/** * Return the command used to start this container. */ private List<String> getContainerStartCommand() throws IOException { // Set the necessary command to execute on the allocated container List<String> vargs = new ArrayList<>(); // Set executable command vargs.add("./" + DynoConstants.START_SCRIPT.getResourcePath()); String component = isNameNodeLauncher ? "namenode" : "datanode"; vargs.add(component); if (isNameNodeLauncher) { vargs.add(remoteStoragePath.getFileSystem(conf) .makeQualified(remoteStoragePath).toString()); } else { vargs.add(namenodeServiceRpcAddress); vargs.add(String.valueOf(amOptions.getDataNodeLaunchDelaySec() < 1 ? 0 : RAND.nextInt( Ints.checkedCast(amOptions.getDataNodeLaunchDelaySec())))); } // Add log redirect params vargs.add("1>" + ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + "/stdout"); vargs.add("2>" + ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + "/stderr");"Completed setting up command for " + component + ": " + vargs); return Lists.newArrayList(Joiner.on(" ").join(vargs)); }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.sql.element.AliasedField#deepCopyInternal(DeepCopyTransformation) */ @Override protected AliasedField deepCopyInternal(DeepCopyTransformation transformer) { return new ConcatenatedField(getAlias(), FluentIterable.from(fields).transform(transformer::deepCopy).toList()); }
/** * This procedure enumerates all entries in the port mapper's database. The * procedure takes no parameters and returns a list of program, version, * protocol, and port values. */ private XDR dump(int xid, XDR in, XDR out) { PortmapMapping[] pmapList = map.values().toArray(new PortmapMapping[0]); return PortmapResponse.pmapList(out, xid, pmapList); }
/** * Run inside the task to deserialize column family to given conf value map. * @param conf to read the serialized values from * @param confName conf key to read from the configuration * @return a map of column family to the given configuration value */ private static Map<byte[], String> createFamilyConfValueMap(Configuration conf, String confName) { Map<byte[], String> confValMap = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); String confVal = conf.get(confName, ""); for (String familyConf : confVal.split("&")) { String[] familySplit = familyConf.split("="); if (familySplit.length != 2) { continue; } try { confValMap.put(Bytes.toBytes(URLDecoder.decode(familySplit[0], "UTF-8")), URLDecoder.decode(familySplit[1], "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // will not happen with UTF-8 encoding throw new AssertionError(e); } } return confValMap; }
/** * Releases resources when the channel is closed. When exceptions are thrown during processing * received netty buffers, {@link CreditBasedPartitionRequestClientHandler} is expected to catch * the exception and close the channel and trigger this notification. * * @param ctx The context of the channel close notification. */ @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, bufferResponseDecoder, nonBufferResponseDecoder); frameHeaderBuffer.release(); super.channelInactive(ctx); }
/** * set double from segments. * * @param segments target segments. * @param offset value offset. */ public static void setDouble(MemorySegment[] segments, int offset, double value) { if (inFirstSegment(segments, offset, 8)) { segments[0].putDouble(offset, value); } else { setDoubleMultiSegments(segments, offset, value); } }
/** * The same data source always return the same RDB job event repository instance. * * @param dataSource dataSource * @return RDBJobEventStorage instance * @throws SQLException SQLException */ public static RDBJobEventRepository getInstance(final DataSource dataSource) throws SQLException { return getInstance(() -> STORAGE_MAP.computeIfAbsent(dataSource, ds -> { try { return new RDBJobEventRepository(ds); } catch (final SQLException ex) { throw new TracingStorageUnavailableException(ex); } })); }
/** * Get the string value from the bytes. * if null : return null, otherwise the UTF-8 decoded * bytes. * @param bytes source bytes * @return decoded value */ public static String decodeBytes(byte[] bytes) { return bytes == null ? null : new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); }
/** * Sets the current in-memory sorting. This will cause the hierarchy to be * constructed again. * * @param inMemorySorting * the in-memory sorting */ public void setInMemorySorting(Comparator<T> inMemorySorting) { this.inMemorySorting = inMemorySorting; }
/** * Get the attributes to be submitted with requests * @return map of request attributes */ default Map<String, byte[]> getRequestAttributes() { throw new NotImplementedException("Add an implementation!"); }
/** * Filesystem container does not support adding new properties. * * @see Item#addItemProperty(Object, Property) */ @Override public boolean addItemProperty(Object id, Property property) throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Filesystem container " + "does not support adding new properties"); }
/** * 是否为自定义的一个timeout. * * @return true or false. */ default boolean isDefault() { return true; }
/** * For every possible combination of i elements. * We generate a map whose key is the combination, value is cost. */ private void generateAllDeviceCombination( Map<Integer, List<Map.Entry<Set<Device>, Integer>>> cTable, Device[] allDevices, int n) { // allocated devices count range from 1 to n-1 for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) { Map<Set<Device>, Integer> combinationToCost = new HashMap<>(); buildCombination(combinationToCost, allDevices, n, i); // sort the map entry by cost ascending order List<Map.Entry<Set<Device>, Integer>> listSortedByCost = new LinkedList<>(combinationToCost.entrySet()); Collections.sort(listSortedByCost, (o1, o2) -> (o1.getValue()).compareTo(o2.getValue())); cTable.put(i, listSortedByCost); } }
// create a public write method for unit test public void writeObjectTo(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { // Note: writeUTF cannot support string length > 64K. So use writeObject which has small overhead (relatively). out.writeObject(schema.toString()); }
/** * Add x-ms- prefixed headers in a fixed order. * * @param conn the HttpURLConnection for the operation * @param canonicalizedString the canonicalized string to add the canonicalized headerst to. */ private static void addCanonicalizedHeaders(final HttpURLConnection conn, final StringBuilder canonicalizedString) { // Look for header names that start with // HeaderNames.PrefixForStorageHeader // Then sort them in case-insensitive manner. final Map<String, List<String>> headers = conn.getRequestProperties(); final ArrayList<String> httpStorageHeaderNameArray = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String key : headers.keySet()) { if (key.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith(AbfsHttpConstants.HTTP_HEADER_PREFIX)) { httpStorageHeaderNameArray.add(key.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); } } Collections.sort(httpStorageHeaderNameArray); // Now go through each header's values in the sorted order and append // them to the canonicalized string. for (final String key : httpStorageHeaderNameArray) { final StringBuilder canonicalizedElement = new StringBuilder(key); String delimiter = ":"; final ArrayList<String> values = getHeaderValues(headers, key); boolean appendCanonicalizedElement = false; // Go through values, unfold them, and then append them to the // canonicalized element string. for (final String value : values) { if (value != null) { appendCanonicalizedElement = true; } // Unfolding is simply removal of CRLF. final String unfoldedValue = CRLF.matcher(value) .replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("")); // Append it to the canonicalized element string. canonicalizedElement.append(delimiter); canonicalizedElement.append(unfoldedValue); delimiter = ","; } // Now, add this canonicalized element to the canonicalized header // string. if (appendCanonicalizedElement) { appendCanonicalizedElement(canonicalizedString, canonicalizedElement.toString()); } } }
/** * Returns the byte at the given offset of the object * @return the byte at the given offset */ public static byte toByte(Object ref, long offset) { return HBasePlatformDependent.getByte(ref, offset); }
/** * Creates an {@link AbsoluteLayout} of fixed size that contains a * half-sized {@link Table}. * * @return the created layout */ private Component createHalfTableOnFixed() { AbsoluteLayout absoluteLayout = new AbsoluteLayout(); absoluteLayout.setWidth(200, Unit.PIXELS); absoluteLayout.setHeight(200, Unit.PIXELS); absoluteLayout.setCaption("half-sized table expected"); Table table = new Table(); table.setWidth(50, Unit.PERCENTAGE); table.setHeight(50, Unit.PERCENTAGE); table.setId("half-table"); absoluteLayout.addComponent(table); return absoluteLayout; }
/** * Forces a synchronization of this ZooKeeper client connection within a timeout. Enforcing a * timeout lets the callers fail-fast rather than wait forever for the sync to finish. * <p> * Executing this method before running other methods will ensure that the subsequent operations * are up-to-date and consistent as of the time that the sync is complete. * <p> * This is used for compareAndSwap type operations where we need to read the data of an existing * node and delete or transition that node, utilizing the previously read version and data. We * want to ensure that the version read is up-to-date from when we begin the operation. * <p> */ public void syncOrTimeout(String path) throws KeeperException { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); long startTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); this.recoverableZooKeeper.sync(path, (i, s, o) -> latch.countDown(), null); try { if (!latch.await(zkSyncTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { LOG.warn("sync() operation to ZK timed out. Configured timeout: {}ms. This usually points " + "to a ZK side issue. Check ZK server logs and metrics.", zkSyncTimeout); throw new KeeperException.RequestTimeoutException(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted waiting for ZK sync() to finish.", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { // TODO: Switch to a metric once server side ZK watcher metrics are implemented. This is a // useful metric to have since the latency of sync() impacts the callers. LOG.debug("ZK sync() operation took {}ms", EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - startTime); } }
/** * Returns whether the page has data at all. * * @return */ default boolean hasData() { return getDataSize() > 0; }
/** * @return criteria for this field being not null */ public Criterion isNotNull() { return Criterion.isNotNull(this); }
/** * Read current {@link JobResourceRequirements job resource requirements}. * * @return Current resource requirements. */ default JobResourceRequirements requestJobResourceRequirements() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format( "The %s does not support changing the parallelism without a job restart. This feature is currently only expected to work with the %s.", getClass().getSimpleName(), AdaptiveScheduler.class.getSimpleName())); }
/** * The date that hbase was compiled. * @return the compilation date in unix date format */ public static String getDate() { return; }
/** * Converts the every function into SQL. * * @param function the function details * @return a string representation of the SQL */ protected String getSqlForEvery(Function function) { return getSqlForMin(function); }
/** * Finds out the version of the current theme (i.e. the version of Vaadin * used to compile it) * * @since 7.1 * @return The full version as a string */ private String getThemeVersion() { Element div = DOM.createDiv(); div.setClassName(THEME_VERSION_CLASSNAME); RootPanel.get().getElement().appendChild(div); String version = getComputedStyle(div, ":after", "content"); div.removeFromParent(); if (version != null) { // String version = new ComputedStyle(div).getProperty("content"); version = version.replace("'", ""); version = version.replace("\"", ""); } return version; }
/** * Creates an instance of {@link GenericRowData} with given kind and field values. * * <p>Note: All fields of the row must be internal data structures. */ public static GenericRowData ofKind(RowKind kind, Object... values) { GenericRowData row = new GenericRowData(kind, values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { row.setField(i, values[i]); } return row; }
/** Returns info port of active master or 0 if any exception occurs. */ public int getActiveMasterInfoPort() { return activeMasterManager.getActiveMasterInfoPort(); }
/** * Does the slot have a caption. * * @return {@code true} if the slot has a caption, {@code false} otherwise */ public boolean hasCaption() { return caption != null; }
/** * Create a DurationTrackerFactory which aggregates the tracking * of two other factories. * @param first first tracker factory * @param second second tracker factory * @return a factory */ public static DurationTrackerFactory pairedTrackerFactory( final DurationTrackerFactory first, final DurationTrackerFactory second) { return new PairedDurationTrackerFactory(first, second); }
/** * Gets the resolution. * * @return the date/time field resolution */ public R getResolution() { return resolution; }
/** * template method for MERGE serialization * * @param metadata * @param entity * @param keys * @param columns * @param values * @param subQuery * @param context */ public void serializeMerge(QueryMetadata metadata, RelationalPath<?> entity, List<Path<?>> keys, List<Path<?>> columns, List<Expression<?>> values, SubQueryExpression<?> subQuery, SQLSerializer context) { context.serializeForMerge(metadata, entity, keys, columns, values, subQuery); if (!metadata.getFlags().isEmpty()) { context.serialize(Position.END, metadata.getFlags()); } }
/** * Gets the target window name. * * @see #setWindowName(String) * * @return the window target string */ public String getWindowName() { return getState(false).target; }
/** * Helper method to create all index statements defined for a table * * @param table the table to create indexes for * @return a list of index statements */ protected List<String> createAllIndexStatements(Table table) { List<String> indexStatements = new ArrayList<>(); for (Index index : table.indexes()) { indexStatements.addAll(addIndexStatements(table, index)); } return indexStatements; }
/** * Generate clustering groups according to split rules. * Currently, we always split bucket into two sub-buckets. * * @param identifier bucket identifier * @param fileSlices file slice candidate to be built as split clustering groups * @param splitSlot number of new bucket allowed to produce, in order to constrain the upper bound of the total number of bucket * @return list of clustering group, number of new buckets generated, remaining file slice (that does not split) */ protected Triple<List<HoodieClusteringGroup>, Integer, List<FileSlice>> buildSplitClusteringGroups( ConsistentBucketIdentifier identifier, List<FileSlice> fileSlices, int splitSlot) { List<HoodieClusteringGroup> retGroup = new ArrayList<>(); List<FileSlice> fsUntouched = new ArrayList<>(); long splitSize = getSplitSize(); int remainingSplitSlot = splitSlot; for (FileSlice fs : fileSlices) { boolean needSplit = fs.getTotalFileSize() > splitSize; if (!needSplit || remainingSplitSlot == 0) { fsUntouched.add(fs); continue; } Option<List<ConsistentHashingNode>> nodes = identifier.splitBucket(fs.getFileId()); // Bucket cannot be split if (!nodes.isPresent()) { fsUntouched.add(fs); continue; } remainingSplitSlot--; List<FileSlice> fsList = Collections.singletonList(fs); retGroup.add(HoodieClusteringGroup.newBuilder() .setSlices(getFileSliceInfo(fsList)) .setNumOutputFileGroups(2) .setMetrics(buildMetrics(fsList)) .setExtraMetadata(constructExtraMetadata(fs.getPartitionPath(), nodes.get(), identifier.getMetadata().getSeqNo())) .build()); } return Triple.of(retGroup, splitSlot - remainingSplitSlot, fsUntouched); }
/** Checks if the given method can be called and returns what hints declare. */ private void verifyMappingForMethod( Method method, Map<FunctionSignatureTemplate, FunctionResultTemplate> collectedMappingsPerMethod, MethodVerification verification) { collectedMappingsPerMethod.forEach( (signature, result) -> verification.verify(method, signature.toClass(), result.toClass())); }
/** * Creates a new {@code SessionWindowAssigner} {@link WindowAssigner} that assigns elements to * sessions based on the timestamp. * * @param size The session timeout, i.e. the time gap between sessions * @return The policy. */ public static SessionWindowAssigner withGap(Duration size) { return new SessionWindowAssigner(size.toMillis(), true); }
/** * Create a new Connection instance using the passed <code>conf</code> instance. Connection * encapsulates all housekeeping for a connection to the cluster. All tables and interfaces * created from returned connection share zookeeper connection, meta cache, and connections to * region servers and masters. <br> * The caller is responsible for calling {@link Connection#close()} on the returned connection * instance. Typical usage: * * <pre> * Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf); * Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf("table1")); * try { * table.get(...); * ... * } finally { * table.close(); * connection.close(); * } * </pre> * * @param conf configuration * @param user the user the connection is for * @param pool the thread pool to use for batch operations * @param connectionAttributes attributes to be sent along to server during connection establish * @return Connection object for <code>conf</code> */ public static Connection createConnection(Configuration conf, ExecutorService pool, final User user, Map<String, byte[]> connectionAttributes) throws IOException { Class<?> clazz = conf.getClass(ConnectionUtils.HBASE_CLIENT_CONNECTION_IMPL, ConnectionOverAsyncConnection.class, Connection.class); if (clazz != ConnectionOverAsyncConnection.class) { try { // Default HCM#HCI is not accessible; make it so before invoking. Constructor<?> constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(Configuration.class, ExecutorService.class, User.class, Map.class); constructor.setAccessible(true); return user.runAs((PrivilegedExceptionAction<Connection>) () -> (Connection) constructor .newInstance(conf, pool, user, connectionAttributes)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } else { return FutureUtils.get(createAsyncConnection(conf, user, connectionAttributes)) .toConnection(); } }
/** * Fetch next pending compaction/clustering instant if available. * * @return {@link HoodieInstant} corresponding to the next pending compaction/clustering. * @throws InterruptedException */ HoodieInstant fetchNextAsyncServiceInstant() throws InterruptedException {"Waiting for next instant up to %d seconds", POLLING_SECONDS)); HoodieInstant instant = pendingInstants.poll(POLLING_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (instant != null) { try { queueLock.lock(); // Signal waiting thread consumed.signal(); } finally { queueLock.unlock(); } } return instant; }
/** * Validates the input request parameters, parses columns from CellSetModel, and invokes Increment * on HTable. * @param model instance of CellSetModel * @return Response 200 OK, 304 Not modified, 400 Bad request */ Response increment(final CellSetModel model) { Table table = null; Increment increment = null; try { table = servlet.getTable(tableResource.getName()); if (model.getRows().size() != 1) { servlet.getMetrics().incrementFailedIncrementRequests(1); return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).type(MIMETYPE_TEXT) .entity("Bad request: Number of rows specified is not 1." + CRLF).build(); } RowModel rowModel = model.getRows().get(0); byte[] key = rowModel.getKey(); if (key == null) { key = rowspec.getRow(); } if (key == null) { servlet.getMetrics().incrementFailedIncrementRequests(1); return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).type(MIMETYPE_TEXT) .entity("Bad request: Row key found to be null." + CRLF).build(); } increment = new Increment(key); increment.setReturnResults(returnResult); int i = 0; for (CellModel cell : rowModel.getCells()) { byte[] col = cell.getColumn(); if (col == null) { try { col = rowspec.getColumns()[i++]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { col = null; } } if (col == null) { servlet.getMetrics().incrementFailedIncrementRequests(1); return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).type(MIMETYPE_TEXT) .entity("Bad request: Column found to be null." + CRLF).build(); } byte[][] parts = CellUtil.parseColumn(col); if (parts.length != 2) { servlet.getMetrics().incrementFailedIncrementRequests(1); return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).type(MIMETYPE_TEXT) .entity("Bad request: Column incorrectly specified." + CRLF).build(); } increment.addColumn(parts[0], parts[1], Long.parseLong(Bytes.toStringBinary(cell.getValue()))); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("INCREMENT " + increment.toString()); } Result result = table.increment(increment); if (returnResult) { if (result.isEmpty()) { servlet.getMetrics().incrementFailedIncrementRequests(1); return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_MODIFIED).type(MIMETYPE_TEXT) .entity("Increment return empty." + CRLF).build(); } CellSetModel rModel = new CellSetModel(); RowModel rRowModel = new RowModel(result.getRow()); for (Cell cell : result.listCells()) { rRowModel.addCell(new CellModel(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell), cell.getTimestamp(), CellUtil.cloneValue(cell))); } rModel.addRow(rowModel); servlet.getMetrics().incrementSucessfulIncrementRequests(1); return Response.ok(rModel).build(); } ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(); servlet.getMetrics().incrementSucessfulIncrementRequests(1); return; } catch (Exception e) { servlet.getMetrics().incrementFailedIncrementRequests(1); return processException(e); } finally { if (table != null) { try { table.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.debug("Exception received while closing the table " + table.getName(), ioe); } } } }
/** * Given an ordered list of columns and a {@link ResultSet}, creates a * {@link Record} from the current row. * * @param resultSet The {@link ResultSet}. Must have been advanced (using * {@link ResultSet#next()}) to the appropriate row. * @param columns The columns, ordered according to their appearance in the * {@link ResultSet}. Use {@link ResultSetMetadataSorter} to pre-sort * your columns according to the {@link ResultSetMetaData} if you * can't be sure that the SQL will return the columns in the precise * order that you are expecting. * @return A {@link Record} representation of the current {@link ResultSet} * row. */ public Record resultSetToRecord(ResultSet resultSet, Iterable<Column> columns) { // Provide initial sizing hint to the array. This potentially means double-traversal // of the columns if the column list is not a simple list, but it's almost certainly // worth it to minimise the array size and prevent resizing. RecordBuilder recordBuilder = DataSetUtils.record() .withInitialColumnCount(Iterables.size(columns)); int idx = 1; for (Column column : columns) { try { switch (column.getType()) { case BIG_INTEGER: long longVal = resultSet.getLong(idx); if (resultSet.wasNull()) { recordBuilder.setObject(column.getName(), null); } else { recordBuilder.setLong(column.getName(), longVal); } break; case BOOLEAN: boolean boolVal = resultSet.getBoolean(idx); if (resultSet.wasNull()) { recordBuilder.setObject(column.getName(), null); } else { recordBuilder.setBoolean(column.getName(), boolVal); } break; case INTEGER: int intVal = resultSet.getInt(idx); if (resultSet.wasNull()) { recordBuilder.setObject(column.getName(), null); } else { recordBuilder.setInteger(column.getName(), intVal); } break; case DATE: Date date = resultSet.getDate(idx); if (date == null) { recordBuilder.setObject(column.getName(), null); } else { recordBuilder.setDate(column.getName(), date); } break; case DECIMAL: recordBuilder.setBigDecimal(column.getName(), resultSet.getBigDecimal(idx)); break; case BLOB: recordBuilder.setByteArray(column.getName(), resultSet.getBytes(idx)); break; case CLOB: case STRING: recordBuilder.setString(column.getName(), resultSet.getString(idx)); break; default: recordBuilder.setObject(column.getName(), resultSet.getObject(idx)); break; } idx++; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeSqlException("Error retrieving value from result set with name [" + column.getName() + "]", e); } } return recordBuilder; }
/** * Default implementation for fetching file-slice. * * @param partitionPath Partition path * @param fileId File Id * @return File Slice if present */ public Option<FileSlice> fetchLatestFileSlice(String partitionPath, String fileId) { return Option .fromJavaOptional(fetchLatestFileSlices(partitionPath).filter(fs -> fs.getFileId().equals(fileId)).findFirst()); }
/** * Helper to create an instance of CryptoAES. * @param conf The current configuration. * @param cryptoCipherMeta The metadata for create CryptoAES. * @return The instance of CryptoAES. * @throws IOException if create CryptoAES failed */ public static CryptoAES createCryptoAES(RPCProtos.CryptoCipherMeta cryptoCipherMeta, Configuration conf) throws IOException { Properties properties = new Properties(); // the property for cipher class properties.setProperty(CryptoCipherFactory.CLASSES_KEY, conf.get("hbase.rpc.crypto.encryption.aes.cipher.class", "org.apache.commons.crypto.cipher.JceCipher")); // create SaslAES for client return new CryptoAES(cryptoCipherMeta.getTransformation(), properties, cryptoCipherMeta.getInKey().toByteArray(), cryptoCipherMeta.getOutKey().toByteArray(), cryptoCipherMeta.getInIv().toByteArray(), cryptoCipherMeta.getOutIv().toByteArray()); }
/** * @see java.util.Iterator#next() */ @Override public Record next() { if (hasNext()) { // Buffer this record RecordBuilder result = DataSetUtils.record(); for (Entry<String, String> columnNameAndUpperCase : columnNamesAndUpperCase.entrySet()) { result.setString(columnNameAndUpperCase.getValue(), Escaping.unescapeCharacters(xmlStreamReader.getAttributeValue(XmlDataSetNode.URI, columnNameAndUpperCase.getKey())) ); } // Is there another currentTagName = readNextTagInsideParent(XmlDataSetNode.DATA_NODE); return result; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("No more records"); } }
/** * Validates the layout and returns a collection of errors. * * @since 7.1 * @param ui * The UI to validate * @return A collection of errors. An empty collection if there are no * errors. */ public static List<InvalidLayout> validateLayouts(UI ui) { List<InvalidLayout> invalidRelativeSizes = ComponentSizeValidator .validateComponentRelativeSizes(ui.getContent(), new ArrayList<>(), null); // Also check any existing subwindows if (ui.getWindows() != null) { for (Window subWindow : ui.getWindows()) { invalidRelativeSizes = ComponentSizeValidator .validateComponentRelativeSizes(subWindow.getContent(), invalidRelativeSizes, null); } } return invalidRelativeSizes; }
/** * Sync the given {@link FileOutputStream}. * * @param volume target volume. null if unavailable. * @throws IOException */ public void sync( @Nullable FsVolumeSpi volume, FileOutputStream fos) throws IOException { final long begin = profilingEventHook.beforeFileIo(volume, SYNC, 0); try { faultInjectorEventHook.beforeFileIo(volume, SYNC, 0); IOUtils.fsync(fos.getChannel(), false); profilingEventHook.afterFileIo(volume, SYNC, begin, 0); } catch (Exception e) { onFailure(volume, begin); throw e; } }
/** * Tests if the specified Item in the container may have children. Since a * <code>FileSystemContainer</code> contains files and directories, this * method returns <code>true</code> for directory Items only. * * @param itemId * the id of the item. * @return <code>true</code> if the specified Item is a directory, * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ @Override public boolean areChildrenAllowed(Object itemId) { return itemId instanceof File && ((File) itemId).canRead() && ((File) itemId).isDirectory(); }
/** * Returns whether the operation is UPDATE_BEFORE. */ public static boolean isUpdateBefore(HoodieOperation operation) { return operation == UPDATE_BEFORE; }
/** Returns whether the segment has any cells */ @Override public boolean isEmpty() { for (ImmutableSegment s : segments) { if (!s.isEmpty()) return false; } return true; }
/** * Reads back User auth data written to zookeeper. * @return User auth details */ public static MultiUserAuthorizations readUserAuthsFromZKData(byte[] data) throws DeserializationException { if (ProtobufUtil.isPBMagicPrefix(data)) { int pblen = ProtobufUtil.lengthOfPBMagic(); try { MultiUserAuthorizations.Builder builder = MultiUserAuthorizations.newBuilder(); ProtobufUtil.mergeFrom(builder, data, pblen, data.length - pblen); return; } catch (IOException e) { throw new DeserializationException(e); } } return null; }
/** * Set mandatory long option, despite passing in a floating * point value. * * @param key key. * @param value value. * @return generic type B. * @see #must(String, String) */ @Deprecated default B must(@Nonnull String key, double value) { return mustLong(key, (long) value); }
/** * Get a long option not smaller than the minimum allowed value, supporting * memory prefixes K,M,G,T,P. * * @param conf configuration * @param key key to look up * @param defVal default value * @param min minimum value * @return the value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is below the minimum */ static long longBytesOption(final Configuration conf, final String key, final long defVal, final long min) { long v = conf.getLongBytes(key, defVal); Preconditions.checkArgument( v >= min, String.format("Value of %s: %d is below the minimum value %d", key, v, min)); LOG.debug("Value of {} is {}", key, v); return v; }
/** * The argument of {@link RecordReader#seekToRow(long)} must come from {@link * RecordReader#getRowNumber()}. The internal implementation of ORC is very confusing. It * has special behavior when dealing with Predicate. */ public void seek(CheckpointedPosition position) throws IOException { orcReader.seekToRow(position.getOffset()); recordsToSkip = position.getRecordsAfterOffset(); }
/** * <code>optional bool bool_value = 7;</code> */ public boolean hasBoolValue() { return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) == 0x00000040); }
/** * Reads the record keys from the given file slices and returns a {@link HoodieData} of {@link HoodieRecord} to be updated in the metadata table. * If file slice does not have any base file, then iterates over the log files to get the record keys. */ public static HoodieData<HoodieRecord> readRecordKeysFromFileSlices(HoodieEngineContext engineContext, List<Pair<String, FileSlice>> partitionFileSlicePairs, boolean forDelete, int recordIndexMaxParallelism, String activeModule, HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient, EngineType engineType) { if (partitionFileSlicePairs.isEmpty()) { return engineContext.emptyHoodieData(); } engineContext.setJobStatus(activeModule, "Record Index: reading record keys from " + partitionFileSlicePairs.size() + " file slices"); final int parallelism = Math.min(partitionFileSlicePairs.size(), recordIndexMaxParallelism); final String basePath = metaClient.getBasePathV2().toString(); final SerializableConfiguration configuration = new SerializableConfiguration(metaClient.getHadoopConf()); return engineContext.parallelize(partitionFileSlicePairs, parallelism).flatMap(partitionAndBaseFile -> { final String partition = partitionAndBaseFile.getKey(); final FileSlice fileSlice = partitionAndBaseFile.getValue(); if (!fileSlice.getBaseFile().isPresent()) { List<String> logFilePaths = fileSlice.getLogFiles().sorted(HoodieLogFile.getLogFileComparator()) .map(l -> l.getPath().toString()).collect(toList()); HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner mergedLogRecordScanner = HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner.newBuilder() .withFileSystem(metaClient.getFs()) .withBasePath(basePath) .withLogFilePaths(logFilePaths) .withReaderSchema(HoodieAvroUtils.getRecordKeySchema()) .withLatestInstantTime(metaClient.getActiveTimeline().filterCompletedInstants().lastInstant().map(HoodieInstant::getTimestamp).orElse("")) .withReadBlocksLazily(configuration.get().getBoolean("", true)) .withReverseReader(false) .withMaxMemorySizeInBytes(configuration.get().getLongBytes(MAX_MEMORY_FOR_COMPACTION.key(), DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY_FOR_SPILLABLE_MAP_IN_BYTES)) .withSpillableMapBasePath(FileIOUtils.getDefaultSpillableMapBasePath()) .withPartition(fileSlice.getPartitionPath()) .withOptimizedLogBlocksScan(configuration.get().getBoolean("hoodie" + HoodieMetadataConfig.OPTIMIZED_LOG_BLOCKS_SCAN, false)) .withDiskMapType(configuration.get().getEnum(SPILLABLE_DISK_MAP_TYPE.key(), SPILLABLE_DISK_MAP_TYPE.defaultValue())) .withBitCaskDiskMapCompressionEnabled(configuration.get().getBoolean(DISK_MAP_BITCASK_COMPRESSION_ENABLED.key(), DISK_MAP_BITCASK_COMPRESSION_ENABLED.defaultValue())) .withRecordMerger(HoodieRecordUtils.createRecordMerger( metaClient.getBasePathV2().toString(), engineType, Collections.emptyList(), // TODO: support different merger classes, which is currently only known to write config metaClient.getTableConfig().getRecordMergerStrategy())) .build(); ClosableIterator<String> recordKeyIterator = ClosableIterator.wrap(mergedLogRecordScanner.getRecords().keySet().iterator()); return new ClosableIterator<HoodieRecord>() { @Override public void close() { recordKeyIterator.close(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return recordKeyIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public HoodieRecord next() { return forDelete ? HoodieMetadataPayload.createRecordIndexDelete( : HoodieMetadataPayload.createRecordIndexUpdate(, partition, fileSlice.getFileId(), fileSlice.getBaseInstantTime(), 0); } }; } final HoodieBaseFile baseFile = fileSlice.getBaseFile().get(); final String filename = baseFile.getFileName(); Path dataFilePath = new Path(basePath, partition + Path.SEPARATOR + filename); final String fileId = baseFile.getFileId(); final String instantTime = baseFile.getCommitTime(); HoodieFileReader reader = HoodieFileReaderFactory.getReaderFactory(HoodieRecord.HoodieRecordType.AVRO).getFileReader(configuration.get(), dataFilePath); ClosableIterator<String> recordKeyIterator = reader.getRecordKeyIterator(); return new ClosableIterator<HoodieRecord>() { @Override public void close() { recordKeyIterator.close(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return recordKeyIterator.hasNext(); } @Override public HoodieRecord next() { return forDelete ? HoodieMetadataPayload.createRecordIndexDelete( : HoodieMetadataPayload.createRecordIndexUpdate(, partition, fileId, instantTime, 0); } }; }); }
/** * Find a suitable broker to assign the given bundle to. * * @param candidates * The candidates for which the bundle may be assigned. * @param bundleToAssign * The data for the bundle to assign. * @param loadData * The load data from the leader broker. * @param conf * The service configuration. * @return The name of the selected broker as it appears on ZooKeeper. */ @Override public Optional<String> selectBroker(final Set<String> candidates, final BundleData bundleToAssign, final LoadData loadData, final ServiceConfiguration conf) { bestBrokers.clear(); double minScore = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // Maintain of list of all the best scoring brokers and then randomly // select one of them at the end. for (String broker : candidates) { final BrokerData brokerData = loadData.getBrokerData().get(broker); final double score = getScore(brokerData, conf); if (score == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { final LocalBrokerData localData = brokerData.getLocalData(); log.warn( "Broker {} is overloaded: CPU: {}%, MEMORY: {}%, DIRECT MEMORY: {}%, BANDWIDTH IN: {}%, " + "BANDWIDTH OUT: {}%", broker, localData.getCpu().percentUsage(), localData.getMemory().percentUsage(), localData.getDirectMemory().percentUsage(), localData.getBandwidthIn().percentUsage(), localData.getBandwidthOut().percentUsage()); } if (score < minScore) { // Clear best brokers since this score beats the other brokers. bestBrokers.clear(); bestBrokers.add(broker); minScore = score; } else if (score == minScore) { // Add this broker to best brokers since it ties with the best score. bestBrokers.add(broker); } } if (bestBrokers.isEmpty()) { // All brokers are overloaded. // Assign randomly in this case. bestBrokers.addAll(candidates); } if (bestBrokers.isEmpty()) { // If still, it means there are no available brokers at this point return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(bestBrokers.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(bestBrokers.size()))); }
/** * Is the calendar in a mode where all days of the month is shown. * * @return Returns true if calendar is in monthly mode and false if it is in * weekly mode */ public boolean isMonthlyMode() { CalendarState state = getState(false); if (state.days != null) { return state.days.size() > 7; } else { // Default mode return true; } }
/** * Moves the focus forward the given number of days. */ private void focusNextDay(int days) { if (focusedDate == null) { return; } Date focusCopy = ((Date) focusedDate.clone()); focusCopy.setDate(focusedDate.getDate() + days); if (!isDateInsideRange(focusCopy, resolution)) { // If not inside allowed range, then do not move anything return; } int oldMonth = focusedDate.getMonth(); int oldYear = focusedDate.getYear(); focusedDate.setDate(focusedDate.getDate() + days); if (focusedDate.getMonth() == oldMonth && focusedDate.getYear() == oldYear) { // Month did not change, only move the selection focusDay(focusedDate); } else { // If the month changed we need to re-render the calendar displayedMonth.setMonth(focusedDate.getMonth()); displayedMonth.setYear(focusedDate.getYear()); renderCalendar(); } }
/** * 1) check the regions is allowed. 2) check the concurrent tasks for regions. 3) check the * total concurrent tasks. 4) check the concurrent tasks for server. * @param loc the destination of data * @param heapSizeOfRow the data size * @return either Include {@link RequestController.ReturnCode} or skip * {@link RequestController.ReturnCode} */ @Override public ReturnCode canTakeOperation(HRegionLocation loc, long heapSizeOfRow) { RegionInfo regionInfo = loc.getRegion(); if (regionsIncluded.contains(regionInfo)) { // We already know what to do with this region. return ReturnCode.INCLUDE; } AtomicInteger regionCnt = taskCounterPerRegion.get(loc.getRegion().getRegionName()); if (regionCnt != null && regionCnt.get() >= maxConcurrentTasksPerRegion) { // Too many tasks on this region already. return ReturnCode.SKIP; } int newServers = serversIncluded.size() + (serversIncluded.contains(loc.getServerName()) ? 0 : 1); if ((newServers + tasksInProgress.get()) > maxTotalConcurrentTasks) { // Too many tasks. return ReturnCode.SKIP; } AtomicInteger serverCnt = taskCounterPerServer.get(loc.getServerName()); if (serverCnt != null && serverCnt.get() >= maxConcurrentTasksPerServer) { // Too many tasks for this individual server return ReturnCode.SKIP; } return ReturnCode.INCLUDE; }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.metadata.Schema#viewExists(java.lang.String) */ @Override public boolean viewExists(String name) { return views.containsKey(name.toUpperCase()); }
/** * Checks if the expression is a function call of given type. * * @param expression expression to check * @param kind expected type of function * @return true if the expression is function call of given type, false otherwise */ public static boolean isFunctionOfKind(Expression expression, FunctionKind kind) { if (expression instanceof UnresolvedCallExpression) { return ((UnresolvedCallExpression) expression).getFunctionDefinition().getKind() == kind; } if (expression instanceof CallExpression) { return ((CallExpression) expression).getFunctionDefinition().getKind() == kind; } return false; }
/** * Ensure we have the correct set of rows on client side, e.g. if the * content on the server side has changed, or the client scroll position * has changed since the last request. */ protected void ensureCacheFilled() { /** * Fixes cache issue #13576 where unnecessary rows are fetched */ if (isLazyScrollerActive()) { return; } int reactFirstRow = (int) (firstRowInViewPort - pageLength * cacheReactRate); int reactLastRow = (int) (firstRowInViewPort + pageLength + pageLength * cacheReactRate); if (reactFirstRow < 0) { reactFirstRow = 0; } if (reactLastRow >= totalRows) { reactLastRow = totalRows - 1; } if (lastRendered < reactFirstRow || firstRendered > reactLastRow) { /* * #8040 - scroll position is completely changed since the * latest request, so request a new set of rows. * * TODO: We should probably check whether the fetched rows match * the current scroll position right when they arrive, so as to * not waste time rendering a set of rows that will never be * visible... */ rowRequestHandler.triggerRowFetch(reactFirstRow, reactLastRow - reactFirstRow + 1, 1); } else if (lastRendered < reactLastRow) { // get some cache rows below visible area rowRequestHandler.triggerRowFetch(lastRendered + 1, reactLastRow - lastRendered, 1); } else if (firstRendered > reactFirstRow) { /* * Branch for fetching cache above visible area. * * If cache needed for both before and after visible area, this * will be rendered after-cache is received and rendered. So in * some rare situations the table may make two cache visits to * server. */ rowRequestHandler.triggerRowFetch(reactFirstRow, firstRendered - reactFirstRow, 1); } }
/** Returns the map for holding unspecified (user) attributes */ @XmlAnyAttribute @JsonAnyGetter public Map<QName, Object> getAny() { return attrs; }
/** * Release some bytes that we're using. * * @param count * The number of bytes to release. We will round this up to the * page size. * * @return The new number of usedBytes. */ long release(long count) { return usedBytesCount.release(count); }
/** * A database platform may need to specify the null order by direction. * * <p>If a null order is not required for a SQL dialect descendant classes need to implement this method.</p> * * @param descending the order direction * @return the null order for an SQL dialect */ protected String nullOrderForDirection(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Direction descending) { return nullOrder(); }
/** * get number of blocks. */ public long getNumBlocks() { return numBlocks; }
/** Internal callback to put an entry back to the pool. */ void addBack(T object) { pool.add(object); }
/** * ComboBox does not support multi select mode. * * @deprecated As of 7.0, use {@link ListSelect}, {@link OptionGroup} or * {@link TwinColSelect} instead * @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractSelect#setMultiSelect(boolean) * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * if trying to activate multiselect mode */ @Deprecated @Override public void setMultiSelect(boolean multiSelect) { if (multiSelect) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Multiselect not supported"); } }
/** * Sets bytes copied so far. * * @param bytesCopied - long */ public void setBytesCopied(long bytesCopied) { this.bytesCopied = bytesCopied; }
/** * @return The row size of the matrix */ public int getRowSize() { return rowSize; }
/** * Check the status of deduplication. If the configuration has changed, it will enable/disable deduplication, * returning a future to track the completion of the task */ public CompletableFuture<Void> checkStatus() { boolean shouldBeEnabled = isDeduplicationEnabled(); synchronized (this) { if (status == Status.Recovering || status == Status.Removing) { // If there's already a transition happening, check later for status pulsar.getExecutor().schedule(this::checkStatus, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } if (status == Status.Initialized && !shouldBeEnabled) { status = Status.Removing; managedLedger.asyncDeleteCursor(PersistentTopic.DEDUPLICATION_CURSOR_NAME, new DeleteCursorCallback() { @Override public void deleteCursorComplete(Object ctx) { status = Status.Disabled;"[{}] Deleted deduplication cursor", topic.getName()); } @Override public void deleteCursorFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) { if (exception instanceof ManagedLedgerException.CursorNotFoundException) { status = Status.Disabled; } else { log.error("[{}] Deleted deduplication cursor error", topic.getName(), exception); } } }, null); } if (status == Status.Enabled && !shouldBeEnabled) { // Disabled deduping CompletableFuture<Void> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); status = Status.Removing; managedLedger.asyncDeleteCursor(PersistentTopic.DEDUPLICATION_CURSOR_NAME, new DeleteCursorCallback() { @Override public void deleteCursorComplete(Object ctx) { status = Status.Disabled; managedCursor = null; highestSequencedPushed.clear(); highestSequencedPersisted.clear(); future.complete(null);"[{}] Disabled deduplication", topic.getName()); } @Override public void deleteCursorFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) { // It's ok for disable message deduplication. if (exception instanceof ManagedLedgerException.CursorNotFoundException) { status = Status.Disabled; managedCursor = null; highestSequencedPushed.clear(); highestSequencedPersisted.clear(); future.complete(null); } else { log.warn("[{}] Failed to disable deduplication: {}", topic.getName(), exception.getMessage()); status = Status.Failed; future.completeExceptionally(exception); } } }, null); return future; } else if ((status == Status.Disabled || status == Status.Initialized) && shouldBeEnabled) { // Enable deduping CompletableFuture<Void> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); managedLedger.asyncOpenCursor(PersistentTopic.DEDUPLICATION_CURSOR_NAME, new OpenCursorCallback() { @Override public void openCursorComplete(ManagedCursor cursor, Object ctx) { // We don't want to retain cache for this cursor cursor.setAlwaysInactive(); managedCursor = cursor; recoverSequenceIdsMap().thenRun(() -> { status = Status.Enabled; future.complete(null);"[{}] Enabled deduplication", topic.getName()); }).exceptionally(ex -> { status = Status.Failed; log.warn("[{}] Failed to enable deduplication: {}", topic.getName(), ex.getMessage()); future.completeExceptionally(ex); return null; }); } @Override public void openCursorFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) { log.warn("[{}] Failed to enable deduplication: {}", topic.getName(), exception.getMessage()); future.completeExceptionally(exception); } }, null); return future; } else { // Nothing to do, we are in the correct state return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); } } }
/** * Sets the ID of this node. * * @param id The id for this node. */ public void initId(int id) { if (id <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if ( == -1) { = id; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Id has already been initialized."); } }
/** * Get backup temporary directory * @param backupRootDir backup root * @return backup tmp directory path */ public static Path getBackupTmpDirPath(String backupRootDir) { return new Path(backupRootDir, ".tmp"); }
/** * Hash bytes in MemorySegment, length must be aligned to 4 bytes. * * @param segment segment. * @param offset offset for MemorySegment * @param lengthInBytes length in MemorySegment * @return hash code */ public static int hashBytesByWords(MemorySegment segment, int offset, int lengthInBytes) { return hashBytesByWords(segment, offset, lengthInBytes, DEFAULT_SEED); }
/** * Create a {@link ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor} using the provided corePoolSize. The following * behaviour is configured: * * <ul> * <li>rejected executions are logged if the executor is {@link * java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#isShutdown shutdown} * <li>otherwise, {@link RejectedExecutionException} is thrown * <li>any uncaught exception fails the JVM (using {@link * org.apache.flink.runtime.util.FatalExitExceptionHandler FatalExitExceptionHandler}) * </ul> */ public static ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor create(int corePoolSize, String name, Logger log) { AtomicInteger cnt = new AtomicInteger(0); return new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor( corePoolSize, runnable -> { Thread thread = new Thread(runnable); thread.setName(name + "-" + cnt.incrementAndGet()); thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(INSTANCE); return thread; }, new IgnoreShutdownRejectedExecutionHandler(log)); }
/** * Detects if this field is used in a Form (logically) and if so, notifies * it (by repainting it) that the validity of this field might have changed. */ private void notifyFormOfValidityChange() { Component parenOfDateField = getParent(); boolean formFound = false; while (parenOfDateField != null || formFound) { if (parenOfDateField instanceof Form) { Form f = (Form) parenOfDateField; Collection<?> visibleItemProperties = f.getItemPropertyIds(); for (Object fieldId : visibleItemProperties) { Field<?> field = f.getField(fieldId); if (equals(field)) { /* * this datefield is logically in a form. Do the same * thing as form does in its value change listener that * it registers to all fields. */ f.markAsDirty(); formFound = true; break; } } } if (formFound) { break; } parenOfDateField = parenOfDateField.getParent(); } }
/** * Projects a pair of joined elements to a {@link Tuple} with the previously selected * fields. Requires the classes of the fields of the resulting tuples. * * @return The projected data set. * @see Tuple * @see DataSet */ public <T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18> ProjectJoin< I1, I2, Tuple19< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18>> projectTuple19() { TypeInformation<?>[] fTypes = extractFieldTypes(fieldIndexes); TupleTypeInfo< Tuple19< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18>> tType = new TupleTypeInfo< Tuple19< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18>>(fTypes); return new ProjectJoin< I1, I2, Tuple19< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18>>( this.ds1, this.ds2, this.keys1, this.keys2, this.hint, this.fieldIndexes, this.isFieldInFirst, tType, this); }
/** * Returns a predicate that tests if two arguments are equal according to * {@link Objects#equals(Object, Object)}. * * @param <T> * the type of arguments to the predicate * @param targetRef * the object reference with which to compare for equality, which * may be {@code null} * @return a predicate that tests if two arguments are equal according to * {@link Objects#equals(Object, Object)} * @since 8.5 */ static <T> SerializablePredicate<T> isEqual(Serializable targetRef) { return (null == targetRef) ? Objects::isNull : object -> targetRef.equals(object); }
/** * Get the NodeId of the node on which container is running. It returns * null if the container if container is not found or if it is not running. * * @param containerId Container Id of the container. * @return NodeId of the container on which it is running. */ public NodeId getNodeIdOfStartedContainer(ContainerId containerId) { return null; }
/** * Return the handler if it is currently live and has the same snapshot target name. The handler * is removed from the sentinels map if completed. * @param sentinels live handlers * @param snapshot snapshot description * @return null if doesn't match, else a live handler. */ private synchronized SnapshotSentinel removeSentinelIfFinished( final Map<TableName, SnapshotSentinel> sentinels, final SnapshotDescription snapshot) { if (!snapshot.hasTable()) { return null; } TableName snapshotTable = TableName.valueOf(snapshot.getTable()); SnapshotSentinel h = sentinels.get(snapshotTable); if (h == null) { return null; } if (!h.getSnapshot().getName().equals(snapshot.getName())) { // specified snapshot is to the one currently running return null; } // Remove from the "in-progress" list once completed if (h.isFinished()) { sentinels.remove(snapshotTable); } return h; }
/** * Set the (server side) index of the event. * * @param index * The integer index */ public void setEventIndex(int index) { eventIndex = index; }
/** * Gets a well-known metadata URL for the given OAuth issuer URL. * @param issuerUrl The authorization server's issuer identifier * @return a resolver */ public static DefaultMetadataResolver fromIssuerUrl(URL issuerUrl) { return new DefaultMetadataResolver(getWellKnownMetadataUrl(issuerUrl)); }
// for input parameter ignored. @JsonAnySetter public void setUnknownAttribute(String attributeName, Object ignored) { if (!alreadySeenAnySetterAttributes.contains(attributeName)) { alreadySeenAnySetterAttributes.add(attributeName); System.err.println("In LoggedJob, we saw the unknown attribute " + attributeName + "."); } }
/** * Read the table name. */ public String getTableName() { return getString(NAME); }
/** * The Router Supports Remove Token. * * @param identifier Delegation Token * @throws IOException IO exception occurred. */ @Override public void removeStoredToken(RMDelegationTokenIdentifier identifier) throws IOException { try { federationFacade.removeStoredToken(identifier); } catch (Exception e) { if (!shouldIgnoreException(e)) { LOG.error("Error in removing RMDelegationToken with sequence number: {}", identifier.getSequenceNumber()); ExitUtil.terminate(1, e); } } }
/** Adopts all members from the given unresolved schema. */ public Builder fromSchema(Schema unresolvedSchema) { columns.addAll(unresolvedSchema.columns); watermarkSpecs.addAll(unresolvedSchema.watermarkSpecs); if (unresolvedSchema.primaryKey != null) { primaryKeyNamed( unresolvedSchema.primaryKey.getConstraintName(), unresolvedSchema.primaryKey.getColumnNames()); } return this; }
/** * Whether there is an inline block ready to be written. In general, we write an leaf-level * index block as an inline block as soon as its size as serialized in the non-root format * reaches a certain threshold. */ @Override public boolean shouldWriteBlock(boolean closing) { if (singleLevelOnly) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(INLINE_BLOCKS_NOT_ALLOWED); } if (curInlineChunk == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("curInlineChunk is null; has shouldWriteBlock been " + "called with closing=true and then called again?"); } if (curInlineChunk.getNumEntries() == 0) { return false; } // We do have some entries in the current inline chunk. if (closing) { if (rootChunk.getNumEntries() == 0) { // We did not add any leaf-level blocks yet. Instead of creating a // leaf level with one block, move these entries to the root level. expectNumLevels(1); rootChunk = curInlineChunk; curInlineChunk = null; // Disallow adding any more index entries. return false; } return true; } else { return curInlineChunk.getNonRootSize() >= maxChunkSize; } }
/** * Returns a subset of the segment cell set, which starts with the given cell * @param firstCell a cell in the segment * @return a subset of the segment cell set, which starts with the given cell */ @Override protected SortedSet<Cell> tailSet(Cell firstCell) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not supported by CompositeImmutableScanner"); }
/** Returns start row for scanning META according to query type */ public static byte[] getTableStartRowForMeta(TableName tableName, QueryType type) { if (tableName == null) { return null; } switch (type) { case REGION: case REPLICATION: { byte[] startRow = new byte[tableName.getName().length + 2]; System.arraycopy(tableName.getName(), 0, startRow, 0, tableName.getName().length); startRow[startRow.length - 2] = HConstants.DELIMITER; startRow[startRow.length - 1] = HConstants.DELIMITER; return startRow; } case ALL: case TABLE: default: { return tableName.getName(); } } }
/** * Get replication Sink Metrics */ public MetricsSink getSinkMetrics() { return this.metrics; }
/** * Marks the current position of the MBB * @return this object */ @Override public MultiByteBuff mark() { checkRefCount(); this.markedItemIndex = this.curItemIndex; this.curItem.mark(); return this; }
/** * Returns the current server status. * * @return the current server status. */ public Status getStatus() { return status; }
/** * Get all worlds from which regions are added automatically. * @return A list with the names of all worlds (immutable) */ public Set<String> getWorlds() { return new HashSet<>(worlds); }
/** * Checks if the current selection is valid, and updates the selection if * the previously selected component is not visible and enabled. The first * visible and enabled tab is selected if the current selection is empty or * invalid. * * This method does not fire tab change events, but the caller should do so * if appropriate. * * @return true if selection was changed, false otherwise */ private boolean updateSelection() { Component originalSelection = selected; for (final Iterator<Component> i = iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Component component =; Tab tab = tabs.get(component); /* * If we have no selection, if the current selection is invisible or * if the current selection is disabled (but the whole component is * not) we select this tab instead */ Tab selectedTabInfo = null; if (selected != null) { selectedTabInfo = tabs.get(selected); } if (selected == null || selectedTabInfo == null || !selectedTabInfo.isVisible() || !selectedTabInfo.isEnabled()) { // The current selection is not valid so we need to change // it if (tab.isEnabled() && tab.isVisible()) { setSelected(component); break; } else { /* * The current selection is not valid but this tab cannot be * selected either. */ setSelected(null); } } } return originalSelection != selected; }
/** * build a bad request's response * * @param request the request * @param t the throwable. In most cases, serialization fails. * @return the response */ private static Response buildErrorResponse(Request request, Throwable t) { Response response = new Response(request.getId(), request.getVersion()); if (t instanceof EncoderException) { response.setStatus(Response.SERIALIZATION_ERROR); } else { response.setStatus(Response.BAD_REQUEST); } response.setErrorMessage(StringUtils.toString(t)); return response; }
// Update resource usage given each individual usage. private void updateSystemResourceUsage(final ResourceUsage cpu, final ResourceUsage memory, final ResourceUsage directMemory, final ResourceUsage bandwidthIn, final ResourceUsage bandwidthOut) { this.cpu = cpu; this.memory = memory; this.directMemory = directMemory; this.bandwidthIn = bandwidthIn; this.bandwidthOut = bandwidthOut; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.vaadin.ui.PushConfiguration#setTransport(com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui. * Transport) */ @Override public void setTransport(Transport transport) { if (transport == Transport.WEBSOCKET_XHR) { getState().alwaysUseXhrForServerRequests = true; // Atmosphere knows only about "websocket" setParameter(PushConfigurationState.TRANSPORT_PARAM, Transport.WEBSOCKET.getIdentifier()); } else { getState().alwaysUseXhrForServerRequests = false; setParameter(PushConfigurationState.TRANSPORT_PARAM, transport.getIdentifier()); } }
// @return no bytes consumed to assemble websocket header private int assembleHeader( DirectBuffer buffer, int offset, int length) { int remaining = Math.min(length, MAXIMUM_HEADER_SIZE - headerLength); // may copy more than actual header length (up to max header length), but will adjust at the end header.putBytes(headerLength, buffer, offset, remaining); int consumed = remaining; if (headerLength + remaining >= 2) { int wsHeaderLength = wsHeaderLength(header); // eventual headLength must not be more than wsHeaderLength if (headerLength + remaining > wsHeaderLength) { consumed = wsHeaderLength - headerLength; } } headerLength += consumed; return consumed; }
/** * Called before the region is truncated. * @param c The environment to interact with the framework and master * @param regionInfo The Region being truncated */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") default void preTruncateRegionAction(final ObserverContext<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment> c, final RegionInfo regionInfo) { }
/** * Returns an Oracle XA data source. Note that this method may fail at * run-time if {@code OracleXADataSource} is not available on the classpath. * * @throws IllegalStateException If the data source cannot be created. * * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.jdbc.DatabaseType#getXADataSource(java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public XADataSource getXADataSource(String jdbcUrl, String username, String password) { try {"Initialising Oracle XA data source..."); XADataSource dataSource = (XADataSource) Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource").newInstance(); dataSource.getClass().getMethod("setURL", String.class).invoke(dataSource, jdbcUrl); dataSource.getClass().getMethod("setUser", String.class).invoke(dataSource, username); dataSource.getClass().getMethod("setPassword", String.class).invoke(dataSource, password); return dataSource; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create Oracle XA data source", e); } }
/** * Finish initialization of HMaster after becoming the primary master. * <p/> * The startup order is a bit complicated but very important, do not change it unless you know * what you are doing. * <ol> * <li>Initialize file system based components - file system manager, wal manager, table * descriptors, etc</li> * <li>Publish cluster id</li> * <li>Here comes the most complicated part - initialize server manager, assignment manager and * region server tracker * <ol type='i'> * <li>Create server manager</li> * <li>Create master local region</li> * <li>Create procedure executor, load the procedures, but do not start workers. We will start it * later after we finish scheduling SCPs to avoid scheduling duplicated SCPs for the same * server</li> * <li>Create assignment manager and start it, load the meta region state, but do not load data * from meta region</li> * <li>Start region server tracker, construct the online servers set and find out dead servers and * schedule SCP for them. The online servers will be constructed by scanning zk, and we will also * scan the wal directory and load from master local region to find out possible live region * servers, and the differences between these two sets are the dead servers</li> * </ol> * </li> * <li>If this is a new deploy, schedule a InitMetaProcedure to initialize meta</li> * <li>Start necessary service threads - balancer, catalog janitor, executor services, and also * the procedure executor, etc. Notice that the balancer must be created first as assignment * manager may use it when assigning regions.</li> * <li>Wait for meta to be initialized if necessary, start table state manager.</li> * <li>Wait for enough region servers to check-in</li> * <li>Let assignment manager load data from meta and construct region states</li> * <li>Start all other things such as chore services, etc</li> * </ol> * <p/> * Notice that now we will not schedule a special procedure to make meta online(unless the first * time where meta has not been created yet), we will rely on SCP to bring meta online. */ private void finishActiveMasterInitialization() throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeeperException, ReplicationException, DeserializationException { /* * We are active master now... go initialize components we need to run. */ startupTaskGroup.addTask("Initializing Master file system"); this.masterActiveTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); // TODO: Do this using Dependency Injection, using PicoContainer, Guice or Spring. // always initialize the MemStoreLAB as we use a region to store data in master now, see // localStore. initializeMemStoreChunkCreator(null); this.fileSystemManager = new MasterFileSystem(conf); this.walManager = new MasterWalManager(this); // warm-up HTDs cache on master initialization if (preLoadTableDescriptors) { startupTaskGroup.addTask("Pre-loading table descriptors"); this.tableDescriptors.getAll(); } // Publish cluster ID; set it in Master too. The superclass RegionServer does this later but // only after it has checked in with the Master. At least a few tests ask Master for clusterId // before it has called its run method and before RegionServer has done the reportForDuty. ClusterId clusterId = fileSystemManager.getClusterId(); startupTaskGroup.addTask("Publishing Cluster ID " + clusterId + " in ZooKeeper"); ZKClusterId.setClusterId(this.zooKeeper, fileSystemManager.getClusterId()); this.clusterId = clusterId.toString(); // Precaution. Put in place the old hbck1 lock file to fence out old hbase1s running their // hbck1s against an hbase2 cluster; it could do damage. To skip this behavior, set // hbase.write.hbck1.lock.file to false. if (this.conf.getBoolean("hbase.write.hbck1.lock.file", true)) { Pair<Path, FSDataOutputStream> result = null; try { result = HBaseFsck.checkAndMarkRunningHbck(this.conf, HBaseFsck.createLockRetryCounterFactory(this.conf).create()); } finally { if (result != null) { Closeables.close(result.getSecond(), true); } } } startupTaskGroup.addTask("Initialize ServerManager and schedule SCP for crash servers"); // The below two managers must be created before loading procedures, as they will be used during // loading. // initialize master local region masterRegion = MasterRegionFactory.create(this); rsListStorage = new MasterRegionServerList(masterRegion, this); this.serverManager = createServerManager(this, rsListStorage); this.syncReplicationReplayWALManager = new SyncReplicationReplayWALManager(this); if ( !conf.getBoolean(HBASE_SPLIT_WAL_COORDINATED_BY_ZK, DEFAULT_HBASE_SPLIT_COORDINATED_BY_ZK) ) { this.splitWALManager = new SplitWALManager(this); } tryMigrateMetaLocationsFromZooKeeper(); createProcedureExecutor(); Map<Class<?>, List<Procedure<MasterProcedureEnv>>> procsByType = procedureExecutor .getActiveProceduresNoCopy().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> p.getClass())); // Create Assignment Manager this.assignmentManager = createAssignmentManager(this, masterRegion); this.assignmentManager.start(); // TODO: TRSP can perform as the sub procedure for other procedures, so even if it is marked as // completed, it could still be in the procedure list. This is a bit strange but is another // story, need to verify the implementation for ProcedureExecutor and ProcedureStore. List<TransitRegionStateProcedure> ritList = procsByType.getOrDefault(TransitRegionStateProcedure.class, Collections.emptyList()).stream() .filter(p -> !p.isFinished()).map(p -> (TransitRegionStateProcedure) p) .collect(Collectors.toList()); this.assignmentManager.setupRIT(ritList); // Start RegionServerTracker with listing of servers found with exiting SCPs -- these should // be registered in the deadServers set -- and the servernames loaded from the WAL directory // and master local region that COULD BE 'alive'(we'll schedule SCPs for each and let SCP figure // it out). // We also pass dirs that are already 'splitting'... so we can do some checks down in tracker. // TODO: Generate the splitting and live Set in one pass instead of two as we currently do. this.regionServerTracker.upgrade( procsByType.getOrDefault(ServerCrashProcedure.class, Collections.emptyList()).stream() .map(p -> (ServerCrashProcedure) p).map(p -> p.getServerName()).collect(Collectors.toSet()), Sets.union(rsListStorage.getAll(), walManager.getLiveServersFromWALDir()), walManager.getSplittingServersFromWALDir()); // This manager must be accessed AFTER hbase:meta is confirmed on line.. this.tableStateManager = new TableStateManager(this); startupTaskGroup.addTask("Initializing ZK system trackers"); initializeZKBasedSystemTrackers(); startupTaskGroup.addTask("Loading last flushed sequence id of regions"); try { this.serverManager.loadLastFlushedSequenceIds(); } catch (IOException e) {"Failed to load last flushed sequence id of regions" + " from file system", e); } // Set ourselves as active Master now our claim has succeeded up in zk. this.activeMaster = true; // Start the Zombie master detector after setting master as active, see HBASE-21535 Thread zombieDetector = new Thread(new MasterInitializationMonitor(this), "ActiveMasterInitializationMonitor-" + EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime()); zombieDetector.setDaemon(true); zombieDetector.start(); if (!maintenanceMode) { startupTaskGroup.addTask("Initializing master coprocessors"); setQuotasObserver(conf); initializeCoprocessorHost(conf); } else { // start an in process region server for carrying system regions maintenanceRegionServer = JVMClusterUtil.createRegionServerThread(getConfiguration(), HRegionServer.class, 0); maintenanceRegionServer.start(); } // Checking if meta needs initializing. startupTaskGroup.addTask("Initializing meta table if this is a new deploy"); InitMetaProcedure initMetaProc = null; // Print out state of hbase:meta on startup; helps debugging. if (!this.assignmentManager.getRegionStates().hasTableRegionStates(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)) { Optional<InitMetaProcedure> optProc = procedureExecutor.getProcedures().stream() .filter(p -> p instanceof InitMetaProcedure).map(o -> (InitMetaProcedure) o).findAny(); initMetaProc = optProc.orElseGet(() -> { // schedule an init meta procedure if meta has not been deployed yet InitMetaProcedure temp = new InitMetaProcedure(); procedureExecutor.submitProcedure(temp); return temp; }); } // initialize load balancer this.balancer.setMasterServices(this); this.balancer.initialize(); this.balancer.updateClusterMetrics(getClusterMetricsWithoutCoprocessor()); // try migrate replication data ZKReplicationQueueStorageForMigration oldReplicationQueueStorage = new ZKReplicationQueueStorageForMigration(zooKeeper, conf); // check whether there are something to migrate and we haven't scheduled a migration procedure // yet if ( oldReplicationQueueStorage.hasData() && procedureExecutor.getProcedures().stream() .allMatch(p -> !(p instanceof MigrateReplicationQueueFromZkToTableProcedure)) ) { procedureExecutor.submitProcedure(new MigrateReplicationQueueFromZkToTableProcedure()); } // start up all service threads. startupTaskGroup.addTask("Initializing master service threads"); startServiceThreads(); // wait meta to be initialized after we start procedure executor if (initMetaProc != null) { initMetaProc.await(); } // Wake up this server to check in sleeper.skipSleepCycle(); // Wait for region servers to report in. // With this as part of master initialization, it precludes our being able to start a single // server that is both Master and RegionServer. Needs more thought. TODO. String statusStr = "Wait for region servers to report in"; MonitoredTask waitRegionServer = startupTaskGroup.addTask(statusStr);; waitForRegionServers(waitRegionServer); // Check if master is shutting down because issue initializing regionservers or balancer. if (isStopped()) { return; } startupTaskGroup.addTask("Starting assignment manager"); // FIRST HBASE:META READ!!!! // The below cannot make progress w/o hbase:meta being online. // This is the FIRST attempt at going to hbase:meta. Meta on-lining is going on in background // as procedures run -- in particular SCPs for crashed servers... One should put up hbase:meta // if it is down. It may take a while to come online. So, wait here until meta if for sure // available. That's what waitForMetaOnline does. if (!waitForMetaOnline()) { return; } TableDescriptor metaDescriptor = tableDescriptors.get(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME); final ColumnFamilyDescriptor tableFamilyDesc = metaDescriptor.getColumnFamily(HConstants.TABLE_FAMILY); final ColumnFamilyDescriptor replBarrierFamilyDesc = metaDescriptor.getColumnFamily(HConstants.REPLICATION_BARRIER_FAMILY); this.assignmentManager.joinCluster(); // The below depends on hbase:meta being online. this.assignmentManager.processOfflineRegions(); // this must be called after the above processOfflineRegions to prevent race this.assignmentManager.wakeMetaLoadedEvent(); // for migrating from a version without HBASE-25099, and also for honoring the configuration // first. if (conf.get(HConstants.META_REPLICAS_NUM) != null) { int replicasNumInConf = conf.getInt(HConstants.META_REPLICAS_NUM, HConstants.DEFAULT_META_REPLICA_NUM); TableDescriptor metaDesc = tableDescriptors.get(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME); if (metaDesc.getRegionReplication() != replicasNumInConf) { // it is possible that we already have some replicas before upgrading, so we must set the // region replication number in meta TableDescriptor directly first, without creating a // ModifyTableProcedure, otherwise it may cause a double assign for the meta replicas. int existingReplicasCount = assignmentManager.getRegionStates().getRegionsOfTable(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME).size(); if (existingReplicasCount > metaDesc.getRegionReplication()) {"Update replica count of hbase:meta from {}(in TableDescriptor)" + " to {}(existing ZNodes)", metaDesc.getRegionReplication(), existingReplicasCount); metaDesc = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(metaDesc) .setRegionReplication(existingReplicasCount).build(); tableDescriptors.update(metaDesc); } // check again, and issue a ModifyTableProcedure if needed if (metaDesc.getRegionReplication() != replicasNumInConf) { "The {} config is {} while the replica count in TableDescriptor is {}" + " for hbase:meta, altering...", HConstants.META_REPLICAS_NUM, replicasNumInConf, metaDesc.getRegionReplication()); procedureExecutor.submitProcedure(new ModifyTableProcedure( procedureExecutor.getEnvironment(), TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(metaDesc) .setRegionReplication(replicasNumInConf).build(), null, metaDesc, false, true)); } } } // Initialize after meta is up as below scans meta FavoredNodesManager fnm = getFavoredNodesManager(); if (fnm != null) { fnm.initializeFromMeta(); } // set cluster status again after user regions are assigned this.balancer.updateClusterMetrics(getClusterMetricsWithoutCoprocessor()); // Start balancer and meta catalog janitor after meta and regions have been assigned. startupTaskGroup.addTask("Starting balancer and catalog janitor"); this.clusterStatusChore = new ClusterStatusChore(this, balancer); getChoreService().scheduleChore(clusterStatusChore); this.balancerChore = new BalancerChore(this); if (!disableBalancerChoreForTest) { getChoreService().scheduleChore(balancerChore); } if (regionNormalizerManager != null) { getChoreService().scheduleChore(regionNormalizerManager.getRegionNormalizerChore()); } this.catalogJanitorChore = new CatalogJanitor(this); getChoreService().scheduleChore(catalogJanitorChore); this.hbckChore = new HbckChore(this); getChoreService().scheduleChore(hbckChore); this.serverManager.startChore(); // Only for rolling upgrade, where we need to migrate the data in namespace table to meta table. if (!waitForNamespaceOnline()) { return; } startupTaskGroup.addTask("Starting cluster schema service"); try { initClusterSchemaService(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { if ( e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchColumnFamilyException && tableFamilyDesc == null && replBarrierFamilyDesc == null ) {"ClusterSchema service could not be initialized. This is " + "expected during HBase 1 to 2 upgrade", e); } else { throw e; } } if (this.cpHost != null) { try { this.cpHost.preMasterInitialization(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Coprocessor preMasterInitialization() hook failed", e); } }"Master has completed initialization %.3fsec", (EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - masterActiveTime) / 1000.0f)); this.masterFinishedInitializationTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); configurationManager.registerObserver(this.balancer); configurationManager.registerObserver(this.logCleanerPool); configurationManager.registerObserver(this.logCleaner); configurationManager.registerObserver(this.regionsRecoveryConfigManager); configurationManager.registerObserver(this.exclusiveHFileCleanerPool); if (this.sharedHFileCleanerPool != null) { configurationManager.registerObserver(this.sharedHFileCleanerPool); } if (this.hfileCleaners != null) { for (HFileCleaner cleaner : hfileCleaners) { configurationManager.registerObserver(cleaner); } } // Set master as 'initialized'. setInitialized(true); startupTaskGroup.markComplete("Initialization successful"); MonitoredTask status = TaskMonitor.get().createStatus("Progress after master initialized", false, true); if (tableFamilyDesc == null && replBarrierFamilyDesc == null) { // create missing CFs in meta table after master is set to 'initialized'. createMissingCFsInMetaDuringUpgrade(metaDescriptor); // Throwing this Exception to abort active master is painful but this // seems the only way to add missing CFs in meta while upgrading from // HBase 1 to 2 (where HBase 2 has HBASE-23055 & HBASE-23782 checked-in). // So, why do we abort active master after adding missing CFs in meta? // When we reach here, we would have already bypassed NoSuchColumnFamilyException // in initClusterSchemaService(), meaning ClusterSchemaService is not // correctly initialized but we bypassed it. Similarly, we bypassed // tableStateManager.start() as well. Hence, we should better abort // current active master because our main task - adding missing CFs // in meta table is done (possible only after master state is set as // initialized) at the expense of bypassing few important tasks as part // of active master init routine. So now we abort active master so that // next active master init will not face any issues and all mandatory // services will be started during master init phase. throw new PleaseRestartMasterException("Aborting active master after missing" + " CFs are successfully added in meta. Subsequent active master " + "initialization should be uninterrupted"); } if (maintenanceMode) {"Detected repair mode, skipping final initialization steps."); return; } assignmentManager.checkIfShouldMoveSystemRegionAsync(); status.setStatus("Starting quota manager"); initQuotaManager(); if (QuotaUtil.isQuotaEnabled(conf)) { // Create the quota snapshot notifier spaceQuotaSnapshotNotifier = createQuotaSnapshotNotifier(); spaceQuotaSnapshotNotifier.initialize(getConnection()); this.quotaObserverChore = new QuotaObserverChore(this, getMasterMetrics()); // Start the chore to read the region FS space reports and act on them getChoreService().scheduleChore(quotaObserverChore); this.snapshotQuotaChore = new SnapshotQuotaObserverChore(this, getMasterMetrics()); // Start the chore to read snapshots and add their usage to table/NS quotas getChoreService().scheduleChore(snapshotQuotaChore); } final SlowLogMasterService slowLogMasterService = new SlowLogMasterService(conf, this); slowLogMasterService.init(); WALEventTrackerTableCreator.createIfNeededAndNotExists(conf, this); // Create REPLICATION.SINK_TRACKER table if needed. ReplicationSinkTrackerTableCreator.createIfNeededAndNotExists(conf, this); // clear the dead servers with same host name and port of online server because we are not // removing dead server with same hostname and port of rs which is trying to check in before // master initialization. See HBASE-5916. this.serverManager.clearDeadServersWithSameHostNameAndPortOfOnlineServer(); // Check and set the znode ACLs if needed in case we are overtaking a non-secure configuration status.setStatus("Checking ZNode ACLs"); zooKeeper.checkAndSetZNodeAcls(); status.setStatus("Initializing MOB Cleaner"); initMobCleaner(); // delete the stale data for replication sync up tool if necessary status.setStatus("Cleanup ReplicationSyncUp status if necessary"); Path replicationSyncUpInfoFile = new Path(new Path(dataRootDir, ReplicationSyncUp.INFO_DIR), ReplicationSyncUp.INFO_FILE); if (dataFs.exists(replicationSyncUpInfoFile)) { // info file is available, load the timestamp and use it to clean up stale data in replication // queue storage. byte[] data; try (FSDataInputStream in = { data = ByteStreams.toByteArray(in); } ReplicationSyncUpToolInfo info = null; try { info = JsonMapper.fromJson(Bytes.toString(data), ReplicationSyncUpToolInfo.class); } catch (JsonParseException e) { // usually this should be a partial file, which means the ReplicationSyncUp tool did not // finish properly, so not a problem. Here we do not clean up the status as we do not know // the reason why the tool did not finish properly, so let users clean the status up // manually LOG.warn("failed to parse replication sync up info file, ignore and continue...", e); } if (info != null) {"Remove last sequence ids and hfile references which are written before {}({})", info.getStartTimeMs(), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()) .format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(info.getStartTimeMs()))); replicationPeerManager.getQueueStorage() .removeLastSequenceIdsAndHFileRefsBefore(info.getStartTimeMs()); // delete the file after removing the stale data, so next time we do not need to do this // again. dataFs.delete(replicationSyncUpInfoFile, false); } } status.setStatus("Calling postStartMaster coprocessors"); if (this.cpHost != null) { // don't let cp initialization errors kill the master try { this.cpHost.postStartMaster(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Coprocessor postStartMaster() hook failed", ioe); } } zombieDetector.interrupt(); /* * After master has started up, lets do balancer post startup initialization. Since this runs in * activeMasterManager thread, it should be fine. */ long start = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); this.balancer.postMasterStartupInitialize(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Balancer post startup initialization complete, took " + ((EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - start) / 1000) + " seconds"); } this.rollingUpgradeChore = new RollingUpgradeChore(this); getChoreService().scheduleChore(rollingUpgradeChore); status.markComplete("Progress after master initialized complete"); }
/** * @return Whether this connection is in idle and will be released soon. */ public boolean isReleasing() { return getIdleStat() == State.RELEASING; }