अर्चिष्मानर्चितोऽत्यर्थं ब्रह्मचर्यव्रते स्थितः।साधूनामुपकारज्ञः प्रचारज्ञश्च कर्मणाम्।।
"He is luminous and highly revered. He observes vow of selfcontrol. He is steadfast and recognises services rendered by sages. He is aware of the rites and the ways of administration.
तमुवाच तत स्सूतो राजा त्वां द्रष्टुमिच्छति।श्रुत्वा प्रमाणमत्र त्वं गमनायेतराय वा।।
Then Sumantra replied, The king desires to see you. To go or not to go, the decision is yours.
अहमप्यद्यतेदद्मिवरंशस्त्रभृतांवर ।अर्घ्यंप्रतिगृहाणेदमयोध्यांश्वोगमिष्यसि ।।
"Jewel among the wielders of weapons! Now you take this water, and I shall bestow a boon to you. After taking my blessings you proceed to Ayodhya."
दर्शयन्ति हि बीभत्सैः क्रूरैर्भीषणकैरपि।नानारूपैर्विरूपैश्च रूपैर्विकृतदर्शनैः।।
They appear in various distorted forms now rapacious, now fearful, now deformed.
तदर्थोपहितं वाक्यं प्रश्रितं हेतुसंहितम्।निशम्याहं तत श्शेषं वाक्यमुत्तरमब्रुवम्।।
"Hearing the meaningful, courteous and reasonable words of Sita, I replied
सह राघव वैदेह्या भ्रात्रा चैव वने वसन्।त्वं गतिं प्राप्स्यसे वीर त्रीन् लोकांस्तु जयन्निव।।
Valiant scion of the Raghus dwelling in the forest along with Vaidehi Sita and brother Lakshmana you will attain the status as if you have won the three worlds.
तद्वाक्यं करुणं राज्ञः श्रुत्वा दीनस्य भाषितम्।कौसल्या व्यसृजद्बाष्पं प्रणालीव नवोदकम्।।
Kausalya heard the pitiable words uttered by the king who was in a wretched condition. She shed tears like a water channel discharging fresh rainwater.
एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं भरतस्य महात्मनः।अब्रुवन्मन्त्रिणस्सर्वे वसिष्ठश्च पुरोहितः।।
Hearing the auspicious words of the magnanimous Bharata the counsellors, priests including Vasistha replied
तस्यैवं वर्तमानस्य कालस्समभिवर्तत ।अग्निं शुश्रूषमाणस्य पितरं च यशस्विनम्।।
Worshipping the firegod and attending on his renowned father, he will spend a long time living in this manner practising vratitva mode of brahmacharya.
कैलासशिखरावासीयक्षैर्बहुभिरावृतः ।सुमहत्कदनंकृत्वावश्यस्तेधनदःकृतः ।।
शूराय न प्रदातव्या कन्या खलु विपश्चिता।शूरभार्यां हतां पश्य सद्यो मां विधवां कृता।।
It is said by wise men that a girl should not be given in marriage to a warrior. See me, the wife of a warrior, now rendered a widow.
पश्य लक्ष्मण पुष्पाणि निष्फलानि भवन्ति मे। पुष्पभारसमृद्धानां वनानां शिशिरात्यये।।
मा रुदो मा रुदश्चेति गर्भं शक्रोऽभ्यभाषत।बिभेद च महातेजा रुदन्तमपि वासव:।।
Highly powerful Indra, even while saying to the crying embryo "Do not weep, Do not weep" severed it.
या दत्ता देवराजेन तव तुष्टेन संयुगे।शातकुम्भमयीं मालां तां ते पश्यामि नेह कि।।
Why do I not see on your chest the golden necklace gifted by the king of the gods Indra, pleased with you in the battle?
विज्ञाय वचनं सीता तस्या धर्मार्थसंहितम्।कृताञ्जलिरुवाचेदं श्वश्रूमभिमुखे स्थिताम्।।
Sita who understood the import of these words which were in conformity with dharma and artha, repiled to her motherinlaw facing her with folded palms
कच्चिन्न सगजा साऽश्वा सजना सजनाधिपा। रामसन्तापदुःखेन दग्धा शोकाग्निना पुरी।।
Has the city along with its elephants, horses, people and its king perished in the fire of grief for Rama?
कृतवैराश्च वैदेहि वयमेतैर्निशाचरैः।।खरस्य निधनादेव जनस्थानवधं प्रति।
O Vaidehi since the killing of Khara and the residents of Janasthana we have developed enmity with the demons.
तांतुपाश्वस्थितांप्रह्वांरामस्सम्प्रेक्ष्यमैथिलीम् ।हृदयान्तर्गतंक्रोधव्याहर्तुमुपचक्रमे ।।
Observing Mythili who stood near him, Rama started to give expression to what was in his heart.
इत्युक्त्वापञ्चनाराचानाकर्णापूरितान् शितान् ।।निजघानमहावेगाल्लक्ष्मणोराक्षसोरसि ।
Having spoken like that, Lakshmana stretching his arrows till the ear fixed five sharp arrows of high speed on the chest of Rakshasa.
तद्बभूवाद्भुतं युद्धं तुमुलं रोमहर्षणम्।रामस्य च महाघोरं पुनस्तेषां च रक्षसाम्।।
The thrilling, fierce, horrifying and horripilating battle again ensued betwen Rama and the demons.
धर्मविद्धर्मनित्यश्च सत्यसन्धो दृढव्रतः। आर्यः किमब्रवीद्राजा पिता मे सत्यविक्रमः।।  
What did my father, the noble king, conversant with righteous conduct, true, to his vows, one who always conducted himself in a righteous manner, whose truth was his prowess at the time of his death?
आतपीमण्डलेमृत्युःपिङ्गलस्सर्वतापनः ।कविर्विश्वोमहातेजारक्तस्सर्वभवोद्भव: ।।
"You are the possessor of heat, adorned with a circle of rays. You are killer of all enemies, tawny destroyer of all, omniscient, lover of all devotees and source of all evolutes.
स पापो भव्यरूपेण तृणैः कूप इवावृतः।।अतिष्ठत्प्रेक्ष्य वैदेहीं रामपत्निं यशस्विनीम्।
Just like a well is concealed by an overgrowth of grass, Ravana guised as a holy man stood looking at illustrious Sita, the wife of Rama.
मुने कौशिक भद्रं ते सेन्द्रास्सर्वे मरुद्गणा:।।तोषिता: कर्मणाऽनेन स्नेहं दर्शय राघवे।
"O ascetic Kausika, may prosperity be to you All devatas have been gratified by this act of Rama and have expressed their love for Rama.
हरणंचापिवैदेह्यारावणेनबलीयसा ।सुग्रीवेण च सम्वादंवालिनश्चवधंरणे ।।
"O powerful Hanuman! you may tell him of the abduction of Vaidehi by Ravana, my friendship with Sugriva and killing of Vali in combat."
ततः स कपिशार्दूलस्तामुवाच निशाचरीम्।दृष्ट्वा पुरीमिमां भद्रे पुनर्यास्ये यथागतम्।।
The tiger among monkeys said to the, the nightwalker "O noble Lanka I shall see this city and go back".
सर्वान् लोकान् सुसंहृत्य सभूतान् सचराचरान्।।पुनरेव तथा स्रष्टुं शक्तो रामो महायशाः।
"Illustrious Rama can put an end to and dissolve all creatures including both movable and immovables of all worlds. He can recreate all of them in the same way. He has such superhuman powers.
एषब्रह्मा च विष्णुश्चशिवःस्कन्धःप्रजापतिः ।महेन्द्रोधनदःकालोयमःसोमोह्यपांपतिः ।।
"In the same way, he is the body of Brahma the creator, he is Vishnu also, Shiva also, S Kanda, Prajapati, Mahendra, Kubera, time spirit, Yama, Soma, and Varuna also.
वानरैःपर्वताकारैर्लङ्केयंपरिवारिता ।सीताहरणसन्तप्ताद्रामान्नस्तुमुलंभयम् ।।
This Lanka is seized by a mountain like army of Vanaras. By the abduction of Sita, there is little fear from Rama.
विहीनां पतिपुत्राभ्यां कौसल्यां पार्थिवात्मजः।एवमाश्वासयन्नेव दुःखार्तो निपपात ह।।
While thus appeasing Kausalya deprived of her husband and son, Bharata, filled with grief, fell down at her feet.
यद्यधर्मोभवेद्भूतोरावणोनरकंव्रजेत् ।भवांश्चधर्मसम्युक्तोनैवंव्यसनमाप्नुयात् ।।
"If there is unrighteousness, Ravana should be in hell. You who are endowed with righteousness should not have agony."
विदितं ते महाराज इक्ष्वाकुकुलदैवतम्।।वक्ता सर्वेषु कृत्येषु वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।
"O Great king venerable Vasishta is the spiritual protector of the Ikshvakus race and it is known that for all ceremonies he is our spokesman".
तस्य लाङ्गलहस्तन्य कर्षतः क्षेत्रमण्डलम्।अहं किलोत्थिता भित्वा जगतीं नृपतेस्सुता।।
When he was ploughing the circular plot of land for performing a sacrifice, it is said I emerged from the earth by breaking it and therefore I became his dauhghter.
विष्टिकर्मान्तिका स्सर्वे मार्गशोधकरक्षकाः।प्रस्थापिता मया पूर्वं यत्रापि मम रोचते।।
I have already despatched the explorers and protectors of roads who work for wages and without wages as well. It also pleases me to undertake this journey.
अविवेशमहान् हर्षोदेवानांचारणैःसह ।रावणेनिहतेरौद्रेसर्वलोकभयङ्करे ।।
When Ravana, a terror of all worlds was killed, the Charanas and Devas were filled with great joy.
अवश्यायनिपातेन किञ्चित्प्रक्लिन्नशाद्वला।वनानां शोभते भूमिर्निविष्टतरुणातपा।।
As the miadows are wet with dewdrops, the land looks delightful with mild Sunlight shining on the surface.
ऊर्मिमन्तमभिक्रम्य सागरं रत्नसञ्चयम्।मह्यं युद्धं प्रयच्छेति तमुवाच महार्णव।।
Reaching the mighty ocean, he implored the sea with high waves and hoards of gems for a fight.
स राघवंसमासाद्यक्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः ।व्यसृजच्छरवर्षाणिरावणो राक्षसेश्वरः ।।
Ravana the king of Rakshasas coming near Raghava with angry looks in his eyes, showered rain of arrows at Rama.
गौतमस्य नरश्रेष्ठ पूर्वमासीन्महात्मन:।।आश्रमो दिव्यसङ्काशस्सुरैरपि सुपूजित:।
O Best among men this hermitage resembling a celestial retreat and wellhonoured even by devatas once belonged to illustrious Gautama.
अहमेको गमिष्यामि सीतया सह दण्डकान्।अनाथाया हि नाथस्त्वं कौशल्याया भविष्यसि।।
I shall go with Sita into the Dandaka forest and you be the protector of the helpless, Kausalya.
ततश्शाखामृगास्सर्वे प्लवमाना महाबलाः।बभञ्जुश्च नगांस्तत्र पुष्पितान्दुर्गसंश्रिता।।
Then the mighty monkeys jumping on the trees in full bloom shook them.
अथवाऽपि महाबाहुर्गतो दूरं भविष्यति।मामेव रथमारोप्य शीघ्रं रामाय दर्शय।।
Otherwise if you think the mightyarmed Rama has gone too far then quickly put me in the chariot, and show me Rama Carry me to him.
वीरस्तस्य सखा राज्ञस्सुग्रीवो नाम वानरः।राजा वानरमुख्यानां येन प्रस्थापिता वयम्।।
तथा संवसतस्तस्य मुनीनामाश्रमेषु वै।।रमतश्चानुकूल्येन ययुस्संवत्सरा दश।
Thus enjoying their stay in the hermitages, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana spent ten favourable years.
अङ्गहारैस्तथैवान्या कोमलैर्नृत्तशालिनी।विन्यस्तशुभसर्वाङ्गी प्रसुप्ता वरवर्णिनी।।
Another woman exceedingly beautiful and a delicate danseuse of beautiful complexion and rhythmic movements held her limbs in a dancing posture though asleep due to her habit .
सन्निगृह्य तु तं बाष्पं प्रमृज्य नयने शुभे।विनिश्श्वस्य च तेजस्वी राघवं वाक्यमब्रवी।।
Effulgent Sugriva controlled his tears, wiped his bright eyes, took deep breath and said to Rama
तेऽम्बरं सहसोत्पत्य वेगवन्तः प्लवङ्गमाः।विनदन्तो महानादं घना वातेरिता यथा।।
The swift monkeys roared aloud as though they went up the sky like thundering clouds driven by the wind.
शुत्वातुवचनंतस्याःसीतासुरसुतोपमा ।कृताञ्जलिरुवाचेमामेवमस्त्वितिमैथिलि ।।
Sita who was like deity, on hearing the words of consolation, spoken by Trijata, greeted Trijata with palms together.
पक्षवन्तः पुरा पुत्त्र बभूवुः पर्वतोत्तमाः।।छन्दतः पृथिवीं चेरुर्बाधमानाः समन्ततः।
O son in the past, foremost of the mountains too had wings and they used to range at will all over the earth tormenting all.
स हि तेपे तपस्तीव्रं माण्डकर्णिर्महामुनिः।।दशवर्षसहस्राणि वायुभक्षो जलाश्रयः।
Great sage Mandakarni standing in water and living on air performed rigorous penance for ten thousand years.
शासनात्तु नरेन्द्रस्य प्रययुश्शीघ्रवाजिभि:।समानेतुं नरव्याघ्रं विष्णुमिन्द्राज्ञया यथा।।
In obedience to the command of Indra among men king Janaka, the messengers rode away on swift horses to bring king Kusadhwaja, a tiger among men just like fetching Visnu by the orders of Indra.
न वृथातेश्रमोऽयंस्यात्संशयेन्यस्यजीवितम् ।सुहृज्जनपरिक्लेशो न चायंविपुलस्तव ।।
"O Life! If you had a doubt this exertion to you is wasteful. This fruitless hard work was perhaps not required on your part nor your friends."
निष्कूजमिव भूत्वेदं वनं घोरप्रदर्शनम्। अयोध्येव जनाकीर्णा सम्प्रति प्रतिभाति मा।।
This forest, dreadful in appearance was devoid of twittering of birds. But now it appears to me like Ayodhya thronged with people.
सोऽन्तःपुरमतीत्यैव स्त्रियस्ता वाक्यमब्रवीत्।आर्याह्वयति वो राजा गम्यतां तत्र मा चिरम्।।
O venerable ones, king Dasaratha summons you. Go there without delay, said Sumantra to the kings consorts after crossing the inner apartment.
न राज्याद्भ्रंशनं भद्रे न सुहृद्भिर्विनाभवः।मनो मे बाधते दृष्ट्वा रमणीयमिमं गिरिम्।।
O gentle one, when I behold this lovely mountain, neither the expulsion from the kingdom nor being away from friends pains my mind.
वृतश्शतसहस्रेण त्वद्विधानां वनौकसाम्।वैवस्वतसुतैस्सार्धं प्रतिष्ठस्व स्वमन्त्रिभिः।।
Take like you a hundred thousand courageous heroes, your ministers and the sons of Vaivasvata. And begin your expedition.
अल्पपुण्ये: निवृत्तार्थे: मूढे: पण्डितमानिनि: ।शृणुभर्तृवधंसीते: घोरंवृत्रवधंयथा ।।
"O woman of less merit! You are one who has given up all worldly actions. Stupid one! You pretend as if you know everything. O Sita! Hear about your husband s death like that of Vrthasura."
तवार्ये सद्गुणैर्युक्तः पुत्र स्स पुरुषोत्तमः।किं ते विलपितेनैवं कृपणं रुदितेन वा।।
My venerable lady, your son Rama is the greatest among men and is endowed with every virtue. Why do you lament in this way? Why do you weep bitterly?
पनसस्योरुवेगेन नीलस्य च महात्मनः।मन्दरोऽप्यवशीर्येत किंपुनर्युधि राक्षसाः।
"Even the mountain Mandara would be shattered by great Panasa or Nila by the speed of their thighs. What to say in a battle against ogres?
ततो हि यजमानस्य जह्नोरद्भुतकर्मण:।।गङ्गा सम्प्लावयामास यज्ञवाटं महात्मन:।
Then while Ganga was flowing, it inundated the sacrificial ground of the great sage Jahnu. Jahnu who used to work wonders was performing a sacrifice.
तमुवाचाञ्जलिं कृत्वा भरतोऽभिप्रणम्य च। आश्रमादभिनिष्क्रान्तमृषिमुत्तमतेजसम्।।
Bharata saluted with folded palms the sage of great powers. And emerging from the hermitage, replied
स पुनः पतितां दृष्ट्वा क्रोधाच्छूर्पणखां खरः।उवाच व्यक्तया वाचा तामनर्थार्थमागताम्।।
Seeing Surpanakha collapse, Khara said in clear terms about the unfortunate situation she had created
तान्वानरवरान्भित्त्वाशरैरग्निशिखोपमैः ।।ननादबलवांस्तत्रमहासत्त्वस्सरावणिः ।
Mighty son of Ravana, then attacked the best of monkeys with arrows which were like flames of fire.
नाहं धर्ममपूर्वं ते प्रतिकूलं प्रवर्तये।पूर्वैरयमभिप्रेतो गतो मार्गोऽनुगम्यते।।
I am not advancing anything new, contrary to the existing practice. I am only following the trodden path of our ancestors.
तत्र चापि महात्मानो नापश्यञ्जनकात्मजाम्।हर्तारं रावणं वापि सुग्रीवप्रियकारिणः।।
Eager to please Sugriva, the great souls searched in the forest region. Even there they could not find Janakas daughter and also Ravana who had abducted Sita.
पावकात्मजमालोक्यध्वजाग्रेसमवस्थितम् ।जज्वालरावणःक्रोधात्ततोनीलोननादच ।।
Neela stood on top of the post of the bow of Ravana. On seeing that Ravana was burning in anger while Neela roared.
एवं पर्वतसम्बाधं जम्बूद्वीपं नृपात्मजा:।खनन्तो नरशार्दूल सर्वत: परिचक्रमु:।।
O Foremost among men Rama the princes while thus excavating Jambu dweepa, in this way filled with mountains, moved around everywhere.
तमभ्रघनसङ्काशमापतन्तं महाकपिम्।।दृष्ट्वा ते वानरास्सर्वे तस्थुः प्राञ्जलयस्तदा।
On seeing Hanuman, who was resembling a heavy cloud approaching, the vanaras stood with folded hands.
यस्तुसव्यमसौपक्षंरामस्याश्रित्यतिष्ठति ।रक्षोगणपरिक्षिप्तोराजाह्येषविभीषणः ।।
"The one who is near Ramas left who sought Ramas refuge and stands surrounded by Rakshasas and protected is the king Vibheeshana."
चारु तद्वदनं तस्यास्ताम्रशुक्लायतेक्षणम्।अशोभत विशालाक्ष्या राहुमुक्त इवोडुराट्।।
Her beautiful countenance with large white eyes with a reddish tinge in the corners shone like the Moon released from Rahu.
अथ संवत्सरे पूर्णे तस्मिन्प्राप्ते तुरङ्गमे।सरय्वाश्चोत्तरे तीरे राज्ञो यज्ञोऽभ्यवर्तत।।
After completion of one year when the sacrificial horse had returned, the sacrifice by the king Dasaratha commenced on the northern bank of river Sarayu.
मानवं परमोदारमस्त्रं परमभास्वरम्।चिक्षेप परमक्रुद्धो मारीचोरसि राघव:।।
The inflamed Rama hurled the highly powerful and effulgent Manavaastra on the chest of Maricha.
भरतः कुशलं वाच्यो वाच्यो मद्वचनेन च।सर्वास्वेव यथान्यायं वृत्तिं वर्तस्व मातृषु।।
Tell Bharata of my welfare and tell him on my behalf that he should honour all our mothers equally.
निवृत्त्यैव निवृत्त्यैव सीदतो रथवर्त्मसु।राज्ञो नातिबभौ रूपं ग्रस्तस्यांशुमतो यथा।।
Turning back again and again at the trail of Ramas chariot, the grieving king appeared lustreless like the Sun in eclipse.
सतुतीर्त्वार्णवंरामस्सहवानरसेनया ।प्रतिजानामितेसत्यंनजीवन्प्रतियास्यति ।।
"Rama having crossed the sea with his Vanara army will not go back with life. It is true."
हिरण्यं च सुवर्णं च वासांसि विविधानि च।प्रकिरन्तो जना मार्गं नृपतेरग्रतो ययुः।।
The people went ahead of the kings body strewing on the way gold of brilliant colour and different kinds of garments.
निष्पतन्तोमहोत्साहोभिन्नदेहशिरोधराः ।रुधिरोक्षितसर्वाङ्गान्यपतन्थरणीतले ।।
Proceeding Further, very eager to fight they fell on the ground with their bodies broken, heads severed, and all limbs bathed in blood.
ततः काञ्चीनिनादं च नूपुराणां च निस्वनम्।शुश्राव परमस्त्रीणां स कपिर्मारुतात्मजः।।
Then Hanuman, son of the Windgod, heard their jingling golden girdles and anklets.
आत्मानं खादतानार्या न सीतां भक्षयिष्यथ।जनकस्य सुतामिष्टां स्नुषां दशरथस्य च।।
"Devour yourselves now, O ignoble ones, if you will. Do not eat Janakas favourite daughter, the daughterinlaw of Dasaratha.
तवैव तेजसा वीर भरतः पूजयिष्यति।कौसल्यां च सुमित्रां च प्रयतो नात्र संशयः।।
Aware of your power O valiant one, Bharata will undoubtedly pay respect to Kausalya and Sumitra with all humility.
ऋषयःपितरोदेवागन्धर्वगरुडोरगाः ।शतक्रतुंपुरस्कृत्यररक्षुर्लक्ष्मणंरणे ।।
The Rsis, Devatas, manes, Gandharvas, Garudas, serpents and Indra who had performed hundred sacrifices, protected Lakshmana in war.
तदलं क्रूरवाक्यैश्च सान्त्वमेवाभिधीयताम्।।अभियाचाम वैदेहीमेतद्धि मम रोचते।
"Give up these cruel taunts. Speak to her in a cordial manner. We will beg Vaidehis forgiveness. I like this kind of action.
न दोषेणावगन्तव्या कैकेयी भरत त्वया। रामप्रव्राजनं ह्येतत्सुखोदर्कं भविष्यति।।
O Bharata, you should not find fault with Kaikeyi. Ramas banishment will prove a great source of happiness in future for mankind.
सतेनाभिहतःक्रुद्धोनदन्राक्षसपुङ्गवः ।ववर्षशरवर्षाणिप्लवङ्गानांचमूपतौ ।।
Having been struck by Nila, the Rakshasa leader became furious, and began to roar and showered rain arrows on the monkeys.
यद्यदाज्ञापयेत्किञ्चित्स महात्मा महीपतिः।कैकेय्याः प्रियकामार्थं कार्यं तदविकाङ्क्षया।।
To make Kaikeyi happy, do whatever little the great king Dasaratha orders you to do.
स ददर्श ततश्श्रीमान् सुग्रीवं हेमपिङ्गलम्।सुसंवीतमवष्टब्धं दीप्यमानमिवानल।।
There Vali saw Sugriva in lustrous, red gold complexion standing ready for a combat steady like glowing fire.
ततःकुम्भस्समुत्पत्यसुग्रीवमभिपद्य च ।आजघानोरसिक्रुद्धोवज्रवेगेनमुष्टिना ।।
Then Kumbha hit Sugriva in anger with his fist at the speed of a thunderbolt on his chest.
न हि मे विप्रियं कृत्वा शक्यं मघवता सुखम्।प्राप्तुं वैश्रवणेनापि न यमेन न विष्णुना।।
One who has caused displeasure to me cannot be happy, be it Indra or Kubera, or Yama or even Visnu.
स चैनं प्रश्रितं दृष्ट्वा सम्भाष्याभिप्रसाद्य च।प्रियार्हं हर्षयन्राममित्युवाच पुरोहितः।।
The family priest Vasistha also, having gratified him by enquiring about his welfare, said thus to Rama, who was humble and lovable
यान्ति शूरा गतिं यां च सङ्ग्रामेष्वनिवर्तिनः।हतास्त्वभिमुखाः पुत्र गतिं तां परमां व्रज।।
अश्रूण्यानन्दजानित्वंवर्तयिष्यसिशोभने ।समागम्यपरिष्वज्यतस्योरसिमहोरसः ।।
"Virtuous Sita! Hugged by your broad chested Rama, you will shed tears of joy on his bosom."
पदवींदेवतानांचमहर्षीणांचराक्षस ।राजर्षीणांचसर्वेषांगमिष्यसिमयाहतः ।।
"O Rakshasa! Even Devatas, sages and even royal sages have also lost their lives, killed by me."
तमुवाच हरिश्रेष्ठं जाम्बवान्वाक्यकोविदः।ज्ञायते गमने शक्तिस्तव हर्यृक्षसत्तम।।
Jambavan who was skilful in speech spoke to that great Angada, O leader among monkeys and bears your energy to cover this distance is wellknown to us.
खड्गधाराहता मेऽद्य दीप्यमाना इवाद्रयः।पतिष्यन्ति द्विपा भूमौ मेघा इव सविद्युतः।।
The elephants, struck by the blows of my sword, will fall on earth like mountains engulfed in flames and like clouds with lightning.
तदन्तरमहं लब्ध्वा शक्रहन्तारमाहवे।अभिदं सप्तधा देवि तन्मे त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि।।
"I have seized the opportunity and severed into seven pieces the foetus who would have been a slayer of Indra. O Devi shoudnt you forgive me"? Thus ends the fortysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
सतलाभिहतस्तेनस्रस्तहस्तायुधोभुवि ।निपपातमहातेजास्त्रिशिरास्त्यक्तचेतनः ।।
Trisira, a highly energetic one, hit by Hanuman with his palm, dropped the weapon from his hand, lost his senses and fell on the ground.
गत्वा तु यदि काकुत्स्थं वक्ष्यामि परमप्रियम्।।न दृष्टेति मया सीता ततस्तक्ष्यति जीवितम्।
"If I report the most unpleasant news that Sita was not found, Rama will give up his life.
सिक्ता रुधिरधाराभिस्संहृत्य परमद्विपाः।प्रचरन्ति पृथक्कीर्णा मेघवर्णास्तरस्विनः।।
The great, nimble elphants, dark like clouds, drenched with the flow of ichor come together and then separate and scatter.
तारया चाभ्यनुज्ञातस्त्वरया चापि चोदितः।प्रविवेश महाबाहुरभ्यन्तरमरिन्दमः।।
Strongarmed Lakshmana, a subduer of enemies, permitted by Tara entered the harem immediately thinking of the urgency of the task.
भरतश्चापि रामस्य ध्रुवं वर्षशतात्परम्।पितृपैतामहं राज्यमवाप्ता पुरुषर्षभः।।
After a hundred years of Ramas rule, Bharata, the best of men, will get the kingdom of his ancestors.