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Miura Map between Lattice KP and its Modification is Canonical | We consider the Miura map between the lattice KP hierarchy and the lattice
modified KP hierarchy and prove that the map is canonical not only between the
first Hamiltonian structures but also between the second Hamiltonian
| solvint nlinSI |
Soliton Cellular Automata Associated With Crystal Bases | We introduce a class of cellular automata associated with crystals of
irreducible finite dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras
Uqhatgehn They have solitons labeled by crystals of the smaller
algebra Uqhatgehn1 We prove stable propagation of one soliton for
hatgehn A22n1 A22n B1n C1n D1n
and D2n1 For ghn C1n we also prove that the scattering
matrices of two solitons coincide with the combinatorial R matrices of
| solvint mathQA nlinSI |
Supersymmetric KP hierarchy in N1 superspace and its N2 reductions | A wide class of N2 reductions of the supersymmetric KP hierarchy in N1
superspace is described This class includes a new N2 supersymmetric
generalization of the Toda chain hierarchy The Lax pair representations of the
bosonic and fermionic flows local and nonlocal Hamiltonians finite and
infinite discrete symmetries first two Hamiltonian structures and the
recursion operator of this hierarchy are constructed Its secondary reduction
to new N2 supersymmetric modified KdV hierarchy is discussed
| solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI |
Nonadditive fusion Hubbard models and nonlocality | In the framework of quantum groups and additive Rmatrices the fusion
procedure allows to construct higherdimensional solutions of the YangBaxter
equation These solutions lead to integrable onedimensional spinchain
Hamiltonians Here fusion is shown to generalize naturally to nonadditive
Rmatrices which therefore do not have a quantum group symmetry This method
is then applied to the generalized Hubbard models Although the resulting
integrable models are not as simple as the starting ones the general structure
is that of two spins times s sl2 models coupled at the freefermion
point An important issue is the probable lack of regular points which give
local Hamiltonians This problem is related to the existence of second order
zeroes in the unitarity equation and arises for the XX models of higher spins
the building blocks of the Hubbard models A possible connection between some
Lax operators L and Rmatrices is noted
| solvint condmat mathph mathMP nlinSI |
Quantum Backlund transformation for the integrable DST model | For the integrable case of the discrete selftrapping DST model we
construct a Backlund transformation The dual Lax matrix and the corresponding
dual Backlund transformation are also found and studied The quantum analog of
the Backlund transformation Qoperator is constructed as the trace of a
monodromy matrix with an infinitedimensional auxiliary space We present the
Qoperator as an explicit integral operator as well as describe its action on
the monomial basis As a result we obtain a family of integral equations for
multivariable polynomial eigenfunctions of the quantum integrable DST model
These eigenfunctions are special functions of the Heun class which is beyond
the hypergeometric class The found integral equations are new and they shall
provide a basis for efficient analytical and numerical studies of such
complicated functions
| solvint hepth mathCA mathQA nlinSI |
Classical Solutions Generating Tree FormFactors in YangMills
SinhGordon and Gravity | Classical solutions generating tree formfactors are defined and constructed
in various models
| solvint mathph mathMP nlinSI |
Integrable ODEs on Associative Algebras | In this paper we give definitions of basic concepts such as symmetries first
integrals Hamiltonian and recursion operators suitable for ordinary
differential equations on associative algebras and in particular for matrix
differential equations We choose existence of hierarchies of first integrals
andor symmetries as a criterion for integrability and justify it by examples
Using our componentless approach we have solved a number of classification
problems for integrable equations on free associative algebras Also in the
simplest case we have listed all possible Hamiltonian operators of low order
| solvint nlinSI |
A Coupled AKNSKaupNewell Soliton Hierarchy | A coupled AKNSKaupNewell hierarchy of systems of soliton equations is
proposed in terms of hereditary symmetry operators resulted from Hamiltonian
pairs Zero curvature representations and triHamiltonian structures are
established for all coupled AKNSKaupNewell systems in the hierarchy
Therefore all systems have infinitely many commuting symmetries and
conservation laws Two reductions of the systems lead to the AKNS hierarchy and
the KaupNewell hierarchy and thus those two soliton hierarchies also possess
triHamiltonian structures
| solvint nlinSI |
Complete integrability of derivative nonlinear Schrodingertype
equations | We study matrix generalizations of derivative nonlinear Schrodingertype
equations which were shown by Olver and Sokolov to possess a higher symmetry
We prove that two of them are Cintegrable and the rest of them are
Sintegrable in Calogeros terminology
| solvint nlinSI |
Determinant Formulas for the Toda and Discrete Toda Equations | Determinant formulas for the general solutions of the Toda and discrete Toda
equations are presented Application to the tau functions for the Painleve
equations is also discussed
| solvint nlinSI |
Towards the Lax formulation of SU2 principal models with nonconstant
metric | The equations that define the Lax pairs for generalized principal chiral
models can be solved for any constant nondegenerate bilinear form on SU2
Necessary conditions for the nonconstant metric on SU2 that define the
integrable models are given
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Type II vertex operators for the An11 face model | Presented is a free boson representation of the type II vertex operators for
the An11 face model Using the bosonization we derive some
properties of the type II vertex operators such as commutation inversion and
duality relations
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Nonsymmetry constraints of the AKNS system yielding integrable
Hamiltonian systems | This paper aims to show that there exist nonsymmetry constraints which yield
integrable Hamiltonian systems through nonlinearization of spectral problems of
soliton systems like symmetry constraints Taking the AKNS spectral problem as
an illustrative example a class of such nonsymmetry constraints is introduced
for the AKNS system along with twodimensional integrable Hamiltonian systems
generated from the AKNS spectral problem
| solvint nlinSI |
Discrete Za and Painleve equations | A discrete analogue of the holomorphic map za is studied It is given by a
Schramms circle pattern with the combinatorics of the square grid It is shown
that the corresponding immersed circle patterns lead to special separatrix
solutions of a discrete Painleve equation Global properties of these
solutions as well as of the discrete za are established
| solvint mathCV nlinSI |
On Construction of Recursion Operators From Lax Representation | In this work we develop a general procedure for constructing the recursion
operators fro nonlinear integrable equations admitting Lax representation
Svereal new examples are given In particular we find the recursion operators
for some KdVtype of integrable equations
| solvint nlinSI |
On integrable deformations of the spherical top | The motion on the sphere S2 with the potential V x1x2x323 is
considered The Lax representation and the linearisation procedure for this
twodimensional integrable system are discussed
| solvint nlinSI |
New integrable stringlike fields in 11 dimensions | The symmetry classification method is applied to the stringlike scalar
fields in twodimensional spacetime When the configurational space is
threedimensional and reducible we present the complete list of the systems
admiting higher polynomial symmetries of the 3rd 4th and 5thorder
| solvint nlinSI |
Canonical transformations of the extended phase space Toda lattices and
Stackel family of integrable systems | We consider compositions of the transformations of the time variable and
canonical transformations of the other coordinates which map completely
integrable system into other completely integrable system Change of the time
gives rise to transformations of the integrals of motion and the Lax pairs
transformations of the corresponding spectral curves and Rmatrices As an
example we consider canonical transformations of the extended phase space for
the Toda lattices and the Stackel systems
| solvint nlinSI |
CPT Symmetries and the Backlund Transformations | We show that the autoBacklund transformations of the sineGordon
KortewegdeVries nonlinear Schrodinger and Ernst equations are related to
their respective CPT symmetries This is shown by applying the CPT symmetries
of these equations to the Riccati equations of the corresponding
pseudopotential functions where the fields are allowed to transform into new
solutions while the pseudopotential functions and the Backlund parameter are
held fixed
| solvint nlinSI |
Lie point symmetries of integrable evolution equations and invariant
solutions | An integrable hierarchies connected with linear stationary Schrodinger
equation with energy dependent potentials in general case are considered
Galileilike and scaling invariance transformations are constructed A symmetry
method is applied to construct invariant solutions
| solvint nlinSI |
The motion of a rigid body in a quadratic potential an integrable
discretization | The motion of a rigid body in a quadratic potential is an important example
of an integrable Hamiltonian system on a dual to a semidirect product Lie
algebra son x Symmn We give a Lagrangian derivation of the corresponding
equations of motion and introduce a discrete time analog of this system The
construction is based on the discrete time Lagrangian mechanics on Lie groups
accompanied with the discrete time Lagrangian reduction The resulting
multivalued map correspondence on the dual to son x Symmn is Poisson
with respect to the LiePoisson bracket and is also completely integrable We
find a Lax representation based on matrix factorisations in the spirit of
| solvint nlinSI |
Pfaff taufunctions | Consider the evolution fracpl miypl tnLbn miy fracpl
miypl snmiyLbtopn on bi or semiinfinite matrices
miymiyts with skewsymmetric initial data miy00 Then
miytt is skewsymmetric and so the determinants of the successive
upperleft corners vanish or are squares of Pfaffians In this paper we
investigate the rich nature of these Pfaffians as functions of t This problem
is motivated by questions concerning the spectrum of symmetric and symplectic
random matrix ensembles
| solvint adaporg hepth nlinAO nlinSI |
The Complex Bateman Equation | The general solution to the Complex Bateman equation is constructed It is
given in implicit form in terms of a functional relationship for the unknown
function The known solution of the usual Bateman equation is recovered as a
special case
| solvint nlinSI |
The General Solution of the Complex MongeAmpere Equation in two
dimensional space | The general solution to the Complex MongeAmpere equation in a two
dimensional space is constructed
| solvint nlinSI |
The Complex Bateman Equation in a space of arbitrary dimension | A general solution to the Complex Bateman equation in a space of arbitrary
dimensions is constructed
| solvint nlinSI |
The General Solution of the Complex MongeAmpere Equation in a space
of arbitrary dimension | A general solution to the Complex MongeAmpere equation in a space of
arbitrary dimensions is constructed
| solvint nlinSI |
Discrete asymptotic nets and Wcongruences in Plucker line geometry | The asymptotic lattices and their transformations are studied within the line
geometry approach It is shown that the discrete asymptotic nets are
represented by isotropic congruences in the Plucker quadric On the basis of
the Lelieuvretype representation of asymptotic lattices and of the discrete
analog of the Moutard transformation it is constructed the discrete analog of
the Wcongruences which provide the DarbouxBacklund type transformation of
asymptotic latticesThe permutability theorems for the discrete Moutard
transformation and for the corresponding transformation of asymptotic lattices
are established as well Moreover it is proven that the discrete Wcongruences
are represented by quadrilateral lattices in the quadric of Plucker These
results generalize to a discrete level the classical linegeometric approach to
asymptotic nets and Wcongruences and incorporate the theory of asymptotic
lattices into more general theory of quadrilateral lattices and their
| solvint mathDG nlinSI |
Darboux Transformation for Supersymmetric KP Hierarchies | We construct Darboux transformations for the supersymmetric KP hierarchies
of ManinRadul and Jacobian types We also consider the binary Darboux
transformation for the hierarchies The iterations of both type of Darboux
transformations are briefly discussed
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Darboux transformations for a Bogoyavlenskii equation in 21 dimensions | We use the singular manifold method to obtain the Lax pair Darboux
transformations and soliton solutions for a 21 dimensional integrable
| solvint nlinSI |
Surfaces of Constant negative Scalar Curvature and the Correpondence
between the Liouvulle and the sineGordon Equations | By studying the it internal Riemannian geometry of the surfaces of
constant negative scalar curvature we obtain a natural map between the
Liouville and the sineGordon equations First considering isometric
immersions into the Lobachevskian plane we obtain an uniform expression for
the general locally defined solution of both the equations Second we prove
that there is a LieBacklund transformation interpolating between Liouville
and sineGordon Third we use isometric immersions into the Lobachevskian
plane to describe sineGordon Nsolitons explicitly
| solvint nlinSI |
The Structure of the BazhanovBaxter Model and a New Solution of the
Tetrahedron Equation | We clarify the structure of the BazhanovBaxter model of the 3dim Nstate
integrable model There are two essential points i the cubic symmetries and
ii the spherical trigonometry parametrization to understand the structure of
this model We propose two approaches to find a candidate as a solution of the
tetrahedron equation and we find a new solution
| solvint nlinSI |
The complex Toda chains and the simple Lie algebras solutions and
large time asymptotics II | We propose a compact and explicit expression for the solutions of the complex
Toda chains related to the classical series of simple Lie algebras g The
solutions are parametrized by a minimal set of scattering data for the
corresponding Lax matrix They are expressed as sums over the weight systems of
the fundamental representations of g and are explicitly covariant under the
corresponding Weyl group action In deriving these results we start from the
Moser formula for the Ar series and obtain the results for the other classical
series of Lie algebras by imposing appropriate involutions on the scattering
data Thus we also show how Mosers solution goes into the one of Olshanetsky
and Perelomov The results for the largetime asymptotics of the Ar CTC
solutions are extended to the other classical series Br Dr We exhibit also
some irregular solutions for the D2n1 algebras whose asymptotic regimes
at t pminfty are qualitatively different Interesting examples of bounded
and periodic solutions are presented and the relations between the solutions
for the algebras D4 B3 and G2 are analyzed
| solvint nlinSI |
Selfsimilar solutions of NLStype dynamical systems | We study selfsimilar solutions of NLStype dynamical systems Lagrangian
approach is used to show that they can be reduced to three canonical forms
which are related by Miura transformations The fourth Painleve equation PIV
is central in our consideration it connects Heisenberg model Volterra model
and Toda model to each other The connection between the rational solutions of
PIV and Coulomb gas in a parabolic potential is established We discuss also
the possibility to obtain an exact solution for optical soliton ie of the NLS
equation with timedependent dispersion
| solvint nlinSI |
Selfsimilarity in Spectral Problems and qspecial Functions | Similarity symmetries of the factorization chains for onedimensional
differential and finitedifference Schrodinger equations are discussed
Properties of the potentials defined by selfsimilar reductions of these chains
are reviewed In particular their algebraic structure relations to
qspecial functions infinite soliton systems supersymmetry coherent
states orthogonal polynomials onedimensional Ising chains and random
matrices are outlined
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Orthogonal and symplectic matrix integrals and coupled KP hierarchy | Orthogonal and symplectic matrix integrals are investigated It is shown that
the matrix integrals can be considered as a taufunction of the coupled KP
hierarchy whose solution can be expressed in terms of pfaffians
| solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI |
Dressing method and the coupled KP hierarchy | The coupled KP hierarchy introduced by Hirota and Ohta are investigated by
using the dressing method It is shown that the coupled KP hierarchy can be
reformulated as a reduced case of the 2component KP hierarchy
| solvint mathph mathMP nlinSI |
QuasiLagrangian Systems of Newton Equations | Systems of Newton equations of the form ddotq12A1qnabla k
with an integral of motion quadratic in velocities are studied These equations
generalize the potential case when AI the identity matrix and they admit a
curious quasiLagrangian formulation which differs from the standard Lagrange
equations by the plus sign between terms A theory of such quasiLagrangian
Newton qLN systems having two functionally independent integrals of motion is
developed with focus on twodimensional systems Such systems admit a
biHamiltonian formulation and are proved to be completely integrable by
embedding into fivedimensional integrable systems They are characterized by a
linear secondorder PDE which we call the fundamental equation Fundamental
equations are classified through linear pencils of matrices associated with qLN
systems The theory is illustrated by two classes of systems separable
potential systems and driven systems New separation variables for driven
systems are found These variables are based on sets of nonconfocal conics An
effective criterion for existence of a qLN formulation of a given system is
formulated and applied to dynamical systems of the HenonHeiles type
| solvint nlinSI |
On a Schwarzian PDE associated with the KdV Hierarchy | We present a novel integrable nonautonomous partial differential equation of
the Schwarzian type ie invariant under Mobius transformations that is
related to the Kortewegde Vries hierarchy In fact this PDE can be considered
as the generating equation for the entire hierarchy of Schwarzian KdV
equations We present its Lax pair establish its connection with the SKdV
hierarchy its Miura relations to similar generating PDEs for the modified and
regular KdV hierarchies and its Lagrangian structure Finally we demonstrate
that its similarity reductions lead to the it full Painleve VI equation
ie with four arbitary parameters
| solvint nlinSI |
On two aspects of the Painleve analysis | We use the Calogero equation to illustrate the following two aspects of the
Painleve analysis of nonlinear PDEs First if a nonlinear equation passes the
Painleve test for integrability the singular expansions of its solutions
around characteristic hypersurfaces can be neither singlevalued functions of
independent variables nor singlevalued functionals of data Second if the
truncation of singular expansions of solutions is consistent the truncation
not necessarily leads to the simplest or elementary autoBacklund
transformation related to the Lax pair
| solvint mathph mathAP mathMP nlinSI |
Matrix integrals and the geometry of spinors | We obtain the collection of symmetric and symplectic matrix integrals and the
collection of Pfaffian taufunctions recently described by Peng and Adler and
van Moerbeke as specific elements in the Spingroup orbit of the vacuum vector
of a fermionic Fock space This fermionic Fock space is the same space as one
constructs to obtain the KP and 1Toda lattice hierarchy
| solvint adaporg hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI |
Dispersionless Fermionic KdV | We analyze the dispersionless limits of the Kupershmidt equation the SUSY
KdVB equation and the SUSY KdV equation We present the Lax description for
each of these models and bring out various properties associated with them as
well as discuss open questions that need to be addressed in connection with
these models
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
The KdV equation on a halfline | The initial boundary value problem on a halfline for the KdV equation with
the boundary conditions ux0aleq0 uxxx03a2 is integrated
by means of the inverse scattering method In order to find the time evolution
of the scattering matrix it turned out to be sufficient to solve the Riemann
problem on a hyperelliptic curve of genus two where the conjugation matrices
are effectively defined by initial data
| solvint nlinSI |
YangBaxter Algebra for the nHarmonic Oscillator Realisation of
sp2nR | Using a rational Rmatrix associated with the 4 x 4 defining matrix
representation of c2sp4 the Lie algebra of Sp4 a onesite operator
solution of the associated YangBaxter algebra acting in the Fock space of two
harmonic oscillators is derived This is used to define Nsite integrable
systems which are soluble by a version of the algebraic Bethe ansatz method
without nesting All essential aspects of the work generalise directly from c2
to cn
| solvint mathph mathMP nlinSI |
On integrable discretization of the inhomogeneous AblowitzLadik model | An integrable discretization of the inhomogeneous AblowitzLadik model with a
linear force is introduced Conditions on parameters of the discretization
which are necessary for reproducing Bloch oscillations are obtained In
particular it is shown that the step of the discretization must be
comensurable with the period of oscillations imposed by the inhomogeneous
force By proper choice of the step of the discretization the period of
oscillations of a soliton in the discrete model can be made equal to an integer
number of periods of oscillations in the underline continuoustime lattice
| solvint nlinSI |
Lax pair Darboux Transformations and solitonic solutions for a 21
dimensional NLSE | In this paper the Singular Manifold Method has allowed us to obtain the Lax
pair Darboux transformations and tau functions for a nonlinear Schrodiger
equation in 21 dimensions In this way we can iteratively build different kind
of solutions with solitonic behavior
| solvint nlinSI |
Beyond Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation Approximation for an Anharmonic
Chain with Harmonic Long Range Interaction | Multi scales method is used to analyze a nonlinear differentialdifference
equation In order epsilon3 the NLS equation is found to determine the
spacetime evolution of the leading amplitude In the next order this has to
satisfy a complex mKdV equation the next in the NLS hierarchy in order to
eliminate secular terms The zero dispersion point case is also analyzed and
the relevant equation is a modified NLS equation with a third order derivative
term included
| solvint nlinSI |
Singularity confinement and algebraic entropy the case of the discrete
Painleve equations | We examine the validity of the results obtained with the singularity
confinement integrability criterion in the case of discrete Painleve
equations The method used is based on the requirement of nonexponential
growth of the homogeneous degree of the iterate of the mapping We show that
when we start from an integrable autonomous mapping and deautonomise it using
singularity confinement the degrees of growth of the nonautonomous mapping and
of the autonomous one are identical Thus this lowgrowth based approach is
compatible with the integrability of the results obtained through singularity
confinement The origin of the singularity confinement property and its
necessary character for integrability are also analysed
| solvint nlinSI |
Exact Solution of the Quantum CalogeroGaudin System and of its
qDeformation | A complete set of commuting observables for the CalogeroGaudin system is
diagonalized and the explicit form of the corresponding eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions is derived We use a purely algebraic procedure exploiting the
coalgebra invariance of the model with the proper technical modifications
this procedure can be applied to the qdeformed version of the model which
is then also exactly solved
| solvint nlinSI |
N2 Hamiltonians with sl2 coalgebra symmetry and their integrable
deformations | Two dimensional classical integrable systems and different integrable
deformations for them are derived from phase space realizations of classical
sl2 Poisson coalgebras and their qdeformed analogues Generalizations of
Morse oscillator and centrifugal potentials are obtained The N2 Calogero
system is shown to be sl2 coalgebra invariant and the wellknown
JordanSchwinger realization can be also derived from a noncoassociative
coproduct on sl2 The Gaudin Hamiltonian associated to such
JordanSchwinger construction is presented Through these examples it can be
clearly appreciated how the coalgebra symmetry of a hamiltonian system allows a
straightforward construction of different integrable deformations for it
| solvint nlinSI |
Schlesinger transformations for elliptic isomonodromic deformations | Schlesinger transformations are discrete monodromy preserving symmetry
transformations of the classical Schlesinger system Generalizing wellknown
results from the Riemann sphere we construct these transformations for
isomonodromic deformations on genus one Riemann surfaces Their action on the
systems taufunction is computed and we obtain an explicit expression for the
ratio of the old and the transformed taufunction
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
The averaging of nonlocal Hamiltonian structures in Whithams method | We consider the mphase Whithams averaging method and propose a procedure
of averaging of nonlocal Hamiltonian structures The procedure is based on
the existence of a sufficient number of local commuting integrals of a system
and gives a Poisson bracket of Ferapontov type for the Whithams system The
method can be considered as a generalization of the DubrovinNovikov procedure
for the local fieldtheoretical brackets
| solvint nlinSI |
Form factors of the SU2 invariant massive Thirring model with boundary
reflection | The SU2 invariant massive Thirring model with a boundary is considered on
the basis of the vertex operator approach The bosonic formulae are presented
for the vacuum vector and its dual in the presence of the boundary The
integral representations are also given for form factors of the present model
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Canonical transformations of the time for the Toda lattice and the Holt
system | For the Toda lattice and the Holt system we consider properties of canonical
transformations of the extended phase space which preserve integrability The
separated variables are invariant under change of the time On the other hand
mapping of the time induces transformations of the actionangles variables and
a shift of the generating function of the Backlund transformation
| solvint nlinSI |
Introduction to the functions on compact Riemann surfaces and
thetafunctions | We collect some classical results related to analysis on the Riemann
surfaces The notes may serve as an introduction to the field we suppose that
the reader is familiar only with the basic facts from topology and complex
analysis the treatment is organized to give a background for further
applications to nonlinear differential equations
| solvint nlinSI |
Resonant Bifurcations | We consider dynamical systems depending on one or more real parameters and
assuming that for some critical value of the parameters the eigenvalues
of the linear part are resonant we discuss the existence under suitable
hypotheses of a general class of bifurcating solutions in correspondence to
this resonance These bifurcating solutions include as particular cases the
usual stationary and Hopf bifurcations The main idea is to transform the given
dynamical system into normal form in the sense of PoincareDulac and to
impose that the normalizing transformation is convergent using the convergence
conditions in the form given by A Bruno Some specially interesting
situations including the cases of multipleperiodic solutions and of
degenerate eigenvalues in the presence of symmetry are also discussed with
some detail
| solvint nlinSI |
Integrable deformations of oscillator chains from quantum algebras | A family of completely integrable nonlinear deformations of systems of N
harmonic oscillators are constructed from the nonstandard quantum deformation
of the sl2R algebra Explicit expressions for all the associated integrals
of motion are given and the longrange nature of the interactions introduced
by the deformation is shown to be linked to the underlying coalgebra structure
Separability and superintegrability properties of such systems are analysed
and their connection with classical angular momentum chains is used to
construct a nonstandard integrable deformation of the XXX hyperbolic Gaudin
| solvint mathQA nlinSI |
A note on real forms of the complex N4 supersymmetric Toda chain
hierarchy in real N2 and N4 superspaces | Three inequivalent real forms of the complex N4 supersymmetric Toda chain
hierarchy Nucl Phys B558 1999 545 solvint9907004 in the real N2
superspace with one even and two odd real coordinates are presented It is
demonstrated that the first of them possesses a global N4 supersymmetry while
the other two admit a twisted N4 supersymmetry A new superfield basis in
which supersymmetry transformations are local is discussed and a manifest N4
supersymmetric representation of the N4 Toda chain in terms of a chiral and an
antichiral N4 superfield is constructed Its relation to the complex N4
supersymmetric KdV hierarchy is established DarbouxBacklund symmetries and a
new real form of this last hierarchy possessing a twisted N4 supersymmetry are
| solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI |
Bicomplexes and finite Toda lattices | We associate bicomplexes with the finite Toda lattice and with a finite Toda
field theory in such a way that conserved currents and charges are obtained by
a simple iterative construction
| solvint nlinSI |
Separation of variables for soliton equations via their binary
constrained flows | Binary constrained flows of soliton equations admitting 2times 2 Lax
matrices have 2N degrees of freedom which is twice as many as degrees of
freedom in the case of monoconstrained flows For their separation of
variables only N pairs of canonical separated variables can be introduced via
their Lax matrices by using the normal method A new method to introduce the
other N pairs of canonical separated variables and additional separated
equations is proposed The Jacobi inversion problems for binary constrained
flows are established Finally the factorization of soliton equations by two
commuting binary constrained flows and the separability of binary constrained
flows enable us to construct the Jacobi inversion problems for some soliton
| solvint nlinSI |
Multidimensional analogs of geometric st duality | The usual propetry of st duality for scattering amplitudes eg for
Veneziano amplitude is deeply connected with the 2dimensional geometry In
particular a simple geometric construction of such amplitudes was proposed in
a joint work by this author and SSaito solvint9812016 Here we propose
analogs of one of those amplitudes associated with multidimensional euclidean
spaces paying most attention to the 3dimensional case Our results can be
regarded as a variant of Regge calculus intimately connected with ideas of
the theory of integrable models
| solvint condmat grqc heplat hepth nlinSI |
Equations and Integrals of Motion in Discrete Integrable Ak1
Algebra Models | We study integrals of motion for Hirota bilinear difference equation that is
satisfied by the eigenvalues of the transfermatrix The combinations of the
eigenvalues of the transfermatrix are found which are integrals of motion for
integrable discrete models for the Ak1 algebra with zero and
quasiperiodic boundary conditions Discrete analogues of the equations of
motion for the BulloughDodd model and nonAbelian generalization of Liouville
model are obtained
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Construction of variable mass sineGordon and other novel inhomogeneous
quantum integrable models | The inhomogeneity of the media or the external forces usually destroy the
integrability of a system We propose a systematic construction of a class of
quantum models which retains their exact integrability inspite of their
explicit inhomogeneity Such models include variable mass sineGordon model
cylindrical NLS spin chains with impurity inhomogeneous Toda chain the
AblowitzLadik model etc
| solvint nlinSI |
Quantum Lax scheme for Ruijsenaars models | We develop a quantum Lax scheme for IRF models and difference versions of
CalogeroMoserSutherland models introduced by Ruijsenaars The construction is
in the spirit of the AdlerKostantSymes method generalized to the case of face
Hopf algebras and elliptic quantum groups with dynamical Rmatrices
| solvint nlinSI |
N4 Sugawara construction on affine sl21 sl3 and mKdVtype
superhierarchies | The local Sugawara constructions of the small N4 SCA in terms of
supercurrents of N2 extensions of the affinization of the sl21 and sl3
algebras are investigated The associated super mKdV type hierarchies induced
by N4 SKdV ones are defined In the sl3 case the existence of two
inequivalent Sugawara constructions is found The long one involves all the
affine sl3valued currents while the short one deals only with those from
the subalgebra sl2oplus u1 As a consequence the sl3valued affine
superfields carry two inequivalent mKdV type super hierarchies induced by the
correspondence between small N4 SCA and N4 SKdV hierarchy However only
the first hierarchy posseses genuine global N4 supersymmetry We discuss
peculiarities of the realization of this N4 supersymmetry on the affine
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Integrable Couplings of Soliton Equations by Perturbations I A General
Theory and Application to the KdV Hierarchy | A theory for constructing integrable couplings of soliton equations is
developed by using various perturbations around solutions of perturbed soliton
equations being analytic with respect to a small perturbation parameter
Multiscale perturbations can be taken and thus higher dimensional integrable
couplings can be presented The theory is applied to the KdV soliton hierarchy
Infinitely many integrable couplings are constructed for each soliton equation
in the KdV hierarchy which contain integrable couplings possessing quadruple
Hamiltonian formulations and two classes of hereditary recursion operators and
integrable couplings possessing local 21 dimensional biHamiltonian
formulations and consequent 21 dimensional hereditary recursion operators
| solvint nlinSI |
Generalized KP hierarchy Mobius Symmetry Symmetry Constraints and
CalogeroMoser System | Analyticbilinear approach is used to study continuous and discrete
nonisospectral symmetries of the generalized KP hierarchy It is shown that
Mobius symmetry transformation for the singular manifold equation leads to
continuous or discrete nonisospectral symmetry of the basic scalar or
multicomponent KP hierarchy connected with binary Backlund transformation A
more general class of multicomponent Mobiustype symmetries is studied It is
demonstrated that symmetry constraints of KP hierarchy defined using
multicomponent Mobiustype symmetries give rise to CalogeroMoser system
| solvint nlinSI |
Group Theoretical Properties and Band Structure of the Lame Hamiltonian | We study the group theoretical properties of the Lame equation and its
relation to su11 and su2 We compute the band structure dispersion
relation and transfer matrix and discuss the dynamical symmetry limits
| solvint nlinSI |
Dynamical Symmetry Approach to Periodic Hamiltonians | We show that dynamical symmetry methods can be applied to Hamiltonians with
periodic potentials We construct dynamical symmetry Hamiltonians for the Scarf
potential and its extensions using representations of su11 and so22
Energy bands and gaps are readily understood in terms of representation theory
We compute the transfer matrices and dispersion relations for these systems
and find that the complementary series plays a central role as well as
nonunitary representations
| solvint nlinSI |
The Pfaff lattice Matrix integrals and a map from Toda to Pfaff | We study the Pfaff lattice introduced by us in the context of a Lie algebra
splitting of glinfinity into spinfinity and lowertriangular matrices We
establish a set of bilinear identities which we show to be equivalent to the
Pfaff Lattice In the semiinfinite case the taufunctions are Pfaffians
interesting examples are the matrix integrals over symmetric matrices
symmetric matrix integrals and matrix integrals over selfdual quaternionic
Hermitean matrices symplectic matrix integrals
There is a striking parallel of the Pfaff lattice with the Toda lattice and
more so there is a map from one to the other In particular we exhibit two
maps dual to each other
i from the the Hermitean matrix integrals to the symmetric matrix
integrals and
ii from the Hermitean matrix integrals to the symplectic matrix integrals
The map is given by the skewBorel decomposition of a skewsymmetric
operator We give explicit examples for the classical weights
| solvint nlinSI |
Quantum Lax Pair From YangBaxter Equations | We show explicitly how to construct the quantum Lax pair for systems with
open boundary conditions We demonstrate the method by applying it to the
Heisenberg XXZ model with general integrable boundary terms
| solvint hepth nlinSI |
Real forms of the complex twisted N2 supersymmetric Toda chain
hierarchy in real N1 and twisted N2 superspaces | Three nonequivalent real forms of the complex twisted N2 supersymmetric Toda
chain hierarchy solvint9907021 in real N1 superspace are presented It is
demonstrated that they possess a global twisted N2 supersymmetry We discuss a
new superfield basis in which the supersymmetry transformations are local
Furthermore a representation of this hierarchy is given in terms of two
twisted chiral N2 superfields The relations to the sToda hierarchy by H
Aratyn E Nissimov and S Pacheva solvint9801021 as well as to the
modified and derivative NLS hierarchies are established
| solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI |
Liouville equation under perturbation | Small perturbation of the Liouville equation under smooth initial data is
considered Asymptotic solution which is available for a long time interval is
constructed by the two scale method
| solvint nlinSI |
WhithamToda Hierarchy in the Laplacian Growth Problem | The Laplacian growth problem in the limit of zero surface tension is proved
to be equivalent to finding a particular solution to the dispersionless Toda
lattice hierarchy The hierarchical times are harmonic moments of the growing
domain The Laplacian growth equation itself is the quasiclassical version of
the string equation that selects the solution to the hierarchy
| solvint condmatstatmech hepth nlinPS nlinSI |
Singular solution of the Liouville equation under perturbation | Small perturbation of the Liouville equation under singular initial data is
considered An asymptotics of the singular solution is constructed by the
method which is similar to Bogolubov Krylov one The main object is an
asymptotics of the singular lines
| solvint nlinSI |
Vertex operator solutions to the discrete KPhierarchy | Vertex operators which are disguised Darboux maps transform solutions of
the KP equation into new ones In this paper we show that the biinfinite
sequence obtained by Darboux transforming an arbitrary KP solution recursively
forward and backwards yields a solution to the discrete KPhierarchy The
latter is a KP hierarchy where the continuous space xvariable gets replaced by
a discrete nvariable The fact that these sequences satisfy the discrete KP
hierarchy is tantamount to certain bilinear relations connecting the
consecutive KP solutions in the sequence At the Grassmannian level these
relations are equivalent to a very simple fact which is the nesting of the
associated infinitedimensional planes flag
It turns out that many new and old systems lead to such discrete
semiinfinite solutions like sequences of soliton solutions with more and
more solitons sequences of CalogeroMoser systems having more and more
particles band matrices etc this will be developped in another paper In
this paper as an other example we show that the qKP hierarchy maps via a
kind of Fourier transform into the discrete KP hierarchy enabling us to write
down a very large class of solutions to the qKP hierarchy
| solvint nlinSI |
Vector NLS hierarchy solitons revisited dressing transformation and tau
function approach | We discuss some algebraic aspects of the integrable vector nonlinear
Schrodinger hierarchies GNLSr These are hierarchies of
zerocurvature equations constructed from affine KacMoody algebras
hatslr1 Using the dressing transformation method and the taufunction
formalism we construct the Nsoliton solutions of the GNLSr systems The
explicit matrix elements in the case of GNLS1 are computed using level one
vertex operator representations
| solvint hepth mathph mathMP nlinSI |
On the Miura map between the dispersionless KP and dispersionless
modified KP hierarchies | We investigate the Miura map between the dispersionless KP and dispersionless
modified KP hierarchies We show that the Miura map is canonical with respect
to their biHamiltonian structures Moreover inspired by the works of Takasaki
and Takebe the twistor construction of solution structure for the
dispersionless modified KP hierarchy is given
| solvint nlinSI |
Spin pseudogap and interplane coupling in Y2Ba4Cu7O15 a 63Cu
nuclear spinspin relaxation study | We report measurements of the Gaussian contribution T2G to the plane
63Cu nuclear spinspin relaxation time in the YBa2Cu3O7 and YBa2Cu4O8
blocks of normal and superconducting Y2Ba4Cu7O15 The data confirm our
previous results that adjacent CuO2 planes have different doping levels and
that these planes are strongly coupled The static spin susceptibility at
the antiferromagnetic wave vector exhibits a CurieWeiss like temperature
dependence in the normal state The Y2Ba4Cu7O15 data are incompatible
with a phase diagram based on a single CuO2 plane theory and suggest that the
appearance of a spin gap implies interplane coupling Additional data for
YBa2Cu4O8 and YBa2Cu3O6982 are in accord with the single plane theory
The temperature dependence of T2Gind below Tc excludes isotropic swave
superconductivity in all three compounds
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Spin Dynamics of La2CuO4 and the TwoDimensional Heisenberg Model | The spinlattice relaxation rate 1T1 and the spin echo decay rate
1T2G for the 2D Heisenberg model are calculated using quantum Monte Carlo
and maximum entropy analytic continuation The results are compared to recent
experiments on La2CuO4 as well as predictions based on the nonlinear
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Density of states of a layered SN dwave superconductor | We calculate the density of states of a layered superconductor in which there
are two layers per unit cell One of the layers contains a dwave pairing
interaction while the other is a normal metal The goal of this article is to
understand how the dwave behaviour of the system is modified by the coupling
between the layertypes This coupling takes the form of coherent single
particle tunneling along the caxis We find that there are two physically
different limits of behaviour which depend on the relative locations of the
Fermi surfaces of the two layertypes We also discuss the interference between
the interlayer coupling and pairing interaction and we find that this
interference leads to features in the density of states
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Onset of Vortices in Thin Superconducting Strips and Wires | Spontaneous nucleation and the consequent penetration of vortices into thin
superconducting films and wires subjected to a magnetic field can be
considered as a nonlinear stage of primary instability of the currentcarrying
superconducting state The development of the instability leads to the
formation of a chain of vortices in strips and helicoidal vortex lines in
wires The boundary of instability was obtained analytically The nonlinear
stage was investigated by simulations of the timedependent generalized
GinzburgLandau equation
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Multiple Scattering Analysis of CuK EXAFS in Bi2Sr15Ca15Cu2O8d | We have analyzed the Cu KEXAFS of Bi2Sr15Ca15Cu2O8d using a full
multiple scattering analysis in a cluster with diameter d 76 AA The
numerous quasi onedimensional structural elements give rise to significant
multiple scattering contributions in the EXAFS We confirm the SrCa ratio of
the sample is 11 and one Ca atom is located close to a nominal Srsite At 40
K the dimpling angle in the rm CuO2plane is found to be 35 degrees
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Phonon Assisted Multimagnon Optical Absorption and Long Lived TwoMagnon
States in Undoped Lamellar Copper Oxides | We calculate the effective charge for multimagnon infrared IR absorption
assisted by phonons in the parent insulating compounds of cuprate
superconductors and the spectra for twomagnon absorption using interacting
spinwave theory Recent measured bands in the mid IR Perkins et al Phys
Rev Lett bf 71 1621 1993 are interpreted as involving one phonon plus a
twomagnon virtual bound state and one phonon plus higher multimagnon
absorption processes The virtual bound state consists of a narrow resonance
occurring when the magnon pair has total momentum close to pi0
| suprcon condmatsuprcon mtrlth |
Anomalous NormalState Properties of HighTc Superconductors
Intrinsic Properties of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems | A systematic study of optical and transport properties of the Hubbard model
based on Metzner and Vollhardts dynamical meanfield approximation is
reviewed This model shows interesting anomalous properties that are in our
opinion ubiquitous to singleband strongly correlated systems for all spatial
dimensions greater than one and also compare qualitatively with many
anomalous transport features of the highTc cuprates This anomalous
behavior of the normalstate properties is traced to a collective singleband
Kondo effect in which a quasiparticle resonance forms at the Fermi level as
the temperature is lowered ultimately yielding a strongly renormalized Fermi
liquid at zero temperature
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Verification of a New NonLinear IVexponent Simulation of the 2D
Coulomb Gas with Langevin Dynamics | It has recently been suggested from scaling arguments that the nonlinear
IVexponent a for a twodimensional superconductor is different from the
exponent originally suggested by Ambegaokar et al The relation between the new
and the old exponent is aaAHNS3 The new scaling behaviour is linked to the
logarithmic vortex interaction and the long range time tail which this gives
rise to Consequently one may expect that the scaling behavior is generic for
models which have these basic features The simplest model of this type is the
twodimensional Coulomb gas model with Langevin dynamics We here explicitly
verify through computer simulations that the IVcharacteristics of this model
indeed scales according to the new scaling exponent a Keywords vortex
Coulomb gas IVexponent Simulations Langevin 2D superconductor thin films
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Twohole bound states in modified tJ model | We consider modified tJ model with minimum of singlehole dispersion at
the points 0pm pi pm pi0 It is shown that two holes on
antiferromagnetic background produce a bound state which properties strongly
differs from the states known in the unmodified tJ model The bound state is
dwave it has four nodes on the face of the magnetic Brillouin zone However
in the coordinate representation it looks like as usual swave
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
SelfOrganized Criticality Effect on Stability MagnetoThermal
Oscillations in a Granular YBCO Superconductor | We show that the selforganized criticality of the Beans state in each of
the grains of a granular superconductor results in magnetothermal oscillations
preceding a series of subsequent flux jumps We find that the frequency of
these oscillations is proportional to the external magnetic field sweep rate
and is inversely proportional to the square root of the heat capacity We
demonstrate experimentally and theoretically the universality of this
dependence that is mainly influenced by the granularity of the superconductor
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Microwave Properties of Borocarbide Superconductors LnNi2B2C Ln Y
Er Tm Ho | We report measurements of the microwave surface impedance of the borocarbide
family of superconductors LnNi2B2C LnY Er Tm Ho The experiments enable
direct measurements of the superfluid density and are particularly sensitive
to the influence of magnetic pairbreaking
In HoNi2B2C the antiferromagnetic transition is clearly observed at zero
field and leads to a drastic reduction of the superfluid density which
recovers at lower temperatures
In ErNi2B2C the antiferromagnetic transition is not seen in zero field data
Magnetic effects are responsible for anomalies in the low temperature surface
impedance below approximately 4K in HoNi2B2C and TmNi2B2C The temperature
dependence of the microwave impedance disagrees with simple BCS calculations
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Microwave Surface Impedance of YBCO123 crystals Experiment and
comparison to a dwave model | We present measurements of the microwave surface resistance Rs and the
penetration depth lambda of YBCO123 crystals At low T obeys lambdaT a
polynomial behavior while Rs displays a characteristic nonmonotonic
A detailed comparison of the experimental data is made to a model of dwave
superconductivity which includes both elastic and inelastic scattering While
the model reproduces the general features of the experimental data three
aspects of the parameters needed are worth noting The elastic scattering rate
required to fit the data is much smaller than measured from the normal state
the scattering phase shifts have to be close to pi2 and a strong coupling
value of the gap parameter 2Delta0kTc 6 is needed On the experimental
side the uncertainties regarding the material parameters lambda0 and
Rsres0 further complicate a quantitative comparison
For one sample does Rsres0 agree with the intrinsic value which results
from the dwave model
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Superconductivity from correlated hopping | We consider a chain described by a nextnearestneighbor hopping combined
with a nearestneighbor spin flip In two dimensions this threebody term
arises from a mapping of the threeband Hubbard model for CuO2 planes to a
generalized tJ model and for large OO hopping favors resonancevalencebond
superconductivity of predominantly dwave symmetry Solving the ground state
and lowenergy excitations by analytical and numerical methods we find that the
chain is a LutherEmery liquid with correlation exponent Krho
2n22 where n is the particle density
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Neutron Scattering Study of Crystal Field Energy Levels and Field
Dependence of the Magnetic Order in Superconducting HoNi2B2C | Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements have been carried out
to investigate the magnetic properties of superconducting Tc8K HoNi2B2C The
inelastic measurements reveal that the lowest two crystal field transitions out
of the ground state occurat 11283 and 16002 meV while the transition of
4709 meV between these two levels is observed at elevated temperatures The
temperature dependence of the intensities of these transitions is consistent
with both the ground state and these higher levels being magnetic doublets The
system becomes magnetically long range ordered below 8K and since this
ordering energy kTN 069meV 1128meV the magnetic properties in the
ordered phase are dominated by the groundstate spin dynamics only The low
temperature structure which coexists with superconductivity consists of
ferromagnetic sheets of Ho3 moments in the ab plane with the sheets coupled
antiferromagnetically along the caxis The magnetic state that initially forms
on cooling however is dominated by an incommensurate spiral antiferromagnetic
state along the caxis with wave vector qc 0054 A1 in which these
ferromagnetic sheets are canted from their low temperature antiparallel
configuration by 17 deg The intensity for this spiral state reaches a maximum
near the reentrant superconducting transition at 5K the spiral state then
collapses at lower temperature in favor of the commensurate antiferromagnetic
state We have investigated the field dependence of the magnetic order at and
above this reentrant superconducting transition Initially the field rotates
the powder particles to align the ab plane along the field direction
demonstrating that the moments strongly prefer to lie within this plane due to
the crystal field anisotropy Upon subsequently increasing the field at
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Quantum Resistive Transition in Type II Superconductors under Magnetic
Field | It is shown that within a GinzburgLandau GL formalism the
superconducting fluctuation is insulating at zero temperature even if the
fluctuation dynamics is metallic dissipative Based on this fact the low
temperature behavior of the Hc2line and the resistivity curves near a
zero temperature transition are discussed In particular it is pointed out
that the neglect of quantum fluctuations in data analysis of the dc resistivity
may lead to an underestimation of the Hc2 values near zero temperature
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
FirstOrder Vortex Lattice Melting and Magnetization of
YBa2Cu3O7delta | We present the first nonmeanfield calculation of the magnetization MT
of YBa2Cu3O7delta both above and below the fluxlattice melting
temperature TmH The results are in good agreement with experiment as a
function of transverse applied field H The effects of fluctuations in both
order parameter psibf r and magnetic induction B are included in the
GinzburgLandau free energy functional psibf r fluctuates within the
lowest Landau level in each layer while B fluctuates uniformly according to
the appropriate Boltzmann factor The second derivative partial2 Mpartial
T2H is predicted to be negative throughout the vortex liquid state and
positive in the solid state The discontinuities in entropy and magnetization
at melting are calculated to be sim 0034 kB per flux line per layer and
sim 00014emucm3 at a field of 50 kOe
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
The FluxLine Lattice in Superconductors | Magnetic flux can penetrate a typeII superconductor in form of Abrikosov
vortices These tend to arrange in a triangular fluxline lattice FLL which
is more or less perturbed by material inhomogeneities that pin the flux lines
and in highTc supercon ductors HTSCs also by thermal fluctuations Many
properties of the FLL are well described by the phenomenological
GinzburgLandau theory or by the electromagnetic London theory which treats
the vortex core as a singularity In Nb alloys and HTSCs the FLL is very soft
mainly because of the large magnetic penetration depth The shear modulus of
the FLL is thus small and the tilt modulus is dispersive and becomes very small
for short distortion wavelength This softness of the FLL is enhanced further
by the pronounced anisotropy and layered structure of HTSCs which strongly
increases the penetration depth for currents along the caxis of these uniaxial
crystals and may even cause a decoupling of twodimensional vortex lattices in
the CuO layers Thermal fluctuations and softening may melt the FLL and cause
thermally activated depinning of the flux lines or of the 2D pancake vortices
in the layers Various phase transitions are predicted for the FLL in layered
HTSCs The linear and nonlinear magnetic response of HTSCs gives rise to
interesting effects which strongly depend on the geometry of the experiment
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Flux Creep and Flux Jumping | We consider the flux jump instability of the Beans critical state arising in
the flux creep regime in typeII superconductors We find the flux jump field
Bj that determines the superconducting state stability criterion We
calculate the dependence of Bj on the external magnetic field ramp rate
dot Be We demonstrate that under the conditions typical for most of the
magnetization experiments the slope of the currentvoltage curve in the flux
creep regime determines the stability of the Beans critical state it ie
the value of Bj We show that a flux jump can be preceded by the
magnetothermal oscillations and find the frequency of these oscillations as a
function of dot Be
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Percolation transition of the vortex lattice and caxis resistivity in
hightemperature superconductors | We use the threedimensional Josephson junction array system as a model for
studying the temperature dependence of the caxis resistivity of high
temperature superconductors in the presence of an external magnetic field H
applied in the cdirection We show that the temperature at which the
dissipation becomes different from zero corresponds to a percolation transition
of the vortex lattice In addition the qualitative features of the resistivity
vs temperature curves close to the transition are obtained starting from the
geometrical configurations of the vortices The results apply to the cases H
greater than 0 and H0
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Renormalization group approach to layered superconductors | A renormalization group theory for a system consisting of coupled
superconducting layers as a model for typical hightemperature superconducters
is developed In a first step the electromagnetic interaction over infinitely
many layers is taken into account but the Josephson coupling is neglected In
this case the corrections to twodimensional behavior due to the presence of
the other layers are very small Next renormalization group equations for a
layered system with very strong Josephson coupling are derived taking into
account only the smallest possible Josephson vortex loops The applicability of
these two limiting cases to typical hightemperature superconductors is
discussed Finally it is argued that the original renormalization group
approach by Kosterlitz is not applicable to a layered system with intermediate
Josephson coupling
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
LowField Phase Diagram of Layered Superconductors The Role of
Electromagnetic Coupling | We determine the position and shape of the melting line in a layered
superconductor taking the electromagnetic coupling between layers into account
In the limit of vanishing Josephson coupling we obtain a new generic reentrant
lowfield melting line Finite Josephson coupling pushes the melting line to
higher temperatures and fields and a new line shape Brm m propto
1TTc32 is found We construct the lowfield phase diagram including
melting and decoupling lines and discuss various experiments in the light of
our new results
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Vortex Dynamics and the HallAnomaly a Microscopic Analysis | We present a microscopic derivation of the equation of motion for a vortex in
a superconductor A coherent view on vortex dynamics is obtained in which it
both hydrodynamics it and the vortex core contribute to the forces acting
on a vortex The competition between these two provides an interpretation of
the observed sign change in the Hall angle in superconductors with mean free
path l of the order of the coherence length xi in terms of broken
particlehole symmetry which is related to details of the microscopic
mechanism of superconductivity
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Constants of motion in the dynamics of a 2Njunction SQUID | We show that a 2N junction SQUID Superconducting QUantum Interference
Device made of 2N overdamped shunted identical junctions may be described as
a system having only 6 degrees of freedom for any N 2 This is achieved by
means of the reduction introduced by Watanabe and Strogatz Physica D Vol 74
1994 p 197 for series biased arrays In our case 6 rather than 3 degrees of
freedom are necessary to describe the system due to the requirement of phase
quantization along the superconducting loop constituting the device
Generalization to multijunction parallel arrays is straightforward
| suprcon chaodyn condmatsuprcon nlinCD |
Subsets and Splits