तं सिंहमिव विक्रान्तं सिंहविक्रान्तगामिनम्।दृष्ट्वा नोद्विजते रामः सिंहः क्षुद्रमृगं यथा।।
When Rama saw Khara aggressively advancing like a lion to attack him, he was not perturbed, for he knew he was a fawn before a lion which Rama was.
अष्टौ वर्षसहस्राणि तेनास्मिन्नृषिणा विना।वसतो मम धर्मज्ञा स्वर्गते तु निशाकरे।।
O righteous monkeys after the death of sage Nishakara eight thousand years have passed. And I have been living here.
सर्वभोगैः परित्यक्तं रामं सम्प्रेक्ष्य मातरः।आर्ता मुमुचुरश्रूणि सस्वरं शोककर्शिताः।।
Beholding Rama devoid of all luxury, his mothers afflicted with grief, and overcome with sorrow, cried aloud, tears streaming down.
यदि पश्येत्स रामस्त्वां रोषदीप्तेन चक्षुषा।रक्षस्त्वमद्य निर्धग्धो गच्छेस्सद्यः पराभवम्।।
O demon, you will be completely consumed if Rama looks at you with eyes burning in anger.
स ददर्शमहावीर्यौनागौत्रिशिरसानिव ।सृजन्ताविषुजालानिवीरौवानरमध्यगौ ।।
That great hero saw Rama and Lakshmana like three serpents in the midst of Vanaras raining network of arrows.
वरं त्रिवेणुसम्पन्नं कामगं पावकार्चिषम्।मणिहेमविचित्राङ्गं बभञ्ज च महारथम्।।
Then heJatayu broke down the great chariotof Ravana glowing like fire, glittering with gold and gems, made of three bamboo reeds, and capable of flying wherever the rider willed.
आसेदतुस्ततस्तत्र तावुभौ प्रमुखे स्थितम्।विवृद्धमशिरोग्रीवं कबन्धमुदरे मुखम्।।
Then both the brothers saw a very tall figure with a trunk that stood facing them. He had neither neck nor head. His face was in the stomach.
तस्य चैव शिरो नास्ति न बाहू न च जानुनी।न धनुर्न रथो नाश्वास्तत्रादृश्यन्त नेषवः।।
Neither his head could be discerned nor his arms, knees, nor bow, chariot nor donkeys. Nothing was seen.
निवृत्तवनवासं तं द्रष्टासि पुनरागतम्।जहिशोकं च मोहं च देवि सत्यं ब्रवीमि ते।।
I tell you the truth, Kausalya, that you will see Ramas return when the period of exile is complete. Hence give up your sorrow and delusion.
तेचास्यहयमुख्येषुतूर्णमुत्पत्यवानराः ।।चतुर्षुसुमहावीर्यानिपेतुर्भीमविक्रमाः ।
The four Vanaras of remarkable valour and of terrific courage getting up immediately fell on the best of the horses of Indrajith.
किमर्थनौनरव्याघ्र: नरोचिष्यतिराघव: ।विभीषणेनयच्चोक्तमस्मिन् कालेसुखावहम् ।।
"O Raghava, the tiger among kings Why will this good advice given to us at this time by Vibheeshana be not pleasing?" Sugriva and Lakshmana said to Rama."
महाब्रह्मर्षिसृष्टाः वा ज्वलन्तो भीमदर्शनाः।धिग्वाग्दण्डा न हिंसन्ति रामप्रव्राजने स्थिताम्।।
It is a wonder that while bent upon banishing Rama, you are not destroyed by frightening fire created by great brahmarsis, crying, Shame, shame
शिला श्शैलस्य शोभन्ते विशाला श्शतशोऽभितः।बहुला बहुलैर्वर्णैर्नीलपीतसितारुणैः।।
Several hundreds of massive rocks of the mountain look splendid all around, in blueblack, yellow, white and red colours.
तेयुद्धकुशलैरूढास्तोमराङ्कुशपाणिभिः ।अन्येलक्षणसंयुक्ताश्शूरारूढामहाबलाः ।।
Carrying tridents, clubs, and goads eager for war the Rakshasas mounted on mahouts and horses of noble characteristics, warriors with extraordinary might departed.
विज्ञायतुमनस्तस्यराघवस्यमहात्मनः ।स निवृत्याहवात्तस्मात् प्रविवेशपुरींततः ।।
Knowing the highsouled Raghavas mind, Indrajith departed from there and entered the city.
तेन्योन्यमभिसर्पन्तोनिनदन्तश्चविस्वरम् ।राक्षसेन्द्रास्त्रनिर्भिन्नानिपेतुर्वानरर्षभाः ।।
Hit by the Rakshasa king, the bulls among Vanaras gliding towards one another roared in discordant tones and fell down.
वसिष्ठो भरतश्चैनं पप्रच्छतुरनामयम्।शरीरेऽग्निषु वृक्षेषु शिष्येषु मृगपक्षिषु।।
Vasistha and Bharata also enquired about his health and welfare of his sacred fires, his disciples, animals and birds and trees of the hermitage.
न हि ते वानरं तेजो रूपमात्रं तु वानरम्।।तत्त्वत: कथयस्वाद्य ततो वानर मोक्ष्यसे।
"Your appearance is only of that of a vanara. But your glow is not of a vanara indeed. Tell the truth today. You will be set free.
अथतस्यामवस्थायांलक्ष्मणंरावणानुजः ।परेषामहितंवाक्यमर्थसाधकमब्रवीत् ।।
Ravanas brother seeing Lakshmana spoke these words of advice to accomplish the task and which is not good for the enemies.
स हि देवैरुदीर्णस्य रावणस्य वधार्थिभिः।अर्थितो मानुषे लोके जज्ञे विष्णुस्सनातनः।।
Entreated by the devatas desirous of slaying arrogant Ravana, the eternal Visnu was indeed born in the mortal world as Rama.
तस्यास्त्वैरावतः पुत्रो लोकनाथो महागजः।मातङ्ग्या स्त्वथ मातङ्गा अपत्यं मनुजर्षभ।।
O bull among men Matangi gave birth to elephants.The mighty elephant Airavata who became the lord of the world was born to Iravati.
अथाब्रवीन्महासाध्वी सीता सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरी।रक्षसां भीमरूपाणां विज्ञाने मम का गतिः।।
Chaste and beautiful Sita said, "How do I know about the ogresses who assume many fierce forms?"
मन्मथाऽयाससम्भूतो वसन्तगुणवर्धितः। अयं मां धक्ष्यति क्षिप्रं शोकाग्निर्नचिरादिव।।
The fire of grief ignited by Kandarpa the god of love, enhanced by the effects of spring will certainly consume me soon.
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण भरतः प्रत्यनन्तरम्।उवाच परमोदारस्सूतं परमदुर्मनाः।।
Having been addressed by Rama in this way, Bharata of great generosity, in extreme distress, addressing the charioteer who was standing nearby said
इहैव त्वाऽभिषिञ्चन्तु सर्वाः प्रकृतय स्सह।ऋत्विज स्सवसिष्ठाश्च मन्त्रविन्मन्त्रकोविदाः।।
Let all ministers, subjects, and priests including Vasistha who are wellversed in Vedic hymns consecrate you here itself.
यदिदं क्षुभितं स्थानान्मम तेजो ह्यनुत्तमम्।धारयिष्यति कस्तन्मे ब्रुवन्तु सुरसत्तमा:।।
"Who will contain this exceptional vital fluid of mine if shaken from its own place? O best of devatas tell me".
ततोऽब्रवीत्समीपस्थं रामो राजीवलोचनः।पृष्ठतोऽनुगतं वीरं लक्ष्मणं लक्ष्मिवर्धनम्।।
Then the lotuseyed Rama said to the chivalrous, graceful Lakshmana who stood behind him
तान् दृष्ट्वा मुनयस्सर्वे जनकस्य पुरीं शुभाम्।।साधु साध्विति शंसन्तो मिथिलां समपूजयन्।
All the ascetics, having seen that auspicious city of Janaka worshipfully admired Mithila saying, Excellent, Excellent
न तत्पश्याम्यहं रक्षो यदस्य भयमावहेत्।निर्वृता भव नास्त्येतत्केनाप्येवमुदाहृतम्।।
No one can cause fear in Rama. I do not see any demon who can hold a threat to him. Give up fear. Some one might have said it.
न प्रमाणीकृतंपाणिर्भाल्येममनिपीडितः ।ममभक्तिश्चशीलं च सर्वंतेपृष्ठतःकृतम् ।।
"When in my young age you held my hand as a mark of acceptance in our marriage, has it not been considered by you? Has my devotion, character and chastity not been taken into account?"
अभिवाद्य च काकुत्स्थ: सर्वांस्तांस्त्रिदशोत्तमान् ।लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्रावासमाज्ञापयत्तदा ।।
Then greeting all the jewels among gods present there, accompanied by brother Lakshmana, Kakuthsa Rama ordered all Vanaras to go home and rest.
अस्त्रं हयशिरो नाम क्रौञ्चमस्त्रं तथैव च।शक्तिद्वयं च काकुत्स्थ ददामि तव राघव।।
O Rama bron in the Kakutstha race, I shall grant you two powers named hayasira Horse head and kraunchaastra.
कच्चिज्जीवति वैदेहि प्राणैः प्रियतरा मम।कच्चित्प्रव्राजनं सौम्य न मे मिथ्या भविष्यति।।
O gentle Lakshmana I wonder if Vaidehi, who is dearer to me than my life is still alive I hope my banishment from the kingdom is not going to prove false.
मेघपादनिभैः पादैः प्रक्रान्तमिव सर्वतः।जृंम्भमाणमिवाऽकाशे शिखरैरभ्रमालिभिः।।
With the ranges of foothills appearing like the feet of clouds traversing, with its peaks like garlands of clouds traversing over the mountain, it made one feel it was yawning.
एवं कृत्वा त्विदं कार्यं यथेष्टं गच्छ राक्षस।राज्यस्यार्धं प्रयच्छामि मारीच तव सुव्रत।।
You may go wherever you want after accomplishing this task. I will give you, O demon of determination half my kingdom.
रौद्रेण कच्चिदस्त्रेण ज्वलता निहतं रणे।द्रक्ष्याम्यल्पेन कालेन रावणं ससुहृज्जनम्।।
"Can I hope to see Ravana and his relatives slain in the battle by fiery weapons in a short time?
ततःपादपमुद्धृत्यशूरस्सम्प्रधनोहरिः ।अभिपत्यजघानास्यप्रमुखेतुमहागजम् ।।
Then springing up, the valiant Vanara uprooting a tree struck the face of the Rakshasa seated on the great elephant.
पुरा भूत्वा मृदुर्दान्तस्सर्वभूतहिते रतः।न क्रोधवशमापन्नः प्रकृतिं हातुमर्हसि।।
Earlier you were gentle, self restrained and engaged in the welfare of all beings. Now it is not proper for you to give up your natural composure in anger.
एकेनवानरेणेयंपूर्वंदग्धामहापुरी ।कुमारोनिहतश्चाक्षस्सानुयात्रःसकुञ्जरः ।।
"Earlier this great city was burnt by a single Vanara who killed Prince Aksha, and his elephants and followers."
एकस्यैवाभियानेतुहेतुर्यःकथितस्त्वया ।तत्राप्यनुपपन्नंतेवक्ष्यामियदसाधु च ।।
"You have set out alone for war and the reason adduced by you is ill conceived and improper. I shall tell you."
एवमुक्तो महातेजा मारीचेन स रावणः।ततः पश्चादिदं वाक्यमब्रवीद्वाक्यकोविदः।।
Thus addressed by Maricha, the effulgent, eloquent Ravana replied with these words Thus ends the thirtyfifth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
इहैव नियताहारो वत्स्यामि नियतेन्द्रियः।।न मत्कृते विनश्येयुः सर्वे ते नरवानराः।
"I will stay here itself, restricting my food and controlling my senses. Let not men and monkeys perish for my fault.
तदा प्रभृति काकुत्स्थ पितृदेवास्समागता:।अफलान् भुञ्जते मेषान् फलैस्तेषामयोजयन्।।
"O Son of the Kakutsthas from then on the pitrudevatas have been accepting rams without testicles as offerings in a sacrifice, with rams testicles fitted on to Indra.
भूयिष्ठं लोलिता लङ्का रामस्य चरता प्रियम्।न हि पश्यामि वैदेहीं सीतां सर्वाङ्गशोभनाम्।।
"I have thoroughly surveyed the entire city of Lanka to please Rama, but I am unable to find Sita of flawless beauty.
गजश्च गिरिसङ्काशो गवयश्च महाबलः ।गवाक्षश्चाग्रतो यातु गवां दृप्तइवर्षभ: ।।
"Gaja who is like a mountain in form, Gavaya, the mighty strong and Gavaksha would go like proud bulls that lead the cows".
अधोमुखंस्थितंरामंततःकृत्वाप्रदक्षिणम् ।उपावर्ततवैदेहीदीप्यमानंहुताशनम् ।।
Thereafter, Vaidehi, walking clockwise near Rama went round him in accordance with tradition and approached the pyre.
नारीजनस्यधूमेनव्याप्तस्योच्चैर्विनेदुषः ।स्वनोज्वलनतप्तस्यशुश्रुवेशतयोजनम् ।।
By the smoke that spread, scorched by the fire, the clamour of the women folk at the top of their voice was heard at a hundred yojanas.
सहितौ रामसुग्रीवावुभावकुरुतां तदा।समयं वालिनं हन्तुं तव चान्वेषणं तथा।।
"Having become friends Rama and Sugriva together reached an agreement to kill Vali and search for you.
घोरो राक्षसराजोऽयं दृष्टिश्च न सुखा मयि।त्वां च श्रुत्वा विपद्यन्तं न जीवेयमहं क्षणम्।।
"The demon king is frightful. He looks at me with immoral lusty eyes. I do not wish to live even for a moment after hearing about the adversities you have faced."
स पुत्रवधसन्तप्तःक्रूरःक्रोधवशंगतः ।।समीक्ष्यरावणोबुद्ध्यासीतांहन्तुंव्यवस्यत ।
Feeling very sad about the death of his son, cruel Ravana overpowered by anger went thinking to destroy Sita.
गङ्गायमुनयो स्सन्धिमासाद्य मनुजर्षभौ।कालिन्दीमनुगच्छेतां नदीं पश्चान्मुखाश्रिताम्।।
Reaching the confluence of rivers Ganga and Yamuna, O Rama and Lakshmana best among men proceed along the Kalindi Yamuna river flowing westward.
ततो निक्षिप्य मातृ़ स्स अयोध्यायां दृढ व्रतः।भरत श्शोकसन्तप्तो गुरूनिदमथाब्रवीत्।।
After keeping his mothers in Ayodhya, the griefstricken Bharata who was firm in his vows, said to the elders
उवास सुखितस्तत्र पूज्यमानो महर्षिभिः।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा चकार विविधाः कथाः।।
Honoured by the ascetics , Rama stayed there peacefully with brother Lakshmana, discussing diverse matters from time to time.
सहायेन तु सुग्रीव त्वया रामः प्रतापवान्।वधिष्यति रणे शत्रूनचिरान्नात्र संशयः।।
O Sugriva with you as associate, valiant hero Rama will kill his enemies in war very soon. There is no doubt about it.
परित्यक्ता वसिष्ठेन किमहं सुमहात्मना।याहं राजभटैर्दीना ह्रियेय भृशदु:खिता।।
"I am being carried away by attendants of the king in this greatly distressed and pitiable condition. Have I been abandoned by the magnanimous Vasishta?
हिरण्यस्य सुवर्णस्य मुक्तानां विद्रुमस्य च।।ददौ परमसंहृष्ट: कन्याधनमनुत्तमम्।
Immensely delighted, he gave his excellent daughters gold, pearls and corals.
गीतवादित्रनिर्घोष स्सोत्कृष्टहसितस्वनः।श्रूयते सततं तत्र सर्वभूतमनोहरः।।
Pleasing sounds of heavenly musicvocal and instrumental and laughter of celestial beings are ever heard in that region.
मया हि चिरपुष्टेन दुखसंवर्धितेन च।विप्रयुज्यत कौशल्या फलकाले धिगस्तु माम्।।
Kausalya nurtured me for a long time and reared me with great difficulty. When she was going to enjoy the fruits of her labour, I have been separated from her. Fie upon me
राजन् स कालसङ्काशस्संयुक्तःकालकर्मणा ।विद्राव्यवानरींसेनांभक्षयित्वा च वानरान् ।।
"O King! Kumbhakarna, who was equal to the God of Death, devoured and won over the Vanaras, scattered the army, has joined death as a consequence of time fate."
अलं ते घृणया राम पापैषा दुष्टचारिणी।।यज्ञविघ्नकरी यक्षी पुरावर्धति मायया।
"O Rama she does not deserve any more compassion. This yakshini who is sinful, wicked and obstructor of sacrifice will regain her strength by her magical powers ".
आद्दिष्टंदीर्घमायुस्तेयैरचिन्त्यपराक्रम ।अनृतंवचनंतेषामल्पायुरपिराघव ।।
"O Raghava of incomprehensible valour! the words predicted by astrologers that your life is long is falsified. Your life has been short."
तदा देवर्षि गन्धर्वास्सरुद्रास्साप्सरोगणा:।स्तुतिभिर्दिव्यरूपाभिस्तुष्टुवुर्मधुसूदनम्।।
Then along with gandharvas, groups of apsaras, rishis, rudras and devatas sang in praise of the Lord Slayer of Madhu, with hymns of celestial beauty.
दुष्करं निष्प्रतिद्वन्द्वं चिकीर्षन् कर्म वानरः।समुदग्रशिरोग्रीवो गवांपतिरिवाबभौ।।
Hanuman who raised his head and neck, intending to cross the formidable ocean which none else could accomplish, looked like a leading bull.
अनृतं बत लोकोऽयमज्ञानाद्यदि वक्ष्यति।तेजो नास्ति परं रामे तपतीव दिवाकरे।।
Alas that will be a falschood if people out of ignorance say that there is no supreme splendour in Rama like the shining Sun.
एतच्छ्रुत्वाशुभंवाक्यंपितामहसमीरितम् ।अङ्केनादायवैदेहिमुत्पपातविभावसुः ।।
On hearing creator Brahmas address to Rama, fire god emerged picking auspicious Vaidehi in his arms.
सेनायास्तु तवैतस्याः कर्तुमिच्छामि भोजनम्।मम प्रीतिर्यथारूपा तथार्हो मनुजर्षभ।।
O Bharata, the best of men, I want to treat your army with food. This will please me and I hope you will act accordingly.
ततस्सुदर्शनंनागंनीलजीमूतसन्निभम् ।ऐरावतकुलेजातमारुरोहमहोदरः ।।
Thereafter Mahodara mounted on an elephant born of Airavata Indra s elephant family, by name Sudarsana went.
आगता हि महावीर्या हरयः कामरूपिणः।कोटीशतसहस्राणि नानानगनिवासिनः।।
O great warrior monkeys residing at different mountains who can assume any form they like have arrived in hundreds and thousands of crores.
जटायो पश्य मामद्य ह्रियमाणामनाथवत्।।अनेन राक्षसेन्द्रेण करुणं पापकर्मणा।
O Jatayu, see me now being carried away by the sinful king of demons in this pitiable condition as though I am an orphan.
सा राज्यफलमप्राप्य विधवा शोककर्शिता।पतिष्यति महाघोरे निरये जननी मम।।
My mother, formented with grief and with the fruit of the kingdom forfeited, and cursed with widowhood, will fall into the dreadful hell.
स च रोषेण ताम्राक्ष श्शत्रुघ्न श्शत्रुतापनः।विचकर्ष तदा कुब्जां क्रोशन्तीं धरणीतले।।
With bloodshot eyes Satrughna, the scorcher of enemies, dragged the shrieking hunchback down the ground in fury.
तेषांनोविप्रनष्टानांविन्ध्येपर्वतसत्तमो ।भृशंशोकानितप्तानांमहान्कालो त्यवर्तत ।।
"Monkeys that went to the foremost of mountains Vindhya lost their way and a lot of time and returned with intense grief."
औपवाह्यः कुबेरस्य सार्वभौम इति स्मृतः।गजः पर्येति तं देशं सदा सह करेणुभिः।।
उद्वेजयति लोकान्स्तीनुच्छ्रितान्द्वेष्टि दुर्मति:।शक्रं त्रिदशराजानं प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति।।
The evilminded Ravana is inflicting pains on the three worlds. He hates the guardians of the earth and intends to assault Indra, lord of the celestials.
सोऽहं रूपमिदं कृत्वा लोकवित्रासनं महत्।।ऋषीन्वनगतान्राम त्रासयामि ततस्ततः।
With my appearance, I was a great nuisance to the world and used to terrorise the sages living in the forest.
अद्यतूत्तमवीर्येण त्वया राम महाबल।श्रुतवान् धनुषो भेदं ततोऽहं द्रुतमागत:।।
O Mighty Rama when I heard that you have broken the bow with your extraordinary prowess, I have come here quickly.
इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं रामः प्रदरः खन्यतामिति।तस्थौ विराधमाक्रम्य कण्ठे पादेन वीर्यवान्।।
Courageous Rama standing there put his foot firmly on the neck of Viradha and said to Lakshmana, Dig up a crevice.
एवं स्वप्ने मया दृष्टो रामो विष्णुपराक्रमः।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा सीतया सह राघवः।।
"In this way I saw in my dream Rama as valiant as Lord Visnu accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and his wife Sita.
न देवेषु न यक्षेषु न गन्धर्वेषु पक्षिषु।अहं पश्यामि लोकेषु यो मे वीर्यसमो भवेत्।।
I do not see any one equal to me in valour among gods, or yakshas or gandharvas or birds.
तमिच्छन् प्रधमम् योद्धुंलक्ष्मणोनिशितैःशरैः ।मुमोचधनुरायम्यशरानग्निशिखोपमान् ।।
Lakshmana desiring to fight first stretched his bow and took out his sharp arrows which were like peaks of fire and released.
रामे वा भरते वाऽहं विशेषं नोपलक्षये। तस्मात्तुष्टाऽस्मि यद्राजा रामं राज्येऽभिषेक्ष्यति।।
I do not see any distinction between Rama and Bharata as such. I am contented with Ramas consecration in the kingdom.
इदमुक्तवती देवी जानकी पुरुषर्षभ।पूर्व वृत्तमभिज्ञानं चित्रकूटे यथातथम्।।
"O bull among men queen Janaki related to me as a token of identification an incident that had taken place at Chitrakuta in the past.
साऽहमद्यैव दिष्टान्तं गमिष्यामि पतिव्रता।इदं शरीर मालिङ्ग्य प्रवेक्ष्यामि हुताशनम्।।
As his faithful wife, I shall enter the fire by clasping this Dasarathas body and go to death today itself
उपवासकृशां दीनां कामरूप निशाचर।सन्तापयसि मां भूयस्सन्तप्तां तन्न शोभनम्।।
"Oh you are one who can assume any form at will. You are a nightstalker. It is not good for you to cause pain to me who is already emaciated through fasting, who is pitiable and who is already afflicted.
रथस्थः स तु धर्मात्मा भरतो भ्रातृवत्सलः।नन्दिग्रामं ययौ तूर्णं शिरस्यादाय पादुके।।
Righteous Bharata who was deeply attached to his brother proceeded speedily towards Nandigrama on the chariot bearing the sandals of Rama on his head.
अब्रवीच्च हनूमन्तं विक्रान्तमनिलात्मजम्।सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतः प्रभु स्सर्ववनौकसाम्।।
Sugriva, king of the monkeys, spoke, highly pleased, to Hanuman, the warrior son of the Windgod advancing towards him
इन्द्रलोकं गतो राजा स्वार्जितेनैव कर्मणा।राज्ये भगीरथं पुत्रमभिषिच्य नरर्षभ:।।
The king Dilipa performed the coronation of his son Bhagiratha and reached the region of Indra as a reward for virtuous acts done by him.
आच्छाद्योदरमूरुभ्यां बाहुभ्यां च पयोधरौ।उपविष्टा विशालाक्षी रुदन्ती वरवर्णिनी।।
Largeeyed, faircomplexioned Sita seated there with her belly, thighs and breasts covered with arms cried.
अथ नाऽत्र नरव्याघ्रौ राजपुत्रौ परन्तपौ। अन्ये रामोपमा स्सन्ति व्यक्तमत्र तपस्विनः।।
In case the two princes, Rama and Lakshmana, the best of men, and subduers of enemies are not residing here then evidently it must be some other ascetics like Rama.
अथ चापि महाप्राज्ञ ब्राह्मणानां मया श्रुतम्। पुरा पितृगृहे सत्यं वस्तव्यं किल मे वने।।
O highly sagacious Rama I had also heard in my fathers house long ago, from brahmins prophesing that some day I shall have certainly to dwell in the forest.
एष पन्था महर्षीणां फलान्याहरतां वने।अनेन तु वनं दुर्गं गन्तुं राघव ते क्षमम्।।
O Rama, this is the one path in the forest used by the ascetics to gather fruits. You can safely cross the otherwise impassable forest through this path.
एवमुक्त्वाशितैर्बाणैस्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणैः ।।आजघानरणेरामोदशग्रीवंसमाहितः ।
Having spoken in that manner, Rama collected sharp shafts embellished with shining gold ornaments to strike the ten headed Rakshasa.
तस्यनानद्यमानस्यश्रुत्वानिनदमद्भुतम् ।लङ्कास्थाराक्षसास्सर्वे न शेकुस्स्पन्दितुंभयात् ।।
All the Rakshasas in Lanka hearing the loud roar of Hanuman were afraid and could not stir from there.
यथा ह्यनुदका नद्यः यथा वाऽप्यतृणं वनम्।अगोपाला यथा गावस्तथा राष्ट्रमराजकम्।।
The kingdom without a king is like rivers without water, forests without vegetation and cows without cowherds.
अद्य ते कालपाशेन नीता वैवस्वतक्षयम्।सप्तजातिशतान्येव मृतपस्सन्तु सर्वश:।।
Caught by the noose of death this day, they shall be brought to the abode of Yama and for seven hundred births, feed on corpses.
अश्रुपूर्णमुखी दीना बाष्पसन्दिग्धभाषिणी।।ममोत्पतनसम्भ्रान्ता शोकवेगसमाहता।
"She was dejected. Her face was filled with tears. Despondent at my departure, she shed tears profusely and said
हा रामेति जनाः केचिद्राममातेति चापरे। अन्तःपुरं समृद्धं च क्रोशन्तः पर्यदेवयन्।।
Some among them wailed Oh Rama, while some others cried Oh mother of Rama By crying loudly, they made the women in the inner apartment cry too.
अस्त्रेण हनुमान्मुक्तो नात्मानमवबुध्यत।कृष्यमाणस्तु रक्षोभि स्तौश्च बन्धैर्निपीडितः।।
Though binding and dragging by the ogres had hurt Hanuman, he on his part did not know that he had been released from Brahmastra.
यावता चित्रकूटस्य नरशृङ्गान्यवेक्षते।कल्याणानि समाधत्ते न पापे कुरुते मनः।।
As long as one beholds the peaks of mount Chitrakuta, he will be inspired to do good deeds and will not employ his mind in sinful thoughts.
इह त्वं तिष्ठ सुग्रीव बिलद्वारि समाहितः।यावत्तत्र प्रविश्याहं निहन्मि सहसा रिपु।।
O Sugriva wait here at the entrance of the cave and be on your alert until I enter this hole and kill the enemy.