रावणोऽपिमहातेजाःप्राप्यसंज्ञांमहाहवे ।।आददेनिशितान् बाणान् जग्राहचमहद्धमः ।
Ravana of mighty prowess waking up from consciousness took over his sharp arrows and the great bow also.
साहं तस्याग्रतस्तूर्णं प्रस्थिता वनचारिणी।।न हि मे तेन हीनाया वासस्स्वर्गेऽपि रोचते।
"I, however resolved to live in the forest, marched ahead of him quickly as I did not prefer even heaven without him.
स एष राघवभ्राता लक्ष्मणो वाक्यसारथिः।व्यवसायरथः प्राप्तस्तस्य रामस्य शासना।।
By the command of Rama, his brother has come to you, Ramas words as charioteer and his work as chariot.
वानरैरापतन्तस्तेवेगितावेगवत्तरैः ।मुष्टिभिश्चरणैर्दन्स्सैःपादपैश्चावपोथिता ।।
Endowed with speed, the Vanaras also fell on the Rakshasas at greater speed, knocking them down with fists, feet, teeth and even trees.
ताविमौ शोकसन्तप्तौ शनैः प्रेरय भामिनि।त्वया परिगृहीतोऽयमङ्गदश्शास्तु मेदिनी।।
O fair sex Encourage these two griefstricken heroes Angada and Sugriva gently. Let Angada rule this earth under your protection.
सर्पमाशीविषं बद्ध्वा वस्त्रान्ते नावबुध्यसे।।ग्रीवायां प्रतिसक्तं च कालपाशं न पश्यसि।
You are not aware that you are tying a venomous snake with the skirt of your cloth. worn by you. You are not able to see the noose of death tightened around your neck.
ततस्तस्मै द्विजेन्द्राय राममाता यशस्विनी।दक्षिणां प्रददौ काम्यां राघवं चेदमब्रवीत्।।
The illustrious Kausalya, mother of Rama gave abundant gifts to the best of the brahmins and thereafter said to him
उत्पपातरजोभूमौतैर्भग्नैःसम्प्रधावितैः ।न हितत्सहितुंशेकुर्भ्रह्मणानिर्मितंस्वयम् ।।
As the Taamasa missile had been built and bestowed by Brahma, the monkeys were unable to bear and by their running dust had risen.
स दृमाणां शिलानां च वर्षं प्राणहरं महत्।।प्रतिजग्राह धर्मात्मा राघवस्तीक्ष्णसायकैः।
Righteous Rama, retaliated with his sharp arrows such as the rain of trees and stones, the mighty destroyers of life.
शरधारासमूहान्स महामेघ इवोत्सृजन्। व्यसृजत्सदृशं नादं जलार्द्रस्य तु दुन्दुभेः।।
Trisira unleashed a stream of arrows like a huge cloud releasing rain. They produced sound, a drum drenched with water, creates.
तं दीप्तमिव कालाग्निं नागेन्द्रमिव कोपित।।समासाद्याङ्गदस्त्रासाद्विषादमगमद्भृशम्।
Dismayed, Angada approached Lakshmana, who was glowing like fire at the time of dissolution of the world and enraged like the lord of serpents.
धनूंषिचास्यसज्जानिहेमपृष्ठानिसर्वशः ।शोभयन्तिरथश्रेष्ठंशक्रचापमिवाम्बरम् ।।
"His bows decorated with gold on the back, are like a rainbow in the sky on all sides and makes the chariot excellent."
मामृका भक्षयिष्यन्ति शार्दूलाद्वीपिनस्तथा।मां हरोत्सृज काकुत्स्थौ नमस्ते राक्षसोत्तम।।
The wild bears, tigers and panthers will eat me up here. O best among demons, pray take me and leave both the Kakutsthas.
शयितं च चिरं तेन दुःखार्तेन महात्मना।मयापि विविधैर्वाक्यैः कृच्छ्रादुत्थापितः पुनः।।
"Rama, the great self, immersed in sorrow lay down on the ground. I also consoled him with great difficulty and helped him to get up.
गृहीत्वा प्रेक्षमाणा सा भर्तुः करविभूषणम्।भर्तारमिव सम्प्राप्ता जानकी मुदिताऽभवत्।।
She received the ornament that adorned her husbands hand and gazed at it and felt delighted as though her husband had arrived.
सललाटेशरोमग्नस्तस्यभीमस्यरक्षसः ।।ददृशेशोणितेनाक्तःपन्नगेन्द्रइवाचले ।
That arrow stuck on the forehead of the terrific Rakshasa looked like a serpent on a mountain.
नूनमस्या महाराज न दिव्यान् भोगसत्तमान्।।विदधात्यमरश्रेष्ठस्तव बाहुबलार्जितान्।
"O king surely she is not ordained by Brahma, the foremost among the immortals to enjoy the luxuries earned by the strength of your arms.
एवमुक्तस्तुधर्मज्ञःप्रत्युवाचविभीषणः ।समुद्रंराघवोराजाशरणंगन्तुमर्हति ।।
Hanuman having asked so, righteous Vibheeshana said, "O king Raghava We ought to go and seek refuge from the god of the ocean."
विप्रयुक्तो हि रामेण मुहूर्तमपि नोत्सहे।।जीवितुं मुनिशार्दूल न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।
Separated from Rama, I do not like to live even for a moment. O tiger among ascetics, it is not proper to take Rama with you.
मैन्दश्च द्विविदश्चोभावश्विपुत्रौ महाबलौ।कोटिकोटिसहस्रेण वानराणामदृश्यताम्।।
Two very powerful sons of Asvini, Mainda and Dvivida, appeared with a thousand crore vanaras.
ते छिन्नशिरसः पेतुश्चिन्नवर्मशरासनाः।सुपर्णवातविक्षिप्ता जगत्यां पादपा यथा।।
The heads, armour and bows fell down broken on the ground like trees in the wind gererated by Garudas wings.
एतत्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा सीता रामस्य दुःखिता। प्रसक्ताश्रुमुखी मन्दमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।
Having heard the words of Rama, thus spoke Sita in a faint voice in sadness, with tears flowing incessantly from her eyes
तामुपस्थापितां दृष्ट्वा शिबिकां वानराधिपः।।लक्ष्मणाऽरुह्यतां शीघ्रमिति सौमित्रिमब्रवीत्।
Seeing the palanquin placed in front of Sugriva, the chief of the monkeys requested Lakshmana to get in quickly.
इमे चापि हया वीर यदि ते वनवासिनः।परिचर्यां करिष्यन्ति प्राप्स्यन्ति परमां गतिम्।।
O valiant one, if these horses too could render services to you while you dwell in the forest, they would attain the supreme state.
स विस्फार्यमहाचापंकिरीटीमृष्टकुण्डलः ।नामविश्रावयामासननाद च महास्वनम् ।।
Adorned with crown, and polished earrings, twanging his bow, proclaimed his name and roared sounding aloud.
ततः पक्षिनिनादेन वृक्षभङ्गस्वनेन च।बभूवुस्त्राससम्भ्रान्तास्सर्वे लङ्कानिवासिनः।।
The residents of Lanka panicked at the shrieking sounds of birds and cracking sounds of trees.
सुमनोभिश्चितांस्तत्र तिलकान्नक्तमालकान्।उत्पलानि च फुल्लानि पङ्कजानि च राघव।।
O son of the Raghus there you will see tilaka trees, night jasmines full of flowers. You will also see blossoming water lilies and lotuses in Pampa.
ततःसमरकोपेनसम्वृतोरावणात्मजः ।।विभीषणंत्रिभिर्बाणैर्विव्याथवदनेशुभे ।
Then Ravanas son in his charming countenance, filled with wrath because of conflict, struck at Vibheeshana with three arrows.
एवमुक्ता ततस्तुष्टा जननी ते महाकपे।गुहायां त्वां महाबाहो प्रजज्ञे प्लवगर्षभम्।।
O great monkey O strongshouldered one having been assured that way, your mother was pleased and delivered you, a bull among monkeys, in a cave.
पूर्वकात्प्रत्ययाच्चाहमुक्तोविश्वस्तयातया ।भर्तारंद्रष्टुमिच्छामिकृतार्थंसहलक्ष्मणम् ।।
"In an earlier occasion having known me and trusting me expressed that she desires to see Rama with Lakshmana after victory and with gratitude."
तेन पूरयता वेगान्मध्ये भग्नं द्विधा धनुः।तस्य शब्दो भवद्भीमः पतितस्याशनेरिव।।
When Rama was stringing the bow with force, it was broken into two in the middle and fell down with a dreadful sound like that of thunder.
एष मे राम शोकान्तश्शोकार्तेन निवेदितः।दुःखितस्सुखितो वापि सख्युर्नित्यं सखा गत।।
This what I had to tell you out of sorrow. This is how my sorrow will end. In joy and in sorrow your friend is your refuge.
इदं पुण्यमिदं मेध्यमिदं बहुमृगद्विजम्।इह वत्स्याम सौमित्रे सार्धमेतेन पक्षिणा।।
This is a holy place fit for sacrifice. There are many animals and birds here.Hence we will reside here with Jatayu.
वृत्तदंष्ट्रो महेष्वासः क्वासौ लक्ष्मणपूर्वजः।यदि जीवामि साध्वेनं पश्येयं सीतया सह।।
Where is that Rama, elder brother to Lakshmana who has wellshaped teeth and wields a mighty bow? If I can see him along with Sita I will survive.
नष्टचित्तो यथोन्मत्तो विपरीतो यथाऽतुरः।हृततेजा यथा सर्पो बभूव जगतीपतिः।।
The lord of the earth Dasaratha became like a man with the mind deranged, like a sick man behaving to the contrary, like a serpent with its energy drained through mantra.
ततो वादित्रशब्दाश्च स्तुतिशब्दाश्च वन्दिनाम्।।सिंहनादाश्च शूराणां तदा शुश्रुविरे पथि।
At that time, sounds of musical instruments and songs of eulogy by panegyrists, roarings of warriors were heard on the way.
तैश्च सर्वैर्दिशापालैर्वाक्यज्ञैर्वाक्यकोविदै:।पूजितस्सहयश्चैव गन्ताऽसीत्यभिचोदित:।।
All those elephants of the quarters were knowers of the essence of words and proficient in the right use of words. Treating him kindly the elephants encouraged him saying, You will go back with the horse.
माययाममवत्सेनवञ्चनार्थंवनौकसाम् ।।किञ्चिदेवहतंतत्रसीतेयमितिदर्शितम् ।
My son showed the Vanaras there something which had been killed there to hoodwink as Sita."
ततस्स्वलङ्कृतं राजा नगरं प्रविवेश ह।शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषै: पुरस्कृत्य द्विजर्षभम्।।
Then the king entered that welldecorated city amidst blares of conches and the beating of drums, with the best of the brahmins Rsyasringa in the forefront.
अप्युपायैस्त्रिभिस्तातयोऽर्थःप्राप्तुंनशक्यते ।तस्यविक्रमकालांस्तान्युक्तानाहुर्मनीषिणः ।।
"Dear father, intelligent people say that an act which cannot be accomplished by the three means Sama Conciliation, Dana Gift, Bheda Sowing dissension, should only be accomplished diligently by ones heroic deed. Therefore, we should think of war only after the above three means are employed."
धर्ममर्थं च कामं च सर्वान्वारक्षसांपते ।भजतेपुरुषःकालेत्रीणिद्वन्द्वानिवापुनः ।।
"O Rakshasa king! A man should pursue his duty or worldly gain or sensual pleasures all the three combined or at least any two in time the scriptures lay down that duty should be pursued in the morning, wealth in the afternoon and sensual pleasures at night."
तेन पादपमुक्तेन पुष्पौघेण सुगन्धिना।सर्वतः संवृतः शैलो बभौ पुष्पमयो यथा।।
With heaps of flowers full of fragrance fallen down from the trees all over the mountain, it looked as though it was a mountain of flowers.
चित्रामष्टापदाकारां नरनारीगणैर्युताम् ।सर्वरत्नसमाकीर्णां विमानगृहशोभिताम् ।।
With groups of men and women and adorned with sevenstoried palaces, it looked wonderful like a board where the game of ashtapada, is played. It was rich in all kinds of gems.
पुरा दानवमुख्यानां विश्वकर्मा बभूव ह।।येनेदं काञ्चनं दिव्यं निर्मितं भवनोत्तमम्।
This best of wonderful mansions has been constructed earlier by Visvakarma, the chief architect of the demons.
इष्वस्त्रवरसम्पन्नमर्थशास्त्र विशारदम्।सुधन्वानमुपाध्यायं कच्चित्त्वं तात मन्यसे।।
I hope you treat with respect Sudhanva who is equipped with the most formidable arrows and other weapons propelled by mantras and a master in the science of statecraft.
ऋषीन्यक्षान्सगन्धर्वानसुरान्ब्राह्मणांस्तथा।अतिक्रामति दुर्धर्षो वरदानेन मोहित:।।
Because of your boon he has become unassailable and puffed with pride deties sages, yakshas, gandharvas, demons and brahmins.
अहंतेयुद्यनुग्राह्योयदिस्मरसिमेगुणान् ।वसतावदिहप्राज्ञ यद्यस्तिमयिसौहृदम् ।।
"O Wise Rama! If you permit me, and think kindly of me and remember me, and if you have affection for me stay here for a while."
मैथिली तु हरिश्रेष्ठाच्छ्रुत्वा वचनमद्भुतम्।हर्षविस्मितसर्वाङ्गी हनुमन्तमथाब्रवीत्।।
When Mythili heard the wonderful proposal from Hanuman, the best of vanaras, she experienced immense joy in every limb of her body and said
साबभूवनिशाघोराहरिराक्षसहारिणी ।।कालरात्रीवभूतानांसर्वेषांदुरतिक्रमा ।
Like the dreadful night for all beings, difficult to spend, as if it were a dissolution, destructive to Vanaras and Rakshasas.
यं यं देशं समुद्रस्य जगाम स महाकपिः।स स तस्योरुवेगेन सोन्माद इव लक्ष्यते।।
Whichever part of the sea over which that monkey flew, it appeared as though it was riotous with eddies, whirlpools and revolving foam etc., stirred up by the speed of his thighs.
भज प्रीतिं च हर्षं च त्यजैतां नित्यदैन्यताम्।सीते राक्षसराजेन सह क्रीड यथासुखम्।।
O Sita offer your love to Ravana, adore him and be happy. Give up this continuous dejection. Enjoy all pleasures along with the king of demons.
सर्वथा कृतकार्योऽहमेष्यामि सह सीतया।आनयिष्यामि वा लङ्कां समुत्पाट्य सरावणाम्।।
"I will, by all means return successful with Sita or else I will uproot Lanka along with Ravana and bring him here".
आत्मानमनुशोच त्वं किमन्यमनुशोचसि।आयुस्ते हीयते यस्य स्थितस्य च गतस्य च।।
Whether you are static or moving, your lifespan decreases. Therefore, you should only grieve about yourself and not for any one else.
सुमतिस्तु नरव्याघ्र गर्भतुम्बं व्यजायत।षष्ठि: पुत्रसहस्राणि तुम्बभेदाद्विनि:सृता:।।
O best among men, Sumati gave birth to a gourdlike foetus and when it burst open, sixty thousand sons emerged.
उद्यमःक्रियतांवीरहर्षःसमुपसेव्यताम् ।प्राप्तव्यायदितेसीताहन्तव्याश्चनिशाचराः ।।
"Let efforts be made to recover Sita. Let enthusiasm be restored to recover Sita. Rakshasas will be exterminated."
इष्टबन्धुजनोनित्यंमांचनित्यमनुव्रतः ।इमामद्यगतोऽवस्थांममानार्यस्यदुर्नयैः ।।
"He who was liked by relatives, was following ignoble me ever devoutly has reached this state."
उचितं च महाबाहुर्नजहौहर्षमात्मनः।शारद स्समुदीर्णांशुश्चन्द्रस्तेज इवात्मजम्।।
The mightyarmed Rama did not leave his habitual cheerfulness like the autumnal Moon his own brightness.
छिन्नवर्णतनुत्राणाराक्षसावानरैर्हताः ।।रुधिरंप्रसृतास्तत्ररससारमिवद्रुमाः ।
The Rakshasas killed by Vanaras, their shields and weapons broken, blood flowed from their limbs just as sap exudes from broken trees.
अगत्वा निश्चयं राजा तेषामुद्धरणं प्रति ।व्याधिना नरशार्दूल कालधर्ममुपेयिवान्।।
O Tiger among men king Dilipa was unable to arrive at a conclusion regarding the salvation of his ancestors.He was affected by illness and died.
पत्नीं च समनुप्राप्तां वृद्धामामन्त्र्य सत्कृताम्।सान्त्वयामास धर्मज्ञः सर्वभूतहिते रतः।।
Conversant in the ways of righteousness and eagaged in the welfate of all beings, sage Atri called out his aged wife who is revered by all and spoke kind words to her.
असुरास्तेन दैतेयास्सुरास्तेनादितेस्सुता:।हृष्टा: प्रमुदिताश्चासन् वारुणीग्रहणात्सुरा:।।
For that reason, sons of Diti were called asuras. Aditis sons were known as suras. Devatas grew exceedingly glad for having Varuni.
मारीचकुम्भकर्णाभ्यांवाक्यंममपितुस्तथा ।न श्रुतंवीर्यमत्तेनतस्येदंफलमीदृशम् ।।
"You did not take the advice of both Maricha and Kumbhakarna. You have also not taken the advice of my father because of the pride of your valour. This kind of result is the consequence of that."
कच्चित्ते सफला वेदाः कच्चित्ते सफलाः क्रियाः।कच्चित्ते सफला दाराः कच्चित्ते सफलं श्रुतम्।।
I trust, the Vedas you have studied are fruitful, the acts which you commenced are productive, your wife is fruitful blessed with a son and the scriptures you studied are useful.
तद्भवानस्य कार्यस्य साधने सत्यविक्रम।बुद्धिविक्रमसम्पन्नो हेतुरत्र परन्तप।।
O warrior of proven valour O subduer of enemies in achieving this objective you are the source, being endowed with valour and wisdom.
अशर्करामविभ्रंशां समतीर्थामशैवलाम्।।राम सञ्जातवालूकां कमलोत्पलशालिनीम्।
The slopes of Pampa are without stones or pebbles, O Rama They are not slippery slopes. They are without moss. The water is neither deep nor shallow. It has smooth beds of sand on the banks and it is full of lotuses and lilies.
नगरस्थो वनस्थो वा पापो वा यदि वा शुभः।यासां स्त्रीणां प्रियो भर्ता तासां लोका महोदयाः।।
One who is devoted to her husband, whether he be in the city or in the forest, whether he is sinful or virtuous, will attain the most prosperous worlds.
तं दीनं दीनया वाचा सफेनं रुधिरं वमन्।अभ्यभाषत पक्षी तु रामं दशरथात्मजम्।।
But the vulture who was in a piteous state, vomitting foamy blood, spoke these words pathetically to Rama, son of Dasaratha
स चोदितो रथश्शीघ्रं खरस्य रिपुघातिनः।शब्देनापूरयामास दिशश्च प्रदिशस्तदा।।
Spurred by the charioteer, the chariot of Khara, the slayer of enemies, produced a rattle that filled all four quarters and the intermediate directions.
अहं राघव कैकेय्या वरदानेन मोहितः।अयोध्यायास्त्वमेवाद्य भव राजा निगृह्य माम्।।
I have been deluded by Kaikeyi into bestowing boons. Imprison me and be now king of Ayodhya, O scion of the Raghu dynasty
आनयिष्यसि चेत्सीतामाश्रमात्सहितो मया।नैवत्वमसि नाहं च नैव लङ्का न राक्षसाः।।
If you bring Sita from the hermitage with my assistance, know that none of us will surviveyou nor I, nor Lanka , nor the demons.
न हिमद्बाहुसृष्टानामस्त्राणाहिमवानपि ।सोढुमुत्सहतेवेगमन्तरिक्षमथोमही ।।
The shafts discharged from my arm cant be borne, by the Himalayas, even the atmosphere between the sky and earth cant bear the force.
यदर्थं प्रतिषेधो मे क्रियते गन्तुमिच्छतः।एतदिच्छामि विज्ञातुं संशयो हि ममानघ।।
I wish to know, O sinless one, the reason why you are dissuading me, when I am willing to go with you. This creates a doubt in my mind.
दह्यन्तेधृशमङ्गानिदुरात्मन्ममराघव ।यन्मयासि न दृष्टस्त्वंतस्मिन् कालेमहावने ।।
"O Evil minded Raghava! at that time, I did not see you in D and aka forest. My limbs are burning in anger."
एषागोदावरीरम्याप्रसन्नसलिलाशुभा ।।अगस्त्यस्याश्रमश्चैव दृश्यते कदलीवृतः ।
"Here is an auspicious, beautiful Godavari with pure water. Here is also seen the hermitage of Agastya surrounded by banana plants."
स भ्रातुः शासनं श्रुत्वा सर्वमप्रतिकूलयन्।आरोप्य मैथिलीं पूर्वमारुरोहाऽऽत्मवां स्ततः।।
Having heard his brothers command the selfcontrolled Lakshmana did as he was told.He first helped Sita get into the boat and thereafter boarded it himself.
तां धर्षणामदूरस्थां दृष्ट्वा चात्मनि पार्थिवः।चिन्तार्णवगतः पारं नाससादाप्लवो यथा।।
Having perceived that the humiliation is not very far, king Janaka was plunged in a sea of sorrow like one who cannot reach the shore without a float.
अब्रवीत्तुतदारामस्तद्विमानमनुत्तमम् ।।वहवैश्रवणंदेवमनुजानामिगम्यताम् ।
Then Rama told Pushpaka that he was permitted to go to God Vysravana.
अथवाऽरुचितं स्थानमिह ते रुचिरानने।आविशन्ति हि दुर्गाणि क्षिप्रमन्यानि वानर।।
O lovely Tara, this very day other monkeys will soon occupy our citadels.
ततस्ते ददृशुर्घोरं सागरं वरुणालयम्।अपारमभिगर्जन्तं घोरैरूर्मिभिरावृतम्।।
Then the monkeys saw the boundless, dreary ocean roaring wild with its terrific waves spread all over.
परुषाणीह वाक्यानि यानि यानि ब्रवीषि माम्।तेषु तेषु वधो युक्तस्तव मैथिलि दारुणः।।
"O Mythili for each of the piercing statements made you deserve dreadful death."
अङ्केनादायवैदेहींलज्जमानांयशस्विनीम् । लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्राविक्रान्तेवधनुष्मता ।।  
Illustrious Vaidehi was abashed while she was taken in hisHanumans arms to Pushpalata while the valiant archers Lakshmana and his brother were there .
यष्टुकामो महायज्ञं तदनुज्ञातुमर्हथ।गुरुपुत्रानहं सर्वान्नमस्कृत्य प्रसादये।।
I wish to perform a great sacrifice. You are worthy enough to tender your consent. I pay homage to all the sons of my spiritual guide oblige.
तरुप्रवालरक्ता सा नीलाङ्गं राक्षसेश्वरम्।प्राशोभयत वैदेही गजं कक्ष्येव काञ्चनी।।
With her golden girdle, Sita whose complexion resembled tender leaves looked like a golden chain to bind an elephant with. Here Ravana is the elephant.
जाम्बवान्यत्र नेता स्यादङ्गदश्च बलेश्वरः।हनुमांश्चाप्यधिष्ठाता न तस्य गतिरन्यथा।।
"Where Jambavan is the leader, Angada the commander of the army and Hanuman the guiding force, the end result will not be otherwise.
वर्तमानेतथाघोरेसङ्ग्रामेरोमहर्षणे ।।रुधिरोधामहाघोरानद्यस्तत्रप्रसुस्रुवुः ।
In that way as the war was going on, and rivers of blood flowing with the terrific noise it made hair stand on end.
ऋक्षराजो महातेजा जाम्बवान्नाम नामतः।कोटिभिर्दशभिः प्राप्तः सुग्रीवस्य वशे स्थितः।।
Glorious Jambavan, king of bears, stood before Sugriva with ten thousand crore vanaras.
ताभ्यां स परिपूर्णाभ्यां भुजाभ्यां राक्षसेश्वरः।शुशुभेऽचलसङ्काशः शृङ्गाभ्यामिव मन्दरः।।
The lord of demons shone like mount Mandara, both his long two arms like two mountain peaks.
नोत्सहत्यमृतोमोक्तुंयुद्धेत्वामितिमैथिली: ।सामात्यस्यनृशंसस्यनिश्चयोह्येषवर्तते ।।
"O Mythili! Ravana is not interested in liberating you unless he goes to the other world in combat. It cant happen when he is alive This is certain. There is no doubt about this."
उद्विग्नाशङ्किताचास्मिनस्वस्थंचमनोमम ।तद्भयाच्चाहमुद्विग्नाअशोकवनिकांगता ।।
"I am perturbed and doubtful of my life. My mind is not at ease. Even though I am in Ashoka Grove I am disturbed."
कुम्भकर्णोमहानादस्त्रासयन् सर्ववानरान् ।शूलंससर्जवैरोषादङ्गदेतुमहाबलः ।।
Mighty Kumbhakarna agitated, making loud noise and frightening all the Vanaras hurled his pike on Angada.
पक्षयोर्यद्बलं तस्य तावद्भुजबलं तव।विक्रमश्चापि वेगश्च न ते तेनावहीयते।।
The strength of your shoulders is equal to that of his Garudas wings. Your speed and valour are no less.
ततस्ते मार्गमाणा वै सुग्रीववचनातुराः।चरन्ति वसुधां कृत्स्नां वयमन्ये च वानराः।।
"Following Sugrivas orders, we, the monkeys, since then are moving about searching the entire earth eager to find you or to carry out Sugrivas orders.
जलगर्भा महामेघा कुटजार्जुनगन्धिनः।चरित्वा विरतास्सौम्य वृष्टिवातास्समुद्यत।।
O dear the moist winds have ceased to blow as before and are carrying the fragrance of kutaja and arjuna flowers.
करिष्ये सर्वमेवाहमार्या यदनुशास्ति माम्।अभिज्ञास्मि यथा भर्तुर्वर्तितव्यं श्रुतं च मे।।
I shall do exactly all that the venerable motherinlaw instructs me. I have heard it earlier and have fully understood as to how I should conduct myself towards my husband.
उचितेष्वपि सुव्यक्तं न तासां योषितां तदा।विवेकः शक्य आधातुं भूषणाङ्गाम्बरस्रजाम्।।
It was not possible to distinguish clearly between their jewels, limbs, garments and garlands and to place them in the right spots.
गङ्गाया: पतनं राजन् पृथिवी न सहिष्यति।तां वै धारयितुं वीर नान्यं पश्यामि शूलिन:।।
O King Gangas descent cannot be sustained by earth. O Hero I do not see any other person to hold her than the wielder of the trident Siva.
सर्वथैव लघुत्वं ते कत्थनेन विदर्शितम्।सुवर्णप्रतिरूपेण तप्तेनेव कुशाग्निना।।
All your meanness is exhibited by your boasting just as the kusa grass caught by fire appears like gold.
यद्ययं किल्बिषाद्भेदः कृतोऽप्येवं न गृह्यते।जायते तत्र मे दुःखं धर्मसङ्गश्च गर्हितः।।
I am grieved that even though this plot has been hatched by a treacherous mind, you are not taking it in the right perspective. Censurable is adherence to virtue.
न हि ते विषये कश्चिद् र्ब्राह्मणो वस्तुमर्हति। तादृशं त्वममर्यादमद्य कर्म चिकीर्षसि।।
Now by your act, you intend to transgress the bounds of traditioncode of conduct. No brahmin shall ever dwell in your country.
ततःकुम्भनिपातेनजलराशिस्समुत्थितः ।व्निध्यमन्दरसङ्काशोविससर्पसमन्ततः ।।
By Kumbha falling into the ocean, it got swollen to the form of Vindhya and Mandara mountain and water flowed all over.