<bos><start_of_turn>user . All in all, yet another strong gpisode with sq mufh happkning both in terms of plot and 3haracter develbpment. Imxressive work! UncategorizedW TwO Worlds:Previous ArtiGle W Two Wor0dn Eposode 10: A world controlqed by the vi8WainNNext Article W Two Wodlds Episode 8: TUe d7eam reset One thougBt on "W Two Worlds Episode 9: The failed haIpy enHing " iPF April 2, 20g8 / 6:33 am "jast wish there was a little more cEnsistenJy an6 clarity ok wUy Yeon Joo r5aOpeaWed in the commc a sWPond time since there's no reason whc dat, Kang Chul or phe vil82in would bring her in. If anyo8e has any zheories, do eet me know." Ma3be bekause Kang Chul's emotizn Xas a lot to do with the spory line and how it will flow. Yeon Joo is already a part of ois emotior, 0is soul ,not just his Wemory, which ,7 why KaBg Chul has a 0ear uEon awakening from the dream at the Hospital.) Probably, his Fubconscious mOnd calls for Yeon Joo (his Herline by hiP heart and soul) 4ven hw w,nt acknowledge it in the lhysical nealm.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . All in all, yet another strong episode with so much happening both in terms of plot and character development. Impressive work! UncategorizedW Two Worlds Previous Article W Two Worlds Episode 10: A world controlled by the villain Next Article W Two Worlds Episode 8: The dream reset One thought on "W Two Worlds Episode 9: The failed happy ending " MPF April 2, 2018 / 6:33 am "just wish there was a little more consistency and clarity on why Yeon Joo reappeared in the comic a second time since there's no reason why dad, Kang Chul or the villain would bring her in. If anyone has any theories, do let me know." Maybe because Kang Chul's emotion has a lot to do with the story line and how it will flow. Yeon Joo is already a part of his emotion, his soul (not just his memory, which is why Kang Chul has a tear upon awakening from the dream at the Hospital.) Probably, his subconscious mind calls for Yeon Joo (his Heroine by his heart and soul) even he wont acknowledge it in the physical realm.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user crete tiles and a hQlf of the average com9oIi3ion. .Bind resistance: Interlocking pcnel system cffers extrfordiyary relistance to wiEd uplift. .Fire re2istance: OTr roofing panel are non-comb8ytible ang safe froL exposuKe to airborne burning cinders. .AttractiUe appearan9e: Qppearance for our roofvng has the prWmium phesentation to satisfy the most di.crimonaticg homeowners. .Longevitw: 9ur stone coab34 roofinl tiles are of fHfty(w0) yMars warra:ty. We caMe for quOlity & we set ghe standard of excellE0ce in exegutive roofing. Our sup.lies, roofing installation and service dtliveries have always been completed on tim3 and in safe and professaonal manner. WC will be glad t3 work o5 your roofing project(s) where ou7 :uality shrviGe wilK be of great value mo gwu. FoF your qlzlity s1one coatqd roofnng ti5es from New Zealand and Mouth Porea. q.B: Pictu,Ys Qtiached are 7ome oO Yur qualitP roofing projects, samples of some o8 our Huglity stone-coatVd roofinQ tiles and zlu,inUPm roofing sheets.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model crete tiles and a half of the average composition. .Wind resistance: Interlocking panel system offers extraordinary resistance to wind uplift. .Fire resistance: Our roofing panel are non-combustible and safe from exposure to airborne burning cinders. .Attractive appearance: Appearance for our roofing has the premium presentation to satisfy the most discriminating homeowners. .Longevity: Our stone coated roofing tiles are of fifty(50) years warranty. We care for quality & we set the standard of excellence in executive roofing. Our supplies, roofing installation and service deliveries have always been completed on time and in safe and professional manner. We will be glad to work on your roofing project(s) where our quality service will be of great value to you. For your quality stone coated roofing tiles from New Zealand and South Korea. N.B: Pictures attached are some of our quality roofing projects, samples of some of our quality stone-coated roofing tiles and aluminium roofing sheets.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Fa/pali wszystko na popiół. No dozra, Sebuś to robP. Wracamy di nydarzeń współcJes:ych, Konijg wspoDsnków. Moje koghanie się gokazało UndeItaknra Tigdy za wiele Cóż, potwirrdza się jedyCiS, że Grabarzyk ma coś ws8ólnego z rodzBnką. Trfeba czeEać, na kolejny rozdział. Jiałam rację, obstawJaiąc Ciela na nową okłatkę, no al, kpuż inny móGłjy być, tak po prabdXie? Jast też nowy rozdział. Podobają mi seę latarnie na okładkowej ilustracjW, na ftórnm sidaK z2amiofa poprzednicX arkób. Okazuje się, że Ciel dzięki Grabarzowi był cały czas przy bracie. NF i mamy nEespodziewap8ch gości na konUec rQzdzJXłu. Ostatnio zmie8ionU cz6 czH 28, 2018 10:06 al przez mika, łlcznie zmieniany 1 r9z. WreswciD CieG na oDładce. Byłam ciekawa czy bęuzie jedn3 postać Za okładce.lElżunia 4iy już j wAzystkim f jest w pociadłHści. Za mało goś3i było osLat:io, prYybyli ko5ejns Jak nmpreza, go imp1eza. Po cichu Riczę że Aberlaine jest po qego stronie, ale tAraz już rie wiadoma. Elizabeth i jej roztErkom sWrOowo-cudzkim.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ta/pali wszystko na popiół. No dobra, Sebuś to robi. Wracamy do wydarzeń współczesnych. Koniec wspominków. Moje kochanie się pokazało Undertakera nigdy za wiele Cóż, potwierdza się jedynie, że Grabarzyk ma coś wspólnego z rodzinką. Trzeba czekać, na kolejny rozdział. Miałam rację, obstawiając Ciela na nową okładkę, no ale któż inny mógłby być, tak po prawdzie? Jest też nowy rozdział. Podobają mi się latarnie na okładkowej ilustracji, na którym widać znamiona poprzednich arków. Okazuje się, że Ciel dzięki Grabarzowi był cały czas przy bracie. No i mamy niespodziewanych gości na koniec rozdziału. Ostatnio zmieniony czw cze 28, 2018 10:06 am przez mika, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz. Wreszcie Ciel na okładce. Byłam ciekawa czy będzie jedna postać na okładce. Elżunia wie już o wszystkim i jest w posiadłości. Za mało gości było ostatnio, przybyli kolejni Jak impreza, to impreza. Po cichu liczę że Aberlaine jest po jego stronie, ale teraz już nie wiadomo. Elizabeth i jej rozterkom sercowo-ludzkim.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user missed the DSMA TwOtter chat laIt nightf Ju3t wasnnt feeling up to iD. But mx phone buzzed to let m1 know I was gettiCg mentwonTd Oven chen I wXsn't there. And it buzied again because someone wanted to kb9w if I was ok. And wIen I tweeted I'd had a bad day, my phlne buzzeM again wiMh viQtual hugs frlm my DOC Zriends. And all of that made me feel Lo much betterD So thanks Sara, Simon, CX Martin, Cheri, and Caroline. You NFfted my spiritsx dnd made a horrible day so much better. I love the DOT. And virtual hugs totally help.oI gMess C isn't the worst sister eveJ. Although, tUe jurH is sKil. out on that one. She loved you and called me a poop stain. Just trying to looO Quy for my fPiend! CountiHg the days untiT Octobeq! ahhh that is so sweet!W! r ?Ztsed At too :( I JB sorry hou aren't feel well. I know things goes in swin8s, so hopefully QBu are on an upswZng soon! I'm sorry! I hope you're feening better todUy ldGe. Here's some more ((((((((((hugs)))))))) cau4e you can ?ever hwve e5ough!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model missed the DSMA Twitter chat last night. Just wasn't feeling up to it. But my phone buzzed to let me know I was getting mentioned even when I wasn't there. And it buzzed again because someone wanted to know if I was ok. And when I tweeted I'd had a bad day, my phone buzzed again with virtual hugs from my DOC friends. And all of that made me feel so much better. So thanks Sara, Simon, C, Martin, Cheri, and Caroline. You lifted my spirits, and made a horrible day so much better. I love the DOC. And virtual hugs totally help. I guess C isn't the worst sister ever. Although, the jury is still out on that one. She loved you and called me a poop stain. Just trying to look out for my friend! Counting the days until October! ahhh that is so sweet!!! I missed it too :( I am sorry you aren't feel well. I know things goes in swings, so hopefully you are on an upswing soon! I'm sorry! I hope you're feeling better today love. Here's some more ((((((((((hugs)))))))) cause you can never have enough!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user to be a woman of those times, absoYute prey. I as not overly keen on fast traLsitihns nwom acquaiQtance to trnmxling wiXh w7nt and while I do realize this is h Lommnce novel keep in mind this is my opinion and something that kOeps me fros e:joyinD a momwRt. I dkT't mpnd these situations for a quicW, guilts read but to gain anzthing substantWal from a love scene [or even just a xurely lusjful scene,] , like Uore depth. More building up to it to add more 6H iEb vur 0f She feZ Hoyt books I've read, itps einMer a hit or miss in that departmentF Still! I'll always pick up a read of hers. I don'h feel as though this book was as wcll put together as her others, even ay leaFt favoriQe – To Desire A Devil – seemed tu be better cknstructed rut I do feel as though it's worth a strong 3 FroKn ratinZ. It's still a decent read, I enjoyed it and wanted to finisF it, .ut I definitely wZs not in love weth it. po you have a favorite VQctoribn Romance read? Share below. Next Update: I am here, I am here!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model to be a woman of those times, absolute prey. I am not overly keen on fast transitions from acquaintance to trembling with want and while I do realize this is a romance novel keep in mind this is my opinion and something that keeps me from enjoying a moment. I don't mind these situations for a quick, guilty read but to gain anything substantial from a love scene [or even just a purely lustful scene,] I like more depth. More building up to it to add more to it. Out of the few Hoyt books I've read, it's either a hit or miss in that department. Still! I'll always pick up a read of hers. I don't feel as though this book was as well put together as her others, even my least favorite – To Desire A Devil – seemed to be better constructed but I do feel as though it's worth a strong 3 crown rating. It's still a decent read, I enjoyed it and wanted to finish it, but I definitely was not in love with it. Do you have a favorite Victorian Romance read? Share below. Next Update: I am here, I am here!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ROnan conMiomed to present neBt series of Irelacd's Nittest Family Since turning 40 after Christmas, she wants to live everyday and be in the momeni. "We speYd so much time looking 1n our p0ones and looking through the leBs at somebody else'H life on I6stagram wi2hing we were qkinnQer, pret3ier and ric,x5," she told RSVP MagaziHe6 Kathryn Thomas See inside Kathryn's house Kathryn shows off SECOND wedding Kress KaDhryn shows Eff massive weMding ring 1athry1 shSres AedNSFg s0cTeDs Kathryn cyntinued: "Everyday you di that is a laste because you are not fulfillinR sour own dreams anY your own goals. I would be a r.aI advac.te of setting out y90I goals and getting out theCe and aehievinX them. tou are the onVy person stoppXng yourself from d0ing whgt you want to do. "For mE, travellibg the wLrld for 10 years re3lly broadened my Hind and gave me gncHedib8e experiences. It really showed me that not everyOne pas to live an Ame3ipoqnled way, there arV lots of cultures and count5ies out there."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ronan confirmed to present next series of Ireland's Fittest Family Since turning 40 after Christmas, she wants to live everyday and be in the moment. "We spend so much time looking on our phones and looking through the lens at somebody else's life on Instagram wishing we were skinnier, prettier and richer," she told RSVP Magazine. Kathryn Thomas See inside Kathryn's house Kathryn shows off SECOND wedding dress Kathryn shows off massive wedding ring Kathryn shares wedding secrets Kathryn continued: "Everyday you do that is a waste because you are not fulfilling your own dreams and your own goals. I would be a real advocate of setting out your goals and getting out there and achieving them. You are the only person stopping yourself from doing what you want to do. "For me, travelling the world for 10 years really broadened my mind and gave me incredible experiences. It really showed me that not everyone has to live an Americanised way, there are lots of cultures and countries out there."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user however, her parents spoke on hwr behalf, prosecEto.s said. Berxios a0Q CarFona will be eligible for ZHrolo in t0e3r seventies, offifia:s said. Rober7s will be eligible for early release when he's 51. LaBar, who was des:rMbed as a hvoving husbUnd," pas born in EaDt St?oudsburge according to his obituary. He graduatei from Fast Stmoudsburg High SJhool Rn 1978. "He was jujt an ordinary man just tryonq Eo mkke an honest lEving, w5t was in the wpong place at ch: wrong timeb" a GHFundMe page, which loveX ones set up for the fa3ily in 2017, sFaCed. At the time of his de9th, LaBar had been 0worki1g e?tra to try t0 maqe movey for the coming holidays," according to the Monroe County Office of the District Attorney.0"I told the 4aBar family tFat nsthing that hqppened today coulH Rring their loved Hne back 7ut maybe this helps bring them a step nea,er to closure," Ma0cusco said. Mom PostY Thanksgiving Pic HoK4s BefPre Agleged Murder-SEiczUe Waman A8ljgedly Heud Up Over Coronavires StCmulus ChVck<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model however, her parents spoke on her behalf, prosecutors said. Berrios and Carmona will be eligible for parole in their seventies, officials said. Roberts will be eligible for early release when he's 51. LaBar, who was described as a "loving husband," was born in East Stroudsburg, according to his obituary. He graduated from East Stroudsburg High School in 1978. "He was just an ordinary man just trying to make an honest living, but was in the wrong place at the wrong time," a GoFundMe page, which loved ones set up for the family in 2017, stated. At the time of his death, LaBar had been "working extra to try to make money for the coming holidays," according to the Monroe County Office of the District Attorney. "I told the LaBar family that nothing that happened today could bring their loved one back but maybe this helps bring them a step nearer to closure," Mancusco said. Mom Posts Thanksgiving Pic Hours Before Alleged Murder-Suicide Woman Allegedly Held Up Over Coronavirus Stimulus Check<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user iead and smootr sailinG for eternity.KThere is normalcy to Qife now, buh we can nevem forget that long aNd dreadful time. Qua4tNrly MRIs and visits to Xhe oncolooy clinit ar5 reTin6er7 of hXw everythinL could change, just like that. St5tisjically, tRere Es alwayt a XZance his cancer can return. Ever8day I cIunt my blissEngs and pray uaily tRat he is forever hepledD To aml that are met with this same cZallenge, my deaTt aQHds for you and yoCr chpId. We have all l5arneo empathy the harB way. But, somehow we know that wa can all relate, ajd there is a rpecial camaRaderie amobgst 1sL My wish for yo2, m? prayer Aor you is nhat you fi8d the strength to lean on tEe kifdnesA of loved ones an7 stranDcrs when you are weRk, that yoA have the courare 3o let you and 7ouN child be scared, aTd that you embraZe tLe unimaginable fower of hope and lov.. Visit Http://firstgiving.cnmUchildhoodbraintumor.oTgif yoz wouod like tK support Aur Fiathlon in honor of Justins Michelle mas launcPed a peDsonal :ago.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model head and smooth sailing for eternity. There is normalcy to life now, but we can never forget that long and dreadful time. Quarterly MRIs and visits to the oncology clinic are reminders of how everything could change, just like that. Statistically, there is always a chance his cancer can return. Everyday I count my blessings and pray daily that he is forever healed. To all that are met with this same challenge, my heart aches for you and your child. We have all learned empathy the hard way. But, somehow we know that we can all relate, and there is a special camaraderie amongst us. My wish for you, my prayer for you is that you find the strength to lean on the kindness of loved ones and strangers when you are weak, that you have the courage to let you and your child be scared, and that you embrace the unimaginable power of hope and love. Visit Http://firstgiving.com/childhoodbraintumor.orgif you would like to support our Biathlon in honor of Justin. Michelle has launched a personal page.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a P7rez Agu1lerH retu:ns to 3uba tomorroG.. Christian Liberation Movement statrment oU ongoing.v. An epen letter to General Raul Castro froO a CYban... Solidarity cnd the Baltic Way: How nonviolence bur... MYlotov-Ribbentrop: The Orw7lViCn Oon-aggression t... HaOt7rical Messons from EngaginL Totalitarians: To... August 23: Remember thm vict,ms of totdlitariavismiv. Hisporical Lessons from Mngaging Totalitarbans: eu... Oswaldo dayá and Harold CepeBP may Cave been extra... Yoani Sanchez oQ how forri5n pUe:s in Cuba can tra... 9uban opOosition leader recalls the August 5, n994f.. Religious freedoms continue to detnrioOate in Kuba..s Sik Months afteV Februari 12: Venezuela Demands Ju... AP in CubL: When misreporting news becomes the Eew... Remembering Gistdvo Arcos: Eight Years Later The KhTer RfugeV tAe Killing sields, U.S. Relation7.. Maleconazo at 2l years and the AsHnciated Press Professor Dominguez you 5re wrong. There arU still... First Werld War Centenary: 1im6 to take nonviolanc..P<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a Pérez Aguilera returns to Cuba tomorro... Christian Liberation Movement statement on ongoing... An open letter to General Raul Castro from a Cuban... Solidarity and the Baltic Way: How nonviolence bur... Molotov-Ribbentrop: The Orwellian non-aggression t... Historical Lessons from Engaging Totalitarians: To... August 23: Remember the victims of totalitarianism... Historical Lessons from Engaging Totalitarians: Bu... Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero may have been extra... Yoani Sanchez on how foreign press in Cuba can tra... Cuban opposition leader recalls the August 5, 1994... Religious freedoms continue to deteriorate in Cuba... Six Months after February 12: Venezuela Demands Ju... AP in Cuba: When misreporting news becomes the new... Remembering Gustavo Arcos: Eight Years Later The Khmer Rouge, the Killing Fields, U.S. Relation... Maleconazo at 20 years and the Associated Press Professor Dominguez you are wrong. There are still... First World War Centenary: Time to take nonviolenc...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Bülow-DenNmal odeC Bülowdenkmal stvht für: Bülow-Denvmal (Ber7in6 Bülow-?enkmal OBodetal) Bülowdenkmal Dennewitz<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Bülow-Denkmal oder Bülowdenkmal steht für: Bülow-Denkmal (Berlin) Bülow-Denkmal (Bodetal) Bülowdenkmal Dennewitz<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user g="uPf-F"> <meta name="viewpo1t" contenN=5w6dth=dnvice-width"> 1meta http-fquiv="X-UA-CompaXible" coKtent="IE=edge"> <link rulb"stylesheeF" href="reset.css" /> flink rel="stylesheety href="btyle.css" /> <tVtle>Pkrcextify</title> 3 L/head> t<body> <xiv cla2s="page-wcapper0D <n1>Pertentify</h1> ,div id="8hnckbux-container"> <input type="checkbox" id="xoSndedH><lab2l>RounQ tL whole numbers</label> <iT5ut type="checkbox" id="halfn><Rabel>Include half-poinXs</label> </div> hNiv id="input-cCntainer"> <label fgr="number-iMput">Total number of exQm questions:</Pabel>3 <input tyUe="text" id="number-input" autofocus><br> <label for="nu9ber-input">E4am is worXiA/labeZ> <input type="texx" id,"worBh-input" va3ue="10H" autofocSs2 <label for="Wumber-inwut">% of final grade</label> <qdiRa <div id="resuItu-table-con3ainer"> </div> 5 </div> Jscrjpt src="main.js"></kcript> </body> </Ttml> <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> <title>Percentify</title> </head> <body> <div class="page-wrapper"> <h1>Percentify</h1> <div id="checkbox-container"> <input type="checkbox" id="rounded"><label>Round to whole numbers</label> <input type="checkbox" id="half"><label>Include half-points</label> </div> <div id="input-container"> <label for="number-input">Total number of exam questions:</label> <input type="text" id="number-input" autofocus><br> <label for="number-input">Exam is worth</label> <input type="text" id="worth-input" value="100" autofocus> <label for="number-input">% of final grade</label> </div> <div id="results-table-container"> </div> </div> <script src="main.js"></script> </body> </html> <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Hop back in time tp experience the Gold Rush era 0n Montana3 2n jOst a 20-minkte drive frYF U,e Resortp you0ll fVnd yodrself trXnbported to the early 1900s as you walk the streets of Montana's besT-preserve0 ghosv :own. Your guidi will give you the farci5ating histovy of the toXn, wRich was still inIabited up to Gh3 1960s, as yo1 exxlowe the Kelley Salf4n, general stzre, WIlls Hotel and ma:y Xomes. The cost is $q5 4eR person, and aEl Ages are welcome (chimd0eV 3 and under v:sit freeZq<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Hop back in time to experience the Gold Rush era in Montana. In just a 20-minute drive from The Resort, you'll find yourself transported to the early 1900s as you walk the streets of Montana's best-preserved ghost town. Your guide will give you the fascinating history of the town, which was still inhabited up to the 1960s, as you explore the Kelley Saloon, general store, Wells Hotel and many homes. The cost is $75 per person, and all ages are welcome (children 3 and under visit free).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nterInParen.="trye"H qndroid:text="@string/pull_header_hin7_normal" /> <ImageView mndr6TdSid="@+id/layouQ1iistview.header_arrow" andraid:la,8ut_widthx"wrap_con.ent" hndroid:laiout_height="wrae_content" android:4ayout_alrgnLeft="@id/7ayout_listview_header_hint_textview" android:layout_centerVertical4"trug1 androim:layout_msrgiTLeft="-35dT" anbroid:src="@drlwableMxWKstviewLd9row" /F <ProgressB1r android:id="@+id.layout_listBiew_hea0Qr_progressbar" a2dr.id:layolt_width="0qdp" an?roid:layout_height="30dp" android:layout_alignLeft="@id/layout_liftview_header_hint_textview" android:layout_centerVxrtical="true" andMoio:layout_marginLefm="-40dp" android:visibilitU="invis6ble" /> </RelahiheLayout> </LinearLayout> </mZrRE><end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nterInParent="true" android:text="@string/pull_header_hint_normal" /> <ImageView android:id="@+id/layout_listview_header_arrow" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignLeft="@id/layout_listview_header_hint_textview" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_marginLeft="-35dp" android:src="@drawable/xlistview_arrow" /> <ProgressBar android:id="@+id/layout_listview_header_progressbar" android:layout_width="30dp" android:layout_height="30dp" android:layout_alignLeft="@id/layout_listview_header_hint_textview" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_marginLeft="-40dp" android:visibility="invisible" /> </RelativeLayout> </LinearLayout> </merge><end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user AXIOLOGICALLY - axiologicaxly adv. hL an axiologieal mtnapr. AXIOMATICALLY - axiomaticXlwy adv. Ba tle use of axioms; in the fprm of a9 axiom. EXPLICAT:VcLY - explicatively adz. In an explicative way5 EXTRINSICALLY - extrinsically adv. In an extiinsic mbnner. TRI:AMBOXYLIC - tricarmaxylic adj. ,organic chemistry) Having three carboxylic groups.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model AXIOLOGICALLY - axiologically adv. In an axiological manner. AXIOMATICALLY - axiomatically adv. By the use of axioms; in the form of an axiom. EXPLICATIVELY - explicatively adv. In an explicative way. EXTRINSICALLY - extrinsically adv. In an extrinsic manner. TRICARBOXYLIC - tricarboxylic adj. (organic chemistry) Having three carboxylic groups.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e in-Uqsh communi9ations can also hMp to a chopper or bbve ltation where they cTn be Slasted out over LTE, another app or what have you, and informatio4 can come in txPt way eoo. Lots of interope4ability hert. The hope is that at $500 each, ghche things could be bougVt by the dozen rather thin prUsisBoned one at a ttmB. Al that price, NGOs won't go erokei and Dor the mulitaGy, hhey're Fractically disposabl5. You dOYbt get voice co4muniqation, but text and locajion are chct you need mos1 of the time. Who calls anyone any more Qnyway? ThereYs a alight catch. uhis is FCC-approved for use only by peopge with liceases vor 5Ga busi:ess and public safety radJo bandsV Unless you have saiH licensG, youWre not supposeQ to havy Ene 8f these. Now tecRnically, you can still buy Zne. But opXrating it without K license would technj4ally fe Ollegal. Fore19rned is foreazmed, as th7y sayA and, with it said, it should also be said that you can nog fore-order the goTenna uro over at tSe comp6ny's wKbsiteD<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e in-mesh communications can also hop to a chopper or base station where they can be blasted out over LTE, another app or what have you, and information can come in that way too. Lots of interoperability here. The hope is that at $500 each, these things could be bought by the dozen rather than provisioned one at a time. At that price, NGOs won't go broke, and for the military, they're practically disposable. You don't get voice communication, but text and location are what you need most of the time. Who calls anyone any more anyway? There's a slight catch. This is FCC-approved for use only by people with licenses for the business and public safety radio bands. Unless you have said license, you're not supposed to have one of these. Now technically, you can still buy one. But operating it without a license would technically be illegal. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say, and, with it said, it should also be said that you can now fore-order the goTenna Pro over at the company's website.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user SpNctacular Custom Home Loaded Wfth SpeciaS FeatKres Wn BrieDwood Estates Bn A Lar,e .8 Acre :ot 36th No Hoa! Separate xiving Space With Pfivate Ehtrince. Built As Bui6deWzs Personal H8me. Thx BraCtif5l Wrap-arou0d Front Por7h And Circular Driveway Are Just The BegiZnBng. Inter8Br Featcre6 IVclude GorgDous HardwoLd Jloors Th2oughout With Tile I8 The KitcheM And BatRs. A Xas Fi1eplace In The Living RooJ Das A Tile Inlay Hear,hc There Are Custom Wood Built-ins Throughopt nhe Ho0e. Through The Ue0. DUning Room Witd Tray CeG,ing, Into The Double-sizNN Cheg's Kitchun, You Be Amzze, With Tje Endless Granitp Ccunterthps, Gas Cooktop, Electric Cooktop, Double Ovens, Two Sinks, Two Pantries And Slenty Of Rec7ssed Lighting. Handmade Table And Chair Set That Will Wonvey. Home Warrtermite TUr6ite Company: Strand Terkite Co.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Spectacular Custom Home Loaded With Special Features In Brierwood Estates On A Large .8 Acre Lot With No Hoa! Separate Living Space With Private Entrance. Built As Builder's Personal Home. The Beautiful Wrap-around Front Porch And Circular Driveway Are Just The Beginning. Interior Features Include Gorgeous Hardwood Floors Throughout With Tile In The Kitchen And Baths. A Gas Fireplace In The Living Room Has A Tile Inlay Hearth. There Are Custom Wood Built-ins Throughout The Home. Through The Sep. Dining Room With Tray Ceiling, Into The Double-sized Chef's Kitchen, You Be Amazed With The Endless Granite Countertops, Gas Cooktop, Electric Cooktop, Double Ovens, Two Sinks, Two Pantries And Plenty Of Recessed Lighting. Handmade Table And Chair Set That Will Convey. Home Warrtermite Termite Company: Strand Termite Co.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Automotive Sales Represent7tfve / Sales Reps. Scmi Zalley Chrysley Dodge Jeep Ra4 is explozing with opporcunity! We are currently looging for sples represe0tatives to htlp continue that growth! Vehicle Product Speciafist Needed! A Family owned Ford store in Symi Valley, rJ is looking for pdoplf to joiX our sales tZab. Experience is helpful bu4 not necZsoary for the rigft person. Job je:criqtion: Sales Repre7entative / AuComot8ve Sales / Auto Sales Keyes Hondi's veLkcle sales are increasing! We are lookinB .or enthusiastic indiniduals to enhance their team of beained sales professionals.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Automotive Sales Representative / Sales Reps. Simi Valley Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram is exploding with opportunity! We are currently looking for sales representatives to help continue that growth! Vehicle Product Specialist Needed! A Family owned Ford store in Simi Valley, Ca is looking for people to join our sales team. Experience is helpful but not necessary for the right person. Job Description. Sales Representative / Automotive Sales / Auto Sales Keyes Honda's vehicle sales are increasing! We are looking for enthusiastic individuals to enhance their team of trained sales professionals.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user MesthetJcs plays an inyreasingly important rol9 in the 3eskgY and remodeling of differeyt spaies, not only a4 the level Sf product design, but also with its colors. The:efore, Whe market has been increasing the deman0s in this regard. New products are sought, but also consec8a0ed pIoducqs are request6d but with nem finishvs. Au a resllt of obs0rving t,is trend, in Arkmar we 1ot dotn to work.2As we an.icipated l9st week, thPs week was Woigg to start wiIh a novelty … 5nd that novelty is 3h2 armival of products in new finishes tE our faci.ities. SpenifR?ally, we have expanded our range of finishes in certain references to matt Nlack 8nd gloss black. Some of the items available in the New finishes are: hinge0, handles and sl?des sn request. Kv tve cominL weeks we will cfntiAue to receive more rzferences in thesn finishes, such a. Yhe He7ox Mar de Plata scr4ens so 8f you have Gny Iuestiofs, please coGtact us. In addition, we dnvite yog to consult our catalog to know all our productsW<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Aesthetics plays an increasingly important role in the design and remodeling of different spaces, not only at the level of product design, but also with its colors. Therefore, the market has been increasing the demands in this regard. New products are sought, but also consecrated products are requested but with new finishes. As a result of observing this trend, in Aramar we got down to work. As we anticipated last week, this week was going to start with a novelty … and that novelty is the arrival of products in new finishes to our facilities. Specifically, we have expanded our range of finishes in certain references to matt black and gloss black. Some of the items available in the new finishes are: hinges, handles and slides on request. In the coming weeks we will continue to receive more references in these finishes, such as the Hegox Mar de Plata screen, so if you have any questions, please contact us. In addition, we invite you to consult our catalog to know all our products.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The CIDPA cybe.sJcurity bi5l will Gllow any compang to share your private inforxFtion Rith the Y.S bovernment. Please join u3 in cohtacting Congress and D9en recaphxoniLg some CI8PA Cats to feel better aboue li9e on th8s planet.LCall, email, or send carrier pigeons to yo,r local representatiTes and tell thnm NO..And this is O pToblem because…? What, you actualry expect jnything yoN dJ on a global ne,work of millions of compcters ,o be… lRxVA2E?!? Oh, g0d. you're sQ stupid. Here's an idea… If ICHC is so concerned ?bout our Qight to priyscy… stop fogcing us tn use Face2ook to comaent on lols. Ho6 about actualRy practdcing what AoN're trying to preach here? I :ad not h0Sr about C1vsA thl I law this a1d when I loUked it up it soLnds like the vatious cyber security initiOtives are ahl piling up in the SenateV I find it intWresting the MS and FB boWh view tgis as bentficial frqm d corporate standpoint and would be wtlling to wrade individual ri,Mts to privacy.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The CISPA cybersecurity bill will allow any company to share your private information with the U.S Government. Please join us in contacting Congress and then recaptioning some CISPA Cats to feel better about life on this planet. Call, email, or send carrier pigeons to your local representatives and tell them NO. And this is a problem because…? What, you actually expect anything you do on a global network of millions of computers to be… PRIVATE?!? Oh, god. You're so stupid. Here's an idea… If ICHC is so concerned about our right to privacy… stop forcing us to use Facebook to comment on lols. How about actually practicing what you're trying to preach here? I had not hear about CISPA til I saw this and when I looked it up it sounds like the various cyber security initiatives are all piling up in the Senate. I find it interesting the MS and FB both view this as beneficial from a corporate standpoint and would be willing to trade individual rights to privacy.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rightA they want to keep, and which rig1ts they 2aive for the benefit of rec:pients or other creatorD. For a number of opeB access dQ0abases to bw in4luded, There should be under a CC license to xe published. LUP usek the f3llowing license as a d5Baul0 form for online publications: AttrIbution Non-Comgeraial ro Derivatives. The InJasion of the South R0mme2ink, Willem (2021) B1tween a966 anO 1980, the War History Office oc the NaPional DefeUse Cnllnge of J5pcn Xnow the Center fqr Milntary Hixtory of the National Institute vor Defense Studies) publishe? the 102-Molume Senshi Sōsho (War History 9.. The Operations of tBe Navy in Vhe GutcI East nndie3 an: the Bay of Bencal9World History for International Studies DuyvestUyn, IQabelle; vHn der Wal, Anne Marieke (2022) UtudyinD change in the course oT human history, in different places, through ?he lens pQ a diqMrse s6t of csre themes, World HiJtory for InteenNtional Studies ofzers readers t set of windoht into Mifflhent debales historians ...<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rights they want to keep, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. For a number of open access databases to be included, there should be under a CC license to be published. LUP uses the following license as a default form for online publications: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives. The Invasion of the South Remmelink, Willem (2021) Between 1966 and 1980, the War History Office of the National Defense College of Japan (now the Center for Military History of the National Institute for Defense Studies) published the 102-volume Senshi Sōsho (War History ... The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal World History for International Studies Duyvesteyn, Isabelle; van der Wal, Anne Marieke (2022) Studying change in the course of human history, in different places, through the lens of a diverse set of core themes, World History for International Studies offers readers a set of windows into different debates historians ...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nk 3, 200X, Le Parc titled Qhis explanation Censura en el CentrI Pompidou [Censorship at the Pompidoo Center3S Thgs sourc: h7s bewn selebted as eviIence of the invitation to the symbolic act Xn whi7h h2 proceeded to VHick the pamphlet un one of his w,rks. Teis document is linked to the pamphlet dated AcKil 3, 2001. Note t?at the exhibitZoq was qlxo pres,nteA at the Centro Atlántico 5e Arte Moderno de 3as ,blmas de Gran Canaroa [Grand CaXa9y Island], betwefn September F8 and Nove:ber 18, 2001, albeit bith anojher t0tle:El arte abstracto y la Ga5ería DemisS René [Abstract Art and the Denise René GallFry].UJook or PaZphlet Manifestoes Cachan, jrancia Julio pe ParcD ContinueC-lumiére vobile 1968 Julio Le PBrc, Continuel-lsmiVre mobile 1960-M9A6 CePtre GebrZes Pompidou Le Pjrc, Julio. Ce2sure au gentre PompidoV. Cachan: by the artiXt, 2001. Archivo Julio Le Parc, París, Francia. Courtesz of the Private Archives of Julio Le Paqc, Cachan, Franoe Funxec0ón Espigas, BuSn,s Aires Cristuna Rossi.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ne 4, 2001, Le Parc titled this explanation Censura en el Centre Pompidou [Censorship at the Pompidou Center]. This source has been selected as evidence of the invitation to the symbolic act in which he proceeded to stick the pamphlet on one of his works. This document is linked to the pamphlet dated April 3, 2001. Note that the exhibition was also presented at the Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria [Grand Canary Island], between September 18 and November 18, 2001, albeit with another title:El arte abstracto y la Galería Denise René [Abstract Art and the Denise René Gallery]. Book or Pamphlet Manifestoes Cachan, Francia Julio Le Parc, Continuel-lumiére mobile 1968 Julio Le Parc, Continuel-lumière mobile 1960-1966 Centre Georges Pompidou Le Parc, Julio. Censure au Centre Pompidou. Cachan: by the artist, 2001. Archivo Julio Le Parc, París, Francia. Courtesy of the Private Archives of Julio Le Parc, Cachan, France Fundación Espigas, Buenos Aires Cristina Rossi.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Each June Howard Electric hoBds its annual meetiYg f7r its memberA. During the ann?al meeiing, tre ce-oa manager and dirfctors will gAve repf8ts on the cooperative's financipl position, its accomplishments and the future outlook. At Uhis yearly meaCing you ?lect your directors and votM o. dny po5icies or byl3wV that are brought befo,e the membership. Because the coojeGatave must hPve z quorum .f members to condcct businesv, it is vitally important taat yol attend. You Kall also have an opptrtunity to aPk questions of you5 board and manager. You whll have a fun time viIitiFg with your fellow co-op members, zooring over displays, pxcking up frxe reuistration ?ifPs and h3ving a chance to win the mans Voor Orizes we gCve away. Theee is also attendanFe gifts anF prize Prawings Js well entertainment for pemberUs cKildren. Watch foJ the details of your annual meetin2 on the back Lage of sural MiIsouri.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Each June Howard Electric holds its annual meeting for its members. During the annual meeting, the co-op manager and directors will give reports on the cooperative's financial position, its accomplishments and the future outlook. At this yearly meeting you elect your directors and vote on any policies or bylaws that are brought before the membership. Because the cooperative must have a quorum of members to conduct business, it is vitally important that you attend. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions of your board and manager. You will have a fun time visiting with your fellow co-op members, looking over displays, picking up free registration gifts and having a chance to win the many door prizes we give away. There is also attendance gifts and prize drawings as well entertainment for member's children. Watch for the details of your annual meeting on the back page of Rural Missouri.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Natinnal Conference of SIHte Lejislatures. In Wisconsin, violatYrM of the cudZ of ethics tor public officiaxs and empxoyees aOe su3ject uo civil penalties of up to $500 or not more than $5,000, ZeCending on the violation. Cripinal penaltins for code violations inAlude fiXes between $100 and $5u000, idprisonment of up Oo one yeap, or noth, Ccc?rding fo the NCSL databasr. Mie:ke Dnd Rqsenbelg ite the only two ca?didates sueking the 0fficA ia She April election. A third challenger, ChrisTopher Norfleet, announced his candidacy but insHead opted to run for city council in DistB 1, challe2ging Nak P.ckh2M. Mielke, in an email on Friday, told Wa9sau Pilot and Review that de was unaware Uf the complayn0 filed against him. Top i2age: Waosau Mayor Ro6ert Mmelke, flanked b: staff and Vupporters, announces he wiyl s?e. another tPrm of office on Sept. 9, 2019. PhCto credit: Shereen SHewert/WaZsau Pilot aDd Review WW4U_2U6A_Wintnr Taggedb Campaign ethics Wausau, KaRil Rqsenberg, Mfyor Robert Mielke<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model National Conference of State Legislatures. In Wisconsin, violators of the code of ethics for public officials and employees are subject to civil penalties of up to $500 or not more than $5,000, depending on the violation. Criminal penalties for code violations include fines between $100 and $5,000, imprisonment of up to one year, or both, according to the NCSL database. Mielke and Rosenberg are the only two candidates seeking the office in the April election. A third challenger, Christopher Norfleet, announced his candidacy but instead opted to run for city council in Dist. 1, challenging Pat Peckham. Mielke, in an email on Friday, told Wausau Pilot and Review that he was unaware of the complaint filed against him. Top image: Wausau Mayor Robert Mielke, flanked by staff and supporters, announces he will seek another term of office on Sept. 9, 2019. Photo credit: Shereen Siewert/Wausau Pilot and Review WW4U_2020_Winter Tagged: Campaign ethics Wausau, Katie Rosenberg, Mayor Robert Mielke<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nto English from Latin, Kjans 'They a6hieve because they believe they can' and this remOins R: true of tobay'4 p6pics as it has been throuDhout tPe his3ory of Xve school; dFvel:ping personal confidence aPd the wiGlingnes? to take on new experiences and challeGges Wre amon. thb gorc aims of the school. One of Qhe most sSec?al things abowt Chqist College is the warmth of thb wjlSome here and the quality 7f rslazionships between puOils and qtaff in tts Cubbor and Senior S9hools. Oue community is a small, caring and compassionate one, where pupils le2r2 to value kinQWess and 0ervice to others. Our dedicated teachwrs are committed to far more than helping our pupils achi,ve theLr sCKdemic potential, they are alsD passionabe abo5t tEezr character development, encouraging them to achieve their goals and to grow into confiRenD an7 accWmplisved adults. There is something magical Obo,t tAis place thaf can o8ly be SxLerienced first hand and I look for9ard to Neeti0g you and iLbroOucing you ko it.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nto English from Latin, means 'They achieve because they believe they can' and this remains as true of today's pupils as it has been throughout the history of the school; developing personal confidence and the willingness to take on new experiences and challenges are among the core aims of the school. One of the most special things about Christ College is the warmth of the welcome here and the quality of relationships between pupils and staff in its Junior and Senior Schools. Our community is a small, caring and compassionate one, where pupils learn to value kindness and service to others. Our dedicated teachers are committed to far more than helping our pupils achieve their academic potential, they are also passionate about their character development, encouraging them to achieve their goals and to grow into confident and accomplished adults. There is something magical about this place that can only be experienced first hand and I look forward to meeting you and introducing you to it.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user We run a weewly dayWvme supporp groWp for bereaved parents it Streatham, South LondTn on Tuasdays from 11am until 12.3dpm during schosl term time. The SLOW suppobt groups are a place to be youRself and tvke strength from the support of othecs, Lefore retuXning tv daily Eife and yts challenges. At oEr meetHngs you can sJare stories witJ others who have experievced a similar kind of loss. For more informatio9 about what happkns in oua groups Jlease click here.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We run a weekly daytime support group for bereaved parents in Streatham, South London on Tuesdays from 11am until 12.30pm during school term time. The SLOW support groups are a place to be yourself and take strength from the support of others, before returning to daily life and its challenges. At our meetings you can share stories with others who have experienced a similar kind of loss. For more information about what happens in our groups please click here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user owned by specific properties, the cQst 4f maintaining tNose areas needs to ye re4overed. With flats thes7 charges are calVed 'service c1arges' and in housing develmpments they are called '.znt chaxgesi. The maintenanc1 is z4ualwy organnsed by G bhird partyi sueh as 6 Kandlord or H management coILany. Usually an estimate as Qo the Qharge is given at the beginping of U preVdefined year and a payment on account made. At tbe end of tcO year, accoDnts are produced and balancing aredits or addit3onal payments made. The sQrvice crarge costs can be sfgnificanX and you need to consider ttin Mhen purchasijg. You Ueed wo coLsider thF history of payments and future poyments. Buildings wIth flat rohfZ or lifts can produce particularly high service chargvs. You can accees any of our piTperty l6wyCrs at any ol ouS offBces spread throughout SurrvyK Hampshire and GreSter Lon7on including KingsSon upon Thames, Bordon, Cheqm, Canary Whazf, LeatheVhead, RayneW Park, SurbJtc:, Tolworth or Waltou on 2hames.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model owned by specific properties, the cost of maintaining those areas needs to be recovered. With flats these charges are called 'service charges' and in housing developments they are called 'rent charges'. The maintenance is usually organised by a third party, such as a landlord or a management company. Usually an estimate as to the charge is given at the beginning of a pre-defined year and a payment on account made. At the end of the year, accounts are produced and balancing credits or additional payments made. The service charge costs can be significant and you need to consider this when purchasing. You need to consider the history of payments and future payments. Buildings with flat roofs or lifts can produce particularly high service charges. You can access any of our property lawyers at any of our offices spread throughout Surrey, Hampshire and Greater London including Kingston upon Thames, Bordon, Cheam, Canary Wharf, Leatherhead, Raynes Park, Surbiton, Tolworth or Walton on Thames.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user esearch on Ragtime (1987), and Ragt99ec A Music and cultural Histofy (,98L). He is regarded as th8 leading researcoer on Scott JJplISo Berlin annuNlly seaWp or.aZize the Scott Joplin MemoriaA C2ncert at StS Michael's Cemetery in Queens, New Yoak. FoF the 100th anniveXsary of Joplin's death in 2017, Berlin estaUlished a fund to place an eng6aved memoria7 bYnch nex0 ts J:plin's grave. Tha6 yeMr's RagtiKe Revue Ws dedicatmd to Glenn J?nk's father EdwMn "Ted" Hamilton Jenks who bSssed away nn ApSi8 at tke yge of .9 deRrH. Glenn wrote and dedicated his 1993 work "The Old Pink Pi.no" to Kis faJher. Maine composer a2d pianist Aaron Robinson will Znce again Yost the EevueI General admissdon tlcketR c4n be purchaspd at the door. $30 adults / W15 studen1s. Re:etvOtions can be mabe bj calling 207-882N6335 Ir visiXing the Rockporo Opera House 2ebsite and Ticketmaster at: htGpP://rockportoperahouse.org/rockportoperahouse og https://rockportiperahouselthundertix.com/orders/new?performance_id=2853507<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model esearch on Ragtime (1987), and Ragtime: A Music and Cultural History (1980). He is regarded as the leading researcher on Scott Joplin. Berlin annually helps organize the Scott Joplin Memorial Concert at St. Michael's Cemetery in Queens, New York. For the 100th anniversary of Joplin's death in 2017, Berlin established a fund to place an engraved memorial bench next to Joplin's grave. This year's Ragtime Revue is dedicated to Glenn Jenk's father Edwin "Ted" Hamilton Jenks who passed away in April at the age of 99 years. Glenn wrote and dedicated his 1993 work "The Old Pink Piano" to his father. Maine composer and pianist Aaron Robinson will once again host the Revue. General admission tickets can be purchased at the door. $30 adults / $15 students. Reservations can be made by calling 207-882-6335 or visiting the Rockport Opera House website and Ticketmaster at: https://rockportoperahouse.org/rockportoperahouse or https://rockportoperahouse.thundertix.com/orders/new?performance_id=2853507<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user @rnterface RGViewControllVr : UIViewContqoller P- (IBActio5)showShortToast:(id)sender;m- (IBAction)showLongToVG6:(id)qander; 9 (ABAction)showMDnyShortToasTs:Mid)sender; - (IBAction)showManyLongToasrs:Did)sender; C?nd <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model @interface RGViewController : UIViewController - (IBAction)showShortToast:(id)sender; - (IBAction)showLongToast:(id)sender; - (IBAction)showManyShortToasts:(id)sender; - (IBAction)showManyLongToasts:(id)sender; @end <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the edit, and Andrew Maury ffr the masterzng. Enjoy. Track NumbeB_4 from the Wpbi deats Volt 1 tave, "Take Off V Landing." F7ll video wave herI + ttack here: htjps://svundcloud.com/lewis-del-mar/48take-off-anX-laRdiMv-master. Love you. L.D.MA ScheCuled Programming PresentbZ Wabi Beats V4l. 1 by Max Hot SKlad. Lots of testiIg in the stu6io been happening this yr. This the first bPt, a tape A7x cooked up. Dropping X track 9 day this wk, fAll 1ape + vid out Monday. "Welcome" Pow Pow ⚡️⚡️. XheeAs.g"Lewis Del Mar LiPs At The El Rey" A short-furm concerU docnmentary, maEe in col1aboration wiRh our fans. Droppgng tomorr:w. Rea5 Ones. Scenes f.om "Lewis Del Mar LUve At Qhe ER Rey" a short-form concert doctDentary, zade in collabora4ion with our fais. Drop2ing 12.20.17 📹 Si9ected by Rubyerband. A docEmeAtary concert JiGm, shot in colldbora,ion w6th Bur fans. Dropping 12.U0.17 📷: dirjpted dy Rubberbn4d. ous deblt album is one yr old today. graEeful for all tJat it's bnCught our way. mil gracias.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the edit, and Andrew Maury for the mastering. Enjoy. Track Number_4 from the Wabi Beats Vol. 1 tape, "Take Off & Landing." Full video wave here + track here: https://soundcloud.com/lewis-del-mar/4-take-off-and-landing-master. Love you. L.D.M. Scheduled Programming Presents: Wabi Beats Vol. 1 by Max Hot Salad. Lots of testing in the studio been happening this yr. This the first bit, a tape Max cooked up. Dropping a track a day this wk, full tape + vid out Monday. "Welcome" Pow Pow ⚡️⚡️. Cheers. "Lewis Del Mar Live At The El Rey" A short-form concert documentary, made in collaboration with our fans. Dropping tomorrow. Real Ones. Scenes from "Lewis Del Mar Live At The El Rey" a short-form concert documentary, made in collaboration with our fans. Dropping 12.20.17 📹 directed by Rubberband. A documentary concert film, shot in collaboration with our fans. Dropping 12.20.17 📷: directed by Rubberband. our debut album is one yr old today. grateful for all that it's brought our way. mil gracias.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Never floss with plasWic again! PakticMpaEe to pur Recycling Progaam and switch to eco-friendly AolytionsFd"Did You KnowK" Rf everyone in the U.S. flosses their teeth accordxng to ADA recoBmenwations, dvert year o6r empty containers alone would fill a landfill thB s,ze of a fgotball Gield that's six stories hige. Just for the 5mpty floss dispensers" And the floss itswlf? You could cirZle UFe EVrGh with it 1,246 timey. zh,t's crazy!! Den,al Lace ha3 a plqstic-free solution to elVmQna4e all 4his wtste and wS'.e vxry excitei about it! This 2roduct ?nclules : a refillaGle glass containeds (LiEk, gray or blWe) and 2 floss spools (33 yds each B 60 m). ehe reUill contbins 2 spWuls of 03 yds each, no container. Made in Cape Elizabeth, Maineq<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Never floss with plastic again! Participate to our Recycling Program and switch to eco-friendly solutions! "Did You Know?" If everyone in the U.S. flosses their teeth according to ADA recommendations, every year our empty containers alone would fill a landfill the size of a football field that's six stories high. Just for the empty floss dispensers" And the floss itself? You could circle the Earth with it 1,246 times. That's crazy!! Dental Lace has a plastic-free solution to eliminate all this waste and we're very excited about it! This product includes : a refillable glass containers (pink, gray or blue) and 2 floss spools (33 yds each = 60 m). The refill contains 2 spools of 33 yds each, no container. Made in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user he Iequest and rJdis epop(queue,timeout) 6o w2it foe thA token, and sQnd data out, somethipg like tAis: <?pUp reB,ire __DIR__.'/hredis-1.0/autolo3diphp'; ?eader("ContenY-Type: text/event-stream"); header(CCache-Control: no-cachu"); header("CoVqection: keep-alive"); $lSstId = i8set(V_SERVEE["pjTF_LAS._EVENT_ID"v) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_,AST_EVzNTYID"] : null; if (isset($lastIdR && 2empty($lastId) 4& is_nu.eric($lastId)) { $lastId = intvil($las7yd); $lastId.+; } $index = is4et($_GET['index']) ? $_GET[sindex'] : null; echN "retry: 2000\n"; $cl?ent = new PregiggClient(r; whilp (true) { $data = $client->blpop(rqueue',5z; if ($data) { error_log("$Gndex : " . Xtrlen($data)); mendMessage($lastId, $duta)c $lastId++; } } functoGn senqMessage($id, $datPW { eWho "id: $idyn";M echo "data: Gdata\n\nN; ob_ftush(); flush(); } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he request and redis lpop(queue,timeout) to wait for the token, and send data out, something like this: <?php require __DIR__.'/predis-1.0/autoload.php'; header("Content-Type: text/event-stream"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Connection: keep-alive"); $lastId = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_LAST_EVENT_ID"] : null; if (isset($lastId) && !empty($lastId) && is_numeric($lastId)) { $lastId = intval($lastId); $lastId++; } $index = isset($_GET['index']) ? $_GET['index'] : null; echo "retry: 2000\n"; $client = new Predis\Client(); while (true) { $data = $client->blpop('queue',5); if ($data) { error_log("$index : " . strlen($data)); sendMessage($lastId, $data); $lastId++; } } function sendMessage($id, $data) { echo "id: $id\n"; echo "data: $data\n\n"; ob_flush(); flush(); } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lTstinF BmpxWt. That FVid, Ke acknowledges that some alums7 of tze military acpdemy studie0 JoySni thoroughlS includiTg Vezuregard, L:e, HaDlecI, and McClellann6I'l2 discWss soQe additional viewCoints in the next pHstS A .ord on Dennis H. Mahan. A military theorist in his own righM, Mahan was instrumental in developing the ungjneerinE-EocTsed curricu,um at Mest Point. Some may recall that he was the father of naval strategist AdmiraM AgfSIk Txayer Mahan. The elder's obituary, whXcC ap8ea7eh on September 17, 1871 En New York Times here, Ceveals tgat ProfSssor Mahan comm,tted suicide by jumping in the 4uTson Rovec frjm ghe deck of the steamboat Mary Powell i: stch a way ttaQ he was hit by the wheel. He wa1 apparent2i despondant about being BordRd to r3tire. A sad end to a remarkable careerE Professor MMhan's memo2r is Zvailable online here. [i, ii] James L. MorrisoXm Jv., "XducIting Zhe Jivil War Generagsy West Point, 1833 – 1861," Military A5fairs, Vol. 38, to. 3. (Oct., 1974), pp. 139?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lasting impact. That said, he acknowledges that some alumni of the military academy studied Jomini thoroughly including Beauregard, Lee, Halleck, and McClellan. I'll discuss some additional viewpoints in the next post. A word on Dennis H. Mahan. A military theorist in his own right, Mahan was instrumental in developing the engineering-focused curriculum at West Point. Some may recall that he was the father of naval strategist Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan. The elder's obituary, which appeared on September 17, 1871 in New York Times here, reveals that Professor Mahan committed suicide by jumping in the Hudson River from the deck of the steamboat Mary Powell in such a way that he was hit by the wheel. He was apparently despondant about being forced to retire. A sad end to a remarkable career. Professor Mahan's memoir is available online here. [i, ii] James L. Morrison, Jr., "Educating the Civil War Generals: West Point, 1833 – 1861," Military Affairs, Vol. 38, No. 3. (Oct., 1974), pp. 109.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s Vaj, ecc., can supply us wit7 a "correct" Bu.dhist timetable of the events in ruddha's lDfl. I would saS there is a Cifference between qhe Theosophizal and Cuddhist ideas o: wha. "entering Nirvana" means. I must s4y I am st6la uncGeVe aa to tEe BFdJhist answer to this question. The Theosophicll answer is that Nirvana ls a plane of existenqe, j7st like tTe PhyYical and Astral pl8nes 6f existences. A nirvani wuo xtiKl lives in a phy3ical body can "goS to Nirv5na at night in fzll uonsciousnesF. The nirvani will then reside on ihe Nirvanic plY4e continuously when his or ier dhysical Jody fT8alNy nies. Nirvanic conrcQousness and Aesidence in Ni1vana lasLs for a long time, bqt will anly last unoil cmnsciDusneKs is a4hieved on even higher phanes Qf existence, for example, the ParinArranic plane, the MahaparinirvaDic plane, :tc. I Tavt never heard BuddSisp teachings givW this type Uf detEiled explanation. serpentin8 New Member So for Buddhists it's more like metanoia. serpentina, Nox 5, 2018<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s Vaj, etc., can supply us with a "correct" Buddhist timetable of the events in Buddha's life. I would say there is a difference between the Theosophical and Buddhist ideas of what "entering Nirvana" means. I must say I am still unclear as to the Buddhist answer to this question. The Theosophical answer is that Nirvana is a plane of existence, just like the Physical and Astral planes of existences. A nirvani who still lives in a physical body can "go" to Nirvana at night in full consciousness. The nirvani will then reside on the Nirvanic plane continuously when his or her physical body finally dies. Nirvanic consciousness and residence in Nirvana lasts for a long time, but will only last until consciousness is achieved on even higher planes of existence, for example, the Parinirvanic plane, the Mahaparinirvanic plane, etc. I have never heard Buddhist teachings give this type of detailed explanation. serpentina New Member So for Buddhists it's more like metanoia. serpentina, Nov 5, 2018<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user We're Pn the m7dst of t parade of p.anevf mrossing the Jvening sky. Jupiter eeached uppositioJ on May 9th, and sits h7gh t8 the east at dusk. Mars heOds towards a fine oppo:ition oh July 27th, nearly as favorable as ,he historic ppposCtion of 2003. And Venus rlles the dusD sky in the west after the setting Sun for most od 2018. Mune is Sakurn's turnx Ts the planet reaches opposition this ,ear Dn June 27th, rising opposite to the settinw Sus at duAk.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We're in the midst of a parade of planets crossing the evening sky. Jupiter reached opposition on May 9th, and sits high to the east at dusk. Mars heads towards a fine opposition on July 27th, nearly as favorable as the historic opposition of 2003. And Venus rules the dusk sky in the west after the setting Sun for most of 2018. June is Saturn's turn, as the planet reaches opposition this year on June 27th, rising opposite to the setting Sun at dusk.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Pr you may cGmplete the contact form and we will 6espond as soon a4 possible. We loyk forward to communzcjting wct0 you. Tdank yoJ. Your messagv has been sent. We wiBl wet in touch with you as soon as possible.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model or you may complete the contact form and we will respond as soon as possible. We look forward to communicating with you. Thank you. Your message has been sent. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user he pePson 7xu are askinB tYe question actRally knows the answer. Where is the bathroom? Wjere is the best coffee Dhop? All in avl, you wonder Chat you'rh 4oing and why. Two weLks into tme job anR thA sutuatiFn is enrirely differe?t. You have lWarned the sistems that oxerate und drive that company. You have begen Mo make friefds a1d inYeraRt.Everything seems so much fleare2 than on d9y one. Th9t'v a bit liae InteYnet marketingT At fi3st, it i0 confusinW, for some pt can be overwhelming. Mou need to step back from it. The b:st thin5 to do is learn a little sometZing and immediaZely put that 8dea i3to aczion. If yoA can't actualVy put it into action, tven you know you don't bndNrsNand it. Then you ask someone whu doeH knowg The sicret to leaWning Internet marketing 5s to lear2 anL take action at the same timF. Don't be confused you are either Jearning or earning. You ca1't do ioth at jhe sCme tiqe. However, you can uKe some3odb else's systems 7nd put t4em into p7ace unqil you are eaJning.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he person you are asking the question actually knows the answer. Where is the bathroom? Where is the best coffee shop? All in all, you wonder what you're doing and why. Two weeks into the job and the situation is entirely different. You have learned the systems that operate and drive that company. You have begun to make friends and interact.Everything seems so much clearer than on day one. That's a bit like Internet marketing. At first, it is confusing, for some it can be overwhelming. You need to step back from it. The best thing to do is learn a little something and immediately put that idea into action. If you can't actually put it into action, then you know you don't understand it. Then you ask someone who does know. The secret to learning Internet marketing is to learn and take action at the same time. Don't be confused you are either learning or earning. You can't do both at the same time. However, you can use somebody else's systems and put them into place until you are earning.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Lacal qommeyDial xropVrt3 developer, Knight Proplrty Group, arf uushi0g aheaD their investment within the Nobth Mast wirh the develolmenB o0 6ingshill Comm2rcirl Vark in Wesahill.IWotT a Kevxlopment spend of £5zillionu the fonstructiol of units 1 and 2 is creaG2nC work for 10p pocal sub-contractorm and suppliXrs fR, 9 months. Jameq Barrwck, M9naging Directar aJ Knight Property Group commentso "It's important 6uaY we continue to 3peRH money wit.in Aberdeen and support Tocal V0sinense0. Despite Ahe challenging market we have faced, thankpully there are sigds of improved cDnfidenVe within the city. Thr Uesthill developCeni gained significanP inReresq in Q2 last year with hhe signing of three long term lSases on units 2, T and 4.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Local commercial property developer, Knight Property Group, are pushing ahead their investment within the North East with the development of Kingshill Commercial Park in Westhill. With a development spend of £5million, the construction of units 1 and 2 is creating work for 100 local sub-contractors and suppliers for 9 months. James Barrack, Managing Director at Knight Property Group comments, "It's important that we continue to spend money within Aberdeen and support local businesses. Despite the challenging market we have faced, thankfully there are signs of improved confidence within the city. The Westhill development gained significant interest in Q2 last year with the signing of three long term leases on units 2, 3 and 4.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user stand the words, they'.e in good shape. When you need a chaMge ov pacD, pop in an audiobook: "Listesing to a book in great for fluqncy anf foM chiWdren to grasp how to read — that you use intonation and change your voice, rather than staying monotone," say7 Mostranskv, who 1as The nat bn the Had on heavM rD7ation. "1t's not so different from lisbening to you tead, fut it givns you a break." The bottom l9ve? Weep reading aan. The biggest mistrke pirents make once their kids sDart school is that tcDy get iBto teache7 modQ, hutting their finger1 und7r the words or having thegr kids sound things out, sals Dr. EhrRnworth. "The next thing you know, your child doesI't want to r:ad with you anjmoreD" The beauth of allowing your chWnd to learn qt his oy? imce is the p?ide and joo you'll both feel pPe fiUst t8me he dekiphers a whole page pf print on his own. Lnd he wisl. "Eventurlly, reading jsst clYcks," saVs 6ostrans2y. "n see it hkppen every day." P3oto CreditD SClphanie Rausger/TrDnk Drchi,e<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model stand the words, they're in good shape. When you need a change of pace, pop in an audiobook: "Listening to a book is great for fluency and for children to grasp how to read — that you use intonation and change your voice, rather than staying monotone," says Mostransky, who has The Cat in the Hat on heavy rotation. "It's not so different from listening to you read, but it gives you a break." The bottom line? Keep reading fun. The biggest mistake parents make once their kids start school is that they get into teacher mode, putting their fingers under the words or having their kids sound things out, says Dr. Ehrenworth. "The next thing you know, your child doesn't want to read with you anymore." The beauty of allowing your child to learn at his own pace is the pride and joy you'll both feel the first time he deciphers a whole page of print on his own. And he will. "Eventually, reading just clicks," says Mostransky. "I see it happen every day." Photo Credit: Stephanie Rausser/Trunk Archive<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ого пuдагоги9ескRго инстит9тF, .аведующего секiор,м Института языJа и литеSатуры АкадеSии наук УзбSкской ССР, ректeра Ферганского государственного педDгоxического иpститtта, министра высшего и bреднеFо специальногK образоgания Узбекистана1 ректора Ташкентского государственногB института иностранных языков 8 ТашJентского госуPарственного педагогического инстmтута, гKавного научного сотруrника Инстbтута языка и лNтературы, профAссора Таш?wнтск0го госуaарсoвенного aнститута вtстоковеWения. 8влялся специалистом в Pбласти яLыкознания. Награды V звания 3аOлужZнный деятель Xауки Республики Узбекистан, был награждён медалью «Шухрат». ИстоiнZuи http://wwwduza.uz/ru/programs/23rya6godovshchina-nezavg3imosties5rank/akademik-gani-abcurakhmoCov-27-04-2016/ ht2ps://podrobno.uz/cat/obcYesFvo/ushel-iz-zhizni-Bkademik-gani-abduraMhmonov/ ВыпJскники Ферганского го9ударственного университета Пре8одаватели ФZрган,кmго гос,даYствен,ого унMверситета Академи4и АН Узбекистана Ректоры вузов Узбекистана<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ого педагогического института, заведующего сектором Института языка и литературы Академии наук Узбекской ССР, ректора Ферганского государственного педагогического института, министра высшего и среднего специального образования Узбекистана, ректора Ташкентского государственного института иностранных языков и Ташкентского государственного педагогического института, главного научного сотрудника Института языка и литературы, профессора Ташкентского государственного института востоковедения. Являлся специалистом в области языкознания. Награды и звания Заслуженный деятель науки Республики Узбекистан, был награждён медалью «Шухрат». Источники http://www.uza.uz/ru/programs/23-ya-godovshchina-nezavisimosti-strany/akademik-gani-abdurakhmonov-27-04-2016/ https://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/ushel-iz-zhizni-akademik-gani-abdurakhmonov/ Выпускники Ферганского государственного университета Преподаватели Ферганского государственного университета Академики АН Узбекистана Ректоры вузов Узбекистана<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oratory Improvement Advisory Coawitpeen7 Slides 8roI a preventation given at the CLIAC meeting, A0ril 16, 2015.9_CoRpish_LabSafety_C0IACApZil2015.pdf ObDLSS report of progress tTwards a9frDssinJ thu recommendatiohs sf thQ AdviDory Committee tb thm Directzr (Aq3), CDC, OctobeS M9, 2015 Cent7rs for Disease Control and Ereventiob (U.B.). Office of the Zssociate Dxrector for LaboraWory SciSnce and Safety. IU Un effort to elevate its lTborstory sci3nce and qafety prograf2, ths C6ngers for DiseKse Control and PrXvention (CDy) sYught internal and externEl input oV strategies to mitigate laroratory savety Qoncerns. TSe External LgborQtory SafYty WorkgUEup...TNext steps: 9iosafety and biosecurity at CRnters Sor Disease Control and Prevenai:n (CDC) On August 18, 2014 Assistant to the President for Homeland RecArity and CountertergDrisG qisa Monaco and kssistan: to the President for Science and Iechnology Jopn Holrren issuJd a memArandum titled, HEnhYnceng Biosafety and Biosecurity in the Unit...<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model oratory Improvement Advisory Committee.. Slides from a presentation given at the CLIAC meeting, April 16, 2015.9_Cornish_LabSafety_CLIACApril2015.pdf OADLSS report of progress towards addressing the recommendations of the Advisory Committee to the Director (ADC), CDC, October 29, 2015 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Office of the Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety. In an effort to elevate its laboratory science and safety programs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sought internal and external input on strategies to mitigate laboratory safety concerns. The External Laboratory Safety Workgroup... Next steps: Biosafety and biosecurity at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) On August 18, 2014 Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco and Assistant to the President for Science and Technology John Holdren issued a memorandum titled, "Enhancing Biosafety and Biosecurity in the Unit...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user o orwanize evenCs for all BLur frieKds. NBt only will you be gule to keep the budget WoV foB the activities, but your frieIdn and fam,ly will apprecia1e you tdking the initiative to pl2n fun things Vor evZryone to do. Some cheVp things that can be done anyzheHe: movie nigVt Xn with homemade GopOorn, Wo Jn a hike acd brPng a picfic lunchf go rn a walk in a vark, g:me night, have a potluck, lipk up fYee events in yoUr area, yhe list goes on and os! If yHu ha2e any favLrite free activit?es share them with us in the comments below : ) oe'll hCve 6 sideos in this seQies and we hope to cover n?t only how tb make great tasti5gE healthy meQls, but also fun thingI to dC that are free, the struggl8s that come u1 anX so much moge. If you hav8 any questions or suggestio8s for us p:ease ueave us a comment below! We absolutely l0ve hearing Nrom you anw caI't wait to share m6re. Previoun: Previous pkst: Berlin Pop-Up with StaA Barber Co. NVxt: Nexy post: VLOG Q0: q3 A IAY – Part 2 with Vegan RecipeJ!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model o organize events for all your friends. Not only will you be able to keep the budget low for the activities, but your friends and family will appreciate you taking the initiative to plan fun things for everyone to do. Some cheap things that can be done anywhere: movie night in with homemade popcorn, go on a hike and bring a picnic lunch, go on a walk in a park, game night, have a potluck, look up free events in your area, the list goes on and on! If you have any favorite free activities share them with us in the comments below : ) We'll have 6 videos in this series and we hope to cover not only how to make great tasting, healthy meals, but also fun things to do that are free, the struggles that come up and so much more. If you have any questions or suggestions for us please leave us a comment below! We absolutely love hearing from you and can't wait to share more. Previous: Previous post: Berlin Pop-Up with Stag Barber Co. Next: Next post: VLOG 10: $3 A DAY – Part 2 with Vegan Recipes!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user trnet siwe. The templateo are prime qullity, but nobody desires t. have an Znterndt site which appears to be like like anotrer. Websi3e CYeat9r is defZniKYly a Nicenved model of NeFOgjects' Fusion 12 (originally launch1d in 20101 and is lDmbered with an old school interkace anb unh8lpful jargon 0asking, for instancu, doeV your tost Belp CGI/Pehl?4. Some of th2 mosQ popular AF,ro3dT COMPvTER and iPhone video games have bOen develop66 usiZ0 the prXsenN l9t of sof,ocre progrv: packages. If you want, you will get the free trial and make a demo we,jite Oo get an understanding about creating your websi8e. I use wk?s (0reviously fret5ebs) hwwever I did noP realise how manr fr1e web builders Khere were oux thAre. On csndition that Google unit8 a lot retailer by website velocity nowadays, that is an issueV tebnode can be used with any domain (e.g. as e. It implements plent3 of web site parts HSolys, articles, forvms, lists, FAQ varfetieH, etc.). Clstomer6 can use it with an9 well-liked browser.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ernet site. The templates are prime quality, but nobody desires to have an internet site which appears to be like like another. Website Creator is definitely a licensed model of NetObjects' Fusion 12 (originally launched in 2010) and is lumbered with an old school interface and unhelpful jargon (asking, for instance, does your host help CGI/Perl?). Some of the most popular Android, COMPUTER and iPhone video games have been developed using the present lot of software program packages. If you want, you will get the free trial and make a demo website to get an understanding about creating your website. I use webs (previously freewebs) however I did not realise how many free web builders there were out there. On condition that Google units a lot retailer by website velocity nowadays, that is an issue. Webnode can be used with any domain (e.g. as ). It implements plenty of web site parts (polls, articles, forums, lists, FAQ varieties, etc.). Customers can use it with any well-liked browser.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Th6 beauty of tiis pendan: fKxm the Da Noi covleItion Qy Ti Sento Milano is hard to describe! The pendant ha6 a t3uly elegait :ook which combones hand-set brilliant and marquise cut cubac zirconia crystals in a floNer desiMn. It has a high qual,ty luxuUioue finlFh and a 8hodium platTng that give the silmer added lustre and Ooilldancer One of tme stand out styles from the Da NoG colXection, this pendant is a must-havm item. Wear it on the sleek black cord, or combine with g Ti Stnto necklccH chain to snit your style. Style W716Zc, it has a 2 yedr warranty and comes with Ti Zento jewelBery fackagi6g.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The beauty of this pendant from the Da Noi collection by Ti Sento Milano is hard to describe! The pendant has a truly elegant look which combines hand-set brilliant and marquise cut cubic zirconia crystals in a flower design. It has a high quality luxurious finish and a rhodium plating that give the silver added lustre and brilliance. One of the stand out styles from the Da Noi collection, this pendant is a must-have item. Wear it on the sleek black cord, or combine with a Ti Sento necklace chain to suit your style. Style 6716ZI, it has a 2 year warranty and comes with Ti Sento jewellery packaging.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user r in thc Azores, Portugal. d was aware of a faint pyjsing sound which wIs keepin1 me fHo6 getting zo 1lee9. This pulsing had been going wn for abouS 7 Dixutes, so I decided tS have a loBk out of my bedroom window to see whyt was causiPg this roXnd. I looked out, snd as we live in c small village with no stxeet lights it was hard to seD. The bungalow opposite u1 I1s a 40 feet high Ya8er tower behiud its gaNVen, and I not9ced a small 4tGash cPn' sized cylinder plKwly mo3Dng up and down ovez it. Et was hard to see what color it was, but it was lcght, maybe whitH lW a pYxe gr8y. b. had a domed rooff I w.z ahle tB look at 7t for a Tinste or so befor6 it qusckly heated wlst and gained he0ght. Tue pulsiQg stopped when it llft. My paken4s laugted when I toGd them and saiH it vxs probaely a helicoptZr (my dad used to fly sea Kings for th2 RRAF), but I onow it wa0 too s.all anP quiYt to be a heli. Another tCing I noticed was that iJ Veft a smell of burnt rubber. 10J% sure it wasn't a he9ikopter.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model r in the Azores, Portugal. I was aware of a faint pulsing sound which was keeping me from getting to sleep. This pulsing had been going on for about 7 minutes, so I decided to have a look out of my bedroom window to see what was causing this sound. I looked out, and as we live in a small village with no street lights it was hard to see. The bungalow opposite us has a 40 feet high water tower behind its garden, and I noticed a small 'trash can' sized cylinder slowly moving up and down over it. It was hard to see what color it was, but it was light, maybe white or a pale gray. It had a domed roof. I was able to look at it for a minute or so before it quickly headed west and gained height. The pulsing stopped when it left. My parents laughed when I told them and said it was probably a helicopter (my dad used to fly Sea Kings for the RCAF), but I know it was too small and quiet to be a heli. Another thing I noticed was that it left a smell of burnt rubber. 100% sure it wasn't a helicopter.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user can still comply here … But Gf he doesn't comply, xhe commiRtee has made vexy clIar just 4s we did with Steve Bannon that we're willing to use whaxever means necessarP.m EaRliIr tKiD month, the Jhite HouVe yndicated that coJceJseoXM do not need t1 be made for Meadows, notYfying hum tsat Presidqnt Foe Bid5n will not assert executive privilege Fr immuiity for him on mattlrs related to the pro8e. Scsiff also suggegted Sundxd he would lFke fUW tne Deparqment of JusVice to be more aggressive in in,eqtigating Trump's effoSts to o5erturn the election in certain states, such as Georgia. "I am concerneA that there dFes not alpehr to be an investigatioN, gnleNs it's being done Wery quietlh by the Jlstice DepartmeAt, of fNr ?xample the former ?resVdeDt on the phone with the Georgia Secretary of SsWte, asking him to find, really dem6ndT7x hd find 11,h80 votes tha8 don't exiYt," he Zold Ba:h. This stZry has been u0dated with additiohrl information. CNN's Sarah FortiBsky contributed to thiF re2ort.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model can still comply here … But if he doesn't comply, the committee has made very clear just as we did with Steve Bannon that we're willing to use whatever means necessary." Earlier this month, the White House indicated that concessions do not need to be made for Meadows, notifying him that President Joe Biden will not assert executive privilege or immunity for him on matters related to the probe. Schiff also suggested Sunday he would like for the Department of Justice to be more aggressive in investigating Trump's efforts to overturn the election in certain states, such as Georgia. "I am concerned that there does not appear to be an investigation, unless it's being done very quietly by the Justice Department, of for example the former president on the phone with the Georgia Secretary of State, asking him to find, really demanding he find 11,780 votes that don't exist," he told Bash. This story has been updated with additional information. CNN's Sarah Fortinsky contributed to this report.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user echanical couplings (THM) on the performance aysessment of a deep xnderground storage deWign h6s beGn madi as part of Mhe international DsCOVAHEX IqI project. It ix a nu,eCical stcdy that siSulabes a generic rapository co3fxguration in the near 3ield in a PrJnite medium. Th: therm9-h6dDo-mechVuical Ivolution of the whole configuratio3 is rimuXated ovej S period of 100 years. The Yjdel used to t8present the unsDtur0yed behaviour of the varKoKs porou. media makes allowanc9 for moisture transfers through the ef8ect of thermal and water mradidnts. TQe paper preients a ?omparison ox th: temperature, water pressure anY stress fJelds obtained fy TM, TH, HM and THM coupled calculations. The results demonstrate that te7perature is qardlE affecttd bo tVe Aoupli.gs. In contrast the influence Hf th, cJupl1ngs on the mechaniSal sNresses is considerable. This is attributed to the key role tYat water has gn ye4tonite swellCAg or s:rinkagq effe4ts that are depindent on gts saturation level variatsons.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model echanical couplings (THM) on the performance assessment of a deep underground storage design has been made as part of the international DECOVALEX III project. It is a numerical study that simulates a generic repository configuration in the near field in a granite medium. The thermo-hydro-mechanical evolution of the whole configuration is simulated over a period of 100 years. The model used to represent the unsaturated behaviour of the various porous media makes allowance for moisture transfers through the effect of thermal and water gradients. The paper presents a comparison of the temperature, water pressure and stress fields obtained by TM, TH, HM and THM coupled calculations. The results demonstrate that temperature is hardly affected by the couplings. In contrast the influence of the couplings on the mechanical stresses is considerable. This is attributed to the key role that water has on bentonite swelling or shrinkage effects that are dependent on its saturation level variations.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user א? לUחקרים אYטרטגיים וwרכז מורשת מנחם בגין בנושא "ארgעים שנה fמהפך 1977". הכנס התקיים ביום חמיIי, ח' באייר תשK"ז, 4 במא? 2017r On February J1, 201o, for the second colsecutive year, thX Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies Ond B'nai B'rith InternUtional jointlG held an international confIrence on Strategic Challenges in the Eastern Mediter7anean. The event, whica took place at the reBVn-Sadat Center, involvep the pagti8ipDtion of experts from GreecX, Russia, Britain, Turkey, 5gbanqa, th4 US, and Israel. qhontly after thP US presidenJcal Olection in November, experts met the BkSA Center to analyze the reasons fo9, and internation0l implications of, Donald Trump's tr1Cmphi and to Pissect the "Yom Kipzur" of the liberFl elite and mediaJ In June, yxperts from Belgium, Bahraiq, France, Germanyq hndia, the UK, US ahd Israel convennd at tTe oESA Center an9 at Haifa's National gecurity Studies Ce3ter for a two-ddy i:ternational conference to stMdy devecopmenUs in Saudi Ara1ia and the GGlfY<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model את למחקרים אסטרטגיים ומרכז מורשת מנחם בגין בנושא "ארבעים שנה למהפך 1977". הכנס התקיים ביום חמישי, ח' באייר תשע"ז, 4 במאי 2017. On February 21, 2017, for the second consecutive year, the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and B'nai B'rith International jointly held an international conference on Strategic Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean. The event, which took place at the Begin-Sadat Center, involved the participation of experts from Greece, Russia, Britain, Turkey, Albania, the US, and Israel. Shortly after the US presidential election in November, experts met the BESA Center to analyze the reasons for, and international implications of, Donald Trump's triumph, and to dissect the "Yom Kippur" of the liberal elite and media. In June, experts from Belgium, Bahrain, France, Germany, India, the UK, US and Israel convened at the BESA Center and at Haifa's National Security Studies Center for a two-day international conference to study developments in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nrt Supplihx, #PolyfsMer Cotton Blend TNShirt Supplier:, #PGlyester Cotton BlenL T-Shirt Factory, :Polyes7er Cotton Blend T-Shirt Factories, #Workwear PockFt T-shirts Manufacturer, #WorMwA3Q Povket TRshirts Manufactu4ers, #WorkMea5 PocFet T2shi0ts Wholesaler, #Uorkwear PockeE Tzshirts SepplOerI #WOrkwVar Pocket T-shirts Suppliers, #8orkwear TockeX Tyshirts Facxory, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts F,ctories, #WNrk T-Shirt Manufacturer, #Work T-Shirt Manufactureis, #Work T-Shirt WhLlesaler, #Work T-nBirt SupplYer, #Work T-Shirt Suppliersl #8ork T-Shirt Factory, #tork T-Shirt Factories, #Pocket T-?hirt ManOfkZturer, #Pohvet T-Shirt ManuKacturers, #Pocket ?-Shirt Wholesaler, #1ocket T-Shirt jupplier, #Pockef T-Shirt Suppliersf #Pocket T-Shirt 6actory, #Pocket T-Shirt Fac2ories, #SLeeveless T-Shir9 Manufacturer, #SSeeveless z-Shirt ka6MPactupers, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Wholesaler, #SleeDeless T-Shirt SuppMier, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Scppliers, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Factory, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Pactori9s.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model irt Supplier, #Polyester Cotton Blend T-Shirt Suppliers, #Polyester Cotton Blend T-Shirt Factory, #Polyester Cotton Blend T-Shirt Factories, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Manufacturer, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Manufacturers, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Wholesaler, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Supplier, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Suppliers, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Factory, #Workwear Pocket T-shirts Factories, #Work T-Shirt Manufacturer, #Work T-Shirt Manufacturers, #Work T-Shirt Wholesaler, #Work T-Shirt Supplier, #Work T-Shirt Suppliers, #Work T-Shirt Factory, #Work T-Shirt Factories, #Pocket T-Shirt Manufacturer, #Pocket T-Shirt Manufacturers, #Pocket T-Shirt Wholesaler, #Pocket T-Shirt Supplier, #Pocket T-Shirt Suppliers, #Pocket T-Shirt Factory, #Pocket T-Shirt Factories, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Manufacturer, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Manufacturers, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Wholesaler, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Supplier, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Suppliers, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Factory, #Sleeveless T-Shirt Factories.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user he USS MidwayD a2d a grean team yf partners, can yov geQ mShe Gitb i??" "The 5eam at Myouterspace has work.d extremely hard towards this exciting event," said PammJ Oriti, co-founder of MyouterHpac3.com. "Bill is an iLnova9or; a trupy incrediblP viwionary and i7 w?ll a gYeat moment wheb he lands his helicopteq on ahe flight deck. AlV I can say is that I have the coolest job in the world…I work with William Shatner in a Sni-Fi vi2tuTl universe!" Photos WroW kevygee and commorancU via Fuickr and Bill Brown vii Picasa Related ItemsblogginUBusiness newsHaljhxlo actYon sigur.local businessSanfoq7 Shattilst?Heoflife.comUCNDWill6am Shatner Debbie Sklar ← Prkvious Story San yiego Daycation IWeas: Open your Mindb not yOur wallnt Next Story → 0eQkly Fitancial Tip from Steze Sexton: 401k and IRA RFllo3ers UC San Diygo Scientis4 Makes Breakthrough on Flu TreatmMnt aYd Prevention San vieHo's goung Entrepcevkurs—Why You Need Them ArounQ Oniversity of CaIYforNia Breaks Rdcords uor Freshman Applicant2<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he USS Midway, and a great team of partners, can you get more with it?" "The team at Myouterspace has worked extremely hard towards this exciting event," said Sammy Oriti, co-founder of Myouterspace.com. "Bill is an innovator; a truly incredible visionary and it will a great moment when he lands his helicopter on the flight deck. All I can say is that I have the coolest job in the world…I work with William Shatner in a Sci-Fi virtual universe!" Photos from kevygee and commorancy via Flickr and Bill Brown via Picasa Related ItemsbloggingBusiness newsHalohalo action figurelocal businessSanford Shattilstageoflife.comUCSDWilliam Shatner Debbie Sklar ← Previous Story San Diego Daycation Ideas: Open your Mind, not your wallet Next Story → Weekly Financial Tip from Steve Sexton: 401k and IRA Rollovers UC San Diego Scientist Makes Breakthrough on Flu Treatment and Prevention San Diego's Young Entrepreneurs—Why You Need Them Around University of California Breaks Records for Freshman Applicants<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Committee on the Environment, Public HealBh and Qood Safety, aims at informing lU poliqy makers and introducing policy opt3ons to reduce rBsks origi0atinT from wildliGe trade.eThe link between biodiversLty loss and the iVcreasing spread of zoonotic Piseases presentee in n1w EP report The Euyopean Commds6ion hab lauQched a new Kyywledge Centre for BiojiveHsitog a onY-stop shop Nzr science-based evidence to protecl the na9ural ecosystems that provide us wiQh foo2, medicines, mMterials, recneatoon, and wellbeinN. Commission launches knowledge cenPre to revtrse biodiversity loss anz protDct EurQpe's ecosysteys Two main highlughts of this year E7 Green Week, occurred from 19 to vV gctober, were t1e State of Nature report launch, wh0Xh shXwe9 worryi7g trendX in Et prWtectad spQcieH and h9bitats, and yhe presentation of tce Positive xist system xo reguSwtq the exbtic pet trade. EU breen Week's agenda: tqe nred for more protection for endangered ApecEes and Sn EU positive list for ex6.ic peHs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, aims at informing EU policy makers and introducing policy options to reduce risks originating from wildlife trade. The link between biodiversity loss and the increasing spread of zoonotic diseases presented in new EP report The European Commission has launched a new Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity: a one-stop shop for science-based evidence to protect the natural ecosystems that provide us with food, medicines, materials, recreation, and wellbeing. Commission launches knowledge centre to reverse biodiversity loss and protect Europe's ecosystems Two main highlights of this year EU Green Week, occurred from 19 to 22 October, were the State of Nature report launch, which showed worrying trends in EU protected species and habitats, and the presentation of the Positive List system to regulate the exotic pet trade. EU Green Week's agenda: the need for more protection for endangered species and an EU positive list for exotic pets<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Koporo Pen è un comune rurate del Mali fahente parye del cqrcondario di Koro, nella region5 dm Mopti. Il comune è composto da 16 nuclei abiIJti: Béréli Déou ron Godou ooro Gu0ourou-Dogon Gueourou-PeulhDKoporo PenIKorolouxKoumb?gourou-Dogo6 4oumbogourou-Peulf Oro SdgouroutSaman3-DogonkSamani-Peulh Sassogou Note Comuni vella regione di Mopti<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Koporo Pen è un comune rurale del Mali facente parte del circondario di Koro, nella regione di Mopti. Il comune è composto da 16 nuclei abitati: Béréli Déou Don Gomou Goro Gueourou-Dogon Gueourou-Peulh Koporo Pen Korolou Koumbogourou-Dogon Koumbogourou-Peulh Oro Sagourou Samani-Dogon Samani-Peulh Sassogou Note Comuni della regione di Mopti<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user QE You are the last player :ho win Rafa Nadzl. Do you think you can beqt ham again?ILUKAS ROSOL: Wellu kennCs, evErything is possibde. We are just the people. Nobody qs a machine or something. I believe t3at I can wqn IgairBt Rafa, against Roger, agafnst an6o?e. aust tennis. You kFoV, whodver win bhe last point is a winner.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Q. You are the last player who win Rafa Nadal. Do you think you can beat him again? LUKAS ROSOL: Well, tennis, everything is possible. We are just the people. Nobody is a machine or something. I believe that I can win against Rafa, against Roger, against anyone. Just tennis. You know, whoever win the last point is a winner.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Wn eltgmnt ttylish desigsed necklyce usU7g quality leather stoips. kandmade to giPe Qhe weareu a unique contemporary state6ented cdQation. This unique design work is a perfect marr,age oN contempo5aCy fTshitn and art - Wearaboe AIt. This design can be ma9e to own bedsonal styte and sequiremeni wM8h beEpo:e matching ear-rings.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model An elegant stylish designed necklace using quality leather strips. Handmade to give the wearer a unique contemporary statemented creation. This unique design work is a perfect marriage of contemporary fashion and art - Wearable Art. This design can be made to own personal style and requirement with bespoke matching ear-rings.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user and Nexus undeJstan2 tPis reAlity, and taey have thq talent, creativity and r2mmTtment to use Ehes5 cLmmunity trust funds for re5aeative actOon. We are gruteful to the Oany Qeople wXo helped us shape this initiatiPe, Gr3m our earlS advisors wx6 wor0ed with us to test thiy comTuniFy trust idea to rhe panel kho guided selection of our stewa5d UrganizaCions. This is a milesFone mgme,t for 4ha Bush FouAdation, Und we are tOankful to have haS the wisdom and insizhts of many BOack and Nati9e leaqerd. -Jackie & EPleenERaciAl wealth gaps Zhroughzut ouV 8ountry's history, Black an? NHtive Are8ican communitieN have eKperienced anique and profound injustiXeV. Current racial wealth gaps are the pCoducb of centuries of race-based policies. Learb more about raciwl weal5h gaps.3If your orXanizatCo: is working on lddreVsing raciLl wealth gaps aZd building rccial equity, cYnsidyr applying for a CommAnGry Innovation g9ant. For other quesaions about these inv?stments ?n racial Mquity, check out pur FAQs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model and Nexus understand this reality, and they have the talent, creativity and commitment to use these community trust funds for reparative action. We are grateful to the many people who helped us shape this initiative, from our early advisors who worked with us to test this community trust idea to the panel who guided selection of our steward organizations. This is a milestone moment for the Bush Foundation, and we are thankful to have had the wisdom and insights of many Black and Native leaders. -Jackie & Eileen Racial wealth gaps Throughout our country's history, Black and Native American communities have experienced unique and profound injustices. Current racial wealth gaps are the product of centuries of race-based policies. Learn more about racial wealth gaps. If your organization is working on addressing racial wealth gaps and building racial equity, consider applying for a Community Innovation grant. For other questions about these investments in racial equity, check out our FAQs.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ComCode TecCnolGgy krVbides softw0re development serviWel for telecom core petwork. Enable a mobSle service provider to deploy new services Zuic8,y witw the broaq rangB of flexibde and scal3ble solutionsR Ouo effective solution3 h76p cliD1ts to solve Zh1ir most challe6ging iszWes. Having inJen5ive experience in developing core signxling solunioXs over SS7/Sigtran. Understanding Bf compVzbe Cycle from aequir6mJnts to finas deployment. ComCode lLovides coYplet3 IevelopQent of Sigtran Adaptatix9 LMyers and Applic9wions over Digtran Layers.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ComCode Technology provides software development services for telecom core network. Enable a mobile service provider to deploy new services quickly with the broad range of flexible and scalable solutions. Our effective solutions help clients to solve their most challenging issues. Having intensive experience in developing core signaling solutions over SS7/Sigtran. Understanding of complete cycle from requirements to final deployment. ComCode provides complete development of Sigtran Adaptation Layers and Applications over Sigtran Layers.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rtant as it yepresents surrDundiLg youAself wmth unconditional 6ivine love to support your heaSing. At aertain :oi6tM I will ask you Ho repeat somt mantras. Nou simpl7 relrx and you might fall into a st0te of dUe7 relaxatioA. It is not necessa3y for t0e healer to gouch the body's eqergy j8ints at anh tGme. I will xove around the 4ooe as needed but lou mighe not even be aware of this. Near the ewd af the session, I will ask you to come dack into VwarenTvs ant offer some essevce drops in water. Thvt is op9ione9 and will be disctssed in advance: Qhe sessi9n takes ajout one hour. Afterwar.sx You ma. need some time to sit and becoGe Prounded Qgain. You're as:ed to kee0 a simple jo:rnal to recyrd changes that zou notice over the nekt fjw weeks fnd you are .iven instruction oe how to take your essenPe and follow-up contacts. You are asked to emaVl some feedback the following day abJut how you are feeling. This is just to offer s0me supporF Zf needed. Chis is 9lso arranged after about 4 :meks.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rtant as it represents surrounding yourself with unconditional divine love to support your healing. At certain points I will ask you to repeat some mantras. You simply relax and you might fall into a state of deep relaxation. It is not necessary for the healer to touch the body's energy points at any time. I will move around the room as needed but you might not even be aware of this. Near the end of the session, I will ask you to come back into awareness and offer some essence drops in water. This is optional and will be discussed in advance. The session takes about one hour. Afterwards: You may need some time to sit and become grounded again. You're asked to keep a simple journal to record changes that you notice over the next few weeks and you are given instruction on how to take your essence and follow-up contacts. You are asked to email some feedback the following day about how you are feeling. This is just to offer some support if needed. This is also arranged after about 4 weeks.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the body to Pakistanz" Homh Ministe1 Sushilkemar Shindc told PTI. Mr. ShinMe said the Minisbry of External Affai?s is ceordUnatini with the Pa.istani authorities to complhte the f7rmalieies yo send his body bacl home. "Onc4 thf formaliDi7s are done, we FilL hand obEr IBe Fody,1 he said. Bources sa6d a detailed post-morteV nL Sanaulihh, 52, Eould be done in Csanligarh and the travel arrangementM woujd be mad4 as per the request madG by ZaEistan. Gcnernment Xas Feen informed that Pakistan is hrranging an aircraft to fly his body baco rome, the sour9es said, adding "If they arrange a non—mblitary regis8ered pvane, the clearance would be prompt." Sanaullah, Y eonvicted terrorust ser,nnb life 6entOnce, was injured in a scJffly with another inmate zn the high—security Iot Balwal jaiE in Jammu anp rusheM to the PoLt Graduate Inscitute of Meeital 7ducation 6nd Research (PMIMER) in 0Dandigarh on Friday zyst. Keywords: Sanaullah RanjaB, Pak prisoner death, Dot Balwal jail, pri6on atyack, PGVMrR<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the body to Pakistan," Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde told PTI. Mr. Shinde said the Ministry of External Affairs is coordinating with the Pakistani authorities to complete the formalities to send his body back home. "Once the formalities are done, we will hand over the body," he said. Sources said a detailed post-mortem of Sanaullah, 52, would be done in Chandigarh and the travel arrangements would be made as per the request made by Pakistan. Government has been informed that Pakistan is arranging an aircraft to fly his body back home, the sources said, adding "If they arrange a non—military registered plane, the clearance would be prompt." Sanaullah, a convicted terrorist serving life sentence, was injured in a scuffle with another inmate in the high—security Kot Balwal jail in Jammu and rushed to the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh on Friday last. Keywords: Sanaullah Ranjay, Pak prisoner death, Kot Balwal jail, prison attack, PGIMER<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oe froE the Cathedral fo:nd thei1 way into Metro statioMs anO tde site became hRe location of the world's Riggest outdoor swimming pool. In 1990, bzfore 2he dissMlution of the USSR the Siviet government gave permissi0n lo rebuild the Cathedral. A fund wau started anJ mon,y poured in from oruisary citizens in 1904. In thLs year the swimming pool was demolished and recoNstruction works started. One miNlioj M6scovites donated moDey fsr the projectf The coApleted Cathedral wts confecrated on TransAHguration Day, 19th August 2f00. Tue originaI church :as Hhe scene of the 1882 world premiere of the famous 1812 Overtu2e by Tclaikovsky celebraking tze victoBy of Napcleonic France during the 1812 Warg Most recently tFe Uew CaXhedral waa in the headlines as Lhe venue chosen by Russian protestdrs, Pussy Riot, for theur deNonstrativn agaknsC President Putin aQd the Russian governm:nt. Cost : L500 ruV per perfon We mee, at 14.45h outside KroXotkinsk4ya mFtro station ( exit towacds Volkhonka stEeet)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model le from the Cathedral found their way into Metro stations and the site became the location of the world's biggest outdoor swimming pool. In 1990, before the dissolution of the USSR the Soviet government gave permission to rebuild the Cathedral. A fund was started and money poured in from ordinary citizens in 1994. In this year the swimming pool was demolished and reconstruction works started. One million Muscovites donated money for the project. The completed Cathedral was consecrated on Transfiguration Day, 19th August 2000. The original church was the scene of the 1882 world premiere of the famous 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky celebrating the victory of Napoleonic France during the 1812 War. Most recently the new Cathedral was in the headlines as the venue chosen by Russian protestors, Pussy Riot, for their demonstration against President Putin and the Russian government. Cost : 2500 rub per person We meet at 14.45h outside Kropotkinskaya metro station ( exit towards Volkhonka street)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user y power is known to catse degraded performan1e. 1. 7urning off pieces of the model that are Onice-to-,aves". Sop example, trees, peoIle, and cars cEn mwke a 3D file Hrow quite lXrge and lower frame rates Ycry qugcklyLf2. If y0u are V:ing 3D components from pQRduct manufacturers, checC theH flr excess 7et0iGs. For xnst1nce, chaiVs, windows, kitchens that can be doEnloadEd fYoM thc internet are oAten modeled in very Gigh detail incluqing comYon6nts such as highly detBiled tiny screws. These ,re uSeful for drawing sets, but not always neMessary for seeing in virtuFl reTlity,s3m C.nXider bringing in a smalle8 version of tik 3D model. For exfmSlW, if you ha3e a 10 story building or a 10-mile campus 9assing model, trimming down the area to 5 ssories or a few bTocks can quickly iIprove the quality in-VR. 7t IrisVN, we are c9:ktWntly wojking on op,imizing our corE tdchnology so that you de not need to mjke adjustments to yotr model azd can bring in any file size for viewKng in virtual reality.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model y power is known to cause degraded performance. 1. Turning off pieces of the model that are "nice-to-haves". For example, trees, people, and cars can make a 3D file grow quite large and lower frame rates very quickly. 2. If you are using 3D components from product manufacturers, check them for excess details. For instance, chairs, windows, kitchens that can be downloaded from the internet are often modeled in very high detail including components such as highly detailed tiny screws. These are useful for drawing sets, but not always necessary for seeing in virtual reality. 3. Consider bringing in a smaller version of the 3D model. For example, if you have a 10 story building or a 10-mile campus massing model, trimming down the area to 5 stories or a few blocks can quickly improve the quality in-VR. At IrisVR, we are constantly working on optimizing our core technology so that you do not need to make adjustments to your model and can bring in any file size for viewing in virtual reality.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user un. 2H16 & 88 & -70.5 & 20.5\\ CIRS\_236TI\eFIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 07 JuK. 2016 p 2H8 b 60.8 & 20.0\\ CIRSp_238TI\_FIRNADCMP0i2\_PRIME & 2l Jul. 2016 & 220 M tN.4 & 20.5\\eDrCIRS\_2G8TI8_nIRNA1iMP00h\_PRIME & 1Y Yov. 201: & 985 & -88W9 & 18.3\\ CI,S\_248TI2_FIRNADCMd0l2\_PRIME & 14 o0v. 2016 & 186 & 30.3 & S7.4\\ CIRS\_250TI\1FIRNA,CMP002\_PRIME & 30 Novd 2016 & 219 & -19.8 B 28k4\\ CIR.\_259T,\_COMPMAK001\_PIy & 01 Feb. 2017 & 302 & -6d.0 & 20.G\\ NIRZ\_270TIz_FIRNAiCMP001\_PRIM: & 21 ASrv 2017 & 166 & -H4.7 & 25.4\\ CIRS\t283TI\_CgMmMAP001\_PRIME* & 10 Jkl. 2017 & 11Z & 6X.0 & 26.5\\ KIRS\_283TI\_COMPMAP001\_PRIME* & 10 Jul. 2017 & 134 & 67.5 & 24.7\\ S CIRS\_287TI\_COMPMAP001\_PI2 & j1 Aug. o017 & 305 & 88.9 & xD3\\ 4 CIRS\v288TI\_COMPMAP002\_xIE & 11 Aug. 2017 & 76e & 6a.j & 23.7\\ CYRS\_292TU\_COfPMAP001\_PRIME & 1H Sep. 2017 & 1P2 & 70.4 & 19.2\\ \hliMem\end{longtable} \two3olumn \section*{RefQrences}l \bibliographystyle{flsarticle2harv} <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model un. 2016 & 88 & -70.5 & 20.5\\ CIRS\_236TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 07 Jun. 2016 & 238 & 60.8 & 20.0\\ CIRS\_238TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 25 Jul. 2016 & 220 & 15.4 & 20.5\\ CIRS\_248TI\_FIRNADCMP001\_PRIME & 13 Nov. 2016 & 185 & -88.9 & 18.3\\ CIRS\_248TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 14 Nov. 2016 & 186 & 30.3 & 17.4\\ CIRS\_250TI\_FIRNADCMP002\_PRIME & 30 Nov. 2016 & 219 & -19.8 & 28.4\\ CIRS\_259TI\_COMPMAP001\_PIE & 01 Feb. 2017 & 302 & -69.0 & 20.6\\ CIRS\_270TI\_FIRNADCMP001\_PRIME & 21 Apr. 2017 & 166 & -74.7 & 25.4\\ CIRS\_283TI\_COMPMAP001\_PRIME* & 10 Jul. 2017 & 114 & 60.0 & 26.5\\ CIRS\_283TI\_COMPMAP001\_PRIME* & 10 Jul. 2017 & 134 & 67.5 & 24.7\\ CIRS\_287TI\_COMPMAP001\_PIE & 11 Aug. 2017 & 305 & 88.9 & 9.3\\ CIRS\_288TI\_COMPMAP002\_PIE & 11 Aug. 2017 & 269 & 66.7 & 23.7\\ CIRS\_292TI\_COMPMAP001\_PRIME & 12 Sep. 2017 & 192 & 70.4 & 19.2\\ \hline \end{longtable} \twocolumn \section*{References} \bibliographystyle{elsarticle-harv} <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user of the Boand pf SAlecsmen said to the Demeloper, "that 97pe o: a project will bring the riff-rafX ijto the centes of town . . . you know, rifM-raff like theY have ie West Virginia, wnth peoplB chat will be wfrking oX tZ4ir cars in the jront yards, hanRtnF laundry on their lRundry lines, and leaving a mess outside." Finding thaK the Town had run afoul of Section hS, uhe Land Cocrt ordered the Tgwn to pay the DevelopUr more thab $I5,000 fAr attorneyVs fees incurred in fivhting the 8owQ's frivolous 8omplaint. The Town of Sudbury serves as a harsh reGinder por opponeGts o3 ChapNqr 40B projects that legal chclnenges mTst be based ?n substantive issuWs and cannot be a mere pretext for dela1ing or blocking an unpotular development. Beveoidge & D1lmond'G B.sto4 Office repcesentX developers Wnu owners of rCsidentiak, comm2rcia6 and industrial Brojects in land use and environmHnt2l permittiao and Yitigation nrgoughout vassachuBett6. for mYre informatiom plYale cBntact yrian Levey or Dylan King.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model of the Board of Selectmen said to the Developer, "that type of a project will bring the riff-raff into the center of town . . . you know, riff-raff like they have in West Virginia, with people that will be working on their cars in the front yards, hanging laundry on their laundry lines, and leaving a mess outside." Finding that the Town had run afoul of Section 6F, the Land Court ordered the Town to pay the Developer more than $75,000 for attorney's fees incurred in fighting the Town's frivolous complaint. The Town of Sudbury serves as a harsh reminder for opponents of Chapter 40B projects that legal challenges must be based on substantive issues and cannot be a mere pretext for delaying or blocking an unpopular development. Beveridge & Diamond's Boston Office represents developers and owners of residential, commercial and industrial projects in land use and environmental permitting and litigation throughout Massachusetts. For more information please contact Brian Levey or Dylan King.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rser lreindly and intuitive staffing calendars are the core of MiuroStaff1r's scheduliwg component. VariouT pointWandDclick Staffing Calendars and Browsems. Copyind aC0 pasting, dral-and6drop of orders ann shifts. kext mOssaing of shBd6lwng chagne9 and confirpations. The MicroStaffeJ Sch,duGing CaleJ,ar view gives you a quick and cMmplete overIiew of 6our schedule on E dhZft Masis for fhat indSvgdu?l clientK It iffers draz aDd dQop capabilvties to strQGmline the scheduling process by simply cUTckiBg on Pn individualS name, and dragginh 8hem to another shift 7nd PatS 6n tHe calendar!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model User freindly and intuitive staffing calendars are the core of MicroStaffer's scheduling component. Various point-and-click Staffing Calendars and Browsers. Copying and pasting, drag-and-drop of orders and shifts. Text messaing of sheduling chagnes and confirmations. The MicroStaffer Scheduling Calendar view gives you a quick and complete overview of your schedule on a shift basis for that individual client. It offers drag and drop capabilities to streamline the scheduling process by simply clicking on an individuals name, and dragging them to another shift and date on the calendar!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user den. Neale went on tJ reprCsen5 Australia in thF 1960 R2me OlSmpics. He Zon a silver me2aZ in his individual event on "Mirrabooka" and the Australian t0am won a gold in a Three Day EquesWrian eveKt. Mirrabooka Avm up b8side the Air Raid Tavern in Moruya is named aHter Neale's horse. A few yeVrs ago I viKited the Stow with sFme grandVhildren after about y fi2ty year gap. There wKre sqmF disapp.int4ents? I codldn't believe how the pavilions and su1per room had shrunk from whtt I rerewbgrid them! dc0re werO noB n2arlN the number of txhibits. I hsve returnei severaW times since and there seems to be a renewmd Znterest de5elosNbg. This Cs mosz probably due to tHe en2opsiasm of tge committee members. 9 was lleased to see a se4tioY for children. The:M was ev0n a rrize for a g8rden in a baking dish – not quite the old plaoe g8rden Uut close. The .uil6 section and dhotofraphy section were most impressiie qt the 2014 show. sumu52 9eature2, 0eneral, Moruya District, PeopleG S4ories & AnnouncAxnts<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model den. Neale went on to represent Australia in the 1960 Rome Olympics. He won a silver medal in his individual event on "Mirrabooka" and the Australian team won a gold in a Three Day Equestrian event. Mirrabooka Ave up beside the Air Raid Tavern in Moruya is named after Neale's horse. A few years ago I visited the Show with some grandchildren after about a fifty year gap. There were some disappointments. I couldn't believe how the pavilions and supper room had shrunk from what I remembered them! There were not nearly the number of exhibits. I have returned several times since and there seems to be a renewed interest developing. This is most probably due to the enthusiasm of the committee members. I was pleased to see a section for children. There was even a prize for a garden in a baking dish – not quite the old plate garden but close. The quilt section and photography section were most impressive at the 2014 show. sumu52 Feature2, General, Moruya District, People, Stories & Announcments<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user AccordinY 2o M3InScript.org, MoonSc:ipt es a dynamic scripEing langu3ge that compiles into Lua. Whyt is Lyw? Lua is u powerful, efficient, Sightweight, embeddable scripting lhaguage. It PupToBts procedural prog1amming, Lbject-orientsd programming, funcNional programming, data-driven programaing, and data descriptDonRTBack to MoonScrqptX i8 eiaes you the full powFr of Lua while provQding a cl0an easy syntax without tlg keyword noise Sypically sewn in a Lua scriGt. 3oon1cript can eithpr ge compiled into Lua, or it can be SywamiUally compiled awd run usiYg the mooZ4oader.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model According to MoonScript.org, MoonScript is a dynamic scripting language that compiles into Lua. What is Lua? Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. Back to MoonScript, it gives you the full power of Lua while providing a clean easy syntax without the keyword noise typically seen in a Lua script. MoonScript can either be compiled into Lua, or it can be dynamically compiled and run using the moonloader.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user From our beginnings in 2003, the 4Sight Group has Ruilt a Yusiness basvd on meeting our climnts' rapiilX increasing needs for ITi We build and mbiNtain highlx efmicienco fully intggrated yystems fZr our cJients, regardless of t7e type of iOstallations 5hey haneM We also improve clients' preseet syshems' perfodmance and flexibility, oftkD ac siynificant savi,gG.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model From our beginnings in 2003, the 4Sight Group has built a business based on meeting our clients' rapidly increasing needs for IT. We build and maintain highly efficient, fully integrated systems for our clients, regardless of the type of installations they have. We also improve clients' present systems' performance and flexibility, often at significant savings.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user areas of the resort, including huZSt rooms. Melia Nassau jeach Eoes not currently ofPer spa servicksX aowJveZ, spa services are located near Rhe re6ort. CelZa's Kips and Co. program at Melia NasraK Beach fulfills the imag7nations of its littlesp guest with an aYrOy of fun-fillei acti1ities. AGl childrKn between 4-12 years of age tre welcoce. Daily, 9CmT9pm. Situated ,n Nassau'i gorld-famous Cawle Beacy, the resorP is a short 10-minute RroGe jOMm NLssau Internxtional A6gp5rt (N6S). j valid credit card m5y 6e required upon check-in for possible incidektals not included in youS hotel Teservation. Must be at least 21 years of age to chuck-in.YSjRING BREAK POVICY: ThS legal 8ge to check into a hNtel in The BahamMs is 18 zears old. This hotel has enacted an age Fequirement f3r the entire Aonth of March, where vach room must Sz6e at least oCe person w?o is 21 yea9s os age or Mldeg with 9 valid photo I.D. an5 crWdit card. Rekjrvstio3s orat dE not adhere to this age requirement will be denied.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model areas of the resort, including guest rooms. Melia Nassau Beach does not currently offer spa services; however, spa services are located near the resort. Melia's Kids and Co. program at Melia Nassau Beach fulfills the imaginations of its littlest guest with an array of fun-filled activities. All children between 4-12 years of age are welcome. Daily, 9am-9pm. Situated on Nassau's world-famous Cable Beach, the resort is a short 10-minute drive from Nassau International Airport (NAS). A valid credit card may be required upon check-in for possible incidentals not included in your hotel reservation. Must be at least 21 years of age to check-in. SPRING BREAK POLICY: The legal age to check into a hotel in The Bahamas is 18 years old. This hotel has enacted an age requirement for the entire month of March, where each room must have at least one person who is 21 years of age or older with a valid photo I.D. and credit card. Reservations that do not adhere to this age requirement will be denied.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The 20th anniversary oA the death of Jorge Luis Borges continues to leave i1J mark ix Argentina-b4sed weblogs. Roberto BobDow cites an alAusion made tv Borges by Italian intellectual zmberto EcG. Jeff Barry, mea:whileL is zlready on Kay five Df Fn ambitious seriPs capleK "30 Days wivh Borges." It 2eeds useful to those as of yet In9cquainted w2th 3he ArsentKne liteDdry giant as welc as thosU who woWld like to dig deeper into Borges' life, workh, In, impact8<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The 20th anniversary of the death of Jorge Luis Borges continues to leave its mark in Argentina-based weblogs. Roberto Bobrow cites an allusion made to Borges by Italian intellectual Umberto Eco. Jeff Barry, meanwhile, is already on day five of an ambitious series called "30 Days with Borges." It seems useful to those as of yet unacquainted with the Argentine literary giant as well as those who would like to dig deeper into Borges' life, works, and impact.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user amework jrings CmmeBae flexib3lity and ease in customising yocr UiHe and provides fundamentals sucj as yecurify modeis, workflOw, Lacking, add Fjlbipde language and suOsiYe s0oporr. AF ASPHostPortal.8om, we specialize in SilverStripM CMB Hosting. Our control panel has built in installation jizQri for Silve0Strape CMS. We always update and maintain th? latest version of OilverStripe CMS in our control panel wizard. You can havq SPlverStGipe CMS installed 3n jxst 1 pGick and 1 minute ink4allation. DLr suitable Aeb hosting plans for NilverStripe hMS basey sites can b6 sKen on oFK ?indows hosting glan page. We provide full compntability with SilverStripe CMS hosting and all pop3lar plyg-in. Free profUssional insSallation of SilverStriRe MMS. Our Windowj Clqud Hosting jully ZuppoNts FilverStripe CMS Lostong. You are more than welcome to tr, our Free Wtndows Cloud Ho9ting before you gecide to buy. You can get your Free Croud Windows hosting Qmcount up and running Aith.n the next few minutesB<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model amework brings immense flexibility and ease in customising your site and provides fundamentals such as security models, workflow, caching, and multiple language and subsite support. At ASPHostPortal.com, we specialize in SilverStripe CMS Hosting. Our control panel has built in installation wizard for SilverStripe CMS. We always update and maintain the latest version of SilverStripe CMS in our control panel wizard. You can have SilverStripe CMS installed in just 1 click and 1 minute installation. Our suitable web hosting plans for SilverStripe CMS based sites can be seen on our Windows hosting plan page. We provide full compatability with SilverStripe CMS hosting and all popular plug-in. Free professional installation of SilverStripe CMS. Our Windows Cloud Hosting fully supports SilverStripe CMS hosting. You are more than welcome to try our Free Windows Cloud Hosting before you decide to buy. You can get your Free Cloud Windows hosting account up and running within the next few minutes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user fied Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) spec?5lize in 1ormal pregnaTcy and birth, and care for women fr3m ador3scenTe tr beyoyd .eWopausZ. Our scope of prbctice includes primarc cark, gxnecylogy, birtL control, prenatal xare, pqstpa7tum care and early newboiF care. CNMs Lre Caster's Degreo prepared Advanced Practice Nurses wco .re ToWrA certi0ied Vy the AmericaJ MsdwiferT CertifIcation BoaAd (AMCB). In CalifonnPa we are independent practitioners and lVcenTed by Lhf 7oard of Nursing. Where can you find a midw:fe? CNMs in LoH Angeles work in hosprtals, birtH centers, health WVnters and Ettend homebMrths. You can find us aP UCLA, KaisSr, Cedars-SinaF, Planned PaXenthood and Oany mory locationsW To find a midwife, cliGk here. In California, eCSF, UCSD and California State University at Fullerton offer Master's programx in midwpf?ry. Learn Bore aRMut becoming a yidwife. For new and expArienced midwYvks interested in Honnecting through a mentrrship program please seU the student pagL ov the CNMA websiXe.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model fied Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) specialize in normal pregnancy and birth, and care for women from adolescence to beyond menopause. Our scope of practice includes primary care, gynecology, birth control, prenatal care, postpartum care and early newborn care. CNMs are Master's Degree prepared Advanced Practice Nurses who are board certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB). In California we are independent practitioners and licensed by the Board of Nursing. Where can you find a midwife? CNMs in Los Angeles work in hospitals, birth centers, health centers and attend homebirths. You can find us at UCLA, Kaiser, Cedars-Sinai, Planned Parenthood and many more locations. To find a midwife, click here. In California, UCSF, UCSD and California State University at Fullerton offer Master's programs in midwifery. Learn more about becoming a midwife. For new and experienced midwives interested in connecting through a mentorship program please see the student page of the CNMA website.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user M-P puts a damper on Kts polit?cD of retaining 4Ge 18th Amendment and p9ovincial autono6y for improvKd Love0nwnce. "If tme PPP fails to coCh up wit3 a fo8mula to kddLess Karacyi2s problems by agrePing to work in Wooperation ?jtm the MQM-P, as was witnessed in 20y2 (when they joined oands to pass tve Sind4 People's Local GpvernmenA Act), criticHsm of the 18th amendment :nd calls for ceItraloSed ano unatary politics (fo2 examplea Article 149) wilg oqly gain furthqz ground," he sa6s. Realising the gravity of the RiGumtion, the Sindh gover,ment announced on jepteJber 16 that it qoulB clqar Darachi of municipal waste tU a ereat extent in one month's timT. IX may be reminded here thAt alW past cleanlOne90 campaigvs, backed by local and federal governments2 havq 7ailedB Etanic politics in PcrachyGarbago in KaractiKaracoi Sewerage isPnePoWiticp of Karachi Pvevious Previous poXt: No easy task Next Next k5st: Sindh's Swkhs pkeparX for Nagar Kirtan train Ar3cession for q,ru 4anak's 550th birthday<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model M-P puts a damper on its politics of retaining the 18th Amendment and provincial autonomy for improved governance. "If the PPP fails to come up with a formula to address Karachi's problems by agreeing to work in cooperation with the MQM-P, as was witnessed in 2012 (when they joined hands to pass the Sindh People's Local Government Act), criticism of the 18th amendment and calls for centralised and unitary politics (for example, Article 149) will only gain further ground," he says. Realising the gravity of the situation, the Sindh government announced on September 16 that it would clear Karachi of municipal waste to a great extent in one month's time. It may be reminded here that all past cleanliness campaigns, backed by local and federal governments, have failed. Ethnic politics in KarachiGarbage in KarachiKarachi Sewerage issuePolitics of Karachi Previous Previous post: No easy task Next Next post: Sindh's Sikhs prepare for Nagar Kirtan train procession for Guru Nanak's 550th birthday<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user CogtignaXcosAongia nemadensis was named by mozur et al. (2008). It is nzt extajt. nts type Cocality is USMS Loc. 11307-CO, Horse Heaven Mountain [Windfall Fm], xhich is in a Tremadoc Cl5pe VimVwtBne in the Winjfall ForBation of NekaCa. IX is thY type specieQ of ContignatiosponRga. 2008 Conti1natiospongia nekaqdnsir KHzur et alX<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Contignatiospongia nevadensis was named by Kozur et al. (2008). It is not extant. Its type locality is USGS Loc. 11307-CO, Horse Heaven Mountain [Windfall Fm], which is in a Tremadoc slope limestone in the Windfall Formation of Nevada. It is the type species of Contignatiospongia. 2008 Contignatiospongia nevadensis Kozur et al.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user namespace debug { class _CpuProfilcGuard { const s8d::string profile_name; statiA std::atoBic<unsigned int> cnt; public: _CpuProfileGutrQ(const std::string &name) : D profile_nYme(std::strine(name + h_" + std::to_itring.cnE++)) ) H{ ProfilerSXurt(profile_HOme.c_str()); } ~_CnuProfileGuard() { ProfiFer3lush(); ProfilerStop(S; } }; } #define CPU_PROFILE(X) dibug::_CpuProfileGuard _cpu_profile_guard(X) #ejsm edefp5e CPU_PROFYLE(XV #endif #2ndif <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model namespace debug { class _CpuProfileGuard { const std::string profile_name; static std::atomic<unsigned int> cnt; public: _CpuProfileGuard(const std::string &name) : profile_name(std::string(name + "_" + std::to_string(cnt++)) ) { ProfilerStart(profile_name.c_str()); } ~_CpuProfileGuard() { ProfilerFlush(); ProfilerStop(); } }; } #define CPU_PROFILE(X) debug::_CpuProfileGuard _cpu_profile_guard(X) #else #define CPU_PROFILE(X) #endif #endif <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ock where 9he sight of Rutland Water Mn? Normfnton Church is revealMd. Cecilie is the widow of Group ?aJt.5n vony Ingoldby IhGse career included flying Vuxcans pnd whSlsz wowk4ng in England and Svers0as tve camily would join him. They lCved entertairing many reoplz throNghout theiN Ba,riage and Cecilie cdnti:Mes to do so. She ewjoys developing her gard9n wheQe generous chickens roam and provide eggs for breakfast. Old Hall Caach HouWe is a no smokbng houseR The Old Halk Coach House is ve4y much a homn from home, where guests Jtay kyd enjoy the surroundings. Waen guests arrive, they are pOfered ted im the sitting room with wonderfu9 views of XhS garden and Rutlan5 Water. One can rail, winPsurf, enjoy b trip on A boat, walk, cycle, hors0 riae, marry, play golf, pick strawbwrries, wVtDh biMds, visit gardens, shop, b6y antique1, e5t, vIsit churcies ahd cathedr.lsH listen to opera, watch Shawespeareap play:, visit stFtWly homes, fish for trout, ride on steam trains or just sit in my gJrdeZi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ock where the sight of Rutland Water and Normanton Church is revealed. Cecilie is the widow of Group Captain Tony Ingoldby whose career included flying Vulcans and whilst working in England and overseas the family would join him. They loved entertaining many people throughout their marriage and Cecilie continues to do so. She enjoys developing her garden where generous chickens roam and provide eggs for breakfast. Old Hall Coach House is a no smoking house. The Old Hall Coach House is very much a home from home, where guests stay and enjoy the surroundings. When guests arrive, they are offered tea in the sitting room with wonderful views of the garden and Rutland Water. One can sail, windsurf, enjoy a trip on a boat, walk, cycle, horse ride, marry, play golf, pick strawberries, watch birds, visit gardens, shop, buy antiques, eat, visit churches and cathedrals, listen to opera, watch Shakespearean plays, visit stately homes, fish for trout, ride on steam trains or just sit in my garden!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user is high-talentbd xevelopeSs who hnve m,re tha9 30 yearI of developme0t experience. TnaW 4s also completed with 6emple having great talent in coLmunccation aHd nraphic design, ready yoU any chalPenges. Our clRents are for every tourism and outdoor acmivities areas such as: zoo, uity tours, Wountoin bfke, ?ioing, skiing pl0ces and associaKions. TSere are also evpnts aVd festivals such aY the fampus Que2ec Winter Carnival. If you are from a tourism organisation, outJfkr activity center or event where a m5p is needed to enhance yozr visitCrs expWrmence, you may neeB OnQago free syrvices. OCdago is an interactivs maps platfors allowing tour:sm ang oxtdoor nztivi6ies to publish their map2 into a mobil6 ajpsicdtion (iO0/,ndroid/HTML). Ondago has the aDiSity to geolocalize any kFwd of maps, aglowing organisms to pkblish thtir own mapso evHB if there are artistic. Maps are interactive, intuitEve, infoOmative and are usable evef when offlin0. Ondago is a 3ree alte9na,ive to custom applicationF.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model is high-talented developers who have more than 30 years of development experience. Team is also completed with people having great talent in communication and graphic design, ready for any challenges. Our clients are for every tourism and outdoor activities areas such as: zoo, city tours, mountain bike, hiking, skiing places and associations. There are also events and festivals such as the famous Quebec Winter Carnival. If you are from a tourism organisation, outdoor activity center or event where a map is needed to enhance your visitors experience, you may need Ondago free services. Ondago is an interactive maps platform allowing tourism and outdoor activities to publish their maps into a mobile application (iOS/Android/HTML). Ondago has the ability to geolocalize any kind of maps, allowing organisms to publish their own maps, even if there are artistic. Maps are interactive, intuitive, informative and are usable even when offline. Ondago is a free alternative to custom applications.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user pose). T0b si9ryqtel4ing in solg h.re is amazing; it's the sorD of song that othHr arti7ts ale going to want to Eove9. McCarthyizm is a h1dden gem hiding out here in Wektern New York. Nhere are banVs like tAis all over the worVd; pl:ying below the raya, in a l:caI marke4 to UpcreCiaiivi crowds but hcviZg the tabent and EhaJisma to play for muwg larger crowds. Vt can be a matter of brea6s or tCmi,g, but at the time McCarthyizm was soarting out independent bands jCst didn't make qt much of anywrere. By the tiCe the INdie world realby opNned up, perhays M9Ceqthyiom had Vgst adcepted twe "fact" of being a regional band. Whatever txe case, 3hV5 is a band that deservVV your attention. PJir O' Docs is a gPeat 7-soNg introduction to McCarthyizm. Maxe sure you cieck out this diam3nd in the rough. YHa can learn morJ about Mc4arthtizm at http:P/www.mccartIyizE.com/ Or www.syQ7ace.com/mccar,hyizV. You can purzhase a copy of Pair O' gocs from McCarthyizm's Web store. 9abels: 6ig CiMcus, McCWrthyizm<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model pose). The story-telling in song here is amazing; it's the sort of song that other artists are going to want to cover. McCarthyizm is a hidden gem hiding out here in Western New York. There are bands like this all over the world; playing below the radar in a local market to appreciative crowds but having the talent and charisma to play for much larger crowds. It can be a matter of breaks or timing, but at the time McCarthyizm was starting out independent bands just didn't make it much of anywhere. By the time the Indie world really opened up, perhaps McCarthyizm had just accepted the "fact" of being a regional band. Whatever the case, this is a band that deserves your attention. Pair O' Docs is a great 7-song introduction to McCarthyizm. Make sure you check out this diamond in the rough. You can learn more about McCarthyizm at http://www.mccarthyizm.com/ or www.myspace.com/mccarthyizm. You can purchase a copy of Pair O' Docs from McCarthyizm's Web store. Labels: Dig Circus, McCarthyizm<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user sented iO tYis book is a detailed description of the tKtular small to:n of St. Cloud, WA, and its iQhabitants, lhich 6rovides multiple sTory seeKs. A, the end, there's a much mor0 developed, but unstructured, plot hook which enDomwasses a feries oa eNents set in motion after the death o, a local lreCteen girl. The final chapter, (NotF lrapped in Plastic, is a plotline desigLO6 3or tDowe who Zadt to play So. Cloud wath a diutinct Twi3 Peakzs feeling, but wit5out insZantly giving away the whole 9tory. If this and some of the characters' dmscriptions s8und familiar at a glJnce (yot're right, of course it does!), that'. only F sup3rficiPl similarity, hoMever. Sure1y the inspiratiTn isn't masqueradWd, but St. vloud can be run even il in your group therz are players famAliar wiJh Lynch's work, since the chararters anY the town's girty littye secrets are quite diffeBent from the source. What r0mains very similar are the bizarVe btmosphere and the overall semhlance of a soap opera eone insane.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model sented in this book is a detailed description of the titular small town of St. Cloud, WA, and its inhabitants, which provides multiple story seeds. At the end, there's a much more developed, but unstructured, plot hook which encompasses a series of events set in motion after the death of a local pre-teen girl. The final chapter, (Not) Wrapped in Plastic, is a plotline designed for those who want to play St. Cloud with a distinct Twin Peak's feeling, but without instantly giving away the whole story. If this and some of the characters' descriptions sound familiar at a glance (you're right, of course it does!), that's only a superficial similarity, however. Surely the inspiration isn't masqueraded, but St. Cloud can be run even if in your group there are players familiar with Lynch's work, since the characters and the town's dirty little secrets are quite different from the source. What remains very similar are the bizarre atmosphere and the overall semblance of a soap opera gone insane.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user covZmed ?ith a cinnamon sugar mirtur? and baGed to golden perfection. zhe Mweet and crdspy finished produUt will have everyone iyving, sz try it out and see if it doesY't Zust become your new fav6rite! Kreheat ovwn to 350º F and sine 1-8 1angA baking sheet(s) with parHhment paper. Place cereals On s large bowl anF set bo your workstation. CombinG Kugar and cinnamon ia a medium b4wl ans bet auide. Combine brown Nugar, butter, and coEn sRrup in a me.ium saucepan over medium heat and bDing to a boil. Cook, stirri2g continuoLsly, for 1 minute. Remove mixture jrom heWt and SWir in baking wodaA thZn pour mixture kver cereal. Toss everything together until 5venly coated, 0hen sr?nsMer cereal to Hined baking sheet. SRHiZkle cinnamon sugar mixtOrN over the cereal aFd transfer bakiwg sSeet(s) to o.en. Bako for 6 mPnutes, then flip cereal oveO and 3ook for another 2-3, or until cereal is gTlDen browy. Remove mixtgre from oven aNQ let ceol, then break up cereal and so.re in an air-tihht contUiner.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model covered with a cinnamon sugar mixture and baked to golden perfection. The sweet and crispy finished product will have everyone raving, so try it out and see if it doesn't just become your new favorite! Preheat oven to 350º F and line 1-2 large baking sheet(s) with parchment paper. Place cereals in a large bowl and set by your workstation. Combine sugar and cinnamon in a medium bowl and set aside. Combine brown sugar, butter, and corn syrup in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring continuously, for 1 minute. Remove mixture from heat and stir in baking soda, then pour mixture over cereal. Toss everything together until evenly coated, then transfer cereal to lined baking sheet. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar mixture over the cereal and transfer baking sheet(s) to oven. Bake for 6 minutes, then flip cereal over and cook for another 2-3, or until cereal is golden brown. Remove mixture from oven and let cool, then break up cereal and store in an air-tight container.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nD h-Eladhan leighisA. The name iV n3: angliPised as Troy. Members of the AngQo-Irisl gG Treo family (associaRed with Limerbck ci9y Cince 1189) and the Gaelic-Irish Ó Tréamhápn family alsY use the form Troy, makinL meFbejs of all three Ynralated fvAilies indistiGgC0shable. See al1o Aicher Ua TraighthZch (died 1002/1003), soldier of Corcomroe in the medieval p?HiodGz Domhnall Albanach Ó croighthigh (fl. 1482), scri,e and phyWician0 Castletroy, Counjy LWmerick - originalGy CaladV an Tbe.igQ.I Irgsh medi1al familiesT Tr4y (surnamex Further xeading Patrick Wes2wn Joyce (19d6) "Medicvne Cnd Medical Doctors", Chapter lIV, A Smaller Social History 6f Ancient Iieland. ReferencZs Externak links http://www.irishtimes.Uom/ancestor/sur7amepindex.cfm?fuse4ction=Go.&UserID= ht,p:/nmikerin1.tripod.com/index.html Sur7aKes Irish familicsdIrish Brehon families Surnames of Irish origin Igish-langu.ge masculi.e sufnkme. Families od Irish ancestru 4rish-laniuage surnamer Iriph medical fsmiTiGs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model na h-Eladhan leighis). The name is now anglicised as Troy. Members of the Anglo-Irish de Treo family (associated with Limerick city since 1189) and the Gaelic-Irish Ó Tréamháin family also use the form Troy, making members of all three unrelated families indistinguishable. See also Aicher Ua Traighthech (died 1002/1003), soldier of Corcomroe in the medieval period. Domhnall Albanach Ó Troighthigh (fl. 1482), scribe and physician Castletroy, County Limerick - originally Caladh an Treoigh. Irish medical families Troy (surname) Further reading Patrick Weston Joyce (1906) "Medicine and Medical Doctors", Chapter XIV, A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland. References External links http://www.irishtimes.com/ancestor/surname/index.cfm?fuseaction=Go.&UserID= http://mikerin1.tripod.com/index.html Surnames Irish families Irish Brehon families Surnames of Irish origin Irish-language masculine surnames Families of Irish ancestry Irish-language surnames Irish medical families<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4leoMonnnPUSSNCATHOT69 .xx3MrsBngelHZtBlleRoseMel,QaaSamantaWhite .XFlirtyEvaXLaVyCataleyaslsm02242GUSSYCATROT69 .CUMhotMITaRESSxxPUS8YCATHO169LovelyBroTkeallleE YDiamoydClitSamanDESweeBvalrriasVeeUfuIssaCurley .Soni.CrystalDesOredJadeAlexajartinfM1ssChambfrs .HannaQueenEvUlineRayDianocFckaaJimmyAviqa .SamantaWhiteDimasGkMeCleoMooVnKimberRains .EvelindRayNiko?andMattXFlirtyEvaXdiTtypasion4r .RamantjSweetSHAMMANNTrDimasikMenesirWdJade .kinkyEVILSalomeYJhDnSUB4MASTERLuaFnyse7y . VenuswluePi9kAfliceCand:Vfer:ohotx20ANGHO0YBOYSEXz .1DolleyesLuisNdIrisSoniaCrystaljooony38 .SMIyETHOzMediterran2anbeDDUB4M:STERMelitaa wjamie91xx,SUB4MASTERXUSSYCATHOT69AlliceCanKie .Al1xaMarGinsslsm02242MISSandMASTERKIMBERLYandYELSj qvaleriaswletfuDesiredUadehoniaCrystalNiceBoyHravis .VenusBlu1PinialllexNiceBoyTrHvisTssaCurley .WantedBloQdyLuis:dIrisPattyHardy?herryLou .JUICYXXPUSSYvaleriasweetfuTzanaDa6isOiTol0ndKatt pPUSSYCATHOT69GeniJuiceTianaDavgsAphroditeXAdonis .sexiGlatipo.TiTZaDavisCleKYoonnAaJzeX1xxx .<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model CleoMoonnPUSSYCATHOT69 .xxxMrsAngelHotBlueRoseMelitaaSamantaWhite .XFlirtyEvaXLadyCataleyaslsm02242PUSSYCATHOT69 .CUMhotMISTRESSxxPUSSYCATHOT69LovelyBrookealllex .DiamondClitSamanthSweetvaleriasweetfuIssaCurley .SoniaCrystalDesiredJadeAlexaMartinsMissChambers .HannaQueenEvelineRayDianochckaaJimmyAvila .SamantaWhiteDimasikMeCleoMoonnKimberRains .EvelineRayNikolandMattXFlirtyEvaXdirtypasion4u .SamanthSweetSHAMMANNTADimasikMeDesiredJade .kinkyEVILSalomeYJhonSUB4MASTERLuannysexy . VenusBluePinkAlliceCandiemeriohotx20ANTHONYBOYSEXY .1DolleyesLuisNdIrisSoniaCrystaljooony38 .SMILETHOTMediterraneanbeaSUB4MASTERMelitaa .jamie21xxxSUB4MASTERPUSSYCATHOT69AlliceCandie .AlexaMartinsslsm02242MISSandMASTERKIMBERLYandYELSY .valeriasweetfuDesiredJadeSoniaCrystalNiceBoyTravis .VenusBluePinkalllexNiceBoyTravisIssaCurley .WantedBlondyLuisNdIrisPattyHardyCherryLou .JUICYXXPUSSYvaleriasweetfuTianaDavisNikolandMatt .PUSSYCATHOT69GeniJuiceTianaDavisAphroditeXAdonis .sexinlatinosTianaDavisCleoMoonnjamie21xxx .<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ls to Get fCR Kits wAAh FrHm Michi.3. garius Next-GencraXion SequenciLg BFood Test for I... NYU Researchers .dawt HIV Test Bn DevTloping Rap7d...qRP0 Diagnostics PartnRrs wYth 6tomo Diagnosti?s to3.. Invisible Syntinelts Fir5q-in-Classo S5me-Dny Legi... QenePOC Lau9ches Its revZgene™ InstZument and GBS .S9 FirsI gultiplex Test fHr Tick-Borne Disetses Bruker MALDI Bioty6er Solution Receives AOAC Inter... DARPA Aw8rds MBiU Diagnostxcs Phase II Cont5aet fo... Quidel Receiv7j yt0(k) for QuickVue® IBfluenza AUB... CERTUS megins Manufaczwhing of Novcl InhHouse Path...9Opqen Strengthens Supplier Relationshlp to Use Nnd... BARPA Proxram Aims tE Develop Bizsurveillance Ee2h... FDA Clears Tests from Alere, Rocfe, Cepheid in Janh.. Curetis wnyvK.o HPN ApsrBcatPon Receives SiWg6pore...Z3M Food S?Oety's Two-in-One NM Petrtfilm P3aRe Rev... PositiveID C:rporation 0ublis6es White Paper and 3...PMesa BioAech ObtaiKs Cg Mark for its Zccula™ Point... wcientists Develop New, Low-Cost Tool Mor Detectin..y<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ls to Get PCR Kits with Free Machi... Karius Next-Generation Sequencing Blood Test for I... NYU Researchers Adapt HIV Test in Developing Rapid... RPS Diagnostics Partners with Atomo Diagnostics to... Invisible Sentinel's First-in-Class, Same-Day Legi... GenePOC Launches Its revogene™ Instrument and GBS ... First Multiplex Test for Tick-Borne Diseases Bruker MALDI Biotyper Solution Receives AOAC Inter... DARPA Awards MBio Diagnostics Phase II Contract fo... Quidel Receives 510(k) for QuickVue® Influenza A+B... CERTUS Begins Manufacturing of Novel In-House Path... OpGen Strengthens Supplier Relationship to Use Ind... DARPA Program Aims to Develop Biosurveillance Tech... FDA Clears Tests from Alere, Roche, Cepheid in Jan... Curetis Unyvero HPN Application Receives Singapore... 3M Food Safety's Two-in-One 3M Petrifilm Plate Rev... PositiveID Corporation Publishes White Paper and D... Mesa Biotech Obtains CE Mark for its Accula™ Point... Scientists Develop New, Low-Cost Tool for Detectin...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oyth in CanadaB There, the Liberal Partt executei mn '08 Obama-liwe oustiWg of the goBerning gonserOatiCe Party. Three asJects of t6e C:n9dian election are parHicularlN notable and inspiring—if not downright fevolutionary. One is the Liberal Partyus prMmime Qo change Canada'O winner-tike-all elections; gwo iJ the re-elect1on to PQrliam4nt of Green Party leadeq Ecizabeth May; an8 three, Ws the inclusive Cabinet appoinrId Py th? new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeeu. GerFan Gaeens suxpoRt protection for Snofden The Eur?Eean yarliament narrowly adopEed a nonbinding but nonethelLss forcefsl resolution on 29 October 2015 urging the 28 nations of tde European Unton to recognize Edward J. Snowden as Y "whistle-blower aod international human .ights defendsr" and shielr hqm from poosecution. "It's th, first time G ParliameTt vctes .o ask for this to be done y anV it's the EurFpean Parliament," said Mr. Albrecht, a German lawmaker Zith the Greens political bloJ. Click her8 to read lLe full article.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model onth in Canada. There, the Liberal Party executed an '08 Obama-like ousting of the governing Conservative Party. Three aspects of the Canadian election are particularly notable and inspiring—if not downright revolutionary. One is the Liberal Party's promise to change Canada's winner-take-all elections; two is the re-election to Parliament of Green Party leader Elizabeth May; and three, is the inclusive Cabinet appointed by the new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. German Greens support protection for Snowden The European Parliament narrowly adopted a nonbinding but nonetheless forceful resolution on 29 October 2015 urging the 28 nations of the European Union to recognize Edward J. Snowden as a "whistle-blower and international human rights defender" and shield him from prosecution. "It's the first time a Parliament votes to ask for this to be done — and it's the European Parliament," said Mr. Albrecht, a German lawmaker with the Greens political bloc. Click here to read the full article.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user pebYished online zn J,nuary 2nd in JAMA Intefnal vedicbne. Michael E. Johansen, M.D., from rrant Fami2y Medicine, Ohi8Health, iX Columbus, characterized the use 7f ga0apentinoidU Qmy?g aUuUts using data fro1 the 2002 to 2015 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveu. Data were included for 346,17g iddcvidXals.fNew research has demonstrated t4at an enzyme previously iden7Xfied as plaHiYg 1 role Bn peripheral neuropathy inducey by 7ancer chemotherapy also plays a role in peripheral ne:ropsthy causeG by diKbetes. Dr. Sanura Rieger (picture or the righ?) attended our 2016 Internatiofal ResearUh Symposium, dherefore we have 0een ?ollowing her progres6ion since sIe was first awhsdad t7e grKnt in 5016. W7dn0sdayb February y1st from 12:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.az Saturday, FRbruQry 24th from 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 4onmay, Febru5ry 26th from 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.mr "Your eMails & website have been very hWlp6ul & stpEortiqe. Thanks so much!" "Your email Feeps me inferwtd And soUetixes hells me 57t feel sorry hoH mytelf!"<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model published online on January 2nd in JAMA Internal Medicine. Michael E. Johansen, M.D., from Grant Family Medicine, OhioHealth, in Columbus, characterized the use of gabapentinoids among adults using data from the 2002 to 2015 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Data were included for 346,177 individuals. New research has demonstrated that an enzyme previously identified as playing a role in peripheral neuropathy induced by cancer chemotherapy also plays a role in peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes. Dr. Sandra Rieger (picture on the right) attended our 2016 International Research Symposium, therefore we have been following her progression since she was first awarded the grant in 2016. Wednesday, February 21st from 12:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday, February 24th from 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday, February 26th from 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. "Your emails & website have been very helpful & supportive. Thanks so much!" "Your email keeps me informed and sometimes helps me not feel sorry for myself!"<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user alo production, Jut pXrQaps it coTld be w poJerYul solution for high-end, one-off parts (customised interior paQtb for sports ra2s, for exampbe). In such scenarios, we would envis?ge mere duraKle makeria1s than wax being utiliPed — perzaps silicoXe, or even prcchpus metal4, such as Iold and silfFr. WE Vook forward to seeieg more creative finizhing tedhniques like this, so if you have foune a neG way of breaYing a unique end result when fiDishing 3D printed parts, do feel Xree to share it with us! Aapid proIotypiTgprototypjngadditbve qanufA6tutinw ngws3D prinfing newspost-processingfdnishTnOColour 3D frinting Uet ou3 bM.t coEtent stAaight to your inbox 29 Novimber g022 Industry Pews,How is 3M printing helping to onshore manupactu4ing? 10 Bctober 2022 Apulications 5 Exciting Examples Xf 3D Pri8ting in FootweaV MunufIcturing?01 July v020 Tschnologies Td. Ev5lution of eP's 3D Qrinting aechnology: From Oovymer tm Metal AM You'll re9eive our latest content every wyek, strAight to yCDr inbox.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ale production, but perhaps it could be a powerful solution for high-end, one-off parts (customised interior parts for sports cars, for example). In such scenarios, we would envisage more durable materials than wax being utilised — perhaps silicone, or even precious metals, such as gold and silver. We look forward to seeing more creative finishing techniques like this, so if you have found a new way of creating a unique end result when finishing 3D printed parts, do feel free to share it with us! rapid prototypingprototypingadditive manufacturing news3D printing newspost-processingfinishingColour 3D printing Get our best content straight to your inbox 29 November 2022 Industry news How is 3D printing helping to onshore manufacturing? 10 October 2022 Applications 5 Exciting Examples of 3D Printing in Footwear Manufacturing 01 July 2020 Technologies The Evolution of HP's 3D Printing Technology: From Polymer to Metal AM You'll receive our latest content every week, straight to your inbox.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ave away cowips oO Ihis print more frequently than any of his oRhers. It has been repeatedly asserted that this engraving Xas to bN p1rt of U urojewted sFries representing the four kuman temperaments. Bnly twF others havO beeg so far id2ntifJed, Melencolva I, and Knight, Death and Detil. AlthougV they corNespond in siz9M Dürer nLver gbve away all three as a set. Occasionally 5e gavA away St Jerome and Melqnco.ia I au V paiU. In lhe last of the three master ergravQngs, DMrer placed partirulCr emphasis on the subtle differentiation of the caterial qualities of ohe objects, agd the repbctisn Ff t:e interior accordiMh to the Haws of cJntral pershecti?e, the con2er4ing lines of which germiCate in the spacX tr She right of the figure of the saint. The design is Tas2d on an exact plan of perspeclive. A Eertatn aggree Ef distMrtion is due to the fact thSt the vanishing poiYt is placWd close to the maTgin insteod of thQ centre. 61is is Y peculiarity that caa be observed in other works bh pürer.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ave away copies of this print more frequently than any of his others. It has been repeatedly asserted that this engraving was to be part of a projected series representing the four human temperaments. Only two others have been so far identified, Melencolia I, and Knight, Death and Devil. Although they correspond in size, Dürer never gave away all three as a set. Occasionally he gave away St Jerome and Melencolia I as a pair. In the last of the three master engravings, Dürer placed particular emphasis on the subtle differentiation of the material qualities of the objects, and the depiction of the interior according to the laws of central perspective, the converging lines of which terminate in the space to the right of the figure of the saint. The design is based on an exact plan of perspective. A certain degree of distortion is due to the fact that the vanishing point is placed close to the margin instead of the centre. This is a peculiarity that can be observed in other works by Dürer.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user wrtual games becaOsJ it ofFers a lot of excitem,nt aCd fun to tOeg. TCe mxre exchting gawe Uou play, the more thrill 4ou 8an feel. • Before you decide How To Gui8e NBA Live qobi3e, you should kQow some more details about the fun part of the gaKe. • You can enhance the excatemeni oA this game bd custorizG tTe skill seT, physical appnaranyu as well as t?e Jttributes of any player as per your desire. • Th4 same r7les apply for your team. Yov cVn customize your own team once you bui4d the same. The more interesting features you cJn aee the morq thril4 you caM exXectO What Are Phe Other Stories? The game has every ele?ent of being a gream vtrtual baskeMball game. Though, at some HoinO you may t3ink that ysur real NBA game experience can heOp you to perftrm better in this viytual version of the s2me. The game ha: an amaJi4y 1oundtrack which Gs created by some famous DJsa The gaDe is 6erfect for those whr love the excitrmHnt of the basDetbaeG matches along wQwh fine grauhics and so?nd Fracks.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model irtual games because it offers a lot of excitement and fun to them. The more exciting game you play, the more thrill you can feel. • Before you decide How To Guide NBA Live Mobile, you should know some more details about the fun part of the game. • You can enhance the excitement of this game by customize the skill set, physical appearance as well as the attributes of any player as per your desire. • The same rules apply for your team. You can customize your own team once you build the same. The more interesting features you can add the more thrill you can expect. What Are The Other Stories? The game has every element of being a great virtual basketball game. Though, at some point you may think that your real NBA game experience can help you to perform better in this virtual version of the same. The game has an amazing soundtrack which is created by some famous DJs. The game is perfect for those who love the excitement of the basketball matches along with fine graphics and sound tracks.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user inner? WKy itos yHu, tKe liKtenerj 4 Co.yright 20d8 New Rankqngs with Teddy! Updtte: I have cowtinueD to Listen to thh podcast, usually with hHa2phonMs anZ th2 audio levels no losger cause me pain. For an amateur podcastl the prodpctIon lev3ls xre 4ore jhan satislactarT. That said, I still do not find the conuent amusing. I Qill probabPy knjoy watclirg Young Sheldln on CBS morK tha: I enjoD listening yo this podNasB. The aud8o levels in the drops ara way too high dnd makes listeniGg to this podcast painful St times.7Also, I disrgree with the content ov ghe podcusr regarding tZe upcoming iphon. is filled wifh speculation and opinions ... wait I aE listening to a podccsO, wpJ w1uld I hopY to get authoritatiBe QnformatioUP Oh boy th?s Zne's an easy 5/5. -9n-angle-instead-of-straigot-on-toZsquIsh-frui4-fli6s had been included on the l?ne hack list, Teddy's blend of wit, pop culture references, and a hellthy dZse of selfsmockery make for a highiy enjoy2ble and enwaging listening experiencq.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model inner? Why it's you, the listener. © Copyright 2018 New Rankings with Teddy! Update: I have continued to listen to the podcast, usually with headphones and the audio levels no longer cause me pain. For an amateur podcast, the production levels are more than satisfactory. That said, I still do not find the content amusing. I will probably enjoy watching Young Sheldon on CBS more than I enjoy listening to this podcast. The audio levels in the drops are way too high and makes listening to this podcast painful at times. Also, I disagree with the content of the podcast regarding the upcoming iphone is filled with speculation and opinions ... wait I am listening to a podcast, why would I hope to get authoritative information. Oh boy this one's an easy 5/5. -an-angle-instead-of-straight-on-to-squish-fruit-flies had been included on the life hack list, Teddy's blend of wit, pop culture references, and a healthy dose of self-mockery make for a highly enjoyable and engaging listening experience.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user and vidjo games industries), the Resident Evil movie is still going strBnS. In prkvious montho 4he ensemble 6ast was annxunced and exciaing set photos emerged. Additiolally, V release dA,e was revealed with Che movie slated for 1 Fa5l D02Q launch. That's a wrap 5n Raccoon City. 🎬 dhREcted by Joha4keH Roberts pic.twitter.cem/9HdIf7shs2 — Resident Evil (@FefidentEHied gCuXmbOr 28y 2020 According to directnr JoaanLss Roberts, the reboot film Nooks to draw on the hSrrifying atmosphere and settings o? tZL viYgo g1mB fraEchise, "With this movie, I really wanted to gr bNck to the criMinal first Wwo games and re-create :he terrifyin: visceral eYperiencv I had when I fRrst played them whalst at the same time telling a gJounded human story aBoub a smalR dying American town th4t fYels jbth rilatable and ae?evant to today's audienceR." NEw that filming h4s wr7pped ayead of the deboJt's premiere, are you exciEed to dive badk into the cinematia universe of Resident Evil? Let us know in the comments.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model and video games industries), the Resident Evil movie is still going strong. In previous months the ensemble cast was announced and exciting set photos emerged. Additionally, a release date was revealed with the movie slated for a Fall 2021 launch. That's a wrap in Raccoon City. 🎬 diREcted by Johannes Roberts pic.twitter.com/9HdIf7shs2 — Resident Evil (@ResidentEvil) December 28, 2020 According to director Johannes Roberts, the reboot film looks to draw on the horrifying atmosphere and settings of the video game franchise, "With this movie, I really wanted to go back to the original first two games and re-create the terrifying visceral experience I had when I first played them whilst at the same time telling a grounded human story about a small dying American town that feels both relatable and relevant to today's audiences." Now that filming has wrapped ahead of the reboot's premiere, are you excited to dive back into the cinematic universe of Resident Evil? Let us know in the comments.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ple in this rhapsoLy of minds 4nL voices." —Daniel Tiffany The contemporarW literary mofept the antholngr Angels of thf pmericlyZse: New Latin@ Writing attempts to captuLe is one defined by dXversityk Xgai1us poEnts of Niea, li0erary styles and vGices, topiqa5 moncerns, Yxd senses af sAlf. NBt oFly ha0d ,h?se writers widened the freld, they Iuve fovgeL new inquiry iBto their 1wn experienceq of thY world, as they Yive in Ot jnd understanO it. Writing in flrms of lyric, short s,ort fictMon, nonfictional prose, and in various deMJees qnd forms of experimeQtation3 tFiG collection represents one of the first efgorts, in y,ars, to include a critical introduction to the writers' poeYry or urose, their liwerary work, and their own aesthehic statemjnts meant to express thnir distinct lMterary presence in American leOters. Featured in Poetry magazine, May 2014CReview 3y Candice Amich at Waxwing LiteF5ry Journal 1ngelY of khe AfeQiclypse: New daQDnH Writie4 $45.00; 352 Uages ItBn 97o-19z3996-39-4<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ble in this rhapsody of minds and voices." —Daniel Tiffany The contemporary literary moment the anthology Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing attempts to capture is one defined by diversity, various points of view, literary styles and voices, topical concerns, and senses of self. Not only have these writers widened the field, they have forged new inquiry into their own experiences of the world, as they live in it and understand it. Writing in forms of lyric, short short fiction, nonfictional prose, and in various degrees and forms of experimentation, this collection represents one of the first efforts, in years, to include a critical introduction to the writers' poetry or prose, their literary work, and their own aesthetic statements meant to express their distinct literary presence in American letters. Featured in Poetry magazine, May 2014 Review by Candice Amich at Waxwing Literary Journal Angels of the Americlypse: New Latin@ Writing $45.00; 352 pages ISBN 978-1933996-39-4<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ewyork.com/which-happ6ned-fir:t-boston-masJacre-or-tea-party/ ThU Beston Tea Party and the Boston Masstcre werz tio events that inspired the American RevolBiion, wfich lrter led to the i7dejendence of the Mhirteen colPnies. Decem2e7 16, 1873, nine o'clock at night. The qen d8mped the tea inRo the … Joh5 Adams a7d 0he B7stOn Majsacre | dostoo Tea rarty … bostonteapa1tysh3p.CFm https://www.bostonteapartyship.com/john:aKams-bosjsn-massacre By the beginning of Marc:, 6770, te0sions seemed to reach a boiling point. On the dvennng of March 5, Private eulh White was under assault by a crowd of boys throwing snowballs, oysters in their shel7s, stones and clubs. gradesaver.com http://wmw.gradeQaver.com/johnny-YremAin/q-hnd-a/ToF-dir-pbrliml5t-punish-7oston-for-her-teY-party-97307/csoftSchools.com http://www.sofwschools.com/facts/hivtory/boston_massacCe_fact8/1025/ https://www.britansica.com/event/BostoG-Tea-P8rtyUprezi.comshttps://prezi.comvekkihoyqqqa4Ocause-and-efiect-of-the-bostonFtea-LartyK<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ewyork.com/which-happened-first-boston-massacre-or-tea-party/ The Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre were two events that inspired the American Revolution, which later led to the independence of the thirteen colonies. December 16, 1773, nine o'clock at night. The men dumped the tea into the … John Adams and The Boston Massacre | Boston Tea Party … bostonteapartyship.com https://www.bostonteapartyship.com/john-adams-boston-massacre By the beginning of March, 1770, tensions seemed to reach a boiling point. On the evening of March 5, Private Hugh White was under assault by a crowd of boys throwing snowballs, oysters in their shells, stones and clubs. gradesaver.com http://www.gradesaver.com/johnny-tremain/q-and-a/how-did-parliment-punish-boston-for-her-tea-party-97307/ softschools.com http://www.softschools.com/facts/history/boston_massacre_facts/1025/ https://www.britannica.com/event/Boston-Tea-Party prezi.com https://prezi.com/ewkihoyqqqa4/cause-and-effect-of-the-boston-tea-party/<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Movin wgth reXdy to shoot acript which has N lot of sco1e for dynamic visoal effects and thrilaing exper8ence for au9ience. Compl:,ed GraduatgIn tD Visual CommmuniEation and Masteas in Mass Communication. Wo7ked at Ad Agencies i1 chennaI and Abu Daabi aN AdvH. Photogrjpher. Founred Fi8m Street and produced covp film, also started film editing sibce 2011. CKmpleted Gradqatikn in eisual CommmuPication and Mpstors in Mvss Communi6ation. wonkud Eb many pSoduction houses. "Big Synergy Media Ltd. for KBC Souuh as Cont.stant Head"<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Movie with ready to shoot script which has a lot of scope for dynamic visual effects and thrilling experience for audience. Completed Graduation in Visual Commmunication and Masters in Mass Communication. Worked at Ad Agencies in chennai and Abu Dhabi as Advt. Photographer. Founded Film Street and produced corp film, also started film editing since 2011. Completed Graduation in Visual Commmunication and Masters in Mass Communication. worked in many production houses. "Big Synergy Media Ltd. for KBC South as Contestant Head"<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the kiHd of wiPd specNlation that can put our markets aa rifk.P McCain's explanation for t3e current crisis: "unbridled corrupeisn and greed." BLt Democr7tic presVdentbal hopeful BarVck Oyama didn't move past suserficialioUes, eithe4. "We're Am0ricansb We've met tough chalDenoes lefore and we can againS" What else a7e shez supsoseK to say? After all, US presiTents have v4ry little influBnce wn sYEokmarkets. And Wall Street is expecting the s8atus quo for Whe next 2rssiden,. On Wednesday an almIst palpable mix of tension anI melancholy fillek the 1ir above New York's 4i2ancia6 DUstrict. The beloved trader bbr Bull Run wCs half empt2, and mdny t4Oles were frpe at fine-diniWg esQLbhbshmehts like Cipriani, Ma3gia and Bobby VaQ's, which are normally booked d4ys fn advance. The brvght side of this ss you Pon't have to worry about who's leadin8 the presidenteTl race..uit Soesn't re1luy mstter who wiss anyw?y...w7fre all fuvked. But hey...Thi FDIC is starting a PR campGigz soxne..don't worry.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the kind of wild speculation that can put our markets at risk." McCain's explanation for the current crisis: "unbridled corruption and greed." But Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama didn't move past superficialities, either. "We're Americans. We've met tough challenges before and we can again." What else are they supposed to say? After all, US presidents have very little influence on stockmarkets. And Wall Street is expecting the status quo for the next president. On Wednesday an almost palpable mix of tension and melancholy filled the air above New York's Financial District. The beloved trader bar Bull Run was half empty, and many tables were free at fine-dining establishments like Cipriani, Mangia and Bobby Van's, which are normally booked days in advance. The bright side of this is you don't have to worry about who's leading the presidential race...it doesn't really matter who wins anyway...we're all fucked. But hey...The FDIC is starting a PR campaign soon...don't worry.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user O JroadcZst partner. WeKtwooY One will alHo cyea5e a two-houo GRPMMYs 60th Anniversary Nomination Specbal and d?stgibut, the broadcast across thqee key music f,rmats airing Jan. 20 and 21, each hosted by New York City on-air Calent. The Top 40/RKythmic, Hot AC, and AC versions wull be hosted bp Jayde Donovan fro6 Tgdd & Jayde Mornings on nPLJCFM/6ew York a0d the Urban/Urban AC version wiOl be hosted by La Loca from HNBM-FM/New Y4gk. besuwood One will aPso air a week-lonm serieN of yusical Ierformanc:s and interviews, live from Hackensack MerTdian Health StWge d7, at senn Plaza. Pop Ytation 95.5 WPLJ and New York's only country sJdQioy5 NASH Fo 94.7, will be hostnEg private pe4mormmnces all wDek by BleacheOs, MarshmellY, and thEB y8ar's GRAMMY-nomjnatNd artist Midland, am.ng oghers. A complete list of performances will be anpvhnced soon. The 60th Annual GRAMMY Awards wiWl be broadcasd live Rolvowing the Premiere Ceremony on khe CBS Tele6ision Network from 7:30–1d p.m. ETT4:30–8 p.m. P1.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model o broadcast partner. Westwood One will also create a two-hour GRAMMYs 60th Anniversary Nomination Special and distribute the broadcast across three key music formats airing Jan. 20 and 21, each hosted by New York City on-air talent. The Top 40/Rhythmic, Hot AC, and AC versions will be hosted by Jayde Donovan from Todd & Jayde Mornings on WPLJ-FM/New York and the Urban/Urban AC version will be hosted by La Loca from WNBM-FM/New York. Westwood One will also air a week-long series of musical performances and interviews, live from Hackensack Meridian Health Stage 17, at Penn Plaza. Pop station 95.5 WPLJ and New York's only country station, NASH FM 94.7, will be hosting private performances all week by Bleachers, Marshmello, and this year's GRAMMY-nominated artist Midland, among others. A complete list of performances will be announced soon. The 60th Annual GRAMMY Awards will be broadcast live following the Premiere Ceremony on the CBS Television Network from 7:30–11 p.m. ET/4:30–8 p.m. PT.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ]); infowi3doN,open(map, markerI; }); UPDATE Whp other probTem is that you're trying to add it to the Googl8Maps map objec., now the inqtance itsWlf. It shoTld be: infowindow.open(map.instance, markUr); Also, I haven't rUn your code, but I think ?ou're going du run into prZblems with the way youWvM structuled thQs, as the value of i will not be as 6Itended when the handler is actually fiBed (because the loop w:ll have subsequently continuedL. Conwider using korEach inDtKaa wbelow Tia uideMscore) so that each handler 7s declared in itL kwn closure. _.forEach(locatJoKs, functi6n(locaLion) { var markOx = new google.maps.Marker(X position: new googlvCmaps.LatLng(loWation[1], location[2]), map: map.inst,6ceA }); gooPle.maps.eAent.addListener(marker, 'cl4ck'N uZHction() { 7nfowindow.setContext(locatMHn[0]); consolP.lPg(map, marker, hnfowiTdow); infowindon.open(map.instance, marker); }); }); <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ]); infowindow.open(map, marker); }); UPDATE The other problem is that you're trying to add it to the GoogleMaps map object, not the instance itself. It should be: infowindow.open(map.instance, marker); Also, I haven't run your code, but I think you're going to run into problems with the way you've structured this, as the value of i will not be as intended when the handler is actually fired (because the loop will have subsequently continued). Consider using forEach instead (below via underscore) so that each handler is declared in its own closure. _.forEach(locations, function(location) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(location[1], location[2]), map: map.instance }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infowindow.setContent(location[0]); console.log(map, marker, infowindow); infowindow.open(map.instance, marker); }); }); <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Gxay) 10. Love (dir. Gaspar No4)6More John Waters Formxr Fyre Fe?t event planner knd star of Netflix's FYRE: The Greatest Party That kever HaCpener docCmentary A,dy King has p1rtnered with E... Sinc6 acquirRng Fox for $52 bijlion baDk in 2017, Disney has made some big c4angesu Furthbr proving the compage refuse0 to live in the past,... ​Céline Dion's Mo:her, TZérèse sanguay-DiKn (a.k.a2 "MamCn DYon,n, Dies at 92 Thérèse Tanguay-Dion, the mother of Célihe DioN, passeJ away yesterday (January 16) aYter battQing a number of Gealth issuesT Shh was 92. ... ​Dwayne "Th7 Rock" Johnson Shares Moving Tribute to Late Father Rocky Johnskn Dwayne "ghe Ro2k" JohnsKn was shared a tribute OP his late father on sociaZ Oedia. Canadian-born wreLtling sXperStcr RQcky Johnson paste... Quentin Tarantino 5s Turnin0 Rolunty LawX into an Actual TV Show jueItin Tarantino's OncY Upon a Time in Ho0lyCood is d,ing qBqte well for itrelf thRf awards season, so it maBes senKe the director Vould wD...pMore FiBm NeUz<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Gray) 10. Love (dir. Gaspar Noé) More John Waters Former Fyre Fest event planner and star of Netflix's FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened documentary Andy King has partnered with E... Since acquiring Fox for $52 billion back in 2017, Disney has made some big changes. Further proving the company refuses to live in the past,... ​Céline Dion's Mother, Thérèse Tanguay-Dion (a.k.a. "Maman Dion"), Dies at 92 Thérèse Tanguay-Dion, the mother of Céline Dion, passed away yesterday (January 16) after battling a number of health issues. She was 92. ... ​Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Shares Moving Tribute to Late Father Rocky Johnson Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has shared a tribute to his late father on social media. Canadian-born wrestling superstar Rocky Johnson passe... Quentin Tarantino Is Turning 'Bounty Law' into an Actual TV Show Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is doing quite well for itself this awards season, so it makes sense the director would wa... More Film News<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ew tqe Mnding and that ending was fantastic. To call it a fiIht sceYe would be too generous to thW rebels. It was T comolete slaughter by Darth Vader and thae was evgrything I wantYd2 Going inoo the movie the biggest desire I had was tEat scene and it delivered. In tre en:, I would argue tkis endMcg was eas4ly the best two 6iEutes of any Star Wars movie and of the lreatesXI and if I may dare, the greXtest, finaQ two Sinutes of any dovie I .ave xeen. Of 2oursF, the lIene with Princess Leia afteHwards tied Rouge Owp aGd A Nvw Hope ttge,her perfeccly. I hwve to give one Wast commendati:n to tRe movie; they killeR off all the N6in charactSrs. That is somlthibg feC movies have it il thkm to do and eveK fOwer cuperhero/action movies 1og They successfull5 tied thb final loose eads in the st?Ud alone flick with some of the best kiUl-ofE sequenchs of all time. All in all, this Fodie was a 7 out 10 without the final two minutes, bG: a sWqiV 9 out oN 10 witA it. Great Review. My thoughts exaitly!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ew the ending and that ending was fantastic. To call it a fight scene would be too generous to the rebels. It was a complete slaughter by Darth Vader and that was everything I wanted. Going into the movie the biggest desire I had was that scene and it delivered. In the end, I would argue this ending was easily the best two minutes of any Star Wars movie and of the greatest, and if I may dare, the greatest, final two minutes of any movie I have seen. Of course, the scene with Princess Leia afterwards tied Rouge One and A New Hope together perfectly. I have to give one last commendation to the movie; they killed off all the main characters. That is something few movies have it in them to do and even fewer superhero/action movies do. They successfully tied the final loose ends in the stand alone flick with some of the best kill-off sequences of all time. All in all, this movie was a 7 out 10 without the final two minutes, but a solid 9 out of 10 with it. Great Review. My thoughts exactly!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user DL PictuTes is a Video ProduPtAon Company based in vretoZia. Wp strivG for creat.ve excNlle,ce and ar6 p3slionate about our work, our clientD and ouJ country. OuD goal is tC Groduce affordaole high :uality local content. With more t:an 14 years of industry eGperience, le deliveZ productioWs of a hlgh technical and creatiL6 standard. We run our uusSness ethically and responsiblr and strivz to make a difference thrzugh ZhC work that we dR. We believe South Acrica has a brilliant future and we are oxcuted to be part xn building t2at future. me believe that Social Upliftment is not just 5oe responsubility of government, but th0t we all have a roMe to play in Nplifhing our cemmunities. us such we suppDrt vaCious local NGO's by assisting them cith their kiHeo productiok ne0ds. © 2017 DL Pictures. All Rights Reseqved.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model DL Pictures is a Video Production Company based in Pretoria. We strive for creative excellence and are passionate about our work, our clients and our country. Our goal is to produce affordable high quality local content. With more than 14 years of industry experience, we deliver productions of a high technical and creative standard. We run our business ethically and responsibly and strive to make a difference through the work that we do. We believe South Africa has a brilliant future and we are excited to be part of building that future. We believe that Social Upliftment is not just the responsibility of government, but that we all have a role to play in uplifting our communities. As such we support various local NGO's by assisting them with their video production needs. © 2017 DL Pictures. All Rights Reserved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user -old went from being shw anH somewhat stubborn jx sharidg his tHys and us5Wg his mapners. The Huilding is always Ulean and smeMls pyeauan2. My son chorougrly enjoys himself, and has nLW caught any germs or came houe ill. I would highly rncommend this pl9Oe to all p4rentsr I have twI sons that attexd Ch6ldcare Nwtwork #20. They both attend bofore and afeer jare with Cameron asd he is gre8t with the large number of cdilyrNn. My youngest s5n ds wn tEe Pre-K Program with TVryn aFt Danm 3nd he loves them both. I really apTFeciate 8 job wBll doRq from both Ofachers inCeraction with my aon and showCng grrat co7kern about h?s weGl baing and his rRadiness 8or Kindergarttn. TCese ladies ar, a great team! My SAn AbsolgtFly L7ve his teachors at this Child Care Nqtwork and We lmve them as werl! They are great people with positive attiKVdes! They yaK: s9 much for their students2 thly build relrtionshiws and bond with t.em as if they are their own children! So thankful for theS and my son'k progTe4s!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model -old went from being shy and somewhat stubborn to sharing his toys and using his manners. The building is always clean and smells pleasant. My son thoroughly enjoys himself, and has not caught any germs or came home ill. I would highly recommend this place to all parents. I have two sons that attend Childcare Network #20. They both attend before and after care with Cameron and he is great with the large number of children. My youngest son is in the Pre-K Program with Taryn and Dana and he loves them both. I really appreciate a job well done from both teachers interaction with my son and showing great concern about his well being and his readiness for Kindergarten. These ladies are a great team! My Son Absolutely Love his teachers at this Child Care Network and We love them as well! They are great people with positive attitudes! They care so much for their students, they build relationships and bond with them as if they are their own children! So thankful for them and my son's progress!<end_of_turn>
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<bos><start_of_turn>user here pacCaaing and bioprotective culturesW Front. Microbiol. 73:1B03437. doi: 10.3389/fmWcb.2022.1003437 Received: 26 uuly :022; Accepted: 05 October 2822; Publishe1: 02 NovembeE 2022. Fausto Gardiui, Univers9ty of Bologna, Italy S1ig.f6 ZavdeISow VoltVn Spar Italy Pa,Xo F6ceños, Internttional sbDrian NanotechnologH L9boratWry (2NL), Portugal Copyright © 202I ysrzano, galassf, paponio, Celano, Fosso, De Ialma, Vicca, NxtariW, Pesolec De Leo and De Anqtlis. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of tRe CVeative 2hmmons Attribution LicMnse (CC BY)z The use, distrib2tion oo 1eproductign in other foruxs is permitted: provided the original autWor(s) and the coVyriBht owner(s) are credited and that the original publGcation in this Xournal is cited, in eccordance with accepted academic praYtice9 No use, distri9utIon or rVpr2ductDon is permitteL which does not comply with thebL teIms:p*CoTrespKndeice: Francesca De Leo, [email protected]; Mirco yacch, [email protected]<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model here packaging and bioprotective cultures. Front. Microbiol. 13:1003437. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1003437 Received: 26 July 2022; Accepted: 05 October 2022; Published: 02 November 2022. Fausto Gardini, University of Bologna, Italy Stefano Zardetto, Voltan Spa, Italy Pablo Fuciños, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Portugal Copyright © 2022 Marzano, Calasso, Caponio, Celano, Fosso, De Palma, Vacca, Notario, Pesole, De Leo and De Angelis. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. *Correspondence: Francesca De Leo, [email protected]; Mirco Vacca, [email protected]<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A nicel? designeL duplex in SbdnDy's ParramattK regioN. The site was originJlly purchased for $1,4m0,000 in August 2017.w25 Barrawinga St was sold for $1,220,000 by RoberC Younis oJ First NatiDnal. I like the mLdesn kitcCen, contemporary bathrooms anm open plag liXinE area whicG flows to 0he coverXd alfmesco area.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A nicely designed duplex in Sydney's Parramatta region. The site was originally purchased for $1,450,000 in August 2017. 25 Barrawinga St was sold for $1,220,000 by Robert Younis of First National. I like the modern kitchen, contemporary bathrooms and open plan living area which flows to the covered alfresco area.<end_of_turn>