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सर्वे वर्णा यथा पूजां प्राप्नुवन्ति सुसत्कृता:।न चावज्ञा प्रयोक्तव्या कामक्रोधवशादपि।। | People from all castes should be welltreated with respect. There should be no insult to any one through lust on greed on anger. |
कच्चित्ते ब्राह्मणा श्शर्म सर्वशास्त्रार्थकोविदाः।आशंसन्ते महाप्राज्ञ पौरजानपदैस्सह।। | O highly sagacious Bharata, those brahmins who can comprehend the meaning of all scriptures along with the inhabitants of the city and country, I trust, are seeking your happiness. |
तदिदं नः कृतं कार्यं त्वया दशरथात्मज।सुखं धर्मं चरिष्यन्ति दण्डकेषु महर्षयः।। | O son of Dasaratha, you have accomplished such a task that hereafter the sages in Dandaka will discharge their rightful duties happily. |
गजेन्द्रैःपर्वताकारैःपर्वताग्रैर्वनौकसाम् ।मथितैर्वाजिभिःकीर्णंसारोहैर्वसुधातलम् ।। | By the Vanaras hurling from the mountains, the crushed elephants were like mountains and the horses with riders crushed covered the ground all over. |
ततश्श्रुत्वा निनादं तं कपीनां कपिसत्तमः।।आयताञ्चितलाङ्गूलस्सोऽभवद्धृष्टमानसः। | The great Sugriva heard the roar of the monkeys and was extremely happy. He kept raising and shaking his long tail in joy. |
उद्विजन्ते यथा सर्पान्नरादनृतवादिनः।धर्म स्सत्यं परो लोके मूलं स्वर्गस्य चोच्यते।। | People are frightened at the sight of a man speaking untruth as though they have seen a serpent. Truth in this world is the greatest virtue and is said to be the very foundation of heaven. |
मम स्नेहाच्च सौहार्दादिदमुक्तंत्वयाऽनघे।परितुष्टोऽस्म्यहं सीते न ह्यनिष्टोऽनुशिष्यते।। | O sinless one all that has been said by you is out of your love and affection for me. I am pleased. What is harmful is never advised. |
ईदृशानां प्रसूतानि हरीणां कामरूपिणाम्।शतं शतसहस्राणि यूथपानां महात्मनाम्।। | A crore of monkeys capable of assuming any form at will, great monkeys and commanders of monkey forces were created. |
पञ्च सेनाग्रगान्हत्वा सप्तमन्त्रिसुतानपि ।शूरमक्षं च निष्पिष्य ग्रहणं समुपागमत् ।। | After killing five commanders, seven sons of the counsellors, stamping out valiant Akshayakumara, the son of Ravana, Hanuman got himself captured to be taken as captive. |
तमहं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि यज्ञगोप्ता स मे मत:।प्रीतिं सोऽपि महातेजा इमां भोक्ता मया सह।। | I desire to see Kusadhwaja who I have accepted as the protector of the sacrifice. I want that my glorious brother should share this pleasure, with me". |
नरुजापीडितावेतावुभौराघवलक्ष्मणौ ।त्यक्त्वामोहंवधिष्येतेसगणंरावणंरणे ।। | "Both these heroes Raghava and Lakshmana wounded and pained having shaken off from their unconscious state will kill Ravana and his army in war." |
विक्षिप्तां पवनेनैतामसौ तिलकमञ्जरीम्। षट्पदस्सहसाऽभ्येति मदोद्धूतामिव प्रियाम्।। | This honeybee is eager to approach the bunch of tilaka flowers in bloom scattered by the wind like a lover advancing towards his passionate beloved. |
नसाम्नाशक्यतेकीर्तिर्नसाम्नाशक्यतेयशः ।प्राप्तुंलक्ष्मण लोकेऽस्मिन् ञ्जयोवारणमूर्धनि ।। | "O Lakshmana Neither fame nor popularity can win a battle front in this world." |
स विज्ञायततश्छन्दंरामस्याकारसूचितम् ।चितांचकारसौमित्रिर्मतेरामस्यवीर्यवान् ।। | Understanding Ramas indication from his looks, Saumithri started to prepare the earth for pyre. |
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।स्मितपूर्वमथो रामः प्रत्युवाच हरिं प्रभ।। | Having heard the great Sugriva, Rama replied with a gentle smile |
आग्नेयेनतदाऽस्त्रेणयोजयामाससायकम् ।।स जज्वालतदाबाणोधनुष्यस्यमहात्मनः । | Then Lakshmana by concentration of his mind fixed on fire god which presided over the arrow, that great selffixed in his bow glowed. |
चकम्पेमेदिनीकृत्स्नासशैलवनकानना ।भास्करोनिष्प्रभश्चासीन्नवनौचापिमारुतः ।। | The entire globe with its mountains, gardens and forests shook, the Sun lost his radiance, even the wind did not blow. |
काश्यपाय मया दत्ता यदा पूर्वं वसुन्धरा।विषये मे न वस्तव्यमिति मां काश्यपोऽब्रवीत्।। | "When I gave this entire earth to Kasyapa, he said to me, you shall not live in my country. |
स हि रम्यो वनोद्देशो मैथिली तत्र रंस्यते। स देशश्श्लाघनीयश्च नातिदूरे च राघव।। | O Raghava, that forest tract is delightful and beautiful. It is not far awayfrom here. Maithili Sita will enjoy her stay there. |
हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णाश्चक्रवाकोपशोभिताः।आपगा इव ता रेजुर्जघनैः पुलिनैरिव।। | Their hips were like river banks crowded with swans, karandava and Chakravaka birds shining like rivers. |
परिगृह्योदकंशीतंवनानिफलवन्तिच ।बलौघंसंविभज्येमंव्यूह्यतिष्ठेमलक्ष्मण ।। | "Lakshmana! We should occupy a region with cool water and good fruits and plan to divide the army and be ready." |
यथा रामे तथा तस्मिन्सर्वा ववृतिरे स्त्रियः।वृत्तिं दशरथाज्जाते लक्ष्मणे शुभलक्षणे।। | All the queens treated Lakshmana, born of Dasaratha and endowed with auspicious qualities, with the same love as they did to Rama. |
सप्तधातु कृते गर्भे दिति: परमदु:खिता।सहस्राक्षं दुराधर्षं वाक्यं सानुनयाऽब्रवीत्।। | Deeply distressed Diti, having come to know that the embryo had been severed into seven pieces, humbly spoke to the unassailable Indra. |
एवमुक्त्वा फलैर्मूलैः पुष्पैरन्यैश्च राघवम्।।। पूजयित्वा यथाकामं पुनरेव ततोऽब्रवीत्। | Having said this to Rama, the sage honoured him by offering fruits, roots, flowers and other things as desired. He then said to Rama once again |
मतिमद्भिर्महामात्रैरनुरक्तैरधिष्ठितम् ।राक्षसैराप्तपर्याप्तैस्सर्वतःपरिरक्षितम् ।। | The palace was inhabited by wise ones, and devoted to their Lord and ministers,commanded by trustworthy and competent Rakshasas spread everywhere and well protected. |
तेऽपि पुत्रा भृशाश्वस्य प्रजापतिसुतासुता:।नैकरूपा महावीर्या दीप्तिमन्तो जयावहा:।। | Grandsons daughters sons of Prajapati, they these weapons are in diverse forms, highly energetic and full of glory they bring victory. |
सोऽपश्यंस्तां महाबाहुः पश्यंश्चान्या वरस्त्रियः।विषसाद मुहुर्धीमान् हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः।। | The longarmed Hanuman, son of the Windgod was able to see other great women but not Sita. So he became despondent. |
सान्थकारा हतद्योता हतराक्षसपुङ्गवा।भविष्यति पुरी लङ्का निर्दग्धा रामसायकैः।। | "Totally burnt by Ramas arrows, this Lanka will be filled with darkness, and its splendour lost and preeminent demons destroyed. |
अद्भिरेव तु सौमित्रे वत्स्याम्यद्य निशामिमाम्।एतध्दि रोचते मह्यं वन्येऽपि विविधे सति।। | O Lakshmana, I shall live this night on water alone. I prefer it, though various kinds of forest products are available. |
येषां नोपरि नाधस्तान्न तिर्यक्सज्जते गतिः।
न च कर्मसु सीदन्ति महत्स्वमिततेजसः।।
| All of them can go upward in the sky, downward into the underworld or obliquely in any direction without obstruction. They are brilliant enough to do any great task without any difficulty. |
उद्घुष्टंवानराणां च राक्षसानां च निस्स्वनम् ।ज्याशब्दस्तावुभौशब्दावतिरामस्यशुश्रुवे ।। | That sound of the twang of Ramas bow could be heard very high over and above the sounds of the Vanaras and Rakshasas. |
मा त्वं प्रोत्साहिता पापैर्देवराजसमप्रभम्। भर्तारं लोकभर्तारमसद्धर्ममुपादधाः।। | Instigated by the wicked, do not attribute unrighteousness to your husband who is equal to Indra in brilliance and is the sustainer of this world. |
विररामैवमुक्त्वासौ वाचं वानरपुङ्गवः।।जानकी चापि तच्छ्रुत्वा परं विस्मयमागता। | Having spoken thus, the great vanara stopped speaking after that. Janaki was wonderstruck by the words of the vanara. |
अहं चैव जटायुश्च सङ्घर्षाद्धर्पमोहितौ।आकाशं पतितौ वीरौ जिज्ञासन्तौ पराक्रमम्।। | Deluded by pride, I and my brother Jatayu challenging each other to test our relative strength flew far into the sky. |
चपलस्येहकृत्यानिसहसानुप्रधावतः ।छिद्रमन्येप्रपद्यन्तेक्रौञ्चस्य ख मिवद्विजाः ।। | "Enemies find out the weakness of the king who is unsteady and rush after the actions forcibly without thinking like brahmins just as birds find the holes in Krauncha mountain and elaborate to others." |
नहिशक्तिंप्रपश्यामिजगत्यन्यस्यकस्यचित् ।सागरंवानरैस्तीर्वानिश्चयेनजयोमम ।। | "No one can cross the ocean with Vanaras help. As such I do not find anyone has the capacity. I am certain of victory." |
अन्तरं त्वहमासाद्य राक्षसीनामिह स्थितः।शनैराश्वासयिष्यामि सन्तापबहुळामिमाम्।। | "I shall wait and speak to her slowly and console this deeply distressed lady when I get a chance to speak to her when these ogresses are asleep. |
वार्यमाणःसुसङ्क्रुद्धःसुहृद्भिर्हितबुद्धिभिः ।।अभ्यधावतसङ्क्रुद्धःखेग्रहोरोहिणीमिव । | Highly enraged Ravana, darted just as planet Mars rushed to Rohini in the sky, even while his wellwishers were obstructing. |
सह त्वया गमिष्यामि वनमद्य न संशयः।नाहं शक्या महाभाग निवर्तयितुमुद्यता।। | There is no doudt that I shall go with you to the forest today. O distinguished one I cannot be restrained from this resolve. |
ननु नामाविनीतानां विनेतासि परन्तप।।कथमेवंविधं पापं न त्वं शासि हि रावणम्। | O scorcher of enemies you are the chastiser of the haughty. Why do you not punish such a sinner like Ravana. |
तद्वचःपथ्यमक्लीबंसारणेनाभिभाषितम् ।निशम्यरावणोराजाप्रत्यभाषतसारणम् ।। | Perceiving the truthful and beneficial words spoken by Saarana, without hesitation, King Ravana replied. |
स सर्वा स्समतिक्रम्य कक्ष्या दशरथात्मजः। सन्निवर्त्य जनं सर्वं शुद्धान्तः पुरमभ्यगात्।। | Crossing the courtyards on his way Rama sent back his followers and entered the private apartment of the king. |
मनोरथो महानेष भगीरथ महारथ।एवं भवतु भद्रं ते इक्ष्वाकुकुलवर्धन।। | O Great charioteer Bhagiratha, your desire is great. O Perpetuator of dynasty of the Ikshvakus, let your wish be fulfilled. Prosperity to you. |
एतस्मिन्नन्तरेघोरःसङ्ग्रामःसमवर्तत ।रक्षसांवानराणांचयथादेवासुरेपुरा ।। | In the meantime, dreadful conflict arose all over between Rakshasas and Vanaras, which was like the conflict between Devas and asuras earlier. |
शरीरो मानसो वापि कच्चिदेनं न बाधते।सन्तापोवाऽभितापो वा दुर्लभं हि सदा सुखम्।। | Is he suffering from any physical ailment or mental agony? It is affliction of either the body or the mind. For perpetual happiness is indeed rare. |
जानन्ती बत दिष्ट्या मां वैदेहि परिपृच्छसि।भर्तुः कमलपत्त्राक्षि संस्थानं लक्ष्मणस्य च।। | "O Vaidehi with eyes like lotus petals although you know your husbands and Lakshmanas form and distinguishing marks, it is my good fortune that you asked me to describe them. |
स हि स्थानानि सर्वाणि कार्त्स्न्येन कपिकुञ्जरः।।नरमांसाशिनां लोके नैपुण्यादधिगच्छति। | He is the foremost of the monkeys. He knows well by his wisdom all the dwellingplaces of the carnivorous demons in the world. |
आश्रमं तस्य धर्मज्ञ धार्मिकस्य महात्मनः। आचक्ष्व कतमो मार्गः कियानिति च शंस मे।। | O knower of righteousness Tell me which path leads to the hermitage of that righteous and magnanimous one Rama? And how far is it from here? |
तथा ह्यात्तमिदं राज्यं हृतसारां सुरामिव।नाभिमन्तुमलं रामो नष्टसोममिवाध्वरम्।। | In the same way Rama will not accept this kingdom enjoyed by others like liquour or soma juice drained of its essence. |
अङ्गदस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा वचनं गन्धमादनः।उवाचाव्यक्तया वाचा पिपासाश्रमखिन्नया।। | Having heard Angada, Gandhamadana worn out by thirst and exhaustion, replied in a feeble tone |
स कदाचिच्चिराल्लोभादाससाद महामुनिम्।अगस्त्यं तेजसा युक्तं भक्षस्तस्य बभूव ह।। | That Vatapi after a long time, once greedily entered into the stomach of the great lustrous sage Agastya and became his food. |
दिव्यमस्ति न मे ज्ञानं नाभिजानामि मैथिलीम्।।यस्तां ज्ञास्यति तं वक्ष्ये दग्धस्स्वं रूपमास्थितः। | I do not have divine wisdom now. Nor do I know Sita. When you cremate me, I shall assume my original form and will tell you the name of the person who knows it. |
तस्यक्रुद्धस्यनेत्राभ्यांप्रापतन्नाश्रृबिन्दवः ।।दीपाभ्यामिवदीप्ताभ्यांसार्चिषस्स्नेहबिन्दवः । | Just as drops of oil drop from flaming lamps, tears dropped from his enraged flaming eyes. |
स तथाप्युग्रतेजाः सन्निर्धूतस्तस्य तेजसा।पत्रगुह्यान्तरे सक्तो हनुमान् संवृतोऽभवत्।। | Hanuman, possessed of extraordinary energy, was taken aback at the might of Ravana. He remained hiding covered over with leaves. |
अर्धयोजनविस्तीर्णमायतं योजनं हि तत्।भवनं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य बहुप्रासादसङ्कुलम्।। | The mansion of the lord of demons was a conglomeration of palaces half a yojana long and half a yojana wide. |
पादपान्काञ्चनान्नूनं बहून्पश्यसि मन्दभाक्।राघपस्य प्रियां भार्यां यस्त्वमिच्छसि रावण।। | O luckless Ravana you want the beloved wife of Rama.You will, for sure, see golden trees. which those close to death do. |
कर्मान्तरे तदा विप्रा हेतुवादान्बहूनपि।प्राहुश्च वाग्मिनो धीरा: परस्परजिगीषया।। | In the interval between ceremonies, eloquent and sagacious brahmins were engaged in various disputations, desirous of victory. |
कथं प्रकृतिसम्पन्ना राजपुत्री तथागुणा।ब्रूयात्सा प्राकृतेव स्त्री मत्पीडां भर्तृसन्निधौ।। | If destiny is not the cause behind this, how could Kaikeyi who is gifted with virtues and a noble nature speak such painful words to me before her husband, like an ordinary woman? |
एषा वसुमती राम वसोस्तस्य महात्मन:।एते शैलवरा: पञ्च प्रकाशन्ते समन्तत:। | O Rama this place where we are called Vasumati belongs to the magnanimous king Vasu. This is surrounded by five great shining mountains. |
इमे शूराश्च विक्रान्ता भृत्या मेऽस्त्रविशारदा:।योग्या रक्षोगणैर्योद्धुं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।। | These servants of mine are warriors, valiant, powerful and courageous, skilled in the use of weapons and fit to engage multitude of rakshasas in battle. It is not proper to take Rama with you. |
राजधर्ममनुप्रेक्ष्य कुलधर्मानुसन्ततिम्।कर्तुमर्हसि काकुत्स्थ मम मातुश्च याचनाम्।। | O Rama, keeping in view the code of kings and tradition of our family, it behoves you to consider my supplication and that of my mother. |
चतुर्भिस्तुरगानस्य शरैः सन्नतपर्वभिः।।न्यपातयत तेजस्वी चतुरस्तस्य वाजिनः। | With four arrows having strong joints, the mighty hero Rama threw down his enemys four swiftfooted horses. |
किं तु कालपरीणामो द्रष्टव्यस्साधु पश्यता।धर्मश्चार्थश्च कामश्च कालक्रमसमाहित।। | However a wise man should visualise the turn of events in course of time with the right vision. Dharma, artha and kama are controlled by an order laid down by Time. |
तस्यापहर भार्यांत्वं प्रमथ्य तु महावने।सीतया रहितः कामी रामो हास्यति जीवितम्।। | Abduct Ramas wife by force in that great forest and bereft of Sita, he will give up his life. |
सोऽन्तर्धानगतःपापोरावणीरणकर्कशः ।अदृश्योनिशितान्बाणान्मुमोचाशनिवर्चसः ।। | That sinful son of Ravana, who is capable of encountering rising up remained invisible and shot sharp arrows. |
तत: प्रीतोऽभवद्राजा श्रुत्वा तद्विजभाषितम्।अमात्यांश्चाब्रवीद्राजा हर्षपर्याकुलेक्षण:।। | On hearing the words of the brahmins, the king was pleased and said to his ministers with eyes excited with delight. |
सातदश्रुतपूर्वंहिजनेमहतिमैथिली ।श्रुत्वाभर्तृर्वचोरूक्षंलज्जयावनताभवत् ।। | Then Mythili hearing her husband s harsh words, in the presence of a large number of people, stayed bent with shyness. |
अहंदाशरथेनोढामोहात्स्वकुलपांसनी ।आर्यपुत्रस्यरामस्यभार्यामृत्युरजायत ।। | "In ignorance as an obloquy of his race, the noble son of Dasaratha married me. For such Ramas wife turned out to be his death." |
गम्यतामिति तेनोक्तो जगाम रघुनन्दनः।यथोद्दिष्टेन मार्गेण वनं तच्चावलोकयन्।। | With his permission, Rama, the delight of the Raghu race, proceeded along the path indicated, watching the beauty of the forest. |
तस्मिन्याते बले घोरमशिवं शोणितोदकम्।अभ्यवर्षन्महामेघस्तुमुलो गर्दभारुणः।। | As the army marched from there Janasthana a huge dark cloud of the colour of an ass rained dreadful inauspicious water, red as blood. |
अवश्यं विनशिष्यन्ति सर्वे रावण राक्षसाः।येषां त्वं कर्कशो राजा दुर्बुद्धिरजितेन्द्रियः।। | O Ravana ,you are cruel and evilminded. You have no control over your senses. And yet you are the ruler of your breed. Surely they are going to be destroyed. |
धान्यकोशश्च यः कश्चिद्धनकोशश्च मामकः। तौ राममनुगच्छेतां वसन्तं निर्जने वने।। | Let the entire contents of my granary and treasury follow Rama wherever he lives in the desolate forest. |
अमात्या बलमुख्याश्च मुख्या ये निगमस्य च।राघवस्याभिषेकार्थे प्रियमाणास्तु संगताः।। | For the consecration of the scion of the Raghu race Rama, ministers, army chiefs and chiefs of merchants associations assembled, brimming with joy. |
तानुत्पातान्महोघोरानुत्थितान्रोमहर्षणान्।प्रजानामहितान्दृष्ट्वा रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।। | When Rama saw the most dreadful, horripilating phenomena foreboding calamity, he said to Lakshmana |
परिहासेन किं सीते परिश्रान्तस्य मे प्रिये।अयं स परिहासोऽपि साधु देवि न रोचते।। | O my dear Sita, why are you joking when I am exhausted? Such fun cannot be relished now. |
रणे दारुण विक्रान्त प्रवीर प्लवतां वर।किं दीनामपुरोभागामद्य त्वं नाभिभाषसे।। | O valiant hero, lord of monkeys you were terrifying in war. Why dont you speak now to me so forlorn and helpless? |
असौ हि राक्षसश्शेते शरेणाभिहतो मया।मृगरूपेण येनाहमाश्रमादपवाहितः।। | This demon who misled me in the guise of a deer and took me away from the hermitage, lies dead, killed by my arrow. |
यद्यपि त्रिषु लोकेषु प्रथितं ते महद्यशः।सानुक्रोशो वदान्यश्च प्रियवादी च राघवः।। | Your great fame has spread all over the three worlds. People know you as compassionate, generous and sweetspeaking scion of the Raghus. |
पूजयस्वैनमेकाग्रोदेवदेवंजगत्पतिम् ।एतत्त्रिगुणितंजप्त्वायुद्धेषुविजयिष्यसि ।। | "Worship the Lord of the universe, the Lord of Lords. Worship him alone with concentration of mind, three times of the day by chanting his name. You will attain victory in war." |
नूनं रामप्रभावेण वैदेह्यास्सुकृतेन च।यन्मां दहनकर्मायं नादहद्धव्यवाहनः।। | Fire, the consumer of oblations who has the property of burning has not burnt me and this is surely on account of Ramas power and Vaidehis merits. |
वृत्तशीलकुले जातामाचारवति धार्मिके।पुनःसंस्कारमापन्नां जातामिव च दुष्कुले।। | Though born in a traditional righteous and virtuous family, she was as though passing through a purificatory process like a lowbred woman. |
ततोऽवर्धत मे कायस्तदा पर्वतसन्निभः।युद्धकाङ्क्षी वनं तच्च विनाशयितुमारभे।। | "Thereafter, I increased my body to the size of a mountain, intent on fighting and started destroying the pleasure garden. |
नकलस्यातिभारोऽस्तिकृतान्तश्चसुदुर्जयः ।यत्ररामःसहभ्रात्राशेतेयुधिनिपातितः ।। | "Rama along with Lakshmana has fallen in the battlefield. Time spirit is too heavy and capable of doing anything, so difficult to conquer." |
गुरूर्धर्मव्यतिक्रान्तं प्राज्ञो धर्मेण पालय।।भरतः कामवृत्तानां निग्रहे पर्यवस्थितः। | Wise Bharata being a respectable king rules by dharma. By the command of Bharata, we are bent upon punishing those who have strayed from dharma by being addicted to sensual pleasures. |
नैवायंवानरान्राजन्नविजानातिराक्षसान् ।।मत्तश्शोणितगन्धे न स्वान् परांश्चैवखादति । | "This king intoxicated with the smell of blood is not knowing his own people and foes and devouring both Vanaras and Rakshasas." |
भगवन्व्रणयुक्तत्वाल्लज्जया व्याकुलेन्द्रियः।परिश्रान्तो न शक्नोमि वचनं परिभाषितुम्।। | O revered sage I am exhausted and my senses are depressed. I am ashamed of myself. My body is wounded. Therefore I am not able to reply. |
तेऽभिवाद्यमहात्मानंरावणंरिपुरावणम् ।कृत्वाप्रदक्षिणंचैवमहाकायाःप्रतस्थिरे ।। | Those heroes greeting gigantic Ravana, went around him clockwise as per tradition and departed. |
एकविंशतियूपास्ते एकविंशत्यरत्नय:।वासोभिरेकविंशद्भिरेकैकं समलङ्कृता:।। | These twentyone sacrificial posts, each measuring twentyone aratni height, were welldecorated wrapped in a piece of cloth. |
गुरुस्सोमश्च सूर्यश्च धनदोऽथ यमस्तथा।पान्तु त्वामर्चिता राम दण्डकारण्यवासिनम्।। | Propitiated by my worship, O Rama may Brihaspati, Moon, Sun, Kubera and Yama protect you when you are in Dandaka forest |
मन्थराप्रभवस्तीव्रः कैकेयीग्राहसङ्कुलः।।वरदानमयोऽक्षोभ्योऽमञ्जयच्छोकसागरः। | With Manthara as the source, Kaikeyi as a crocodile, this terrible sea of sorrow which has submerged all of us lies unruffled. |
तच्छ्रुत्वा राघवेणोक्तं वाक्यं वाक्यविशारद:।।प्रत्युवाच महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:। | Eloquent and brilliant Viswamitra, replied to the descendant of the Raghus saying |
अब्रवीत्सदशग्रीव: समीपस्थंमहोदरम् ।उपस्तापयमेशीघ्रंचारान्नीतिविशारदान् ।। | Ravana, the tenheaded one, then said to Mahodara who was standing nearby swiftly bring spies who are experts in policy to me. |
यदि तस्यामभिप्रायो भार्यार्थे तव जायते।शीघ्रमुद्ध्रियतां पादो जयार्थमिह दक्षिणः।। | If you intend her to be your wife, raise your right foot now and proceed to win her over. |
तत स्स्वायम्बुवैर्मन्त्रैर्ब्रह्मास्त्रमभिमन्त्रितम्।हनुमांश्चिन्तयामास वरदानं पितामहात्।। | Hanuman realised that it was by invoking creator Brahma and applying the mantra that he was caught by Brahmastram. On that occasion he started thinking of the boon given to him by Grandsire Brahma |
कालो निस्संशयो नूनं जीवितान्तकरस्तव।बलाद्येनावपन्नोऽसि सुग्रीवस्यावशो वश।। | No doubt time is inexorable. The time of your death had surely arrived.Now you, whom nobody could control, have come under the sway of Sugriva. |
आगता त्वामियं बुद्धिस्स्वजा वैनयिकी च या।भृशमुत्सहसे तात रक्षितुं पृथिवीमपि।। | O child, this wisdom of yours is both inborn and imbibed through training. With this, you are perfectly capable of protecting the earth. |
अङ्गदोबहुभिश्छिन्नश्शरैरासाद्यराक्षसैः ।पतितोरुधिरोद्गारीक्षितौनिपतिताङ्गदः ।। | "By the many arrows of Rakshasas reaching towards Angada, he lies down chopped up and destroyed, with his armlets dropped down throwing up blood." |
सप्त सप्त च वर्षाणि दण्डकारण्यमाश्रितः।अभिषेकमिमं त्यक्त्वा जटाजिनधरो वस।। | Forsake this consecration, wear matted locks and deerskin and take refuge in Dandaka forest for fourteen years. |
अस्तिसूक्ष्मतरंकिंचिद्यदत्रप्रतिभातिमे ।प्रत्यक्षंलौकिकंचापिविद्यतेसर्वराजसु ।। | "It strikes me that in this regard, as it is openly known for all the kings or at least in a subtle manner from a worldly point of view." |
सत्यं राक्षसराजेन्द्र शृणुष्व वचनं मम।।रामदासस्य दूतस्य वानरस्य विशेषतः। | "O king of demon listen to the words of truth of the servant of Rama, his messenger and specially a vanara. |
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