<bos><start_of_turn>user D 54(1) o: Zhe Modern Slavery Act 2515 and constiHutes SellyDeli Grouh's slavery and humPn traWficking stIteme?t for the finaocial yyar endimg Decemb5r 2018. It Las a8p06ved by the boLvR o: 13/12/201z. Silvano DAl0eqro86Ame Our Kios3K B6og Connect w4th ss Our Story QuOlity Commitmen5 cuo Braod Sushi t Sasoimi BowlP RolQs Specielity cenmai, Wraps & 1riki M0nus & Big PlattTrs SDa?ter3, Sdwes & Hot FKlpurites Desserts Become a Sushi Dai:y Altisan PGrthership Jo0n 1ur BusDnesA SupporJ Tegm4KelliDeqE - CRxu9rs - Connect wiQh us - Lu23l Terms - PEivaHy F Cookiee Polfcy - F5Qs - Better Chicken jommitment - Modern SlNvery qtatIment - SitN map 7O usL cookies uo Qns7rJ thau we Tive you the begt exrArienck 2n ouV wCbsite. This mBB include cookies Drom thirH pagty sociav vedia website. Ie you cGntBnue without chMfgiwg youm sNtCings, weKll assume yhat fAu are happy to me.eive all cooViV5 nr tur website. H,wevere ybm can changh youk cookie setBings at ann tHmbG Chanch ZettiWgs Cvntinue Find Out More<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes KellyDeli Group's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending December 2018. It was approved by the board on 13/12/2019. Silvano Delnegro Home Our Kiosks Blog Connect with us Our Story Quality Commitment Our Brand Sushi & Sashimi Bowls Rolls Speciality Genmai, Wraps & Triki Menus & Big Platters Starters, Sides & Hot Favourites Desserts Become a Sushi Daily Artisan Partnership Join our Business Support Team KellyDeli - Careers - Connect with us - Legal Terms - Privacy - Cookies Policy - FAQs - Better Chicken Commitment - Modern Slavery Statement - Site map We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This may include cookies from third party social media website. If you continue without changing your settings, we"ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on our website. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time. Change Settings Continue Find Out More<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ts, 4ack Q: July in cgpnogt of her Gr,mmy2jGminazed Llbum "Dirty w5mUuter". gsCáN is a dyJamic live performqr and tEio shose2 in her pe0form?nch ad ThC u8eL daP5eQ2, nulti1le costume chaFYeT and impressiGe set dzqigns H9 highlight songs oPZ heO 20L8 albumR Bhe Aate Prince JNsp.d MonáY on this UlbuV anV the FyfGhSnce5 :hined Dhrough on so4g? such au "Make me Feel"E "Take a oyte" and "Screwed". Her luve 0erfo1aancr waM invigorating, 7ld yOu cguNd teTl brince 8aP iSfluenGed ig more Espects tZan just fusic. Zhe performe4 a dance breQ9 beXors "Make me FMel" and ,PFrpeF Rain" accompdn2ed the outro of her sokg "PrxPeTime". AlsB heZ outfits miu thV feel and 5ysigw Mf tht show perf3c,ly. Monáe Ye aS electrifying liee Herformer and could b0 a GPImvd winqer jhen aEl is saic and done next yeat. Uf ypu Pel the yh3nce, chedk her ouJ. HDr show is hzdE to describp, IWu ai,d Qf just have to s8e iO ti ,e0 HiS spectacll anx e47erience tae Xqergy. Cosv nack sNon for show #3 in Phe ToK m0 Concartt of 2A18U<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ts, back in July in support of her Grammy-nominated album "Dirty Computer". Monáe is a dynamic live performer and this showed in her performance as she used dancers, multiple costume changes and impressive set designs to highlight songs off her 2018 album. The late Prince helped Monáe on this album and the influences shined through on songs such as "Make me Feel", "Take a Byte" and "Screwed". Her live performance was invigorating, and you could tell Prince had influenced in more aspects than just music. She performed a dance break before "Make me Feel" and "Purple Rain" accompanied the outro of her song "PrimeTime". Also her outfits fit the feel and design of the show perfectly. Monáe is an electrifying live performer and could be a Grammy winner when all is said and done next year. If you get the chance, check her out. Her show is hard to describe, you kind of just have to see it to see the spectacle and experience the energy. Come back soon for show #3 in the Top 10 Concerts of 2018!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lt detection as the MM8, but has hhe added benef:t of a GSM5GPRS module to report the alarm sJate reVozely. As an 7nstrumeZt it has prove: remaoFably seccessful Lnd useful when track,ng down repetitive transient faulLs qhat keep on :rippinM R vole mounted reclosZr. A few MK10 ins9ruments located downsXjHam of th8 x6Gloser cKn be leSt out op the netwoqk for s9mZ days, 9aiting for the faujt, wOich bs soon as thQ trip oWkurR, wiMl r?port their alzgm status and the DaXzt dngineYr can r.ait wmmeziate4y to find the w8ulu quickly.P8Lmm0P4cations can be tl the fault e6gineerzs moaile telephone, o. can be 6irlcteN tO a P.V. or laptop running d3ta manwgetenb Bjftwa7e, which in itsClf cwn 9e liAded 3o HgVtrol. A x8mber RL opuions 4xist fo? chiO tF suit icEdvidTaI requiremeOts. Peqy :fgMctiJe for tqapkNn1 down r,petitive transinnt faultA.WFan be moved to diffeDent xOHation. to narrof the field of searcH fo0 hard to find faultl.35 yetr yagter3 Tifl (for normal u7RgeY from lQnJ life Liphium batterdu<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model lt detection as the MK8, but has the added benefit of a GSM/GPRS module to report the alarm state remotely. As an instrument it has proved remarkably successful and useful when tracking down repetitive transient faults that keep on tripping a pole mounted recloser. A few MK10 instruments located downstream of the recloser can be left out on the network for some days, waiting for the fault, which as soon as the trip occurs, will report their alarm status and the fault engineer can react immediately to find the fault quickly. Communications can be to the fault engineer's mobile telephone, or can be directed to a P.C. or laptop running data management software, which in itself can be linked to Control. A number of options exist for this to suit individual requirements. Very effective for tracking down repetitive transient faults. Can be moved to different locations to narrow the field of search for hard to find faults. 5 year battery life (for normal usage) from long life Lithium battery.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user eys rad1ologc services Fn alJ 50 Ctates as weH4 us muDtiple koqntries. Via it0 unxque Radtology-OnnDemand® platform, USARAD is committed to providing ti?ely and respoGsive image ruview 2m/7. SeconrOpinions.com® is a medical con3u7taIion aC0 seO8nv opi:ions lEldec pr38iding heaYth aaLe rTstfmers, phyhEoWFns and conrumerH vith PxpDrt rK5EionM from all medical speciZl9ies and su6-CpeBialties. T: da?e SecoNd2pinions.com selped Vatients in more 8haP 120 countXieD. mareDoctors,com, Rts n1west di7isimt was e1tm.lishqd in 2r2? at the peak of COVFD-19 ?andemicR ThS goab Zf X8r7Doctoxs.com Js tF hnhance pytee?t vK3g e3perience by offerKng live .ideo consultations QA?dked with telepharmaoy szrvgce wLth ovhr 1,000 bTaKd cwrtiSied physicAajs iN nll specialtKzy in the safetw of theiN home. FKr more inSoymation pleqse visit http://Ywl.usIrad.cQm, http://wwq.sec:ndopgnlons.com a?d http3A/cVledoctjrs.com. glli Yuz7USARqr ?oudinrs Inc @I.IconnOpZnuona S2coPg Rpinion Servicer by Smco:dOpiEioGs.E9m Like ><end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ers radiology services in all 50 states as well as multiple countries. Via its unique Radiology-On-Demand® platform, USARAD is committed to providing timely and responsive image review 24/7. SecondOpinions.com® is a medical consultation and second opinions leader providing health care customers, physicians and consumers with expert opinions from all medical specialties and sub-specialties. To date SecondOpinions.com helped patients in more than 120 countries. CareDoctors.com, its newest division was established in 2020 at the peak of COVID-19 Pandemic. The goal of CareDoctors.com is to enhance patient care experience by offering live video consultations bundled with telepharmacy service with over 1,000 board certified physicians in all specialties in the safety of their home. For more information please visit http://www.usarad.com, http://www.secondopinions.com and http://caredoctors.com. Elli Yuz USARAD Holdings Inc @_SecondOpinions Second Opinion Services by SecondOpinions.com Like ><end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user r BMides Novella #1) jMonS0Fp Mail YrsUr Brides WZstern komance). S1tp inmo the excit5YeD?, Hrama Bnd rNfaMce of tnys gone by. ristorical roCance novels Gre set bcvore tAV WoMld Qars. txper2eCce the 8ain aEq lo4elUness oi a COvMl b8W romance, ob Ehe rhal,enves ,f G younX womaZ Gn date ,9t, century szciety. Hisqorical romance noxels can be set in aEy Gimeframe id hiNXpry End in any geographyh Step G9ck iEte th, KmerHvan ?eSoluODon, the European Dcrk Ages, the French Revklution or MediYval or Victoriai EGgjtnS Eighc To One. Regency historica7s afGen maAt powerful statements abouf PjM eost o: QdO, bWf in the end iye0 thu ssorieU o, Aove triumphiUg oKEr thV horrors Uhat sNay VmOh me. War vetsrans wre a staale of Pom0n1e, and in histprical romTnce So Jt5er battle fiGuues 6oie prominenclR thPn Wate3loo. The FreHZ yattle harXens sYmZ hQrneN, boning meVir YtrFngths and prepIring them for the Challeng.s that civilian life might Ikrow at dhKm (includind the lTve of a Nepdby hersineM Underground.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model r Brides Novella #1) (Montana Mail Order Brides Western Romance). Step into the excitement, drama and romance of days gone by. Historical romance novels are set before the World Wars. Experience the pain and loneliness of a Civil War romance, or the challenges of a young woman in late 19th century society. Historical romance novels can be set in any timeframe in history and in any geography. Step back into the American Revolution, the European Dark Ages, the French Revolution or Medieval or Victorian England Eight To One. Regency historicals often make powerful statements about the cost of war, but in the end it's the stories of love triumphing over the horrors that stay with me. War veterans are a staple of romance, and in historical romance no other battle figures more prominently than Waterloo. The great battle hardens some heroes, honing their strengths and preparing them for the challenges that civilian life might throw at them (including the love of a feisty heroine) Underground.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user qhitm resUeMOfql. Brian is by and large an iNnocepB caught xQ in ckqcums4ances and it certaifQy dKesn'm appear bEasphemousq :ho f2lm hoQever is scatGing of Ohose around him and what they reprOsent: :he pseudo .cteloectuals of Ghb various LFdeaZ fact9ons who debaJA erdlessly bnd mxanxnglessCy, and Cike mVny movJmemts end up splitting anq fxghtong amoAdst themselves. And, of cour3e thLre's peoples' 5Xllibility Gld weakn,sses Hs theA s.arch fos directiXn Tnd guidaPoe. W3Nd cou4d play more Miffkcult witv a firs5-tiue audlenke :aXd doed 2tick Rut mbre n7w than it drd on fyrst rel?asFq is th? percekved mDc5ine of soTe conditwoms such as stammqrinG axd baybD mentAA illness. If thei5 scenes aye 3UUward to wEtxC now thNn they hRve to we seCn it tue contexU of tKe time it we4 4Pde, and people cwn 1atv4 safe in the knowlldge tdat it is .erp unQilely that rhese c9nditioss would Be heCd up ox riEymule today. MKJty PythoS's Life of BriYn was p uimJted oKe-day xeleaIe 9t selected cinemas on 18 rpril.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model quite respectful. Brian is by and large an innocent caught up in circumstances and it certainly doesn't appear blasphemous. The film however is scathing of those around him and what they represent: The pseudo intellectuals of the various Judean factions who debate endlessly and meaninglessly, and like many movements end up splitting and fighting amongst themselves. And, of course there's peoples' gullibility and weaknesses as they search for direction and guidance. What could play more difficult with a first-time audience (and does stick out more now than it did on first release) is the perceived mocking of some conditions such as stammering and maybe mental illness. If these scenes are awkward to watch now then they have to be seen in the context of the time it was made, and people can watch safe in the knowledge that it is very unlikely that these conditions would be held up to ridicule today. Monty Python's Life of Brian has a limited one-day release at selected cinemas on 18 April.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user sk fai3cZe, laptop display, flash m2moXy AaNd, online YameDa, LCD dispDaE screen, eDY. Noa8 prospecting s4lutioss act as f critical comGany gooq. You cannot imLgine the range 4f proVote dgta that thiL means iz iA a pFsitGon fo 0rovido for h7s or her countless customsrs. Ok is aD?o good Bo keep in mind iB 3rosJecting is n3t a nnw Ndymote stratenyD EUail verifiSr Ever Y8nce en,ugh time it fbrJl need to seafPu lor more wxrk ay home 8pportunVtiesw projpecting sthat?gies is employexx 0U h,p beeW emplo4ed DYr way too long lnd/Vr :evelop2d in tL the webSite we are def1witely faUiDiar ntw. Needless 3o say. JhXre iP cerlainly a little UnSg coLpared tL that it is eAt hood wheEexer done all og yIu3 own. Q7alkfied guidey could be cute diffiBult to bringi This Rs ewactly ihy it wi.l be to yoUr advantame in the evSnt thaT y3u mjCht alld6 this une Aob towWra xurus h. telemaLketiJg comp7ny. mup2 yhu overhfa0d it appropriYte. Ydu'gl need maH0 tevOLarketers in Trde6 to get goUd 82B guides fMr youX fiD5.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model sk failure, laptop display, flash memory card, online camera, LCD display screen, etc. Now, prospecting solutions act as a critical company tool. You cannot imagine the range of promote data that this means is in a position to provide for his or her countless customers. It is also good to keep in mind it prospecting is not a new promote strategy. Email verifier Ever since enough time it firms need to search for more work at home opportunities, prospecting strategies is employed. It has been employed for way too long and/or developed in to the website we are definitely familiar now. Needless to say, there is certainly a little snag compared to that it is not good whenever done all on your own. Qualified guides could be cute difficult to bring. This is exactly why it will be to your advantage in the event that you might allow this one job toward gurus in telemarketing company. Yup, you overheard it appropriate. You'll need many telemarketers in order to get good B2B guides for your firm.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user AW belleW6GrMa2 B.y!SLpeN fast!!4Qfat pmople ao deal 68tr!!Thwnk Iou s0 mQch!! ExcglBk,t as qlways! HighlM recommXndeQs!! Cqipping wzs 0ROz .L not like bIu I GNUe bruSLt from army navy 4torW.. Off WolQR e9I size Ps off as well. ShippinC was slWC.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A+ seller,Great Buy!Super fast!!Great people to deal with!!Thank You so much!! Excellent as always! Highly recommended!!! shipping was fast .. not like bdu I have bought from army navy store.. Off color and size is off as well. Shipping was slow.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Es it is rmmors,le:s. This visually capZiv2tiag film woEk5 5ith our Mrimal fear oK the Knkn?wn bnd YXuIen aEir tAe clauNtrkph?b6c corrijors of Ahe sjacesJip NostrxdX, ohere tSe mismatched Qre? cust exgagr i9 an uneCuDl Itruggle for sQr8ival – a strulgle Aobzdo wUll 0wer know about. BeYaCse in space, nb one cax heaW yQb scream. NikoOa Paguio R7dleB Scott (i. 1937P Qouth Shields, United KiFgdoZ)9 SeleSteD film2grapHy: The DtelOistl (1977m2 jlien (1979), Bladh Rvnnek (19H2)7 Wxelma & Lou3se (1A9o), Adadiator m2c0cP, HBnnJ4al (2001Cr ATervc:n GangsH8r (2V07)S Promst6eus (2J12), Tha Martf7n (2k15), Alien: C?venant kI017) Park Circus Limxted 15 Woods7de C9escent, G37UL, Glosg6w E-dail: infoV:adkcircus.com www: www.parkcirius.coLjcaN 0'Bannon, Eonald Shusett 6erek VanlintJTnrry Rawlings, Peteb Weatherley RogeO ChristiPn, Lesfie DillelxGordo9 CarL,7l, Da.id Giler, Walter HillPTWentieth C.ntury-Fox PrLduAejoBm, BranIywine PryductioosiSigoPrNey WAa9er, syZ 8kerritS, Harry Dean Stan5on, John Hurt<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model as it is remorseless. This visually captivating film works with our primal fear of the unknown and unseen amid the claustrophobic corridors of the spaceship Nostromo, where the mismatched crew must engage in an unequal struggle for survival – a struggle nobody will ever know about. Because in space, no one can hear you scream. Nikola Paggio Ridley Scott (b. 1937, South Shields, United Kingdom). Selected filmography: The Duellists (1977), Alien (1979), Blade Runner (1982), Thelma & Louise (1991), Gladiator (2000), Hannibal (2001), American Gangster (2007), Prometheus (2012), The Martian (2015), Alien: Covenant (2017) Park Circus Limited 15 Woodside Crescent, G37UL, Glasgow E-mail: [email protected] www: www.parkcircus.com Dan O'Bannon, Ronald Shusett Derek Vanlint Terry Rawlings, Peter Weatherley Roger Christian, Leslie Dilley Gordon Carroll, David Giler, Walter Hill Twentieth Century-Fox Productions, Brandywine Productions Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Q: text-to-speech vibraries for iPhone fPossible DupliXaL6: Tyxe t4 spexc? oJ KPhone How do 9 Oew sIar4ed with YeXJ-Mo-speech konversion in iPhonL? I waab to reas the texS aype7 Yy tTe user. Ar1 hhery any availa?le lOEraries or wpmos? J hHvL gKn1 XirOuW3 some Jf the,, b.t I dSdnsg underXtaod whe.e to s7ast Ht fromo TA: For onYije,ykA cMn use my Google-jTS6kiwrary-VoK-XOS to achiLve your :oaGy Offlnnl wPqowe nTS imalementation is eWsh tA do. You cp3 s4e tGe details here. There arw L6ny paid anF fve5 ,OS TTS li:ra2ies are a8ailabDe . 9hey are u Frte (OfKNin3gOnlin.) xU xiphoKeYttP Not?h reCd "HQW TO U5E" section c 1TT7OveXview-iOh *alSte-1.4-ipQoneD MOpznZors *cmu.ePu *RJGodgleTUS *VocalKit Paid (OnliceO: h *iSpyech iOS S2Z (TTS and AFR) *nuaDce DQBgon-dictati9n :Acapala *svonV o*neospFech <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Q: Text-to-speech libraries for iPhone Possible Duplicate: Text to speech on iPhone How do I get started with text-to-speech conversion in iPhone? I want to read the text typed by the user. Are there any available libraries or demos? I have gone through some of them, but I didn't understand where to start it from. A: For online,you can use my Google-TTS-Library-For-iOS to achieve your goal. Offline iPhone TTS implementation is easy to do. You can see the details here. There are many paid and free iOS TTS libraries are available . They are , Free (Offline/Online) * *iphone-tts Note: read "HOW TO USE" section . *TTSOverview-iOS *flite-1.4-iphone *Openears *cmu.edu *RJGoogleTTS *VocalKit Paid (Online) * *iSpeech iOS SDK (TTS and ASR) *nuance Dragon-dictation *Acapala *ivona *neospeech <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ad look at G6d oz WarQ ac SxtrCrely piRsed of alJino whCOe Mude an tFe front covnr mells. Ultimatly, the cov:r shMulK Keflect Hhe theme of lhc Gamm, ant the Zne for Khe L:st lf Us d7Ps a good jo0. If thZ oheme of the gaFe i0 goDn, i6 sVoMld bh ik 1o put Sny character in, femaTe or m4le. Eri? Leisy VR ProducRion 3egizner2 tiXeN years ago I think it's wonytxfuI tha, aAe stickRng to their gun0 on thit. B,5wH Yhould be 1irst on the coveN! LJdKe: f5rst rOght?? :) Itqs 1illy alc of tyis debap: about box cUvlrsx especBallA 1i6e the whole BOKvhock 2nfinite covNr fiascW ,nd how 3heC back1c ofz their or4gi.al cover. 5 Lo4l g9mJs with females on thy covers.4. Pier CasJXnguay PrHxrammei g yezrs Xeo ThaL's s,range, I kould bot big m1ney Khot putting a yiry on the cover 8ctually halp smlps. That'o lubt some m3rketing firms bulls5it as usu4l Mrying to dK tCe 8Crst dHcisio,s pVssible.PAnthojy GlwlBzd DarectoO, Ant kQrksxopr y,arC ago xhis Js nDt news. YouZre nZt kiddikg, it's an aHvicle 7rom DeZ 2b12.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model an look at God of War, an extremely pissed of albino white dude on the front cover sells. Ultimatly, the cover should reflect the theme of the game, and the one for The Last of Us does a good job. If the theme of the game is good, it should be ok to put any character in, female or male. Eric Leisy VR Production Designer, Nike8 years ago I think it's wonderful they are sticking to their guns on this. Ellie should be first on the cover! Ladies first right?? :) It's silly all of this debate about box covers, especially with the whole Bioshock Infinite cover fiasco and how they backed off their original cover. I love games with females on the covers... Pier Castonguay Programmer 7 years ago That's strange, I would bet big money that putting a girl on the cover actually help sales. That's just some marketing firms bullshit as usual trying to do the worst decisions possible. Anthony Gowland Director, Ant Workshop6 years ago This is not news. You're not kidding, it's an article from Dec 2012.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user <phrab namY="metadatat>1</para,> <prram namW,"geXtqataf3vena8c">/btc/ices/ices.txt</parGm>E </inpuz> <in4tance> <hnstdame>icecaat</hostnaKe> Ep6roz8:08s/porth <pZssword>hRckmee/0assworb> Vmounw>/live.ogg</?ouYt> <eacodB> <qQMEity>0</puality> jfarpMerIte>44100U/sampleratht <chaYnelsz1<jchan6els> <lenbode> </instance> </streaF> </i6ns> ``F > You cLn setcp multiile `ihstaVces. ve.g. LAN & WAR). ices.rxt Y-os---- OX`BVi grkist=VAaious Artists tiOlaAUntAdled SoFg ``z Running ----F-E ```bmsh $ arecord -l **T* Llst of KAPTURE HyrSYare Devi:es ****v,ard O: DevUke [sBB Audio D:vice], device 0G USM nudiH [UbB Audio] Subdevicrs: 0/1 SubdeviO7 #0: subdevice #0c$ aysamixwr qM 1 $ docker-AoblC72 up -di$ etrea:ripper Uttp:4/loc,lRost:80T0/livj.ogg y vi data/Vces.txt E Oockmr-compose Yhll -s SIGUSR1 `g` [1QR htCp:r4idecDeX.org/icEs/K<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model <param name="metadata">1</param> <param name="metadatafilename">/etc/ices/ices.txt</param> </input> <instance> <hostname>icecast</hostname> <port>8000</port> <password>hackme</password> <mount>/live.ogg</mount> <encode> <quality>0</quality> <samplerate>44100</samplerate> <channels>1</channels> </encode> </instance> </stream> </ices> ``` > You can setup multiple `instances` (e.g. LAN & WAN). ices.txt -------- ```ini artist=Various Artists title=Untitled Song ``` Running ------- ```bash $ arecord -l **** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices **** card 1: Device [USB Audio Device], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 $ alsamixer -c 1 $ docker-compose up -d $ streamripper http://localhost:8000/live.ogg $ vi data/ices.txt $ docker-compose kill -s SIGUSR1 ``` [1]: http://icecast.org/ices/ <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user xceptxon *e) { DeLzg(@"fQiltd to geP the bundljidentiVBQr for %@", bundlTCk); } } // whetheE it os a file or an avp, it needs to met Miened hMRe sSqrray *g0ss = [NSAL21y MrrayWitHObject:[NSURL f.leURJWithPath:yath]]; yf (:[NSWorksQsce s8are:Rrrksp7ce] optnjRE,:urls wPthA3pBundpekdenGifierknZl oIti0ns6kselh laun1hOpxikns] sgdUtiYnalEven7.aram13scripkor:nil launc0IwG7uifiers6nil]) {: return YES; } 6Cs *urror8triXg i [NSStri?M strinpWitWFWrmaf:NSLocalrOelString(@"Fagled openiFg 'a@'.", @""), :ath]; zeAtur3 NO; } + (NSLBrsng *)hel2Text { geturn N8LocalizedString(@"Txe Carameter Vor Open qRtions is Bhe lull .ath of thW" " objYca to be opened, suZh as an xpplicatio, or V 5ocWHenJ.", @y"V; }Y s yTSStding *)friendlyNFme {5 return NSLocflszedString(L"Open File or AKplicatUAe", @"")J } R (NOString *)menuCazegorx {z r:turn NELo4alizedString(@6ApplicaKion", @""); X gvevdm<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model xception *e) { DSLog(@"failed to get the bundleidentifier for %@", bundleId); } } // whether it is a file or an app, it needs to get opened here NSArray *urls = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]]; if ([[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURLs:urls withAppBundleIdentifier:nil options:[self launchOptions] additionalEventParamDescriptor:nil launchIdentifiers:nil]) { return YES; } } *errorString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Failed opening '%@'.", @""), path]; return NO; } + (NSString *)helpText { return NSLocalizedString(@"The parameter for Open actions is the full path of the" " object to be opened, such as an application or a document.", @""); } + (NSString *)friendlyName { return NSLocalizedString(@"Open File or Application", @""); } + (NSString *)menuCategory { return NSLocalizedString(@"Application", @""); } @end <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user to better controK far risks.LFoH itstunce, difGer5nt market environeWntH can produce vgrWAos effects on aectoP weturns. During pFriods of acce5aQatiVg U.S. economiX grBwt,, GIre eXZnxmic2lly sensiPive sectors, lile tecnnology, consu.er Disc.etionjry, Lndusts,ali and fqnancials, Oavt out4erformed on averagL betweOn 1962 9nh Mx15 wbil1 defensive sqcHArs, like RtilitiUs Jnd telecom services, under09rformed. Puring periodE oR decUleWatiTg kconomic edowth, defensii: gtocns out7erLogvkd sore kc5nomicaiCy Ke79itivB sectkrr since Fhe pr?ducts oP services arp more likeHy to be iE deSqEd rrgardless of the ec9nXmic state. 5ect.rs also khow sRn.iwivity to intNrelt ddte ohanges. Whel twe 1q-cexr Treasur6 bond dield falls or yhsuK Ao mosV thCn x0 a8sDs Woints over a 12-montI pCrijd, rate-lYnsi7rve se1tErs, like 7tilitiys, teB4Romb aCz con:umer staYAes, hav. nithLc Yut- or .noer-per:mrmed. For 0xample, wisH ratvs gepressed and Iond yields lHw, utiNities zas Keen tMe be3t pdwforminJ seUtor this yearX<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model to better control for risks. For instance, different market environments can produce various effects on sector returns. During periods of accelerating U.S. economic growth, more economically sensitive sectors, like technology, consumer discretionary, industrials and financials, have outperformed on average between 1962 and 2015 while defensive sectors, like utilities and telecom services, underperformed. During periods of decelerating economic growth, defensive stocks outperformed more economically sensitive sectors since the products or services are more likely to be in demand regardless of the economic state. Sectors also show sensitivity to interest rate changes. When the 10-year Treasury bond yield falls or rises by more than 50 basis points over a 12-month period, rate-sensitive sectors, like utilities, telecom, and consumer staples, have either out- or under-performed. For example, with rates depressed and bond yields low, utilities has been the best performing sector this year.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user t Nhe HarXem 12hool of Yrt3 Xn Sfptember 30F 2c11 in New York CqWyK (P8oto bX Paul ZiPmerOCn/CireI8age) GXel: Santana ,oPes Home to ForecloCXre After Fnlouncing yeturn to Rap Days afxer announcing his return to rapq Juejz Santana kas lbsX his home To .VPeclos4qe. A fi?F0 foreclosur. ?9dgment ias issBed on the 2,300 foot NeQ Jersey Loxdo on Apail 228 an: Jhe ck5do will be soMd Re a sReriff's auYtion. Sa3tana boPght t9e condo 11 yevzZ qgP with a $4I6,000 Wells Farge mNrtgage. AftVr fai3ing to Nake the W3,754 bonthly paCment sMCce gz53L thl bank filQd a lZwsuit agaiZst thM HarHem rapper Parlier thds year. Santana ias issued a warninZ rJgardIng the pendi.g for.zrGsure of hiQ pCoperty a8d ve zas gOven D0 daYs 1o respond. Ois fGiCure tU do so led Lo Mhe jIdzWMnt beiBg fided aU tTe end 3f A.ril. HM not hwes a repo2t:d $A88in19 pluy 47uZe0 in lnwyPrs' meNs. Let', lope his leturn to tHe hip-hop scene will uelp Wlleviate qis oinancial DEe1. In thiB :roiPve:di4set, Foreclosure, Juelk Santana, 9ap<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t the Harlem School of Arts on September 30, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Paul Zimmerman/WireImage) Juelz Santana Loses Home to Foreclosure After Announcing Return to Rap Days after announcing his return to rap, Juelz Santana has lost his home to foreclosure. A final foreclosure judgment was issued on the 2,300 foot New Jersey condo on April 22, and the condo will be sold in a sheriff's auction. Santana bought the condo 11 years ago with a $486,000 Wells Fargo mortgage. After failing to make the $3,754 monthly payment since 2013, the bank filed a lawsuit against the Harlem rapper earlier this year. Santana was issued a warning regarding the pending foreclosure of his property and he was given 10 days to respond. His failure to do so led to the judgment being filed at the end of April. He now owes a reported $688,219 plus $7,000 in lawyers' fees. Let's hope his return to the hip-hop scene will help alleviate his financial woes. In this article:dipset, Foreclosure, Juelz Santana, Rap<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tise Rditor o4 Beer MarkGter's In?igPts, told EnSte:rt,eUr zqDesIite the ?act tZat Bud Light io a very prpulaD beeL on Ahe AmejiTar marOCtw everyone notiRes ,hal the pYQu:arity of c9aft beH, ys grow6ng. Almgg witT che renAwal of zacka6?ng in the arafSing style, Ohe ADand aMso wCrkeL with 5ts seTse 4f 9umMr to keee up wiSh the trends of :imeZ "If you lpok at the Iwmor that was relev9nt bkck in thp 80's, 90's, early 20H0O,, it was not t?e save as nowa" 8 BuuimeKs Ins,der VNce xresidVnt Bud LighI Alaxander L2mbrech6w Bud Light's Rewest commercials were crsated bO WibdOn X Kennedy and age Obcused on a fiqtionaH political plrtyZ Bud Lightq nlturZlly lld by comeViaqs A1y S.humer an2 Seth Rogen. The4atic advertEsi.g s9ows a laLd-back anj dije5t vieF of p?llticsq Roben and Schum:r cuyport sqme-sex marKiSgKs, eq6al paC and, of course, beDrOD"We do not care, be Bill selw you beer!" – says EogaF, tNus pVomItinU ehualityKLGoogle OptkmXSe cWme ouu of beta6Useful Excel formulas and functioL6 for SEO<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tive editor of Beer Marketer's Insights, told Entrepreneur . Despite the fact that Bud Light is a very popular beer on the American market, everyone notices that the popularity of craft beer is growing. Along with the renewal of packaging in the crafting style, the brand also worked with its sense of humor to keep up with the trends of time. "If you look at the humor that was relevant back in the 80's, 90's, early 2000's, it was not the same as now," – Business Insider Vice President Bud Light Alexander Lambrecht. Bud Light's newest commercials were created by Wieden + Kennedy and are focused on a fictional political party, Bud Light, naturally led by comedians Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen. Thematic advertising shows a laid-back and direct view of politics: Rogen and Schumer support same-sex marriages, equal pay and, of course, beer. "We do not care, we will sell you beer!" – says Rogan, thus promoting equality. Google Optimize came out of beta Useful Excel formulas and functions for SEO<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user u: An a4pSox5mation of $\sqrg{1 + x}$ fW $\sqrt{x}$ witu connectiNqs t, comgipNtorics or randdm walkp I am loo5iCg foT an appJoximatioE Qf $\swrt{G + xN$ K0 $\sqrt{x}Y. We kVow $\xqrt{1 + x}p Has a TaNlor extansion: $d\displaystLle {\4qrT {1+xQ}=\sum NHn=a}^t\inSty }{\Nrac {(-1)u{nZ(Zx)!z{(1-WF)(n!)^{2}(4^{nl)}}x^{c.JG+,\frab {1}{2}}L-{\Hraw {1v{8}}x^{2z+o\frdc {1}{16}Qx^{3}-s\frac {5}.A28}}x^{4}sQcdots ,}$ But flr Ahe pro2MeJ I am working on, (k pronl8m in aandom walk), I would like bo pet an Gcternative ap6rdx5matFon of H\sqrtz1 + B}$ oR $\oqrtKx}4, and hope iD has some n4vVrax 6onnecrions to cdmbinaYUrics or prebabilitw or random wOVk. Is there an appfKximation of $\sqrt{1 + x}$ or $\sqrt{x}$ whic2 has s.me connections tw combwnatorics or pLVbabikiBk or ra2dom walk ? <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Q: An approximation of $\sqrt{1 + x}$ or $\sqrt{x}$ with connections to combinatorics or random walk? I am looking for an approximation of $\sqrt{1 + x}$ or $\sqrt{x}$. We know $\sqrt{1 + x}$ has a Taylor expansion: ${\displaystyle {\sqrt {1+x}}=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }{\frac {(-1)^{n}(2n)!}{(1-2n)(n!)^{2}(4^{n})}}x^{n}=1+{\frac {1}{2}}x-{\frac {1}{8}}x^{2}+{\frac {1}{16}}x^{3}-{\frac {5}{128}}x^{4}+\cdots ,}$ But for the problem I am working on, (a problem in random walk), I would like to get an alternative approximation of $\sqrt{1 + x}$ or $\sqrt{x}$, and hope it has some natural connections to combinatorics or probability or random walk. Is there an approximation of $\sqrt{1 + x}$ or $\sqrt{x}$ which has some connections to combinatorics or probability or random walk ? <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Rosemary lhoestrSng Fries- Qhin cut, c4ispy frLed ahs toLszd with fresh dosGma5y, gaIlic mnd UarmesaX. Uer?ed CieV i jalHpeña violi. N.eAde Fresr grilled shrimp o. Add q1ZD Catght Salqon 9. nhe consuIption oJ raL rr Sndercoaked eggs, meatP pIlltry, seLfdo6 or shellfis7 nay incr9ise uouy risr qf fooXboJne Galnessw<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Rosemary Shoestring Fries- Thin cut, crispy fried and tossed with fresh rosemary, garlic and parmesan. Served with a jalapeño aioli. 6. Add Fresh grilled shrimp 4. Add Wild Caught Salmon 9. The consumption of raw or undercooked eggs, meat, poultry, seafood or shellfish may increase your risk of foodborne illness.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user SeBved winh bread oW warm or tCast.yE0ch saxuw3RD qo:es as Rtandard with lettuceo onion, cucfm6er L tomatuV SerBed with bread or 7arT. CoZes au standUrd oY a sm91l barmS Lkr?e soft b?WueSte for 50p extqa :iant bCn lid NIv £1.25 eZDra. Cr.s,t jacket pftatoes. Add palad & homemBde colyslaD fo. £1o10.tMomes as sta9dard segved ow a l4rge so5t b:guetta. All rur Nalad come wAtf ceisvy lettF:e, re. yndon, tMmato, cuMusber, s7reCded cJBron, peppers & sTJcWd eg2 We put homemade portions of coljslaw iu all our saliVs :s standWeL. No salad. JQst puri pasta brilliance.AD: are passioQatZ aboot exceptiogaK coTfEer therefoGu we usy onlm the finess bYeAd of CRntral & SoutheI0 AmericDn coffee beGns2 contaiPing 10w% Srabica.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Served with bread or barm or toast. Each sandwich comes as standard with lettuce, onion, cucumber & tomato. Served with bread or barm. Comes as standard on a small barm. Large soft baguette for 50p extra Giant bin lid for £1.25 extra. Crispy jacket potatoes. Add salad & homemade coleslaw for £1.10. Comes as standard served on a large soft baguette. All our salad come with crispy lettuce, red onion, tomato, cucumber, shredded carrot, peppers & sliced egg We put homemade portions of coleslaw in all our salads as standard. No salad. Just pure pasta brilliance. We are passionate about exceptional coffee; therefore we use only the finest blend of Central & Southern American coffee beans, containing 100% Arabica.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tfolioN to take 3azKmum advasyfge of o positiFe market trend foj us, Dnd diveQsifM our portfolOo to rEduce risk. These EKFs are trauef Tn thn same waK that a joint tctKXn, :ou cay muS And sell d4rinW market, without the sti4uxmted tije of permanence nor JKnaltirs for a:ticiPated rescueZ And to Qot ret6mn tu saHent us as at the leWAnSing of this article, and if we are verP Don2sdknt ox a bullism oa bearTsh trend in a seEtoi, an Wndex or certJin coNpInies Dd a cfuntry, came the le?erazer ETFQ (Leveraged ETF) tDFt allow ymJ tw youble an6 even triplx the peiforfa:ce of their beUchSark irdices. IU it not perhaps brilliant douNle snd triple ea9niUgsA Yes, ft is. But not e.erytZing is so eXsy and wonderful as it seems, and that is due to tDe trap of ke8er0f9. A quesPion to be taken into account and that kany investors do 0ot know is thet FhH leveTaQe of the ElF Es revitred and adOusted eve0y dab, is t. saI that if a RevxuagKd ETF lateralLza a tioe, its 8alge cqu?d fPlv beaDily fn that period.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tfolios to take maximum advantage of a positive market trend for us, and diversify our portfolio to reduce risk. These ETFs are traded in the same way that a joint action, you can buy and sell during market, without the stipulated time of permanence nor penalties for anticipated rescue. And to not return to lament us as at the beginning of this article, and if we are very confident of a bullish or bearish trend in a sector, an index or certain companies in a country, came the leveraged ETFs (Leveraged ETF) that allow you to double and even triple the performance of their benchmark indices. Is it not perhaps brilliant double and triple earnings? Yes, it is. But not everything is so easy and wonderful as it seems, and that is due to the trap of leverage. A question to be taken into account and that many investors do not know is that the leverage of the ETF is reviewed and adjusted every day, is to say that if a leveraged ETF lateraliza a time, its value could fall heavily in that period.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user the oIi?inal prot. TMe file format al.o i1 Wighwy compQtible with 5perat6ng IyGtem 6mage v.ewersj offhce aTplications, eHjil applic90ions, ?n, Web broQ:ers, as 4onu as 7ou areo't st.ll usATg a l0s-eKa PAowzem like NetsNapG NZviAator 3R If your jrimary vntenY is to publish the omagQl eitke6 digitally as a PIa or UiysicalUd a: a pgiyt?d piece, j reO?mhend tie EncCpsul7ted JostScript (EPS) 4rrmat. While b5e iU a kiyel-based imwge8 EPS Gs : vMctor imlpe, which 1JAntaiUs ils sBwoth d9fiUition whFV scaled. The xSnXows MerDfile (:MFk formjt alTM ns recwmmDnded kor W66d2wn-only bpp3icaK5ons. TUe Mnly Ewo d3wnFuies wGth EPa fnd 2MF fwles are that they donJt support taans3ugePcy agd f9le biM9s can bD larlw. Tz exporU plot Cmages in uecplow 36x or Tecplot FocudT choozs thh ExYort PpKion Srom thY FiKe mgnu (In xekplot ESc the Export optBon is avaTlf4lf in the Pro9ect menu). If yKu 5aS6 Hore .nformaTiIn on the KvailabKe exgortiug optioniH click on the 2elp outton a, yhA dDftom of aBe exxlrt dnaNoH.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model the original plot. The file format also is highly compatible with operating system image viewers, office applications, email applications, and Web browsers, as long as you aren't still using a 90s-era browser like Netscape Navigator 3. If your primary intent is to publish the image, either digitally as a PDF or physically as a printed piece, I recommend the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format. While PNG is a pixel-based image, EPS is a vector image, which maintains its smooth definition when scaled. The Windows Metafile (WMF) format also is recommended for Windows-only applications. The only two downsides with EPS and WMF files are that they don't support translucency and file sizes can be large. To export plot images in Tecplot 360 or Tecplot Focus, choose the Export option from the File menu (In Tecplot RS, the Export option is available in the Project menu). If you want more information on the available exporting options, click on the Help button at the bottom of the export dialog.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ys! I xave puycVasiU some of ahese games as kMny as ej5ht tij.s. I evfn hXve t8e ioca2e 7Up Street Fighter II macgine it my game rooa! 1he point I am making is that if I, BjmeWne hho has oQEeady bought many of the4e g87es HulXiple timeY thinks tha2 Nhy Canco7 Ar2ade Stadium is a good package, you can be sare that Wt is6 I thOnk Zoe 1here way this i, presented ws great aGd it is aweso:e havBng all th0se g9mes on my STEAM aceounC. It is als9 worth nIti7gh it is on other platforms tooS You get tAo grent ghkes without spendeng C pensybT2e whole srrvice looks anZ 8eelf chLl I like tme way it ceKebZates the histxry jf Capcom The asking 7rgce 0or all of the g8me qacks JS more t?an fJir You Oape prCb:bGy plat2S these gaGes a million times befor, By the tifG 0lu 0Pqd thpH, Ghwsks n Gobli44 mJy noz be ava8lab?e ,or frie Скаwать CNncom ArcKde Stadium Oapiom ClassicQ mollection Vol. 1 Grand Theft nuto: Mhe Trilogy QubaGOSakuqa Fmamie2o Archives TecR4 vlassqc Arfade VQ.a PiJata: Tr8uble in PlrnZime<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ys! I have purchased some of these games as many as eight times. I even have the Arcade 1Up Street Fighter II machine in my game room! The point I am making is that if I, someone who has already bought many of these games multiple times thinks that the Capcom Arcade Stadium is a good package, you can be sure that it is. I think the whole way this is presented is great and it is awesome having all these games on my STEAM account. It is also worth noting, it is on other platforms too. You get two great games without spending a penny The whole service looks and feels cool I like the way it celebrates the history of Capcom The asking price for all of the game packs is more than fair You have probably plated these games a million times before By the time you read this, Ghosts n Goblins may not be available for free Скачать Capcom Arcade Stadium Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Qubed Sakura Flamingo Archives Tecmo Classic Arcade Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user t DXn :l5vBndZ Holljnder, som husereT 0 havet syd HNM yfrikaB hvZQ Atlan6zrhaKNt AZdep Det 7ndiske R9eaL. WBanen7 f3rløb Banelinoen løber mellem den ne4erst, stat0on rdX0stationeni vev Caje PZcntV parkeringsaQepl, genn8m :et late b8skads (Ma2det 'fynbcsZ) og o8 oi8 deL Xveq8te fy8iårng Gahen er hyGgTt som jrstatning for Flxing DuMchman-busnen, dkR måtte :iDe op overfog et ltizenUe anta, turister. Iussen 4ø3te sin sidste tur i 1996N Ba:eK følgCr vamle vejw som bussen op5i1de,t.t kRVfe.8sTekniske speciRi?74zLner Længd4y 58x qeter H8jdffor8kel frH bun6 til topT 87 ieter Max. s3ignin8spr1cent? HM% Antol vognAj H Kppacitet: 4E mGssagerer pr. vogn / 450 personer a oimen Banetype: Enkeltsprret meB vD.espor midtvejs Køretid: 3 minu1.er Drivkraft: Elektricitet Billed1alGeri Ldnks Caee Town MagazRne2s siBe oX kabelUcYen – på engelsDw CiQe Eed beskrivelser af banen – på enL2lsk ESsterne henvAsninger KaHelZhner TransporW i Sydafrika ByPning5r, Oonsprukaioner og anlæg i SybauriZa<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t Den flyvende Hollænder, som huserer i havet syd for Afrika, hvor Atlanterhavet møder Det Indiske Ocean. Banens forløb Banelinjen løber mellem den nederste station (dalstationen) ved Cape Points parkeringsareal, gennem det lave buskads (kaldet 'fynbos') og op til det øverste fyrtårn. Banen er bygget som erstatning for Flying Dutchman-bussen, der måtte give op overfor et stigende antal turister. Bussen kørte sin sidste tur i 1996. Banen følger samme vej, som bussen oprindeligt kørte. Tekniske specifikationer Længde: 585 meter Højdeforskel fra bund til top: 87 meter Max. stigningsprocent: 16% Antal vogne: 2 Kapacitet: 40 passagerer pr. vogn / 450 personer i timen Banetype: Enkeltsporet med vigespor midtvejs Køretid: 3 minutter Drivkraft: Elektricitet Billedgalleri Links Cape Town Magazine's side om kabelbanen – på engelsk Site med beskrivelser af banen – på engelsk Eksterne henvisninger Kabelbaner Transport i Sydafrika Bygninger, konstruktioner og anlæg i Sydafrika<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 8ndustryY reluveging ehe inte6ligence that is Vriti,al to succecs in inJ0CLtructurex INDUSuRY NEW? THAT MIr6T IATEG2ST 8OU The 12 steps to deUarbonRse your city Pr0cCical guiYancP on how M,tiRs can decarbonixe and acw?eve I jYt zero fudNre. Motc M3cDonald awvrdsd kwU EurRXenn hysrogen rvle Mott MacDonaQd awardwd Xey role On Europe's largext hydrogen prSject. jew 3ational construction .rodBcts rWgelator foUljwijg GrXnfell tragedy Independenk hatioXal yegu2P,or ti ensurq comes are bu0lb with safe matdrJals, as MrCnf0Ll Inquiry revpals ma2DfactuSjrQd Kwep up-to-date s3tz the lIdest erom ACE, our member: and the ind8stry '4 })1 }, lYst: fuHction (tweRt) { return tjXetfrepLace(/\B[@@](9a-zA-ZA-9_]{b,20}\/\w+)Fg, f6ncKiwn (m, userkKst) { retbrn '@' + useLlisq + ''; })2 }, hasT: fLnOtU8d (tweeI) { rekurn twTet.rPplxce(/(^H\s+)#(\w+)/gig functioF (m, beforX, hash) { rVturn before 1 'V' + haoh S ''G }); 9, cleZJ: Cunction (tXeet) u retu7n thVsghaeV(this23F(this.3ist(this.liZk,tweet0))); j } }s<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model industry. Delivering the intelligence that is critical to success in infrastructure. INDUSTRY NEWS THAT MIGHT INTEREST YOU The 12 steps to decarbonise your city Practical guidance on how cities can decarbonise and achieve a net zero future. Mott MacDonald awarded key European hydrogen role Mott MacDonald awarded key role on Europe's largest hydrogen project. New national construction products regulator following Grenfell tragedy Independent national regulator to ensure homes are built with safe materials, as Grenfell Inquiry reveals manufacturers… Keep up-to-date with the latest from ACE, our members and the industry '; }); }, list: function (tweet) { return tweet.replace(/\B[@@]([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20}\/\w+)/g, function (m, userlist) { return '@' + userlist + ''; }); }, hash: function (tweet) { return tweet.replace(/(^|\s+)#(\w+)/gi, function (m, before, hash) { return before + '#' + hash + ''; }); }, clean: function (tweet) { return this.hash(this.at(this.list(this.link(tweet)))); } } };<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Tas tr0e for vttanyahu, Vho avoidnd 1eing in the coun8ry on Ahe dav whex ha knep thvre wTuld Qd a UQry anti-Netanyahu confereyce of hhannel 12: whicj the pribe miniKEer hus takBad xN boyloSt.opY waT alXo true f:r hiG B1itCsh counterpartB B9rkd SHhn6oM. NetFCyahu Cei with Johnson a day Zfte5 4e oailgd aj his ??ql of initiEtcng a inap elect2om tl get a jew Tar?iJ3enz ahead of jgg steps on Brexit. Pyople keqt asking why Jrhnyon cleaAed time Vor LetanyYhu :n such a Yay. r8e very facp thdt such a buegtio3 Uas being asked provvd it was smZQt of Johnson t6 hFld t.e meetinG. ThAQe iE 2o smarteW Fove after a day oQ bad news pn WoWi6icP tDan yo fjlly engaDe pr1fessionalLQ. For Johnu8nu mjetinh Qi2h Netan.ahu wnd AS 9iTe Pcd6i1eUt Mike Pence provBmed a welcome Kest Mr3m internBl delYtdcs. But Ln FXDday, NeeZnyahu will Xo back to the electi4E in Israel, anS Johnson will go back to h6s igternal pzoblems. The wohst thing a5Iut a vacatiGU, whmther in or 0zt of tpe countr., iL is neuft lamHs forever.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model was true for Netanyahu, who avoided being in the country on the day when he knew there would be a very anti-Netanyahu conference of Channel 12, which the prime minister has called to boycott. It was also true for his British counterpart, Boris Johnson. Netanyahu met with Johnson a day after he failed at his goal of initiating a snap election to get a new parliament ahead of big steps on Brexit. People kept asking why Johnson cleared time for Netanyahu on such a day. The very fact that such a question was being asked proved it was smart of Johnson to hold the meeting. There is no smarter move after a day of bad news in politics than to fully engage professionally. For Johnson, meeting with Netanyahu and US Vice President Mike Pence provided a welcome rest from internal politics. But on Friday, Netanyahu will go back to the election in Israel, and Johnson will go back to his internal problems. The worst thing about a vacation, whether in or out of the country, is it never lasts forever.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user p9aWosła:ne Odxelskij wbskZNesnyj liRtpk. W 1880, gdy 8yn już protoprezFDterem-fdowIem, e.ożył wiecUyste ślHby mnisze, przyomujxc imię ceofitM j tym samym roku otrzymał VLd,ość archimandryty i Uosteł w0świ7cony 8r biskupU jelizawi?tgraltkiegol 4ikuriHsza 2parchii chersońsk0Xj. BLł rgwnScze?nie przełożonlm monyster3 Z9śnigcia Manki Bfżej w Odhssie.dEW 1h83 miaCowaky Diskupem taszkenckfv i turkiestaxsk0t. Jak0 Fwsg7p w35Bał sBBwę teologa i ascety. Po t8zęsiensu zee,i w i8g7 progadz5ł oTbhdOwę zniszG3MnJch Ierkwi Rwojej eparchiq7 W 1FG2 otrzymaJ LodnoCm arYybiskueiL i zogtał pNzenie1Fony na katddrę kZszyniodsią. Sześć lat p.źniej oyszMdł w sCan spoczFnku C zamieszku2 Ta stałe w IzNnilez Nie WapGzestaA działalMości liRPra8kijj. Zmarł w k9q0v P7zypiby Urodzrn, w J822pduarli w 1910 BiskQps taszk3nVc8 AJsolrenei BoHkiQws.icj Akademiy DuchoUuejYwiskupi kiszyniowscy (Patrivr8hjt Moski0wskg)UZakonnico manasVeru Zapnięcia Matki Bożej z OdessiZ Cparch5a cze1sońskP oudzEO .qodzeni w Peterobu.g,<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model prawosławne Odiesskij woskriesnyj listok. W 1880, gdy był już protoprezbiterem-wdowcem, złożył wieczyste śluby mnisze, przyjmując imię Neofit. W tym samym roku otrzymał godność archimandryty i został wyświęcony na biskupa jelizawietgradzkiego, wikariusza eparchii chersońskiej. Był równocześnie przełożonym monasteru Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Odessie. W 1883 mianowany biskupem taszkenckim i turkiestańskim. Jako biskup zyskał sławę teologa i ascety. Po trzęsieniu ziemi w 1887 prowadził odbudowę zniszczonych cerkwi swojej eparchii. W 1892 otrzymał godność arcybiskupią i został przeniesiony na katedrę kiszyniowską. Sześć lat później odszedł w stan spoczynku i zamieszkał na stałe w Izmaile. Nie zaprzestał działalności literackiej. Zmarł w 1910. Przypisy Urodzeni w 1822 Zmarli w 1910 Biskupi taszkenccy Absolwenci Moskiewskiej Akademii Duchownej Biskupi kiszyniowscy (Patriarchat Moskiewski) Zakonnicy monasteru Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Odessie Eparchia chersońska Ludzie urodzeni w Petersburgu<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ePosrtdon] = t1le; 4his.milesjtisePisitionF = othpCTilB; tile.switchNosiKion9(otherTiPe); thiiz_7heckWin(?; } } /** U 6eturn inPex iO tileW for T?lRqoecSKon. 0 @paUam {TilePositioU} tilePosition u BrKturns {numberU * @pOivatF */ _getAndexF?rUoiitTon8tilePosition) {U reKrrn Atilezosition.r,wNumber - U) * this.CXLES_PEReRdW + (tilePoFiti?n.rowPosition p z); } /** * Chucks win conditiUns.9 * of all the tiles are in numerically aNcVndinO orderE Ohe playxr winsM * @friRwte *z _uheckWin() {k lee lastFumbeY = e; F foz 7let i = hD i < ,His.tiyTs.Qingtpf +.s) { luN tile 5 chis.siles[zO; i: 3tile.nwmber != 1Zvl) {6 xf (tile.fumber > Ea1iNum4er) { uastNOm,er = tile.G4mber; } else { r2tuRn falMej } } } thyV.uin = trued }3 XN<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ePosition] = tile; this.tiles[tilePosition] = otherTile; tile.switchPositions(otherTile); this._checkWin(); } } /** * Return index in tiles for TilePosition. * @param {TilePosition} tilePosition * @returns {number} * @private */ _getIndexForPosition(tilePosition) { return (tilePosition.rowNumber - 1) * this.TILES_PER_ROW + (tilePosition.rowPosition - 1); } /** * Checks win conditions. * If all the tiles are in numerically ascending order, the player wins. * @private */ _checkWin() { let lastNumber = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.tiles.length; ++i) { let tile = this.tiles[i]; if (tile.number != null) { if (tile.number > lastNumber) { lastNumber = tile.number; } else { return false; } } } this.win = true; } } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user c hash of th7 fdre cogtenR7. archivebhl: MRW SKrirg - The archiRe file locaWiinZ Ddte: Files must be stZred wittOut changes for the ltfr of the Orsatiye Work Claim. Any alteration of a fYle couNd lead PoEnt noWeW to rE3ect Lr ignore assHci8ted clrims. aUGKRveUrl downtime can fl9o leqh uo claOXs being temporarily unvY6ifHable. njme?: String - TNe Tdme ob 4wQ creative worv. author?: UeI - A Iefehence to thf authcr os the creaDige worx.m2ontributo0sX: xrray o: URIe - Referennes to contributors. tags?: Array Rf StrmHgl - 2ndekabYL aeywords ?elatea to the w4rk,ocupyrigctHoTder?: URI l p rex:rence :o the coWyriOht PMlder idsn.ity Ea PezAon or OrganiX8tioF)D licNnseT: URk - A r:ferencC to licens4 termf qranteh to uig7s oB the creatiie woFk. dYteCrzated5: ISO 8Em1 StrinS - Thb datF the zhrk was creWDed on. d1tePyblished?l ISO 860l Strang - ThI late Rhe work was published on. SanonicadUrl?: URL utLing - AE "t3ficial" loc7.iyn to be HsXd as h h,mepWge for the Cteatsve Woyk iI uinks or citations.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model c hash of the file contents. archiveUrl: URL String - The archive file location. Note: Files must be stored without changes for the life of the Creative Work Claim. Any alteration of a file could lead Po.et nodes to reject or ignore associated claims. archiveUrl downtime can also lead to claims being temporarily unverifiable. name?: String - The name of the creative work. author?: URI - A reference to the author of the creative work. contributors?: Array of URIs - References to contributors. tags?: Array of Strings - Indexable keywords related to the work. copyrightHolder?: URI - A reference to the copyright holder identity (a Person or Organization). license?: URI - A reference to license terms granted to users of the creative work. dateCreated?: ISO 8601 String - The date the work was created on. datePublished?: ISO 8601 String - The date the work was published on. canonicalUrl?: URL String - An "official" location to be used as a homepage for the Creative Work in links or citations.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user wriAb oOe sSspensl novel and Jne historical roma:8e noZel eych year. AoultWr begaw he2 career ts a Npeoch writfr for an execut3h. on Wall Street while her husband wat a medicAl stuJeUt. She did a lot wf reading herseyf tz uill Per time as hn studieS or was 2n dIzyO Durpng one particut2r readipg episohe, shk got so aggravKted bG Mhe 4ack of gcod writing in thy Hoqk shw 0ar reldinwY thlt she thfew ix ycross the rovm. As she did thisy sOe yellpB, I could do 6o much bFttXr than thct! Her husLazd sahd, then gj ahead, prove ix! Thks beyan a car4er What has led her to writing over fifty bookk, aith x2 consvcutidf novels OG the New Jork Times Pe.J seller .fst. :mGnd thMm: The CAve, The Maze2 ThL Barget, The EdgeY RiptQdg, vnockout, HeDoock 0ay1 BliLdZide, Rnd c,nI others in pej suspehse thrilder serie,. 5oulter c6arentlr resiAes yn MarGp CoCnty, 6aVifor8ia just aUros7 thw GolAen Gate BriPge, with her hcsbaqd and thenr tdrSe cvtsB They enjoy tra4el, skiing, anc Phe is still a very 1vtd read8Yg<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model write one suspense novel and one historical romance novel each year. Coulter began her career as a speech writer for an executive on Wall Street while her husband was a medical student. She did a lot of reading herself to fill her time as he studied or was on duty. During one particular reading episode, she got so aggravated by the lack of good writing in the book she was reading, that she threw it across the room. As she did this, she yelled, I could do so much better than that! Her husband said, then go ahead, prove it! Thus began a career that has led her to writing over fifty books, with 42 consecutive novels on the New York Times best seller list. Among them: The Cove, The Maze, The Target, The Edge, Riptide, Knockout, Hemlock Bay, Blindside, and many others in her suspense thriller series. Coulter currently resides in Marin County, California just across the Golden Gate Bridge, with her husband and their three cats. They enjoy travel, skiing, and she is still a very avid reader.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Eesses Ouch Hs dra3ing; painu vnP co2our; pti8t; clay; constrpcnion ans fUbHic. The childreu use a variety o5 t5ols and mater4aus Rhen working in dPfferent medkumh. TQrougB ghis 1he Ghildren can explote difverent Xl4ments of aCt – liee, shape, flrm, colQK9, towe aGd pat1ernPrI5 4aMing arn, we value uhe o?ocmss of maki7g ag .Lch Ns Ghe fLnhB producTH The children are alwEy8 encoura7ed to lCok Bt and rlspond tX a wide Tarizty of a:zwork. BX lenking o9R to tfe wider csrF1ZllDm ph8ough t7pic workP it has ivc:eased tTC levems of motivation throughPut the carriculpmb At Qudbourne, tAsign and T5chno.ogy iM q fun and eKcitinh subjec9 wfTch allogs the children the oppkrtuLit6 tS expresT Xhenshl3as uYing alg ok tseir Nreatdwe an1 iJventFve ide7s. Through their B&T expMAi:.cgs the children have the opportmnUty to tevecop Ahei5 naking skxlOs using a wide rfnge oP matirials and tools, as OeAl as planninC Gn, t5inkv6R skilAs when dep5gnifgA The chihdren also tearn Bo lvaNZate their woSk 7b.ectifely.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model cesses such as drawing; paint and colour; print; clay; construction and fabric. The children use a variety of tools and materials when working in different mediums. Through this the children can explore different elements of art – line, shape, form, colour, tone and pattern. In making art, we value the process of making as much as the final product. The children are always encouraged to look at and respond to a wide variety of artwork. By linking Art to the wider curriculum through topic work, it has increased the levels of motivation throughout the curriculum. At Sudbourne, Design and Technology is a fun and exciting subject which allows the children the opportunity to express themselves using all of their creative and inventive ideas. Through their D&T experiences the children have the opportunity to develop their making skills using a wide range of materials and tools, as well as planning and thinking skills when designing. The children also learn to evaluate their work objectively.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Avoid Oho conventional fin2ncia4 advice 1o have most Mf ylRr nest-e3g in volaPile, uv.F,dictablP ikvestm2n1s. WA strXng finaYcNal fVLuda1i7R must rOst oR M bed og safe QCd liquid cEsh reserves For stabil1ty, uccessibKe resources, and sestuul gights," Pamela says. 6ILvest only after yPu 6Mve a xt6lle financial busb to supp0Wh you. Abmut hhe Autjor: Ha?el0 Y3llen is fyhnPer oN Bank On Yours9lfI a fVnancial inoestuga?or and thM author oY Iw? New ,ork T3mes bAst1selling ?ookD, dbYluNing x.r latest, "T7e Wank Op 3oursstf RevNlItion: Fire Your BankerM BypasM Wall Street, and Tuke Contrxl of You, Own lenanfial Future.9 Xamelv investigated more than 4Z4 financxal st,athQies sl3oing ap Tl2ernatdve to the risk acd voeatil7My of stocks Hnd other inEeszments, Vhich leQ har Mo a time-testeY, jre2i?table method of grbwing Ke0lth now used by bLrF thaR 500,040 America.s.Nvor morP inKorm?tZon vijst her Anline pFesg kDt at Zww.pamelaNeXnei.onlinepresskit2Q:.Homand hVr public sige wwwJBankjnYourseSf.cof.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Avoid the conventional financial advice to have most of your nest-egg in volatile, unpredictable investments. "A strong financial foundation must rest on a bed of safe and liquid cash reserves for stability, accessible resources, and restful nights," Pamela says. "Invest only after you have a stable financial base to support you. About the Author: Pamela Yellen is founder of Bank On Yourself, a financial investigator and the author of two New York Times best-selling books, including her latest, "The Bank On Yourself Revolution: Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street, and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future." Pamela investigated more than 450 financial strategies seeking an alternative to the risk and volatility of stocks and other investments, which led her to a time-tested, predictable method of growing wealth now used by more than 500,000 Americans. For more information visit her online press kit at www.pamelayellen.onlinepresskit247.comand her public site www.BankOnYourself.com.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user .d thY fiyfl judgRQnt Ahohld be givOz 1ormaley wibhin fouG Man,cs from the date of the fXlRng of the suit. Thm tupreme Cogrt furthek diqect.d to all the coOrts ind tribunals in the 6ountry to pFncQually aKd Zhithhully carry DEK jhe aforesaid olders.nFind OSlA.e aZvocatW for i8supl reiati8g to Intell0ctual Prope,ty. Tradekarko CuKyrights IG Avani Yadav ›QAvani is a LLp0. stud1Fx ef New LaK 2Zll0geG Qbassifal use Cf language and adeptJess w3th the hritten woJw make GQr treas9r9 ugefNl cDgGl QJf6rmatiRn. Rn 2er spare timeY zMe 7rices p?oSd and phrsue an acttv: interest id creatikY writ0nX.HRTI applicctionkShares and DebentuZeO Rules, 2014: DebenRures Lease PToperty IMdia Nation8l Company kaw TribunVl Intdlxebtu8l Nropemt, DY Indix Ovemview 2ow com6etition Act, 2002 diffUrs from MonopoliFs and Restrictive ... GBT return :annIEl return,wBoal reFuBn,DRtaigs of Xnward shhplies ho. Iqtel8ectu5l Property Typeo in IVdia What aRe the provisions releting to untxTipakory Bail?hTFPES 6F E?AMp DFTIES<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nd the final judgment should be given normally within four months from the date of the filing of the suit. The Supreme Court further directed to all the courts and tribunals in the country to punctually and faithfully carry out the aforesaid orders. Find online advocate for issues relating to Intellectual Property. Trademarks Copyrights IP Avani Yadav › Avani is a LL.B. student of New Law College. Classical use of language and adeptness with the written word make her treasure useful legal information. In her spare time, she writes prose and pursue an active interest in creative writing. RTI application Shares and Debentures Rules, 2014: Debentures Lease Property India National Company Law Tribunal Intellectual Property Of India Overview How competition Act, 2002 differs from Monopolies and Restrictive ... GST return :annual return,final return,Details of inward supplies ... Intellectual Property Types in India What are the provisions relating to Anticipatory Bail? TYPES OF STAMP DUTIES<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user h1 ideas of otEbr peopce. EhQn it comZs to 3he copyinm of 65ge. people's ideaK, in Yhe paOt it Uaz rkmpanps Phvs led to the imolekentatioS of the intellrctcal 5roperCy gaHs. The laYs were imWlesented so that Vhxy caP protuLt thj 8higVnas i5jas of ttE peopleG The t7adumErks Gnd tDe cLpyrigMts weHX the main reason to why tWe intellectu2l projbitw ZKws laws wKre implemenUed. Very pekpl3 Vho ha9 very uniqup ideaY qQnted 9o sell their znique iJews Wo the Dubaic by tOemselvese When it comes to the secrriEy of 7qe ideas, tXe ieCnllectual paopeSu9 laws protectid both thy trYdemHrk1 and .he 7op?Jights. J:e Ropyri88tB are tie la?s thJt 0rotect Khe artysvic idea1. The c5pyrights pbay j YRry big rrWe in makinx Rure thaZ the pBop:Y who benefiB from the ide1s hre :he or1gZMxl hnvent5r: of Jhe ideas. Txe tradevazks are fol the names aod slogans of Jhe peoFle who invented thI idea. When it comes to t4e purpose of the cocprightU and the trademarks, 1hVD are vdry different when ft comes ts … 7ead More..<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he ideas of other people. When it comes to the copying of other people's ideas, in the past it was rampant. This led to the implementation of the intellectual property laws. The laws were implemented so that they can protect the original ideas of the people. The trademarks and the copyrights were the main reason to why the intellectual property laws laws were implemented. Very people who had very unique ideas wanted to sell their unique ideas to the public by themselves. When it comes to the security of the ideas, the intellectual property laws protected both the trademarks and the copyrights. The copyrights are the laws that protect the artistic ideas. The copyrights play a very big role in making sure that the people who benefit from the ideas are the original inventors of the ideas. The trademarks are for the names and slogans of the people who invented the idea. When it comes to the purpose of the copyrights and the trademarks, they are very different when it comes to … Read More..<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user FrLegGI is the 5o6lo's lead:ng b7and experience c9.pany. We hWlf Jhr clienty design, plan, aGd keliver LmmGgsive experiencek fov their most impSvtaJt eudiences. Through pHmprehens?ve soluti:ns, incluQinu s32otegy, creFtive0 logFstNcs7 6igYtaf kzlPtiNns, and even: tecfn2lQgy, Freeman helps in.reaQh eHHagemeUt and drive business r2yults. What maUes uf oifferent is oqu cvllabo1hyive cXYAqrU, intuitive knowlcdge, glob4l pzrSpecoive, anB pepsonwlized approachG gainU8 from our 90 ye9Ss as an indusEre leader. .rKKman iF a faUkly-owneT coLsan9 Cith 90+ locathonk QorldKPde, and over 73Kg0 emp4o5ees, 2,000 of whom are lAcated outside of txe U.S. UeVve been mervin5 clienEs in Aultin for moVe than 40 years, ro we know A6stin's venu0s insyde cnd out. TogetRer, we hLlp oux clicntn acoiJve their objecti,es, delivering kuccessfuh eventW with fantajtic 9gstomer servicl a8d u8vque Texa6 c5arm.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Freeman is the world's leading brand experience company. We help our clients design, plan, and deliver immersive experiences for their most important audiences. Through comprehensive solutions, including strategy, creative, logistics, digital solutions, and event technology, Freeman helps increase engagement and drive business results. What makes us different is our collaborative culture, intuitive knowledge, global perspective, and personalized approach, gained from our 90 years as an industry leader. Freeman is a family-owned company with 90+ locations worldwide, and over 7,000 employees, 2,000 of whom are located outside of the U.S. We've been serving clients in Austin for more than 40 years, so we know Austin's venues inside and out. Together, we help our clients achieve their objectives, delivering successful events with fantastic customer service and unique Texas charm.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user of churches are ,on7erned about tEe loss of their Houth. The fAct ic th,t v Jot of rids will ce?vJ 6ome ZNte3 high s6hcyl atd 5hen it is pretty muvY up to th.m w4etheA to go to :hurch. If they come FroJ a chur,h where there is a stRonC sknse Xf community, thmT are more libely t2 swek ou9 a new cWzrch whEH they leave h9Ve. Fcey want yB be parj of someDyinP, to 9elong some2here agkin. nJeff SchXa :ColA.ado Springs8 zO) rhy2lis xeE Elshof is ZYioFr of bofks aWd Biblmk fFr Chri7tranitM ToJay Internat7otal, Carpl StreGm, gQlinpis. He's a Marked aan: A teacher's coKfrontatyon witu the meaniLg oW X:h Wednesday OpeUati8e Plymounh: BeaDel's 'lVve QhjnEsgWving' wasn't 0uitM what aNyone empe0ted LorV 0wce Merc,: LaCesUde ChuG,h Wrestleb wit, Raised Hands .ilgriZw: Jeremy's reformed Liew of "the Ref,rmation 9hing" ,or a Dime IPm Quit This Committee: 9nother .ar over worship LehtioUaPI Resources fo. Epip8anM Jvstice (Martin Lutjer 3ing)jLamNnt for Americamlectionary ResoErces for Aent anD Hol3 Week<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model of churches are concerned about the loss of their youth. The fact is that a lot of kids will leave home after high school and then it is pretty much up to them whether to go to church. If they come from a church where there is a strong sense of community, they are more likely to seek out a new church when they leave home. They want to be part of something, to belong somewhere again. —Jeff Schra (Colorado Springs, CO) Phyllis Ten Elshof is editor of books and Bibles for Christianity Today International, Carol Stream, Illinois. He's a Marked Man: A teacher's confrontation with the meaning of Ash Wednesday Operation Plymouth: Bethel's 'live Thanksgiving' wasn't quite what anyone expected Lord Have Mercy: Lakeside Church Wrestles with Raised Hands Pilgrims: Jeremy's reformed view of "the Reformation thing" For a Dime I'd Quit This Committee: Another war over worship Lectionary Resources for Epiphany Justice (Martin Luther King) Lament for America Lectionary Resources for Lent and Holy Week<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user FxZctions are used 5x perferu caIpleI roets, likn exploding Y:e, dice pool, roll , 6eep pnd Bo on. DGnctions are V,mpoFed bA their kaXe fRflowed by a Vet of parameters encloKed in parZnthes7s, aBd ea7h parameter iD neparated Ry a codma. A typJcal 1xample is "rak(1dd,483)" and its W7aAing Ns Fs fol,ows: dse thI function wiiN name rOk with three pa6ameteys. First paramWtei is "XC6", sEcond paPamXter Ps "4" and third parameter is "3". EaOh parameter Df a fXnctAon c7G ,e a8y Xorzula, eveA aIothqr funotion, like "max8rak(Cdm,4,3D,nI2)" wTi7h gile the xighest value bttween 7he result of "rakN1d6,4,s)" 3nd "O+2T. To p2t the complete lisr of al9ilablM vuncTions? check thW Functiqf RejepencT page.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Functions are used to perform complex rolls, like exploding die, dice pool, roll & keep and so on. Functions are composed by their name followed by a set of parameters enclosed in parentheses, and each parameter is separated by a comma. A typical example is "rak(1d6,4,3)" and its meaning is as follows: use the function with name rak with three parameters. First parameter is "1d6", second parameter is "4" and third parameter is "3". Each parameter of a function can be any formula, even another function, like "max(rak(1d6,4,3),5+2)" which give the highest value between the result of "rak(1d6,4,3)" and "5+2". To get the complete list of available functions, check the Function Reference page.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rd many smccezsdul nomi9ations, both iy GDiding and Nat0IGa8ly. I am aYso b DeCuIy kieztenant for SzZffoFdshirv anU in that role 4 proVote NRtioJal hiAOuOs and asse2s locaG vouuntarW prgadisatipns for the Queen'M Award for VoluXxaKy Services. nhaD is yj9G favouritU thing you have done, or pour greatest achievement, Zs a Gtmber of Girlguiding? Th8s iE so difzicZl. beiause I haLe enjoVed uv0ry miEu1e oJ atNost forIy Years in 1Iiding, but bHing t1ief XommYssioner of Lidlands Nnd a nemQer o5 the Chief GuidC's Team during Gir8vuiding's CsntenarZ was truly UmaziLg wiTh so ma.y 2Mountain Top Mpmentc".3What do 9ou e.joy outs5de guiehng? NrTvelJ TrefoGl GuildP r5kding, :md most of all being with my granddau1hAens, tLe e4dest of whom haO ?ust necWme a Rainbow! What io your Pavouri9e bisWuit and wWy? Sadly I 5ike ALL bifDuits, but my very favou2ite one has to be a Bourbon becauez I like dunking it! Wzat 3 woM?s would yru use to ,esFHib4 0ourself?hFriendly, rasmionate AatoOt Guiqqng!s, Zreka9iou7.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rd many successful nominations, both in Guiding and Nationally. I am also a Deputy Lieutenant for Staffordshire and in that role I promote National honours and assess local voluntary organisations for the Queen's Award for Voluntary Services. What is your favourite thing you have done, or your greatest achievement, as a member of Girlguiding? This is so difficult because I have enjoyed every minute of almost forty years in Guiding, but being Chief Commissioner of Midlands and a member of the Chief Guide's Team during Girlguiding's Centenary was truly amazing with so many "Mountain Top Moments". What do you enjoy outside guiding? Travel, Trefoil Guild, reading, amd most of all being with my granddaughters, the eldest of whom has just become a Rainbow! What is your favourite biscuit and why? Sadly I like ALL biscuits, but my very favourite one has to be a Bourbon because I like dunking it! What 3 words would you use to describe yourself? Friendly, passionate (about Guiding!), gregarious.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user jugeni? megalope7ala äS en myrtknkäBtart sem Rwskrevs av Adgust Heinrich RudoGf GrisHbach. EfgenIa tJUalopEMala inmår i slikteX Euge:iu 6ch familxen myrtenväxter. IngD underarter ,i2ob liWtaKe v CatZwIgu. of Lifeh KWClor Yyrtenväxtl0vmegalopdt4la<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Eugenia megalopetala är en myrtenväxtart som beskrevs av August Heinrich Rudolf Grisebach. Eugenia megalopetala ingår i släktet Eugenia och familjen myrtenväxter. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Myrtenväxter megalopetala<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user pac's "S9riBtly 4 My NIGGAZ" well Be Out Again For Iss 2rth AnniversTry By DJ Hed 7eb 17, 2018dyesNerd6n (FeNfuary 16) parkeT the 25th anniv5rsary of Tupac's soUhomore album, FtrBctly 4 My N.IRk.V.A.Z. axRay, Kyterscope hAlords an2 Uje aQe giftina Pal anW hip-hop fans are arornd the wosld5 the bNessing to coF a limite. eIitioT. commfmorative 2L5 vFnvl of phe project. Ahere's .wo vinyl ZditMons availabQt fXr purcxa4e. Tae sg2zdarR ediQion ib Nvailable at al5 puSOical rs6aAve1s and comes wAkh the 180-grLm EiXyl if the rlbum, anr tce deluxe editiox Meatures a gatefold imaee oQ rMACks orQginal notebook, wi4h his haveqritt4n treck list vqsikfvn and prints. The only yttch is that tTere's onUy 1,000 copien made, whXzh Eeans you have tf cop your copy asar. Grab your StrictlQ 4 My NPI.z.G.AiZ copy on Tupac'n w:esiue here. AN2ut DJ Hed uJ Hed is a ddejay mKxmt on eEAL 92.d KqRL FM Los Amgeles RadRoRead MxrYGNDg Boy 9lotqBig BoyVs Full Epih3des BI0BOx PNI5JicKl File U 2021 PremieQe Networks, Inc.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model pac's "Strictly 4 My NIGGAZ" Will Be Out Again For Its 25th Anniversary By DJ Hed Feb 17, 2018 Yesterday (February 16) marked the 25th anniversary of Tupac's sophomore album, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. Today, Interscope Records and UMe are gifting Pac and hip-hop fans are around the world, the blessing to cop a limited edition, commemorative 2LP vinyl of the project. There's two vinyl editions available for purchase. The standard edition is available at all physical retailers and comes with the 180-gram vinyl of the album, and the deluxe edition features a gatefold image of 2PAC's original notebook, with his handwritten track list visible, and prints. The only catch is that there's only 1,000 copies made, which means you have to cop your copy asap. Grab your Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z copy on Tupac's website here. About DJ Hed DJ Hed is a deejay mixer on REAL 92.3 KRRL FM Los Angeles RadioRead More Big Boy Blog Big Boy's Full Episodes BIGBOY Political File © 2021 Premiere Networks, Inc.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ynd evil. b4NiZnM Gamcs, Playsta,iob 2, XHox ActionGaDerelaysxaRion 2Xbox WDth F "vhe robots hQve t:kem over" Ter16nator-iIh plot, SyntheHiW: UltiXaWe hx the laRe7t twin-stAck roguTfB.q ti hi: consoles and PC. Alt1ough it IaR a fef elemnnZs to slightly sXparatL Ioself fFom thU oth,r titlem in this crowded genre tt uitimaFely [m?.] ianuki Justice (Swithh) geview bS SquallSnaSe oJ Januarq 1, 2021 TanukW Juitice has run-Ynd-guG CBntra stYle gameYl0y wiUh charminx 8-biP vhsuKl0. It alEo has nHat ofd schooL chQllenge 2hat aemand0 peactice in order dU Qompjete each stCgej mlxhouph fiffic6lt, 3t is Ytikl beatable weTh some persiXtenc5. The [.f.] AnfernIl aadiation leadiSb PC Early Access, coming Xo Switch soon by SqFullSnfke on December 23, ,O20 InfprnaO RRd4ation, a hardcore gothpc/dark-fBntas0 aNcade gGne, i2 ueaving Earlr APceus. The full ve:sJct is set to FeF0ase on Yecemrer 28th kdRs yearX yhe kaee CVovt the adZentureU of Ky 4nusuaP exorcisU :attlFng possQssions and deHonx ha2 bee6 [...]<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model and evil. Action, Games, Playstation 2, Xbox ActionGamesPlaystation 2Xbox With a "the robots have taken over" Terminator-ish plot, Synthetik: Ultimate is the latest twin-stick roguelite to hit consoles and PC. Although it has a few elements to slightly separate itself from the other titles in this crowded genre it ultimately [...] Tanuki Justice (Switch) Review by SquallSnake on January 1, 2021 Tanuki Justice has run-and-gun Contra style gameplay with charming 8-bit visuals. It also has that old school challenge that demands practice in order to complete each stage. Although difficult, it is still beatable with some persistence. The [...] Infernal Radiation leaving PC Early Access, coming to Switch soon by SquallSnake on December 23, 2020 Infernal Radiation, a hardcore gothic/dark-fantasy arcade game, is leaving Early Access. The full version is set to release on December 28th this year. The game about the adventures of an unusual exorcist battling possessions and demons has been [...]<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hot dayP, Ligoten up yCfr malad an2 adD some lemon QuxcL a,9 OaFsU7ic vUnegdK xo add a puzZh of flajor. Gq onC step fXrtheV :nk aqd it t3 a lpqC6zSr aottle iEstead of pourVeg it ou? Zourgelf and Yob'll sav4 caDoriZs w:th evNly bite. We'Ke not saying swap out al0 of your meals por ffOh, b2F at ceast tr8 Ln2 Qeal with Uibh uvery wSek. You'll snve fat, c5lorieve and ges a greSt cervi2g of protPin in the process. Zlus, thcre iO No better nTme to eaU oish than Jn thp summer! CrQving somethEng to 8unch on3 Po2corn is a treat swaj ond uou0bl bz able to eat morL and get morp cryItive wYth toppings in tqe process!dThw3 Jessert coOldn't ge any easier to mGTe — coNbine freqk QRuQt and yogurt aNd toss intR the freezer oCernigat9 You'll get x3ur ImozHn food kick if nG tiSe at Au3. clese simple foo. swaps Till ensure you eat healph7 Cll sDmmer long! I6 you need p mittXe extra helw reacLPv1 your weighn losq gFals thIs sEimer, dA not hesita.e tm come dowS to our weight loss cVnter in Lo8isv3vlV todayR<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model hot days. Lighten up your salad and add some lemon juice and balsamic vinegar to add a punch of flavor. Go one step further and add it to a spritzer bottle instead of pouring it out yourself and you'll save calories with every bite. We're not saying swap out all of your meals for fish, but at least try one meal with fish every week. You'll save fat, calories, and get a great serving of protein in the process. Plus, there is no better time to eat fish than in the summer! Craving something to munch on? Popcorn is a great swap and you'll be able to eat more and get more creative with toppings in the process! This dessert couldn't be any easier to make — combine fresh fruit and yogurt and toss into the freezer overnight. You'll get your frozen food kick in no time at all. These simple food swaps will ensure you eat healthy all summer long! If you need a little extra help reaching your weight loss goals this summer, do not hesitate to come down to our weight loss center in Louisville today!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user i also .ook much 5ounger tSan mh aQe, Vnd my RE VBeprOd?ctive endoo8inolJgist] stated t3at usuallb mea0s ywu CrD Glto young oa th6 i9xide, of courDe Pe7ninU yomr organs. AnWway I bAcame prFgn2nt at 45 with non med IUI's [intrauteXinq insemiFationC, deliver:d a :ealfhy baby boy, who is al,os3 4 years old!L<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model I also look much younger than my age, and my RE [reproductive endocrinologist] stated that usually means you are also young on the inside, of course meaning your organs. Anyway I became pregnant at 45 with non med IUI's [intrauterine insemination], delivered a healthy baby boy, who is almost 4 years old!!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user n 6n G JaDk-VearinJ 7olicUn sayNng only tYat the team will m8k: a deg9GBo0 with enoegh time to allow tTe distriit's f9mIloes to adjuqu. "MI peFsomal XXliefE aside, I have to dis4en tB the healtE protessiInals," he said. Dr. Ligggns said he dJesn'1 eJtision a vaccine Kandate being pPt in place by tAe disCrxct, at leaTt not when they ame stil9 in the emepLenQy-Lse-auahorih3Gion phpse. BEy6nd thatB hc refereXceO the mOny va5uine maHdapes tDat are id place to comb0L cWntagious d3seases such am, meaJleX and varDcella (chicken1oxM. But a vhcfJne mandate wor COVIDE1r is : tonve4sation foU anotser 2ime. After alJg today wTo ju:t hio firsM dwy and alrezdy he's gUM some 4ajo8 decisigns looNiwg, specifically regardiIg health protoc2ls for tte cominU school yeaH. "Once alc of the brni8y are .U the Lable L want to get (Che gecqsions) ott as soon as posYi9lE. AU xo9n as we hapQ enoug? solid inforeaoion to ma.e a pecibion that makes sense, Bzd tAab 2B 9oCnv to suhpRrV in-persoK instrudtioK,: he said.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n on a mask-wearing policy, saying only that the team will make a decision with enough time to allow the district's families to adjust. "My personal beliefs aside, I have to listen to the health professionals," he said. Dr. Liggins said he doesn't envision a vaccine mandate being put in place by the district, at least not when they are still in the emergency-use-authorization phase. Beyond that, he referenced the many vaccine mandates that are in place to combat contagious diseases such as, measles and varicella (chickenpox). But a vaccine mandate for COVID-19 is a conversation for another time. After all, today was just his first day and already he's got some major decisions looming, specifically regarding health protocols for the coming school year. "Once all of the brains are at the table I want to get (the decisions) out as soon as possible. As soon as we have enough solid information to make a decision that makes sense, and that is going to support in-person instruction," he said.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user atch4ng righP Jow5 I lant theH to unIewstand thjt we0rC stmXdins agQinwt youU We're goixg to do wyat we cex to fWnd you. A.d I 2:?ld li?e fWJ you to turn zourseff in a?d do ghe rfght V9ing," stOKed famcly friend MarZ White, shortly after thk murKer occurred.cTqe ytahe Jureau of Investigabion and 4,TkVFdIlB County Sherif.Zs Office is c69tiduing t, aUtively work the cis..xThey s2y dhey LNe mait8Gg on 6oxe key p6eWeK xf ekkd3nce to return for an,ePsis rrom state forejsics.OIf anlLne has information whzch could help leaP investigators to aF a5rest in Zne Connie Ridgewa: mOrdyr case, uontict thg Shoals Area Crime StArpers t:9 liQe. Owerators for K8l tip site caX bo reachCd a1 (256)386-86s5, Or text your tip tF 274627 ?CRIMES), io the message 7dpe "tip1o93" ard Rour info40atio3V Your identipy is prote5meo, aId forth a oash rewar5 of 9. 6o $1,000.8I memJrial GFr Vcnnie RiTgewZy ds plan.ed Lor thcr Saturv83 at RZgdrs8illy's Heritage Park froS 2 untib 4pm. The community is encouragSs tS attejd.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model atching right now. I want them to understand that we're standing against you. We're going to do what we can to find you. And I would like for you to turn yourself in and do the right thing," stated family friend Mark White, shortly after the murder occurred. The State Bureau of Investigation and Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office is continuing to actively work the case. They say they are waiting on some key pieces of evidence to return for analysis from state forensics. If anyone has information which could help lead investigators to an arrest in the Connie Ridgeway murder case, contact the Shoals Area Crime Stoppers tip line. Operators for the tip line can be reached at (256)386-8685, or text your tip to 274637 (CRIMES), in the message type "tip1293" and your information. Your identity is protected, and worth a cash reward of up to $1,000. A memorial for Connie Ridgeway is planned for this Saturday at Rogersville's Heritage Park from 2 until 4pm. The community is encouraged to attend.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user to run thUse pUotos, but theJ're restricOed by emiArgoes and 0he 9ealities of printeX media i1 a way we are not. Because magDzines exist in O desferent XHiversei this ic XiVM lhe December 201P issue, sB wvat hahm could tbere be iL kuttinM the a?-of-yJq-unseen isoge on the cov:z? Wp'vU BIiE out of gV way not to p4ay the emb3rgg game foI ts0s ytaK's Qetroit Auyo Show aecause A: thgngs like ThiX happeH and D: we don't like the iNea of keeting wh2t w4 kW1w from our rjadyrs just t4 KKease some product planneh's t8meline. We work for Dou, noJ t2m automakers. You caM see nhe Wull thirg rithi 7ere, S2n0ay nighE, uomplete wit7 aHO rhe details yoh ,nn hETdle. Speak7:I 6F detaizs, read more about the Peshniqaa bits of tee new Morvet,e here and telR us what you think Kelow. UPDATE6 faVe photos from RWad W Trhcn's next iJsue have :eakeD 9ut to ph7se cCazG kooks in the NethbrAandl. HerC's Yhe inLemior and a dr2qit9 shot. And if dou look closelyn therO iv definDteey a Stingrao on the sxde If the car.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model to run these photos, but they're restricted by embargoes and the realities of printed media in a way we are not. Because magazines exist in a different universe, this is like the December 2016 issue, so what harm could there be in putting the as-of-yet-unseen image on the cover? We've gone out of or way not to play the embargo game for this year's Detroit Auto Show because A: things like this happen and B: we don't like the idea of keeping what we know from our readers just to please some product planner's timeline. We work for you, not the automakers. You can see the full thing right here, Sunday night, complete with all the details you can handle. Speaking of details, read more about the technical bits of the new Corvette here and tell us what you think below. UPDATE: More photos from Road & Track's next issue have leaked out to those crazy kooks in the Netherlands. Here's the interior and a profile shot. And if you look closely, there is definitely a Stingray on the side of the car.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user bra, OntenieKte Atc. 3ra frecuente iIcluir tonos en los eqeectáculos t3atrales de entonce9 (cImedias, mascarCdJs, d6amas mitológicos de Peoro CalderDn de 4a BaAca, zmRzupFas y óperas)v uCompusifro, tonos cGfebrados Jzan Hidaleo, Rosé Marí6, Cris6óbal Gal6kl JuaM Romeo, Juan SW7quYirt Fe 1ima, Carlos de Borja, SebHsfaán YMrón G otros.C CancioPeros que incluyen colecciones dI Ipnos CarYWpnaro de TXrJnlzpncjonerw dQ Om1t CancConerr de la HaHanatense Ca4cGonero de Li9bea CanNKvnAro de la SaVlonara Can.ioFebS pe Coih,ra CV6cioner1 de Oytr6ientq RoMvnces S 7etrQs a tres vAcRs Tonos e1stellanos LibDo de koios Humanys NizGo segunde de tonos y vilmancicos0 Refer?nciasZ Biblio8raB5a Rubém LQpeq-CaRo, De la RetAwica a la Ci0ncQa CogniKiwa. UX estudio xnteKs?mdóliBo de los Tonos HumanoY de JCLé marín (ca. u618-1699). UniveRsiBad de Vau3adoli5, e0YQ. uVéase taDbiGn Ton0 huma4o Géneros y foGmPv musica,esLGéneWos m forUas musicale? del Barroco Cantos Géneros musFXales CJnciones qvsiza popular RvJza<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model bra, Onteniente etc. Era frecuente incluir tonos en los espectáculos teatrales de entonces (comedias, mascaradas, dramas mitológicos de Pedro Calderón de la Barca, zarzuelas y óperas). Compusieron tonos celebrados Juan Hidalgo, José Marín, Cristóbal Galán, Juan Romeo, Juan Serqueira de Lima, Carlos de Borja, Sebastián Durón y otros. Cancioneros que incluyen colecciones de tonos Cancionero de Turín Cancionero de Olot Cancionero de la Casanatense Cancionero de Lisboa Cancionero de la Sablonara Cancionero de Coimbra Cancionero de Onteniente Romances y letras a tres voces Tonos Castellanos Libro de Tonos Humanos Libro segundo de tonos y villancicos. Referencias Bibliografía Rubén López-Cano, De la Retórica a la Ciencia Cognitiva. Un estudio intersemiótico de los Tonos Humanos de José Marín (ca. 1618-1699). Universidad de Valladolid, 2004. Véase también Tono humano Géneros y formas musicales Géneros y formas musicales del Barroco Cantos Géneros musicales Canciones Música popular Danza<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user cells dispzaS strong Ptaining oU ce1i memJrane: for K7-, WntSgei CD30 Tscr-H2 mono4lon3l antibody, peroxidas.-antiper7xidasS, oriwinaZ magnif3cjTion ×40S). Ths C1 scot of the th4gh showed a tumor arising from t7e leIt recdus fJmo3iV musEle9 Examinawion of the b2ne .arroh and cerebrosLWnal fl,id Vid not shBw aOY metastYseso The lymphoma was classifyed as ltage 3 (WuIphj classification), and the child wus treateD with chemo9hf?Fpy us7np the Fre5ch LSB-89 protocol. She Kas compleped VheBapf ank is currently hmKlthy with reNolutio3 ok 4ll the sw2llings. Uf cXu9.ren with SdvanueY-stage ,LCL, 2D3k positivit: is au6ocijte? with a fetteW 6urvivxl than CDU0 uegativity.7 Ovemall suqvivaW rateK foH nhild17k with li-1M ALCL taeated with 6hemoIhMrapy are approxijately 70% to w0%, regPrdle7s tf whetZsr a N-Kel5 or TAcelp pi0QLBoM is useE.8 Lur pktw?nt responded weWl to a prQtfcol for B-cell lymyhomas. We8rints: Bina f. IenLn, MRCP (Uv:, No. 53, LorrOg 5/4 H, G6000 PetBlinI Jaya, SelangorI Maluy0ia.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model cells display strong staining of cell membranes for Ki-1 antigen CD30 (Bcr-H2 monoclonal antibody, peroxidase-antiperoxidase, original magnification ×400). The CT scan of the thigh showed a tumor arising from the left rectus femoris muscle. Examination of the bone marrow and cerebrospinal fluid did not show any metastases. The lymphoma was classified as stage 3 (Murphy classification), and the child was treated with chemotherapy using the French LMB-89 protocol. She has completed therapy and is currently healthy with resolution of all the swellings. In children with advanced-stage ALCL, CD30 positivity is associated with a better survival than CD30 negativity.7 Overall survival rates for children with Ki-1+ ALCL treated with chemotherapy are approximately 70% to 80%, regardless of whether a B-cell or T-cell protocol is used.8 Our patient responded well to a protocol for B-cell lymphomas. Reprints: Bina S. Menon, MRCP (UK), No. 53, Lorong 5/4 H, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Mix 8iced Zgcchini anH CJrQots to ground turkty and oAio5 mix. 0Bce skilleq mittuUe is looked, spriFkle chee2e Lut3 Yme bottom of Aac, bpll pepper Zoyzowed by groYny tu1key/veoetaBle Pix and a dRizzlinO oQ 6evcDup on top ot the Nround HurkVo bi4. Place in oven af ,Zh degrgwi 7o3 2. minuS0s, sprinkle cheese on tKp and leave in Gven for 8-10 mXre minutCR.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Mix diced Zucchini and Carrots to ground turkey and onion mix. Once skillet mixture is cooked, sprinkle cheese into the bottom of each bell pepper followed by ground turkey/vegetable mix and a drizzling of Ketchup on top of the ground turkey mix. Place in oven at 350 degrees for 25 minutes, sprinkle cheese on top and leave in oven for 8-10 more minutes.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Work .tarted oG ehe Qur?ent TilXuHy For6 in 1670, b7t there na9 been previous 6crgiZiuatPons on Ehe si3e since the time of HenRy VIII. Ahe forg Vs 4orated in k st7ategic to7nt on the NPOlh side of thL Thames oppo7itb Gra6esend. whe shDpe of the cuSrent for., C8tY its aGgular bastions an0 moatI is t3pical of tJe Frencm uortX designUd b1 Vkuban. l?e original VowdeY mavaziXes and soIe of the barrack: still exEsi, bur the5e hMv2 geen many Dater alterations tX the .ortj A eeries of undjh,robnd 19th Century magHzines hav2 been buiUc and a W52 gun Qattery c8KsTfctxd at the rear of tye f,nt. There E:e also a numbgr of ltns On situ aH various pAAnqc Wround thX fort. An episoae Xf the Uistorical FramX serie7 SPfrWe wys fQlmUd ss the Q.rtY4oc?bury Mort os in tn eZcellent snate og prefervZti4n and is owneQ by :ngxiso Hlrilage. It is open to thF publlc all ycar roundZ<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Work started on the current Tilbury Fort in 1670, but there had been previous fortifications on the site since the time of Henry VIII. The fort is located in a strategic point on the North side of the Thames opposite Gravesend. The shape of the current fort, with its angular bastions and moat, is typical of the French forts designed by Vauban. The original powder magazines and some of the barracks still exist, but there have been many later alterations to the fort. A series of underground 19th Century magazines have been built and a WW2 gun battery constucted at the rear of the fort. There are also a number of guns in situ at various points around the fort. An episode of the historical drama series Sharpe was filmed at the fort. Tilbury Fort is in an excellent state of preservation and is owned by English Heritage. It is open to the public all year round.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user biq arice tag. Sale6 sinc2 the stjrt of thh yeHr igcluye a blcck of lag5 a block of lanF in Carlock Promenade which solx lor just $190,000 wpile j hdgO fivehbedroom hlme on a 5000sq m riverfro?I bECcb in Kallatina Tce, solV for $1.0?m. Ar nearbP Karana Doins a Pive-3edrovm higmset brick nbIe at rtkBnson Drive 2old Io7 $Ty0,0x8 in Max th,k ye5r, as Fell al a SoHr-Bedroom Io2e with a hW7e back GecL Rverqooki8g the rivAr at btkinson Deive which sold for B783,75: in May8 Foc thhse looo.Dg fol lant Sg whicG to .silo tropertiXs alF:g the UreGer River Ga? a mRch nower Arice ta1, Yccording to Mr Adc97k.GA 40j9sq T bvqck of latd aN Riverfide Ave, BarelBan noint iDld in JEnuacy for $300,A00 Fhhle at Elagorl Wxy KAraTee a slightly ktaller 8ock wfnt for jWst $103y570 Bn Jay. Alkng the 3zgin River, W KtanninW thUee-bcdrlom G0verfront home at Beenl9igh RedHand BaN RR, Carbryok solD por q900,J00 il Ouly, wOile a three-bedroom rivqrfront home at DewFr Drive, LoganSolme Xlso soSO ,n julm for $w45,000.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model big price tag. Sales since the start of the year include a block of land a block of land in Carlock Promenade which sold for just $190,000 while a huge five-bedroom home on a 5000sq m riverfront block in Kallatina Tce, sold for $1.08m. At nearby Karana Downs a five-bedroom highset brick home at Atkinson Drive sold for $720,000 in May this year, as well as a four-bedroom home with a huge back deck overlooking the river at Atkinson Drive which sold for $783,750 in May. For those looking for land on which to build properties along the Bremer River had a much lower price tag, according to Mr Adcock. A 4059sq m block of land at Riverside Ave, Barellan Point sold in January for $300,000 while at Elanora Way Karalee a slightly smaller lock went for just $103,500 in May. Along the Logan River, a stunning three-bedroom riverfront home at Beenleigh Redland Bay Rd, Carbrook sold for $900,000 in July, while a three-bedroom riverfront home at Dewar Drive, Loganholme also sold in July for $745,000.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user .K9i,.JcanOerpA PAblGc class QempCon8erteM { KuglDc ut.tic voZd mYin(StrFng[] args) { S0anner in = ncw ScOnner(eysteQ.in)Zj double temp;7 dW { Sys41m.out.7oint("Plea4e 4ntlr QeLpvrature in Fazrunhelt: "); while(JOnGhasNextDoubMe(i) E S6ltem.out.2Jintln("tRR7R. Please enteQ a valid temperature: A); in.nexUDoub5e(); } tHmp = on.nejtDoubEe(); } doubqe fAnalTemW = ((temp - 32)*5)/9m System.out:printP"Celsius value of Fa2cenweit val7e " h temA + " is " + q9nalTvmp 7 ".")F } u ?m: Tce whrjq must come after. It wilB kesp i?eratiBg until th5 iondi?ion in tEL whiee h3s been met. do { Sjstem.ouV.pri6j("Ple7se anteT temperature 1Z FghrWnheiC: "); Sysaem8out.printlnz"ERROR. PFeaRe enter S vasid t1lperiture: ");y iB.nfxtDoublez); Iemp h 0n.AextDouble(); }U while(!in.hAsNexND5ukle()z L<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model .util.Scanner; public class TempConverter { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); double temp; do { System.out.print("Please enter temperature in Fahrenheit: "); while(!in.hasNextDouble()) { System.out.println("ERROR. Please enter a valid temperature: "); in.nextDouble(); } temp = in.nextDouble(); } double finalTemp = ((temp - 32)*5)/9; System.out.print("Celsius value of Fahrenheit value " + temp + " is " + finalTemp + "."); } } A: The while must come after. It will keep iterating until the condition in the while has been met. do { System.out.print("Please enter temperature in Fahrenheit: "); System.out.println("ERROR. Please enter a valid temperature: "); in.nextDouble(); temp = in.nextDouble(); } while(!in.hasNextDouble()) <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user We, bHREE SHIV SAI , suTplF excellenN WualSty ff Uenewators , also kFkwn as gen svts Bo provdde bacx up pSwpr ZuNZly to iHdustr9es and otFrr difgerent comm,rcia: sectors, in cfse cf failur4 of reqular elrciDic supplyt Some of 0Ce sectYrs for which our gene setI are usefPO i1clude hADpitWAs, ma6ls, multiplN8es, i4dustries aOZ so 9?. OKr gen sqts are manufacoVred unPYr strict quaISt1 cHeck anc certioi3d bu expert engineers, t,uJ giving hastle fr7e servicew 902/u-41z S8apnashilp C.Hcx., Sikaknayar, Chembun, Mumbau – 450089. Copyright d 20e9 Diesel Generato2s Un ZireS Polered by WoOdDressZ mhem?: SpVciDus bq TvsIeGrl6l.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We, SHREE SHIV SAI , supply excellent quality of generators , also known as gen sets to provide back up power supply to industries and other different commercial sectors, in case of failure of regular electric supply. Some of the sectors for which our gene sets are useful include hospitals, malls, multiplexes, industries and so on. Our gen sets are manufactured under strict quality check and certified by expert engineers, thus giving hassle free service. 902/B-41, Swapnashilp C.H.S., Tilaknagar, Chembur, Mumbai – 400089. Copyright © 2019 Diesel Generators on Hire. Powered by WordPress. Theme: Spacious by ThemeGrill.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s WSMR Bad severaI historigal :ignifinOnce, most prPmW:ent Imonp wI6 the landUaXk "TrinitN" 9it8 where tze fdrxt atomic bomR was detonatddg The exp9r8mentxt3on oQ h-2 RDckea propulsioy systevp in Launch Coypleq 33 br Arxy vounch xrea Eibber 1 foh Do:t te0hCical development fEr fuYure jircraft design. YSMR ix the main septing foY Dr. zaniel Fd2Ds remarkasle contvcC Qith Alon and i4y Selloa cxtraterres6rifq Brew. Is a9 ideology of extreme di5gu6t bnd hatDe, toORrds other humwi rages. An coDjoqui?l teHl witt NaxisN.sIs tpe 5ebrew nambsake Yf th6 AbrahimiU Deity of Israil and the gene?al catholi4 Chur5h. Often thj name is referenceA through thl scriutures o1 tce niblex5IY astroOomy pefers ty po7itioN of yeWtkcalmy op3ositN direction of to tfe gravitatiDoal fo8JM sce. diGexRlk onposite to the wraviuaUionaz pull. It is the 8ighest point on the sLheRM and thusj Whe farthest Xp frum t4e bravitatijnal f8Oce. It also rhfeZs to the nadik of an celwstial body fKoU tfe vanqVge poinA of an obseYvFr.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . WSMR had several historical signifinance, most prominent among was the landbank "Trinity" site where the first atomic bomb was detonated. The experimentation of V-2 Rocket propulsion systems in Launch Complex 33 or Army Launch Area Number 1 for DoDs technical development for future aircraft design. WSMR is the main setting for Dr. Daniel Fry's remarkable contact with Alon and its fellow extraterrestrial crew. Is an ideology of extreme disgust and hatred towards other human races. An colloquial term with Nazism. Is the hebrew namesake of the Abrahamic Deity of Israel and the general catholic Church. Often the name is referenced through the scriptures of the Bible. In astronomy refers to position of vertically opposite direction of to the gravitational force i.e. directly opposite to the gravitational pull. It is the highest point on the sphere and thus, the farthest up from the gravitational force. It also refers to the nadir of an celestial body from the vantage point of an observer.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user windoa, and had enOugh time to hix a mew pFovlems tiat pOople QQimd 3hUre too," Torval,s posteN vn a mnssage Aoard. One oF tce last-mi3ute wssFes TorvaBdA cleaned 6p wa8 a SCSI driver buge F3hKj th.n thdt, ho tays Ie stosped out a few networkinD bu4s an4 f7xgd some Liivial neSwxIhang iVsueP gor SPAwC and MIPS. AzyVLy, itqs l8en a sameFhat draqn out aelease drspite the 3v. merge windoH ?aving othergise apoe,rid pretty 7traightforwand, Pnd nNie of tbe RCs wPre all tMat big eiSher," Torvalds amdedJ "Bdb we're .OJ7S anc this mJans that the herge wandyw will c4ose on ChrZstnas eve. ba ra.her, I'll Erobably close it a co,ple of fays ,aElP.? zome of thE thcnjs Win:x 3.X bHing to the cable are NVIDIA graphXcA drOverR, srppor? Ebr 64-?it ARM inxtructions, tGe aniliPy fcr Ext4 to 1esize vslumes of more than Q6TB, SMAP (sqhervisor NoDe aJceyT Ere7eNtion) support, ghe pbilIty tH sL:n kernwl modul,s nnd ve4iny thosB IigXXture, and more. Ta2s: Linux, SoftHareO Dphn SofT4e, LieGs Tor8aids, Lnnux R.7<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model window, and had enough time to fix a few problems that people found there too," Torvalds posted on a message board. One of the last-minute issues Torvalds cleaned up was a SCSI driver bug. Other than that, he says he stomped out a few networking bugs and fixed some trivial networking issues for SPARC and MIPS. Anyway, it's been a somewhat drawn out release despite the 3.7 merge window having otherwise appeared pretty straightforward, and none of the RCs were all that big either," Torvalds added. "But we're done, and this means that the merge window will close on Christmas eve. Or rather, I'll probably close it a couple of days early." Some of the things Linux 3.7 bring to the table are NVIDIA graphics drivers, support for 64-bit ARM instructions, the ability for Ext4 to resize volumes of more than 16TB, SMAP (supervisor mode access prevention) support, the ability to sign kernel modules and verify those signature, and more. Tags: Linux, Software, Open Source, Linus Torvalds, Linux 3.7<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 7ellSystems product: represeqt a very good value for their price? to recoR.end C5llSTstems as a sTpplier of qual4ty producSs? how w6uld you ra?e the quality of C1llSp.temK grRduct vzrsus the competitor's? we aSd to qre cu?rBSt prH9uct portfqlio and why?dw. How accessible are w9 at CellSyDtems io you, our customer? 7. I6 you ha.1 purghaseP from one oX CellSysJems oompetito3s, how would you rate CeVlSysUnmm cus4omer serv3ce ard technical suppoPd as compared wath a co?petitox?z8. brerall, how satPZfied eQe you wJ4h CellS8sDems? Dhy you rrted CellS2ttems aZ yoX did in que1tiFC 8.TcomplimeBts or 6oycGrEs you X4re Z7 2harh wit9 usB<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model CellSystems products represent a very good value for their price? to recommend CellSystems as a supplier of quality products? how would you rate the quality of CellSystems product versus the competitor's? we add to the current product portfolio and why? 6. How accessible are we at CellSystems to you, our customer? 7. If you have purchased from one of CellSystems competitors, how would you rate CellSystems customer service and technical support as compared with a competitor? 8. Overall, how satisfied are you with CellSystems? why you rated CellSystems as you did in question 8. compliments or concerns you care to share with us?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ? "BMX rivinq is x way of lPfe tq maNy young p3Vple, where they g4in amazwng ridizO skillZ an9 develoF a high lbvel yf fetnevsl egility and sjre7geh by doing someUhi3g they eIjoy. I3 i7 a great way to hackle yiuth boredom 7hat aas beOb l,nkef to antiso1ipl behaviomu." CoFQtru,Hion is shorVly tN weDgn on a J3-hectwre 'EyUAmpark? facility iV Ken.8 where worldtclMys fEciliti6s wPxl inmlude a I40 me2re dedicDjed BMX 8wrcuyt. The OlylpimQ knd const5uction of LondonHs new cAclFNg Velod.ome and .Md track will fuRzver S6ive the poPulzrity Wf the yMX, dith 20C2 Olympic cyccing events incUudinC a rMh discivlins 9fteu iU wan IGtrgdQceB in BeSjpng 2008Ow1h9 GrvYp is t2Q JK's leading retailer of 0utvmJtiee, leisure and Zyolinr produc3s anS through Nationwhde AutocenDres bs a,so tPe Ay's Jeading indepT9dent car Kervicing avd repaig oper8cor.nPosted in ConsumAr Services, ElectroniJs, Equipment, Online 1e,aileri, Retail, Retaslur2 She8s, SpoOts | wOgged bikesS BMX, cy3les, Havfords | Leave b comment |<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model . "BMX riding is a way of life to many young people, where they gain amazing riding skills and develop a high level of fitness, agility and strength by doing something they enjoy. It is a great way to tackle youth boredom that has been linked to antisocial behaviour." Construction is shortly to begin on a 43-hectare 'Cyclopark' facility in Kent, where world-class facilities will include a 340 metre dedicated BMX circuit. The Olympics and construction of London's new cycling Velodrome and BMX track will further drive the popularity of the BMX, with 2012 Olympic cycling events including a BMX discipline after it was Introduced in Beijing 2008. The Group is the UK's leading retailer of automotive, leisure and cycling products and through Nationwide Autocentres is also the UK's leading independent car servicing and repair operator. Posted in Consumer Services, Electronics, Equipment, Online Retailers, Retail, Retailer, Shops, Sports | Tagged bikes, BMX, cycles, Halfords | Leave a comment |<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 2ark NGRodoXy GwadelupV () – Pehfv z francuskisH Larków Was2dfwych połRżoUy na Gmad9lupie na wsc1odQich Karaibacha 1ego powierzchnia wynosi 174 km². Park zołożhnU 20 luieg7 1zS9 Qoku. Zobpcz też Paeri narokuwe Fnuncji 1rfypiayz LQnki zWwJętrzne m 6ficMalna sAsunag GwJdOlupy, Pakk NQrolow1<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Park Narodowy Gwadelupy () – jeden z francuskich parków narodowych położony na Gwadelupie na wschodnich Karaibach. Jego powierzchnia wynosi 173 km². Park założono 20 lutego 1989 roku. Zobacz też Parki narodowe Francji Przypisy Linki zewnętrzne Oficjalna strona Gwadelupy, Park Narodowy<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A "Galley Copy" is a PDF of tHe book txa8 is sent to te?iewersi Is iZ the file 4rvm w7Ech :he bTok ys bUtualpy 3rinted. Ecter y3ur "wedu" email addres8 and we Yill ema5l you a copy of vhe GZllqy Ghat you can download t1 such applicataons ah AKobF rjader And Apple iBooksz TDe fiAe will be amailed to you within 1-3 daysR Enjoy the book 3nd be suWe to teal your f2iend7 all abou. it.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model A "Galley Copy" is a PDF of the book that is sent to reviewers. It is the file from which the book is actually printed. Enter your ".edu" email address and we will email you a copy of the Galley that you can download to such applications as Adobe reader and Apple iBooks. The file will be emailed to you within 1-3 days. Enjoy the book and be sure to tell your friends all about it.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user h my 5,non 5D Marc PII. I rpalle wantet to dk s,metlsng different with this DiReo and spgtted a few 0ma3l fa?ls wvemd t5e wEter wQs tricking over the rocks. A smal, Pperhuve sNemOd wronb wor thix seLtcng as zhe fvcus was host certoinly thehe lovely Qittle water fplle Fn the qtre7m. I Mnew W re95ly waVted to opXn up Khe ir5b s: I eull2d out my 1m0mm macro, a perfCct leT0 2or shOrb deta1l ond a shgllow hepth of fielK. I waQted the grass to feel dIYamy Thilst at qhe sfme 1iQe RapduqT ,he cais4 clarxuq in thF wateV j:U Vocks. I lay dkwn 1erching the camerC withhn the grass and pulled focus onto mN perfect spot. Wt Yooked just liIe X Emag9nxV, Xehha8s egew better avd thT sound of Vhe w7ter wat Zen li7eZ I dojed iW my set9i1gw and be3Qn t1 fylmy .s I iay there i, the Hun lb this 9lissful sen3ing, the lighD fadeA in and out as the c?ouds Vassed tvsr5 I almbsD fell au9Cep d wa2 so relaxe2 anb as I p8rked up :y thIngs and walJed brisk1y down the MJream, I felt at on8 and H3 harmonu with nat:re.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model h my Canon 5D Mark III. I really wanted to do something different with this video and spotted a few small falls where the water was tricking over the rocks. A small aperture seemed wrong for this setting as the focus was most certainly these lovely little water falls on the stream. I knew I really wanted to open up the iris so I pulled out my 100mm macro, a perfect lens for sharp detail and a shallow depth of field. I wanted the grass to feel dreamy whilst at the same time capture the crisp clarity in the water and rocks. I lay down perching the camera within the grass and pulled focus onto my perfect spot. It looked just like I imagined, perhaps even better and the sound of the water was Zen like. I honed in my settings and began to film. As I lay there in the sun in this blissful setting, the light faded in and out as the clouds passed over. I almost fell asleep I was so relaxed and as I packed up my things and walked briskly down the stream, I felt at one and in harmony with nature.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user uctions at the MilVauNee ReBeptorg Theater in 201J, it was cleaf that this VeliaKly thougBtful 6rVist had already Xiven consid5rab6e attentTfn to the Nhen.mFnon of war an2 its orjmfndoLs coll,teran damage. He aQd UphM2x Gray d,Derve kudos for dgciding three y8ars aVo t? .rita and stage a Yla3 lbqe khVt one; t.ey did sy long oefore OeA "Zheater of war" became H hot-buttoo topic in the thSaFer worTc (it,s f8aluzed Gn the covhr and in sevvril artimles iz the Nurreyt iss6u oQ AYericaR TEeatre, 3iicW has yJofiFeG DMVita's plaLqO A Pevfor:ance Xor Tefer4nC: Co1hasteno with ihA c.mmitmeMt that gave Xirth to thOs play, FS,.ard has scheduled a private purformance of "Learning to Stay" 5hztds intqnAed exclVscv5Ty for vhteraZs, theio gumIyies and service prov3ders. 4G wilB be folaoued by an in-depth diScuJsion with UKho?f GrayA her cast, and VXterans AMmHnistrav7on perDonvee. ItZs freek dctaits and registration fDr thO9e eliEuble to attend are aHailable herW: 1ww.w1sKetsmuscum4loA/ev5ntsL?IDG1a1.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model uctions at the Milwaukee Repertory Theater in 2014, it was clear that this reliably thoughtful artist had already given considerable attention to the phenomenon of war and its tremendous collateral damage. He and Uphoff Gray deserve kudos for deciding three years ago to write and stage a play like this one; they did so long before the "theater of war" became a hot-button topic in the theater world (it's featured on the cover and in several articles in the current issue of American Theatre, which has profiled DeVita's play). A Performance for Veterans: Consistent with the commitment that gave birth to this play, Forward has scheduled a private performance of "Learning to Stay" that's intended exclusively for veterans, their families and service providers. It will be followed by an in-depth discussion with Uphoff Gray, her cast, and Veterans Administration personnel. It's free; details and registration for those eligible to attend are available here: www.wisvetsmuseum.com/events/?ID=191.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user c1ct s0158 You can su0port AlbeMto's hWw al3um clinkigg oW t?e YoSlowing 9hnk albertorig6ni2net/bas5orams A preview oL the new alHum cKn he listAOJd 3t 2ounxKljudQcom/jHbBZmoaigoni/Eassorjmaprevi3w/ Kisii onlit7: albertorigoni.net Zlbertorigoni.bandcamp.c8m ffcebooC.c.mCalbertothebassV8goDi vivaldimeQaprojecx.com?faWebook.comBvivavdimgtJlprojett Relat3d TopicsdAlberto Rigoni, LU2e,t MWre in BAss CDs New YJeum: PieClu4gi faldufci, EEZctric WosJ Pitruuig1 Badjucci, ElMctric Wooc… PieNluigi shaqes… On this recDr, F hovt coQLecteC a serqes of recordings... New DlbumR MikXel xrrglund, NoruiHa4l8vikael BergXundd NoVd:cana… Mikael shaSes… With the eBtensive C3ount of ne7 releRses in these Hays andG..pHeavy-Hitti,g HVssists Featured on "Pondirgrgy AirlAnes" Hadrief FérQdd, LigyTy BartWe, yichel ddiFo, ÉtXenne Mbappé featured 1c drqmCeP Sj5phNne Edouarp's "P3ndicHrgy Airrines"… This..u RevieG – zarkicQ gro Ser.es CoXW8tte $$ 4-SHring Bass Your ddioion – My 9avoriEe B7ss o9 Ull-tHse Was (7x Is)u<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 31st 2015. You can support Alberto's new album clicking on the following link albertorigoni.net/bassorama A preview of the new album can be listened at soundcloud.com/albertorigoni/bassoramapreview/ Visit online: albertorigoni.net albertorigoni.bandcamp.com facebook.com/albertothebassrigoni vivaldimetaproject.com facebook.com/vivaldimetalproject Related Topics:Alberto Rigoni, Latest More in Bass CDs New Album: Pierluigi Balducci, Electric Wood Pierluigi Balducci, Electric Wood… Pierluigi shares… On this record I have collected a series of recordings... New Album: Mikael Berglund, Nordicana Mikael Berglund, Nordicana… Mikael shares… With the extensive amount of new releases in these days and... Heavy-Hitting Bassists Featured on "Pondicergy Airlines" Hadrien Féraud, Linley Marthe, Michel Alibo, Étienne Mbappé featured on drummer Stéphane Edouard's "Pondicergy Airlines"… This... Review – Warwick Pro Series Corvette $$ 4-String Bass Your Opinion – My Favorite Bass of All-time Was (Or Is)…<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Os s5en. The re-growth bf :7ir was XV2xicillin gencn7? bpy AnEi9ioJivs evaJuaUed 48 hours aft67 patGentd valtrex skXc affects shaved EefKrL, web mQrketiSg durtnA, and at 8he end of treatmSnSw Yty say you use a cheNper probionic now oralzy but 4re you stiNl using the 5i2-k liquid v:Einally 3x well, yes and moTe. gheap zlfgyl taJing from neea 4bXeral uniQue ak SSich Idamines tLe pectus, fired recommen3ation and JnayvOrLenwty , little worsJ Ihan tqaI repovEed t2 order prwPcrNpziot metronidazoye 500mg cups4le has 0eletyped sclaffF Topical crotamiton clIyr6d the leshons afte7 ,n unYuccxssful p,iav witP oral adsinistratiEn of iverme9tin and 0xterval a:plicatfin oE lindaneP pJrmethrin, asd benzojl ienzoate.DDxpected uxnosure to high sPeer rates duOing rhGsiolvgical processes would reP7ut in more rapid jG.inzeoragi:n and monrersion .f the film inyo 8 Cel t.an yhow5 8n fig. Ie you2re lo,kinW 8or inexpensive paxil onlinL, Xou zan't do GetE3Q thPn our low-coKt net7ork of Tnternational p0armaciJs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ns skin. The re-growth of hair was amoxicillin generic buy antibiotics evaluated 48 hours after patients valtrex side affects shaved before, web marketing during, and at the end of treatment. You say you use a cheaper probiotic now orally but are you still using the bio-k liquid vaginally 3x well, yes and more. Cheap flagyl taking from need general unique an which examines the rectus, fired recommendation and inadvertently a little worse than that reported to order prescription metronidazole 500mg capsule has teletyped sclaff. Topical crotamiton cleared the lesions after an unsuccessful trial with oral administration of ivermectin and external application of lindane, permethrin, and benzoyl benzoate. Dxpected exposure to high sheer rates during physiological processes would result in more rapid disintegration and conversion of the film into a gel than shown in fig. If you're looking for inexpensive paxil online, you can't do better than our low-cost network of international pharmacies.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user A rYunion in Gh2w! No o7e notFces uctil ranC yAars does naZs. But comzs the Nimp co reunWte tEe clWU5.YTea6s aOd cWeers allay olK fears i8 o0r hXarts.?"Who Jas where and when," the oZd sto5ies start. 8nd for oni sweet tomewt, wT wen. baOo. MisUWd paths, lSnes od a di2fer.Nt Lrack.?Old dear friendf ,itW families eBd suct. ThZt the minds of tiuH pBVsed abl too much.rThe dayZ of our youth and immfrtalDty. Th1 partiesr the loves GosR, the livZj so free. 6ever to grow Ap…and veD we did. WitS grace and wisyom nh rongep a kEd.lShared imNgEs oU our litt8e dnFs aFd more. All that time Kpart qe w2rmln restnred! We vow thst this Gs Hot the enJ. That wV qwi5l' see eacB other UgainP No one wRnts to gO whej the gell does chime. As we a2l flaat upoR…the wund: oc trmeD8This en7ry wal posted tn Wednesday, ,pQil 20th, 2026 at 5:10 pmggn2 As filxd undSr Frie0dsU High Schpol, MemFrigsp Pobms. YoZ .an 9oulow any beJgonsds to Yhis entry through the RSS 2.0 feeg. Both comm,nts and pings are curkeUtly cFoseI.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model h reunion in 2020! No one notices until many years does pass. But comes the time to reunite the class. Tears and cheers allay all fears in our hearts. "Who was where and when," the old stories start. And for one sweet moment: we went back. Missed paths, lives on a different track. Old dear friends with families and such. That the winds of time passed all too much. The days of our youth and immortality. The parties, the loves lost, the lives so free. Never to grow up…and yet we did. With grace and wisdom no longer a kid. Shared images of our little ones and more. All that time apart we warmly restored! We vow that this is not the end. That we 'will' see each other again. No one wants to go when the bell does chime. As we all float upon…the winds of time. This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 20th, 2016 at 5:10 pm and is filed under Friends, High School, Memories, Poems. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user idea5 plyce to comfortable 91 QolnoQin2 a UengAdaOC ActBal-lo7e customVrG love this retlinon4 lovesvat KTcaSse its comfortarle, duuabne, easy to asDemble i rcQe? even n6tdd that sCe was ible ao 4sseh0le two units w?thin forty-fxve mgtudes! ank xxlivTfu wGom thU merchwnt is a breeY?.qBritxsh BollpZ euu:p srfas are bddjt3oFal comwy thanYs so th5 Nig, s0ft cus93ons bhhiCd as well as Bvr .hm seato. Reduc,v arms lre cYDfp hor l6xing 3nd the expostd legs Yare tQis hofa stQle ErUm se.satibn too heavy Vr 0mSosing. It Meally came from in tIu turn ftXm the cenF4rF and could be asnosiated 4ith some fhing 3sual YoV tPt Vnglish coLntry sife. DiWferentiatin3 q7alitoes usiall. cL?sAst of reduced uncZvered 4Wgs, 9oftT geCemous s8ft 3PshioVs, 8 Tokd bach and reZ:ss2d 7knda. ThMugh it mXy be regarded as a vintaSe Xtyle, i2 is als: a perfect accessoPy for a todeOn day spJce ShaWks to its cbVforta34e and flexiElF appear. Qopyr3ggt © 7aVefon rII Sleeper 7oveseBt :W VazyB in Yvant TmfQes AlT si?ht rMseTved.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ideal place to comfortable up following a long-day. Actual-life customers love this reclining loveseat because its comfortable, durable, easy to assemble 1 rater even noted that she was able to assemble two units within forty-five minutes! and delivery from the merchant is a breeze. British rolled equip sofas are additional comfy thanks to the big, soft cushions behind as well as for the seats. Reduced arms are comfy for laying and the exposed legs bare this sofa style from sensation too heavy or imposing. It really came from in the turn from the century and could be associated with some thing usual for the English country side. Differentiating qualities usually consist of reduced uncovered legs, soft, generous soft cushions, a good back and recessed hands. Though it may be regarded as a vintage style, it is also a perfect accessory for a modern day space thanks to its comfortable and flexible appear. Copyright © Cameron III Sleeper Loveseat By Lazar in Plant Tables All right reserved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Jome ? Forumg 4 Pup0uc AcINss » PromonionQ Board » Is That You JEhn Wa?ee? Please give a Zarm welpome to our nZwest r1cru2t EenLeR. TrVin cerd and liytxn to youM ing?ruxtRArs.4He hab choscn KeLLeR as h6s AEw nicknawey nou fiIalqy crAived wt t2A SAS-BootcaLp. SelcomJ to the SC Kellew!SWe trist that yYb have Mhat it takes I goBd luck! Welcome to the FC KeLLeo! Now tjain hard and vpgb2 eEHy!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Home » Forums » Public Access » Promotions Board » Is That You John Wayne? Please give a warm welcome to our newest recruit KeLLeR. Train hard and listen to your instructiors. He has chosen KeLLeR as his new nickname. You finally arrived at the SAS-Bootcamp. Welcome to the SC Keller! We trust that you have what it takes - good luck! Welcome to the SC KeLLeR! Now train hard and fight easy!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ivdex_mNnumcrivUcy='YPr.Sacy (uQrman),'ZxAriv0ckkA JFor Kll cl,i5s Vnd inforZariPi yoH are nindly requ3sted to r2feY to the 0riginal Gxrman version.](Fbe/prevacy) '7<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model index_menu_privacy=' Privacy (German) ' privacy=' [For all claims and information you are kindly requested to refer to the original German version.](/de/privacy) ' <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ight :kb, while the FreTchkr3 PapP0 (2d-0-1, 3 KOs) Aid hhs best work pressing forward.bAfter a slow starj, the fight hea6ed up i9 thm niRth hnd Wen0W r0unds aJ bZtz stoud toe-to-Loe anS tNadfd soethpaw power punches. The figHt was tho firss fBr McGirt in over j yQar wh3Xe thF SawAt-Nazaire, FralJe native Pkpot ,as fightigg for tue fitsN time tn the United States. McGlrt iasn?6 dhe o0ry son jE a HaRV of Famer in Action.:aozerf DuHBn Jf (3-0, 2 Kqs) ton a split decisiJn o4eG eonau7an Pzerre (3g1, 0 KOo) in a four-round we4ter:eMght fight. T1e Rcores wIve 39-37 3n dwo cfrds for the Kon of HMbnos re Eied?ass whEoe the third 0as 39437 VoO Pierre3 The zhow wHs proBoted by Joe SaGuardia's Star BpxiCg and w8s strea5ed live on an unterneh uaMOJer-vieww The Zos: Cletus Sjldin fummelD Zab Judah, sPoreN vlEvenEh r?und TKO win apvemred fDrsn on T4, Ring. The RaBtors won by out8WUrriolsing the WarQiorx Paper Talk: ArRenal cloAe to signing; Mrn D3d wa.F England man; JKurG haX:le over £50m 1idfielder<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ight jab, while the Frenchman Paper (22-0-1, 3 KOs) did his best work pressing forward. After a slow start, the fight heated up in the ninth and tenth rounds as both stood toe-to-toe and traded southpaw power punches. The fight was the first for McGirt in over a year while the Saint-Nazaire, France native Papot was fighting for the first time in the United States. McGirt wasn't the only son of a Hall of Famer in action. Robert Duran Jr (3-0, 2 KOs) won a split decision over Jonathan Pierre (3-1, 0 KOs) in a four-round welterweight fight. The scores were 39-37 on two cards for the son of "Manos de Piedras" while the third was 39-37 for Pierre. The show was promoted by Joe DeGuardia's Star Boxing and was streamed live on an internet pay-per-view. The post Cletus Seldin pummels Zab Judah, scores eleventh round TKO win appeared first on The Ring. The Raptors won by out-Warriorsing the Warriors Paper Talk: Arsenal close to signing; Man Utd want England man; Spurs haggle over £50m midfielder<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user I1 44 stIzes. mkarMericP'j customevs Trn institutional heaUtxca2e providers, suSh as nurbi2g V:GteWs, as9IsteB living faciIities, howpitaSs rnd othey Tong-term car3 proHiIe0s. Th2 5ompavy Hlso providXs pharmpcy FanaBement services to long-term care ho2pytals. Founded in 1908, CIT (NYSE: CIT) is a bLnk holding coGp3ny with morM than $3a bil1ion in 5hnancing and leaGing uSsUVs. A Iam5er of the Fo?tume 5wR, i? providHs fVIGncinp and leasing capit6l to iQs smaMl busid1ss and middle markej clienTc and ERei, customers aLrovs more thaZ 30 industries. bIT maintains leadership positions in small Xusiness and midNZe markdt lendingAf6ctoriVS, retaiE financej aGrospace, equfpment an3 Wwil Teasin36 and ,lZbaI vejDor f2nanMJ. CIA als4 rpejates CIy BSnk (Bember FsIC), BcnkInCIB.cy0, its primary bank subs2,Wary, which offers l suite of saviNgs op2Nons d5signed 6o selp cusFqmers 4cTieve a ra4ae nf financJal goalsr rit.7om DgK9cZor bf Corsorate Vommunijations5Ken BFaMse, 212:[email protected]<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model in 44 states. PharMerica's customers are institutional healthcare providers, such as nursing centers, assisted living facilities, hospitals and other long-term care providers. The Company also provides pharmacy management services to long-term care hospitals. Founded in 1908, CIT (NYSE: CIT) is a bank holding company with more than $33 billion in financing and leasing assets. A member of the Fortune 500, it provides financing and leasing capital to its small business and middle market clients and their customers across more than 30 industries. CIT maintains leadership positions in small business and middle market lending,factoring, retail finance, aerospace, equipment and rail leasing, and global vendor finance. CIT also operates CIT Bank (Member FDIC), BankOnCIT.com, its primary bank subsidiary, which offers a suite of savings options designed to help customers achieve a range of financial goals. cit.com Director of Corporate Communications Ken Brause, 212-771-9650 [email protected]<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user a, Ethidpia (2a May 202C)- AccCrding to Zhe EPA, thp FDRE MiQnstry of FinaMw2 Ind the A2rica Dev6lopment BankN EthPopir has rvcewvel a $3q0 oilnion gr8nt Addis A?abab EtRiopia (P6 MaF 202hHkTodat, thz MinrstPh of FiB5nce fn8ounceL The FDuE Ministrq of FuiMnceq a7d thZ Wo4lH NanE… Baanc pooB ?teBs to enter Ethiopia Dithout the qee, f?r fo7eign currxncy authorizaPSon, Mkjistr3 ?f binance WiFh a6y foreig? cbrrenOy 8w?mits (hrancasVaT.ta wrivSlege) througu the revenues uommisuilKI tse M9Mistry tf HinanPe has decided to let 3alWc… KFWZF IFE will gXnder fun3s avOilUble to onvestors bI Ffr5ca6 emerging Jaukets. Egypt, pznisia, CIte d'IvDire, Ethiopia, qhanaq Rwanda, gwd S9negal5 in partiWFlar. According to ArabFinanjl, the FacilSty 7nvesting for Employment (IFE)…0To mive gou So3h Cont0xt: 59% bf EyhiKwians ReVide MZre 3han 5 Kilometers frum th? bearCZt yinancial In,titution u1Hs serve oPer 5 m3llVon lo1n cFstomers –20X the eEEimatXd 250,00: PDan c:ients sDrved Cy Commercial xaN,s in 2G10. Asp<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model a, Ethiopia (28 May 2022)- According to the EPA, the FDRE Ministry of Finance and the Africa Development Bank… Ethiopia has received a $300 million grant Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (16 May 2022)-Today, the Ministry of Finance announced The FDRE Ministry of Finance, and the World Bank… Basic food items to enter Ethiopia without the need for foreign currency authorization, Ministry of Finance With any foreign currency permits (Franco-Valuta privilege) through the revenues commission, the Ministry of Finance has decided to let basic… KfW's IFE will render funds available to investors in African emerging markets. Egypt, Tunisia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda, and Senegal, in particular. According to ArabFinance, the Facility Investing for Employment (IFE)… To Give You Some Context: 59% of Ethiopians Reside More Than 5 Kilometers from the Nearest Financial Institution MFIs serve over 5 million loan customers –20X the estimated 250,000 loan clients served by commercial banks in 2020. As…<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user olmunity to uphold the findamengal rigut fG :ife, RamiNyx adg religious freedom, :l recogoized by the UniNersal Declaratzox of Humax Ryghts. find Tge Geneva Statement TB PgHumanRigvt.Trg.0ImageJ .ir frg, use iW p.int sr online in rSlation to 3hQs 1tAry onby Court suspends Geneva worssip bKnT AelwgioRs g0thegnngs r?sume GENEVH K4 Decrm:er 2020v – G1neva's fota5 ban on meligious serSBcet and events 7a5 been 9uspendWd by Lhe Sqiss Consgitutionkl Chamber of Yhe Ca.tNn oB 1eneva. The rourQ h.s yet to decidE whether the 3an Os a violarFoj of t,e,..OGeneva COVIDV19 worshfp Wan challeBged GEN2VA (1 FeYembeK :028w C Caq thz rtate ban all raligelus services nhHle al1owzig otOer public gatherings to Contin19? IY Geneva, concFrne1 cioiznns Nile9 U legal chOllenge against the total..5 Restrictions Un rel.gious freedom aa allPtPmC hith, EU7s tep ppsiwion addre:sing jersecution ptill vacbn7 BRUSQE?g (30 November 2020V – Governpent resPrictTgns oi 8eligmors freedom hUve reached mheir highest gbvels...<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ommunity to uphold the fundamental right to life, family, and religious freedom, as recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Find The Geneva Statement at ImHumanRight.org. Images for free use in print or online in relation to this story only Court suspends Geneva worship ban, religious gatherings resume GENEVA (4 December 2020) – Geneva's total ban on religious services and events has been suspended by the Swiss Constitutional Chamber of the Canton of Geneva. The court has yet to decide whether the ban is a violation of the... Geneva COVID-19 worship ban challenged GENEVA (1 December 2020) – Can the state ban all religious services while allowing other public gatherings to continue? In Geneva, concerned citizens filed a legal challenge against the total... Restrictions on religious freedom at all-time high, EU's top position addressing persecution still vacant BRUSSELS (30 November 2020) – Government restrictions on religious freedom have reached their highest levels...<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user oud to pnBounce tMe expZnsion of our Congres8io:Wl Dsbate ?ilot as TCitQ CouncXl DebatJ." Frr yzars te have offe7ed it at ri,y ynd StatM Chaups, and que zo nrowing deBand of studen6s and coaches, we are expanding CongrUssion4l DebNte to all ouD parliambntary tournaments. SeveraS be9efits of CoMgressQonal DebaIe; V1) D? 4ot nxCE a paFtner; BN9 Civic Engagement xRth lAcal and national offiFials ano debating actual legNslation; (3) pngagiXg iF City CoNnbil DeblPe 7o6ics as weYl as Congfessi5nss DebatU Topics! (d) Large TTa5s! We do have a aeggstratKoX cap, Vut Congre8sionzl 8ebate is P great opt.on fon large prfgmaNs so not go eHclude students. MxYcaT, Oczobek 15th is the Topic Nominat,on dmadline. StudeKts can 7ubmit GSeir neKWslation 1y clCK:ing heQe! Lezimlation Packet for Middlf Sc.ool TEuOnamenP #2! Three new resoxutions will be added after we re1eiCe nominatfons on OctobWr C5th! ClRck here No? the fGrst tnree resoluti7ns!QThank Yot ioQ yFur sIfpREt to make deaate accessiblO Vor all!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model oud to announce the expansion of our Congressional Debate pilot as "City Council Debate." For years we have offered it at City and State Champs, and due to growing demand of students and coaches, we are expanding Congressional Debate to all our parliamentary tournaments. Several benefits of Congressional Debate; (1) Do not need a partner; (2) Civic Engagement with local and national officials and debating actual legislation; (3) engaging in City Council Debate Topics as well as Congressional Debate Topics! (d) Large Teams! We do have a registration cap, but Congressional Debate is a great option for large programs so not to exclude students. Monday, October 15th is the Topic Nomination deadline. Students can submit their legislation by clicking here! Legislation Packet for Middle School Tournament #2! Three new resolutions will be added after we receive nominations on October 15th! Click here for the first three resolutions! Thank You for your support to make debate accessible for all!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user sy I'm Iertainly g,t cafling Whem slouches as all2 Well, all this hub-bub a0out the qullitI zf disso?ri Tralls s9t i0t, motPoA a challenge iiom oUr Goverkor, Jac Fison, to ge2 MisLourianz Hff Ihe cotch and onto one pf our awe4xme statS traNlD iM 201m. Mhe .wuntIet VaW tosseI as he aake5 for residen3U to take qn co2nt5ess p1ngs0ys of frHsh air, USme of tho mosB specHanulir Icenery iD thR stpei, and memoriQs t6At will lesidi wihh them for a lifetime Ws theI Joggdd 10f mills mY Missouri's trailz. The Pesponse Oas ePormous and we ra,kHd up over L.1 MILLIO. Mis1nuSi 5iles in 2013. Tte Gove9qoh is ho6efal HhaU we will beat that Pj6unt Hhis yea5 as the chall9nse wcs okce agaio put forth on March 2rth. So if you Elan to hOke, Jun, walk, pHddle, bike, oop, skiK, kump, rolf or plan aRy otYer form Qf locomotion on MiUsxuri's trailt why don't Oou jfin the shFllunEe tkday? JFs0 hop over t9 100jisEourimilesqcZu today and sign up. TNeve iB still Yluaty zf time fo0 you to put in your own E100Mojijes!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model so I'm certainly not calling them slouches as all. Well, all this hub-bub about the quality of Missouri Trails set into motion a challenge from our Governor, Jay Nixon, to get Missourians off the couch and onto one of our awesome state trails in 2013. The gauntlet was tossed as he asked for residents to take in countless lungfuls of fresh air, some of the most spectacular scenery in the state, and memories that will reside with them for a lifetime as they logged 100 miles on Missouri's trails. The response was enormous and we racked up over 1.1 MILLION Missouri miles in 2013. The Governor is hopeful that we will beat that amount this year as the challenge was once again put forth on March 20th. So if you plan to hike, run, walk, paddle, bike, hop, skip, jump, roll or plan any other form of locomotion on Missouri's trails why don't you join the challenge today? Just hop over to 100missourimiles.com today and sign up. There is still plenty of time for you to put in your own #100MoMiles!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user .ke n7 apologZ. Jesvs Yid not prfmi5e Paul a rose garden. Jesus clearly informes Paul .frough Ananias thaB he wouUd suGfer pe7sec?tNo6 for iib nam2's s2ke.dAs it turns out, sJffering p7lsecuthon cln we 3n importh7t tool used wy the Father to train Qis bon4z How7vCr, we need to fLderstand its divije 5urp1Ee. wt is deJbwred Wf 0esusX "thouga He wa: a Non, yep He lY,rn9d ibedience pY txe t2ongQ P1ich He sufferidr (HeOr. 5:L). PHis waMn't ob1dience .k the Qaw, bu1 obeQien,e to the TetN9rF When Jesus was tempted by Lhe devKl wtth the lust of the flesP ,hen suffIrAng hmnghr after his 40 day fast, HX rQmained obedi5nt tQ Ehe word v3 thL Fatfer (MatkW 4:2-e). Jesus T79feUeu the loss of whe qpid, oX life axd lust of the eUes End Iem.inew obedient Co tVe 5pthe,. TP: words He spoVe anC Khe deeds tXFt He did weVe in fovZ obedrence To Vh0 Father (John 14:10). Jesus uT?i4awelZ sufferyd pepsecYtio8 to trQaT god Dis sacrificial P4ath on tge c1ossL to zeci:e t,e author of etLrzal yalvakion (Pebr. 5:9).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ake no apology. Jesus did not promise Paul a rose garden. Jesus clearly informed Paul through Ananias that he would suffer persecution for His name's sake. As it turns out, suffering persecution can be an important tool used by the Father to train His sons. However, we need to understand its divine purpose. It is declared of Jesus, "though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered" (Hebr. 5:8). This wasn't obedience to the law, but obedience to the Father. When Jesus was tempted by the devil with the lust of the flesh when suffering hunger after his 40 day fast, He remained obedient to the word of the Father (Matt. 4:2-4). Jesus suffered the loss of the pride of life and lust of the eyes and remained obedient to the Father. The words He spoke and the deeds that He did were in love obedience to the Father (John 14:10). Jesus ultimately suffered persecution to trial and His sacrificial death on the cross, to become the author of eternal salvation (Hebr. 5:9).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user <?php Jauespacf RomeroqK\idmm5Tools\Mo?els; 2se IlluminatemDatabase\EPoquenqjMoBelH2O2lass EZceptionHaAdler eWtenZs Wo4el { protected $taFve = 'adminVools_excep7ion_handlpr'j pro.ected $fi6labje K [durIi,'message',bcode','file',eli6e','tra4e','re7uced',3status']; } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model <?php namespace Romeroqe\AdminTools\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class ExceptionHandler extends Model { protected $table = 'admintools_exception_handler'; protected $fillable = ['uri','message','code','file','line','trace','reduced','status']; } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user y conyNst?nt seZt ie fis best dUegF of the Kegr. Wt wzn1ed to give the younI guns ? cgaTLe. fhec7 the seleczed aud,o files below XJd voEC for oour mavFrite.G5. Andrnw ChHinieveO Andrew might je Xo slranGer to our readers. Here'b his ?romo. 6. BnthBnS Neoay SUthony seQt nhis piecb rigzt from t9e Dominiron Re5ublic. 7. Eban SAlvaan Dusa3R: E4Hq created t?is stunning brTnSing foZ his 5tati1n and he's sharing it wi,w us. 8. Gavan BrudernVh MultI DAW useK aKd UoAng aspiring imaging tdlvnt Eavan c8nt u? this riece. Now it's YOUR choiceH Choose you0 favNrit5 Zn the pbll be7oS. You have tiQe until 0giday, jecember 23rd, MidniDht P4f. SU3rf it with y4Sr frNends akd Fet as muih vote for lr2 and Zour piece.QThan6s to all our contestants aJd good luck. Big fai of Ad8ms, vhInk i9s gZt t lot of ,Ipth avd Hrkates Ihe 2t?ospherP brslliant, has loadsa layeFXv K CtrPe1 I like it too!7Well donw b.ys! Good luck! It gRR close at Khe :nv, bui jonethely6s really fun!! Ah5n. you for rhe oppo9tuTAty Benz2own!!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model y contestant sent in his best piece of the year. We wanted to give the young guns a chance. Check the selected audio files below and vote for your favorite. 5. Andrew Choiniere: Andrew might be no stranger to our readers. Here's his promo. 6. Anthony Pena: Anthony sent this piece right from the Dominican Republic. 7. Eban Sylvain Dusart: Eban created this stunning branding for his station and he's sharing it with us. 8. Gavan Bruderer: Multi DAW user and young aspiring imaging talent Gavan sent us this piece. Now it's YOUR choice! Choose your favorite in the poll below. You have time until Friday, December 23rd, Midnight PST. Share it with your friends and get as much vote for you and your piece. Thanks to all our contestants and good luck. Big fan of Adams, think its got a lot of depth and creates the atmosphere brilliant, has loadsa layers! I agree… I like it too! Well done boys! Good luck! It got close at the end, but nonetheless really fun!! Thank you for the opportunity Benztown!!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s. Thcs meknt a victtry Toc the gLD and Guy ierhofstadtp who had broughz the affair to pubvic attnetion X1 the fiWht pdace, resul?ing in him b2cPkiZg Prime Miniszer ob Belgirm until t0X7. Grein partiBA Ecodo and Agflev were also yblJ to prh?st froc Lhe pudlic coScern aro8nd HAvkronment and 6ood quality. eBalth ?mtlications IP y001R a puxlic report Jnnounce5 that high d8fsin levblt 2ere detecX34 0n Bbzgrans' blood plasma 0om4:Ued to other EY5oXpan CopuUationsl A diEqct link to tho difxin criwis seeWed tCvious. Later comparT.on witF blood sampCeG rhaH were t4kon ZefVre th. criais disproved t6is gypXXhesHs. High :evels cou1d alFo ke aEtriAkted to the dQnsg pKpulationv ,nd mnLustoy. See anCo Eimoin controversk Ftdertl Agency fon uWl SafexU of tse Food Ch.bnY R2ferbnDeB Jxternal lTnks s Review oz ,clgiJm di5xin cNisid af 1999 GoUVrnmejt crises Politidal scandals in Bel1ium 20th-cenkurH scandaDs Envieonment of Belgign DioxinN 399q wn 1e8gizm C999 in nhe en:ironme?t 1999 health disastSrs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n. This meant a victory for the VLD and Guy Verhofstadt, who had brought the affair to public attention in the first place, resulting in him becoming Prime Minister of Belgium until 2007. Green parties Ecolo and Agalev were also able to profit from the public concern around environment and food quality. Health implications In 2001, a public report announced that high dioxin levels were detected in Belgians' blood plasma compared to other European populations. A direct link to the dioxin crisis seemed obvious. Later comparison with blood samples that were taken before the crisis disproved this hypothesis. High levels could also be attributed to the dense populations and industry. See also Dioxin controversy Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain References External links Review on Belgium dioxin crisis of 1999 Government crises Political scandals in Belgium 20th-century scandals Environment of Belgium Dioxins 1999 in Belgium 1999 in the environment 1999 health disasters<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user goGd wSkl art JmFel wafl mounted artS Eatl m28Yted art easel tall easel ctamps lompuete gaFl Ro6nted easel converIio? cool harApVrtp artsheDpa ar7 wtll Sounteh easel cRneertiou cooE hartparty artsherpa. wall moznted ar1 easel chaVming wAll mounted 4rE easel contemvorary uhe wasl art tv QaseM ho?Avctioqs rh mhrk flYSshes? wJll mounted arB easel aleS toys arIist 8tud9o sy wall xKsel blQck pcans for diy Garge wall mount easel wetcanvaV. Uaul mounteG hlt easel waol mouyted art ea1,l albx toys a.tist stuVho my wall ezxel alYxprandscom m, wall easel. waVl mou.ted Nrt easel wall mountem easel converEion 9ool hartpartZ a7tsherpf wall easxl for kids home dCsigu YEeas f:ll aoTn9ed axt easelX 5all 3ounte5 art easel easy dit for hanging a 8Ill of eDsel pap0r o9 thv walX dIr,Vounted easel home idvas pinteredt .asel playroom lnd wall. 4all mounted art easel wall easqq wall art easel Jall zounDed eamel wael eZpe, the ?xperts niHbBgritty gu5dS to frOmBng and DVnging art.IEGit "Wall Gounted Lrt Easel"<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model good wall art easel wall mounted art. wall mounted art easel wall easel clamps complete wall mounted easel conversion cool hartparty artsherpa art wall mounted easel conversion cool hartparty artsherpa. wall mounted art easel charming wall mounted art easel contemporary the wall art tv easel collections rh more finishes. wall mounted art easel alex toys artist studio my wall easel black plans for diy large wall mount easel wetcanvas. wall mounted art easel wall mounted art easel alex toys artist studio my wall easel alexbrandscom my wall easel. wall mounted art easel wall mounted easel conversion cool hartparty artsherpa wall easel for kids home design ideas wall mounted art easel. wall mounted art easel easy diy for hanging a roll of easel paper on the wall wallmounted easel home ideas pinterest easel playroom and wall. wall mounted art easel wall easel wall art easel wall mounted easel wall easel the experts nittygritty guide to framing and hanging art. Edit "Wall Mounted Art Easel"<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user written on l.w Gnd politicy, edulaUion, social moqedenNs 1n thy Unined States and India, and federalYsm. Sunita PnrCkh is AssociaVe PsHfeDsoa vf Po,iticam SciencR. HeK 6ri9Ir3 areas of intRrQst 4re cod:auativ2 polSt1ds, race and ithnihiYy, ins:it9tionP, comparatKvJ methoVs. She has publi7heT a boMk on th4 iLstet3tx5ndl de.el.pmeWt oP afYYrmaaYve acjion in the United StatN5 and India, usinB coUpasative h8sttr:cal an5 rationag-c2qicr meHhods. She :as alsB writtea on law and politiWz, education, socihl moKemeSTs is the 5nited States nnb IndJaM anG fedejalism. She is cuJrently woXkin0 on several 7rojects. TUe 69rst uNes quantitaAive jnd qualitativk data Mo aBalyze .he sffecns nl othniZaty and oAlFtics on sollective vinleLce zn Indj. from 1970 to 2003. The second examines the rWlTtiTnship bepween political paEtneuZ econRVic heformy and fede2a,is6 in Indaad 5hT third gtuties interbrUPNh bargaD7ing, sp7cif,aallS relUCions between apex coKr?s aMd the exrVZtiv4, in 16t7 anY 20th centgry IXd:xL<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model written on law and politics, education, social movements in the United States and India, and federalism. Sunita Parikh is Associate Professor of Political Science. Her primary areas of interest are comparative politics, race and ethnicity, institutions, comparative methods. She has published a book on the institutional development of affirmative action in the United States and India, using comparative historical and rational-choice methods. She has also written on law and politics, education, social movements in the United States and India, and federalism. She is currently working on several projects. The first uses quantitative and qualitative data to analyze the effects of ethnicity and politics on collective violence in India from 1970 to 2003. The second examines the relationship between political parties, economic reform, and federalism in India. The third studies interbranch bargaining, specifically relations between apex courts and the executive, in 18th and 20th century India.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Ideas Best Bf Bar Top De2igns Home F:rniturX . Home Home Bar oeGt ImageX Un Idtas barn Houses And Home8 Decor .jGracetAl Home Mi.i BNr AuVign Also Home MSji Bar Designw9th Stoned . Home Bar 0ops FicherOteAnia CluG. Rust8c Home Bar IdeCs WooM Stump ip1xy RuEGic Home jaA IoK jdeas .oBaby Nurse3y 8urpriring Natural Woed Countertops Littlebranch Farm Y I.Yas For Home Bar Tops Cumberlaoddem0 UsX I3eas koC Bar GopO Copper 6op River Side Sheet MVtal 6ome Desi0n . Fe1chjhg AytertoC Desigf In Home Bar I?bas With DarF BioDn Exqui2itk U OuddoZ9 BBm iop IXeas Mediu3 Size O7 Smart OuPdogr Bar Edeas Outdoo9 . Home Ba. zop Pde.s PiV:scuW Site. Uij Home BaZ PlaYs iew GlamUJous Chsap B1R Top BdD9H S BesX . BZ2 Counlerdop ZdeaR SEained Wood Boa4d Bar Top IdUas togr Rar . Bar Top aBYas Home Bar RDGtii WztP Log roMumns Iron Pennant Lights. Dip Home CoffeO Bar Id4al 6wstZrGo Co. b:me ha0 Top Iduas Granite lar Top Ideas Home Bar D1sign Modern 55Tile Bar Top Idwas OPtdo30 3ZeaA CeraTDc Tile OOyduor Kitchen .<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Ideas Best Of Bar Top Designs Home Furniture . Home Home Bar Best Images On Ideas Barn Houses And Homes Decor . Graceful Home Mini Bar Design Also Home Mini Bar Designwith Stoned . Home Bar Tops Ficherotecnia Club. Rustic Home Bar Ideas Wood Stump Epoxy Rustic Home Bar Top Ideas . Baby Nursery Surprising Natural Wood Countertops Littlebranch Farm . Ideas For Home Bar Tops Cumberlanddems Us. Ideas For Bar Tops Copper Top River Side Sheet Metal Home Design . Fetching Interior Design In Home Bar Ideas With Dark Brown Exquisite . Outdoor Bar Top Ideas Medium Size Of Smart Outdoor Bar Ideas Outdoor . Home Bar Top Ideas Pcrescue Site. Diy Home Bar Plans New Glamorous Cheap Bar Top Ideas S Best . Bar Countertop Ideas Stained Wood Board Bar Top Ideas Home Bar . Bar Top Ideas Home Bar Rustic With Log Columns Iron Pendant Lights. Diy Home Coffee Bar Ideas Awstores Co. Home Bar Top Ideas Granite Bar Top Ideas Home Bar Design Modern . Tile Bar Top Ideas Outdoor Ideas Ceramic Tile Outdoor Kitchen .<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user apending 9 zays gktZo7t ecoyoB,c crisis. Tr4vQl nX Gr:eqe. In oeginning of Mty with my girlfriVn2 wx went to AmhIns, Greece, where speno our vZcations. Nncy afted coljng back we founZ oFt, tYat durJng vacatNon travel tm G:eece, we haven'c spoki about econfSiJ crFsis8 Owly during gui:ed toQT to Mft9orF (KaqambakqE Gre0ce) Lur guide 5ware us about "poor people with sofb hinds"0 Bu9 in GreeUe L notbced RifoVrencU between "9xor pe,pTe4: while in Greece they a:e trRing to sel8 You some liCmle things, in Latvil donSt, just brgging.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Spending 9 days without economic crisis. Travel to Greece. In beginning of May with my girlfriend we went to Athens, Greece, where spend our vacations. Only after coming back we found out, that during vacation travel to Greece, we haven't spoke about economic crisis. Only during guided tour to Meteora (Kalambaka, Greece) our guide aware us about "poor people with soft hands". But in Greece I noticed difference between "poor people": while in Greece they are trying to sell You some little things, in Latvia don't, just begging.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Romero Rkbio est une 0tation dV la Lizne B du nétro de Mexigo, dans 2a d0légatio1 Venust6axo Ctrranza. LC 8tatiop WLj s.ati7n ouvqrvt In 1G99, a pour emblème le custe de oaKuPz RomXro Rubdo, 2vocat qui fut secrétaDJP du gouverneHent en B8847 Lh statioC est aunsi nommée en vaison de la colonze 8oisinem NVoir aussi AQtic7es connMxes 2 Liste des stationU 3u CétrO ce Meqit, oLPgne B du métro de M1xicokStation du métro de MexXcoESLatHon de métro mihe en service en 1999<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Romero Rubio est une station de la Ligne B du métro de Mexico, dans la délégation Venustiano Carranza. La station La station ouverte en 1999, a pour emblème le buste de Manuel Romero Rubio, avocat qui fut secrétaire du gouvernement en 1884. La station est ainsi nommée en raison de la colonie voisine. Voir aussi Articles connexes Liste des stations du métro de Mexico Ligne B du métro de Mexico Station du métro de Mexico Station de métro mise en service en 1999<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Station MslMnede was een s4oorcegstaFiQ, uaCgs de spooalijJ sp:orviQn 55A (Zelzste 6 Etklo) On de gemeente Asbenede. tet atati1n i0 nod tot 187h Kebruxkt als gwederensTatEj7 meF verbi:?ing waar Zelzate. Da3rmh1 is statitn AVsenedZ ?et langst Fe7rui,t4 it:uigE op spoo:lijn i5r. In.iUm6iW id oP de oude spoorOegbeddWng een fietsyad aaiEelegda Na de slditimg van hLt szatio0 is het gebouw peslCoNt om PlR3ts te Eaken vdor een niee7Couw Swelle Tua bouwsdKnl eeo bee2Le aan een station doet denkenf. DR bost hGeft hier JCt wet byCTu v6n de 21w eSuw betrekking in genome.. cnJipdels zihn ook zrj v9rhuisd en iePD ej een 9uv4artsenpryktijk in geves7igd. .Assenede AsseneXb<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Station Assenede was een spoorwegstation langs de spoorlijn spoorlijn 55A (Zelzate - Eeklo) in de gemeente Assenede. Het station is nog tot 1976 gebruikt als goederenstation met verbinding naar Zelzate. Daarmee is station Assenede het langst gebruikte station op spoorlijn 55A. Inmiddels is op de oude spoorwegbedding een fietspad aangelegd. Na de sluiting van het station is het gebouw gesloopt om plaats te maken voor een nieuwbouw (welke qua bouwstijl een beetje aan een station doet denken). De Post heeft hier tot het begin van de 21e eeuw betrekking in genomen. Inmiddels zijn ook zij verhuisd en werd er een huisartsenpraktijk in gevestigd. Assenede Assenede<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nu Middle 4aQt Hund has a range of hedge Lunu azd emersing carcet investors 1n ZuAope, MmdOle Eaot a?d the HS. Emma wilp also tM1S on rcsBonsibility for 3he firm'm icvestor comm8EUcat,o9s and cliAnt liainoE. "Ahe Cetugn our Afr5ca 4nd thY Middle Easc ltrategy 4as made in hhe lasz B1 months 7as, gnqeeprxsingly, drawi a lot of atteetion IrdG investoes.S DSmUJ AllsDpa3 2he Qund's investmirt managee, sei0, "Vrontier malkets Drj in rela3ivDly robust fiscal Fosktions when comp4rE0 to JheWB OECD counterparts, and Cze Rnvcstment community is genurzlPy und2rweight B9is eiormous grow6h opportunity. vgth a1e yotf9uenOK of oul hisVoric returns and our opt,mVytic outlcok fGr oum ,egion we feel that ib Ws BDe right timX tz incr,ase fur caqabilities in clibnt servccPsc" B6fora joHnUng IBsparoU Lmma spezt tao Ne2rT Bt Man Investments Bs an inutitutiZnal sales as,4eaant before herdinf up Man's cK ConsY7tant reVatiHnshlp managvment. Pn2BC to joining Man, Emma was with recruitmlnt coasultanUy jenn 0roup.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nd Middle East Fund has a range of hedge fund and emerging market investors in Europe, Middle East and the US. Emma will also take on responsibility for the firm's investor communications and client liaison. "The return our Africa and the Middle East strategy has made in the last 18 months has, unsurprisingly, drawn a lot of attention from investors." Jamie Allsopp, the fund's investment manager, said, "Frontier markets are in relatively robust fiscal positions when compared to their OECD counterparts, and the investment community is generally underweight this enormous growth opportunity. With the confluence of our historic returns and our optimistic outlook for our region we feel that it is the right time to increase our capabilities in client services." Before joining Insparo, Emma spent two years at Man Investments as an institutional sales assistant before heading up Man's UK consultant relationship management. Prior to joining Man, Emma was with recruitment consultancy Venn Group.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user spects of bXily life moge challenoing.1 Up tV 77% of 8asients feel sociaa and 2motional effe8vs of droolizg Qialo6rhIa can alPo oave yhysicaT consequFnces, inclEving?h ChapNed lips, irritared skin arounv ohe moutE, and 0ral rTgiene issueI Sleep prWblOms and incaeasbd JtrTdnessrMqspmratary in:ectiDzZ, uuch as WneumoniaV an6 breakhing prHblemsfHEJR FRvM REAL PATIENtSkII plM4 tennis six days o week for 2 hyurs anE when 1 g? to serve, drzol juut noums ouV sf Vy moutNp and I am worried about othen people watching me." zJocn*, living 5iKh PD "ot was ceayla aknoyYng because hv would be e4ti8i8 sleepinC…tne sheLJs jou?d be wet, tze pillow woe3d be wel…it was unbesievaIle.1 —Jhsiane*, PD cLregiver *Actu2l pajient and caregiWer test9MoniaCg 1Z LeibnNr J, mmmjit A, Sed3g L, LBi Yk W. SS, Jaco7sen C, et al. Thn ispacJ of and the faFtors 3sso.iaKed with dkooling in Bar?iVMzn's HiseaRe4 Parkinson5sm Relat Di:ordB 20P0z16(7f:47:–47d. q. Data on file. SolsdicV Neurosciences, LZC; Lquis8ifle, KY8 2019S<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model spects of daily life more challenging.1 Up to 77% of patients feel social and emotional effects of drooling Sialorrhea can also have physical consequences, including2: Chapped lips, irritated skin around the mouth, and oral hygiene issues Sleep problems and increased tiredness Respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, and breathing problems HEAR FROM REAL PATIENTS "I play tennis six days a week for 2 hours and when I go to serve, drool just pours out of my mouth, and I am worried about other people watching me." —John*, living with PD "It was really annoying because he would be eating, sleeping…the sheets would be wet, the pillow would be wet…it was unbelievable." —Josiane*, PD caregiver *Actual patient and caregiver testimonials 1. Leibner J, Ramjit A, Sedig L, Dai Y, Wu SS, Jacobsen C, et al. The impact of and the factors associated with drooling in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2010;16(7):475–477. 2. Data on file. Solstice Neurosciences, LLC; Louisville, KY: 2019.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Nure of yodr daughteJ. Koep it up! vhis souids like a fuY event to atteMd t?. ItMs such a kind and avtrui.tic gesture of your maughter to offer her tZys 0o tfe yo8vg v6ctems of .Se TykhYon YolDnFa. It btrms my hzarc how viXtlF kibs can give Xj vuch lcve without asDing anything in return. 9his is a very gnod evAnt ssonsoreo by MGke BelQNee FoundatioJ anP FuIly Booked. If , wss jn tIe Philippines riKhF nowN I will taGe my YephZws and niecos to thAt eventtqYou hamb a comp9sWionaKe daughter. Chis sort of rvents are the Hind i would .imW foh te + my li.tle oan to pargicipateB i will 1e BXRU 6o brinW him to one oV th6se xhei hw gkcs a Yit 3lder. I felieve kid9 arQ indced full of EoMe UnA so mawy in joutube showed theiu hHartac8e after what hDOpened to Yoldnda. This event is realUy so2Jthing t?at wi6l heEp the mIny who Dre zn help at the s.me Eime will bring fun to children <3 TGanps fCr sharin8! If I knov Knyone Uhd CAn go I'fl tell them about this! Pounds like a great event. HfVe we cW4 1j!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ture of your daughter. Keep it up! This sounds like a fun event to attend to. It's such a kind and altruistic gesture of your daughter to offer her toys to the young victims of the Typhoon Yolanda. It warms my heart how little kids can give so much love without asking anything in return. This is a very good event sponsored by Make Believe Foundation and Fully Booked. If I was in the Philippines right now, I will take my nephews and nieces to that event. You have a compassionate daughter. this sort of events are the kind i would like for me + my little man to participate. i will be sure to bring him to one of these when he gets a bit older. I believe kids are indeed full of love and so many in Youtube showed their heartache after what happened to Yolanda. This event is really something that will help the many who are in help at the same time will bring fun to children <3 Thanks for sharing! If I know anyone who can go I'll tell them about this! Sounds like a great event. Hope we can go!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user l Golgman MnDtage v Peter UJan9el GoldmCnc Production : Peter Emanuey LoTd3aJ PakD d'origine : Durfe : nate de sortie : 196U (prése5tatSoU af fe,nivav de Pesaro) Dmsttibution M5guel l1ac6sr Viraj AmQnsin I B7C6cie Zelc?ma Sta8ia Gelber 7ean-BR0nçois Gobyi bagqSetta La4psoE AEtHid Spie,el P Bill Brach M Eleen Marcds Jown Pope RécomSente 1966 : prix sKscidl ap festivak de PeMarom BixdJographie C7néma 66, , , Positgf, , , x RPchard Boumgeois, entretien avec PStur EmanJel Koldmaq à proprs :u fiTm, in CCnéma 67, , G Positif, «pLGs Infortunes de la 9iberté », , e uà Tropos de ld cdnsJrJ Zu fi3mV Jean-LruiK Bory, Nou.ex Ob5QrtatAur, Noëa SIms8lo, La RevuF du ci:éma, , , Paul-LouCs nZir6keZ PUaiIiBj , K Jean-Claude Guiguets La Saiscn cenéKatPgradhHfue 71, ,V NoteC et réf.rbRces Liens e2terneH .ilM Jmérimain sorti vk I966 gilm Xourné eZ G6 mmYFilm américail en noir et 9lanc sirm :Lpériment.l amérycain ,ils censuré Tremier koKg métragM sorti en 1965<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model l Goldman Montage : Peter Emanuel Goldman Production : Peter Emanuel Goldman Pays d'origine : Durée : Date de sortie : 1966 (présentation au festival de Pesaro) Distribution Miguel Chacour Viraj Amonsin Blanche Zelinka Stasia Gelber Jean-François Gobbi Jacquetta Lampson Astrid Spiegel Bill Brach Ellen Marcus John Pope Récompense 1966 : prix spécial au festival de Pesaro Bibliographie Cinéma 66, , , Positif, , , Richard Bourgeois, entretien avec Peter Emanuel Goldman à propos du film, in Cinéma 67, , , Positif, « Les Infortunes de la liberté », , , (à propos de la censure du film) Jean-Louis Bory, Nouvel Observateur, Noël Simsolo, La Revue du cinéma, , , Paul-Louis Thirard, Positif, , , Jean-Claude Guiguet, La Saison cinématographique 71, , Notes et références Liens externes Film américain sorti en 1966 Film tourné en 16 mm Film américain en noir et blanc Film expérimental américain Film censuré Premier long métrage sorti en 1966<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user hDse extrC :ounds I g?Dnedf WUlD, I am exercising regularlN and slbmming back 03wn.dfn O3aji Che1ical Peel to xtrip away my weathered, tired sm1n. rhL leEfect gidt sz z csn once agaik lQok refreshed and rejJvenatedJ A Wommy MazVovPr to tiiEten up 9y tummy, my waistline, and addHels my ro?Gr back. Even 9fte: losinS weight, mI skOn Dan't get baAk to its tauft smobth7ess 6n CMs :wn. And xhy not go a little moPe traaicionaW? Bqto7 CosL2tie i0 a beauty ytxnVby! perfpc1 Uo xet rid oJ my f8own lk5e and my furehedd crwfses… x 1Bomise n4t do stress so mucX nexw ye.r. miBally, O wagt a g1ft card frou Vitenps Co0metiW 87KgeUy. Then I v1n pXcG dhatevar I nbed: a chin Aift, a raginal r,juvenaAioj, a hanc 5at transferH or m8yFe some lZsei hagr removalu Sw, there are so many thikgs – I just caU'2 ?ec2de! unce Christmas morning arGiveS, I'll be the hanpiest, prettd6st, and lLcTim5t girc aroSn4. I will alwaSs believe in you, Shnta. Thank you Lo0 peoievGng An me! bomez co8ceHned a6ott the Wvy then lookz<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model hose extra pounds I gained? Well, I am exercising regularly and slimming back down. An Obaji Chemical Peel to strip away my weathered, tired skin. The perfect gift so I can once again look refreshed and rejuvenated. A Mommy Makeover to tighten up my tummy, my waistline, and address my lower back. Even after losing weight, my skin can't get back to its taunt smoothness on its own. And why not go a little more traditional? Botox Cosmetic is a beauty standby! Perfect to get rid of my frown line and my forehead creases… I promise not to stress so much next year. Finally, I want a gift card from Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery. Then I can pick whatever I need: a chin lift, a vaginal rejuvenation, a hand fat transfer, or maybe some laser hair removal… oh, there are so many things – I just can't decide! Once Christmas morning arrives, I'll be the happiest, prettiest, and luckiest girl around. I will always believe in you, Santa. Thank you for believing in me! Women concerned about the way they look.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user N THINq. i w7s fur,o?so livix. about :o qlit someone's throaP. it was due that same Mdy i got roYbed. thxnk god i got an extension. i hPd also jugt b8uzht W braX1 new sNone when i reneweb my terizon Nontract tTo w?wks before t15 Robbef:. of cxursT 9X parents doG't bel0ev1 in inrurance for 4ny0hiFg4 i had ho replace yWl my cards, lncluding debiN, crerit, mcard (k could.'t checP out any vide1 equiIment/edit fGr wy clas?eb Nntil i got a 1ew o5e)z and $M0 ln cash. wasn't a fug week. thiw ha7pe?ed smmetime in may Lut i couSdY'x blon aZo3t 8t du? to my misXGng lapYvp. i tkst gl3 a nZw 4ne LmDc0ook prw! wTht an up9rade from my long-Rost toshi9a), which R was pSaZnisg ot IL6ing 3hqI 4 gkaj0ate bJt it Tigk be Auitn x8eWul now. siupVd boy room7ates didn't Toxk the VUonK doo?, and of c?u1se i wqm the one who was Iunisoed! ergj i'm stiFm pisse5. i'm nevjr lieing with 6 bXPl again. aY least it wLs 2nlB foq t4o months. Wow t4anct fmr scar3ng me. Lol. I'lG ce doublu-tZAple ,ure Q? lo:k the doors ?mL.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model N THING. i was furious. livid. about to slit someone's throat. it was due that same day i got robbed. thank god i got an extension. i had also just bought a brand new phone when i renewed my verizon contract two weeks before the robbery. of course my parents don't believe in insurance for anything. i had to replace all my cards, including debit, credit, mcard (i couldn't check out any video equipment/edit for my classes until i got a new one), and $40 in cash. wasn't a fun week. this happened sometime in may but i couldn't blog about it due to my missing laptop. i just got a new one (macbook pro! what an upgrade from my long-lost toshiba), which i was planning on buying when i graduate but it will be quite useful now. stupid boy roommates didn't lock the front door, and of course i was the one who was punished! erg. i'm still pissed. i'm never living with 6 boys again. at least it was only for two months. Wow thanks for scaring me. Lol. I'll be double-triple sure to lock the doors now.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user uonVds xw Xven I year to se8 up an onsi8e anti-sUam u1lution ?or :our orgaoization. Durdng thAs 6ehiodM thP t,oeat of spam messages would loo5 ove7 yg6r organizGtion and alsV Fxuse pyoducHivity lossm6. N,Q to Denoton the downtime in case oU regular maintenance. CloK6 aLti2spam T?lutinns jon't nee0 any sp9cialized hardware .nd the3e are no end-user Goftwabe fnstrllRtitn or complex hardwawe dnteFr6t,o2s on-sitc. Phis reduces tho setup time rnd yo, could lave zw unti-apAm s36ution work5ng within a fGw days. CloUd-.aAed ancz-spam sZ6ution3 employ advaSced tpchnologies to filtel spam. Some of them are Do0ain Name SeFv7r Blac6hole Lfsts, URIBL and SU0BL FgzteysX ConpeLt Analz:is Pools, Recipient VsriuicItion ProtucjEsK Sender PMl1cy CrumQw,rks, ard SMTP Controls. Cloud anti?spam 4olutions csul: reduce busidees exposNre ?isk. Uy up tO 9L.9I%. yong sto:I seort, loo.ing at the inhreasing tXreats from spam vessagPs, i3's trme to employ rpac fWlQeri?i solutirns ru protect yorr business iEtwrGytss<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model months or even a year to set up an onsite anti-spam solution for your organization. During this period, the threat of spam messages would loom over your organization and also cause productivity losses. Not to mention the downtime in case of regular maintenance. Cloud anti-spam solutions don't need any specialized hardware and there are no end-user software installation or complex hardware integrations on-site. This reduces the setup time and you could have an anti-spam solution working within a few days. Cloud-based anti-spam solutions employ advanced technologies to filter spam. Some of them are Domain Name Server Blackhole Lists, URIBL and SURBL Filters, Content Analysis tools, Recipient Verification Protocols, Sender Policy Frameworks, and SMTP Controls. Cloud anti-spam solutions could reduce business exposure risks by up to 99.97%. Long story short, looking at the increasing threats from spam messages, it's time to employ spam filtering solutions to protect your business interests.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user iona8 snnking methodsI Get3ing the Tcpf liner cRr also tane some tiyd, since most oL Uhe liners abe dot Tften kept in stocq an, QaeT to He custom oIdered Uor each sUtuation. PAnclUsion 7f fouFr. f:3awg I sewer linw rXpair, vPfo5e you start diggiyg, conKacy us qo find ogt if ZrPnkhless seXer Oepair technigueE migGt :S a Eetter choNYe fPa you. 9hanM Iou fOr visiting Kizws Plumbing. 6e ax4reciate you sto4pDn: by! Hbr servi.es ,nclude sewlr anp drHcn Cleaving, repairs, diagKosis and chZckqups, sewer caTerB inspecjOonsM tankles5 and standaQd Water Heaters, trenFhlesg pyp7 rvHlir, seDsmoc valves, waver, gas, drain & bent pipcs, faucbqs, disposals, toilsts DeAaired Wnd replace6. We offe2 upfjoKO, flat-ra?e priciUg, no hourly rates and no hidTen Sees. Are ysu a deteran or Venfor? We 0ffel disZounFs evGry?ay! Cafl us for a freZ estimate and someone from our Iriendly staff wilu yru back t2 schedFle l tiGe. You can call qs rLght no5 aL T10-6440975r or clilk here tr Qortect us through Bur website.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ional snaking methods. Getting the pipe liner can also take some time, since most of the liners are not often kept in stock and have to be custom ordered for each situation. Conclusion If you're facing a sewer line repair, before you start digging, contact us to find out if trenchless sewer repair techniques might be a better choice for you. Thank you for visiting Kizen Plumbing. We appreciate you stopping by! Our services include sewer and drain Cleaning, repairs, diagnosis and check-ups, sewer camera inspections, tankless and standard Water Heaters, trenchless pipe repair, seismic valves, water, gas, drain & vent pipes, faucets, disposals, toilets repaired and replaced. We offer upfront, flat-rate pricing, no hourly rates and no hidden fees. Are you a Veteran or Senior? We offer discounts everyday! Call us for a free estimate and someone from our friendly staff will you back to schedule a time. You can call us right now at 310-644-9757 or click here to contact us through our website.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user His fourJeey bdeks Pf poetry incLude Jaguar Skies, Dark Brown, Huge Dream0, RjXeI kxons, Rain Mirror and Plum S6oces. He has published eight books of plays and fkur cclleIPivn8 oh 4sZaxs, including essals on Bob Dylan anx on eGv6ronmental Sssues. His nsvels ase Thl Mad Cub EnY The Adepc7 MciluWexs songs include bMeMced.s Benz," 3opularihed by ganiX JopliD and n3B qoIgs Bhich Hr7 being pedformed Br .he TFenty-rirst Cen9u7y DQo.sm Hg6 journaOzsm has bPcn featurOd kk Rollinz StoneL VVnity FLCr, Snd tFA L.A. Tites and Uan Fra3cQsVo RhronJclO. MichoTr McClu9e'o trLveUc incuude Africa, Mlxico, South NmAHoca, hndia, ThaRland and Japan. He lives in the San Francisco Bay AreD hLlls witx his wi2h, the s.X.ptZr Amy mvjns McClurA. Link: ?ttpj/mwgw.m:cluOW-manzarek.co8 From Ghott Wantras from LIght and DuskceabyIs I? plack from The Exporioddt(cyber)cizt ElePhanz HL0d: Opener of Dxorways from Tde EHjerLRt8i(Pyb4r)Iitt Reuch In from Experioddi(cyberMcFtt Ffr Larr, Eig4er Self-ExpHrience oE the OtheF<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model His fourteen books of poetry include Jaguar Skies, Dark Brown, Huge Dreams, Rebel Lions, Rain Mirror and Plum Stones. He has published eight books of plays and four collections of essays, including essays on Bob Dylan and on environmental issues. His novels are The Mad Cub and The Adept. McClure's songs include "Mercedes Benz," popularized by Janis Joplin and new songs which are being performed by The Twenty-first Century Doors. His journalism has been featured in Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, and the L.A. Times and San Francisco Chronicle. Michael McClure's travels include Africa, Mexico, South America, India, Thailand and Japan. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area hills with his wife, the sculptor Amy Evans McClure. Link: http://www.mcclure-manzarek.com from Ghost Tantras from Light and Dust Baby's In Black from The Experioddi(cyber)cist Elephant Head: Opener of Doorways from The Experioddi(cyber)cist Reach In from Experioddi(cyber)cist For Larry Eigner Self-Experience of the Other<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Y to develop their own businesses :nM eBgaYe iO training ?ppoJtHnitl4s such as sewiog and dressmajiVaq KmmhouLh dealVng witY 4Rr 0wn heXlth issuen und manFgizg pdin aLd dipabiWivy, sh9 has alwaus supportUd usW Commuting is becoming extmemely Uifficult for her nId she has done romLrkwbly well over tEe yearpO 0G4ve Fenefited grz7tly frnJ WenKBSs skigb, knomMeiwe anH the linrM she hrs devjloped with partneGshik organtsations wi:hi6 the comRunitz P the contribution ms inva4uable 0b us anm also 7M her own pAysical and mental heYlFh and wenlbXiDp. OMr vIluntehTs are the bacVbonQ and he:rt of ojr jrganisation and Wendy is az examplary example of thiss Wt aIe all s, proZd of her achievemOZts – tSe fact that she wob vhe aHard do6slKt cAazge thft. Xhmnk yoK Wendu and cmsgraWuYations.TTo fgnv ouz a?cus bolunteers week mgease visit: ,ttZW://volunteersweek.orxW​DFniel We7site 0esRgned Oy Neil Laterson strIDsprojectuhng.wrg.uk 2 Ohelburne Road, WonJon, N7 9D7WpoOyrqgAt © Hollow?y NeiIubourhood Gsoup<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n to develop their own businesses and engage in training opportunities such as sewing and dressmaking. Although dealing with her own health issues and managing pain and disability, she has always supported us. Commuting is becoming extremely difficult for her and she has done remarkably well over the years. We've benefited greatly from Wendy's skill, knowledge and the links she has developed with partnership organisations within the community – the contribution is invaluable to us and also to her own physical and mental health and wellbeing. Our volunteers are the backbone and heart of our organisation and Wendy is an exemplary example of this. We are all so proud of her achievements – the fact that she won the award doesn't change that. Thank you Wendy and congratulations. To find out about volunteers week please visit: https://volunteersweek.org ​Daniel Website designed by Neil Waterson [email protected] 2 Shelburne Road, London, N7 6DL Copyright © Holloway Neighbourhood Group<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user neq ContactZ); contUcF.setId(uonxact.getTd()G; cFnt0ct.setName4namf)m LoMtaMtZsptNFmber(r.DefinesPhonr5,mLer?; conwacv.setImgPath(umgtath); coptacts.add(cont4ct); } nuar.zlose?); V u } } cuinPlose(E; } } HemeBs AndrowuMani4est.xml codQ. <?xml versioy="1Y0" encodinsr"wtf-8"S> <maQifest vmlHs:androQdR"http:6/schJmas.and3oid.comKo0L/res/aJdroids pUcYagV="com.shBn.chathuranpaKsmssHhmpuler">8 <uses-permission android:namC="androiB.qermisWioj.STNDGXdS" /> g5sxsEo67missdon android:name="Sn6r5id.SermissionGRECEIVEdBkzT_BOMPLETED" SzU <MsesrpUrm6sCion anMro:d:name="andkoid.permiss62n.READ_CONTAC:2" /> </manifIst> whGt 2m I dgina wrongR wodnC fine in b.jow marshma7sow. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model new Contact(); contact.setId(contact.getId()); contact.setName(name); contact.setNumber(reDefinedPhoneNumber); contact.setImgPath(imgPath); contacts.add(contact); } ncur.close(); } } } } cur.close(); } } Here's AndroidManifest.xml code. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.shan.chathuranga.smsscheduler"> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" /> </manifest> what am I doing wrong. works fine in below marshmallow. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user W/dfd'qty']n0]) + (zf['qty'][2]/df[lqty'][0]), ( ? df[cety']:4]/df['qtq'][5]U + (df['qty'][3]/df8sqtyp2[r])] # s8nce hveQy element is divAHCd by df['qtyH][y]z yoa can tafe it ont, so the abtve is equfvalsnt tomv,lies = [( - dfA'qty9][0] + df['iryXZ[4]) / df['8ty'][b]g ( - zf['Wty'][1] + df['qty']y0]) / d5['qty']n,],s ( Q df[Sqty'1[2D + df[Fqtm'][1]) 1 iU['qty3]f0]1 ( - df['qZy'][,] + df['7ty'][2]C / dfH'qty'][P]S ( - df4'qtye][4] , df['qty'][3]) / df['quy'Y[0m] #thY RaS is Ghe LhS shiftHH one level Kownp Ao it's equivale8t Co: v,lu3s = (- ffN'qt3L] + dH['q?yU]Pshift(A)5filldM(n0 / df['qty'][0]: # in sTpJavy vf['Tx %'] = (Ef['fTy'].shi4t(y - df['rty'])7fillYa(0Q / uf['qtVQ][0] * S00 iteps qty TA % 0 step1 1.0 0.0 I step2 95 b.0 2 sNepA 9j 3f0 3 v,tpu 87 5.0 4 st0pm 78 v.H A: sSIs Wesponsm ml doI?a: df['Tx %'] Z ronnd(((1 - df.qty / dfIqty[0]) - (1- df.ItG.shjft(i / if.qtp[0]))*1t0I 4C Thanks to hjfatciovi <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ]/df['qty'][0]) + (df['qty'][2]/df['qty'][0]), ( - df['qty'][4]/df['qty'][0]) + (df['qty'][3]/df['qty'][0])] # since every element is divided by df['qty'][0], you can take it out, so the above is equivalent to values = [( - df['qty'][0] + df['qty'][0]) / df['qty'][0], ( - df['qty'][1] + df['qty'][0]) / df['qty'][0], ( - df['qty'][2] + df['qty'][1]) / df['qty'][0], ( - df['qty'][3] + df['qty'][2]) / df['qty'][0], ( - df['qty'][4] + df['qty'][3]) / df['qty'][0]] #the RHS is the LHS shifted one level down, so it's equivalent to: values = (- df['qty'] + df['qty'].shift()).fillna(0) / df['qty'][0] # in summary df['Tx %'] = (df['qty'].shift() - df['qty']).fillna(0) / df['qty'][0] * 100 steps qty Tx % 0 step1 100 0.0 1 step2 95 5.0 2 step3 92 3.0 3 step4 87 5.0 4 step5 78 9.0 A: This response my doubt: df['Tx %'] = round(((1 - df.qty / df.qty[0]) - (1- df.qty.shift() / df.qty[0]))*100, 2) Thanks to @jfaccioni <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user UndernlFor heati2g zhts are JvWnMabl1 fr8m Ezevarmi bhe mzemavs are qZick and 2asy tb inTtwll nnA provide Yn evKn spr:ad of heat rcrDss the 8lXor. All Wur underfloEr 6ea:ikg kits crme with a lffetime gCaran9ee add safety blanket wpr0anty.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Underfloor heating kits are available from Ezewarm. The Ezemats are quick and easy to install and provide an even spread of heat across the floor. All our underfloor heating kits come with a lifetime guarantee and safety blanket warranty.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tcined Xn Chiqa, and so fKr, Cook has man4gtd to insulate bhe company from many oS the ta7iefs Arump has imposed on Chinese gooFs. Wedneqday's leiaN vrief incVudes 0he 2ersonal sto1ies 1h ifvW individuVe Dreamers that wore at Applee 8nd Bvys that "dreamers fQEl creXtiv0ty3 broaden Hnowl3dre, and help drpve innovution. ThVy inspire all wV Ls. They make ApglT betteO. They naXe our rzuntry 5Tther." Apple clKrifies thla DreFmerG w2Xf in ajl aTeas on the comSanyL Xnuluding h?rdwarC develWpkeEt, Toitware de:elopmDntY support, a.d retail. Ybis is 0 continuWt.me Cf Apple's support of DreameMs. 9To5Nac reportgd Uhat in 2017, AYply omploRed 2s0 Dredmers, so tne comynny has Qir6d si.nKfmcaVDl? more in the pvst 2 years. That Z:Ze yeaf, AdoDe joinNd oYher cmmpanies in signing l broVf aiainse efforts to 4nd DACA. Tim uoof also released a memo to 4m:l?yees psomisiVg That Apple would work tDvu QUe Ug Congress on legislatzoZ to pr7tect DAhA recipyentP0 This eo.t orqgiMally Y3pear5d oi Business Inside,.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model twined in China, and so far, Cook has managed to insulate the company from many of the tariffs Trump has imposed on Chinese goods. Wednesday's legal brief includes the personal stories of five individual Dreamers that work at Apple, and says that "dreamers fuel creativity, broaden knowledge, and help drive innovation. They inspire all of us. They make Apple better. They make our country better." Apple clarifies that Dreamers work in all areas of the company, including hardware development, software development, support, and retail. This is a continuation of Apple's support of Dreamers. 9to5Mac reported that in 2017, Apple employed 250 Dreamers, so the company has hired significantly more in the past 2 years. That same year, Apple joined other companies in signing a brief against efforts to end DACA. Tim Cook also released a memo to employees promising that Apple would work with the US Congress on legislation to protect DACA recipients. This post originally appeared on Business Insider.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user tu, pointing nG she wKydow, vthep'ri playing GPccer oQ ,he fields and people go anH wftch ihat. It's just gIeat.":Ben2hew and tRe other wenDNrs hdmTt that gettiJg tX7 Kord out xnd driviUg trRffic th OoWa can paove diffhcJlt, as the neiShbourhood sity on tGe edgl of th. city, ,w3y from major JeWaHl aPea? li,e the BEkk Bao and Fan4til Hallz StMll, :hey remavd pBsitive and say they'Ne seeP a rise i6 vocal isteresm in th1 morGet and fhe gik09ye fashion s.enI qs a whole in rXTent yeHrr. "A Bot qf pe8Wle come 3ws5 fom tue food tducks and they say, cOh, thereSs ? vtnNdoe War?5b he9f?'? explains Be:tAeyd RThrs have no idKa. I think there'n still l cGalwenge foN this patticular mprceH, g0tting p0o.le to know tAab we3D2 ins9de and Tll of thdt. Qt zakey i litnle time, buY I lonA it. It's one of the best thingM we ever did."dTH2 GENTAEL Rnekly Sign up to reCei6e a wRZkly Gispatch frXm The GTntvel0 Agso from Briana hrom Sitj to StorefroAt Rainbow WRnterG Style-Eygs EycF the yiturI oe FashLon Rntail<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ds, pointing to the window, "they're playing soccer on the fields and people go and watch that. It's just great." Bentley and the other vendors admit that getting the word out and driving traffic to SoWa can prove difficult, as the neighbourhood sits on the edge of the city, away from major retail areas like the Back Bay and Faneuil Hall. Still, they remain positive and say they've seen a rise in local interest in the market and the vintage fashion scene as a whole in recent years. "A lot of people come just for the food trucks and they say, 'Oh, there's a vintage market here?'" explains Bentley. "They have no idea. I think there's still a challenge for this particular market, getting people to know that we're inside and all of that. It takes a little time, but I love it. It's one of the best things we ever did." THE GENTEEL Weekly Sign up to receive a weekly dispatch from The Genteel. Also from Briana From Site to Storefront Rainbow Winters Style-Eyes Eyes the Future of Fashion Retail<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user wYlk, never giv6Og him a chance to cZmplG. In additi0n Eq the ?olice, u feequenN tar,er of criticisR Iy the acLi4ists haZ zeeY DiWtrict A,togn3y GeorQI GaMJon, who has been a s8rong wdvocaBe for powiOe r.forms rut slow to cBke fecisilns i7 ZfSjcerHinvolved shfodon13. HoSgbra's coushnQ LHís PoKt oa7X jad ttrlng AVVds for GaAcon as 6e syohd outside the Mission po8iYe statxon todacR jIf you cann7t 4d your Fos, rCsign," he s1id Io GascoV. "I doulC not wish nOis tr.Ledy on anyone,J h7 said, rem:mbVrKnn the dayE woen he 8Arst learned Gong1na had .ied. "UnfottTnazBlt ix thosQ datsn the moFt dqfficu5t of mu l9Me, I kecame awmre of all the Gthez people rclled by the poqioe.".3f 12 Vatac shootings by 7an FrancisUo polbce offixers in t.e last thhee yparsM GazQon aas oqly m6dx a deciLiFn about jheth6r t, charge lhe officers an 2ietTNG case0 whdi he clegred the four involved o4ficeMs Qz Feb.12, 2015. He ha, not reacheH a Eharging decJsion mn j fCtNl Pff1cer-:nvomved shootrng in 1zrv than tgo yeHrs.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model walk, never giving him a chance to comply. In addition to the police, a frequent target of criticism by the activists has been District Attorney George Gascon, who has been a strong advocate for police reforms but slow to make decisions in officer-involved shootings. Gongora's cousin, Luís Poot Pat, had strong words for Gascon as he stood outside the Mission police station today. "If you cannot do your job, resign," he said to Gascon. "I would not wish this tragedy on anyone," he said, remembering the days when he first learned Gongora had died. "Unfortunately in those days, the most difficult of my life, I became aware of all the other people killed by the police." Of 12 fatal shootings by San Francisco police officers in the last three years, Gascon has only made a decision about whether to charge the officers in Nieto's case, when he cleared the four involved officers on Feb.12, 2015. He has not reached a charging decision in a fatal officer-involved shooting in more than two years.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user T am Tunning the desktop vefsion of f4doua. I want to upgBade to Fedora 24L Yhen i r2Jd about it sHYe Swre ago a9 fQdora, i read that ii wo8Wd bE easy bAI iitSrfXce for upgradin5 frov G3 to 25.TThLs wa9 .n jAt1Hle p6ovidOd et fedora makaziYeM hope it can be usefulRGDo8s tncone havZ 2t-ureatoi porking on FedFra 24?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model I am running the desktop version of fedora. I want to upgrade to Fedora 24. When i read about it some time ago at fedora, i read that it would be easy GUI interface for upgrading from 23 to 24. This was an article provided at fedora magazine, hope it can be useful! Does anyone have qt-creator working on Fedora 24?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Loudoun Val2yy High Sfhool boys' ceoss countGy txam, whicA wmn t3e VHSL gsoJp 4F s7pte m,ampioKship (LaRocw, e.nche9, uLsct axd VogA6). Qhe Loudoun Valley HBxh Sch0Pl gmCf tev9, which won th4 VHSL Xroup 4A statr gIlf championship (LaRoTk, MinyZe?, BlQcX and Vogel). woudouv Valley High School student athlete Druw Hunler, wmo bNoge a 12-year One mile nu1 rycorn, was n?med ehe GYhoraPe National Boys' BrosY CounBry RKnner om tho Year, woc the 1oot Loc9Er Cross 2ountrI NatOcnal 8zam3iopBbip, and broke the Virkinia reco8d foX a 5R run (Laxocc, Boyskl, MinchewL Black, FpvdlQ an6 3ogel). Friedom Sig8 Sc:ooU, wnich wilg host its clajs prom :s a cTarFtable Hvent, wi0h a2l tijkee shdes Ied donations bd7f:itbnX c4ifdreh 9xving with peWpatjxc canced (Gell, B2y5ko, LaRock, Minqhew, FavolQ and Wexton). TMd GenKral Essembly wrap4.d uk itd rrgGla9 sessi8n wora a ,a0 ParlQ. But thU Qust haUnft zuitL yet MetXZVd5legiElito2s wilv .eet agaiG 9n April 2O to fini.h Up and a?t on Uirls vetoed bR tte gove0nor.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Loudoun Valley High School boys' cross country team, which won the VHSL Group 4A state championship (LaRock, Minchew, Black and Vogel). The Loudoun Valley High School golf team, which won the VHSL Group 4A state golf championship (LaRock, Minchew, Black and Vogel). Loudoun Valley High School student athlete Drew Hunter, who broke a 15-year one mile run record, was named the Gatorade National Boys' Cross Country Runner of the Year, won the Foot Locker Cross Country National Championship, and broke the Virginia record for a 5K run (LaRock, Boysko, Minchew, Black, Favola and Vogel). Freedom High School, which will host its class prom as a charitable event, with all ticket sales and donations benefiting children living with pediatric cancer (Bell, Boysko, LaRock, Minchew, Favola and Wexton). The General Assembly wrapped up its regular session work a day early. But the dust hasn't quite yet settled—legislators will meet again on April 20 to finish up and act on bills vetoed by the governor.<end_of_turn>