/** * Tests if this Area overlaps with another Area. * * @param other * the other Area that is to be tested for overlap with this * area * @return <code>true</code> if <code>other</code> area overlaps with * this on, <code>false</code> if it does not. */ public boolean overlaps(Area other) { return componentsOverlap(childData, other.childData); }
/** Clears the queue. */ public void clear() { final int arrayOffset = getHeadElementIndex(); Arrays.fill(queue, arrayOffset, arrayOffset + size, null); size = 0; }
/** * Try to set data consumer. * * @return a future that provides the netty connection reader upon its created, or empty if * the registration already has a consumer. */ public Optional<CompletableFuture<NettyConnectionReader>> trySetConsumer() { if (!isReaderSet()) { this.readerFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); return Optional.of(readerFuture); } tryCreateNettyConnectionReader(); return Optional.empty(); }
// Visibility for testing. protected BytesAndMessagesCount getRGUsage(String rgName, ResourceGroupMonitoringClass monClass, ResourceGroupUsageStatsType statsType) throws PulsarAdminException { final ResourceGroup rg = this.getResourceGroupInternal(rgName); if (rg != null) { switch (statsType) { default: String errStr = "Unsupported statsType: " + statsType; throw new PulsarAdminException(errStr); case Cumulative: return rg.getLocalUsageStatsCumulative(monClass); case LocalSinceLastReported: return rg.getLocalUsageStats(monClass); case ReportFromTransportMgr: return rg.getLocalUsageStatsFromBrokerReports(monClass); } } BytesAndMessagesCount retCount = new BytesAndMessagesCount(); retCount.bytes = -1; retCount.messages = -1; return retCount; }
/** * Tests a select an exists check. */ @Test public void testSelectWhereExists() { SelectStatement existsStatement = new SelectStatement().from(new TableReference(TEST_TABLE)) .where(isNotNull(new FieldReference(INT_FIELD))); SelectStatement stmt = new SelectStatement().from(new TableReference(ALTERNATE_TABLE)) .where(exists(existsStatement)); String expectedSql = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName(ALTERNATE_TABLE) + " WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM " + tableName(TEST_TABLE) + " WHERE (intField IS NOT NULL)))"; assertEquals("Select with exists check", expectedSql, testDialect.convertStatementToSQL(stmt)); }
/** * Emits all elements currently held by the table to the collector, and resets the table. * The table will have the same number of buckets as before the reset, to avoid doing * resizes again. */ public void emitAndReset() throws IOException { final int oldNumBucketSegments = bucketSegments.length; emit(); close(); open(oldNumBucketSegments); }
/** * Sets the maximum slider value. If the current value of the slider is * larger than this, the value is set to the new maximum. * * @param max * The new maximum slider value */ public void setMax(double max) { double roundedMax = getRoundedValue(max); getState().maxValue = roundedMax; if (getMin() > roundedMax) { getState().minValue = roundedMax; } if (getValue() > roundedMax) { setValue(roundedMax); } }
/** * Creates a DataSet from the given iterator. Because the iterator will remain unmodified until * the actual execution happens, the type of data returned by the iterator must be given * explicitly in the form of the type information. This method is useful for cases where the * type is generic. In that case, the type class (as given in {@link #fromCollection(Iterator, * Class)} does not supply all type information. * * <p>Note that this operation will result in a non-parallel data source, i.e. a data source * with a parallelism of one. * * @param data The collection of elements to create the data set from. * @param type The TypeInformation for the produced data set. * @return A DataSet representing the elements in the iterator. * @see #fromCollection(Iterator, Class) */ public <X> DataSource<X> fromCollection(Iterator<X> data, TypeInformation<X> type) { return new DataSource<>( this, new IteratorInputFormat<>(data), type, Utils.getCallLocationName()); }
/** * Extract a query string parameter without triggering http parameters * processing by the servlet container. * * @param request the request * @param name the parameter to get the value. * @return the parameter value, or <code>NULL</code> if the parameter is not * defined. * @throws IOException thrown if there was an error parsing the query string. */ public static String getParameter(HttpServletRequest request, String name) throws IOException { String queryString = request.getQueryString(); if (queryString == null) { return null; } List<NameValuePair> list = URLEncodedUtils.parse(queryString, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); if (list != null) { for (NameValuePair nv : list) { if (name.equals(nv.getName())) { return nv.getValue(); } } } return null; }
/** * Remove the overdue metadata from the cache * whose instant does not belong to the given instants {@code instants}. */ private void cleanMetadataCache(Stream<HoodieInstant> instants) { Set<String> timestampSet =; this.metadataCache.keySet().retainAll(timestampSet); }
/** * Defines that the data within an input split is grouped on the fields defined by the field * expressions. Multiple field expressions must be separated by the semicolon ';' character. All * records sharing the same key (combination) must be subsequently emitted by the input format * for each input split. * * <p><b> IMPORTANT: Providing wrong information with SplitDataProperties can cause wrong * results! </b> * * @param groupFields The field expressions of the grouping keys. * @return This SplitDataProperties object. */ public SplitDataProperties<T> splitsGroupedBy(String groupFields) { if (groupFields == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("GroupFields may not be null."); } String[] groupKeysA = groupFields.split(";"); if (groupKeysA.length == 0) { throw new InvalidProgramException("GroupFields may not be empty."); } if (this.splitOrdering != null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("DataSource may either be grouped or sorted."); } this.splitGroupKeys = getAllFlatKeys(groupKeysA); return this; }
/** * Set the permissions value. * * @param permissions the permissions value to set * @return the ListEntrySchema object itself. */ public ListResultEntrySchema withPermissions(final String permissions) { this.permissions = permissions; return this; }
/** * Gets the interval in which checkpoints are periodically scheduled. * * <p>This setting defines the base interval. Checkpoint triggering may be delayed by the * settings {@link #getMaxConcurrentCheckpoints()} and {@link #getMinPauseBetweenCheckpoints()}. * * @return The checkpoint interval, in milliseconds. */ public long getCheckpointInterval() { return configuration .getOptional(ExecutionCheckpointingOptions.CHECKPOINTING_INTERVAL) .map(Duration::toMillis) .orElse(-1L); }
/** * Configures the job to use TableSnapshotInputFormat to read from a snapshot. * @param conf the job to configure * @param snapshotName the name of the snapshot to read from * @param restoreDir a temporary directory to restore the snapshot into. Current user * should have write permissions to this directory, and this should not * be a subdirectory of rootdir. After the job is finished, restoreDir * can be deleted. * @param numSplitsPerRegion how many input splits to generate per one region * @param splitAlgo SplitAlgorithm to be used when generating InputSplits * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ public static void setInput(Configuration conf, String snapshotName, Path restoreDir, RegionSplitter.SplitAlgorithm splitAlgo, int numSplitsPerRegion) throws IOException { conf.set(SNAPSHOT_NAME_KEY, snapshotName); if (numSplitsPerRegion < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "numSplits must be >= 1, " + "illegal numSplits : " + numSplitsPerRegion); } if (splitAlgo == null && numSplitsPerRegion > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Split algo can't be null when numSplits > 1"); } if (splitAlgo != null) { conf.set(SPLIT_ALGO, splitAlgo.getClass().getName()); } conf.setInt(NUM_SPLITS_PER_REGION, numSplitsPerRegion); Path rootDir = CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf); FileSystem fs = rootDir.getFileSystem(conf); restoreDir = new Path(restoreDir, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); RestoreSnapshotHelper.copySnapshotForScanner(conf, fs, rootDir, restoreDir, snapshotName); conf.set(RESTORE_DIR_KEY, restoreDir.toString()); }
/** * Send late arriving data to the side output identified by the given {@link OutputTag}. Data is * considered late after the watermark has passed the end of the window plus the allowed * lateness set using {@link #allowedLateness(Time)}. * * <p>You can get the stream of late data using {@link * SingleOutputStreamOperator#getSideOutput(OutputTag)} on the {@link * SingleOutputStreamOperator} resulting from the windowed operation with the same {@link * OutputTag}. */ @PublicEvolving public WindowedStream<T, K, W> sideOutputLateData(OutputTag<T> outputTag) { outputTag = input.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(outputTag); builder.sideOutputLateData(outputTag); return this; }
/** * Do schema evolution for RealtimeInputFormat. * * @param realtimeRecordReader recordReader for RealtimeInputFormat. * @return */ public void doEvolutionForRealtimeInputFormat(AbstractRealtimeRecordReader realtimeRecordReader) throws Exception { if (!(split instanceof RealtimeSplit)) { LOG.warn(String.format("expect realtime split for mor table, but find other type split %s", split)); return; } if (internalSchemaOption.isPresent()) { Schema tableAvroSchema = new TableSchemaResolver(metaClient).getTableAvroSchema(); List<String> requiredColumns = getRequireColumn(job); InternalSchema prunedInternalSchema = InternalSchemaUtils.pruneInternalSchema(internalSchemaOption.get(), requiredColumns); // Add partitioning fields to writer schema for resulting row to contain null values for these fields String partitionFields = job.get(hive_metastoreConstants.META_TABLE_PARTITION_COLUMNS, ""); List<String> partitioningFields = partitionFields.length() > 0 ?"/")).collect(Collectors.toList()) : new ArrayList<>(); Schema writerSchema = AvroInternalSchemaConverter.convert(internalSchemaOption.get(), tableAvroSchema.getName()); writerSchema = HoodieRealtimeRecordReaderUtils.addPartitionFields(writerSchema, partitioningFields); Map<String, Schema.Field> schemaFieldsMap = HoodieRealtimeRecordReaderUtils.getNameToFieldMap(writerSchema); // we should get HoodieParquetInputFormat#HIVE_TMP_COLUMNS,since serdeConstants#LIST_COLUMNS maybe change by HoodieParquetInputFormat#setColumnNameList Schema hiveSchema = realtimeRecordReader.constructHiveOrderedSchema(writerSchema, schemaFieldsMap, job.get(HIVE_TMP_COLUMNS)); Schema readerSchema = AvroInternalSchemaConverter.convert(prunedInternalSchema, tableAvroSchema.getName()); // setUp evolution schema realtimeRecordReader.setWriterSchema(writerSchema); realtimeRecordReader.setReaderSchema(readerSchema); realtimeRecordReader.setHiveSchema(hiveSchema); internalSchemaOption = Option.of(prunedInternalSchema); RealtimeSplit realtimeSplit = (RealtimeSplit) split;"About to read compacted logs %s for base split %s, projecting cols %s", realtimeSplit.getDeltaLogPaths(), realtimeSplit.getPath(), requiredColumns)); } }
/** * Returns the count of all seen values. * * @return Count of all values. */ public long getCount() { return count; }
/** * Checks whether the buffer is empty. * * @return True, if no record is contained, false otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return this.numRecords == 0; }
// return new block so tokens can be set LocatedBlock newLocatedBlock(ExtendedBlock eb, DatanodeStorageInfo[] storage, long pos, boolean isCorrupt) { LocatedBlock blk = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(eb, storage, pos, isCorrupt); return blk; }
/** Returns True if this is first Region in Table */ default boolean isFirst() { return Bytes.equals(getStartKey(), HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW); }
/** * consumer Design Description: * <p> * Object[] args=new Object[0]; * List<Object> argsList=new ArrayList<>;</> * <p> * setValueByIndex(int index,Object value); * <p> * args=toArray(new Object[0]); */ public static void consumerParamParse(ConsumerParseContext parseContext) { List<ArgInfo> argInfos = parseContext.getArgInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < argInfos.size(); i++) { for (BaseConsumerParamParser paramParser : consumerParamParsers) { ArgInfo argInfoByIndex = parseContext.getArgInfoByIndex(i); if (!paramParser.paramTypeMatch(argInfoByIndex)) { continue; } paramParser.parse(parseContext, argInfoByIndex); } } // TODO add param require or default }
/** * @param label the original label * @return the singular format of the original label */ private static String[] singular(String label) { return new String[] {label}; }
/** * Match route detail (by params) */ protected List<DubboRouteDestination> getDubboRouteDestination(DubboRoute dubboRoute, Invocation invocation) { List<DubboRouteDetail> dubboRouteDetailList = dubboRoute.getRoutedetail(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(dubboRouteDetailList)) { for (DubboRouteDetail dubboRouteDetail : dubboRouteDetailList) { List<DubboMatchRequest> matchRequestList = dubboRouteDetail.getMatch(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(matchRequestList)) { return dubboRouteDetail.getRoute(); } if ( .allMatch(request -> request.isMatch(invocation, sourcesLabels, tracingContextProviders))) { return dubboRouteDetail.getRoute(); } } } return null; }
/** * Returns 1 (TRUE) if this geometric object is spatially related to anotherGeometry by testing * for intersections between the interior, boundary and exterior of the two geometric objects * as specified by the values in the intersectionPatternMatrix. This returns FALSE if all the * tested intersections are empty except exterior (this) intersect exterior (another). * * @param geometry other geometry * @param matrix matrix * @return true, if this geometry is spatially related to the other */ public BooleanExpression relate(Expression<? extends Geometry> geometry, String matrix) { return Expressions.booleanOperation(SpatialOps.RELATE, mixin, geometry, ConstantImpl.create(matrix)); }
/** * Compress the payload if compression is configured. * @param payload * @return a new payload */ private ByteBuf applyCompression(ByteBuf payload) { ByteBuf compressedPayload = compressor.encode(payload); payload.release(); return compressedPayload; }
/** * Gets the history. * * @return the history */ public List<Color> getHistory() { ArrayBlockingQueue<Color> colorHistory = getColorHistory(); Color[] array = colorHistory.toArray(new Color[colorHistory.size()]); return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(array)); }
/** * Closes this stream and releases all acquired resources. * * @throws IOException if there is an IO error during this operation. */ @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); inputStream = null; super.close(); } }
/** * Called before switching rpc throttle enabled state. * @param ctx the coprocessor instance's environment * @param enable the rpc throttle value */ default void preSwitchRpcThrottle(final ObserverContext<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment> ctx, final boolean enable) throws IOException { }
/** * Assumes as inputs a {@link BroadcastStream} and a non-keyed {@link DataStream} and applies * the given {@link BroadcastProcessFunction} on them, thereby creating a transformed output * stream. * * @param function The {@link BroadcastProcessFunction} that is called for each element in the * stream. * @param outTypeInfo The type of the output elements. * @param <OUT> The type of the output elements. * @return The transformed {@link DataStream}. */ @PublicEvolving public <OUT> SingleOutputStreamOperator<OUT> process( final BroadcastProcessFunction<IN1, IN2, OUT> function, final TypeInformation<OUT> outTypeInfo) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(function); Preconditions.checkArgument( !(nonBroadcastStream instanceof KeyedStream), "A BroadcastProcessFunction can only be used on a non-keyed stream."); return transform(function, outTypeInfo); }
/** * Adding properties is not supported. Properties are generated by * SQLContainer. */ @Override public boolean addItemProperty(Object id, Property property) throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
/** Catalog name appears at the start of full name. */ @Override public boolean isCatalogAtStart() throws SQLException { return true; }
/** * Sets the Source Path. * * @param sourcePath - Volume Path. */ public void setSourcePath(String sourcePath) { this.sourcePath = sourcePath; }
/** * Get the latest version of this specified column. Note: this call clones the * value content of the hosting {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell Cell}. * * @param result Cannot be null * @param columnPrefix column prefix to read from * @param qualifier column qualifier. Nothing gets read when null. * @return result object (can be cast to whatever object was written to) or * null when specified column qualifier for this prefix doesn't exist * in the result. * @throws IOException if there is any exception encountered while reading * result. */ public static Object readResult(Result result, ColumnPrefix<?> columnPrefix, String qualifier) throws IOException { byte[] columnQualifier = ColumnHelper.getColumnQualifier( columnPrefix.getColumnPrefixInBytes(), qualifier); return readResult( result, columnPrefix.getColumnFamilyBytes(), columnQualifier, columnPrefix.getValueConverter()); }
/** * Remove a fileId from pending compaction. Removes the associated compaction operation and rename delta-files that * were generated for that file-id after the compaction operation was scheduled. * * This operation MUST be executed with compactions and writer turned OFF. * * @param fgId FileGroupId to be unscheduled * @param skipValidation Skip validation * @param dryRun Dry Run Mode */ public List<RenameOpResult> unscheduleCompactionFileId(HoodieFileGroupId fgId, boolean skipValidation, boolean dryRun) throws Exception { HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient = createMetaClient(false); if (!dryRun) { // Ready to remove this file-Id from compaction request Pair<String, HoodieCompactionOperation> compactionOperationWithInstant = CompactionUtils.getAllPendingCompactionOperations(metaClient).get(fgId); HoodieCompactionPlan plan = CompactionUtils.getCompactionPlan(metaClient, compactionOperationWithInstant.getKey()); List<HoodieCompactionOperation> newOps = plan.getOperations().stream().filter( op -> (!op.getFileId().equals(fgId.getFileId())) && (!op.getPartitionPath().equals(fgId.getPartitionPath()))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (newOps.size() == plan.getOperations().size()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } HoodieCompactionPlan newPlan = HoodieCompactionPlan.newBuilder().setOperations(newOps).setExtraMetadata(plan.getExtraMetadata()).build(); HoodieInstant inflight = new HoodieInstant(State.INFLIGHT, COMPACTION_ACTION, compactionOperationWithInstant.getLeft()); Path inflightPath = new Path(metaClient.getMetaPath(), inflight.getFileName()); if (metaClient.getFs().exists(inflightPath)) { // revert if in inflight state metaClient.getActiveTimeline().revertInstantFromInflightToRequested(inflight); } // Overwrite compaction plan with updated info metaClient.getActiveTimeline().saveToCompactionRequested( new HoodieInstant(State.REQUESTED, COMPACTION_ACTION, compactionOperationWithInstant.getLeft()), TimelineMetadataUtils.serializeCompactionPlan(newPlan), true); } return new ArrayList<>(); }
/** * Gets a volume Set ID. * * @return String */ @Override public String getVolumeSetID() { return volumeSetID; }
/** * Executes provided {@code initializer} lazily, while providing for "exactly once" semantic, * to instantiate value of type {@link T} being subsequently held by the returned instance of * {@link Lazy} */ public static <T> Lazy<T> lazily(Supplier<T> initializer) { return new Lazy<>(initializer); }
/** * Ensures that the process definition is cached in the appropriate places, including the * deployment's collection of deployed artifacts and the deployment manager's cache, as well * as caching any ProcessDefinitionInfos. */ public void updateCachingAndArtifacts(ParsedDeployment parsedDeployment) { CommandContext commandContext = Context.getCommandContext(); final ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration(); DeploymentCache<ProcessDefinitionCacheEntry> processDefinitionCache = processEngineConfiguration.getDeploymentManager().getProcessDefinitionCache(); DeploymentEntity deployment = parsedDeployment.getDeployment(); for (ProcessDefinitionEntity processDefinition : parsedDeployment.getAllProcessDefinitions()) { BpmnModel bpmnModel = parsedDeployment.getBpmnModelForProcessDefinition(processDefinition); Process process = parsedDeployment.getProcessModelForProcessDefinition(processDefinition); ProcessDefinitionCacheEntry cacheEntry = new ProcessDefinitionCacheEntry(processDefinition, bpmnModel, process); processDefinitionCache.add(processDefinition.getId(), cacheEntry); addDefinitionInfoToCache(processDefinition, processEngineConfiguration, commandContext); // Add to deployment for further usage deployment.addDeployedArtifact(processDefinition); } }
/** * Discovers a {@link EncodingFormat} of the given type using the given option as factory * identifier. */ public <I, F extends EncodingFormatFactory<I>> EncodingFormat<I> discoverEncodingFormat( Class<F> formatFactoryClass, ConfigOption<String> formatOption) { return discoverOptionalEncodingFormat(formatFactoryClass, formatOption) .orElseThrow( () -> new ValidationException( String.format( "Could not find required sink format '%s'.", formatOption.key()))); }
/** * Get and execute the Function for the given className, passing the argument to the function and * returning the result. * @param className the full name of the class to lookup * @param argument the argument to pass to the function, if found. * @return null if a function is not found for classname, otherwise the result of the function. */ @Nullable public R getAndCallByName(String className, I argument) { // todo: if we ever make java9+ our lowest supported jdk version, we can // handle generating these for newly loaded classes from our DynamicClassLoader using // MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(). For now this is not possible, because we can't easily // create a privileged lookup in a non-default ClassLoader. So while this cache loads // over time, it will never load a custom filter from "hbase.dynamic.jars.dir". Function<I, ? extends R> lambda = ConcurrentMapUtils.computeIfAbsent(lambdasByClass, className, () -> loadFunction(className)); return lambda.apply(argument); }
/** * Sets a parameter for download stream. Parameters are optional information * about the downloadable stream and their meaning depends on the used * adapter. For example in WebAdapter they are interpreted as HTTP response * headers. * * If the parameters by this name exists, the old value is replaced. * * @param name * the Name of the parameter to set. * @param value * the Value of the parameter to set. */ public void setParameter(String name, String value) { if (params == null) { params = new HashMap<>(); } params.put(name, value); }
/** * Gets the file system that stores the file state. * * @return The file system that stores the file state. * @throws IOException Thrown if the file system cannot be accessed. */ private FileSystem getFileSystem() throws IOException { return FileSystem.get(filePath.toUri()); }
/** * Close the file system; the FileContext API doesn't have an explicit close. */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { fsImpl.close(); super.finalize(); }
/** Returns the underlying integer column for ids of dictionary. */ @Override public HeapIntVector getDictionaryIds() { return dictionaryIds; }
/** * Internal method for activating a view, setting its parameters and calling * listeners. * <p> * Invoked after the current view has confirmed that leaving is ok. * <p> * This method also verifies that the user is allowed to perform the * navigation operation. * * @param view * view to activate * @param viewName * (optional) name of the view or null not to change the * navigation state * @param parameters * parameters passed in the navigation state to the view * @since 8.1 */ protected void performNavigateTo(View view, String viewName, String parameters) { ViewChangeEvent event = new ViewChangeEvent(this, currentView, view, viewName, parameters); boolean navigationAllowed = beforeViewChange(event); if (!navigationAllowed) { // #10901. Revert URL to previous state if back-button navigation // was canceled revertNavigation(); return; } updateNavigationState(event); if (getDisplay() != null) { getDisplay().showView(view); } switchView(event); view.enter(event); fireAfterViewChange(event); }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.dataset.DataSetConsumer#close(org.alfasoftware.morf.dataset.DataSetConsumer.CloseState) */ @Override public void close(CloseState closeState) { consumer.close(closeState); }
/** * Get a shared JSON serializer for this class. * @return a serializer. */ public static JsonSerialization<PendingSet> serializer() { return new JsonSerialization<>(PendingSet.class, false, false); }
/** * The running state of the scheduler. */ public boolean isRunning() { return running.get(); }
/** * Returns a reference to the unmodifiable list currently backing the SortedList. Changes to the * SortedList will not be reflected in this list. Use this method to get a reference for iterating * over using the RandomAccess pattern. */ public List<E> get() { // FindBugs: UG_SYNC_SET_UNSYNC_GET complaint. Fix!! return list; }
/** * Constructs a Truncate Statement. * * @param table The table to truncate. * @return Builder. */ public static Builder<TruncateStatement> truncate(TableReference table) { return () -> new TruncateStatement(table); }
/** * Gets the table being inserted into * * @return the table being inserted into */ TableReference getTable() { return table; }
/** * Get a string suitable for completeTopicName lookup. * * <p>Example: * * <p>persistent://tenant/cluster/namespace/completeTopicName -> * persistent/tenant/cluster/namespace/completeTopicName * * @return */ public String getLookupName() { if (isV2()) { return String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s", domain, tenant, namespacePortion, getEncodedLocalName()); } else { return String.format("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", domain, tenant, cluster, namespacePortion, getEncodedLocalName()); } }
/** * Load the file with the versions, used to check if the other files need conversion. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void loadVersions() { File file = new File(versionPath); if(file.exists()) { // Load versions from the file try (ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(versionPath))) { versions = (HashMap<String, Integer>) input.readObject(); } catch(IOException | ClassNotFoundException | ClassCastException e) { AreaShop.warn("Something went wrong reading file: " + versionPath); versions = null; } } if(versions == null || versions.isEmpty()) { versions = new HashMap<>(); versions.put(AreaShop.versionFiles, 0); this.saveVersions(); } }
/** * Validates the input parameters for the {@link LogParser}. * * @param logs input log streams to the {@link LogParser}. * @return whether the input parameters are valid or not. */ public final boolean validate(final InputStream logs) { // TODO return true; }
/** * Creates a placement constraint that has to be satisfied within a number of * placement opportunities (invocations of the scheduler). * * @param constraint the placement constraint * @param delay the number of scheduling opportunities within which the * constraint has to be satisfied * @return the resulting timed placement constraint */ public static TimedPlacementConstraint timedOpportunitiesConstraint( AbstractConstraint constraint, long delay) { return new TimedPlacementConstraint(constraint, delay, TimedPlacementConstraint.DelayUnit.OPPORTUNITIES); }
/** * Starts the tracking of the node in ZooKeeper. * <p/> * Use {@link #blockUntilAvailable()} to block until the node is available or * {@link #getData(boolean)} to get the data of the node if it is available. */ public synchronized void start() { this.watcher.registerListener(this); try { if (ZKUtil.watchAndCheckExists(watcher, node)) { byte[] data = ZKUtil.getDataAndWatch(watcher, node); if (data != null) { = data; } else { // It existed but now does not, try again to ensure a watch is set LOG.debug("Try starting again because there is no data from {}", node); start(); } } } catch (KeeperException e) { abortable.abort("Unexpected exception during initialization, aborting", e); } postStart(); }
/** * Get the filter list. * * @return filterList */ public List<TimelineFilter> getFilterList() { return filterList; }
/** * Returns a geometric object that represents the Point set * union of this geometric object with anotherGeometry. * * @param geometry other geometry * @return union of this and the other geometry */ public GeometryExpression<Geometry> union(Expression<? extends Geometry> geometry) { return GeometryExpressions.geometryOperation(SpatialOps.UNION, mixin, geometry); }
/** * Picks a temporary directory randomly from the given configuration. * * @param configuration to extract the temp directory from * @return a randomly picked temporary directory */ @Nonnull public static File getRandomTempDirectory(Configuration configuration) { final String[] tmpDirectories = parseTempDirectories(configuration); Preconditions.checkState( tmpDirectories.length > 0, String.format( "No temporary directory has been specified for %s", CoreOptions.TMP_DIRS.key())); final int randomIndex = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(tmpDirectories.length); return new File(tmpDirectories[randomIndex]); }
/** * Publish received event to MQTT broker. * * @param event event to be published */ public void publish(Event event) { JsonDataFormatDefinition dataFormatDefinition = new JsonDataFormatDefinition(); byte[] payload = new String(dataFormatDefinition.fromMap(event.getRaw())).getBytes(); try { this.conn.publish(options.getTopic(), payload, options.getQos(), options.isRetain()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SpRuntimeException("Could not publish to MQTT broker: " + uri.toString() + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Gets the Paintable with the id found in the named attributes's value. * * @param name * the name of the attribute * @return the Paintable referenced by the attribute, if it exists */ public ServerConnector getPaintableAttribute(String name, ApplicationConnection connection) { return ConnectorMap.get(connection) .getConnector(getStringAttribute(name)); }
/** * Transforms results using FactoryExpression if ResultTransformer can't be used * * @param query query * @return single result */ @Nullable private Object getSingleResult(Query query) { if (projection != null) { Object result = query.getSingleResult(); if (result != null) { if (!result.getClass().isArray()) { result = new Object[]{result}; } return projection.newInstance((Object[]) result); } else { return null; } } else { return query.getSingleResult(); } }
/** * Shallow tuple copy. * * @return A new Tuple with the same fields as this. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Tuple4<T0, T1, T2, T3> copy() { return new Tuple4<>(this.f0, this.f1, this.f2, this.f3); }
/** * Returns the sum of the top and bottom margin. * * @since 7.5.6 * @return the sum of the top and bottom margin */ public double getMarginHeight() { double marginHeight = getDoubleProperty("marginTop"); marginHeight += getDoubleProperty("marginBottom"); return marginHeight; }
/** * Creates a new tuple and assigns the given values to the tuple's fields. This is more * convenient than using the constructor, because the compiler can infer the generic type * arguments implicitly. For example: {@code Tuple3.of(n, x, s)} instead of {@code new * Tuple3<Integer, Double, String>(n, x, s)} */ public static <T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> Tuple7<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> of( T0 f0, T1 f1, T2 f2, T3 f3, T4 f4, T5 f5, T6 f6) { return new Tuple7<>(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6); }
/** * Check if a player is the buyer of this region. * @param player Player to check * @return true if this player owns this region, otherwise false */ public boolean isBuyer(OfflinePlayer player) { return player != null && isBuyer(player.getUniqueId()); }
/** * Returns the max compaction memory in bytes with given conf. */ public static long getMaxCompactionMemoryInBytes(Configuration conf) { return (long) conf.getInteger(FlinkOptions.COMPACTION_MAX_MEMORY) * 1024 * 1024; }
/** * Removes the wrapper caption and itself from the layout. */ public void destroy() { if (caption != null) { caption.removeFromParent(); } removeFromParent(); }
/** * The method takes the provided url {@code registryUrl} and gets the schema from the schema registry using that url. * If the caller provides userInfo credentials in the url (e.g "https://foo:[email protected]") then the credentials * are extracted the url using the Matcher and the extracted credentials are set on the request as an Authorization * header. * * @param registryUrl * @return the Schema in String form. * @throws IOException */ public String fetchSchemaFromRegistry(String registryUrl) throws IOException { URL registry; HttpURLConnection connection; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("://(.*?)@").matcher(registryUrl); if (matcher.find()) { String creds =; String urlWithoutCreds = registryUrl.replace(creds + "@", ""); registry = new URL(urlWithoutCreds); connection = (HttpURLConnection) registry.openConnection(); setAuthorizationHeader(, connection); } else { registry = new URL(registryUrl); connection = (HttpURLConnection) registry.openConnection(); } ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(getStream(connection)); return node.get("schema").asText(); }
/** * called from timeoutTask, prevent self cancel */ public void setTimeout(IOException error) { synchronized (this) { if (done) { return; } this.done = true; this.error = error; }; }
/** * Get the connection client. * * @return Connection client. */ public synchronized ProxyAndInfo<?> getClient() { this.numThreads++; this.lastActiveTs = Time.monotonicNow(); return this.client; }
/** * Get all extra headers (read-only). */ public Map<String, String> getExtraHeaders() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(extraHeaders); }
/** Get the collection of all enabled external resources. */ public static Collection<ExternalResource> getExternalResourcesCollection( Configuration config) { return getExternalResourceAmountMap(config).entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> new ExternalResource(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
/** * @param value desired value of IS_ROOT attribute */ public void __setIsRoot(boolean value) { attrs.put(IS_ROOT, Boolean.toString(value)); }
/** * Updates an event in the month grid. * * @param changedEvent * The event that has changed */ public void updateEventToMonthGrid(CalendarEvent changedEvent) { removeMonthEvent(changedEvent, true); changedEvent.setSlotIndex(-1); addEventToMonthGrid(changedEvent, true); }
/** * Gets the root dir of the mob files under the qualified HBase root dir. It's {rootDir}/mobdir. * @param rootDir The qualified path of HBase root directory. * @return The root dir of the mob file. */ public static Path getMobHome(Path rootDir) { return new Path(rootDir, MobConstants.MOB_DIR_NAME); }
/** * Injects a CSS resource into the page. * * @param resource * The resource to inject. */ public void add(Resource resource) { if (resource == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot inject null resource"); } InjectedStyleResource injection = new InjectedStyleResource( resource); if (!injectedStyles.contains(injection) && pendingInjections.add(injection)) { ui.markAsDirty(); } }
/** * Creates a {@link DataSet} that represents the Strings produced by reading the given file line * wise. The {@link java.nio.charset.Charset} with the given name will be used to read the * files. * * @param filePath The path of the file, as a URI (e.g., "file:///some/local/file" or * "hdfs://host:port/file/path"). * @param charsetName The name of the character set used to read the file. * @return A {@link DataSet} that represents the data read from the given file as text lines. */ public DataSource<String> readTextFile(String filePath, String charsetName) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(filePath, "The file path may not be null."); TextInputFormat format = new TextInputFormat(new Path(filePath)); format.setCharsetName(charsetName); return new DataSource<>( this, format, BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO, Utils.getCallLocationName()); }
/** * @return the expression node triggering usage of an object from which an HiveParserASTNode * originated, e.g. <code>v as v1</code> (this can help with debugging context-dependent * expansions) */ public HiveParserASTNode getUsageNode() { return usageNode; }
/** Create a {@link ColumnFamilyOptions} for RocksDB, including some common settings. */ ColumnFamilyOptions createBaseCommonColumnOptions() { return new ColumnFamilyOptions(); }
/** * Removes all action handlers. */ public void removeAllActionHandlers() { if (actionManager != null) { actionManager.removeAllActionHandlers(); } }
/** * Get the full znode path for the node used by the coordinator to trigger a global barrier * execution and release on each subprocedure. * @param controller controller running the procedure * @param opInstanceName name of the running procedure instance (not the procedure description). * @return full znode path to the commit barrier */ public static String getReachedBarrierNode(ZKProcedureUtil controller, String opInstanceName) { return ZNodePaths.joinZNode(controller.reachedZnode, opInstanceName); }
/** * Sets the ItemSorter used for comparing items in a sort. The * {@link ItemSorter#compare(Object, Object)} method is called with item ids * to perform the sorting. A default ItemSorter is used if this is not * explicitly set. * * @param itemSorter * The ItemSorter used for comparing two items in a sort (not * null). */ protected void setItemSorter(ItemSorter itemSorter) { this.itemSorter = itemSorter; }
/** * Decorates the given factory for a {@code ConnectionLimitingFactory}, if the given * configuration configured connection limiting for the given file system scheme. Otherwise, it * returns the given factory as is. * * @param factory The factory to potentially decorate. * @param scheme The file scheme for which to check the configuration. * @param config The configuration * @return The decorated factors, if connection limiting is configured, the original factory * otherwise. */ public static FileSystemFactory decorateIfLimited( FileSystemFactory factory, String scheme, Configuration config) { checkNotNull(factory, "factory"); final ConnectionLimitingSettings settings = ConnectionLimitingSettings.fromConfig(config, scheme); // decorate only if any limit is configured if (settings == null) { // no limit configured return factory; } else { return new ConnectionLimitingFactory(factory, settings); } }
/** * @since 1.2.12 */ public void setConnectTimeout(int milliSeconds) { this.connectTimeout = milliSeconds; this.connectTimeoutStr = null; }
/** * Finds the first widget in the hierarchy (moving upwards) that implements * SubPartAware. Returns the SubPartAware implementor or null if none is * found. * * @param w * The widget to start from. This is returned if it implements * SubPartAware. * @return The first widget (upwards in hierarchy) that implements * SubPartAware or null */ Widget findSubPartAwareParentWidget(Widget w) { while (w != null) { if (w instanceof SubPartAware) { return w; } w = w.getParent(); } return null; }
/** * Setter for the working directory for DistCp (where files will be copied * before they are moved to the final commit-directory.) * @param job The Job on whose configuration the working-directory is to be set. * @param workingDirectory The path to use as the working directory. */ public static void setWorkingDirectory(Job job, Path workingDirectory) { job.getConfiguration().set(DistCpConstants.CONF_LABEL_TARGET_WORK_PATH, workingDirectory.toString()); }
/** Returns true if region size exceed the sizeToCheck */ protected final boolean isExceedSize(long sizeToCheck) { if (overallHRegionFiles) { long sumSize = 0; for (HStore store : region.getStores()) { sumSize += store.getSize(); } if (sumSize > sizeToCheck) { LOG.debug("Should split because region size is big enough " + "sumSize={}, sizeToCheck={}", StringUtils.humanSize(sumSize), StringUtils.humanSize(sizeToCheck)); return true; } } else { for (HStore store : region.getStores()) { long size = store.getSize(); if (size > sizeToCheck) { LOG.debug("Should split because {} size={}, sizeToCheck={}", store.getColumnFamilyName(), StringUtils.humanSize(size), StringUtils.humanSize(sizeToCheck)); return true; } } } return false; }
/** * The probe has succeeded -capture the current timestamp, set * success to true, and record any other data needed. * @param probe probe */ public void succeed(Probe probe) { finish(probe, true, probe.getName(), null); }
/** * Adds a new property to form and create corresponding field. * * @see Item#addItemProperty(Object, Property) */ @Override public boolean addItemProperty(Object id, Property property) { // Checks inputs if (id == null || property == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Id and property must be non-null"); } // Checks that the property id is not reserved if (propertyIds.contains(id)) { return false; } propertyIds.add(id); ownProperties.put(id, property); // Gets suitable field final Field<?> field = fieldFactory.createField(this, id, this); if (field == null) { return false; } // Configures the field bindPropertyToField(id, property, field); // Register and attach the created field addField(id, field); return true; }
/** * Get Extra state information of the container (SCHEDULED, LOCALIZING etc.). * @return Extra State information. */ @Private @Unstable public ContainerSubState getContainerSubState() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "subclass must implement this method"); }
/** * Is the event bound to a specific time. * * @param timeSpecificEvent * True if the event is bound to a time, false if it is only * bound to the day */ public void setTimeSpecificEvent(boolean timeSpecificEvent) { this.timeSpecificEvent = timeSpecificEvent; }
/** * This will be called after executing user request to roll a region server WAL. * @param ctx the environment to interact with the framework and region server. */ default void postRollWALWriterRequest( final ObserverContext<RegionServerCoprocessorEnvironment> ctx) throws IOException { }
/** * Sets up a path in test filesystem to be used by tests. Creates a new directory if not already * setup. */ private void setupDataTestDirOnTestFS() throws IOException { if (dataTestDirOnTestFS != null) { LOG.warn("Data test on test fs dir already setup in " + dataTestDirOnTestFS.toString()); return; } dataTestDirOnTestFS = getNewDataTestDirOnTestFS(); }
/** * Checks if component is aligned center (horizontally) of the available * space. * * @return true if aligned center */ public boolean isCenter() { return (bitMask & Bits.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER) == Bits.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER; }
/** * Get the number when a week starts. */ public int getFirstDayNumber() { return firstDay; }
/** * Acquires permits from this {@link RateLimiter} if it can be acquired immediately without delay. * * @param acquirePermit * the number of permits to acquire * @return {@code true} if the permits were acquired, {@code false} otherwise */ public synchronized boolean tryAcquire(long acquirePermit) { checkArgument(!isClosed(), "Rate limiter is already shutdown"); // lazy init and start task only once application start using it if (renewTask == null) { renewTask = createTask(); } boolean canAcquire = acquirePermit < 0 || acquiredPermits < this.permits; if (isDispatchOrPrecisePublishRateLimiter) { // for dispatch rate limiter just add acquirePermit acquiredPermits += acquirePermit; // we want to back-pressure from the current state of the rateLimiter therefore we should check if there // are any available premits again canAcquire = acquirePermit < 0 || acquiredPermits < this.permits; } else { // acquired-permits can't be larger than the rate if (acquirePermit + acquiredPermits > this.permits) { return false; } if (canAcquire) { acquiredPermits += acquirePermit; } } return canAcquire; }
/** * set value. * * @param context context */ public void set(final HmilyTransactionContext context) { CURRENT_LOCAL.set(context); }
/** * Thread-safe method to retrieve unexpired client auth data. Due to inherent race conditions, * the auth data may expire before it is used. */ CompletableFuture<AuthData> getValidClientAuthData() { final CompletableFuture<AuthData> clientAuthDataFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); ctx().executor().execute(Runnables.catchingAndLoggingThrowables(() -> { // authState is not thread safe, so this must run on the ProxyConnection's event loop. if (!authState.isExpired()) { clientAuthDataFuture.complete(clientAuthData); } else if (state == State.ProxyLookupRequests) { maybeSendAuthChallenge(); if (pendingBrokerAuthChallenges == null) { pendingBrokerAuthChallenges = new HashSet<>(); } pendingBrokerAuthChallenges.add(clientAuthDataFuture); } else { clientAuthDataFuture.completeExceptionally(new PulsarClientException.AlreadyClosedException( "ProxyConnection is not in a valid state to get client auth data for " + remoteAddress)); } })); return clientAuthDataFuture; }
/** * Get the {@link MemorySegment} wrapping up the serialized key bytes. * * @param key the key. * @param namespace the namespace. * @return the {@link MemorySegment} wrapping up the serialized key bytes. */ private MemorySegment getKeySegment(K key, N namespace) { return skipListKeySerializer.serializeToSegment(key, namespace); }
/** * Determines the maximum occurrence of a set value and returns all values which were set with this occurrence. * @return an array of int, containing the values with the highest occurrence, or null, if no value was set */ int[] getValue() { int maxConfidence = -1; Collection<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<Integer,Integer> entry : values.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() > maxConfidence) { maxConfidence = entry.getValue(); result.clear(); result.add(entry.getKey()); } else if (entry.getValue() == maxConfidence) { result.add(entry.getKey()); } } return PDF417Common.toIntArray(result); }