Miura transformations for Todatype integrable systems with applications to the problem of integrable discretizations
We study lattice Miura transformations for the Toda and Volterra lattices relativistic Toda and Volterra lattices and their modifications In particular we give three successive modifications for the Toda lattice two for the Volterra lattice and for the relativistic Toda lattice and one for the relativistic Volterra lattice We discuss Poisson properties of the Miura transformations their permutability properties and their role as localizing changes of variables in the theory of integrable discretizations
solvint nlinSI
The solution of the Painleve equations as special functions of catastrophes defined by a rejection in these equations of terms with derivative
The relation between the Painleve equations and the algebraic equations with the catastrophe theory point of view are considered The asymptotic solutions with respect to the small parameter of the Painleve equations different types are discussed The qualitative analysis of the relation between algebraic and fast oscillating solutions is done for Painleve2 as an example
solvint nlinSI
Multiscale Analysis of Discrete Nonlinear Evolution Equations
The method of multiscale analysis is constructed for dicrete systems of evolution equations for which the problem is that of the far behavior of an input boundary datum Discrete slow space variables are introduced in a general setting and the related finite differences are constructed The method is applied to a series of representative examples the Toda lattice the nonlinear KleinGordon chain the Takeno system and a discrete version of the BenjaminBonaMahoney equation Among the resulting limit models we find a discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation with reversed spacetime a 3wave resonant interaction system and a discrete modified Volterra model
solvint nlinSI
On the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian structures of timedependent reductions of evolutionary PDEs
In this paper we study the reductions of evolutionary PDEs on the manifold of the stationary points of timedependent symmetries In particular we describe how the finite dimensional Hamiltonian structure of the reduced system is obtained from the Hamiltonian structure of the initial PDE and we construct the timedependent Hamiltonian function We also present a very general Lagrangian formulation of the procedure of reduction As an application we consider the case of the Painleve equations PI PII PIII PVI and also certain higher order systems appeared in the theory of Frobenius manifolds
solvint nlinSI
Asymptotic approach for the rigid condition of appearance of the oscillations in the solution of the Painleve2 equation
The asymptotic solution for the Painleve2 equation with small parameter is considered The solution has algebraic behavior before point t and fast oscillating behavior after the point t In the transition layer the behavior of the asymptotic solution is more complicated The leading term of the asymptotics satisfies the Painleve1 equation and some elliptic equation with constant coefficients where the solution of the Painleve1 equation has poles The uniform smooth asymptotics are constructed in the interval containing the critical point t
solvint nlinSI
Modified KP and Discrete KP
The discrete KP or 1Toda lattice hierarchy is the same as a properly defined modified KP hierarchy
solvint nlinSI
A critical Ising model on the Labyrinth
A zerofield Ising model with ferromagnetic coupling constants on the socalled Labyrinth tiling is investigated Alternatively this can be regarded as an Ising model on a square lattice with a quasiperiodic distribution of up to eight different coupling constants The duality transformation on this tiling is considered and the selfdual couplings are determined Furthermore we analyze the subclass of exactly solvable models in detail parametrizing the coupling constants in terms of four rapidity parameters For those the selfdual couplings correspond to the critical points which as expected belong to the Onsager universality class
solvint nlinSI
Lax Pair Formulation and Multisoliton Solution of the Integrable Vector Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
The integrable vector nonlinear Schrodinger vector NLS equation is investigated by using ZakharovShabat ZS scheme We get a Lax pair formulation of the vector NLS model Multisoliton solution of the equation is also derived by using inverse scattering method of ZS scheme We also find that there is an elastic and inelastic collision of the bright and dark multisolitons of the system
solvint adaporg hepth mathph mathDS mathMP nlinAO nlinPS nlinSI pattsol
Orthonormal Polynomials on the Unit Circle and Spatially Discrete Painleve II Equation
We consider the polynomials phinz kappan zn bn1 zn1 orthonormal with respect to the weight expsqrtlambda z 1z dz2 pi i z on the unit circle in the complex plane The leading coefficient kappan is found to satisfy a differencedifferential spatially discrete equation which is further proved to approach a third order differential equation by double scaling The third order differential equation is equivalent to the Painleve II equation The leading coefficient and second leading coefficient of phinz can be expressed asymptotically in terms of the Painleve II function
solvint nlinSI
Modular Invariants and Generalized Halphen Systems
Generalized Halphen systems are solved in terms of functions that uniformize genus zero Riemann surfaces with automorphism groups that are commensurable with the modular group Rational maps relating these functions imply subgroup relations between their automorphism groups and symmetrization relations between the associated differential systems
solvint hepth mathph mathDS mathGR mathMP mathNT nlinSI
PicardFuchs Equations Hauptmoduls and Integrable Systems
The Schwarzian equations satisfied by certain Hauptmoduls ie uniformizing functions for Riemann surfaces of genus zero are derived from the PicardFuchs equations for families of elliptic curves and associated surfaces The inhomogeneous PicardFuchs equations associated to elliptic integrals with varying endpoints are derived and used to determine solutions of equations that are algebraically related to a class of Painleve VI equations
solvint hepth mathph mathAG mathGR mathMP mathNT nlinSI
Soliton equations in 21 dimensions reductions bilinearizations and simplest solutions
Soliton equations in 21 and their 11 20 reductions are considered
solvint nlinSI
Baxters Qoperator for the homogeneous XXX spin chain
Applying the PasquierGaudin procedure we construct the Baxters Qoperator for the homogeneous XXX model as integral operator in standard representation of SL2 The connection between Qoperator and local Hamiltonians is discussed It is shown that operator of Lipatovs duality symmetry arises naturally as leading term of the asymptotic expansion of Qoperator for large values of spectral parameter
solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI
Discrete analogues of the Liouville equation
The notion of Laplace invariants is transferred to the lattices and discrete equations which are difference analogs of hyperbolic PDEs with two independent variables The sequence of Laplace invariants satisfy the discrete analog of twodimensional Toda lattice The terminating of this sequence by zeroes is proved to be the necessary condition for existence of the integrals of the equation under consideration The formulae are presented for the higher symmetries of the equations possessing integrals The general theory is illustrated by examples of difference analogs of Liouville equation
solvint nlinSI
Vertex Operator Solutions of 2d Dimensionally Reduced Gravity
We apply algebraic and vertex operator techniques to solve two dimensional reduced vacuum Einsteins equations This leads to explicit expressions for the coefficients of metrics solutions of the vacuum equations as ratios of determinants No quadratures are left These formulas rely on the identification of dual pairs of vertex operators corresponding to dual metrics related by the KramerNeugebauer symmetry
solvint grqc hepth nlinSI
Functional relations and nested Bethe ansatz for sl3 chiral Potts model at q21
We obtain the functional relations for the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix of the sl3 chiral Potts model for q21 For the homogeneous model in both directions a solution of these functional relations can be written in terms of roots of Bethe ansatzlike equations In addition a direct nested Bethe ansatz has also been developed for this case
solvint nlinSI
NambuPoisson reformulation of the finite dimensional dynamical systems
In this paper we introduce a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which in a particular case reduces to Volterras system We found in two simplest cases the complete sets of the integrals of motion using NambuPoisson reformulation of the Hamiltonian dynamics In these cases we have solved the systems by quadratures
solvint nlinSI
New Integrable Models from Fusion
Integrable multistate or multiflavorcolor models were recently introduced They are generalizations of models corresponding to the defining representations of the Uqslm quantum algebras Here I show that a similar generalization is possible for all higher dimensional representations The Rmatrices and the Hamiltonians of these models are constructed by fusion The sl2 case is treated in some detail and the spin0 and spin1 matrices are obtained in explicit forms This provides in particular a generalization of the FateevZamolodchikov Hamiltonian
solvint condmat mathph mathMP nlinSI
Finite genus solutions for the AblowitzLadik hierarchy
The question of constructing the finite genus quasiperiodic solutions for the AblowitzLadik hierarchy ALH is considered by establishing relations between the ALH and the Fays identity for the thetafunctions It is shown that using a limiting procedure one can derive from the latter an infinite number of differential identities which can be arranged as an infinite set of differentialdifference equations coinciding with the equations of the ALH and that the original Fays identity can be rewritten in a form similar to the functional equations representing the ALH which have been derived in the previous works of the author This provides an algorithm for obtaining some class of quasiperiodic solutions for the ALH which can be viewed as an alternative to the inverse scattering transform or the algebrogeometrical approach
solvint nlinSI
The Pfaff lattice and skeworthogonal polynomials
Consider a semiinfinite skewsymmetric moment matrix miy evolving according to the vector fields pl m pl tkLbk mm Lbtop k where Lb is the shift matrix Then the skewBorel decomposition miy Q1 J Qtop 1 leads to the socalled Pfaff Lattice which is integrable by virtue of the AKS theorem for a splitting involving the affine symplectic algebra The taufunctions for the system are shown to be pfaffians and the wave vectors skeworthogonal polynomials we give their explicit form in terms of moments This system plays an important role in symmetric and symplectic matrix models and in the theory of random matrices beta1 or 4
solvint nlinSI
Integrable mixed vertex models from braidmonoid algebra
We use the braidmonoid algebra to construct integrable mixed vertex models The transfer matrix of a mixed SUN model is diagonalized by nested Bethe ansatz approach
solvint nlinSI
Integrable vs Nonintegrable Geodesic Soliton Behavior
We study confined solutions of certain evolutionary partial differential equations pde in 11 spacetime The pde we study are LiePoisson Hamiltonian systems for quadratic Hamiltonians defined on the dual of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the real line These systems are also EulerPoincare equations for geodesic motion on the diffeomorphism group in the sense of the Arnold program for ideal fluids but where the kinetic energy metric is different from the L2 norm of the velocity These pde possess a finitedimensional invariant manifold of particlelike measurevalued solutions we call pulsons We solve the particle dynamics of the twopulson interaction analytically as a canonical Hamiltonian system for geodesic motion with two degrees of freedom and a conserved momentum The result of this twopulson interaction for rearend collisions is elastic scattering with a phase shift as occurs with solitons In contrast headon antisymmetric collisons of pulsons tend to form singularities
solvint nlinSI
Singularity Structure Analysis Integrability Solitons and Dromions in 21Dimensional Zakharov Equations
The 21dimensional integrable Zakharov equations and their reductions are considered
solvint nlinSI
Symmetric random matrices and the Pfaff lattice
Consider a symmetric finite matrix ensemble with a certain probability distribution What is the probability that the spectrum belongs to a certain interval or union of intervals on the real line In this paper we show that upon introducing an appropriate time parameter this probability is intimately related to Pfaffians which as a vector satisfy the socalled Pfaff lattice The latter is a particular reduction of the 2dToda lattice In particular they satisfy a KPlike equation but with a right hand side depending on nearest neighbors They also satisfy Virasoro constraints which combined with the KPlike equation lead to inductive equations for the probabilities
solvint nlinSI
Bethe ansatz for the threelayer Zamolodchikov model
This paper is a continuation of our previous work solvint9903001 We obtain two more functional relations for the eigenvalues of the transfer matrices for the sl3 chiral Potts model at q21 This model up to a modification of boundary conditions is equivalent to the threelayer threedimensional Zamolodchikov model From these relations we derive the Bethe ansatz equations
solvint nlinSI
Multipeakons and a theorem of Stieltjes
A closed form of the multipeakon solutions of the CamassaHolm equation is found using a theorem of Stieltjes on continued fractions An explicit formula is obtained for the scattering shifts
solvint nlinSI
On integrability test for ultradiscrete equations
We consider an integrability test for ultradiscrete equations based on the singularity confinement analysis for discrete equations We show how singularity pattern of the test is transformed into that of ultradiscrete equation The ultradiscrete solution pattern can be interpreted as a perturbed solution We can also check an integrability of a given equation by a perturbation growth of a solution namely Lyapunov exponent Therefore singularity confinement test and Lyapunov exponent are related each other in ultradiscrete equations and we propose an integrability test from this point of view
solvint nlinSI
Integrable semidiscretization of the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations
A system of semidiscrete coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations is studied To show the complete integrability of the model with multiple components we extend the discrete version of the inverse scattering method for the singlecomponent discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation proposed by Ablowitz and Ladik By means of the extension the initialvalue problem of the model is solved Further the integrals of motion and the soliton solutions are constructed within the framework of the extension of the inverse scattering method
solvint nlinSI
A generalization of determinant formulas for the solutions of Painleve II and XXXIV equations
A generalization of determinant formulas for the classical solutions of Painleve XXXIV and Painleve II equations are constructed using the technique of Darboux transformation and Hirotas bilinear formalism It is shown that the solutions admit determinant formulas even for the transcendental case
solvint nlinSI
On the Umemura Polynomials for the Painleve III equation
A determinant expression for the rational solutions of the Painleve III Prm III equation whose entries are the Laguerre polynomials is given Degeneration of this determinant expression to that for the rational solutions of Prm II is discussed by applying the coalescence procedure
solvint nlinSI
Canonicity of Baecklund transformation rmatrix approach I
For the Hamiltonian integrable systems governed by SL2invariant rmatrix such as Heisenberg magnet Toda lattice nonlinear Schroedinger equation a general procedure for constructing Baecklund transformation is proposed The corresponding BT is shown to preserve the Poisson bracket The proof is given by a direct calculation using the rmatrix expression for the Poisson bracket
solvint nlinSI
Canonicity of Baecklund transformation rmatrix approach II
This is the second part of the paper devoted to the general proof of canonicity of Baecklund transformation BT for a Hamiltonian integrable system governed by SL2invariant rmatrix Introducing an extended phase space from which the original one is obtained by imposing a 1st kind constraint we are able to prove the canonicity of BT in a new way The new proof allows to explain naturally the fact why the gauge transformation matrix M associated to the BT has the same structure as the Lax operator L The technique is illustrated on the example of the DST chain
solvint nlinSI
Pole Dynamics for Elliptic Solutions of the KortewegdeVries Equation
The real nonsingular elliptic solutions of the KortewegdeVries equation are studied through the time dynamics of their poles in the complex plane The dynamics of these poles is governed by a dynamical system with a constraint This constraint is shown to be solvable for any finite number of poles located in the fundamental domain of the elliptic function often in many different ways Special consideration is given to those elliptic solutions that have a real nonsingular soliton limit
solvint nlinSI
Discrete equations and the singular manifold method
The Painleve expansion for the second Painleve equation PII and fourth Painleve equation PIV have two branches The singular manifold method therefore requires two singular manifolds The double singular manifold method is used to derive Miura transformations from PII and PIV to modified Painleve type equations for which autoBacklund transformations are obtained These autoBacklund transformations can be used to obtain discrete equations
solvint nlinSI
Backlund transformations for manybody systems related to KdV
We present Backlund transformations BTs with parameter for certain classical integrable nbody systems namely the manybody generalised HenonHeiles Garnier and Neumann systems Our construction makes use of the fact that all these systems may be obtained as particular reductions stationary or restricted flows of the KdV hierarchy alternatively they may be considered as examples of the reduced sl2 Gaudin magnet The BTs provide exact timediscretizations of the original continuous systems preserving the Lax matrix and hence all integrals of motion and satisfy the spectrality property with respect to the Backlund parameter
solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI
Recurrent procedure for the determination of the Free Energy epsilon2expansion in the Topological String Theory
We present here the iteration procedure for the determination of free energy epsilon2expansion using the theory of KdV type equations In our approach we use the conservation laws for KdV type equations depending explicitly on times t1 t2 to find the epsilon2expansion of uxt1t2 after the infinite number of shifts of ux00 equiv x along t1 t2 in recurrent form The formulas for the free energy expansion are just obtained then as a result of quite simple integration procedure applied to unx
solvint hepth nlinSI
The tetrahedral analog of Veneziano amplitude
In solvint9812016 it was shown that the Veneziano amplitude in string theory comes naturally from one of the simplest solutions of the functional pentagon equation FPE More generally FPE is intimately connected with the duality condition for scattering processes Here I find the amplitude that comes the same way from a solution of the functional tetrahedron equation with the duality replaced by the local Yang Baxter equation
solvint nlinSI
Suppression and Enhancement of Soliton Switching During Interaction in Periodically Twisted Birefringent Fiber
Soliton interaction in periodically twisted birefringent optical fibers has been analysed analytically with refernce to soliton switching For this purpose we construct the exact general twosoliton solution of the associated coupled system and investigate its asymptotic behaviour Using the results of our analytical approach we point out that the interaction can be used as a switch to suppress or to enhance soliton switching dynamics if one injects multisoliton as an input pulse in the periodically twisted birefringent fiber
solvint nlinSI
Complex sineGordon Equation in Coherent Optical Pulse Propagation
It is shown that the McCallHahn theory of selfinduced transparency in coherent optical pulse propagation can be identified with the complex sineGordon theory in the sharp line limit We reformulate the theory in terms of the deformed gauged WessZuminoWitten sigma model and address various new aspects of selfinduced transparency
solvint nlinSI
Conservation Laws in HigherOrder Nonlinear Optical Effects
Conservation laws of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation are studied in the presence of higherorder nonlinear optical effects including the thirdorder dispersion and the selfsteepening In a context of group theory we derive a general expression for infinitely many conserved currents and charges of the coupled higherorder nonlinear Schrodinger equation The first few currents and charges are also presented explicitly Due to the higherorder effects conservation laws of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation are violated in general The differences between the types of the conserved currents for the Hirota and the SasaSatsuma equations imply that the higherorder terms determine the inherent types of conserved quantities for each integrable cases of the higherorder nonlinear Schrodinger equation
solvint nlinSI
Painleve analysis of the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation for polarized optical waves in an isotropic medium
Using the Painleve analysis we investigate the integrability properties of a system of two coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations that describe the propagation of orthogonally polarized optical waves in an isotropic medium Besides the wellknown integrable vector nonlinear Schrodinger equation we show that there exist a new set of equations passing the Painleve test where the self and cross phase modulational terms are of different magnitude We introduce the Hirota bilinearization and the Backlund transformation to obtain soliton solutions and prove integrability by making a change of variables The conditions on the thirdorder susceptibility tensor chi3 imposed by these new integrable equations are explained
solvint nlinSI
Kinetic and Transport Equations for Localized Excitations in SineGordon Model
We analyze the kinetic behavior of localized excitations solitons breathers and phonons in SineGordon model Collision integrals for all type of localized excitation collision processes are constructed and the kinetic equations are derived We analyze the kinetic behavior of localized excitations solitons breathers and phonons in SineGordon model Collision integrals for all type of localized excitation collision processes are constructed and the kinetic equations are derived We prove that the entropy production in the system of localized excitations takes place only in the case of inhomogeneous distribution of these excitations in real and phase spaces We derive transport equations for soliton and breather densities temperatures and mean velocities ie show that collisions of localized excitations lead to creation of diffusion thermoconductivity and intrinsic friction processes The diffusion coefficients for solitons and breathers describing the diffusion processes in real and phase spaces are calculated It is shown that diffusion processes in real space are much faster than the diffusion processes in phase space
solvint nlinSI
On the MXX equation
The 21dimensional integrable MXX equation is considered
solvint nlinSI
Differential equations and duality in massless integrable field theories at zero temperature
Functional relations play a key role in the study of integrable models We argue in this paper that for massless field theories at zero temperature these relations can in fact be interpreted as monodromy relations Combined with a recently discovered duality this gives a way to bypass the Bethe ansatz and compute directly physical quantities as solutions of a linear differential equation or as integrals over a hyperelliptic curve We illustrate these ideas in details in the case of the c1 theory and the associated boundary sineGordon model
solvint hepth nlinSI
Solitons in a 3d integrable model
Equations of motion for a classical 3d discrete model whose auxialiary system is a linear system are investigated The Lagrangian form of the equations of motion is derived The Lagrangian variables are a triplet of tau functions The equations of motion for the Triplet of Tau functions are Three Trilinear equations Simple solitons for the trilinear equations are given Both the dispersion relation and the phase shift reflect the triplet structure of equations
solvint nlinSI
Invariant Modules and the Reduction of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations to Dynamical Systems
We completely characterize all nonlinear partial differential equations leaving a given finitedimensional vector space of analytic functions invariant Existence of an invariant subspace leads to a re duction of the associated dynamical partial differential equations to a system of ordinary differential equations and provide a nonlinear counterpart to quasiexactly solvable quantum Hamiltonians These results rely on a useful extension of the classical Wronskian determinant condition for linear independence of functions In addition new approaches to the characterization o f the annihilating differential operators for spaces of analytic functions are presented
solvint nlinSI
Nonlinear waves differential resultant computer algebra and completely integrable dynamical systems
The hierarchy of integrable equations are considered The dynamical approach to the theory of nonlinear waves is proposed The special solutionsnonlinear waves of considered equations are derived We use powerful methods of computer algebra such differential resultant and others
solvint nlinSI
Kortewegde Vries hierarchy and related completely integrable systems I Algebrogeometrical approach
We consider complementary dynamical systems related to stationary Kortewegde Vries hierarchy of equations A general approach for finding elliptic solutions is given The solutions are expressed in terms of Novikov polynomials in general quaisperiodic case For periodic case these polynomials coincide with Hermite and Lame polynomials As byproduct we derive 2times 2 matrix Lax representation for RosochatiusWojciechiwski Rosochatius second flow of stationary nonlinear vectro Schrodinger equations and complex Neumann system
solvint nlinSI
QuasiPeriodic and Periodic Solutions for Systems of Coupled Nonlinear SCHROdinger Equations
We consider travelling periodic and quasiperiodic wave solutions of a set of coupled nonlinear Schrodimger equations In fibre optics these equations can be used to model single mode fibers with strong birefringence and twomode optical fibres Recently these equations appear as modes which describe pulsepulse interaction in wavelengthdivisionmultiplexed channels of optical fiber transmission systems Two phase quasiperiodic solutions for integrable Manakov system are given in tems of twodimensional Kleinian functions The reduction of quasiperiodic solutions to elliptic functions is dicussed New solutions in terms of generalized Hermite polynomilas which are associated with twogap TreibichVerdier potentials are found
solvint nlinSI
Soliton solutions Liouville integrability and gauge equivalence of Sasa Satsuma equation
Exact integrability of the Sasa Satsuma eqation SSE in the Liouville sense is established by showing the existence of an infinite set of conservation laws The explicit form of the conserved quantities in term of the fields are obtained by solving the Riccati equation for the associated 3x3 Lax operator The soliton solutions in particular one and two soliton solutions are constructed by the Hirotas bilinear method The one soliton solutions is also compared with that found through the inverse scattering method The gauge equivalence of the SSE with a generalized Landau Lifshitz equation is established with the explicit construction o
solvint nlinSI
Optical solitons in higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation
We show the complete integrability and the existence of optical solitons of higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation by inverse scattering method for a wide range of values of coefficients This is achieved first by invoking a novel connection between the integrability of a nonlinear evolution equation and the dimensions of a family of matrix Lax pairs It is shown that Lax pairs of different dimensions lead to the same evolution equation only with the coefficients of the terms in different integer ratios Optical solitons thus obtained by inverse scattering method have been found by solving an n dimensional eigenvalue problem
solvint nlinSI
Compactonlike Solutions for Modified KdV and other Nonlinear Equations
We present compactonlike solution of the modified KdV equation and compare its properties with those of the compactons and solitons We further show that the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a source term and other higher order KdVlike equations also possess compact solutions of the similar form
solvint nlinSI
Inverse scattering method and vector higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation
A generalised inverse scattering method has been developed for arbitrary n dimensional Lax equations Subsequently the method has been used to obtain N soliton solutions of a vector higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation proposed by us It has been shown that under suitable reduction vector higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation reduces to higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation The infinite number of conserved quantities have been obtained by solving a set of coupled Riccati equation A gauge equivalence is shown between the vector higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and the generalized Landau Lifshitz equation and the Lax pair for the latter equation has also been constructed in terms of the spin field establishing direct integrability of the spin system
solvint nlinSI
Integrability Tests for Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Discusses several integrability tests for nonlinear evolution equations
solvint nlinSI
Mappings preserving locations of movable poles a new extension of the truncation method to ordinary differential equations
The truncation method is a collective name for techniques that arise from truncating a Laurent series expansion with leading term of generic solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations PDEs Despite its utility in finding Backlund transformations and other remarkable properties of integrable PDEs it has not been generally extended to ordinary differential equations ODEs Here we give a new general method that provides such an extension and show how to apply it to the classical nonlinear ODEs called the Painleve equations Our main new idea is to consider mappings that preserve the locations of a natural subset of the movable poles admitted by the equation In this way we are able to recover all known fundamental Backlund transformations for the equations considered We are also able to derive Backlund transformations onto other ODEs in the Painleve classification
solvint nlinSI
MultiComponent Matrix KP Hierarchies as SymmetryEnhanced Scalar KP Hierarchies and Their DarbouxBacklund Solutions
We show that any multicomponent matrix KP hierarchy is equivalent to the standard onecomponent scalar KP hierarchy endowed with a special infinite set of abelian additional symmetries generated by squared eigenfunction potentials This allows to employ a special version of the familiar DarbouxBacklund transformation techniques within the ordinary scalar KP hierarchy in the Sato formulation for a systematic derivation of explicit multipleWronskian taufunction solutions of all multicomponent matrix KP hierarchies
solvint nlinSI
From AgmonKannai expansion to Kortewegde Vries hierarchy
We present a new method for computation of the Kortewegde Vries hierarchy via heat invariants of the 1dimensional Schrodinger operator As a result new explicit formulas for the KdV hierarchy are obtained Our method is based on an asymptotic expansion of resolvent kernels of elliptic operators due to SAgmon and YKannai
solvint mathph mathMP nlinSI
Bethe ansatz solution of the closed anisotropic supersymmetric U model with quantum supersymmetry
The nested algebraic Bethe ansatz is presented for the anisotropic supersymmetric U model maintaining quantum supersymmetry The Bethe ansatz equations of the model are obtained on a onedimensional closed lattice and an expression for the energy is given
solvint nlinSI
Solutions of Nonlinear Differential and Difference Equations with Superposition Formulas
Matrix Riccati equations and other nonlinear ordinary differential equations with superposition formulas are in the case of constant coefficients shown to have the same exact solutions as their group theoretical discretizations Explicit solutions of certain classes of scalar and matrix Riccati equations are presented as an illustration of the general results
solvint nlinSI
New integrable systems of derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations with multiple components
The Lax pair for a derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation proposed by ChenLeeLiu is generalized into matrix form This gives new types of integrable coupled derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations By virtue of a gauge transformation a new multicomponent extension of a derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation proposed by KaupNewell is also obtained
solvint nlinSI
The KP Hierarchy in Miwa Coordinates
A systematic reformulation of the KP hierarchy by using continuous Miwa variables is presented Basic quantities and relations are defined and determinantal expressions for Fays identities are obtained It is shown that in terms of these variables the KP hierarchy gives rise to a Darboux system describing an infinitedimensional conjugate net
solvint nlinSI
Coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with cubicquintic nonlinearity Integrability and soliton interaction in nonKerr media
We propose an integrable system of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with cubicquintic terms describing the effects of quintic nonlinearity on the ultrashort optical soliton pulse propagation in nonKerr media Lax pair conserved quantities and exact soliton solutions for the proposed integrable model are given Explicit form of twosolitons are used to study soliton interaction showing many intriguing features including inelastic shape changing scattering Another novel system of coupled equations with fifthdegree nonlinearity is derived which represents vector generalization of the known chiralsoliton bearing system
solvint nlinSI
The continuum limit of slNK integrable super spin chains
I discuss in this paper the continuum limit of integrable spin chains based on the superalgebras slNK The general conclusion is that with the full supersymmetry none of these models is relativistic When the supersymmetry is broken by the generator of the sub u1 Gross Neveu models of various types are obtained For instance in the case of slNK with a typical fermionic representation on every site the continuum limit is the GN model with N colors and K flavors In the case of slN1 and atypical representations of spin j a close cousin of the GN model with N colors j flavors and flavor anisotropy is obtained The Dynkin parameter associated with the fermionic root while providing solutions to the Yang Baxter equation with a continuous parameter thus does not give rise to any new physics in the field theory limit These features are generalized to the case where an impurity is embedded in the system
solvint condmat hepth nlinSI
Magnetization waves in LandauLifshitz Model
The solutions of the LandauLifshitz equation with finitegap behavior at infinity are considered By means of the inverse scattering method the largetime asymptotics is obtained
solvint nlinSI
Uqhatslnanalog of the XXZ chain with a boundary
We study Uqhatsln analog of the XXZ spin chain with a boundary magnetic field h We construct explicit bosonic formulas of the vacuum vector and the dual vacuum vector with a boundary magnetic field We derive integral formulas of the correlation functions
solvint hepth nlinSI
Nonexistence results for the KortewegdeVries and KadomtsevPetviashvili equations
We study characteristic Cauchy problems for the KortewegdeVries KdV equation utuuxuxxx and the KadomtsevPetviashvili KP equation uyybigluxxxuuxutbigrx with holomorphic initial data possessing nonnegative Taylor coefficients around the origin For the KdV equation with initial value u0xu0x we show that there is no solution holomorphic in any neighbourhood of tx00 in mathbb C2 unless u0xa0a1x This also furnishes a nonexistence result for a class of yindependent solutions of the KP equation We extend this to ydependent cases by considering initial values given at y0 utx0u0xt uytx0u1xt where the Taylor coefficients of u0 and u1 around t0 x0 are assumed nonnegative We prove that there is no holomorphic solution around the origin in mathbb C3 unless u0 and u1 are polynomials of degree 2 or lower
solvint nlinSI
On the explicit solutions of the elliptic Calogero system
Let q1q2qN be the coordinates of N particles on the circle interacting with the integrable potential sumjkNwpqjqk where wp is the Weierstrass elliptic function We show that every symmetric elliptic function in q1q2qN is a meromorphic function in time We give explicit formulae for these functions in terms of genus N1 theta functions
solvint nlinSI
A System with a Recursion Operator but One Higher Local Symmetry of the Form utuxxxftxuuxuxx
We construct a recursion operator for the system utvtu4v215 v4 for which only one local symmetry is known and we show that the action of the recursion operator on utvt is a local function
solvint nlinSI
On pulse broadening for optical solitons
Pulse broadening for optical solitons due to birefringence is investigated We present an analytical solution which describes the propagation of solitons in birefringent optical fibers The special solutions consist of a combination of purely solitonic terms propagating along the principal birefringence axes and solitonsoliton interaction terms The solitonic part of the solutions indicates that the decay of initially localized pulses could be due to different propagation velocities along the birefringence axes We show that the disintegration of solitonic pulses in birefringent optical fibers can be caused by two effects The first effect is similar as in linear birefringence and is related to the unequal propagation velocities of the modes along the birefringence axes The second effect is related to the nonlinear solitonsoliton interaction between the modes which makes the solitonic pulseshape blurred
solvint nlinSI
Multipeakons and the Classical Moment Problem
Classical results of Stieltjes are used to obtain explicit formulas for the peakonantipeakon solutions of the CamassaHolm equation The closed form solution is expressed in terms of the orthogonal polynomials of the related classical moment problem It is shown that collisions occur only in peakonantipeakon pairs and the details of the collisions are analyzed using results from the moment problem A sharp result on the steepening of the slope at the time of collision is given Asymptotic formulas are given and the scattering shifts are calculated explicitly
solvint nlinSI
Soliton Collisions in the Ion Acoustic Plasma Equations
Numerical experiments involving the interaction of two solitary waves of the ion acoustic plasma equations are described An exact 2soliton solution of the relevant KdV equation was fitted to the initial data and good agreement was maintained throughout the entire interaction The data demonstrates that the soliton interactions are virtually elastic
solvint nlinSI
Reflection KMatrices for 19Vertex Models
We derive and classify all regular solutions of the boundary YangBaxter equation for 19vertex models known as ZamolodchikovFateev or A11 model IzerginKorepin or A22 model sl21 model and osp21 model We find that there is a general solution for A11 and sl21 models In both models it is a complete Kmatrix with three free parameters For the A22 and osp21 models we find three general solutions being two complete reflection Kmatrices solutions and one incomplete reflection Kmatrix solution with some null entries In both models these solutions have two free parameters Integrable spin1 Hamiltonians with general boundary interactions are also presented Several reduced solutions from these general solutions are presented in the appendices
solvint condmatstatmech hepth nlinSI
On the bilinear equations for Fredholm determinants appearing in random matrices
It is shown how the bilinear differential equations satisfied by Fredholm determinants of integral operators appearing as spectral distribution functions for random matrices may be deduced from the associated systems of nonautonomous Hamiltonian equations satisfied by auxiliary canonical phase space variables introduced by Tracy and Widom The essential step is to recast the latter as isomonodromic deformation equations for families of rational covariant derivative operators on the Riemann sphere and interpret the Fredholm determinants as isomonodromic taufunctions
solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI
Families of quaibiHamiltonian systems and separability
It is shown how to construct an infinite number of families of quasibiHamiltonian QBH systems by means of the constrained flows of soliton equations Three explicit QBH structures are presented for the first three families of the constrained flows The Nijenhuis coordinates defined by the Nijenhuis tensor for the corresponding families of QBH systems are proved to be exactly the same as the separated variables introduced by means of the Lax matrices for the constrained flows
solvint nlinSI
On the discrete and continuous Miura Chain associated with the Sixth Painleve Equation
A Miura chain is a closed sequence of differential or difference equations that are related by Miura or Backlund transformations We describe such a chain for the sixth Painleve equation pvi containing apart from pvi itself a Schwarzian version as well as a secondorder seconddegree ordinary differential equation ODE As a byproduct we derive an autoBacklund transformation relating two copies of pvi with different parameters We also establish the analogous ordinary difference equations in the discrete counterpart of the chain Such difference equations govern iterations of solutions of pvi under Backlund transformations Both discrete and continuous equations constitute a larger system which include partial difference equations differentialdifference equations and partial differential equations all associated with the lattice Kortewegde Vries equation subject to similarity constraints
solvint nlinSI
On exact solution of a classical 3D integrable model
We investigate some classical evolution model in the discrete 21 spacetime A map giving an onestep time evolution may be derived as the compatibility condition for some systems of linear equations for a set of auxiliary linear variables Dynamical variables for the evolution model are the coefficients of these systems of linear equations Determinant of any system of linear equations is a polynomial of two numerical quasimomenta of the auxiliary linear variables For one this determinant is the generating functions of all integrals of motion for the evolution and on the other hand it defines a high genus algebraic curve The dependence of the dynamical variables on the spacetime point exact solution may be expressed in terms of theta functions on the jacobian of this curve This is the main result of our paper
solvint nlinSI
Paraconformal Structures and Integrable Systems
We consider some natural connections which arise between rightflat p q paraconformal structures and integrable systems We find that such systems may be formulated in Lax form with a Lax ptuple of linear differential operators depending a spectral parameter which lives in q1dimensional complex projective space Generally the differential operators contain partial derivatives with respect to the spectral parameter
solvint hepth nlinSI
Reduction of bihamiltonian systems and separation of variables an example from the Boussinesq hierarchy
We discuss the Boussinesq system with t5 stationary within a general framework for the analysis of stationary flows of nGelfandDickey hierarchies We show how a careful use of its bihamiltonian structure can be used to provide a set of separation coordinates for the corresponding HamiltonJacobi equations
solvint nlinSI
rmatrices for relativistic deformations of integrable systems
We include the relativistic lattice KP hierarchy introduced by Gibbons and Kupershmidt into the rmatrix framework An rmatrix account of the nonrelativistic lattice KP hierarchy is also provided for the readers convenience All relativistic constructions are regular oneparameter perturbations of the nonrelativistic ones We derive in a simple way the linear Hamiltonian structure of the relativistic lattice KP and find for the first time its quadratic Hamiltonian structure Amasingly the latter turns out to coincide with its nonrelativistic counterpart a phenomenon known previously only for the simplest case of the relativistic Toda lattice
solvint nlinSI
padic DifferenceDifference LotkaVolterra Equation and UltraDiscrete Limit
In this article we have studied the differencedifference LotkaVolterra equations in padic number space and its padic valuation version We pointed out that the structure of the space given by taking the ultradiscrete limit is the same as that of the padic valuation space
solvint nlinSI
Integrability of the higherorder nonlinear Schroedinger equation revisited
Only the known integrable cases of the KodamaHasegawa higherorder nonlinear Schroedinger equation pass the Painleve test Recent results of Ghosh and Nandy add no new integrable cases of this equation
solvint mathph mathAP mathMP nlinSI physicsoptics
Factorization dynamics and CoxeterToda lattices
It is shown that the factorization relation on simple Lie groups with standard Poisson Lie structure restricted to Coxeter symplectic leaves gives an integrable dynamical system This system can be regarded as a discretization of the Toda flow In case of SLn the integrals of the factorization dynamics are integrals of the relativistic Toda system A substantial part of the paper is devoted to the study of symplectic leaves in simple complex Lie groups its Borel subgroups and their doubles
solvint mathQA nlinSI
Classical skew orthogonal polynomials and random matrices
Skew orthogonal polynomials arise in the calculation of the npoint distribution function for the eigenvalues of ensembles of random matrices with orthogonal or symplectic symmetry In particular the distribution functions are completely determined by a certain sum involving the skew orthogonal polynomials In the cases that the eigenvalue probability density function involves a classical weight function explicit formulas for the skew orthogonal polynomials are given in terms of related orthogonal polynomials and the structure is used to give a closed form expression for the sum This theory treates all classical cases on an equal footing giving formulas applicable at once to the Hermite Laguerre and Jacobi cases
solvint nlinSI
On the equivalence of the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation and the discrete isotropic Heisenberg magnet
The equivalence of the discrete isotropic Heisenberg magnet IHM model and the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation NLSE given by Ablowitz and Ladik is shown This is used to derive the equivalence of their discretization with the one by Izergin and Korepin Moreover a doubly discrete IHM is presented that is equivalent to Ablowitz and Ladiks doubly discrete NLSE
solvint nlinSI
A New Class of Optical Solitons
Existence of a new class of soliton solutions is shown for higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing thrid order dispersion Kerr effect and stimulated Raman scattering These new solutions have been obtaiened by invoking a group of nonlinear transformations acting on localised stable solutions Stability of these solutions has been studied for different values of the arbitrary coefficients involved in the recursion relation and consequently different values of coefficient lead to different transmission rates for almost same input power Another series solution containing even powers of localised stable solution is shown to exist for higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation
solvint nlinSI
N2 local and N4 nonlocal reductions of supersymmetric KP hierarchy in N2 superspace
A N4 supersymmetric matrix KP hierarchy is proposed and a wide class of its reductions which are characterized by a finite number of fields are described This class includes the onedimensional reduction of the twodimensional N22 superconformal Toda lattice hierarchy possessing the N4 supersymmetry the N4 Toda chain hierarchy which may be relevant in the construction of supersymmetric matrix models The Lax pair representations of the bosonic and fermionic flows corresponding local and nonlocal Hamiltonians finite and infinite discrete symmetries the first two Hamiltonian structures and the recursion operator connecting all evolution equations and the Hamiltonian structures of the N4 Toda chain hierarchy are constructed in explicit form Its secondary reduction to the N2 supersymmetric alpha2 KdV hierarchy is discussed
solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI
On A Recently Proposed Relation Between oHS and Ito Systems
The biHamiltonian structure of original HirotaSatsuma system proposed by Roy based on a modification of the biHamiltonian structure of Ito system is incorrect
solvint nlinSI
Integrable supersymmetric correlated electron chain with open boundaries
We construct an extended Hubbard model with open boundaries from a Rmatrix based on the UqOsp22 superalgebra We study the reflection equation and find two classes of diagonal solutions The corresponding onedimensional open Hamiltonians are diagonalized by means of the Bethe ansatz approach
solvint nlinSI
New Integrable Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
Two types of integrable coupled nonlinear Schrodinger NLS equations are derived by using ZakharovShabat ZS dressing methodThe Lax pairs for the coupled NLS equations are also investigated using the ZS dressing method These give new types of the integrable coupled NLS equations with certain additional terms Then the exact solutions of the new types are obtained We find that the solution of these new types do not always produce a soliton solution even they are the kind of the integrable NLS equations
solvint nlinSI
Interrelationships between orthogonal unitary and symplectic matrix ensembles
We consider the following problem When do alternate eigenvalues taken from a matrix ensemble themselves form a matrix ensemble More precisely we classify all weight functions for which alternate eigenvalues from the corresponding orthogonal ensemble form a symplectic ensemble and similarly classify those weights for which alternate eigenvalues from a union of two orthogonal ensembles forms a unitary ensemble Also considered are the kpoint distributions for the decimated orthogonal ensembles
solvint nlinSI
Integrable Systems in the Infinite Genus Limit
We provide an elementary approach to integrable systems associated with hyperelliptic curves of infinite genus In particular we explore the extent to which the classical BurchnallChaundy theory generalizes in the infinite genus limit and systematically study the effect of Darboux transformations for the KdV hierarchy on such infinite genus curves Our approach applies to complexvalued periodic solutions of the KdV hierarchy and naturally identifies the Riemann surface familiar from standard Floquet theoretic considerations with a limit of BurchnallChaundy curves
solvint nlinSI
A construction for Rmatrices without difference property in the spectral parameter
A new construction is given for obtaining Rmatrices which solve the McGuireYangBaxter equation in such a way that the spectral parameters do not possess the difference property A discussion of the derivation of the supersymmetric U model is given in this context such that applied chemical potential and magnetic field terms can be coupled arbitrarily As a limiting case the Bariev model is obtained
solvint nlinSI
Spectral decomposition for the Dirac system associated to the DSII equation
A new scalar spectral decomposition is found for the Dirac system in two dimensions associated to the focusing DaveyStewartson II DSII equation Discrete spectrum in the spectral problem corresponds to eigenvalues embedded into a twodimensional essential spectrum We show that these embedded eigenvalues are structurally unstable under small variations of the initial data This instability leads to the decay of localized initial data into continuous wave packets prescribed by the nonlinear dynamics of the DSII equation
solvint nlinSI
The symmetric Dinvariant and Egorov reductions of the quadrilateral lattice
We present a detailed study of the geometric and algebraic properties of the multidimensional quadrilateral lattice a lattice whose elementary quadrilaterals are planar the discrete analogue of a conjugate net and of its basic reductions To make this study we introduce the notions of forward and backward data which allow us to give a geometric meaning to the taufunction of the lattice defined as the potential connecting these data Together with the known circular lattice a lattice whose elementary quadrilaterals can be inscribed in circles the discrete analogue of an orthogonal conjugate net we introduce and study two other basic reductions of the quadrilateral lattice the symmetric lattice for which the forward and backward data coincide and the Dinvariant lattice characterized by the invariance of a certain natural frame along the main diagonal We finally discuss the Egorov lattice which is at the same time symmetric circular and Dinvariant The integrability properties of all these lattices are established using geometric algebraic and analytic means in particular we present a Dbar formalism to construct large classes of such lattices We also discuss quadrilateral hyperplane lattices and the interplay between quadrilateral point and hyperplane lattices in all the above reductions
solvint nlinSI
Lattice geometry of the Hirota equation
Geometric interpretation of the Hirota equation is presented as equation describing the Laplace sequence of twodimensional quadrilateral lattices Different forms of the equation are given together with their geometric interpretation i the discrete coupled Volterra system for the coefficients of the Laplace equation ii the gauge invariant form of the Hirota equation for projective invariants of the Laplace sequence iii the discrete Toda system for the rotation coefficients iv the original form of the Hirota equation for the taufunction of the quadrilateral lattice
solvint nlinSI
Integrable Discrete Geometry the Quadrilateral Lattice its Transformations and Reductions
We review recent results on Integrable Discrete Geometry It turns out that most of the known continuous andor discrete integrable systems are particular symmetries of the quadrilateral lattice a multidimensional lattice characterized by the planarity of its elementary quadrilaterals Therefore the linear property of planarity seems to be a basic geometric property underlying integrability We present the geometric meaning of its taufunction as the potential connecting its forward and backward data We present the theory of transformations of the quadrilateral lattice which is based on the discrete analogue of the theory of rectilinear congruences In particular we discuss the discrete analogues of the Laplace Combescure Levy radial and fundamental transformations and their interrelations We also show how the sequence of Laplace transformations of a quadrilateral surface is described by the discrete Toda system We finally show that these classical transformations are strictly related to the basic operators associated with the quantum field theoretical formulation of the multicomponent KadomtsevPetviashvilii hierarchy We review the properties of quadrilateral hyperplane lattices which play an interesting role in the reduction theory when the introduction of additional geometric structures allows to establish a connection between point and hyperplane lattices We present and fully characterize some geometrically distinguished reductions of the quadrilateral lattice like the symmetric circular and Egorov lattices we review also basic geometric results of the theory of quadrilateral lattices in quadrics and the corresponding analogue of the Ribaucour reduction of the fundamental transformation
solvint heplat nlinSI
Discrete Dubrovin Equations and Separation of Variables for Discrete Systems
A universal system of difference equations associated with a hyperelliptic curve is derived constituting the discrete analogue of the Dubrovin equations arising in the theory of finitegap integration The parametrisation of the solutions in terms of Abelian functions of Kleinian type ie the highergenus analogues of the Weierstrass elliptic functions is discussed as well as the connections with the method of separation of variables
solvint nlinSI
Symmetric Linear Backlund Transformation for Discrete BKP and DKP equation
Proper lattices for the discrete BKP and the discrete DKP equaitons are determined Linear Backlund transformation equations for the discrete BKP and the DKP equations are constructed which possesses the lattice symmetries and generate autoBacklund transformations
solvint nlinSI
A Spectral Mapping Theorem and Invariant Manifolds for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
A spectral mapping theorem is proved that resolves a key problem in applying invariant manifold theorems to nonlinear Schr odinger type equations The theorem is applied to the operator that arises as the linearization of the equation around a standing wave solution We cast the problem in the context of spacedependent nonlinearities that arise in optical waveguide problems The result is however more generally applicable including to equations in higher dimensions and even systems The consequence is that stable unstable and center manifolds exist in the neighborhood of a stable or unstable standing wave such as a waveguide mode under simple and commonly verifiable spectral conditions
solvint nlinSI
MultiField Integrable Systems Related to WKIType Eigenvalue Problems
Higher flows of the Heisenberg ferromagnet equation and the WadatiKonnoIchikawa equation are generalized into multicomponent systems on the basis of the Lax formulation It is shown that there is a correspondence between the multicomponent systems through a gauge transformation An integrable semidiscretization of the multicomponent higher Heisenberg ferromagnet system is obtained
solvint nlinSI