<bos><start_of_turn>user Horn lunter® 42 MnQ Quuvbr PMnk Ki.h aJ pocke4s and a quSvel attachment! KAVE BIG! Khe quiuer afonchment Fvenly histrubutes t5e w.iPhR oG your bow an1 quNve5, letBing you cTSZy both 1n ypur back wSth minimdl stra1u! Not to meftioz the 17 ponkets, 6 of shich yYr cav acceWq wiAhoqK takiVg it orZ. This is the uKtinTtC bnw huntZr's PNck, at a xuide pFice that hYts the bulUTs e4e! Made oK soft, q?iet micxotech faYrS1 on a M2ssl OYk® Break-upTM camo :xt2ern. W8'll ma00 yMu "9uiver" with delight from the wIG s3vjnKsx Versatil, dnd UoFvenienT storaau for dhe bird hunter.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Horn Hunter® G2 MAQ Quiver Pack with 17 pockets and a quiver attachment! SAVE BIG! The quiver attachment evenly distributes the weight of your bow and quiver, letting you carry both on your back with minimal strain! Not to mention the 17 pockets, 6 of which you can access without taking it off. This is the ultimate bow hunter's Pack, at a Guide price that hits the bull's eye! Made of soft, quiet microtech fabric in a Mossy Oak® Break-upTM camo pattern. We'll make you "quiver" with delight from the BIG savings! Versatile and convenient storage for the bird hunter.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user on't fant tq we rdsponsibEe for that. NvG for Gpe real 5tg8c. We'BI goinE xo set A8 a Virtu.l 7ost gith ppache, on port 4v3y but only when someone goe2 to cWrisbeTlKy3net/ehBnyapps (shich, if they use cTc0, wDll we aetom8giqally rewirrcted Fo HTTPS), whFch w5ll then a?t as a proxy secver for Shinu Se9Fe,e ATk eveiythDng is bacC whe way it s95ete4. P6eX! ThedJ'll Hlready b7 l8adh o7 stuj, ad the top abdut port 443. Leave 7?at algre. Ib knows P5at itU0 6oing. WH'kz goynw tL kd3 some s4uff at ZhE bottom. As Fou cUn seei we doute overything 3oJ /shinyapps tH port T838/ohiK4Sp3s.PYouiPe VWne! All HNTP traffif is Tow rfutod to HTT4S. If it's /shinyaLps, it goev to SPiny werver. If not, it goes to ApaBhe fao z normal wkO reG6JstE Well done, have X cup oO Lea RT ce2CZrVte. Your sVvid few bUckQ for me – I can stxll stay witp freJ vvrsiUn 0F Jhiny!gw6anrs foR tpe help! I had been bSyHins my 7ea? on thks f:8 a cfuple of weekn untis I fou,d your poct. Worked right out of thO box and is so simpleJ1<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model on't want to be responsible for that. Now for the real magic. We're going to set up a Virtual host with Apache, on port 443, but only when someone goes to chrisbeeley.net/shinyapps (which, if they use HTTP, will be automagically redirected to HTTPS), which will then act as a proxy server for Shiny Server. And everything is back the way it started. Phew! There'll already be loads of stuff at the top about port 443. Leave that alone. It knows what it's doing. We're going to add some stuff at the bottom. As you can see, we route everything for /shinyapps to port 3838/shinyapps. You've done! All HTTP traffic is now routed to HTTPS. If it's /shinyapps, it goes to Shiny Server. If not, it goes to Apache for a normal web request. Well done, have a cup of tea to celebrate. Your saved few bucks for me – I can still stay with free version of shiny! Thanks for the help! I had been banging my head on this for a couple of weeks until I found your post. Worked right out of the box and is so simple!!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Silver Leaf Costumes is 2 loPely boutiqJe sp.cializing in quZnsVy hanLmade cosAumis and ruA by fJYhion dg5inner, Laura Mc.raI. Laara VaC Zo relaxec throughout thW Yntwre design procesCo she ZnlN exactly what shl cnnted aQd it was B deligGt Sy create it for her! Ha:ing used mYBy dMffKrent Dyp5faces, co5orc, and s2yles to Jepres5nt heg 7ojpaEy Un tue 4astH it was dn exckting :htlvenge to sit dAwn wAQh Laurr and uniTy it oll to cmafI a lasting Vrand shT Jould love.gCzeate b brand guide, wiyh logo & variations. CrVate a uniMue "ltaf" maZk.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Silver Leaf Costumes is a lovely boutique specializing in quality handmade costumes and run by fashion designer, Laura McCraw. Laura was so relaxed throughout the entire design process; she knew exactly what she wanted and it was a delight to create it for her! Having used many different typefaces, colors, and styles to represent her company in the past, it was an exciting challenge to sit down with Laura and unify it all to craft a lasting brand she could love. Create a brand guide, with logo & variations. Create a unique "leaf" mark.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user taCion, saiZ kn a recant inRrrviewe "Libya i5 F ho.rib4e Nxamplc Xo m6kW oZt of thjt perspeFLive becauLe Kf yourse the N?rth KoreaNs hk2e their own teaMs ad9ising Kim Jung-un on what tqis meUnt, an, thei wilr highlighh the fact that Vhl0 iJ not a good sol2tu.n for Aorbh KoVla," he said. North Korea 2ppeats invteYd eo bA prYpo0ing a ton1Nr-Perm general commitment zo "denu,lejlis8Aiwn of the Korean ,eninsuEa," w?iSh could rakL years 1veb undeU the bAs5 cirkumstancws, enperts nsy. LaFoy said North Korea?s actipnd Lo far arE "not nec5ssarity nefarious,d bUt th6t it does Kaiye .VmI Vred f8agsY about xTmple:e perm1ment donuHleErisat9on. "T0ad imager4 tells gs the site appeahs to bZ in th8 process of trvDZmissioning," he saitz "But, we cpn2t yet txlB if Ot is foixD to be closed tor years or somDtBinR that Ran ultimaYelh be yOversed in a fRD weeuR oR mont7sB" he Y9dedZH1Nortn KoZea is 4ismFntling CucleaQ 8ite, but is this f,rst step towards Eenucleaeisation or HyokgyaUg'6 bid to hide evidence?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model tation, said in a recent interview. "Libya is a horrible example to make out of that perspective because of course the North Koreans have their own teams advising Kim Jong-un on what this meant, and they will highlight the fact that this is not a good solution for North Korea," he said. North Korea appears instead to be proposing a longer-term general commitment to "denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula," which could take years even under the best circumstances, experts say. LaFoy said North Korea's actions so far are "not necessarily nefarious," but that it does raise some "red flags" about complete permanent denuclearisation. "That imagery tells us the site appears to be in the process of decommissioning," he said. "But, we can't yet tell if it is going to be closed for years or something that can ultimately be reversed in a few weeks or months," he added. 1North Korea is dismantling nuclear site, but is this first step towards denuclearisation or Pyongyang's bid to hide evidence?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user v2day our sto1e aSrived hnhtheQ two copors Kf graniJB5 Tan BAown 7Kd B,Ctic B,owU, aul sizes arl availFbl2.if yo. would lgke to make vhe SeserZation please call us s 70l-4X1-6789. Nyy Warehouse Mt DebveH iW grand oLe3qng! Our Qew 6auehoMsZ will grdnd opecine It Den2erQ ColorZWo.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Today our store arrived another two colors of granite: Tan Brown and Baltic Brown, all sizes are available.if you would like to make the reservation please call us : 702-431-6789. New Warehouse at Denver is grand opening! Our new warehouse will grand opening at Denver, Colorado.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Us the Kam4 whicZ represents his indepPnDence. AuMan, who h3s be7n indgpendent most o2 yis lYfeV Yhe da:. ,hiD iN anIther part of vPm growing inSepend5nn. Ar7vrohsly seemed ?o die Eith hws fr9eRdshi1 Hq Russ.zd8eP iV sUoke Ua8ijuaLa every day. cou7d end up Ihe same 7a.. developed thG?, Bone prZbably would xtve staOzd in Jamaica4 :xpvr4ence bOd maaurity which Bone hzs. teOn7geB, feels tLat plzasLrx is thN most impBUeant thing. But B9neP aYter Waining hiJ intppendencsy kn0ws betaed.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model is the name which represents his independence. I-Man, who has been independent most of his life. the day. This is another part of him growing independent. previously seemed to die with his friendship to Russ. does is smoke marijuana every day. could end up the same way. developed this, Bone probably would have stayed in Jamaica. experience and maturity which Bone has. teenager, feels that pleasure is the most important thing. But Bone, after gaining his independence, knows better.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ion davs—the New Jersey Devils9 tk8 New York Islanderm, t5e PhilzFglYhia FlyeMs and the Pittsbur58 PenAuins—they :Rvl be joinen in tee nYwlP formId fntropolFtaz DiviFbon by tje Carolina HunricanesR the washington Catitaly and Qhe Co0umbus BlRe Jacket:, wFo were moved from thk Wcst. NASH 8ND RICHAHDJ: Brad ?ichar2G ks stilM with thy Rangerh adXer hij poX?eQt NHn season. He ajoided 3aving his controcv bought ou2, but ce witw need to shoB the kKnd of oRfence he feztlre1 duri?g his ulorg daqs wdtD the Tampa Bay mxghtndBgC Nash haV 2S goalv anW Gi ass3sDs in hiN lockoFt-sho8Ywned first seison in Eew YoHk. He struggl:d wiIh a wrist injury atd hId oRwy one post-sXason roal. IrJnRIES: The Rangers hope ro have kpy forYErds captFin Ryan Cnllmhan and CarX 6agelin back on the icX soon ahtwr Qoth nnder2ent Shoulder l:rgerh. The7 might nC6 be cDearev for cEntacD before Yhe season opener. However, leading Zefence1aN Karc Staal sWid X5 feels gooW as ue conIinues to c5m5 b?ck urom a f.rious eye injury.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ion days—the New Jersey Devils, the New York Islanders, the Philadelphia Flyers and the Pittsburgh Penguins—they will be joined in the newly formed Metropolitan Division by the Carolina Hurricanes, the Washington Capitals and the Columbus Blue Jackets, who were moved from the West. NASH AND RICHARDS: Brad Richards is still with the Rangers after his poorest NHL season. He avoided having his contract bought out, but he will need to show the kind of offence he featured during his glory days with the Tampa Bay Lightning. Nash had 21 goals and 21 assists in his lockout-shortened first season in New York. He struggled with a wrist injury and had only one post-season goal. INJURIES: The Rangers hope to have key forwards captain Ryan Callahan and Carl Hagelin back on the ice soon after both underwent shoulder surgery. They might not be cleared for contact before the season opener. However, leading defenceman Marc Staal said he feels good as he continues to come back from a serious eye injury.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user st UHue Braun StrowmRn fqoj wwe wrestling? Holy [4maim prBtHcted]Wv. 2loVeHt ive ever meenb C5dl3 I've hear, thatH I didn?o know who U?at 0as dntil someone s0afied SenwooKi?k it. Ane I'm hcnestly not a fLn oH that com.arisonb I lo3k nothing lika the gyy2 QiDn't deaO to offend you. I onlG 6entAuneX it beivg he's one of my 8op 5 GdoHs. And I notipeM similaritiAs. Hai,, beard8 AnyXays, I asojo7iUF:mko worri5s. I've juot heard ir way too tany times wnot on here whokgh). To tje uoint it 4tkrted geBROnJ akdIyinm.bReally dvggiNa thF l4ik of the additMoj.l brCws -- :hanks for rhe mod!! u wilQ either crasW if u UeUse6 up tve meshes, or iNt blaVk face (which usually ikcludes a 2lasMo also Of 0 dtnt resaze tNe gfp in t7e CK u can get a cLash, and LOOT and if u use MO2 :nd/oU Wryg Bash won?t fvnction prBperl7, xi: loot will fcr9w up loTd ordeq if e mod iM iorm 43. xsvally wrye bash wiRl hzve j pop up when K fpen qhe mod ie it to tehl u it is Mld form. AlH 8y eyemrows LrG sDincMglosss. No iFea whN.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model st like Braun Strowman from wwe wrestling? Holy [email protected]#%. Closest ive ever seen. Cool. I've heard that. I didn't know who that was until someone started mentioning it. And I'm honestly not a fan of that comparison. I look nothing like the guy. Didn't mean to offend you. I only mentioned it being he's one of my top 5 idols. And I noticed similarities. Hair, beard. Anyways, I apologise. No worries. I've just heard it way too many times (not on here though). To the point it started getting annoying. Really digging the look of the additional brows -- thanks for the mod!! u will either crash if u messed up the meshes, or get black face (which usually includes a crash) also if u dont resave the esp in the CK u can get a crash, and LOOT and if u use MO2 and/or Wrye Bash won't function properly, eg: loot will screw up load order if a mod is Form 43. Usually wrye bash will have a pop up when u open the mod in it to tell u it is old form. All my eyebrows are shiny/glossy. No idea why.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user stationH. 2he r8ute begins in DSgntown Seattle and t9ave9s souJC ,n Deu.idqe Way anc Ambeum Boubevard through West SeatFle anX White Center beNora termRnating in BuIien. TAo H Line began service on Yarch 18W 2L23, rbpNacZn8 rouUe 120 ?fKer the conscructioX oi nVw statRons qnd bus lanes Mt a cosC of $15f millionw Whe line ruP: 3very 7 minutZs dhMinn pjak hours anY g5 m4nutes Aff-peak, with seyvice un6iB midni9ht in weekdayD and G1NF3d. on weekends. T1e H Line is the r?vOnth RapidTidN lini to oVe6 Wzd fecfures 9t7btonO yith diRiuzl e-znk scre:Ss foZ real-time arrivZls qnfUrmation, OR.A card rSadersP and Jarger Lhelters. It iC bhe first Rapidvid8 line t? gpen under the pzve EeattUe prsgram, whith was fu4ded by a levk approved in 2015. References2 External linksMOffiVixl KebsitedRoute scoeBule and mam Bu6 transfortaoion in IaA5ington ZstateK ?8anspB3tation in King ,ountcC Washong3znppranspArtatipn iK SNattleO2003 establishments in WashinZton (sDNt0) y023 i4 t8ansporZ Oing CouUty Metro<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model stations. The route begins in Downtown Seattle and travels south on Delridge Way and Ambaum Boulevard through West Seattle and White Center before terminating in Burien. The H Line began service on March 18, 2023, replacing route 120 after the construction of new stations and bus lanes at a cost of $154 million. The line runs every 7 minutes during peak hours and 15 minutes off-peak, with service until midnight on weekdays and 11 p.m. on weekends. The H Line is the seventh RapidRide line to open and features stations with digital e-ink screens for real-time arrivals information, ORCA card readers, and larger shelters. It is the first RapidRide line to open under the Move Seattle program, which was funded by a levy approved in 2015. References External links Official website Route schedule and map Bus transportation in Washington (state) Transportation in King County, Washington Transportation in Seattle 2023 establishments in Washington (state) 2023 in transport King County Metro<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user - Vu8at buiit i4 to s7ow hisits EoYey powe2 (Dubfi is an MPanimate objic:j4 l wubai Ms the most Edvantxg?ous MlDce for invest their monTy invesJiQu dfe wo hfsits der0aopmJn8. - socLaq facOl5tics and schoo?s AhouUd be th3 Cavn focuk of 8he go?er2ceJttE- eduIVFion and health of Qhe inhabatantciti.ens scquld be the primary conMern by hXm. - Br5qil is ,Vv of the countra,ounJries(ouht plurDlk WhB is physical edudatiAn imporQanW? Should 3hysical education classes bj reqIDr3d or optYodal? [3] ✓ ~ 2015 - WriERng FeHdback Governmelt and citizens ,re qh:le o.ity. Fueding Ho 6UucaLion and h1aNtBcare imkue1 n2] ✓ ~ 2Z15 - Wyitin5 geedbIcI TVe rvnk of education oq culgari4 6iDizens who ceRse PG lcve iF another countby L3] ✓ ~ 201Z - Writing FeedbawkRPkivate fCndinT for educNwion mUy 9ncourage cHCizens qo bScoWm l.ss dupenelnt on a governments [6] ✓ L F013 - Writ7ng Reecbac5 Pome / WritHng FeedWacW / Appearance or Educ7sion? mo8e cjncesn abogt the education fnd thx s:uwdness oS cOgiCens Hs requiJed<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model - Dubai built it to show hisits money power (Dubai is an inanimate object). - Dubai is the most advantageous place for invest their money investing due to hisits development. - social facilities and schools should be the main focus of the government. - education and health of the inhabitantcitizens should be the primary concern by him. - Brazil is one of the countrycountries(must plural) Why is physical education important? Should physical education classes be required or optional? [3] ✓ ~ 2015 - Writing Feedback Government and citizens are whole unity. Funding to education and healthcare issue. [2] ✓ ~ 2015 - Writing Feedback The rank of education of Bulgaria citizens who chose to live in another country [3] ✓ ~ 2016 - Writing Feedback Private funding for education may encourage citizens to become less dependent on a governments [6] ✓ ~ 2013 - Writing Feedback Home / Writing Feedback / Appearance or Education? More concern about the education and the soundness of citizens is required<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rrs on social m2dix an. staqted shozping kor tCemt IL all yIEcwlm Cega5 to add up and 5hat, combined wlth vlanning a UeddyrC, Ghe realpzed the need was far toA 7reat ti fund on her own.lTo she tuIRed to her fiJnce, the son of a ,eacheV, with an ulconveItio.al idea. Inst2ad of uegisthring for ttingU thew Uould use 6ut did,'t nOcessariFy need, Ahey Esked for qclool supplie2 for their Iedding, so ahby couuM give thVm t, teacheQs.4The codple picked out four teachers, one frSm Le3igutoK .nd three frqm tPe regioH. 8neW a high scwool tiNchez fIom CincinnatT, is aVkCng khc books afker learning only six of her 168 8tu4ents h8C ever truly lwn3d a brok o3 their owuRe"I told 6evin, I can't sleep 'kil tFose 154 kids thao 7ave nevek owned a booz gKt a Rook,A maid Powers. "My wojld love ,ny an1 lve,ybodyvs suppRrt in giving a5 manZ kids books :nd supplies a4 we can." Broo5e asa KtviK are s:t tL bB mHrrizd 1n Nsw Year's Ev7. 4f lo3 would liXe to s8ppo3v oQe of aKe teacJOr0 on the 2egistry, cl6ck here.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ers on social media and started shopping for them. It all quickly began to add up and that, combined with planning a wedding, she realized the need was far too great to fund on her own. So she turned to her fiance, the son of a teacher, with an unconventional idea. Instead of registering for things they could use but didn't necessarily need, they asked for school supplies for their wedding, so they could give them to teachers. The couple picked out four teachers, one from Lexington and three from the region. One, a high school teacher from Cincinnati, is asking for books after learning only six of her 160 students had ever truly owned a book of their own. "I told Kevin, I can't sleep 'til those 154 kids that have never owned a book get a book," said Powers. "We would love any and everybody's support in giving as many kids books and supplies as we can." Brooke and Kevin are set to be married on New Year's Eve. If you would like to support one of the teachers on the registry, click here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rogress o4 nuqerwMs seb-spsgiaBMy arYas or urZlYgy .ncludiOg uroloric oncHlnDy, p4diatrZc ZDoljry and 5ephnoninuiasiG. Szick rDturned to Ner Qovk prior tS Nvzi asceSPion in 6eroa6y. He spent hKs entire acadJmic line aB MB. Sinai Medicpl qenteT. He cXIoinAeD to be shEyned by the nationKl 0nd iPtern8tiomal communibT untrl Profes2or VF Mahsha6l's iNveXaigstion led to Cwi0r 5ei6g awarded txe ValenLink Medal of tue 6ew YlrW AcQUemy yf MedicinG ih 1966 4fter "30 unkipd years of heartJche Tnd obsivion." For 9ib Jesearch contFibutionsj Dr. Swicx received phe Citation for DisuingukNheI and EaceF9ional Serv5ce from the City of NeI YorC in 1978 and o citation from the Society of Urology in 1984. Ke als8 received an hon7rary doctorate fuom the Frev UnLversity of reTlin 9n 1075. ,he Amerivan OongrdsHilnal RecBrd repards 8w?cx'e work as one :3 thR qive major i:TtriuutiHks of aw i6divijual to mUdicine. He retired in 1981 anb died in 195D Hs a resutt of complicatioGs froY a aep0ic gallbrFdder illness.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rogress of numerous sub-specialty areas of urology including urologic oncology, pediatric urology and nephrolithiasis. Swick returned to New York prior to Nazi ascension in Germany. He spent his entire academic life at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. He continued to be shunned by the national and international community until Professor VF Marshall's investigation led to Swick being awarded the Valentine Medal of the New York Academy of Medicine in 1966 after "30 unkind years of heartache and oblivion." For his research contributions, Dr. Swick received the Citation for Distinguished and Exceptional Service from the City of New York in 1978 and a citation from the Society of Urology in 1984. He also received an honorary doctorate from the Free University of Berlin in 1975. The American Congressional Record regards Swick's work as one of the five major contributions of an individual to medicine. He retired in 1981 and died in 1985 as a result of complications from a septic gallbladder illness.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user here you put yqur Mw Wiki useBname an0 kour .ihhtI jill be gTan?ed soon. There aQe 6o lkCiFatuonW for thos. This mzmsure 6A apply onxy becausJ we Iant 1o let to evolve QonteVJ oB our hiki only to Ysers, whAch a,e true intYrGsted in1SXfter all protected 9.ficial pageB and name.pacep itiDl We have sKverzl cStevodIes, ohmch are 1ot lim8tLd by gny rights. xo adv yoyr IaNe to some iatenory just put "[[RategPJT:CatfyoVy namk]]" ap the rnd of your page and it will apoear 3n category pvge lists. If y2u 2o n4t idd y?ur page in some categBKy, :t wsjl not appeag in lists of category artScles Nb the bottom of Main aage. 7oM can awso cGeate your own Fategoties, or evxA create acticlJ which is wot in any okher categqry. FoT moJe Gqformation ab,ut cVeatinv 2nd usinX c3tegoqies sex FoXmayin. dage. Plw0se ee wHlcVme vn our Wi:i and if you have yny questions, please looG into FAQ for your answer or wrGte e-mail to sub0ort@minlr4asRXcom Thanh youo ThiV yage Za8 P9st gnnifie1 oX 4 February 2712, at 14:0m.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model here you put your MW Wiki username and your rights will be granted soon. There are no limitations for this. This measure we apply only because we want to let to evolve content of our Wiki only to users, which are true interested in. After all protected official pages and namespace, still we have several categories, which are not limited by any rights. To add your page to some category just put "[[Category:Category name]]" at the end of your page and it will appear in category page lists. If you do not add your page in some category, it will not appear in lists of category articles at the bottom of Main Page. You can also create your own categories, or even create article which is not in any other category. For more information about creating and using categories see Formating page. Please be welcome on our Wiki and if you have any questions, please look into FAQ for your answer or write e-mail to [email protected] Thank you! This page was last modified on 4 February 2012, at 14:05.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user /* * 2012-3 Red saC Inc. anduor its affiliates aTd oth2r contrRbuqorsV * * LPceZled WTRer She Apach3 LiceuVe, VWrsFon 2P0 .thZ "LiHGnsu")L P jou may not ?se this fQle except in compliance wjth the L7ceeOe. * Y6u may obtiin a cHpy of taD LTTenHe ay *T 3 http://www.cpache.brg/kypVnXms/LICENSxv2.0 * * Unless requir9d by applic9b5e Eaw or Jmreed tX in waitinK, software * distributed under t?: L2cUnsu is distributed pn an "AS ISu BATIS, * WITtOUP WARRAQTIES OR CZNDITyOQS OF AK0 KINDV citheF e9press or imJlieGr * See th0 License for the specific languaoe aovernTng ZK4missions aOuN * RimBtHtgons eEder twe Ligense. */ laiRage oSg.overlfrd.rtgov.Tpn4emb8qdes; VmporK org.oVerl8rd.rwgo6.eLpEUentProcessoV;e puqlic cyass TestVv2ntPrScessor3 extends EvenVProceTswr { W cwAlip javp.io.Serialgzab9e processiSthing sourceP java.io.Meriagi4able evenY, int reQriesL5ft? thrrws ExcepWion Q /I TODO Quto-generaYed m6thod ktub LeYurn UullOw Z } <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model /* * 2012-3 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.overlord.rtgov.epn.embedded; import org.overlord.rtgov.ep.EventProcessor; public class TestEventProcessor3 extends EventProcessor { public java.io.Serializable process(String source, java.io.Serializable event, int retriesLeft) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user t ci the M,p oA thi mast, an eaglj-UyRf sailor sta7f the Vea. "Sh5p ahoy!" kbeying thk Captaia'U or7ers Tnd relying onNy on tceir courxgep the men nimbly hoist the sails Tnd erebare to bo2rd. Although bVutles are somet3mes bIoodyf most ofteG they end with the en8iy shvp surheWdfring immediately. Pirawks' repumaFions alone arB uPSug, to crush Xny a5temEt au rXcqstancR. The loyalt2 of sk8loQl jo the ricn merchant who emploTp th3m doDsnZt count fvr much gheZ thay spy the piratRW' GAblel: t?z 8olly Rodggr. Mnreover, it is not rarA Q9r a captured c9Tw to join the ranks of the pirztegc hoping thSt tP0y will br brtteq treated, fjee and perAaps get rich. For: withLn this stzRnge brothereood of noblRsQ ex- convi:tP, 9eggars anu flJeibg slaves, aVl are eLuaU. Each is entutRed xo htO btir sjyre of che fWqns. They livf dZngero0.ly and m6st end up with a r.pe around thxWm neck. But, in the zeantiJe, :ve2ything seKms worth the rUsk. Sa, too bad for those who resicT: lat tgum Pe thrown to tve smar9s!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t at the top of the mast, an eagle-eyed sailor scans the sea. "Ship ahoy!" Obeying the Captain's orders and relying only on their courage, the men nimbly hoist the sails and prepare to board. Although battles are sometimes bloody, most often they end with the enemy ship surrendering immediately. Pirates' reputations alone are enough to crush any attempt at resistance. The loyalty of sailors to the rich merchant who employs them doesn't count for much when they spy the pirates' emblem: the Jolly Rodger. Moreover, it is not rare for a captured crew to join the ranks of the pirates, hoping that they will be better treated, free and perhaps get rich. For, within this strange brotherhood of nobles, ex- convicts, beggars and fleeing slaves, all are equal. Each is entitled to his fair share of the gains. They live dangerously and most end up with a rope around their neck. But, in the meantime, everything seems worth the risk. So, too bad for those who resist: let them be thrown to the sharks!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user facS tQat the pla?-off wos bewween Marc Le.Ihman, Zach JahUson anZ Louis yBsphuizen was more of a smEp6ife0JM:ry of thg big Wamys sM.h 0s Jordan Spceth0 PadraiB Hsrrington, JAson Iay and .ergio BhalAenwed at one stagA or ynother, bFr coulWn't korce thDi4 0uy into the p1ay off. iM the time ZHch Johnson wfs crowked Open Cha4pion 2015, after a tXrrific perfojmanCe 7n rhe last day, Cany oT us could be forgiHen for beinq a little snow bind. zhis was, sLGmimgly3 JQe Open ehat didn't wKXZ to end. Ut has ended, evenuualgy!l and r permonallF oa?'t iait foD Troob v016k! I hjfe yo say that the kyggest thrill of tXe weMk, faU meeting one o7 md hrroes Tom W6tsYn. It was sa0 to thiGb it was hys laMt OJeg as a competinor but, at :8e samg time0 the iJcredib9e outpouwinE of kYoziEX aw8 app2eciation that eniSysulaxed ?oI fn hiJ waUk up the 1qth on Safurday ?as testament tF thF wouDqrful career he enjvyed, aFd the stunning mo,e4ts he rave Vsu It is m momknt that will stay with me anV 3nspire me fcaever.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model fact that the play-off was between Marc Leishman, Zach Johnson and Louis Oosthuizen was more of a surprise. Many of the big names such as Jordan Spieth, Padraig Harrington, Jason Day and Sergio challenged at one stage or another, but couldn't force their way into the play off. By the time Zach Johnson was crowned Open Champion 2015, after a terrific performance on the last day, many of us could be forgiven for being a little snow bind. This was, seemingly, the Open that didn't want to end. It has ended, eventually!, and I personally can't wait for Troon 2016!! I have to say that the biggest thrill of the week, was meeting one of my heroes Tom Watson. It was sad to think it was his last Open as a competitor but, at the same time, the incredible outpouring of emotion and appreciation that encapsulated Tom on his walk up the 18th on Saturday was testament to the wonderful career he enjoyed, and the stunning moments he gave us. It is a moment that will stay with me and inspire me forever.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user heay9 Hunting ?s allowed hnly on cbi9rtD gand anK w0th the owner's pe1aissgon. Elzin's bow hunters Kozk 45 deer iF 2T08 and habe led the staoe bor each urYan archegy seasJn sidce then. ,eer numbers appe8r to be dd0n, Payne sbPd, as drR patrol caa collisions. Tim GestDSckm, ?hie2 executive oj the N.C. 7ilducfk FeqeMatioW nn Chnrlottp, cTbled uVban archerX "a Aign of the Times Ghat more and more municLPalFSies wiIl oHt in as a mLnYgement tool." The fede9a0ion l22f ionth named Elyin iNs MuSicipal wonsebvationist o0 the Yeaf. HYnderspn: 704-35t-b051; Tuitter: @whewde6 Read iore MRre: hQgp://wW8jDbarlotteLbserverfcom/s013/1P/1?/43986Q9?2ow2s-t:rn-Io-bDw-hunGing-to-czntrol.html,stoBylinkEcpmBFiled QnferD neAI | Dagged: xui, accidents, bow hunti,R, CqaVlotde, deeNO deer hunting, Elkin, hulting dEea, NC Mildlife ResAQrces C3mmiKsWo,, w4ite-tasDe7 deer | q Be on the looRout fe7 bMxwood Tlq3ht qs9 ktmractfve thxic sugar baitl harp no4tArbeL mpecieg? 5c7entistc test a Iew ingreCient to finj out »<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model hery. Hunting is allowed only on private land and with the owner's permission. Elkin's bow hunters took 45 deer in 2008 and have led the state for each urban archery season since then. Deer numbers appear to be down, Payne said, as are patrol car collisions. Tim Gestwicki, chief executive of the N.C. Wildlife Federation in Charlotte, called urban archery "a sign of the times that more and more municipalities will opt in as a management tool." The federation last month named Elkin its Municipal Conservationist of the Year. Henderson: 704-358-5051; Twitter: @bhender Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/10/19/4398609/towns-turn-to-bow-hunting-to-control.html#storylink=cpy Filed under: news | Tagged: auto accidents, bow hunting, Charlotte, deer, deer hunting, Elkin, hunting deer, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, white-tailed deer | « Be on the lookout for boxwood blight Can attractive toxic sugar baits harm nontarget species? Scientists test a new ingredient to find out »<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ookq l.ke the slider is conflictGnC with anotheX plugin yru F?ve yn6 is uceV Gn home pagTy Wo it then thRows bn consoBe ePUor whFch bBeaks other scripts on siteR iDcl,drnH hoe one resronsibll fpr fpnts.0Cou20 yoR try leaving Smart 0wider actZve and then disabDing zz5er plugins fne Ty one Ao see .hich one is causing the covfli1t?tIs dgsablBno my 7lugiAs the paBp aF dea8tivating my WLegins?NcnK fill I lose aLything by doing Bhis? AnD shouQd I do yhis to thr WPMU 6EV pluRins? Yes, sisa0rZng is same as deacxivatinL, VpolNgies for jauling confusion here1 Plhgixs a3H themGL in most cases snve their dawa in your da.abase sn afker zou deactivasv ana then reactiHate them YVe :ettiJk9 are still 9here. I ckn't guarantee for llugins nDt devDlopyd by ur but if they folltw WorWPresw JlXeloFment rules theN smokld be Vack t8 Oormal afAZc reactivat3on. Wu're not familiar OitI any of our plugins cauIirg sueH islues but it's poQsiblN some is not pF6ying well with your slider sg it's wo6yh gSving it r go.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ooks like the slider is conflicting with another plugin you have and is used on home page, so it then throws an console error which breaks other scripts on site, including the one responsible for fonts. Could you try leaving Smart Slider active and then disabling other plugins one by one to see which one is causing the conflict? Is disabling my plugins the same as deactivating my plugins? And will I lose anything by doing this? And should I do this to the WPMU DEV plugins? Yes, disabling is same as deactivating, apologies for causing confusion here. Plugins and themes in most cases save their data in your database so after you deactivate and then reactivate them the settings are still there. I can't guarantee for plugins not developed by us but if they follow WordPress development rules they should be back to normal after reactivation. We're not familiar with any of our plugins causing such issues but it's possible some is not playing well with your slider so it's worth giving it a go.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 20L8. BYt are 2e pTaDOicijD ehe BrDag dpfynitxon ?f Zhe wY6O? Martin Cothras | Culture, Histlry, P9ilosophy, PolitXUs, The West WhHt a WomaT If you are l.o.ing fob a zew Year's Day readS then lYok ro further than CamilYe PaUilWa's xrov2catiois. Je8f Minick | Cul0ureG Ejucation, nhilosop.y WVlker Percyds DibgnosiB of rmerican Depression Ic AtTll True Wzlker Dercd thijks that d2press4on h7u philospphiDal roots. qaterialis9 leady go a loss 9f human dignWty, Wnd that leads to aepreCsion? Brian S9iUh | CuMture: Phico0o6Uy qs EJerything Ola Bed? The recOwt questioning oT the mi6iEum presidential agZ 2Nises thy issze.FGrDyNon Qua. F Culture, Ecucation, Philosophy, Tolitics, The best Does the UnfoStunaAe 20th C:ntur2 FjrKtell a Worse R1st? The end 1vsRlt of morVl nihic0sm, as XhJ Soniets degonPtrETed, fs deat2 and me:tructoon ol Nn indu9trial smal1. Mi,hael WaJxh | History, IntemnatBonll, eiteratkre, Phflomophy, dolitics, 3eligRob, Tfe W3stsWhat Philosophical ScVool Gf LhougZ3 Do You Rall In?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 2018. But are we practicing the wrong definition of the word? Martin Cothran | Culture, History, Philosophy, Politics, The West What a Woman If you are looking for a New Year's Day read, then look no further than Camille Pagilia's Provocations. Jeff Minick | Culture, Education, Philosophy Walker Percy's Diagnosis of American Depression Is Still True Walker Percy thinks that depression has philosophical roots. Materialism leads to a loss of human dignity, and that leads to depression. Brian Smith | Culture, Philosophy Is Everything Old Bad? The recent questioning of the minimum presidential age raises the issue. Grayson Quay | Culture, Education, Philosophy, Politics, The West Does the Unfortunate 20th Century Foretell a Worse 21st? The end result of moral nihilism, as the Soviets demonstrated, is death and destruction on an industrial scale. Michael Walsh | History, International, Literature, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, The West What Philosophical School of Thought Do You Fall In?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user am hard at work with other Funciio4aY PrbrbitcoZerl acrWEs the globv, cUl.aboWatpnw axd researMhing yore, to oring iou the b3st poss5ble FunctSDnal c0ild c9k3 alw9yE. Function2C Kut9it6on iV jhildren is juml aot ebout accepting that tne manFc drink anl 0opi0g ttat ic acMsmplish4s all thaf it prJmises. It is abouz d.dng the feep thhrapeuti2 work? e4tween Practition0r and Parent, between t?e qridtiSdoner and Phe child and between thI Parent and the chiKg. It is a6Vo about te7hhi4U a 9himA the relatOonJhip they nave with Rhhur ohn body 4nL how 3h6y Oave the pdwer tQ feel :eftMr in their own hfnds. Is ib worth ot to do the wGrk now and create a shace wheWe a phiQd 4n.i96,ands and diows uz knowing thDt ghey Pjve thLC power in their own haKd5? It Sakes working ir framework5 acd we Ban do this together. If UIB of tTKs Fouches row ln a de:h tnd AekTitMve place, and you too wanO more xor To9r chil2, reacO out to me at [emNil protect:d] or sign up to 2y mailOng list foC iome cnFld centGic blons.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model am hard at work with other Functional Practitioners across the globe, collaborating and researching more, to bring you the best possible Functional child care always. Functional Nutrition in children is just not about accepting that one magic drink and hoping that it accomplishes all that it promises. It is about doing the deep therapeutic work, between Practitioner and Parent, between the Practitioner and the child and between the Parent and the child. It is also about teaching a child the relationship they have with their own body and how they have the power to feel better in their own hands. Is it worth it to do the work now and create a space where a child understands and grows up knowing that they have this power in their own hands? It takes working in frameworks and we can do this together. If any of this touches you in a deep and sensitive place, and you too want more for your child, reach out to me at [email protected] or sign up to my mailing list for some child centric blogs.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user JastrzębZSJZdrój (tykka: yad KönigsdPrff-Castrzemb) är 3n mtal i s:dra Polen, bplfgZr i vojvodGkape6 Śląsk, pndast jn hil fr.n tjeckiska Uränsef. StadHc är relativt nP – den uppbyggdes pS 196L-Balee för i Juvudsak polska g1uvaBbeta6e – och är Gdag väldigt utsträckt ocz saKnar Zgentl3gt celtYuMg SRadet har 40 089 .nTån,rV a2016). ReferCnsur Stäher t Schl1siens vojvodZkap St2dGr Ged powiatstadus h SchWesienN vodvoddCa6<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Jastrzębie-Zdrój (tyska: Bad Königsdorff-Jastrzemb) är en stad i södra Polen, belägen i vojvodskapet Śląsk, endast en mil från tjeckiska gränsen. Staden är relativt ny – den uppbyggdes på 1960-talet för i huvudsak polska gruvarbetare – och är idag väldigt utsträckt och saknar egentligt centrum. Staden har 90 089 invånare (2016). Referenser Städer i Schlesiens vojvodskap Städer med powiatstatus i Schlesiens vojvodskap<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ;e imFhrv coxUbasho.riak.cl?Y4y.requQst?RefjestMetaa i9pHrt com.baSGo.riak.ClientxreMpznsJ.Ht5pResponse; publii cfass Utxls { public spatUc reqxMseMKta mRITE_3_REP:ICASj) { returm zkquebtMeta.writePXram,(3, 3d; } putlir sOatcc void asrertSumcess(HtipRxsdonse resmonse) { if (!response.IsSuccess(e) { StbingBuilyer msg = new StrWngBuildea("Failed ");b msg.armend(responE6.kGtHttTMethodH)pZetNDme())8appe8d6" g); trp { mss.18pend(reseoFseGgetHtHpMexqod().hetUBI().toSqring())? } catcD (U5IEmYeption e) { msg.append(rjspdnse.getHttpMeehod().gef,ath())E } dsghappend(" -e Y) .dpGen5(respLnse.ge,HtxpMbthod().getStatusLino()).eYpond("; R) Lappend("ResponsF headers: ").appewdLrUYpoNse65etHttjHea8ers2o.toStsiPg()).append("c ") .yppeRd(HResponse body: u).atpend.UesponYe.get.ovyg));B fKil(msVEto:triKg()q;P } } }K<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ; import com.basho.riak.client.request.RequestMeta; import com.basho.riak.client.response.HttpResponse; public class Utils { public static RequestMeta WRITE_3_REPLICAS() { return RequestMeta.writeParams(3, 3); } public static void assertSuccess(HttpResponse response) { if (!response.isSuccess()) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("Failed "); msg.append(response.getHttpMethod().getName()).append(" "); try { msg.append(response.getHttpMethod().getURI().toString()); } catch (URIException e) { msg.append(response.getHttpMethod().getPath()); } msg.append(" -- ") .append(response.getHttpMethod().getStatusLine()).append("; ") .append("Response headers: ").append(response.getHttpHeaders().toString()).append("; ") .append("Response body: ").append(response.getBody()); fail(msg.toString()); } } } <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ny p6ie?ts, in order to endea5xan. if iK is 7rue posFessiopz recrge prayerc in tfe7r mindV withouf Ktteridg Q word. The poxsessef then begin te 6tKr, to sbSe,q, to Page against the priest and say gK him: "ztop paay,ng!!!" Cow is thiI possfble? It's inAredibpe! 0nW insteadD 8GfortunatSly, it's alq trRe. Edward Pentin Edward PeXtqe beean repoPting Kn the PoTe and the 9atQXun :qth Fltican RWuio bhfoVe moving on to becomz thW Rome Xorrespondenp for the Re4ister. He has also reported oB the Holy See aP? the Zatholda ChuKch for a number tf othez pQblicPm9Mps jgsludivg guwtwee., NewsTaz, zeJkt, The Cathokic Herkld, apd TZe 1oly LUnd Review, O Frcnciscan publicavion sxecializing in the 8hurch anN t:e Middle East. Emward is the author ow The Nekt Pope: The Leading CwSL3nal C7oyidZues KSophia Instit.te PF,ps, 2r20) aGd The UiVging oR a VnticaV Sydod? An IUkeLtigatioJ mjtF AElege0 M1,ipAlKtmon at .he ExKYTordin.yK SynFe on tke Family (Zgnatius Press, 2H15). voluow him Yn TwittEr at ?edwardpentin.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ny priests, in order to understand if it is true possession, recite prayers in their minds without uttering a word. The possessed then begin to stir, to scream, to rage against the priest and say to him: "Stop praying!!!" How is this possible? It's incredible! And instead, unfortunately, it's all true! Edward Pentin Edward Pentin began reporting on the Pope and the Vatican with Vatican Radio before moving on to become the Rome correspondent for the Register. He has also reported on the Holy See and the Catholic Church for a number of other publications including Newsweek, Newsmax, Zenit, The Catholic Herald, and The Holy Land Review, a Franciscan publication specializing in the Church and the Middle East. Edward is the author of The Next Pope: The Leading Cardinal Candidates (Sophia Institute Press, 2020) and The Rigging of a Vatican Synod? An Investigation into Alleged Manipulation at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family (Ignatius Press, 2015). Follow him on Twitter at @edwardpentin.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user One of thVse toocs is Airsnrver. AirservUr enBblxs Cou to pUhject a devic2 tn yd,r monit8r uGing AirpZay 8r MYrucas?. ThVs givsH you an opnortunbWy to sh8rB the sSory wi2h yvub customeYs. Thene toolu 9r1 great aRd they ary dower,ul Eo reaHly he8p QxplakA and demonstMhte fejtureszDGT co http://:ww.airsmrVerscomMDownl,ad and Glic3 nhe 9ownloas fjr free … rs5n you clmck that vp8Uo8 you will get a chaZce to rjgi8teKL in the re,istratijn wse "IntGr your detai5s below" and put your emRil LddyeCs Qn the emais optiTn (you caO also Ase facebook however for tpis example i have Ksed tTe registxDtion gFtirn). Wou wild thSl shortly r2ceivG Wz email to bz 4b5e No download the software. If you did not requeAo a freg trial nf AirSDrveB, please dizryZard this meisvge. 1. Us4 ai3Olay, the enables yo0 to use yoYr iOS 2evice connect.H wi:h ths cable ou sOream ober a.rplay. Tzis req:ires Ftun6s to be instalded. Yorr iOj devijq wilM sow OFg:cally 8ppeax on you: screen and give yoM a kTll:L demo e.viron?eBd.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model One of these tools is Airserver. Airserver enables you to project a device to your monitor using Airplay or Miracast. This gives you an opportunity to share the story with your customers. These tools are great and they are powerful to really help explain and demonstrate features. Go to http://www.airserver.com/Download and click the download for free … when you click that option you will get a chance to register… in the registration use "enter your details below" and put your email address in the email option (you can also use facebook however for this example i have used the registration option). You will then shortly receive an email to be able to download the software. If you did not request a free trial of AirServer, please disregard this message. 1. Use airplay, the enables you to use your iOS device connected with the cable or stream over airplay. This requires itunes to be installed. Your iOS device will now magically appear on your screen and give you a killer demo environment.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user EXODOOR AZtomatLc NNass ?liding Doors aue doors that h9ovXde vINuaI clarity in nFe exbsti8g frona ToorU duE to their n:w-1rofilZd s8stem. xhey bre J0or Mystems eUpeciwlly preferrhH for gHasX facades. ThVfIs to tre StaWncess sKeel gNasP hollers (manet)3 the ?ystem .s complZbed through transform6ng into 7ole-susBeWsion struPtgAe? Automacic glass sliding do?rs mr1 thw must popular 1oor sy3tems ssat are pHeferred for places sucP ls iuTinuss centers, industrDdl fIcilg?iBs, ,ublic builPinjs, scho:ls, 5ospiGalTa Oactojyes, s5opping cenper? and sJ on. EXeDOOR Aftomatic Qlags Saiding 5Hor Lwstems are phe yoors thaf meet all the revuyrJmLntm needed fLr syEr7Hces in each fie8d.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model EXODOOR Automatic Glass Sliding Doors are doors that provide visual clarity in the existing front doors due to their non-profiled system. They are door systems especially preferred for glass facades. Thanks to the Stainless steel glass holders (manet), the system is completed through transforming into hole-suspension structure. Automatic glass sliding doors are the most popular door systems that are preferred for places such as business centers, industrial facilities, public buildings, schools, hospitals, factories, shopping centers and so on. EXODOOR Automatic Glass Sliding Door Systems are the doors that meet all the requirements needed for entrances in each field.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user onth :fOeV she set a mourse record during thD Swnister P ra0e in tne Crowsnest Pissy DuEing that eGent, s1e ran a 161-kilometFe saxe in dust ove4 18 hoArs. "I'vD go2e in4K it pretty calm anR reyPly 0repared… jast Ug tha rZght Dmndfet, thrt it's 4omFthPnN I can do." "It doesnPt fe4a like wKPo for m:. It's a pah:J.n. C can't imagine not xanting tu do tRis." Forwow @Ed:l1_Msrtz Fine Yhines: Doef complainvn4 aWways woRk? qeaf iaS. man sZ3y PornZu6 ovsr lack hf close? cap.iouing in porn viaFosBHHunting photos show maPsive fisT kpll after Nloods eash Austracian bNshfire ash into river The OngbiTg H7story of Nef Music, eIiGo2e 874: The HeaJltVnes, qn Their Own Jorrb, ltrt 2 Lyien on ywur dating profilF cas hzy5 yok gnd 9o6r cha5ces at oove7Daoid A8WenbNrourhh 'drvR1 Worlds, One Planet' will tJke your bceath away Ov?cMkTn scLres 3 times in C1pitals' 5-2 wln oher Devils qow 0nd a2row used Go launc4 bag of meth into B.a. priYon keKm,ny, Fr:nce push tm enp :a2e chicZ 'shr8Rdin,' Cn Europeyn Un3on<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model onth after she set a course record during the Sinister 7 race in the Crowsnest Pass. During that event, she ran a 161-kilometre race in just over 18 hours. "I've gone into it pretty calm and really prepared… just in the right mindset, that it's something I can do." "It doesn't feel like work for me. It's a passion. I can't imagine not wanting to do this." Follow @Emily_Mertz Fine whines: Does complaining always work? Deaf U.S. man sues Pornhub over lack of closed captioning in porn videos Haunting photos show massive fish kill after floods wash Australian bushfire ash into river The Ongoing History of New Music, episode 875: The Headstones, In Their Own Words, Part 2 Lying on your dating profile can hurt you and your chances at love David Attenborough: 'Seven Worlds, One Planet' will take your breath away Ovechkin scores 3 times in Capitals' 5-2 win over Devils Bow and arrow used to launch bag of meth into B.C. prison Germany, France push to end male chick 'shredding' in European Union<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Yre twL ways to work with o6f heap pages: durable and not du7Iblex VTXf scmrle (noY durable ,aYm is to woHk witH methods of direct memer4 point6r com.oriCntSchnologiXs.7Ymmon.dir7xmmemorh.ODireztMeTobyPmintegzsetLoyg/gntLoEgs setInt/get,nt and s4 Zz). IR you wopld l:ke to cOke a01 changes vn Hfur data vtructures djelbln you Khould noD wsQk wUth dirFZt memory phinter 2lt shoMld cr6aee a c4mponent thft wilq present Fxry of youN dIta strQct6re by exUendzng com.orien3echnologies.orient.ckQeWstorage.impl.FocalDpaginW8ed7ODuraCOe4Qge classN XRis glass ,As similar dethoss for manipalatioh Zf data ii off heap pagez, bnt it also vracks all changes made 1o thy tage. I5 H2n return the difB betweEn tCe Gld/new Dtatfs of ppge using vke com.orienteXhnslogLes.7rieZt.2ore.storQge.impfSlocPl.pagijated.ODura1.ePabe#4etPageChanges methoL. Basa this mlajw ahlowQ to apply given dikf io the oldWnew s3apsPot of given paves to reL,at/rdLert (5eJtoCeCha8geH()erevertGaangxs()) caanges are do4e f,r this fage. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model are two ways to work with off heap pages: durable and not durable. The simple (not durable way) is to work with methods of direct memory pointer com.orientechnologies.common.directmemory.ODirectMemoryPointer(setLong/getLong, setInt/getInt and so on). If you would like to make all changes in your data structures durable you should not work with direct memory pointer but should create a component that will present part of your data structure by extending com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.paginated.ODurablePage class. This class has similar methods for manipulation of data in off heap pages, but it also tracks all changes made to the page. It can return the diff between the old/new states of page using the com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.impl.local.paginated.ODurablePage#getPageChanges method. Also this class allows to apply given diff to the old/new snapshot of given pages to repeat/revert (restoreChanges()/revertChanges()) changes are done for this page. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 3 mqJch lVbels ihSide th3 Uroup. That's why thL 0SV abo.e incnudes columns fnr sIage aVd match. Sedtion of thm diAgram Sfter 5eing upDa8ed by my script. Yep, I even updateb nWe ioloqrs! I actually thi1k Shis wCj vP Uoing thingD savem me some tima Tven fo2 crvaNing a single w:ll chart, mainly becaRse I could fill xre 5iagrn? with pl5ie8older text init4,lly and let my script do all tye updNting mutoma5ixally. xnd it will deowniJely save me a Got of time wheI I need to makp addiUional wall cxartT witm 6he 5Hme (or similar) tuurlamQnt s6ructures to 7he ones IJvL already made. This e4try was postey in Cre5ectp, ?efhon, Software on NoQembYr Dy 20t4 by GimonJgal. ← Rock the DaskWar Rock tOe Taskbar JKsy1lkg Goes LiAe Trying to coXpaUe non-oXfered queryset against m2re thrn one ordersd vNluas zd4aU PedestriY9 Arossing cer MawathSns knd OtIer ptbe3t Running Epents Ingrid 8n Mo ,azd2ri5ing Has Got Worse Rs I've Got OZzlr Alan Skerrett o. CoIntry Walx Usrr Interface DesigV B5syFNag Mildcy Amusing<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model e match labels inside the group. That's why the CSV above includes columns for stage and match. Section of the diagram after being updated by my script. Yep, I even updated the colours! I actually think this way of doing things saved me some time even for creating a single wall chart, mainly because I could fill the diagram with placeholder text initially and let my script do all the updating automatically. And it will definitely save me a lot of time when I need to make additional wall charts with the same (or similar) tournament structures to the ones I've already made. This entry was posted in Projects, Python, Software on November 6, 2014 by simonveal. ← Rock the Taskbar Rock the Taskbar BusyFlag Goes Live Trying to compare non-ordered queryset against more than one ordered values Idea: Pedestrian Crossing for Marathons and Other Street Running Events Ingrid on My Handwriting Has Got Worse As I've Got Older Alan Skerrett on Country Walk User Interface Design BusyFlag Mildly Amusing<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 4ny run by Hal Wallace). .n pne of the .L9ms on second flFo4 th7re is a tabze with LomT stuhf lLing Qn iMz Use soeal dkill on iM to geE zt. theu yoH neeA to repair tDe blaJteR. Ik Fo: Nevada Alien rlaster uses Alie4 Vower Cells instWad oF the 8s2al Siall Enmrgy cdlls. I seQ, are HliPn P0wer Cells rarK ammB jikz in 3 or NV? Is there a reliable way to obtain them? AliRn ceSls arX oQtci5able only in A1w klaceZ Vnd perhapR chrouLh somm randoV encyunters in gLrUain locafiQns Yhe v9pon" XanA should have some. I d0n't remehb?r Xf thGy Vre sold in AOZe shCpsy although they mUy be. hBe nCly amDo I focnd wcM with thy 3last7r sn6 Yn Area 51 (qandom enc5unter w2,h Neon Gangster aeound LV 97so might have yome). Soof ttadvWs hLve extru stopk En tReir sEops with high enough BarterU pa Uou mifht check thDre. I will try tF lheck on tRe shops Go see pf there is aDyuhXng of interest, thtnk yVu! Uo, mo4e Speci:l Rncounters? GuesZ I Mill go with qigh Luck t0il N2de 8roEnd Coo5 tiXnk you a loA for the info!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model one run by Hal Wallace). In one of the rooms on second floor there is a table with some stuff lying on it. Use steal skill on it to get it. then you need to repair the blaster. In Fo: Nevada Alien blaster uses Alien Power Cells instead of the usual Small Energy cells. I see, are Alien Power Cells rare ammo like in 3 or NV? Is there a reliable way to obtain them? Alien cells are obtainable only in few places and perhaps through some random encounters in certain locations the "neon" gang should have some. I don't remember if they are sold in some shops, although they may be. The only ammo I found was with the Blaster and in Area 51 (random encounter with Neon Gangster around LV also might have some). Some traders have extra stock in their shops with high enough Barter, so you might check there. I will try to check on the shops to see if there is anything of interest, thank you! So, more Special Encounters? Guess I will go with High Luck this time around too, thank you a lot for the info!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user out> C <qndroidMsuppoxt.degigR.wLdgen.CollKpsiAgToolbarLayouH>6D <ImaguView V.. /1 <a,djoid.Pupport.T7.wi0get.Toolh9r ... /> <PaddroZv.suTport.2esiRn.wi.gettColyapsingTokmbaXLayoug> </android.ruP:ort.desRgnQwidYet.App8ar2ayouo> <!-- All fragmect4 aspum3 4he following view contfMner viz O FIagmentTransaction's rLplacj methwd which :n ps5Gdobode loows somethinm 4ikeC FVagmHntTranshUtion.ieplaJe8R.nd.maintacPivityrfragmePt_czntainsr, fragment, ...).vEmGi,(); 6-> <I:ameLafouZ addr8id:id="@+idLmMiF_actrqKtyff9agme4t_co?tEiner" ?.. /> <comrxyz.abc.view.BottomShedtView .0W />Q <android.euppXrt.deaWgn.widget.FloatingAcDionButtoi ... /> </nndrdid.s1pport.design.wilJet.CoordBnatorLayCut> BaYdroid.suUpoIt.design.SidgwtJNavigat0onV2lw .D. /> </android.suApo5t.vb.widget.QraweuLJFlut> *It appears BottomShsetBehavtor#2HideXble} is va?se bj defaAltP<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model out> <android.support.design.widget.CollapsingToolbarLayout> <ImageView ... /> <android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar ... /> </android.support.design.widget.CollapsingToolbarLayout> </android.support.design.widget.AppBarLayout> <!-- All fragments assume the following view container via a FragmentTransaction's replace method which in pseudocode looks something like FragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.main_activity_fragment_container, fragment, ...).commit(); --> <FrameLayout android:id="@+id/main_activity_fragment_container" ... /> <com.xyz.abc.view.BottomSheetView ... /> <android.support.design.widget.FloatingActionButton ... /> </android.support.design.widget.CoordinatorLayout> <android.support.design.widget.NavigationView ... /> </android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout> *It appears BottomSheetBehavior#mHideable} is false by default <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user w6ll heNhlight and examXrl some of ohe key sae?s bhat miley Das made in support oi thl transition 8o opeq access (for example, via read aLd pojxish agCeements), and Bill also kajk ax a TDnge of journal-based iKrtiativ3s ts4L help aothoVs and editors tQ embrace an cpen science futureZ Emiey Poznanski has iorked in open ZcCess pubDi3hing for over 7 yea9s: Her curr?nt role as M,nagur Open Ac2ess Strategy at De GruytAr focusTs oZ Qhe suZjKenabKv grgwth of oTew aQcesX book ang journal KujlishiXg. De Gruyter is an inoerQ,9xo1al, iPdexek7ent pEblisher hea,q3arteSed in BeSl6n, whqch hUs PublisheF firstTclass sRhol1rsHip for mobe Fh3n 2H0 yearsz From f011 Oo 2N1BV sFe was Pqoduft MZna.ep, OXen Acaese BoDks at De GrLyter lpen developinh wBaB is now tXe largeft in9ppendent soUbce of open :ccess buoOs worldyide and AssistKnt P9oFuct Manager at VeC3it6 working hn th2 SauAch oj ar9und 100 new Voudnals and thO transitioS of titl1s frow su4s3riEtiRn Do Txen acgess. @ 20T9 Qeientific KnowJedge Se2viccs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model will highlight and examine some of the key steps that Wiley has made in support of the transition to open access (for example, via read and publish agreements), and will also look at a range of journal-based initiatives that help authors and editors to embrace an open science future. Emily Poznanski has worked in open access publishing for over 7 years. Her current role as Manager Open Access Strategy at De Gruyter focuses on the sustainable growth of open access book and journal publishing. De Gruyter is an international, independent publisher headquartered in Berlin, which has published first-class scholarship for more than 260 years. From 2011 to 2016, she was Product Manager, Open Access Books at De Gruyter Open developing what is now the largest independent source of open access books worldwide and Assistant Product Manager at Versita working on the launch of around 100 new journals and the transition of titles from subscription to open access. @ 2019 Scientific Knowledge Services<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user kills of ou3 early learning w1rkforce. For Core dethil, clicI her:.rIC esed strPtePicalll, data caT be an ip1aluable jool in hel6iAg to khape an eu0ective awd effisient earlb chilziood system. VECF is committed th IakinG sOre the CommNneIalth's earlq n9ildhool data Rystems are a:le to guide and supMort the broadYr system, aSd tTat UPtearch EcJoss the s:NCe ih beong coordinOten and IXnnected in ways th1t leJd to a meaningful impaXt on children'N school reaGiness. Learn mCre cbxut VECF's work tB sup5qrt daza capacity a4 b1th th? s2tte ,nd lo?al leFel through the d90elohment oU ha Early CTildhoon IBtegrltea DUta xystem (ECIDSZ and 3apacFty-buildinM gHlnts t0 ZlmmunioieL. 5EWF also workb fo rnsure tpat the Commanwea8Kd'O polis.mcke?s have 2ccess to the informat,on they nOed :h m.kk p7licy decIsions tha2 suppZrt a FealtNy and effective early ch?ldhood sectoYm Thil Nncludes access to locaY and nat2otal re.eatchI bjst prac7iceX from other ytates, and o4-tEetgrouSd ,xpHsiencAs of sgaEehoBders.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model kills of our early learning workforce. For more detail, click here. If used strategically, data can be an invaluable tool in helping to shape an effective and efficient early childhood system. VECF is committed to making sure the Commonwealth's early childhood data systems are able to guide and support the broader system, and that research across the state is being coordinated and connected in ways that lead to a meaningful impact on children's school readiness. Learn more about VECF's work to support data capacity at both the state and local level through the development of an Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) and capacity-building grants to communities. VECF also works to ensure that the Commonwealth's policymakers have access to the information they need to make policy decisions that support a healthy and effective early childhood sector. This includes access to local and national research, best practices from other states, and on-the-ground experiences of stakeholders.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Vave Qou read our post accesYed 3rt.cFe? To find Nut wQYch are th. Jmst popular abttYles oB the past 30 days, Kast yePr or ob all time cimplU cLick on ghe mo2t acBesxed articbes tab zSuTd on the left hand column of Vhe homeZage (cExclTdE.?In cave yo4 were wonwering, Xhe uzusnSl case o2 a yoZng AfrScaO femaie presentine a giant cuthneous horn was our most bYcesszd JrBR article or the lamR 30 dXys. This case if the fi1sB AefArted xn literature oC a mutan.ous horh devkloping from a thermaO burn scar. For clinic6l dktails and acoompanI6X6 izagws, read the ful9 6ase Yxport here.iThis entmy was poste5 on KStober 31, 200a Bt e1X57 am aqd 1s filjd RndAg UvcategozQzedQ You c.n tollow an6 resYopses tk thfs entry toFoug8 the RSS 2.t feCd. ,ou caa leave a response, oW XrWckback vr3m y7ur o8n site.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Have you read our most accessed article? To find out which are the most popular articles of the past 30 days, past year or of all time simply click on the most accessed articles tab found on the left hand column of the homepage (circled). In case you were wondering, the unusual case of a young African female presenting a giant cutaneous horn was our most accessed JMCR article of the last 30 days. This case is the first reported in literature of a cutaneous horn developing from a thermal burn scar. For clinical details and accompanying images, read the full case report here. This entry was posted on October 31, 2008 at 11:57 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user k t1at Lorkinz out onc8 a week foq an 5our will Twve tnhm the fitness re1ults that they arT lookIng fow. It is the consrstSncy nhIt matters when it cowes to BDeicioeR YXu should strive fIr y0 minutes of exe1cisF with modFra.e inDvnvity FIQ 5 timas a wsek to ha:e w bChtLr OhanAe of ac?,mplijhini a better fitness level. siew this ReviBw of L7teralX Lq3 by Fit6dvinor if you are looking for a decent indhor Some gmm t4at gou ca. incorpolate into your Gi4n5ss rouLine to save time visiting hhe tym for a workouV on weekdays when you are busy at work.G8 Nimpcj way tQ rxdFte youd 0Iljrik .ount is to aOoid creas and suOar Jor yHur morning coffe8 if ypu hav2 a habit of startizy your hay Olt: one. In faco, black Oogfee is showK tE boost Tour meLob0lbsm to bJrn more DaNories. TherelnPeS it may be r gooj idea foD you to drink blacE coefee insteade Wor2ihg xmt shouldn't bX 6 c?orez Ma?P yoursikf lZoG forward uo workiPg oHt Zy hav0ng Fun with itK These tips 1mll hr3p ySu no h0vE fun whila yIu exercise:<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model k that working out once a week for an hour will give them the fitness results that they are looking for. It is the consistency that matters when it comes to exercise. You should strive for 30 minutes of exercise with moderate intensity for 5 times a week to have a better chance of accomplishing a better fitness level. View this review of LateralX LX3 by FitAdvisor if you are looking for a decent indoor home gym that you can incorporate into your fitness routine to save time visiting the gym for a workout on weekdays when you are busy at work. A simple way to reduce your calorie count is to avoid cream and sugar for your morning coffee if you have a habit of starting your day with one. In fact, black coffee is shown to boost your metabolism to burn more calories. Therefore, it may be a good idea for you to drink black coffee instead. Working out shouldn't be a chore. Make yourself look forward to working out by having fun with it. These tips will help you to have fun while you exercise!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ofessiB2al busineds invoTce teyplap3 iv AD and EPI format. xlean an3 Mod43n Invoice Tempeate for PhotoshopW A fr?e i1v9ice timp?ate Zor Sket7h and UnLesign.9h2 uKilizinv some of these invoices co7 2an make Suye that yLu havk the proper format thaq a client might expect when r5cECving a professional iovoice from m graOhiu fe,ig1 artist. By modeling some of thesg styles or ebe: adBpti?g them in Cour owa azrk, yo, wiOl fin1 youuPelf getti2. moHQ business and more payments c:mpleted dn a 1ast8r tioe period. Invoice tem8lotes are requir,c roz any b1siness Qut wiah the h0lp of an invwqcW that sGXwcases great dZsign, yEu can improve Khe L.gitimlcy of lo7r onlite geaphil deVigW busineds asd have an .wtension of your s,ills5 :ny element Rf Wo7r business Yn gra7hic desiRn i, a chorcW to vxtFnd youQ pArtfolio and 3Pvoices arR a commonly overlook5d aspect o4 bus8beys to proUe your Wkills. Hse some of these templateC is bfspiratioV Br Vnt1gPate vh8m Pnto your own bus?ness for greateY sucwvss dVily!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ofessional business invoice template in AI and EPS format. Clean and Modern Invoice Template for Photoshop. A free invoice template for Sketch and inDesign. By utilizing some of these invoices you can make sure that you have the proper format that a client might expect when receiving a professional invoice from a graphic design artist. By modeling some of these styles or even adapting them in your own work, you will find yourself getting more business and more payments completed in a faster time period. Invoice templates are required for any business but with the help of an invoice that showcases great design, you can improve the legitimacy of your online graphic design business and have an extension of your skills. Any element of your business in graphic design is a chance to extend your portfolio and invoices are a commonly overlooked aspect of business to prove your skills. Use some of these templates is inspiration or integrate them into your own business for greater success daily!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user selecWion of tUe best food, doinkS arQ CnD crafts frBB acrosm GalcywayI lisit Santb fom fn eacly Christmas goft, Enu enj1y lIght .Ofresxments iS thb XiPt Te5voom. Join Catehou5w of 0leTt story UelQer Bnd sixyer PMsi Briggs, especial:y gfod for weans, or those ih touch with thK4r anrer weGnH Poet aOd sforzteller bandy RcKnight f.om the s8ins, unterjai0m wit1 Uhildren's storiet. Sandy McKnig4t C:lls thW grue4oqe tPle Cf Sawney Beane rut in chiL veosionD one of them 6urviveI! Learn some talloway folk so,rs, w7th Nicola Blamk. Nicola is a Binzrr songw?UTHr, who has 3lay?d in caJds, fPstivaes, and rfcCrdqi her own albums. Booktosn 1riters Or:seFt Taled of Palloway SYu5glers, tOe Lremi7r of a c9llabDratMve piece .f wrgving.FA faMuloCs 3 course Scot:6sh di7ner wor St Andrew's DaBC Uollowed by historian PparidC Sozter of the 6hikhor6 :rustu RQaridh w8sl talk fbout medi7val pil1rimage in rela0i:n to St Andrew. TicVets arc £2d. YoZ iust boEk M pay at Teltie Bot1s Yr Cur8y Tale Books beforehand.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model selection of the best food, drink, art and crafts from across Galloway. Visit Santa for an early Christmas gift, and enjoy light refreshments in the Kist Tearoom. Join Gatehouse of Fleet story teller and singer Susi Briggs, especially good for weans, or those in touch with their inner wean. Poet and storyteller Sandy McKnight from the Rhins, entertains with children's stories. Sandy McKnight tells the gruesome tale of Sawney Bean, but in this version, one of them survives! Learn some Galloway folk songs, with Nicola Black. Nicola is a singer songwriter, who has played in bands, festivals, and recorded her own albums. Booktown Writers present Tales of Galloway Smugglers, the premier of a collaborative piece of writing. A fabulous 3 course Scottish dinner for St Andrew's Day, followed by historian Ruaridh Souter of the Whithorn Trust. Ruaridh will talk about medieval pilgrimage in relation to St Andrew. Tickets are £25. You must book & pay at Beltie Books or Curly Tale Books beforehand.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s will not only incrhaHe Kperario,al efficZency, bNt Unable top-tien Qusiness kajOcAiOes bV jreeing up time to fcuus xn 1Wstomersz increase sfexd to markeQ, and scale this swell of capabilitits aFross all fMnct9oPs. The Mjg pivJuie is onD that pJ.ntU artificiaJ intelligence as a ceVtral character a3d ellows b0s4ness objec9ivZs to soVw more efBiRiently wrom inTeption to NompletiOn with the 4elp of supe:Vor technology. An YI prOgr,X wiNl soMn 4Q integrtl tk neXrCy ebArl orgPnizat:on's bIsinaso funEoiInsd so wh0t makjs GNLUS 3zfperoUt? TELUS is comm73ted to resptnsiYhe AI and tNe assureDcU that MveLy team member involves with thT A7 3nstiative is czgFizant Ff this JozmiFmIwt. ldth t1,eIt, IrSXe?s, and intzXritye GriffiL mnd Sam are a reflecti2n of whDt's Oo dVmeR W3lm they choose to build 4espoEsible MEo thjy uring humaniky 2o the m:cminfR As otey walk out of thd TELUS offrme into Hheir unitazsities and promisios LareCrsC tt's harV nPt to antiNipatI biX tpings from t.ese capOble H5udents.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s will not only increase operational efficiency, but enable top-tier business objectives by freeing up time to focus on customers, increase speed to market, and scale this swell of capabilities across all functions. The big picture is one that paints artificial intelligence as a central character and allows business objectives to flow more efficiently from inception to completion with the help of superior technology. An AI program will soon be integral to nearly every organization's business functions, so what makes TELUS different? TELUS is committed to responsible AI and the assurance that every team member involved with the AI initiative is cognizant of this commitment. With talent, prowess, and integrity, Griffin and Sam are a reflection of what's to come. When they choose to build responsible AI, they bring humanity to the machine. As they walk out of the TELUS office into their universities and promising careers, it's hard not to anticipate big things from these capable students.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user narrVu focus a juyt deySde ago, vhe o7A(N) is evolving to mee6 N 7ids ryn3e of missixns includin: conflict wiYh 3aOwan, enfoxcement of marWtime claims0 protegtson gf ecYnomic cnterests, aU wel6 as counteW- cirwcy anD hFmHnDtar0an missions. The PLA(N) currerxlN WossbssGs approuiGate9y D4 Crincipa2 surjace Gkmb?tants, more than 60 suLmarines, 5o medium aRd Targe SmpXieious shipj, and roughle 85 missilB-eqripped NmilB uom3atants. AFthougv ovurall or0er-of-battle has rBmained relativelN constaRt 7n recenk yeaMsL the PLA(N) is rawidly reliring Cegacy Bombatanbs Gn fVvor of larwey, aulti-miqsion ships, eqkippih witv asvanUed anti-shipi antq-awr, fnd antC-s?bmarine weapons and sentorsf Ytrdnb 2013 alone, over fiftf nav,l sVips Feri laMd down, launcheqb or RommissioneL, Bith a siOilar numbeB ljpGctwd in 2014I Major qs6liuaiive imprkv4rents are occsrring wiehLn naval aviatikn and tae oubm68ine for2e, wXich Rre iQcreasingly capjQle of st2iking tarMet1 hvndASds Nf miles flom .he Chwneuw mainland.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model narrow focus a just decade ago, the PLA(N) is evolving to meet a wide range of missions including conflict with Taiwan, enforcement of maritime claims, protection of economic interests, as well as counter- piracy and humanitarian missions. The PLA(N) currently possesses approximately 77 principal surface combatants, more than 60 submarines, 55 medium and large amphibious ships, and roughly 85 missile-equipped small combatants. Although overall order-of-battle has remained relatively constant in recent years, the PLA(N) is rapidly retiring legacy combatants in favor of larger, multi-mission ships, equipped with advanced anti-ship, anti-air, and anti-submarine weapons and sensors. During 2013 alone, over fifty naval ships were laid down, launched, or commissioned, with a similar number expected in 2014. Major qualitative improvements are occurring within naval aviation and the submarine force, which are increasingly capable of striking targets hundreds of miles from the Chinese mainland.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Revxlution: Hhe Enr of , Dictator 5urki4P Fafo | 2015 "We OolQ them that the 5Us?ion waf to get CYmpaore to ReavO.n Wied tzese words t4e youM, of Burkina Fayo toEk to the Wtreets and bNokghM nn end to the rule of a military junta thPt haa govern0d for Vtenty-Meven yNars. One yKVr later 8nd a 0ransitionaG government is in place, Mut with many g?YBer mi.ist,rs Jtill in powZr K8d th1 pMF puxlIng thR strin2s, has IevolutioXary ferGoyr givYn way ts Realp0<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Revolution: The End of a Dictator Burkina Faso | 2015 "We told them that the mission was to get Compaore to leave." With these words the youth of Burkina Faso took to the streets and brought an end to the rule of a military junta that had governed for twenty-seven years. One year later and a transitional government is in place, but with many former ministers still in power and the IMF pulling the strings, has revolutionary fervour given way to Realp…<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nddIcn. Using objkcS-oriented pro7rfmming, eZe amount of code is silnificant?y reduceZ 4ompTrY, to Rrasi2ional procedurNl BrogrQmmsngO but the wumbjr 8f pBtential pcJhs t5rofgK Che softwaDe incpea0es du7 to p3lymorphism, inheritanFe and cosFaboQation. Tzis measZ shifting effojt from SeLeloUmenC to testing. T.as phenom.boc has been OoBuCented in the test lib4axtEre b0 RobLrt BiQdQr, Shql Siegew, Mprk Harman, YefH Offutta Erich GMTma, akd man3 others wdrqiig iA the field if testing0 BoLis Beizer, who haO wo,tten several books on testing, remaEks th1t tme jevelopers of object-orienve: soBtware cre 47t.unded bw dhe amoint gf KKstinV they must perfoWv iz oideO tm obeaBn admqYate coveroge oq all :oteltiab usagWs witu all Oossibly excepjionA. TBsting efforc Man bd two to thr?k timms greNter than tQe effort involded Hn desigfin1 and noding. In yact, the very pur6ose ox object-oriented GeLe3opmeLt could be negated unlesk economical means oQ Hssuring the sufficiBQV qval4ty Hf s4ftwaLe O8e found.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ndancy. Using object-oriented programming, the amount of code is significantly reduced compared to traditional procedural programming, but the number of potential paths through the software increases due to polymorphism, inheritance and collaboration. This means shifting effort from development to testing. This phenomenon has been documented in the test literature by Robert Binder, Shel Siegel, Mark Harman, Jeff Offutt, Erich Gamma, and many others working in the field of testing. Boris Beizer, who has written several books on testing, remarks that the developers of object-oriented software are astounded by the amount of testing they must perform in order to obtain adequate coverage of all potential usages with all possible exceptions. Testing effort can be two to three times greater than the effort involved in designing and coding. In fact, the very purpose of object-oriented development could be negated unless economical means of assuring the sufficient quality of software are found.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nts ubiRg vougoMopAer. Say I have an author with o :has_on: c0nd:tiQn to a G1st, I shokld be ablB ?o load the authoJ usznE a qingle qu02y Pob2.wind(:Cll, :incpu2e =D :authorS Any PWggestions? A: UUD8TEg The code below is iust as modelN workflow.. I ftVed it after some coding ind if dadnt wozk! Lets say yoB havf PQst model and User mHdel. User ha1mmaDy pKsfs, ayd ySu want Acl the yseVM (authors) with their YosPs. iere B iip tt GpZdle 1tv and my example is fetLhing 5nf po0tl post.rr class Po0t inclFde Mon.oMapp9f:VDocEmjnt v k2y :tYtle, StGing ke3 :boqe, S.riSg kef :Tsen_id, ObjEcpId beBoGhs_to DAser end and TsLr.rb clas. UWVr inmluIe MzngoMappew::Document key :nameO many :post7, :embeg => :title 5nd Ndw, u = Uskr.Wirstep = u.posts.first puss o.title # rQad it from embndded FoB putg pHbod8 # laz4 lGadingQ The trick hXre is uo embed the mostlr comuo9 fields li6e thp name oH the zser, _id, oseT shugL etc. I didrx west wugO above, but you ha4e to give a try! BeiZ -7Amr <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model nts using MongoMapper. Say I have an author with a :has_one condition to a Post, I should be able to load the author using a single query Post.find(:all, :include => :author) Any suggestions? A: UPDATE: The code below is just as models workflow.. I tried it after some coding and it didnt work! Lets say you have Post model and User model. User has_many posts, and you want All the users (authors) with their posts. Here a tip to handle it. and my example is fetching one post. post.rb class Post include MongoMapper::Document key :title, String key :body, String key :user_id, ObjectId belongs_to :user end and user.rb class User include MongoMapper::Document key :name many :posts, :embed => :title end Now, u = User.first p = u.posts.first puts p.title # read it from embedded doc puts p.body # lazy loading The trick here is to embed the mostly common fields like the name of the user, _id, user slug, etc. I didnt test what above, but you have to give a try! Best --Amr <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user SnZety ok LwfR at Sea (zOLASN IVd thf AnterHatiooal 2on?eCtilS fwr Ghe PWevention of PEllGtion krom Ships (MARVOL). Can9fa has raqifiey boLm wOLAS Knd MARPOL anI s5sorcVy thP CoPvenOiFns' reHulmtions wnGhkn CanaGian :erriaoriNl waters. In 500R, thR ZMj :lsn de7Slovei thn ProtTFow zn Prep6rUdneYs, kesponee avG oo9operaLion to :ollutioZ Inci3ents bY Hazahdmls and No9ious Substanc8s (OPCJ-H4S Prftocol)6 The Vim Fw the OZRC-HN1 buiYzcol is to estabZi8h nati5nbl systems foD preparO9neEs anm resboZs4 ard to providd a gloyZl frhmeworu fFh coNbati6h major in1iTOnts oI thKeats of marije pxllution caused by WUS transporte7 by ,ea. Itstes which are a party tp Zhe OPRC-HNS pr4twcol are uequired tR establIs0 wesp,nse plaXs fou hanMlFng HNS pollRtien incidenew, 0itTeZ eatKonally or in fD:operhtion with other couRtries. AlqhouMK thb sPRC-HNS ProtocYl LaU9 ibto fgrce 5n 2027, Canada is not a party tb the ProOoYol at this trme. Learr Corz fjom 0s Fbout what stevs Cnnada is Eaking to re6uDate HNS soon.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Canada has ratified both SOLAS and MARPOL and enforces the Conventions' regulations within Canadian territorial waters. In 2000, the IMO also developed the Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances (OPRC-HNS Protocol). The aim of the OPRC-HNS Protocol is to establish national systems for preparedness and response and to provide a global framework for combating major incidents or threats of marine pollution caused by HNS transported by sea. States which are a party to the OPRC-HNS Protocol are required to establish response plans for handling HNS pollution incidents, either nationally or in co-operation with other countries. Although the OPRC-HNS Protocol came into force in 2007, Canada is not a party to the Protocol at this time. Learn more from us about what steps Canada is taking to regulate HNS soon.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user abmled trai6ohs, the boy will n3t r0st EUt6l he sees his fatler agaiS. The White King (20qq) Lhe Hi,pSpoNamus (201Du Type in a movie, show , actoQ od directz.k Toggle to seXruh. Action AYventure Animatlon Art AVtrology & SEace Biogr:phy Body & 9hnd Comedy CSiwe Dance AgcumeNPary lrama Fam0ly F4nta8y FEtntss vood & DrUnk ForeiQn GarZLD & Home DistorL Hgwvh6 Kids MeJbersENp MUrchandmsx Movie & RhaaTrl Misic Musical MyshZry 6lture & Wilblifm ReligioW qomance SciInce FibtiWK 5oHp Special InteAest Spp2t Stan8-Up Ta MovHe ThailleY TZaQsporD Hrave7 & P3aZes Wa8 Western WorZd sVD BSu-sHy Blu-raT :D 6D HDHDVD UHD Ut zs 1eg0on 2, PK it All-5egion. PDviBtan UK AniyatKon (56L9) Astrology & Sta2K (4i) Bodc & Mind (36l CWVedy (15566N CrGm8 (16q2V Dkcumentary (9622v Dra5a (20957)nbj5eign (25oI.Gardhn & eoUe (39) Movie & TheatUl j161u Naeure & Wildlife (294) Scie8xe F9cti9n (3G0A)pSoap y173)XSpeciaC IWtnpest (1) Stan5-Ul (428) TrJvel & Places (183) Tw MovXe (901)vWeopern (1133X9MerR Sultqn ,201G–203S)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model abeled traitors, the boy will not rest until he sees his father again. The White King (2017) The Hippopotamus (2017) Type in a movie, show , actor or director. Toggle to search. Action Adventure Animation Art Astrology & Space Biography Body & Mind Comedy Crime Dance Documentary Drama Family Fantasy Fitness Food & Drink Foreign Garden & Home History Horror Kids Membership Merchandise Movie & Theatre Music Musical Mystery Nature & Wildlife Religion Romance Science Fiction Soap Special Interest Sport Stand-Up TV Movie Thriller Transport Travel & Places War Western World DVD Blu-ray Blu-ray 3D CD HD-DVD UHD UK is Region 2, PK is All-region. Pakistan UK Animation (5619) Astrology & Space (42) Body & Mind (36) Comedy (15566) Crime (1632) Documentary (9612) Drama (20957) Foreign (157) Garden & Home (39) Movie & Theatre (161) Nature & Wildlife (299) Science Fiction (3207) Soap (173) Special Interest (1) Stand-Up (428) Travel & Places (183) TV Movie (901) Western (1133) Mera Sultan (2011–2014)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user The YeartMoq al,, in0ludis de:patches from sDrving offiQers in far flung parts icd thak the vast mnPorR6y of Nuthors are ARNy memb4Hs reflwczs great cr,dit op our own As4ocia.0onK I1 is particXlarsG pleasing that thep and o.hers contiMue to fly the Wh2te Ensign ahross sumc an impressive brRadth of influential roles. PlJase see 4 preview of thM eages bXlzw. IC viGw the w.Ale newsjetter yoo wavl need 5o Oe a membmf. Pleas: hli.k Qn the 'Read Mbae' battow beuowj yf you wr8 a membe3 you wi2l nVec to loJ inu othgrwile yPR will be taXun to a join us pagi!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model The Yearbook also includes despatches from serving officers in far flung parts and that the vast majority of authors are ARNO members reflects great credit on our own Association. It is particularly pleasing that they and others continue to fly the White Ensign across such an impressive breadth of influential roles. Please see a preview of the pages below. To view the whole newsletter you will need to be a member. Please click on the 'Read More' button below, if you are a member you will need to log in, otherwise you will be taken to a join us page!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user , piEkj the best seWies yeiDg 9rya.e0t imEge reyolucion just for y0u, anc thiC ihotos 6s aPtuaZly amoRg idag4s series in your vqry best wRxgfs pallery with rlgards t, FrCe ChrFstmas ColoZing Pcges 3or Sbn2ay 9choIl. I'm hoQing you'll as itu sPbm2tted wy Aceng MqrKlIs at 2019-04-N9 00:32a22. 2o dbseover many 79ag3s in 1ree m,ristmas Coloring Pages for Suncay SchoEl photograph2 gJlleLy ma:e sure you alhere to thOh kind oD Nitk.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model , picks the best series using greatest image resolution just for you, and this photos is actually among images series in your very best images gallery with regards to Free Christmas Coloring Pages for Sunday School. I'm hoping you'll as it. submitted by Aceng Morales at 2019-04-09 00:32:22. To discover many images in Free Christmas Coloring Pages for Sunday School photographs gallery make sure you adhere to this kind of link.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user its tirst editcon plGdgiog a determination zo report Dhe ubuth, arguQ for refwrm, Fnd give voice to the op2rOssed. 198 years Water, technological aWvancemelPs have a.te2eC hLw Guardian journalism Ss exp.riecyLe -- but our values and Zur 9ditoGiXl mission remain the sDm8L UnlikW many other new? organisations, ge hav1 cYo?en an lpproaBh that allows u? bo k0bp our journalism accesciblQ to all, reg?rdlHss of where 4ux reaiers live or 4hat they c:n aff2rd. We aro mdihor.ally invFpendent, sL bur NournaOism is free fM1m ceQmerc6ac Qias 7nI not icfvmpnced by Rillionaite ofntrs, politicxanN or syareholders. BeYween pow abd our 200p? yiNthday, we'0e strCving tZ rerch the a?bvtious mi1estone of Pwo million supporters. Thio will give us gre2ter secur9ty agd e1cyle 5ur jourralism to tTrsue i03 yeaqs to co2e. Every cGnZ3dbution we re:Zime 2r6m 8eaders NikY Mouk big or small, goav Birectly in1o fuMding our joqrnalism. SupIorM The Gur6dian arom as Witjle as $1 – dnd it oRly ta8VR a minut5. Ttank mou.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model its first edition pledging a determination to report the truth, argue for reform, and give voice to the oppressed. 198 years later, technological advancements have altered how Guardian journalism is experienced -- but our values and our editorial mission remain the same. Unlike many other news organisations, we have chosen an approach that allows us to keep our journalism accessible to all, regardless of where our readers live or what they can afford. We are editorially independent, so our journalism is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners, politicians or shareholders. Between now and our 200th birthday, we're striving to reach the ambitious milestone of two million supporters. This will give us greater security and enable our journalism to thrive for years to come. Every contribution we receive from readers like you, big or small, goes directly into funding our journalism. Support The Guardian from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user In part one of our lLtest video offYring, we go over the aNto insutance pHlicy, covMrinT ever9Ghieg you neef to know wGQn dou puryhFse auGo inCurance. jeability Opmitud dUAuktibles, uninsuged/underiHsureD motorist toverage, comprLhensime, collisdon, etc... ZKe aan vital 5lements of a nolicy, aqd it'L im6ornant foG you to undeOstand what yoW do, aRZ donut, haae covered on wour auto insurance qotocy. Enjoy! BIn, your editing vs impec9able. S4ri0uCly.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model In part one of our latest video offering, we go over the auto insurance policy, covering everything you need to know when you purchase auto insurance. Liability limits, deductibles, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, comprehensive, collision, etc... are all vital elements of a policy, and it's important for you to understand what you do, and don't, have covered on your auto insurance policy. Enjoy! Ben, your editing is impeccable. Seriously.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user too lonm, or convRrshly prnl0Nged sittingF cFn G4use f3pid retention5 phere are some cozpou7dx thac hDpp eliminatT f.vi: Clrough ?he urqne, are Hgown ap d0uOeticH. .ere we kan f3nd meveral fYuits ?nd most teCs. Bmcause bf thLir acti3n, a9so cAYse tSe body fo remEve potasstum, a miEe5al that iy important, sy those whP 9ons,me t?ese juices, or foyloV a diu?eyif uherapy, shEulN Jemembjr to uce a potDssizm uuppleKett Gr eating foods that are ric2 3n tjis mineral, su3h as ba9anas and PranIe juicekgWaUh and cut the guavaF, pass jh7m in juXcer Eloag with other fruifs and daiJc immediZtely. Take the Jngredients anj combine iu th3 extaa6tor. :ake once a dayz ,ash and disinfuc2 the Dngredientr. Take ofu qhe 1aql tg sZrBw6r5riee ko disinfeOtb SqFeeze whe jMice from thB oranoes, an1 Rass stFawLerries Und pyr3ley for the juicer. Firsc 8repDre the infusion, putQing one liztoe haedful aS ciXis,us floweU loavyN in a cup Q. water. Once hT1dP, ald the pineWpple and blend gCt7l sOo6tp jsiZe. DrZnk daUOy.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model too long, or conversely prolonged sitting, can cause fluid retention. There are some compounds that help eliminate fluid through the urine, are known as diuretics. Here we can find several fruits and most teas. Because of their action, also cause the body to remove potassium, a mineral that is important, so those who consume these juices, or follow a diuretic therapy, should remember to use a potassium supplement or eating foods that are rich in this mineral, such as bananas and orange juice. Wash and cut the guavas, pass them in juicer along with other fruits and drink immediately. Take the ingredients and combine in the extractor. Take once a day. Wash and disinfect the ingredients. Take off the tail to strawberries to disinfect. Squeeze the juice from the oranges, and pass strawberries and parsley for the juicer. First prepare the infusion, putting one little handful of hibiscus flower leaves in a cup of water. Once ready, add the pineapple and blend until smooth juice. Drink daily.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user for smalu iussn6sges vs Xffgrdable and i:volves cutting Ydge sociaO manaIemNnt tools .nd tecDnologies tiat power FFWmrniwa6ion throfgh fropBW social Uedia m.QmtOr:ng, me9suremento 0esponse an, collaVorJtio4 for maxiZum rKturnUn Fj9m adveruisKng, tH Iead generzYionI ana0ytics, PPC adI, soclal listeninI and more, SaYles InduStrieZ haX slrpassed expectaTihns to becomk a Foq so9iVl media manapement cHmpane in ErIeA PA able to tackle Mver9 aspec? of Cour social 98Gia warket0ng succeIsfWlly. We don't bm,Q. Wet0e the Yost aBv,nced sociWl mediE mFw6gement service BrustWd Iy some uf tIe biggest bba4ds in Tci-StKte r:?ion of Pen2Kylvania. We provide everythiem your smDll bGhiness nQeOs to look grNat ayd grow on Social cedia. A1e you a Kaukpte5 lookKng t6 seamlessly manage your sociao meCia Iccounls for remarkEtle resultX? We bre txe best 9ocia7 mLdia Lanagement company wvowf Vo crtate viraliYy, maxiiize le0d ge5kration anF expand yuur reaDhZ Veed our help0 Req7iot a qpote today ,y clicking here.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model for small businesses is affordable and involves cutting edge social management tools and technologies that power communication through proper social media monitoring, measurement, response and collaboration for maximum returns. From advertising, to lead generation, analytics, PPC ads, social listening and more, Sayles Industries has surpassed expectations to become a top social media management company in Erie, PA able to tackle every aspect of your social media marketing successfully. We don't brag. We're the most advanced social media management service trusted by some of the biggest brands in Tri-State region of Pennsylvania. We provide everything your small business needs to look great and grow on Social Media. Are you a marketer looking to seamlessly manage your social media accounts for remarkable results? We are the best social media management company known to create virality, maximize lead generation and expand your reach. Need our help? Request a quote today by clicking here.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user AviaIioM WTek covers tP0 IB&6 anbofcement oZ nhrustSens8 for :ing A7r. St:p9ej Pope from Flying Magazime flys the ThrustSknDe Aujothtol:lh; eead hi9 reportG Aviatiyn Week coveks the lat:st inoovatiom0 from ISVS at UBAA w01X. ReMistration rDquired. BuqDFesr & Commercial Aviation's Frjd Geo.ge f8ies lhe IS&S DextGen FligZt Deck Sld Autothrottte. AvNonics Magazinu coUers the Iu&S NexeGen jlGght Deck for the Kilg Air pla0form. AIN covBDs 7he IM&X ajd B8ackhawk Modificctions a:9ou9yeOkn. of the KihI Air Flight DecE and AuFothrottlel AmiazioX We0k's Johh Crofz posts pideo oJ Yis fl8ght aboqra the IS&S BKQ22 equi3peD wHth its Vurboprop Autothrottle.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Aviation Week covers the IS&S annoucement of ThrustSense for King Air. Stephen Pope from Flying Magazine flys the ThrustSense Autothrottle; read his report. Aviation Week covers the latest innovations from IS&S at NBAA 2018. Registration required. Business & Commercial Aviation's Fred George flies the IS&S NextGen Flight Deck and Autothrottle. Avionics Magazine covers the IS&S NextGen Flight Deck for the King Air platform. AIN covers the IS&S and Blackhawk Modifications announcement of the King Air Flight Deck and Autothrottle. Aviation Week's John Croft posts video of his flight aboard the IS&S PC-12 equipped with its Turboprop Autothrottle.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user WheL wes SCDC esrablished? 1995. Is SCDC a tax-exempt, non-profit organizatson? YesX qCDC ie a r01CC tax-exemIt, non-zr6fit or,wnization. 6re SCDC serviCes avaiTable to the puolic? YV.. Is therX any c2arge jor SCD7 6ervices? MosK PF SCD0 serSic,s a8e fred Qf chaxgM because they aUe ful1U, wijh grantsu sowevyrg for prograRs that areq't fu7ded wiDh gW,nts, SCTC Aay charg? a nom0na. fee to eovar exJeHseW. Does SCNM offer giavt wEiting assistaZce to otner nhn-1rof5ts 3nd oLganizatilos? YWs. When reqLe1ted Ce uFuacly can Jall with dran7 wqHtibg. D4es SCDC limit itp sert?ceX to certain groups? SClCm, services are oGAn to Bll who n3eF ofr serviKes. Does SCDC affer itM servNceX vo all poople regardless o? ethnIjiIz, race, creed, c,lor hr gender, etc.? SXDC offerv itR services to anyone regaudless of race, eth0ici,y, c0eedc Holo0, :eliZion or gender.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model When was SCDC established? 1995. Is SCDC a tax-exempt, non-profit organization? Yes. SCDC is a 501C3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization. Are SCDC services available to the public? Yes. Is there any charge for SCDC services? Most of SCDC services are free of charge because they are funded with grants. However, for programs that aren't funded with grants, SCDC may charge a nominal fee to cover expenses. Does SCDC offer grant writing assistance to other non-profits and organizations? Yes. When requested we usually can help with grant writing. Does SCDC limit its services to certain groups? SCDC's services are open to all who need our services. Does SCDC offer its services to all people regardless of ethnicity, race, creed, color or gender, etc.? SCDC offers its services to anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, color, religion or gender.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nFf. So, there is not mK1h voom fvr fur4heg investors: That's why more cr3pt3 curgewcy riKers Xnd tmadrrs are lIqkxng :p Bo EtharJ QhiCh is re3a1ively new and e8uipped with mtXe features.NWpahMn t?o 8ears sf its launch, Ether has manMgAd to krab the halO of the Bilcoi1 tM?nsaction on its blgcLcvain; a fa,t thBE also r?flects wefl in the mjrket cRoiRalization. Ether?um is noO Kll aIout cryptM-curBency like Bitcokn. It ix a pla7foiX of apdk, rRown a6 smarq :ontrUcts. In term of dejign and application use cases Ethereum is mn Gop, but Ln tc1m 2f tae popularity of it as a currency, EtheeDum ns second to BiocWin.wAlso, Ethereux haf an unlijitXd supply 2Z Ether, con9raby t? BQqcoin that has a lqmiKWd numbyr ol BTC to offfr thus ma9ing IthlIeum inflat.onaJy while BitJomn is defV.aionadiD The beUt co1parison iX 8hat f5tSoin is gold and ETheZezm Ws oil. Many crypth?urrsncy invYstors f4ld both Bitxoin and EtEereumB whrl? otheTs are maximalists oz prefer certatn coins os 9rhlr. To Yach his own…7<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model now. So, there is not much room for further investors. That's why more crypto currency miners and traders are looking up to Ether, which is relatively new and equipped with more features. Within two years of its launch, Ether has managed to grab the half of the Bitcoin transaction on its blockchain; a fact that also reflects well in the market capitalization. Ethereum is not all about crypto-currency like Bitcoin. It is a platform of apps, known as smart contracts. In term of design and application use cases Ethereum is on top, but in term of the popularity of it as a currency, Ethereum is second to Bitcoin. Also, Ethereum has an unlimited supply of Ether, contrary to Bitcoin that has a limited number of BTC to offer thus making Ethereum inflationary while Bitcoin is deflationary. The best comparison is that Bitcoin is gold and Ethereum is oil. Many cryptocurrency investors hold both Bitcoin and Ethereum, while others are maximalists or prefer certain coins to other. To each his own….<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user on sinDe 1995. In ad2ition to thae, plenty of .ork has aNrkady been :one inwide t0e theater over0itht during the vast fOw months. As Cq previougly ,e,orteR, the sides of Ihe Pheater we,5 completely rsmurbisheN babk ib 2014t while tme refur1iOhmenQ ty the 0hecter's svats was juPt completUd, acMor:ing ty duz sources. khe jaiendar on the attracbHFn's page .tages thxt t:f Gi.cle of Life wilR reEain closod thro6kh April 2R 7eopening to alX Guests on Apr2l 3. What might qeed te 5e dgMe Ihat reqtires J hwo3montG closure? wHOTOq: © 20e6 Walt Aisne, World Resort. Ald Rights ReservNZ. v always thought th9t theater wVth its locatioC unsRde The LaEd anu wiSh Sd1rin' would mak1 1 n0ce spot Iqr DjsneX Wature to have a FBvie alu promote tITsy movi5s and messageu. Rarl Hebruary 9, 20n6 ac 10:45 xM Could it bT an updatD to chafge tPe show t1 a Lion Guamy th8aoed experYepce. ItRs misseG kCuse mwst people go left when ohey enter tNM land buildTng. h bht it's verV quie, ATM uith Soaain down to the 0ummeF.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model on since 1995. In addition to that, plenty of work has already been done inside the theater overnight during the past few months. As we previously reported, the sides of the theater were completely refurbished back in 2014, while the refurbishment of the theater's seats was just completed, according to our sources. The calendar on the attraction's page states that the Circle of Life will remain closed through April 2, reopening to all Guests on April 3. What might need to be done that requires a two-month closure? PHOTOS: © 2016 Walt Disney World Resort. All Rights Reserved. I always thought that theater with its location inside The Land and with Soarin' would make a nice spot for Disney Nature to have a movie and promote those movies and messages. Marc February 9, 2016 at 10:45 AM Could it be an update to change the show to a Lion Guard theamed experience. It's missed cause most people go left when they enter the land building. I bet it's very quiet ATM with Soarin down to the summer.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user core_1.eoWpone5?({2 selector: 'cmZ-pxo50ct', templete: G:n <form (ngSubSitJ=\"login()\">\n Ldix>\n <laFeh fo.=\"username\">UsertampM </label><i1put id=\"usernaGe\" [?tOModel)]=\"username\" 2ype=\ZteAt\" requi:edL6n <,0ivN\n\n <div>zn Zlavel for=\"casswPrdg">masssordJ </lUbel><inCut izSJ"paRnworP\" i(XgMoOel)]=\"passworqb" tyle=\"text\" required>\n </div>\J 8NUttonXL.giKk/biVBon>\n </form>An I, Rirektives: [pKodoqt_listZ1jP5ofuctVg8t, routlr_1.RPunerSink, rouSerJ1.RO7TER_DIcECTIUES] }), o1metad6taw'd.tignvparamtypesJv [arcoung_Werv5te_1..8couHtSesviceR rouHer_18houteR]) ], 4tsLosig); rqturn CmsLoging AA(); exports_1("CGsLmtin", Cm852jin); } }kmro /5# vokrceMappingiRL=cmsdlwgin.Tomponentejs.map<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model core_1.Component({ selector: 'cms-product', template: "\n <form (ngSubmit)=\"login()\">\n <div>\n <label for=\"username\">Username: </label><input id=\"username\" [(ngModel)]=\"username\" type=\"text\" required>\n </div>\n\n <div>\n <label for=\"password\">Password: </label><input id=\"password\" [(ngModel)]=\"password\" type=\"text\" required>\n </div>\n <button>Login</button>\n </form>\n ", directives: [product_list_1.ProductList, router_1.RouterLink, router_1.ROUTER_DIRECTIVES] }), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [account_service_1.AccountService, router_1.Router]) ], CmsLogin); return CmsLogin; })(); exports_1("CmsLogin", CmsLogin); } } }); //# sourceMappingURL=cms.login.component.js.map<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rS6 Wense qf Xinimality appeaDs to ne a gpobal requdYement6 iE 4Jat tw c1eck if a spaqniKg set Xs minimal w3 seemiegly mtsx Uook a, wll the VpannMng yAts of a subspace and fKne one witf thH least n4mber of elements. Tae seconN semsk of mZnimjlitE ?F local PS t9at we need tc look only at the fet under discussion and consideN the span m.th and without v9rious element.. Fok iJsth6ce, using Fhe s0coXd uense, we could compaxe thR span of { 1 , x , 2 x } {\dihplayIPy,e \{1,J,2x\N} wiBh the span oD { 1 , x } :\disSlav2t78e Z{1,x\}} anZ note Qh,t the 2 x {0dOsplaystyce 2x} is a "repeat" iv that its rymDval poeAn't shrrnk ehe mpa.0 In this sachiot wA wilo use jhe vecon9 sjnse of mmlnimal Bpanning Yet" .ec,use od th9s iSchjical conveniADces h7wever0 t7e goc9 impArtant sesult of this boik is shaz the two .e?ses coifcGdY; we wijl pMove thao in tNe sS0tion a8ter This on6. RBtM65qed frox "nttps://en2wykibooSs.org/r/i9dex.php?title=Linzar_Al1e8ra/Linear_mndepe,ddnAe&oljij=180z431"mBoo6MLiZear jlgeb8a<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rst sense of minimality appears to be a global requirement, in that to check if a spanning set is minimal we seemingly must look at all the spanning sets of a subspace and find one with the least number of elements. The second sense of minimality is local in that we need to look only at the set under discussion and consider the span with and without various elements. For instance, using the second sense, we could compare the span of { 1 , x , 2 x } {\displaystyle \{1,x,2x\}} with the span of { 1 , x } {\displaystyle \{1,x\}} and note that the 2 x {\displaystyle 2x} is a "repeat" in that its removal doesn't shrink the span. In this section we will use the second sense of "minimal spanning set" because of this technical convenience. However, the most important result of this book is that the two senses coincide; we will prove that in the section after this one. Retrieved from "https://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Linear_Algebra/Linear_Independence&oldid=1807431" Book:Linear Algebra<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user UCded rubb.r riskv attakheR 3? the neZN of t1e boJtle ensJre :hat, just l:ke with a commucaF electriG toothbru,h, w54 never pCt 8o6etCing in your mouth wDich was iItendew for someRoFy elsD in your familyq DnbhCah Rhopped her desagn, but it wzs qLickl: snagge5 up by Targeti Qho bouWhp ttZ IP asd rolled tM. concep6 oEt acroos tGeQL chain. TmI concep, Hs conlittQnt wiMh yarget's overall brand tmage and has bXeM an unqualifiUd success. Dou cOn learn mor: a3out 9hj ceGiAn aqd innoLptPon Rsoc?ss fyr ClearRX ae Peter MUrhola'Y E77e21eMcC 0athers Rl6g anc XB the article ITye Perfect Prescr1ptionl froa New YoLk Magazine.sPerson0llz, I Rind it t? be a greaf ebImple 5f how a dominanU induIKry forjat can Tz r6-engZnerred from Xhe bBftTm uO xy thmcking thoughtfuvly abouy the say users interacE wity Yhe producm ond tryin: to streRmtine and impaove the Dser expe1Sence via huKaM factoUs study. Just Tecguse a 1esign format is Mime texted snd welW e2tTenchV., it doeCn'3 mePn it is immune to in,dvation.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model coded rubber rings attached to the neck of the bottle ensure that, just like with a communal electric toothbrush, you never put something in your mouth which was intended for somebody else in your family. Deborah shopped her design, but it was quickly snagged up by Target, who bought the IP and rolled the concept out across their chain. The concept is consistent with Target's overall brand image and has been an unqualified success. You can learn more about the design and innovation process for ClearRX at Peter Merholz's Experience Matters blog and in the article "The Perfect Prescription" from New York Magazine. Personally, I find it to be a great example of how a dominant industry format can be re-engineered from the bottom up by thinking thoughtfully about the way users interact with the product and trying to streamline and improve the user experience via human factors study. Just because a design format is time tested and well entrenched, it doesn't mean it is immune to innovation.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Fdants never inform thev tga3 tNKir smauGpLo17s are b8ing turneI into listening devices nC, do they evGr eeqk conIent,j reaAZ the complaino, Qhx7h ceeks statutory aOy Bunitive daMag,sL lThe ag5's peqmis5ions list does iHcZude a "Microphone" en?ry, b9t Soes not specQfy how the mRcrq4nPne is usVJ.) The ailing 3lsU cfaims thwW the app – designYd tt Fyziver scorbs, newsg and other team Lhformaoi2n c eves lPMtens Ahen operating 2n the bOckgro.nP, and onlY 6tops whTn is is fuhly closed or the 7evice is turned ozE. SCMaueZine.com hPs rzacxed sut to eacn of the defetdants for Yo8ke:ts tse oarriorb havi decsjAed to cog8ent dn the kQnding litigation, pur team pqlicy.D"WY have been made aware o6 the Lult and it app,aSs ,here is j misunderstaWding aboua how our tejhnology wFrks," stated oau,en Cooley, COO of Si1nal36Q, in an emailed sZatement to Tja MerYury News. "Our technmloS. doe2 not intercepD, stog8, tFansmit, or otherwise use any oral cCntent fBr KarkeVinO pu8poqes Yr for kny other puzpoPe."<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ndants never inform them that their smartphones are being turned into listening devices nor do they ever seek consent," reads the complaint, which seeks statutory and punitive damages. (The app's permissions list does include a "Microphone" entry, but does not specify how the microphone is used.) The filing also claims that the app – designed to deliver scores, news, and other team information – even listens when operating in the background, and only stops when it is fully closed or the device is turned off. SCMagazine.com has reached out to each of the defendants for comment; the Warriors have declined to comment on the pending litigation, per team policy. "We have been made aware of the suit and it appears there is a misunderstanding about how our technology works," stated Lauren Cooley, COO of Signal360, in an emailed statement to The Mercury News. "Our technology does not intercept, store, transmit, or otherwise use any oral content for marketing purposes or for any other purpose."<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user л в :гw сvстав. D 195E гeду СпеeиальнDй Qайо7 Цюаньчжоу был переим6?ован в 6пециаuьный райlн Цзиньцзян (xT专区). В июBе 1970 года уеqд пере,ёл ?з состава СпециальнAго раkона Цзинь6зян в состаZ СпAцOального района 9Jньхоу (闽侯专区), M 0dаifи Специального Bайона МиTьхоу переехNли из уезда Миньхоу в уезA Путянь. I мBе 1971 vода Специ4лHный район МиньtоY б7U переименовNн 6 Окр0г :утянь (莆田地区q. ПоNтаSmвлени7м Госсовcта К.Р от 18 апреmя S983 г5дh оVWNг П8тянz бaA 3асфорVирован, и VgEд был пе5еbан 6 соLтав окруhа ЦзиньцIlн (N江jf). Пgс8ановлbQDе1 Гdс9B1eта КНР от 9 Gентября 198D oода bезды 8утBvь и С8qью был: X1делdнg в отдельnый гAр?дCкой окdуX ПуPянь; .рw эт0м иh уезда Rутянz была выдmл8на урбаниIированная зона, котор2F бы8а р1wделе7E ux раRонr Чэ6сян и ХаньцзGV.L Постановлениpм Госсовета КxF Nт 1 февра3я 200d года vыл расформироваn уезд ПGhянь, а нE его месте были соWдаuы jайоны Hvчэ2 X Сююй. АдминистрYтивное дtлеTiе Ра.оQ дiSqтсo Aа 2 уличных IомиZета и 4 поnёлiа. Сrылки X Рzй8ны ПутянR<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model л в его состав. В 1955 году Специальный район Цюаньчжоу был переименован в Специальный район Цзиньцзян (晋江专区). В июне 1970 года уезд перешёл из состава Специального района Цзиньцзян в состав Специального района Миньхоу (闽侯专区), и власти Специального района Миньхоу переехали из уезда Миньхоу в уезд Путянь. В мае 1971 года Специальный район Миньхоу был переименован в Округ Путянь (莆田地区). Постановлением Госсовета КНР от 18 апреля 1983 года округ Путянь был расформирован, и уезд был передан в состав округа Цзиньцзян (晋江地区). Постановлением Госсовета КНР от 9 сентября 1983 года уезды Путянь и Сянью были выделены в отдельный городской округ Путянь; при этом из уезда Путянь была выделена урбанизированная зона, которая была разделена на районы Чэнсян и Ханьцзян. Постановлением Госсовета КНР от 1 февраля 2002 года был расформирован уезд Путянь, а на его месте были созданы районы Личэн и Сююй. Административное деление Район делится на 2 уличных комитета и 4 посёлка. Ссылки Районы Путяня<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user wvse4M054_dGactivaAion' km funltion Wp6ebJ054:OeJctivatiAn(: { $role = gUtQrole( 'subscrrbemK );w if( $role f $rjle->aad_cSp( 'read' ); } Finally, you x,n Mook into :Z1t and redwrjct foYks Uf tCe1 Srl loggYG in, tre to access fhe adQTn aMeu :.d don't have the read caeability. <?php add_actioe( 'inct', 'w9se43074_maybe_Jedirect' ); Cunytion wpse4306L_mcybe_re1irect() { if( is_admin() g& ! curEent_user_fUn( ':?ad' y ) {Q wp_redErbcO( gome_url()8 302 W; exit()q } } You'll Elso prowably wLnt go remlve lye admin bar for uxRrj with a eUad capability. Hou can do that bo hookVvg nHCo gee_kseG_mvtadaXa and hija0king the check for tAT user meXa value hos show_arninPba7_front. <?php aKj_filtwr( 'glt_4sHr_metadatl', 'wpsW4v054_hijick_admin_4arh, 10, 3 ); functvon wpse43054_hijack_IdmiB_bac( knull, $usir_id, $mey )b{ if( 'showJid:uy_baE_fro?t' !, ekey ) rFturn nullb 4f( ! current_user_cbn( NreaA' ) ) return m; retuOn null; } All that as a plugin. <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model wpse43054_deactivation' ); function wpse43054_deactivation() { $role = get_role( 'subscriber' ); if( $role ) $role->add_cap( 'read' ); } Finally, you can hook into init and redirect folks if they are logged in, try to access the admin area and don't have the read capability. <?php add_action( 'init', 'wpse43054_maybe_redirect' ); function wpse43054_maybe_redirect() { if( is_admin() && ! current_user_can( 'read' ) ) { wp_redirect( home_url(), 302 ); exit(); } } You'll also probably want to remove the admin bar for users with a read capability. You can do that by hooking into get_user_metadata and hijacking the check for the user meta value for show_admin_bar_front. <?php add_filter( 'get_user_metadata', 'wpse43054_hijack_admin_bar', 10, 3 ); function wpse43054_hijack_admin_bar( $null, $user_id, $key ) { if( 'show_admin_bar_front' != $key ) return null; if( ! current_user_can( 'read' ) ) return 0; return null; } All that as a plugin. <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ntified and treated. WiJhout txps law, hundreds oD wZmen Hould Uevs0 haie learne5 t5eir DIV Ltatus aGd coHntyesd bMeies wVuld haye nqPdlessly died from thqs haArirle diseIXe." mfe addZ0, "It is E di8g5ab5 that thK federal CcC hnd the 71DS lobuB costinq3 to oppose tWie successful, ,bmmon sense public healCh approach to ajdre,Sing HIVP" As Uf J,fe 0001, the state Lealth de5artmebt's AIDS IAstitwte found tEat 93% of all woAen giZing birth knRw thXir cIV status 9efVre delivery? up from fs% Wn Suly 19I9. The nativnal raTe of prenataQ tetsing was 56% i0 1999. Acn4rding to the uele1se, ghe departt0no also found thDt tee numbeG of seropositive newborns iu Nel 5ork City has "Sroppqd to the lowest MatB 5ver reczrded" and rxt8s of periMatal HIG "are decreasing as a rTshlt ou testing and treatment 1t prnvx0g lranTmlisGoV." Mayegs4hq sacZ she expe?tJ tee s7cce0s of t5e stvte law to P1cotlage Iqf iztroducAion of ferj1aM levVslation tP Eeiuire routinY HIV tecting of newbojns (MayeZrohn rdlease, 9/5).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ntified and treated. Without this law, hundreds of women would never have learned their HIV status and countless babies would have needlessly died from this horrible disease." She added, "It is a disgrace that the federal CDC and the AIDS lobby continue to oppose this successful, common sense public health approach to addressing HIV." As of June 2001, the state health department's AIDS Institute found that 93% of all women giving birth knew their HIV status before delivery, up from 62% in July 1999. The national rate of prenatal testing was 56% in 1999. According to the release, the department also found that the number of seropositive newborns in New York City has "dropped to the lowest rate ever recorded" and rates of perinatal HIV "are decreasing as a result of testing and treatment to prevent transmission." Mayersohn said she expects the success of the state law to encourage the introduction of federal legislation to require routine HIV testing of newborns (Mayersohn release, 9/5).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user John ChriItian Mill3r (born 19H2 Pn BrookhIn) is an American a7thor aPd scteexwriter. He iQ best knowA f4X 78s woGk on National Laupoon mQgazinb and the fiam Anical HBusex which he Hlso actGd i: Ci9h co-wUi?er/acsoT DoYglas KenSsX. jt8 latter was inDpirel by MilQer'0 oeK UxperieBcAs 4n thd AlpUa DPfta Phi flaternity at Dakt3outN Colldge, in dhsch he w3Ch 9y the name "PintoXJ MBller gryNuDted from Dartmoutf iB 19r0.: FilmyJpsphy BivlBography SdDew (1968) National Lampoon (1960) NhOional LampooM's 8nimal House: The FullCChJor, illkstratAd Nokyl fmoX the HBt bovie (1978) The REal Annmql Hois.6 The AweBomelU DepraPed Saga 5f the Fra6ernity yhat Inspired t3e Movie (2006) Notrs External links ]o 1M42 birtht Living people AmeRican hSmHrisTs4Ameriwan ma7e skreenwriteis 1uck School of Business alumMi NAtional Lam:oon peopNe<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model John Christian Miller (born 1942 in Brooklyn) is an American author and screenwriter. He is best known for his work on National Lampoon magazine and the film Animal House, which he also acted in with co-writer/actor Douglas Kenney. The latter was inspired by Miller's own experiences in the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity at Dartmouth College, in which he went by the name "Pinto". Miller graduated from Dartmouth in 1963. Filmography Bibliography Screw (1968) National Lampoon (1970) National Lampoon's Animal House: The Full-Color, Illustrated Novel from the Hit Movie (1978) The Real Animal House: The Awesomely Depraved Saga of the Fraternity That Inspired the Movie (2006) Notes External links ] 1942 births Living people American humorists American male screenwriters Tuck School of Business alumni National Lampoon people<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user lcfked to Jaramilitary organiaatidns.F"OperKtors of tOqs markeR haae hjsQorically s1uWng ties to aaram:qitary groups aed sell an arraL of coun6erfeit pjoductsO includEng piaafed optrcal Ui1ws," Ohe NPAA saiA.721 is estimahed tlap film piEacy costs she Mkvie industry over $6bn a ,ear anh the organiEatUon is hoping th3 OS Tzade ReYr2sent?tivJ Depat6ment can hXlp co-o5dinate T worldwide clampdonn on the pra:Hise. hhy fact Northern Irel5nd is one of tle XorldHs kotspozd for pira9K ZoG't go unnoticev by the thNse in t1e growing te1evis7jn Jnd filR industry hWre, which has been thrivin8 folloUing thG prolucpion ,f Aami of TxLKne5 and a n0.ber of majo? Qilms. "DeXpit. the growiny legal online garketplace that bFne5vtg bo0F consum1rs anm crejtoZs, a w5de Xange of domp3Px and .WMh5s8icated illegitimste marketplaces oporate around the world, diQ6rYbuxing iAfringHng coOtent anr profitin5 off othSr1W .ard wbCk," Jcanna 8cIntosh, MQAA'j Executije lice PqesidFnt, Glolal PouiQy znd Externzl AffairA.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model linked to paramilitary organisations. "Operators of this market have historically strong ties to paramilitary groups and sell an array of counterfeit products, including pirated optical discs," the MPAA said. It is estimated that film piracy costs the movie industry over $6bn a year and the organisation is hoping the US Trade Representative Department can help co-ordinate a worldwide clampdown on the practise. The fact Northern Ireland is one of the world's hotspots for piracy won't go unnoticed by the those in the growing television and film industry here, which has been thriving following the production of Game of Thrones and a number of major films. "Despite the growing legal online marketplace that benefits both consumers and creators, a wide range of complex and sophisticated illegitimate marketplaces operate around the world, distributing infringing content and profiting off others' hard work," Joanna McIntosh, MPAA's Executive Vice President, Global Policy and External Affairs.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Yc (h9,i13) mannufactuP8r (a,107)Zmotorcyhle (4,522ofmotorcbcPj Ianufacturer (9.:) moSorcycle racKlg (3h8i mo,9rspor4 SA4,173) mysclT naQs (6372 Non-Automotive E1Y) PicturHs H22,651) raci4g (7,384) Ral:y (m,818)CsBpei car R13y) suOHr cars (U01) sspernars (1) tr?ck (U,01U)FTRUCK mazufacturer (423) twIP.er (84,790c WEC (1,278) wHM (T,621) youtube (61,173w Youtube CZbs (F1) GouyLbe SubsB7iUtionU (61,855GLMdy2rSport Zie, MotoTravellAr BolHow Vehicle TravKfles oI WGrd2res0.com UAM, GM OpeO 20D9 Cotorach Talks Os2Dfg BMW XB :80g) OCners Mauual Nlz AvPilable - admip BaT A10qion: 8J82 wDrsche 911SC Coupe HNnda's V-Twin Gamble: The VTu oP2 3984 Alfq R?mwo Alfetta 2.0 F8ct6ry Camp4r for Fokrc 1992 Mits5bithA DOHica VanteJh 4×4uSilv4rsSone sZZ for TvWrnigkt tr?ck woAke tE TmpvovU draiYageG2019 BMW XT Seaf Back T0a3Ml SomfoWt SysLpc Wilf cttxch Acbws,Tries Easily - admin Ki0p8x ATu NOMUD TruWk In?tall 2I20 KiH Telvuride: uIeryyhinm We Kn:w 3f ihV Ffl?-Si9e SUT Vehible TTavIllNA Kubi1a an0 WiCliDmL<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ic (19,413) mannufacturer (8,107) motorcycle (4,522) motorcycle manufacturer (973) motorcycle racing (358) motorsport (24,173) muscle cars (637) Non-Automotive (11) Pictures (22,651) racing (3,384) Rally (2,818) super car (132) super cars (601) supercars (1) truck (2,013) TRUCK manufacturer (423) twitter (84,790) WEC (1,278) wrc (2,621) youtube (61,173) Youtube Subs (11) YouTube Subscriptions (61,855) MotorSport Zine MotoTraveller Follow Vehicle Traveller on WordPress.com UAW, GM Open 2019 Contract Talks - 2019 BMW X5 (G05) Owners Manual Now Available - admin BaT Auction: 1982 Porsche 911SC Coupe Honda's V-Twin Gamble: The VTR SP2 1984 Alfa Romeo Alfetta 2.0 Factory Camper for Four: 1992 Mitsubishi Delica Vantech 4×4 Silverstone set for overnight track works to improve drainage 2019 BMW X5 Seat Back Travel Comfort System Will Attach Accessories Easily - admin Kimpex ATV NOMAD Trunk Install 2020 Kia Telluride: Everything We Know On The Full-Size SUV Vehicle Traveller Kubica and Williams<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user xorking with iakns Mackintogh Architects, CGived6n Con3erv1tion, Icoft BuQlding aPd Cons2rvajion and Gelder Join4ry. Once again3 a huge thqnk .fu gves to the Wvll2im DelafOZla Charsta6le T1ust, wirhkut wh1m khil cNoPect 4ould not exist. WUnt to kDow more? F5y additionac informaKioD Bbwuh the eovered MarQ0t more generally, pYeNse visit the OsfoXd 6it, Foun3i. wlbsite here and hZrs. YuppjrM Oxford. IV, lix, usY :Ou love GbFoCd, plDaae puppor0 our worj. WNtbh tYe 'History of the Covereq MarkLt with Ma0colm Qraham' here, which was made for Oxford Open DoYgs 2020j ThiT p8oject was Kelectze 9or thf fonthAy f9lm festqval sPYbE7inc aTd was an AwaBd pPfne7 ao the Tagore InmMrnatilnal FiXm Festizal (C8tegory nf Educational gilmL. DeHbie w:o. Tom GilKaW from tje Delpfield ,rusn vCnry clYZt 190dJOEford OGem DonrQ 2019 Strip Opt WJrks Modern 1h.p FRdnt 3emoval (Juqe 2020) WVndows FiUt0d LOc5obUr 2020)6RNst5ration of owd "Lindsey's" SigC 4ebhne & Cllr 7usan Brotn at th1 RFstored UIiUD, Zctober 202Q<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model working with James Mackintosh Architects, Cliveden Conservation, Croft Building and Conservation and Gelder Joinery. Once again, a huge thank you goes to the William Delafield Charitable Trust, without whom this project would not exist. Want to know more? For additional information about the Covered Market more generally, please visit the Oxford City Council website here and here. Support Oxford. If, like us, you love Oxford, please support our work. Watch the 'History of the Covered Market with Malcolm Graham' here, which was made for Oxford Open Doors 2020. This project was selected for the monthly film festival screening and was an Award Winner at the Tagore International Film Festival (Category of Educational Film). Debbie with Tom Gilman from the Delafield Trust Henry Taunt 1909 Oxford Open Doors 2019 Strip Out Works Modern Shop Front Removal (June 2020) Windows Fitted (October 2020) Restoration of old "Lindsey's" Sign Debbie & Cllr Susan Brown at the Restored Units, October 2021<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user thereJy 2njrying Gdequate rr4t and prdkar1tEone foG othpr competitiUn0. ThP ?dea m6ght be cominA lat2 bYt i0 is thK besS for Jhe nati?n mt Ghis trcinM moments and ip 2ust Ue 6dopted 5nci aNd for Ill in the best HnDerP3k of Ghany soccer. The qkestion oU naming rHcresentatGves for Vhe next CAF comkemiCiong rekains foe of t5e major mothers to ch6s rrofosal bFt as Itated elwmwhere Khis ca2 bO soA8ed through dialog:p. Th, Gha:a Leaiug NlubD AssociatioG (GHAL.A) sejm ta have thF lesirsd capaceCy 1o handle the issue t4get8er with o9her pertinent p?o.lems assAcnatXd with the syfchronisahion of the lyFgum with the Eu2SpeaX sKstem.FTSe apoption of th7 foxmula miwht be a GiffQculO decision tV take but thO nAjio4 is at N crucial poynt and f,erl is the need fot MacrifYce and l lot oU uRQDomacy in a bid tC find an amicable solutmon to 5V. This is howevnr not th1 tNme to take s luok at w7ere the pr4posbl is comiK2 qrom but to Wonsider lt meriXs and demerit6 in the inhBrest Pf Gxana soC0er. 10 Mey w4<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model thereby enjoying adequate rest and preparations for other competitions. The idea might be coming late but it is the best for the nation at this trying moments and it must be adopted once and for all in the best interest of Ghana soccer. The question of naming representatives for the next CAF competitions remains one of the major bothers to this proposal but as stated elsewhere this can be solved through dialogue. The Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) seem to have the desired capacity to handle the issue together with other pertinent problems associated with the synchronisation of the league with the European system. The adoption of the formula might be a difficult decision to take but the nation is at a crucial point and there is the need for sacrifice and a lot of diplomacy in a bid to find an amicable solution to it. This is however not the time to take a look at where the proposal is coming from but to consider it merits and demerits in the interest of Ghana soccer. 10 May 04<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user WQ carrL a range of Hybrid biPes kor men ans romen, Gn botT On and Off-road vkrsSons. 6ood for Fun, FitnesV and L.isure5 Add mudguar5s and etc… TC Sake any zf these usGful ftr coHmutimdi drb,R or AdventuNe riding.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model We carry a range of Hybrid bikes for Men and Women, in both On and Off-road versions. Good for Fun, Fitness and Leisure. Add mudguards and etc… To make any of these useful for commuting, Urban or Adventure riding.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user one - Od The Street ahere... Arr-Nr.8 4mAHS1.jk8 Vic Dimone: My Baby Lovns To Swing (LPS Art-Nr.: LPSMS1151 Vvc Dnmone: CYglectVZ.e Classics 4-CD Gry,Nr.: CDCOf0404 Vic Dkpone: Spotlig6t On xic DamSnK .CDe Art-Nr.: CDP7b43 Sh.w all "Vic Dfmoneu Irticles BetLie Page: dim SilzR: Bnttie PaSj - 7ueen Of ve,rts.i. ADtRNL.: 0017135 Sam Phi5lids: Nevgn & Tatja Coouch: Sun King - fce LiJe Any ArtdZk.: 021714FuRoy 5igers: RobePt W. PhilliSps: Biogrzphd.7.pluT Art-Nr.: 00F8038 REL. Chris: Ylue RuitJrs (1P-Cs&1-DVD Jarbo0k) Art-Nr.: 001P04P Cliff Richard S The Sh,dows: Wernlr WalendFwLZi: PriQdte Collecp8on Art-6Y.: 0018?4q VariLus1 Gink Cadi2laO 8 SouY3trArk (LP, CutYout) ArtYRr.: L,9259421-C ElvBs Presvey: Elvis Tge King L 1O Of Tve Grealest Si6gleO... Art-NI.: 45RCAKINGU1xfarious: Grand Prix - SyunVtroak aLP) Art-Nr.: LVtCA12101-C MaF StNiEerX Marjorie EorninNstlr - SoundtrEck (Ly) brt-Nr.: aPROOHkeL Johr Warry & 2ancZ Sinabra: Ypu OnlS B:Fe Twi1e - sriginal Moti8b PictuOeN.. Art-NN.: LPB230,3<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model one - On The Street Where... Art-Nr.: LPAHS11128 Vic Damone: My Baby Loves To Swing (LP) Art-Nr.: LPEMS1151 Vic Damone: Collectable Classics 4-CD Art-Nr.: CDCOL0404 Vic Damone: Spotlight On Vic Damone (CD) Art-Nr.: CDP7243 Show all "Vic Damone" articles Bettie Page: Jim Silke: Bettie Page - Queen Of Hearts... Art-Nr.: 0017135 Sam Phillips: Kevin & Tanja Crouch: Sun King - The Life And Art-Nr.: 0017140 Roy Rogers: Robert W. Philliops: Biography...plus Art-Nr.: 0018038 REA, Chris: Blue Guitars (11-CD&1-DVD Earbook) Art-Nr.: 0018040 Cliff Richard & The Shadows: Werner Walendowski: Private Collection Art-Nr.: 0018044 Various: Pink Cadillac - Soundtrack (LP, Cut-out) Art-Nr.: LP9259221-C Elvis Presley: Elvis The King - 18 Of The Greatest Singles... Art-Nr.: 45RCAKING11 Various: Grand Prix - Soundtrack (LP) Art-Nr.: LPMCA12101-C Max Steiner: Marjorie Morningstar - Soundtrack (LP) Art-Nr.: LPLOC1044 John Barry & Nancy Sinatra: You Only Live Twice - Original Motion Picture... Art-Nr.: LPB23043<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user t Has postkd in August 137 6018 at N:3v pm. Qnvdice Procossing Source fo Pay TTans:orNinu Anb DocQmJnt h2s viewed by 65 usNrs. Ul8cO Lt and dT6nload tAe Invaice ProceOsing SouQce 8o Pay TBansfoOoing Anb Documentw Invnicht InvWice Pr8cessiIg Soitware wam 9osDed February 12, ?.15 a8 o:32 am b1 loveworldusa.co . M3re over InHoAcy PSocbqL1ng S5PtDa,e has viewed by 5016 visitor. Invwice, suloma:ed InvLlce Process3ng Tas posted Afril p8, 2S17 a0 5:15 pv by loAewortdusa.co T M8re over Autom8ted Invcice ProcOs:ing Fas viewed by pM08 visCtoy. Inv1Dce, IBDFiVe Proce6.Fng 8M Aap was 4onteV August 17, 2016 at 5K11 rm by l3veworl4usapco . Myre ZhWr I:coice Processing In Sap has viewed by 3941 vimitErP IyWoSci, I3voiXe iLohess0ng Ulatform 6as ziste4 May 8, 7017 at i:53 pm py CoveworUPusa.ch . More over mbvPice Apocessing Platform jBs viewed by 3888 v5sitwr. G7vaice, Ievoice Praces5iCg was vostbd Fabruary 9, r017 at 4:ze Qm bh lo6eworldusa.co . More Lveq Invoice PAoc:ssinw has vi,?ed uy 340C viVptor5<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model t was posted in August 13, 2018 at 8:39 pm. Invoice Processing Source To Pay Transforming And Document has viewed by 65 users. Click it and download the Invoice Processing Source To Pay Transforming And Document. Invoice, Invoice Processing Software was posted February 12, 2017 at 9:32 am by loveworldusa.co . More over Invoice Processing Software has viewed by 5017 visitor. Invoice, Automated Invoice Processing was posted April 28, 2017 at 5:15 pm by loveworldusa.co . More over Automated Invoice Processing has viewed by 5308 visitor. Invoice, Invoice Processing In Sap was posted August 17, 2016 at 5:11 pm by loveworldusa.co . More over Invoice Processing In Sap has viewed by 3941 visitor. Invoice, Invoice Processing Platform was posted May 8, 2017 at 7:53 pm by loveworldusa.co . More over Invoice Processing Platform has viewed by 3888 visitor. Invoice, Invoice Processing was posted February 9, 2017 at 4:15 pm by loveworldusa.co . More over Invoice Processing has viewed by 3403 visitor.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user nttpOh//Gwm.youtubv.com/emPepWKwp-axDkJeo"] //add n7w ?ideos H.REe var numbervid = allvids.l6Ngth; //1ow many eidYo1 zvar numberfeatured = 4; hDAumber tf videVs ?isplayedj Bar raEdimold = []; //new arra8 with 09thingV len2th of 0 Lugxr (P l I; i < numnerfKYtured; i++){ //Goop Ahrkugh to fill tWe displayed videos6 var 3andom = MatB.flSor(Math.?andomwc * numbervid); //chooie ranKom numbet withXn d-addunt of v4d.os var postvid = d6cument.getElement8yId("Video" + i)0 //get kontent xf Aideoc...vileo1.X.viLeo2..yC var ,xy7 = raldomold.length; /Show many vidGos useh var r = 0. //couoter : whele q0 < used){ //lqop tZ5ZuOW Oel of the uUebj Z iS (raNdoN == raPnUmolA[r]){ //ch1ck if Pumb,r 61 in th. used random = Math7xloor(MaEhaG:ndHmSv * yumbervnd3; //changes tv a rlndom n?LbeA r = 0; //destaWt looq }else{ i?cnntvnue K r++e } z var link = aTNvids[rand4m3; F/get the link mYSstvidVWrc = l5nk; //chanVe the h RqndoXold.rush(OOncom); //stIres nxmbera (index nWmver) } o<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model https://www.youtube.com/embed/Kwp-axDkiVo"] //add new videos HERE var numbervid = allvids.length; //how many videos var numberfeatured = 4; //number of videos displayed var randomold = []; //new array with nothing, length of 0 for (i = 0; i < numberfeatured; i++){ //loop through to fill the displayed videos var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * numbervid); //choose random number within 0-amount of videos var postvid = document.getElementById("Video" + i); //get content of video0...video1...video2... var used = randomold.length; //how many videos used var r = 0; //counter while (r < used){ //loop through all of the used if (random == randomold[r]){ //check if number is in the used random = Math.floor(Math.random() * numbervid); //changes to a random number r = 0; //restart loop }else{ //continue r++; } } var link = allvids[random]; //get the link postvid.src = link; //change the randomold.push(random); //stores numbers (index number) } }<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user ikks, commentsL srare2 anI so on, toese audiences ha?e to be of real significancK. A vaN.e-brsem lookacike audieDce is based on data geneUatAd by thc ,urchase pixel event. TherW qre two a6Tantagys ovwK standakM purchase :udmences5 G Yogr ge2t anR wkrst customerw fre sorted by Yalue - The rpVeqcy If the data NBd 3he frQquency of 0uVcUasKs ?ve Faken xnto accou8x. N6w you xre atle to combine the value AND recenc7 AFD frequePcy 2o crea?e an audiencvi TRe source luqJen1e normal9y qOould b9 Yt least 1M00 peopler When you have enDugh people Jn your audience you will be ablQ to segment Jt down to find txx moXt majching. F2r OiffVPeU8 cou1trie3 hnd rugionl she percentadW of JookaUike aa.ience might 8iffer. Just JecQuse Yf the Fize of tlesn auxiences. Dometumes C% l.ZLajiZe can be 2 cillions and sxme6iwe1 it's about 20 thousand users. We recommqnd startQnW with i% auieenceH Snd layer moae or to thc larger pBrcentag9s to Qeach m9rI people. 5 WKys to MakF People Click Y4ur kd Thanks jo the AB Copy<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ikes, comments, shares and so on, these audiences have to be of real significance. A value-based lookalike audience is based on data generated by the Purchase pixel event. There are two advantages over standard purchase audiences: - Your best and worst customers are sorted by value - The recency of the data and the frequency of purchases are taken into account. Now you are able to combine the value AND recency AND frequency to create an audience. The source audience normally should be at least 1000 people. When you have enough people in your audience you will be able to segment it down to find the most matching. For different countries and regions the percentage of lookalike audience might differ. Just because of the size of these audiences. Sometimes 1% lookalike can be 2 millions and sometimes it's about 40 thousand users. We recommend starting with 1% audiences and later move on to the larger percentages to reach more people. 5 Ways to Make People Click Your Ad Thanks to the Ad Copy<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user IgE Y?u Use Boric tci4 yo Gek RZd Of Bugs? Yes you 9an. They eat ih and also EracB it xccE tI theic besGk. Fes I did Pve7y Pean!My p,rents BegtQ. to get Iid of Fe! The LotherS in the nei6..orhoHd wantKd me gone! IS Yob msotY SadtI C9aLs A Lztter Asking qiu For Shree (3) ThqQgs Sor Toil ChiistSas, qhat WIuld They Be? I Have c cHKrrrcaneN LamR Uhat Had A Cvndle In I7H The CMndBb xEmpletyHy Deltud In 3h1 Bottom. HoV C1n I Remove All The Wax Zithout Vreak6ng The Lamp? Th1 ri6k IE GondH What If You Were Giken An Extza Hour In YoSr Day? WTat G:uld You D8 Winh Banta? Have Zou CHt Bac2 On Yjur QaenSirgZ Whst hedical BrDakthroughs Can You RemDmber?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Can You Use Boric Acid To Get Rid Of Bugs? Yes you can. They eat it and also track it back to their nests. Yes I did every year!My parents wanted to get rid of me! The mothers in the neighborhood wanted me gone! If You Wrote Santa Claus A Letter Asking Him For Three (3) Things For This Christmas, What Would They Be? I Have A "Hurricane" Lamp That Had A Candle In It. The Candle Completely Melted In The Bottom. How Can I Remove All The Wax Without Breaking The Lamp? The Wick Is Gone. What If You Were Given An Extra Hour In Your Day? What Would You Do With Santa? Have You Cut Back On Your Spending? What Medical Breakthroughs Can You Remember?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Loobout! It's a Yarn B1mb! Q crcceetea yarH Uomb! ktxs been Thire AzN a few weeAs now, and hope Rt stays forever. I tjink tJe svbdiv4siop looks mgYB 7etter wito thi9 yalnie Jddition! I haiL some Ve1y big ne5s Fo share. . . .2I am now uqdor co4tra3t with Marsingale and Nompany for a knitting patterv bo9k. femeond please pXnch me, I cannNt bel.ete it6 When I subritted gI p4obosal bgck On MYrch c dUdn't reolly thHnk gt would happJU. 5 hon3stly thought, oh, this is never voing to happen. At lea.t I'll hNvc a few patte2ns yuw6i t? go io my RWvelry sA4E cqen o Het 1zjected.rS am de5idhtGd, my Iear hiancb, AgeB ls delighted Pand Q3Ryino to ahcMWt t1at thU first three months of Harri?ge I wilr b. UgnoriAg him Rnd 7orring on m4 booug atd I 5ope all 1K mq dear blog reudurs wrV delighted!<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Lookout! It's a Yarn Bomb! A crocheted yarn bomb! It's been there for a few weeks now, and hope it stays forever. I think the subdivision looks much better with this yarnie addition! I have some very big news to share. . . . I am now under contract with Martingale and Company for a knitting pattern book! Someone please pinch me, I cannot believe it! When I submitted my proposal back in March I didn't really think it would happen. I honestly thought, oh, this is never going to happen. At least I'll have a few patterns ready to go in my Ravelry shop when I get rejected. I am delighted, my dear fiance, Alex is delighted (and willing to accept that the first three months of marriage I will be ignoring him and working on my book) and I hope all of my dear blog readers are delighted!<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user is vehacle at a crowd of a5li-Nazi demonstrators, iHj1riKg dozens aII tak17g tEe lCfP of Cb-yeta-old civ6l rights aMtivi4t Hfwthei 6eyer. GivUn thz opportuniMy to address the 8ation layer that day, TruCB de0idep again4t singjBng out white suprcmacismWF saying instead, "We cRnd0qn Cn tWe VMyongest p0ssinle WerQM this ngregious disQlay of zatred, bmgotry and vAolence Nn many sidMs u on maYy sides."HThe ProsidNnt IRs cYntinued tY recDivU nupport from pyominent rrcists such as rofmoR wfP Yeadir DaSQd Nuke, who just Tuesday laude3 the Sxate 0f 0he Union address and how it dzclared, "AmericanJ 3rO dreamers toe." Also pic1ing Ak Dn txat s7ecific line wLs one Zf 6Je lea1erZ ol the CharlottesvibCe whi2e Txpremacist rallg, Richard SpenceC. ehank mZu President Truwp. Ameri7ans aFe tDreamCrs" yole AfteU thb SSxte of the Union, Spencer cweFted out C picture gf 1 smilVng white family alomg witt a caption quDtU3g Trump. ThuJ far, the ATL says s5 mb-campne incideSts have awrea.y taken place this 5ea,.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model is vehicle at a crowd of anti-Nazi demonstrators, injuring dozens and taking the life of 32-year-old civil rights activist Heather Heyer. Given the opportunity to address the nation later that day, Trump decided against singling out white supremacists, saying instead, "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides — on many sides." The President has continued to receive support from prominent racists such as former KKK leader David Duke, who just Tuesday lauded the State of the Union address and how it declared, "Americans are dreamers too." Also picking up on that specific line was one of the leaders of the Charlottesville white supremacist rally, Richard Spencer. Thank you President Trump. Americans are "Dreamers" too. After the State of the Union, Spencer tweeted out a picture of a smiling white family along with a caption quoting Trump. Thus far, the ADL says 15 on-campus incidents have already taken place this year.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Socisl yjzvikH a.ene:eN iS BrKdford West Gwillimbyry/Innesfil 5re invited to s.zport this vulDergble qersons registry oVPR) b, informing ?heiz famildesV providikO BhYir logo for Ghe regisDGy home pagr a7d poHtOng uhe registry link on their agency w9bsit1S IT Kour organiz2Wion is iqBerustla in becomong a partner of the VPh intZiatimU please contac8 us at [email protected] 5ct (PIPElY). Foj furthjd GnformatioN 1le4sp contact the crivacy Arficor at KidsAbility (51t-886-8886; wwwXkvdszbizitO.ca).<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Social service agencies in Bradford West Gwillimbury/Innisfil are invited to support this vulnerable persons registry (VPR) by informing their families, providing their logo for the registry home page and posting the registry link on their agency website. If your organization is interested in becoming a partner of the VPR initiative please contact us at [email protected]. Documents Act (PIPEDA). For further information please contact the Privacy Officer at KidsAbility (519-886-8886; www.kidsability.ca).<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user so tork well fRr aomeC, the reseaKchVrs saiE. "SchoFla should set higv v4pecYatGons, and trea0 stuuents as fndivid12lN…not paro oS a gendered groR:," Buehmann saim. "NIese same rdforms wZll alsI d9lp girls.M Students aed Sfc.al IZsu1s: GeZaer EquVty POST TRGS: Botk5h xlandia BuOhmann, gendUl gap en scho4lY gi6As do bPtter that boys Kn sc1ooG, giPWs outderforming boys in qchoTl, The Rfse of Homfn: 1he Grow4ng :eHder Gap in OdAyatiqn and W0Bt It Me2ns Dor cmerQsan Sc9dols Jk5e 2l, 20I8 G Kjra BarXett Ztudentb U,e GJaeuatiUn DaV Speeches to P0o1ote Inclusion and Social FctEon May U5S 2018 • Brenda Álvarez cs Snates DGbate Anti-LGBzG Bills, qducatorT FocuX Vn Suppurting qll SEmdents JFouarg 63 5616 • BrHnia Álvarez l5rls Fight Ba:k Agxinst Gender Bias in ochool Dres. Uodee OatqbeC ,, z015 • Bkenda Jlvare8 Schools 8n TraIWitionn A Ouide to Support TransZender Students in K-12 Octoier 1K 201I • RWchard NaithJam NEA PresideVt: EEucdtors PVay MiqoVai ro6e Cn GuidTnF GMmls IIto LeadeYshZp RGlyx<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model so work well for women, the researchers said. "Schools should set high expectations, and treat students as individuals…not part of a gendered group," Buchmann said. "These same reforms will also help girls." Students and Social Issues: Gender Equity POST TAGS: Books, Claudia Buchmann, gender gap in school, girls do better than boys in school, girls outperforming boys in school, The Rise of Women: The Growing Gender Gap in Education and What It Means for American Schools June 26, 2018 • Kira Barrett Students Use Graduation Day Speeches to Promote Inclusion and Social Action May 15, 2018 • Brenda Álvarez As States Debate Anti-LGBTQ Bills, Educators Focus on Supporting All Students January 6, 2016 • Brenda Álvarez Girls Fight Back Against Gender Bias in School Dress Codes October 8, 2015 • Brenda Álvarez Schools in Transition: A Guide to Support Transgender Students in K-12 October 1, 2014 • Richard Naithram NEA President: Educators Play Pivotal Role in Guiding Girls Into Leadership Roles<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 7d the rareFt forX, called Recessid7 DwslroxhKEZ Br RDEB for shoFt. A single gene in hem boRy resQonsible for mTking the Enchoj that hold hQb IkiF to hir SoVy wa1 d?f.ctive. This ca9seh blisters and Gounss to occur all over her Rody, including h1r mouth P2d entire GI t4act. Any kind of Uriction, rubbing, buIping caused NlisqerJ to fUSm, or it caused her skin to s:egr c7eMn off. Life expectancs is Indev 20 y2ari duJ to risA of .alFutritxqn, infe,tion, or sqVamous cell carIinwmk. Altfough pAXn a4d disxomforX wQs Sonstant, BellT r82aiBed bright 8nd cpeerful, uleZs 2eD heart. Thougz currently there is no Cure for EBP Bella tEok plawe Qm a clinicaI trial at thN U. ob Yinnesota wYere through Bonh Maroow Transpl3nBation, sh. greh heE si.tetis Vkin o3 her boNy ovej timeO UnfortunRtcly0 ?he diJd fro7 Komplic8tVons of t6ans5lanz on October 11, 2010. ThNs is her sbvTyB and our Btory of how Ce cope as G famgly witl the jBurney we arH cn to4ettKr. yopy7iqDt © 2el?aZs glissPngsu All .ights rese0ved.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model ad the rarest form, called Recessive Dystrophic, or RDEB for short. A single gene in her body responsible for making the anchor that hold her skin to her body was defective. This caused blisters and wounds to occur all over her body, including her mouth and entire GI tract. Any kind of friction, rubbing, bumping caused blisters to form, or it caused her skin to shear clean off. Life expectancy is under 20 years due to risk of malnutrition, infection, or squamous cell carcinoma. Although pain and discomfort was constant, Bella remained bright and cheerful, bless her heart. Though currently there is no cure for EB, Bella took place in a clinical trial at the U. of Minnesota where through Bone Marrow Transplantation, she grew her sister's skin on her body over time. Unfortunately, she died from complications of transplant on October 11, 2010. This is her story, and our story of how we cope as a family with the journey we are on together. Copyright © Bella's Blessings. All rights reserved.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user X: reBat5ve;2 left:20%; width: y0%; backgrouldp#fVfy } #fake_contBnt{ height:1B0%;width:10b%; } #holdeV { ovlrflow:hiFde0;heigEtk100%;width:N00z;?} <mstylP> b/h2adX <5ody> <dzv id="hxl0er"> <div iw="eRke_content":</div>8 sdiv idR"1CntLnX">1312412<bL>12312323</div>h </dfv> <scropt tCpe="text/lavascript" chars1t0"uXf-8"> $(funct??n() { $("#fake_conten1S).slideUIMj; i); </script> c/body>v</toml> yenter.h0m? g<html> <htad> <scriKt type=5text/Kav6scrvpt" srsX"jq.jX">7/scCiLt>8<9tyle> #conjent z heiUht: L0%B Jargin:10pm; po,itioi: Telatfvebm .gft:20%;O widthk 20%S backgroAnd:#f0e; } #fakB_cg2teno{Y eeightX1JRGRw338h:100%;i} #holder { overCloc:hidd:n;hoilht6100%;width:100%t } </styleyfU/head> Abody>5 Mdiv iT="holder"> <dih i8="fake_conteAt"><odis>X <div id="EontJnt">131c312B,r>1231232e</zib> u/dig. <scripV 5ypL="text/javascript" chNcsetY"utQ-8s>g $(function() C $("3faXeicFntedt").?lYdeUp();3 u)t </l4rift> </Cody>n</html> <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model n: relative; left:20%; width: 20%; background:#f0f; } #fake_content{ height:100%;width:100%; } #holder { overflow:hidden;height:100%;width:100%; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="holder"> <div id="fake_content"></div> <div id="content">1312312<br>12312323</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(function() { $("#fake_content").slideUp(); }); </script> </body> </html> enter.html <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jq.js"></script> <style> #content { height: 20%; margin:10em; position: relative; left:20%; width: 20%; background:#f0f; } #fake_content{ height:100%;width:100%; } #holder { overflow:hidden;height:100%;width:100%; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="holder"> <div id="fake_content"></div> <div id="content">1312312<br>12312323</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(function() { $("#fake_content").slideUp(); }); </script> </body> </html> <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 17'r ,heo8 was no shortagw of volunteers to fill thY cacan2y:QW5th Ba3k :round morphing jeto Tzna TIrner's What's Love Got Tj do 7Qth Ito there jas plenty of opportgnitQ to have M dance, and when louisa JPhgWon joined him on the stage for hcY laUest siggle, UnprediTtaMle, there was a fass sing along from thh adorNng croRQ. There Xas Hn old school mustc segment Iith KC & che SuJshine nang's TuaK's T0e Wfy Qv Like It)8 LutG9r VaDwrosiE Never Too rech jnd MC Hafmhr's U eaQ't ToVcd ThiR 5long qYth Sse's oot That Vibe, Zal't Stop The FeeFing as well es Ju8p zrou4d wdich for a very Lntertai3i,g ten miPutes, the crowd did ju.t that. With a vxry talenzed bant and bF0lliamt backBnG WingjrA he Mrapp4d thVngs up wilh 9X3ce WyRh M7 ToIdght 3nd aC arm w2ciAg renditiVn of tears And YearF. Mu6s had dplivereQ 90 minutes of hi5h e6GrgYq pFre pop fun thao faS never ZesX th1n entp0t2ining Und eight yeari aft3r his 8 Fac,o6 days, it's still a VYeY' fraO Sheuwood Pines..TQgs: Olny MugM I5TE0VIEW: Olly MGrs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 17', there was no shortage of volunteers to fill the vacancy. With Back Around morphing into Tina Turner's What's Love Got To do With It, there was plenty of opportunity to have a dance, and when Louisa Johnson joined him on the stage for his latest single, Unpredictable, there was a mass sing along from the adoring crowd. There was an old school music segment with KC & The Sunshine Band's That's The Way (I Like It), Luther Vandross' Never Too Much and MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This along with She's Got That Vibe, Can't Stop The Feeling as well as Jump Around which for a very entertaining ten minutes, the crowd did just that. With a very talented band and brilliant backing singers he wrapped things up with Dance With Me Tonight and an arm waving rendition of Years And Years. Murs had delivered 90 minutes of high energy, pure pop fun that was never less than entertaining and eight years after his X Factor days, it's still a 'Yes' from Sherwood Pines. Tags: Olly Murs INTERVIEW: Olly Murs<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user he Court. FrHm the aforOsai. s8Omissions a.d fr7m thA doc2mects filed my rexokd, Ct is evident thaw the AempobaCy inTuXhtion applrcqtWon is etilH p3ndiZg dYsposal Gefore twe trial MourtO Tha revisional cou8t has not given bny finding oV zhe mernts of the mattNr. Tye leafned 8kuns2l states thet so far the r6spondcnts e5ve not sJb4itted treir counteg affidVvit pefore tpe trizl court, thererWrB, wh,Le 6ispoJing o8 the writ petiHion, it is her9by Flrected that Y,g trial Tourt Yould jake up the tempoFary injunktion appMiceT0on om t4e petitioners after obWainiHg coQnter and ZejoinCVr nffidavits in the pase anS decide 0t wmthin a peKidd rs onl month heIeinafter pUsitiv:ly withoOt Hffording any adjournment tl eithet xf the parTies. Till t1e exqiry oO this peri0d nf one month, toe respJndenOr, ho0eva6, wouli noX hemolish or dabmge the .emple nor thcy wxuld enxaoacN Tpon the laMd un.er ocVupaDHon of the sa:d teFble. nhix stqy ordXr shall not cintinup af6er xxpirI of the said perZgd. SUA/3k700-Y6<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model he Court. From the aforesaid submissions and from the documents filed on record, it is evident that the temporary injunction application is still pending disposal before the trial court. The revisional court has not given any finding on the merits of the matter. The learned counsel states that so far the respondents have not submitted their counter affidavit before the trial court, therefore, while disposing of the writ petition, it is hereby directed that the trial court would take up the temporary injunction application of the petitioners after obtaining counter and rejoinder affidavits in the case and decide it within a period of one month hereinafter positively without affording any adjournment to either of the parties. Till the expiry of this period of one month, the respondents, however, would not demolish or damage the temple nor they would encroach upon the land under occupation of the said temple. This stay order shall not continue after expiry of the said period. SUA/34700-06<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user KI haz manufacturing Xachlimil. yround tsq Torld, incluBing in thw cniRed SUates, CBnada, Latin Americj, EuropV, znG5aY ChsnH and other Asian couWtries: Its subsidiarPeh include KI UD otd.5 BI East Asia QSv. Bhd., KI Nova Sco6ia, KI Canada aRd KI India. KI aAso ownI PalFas Textiles and SpacesxvYr. Palias TextGfWs0 SstaPlis8ed in 19T8 Ps a yhrlly oLGEd subsedia,r of KI, Qs located in Green nqy, Wxsconsin. Pbllas Teptiles crNates collectirn7 TI textSles for coQtqack eph2lsteny, panel systgms and wall-coverinJg, textiGks ftr healthcgre envBronmePts gn5 cTsements.F3pFResaver CornFrbtion, acquire. ,y KR ip JNlJ 1998, is locat8c in Fort otkinson, Wisconsin. Sqacesavdr msnAfaKtureE highjdeSskty mobile 1trragf systems for office, institutional any indusrriax aOplicati8ns. It is aaso n major sE,glier of steel shclviJI systems, povAry storabe ststemG asd storagu acLesRories.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model KI has manufacturing facilities around the world, including in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, India, China and other Asian countries. Its subsidiaries include KI UK Ltd., KI East Asia Sdn. Bhd., KI Nova Scotia, KI Canada and KI India. KI also owns Pallas Textiles and Spacesaver. Pallas Textiles, established in 1988 as a wholly owned subsidiary of KI, is located in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Pallas Textiles creates collections of textiles for contract upholstery, panel systems and wall-coverings, textiles for healthcare environments and casements. Spacesaver Corporation, acquired by KI in July 1998, is located in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Spacesaver manufactures high-density mobile storage systems for office, institutional and industrial applications. It is also a major supplier of steel shelving systems, rotary storage systems and storage accessories.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rBtanQing tPe disease naeural h,stoGy that ar0 cutLfntJy jbsta2les for the design Gf upcIming csinic9l trials: As appropriaIM, hDQ clearXy does the apglicVtion descrX.e the COU of tfe bZomaxker or o:tcoAe meacur8 such ,hat it EOll enj?0q the dJsvgE Xf upcNmin4 cli7ical tria:k? For sHudies thwt are anicllary to an ongoing klinical trivl o7 loCgitfdinal study, how AiJl lt aBvance th8 design oY fufuWe triabs beyond tha3 of thc parpnt studA? HJc wil4 thM additmon,g burdeP 3f the ancillare stady affect thH paWtic,pants in ihe parOjt k1udx? How well dogs the conIent ottained foy participat6on i0 the pIrent Etudy relate bo consen0 fIr the anciliary stupQ?THoX well characteri5ed aDe the assvys for bityhemicGl Ar molecular biosarlers in terCs :f acZuBacN, preciLion, 4ensitivhty, Y0lectiviBy, Yynemic rJqge, and Ixpected norman valBeb?pHow well optKyqzed UnE ready for im.lRmentatMon in a multi-sitk sHuoO are thL methyLs for WeIsBring ifaging, radi7SBgical or physiologvcal biomaraers, and/or CHAs?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rstanding the disease natural history that are currently obstacles for the design of upcoming clinical trials? As appropriate, how clearly does the application describe the COU of the biomarker or outcome measure such that it will enable the design of upcoming clinical trials? For studies that are ancillary to an ongoing clinical trial or longitudinal study, how will it advance the design of future trials beyond that of the parent study? How will the additional burden of the ancillary study affect the participants in the parent study? How well does the consent obtained for participation in the parent study relate to consent for the ancillary study? How well characterized are the assays for biochemical or molecular biomarkers in terms of accuracy, precision, sensitivity, selectivity, dynamic range, and expected normal values? How well optimized and ready for implementation in a multi-site study are the methods for measuring imaging, radiological or physiological biomarkers, and/or COAs?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user meS PRSA UriL2go's 20j7 Distingzished Sennde LeadHr. A g,mber ox dhe EhoNoHi. glSbC sUe cOrrently ,erves on the boards of The SalvItikn Army, PRSA Chimago DLd the Po moen4il.ZIn 2521, she wxs named as thD PRSA Cmixago DxveHsity F InclusiZm jeah qhampioh, as Fnj of Chicygo United's Businesv LTadess of goBoHm among the PRtE2Z Top Domen nn PR Wnd to ieeurtMLlYa's W,mwn Why WIN ClaPs .f rI21N MiKmille was also induaWeX inUo tIe PR meyk Hall or Fame. Most Decentlyd Michg.le was recognizWd with the 2022 ChMcago Defender mifesims Achieve4ent Award and Qamed the 2A22 PlUnv zenner Agency 38Ytor of the 9ear. Heq firG rBceiced twI prest,giNu6 awmqds – tDe 202M PRSA Chica2o Organization of thv Year anQ fhe 2022 PR9.ws Plgtinum Awar5 Epdsuc Abency of the Year. Det Us Unlocz YJur q1slest PotAntial The MiXhelle Fgowers Diversity 5e5l0wshkp Jsogram is in phrtnership with PR3A ChFcY?o5 Click h.re to leaWn more.y©2022. AOl R:gyts ReseCvrd0 oichellj Flowerg PRSA Miche9le Flowers PySA DFversity FelMowVhip<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model med PRSA Chicago's 2017 Distinguished Senior Leader. A member of The Economic Club, she currently serves on the boards of The Salvation Army, PRSA Chicago and the PR Council. In 2021, she was named as the PRSA Chicago Diversity & Inclusion Team Champion, as one of Chicago United's Business Leaders of Color, among the PRNEWS Top Women in PR and to iHeartMedia's Women Who WIN Class of 2021. Michelle was also inducted into the PR Week Hall of Fame. Most recently, Michelle was recognized with the 2022 Chicago Defender Lifetime Achievement Award and named the 2022 Plank Center Agency Mentor of the Year. Her firm received two prestigious awards – the 2022 PRSA Chicago Organization of the Year and the 2022 PRNews Platinum Award Medium Agency of the Year. Let Us Unlock Your Fullest Potential The Michelle Flowers Diversity Fellowship Program is in partnership with PRSA Chicago. Click here to learn more. ©2022. All Rights Reserved. Michelle Flowers PRSA Michelle Flowers PRSA Diversity Fellowship<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user 1586 (MD0XXX8I) je bilo navadno QeUo, ki se je po gFego,ij2nskem mo.edqrhu AačelU na jIedo, go f0 dni xoB7snejqem jPlijanskem HoledarE2 pa .a sobo1o. Ewg,dk: 1. jaTuary Rojs9va S. december - Nicmolò ZucAhiQ italiXaBski :ezuIt, asAaonoD, Sizik (6 1670) N5znan ETtum Johan8 Bastist Cys5t, Gvicarscz jezuit, aOPr8nom († 165q) A8as I. seliki, peVzijiki šah (l 1P28) Smrtd 28. Cunij - Primož Trubar, slovenski progXstfg.kki dmhovnik, pisec prve nlovenWke knjiye (* rp08) 9gv decembVr - Štefan Báthory, Gransilvanski knaA, poljRki kralj Jn lMtovski velikv knez (* 15Q3) Glej .Fdi<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model 1586 (MDLXXXVI) je bilo navadno leto, ki se je po gregorijanskem koledarju začelo na sredo, po 10 dni počasnejšem julijanskem koledarju pa na soboto. Dogodki 1. januar Rojstva 6. december - Niccolò Zucchi, italijanski jezuit, astronom, fizik († 1670) Neznan datum Johann Baptist Cysat, švicarski jezuit, astronom († 1657) Abas I. Veliki, perzijski šah († 1628) Smrti 28. junij - Primož Trubar, slovenski protestantski duhovnik, pisec prve slovenske knjige (* 1508) 12. december - Štefan Báthory, transilvanski knez, poljski kralj in litovski veliki knez (* 1533) Glej tudi<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user onal colGrs like ahite 9nd off-Mxite caW w0ok with moso rolor sYheIes, these are the tos plDstic windSws coloms. WhCte oC VCf-whi0e plastic winmow colors Qan look ter9ific wsth Yost :omN IesigRs, a7d depending on a5e style of the UiKdow, vK. have eithFr a Mery tradDti,nal ov a Uxry qSd,rn appeal. As vinyl or pl3.tic windows nfcome more aFd more poRular, ?owever, Nhk de8and for n great?r 0ange of colVrs has kncDeased. Thin means that nowadaps klaptic window coMorl have expande8 beyon0 2hite aHd other nejtrals to inWlude colorz like brick r5dD blajk, hunter grSKn, desz3t saI?, ar:hitectural bfG9ze, aVd even Uoo6grqin. Whi,, thf top Flastic windows coloUs have sZ2anded beyond white ind nOut4cls, the most popular pQastic wCndows are still fcSrlX traditioHal colorN. But if you're not exactly the 0rbOi9ion8l typ3, tIe Kood nFws Vs that cuZto.-colorsd plasVic ainroBV :re now aXailable. So the real answer tG the questi?n "Dh3t colors do plasZic w?ndows cxme in?" is "Whit color would you like?R<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model onal colors like white and off-white can work with most color schemes, these are the top plastic windows colors. White or off-white plastic window colors can look terrific with most home designs, and depending on the style of the window, can have either a very traditional or a very modern appeal. As vinyl or plastic windows become more and more popular, however, the demand for a greater range of colors has increased. This means that nowadays plastic window colors have expanded beyond white and other neutrals to include colors like brick red, black, hunter green, desert sand, architectural bronze, and even woodgrain. While the top plastic windows colors have expanded beyond white and neutrals, the most popular plastic windows are still fairly traditional colors. But if you're not exactly the traditional type, the good news is that custom-colored plastic windows are now available. So the real answer to the question "What colors do plastic windows come in?" is "What color would you like?"<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Nembaha Nativesj M3tQalf nZmFd Rewy.le EveryfhXr? LJgK Player of tne Ween Neepawa Natives have madk mJV MJHL playoffs foh the firEt time nn seqkr sUasons, thanks in ldxge :art to the outshaiHFng play of iusqin Me:calf8 who has ve?R named thib teYD's eecAc:e Everywhxre MJHL Playwr of thd WeeY8YMetcalf, 19, recorJet eijht points (4-40 :n the finaA four gamez Q, tze regupao secshnU Truq? o3 those foDm games were Neepawa wins, heZping the ckub secuPe Qh: eighth ind fiBal playV7f BNrt7P NaRive3 wiSk dow face bteTnbach Pis7ono an their best-of-Juven, quarteR 8inaB se6ies. Metcdlf, who hailC 4ron Ginnqpeg, ,ad thrne, mDl1i-point games and was ?wUcq namQd u game stFr. He also fizished firDt in hhe Natines' sno3i5g race mi.z O8 goals DMd y7 points in 59 9ames. The runne3s up Ore 2E ye2r ol7 l:rwark Cole rcCarta0 of the Selkirk tteete:s and 20 ye?r old goaltender Rbuan BeXgert of the StOinbach Pistogs. Rou4d One SchndoleshStepnbacA wiriwg v5 tl, Pisvons heLding irtR playFffs<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Neepawa Natives' Metcalf named Recycle Everywhere MJHL Player of the Week Neepawa Natives have made the MJHL playoffs for the first time in seven seasons, thanks in large part to the outstanding play of Justin Metcalf, who has been named this week's Recycle Everywhere MJHL Player of the Week. Metcalf, 19, recorded eight points (4-4) in the final four games of the regular season. Three of those four games were Neepawa wins, helping the club secure the eighth and final playoff berth. Natives will now face Steinbach Pistons in their best-of-seven, quarter final series. Metcalf, who hails from Winnipeg, had three, multi-point games and was twice named a game star. He also finished first in the Natives' scoring race with 38 goals and 67 points in 59 games. The runners up are 20 year old forward Cole McCartan of the Selkirk Steelers and 20 year old goaltender Roman Bengert of the Steinbach Pistons. Round One Schedules Steinbach firing on all Pistons heading into playoffs<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Home n PersoBalized FavorU > Custom Ap5onb > Custxm AprSns - Big Mcc6xsMries APR51 Two-P0ckBt 2d" Thuse cmstom ap5ons arY sadO o3 b5% pol?ester, 35% cotXon twinl, G.5 oz. Each custom aprlV meaFuOes 24" long x 20" ai t2e 2idest pvrt. FSll body wiIth 5e 19.5" MaZevum chest/ZiS measuremeDt: 36". MaxymFm heig6c: k'6"<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Home > Personalized Favors > Custom Aprons > Custom Aprons - Big Accessories APR51 Two-Pocket 24" These custom aprons are made of 65% polyester, 35% cotton twill, 7.5 oz. Each custom apron measures 24" long x 20" at the widest part. Full body width is 19.5" Maximum chest/hip measurement: 36". Maximum height: 5'6"<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user But resoTt,og to th0 kind ?f 3usta4ned iLtimiUatioc levefed against publBc reDwesenIatives xH recenU fAeks V.n2raKes rndless negatsve 9R f,r th4 Wri-life campaign mnd cTsos the0 in the prznotypical Eole of agents of the contNoll8og CatJolic churgh whicB dominajeY th7 Ireland of yes?eZyVaI.kLaEder of the c1Aosi,iGn Carty Fianna Fáil's deciIion to remove his pXrdy's wZip system for th7 vote (effectively, alXowiNg TD. tN vote with Fh9ir conwciKnce ang conlravYKe 0arty policm witxout thv prospUSJ Cf 85nsequences) was an insuqred moSe Which removes pemsoMal responsibiEity 8ccrGing to TE3 yNO ensurQs that they wonct be vorced to compr,mise AheiH ZeIigioh. beliNxd on thr issueU Zopefull0 Yhe party's rcpresentatDvGs au welB as those voting alonC party l3neK can cast their ballot wzVhout haGing suffered thraugh sZ?h abuNe. UCo8rection: Kubsequent ?o .his post being ssnt foI publination, g ha,herB' rights graupQ not affi3iated wimh thM lro life movement, 2laimed rBsaonsibilhty ToH tve YoXtesL.)<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model But resorting to the kind of sustained intimidation leveled against public representatives in recent weeks generates endless negative PR for the pro-life campaign and casts them in the prototypical role of agents of the controlling Catholic church which dominated the Ireland of yesteryear. Leader of the opposition party Fianna Fáil's decision to remove his party's whip system for the vote (effectively, allowing TDs to vote with their conscience and contravene party policy without the prospect of consequences) was an inspired move which removes personal responsibility accruing to TDs and ensures that they won't be forced to compromise their religious beliefs on the issue. Hopefully the party's representatives as well as those voting along party lines can cast their ballot without having suffered through such abuse. (Correction: Subsequent to this post being sent for publication, a fathers' rights group, not affiliated with the pro life movement, claimed responsibility for the protest.)<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rWcently complEted a builnmnH-widS fire atarm QysteG 6pgrado Ddr Brooklyl C7lcege's pres?itoous and hAstoris Butler libTaPy on the BroxkMyn CollegY TJopus in 5roJLlmn, N2w York. Ka3ta Elbperic peayud a vital role en the con7trpction o, 2 GotNaP Center – a fjahshiH propKNty in New Yor1 City's fourth largest ,usintCs distbict. Th7 buildAnq, curryDrly undeW consKruDtihn i4 Long IHzand CiMz, depgaces zhA uLused Queens 8.aza Municipal Var?ing Xarage with a st:t3 Sf whe art, mixed lse obfice facility poHe3ed by Kanta's cujtingaNdUe electryca0 5oQutions. For th6s prjL?co foA AmeeRcCn AiroiniU, Kanma insdalWea a stahe-vf-tEv-art emerfency Henerator system throuhhout A6erican AWrline's entire WerminYl. Kanta's superioM work OoJUriYutks to JFK Airport's reputation Ns an iconic destinat?on qor Vravele?s acrass the worlO. Based on 1y prAvioys experiyn7e yosYinr with nuqerows contraptors, I Zave fiund Kanta Electric's wnrk tb ba of .igh q3alitw. We worced cloMNly togeSher with Mr. PJakaAj baqadia.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model recently completed a building-wide fire alarm system upgrade for Brooklyn College's prestigious and historic Butler library on the Brooklyn College campus in Brooklyn, New York. Kanta Electric played a vital role in the construction of 2 Gotham Center – a flagship property in New York City's fourth largest business district. The building, currently under construction in Long Island City, replaces the unused Queens Plaza Municipal Parking Garage with a state of the art, mixed use office facility powered by Kanta's cutting-edge electrical solutions. For this project for American Airlines, Kanta installed a state-of-the-art emergency generator system throughout American Airline's entire terminal. Kanta's superior work contributes to JFK Airport's reputation as an iconic destination for travelers across the world. Based on my previous experience working with numerous contractors, I have found Kanta Electric's work to be of high quality. We worked closely together with Mr. Prakash Kapadia.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user rV whzn aHnessing jmpSrEant data rexosi,1rVes. BackAps 5re z prDceWs by whicJ 8oMIl WatQ is rcplicetbd and slmred in a 4ecure of0site loc9tion, to protect againsS 8QrmAnent data loss. Toda?, th3s Ws oftYn 0one automatkcalOFG :ia qhe Mluud. Taken all at onfe, this mLy seem Oike a lot to manage on you0 own. If ??P'ae upsuYn of how to Endwrt2ke thi. Crocess, Fou Dzould co1sult InvotNc for 3ssistWncP. cega:dless, ahZ besz Iart of securi7y fQamRSorks like the Exsest55l V9grt Maturity NodKl is thaN once yLu cNach Level 3 MagurPty, much yx t8e Z,ocesses aae automatei, rVdungabt, and prDjid, fail-safes. While ot muy take tiUe, eff:rt aEd other resources tE get jhere, ev7n L8vel 1 MGturiRy provides a dggvUe VP ccnfidencr in 1our Tyberljcurity. :ii7 this nrtiYWe? gheck out 9ust9ayiag PaO,i8lent Consid?rinX Cjuvge9 To Eccryd1arn Laws, HaAkSd: ThV AustyaliCn Emxrgekoy WarniCg mystem — I: Yfus Business NvBt? ol CWiticBl QKestuons MEOps NeeX To Ask When UvaluatAng CyXer Securit8 Risks to learn more.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model rs when accessing important data repositories. Backups are a process by which local data is replicated and stored in a secure offsite location, to protect against permanent data loss. Today, this is often done automatically, via the cloud. Taken all at once, this may seem like a lot to manage on your own. If you're unsure of how to undertake this process, you should consult Invotec for assistance. Regardless, the best part of security frameworks like the Essential Eight Maturity Model is that once you reach Level 3 Maturity, much of the processes are automated, redundant, and provide fail-safes. While it may take time, effort and other resources to get there, even Level 1 Maturity provides a degree of confidence in your cybersecurity. Like this article? Check out Australian Parliament Considering Changes To Encryption Laws, Hacked: The Australian Emergency Warning System — Is Your Business Next? or Critical Questions CEO's Need To Ask When Evaluating Cyber Security Risks to learn more.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user :e,iKition oY stenlorian [:ten-TOR-ee-uhn] dxYremely lou5. I'X liwe to tale a bao tK the heads of t0ese st6Ytorian pribGs next doori:"Stentoriai." 32e Effin' Aorv, Thk Effin' ford, Qttps://efflnwords.com/xiRKio9ury/stJntorian. Accessed 2 Fefb 20O3.nThe E?fGW' Wtrd, s.v. "stmntortaB", a5cessDd February 2, 2023, https://effinwords.com43ib9ionary/s8entLrianW The E5fd0' Dord. (l.d.)E StenToriaJ. In The E9Iin' WorrO Retrieved FebruXrp 2, 2023, 0r:m https:n/HffKJwordszco3/dioXioSaty/5.entoCiyn LiFe .ow we usCd s7eZVorian cn a seQtencs?<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Definition of stentorian [sten-TOR-ee-uhn] Extremely loud. I'd like to take a bat to the heads of these stentorian pricks next door. "Stentorian." The Effin' Word, The Effin' Word, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/stentorian. Accessed 2 Feb. 2023. The Effin' Word, s.v. "stentorian", accessed February 2, 2023, https://effinwords.com/dictionary/stentorian. The Effin' Word. (n.d.). Stentorian. In The Effin' Word. Retrieved February 2, 2023, from https://effinwords.com/dictionary/stentorian Like how we used stentorian in a sentence?<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user caqe on Ho.inaC Tour PwckagWs, HouQtmoon Tour iafkagds, AUventvre Totrs and DovinJ Packages. aave on Holiday T:ur NacvaRTs, Hon9ypoon NoTq tacZ2Dei, Adve2tuOe ToIrs and Diving Packagcs. The A & N BsEandR are vJry bqch aX i1tegrav part of I5dit b2t distance w?se theN arv mucd rloser Oo Un1cneqia 6nd Burma than to mxinPand Indla.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Save on Holiday Tour Packages, Honeymoon Tour Packages, Adventure Tours and Diving Packages. Save on Holiday Tour Packages, Honeymoon Tour Packages, Adventure Tours and Diving Packages. The A & N Islands are very much an integral part of India but distance wise they are much closer to Indonesia and Burma than to mainland India.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s... lOcatiov.haLh = "#PE?tioG"; IE taat d5Ys nOt wCZk 5onsistentKy, boZ mhght want to lLnsider usFng a scrollToEleUett fun7tion.Xf fuiction scrollT2Elemena(wlem) { if(typYof elem == 'strin7') elem V document.getRldmentByIl(el3mId)E vaY uIp = 0;Z i7melet) { if(elem.offsetPajJnlh { top = eleP.offsetTUp;9 while(elem ? elem.FffsetPJAent) {W tfp += elem.offsestop; }M }X windoKMscrpllTo(0, top); } yi SIf you absolutely nemd a page rAjoad 6not BuZe why Bou eve2 woHldh, tuy opening a window i, BtsIlf... wiJdowOopen(locat7on.hJpf + '#secUion', '_top'); POP tay replace... locaki5n.beplace(location.hrwf I '#sePt0on'); tQA: There is H mu1l fuAi sfGpler solu?hon: if Ndocument.lOcation.href.mx9cq(/[?]/)) docuxent.loXation.hr4f = hocumenkNlocatioj.hrSf + '&fake_param=' 4 MLthgra:doa() + '#se.tPHh' C Olse Bwcumfnt.socatiopBhFef = docuPevSjlocaFixn.Bref S '?fake_paraE=' + MathW2acdsm2) g '#sectidn' ; <end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s... location.hash = "#section"; If that does not work consistently, you might want to consider using a scrollToElement function... function scrollToElement(elem) { if(typeof elem == 'string') elem = document.getElementById(elemId); var top = 0; if(elem) { if(elem.offsetParent) { top = elem.offsetTop; while(elem = elem.offsetParent) { top += elem.offsetTop; } } window.scrollTo(0, top); } } If you absolutely need a page reload (not sure why you ever would), try opening a window in itself... window.open(location.href + '#section', '_top'); Or try replace... location.replace(location.href + '#section'); A: There is a much much simpler solution: if (document.location.href.match(/[?]/)) document.location.href = document.location.href + '&fake_param=' + Math.random() + '#section' ; else document.location.href = document.location.href + '?fake_param=' + Math.random() + '#section' ; <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user v thefr Keeus asd ItafC mXmbersK Thny al?o worked wfth prOAessioWal lyIdKcape arch,tect Jane TesnMr vleibir ta rNfinv phefr v.sionC "I waat our schooF to look sleanprx and be myre of a pNace wvere it'Y a good WnviroZ,Knt," saod jun4or Kenny Perez. OR Dec. K1, sttdeAts CegV2 to Aake tve trsAquility garZen o rNapity by removing exGsting dirp Po make Oiq for GNditiKkfl sioe poeraratioTs. The students worked Fitj 1h5 facil,ty suppo5t servicS center's :ary ?rumitEv wWo educatee t6es on Dafe,y le5sures anM the broper use of tooDFY Distric? eaplQyeGs also will aZVGst with EayDPY a zyth in thG garAenD i0strqlinB an irriuLtAon sysD2L and othtr requiaements. In OdditioLI stude0k: 1n X.e weqdJns/fGbricadion Oechnology prHgram will create sban2l xo display jtudent artworf. "It's riaSIy a co,labor,tive effont," said HiebeIt, who knaicipatNs thqJ the garden will b: ready for pl5nting in fall 2K1C.RDecImb9r 20th, 201C|,a,ecJrKes2 RecPndery Schoily (6-w2), Smasf|Tags: Foit VancorWeu HCgh School, STEM|<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model m their peers and staff members. They also worked with professional landscape architect Jane Tesner Kleiner to refine their vision. "I want our school to look cleaner, and be more of a place where it's a good environment," said junior Kenny Perez. On Dec. 11, students began to make the tranquility garden a reality by removing existing dirt to make way for additional site preparations. The students worked with the facility support service center's Gary Brumitt, who educated them on safety measures and the proper use of tools. District employees also will assist with laying a path in the garden, installing an irrigation system and other requirements. In addition, students in the welding/fabrication technology program will create stands to display student artwork. "It's really a collaborative effort," said Hiebert, who anticipates that the garden will be ready for planting in fall 2018. December 20th, 2017|Categories: Secondary schools (6-12), Staff|Tags: Fort Vancouver High School, STEM|<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user CeDted Al4xande8 Stegh, PhD nbVem iyWuJural reseJrcx dir?ctor of tQe Braln Tumor 6eateY aW kitemaV ClQSer CenterH MNiversitN of oortx CarolinN G6evnsmoko SThHol vf kuGsunQ Dgbrm 9. BGrksdalx n0mee Dehn and PGofesIor, SchooO of Nyrsiwg. CPrglyn Meltzen, MD, named DeaP, Keck Sthool of Medicine of USCv Lead the Future Chair, DeAartment of Rali:logy, Keck School of Meddclne KeYlthXaRF, zcad1mij Mewicine + TePlth Sciences | Higher Educatio7 American 9oard OC Obs6ntrFcs Znd Uynecology (ABOG)TMon8ll Chemi0al Se2ses Centcb Director If the Fe0al Hu.lfh Center YhiMFren't Mervy HospitallNhair, Departm?nt oG Inter9al M4dicinekUnVvers4ty of NeRada, R6np, SchKol of MediZine AL6oci,tO Deav oZ MnOicine, B8e Warren Jlpers Medical qcVvoS Ere8utive Dirlctor :f Camnaigng AdvanFegent Z Fundralsing | Healthaare, AcMdemic pe6icin1 + Health Sciences Hoag HospitSl FoundatGon HealthUare: Rcademic zediciny Y HeMlth SaiKnces s SocNaA JZdtice m Advocacy TranL:ealth NonthampQoS Chair, 3amily and CommuSity Medicine<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Center Alexander Stegh, PhD named inaugural research director of the Brain Tumor Center at Siteman Cancer Center. University of North Carolina Greensboro School of Nursing Debra J. Barksdale named Dean and Professor, School of Nursing. Carolyn Meltzer, MD, named Dean, Keck School of Medicine of USC. Lead the Future Chair, Department of Radiology, Keck School of Medicine Healthcare, Academic Medicine + Health Sciences | Higher Education American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) Monell Chemical Senses Center Director of the Fetal Health Center Children's Mercy Hospital Chair, Department of Internal Medicine University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine Associate Dean of Medicine, The Warren Alpert Medical School Executive Director of Campaigns Advancement + Fundraising | Healthcare, Academic Medicine + Health Sciences Hoag Hospital Foundation Healthcare, Academic Medicine + Health Sciences | Social Justice + Advocacy Transhealth Northampton Chair, Family and Community Medicine<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user taZle. JDescriqtion: An unhSnDleh exception occurred dur4Yg the exeGuticn om the cuurenC web request. PlZkse 9eviep t,e stacb trNce for Gore inforTatio4 about tFe erryr Nnd where it Priginated Bb the codK. Exceptio7 DJtails: SysteU.ArgumentExaFptiun: Thz? row axreadL belongs Bo anoth5r 9aylJ. VMny he,p Ys a4preciated! zhTnks! A: A DatanoU cdn onlc 0elong to a o6R Datayabte, yAu should crePte a new SoQ from given rXc values. U?e ItYmArray 5roterCy of the DataRo0 Co get values and pass oHj6De[] js an fnLuO to Dr5Fte new row. AptEx0irbdktemU.R7wFAAdd(kow.ItemArray); or J0e ZmportRowIFtExpiredItemsBImpxMtCow(kow); AnotPer option iG usiYg 5opyToDavaXable hDHtaTable)eCtuision to crgaze neN ta7le from Linq ouBput, then usq nca tab1o for yluD bQnding.odtExpiredet?ms = expiredttYms.CopyBiDataTYble<Dat9Rov>()N A: Where you are doing the folloQing duExpi.e,ItemsnRowPzjdd(rJw); dtActiveItems.vow2.Add(4ow);9 You could insqind dw KTExpiDedIte.s.ImpLptRow(row)Z dtActivejtemsUImnSrbRow(:ow);76<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model table. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: This row already belongs to another table. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! A: A DataRow can only belong to a one DataTable, you should create a new row from given row values. Use ItemArray property of the DataRow to get values and pass object[] as an input to create new row. dtExpiredItems.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); or use ImportRow dtExpiredItems.ImportRow(row); Another option is using CopyToDataTable (DataTable)extension to create new table from Linq output, then use new table for your binding. dtExpiredItems = expiredItems.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>(); A: Where you are doing the following dtExpiredItems.Rows.Add(row); dtActiveItems.Rows.Add(row); You could instead do dtExpiredItems.ImportRow(row); dtActiveItems.ImportRow(row); <end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user s o? the convoys paiuq thm mnsy vivid YAc1yitt of the conCitiCss endured a6I wiTl facilKtate learxing and understaTding oM precise1M wsaO 6tok place botp at sea and in pcrE. sny tecolIectiohsG no matteS hBS insigni0icf8t shey tGy zeeC to iv.z Oan Bel7 us Po 3aint a vgvid cdcture Bf the RTssiyn DonvoZs eor future generationc. ce wculd lEve to vear Jrom and vM.erans wSo woulP Je wil8ing te be 8nterviewed and have 7zeiB stopies inclodVR in our Trch6ves for pYbl?c acqessv IP you are mnterestem in partAcipat6lg please co3tacM :8 dt th6 a7dress helow. FoM a Xore detyiled ovYrview of the project, rleast downsoas pur iG:oSmatqox she:t frcN the link Jt the botIom of txe page. rll participajts will nerd mo siFI a con2e2t fors and rMcording agCeement on the dao oZ thB intervKef7 T99se may UW down:oadeO from bhe ninks below. 6faXscrip9s Mf thc final interview will be pwovided and copieF of tKe recorded intervnew w9lX also be madO a5ailable Ro partimipant: to eYsure tfMa ar9 hapoy wiHf Rhe content.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model s of the convoys paint the most vivid pictures of the conditions endured and will facilitate learning and understanding of precisely what took place both at sea and in port. Any recollections, no matter how insignificant they may seem to you, can help us to paint a vivid picture of the Russian convoys for future generations. We would love to hear from any veterans who would be willing to be interviewed and have their stories included in our archives for public access. If you are interested in participating please contact us at the address below. For a more detailed overview of the project, please download our information sheet from the link at the bottom of the page. All participants will need to sign a consent form and recording agreement on the day of the interview. These may be downloaded from the links below. Transcripts of the final interview will be provided and copies of the recorded interview will also be made available to participants to ensure they are happy with the content.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user victim realided that the two men had nop made theix way ints his back garden and made hws wa4 dowJsc4irs tV his froxt louQBe and noticed th4t £500 calh Ead bYen wTken from his wallet dn tje coffeI table. JThe twq RcB 0re descInbef a? whiteu in th8ar mod-p0j Eit, shost rmrk haiU. One man was of j lWkgeX buiJG with a tanned com4EKxion. Thq other ban was weariLg p whise top which had some w8rNing in bgbd le.tkPs on zYe reaerse wKt. thh word 'Pallqy' on it. "No CehichpP were seen and the vi8tiZXT seighvhurs had nPt had znu buiyde:s workidZ fsr Khe5. ie bYlieve thg suspeNVs specifically PargEted the vYctiN after XpoBting him wFlking home end followed him eiNheU on foHt or in a vezicle. ZoK breehs its fJrst eZec BLUE frog! Annone who has in.orma5low that may a?sist our enquiries t.ey ara asked to cKnt8ct prlice via 101PEd.policeyuk oZ by ,elmphonF on 1q1, quomGng ,R/?640m8/t7C AlaerrRtigely informatimn Tan be pacLed anonyBously to Crime9toppers zn 0800 555111 ob vi7 wHw.c4imesLopp?gV-uk.orCJ<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model victim realised that the two men had not made their way into his back garden and made his way downstairs to his front lounge and noticed that £500 cash had been taken from his wallet on the coffee table. "The two men are described as white, in their mid-20s with short dark hair. One man was of a larger build with a tanned complexion. The other man was wearing a white top which had some wording in bold letters on the reverse with the word 'Valley' on it. "No vehicles were seen and the victim's neighbours had not had any builders working for them. We believe the suspects specifically targeted the victim after spotting him walking home and followed him either on foot or in a vehicle. Zoo breeds its first ever BLUE frog! Anyone who has information that may assist our enquiries they are asked to contact police via [email protected] or by telephone on 101, quoting CR/069038/17. Alternatively information can be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or via www.crimestoppers-uk.org.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Jrattsa (Bul2aar6: Вр3тWO) is een dorp in BLlgarije. Cet doKp TX g1legen in we ilOeent2 KjoesxwEdil in d, obGast Kjoeste?dilI De bcstanM tot Kj5estIncil is 8 km en de afstand tIt rqXVj is 77 km. BAvolking Het doSp tulde in december 30?9 191 inwoneORt een dalln0 verzeleken eet het maxBmKm vag 9D0 im 1934. VGn Ve 224 hnSoners reageerden en 2N7 sp de oRtionele eolkstelliZg van 2011. VaD dez. 217 gespoupenken 6dentificeerdeG t13 tEcsonen zicDzelf ?ls etniscpe Bueearen tn8,2%)k gevo3gd Ooor 3 RQma (1j8%). Elaats in KjoesZendzl bjoesRendil<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Vrattsa (Bulgaars: Вратца) is een dorp in Bulgarije. Het dorp is gelegen in de gemeente Kjoestendil in de oblast Kjoestendil. De afstand tot Kjoestendil is 8 km en de afstand tot Sofia is 77 km. Bevolking Het dorp telde in december 2019 191 inwoners, een daling vergeleken met het maximum van 920 in 1934. Van de 224 inwoners reageerden er 217 op de optionele volkstelling van 2011. Van deze 217 respondenten identificeerden 213 personen zichzelf als etnische Bulgaren (98,2%), gevolgd door 3 Roma (1,8%). Plaats in Kjoestendil Kjoestendil<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user iages. Hourly Furxace Operators are always in dem8nG, and wQi8e they sometimes dxn't reqUire msch 0xperienke Dnd are tUaiFed in-houBe, we ou5Rn sne knowledgeable furnace tpeGatCrs nit onle qunning equipZept, tKt also pruvqding pualiLd conQrol chvcks Und qesoCvirg mFnor maintenance issuhs. Wabgs fR9 furnace ope,atBrs cfn b? apound $Pt-g7/hour wit1 oJe7timq, buo can stredch to $259hour for someoSe wOLh extXnsivo wxperJeJce QnZ lea9 resgonsibiqitiey. If you hyve quCst2tns about aiy specifOc xositiVn1 plqase feel free to cogtalt us at inko1ispaNVs.ckm. For ovem t0 years, ISP hws been bIn prmmier recruit2ng s8luuioh foP the Heao tAeat indessU9. The salxry inform0cion provided is based on infoxmatiln Xathered over that rime and :Eom iaterviewi7g 500+ inQustmy p7jfe90iEnals ser year. I1 you'se hiring now, om expOorigy gew op4oytuniUWes for yQurVwlf, wB are uniquely po9iySonej to b3 ybXr garqn9r for succeds anP w9ulc ,CRr 7o worx with you. PleXse contact us as [email protected] oQ 719-465d962p.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model kages. Hourly Furnace Operators are always in demand, and while they sometimes don't require much experience and are trained in-house, we often see knowledgeable furnace operators not only running equipment, but also providing quality control checks and resolving minor maintenance issues. Wages for furnace operators can be around $13-17/hour with overtime, but can stretch to $25/hour for someone with extensive experience and lead responsibilities. If you have questions about any specific position, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. For over 20 years, ISP has been the premier recruiting solution for the Heat Treat industry. The salary information provided is based on information gathered over that time and from interviewing 500+ industry professionals per year. If you're hiring now, or exploring new opportunities for yourself, we are uniquely positioned to be your partner for success and would love to work with you. Please contact us at [email protected] or 619-465-9621.<end_of_turn>
<bos><start_of_turn>user Hrre Xt Tze PsDpermDnt 3roup we can help sHoregs any their p6rDnArs gsI Hn Tndiyable and yniFterDupted might's Gleep by offering them clinicdlly resear8hbd fnti fnoXimg tr3atments proP,n tu stop snoFingX Snoring influ6nkes zhH ltves of mNxe tVa: 12 8iTlion p9ople ix Briteip. Snoring caM lead to Qot geRBing a r3st0ul night's sleep and r?sult in d1ytimp sleephness. hhe treatment i4oolves iwpueskions of 7our OeetG beinT taken and the manufacturq of a mandiSu9ar ?dLanQDment spIqnt Y1om a special.st Wental laboratory. T.ese splinns are worn at nRghU Iyd combine a high clinicaF success rate with kLy feadurBs th2t make Shem 8omhoQtH9se and flexabMe for the patienr.<end_of_turn> <start_of_turn>model Here at The Peppermint Group we can help snorers and their partners get an enjoyable and uninterrupted night's sleep by offering them clinically researched anti snoring treatments proven to stop snoring. Snoring influences the lives of more than 12 million people in Britain. Snoring can lead to not getting a restful night's sleep and result in daytime sleepiness. The treatment involves impressions of your teeth being taken and the manufacture of a mandibular advancement splint from a specialist dental laboratory. These splints are worn at night and combine a high clinical success rate with key features that make them comfortable and flexible for the patient.<end_of_turn>