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स तत्राभिहतस्तेनसुग्रीवोवानरर्षभः ।मुष्टिंसम्वर्तयामासवज्रकल्पंमहाबलः ।। | Then mighty Sugriva, the bull among Vanaras, hit by the fist, clenched his fist adamantly. |
बद्धगोधाङ्गुलित्राणे प्रगृहीतशरासने।कथं पुरुषमानी स्यात्पुरुषाणां मयि स्थिते।। | When I stand before men enemies wearing godha and fingerprotector, holding the bow ready, who amongst men will boast of his manliness? |
रावणस्यततोरामोधनुर्मुस्तैश्शितैश्शरैः ।।चतुर्भिश्चतुरोदीप्तान्हयान्प्रत्यपसर्पयत् । | Thereupon, Rama, stretching the bow, released four sharp glowing arrows at Ravanas four horses and drove them back. |
सत्वमिन्द्राशनिप्रख्यैःशरैरवकिरन्परान् ।अभिद्रवाशुयावद्वैनैतत्कर्मसमाप्यते ।। | "You have come to attack the enemy. Before he completes his action quickly attack him with the thunderbolt of Indra." |
ते तमूचुर्महात्मानं पौरजानपदैस्सह।बहवो नृप कल्याणा गुणाः पुत्रस्य सन्ति ते।। | Those kings along with the inhabitants of towns and villages answered the magnanimous king O king your son, indeed has many auspicious and admirable virtues. |
स कैकेय्या गृहं श्रेष्ठं प्रविवेश महायशाः।।पाण्डुराभ्रमिवाकाशं राहुयुक्तं निशाकरः। | The illustrious king entered the excellent abode of Kaikeyi like the Moon entering the mouth of Rahu in a sky overcast with pale clouds. |
रथेन खरयुक्तेन तमागतमुदीक्ष्य सः।हनुमान्वेगसम्पन्नो जहर्ष च ननाद च।। | Seeing him coming in a chariot drawn by donkeys, Hanuman who was swift to act was glad to have an opportunity to fight and made a loud noise. |
स विधूय चितामाशु विधूमोऽग्निरिवोत्थितः।अरजे वाससी बिभ्रन्मालां दिव्यां महाबलः।। | Mighty Kabandha shook himself off the funeral pyre and rose like smokeless fire, wearing a pair of clean clothes and a divine garland. |
केचिदुच्छ्रितलाङ्गूलाः प्रहृष्टाः कपिकुञ्जराः।आयताञ्चितदीर्घाणि लाङ्गूलानि प्रविव्यधुः।। | Some elephantlike vanaras who were excited and felt overjoyed lifted their long and beautiful tails and hit them on the ground. |
या हि वैश्रवणे लक्ष्मीर्या चेन्द्रे हरिवाहने।सा रावणगृहे सर्वा नित्यमेवानपायिनी।। | Whatever wealth was possessed by Vaisravana Kubera, the son of sage Vishrava and also Indra who rides the Ucchaisrava green horse, was there in the palace of Ravana. |
रावणंक्रुद्धमाज्ञायमहापार्श्वोमहाबलः ।मुहूर्तमनुसञ्चिन्त्यप्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत् ।। | Having realized that Ravana has become angry, Mahaparsva of extraordinary strength, thinking of pleasing him for a while greeting him with folded palms, spoke. |
यो मे भ्राता पिता बन्धुर्यस्य दासोऽस्मि धीमतः।तस्य मां शीघ्रमाख्याहि रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।। | Announce at once my arrival to the wise Rama, the man of unwearied actions, my brother, father and friend whose slave I am. |
नहिकोपपरीतानिहर्षपर्युत्सुकानिच ।भवन्तियुधियोधानांमुखानिनिहतेपतौ ।। | "If a husband ceases life in war, their face will not have an angry look or happy appearance." |
इत्येवंवदतस्तस्यराघवस्यमहात्मनः ।।भिन्नश्शिथिलयावाचालक्ष्मणोवाक्यमब्रवीत् । | When Raghava had spoken in that manner, Lakshmana spoke, pained by the irresolute talk of Rama. |
नूनं काञ्चनपृष्ठस्य विकृष्टस्य मया रणे।द्रष्टुमिच्छति चापस्य रूपं विद्युद्गणोपम।। | Surely he wishes to see the form of my bow inlaid with gold bent by me to its full length, looking like a streak of lightning. |
चपलश्चपलैस्सार्धं वानरैरकृतात्मभिः।जात्यन्ध इव जात्यन्धैर्मन्त्रयन् प्रेक्षसे नु कि।। | You are fickle by nature. Your consultants are frivolous, pettyminded monkeys. It is like one born blind suppporting another blind by birth. What do you know about dharma? |
ऊर्ध्वं वर्षसहस्रान्ते प्रजापाल्यमनन्तरम्।आर्यपुत्राः करिष्यन्ति वनवासं गते त्वयि।। | When after ruling the subjects for a thousand years you withdraw into the forest for yativrata your sons will rule them. |
विरोधे च महद्युद्धमभवद्रोमहर्षणम् ।शितिकण्ठस्य विष्णोश्च परस्परजिगीषुणो:।। | In that thrilling fight between Siva and Visnu, each desirous of victory over the other, a ferocious battle took place causing ones hair to stand on end. |
एतदायोधनंपश्यमांसशोणितकर्दमम् ।हरीणांराक्षसानां च सीते विशसनंमहत् ।। | "Sita, see the mire of flesh and blood of the carnage of many monkeys and Rakshasas on the battlefield." |
तमुवाच महातेजा रामो राजर्षिसत्तमः।किं मां भरत कुर्वाणं तात प्रत्युपवेक्ष्यसि।। | Rama, the foremost of royal sages and highly powerful said, Dear Bharata, what wrong have I done that you should prevent me by lying down in front of me? |
ततस्तु भरतः क्षिप्रं नन्दिग्रामं प्रविश्य सः।अवतीर्य रथात्तूर्णं गुरूनिदमुवाच ह।। | Bharata entered Nandigrama quickly, alighted from the chariot and then, addressing, the preceptors, said |
वर्षेणैवागतं विप्रं विषयं स्वं नराधिप:।प्रत्युद्गम्य मुनिं प्रह्वश्शिरसा च महीं गत:।। | The king Romapada went out to welcome the ascetic, the brahmin who brought along with him rains to his country. He humbly bowed down his head and prostrated before him. |
तं दृष्ट्वा मृत्युसङ्काशं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रं महाभुजम्।।प्राद्रवन्गिरिसङ्काशं भयार्ता वनदेवताः। | The sylvan deities fled out of fear on seeing the dreadful appearance of Ravana who had sharp teeth and mighty arms. He looked like a mountain, a veritable god of death. |
सृष्टाव्निविदमैन्दाभ्यांद्रुमानुत्पाट्यवीर्यवान् ।बभञ्जगदयामध्येशोणिताक्षःप्रतापवान् ।। | Heroic and courageous Sonitaksha tore the trees hurled by Dwivida and Mainda in midway by his mace and crushed them. |
यात्वंविरहितानीताचलचित्तेनरक्षसा ।दैवसम्पादितोदोषोमानुषेणमयाजितः ।। | "When you were alone you were abducted by the fickle minded Rakshasa. The fault of destiny has been won by me, a mortal by the will of god" |
ओजसादृप्तवाक्यानांवक्तारंरिपुसन्निधौ ।।स्वयूथभृत्यगोप्तारंहन्तारंभीमकर्मणाम् । | "He, who commanded uttering harsh words in the presence of the enemy, who protected his own brand, who killed those indulged in terrible deeds. |
हन्यामहमिमां पापां कैकेयीं दुष्टचारिणीम्।यदि मां धार्मिको रामो नासूयेन्मातृघातकम्।। | If righteous Rama were not to accuse me of slaying a mother, I would have killed the sinful Kaikeyi of wicked deeds myself. |
जाने चैतन्मनस्थं ते दृढीकरणमस्त्विति।अपृच्छं त्वां तथाऽत्यर्थं कीर्तिं समभिवर्धयन्।। | I am aware of the feelings in your heart. Even then I enquired in order to confirm it and to further your fame. |
रावणस्यवचःश्रुत्वागुणदोषौविमृश्यच ।पश्चादपिमहाबाहो शत्रून्युधिविजेष्यसि ।। | "O Mighty Armed One! You hear from Ravana the advantages and disadvantages and thereafter assess the enemy to conquer." |
वैदेही कुशलीरामस्सहसुग्रीवलक्ष्मणः ।वभीषणसहायश्चहरीणांसहितोबलैः ।। | Hanuman said" O Vaidehi! Sri Rama accompanied by Sugriva and Lakshmana, with the help of Vibheeshana, is doing well." |
यदि मामिह जानीयाद्वर्तमानां स राघवः।अद्य बाणैरभिक्रुद्धः कुर्याल्लोकमराक्षसम्।। | "Had only Raghava known that I was here he would have freed this world of demons with his anger. |
तां गिरं करुणां श्रुत्वा मम धर्मानुकाङ्क्षिणः।कराभ्यां सशरं चापं व्यथितस्यापतद्भुवि।। | On hearing the piteous voice the bow and arrow dropped from my trembling hands since I was keen on following the righteous path. |
इत्युक्तोलोकपालैस्तैस्स्वामीलोकस्यराघवः ।।अब्रवीत्त्रिदशश्रेष्ठान्रामधर्मभृतांवरः । | Rama the upholder of dharma and foremost and supreme god spoke after the ruler of the world had spoken to him. |
येनकेनतुमार्गेणतरामवरुणालयम् ।हतेतिनगरीलङ्कावानरैरवधार्यताम् ।। | "If by whatever means the passage of ocean can be crossed by vanaras it can be taken for granted that the city of Lanka is destroyed." |
दिलीपस्तु महातेजाश्श्रुत्वा पैतामहं वधम्।दु:खोपहतया बुद्ध्या निश्चयं नाध्यगच्छत।। | When exceedingly brilliant Dilipa heard about the death of his grandfathers, he was overtaken by grief but could not arrive at any conclusion with his intellect regarding means of bringing down the sacred river. |
एवमुक्त्वाततोगत्वासमीपंतस्यरक्षसः ।शुश्रावकथितंतस्यरावणस्यसमन्त्रिणः ।। | Having said so to Sita, she Saarana moved closer to Ravana and heard Ravanas conversation with his ministers. |
अत्रसामृगशाबाक्षीरावणेनोपरुध्यते ।अभिभूताग्रहेणेवलोहिताङ्गेनरोहिणी ।। | The doveeyed Sita is obstructed by Ravana there at Lanka like the planet Rohini is caught by the red coloured planet Mars. |
सम्पातिवचनाच्चापि रामं यद्यानयाम्यहम्।।अपश्यन् राघवो भार्यां निर्धहेत्सर्ववानरान्। | "Had I brought Raghava following the words of Sampati, Rama would have burnt all vanaras unable to find his wife. |
देवदानवगन्धर्वा यक्षा:पतगपन्नगा:।न शक्ता रावणं सोढुं किं पुनर्मानवा युधि।। | Gods, danavas, gandharvas, yakshas, birds and great serpents cannot withstand Ravana in battle. What are men to him? They are no match to him. |
चतुर्दशसु वर्षेषु निवृत्तेषु पुनः पुनः।लक्ष्मणं मां च सीतां च द्रक्ष्यसे क्षिप्रमागतान्।। | Very quickly these fourteen years will come to an end and we will return to Ayodhya. Then you will see me, Lakshmana and Sita off and on. |
लक्ष्मणस्तु महातेजास्सत्त्ववान् शीलवान् शुचिः।अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं भ्रातरं दीप्ततेजसम्।। | Lakshmana of great brilliance and power, of good conduct and pure character spoke to his highly effulgent brother with folded hands |
अक्षतंजातरूपं च गावःकन्यास्सहद्विजाः ।नरामोदकहस्ताश्चरामस्यपुरतोययुः ।। | Taking yellow rice rice smeared with turmeric appearing like gold, cows, virgin women, brahmins with Modakas in hand went before Rama. |
असुरेभ्यःसुरेभ्योवापन्नगेभ्योऽपिवातथा ।भयंयो न विजानातितस्येदंमानुषाद् भयम् ।। | "He, who did not know fear from Asuras or Uragas, experienced fear from a mortal." |
अस्य धर्मात्मनो राजन् रूपेणाप्रतिमं भुवि ।सुताद्वयं नरश्रेष्ठ पत्न्यर्थं वरयामहे।। | O King, O Eminent among men we seek the hands of this virtuous kings two daughters, unrivalled in beauty, on earth, as consorts. |
अपि चाद्याऽशुभान्राम स्वप्ने पश्यामि दारुणान्।सनिर्घाता दिवोल्का च पततीह महास्वना।। | Moreover Rama, these days I see frightening and ominous events in dreams during day time. I see meteors accompanied by thunders falling, generating great sounds. |
पम्पानदीनिवासानामनुमन्दाकिनीमपि।चित्रकूटालयानां च क्रियते कदनं महत्।। | A great slaughter is taking place amongst those residing on the bank of the Pampa lake, near the river Mandakini, and on mount Chitrakuta. |
बाणशल्यस्फुरज्जिह्वस्सायकासनभोगवा।।स्वतेजोविषसङ्घातः पञ्चास्य इव पन्नगः। | His bow was like the hood of a snake,with the iron nails fixed on the tip of his arrows like moving fangs and his own brightness like the venom of the fivehooded snake. |
तस्मिन्नन्दनसङ्काशे देवारण्योपमे वने।नानाविहगसङ्कीर्णे रंस्यसे राम निर्वृतः।। | O Rama, you will enjoy your stay in that forest which is like Nandana garden, the garden of the gods, full of various birds. |
ततस्तौ पादचारेण गच्छन्तौ सह सीतया।रम्यमासेदतुश्शैलं चित्रकूटं मनोरमम्।। | Then they both along with Sita walked to that lovely, delightful Chitrakuta mountain. |
स प्रणम्य च सुग्रीवं राघवौ च महाबलौ।वानरैः सहितः शूरैर्दिवमेवोत्पपात ह।। | Dadhimukha offered his obeisance to Sugriva and the mighty Rama and Lakshmana and rose up to the sky followed by the vanaras. |
एकस्याः खलु कैकेय्याः कृतेऽयं क्लिश्यते जनः।स्वार्थे प्रयतमानायाः संश्रित्य निकृतिं त्विमाम्।। | Only because of Kaikeyi who resorted to this deception in pursuit of selfish ends so many people are made to suffer. |
तस्यतेरथसंयुक्ताहयाविक्रमवर्जिताः ।चरणैराकुलैर्गत्वादीनाःसास्रमुखाययुः ।। | His horses yoked to the chariot went giving up their valour, faltering feet, desperate and shedding tears. |
यतो भगीरथो राजा ततो गङ्गायशस्विनी।।जगाम सरितां श्रेष्ठा सर्वपापप्रणाशिनी। | Ganga, famous and foremost of rivers, destroyer of all sins, flowed in the direction king Bhagiratha moved. |
तपोबलहतान् कृत्वा वासिष्ठान् समहोदयान्।ऋषिमध्ये महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।। | The most brilliant Viswamitra, having destroyed the sons of Vasishta including Mahodaya by his ascetic power, said this in the midst of saints |
विविधा विविधैः पुष्पैस्तैरेव नगसानुषु। विकीर्णै पीतरक्ताहि सौमित्रे प्रस्तराः कृताः।। | O Saumitri varieties of colourful flowers, some red and some yellow, are spread out on the mountain slopes. |
स स्ववृत्तिं समास्थाय पिता ते तत्तऽथाकरोत्।रामश्च सह सौमित्रिः प्रेषितस्सह सीतया।। | Your father, faithful to his word, banished Rama along with Lakshmana and Sita. |
सा तदर्थमना देवी तमभिप्रायमागतम्।निर्माध्यस्थ्याच्च हर्षाच्च बभाषे दुर्वचं वचः।। | Bent upon her interests, the queen cheered and expressed in unutterable words her premeditated wish which had no alternative. |
वामः कामो मनुष्याणां यस्मिन् किल निबध्यते।जने तस्मिंस्त्वनुक्रोशः स्नेहश्च किल जायते।। | "Love is partial. It gets bound to those in whomsoever compassion and friendship is generated, even though they are punishable. |
न खल्वेतन्मयैकेन क्रियते पितृशासनम्।एतैरपि कृतं देवि ये मया तव कीर्तिताः।। | I am not O Devi the only one obeying my fathers command. All I have mentioned to you did. |
अकृतात्मानमासाद्य राजानमनये रतम्।।समृद्धानि विनश्यन्ति राष्ट्राणि नगराणि च। | "Even prosperous countries and cities are destroyed on account of indiscreet rulers engaged in unfair means. |
हर्षेण महता युक्तः सीतादर्शनजेन सः।हृदयेन गतो रामं शरीरेण तु विष्ठितः।। | Hanuman stood there physically, with great joy gazing at Sita, but mentally he was with Rama. |
चन्द्रोदये समुद्भूतं प्रतिचन्द्रसमाकुलम् ।चण्डानिलमहाग्राहैः कीर्णं तिमितिमिङ्गिलैः ।। | At the time of the moon rise, the lofty ocean inhabited by dark swift crocodiles, huge Timingala fish scattered in it was rising up with several images of moon reflected in its water. |
दशग्रीवंजयेत्याहुरसुराःसमवस्थिताः ।देवाराममवोचंस्तेत्वंजयेतिपुनःपुनः ।। | Firmly established the Asuras uttered Victory to the Ten headed Ravana, and Devas for their part pronounced Rama be victorious again and again. |
यःखल्वपिवनंप्राप्यमृगव्यालनिषेवितम् ।नपिबेन्मधुसम्प्राप्यसनरोबालिशोभवेत् ।। | "Having reached a forest inhabited by wild animals and snakes for honey, whoever does not drink the honey obtained is surely a childish one." |
अहं तु तं नरव्याघ्रमुपयातः प्रसादकः।प्रतिनेतुमयोध्यां च पादौ तस्याभिवन्दितुम्।। | I have come to worship the feet of Rama, the best of men and persuade him to return to Ayodhya. |
पिता ज्येष्ठमविक्रेयं माता चाह कनीयसम्।विक्रीतं मध्यमं मन्ये राजन् पुत्रं नयस्व माम्।। | O King my father says his eldest son cannot be sold, mother says that her youngest son cannot be spared. From this I think middle son is already sold away. Therefore, take me" |
संरम्बश्चाब्रवीद्रामश्चक्षुषाप्रदहन्निव ।विभीषणंमहाप्राज्ञंसोपालम्बमिदंवचः ।। | Exhibiting anger with his gaze at the uproar, Rama addressed the highly intelligent Vibheeshana resenting their action. |
सोमदाऽपि सुसंहृष्टा पुत्रस्य सदृशीं क्रियाम्।यथान्यायं च गन्धर्वी स्नुषास्ता: प्रत्यनन्दत।। | Somada the gandharvi was exeedingly delighted with her daughtersinlaw and praised her son for his right action. Thus ends the thirtythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
अङ्गरागेण दिव्येन लिप्ताङ्गी जनकात्मजे।शोभयिष्यसि भर्तारं यथा श्रीर्विष्णुमव्ययम्।। | O daughter of Janaka, you will enhance the glory of your husband by anointing your body with this divine, fragrant unguent to your body like Lakshmi enhancing the glory of eternal Visnu. |
दर्शयेक्ष्वाकुशार्दूलवीर्यंगात्रेषुमेलघु ।ततस्त्वांभक्षयिष्यामिदृष्टपौरुषविक्रमम् ।। | "O Tiger of the Ikshvaku clan! Exhibit your manliness, prowess, and valour on me. I will eat you up later." |
सेतुरत्रयथाबध्येद्यथापश्येमतांपुरीम् ।तस्यराक्षसराजस्यतथात्वंकुरुराघव ।। | "Raghava You think that we will be building a bridge and then seeing that city of the king of Rakshasas." |
सोऽपि तान्वानरान्सर्वान् नष्टा स्स्थेत्यब्रवीद्बली।अभ्यधावत सङ्कृद्धो मुष्टिमुद्यम्य संहितम्।। | Seeing the monkeys, the infuriated demon ran towards them, raising his fist firmly, saying, You are all as good as dead, now that I have caught you. |
अङ्गदस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्सचिवैस्सह।लक्ष्मणं कुपितं श्रुत्वा मुमोचासनमात्मवा।। | On hearing about Lakshmanas anger from Angada, prudent Sugriva consulted his counsellors. |
एवं सीतां तदा दृष्ट्वा हृष्टः पवनसम्भवः।जगाम मनसा रामं प्रशशंस च तं प्रभुम्।। | On seeing Sita, the son of the Windgod, felt glad at heart and mentally reached Rama the lord of the world. Hanuman was full of praise for Rama. Thus ends the fifteenth sarga in Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
लतावल्ली श्च गुल्मांश्च स्थाणूनश्मन एव च।जनायांचक्रिरे मार्गं छिन्दन्तो विविधान्द्रुमान्।। | Clearing and cutting branches of various trees and creepers, shrubs, plants branchless trees and hewing boulders, the road was paved by the kings men. |
इह वा मां मृतां कुब्जे नृपायावेदयिष्यसि।वनं तु राघवे प्राप्ते भरतः प्राप्स्यति क्षितिम्।। | O hunchback, tell the king, either Bharata shall secure the kingdom on Ramas departure to the forest or else I will die here. |
ममेदं लङ्घनं व्यर्थं सागरस्य भविष्यति।।प्रवेशश्चैव लङ्कायाः राक्षसानां च दर्शनम्। | "My crossing the ocean, my entry into Lanka and my survey of the demons are all futile. |
तथा मया विधातव्यं विश्रमेत यथा कपिः।।शेषं च मयि विश्रान्तः सुखेनातिपतिष्यति। | I will have to make arrangements for his rest. Later he can resume his journey comfortably. |
सुकुमारं च बालं च सततं लालितं त्वया।।क्व तात भरतं हित्वा विलपन्तं गतो भवान्। | Where have you gone dear father, leaving the lamenting Bharata, so young and tender, who was always your darling? |
ततस्संवत्सरे पूर्णे क्षयं यातानि सर्वश:।साधनानि मुनिश्रेष्ठ ततोऽहं भृशदु:खित:।। | O Best among ascetics thus one year passed. Everywhere in the city all the means of living were exhausted. I felt deeply sad over this situation. |
समुद्यम्य महच्चापं रामः काञ्चनभूषितम्।शरांश्चादित्यसङ्काशान्गृहीत्वा रणसाधका।। | Getting ready to go, Rama took up his great bow and arrows adorned with gold and potent in war looking dazzling like the Sun. |
तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा देवानां मुनिपुङ्गव: ।अब्रवीत्सुमहद्वाक्यं कौशिक: सर्वदेवता:।। | The son of Kushika Viswamitra, the preeminent ascetic heard the gods and said these praiseworthy words |
कोऽसौपर्वतसङ्काशोधनुष्मान्हरिलोचनः ।युक्तेहयसहस्रेणविशालेस्यन्दनेस्थितः ।। | "Who is he, the yelloweyed, resembling a mountain, seated in the broad chariot drawn by a thousand horses?" |
अनुभूतानि चेष्टानि मया वीर सुखान्यपि।देवर्षिपितृविप्राणामनृणोऽस्मि तथाऽत्मनः।। | O mighty son I have experienced all the pleasures I longed for. I redeemed my debt to the gods, the sages, my ancestors, brahmins and to myself. |
वानरान्वानरैरेवजघ्नुस्तेनैरृतर्षभाः ।।राक्षसान्राक्षसैरेवजघ्नुस्तेवानराअपि । | The bull among Rakshasas struck at Vanaras with other Vanaras and the monkeys struck Rakshasas with other Rakshasas. |
रामस्यैष हितायैव याति दाशरथेर्हरिः।सत्क्रियां कुर्वता तस्य तोषितोऽस्मि दृढं त्वया।। | "The vanara has gone on a mission to help the son of Dasaratha. I am highly pleased with the service rendered to him. |
विशालस्य सुतो राम हेमचन्द्रो महाबल:।सुचन्द्र इति विख्यात: हेमचन्द्रादनन्तर:।। | O Rama mighty Hemachandra was Vishalas son. Hemachandras successor was the celebrated Suchandra. |
शतश्शतसहस्रैश्च कोटिभिश्च सहस्रशः ।वानराणां सुघोराणां श्रीमत्परिवृता मही ।। | Formidable vanaras in hundreds, thousands, lakhs and crores spread in a splendid manner around the land. |
नात्यर्थमभिकाङ्क्षामि मृगयां सरयूवने।रतिर्ह्येषातुला लोके राजर्षिगणसम्मता।। | In this world, hunting is a unique pleasure. It is regarded as a delightful sport for royal sages. But I do not have a great longing for hunting in the forest on the bank of river Sarayu. |
इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले देवि सम्प्राप्तस्सुमहानयम्। अनयो नयसम्पन्ने यत्र ते विकृता मतिः।। | O queen, till now you had a moral sense. With your mind debased now, a very great immorality has infected the Ikshvaku race. |
तेन विक्षिपताऽत्यर्थं पवनेन समन्ततः।
अमी संसक्तशाखाग्रा ग्रथिता इव पादपाः।।
| "Shaken by the strong wind all over, the tops of trees look as if they are knitted together. |
सत्यमेकपदं ब्रह्म सत्ये धर्मः प्रतिष्टितः।सत्यमेवाक्षया वेदा सत्येनैवाप्यते स्परम्।। | Truth is Brahman in one word. Righteousness is firmly established in truth. Truth is the imperishable Vedas. The supreme state can be attained by means of truth. |
कौसल्यासुप्रजा राम तातस्त्वं विदितो मया।वैदेही च महाभागा लक्ष्मणश्च महायशाः।। | O dear Rama, I know now you are the blessed son of Kausalya, Sita is a noble lady and a glorious soul. |
पूजितोऽस्मित्वयावीर साचिव्येनपरन्तप ।सर्वात्मना च चेष्टाभिःसौहार्देनपरेण च ।। | "O tormentor of enemies! Hero, I am honoured by your friendship, by your efforts, and good heartedness of all of you." |
स भूमौ रुधिरोद्गारी रामबाणाभिपीडितः।।न्यपतत्पतितैः पूर्वं स्वशिरोभिर्निशाचरः। | The demon with his heads decapitated, hit by Ramas arrows a little while ago, fell down, vomitting blood. |
एवं विलपमानां तां भरतः प्राञ्जलिस्तदा।कौसल्यां प्रत्युवाचेदं शोकैर्बहुभिरावृताम्।। | As Kausalya was lamenting in this manner, overwhelmed with deep grief, Bharata, his palms joined in reverence, replied her in these words |
मंत्रिश्रेष्ठवच श्शृत्वा राजा सर्षिगणस्तदा।।सबंधुरगमत्तत्र जनको यत्र वर्तते। | King Dasaratha on hearing the words of the best of the counsellors reached the place where Janaka was waiting with hosts of rishis and relations. |
तां पुरीं पुरुषव्याघ्रस्सप्तरात्रोषितः पथि।।
अयोध्यामग्रतो दृष्ट्वा सारथिं वाक्यमब्रवीत्।
| Having spent seven nights on his way, that tiger among men Bharata saw Ayodhaya before him. He said to the charioteer |
ततो वाजिरथान्युक्तान् दिव्यान्हेमपरिष्कृतान्। अध्यारोहत्प्रयाणार्थी बहून्बहुविधो जनः।। | Different groups of people intending to depart harnessed excellent horsechariots decorated with gold. |
यदि दुःखमकृत्वाऽद्य मम संक्रमणं भवेत्।अदुःखार्हस्य रामस्य तत स्सुखमवाप्नुयाम्।। | If death comes to me right now I shall be very happy because I will not have to inflict suffering on Rama who does not deserve it. |
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