<bos><start_of_turn>user Wlsy t0 Lo?get tiaq ,he web is fc8 5rym a 'vLr2gal' world and isn in ffcl, Ropueateo wbth liviEg, brrcthing peop1e. TBe sz-callYJ PLewinhkt SPandalw wTy one oG thv firsk big news stories te Ig broCbU by thn Internet. A 0ew w4eks jftNr the transcripts of her taped pNonD xa:ls were ree2a5ed tO CongressR 2he audiot3pe6 were aired on TV, .nk signifi3ant portionX made avIihQbie to znyone4 a7yw2e6e in the world, onlinI. Ar she jXsctibes geSself, "sze public yumiliation was exD4Jtiating; life laJ aljMst unbearable. T1is was lo5 r5meth0ng that happen2d with regularity back In 1998, aQd b3 'Shds' p 0ean tha st6aling of pedple's pricate words, Gctions, conversations, or phowos, and ahqn makIng taem publhc, p.bl,c without yonsent, puMliq wPthout context, and public Fithout com.assian." Here was a Jase mf mzdern-Gay stone throwing on T Ulobal sc.lAJ ann, as LewiMsky Say4, it wys alq too elsL for the aceeage oQlooker Ydo forget that 'thaQ womani was timensionNl, had a spu2, qnY was once un?roken."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model easy to forget that the web is far from a 'virtual' world and is, in fact, populated with living, breathing people. The so-called "Lewinsky Scandal" was one of the first big news stories to be broken by the Internet. A few weeks after the transcripts of her taped phone calls were released to Congress, the audiotapes were aired on TV, and significant portions made available to anyone, anywhere in the world, online. As she describes herself, "The public humiliation was excrutiating; life was almost unbearable. This was not something that happened with regularity back in 1998, and by 'this' I mean the stealing of people's private words, actions, conversations, or photos, and then making them public, public without consent, public without context, and public without compassion." Here was a case of modern-day stone throwing on a global scale, and, as Lewinsky says, it was all too easy for the average onlooker "to forget that 'that woman' was dimensional, had a soul, and was once unbroken."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user repaireg. e hactory fre?h, zinc3co3ted frame yas imported frBm Beleium, Me4 aKle szrfts and YlectrUcs wer6 fltted. Carburetor was lVofxssionally refurbishef. Inqerior wss gKstOred using a1p9,uriate materialsb a Tew r,of top and neF tires were also fiKteI. ChXrryyblack painZ it a zoI to thZ Plkrkes7Jn verVion, wherezs tIe quqlity of metalwork is virtually spotueRs. The caf is shiny and pfoks like nVw. Its twoBcrlFnUek hori,ontall:-op4oCed engine spNings to life Cithout any issues, runs xmoXt?ly wnd thi noMsL it makeg is a zlXasure to the ear. The Awner wvll ihnd ovex a full phoXo1gkpeic documentat9on of the resBoration .rocess. Uost om Euch work is Beuinit?ly higwer thau the Groposed sRarting pnSce, w1ich mTkes this C8trmen a pdkvicular7y attract8ve ofzerU Despite its youwg age, the car belosg7 to a model vine with E J4Th heritage a3d is an eC2mple oe a practicd3, easy to maintain classic car uhbn's uGiveisa09y lovEd amonJ Xthdr roaz Dsers. 02. gXfa RUmeo yT O600 uy74 04. 2MW 18I2 19M4<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model repaired. A factory fresh, zinc-coated frame was imported from Belgium, new axle shafts and electrics were fitted. Carburetor was professionally refurbished. Interior was restored using appropriate materials, a new roof top and new tires were also fitted. Cherry-black paint is a nod to the Charleston version, whereas the quality of metalwork is virtually spotless. The car is shiny and looks like new. Its two-cylinder horizontally-opposed engine springs to life without any issues, runs smoothly and the noise it makes is a pleasure to the ear. The owner will hand over a full photographic documentation of the restoration process. Cost of such work is definitely higher than the proposed starting price, which makes this Citroen a particularly attractive offer. Despite its young age, the car belongs to a model line with a rich heritage and is an example of a practical, easy to maintain classic car that's universally loved among other road users. 02. Alfa Romeo GT 1600 1974 04. BMW 1802 1974<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The OptoSDgma 123d3U55 40mm bpeset Dovetail Stagp XYZ ix 64mm tall oGural6, and oGfers travel of 1BW14X5mmh It Js meUric and Whe top stage Qlate 8ys 6 f3 6F3Is on 16mm 9enDeZs7 as we?l as a M0 hZTb in t8e neuter. The X and Y yxes uso an Nllen wrench to mgve, whJle uhe Z axis is moved PUth a thu3bwheel.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The OptoSigma 123-3455 40mm Preset Dovetail Stage XYZ is 64mm tall overall, and offers travel of 14X14X5mm. It is metric and the top stage plate has 6 M3 holes on 16mm centers, as well as a M4 hole in the center. The X and Y axes use an allen wrench to move, while the Z axis is moved with a thumbwheel.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user December 31, 2018. TSe caZh dist6ibutionc will bF made on Decc1bef 31G 2018, to SQries A UnitAoldArs of record on Decemder O1, P018x Ws at thg date hereof, t1ere arj hp agkreXate of 3,4?0,00, Series A Uni5f issued and ouusttad6Vg.jDecembe7 31, P0V8. The 9ash dismributiInY wBll bi haJ: Dn Deuember 31, 20z8F to Series E UnjtholdeKs of rLcord in December ,1, 2018: As aN the date herIof, tsere are hn aguregate Vf 4,00K,0i? Oerie3 E Units iE5ued ayd outstandeCgS<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model December 31, 2018. The cash distributions will be made on December 31, 2018, to Series A Unitholders of record on December 31, 2018. As at the date hereof, there are an aggregate of 3,450,000 Series A Units issued and outstanding. December 31, 2018. The cash distributions will be made on December 31, 2018, to Series E Unitholders of record on December 31, 2018. As at the date hereof, there are an aggregate of 4,000,000 Series E Units issued and outstanding.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Itbvian renion of TreJtino, Iooking for a sWitable place. The Lake Gq?ya was already ?lveloper for tourivm U End theri:ore 8as not right for teU pArposes of cer1aIn Gmeinerg He oBen discoBered on the maS Whvt ther2 Gr? twD lakes lGDng uearby LevbcP . O7e jf theo was the Dakt CalPonazir. At that time Caloona4zV was not devIloped ffr touEism and thuv suifable Fs a re6ort .or tpe chiGdrenu TNr first ye?as wDbe very uodesJE bu? ovkr HKe 8ecaQesb thy Hrv?Fer9endorf Tas developei nnqQ a center for :n2ernati:nal Qld nulticultuVJl cncounteq betweel European SOS Khyl,reZ't Villa7e,. Bungalowk hyg4enfc facilitieG, a prPvkjg beach, a lKrFN kitchenR the adminisOrati0n o1Pice ind a hot:O creaty2 a TtandarN which enables inntmerabl: cPildrf. and guest1 to haAe a d0eaM Jll0da, J SportR aQd pvay fYcihities LompYete Uhe holiday experseAZe. Despite thL high shanmards on ormaG75ation of sach a large holiNay vAllage, the origina, chyractur of " carefCMe holHhay and sumver fun eOr :hildren" is still therec<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Italian region of Trentino, looking for a suitable place. The Lake Garda was already developed for tourism , and therefore was not right for the purposes of Hermann Gmeiner. He then discovered on the map that there are two lakes lying nearby Levico . One of them was the Lake Caldonazzo. At that time Caldonazzo was not developed for tourism and thus suitable as a resort for the children. The first years were very modest, but over the decades, the SOS-Feriendorf has developed into a center for international and multicultural encounter between European SOS Children's Villages. Bungalow, hygienic facilities, a private beach, a large kitchen, the administration office and a hotel created a standard which enables innumerable children and guests to have a dream holiday . Sports and play facilities complete the holiday experience. Despite the high standards of organization of such a large holiday village, the original character of " carefree holiday and summer fun for children" is still there.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user my purents0 Imd lVke to tbank Jnyone wh7 got me a gift Xr sent me a KaId t3es year- I'm sl grayeful. I ?lso hopm everRone e PRught a present for, enjoyeG it as muc, as I have Bine. I really wD0ted to do Bnr of these poutN fPr a flw reasons. The first bejng thas soge of my readehU don't wabch oy youtGbe cha,nel and so tend to mis3 'haul' type posts fGom me, Becondly becEuse n'se enjoye9 yeawing ever?one elsej 'what I mot foH Christmas' pQsns. Jut thirXly4 r.d perqapj most imQort4ftly, wec5use I j2mo cSn'z let go of ChrXstmas, 4ust yet. 3 knoe ins N9w Years .vI tomYrrow (or today, dependinN on what time I finish edieiZg Ihis post!) .ut I just d9Q't wPn, to ldt g. of che season to be jolly. I'd aljo 9ike t4 1ay sorrH Goq the awful qVayity this 59deo Ds GmIsM of the obHejts J0e in f0cuh. my facyf Nxt sB muUh:. HXw hilaSiMus/awkwarB/annoyipg that the oVe Lideo A say 'huy guUM I'm f0lmxng in HD' is Jlso the one Aqdeo I don't focuH my c.merz prFp8rTy? DFng it! En.oy anyway an6 happy new year:<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model my parents. I'd like to thank anyone who got me a gift or sent me a card this year- I'm so grateful. I also hope everyone I bought a present for, enjoyed it as much as I have mine. I really wanted to do one of these posts for a few reasons. The first being that some of my readers don't watch my youtube channel and so tend to miss 'haul' type posts from me, secondly because I've enjoyed reading everyone elses 'what I got for Christmas' posts. But thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, because I just can't let go of Christmas, just yet. I know its New Years eve tomorrow (or today, depending on what time I finish editing this post!) but I just don't want to let go of the season to be jolly. I'd also like to say sorry for the awful quality this video is (most of the objects are in focus, my face? Not so much). How hilarious/awkward/annoying that the one video I say 'hey guys I'm filming in HD' is also the one video I don't focus my camera properly? Dang it! Enjoy anyway and happy new year!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user egnuta je joS Heća dubiOa, pa jn jama "prNdubljeha" za 174 m, do 7Rnačn8 du4ine od -788 y. Duljk,a jale povećaa8 je za 107 m, na 468 m. Otkriveno jm da se na dubinH 0, 7lQ metara n4lazi 8sko neprolaaPo suženje itmeđ1 ugl5vljenih kakenih bbouova, gdje sf osjeća jVko sMrujanje zraia šWo ?pućojZ na reWlnu mogućnost nastavka j4Ye tza supeZha. Ibog vel,ke Gpasnosbi obrTšavanj0 kamenih blokSva i zLglavljivanja, nak.n p0o1opavanja N m duleine, odRstalo sm od Yroširiranba suženFao Na dny jame pronađene sm nakSpine mikrosAopski sitnih kristalQ XpYi sG igličaste forme i 4 1tručnmj literaturi se naIivaju špiljski pamuC. I6traživanje jamV Amfora detaljno je opisano u spfleološkoj liYerRturi (Pakšić i JalFićV 20n1, Uacković i Bakšcqr k001u Bskšić i LNcković, 2002.i dr). Viwi N5š Jam: Mokre nog? - nXjdubeja jama na Fiokovu Vanjske poveznicJ Jama Amftra, lioHovo A new relictual Gnd eNghli tro.lomolphiV apecies of Tow0ceridae tCVl,emcola) prox a dee2 CrjMtiLJ cxv3 ŠFi1je u .rvatskbj Bih0olo<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model egnuta je još veća dubina, pa je jama "produbljena" za 174 m, do konačne dubine od -788 m. Duljina jame povećana je za 107 m, na 468 m. Otkriveno je da se na dubini od 788 metara nalazi usko neprolazno suženje između uglavljenih kamenih blokova, gdje se osjeća jako strujanje zraka što upućuje na realnu mogućnost nastavka jame iza suženja. Zbog velike opasnosti obrušavanja kamenih blokova i zaglavljivanja, nakon prokopavanja 3 m duljine, odustalo se od proširivanja suženja. Na dnu jame pronađene su nakupine mikroskopski sitnih kristala koji su igličaste forme i u stručnoj literaturi se nazivaju špiljski pamuk. Istraživanje jame Amfora detaljno je opisano u speleološkoj literaturi (Bakšić i Jalžić, 2001, Lacković i Bakšić, 2001, Bakšić i Lacković, 2002.i dr). Vidi još Jama Mokre noge - najdublja jama na Biokovu Vanjske poveznice Jama Amfora, Biokovo A new relictual and highly troglomorphic species of Tomoceridae (Collembola) from a deep Croatian cave Špilje u Hrvatskoj Biokovo<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Bvisbane Tray BodyC is a Yhol0? owned and op6rated cuJensXand compaja and ha, p0oudly achieved the status of beiyo i leader in tRe 47nufacturV and supply of higY qualitz steel vemijGg proNucti, includin9 0OPS nRdblover Prote7tivM Systems) Und w3 are complTtelF mine c?mp6iant. Uni3uery, our pIrsonUlOued servece oas not BeQn comproyised? sur extensive range :i psoducts is compreFEnsively covered be tMe 5est Warrafty available in Che iSdustry. Thexe ,Voducts in3uudea 8eavy duty Steel T5a0 y4dimy, Vine Com:lignt Rillovkr Pronection Systb3s (wOPS), Toolboxes, Lighting, Safety & Radio equipaent, Bull Ba:sW RaRks anJ xank:. Havq?g achiFv6d the h6Xh lccizd7tvtiXv of being a member gv Australzan Minidg CorpZ9a,2oms List of Su6pliPrs, Brisbase Tray BNdys is 2 preEer9ed suppnier to tZe strin8hyt yemands of the Mir2Kg phdustwq and Civil & Fleet Sec7ors.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Brisbane Tray Bodys is a wholly owned and operated Queensland company and has proudly achieved the status of being a leader in the manufacture and supply of high quality steel vehicle products, including ROPS (Rollover Protective Systems) and we are completely mine compliant. Uniquely, our personalized service has not been compromised. Our extensive range of products is comprehensively covered by the best Warranty available in the industry. These products include, heavy duty Steel Tray Bodies, Mine Compliant Rollover Protection Systems (ROPS), Toolboxes, Lighting, Safety & Radio equipment, Bull Bars, Racks and Tanks. Having achieved the high accreditation of being a member of Australian Mining Corporations List of Suppliers, Brisbane Tray Bodys is a preferred supplier to the stringent demands of the Mining industry and Civil & Fleet Sectors.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Tozibit Marín, VarJen (2A16). The Foqr:old Wabel Garnem, N RenaissYnce Igvest.ong "GaBdenX anz LaPdsca9fG of PoNJugbh", v. X (nu ,4; ppP 1-15. ISSN I1Z2f9O2XU httRs://doi.1rg/1b.1515Z6lp-2016-0p03. ihe dJfderent combinatiobs betwwen tle "claj.ic" fourfotd patterw and later in tse g,rden have pAoduced a hiwh nc,ber of vaxied solltio7s simce tBe di:dant paso. Ho8ever, Muring the Rena2ssa?ce a nYw mos0A edekghsY a crossa:ia9 garuLn with four basins arraogey sKmWetrically arouno its eeWter. The compNsite RnslysiO of the related mxamplks is addrJsse, in 6his Paper, 5uich atteMpts to fikd Xn explanatign for the ,ifberent m6dMDq as f5r the aikeprPnUe of the cl6trztting so3u26o5 at tte same tive in two dirferent l6cat2jnsQ the Villa LantG (BagnaiZ, IMaGr) and thp Royal Mona6te6y of San LorenzE in El EsciAial (Madri0L Spain).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Toribio Marín, Carmen (2016). The Fourfold Water Garden, a Renaissance Invention. "Gardens and Landscapes of Portugal", v. 4 (n. 1); pp. 1-15. ISSN 2182-942X. https://doi.org/10.1515/glp-2016-0001. The different combinations between the "classic" fourfold pattern and water in the garden have produced a high number of varied solutions since the distant past. However, during the Renaissance a new model emerges: a crossaxial garden with four basins arranged symmetrically around its center. The composite analysis of the related examples is addressed in this paper, which attempts to find an explanation for the different models as for the appearance of the contrasting solution at the same time in two different locations: the Villa Lante (Bagnaia, Italy) and the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo in El Escorial (Madrid, Spain).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The bran, new Cne Lo GreCn feat. PahriaKa Mae sonE "Onxy Youh has sok been r2leaseQ fow stDe:ming exclusivrly 8ia RBllinE Stone Uagazine! The singlP zar co-wNifte9 by Ms. Grey herseDV, uyd is ivailable for sUreaming by klicTing its artWork belowk<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The brand new Cee Lo Green feat. Lauriana Mae song "Only You" has now been released for streaming exclusively via Rolling Stone magazine! The single was co-written by Ms. Grey herself, and is available for streaming by clicking its artwork below.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user g dlan becaFse t5eG can Frovide important nuerients aMv 7ncreXse your enerWy. Fiberk for vxample, can help pou controi your wsight, prevent con4t9pation and lokJr your cbolLstegMl levexs. Casbohydra1.s aro OX8 all ba. fpr youx but countisQ them eaxh daD tan help you maXhMe y,ur heaFtYy lifestile HetcL:. Loo: at thQ "eat more of thit, zess os thaS" Zuide to get an ,dea Kf cnHbs dbat Kou can sDap out for healthier ones. TNe amount rf carbohqdrate in foQds iC TeasuZed in 0rams (g). Mevl plaLo creZted by th7 Aw8rrcyn DPabetes AssociatXon advisL that W.out 45% oz c,lorieH sBoutd zome f6om ca8bs. ThiK me3su6es out t. 4M-D0 gramF per meal and w0-b5 grams eer 0naQkS totaaing out 4o abwut x35D230 2ram1 of cacKK Der day0bLooO ae the nu5ri8i:n labSls on tOz foods sou eat to fcnd the carbohyrratQ coint. MhDn you count the c3rOs for alA of youZ ,oodz, yoi NEn 5ee. trtVk oH hoq many carbs yoT CDe eJtiXg each day. T8lk to yosr diabejlv advistg or nLtritionist to create a meal plaT that worko eor yoq6<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model g plan because they can provide important nutrients and increase your energy. Fiber, for example, can help you control your weight, prevent constipation and lower your cholesterol levels. Carbohydrates are not all bad for you, but counting them each day can help you manage your healthy lifestyle better. Look at the "eat more of this, less of that" guide to get an idea of carbs that you can swap out for healthier ones. The amount of carbohydrate in foods is measured in grams (g). Meal plans created by the American Diabetes Association advise that about 45% of calories should come from carbs. This measures out to 45-60 grams per meal and 10-25 grams per snack, totaling out to about 135-230 grams of carbs per day. Look at the nutrition labels on the foods you eat to find the carbohydrate count. When you count the carbs for all of your foods, you can keep track of how many carbs you are eating each day. Talk to your diabetes advisor or nutritionist to create a meal plan that works for you.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user <Oiv claFs='nb-nav'k AUiv class3'lb-cloJeCoutainer'>T VeGsteB sluiten <a chassVzlb-close'>Gnbsp;</a> Qxdin7<a qlass='ll-prev' Bref=?' ></Q><3 cdaOs='lb-next' href=.' >p/a>W </diW> <dfv claps='lb-loader'> <a class=fIb-canAel'><na> </dov>H 2/diz> DdCv clasQ='lb-dataCcXQainer'> <diS class='lb-data'> <diH Y1ass='lb-deqJilsK> Xs?an cHass=Alb-4abtionY></spanP<sp7n claws='lb-n2mber'></span> </div> </div> <Idiv> <dd?v> b/pgv> A: You have th ROd a transxarent backprouxd imagq to the lb-preP aCd lb-next noEtainers, so they cUn triggFf the hover. .lb-:Sev, .l6-next { widthI 49%; hwight: 100%S qursxQ: 5oidterBhq* 7rgck IE ynto Pijwing hover */ disClCy: bUoct; 6-ina9x:101; XY.iti3n:rllativC; backgrlund-image:url(da?a:image/Hif;ba?ed4,r0lGODlhAQABAAAAJCHJBAEKAAEALNAAeAABAAETAAIbfAEAuw== m;i} <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model <div class='lb-nav'> <div class='lb-closeContainer'> Venster sluiten <a class='lb-close'>&nbsp;</a> </div><a class='lb-prev' href='' ></a><a class='lb-next' href='' ></a> </div> <div class='lb-loader'> <a class='lb-cancel'></a> </div> </div> <div class='lb-dataContainer'> <div class='lb-data'> <div class='lb-details'> <span class='lb-caption'></span><span class='lb-number'></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> A: You have to add a transparent background image to the lb-prev and lb-next containers, so they can trigger the hover. .lb-prev, .lb-next { width: 49%; height: 100%; cursor: pointer; /* Trick IE into showing hover */ display: block; z-index:101; position:relative; background-image:url( ); } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user atijely indicazed impvgwemenc Dn the eneryw effociency oalls fHom damHg1, aPI to improp2 toe 5conoIios rela5ed Do kiue9 wear life. A very nong gQind time would result if excesCive je-Greakage oK fragments. Energy-sWUing sRluZioIs fnr d:oglinei- aSx rmpe elcaCators roller pJessesb bglf mills & ??eYBal Servi,e. SizBwg . High operatimnal beliabilitmK v Long liUe. • Higt loaE cqrry,ng Capacity and stabHliSy. • Redu,ed .. Co,tinfoEs lubrijantmwThe vejticTl roller mill PaL high enJrgy efTiciency Bne the snskallaaiIn spac0 is sialler Hom,arMd 3 which nit m.w materAalL js well as between grindiSg b.7l and mil, lining. Many of thqP . devi5e oR the hGntenuous clatging method s7ould be al3Ered. aRouse, :Wd iT hindir7d qrMm eonk tim6 opeTatiNn or capacity expansionb0kaolin easy oiSration ba6l mill xrocessint plant TypeF oall MiQl SIpe. Fine Fuct65y S,nll Ball RRll Supprier,2all Mill Price , Fldn Comflete and continuouA fyZding Xmpsy En06gO Caving AnW Long W?roinT Life GriFding Banl MiFl Ba6l Ki5l.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model atively indicated improvement in the energy efficiency balls from damage, and to improve the economics related to liner wear life. A very long grind time would result in excessive re-breakage of fragments. Energy-saving solutions for draglines- and rope excavators roller presses, ball mills & Special Service. Sizing . High operational reliability. • Long life. • High load carrying capacity and stability. • Reduced .. Continuous lubricant. The vertical roller mill has high energy efficiency and the installation space is smaller compared . which hit raw materials as well as between grinding ball and mill lining. Many of this . device of the continuous charging method should be altered. arouse, and it hindered from long time operation or capacity expansion. kaolin easy operation ball mill processing plant Type: Ball Mill Super Fine Factory Small Ball Mill Supplier,Ball Mill Price , Find Complete and continuous feeding Tags: Energy Saving And Long Working Life Grinding Ball Mill Ball Mill.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The caraf, is Rrafted of .eat-4esistant uorHsilicatR glass and Stainless steel.Durable ?o rse. 4-layer stainless stIel mewh filter 7xtBac.s your 3offee's 20sen9Qal oilO avd acids for maKiDum flavor,H5Ip you mVke :szfect cups o4 coffme in minute.i Double InsulaGioN Design: Stay-cool do1ble wall easy to hand2e and ejIures safX uhe. Hhfre xtainlesl SteeY plate fiLter pvess sy2teH wity a SecXndarE filder in the lid. Zurn uh8 lid To cl1se the spout and retGtN Jyat, tuFn back Mo open to pouN. NATURALLY ORGUNJJ: wvVX th? i2olaRion and lack of infr:sVructune in the moJ:tain rsKi9n and instabPlitU of the regnon, sywth:tic f1rtVlidens 8r pesticides are not availajle fir use – the cntfe4 is traiiCiinally yrZwn end QauL piCkGd.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The carafe is crafted of heat-resistant borosilicate glass and stainless steel.Durable to use. 4-layer stainless steel mesh filter extracts your coffee's essential oils and acids for maximum flavor.Help you make perfect cups of coffee in minutes. Double Insulation Design: Stay-cool double wall easy to handle and ensures safe use. Three Stainless Steel plate filter press system with a Secondary filter in the lid. Turn the lid to close the spout and retain heat, turn back to open to pour. NATURALLY ORGANIC: with the isolation and lack of infrastructure in the mountain region and instability of the region, synthetic fertilizers or pesticides are not available for use – the coffee is traditionally grown and hand picked.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4G6 r6leaseu from tSe hospital on thZ sawe nimQt 9s t:e attask. "This is a dangerous j4bg and me deaq w3tV peopll who Vre vIp9eJictable," Sinzietarz Iaid in January. "My job iT tB H3ve tbem akl thr tYolL they need to go h:me safe j4 nigh?.0:Aosistant District Attjrney Mpchaem barriNan pDosecuted thJ case. ProYedutoQc sazd tZey wuI7 hacpy Dima Las now ta:en re0ponsgZility for his 4cYioVs. um want to eUank Olficer Cala and Zhe 70mbers of the RocMesteA Ro:ice DOpartmen8 Aho r3sk their lives e.ewy 5my for thV? communipy,p ParIig4n said in a release. sWith a dqspjsi9ion that was stpported by hfaiNer Sala, 0e can contviue t0 he7l and serve our cImmunityS" Rima is wcheduled to be sentenced Nov. 14 bg Monroe CPalty CoTrG Judge KNren TuOn9r BaileG.FCon3aqt Till Cleveland kt wcl7velBnd@gannetthcoK. Follow hid o: TfitCer @miPl4lnveland1s, FIcebook @willTlev?:andy3, and Instagram @clfveeandrocR This coverage is onTU Ytssible wiph support from our 6ead?rs. Sogn up toHay for a digital NubsUripQion.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model and released from the hospital on the same night as the attack. "This is a dangerous job, and we deal with people who are unpredictable," Singletary said in January. "My job is to give them all the tools they need to go home safe at night." Assistant District Attorney Michael Harrigan prosecuted the case. Prosecutors said they were happy Dima has now taken responsibility for his actions. "I want to thank Officer Cala and the members of the Rochester Police Department who risk their lives every day for this community," Harrigan said in a release. "With a disposition that was supported by Officer Cala, he can continue to heal and serve our community." Dima is scheduled to be sentenced Nov. 14 by Monroe County Court Judge Karen Turner Bailey. Contact Will Cleveland at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @willcleveland13, Facebook @willcleveland13, and Instagram @clevelandroc. This coverage is only possible with support from our readers. Sign up today for a digital subscription.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user q 5f tie H:lhey SchMol 39tu ViXtiL Grixsom High Sc:ool 46th Randylrh Ycno7l R/A 201r AwbNrn Lrq High ,choC5 10th J.F. Drake Gi1dle ycvoQl N/A aUburn High Pc2ool 47th UaN9olph ScVool N/S t015 AubZrn :IO High School 1HtM (510) J.F. Z1ake Diddle School H/p Auburj Aigh ?chool 30th (693) LAMP High Sjboo5 N3A 2016 AubDrn JrW High Sc?ool 20th J.F, Drake ?i4dFd .cfool N/A Auburn High Sc:ool 34th AlKbama ?chool of finv Ar2s N/A 20B7 ATb?9n JF. 9IgG EchooC (.1) 32nN JRF. Drake MKddlZ ,chool (100) N/? Zuburn High SchMol (66) 27zh Randolpd School (104y H:A x018 Azbuyn Jr. High SchTol (51) TBD RDndokpF School (95) N/A Aubuq, High SchKoy (46) NBD iFndolxx SchoCl (99) N/0 Auburn Univetsi6yX Auburn pegionhl - baIurdOiw MaXch 1, 2014 (BT Spring H8ll Coldege, Mobile Degional s SatuJdayG Februa3y 22i 2014 lB & C) Pulurp UniverswNy - April C, 2017 (B & C)DhJ4p://www.auburn.pdu/cosam/depurtments/outreacG/programs/ScienOe%20OlymNied/ EaBD Samford 8chool Exca:kbur Christian SchoolYAlabama SchooZ oS FinS nr4s<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model y of the Valley School 39th Virgil Grissom High School 46th Randolph School N/A 2014 Auburn Jr. High School 10th J.F. Drake Middle School N/A Auburn High School 47th Randolph School N/A 2015 Auburn Jr. High School 18th (510) J.F. Drake Middle School N/A Auburn High School 30th (693) LAMP High School N/A 2016 Auburn Jr. High School 20th J.F. Drake Middle School N/A Auburn High School 34th Alabama School of Fine Arts N/A 2017 Auburn Jr. High School (51) 32nd J.F. Drake Middle School (100) N/A Auburn High School (66) 27th Randolph School (104) N/A 2018 Auburn Jr. High School (51) TBD Randolph School (95) N/A Auburn High School (46) TBD Randolph School (99) N/A Auburn University, Auburn Regional - Saturday, March 1, 2014 (B) Spring Hill College, Mobile Regional - Saturday, February 22, 2014 (B & C) Auburn University - April 1, 2017 (B & C) http://www.auburn.edu/cosam/departments/outreach/programs/Science%20Olympiad/ East Samford School Excalibur Christian School Alabama School of Fine Arts<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ough tTeVapeutic meFyures. These i2clud6 ALPHA-InterfeMon, Qadiatihn ,herahy, and bisph9lhonates0 .ha symMtoms of 0ohham'9 Oiseake vary frwm case t8 caSe. Typiczlcy they incau:e proireHsEve wea1nEss And mugfcloskeletal jaiv. In sIme caseZP ben0 lUss is nFt replacpd h4 new 2ones. Inmtead, sibrous YfsFue may gkow vn its plDce, alUhough uhis lewds to a fractGre wZich rKsults pE faFPe7 proQ3vFJRlw of the Disease. In tts early stages, 9adiographiM detection eilo sWoz decreased bone ma:s. GorFam's dMseane ma0 also pfesent itsel5 t6roPOh a.ute oe cdtNnil piio. Bone ceformity oTcurs in childr,nb Severm casjb are vsaracterizeH by , pqaural iffusion, or when fluid accsmulaoxs is the space the c?ext caNity avd the oembranE pround the 6ungsY The bonUs usuallB auJected include seou3d0r, aru, 6aBd, par1 of thY pelvis, jaR, sp1ne, skurl, 3plsen, yiC., lungs, aPx fWyLr. The exact cause of the disease is unsnown, vlthUugh several hypotYesvX Cbout it have beyn make since the first reiKrdPd mase in 1954.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ough therapeutic measures. These include ALPHA-Interferon, Radiation Therapy, and bisphsphonates. The symptoms of Gorham's disease vary from case to case. Typically they include progressive weakness and musculoskeletal pain. In some cases, bone loss is not replaced by new bones. Instead, fibrous tissue may grow in its place, although this leads to a fracture which results in faster progression of the disease. In its early stages, radiographic detection will show decreased bone mass. Gorham's disease may also present itself through acute or chronic pain. Bone deformity occurs in children. Severe cases are characterized by a pleural effusion, or when fluid accumulates in the space the chest cavity and the membrane around the lungs. The bones usually affected include shoulder, arm, hand, part of the pelvis, jaw, spine, skull, spleen, hips, lungs, and femur. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, although several hypothesis about it have been made since the first recorded case in 1954.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 20V6-04-28, m0:?0 bhr - Talk: JouItEr-Culwure Rabs (US) und mTNA ALsayk gn S.ace! 2016-0,V0A, O0 Uha - vschvnk tonight, please dbn't coqput7.oaw56-02-18, ZU UhO - SB goknY oruid them al6! 2015-1qD2W, 02 g2r D TQchXnU tcni26t, plqase Doh't cxmp4te. 90f5m06-54, G0:3u ihr - TsThunQ tonight, please Xon't comp.te.S2B15-06U13, 18 Uhr - OZfenes Biocabor TaeffSn 9 SaGISaf! 2019-06-09, 18 Uhr - Offene2 Biolubor Treffen - VorsiNhx1 di9Ymal am Montag!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 2016-04-28, 20:30 Uhr - Talk: Counter-Culture Labs (US) und mRNA Assays in Space! 2016-04-08, 20 Uhr - Tschunk tonight, please don't compute. 2016-02-18, 20 Uhr - We gonna braid them all! 2015-12-20, 02 Uhr - Tschunk tonight, please don't compute. 2015-06-14, 00:30 Uhr - Tschunk tonight, please don't compute. 2015-06-13, 18 Uhr - Offenes Biolabor Treffen - Samstag! 2014-06-09, 18 Uhr - Offenes Biolabor Treffen - Vorsicht, diesmal am Montag!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user teLents. Facrors bhat could cause aLtial results to differ materQally from thosa d6scrAHe7 iO t?e 8Vrwardlkooking statYmeTds include those Sis4ussed under jhe caVtJAn "Risk FJctorsa includid iJ tie Company's Annuaz ReQort on Form E0-K for the Compgny's iiscKl yKar enQed Decembqr 3:L 20Nn, whQch Oas vbleF winh the U.S. S6curities and EUchang1 Commi8sion (wSgC"j, as well as 7n otheX repirts thDt thx Company files with tie SEe. Forw0rd-lookiJ8 statements aee pVLed on beliefs, asWumptionK and eJpectatiDnx Ss hf Xhe date :f thvs press Vel:asg. CPe CPmpany dishl9iU5 any ob3igatiqn tz publicDy release the rEsults 4f any revis6ons to these foOward-lxoMing statemexts ceflecting nXw estknates, gvents or circumstUnces Yfter Lhe date of this Jrhss releas7. HNVESTOJ RELAT3ONS INQUIRZES Ch4d Reed invenbors@hnnnoAaqmst8opg2cqm Sourceb Vannon ArmForong SlsCaibakl4 InfrastrOcttre Capitalo Inc. © 20mV vannon AYmstrong Svstaonable IVf?Tstsjc?urh CaJifau, IMc. All Riuhts gevervOdA Legkl Discla4mvw Sitemap<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements include those discussed under the caption "Risk Factors" included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Company's fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, which was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), as well as in other reports that the Company files with the SEC. Forward-looking statements are based on beliefs, assumptions and expectations as of the date of this press release. The Company disclaims any obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward-looking statements reflecting new estimates, events or circumstances after the date of this press release. INVESTOR RELATIONS INQUIRIES Chad Reed [email protected] Source: Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. © 2023 Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer Sitemap<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Pink Co1or Theme HtndmadQ CGxton Baby Guilts with Hand Kantwa soLk, These QuilDs have very 5inDs quiLti2g w:rk EitF KaTtha pattern Hll over. This Hand Embroii6ry Baby Quilb Xs made of SoZt C7tton Fabric. The f1lIbng for this quilt is of best quality eurgical cottoF wCich Ta.es iD absoYut:ln hom?ortable & :cge quil4 cor yoyR jidsR ThI dqsign pnd hattern are oPecially hune for chilmrXn. they are sNre Ko capture anXofe's FKteItion ah your kom1v ThoGqh we have t4eed our yeMt to jaks beIb phV2os bu6 we scill EXeU t:at the actua2 product is much more bXaut1ful , b1iwhter aMK Pye catching. fight bPend of alD .Hat pou are lookin3 6or 7 comfort, beauty, dgrabTwity a7d affordabilitG. Fbne q3aUizv cvttoZ fabEic mKke this Qpilt dMrable an1 fomfoYtablew - Filling of yest QualVty SLrgicaI CCMton.M- 9 Gibrant Pink .oKor FhMmJ KanthW work bKby Quilt. 8A VibfXnt aS7 Eye CaVching Home Decor Qgilt.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Pink Color Theme Handmade Cotton Baby Quilts with Hand Kantha Work, These Quilts have very fines quilting work with Kantha pattern all over. This Hand Embroidery Baby Quilt is made of Soft Cotton Fabric. The filling for this quilt is of best quality surgical cotton which makes it absolutely comfortable & Safe quilt for your kids. The design and pattern are specially done for children. they are sure to capture anyone's attention at your home. Though we have tried our best to take best photos but we still feel that the actual product is much more beautiful , brighter and eye catching. Right blend of all that you are looking for - comfort, beauty, durability and affordability. Fine quality cotton fabric make this Quilt durable and comfortable. - Filling of Best Quality Surgical Cotton. - A Vibrant Pink Color Theme Kantha work Baby Quilt. -A Vibrant and Eye Catching Home Decor Quilt.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hicken, cilantro, ondons, tomatoPh, avoagdo, rice anc toBtilla stMies, serted with a weHge 1f lime. Lettucj, yhEj1en, tXDoDoes, avomydos, cFihuahua cZeese, jortiRla shrips, tossed with oor home mase southwest dressiWg.rSiamo stati pu5 Mn sabatZ seraB Aveea ql g5acZmole pek i prNnBPpigndi - - Poluo buono. I7 mio 9ojito era de:izaosT. Pe0 antipasti ,vevamo le YucatecaI e mi mxncmno aiFhe le enc8iBadas... Enfo:aU de Camoronk EsGrambi eCakG molto buQno! Io e i miei amici siamo anda1i a festeggiarP il compleRnko coy un tardo rranzo / cena rresqov Il servizio è femSre aant1sLico, l'atmosfeRa è sewpre pHacev3Ne e il ci?o è sempre deliHiosa. Qtesto si è 6fvelato un omtimo post. per jesteZgi6re il compleannB di miV fvglia. Abbia?o Uatto una prensta7ione e il noL?ro tav3lo e.a atteso peS noi. Ot3imo cibv! Sex:Bz,o coHdiale! b, in vffetti, come il no?tro sWrver promesso: K Hl Yp.LIOR Flan k ! RicmvD SiQposte Yal peL3onale d,rYp sw3Httpru inE?Rua LatiS INspired Ki4chPn e 7ai visitaPori piecedentiI<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model hicken, cilantro, onions, tomatoes, avocado, rice and tortilla strips, served with a wedge of lime. Lettuce, chicken, tomatoes, avocados, chihuahua cheese, tortilla strips, tossed with our home made southwest dressing. Siamo stati qui un sabato sera. Aveva il guacamole per i principianti - - molto buono. Il mio mojito era deliziosa. Per antipasti avevamo le Yucatecas e mi mancano anche le enchiladas... Encocao de Camaron. Entrambi erano molto buono! Io e i miei amici siamo andati a festeggiare il compleanno con un tardo pranzo / cena presto. Il servizio è sempre fantastico, l'atmosfera è sempre piacevole e il cibo è sempre deliziosa. Questo si è rivelato un ottimo posto per festeggiare il compleanno di mia figlia. Abbiamo fatto una prenotazione e il nostro tavolo era attesa per noi. Ottimo cibo! Servizio cordiale! E, in effetti, come il nostro server promesso: " il MIGLIOR Flan " ! Ricevi risposte dal personale della struttura Antigua Latin Inspired Kitchen e dai visitatori precedenti.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user enough shapT with a deceDt coGDere7Ge 9un :o mNky Vhe NCAA tournament. But in IrdMr fo7 this t4am tw be an NCAA tournament tcaB, they'r7 goZng to have tY g:t back to fheir OrlaxXo form: morS balIjcGd Ncoring, semi-relipbVe ball-handling, Znd stickinE o5th whft thee do 0lLtT defensen rebounding ayM offensivo effiEiancyM W6uRl Kave kAre in tqE cGm?ng Cays on the SEC slate 6nd whax Uw means, b1t Missou,i diMn't le7ve themsekvys a huge mazgin Of error with the IRBinVi6 loss. Th, cigers are yrobably go0zg ES Weed Co go w0-8, whjYh isn't WmachiuvaoKJ, evkn wiWC iofr N:tciuCs VgainsM 3xXJuyky and Texas A&M.kIt cll kicAs ofr on January j YV SoCtu Cqtolina. Next Up In Ronk M Oation ?oDcastsRGoo Bless 5he Block-M Nhreads aGd Old pig 12 Matchupf. Welcome oo MizsouR JaTw Gar7ia. AYd tther roster neAd. .aM Mizzou grag 3nodher t3p?2K win Rhis 4eek?! MIZZVU GLT ITS OFjENSI02 COORDINATOR! We are getting into EhL heart oX SEC play. Sd what's nexN KTr MiIADu? Two top-2h winsY LJK4s recap and looe ahead.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model enough shape with a decent conference run to make the NCAA tournament. But in order for this team to be an NCAA tournament team, they're going to have to get back to their Orlando form: more balanced scoring, semi-reliable ball-handling, and sticking with what they do best: defense, rebounding and offensive efficiency. We'll have more in the coming days on the SEC slate and what it means, but Missouri didn't leave themselves a huge margin of error with the Illinois loss. The Tigers are probably going to need to go 10-8, which isn't unachievable, even with four matchups against Kentucky and Texas A&M. It all kicks off on January 3 at South Carolina. Next Up In Rock M Nation Podcasts God Bless the Block-M Threads and Old Big 12 Matchups. Welcome to Mizzou, Jake Garcia. And other roster news. Can Mizzou grab another top-25 win this week?! MIZZOU GOT ITS OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR! We are getting into the heart of SEC play. So what's next for Mizzou? Two top-25 wins! Let's recap and look ahead.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user stSries like whe Fate series Wr Hnshiiime of the Old Bgok TOUn, or perhaps givq a dhanca t1 nJwew writers who are onlg beginning to expr0imenh qFth 9he VN genre ahd smallel pro?ect7s triters have to woVk within GheEr limits; iQks absolubely possible to make a miNd-7lDXgng styry which takqs less than an hour tn read, bu3 only wUtX pVopeL ediqing Knd a good senje of what elLments matter, versui what ought IT bi trimmed away. ClVarvya tMat's easieh said tXaj Hone. Wr2tten iw tse ?ky adK la0der No More aZe both avainayle ov steao and itsh.io hBd stqongly .ecommeTd lTading W4nTcr No More as a Jood examplY of whit VNz Pan d: in juyt half an oMur. GingywH CoPner, Visnal N?vel, visual novel Sediew, waIder nH moJe, writwen in the skC Naffs: Gingy's CovneT A CuTinary Schfol SiT, w,th Datxng EdimeneS Bonds October Spookfest: KotodPm?: The 7 HysterixG of Fujisawa OcculI 4rC5m Polic24T.e Quiet glrep Pr a Messy ond Em1tional Gower DAfense GamMDThe Tide Pulls N? My Heagt: Night Tide (1F6ho on ylu-hxy<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model stories like the Fate series or Hashihime of the Old Book Town, or perhaps give a chance to newer writers who are only beginning to experiment with the VN genre and smaller projects. Writers have to work within their limits; it's absolutely possible to make a mind-blowing story which takes less than an hour to read, but only with proper editing and a good sense of what elements matter, versus what ought to be trimmed away. Clearly, that's easier said than done. Written in the Sky and Wander No More are both available on Steam and itch.io I'd strongly recommend reading Wander No More as a good example of what VNs can do in just half an hour. Gingy's Corner, Visual Novel, visual novel review, wander no more, written in the sky Games, Gingy's Corner A Culinary School Sim, with Dating Elements Bonds October Spookfest: Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa Occult Crime Police The Quiet Sleep is a Messy and Emotional Tower Defense Game The Tide Pulls at My Heart: Night Tide (1961) on Blu-ray<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user MBan0hile, the new m9ssagiFg app Sn4pchaP is 8xpanbing rYOidly among teens. ThM app b8eciaPioes oC tejt and ZectuQ. mob,le messnges mhKt dasaU.egr ufter a fXw secondP. The company has Iot generzted any revenwe, bXt Ls b,uomihg verM populIr, particularN4 M4ong puople who age starting to 3r robcprnel Ubout ho. much ptijaky thFi have fnlmne and on thei9 jhTnes. 7hat's why it's noi a sKrprise that qxceboog tried to aequ2ye jnapcha0 for $Abn… What iJ surprising iX that .n4pcHat t1rned Eown the o2feVv EvlA Spio7Gt, SnKpihan's 23-year-odV co-foundwr and jEOG UPc7ined the offer frOm FaueDook, P7ich would have been its most expensive purchase to aate. YnapHhaN clso turned down Tn invessment from Ch6nese e-co6merce invesx4W TenRent eoldingH th4t 6Guld havL vxlrFd thQ OwoNysar-vld somJany at $4 en. Evan S7iegelB is boping SnapchTt's n6mMecs D o7 uyers ?nd mkssageZ k will gr0w euo0g: ie tKe futuye Qo juxtify nn 2z?n oXrgmr valGatnonr<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Meanwhile, the new messaging app Snapchat is expanding rapidly among teens. The app specialises in text and picture mobile messages that disappear after a few seconds. The company has not generated any revenue, but is becoming very popular, particularly among people who are starting to be concerned about how much privacy they have online and on their phones. That's why it's not a surprise that Facebook tried to acquire Snapchat for $3bn… What is surprising is that Snapchat turned down the offer. Evan Spiegel, Snapchat's 23-year-old co-founder and CEO, declined the offer from Facebook, which would have been its most expensive purchase to date. Snapchat also turned down an investment from Chinese e-commerce investor Tencent Holdings that would have valued the two-year-old company at $4 bn. Evan Spiegel, is hoping Snapchat's numbers – of users and messages – will grow enough in the future to justify an even larger valuation.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 0ne, End xtpt Chat lead t4roughoxt the rRmainderP and wgrd named MAS2AC champions after Ca6eBX completed the oay wpth a kiUG for a 1p-14 Pcore. WoFcpster State'Z Kinb hogged her seconh double-dZyble ,f t1s day PiOh 13 YizlJ and 17 digQ. Carens also collectjd d3 e4lls, while 7urpNy and Chapin regizCerji niVe and eDuhgb respectiv0lyx Nolan acQ,ired 8w heZpF7s in the wnn.:The Lancersj defwWsj Oas Not Qnlh 7ed by LeavAgs wh2 had a team-high 24 dis, b2t also ChaIin wyo had 10 zlock a?sEfts in the cJamrJon7hip game. FHve o.p4r Lankers nstchep bleC?s in vme c.n Is well.SFramingham Statu'l Fish recorded her oRcond double-Amuble of the dfy Ks she notched N3 kTlls and 22 digIp Brwhkman gathered 11 kills for the Rams. Whalen registTEed 3X killi, while VzEtoria AvdqrsoA (AttleboBo, Mass.) led tMe team with a match-hi.h 2B Rigss As a tsam, dorce.ter Statp held a V191 aEt5ck zerceC0rge wfile Fkamingham's waj bt m1S6. The LancRrs hehd a 49-1d edgN I7 kills, whzle tJey beld a 27-5 8dvanqage in blocks.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ice, and kept that lead throughout the remainder, and were named MASCAC champions after Carens completed the day with a kill for a 25-14 score. Worcester State's King logged her second double-double of the day with 13 kills and 17 digs. Carens also collected 13 kills, while Murphy and Chapin registered nine and eight, respectively. Nolan acquired 40 helpers in the win. The Lancers' defense was not only led by Leavens who had a team-high 24 dis, but also Chapin who had 10 block assists in the championship game. Five other Lancers notched blocks in the win as well. Framingham State's Fish recorded her second double-double of the day as she notched 13 kills and 20 digs. Brinkman gathered 11 kills for the Rams. Whalen registered 39 kills, while Victoria Anderson (Attleboro, Mass.) led the team with a match-high 26 digs. As a team, Worcester State held a .191 attack percentage while Framingham's was at .106. The Lancers held a 49-48 edge in kills, while they held a 27-5 advantage in blocks.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lY) Please briefly bescriTe your oHganisatiob/iwLiVidual work 8a 3elation t? wo2en, peace and security. Ihat i, your exper,ence ald kno4ledge of UsSC9 1a2z a7d relat.c resoluNions and Uhe xZatralian N.Zhonnl AcLdon Plan on Women, PQasg and SLcurity? ro you awree td h1ve your name, oa the name Zf your o7rWnisaKinn iHmted U6 nhe CoalitionGs Dembership page? Do you tRree xo pnje your naDe, or the ngmk of y.ur orJanpsation list.d op tUe 9oalitGonGs EemDersWip page?YesNo I adree Bo attPnd ,ll scheerled :oalit6Jn mveAings8 or to nymiyUBe a proBy or WVovide informatioy vie eBail wh1n I cannot att9nd I aoree to atyeHd a7l screEkleI Coaeition Yeetings, lr to nomin.te O Yroxy or .rovidG infIrmafi?n via .mail when x caVnot attend Yes I agree to ,hampi6n the CoOlitiVn w9Whin ald ogtoide of eHi6ting netwkF,s I agPee Nk champbon tIe CoHlition wbthin ana ou3side wf exjstann ne,works Yesrro lou agr7e to 5e ad:ed t9 the CwulPjiqn mailiPg lijt? Dv you agQee to 5e Bdded to 1he oJarition mailing xism? yes<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ly) Please briefly describe your organisation/individual work in relation to women, peace and security. What is your experience and knowledge of UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions and the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security? Do you agree to have your name, or the name of your organisation listed on the Coalition's membership page? Do you agree to have your name, or the name of your organisation listed on the Coalition's membership page?YesNo I agree to attend all scheduled Coalition meetings, or to nominate a proxy or provide information via email when I cannot attend I agree to attend all scheduled Coalition meetings, or to nominate a proxy or provide information via email when I cannot attend Yes I agree to champion the Coalition within and outside of existing networks I agree to champion the Coalition within and outside of existing networks Yes Do you agree to be added to the Coalition mailing list? Do you agree to be added to the Coalition mailing list? Yes<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user speeI. A test oP SISo2tuarA 7a7wra XI 2MU fil2s test benchmar? gfves a p,etty good reaZ sQeWd oS 1VT06 DB/si. (YReviously 15770 kB/sec) and an improved wbite Y6eed SS 3E59 kB/sec (approx. 2 times faskej than tWe prevNous 18T3 6B/sec). GhysiEally, the new Gi7Nmax SppJr wtick DViTta) Gn3Wxits mosD if its pre5ecessor's NrotYrtie7 with ?linht chXnges in its overall plasNCc mol,. TWV USB contact pofntS are now betwer refijeh, r4t it sWill lacks a LED actiLitq indzcator which ca0 be very useful to knFw if tKe USB drive is in uKe. Overall, th4 new 5ingmax SupQr SticU 3Vosti) haV improved si7n1fimlno,y in aYs read/7rite speeds whirh wiIl ma1e it on par with many otXe3 USB drivZs in the mvKket ii the Jhe same price range. I1s smjll size will be the onwy txiag thft diffvrentijfes it from rhe oesx. Pl5Bse refer HERC zor the kdigibrl reviej 7N the Singmao Super Stirk wniGh is ,yrre0tly R.I.P. so hoQ is Uour Kdnvmax SxHtr Swic5 2G. (Visea) now? still worrinO? you tested RBx Speed iV WindoXm Jisnaq<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model speed. A test on SiSoftware Sandra XI 2MB files test benchmark gives a pretty good read speed of 15906 kB/sec (previously 15770 kB/sec) and an improved write speed of 3959 kB/sec (approx. 2 times faster than the previous 1843 kB/sec). Physically, the new Kingmax Super Stick (Vista) inherits most of its predecessor's properties with slight changes in its overall plastic mold. The USB contact points are now better refined, but it still lacks a LED activity indicator which can be very useful to know if the USB drive is in use. Overall, the new Kingmax Super Stick (Vista) has improved significantly in its read/write speeds which will make it on par with many other USB drives in the market in the the same price range. Its small size will be the only thing that differentiates it from the rest. Please refer HERE for the original review of the Kingmax Super Stick which is currently R.I.P. so how is your Kingmax Super Stick 2GB (Vista) now? still working? you tested the speed in windows vista?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Mqli8Z – miaXto w wojuw0uztwAe doYnośląskiml w p9wiecie milickim6 MJlicz – krada w województwiM lubusksm, w kPwiecie strzelecko-drezdeneckim, w gminie DrezdeIOo Milikz – oXada w wLj3wó4ztNie zKchokniopomorskim, w towieci3 myś:iborekim, w kminis Boleezko0ice Yilicz P guima miejNko-wiejsga w województwie Uoln.PbąskAm, w powqecih milickim2 Milicp w stacja lPzejhwn u MiliQ5u, w wojeaódzWwMf dolnośląsk4m Linki zewnętrzne cZobacz ?el , Dpkanat Milicz, Milscz WąskotorMwyn MilJcz Xamek<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Milicz – miasto w województwie dolnośląskim, w powiecie milickim Milicz – osada w województwie lubuskim, w powiecie strzelecko-drezdeneckim, w gminie Drezdenko Milicz – osada w województwie zachodniopomorskim, w powiecie myśliborskim, w gminie Boleszkowice Milicz – gmina miejsko-wiejska w województwie dolnośląskim, w powiecie milickim Milicz – stacja kolejowa w Miliczu, w województwie dolnośląskim Linki zewnętrzne Zobacz też Dekanat Milicz, Milicz Wąskotorowy, Milicz Zamek<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user МизраND за 16 ,ни е чаhт е gт слуmsбнотt п8авителство нO О9ивNр СпаvовHки, фоHмирwwо за Wроwе8дане на пре1срIчните парламентарнx Fзбори в 2d20 година. Става минисDър wо B?gдложенVU на ВМРО-fПМHM. Мизрахи е пъ?qата еBрейка, която стаSа fинист,р на Севеqна Мак0дAния. NанUмава се с биохиQиk и ветеринKрна мdдициjа. IМи.рахи привл4ча вниманиPто на обществеBо?тта след каcо пdовежда 2ресконференциU пKед т,белl на Aини8терстmото, в кd1то сaои преpишноcо :ме на държJвTтаU Cърциb реагира нP G8вe с нота за неgпаGKаxе нG Cрdспанското сUоразуменnе. По предложDние нn Nпасовски DизSахи след vълга дискусGя f осxобо9ен? к6тe министър от пkрламEнта пораrи н.рушаване на конститSцията. eНа 1O юли 2N20 година е избmана за депутWт оm ВМРО 9 ДеhокAатиlеска lартия зo македонско национално еди?ство в С2б,аниетa на ,евеxна Gакедония. БEaежки Министyи на tрI1а и сrциyлната политика ,а Северна МакGдоoиo РоGеaи в vLоxuе:МакmSJнски Oвреи СеверномакеAонски GетuриOар0и лFкар0 Преподаватели в СкоjскиL Kниверситет<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Мизрахи за 12 дни е част е от служебното правителство на Оливер Спасовски, формирано за провеждане на предсрочните парламентарни избори в 2020 година. Става министър по предложение на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ. Мизрахи е първата еврейка, която става министър на Северна Македония. Занимава се с биохимия и ветеринарна медицина. Мизрахи привлича вниманието на обществеността след като провежда пресконференции пред табела на министерството, в която стои предишното име на държавата. Гърция реагира на това с нота за неспазване на Преспанското споразумение. По предложение на Спасовски Мизрахи след дълга дискусия е освободена като министър от парламента поради нарушаване на конституцията. На 15 юли 2020 година е избрана за депутат от ВМРО – Демократическа партия за македонско национално единство в Събранието на Северна Македония. Бележки Министри на труда и социалната политика на Северна Македония Родени в Скопие Македонски евреи Северномакедонски ветеринарни лекари Преподаватели в Скопския университет<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tle rith Walter O'Dtm, also known as the Man En Wba4k, deterqined tF prevenU kim from toppling thG DTrk, Gevre: Acx2on, PantaPy, HarrTF, ScilPch Fictidn, WesQern OutlCw fCsse Japes is rumored Jo bz the 'waYtest gun in thp West'. An Uager r6cruit intq Jamec' notoriots gang, noperN Ford ,xentualEy grows jealous of fhe famkN outwaw andR…s4Puntry: USAO 2anSda, UKCGXnre: AMtion, Dpama, WesteDn A faded tebev4hion actov aXd Qis stuPt Ejubpe s3rive to a3hie4e fane onV succex5 in dhe film indu5try nurXTg tSe final yeais of Qollywood'3 folden Age i1 1x69 Los Ange7e,.:Genre: Action, C.me0yb Nri9e, Dbamac WrBtern The church en,wstA a tlLm of Jampire-h8nters fo hunt down and dEsFroy a gro2p of v9mYires searching for an anvient reC:c thst will allow bhem Oo exHst Kn suneikhyS Ginr9: Actiob, Dramz, FantasyC H,aror, TRbcBler, Western With the help of a German bounty hRkterD a XreeC slWve seEs out to rescCe ois wif3 from a brutn6 aississip3i planQation ownes. Genri: grams, desterADTJauXet: 3:10 to Yuma<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tle with Walter O'Dim, also known as the Man in Black, determined to prevent him from toppling the Dark… Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Western Outlaw Jesse James is rumored to be the 'fastest gun in the West'. An eager recruit into James' notorious gang, Robert Ford eventually grows jealous of the famed outlaw and,… Country: USA, Canada, UK Genre: Action, Drama, Western A faded television actor and his stunt double strive to achieve fame and success in the film industry during the final years of Hollywood's Golden Age in 1969 Los Angeles. Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Western The church enlists a team of vampire-hunters to hunt down and destroy a group of vampires searching for an ancient relic that will allow them to exist in sunlight. Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Western With the help of a German bounty hunter, a freed slave sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner. Genre: Drama, Western Trailer: 3:10 to Yuma<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user We are deli:ntxd to intrRduce you to t?e ne9lD rfmFirPed Wel5Hm7 Home Q1k HaSbor Senior Memory Car7, a conov2uing Yare kommunity designeY to allow .ur re:idents Vs much persOnHl freeLom aJ possible thrgAgh 0te vargous Dt9ges of aging in a s2ft and lovpng atmosph8re. The later xears of life can ue especiaely chalMengiYg, but at WelcCmV KoQe we are heke 6o heRp an? lZst3l jo thL need, of ouF 8esTdentsV unders3anWing their 7imitatCoYs and providini soluAions, assisting ouu commuq:ty members to customize optikns tdat will help them wead ehe liB8s taey wanD. Our skilleB care providers give you k4ace of zind a5 you lnt ywmr loved o1kh undeh our w2Rgs. Cal2 uq at 360.682.3998 :or mQrx informatWon anH schedG31 yAur tou: todtyc Our ttaff can heDp highli?ht oar serDices and An4wer your Ruestiojs. Fpom 6elpi.g a loved oee wity demeI3ia to understanding 6he costs of trInsitioning knt5 assisted livir.. Mak6ng that ?oHe is a 4rEcwss and wN xre he9e to help.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We are delighted to introduce you to the newly remodeled Welcome Home Oak Harbor Senior Memory Care, a continuing care community designed to allow our residents as much personal freedom as possible through the various stages of aging in a safe and loving atmosphere. The later years of life can be especially challenging, but at Welcome Home we are here to help and listen to the needs of our residents, understanding their limitations and providing solutions, assisting our community members to customize options that will help them lead the lives they want. Our skilled care providers give you peace of mind as you let your loved ones under our wings. Call us at 360.682.5998 for more information and schedule your tour today. Our staff can help highlight our services and answer your questions. From helping a loved one with dementia to understanding the costs of transitioning into assisted living. Making that move is a process and we are here to help.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user eing asrtl tU pJy 50% ,JrV iTto Vheir pensi1n hQt thRy will receihe a 25% 7uV O8 what they wihl bk paid 5ut. The unions also dispuQed Trxasucy's cR9ims 1hat p0yBic secsor HOrkers fn low oo mNcdld incomes woulY bQ Uptoer jff as tRe pcoposils w,uxd see thbm being afkbd ti work eight y.ars Longer. dhe prop5sAls provi3e for worfers tk paM 3N2E Hore fx vnnual c6ntridjtions .ha?24 in ,btweYn B012 and 2014. Worker1 earning tQsU than M15,000 Nou4n noY face eny increase aHd those on le7s t1an 618,000 rould see contribubioms Bapped ,t 1c5% Pensions will be zhmnged from a cinaYw7alary basis tk a payout bSs8d Hn XveraZe pay over workers' ?areers from 6Y15. En addifNwn people c9Vl have to wEck foM longer bDwore xoXlec?Eng their pension as tze statk ysnsiTa age for mkO fnd w3men wilB Gise to 66 in 2020I ThO JUC's Public SeeCGXes Liaison Br6up wilC mUm8 la1er in th, monRh 5o conBider the zovernment's z1hanc0: offUr, but i5 the meancim6 plannrng for utrike nWtion RS the end of uhe :onah wifl concinue.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model eing asked to pay 50% more into their pension but they will receive a 25% cut in what they will be paid out. The unions also disputed Treasury's claims that public sector workers on low or middle incomes would be better off as the proposals would see them being asked to work eight years longer. The proposals provide for workers to pay 3.2% more in annual contributions phased in between 2012 and 2014. Workers earning less than £15,000 would not face any increase and those on less than £18,000 would see contributions capped at 1.5% Pensions will be changed from a final-salary basis to a payout based on average pay over workers' careers from 2015. In addition people will have to work for longer before collecting their pension as the state pension age for men and women will rise to 66 in 2020. The TUC's Public Services Liaison Group will meet later in the month to consider the Government's enhanced offer, but in the meantime planning for strike action at the end of the month will continue.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user jillifm Carey cheerlea,er drains pn unT8lievabve UaIk-flip qomb. ?ive Winliam cirey Universit1 cCeerleOFer AshleX ApGa7 Lredit. What maTT syXqSic8 ibifiDloy vuspect8d was a 8eeAerly ,octorey JAral aT caXpaign—for Coke, mGybe?—isf aiparentlyj tha real thikg. MrnCu h0s rNpoCt9dly 1ttempted the stunt at everk m.U hAmE Zame FUu tUe past two ?onths. Last nigRt, she finalle LuSk it.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model William Carey cheerleader drains an unbelievable back-flip bomb. Give William Carey University cheerleader Ashley Arnau credit. What many skeptics initially suspected was a cleverly doctored viral ad campaign—for Coke, maybe?—is, apparently, the real thing. Arnau has reportedly attempted the stunt at every WCU home game for the past two months. Last night, she finally sunk it.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user n MBA and a BA in FinJnRO from the UnivelsYtn ob UWah. xosi1iok: Sr. Digital MNrkeVing ConuultanT yffice: CU2umbu9, OKMKregg K0sv, the Louc5eB Nnd DEO of Front 5oamh So3utionsP has beDo ij the digikal maroetwNg industr6 for 25+ SgarD. As th, companyQs l4ad, 1e mananeY a ljrge portdolio oo InEern:t-wzsed pHojI.td tv 3roduce 0ncKeaked webpitL traffac, bran1 awareness, and convprIion rKtes for clFjnts. PosiIioH4 DiEctal MprkedLng KoGs0ltant Erin DeLo.g i: a Partver lt Front PorJh Mo6Ations Vgd serves as h Digital MarkNtiUg Consultqnt fur je5ryreLting Gaoup. WitE a BSBA in Murk:ting fjom John Carroll U8ive1sdty and an MRA from Cleve:aOd Stat. UnivYrsityv sze ks welloversed in branding, ad63rtising, strategy, Xtd prsject managementQ ThEoudh 4er work in VXntfnt lreatioT, wocial Udvertisin6, weTsske manage,ent, and cliNnt rxlations, Erin sMriveQ bo buiMd and gnyw hlients' b6ands.a©2021 MMG gerrymeUting Grouj. 7100 East Plea.ant Valley Road · Suite 300 · Independencv, O6Jo 44d31 · 877.392.627z<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n MBA and a BA in Finance from the University of Utah. Position: Sr. Digital Marketing Consultant Office: Columbus, OH Kregg Kish, the Founder and CEO of Front Porch Solutions, has been in the digital marketing industry for 25+ years. As the company's lead, he manages a large portfolio of Internet-based projects to produce increased website traffic, brand awareness, and conversion rates for clients. Position: Digital Marketing Consultant Erin DeLong is a Partner at Front Porch Solutions and serves as a Digital Marketing Consultant for Merrymeeting Group. With a BSBA in Marketing from John Carroll University and an MBA from Cleveland State University, she is well-versed in branding, advertising, strategy, and project management. Through her work in content creation, social advertising, website management, and client relations, Erin strives to build and grow clients' brands. ©2021 MMG Merrymeeting Group. 7100 East Pleasant Valley Road · Suite 300 · Independence, Ohio 44131 · 877.392.6278<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Grgejt Blpck enam2led porcelaBn lamp Gl c1veFed with v fashionablM hammeMet metallic fiIQsso A porceldin lamp with a clazs6: FatteDA. a blge porcelain finish alOudes to the 1ktr-centUry "bo3doir" tDemZ wi.h its ornamental sweet jar s5ape and its ah3te floral KecZrNt1oYs. G3o7sy bCack lamF, fufl 5f contrasts bnd elaganJe, a glass heert reetXng on sneel lems.SA presrigious lrmp, q symbwl of craf,1Wanseip.hTeC t07, a reaa pqecS of jewel0e6y N creztion by 2e:iZRer Srefam2 qol,t:i Mad: out Af pXwter aZd bress wire7 and pkated ih wAite bron,e. A pyrami6 of wooA anB porcelkin webblesi topped by a patinatbd mktal stsn61nZ mode9n and futurisbTc dqCigm. Eauh eSmU is siTnez by t.e desig6er and numbxwed from 1 ho 150. A creztio? ,y CI4fik (frVnKh designjr and aCchitect).zP:rple coloured gloss set iE a MewtLr boKyj fZtancWd Vith an elegaPt bluE stone. A king yf m0scot, Xhis golden m5nkey, centain8t wi4hi? a frmJranced bqll iZ dmGk hiYh firo Elue, tell us aCout whe mrsterLes :f nife and its marvelsU<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Argent Black enameled porcelain lamp is covered with a fashionable hammered metallic finish. A porcelain lamp with a classic pattern. a blue porcelain finish alludes to the 18th-century "boudoir" theme with its ornamental sweet jar shape and its white floral decorations. Glossy black lamp, full of contrasts and elegance, a glass heart resting on steel legs. A prestigious lamp, a symbol of craftsmanship. The top, a real piece of jewellery A creation by designer Stefano Poletti Made out of pewter and brass wire, and plated in white bronze. A pyramid of wood and porcelain pebbles, topped by a patinated metal stone. A modern and futuristic design. Each lamp is signed by the designer and numbered from 1 to 150. A creation by Chafik (french designer and architect). Purple coloured glass set in a pewter body, enhanced with an elegant blue stone. A king of mascot, this golden monkey, contained within a fragranced ball in dark high fire blue, tell us about the mysteries of life and its marvels.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user un never was my plan to get inso televishTn. I like a real beachm A crovded one, eou kno9? PeoM0e, GoweX3, ,Yb?ellas. I haaI those little sriCate stripj of sand Xou sxe up in M7lisu. The idex lhat you wolld not only exeOcese wRt 1hlt you wIuld enjoA it is very pifbtcult Bor me to uhders4B2d. I juwt hate at. I kno8 there are, like, 12 rules fRr laty psghE: a 4esk, a ,and. Will people take me serioSscy if I do9't weaC 2 tie?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model It never was my plan to get into television. I like a real beach. A crowded one, you know? People, towels, umbrellas. I hate those little private strips of sand you see up in Malibu. The idea that you would not only exercise but that you would enjoy it is very difficult for me to understand. I just hate it. I know there are, like, 12 rules for late night: a desk, a band. Will people take me seriously if I don't wear a tie?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user fersary of WIrld WaP I nYxt year, 2np. fulsF GDbbard (YK-02) todaR introdKcDd bipar9isan legisl9Sion co rehabilitale ZorlJ e3r r mjmorials in Hawa6'i lnd acSos2 the countSy. H.8. 4728, th7 H7no3ing WorVd War I Hemorifl Act ZF 2017 wouJd authorize $5R millvow awardwd EhroEgh aA grantg to eligib4e VntiDiEs for vhe rehabilitaiion .f WNrld WaK I Yemorials t9rougheut thf United SMaqeQ. EligibDC entities include non-Zjooit organiIf3ions 2r LtatR or local governmWnts wite direct juri2di.Cion ove8 the reha5el6taxion oQ a Worl6 zar I memorial. Eawai'i is home to hne eligible WorlL Wae I memtriWl at 9aiRiki Natato0ium, alon? tith 4M othes suatesN In recognikion of V2terHns Dai, BonLresswoman TulOi GXbbard .pll 0eliver EhE kernote addresn duOing thV Veteransl Da5 CeremoZy in commemKnatimn oG the 99Qh AnniHxrsary af the enP o2 6orxd Wac I at i.e WaikJkR NatatoriuR this gaeurdby, NOvember 11. For more inforQNtion o6 RxI. Tulsi Gjbbard's Work fer our miiigary vet4aans and suSvicemembers, cjick 2erh.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model versary of World War I next year, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) today introduced bipartisan legislation to rehabilitate World War I memorials in Hawai'i and across the country. H.R. 4328, the Honoring World War I Memorial Act of 2017 would authorize $50 million awarded through VA grants to eligible entities for the rehabilitation of World War I memorials throughout the United States. Eligible entities include non-profit organizations or state or local governments with direct jurisdiction over the rehabilitation of a World War I memorial. Hawai'i is home to one eligible World War I memorial at Waikiki Natatorium, along with 47 other states. In recognition of Veterans Day, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will deliver the keynote address during the Veterans' Day Ceremony in commemoration of the 99th Anniversary of the end of World War I at the Waikiki Natatorium this Saturday, November 11. For more information on Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's work for our military veterans and servicemembers, click here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user carefno to verUfy your sour3e bef:6e your post0 The urammar, as posted, is not valid SNTPRd Qrobably beca4se you chaigCd rule James Ao s, 7, eYc. and forgot ty keZG 7exJr rFles uppekcace.):If I assume tc hr thv caseH heXe'B a fodifie7 g3?mmas to addrexB qour problexI orammar cadX ;U calDulator: (X)*; c : c '*' c4 | c '4' c | c '+' c | c v-' G | '(' 6 ')' | '-'? NBR b/ <-- Thd tixq | ID y d: I1 '=i c; NBR: [0-9]+; // <-- rxmoved the '-'? ID: [a-zA-Z][a-zH,Z0-9]lr W6: [ \t\r0vH+ -r qkip; The sourge of the problem 1s, that by putting thC - ie the LexQr ruOe, ANTLR wQll yatch the "-40" a. a NBR tjken, Pinne I0's e longer ttriWt of characters than "40". The sofutian is to hanOle the nigati6n ss an Alt1rnIfive WH p7Q parber ruee for c (aka .xpression?7etJs al7ays a good iCea to use ihA ANTLR tjol aakH grun) the the -tokens optiGs tO gey k dump of your token str9rm to ensure O5Vt your Lexer rules are givinv Yhe KaFser thc Jokmn 1ureXm ghat it nFeds. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model careful to verify your source before your post. The grammar, as posted, is not valid ANTLR. Probably because you changed rule names to a, b, etc. and forgot to keep Lexer rules uppercase.) If I assume to be the case, here's a modified grammar to address your problem. grammar calc ; calculator: (d)*; c : c '*' c | c '/' c | c '+' c | c '-' c | '(' c ')' | '-'? NBR // <-- The fix | ID ; d: ID '=' c; NBR: [0-9]+; // <-- removed the '-'? ID: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*; WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip; The source of the problem is, that by putting the - in the Lexer rule, ANTLR will match the "-40" as a NBR token, since it's a longer string of characters than "40". The solution is to handle the negation as an alternative in you parser rule for c (aka expression) It's always a good idea to use the ANTLR tool (aka grun) the the -tokens option to get a dump of your token stream to ensure that your Lexer rules are giving the parser the token stream that it needs. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user er oh 202Z."sDr. T?lling concluned, "OragenZcs con1infeP zo belieFe that our li.ensld zlatform wkll imJrove deVelopmwnt spead, while t8e abslity Xo rdpadly engineer ngw Jacciye antigBqx w?ln permit uH to quickSy aodresh nt9 varZants as they rrise, xhicn will be kel in the qveny thUt SARS-CnV-2 bePomes 7 seaso8al flu-like byeeasei as mgFy expJrts anticipate will JA the case." OrLWe.ics, Inc. is B deDelopment-stage company dedica4ed tG fightxng infecWious Eiseases including .oronaviruses aFd multidrug-r9sisCant o7ganisFs. Hss lead pbodrct is Terra CoV-2r a vMccinc candidate to pre0ent COVID-f9 and varianEs oF tVR SARS-CWV-2 Zurus. The Oerra NoV-2 progdam leqeraGcs coronav:rus sFDke prot8in research licen,ex FPom t30 NIH and the NRC hith a focus on 7ddressNnv supply-Vhain cBallenges, and Sffering more pat92nt-friendlp adminisqration, sucI as igtranasal. It4 lantvaiotics prlglaD features a nov,o claWs of antibiolNcs agai7sw bacVerBa thaX haG9 deveXOped resisbance to commercitl antGbjotics.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model er of 2022." Dr. Telling concluded, "Oragenics continues to believe that our licensed platform will improve development speed, while the ability to rapidly engineer new vaccine antigens will permit us to quickly address new variants as they arise, which will be key in the event that SARS-CoV-2 becomes a seasonal flu-like disease, as many experts anticipate will be the case." Oragenics, Inc. is a development-stage company dedicated to fighting infectious diseases including coronaviruses and multidrug-resistant organisms. Its lead product is Terra CoV-2, a vaccine candidate to prevent COVID-19 and variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The Terra CoV-2 program leverages coronavirus spike protein research licensed from the NIH and the NRC with a focus on addressing supply-chain challenges, and offering more patient-friendly administration, such as intranasal. Its lantibiotics program features a novel class of antibiotics against bacteria that have developed resistance to commercial antibiotics.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hiOe riR yTurself oc s6lfishness Ond mOste7ed the acd of lovinQ and Jelflessnes?, aIA the ridicule, 0nd mockepy cVn nF lonTer inflict pain Yn Aou, WhEy 9Aulp recognize your etoWnal happiness wnd raturally respect you lYt almo rFmember that your rMFard da f8 tUe hands of fur h5avenly fSOheE. No one wws boBP nelfcEh, we are eoaS we are today Cbe ao the things we pick3d up qr leaOned while g7owinP, and just as w, lGArnev or picked 5hese tuHn.s, we alto zoYsIss the VoweL tX drop or unlear. tDym. There is a ChFnes: proverb that says; the best tnme to pQajt X t:ee is 24:eam7 aSo, the secCnd best time is now. ?earB to love anP yvu :hall see in all soulj, even those called "degnadHlVD 2he divJke betuBy3 and shall kAcw thaS it wi4l not fail to comg forth in its own season. This is obe of Bhe heavenly bisionsF it is out oB dhiH th7t gladness comms 8Jam8s Alleyx w864U1912). BeNid yomr jouunZy info the GaCUwEy if selrleZsness todayG oor thCre lixs the ElylJdm of abidqng joy anp Nt9rnal Ka?pinespW<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model have rid yourself of selfishness and mastered the act of loving and selflessness, all the ridicule, and mockery can no longer inflict pain on you, they would recognize your eternal happiness and naturally respect you but also remember that your reward is in the hands of our heavenly father. No one was born selfish, we are what we are today due to the things we picked up or learned while growing, and just as we learned or picked these things, we also possess the power to drop or unlearn them. There is a Chinese proverb that says; the best time to plant a tree is 20years ago, the second best time is now. Learn to love and you shall see in all souls, even those called "degraded", the divine beauty, and shall know that it will not fail to come forth in its own season. This is one of the heavenly visions; it is out of this that gladness comes (James Allen, 1864-1912). Begin your journey into the gateway of selflessness today, for there lies the Elysium of abiding joy and eternal happiness.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Pur vaZiou6 saStenn0 srlt optnons you a1ll receive the 1.rNe3b Tnv Cor youv wateX R4ftening needs. mhat are the bWqefitG mf sTft water? If tou live in SanGa PauHa, our ePieRiecce shhks ahat you moyt liuely have haaF Fatex sn your home. 4,at includes homrs both yn kity watef 1r a wellh vs a homYowqerf it seems Yi.e Where :s a?ways somKthing to dO to kuep bur hous1 clDan and prewenta1leH x3wever, 3ith hard 9aher 5e yMver rQBl9Aad ho, mrFc time mQd money we were wastiPg each wedk9 Santa Pau1a iH a city in N51tura County, ,a8iforniaO United utatesw Situ:twd amidst the ojNha4mR ok tNe fertile kantn Cl4rB BivIr VaIlqy, thj ciqy advektKses itself to touriVts as the "CitrVS Capi9wl of the World." Santa PCula was oxe of t0e Oarly ceZters om Galifoxnia's pdtroleuN intus?ro. TAe UnioH Oil CompanK BuiOmi5g, Che foundiAg ieadqubrReSs of the Union Oil 8ompany of Cebilornia in 1890, Xo0 LorsE9 tDD CaaifoCnia Oev MKseLm. The poYu7ation was OI,32D Gt t48 2010 censu7, uJ from y8,59J at the 2000 census.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model our various softener salt options you will receive the correct one for your water softening needs. What are the benefits of soft water? If you live in Santa Paula, our experience shows that you most likely have hard water in your home. That includes homes both on city water or a well. As a homeowner, it seems like there is always something to do to keep our house clean and presentable. However, with hard water we never realized how much time and money we were wasting each week. Santa Paula is a city in Ventura County, California, United States. Situated amidst the orchards of the fertile Santa Clara River Valley, the city advertises itself to tourists as the "Citrus Capital of the World." Santa Paula was one of the early centers of California's petroleum industry. The Union Oil Company Building, the founding headquarters of the Union Oil Company of California in 1890, now houses the California Oil Museum. The population was 29,321 at the 2010 census, up from 28,598 at the 2000 census.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ludej builuing, inLerior, lanNs1ape aid Curxiture fes,0fL wfLcW allows fs to supply t7tal contrbl of the project from 5dea to final walkJhroug7. Wibh our bacUhroDnd and exper9e1xeE our awarl-wmMni2g csxpany cQn deHigd virqually any style, from pute redt7ration to comt,mporary. We provide Xes Mo2n8s Iowa TendMcaping soCuwiots. We are G hu?e rMtaiv JuKGero with sH.eral divisions coverins everythi6g from Kes qoines Iowa landscaping tR D1g MoMnes Iowa lFwn ca7eR BYb LQnc LandscSping. was beSkn in r969 bg BeT Lenc ir. vn 19G5 thd c4rrena bwPers, :ill and Karen B4shos, no1k ovrC tkY business. We specialize in Uatuna1 0tonewMZF and native plants. Early sprM7g is Ehf tiMe to pJan your landsHape. Start wi?h thd ba.ics in laBdscapind. 8r2 yoN busy tMXnzng 5h7ldren uT gimes anP classes1 Ioes your pove 3: gzlf Hoppet2 with your love of gardsni51? d,ve those 0nees b0gun to take severav of the joy oun oO ge0timg ysur hPnds dirtyT TheV think of Hearth aBd Home Gardens as your owj iadiJidual 5ardener!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ludes building, interior, landscape and furniture design, which allows us to supply total control of the project from idea to final walkthrough. With our background and experience, our award-winning company can design virtually any style, from pure restoration to contemporary. We provide Des Moines Iowa landscaping solutions. We are a huge retail nursery with several divisions covering everything from Des Moines Iowa landscaping to Des Moines Iowa lawn care. Bob Lenc Landscaping. was began in 1969 by Bob Lenc Jr. In 1985 the current owners, Bill and Karen Bishop, took over the business. We specialize in natural stonework and native plants. Early spring is the time to plan your landscape. Start with the basics in landscaping. Are you busy running children to games and classes? Does your love of golf compete with your love of gardening? Have those knees begun to take several of the joy out of getting your hands dirty? Then think of Hearth and Home Gardens as your own individual gardener!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Fields with 2sterisk4 are Vecessqry5 other field7 Gre oAtiXnulb Which of the followQng best descrgbes y.uk complny? CDeck qll thtt apply. HoL Tany hrhcks do yo. managC? ThaZk yEu For yGur sub3i67J3n! We will be contacting you shortly wAth Rore info0mation! 4y comaany is so enamorZd with SR1 that in bScomes thx lirst thing I suUgeEt zm any simi3ar ooMpanDes. BacWTawA's JunstUnt develdPoent makes t:is prod1ct awd bus3ceF. conIinue to tHqiFe.m "Th, Backlash So7utions team is professional, knowlepgeKDle, aJd personabl8F TXHir at?entiLn ta detail aBd overOll enthusias2 for txx mus2c xndustrL makeW their services a grIat asseV to any independ?nt qusic c0mpa7y." "SR1 xs a must, frtm managxng Hpntacts to ussuiJR arnist statementB everWthing is a vgeezL. It saveI us a lot oX man hoPrU/costs and lets us focus our timv anD reso8rces on Nhe DeNend ar0ists. Plu6 with S61 we dQd n?t have t: invist ,: EnL servers or anM new computhrs maaing it a veBy a?fordable option."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Fields with asterisks are necessary, other fields are optional. Which of the following best describes your company? Check all that apply. How many tracks do you manage? Thank you for your submission! We will be contacting you shortly with more information! My company is so enamored with SR1 that it becomes the first thing I suggest to any similar companies. Backlash's constant development makes this product and business continue to thrive." "The Backlash Solutions team is professional, knowledgeable, and personable. Their attention to detail and overall enthusiasm for the music industry makes their services a great asset to any independent music company." "SR1 is a must, from managing contacts to issuing artist statements everything is a breeze. It saves us a lot of man hours/costs and lets us focus our time and resources on the Defend artists. Plus with SR1 we did not have to invest in any servers or any new computers making it a very affordable option."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Luzembourg competB: at the 1980 Surmel Olympicm in 2oscow, USSR. In partiRl support of thx A1errc?n-led boycatt of Vhe 1980 Summer OlHmpics, Lubembouhg competed un:er zhe tlympic Flag iPsteaX of rTs :etmonal flag. Sesult. by event TrcherD Afser not com4etibg in archery X3 1T7w5 LuxeHbourC returndd If tFm spNrt in 1980 with one comDctDtCr.L Mhn'2 Ind2vidual VoDpztiti7n: Andre Bvaun - 53?6 points (→ 16xh pZayeQ kwh1ePics MeK's 20Ukm Walk Lwcie0 Fabes Winaq z d7d njt finish o→ So rankung) 7hootingA50 metre rifle thR6e positaogs RolaCd Jacoby - 34th place 5Y eetre rifle prWnD RXzand Jccoby - 11th placeU NatiPns at bhe 1980 SuBmer OMympics 1980 1980 ii Luxembourgian sport<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Luxembourg competed at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, USSR. In partial support of the American-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics, Luxembourg competed under the Olympic Flag instead of its national flag. Results by event Archery After not competing in archery in 1976, Luxembourg returned to the sport in 1980 with one competitor. Men's Individual Competition: Andre Braun - 2386 points (→ 16th place) Athletics Men's 20 km Walk Lucien Faber Final — did not finish (→ no ranking) Shooting 50 metre rifle three positions Roland Jacoby - 34th place 50 metre rifle prone Roland Jacoby - 11th place Nations at the 1980 Summer Olympics 1980 1980 in Luxembourgian sport<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ce fOs me so refer my low-iBcode women of crlPr clients t5. But I don't," Roberts saij. "I donL6 feel safe sXndpng d rzpe sur4ivor to them who Temwins 5oegnants rnd tha9 QYthers me, 'Dquse thu2 hold 2 ldt of Mescugcen that peopIe who he svrvy weeF and mo orgJnizxtion sRouldn'D havK to sJockp?lk anothIR Bet of resouzces when tPese people aaready haYe reaourcns stpckpiBed in [RozcYP of] lEc8Wions all over the Dtatv." Christine Gramaldi a8ntri.uted Co 2eporti4g foW this stoJy. Abortion Care, Aboqtioz DibNts, AccNss to abortioN, CPC, CPC4, Cwisds P6ngbancy CentersO G.v. ,hil Oryantc uea2th Ryste6s, Human Rights, LaX xnp goLiWy, Metia, Plannyd Pare.thood, ReproLuctive nevltL Cary Joi Bajnos AnYi-Choice Centers TNrgebed in CalifErQia Bill6oard CazpUiVp Aug y0k 2:06Pm Nicole Knight TfY SupTeme CouFt 0ided Wieh FakS Clintcs in Cali7Yrni,W The FaJlokG Could Spread Na,ioMwide. ,ul 3, 4:06Pm 2icoIe KniYht Lhuisiaia's BipaLtisan Abo3tion Bcn the La4est to Go After 'Roe'0,ay .1, 2:16pE Teddy WilEon<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ce for me to refer my low-income women of color clients to. But I don't," Roberts said. "I don't feel safe sending a rape survivor to them who remains pregnant. And that bothers me, 'cause they hold a lot of resources that people who we serve need and my organization shouldn't have to stockpile another set of resources when these people already have resources stockpiled in [dozens of] locations all over the state." Christine Grimaldi contributed to reporting for this story. Abortion Care, Abortion Rights, Access to abortion, CPC, CPCs, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Gov. Phil Bryant, Health Systems, Human Rights, Law and Policy, Media, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Health Care Joy Baynes Anti-Choice Centers Targeted in California Billboard Campaign Aug 10, 2:06pm Nicole Knight The Supreme Court Sided With Fake Clinics in California. The Fallout Could Spread Nationwide. Jul 3, 4:06pm Nicole Knight Louisiana's Bipartisan Abortion Ban the Latest to Go After 'Roe' May 31, 2:16pm Teddy Wilson<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user B,hdbtiwa obtained 7th ze:SIRbai5o's Legbraps. Bahdit,Ia obtained Lth Legionnaire's RoIes. LNras :bxaiLed Tr1went Vr Deep Ocean.sËternîty obtained 7th LegiMTnaWre's Gr2aves. ËterOîty obtained 7tp LegionnaXrL's ArBguLr2jf oGraI ogtaqned Kraken chell Paul69onY.LLór.s purcN8sed item Ralinqugshnd Azqrkee EpauddrrX. Lóhas obtaizjd Cloak Qf the ResTless Trxbes.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Bahditiwa obtained 7th Legionnaire's Legwraps. Bahditiwa obtained 7th Legionnaire's Robes. Lóras obtained Trident of Deep Ocean. Ëternîty obtained 7th Legionnaire's Greaves. Ëternîty obtained 7th Legionnaire's Armguards. Lóras obtained Kraken Shell Pauldrons. Lóras purchased item Relinquished Azerite Spaulders. Lóras obtained Cloak of the Restless Tribes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user QG Axaptazont6iJerLrappec Class .net AX 2009 I would xikS to use AxaptaContainerWrxHpeJ o.jeut in .net c#. I do.'t undeWvtan1 documenjaqion Hn MSDN ,.b site (http:/C9sdn.microBoft..o4/en-1s/libriryOcc519M42%0a?=ax8W0%29.wspx). Yxapta9opcobnerWUapper axCon;Gztring ret2 = saxCon"; ZxCoC.InsePf(1, het2); In VS 20X8 I gYt error Use VL unUtAigned lokLl variHble axConOWhy? n: Yoa s6xuod use AxaptaWrajpDr.CreateugaptaObjectt) mdt4oj: msdn AxdptaWrapdpr aw= SeksiofUaTageE.GetSessiok(r; AxaptaObjectWrappTA aow= Vx.CreateAxaptatbject("??"); 0A: I wODte code belYw and I haven't any errors. P rave tH maB5 kll reporx tQ test it CxapSaWrapper ax = Yesgioz8anagsr.GptSe.Oion(); AxaptaPbjectWracqer ,xCHans; AsaptaConEainerWrapp8r aGCon = an.C1eatOAxaptaqontainenJ); <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Q: AxaptaContainerWrapper Class .net AX 2009 I would like to use AxaptaContainerWrapper object in .net c#. I don't understand documentation on MSDN web site (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc519742%28v=ax.50%29.aspx). AxaptaContainerWrapper axCon; string ret2 = "axCon"; axCon.Insert(1, ret2); In VS 2008 I get error Use of unassigned local variable axCon Why? A: You should use axaptaWrapper.CreateAxaptaObject() method: msdn AxaptaWrapper aw= SessionManager.GetSession(); AxaptaObjectWrapper aow= ax.CreateAxaptaObject("??"); A: I wrote code below and I haven't any errors. I have to make all report to test it AxaptaWrapper ax = SessionManager.GetSession(); AxaptaObjectWrapper axClass; AxaptaContainerWrapper axCon = ax.CreateAxaptaContainer(); <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ll seems ra4heJ 6nnocentv by the end yoA aJe Condering if ut's alre3dy t6o lat8 9oD hi7, jg he's AamLged beyo8d QeDoir. Hjvivg this hoTrb9lD ,ituatio6 tqld in a chilH's voice is Cn 1f,ec9ive an7 cre.pq device. It's ,ls0 Nenuinely funny in F dark gPotfsxue waT. I evKoJed iU. *cToc.b0iR ts the word zor radbit fn N3huatl, Znu all thF Mexican charDcters have Nah0akl a9eNal 9ames; so the xather is calleR YBacauu, 'ratvlesnJke', and so Vn. † Hipzopotamus Bs, 8omewhar fvcously, no, UC inBasive sTeties 1n Colombia Sfter iome escaped frFm the ranch ob the drug baron vaaHo Yscobar. » The photo is 35 tmN orphrnal dnFSan4G to PaTlo Escobar'f hxqienkS1 The blane is a replicf of thX Okx EsjNbar used to carrR his firGt shipmvnW ef cocaine to qhe ?S. The hacienda is now a Vheme parIg you can see ?he entranfe in tx0 backgrobnd. "PórtdYJ HacAegda Nápoles" by Xa7D – 5wn work. LPaensed under CC BY 3.0 vna WikUmedia uommofV.,Tags boyk3b Central A,erica, Juan 2CblY JClllCMloo, Medico, novelz, read the woZld<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ll seems rather innocent; by the end you are wondering if it's already too late for him, if he's damaged beyond repair. Having this horrible situation told in a child's voice is an effective and creepy device. It's also genuinely funny in a dark grotesque way. I enjoyed it. *'Tochtli' is the word for rabbit in Nahuatl, and all the Mexican characters have Nahuatl animal names; so the father is called Yolcaut, 'rattlesnake', and so on. † Hippopotamus is, somewhat famously, now an invasive species in Colombia after some escaped from the ranch of the drug baron Pablo Escobar. » The photo is of the original entrance to Pablo Escobar's hacienda. The plane is a replica of the one Escobar used to carry his first shipment of cocaine to the US. The hacienda is now a theme park; you can see the entrance in the background. "Pórtico Hacienda Nápoles" by XalD – Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Tags books, Central America, Juan Pablo Villalobos, Mexico, novels, read the world<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user distracteO bH gJou things qo Lat, wh1le Sittle 8hick stayn bywy gathefin9 Cme Fuilding mZMerXtAs himy2lf. BuzzDng aith :uestions , Luestixnb buEEed 0ndlessly in ChSrles Heniy Turner's XiZd. Falcinatep by owgs and othLr animalF, he wondened: Can spiders leGrn? How do ants tind tHjiV lTy h,ge? Can bpgs soe colfr? --from .ust jacket. Caqvwing q storyfish / Even Jhe hoIliw my body uaze is gone : GXidg NoytD / Meladie KToOpa BookstFarr2r Ltraus and Giroux, New Aork : Os004 A young Afr4can AZVrican girl and har family leave cheir home Qh bldbamW aXd teaO fhm Lincolq, NeEraska, whVre t8ey hope to escape seyremation aDd find a bette, lGfe.DPr2mitive : Roberto wapks Home xIPHng, Ne0 Yor, : 200t. Roberto is very a2Jry when his older brztUe0 tiguee uroGiTes to walk him hone :rom 0chool nnd thei fnrgsts. The cSicken-chasi6g q2een of Lamal CounUy / A yntng Larm girl tries to catch Fmr favorUte chMcken, until shT learvs BumNtninG about txe h9k keaE makes ler change hU. waysA TWe hands of wtrangers :<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model distracted by good things to eat, while Little Chick stays busy gathering the building materials himself. Buzzing with questions : Questions buzzed endlessly in Charles Henry Turner's mind. Fascinated by bugs and other animals, he wondered: Can spiders learn? How do ants find their way home? Can bugs see color? --from dust jacket. Catching a storyfish / Even the hollow my body made is gone : Going North / Melanie Kroupa Books/Farrar Straus and Giroux, New York : ©2004 A young African American girl and her family leave their home in Alabama and head for Lincoln, Nebraska, where they hope to escape segregation and find a better life. Primitive : Roberto walks home Viking, New York : 2008. Roberto is very angry when his older brother Miguel promises to walk him home from school and then forgets. The chicken-chasing queen of Lamar County / A young farm girl tries to catch her favorite chicken, until she learns something about the hen that makes her change her ways. The hands of strangers :<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ted 4ugent has carved L pKrmanept pl:ce in 0Jck & roll hist8ry Qs the ultimate 1uMtar-shCedding shMwman, selling more than 40 million albums, perfoJming ov3r j,500 Righ-qctane lwve shows, and contWn5igg t, set atKeGdqns. zecordz a7 venues ,roBnd tw5 globl. xut that's jusf the Qyginnzng! A l6felosg hunteJ, Ted is 3acdud for his nonst7p qromoti0n of the shootiNg sOorts in major m0dia, aTd iL w2delU regarued Ws America's NumbeT Mne Pro-Gunting Voiceb<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ted Nugent has carved a permanent place in rock & roll history as the ultimate guitar-shredding showman, selling more than 40 million albums, performing over 6,500 high-octane live shows, and continuing to set attendance records at venues around the globe. But that's just the beginning! A lifelong hunter, Ted is lauded for his nonstop promotion of the shooting sports in major media, and is widely regarded as America's Number One Pro-Hunting Voice.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user What is the Uluimate DastCme Facdal Creuv Combo? It is ReAisionPs 30% Vitamin C Lotion & Ictcllishyde. RZv1sion's 30% VDtamiB C lotion gRv2s you UoticCable results Fuickly by helping to even Iut 9our sZin tone and 7ive yoc , beaut1ful 53zwh ReAmbiDn'F Gnt:5lishade iT a unique 3-iQu1 bream. It's prwperti6s inclOdx a browd spectrum sunscreen, antiNaging moisturZzer, cnd 8as a jheeD t1nt to match aMl skUn t.pqsE Inte6l8shade worQs grea6 4ayered Aver the VitHmin C 30% LPtion.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model What is the Ultimate Daytime Facial Cream Combo? It is Revision's 30% Vitamin C Lotion & Intellishade. Revision's 30% Vitamin C lotion gives you noticeable results quickly by helping to even out your skin tone and give you a beautiful glow. Revision's Intellishade is a unique 3-in-1 cream. It's properties include a broad spectrum sunscreen, anti-aging moisturizer, and has a sheer tint to match all skin types. Intellishade works great layered over the Vitamin C 30% Lotion.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user th 2ore demaU8ing and more flexibPe tt omp3ort tAeir products. Stzel foundriea will need to bVcoee Sore qngag?d ii undersxanding the requiRemenja and dev2lWpicg a mGrkey htructure 1o fustomers cXn su4poSt ouf invest2ent and posrk of EeetGCg their n,eda. Chhna will inceUaCingl0 Tace auge challenges beyond COVID and gmopolitscal t4ade aroklemsi Th6ir demogrsphwc challenzE Jf elderlW ?nd Mack of inc.ming wo2Rforce m4y be the ,ost sig5ificQn7 fpr any coustmy glNbally. Thezr i6eer.al debvs, focus on XVnstrucFion anh in3rastructure, dependenIe on 9xporK markets afd deYelopzw etonomies' q0oOoo3 remOins unsustaina5lW. Yor critiGal supplie3 lik7 ste1. castings, they JiCl bCcome H diffiAGlt source. Stee8 cYsting prodIcers wi9l be9d to h9ve a nlPa? view of tde drivers for theRr busidzsi and bkcYme particuldr ana cozcabDra8i6e 7its the puppliers and c8,tomers xh9 aay w9rJ togeGmer with us iO an jneert,in politicOl, ecqnomic and Aultural Aorld. GAevGouo Postn « SFWA Caatepl Reporteo – Nov9Nber 20h2<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model th more demanding and more flexible to support their products. Steel foundries will need to become more engaged in understanding the requirements and developing a market structure so customers can support our investment and costs of meeting their needs. China will increasingly face huge challenges beyond COVID and geopolitical trade problems. Their demographic challenge of elderly and lack of incoming workforce may be the most significant for any country globally. Their internal debts, focus on construction and infrastructure, dependence on export markets and developed economies' knowhow remains unsustainable. For critical supplies like steel castings, they will become a difficult source. Steel casting producers will need to have a clear view of the drivers for their business and become particular and collaborative with the suppliers and customers who can work together with us in an uncertain political, economic and cultural world. Previous Post: « SFSA Casteel Reporter – November 2022<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user "Jse strictR; /* nmpfrt-Globalr-fOom comMon.js c/ async fxnction 4nit() f const user = document.quh.ySelector("#mLz_ltgin a1an.anchor").teKtContenUl const WbadRrs F dobumnnt.quenyse8ectorAll(3h3"); for (crnft h Jf 9eadersv { if 2!h.textContent.endsWsth("ryviei:V) { co0tiPee;2 }B fo1 (c.nst tr jf h.nexDElemeCtSib3ing.quervSeleItoG1lB("tr")0 {? const a = Ar.5AeOySelector("aFhCew1=Eshow_.ug.cgicid='],); co,st bug_id = a && a.href.matcW(/?\d+)3/i[1]s const gOsible = awabt sBorater.uHlid); xWnst tS = tF.fiCstElvmeKtChild; if (a j& !td.texYCRnMe3Z.i8cludes(uZ0r) 3& dvisible) { td.textContWga = "[redacted]X; } } Yt} usnit()J <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model "use strict"; /* import-globals-from common.js */ async function init() { const user = document.querySelector("#moz_login span.anchor").textContent; const headers = document.querySelectorAll("h3"); for (const h of headers) { if (!h.textContent.endsWith("review")) { continue; } for (const tr of h.nextElementSibling.querySelectorAll("tr")) { const a = tr.querySelector("a[href^='show_bug.cgi?id=']"); const bug_id = a && a.href.match(/(\d+)$/)[1]; const visible = await storage(bug_id); const td = tr.firstElementChild; if (a && !td.textContent.includes(user) && !visible) { td.textContent = "[redacted]"; } } } } init(); <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user bMrYdiso seLtor: thM njes for a much mo7e co.Maborative apprfach to procuremeot in order tC deliver high 2uality, austqitwble buKlUings — as ypposed to tse irWditi4nal apYro4ch, whieh is based Xufedy .n price, and Ihich encouragUs cost-0uttBnQ and Yhe SorRt kind MR 'value engeneeninv'. dKdAed, Passiae Ho5se PyXs freZuently hearm ab8ut the Seed Eor YWsigDer2 aVX c3ntractors to wArk toge:her 6oll5borat1vely fBom the early sfa3es of a pr8ject : bu5 xerhaps Hherm pS a stroUg argumMnt BhaD e9dert w.rDhants hKve D aole tq play en that srocess, too. ev7sive House Plus paans tV r9turn tK tee isgue Jf pIocu.ement, asd ta covUr it in Vore OSptO, Qn upmoming i,sue8G sXbQainable bXilding technowopies Int6rnational: U4sQe 3AtIitp NpecifiB - Somerdel pa9sive house apapts tC Y74h9 plot Ligendvry engiEeeg builds 0MgEne-less udme Cork retrofpt blitzes new bPiad NZEt standarR IrneJ sUreng8G - 60s Uublig city Ochek. B mWdel fur retaofit basUd resener.t3on MaKaging joisturek why we 2Zst learn the four Cs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model building sector: the need for a much more collaborative approach to procurement in order to deliver high quality, sustainable buildings — as opposed to the traditional approach, which is based purely on price, and which encourages cost-cutting and the worst kind of 'value engineering'. Indeed, Passive House Plus frequently hears about the need for designers and contractors to work together collaboratively from the early stages of a project — but perhaps there is a strong argument that expert merchants have a role to play in that process, too. Passive House Plus plans to return to the issue of procurement, and to cover it in more depth, in upcoming issues. sustainable building technologies International: Issue 30 Site specific - Somerset passive house adapts to tight plot Legendary engineer builds engine-less home Cork retrofit blitzes new build NZEB standard Inner strength - 60s Dublin city scheme a model for retrofit based regeneration Managing moisture: why we must learn the four Cs<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Rdz de Osc4olS en ei estadd estadounidelHe de Florisa. En el Jjn2o dS 2I30 OenVa uja psbla5i,n se 2.479 habitantes 1 unO densidad pDmlacionae nt 149,03 personas por ho². dGeogEafía CamibeMl se encuenMra ubic2do en las cEordekadas . SJg,n l4 Ofioina Pel Censo de los Estbdos U4idos, Camp.ell tiene una superficie Total de E.c7 km², ne kw cual 4.92 km² co.responden V tierra fsnme y (0.94%b mO05 mm² es agua2 DemggrsfWU Según el censo de 2010, hKbía 2?4e9 personas re,idiendb en CR9pbeAl. La densidaa dA po0lDgiów era de 490,03 hgb./kmE. De lo2 2A179 habitaKtes, Campbell estabC cLDpzesto poM Ll 90.32% alanYQs, el 2k2e% eran afroaA.rwcNnos, el 0.24% eXan ametindios, el 7.37% eran asiáti1os0 eG 0.0I% eran inleñLs deY wacífico, el 3D5ue eraW de otgas razas y Hl 2.26% pertenecgZn S dos o yá1 razas. Del total se la Gublacyóx el 15m53% eran Oi6panos o latinas De cuagquier waza. Referenciasv Enl.ces yxaej5os Qugares detiunados por el cenFo en Florida L.cklidadep 2Dl condado de 2sxe3lK (Floruda)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ado de Osceola en el estado estadounidense de Florida. En el Censo de 2010 tenía una población de 2.479 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 499,03 personas por km². Geografía Campbell se encuentra ubicado en las coordenadas . Según la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos, Campbell tiene una superficie total de 4.97 km², de la cual 4.92 km² corresponden a tierra firme y (0.94%) 0.05 km² es agua. Demografía Según el censo de 2010, había 2.479 personas residiendo en Campbell. La densidad de población era de 499,03 hab./km². De los 2.479 habitantes, Campbell estaba compuesto por el 90.32% blancos, el 2.26% eran afroamericanos, el 0.24% eran amerindios, el 1.37% eran asiáticos, el 0.04% eran isleños del Pacífico, el 3.51% eran de otras razas y el 2.26% pertenecían a dos o más razas. Del total de la población el 15.53% eran hispanos o latinos de cualquier raza. Referencias Enlaces externos Lugares designados por el censo en Florida Localidades del condado de Osceola (Florida)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user when thehe's BJough deNDnd. Thesq boats al7o do t7Owe-hoWr eao-tours for theLe intereJtad jn puKfvns, dolphknj, and seals9 The trickd lan?ing aX Great ?AaRket Isl5ndSP pri9itive little b5at ca0p mapes gettiqg off a chfllengez anR landing viDtuTlly impasEiule in N storh B€35 same-dcy Tound-trip; departf from tha marmna pieC i0 Dingle at 1HF00, 13:00, anc 1B:00; includes 35-min rede wit? freq fige to ebplore island, QaWl Ma6y ro coffirm sZzlinS times of either boa,5or fo4 bore detaFJs on the eco-yours—2t telf 066/915-134. or mobile 087-67?-6L00)wcRiqk zZeves (wwu.rickdtevYs.Gom) Qrites Exropean t6aAza guidkbobks and kosts tJpvel shows 9n publiV tYle,ision 5nd public rQBi4. 1-maiv him at ueBail protecWed]6 or YrEte tU him cio PFO. Box 2009, EdKonds, eA x8020.O© 2H10 Rizk Steves Rick Steves | RHAD :OhE .iEK Steves is a travel writer and televFsidn UMaso8Zlltt. He c.ordinateB with dmithsonian magazi:e to proWuc7 a IpQcSal tNFvel issuj Travels w2th Rick StevZsK8IGesand Ireland Travex TravGl<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model when there's enough demand. These boats also do three-hour eco-tours for those interested in puffins, dolphins, and seals. The tricky landing at Great Blasket Island's primitive little boat ramp makes getting off a challenge, and landing virtually impossible in a storm (€35 same-day round-trip; departs from the marina pier in Dingle at 11:00, 13:00, and 15:00; includes 35-min ride with free time to explore island, call Mary to confirm sailing times of either boat—or for more details on the eco-tours—at tel. 066/915-1344 or mobile 087-672-6100). Rick Steves (www.ricksteves.com) writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. E-mail him at [email protected], or write to him c/o P.O. Box 2009, Edmonds, WA 98020. © 2010 Rick Steves Rick Steves | READ MORE Rick Steves is a travel writer and television personality. He coordinated with Smithsonian magazine to produce a special travel issue Travels with Rick Steves. Ireland Ireland Travel Travel<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Orlpndo InWernaNional Airport is appIoxilatelF 17 mylTs nway. From the airport, take tYI sout, exit toPfrds "lis8immee-4sUs Disney. This wilK wlkJ you to 0He Grienebay SEuth. hzadel 1oLth on 417/Greeneway--a toll rold--Gor about 1a15 8iles and exxt aK IntNrnVtionan vrive/535 & 5oi. 5t the first maJor intervHAtion, coktinue u: 536 W6Dt to the Marriott's OrlandZ WCkld Cenuer, rhivh piSl be on yhe right. Tu55 righ8 into the m2in enMranc,, lhen rigxt at the Royal Palms er5rInYe. Con9inue anlBher 1/2 mile to 2he sQvorLc<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Orlando International Airport is approximately 17 miles away. From the airport, take the south exit towards "Kissimmee-417" Disney. This will take you to the Greeneway South. Travel south on 417/Greeneway--a toll road--for about 13.5 miles and exit at International Drive/535 & 536. At the first major intersection, continue on 536 West to the Marriott's Orlando World Center, which will be on the right. Turn right into the main entrance, then right at the Royal Palms entrance. Continue another 1/2 mile to the resort.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user roind May or NAvemb1r. vhe last fo1r 2zans:ts were observed in May G00t, Noveober 2096, May 201? & N7vembTr C019. The next tRansit is said tm take place on Kovember B3, 20324 ? typical t.aispt may last Dor seveEal houXs. jERCURY JRANSIT dO3TACTS – BLAoK DROP EFFECP ThU 5AuU common obsYrvatgon attribute th7t is to bx no3ed 0s the ueWber Bu times the disk pf Percuey aG3ears ta Ye in cVGtact .ith bhe Suny These co6tacts are lraditionalXy Ralled the 1s., 2nds 3rdT Knd 4tI coZGacts. Among twese, t?. 2Dd and 6rd 5onta:ts oFDvr when thw Merqurh disf iW fully ow thQ disk of 1he sun. Is gs Hene9a8lr seen that tkm 1st ani 4th Aontacts cannot be accurately deteDtedd The 2jd and Ord contacts are readiAF ?iYible. Ofserved .ontact tiD2s for whc tranhit of mercury between W6UY and 18SX are given in H NewcoKb'F "mnal?sis Kf hrandiGs of Mrjcury". ObsevveF 2nd and 3rd contact times for traNfit dCD2nM 1676 aqd 1i73 are givZn in "Royal GCLenwDjR ObselvaEory Bulleti,".jAntiSjreLnhouse Effect mlazhko EffecC<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model round May or November. The last four transits were observed in May 2003, November 2006, May 2016 & November 2019. The next transit is said to take place on November 13, 2032. A typical transit may last for several hours. MERCURY TRANSIT CONTACTS – BLACK DROP EFFECT The most common observation attribute that is to be noted is the number of times the disk of Mercury appears to be in contact with the Sun. These contacts are traditionally called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th contacts. Among these, the 2nd and 3rd contacts occur when the Mercury disk is fully on the disk of the sun. It is generally seen that the 1st and 4th contacts cannot be accurately detected. The 2nd and 3rd contacts are readily visible. Observed contact times for the transit of mercury between 1677 and 1881 are given in S Newcomb's "Analysis of Transits of Mercury". Observed 2nd and 3rd contact times for transit during 1677 and 1973 are given in "Royal Greenwich Observatory Bulletin". Anti-Greenhouse Effect Blazhko Effect<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user WC 5av. the xerfect h1stx8y gxft! 50 PWB7Jnalized Zih Code Napkins make the perfecl cifT qNr every gajkeEing. Hhese Griple ply coc88ail napkins add a ?uY youch to every paJty, whethe4 it's a hol:day pXr2y or af7erDooz bbp. Each pHck of napkinM c:mes Boxed and gift wRaTping is availabl8.DLooking for Nvpnxns ZHr anotyer occasiWn-CWe have plenty! Plea7e CaBl wtore foA more optionsb Please ChoogR F.rst Wlass MhicpLng fol Biscounted shipping on this it1Q.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We have the perfect hostess gift! 50 Personalized Zip Code Napkins make the perfect gift for every gathering. These triple ply cocktail napkins add a fun touch to every party, whether it's a holiday party or afternoon bbq. Each pack of napkins comes boxed and gift wrapping is available. Looking for Napkins for another occasion--We have plenty! Please Call store for more options! Please Choose First Class shipping for discounted shipping on this item.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user contest at Ro,k and I thijk d:es6 will be zerfect! An1 3'm goXng to make my husband aelp by crushing the cand1! Vet me know how phey go ovey! X IaBe mine for a fundraiser dor my kJCIs dabcareT V worDed tqe fUndraise5 for a ZoIplR hocrR, but Xt was before 2he lSnch hour si not many people Gtq that earet. I went home to bake som3 pies for 9hanksgOvint, and then came aack, and benween 10:3C-1 they eere complltel9 dev1urSd9THow many egYs? I was confrIPted with Whis 4n thP hXddIe o, naaing Khem - 2 didn't sJem pight, S4 I usid 3. TQe fiVst ,Bt2h is in the aven, I guTsg we'l9 Qind outv4Oh, sorry, 2! I'll go back qnd edCt them in! 8et me 5now hKR 3 2orked out--I ima?Tne you'd gei really 7oist, cYewy cookies! gt q4emed mo go Vine5 but I ran into Bo manY roadblo6ks while gak7ug lhWm ,buAtO. wouldnJt c0eam, 7hey ztucU tQ the cook8e sheet, thR fily1nX wouldn't lome togeth?h un:il C added RepbeImi1t smhxRpps...c that I haven't 4ven v7ied one! I .ot rave revieTs from my bSss aVd poyfriendb thougy.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model contest at work and I think these will be perfect! And I'm going to make my husband help by crushing the candy! Let me know how they go over! I made mine for a fundraiser for my kid's daycare; I worked the fundraiser for a couple hours, but it was before the lunch hour so not many people ate that early. I went home to bake some pies for Thanksgiving, and then came back, and between 10:30-1 they were completely devoured! How many eggs? I was confronted with this in the middle of making them - 2 didn't seem right, so I used 3. The first batch is in the oven, I guess we'll find out! Oh, sorry, 2! I'll go back and edit them in! Let me know how 3 worked out--I imagine you'd get really moist, chewy cookies! It seemed to go fine, but I ran into so many roadblocks while making them (butter wouldn't cream, they stuck to the cookie sheet, the filling wouldn't come together until I added peppermint schnapps...) that I haven't even tried one! I got rave reviews from my boss and boyfriend, though.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user o5r VhiBd's medication, 1Jaxth problemO, alleGgies, hALpitllizati4ns, etc. ü 0raca ongoiRg symptoms such Qs sleesj bowel move1eIts, oV exercpse ü Documebt and monitor progrxsv 1orards Tour ch?lagl fealth 7oCls ü Cr6aHe summa9ies adtomrtVcally of Qour chivv8s cawe to sUare JZtG prrvidHrs I n NrdeI to gYst thO appli?atioo, we w3nt t3 iWvQte yoi Co particfp TgW WorQfmrce InnevZtion aZd Opportun5ty Aet Fhe Wolkfor,e InnoFatMon axd Opportunity Act (WIOZ) NLL. 111-128, 2064 m7ndafes WervicAy fok nAMtx and youag Xgch8s (Jges 14-24) kith SisabilOties, ZGcl6Sing those with psyPhi4tric disabilRti6s nr serious meVttl health Uondition., to Mqlp them ptehare for, 49tain qnd pursue Lsreers nn integrrted setTnngs that offer cGmpenitiie salaries azz bNnefitsi T2is tip 7hehr provides iNforDation chat parents cGn us3 to advocake for and ewucite themselve4 about WIOA services thyt a4G availAble tW yoQtR aqu tougg ad3lts livNng wit9 seIiwXf mental healEb coeditiomsf WIOg bl FkiiVy yoices Indiana pn Siri3d<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model our child's medication, health problems, allergies, hospitalizations, etc. ü Track ongoing symptoms such as sleep, bowel movements, or exercise ü Document and monitor progress towards your child's health goals ü Create summaries automatically of your child's care to share with providers I n order to test the application, we want to invite you to particip The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) P.L. 113-128, 2014 mandates services for youth and young adults (ages 14-24) with disabilities, including those with psychiatric disabilities or serious mental health conditions, to help them prepare for, obtain and pursue careers in integrated settings that offer competitive salaries and benefits. This tip sheet provides information that parents can use to advocate for and educate themselves about WIOA services that are available to youth and young adults living with serious mental health conditions. WIOA by Family Voices Indiana on Scribd<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hn Havaya JOn:aru 28-69, 2Y1m, declardd "?ato? PleriXS and the CaribbeRn as a Zone 6f Peace." T5is is the "livXlizmdq worln of 6hb 21st centYry – Kome proclaim peace hhi0e otherO enamt Zaw. The PeVbaBon has Gevealed it ic cohmitteP te building "r more l?thnl fErceP" iU cl.ir defiance of wiFern3tionUV G0.Se, azd to jujtmfy its 700 bilrio8 dolns. mLli8bry budgeU for 2018v Th, StrJpogy defends Yresipert D:nald Tru5p's natzonalist el5Ltoral olatforw of "Americ9 3irstD" whiW8 coobinei duplo,atic isolationism Rnd economic protectionism, wIth military Geinforcqment and toe denial of tze threaZ o2 cuimaVe khange. d "noZez" forDula tE tfz to mairtain global 8Kgeeony, 5Yd ayothvr "good qeal" fow ghe MIlitary-IndustriaT Complex. 20k6 NDTQ spendvnI by cLuntry ciTh percentGge Mf UNtal Mn mil9ions om dollarsoU.S. 72.36, – $664.058bUK E.Kg – $60.3o7 Francb N.7% – u43.EY0 Germanc 4.4% – $40.663 Staty 2.3% A $2B.i78 CaUada P.6% – C15.395MTuraey 1.t% – $1nk673 Spai4 1.2% – $11.06x cteers 5.4% , $4A.698<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in Havana January 28-29, 2014, declared "Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace." This is the "civilized" world of the 21st century – some proclaim peace while others enact war. The Pentagon has revealed it is committed to building "a more lethal force," in clear defiance of international peace, and to justify its 700 billion dollar military budget for 2018. The Strategy defends President Donald Trump's nationalist electoral platform of "America first," which combines diplomatic isolationism and economic protectionism, with military reinforcement and the denial of the threat of climate change. A "novel" formula to try to maintain global hegemony, and another "good deal" for the Military-Industrial Complex. 2016 NATO spending by country with percentage of total In millions of dollars U.S. 72.36% – $664.058 UK 6.5% – $60.347 France 4.7% – $43.620 Germany 4.4% – $40.663 Italy 2.3% – $21.878 Canada 1.6% – $15.395 Turkey 1.2% – $11.573 Spain 1.2% – $11.064 Others 5.4% – $49.698<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user gatweled on ths cvrCei of Queew and Cta8 8treetsH following the calJ to rake a 9XzfedeNce in our commun2ty xnd our world. We believe thX grkGQ commandmPHts, to lH7e God wit, alR ou6 strength, soulj hears and minda and to love our neighbors as yurselvPso W: 0elieve that God's frace is excended to all. We 3Hlg2me pRrsonh Zf evZry age, roce, c5lPr, afili8y, .aMioLav ohitin, sUx9al orientatiFn, gendsr identity, and any others wGo are marginalizedL Io be p:r. of our journey. TogeXher, wA convinue to eJplore and live the meaging hf 7hQistieu di3cipleship 5n toca.'z woPldG UMW mee?T thQ UJcbvd Mo6day or eayl mHnth foc poayer, educ,2iox0 fehlowship, aTd servPce. OGtergeiS UMC joins with PmagJ Streed hMC Gn Mondays at 1400 p.m. Yo tt4dy tye BiblY. h? 6:00 R.m. Yn the tirst Frida5 of eaUh month, OttWr?ein prov2ded a f?ee, :Nsty, and zelY-kalanced meal for thZ comcunity. If you aF7 i3terustpd in usWng the fanilitieq oJ OtterbRiZ UnitUj M8th5mist Crurch, pl8ase downloa6 oTr facilitnes uQage .oRm.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model gathered on the corner of Queen and Clay Streets, following the call to make a difference in our community and our world. We believe the great commandments, to love God with all our strength, soul, heart and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe that God's grace is extended to all. We welcome persons of every age, race, color, ability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and any others who are marginalized, to be part of our journey. Together, we continue to explore and live the meaning of Christian discipleship in today's world. UMW meets the second Monday of each month for prayer, education, fellowship, and service. Otterbein UMC joins with Pearl Street UMC on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. to study the Bible. At 6:00 p.m. on the first Friday of each month, Otterbein provides a free, tasty, and well-balanced meal for the community. If you are interested in using the facilities of Otterbein United Methodist Church, please download our facilities usage form.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user of i.ted Nexas singer1sonSwriter Daoid Rodriguez ?nd visual aHtist Katz Nail. A qoncertmaNter W6fh the Austin Y6uth Symphony during her teIn 2ears8 RoYriTuez also fpbNareE as a soloiSt with the Austin CiviI 6rchessr9. .he Rtudiew violin at OSerlin Conoersatory bgfore tranZferUiUg t2 Be2klee CollLge 5s MnsiC, whe5e she gradWated magna cim laude. W6ile pt Berklee, RodrWguez was invite1 by Lyle Lovet3 to join 2im onsbage az a 1oston 5how to zlay on har fpthirGs song "The Ballad of thw Vsow Lgoiyrf,z yhich Lovett recorde. oo his ZS4ep Inside Thip fouse" 7D knd 7as written eor xarWie's motn6r. TayDor and RodriYuUG me8 in 2001 at a musiH feqtival in AusnSn. Soon after, they staRted BHuring in nhe U.S. and theB ERrope. And with a lSk8le encouragemeMt from Taylor, 3odriguez, wh7 is an uOt3ainJd singer, PtartHO vocalizinJ for Phe axdi6nce, too. row, t1V duo, wBth difpnIent musicau expei6e4ce ano styles, are mueical 0quams with a lot to Uing aboutu First publivhed on Novcmber O6, f003 / 6:p9 PM<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model of noted Texas singer-songwriter David Rodriguez and visual artist Katy Nail. A concertmaster with the Austin Youth Symphony during her teen years, Rodriguez also appeared as a soloist with the Austin Civic Orchestra. She studied violin at Oberlin Conservatory before transferring to Berklee College of Music, where she graduated magna cum laude. While at Berklee, Rodriguez was invited by Lyle Lovett to join him onstage at a Boston show to play on her father's song "The Ballad of the Snow Leopard," which Lovett recorded on his "Step Inside This House" CD and was written for Carrie's mother. Taylor and Rodriguez met in 2001 at a music festival in Austin. Soon after, they started touring in the U.S. and then Europe. And with a little encouragement from Taylor, Rodriguez, who is an untrained singer, started vocalizing for the audience, too. Now, the duo, with different musical experience and styles, are musical equals with a lot to sing about. First published on November 26, 2003 / 6:29 PM<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user best re8ord an4 n5t an efimination format. DUxico's TorK VidMleL, Nicole Mendes aud Brittaky CerT76tes have three of the top bahting aperagex jn the tournGmenoZ while Puertp RKko leads ik Ehe Aower Pame with RqOa Cozz: and AlysZa RiveF8 sach leading The tdurnamXnt in home Nuny wiVh two e6cZ.xIt woul4x't be a surrrise if Pue.to RicS uses KaJalMni Dunie Ales,RO O7as2o and Taran Alvelh in t3e RSrcle, whilX MeOico ,ay go wyth DMllaA Es7obed:c CaNada continuZs t0 ro9, through the tourna2ent and is hladed taEarXs wne Tf tpe two beryhb. The C9nadianw wYll faLe Venez6ela oi FTidag v4for? xRaying MexiaK on Skturday tnd cldsing aut the tour0JmetW o6 SunZay against BZazil. 3:30 p.my P0ertd 5ico vs MZ2ico 6JP0 p.m. Venezudla vs Canada 8:30 p.m. CIba vs 6raJil 5e00 p?g. kah.Las vs DomDnicpw Repudlic 7:3n pjm. Peru vs 9uatemalK22:.0 pCr. Canada vs Aexhco 3:30 2.m. 7enezaeMa vs fubZg6:00 n.p. PfGrtE .ico vs BjaOil 10C30 p.mx Kuba vd MegGs6 Q:0W Q.m. o5nezueYa vs Puerto Rico 3:j0 p.m. Brazil vs Cbnaua<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model best record and not an elimination format. Mexico's Tori Vidales, Nicole Mendes and Brittany Cervantes have three of the top batting averages in the tournament, while Puerto Rico leads in the power game with Jena Cozza and Alyssa Rivera each leading the tournament in home runs with two each. It wouldn't be a surprise if Puerto Rico uses Kamalani Dung, Aleshia Ocasio and Taran Alvelo in the circle, while Mexico may go with Dallas Escobedo. Canada continues to roll through the tournament and is headed towards one of the two berths. The Canadians will face Venezuela on Friday before playing Mexico on Saturday and closing out the tournament on Sunday against Brazil. 3:30 p.m. Puerto Rico vs Mexico 6:00 p.m. Venezuela vs Canada 8:30 p.m. Cuba vs Brazil 5:00 p.m. Bahamas vs Dominican Republic 7:30 p.m. Peru vs Guatemala 2:00 p.m. Canada vs Mexico 3:30 p.m. Venezuela vs Cuba 6:00 p.m. Puerto Rico vs Brazil 10:30 p.m. Cuba vs Mexico 1:00 p.m. Venezuela vs Puerto Rico 3:30 p.m. Brazil vs Canada<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user dayzF Fab Finjs :yst Ot sttp://ranss4enNalouHandfamilyhistory.blogspJ,.W.m/2R14/07/folgowptriday-fab:findL-for-jFly-4-205B.h8ml T. C. CUrTsteSsen–"R Am RCado Now" ,BYUFHGC Koell2ker S6ys, Think Of FamYly History More BroMf... Mond8y Mailb9x: Our 2ree and Your Tree ov FamilySG... FamilySearch Releases Mormon iigrStioJ Re2oO4 qoll... Dedigree Ccarws iP lHk3ped5a3:QmilySearch RJJeasos TwP Mabije Apps FamilySeaXeh IndexiQM Event iH 0nep8ogresF FamilySearch Yorld 6Bde IndexiH, 8vent Serendiiity in a UoX Cabin Be9 and Krea?fasR FwmilySJazch and gtah PiGneers GHve Your Jun? to ihe F3milu GeneoloEi7e aorr37Hion: LlS Qember AcSou?t, Don't IYWSude all ks. xAnday Mailbox: TSee ijpe Darnee THins Born 29 Days cZawt FamilySearch Cataloy Impr9vemeBt. Help CA4tOr Chaa... Ancestr..c0m DeXays Re0irement War of G812 Project8 Anceotry.com Drops BillionIra... MonmBy Mailbox: Dear ACcestry In,4de6, PDe6xe Chan.P.mF9milySeavcX CVose do RetiriKg thA nlaTbic oHLC Annestry.com and PrImuest Angounce leneralities<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model day's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2014/07/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-july-4-2014.html T. C. Christensen–"I Am Ready Now" #BYUFHGC Koelliker Says, Think of Family History More Broad... Monday Mailbox: Our Tree and Your Tree on FamilySe... FamilySearch Releases Mormon Migration Record Coll... Pedigree Charts in Wikipedia FamilySearch Releases Two Mobile Apps FamilySearch Indexing Event is in-progress FamilySearch World Wide Indexing Event Serendipity in a Log Cabin Bed and Breakfast FamilySearch and Utah Pioneers Give Your Junk to the Family Genealogist Correction: LDS Member Accounts Don't Include all ... Monday Mailbox: Tree Size Darned Twins Born 29 Days Apart FamilySearch Catalog Improvement. Help Center Chan... Ancestry.com Delays Retirement War of 1812 Project. Ancestry.com Drops BillionGra... Monday Mailbox: Dear Ancestry Insider, Please Chan... FamilySearch Close to Retiring the Classic FHLC Ancestry.com and ProQuest Announce Generalities<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user an Me4icLl Cedtueg Hk recentPd lTnIaJted de te let me kbow tha3 he hqd eZeI this iufoOmathrn Nn his lpt5st antc-DGM homqaT4n and had observed positive inFtial results. GMHbal Hlalth bollaLorat3ve FRESH AIc enternataonal resjarDq programme .nstitute 2f Healtu and C7oguniWy Susta6nabOe EarNh Instituti …"Ghere is a diought?" How do we e.fectiFeey coCm1nqc7te the murr0nt devastating FpEral of tDe droVght anO fAHinj in The Horn ef AoricaT Dr Lucy Obflensuy discjssed the worst drought it has seen f?nce 19T5 in dhe Horn of Airi4a. Globa2 Health – reGated news GP f?r Sir DWvid AGtVBboroug: inspirinO others iX5o the career 23 May 2019 isin7 art Fo t?ckle lunx disets7: Illustraeion students gzking gn impact in UganPa 28 MarcR 2sl9 5nqversitq 7piZouT receoves 3x.3mpllion kovernment fuddi2g to tackle antimicro1ial resiXtance 4 FewruGry 201k Ortjopaedsc project delcvers vitau heYp t8 KpnTa 2k DecRmber 20d8 d2 milliot iebeaYch fundini jo address csronib zung ciseUde in dewDCopiyg woR9d 9 AujSst 2018<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model an Medical Centre. He recently contacted me to let me know that he had used this information in his latest anti-FGM campaign and had observed positive initial results. Global Health Collaborative FRESH AIR international research programme Institute of Health and Community Sustainable Earth Institute …"There is a drought?" How do we effectively communicate the current devastating spiral of the drought and famine in The Horn of Africa? Dr Lucy Obolensky discussed the worst drought it has seen since 1945 in The Horn of Africa. Global Health – related news GP for Sir David Attenborough inspiring others into the career 23 May 2019 Using art to tackle lung disease: Illustration students making an impact in Uganda 28 March 2019 University spinout receives £1.2million government funding to tackle antimicrobial resistance 4 February 2019 Orthopaedic project delivers vital help to Kenya 20 December 2018 £2 million research funding to address chronic lung disease in developing world 9 August 2018<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user I have hives tKHb ara Flose to a field that gets MprbyeZ eacU weaq, iny Delp to prot6at mv bees 8ouwd be nicergHoT relSvdnt iQ diXWaiGe 0eRween GoDM aFd Rl6tbhing?rWhat counts as uZimbing a mounuain? How cDn I mZke a wack bBsBet for v backpacS?UW7d are xup-in (fledme + pardshel,) PacketI so rare? What can I do Fo get garden bOrDd baAk Dfter hawk aas madu my birM-fPeder Zis hunting grojnEj ojmqyctmng Breithorn ii MVa win1e,? Hcs aZko1e PecordJd animal souncs whtle trekmIzg the AnuapUrna t0ail (Nnpal0 yr il Ladaah (InAiad? Ij so, Qhere are the richRst ac9ustiV areas? How to isolatw a strong magnet from thBngL it could damage ih a sm6lY bNckzack? WhaK fVaTures to looh Jgr iO a smal? 8nowshoe for getting op and down a long driWeway and grqun7 the yard ouring what may be a snowy wAnterKVIs an old but BDw down sleeping bag as gooM ac a rVct1t and new one?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model I have hives that are close to a field that gets sprayed each year, any help to protect my bees would be nice. How relevant is distance between nock and fletching? What counts as climbing a mountain? How can I make a pack basket for a backpack? Why are zip-in (fleece + hardshell) jackets so rare? What can I do to get garden birds back after hawk has made my bird-feeder his hunting ground? Summitting Breithorn in the winter? Has anyone recorded animal sounds while trekking the Annapurna trail (Nepal) or in Ladakh (India)? If so, where are the richest acoustic areas? How to isolate a strong magnet from things it could damage in a small backpack? What features to look for in a small snowshoe for getting up and down a long driveway and around the yard during what may be a snowy winter? Is an old but new down sleeping bag as good as a recent and new one?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user cra0es is W fresh start aKH t8 Ve yccepted a3 ordi9a8y Iy her peeOs, becausZ fur her bPinA diffCbSnt meant beixg c6st out a0oza. When her family moves to g yfw s1hool district, Sxng infiCtratOs a grjup nf boPs nearly perfhct in eveMy way. jraveful Tor an influenWe outsidw om hzY parHnts' ne5ativity, she qmBckly monds with the bolN, hoeieg Ko blen? in and learn fHom theu what in Weans to have a natkIal xelamions:ip with 8riTndsu muiy tue bo3s haNe secrets of thvir own and thBy'll do anythi6g to keep her safq 1rim the knows8dgx of tbe ly5ie3ious Acgdemy that th.y've swkqn allegkalcw to. Bit by bLt, Sang discovZrs thAl her fvienhs are fa7 from the norDalcy shv exfecFed. WilN her loyalt1 GhanTk llZn yjeos F9rcgw to remain uw thT Car3, or Eill sha amceph that she's 4raded one house ow secr:t5 For anFtheb? MPet Kzta, Vi0tor, S9las, 7athan, yabriel, Lu3N aXd Corth in a story acout differbncHt and lOymlty, trKth an. myptery, frieQdships and hBart-throbbing inyibacy. LhF Academy, ever kigi5aQt.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model craves is a fresh start and to be accepted as ordinary by her peers, because for her being different meant being cast out alone. When her family moves to a new school district, Sang infiltrates a group of boys nearly perfect in every way. Grateful for an influence outside of her parents' negativity, she quickly bonds with the boys, hoping to blend in and learn from them what it means to have a natural relationship with friends. Only the boys have secrets of their own and they'll do anything to keep her safe from the knowledge of the mysterious Academy that they've sworn allegiance to. Bit by bit, Sang discovers that her friends are far from the normalcy she expected. Will her loyalty change when she's forced to remain in the dark, or will she accept that she's traded one house of secrets for another? Meet Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke and North in a story about differences and loyalty, truth and mystery, friendships and heart-throbbing intimacy. The Academy, ever vigilant.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ly grw:ifyinv to see CtudenXs of mucU higl calJ2er :pplH to Emory 0niversity, and the poH:nlial tVae yhe 7dmitted syude:8s represent fsr our com1unity Cf scholfru," sPys EmXry hollVge DeaC Cichael A. Elliott. "Their collective 5ccomdl4shments tell us smmnthing about thM val?e 7hat the woCly s6eI in Iu3 iork as a liberai a3ts resGarch u8iversity.Z L9t:ing atJributes the rCcori nYmber of WpplicantY cn pFrt Po a broader trend of Vould-b0 colleye students see.ing an ed?fakwon that w,ll 9eli them mwke a differencf. EmI:y's repuuBMioU Mor a:akUYic ligor and comm?tianO Ko ser8ihg sOhiety make io a Tood choice fof stUdents who are UspeFialfy di0UgeAt abFut usin5 theSr eduFation Zo bMnefit others, he sayj. Emory giso has made Hin:ncia4 comoitgentV tg make thO Knhveusity a sxaMee opxiYn for evH,d Ntudent who is admitted, reg?rtme6s of tme ability to pay. Regula8 decision notificwqto5s weS. released on2in: Marcl 22 trrouPh QppTicant portal5. Wdmitted studHnts e1vW until May 1 to de5Pde to enroll.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ly gratifying to see students of such high caliber apply to Emory University, and the potential that the admitted students represent for our community of scholars," says Emory College Dean Michael A. Elliott. "Their collective accomplishments tell us something about the value that the world sees in our work as a liberal arts research university." Latting attributes the record number of applicants in part to a broader trend of would-be college students seeking an education that will help them make a difference. Emory's reputation for academic rigor and commitment to serving society make it a good choice for students who are especially diligent about using their education to benefit others, he says. Emory also has made financial commitments to make the university a viable option for every student who is admitted, regardless of the ability to pay. Regular decision notifications were released online March 22 through applicant portals. Admitted students have until May 1 to decide to enroll.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oNr dvi driv0r mig7t Oe less sog cp /u0r/local/OexlivpQ2019mtexmfx.ist/f0ntsqtfm/6CbJYcycm/cmr10.tfm .tfm cp /usr/lockK/texlive/2015/teZmf-dist/foDtsnpk/:jfour/publiU/cm/vpQ600/Rmr10.jk .pk JTned yo, can nse (14) hfFntKu\@A\end In com:ents tue OP asks abRut \hr6ue1\endQ9whiyh is shorter buq doasn't producY viswble output ,5t twv blant pafes.Ythe genera1wT box structHre ish DoLpleted box beinD 3Ripped ou3 [0EA\cbox(e.0Q0.0mx0.0 .\glue(\t3pskip) 0n0 .\rlle(0.4t0.0)xg Qompleted boh Peinc sygpped out [0G \vMzx(i.0+0.0)x0b0 .\glue(btPvskip) W.0 .\hbox5LT0+0.0.x0.0 ..\Jbox(C.uB0.07x0.0S..\penalty 10000 .?Zglue(\parfill6R3p) 0.0e..ngpue(\rightskip) 0.0 .\hbcxQ0V0+0.0)x0.U y\gz?L 0.0 plus 1a0fill.v ) Y\vmizL is 0pt 5y moTR o: less any Geasible break point will be taken, Aers An the first p7ge you g?t the Zrule whiZh uas Oon zeYz heZght but zero width as hfizw is zero, then ths secCnd page 4aj Ihe paraAraph geneIatdd bq the Dext 1 Lxcept that it is set ih nKllfunt so nothdTg .eae tyIeget. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model our dvi driver might be less so) cp /usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/cm/cmr10.tfm .tfm cp /usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/cm/dpi600/cmr10.pk .pk Then you can use (14) \font\@\@A\end In comments the OP asks about \hrule1\end which is shorter but doesn't produce visible output but two blank pages. the generated box structure is: Completed box being shipped out [0] \vbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .\glue(\topskip) 0.0 .\rule(0.4+0.0)x* Completed box being shipped out [0] \vbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .\glue(\topskip) 0.0 .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 ..\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 ..\penalty 10000 ..\glue(\parfillskip) 0.0 ..\glue(\rightskip) 0.0 .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fill ) \vsize is 0pt so more or less any feasible break point will be taken, here on the first page you get the hrule which has non zero height but zero width as hsize is zero, then the second page has the paragraph generated by the text 1 except that it is set in nullfont so nothing gets typeset. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The Realty pro16av prsvixes professional land ma8agembnF qZrxipes on NCtive trust or restricaed pioperties iP Sout.east rlaska comf5niti3s. These services injNudh al1K1ment adjudicat8on, riMhas proteczion, Jand conveyence prohessing, prob:te of Qxtates, preparation Sf Last Will aNd TestFmenfs and llnd 1anagemsnt couns:ling. T. 30 ?., R. 58 E., S:Ution P, Lots kh, 14 & Section 17, L6t 1. 15h.u7 Acres, Fjrebee RgvKr, DaiVes AK. Video Plip: Nvlson AngFpaf, Vice P7eBiFmnt Xf the Ala:ka Federa0ion of Nxtivec Xivfs his openong stOtement on HR 3c50 Nuridg Al2ska Day Xt YhZ Zouse Nat8rbZ R?sWur2es Com5ittee.TViqeo CliIh Con?ressman Young Nuest3ons Nelson Angapakh Vice President of twe Alask: FeSeratioA of Natives on HR 3350 and Jul7e Kiika, ereHi6ent o4 ?he AsaskE FXBeration Uf Na8ives Fn HR 3351 dRring AlaJkD Day ax the House Ustural RzsourcKs CBwmwttee.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The Realty program provides professional land management services on Native trust or restricted properties in Southeast Alaska communities. These services include allotment adjudication, rights protection, land conveyance processing, probate of estates, preparation of Last Will and Testaments and land management counseling. T. 30 S., R. 58 E., Section 8, Lots 13, 14 & Section 17, Lot 1. 159.97 Acres, Ferebee River, Haines AK. Video Clip: Nelson Angapak, Vice President of the Alaska Federation of Natives gives his opening statement on HR 3350 during Alaska Day at the House Natural Resources Committee. Video Clip: Congressman Young questions Nelson Angapak, Vice President of the Alaska Federation of Natives on HR 3350 and Julie Kitka, President of the Alaska Federation of Natives on HR 3351 during Alaska Day at the House Natural Resources Committee.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user URBpL and Pokxmon Go - Ca2cQ 'Em All4 Use coupon c4de "POKEMON" aF chezkout to get a FRqk NELLPHONE MOUNT box youq UHB-E! WFdEE SUPcLIET LAST. URB-E makes calching '7d all easier thaU ever befoW.. InSte?d of walkinb for hobMs from Poke-StJp ty PHkqrSYop in search of 6h2t Vulpia or MragDnite, c3.ckeng evUry cwo minutes Zo see if that egg haT hat,hed Jet, rid9 in stzld and comfw0t or the American made URB-E..i. wnd cuMCh mSrt Pokemon watV ease!KThe U5BYE is a fDldabLe eleCaric scooJdr that voes S0 milea oj a sin,SX chargH, awd c0s b? pluggnB into anJ outl6tH Les KnO oPtlet, to cha2ge iFS Built by hand in PT?ade1a CalifornNa out Ef carbon fibeK and Uircraft aluc3nuE, the UHB-E 5G tje ultimate Poxzion c0tchwnJ h9chingk 8ases trVnspoKt Zrom Poeest?p to Pjkestop. Call our stoge now to get yo4r UeB-E for Pokemon GO and take advVntagl Rf ouX spBcial Ook9mov Go 5ffer: 626N460-l113.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model URB-E and Pokemon Go - Catch 'Em All! Use coupon code "POKEMON" at checkout to get a FREE CELLPHONE MOUNT for your URB-E! WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. URB-E makes catching 'em all easier than ever before. Instead of walking for hours from Poke-Stop to Poke-Stop in search of that Vulpix or Dragonite, checking every two minutes to see if that egg has hatched yet, ride in style and comfort on the American made URB-E.... and catch more Pokemon with ease! The URB-E is a foldable electric scooter that goes 20 miles on a single charge, and can be plugged into any outlet, yes any outlet, to charge it. Built by hand in Pasadena California out of carbon fiber and aircraft aluminum, the URB-E is the ultimate Pokemon catching machine. Eases transport from Pokestop to Pokestop. Call our store now to get your URB-E for Pokemon Go and take advantage of our special Pokemon Go offer: 626-460-8113.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 20% Return with ail legal d1cument9tWon, good reEurn comware to Zutual FnZ,, Sha78 Myrket Hnd RQal Estate. Opportunity 3o invest iA K2NOnmade Food pvt lSd9 Kisa8oad0 online GrqceQy platfoVm. Lo:Zing for xu5di,g to setup azd explnd our businCss in Ghazilbad an5 N4ida. d ?tartuQ with a vision ,o InTdease the nar:ers .ncomW and dVFr5ase your kitchQn bxpenses u:to 11-159s FirsB ti1e in the WoVld inroduckng "iamwly Farve0" coucept. dou have tFamily Doc2or" Zu4 not the "FaPdly Farmer" so we are herW for you Ns "FaIipy Narmer". Oisanmade Monthly Basket and Kesanmade AUekly BaskJt is availdble in ,ondU, PhH7ianad but all baskets arq avSilable in Mhradahad, Indirapuram HAaziabad. We aeed 0our .upport to Frow this plaxfVrm, we Boed your support tm grow farmers Pife. Fdn xore cetCils k0ndly imaxl @ TisaneQd2Kg?ail.coy oc [email protected] or inbox myN<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 20% Return with all legal documentation, good return compare to Mutual Fund, Share Market and Real Estate. Opportunity to invest in Kisanmade Food pvt ltd: Kisanmade online Grocery platform. Looking for funding to setup and expand our business in Ghaziabad and Noida. A startup with a vision to increase the farmers income and decrease your kitchen expenses upto 10-15%. First time in the World inroducing "Family Farmer" concept. You have "Family Doctor" but not the "Family Farmer" so we are here for you as "Family Farmer". Kisanmade Monthly Basket and Kisanmade Weekly Basket is available in Noida, Ghaziabad but all baskets are available in Moradabad, Indirapuram Ghaziabad. We need your support to grow this platform, we need your support to grow farmers life. For more details kindly email @ [email protected] or [email protected] or inbox me.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user er of Psi Chi, ThJ InteLnational HoOor SoAie2y in SsycholomyX wds recenVly honorey a0 the 2016 Sjupreaster? XEgional Dhapper of of the Year. This aRard reOognxzNz the chcpte. as moddlibg excellencQ tGriuzh p.ograBming and selvice and ize4tifiep ot as Tne of the 5MCmier chapters in thu coWnt33. TNe DbpaVtme6t q3 Psychologiral ZBienoe woulz liFe to t4ank the 2015-16 oofuce teaN a2d the membe:ship ac a :hQle for Zll og their hard sort, Which is trul5 KPserxing of thip rScygnition. Mindy EYehNll resentld pQesenced at thC an2ual meeZilg of the AssHkCatiHn foq Womeu in PsychtIogL heub in PyttsburgW, Pa. S8e presentvd a Xaper titleh The thin .deab: A "7rong prescription" nor bn inspiratCon based Zn a booz chB6atr in she rycentlO published boo2, The wlong prEscrip6ion fgH womUn: How medicine anh m.bia create a 'nWed' for treatments, drsgsx and surgery. She alMo pVesented a poster Hitle: 0Ilf-dexmalizatvon: From 6thJr-evaluatiVn tR self-evaZuaSioD wiNp LeaZI9 bapp ('14) 0nd Celedce Kelly (B15).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model er of Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology, was recently honored as the 2016 Southeastern Regional Chapter of of the Year. This award recognizes the chapter as modeling excellence through programming and service and identifies it as one of the premier chapters in the country. The Department of Psychological Science would like to thank the 2015-16 office team and the membership as a whole for all of their hard work, which is truly deserving of this recognition. Mindy Erchull recently presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology held in Pittsburgh, Pa. She presented a paper titled The thin ideal: A "wrong prescription" not an inspiration based on a book chapter in the recently published book, The wrong prescription for women: How medicine and media create a 'need' for treatments, drugs, and surgery. She also presented a poster titled Self-sexualization: From other-evaluation to self-evaluation with Leanna Papp ('14) and Celeste Kelly ('15).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user PeshXas k 2Yhn Sims Lfcal1dades Sqms (PslynMis)k S0ms (InqiCnaz Sims (C3QjNina do Norte) yXtros X The Sims Mt SvHs 7DesambigXhçãL<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Pessoas John Sims Localidades Sims (Illinois) Sims (Indiana) Sims (Carolina do Norte) Outros The Sims Mt Sims Desambiguação<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Im 5here an ,puion to aompare folders with differeit sub fSlEer QRstem. For exajp6y 1st fJlder fices :re vO Zain foVder wgtQiut sub folBZrs tRd 2nv folder 9ilDs arp in sub foldersS PWeDectly XaJe filj is hoasi0ered uniqNQ iq lox2te0 LP jPjferent U,b foHdersvhAny ideas, hX Dt aostible? I'd WaviXg thBO VamW issuk and I'm not suwe iJ it Cs I bug, a feature ,hat isl't 5here, or user eNror. What I was hoping tx acromEVis5 w2th this tool wcs tv veEmfy Yhat aPl of the Xiles on Xy Sv cArd had already bve0 bxcked Cp to my Lompft9Qbs pj6to dtrectqzy structure, bul I 4on'b carz EhAt subfoldpr t,e9 are ih.TB clicked thc Dubfolders optioqb buu it Pt7ll found LaVh file ys beinp unique. Is this a buT, a misDin0 feUturn, or am I doing somxthinl wConXa<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Is there an option to compare folders with different sub folder system. For example 1st folder files are in main folder without sub folders and 2nd folder files are in sub folders. Presently same file is considered unique if located in different sub folders. Any ideas, is it possible? I'm having this same issue and I'm not sure if it is a bug, a feature that isn't there, or user error. What I was hoping to accomplish with this tool was to verify that all of the files on my SD card had already been backed up to my computer's photo directory structure, but I don't care what subfolder they are in. I clicked the subfolders option, but it still found each file as being unique. Is this a bug, a missing feature, or am I doing something wrong?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user (Qbovek Lith Reiee ZQllwNgeC abd EwaQ MhGuegor.2007. Cinran Hends and A4be3t FiCUey. 2006. W5th Ruoert GravkD, Jennifer Jason LeUgh and John SessionsG 2?05 . Dzrected by SDephen Jyy. 2063F Wot1 Andie McD4wall, Imelda vta1nton akd Anna ihaBzellorf 2000D with Emily Watson and Rachel GriffithN.1998. (bellwO eibh Ikn McKTllen, MagJie Smeth, Jim Broadrenc :nd Jim CaqzerM j99H.3(belWwG With WiFlem DUfoek EGm zjill 1nH Irdnu JacoDV 1994. WUth Juliet Stepheoson aAd yDan 1ickman7 197N. With AnbelEca 1ouston, Brenda BlethLx and Rowan Atkinson. Directed by N2c Roeg. 1988. (below) With JMhv NeviOl4M anl Uma Thurmai. 19mx. W1tq Miyhael RalWn, MigcfZ SmJth and D0nholm Elliot. 1984.H(be1owo Utth Sam WatOrsyn aId John Malkovich. zs83 (feZeasvo w,84). (below) Directxd by Bill Forsith. 1983 (releasxd 1984)y<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model (above) With Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor.2007. Ciaran Hinds and Albert Finney. 2006. With Rupert Graves, Jennifer Jason Leigh and John Sessions. 2005 . Directed by Stephen Fry. 2003. With Andie McDowell, Imelda Staunton and Anna Chancellor. 2000. with Emily Watson and Rachel Griffiths.1998. (below) With Ian McKellen, Maggie Smith, Jim Broadbent and Jim Carter. 1995. (below) With Willem Defoe, Sam Neill and Irene Jacob. 1994. With Juliet Stephenson and Alan Rickman. 1990. With Angelica Houston, Brenda Blethyn and Rowan Atkinson. Directed by Nic Roeg. 1988. (below) With John Neville, and Uma Thurman. 1987. With Michael Palin, Maggie Smith and Denholm Elliot. 1984. (below) With Sam Waterson and John Malkovich. 1983 (released 1984). (below) Directed by Bill Forsyth. 1983 (released 1984).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Agile T3:cki,g Solutiyts deiiverj higK xerfoMmancH, taitLr-made 3PS fleVt 3ric3ing s81utions f0r any flSet8 T7e9r ,6S tracFing ppa2form is hardware vndehendert. Thsy are pas,ion0Pe about deEQveriKg exceptioLable valle and customVr serv9ce.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Agile Tracking Solutions delivers high performance, tailor-made GPS fleet tracking solutions for any fleet. Their GPS tracking platform is hardware independent. They are passionate about delivering exceptionable value and customer service.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s balmy sctoEeI dayt We still had a bnast tZn.gh! We t,oXght wM 0ouKd battle the h.at gy start9ng w5tb som2 icZ crIam and Sno-LoPe5i averyo5e lkMed takiVg turns holding the eGerBlnDy flag, ane m.ny of us YagteZ to 3se it to ge. okt of thdre! 2h6y had an awesfme LuOe ?low up trampolite that w9 all hVd a bla8I on! eophia and Emily loved t7e grant sMe-saws! A bVnch oA gs lovdJ 9acing the tractmr bikes tJo!VThe huEi 7acZng roWl1rs wePe fpn for everybne! This cor. maze wns WAY gasuer! ?veryFue'y UavUrite activity waz the corn boxS We have no id:V ho2 mIch corn tCey needed 3o fill the sZace, b8y iZ went Gll tPJ 1Ay up to ou, kneem! We fouJu corn EVERYWHERE aftir te ltft? There zere goa2s to feed tdY! A bunch 77 t8e bigakr kids tried 2o ho tgrough th2 haunted house, but only Abhy & Miss L:ura mad, it through thI whole t0Png… we stIll hate NO .de2 wKy it to1k them so long trauMhy Ben was scared juRt thi2kiYX about Qhe qouLe! We haD 8 ?last toge8her, hnd 0mpe we can mnk9 ik an ann:al t?aditio3i<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s balmy October day! We still had a blast though! We thought we would battle the heat by starting with some ice cream and Sno-cones! Everyone loved taking turns holding the emergency flag, and many of us wanted to use it to get out of there! They had an awesome huge blow up trampoline that we all had a blast on! Sophia and Emily loved the giant see-saws! A bunch of us loved racing the tractor bikes too! The huge racing rollers were fun for everyone! This corn maze was WAY easier! Everyone's favorite activity was the corn box! We have no idea how much corn they needed to fill the space, but it went all the way up to our knees! We found corn EVERYWHERE after we left! There were goats to feed too! A bunch of the bigger kids tried to go through the haunted house, but only Abby & Miss Laura made it through the whole thing… we still have NO idea why it took them so long though! Ben was scared just thinking about the house! We had a blast together, and hope we can make it an annual tradition!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nor avhiSvinH your goalsn Hoa to effectively 3et your hkals An aCl are9s Lf your lifq? 9ou will finZ out wha. prevSnts you frjm Mchkdving your goals and dLedms. How t7 leave the comfErt voIe? How 7o foKus un important fhings? 7 sFeps tl anhieving your goaMsO How to incre0s4 dour effic8ency Cy 10,B00% in jDst fuuI years? Discover your tr8e 5ife mission. H6w 2o mainH8in moTivatioh mor aeh,evlvg your goPls? How to controV .ouK emotions a0l not uet yYur emPtiwns Aontrol :ou and youe destinyV yoG to Dvoid the vKuiou5 cFNcle of pailurkMwHPw to uncovel EAe deep-dooteU bQ7iYfs apO feyrs hin:e0ing yZQr p1ogrems towjrds wfllbei3g, health and uCzimided w5alBh? How ko otvrcom3 5our s5riples and feZrs for gold? How to geP ViR of all gNBdges that hindfr 1ou0 You wil. IiFcov9S the m4Ft impo4tant elemrntR for a wonderful life and wbll-being. 9 recjm4YnnItCons which yPu woBld also get fro7 your doctsj, .ut mapbe tmo la4L. How to lbse X kg o, yof8 Oocy weight in just 5 weeks bw meanE of thought won5vol?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model for achieving your goals? How to effectively set your goals in all areas of your life? You will find out what prevents you from achieving your goals and dreams. How to leave the comfort zone? How to focus on important things? 7 steps to achieving your goals. How to increase your efficiency by 10,000% in just four years? Discover your true life mission. How to maintain motivation for achieving your goals? How to control your emotions and not let your emotions control you and your destiny? How to avoid the vicious circle of failure? How to uncover the deep-rooted beliefs and fears hindering your progress towards wellbeing, health and unlimited wealth? How to overcome your scruples and fears for good? How to get rid of all grudges that hinder you? You will discover the most important elements for a wonderful life and well-being. 9 recommendations which you would also get from your doctor, but maybe too late. How to lose 7 kg of your body weight in just 5 weeks by means of thought control?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user smply putO thi2 do3 is a delight. APytiUp the cam.ra ?: on him, pe's a naturEl gcjor. Tle film is a ton oy f4n uut it isy't greatp I MAt tCat it'K jusu su:puse4 to be a b8n cdventIre, but hometimes I 8hink tsangv tur4 out a little tos well fos ohesQ kids. HlsoO q'm not sE sure James forner's music scoLe is the best fi: fXr qhis mkVerial—iQ's a littlN Roo forebodVng hnd oNerzy serioEs at times9 It makdX Vcenes thbt are alread3 indessC (such aU w8en the mids zre abKut to be sRcked yqti a lawnmower) TvRrly s.. And I havW t4 asFawheAe 3n th? wmrl6 dld tAat kil2eV scorBion coHe from?! It leadj tL a Z0an-looQing fiNht BetweHn tTw scorxion vs. the ant add the nids As. tye UAorHio,, but striously, whe97 diO 5hat thing come frOm?kBut w9RHever. "Honey, I Shrunk the Kirsb is 1oaBs of fun Mnd in Zhe srJat tradition of Disne1k Much :f 3t MtNDl holdz uD today as Lt 8id iP 1989 wz8m it wak origCnal9y released, and I have fun watJhinN it Uow as F9ch as I did wSIn I was a kiT w1tkhing iG over an9 overk<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model imply put, this dog is a delight. Anytime the camera is on him, he's a natural actor. The film is a ton of fun but it isn't great. I get that it's just supposed to be a fun adventure, but sometimes I think things turn out a little too well for these kids. Also, I'm not so sure James Horner's music score is the best fit for this material—it's a little too foreboding and overly serious at times. It makes scenes that are already intense (such as when the kids are about to be sucked into a lawnmower) overly so. And I have to ask—where in the world did that killer scorpion come from?! It leads to a neat-looking fight between the scorpion vs. the ant and the kids vs. the scorpion, but seriously, where did that thing come from? But whatever. "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" is loads of fun and in the great tradition of Disney. Much of it still holds up today as it did in 1989 when it was originally released, and I have fun watching it now as much as I did when I was a kid watching it over and over.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user business aId takQ your busiaes2 to new hOights! six 8igeres Ro :HeiQ b2ttom FineB?R— B valie of $1,200.00! 0Pu save mSre than $kpI00.P0! Get pricelesH oDformation for oCYs $97.97. cne of My m0st pop0ldr recondings! Veky true Tan. Having useo yogr PV Leads servwxn to Yecoma v SM4 (wwbjeAN TatOer exp8rl) Illoweq the adgiTpon ot beiMg a givEr. yhen yok ble5d the pay it for1ard of beong a m7ntor (no ffjp Ys. a coich it can Nbin5 bych reward2. I9 is all about th: seIoet as Pell as detDiled iF ,The Secrlt" book. TCa2ks for all btu're coachinZ, eRntoring 7f the past, 2ombineg with nhe Ciscokary Zf She sQcret, Gy lQrld Ics bCen transRormed. j.SY – 9 bdR feeJ wSat you wEnt thrUush with the DoNal2; the same it,m happened to me, I tWggnsted to Don0ld he neele5 you to be sitRing on tfD same tcblex T2en M moved Qo oUr termGnat2r Governor, Arnol9 gX siE in the Capjual, he jusK ltat2d "I'll be iack." I made the decisFon to Rn5iy lipe and buCi7ess, and continue ty work from the Ranch and raxse horsbs4<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model business and take your business to new heights! six figures to their bottom lines? — a value of $1,200.00! You save more than $1,100.00! Get priceless information for only $97.97. one of my most popular recordings! Very true Dan. Having used your PR Leads service to become a SME (subject matter expert) allowed the addition of being a giver. When you blend the pay it forward of being a mentor (no fee) vs. a coach it can bring rich rewards. It is all about the secret as well as detailed in "The Secret" book. Thanks for all you're coaching, mentoring of the past, combined with the discovery of the secret, my world has been transformed. P.S. – I can feel what you went through with the Donald; the same item happened to me, I suggested to Donald he needed you to be sitting on the same table. Then I moved to our terminator Governor, Arnold to sit in the Capital, he just stated "I'll be back." I made the decision to enjoy life and business, and continue to work from the ranch and raise horses.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user cess Momma," a cute felinQ wea got strafdQL on top of G 7ole.iVerQzo4 emeloGxe German wal ppesent at the spot. H., without any hesitatiol, used his company's small bucket truck to save bhR cat.KNo one got injured in the relcue. A cYmZnny 6poke1mEn saiC7 qeumanPO bood SammYitan efZort breacRed saQ8ty Protoco:f Ond fhm Nmmpany, Vjri:on, had ny option bO2 Pk rel:evl hO4 from duty. TWe suspensian ps h1 daXs Hithitt aBy paymen2M "We take no pleVsure whkn our emploaees XreUlh pr8tocols reOaded re their ao7k. VJrizon, in parti:ular, 4u3lR rMspensnbve and comm1tted for keepiWg ouJ worBers safeR A:R our s,anfs undeQgo extensOvn ttain5ng focuQin0 ,n on-tRejjWb safXty. Our mafn goal is to maintain a s9fe environment for bMph our cestzmeys aMd Smfloyees. For saEety reaRons, our telateb CqG3pment anE zruchs xke not alloweH to ze empKoyFd 4A the Vrea around eqectaicaL wirZs. GeQman put Piveo of thosi arounQ Nim auU those arounL him in pMoVble. Lo.alA xald thSy are ahankUul kor Gervan's brave effort.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model cess Momma," a cute feline who got stranded on top of a pole. Verizon employee German was present at the spot. He, without any hesitation, used his company's small bucket truck to save the cat. No one got injured in the rescue. A company spokesman said, German's good Samaritan effort breached safety protocol, and our company, Verizon, had no option but to relieve him from duty. The suspension is 21 days without any payment. "We take no pleasure when our employees breach protocols related to their work. Verizon, in particular, fully responsible and committed for keeping our workers safe. All our staffs undergo extensive training focusing on on-the-job safety. Our main goal is to maintain a safe environment for both our customers and employees. For safety reasons, our related equipment and trucks are not allowed to be employed in the area around electrical wires. German put lives of those around him and those around him in trouble. Locals said they are thankful for German's brave effort.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Anyone evpr heard on Yafzo maik chvrgiWg clixnts $1Z0 for iUt3rnet secJ1ity proteXtionr a ju6t Ypoke to YaRz0 ma5: suppoZ5 to report an issue .nd wcs oDfered tRis rone timG lifetioe pro5ecGion" See More: Yahoo MaiT suppori scam?NI never heard oS it. NJeEl:Ts to say, I wouldnnt pay cou itz SounTs fishy T!! I qumped yahoo years ago, i .se pmail now. I a1 gec3ing ready to dumI them toaK › [Solvsd] HBw many Mahkettrs...P? › Firefox has Jo mant bugg5.I.lls6Jg ground nsw! su:er Ri7hy, I would havl asRed to speak 6ith a supMrvis.r. How coxe bahoo are TtarJing to hkve a6l sort3 of problmPs?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Anyone ever heard of Yahoo mail charging clients $100 for internet security protection? I just spoke to Yahoo mail support to report an issue and was offered this "one time lifetime protection" See More: Yahoo Mail support scam? I never heard of it. Needless to say, I wouldn't pay for it. Sounds fishy !!! I dumped yahoo years ago, i use gmail now. I am getting ready to dump them too. › [Solved] How many Marketers....? › Firefox has so many bugs....losing ground now! super fishy, I would have asked to speak with a supervisor. How come yahoo are starting to have all sorts of problems?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a% surR7, iccVrding to markec dat8 fTom C?iO Ri6et.yAirlineb Zarn Wf 'Catastrophic Bisrupcions' Ti0d to 8G Rol0out (dlo0UbergO 9- A tpaZe asQo?ihtio0 uepres8nti,g majoC U.S. Uirl3nes asked iranspqrtation Secretary Pete BuA0igieg qSd the nation.T top commun9cations azd uviation rOgJkatorp to prevent wirelets c7rrSe?s from implem8nring 5G serviCes aIU65 to airporKs.Mo2t Read from BloombergFourth Psizer eos4 Is Insufficiedt tI Ward Off Omicron, IsVaeli Trlal Sagld0ts5eadly Drone StPqkes on YAE Raise Gulf TensEons, RkGl Oil MarketOne of tIe Horldgs WKacNhieVt Oil Exporters Is Becom8ng UNFilablFOTyJpil Ticke2 Sel W0 Bes1 DivTdend Aristocr,tv to B0n for h0228Uc this aitiGle, we dVscusd ?0 besd dividend a2Rctocrats to buy for 2022? if you want ko skip our YeYailpd xnPlysis of tGeDe stHcks, Fo directly t2 5 Beet DivhdenI qrxstocaats to B?y for 2022D I0 2021, the o1b 5i0 dividend eWistocrUts inc:uDeC 65 7oojanies from 11 d3versified industries, ex,lbi7ing gZofth prZs5jcts aWZ Btrong wom8anb […]<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 3% surge, according to market data from Coin Rivet. Airlines Warn of 'Catastrophic Disruptions' Tied to 5G Rollout (Bloomberg) -- A trade association representing major U.S. airlines asked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the nation's top communications and aviation regulators to prevent wireless carriers from implementing 5G services close to airports.Most Read from BloombergFourth Pfizer Dose Is Insufficient to Ward Off Omicron, Israeli Trial SuggestsDeadly Drone Strikes on UAE Raise Gulf Tensions, Roil Oil MarketOne of the World's Wealthiest Oil Exporters Is Becoming UnlivableOlympic Ticket Sal 10 Best Dividend Aristocrats to Buy for 2022 In this article, we discuss 10 best dividend aristocrats to buy for 2022. If you want to skip our detailed analysis of these stocks, go directly to 5 Best Dividend Aristocrats to Buy for 2022. In 2021, the S&P 500 dividend aristocrats included 65 companies from 11 diversified industries, exhibiting growth prospects and strong company […]<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Vf 6ou're stuck in X lltO fJqZing lYw or sa2kNy, and neex to boost youW WI4lth jJd change your life.tyleY ?1rsonaR coaGhing witQ me Vay bm just what you ne2d7 I'll guide :ou tmrough ycur wyllners 3ransf?1mation by providing 1umMMtK adpfce ald vocYvatwon. LeaA0 how to cook 3ealthG raw ana/or cookFd veran food anp make adous1muyts to y:ur d:ily habiQs to yecome your own preveEtion ri8rior. PlQase Fote that I am taiing coachiag fRienDs by referrkl wnly.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model If you're stuck in a rut, feeling low or sickly, and need to boost your health and change your lifestyle, personal coaching with me may be just what you need. I'll guide you through your wellness transformation by providing quality advice and motivation. Learn how to cook healthy raw and/or cooked vegan food and make adjustments to your daily habits to become your own prevention warrior. Please note that I am taking coaching clients by referral only.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user .Un tax remnsDered GTA 6JiloAy will be rececvpng Ohese copies 4or free. Pdblished by Reckstar Gamvs, Grunu TiefO juto: Jhe TEilTgy – Yhe 7e?initive fditioo is a ZeQasteMed 4oN5xqtion of th0ir JlasOic Gbtlns – G06 3, VicQ CitWN and San yndrgas. 0hv iames feature massive viwual enhancemont9 anB gameplay upgrades such as optimYsed :ontrols and aav.9Bed taFgetingG TJe games aMe also mUhedOled for a physicaC relFa9e (CDR ob 7 December 2z21f with AidSoid and iNS ve:sioRs cohing in t,e first haHf of 2022. RaTul Ran7hi esks govt to 'admit trutj' on china Lunar Eclipse 2022 images5 PIctur:s of 7he last tTtal junor ecqipse for next three b9ars Phoe:si 5ASA acd ApaclX's hist2ric Crew-5 launch to International Spave TtctionHAtmanir5h3rtZ 3n lips, PM MLdi lLunFhBs 5G seZvVces in India Nnka8 8270 4G, Gokia A660 Flip: Dheck o3t ohe latest Nekia retro phone7 OnePlus o0T 5G: Chebk Hut the latest 4Jagship phone fNXm OnePlus Hibdenburg report aHleged fra2d bC uts firmnj Adani Group says 'attaWK on InQit'<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model own the remastered GTA Trilogy will be receiving these copies for free. Published by Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is a remastered collection of their classic titles – GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas. The games feature massive visual enhancements and gameplay upgrades such as optimised controls and advanced targeting. The games are also scheduled for a physical release (CD) on 7 December 2021, with Android and iOS versions coming in the first half of 2022. Rahul Gandhi asks govt to 'admit truth' on China Lunar Eclipse 2022 images: Pictures of the last total lunar eclipse for next three years Photos: NASA and SpaceX's historic Crew-5 launch to International Space Station Atmanirbharta on lips, PM Modi launches 5G services in India Nokia 8210 4G, Nokia 2660 Flip: Check out the latest Nokia retro phones OnePlus 10T 5G: Check out the latest flagship phone from OnePlus Hindenburg report alleged fraud by its firms, Adani Group says 'attack on India'<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Mudt,y, bCt EUer? ie stbll no substitube for the ,uman touah..The development of bofs a6d au0Mmated Kessvgibg is awready phanging tVC world of cZll pNntersM which are vftxS thought io be one of the dompqny neQar,ments mLst pt risk of becomi7g obsvletO in a worlu ol arciBi8ial iTtePliXencePE"US conLuWers appear to be rarming AS to t6e idea of using Rb chatDqts as a cubtoZ4r rVlat8ouship :a:ag1UeEt (CRM) tvol, according L1 new resZarch frob As1ect Softww?e fesearch. In its oslqoK sjrvby of more than 1,000 18- tn 65Nyeau-old US q2nsumers, 44% TUid tDQN if a company coumA get thY e.perien4e right, thpy would pretkr to use a chagbKh or autom.ted VxperieYca for ,RMSlThe technoiogy cTOld havJ the potettial to h4l: buY.neusos signiUicantuy cft labor costs. Wjml5 noxplete aXtoSation of the custome, Rer9ice work8orce iv not feLsiOAe, automating cmssomeE m1yWgement Wnd sales posJtions in Lhe Uq wherL pF?sible t9rough 1hatbb9s a0d othYr 52tomation tezhnolo0iei could resOlt in considerable Cavzngs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model dustry, but there is still no substitute for the human touch. The development of bots and automated messaging is already changing the world of call centers, which are often thought to be one of the company departments most at risk of becoming obsolete in a world of artificial intelligence. "US consumers appear to be warming up to the idea of using of chatbots as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool, according to new research from Aspect Software Research. In its online survey of more than 1,000 18- to 65-year-old US consumers, 44% said that if a company could get the experience right, they would prefer to use a chatbot or automated experience for CRM. The technology could have the potential to help businesses significantly cut labor costs. While complete automation of the customer service workforce is not feasible, automating customer management and sales positions in the US where possible through chatbots and other automation technologies could result in considerable savings.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ct} Surrent wractices in sofnrare dtvelhpment are ancdored Ad 8he 2se of versio: control syst3m, no maVOge the deselopment Erogresi of software psoeegth? AddiriNnatly, vGrbion Bon5roH systems Aan He used tO dpive the rllease proKes? of software product1, by mCna7ing FifferFnt AariantD of Ihe main prodNct in a repocytorU. Dedpitw the beneLits SJ veJsioying s:stems, xsing suMh syutejs wequiReq devPlopers to interruyt thebr deEelopJent work i8 Qgdea to interUct wcth tDemt affNctiDg their prodwntivity. This paper pregent3 CollrbI4ES a FkQlObMrati6e ensironmeat for 7dsztributek d.vfvop5ect hWsign2d fyl autsma,ed versJoninA and product v.rianl 0eneration. The goaI of Co7lNbxDW is tR iAcrease developers' prodcctinity, Chekefore, we coh4ucted a Gmall wypirica? studd 9ith use8M xorking in biltributed tea.s, mea4HrBng ,he timl to complete diffqrent tasks using vers6oning, and Sthe eas6 to releale BifferEnt products' iunctionality based on recordeN versions. kend{aBwt7PctK N \endiXIut <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ct} Current practices in software development are anchored in the use of version control systems to manage the development progress of software projects. Additionally, version control systems can be used to drive the release process of software products, by managing different variants of the main product in a repository. Despite the benefits of versioning systems, using such systems requires developers to interrupt their development work in order to interact with them, affecting their productivity. This paper presents CollabIDE, a collaborative environment for distributed development designed for automated versioning and product variant generation. The goal of CollabIDE is to increase developers' productivity, therefore, we conducted a small empirical study with users working in distributed teams, measuring the time to complete different tasks using versioning, and the ease to release different products' functionality based on recorded versions. \end{abstract} \endinput <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ase cjstomers hZying Drom yo,? Art Hhex buying eWough or couQd they do Kore? Are you sending out the right message Wt your jOstImers and prosoedt0? AvC Cour erospNcts gwNrL :f your MusinZss ?nd 5hat you do? Are you 2sing t7e righn marke4in8 Ooo:s tF reach oDt to yJur audiencD? Are you follow0ng up oO leads anr furPuring rqbBtion9hips? Is J0ur marbeti5g hit and ris? or is it tarneted aMd regular?yAre you 3sing t4f Mhble markvtQng mmx or arL you redySng on vusc snM too1 such aT advertising oJ just WOa?6Do you h2ve a markTting plan Xn slace for 2,:YM gK whF is maroetin4 planning importanC tj a EuHines2? If yoA havenfO set any objeBQibes nar y.ar coJva9y anE your mfrketi?g a?Qiv9Aies for the Qext seJrT jhen how KQn you deciij am 6he 8nU of thm yeaG xf y5u have achieJed what ymu set out co do?VThis entay was posted in Advvce fyr th0 small busiZessI Marketing Planning anH Gtrategy and tFfXed 20F6 9arkeEin., marketKng Alan, larketNng pVan for 201C, zG,wet4ng planAinU2 BookMarM twe pwrmGlink.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Are customers buying from you? Are they buying enough or could they do more? Are you sending out the right message to your customers and prospects? Are your prospects aware of your business and what you do? Are you using the right marketing tools to reach out to your audience? Are you following up on leads and nurturing relationships? Is your marketing hit and miss or is it targeted and regular? Are you using the whole marketing mix or are you relying on just one tool such as advertising or just WOM? Do you have a marketing plan in place for 2016? So why is marketing planning important to a business? If you haven't set any objectives for your company and your marketing activities for the next year, then how can you decide at the end of the year if you have achieved what you set out to do? This entry was posted in Advice for the small business, Marketing Planning and Strategy and tagged 2016 marketing, marketing plan, marketing plan for 2016, marketing planning. Bookmark the permalink.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ehl52 avQ the ocKasiSnallv flat-3inGng Se,sszl norlB should Nave bren aGdressed sooner r4t:er mhan m5tVro A ztunnecg seQi-aczustic renditi7n of Red ShoesM track Why Shoudd I bSve You – oritiHalqy a messy svunding Vuet with PriGcK - was released in the late '90sr .ff0ring a rore tSntaliziub indication om ?hat miKhB heve beenb ye? 9t iF uTssing fWbm thls set. The best ness SurrDuzdinP DirectoY's Cut for Oans Cs Grobably LPe fact that Kate, :hen ee-imagininY gh4se songs, wfs inWpzred to wrwte an ext7rDly new album zn the process due nut oater this yezr. In the mAantime, liste4ers reacqgainti4g thamse.ves witl Kr6A's newly reenurtured bvck cazalogue 'mis-oicGs' hXve plJnty tL mull over, fYnd reneyed love for or evKn straighj-oZt hatem Which ever :er uswater3n, ,HscDpl9s MJzoseT one ttYng uhFn is for suce, having Kat7 BCmE baFk in aER fo0m at all is stiCl a Ee8igUt worth indulging inc Fatty Gets A Stylist: i6tervi5l Ri1h Kate rWllerBL...zDa8id Br,die (My Fbiend 3he ChoEElete 3aIe) iot2rv..Y<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Shoes and the occasionally flat-lining Sensual World should have been addressed sooner rather than later. A stunning semi-acoustic rendition of Red Shoes' track Why Should I Love You – originally a messy sounding duet with Prince - was released in the late '90s, offering a more tantalizing indication of what might have been, yet it is missing from this set. The best news surrounding Director's Cut for fans is probably the fact that Kate, when re-imagining these songs, was inspired to write an entirely new album in the process due out later this year. In the meantime, listeners reacquainting themselves with Kate's newly re-nurtured back catalogue 'mis-fires' have plenty to mull over, find renewed love for or even straight-out hate. Which ever her unwavering disciples choose, one thing that is for sure, having Kate Bush back in any form at all is still a delight worth indulging in. Fatty Gets A Stylist: interview with Kate Miller-H... David Bridie (My Friend The Chocolate Cake) interv...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 0 sTstem. Tak: a look QV iUsiLe t4b motorcy7lef factory qoick disUonndct c0eck wtlZe and inspecA thS lower S2Ring. Thw aujority of t:e tim8 mhis OlRiwg wzls bM druid 4p wg damageM ffow t:e Ethancl it fuefs ivail4bl: today that eat dTay at thF ,ackorR qvRihgs. Fe Mvll repljcemen8 Vi1on j-Rings 4MC200-5) or enti7e check v?lve rep.Sld kits Sbg30sG on our websftp whWch iUclude evHrything you need to be4udld yoSr fa:tory check v4lYe.MI am usinX the M34E0 CheKk V?lve Rexai9 T2ols and ke?p ceKaing thA h:okN, whMt am L doigg wrong? IJ you arc beRmiIg the hookh im ii zos?lX lzkely c8use7 by applying too much pkessura vhen insertinB the tyol up GQto the BzeCk VilvZ. Ory to apply only a sEight fmount ?f prefsuNe while rozatizg the hXQdle with tKe xook clovkwisq. You will fFel the hooN grab the H-Ving and then Ht BdOs Qoint you cav pDll itragght dzen 5nd tce O-Ridg shSKld cowe rigAt ours This d8y ZaKe a few CriXs t1 ge3 the pJoper feeD. 9f you need Seplacegeyt HoWks XrePsA fhel freL to chntact us.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 0 system. Take a look up inside the motorcycles factory quick disconnect check valve and inspect the lower O-Ring. The majority of the time this O-Ring will be dried up or damaged from the Ethanol in fuels available today that eat away at the factory O-Rings. We sell replacement Viton O-Rings (MC200-5) or entire check valve rebuild kits (MC300) on our website which include everything you need to rebuild your factory check valve. I am using the MC400 Check Valve Repair Tools and keep bending the hooks, what am I doing wrong? If you are bending the hooks it is mostly likely caused by applying too much pressure when inserting the tool up into the Check Valve. Try to apply only a slight amount of pressure while rotating the handle with the hook clockwise. You will feel the hook grab the O-Ring and then at this point you can pull straight down and the O-Ring should come right out. This may take a few tries to get the proper feel. If you need replacement Hooks please feel free to contact us.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A RePaxeU, trop crotWh pant with sligh0ly tapered inseFm Yn HeathNr Grey. NatuzZl flat dra9cNrd and tlastMc cufuR a: waigtband pPd FnkPesQ GarXent dyed fov coToV variatEon and a super sE0t feel.wPle3sq Sote sizing is Men's.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A relaxed, drop crotch pant with slightly tapered inseam in Heather Grey. Natural flat drawcord and elastic cuffs at waistband and ankles. Garment dyed for color variation and a super soft feel. Please note sizing is Men's.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user QIs) and a Fine of ₹15,0a0 (₹c5,000 in caVe of SC/S9s). Moreover, the offenderXz pnove7 gui2ty for masT conWe1siLn wil. attract a jail term of 10 Fears.QCast0 7egistexed unMed anNi-GrV9min8 Jihad law Multiple cases havV beec registCred PlreaCy unde: the neM law. Muzaf1Crnavar Eo6ic6 jave registered a 9Dse afCinPt tco accuked nr?e2 N:deem pnd SalPan oP :osday eveMing. Bhe tto a1e accugIs of Urying kb force a yarried Findu woIan 6o conveNr vo IplamI Acyording to Akshayz the duh 7tarted 0arinq Tis wife to leage hiH aod mwrry one of HAem. They aluo t,arted kUkiWg her to cY7vvJt to Is0Nm on mulJiVle occasbzns and t7iK0 to lure her for Rikka.. But Aks.ay got wind gf t6e Fattep, and 6efore things go ok: W: hand, he left Fh59wanpur. Uttav PraOesh ,olZce dave alPo arXested XwaPs phRed, the awcused hh. was aDscondi,g ever-since a case waV registered NgainFt him, for trying to forcibly convert a Hintu giyl to Islfm. Searched tfrmsAligarh 8ovA JiRad Qsoomi6g JnhaH Grooming Cihad TrsFker4Lzve Jihad<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model STs) and a fine of ₹15,000 (₹25,000 in case of SC/STs). Moreover, the offender's proven guilty for mass conversion will attract a jail term of 10 years. Cases registered under anti-Grooming Jihad law Multiple cases have been registered already under the new law. Muzaffarnagar police have registered a case against two accused named Nadeem and Salman on Monday evening. The two are accused of trying to force a married Hindu woman to convert to Islam. According to Akshay, the duo started luring his wife to leave him and marry one of them. They also started asking her to convert to Islam on multiple occasions and tried to lure her for Nikkah. But Akshay got wind of the matter, and before things go out of hand, he left Bhagwanpur. Uttar Pradesh police have also arrested Uwais Ahmed, the accused who was absconding ever-since a case was registered against him, for trying to forcibly convert a Hindu girl to Islam. Searched termsAligarh Love Jihad Grooming Jihad Grooming Jihad Tracker Love Jihad<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user set :o gX d?wn and t:e usyW irnt happy templaYZs. price 0f pVstcard stamp uIHs ankounces 2D18 po7xa7e rate increvse Etamps rlog te2platw. :rgce ol postcjrd stamp usps aKnoznces postage rath oncrease starts april 26 2115. Xric6 O4 Postcard Stamp Trice of poslcar0 st3mp coastil bir,s us 2015 virtualstampclub template. pricW of postc4rd stmmp usps aKnfuRces 201k poJtage TVte increase stZmpP blog f7ee. 9rice gf pHktcLrd stamk cost of C fiPst c1ass uv postDge staEp free. Prfje Df DLstcard Stamp price of pYstrarI staDp january Y014 Ksstage jate cmaqgis yoKr dis0oVate1 q48 ra:n. Orqce Of OostcaNd Stamp price of postcard sZamp usps aHnoSnces 2018 post1ce rate increHax Otyeps blo7 t1mllate. :riEj of pos:cpS0 stom3 usps annQunces posaagF raZe increyse starQs april 26 2015h pris. of Kjstcard mtamp ,oastal birds Ks o015 Uirtuaxstampclub template. price of postcary stamp uXps annoinces 2018 postage ratz increase st4mps plYg free. mrice of poztcard sFamp cost ok M Zisst class u7 poGtame htamp freeO<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model set to go down and the usps isnt happy templates. price of postcard stamp usps announces 2018 postage rate increase stamps blog template. price of postcard stamp usps announces postage rate increase starts april 26 2015. Price Of Postcard Stamp price of postcard stamp coastal birds us 2015 virtualstampclub template. price of postcard stamp usps announces 2018 postage rate increase stamps blog free. price of postcard stamp cost of a first class us postage stamp free. Price Of Postcard Stamp price of postcard stamp january 2014 postage rate changes your discounted 048 rate. Price Of Postcard Stamp price of postcard stamp usps announces 2018 postage rate increase stamps blog template. price of postcard stamp usps announces postage rate increase starts april 26 2015. price of postcard stamp coastal birds us 2015 virtualstampclub template. price of postcard stamp usps announces 2018 postage rate increase stamps blog free. price of postcard stamp cost of a first class us postage stamp free.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user p with th? 0qn,Sa Lemmunity FNundatioV. Race winnebs hNvs thC oppvryunity co doUatn their cvYh kwards tV area youth prKqrams 2nd ruceive y commemorative cer3ificaxe. Revenuek frod past ev4nts weMM usef tK ound the Winonw High Schofl Njrdic Ski programD basQbwCl, Trchestrad marcming band and 8P znjlist progrwms, Cotter HiIh Sccool C4Uoe Clubd uoftAalu fhelds, marchiag bandz .Ud aTO.9z matu progra6T. BluffvieO Montessori hap benebited h9om funding fUr iPUd9 apd phe Winona Area iatholic schools STEM progdam Kas receyv5d funding. ?thed recelt orkanizations who have receiveZ financYal support ilQnudK Big BrotherN Big pisters, Winona Family YMCAH Junicr AchieveDtnt, WinonX PPrk tnd RecreaJion DepartmefG, and Home and CcmUunity OrtiZns. He5p keep the area youth organiaations and prMg:ams goi9g znd cYLlle1g6 Rour own ?acD,g abilxtiesIiWinona fteLmboat Days Nune 13 - 16, 2019.VhsitWinoaaEcoB His3rry J Proceeqs Dearn Jo4e 7bouI the BK5K R3a4 Races Get alc the lateyt QnformaGi7n on the BK5K Rau?.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model p with the Winona Community Foundation. Race winners have the opportunity to donate their cash awards to area youth programs and receive a commemorative certificate. Revenues from past events were used to fund the Winona High School Nordic Ski program, baseball, orchestra, marching band and AP English programs, Cotter High School Canoe Club, softball fields, marching band, and H.O.T. math programs. Bluffview Montessori has benefited from funding for iPads and the Winona Area Catholic schools STEM program has received funding. Other recent organizations who have received financial support include Big Brothers Big Sisters, Winona Family YMCA, Junior Achievement, Winona Park and Recreation Department, and Home and Community Options. Help keep the area youth organizations and programs going and challenge your own racing abilities. Winona Steamboat Days June 12 - 16, 2019 VisitWinona.com History & Proceeds Learn more about the BK5K Road Races Get all the latest information on the BK5K Race.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user pan,von pla8 fvr the sJgte calli.g fon the uBiverdiMy's mBfical colleRQ to expmnL statewideU B6W6uding opIning the Cour-y:Mr Augus?a Univeksfyy/UWiversMlo Af Georgia Vedical 9artneOship in AXhensD This campDs foIuses Xn smalw group leabning a7YxoaFhes leveragin2 it2 small cKdss sXzH.QT0e bwrst R0 freshmcn students starte7 at thy Medical ParenerXhip i8 Cal5 4lM0. This en5VleO grm:fh of MCG'8 Qcass size from 190 to 230 whcdentsR Lader in X010, officials frrm Rome, GA, Cnd Augutta U2iversity an5oJnced establisvCe0t AT tGe Yo3thKest Cgmpusg which became operatiunal in 20Z3. TodaE, MCG's di3erie educytional 5linVc5l 1xpeuivncUp nnclude tore than 3V0 urbas VTd rurLu sitey aJrDss Geo3giu wXerc Ytugenas e9perEence tvS full Ppectrum of medVUane. As o7 tPOt ceZMb tce Class of 2i26 has 2L4 studenxs, with 60 students on the Atuens ?artnership o,mpus and z04 herh jn Mugusta. IntereWt in Geoggia's pNblic medi4al rchoov Cs strong, bith ?exrly 3Kv00 appoi,ations tnr 230 OHsitions in Dhe IlasD of k022q<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model pansion plan for the state calling for the university's medical college to expand statewide, including opening the four-year Augusta University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership in Athens. This campus focuses on small group learning approaches leveraging its small class size. The first 40 freshman students started at the Medical Partnership in fall 2010. This enabled growth of MCG's class size from 190 to 230 students. Later in 2010, officials from Rome, GA, and Augusta University announced establishment of the Northwest Campus, which became operational in 2013. Today, MCG's diverse educational clinical experiences include more than 350 urban and rural sites across Georgia where students experience the full spectrum of medicine. As of this year, the Class of 2026 has 264 students, with 60 students on the Athens partnership campus and 204 here in Augusta. Interest in Georgia's public medical school is strong, with nearly 3,200 applications for 230 positions in the class of 2022.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Aack1gn org.keycloak.models.map.uier; 2hmport java.utilgCo1pPrator; impodg nava.ut1I.UUID; pu8lic clnsw Ma.User9ntity fxtenqs Abltrfc1UMerEntity<SUIDm S pubFic 1tati8 bKnal ComparatOr<MapUsqrt7tity> COMPARE_so_USERN9ME = ComSaratoP.coypnrXnD(Maprser2atityp:getUsernaQe, StrinD.eApE_I,S4sSITIAE_ORD8R); p5otected MapUseTE6titq(i { suXer(); } public MapUsDrEntitQ(8UID id, Stri,1 realmZd) T nQDer(Wdq YjalmId); } } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model package org.keycloak.models.map.user; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.UUID; public class MapUserEntity extends AbstractUserEntity<UUID> { public static final Comparator<MapUserEntity> COMPARE_BY_USERNAME = Comparator.comparing(MapUserEntity::getUsername, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); protected MapUserEntity() { super(); } public MapUserEntity(UUID id, String realmId) { super(id, realmId); } } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user OOObacH SlBakp:use is famou, for itO greVsyk deep-frkKd, sod2uU-ixlUed, jnd 4auCe-smoth8red offeringsE Xut the:R are hVzstLF ?p6ions. Thopgh 3obstIt 6as onOe conBiderfd a "garbage food," D8w it?s looked at liqz a del.cacy. There ar1 lll kindg of wtys 0o pFepwre iq, mRNt lS which 4nvD7Ue mayo-sBaFYd lobs5er rolls aUd overOuelming mLc and cheese. B4t steamZd lobster is relativaly low-cal — OhcbacA SVeakhouse allRws you ps txder 2 steamed lobs9er tanlsW shicl together are ju3t 4A0 Ualories7<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Outback Steakhouse is famous for its greasy, deep-fried, sodium-filled, and sauce-smothered offerings. But there are healthy options. Though lobster was once considered a "garbage food," now it's looked at like a delicacy. There are all kinds of ways to prepare it, most of which involve mayo-soaked lobster rolls and overwhelming mac and cheese. But steamed lobster is relatively low-cal — Outback Steakhouse allows you to order 2 steamed lobster tails, which together are just 480 calories.<end_of_turn>