/** * Get all various group memberships of a given user. * Returns EMPTY set in case of non-existing user * * @param user User's name * @return set of group memberships of user * @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O. */ @Override public Set<String> getGroupsSet(String user) throws IOException { return Collections.emptySet(); }
/** * Read symmetric key with initialization vector from input stream. * @param is Stream with key * @return Read key */ @SneakyThrows public SecretKeyWithIv read(InputStream is) { SecretKeyWithIvContainer container = mapper.readValue(is, SecretKeyWithIvContainer.class); return new SecretKeyWithIv( container.getIv(), new SecretKeySpec(container.getEncoded(), container.getAlgo()) ); }
/** * Read bytes into ByteBuffers directly, those buffers either contains the extraLen bytes or only * contains necessaryLen bytes, which depends on how much bytes do the last time we read. * @param buf the destination {@link ByteBuff}. * @param dis input stream to read. * @param necessaryLen bytes which we must read * @param extraLen bytes which we may read * @return if the returned flag is true, then we've finished to read the extraLen into our * ByteBuffers, otherwise we've not read the extraLen bytes yet. * @throws IOException if failed to read the necessary bytes. */ public static boolean readWithExtra(ByteBuff buf, FSDataInputStream dis, int necessaryLen, int extraLen) throws IOException { if (!isByteBufferReadable(dis)) { // If InputStream does not support the ByteBuffer read, just read to heap and copy bytes to // the destination ByteBuff. byte[] heapBuf = new byte[necessaryLen + extraLen]; boolean ret = readWithExtraOnHeap(dis, heapBuf, 0, necessaryLen, extraLen); copyToByteBuff(heapBuf, 0, heapBuf.length, buf); return ret; } int directBytesRead = 0, heapBytesRead = 0; ByteBuffer[] buffers = buf.nioByteBuffers(); int bytesRead = 0; int remain = necessaryLen + extraLen; int idx = 0; ByteBuffer cur = buffers[idx]; try { while (bytesRead < necessaryLen) { while (!cur.hasRemaining()) { if (++idx >= buffers.length) { throw new IOException( "Not enough ByteBuffers to read the reminding " + remain + "bytes"); } cur = buffers[idx]; } cur.limit(cur.position() + Math.min(remain, cur.remaining())); int ret =; if (ret < 0) { throw new IOException("Premature EOF from inputStream (read returned " + ret + ", was trying to read " + necessaryLen + " necessary bytes and " + extraLen + " extra bytes, successfully read " + bytesRead); } bytesRead += ret; remain -= ret; if (cur.isDirect()) { directBytesRead += ret; } else { heapBytesRead += ret; } } } finally { final Span span = Span.current(); final AttributesBuilder attributesBuilder = builderFromContext(Context.current()); annotateBytesRead(attributesBuilder, directBytesRead, heapBytesRead); span.addEvent("BlockIOUtils.readWithExtra",; } return (extraLen > 0) && (bytesRead == necessaryLen + extraLen); }
/** * Creates logical {@link SlotExecutionVertexAssignment}s from physical shared slots. * * <p>The allocation has the following steps: * * <ol> * <li>Map the executions to {@link ExecutionSlotSharingGroup}s using {@link * SlotSharingStrategy} * <li>Check which {@link ExecutionSlotSharingGroup}s already have shared slot * <li>For all involved {@link ExecutionSlotSharingGroup}s which do not have a shared slot * yet: * <li>Create a {@link SlotProfile} future using {@link SharedSlotProfileRetriever} and then * <li>Allocate a physical slot from the {@link PhysicalSlotProvider} * <li>Create a shared slot based on the returned physical slot futures * <li>Allocate logical slot futures for the executions from all corresponding shared slots. * <li>If a physical slot request fails, associated logical slot requests are canceled within * the shared slot * <li>Generate {@link SlotExecutionVertexAssignment}s based on the logical slot futures and * returns the results. * </ol> * * @param executionVertexIds Execution vertices to allocate slots for */ private List<SlotExecutionVertexAssignment> allocateSlotsForVertices( List<ExecutionVertexID> executionVertexIds) { SharedSlotProfileRetriever sharedSlotProfileRetriever = sharedSlotProfileRetrieverFactory.createFromBulk(new HashSet<>(executionVertexIds)); Map<ExecutionSlotSharingGroup, List<ExecutionVertexID>> executionsByGroup = .collect( Collectors.groupingBy( slotSharingStrategy::getExecutionSlotSharingGroup)); Map<ExecutionSlotSharingGroup, SharedSlot> slots = new HashMap<>(executionsByGroup.size()); Set<ExecutionSlotSharingGroup> groupsToAssign = new HashSet<>(executionsByGroup.keySet()); Map<ExecutionSlotSharingGroup, SharedSlot> assignedSlots = tryAssignExistingSharedSlots(groupsToAssign); slots.putAll(assignedSlots); groupsToAssign.removeAll(assignedSlots.keySet()); if (!groupsToAssign.isEmpty()) { Map<ExecutionSlotSharingGroup, SharedSlot> allocatedSlots = allocateSharedSlots(groupsToAssign, sharedSlotProfileRetriever); slots.putAll(allocatedSlots); groupsToAssign.removeAll(allocatedSlots.keySet()); Preconditions.checkState(groupsToAssign.isEmpty()); } Map<ExecutionVertexID, SlotExecutionVertexAssignment> assignments = allocateLogicalSlotsFromSharedSlots(slots, executionsByGroup); // we need to pass the slots map to the createBulk method instead of using the allocator's // 'sharedSlots' // because if any physical slots have already failed, their shared slots have been removed // from the allocator's 'sharedSlots' by failed logical slots. SharingPhysicalSlotRequestBulk bulk = createBulk(slots, executionsByGroup); bulkChecker.schedulePendingRequestBulkTimeoutCheck(bulk, allocationTimeout); return; }
/** * Removes a tab selection listener. * * @param listener * the Listener to be removed. * * @deprecated As of 8.0, replaced by {@link Registration#remove()} in the * registration object returned from * {@link #removeSelectedTabChangeListener(SelectedTabChangeListener)} * . */ @Deprecated public void removeSelectedTabChangeListener( SelectedTabChangeListener listener) { removeListener(SelectedTabChangeEvent.class, listener, SELECTED_TAB_CHANGE_METHOD); }
/** * Callback to prepare requests. * * @param value new value * @return the builder */ public RequestFactoryBuilder withRequestPreparer( final PrepareRequest value) { this.requestPreparer = value; return this; }
// Required by JAXB @Private @XmlElement(name = "relatedentities") public HashMap<String, Set<String>> getRelatedEntitiesJAXB() { return relatedEntities; }
/** * Deselects all items in the tree. */ public void deselectAll() { for (String key : selectedIds) { TreeNode node = keyToNode.get(key); if (node != null) { node.setSelected(false); } } selectedIds.clear(); selectionHasChanged = true; }
/** * Get a MetricMutableCounterLong from the storage. If it is not there atomically put it. * @param counterName Name of the counter to get * @param potentialStartingValue starting value if we have to create a new counter */ public MutableFastCounter getCounter(String counterName, long potentialStartingValue) { // See getGauge for description on how this works. MutableMetric counter = metricsMap.get(counterName); if (counter == null) { MutableFastCounter newCounter = new MutableFastCounter(new MetricsInfoImpl(counterName, ""), potentialStartingValue); counter = metricsMap.putIfAbsent(counterName, newCounter); if (counter == null) { return newCounter; } } if (!(counter instanceof MutableCounter)) { throw new MetricsException("Metric already exists in registry for metric name: " + counterName + " and not of type MutableCounter"); } return (MutableFastCounter) counter; }
/** * Gets the raw value for a {@link ConfigProperty} config from Flink configuration. The key and * alternative keys are used to fetch the config. * * @param flinkConf Configs in Flink {@link org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration}. * @param configProperty {@link ConfigProperty} config to fetch. * @return {@link Option} of value if the config exists; empty {@link Option} otherwise. */ public static Option<String> getRawValueWithAltKeys(org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration flinkConf, ConfigProperty<?> configProperty) { if (flinkConf.containsKey(configProperty.key())) { return Option.ofNullable(flinkConf.getString(configProperty.key(), "")); } for (String alternative : configProperty.getAlternatives()) { if (flinkConf.containsKey(alternative)) { return Option.ofNullable(flinkConf.getString(alternative, "")); } } return Option.empty(); }
/** * Decrease the pending child count for directory once one file blocks moved * successfully. Remove the SPS xAttr if pending child count is zero. */ public synchronized void removeItemTrackInfo(ItemInfo trackInfo, boolean isSuccess) throws IOException { if (trackInfo.isDir()) { // If track is part of some start inode then reduce the pending // directory work count. long startId = trackInfo.getStartPath(); if (!ctxt.isFileExist(startId)) { // directory deleted just remove it. this.pendingWorkForDirectory.remove(startId); } else { DirPendingWorkInfo pendingWork = pendingWorkForDirectory.get(startId); if (pendingWork != null) { pendingWork.decrementPendingWorkCount(); if (pendingWork.isDirWorkDone()) { ctxt.removeSPSHint(startId); pendingWorkForDirectory.remove(startId); } } } } else { // Remove xAttr if trackID doesn't exist in // storageMovementAttemptedItems or file policy satisfied. ctxt.removeSPSHint(trackInfo.getFile()); } }
/** * Load data source meta data. * * @param dataSource data source * @param databaseType database type * @return datasource metadata * @throws SQLException SQL exception */ public static DataSourceMetaData load(final DataSource dataSource, final DatabaseType databaseType) throws SQLException { DataSourceMetaData result = new DataSourceMetaData(); try (MetaDataConnectionAdapter connectionAdapter = new MetaDataConnectionAdapter(databaseType, dataSource.getConnection())) { for (String each : loadAllTableNames(connectionAdapter)) { Optional<TableMetaData> tableMetaData = TableMetaDataLoader.load(connectionAdapter, each, databaseType); tableMetaData.ifPresent(meta -> result.getTableMetaDataMap().put(each, meta)); } } return result; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setTabIndex(int tabIndex) { getState().tabIndex = tabIndex; }
/** * Converts a rpc call into its string representation. * * @param declaringClassName declaringClassName declares the specified rpc * @param methodName methodName of the rpc * @param parameterTypes parameterTypes of the rpc * @return string representation of the rpc */ static String convertRpcToString( String declaringClassName, String methodName, Class<?>[] parameterTypes) { final StringBuilder paramTypeStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(parameterTypes.length * 5); if (parameterTypes.length > 0) { paramTypeStringBuilder.append(parameterTypes[0].getSimpleName()); for (int i = 1; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { paramTypeStringBuilder.append(", ").append(parameterTypes[i].getSimpleName()); } } return declaringClassName + '.' + methodName + '(' + paramTypeStringBuilder + ')'; }
/** * Writes a list of {@link Buffer}s to this {@link PartitionedFile}. It guarantees that after * the return of this method, the target buffers can be released. In a data region, all data of * the same subpartition must be written together. * * <p>Note: The caller is responsible for recycling the target buffers and releasing the failed * {@link PartitionedFile} if any exception occurs. */ public void writeBuffers(List<BufferWithChannel> bufferWithChannels) throws IOException { checkState(!isFinished, "File writer is already finished."); checkState(!isClosed, "File writer is already closed."); if (bufferWithChannels.isEmpty()) { return; } numBuffers += bufferWithChannels.size(); long expectedBytes; ByteBuffer[] bufferWithHeaders = new ByteBuffer[2 * bufferWithChannels.size()]; if (isBroadcastRegion) { expectedBytes = collectBroadcastBuffers(bufferWithChannels, bufferWithHeaders); } else { expectedBytes = collectUnicastBuffers(bufferWithChannels, bufferWithHeaders); } totalBytesWritten += expectedBytes; BufferReaderWriterUtil.writeBuffers(dataFileChannel, expectedBytes, bufferWithHeaders); }
/** * Checks if current drag event has valid drop target and target accepts the * transferable. If drop target is valid, callback is used. * * @param drag * the drag event * @param configuration * accept criterion UIDL * @param callback * the callback that handles acceptance if the target is valid */ public void accept(final VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration, final VAcceptCallback callback) { if (needsServerSideCheck(drag, configuration)) { VDragEventServerCallback acceptCallback = (accepted, response) -> { if (accepted) { callback.accepted(drag); } }; VDragAndDropManager.get().visitServer(acceptCallback); } else { boolean validates = accept(drag, configuration); if (validates) { callback.accepted(drag); } } }
/** * Set the Job ID source. * @param value new value * @return this */ public StageConfig withJobIdSource(final String value) { checkOpen(); jobIdSource = value; return this; }
/** * Get job instance. * * @param jobName job name * @return job instance */ public JobInstance getJobInstance(final String jobName) { return jobInstanceMap.get(jobName); }
/** * Create a max(col) expression * * @param left collection * @return max(col) */ public static <A extends Comparable<? super A>> ComparableExpression<A> max(CollectionExpression<?,A> left) { return Expressions.comparableOperation((Class) left.getParameter(0), Ops.QuantOps.MAX_IN_COL, (Expression<?>) left); }
/** * If there is an open hash batch, complete it and sync if there are diffs. Start a new batch, * and seek to read the */ private void moveToNextBatch(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (targetHasher.isBatchStarted()) { finishBatchAndCompareHashes(context); } targetHasher.startBatch(nextSourceKey); currentSourceHash = sourceHashReader.getCurrentHash(); findNextKeyHashPair(); }
//commonProps are passed as parameter which contain table to config file mapping private void populateTableExecutionContextList(TypedProperties properties, String configFolder, FileSystem fs, Config config) throws IOException { List<String> tablesToBeIngested = getTablesToBeIngested(properties);"tables to be ingested via MultiTableDeltaStreamer : " + tablesToBeIngested); TableExecutionContext executionContext; for (String table : tablesToBeIngested) { String[] tableWithDatabase = table.split("\\."); String database = tableWithDatabase.length > 1 ? tableWithDatabase[0] : "default"; String currentTable = tableWithDatabase.length > 1 ? tableWithDatabase[1] : table; String configProp = HoodieStreamerConfig.INGESTION_PREFIX + database + Constants.DELIMITER + currentTable + Constants.INGESTION_CONFIG_SUFFIX; String oldConfigProp = HoodieStreamerConfig.OLD_INGESTION_PREFIX + database + Constants.DELIMITER + currentTable + Constants.INGESTION_CONFIG_SUFFIX; String configFilePath = getStringWithAltKeys(properties, configProp, oldConfigProp, Helpers.getDefaultConfigFilePath(configFolder, database, currentTable)); checkIfTableConfigFileExists(configFolder, fs, configFilePath); TypedProperties tableProperties = UtilHelpers.readConfig(fs.getConf(), new Path(configFilePath), new ArrayList<>()).getProps(); properties.forEach((k, v) -> { if (tableProperties.get(k) == null) { tableProperties.setProperty(k.toString(), v.toString()); } }); final HoodieStreamer.Config cfg = new HoodieStreamer.Config(); //copy all the values from config to cfg String targetBasePath = resetTarget(config, database, currentTable); Helpers.deepCopyConfigs(config, cfg); String overriddenTargetBasePath = getStringWithAltKeys(tableProperties, HoodieStreamerConfig.TARGET_BASE_PATH, true); cfg.targetBasePath = StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(overriddenTargetBasePath) ? targetBasePath : overriddenTargetBasePath; if (cfg.enableMetaSync && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(tableProperties.getString(HoodieSyncConfig.META_SYNC_TABLE_NAME.key(), ""))) { throw new HoodieException("Meta sync table field not provided!"); } populateTransformerProps(cfg, tableProperties); populateSchemaProviderProps(cfg, tableProperties); executionContext = new TableExecutionContext(); executionContext.setProperties(tableProperties); executionContext.setConfig(cfg); executionContext.setDatabase(database); executionContext.setTableName(currentTable); this.tableExecutionContexts.add(executionContext); } }
/** * Gets the ACL of a file or directory. * * @param path Path to get * @return AbfsAclStatus describing the ACL of the file or directory * @throws IOException if an ACL could not be read */ @Override public AclStatus getAclStatus(final Path path) throws IOException { LOG.debug("AzureBlobFileSystem.getAclStatus path: {}", path); TracingContext tracingContext = new TracingContext(clientCorrelationId, fileSystemId, FSOperationType.GET_ACL_STATUS, true, tracingHeaderFormat, listener); if (!getIsNamespaceEnabled(tracingContext)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getAclStatus is only supported by storage account with the " + "hierarchical namespace enabled."); } Path qualifiedPath = makeQualified(path); try { return abfsStore.getAclStatus(qualifiedPath, tracingContext); } catch (AzureBlobFileSystemException ex) { checkException(path, ex); return null; } }
/** * Sets whether the overlay should be moved or shrunk to fit inside the * window. * <p> * When this is <code>false</code>, the default {@link PopupPanel} behavior * is used, which tries to position the popup primarly below and to the * right of a reference UIObject and, if there is not enough space, above or * to the left. * <p> * When this is <code>true</code>, the popup will be moved up/left in case * it does not fit on either side. If the popup is larger than the window, * it will be shrunk to fit and assume that scrolling e.g. using * <code>overflow:auto</code>, is taken care of by the overlay user. * * @since 7.6.6 * @param fitInWindow * <code>true</code> to ensure that no part of the popup is * outside the visible view, <code>false</code> to use the * default {@link PopupPanel} behavior */ public void setFitInWindow(boolean fitInWindow) { this.fitInWindow = fitInWindow; }
/** * Set the Generated annotation class. Will default to java {@code @Generated} * * @param generatedAnnotationClass the fully qualified class name of the <em>Single-Element Annotation</em> (with {@code String} element) to be used on * the generated sources, or {@code null} (defaulting to {@code javax.annotation.Generated} or * {@code javax.annotation.processing.Generated} depending on the java version). * @see <a href="">Single-Element Annotation</a> */ public void setGeneratedAnnotationClass(@Nullable String generatedAnnotationClass) { codegenModule.bindInstance(CodegenModule.GENERATED_ANNOTATION_CLASS, GeneratedAnnotationResolver.resolve(generatedAnnotationClass)); }
/** * Overridden to avoid selecting text when text input is disabled. */ @Override public void setSelectionRange(int pos, int length) { if (textInputEnabled) { /* * set selection range with a backwards direction: anchor at the * back, focus at the front. This means that items that are too * long to display will display from the start and not the end * even on Firefox. * * We need the JSNI function to set selection range so that we * can use the optional direction attribute to set the anchor to * the end and the focus to the start. This makes Firefox work * the same way as other browsers (#13477) */ WidgetUtil.setSelectionRange(getElement(), pos, length, "backward"); } else { /* * Setting the selectionrange for an uneditable textbox leads to * unwanted behavior when the width of the textbox is narrower * than the width of the entry: the end of the entry is shown * instead of the beginning. (see #13477) * * To avoid this, we set the caret to the beginning of the line. */ super.setSelectionRange(0, 0); } }
/** * Advance the watermark to trigger all the possible windows. It is designed to be idempotent. */ public void advanceWatermarkToTriggerAllWindows() { skipEmptyWindow(); advanceWatermark(watermark + windowSize); }
/** * Finalizes a Cross transformation by applying a {@link CrossFunction} to each pair of * crossed elements. * * <p>Each CrossFunction call returns exactly one element. * * @param function The CrossFunction that is called for each pair of crossed elements. * @return An CrossOperator that represents the crossed result DataSet * @see CrossFunction * @see DataSet */ public <R> CrossOperator<I1, I2, R> with(CrossFunction<I1, I2, R> function) { if (function == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Cross function must not be null."); } TypeInformation<R> returnType = TypeExtractor.getCrossReturnTypes( function, getInput1().getType(), getInput2().getType(), super.getDefaultName(), true); return new CrossOperator<I1, I2, R>( getInput1(), getInput2(), clean(function), returnType, getCrossHint(), Utils.getCallLocationName()); }
/** * Checks if the given key in Azure Storage should be stored as a page * blob instead of block blob. */ public boolean isPageBlobKey(String key) { return isKeyForDirectorySet(key, pageBlobDirs); }
/** * If the inner stream is Syncable, flush the buffer and then * invoke the inner stream's hflush() operation. * * Otherwise: throw an exception, unless the stream was constructed with * {@link #downgradeSyncable} set to true, in which case the stream * is just flushed. * @throws IOException IO Problem * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the inner class is not syncable */ @Override public void hflush() throws IOException { if (out instanceof Syncable) { flush(); ((Syncable) out).hflush(); } else { if (!downgradeSyncable) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hflush not supported by " + out); } else { flush(); } } }
/** Returns the size of the compressed serialized data. */ public int getSize() { return getByteArray().length; }
/** * End a row. * This is just a proxy to the writer, but could be used for hooks in the future. */ public void endRecord () throws IOException { writer.endRecord(); }
/** * Allocate size bytes from the ByteBufAllocator, Note to call the {@link ByteBuff#release()} if * no need any more, otherwise the memory leak happen in NIO ByteBuffer pool. * @param size to allocate * @return an ByteBuff with the desired size. */ public ByteBuff allocate(int size) { if (size < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("size to allocate should >=0"); } // If disabled the reservoir, just allocate it from on-heap. if (!isReservoirEnabled() || size == 0) { return ByteBuff.wrap(allocateOnHeap(size)); } int reminder = size % bufSize; int len = size / bufSize + (reminder > 0 ? 1 : 0); List<ByteBuffer> bbs = new ArrayList<>(len); // Allocate from ByteBufferPool until the remaining is less than minSizeForReservoirUse or // reservoir is exhausted. int remain = size; while (remain >= minSizeForReservoirUse) { ByteBuffer bb = this.getBuffer(); if (bb == null) { break; } bbs.add(bb); remain -= bufSize; } int lenFromReservoir = bbs.size(); if (remain > 0) { // If the last ByteBuffer is too small or the reservoir can not provide more ByteBuffers, we // just allocate the ByteBuffer from on-heap. bbs.add(allocateOnHeap(remain)); } ByteBuff bb; // we only need a recycler if we successfully pulled from the pool // this matters for determining whether to add leak detection in RefCnt if (lenFromReservoir == 0) { bb = ByteBuff.wrap(bbs); } else { bb = ByteBuff.wrap(bbs, () -> { for (int i = 0; i < lenFromReservoir; i++) { this.putbackBuffer(bbs.get(i)); } }); } bb.limit(size); return bb; }
/** * Persists the region index of the current data region and starts a new region to write. * * <p>Note: The caller is responsible for releasing the failed {@link PartitionedFile} if any * exception occurs. * * @param isBroadcastRegion Whether it's a broadcast region. See {@link #isBroadcastRegion}. */ public void startNewRegion(boolean isBroadcastRegion) throws IOException { checkState(!isFinished, "File writer is already finished."); checkState(!isClosed, "File writer is already closed."); writeRegionIndex(); this.isBroadcastRegion = isBroadcastRegion; }
/** Resets the state of the writer to write the next batch of fields. */ public void reset() { valueVector.reset(); count = 0; }
/** * Callback from the ContainerManager implementation for initializing the * application request processing pipeline. * * @param request - encapsulates information for starting an AM * @throws IOException if fails * @throws YarnException if fails */ public void processApplicationStartRequest(StartContainerRequest request) throws IOException, YarnException { this.metrics.incrRequestCount(); long startTime = clock.getTime(); try { ContainerTokenIdentifier containerTokenIdentifierForKey = BuilderUtils.newContainerTokenIdentifier(request.getContainerToken()); ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId = containerTokenIdentifierForKey.getContainerID() .getApplicationAttemptId(); ApplicationId applicationID = appAttemptId.getApplicationId(); // Checking if application is there in federation state store only // if federation is enabled. If // application is submitted to router then it adds it in statestore. // if application is not found in statestore that means its // submitted to RM if (!checkIfAppExistsInStateStore(applicationID)) { return; }"Callback received for initializing request processing pipeline for an AM."); Credentials credentials = YarnServerSecurityUtils .parseCredentials(request.getContainerLaunchContext()); Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> amrmToken = getFirstAMRMToken(credentials.getAllTokens()); if (amrmToken == null) { throw new YarnRuntimeException( "AMRMToken not found in the start container request for application:" + appAttemptId); } // Substitute the existing AMRM Token with a local one. Keep the rest of // the tokens in the credentials intact. Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> localToken = this.secretManager.createAndGetAMRMToken(appAttemptId); credentials.addToken(localToken.getService(), localToken); DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer(); credentials.writeTokenStorageToStream(dob); request.getContainerLaunchContext() .setTokens(ByteBuffer.wrap(dob.getData(), 0, dob.getLength())); initializePipeline(appAttemptId, containerTokenIdentifierForKey.getApplicationSubmitter(), amrmToken, localToken, null, false, credentials); long endTime = clock.getTime(); this.metrics.succeededAppStartRequests(endTime - startTime); } catch (Throwable t) { this.metrics.incrFailedAppStartRequests(); throw t; } }
/** * Rollback inflight clustering instant to requested clustering instant * * @param inflightInstant Inflight clustering instant * @param getPendingRollbackInstantFunc Function to get rollback instant */ public void rollbackInflightClustering(HoodieInstant inflightInstant, Function<String, Option<HoodiePendingRollbackInfo>> getPendingRollbackInstantFunc) { ValidationUtils.checkArgument(inflightInstant.getAction().equals(HoodieTimeline.REPLACE_COMMIT_ACTION)); rollbackInflightInstant(inflightInstant, getPendingRollbackInstantFunc); }
/** * Increments the number of successfully completed checkpoints. * * <p>It is expected that this follows a previous call to {@link * #incrementInProgressCheckpoints()}. */ void incrementCompletedCheckpoints() { if (canDecrementOfInProgressCheckpointsNumber()) { numInProgressCheckpoints--; } numCompletedCheckpoints++; }
/** * Set the preceding offset (based on time or row-count intervals) for over window. * * @param preceding preceding offset relative to the current row. * @return an over window with defined preceding */ public OverWindowPartitionedOrderedPreceding preceding(Expression preceding) { return new OverWindowPartitionedOrderedPreceding(partitionBy, orderBy, preceding); }
/** * Implement Cloneable interface */ @Override public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); // only a shadow copy }
/** * Set the minimum part size for transfer parts. * @param value new value * @return the builder */ public S3ClientCreationParameters withMinimumPartSize( final long value) { minimumPartSize = value; return this; }
/** Returns Maximum number of regions in transition */ private int getMaxRegionsInTransition() { int numRegions = this.assignmentManager.getRegionStates().getRegionAssignments().size(); return Math.max((int) Math.floor(numRegions * this.maxRitPercent), 1); }
/** * Sets up the actual job. * @param conf The current configuration. * @param args The command line parameters. * @return The newly created job. * @throws IOException When setting up the job fails. */ public static Job createSubmittableJob(Configuration conf, String[] args) throws IOException { String tableName = args[0]; Path outputDir = new Path(args[1]); String reportSeparatorString = (args.length > 2) ? args[2] : ":"; conf.set("ReportSeparator", reportSeparatorString); Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, conf.get(JOB_NAME_CONF_KEY, NAME + "_" + tableName)); job.setJarByClass(CellCounter.class); Scan scan = getConfiguredScanForJob(conf, args); TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob(tableName, scan, CellCounterMapper.class, ImmutableBytesWritable.class, Result.class, job); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class); job.setOutputFormatClass(TextOutputFormat.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir); job.setReducerClass(LongSumReducer.class); job.setCombinerClass(LongSumReducer.class); return job; }
/** * Internal method called by the ProcedureExecutor that starts the user-level code acquireLock(). */ final LockState doAcquireLock(TEnvironment env, ProcedureStore store) { if (waitInitialized(env)) { return LockState.LOCK_EVENT_WAIT; } if (lockedWhenLoading) { // reset it so we will not consider it anymore lockedWhenLoading = false; locked = true; // Here we return without persist the locked state, as lockedWhenLoading is true means // that the locked field of the procedure stored in procedure store is true, so we do not need // to store it again. return LockState.LOCK_ACQUIRED; } LockState state = acquireLock(env); if (state == LockState.LOCK_ACQUIRED) { locked = true; // persist that we have held the lock. This must be done before we actually execute the // procedure, otherwise when restarting, we may consider the procedure does not have a lock, // but it may have already done some changes as we have already executed it, and if another // procedure gets the lock, then the semantic will be broken if the holdLock is true, as we do // not expect that another procedure can be executed in the middle. store.update(this); } return state; }
/** * Returns the last pending instant time. */ protected String lastPendingInstant() { return this.ckpMetadata.lastPendingInstant(); }
/** * Returns the factory to be used to create {@link HFile} writers */ public static final WriterFactory getWriterFactory(Configuration conf, CacheConfig cacheConf) { int version = getFormatVersion(conf); switch (version) { case 2: throw new IllegalArgumentException("This should never happen. " + "Did you change hfile.format.version to read v2? This version of the software writes v3" + " hfiles only (but it can read v2 files without having to update hfile.format.version " + "in hbase-site.xml)"); case 3: return new HFile.WriterFactory(conf, cacheConf); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create writer for HFile " + "format version " + version); } }
/** * Instantiate the {@link ExternalResourceDriver ExternalResourceDrivers} for all of enabled * external resources. {@link ExternalResourceDriver ExternalResourceDrivers} are mapped to its * resource name. */ @VisibleForTesting static Map<String, ExternalResourceDriver> externalResourceDriversFromConfig( Configuration config, PluginManager pluginManager) { final Set<String> resourceSet = getExternalResourceSet(config); if (resourceSet.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final Iterator<ExternalResourceDriverFactory> factoryIterator = pluginManager.load(ExternalResourceDriverFactory.class); final Map<String, ExternalResourceDriverFactory> externalResourceFactories = new HashMap<>(); factoryIterator.forEachRemaining( externalResourceDriverFactory -> externalResourceFactories.put( externalResourceDriverFactory.getClass().getName(), externalResourceDriverFactory)); final Map<String, ExternalResourceDriver> externalResourceDrivers = new HashMap<>(); for (String resourceName : resourceSet) { final ConfigOption<String> driverClassOption = key(ExternalResourceOptions .getExternalResourceDriverFactoryConfigOptionForResource( resourceName)) .stringType() .noDefaultValue(); final String driverFactoryClassName = config.getString(driverClassOption); if (StringUtils.isNullOrWhitespaceOnly(driverFactoryClassName)) { LOG.warn( "Could not find driver class name for {}. Please make sure {} is configured.", resourceName, driverClassOption.key()); continue; } ExternalResourceDriverFactory externalResourceDriverFactory = externalResourceFactories.get(driverFactoryClassName); if (externalResourceDriverFactory != null) { DelegatingConfiguration delegatingConfiguration = new DelegatingConfiguration( config, ExternalResourceOptions .getExternalResourceParamConfigPrefixForResource( resourceName)); try { externalResourceDrivers.put( resourceName, externalResourceDriverFactory.createExternalResourceDriver( delegatingConfiguration));"Add external resources driver for {}.", resourceName); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn( "Could not instantiate driver with factory {} for {}. {}", driverFactoryClassName, resourceName, e); } } else { LOG.warn( "Could not find factory class {} for {}.", driverFactoryClassName, resourceName); } } return externalResourceDrivers; }
/** * Get the vertical scroll element. * * @return The element representing the vertical scrollbar */ public TestBenchElement getVerticalScroller() { List<WebElement> rootElements = findElements(By.xpath("./div")); return (TestBenchElement) rootElements.get(0); }
/** * Return true if the JNI-based native CRC extensions are available. */ public static boolean isAvailable() { if (isSparc) { return false; } else { return NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded(); } }
/** * Sets auto commit. * * @param connection the connection */ public void beforeSetAutoCommit(final Connection connection) { if (check()) { return; } try { boolean autoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); if (autoCommit) { connection.setAutoCommit(false); } AutoCommitThreadLocal.INSTANCE.set(autoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/* * This method is called when a menu bar is hidden, so that it can hide any * child popups that are currently being shown. */ private void onHide() { if (shownChildMenu != null) { shownChildMenu.onHide(); popup.hide(); } }
/** * Compare whether this and other points to the same key value. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (!(other instanceof Entry)) return false; return ((Entry) other).compareTo(keyBuffer, 0, getKeyLength()) == 0; }
/** * This method kicks off a snapshot procedure. Other than that it hangs around for various phases * to complete. */ @Override protected void snapshotRegions(List<Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName>> regions) throws IOException { Set<String> regionServers = new HashSet<>(regions.size()); for (Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName> region : regions) { if (region != null && region.getFirst() != null && region.getSecond() != null) { RegionInfo hri = region.getFirst(); if (hri.isOffline() && (hri.isSplit() || hri.isSplitParent())) continue; regionServers.add(region.getSecond().toString()); } } // start the snapshot on the RS Procedure proc = coordinator.startProcedure(this.monitor, this.snapshot.getName(), this.snapshot.toByteArray(), Lists.newArrayList(regionServers)); if (proc == null) { String msg = "Failed to submit distributed procedure for snapshot '" + snapshot.getName() + "'"; LOG.error(msg); throw new HBaseSnapshotException(msg); } try { // wait for the snapshot to complete. A timer thread is kicked off that should cancel this // if it takes too long. proc.waitForCompleted();"Done waiting - online snapshot for " + this.snapshot.getName()); // Take the offline regions as disabled for (Pair<RegionInfo, ServerName> region : regions) { RegionInfo regionInfo = region.getFirst(); if ( regionInfo.isOffline() && (regionInfo.isSplit() || regionInfo.isSplitParent()) && RegionReplicaUtil.isDefaultReplica(regionInfo) ) {"Take disabled snapshot of offline region=" + regionInfo); snapshotDisabledRegion(regionInfo); } } // handle the mob files if any. boolean mobEnabled = MobUtils.hasMobColumns(htd); if (mobEnabled) {"Taking snapshot for mob files in table " + htd.getTableName()); // snapshot the mob files as a offline region. RegionInfo mobRegionInfo = MobUtils.getMobRegionInfo(htd.getTableName()); snapshotMobRegion(mobRegionInfo); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { ForeignException ee = new ForeignException("Interrupted while waiting for snapshot to finish", e); monitor.receive(ee); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (ForeignException e) { monitor.receive(e); } }
/** * Shuts down this registry and the associated {@link MetricReporter}. * * <p>NOTE: This operation is asynchronous and returns a future which is completed once the * shutdown operation has been completed. * * @return Future which is completed once the {@link MetricRegistryImpl} is shut down. */ @Override public CompletableFuture<Void> closeAsync() { synchronized (lock) { if (isShutdown) { return terminationFuture; } else { isShutdown = true; final Collection<CompletableFuture<Void>> terminationFutures = new ArrayList<>(3); final Time gracePeriod = Time.seconds(1L); if (metricQueryServiceRpcService != null) { final CompletableFuture<Void> metricQueryServiceRpcServiceTerminationFuture = metricQueryServiceRpcService.closeAsync(); terminationFutures.add(metricQueryServiceRpcServiceTerminationFuture); } Throwable throwable = null; for (ReporterAndSettings reporterAndSettings : reporters) { try { reporterAndSettings.getReporter().close(); } catch (Throwable t) { throwable = ExceptionUtils.firstOrSuppressed(t, throwable); } } reporters.clear(); if (throwable != null) { terminationFutures.add( FutureUtils.completedExceptionally( new FlinkException( "Could not shut down the metric reporters properly.", throwable))); } final CompletableFuture<Void> reporterExecutorShutdownFuture = ExecutorUtils.nonBlockingShutdown( gracePeriod.toMilliseconds(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, reporterScheduledExecutor); terminationFutures.add(reporterExecutorShutdownFuture); final CompletableFuture<Void> viewUpdaterExecutorShutdownFuture = ExecutorUtils.nonBlockingShutdown( gracePeriod.toMilliseconds(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, viewUpdaterScheduledExecutor); terminationFutures.add(viewUpdaterExecutorShutdownFuture); FutureUtils.completeAll(terminationFutures) .whenComplete( (Void ignored, Throwable error) -> { if (error != null) { terminationFuture.completeExceptionally(error); } else { terminationFuture.complete(null); } }); return terminationFuture; } } }
/** * Merge the regions base on <a * href=""> * Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm</a>. For more details please see <a * href="">FLINK-17330</a>. */ private static Set<Set<SchedulingExecutionVertex>> mergeRegionsOnCycles( final Map<SchedulingExecutionVertex, Set<SchedulingExecutionVertex>> vertexToRegion, final Function<ExecutionVertexID, ? extends SchedulingExecutionVertex> executionVertexRetriever) { final List<Set<SchedulingExecutionVertex>> regionList = new ArrayList<>(uniqueVertexGroups(vertexToRegion)); final List<List<Integer>> outEdges = buildOutEdgesDesc(vertexToRegion, regionList, executionVertexRetriever); final Set<Set<Integer>> sccs = StronglyConnectedComponentsComputeUtils.computeStronglyConnectedComponents( outEdges.size(), outEdges); final Set<Set<SchedulingExecutionVertex>> mergedRegions = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); for (Set<Integer> scc : sccs) { checkState(scc.size() > 0); Set<SchedulingExecutionVertex> mergedRegion = new HashSet<>(); for (int regionIndex : scc) { mergedRegion = mergeVertexGroups( mergedRegion, regionList.get(regionIndex), vertexToRegion); } mergedRegions.add(mergedRegion); } return mergedRegions; }
/** * Reads config from the file system. * * @param jsc {@link JavaSparkContext} instance. * @param cfg {@link Config} instance. * @return the {@link TypedProperties} instance. */ private TypedProperties readConfigFromFileSystem(JavaSparkContext jsc, Config cfg) { return UtilHelpers.readConfig(jsc.hadoopConfiguration(), new Path(cfg.propsFilePath), cfg.configs) .getProps(true); }
/** * @param keys The target server name * @param idleServerPredicator Evaluates the server on the given load * @return A copy of the internal list of online servers matched by the predicator */ public List<ServerName> getOnlineServersListWithPredicator(List<ServerName> keys, Predicate<ServerMetrics> idleServerPredicator) { List<ServerName> names = new ArrayList<>(); if (keys != null && idleServerPredicator != null) { keys.forEach(name -> { ServerMetrics load = onlineServers.get(name); if (load != null) { if (idleServerPredicator.test(load)) { names.add(name); } } }); } return names; }
/** * Move aside a bad edits file. * @param fs the file system used to rename bad edits file. * @param edits Edits file to move aside. * @return The name of the moved aside file. */ public static Path moveAsideBadEditsFile(final FileSystem fs, final Path edits) throws IOException { Path moveAsideName = new Path(edits.getParent(), edits.getName() + "." + EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime()); if (!fs.rename(edits, moveAsideName)) { LOG.warn("Rename failed from {} to {}", edits, moveAsideName); } return moveAsideName; }
/** * Perform a bulk object delete operation. Increments the {@code * OBJECT_DELETE_REQUESTS} and write operation statistics. * * @param owner the owner OBSFileSystem instance * @param deleteRequest keys to delete on the obs-backend * @throws IOException on any failure to delete objects */ static void deleteObjects(final OBSFileSystem owner, final DeleteObjectsRequest deleteRequest) throws IOException { DeleteObjectsResult result; deleteRequest.setQuiet(true); try { result = owner.getObsClient().deleteObjects(deleteRequest); owner.getSchemeStatistics().incrementWriteOps(1); } catch (ObsException e) { LOG.warn("delete objects failed, request [{}], request id [{}] - " + "error code [{}] - error message [{}]", deleteRequest, e.getErrorRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMessage()); for (KeyAndVersion keyAndVersion : deleteRequest.getKeyAndVersionsList()) { deleteObject(owner, keyAndVersion.getKey()); } return; } // delete one by one if there is errors if (result != null) { List<DeleteObjectsResult.ErrorResult> errorResults = result.getErrorResults(); if (!errorResults.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("bulk delete {} objects, {} failed, begin to delete " + "one by one.", deleteRequest.getKeyAndVersionsList().size(), errorResults.size()); for (DeleteObjectsResult.ErrorResult errorResult : errorResults) { deleteObject(owner, errorResult.getObjectKey()); } } } }
/** * Returns the service this SystemMessages request comes from. * * @return The service which triggered this request or null of not triggered * from a service. */ public VaadinService getService() { return service; }
// -------------------- CheckpointableKeyedStateBackend -------------------------------- @Override public KeyGroupRange getKeyGroupRange() { return keyedStateBackend.getKeyGroupRange(); }
/** * Is not empty boolean. * * @param coll the coll * @return the boolean */ public static boolean isNotEmpty(final Collection<?> coll) { return !isEmpty(coll); }
/** * Create the index worksheet. * * <p>This also creates links back to the index in each of the worksheets.</p> */ public void createIndex() { WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(spreadsheetifyName("Index"), 0); createTitle(sheet, "Index"); try { // Create links for each worksheet, apart from the first sheet which is the // index we're currently creating final String[] names = workbook.getSheetNames(); for (int currentSheet = 1; currentSheet < names.length; currentSheet++) { // Create the link from the index to the table's worksheet WritableHyperlink link = new WritableHyperlink(0, currentSheet - 1 + NUMBER_OF_ROWS_IN_TITLE, names[currentSheet], workbook.getSheet(currentSheet), 0, 0); sheet.addHyperlink(link); //Add the filename in column B (stored in cell B2 of each sheet) String fileName = workbook.getSheet(currentSheet).getCell(1, 1).getContents(); Label fileNameLabel = new Label(1, currentSheet - 1 + NUMBER_OF_ROWS_IN_TITLE, fileName); WritableFont fileNameFont = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL,10,WritableFont.NO_BOLD,false,UnderlineStyle.NO_UNDERLINE,Colour.BLACK); WritableCellFormat fileNameFormat = new WritableCellFormat(fileNameFont); fileNameLabel.setCellFormat(fileNameFormat); sheet.addCell(fileNameLabel); // Create the link back to the index link = new WritableHyperlink(0, 1, "Back to index", sheet, 0, currentSheet + NUMBER_OF_ROWS_IN_TITLE - 1); workbook.getSheet(currentSheet).addHyperlink(link); //Set column A of each sheet to be wide enough to show "Back to index" workbook.getSheet(currentSheet).setColumnView(0, 13); } // Make Column A fairly wide to show tab names and hide column B sheet.setColumnView(0, 35); sheet.setColumnView(1, 0); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Find the total size of a list of store files. * @param potentialMatchFiles StoreFile list. * @return Sum of StoreFile.getReader().length(); */ private long getTotalStoreSize(List<HStoreFile> potentialMatchFiles) { return -> sf.getReader().length()).sum(); }
/** * Submit a task to the pool. */ public void submitTask(final Callable<Void> task) { Future<Void> f = this.taskPool.submit(task); futures.add(f); }
/** * Creates an SQL statement to insert specific values into the columns * specified. * * @param statement The insert statement to build an SQL query for. * @param metadata the database schema. If null, the SQL statement will be * treated "as is". If not null, the schema will be used to decorate * the statement further with the default values from any columns not * specified. * @param idTable the ID table. Only required if the table has a * non-autonumbered id column and the schema has been supplied. * @return a string containing a specific value insert query for the specified * table and column values. */ protected List<String> buildSpecificValueInsert(InsertStatement statement, Schema metadata, Table idTable) { List<String> result = new LinkedList<>(); String destinationTableName = statement.getTable().getName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(destinationTableName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create specified value insert SQL for a blank table"); } StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder("VALUES ("); // -- Add the preamble... // sqlBuilder.append(getSqlForInsertInto(statement)); sqlBuilder.append(tableNameWithSchemaName(statement.getTable())); sqlBuilder.append(" ("); Set<String> columnNamesAdded = new HashSet<>(); boolean firstField = true; for (AliasedField fieldWithValue : statement.getValues()) { if (!firstField) { sqlBuilder.append(", "); values.append(", "); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(fieldWithValue.getAlias())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field value in insert statement does not have an alias"); } sqlBuilder.append(fieldWithValue.getAlias()); values.append(getSqlFrom(fieldWithValue)); columnNamesAdded.add(fieldWithValue.getAlias().toUpperCase()); firstField = false; } // If we have a schema, then we can add defaults for missing column values if (metadata != null) { for (Column currentColumn : metadata.getTable(destinationTableName).columns()) { // Default date columns to null and skip columns we've already added. if (columnNamesAdded.contains(currentColumn.getName().toUpperCase())) { continue; } // Allow identity columns to be defaulted by the database - nothing to // do if (currentColumn.isAutoNumbered()) { continue; } // Non-autonumbered identity columns should be populated using the id // table if (currentColumn.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { sqlBuilder.append(", "); values.append(", "); result.addAll(buildSimpleAutonumberUpdate(statement.getTable(), "id", idTable, ID_INCREMENTOR_TABLE_COLUMN_NAME, ID_INCREMENTOR_TABLE_COLUMN_VALUE)); String fieldValue = autoNumberId(statement, idTable); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fieldValue)) { sqlBuilder.append("id"); values.append(fieldValue); } continue; } // If there is a default for the field, use it if (statement.getFieldDefaults().containsKey(currentColumn.getName())) { AliasedField fieldWithValue = statement.getFieldDefaults().get(currentColumn.getName()); sqlBuilder.append(", "); values.append(", "); sqlBuilder.append(fieldWithValue.getAlias()); values.append(literalValue(fieldWithValue)); continue; } } } sqlBuilder.append(") "); values.append(")"); sqlBuilder.append(values); result.add(sqlBuilder.toString()); return result; }
/** * List all the parquet manifest files. */ public static FileStatus[] listAllManifestFiles(HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient) throws IOException { return metaClient.getFs().listStatus(new Path(metaClient.getArchivePath()), getManifestFilePathFilter()); }
/** * @return the default timeout * @since 2.7.8 */ @Override public long getDefaultTimeout() { return getTimeout(); }
/** * Validate the task manifests. * This is done by listing all the directories * and verifying that every file in the source list * has a file in the destination of the same size. * If two tasks have both written the same file or * a source file was changed after the task was committed, * then a mismatch will be detected -provided the file * length is now different. * @param entryFile path to entry file * @return list of files committed. */ @Override protected List<FileEntry> executeStage( final Path entryFile) throws IOException { final EntryFileIO entryFileIO = new EntryFileIO(getStageConfig().getConf()); try (SequenceFile.Reader reader = entryFileIO.createReader(entryFile)) { // iterate over the entries in the file. TaskPool.foreach(entryFileIO.iterateOver(reader)) .executeWith(getIOProcessors()) .stopOnFailure() .run(this::validateOneFile); return getFilesCommitted(); } }
/** * Register registry center. * * @param jobName job name * @param regCenter registry center */ public void registerRegistryCenter(final String jobName, final CoordinatorRegistryCenter regCenter) { regCenterMap.put(jobName, regCenter); regCenter.addCacheData("/" + jobName); }
/** * @deprecated - will be removed after 2.12. Use async variant. */ @Deprecated default Boolean allowNamespacePolicyOperation(NamespaceName namespaceName, PolicyName policy, PolicyOperation operation, String role, AuthenticationDataSource authData) { try { return allowNamespacePolicyOperationAsync(namespaceName, policy, operation, role, authData).get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RestException(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RestException(e.getCause()); } }
/** * Determine if a region in {@link RegionState} should be considered for a split operation. */ private static boolean skipForSplit(final RegionState state, final RegionInfo regionInfo) { final String name = regionInfo.getEncodedName(); return logTraceReason(() -> state == null, "skipping split of region {} because no state information is available.", name) || logTraceReason(() -> !Objects.equals(state.getState(), RegionState.State.OPEN), "skipping merge of region {} because it is not open.", name); }
/** * Adds a counter with a name built by using the specified phase's name as * prefix and then appending the specified suffix. * * @param builder MetricsRecordBuilder to receive counter * @param phase Phase to add * @param nameSuffix String suffix of metric name * @param descSuffix String suffix of metric description * @param value long counter value */ private static void addCounter(MetricsRecordBuilder builder, Phase phase, String nameSuffix, String descSuffix, long value) { MetricsInfo metricsInfo = info(phase.getName() + nameSuffix, phase.getDescription() + descSuffix); builder.addCounter(metricsInfo, value); }
/** * Used for web ui to show when the HBCK checking started. */ public Instant getCheckingStartTimestamp() { return checkingStartTimestamp; }
/** * Sets the operator-level caching description for this input. * * @param operatorLevelCachingDescription The description of operator-level caching. */ public void setOperatorLevelCachingDescription(String operatorLevelCachingDescription) { this.operatorLevelCachingDescription = operatorLevelCachingDescription; }
/** * Create a new {@link WALProvider.Writer} for writing log splits. * @return a new Writer instance, caller should close */ protected WALProvider.Writer createWriter(Path logfile) throws IOException { return walFactory.createRecoveredEditsWriter(walFS, logfile); }
/** Returns a string representation of this object. */ @Override public String toString(){ return "A record version mismatch occurred. Expecting v" + expectedVersion + ", found v" + foundVersion; }
/** * Get hostname for Worker. * @return hostname of worker node */ public final Text getHostname() { return hostname; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * Increment a statistic with some value. * * @param statistic AbfsStatistic need to be incremented. * @param value long value to be incremented by. */ @Override public void incrementCounter(AbfsStatistic statistic, long value) { ioStatisticsStore.incrementCounter(statistic.getStatName(), value); MutableCounterLong counter = lookupCounter(statistic.getStatName()); if (counter != null) { counter.incr(value); } }
/** * Updates the caption position by using element offset left and top */ private void updateCaptionPosition() { if (caption != null) { Style style = caption.getElement().getStyle(); style.setProperty("position", "absolute"); style.setPropertyPx("left", getElement().getOffsetLeft()); style.setPropertyPx("top", getElement().getOffsetTop() - caption.getHeight()); } }
/** * Returns the a stringified version of the user-defined accumulators. * * @return an Array containing the StringifiedAccumulatorResult objects */ @Override public StringifiedAccumulatorResult[] getAccumulatorResultsStringified() { Map<String, OptionalFailure<Accumulator<?, ?>>> accumulatorMap = aggregateUserAccumulators(); return StringifiedAccumulatorResult.stringifyAccumulatorResults(accumulatorMap); }
/** * Convert a human readable string to its value. * @see org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.PrettyPrinter#format(String, Unit) * @return the value corresponding to the human readable string */ public static String valueOf(final String pretty, final Unit unit) throws HBaseException { StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); switch (unit) { case TIME_INTERVAL: value.append(humanReadableIntervalToSec(pretty)); break; case BYTE: value.append(humanReadableSizeToBytes(pretty)); break; default: value.append(pretty); } return value.toString(); }
/** * Instantiates the given task invokable class, passing the given environment (and possibly the * initial task state) to the task's constructor. * * <p>The method will first try to instantiate the task via a constructor accepting both the * Environment and the TaskStateSnapshot. If no such constructor exists, and there is no initial * state, the method will fall back to the stateless convenience constructor that accepts only * the Environment. * * @param classLoader The classloader to load the class through. * @param className The name of the class to load. * @param environment The task environment. * @return The instantiated invokable task object. * @throws Throwable Forwards all exceptions that happen during initialization of the task. Also * throws an exception if the task class misses the necessary constructor. */ private static TaskInvokable loadAndInstantiateInvokable( ClassLoader classLoader, String className, Environment environment) throws Throwable { final Class<? extends TaskInvokable> invokableClass; try { invokableClass = Class.forName(className, true, classLoader).asSubclass(TaskInvokable.class); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new Exception("Could not load the task's invokable class.", t); } Constructor<? extends TaskInvokable> statelessCtor; try { statelessCtor = invokableClass.getConstructor(Environment.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ee) { throw new FlinkException("Task misses proper constructor", ee); } // instantiate the class try { //noinspection ConstantConditions --> cannot happen return statelessCtor.newInstance(environment); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // directly forward exceptions from the eager initialization throw e.getTargetException(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FlinkException("Could not instantiate the task's invokable class.", e); } }
/** * The directory for RocksDB's logging files. * * @param logDir If empty, log files will be in the same directory as data files<br> * If non-empty, this directory will be used and the data directory's absolute path will be * used as the prefix of the log file name. * @return this options factory */ public DefaultConfigurableOptionsFactory setLogDir(String logDir) { Preconditions.checkArgument( new File(logDir).isAbsolute(), "Invalid configuration: " + logDir + " does not point to an absolute path."); setInternal(LOG_DIR.key(), logDir); return this; }
/** * Perform minimal HTML escaping similar to Guava HtmlEscapers. * * @param input * string to escape * @return minimally escaped HTML safe string */ private static String escapeHtml(String input) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { char c = input.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '"': sb.append("&quot;"); break; case '\'': sb.append("&#39;"); break; case '&': sb.append("&amp;"); break; case '<': sb.append("&lt;"); break; case '>': sb.append("&gt;"); break; default: sb.append(c); } } return sb.toString(); }
/** * Compare two tables. * * @param table1 Table 1 * @param table2 Table 2 * @return Whether they match. */ public boolean tablesMatch(Table table1, Table table2) { noDifferences = true; checkTable(table1, table2); return noDifferences; }
/** * Inserts the given object into the current buffer. This method returns a pointer that can be * used to address the written record in this partition. * * @param record The object to be written to the partition. * @return A pointer to the object in the partition. * @throws IOException Thrown when the write failed. */ public final long appendRecord(T record) throws IOException { long pointer = this.writeView.getCurrentPointer(); try { this.serializer.serialize(record, this.writeView); this.recordCounter++; return pointer; } catch (EOFException e) { // we ran out of pages. // first, reset the pages and then we need to trigger a compaction // int oldCurrentBuffer = this.writeView.resetTo(pointer); // for (int bufNum = this.partitionPages.size() - 1; bufNum > oldCurrentBuffer; // bufNum--) { // this.availableMemory.addMemorySegment(this.partitionPages.remove(bufNum)); // } throw e; } }
/** * Resolves the supported attributes and corresponding getters and setters * for the class using introspection. After resolving, the information is * cached internally by this class * * @param clazz * the class to resolve the supported attributes for */ private static void resolveSupportedAttributes(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The clazz can not be null"); } if (CACHE.containsKey(clazz)) { // NO-OP return; } BeanInfo beanInfo; try { beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not get supported attributes for class " + clazz.getName()); } AttributeCacheEntry entry = new AttributeCacheEntry(); for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : beanInfo .getPropertyDescriptors()) { Method getter = descriptor.getReadMethod(); Method setter = descriptor.getWriteMethod(); Class<?> propertyType = descriptor.getPropertyType(); if (getter != null && setter != null && propertyType != null && getFormatter().canConvert(propertyType)) { String attribute = toAttributeName(descriptor.getName()); entry.addAttribute(attribute, getter, setter); } } CACHE.put(clazz, entry); }
/** * Tag the <rowKey, filename> back to the original HoodieRecord List. */ protected <R> HoodieData<HoodieRecord<R>> tagLocationBacktoRecords( HoodiePairData<HoodieKey, HoodieRecordLocation> keyFilenamePair, HoodieData<HoodieRecord<R>> records, HoodieTable hoodieTable) { HoodiePairData<HoodieKey, HoodieRecord<R>> keyRecordPairs = records.mapToPair(record -> new ImmutablePair<>(record.getKey(), record)); // Here as the records might have more data than keyFilenamePairs (some row keys' fileId is null), // so we do left outer join. return keyRecordPairs.leftOuterJoin(keyFilenamePair).values() .map(v -> HoodieIndexUtils.tagAsNewRecordIfNeeded(v.getLeft(), Option.ofNullable(v.getRight().orElse(null)))); }
/** * Gets the global job parameter value associated with the given key as a string. * * @param key key pointing to the associated value * @param defaultValue default value which is returned in case global job parameter is null or * there is no value associated with the given key * @return (default) value associated with the given key */ public String getJobParameter(String key, String defaultValue) { if (context == null && jobParameters == null) { throw new TableException( "Calls to FunctionContext.getJobParameter are not available " + "at the current location."); } else if (context == null) { return jobParameters.getOrDefault(key, defaultValue); } final GlobalJobParameters conf = context.getExecutionConfig().getGlobalJobParameters(); if (conf != null) { return conf.toMap().getOrDefault(key, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; }
/** * Iterate next level1 znode. * * @return false if have visited all level1 nodes * @throws InterruptedException/KeeperException if error occurs reading zookeeper children */ private boolean nextL1Node() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException { l2NodesIter = null; while (l2NodesIter == null) { if (l1NodesIter.hasNext()) { curL1Nodes =; } else { return false; } // Top level nodes are always exactly 2 digits long. (Don't pick up long hierarchical top level nodes) if (!isLedgerParentNode(curL1Nodes)) { continue; } List<String> l2Nodes = store.getChildren(ledgersRoot + "/" + curL1Nodes) .get(BLOCKING_CALL_TIMEOUT, MILLISECONDS); l2NodesIter = l2Nodes.iterator(); if (!l2NodesIter.hasNext()) { l2NodesIter = null; continue; } } return true; }
/** * Returns an input stream for the given path, which supports the mark/reset * contract. * * @param path The path of the requested input stream. * * @return An input stream for the given path or {@code null} if no such * resource exists. * * @see InputStream#markSupported() */ static InputStream getResettableInputStreamForPath(String path, ClassLoader externalClassLoader) { //TODO not sure if it's the right thing to removing '/' String inputPath = path; if ( inputPath.startsWith( "/" ) ) { inputPath = inputPath.substring( 1 ); } InputStream inputStream = null; if ( externalClassLoader != null ) { LOG.debug( "Trying to load " + path + " via user class loader" ); inputStream = externalClassLoader.getResourceAsStream( inputPath ); } if ( inputStream == null ) { ClassLoader loader = run( GetClassLoader.fromContext() ); if ( loader != null ) { LOG.debug( "Trying to load " + path + " via TCCL" ); inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream( inputPath ); } } if ( inputStream == null ) { LOG.debug( "Trying to load " + path + " via Hibernate Validator's class loader" ); ClassLoader loader = ResourceLoaderHelper.class.getClassLoader(); inputStream = loader.getResourceAsStream( inputPath ); } if ( inputStream == null ) { return null; } else if ( inputStream.markSupported() ) { return inputStream; } else { return new BufferedInputStream( inputStream ); } }
/** * Creates a new {@code TumblingProcessingTimeWindows} {@link WindowAssigner} that assigns * elements to time windows based on the element timestamp, offset and a staggering offset, * depending on the staggering policy. * * @param size The size of the generated windows. * @param offset The offset which window start would be shifted by. * @param windowStagger The utility that produces staggering offset in runtime. * @return The time policy. */ @PublicEvolving public static TumblingProcessingTimeWindows of( Time size, Time offset, WindowStagger windowStagger) { return new TumblingProcessingTimeWindows( size.toMilliseconds(), offset.toMilliseconds(), windowStagger); }
/** * Projects a pair of joined elements to a {@link Tuple} with the previously selected * fields. Requires the classes of the fields of the resulting tuples. * * @return The projected data set. * @see Tuple * @see DataSet */ public < T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22> ProjectJoin< I1, I2, Tuple23< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22>> projectTuple23() { TypeInformation<?>[] fTypes = extractFieldTypes(fieldIndexes); TupleTypeInfo< Tuple23< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22>> tType = new TupleTypeInfo< Tuple23< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22>>(fTypes); return new ProjectJoin< I1, I2, Tuple23< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20, T21, T22>>( this.ds1, this.ds2, this.keys1, this.keys2, this.hint, this.fieldIndexes, this.isFieldInFirst, tType, this); }
/** * Returns true if and only if the fields of the filter that are serialized are equal to the * corresponding fields in other. Used for testing. */ @Override boolean areSerializedFieldsEqual(Filter o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (!(o instanceof ColumnValueFilter)) { return false; } ColumnValueFilter other = (ColumnValueFilter) o; return Bytes.equals(this.getFamily(), other.getFamily()) && Bytes.equals(this.getQualifier(), other.getQualifier()) && this.getCompareOperator().equals(other.getCompareOperator()) && this.getComparator().areSerializedFieldsEqual(other.getComparator()); }
/** * Perform the major balance operation for cluster, will invoke * {@link #balanceTable(TableName, Map)} to do actual balance. * <p/> * THIs method is marked as final which means you should not override this method. See the javadoc * for {@link #balanceTable(TableName, Map)} for more details. * @param loadOfAllTable region load of servers for all table * @return a list of regions to be moved, including source and destination, or null if cluster is * already balanced * @see #balanceTable(TableName, Map) */ @Override public final List<RegionPlan> balanceCluster(Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>> loadOfAllTable) { preBalanceCluster(loadOfAllTable); if (isByTable) { List<RegionPlan> result = new ArrayList<>(); loadOfAllTable.forEach((tableName, loadOfOneTable) -> {"Start Generate Balance plan for table: " + tableName); List<RegionPlan> partialPlans = balanceTable(tableName, loadOfOneTable); if (partialPlans != null) { result.addAll(partialPlans); } }); return result; } else { LOG.debug("Start Generate Balance plan for cluster."); return balanceTable(HConstants.ENSEMBLE_TABLE_NAME, toEnsumbleTableLoad(loadOfAllTable)); } }
/** * Assigns a property scope to the event property. * * @param propertyScope The {@link org.apache.streampipes.model.schema.PropertyScope}. * @return this */ public PrimitivePropertyBuilder scope(PropertyScope propertyScope) { this.eventProperty.setPropertyScope(; return this; }
/** Returns Set of common metrics for move procedure */ public ProcedureMetrics getMoveProcMetrics() { return moveProcMetrics; }
/** * Use this instead of {@link RegionInfo#toByteArray(RegionInfo)} when writing to a stream and you * want to use the pb mergeDelimitedFrom (w/o the delimiter, pb reads to EOF which may not be what * you want). * @return This instance serialized as a delimied protobuf w/ a magic pb prefix. */ static byte[] toDelimitedByteArray(RegionInfo ri) throws IOException { return ProtobufUtil.toDelimitedByteArray(ProtobufUtil.toRegionInfo(ri)); }
/** * Gets the visible item ids. In Select, this returns list of all item ids, * but can be overridden in subclasses if they paint only part of the items * to the terminal or null if no items is visible. */ public Collection<?> getVisibleItemIds() { return getItemIds(); }
/** * Returns the map of parent-children_pair. * @return the map */ public Map<String, Pair<String, String>> getParentToChildrenPairMap() { return this.parentsMap; }