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Screening current effects in Josephson junction arrays | The purpose of this work is to compare the dynamics of arrays of Josephson
junctions in presence of magnetic field in two different frameworks the so
called XY frustrated model with no self inductance and an approach that takes
into account the screening currents considering self inductances only We
show that while for a range of parameters the simpler model is sufficiently
accurate in a region of the parameter space solutions arise that are not
contained in the XY model equations
| suprcon chaodyn condmatsuprcon nlinCD |
Nonlinear optical response in doped conjugated polymers | Exciton effects on conjugated polymers are investigated in soliton lattice
states We use the SuSchriefferHeeger model with longrange Coulomb
interactions The HartreeFock HF approximation and the singleexcitation
configuration interaction singleCI method are used to obtain optical
absorption spectra The thirdharmonic generation THG at offresonant
frequencies is calculated as functions of the soliton concentration and the
chain length of the polymer The magnitude of the THG at the 10 percent doping
increases by the factor about 102 from that of the neutral system This is
owing to the accumulation of the oscillator strengths at the lowest exciton
with increasing the soliton concentration The increase by the order two is
common for several choices of Coulomb interaction strengths
| suprcon chemph condmatsuprcon mtrlth |
Nucleation and Growth of Normal Phase in Thin Superconducting Strips | We investigate the kinetics of normal phase nucleation and flux line
condensation in the typeII superconductors by numerical study of the
timedependent GinzburgLandau equation We have shown that under the
sufficient transport current the normal phase nucleates in the superconducting
strips in a form of the macroscopic droplets having the multiple topological
charge We discuss the stability and the dynamics of the droplets We found
that pinning suppresses the droplet formation
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
s and dxywave components induced around a vortex in
dx2y2wave superconductors | Vortex structure of dx2y2wave superconductors is microscopically
analyzed in the framework of the quasiclassical Eilenberger equations If the
pairing interaction contains an swave dxywave component in addition
to a dx2y2wave component the swave dxywave component of
the order parameter is necessarily induced around a vortex in
dx2y2wave superconductors The spatial distribution of the induced
swave and dxywave components is calculated The swave component has
opposite winding number around vortex near the dx2y2vortex core and
its amplitude has the shape of a fourlobe clover The amplitude of
dxycomponent has the shape of an octofoil These are consistent with
results based on the GL theory
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Superconducting magnetic and charge correlations in the doped
twochain Hubbard model | Superconducting magnetic and charge correlation functions and dynamic spin
correlation functions of the doped twochain Hubbard model is studied with the
projector Quantum Monte carlo method and Lanczos recursion method Of the three
correlation functions the interchain singlet superconducting correlation
function is the most long range Our data is not consistent with the
LutherEmery picture
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
The Bean Critical State Infinitely Unstable | The threshold for creep in the Bean critical state is investigated We
perturb the Bean state by an energy Deltaepsilon We find that no matter
how small Deltaepsilon is it will always be able to induce creep somewhere
on the Bean profile This finding has important consequences for the
interpretation of low temperature creep phenomena in terms of quantum creep
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Nonlinear Flux Diffusion and ac Susceptibility of Superconductors
Exact Numerical Results | The ac response of a slab of material with electrodynamic characteristics
Esim jkappa1 kappageq0 is studied numerically From the solutions
of the nonlinear diffusion equation the fundamental and higherorder
components of the harmonic susceptibility are obtained A large portion of the
data for every kappa can be scaled by a single parameter xi
t1kappa2cdot H0kappakappa2D where t is the period of
the ac field at the surface H0 is its amplitude and D is the slab
thickness This is however only an approximate scaling property The field
penetration into a nonlinear medium is a more complex phenomenon than in the
linear case In particular the susceptibility values are not uniquely defined
by a set of only two parameters such as kappa and xi while one
parameter ie t12D is sufficient to describe the electrodynamic
response of a linear medium
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Magnetostriction of a Superconductor Results from the CriticalState
Model | In many cases the criticalstate theory can be treated as a suffi ciently
accurate approximation for the modelling of the magnetic properties of
superconductors In the present work the magnetostrictive hysteresis is
computed for a quite general case of the modified KimAnderson model The
results obtained reproduce many features of the giant magnetostriction
butterflyshaped curves reported in the literature for measurements made on
singlecrystal samples of the hightemperature superconductor
Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 It is shown that addition of a contribution to the
magnetostriction in the superconducting state which is of similar origin as in
the normal state offers a broader phenomenological interpretation of the
complex magnetostriction hysteresis found in such heavyfermion compounds as
UPt3 URu2Si2 or UBe13
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Langevin Simulations of Two Dimensional Vortex Fluctuations Anomalous
Dynamics and a New IVexponent | The dynamics of two dimensional 2D vortex fluctuations are investigated
through simulations of the 2D Coulomb gas model in which vortices are
represented by soft disks with logarithmic interactions The simulations
trongly support a recent suggestion that 2D vortex fluctuations obey an
intrinsic anomalous dynamics manifested in a long range 1ttail in the vortex
correlations A new nonlinear IVexponent a which is different from the
commonly used AHNS exponent aAHNS and is given by a 2aAHNS 3 is
confirmed by the simulations The results are discussed in the context of
earlier simulations experiments and a phenomenological description
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
The string model of the Cooper pair in the anisotropic superconductor | The analogy between the Cooper pair in high temperature superconductor and
the quarkantiquark pair in quantum chromodynamics QCD is proposed In QCD
the nonlinear chromodynamical field between a quark and an antiquark is
confined to a tube So we assume that there is the strong interaction between
phonons which can confine them to some tube too This tube is described using
the nonlinear Schrodinger equation We show that it has an infinite spectrum
of axially symmetric string solutions with negative finite linear energy
density The onedimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation has a finite
spectrum hence it has a steadystate which describes the Cooper pair
squezeed between anisotropy planes in the superconductor It is shown that in
this model the transition temperature is approximately 45 K
| suprcon condmatsuprcon hepth |
Polaronic optical absorption in electrondoped and holedoped cuprates | Polaronic features similar to those previously observed in the photoinduced
spectra of cuprates have been detected in the reflectivity spectra of
chemically doped parent compounds of highcriticaltemperature superconductors
both ntype and ptype In Nd2CuO4y these features whose
intensities depend both on doping and temperature include local vibrational
modes in the far infrared and a broad band centered at sim 1000 cm1
The latter band is produced by the overtones of two or three local modes and
is well described in terms of a smallpolaron model with a binding energy of
about 500 cm1 Most of the above infrared features are shown to survive
in the metallic phase of Nd2xCexCu04y Bi2Sr2CuO6 and
YBa2Cu3O7y where they appear as extraDrude peaks The occurrence
of polarons is attributed to local modes strongly coupled to carriers as shown
by a comparison with tunneling results
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Synchronization in onedimensional array of Josephson coupled thin
layers | We obtain selfconsistent macroscopic equations describing interlayer
Josephson effect and intralayer disequilibrium in onedimensional array of
Josephson coupled layers We show that nonequilibrium coupling can lead to
effective spatial and time synchronization and formation of coherent dynamic
resistive state collective Josephson effect in NbAlONb stacked junctions
and HTSC intrinsic Josephson effect We propose it to be the origin of
collective switching phenomena observed in PbBiSrCaCuO
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
S35 Beta Irradiation of a Tin Strip in a State of Superconducting
Geometrical Metastability | We report the first energy loss spectrum obtained with a geometrically
metastable type I superconducting tin strip irradiated by the betaemission of
S35 Nucl Instr Meth A in press
| suprcon condmatsuprcon hepex nuclex |
Vortex structure in dwave superconductors | Vortex structure of pure dx2y2wave superconductors is
microscopically analyzed in the framework of the quasiclassical Eilenberger
equations Selfconsistent solution for the dwave pair potential is obtained
for the first time in the case of an isolated vortex The vortex core
structure ie the pair potential the supercurrent and the magnetic field
is found to be fourfold symmetric even in the case that the mixing of swave
component is absent The detailed temperature dependences of these quantities
are calculated The fourfold symmetry becomes clear when temperature is
decreased The local density of states is calculated for the selfconsistently
obtained pair potential From the results we discuss the flow trajectory of
the quasiparticles around a vortex which is characteristic in the
dx2y2wave superconductors The experimental relevance of our results
to high temperature superconductors is also given
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Beta Irradiation of a Geometrically Metastable Superconducting Strip
Detector with a Magnetic Flux Penetration ReadOut | Geometrical metastability observed in superconducting type I tin flat
strips has been previously proposed as a principle for particle detection The
energy deposition of an incoming betaparticle induces the rupture of the
metastability and consequently the penetration of multiquantum flux tubes into
a superconducting tin strip We present here the first absorption spectra from
two beta sources which demonstrate the linearity and energyresolution of
these detectors presented at the 6th International Workshop on Low Temperature
Detectors for Dark Matter and Neutrinos LTD6 Interlaken Switzerland Sept
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Vortex structure and resistive transitions in highTc superconductors | The nature of the resistive transition for a current applied parallel to the
magnetic field in highTc materials is investigated by numerical simulation on
the three dimensional Josephson junction array model It is shown by using
finite size scaling that for samples with disorder the critical temperature Tp
for the c axis resistivity corresponds to a percolation phase transition of
vortex lines perpendicularly to the applied field The value of Tp is higher
than the critical temperature for j perpendicular to H but decreases with the
thickness of the sample and with anisotropy We predict that critical behavior
around Tp should reflect in experimentally accessible quantities as the IV
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Updating the theoretical analysis of the weak gravitational shielding
experiment | The most recent data about the weak gravitational shielding produced recently
through a levitating and rotating HTC superconducting disk show a very weak
dependence of the shielding value sim 1 on the height above the disk
We show that whilst this behaviour is incompatible with an intuitive vectorial
picture of the shielding it is consistently explained by our theoretical
model The expulsive force observed at the border of the shielded zone is due
to energy conservation
| suprcon condmatsuprcon grqc hepph |
Vortex Plastic Flow BxyHt MHt JcBt Deep in the Bose
Glass and MottInsulator Regimes | We present simulations of fluxgradientdriven superconducting vortices
interacting with strong columnar pinning defects as an external field Ht is
quasistatically swept from zero through a matching field Bphi We
analyze several measurable quantities including the local flux density
BxyHt magnetization MHt critical current JcBt and the
individual vortex flow paths We find a significant change in the behavior of
these quantities as the local flux density crosses Bphi and quantify it
for many microscopic pinning parameters Further we find that for a given pin
density JcB can be enhanced by maximizing the distance between the pins
for B Bphi
| suprcon condmatmtrlsci condmatsuprcon |
s and dwave symmetries of the solutions of the Eliashberg equations | We examine the different possible symmetries of the superconducting gap
obtained by solving the Eliashberg equations We consider an electronphonon
interaction in a strong coupling scenario The Coulomb pseudopotential plays
the crucial role of providing the repulsion needed to favour the dwave
symmetry But the key parameter that allows very anisotropic solutions even
with very strong coupling is the small angular range of the interaction due to
predominantly electronphonon forward scattering that is found in the highTc
superconductors We find both s and dwave solutions whose stability depends
mainly on the angular range of the interaction
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Vortex Response and Critical Fields observed via rf penetration depth
measurements on the superconductor YNi2B2C | Measurements of the rf penetration depth lambdaTHtheta are used to
study the superconducting order parameter vortex dynamics in the mixed state
and delineate critical fields in the borocarbide superconductor YNi2B2C The
lower critical field has an anomalous T dependence Hc1T1121TTc
kOe which is however consistent with independent superfluid density
measurements at microwave frequencies The vortex response is dominated by
viscous flux flow indicative of extremely weak pinning and is parametrized by
a field scale Hc2eff The angular dependence of the vortex contribution
lambdatheta is in good agreement with the CoffeyClem model Structure is
seen in the depairing transition in the vicinity of the upper critical field
with the existence of welldefined critical fields Hc2a Hc2b and
Hc2c with the vortex field scale Hc2eff closest to Hc2b Overall the
measurements indicate that YNi2B2C has a rich and unusual field dependence of
its transport parameters
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Vortex loops entry into typeII superconductors | The magnetic field distribution the magnetic flux and the free energy of an
Abrikosov vortex loop near a flat surface of typeII superconductors are
calculated in the London approximation The shape of such a vortex line is a
semicircle of arbitrary radius The interaction of the vortex halfring and an
external homogeneous magnetic field applied along the surface is studied The
magnitude of the energy barrier against the vortex expansion into
superconductor is found The possibilities of formation of an equilibrium
vortex line determined by the structure of the applied magnetic field by
creating the expanding vortex loops near the surface of typeII superconductor
are discussed
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Low temperature thermal conductivity of Zndoped YBCO evidence for
impurityinduced electronic bound states | The thermal conductivity of Zndoped YBCO crystals was studied at low
temperature 015 T 08 K for different concentrations of Zn impurities A
small amount of Zn induces a dramatic decrease in the nonlinear component of
the lowtemperature thermal conductivity Moreover the magnitude of the linear
component obtained by extrapolating the data to T0 is found to depend on Zn
concentration After an initial decrease this linear term associated with the
electronic contribution to the conductivity increases with increasing Zn
dopage Such an increase is consistent with the introduction of lowenergy
excitations by Zn impurities as expected for a dx2y2 superconducting
state in contrast to an anisotropic swave gap The results are compared to
quantitative predictions of available theoretical models
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Irreversible magnetization in thin YBCO films rotated in external
magnetic field | The magnetization M of a thin YBaCuO film is measured as a function of the
angle theta between the applied field H and the caxis For fields above
the first critical field but below the Beans field for first penetration H
M is symmetric with respect to theta pi and the magnetization curves for
forward and backward rotation coincide For HH the curves are asymmetric and
they do not coincide These phenomena have a simple explanation in the
framework of the Bean critical state model
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Coupling of Josephson fluxflow oscillators to an external RC load | We investigate by numerical simulations the behavior of the power dissipated
in a resistive load capacitively coupled to a Josephson flux flow oscillator
and compare the results to those obtained for a dc coupled purely resistive
load Assuming realistic values for the parameters R and C both in the high
and in the lowTc case the power is large enough to allow the operation of such
a device in applications
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
New Universality Class in the Superconductive Phase Transition | The superconductive phase transition in the GinzburgLandau theory or
CoulombHiggs phase transition of scalar QED in 3D is discussed in a dual
formulation which focuses on the magnetic rather than the electric excitations
of the system Renormalization group analysis of the dual formulation reveals
the transition to be of second order and of a new universality class Whereas
coherence length and specific heat have XYmodel exponents the magnetic
penetration depth shows meanfield behavior Experimental evidence for these
predictions is discussed
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Starshaped Local Density of States around Vortices in a Type II
Superconductor | The electronic structure of vortices in a type II superconductor is analyzed
within the quasiclassical Eilenberger framework The possible origin of a
sixfold star shape of the local density of states observed by scanning
tunneling microscope experiments on NbSe2 is examined in the light of the
three effects the anisotropic pairing the vortex lattice and the anisotropic
density of states at the Fermi surface Outstanding features of split parallel
rays of this star are well explained in terms of an anisotropic swave
pairing This reveals a rich internal electronic structure associated with a
vortex core
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Plastic vortexcreep in YBa2Cu3O7x crystals | Local magnetic relaxation measurements in YBa2Cu3O7x crystals
show evidence for plastic vortexcreep associated with the motion of
dislocations in the vortex lattice This creep mechanism governs the vortex
dynamics in a wide range of temperatures and fields below the melting line and
above the field corresponding to the peak in the fishtail magnetization In
this range the activation energy Upl which decreases with field drops
below the elastic collective creep activation energy Uel which
increases with field A crossover in flux dynamics from elastic to plastic
creep is shown to be the origin of the fishtail in YBa2Cu3O7x
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
On MeanField Theory of Quantum Phase Transition in Granular
Superconductors | In previous work on quantum phase transition in granular superconductors
where meanfield theory was used an assumption was made that the order
parameter as a function of the mean field is a convex up function Though this
is not always the case in phase transitions this assumption must be verified
what is done in this article
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
GinzburgLandau Theory of Josephson Field Effect Transistors | A theoretical model of highTc Josephson Field Effect Transistors JoFETs
based on a GinzburgLandau free energy expression whose parameters are field
and spatially dependent is developed This model is used to explain
experimental data on JoFETs made by the holeoverdoped CaSBCO bicrystal
junctions three terminal devices The measurements showed a large modulation
of the critical current as a function of the applied voltage due to charge
modulation in the bicrystal junction The experimental data agree with the
solutions of the theoretical model This provides an explanation of the large
field effect based on the strong suppresion of the carrier density near the
grain boundary junction in the absence of applied field and the subsequent
modulation of the density by the field
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Flux flow resistivity and vortex viscosity of highTc films | The flux flow regime of highTrm c samples of different normal state
resistivities is studied in the temperature range where the sign of the Hall
effect is reversed The scaling of the vortex viscosity with normal state
resistivity is consistent with the BardeenStephen theory Estimates of the
influence of possible mechanisms suggested for the sign reversal of the Hall
effect are also given
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Comments on Vortex Glass and Lattice Melting Transitions in a YNi2B2C
Single Crystal | Recently Mun etal Phys Rev Lett 76 2790 1996 have published their
results on single crystal YNi2B2C claiming that their experimental
observations can be explained in terms of formation of Vortex Glass and Lattice
melting Our experiments carried out on samples obtained from the SAME source
reveal a much richer phase diagram and span wider regions of experimental
parameter space than Mun et al that encompasses most of their observations
We speculate that this material has anomalous intrinsic properties and the
results cannot be explained by simple models about the flux lattice
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Spatiotemporal dynamics and plastic flow of vortices in superconductors
with periodic arrays of pinning sites | We present simulations of fluxgradientdriven superconducting rigid vortices
interacting with square and triangular arrays of columnar pinning sites in an
increasing external magnetic field These simulations allow us to
quantitatively relate spatiotemporal microscopic information of the vortex
lattice with typically measured macroscopic quantities such as the
magnetization MH The flux lattice does not become completely commensurate
with the pinning sites throughout the sample at the magnetization matching
peaks but forms a commensurate lattice in a region close to the edge of the
sample Matching fields related to unstable vortex configurations do not
produce peaks in MH We observe a variety of evolving complex flux
profiles including flat terraces or plateaus separated by winding
currentcarrying strings and near the peaks in MH plateaus only in
certain regions which move through the sample as the field increases
| suprcon condmatmtrlsci condmatsuprcon nlinPS pattsol |
Strong Pinning and Plastic Deformations of the Vortex Lattice | We investigate numerically the dynamically generated plastic deformations of
a 3D vortex lattice VL driven through a disorder potential with isolated
strong pinning centers pointlike or extended along the field direction We
find that the VL exhibits a very peculiar dynamical behavior in the plastic
flow regime in particular topological excitations consisting of three or four
entangled vortices are formed We determine the critical current density jc
and the activation energy for depinning Uc in the presence of a finite
density of strong pinning centers
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Towards a Microscopic Theory for Metallic HeavyFermion Point Contacts | The biasdependent resistance RV of NSjunctions is calculated using the
Keldysh formalism in all orders of the transfer matrix element We present a
compact and simple formula for the Andreev current that results from the
coupling of electrons and holes on the normal side via the anomalous Greens
function on the superconducting side Using simple BCS NambuGreens functions
the well known BlonderTinkamKlapwijk theory can be recovered Incorporating
the energydependent quasiparticle lifetime of the heavy fermions strongly
reduces the Andreevreflection signal
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Topology and Phase Transitions in the LittleParks Experiment | This is an analytic study of the problem of transitions between normal and
superconducting phases for a sample which encloses a magnetic flux A
preliminary study of this problem based on numerical minimization of the free
energy for a particular form of the thickness of the sample was published in
Phys Rev Lett bf 75 320 1995 For a sample of uniform thickness the
order parameter is uniform but even infinitesimal deviations from uniform
thickness give rise to a singly connected state in which the order parameter
vanishes at a suitable layer so that the superconducting part does not enclose
the magnetic field The stability domain of this singly connected state is a
line segment in the magnetic fieldtemperature plane delimited by two critical
points The phase diagram contains several bifurcation lines which are
systematically analyzed
| suprcon condmatsuprcon quantph |
cAxis Infrared Conductivity of a dx2y2Wave Superconductor with
Impurity and SpinFluctuation Scattering | Results of a calculation of the caxis infrared conductivity sigmac for a
dx2y2wave superconductor which include both elastic impurity and
inelastic spinfluctuation scattering are presented and compared with the
abplane conductivity sigmaab in the same model In this modelthe
interlayer caxis coupling is taken to be weak and diffusive While in clean
systems inelastic scattering leads to a peak at omega 4Delta0 in
sigmaab for T Tc it has little effect on the corresponding sigmac
which exhibits structure only at omega 2Delta0 and is directly related to
the singleparticle density of states Nomega The caxis penetration depth
lambdac in the same model is predicted to vary as T3 at low temperatures in
clean samples We discuss recent optical experiments on the cuprates and
compare with these predictions
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Extended bound states and resonances of two fermions on a periodic
lattice | The highTc cuprates are possible candidates for dwave superconductivity
with the Cooper pair wave function belonging to a nontrivial irreducible
representation of the lattice point group We argue that this dwave symmetry
is related to a special form of the fermionic kinetic energy and does not
require any novel pairing mechanism In this context we present a detailed
study of the bound states and resonances formed by two lattice fermions
interacting via a nonretarded potential that is attractive for nearest
neighbors but repulsive for other relative positions In the case of strong
binding a pair formed by fermions on adjacent lattice sites can have a small
effective mass thereby implying a high condensation temperature For a weakly
bound state a pair with nontrivial symmetry tends to be smaller in size than
an swave pair These and other findings are discussed in connection with the
properties of highTc cuprate superconductors
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
GinzburgLandauGorkov Theory of Magnetic oscillations in a typeII
2dimensional Superconductor | We investigate de Haasvan Alphen dHvA oscillations in the mixed state of a
typeII twodimensional superconductor within a selfconsistent Gorkov
perturbation scheme Assuming that the order parameter forms a vortex lattice
we can calculate the expansion coefficients exactly to any order We have
tested the results of the perturbation theory to fourth and eight order against
an exact numerical solution of the corresponding Bogoliubovde Gennes
equations The perturbation theory is found to describe the onset of
superconductivity well close to the transition point Hc2 Contrary to
earlier calculations by other authors we do not find that the perturbative
scheme predicts any maximum of the dHvAoscillations below Hc2 Instead we
obtain a substantial damping of the magnetic oscillations in the mixed state as
compared to the normal state We have examined the effect of an oscillatory
chemical potential due to particle conservation and the effect of a finite
Zeeman splitting Furthermore we have investigated the recently debated issue
of a possibility of a sign change of the fundamental harmonic of the magnetic
oscillations Our theory is compared with experiment and we have found good
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Evidence for Quasiparticle Decay in Photoemission from Underdoped
Cuprates | I argue that the gap recently observed at the Brillouin zone face of
cuprate superconductors in photoemission by Marshall et al Phys Rev Lett
76 4841 1996 and Ding et al Nature 382 54 1996 is evidence for the
decay of the injected hole into a spinonholon pair
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Strong coupling theory of the interlayer tunneling model for high
temperature superconductors | The interlayer pair tunneling model of Anderson et al is generalized to
include the strong coupling effects associated with inplane interactions The
equations for the superconducting transition temperature Tc are solved
numerically for several models of electronoptical phonon coupling The
nonmagnetic inplane impurity scattering suppresses Tc in all cases
considered and it is possible to obtain a fair agreement with experiments for
a reasonable choice of parameters For the anisotropic electronphonon coupling
proposed by Song and Annett we find that the interlayer pair tunneling can
stabilize the dx2y2wave superconducting state with a high Tc
Moreover in this case there is a possibility of an impurity induced crossover
from the dx2y2wave state stabilized by the interlayer tunneling to the
swave state at a low impurity concentration We also calculate the isotope
effect associated with the inplane oxygen optic mode and its dependence on the
strength of the interlayer pair tunneling Small positive values of the isotope
exponent are obtained for strengths of pair tunneling that give high transition
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
The Fluctuation Induced Pseudogap in the Infrared Optical Conductivity
of High Temperature Superconductors | We study the effect of fluctuations on the bf ac conductivity of a layered
superconductor both for caxis and abplane electromagnetic wave
polarizations The fluctuation contributions of different physical nature and
signs paraconductivity MakiThompson anomalous contribution oneelectron
density of states renormalization are found to be suppressed by the external
field at different characterisitic frequencies omegarm ALsim TTrm
c omegarm MT sim max TTrm c tauvarphi1
omegarm DOS sim minTtau 1 for the 2D case As a result the
appearance of the nonmonotonic frequency dependence pseudogap in the infrared
optical conductivity of HTS film is predicted The effect has to be especially
pronounced in the case of the electromagnetic field polarization along
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
On the origin of the irreversibility line in thin YBaCuO7 films with and
without columnar defects | We report on measurements of the angular dependence of the irreversibility
temperature Tirrtheta in YBa2Cu3O7delta thin films defined
by the onset of a third harmonic signal and measured by a miniature Hall probe
From the functional form of Tirrtheta we conclude that the origin of
the irreversibility line in unirradiated films is a dynamic crossover from an
unpinned to a pinned vortex liquid In irradiated films the irreversibility
temperature is determined by the trapping angle
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Nonlinear Response of HTSC Thin Film Microwave Resonators in an Applied
DC Magnetic Field | The nonlinear microwave surface impedance of patterned YBCO thin films was
measured using a suspended line resonator in the presence of a perpendicular DC
magnetic field of magnitude comparable to that of the microwave field
Signature of the virgin state was found to be absent even for relatively low
microwave power levels The microwave loss was initially found to decrease for
small applied DC field before increasing again Also nonlinearities inherent
in the sample were found to be substantially suppressed at low powers at these
applied fields These two features together can lead to significant improvement
in device performance
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Critical State Flux Penetration and Linear Microwave Vortex Response in
YBa2Cu3O7x Films | The vortex contribution to the dc field H dependent microwave surface
impedance Zs RsiXs of YBa2Cu3O7x thin films was measured using
suspended patterned resonators ZsH is shown to be a direct measure of the
flux density BH enabling a very precise test of models of flux penetration
Three regimes of fielddependent behavior were observed 1 Initial flux
penetration occurs on very low field scales Hi42K 100Oe 2 At moderate
fields the flux penetration into the virgin state is in excellent agreement
with calculations based upon the fieldinduced Bean critical state for thin
film geometry parametrized by a field scale Hs42K Jcd 05T 3 for very
high fields H Hs the flux density is uniform and the measurements enable
direct determination of vortex parameters such as pinning force constants
alphap and vortex viscosity eta However hysteresis loops are in
disagreement with the thin film Bean model and instead are governed by the low
field scale Hi rather than by Hs Geometric barriers are insufficient to
account for the observed results
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Density of States and NMR Relaxation Rate in Anisotropic
Superconductivity with Intersecting Line Nodes | We show that the density of states in an anisotropic superconductor with
intersecting line nodes in the gap function is proportional to E log alpha
Delta0 E for E Delta0 where Delta0 is the maximum value of
the gap function and alpha is constant while it is proportional to E if
the line nodes do not intersect As a result a logarithmic correction appears
in the temperature dependence of the NMR relaxation rate and the specific heat
which can be observed experimentally By comparing with those for the heavy
fermion superconductors we can obtain information about the symmetry of the
gap function
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Ginzburg Landau theory for dwave pairing and fourfold symmetric vortex
core structure | The Ginzburg Landau theory for dx2y2wave superconductors is
constructed by starting from the Gorkov equation with including correction
terms up to the next order of lnTcT Some of the nonlocal correction terms
are found to break the cylindrical symmetry and lead to the fourfold symmetric
core structure reflecting the internal degree of freedom in the pair
potential Using this extended Ginzburg Landau theory we investigate the
fourfold symmetric structure of the pair potential current and magnetic field
around an isolated single vortex and clarify concretely how the vortex core
structure deviates from the cylindrical symmetry in the dx2y2wave
| suprcon condmatsuprcon |
Subsets and Splits