as some countries have effectively done); nor is the U.S. saying that "every American, as a matter of right, is entitled to an unbreakable commercial encryption product." There is a false "tension" created in the assessment that this issue is an "either-or" proposition. Rather, both concerns can be, and in fact are, harmoniously balanced through a reasoned, balanced approach such as is proposed with the "Clipper Chip" and similar encryption techniques. Q: What does this decision indicate about how the Clinton Administration's policy toward encryption will differ from that of the Bush Administration? A: It indicates that we understand the importance of encryption technology in telecommunications and computing and are committed to working with industry and public-interest groups to find innovative ways to protect Americans' privacy, help businesses to compete, and ensure that law enforcement agencies have the tools they need to fight crime and terrorism. Q: Will the devices be exportable? Will other devices that use the government hardware?
As promised, I spoke today with the company mentioned in a Washington Times article about the Clipper chip announcement. The name of the company is Secure Communicatiions Technology (Information will be given at the end of this message on how to contact them). Basically they are disturbed about the announcement for many reasons that we are. More specifically however, Mr. Bryen of Secure Communications brought to light many points that might interest most of the readers. His belief is that AT&T was made known of the clipper well before the rest of the industry. This is for several reasons, several of which are: - A company of AT&T's size could never be able to make a decision to use the new chip on the SAME DAY it was announced. - Months ago they proposed using their own chip for AT&T's secure telephone devices. AT&T basically blew them off as being not interested at all. This stuck them as strange, until now... Also I spoke with Art Melnick, their cryptographer, he expressed several concerns over the new Clipper Chip: - The obvious backdoor will be able to let many people decrypt the code. - Once the key is released to authorities the security of the crypto system is lost forever. These keys can end up in the hands of any agency of the government. - The fact that the escrowed keys never change means that the algorithm is vulnerable over time to an attacker. - The classified algorithm may hide another backdoor. But he feels that it is probably to keep people from forging fake serial numbers, or changing the keys themselves. - Additionally he feels that the NSA has probably spent enough time and money in working on a way to keep this chip from being reversed engineered, that he feels that reverse engineering it will be very difficult to do. He feels that they have developed a suitable technique to protect the chip from this attack. Also he feels that the chip is hardware encoded with the algorithm and not microcoded onto the chip. Additonally I spoke with Mr. Melnick about their algorithm. He couldn't tell me much about their new agorithm because it hasn't been patented yet. However he told me a little: - The algorithm will be released for public review after patents have been granted for it. This is so the crypto community can see that it is secure. - The algorithm is called NEA for New Encryption Algorithm. The details were sketchy because now it is held as a trade secret until the patent was issued, but I was told that it will incorporate the following: - It will have fast encryption of data (Exact specs not given, but Mr. Melnick stated "Much faster than what an RS-232 can put out.") - It is a symmetric cipher, just like IDEA and DES. - It will use 64 bit data blocks for encryption (like DES and IDEA). - The key length was not given to me, but Mr. Melnick states that it is _adujustable_ and is "More than adequate for security." - The algorithm is written in C and Assembler in software form, and can be ported to many platforms (Unlike the the Clipper Chip which is hardware ONLY and cannot be made into software) This I consider a definite plus for the NEA for widespread use. - The algorithm will accomodate public key distribution techniques such as RSA or Diffie-Hellman. This will also be supported in the hardware chip. - Right now the projected cost of the NEA chip will be about 10 dollars for each!! (Clipper will run 25 each chip [that is if it is produced enough, which probably won't happen]). - They currently sell a program called C-COM that uses the algorithm and a special streaming protocol that does not divide the encrypted data into "blocks." This could prevent plaintext attacks if you know what the block header is. This program operates at all supported RS-232 speeds and uses the software implementation of the algorithm. - Most importantly: IT DOES NOT HAVE A BACKDOOR!! Right now the company is afraid that the new clipper chip will put them out of business. This is a very real possibility. So they really need help in stopping the clipper chip from becoming a standard. If you want to contact them, they can be reached at.. Secure Communications Technology 8700 Georgia Ave. Suite 302 Silver Spring, MD (301) 588-2200 I talked to Mr. Bryen who represents the company. He can answer any questions you have. Any factual errors occurring in this write up are my own and I apologize for them ahead of time.
Let us not forget about the genocide of the Azeri people in 'Karabag' and x-Soviet Armenia by the Armenians. Between 1914 and 1920, Armenians committed unheard-of crimes, resorted to all conceivable methods of despotism, organized massacres, poured petrol over babies and burned them, raped women and girls in front of their parents who were bound hand and foot, took girls from their mothers and fathers and appropriated personal property and real estate. And today, they put Azeris in the most unbearable conditions any other nation had ever known in history. AREF SADIKOV sat quietly in the shade of a cafe-bar on the Caspian Sea esplanade of Baku and showed a line of stitches in his trousers, torn by an Armenian bullet as he fled the town of Hojali just over three months ago, writes Hugh Pope. "I'm still wearing the same clothes, I don't have any others," the 51-year-old carpenter said, beginning his account of the Hojali disaster. "I was wounded in five places, but I am lucky to be alive." Mr Sadikov and his wife were short of food, without electricity for more than a month, and cut off from helicopter flights for 12 days. They sensed the Armenian noose was tightening around the 2,000 to 3,000 people left in the straggling Azeri town on the edge of Karabakh. "At about 11pm a bombardment started such as we had never heard before, eight or nine kinds of weapons, artillery, heavy machine-guns, the lot," Mr Sadikov said. Soon neighbours were pouring down the street from the direction of the attack. Some huddled in shelters but others started fleeing the town, down a hill, through a stream and through the snow into a forest on the other side. To escape, the townspeople had to reach the Azeri town of Agdam about 15 miles away. They thought they were going to make it, until at about dawn they reached a bottleneck between the two Armenian villages of Nakhchivanik and Saderak. "None of my group was hurt up to then ... Then we were spotted by a car on the road, and the Armenian outposts started opening fire," Mr Sadikov said. Azeri militiamen fighting their way out of Hojali rushed forward to force open a corridor for the civilians, but their efforts were mostly in vain. Mr Sadikov said only 10 people from his group of 80 made it through, including his wife and militiaman son. Seven of his immediate relations died, including his 67-year-old elder brother. "I only had time to reach down and cover his face with his hat," he said, pulling his own big flat Turkish cap over his eyes. "We have never got any of the bodies back." The first groups were lucky to have the benefit of covering fire. One hero of the evacuation, Alif Hajief, was shot dead as he struggled to change a magazine while covering the third group's crossing, Mr Sadikov said. Another hero, Elman Memmedov, the mayor of Hojali, said he and several others spent the whole day of 26 February in the bushy hillside, surrounded by dead bodies as they tried to keep three Armenian armoured personnel carriers at bay. As the survivors staggered the last mile into Agdam, there was little comfort in a town from which most of the population was soon to flee. "The night after we reached the town there was a big Armenian rocket attack. Some people just kept going," Mr Sadikov said. "I had to get to the hospital for treatment. I was in a bad way. They even found a bullet in my sock." Victims of war: An Azeri woman mourns her son, killed in the Hojali massacre in February (left). Nurses struggle in primitive conditions (centre) to save a wounded man in a makeshift operating theatre set up in a train carriage. Grief-stricken relatives in the town of Agdam (right) weep over the coffin of another of the massacre victims. Calculating the final death toll has been complicated because Muslims bury their dead within 24 hours. Photographs: Liu Heung / AP Frederique Lengaigne / Reuter THE INDEPENDENT, London, 12/6/'92 Serdar Argic
AL>> Question: Is there a certain device out there that I can AL>> use to find out the number to the line? AL>> Thanks for any response. AL>> Al AL>There is a number you can call which will return a synthesized AL>voice telling you the number of the line. Unfortunately, for the AL>life of me I can't remember what it is. The telephone technicians AL>use it all the time. We used to play around with this in our AL>dorm rooms since there were multiple phone lines running between AL>rooms. It probably wouldn't help for you to post the number, since it appears to be different in each area. For what it's worth, in the New Orleans area the number is 998-877-6655 (easy to remember, what?) * SLMR 2.1 * Ask me anything: if I don't know, I'll make up something.
One thing that everyone is forgetting in this argument over the pricing of the SC1 vs. the Japanese cars is the Saturns "no-dicker sticker". This makes the Saturn's price low in comparison to the inflated base prices of the Japanese competition on paper, but in reality, one could dicker several hundred dollars off the price of the Japanese cars. Admittedly, though, here in Canada, at least, the SC2 is in the same price class as the Civic Si, not the SC1.
I would like to apologize for the typos in the previous post. In retrospect I would also like to quote another source: Douglas C. Haldeman from his 1991 book _Homosexuality_ THERAPY INEFFECTIVE Recently the founders of yet another prominent "ex-gay" ministry, Exodus International, denounced their conversion therapy procedures as ineffective. Michael Busse and Gary Cooper, cofounders of Exodus International and lovers for 13 years, were involved with the organization from 1976 to 1979. The program was described by these men as "ineffective . . . not one person was healed." They stated that the program often exacerbated already prominent feelings of guilt and personal failure among the counselees; many were driven to suicidal thoughts as a result of the failed "reparative therapy." The previous article quoted in the last posting is from THE ADVOCATE, June 30, 1992 called "The Ex-Ex-Gay" by Robert Pela. Some personal thoughts: It is of no great astonishment that there is a concerted effort by a major portion of the Church to control and mandate change of a minority among its ranks. This was the momentum behind the Spanish Inquisition, only all they required was a confession of faith (after much torture) and then, to save their souls they would dispatch them to heaven through death. Even later, the Bible was used vigorously to defend slavery, oppression and segragation of African-Americans, even to the justification of lynchings. Today's scholars are just a bit more slick in their approach. The tool is still coersion, but now it is mostly by means of brainwashing and mind control, convincing people that they should see themselves as less than God sees them, then maintaining a cultic hold on them until it is felt thier mind-conditioning is complete. Sure, no one is "physically" forced to stay in this "reparative therapy" but sheer social pressure is enough for many to keep themselves in this new found bondage of self-hate. As an abolitionist I advocate the abolishment of oppression and persecution against gays in all facets of civil life. A person should be judged by the contibution, or non-contribution to the society in which they live, not by some high-brow standard of conformity imposed by those who haven';t a clue what is in their heart. For those who seek more information about Gays and groups that accept them please contact your nearest chapter of PFLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians And Gays) who will be more than happy to assist you. This is a group of people comprised of Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals, their parents and friends who have formed a support group for help and understanding. Try talking to a parent of a gay son or daughter and learn some "first-hand" real life and loving understanding. God's love and understanding for Gay people is no less abundant.
Bill says ... I presume the one you refer to is "Space Sailing" by Jerome L. Wright. He worked on solar sails while at JPL and as CEO of General Astronautics. I'll furnish ordering info upon request. The Friedman book is called "Starsailing: Solar Sails and Interstellar Travel." It was available from the Planetary Society a few years ago, I don't know if it still is.
[stuff deleted] Gimme a break. CAPITAL letters, or NOT, the above is pure nonsense. It seems to me that short sighted Armenians are escalating the hostilities while hoping that Turkey will stay out. Stop and think for a moment, will you? Armenia doesn't need anyone to drag her into the conflict, it is a part of it. Huh? You didn't expect Azeri's to be friendly to forces fighting with them within their borders? [...] You're not playing with a full deck, are you? Where would Turkey invade? Are you throwing the Cyprus buzzword around with s.c.g. in the header in hopes that the Greek netters will jump the gun? Yes indeed Turkey has the military prowess to intervene, what she wishes she had, however, is the diplomatic power to stop the hostilities and bring the parties to the negotiating table. That's hard to do when Armenians are attacking Azeri towns. Armenian leaders are lacking the statesmanship to recognize the futility of armed conflict and convince their nation that a compromise that leads to stability is much better than a military faits accomplis that's going to cause incessant skirmishes. Think of 10 or 20 years down the line -- both of the newly independent countries need to develop economically and neither one is going to wipe the other out. These people will be neighbors, would it not be better to keep the bad blood between them minimal? If you belong to the Armenian diaspora, keep in mind that what strikes your fancy on the map is costing the local Armenians dearly in terms of their blood and future. It's easy to be comfortable abroad and propagandize craziness to have your feelings about Turks tickled. The Armenians in Armenia and N-K will be there, with the same people you seem to hate as their neighbors, for maybe 3000 years more. The sooner there's peace in the region the better it is for them and everyone else. I'd push for compromise if I were you instead of hitting the caps-lock and spreading inflammatory half-truths. cheers,
I own an 80386sx, 16Mhz, 2Mb ram machine and am finding it too slow for certain games such as X-wing. I was in a Computer store there the other day and saw a series of Gamecards which claim to speed up your machine to up to 80Mhz! I was wondering if anyone out there who has a similar machine had bought one or seen one of these Gamecards and whether or not they do actually work! Any help here would be much appreciated, Thanks in advance, Greg. --
Awww, right, you want all the home mechanics lined up against a wall and shot eh? Bull Pucky you chicken! Read the service manual and get your head out of the sand! Certainly there are tools for the job that are cheaper than an alignment rack, that do the job as competently (albeit, not as swiftly), if not more accurate, due to the natural pride an owner/mechanic places on his work. You can do an `acceptable' job of aligning a car using simple tools and some imaginative work that would *never* have the effect of endangering anyones life. The worst that happens is that your tires wear oddly (well, you could have the wheels aiming TOTALLY pigeon toed and not be able to steer the car, raise your hands those that think their vision is so poor that they would screw up this badly!) I bet you are one of those people that feels that honing a cylinder wall with sand paper will kill millions of people. It aint magic. Go take the certification course, and look at the people that have never learned to add in their whole life that are taking the certification! BTW, I am disgusted at the Colt (and some of the other Chrysler offerings) because they go out of alignment if you sneaze at them. My '84 Chrysler Laser (Similar to the Daytona, a reskinned Colt) needed a realignment every 3 months ... Bolt a good grade 12' 2x4 to each wheel, using a carefully welded spacer jig. Measure toe in, adjust to manufacturer specs. Camber a bit more difficult to adjust and measure ... I used a micrometer to measure the space between the rim and a funky bent up pipe that could be placed on upper and lower portions of the rim on the inside of wheel (hard to explain). This same tool could be used instead of the 2x4s. I had made these tools up *right* after the last alignment done professionally so I had a reference that the original poster might not ...
^^^ If french is your language, try counting in french in stead, maybe it will work better.... :-)
The problem is with ISA bus-masters which can only address the first 16MBs of system memory. Bus-masters do not use the CPU nor the system DMA to do the actual data transfer but transfer their data directly to the system RAM. rp93
Are you trying to say that there were no massacres in Deir Yassin or in Sabra and Shatila? If so then let me tell you some good jokes: There is not and was not any such thing like jewish killing in WWII Palestinians just did what Davidians did for fourty years and more. In fact no one was killed in any war at any time or any place. People die that is all. No one gets killed. Maybe also vietamiese didn't die in Vietnam war killed by american napalm they were just pyromaniacs and that's all. Maybe jews just liked gas chambers and no one forced them to get in there.they may be thought it was like snifing cocaine. No? What do you think of this ? Isn't it stupid to say so? Well it is as stupid as what you said .Next time you want to lie do it intelligently. Sincerely yours.
Thanks to all those people who recommended Workspace managers for Windows 3.1. I found 3 shareware Workspace Managers, from Australia's MS-WINDOWS archive (monu6.cc.monash.edu.au), which mirrors some sites in the U.S. The three I found were: 1. WORKSPACES 1.10 (wspace.zip) This was the smallest and simplest of the workspace managers that I found. It is very easy to use. It displays a small window, containing 6 buttons, plus an extra button for configuration purposes. One annoying feature was the title window that is first presented when it is run - you must press a key (not a mouse button!) for the thing to go away. Also, it would have been nice if there was an "ALWAYS ON TOP" setting for the little window containing the workspace buttons. Maybe some user-specified strings on the buttons instead of the numbers one to six might be a nice feature. The simplicity and ease of use of this workspace manager makes it an attractive package. 2. WORKSHIFT 1.6 (wrksft16.zip) While this workspace manager offered a few features that WORKSPACES 1.10 lacked, it was quite time consuming to set things up. With WORKSPACES 1.10, all but the first workspace is initially empty. With WORKSHIFT 1.6, you need to take "snapshots" of how you want each of your workspaces to look like - i.e. what applications they contain. Also, the main window is quite large, but this does allow you to have a small view of what is in each workspace. With WORKSPACES 1.10, there was no facility for viewing what was in a workspace without switching to it. WORKSHIFT 1.6 provides this viewing functionality which is quite useful. 3. BIGDESK 2.30 and BACKMENU (backdesk.zip) This is an interesting package, which contains a few other goodies as well as a workspace manager. Other goodies include "Backmenu", which provides a pop-up root menu when you press a certain mouse button - just like in X-Windows. The menu is totally configurable, offering unlimited depth of cascading menus, which is provides quite handy access to applications. You could say it is a menu-based alternative to the program manager. Also bundled in "backdesk.zip" is a program called "WRUN", which allows you to run windows applications from a DOS shell under WINDOWS instead of using the File Manager to run applications. The actual workspace manager is called BIGDESK 2.30. BIGDESK works quite differently to the other two workspace managers in that it doesn't provide a certain number of disjoint and separate workspaces. In fact, it basically enlarges your desktop by a configurable amount, and you choose which region of the desktop you want your screen to focus in on. This means you can have windows overlapping between different viewing regions, unlike the first two workspace managers in which each workspace was isolated from the other one. The BIGDESK control window allows to to move windows around your enlarged desktop. Basically the control window provides a small scale view of your viewing area while your actual computer screen provides a large scale or blow-up of a particular section.
Please tell me what you think would have happened had the people come out with their hands up several weeks ago. More than someone who would not release children from the compound. I.e., more than David Koresh/Vernon Howell/"Jesus Christ". I saw lengthy excerpts from an Australian documentary made in 1992 that clearly showed that this was a cult. I am not pleased with the BATF handling of the affair. I think they bungled it badly from the start. But I don't think they are responsible for the fire, which started in two different places.
Danny Rubenstein, an Israeli journalist, will be speaking tonight (Wednesday, 7:30 pm) on the messy subject of politics in Israel. He is speaking at Hillel on the U.C. Berkeley campus. The talk is sponsored by the Berkeley Israel Action Committee (IAC).
Chapter 7 operation in Somlia. Almost Chapter 7 in Cambodia and Yugo. 'Bout time the UN started using force to make the peace happen. Hopefully, they will soon be doing the same with world economics.
} How does one read the betting spreads for baseball? They tend to be something } like 8-9 which means it must not be runs! that spread means you bet $5 on the underdog to win $8, or $9 on the favorite to win $5.
[email protected] (Daniel Oldham) babbles: What happened in Waco is not the fault of the BATF. If they would of had the proper equipment and personal then they could of captured the compound on the initial assault and none of this would of happened. If they'd gone to the door and knocked on it to serve the warrant, like the Sheriff had done 3 other times, they wouldn't have needed to HAVE an initial assault. But then, Herr Klinton and Attorney Gen'l Reno wouldn't have been able to have told such heroic stories about how they "protected" the rest of us from a group of people who kept to themselves, miles out in the prairie. The BATF needs more people, better weapons and more armored transports. When they meet hostile fire they should be able to use more force instead of retreating to a stand off. If you are going to do a job then do it right. The BATF is there to protect us and they must have the proper equipment and people to do the job. The BATF needs to be disbanded. This out of control group of Rambo wannabees is a danger to the Republic. With the WoD and the increased crime in the streets the BATF is needed more now then ever. If they blast away a few good fokes then that is the price we all have to pay for law and order in this country. Well, I figure you're going to get flamed pretty badly by everybody else for this incredibly stupid statement, so I'll just let it pass for now. Case Western reserve, huh? Do the Feds know about that big stockpile of automatic weapons and crack you have in your house? Are you the same Daniel Oldham that lives on Orchard Drive? Just so they get the address right, that is... Look at all the good people that died in wars to protect this great country of ours. Well, it used to be a great country. Now I'm not so sure. I knew a few of those good people who died in wars; I was in Viet Nam. I can assure you, none of us fought to protect the right of the government to attack its own citizens with military force without provocation. (Hint: serving a search warrant is NOT sufficient provocation to stage a military style assault on a religious group. At Least not here in the US. Maybe in Iraq, or Syria...) With the arms build up in Waco they needed to hit that compound with mega fire power. They could of gone in there blasting and killed a few women and kids but it would of been better then letting them all burn to death 51 days later.
someone gave me this brand new card. I am thinking to sell it cuz I don't need it. but the problem is that i don't even know what this is. this was made by Forte Communications Co. it has 2 board combined together (looks wierd to me) and has 2 9 pin ports (one male and one female), and also has a round port (like BNC, not sure). this was made in 1986, and has a "fortegraph emulator & diagnostic" disk with it. has anyone here ever seen this or known what this is. appreciate your help in advance.
I've been running a daily summary of the Randy Weaver/Kevin Harris trial from here in Boise. These summaries are sent primarily to mailing lists. However, I was wondering if people would be interested in seeing them here. Post or email. Drew
Koc) responded to article <[email protected]> dbd@urartu. [DD] Problem 1 [DD] [DD] My father told me the following story. During the famous wars between the [DD] Armenians and the Persians, prince Zaurak Kamsarakan performed [DD] extraordinary heroic deeds. Three times in a single month he attacked the [DD] Persian troops. The first time, he struck down half of the Persian army. [DD] The second time, pursuing the Persians, he slaughtered one fourth of the [DD] soldiers. The third time, he destroyed one eleventh of the Persian army. [DD] The Persians who were still alive, numbering two hundred eighty, fled to [DD] Nakhichevan. And so, from this remainder, find how many Persian soldiers [DD] there were before the massacre. [Koc] Answer: a(1-1/2-1/4-1/11)=280 -> a = 1760 Good for you! You win the prize -- a free trip to Karabakh as an Azeri soldier! Now, calculate the odds of you coming back after trying to de-populate the area of Armenians! [Koc] Corollary: Armenians strike, slaughter, destroy, and massacre. After [Koc] all, they are not as innocent as the asala network claims. Fact: I didn't notice any mention of Turks in Shirak, Van, or Trebizon in this seventh century story! Fact: These places were filled with Armenians as of 1915. Fact: By the end of 1916, after the Turkish genocide of the Armenians, there were no Armenians left in Shirak, Van, or Trebizon -- only Turks and Kurds! In fact, there were no Pontus Greeks left alive in Trebizon either! Conclusion: Numbers don't lie in either case!
No. The REAL question: Should the Feds bail-out IBM ( a la Chrysler ) so that important $80K manufacturing jobs wouldn't be lost?
Ok boys and girls, "What was the 'Ogadan War'????" The Money Raised in Band-Aid covered How Much of the Cost of Which Soviet Client State to replace what catagory of weapon system lost in the aforementioned war? Why was the Joke: "We arm the World." Really Not that funny? Gonzo Station is the designation for WHICH USN Op Area? and the primary threat targets in the Area Were:..... ciao drieux
The Quantum LPS 240AT is supposed to have a 256K cache on the IDE controller built into the card. Yet when I do a DOS DIR command on my system, the disk is always accessed (I can hear the mechanical movement of the heads). Why is this happening? Strangely, even when I have smartdrive installed, every DIR command accesses the disk. Did I somehow de-activate the cache? This is happening on each of two machines with an LPS 240AT drive.
From my reading of the popular, and scientific, literature, I think that the benzopyrene-from-burned-fat problem is probably real but very small compared to other kinds of risks. (This type of problem also occurs with stove-top pan grilling.) One possible remedy I have read about is to take some vitamin C with your meal of barbecue (or bacon, e.g.). This MAY make sense because vit. C is an antioxidant which could counteract the adverse affect of some of the chemicals in question. Bon Apetit!
: :> As someone else has pointed out, why would the stove be in use on a warm day :> in Texas. : :Do YOU eat all your food cold? Thank you for pointing out the obvious to people who so clearly missed it. I can't stand it when people's first reaction is to defend the aggressor. Mr. Tavares, you have a unique and thoughtful way of getting to the heart of the matter, and I thank you for putting it to good use. Mike Ruff
4 month old Sega Genesis, barely used, one controller, in original box, with Sonics 1 and 2. $130 gets the whole bundle shipped to you. Turns out they're not as addictive when they're yours. Anyway, mail me if you're interested in this marvel of modern technology.
Sounds liek what the FED has to do is sign a 50 or more year lease to use certain parts of a space station that is built and designed and such by a commerical company or consortium of companies (such as like Alyeska) for a small amount of rent in return for certain incentives and such.. Such as tax and other right off and also a monopoly on certain products.. The commerical builders would have certain perks given to them to make there end easier (taxes , contracts, regulatory concesions and such..) Is it workable, just might work.. After all, if China can lease out Hong Kong and the people of Hong Kong can make money, this could work..
: It is meaningless to compare one player's plus/minus statistic with : another players' out of the context of the role and the playing time : of the players involved. : To compare Jagr's and Francis's plus/minus is ridiculous and absurd... : Gerald Thank you for putting this in perspective!
I have the following Amiga software for sale: ProVideo GOLD $50 AmigaVision $25 B.E.S.T. Plan It! $10 spreadsheet (still in shrinkwrap) SuperBack $10 (hard drive backup) Certificate Maker $10 Add s&h to the above and its yours...email me at the address listed below:
HI, I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me on twwo related subjects. I am currently learning about AM/FM receivers and recieving circuits. I understand a lot of things ,but a few things I am confused abuot. The first is the MIXER, to mix the RF and local oscillator frequencies to make the IF. Does anyone have any cicruit diagrams (as simple as possible) for this kind of mixer? I have come across a MC-SBL mixer chip But I have not been able to find it in any catalogs (ACTIVE,etc...) Along the same note, are there any SIMPLE fm receiver circuits anyone may have stashed away somewhere and they couold let me see?. P.S. any REALLY GOOD BOOKS on AM/FM theory ALONG WITH DETAILED ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS would help a lot. I have seen a lot of theory books with no circuits and a lot of circuit books with no theory, but one without the other does not help. Thanks,