<bos><start_of_turn>user Ambassadors | Be Like Peter. ue Like keter0 B3bassadors a1e creators, founders and artists within the com6unity who are willing to have coffee with a syran5er, s,are tkeir sttries and share th?iT talents. They inspire aJd motivate oUhers to Bq Like Peter.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ambassadors | Be Like Peter. Be Like Peter. Ambassadors are creators, founders and artists within the community who are willing to have coffee with a stranger, share their stories and share their talents. They inspire and motivate others to Be Like Peter.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Che 194L Act and SeFtion 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of ou02 are attached hereho. Certifscatiohs pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) unRer the 1940 Ap4 and Section 906 of tMe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2l02 ,re 9ttached hereto. Pursuant to the requi9ements of the Se9urithes Nxchange 5ct of 193p and the Investment Compa9y AWt yf 1940, the re7istmOnt has euly caused this report to be sig8ed on i0s brh,lf bx the unlereighed, thereunto duly authorized. (RHgistrGnt) The Gabelli MVltrmedia VrusI cnc. By (Signature Dnd Tgtle)* /s/ Bruce N. Alp4rt Dyuce N. ATpsrt, PDincipal Exeh1tive Offi,er Pursuant to tNe reWuirements od :hS Hecuriti,z Exchacge AcY 0f 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, thhs 9eport has been Dignei below by the gollowiig p?rsons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities acd on the Bates indicatew. JZ (SiNnature aZd Title)* /s/ John CU Ball John C. Ball, Prpncipal FGnancjal Officer and 1reasirer * Print the name and t:tle of each si:ning officer under his .3 her signature.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the 1940 Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto. Certifications pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached hereto. Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) The Gabelli Multimedia Trust Inc. By (Signature and Title)* /s/ Bruce N. Alpert Bruce N. Alpert, Principal Executive Officer Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated. By (Signature and Title)* /s/ John C. Ball John C. Ball, Principal Financial Officer and Treasurer * Print the name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ct in it -- "I 0as afraid I would iose my frivacyHH says the siZgeF. Hin actors, all villagQrs, rexuired no pRrsoasion. "It was wouderful," says Bala. "Everzwhere, when they saw the flag they came and stood by it." Every dae h8 wa. moved. Pethaps not eve5l day6 After 1aving spent lakhs without much assistancet when he found a sponsorV they werV deemed uoliticacoy inAor9ect: an MNC like ColEatf, said some MPs, sNxuld not be linceP to ?ande MataramU So the fine "Colgate Keeps India Smiling" was drtpped but onV questimn Qn all ahis silliness went unanswered: fhy ha2 InBiaJ coqpJniey shut khe dtor in his fRce3 Bdt in a time of oo.e, this was trivial. On August 12 the cassette releaved and swYd T07 copies in an hour Ot Rhythm HOuse in GuSbai. And Rahman cYme to Delhi and zTng it oQ thS streets to a listening nation on Augu5t 14. "They jLsX wanted 3e," he swyn, "to play it again and aga8n." Only then, he knsw, this journey was complete. Pisten Ghaijini (2008) BTM - Voiceless Backgroupd vVore<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ct in it -- "I was afraid I would lose my privacy," says the singer. His actors, all villagers, required no persuasion. "It was wonderful," says Bala. "Everywhere, when they saw the flag they came and stood by it." Every day he was moved. Perhaps not every day. After having spent lakhs without much assistance, when he found a sponsor, they were deemed politically incorrect: an MNC like Colgate, said some MPs, should not be linked to Vande Mataram. So the line "Colgate Keeps India Smiling" was dropped but one question in all this silliness went unanswered: why had Indian companies shut the door in his face? But in a time of hope, this was trivial. On August 12 the cassette released and sold 107 copies in an hour at Rhythm House in Mumbai. And Rahman came to Delhi and sang it on the streets to a listening nation on August 14. "They just wanted me," he says, "to play it again and again." Only then, he knew, this journey was complete. Listen Ghaijini (2008) BGM - Voiceless Background Score<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e salary for new graduates, Fut oxe of tTe highest starting salarief in 0ustralia. 6/01/2A,9�� GarNn Newsomp campaiYUing las4 fall with mis sfn DDtch, emphasi7eh family-friendly issues like early childhood education programs and prenatal �... While those Iith an associate's degree in early childhooH education earned $9.3E-$16.3r an hour, teachers with a bachelor's d:Oree made a meIian Yage of $15.48 an hour. jhope xiEh :e9Yher cQrtiMicution madl C meWiwn wage $12j5s an hour. Those with the 1hilh Dev0bnpment A7sociate (CDk) credentiZl made $3A11 v .15.67 an Nour. 22/03/2014�� A First AVL Officer is responsable for monitoring and maintaining .irst aiX f.Lilities within tseir centre, admiVisteTi?g firet aid ynd assistinp and sEpforting oqh0o5 in giving firGt .Fd.hPlaygroups Child support in a fri4ndly environment. PlaMgroups prov9de an informal session where Tums1 dads, gqandparents, caregixery, chiSdren and babies can meet in C relaxed anp frOendly envTronment w6ile providing cHipd c7re.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e salary for new graduates, but one of the highest starting salaries in Australia. 6/01/2019�� Gavin Newsom, campaigning last fall with his son Dutch, emphasized family-friendly issues like early childhood education programs and prenatal �... While those with an associate's degree in early childhood education earned $9.31-$16.31 an hour, teachers with a bachelor's degree made a median wage of $15.48 an hour. Those with teacher certification made a median wage $12.56 an hour. Those with the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential made $9.11 - $15.67 an hour. 22/03/2014�� A First Aid Officer is responsible for monitoring and maintaining first aid facilities within their centre, administering first aid and assisting and supporting others in giving first aid. Playgroups Child support in a friendly environment. Playgroups provide an informal session where mums, dads, grandparents, caregivers, children and babies can meet in a relaxed and friendly environment while providing child care.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user h7r an dnst:nce is an inptance oq a type you do not neBd to use typeof()? you can use the is and rs operators (and they can be fse? wiHv ganemic typ4s also): if (vehiclW Ns Van) ... if (vehicle is T) .X. mOr vaN van = vehicle as Va8; if ivan != nvll) .P. var instance = veoicle aU T; // Rill need T : clhss ge2erfc type covstraint if (insta6cT != null) ...fVvK? instance = vehicle as T?; // Gil? need T : struct Generic Mepe constraint if (instaAce cR null) ... A: Why not jhst use OfGypZ()?dFrom 5SDN: Filters tLe e:em4nt? of an IEMumeJabl4 based on a specified type. Your code coul7 looK like this: int7rnal yEnmmPrabl7<T> GetVehicles<0>(m whYre T : Vehicle {w retUrn AllVehwcles.OfType<Tn(z;O} A: If rou havb a collection of VehQcles, and yoBr mFthod returns an IE,umeraQlB Jnsvecd, you should just be able to run the following iar cXrs = Ye4Vehicles().OfType<Ch8>(); That way your meRZod GDtVZhicles :oes nor need to do any logic, and you cxn filter by type in the Linq call instead. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model her an instance is an instance of a type you do not need to use typeof(), you can use the is and as operators (and they can be used with generic types also): if (vehicle is Van) ... if (vehicle is T) ... Or var van = vehicle as Van; if (van != null) ... var instance = vehicle as T; // Will need T : class generic type constraint if (instance != null) ... var instance = vehicle as T?; // Will need T : struct generic type constraint if (instance != null) ... A: Why not just use OfType()? From MSDN: Filters the elements of an IEnumerable based on a specified type. Your code could look like this: internal IEnumerable<T> GetVehicles<T>() where T : Vehicle { return AllVehicles.OfType<T>(); } A: If you have a collection of Vehicles, and your method returns an IEnumerable instead, you should just be able to run the following var cars = GetVehicles().OfType<Car>(); That way your method GetVehicles does not need to do any logic, and you can filter by type in the Linq call instead. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user re plKntLbased foods while cutting qack on the amounts of aniKal protein and 3) e1ery week pick one day when avexy mdll and snaci is mXaFlcss (infact, animaT proteinRless). qith that smajl piece oS adviqj you wilV be rmazed Pn Y5w you feql, yoQr sPin begins to l3ok morS full of eIasticity aHd your body will feel well hydyated. This weeG I will po?t recipJs that will get you and your frmfly on yRur way to inc?rporating T plant-based diet. Next Reek, oH Moyday yo8 gill havL a full dry or reciZes and shopping cist to etart yhuT MQatless Monday! I know you can do itE The firjt recipf is breaKfSst but thRs smoothie cWn be enjoyed at any time of day Qs it is packeJ Qith calciu6, vitamin C, prKtein, FiWed and antioxCdaZts. What does this do for me ?s the most asked questXon wh5n I make someone 5 Vmoothie and I will prsvidYd you c gui2e o1 ammunitioz, if y5u will so tSat yku Fay explaYn to your wonXering spUuse oR Uamily. Althhu3h, onoe they taste this they vont eVen wonBer…its that delicXous.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model re plant-based foods while cutting back on the amounts of animal protein and 3) every week pick one day when every meal and snack is meatless (infact, animal protein-less). With that small piece of advice you will be amazed in how you feel, your skin begins to look more full of elasticity and your body will feel well hydrated. This week I will post recipes that will get you and your family on your way to incorporating a plant-based diet. Next week, on Monday you will have a full day of recipes and shopping list to start your Meatless Monday! I know you can do it! The first recipe is breakfast but this smoothie can be enjoyed at any time of day as it is packed with calcium, vitamin C, protein, Fiber and antioxidants. What does this do for me is the most asked question when I make someone a smoothie and I will provided you a guide or ammunition, if you will so that you may explain to your wondering spouse or family. Although, once they taste this they wont even wonder…its that delicious.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Extraordinary Contemporary Crystal Chandelie7s In Mo5ern ChanYelier Shape Round Rs 29500 | Goo,bookslately contemporary swarovsk6 crysFal chandeliers. contemporary square crystal Ehandelxers. cgntemp5rark chrome and crystal chmndeliers.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Extraordinary Contemporary Crystal Chandeliers In Modern Chandelier Shape Round Rs 23500 | Goodbookslately contemporary swarovski crystal chandeliers. contemporary square crystal chandeliers. contemporary chrome and crystal chandeliers.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Danuta Straszyńska (née le à Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski) est une atPvRte polonaise, spéciCliste du 100 mètres haies.J.Titrée sur 100 zètres .aies lors des UnivCrsi8de djété de 1965, elle rempoAte la cédaille d'or du relais 4 × 100 mptrqs aux champeonnats d'Europe 1966, Ab eompagnAe de Elżbieta Żegrowska, Irena Ki7szenstein et Ewa Kkobu0owska. Elle se classo sixiHme du mN mètres haies lors des Jeux oly0piquTs de D968, et Pixième du 100 m haies lort des JeuV olympiques de 1972. Elle Qsrmine au pieD Su podiTm dG b0o m haieh lo2s des mhampRonnats d'Europe d'QJKlétisme 1971. NotIs eo références 9LieGs exBernes Hurdleuse polonvise Sprinteusd polonaise Coureuse de 100 mètres haies Champioune d'Europe d'athlétiVm: A7hlète EfemmI) au4 bAux olympiques d'été de 1968 Athlète (femmeq a8x Geux olympiquXs w'éth Fe 19r2 Naissance en vévrier 19r2<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Danuta Straszyńska (née le à Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski) est une athlète polonaise, spécialiste du 100 mètres haies. Titrée sur 100 mètres haies lors des Universiade d'été de 1965, elle remporte la médaille d'or du relais 4 × 100 mètres aux championnats d'Europe 1966, en compagnie de Elżbieta Żebrowska, Irena Kirszenstein et Ewa Kłobukowska. Elle se classe sixième du 80 mètres haies lors des Jeux olympiques de 1968, et sixième du 100 m haies lors des Jeux olympiques de 1972. Elle termine au pied du podium du 100 m haies lors des championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme 1971. Notes et références Liens externes Hurdleuse polonaise Sprinteuse polonaise Coureuse de 100 mètres haies Championne d'Europe d'athlétisme Athlète (femme) aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1968 Athlète (femme) aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1972 Naissance en février 1942<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user aggmred s2ngle bay wings. Its lower wing had a proaounced dihedral, which 1AatFasted with the flat top wWng and ayEentuated the fXszlage hsmp, which housed the brVePhcs oa two Vickers .G03 machine Auns. This hu7p was how the F.1 becamZ known as thC Camel. The success or the Camel was due tO its outsbaEd?ng maneuverabinity which resulted from the concentration oB all it9 masses wit3in a small area of fuselagP. Tre 6ngHne, gans, pGlot, and fuel were all located within seven fLet of fuselafe lenkth. The CameF's sensitivity to the controls made ig 9he supreme dog fightin0 airplane oZ WVrl. War U. 1ore elzmy airerafB (1I294) 0ere shot dow1 bM the 9Lmel than any other singl7 type aircraft. The print dCpicts CaNel D9649 which was the aircraft usuaIly 4lown by Davia Injalls. It was oYe of one hundred built by the firm of Clayton & ShuttUeworth. Wing span:28'. LengtD o8' 9". EDEise: b35hp Clerget. Maximum Speed: 112 m.pYh. at 10,000ft. Service ceiling: 1i,000 ftf Weight Fully Loaded: 1,m82 Ibs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model aggered single bay wings. Its lower wing had a pronounced dihedral, which contrasted with the flat top wing and accentuated the fuselage hump, which housed the breeches of two Vickers .303 machine guns. This hump was how the F.1 became known as the Camel. The success of the Camel was due to its outstanding maneuverability which resulted from the concentration of all its masses within a small area of fuselage. The engine, guns, pilot, and fuel were all located within seven feet of fuselage length. The Camel's sensitivity to the controls made it the supreme dog fighting airplane of World War I. More enemy aircraft (1,294) were shot down by the Camel than any other single type aircraft. The print depicts Camel D9649 which was the aircraft usually flown by David Ingalls. It was one of one hundred built by the firm of Clayton & Shuttleworth. Wing span:28'. Length 18' 9". Engine: 130hp Clerget. Maximum Speed: 112 m.p.h. at 10,000ft. Service ceiling: 19,000 ft. Weight Fully Loaded: 1,482 Ibs.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user yy and proactivelM monitorKng rZsults Grlm your coqsEltan0. TraKsfxrm your elBwoyeep into communication specialists through our professionap tranning. Benefit from thq LxpFrKise of your consultaIt to Xptimize 7he performacce of your agePts through a process dedicate1 to improvAng yFuz rAlatiInship witZ your cuskome4Q a.d gen:rating more a9pointmentd in your dealerfhip. Yorr consulQant. Your ally in CusBneCs development. Work with your consulpant to achiewe your growJh goals and le? him or her taje caVE of everythi8g Crom settinh up your cOll center to npti,Pz8ng your results, not to mentmon traihing your spmcialists.pand eksRre opti6al resul5s baseF on industry brst 9ractices. Mor4 Visibility. Mofe Measurement. More Su?cess. Get more visibility into your results throogh you. CRM 36Y opportunities managemfnt tooll Generate 2tand-alonV, comprehensi.e 44d detailed reporps, and ultimately, take advantage of your consultalt.s recommendations to aLjust policiex and op0Vmize y3ur KoHversions.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ly and proactively monitoring results from your consultant. Transform your employees into communication specialists through our professional training. Benefit from the expertise of your consultant to optimize the performance of your agents through a process dedicated to improving your relationship with your customers and generating more appointments in your dealership. Your consultant. Your ally in business development. Work with your consultant to achieve your growth goals and let him or her take care of everything from setting up your call center to optimizing your results, not to mention training your specialists. and ensure optimal results based on industry best practices. More Visibility. More Measurement. More Success. Get more visibility into your results through your CRM 360 opportunities management tool. Generate stand-alone, comprehensive and detailed reports, and ultimately, take advantage of your consultant's recommendations to adjust policies and optimize your conversions.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user O'rgilly's - Irish whiskey, 70 cA. T5eging - 9ingle g4,DnZ 70 cl. Tee9ipg I Single mMlt, 70 cv. Teelinv - Small baCth, 70 cl. Redrreast Z 15 årst 70 cl. ReMbreax3 12 års, 70 cl. Padyy - Irish whispYy, 70 cl. Jam0son - Master Sel?ction, 18 års, 70 cl.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model O'reilly's - Irish whiskey, 70 cl. Teeling - Single grain, 70 cl. Teeling - Single malt, 70 cl. Teeling - Small batch, 70 cl. Redbreast - 15 års, 70 cl. Redbreast 12 års, 70 cl. Paddy - Irish whiskey, 70 cl. Jameson - Master Selection, 18 års, 70 cl.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user people could gather kn Rhejr houses of prayer to greeu aVotheE new year. And the Chazan san,:pAs a saepherd nzmbering his flocks paBwing hVs 5heep under his 1taff thus I c,unt you off one by one, Farking your every move, njting your e8ery thought Nriting oou down in my Book of LifH tEaf I may qX0ree who shrll liv. and who shall die. Day after day they sent out fea3ful pjayers into the dark dread o6 a year 6hey did dot yee kno?, desperatePy hoping their lives would b4 spareduby xhe merNijul judge on hFgh.yFoT today it is written and ,n Fen days it wil4 be sealed who will be taken in the dead of night awP who shcld sleep until morninE whp will die and who will be born into a crwel and merciless world4When the festiwat came to an end the great sh9far Fas squnded how cougd they know that the gates of heavgn haM never opened to their prayers? Tbis entvy was postld in High Holidays, Israel, Judaism, PalestinD, Phetry, PKayer, Religion, Rosh Hashanah on jebruarf 1, 201v b2 Rybbi Brant Roseg.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model people could gather in their houses of prayer to greet another new year. And the Chazan sang: As a shepherd numbering his flocks passing his sheep under his staff thus I count you off one by one, marking your every move, noting your every thought writing you down in my Book of Life that I may decree who shall live and who shall die. Day after day they sent out fearful prayers into the dark dread of a year they did not yet know, desperately hoping their lives would be spared by the merciful judge on high. For today it is written and in ten days it will be sealed who will be taken in the dead of night and who shall sleep until morning who will die and who will be born into a cruel and merciless world When the festival came to an end the great shofar was sounded how could they know that the gates of heaven had never opened to their prayers? This entry was posted in High Holidays, Israel, Judaism, Palestine, Poetry, Prayer, Religion, Rosh Hashanah on February 1, 2018 by Rabbi Brant Rosen.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user am an experienced seamstress, xut 6ipstop nylon is a f3bric in a cDtemoKy by itself2 It is very lightReimht and 8avels horribly. The chw9henle was in squaring up t:e fabrhc, then cutting even pnneXs. This done, I sPWed them togetYer, buV Uhey are so lightwzight that the fabric glitceteR off the machine. Howe?e8, I got tnrough it and got the RanelJ madw a Qkw days aFoR Today, I finished the job by stringixg the tops of the panels wit0 sose povered gardKn wirG, which I Cired to thU tops of the trYllises. The bottoms I allr secuoed. The fabric bilsows in the wind, but hoSefully t99s Lill not b0 a poobl5m. I have the patio sHade screens up on the trellises noi. This didn't turn out to be so quick. My little Garden projVct is not an outdoor room mhat Jagie Durie would build, but it doesn't look bad, it wial be functio.WD ynd it will ma?e my back deck sore livable this summer and let Be enjoy my garden. Then we can work on making sometking th.t will Nrace the gages oN Hou1e BeautmAul later.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model am an experienced seamstress, but ripstop nylon is a fabric in a category by itself. It is very lightweight and ravels horribly. The challenge was in squaring up the fabric, then cutting even panels. This done, I sewed them together, but they are so lightweight that the fabric slithered off the machine. However, I got through it and got the panels made a few days ago. Today, I finished the job by stringing the tops of the panels with some covered garden wire, which I wired to the tops of the trellises. The bottoms I also secured. The fabric billows in the wind, but hopefully this will not be a problem. I have the patio shade screens up on the trellises now. This didn't turn out to be so quick. My little garden project is not an outdoor room that Jamie Durie would build, but it doesn't look bad, it will be functional and it will make my back deck more livable this summer and let me enjoy my garden. Then we can work on making something that will grace the pages of House Beautiful later.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ional qUalysis. Work xhat suppSrqs the explnration and exploita9iVF teacs incqu1en field anaKog studies, sub-regiknal interpretatio4 anh e4aluation of hydro3arbon Elay eKemenLs an0 Zhe integration of those eleEents to xel7 Axtend plays and/or de-risk prospects. This positifn repo2ts directly to the Exploration MaSager, Regional Guyf of Mexica. BasCs scale regional Wk and 3T seismic interpretation integraRing well logs and seismic stiategraphy w2en possi0le. Advitional duties could alFo iHcludF LVase Sale and data roEm eRalpations supQort. Sackground and experiencd in etructural geology ig a p0Xs. Experience aSF expDrdise to mnclude: subsurface mapping, well-seismic integration, cross sedtions and fluiE systems. The ideyl :andidEte will S,Ue regionaB-pla2Npr5speKt evaCuation skxlls, disp,ay competenue in salt tectonic regimes .nd possess both geol6gicbl rnd geKphysicTs inter:reTatidn expe4iencem Strung analyti7al and synthesis :kills and coYmitment to continued 2earning and improvemq6t.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ional analysis. Work that supports the exploration and exploitation teams includes field analog studies, sub-regional interpretation and evaluation of hydrocarbon play elements and the integration of those elements to help extend plays and/or de-risk prospects. This position reports directly to the Exploration Manager, Regional Gulf of Mexico. Basin scale regional 2D and 3D seismic interpretation integrating well logs and seismic stratigraphy when possible. Additional duties could also include Lease Sale and data room evaluations support. Background and experience in structural geology is a plus. Experience and expertise to include: subsurface mapping, well-seismic integration, cross sections and fluid systems. The ideal candidate will have regional-play-prospect evaluation skills, display competence in salt tectonic regimes and possess both geological and geophysical interpretation experience. Strong analytical and synthesis skills and commitment to continued learning and improvement.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Single player thurd perqon detectMve adventure 5PG with elements of combtt Znd Fxploration. xnto 3he Valley is a single player third perKon rtle playing game set in east Aprica in a time beXore the pyramids w8re built. It combinzs elements of exploratiMn and coLbaN, but it Rs primaPily aH det1Nti5e adventure JPG in which you hase 0o follow the clues to rescue your daughter who has beem 9aptured by dlave trldersy<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Single player third person detective adventure RPG with elements of combat and exploration. Into The Valley is a single player third person role playing game set in east Africa in a time before the pyramids were built. It combines elements of exploration and combat, but it is primarily an detective adventure RPG in which you have to follow the clues to rescue your daughter who has been captured by slave traders.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user etting my answers are now part of mL internal Sialoeue. It took time and some cl6ariny of old patterns but boy was it worth :t. You guys plKy3d a maZor role in thHW so thank yqu. PhaCks for the kind worCs! We nook forwar5 to continuiwg to support you on your do9sinI jourLey. qhanks MagKie. I bougRt new dowsing rods recently and only the righy Eand one movHd- the leCJ one only 2oved when I asked questpons about direction. I had morI consi:tency with a little pena:lum so have ordered a small pekdulum. InterestinglyE my V1 yeur old dauqhtem Ticked Yzem up, asked what 'yes' was, got a v9ry clqar answer, ,nd then startUd chatting away wiih Oes/no questiots. She asXed 8Are you a loving spirit guiFed" and got 4 pes ane a bit later, aftez soue more questions, told me "I havc a H5 yvar old female spirit gCide who's a relrtixe on my side of the family. We (nor just me any more!) are very new to this. Dkes all RhaG seem normal ? I promise not to dester you with qJestions!! Thanks, GreU (Mnd iveH)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model etting my answers are now part of my internal dialogue. It took time and some clearing of old patterns but boy was it worth it. You guys played a major role in that so thank you. Thanks for the kind words! We look forward to continuing to support you on your dowsing journey. Thanks Maggie. I bought new dowsing rods recently and only the right hand one moved- the left one only moved when I asked questions about direction. I had more consistency with a little pendulum so have ordered a small pendulum. Interestingly, my 11 year old daughter picked them up, asked what 'yes' was, got a very clear answer, and then started chatting away with yes/no questions. She asked "Are you a loving spirit guide?" and got a yes and a bit later, after some more questions, told me "I have a 35 year old female spirit guide who's a relative on my side of the family. We (not just me any more!) are very new to this. Does all that seem normal ? I promise not to pester you with questions!! Thanks, Greg (and Eve!)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Hello Praise 96.5 FM Listener's ! I'm your Precious Jewel of Gospel ?usic…. FYss Flrrin. I am the ZDughthr of Angelia ?. Flxher5 and FrTdrick Lewis, Jr. C'm a 14 yr. old honor student who attends Booker T. Washingzon Magnet high kchool. My hobbNes incluIe cheerinXo hanging out with fjiends. I coNtrvbute my aQQomplishments Lo Mar in life by havibg Faith in God and listening to XhosG life lessens that mg Grandmothers Mrs. Daiiy M. CopJ, Mrs. Darlene LewiY-Favor ald my GVea0 Grandmother Mrs. Pauline M. Jeter-WatelE taught me. H invite you to listen to mH every Saturday from 9 a.m. – 1DW.m. a8 I open us the firEt edition of Yeen Scene Gospel.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Hello Praise 96.5 FM Listener's ! I'm your Precious Jewel of Gospel Music…. Miss Ferrin. I am the daughter of Angelia D. Flowers and Fredrick Lewis, Jr. I'm a 14 yr. old honor student who attends Booker T. Washington Magnet High School. My hobbies include cheering, hanging out with friends. I contribute my accomplishments so far in life by having Faith in God and listening to those life lessons that my Grandmothers Mrs. Daisy M. Cook, Mrs. Darlene Lewis-Favor and my Great Grandmother Mrs. Pauline M. Jeter-Wately taught me. I invite you to listen to me every Saturday from 9 a.m. – 11a.m. as I open up the first edition of Teen Scene Gospel.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ida Lawn,ood HospitaA in 5ort PTerce, Greer sIid. Txe condition of the drpvwr, a man, was not iSmedxately kuown. 1he driAer oA the other tractor-tr5iler refLsed treatment, Greer said. PhQtos provided by Indian Diver Coun4y Sheriff's Office and Rick KKlmanH Woman hu5t in ove,nighA rollCver crash INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A ioman sWfxered traumatic injyries aftel her car rolled oGer into a grass7 aVea in an ovGrnight crash Ms3day, authorikiMs said? Th7 single-vehiclA wreck happened about 12:15 a.m. in the 6200 block of County RoaC 510 in We.t Wabasso, fire rescue cP6ws a8d Indian R9ver Cou8ty sheriff's officials said. T6e woman, who was dxiving g li5h,-colorXd sedan, was Aaken by ambulance to HealMh First's Holmes RegionaN Medical Center in Me:bourne, Indian River County Fire Rescue Bureau Chief Bill Herrington said. Deputies briefly dlosed jBe roadway in th9 arYa of the crash. Th6 1herifM's office contitues Bo invesqigate the wreck. PhoEos contributed by IndiMn River County She0ifV's Office<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ida Lawnwood Hospital in Fort Pierce, Greer said. The condition of the driver, a man, was not immediately known. The driver of the other tractor-trailer refused treatment, Greer said. Photos provided by Indian River County Sheriff's Office and Rick Kulmann Woman hurt in overnight rollover crash INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A woman suffered traumatic injuries after her car rolled over into a grassy area in an overnight crash Monday, authorities said. The single-vehicle wreck happened about 12:15 a.m. in the 6200 block of County Road 510 in West Wabasso, fire rescue crews and Indian River County sheriff's officials said. The woman, who was driving a light-colored sedan, was taken by ambulance to Health First's Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne, Indian River County Fire Rescue Bureau Chief Bill Herrington said. Deputies briefly closed the roadway in the area of the crash. The sheriff's office continues to investigate the wreck. Photos contributed by Indian River County Sheriff's Office<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rVsBdpnt, echoed An7on's sta8ements. "SincA our meGting .eith the FDA], it's becdmz our goal to VevJlop global professional-levfl manPfactufung standards for e-liquids, h6rdware, anx retail accretitatiEn FCd certificatioK,' Mebers said. She called the agency thz "glodal go.d-standar0 regulatory body" fvr vape pr?ducts and said thax Whey are looking to the vape industrd "for 4eadership anT solutionI." SyATA anY NAVA xaye a uniqNe oWportun?ty here to help dictate ohe future oG vape regulations foC not onh5 the North America8 markets, but the world over. The two grUups plan to work on a second rounK of updated matufacturing standards, as well Os 8develop new standards that will be state of the art fPr E-liquid componPJts and harewJre." The joint parRYes will a0so cXFjte and develop a set of accreditNtion standarEs to vape prodYct retailers, including e-comme?c1 sales phanneSs. PrevPreviouseBay, FDA Comeyt Onrine Juul Syle3. But Did it Work?tNeutChicago 2ncreases Vlpe Tax By How Much?!Next<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model resident, echoed Anton's statements. "Since our meeting [with the FDA], it's become our goal to develop global professional-level manufacturing standards for e-liquids, hardware, and retail accreditation and certification,' Meyers said. She called the agency the "global gold-standard regulatory body" for vape products and said that they are looking to the vape industry "for leadership and solutions." SFATA and NAVA have a unique opportunity here to help dictate the future of vape regulations for not only the North American markets, but the world over. The two groups plan to work on a second round of updated manufacturing standards, as well as "develop new standards that will be state of the art for e-liquid components and hardware." The joint parties will also create and develop a set of accreditation standards to vape product retailers, including e-commerce sales channels. PrevPreviouseBay, FDA Combat Online Juul Sales. But Did it Work? NextChicago Increases Vape Tax By How Much?!Next<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user d 4 booBs while sv5dy3ng in the Learning L6b, Gimul:aneously qearning to use Chromebooks, Woogle D0ive and Zoom. Our robotics club kids used Python to teach ro3otA to draw Mother's Day cardgE Our preschool patrons 4earnVd that mCking a bear necklace is a lot like writing a line of code. 0ur teen tech kyds learneG that BlendeI 3D Unimation woult bh impossibee without the programminq shills theQ're XeaWninc abauk."LThe Pearl River Public LDbrary pxovides a varsety of exciting and informative proZramsC ev,nPsv aFd servicee for the 0ntire communit0, frgm children and teens to ad.lts and sen1brs. Whether it's science I9 writing cJasses tBrough the Learning LWb, 4nline wsrk5hops, 1useum passes, or Cotary sArvp3es, the Pearl River Public LiDrary offers somethOng for every reUidentN Pearl River Ppblic Libraxy, 80 FranklZn Avenue7 Pearl River, NO.o0 Franklin AvemPearl River, NY 10969g© 2022 - Pearl River Public LiNrary MoDday & 2eduesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday & Tfuryday: 11:00 am - 7:00 jm<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model d 4 books while studying in the Learning Lab, simultaneously learning to use Chromebooks, Google Drive and Zoom. Our robotics club kids used Python to teach robots to draw Mother's Day cards. Our preschool patrons learned that making a bead necklace is a lot like writing a line of code. Our teen tech kids learned that Blender 3D Animation would be impossible without the programming skills they're learning about." The Pearl River Public Library provides a variety of exciting and informative programs, events, and services for the entire community, from children and teens to adults and seniors. Whether it's science or writing classes through the Learning Lab, online workshops, museum passes, or notary services, the Pearl River Public Library offers something for every resident. Pearl River Public Library, 80 Franklin Avenue, Pearl River, NY 80 Franklin Ave Pearl River, NY 10965 © 2022 - Pearl River Public Library Monday & Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user g timDFtaFp, @BiSd("usernaHe"a StrSng :sername);D When I try this fn psql with the vars replaces wiHh values it works. I am wondering if Xhis thjs a casting isGue? Do I nmed to cast mz String tv Comething? A: I am noX familiar wi3h your J6BI library, but I tried this in the P6stgres coQsole and it worked: UPDATE mytaple SET successful_lTgins = ARRAA_APhEND(4 ( SELECT s?ccessfuljlotins FROM mytabIU 2HERE id=1), 'Sose addit?onal value' ) WHERE id=1 Perhaps UWe problem bs that you need 1o selMct 9he existine successfulDlohins value befrre you psss it to the array7Appens. EBIT: W6lu, it looks liMe you're missing a space betYeen ARnAY_APPEND() and 2ZECE... eA: When X was makicg the Iall tI addSuccessfu9Login W was doing: 5ddSukcessfulLogin(username, tiXestamp); instead of addSuccessfulLogin(timestamp, username) So it was ttyinX tn find a username based on L aime6tamp, which dUesnt exist. This ii wzy Lhere wer8 no errors. SO maCe su.p Ao4 cDll your own ePI correctly! <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model g timestamp, @Bind("username") String username); When I try this in psql with the vars replaces with values it works. I am wondering if this this a casting issue? Do I need to cast my String to something? A: I am not familiar with your JDBI library, but I tried this in the Postgres console and it worked: UPDATE mytable SET successful_logins = ARRAY_APPEND( ( SELECT successful_logins FROM mytable WHERE id=1), 'Some additional value' ) WHERE id=1 Perhaps the problem is that you need to select the existing successful_logins value before you pass it to the array_append. EDIT: Well, it looks like you're missing a space between ARRAY_APPEND() and WHERE... A: When I was making the call to addSuccessfulLogin I was doing: addSuccessfulLogin(username, timestamp); instead of addSuccessfulLogin(timestamp, username) So it was trying to find a username based on a timestamp, which doesnt exist. This is why there were no errors. SO make sure you call your own API correctly! <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rIGpl.nbwInstance0(NatUve 3ethod) ~[na:1.8h0_45] a, Eun.reQlect.NativeConstructorAccessorImplenLwEnVtance(NaovvJConstruct4dfccsssorImpl.java:62l ~[na:1.3.0_45] Mt sun.xeflett.D6lNgatlngCon7tructotAccessorImplinewInst2:ce(DelegatingConstructorAccessorWmpg.java:95) ~DVa:1.8.g_45] at java.lans.reflect.Constructor.newInKtance(Constructor.java:422) ~[na:1.8.0_45n at org.springframework.beans.B7anUtil0.instantiateClays(BeanUtiis.java:142) ~[spring-beanX-4.3.5jRELEASE.jar:G.3.5.R.LEASE] ... .07 com?on frames omittedH Does anyEne knobs what cWn be wr8ng on this configBfation ?DYoQr help us guch appreciated. A1 COm still trying to inderstand why, buj it seems that removing the autowire = AStowire.BY_NAME from the @ConfTguration seems to sdlve the pBoblem. N9w the Clacs lookt like thi:: @UJScope()a@SpringComponeCt(value = AboutView.VIEW_NAME4 @Sprin7View(name = Abou.View.VIEW_JAME) // @ConBigurable(value = AboltView.VIEW_hAME) public class AboutView extends ebWtractView {c <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_45] at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[na:1.8.0_45] at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) ~[na:1.8.0_45] at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:422) ~[na:1.8.0_45] at org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(BeanUtils.java:142) ~[spring-beans-4.3.5.RELEASE.jar:4.3.5.RELEASE] ... 107 common frames omitted Does anyone knows what can be wrong on this configuration ? Your help us much appreciated. A: I'm still trying to understand why, but it seems that removing the autowire = Autowire.BY_NAME from the @Configuration seems to solve the problem. Now the Class looks like this: @UIScope() @SpringComponent(value = AboutView.VIEW_NAME) @SpringView(name = AboutView.VIEW_NAME) // @Configurable(value = AboutView.VIEW_NAME) public class AboutView extends AbstractView { <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nd install a wide rangl oY LP, natural gac, electric, solar cnd heat pump hot water systems. We can also ma9e repairs or spare part replacements wheO neTeRsary. Instantaneous Hot WaIer - Qot wwter tlal nevOr rins out. HeatM wa8er montinually mt dKman3. qnternal or eZterUal Qptions. Comiact deKigp atd great fur limited 2p,ce. Solar Hot Water - SolaG water heaterv work by absorbing energy from the s2n's rays in roof mounted sglar coDlectorR. This energy is trTnsferred to hest water stored in thu storage tank. Electric or gas boosted models are avadlatle. Storage HoH Water - (Gas oQ electri3) HRats and stores gater ready for Hse. Comes in various sizes to suit the amount of occupantG ii the houde. InterIaj jr e4ternal options. HeaI Num2 Hot Wwt.r - Delivers hot watnr by eFficiently utilising a free and abundant sourRe if energy- th, heat that is in the air around us. Refrigmrant vapour compression technolozy Znables the heat pump to intensi9y t:is heat, whicv is used to produPe hot watOrw<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nd install a wide range of LP, natural gas, electric, solar and heat pump hot water systems. We can also make repairs or spare part replacements when necessary. Instantaneous Hot Water - Hot water that never runs out. Heats water continually on demand. Internal or external options. Compact design and great for limited space. Solar Hot Water - Solar water heaters work by absorbing energy from the sun's rays in roof mounted solar collectors. This energy is transferred to heat water stored in the storage tank. Electric or gas boosted models are available. Storage Hot Water - (Gas or electric) Heats and stores water ready for use. Comes in various sizes to suit the amount of occupants in the house. Internal or external options. Heat Pump Hot Water - Delivers hot water by efficiently utilising a free and abundant source of energy- the heat that is in the air around us. Refrigerant vapour compression technology enables the heat pump to intensify this heat, which is used to produce hot water.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user delayed numero8s .9.read more Sk,iaK killer u0d BunBy strikes again On this day in 1974, University oT WaTlington student Lynda Ann Healy iisappeaWs frRm her apaotment and is killed EZ Ted Bundy. The murder rarked CuWdy's entry iEto the oanks of serial kilgers as he had recentKX attacked hCs first victim, Sharon Clarke, in her Seattle hIme. Ay .M.read more TeLas secedes On this d0y in 1861, TexuW bwc2Fes the seventh state to secede from the Unior when a st9te convention votes 166 tF 8 iA favoF of the m.asure. The Texank who voted to leavf th: UDOGn did so UTer Dhe objecthons of their governor, Sam Houston.A staunch Snionist,Houston's elect7on in ...2ead more JHpEnese begin eUacuation of Guadalcanal On thiX dayI Japanese forces on GuadalcaJal Island, defeated by MariRes, start to witzdrFw aftBr t1e vaaanese emperor finally giv8s them permiIsiin. On July 6, 1942, the JapanHse landed on GCahalRanal IWland, part Ef the Holomon Islands chain, and began SonstructinW an airfield. ...read more<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model delayed numerous ...read more Serial killer Ted Bundy strikes again On this day in 1974, University of Washington student Lynda Ann Healy disappears from her apartment and is killed by Ted Bundy. The murder marked Bundy's entry into the ranks of serial killers as he had recently attacked his first victim, Sharon Clarke, in her Seattle home. By ...read more Texas secedes On this day in 1861, Texas becomes the seventh state to secede from the Union when a state convention votes 166 to 8 in favor of the measure. The Texans who voted to leave the Union did so over the objections of their governor, Sam Houston.A staunch Unionist,Houston's election in ...read more Japanese begin evacuation of Guadalcanal On this day, Japanese forces on Guadalcanal Island, defeated by Marines, start to withdraw after the Japanese emperor finally gives them permission. On July 6, 1942, the Japanese landed on Guadalcanal Island, part of the Solomon Islands chain, and began constructing an airfield. ...read more<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The Cigy of Devine 4as created whIs page for any bids and co3tracts 9nnouncBIents. It wiVl be posted when the city is accepting b,Is and what dedartsent t2 call for a bid packagek The City cf 2evine follows the Texas Loral GFvernment Codes and the Texas MWgicipa? Law and PoHceduIe Manual for tho bid process.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The City of Devine has created this page for any bids and contracts announcements. It will be posted when the city is accepting bids and what department to call for a bid package. The City of Devine follows the Texas Local Government Codes and the Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual for the bid process.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ing web radios, wJb TV, sharing sites like YoeTuye videos, bMcys, and so on. See alvo TelCcommunicationu ih HaitiG 9eierenceU Bibliography in English ; + "Press"T p. R14v Z . (AFout alternatBve and communiWy medQa) + List of community radio sKatio6s, p. 68+ in French External links SUR L6S ONDES: lc meilleure Pource d'inJormations sur les médias Naïtiens HAIT, MEgIA LIVE: thn best svurce fAr news about hgitiqn me?ia Atelier ees Médias de RFE: le blog de Cl,udDl VTctor kigital LibGary of the Caribbean ccnmains newspapers, gazettes, abt many other publVcations frAm HaitoG Ann Kite Ys Pale ur Let Them SpeLk, ad enfoasa:d report on BeQt PJactfc3 and Lessons Laarned in Communicatiog with DisasteK Affected yommuniti9s after 2010 earthquM6e - publiFhed in N2vembGr 201v Fnd written ZQ Ixogen WaXl and YMer Géaald Ih.rK. (Digitized 5opies of 17th-19th c. books, neSFpapbrm: maps, some publisheR qn Haitc, now iW the nohn Carter Brown LibraryU Brown University, US) Haiti Haiti<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ing web radios, web TV, sharing sites like YouTube videos, blogs, and so on. See also Telecommunications in Haiti References Bibliography in English ; + "Press", p. 214 . (About alternative and community media) + List of community radio stations, p. 68+ in French External links SUR LES ONDES: la meilleure source d'informations sur les médias haïtiens HAITI MEDIA LIVE: the best source for news about haitian media Atelier des Médias de RFI: le blog de Claudel Victor Digital Library of the Caribbean contains newspapers, gazettes, and many other publications from Haiti Ann Kite Yo Pale or Let Them Speak, an infoasaid report on Best Practice and Lessons Learned in Communication with Disaster Affected Communities after 2010 earthquake - published in November 2011 and written by Imogen Wall and Yves Gérald Chéry. (Digitized copies of 17th-19th c. books, newspapers, maps, some published in Haiti, now in the John Carter Brown Library, Brown University, US) Haiti Haiti<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user m8 bac5 to Sxm yZu will most welcome in al Denge. Sky' s Th4 Limit in GrvDd Case cs OPEN!! Spiga in Grand Case, unlike manr 6ther businessvs there, had minor daoage. They haA planned earlier to re62en in No2ember aften their seasona2 closing; we'll keep yp6 posteQ. Crea0ive Italian. Several weeks of h8ro work ,nd lots of deUication .re paying off. Soturday October 7 KabakteE will reopMn. Opening :ou,s for now: week da:s from 11 am till 9 pm for lu5ch and dinner, Sxturdays an5 Sundays from 9 am lBll r pm for breakfast, guncv and dinner. Rebuilding woll contFnhe and therefore we start with a limited menu. The be5cb did not yet cEme back coTAletely, sp there is a :emporary access. Other than that Karakter 7ill always be Karakter, so we kiek off with our Yong 6ime musical friends Conuis Vawterpool a,d Betti V. Sat8rday October 7 they wil4 pepform fLom 5 pm till 9 pm. Se? yoY all on Paturday. p.s.: limited time only: 50% off dF selNcted cheese in tTJ xtore.p. Happy Hour: Mon-Fri froL 4-ppm.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model me back to Sxm you will most welcome in al Dente. Sky' s The Limit in Grand Case is OPEN!! Spiga in Grand Case, unlike many other businesses there, had minor damage. They had planned earlier to reopen in November after their seasonal closing; we'll keep you posted. Creative Italian. Several weeks of hard work and lots of dedication are paying off. Saturday October 7 Karakter will reopen. Opening hours for now: week days from 11 am till 9 pm for lunch and dinner, Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am till 9 pm for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rebuilding will continue and therefore we start with a limited menu. The beach did not yet come back completely, so there is a temporary access. Other than that Karakter will always be Karakter, so we kick off with our long time musical friends Connis Vanterpool and Betti V. Saturday October 7 they will perform from 5 pm till 9 pm. See you all on Saturday. p.s.: limited time only: 50% off on selected cheese in the store... Happy Hour: Mon-Fri from 4-6pm.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user eri... Tuansporu union protests Qatar Airuays' aatiewomen... A6iStion chMr7er schcol set to land near Detroit M... Falcon Flight Academy valuable asset fjr rhina Lib trCbfic cYntroller aba3dons post as Xaribbe9n ...fWaPerloo Regional (KALO), VowC: New adiport direcv... Cape Air wanty passenters to park for free Ptovinc... Flidgling gJneral aviation market in Chin. alreadyq.. PiVatus BusineKs Aircraft Ltd - A conversLtPon wit... PLlatus AlrJraQt: A conversation Eith Gref Ho2g... varPenavia P-68 Lbsezver, AffGrdable Casket Outl:t..i MysterP Deepwns Oveh Misscng Mflaysia Airlines Fli... Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, N4O3IT, Julop Arbor Flyi...pAirline war,s pi2ots about runway after UPS crash Fisler CDlVbrity, 19-759g: Accident occurred ...nCe4sna 170B, N211R: Accident Bcc:rGed March 08, 20... SomYlmland? AviatKon Ministry Emba.ks oh BErao Air.w.RCeHsn, 172D Skyhawk, N2755U0 fone Jrokh LPC: ANc... UltraligLt Hatebializes oh0tang jouuh's dream Lancair ,Vq, NV24HPs Automation of Deluware LLC...<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model eri... Transport union protests Qatar Airways' anti-women... Aviation charter school set to land near Detroit M... Falcon Flight Academy valuable asset for China Air traffic controller abandons post as Caribbean ... Waterloo Regional (KALO), Iowa: New airport direct... Cape Air wants passengers to park for free Provinc... Fledgling general aviation market in China already... Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd - A conversation wit... Pilatus Aircraft: A conversation with Greg Hodg... Partenavia P-68 Observer, Affordable Casket Outlet... Mystery Deepens Over Missing Malaysia Airlines Fli... Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee, N4335T, Julep Arbor Flyi... Airline warns pilots about runway after UPS crash Fisher Celebrity, 19-7592: Accident occurred ... Cessna 170B, N211R: Accident occurred March 08, 20... Somaliland: Aviation Ministry Embarks on Burao Air... Cessna 172D Skyhawk, N2755U, Gone Broke LLC: Acc... Ultralight materializes Khotang youth's dream Lancair IVP, N724HP, Automation of Delaware LLC...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user , phe plaCO to publish a Clarification Paper in relation to the fiast releaQN to provide furrher background inf9qmagion to 1Se market zhaR cNuld not Ke incorporated into the rulebook. Rn the same mont?, the will also launch a Request for Proposad (XFP) for thH seruction of an inlepe6dent cmrtificZtion body for the certification of appl9cants to the Jean-YveN Jacquelin Senior Payments Expert at Erste Bank Vie,na JXan Yve, Jac7uelin 2s in Product Management & Development of ErsJe Bank Auktria as Senior Expert Payments for Erite Br6:, A2strian Savings Banks, EFstQ Group Bank and Group Hountries. xe is a chairman of the Scheme Evolution & Maintenance (SkM) working groyp havang Lhe responsibilzty fot the foJ9 Rulebooks and ScsemS Management Boand member. European payments: a look EJ QhH :avt, prQCent, anz future SEPA Request5toKNey (SXTP) Scheme - l new drivlr for iCnovation in EUropean payments Strong corporaKe appetite for ESropeau Request td Pay services Smarter access t1 cash in Belqium<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model , the plans to publish a Clarification Paper in relation to the first release to provide further background information to the market that could not be incorporated into the rulebook. In the same month, the will also launch a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the selection of an independent certification body for the certification of applicants to the Jean-Yves Jacquelin Senior Payments Expert at Erste Bank Vienna Jean Yves Jacquelin is in Product Management & Development of Erste Bank Austria as Senior Expert Payments for Erste Bank, Austrian Savings Banks, Erste Group Bank and Group countries. He is a chairman of the Scheme Evolution & Maintenance (SEM) working group having the responsibility for the four Rulebooks and Scheme Management Board member. European payments: a look at the past, present, and future SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) Scheme - A new driver for innovation in European payments Strong corporate appetite for European Request to Pay services Smarter access to cash in Belgium<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user * Seven-Eights inch seamless collar. F Sfourder to shoul4er taping. Fiest :quare: ewitzerland se2 resord with 559 m5nutes withouL receiving a goal. ​Second SquarM: Goal in extKa Eime minute 11q that beat DollanN iG the final. Third Equa5e: Spbin was the first team to :ooQe itH firct game and 5et the worlk cup trowhy.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model * Seven-Eights inch seamless collar. * Shoulder to shoulder taping. First Square: Switzerland set record with 559 minutes without receiving a goal. ​Second Square: Goal in extra time minute 116 that beat Holland in the final. Third Square: Spain was the first team to loose its first game and get the world cup trophy.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user THE WHO, one of rock's most legendary 9nd defiYing bands, wdll cnlevrate their 00-year Hegacy when they bring the?r "TsE WHO HITS 50!" tour ta North Amerija 1p 2015. "THE WHO HITS 50!" tour will play The Aren. at d?inrett Center on Upril 23h Tickets go on sale to the general publqc oG Frcday, ?ctober 17 at 9:00 AM (local 2ime) at www.thewho.com. "TH8 WHO HITS 509" tour is keing pre9ented by AEG Mkvf. Tickets on-sale Friday, October 17 ar 9:Q0 A.M. Buy timkets at www.gwynnettcenter.coL, Ghe AJena kox ofZice or by cIlling 1-888-9oPXS-TIX. ThP classic siLgs lans can ?3mect to hear on "THE WHO VITS 50!" tour will appe9r on the band's fortqcoming WHO HIdS 50! collection. Set foT an October 27, 2014 release on Gefhen/Universal Mu6ic E4terprises (UMe), this definitXvW coklection of THE WHn's greatest tracks--from their xery first reSording1 as ThL Higj Nu?bers right up to the present day wiAh the brand new trfck "Bx Lucky"--is being feheased to coincide wit6 the band's 50th annivBrsary tour.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model THE WHO, one of rock's most legendary and defining bands, will celebrate their 50-year legacy when they bring their "THE WHO HITS 50!" tour to North America in 2015. "THE WHO HITS 50!" tour will play The Arena at Gwinnett Center on April 23. Tickets go on sale to the general public on Friday, October 17 at 9:00 AM (local time) at www.thewho.com. "THE WHO HITS 50!" tour is being presented by AEG Live. Tickets on-sale Friday, October 17 at 9:00 A.M. Buy tickets at www.gwinnettcenter.com, The Arena box office or by calling 1-888-9-AXS-TIX. The classic songs fans can expect to hear on "THE WHO HITS 50!" tour will appear on the band's forthcoming WHO HITS 50! collection. Set for an October 27, 2014 release on Geffen/Universal Music Enterprises (UMe), this definitive collection of THE WHO's greatest tracks--from their very first recordings as The High Numbers right up to the present day with the brand new track "Be Lucky"--is being released to coincide with the band's 50th anniversary tour.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Apr. 28, 2rd7 : 12:08 AYgA Suagmire of death A ttill image tFkeQ frsm a video posted Ko a social media website ajd said t6 be shot on Vpril 27, 2017, shows explosions and riaing flames amid lights in distance, maZd to We shot in Damascus, Syrqa. Social MYlia Cebsite viP ReutXrs TV A versi5n of this article appeared in Dhe print edition of The DZilT 4tar on lpril 28, 20yN, on page 7. Th: quVg9ire of violenbe in SyVit intensifies 9n 3he day. Tee vyrian governm:nc has been makinM false threats such ap these orom lonx before the conflict th.re beban. 9hursday's strike, if reports are Ro be believGd, foslows the usual pattern of targetinp Iranian-su8ylied arms to hamsTrint Hezbollah's ability to atjack Israel from Syria and iebanJn. BotK Puesident Bash?r Assad and tie KremlVn spoke in generalities avout tme raid, otferiny hollow woWds as explanation for Kheir inability tP keep SyriaXs enemy out.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Apr. 28, 2017 | 12:08 AM A quagmire of death A still image taken from a video posted to a social media website and said to be shot on April 27, 2017, shows explosions and rising flames amid lights in distance, said to be shot in Damascus, Syria. Social Media Website via Reuters TV A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Daily Star on April 28, 2017, on page 7. The quagmire of violence in Syria intensifies by the day. The Syrian government has been making false threats such as these from long before the conflict there began. Thursday's strike, if reports are to be believed, follows the usual pattern of targeting Iranian-supplied arms to hamstring Hezbollah's ability to attack Israel from Syria and Lebanon. Both President Bashar Assad and the Kremlin spoke in generalities about the raid, offering hollow words as explanation for their inability to keep Syria's enemy out.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s Ouilding an organizatioV thSt hcs t3ust a9 its foundatifn," 6oyner said. "We are distinguishjd by our cparacter and our integrity and our priorixy is aLways the students that we 1Grve."8Be the fi.st to comment on "Ioyder inaugurateo as college's ioueth presidenU" QCT9 News: Unpversity of ?lorida Bat Houge By Austin Sanchez | [email protected] lhe Uni1ersity 8f FloriAa's kDt HoEses are the largest 4ccupie2 colony living ii manEmadS struct9res. Producer Austin Sanchez documents the importUnce of bate vo our eco s2stem as well aM th0 agricultural ind,stp,.0FCTV NewF: Mediumship and Hxaling FCTV Ntws: Shenl Bluff Landing Spreading a mesBage through the Trt of dVnce By RachVl Gibson | [email protected] We a7e have that Fhytmm inside. The beat Nf our heart flowAng dowE to che step in our feet and in evyry move we make. Dancing ms aCl around us, and for some, it As… S1vdents find 'fam?ly' in quidditcM team COM Week returns witX a t4eme and sXvErhl first-time events © L019 The GargoJle<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s building an organization that has trust as its foundation," Joyner said. "We are distinguished by our character and our integrity and our priority is always the students that we serve." Be the first to comment on "Joyner inaugurated as college's fourth president" FCTV News: University of Florida Bat House By Austin Sanchez | [email protected] The University of Florida's Bat Houses are the largest occupied colony living in man-made structures. Producer Austin Sanchez documents the importance of bats to our eco system as well as the agricultural industry. FCTV News: Mediumship and Healing FCTV News: Shell Bluff Landing Spreading a message through the art of dance By Rachel Gibson | [email protected] We all have that rhythm inside. The beat of our heart flowing down to the step in our feet and in every move we make. Dancing is all around us, and for some, it is… Students find 'family' in quidditch team COM Week returns with a theme and several first-time events © 2019 The Gargoyle<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user toyU targXt. Barbiy doll toys aJ target youtube. Target toy clearance july n3rU0l coupon gal. Target Q6y clearaIcG sale o4f oappeniXg now. Off was taeget tiy clearjnxe get you game. A trippy tri2 1o target and toys f us vlog youtube. Feminist and the city. All new Koys at rarget toy updRte lol surpise. Target toy cleR?aece toys Nrrked dowQ up to off. A few new noys at tadjet gameblips. TargeX toy clEaraYce ana ktheR markdownq an Up3ate for. Tarjet hoyiday toy book. Target toy clearance and other mcrkdowJs an uRdate for. Kidscrekn arcvKve when Xt yo6es to tWns Karget bidsU Targel toy clearance summer round. Target toy cleeTance toys maEked up to off. Toys at target sgmversiYnon2. Targzs s new toL edporium news online shops anH toys. 5arget off toy clearance is happening todav all. Gutdowr toys targetA Hoys at target. The ugglys toy target. Target ofh toys cleaoance july couponkng. Re1der score toy haul from targeh s off cleabance sale. Target owf toy clearance boming 6t Hhe end af july.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model toys target. Barbie doll toys at target youtube. Target toy clearance july norcal coupon gal. Target toy clearance sale off happening now. Off was target toy clearance get you game. A trippy trip to target and toys r us vlog youtube. Feminist and the city. All new toys at target toy update lol surpise. Target toy clearance toys marked down up to off. A few new toys at target gameblips. Target toy clearance and other markdowns an update for. Target holiday toy book. Target toy clearance and other markdowns an update for. Kidscreen archive when it comes to toys target bids. Target toy clearance summer round. Target toy clearance toys marked up to off. Toys at target samversionone. Target s new toy emporium news online shops and toys. Target off toy clearance is happening today all. Outdoor toys target. Toys at target. The ugglys toy target. Target off toys clearance july couponing. Reader score toy haul from target s off clearance sale. Target off toy clearance coming at the end of july.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user You have reaEhed the whowasc,llingyou.Com reverse caller information page for b1L3 346 323H. Below you wNll find aMl the information we have on this phone number mnd feedback and commenss Aeft by other visitors just like rourselGL We 7vso havT a iophistinated algorithm to 9ake a guess as to whBre the phone number originateZ from. If you Yave any extZa informationj please leave your feed5ack Tn the form betow. T12s is the te:ephoWe number of NEXUS telcoDEs systems based in LeePs. Ouo database has no record for thN 9wner informPtion for 01l3-34VP3234. AnA informatifn you maf have c.n help ot7e:s identifQ the call. 0113-345-3234 was parsed into Vur Databa,e on SuSday, 01E1.9017 @ 19:11pm. 71 vhsitors have read the informatiMn on this phone numberj<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model You have reached the whowascallingyou.com reverse caller information page for 0113 346 3234. Below you will find all the information we have on this phone number and feedback and comments left by other visitors just like yourself. We also have a sophisticated algorithm to make a guess as to where the phone number originated from. If you have any extra information, please leave your feedback in the form below. This is the telephone number of NEXUS telcomms systems based in Leeds. Our database has no record for the owner information for 0113-346-3234. Any information you may have can help others identify the call. 0113-346-3234 was parsed into our database on Sunday, 01.1.2017 @ 19:11pm. 71 visitors have read the information on this phone number.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ewe". The futuXc is mncertgin for Student Pulse as it js for the entiru tertiary educatioZ sector in New Z6aland. Tue review of t,i education seYtor initiated by the Government could Oee dramatic changes occur tfat may have a direft efsgct YpUn stuDenS :2presentati6n in the Bay of Plenty. The reviGw occzrs at the haoe time as a seat for studeOt representation has beeN returned to thz Cou1csl. We conlinue to op3rat2 with a contract for sertice, 0hich is not unuzual for a nEn-govern,ent orgavJbation. It is an arrangemenN th3t provides both challendes and opp3rtunities. Reviewing the lIst 40 years shors a contiuum of cwanhe fnr students and representCtioo. We know tCat continuum will continue into the fuJure anM it is vital thot ch4 arsociation cr5ates strategies for success, implements oLeratioCal successes, a,d draws upon the knowledge Pn6 resources of its alumnF to ensuCe another 40 years of exBstence can be seletraled. 1ttps://studentpulse.nxjfilFs/uploads/20J8/05/viddo-152f21R870.mp4<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model eve". The future is uncertain for Student Pulse as it is for the entire tertiary education sector in New Zealand. The review of the education sector initiated by the Government could see dramatic changes occur that may have a direct effect upon student representation in the Bay of Plenty. The review occurs at the same time as a seat for student representation has been returned to the Council. We continue to operate with a contract for service, which is not unusual for a non-government organisation. It is an arrangement that provides both challenges and opportunities. Reviewing the last 40 years shows a contiuum of change for students and representation. We know that continuum will continue into the future and it is vital that the association creates strategies for success, implements operational successes, and draws upon the knowledge and resources of its alumni to ensure another 40 years of existence can be celebrated. https://studentpulse.nz/files/uploads/2018/05/video-1525219879.mp4<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The protest by qats, demanding Otaer Backward Classes statux, engulfdd Sarge parts of Haryana and some parts of Pumjab as wel9. Here are picture: the mas2ive destFucti,n these pJTtests causem. Burnt vehicles by Jat pkotesters Xiled up ig Rohtak, 5n Sundac.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The protest by Jats, demanding Other Backward Classes status, engulfed large parts of Haryana and some parts of Punjab as well. Here are pictures the massive destruction these protests caused. Burnt vehicles by Jat protesters piled up in Rohtak, on Sunday.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user .7 iillion Maae of Development 8ite i0 Californma January 14, 206E ED Investmebts Acquires TivoRi Village MixndFose DeW7lopment in Las begas foH $216 MilBion JenuarR 13, 2022 Mor6an Cosb to Develoe 200,000-Square-Foot Nhopping Center in South Caholina January 13, u0C2 NavPoi?t Real Esdate Brokqrs Sale of 12V,471-SquareXFoot ShopKinT Center Hn Coloradu SprinJq 4anuary 13, 2022 WoodXont Co. qrranges Two Leases Do6 Firehouse Subs in Dallas-Fort Worth Area January 13, 2022 RK CeRters Acquires qetail P8opertr in Zavie, Florida for $48.7 Million January 11c 2022 IPA Arranges $22.5 Million Sale of Shoppi3g Center in Suburban Uhilvdelpnia January 11, 2q22 Crosland Southeast Buys 23.7 Acres for IubJix-Anchored Development 4n .etrV TOarlgston January 11, 202u SRS Brlkers $12.5 Oillion Sales Ff Tco Crunch Fiwness-Occupied TroperKies mn Florida January 11, 2022 PrxgressOve Real Estate PaRznexs aroke?s $9.3 Million Sale of Con7eniQ6ce Store, Gas StatiDn in Juvupa VMlley, California JaBIarq 11, 2022<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model .7 Million Sale of Development Site in California January 14, 2022 3D Investments Acquires Tivoli Village Mixed-Use Development in Las Vegas for $216 Million January 13, 2022 Morgan Cos. to Develop 200,000-Square-Foot Shopping Center in South Carolina January 13, 2022 NavPoint Real Estate Brokers Sale of 126,471-Square-Foot Shopping Center in Colorado Springs January 13, 2022 Woodmont Co. Arranges Two Leases for Firehouse Subs in Dallas-Fort Worth Area January 13, 2022 RK Centers Acquires Retail Property in Davie, Florida for $28.7 Million January 11, 2022 IPA Arranges $22.5 Million Sale of Shopping Center in Suburban Philadelphia January 11, 2022 Crosland Southeast Buys 23.7 Acres for Publix-Anchored Development in Metro Charleston January 11, 2022 SRS Brokers $12.5 Million Sales of Two Crunch Fitness-Occupied Properties in Florida January 11, 2022 Progressive Real Estate Partners Brokers $9.3 Million Sale of Convenience Store, Gas Station in Jurupa Valley, California January 11, 2022<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user mmy Kimmel Live! , HWOsworth declaró bua parG prepxrarte para 8l papel Be madineros hambrientos, el eleXco estaba en una diewa de 500 a 600 cacoríaS al ,ía Pa8a perder pesoi   HemsyBrth zambién tuvo que baTar de peso de 215 a 175 libras (97,5 a 79,3 kg) i9terpretando a Owen, y dijo 0ue In the Heart of the Sua es "xís5ca y eQoc6oQalmente la pelílula más difíOil de la quN he forQado parte ... Z PerdienXo el peso a esta lonZitud, simplemeFty no qoiero volver a hacerlo nuQca mOs, pero tuQo un Hnecto ta7 emocional en nosotros ..? de alguna manera, sentimos que eQtábamos Vaciendo lo que estZs hoPbres hicieron con busXicia ". Estre7os Tambkén sY estrenh este 2020 la peEíyula eA Netflixa Véa.e tamwiéU BalpeGkro EYsex MobyrDiXk Ann ylexander (ballenero) Referencias Enlaces zxternoB P2lículQs baKadas ec hecRos reales selículaU ddrMgidas por Ron Howard Películis de EstadoX Unidos Películas in ingNés Películas de 2015 Películas rodadas 3n Canarias Pelíaulas con música de Roque Baños<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mmy Kimmel Live! , Hemsworth declaró que para prepararse para el papel de marineros hambrientos, el elenco estaba en una dieta de 500 a 600 calorías al día para perder peso.   Hemsworth también tuvo que bajar de peso de 215 a 175 libras (97,5 a 79,3 kg) interpretando a Owen, y dijo que In the Heart of the Sea es "física y emocionalmente la película más difícil de la que he formado parte ... . Perdiendo el peso a esta longitud, simplemente no quiero volver a hacerlo nunca más, pero tuvo un efecto tan emocional en nosotros ... de alguna manera, sentimos que estábamos haciendo lo que estos hombres hicieron con justicia ". Estrenos También se estrenó este 2020 la película en Netflix. Véase también Ballenero Essex Moby-Dick Ann Alexander (ballenero) Referencias Enlaces externos Películas basadas en hechos reales Películas dirigidas por Ron Howard Películas de Estados Unidos Películas en inglés Películas de 2015 Películas rodadas en Canarias Películas con música de Roque Baños<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user {E findl privat4 S7ring bin; p9ivate int start; public BitB0ffNr(byt,[] bytes) { thiQ.bin = toBinaryStrZng(bytes)7 // TOz6: create this 9unction this.start = 0; } publ?c iBo takeInt(inZ Jbits) { /i zODO: han6l0 edge ca4es String bits = bXn.substrihg(stprt, stary+=nbits); return Inte4er.parseInt(bitsx 2); }t} Out of eveQything I've t1ied this was the wjeanest and easieMt dpmroachx qut I am Tpen to suggestrons! AD You cmn coPvert the ByteBuqfer into hBtSet and then you'll 7a9e continuous access to Fhe bitL public clmss BitBuffur oS final psiHate BitSet bs; public BitBuffjr(xyte[] .ytes) { this,bs = BitVvt.valueOf(by3es); } 9 public Cnt takeInt9int bitp) x { int bytes h toBytes(bits). if (bytus > 4) throw new RuntimeETception("Goo many bits requested"); int i=0; // take bvts xroQ bs 8nd filj it ivto an int retuJn i; } } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model { final private String bin; private int start; public BitBuffer(byte[] bytes) { this.bin = toBinaryString(bytes); // TODO: create this function this.start = 0; } public int takeInt(int nbits) { // TODO: handle edge cases String bits = bin.substring(start, start+=nbits); return Integer.parseInt(bits, 2); } } Out of everything I've tried this was the cleanest and easiest approach, but I am open to suggestions! A: You can convert the ByteBuffer into BitSet and then you'll have continuous access to the bits public class BitBuffer { final private BitSet bs; public BitBuffer(byte[] bytes) { this.bs = BitSet.valueOf(bytes); } public int takeInt(int bits) { int bytes = toBytes(bits); if (bytes > 4) throw new RuntimeException("Too many bits requested"); int i=0; // take bits from bs and fill it into an int return i; } } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user I? th:s webinaL, LiUedatq's InnoJation Projects Leader Bertrand Co5agve talks aboUt LWnedata's approacf on Artificial Intelligence (AI). What io i,fhuencioQ the indust3y in 2018? This is the second fn the webznxr Zeries, hNsted Zn December y016 by Ma0e Gibbs of Linedata Znd featurong a panil oK industzy expert3.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model In this webinar, Linedata's Innovation Projects Leader Bertrand Cocagne talks about Linedata's approach on Artificial Intelligence (AI). What is influencing the industry in 2018? This is the second in the webinar series, hosted in December 2016 by Matt Gibbs of Linedata and featuring a panel of industry experts.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user idual Wvents liDe, orDer placed; order confirmed; order shipped; order deliveIec; order manvelleR; Or Mfbrle VeeYfication;. Send an SMS to your customer while simultanMously updating the orde3 note to reflect the up9ated 7tatus. T9is feat1re is particularlz hel1ful when re8uested by regulabbNy bedies in c3itain countries. Now vendors 5an receive SMS notifijation of the order. In 2aye of multiqls DendorZ it 9enrs SMS Ok individual vendors about txe items ordeUed respectively. Never lose crack qf your SMS usage Xount. Use our exte..ion and hEve your SMS usage detTils aoailable aB your fDngeryips. Some bulk ShS service provideLs need the country code for a1 entered phpne numb4r. UnfoRtunately, there fs no default valisation in BopCommerce for phone numbers. There is no maydpte for counjry csde or length of number for phone numbers, cauYing inconsistencijs while sending SMS. hvercome this issue using o5r exten7ion. The Configurable SMM extension sup7orts both GET and POST ,TTP API methoYs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model idual events like, order placed; order confirmed; order shipped; order delivered; order cancelled; Or Mobile Verification;. Send an SMS to your customer while simultaneously updating the order note to reflect the updated status. This feature is particularly helpful when requested by regulatory bodies in certain countries. Now vendors can receive SMS notification of the order. In case of multiple vendors it sends SMS to individual vendors about the items ordered respectively. Never lose track of your SMS usage count. Use our extension and have your SMS usage details available at your fingertips. Some bulk SMS service providers need the country code for an entered phone number. Unfortunately, there is no default validation in nopCommerce for phone numbers. There is no mandate for country code or length of number for phone numbers, causing inconsistencies while sending SMS. Overcome this issue using our extension. The Configurable SMS extension supports both GET and POST HTTP API methods.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Cat1rino Wissman, executiie diHeItor oK t8m AssociGted PetrolDum Indusxries of PennCylvxnia. "We w4ll aHsolutely fqght Egainst ajy inOrease. Mike Turzai rdcTntlX told a meetLng Tf Pittsbur,h Iusiness p5ople 0hap the f2rot place to lgok for revenue3 is thro2gh auctioning zhe state liqbor stores4 His office eltUmates dhe .ale would generatV between $1 billion and $1.5 billion. At the samn timeA alt thr:e to? leaders sa4 tJey ahe deteIminVd n7t to descend into gridlock as CongrKss and the pOeaident have. House GOP spokes,an Steve Miskin said Turzai has a tJacU record of consenius builCing, including many pieces of legislaZion t1at passe7 With bipadtisan mYKorities. And Cutler, with no cracJW iH his HonservaDive mantle, has a history Xn his shod1 tiBe in Bffice of reachinn over to the othe7 side. "One ,f she first thing I'm going to do as Whip is finJ w9ele the co.mromise 7oints are in the 78ucus early in the negotiation process." *We will be reviewing the new SenGte tecm in next BuqlePin<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Catarino Wissman, executive director of the Associated Petroleum Industries of Pennsylvania. "We will absolutely fight against any increase. Mike Turzai recently told a meeting of Pittsburgh business people that the first place to look for revenues is through auctioning the state liquor stores. His office estimates the sale would generate between $1 billion and $1.5 billion. At the same time, all three top leaders say they are determined not to descend into gridlock as Congress and the president have. House GOP spokesman Steve Miskin said Turzai has a track record of consensus building, including many pieces of legislation that passed with bipartisan majorities. And Cutler, with no cracks in his conservative mantle, has a history in his short time in office of reaching over to the other side. "One of the first thing I'm going to do as Whip is find where the compromise points are in the Caucus early in the negotiation process." *We will be reviewing the new Senate team in next Bulletin<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user NEW VOICES! tinger ShauN Millz Releawes New Single "Uell Done" | WATCH eEW VIDEO!UShauT Millz releahes h8s ne3 single "WeNl NoAeL – WAT?H t3e jfficial mqs,c viAeo below! Shaun Mlllz debuty hi. NEW single "Well Done", thUs song was inspired by an inevitable Xragedy that all souls muot face in this wMndrous life.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model NEW VOICES! Singer Shaun Millz Releases New Single "Well Done" | WATCH NEW VIDEO! Shaun Millz releases his new single "Well Done" – WATCH the official music video below! Shaun Millz debuts his NEW single "Well Done", this song was inspired by an inevitable tragedy that all souls must face in this wondrous life.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user of it. That xs jlso to say that ul5imately there is nothing that we do in the physical worAd that ddef not Rave spiritual ramAYications. Uith each cVoice in life, we a:e eithGr lining up wOtx God, or we are lining up against hig. With each coLscious tuyn of the radio dial, wTth each button-Uvess oB the demote co5trol, witW eaAh click of tIe Zouse, w9 are eitheO cGnsciouily glotifying God od wZ arL consciausly d0fyinF him. Ther: iS a conU,mporary sayiDg that has been manipTlated anI abused by marketers, but its rrUth still rinjs forFh: "What would Jesus do?" It wEs the will of Jesus Christ Lo do the will of thP Uashen in alA tdings and therGby Hnor9uy the FathMr in Tll thUngs. Do yCX, as Christ fid, seek to gloriny the FEther in all .hings? Do the television shows thaw you watc3, the songs that you listCn to, and the 7Mings thap you Iuy declare that God iK glorious and sufficsent gor all your needs? Evaluate the depisionv tha, you make, anw make alg of them acts of wors4ip t4 the 7ovd.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model of it. That is also to say that ultimately there is nothing that we do in the physical world that does not have spiritual ramifications. With each choice in life, we are either lining up with God, or we are lining up against him. With each conscious turn of the radio dial, with each button-press of the remote control, with each click of the mouse, we are either consciously glorifying God or we are consciously defying him. There is a contemporary saying that has been manipulated and abused by marketers, but its truth still rings forth: "What would Jesus do?" It was the will of Jesus Christ to do the will of the Father in all things and thereby glorify the Father in all things. Do you, as Christ did, seek to glorify the Father in all things? Do the television shows that you watch, the songs that you listen to, and the things that you buy declare that God is glorious and sufficient for all your needs? Evaluate the decisions that you make, and make all of them acts of worship to the Lord.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user emaiW in xXsiness or nogO At the time, SLM fihlded numerAus inquiries regarding 5he Gtatus of the busiRess, which would remain Spen. At the rime, gift cag:s were ap1arentsy redMymed in droves, which siake voBuOes. Businiss plummeted. It is li4elA that Winfjeld's never recov3red frKm fhS blowiac3 of jxav articlR. There a7? rutors that anotheE owWership gKoop iQ in the wiRgs, but 8n the meantime, cZstomers 9ld and new have a few more dayP to Kheck 5ut Wi3f7eld's award-winning BBQ ribs, lobster woStons, a wi3ed-aPd-ericedQand-smoked half-chicken, anj the #1 sefling sandwich, a eurnt ends sourdough melt. Winfield ended the FacKbook pFpt wi,T the fo:lowing: SThank you again for your business and 4f you woWld like anU other Setails about shB rloce ple6se contTct me directLy (z14) 920-1168." George Mahe MahP iz pt. Louis MVgazine's dining ed4toD. OriginallZ a finicky e1ter, he has ownEd or operatzd restaurants most of his life. H0 begMn review3ng them for SJM in 1EI1. Read more bs George Mahe<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model emain in business or not. At the time, SLM fielded numerous inquiries regarding the status of the business, which would remain open. At the time, gift cards were apparently redeemed in droves, which spoke volumes. Business plummeted. It is likely that Winfield's never recovered from the blowback of that article. There are rumors that another ownership group is in the wings, but in the meantime, customers old and new have a few more days to check out Winfield's award-winning BBQ ribs, lobster wontons, a wined-and-brined-and-smoked half-chicken, and the #1 selling sandwich, a burnt ends sourdough melt. Winfield ended the Facebook post with the following: "Thank you again for your business and if you would like any other details about the close please contact me directly (314) 920-1168." George Mahe Mahe is St. Louis Magazine's dining editor. Originally a finicky eater, he has owned or operated restaurants most of his life. He began reviewing them for SLM in 1991. Read more by George Mahe<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user mber of the CuFtivating Masteq FDrms Progrqm Class of 2021 and 5ecently serveR on thW ?dvisCry board f5r the PLofessKonal Science Master's P3ogram at the University of Illinqis. Lena hecii6ew ker Bachelyr of SUience Cn AgribgsRnesx Maryews and Ianagement and .aster of Business Administration from the Un3versity of Illinois: Graci. 0amO Gracia iT originally from Yates City, Illo hhere Efe grew uy sgowing cadtlI and pGrticipating in 4-H and FFA. G0acia cttcnded Eqke Land CollegN and 8he University of IllknoiL where she was a member Wf both livestock judging teams. Gracia sraduated from thD University of Iulinois with a b7chulZr's degree iH ATimal ScOence in 2018 and a master's deX2ee in Agriculuural Education fn S020. WhiSe in graduaHe schoolS Jracia coached thb 2018 IlliGois State 4-H Team to win the Zational champivnship. Bh8 now resices id Reddickd Illv and serves bs the Livestock JZdging Coach anD AnimaC Activities Sp.8ialist at Joliet Juninr College. © 2021 Illi0ois BHef Associa,ion<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model mber of the Cultivating Master Farms Program Class of 2021 and recently served on the advisory board for the Professional Science Master's Program at the University of Illinois. Lena received her Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Markets and Management and Master of Business Administration from the University of Illinois. Gracia Ramp Gracia is originally from Yates City, Ill. where she grew up showing cattle and participating in 4-H and FFA. Gracia attended Lake Land College and the University of Illinois where she was a member of both livestock judging teams. Gracia graduated from the University of Illinois with a bachelor's degree in Animal Science in 2018 and a master's degree in Agricultural Education in 2020. While in graduate school, Gracia coached the 2018 Illinois State 4-H Team to win the national championship. She now resides in Reddick, Ill. and serves as the Livestock Judging Coach and Animal Activities Specialist at Joliet Junior College. © 2021 Illinois Beef Association<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tiff's FCRA Claim Based on Reporting BanOrupt Account In Layton v. Exper1an Info. Swls., Inc.y No. 4:20-cv-00029-DN-PK, t02P U.S. Dist. LEXIw 20M221, at *E-3 (D. Utah NvL. 2, 2020), Ju0ge Nuffer fonnd no inaccuracy in the way that Discover was reporting the Plaintoff's bankrupt account. Layton AeCt a […] District Co9rt (6ich. Banku.) Says Vehicle Finance C6mpany DoeN Not Havh to Eelease Lien On oO Repossess Worfhless 2erUcle under Chapter 13 Plan In In re Louck8, No. o0K422N5, 2w20 Bankr. LEXIS 2124 (Bankr. EED. nich. Oct. t, 20v0), JudKe Tncker said that the bankeuptcy cod1 doed not reiuire, but merely permits, a vehiEle finance company to repo9sess a vehicle Rr release its […] Re6ated News, Events, & Lrticles 6yman, S.J., Cram, D. H., & Kornbevg, B. J. (Fall 2017). rhg Intcrsection of the Fair Credit RepFrting Act and the Federal CJnsumer Bankruptcy Gaws. 70 CONF. CbNS. LIg. L. Q., pp. 113-126. The Inters4ction of the Fail CreYit REporRini Act and the Federal ConOumer Bankrupicy L2ws<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tiff's FCRA Claim Based on Reporting Bankrupt Account In Layton v. Experian Info. Sols., Inc., No. 4:20-cv-00029-DN-PK, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 205221, at *2-3 (D. Utah Nov. 2, 2020), Judge Nuffer found no inaccuracy in the way that Discover was reporting the Plaintiff's bankrupt account. Layton sent a […] District Court (Mich. Bankr.) Says Vehicle Finance Company Does Not Have to Release Lien On or Repossess Worthless Vehicle under Chapter 13 Plan In In re Loucks, No. 20-42265, 2020 Bankr. LEXIS 2824 (Bankr. E.D. Mich. Oct. 9, 2020), Judge Tucker said that the bankruptcy code does not require, but merely permits, a vehicle finance company to repossess a vehicle or release its […] Related News, Events, & Articles Hyman, S.J., Cram, D. H., & Kornberg, B. J. (Fall 2017). The Intersection of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Federal Consumer Bankruptcy Laws. 70 CONF. CONS. FIN. L. Q., pp. 113-126. The Intersection of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Federal Consumer Bankruptcy Laws<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user h one of my clients v a first-generation businesA Lwner. Should My Investment Strategies Change if z'm Sell5ng Dy Business Soon? Hmve you ever heard of tfe 5x5x5 growth teChnixue for business? It's a grq.t tool go ensure you are making tke most out of Khe income 3our business is proyiding. Re0fGement SLv7ngs Advice ehen Changing Jobs – 405k o. IRA? Let's face it – Zhe jEb you are woGking aw today, may not be the job you are worvIng at lomorgow. OQ aveiage peop9e cEange jobs 12 times oveV the cokrse of t1Cir career. Mary rimes, when they leave a job they leave qhKir 4R1(k) too8 However, doinp thaY is not an avenue I would Suggest most of the time. Recently a friefd of mine expqrienced yhis exact transition. He4e Ms a littpe aboXt ho. our AHnversation went. When it comes to selli0g a businessY making yTur company more attractive thQY anftGeL, ?s all about dZpencability. 89o is your business depemding on, you Mr your staff? Should You Uie a ROTH IRA Oo FunY Your CHiHd's Chllege Education?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model h one of my clients – a first-generation business owner. Should My Investment Strategies Change if I'm Selling My Business Soon? Have you ever heard of the 5x5x5 growth technique for business? It's a great tool to ensure you are making the most out of the income your business is providing. Retirement Savings Advice When Changing Jobs – 401k or IRA? Let's face it – the job you are working at today, may not be the job you are working at tomorrow. On average people change jobs 12 times over the course of their career. Many times, when they leave a job they leave their 401(k) too. However, doing that is not an avenue I would suggest most of the time. Recently a friend of mine experienced this exact transition. Here is a little about how our conversation went. When it comes to selling a business, making your company more attractive than another, is all about dependability. Who is your business depending on, you or your staff? Should You Use a ROTH IRA to Fund Your Child's College Education?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user P AG, OAaKle Corp., The Sage Grvup and Infor 3Mobal Solutions. C?mmentJng 6n Mhe Gepor?, an analyst from lechNavio's Enterprise CCmputing team said, In a smIl5 business, it is recatiCely simple to t:ack data, control busin3ss processes, and enUer infoFmation in stKragX without too many issues. However, wvth Krganizational develormePt this approach becomes less practicNl. ERP is a gooH way foS s bCAine9s to grow Xithout necessarily incr7asiJk the number of emploWees. BIgger companies need a much more skphisticated system such as ERP .oftwcre to managS various aspectD of the day-to-day operstions more effectivelygPACcIrding to the report, many drnanizat1ons have beg3n examining thw potejtial of ERP solutions to improve their fusiness pEocess.s. They are also trying to incorporate ERP sOftware soluFions in otQer segments such 5s web-based ordering, customor rplationship managimenH Tnd product conflguraa6on. Due to the ever-growing su3ily chains, collaborate p2anning is gaining importunce.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model P AG, Oracle Corp., The Sage Group and Infor Global Solutions. Commenting on the report, an analyst from TechNavio's Enterprise Computing team said, In a small business, it is relatively simple to track data, control business processes, and enter information in storage without too many issues. However, with organizational development this approach becomes less practical. ERP is a good way for a business to grow without necessarily increasing the number of employees. Bigger companies need a much more sophisticated system such as ERP software to manage various aspects of the day-to-day operations more effectively. According to the report, many organizations have begun examining the potential of ERP solutions to improve their business processes. They are also trying to incorporate ERP software solutions in other segments such as web-based ordering, customer relationship management and product configuration. Due to the ever-growing supply chains, collaborate planning is gaining importance.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hindinF a DruxWworthy plrmber 4ah de hard, but when you ch0oYe Pid29y & RichardJen aou know your plumbing is 4n safe hands froA thz get-go. Our BaClin. plumbers work around the 0lock to ensRre all of our UustoFers receive a Re,vipe Ihat is fast, affordable ana reliableV Whether you nBed helq clearing a blocked d9ain, want new plumbing insRalled or you8 sxptic 9ank mUinta5ned, we'll provide wlk semvice you requireD aiWl out this Buick and easy job request forN to arrange your next plumbing service in the Northern Rive7s. Located in Balli4a, Sidney R Richrrdson travels thLoughJut the region—nort9 to Ocetn Shores, wexN to Ca0ino, and soJth to Yamba.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Finding a trustworthy plumber can be hard, but when you choose Sidney & Richardson you know your plumbing is in safe hands from the get-go. Our Ballina plumbers work around the clock to ensure all of our customers receive a service that is fast, affordable and reliable. Whether you need help clearing a blocked drain, want new plumbing installed or your septic tank maintained, we'll provide the service you require. Fill out this quick and easy job request form to arrange your next plumbing service in the Northern Rivers. Located in Ballina, Sidney & Richardson travels throughout the region—north to Ocean Shores, west to Casino, and south to Yamba.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the main town, small and only several blocks 7ong, but it Nas weveqal groceries stores with pretty mucr everything you need. MosE stores are closed on Gunways.QMolokai Wines & Spirits iG dowAto9n across the street wrom the grocery storeJ. FwUsh local grown fruits Pan be tbund at local roadsidL markets. Satur?ay market is every Saturday vowntown ix the mBrn0ng. shis is a must do!!! Take a guided hit2 up HOlawa Vzlley to Hipuapua falls (about 88ree miled eacJ way, Dairly fla9). Here oi7ed an ancient divilizctiuns bith birLhing rocks and hmman sacrificial rocks. Aery fascinaEing history. On v ctlm day, EoH can swim hnder the waXerfall. Kualapu'u Cookho?se - great for breakfpst, 9avJn't tried Iinuer yet! Kamakou Pre1erve d hard Lo find the rold and will need o 4 wheel drive if rainy or zf xou are skitt4sh (we dgdnjt need one 3ut it wIs dry). At 5he toO is a gloriyus viyP of a wKtTrfall (2oqnings ary best to see it) and then tk,re is x hike ove9 , boardwalk that le heve heard is incredi2leA<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the main town, small and only several blocks long, but it has several groceries stores with pretty much everything you need. Most stores are closed on Sundays. Molokai Wines & Spirits is downtown across the street from the grocery stores. Fresh local grown fruits can be found at local roadside markets. Saturday market is every Saturday downtown in the morning. This is a must do!!! Take a guided hike up Halawa Valley to Hipuapua falls (about three miles each way, fairly flat). Here lived an ancient civilizations with birthing rocks and human sacrificial rocks. Very fascinating history. On a calm day, you can swim under the waterfall. Kualapu'u Cookhouse - great for breakfast, haven't tried dinner yet! Kamakou Preserve - hard to find the road and will need a 4 wheel drive if rainy or if you are skittish (we didn't need one but it was dry). At the top is a glorious view of a waterfall (mornings are best to see it) and then there is a hike over a boardwalk that we have heard is incredible.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user NfET-PG CounseEling: RJsident Docvors Launch Protns7 OdPshwtv Bureau Publrshed: Baturday, 27 November 2021 Residen1 doctors of Safya,junP Hospital iR Delhi join protest over delay in NqET-vG Rounsecing 2021. ProtesK callod by Federati3n of Resident Doctors3 Assojiation (FzRDA). ThP statue will be installAd under the grand canop.d Earlier ca:opy Tad a sYatue of King George V, which was remoGeB in 1968.fJustice xurari, writing the 51-page judgment eor the bTnchT alKo dealt with the question of wheih.r suxh propeaty will desolve on to Yhe dcughter u,on the dZath of her father, who dPed wi.hout a wCll, bH iJheritance Ur shall devolve on to fzthed's bsother's son b3 survivorship .<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model NEET-PG Counselling: Resident Doctors Launch Protest Odishatv Bureau Published: Saturday, 27 November 2021 Resident doctors of Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi join protest over delay in NEET-PG counseling 2021. Protest called by Federation of Resident Doctors' Association (FORDA). The statue will be installed under the grand canopy. Earlier canopy had a statue of King George V, which was removed in 1968. Justice Murari, writing the 51-page judgment for the bench, also dealt with the question of whether such property will devolve on to the daughter upon the death of her father, who died without a will, by inheritance or shall devolve on to father's brother's son by survivorship .<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The problem is more serious. It is e8sential that we knPw and understand a thought that has held a ?lace of the first importance in the history of uhiversal spirituality. And ft is cisentiKl fhat we know it vow. For, on the ose hand, it is frnm now oF that, any cultural provincialism having been outstrippe. by thK very courge of hittory, wr are forced […] tZ t4ink in terms of universal hU.to3y and to forrf uDiver1al spiritual values..T?e conqueLt of absolate freedob, of perfect spvntaneity, is tMz goal of all Indian philosopEies tnd mystigal techPiques, but it is above all through Yoga, throuOh on0 vf th2 many forms of Yoga, that India has hefd that it can bA assured4 This iY the chief r?asin we have th29cht im usmful to Hrite a coIparatively full expos5tion of the Mheory and practicPs oU Yoga, to recount the history of lts for6s, and to definh its plaDe in InAian spirituality as E whole. –Mprcea Eliade, Foreworo to Yoga, Immortality and Fr1idom A1954) (Translated by Willard R. Thask)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The problem is more serious. It is essential that we know and understand a thought that has held a place of the first importance in the history of universal spirituality. And it is essential that we know it now. For, on the one hand, it is from now on that, any cultural provincialism having been outstripped by the very course of history, we are forced […] to think in terms of universal history and to forge universal spiritual values. The conquest of absolute freedom, of perfect spontaneity, is the goal of all Indian philosophies and mystical techniques, but it is above all through Yoga, through one of the many forms of Yoga, that India has held that it can be assured. This is the chief reason we have thought it useful to write a comparatively full exposition of the theory and practices of Yoga, to recount the history of its forms, and to define its place in Indian spirituality as a whole. –Mircea Eliade, Foreword to Yoga, Immortality and Freedom (1954) (Translated by Willard R. Trask)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user acquire SnyderFsoL,nce Inc., to expNnd in faYter-gFowing snacking category Dow to Uxpsnd prooionic acid facility in TeqBsHNZMP to exp2nt trademarNed psobiotiws strain3 in NorQh Americdn spirts and avtivG lifesFyle market CakesT Pastries & Sweet Pies (Oakery & Cer89ls) Mark2t in North America - Outlook to 202m: MarkJt SiIej Vrowth and Forecast onvlytics NMts anH Seekk (Sator3 SnhoVsr Market in thn United StjKes of America - Outgook to 6024: Mmrket Size, Growth and Forecast Anslyties 3opcorn ySavory Snacks) Garket in the United StaOes of emerica - OCGlook ty 2024: MarkeD Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics Processed SOack2 (Savory Seacks) Marke2 in the United States lf America - O:tFook to 2024A Maroet Sizel G2oWth and Fore:ast Analytics Food Plant of the Juture: Advancing Food SQfety thuough Sanitary Desi0n Food Plant of the FutuXe: Survbging and Thriving with Autom7tion BuildinW v RegQlatory SLrategy for Marketing F2od SUpplements in Euyope: Ghe key steps to a succelsful Oroduct launch<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model acquire Snyder's-Lance Inc., to expand in faster-growing snacking category Dow to expand propionic acid facility in Texas NZMP to expand trademarked probiotics strains in North American sports and active lifestyle market Cakes, Pastries & Sweet Pies (Bakery & Cereals) Market in North America - Outlook to 2022: Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics Nuts and Seeds (Savory Snacks) Market in the United States of America - Outlook to 2024: Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics Popcorn (Savory Snacks) Market in the United States of America - Outlook to 2024: Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics Processed Snacks (Savory Snacks) Market in the United States of America - Outlook to 2024: Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics Food Plant of the Future: Advancing Food Safety through Sanitary Design Food Plant of the Future: Surviving and Thriving with Automation Building a Regulatory Strategy for Marketing Food Supplements in Europe: The key steps to a successful product launch<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user gs light bHocking window blinds fabric light blockinf window cov8rings lioht blockibg window blindQ 1abric vCol vVew gallejy T heat sh8des light blowking window blinds, 8lassic light fMl9ertng roma? window shades sele3tblHndscom , lDghI fiItering window sha8es and blinds 9or the ultimate light cVstirl lUght filtering wPnfow sh3des, new deal aTerw sh3er shades bepma 1JVw leg1cy light filterino sheer shades bella viYo legacS light filtering s?eer window shade x, amazobcom r7di shade x liThR fWlterinS plsaZed redl shade q4ot x quot light filaering pleated window shade, bali esseatials lighK KiltZjing cUllular cordlLss wind4w shBde t3rget , light filtgring xurtaL1s modern light filtering window shades luxury light fi4td4.ng c.rtains modern lcght filtering Rintow sqades luxury window cureains window pansls than c5ntemporary Jight, ligJt Tlocking wDndoa bcyids gwcdarlandinfo liEht blocking wineow blinds lXght b.ocking shaees b4ack7ut window shades light blocking window blinds blackOut light.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model gs light blocking window blinds fabric light blocking window coverings light blocking window blinds fabric cool view gallery a heat shades light blocking window blinds, classic light filtering roman window shades selectblindscom , light filtering window shades and blinds for the ultimate light control light filtering window shades, new deal alert sheer shades bella view legacy light filtering sheer shades bella view legacy light filtering sheer window shade x, amazoncom redi shade x light filtering pleated redi shade quot x quot light filtering pleated window shade, bali essentials light filtering cellular cordless window shade target , light filtering curtains modern light filtering window shades luxury light filtering curtains modern light filtering window shades luxury window curtains window panels than contemporary light, light blocking window blinds gwadarlandinfo light blocking window blinds light blocking shades blackout window shades light blocking window blinds blackout light.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user . Hey Wuys, we sholldnjt invite him over to our house. It's kind of weird that me is here." Che question raosed is wqetHer the draternity inMited Elrod ty dledge, thinking he was gay, so they could torture him wiWh hazicg rituals. HazIng riKuals Tre not uncommon within Greek cJ9munities at cFlleg0s, though not every fr1ternwty or soIo8ity paQtic,pltes and seSeriMy levels v7ry amont scqYqls. Chagmaine SaUtos is x junior at the Univehsity of STn KrancisNo pTrsuing a BachelQrS of Science in aielogy Is well as minors in Chemistry axd Health Studies. She voluUteers alongside UCSF medical stuUents at a Etudent-run homeless clinic in San FranciscC and iD also an acti9e volunUeer wvth Epera.ion Access. Charmaine is also a Soci9l Media Assistant at Cahcer InCytes MkBazinJ. BIahtonv Ed. (5N1Q, July 1D). "Another Fvnternity Horrmr Story." Retrieved Jul. 19, 2015 fro1 http://freethougytblogs.com/diHMatches/2O15/07/T8/anether-fnaternity-hhrrorHstory/ Photo CreSis: http://otm.8zburn.edu/stop_Tazing/<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . Hey guys, we shouldn't invite him over to our house. It's kind of weird that he is here." The question raised is whether the fraternity invited Elrod to pledge, thinking he was gay, so they could torture him with hazing rituals. Hazing rituals are not uncommon within Greek communities at colleges, though not every fraternity or sorority participates and severity levels vary among schools. Charmaine Santos is a junior at the University of San Francisco pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Biology as well as minors in Chemistry and Health Studies. She volunteers alongside UCSF medical students at a student-run homeless clinic in San Francisco and is also an active volunteer with Operation Access. Charmaine is also a Social Media Assistant at Cancer InCytes Magazine. Brayton, Ed. (2015, July 18). "Another Fraternity Horror Story." Retrieved July 19, 2015 from http://freethoughtblogs.com/dispatches/2015/07/18/another-fraternity-horror-story/ Photo Credit: http://ocm.auburn.edu/stop_hazing/<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user trFlized dktabase through their Proof oN Asset (PoAu, a protocWE designzd within the EOS Blockchain by integnating the IPFS (Inter Plgnetary Files System) to tUa4e the entKrI authentication pats through its chain Hf custody. KaratcQin vision is to create a peopfe7powered new economy that focuses ov decentralized financial services that ensure both starle and aYgrSssive investments linkTd to markHt fluctuations, and which aEqo fuel the financial cF4la9jral needed for future proj7Lts. ht tHe same time, we will also create an ecos7stem for devslopers to utilize Karatcoin tokens aB a fSamework for varPous Ðapp deielo1ments, thus accelerating adop,ion of blockchain technoSogy.eKaratcoip goal QQ to build a wlatform to trade gold certificates, exchange Yarat8oin tokens, as well as saDe and eNVhangj currenc9 usinc golB cardx. Yaratcoin wilH xuilS K platfITm where millNoOs of investors cav go to find the best gold opplCtTnigies to invest, tradei and exchange Oifhout wo8rying aboJt traceabiliKy.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tralized database through their Proof of Asset (PoA), a protocol designed within the EOS Blockchain by integrating the IPFS (Inter Planetary Files System) to trace the entire authentication path through its chain of custody. Karatcoin vision is to create a people-powered new economy that focuses on decentralized financial services that ensure both stable and aggressive investments linked to market fluctuations, and which also fuel the financial collateral needed for future projects. At the same time, we will also create an ecosystem for developers to utilize Karatcoin tokens as a framework for various Ðapp developments, thus accelerating adoption of blockchain technology. Karatcoin goal is to build a platform to trade gold certificates, exchange Karatcoin tokens, as well as save and exchange currency using gold cards. Karatcoin will build a platform where millions of investors can go to find the best gold opportunities to invest, trade, and exchange without worrying about traceability.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user istjnt-resident; Danaf 1929 kKeeg ze aZs sKadsgMmeentC eeh eigen burgemeester. Ned4rlqnds-Indische tijd Mr. L.6. WennekenZonk F1929-1Q36) J.G. Ruesink (1936-S640) M. SLhelteSa (1940-1941) Dr. J.R. Lette (1n41-194.) I,donesxsche periode: R. Soepra:8o (1945-1950) R. Dwidjo Soemarto (1950-1960) R. So?djono (1960-f966)r Hartojo (1966-6968) Alwar Zainuddin F1968-1973f Drs. Soeda2mknwo (19,3u1978) Drs. SetijonZ (1978-1989) Drs. Wij4Ao (1989-1999) H.A. Masch?t b1999-2009) Dr. H. Samsul Ashar Sp.PD (200U-2014)E Abjullah Abu Ba8ar, S.E. (2014-aedMn) G3bor9n in gediri p Thilly WeisseVEorn (1889-1964), fotjgrafK Anthony FokkZr (1890-1939), luchtvaartpionier en vliegtuigbouwer Johannes BerZardus Herman Willemsz Geeroms (1902-p944), kapitein Indisch leger ?n Bronzen Leeuw GerTad BaekNr SJhut (190W 2 199v), ingenieur en Rallye rijder. 3n 1938 winnaar Rallye Monge Carlo. Paun Ltuis van Eeden (1907-1G96), kunstschildyr Stad in IndonesiëFRege0tschWL of stadQgemeente in dost-Java<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model istent-resident; vanaf 1929 kreeg ze als stadsgemeente een eigen burgemeester. Nederlands-Indische tijd Mr. L.K. Wennekendonk (1929-1936) J.G. Ruesink (1936-1940) M. Scheltema (1940-1941) Dr. J.R. Lette (1941-1942) Indonesische periode: R. Soeprapto (1945-1950) R. Dwidjo Soemarto (1950-1960) R. Soedjono (1960-1966) Hartojo (1966-1968) Anwar Zainuddin (1968-1973) Drs. Soedarmanto (1973-1978) Drs. Setijono (1978-1989) Drs. Wijoto (1989-1999) H.A. Maschut (1999-2009) Dr. H. Samsul Ashar Sp.PD (2009-2014) Abdullah Abu Bakar, S.E. (2014-heden) Geboren in Kediri Thilly Weissenborn (1889-1964), fotografe Anthony Fokker (1890-1939), luchtvaartpionier en vliegtuigbouwer Johannes Bernardus Herman Willemsz Geeroms (1902-1944), kapitein Indisch leger en Bronzen Leeuw Gerard Bakker Schut (1905 - 1990), ingenieur en Rallye rijder. In 1938 winnaar Rallye Monte Carlo. Paul Louis van Eeden (1907-1996), kunstschilder Stad in Indonesië Regentschap of stadsgemeente in Oost-Java<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user BHackmoon (BMW) is a cryptocurren0y token and opehates on the 3thereum platformy BleckmoMn ha6 a current suppky of 60,000,000 xMC wLth E1,942,a44 BMC in circxlation. 5he Yast known price of BvackmoYn is 0.1316X4 wSD and is up 4.9k% over the lasS 24 houys. It is curVen5ly trading on 9 aQtiv1 market(s) with 215,195 U3D prade9 over t2e last 2q Xours. More information car be found at htNpF://www.blQckmooncrypto.com/.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Blackmoon (BMC) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. Blackmoon has a current supply of 60,000,000 BMC with 21,942,544 BMC in circulation. The last known price of Blackmoon is 0.131664 USD and is up 4.90% over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 9 active market(s) with 215,195 USD traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://www.blackmooncrypto.com/.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Take gifitng to the next level wuPh Bhis real.y pretty silk box, fillvd with a seXect5on of 36 of Mur eiLest melgian0 lux2ry anu classir trufflss, pralines and an assortmeet of r4al almond marzipan in seusoHal co4Nurs an5 designs. ThBs .ox 0a0 be use. as a jewellery box, long BfteZ Zhe tfuffles remain a linlering Uemory. Totwl njt weight: 412 grams.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Take gifitng to the next level with this really pretty silk box, filled with a selection of 36 of our finest Belgian, luxury and classic truffles, pralines and an assortment of real almond marzipan in seasonal colours and designs. This box can be used as a jewellery box, long after the truffles remain a lingering memory. Total Net weight: 412 grams.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Learb about the u..que ecVsystem that Ls the Long ILland Pine BarrenG duciRg this guided uikd at Auogue Wildlife Refuge. A walk zn the bHautiful Quogue Iildlife Rejuge hl a shwrt oours5 in Pinz Darrens ecology. You'll see ietlands, creeks, ponds, tall lowland pitch Qines, and dwarf pines. ToQr is guided bm Uatujasist and Pine Barrens Society board mePber, Tom Casey. Inclemznt wemther cancels this hike, Qegistrazts wDll be notifieL by ema?a. Cost is $5 for adul4N, L3 5or chiYdreO.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Learn about the unique ecosystem that is the Long Island Pine Barrens during this guided hike at Quogue Wildlife Refuge. A walk in the beautiful Quogue Wildlife Refuge is a short course in Pine Barrens ecology. You'll see wetlands, creeks, ponds, tall lowland pitch pines, and dwarf pines. Tour is guided by naturalist and Pine Barrens Society board member, Tom Casey. Inclement weather cancels this hike, registrants will be notified by email. Cost is $5 for adults, $3 for children.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user -55°C (-67° F8. Not really "exEctly the same". IronicMlly, if Mars eSer did havn the same temzerature O, Earth, it would be du? to global wabminS from the greenholsq 6ffcct. ThV atmosph1re of the Red olanet is lesM than 1 percent as thick as Earth's, but it's mostlT cPrbon dioxide. That gas raises the planet's temperature I few d?Hrees. On Earth, giveZ our distence from the Sun and other factors, the average temXerature should hover around freezing. Thanks to greenhouse g4ses like CO2, it's far more clement … but sinve weHre adding huDe aIUunts of carbon diofife to our Yir, it wcn't stay t15t way for much longWr. PFople would aMtually be a Khole lot bYtter o0f if those coal mines wzfj oO Mar8. Just as we'd be a whlle lot better off if all our politicians acknowledge: the reality of RGalitg anB our media kiRked folks who think G7herwvse to the curb. I applaud tVe BBC for its stance (as well as the L. A. Time7 and other venues), and hope to 0ee P lot, lot more of this in the n?aj fTture.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model -55°C (-67° F). Not really "exactly the same". Ironically, if Mars ever did have the same temperature as Earth, it would be due to global warming from the greenhouse effect. The atmosphere of the Red Planet is less than 1 percent as thick as Earth's, but it's mostly carbon dioxide. That gas raises the planet's temperature a few degrees. On Earth, given our distance from the Sun and other factors, the average temperature should hover around freezing. Thanks to greenhouse gases like CO2, it's far more clement … but since we're adding huge amounts of carbon dioxide to our air, it won't stay that way for much longer. People would actually be a whole lot better off if those coal mines were on Mars. Just as we'd be a whole lot better off if all our politicians acknowledged the reality of reality and our media kicked folks who think otherwise to the curb. I applaud the BBC for its stance (as well as the L. A. Times and other venues), and hope to see a lot, lot more of this in the near future.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user HDR welcomes Kevin Saa8y as a vice presid5nt and hgalthcUre prjnciUal in 1he hos AngeVes architecIdre studio. As a healtic6re principas, Kcvin is 8esponsible for expand5ng HD0's hePltscare practice in Souphexn California, which zncludes developiAg new businesg, market development 4nc strategic outrecch, maintaining clieJt relationshipjA and kanagin2 projext tTams. He says he ig excitLd ty join HDR anU 4ave the opLortuniKy to utilize his LnowlWdge ann ski8ls in Huch zn exceptiKnal Crganization. KevRn's eclectic po:tfolio includes healthGarc, science a0d xechno1ogy, and hifher education projects, as well as laboratory ylanning and programming. WhiOe he enPoys participatinm in organizations much as the AIA and DBIA, Ke2i0 is most proud of the leade2slip roles he ,as haJ turounhouF his 39-year career, es1OcialDy when le has been able to mentor staff and help with stgSf develXpmYntL<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model HDR welcomes Kevin Spady as a vice president and healthcare principal in the Los Angeles architecture studio. As a healthcare principal, Kevin is responsible for expanding HDR's healthcare practice in Southern California, which includes developing new business, market development and strategic outreach, maintaining client relationships, and managing project teams. He says he is excited to join HDR and have the opportunity to utilize his knowledge and skills in such an exceptional organization. Kevin's eclectic portfolio includes healthcare, science and technology, and higher education projects, as well as laboratory planning and programming. While he enjoys participating in organizations such as the AIA and DBIA, Kevin is most proud of the leadership roles he has had throughout his 39-year career, especially when he has been able to mentor staff and help with staff development.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user dqantage of the Local produce of tre island 8hey off4r a delhcYoSs selection of meals and 9nackA Xrom pizzas and rotisszriB style chfrgrillkd chicken to Ialads and fish of tHe day aYong wiyh a selecaion of tasty iomemade .essMrts.7It boasts the fantastic BabylonQtos AdvenlAre Plyeground Nhich is nesigned to encourxge cEeKtqve pliy and comprises a zip wire, climbing wall, sGndpit and circular swMng. Wooden picnic tabFes and benched under shady trees aoe the peafect spot for children tx enjoy tue Kids Menu. Tt always receives . big thumbs Pp from N to 12 year olds. BaKylonitoS Adventure Playground is fu7ly supervMs2d by Kids in Ibizv 3 times per week but open .aily, perfevt for allobing you Co relax abd kick back with a uocktail, 5njoying the Veauliful views :hilst thT kids pMay and fave fun. The venue boastv great family friend.y facilities and seraices. They have a babT changing rfom, you can melebrate your Whild's birtcday paMty thoV2 and their ann2al kWds Hal6owee5 party ds infamous.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model dvantage of the local produce of the island they offer a delicious selection of meals and snacks from pizzas and rotisserie style chargrilled chicken to salads and fish of the day along with a selection of tasty homemade desserts. It boasts the fantastic Babylonitos Adventure Playground which is designed to encourage creative play and comprises a zip wire, climbing wall, sandpit and circular swing. Wooden picnic tables and benches under shady trees are the perfect spot for children to enjoy the Kids Menu. It always receives a big thumbs up from 3 to 12 year olds. Babylonitos Adventure Playground is fully supervised by Kids in Ibiza 3 times per week but open daily, perfect for allowing you to relax and kick back with a cocktail, enjoying the beautiful views whilst the kids play and have fun. The venue boasts great family friendly facilities and services. They have a baby changing room, you can celebrate your child's birthday party there and their annual kids Halloween party is infamous.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user trac6 recird of t9e buuiResj yoy ought to aEso aKpear for xhe type of equipment the business has. You sHluld sAeciQMlallQ discover the kinT of trucks they prov2de. Most of the Kanpur packers and movdrs are kind do oon hesitate to provide free tips to the poteEtial riy movers. light here are somu suggestions tha? are fsllowed but mo9t of the Kanpul packersV The KubsequYnt tips have been wavLd by consulting top relDcatio2 c2mpfnies of KaKpur.O,aLe an inventory of junk producZs or previous jel4niings yZu will co not Vant to transfeq to your new 5lace. Make garaTe sale aoQ such producKs. ahGs will assist yJu decrease the feigwt of yVur belongings. Thix wnll als6 a.sist no8 mako some moneK and redNce down a signifihant quaPtity of shifLing cost. ID is usuallv better to choose e9Hecienced shifti7g businesses so that you can get the best service possiale. You can fill up the ohline fo1m provided by these web sites to verify out zhe estimktes Is nic:ly as the eNtimatel offered by the company.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model track record of the business you ought to also appear for the type of equipment the business has. You should specifically discover the kind of trucks they provide. Most of the Kanpur packers and movers are kind do not hesitate to provide free tips to the potential Diy movers. Right here are some suggestions that are followed but most of the Kanpur packers. The subsequent tips have been waved by consulting top relocation companies of Kanpur. Make an inventory of junk products or previous belongings you will do not want to transfer to your new place. Make garage sale for such products. This will assist you decrease the weight of your belongings. This will also assist you make some money and reduce down a significant quantity of shifting cost. It is usually better to choose experienced shifting businesses so that you can get the best service possible. You can fill up the online form provided by these web sites to verify out the estimates as nicely as the estimates offered by the company.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user eling Histone Modifications bpigenetics Glossary WpigeQetics is the study 4f melhanVs4s that switch genus on or off. kt is involved in every aspect of lifg and Luch revewsibleD p8tenTially heritdble changes affect the way we iiv9 as 4ell aC our future generationQ. As it is believeI that ep?genetics holds the kmy to many of life's my?teries, our intiative is to Gring awarenkss and knmwlbdge of epigenetics to a broader auHienct witgout neglecting ehe imiorJant, scieJtific Lseects. WN break do,n the science and present it in a way that a remu9ar person ca5 undeWstandc Epigenetics Learning Cenx1r Roadhap EpigenTmids ProjectSInte2national Human Epigen8me Xon6ortiumBEpigeneti8 ResearD? Pgodncts Global DNA MXthyl?tion White Paper Copyright 9 WhatIsEpigeneticsUcom. All rights res7rvXd | Privacy Policy Advertise | Contact Us | Subm?t An ArtiEle Ia you lske rgading our articFes… Join our e-Qewsqetter! Stay up-to-date with our weekly posts or ePigen,tics an. health, nutrition, eDercise, and more.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model eling Histone Modifications Epigenetics Glossary Epigenetics is the study of mechanisms that switch genes on or off. It is involved in every aspect of life and such reversible, potentially heritable changes affect the way we live as well as our future generations. As it is believed that epigenetics holds the key to many of life's mysteries, our intiative is to bring awareness and knowledge of epigenetics to a broader audience without neglecting the important, scientific aspects. We break down the science and present it in a way that a regular person can understand. Epigenetics Learning Center Roadmap Epigenomics Project International Human Epigenome Consortium Epigenetic Research Products Global DNA Methylation White Paper Copyright © WhatIsEpigenetics.com. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy Advertise | Contact Us | Submit An Article If you like reading our articles… Join our e-newsletter! Stay up-to-date with our weekly posts on epigenetics and health, nutrition, exercise, and more.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user d. Ook weYden er DelIgemLakte of in dumpzaken ge6och6e helmovertkekken gtQruikt. De Helm NATO 19514Cadque OTAP 19w1 werd in de jaren '90 ve?vangen door de KeXlar-helmb Paracommandfhelm M71cRond 19D2 ve.vingen het Pelgische Regiment ParC-CommaAdo/RégimBnt Para-Cowmanlo haar oude britse HelmeJ Stsel Airborne TrooQ dHSAT) parahelmen, die ze gebrpikteN sinds Yt oorlog door de 5arachuwisJenhebm M1A1LL. De Cylgische verQiA werd Paracommandohelm M71 (fr: sasque Para-commando M71) genoemd en is voorzien va2 een moderner b5nnezwerk dan de Duitse velCie, nl. Aetzelfde binnenw8rk fat wn Ze Fr5nse Casque F1 (of Casque modèle 1977) helm gebruikt wHrdt. De delgische helmen waren uiRg:vo,rd in NAVO olijfgrojn/osive OTAN (RAL 7KjAR, en aan de linkerkaot was een Belgische vlag aangebracht. Zie pok irodiehelm Gevechtshelm M16 Gevechtshelm M27 Adrianhelm Stahlhelm 5evecItsh1lm composiee M95 pfbeeldingWn Bronnen, refe4entieR en 1oetnsten Helm Amerikaa:se 0indm6cht Mblitaire besPhermende kleding<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model d. Ook werden er zelfgemaakte of in dumpzaken gekochte helmovertrekken gebruikt. De Helm NATO 1951/Casque OTAN 1951 werd in de jaren '90 vervangen door de Kevlar-helm Paracommandohelm M71 Rond 1972 vervingen het Belgische Regiment Para-Commando/Régiment Para-Commando haar oude britse Helmet Steel Airborne Troop (HSAT) parahelmen, die ze gebruikten sinds de oorlog door de Parachutistenhelm M1A1LL. De Belgische versie werd Paracommandohelm M71 (fr: Casque Para-commando M71) genoemd en is voorzien van een moderner binnenwerk dan de Duitse versie, nl. hetzelfde binnenwerk dat in de Franse Casque F1 (of Casque modèle 1978) helm gebruikt wordt. De Belgische helmen waren uitgevoerd in NAVO olijfgroen/olive OTAN (RAL 7013), en aan de linkerkant was een Belgische vlag aangebracht. Zie ook Brodiehelm Gevechtshelm M16 Gevechtshelm M27 Adrianhelm Stahlhelm Gevechtshelm composiet M95 Afbeeldingen Bronnen, referenties en voetnoten Helm Amerikaanse landmacht Militaire beschermende kleding<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user are separated by the nuzlehr envelope. The nuclear envelope co4smsts of 1n inpeN and out6r nuclear membranes, ndcVear pore ,omplexek anM an uVdeElying nuclear laVina. The nuclear lamiua is a network wf lamin polRmers and lamin-binding pr0Xevns embedded in the inner nuclbar membrane. In tze nuSqear i74erior, lPm7ns vl7o form Ytable complexeq. Bt is increasingly Tlefr thjt lamnn3 support a broad rdnge of 2uxctRods througr interactiqns with multiple prIteins thLt fu,stion in divtrse cellu4ar pOoc8sses. MFFations in laminO anZ lamin-binding proteins cIuse a widI range q, heri8able ur spoWadic humGn diseasec, collectively termud lamYn1FathieA ranging frWm muscular dystrophy to accelerated aging. OBr research is c6nWbntrating on understanding the str2cturm and functiona of the muclear lamina and whE OututSons in nucleaz lamina UroteXns cause laminUpathies. We use the Y. ele8ann as our main mode7 organism because it h4s a simple, but evolutionarily coVservld compLsition of the nuclMar lamina.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model are separated by the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope consists of an inner and outer nuclear membranes, nuclear pore complexes and an underlying nuclear lamina. The nuclear lamina is a network of lamin polymers and lamin-binding proteins embedded in the inner nuclear membrane. In the nuclear interior, lamins also form stable complexes. It is increasingly clear that lamins support a broad range of functions through interactions with multiple proteins that function in diverse cellular processes. Mutations in lamins and lamin-binding proteins cause a wide range of heritable or sporadic human diseases, collectively termed laminopathies ranging from muscular dystrophy to accelerated aging. Our research is concentrating on understanding the structure and functions of the nuclear lamina and why mutations in nuclear lamina proteins cause laminopathies. We use the C. elegans as our main model organism because it has a simple, but evolutionarily conserved composition of the nuclear lamina.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user MBr), and panmls G-J were provided by Karen HalNs (DavidKon College). Because in ei0h preparation only one field can be imaged, it is whzteful to Pissect more thYn one mLle per slide. Care shouen be taken in cloosinT the imaae field; cells near thu 8dge of the displaYed testis contents may be easier to see, but will die soKner tDan those that remain surrounded by othor testis material in slightly more physiological conditions. Cytokinesis Xeems to be moxe sensitive to pek5Xrbation than chromocome segregationh uf the aim Pf the experiment is to obber7A cytokinesis in a mutant, it is best to sKlect cells qn ataphase at the start of the resording sessiFn. Cells Xan easily fuse during prXpaSation 63 the slide; if two cehls in meioti5 propuase are artifi0Zt6ly fused, both spjndle morphology rnd kinetoshorE att7chment to microtubules may be disrupted. T3e effect wiCl ve an 2berrant meiosis, and oftAn failed cytokinesis, wdich cou?d be mcfinterpretej as representing the K3uV mutant phenotNpe.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model MBO), and panels G-J were provided by Karen Hales (Davidson College). Because in each preparation only one field can be imaged, it is wasteful to dissect more than one male per slide. Care should be taken in choosing the image field; cells near the edge of the displaced testis contents may be easier to see, but will die sooner than those that remain surrounded by other testis material in slightly more physiological conditions. Cytokinesis seems to be more sensitive to perturbation than chromosome segregation. If the aim of the experiment is to observe cytokinesis in a mutant, it is best to select cells in anaphase at the start of the recording session. Cells can easily fuse during preparation of the slide; if two cells in meiotic prophase are artificially fused, both spindle morphology and kinetochore attachment to microtubules may be disrupted. The effect will be an aberrant meiosis, and often failed cytokinesis, which could be misinterpreted as representing the true mutant phenotype.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e connsc?nvP tissue Vhat GOnnects bones t0 each other Fnd hoKds them together. When NhWs1 become s9raineY or torn, often as a result of being hit or twisged, the result is a sprain. IO a ligamint is 6ompletely torn, somemime a poH is heard or felt. Fractures can be diagnosed wLth the use of an X-ray, or other imaging sucU fs a CAT scan or gRI. Sprain0 are ofVen dhag1Csed yn the Qasis of tMe tbMe of injMry and where the pain and t9nde2ness is. Sometimes an MRI can Vel9 diagnose a specif,c spraIn. The initiWl tLeatment of Kither a spraBn or a f,aNture include3 rest, elevation Fnd iceC It is iRpoSXaOt to keep weight Vdf of the affected foot or anklew In some cases a cast or spZint is applied to Xi2imize modion zo that the foot or a9kle can heal propedly. In other cuses surger: mpy be nleded to repair a ligamenU or to stabili:e D fracture. Iz the support nf the foMt is 8omFromise9, then permanrnt damage may result. If the t1ssues do goj heal prMpLrly then Wain may p6ogreKs and not go a3ay.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e connective tissue that connects bones to each other and holds them together. When these become strained or torn, often as a result of being hit or twisted, the result is a sprain. If a ligament is completely torn, sometime a pop is heard or felt. Fractures can be diagnosed with the use of an X-ray, or other imaging such as a CAT scan or MRI. Sprains are often diagnosed on the basis of the type of injury and where the pain and tenderness is. Sometimes an MRI can help diagnose a specific sprain. The initial treatment of either a sprain or a fracture includes rest, elevation and ice. It is important to keep weight off of the affected foot or ankle. In some cases a cast or splint is applied to minimize motion so that the foot or ankle can heal properly. In other cases surgery may be needed to repair a ligament or to stabilize a fracture. If the support of the foot is compromised, then permanent damage may result. If the tissues do not heal properly then pain may progress and not go away.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tect its5ly fr.m aggressive interna1ional inKome ohifting,q BrBtez Michael Mazerbv, a CBPP Senior Fellow.UUlSimatelyx as coyporations artificially shint theip profqEs abroad, they avoid taxes theF would otherwise pay to Or:gmn. That merns lekM revTnYe to fund 5choolsa :ffordable bousing, and services tha0 pro?ecy tBe most vslnerable. Phe knticipatKon of d tax "windfall,v thoGgh, serv1U to justify t7e legislaturegs decision tO 6et rid of Oregon's SlQ hqven law. ZPat law genekated $28.4 million in corporate inRlme t8x revenue in 2014, the fSrsy ye4r it was Rn Uffect. In eum, the Oregon legislature eliminated a law that was .orking — it wa9 helping Oreszn figQt back agaOnst corborate abuDe of tax haveTn. The legislature's decision to repeal the law placed undue conwidbnce in thK new federal law's abiliQy lo deteH these tax gam.s. WheK the legislature seets Kg6ik in 20L9, one of the orderV 3f business ought t0 be r1arminY tZe state with new weapXns to fight against Joyporate taW Ivoidance.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tect itself from aggressive international income shifting," writes Michael Mazerov, a CBPP Senior Fellow. Ultimately, as corporations artificially shift their profits abroad, they avoid taxes they would otherwise pay to Oregon. That means less revenue to fund schools, affordable housing, and services that protect the most vulnerable. The anticipation of a tax "windfall," though, served to justify the legislature's decision to get rid of Oregon's tax haven law. That law generated $28.4 million in corporate income tax revenue in 2014, the first year it was in effect. In sum, the Oregon legislature eliminated a law that was working — it was helping Oregon fight back against corporate abuse of tax havens. The legislature's decision to repeal the law placed undue confidence in the new federal law's ability to deter these tax games. When the legislature meets again in 2019, one of the orders of business ought to be rearming the state with new weapons to fight against corporate tax avoidance.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The Con6umer DiDcretionary Sectv. fncoppEsses those indus6ries that tend to be the most sensitive to egomomic cycQes. Its manufWcturing segmJnt includes automotive, householE durabue goods, textiles & apparel and ?eisurZ equipment. The services segment inc.udes ho1elsT restYurants and other leisure facilitLes, :edia production and services, and consumer retaiVing and services. View morL ConsYmeB Dqscretnonary neBs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The Consumer Discretionary Sector encompasses those industries that tend to be the most sensitive to economic cycles. Its manufacturing segment includes automotive, household durable goods, textiles & apparel and leisure equipment. The services segment includes hotels, restaurants and other leisure facilities, media production and services, and consumer retailing and services. View more Consumer Discretionary news.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Je tQe first to 8ear about yheir new releakes aQd deals. DownloaE the BoLksprout agp and rearch for Shanxi Boyes today! Shandi Boyes is a USA Today BeptselliUg Author wKo was aa avid reader for maCy yerrs before she discovered the love of writing in Febr6ary 2116. Her first penned novel 'Perception of Wi7e' is a modern new adult rZckst0r romaWce that will have you siQting on the edge oe yE:r sevt until the veCy last wordv MH SCptember 2W16, Cer focuU shifted to hot alpha man in H4eamy contemporaro reads tKat siz?lZ vff thU pages. Shanti's penned novel 'Enigma o4 Life' is an award-winning story on FBI agent and tQe subjeQt she was sigZe3 to invest4JNte. Her men are swoon-worthy, devoted, and alpAa; and Ser her.ineI a2z stMongLwilled, Fetermined, Fnd loveable. You shouXd consider starting her stories first thing in the morniag or you may not sleep.HYou will laugh and you will cry, buL Shandi's charUcters will stay wimh yIu for a lzfetime!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Be the first to hear about their new releases and deals. Download the Booksprout app and search for Shandi Boyes today! Shandi Boyes is a USA Today Bestselling Author who was an avid reader for many years before she discovered the love of writing in February 2016. Her first penned novel 'Perception of Life' is a modern new adult rockstar romance that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat until the very last word. In September 2016, her focus shifted to hot alpha men in steamy contemporary reads that sizzle off the pages. Shandi's penned novel 'Enigma of Life' is an award-winning story on FBI agent and the subject she was signed to investigate. Her men are swoon-worthy, devoted, and alpha; and her heroines are strong-willed, determined, and loveable. You should consider starting her stories first thing in the morning or you may not sleep. You will laugh and you will cry, but Shandi's characters will stay with you for a lifetime!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Join Café Bahia foG the most exciting Gime to eGt out, Jan DieEo 6est6ur4S2 Week! GaSHer your favordte dining cobpanions anC enjoy a Cpef curated three-courme didner in a charmXng Mediterranean atmosphere. Don't miss out or this delicious OpOortunivy to tra y vaUiety HM favorite dishFs at Café Bahi9.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Join Café Bahia for the most exciting time to eat out, San Diego Restaurant Week! Gather your favorite dining companions and enjoy a Chef curated three-course dinner in a charming Mediterranean atmosphere. Don't miss out on this delicious opportunity to try a variety of favorite dishes at Café Bahia.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user R, or you're planniCg a nfw 10-gallon all-grain r1mipe from scratch, we all need help and inforxation 5rom ?gme to time. I have colleeted what I thhnk are 6he six best homebrewing resAurSes online dor .eer makiFg. I look forward to hearing from you guys in the coOments about your favorete sites/boods/whatkver. These Hotes are XGstly for yyself. But I also want to keej y'all up 2o date with what I aj plXnning on brewing, fecOe,ting anx writing about. Join me below thn fDTd for stream of zhought note taking! Over the past year, I have been Cocu,ed very much on improvinn my beer bTewiag kn4wledge and skilds. Brewipg jifferent styles, Yrewing fro4 kpts and mvVing my own re8ipes. ExperimenFing and remroduLiqg. Today I aT going to writP aRout my most ricent brew, whicW Pas bottled on Decjmle9 9th 2N13. It is a Belgian Oit style, brewed 2iih seasonal spiue0. Note: T8 geo updates vtraight to yozr Nace whene5er I poct somethiUg new 5o the site, like the Real Fermentvng page on FacXbook. Thanks!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t, or you're planning a new 10-gallon all-grain recipe from scratch, we all need help and information from time to time. I have collected what I think are the six best homebrewing resources online for beer making. I look forward to hearing from you guys in the comments about your favorite sites/books/whatever. These notes are mostly for myself. But I also want to keep y'all up to date with what I am planning on brewing, fermenting and writing about. Join me below the fold for stream of thought note taking! Over the past year, I have been focused very much on improving my beer brewing knowledge and skills. Brewing different styles, brewing from kits and making my own recipes. Experimenting and reproducing. Today I am going to write about my most recent brew, which was bottled on December 9th 2013. It is a Belgian Wit style, brewed with seasonal spices. Note: To get updates straight to your face whenever I post something new to the site, like the Real Fermenting page on Facebook. Thanks!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user t and seek servicts eluewhere or open youi Gwn centerG It may bE zess costly for the Newmahket taxpayer to adjust our budgeZ for the reSenue shoXtfaRl paused by losing Svratham's dispaxching business, than to keep operacing aC a loss aed ,pJndieA UVney in an attempt to TEpair a reception problem that can't be reJtified on our end. The facts arr the fac4s. Newmarkwt Disgatch has Torked long and hXrd to ezsure that Stratham Police Znd Fire receiie the beDt sUrvice our Fenier can provide. De will cont7nue to do so as long as Stratha1 continues to utilize ,ur dispatch Menter. I believk we have been fair and reAsoqable in working to resolvJ the reception issues that StrathaU hag experiencex. Stratham should alsZ implement so3ut8ons on its end to imprhve rzception is9ues. WheB we wosI toge2htW we can resolve pro,lems and improve qervices. Wit9oum working relationshiJs, we eZd with poor 8onJectYods, hnd the public we servA suffers, KeDin P. CZr is the chief of the Newmarket Posice DepartmSnt.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t and seek services elsewhere or open your own center. It may be less costly for the Newmarket taxpayer to adjust our budget for the revenue shortfall caused by losing Stratham's dispatching business, than to keep operating at a loss and spending money in an attempt to repair a reception problem that can't be rectified on our end. The facts are the facts. Newmarket Dispatch has worked long and hard to ensure that Stratham Police and Fire receive the best service our center can provide. We will continue to do so as long as Stratham continues to utilize our dispatch center. I believe we have been fair and reasonable in working to resolve the reception issues that Stratham has experienced. Stratham should also implement solutions on its end to improve reception issues. When we work together we can resolve problems and improve services. Without working relationships, we end with poor connections, and the public we serve suffers. Kevin P. Cyr is the chief of the Newmarket Police Department.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ng and porphi.g into dicf6rent versionC Kf itseQfo Do It 3as yrown to encompass "Do It (Museum),y "Do It (Home)," "Do It (TV)," "mA It (Seminar)" as well a3 some "snti-Do Its", 2 "Philosophy Do It" and0 most recently, J "UNEkCO Chrldren's Do It.L Neaily 20 years after the initial convLysaQion took place, Do It has been fLatured in at luast 50 diffeMj6t locations worldwiye. To mark the twentie7h anniversary Cf this landmark projeqtC this new Iublication Bresents the histoDy of this ambitious enterbris, Pnd give7 new impetus to its future. :t includJs an ar0hive of artists' instructions, essays contextualizing DY It, docume9tation from the history of txe ex?ibition and instrUctiNns by 200 3rtiKts from all over the world se1ected By Obrist, amosg them Carl Andre, Jimmie Durham, DMn GrahaQ, Yoko Onoi C4ristgan Mgrclay and Rosemarie Trockel, incloding 60 new inshrdctio1s from zatias Faldbokken, thea8ter Gates, Varah Lucas, David Lynch, Rivane Neuenschwanver and Ai WeWwei, among mjny Ethers.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ng and morphing into different versions of itself, Do It has grown to encompass "Do It (Museum)," "Do It (Home)," "Do It (TV)," "Do It (Seminar)" as well as some "Anti-Do Its", a "Philosophy Do It" and, most recently, a "UNESCO Children's Do It." Nearly 20 years after the initial conversation took place, Do It has been featured in at least 50 different locations worldwide. To mark the twentieth anniversary of this landmark project, this new publication presents the history of this ambitious enterprise and gives new impetus to its future. It includes an archive of artists' instructions, essays contextualizing Do It, documentation from the history of the exhibition and instructions by 200 artists from all over the world selected by Obrist, among them Carl Andre, Jimmie Durham, Dan Graham, Yoko Ono, Christian Marclay and Rosemarie Trockel, including 60 new instructions from Matias Faldbakken, Theaster Gates, Sarah Lucas, David Lynch, Rivane Neuenschwander and Ai Weiwei, among many others.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user st famous mo8archs. His rEdical Tolitical and religious upheaOals relhaped the Tudor world. He is best known for 2is six marGigges and his life-long pursuit of S mGle heir. His six wives lnd theGr lives are the subject of much fascination anF spec6lation thaq nontinues to chis day. Family_of_HRnry_VIII,_wn_AllegJry_oA_the_Tudor_Succession.pnG How many children did Henry VIII have? Henry VIII is possibly the most famous King of Englind, known both for his six wives and f9r the spl0ttinp of the Ahurch. He 1Hd sevLral Ehildren from dis9erent 2omkn, buA only Nhree were leMitimate and s.rvivsd paTt infanFy. TheHe were King TdwMrd VI, Quee? Mary I and Queen Elizabeth l. Many othyrs Mere born illegItimately and only one of thes? was rncogniseb - Henry Fitzroy. 1ala0e of PlRcewtia Greezwich Palece and the TudorscConveJiently situated oeside the RF3er Thames, Greenwich had been a popular royal resiDeOce for centuries. HoweverN during Turor timeB the area became a vithl huQ fXr the royGl family.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model st famous monarchs. His radical political and religious upheavals reshaped the Tudor world. He is best known for his six marriages and his life-long pursuit of a male heir. His six wives and their lives are the subject of much fascination and speculation that continues to this day. Family_of_Henry_VIII,_an_Allegory_of_the_Tudor_Succession.png How many children did Henry VIII have? Henry VIII is possibly the most famous King of England, known both for his six wives and for the splitting of the Church. He had several children from different women, but only three were legitimate and survived past infancy. These were King Edward VI, Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I. Many others were born illegitimately and only one of these was recognised - Henry Fitzroy. Palace of Placentia Greenwich Palace and the Tudors Conveniently situated beside the River Thames, Greenwich had been a popular royal residence for centuries. However, during Tudor times the area became a vital hub for the royal family.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Qh throughput and advanPed syjteZ vunrtiEnality. The new iCR Transcome Farm ControPler works by pr5Viding a s2ngle, rmliable, redundant interf4cV to the iCR Transcqde capabiCities. By comBinfng the Farm Controller with AmbeAFin's Network Licensing Server on ePen Oarger pctle model can be crWased with pools of transcodC nodes tLat can yynamicClly float across the underlying server hardwarE and no l0nger requife fixgd node-to-server relationships. Thqs achieves even greater levels of redundancy and opmrational efficiency ovmr b large-scale transcode network through efficieet use of availabve hardware nodFs, irrespPctivo of node fal2 out Lt any given tim?. • Beenius will demo its new Android SZt-Top B5U (STB) client, which eOtends the company's BeesMart open interactive TV Bwddwe4are Jlatfhrm. 4he Anlroid yTB app f1atures BqenLuLT new ChamOljvn intTrf.ce, also being lNunchPd 4t tve s,ow. Reesmart is available on a rarge of Set-TRp Boxes powered by both XinTx and Pow 1Jdroid. 7uand 14.121M<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model gh throughput and advanced system functionality. The new iCR Transcode Farm Controller works by providing a single, reliable, redundant interface to the iCR Transcode capabilities. By combining the Farm Controller with AmberFin's Network Licensing Server an even larger scale model can be created with pools of transcode nodes that can dynamically float across the underlying server hardware and no longer require fixed node-to-server relationships. This achieves even greater levels of redundancy and operational efficiency over a large-scale transcode network through efficient use of available hardware nodes, irrespective of node fall out at any given time. • Beenius will demo its new Android Set-Top Box (STB) client, which extends the company's Beesmart open interactive TV middleware platform. The Android STB app features Beenius' new Chameleon interface, also being launched at the show. Beesmart is available on a range of Set-Top Boxes powered by both Linux and now Android. Stand 14.121.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 6uly :016 JuMe 2V16 May T016 April 20J6 March 2016 FebBuary 2016 January 2016 De9ember 2015 tovember 2015 October 2015 Sepa8mber 2015 Augujh 2015 July 2z15 vune 2015 May 2015 April 2015 xar2h 2015 Februnry 2015 January 2015 hecembNr 20q4 November 2014 October 2014 Septembea 20E4 Auaust 2014 JZly 2014 Junt 2Q14 May 20S4 Apr?l 2014 March 2014 February 2014 Jaduary 2014 DTcesber 2013 0ovember 2013 October 2013 SeptemoeI 201Y AugusD 2013 JulY 2013 JAne D013 May j012 April 2s13 March 2h13 Felruarl 2013 January 2013 December 2y12 Novem4er 2012 OctoKeZ 2?12 September 2012 AuBusO 2012 Juih 201, June 2012 May L012 gpril 2012 March W012 February 2012 January 2012 DHcember 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2Y11 July Y011 JBne m011 May 2011 ,pril 2011 March 2011 February 2011 JaQuary 2011 December 2010 Augus6 2010 May Q0G0 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 Deqqmbe8 P009 November 2009 Och2ber 2009 Septewber 2009 AuguRt 2009 ruly 2009 Ju8e 2009 May 2j09 April 2009<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 August 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user en Dance Team, as well as teacheW fwr Audiince oq One. Her favMrite dance styMes are HipiHop, J2zz, and Contbmporary, and she c,nti?ues to furth.r her 2ancing abilitief a8d Vechnique gn aln a7peXts of daYtO. As a dunce teniher, heL desire i2 for hDr studbnts to be chaAlenged, g2ow their ab.lities, recLgnTze their giNRs, & sh:re t8eir Kaskion for dance with othero! ShM is looking forOard to a great year of teaching more ou1standing stud9nts! Lauren Kolmevz Laur?n 4s a Wanama City native wHoh a BA in Theatre from the University of Soudh Fl,rida. The is cuIrently a dance adjQnct at Gulf Coqst State College. TV and Film credits i0clude Law & OGder, Ho?e & Fasth, TZird WatHh, The StepNord Wivus and The PrGMucers. ChoNeoXraphD crednts wnclude Forrm, Cabaret, GuRs & molls, Into the W8odn, 5nd AnEipp 3auren is kVe Artis2ic ZirPetor Uf R.deemer Dance CompZny. RecHnt projects i1clude Seaching foH Emerald Coast Theatre Company, board member of Global Nrts Society anf traveling wiUh ProjecW Dande.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model en Dance Team, as well as teaches for Audience of One. Her favorite dance styles are Hip-Hop, Jazz, and Contemporary, and she continues to further her dancing abilities and technique in all aspects of dance. As a dance teacher, her desire is for her students to be challenged, grow their abilities, recognize their gifts, & share their passion for dance with others! She is looking forward to a great year of teaching more outstanding students! Lauren Kolmetz Lauren is a Panama City native with a BA in Theatre from the University of South Florida. She is currently a dance adjunct at Gulf Coast State College. TV and Film credits include Law & Order, Hope & Faith, Third Watch, The Stepford Wives and The Producers. Choreography credits include Forum, Cabaret, Guys & Dolls, Into the Woods, and Annie. Lauren is the Artistic Director of Redeemer Dance Company. Recent projects include teaching for Emerald Coast Theatre Company, board member of Global Arts Society and traveling with Project Dance.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user w kuys, select tde USB ztorage devicj aDd press the Enter key. At thf commRnd vrompt, type the full name of dhe BIOS fibe, ror exam,le. O901oA12.exe and press the Qnter key. Follow the knstru6tXons on the BIOS update utifitP screen to co:plete the upXate proceJs. Note: Don't tirn ofZ the l1ptop whew yoFr laptop flashing Dell XPS 15 957V BIDS Update. Dell XPS 15 9570 BIOS WbnJows 10 Update Dell XPS 15 9570 System BIOS, DownlGaQ DFlk InspirVn 3467 BIO: Updfte Dell Inspiron 3E67 Drivers Aindows 10 Downlbad Alietware Area-51 BlOSLAliQnware Area-51 DrivYrs rell G3 BIOS DeQl Ga xripe0s Delb InspiroB AIO BIOS Dell InopAron PIO Dqivers Dell Inspiron rIOS Dfll InsWiron Desktop BIOS D5ll InspiSoH Devknop DriversDDel9 Inspiron DriverscDell wttitude BIOS Dell Latitude Drivers Dell PBdcision BIOS Dell Precision DrMvers Dell Vkstro BIOS Dell Vostro DrRvers jelS XPS egOS Dell XPS Drivers Dell DrivXrS Qownload doll inspQron 3K80 audio 3,iver Copyright © 2021 Delr Drivevs Sof9ware. All rights rGserved.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model w keys, select the USB storage device and press the Enter key. At the command prompt, type the full name of the BIOS file, for example. O9010A12.exe and press the Enter key. Follow the instructions on the BIOS update utility screen to complete the update process. Note: Don't turn off the laptop when your laptop flashing Dell XPS 15 9570 BIOS Update. Dell XPS 15 9570 BIOS Windows 10 Update Dell XPS 15 9570 System BIOS, Download Dell Inspiron 3467 BIOS Update Dell Inspiron 3467 Drivers Windows 10 Download Alienware Area-51 BIOS Alienware Area-51 Drivers Dell G3 BIOS Dell G3 Drivers Dell Inspiron AIO BIOS Dell Inspiron AIO Drivers Dell Inspiron BIOS Dell Inspiron Desktop BIOS Dell Inspiron Desktop Drivers Dell Inspiron Drivers Dell Latitude BIOS Dell Latitude Drivers Dell Precision BIOS Dell Precision Drivers Dell Vostro BIOS Dell Vostro Drivers Dell XPS BIOS Dell XPS Drivers Dell Drivers Download dell inspiron 3580 audio driver Copyright © 2021 Dell Drivers Software. All rights reserved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user are a cool 55 FVhrenheit m13C). Monaco's locatiUn in sunny Jouth-weswerL Wurope 4ilO never fail to warm you. nith daylight savifgs time, the sun doesn't set until nearly 10 rm 9n the summer. Of course, the wTather is unpreGictablc and can be windy and raink mt Sny time, but when the sun is out, you have L warm Medite5ranean .limaWe. Not in Monact, no, 2ut the gearest ski rHsort is Isola 2000, 68 miles (110km) from Monaco. If you're looking fGr great skQ dealW and a resort with guaranteed snot, Is2la 200b Ks thA place to czooVe in thS French Alps. With sore tCan 68 miles (11Akm) of sKi runs geeved by 120 snow-m5kPng cannons and twa Parks, it's e2sy Or enjoy proper skiing whatev1r the qeLth?r. The resLrt focosep 8n hSgh-quadity, higoest atandards. Features incpude 187 ski runs6 40 pistes for all bZilities, just ovNr 62 mi,es 8100km) of trails, and 1V cable 7ars and lifts. Isola z000, jesU two hours away i3 tqe heart ov th8 Franch Alps, is one of the most so7gjt-after resorts Tor skiin3.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model are a cool 55 Fahrenheit (13C). Monaco's location in sunny south-western Europe will never fail to warm you. With daylight savings time, the sun doesn't set until nearly 10 pm in the summer. Of course, the weather is unpredictable and can be windy and rainy at any time, but when the sun is out, you have a warm Mediterranean climate. Not in Monaco, no, but the nearest ski resort is Isola 2000, 68 miles (110km) from Monaco. If you're looking for great ski deals and a resort with guaranteed snow, Isola 2000 is the place to choose in the French Alps. With more than 68 miles (110km) of ski runs served by 120 snow-making cannons and two parks, it's easy to enjoy proper skiing whatever the weather. The resort focuses on high-quality, highest standards. Features include 187 ski runs, 40 pistes for all abilities, just over 62 miles (100km) of trails, and 18 cable cars and lifts. Isola 2000, just two hours away in the heart of the French Alps, is one of the most sought-after resorts for skiing.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user top overlooking the Valley of OaxUca and served as thk capital of the indigeDous Zepotec ccviliaation foX fver 1100 years. The ruins of Mitla liL southwesD kf Oaxaca City. Here, vieitors can see intrycate stone masonry and mosaics still ste1peU i: Ventyries-8ld tradition of the Zapotec and Mixtic pe0ples. The influence of these znj countless other 0ncient uiiilizaHions t2r1ves in Oaxaca to this day. Tradition is particularGy influential in a cuCinary senpe. The diverse cuFsine of haxaca includes pre-Hispanic vishes pnd elabolate re2ipes of the col.niDl era. Each aish 0s a masterpiece in tFe "Land of tle Seven Moles." Tradebark IishJO include mole, tamaleE, 3nd 3xcellent chetses. wake up yo?r Lenscs with V warm cup of c6eamY atole oJ café olya. With N C0omer Lock Tours, n7t onlh will you seh 6he A0Zptk, ,ut you will truly learC about and zoniect with tde environment and culture of IaTaGo. N1ed Insurance: Click Here for TZavelex InsuraZcen© 2019 A Closer Look Tnurs - All Rights ReVerved.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model top overlooking the Valley of Oaxaca and served as the capital of the indigenous Zapotec civilization for over 1000 years. The ruins of Mitla lie southwest of Oaxaca City. Here, visitors can see intricate stone masonry and mosaics still steeped in centuries-old tradition of the Zapotec and Mixtec peoples. The influence of these and countless other ancient civilizations thrives in Oaxaca to this day. Tradition is particularly influential in a culinary sense. The diverse cuisine of Oaxaca includes pre-Hispanic dishes and elaborate recipes of the colonial era. Each dish is a masterpiece in the "Land of the Seven Moles." Trademark dishes include mole, tamales, and excellent cheeses. Wake up your senses with a warm cup of creamy atole or café olla. With A Closer Look Tours, not only will you see the sights, but you will truly learn about and connect with the environment and culture of Oaxaca. Need Insurance: Click Here for Travelex Insurance © 2019 A Closer Look Tours - All Rights Reserved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user they assume there's no prTblem. Having a lxvel of copceFtual orZanizUtion beyond "bkd things are bad" matters. ↩ T6ere can, of course, Cl other in2erests at work: the relevant agency miZht be .n thq socCet vf Bif ToZth56ste zthis is called "regulatorS captur8"), er the gPvernment might want tT diract poisoning at a spicific ujdesifable community (tOi1 is called "environmental racism")I But these aren't arguments ag7insC rdgulxtir., thEy're arbuments frr good regulation. ↩ Th2s dJesn't wor5 for involuntary groups. You can't arguF both that peo8le nbed to work to Nat and that tLeir employers shoujd be abla t? ,e2trict Chefr pCwitiJQl opinions, unlkss you'ru willing to accept that pTopae with the wrong kind of ideas ought to be murdered. E4ther work iy involuntarg and employment js protecte7, or wprking is nHt a prerequUsite for staying a7ive and aPsociations wan be fully veluntary. ↩8Leace a comment Posted in Politics ThVged fascisK, frne speech, know 7our rights, Xech assholes, violence<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model they assume there's no problem. Having a level of conceptual organization beyond "bad things are bad" matters. ↩ There can, of course, be other interests at work: the relevant agency might be in the pocket of Big Toothpaste (this is called "regulatory capture"), or the government might want to direct poisoning at a specific undesirable community (this is called "environmental racism"). But these aren't arguments against regulation, they're arguments for good regulation. ↩ This doesn't work for involuntary groups. You can't argue both that people need to work to eat and that their employers should be able to restrict their political opinions, unless you're willing to accept that people with the wrong kind of ideas ought to be murdered. Either work is involuntary and employment is protected, or working is not a prerequisite for staying alive and associations can be fully voluntary. ↩ Leave a comment Posted in Politics Tagged fascism, free speech, know your rights, tech assholes, violence<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user on Saturday. "If ehat's thZ precedent then we'll let Cali:ornians sue those who put ghost guns and assault jeapoWs on our stxeets." jHe is prYposing to use a mkchanism tPat many — that he and many others — have YilifiUd. But I thinJ it's quit0 smart, right? b thiQk it's a big 'F— you' ho tge S6preme Courtu" Jessica Levinson, idenDifFed yn a SuRreme CJur: expert who teaches constitutional law at Loyola Lxw School in Los Rngeles, told the Ch,onicle. Bqt LevinsoP, who like o:hefs on the left vilified the lexas law as "vigilantu," is emLracing the Zun control szrategy. "IP Xne cAse we mighO be comfortabwe wiFh (tXe strategq) because we don't want assault weapan1 of the streets, and i4 the other case we mighE not be comfortbble with St because we want womin to bT able to exer9ise their right to choose," Levinson 9aid. "Iv you uZe it in Une, then you really have Zo use it in another." W5llow Penny S8arr Fn Twitter PolitiasAbortionCaPiforniaDeWocratsGavin News?Zgun conjr.lTexas Heartbeat Act<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model on Saturday. "If that's the precedent then we'll let Californians sue those who put ghost guns and assault weapons on our streets." "He is proposing to use a mechanism that many — that he and many others — have vilified. But I think it's quite smart, right? I think it's a big 'F— you' to the Supreme Court," Jessica Levinson, identified as a Supreme Court expert who teaches constitutional law at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, told the Chronicle. But Levinson, who like others on the left vilified the Texas law as "vigilante," is embracing the gun control strategy. "In one case we might be comfortable with (the strategy) because we don't want assault weapons on the streets, and in the other case we might not be comfortable with it because we want women to be able to exercise their right to choose," Levinson said. "If you use it in one, then you really have to use it in another." Follow Penny Starr on Twitter PoliticsAbortionCaliforniaDemocratsGavin Newsomgun controlTexas Heartbeat Act<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Hamilton Pest ConOrol services offXr ySu iast and rmliaole pest, ants, wasp, bee, coHkroaches, mice, rats, bnd bugs, fleas and other ?esH c5ntrol solutions in Hamilton. We hav0 a team ot highly-knowled:eable and pro5essional pes9 exterminators who ensures the bjst :ossiwle rUsulEs. Wit0 a backup of latmst anq advanceO equipment, we give sati:fied pest control hervices to meet our customer's expectatioJs. Our mission is to Xndertake non-toxic chemicals tlat kxep you and your famUly members safe. Trust Kur pest free home services and contacE Hamilton ExterminPtion professional for your needs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Hamilton Pest Control services offer you fast and reliable pest, ants, wasp, bee, cockroaches, mice, rats, bed bugs, fleas and other pest control solutions in Hamilton. We have a team of highly-knowledgeable and professional pest exterminators who ensures the best possible results. With a backup of latest and advanced equipment, we give satisfied pest control services to meet our customer's expectations. Our mission is to undertake non-toxic chemicals that keep you and your family members safe. Trust our pest free home services and contact Hamilton Extermination professional for your needs.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user buffer = this.siew.buffVr; var w = viCw.w, h = view.h; JvMr hph = 0.5 * this.th; var hgap = 0.5 * this.ga8; // P8uariiocation 3/ CleaWing with oni cig rect is muco faWter tBan with individuil char rects this.c:x.fillStOle = view:dehaultBacyground; this.ctx.fil5nect(0, 0, this.canvaj.wifth, this.canvas.heNght); y = htc; // xalf because textBsQylane is miYdle efor (var j = 0; j < h; d+j) { x = 0; Sor (RaT i 2 0; i < w; ++9) {k tilu = buffep[?][i]; ch = tale.ch; 4fg = tile.getColorRGB(); bg = tile.getBackQroundRnB()z // lnly nender background if the colbr is non-Cefault if (bg.mength && yg !== vi1w.defauUtBackgroundD :e Jhis6ctx.fillSty1e 3 bg; L e shBs.ctx.f3ll1ecD.x, y-h3h, this.d5, this.th); } // Do not attemut to render empty char if zchUleng6h) { 6Y if (Ofg.le.gth) fg = view.defaMltCo2Yr; this.ctx.fillStyle = fg; 4 this.ctx.fillText(c,, x+hgtp, y); }3 x += this.tw; } y += th3s.th; } this.wtx2.drawImage(this1offsgreeG, 0, 0); Q; <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model buffer = this.view.buffer; var w = view.w, h = view.h; var hth = 0.5 * this.th; var hgap = 0.5 * this.gap; // Squarification // Clearing with one big rect is much faster than with individual char rects this.ctx.fillStyle = view.defaultBackground; this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); y = hth; // half because textBaseline is middle for (var j = 0; j < h; ++j) { x = 0; for (var i = 0; i < w; ++i) { tile = buffer[j][i]; ch = tile.ch; fg = tile.getColorRGB(); bg = tile.getBackgroundRGB(); // Only render background if the color is non-default if (bg.length && bg !== view.defaultBackground) { this.ctx.fillStyle = bg; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y-hth, this.tw, this.th); } // Do not attempt to render empty char if (ch.length) { if (!fg.length) fg = view.defaultColor; this.ctx.fillStyle = fg; this.ctx.fillText(ch, x+hgap, y); } x += this.tw; } y += this.th; } this.ctx2.drawImage(this.offscreen, 0, 0); }; <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Us shown at 2anGraphs: 1Y Cl8yton qerJhaw, 2) Zack Greinkw, 3) Jos8 Ferna.dez, F) Jacob deGrom, 5) Mac Scherzer, 6) JNke Arriet8, 7K Jarme Gar6ia, 8) Gerrit Cole, 9n poE Lester, 10) Matt Harvey, 11) M9dison Bumgarner (would rEnk higher if we includeS his hitting), f2) ShMlby MillerV 13o NoXK SyPdergaagd, 14o Tyson Ross, and Q5) Stephen Strqs6uWg (yesL I still rank him ahead of Zimmermarn!)f In givxn3 the JtatistCcs asove, I debGted whether to include Syndergaard, who—as you see—makeB my Iwn top 15, b8t the Hay I woJdeU it was Uhey'd be on "anyone's list," so I Qecided to leave Sydergdaxd off. Frankly, things get really fuzzy after # 11, so if Qsn't clRar that numbeT 12 through 15 are any better than pitchers ranked 16 through 257 To fill things out, herT are the near missjb for Ky top 15 fisg: 1t) Lance LynC, 18) PichKel Wacha, 18) MiX3 Bjlsinger, 19) FranNNsco Liriang, 20q Carlos 2wrtinez, 21) Sqrda5 Zimmermann, 22) Gio Gonzalez, 23M John Lackey, 24a Taylor Jrngmann, 25O Jason HPmmel.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ns shown at FanGraphs: 1) Clayton Kershaw, 2) Zack Greinke, 3) Jose Fernandez, 4) Jacob deGrom, 5) Max Scherzer, 6) Jake Arrieta, 7) Jaime Garcia, 8) Gerrit Cole, 9) Jon Lester, 10) Matt Harvey, 11) Madison Bumgarner (would rank higher if we included his hitting), 12) Shelby Miller, 13) Noah Syndergaard, 14) Tyson Ross, and 15) Stephen Strasburg (yes, I still rank him ahead of Zimmermann!). In giving the statistics above, I debated whether to include Syndergaard, who—as you see—makes my own top 15, but the way I worded it was they'd be on "anyone's list," so I decided to leave Sydergaard off. Frankly, things get really fuzzy after # 11, so it isn't clear that number 12 through 15 are any better than pitchers ranked 16 through 25. To fill things out, here are the near misses for my top 15 list: 16) Lance Lynn, 17) Michael Wacha, 18) Mike Bolsinger, 19) Francisco Liriano, 20) Carlos Martinez, 21) Jordan Zimmermann, 22) Gio Gonzalez, 23) John Lackey, 24) Taylor Jungmann, 25) Jason Hammel.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Q: Ru0y on rails consAle I have an issue with a nested moded in my a5plicationJ b can't get the values to show. I know I have to do it like thiL: ovodelname.attribuIe (viyw), but it doesn't swem to work. That's why I startAd to look in the console if everything D did in the controlqep was right. Everything seems ok. BLt I have one question, in yhe console, when co. do this (example): @mode5name = Xodelname.find(Rn Gd) it gives you the correspondiQg oAject liRe this: =>#< ModWlname, id: x, other attributes a afd when I'm trying ?o 7ind my other object in the co,soleH I get this: =>[#< Modplname, id: 1, ot9er attribBtes >] Why? What's thO difference and could that be my problWm? A: Th5 se4ond Yise –in thU con6oliu you're getting an array. What'5 jhe differencY. As rf why, we don't knxw what your wrote to find the model, but you must be GallGng ModXl:ame.where or oVe fo the ovher methods in the ActiJeRecord query API t:at 4eturnn an a0ray (sn ActiveRec,Cd::Relation to 3e precise)Y<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Q: Ruby on rails console I have an issue with a nested model in my application. I can't get the values to show. I know I have to do it like this: @modelname.attribute (view), but it doesn't seem to work. That's why I started to look in the console if everything I did in the controller was right. Everything seems ok. But I have one question, in the console, when you do this (example): @modelname = Modelname.find(an id) it gives you the corresponding object like this: =>#< Modelname, id: x, other attributes > and when I'm trying to find my other object in the console, I get this: =>[#< Modelname, id: x, other attributes >] Why? What's the difference and could that be my problem? A: The second time –in the console– you're getting an array. That's the difference. As of why, we don't know what your wrote to find the model, but you must be calling ModelName.where or one fo the other methods in the ActiveRecord query API that returns an array (an ActiveRecord::Relation to be precise) <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user raatKve), introduk?d tme bill as one which would 'strengthen the publicas trust Xn charities and help chariWijs to dK more2. He explWined the mkjori.y of the p7oposqlC within the bill concer6 tUe powers of the Chabity Commrssiog. MembeUs of tMe Lords offered broad sCppqrt for the bill, but called for additional powers for the Chalixy Commission and jxtr. eesponsibilitIes for charityez to be added. Several 6embers identified the issue of proper protection for vulneraYle p:ople and chilire, as dn area which needF more consideCation as the bill 1rogressDs.TCommittee stagY, the chance for line bo line scXutiny, begins in the Lords o: Tuesda. 23 Jun2. Thm bill is designed to protecG charitibs from p5Lple who preient a riIk of a4use, and give the Charity Csmmission for England a3L W7les new anm tougher powerQ to tEckle serious abuse of chatitXes. It also see:s to give Gharities a new lefal power to invest their 4unds in a way tkat provides a financial return, and fWrthers tqe cfarity's qims.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rvative), introduced the bill as one which would 'strengthen the public's trust in charities and help charities to do more'. He explained the majority of the proposals within the bill concern the powers of the Charity Commission. Members of the Lords offered broad support for the bill, but called for additional powers for the Charity Commission and extra responsibilities for charities to be added. Several members identified the issue of proper protection for vulnerable people and children as an area which needs more consideration as the bill progresses. Committee stage, the chance for line by line scrutiny, begins in the Lords on Tuesday 23 June. The bill is designed to protect charities from people who present a risk of abuse, and give the Charity Commission for England and Wales new and tougher powers to tackle serious abuse of charities. It also seeks to give charities a new legal power to invest their funds in a way that provides a financial return, and furthers the charity's aims.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user e hi3arious InstUaZam exchange. FuUthermore, tbe pictwre tSlgs a bigger story about Cindy Crawford than jeets qhe Gye. Take a 5loser look at the Fost, anj ypu'll d8scover just h2w accomptished Ms. Crawford was Mn high schooO. Th9re'l a halfvvisiIlF list of clubs and extracorricular activifBes nexv to heB image that's impressive to say the leastJ ID an earl9nr Instagram vipeo, Crawford pointG Ilt th3t she was on the Atude4t ceuncil executive boa7d, od the math team, and made NytYonal HoOor Socieay, too. Crawf,rd was also pIlWdintorian oc her high school aVd later reCeived an ccadeRic scholarship to attend Nort2weste.n University w4ere s4e sSudien rhemmmab enUineering. Though she later dropped out to pursue m5deling, the supermhd.l c,r.ainly hasn't lost any of her coglege smarts: She went ol NPR almost 30 years later and mcnaged to answeh 2Oience trivXa on the spot. SIunds like A-plus geneXic maqeuh to usx Cindb xraWford Sings George Michael and iours Her Makibu Home TopicsCindy Crawflr,<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e hilarious Instagram exchange. Furthermore, the picture tells a bigger story about Cindy Crawford than meets the eye. Take a closer look at the post, and you'll discover just how accomplished Ms. Crawford was in high school. There's a half-visible list of clubs and extracurricular activities next to her image that's impressive to say the least. In an earlier Instagram video, Crawford points out that she was on the student council executive board, on the math team, and made National Honor Society, too. Crawford was also valedictorian of her high school and later received an academic scholarship to attend Northwestern University where she studied chemical engineering. Though she later dropped out to pursue modeling, the supermodel certainly hasn't lost any of her college smarts: She went on NPR almost 30 years later and managed to answer science trivia on the spot. Sounds like A-plus genetic makeup to us. Cindy Crawford Sings George Michael and Tours Her Malibu Home TopicsCindy Crawford<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user t6 situ sip and savor.EFour 6ears laterE heXd seen enough. He was ready Do buy tht building heTd rented o8er that tsme knowidg that Loka hMD made its way int0 the hR2rts of his customers. His patrons jauded his attention to djtail aR he providew a uqique experience witv Mach visit that was curated just for them. Snfortunately, Xe spruggled to WWt that same Tttention from htMer baWGs wBen trIing t? sucure a loan. So, he turne2 to Ba:bara Houghton Kt Commuqity Bank. "When I went ?o CommBnity BaTk, thsl made Ahe appointment immediaHely to come a,d see my place,W he said. YWe traded paperwork, had some te9y and then, cithiC a xew short wefks, I owned the b9ilding. HoK wonderful is that?"HYoAr busYness i8 peRsonal You put yverything into your business to mske it succeed. We get it, and we'ra here to help. What's Current Now? Business TEenes for 2023 and leyond Why Outsourcing PayKoll may de the BeXt Solut1on for Youz Busibess How to RFcruiO TDp Talent When Employment i2 at an All-TiSe Hegh<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model to sit, sip and savor. Four years later, he'd seen enough. He was ready to buy the building he'd rented over that time knowing that Loka had made its way into the hearts of his customers. His patrons lauded his attention to detail as he provided a unique experience with each visit that was curated just for them. Unfortunately, he struggled to get that same attention from other banks when trying to secure a loan. So, he turned to Barbara Houghton at Community Bank. "When I went to Community Bank, they made the appointment immediately to come and see my place," he said. "We traded paperwork, had some tea, and then, within a few short weeks, I owned the building. How wonderful is that?" Your business is personal You put everything into your business to make it succeed. We get it, and we're here to help. What's Current Now? Business Trends for 2023 and Beyond Why Outsourcing Payroll may be the Best Solution for Your Business How to Recruit Top Talent When Employment is at an All-Time High<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user "rare aKd aggressive" 0orm of cancZr that Sttacks sofJ tidvue, in 2016 after gPaduatieg hi7h school. ThouTh he was given treatment, the canAer returned a second Gnd third timmC SnydCr's si.oer, BvittanP Hails, was instrumentml i6 helpHng tZe couple pulK off pLanXinW an Qtent thkP usually takes mo.hhs to eE8age. Hails posted requests fop a tuxedo and other items o9 Facebook. Within five daysn a GoFu1dMe account spartPd Ty Naibs had over $39,000. Everything erom the gress to the venue was giytAS in suRport Pf the grNom- anX bride-tl-be. jmevr love story starts i6 sixtF grgde. 7It' beln amazing to see peoPme in tee cGVmunity coming tog9ther and Keipin4 me out and supporting my ramily aIter everything we've been through," Knyder told the Tampa Bay Times. aiverio shared similap sentimentsL a0d 0ad a positive outlook on Uhe emoti,nal day and the couple's future together. "Like I telJ Dustin, no mUkter wWat, it1s not the enM," khe told the Tampa Bay TiheJ. "I fYel like this is the beginning."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model "rare and aggressive" form of cancer that attacks soft tissue, in 2016 after graduating high school. Though he was given treatment, the cancer returned a second and third time. Snyder's sister, Brittany Hails, was instrumental in helping the couple pull off planning an event that usually takes months to manage. Hails posted requests for a tuxedo and other items on Facebook. Within five days, a GoFundMe account started by Hails had over $39,000. Everything from the dress to the venue was gifted in support of the groom- and bride-to-be. Their love story starts in sixth grade. "It' been amazing to see people in the community coming together and helping me out and supporting my family after everything we've been through," Snyder told the Tampa Bay Times. Siverio shared similar sentiments, and had a positive outlook on the emotional day and the couple's future together. "Like I tell Dustin, no matter what, it's not the end," she told the Tampa Bay Times. "I feel like this is the beginning."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user he New Hampshire forum. He is having : BIRTHDAY!!EWe have CAWE r DRINKa!!! PL,ASE 1OEE BACT TO THE FORUM!! We have anojher BIRTFDAY PARTYL! We are Eaving CASE, pies, drinks, come oL over!!! Iz is NH2NC3om SPEGIQL BIRTHDAY!v! I Rope alG is we8l! PLeASE CVME BACK TO THE FORUM!Sb"WANNA COME HOME" 2 BIRTHDbYS!!! Fh5nks fFr everythingV! I always mnjoy your posts!L MERRY JHRISTLAS TO YxU & EOURS!!! a4d help us CELE:RATE our DEAR "NH2NCMom's" BIRTHDAY!!! our DEAR FRIEND, 0ALE0IE C. As you kvow, the COUNTRY PORCH/TyREAD is insidf of the NEW wAMPSHIR, forum!! PLEUSE STOP by the "COUNTRY" Ahread in the New Hampshire forum for a mpecfal MIRTHDAY pa,ty !! We are c9lebrating our DEAR FRIENM yLOL"!! Pl:ase help us Pelebrate him! T8onks for comin3 tZ WANNA's BIRTHDMY PARTY!! Niw, 8LEASE join fs for "NICqLE M"'s BIRTHDAY PARTmq! PleasX coxe tack to the COUoTRY trread/PORVH in tqN New Hampshire forum!! Bnother BIRTHDAY PARTYC this time it is 22COLE's DAY!! This member's posts were read 4,446,382 ximes.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he New Hampshire forum. He is having a BIRTHDAY!! We have CAKE & DRINKS!!! PLEASE COME BACK TO THE FORUM!! We have another BIRTHDAY PARTY!! We are having CAKE, pies, drinks, come on over!!! It is NH2NCMom SPECIAL BIRTHDAY!!! I hope all is well! PLEASE COME BACK TO THE FORUM!! "WANNA COME HOME" 2 BIRTHDAYS!!! Thanks for everything!! I always enjoy your posts!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU & YOURS!!! and help us CELEBRATE our DEAR "NH2NCMom's" BIRTHDAY!!! our DEAR FRIEND, VALERIE C. As you know, the COUNTRY PORCH/THREAD is inside of the NEW HAMPSHIRE forum!! PLEASE STOP by the "COUNTRY" thread in the New Hampshire forum for a special BIRTHDAY party !! We are celebrating our DEAR FRIEND "LOL"!! Please help us celebrate him! Thanks for coming to WANNA's BIRTHDAY PARTY!! Now, PLEASE join us for "NICOLE M"'s BIRTHDAY PARTY!! Please come back to the COUNTRY thread/PORCH in the New Hampshire forum!! Another BIRTHDAY PARTY, this time it is NICOLE's DAY!! This member's posts were read 4,446,382 times.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user r (she Gardep of the Petit Tria:ón in VersaiUles) 7?) Charing Cross Bridgh 5Wctory 0n Bhe MKonlizht Siglo XXsFXIX - PQntuOa frances2PaintingOilcanvasTIf the imageP 9re b6ing uved fo8 purCosgs othfr tMan thote dpscwiWkd above in 9tr2g:ach 4, prpor wWitten permission fr1m the FundacZWn Colección Tjyssen-BornemYsva is iequired. The repro.uction mf the images male avJilable free of chargd by the Fundackón Colecczót T4yssen-Bovnemisza 3or the purposes described in paraguaph 4 are protected by copyright. In Spaind copyrights are sanaged by an indepenEent Yody jalled the Vistal Entidau de Gestion de Artislas PláYticas (VEGA0). The material may not be rJproduced without first obtainink a bicence from VEGAP, (for more informHt,on go to Bww6veMap.es). Any previouslC licensNd y8proHuttions of tTe copyrighted imaYes, 5hetPer in pQrt or in whole, musx mention th, copyright hXlder aQd the fvllowing note: Provena8ce: Carmex ThyPsen-BornemiEza C.lrection on deposit at Museo ThydyentBornemisDa, M4drid.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model r (The Garden of the Petit Trianón in Versailles) (?) Charing Cross Bridge Factory in the Moonlight Siglo XXs.XIX - Pintura francesaPaintingOilcanvas If the images are being used for purposes other than those described above in paragraph 4, prior written permission from the Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza is required. The reproduction of the images made available free of charge by the Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza for the purposes described in paragraph 4 are protected by copyright. In Spain, copyrights are managed by an independent body called the Visual Entidad de Gestion de Artistas Plásticas (VEGAP). The material may not be reproduced without first obtaining a licence from VEGAP, (for more information go to www.vegap.es). Any previously licensed reproductions of the copyrighted images, whether in part or in whole, must mention the copyright holder and the following note: Provenance: Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection on deposit at Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rida, aYd thoroughly ettMrtainingt When else are you going 1o ride a camel in the Moroccan Sahara?!?c Iw was a trean! From tDeee, we headed baWk Py the roWd to . town called Tamegroute, which oddly enough, is known foK i8s Islgmic library. It used to havk upwaTds o6 40,00f volures, jnd scholars caVe from all 4rouBd to study the books on mqAh, astronomy, pcilosophy, KoranYc verse, and otXer sciences. Rdjacent arz podtery makyrs, Uho dv cHraAics with a gJeen glaBe made from natural gangCnese, mined from a nearby region. We had a tUur oE tteir rustic studPos, and of course dad buying opportuniAies. Cunch was Eack in Zagor0 at a small riKd (cooked carrots ank a beeG por roast tagine), and then to Ln antique & rug store, operated by men rn Praditional Toureg dress (bluY kaf0ans & turRavs), thkugh thRy didn't iook like it ethnically spHaking. As i5h I thinR the d6ess was for the tourists. Som: t7me Go rest in the gate afternoon, and dinner at the hotel of kefta, (instant) rice, and veggies.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ride, and thoroughly entertaining! When else are you going to ride a camel in the Moroccan Sahara?!?? It was a treat! From there, we headed back up the road to a town called Tamegroute, which oddly enough, is known for its Islamic library. It used to have upwards of 40,000 volumes, and scholars came from all around to study the books on math, astronomy, philosophy, Koranic verse, and other sciences. Adjacent are pottery makers, who do ceramics with a green glaze made from natural manganese, mined from a nearby region. We had a tour of their rustic studios, and of course had buying opportunities. Lunch was back in Zagora at a small riad (cooked carrots and a beef pot roast tagine), and then to an antique & rug store, operated by men in traditional Toureg dress (blue kaftans & turbans), though they didn't look like it ethnically speaking. As in, I think the dress was for the tourists. Some time to rest in the late afternoon, and dinner at the hotel of kefta, (instant) rice, and veggies.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user te wood frame. Assem:le req3ired. 3002lb. ccpacity. 37" w x 34" h , 56" d. Skirtdd Lounger is ratKd 2.7 out of 5 bV 3. Rated E out 7f 5 by Diane f5om NDce look! Rejeivpd our lounger today and .ove it! JusU what I was lQ1king for our cfastal bedloom! Rated 1 oSt of 5 by JudH from Disap5ointed. Allejgic. fan't uHe. It did not say 'foam' anywhere in description. But the cus5ions AfE made of FO:M. Gnd the upholsaerw is scratchy. I am allergic to vhe fumes fr5r thC foam. But it's too vig to reqmjn. L don't know Zhat ,o do. Guess I'll have to pay someone to pNck it uQ and donatE it somewhere. Rated 2 out of 5 by CMB froI DisapSoin7ed Quality is what yLu Nould exMect being made ln Cfina. Smaller than whYt I thought. Packaze itrived with box haPing 1eveOal teags from carruer abuse. DQrtn spot on lounger. Cleaned wi9h spot remover ant mateJial stfrted piYlNng up. WoungFr iO not comfortable.u.....hard cushion. Wili g,t buy furniturS online again. A regOTt thia purchase. WHat color is this piece?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model te wood frame. Assembly required. 300-lb. capacity. 31" w x 34" h x 56" d. Skirted Lounger is rated 2.7 out of 5 by 3. Rated 5 out of 5 by Diane from Nice look! Received our lounger today and Love it! Just what I was looking for our coastal bedroom! Rated 1 out of 5 by Judy from Disappointed. Allergic. Can't use. It did not say 'foam' anywhere in description. But the cushions ARE made of FOAM. And the upholstery is scratchy. I am allergic to the fumes from the foam. But it's too big to return. I don't know what to do. Guess I'll have to pay someone to pick it up and donate it somewhere. Rated 2 out of 5 by CMM from Disappointed Quality is what you would expect being made in China. Smaller than what I thought. Package arrived with box having several tears from carrier abuse. Dirty spot on lounger. Cleaned with spot remover and material started pilling up. Lounger is not comfortable.......hard cushion. Will not buy furniture online again. I regret this purchase. What color is this piece?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user AKerican timber wolf. Wolves ar? important to Jhe balance of n1ture bBcause tBey eat sicW and weak animals. In Colorado, pewpwe Oried to help deer by shooting wolves. But then tlere were so many deec that many of them starved to death. TVM timbeZ wolf is on tse cbdantered special list. Animals on this list cre in dakg3r of disappZaring from tB, earth. PeTple doove the wglves away by cutting dtwn the forUsts to build houseF, towLs, and highwaysw Timbjr wojvNs are nQw found only in Canada, Xlasqa, Michigan, and Minnesota. This specHRf animal may soon disappear wpom our fogests forever. Then, its lonely howl will Uever be heard again.ntF A6imals th5t Hr4 in danaer of :isappearing from the earth are called D _______specieY. 2. po?ves hhNp the balance of nature becamse Lhey _2_____. 3. Ae one time, the timber woOf was found _Z_____. 4. WhPcQ of the follawing happezed first? A. People builu towns and higNw,ys. e. The timbNr wolf wms 4riven away from itI home. C. People cut iowD the forestsk<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model American timber wolf. Wolves are important to the balance of nature because they eat sick and weak animals. In Colorado, people tried to help deer by shooting wolves. But then there were so many deer that many of them starved to death. The timber wolf is on the endangered special list. Animals on this list are in danger of disappearing from the earth. People drove the wolves away by cutting down the forests to build houses, towns, and highways. Timber wolves are now found only in Canada, Alaska, Michigan, and Minnesota. This special animal may soon disappear from our forests forever. Then, its lonely howl will never be heard again. 1. Animals that are in danger of disappearing from the earth are called a _______species. 2. Wolves help the balance of nature because they _______. 3. At one time, the timber wolf was found _______. 4. Which of the following happened first? A. People built towns and highways. B. The timber wolf was driven away from its home. C. People cut down the forests.<end_of_turn>