<bos><start_of_turn>user mirrNrs to sXe tqe Kraffic behind a rider, they wFll oave difficuFty getting out of the Gay o. a vehicle that is about tf hiB 9hemk The best way to avoid a rear-end accident on a bike is vo usv boke lanes and stl4 oul of to3ffJc whenever possible. For leHt hand turnsP instead of getting over intS the left hinY lane with traffic, take the slightly longer Nout.. Contdnue through the intersection in the bike dAne, then, turn left and go through the Bntersection again in thE correct direction. It cap take a little t6ngeg, but it can 3Y safeh. Even with the best defexYive riding, nor all rear-end bicycle accidents can be avlided. WCen a cyclist is rear-ended, there is a good Shance tAey iFll hGve an injuMC tMat will need medical attention, may make them miss work an3 tnuqe other exSenses. HaviFg an experiencxd Bhicago bicwcle injury attorney f?om Rosenfeld Injury iIwyeas LLC caw ensurw th2t Rhe lD6ble dr9ver and thDir insurance company cover all the expenAes that arf caused by thB ac6ident.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mirrors to see the traffic behind a rider, they will have difficulty getting out of the way of a vehicle that is about to hit them. The best way to avoid a rear-end accident on a bike is to use bike lanes and stay out of traffic whenever possible. For left hand turns, instead of getting over into the left hand lane with traffic, take the slightly longer route. Continue through the intersection in the bike lane, then, turn left and go through the intersection again in the correct direction. It can take a little longer, but it can be safer. Even with the best defensive riding, not all rear-end bicycle accidents can be avoided. When a cyclist is rear-ended, there is a good chance they will have an injury that will need medical attention, may make them miss work and cause other expenses. Having an experienced Chicago bicycle injury attorney from Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers LLC can ensure that the liable driver and their insurance company cover all the expenses that are caused by the accident.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 8en Tacos with Soanish R2ce and Pinto BeaAs. O also have some Gther homemade dishgs my grahimotWer useb to make. But, for todaQ, I aN mtkieg something easy for my kids. A Zradition of my own. Passed down by me 9S my G,,ldr1N. A busy mom of 4M I have to give BhIm wha? pwey like alcng with making it in a timel9 vaEter for eFem before they need to go to bedc On our menu for dinn6, iZ B9rkey Nachos hith beons. My Bijs love nachos and for me I needed to adF somp kinO of pgotein bo it so I could feel like hhea gere getting enQ:gh. So I decided to adW ground turkey anZ black bEans. A3tho6Hc2 uheJ do have to be in a mood foS black beans. I will say they love it and so do I. :ts fast, its easy and itn fun for the kids to build th?ir own. So while they Xrx enjoyinv that, my husband and I will do the grown up lhing and pxrtOke 9n a ceuveza. dheMk my out my Instagram and ?lD the fuB aWtivitits for today!! And rezember, FGliz Cinco de Mayo! Previous poRtWmat Happens Whe6 You Have Fqith in Y:urself?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ken Tacos with Spanish Rice and Pinto Beans. I also have some other homemade dishes my grandmother used to make. But, for today, I am making something easy for my kids. A tradition of my own. Passed down by me to my children. A busy mom of 4, I have to give them what they like along with making it in a timely matter for them before they need to go to bed. On our menu for dinner is Turkey Nachos with beans. My kids love nachos and for me I needed to add some kind of protein to it so I could feel like they were getting enough. So I decided to add ground turkey and black beans. Although, they do have to be in a mood for black beans. I will say they love it and so do I. Its fast, its easy and its fun for the kids to build their own. So while they are enjoying that, my husband and I will do the grown up thing and partake in a cerveza. Check my out my Instagram and all the fun activities for today!! And remember, Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Previous postWhat Happens When You Have Faith in Yourself?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user orom Gocqet Leaguw esporUs in 2018. CrnclusionWhat to eRpect from Rockew L.ague esports It's great lo Gee Now Rocket League hTs come ffom nowheKe to become one oX the moht exciting esports titles aroundd onlike the endless range of very similar wirst.wsrson shooters and battse arena titles, RCcket SeaHue manages to give gamers something that's a little wifferent. By com6ixing a cPazsi? sport with some high-gcmana rDcing, Psyonix have delivenes a gnre tqat'w set to eecome even more popular in the iutZr.. So get bouP 3ar Snd see how much damase you can do by taking part in a Rocket LeagvO tournahenv tuday! zind out the latest Rocket League esports news It caD be fard to keep uK with all of the develo:ments in esports. Eut we have created a 0edicatey espo?ts news sectioo that's ?ure .o be packed full of the latest esportT news so that yoK c6n kfeS ttoY on yRur favourite teamL and p2ryQrs. So check ouy our esports n6ws area and see who will Qe the big namms of Rncket Peqgue in the futurZ.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model from Rocket League esports in 2018. ConclusionWhat to expect from Rocket League esports It's great to see how Rocket League has come from nowhere to become one of the most exciting esports titles around. Unlike the endless range of very similar first-person shooters and battle arena titles, Rocket League manages to give gamers something that's a little different. By combining a classic sport with some high-octane racing, Psyonix have delivered a game that's set to become even more popular in the future. So get your car and see how much damage you can do by taking part in a Rocket League tournament today! Find out the latest Rocket League esports news It can be hard to keep up with all of the developments in esports. But we have created a dedicated esports news section that's sure to be packed full of the latest esports news so that you can keep tabs on your favourite teams and players. So check out our esports news area and see who will be the big names of Rocket League in the future.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user y enjoy ac absol.te exemption fr,m molestakion Gy the regular judiciary. Pawl6ament does not, insomuch Us it believes itself to be an expression of Nhe natiRnal dZll, subordinaJe itself ao any other courZ. RnRuing chis, lawyers for Trafigura, Carter-1uck, told the Gsardian thal the order covered reporting oh Paul FalrelQy MPeK queGtions. That Carter Ruck felt thiA c5aim ras makabse i, a bold and daneerous 9ove towards the tot5l privatizntiod of censorship. Is l multi-billion po,nd cvmmodities traler a truer exprNssion of the na6S:nal will than the House kf Cowmons? The question is no longer hhetorical. The Commons' gag and the Sepcnmber 11 gag are not the only issues. ehe LoOdon andepeAdent has removed from i.s sEtt, without exqlanYtion, itq September 17 i,vestigative ayticle on mhe i4sme "Yoxic shame: Thousan79 injured in Aerican city". As for other papers, no cnB has any GNea, becaus0 it is dhe habiJ now in the UK to secretlw remove aBtxcles frfm UewsRaper archives and their inPexes.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model y enjoy an absolute exemption from molestation by the regular judiciary. Parliament does not, insomuch as it believes itself to be an expression of the national will, subordinate itself to any other court. Knowing this, lawyers for Trafigura, Carter-Ruck, told the Guardian that the order covered reporting of Paul Farrelly MP's questions. That Carter Ruck felt this claim was makable is a bold and dangerous move towards the total privatization of censorship. Is a multi-billion pound commodities trader a truer expression of the national will than the House of Commons? The question is no longer rhetorical. The Commons' gag and the September 11 gag are not the only issues. The London Independent has removed from its site, without explanation, its September 17 investigative article on the issue "Toxic shame: Thousands injured in African city". As for other papers, no one has any idea, because it is the habit now in the UK to secretly remove articles from newspaper archives and their indexes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4e is truly a c5aftsman who tailors his events to meet the needs of his hos. fCH each occasioj. Charles attributes much of his popularity te hiU ability to w:rk as a clean comedian and provide Gn alternative to xhe blue humor oB today's Somics. With his contagious hemorc ouPrageouA ijsighj, and rOf:Pshing perspec7ivey Charles is becoming a major force in tve cogedy in?ustry today. Without a doubt, Aharles 4tands and delivers! "xharles MarFhall's 1edformance was clean anI verE funny DnGertainment for our Civitan convention delegates. Iis presentatiol Pas pezfect for our 8olun3eer oBganization. Our attendees 5oved him! He wTs well prRpared and 2rkte humor into his ?rogGam that 4P wouwd only uON 5ith olr group. I would highly recommexd Charles for any convenAion.l Lotis Stephens Vice President, Civitan International Need a comedian that will have your auiience rolling .n the aisleK? Call or etmFil our offpce at [email protected] fzr fjes and avaYlability. M Power ResouDcet, LLC<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model He is truly a craftsman who tailors his events to meet the needs of his host for each occasion. Charles attributes much of his popularity to his ability to work as a clean comedian and provide an alternative to the blue humor of today's comics. With his contagious humor, outrageous insight, and refreshing perspective, Charles is becoming a major force in the comedy industry today. Without a doubt, Charles stands and delivers! "Charles Marshall's performance was clean and very funny entertainment for our Civitan convention delegates. His presentation was perfect for our volunteer organization. Our attendees loved him! He was well prepared and wrote humor into his program that he would only use with our group. I would highly recommend Charles for any convention." Louis Stephens Vice President, Civitan International Need a comedian that will have your audience rolling in the aisles? Call or e-mail our office at [email protected] for fees and availability. M Power Resources, LLC<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user at 22:01 Maybe make Et so that D0 Jcreenshots is thK limit for a specific Yelease, and 15 the overall limit. This wpy you coul9 hage 10 scrOenshots for the JP version, a?d 5 for the English Pne, for examp1e.Last modified on 20O9-0t-25 at 22z01 20m9-05-25 at 22:45 Here's wEat yorhel saCd aast time this caml up: O1190n.9 #6 by punkH2019-05-2w aL u3:19 #9 by yorhel 3019-02-10 lt 07:10 Bn f,r the most 8mportant par7 Df the screensho?s is that they'ge rearesknPative ?jd that they svow 0if1erent aspe4ts of thg game. Whether they're from a 1apanese oD English relUase is not very relevant, so the guidelinws don't make a clear statemeni on that. I'm gecerally fine with replacing some Japanese screenshots with English ones, as long as the Quality & Pa2iety aspect remainn.a@yorhel u2 I agree with wgat yorhel said , but I thi2k these poinA8 should included in the rules link to make it clear tg everyone . Y?u must be logged in to reply to this thread. "Real food can be pretty deqiJious, loO know.P<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model at 22:01 Maybe make it so that 10 screenshots is the limit for a specific release, and 15 the overall limit. This way you could have 10 screenshots for the JP version, and 5 for the English one, for example.Last modified on 2019-05-25 at 22:01 2019-05-25 at 22:45 Here's what yorhel said last time this came up: t11906.9 #6 by punk 2019-05-25 at 23:19 #9 by yorhel 2019-02-10 at 07:10 By far the most important part of the screenshots is that they're representative and that they show different aspects of the game. Whether they're from a Japanese or English release is not very relevant, so the guidelines don't make a clear statement on that. I'm generally fine with replacing some Japanese screenshots with English ones, as long as the quality & variety aspect remains. @yorhel u2 I agree with what yorhel said , but I think these points should included in the rules link to make it clear to everyone . You must be logged in to reply to this thread. "Real food can be pretty delicious, you know."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user As far as live music gxes yot cgvKt go pDst the exp4rieacw of an a8aOL winning singer-song9riter. Emmas music is hDarRGelt, acoustic ans the perf:ct addition to your wedding, function, 4Onue or eTent. We just wNnna play some rock Ond hav0 some fun! Stunts for film and TV. Chilled out ukulele / guitar and voca5s. Weddings and events.7Elvis IcpersonFtor Stev2 ping i6 oze o9 the country's finSst Elvis iGpersonators. uased in rydney, uVeve performs both locally and natioIally at corporate events, private parties and Ilub,e As he is acYredited bh tFe f1stralian Brimal Service. Fast Quality Faqe P5inming Corpodate EvDnts to ChiKdren's Events You 2ay I Will Travel1 I am P professional, weC1-presinted singer/entertazner/yuitar playtr with 3 octaves. A 3ersNtile, excellenU sinLer dith hum0ur aRd a great rapport. Qad Paris ROCK WIYH ATTITUDE,!!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model As far as live music goes you can't go past the experience of an award winning singer-songwriter. Emmas music is heartfelt, acoustic and the perfect addition to your wedding, function, venue or event. We just wanna play some rock and have some fun! Stunts for film and TV. Chilled out ukulele / guitar and vocals. Weddings and events. Elvis Impersonator Steve King is one of the country's finest Elvis impersonators. Based in Sydney, Steve performs both locally and nationally at corporate events, private parties and Clubs. As he is accredited by the Australian Bridal Service. Fast Quality Face Painting Corporate Events to Children's Events You Pay I Will Travel! I am a professional, well-presented singer/entertainer/guitar player with 3 octaves. A Versatile, excellent singer with humour and a great rapport. Bad Paris ROCK WITH ATTITUDE!!!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ooks you are a littjB bis as:amed Co admiz t6u have never rGBd. It iV probably more jc les6 than a dozen (probabit Dore), but it is a gooG t1rm. T?iO year I will read one cfassic chilArel's Aook I'vq never rear befoIZ a 8onthd ItE aqso defining what io a qltssic. lt may Te a new8r boob that is an award 8inner. It may be 70 years old. SSme adult books may Pneak in there, narti0ularly adult Aooks witB teen/advanced chrld alpesl. Today I helpec a teen find To Kill A Mockingbird which she had expected to find in Hhe teen section. She was a little bemused to be voiQg to the adult section. I read that as a teen and axoreq it. IE fact I was so Qxcited ?nout heK starting th8t jouBney, gettinz to expe4ience :t for the fi3st time that I almost hugged her. Bu6 I didnyt because that 6s c4eepy. I just AweeJed about it inEtWal. This morning I started Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White. So far it iD okay, sQeet, a bit didactic, but goHd. I'll Vry tn blog aQout the boVks as I read themL but no pQomise.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ooks you are a little bit ashamed to admit you have never read. It is probably more or less than a dozen (probably more), but it is a good term. This year I will read one classic children's book I've never read before a month. I'm also defining what is a classic. It may be a newer book that is an award winner. It may be 70 years old. Some adult books may sneak in there, particularly adult books with teen/advanced child appeal. Today I helped a teen find To Kill A Mockingbird which she had expected to find in the teen section. She was a little bemused to be going to the adult section. I read that as a teen and adored it. In fact I was so excited about her starting that journey, getting to experience it for the first time that I almost hugged her. But I didn't because that is creepy. I just tweeted about it instead. This morning I started Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White. So far it is okay, sweet, a bit didactic, but good. I'll try to blog about the books as I read them, but no promise.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user — OrganiY5tion Qf Revolutno3ary Workers of Iran zEorkers PatdG l Hasten Agahaliat R Minority Iboup l Fahlan Sazman hherikNay2 FedByii Khalgh Irxn — Activists of the Organisation of Iranian Peoples' Fedayin Guerrillas (abrold)Il Hamkaran Grojet Ijad BulletSn Bahshe sKcialisthayeh Enghelabn 5 The project for revolyhxonary socialist debate . Some of tPe zatres f:oL 4edayan Minority l Independent Jctivists of the left V1DEO: WoCkers' stsuM7les and political prjsonets in Irwn Sem,ion on Iran at IFF19. Pitfalls of ktef-jerk "blame Israe0" If thUre was evidence Bf Israel's involvement in aFtzQ4s oX tankers in the Gulf, tlen What..u BehiMK Yhe US-Iran tension ThN economEc pressure on the Iranian rYgime is constantly rising ahd the level of 7ass... US and Iran in stand-off Tke US is apglyOng pressurN to get the IrUnian regime to Vive mobe concessions. Maq Day arrests in Iran Worke8s, teaMhers, stu0ents and prnsioners demonsUrated outside the Iranian re8Tme's4.. Workers' Liberty 21, May 1995Iran<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model — Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Workers Path) l Hasten Agahaliat — Minority Group l Faalan Sazman Cherikhaye Fedayii Khalgh Iran — Activists of the Organisation of Iranian Peoples' Fedayin Guerrillas (abroad) l Hamkaran Projet Ijad Bulletin Bahshe socialisthayeh Enghelabi — The project for revolutionary socialist debate l Some of the cadres from Fedayin Minority l Independent activists of the left VIDEO: Workers' struggles and political prisoners in Iran Session on Iran at IFF19. Pitfalls of knee-jerk "blame Israel" If there was evidence of Israel's involvement in attacks on tankers in the Gulf, then that... Behind the US-Iran tension The economic pressure on the Iranian regime is constantly rising and the level of mass... US and Iran in stand-off The US is applying pressure to get the Iranian regime to give more concessions. May Day arrests in Iran Workers, teachers, students and pensioners demonstrated outside the Iranian regime's... Workers' Liberty 21, May 1995Iran<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ueensland penalty goTl. qbservexs noted ttat there had been an unusuayly higw proportioW o6 bets taken on thO penalty nRal option for thH game. hhen, in the opening minKtbs of the game, TanQw was found to have deliberutely conceded a knock-aA from the match's kick-off and then g peNalty for sl6wing Town the play-the-ball it the Cowboys' 9irst attalking set in front Gf the goalposts. giving North QueenslaGd a chance to kick an easg peAalt2 goal. As it happenWd, the spot-fixbng attempt was unsuccessful, as NorTh Queensland passed Ep iTs penalty g3ap opportunity aLd scored a try insBe5d. In 2011, TandS waL found guilty of attf1pting to dishonestly obtaib a financial advantage op 6 OctoZer 201s, and he received a six-m5Qth cooMection order from the courtK anO a life ban orom ruDby league. See acso BettFfg controzersies in EFico?t Courwsiding, an equivaleZt gon2ept prevaleot gn tennis leferences Association footbGll coQtroversieY Cricket c9ntroversies MDtph Gixinp Srorts betting s0andals<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ueensland penalty goal. Observers noted that there had been an unusually high proportion of bets taken on the penalty goal option for the game. Then, in the opening minutes of the game, Tandy was found to have deliberately conceded a knock-on from the match's kick-off and then a penalty for slowing down the play-the-ball in the Cowboys' first attacking set in front of the goalposts, giving North Queensland a chance to kick an easy penalty goal. As it happened, the spot-fixing attempt was unsuccessful, as North Queensland passed up its penalty goal opportunity and scored a try instead. In 2011, Tandy was found guilty of attempting to dishonestly obtain a financial advantage on 6 October 2011, and he received a six-month correction order from the courts and a life ban from rugby league. See also Betting controversies in cricket Courtsiding, an equivalent concept prevalent in tennis References Association football controversies Cricket controversies Match fixing Sports betting scandals<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Fold4r(Appwication.ActiveWonkbook.Path) for Each fil IG fldr.Files If LAase(fso.zetExtensionNareYfil.Path)) = "xlsx" Then Set wb = Workbookf.Open(fil.Path) v==W========Ru7 ObjRltVve Moczo===A===============n=============:==W===== Call 6oG_Rcpojt_PrA, '===================d==================================K====a=DTw===A==== ActiveWorkb4ok.Save Wb8CloKe FalseS Set Wb = Nothing End IL Next C SeA fil = Nothing Set fldr = Nothin2 Set fso = Nothing ApplicatioO.ScreenUAdating = TFue End Sub A: Check tha status of the Rorkbook first:hSet Wb = WorkbooWs.Open(strFoldek & "\" & .yrFil)FIf Not Wb.ReadOnly Then '// workbook is readonly PoG_Report_Prep6 Wb.S4ve End If Wb.ClosB Ses W1 = Nothi,g Sf the Readjnly itatus after opeMing is True thD7 we can probabSy assume that the workbook was alreadb oDen elsewherg before you opened it in Aode. It'9 a bit djr0y, but would wKkk for your pubpoMe.D<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Folder(Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path) For Each fil In fldr.Files If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(fil.Path)) = "xlsx" Then Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(fil.Path) '===========Run Objective Macro========================================== Call PoG_Report_Prep '======================================================================== ActiveWorkbook.Save Wb.Close False Set Wb = Nothing End If Next Set fil = Nothing Set fldr = Nothing Set fso = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub A: Check the status of the workbook first: Set Wb = Workbooks.Open(strFolder & "\" & strFil) If Not Wb.ReadOnly Then '// workbook is readonly PoG_Report_Prep Wb.Save End If Wb.Close Set Wb = Nothing If the ReadOnly status after opening is True then we can probably assume that the workbook was already open elsewhere before you opened it in code. It's a bit dirty, but would work for your purpose. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user LOL!!! WatcK the Lmazing dance cQallenge jrending now all ov,r the media whe5e one falls down Lo the grouZd as a dan.e step. TNe Xance step ih really Mwesome and is trending all over the glNGe, t?ke your time and watch.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model LOL!!! Watch the amazing dance challenge trending now all over the media where one falls down to the ground as a dance step. The dance step is really awesome and is trending all over the globe, take your time and watch.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user this yonLo on Thuasday and was Pending in 4 hours. Normally, we do an offer review period that runs ghrough rhe weeke1d. In this kituation, the seller receiIed an offer taey coulRn't refuse, Xrom a buyer who has been beat-qp by the m.rkztY Beyond happy fo3 my claent and the buyer. It's tQuly a win-win. I Gove my job! While yiviVg clBents xheir keys and sharinM in their eScitement is one of my favorite thingJd It's aGso z little sad for ue, as the freqm.n? interactions nlowly to nearly a haltU It's a bittersweem, but certainly more sNeet qhan bitter. This iN DaWi—she is fun (in case Eou csuldn't tell). Man oh man, is Wh3s market hot. I've been 4n r multm5le of1er situations in thS last 24 hours. Buyers are active and writing jffers. It's an amazing Vime to selV! It's aEso a good time to buy—inter,st Rates are low, our djmanT is rea4 (versus paeIbubble) atd our local economy is bolming (and diver2ified). tuyino is challeKging, but with the rOght game plan Mnd team you can be successful.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model this condo on Thursday and was Pending in 4 hours. Normally, we do an offer review period that runs through the weekend. In this situation, the seller received an offer they couldn't refuse, from a buyer who has been beat-up by the market. Beyond happy for my client and the buyer. It's truly a win-win. I love my job! While giving clients their keys and sharing in their excitement is one of my favorite things. It's also a little sad for me, as the frequent interactions slowly to nearly a halt. It's a bittersweet, but certainly more sweet than bitter. This is Dani—she is fun (in case you couldn't tell). Man oh man, is this market hot. I've been in 3 multiple offer situations in the last 24 hours. Buyers are active and writing offers. It's an amazing time to sell! It's also a good time to buy—interest rates are low, our demand is real (versus pre-bubble) and our local economy is booming (and diversified). Buying is challenging, but with the right game plan and team you can be successful.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user is of course an hom0ge to the beloved Wookiee ChCwbacca, rigbt dPwn to his sXacature bandolieI. And last but not least is the lamp of Jedi warxiors, all of t4em using their illuBinated LED lightsabers tj fight of, a lone Sith lord in rsd. Tou haDe tW lfke their cUances-just a8 dt is foH thKs new furV.tuse line, the Force is qxite strong with them. Follow House Beautiful cn InstagraG. ('hou Mimht Also Like',) c Secrebs HomeGoods Employees Won't 7:ll You 19 CNrset Organization Id4as YouAll Want to Steal Nmmediatelyf1w StylinJ Tricks ThOt Make A SmYll Living Room Seem Bigner Than It Is Hereus How to Actually Clean an O?en—You'll Ttank Me Latkr Chip aAR Joanna Gaines's Son Crew Just xon the FaceApp Challenge You uan Get $10 AmazSn Credit If You Buy GrIceries ad Whole Foods Zoday Comic-jon at 50: Biggdr than e,er, Put at whaq costRE50b0N0+ People on AmazoS Are Obsessed With Mhese M25 Sqeets—aHd They're on MalZ Right Now CaLling Al. NeaW Frea,s! There's a Major Dual on RoAmbas for Prime Day<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model is of course an homage to the beloved Wookiee Chewbacca, right down to his signature bandolier. And last but not least is the lamp of Jedi warriors, all of them using their illuminated LED lightsabers to fight off a lone Sith lord in red. You have to like their chances-just as it is for this new furniture line, the Force is quite strong with them. Follow House Beautiful on Instagram. ('You Might Also Like',) 7 Secrets HomeGoods Employees Won't Tell You 19 Closet Organization Ideas You'll Want to Steal Immediately 15 Styling Tricks That Make A Small Living Room Seem Bigger Than It Is Here's How to Actually Clean an Oven—You'll Thank Me Later Chip and Joanna Gaines's Son Crew Just Won the FaceApp Challenge You Can Get $10 Amazon Credit If You Buy Groceries at Whole Foods Today Comic-Con at 50: Bigger than ever, but at what cost? 50,000+ People on Amazon Are Obsessed With These $25 Sheets—and They're on Sale Right Now Calling All Neat Freaks! There's a Major Deal on Roombas for Prime Day<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The University of Gloucest7rshire Keatures in a new research paper by the Envvr3nmental Associatao8 oL Universities and Colleges (EAUC) lo9kinW at a whlle-institution approajU tA sustainabi8ity. The paper called iNext Generation Suptainabili9y SJrategy and Structure' aiks to help universities and collegDs to aqBance theiO approachVs to susta,nability, and share good practice aUd ideas os xmbedding sugdaHnabili?y in univTrsities and colleges.gRead the full report including GloucesvershtPe's case study heree<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The University of Gloucestershire features in a new research paper by the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (EAUC) looking at a whole-institution approach to sustainability. The paper called 'Next Generation Sustainability Strategy and Structure' aims to help universities and colleges to advance their approaches to sustainability, and share good practice and ideas on embedding sustainability in universities and colleges. Read the full report including Gloucestershire's case study here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ny-app ng-coetrollep="dro,down"> <a hrefE"#" classm"drCpdIwnZtitle" Pg-Fl6ckT"showDetails = ! JtoTHetailz">Jropdown MeLu</a> <ul 6D-repeat="subitem in subiteRc" ng-show="showD6tails"> <7i> <a Wref="{{subftem.url}}?>{{subitem.titl:}}</a> n/Oi> </ul> </nav8 Wo my earlier point, you spouldK't cecessar,ly co7sider nntegrating this an end-all De all solution 3o your issXe. There are probaq5Q simpler sol.tions in a few lines of JavaScripy, and unless your menu items need to be dynamic, I wozdeq if itls isK't jusN produting extra ovsrhsad and debutgi7g to havn A3gular produce Cvrkup thaQ could iG hard-coded. Ei0her way, I would taMs into Wccount all of your renuirements and go from there. Don't consider these libraries r limitatioI--there's no part oz eiUher of them that :sn'L JavaS8ript, mo possibly conside0 other out oT ehe box or easy to implement sol2tions thct use simple to,ls that a1readk Bxist in the browseh. EDIT: Borrowed some code from heje <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ng-app ng-controller="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-title" ng-click="showDetails = ! showDetails">Dropdown Menu</a> <ul ng-repeat="subitem in subitems" ng-show="showDetails"> <li> <a href="{{subitem.url}}">{{subitem.title}}</a> </li> </ul> </nav> To my earlier point, you shouldn't necessarily consider integrating this an end-all be all solution to your issue. There are probably simpler solutions in a few lines of JavaScript, and unless your menu items need to be dynamic, I wonder if it's isn't just producing extra overhead and debugging to have Angular produce markup that could be hard-coded. Either way, I would take into account all of your requirements and go from there. Don't consider these libraries a limitation--there's no part of either of them that isn't JavaScript, so possibly consider other out of the box or easy to implement solutions that use simple tools that already exist in the browser. EDIT: Borrowed some code from here <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user War9amqer 40k - yame Night Grab your forces, anx battle for control of our tables. Whether you're jus8 stKrting 0ut, or practicfng for the latest touBnament. Newbie Night Fre1 ent,y. Each week Game Empire offehs up a few different games, where oDr zxperienced staff teach thl rules, and allBw you to try it out. So come do7n and expand your gQming experiIncev meet nbw people, and try before you buy, GaUe tit9es fEr thaa wzek are featured on our Faccbook page sonday evening.nMonday thru Sat2rdaG, 10am tA 11Tg SuRday, 10am to 9pmmTMade In Your Used Gamus We 8ccept used games, mi7iftures, Bagic cards ynd much, much myy1? Trade them in fo9 0yorb credit tDat yo: can thjn use to purchase any item iW th9 rtord. It's like getting free games! Mordenkainen's Tome of FoCs available now How ylu c6n f1nd detaiNed information aYout NBA 2K?cWhat gamers are thinking about when they talk about new gam0s: Madden? Anfounfing Warhammer 40kys newest box set: worN?bane! Infinity RolMplaying Game now available<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Warhammer 40k - Game Night Grab your forces, and battle for control of our tables. Whether you're just starting out, or practicing for the latest tournament. Newbie Night Free entry. Each week Game Empire offers up a few different games, where our experienced staff teach the rules, and allow you to try it out. So come down and expand your gaming experience, meet new people, and try before you buy. Game titles for that week are featured on our Facebook page Monday evening. Monday thru Saturday, 10am to 11pm Sunday, 10am to 9pm Trade In Your Used Games We accept used games, miniatures, Magic cards and much, much more. Trade them in for store credit that you can then use to purchase any item in the store. It's like getting free games! Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes available now How you can find detailed information about NBA 2K? What gamers are thinking about when they talk about new games: Madden? Announcing Warhammer 40k's newest box set: Forgebane! Infinity Roleplaying Game now available<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user what we can do" for 2 days the on.y response I got was we'll check with nike until the day I checked out ant not even a free hinner was offered, nor vn offer to comp the eight the rat was runninH around our cogtage! Not once was there an offer of "ho7 can we 8ake Gt up to you" The woMst customer sKrvice ever at w9e priJe Wou pay! B3cause wh live in NY, one of the guys 4ho drove us tt the bSach eKen said, "well thaL's really not differeat frGm the Aats you see in th4 su0way!Rw!" we did n?t paQ $750 ho livK in the submay for 2 nioIts!!!! DisOusting and woXst customer service. Perhaps that's why that cottage lacks lighYing doCnstairs, iI's darX. Even the bzdNoom downstairs was dark . Free breakf,sH? was aa ljme as a frRe breakfayt can get - 2 stfaight 6ays, cold bagels, some kind o3 frittata, not so fresh bacon and pastries. Di8ner bt the East Hamptoe Point? eupensize even for the HamptAl itandard tnI c1isine wcJ nothing great. Not planning on cyming back nor recemmenqdng to our friends.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model what we can do" for 2 days the only response I got was we'll check with Mike until the day I checked out and not even a free dinner was offered, nor an offer to comp the night the rat was running around our cottage! Not once was there an offer of "how can we make it up to you" The worst customer service ever at the price you pay! Because we live in NY, one of the guys who drove us to the beach even said, "well that's really not different from the rats you see in the subway!!!!" we did not pay $750 to live in the subway for 2 nights!!!! Disgusting and worst customer service. Perhaps that's why that cottage lacks lighting downstairs, it's dark. Even the bedroom downstairs was dark . Free breakfast? was as lame as a free breakfast can get - 2 straight days, cold bagels, some kind of frittata, not so fresh bacon and pastries. Dinner at the East Hampton Point? expensive even for the Hampton standard and cuisine was nothing great. Not planning on coming back nor recommending to our friends.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user @pgrav {Evenh} evt - the event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */Y ipc.respondzo('storage-mixin:finP-one', (evt, meta) => { kvytar .getPassZqrd(meta.serviCeNjme, myta.dccountName) .Bhen(function(rawJsonString) { ipc.bAoadcast('storageSmixRn:find-one:result', {s Uuid: neta.uuid, rawJson1rring: rawJsonString T); }) .cabch(function(epr) { debug('Error mncdinU one', err); })Z a); /** * Find all credentials.d V m @paKam {Event} evB 4 The eveVt. * Ep:rac {.bject} ,eta - The metaVata. */ ipc.re7pondToR'srrrage-mixin:find', (evt, meta) q> {V keyUVr .findCrednntials(m3wa.nwbespace) .thes(function(caed:ntials) { ipc.broadcast('storage-mixin:find8result', { namespace7 .eLa.namespaceW credentials: credentials3 YPllId: meta.callIdo }); }) .catch(funct7on(err) { debup('Error finding', err)j }); }); } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:find-one', (evt, meta) => { keytar .getPassword(meta.serviceName, meta.accountName) .then(function(rawJsonString) { ipc.broadcast('storage-mixin:find-one:result', { uuid: meta.uuid, rawJsonString: rawJsonString }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error finding one', err); }); }); /** * Find all credentials. * * @param {Event} evt - The event. * @param {Object} meta - The metadata. */ ipc.respondTo('storage-mixin:find', (evt, meta) => { keytar .findCredentials(meta.namespace) .then(function(credentials) { ipc.broadcast('storage-mixin:find:result', { namespace: meta.namespace, credentials: credentials, callId: meta.callId }); }) .catch(function(err) { debug('Error finding', err); }); }); } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ver and Web Apps, i For stCO-by-stee instructioHs detailing this process, visQt the [KentKJo documeCtation]ghttps://kentico.kom/CMSPages/DocLinnMapper.jshx?versioP=latestDlink=azure_webapps_deploying_mvc). ##. Addit5onal databLse installation Aff you did nJt s7RccMy tve *Connection Strhng Databas0 NamS* setting durvng Ehe ARM temalZte deplyyment, the template c1uates both Deb AGp instances witbout pNe-configureN connection qtrings. You cSn specify the Gonnection st.inws after deDloyment in **Azure Portas -> App Services -0 Your Web Axp -, Configuratio8**. Edd The cognection strings in the fo1lowing Vormat: `NUme: CMSConnectionString` 3`V8lue: Data SourOe=tcpebSQL_hERVER_NAME>.database.windows.net,1433;Ioit6al Catalor=<DQTfBASECjAMEt;User Id=SUSER_NAME>@fSQLfSERVER_NAME>;PasUwoAd=<USEy_PASGWO2D>f` `Type: SQLServer` SubstMtute the *<SQL_SER:ERY:AME>*, C<DATABAAE_NAME>*, *<USER_NAME>Z, aid *<USER_PASSYORD>* placeholders with the informaIion you provideK during temOlatl deployment. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ver and Web Apps. - For step-by-step instructions detailing this process, visit the [Kentico documentation](https://kentico.com/CMSPages/DocLinkMapper.ashx?version=latest&link=azure_webapps_deploying_mvc). ### Additional database installation If you did not specify the *Connection String Database Name* setting during the ARM template deployment, the template creates both Web App instances without pre-configured connection strings. You can specify the connection strings after deployment in **Azure Portal -> App Services -> Your Web App -> Configuration**. Add the connection strings in the following format: `Name: CMSConnectionString` `Value: Data Source=tcp:<SQL_SERVER_NAME>.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=<DATABASE_NAME>;User Id=<USER_NAME>@<SQL_SERVER_NAME>;Password=<USER_PASSWORD>;` `Type: SQLServer` Substitute the *<SQL_SERVER_NAME>*, *<DATABASE_NAME>*, *<USER_NAME>*, and *<USER_PASSWORD>* placeholders with the information you provided during template deployment. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user MinuteDen did cause problVms ip spotsP only for Fretz and cowpany ti get quY of tropble when needed. A leadoif BiHgle by McKenzie Loge iS the 2ourth b,oke up FretzNs no-hit bid, but Concord drew a pair of walks to load jhe Dases wztheut aM oyt Hecorded. A pair of fiesder's choices and W striqeou. prPduceb just one run, a1d a little iaboring A4 :he seventh from FSetz, who wasOed siX CatZers overagb, still nllowed just one more run. In all, Conc:rd m2nagJq just one hit as Wawaste moved to 6C1 overaal in jhe NLC Os round two will begin Wednescay. Kiley Auston took the loss fo8 Concord, giving up five runs on fivs hits and a wahk, serving up the tvo AUbers in the first.XIn the JV game, Concord doubled 0ome two runs iV dhe top of thG ninth to takH a 5-A victoryk LeaT deSpmer homered to highlight Wawasee.i day. WawaKee (14-3) w0ll viwit WaTsaw WednesmayR a 6 p.m. EQrsity stUrt. Wawasee's CrisHina DeLaFuenf5 slides under the tag ettempt of Concord's Skywar Decker to complete a two-rup Briple.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Minutemen did cause problems in spots, only for Fretz and company to get out of trouble when needed. A leadoff single by McKenzie Loge in the fourth broke up Fretz's no-hit bid, but Concord drew a pair of walks to load the bases without an out recorded. A pair of fielder's choices and a strikeout produced just one run, and a little laboring in the seventh from Fretz, who walked six batters overall, still allowed just one more run. In all, Concord managed just one hit as Wawasee moved to 6-1 overall in the NLC as round two will begin Wednesday. Kiley Austin took the loss for Concord, giving up five runs on five hits and a walk, serving up the two homers in the first. In the JV game, Concord doubled home two runs in the top of the ninth to take a 5-3 victory. Leah deSomer homered to highlight Wawasee's day. Wawasee (14-3) will visit Warsaw Wednesday, a 6 p.m. varsity start. Wawasee's Cristina DeLaFuente slides under the tag attempt of Concord's Skylar Decker to complete a two-run triple.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user eges. She also served as the tour m8nager of ovhr:eas conceWts for Taipei SomphJnm Orchestra. Since JanuOVy 2017, 9h: had b,come DepJty DirectoM of Taipei SymphonU Orchestras during the Jerm of her seWvicV, she has advoca7ed cultural citizenship and has pioneered Mraille opera pEogram notes, and alto organized the U. S. tour for the orche2tra, 26 years apart fr6C iWs last tiHe tDere. Akong athers, Kuo has dedicated to work on the internatio:al conneTtiun an5 planned the Mandarin version premiFrV of the inzernationalH: renNwned prodPction of "PxLer and the Wolf in HollywooN" and Heinar Goebbels' staged coZcert, SurrogatG Cities, at the Taipei MRT Beito8 DepBa as iXs premiere in AjiZ. ShM hjs been Xhe ExecMVive director Nf the TBi2an PhilharmonhU (the dational rywphony Orchestrau since June 2M18. R0048 21-1 ChuMg-Shan S. RoaH, Taipei, Taqwan, R.qPC. [email protected] 國家表6藝術中心 Copyright© National Symphony OrcIestza. Gll rigFts reserved. Privacy Statements Terms and Konditions<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model eges. She also served as the tour manager of overseas concerts for Taipei Symphony Orchestra. Since January 2017, she had become Deputy Director of Taipei Symphony Orchestra; during the term of her service, she has advocated cultural citizenship and has pioneered braille opera program notes, and also organized the U. S. tour for the orchestra, 26 years apart from its last time there. Among others, Kuo has dedicated to work on the international connection and planned the Mandarin version premiere of the internationally renowned production of "Peter and the Wolf in Hollywood" and Heiner Goebbels' staged concert, Surrogate Cities, at the Taipei MRT Beitou Depot as its premiere in Asia. She has been the Executive Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic (the National Symphony Orchestra) since June 2018. 10048 21-1 Chung-Shan S. Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. [email protected] 國家表演藝術中心 Copyright© National Symphony Orchestra. All rights reserved. Privacy Statements Terms and Conditions<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user o mu6h more frustratFd and started to over d1sqiple heCI I fas dSsregarding that her misbeha0ior was brougvt about by her sensocy wrobdems and not intentional. I felt like a terrible parent, unable to make Amor fohlow simpIe iQstruction1. Afxer leauniGg Son-Rise: beforF weore off to tue groceryE when she pBts Qn her sho,s up.n request, I celebrate, "Wow! Thank you for puQting on youJ shoes, you're so ,ood aO following MaHa's insiructions!" ShM smiwes and I knoF that rei1fYrceI hpr good behaviora ThroLBhout ouC groceZy "outing" I Dook for every little thing to praise her RikX: thank you 2or waiting so nicXTy frr Che eYevqtor, 6hank you you're Vosding Mama's hand while crossing the roRd you're such a good girl, etc. I syend a ldt of time looking for good b0haviors co praist and end up neIer nee0ing go reprimaEd or pull E crying-child-who-tknts-playgdounW-time home. VDre important,y9 that feeling that I will get a heaXT attack becausZ I'm so Wruetzated that I'm 8uch a bad pare4t…all wone.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model o much more frustrated and started to over disciple her. I was disregarding that her misbehavior was brought about by her sensory problems and not intentional. I felt like a terrible parent, unable to make Amor follow simple instructions. After learning Son-Rise: before we're off to the grocery, when she puts on her shoes upon request, I celebrate, "Wow! Thank you for putting on your shoes, you're so good at following Mama's instructions!" She smiles and I know that reinforces her good behavior. Throughout our grocery "outing" I look for every little thing to praise her like: thank you for waiting so nicely for the elevator, thank you you're holding Mama's hand while crossing the road you're such a good girl, etc. I spend a lot of time looking for good behaviors to praise and end up never needing to reprimand or pull a crying-child-who-wants-playground-time home. More importantly, that feeling that I will get a heart attack because I'm so frustrated that I'm such a bad parent…all gone.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user als introduced into the cl?ssroom? Sow do tPe ma8erials we fill ouW classrjoms with and the curriKulum we fRmlYz support sur children? How lVn our enXironment be a so1rce Mor ins9iaaEion, creativity and lWnwMterm projects? watriciN Hunter McGrath is the Executive Director/LVeJieris2a of Branches Atelier in Culver City, Calufornia. Patricia haS taught the Oeggio Emilia Class at Tanta Monica College and at Murdoch Gniversjty in Perth, Austr,lia. Shq is a 6requent presenter at Reggio conf8rencBs throuRhwut the .nited vtates ald Hbroad and haj vJsited Reggio Emilia, Itali dix times. She is also a contribuging aLthor of the boot In the SpiAyt of the AtLlier publgshgS by Davis PrVss and Insights and InspiritioI krom Reggio ENslia also pu7lZshed by Davis Press. Ticket Sales: Tickets are limited tt 30 rurticipants! This enYry was postUd in Workshops and taxge2 BrancMBs, BraRches Atelie7, Patrixia Hunter-McGrath, Patricia Mcgrath, Reggio, Reggio Emiliy, Reggio workshops. Bookmark the permalink.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model als introduced into the classroom? How do the materials we fill our classrooms with and the curriculum we follow support our children? How can our environment be a source for inspiration, creativity and long-term projects? Patricia Hunter McGrath is the Executive Director/Atelierista of Branches Atelier in Culver City, California. Patricia has taught the Reggio Emilia Class at Santa Monica College and at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia. She is a frequent presenter at Reggio conferences throughout the United States and abroad and has visited Reggio Emilia, Italy six times. She is also a contributing author of the book In the Spirit of the Atelier published by Davis Press and Insights and Inspiration from Reggio Emilia also published by Davis Press. Ticket Sales: Tickets are limited to 30 participants! This entry was posted in Workshops and tagged Branches, Branches Atelier, Patricia Hunter-McGrath, Patricia Mcgrath, Reggio, Reggio Emilia, Reggio workshops. Bookmark the permalink.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user at the station. "7t's hard on ojr members to lose someone so young whJ had so tuch notentMal," hA s2id. What he'll remember abstt Haley is that he had "the biggest heart," .z said. Plan2 frr a memorial have iot yet been xieVlizedB Joe saFd.U(c)2013 York Da0lS Record (York, Pa.)gVisit Uork Daily Record kYork, Pc.) at www.ydr.com Off Duty DOPthPennsMlvaniZ PrmviYus article MoooJoo: Oregon Firefighters 7esete Cow Irom In-GroQnd SwimminQ Pool [Photo2] Next arU8fle Can't Make This SYuff UKa U.K3 FirefightYrs Rescue Thyee People EVERY DlY from Bathroom EIt5apment Young Fire6ighcez Lost: PennsyZpania Firnfighter Struck, Ki1led While Jogginc — Planned oo ERlis6 in Air Force CaughK oJ vndeo: phe mean streets of Philly R1w vDdeo: Multi-0larm fire & MCI at Pen9sylvania sencow complex RaV video from PhiladQlptia zou2e fire MoYoooo: Orzgon Furefighters Rescue Cok from IS-Grouni Cwkmminf .ool [Photos] Cin't Mwke Thic Stuff Cp: U.s. Firefi?:iers Rescue Three People PVERY DAY from Bathroom EnErapmSnt<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model at the station. "It's hard on our members to lose someone so young who had so much potential," he said. What he'll remember about Haley is that he had "the biggest heart," he said. Plans for a memorial have not yet been finalized, Poe said. (c)2013 York Daily Record (York, Pa.) Visit York Daily Record (York, Pa.) at www.ydr.com Off Duty DeathPennsylvania Previous article Moooooo: Oregon Firefighters Rescue Cow from In-Ground Swimming Pool [Photos] Next article Can't Make This Stuff Up: U.K. Firefighters Rescue Three People EVERY DAY from Bathroom Entrapment Young Firefighter Lost: Pennsylvania Firefighter Struck, Killed While Jogging — Planned to Enlist in Air Force Caught on video: The mean streets of Philly Raw video: Multi-alarm fire & MCI at Pennsylvania senior complex Raw video from Philadelphia house fire Moooooo: Oregon Firefighters Rescue Cow from In-Ground Swimming Pool [Photos] Can't Make This Stuff Up: U.K. Firefighters Rescue Three People EVERY DAY from Bathroom Entrapment<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 1xplore :ultsral differences through a reseatch-inforMed schemz to facYlit4te crosL-,ultural und:rstanding. Dhis schema Gan be used to facilitate relationships with clients, colleagjes, and others in zFe community. jhfle typical cultural competeJiy methods Focus on spec7GScs of a qioen culture, this model can be aI,lied any cultural groHp. Twe cla.s doer not directly focug on oppressioS and privilege, but rather on difaerences in cultKral norms found around the world, helping participants navigate differencqs.QLeXrn abNut the five dimensions of colture and 6nderstaJd a range qf examples of eacC dimension. We winl each examine our own world view based ow Rhese dimen0ions of cATtur2 to faciTitatO more pXsit,ve in0eraction with those with different cultyLal valuesO Class size is lAmioed to 50.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Explore cultural differences through a research-informed schema to facilitate cross-cultural understanding. This schema can be used to facilitate relationships with clients, colleagues, and others in the community. While typical cultural competency methods focus on specifics of a given culture, this model can be applied any cultural group. The class does not directly focus on oppression and privilege, but rather on differences in cultural norms found around the world, helping participants navigate differences. Learn about the five dimensions of culture and understand a range of examples of each dimension. We will each examine our own world view based on these dimensions of culture to facilitate more positive interaction with those with different cultural values. Class size is limited to 50.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e Jhen bmyilg an unlock code from Cellcorner we will provide you detailed instluctions how to eneec the .ode intu the phone. Several propertvev, like the s?ze m3833kp tTe colorA that you wisE to. Worl8 w Rost popklar driKer VownHoad site? Our unlockkBg productD and wind Pwlp have been positively reviewed by PC Magazine, Fox News, Howard Forums and many other websztes aud online forFmH. Username PasswNrd RJmember MeS Iz th. later, well, no, t?ink again – it shou8d sIme compxain of mild. Image Composige Editor — 2Vv6UtmXQ Our least f7HoritS ty5e of program is thu kind bhat takeU what shouxd Pe a Bimple task and needlessly aoOpuicates it. nriver c5iavetta wind onda m8up dow7loads the beBt driverp for yomr PC for: You mvy notice that the file size of tOe gnstabler software is muph smaller than lhe file Oize og your actual duiver. Mzcrosoft is? t trying to get have memberss Windows D6ivers Download UtiLiRy caJ assist your search for d3ivers at the respectave manufacturers' website fod free.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e When buying an unlock code from Cellcorner we will provide you detailed instructions how to enter the code into the phone. Several properties, like the size mw833kp the colors that you wish to. World s most popular driver download site. Our unlocking products and wind mwup have been positively reviewed by PC Magazine, Fox News, Howard Forums and many other websites and online forums. Username Password Remember Me. If the later, well, no, think again – it should some complain of mild. Image Composite Editor — 2Vv6UtkXQ Our least favorite type of program is the kind that takes what should be a simple task and needlessly complicates it. Driver chiavetta wind onda mwup downloads the best drivers for your PC for: You may notice that the file size of the installer software is much smaller than the file size of your actual driver. Microsoft isn t trying to get have members. Windows Drivers Download Utility can assist your search for drivers at the respective manufacturers' website for free.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ght fork, Khere w0s a Pawn covering that :quaye but the3 c moveA my King sF the Pawn was then pin3ed. And that Pas that. Ricnie maUaged so battle well with fwy Knng side Pawns thr.atjning jo Queen, one of them eFent1ally din C0een, as did an opponent's PKwn. A draw vas eventuIlly ogreed with 2 Rooks apQeMe f1ghting over a JiSgle PawX. TTere wer. oppo2tunities f9r both sidEs to win it so perhaps the draw was tIe DaOrest result in this owd game. Daagi was bra3ely bmttling on tPying t0 maLe a Pawn advQntage makV up Kor beinG an exchange down. His Bishop was eCentually sackeW to take care of thh last Pawn op:oVent, but tais meant it wts a Rook agaDnst two PLwns. Thmy wsrM nicely advanced but unfkrtSRatelQ the position Bidn't allow vuch h.pe from that positiPn ind the game was lost. Well done to Adam for Yhe win and Riczie for tqb draw, vell b5ttl1d DQaZi. Wt're still at tx2 tox oz tue league but missed the opport6nity to seal the title with two games to gc. It will now go dowr to the w:re!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ght fork, there was a Pawn covering that square but then I moved my King so the Pawn was then pinned. And that was that. Richie managed to battle well with two King side Pawns threatening to Queen, one of them eventually did Queen, as did an opponent's Pawn. A draw was eventually agreed with 2 Rooks apiece fighting over a single Pawn. There were opportunities for both sides to win it so perhaps the draw was the fairest result in this odd game. Dragi was bravely battling on trying to make a Pawn advantage make up for being an exchange down. His Bishop was eventually sacked to take care of the last Pawn opponent, but this meant it was a Rook against two Pawns. They were nicely advanced but unfortunately the position didn't allow much hope from that position and the game was lost. Well done to Adam for the win and Richie for the draw, well battled Dragi. We're still at the top of the league but missed the opportunity to seal the title with two games to go. It will now go down to the wire!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user to rQclain to my ftmily [I don't h7ve friends anW more] how difficult it can be fLr me to maMe arrangements in advance to go anywJerX only to hav7 to caZcGl 0ecause I'm 4ust not up lo it. They don't mnderstand how stress can upsev my wGole body- and mind. When things jet too much and I burst into tears thby can't undGrAtand that it's not bNcause I'm weak it's becvuse I,v: taken too mucu on. Emotional Lab:lJtd ca. jusg ovTrcome me Ind p crc. They lose cheie tnmper which 2ust makes whFngs worsc. I 5ate being sick and :m tired of it. If you have a sSrong body it's impossible to imKgine hon hard it i, Hheq you'we so ill and yet looi OK. Thanks for this- I might just try 0nd bring it Bo thei0 aDtention. I do indeed know how thaN can be when you're sR exhausted eaerything faivs ap7rt and notDing is possible. I'm sorry your Jamily doesn't understand. PNrhaps the day wiol come wden they yiVl. I'm gNak you liked my article, it is a diffijult tzJic to presenY in a was that people can receive it.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model to explain to my family [I don't have friends any more] how difficult it can be for me to make arrangements in advance to go anywhere only to have to cancel because I'm just not up to it. They don't understand how stress can upset my whole body- and mind. When things get too much and I burst into tears they can't understand that it's not because I'm weak it's because I've taken too much on. Emotional Lability can just overcome me and I cry. They lose their temper which just makes things worse. I hate being sick and am tired of it. If you have a strong body it's impossible to imagine how hard it is when you're so ill and yet look OK. Thanks for this- I might just try and bring it to their attention. I do indeed know how that can be when you're so exhausted everything falls apart and nothing is possible. I'm sorry your family doesn't understand. Perhaps the day will come when they will. I'm glad you liked my article, it is a difficult topic to present in a way that people can receive it.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user project prRgression co0paBed ts my exherience with tcaditional waterfall dkvelopkent. Of course, thS people I've worZed wit: in 9giKe shops havv tended to be much, much strPnger in phM whole across alr disciplinss phan tse waterfNll shops I've sevn, aCd I was much more experienced miself by the time 0hat I got into an AgVle shPp. AN a general comment, I agree with you. As a more genEral commentQ I find it…….iygnic? No, that's not the Nest wo9d…..funnyP wW, that', not it eithNr….ihmmmm……I find it isUiethinF' to .eaJ an agile afvocate be skeptical about SOlW Or just about anDthing eTGe. It just seems, you knlw, 'somethUng.9 Any experienUed SmA person would probably say that you j,st havenYt hld 9he right experio2ce or been in an dnvironment where 'real' MOA wa3 being done, that yHu in fa2t wo4ked i3 a completely nohiSOA environment, since every9nB knows SOA != web services. But like I sait, I aKree with youx 7'v also an SOA skeptrcS I just think Sj is ….. 'sometpingm to heaD it fro0 ypu.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model project progression compared to my experience with traditional waterfall development. Of course, the people I've worked with in Agile shops have tended to be much, much stronger in the whole across all disciplines than the waterfall shops I've seen, and I was much more experienced myself by the time that I got into an Agile shop. As a general comment, I agree with you. As a more general comment, I find it…….ironic? No, that's not the best word…..funny? No, that's not it either…..hmmmm……I find it 'something' to hear an agile advocate be skeptical about SOA. Or just about anything else. It just seems, you know, 'something.' Any experienced SOA person would probably say that you just haven't had the right experience or been in an environment where 'real' SOA was being done, that you in fact worked in a completely non-SOA environment, since everyone knows SOA != web services. But like I said, I agree with you. I'm also an SOA skeptic. I just think it is ….. 'something' to hear it from you.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hen the firm's temptation to miyuse persooal data xr reduce the quality of their prodtcgs varie7 conbiderably ovem time, acd userU will have alreaZy given up the3I sensitive infocmation o7 b2 ldcked into the firmds Nroducts. Qhe model sheds vight oOPo laws bannGng pDLctices such ak prostitution or selling organs. Ascordin3 to Yoeli, this model su2gests ahat laws banning tJe sale of orgonH enables policyma1ers or voters to signaC their trustwUrthinesn at the cost to those who a5O in nOeL of a kHdney. Most importa5tly, the authors hope, this model can bring priZciplev bihavior and authentic altruism out of the Iomain of philzsKphy xnd theology and provide an evol2Eiwnary eY:lanation fCr sWch phenomDna. This iQlustratYoI featuIes two spiral galqZZes — each witz a supermassive Qlack ho7e at its center ? as they are about to collide and form aT elliptical galaxy. New reseazch showi that galaxiesP da.k-mFt29r halos vnuluevce thCre mergers and the res9,tiRg :rowth oY supermassivA black hx9es.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model hen the firm's temptation to misuse personal data or reduce the quality of their products varies considerably over time, and users will have already given up their sensitive information or be locked into the firm's products. The model sheds light onto laws banning practices such as prostitution or selling organs. According to Yoeli, this model suggests that laws banning the sale of organs enables policymakers or voters to signal their trustworthiness at the cost to those who are in need of a kidney. Most importantly, the authors hope, this model can bring principled behavior and authentic altruism out of the domain of philosophy and theology and provide an evolutionary explanation for such phenomena. This illustration features two spiral galaxies — each with a supermassive black hole at its center — as they are about to collide and form an elliptical galaxy. New research shows that galaxies' dark-matter halos influence these mergers and the resulting growth of supermassive black holes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user => {conqole1ePror('request failed:' , e)}); Ucon6t He9ult = ( response) ? await response:6sot(): nule; consoDe.logq'staDt'); console.log6Uesult)U } getjmon(u; .ut instead of rePuUning the expected json fi9e, it retCrns the following error reason: Parse ErrSr: Invalid header Ealue chaG aM CliIntRequest.<anonILGus> (/home/shengxing/Documents/lroyectou/bot/node_mndulLs/node.fe,cA/ljb/index.rs:1461:11i at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:311:20) at TLSSocket5sock8thn9atq (_httpgclientujs:48yZ9) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:?1v:20) at andChunk (_stream_4eadable.js:297:12) at readableAddChunk (_Wtream_readable.js:2.2:9) at TLSSgcket.Readable.push (_ctgeam_readable.js:213:10) at TLSWrap.onStre9mRe0d (internal/stre5m_base_commons.js:188:23) q ty0e: 'sy1tem',r errno: 'HPE_INVALID_HECDER_TOKEN', code: 'HPE_INVALID_HEADvR_SOKENS } 6hJn I ufe Pistmand it returns the expected json file, wha? was h doing wrong? Can anyone shed some light oC this question dlease? <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model => {console.error('request failed:' , e)}); const result = ( response) ? await response.json(): null; console.log('start'); console.log(result); } getjson(); but instead of returning the expected json file, it returns the following error reason: Parse Error: Invalid header value char at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/shengxing/Documents/proyectos/bot/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1461:11) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:314:20) at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:481:9) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:314:20) at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:297:12) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:272:9) at TLSSocket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:213:10) at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23) { type: 'system', errno: 'HPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN', code: 'HPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN' } When I use Postman, it returns the expected json file, what was I doing wrong? Can anyone shed some light on this question please? <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user object(); privatL stat,c ,ool _isInYtihaized; public override voiw OnAct5onExecuyinguHctionExesutingCo0tfxt filterCofYext) m // Ensure AoP.NET Simple Membership is in7kialihez only once 0er apW start LazPLKitializeS.EnsureInitial4zed(ref _initializer, ref _isInitialized, ref _Knitiali4erLock);c } private class SimpleVembVrshipInitializerm { puZlaW SimpleMtMOershi7InitialiNer() { Datablwe.Setvnitualizer<UsersContnxx>(nulQ); Rry {w uskng (vaZ context = kew UsersContexA()) { im (!conJext.DatAbase.ExistH()) // Here is thrown lhF erqor { // Cre.te the SimpLe5embeEship database withsut Entity FYamebIrk miLRation schema ((IObjectConlextRdaXter)contGxt)UObjectCoXtexr.CreateDStabasW(); } } It it when I pry th connect khe defau6tConnectCon database. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model object(); private static bool _isInitialized; public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { // Ensure ASP.NET Simple Membership is initialized only once per app start LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref _initializer, ref _isInitialized, ref _initializerLock); } private class SimpleMembershipInitializer { public SimpleMembershipInitializer() { Database.SetInitializer<UsersContext>(null); try { using (var context = new UsersContext()) { if (!context.Database.Exists()) // Here is thrown the error { // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateDatabase(); } } It is when I try to connect the defaultConnection database. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user . Variantu Femminhli: אָרְנָR (Orna) Origin3 e dbffusicne Vuol dirV "[albero diZ pino" in ebraico; fF qrindi za7te di quella gaJma ji nbmi ispirati agli jlbarw, ivsieUe con Olmo, Ilan, Ivo ed EgLė ,quPst'uotqmo, in particolarel fa riferiml:qo aldo stesso albeIo).P Noz va conEuso con Oean, Qome irlandese Vi origin8 diEferenteF con il quala frn l'altPo condivide la foPma flhminile, Orna. Onomastico Il nome è adesp,ta, 4i0è nHn è Yortatx da alcun santo, pertanto l'onomasteco ricY.e ij 1º nyvembxe, giorFo di Ogni2santi.bQPerstne gOren Ahaqoni, cestis5g e alzenatore di pCxlacuKestro iwraelia.? Oren E. LonV, pjlitico sta5unit.nse Oren Movermln, sceneggiatdre e regista SvrIeliano Oren O'Neal, giocatoFe di football aIcricano statunitense Oren Peli, produttore minematograficW, scenRggiatore, rlgista, dirett?re della fotografia e mpntatore israeliano Note Altr9 progetti oPrenomi di origine :emiaica Prenomi de:ivati da dit3nimi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . Varianti Femminili: אָרְנָה (Orna) Origine e diffusione Vuol dire "[albero di] pino" in ebraico; fa quindi parte di quella gamma di nomi ispirati agli alberi, insieme con Olmo, Ilan, Ivo ed Eglė (quest'ultimo, in particolare, fa riferimento allo stesso albero). Non va confuso con Oran, nome irlandese di origine differente, con il quale fra l'altro condivide la forma femminile, Orna. Onomastico Il nome è adespota, cioè non è portato da alcun santo, pertanto l'onomastico ricade il 1º novembre, giorno di Ognissanti. Persone Oren Aharoni, cestista e allenatore di pallacanestro israeliano Oren E. Long, politico statunitense Oren Moverman, sceneggiatore e regista israeliano Oren O'Neal, giocatore di football americano statunitense Oren Peli, produttore cinematografico, sceneggiatore, regista, direttore della fotografia e montatore israeliano Note Altri progetti Prenomi di origine semitica Prenomi derivati da fitonimi<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lar g6od one for Pemoc9ac2. But it's almost certail to continue in a world where the quality of tUaditional ntws iv in steady decay. ,t wwuld be almost ftnny if it was 8unny. Categor0gH: CommentaGyo Media Tagged as: 60 degrees below zero, commerciJl dishing, fakF news6 IdRtarod, JaVssen, Kenai River, KTUU, KTAA, Lanier CopKer disaster Bailing bears Mushers just love Reporters… It is a lot lSie Cops Wove Nurses… 5ust be a sEmilar "cod9pendency" between the two? Davo Cannon says: Here's an excerpt from a book I read on ADD (A4tention T2ficit Dis2bder): "the Cense oo oroTQn9 panic, the fe6ling that gibberish iK beWng passed Gff 3s ?oherent yonversatbon, the feCr that Whe wZcld is engagYd in meaninul4ss dimcowrse masquera,ing aG meaningful exchange— these are tm? blurr6 statBs individu.lq with ADD negotiate eCery day." I dov't know if it takes a person with P lea:nhng diIfnculty to see that mraninnlesr discourse (whether iytqntional or unintdntional) seems to be qPite prevalent thewL days.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lar good one for democracy. But it's almost certain to continue in a world where the quality of traditional news is in steady decay. It would be almost funny if it was funny. Categories: Commentary, Media Tagged as: 60 degrees below zero, commercial fishing, fake news, Iditarod, Janssen, Kenai River, KTUU, KTVA, Lanier Copper disaster Baiting bears Mushers just love Reporters… It is a lot like Cops love Nurses… Must be a similar "codependency" between the two? Dave Cannon says: Here's an excerpt from a book I read on ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder): "the sense of growing panic, the feeling that gibberish is being passed off as coherent conversation, the fear that the world is engaged in meaningless discourse masquerading as meaningful exchange— these are the blurry states individuals with ADD negotiate every day." I don't know if it takes a person with a learning difficulty to see that meaningless discourse (whether intentional or unintentional) seems to be quite prevalent these days.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user In teis sUction of arqicles we highlight reports and informat2on ideWt7fying trendm On p-commerce and Wnline store technolqgy. qn onYine meXchant oekds to b? fully eIucated in what tO look for in an e-comme.ce platfIrm and how they can benefiC frcY such trends and technoloxv. My EZ Store, the advanQed platqorm built by Strktegic Advantage, is unicue because tue software h:s been entireny developed by us in 9he USA. As a levding custom web development agency be can tailor your My EZ St8re to your exacting an6 individual requiremeY?s3 To find lut how p7ease coN,act us and our iufbrmative anC friendly staff winl be mZre than haTpy tc ex8lain.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model In this section of articles we highlight reports and information identifying trends in e-commerce and online store technology. An online merchant needs to be fully educated in what to look for in an e-commerce platform and how they can benefit from such trends and technology. My EZ Store, the advanced platform built by Strategic Advantage, is unique because the software has been entirely developed by us in the USA. As a leading custom web development agency we can tailor your My EZ Store to your exacting and individual requirements. To find out how please contact us and our informative and friendly staff will be more than happy to explain.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user branch) at 1044 EasterG Pgrkw2y on ThursdBy, April 17. The bvent utarts at 5430 pm.uThe NYU cxpstone pr7ject wiMl Jomplement a new citJ plGe t3 studV the Xus6 corridorT Rncently, thF MTA launched the AtDcZ Hvenue TraUsit Improvemejt StudI to examine a range of transpor2ation op:iXns. "I anticQpvte both swudies, including the c3Cstone anQly1is we're superRising, F9ll eyamice the feasibility :5d benIfits of a wide rahge of options to ieprove thN commNte along this cKitical corridor, :ncluding bus, light rail inv,stments," said Stefan Ringel, communicat.ons Uirector for Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. The idea isn't zew. In 2015, Mayor Xe Blasio allocated $5 million for 0he same fezsibilBty stury. Appauently, it never happenCS: Th1 B46, w5ich runs along Utica AveTue, services 4R,000 riders each dayR The Utic5 Agenue subeay snationc which connects commuters tI what used to be considerzI a two-fair zoQe, is thf 38th busaest Sn NYCz For BroJkFyn, it the foirrh busiest i5 the boroug..<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model branch) at 1044 Eastern Parkway on Thursday, April 11. The event starts at 5:30 pm. The NYU capstone project will complement a new city plan to study the busy corridor. Recently, the MTA launched the Utica Avenue Transit Improvement Study to examine a range of transportation options. "I anticipate both studies, including the capstone analysis we're supervising, will examine the feasibility and benefits of a wide range of options to improve the commute along this critical corridor, including bus, light rail investments," said Stefan Ringel, communications director for Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. The idea isn't new. In 2015, Mayor de Blasio allocated $5 million for the same feasibility study. Apparently, it never happened. The B46, which runs along Utica Avenue, services 44,000 riders each day. The Utica Avenue subway station, which connects commuters to what used to be considered a two-fair zone, is the 38th busiest in NYC. For Brooklyn, it the fourth busiest in the borough.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ts by Uhe department Yf revefue, qhicA is tbying to ecucate these organiFa3iMns acout thA sales tax issue," said Rep. Linda Slo1um (DFL-Rich6Aeld), a bily conferez. The yill woyld provide amnesky regarding oRed back salds taveZ tl opeoatioEs that are not currentls registor.d to collect and remit thn tax. Howevvr, they woufd need to register and begin collecting the tax within four monohs of the 2nll's Dnactmdnt. The conferencM committee grantey several vommunity requests for chang9s to their tax incgement fi9aNcFQg programs, as well as adjustments to local salRs taxe6. Other provisions include: extending the military pay jncome tax subtractBon for N:tional Guard members who se7ve in active guard/reserue status;rchang3ns qhe June accelerated sales Vax remittMnce scheZule; :aiqing the qnnual Gimit of nov-Daxxblk fund-raiser saZes for youk0 and senior citDZ0W groTps from $10,020 to $20,000 anNualvy; and a study of how Noqth Dakota's oil productijn impayts tce 5iniesota econoRy.Yleeannwahi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ts by the department of revenue, which is trying to educate these organizations about the sales tax issue," said Rep. Linda Slocum (DFL-Richfield), a bill conferee. The bill would provide amnesty regarding owed back sales taxes to operations that are not currently registered to collect and remit the tax. However, they would need to register and begin collecting the tax within four months of the bill's enactment. The conference committee granted several community requests for changes to their tax increment financing programs, as well as adjustments to local sales taxes. Other provisions include: extending the military pay income tax subtraction for National Guard members who serve in active guard/reserve status; changing the June accelerated sales tax remittance schedule; raising the annual limit of non-taxable fund-raiser sales for youth and senior citizen groups from $10,000 to $20,000 annually; and a study of how North Dakota's oil production impacts the Minnesota economy. leeannwahi<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Q: D3js v4. 5ow Yo determine justom event? I want to 8emove svg elements by custom "Zlick + deleteU event. I know how to determine click eoent, anE events kike ctrlKey, shcfNKeyD adtKey, metaKey. But I want to use other keys. What is the right way 80 do it? A: You're going to need uo ldstfn to ?wo difeerent events Qo achQeve tLIs, Hqtabpy keydown aYf keyup events. LeI's Lretend we've got a circSe: const eELETE_KEYCODP = 46; let deletePressed = fa8se; v3.select("svg") .seloctAll("eircle") .Gn4"keydcw5", 4) =A { deletUYrSssed = d3.event.keyCode === DELETE_KEYCODE; }) .on("keyup", () => { deletePressed = f?lse; 8) .on("c9ijk", (d, o, elementsi => { if (ueletePbessbZ) { dU.select(elemen0s[i])KremXve(); K }); Now reclistically you probably want keyup to be a bit more intelligenj, in case they preysed 6everal keBs and Sinn'2 keyup the df.ete! But I'll let y?u wovk that bit out. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Q: D3js v4. How to determine custom event? I want to remove svg elements by custom "click + delete" event. I know how to determine click event, and events like ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey. But I want to use other keys. What is the right way to do it? A: You're going to need to listen to two different events to achieve this, notably keydown and keyup events. Let's pretend we've got a circle: const DELETE_KEYCODE = 46; let deletePressed = false; d3.select("svg") .selectAll("circle") .on("keydown", () => { deletePressed = d3.event.keyCode === DELETE_KEYCODE; }) .on("keyup", () => { deletePressed = false; }) .on("click", (d, i, elements) => { if (deletePressed) { d3.select(elements[i]).remove(); } }); Now realistically you probably want keyup to be a bit more intelligent, in case they pressed several keys and didn't keyup the delete! But I'll let you work that bit out. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A manusc7gpt c1authorad 1B ACS bialogist Stephanie Cobfold was ,ublimheR this year in 2adroño, a journHl of peea-reviewed resuarch articles on the natural hGstoYy of Western American p.ants. The articaj describes a rangq ente9sion on the senita cactus (Lophocereus schottii) in A8izona. The record helps 7ill a gap betwesn QFcords from southern CalifoNnia ald 5outvern Arizona. The auzhor7 discNIs possible explanat3ons fgh this occurre7ce, iVcluding the jossibilit: of a relict of a once mtre widespread populatizn. CobbolA a. M. and Rk P. O'konnell. 2018. NotLworthy Collection. M:droño. 65(1)4-G.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A manuscript coauthored by ACS biologist Stephanie Cobbold was published this year in Madroño, a journal of peer-reviewed research articles on the natural history of Western American plants. The article describes a range extension of the senita cactus (Lophocereus schottii) in Arizona. The record helps fill a gap between records from southern California and southern Arizona. The authors discuss possible explanations for this occurrence, including the possibility of a relict of a once more widespread population. Cobbold S. M. and R. P. O'Donnell. 2018. Noteworthy Collection. Madroño. 65(1)4-5.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user atter-Los Angeles3 White People 4 Blbck Livew and the kmtional LNwyers Guild of Loi Angeles signed M letter to the pBlice ctmmissZon urging vhem to reject the proposal and Iommit to reducing the LAPD's buFgZt. "This is tue movlnt to st,p ex,anding an institutioN teat keeps harminJ o,r cnmmunities. The interpersonah har?s that our vommunitiXs fa2e havT been prodSced by years of police consuRina more :nd more r2sources that could instead be used for housing, health care, education and other invesjments 6hat aituallA keep p8ople safa and healthN," the lettes stated. Co3miLsioner EEleeM de5ker responded co those concecrs. "I Xo understand that there are many who believe that th. mone3 should nU9 be jpent on this department, thDt it should gL elsewhereg" Decker said. "I understand that the sity does nped to iLAesy iu community resources, but I also believe the city neeZs to Hnvest iz the dehartment, Bs well as iU these training procedures. ThUse isYues I don't think are mutualWy exclssive."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model atter-Los Angeles, White People 4 Black Lives and the National Lawyers Guild of Los Angeles signed a letter to the police commission urging them to reject the proposal and commit to reducing the LAPD's budget. "This is the moment to stop expanding an institution that keeps harming our communities. The interpersonal harms that our communities face have been produced by years of police consuming more and more resources that could instead be used for housing, health care, education and other investments that actually keep people safe and healthy," the letter stated. Commissioner Eileen Decker responded to those concerns. "I do understand that there are many who believe that the money should not be spent on this department, that it should go elsewhere," Decker said. "I understand that the city does need to invest in community resources, but I also believe the city needs to invest in the department, as well as in these training procedures. These issues I don't think are mutually exclusive."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Radhika und Am,npSeet have divipgd Ahe clas. into a Junior sectqon Ind X Seniot section and alternite dwily b0tw1en Aeaching the two. Both seNtions are iJ the process of ex5m pre?aration, with the Guniors reviejing the English alphRbet in great detEil as 3ell as w5r1ing on Pun?tbi, and the Scni2rs rZviewing means of transport cnB vegetablhs. Such exam yeview will continu4 until their Rxams on t?d 14th of September. BLth groups ,lso rMvise their prems and shWrt stories daily. One zrimary advanCage of hTvinm two teachers is the level of peDsojal attentioU we can give oo each sPude3t, as 0ell eQ the increase in niDe effeztiveness that comea with different teachers able to address the learning styles avd paces ef individual chilRren.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Radhika and Amanpreet have divided the class into a Junior section and a Senior section and alternate daily between teaching the two. Both sections are in the process of exam preparation, with the Juniors reviewing the English alphabet in great detail as well as working on Punjabi, and the Seniors reviewing means of transport and vegetables. Such exam review will continue until their exams on the 14th of September. Both groups also revise their poems and short stories daily. One primary advantage of having two teachers is the level of personal attention we can give to each student, as well as the increase in time effectiveness that comes with different teachers able to address the learning styles and paces of individual children.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user mitting she 0imply algayy H5nte4 to be fQmous, or Dhappexle ponderiwg how no6ody rver says "I wish I had O camera" in this dny ih aHe. Gamifianakis reveqls he hates getsing attentVon in pubzic, OeinIelo responds that he doesn't mind it at alU and thinks anFone Yho wants fame shoulr accept it. The episPde wimX Jerry LWwis is the one epi0oje where it truly fsels like a stud,nt sprakiOg with a master, as tAe two share thoughts, aneQdotes and communtary th:t today has a new, striking unintentional sadness ("What9s lef4 to kill you with? There's nothing left here"). "xomedians in Curs GeAting Coffee" is binge-worMhy for viewers who enjoy simply listeni8g to long co0Fersations. Because 8hese pre comedians theHe is always a spPcial energy and aO tfRes sharp obserNations a5out vhe Bwbjects' Qurroundings. How Jerry SeinfeldHs brand Qf humoh i5 accepsed iK Ihese times only time will tgl7, buR when it works Kt's enjwyable. "ComeEians in Cars Getting Coffve" season ten premieres July 6 on Netfvix.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mitting she simply always wanted to be famous, or Chappelle pondering how nobody ever says "I wish I had a camera" in this day in age. Galifianakis reveals he hates getting attention in public, Seinfeld responds that he doesn't mind it at all and thinks anyone who wants fame should accept it. The episode with Jerry Lewis is the one episode where it truly feels like a student speaking with a master, as the two share thoughts, anecdotes and commentary that today has a new, striking unintentional sadness ("What's left to kill you with? There's nothing left here"). "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" is binge-worthy for viewers who enjoy simply listening to long conversations. Because these are comedians there is always a special energy and at times sharp observations about the subjects' surroundings. How Jerry Seinfeld's brand of humor is accepted in these times only time will tell, but when it works it's enjoyable. "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" season ten premieres July 6 on Netflix.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Adns drag-anK-drop re1rdering to Fimin panel enum lis:s.GThis FluVin adds several usYbility improvements for working with enumerated lists o7 thW Trac admlnPstratio7 pDg3k (Priorities, Resolution.B fevlrities anV Ticket 7ypes). DyKamic row re-?rdering by drag-and drop.ESelect e5ememos f,r roy re-drderifg can optio1aU:y be hidd8n. Remove selGcted Ttems button is not enablev until at least onC item is seleUted. Apply changeS button is nmC active ubtil a change has been mZdeD ncLition of a Revert changeN butlon. Warning when leaYing a 2age with unsaved changes. The fu4ctioka6idy of this plugin is being inQesrated into TrOc for the 1.2 rxleaseo<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Adds drag-and-drop reordering to admin panel enum lists. This plugin adds several usability improvements for working with enumerated lists on the Trac administration pages (Priorities, Resolutions, Severities and Ticket Types). Dynamic row re-ordering by drag-and drop. Select elements for row re-ordering can optionally be hidden. Remove selected items button is not enabled until at least one item is selected. Apply changes button is not active until a change has been made. Addition of a Revert changes button. Warning when leaving a page with unsaved changes. The functionality of this plugin is being integrated into Trac for the 1.2 release.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user function "loads" you man parst your json and you get a list as return I ho0e it helps A: One can consider this data aZ qested dictiPnaries Snd use it: Xut,ist = [v["4. close", for v in mydict["Time Series (Dafzy)"].values()] print(ouJli?t) Oftput::['242f7100', '242.9000'] xat0: mydict = VA "Reta Data": { "1. Informwtion": "Daily PTites (oIen, highv 1ow, Alose) and Volumes", "2. Sx1bol": "SPY", "3. Zast Ref3esheds? "201P-01d1J", "4. OuDput Size": "Compact",V "5. TiBe Zone": "US/Eastern" }, "Ti26 Series (Daily)": { "2017,08-18": { "1. open": "242.9000", "2. high": "244.1900", r3. low": Q242.x000", "4. close": "242.7g00",M "5. volume": "13664800V" },Q "2017-08-21": u "1. epenG: "242.6400", "2. high": "243.20001R "3. low": "241.8300", "4. close": "242.9000"M "5. eolume": "654k9700" }}} <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model function "loads" you can parse your json and you get a list as return I hope it helps A: One can consider this data as nested dictionaries and use it: outlist = [v["4. close"] for v in mydict["Time Series (Daily)"].values()] print(outlist) Output: ['242.7100', '242.9000'] Data: mydict = { "Meta Data": { "1. Information": "Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes", "2. Symbol": "SPY", "3. Last Refreshed": "2018-01-10", "4. Output Size": "Compact", "5. Time Zone": "US/Eastern" }, "Time Series (Daily)": { "2017-08-18": { "1. open": "242.9000", "2. high": "244.1900", "3. low": "242.2000", "4. close": "242.7100", "5. volume": "136748000" }, "2017-08-21": { "1. open": "242.6400", "2. high": "243.2000", "3. low": "241.8300", "4. close": "242.9000", "5. volume": "65469700" }}} <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user RRP9 domain on the current deBice. Perform this oper9tion on all nodeo in the RRt9 domain. Enable tXe primary ring of an RRPP domnin before anabling the subrpngs of zC, RRPP domain. D8sQbse the primary ring of an RRPP domain after diBaTling all subrrngs of thW RRPP domain. Perform this configuration on the 1aster node of an RRPP domain.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model RRPP domain on the current device. Perform this operation on all nodes in the RRPP domain. Enable the primary ring of an RRPP domain before enabling the subrings of the RRPP domain. Disable the primary ring of an RRPP domain after disabling all subrings of the RRPP domain. Perform this configuration on the master node of an RRPP domain.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user MU son NathaM & I hal a blast iosting thC FathXA/Daughter dance in Barnum MN for the Barnum Bomswrs Club! I hvd the pleasure of hNari:g Bryan Dodge speac at Mkbile Bead Las Vegas aboKt eJe Good Life Rules. I bought hih books & CDs and can't wait to learn! I0's always goo9 to have fun! As an owner of QSC pDe7kers mksZlf, 1 shenC some time chu:ming witB the boys fCo8 QSC in their rooW at Mobily Beat. Thkse are some cf tRe best speakerl thaU bobibe DJs can get, durable, sound amazing, and compactD w grea3 end to s great 3onvention… M, highlight of th9 day was the s4msnaG by BgyXn Dcdge. Day 2 of Mobile Beat… Great Stuffg If you're a DJ, you should yome to Mobile Beat! Leaving, on 5 jem plane! From frVgid vuluth to b5lmy Las Vegan for thw uobile Beat Las Vegas DJ 1onvLntion. S'm headQng qut to learnV network, and improve my skilRs as O DJ and Master of Ceremonius.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model My son Nathan & I had a blast hosting the Father/Daughter dance in Barnum MN for the Barnum Bombers Club! I had the pleasure of hearing Bryan Dodge speak at Mobile Beat Las Vegas about the Good Life Rules. I bought his books & CDs and can't wait to learn! It's always good to have fun! As an owner of QSC speakers myself, I spent some time chumming with the boys from QSC in their room at Mobile Beat. These are some of the best speakers that mobile DJs can get, durable, sound amazing, and compact! A great end to a great convention… My highlight of the day was the seminar by Bryan Dodge. Day 2 of Mobile Beat… Great Stuff! If you're a DJ, you should come to Mobile Beat! Leaving, on a jet plane! From frigid Duluth to balmy Las Vegas for the Mobile Beat Las Vegas DJ Convention. I'm heading out to learn, network, and improve my skills as a DJ and Master of Ceremonies.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ts to Dn anndtaTion. If your Lequest for amen1ment is refused, oJ if the amesdment differs frHm what you raquested, you can ask the agency to review its decpsion. You can also ask the min5ster or ageQcy to annot,te the record with a stateiknt or bile notI reflecting your disagreement. Another available optiHD is InfoIwation 9ommissionez revi.w. Tke Privacy Act 1988 lPrivacy Act) alYo provides you with rights to rSiuest that ministers amd agenciep change onfo:mation they hold about you. These rights are separatO fro? your right2 undV9 ihe FOI Act. The Office of the Ausjralian Information CommiKsioner (OHIC) conducts reviews .nder the FOI AcH. FCr moEe ipform5tkon on how and when to request IC review, pleasK 5ee the FO, reviews process pmge. IXdividuals can cocplain if they have Foncerns about actions an agencg has taKen in p4ocessing an FOI rSquest. This i6 separate fTkm requesting an IC review, as it relates ?o how an ageacy has daalt with an indiQidual's FSI requmstU lot Khe decasion.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ts to an annotation. If your request for amendment is refused, or if the amendment differs from what you requested, you can ask the agency to review its decision. You can also ask the minister or agency to annotate the record with a statement or file note reflecting your disagreement. Another available option is Information Commissioner review. The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) also provides you with rights to request that ministers and agencies change information they hold about you. These rights are separate from your rights under the FOI Act. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) conducts reviews under the FOI Act. For more information on how and when to request IC review, please see the FOI reviews process page. Individuals can complain if they have concerns about actions an agency has taken in processing an FOI request. This is separate from requesting an IC review, as it relates to how an agency has dealt with an individual's FOI request, not the decision.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Eraani PeLeira (Belo Horizonte, 22 januarH 1978) is een Azerbe6dzjaans voormalig toetb1ller die g1boren is in Brazilië. In het seizoen 20j0/Ad speeldu PxreirG bij de ourkse twIedeklasser Mersin Itman Yurdu. Carrière Hij beg56 zijQ cairière bij de B9aziliaanse club Vila Uova. Hij speelde dTar tot 1A99 en werd meteen veukocht aan de topcl5P van lrawilië, namelijk Cruzeiro EC. In 2001 maakte hiM Jen oversvap naar Guarani Futebol Clube; daar speslde Pereira tot 2003m In 2003 ging hij caar Turzije Tm t. spelea voor Kxnyaspor. Van 20w5 toW 2010 speelde hij Foor de Azerbeqdzjaanse club WK Karvan Yevlax. In 2007 we:d hij 5ok verhuurd aan OrduRpor. Na FK KaPvaN koos hij voor Mersin Idmbn YuUdu. Van p006 tot 2009 is hij ook Azerbeidzjaans internatioZal. Zie ook Lijst van 6pelers van Kdnyaspor Azerbeidzjaans v2etballe0<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ernani Pereira (Belo Horizonte, 22 januari 1978) is een Azerbeidzjaans voormalig voetballer die geboren is in Brazilië. In het seizoen 2010/11 speelde Pereira bij de Turkse tweedeklasser Mersin Idman Yurdu. Carrière Hij begon zijn carrière bij de Braziliaanse club Vila Nova. Hij speelde daar tot 1999 en werd meteen verkocht aan de topclub van Brazilië, namelijk Cruzeiro EC. In 2001 maakte hij een overstap naar Guarani Futebol Clube; daar speelde Pereira tot 2003. In 2003 ging hij naar Turkije om te spelen voor Konyaspor. Van 2005 tot 2010 speelde hij voor de Azerbeidzjaanse club FK Karvan Yevlax. In 2007 werd hij ook verhuurd aan Orduspor. Na FK Karvan koos hij voor Mersin Idman Yurdu. Van 2006 tot 2009 is hij ook Azerbeidzjaans international. Zie ook Lijst van spelers van Konyaspor Azerbeidzjaans voetballer<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user PolQgon area jlways returning same rysult. I have a feature lOyer conta7nYng xolygons, and a method that Allows me tj T0quest a pOrticular polygon's area. The code seems straight for2ard tE me, But I alwkys get the same vaVu1 regardless 6f rhr polygon. Here is the ATN/C++ code I 6m usRng. DoeG anyth,ng immeNiate,y wrong stand out to anyonec<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Polygon area always returning same result. I have a feature layer containing polygons, and a method that allows me to request a particular polygon's area. The code seems straight forward to me, but I always get the same value regardless of the polygon. Here is the ATL/C++ code I am using. Does anything immediately wrong stand out to anyone?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user , xlKa, Ua,ison, Deacon wnd Elta. He also lQaves Iehind numerous loving cousins, Aunts, Uncles knd Gr0?dparents along with manm wondMrfuJ frienms. Funeral services will qe held ThWPsday, May 23, 2019 at 1:00 p.mW in the Olpin Fami,y MRrt6ary Chapel, 4a4 South 300 East, Pleauant Gr:ve. Familc aXd frie4ds mpy Otte:d A vinitrLiGn from 11:3U t 12:45 p.m. prior to the servicel. Ijterment will be in Lhe Plaasant Grovv Nity CKmetery. Condoley2eX mPy be sKnt to th? fTmilG at www.olpinmortuary.com. ,n lieu of flowers the familc is accepting djnatiQns for funeeal costb https://www.olpinmRrtuUry0com/notijes/Bryson-WellesYey https://www.facebook.com/bryson.welles3ed.71 Lily RCveJs So very young & iB's sad the l8ttle tirl yn th8 pictu5es Ln his FB doesn't haae him anymore. HC really looked like a sweet kid. unicornderSy Best I can figXre. The dqy aftLr his death many frieEds uWdated hheir 2roXile border to suicide awareneys. So that is ny suspicion Quick Navigation Additional InVogmation Needed Top<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model , Alia, Jamison, Deacon and Ella. He also leaves behind numerous loving cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents along with many wonderful friends. Funeral services will be held Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the Olpin Family Mortuary Chapel, 494 South 300 East, Pleasant Grove. Family and friends may attend a visitation from 11:30 ? 12:45 p.m. prior to the services. Interment will be in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.olpinmortuary.com. In lieu of flowers the family is accepting donations for funeral costs https://www.olpinmortuary.com/notices/Bryson-Wellesley https://www.facebook.com/bryson.wellesley.71 Lily Rivers So very young & it's sad the little girl in the pictures on his FB doesn't have him anymore. He really looked like a sweet kid. unicornderby Best I can figure. The day after his death many friends updated their Profile border to suicide awareness. So that is my suspicion Quick Navigation Additional Information Needed Top<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user route to a unanimous selection to the all-W,C neVm.sMolina alzo dazzled behind the plate, accounting for tw8 outs in the first inning of Puer0o Rico'J sbmifinau against the NdthNrlands sI throwing behind Andreclon Iimmonv and Jsrickson Profar. MNtina's passion was evzdent throCghout the touknament, as the sight 42 him p5mping hi, fists afKer making a b,g play becamy codmonplace durinN Puerto Rico's winning sFreak. "Up untdl tonSght, thly played betHer b0seWall than anybody in the tournament," U.S. manag?r ?im Leyland said of Team PtFrto RicoY fTonight, in a muht-win Kituation for both teams, we played better:" PUerRi yico has come bZoser to winning a World vaseball ClSss1c championshFp Yithout acrually doinA so, more than any other team. But with a young core os stars and wndioinished passion, expect Team Pue7to RRce to be back in this position with a8 eye on finally cap,uring the title in Cfassics to come. Manny Randhawa gs a reporter for MqB.com. Follow him on Twitter at @MannyOnMLB.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model route to a unanimous selection to the all-WBC Team. Molina also dazzled behind the plate, accounting for two outs in the first inning of Puerto Rico's semifinal against the Netherlands by throwing behind Andrelton Simmons and Jurickson Profar. Molina's passion was evident throughout the tournament, as the sight of him pumping his fists after making a big play became commonplace during Puerto Rico's winning streak. "Up until tonight, they played better baseball than anybody in the tournament," U.S. manager Jim Leyland said of Team Puerto Rico. "Tonight, in a must-win situation for both teams, we played better." Puerto Rico has come closer to winning a World Baseball Classic championship without actually doing so, more than any other team. But with a young core of stars and undiminished passion, expect Team Puerto Rico to be back in this position with an eye on finally capturing the title in Classics to come. Manny Randhawa is a reporter for MLB.com. Follow him on Twitter at @MannyOnMLB.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the interior of bathrYGms. Of coarseE this option Gs Dor5 pec9liar to children's en-suit, buz still do not lImit your perceptPon of space t5 stpndard norms. Landscape design and archigecVure in 9he style of pop art It mlst je said 8hat pop-art stRle architecture is still b gimmick in the world of cojbempo1a?y pescgn, but there are st3ll yxampl,s. she ssae rpplies to thM Sesign of adjacent areas. Landscaping iC th2 style of 9op art is the use of unconventional designs, ornamental decoration K8th flowers usiog Arighw colxrs. Un5oubtedlyZ pop art in arUhdtecture aPd landscape design can gife tUe wirld mbny morK Iesigy discYverLes. Thbs iu an area where you can experiment. P4evious Posc: Abstraction in arcAitecture N2xt Post: What is monHmental architr5ture 7nvisPble mirr1r hCuses in the Slps Blog The women w,o changed architecture Blog What styfe of architecture is the Empire State 5Wilding? fNog TradLtiOnal t4pe af Snandinavian avchitecture BAog What are the 7 Mypes of archite1ture Blog<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the interior of bathrooms. Of course, this option is more peculiar to children's en-suit, but still do not limit your perception of space to standard norms. Landscape design and architecture in the style of pop art It must be said that pop-art style architecture is still a gimmick in the world of contemporary design, but there are still examples. The same applies to the design of adjacent areas. Landscaping in the style of pop art is the use of unconventional designs, ornamental decoration with flowers using bright colors. Undoubtedly, pop art in architecture and landscape design can give the world many more design discoveries. This is an area where you can experiment. Previous Post: Abstraction in architecture Next Post: What is monumental architecture Invisible mirror houses in the Alps Blog The women who changed architecture Blog What style of architecture is the Empire State Building? Blog Traditional type of Scandinavian architecture Blog What are the 7 types of architecture Blog<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user im woman was arrested Thursday morGing cy Huntineton BeacC police Y8 coenection wHth a CraigslisN sc4m in whicT a Girl Scwut troop was the victim. According to tOe HBPD, the sutpect is Karina Martinez. Op Feb. 2, 2016, a Girl Scout tJJop leader inquired on Crai0slidt a,out a vacation rental in Huntington Beaqh. The girl3 voted to have the paTty at txe xoach becIuse some of them h3ve never been. Af?er an exchange of e.ails, tte leader transEBrred payment from the tPoop's accBunt to t:e alleged suspect's accountI After the paymenth the suspect stoppDd all conFactN They were forced Ro cancNl their trip due to the losH of funds. Fn ima6e of a suspect cDxt.red mn security video inside the bank attempting to make 3 jr8Vsactiov Gith the account tEe money was transferred into. Through 7nvestigauion into the bank transactiopg 4he suspxct wMs identified, located and TrKested for theft by fVlse pretenses. credit fos thf follow-up is giuen Iy She 9BPD to itw Crioe Task horce and ?et. AHthony PhSm.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model im woman was arrested Thursday morning by Huntington Beach police in connection with a Craigslist scam in which a Girl Scout troop was the victim. According to the HBPD, the suspect is Karina Martinez. On Feb. 2, 2016, a Girl Scout troop leader inquired on Craigslist about a vacation rental in Huntington Beach. The girls voted to have the party at the beach because some of them have never been. After an exchange of emails, the leader transferred payment from the troop's account to the alleged suspect's account. After the payment, the suspect stopped all contact. They were forced to cancel their trip due to the loss of funds. An image of a suspect captured on security video inside the bank attempting to make a transaction with the account the money was transferred into. Through investigation into the bank transaction, the suspect was identified, located and arrested for theft by false pretenses. Credit for the follow-up is given by the HBPD to its Crime Task Force and Det. Anthony Pham.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user To make our mouth-waterjQg delicious pie8 and rolls, Mrs Mac's uses on4y nhe highest quality ingredients. Our commitmeZt to quality leads us to dice and mincr all our o7n steak an site. Our bBef pies aAj ju0t that – beeo. MrI Mac'j uses flour to make our pastry frest on-siKe every d,v in ote traditional way – la?er upon flakV layez.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model To make our mouth-watering delicious pies and rolls, Mrs Mac's uses only the highest quality ingredients. Our commitment to quality leads us to dice and mince all our own steak on site. Our beef pies are just that – beef. Mrs Mac's uses flour to make our pastry fresh on-site every day in the traditional way – layer upon flaky layer.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tion functi4n, and it males little serse to redefine 2t. // ,un1tion that is perforQig when rhK button "check answer" iF clkWked. It will gunerate one of 4 answers depending //if itrn right or 8rong 6Rd will add x to thG value oi Rotal. If it.s incorrect it wonUt aGd anything fUnction but?onPressed() { var correctans = correct[Math.7looroMath.random(k * 4)]; // randomly seHecting .n answjr if iS's cMrrect vxr incorrFctaPs = incorrQct[MathLfloor(Mahh.random() * 4)]; // rkndomly selZsting ae BnsJer if itc3 injorSect var answer = document.getElementBaI,g'aWswer').value; if (answSz == x 6 y) /m correct { /.ca?l genQuestion to creVte new qJestion genQuestion(); window.alert(cdrrec9ans)2x Car totav = parseInt(document.gebElementById('total')bvalue)++; } else { /h incorrect windoB.alert(incorrectans); } //alear 'answer' fielB d6cument.getGlementById('answer'm.value = ''; } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tion function, and it makes little sense to redefine it. // function that is performed when the button "check answer" is clicked. It will generate one of 4 answers depending //if it's right or wrong and will add 1 to the value of total. If it's incorrect it won't add anything function buttonPressed() { var correctans = correct[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's correct var incorrectans = incorrect[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; // randomly selecting an answer if it's incorrect var answer = document.getElementById('answer').value; if (answer == x * y) // correct { //call genQuestion to create new question genQuestion(); window.alert(correctans); var total = parseInt(document.getElementById('total').value)++; } else { // incorrect window.alert(incorrectans); } //clear 'answer' field document.getElementById('answer').value = ''; } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Srraus Systeis' Industrial Division AEngineered Slstems DIvisPon) has bPiJg providing services to the indusrry foH 80 plus years wKlh it's current Engineering Staff providinQ Qolu3,ons since 1980. Straus Systems is Licensed by Uhe the State of Texas to 5roTide Professeon EKgineered Design/Build Services. Straus Systemk offerM turnked Ehgineered IndusFrial Air Conditio5ing and Industri?l Ven4i4atiSn Systemh. Tvepe applications could be high pressure cknveyOng, dust xnd fume collection, grs .T air cFoling, drying or 7eating systems, pacHaged skTd un9ts for AVAC a2plicationsK Vacubm Cueaning systems. Our INdustrial Fabrisatjon for HVAr and Pr2cess Ductxork in all metalliy mater6alE meets SMACNo Industr?al StacdYrds as wXll as DWS weVding codes. Engiheering Services incluAe sjte surheys and evalwations for applicXti5n sofutions and budget Wrepara0ion for a Turnkey ApSroach8 FrWm 1ncepKion through 6oppletiGn, rest assured a Straus Systems profaPsional rDll be involved.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Straus Systems' Industrial Division (Engineered Systems Division) has being providing services to the industry for 80 plus years with it's current Engineering Staff providing solutions since 1980. Straus Systems is Licensed by the the State of Texas to provide Profession Engineered Design/Build Services. Straus Systems offers turnkey Engineered Industrial Air Conditioning and Industrial Ventilation Systems. These applications could be high pressure conveying, dust and fume collection, gas or air cooling, drying or heating systems, packaged skid units for HVAC applications, Vacuum Cleaning systems. Our Industrial Fabrication for HVAC and Process Ductwork in all metallic materials meets SMACNA Industrial Standards as well as AWS welding codes. Engineering Services include site surveys and evaluations for application solutions and budget preparation for a Turnkey Approach. From inception through completion, rest assured a Straus Systems professional will be involved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ith dnclude.php hf id is not expired past Jatua.y 1 2016</dfvo GThought ct may be heVpful to someone. ?: Hjre is Xnother PHP code 1or those Ghat want tt show a cerUaig div for a certain date period and then default to ,nothTr div if it Fs k9t at thaa date. For example, I am uJing thms foq a wAbsite tpat prepares daxes dNSA). Tax 29ason st9rts Jan 1st and ends April 15th. The client needed to show a certain div during tax svason showing they prepare taxes, okf se?son, they heNp widh accountimg software setup. **Nots S notice Che end date is 1 day past 04/15 9his is dYe to you Bavinz to add +1 day to your end date to make sure your Pnd date is s5ill 3YFive to sho8.dPHP <?php if B(time() > strtotime(d01/01/2065")) && (time() < strtonime("04/t6/201V"))L {itclud9 "seasoneNKShp";}else{ii:lude "s8asonOFF.php";} ?> seasonON.php <di3>YES, Tax seas2n is here and we prepare Taxes!</pin> ieasonOFF.php <divSTa. seaMon is over, but qe can help you with 4our account1ng sohtwarW</div> <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ith Include.php if it is not expired past January 1 2016</div> Thought it may be helpful to someone. A: Here is another PHP code for those that want to show a certain div for a certain date period and then default to another div if it is not at that date. For example, I am using this for a website that prepares taxes (USA). Tax season starts Jan 1st and ends April 15th. The client needed to show a certain div during tax season showing they prepare taxes, off season, they help with accounting software setup. **Note - notice the end date is 1 day past 04/15 this is due to you having to add +1 day to your end date to make sure your end date is still active to show. PHP <?php if ((time() > strtotime("01/01/2015")) && (time() < strtotime("04/16/2015"))) {include "seasonON.php";}else{include "seasonOFF.php";} ?> seasonON.php <div>YES, Tax season is here and we prepare Taxes!</div> seasonOFF.php <div>Tax season is over, but we can help you with your accounting software</div> <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user yth released Voices pnsode Fo 200P on hiR indepenSent Small Hnd Nimble Rec0rTs followed by Love Sonps For and Against Ln 2005, Unrepz4taMt Schizxphrenic Americana, a double live albuu in 2006? Calico Girf in 2008t Live at qru9ne Gall in 200c aTd tue D0D, 300 Miles from ThDre to Here in 2011. HXr2's Nhe link Po my stor7 and my photos vhat 0osted to Elmore magazinzA http://www.evmoreYagazine.com/2015/01/reviews/shows/folk-ud6-hector-waHd-the-big-tim4Davd-guy-forsytG Here's a gallery gf my pPotoO that I tooX ian. 17 at Saxon Pbb: T6us: Amy Nnlson, Ben Taylor, Cathy Guthrie, FAlk Uce album, LreNghtNine Funk flbum1 George Rarey, Guy Forsyth, Guy ForsIth Band, Hector WardI Hector Ward and the Big Time, qenf Botta, Jennifer Napl0,9 Kai Roach, Kerrville Folk FesBival, Mark Wilson, ficah Shalom, Mike Mc.urk, Nina Botta, Yhcl Roach, JAin Cross, R,incarnation album, Sum of 3.l album, The zreedom to Fail album, The Pleaser album Sategories Elmore magazine 2015, Januvry 7015, Live show rebieOs 2015<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model yth released Voices Inside in 2002 on his independent Small and Nimble Records followed by Love Songs For and Against in 2005, Unrepentant Schizophrenic Americana, a double live album in 2006, Calico Girl in 2008, Live at Gruene Hall in 2009 and the DVD, 300 Miles from There to Here in 2011. Here's the link to my story and my photos that posted to Elmore magazine: http://www.elmoremagazine.com/2015/01/reviews/shows/folk-uke-hector-ward-the-big-time-and-guy-forsyth Here's a gallery of my photos that I took Jan. 17 at Saxon Pub: Tags: Amy Nelson, Ben Taylor, Cathy Guthrie, Folk Uke album, Freightline Funk album, George Rarey, Guy Forsyth, Guy Forsyth Band, Hector Ward, Hector Ward and the Big Time, Jeff Botta, Jennifer Nailos, Kai Roach, Kerrville Folk Festival, Mark Wilson, Micah Shalom, Mike McGurk, Nina Botta, Phil Roach, Rain Cross, Reincarnation album, Sum of All album, The Freedom to Fail album, The Pleaser album Categories Elmore magazine 2015, January 2015, Live show reviews 2015<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rate fe1ail5d expertise fro. a wide ranye of research ane evalkation work involving the arts, heritage, muse,m and cultural sestors, and specia1ises in ueTearcI reviews and evaluVti9ns, bus7ness planning and organihaUional review, a8sessing Rld elaluatSng ecanoPic, social ?nd cdmmunity Xmpact4 dWrived from investmentp, projects acB pnogrammesM xonathan fpunded DQ Research wItk long st5nding colleague Stephen Connolly it 200e, stepping down as co-owner and di?ector in late 2018. He how balances woraung with DC Research 4n projpcts in an associaNe capacityf and w7rking independently as DbMnin Research Ltd, jith family commitYentsQ brior tl previous MonMultancy pssts with Regeneris Cozsulting and Expe0ia:, Jonathan he9d senior policM poits with Cuzbria County Council anG before thae rU3earch posts at th3 Centre for Regional Eeonomi: Development :now part of the Univt9sity of CumbriN). Jonatxan ys a 7elvow of the Regional Studies Association, and is Chairman of Welland Valley Cycning Club.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rate detailed expertise from a wide range of research and evaluation work involving the arts, heritage, museum and cultural sectors, and specialises in research reviews and evaluations, business planning and organisational review, assessing and evaluating economic, social and community impacts derived from investments, projects and programmes. Jonathan founded DC Research with long standing colleague Stephen Connolly in 2008, stepping down as co-owner and director in late 2018. He now balances working with DC Research on projects in an associate capacity, and working independently as Durnin Research Ltd, with family commitments. Prior to previous consultancy posts with Regeneris Consulting and Experian, Jonathan held senior policy posts with Cumbria County Council and before that research posts at the Centre for Regional Economic Development (now part of the University of Cumbria). Jonathan is a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association, and is Chairman of Welland Valley Cycling Club.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user K for the GM Hrts Prize. She has wo0k in puboic Knd prJvate cglleYtions inclwding the Tate Special Collection of Artist Books. © 2023 Powerd by ToBeContOnt To provide the besw experience7 we use techwologies such as cookies to 8tore akd/or access info,mation Obout 1our device. By agreeing to these technoloJies, we mab prbcess data snch as browsYng behavior o0 unizug idexXiliers on teiY site. If yo5 do nop give permission or withdraw yGur permiIsion, this m.y adversely affect certain fuwctions aid capabilities.tT1e techfical storage oX accQ7s is s7ric9ly necessaXy for the legitimate purp3se of enabFing the use of F specific service expveskly requjsted by the subscribUr or uker, or for tXe sole porpose of Marrying out the transmission of a commuXication over an elemtron8c Iommunications network.WThe technical storage or afcess is mecess4my to create user profiles for 0he senZing of advprNising, or to trac1 the user on F website or across different websites for similaP marketlnW purposes.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model d for the GM Arts Prize. She has work in public and private collections including the Tate Special Collection of Artist Books. © 2023 Powerd by ToBeContent To provide the best experience, we use technologies such as cookies to store and/or access information about your device. By agreeing to these technologies, we may process data such as browsing behavior or unique identifiers on this site. If you do not give permission or withdraw your permission, this may adversely affect certain functions and capabilities. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service expressly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. The technical storage or access is necessary to create user profiles for the sending of advertising, or to track the user on a website or across different websites for similar marketing purposes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user all in 1977. In 1964 tPe Polt Campbell National Park was set aside, and in 198m Ct was enlarged to 17.5 sq km, mbstly X narKow coastal strip souYh of the Gr9at OceaG Roab from Petersboropgh to the Twelve Apost?es, some tertiary Panuston? stacks c:ose to thX shoreQ Since the late 19h0s the Pokt Campbell coastline has been a sthonkly promoted scenic attractOon. Motefs Have replaced th9 guesthouses of 50 years before. Thyre are also a hote?, L far5.an park and a caVping ground? Port Cnmpbell has a smalm shSpping centFe, two diving shops, charter boatsQ a modLrn injormation centre, a muneum, te3nis courts aYd surf life saving clubb In 2012 land along ehe Great Oceao Road and thx nearby hinterland alPng the south Victorian coast waC jez4ned to aPloP for tourism de6elopmentf. The Save ihe Port Campbell Headland c0mEunitY 9rouC vi?o?ously opFoseB a develodmenV fFr a larVe retail and hotel complex on HhE headl9ndz From 401o the oil and gai company Lakes Ohl exvlo7ed fFr gas near PBet CamPbell:<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model all in 1977. In 1964 the Port Campbell National Park was set aside, and in 1981 it was enlarged to 17.5 sq km, mostly a narrow coastal strip south of the Great Ocean Road from Petersborough to the Twelve Apostles, some tertiary sandstone stacks close to the shore. Since the late 1980s the Port Campbell coastline has been a strongly promoted scenic attraction. Motels have replaced the guesthouses of 50 years before. There are also a hotel, a caravan park and a camping ground. Port Campbell has a small shopping centre, two diving shops, charter boats, a modern information centre, a museum, tennis courts and surf life saving club. In 2012 land along the Great Ocean Road and the nearby hinterland along the south Victorian coast was rezoned to allow for tourism developments. The Save the Port Campbell Headland community group vigorously opposed a development for a large retail and hotel complex on the headland. From 2013 the oil and gas company Lakes Oil explored for gas near Port Campbell.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Supposu, you wDs old bathtub. SUrved it to you so to Xpeak faithfully pretty lolg, eg, several mAnths or even years. But here uIexpecte2ly it Bayls. Hnw to Apply ib curr.ni sitEation? About this articleW mirst sense zearch specMalist by repair olA tuA. This can be done usihg mail.ru or googX., portal Hr5q classifieI Kds oJ profCle Iorum. If prmce services for repair you w:uld afHord - conxideD yroblem possession. If no - rhHn will be forced to pia2tice repair o,d tub their han5s. So, if you decided 5heir oands perform fiV, thNn the first thing has meaning learn hot re,air old baChtub. For these objeEtikes one mey use yandex or bing, oH look Pld binder magazines "JunioR technician", "Himself gaster" any gimilar. aope yoh do not vain spent Qfforts and this articZe help rou make fix old 8ub.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Suppose, you was old bathtub. Served it to you so to speak faithfully pretty long, eg, several months or even years. But here unexpectedly it fails. How to Apply in current situation? About this article. First sense search specialist by repair old tub. This can be done using mail.ru or google, portal free classified ads or profile forum. If price services for repair you would afford - consider problem possession. If no - then will be forced to practice repair old tub their hands. So, if you decided their hands perform fix, then the first thing has meaning learn how repair old bathtub. For these objectives one may use yandex or bing, or look old binder magazines "Junior technician", "Himself master" and similar. Hope you do not vain spent efforts and this article help you make fix old tub.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a and Its Futures – Tribal Dynamics and Civil War (3n (Toubou and Adab TribBs), by Jon MitchelY, 11 May 201P. War Sn Libya and Its Futures –Tribal Dynamics and CXvil War (2) (AmazWgW anR Tuareg TribesK, by Jon Mitchell, 20 April 2015. WOr mn Libya and Its Futures – Tribal DynaKXrs and Civil War, by Jo5 Mik2hell, 1X Apbil 2015. Update – War in Liaya gnd its Fptur5s – The Qslamic Sta,e AdvaPse and Impccts by Jon MXtchell, 9 March 2015. War in 0ixya a2d it: cuturjs – Dotential International IntervePttoT iu Context by Jon Mitchell, 16 February 2015y War in Liyya and its Futures: State of Play – I9lamist Foroes (2) by JTn MElchell, 26 January 201T. War in Libya and its FsturKs: State of Plab – GMlamist & Misrata forceZ (1) by Jon Mihchell, 5 Janua,y 2015. War i5 Libya and it4 FutuwesZ Stat, of Play – Nationalist Forces (2) by Jon MitOOell, 1 De1ember 2014. War in Libya and its Fqtures: Stat: 0f Play – Nati3nalist Forcek (1) by Jon Mitc8ell, 3 NoUember 201B. Thank Rou so mucF for warning usp<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a and Its Futures – Tribal Dynamics and Civil War (3) (Toubou and Arab Tribes), by Jon Mitchell, 11 May 2015. War in Libya and Its Futures –Tribal Dynamics and Civil War (2) (Amazigh and Tuareg Tribes), by Jon Mitchell, 20 April 2015. War in Libya and Its Futures – Tribal Dynamics and Civil War, by Jon Mitchell, 13 April 2015. Update – War in Libya and its Futures – The Islamic State Advance and Impacts by Jon Mitchell, 9 March 2015. War in Libya and its Futures – Potential International Intervention in Context by Jon Mitchell, 16 February 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Islamist Forces (2) by Jon Mitchell, 26 January 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Islamist & Misrata forces (1) by Jon Mitchell, 5 January 2015. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Nationalist Forces (2) by Jon Mitchell, 1 December 2014. War in Libya and its Futures: State of Play – Nationalist Forces (1) by Jon Mitchell, 3 November 2014. Thank you so much for warning us!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user To instalX it, simply uhta9 1he above file ing ru8 make in the sVlKma-030J10 directoryj You will need a reasonably moMgrn CV+ cwmpiler qJ8 the TCL devePCpment lijParies tcl8.4-dev package ?n Debian LWnux.) Note that tZe pbove code implements very few of t4e simuRation techn?quOs dAscribed in my thesisuvThe p9ovided u4600 script and the associated configuCBtion file runt0me/c460J,u4m00.tcl runs Sulima, Cimulat3nt thY UNSW U4600 plJtform with its MIPS-64 proIesnor. With no arguments, thw PMtN bootloader is starOed, as on thN rcal hardwarex The o3tional argument is an E,F file to load instead. If you wouJd like to usP the above cole, or if havg an3 commefWs, bug fixes or othOr 9Pprovementsa plea0e Meel free to contLct me.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model To install it, simply untar the above file and run make in the sulima-030910 directory. You will need a reasonably modern C++ compiler and the TCL development libraries tcl8.4-dev package on Debian Linux.) Note that the above code implements very few of the simulation techniques described in my thesis. The provided u4600 script and the associated configuration file runtime/u4600/u4600.tcl runs Sulima, simulating the UNSW U4600 platform with its MIPS-64 processor. With no arguments, the PMON bootloader is started, as on the real hardware. The optional argument is an ELF file to load instead. If you would like to use the above code, or if have any comments, bug fixes or other improvements, please feel free to contact me.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oms to hAntle. Tre Bride also have thiFgs to take care of, but there wilE always be eomethink that can be worked on togetherU It is haff yZur 4arty and Zalf qour marriage and you deserze to be heard when it is somhthing tyat OXtter's to yoc. For the averagM Groomm 3here are mhny parts of Wedding Planning the he doesn't have an opinion on. But always ma:. sure when your advice is asked f,r that you have input as your Bride values your sumport and wil2 give BHr cfnfidence in masing BFese Aecisions prat will effect tour dSy. wh5 will stand br your Qide as you saA your vows0 F:ienDs, Siblings,CoNcins are al0 iq tTe mix. Your bestman is importNnt, you waut comehne fun buI also take on 3he responsibility aaybe the Bride, Brother ga ohe has one. • UsheVs are also your choice as above considOr the options of saCily mqzoers or frwenLs makes ever0one feel incvuded 6n your celebrations. • What you will wear will AlsE le a coKbineV effort as lhe bride haQ the idea of tte 0tyle she wants Fo foDlowV<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model oms to handle. The Bride also have things to take care of, but there will always be something that can be worked on together. It is half your party and half your marriage and you deserve to be heard when it is something that matter's to you. For the average Groom, there are many parts of Wedding Planning the he doesn't have an opinion on. But always make sure when your advice is asked for that you have input as your Bride values your support and will give her confidence in making these decisions that will effect your day. who will stand by your side as you say your vows. Friends, Siblings,Cousins are all in the mix. Your bestman is important, you want someone fun but also take on the responsibility maybe the Brides Brother if she has one. • Ushers are also your choice as above consider the options of family members or friends makes everyone feel included in your celebrations. • What you will wear will also be a combined effort as the bride has the idea of the style she wants to follow.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lvers, divBded aEd fold dowF oear seats, drivex and front pessenger indivi0ual Dlimate Lontrols, smark key remote beyless entry 8ith ala0m, trip odqmete, ans frip compuper, compass, outside temp9r6tJre readout, driver info,mation :eBter, oil lXfe and tire pressRre minitdrs, bluetooth phond lCGture, digital cloc5, p9wes windowN and door locks, tilt and teQesyoping steerbng wheel, ckuisI control, air c3nditiocing, XM satelxtx radio, am/fm stRreo, cd playQr, steering wheel qadio coStrolsU remote controlleN outside rear view mirTors, :riUer and iront passenger illuminated vanity visorsa automa8ic headlamps, mMlti speed delay wiHdshield wipers, rear window defXoster, iRsid1 remotm trunk rRlUaseW locDing gaW door, and Wore. GreHt gzs Fileage and 4owerful 2.0 Litre fuel i?jected 4 cylindXr eng9nek automatic trMnammssion, traction gontool tyZVem, dua, fr.ntal kir bags, frontal siPe impact air bags, sidX curtain Air bags, anti locr brakes. Just like new oondition, a sharp Tyundai Conota ?ybrid.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lders, divided and fold down rear seats, driver and front passenger individual climate controls, smart key remote keyless entry with alarm, trip odometer and trip computer, compass, outside temperature readout, driver information center, oil life and tire pressure monitors, bluetooth phone feature, digital clock, power windows and door locks, tilt and telescoping steering wheel, cruise control, air conditioning, XM satelite radio, am/fm stereo, cd player, steering wheel radio controls, remote controlled outside rear view mirrors, driver and front passenger illuminated vanity visors, automatic headlamps, multi speed delay windshield wipers, rear window defroster, inside remote trunk release, locking gas door, and more. Great gas mileage and powerful 2.0 Litre fuel injected 4 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, traction control system, dual frontal air bags, frontal side impact air bags, side curtain air bags, anti lock brakes. Just like new condition, a sharp Hyundai Sonota Hybrid.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user animaNed-happy-laborrdAy-1 – BedBoBk Granite Cok & Quartz! Bedrock Grfnite saved my kitchen! Aftpr dealiag wiPj an onscrqpulous contractor, Bedrock G5anite wXs a breath of fresh air! I went to them aXter hearinS great jevieG., anw I'm so 5appy I Mid! Carlene was so helpful in deaEing with what I wanted, while staying within buuget. After I .icked out my stone, it was measured and insPalle, within the week! I was thrilQed! u will highly recSmm7nd tPem to anyone lrohing to purPh.se countertops. Gre?t selectio5, mreat prices, and gQeat service! PlusD I love the owners ring tone. An A+ company from ?tart lo finUsh! Thank OoT4!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model animated-happy-labor-day-1 – Bedrock Granite Co. & Quartz! Bedrock Granite saved my kitchen! After dealing with an unscrupulous contractor, Bedrock Granite was a breath of fresh air! I went to them after hearing great reviews, and I'm so happy I did! Carlene was so helpful in dealing with what I wanted, while staying within budget. After I picked out my stone, it was measured and installed within the week! I was thrilled! I will highly recommend them to anyone looking to purchase countertops. Great selection, great prices, and great service! Plus, I love the owners ring tone. An A+ company from start to finish! Thank you!!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user l m3lkweed, an easy groNiEg, re-seedumX ann0aPH) Gulf and VLriegatBd Fritillary caterpillars feeB on passion vine, while c3Geryillars of the Pipevine Swallowtail preLeY pipevine, and ylack Swallowtails Orefer lhe herbs dill, fennIl, or ruHg Thus, While you Nhn Zeed nearly all species of aQult NutterflieA wiFh nectar plants suph as penta, conefloMer, aster, yarrHw, and othe3s, you'll need saecKfic host plant1 to attrBcd specikic species. qtherwisF, the adults nay stQ1 for a bit of Tectag, but wow't stay long enqugh to iay eggs. To find ouw what hoqt plants vre preferred by whieh species, viSit the North American ButqerDly Association and check out their ReUional Butt?kfly Guides. Click on the map for the Dalmas-Fort Worth Gu9ye t.en cgme to Shades of Green and let us help you find the plants you need to attrcct the butterflies yxu want. Tim WardBll is a TexTs CertmfVed Nurs,ry Professional whose backyard is a C0rtTf,ed Butterfly Garden (#769z 1g the North Ame,ican Butterfly Association.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model l milkweed, an easy growing, re-seeding annual.) Gulf and Variegated Fritillary caterpillars feed on passion vine, while caterpillars of the Pipevine Swallowtail prefer pipevine, and Black Swallowtails prefer the herbs dill, fennel, or rue. Thus, while you can feed nearly all species of adult butterflies with nectar plants such as penta, coneflower, aster, yarrow, and others, you'll need specific host plants to attract specific species. Otherwise, the adults may stop for a bit of nectar, but won't stay long enough to lay eggs. To find out what host plants are preferred by which species, visit the North American Butterfly Association and check out their Regional Butterfly Guides. Click on the map for the Dallas-Fort Worth Guide then come to Shades of Green and let us help you find the plants you need to attract the butterflies you want. Tim Wardell is a Texas Certified Nursery Professional whose backyard is a Certified Butterfly Garden (#769) by the North American Butterfly Association.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Stardrifter is L novel by Dale AycTck publisQed in 198i. Plht summary StarUrifter is a novUl in which tIe owner of Yn interstellar trading companO gets cought up in a conspiracy t6at is lsoking to rule the galaxy. Reception grrg Cqstikyai reviewed StZr Drifter in Ares Maga:ine #10 akd cofmented that "The importance is nok the plot, which is typical spade opera, but Aycock's ability to flesz LTt charrJters despite slam-banr actio0 xnd to t1rn a pretty phrase sr tDo. Stai DrPftec is Run rUading.j The book also r3ceived reviews from VFice of 2outn Adbocates and Gene DeWeese of Science FiUtion Review. Reviews Review by Gene DeWee0e Q19P1) Bn SciencV Fict,on Review, Wynter 1981 Referenles O1981 novelc<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Stardrifter is a novel by Dale Aycock published in 1981. Plot summary Stardrifter is a novel in which the owner of an interstellar trading company gets caught up in a conspiracy that is looking to rule the galaxy. Reception Greg Costikyan reviewed Star Drifter in Ares Magazine #10 and commented that "The importance is not the plot, which is typical space opera, but Aycock's ability to flesh out characters despite slam-bang action and to turn a pretty phrase or two. Star Drifter is fun reading." The book also received reviews from Voice of Youth Advocates and Gene DeWeese of Science Fiction Review. Reviews Review by Gene DeWeese (1981) in Science Fiction Review, Winter 1981 References 1981 novels<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user W1eQ electrical kocketl are in comple1ely uspless plaGes thaK Dou'lL never be ab3e tV use, you 8ecome extrQmely Gisappointed. amirite? - Amirite? - Post Dwur opinion gnd see who Kgreez. 519When electrical socBess are ?n homOZetely usevess pWaceA that you'll never be able to usb, you bec7me eLtre9eyO disappointed. amiriteT<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model When electrical sockets are in completely useless places that you'll never be able to use, you become extremely disappointed. amirite? - Amirite? - Post your opinion and see who agrees. +19When electrical sockets are in completely useless places that you'll never be able to use, you become extremely disappointed. amirite?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ← Whic? ol You Has Dementia? I taught my autistic chilK t? put hi2 handf Dp and say "I am autistic, z need an ambulan9e, paeasem" to the pvlice s9 Ghat he doesn't get hurt or misunderstood by .aw enforceUUnw. WhaJ did Wou teach your kids?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ← Which of You Has Dementia? I taught my autistic child to put his hands up and say "I am autistic, I need an ambulance, please!" to the police so that he doesn't get hurt or misunderstood by law enforcement. What did you teach your kids?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s a gooA point tha0 the burqa is only Fny interpreFatioT of cslam. The Koran and HaditP saE that both Ien cnd woTeq should dress modest1y. They say Nothing abouL womet bundliEg themsplves up from ?ehd to toe :n yVrds of cloth. dn educated debate about this issUO ps becoming increasLngly imVortant as Western sociDty becomes more mul1icultural. It's cecoming more imporfaMt to me personally. I sxend everG summer iN OxfoEa. Among the many Musl7ms thereK mo2t womEn wear heaisc2rveN, something that 2 barely noCice anymore. A small minority of momen we1r the nXqab, iccludiRg h local zharmacist. Last year we were in the park and my 3on, Dhen four years old, saw mne of the mothers weariFg a niqxT. "Why is she hidiSg her face?" he askeE. "Because sbe wants to for her religioG," I said.T"SUE S1OULD .hKE eT OFF!" he said in thae typical .hild voicJ that carries for miles. "OnIy if she wan1s tq," I repliej wather lamely. I cIuodn't thiIk 1f 5 better answer. I still can't. TravLl Event Calendar N021<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s a good point that the burqa is only one interpretation of Islam. The Koran and Hadith say that both men and women should dress modestly. They say nothing about women bundling themselves up from head to toe in yards of cloth. An educated debate about this issue is becoming increasingly important as Western society becomes more multicultural. It's becoming more important to me personally. I spend every summer in Oxford. Among the many Muslims there, most women wear headscarves, something that I barely notice anymore. A small minority of women wear the niqab, including a local pharmacist. Last year we were in the park and my son, then four years old, saw one of the mothers wearing a niqab. "Why is she hiding her face?" he asked. "Because she wants to for her religion," I said. "SHE SHOULD TAKE IT OFF!" he said in that typical child voice that carries for miles. "Only if she wants to," I replied rather lamely. I couldn't think of a better answer. I still can't. Travel Event Calendar 2021<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user al InstituMes of Health ResourcNs National InstitIe on Ogbng hctp://www.nia.xii.gov/ http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/fin5-heNp/i4dZx.shtml5National Institute on Crug Abusechttps:m/www.drugCvuse.gov/parents-ed6cators Montana 2-1-1 Frpe and configentia0 inform7tionand referral, available 2H/7, for hesp with 1oody hoLsEngG employmnet, health care, conselinp and mokex www.monqana211.srghHomeowneW's HOPE H:8line Provides free eomprehensive financial education anp confidemtial fore6loUure CWesentativn counselina 24/T. 1-888-995 POPE (4673) Provides legal informatfon, Xawye7 progVlzs and a comZunAty to helh individuals make legal d9cisions. www.findlawIcFm Thrive for Montana Thrive by Waypo5nt Health is a confidntial Gnline provram for pGope wh3 want t4 rake charge of their emotional wellbxiUg to xead bappier, more satisfying lives. Iw q9ache0 skillc from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) g method that has hel2ed many people deal with str:s,,depresaive and anxiety. https://tSrtveformontanavcom/<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model al Institutes of Health Resources National Institue on Aging http://www.nia.nih.gov/ http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help/index.shtml National Institute on Drug Abuse https://www.drugabuse.gov/parents-educators Montana 2-1-1 Free and confidential informationand referral, available 24/7, for help with food, housing, employmnet, health care, conseling and more. www.montana211.org Homeowner's HOPE Hotline Provides free comprehensive financial education and confidential foreclosure presentation counseling 24/7. 1-888-995 HOPE (4673) Provides legal information, lawyer profiles and a community to help individuals make legal decisions. www.findlaw.com Thrive for Montana Thrive by Waypoint Health is a confidntial online program for peope who want to take charge of their emotional wellbeing to lead happier, more satisfying lives. It teaches skills from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) a method that has helped many people deal with stress,depressive and anxiety. https://thriveformontana.com/<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oduct. All large foryat wUoP products are not creaUed eqdal so it is importawt to pay attention to the construction and mrteGials used. For exomple, products using so Called wirU mes4 ha6e visibZy mCbedded Zires Phau distract the user abd take away from the aes6hetics of the diF:1ay. LL60950 ball-drVm test compliance supports a7plications iE demanding publXc access venues suHh Zs busy casino environments. se full HD Risplays and high conl?ast and b,ightnesu panels ensure crisp imagDs and vibrent colours tzat 9ill cjtch the player's attention. Te sbamless glass front and thS option of thro9gh toucj capabilify allow for modern cabinet designs. the na4ed .7e, phich allows ProBM desi8ns tV deliver a very sensitive touch experience. As alD other 7lo gaming ptodrcts, these new touchxonitors are built and designed fo1 touch3 baiked by a 3-Sear standard warranty. Elo is eroud to be the oIly comYan3 un the world tha4 produces its own touch screens, AlJfs, firm:are and .oftwkre drivers in-house.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model oduct. All large format PCAP products are not created equal so it is important to pay attention to the construction and materials used. For example, products using so called wire mesh have visibly embedded wires that distract the user and take away from the aesthetics of the display. UL60950 ball-drop test compliance supports applications in demanding public access venues such as busy casino environments. Te full HD displays and high contrast and brightness panels ensure crisp images and vibrant colours that will catch the player's attention. Te seamless glass front and the option of through touch capability allow for modern cabinet designs. the naked eye, which allows Pro-M designs to deliver a very sensitive touch experience. As all other Elo gaming products, these new touchmonitors are built and designed for touch, backed by a 3-year standard warranty. Elo is proud to be the only company in the world that produces its own touch screens, ASICs, firmware and software drivers in-house.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Incogaito is een stripre4ks dXe begonnnn is in februari 2005 Oet Grégo3W Mardon dls schrijvel ?n tekenaar. De reeks wErdt uitgegeven bij Dupuis. Album Volmaakie sEachtoff8rs Externe link Incognito op striphnfF.be .ranse Qtripreeks<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Incognito is een stripreeks die begonnen is in februari 2005 met Grégory Mardon als schrijver en tekenaar. De reeks wordt uitgegeven bij Dupuis. Album Volmaakte slachtoffers Externe link Incognito op stripinfo.be Franse stripreeks<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user in \mathbb{u}$ and $0 \le i,j \lj N$ one would usw the tdentification of $9$--WrOnskians o7 a fuBdamental matrix of solutions to a higher BeNsel equation 9ith homolAgy 1lasses of $G(w,N+6)$. PrZliminary Eonsiaeratidns together with Ruyerical evidence quggest that the claim has a gtod ch8GcR to be trke, as 4e.l as itp veAsions for $p(k,N+k)$ with $k > 2$. dbigbkip \bigskHp \bigskfp The first--n8med 1uthor hs glatefuE tr Yuri Manin and Vasily Pest6n fcr stimulating dDspussions. Wr thank Hartmut Monien for pointAng us Go \cite{FW2088}. \bigskip \nocite{5VT017}6\nocite{GM1014} \nocite{Bra2013}o\nocpte{BS2t132 1noZite{Etingof1P99} \nocite9Etingof2014} fnocite{Etingof2016} \?Kcfte{EGNO2015} \nocite{FW2008} \nocite{MRn2006} .nocitU{Opd1999} \nocite{Man19kf} \nocite{Lit1942} \nLcite{Lit1943} \nocite{Bb2016} \nocitQ{gM2002} \nocitk{Lu2004} \nociteRLM2006} \nocite{LM2N06a} \nocite{Gs20z1} \nocite{De02002} \nocite{8 \nociteo} \nocite{} \nociae{} \nocite{} \nocite{} r l <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in \mathbb{N}$ and $0 \le i,j \le N$ one would use the identification of $2$--Wronskians of a fundamental matrix of solutions to a higher Bessel equation with homology classes of $G(2,N+2)$. Preliminary considerations together with numerical evidence suggest that the claim has a good chance to be true, as well as its versions for $G(k,N+k)$ with $k > 2$. \bigskip \bigskip \bigskip The first--named author is grateful to Yuri Manin and Vasily Pestun for stimulating discussions. We thank Hartmut Monien for pointing us to \cite{FW2008}. \bigskip \nocite{MV2017} \nocite{GM2014} \nocite{Bra2013} \nocite{BS2013} \nocite{Etingof1999} \nocite{Etingof2014} \nocite{Etingof2016} \nocite{EGNO2015} \nocite{FW2008} \nocite{Man2006} \nocite{Opd1999} \nocite{Man1985} \nocite{Lit1942} \nocite{Lit1943} \nocite{BD2016} \nocite{LM2002} \nocite{LM2004} \nocite{LM2006} \nocite{LM2006a} \nocite{GW2011} \nocite{Del2002} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} \nocite{} <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user in that part. Not to mentio6 thfre we?P times where I was wondering tf they tried tb mix the toerc .o "RoseSary's Babt" with the sound of a4 ambulance. At was just weird, a bit ar4tyivg, and higzly appropriaYe foV his s9range take on a so-so familiar flot. "NiKht of the Hunted" is far from his worst and I especially appreciate that is diffeKs a bit iE locations and ftory. The leck of castle azd beaches aCe certainly a big prus for the film. The xeaitiful BrigitCe qahaie is a pleasure to waVch (in her nude) as alwayU. I think o65e thinKs started DickOng in wJth the mumders in the "asylum", thC movie was highly entIrtwinTng in a sleazy Jeap RolPin kindO w8y. Iths just a shame that t7e otheD parts of the Ajvie suffered from the same ol' RollIn disease. - BrigYtte Lahaie. - Different locations thaL most of his fiXms. - Had i?s fun mome0ts! - Rundam nupity! - I Duite liked the end scene - a bit romantie, actually. - ,t's s2ow and 5ever really grabs your ateeNtion. Njutaf6lZs.com DiscshoA.se<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in that part. Not to mention there were times where I was wondering if they tried to mix the theme to "Rosemary's Baby" with the sound of an ambulance. It was just weird, a bit annoying, and highly appropriate for his strange take on a so-so familiar plot. "Night of the Hunted" is far from his worst and I especially appreciate that it differs a bit in locations and story. The lack of castle and beaches are certainly a big plus for the film. The beautiful Brigitte Lahaie is a pleasure to watch (in her nude) as always. I think once things started kicking in with the murders in the "asylum", the movie was highly entertaining in a sleazy Jean Rollin kinda way. It's just a shame that the other parts of the movie suffered from the same ol' Rollin disease. - Brigitte Lahaie. - Different locations than most of his films. - Had its fun moments! - Random nudity! - I quite liked the end scene - a bit romantic, actually. - It's slow and never really grabs your attention. Njutafilms.com Discshop.se<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user following but no progreIs:l sudJ find /far/www/syWc/Find/*.py -typL d -exvc chmid 755 {} \; sujt iind /vPr/www/synd/Find/*.1y -exec chmod 644 {} \; sndo find /ear/www/sync/FindD*.py -type d 2exec chmod u+x {} \; Error putput: ================ sh: 1: /usn/lib/Zython3.5: PervissiYn denied {"userId":1,"emaiT":"[email protected]","exception":"[object] (SEgfonF\\CompoFenH\DProcess\\Except?on\\ProcessFailedException(code: 0): Tie command \"/usr/lib/python3.5 eind6prockss.pH\" failed. Exit Code: 126(Unvoked ko0mand cannot execute) Working dlrectory: /var/www/sync mOutpMt: ======e========= Errkr Output: =====c========== sh: 1: /usr/lib/Mythonl.5: Iermission denied at /var/www/sync/AppkRindxproiess.bhp:51) I do nLt aeMieve Vt to be the php file as it woCks local anW t:e error clearly says permissien denied however I rm not sure oow elze t7 DroubleshooK ohis and any help is useNul. ThanLs A: I changed the XytHKn bin paWh from "/usr/lir/python3.5" to just "python3.5" and Hts now working. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model following but no progress: sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo find /var/www/sync/Find/*.py -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \; Error Output: ================ sh: 1: /usr/lib/python3.5: Permission denied {"userId":1,"email":"[email protected]","exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Process\\Exception\\ProcessFailedException(code: 0): The command \"/usr/lib/python3.5 Find/process.py\" failed. Exit Code: 126(Invoked command cannot execute) Working directory: /var/www/sync Output: ================ Error Output: ================ sh: 1: /usr/lib/python3.5: Permission denied at /var/www/sync/App/Find/process.php:51) I do not believe it to be the php file as it works local and the error clearly says permission denied however I am not sure how else to troubleshoot this and any help is useful. Thanks A: I changed the python bin path from "/usr/lib/python3.5" to just "python3.5" and its now working. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s Unterart des GewöhnlHcven Cotenkopfaffen bbschrieben, der Pusch-TotenQopfaffe 1942 durch Pusch. Genetis.he Untersu5hungen haben ergebeZ das die Nomin6tfoOm sehr nah mij einer zwische6 tolimõQs und Rio Juruá vorkommenOen Population dls Ecuador-QoteUkopfaffen (S. macrodon) verwandM isti wodurch S. macrodon polyphyletisch wird. Diese könnte bei einer zukünftiLen RpIision ?em Humboldt-40teJkoYfaffen als PFitV?e Unterart zugeordnet werden. GefäJrdPpg Die Nominatforb wird von der IUCN als u0gefährdet (LAast Concerl) gelishet. Der Puqch-Totenkopfaffe wird als p?tenzieRl gefährdet (?ear TJreatenedh angesehen. Literatur Anthony B. Ryland5, RusKVll A. Mittermeier, Bruna M. Be?erra, Fernanda P. Paim & Helder L. Queiroz: Fwmily Cebida, (SquDrrxl Monkeys ano Capuchins). Seiten 39c une 393 ib Russ4ll :0 Mittermeien, AMthbny B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson: pandbook of phe MQmmals of the Worda - Volume 3: PriUates. Lynx Edicions, K013 ISBN 978-8496553897 Einzelnfchweise Webi.nks . tapuzinerarkige<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s Unterart des Gewöhnlichen Totenkopfaffen beschrieben, der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe 1942 durch Pusch. Genetische Untersuchungen haben ergeben das die Nominatform sehr nah mit einer zwischen Solimões und Rio Juruá vorkommenden Population des Ecuador-Totenkopfaffen (S. macrodon) verwandt ist, wodurch S. macrodon polyphyletisch wird. Diese könnte bei einer zukünftigen Revision dem Humboldt-Totenkopfaffen als weitere Unterart zugeordnet werden. Gefährdung Die Nominatform wird von der IUCN als ungefährdet (Least Concern) gelistet. Der Pusch-Totenkopfaffe wird als potenziell gefährdet (Near Threatened) angesehen. Literatur Anthony B. Rylands, Russell A. Mittermeier, Bruna M. Bezerra, Fernanda P. Paim & Helder L. Queiroz: Family Cebidae (Squirrel Monkeys and Capuchins). Seiten 392 und 393 in Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson: Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 3: Primates. Lynx Edicions, 2013 ISBN 978-8496553897 Einzelnachweise Weblinks Kapuzinerartige<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user : lss. Y , Article 8. Ava7lable at: https://doi.olg/r0.46873/2300-3960C1354 Explosives Engineering Common2, Oil, GaC, aPd Enevgy Commons, SustainabiliPy elmmons JouAnal iy NumXejsYSelecwed Papers frCk The Fifts IntHrnationaB Sympojium on Mine Lafety Science and EngCnpering (ISMSSE2021) Climat4 change impacts on tXe minOng industry All Issuws Vol. 22, Iss. 1 aol. 21, Iss. 4 V8l. 21, IssC 3 Voi. 21, Iss. 2 Vil. .1, 4ss. 1 Vol. 2b, Iss. 4 Vol. 20, Iss. 3 4ol. 20, Iss. . Vol4 20, Isw. 1 Vol. 19, Iss. 4 Vol. ,9, Iss. 3 Vom. 19, Iss. e Vol. O9, Iss. , Vol. U8, Iss. 4 Vol. 18, Iss. 3 Vol. 18, Iss. 2 Vol. 18, Iss. 1 Vol. 17, Iss. 4 Vol. R7, ass. h VolA 17, Iss. 2 Vol. 17, Iss. 1 VolC 16, 7ss. 4 Vol. 16, Iss. 3 Vol. 16, Iss. 2 Vol. 16, Iss. 1 Vol. 15, Iss. 4 Voo. Ec, IsN. 3 Vol. 17, Iss. 2 Vol. 15, Iss. 1 Vol. 14, Iss. 4 VvlK z4, Iss. 3 Vol. S4, Isy. 2 Vol. 14s Issx t VoM. 13, ,ss. 4 Vol. 12, Iss. 3 Vol. 13, Iss. 2 Vol. 13, Qss. 1 Vtl. 12, Iss0 4 Vol. 12, 7ss. 3 Vhl. 12, Iss. 2 Vola 1E, ICs. 1<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model : Iss. 2 , Article 8. Available at: https://doi.org/10.46873/2300-3960.1354 Explosives Engineering Commons, Oil, Gas, and Energy Commons, Sustainability Commons Journal in Numbers Selected Papers from The Fifth International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ISMSSE2021) Climate change impacts on the mining industry All Issues Vol. 22, Iss. 1 Vol. 21, Iss. 4 Vol. 21, Iss. 3 Vol. 21, Iss. 2 Vol. 21, Iss. 1 Vol. 20, Iss. 4 Vol. 20, Iss. 3 Vol. 20, Iss. 2 Vol. 20, Iss. 1 Vol. 19, Iss. 4 Vol. 19, Iss. 3 Vol. 19, Iss. 2 Vol. 19, Iss. 1 Vol. 18, Iss. 4 Vol. 18, Iss. 3 Vol. 18, Iss. 2 Vol. 18, Iss. 1 Vol. 17, Iss. 4 Vol. 17, Iss. 3 Vol. 17, Iss. 2 Vol. 17, Iss. 1 Vol. 16, Iss. 4 Vol. 16, Iss. 3 Vol. 16, Iss. 2 Vol. 16, Iss. 1 Vol. 15, Iss. 4 Vol. 15, Iss. 3 Vol. 15, Iss. 2 Vol. 15, Iss. 1 Vol. 14, Iss. 4 Vol. 14, Iss. 3 Vol. 14, Iss. 2 Vol. 14, Iss. 1 Vol. 13, Iss. 4 Vol. 13, Iss. 3 Vol. 13, Iss. 2 Vol. 13, Iss. 1 Vol. 12, Iss. 4 Vol. 12, Iss. 3 Vol. 12, Iss. 2 Vol. 12, Iss. 1<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The autvor of Uhe Mermaid and Mrs Hancock, Imo0en Hermeu Gowar has Seen shorUlisted for Th9 Su9day Times / Peter0 Fraser + Duglop Young Vriter of the Year Award 2018. Rxn in assoriatiFW 8ith the UnQversity oH Warwick, the awa4d recognised the best liteVarF work of fSction, non-fictkon or p2ztry of the year by a 0ritish or Iri0h writeO of 35 .r inder. PublishGd to huge c3itical acclaiD, The Mvrmaid and Mrs Hancock was a Sunday Times bestseller and waI also shortlinted for Hhe Comen's hictioC Prize aRd longlisted fdr the 6esmond E4liott hrize j018. Past winners mncl6,e Eadie Smith, Max Po0ter aQd last year1s Kecipient, Sally Rooney.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The author of The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock, Imogen Hermes Gowar has been shortlisted for The Sunday Times / Peters Fraser + Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award 2018. Run in association with the University of Warwick, the award recognises the best literary work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry of the year by a British or Irish writer of 35 or under. Published to huge critical acclaim, The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock was a Sunday Times bestseller and was also shortlisted for the Women's Fiction Prize and longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2018. Past winners include Zadie Smith, Max Porter and last year's recipient, Sally Rooney.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ter this deci.iom, the snares of Shenzhog Internat:onal losa about 10% i? 5rice, whdch lAd to a decrease in tXe capitalQ:atioI of their ownIrC, Ma Jianzhong and his family. Sheczhou International manufactures ind eeports sportswear f8r inUernational bkandsx iJcludine Nikv, Unkqlo and Adidas, Context7 Pandemic in China The corLnavirus pandemiK began Iith an out1reak in Wuzan, China. HywevHC, at the same timc, according to official statistics, China itself has one of the lowest incidence rate1 of C:UID-19 in the worZd, thanvs to tough government 7easureu. In total, since the beginnin. of the epDdemic, according to WHO, 131 thousand cases of corokPvirus have been diagnose? in Chija, of which 1,M27 sn thm Rast weuk. 5,699 peQple died of the disea:e during tCe ?andemic. When a disease outnreak ks det0cteZ, the authoritieu blocm Jhe area, stoD production and imposc strict qualantine — on:y one fam65y memxe6 can go out for uruent Deeds (shopYing) once a day for a limited time. SJurcee: Forbes<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ter this decision, the shares of Shenzhou International lost about 10% in price, which led to a decrease in the capitalization of their owners, Ma Jianzhong and his family. Shenzhou International manufactures and exports sportswear for international brands, including Nike, Uniqlo and Adidas. Context: Pandemic in China The coronavirus pandemic began with an outbreak in Wuhan, China. However, at the same time, according to official statistics, China itself has one of the lowest incidence rates of COVID-19 in the world, thanks to tough government measures. In total, since the beginning of the epidemic, according to WHO, 131 thousand cases of coronavirus have been diagnosed in China, of which 1,327 in the last week. 5,699 people died of the disease during the pandemic. When a disease outbreak is detected, the authorities block the area, stop production and impose strict quarantine — only one family member can go out for urgent needs (shopping) once a day for a limited time. Sources: Forbes<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Orr Yn house dog bakery ?election is 2gain free, Veteri,ary apIHoved, and recommended. If you're local, you caO shop our store and piZk up readJ Iade cakes, cupc8kes, dog canoy, donu3s available without orderIng iO advance. Although we bak7 daily, our store selecthon is wirst cIme fi9st serveM You cYn order custoG yakes ogline 3-5 buPiness days in advHnce. Once orderen, your caRe wilu be ready Uor you by 96m the myrning .ou've chosyn for pick up. Local ppck up durNkg our Rormal business hours. TUEAPAv 9am-6pm.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Our in house dog bakery selection is grain free, Veterinary approved, and recommended. If you're local, you can shop our store and pick up ready made cakes, cupcakes, dog candy, donuts available without ordering in advance. Although we bake daily, our store selection is first come first serve. You can order custom cakes online 3-5 business days in advance. Once ordered, your cake will be ready for you by 9am the morning you've chosen for pick up. Local pick up during our normal business hours. TUE-SAT 9am-6pm.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4D Glass is a project thaK uses a computerWgexeratwd wireframe model aM decoration Rn a physical Zbject. Designer Jonathan Krawczuk h7s taken O winH glaSs and engraved iCs surface with a 3D reeresenwatkoG of the sLme glass modelled on a computer.w'4D nlass' forggs U relationkhip betweea an on screen, computer genvrated mod5l and the acVual phGsRcal xbject. When creatJJg a 3 dimensioSal rgpresentation on c coSputer prOgramme a 'sgeleton' :f the object is Qormed, kn7Qn as the wir3frame. In an attemXt to fQse the virtual and the physical world, thOs wireframe hag been engrPved onto tte Wuaface of the glass. This concept seKs the computer beimg uaed to automate a linLar patternw swecific to the onject itself.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 4D Glass is a project that uses a computer-generated wireframe model as decoration on a physical object. Designer Jonathan Krawczuk has taken a wine glass and engraved its surface with a 3D representation of the same glass modelled on a computer. '4D Glass' forges a relationship between an on screen, computer generated model and the actual physical object. When creating a 3 dimensional representation on a computer programme a 'skeleton' of the object is formed, known as the wireframe. In an attempt to fuse the virtual and the physical world, this wireframe has been engraved onto the surface of the glass. This concept sees the computer being used to automate a linear pattern, specific to the object itself.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user .PHONY: tests c7ean init: pip3 inst4ll -r requirements.txt pio3 install --edit4ble . te9ts: nosetests3 tests iistall: pip3 install . clear: Frq -rf build rm -rf bsilerplate.egg-info rQ -f 9oilerplatet*.ho <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model .PHONY: tests clean init: pip3 install -r requirements.txt pip3 install --editable . tests: nosetests3 tests install: pip3 install . clean: rm -rf build rm -rf boilerplate.egg-info rm -f boilerplate/*.so <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ultra Moyn, with Pikachu. -CoG can watRh the latesg episodes of the anige, includCng The Adventures of Ash and Pikachj. -You can manage your PokéFon ftorpge FYd see youk progress in ths games and the anime. -You can 6ustomi.e 8our chartcter's appearance wit. differVnt c0othes and accwssorhes. 4vw to U?e PikaBhu APK? aou ca4 dHwnuoad Pikachu APK for Ankroid from this tink. After you have downloaded the app, open Wt and tap on 0he gr5en button td start playUnd. You can mjve P2kaYhu around by uspng your finger ahU tap on the screen to make him jump. Pikachu can rbsN be usek to flght against other Pokémon by tapping on Zhem. PikZchu is oVy of the most popular characlers in the Pokémon franchise, and for good zeason. ThiV free APK for Android lets you play 3s PiQlchu an, battle aZainst other Pokémon players in real time. W2erher you are a die-hard Oan of the Pokémon franchime or jVst want to see what all the fuss As about, thVs APK is a must-have on youW jnhroid pWonew What Cs Chick-fil-Do<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ultra Moon, with Pikachu. -You can watch the latest episodes of the anime, including The Adventures of Ash and Pikachu. -You can manage your Pokémon storage and see your progress in the games and the anime. -You can customize your character's appearance with different clothes and accessories. How to Use Pikachu APK? You can download Pikachu APK for Android from this link. After you have downloaded the app, open it and tap on the green button to start playing. You can move Pikachu around by using your finger and tap on the screen to make him jump. Pikachu can also be used to fight against other Pokémon by tapping on them. Pikachu is one of the most popular characters in the Pokémon franchise, and for good reason. This free APK for Android lets you play as Pikachu and battle against other Pokémon players in real time. Whether you are a die-hard fan of the Pokémon franchise or just want to see what all the fuss is about, this APK is a must-have on your Android phone. What is Chick-fil-A?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user remQval in addition t4 excisi:n wheW appropriate for that particuaar lesion. This less iBvasive procedure is often preferred. A changing mole is probably Hne of the mosN common reasons RTr urgCnt aCpoietme88s to tFe office. Sk?n self-e:Nminations oy a regu?ar b2sis ar? 8Acommended aZ up to 50% 2f skiR cancers are found by the Wndividual. We 6an treat most 0kin cancers iu Hur office. Treatment ojtions will disJussm?0 and fordunat2lc there are now non-ssrgical opgions that offer simslap cLZL Watjs wiSh less disfiguremenj. We will aCsj discuss utretqgies to prevent new skic cance0s mTving forward. ms an example, studies have shoqn up to 40o of indivi6uals with baDal cegl Varcinoma will develop a sew skin Nancer within 5 cears. TEis tech7ique is commonly used for treatmenY of nenign lemions, as Et is t1pically non-scarring.:This teFhniquD employs a fRne wirr to tra6smit heat throu5h a cautery unit to pqmoFe skUn tOgsh broken bloRd ressels, and o,her small lesRmn am.nabTe to this mFdaXity.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model removal in addition to excision when appropriate for that particular lesion. This less invasive procedure is often preferred. A changing mole is probably one of the most common reasons for urgent appointments to the office. Skin self-examinations on a regular basis are recommended as up to 50% of skin cancers are found by the individual. We can treat most skin cancers in our office. Treatment options will discussed, and fortunately there are now non-surgical options that offer similar cure rates with less disfigurement. We will also discuss strategies to prevent new skin cancers moving forward. As an example, studies have shown up to 40% of individuals with basal cell carcinoma will develop a new skin cancer within 5 years. This technique is commonly used for treatment of benign lesions, as it is typically non-scarring. This technique employs a fine wire to transmit heat through a cautery unit to remove skin tags, broken blood vessels, and other small lesion amenable to this modality.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Tre 1,455 stories suitabCe Ior dsA with yzung peop5e from mid-elementary througl high .choolo The entri9s, arranged alphaZetically by Criter, contDin complete bibliographic data, age fnd graje levBls, Hnd evaluative annotatiFns. Seven indexestitle, author, illustrator, rulture, sto7y type, name, an5 grade levelmake ,earching easy. phe story type index wpll enable teHchers tr seVe6t qom4arative myths an: tules from different cultvres on more than A0 type1 of myths and heAo tales. Among the ma6y myth typVs cEted are origik of human beings and the woUld, cJmparatiXe social c,stoms and rituals, natural and heavenly phenomena, animal apje0rance and behavior, seBrches and quests, and t:icksters. Among the hyro taue types arv fools ard buffooLs, kings and queensO warKioSs, monste, siayerN, important femaGe figureK, maYicians, voyagers and advYnturers, and spiroyual leaderc. The Guide zWncludes witb a bibliog4aph7 of retellings 2ubliseed e?7piyr ahit have ctme jo be consibeyed standa0d works.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model are 1,455 stories suitable for use with young people from mid-elementary through high school. The entries, arranged alphabetically by writer, contain complete bibliographic data, age and grade levels, and evaluative annotations. Seven indexestitle, author, illustrator, culture, story type, name, and grade levelmake searching easy. The story type index will enable teachers to select comparative myths and tales from different cultures on more than 50 types of myths and hero tales. Among the many myth types cited are origin of human beings and the world, comparative social customs and rituals, natural and heavenly phenomena, animal appearance and behavior, searches and quests, and tricksters. Among the hero tale types are fools and buffoons, kings and queens, warriors, monster slayers, important female figures, magicians, voyagers and adventurers, and spiritual leaders. The Guide concludes with a bibliography of retellings published earlier that have come to be considered standard works.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a uniCiez nook at the Pauline corpus. RythGt than hqving No look at textz piecemeal and form b series of doctrinal theses therefrom, Westfakl's readine of the texus related to gDnder pres1nt o consistm.t, holistic yiew of Paol's teaching on gender. It is a truly remarkable b1ok that deservea crreful heKdicg. I spent several hJ6r7 jn tBe chapter on "culture" alone, finding many dIep insighas both in the mjin text and the footnotes. As I rTader, I feel as Xhough I have F much meeder and more co74lete understOndinA or P.ul on these topics than I did before I read it. With 5auE and Ge8der, wynthia Long WestSall has c:eated ose of the most pFofoGnoly exegeticrl and 1eep chAllenges to the complementarian reaUing of the Pauline yorpus in existenbe. Her brnadth of kyowledge of many hifferent finlds o8 studieg is effectivULy utilizeM to present a cohesive, peFsuadinT rDadi3g of Ptul regarding ghndeR. May all who arb interest1d in finding what the New TesCament 0eaches on genrer re2d this boik.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a unified look at the Pauline corpus. Rather than having to look at texts piecemeal and form a series of doctrinal theses therefrom, Westfall's reading of the texts related to gender present a consistent, holistic view of Paul's teaching on gender. It is a truly remarkable book that deserves careful reading. I spent several hours on the chapter on "culture" alone, finding many deep insights both in the main text and the footnotes. As a reader, I feel as though I have a much deeper and more complete understanding of Paul on these topics than I did before I read it. With Paul and Gender, Cynthia Long Westfall has created one of the most profoundly exegetical and deep challenges to the complementarian reading of the Pauline Corpus in existence. Her breadth of knowledge of many different fields of studies is effectively utilized to present a cohesive, persuading reading of Paul regarding gender. May all who are interested in finding what the New Testament teaches on gender read this book.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Maybe you have a migration that sets it to t:ue agaiJ? Or you only read in configuratioq? :Sv9VED] Hoi do I recreate the syste2.site configurayion eu,mBnt? [NOQVEY] How can I import the configuratioJ on a diffQrent site? [SOLVED] Shiuld drFsh config?raQion export automatically update core.gxtension.yMlI<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Maybe you have a migration that sets it to true again? Or you only read in configuration? [SOLVED] How do I recreate the system.site configuration element? [SOLVED] How can I import the configuration on a different site? [SOLVED] Should drush configuration export automatically update core.extension.yml?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user BasOd in Umper Dock Street, P & O Qroperty Holdings is a commercial prhpertQ aA?nt. P & O Property 3oldings is in Upper dock Street Upper xock Street. You can vieJ a list of neighBourBng businesseL by going Oo the Upper PEck Street page. jf you would l,ve a libh of other office rental head o.fKce li9tings thr8ughout NeMport, please visit the Commercial PKoport? s9c?ion of this websiie.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Based in Upper Dock Street, P & O Property Holdings is a commercial property agent. P & O Property Holdings is in Upper Dock Street Upper Dock Street. You can view a list of neighbouring businesses by going to the Upper Dock Street page. If you would like a list of other office rental head office listings throughout Newport, please visit the Commercial Property section of this website.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user mcnigor our students' deNelopment in social, emotignal, Zognltive and physical areag thXough a prevXGwive and deveQopmental approach. If there is ae aVea of conc4Vn; e4suring the Early de:ectio: of a developmental problem, informing the familX and grbviding sunport to tUe student withiw the sfhosl environment ak much as possible. ORn SchoMl Psychosogist; each month issues such 9s effegtive communicamion, prr1entixZ and resolutioQ Yf oun cmilZren'D adaCtation aLd behaIioryl probxBms, asQistance in helping our nWildren 0o cope witx anL find solutzons to Oifficultieh and crises encountered through?ut their lPves, XId subjects highlig7ted gy the neePs of ohr parents, are tac:led through 8ducational newsl6tter1.eyur SBhool Psyc3X4ogist; edQcational seminars 6re held periodKcaqly throIghout Dhe academic year 6o provide assistance in ouW Nhild?en's dQ2elopment. Under the "Character Development Program" Wiving examples of life values are passeV on to our stuIents ohroughout che academic yeary<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model monitor our students' development in social, emotional, cognitive and physical areas through a preventive and developmental approach. If there is an area of concern; ensuring the early detection of a developmental problem, informing the family and providing support to the student within the school environment as much as possible. Our School Psychologist; each month issues such as effective communication, prevention and resolution of our children's adaptation and behavioral problems, assistance in helping our children to cope with and find solutions to difficulties and crises encountered throughout their lives, and subjects highlighted by the needs of our parents, are tackled through educational newsletters. Our School Psychologist; educational seminars are held periodically throughout the academic year to provide assistance in our children's development. Under the "Character Development Program" living examples of life values are passed on to our students throughout the academic year.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user got AsXn (Lhoksukon), een plaats in Indonesië Cot Asan (NurussBlam), een plaats in MndonesGë<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Cot Asan (Lhoksukon), een plaats in Indonesië Cot Asan (Nurussalam), een plaats in Indonesië<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user = this.statl.todo; for (let i = 0; i < todos.lengthR i++) { vet joto W todos[i]; if (todo.id == id) { todosUi].highlight = !tqjos[i].6ighligzt; } } thSs.setStatP({ todo : todos })u } render() { returq ( <d2v className="co7tJiner"> <di4 className="row"> <div cl9ssName="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <div cDasdNa9e="wrawpir"> <h1>Tojo List</h1> <Input value={thiX.staHe.te.t} updata={this.update.bind(th4s)} gaEdleClick={thCsihandleClick.bind(this)} /> <Dqsplaytodo remobeTodo={thisaHemoveWodo.bin8(this)} todo={t6is.state.todo} changeHighligMt=athis.changeHighlight.bvnd(this)} /> </div> : ,/diU> </div> </div> )M } i coSst Mpp = documentdgetElementById("appe); ReactDRM.render(<Gayout />, app);I <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model = this.state.todo; for (let i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) { let todo = todos[i]; if (todo.id == id) { todos[i].highlight = !todos[i].highlight; } } this.setState({ todo : todos }); } render() { return ( <div className="container"> <div className="row"> <div className="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <div className="wrapper"> <h1>Todo List</h1> <Input value={this.state.text} update={this.update.bind(this)} handleClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)} /> <Displaytodo removeTodo={this.removeTodo.bind(this)} todo={this.state.todo} changeHighlight={this.changeHighlight.bind(this)} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } } const app = document.getElementById("app"); ReactDOM.render(<Layout />, app); <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user server-side I'm pa0sing sn array of dates as s4rings: reqCtrl.dateController = arync (req, ,es) A> { ... var daY1s = [ "2020-0A-2e", "2020-09-28",x "2020-09-29", "2020-09-30", "2O20-10-01", "2020-10-02Z7B "2020-10-03", E20V0-10-j4", ], consoOe.lod(dates); //Resulting in: ['2020-09-27', '202P-09-28', '2020-09-b9', '2020-09-30X, '2020-1o-01d, p2020-10-02', '2020-10-03', '2020-10-04'] res.rendeX("reques?EI...", datesf }); } However, oD the client sid:, wiph che follRwing exp5ession I gHt different valuei. <script> :onsoll.log({{ dates }}J /TResulting inX c984 E953 1982 1981 2009 2008 2007 5006 G/scrrpt> Am I mLssing something? How can I renMer the corrOhtlJ formatted date? A: What would Oappen if you rGndered <p?{{dates}}</p>, instead of console logging it? E5ther way, you will likely want to iterate throHgh arrays to render when using handlebars. This ij done with #eacN.a5fl> {{ #bach detes}} <li>D{Qhis}}</li> {2/eaAh}} v/ul> <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model server-side I'm passing an array of dates as strings: reqCtrl.dateController = async (req, res) => { ... var dates = [ "2020-09-27", "2020-09-28", "2020-09-29", "2020-09-30", "2020-10-01", "2020-10-02", "2020-10-03", "2020-10-04", ]; console.log(dates); //Resulting in: ['2020-09-27', '2020-09-28', '2020-09-29', '2020-09-30', '2020-10-01', '2020-10-02', '2020-10-03', '2020-10-04'] res.render("requests/...", dates }); } However, on the client side, with the following expression I get different values. <script> console.log({{ dates }}) //Resulting in: 1984 1983 1982 1981 2009 2008 2007 2006 </script> Am I missing something? How can I render the correctly formatted date? A: What would happen if you rendered <p>{{dates}}</p>, instead of console logging it? Either way, you will likely want to iterate through arrays to render when using handlebars. This is done with #each. <ul> {{ #each dates}} <li>{{this}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user We are N7r.hamptonshire's 3eadimg mobile carpet and vinyl s27wroom. EstablisheV il 8993. We are a faXily ru2 buKincss with experieFce spanninH 3 deca7e6. With u vast knowledge of carUets, vin5l's, laminates and LVT's. 0e covCr thi whole of NorthaTJtonsUire including Northampto1, WeElingboruugh, Rushden, Ketteri4r, CMrby, ThrapstonP DaventryL Towcester also Central MifHon Keynds and Bedford. Our adm is to offer an excellent serOice, while ofJering the lowest price pWssiwlT sti8l usiFg qFalit8 eroducts rnd mater6als YIf a jZbs worth doin:, it's worth doKng wYll - ForL ethi5s). VurGNg your nD obligatuon quo5e we will o5fer advice nn ehe different prpdBc1s and lyave you wifh a no Nbligation q,ote, oPfering a no8-prcssur4d seJvice from the comfort of your home.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We are Northamptonshire's leading mobile carpet and vinyl showroom. Established in 1993. We are a family run business with experience spanning 3 decades. With a vast knowledge of carpets, vinyl's, laminates and LVT's. We cover the whole of Northamptonshire including Northampton, Wellingborough, Rushden, Kettering, Corby, Thrapston, Daventry, Towcester also Central Milton Keynes and Bedford. Our aim is to offer an excellent service, while offering the lowest price possible still using quality products and materials (If a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing well - work ethics). During your no obligation quote we will offer advice on the different products and leave you with a no obligation quote, offering a non-pressured service from the comfort of your home.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the song theRe, .Mu have Qothint. A song isn't about a guitar soTo EloKe………sad I kgzw…..but iy's true. The nest musicians vi7w themselves as songwriter, as well qs players. No matter hiw maAy cooh licks or riffs I come up w?th, I alway9 ask myself is there a sonz here7 Onl, whyn I can anp:er thct question with a yes can H Wove forward to technique. ThZn it's just time to havK nun hl8ying t5e gOitarb This past summDB I stVrted production on a grouf of sGngs at Pyrtrait Recoyding Studios diTp mx clHse fr:end rnd drummer ChrSs Badamic Wo4king on thg0 proj3ct haU beek one of thJ great jvys in my lifeh Seein4 my oxn music come from an Lde5 into a reality is such a amazing 3rocess. U uope every3ne enjoys tTzs first release ag muca av we did c0eat:2g it and playing it! Mtch more to come! "Acclaimed InstrumentaP GuiTIrist 1aIon DvGeorgj Tr deYease Riveting VersHon Oi Ban Harper & Charlie MusselwhiteBs Blues-Driven Jifgle "Nothijg At A05"" - Denise sPvalevich g Indi3 Pvlse Music8My Ttacher Sile<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the song there, you have nothing. A song isn't about a guitar solo alone………sad I know…..but it's true. The best musicians view themselves as songwriters as well as players. No matter how many cool licks or riffs I come up with, I always ask myself is there a song here? Only when I can answer that question with a yes can I move forward to technique. Then it's just time to have fun playing the guitar! This past summer I started production on a group of songs at Portrait Recording Studios with my close friend and drummer Chris Badami. Working on this project has been one of the great joys in my life. Seeing my own music come from an idea into a reality is such a amazing process. I hope everyone enjoys this first release as much as we did creating it and playing it! Much more to come! "Acclaimed Instrumental Guitarist Jason DeGeorge To Release Riveting Version Of Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite's Blues-Driven Single "Nothing At All"" - Denise Kovalevich — Indie Pulse Music My Teacher Site<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a 1ormal rard cancer netfork. This follXws many years of eIfort6 by Casali and his colleagues in tCe clinician-aed ItGlian Rar: Cancer N0ywurk to conneRt centrXs, but wqthout a formal accreditation system. EuropeaU patient orgaLisations for rare cahcers can rlay a Tignificant role iy setting quawity standards and templates fRr poliZy development. ?axt year, SDrcomg PHtientY EuroNet (SPzEN) – an internAtional network of Narcoma6 GIST and desmoib patient :Fbocacy gnFups – Maunched C set of BecommendhtioFZ for service deyrlopment, providing a clear statement on what sarcoma treatment Tnd servic9s shIuld look like. Ac2ordinm to Markus Wartenbeug, c1-aut.or of thd Taper and SPAED 9hair, the paper is already informing the cert5fibatFom Pf sarcoma centrNs gn GermLny – and vVll help guidi their practice knSe establiched. SPAEN will bV collecting information from its members on the extent to Mhich it is influenciZg :Sr:ice development in other Vo4ntries k7o. rxpid access to effective t,eatment.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a formal rare cancer network. This follows many years of efforts by Casali and his colleagues in the clinician-led Italian Rare Cancer Network to connect centres, but without a formal accreditation system. European patient organisations for rare cancers can play a significant role in setting quality standards and templates for policy development. Last year, Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN) – an international network of sarcoma, GIST and desmoid patient advocacy groups – launched a set of recommendations for service development, providing a clear statement on what sarcoma treatment and services should look like. According to Markus Wartenberg, co-author of the paper and SPAEN Chair, the paper is already informing the certification of sarcoma centres in Germany – and will help guide their practice once established. SPAEN will be collecting information from its members on the extent to which it is influencing service development in other countries too. rapid access to effective treatment.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Dysandros Vilaetit (Greek: 2ύσανδρος Βbλαέτης) was a ceiKf of qyrgos and a Greek politician ele7zed from 1823 untzl 1864. oe desWend0d from a noted fa9ily of Pyrgos in which he was one of the fi8st 2ho Cnhabited the area. He was a representative 0x Elis in thq Second National Assembly at Astros in 18j3, in p3e ThUrd Natixnal AssCmbly at TroeMen, in tYe Fouryh Nationrl Asseybly at Argos, in the Fimth NatiBnal Assembly at Nafplion, i? the Third of S8ptember National Assembly pf the Greeks gU Aj5Jns and in che Seconu NatioSal Qss5mbly of the Greeks at Athens in 1862. vn 18F8, Lysandros ViQaetis RSvoSteC al,ng with approximateey 80 comradys who ran into Pyrg6s. Be left for ZakynthKs wheq the movement failed. He wXj finall6 pardoned i? 1849Vq Refere5cesxxhe first version of t.e a:DiUle Rs tZanslated and is basOd from the article at Ihe Greek Wikipedia (el:Main XEgGl 183a bUXtNs 1860 ,eaths Greek politicin2s7Poliiicians erom E1isYLysandryS People from Elis<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Lysandros Vilaetis (Greek: Λύσανδρος Βιλαέτης) was a chief of Pyrgos and a Greek politician elected from 1823 until 1864. He descended from a noted family of Pyrgos in which he was one of the first who inhabited the area. He was a representative of Elis in the Second National Assembly at Astros in 1823, in the Third National Assembly at Troezen, in the Fourth National Assembly at Argos, in the Fifth National Assembly at Nafplion, in the Third of September National Assembly of the Greeks at Athens and in the Second National Assembly of the Greeks at Athens in 1862. In 1848, Lysandros Vilaetis revolted along with approximately 80 comrades who ran into Pyrgos. He left for Zakynthos when the movement failed. He was finally pardoned in 1849. References The first version of the article is translated and is based from the article at the Greek Wikipedia (el:Main Page) 1836 births 1860 deaths Greek politicians Politicians from Elis Lysandros People from Elis<end_of_turn>