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तं सिंहमिव विक्रान्तं सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम्।दृष्ट्वा नोद्विजते रामः सिंहः क्षुद्रमृगं यथा।। | When Rama saw Khara aggressively advancing like a lion to attack him, he was not perturbed, for he knew he was a fawn before a lion which Rama was. |
अष्टौ वर्षसहस्राणि तेनास्मिन्नृषिणा विना।वसतो मम धर्मज्ञा स्वर्गते तु निशाकरे।। | O righteous monkeys after the death of sage Nishakara eight thousand years have passed. And I have been living here. |
सर्वभोगैः परित्यक्तं रामं सम्प्रेक्ष्य मातरः।आर्ता मुमुचुरश्रूणि सस्वरं शोककर्शिताः।। | Beholding Rama devoid of all luxury, his mothers afflicted with grief, and overcome with sorrow, cried aloud, tears streaming down. |
यदि पश्येत्स रामस्त्वां रोषदीप्तेन चक्षुषा।रक्षस्त्वमद्य निर्धग्धो गच्छेस्सद्यः पराभवम्।। | O demon, you will be completely consumed if Rama looks at you with eyes burning in anger. |
स ददर्शमहावीर्यौनागौत्रिशिरसानिव ।सृजन्ताविषुजालानिवीरौवानरमध्यगौ ।। | That great hero saw Rama and Lakshmana like three serpents in the midst of Vanaras raining network of arrows. |
वरं त्रिवेणुसम्पन्नं कामगं पावकार्चिषम्।मणिहेमविचित्राङ्गं बभञ्ज च महारथम्।। | Then heJatayu broke down the great chariotof Ravana glowing like fire, glittering with gold and gems, made of three bamboo reeds, and capable of flying wherever the rider willed. |
आसेदतुस्ततस्तत्र तावुभौ प्रमुखे स्थितम्।विवृद्धमशिरोग्रीवं कबन्धमुदरे मुखम्।। | Then both the brothers saw a very tall figure with a trunk that stood facing them. He had neither neck nor head. His face was in the stomach. |
तस्य चैव शिरो नास्ति न बाहू न च जानुनी।न धनुर्न रथो नाश्वास्तत्रादृश्यन्त नेषवः।। | Neither his head could be discerned nor his arms, knees, nor bow, chariot nor donkeys. Nothing was seen. |
निवृत्तवनवासं तं द्रष्टासि पुनरागतम्।जहिशोकं च मोहं च देवि सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते।। | I tell you the truth, Kausalya, that you will see Ramas return when the period of exile is complete. Hence give up your sorrow and delusion. |
तेचास्यहयमुख्येषुतूर्णमुत्पत्यवानराः ।।चतुर्षुसुमहावीर्यानिपेतुर्भीमविक्रमाः । | The four Vanaras of remarkable valour and of terrific courage getting up immediately fell on the best of the horses of Indrajith. |
किमर्थनौनरव्याघ्र: नरोचिष्यतिराघव: ।विभीषणेनयच्चोक्तमस्मिन् कालेसुखावहम् ।। | "O Raghava, the tiger among kings Why will this good advice given to us at this time by Vibheeshana be not pleasing?" Sugriva and Lakshmana said to Rama." |
महाब्रह्मर्षिसृष्टाः वा ज्वलन्तो भीमदर्शनाः।धिग्वाग्दण्डा न हिंसन्ति रामप्रव्राजने स्थिताम्।। | It is a wonder that while bent upon banishing Rama, you are not destroyed by frightening fire created by great brahmarsis, crying, Shame, shame |
शिला श्शैलस्य शोभन्ते विशाला श्शतशोऽभितः।बहुला बहुलैर्वर्णैर्नीलपीतसितारुणैः।। | Several hundreds of massive rocks of the mountain look splendid all around, in blueblack, yellow, white and red colours. |
तेयुद्धकुशलैरूढास्तोमराङ्कुशपाणिभिः ।अन्येलक्षणसंयुक्ताश्शूरारूढामहाबलाः ।। | Carrying tridents, clubs, and goads eager for war the Rakshasas mounted on mahouts and horses of noble characteristics, warriors with extraordinary might departed. |
विज्ञायतुमनस्तस्यराघवस्यमहात्मनः ।स निवृत्याहवात्तस्मात् प्रविवेशपुरींततः ।। | Knowing the highsouled Raghavas mind, Indrajith departed from there and entered the city. |
तेन्योन्यमभिसर्पन्तोनिनदन्तश्चविस्वरम् ।राक्षसेन्द्रास्त्रनिर्भिन्नानिपेतुर्वानरर्षभाः ।। | Hit by the Rakshasa king, the bulls among Vanaras gliding towards one another roared in discordant tones and fell down. |
वसिष्ठो भरतश्चैनं पप्रच्छतुरनामयम्।शरीरेऽग्निषु वृक्षेषु शिष्येषु मृगपक्षिषु।। | Vasistha and Bharata also enquired about his health and welfare of his sacred fires, his disciples, animals and birds and trees of the hermitage. |
न हि ते वानरं तेजो रूपमात्रं तु वानरम्।।तत्त्वत: कथयस्वाद्य ततो वानर मोक्ष्यसे। | "Your appearance is only of that of a vanara. But your glow is not of a vanara indeed. Tell the truth today. You will be set free. |
अथतस्यामवस्थायांलक्ष्मणंरावणानुजः ।परेषामहितंवाक्यमर्थसाधकमब्रवीत् ।। | Ravanas brother seeing Lakshmana spoke these words of advice to accomplish the task and which is not good for the enemies. |
स हि देवैरुदीर्णस्य रावणस्य वधार्थिभिः।अर्थितो मानुषे लोके जज्ञे विष्णुस्सनातनः।। | Entreated by the devatas desirous of slaying arrogant Ravana, the eternal Visnu was indeed born in the mortal world as Rama. |
तस्यास्त्वैरावतः पुत्रो लोकनाथो महागजः।मातङ्ग्या स्त्वथ मातङ्गा अपत्यं मनुजर्षभ।। | O bull among men Matangi gave birth to elephants.The mighty elephant Airavata who became the lord of the world was born to Iravati. |
अथाब्रवीन्महासाध्वी सीता सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरी।रक्षसां भीमरूपाणां विज्ञाने मम का गतिः।। | Chaste and beautiful Sita said, "How do I know about the ogresses who assume many fierce forms?" |
मन्मथाऽयाससम्भूतो वसन्तगुणवर्धितः। अयं मां धक्ष्यति क्षिप्रं शोकाग्निर्नचिरादिव।। | The fire of grief ignited by Kandarpa the god of love, enhanced by the effects of spring will certainly consume me soon. |
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण भरतः प्रत्यनन्तरम्।उवाच परमोदारस्सूतं परमदुर्मनाः।। | Having been addressed by Rama in this way, Bharata of great generosity, in extreme distress, addressing the charioteer who was standing nearby said |
इहैव त्वाऽभिषिञ्चन्तु सर्वाः प्रकृतय स्सह।ऋत्विज स्सवसिष्ठाश्च मन्त्रविन्मन्त्रकोविदाः।। | Let all ministers, subjects, and priests including Vasistha who are wellversed in Vedic hymns consecrate you here itself. |
यदिदं क्षुभितं स्थानान्मम तेजो ह्यनुत्तमम्।धारयिष्यति कस्तन्मे ब्रुवन्तु सुरसत्तमा:।। | "Who will contain this exceptional vital fluid of mine if shaken from its own place? O best of devatas tell me". |
ततोऽब्रवीत्समीपस्थं रामो राजीवलोचनः।पृष्ठतोऽनुगतं वीरं लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मिवर्धनम्।। | Then the lotuseyed Rama said to the chivalrous, graceful Lakshmana who stood behind him |
तान् दृष्ट्वा मुनयस्सर्वे जनकस्य पुरीं शुभाम्।।साधु साध्विति शंसन्तो मिथिलां समपूजयन्। | All the ascetics, having seen that auspicious city of Janaka worshipfully admired Mithila saying, Excellent, Excellent |
न तत्पश्याम्यहं रक्षो यदस्य भयमावहेत्।निर्वृता भव नास्त्येतत्केनाप्येवमुदाहृतम्।। | No one can cause fear in Rama. I do not see any demon who can hold a threat to him. Give up fear. Some one might have said it. |
न प्रमाणीकृतंपाणिर्भाल्येममनिपीडितः ।ममभक्तिश्चशीलं च सर्वंतेपृष्ठतःकृतम् ।। | "When in my young age you held my hand as a mark of acceptance in our marriage, has it not been considered by you? Has my devotion, character and chastity not been taken into account?" |
अभिवाद्य च काकुत्स्थ: सर्वांस्तांस्त्रिदशोत्तमान् ।लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्रावासमाज्ञापयत्तदा ।। | Then greeting all the jewels among gods present there, accompanied by brother Lakshmana, Kakuthsa Rama ordered all Vanaras to go home and rest. |
अस्त्रं हयशिरो नाम क्रौञ्चमस्त्रं तथैव च।शक्तिद्वयं च काकुत्स्थ ददामि तव राघव।। | O Rama bron in the Kakutstha race, I shall grant you two powers named hayasira Horse head and kraunchaastra. |
कच्चिज्जीवति वैदेहि प्राणैः प्रियतरा मम।कच्चित्प्रव्राजनं सौम्य न मे मिथ्या भविष्यति।। | O gentle Lakshmana I wonder if Vaidehi, who is dearer to me than my life is still alive I hope my banishment from the kingdom is not going to prove false. |
मेघपादनिभैः पादैः प्रक्रान्तमिव सर्वतः।जृंम्भमाणमिवाऽकाशे शिखरैरभ्रमालिभिः।। | With the ranges of foothills appearing like the feet of clouds traversing, with its peaks like garlands of clouds traversing over the mountain, it made one feel it was yawning. |
एवं कृत्वा त्विदं कार्यं यथेष्टं गच्छ राक्षस।राज्यस्यार्धं प्रयच्छामि मारीच तव सुव्रत।। | You may go wherever you want after accomplishing this task. I will give you, O demon of determination half my kingdom. |
रौद्रेण कच्चिदस्त्रेण ज्वलता निहतं रणे।द्रक्ष्याम्यल्पेन कालेन रावणं ससुहृज्जनम्।। | "Can I hope to see Ravana and his relatives slain in the battle by fiery weapons in a short time? |
ततःपादपमुद्धृत्यशूरस्सम्प्रधनोहरिः ।अभिपत्यजघानास्यप्रमुखेतुमहागजम् ।। | Then springing up, the valiant Vanara uprooting a tree struck the face of the Rakshasa seated on the great elephant. |
पुरा भूत्वा मृदुर्दान्तस्सर्वभूतहिते रतः।न क्रोधवशमापन्नः प्रकृतिं हातुमर्हसि।। | Earlier you were gentle, self restrained and engaged in the welfare of all beings. Now it is not proper for you to give up your natural composure in anger. |
एकेनवानरेणेयंपूर्वंदग्धामहापुरी ।कुमारोनिहतश्चाक्षस्सानुयात्रःसकुञ्जरः ।। | "Earlier this great city was burnt by a single Vanara who killed Prince Aksha, and his elephants and followers." |
एकस्यैवाभियानेतुहेतुर्यःकथितस्त्वया ।तत्राप्यनुपपन्नंतेवक्ष्यामियदसाधु च ।। | "You have set out alone for war and the reason adduced by you is ill conceived and improper. I shall tell you." |
एवमुक्तो महातेजा मारीचेन स रावणः।ततः पश्चादिदं वाक्यमब्रवीद्वाक्यकोविदः।। | Thus addressed by Maricha, the effulgent, eloquent Ravana replied with these words Thus ends the thirtyfifth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
इहैव नियताहारो वत्स्यामि नियतेन्द्रियः।।न मत्कृते विनश्येयुः सर्वे ते नरवानराः। | "I will stay here itself, restricting my food and controlling my senses. Let not men and monkeys perish for my fault. |
तदा प्रभृति काकुत्स्थ पितृदेवास्समागता:।अफलान् भुञ्जते मेषान् फलैस्तेषामयोजयन्।। | "O Son of the Kakutsthas from then on the pitrudevatas have been accepting rams without testicles as offerings in a sacrifice, with rams testicles fitted on to Indra. |
भूयिष्ठं लोलिता लङ्का रामस्य चरता प्रियम्।न हि पश्यामि वैदेहीं सीतां सर्वाङ्गशोभनाम्।। | "I have thoroughly surveyed the entire city of Lanka to please Rama, but I am unable to find Sita of flawless beauty. |
गजश्च गिरिसङ्काशो गवयश्च महाबलः ।गवाक्षश्चाग्रतो यातु गवां दृप्तइवर्षभ: ।। | "Gaja who is like a mountain in form, Gavaya, the mighty strong and Gavaksha would go like proud bulls that lead the cows". |
अधोमुखंस्थितंरामंततःकृत्वाप्रदक्षिणम् ।उपावर्ततवैदेहीदीप्यमानंहुताशनम् ।। | Thereafter, Vaidehi, walking clockwise near Rama went round him in accordance with tradition and approached the pyre. |
नारीजनस्यधूमेनव्याप्तस्योच्चैर्विनेदुषः ।स्वनोज्वलनतप्तस्यशुश्रुवेशतयोजनम् ।। | By the smoke that spread, scorched by the fire, the clamour of the women folk at the top of their voice was heard at a hundred yojanas. |
सहितौ रामसुग्रीवावुभावकुरुतां तदा।समयं वालिनं हन्तुं तव चान्वेषणं तथा।। | "Having become friends Rama and Sugriva together reached an agreement to kill Vali and search for you. |
घोरो राक्षसराजोऽयं दृष्टिश्च न सुखा मयि।त्वां च श्रुत्वा विपद्यन्तं न जीवेयमहं क्षणम्।। | "The demon king is frightful. He looks at me with immoral lusty eyes. I do not wish to live even for a moment after hearing about the adversities you have faced." |
स पुत्रवधसन्तप्तःक्रूरःक्रोधवशंगतः ।।समीक्ष्यरावणोबुद्ध्यासीतांहन्तुंव्यवस्यत । | Feeling very sad about the death of his son, cruel Ravana overpowered by anger went thinking to destroy Sita. |
गङ्गायमुनयो स्सन्धिमासाद्य मनुजर्षभौ।कालिन्दीमनुगच्छेतां नदीं पश्चान्मुखाश्रिताम्।। | Reaching the confluence of rivers Ganga and Yamuna, O Rama and Lakshmana best among men proceed along the Kalindi Yamuna river flowing westward. |
ततो निक्षिप्य मातृ़ स्स अयोध्यायां दृढ व्रतः।भरत श्शोकसन्तप्तो गुरूनिदमथाब्रवीत्।। | After keeping his mothers in Ayodhya, the griefstricken Bharata who was firm in his vows, said to the elders |
उवास सुखितस्तत्र पूज्यमानो महर्षिभिः।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा चकार विविधाः कथाः।। | Honoured by the ascetics , Rama stayed there peacefully with brother Lakshmana, discussing diverse matters from time to time. |
सहायेन तु सुग्रीव त्वया रामः प्रतापवान्।वधिष्यति रणे शत्रूनचिरान्नात्र संशयः।। | O Sugriva with you as associate, valiant hero Rama will kill his enemies in war very soon. There is no doubt about it. |
परित्यक्ता वसिष्ठेन किमहं सुमहात्मना।याहं राजभटैर्दीना ह्रियेय भृशदु:खिता।। | "I am being carried away by attendants of the king in this greatly distressed and pitiable condition. Have I been abandoned by the magnanimous Vasishta? |
हिरण्यस्य सुवर्णस्य मुक्तानां विद्रुमस्य च।।ददौ परमसंहृष्ट: कन्याधनमनुत्तमम्। | Immensely delighted, he gave his excellent daughters gold, pearls and corals. |
गीतवादित्रनिर्घोष स्सोत्कृष्टहसितस्वनः।श्रूयते सततं तत्र सर्वभूतमनोहरः।। | Pleasing sounds of heavenly musicvocal and instrumental and laughter of celestial beings are ever heard in that region. |
मया हि चिरपुष्टेन दुखसंवर्धितेन च।विप्रयुज्यत कौशल्या फलकाले धिगस्तु माम्।। | Kausalya nurtured me for a long time and reared me with great difficulty. When she was going to enjoy the fruits of her labour, I have been separated from her. Fie upon me |
राजन् स कालसङ्काशस्संयुक्तःकालकर्मणा ।विद्राव्यवानरींसेनांभक्षयित्वा च वानरान् ।। | "O King! Kumbhakarna, who was equal to the God of Death, devoured and won over the Vanaras, scattered the army, has joined death as a consequence of time fate." |
अलं ते घृणया राम पापैषा दुष्टचारिणी।।यज्ञविघ्नकरी यक्षी पुरावर्धति मायया। | "O Rama she does not deserve any more compassion. This yakshini who is sinful, wicked and obstructor of sacrifice will regain her strength by her magical powers ". |
आद्दिष्टंदीर्घमायुस्तेयैरचिन्त्यपराक्रम ।अनृतंवचनंतेषामल्पायुरपिराघव ।। | "O Raghava of incomprehensible valour! the words predicted by astrologers that your life is long is falsified. Your life has been short." |
तदा देवर्षि गन्धर्वास्सरुद्रास्साप्सरोगणा:।स्तुतिभिर्दिव्यरूपाभिस्तुष्टुवुर्मधुसूदनम्।। | Then along with gandharvas, groups of apsaras, rishis, rudras and devatas sang in praise of the Lord Slayer of Madhu, with hymns of celestial beauty. |
दुष्करं निष्प्रतिद्वन्द्वं चिकीर्षन् कर्म वानरः।समुदग्रशिरोग्रीवो गवांपतिरिवाबभौ।। | Hanuman who raised his head and neck, intending to cross the formidable ocean which none else could accomplish, looked like a leading bull. |
अनृतं बत लोकोऽयमज्ञानाद्यदि वक्ष्यति।तेजो नास्ति परं रामे तपतीव दिवाकरे।। | Alas that will be a falschood if people out of ignorance say that there is no supreme splendour in Rama like the shining Sun. |
एतच्छ्रुत्वाशुभंवाक्यंपितामहसमीरितम् ।अङ्केनादायवैदेहिमुत्पपातविभावसुः ।। | On hearing creator Brahmas address to Rama, fire god emerged picking auspicious Vaidehi in his arms. |
सेनायास्तु तवैतस्याः कर्तुमिच्छामि भोजनम्।मम प्रीतिर्यथारूपा तथार्हो मनुजर्षभ।। | O Bharata, the best of men, I want to treat your army with food. This will please me and I hope you will act accordingly. |
ततस्सुदर्शनंनागंनीलजीमूतसन्निभम् ।ऐरावतकुलेजातमारुरोहमहोदरः ।। | Thereafter Mahodara mounted on an elephant born of Airavata Indra s elephant family, by name Sudarsana went. |
आगता हि महावीर्या हरयः कामरूपिणः।कोटीशतसहस्राणि नानानगनिवासिनः।। | O great warrior monkeys residing at different mountains who can assume any form they like have arrived in hundreds and thousands of crores. |
जटायो पश्य मामद्य ह्रियमाणामनाथवत्।।अनेन राक्षसेन्द्रेण करुणं पापकर्मणा। | O Jatayu, see me now being carried away by the sinful king of demons in this pitiable condition as though I am an orphan. |
सा राज्यफलमप्राप्य विधवा शोककर्शिता।पतिष्यति महाघोरे निरये जननी मम।। | My mother, formented with grief and with the fruit of the kingdom forfeited, and cursed with widowhood, will fall into the dreadful hell. |
स च रोषेण ताम्राक्ष श्शत्रुघ्न श्शत्रुतापनः।विचकर्ष तदा कुब्जां क्रोशन्तीं धरणीतले।। | With bloodshot eyes Satrughna, the scorcher of enemies, dragged the shrieking hunchback down the ground in fury. |
तेषांनोविप्रनष्टानांविन्ध्येपर्वतसत्तमो ।भृशंशोकानितप्तानांमहान्कालो त्यवर्तत ।। | "Monkeys that went to the foremost of mountains Vindhya lost their way and a lot of time and returned with intense grief." |
औपवाह्यः कुबेरस्य सार्वभौम इति स्मृतः।गजः पर्येति तं देशं सदा सह करेणुभिः।। | |
उद्वेजयति लोकान्स्तीनुच्छ्रितान्द्वेष्टि दुर्मति:।शक्रं त्रिदशराजानं प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति।। | The evilminded Ravana is inflicting pains on the three worlds. He hates the guardians of the earth and intends to assault Indra, lord of the celestials. |
सोऽहं रूपमिदं कृत्वा लोकवित्रासनं महत्।।ऋषीन्वनगतान्राम त्रासयामि ततस्ततः। | With my appearance, I was a great nuisance to the world and used to terrorise the sages living in the forest. |
अद्यतूत्तमवीर्येण त्वया राम महाबल।श्रुतवान् धनुषो भेदं ततोऽहं द्रुतमागत:।। | O Mighty Rama when I heard that you have broken the bow with your extraordinary prowess, I have come here quickly. |
इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं रामः प्रदरः खन्यतामिति।तस्थौ विराधमाक्रम्य कण्ठे पादेन वीर्यवान्।। | Courageous Rama standing there put his foot firmly on the neck of Viradha and said to Lakshmana, Dig up a crevice. |
एवं स्वप्ने मया दृष्टो रामो विष्णुपराक्रमः।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा सीतया सह राघवः।। | "In this way I saw in my dream Rama as valiant as Lord Visnu accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and his wife Sita. |
न देवेषु न यक्षेषु न गन्धर्वेषु पक्षिषु।अहं पश्यामि लोकेषु यो मे वीर्यसमो भवेत्।। | I do not see any one equal to me in valour among gods, or yakshas or gandharvas or birds. |
तमिच्छन् प्रधमम् योद्धुंलक्ष्मणोनिशितैःशरैः ।मुमोचधनुरायम्यशरानग्निशिखोपमान् ।। | Lakshmana desiring to fight first stretched his bow and took out his sharp arrows which were like peaks of fire and released. |
रामे वा भरते वाऽहं विशेषं नोपलक्षये। तस्मात्तुष्टाऽस्मि यद्राजा रामं राज्येऽभिषेक्ष्यति।। | I do not see any distinction between Rama and Bharata as such. I am contented with Ramas consecration in the kingdom. |
इदमुक्तवती देवी जानकी पुरुषर्षभ।पूर्व वृत्तमभिज्ञानं चित्रकूटे यथातथम्।। | "O bull among men queen Janaki related to me as a token of identification an incident that had taken place at Chitrakuta in the past. |
साऽहमद्यैव दिष्टान्तं गमिष्यामि पतिव्रता।इदं शरीर मालिङ्ग्य प्रवेक्ष्यामि हुताशनम्।। | As his faithful wife, I shall enter the fire by clasping this Dasarathas body and go to death today itself |
उपवासकृशां दीनां कामरूप निशाचर।सन्तापयसि मां भूयस्सन्तप्तां तन्न शोभनम्।। | "Oh you are one who can assume any form at will. You are a nightstalker. It is not good for you to cause pain to me who is already emaciated through fasting, who is pitiable and who is already afflicted. |
रथस्थः स तु धर्मात्मा भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः।नन्दिग्रामं ययौ तूर्णं शिरस्यादाय पादुके।। | Righteous Bharata who was deeply attached to his brother proceeded speedily towards Nandigrama on the chariot bearing the sandals of Rama on his head. |
अब्रवीच्च हनूमन्तं विक्रान्तमनिलात्मजम्।सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतः प्रभु स्सर्ववनौकसाम्।। | Sugriva, king of the monkeys, spoke, highly pleased, to Hanuman, the warrior son of the Windgod advancing towards him |
इन्द्रलोकं गतो राजा स्वार्जितेनैव कर्मणा।राज्ये भगीरथं पुत्रमभिषिच्य नरर्षभ:।। | The king Dilipa performed the coronation of his son Bhagiratha and reached the region of Indra as a reward for virtuous acts done by him. |
आच्छाद्योदरमूरुभ्यां बाहुभ्यां च पयोधरौ।उपविष्टा विशालाक्षी रुदन्ती वरवर्णिनी।। | Largeeyed, faircomplexioned Sita seated there with her belly, thighs and breasts covered with arms cried. |
अथ नाऽत्र नरव्याघ्रौ राजपुत्रौ परन्तपौ। अन्ये रामोपमा स्सन्ति व्यक्तमत्र तपस्विनः।। | In case the two princes, Rama and Lakshmana, the best of men, and subduers of enemies are not residing here then evidently it must be some other ascetics like Rama. |
अथ चापि महाप्राज्ञ ब्राह्मणानां मया श्रुतम्। पुरा पितृगृहे सत्यं वस्तव्यं किल मे वने।। | O highly sagacious Rama I had also heard in my fathers house long ago, from brahmins prophesing that some day I shall have certainly to dwell in the forest. |
एष पन्था महर्षीणां फलान्याहरतां वने।अनेन तु वनं दुर्गं गन्तुं राघव ते क्षमम्।। | O Rama, this is the one path in the forest used by the ascetics to gather fruits. You can safely cross the otherwise impassable forest through this path. |
एवमुक्त्वाशितैर्बाणैस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणैः ।।आजघानरणेरामोदशग्रीवंसमाहितः । | Having spoken in that manner, Rama collected sharp shafts embellished with shining gold ornaments to strike the ten headed Rakshasa. |
तस्यनानद्यमानस्यश्रुत्वानिनदमद्भुतम् ।लङ्कास्थाराक्षसास्सर्वे न शेकुस्स्पन्दितुंभयात् ।। | All the Rakshasas in Lanka hearing the loud roar of Hanuman were afraid and could not stir from there. |
यथा ह्यनुदका नद्यः यथा वाऽप्यतृणं वनम्।अगोपाला यथा गावस्तथा राष्ट्रमराजकम्।। | The kingdom without a king is like rivers without water, forests without vegetation and cows without cowherds. |
अद्य ते कालपाशेन नीता वैवस्वतक्षयम्।सप्तजातिशतान्येव मृतपस्सन्तु सर्वश:।। | Caught by the noose of death this day, they shall be brought to the abode of Yama and for seven hundred births, feed on corpses. |
अश्रुपूर्णमुखी दीना बाष्पसन्दिग्धभाषिणी।।ममोत्पतनसम्भ्रान्ता शोकवेगसमाहता। | "She was dejected. Her face was filled with tears. Despondent at my departure, she shed tears profusely and said |
हा रामेति जनाः केचिद्राममातेति चापरे। अन्तःपुरं समृद्धं च क्रोशन्तः पर्यदेवयन्।। | Some among them wailed Oh Rama, while some others cried Oh mother of Rama By crying loudly, they made the women in the inner apartment cry too. |
अस्त्रेण हनुमान्मुक्तो नात्मानमवबुध्यत।कृष्यमाणस्तु रक्षोभि स्तौश्च बन्धैर्निपीडितः।। | Though binding and dragging by the ogres had hurt Hanuman, he on his part did not know that he had been released from Brahmastra. |
यावता चित्रकूटस्य नरशृङ्गान्यवेक्षते।कल्याणानि समाधत्ते न पापे कुरुते मनः।। | As long as one beholds the peaks of mount Chitrakuta, he will be inspired to do good deeds and will not employ his mind in sinful thoughts. |
इह त्वं तिष्ठ सुग्रीव बिलद्वारि समाहितः।यावत्तत्र प्रविश्याहं निहन्मि सहसा रिपु।। | O Sugriva wait here at the entrance of the cave and be on your alert until I enter this hole and kill the enemy. |
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