Juan Antonio Pérez López Juan Antonio Pérez López (1934–1996) was a Spanish business theorist. He was professor of Organizational Behavior at the IESE Business School (Spain), where he became Dean (1978–1984). He was also a visiting professor at PAD Business School of the Universidad de Piura (Peru) and IAE Business School of the Austral University (Argentina). His research and publications focus on Action Theory and its implications for Organizational Behavior. They collect and integrate economic, sociological, and ethical aspects. Biography After studying Actuarial Insurance at the Escuela Central Superior de Comercio of Madrid, Pérez López spent five years in Hidroeléctrica Española SA. In 1961, he began to teach at the IESE Department of Quantitative Analysis (today Department of Accounting and Control). In 1970, he received his Ph.D. (1970) in Business Administration from Harvard Business School with the thesis [http://de.scientificcommons.org/31776466Organizational theory: A cybernetical approach]. From there on he delved into issues like motivation, learning, rationality, etc. He was the dean of IESE from October 1978 to September 1984. During his tenure, IESE saw major growth in its international diversity, reaching a total of 7,663 alumni from 36 countries, along with a highly international group of faculty. That period included the launch of the bilingual MBA in 1980, and the Master's Degree for Experienced Professionals (now called Executive MBA) in 1982. IESE also helped found two business schools: the School of Management at the University of Piura (PAD) in Peru in 1979 and the Associação de Estudos Superiores de Empresa (AESE) in Lisbon (Portugal) in 1980. There was also an expansion in the selection of training programs for executives in Spain, offered in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Pamplona, Sevilla, Bilbao and Santiago de Compostela. He died on June 2, 1996, in a car accident. Contribution The starting point of Pérez López’s theory is the concept of learning. "By learning we mean those changes that occur within the agents as a result of the interaction itself, provided that such changes will influence the next interaction." From this definition, Pérez López distinguishes three types of agents, which he denominates: Stable agent (or stable system): the agent cannot change their decision rules. In other words, no learning takes place. Ultra-stable agent (or ultra-stable system): the agent can learn from the experience and, therefore, modify their decision rules. This learning is always positive and thus, with more experience, better decisions can be made. Freely adaptable agent (or free system): the agent can learn from the experience, but learning is not necessarily positive. Hence the agent has also the possibility of a negative learning. Interactions In an interaction between learning agents, Pérez López finds three types of results. Extrinsic Results: The interaction itself. Intrinsic Results: Learning (changing the decision rule) of the active agent, which occurred when performing the interaction. External Results: Learning of the reactive agent. When invited to discuss any business decision that would affect other people, he would ask: What results will I get? What am I going to learn, both from an operational and structural point of view? What will the other person learn with the same dimensions? “When you go deep into the study of the action, you conclude that results are not only external but they have repercussions on the agent, increasing or decreasing the personal richness he has at the moment of putting it to practice. That is why, what is called the double result of the action goes farther away from the unilateralism of pragmatism. The internal result of the action is more important than its external consequences, as it modifies the subject´s capacity for the execution of ulterior actions. That peculiar feedback is absolutely absent in the mechanicist interpretation of action… Perez Lopez does not exactly elaborate a theory of isolated action, or of a single subject, but what I will call a theory of reciprocal action; that is, about the repercussions that the actions of one agent have in the actions of other agents”. Motivations and motives Pérez López assumes that agents have an impulse that is a potential motivation to achieve a higher satisfaction. This potential motivation becomes an actual motivation with a particular decision depending on two types of motivation. A spontaneous motivation, which is based on the expected satisfaction (through memory) of what an interaction will produce. A rational motivation, which is an "abstract recognition of the desirability of implementing or not an action on the basis of the abstract evaluation a priori to its consequences." To control the momentum of spontaneous motivation to implement the advice of rational motivation, we need a reality that is called virtue. The consequences of action are grouped in three types of motives. Extrinsic motives: Aspects of reality that determine the achievement of satisfactions that result from the interactions. Intrinsic motives: Aspects of reality that determine the achievement of decision-maker's own learning. Transcendent motives: Aspects of reality that determine the achievement of learning from other people with whom the decision-maker interacts. Negative learning "It's a learning process that facilitates the achievement of results, when that achievement in itself involves the destruction of the conditions necessary to continue catching up." The negative learning has the following basic features. It seeks to solve a partial problem, without considering the general problem, which the partial problem is part of. The solutions found to the partial problem are suboptimal from the standpoint of the general problem. Successive resolutions of the partial problem generate learning, and therefore an increased motivation to make choices suboptimal from the standpoint of the general problem. The general problem becomes more difficult to resolve. An example would be "an amateur sportsman who practices without the guidance of an expert. What is most probable is that he will develop habits that will be counterproductive for the proper practice of such sport". Not considering external results (learning of reactive agents) in the analysis of an action always produce negative learning. Publications Pérez López, J. A. (1974). "Organizational control theory: a formal approach", IESE Research Paper, July 1974, WP nº 4. Pérez López, J.A. (1974). "Organizational theory: a cybernetic approach", IESE Research Paper, July 1974, WP nº 5. Pérez López, J.A. (1987). "El sentido de los conflictos éticos originados por el entorno en que opera la empresa", Cuadernos Empresa y Humanismo, N° 4, University of Navarra, Pamplona. Pérez López, J.A. (1990). "El poder... ¿para qué?", Cuadernos Empresa y Humanismo, N° 29, University of Navarra, Pamplona. Pérez López, J.A.; Chinchilla, N. (1991). "Business or Enterprise? Different Approaches for the Management of People in Organizations", IESE Publishing, Barcelona. Pérez López, J.A.; Chinchilla, N. (1991). "Social Effectiveness and Self-Control", IESE Publishing, Barcelona. Pérez López, J.A. (1991). Teoría de la acción humana en las organizaciones: la acción personal, Rialp, Madrid. Pérez López, J.A. (1994.) Fundamentos de la dirección de empresas, Rialp, Madrid. Pérez López, J.A. (1997), Liderazgo, Volume 11 from Biblioteca IESE de Gestión de Empresas, Folio, Barcelona, 1997. Pérez López, J.A. (1998). Liderazgo y ética en la dirección de empresas: la nueva empresa del siglo XXI, Deusto, Bilbao. Pérez López, J.A. (2001). "Una ética para los líderes del siglo XXI", in Álvarez de Mon, Santiago (ed.), Paradigmas del Liderazgo: claves de la dirección de personas, McGraw-Hill. Pérez López, J.A. "El hombre de empresa frente a la crisis actual", Revista de Egresados PAD, Universidad de Piura, December 2008. On Perez Lopez's theory Vélaz, J.I. (1996). y motivación en la empresa''. Madrid: Díaz de Santos. Alcázar, M. (2010). Las decisiones directivas: una aproximación antropológica al logro de aprendizajes positivos en la persona y las organizaciones. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Navarra. Alcázar, M. (2102). Dirección: motivaciones, motivos, vínculos y oportunismos, Quito, IDE. Chinchilla, N. (1996). Rotación de directivos. Barcelona: Gestión 2000. Ferreiro, P. & Alcázar, M. (2002). "Gobierno de personas en la empresa". Lima: PAD-University of Piura. Ferreiro, P. (2013). "El Octógono: un diagnóstico completo de la realidad empresarial". Lima: PAD-University of Piura. Ariño, M.A. (2005). Toma de decisiones y gobierno de organizaciones. Bilbao: Deusto. Alcázar, M. (2005). "Introducción al Octógono". Pamplona: Cuadernos Empresa y Humanismo, N° 93. Rosanas, J.M. (2008). "Beyond economic criteria: a humanistic approach to organizational survival", Journal of Business Ethics, 78(3), 447-462. Rosanas, J.M. (2012). “Beyond Effectiveness: Attractiveness and Unity as Criteria For Decision-Making in Organizations”, The European Business Review, January–February, 38-41. Rosanas, J.M. (2013). "Decision-Making in an Organizational Context: Beyond Economic Criteria", Palgrave Macmillan. References Category:1934 births Category:1996 deaths Category:Spanish business theorists Category:Spanish economists Category:Harvard Business School alumni Category:University of Navarra faculty Category:20th-century economists
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Henry William Chandler Henry William Chandler (31 January 1828 – 16 May 1889) was an English classical scholar. Life He was the only son of Robert Chandler, of London. He was born in London on 31 January 1828. His early education was neglected, but by diligent study in the Guildhall Library he acquired enough Greek and Latin to enable him to matriculate at Oxford on 22 June 1848. On 8 December 1851, he took a scholarship at Pembroke College, of which on 4 November 1853 he was elected fellow, having graduated B.A. (first class in literæ humaniores) in the preceding year. He proceeded M.A. in 1855, was for some years lecturer and tutor at his college, and held the Waynflete professor of moral and metaphysical philosophy from 1867 until his death. After the publication of an inaugural lecture, The Philosophy of Mind: a Corrective for some Errors of the Day, London, 1867, 8vo, he confined himself to oral teaching. His favourite topic was the Nicomachean Ethics, of which his exposition was acute and stimulating. He lived the life of a scholarly recluse, devoted to the study of Aristotle and his commentators, and is understood to have amassed copious materials for an edition of the master's Fragments, in which he was unhappily forestalled by the German scholar, Valentin Rose. In 1884, he was appointed curator of the Bodleian Library. An enthusiastic bibliophile, he began his accession to office by a strong protest against the practice of lending the rare printed books and manuscripts preserved in that venerable repository. By way of alternative, he proposed the reproduction of texts by photography, and is said to have had an Arabic manuscript thus copied for Sir Richard Burton at his own expense. As a scholar, he was distinguished by vast, minute, and recondite learning and immense laboriousness. His knowledge of the Greek commentators on Aristotle was unique; and his failure to leave any monument worthy of his powers was due partly to his extreme fastidiousness, partly to chronic ill-health. Throughout the greater part of his life he was a prey to insomnia, which in his later years induced the fatal habit of taking chloral in enormous quantities. He died on 16 May 1889 from the effects, as certified by inquest, of a dose of prussic acid administered by himself at Pembroke College. His books and manuscripts he left to Mrs. Evans, wife of the master of Pembroke, and she by a deed of gift dated 17 October 1889 gave them to the college on condition that they were preserved as a separate collection. Works Chandler's best work is unquestionably his Practical Introduction to Greek Accentuation, of which The Elements of Greek Accentuation is a synopsis; but the depth and variety of his erudition were hardly less conspicuous in his Miscellaneous Emendations and Suggestions. He also made two valuable contributions to the bibliography of Aristotle: A Catalogue of Editions of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, and of Works illustrative of them printed in the Fifteenth Century; together with a Letter of Constantinus Paleocappa, and the Dedication of a Translation of Aristotle's Politics to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, by Leonardus Aretinus, hitherto unpublished, Oxford, 1868, 4to. Chronological Index to Editions of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, and of Works illustrative of them from the Origin of Printing to the Year 1799, Oxford, 1878, 4to. References Attribution External links Category:English classical scholars Category:1828 births Category:1889 deaths Category:Fellows of Pembroke College, Oxford Category:Waynflete Professors of Metaphysical Philosophy Category:British scholars of ancient Greek philosophy Category:Classical scholars of the University of Oxford Category:Suicides by poison Category:English male writers Category:Male suicides
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James E. Trainor III James E. "Trey" Trainor III is an American lawyer and government official. Currently a lawyer at the Trainor Law Firm, PC, he has been nominated by President Donald Trump to become a Commissioner of the Federal Election Commission. Trainor previously served as a special assistant to United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis, as general counsel to the Secretary of State of Texas, and as counsel to the Texas House Committee on Regulated Industries. Trainor's legal practice specializes in election law, campaign finance, and ethics. References Category:Living people Category:Texas A&M University alumni Category:Texas A&M University School of Law alumni Category:21st-century American lawyers Category:Texas lawyers Category:Texas Republicans Category:Trump administration personnel Category:Year of birth missing (living people)
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Ben F. Johnson Benjamin Franklin Johnson, Jr. (September 30, 1914 – July 1, 2006) was a member of the Georgia State Senate from 1962 to 1969, Dean of the Emory University School of Law from 1961 to 1973, and Dean of the Georgia State University College of Law from 1981 to 1985. He served as a Deputy Attorney General for Georgia from 1955 to 1961. Early life Johnson was the son of J.D. and Jimmie Johnson. He was born in Carroll County, Georgia but grew up in Atlanta. He graduated from Atlanta Boys High School in 1932. He began attending attended Emory University on a scholarship but that ended with the start of the Great Depression. With the loss of the scholarship he transferred to what was then known as the Georgia Institute of Technology's Evening School of Commerce before graduating from the University of Georgia in 1937. While attending Emory he became a member of Sigma Pi fraternity. He was accepted into Harvard Law School but chose to stay near home and attend Emory Law School because of his father's poor health. While working on his law degree, he became a member of Phi Delta Phi legal honor society and started a Big Brother mentoring program pairing first year law students with older students. The program had the backing of the Emory administration. In 1939 he received his J.D. degree and finished first in his class. He began practicing law in Atlanta after graduation. That year he also married his wife, Stella Darnell. They would have two sons, Ben F. Johnson III and Sherman D. Johnson. Early career In 1943, Johnson enlisted in the U.S. Navy where he served as a naval intelligence officer in the Pacific during World War II. After the war, Johnson received his LL.D. degree from the Duke University School of Law. In 1949 he became a faculty member of Emory Law School. He served as Deputy Attorney General for the State of Georgia from 1955 to 1961 where he appeared in over thirty cases in front of the Supreme Court of Georgia. He also argued tax cases in front of the United States Supreme Court. During this time he served on a congressional advisory committee to study taxation of interstate commerce. Georgia Senate In 1962 he was elected to the Georgia State Senate from DeKalb County and served there until 1969. During that time he was chair of the Banking and Finance committee, vice chair of the Judiciary committee, secretary of the Committee on Reorganization and Efficiency in Government, and a member of the Appropriations committee. From 1963 to 1964 he served on the state's Constitutional Revision Commission. As a senator, his largest accomplishment was writing the constitutional amendment that permitted the creation of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA). Dean of Emory University School of Law Integration Johnson was named the fourth Dean of the Emory Law School in 1961. In 1962 he served as co-counsel with Henry Bowden (Emory Law School's Chairman of the Board of Trustees) for the school's lawsuit to permit racial integration. The case of Emory University v. Nash, successfully challenged Georgia's law that denied state tax exemptions to integrated private schools. The result opened the way for Emory and other private schools to admit minorities without imperiling their tax-exempt status. From 1966 to 1972 Emory Law School ran a program called Pre-Start. The program was an affirmative action program that focused on Johnson's integration initiative for the school. Educational philosophy Johnson was focused on educational opportunities for those who were not wealthy or whose family circumstances wouldn't allow for a full-time college attendance. As someone who had worked his way through college during the Great Depression, he earned an early appreciation for flexible, part-time education. In 1967, Johnson opened the Emory Community Legal Services Center to provide a neighborhood law office staffed by supervised law students. Aside from providing legal services for the poor, the center drafted legislation, carried out test cases, and recruited students who were interested in providing legal services to the poor. In the early 1970s, Johnson was forced to close the part-time student program at Emory Law School which some thought was needed to enhance the reputation of the school. This was a step Johnson knew would hurt many part-time students. He stepped down from the dean's position in 1973 and re-entered the classroom as a teacher until 1981. During his tenure as dean, the enrollment and budget of the school grew by five times what it had been when he took the position. As a teacher, he was known to be competent in both the academic and practical aspects of the law. Dean of the Georgia State University College of Law In 1981, Johnson was invited by Georgia State University President Noah Langdale and Vice President William Suttles to become the founding dean of the university's new law school. All three knew that a law school at GSU would make possible the return of part-time legal education to the Atlanta area. Johnson served as dean from 1981 to 1985. When he retired he had recruited faculty, admitted the first students, and secured provisional accreditation from the American Bar Association. The school began offering its first classes in the fall of 1982. Other activities Johnson was active in the Southern Baptist Druid Hills Baptist Church where he was a Sunday School teacher for fifty years. He was also a Rotarian. References Category:1914 births Category:2006 deaths Category:People from Carroll County, Georgia Category:Southern Baptists Category:Rotary International Category:American military personnel of World War II Category:Emory University faculty Category:Georgia State University faculty Category:University of Georgia alumni Category:Duke University alumni
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1893 in Australia The following lists events that happened during 1893 in Australia. Incumbents Premiers Premier of New South Wales – George Dibbs Premier of South Australia – John Downer (until 16 June) then Charles Kingston Premier of Queensland – Samuel Griffith (until 27 March), Thomas McIlwraith (until 27 October) then Hugh Nelson Premier of Tasmania – Henry Dobson Premier of Western Australia – John Forrest Premier of Victoria – William Shiels (until 23 January) then James Patterson Governors Governor of New South Wales – Victor Child Villiers, 7th Earl of Jersey until March, then Robert Duff Governor of Queensland – Henry Wylie Norman Governor of South Australia – Algernon Keith-Falconer, 9th Earl of Kintore Governor of Tasmania – Jenico Preston, 14th Viscount Gormanston Governor of Victoria – John Hope, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow Governor of Western Australia – William C. F. Robinson Events 30 January – The Federal Bank collapses, starting the Australian banking crisis of 1893. 4 February – 1893 Brisbane flood devastates Queensland. 14 June – Gold discovered at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia by Paddy Hannan and two others. Queensland is granted its Coat of Arms Coolgardie and Esperance are both declared as towns Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria spends time hunting kangaroos and emus in Australia Arts and literature Sport Tarcoola wins the Melbourne Cup Victoria wins the inaugural Sheffield Shield Births 10 January – Albert Jacka (died 1932), recipient of the Victoria Cross 11 January – Charles "Chook" Fraser (died 1981), rugby league footballer and coach 13 January – Roy Cazaly (died 1963), Australian Rules footballer 8 October – William Morrison (died 1961), Governor General of Australia 2 December – Raphael Cilento (died 1985), medical administrator 9 December – Ivo Whitton (died 1967), golfer Deaths 4 September – Francis William Adams, writer (born 1862) 17 October – Josiah Howell Bagster, land agent and politician (born 1847) Footnotes Australia Category:Years of the 19th century in Australia
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Clevedon Pier Clevedon Pier is a seaside pier in the town of Clevedon, Somerset, England on the east shore of the Severn Estuary. It was described by Sir John Betjeman, as "the most beautiful pier in England" and was designated a Grade I listed building in 2001. The pier was built during the 1860s to attract tourists and provide a ferry port for rail passengers to South Wales. The pier is long and consists of eight spans supported by steel rails covered by wooden decking, with a pavilion on the pier head. The pier opened in 1869 and served as an embarkation point for paddle steamer excursions for almost exactly 100 years. Two of the spans collapsed during stress testing in 1970 and demolition was proposed, but local fund raising and heritage grants allowed the pier to be dismantled for restoration and reassembled. It reopened in 1989, and ten years later was awarded the Pier of the Year from the National Piers Society, and a Civic Trust Award. The pier now, once again, offers a landing stage for steamers and is a popular attraction for tourists and anglers. Location The pier projects from the seafront at Clevedon into the Severn Estuary, which separates South West England from South Wales. The pier and toll house, where entry fees are collected, are adjacent to the Royal Pier Hotel, originally known as The Rock House and built in 1823 by Thomas Hollyman. The shore at Clevedon is a mixture of pebbled beaches and low rocky cliffs, with the old harbour being at the western edge of the town at the mouth of the Land Yeo river. The rocky beach has been designated as the Clevedon Shore geological Site of Special Scientific Interest. It is the side of a mineralised fault, which runs east-west adjacent to the pier, and forms a small cliff feature in Dolomitic Conglomerate on the north side of Clevedon Beach, containing cream to pink baryte together with sulfides. The minerals identified at the site include: haematite, chalcopyrite, tennantite, galena, tetrahedrite, bornite, pyrite, marcasite, enargite and sphalerite. Secondary alteration of this assemblage has produced idaite, covellite and other copper sulfides. The nearest parking to the pier entrance is on an esplanade above the rocky beach. History Construction During the Victorian era, Clevedon became a popular seaside town, having previously been an agricultural village. Due to improving transport links, via the Clevedon Branch Line, Clevedon was able to cater for the late 19th century craze for bathing in the sea with saltwater baths adjacent to the pier (since demolished, though the foundations can still be seen), and bathing machines on the main beach. Many English seaside resorts built piers in the 1850s to attract tourists. At Clevedon tourism grew following the opening of a branch line from Yatton railway station which connected it to the Bristol to Exeter Line, enabling travel from the rest of the country. It was also proposed that a pier could form part of a route from London to South Wales with the use of steamers to cross the Severn Estuary. An enabling act was submitted to parliament in 1864. In November 1866, the Clevedon Pier Company was formed at a public meeting in the town. The directors included Sir Arthur Elton of Clevedon Court. Construction of the pier started at a cost of £10,000, with John William Grover and Richard Ward as the engineers and Hans Price as the architect. The erection of the iron pillars was undertaken by Hamilton Windsor Ironworks Co. of Garston, Liverpool. The legs were constructed from Barlow rail which had previously been used on Isambard Kingdom Brunel's South Wales Railway, with wood planks for the decking. By August 1868 of the pier had been built and the final section was completed by February 1869. Engineering The pier is long and above high water. Each of the eight spans is long. The legs are made up of Barlow rails which are riveted together; one of the rails separates from the main support close to the deck at the top, forming a transverse truss joining a rail from the opposite leg of the pier and longitudinal bracing is provided by further rails. The supporting piles, which are made of cast iron, are in diameter at the seabed. In total approximately 370 tons of wrought iron was used. The Severn Estuary has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world, up to , second only to the Bay of Fundy in Eastern Canada. The estuary's funnel shape, its tidal range, and the underlying geology of rock, gravel and sand, produce strong tidal streams and high turbidity, giving the water a notably brown colouration. The tidal range means that the legs of the pier are largely exposed at low tide and hidden at high tide and the landing stage at the end of the pier has several levels to allow boats to dock at all stages of the tide. Opening and operation The pier was officially opened on 29 March 1869, with a parade, bands and a cannon volley by the First Somerset Artillery. The number of rail passengers crossing to South Wales, which had been envisaged, was reduced after the opening of the Severn Tunnel in 1886. The tunnel linked South Gloucestershire in the west of England to Monmouthshire in south Wales, under the estuary of the River Severn. The paddle steamer Waverley first visited the pier to take on passengers in 1886, and along with sister ships of the White Funnel Fleet belonging to P and A Campbell provided excursions around the Bristol Channel. Other ships of the fleet including Ravenswood, Westward Ho, Cambria and Britannia regularly called at Clevedon. Other companies, including the Cardiff-based Edwards, Robertson & Co., eventually taken over by Campbells, visited Clevedon Pier. In 1893 the pier head was replaced in cast iron with a new timber landing stage, and the pier head pavilion was completed in 1894. The Toll House on the pier and the adjacent Royal Pier Hotel were both designed by local architect Hans Price. In 1899, of the decking was washed away by a storm, and in 1910, part of the landing stage was damaged in another storm and replaced by a concrete landing stage in 1913. The pier continued to flourish between the First and Second World Wars and into the 1960s, and was visited frequently by P&A Campbell's steamers. The and were regular visitors. Collapse On 16 October 1970, spans 7 and 8 of the pier collapsed during stress testing, which had been introduced in the 1950s as a requirement for obtaining insurance cover. The tests involved the placement of polythene tanks long, wide and deep filled to a depth of , which created a pressure of . This simulated the required load agreed with the Ministry of Transport. Six tanks were used for each span and left in place for three hours; the 18 tanks used in total allowed three spans to be tested simultaneously. At the end of the three hours the tanks were emptied and dragged along the deck to test further spans. The first six spans passed without problems, but under load the seventh span collapsed, bringing down the eighth and final span, leaving the pier head and pavilion standing. Restoration The Clevedon Pier Preservation Society was formed in 1972 and started campaigning for the restoration of the pier. The district council applied for permission to demolish the pier in 1979, but a public enquiry the following year ruled that it should be retained. The pavilions from the end of the pier were taken ashore in 1982 for storage in anticipation of eventual restoration; insufficient funds were available to complete restoration and the first stage was to open the Toll House as an exhibition centre in 1984. A major breakthrough came in 1984, when English Heritage and the National Heritage Memorial Fund granted a million pounds towards the restoration, with smaller sums from Woodspring District Council and other funding bodies. The trust, which had been formed by the preservation society, also obtained a 99-year lease. The pier was dismantled in 1985, taken to Portishead dock for restoration, and reconstructed in 1986. After a long campaign by local people to raise funds for restoration (supported by Sir John Betjeman, who described Clevedon as "the most beautiful pier in England"), the pier eventually reopened. Some funds were raised by "sponsored planks" – small brass plaques with names or messages are inlaid on the wooden planks and benches, recording donations. Reconstruction of the pier spans and decking was completed on 27 May 1989, and the pier was reopened to great enthusiasm. The pierhead was still shut, however, and it was not until 23 May 1998 that it was finally restored and opened to the public, as a result of funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund. In 1999 the National Piers Society awarded Clevedon Pier the title of Pier of the Year, and it also won a Civic Trust Award. The pier was re-designated a Grade 1 listed building in 2001, the only other pier with this status being Brighton's West Pier (largely destroyed by fire and storms between 2002 and 2004). The landing stage at the end of the pier is used throughout the summer season (June to September) by the Waverley and her sister ship, the Balmoral, and is a popular spot for angling. There is a cafe at the pierhead, and a souvenir shop at the toll house. The upper floor of the toll house is an art gallery with a different exhibition every month. The pier is open every day of the year except Christmas Day. Scenes from the 2010 film, Never Let Me Go, starring Keira Knightley were filmed near Clevedon pier during 2009, and the pier also featured on the promotional posters. One Direction's music video for their single "You & I" was filmed on Clevedon Pier. An appeal was launched in 2012 to raise £1.6 million for a new visitor centre and educational facility, an additional £800,000 of grants have been applied for to cover the cost of repainting the legs of the structure. In December 2012 it was announced that the pier had received £720,000 of funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to improve the visitor centre. Photo gallery See also List of piers List of piers in the United Kingdom List of Grade I listed buildings in North Somerset Notes References External links Clevedon Pier website Category:Buildings and structures in Clevedon Category:Grade I listed buildings in North Somerset Category:Tourist attractions in North Somerset Category:Piers in Somerset Category:Transport infrastructure completed in 1869 Category:Transport infrastructure completed in 1989 Category:Rebuilt buildings and structures in the United Kingdom Category:Recipients of Civic Trust Awards Category:1869 establishments in England
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Hezbollah political activities Along with the Amal Movement, Hezbollah is one of the two main parties representing the Shia community, Lebanon's largest religious bloc. Amal has made a commitment to carrying out its activities through political means, but remains a partial fighting force aiding Hezbollah when the need arises. Hezbollah has been a part of the Lebanese government since November 2005. Elected members Hezbollah has participated in the Parliament of Lebanon since the 1992 Lebanese general election, when it won 12 out of 128 seats in parliament. Hezbollah won 7 seats at the 1996 Lebanese general election, 10 at the 2000 Lebanese general election and 14 at the 2005 Lebanese general election. An alliance of Amal and Hezbollah won all 23 seats in southern Lebanon. The bloc it forms with others, the Resistance and Development Bloc, took 27.3% of the seats. At the 2009 Lebanese general election, Hezbollah won 12 seats while Amal won 13. At the 2018 Lebanese general election, Hezbollah won 13 seats while Amal won 16. Also, at the 1998 municipal elections, Hezbollah won control of about 15% of contested municipalities. With a proven track record by the second round of elections, in spring 2004, the party won control of 21% of the municipalities. Hezbollah role in government 2005 Siniora Government Fouad Siniora formed the Lebanese government of July 2005, a national unity government, consisted of all the main political blocs in the Lebanese parliament, except for the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM)-led bloc headed by General Michel Aoun. For the first time, Hezbollah was represented in the cabinet, holding two cabinet positions (and endorsing a third, Fawzi Salloukh): Muhammad Fneish and Trad Hamadeh. Although Hezbollah joined the new government in 2005 (reportedly in exchange for assurances regarding its military apparatus), it has remained staunchly opposed to the March 14 coalition's hegemonic ambitions. On the other hand, FPM and Hezbollah have allied to resist the 14 March coalition's bid for hegemony. In February 2006, after weeks of committee-level negotiations, Michel Aoun and Hassan Nasrallah signed a memorandum of understanding that called for a broad range of reforms, from guaranteeing equal media access for candidates to allowing expatriate voting, that would level the slanted political playing field underlying the Hariri-Jumblatt coalition's grip on power. The FPM-Hezbollah memorandum met with virtually unanimous assent in the Shiite community and, according to a poll by the Beirut Center for Research and Information, 77% approval in the Christian community. The memorandum called for a reform of electoral law including proportional representation.</blockquote> Fneish, Energy and Water Minister in the cabinet, was quoted as saying "We are a political force that took part in the polls under the banner of defending the resistance and protecting Lebanon and got among the highest level of popular backing ... Hezbollah's resistance (against Israel) does not in any way contradict its political role. If joining the government and parliament is a national duty, then so is defending the country." The five Shi’ite members of the cabinet resigned on 11 November 2006 because of Siniora's agreement to the UN draft plan for the formation of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to investigate the assassination of Rafik Hariri, who was killed on 14 February 2005. The Special Tribunal, along with an independent investigation carried out by Lebanese brigadier general Wissam Al-Hassan, found compelling evidence for the responsibility of Hezbollah in the assassination. Anti-government protest and sit-in On 1 December 2006, a day after Hassan Nasrallah in a televised address had called on people from "different regions, thoughts, beliefs, religions, ideologies and different traditions" to take part "for the formation of a National Unity government", because they "want to preserve Lebanon's independence and its sovereignty, prevent Lebanon from falling under any foreign tutelage, to strengthen the foundations of security, stability and civil peace, to cooperate in addressing the suffocating social and economic crisis, to address the political crises through true representation of all Lebanese movements and groups, to give real participation in the country's administration and to deal with various crises and face various existing challenges local, regional and international", hundreds of thousands of demonstrators amassed peacefully in downtown Beirut. Police estimated the crowd to number approximately 800,000, while Hezbollah claimed it was larger. By nighttime, several thousand protestors remained to begin a sit-in, setting up tents and vowing to not leave until Prime Minister Fouad Siniora resigns. 2008 Siniora Government In the 2008 Government, again led by Siniora, another national unity government, Hezbollah and Amal each had two ministers in the 30-member cabinet. Muhammad Fneish was the Hezbollah minister, while Fawzi Salloukh was closely associated with Hezbollah. 2011 Mikati Government In the 2011 Government, led by Najib Mikati, a national unity government, Hezbollah and Amal each again had two ministers in the 30-member cabinet. Hezbollah ministers were Hussein Hajj Hassan and Muhammad Fneish. 2013 Salam Government In the 2013 Government, led by Tammam Salam, a national unity government, Hezbollah and Amal each again had two ministers in the 24-member cabinet. Hezbollah ministers were Hussein Hajj Hassan and Muhammad Fneish. 2016 Hariri Government In the 2016 Government, led by Saad Hariri, a national unity government, Hezbollah had two ministers in the 30-member cabinet and Amal had three. Hezbollah ministers were Hussein Hajj Hassan and Muhammad Fneish. 2019 Hariri Government In the 2019 Government, again led by Hariri, a national unity government, Hezbollah had two ministers in the 30-member cabinet and Amal had three. Hezbollah ministers were Muhammad Fneish and Mahmoud Kmati. Position of Hezbollah militias The Taif Agreement signed in October 1989 to end of the Lebanese civil war, besides other things, called for the disarmament of all national and non-national militias. Hezbollah was allowed to stay armed in its capacity as a "resistance force" rather than a militia, fighting Israel in the south, a privilege obtained – according to the Swedish academic Magnus Ranstorp – in part by using its leverage as holder of a number of Western hostages. UNSC Resolution 1559, adopted on 2 September 2004, besides other things, called on all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias to disband. However, on 7 May 2005, Lebanese prime minister, Najib Mikati, declared: "Our terminology -- Hezbollah -- is not a militia. It's a resistance." Hezbollah militias and Israel fought the 2006 Lebanon War, which began on 12 July 2006, precipitated by the 2006 Hezbollah cross-border raid. On 5 August 2006, Lebanese prime minister, Fouad Siniora, said that "the continued presence of Israeli occupation of Lebanese lands in the Shebaa Farms region is what contributes to the presence of Hezbollah weapons. The international community must help us in (getting) an Israeli withdrawal from Shebaa Farms so we can solve the problem of Hezbollah's arms". On 11 August 2006, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 (UNSCR 1701) in an effort to end the hostilities. The resolution was approved by both the Lebanese and Israeli governments and also called for disarmament of Hezbollah, for withdrawal of the IDF from Lebanon, and for the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces in the south. The conflict ended on 14 August 2006. In 2009, a Hezbollah commander (speaking on condition of anonymity) said, "[W]e have far more rockets and missiles [now] than we did in 2006." As at October 2019, Hezbollah has still not disarmed or disbanded its militias nor has the Lebanese army deployed to south Lebanon, on the border with Israel. See also Ideology of Hezbollah Hezbollah military activities Hezbollah foreign relations References External links Hezbollah's Democratic Demands by Mohammed Ben Jelloun, Swans Commentary, January 15, 2007. Hizbullah's two republics Al-Ahram Weekly, February 15–21, 2007. Hezbollah: Most Powerful Political Movement in Lebanon A Voice of Resistance: the Point of View of Hizballah - perceptions, goals and strategies of an Islamic movement in Lebanon, by Mats Wärn, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University Staying the Course: the "Lebanonization" of Hizbollah - the integration of an Islamist movement into a pluralist political system, by Mats Wärn, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University P es:Actividades políticas de Hezbolá
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GOFF The GOFF (Generalized Object File Format) specification was developed for IBM's MVS operating system to supersede the IBM OS/360 Object File Format to compensate for weaknesses in the older format. Background The original IBM OS/360 Object File Format was developed in 1964 for the new IBM System/360 mainframe computer. The format was also used by makers of plug compatible and workalike mainframes, including the Univac 90/60, 90/70 and 90/80 and Fujitsu B2800. The format was expanded to add symbolic records and expanded information about modules, plus support for procedures and functions with names longer than 8 characters. While this helped, it did not provide for the enhanced information necessary for today's more complicated programming languages and more advanced features such as objects, properties and methods, Unicode support, and virtual methods. The GOFF object file format was developed by IBM approximately in 1995 as a means to overcome these problems. The earliest mention of this format was in the introductory information about the new High Level Assembler. Note that the OS/360 Object File Format was simply superseded by the GOFF format, it was not deprecated, and is still in use by assemblers and language compilers where the language can withstand the limitations of the older format. Conventions This article will use the term "module" to refer to any name or equivalent symbol, which is used to provide an identifier for a piece of code or data external to the scope to which it is referenced. A module may refer to a subroutine, a function, Fortran Common or Block Data, an object or class, a method or property of an object or class, or any other named routine or identifier external to that particular scope referencing the external name. The terms "assembler" for a program that converts assembly language to machine code, as well as as the process of using one, and as the process of using a "compiler," which does the same thing for high-level languages, should, for the purposes of this article. be considered interchangeable; thus where "compile" and "compiler" are used, substitute "assemble" and "assembler" as needed. Numbers used in this article are expressed as follows: unless specified as hexadecimal (base 16), all numbers used are in decimal (base 10). When necessary to express a number in hexadecimal, the standard mainframe assembler format of using the capital letter X preceding the number, expressing any hexadecimal letters in the number in upper case, and enclosing the number in single quotes, e.g. the number 15deadbeef16 would be expressed as X'15DEADBEEF'. A "byte" as used in this article, is 8-bits, and unless otherwise specified, a "byte" and a "character" are the same thing; characters in EBCDIC are also 8-bit. When multi-byte character sets (such as Unicode) are used in user programs, they will use two (or more) bytes. Requirements and restrictions The format is similar to the OS/360 Object File Format but adds additional information for use in building applications. GOFF files are either fixed- or variable-length records. A GOFF record must completely fit within a single record of the underlying file system. A GOFF file is not a stream-type file. Fixed-length records must be 80 bytes. The minimum size of a variable-length record is 56 bytes. In the case of fixed-length records, there will be unused bytes at the end of a record. These bytes must be set to binary zero. The program reading (or writing) GOFF records is not to make assumptions about the internal format of records, the operating system is presumed to be able to provide fixed- or variable-length records without the program reading them needing to be aware of the operating system internal file management. The length of a record is not part of the record itself. Binary values are stored in big endian format, e.g. the value 1 is X'01' for an 8-bit value, X'0001' for a 16-bit value, X'00000001' for a 32-bit value, and X'0000000000000001' for a 64-bit value. Bits are counted from left to right; bit 0 is the left-most bit in a byte or word. Fixed-length records are required for GOFF files deployed on Unix systems. A record may be continued on a subsequent record. Where a record is continued, no intervening record(s) shall occur between the record being continued and the continuation record. A GOFF object file starts with an HDR record and ends with an END record. The END record should include the number of GOFF records (not the number of physical records) in the file. A language compiler or assembler can produce multiple GOFF files in one compilation/assembly, but the individual GOFF files must be separate from each other. Module and Class names are case sensitive. A module named "exit" (as used by the C language) need not be the same as "EXIT" used by the Fortran language. Some conventions applicable to the OS/360 Object File Format are carried over to the GOFF Object File Format, including: Unless otherwise specified, all characters are in the EBCDIC character set, except for external names, as stated below. ESD items (Main programs, subroutines, functions, FORTRAN Common, methods and properties in objects) must be numbered starting with 1 and each new item is to have the next number in sequence, without any 'gaps' in the numbering sequence. An ESD item must be defined before any other record (such as a TXT or RLD record) references it. Each ESD record contains exactly one ESD item. (This is different from the old format, which permitted up to 3 ESD items in each ESD record.) An RLD record (relocation data) may contain one or more items, and an RLD record may be continued to a subsequent record. To ensure future compatibility, fields indicated as 'reserved' should be set to binary zero. Character sets used for external names are not defined by the GOFF standard, but there is a provision for a file to indicate what character set is being used. (This is to support double-byte character set Unicode-based module names.) Some IBM products, however, only allow characters for external names and other identifiers to a restricted range, typically (EBCDIC) hexadecimal values of X'41' through X'FE' plus the shift-in and shift out characters, X'0F' and X'0E', respectively. The new format supports Class names, of which there are two types, reserved and user supplied or non-reserved. All class names have a maximum length of 16 characters. Reserved Class names consist of a single letter, an underscore, and 1 to 14 characters. Reserved Class names beginning with B_ are reserved for the binder; Reserved Class names beginning with C_ marked as loadable are reserved for programs created for use with IBM's Language Environment (LE). Class names beginning with C_ which are not marked as loadable, as well as classes beginning with X_, Y_ or Z_ are available for general use as non-reserved. User Supplied class names may be lower-case. Class names are not external symbols. The following classes used by the binder may be referenced if needed for compilation purposes: The following class names are reserved by the binder and are not accessible to user applications: The SYM object file symbolic table information from the 360 Object File format record is not available for GOFF object files; the ADATA record (sub-record to TXT) must be used instead. Record Types Similarly to the older OS/360 format, object file records are divided into 6 different record types, some added, some deleted, some altered: HDR record (this is new) must occur first, it defines the header for the object file. ESD records define main programs, subroutines, functions, dummy sections, Fortran Common, methods and properties, and any module or routine that can be called by another module. They are used to define the program(s) or program segments that were compiled in this execution of the compiler, and external routines used by the program (such as exit() in C, CALL EXIT in Fortran; new() and dispose() in Pascal). ESD records should occur before any reference to an ESD symbol. TXT records have been expanded, and in addition to containing the machine instructions or data which is held by the module, they also contain Identification Data (IDR) records (20 or more types), Associated Data (ADATA) records, and additional information related to the module. RLD records are used to relocate addresses. For example, a program referencing an address located 500 bytes inside the module, will internally store the address as 500, but when the module is loaded into memory it's bound to be located someplace else, so an RLD record informs the linkage editor or loader what addresses to change. Also, when a module references an external symbol, it will usually set the value of the symbol to zero, then include an RLD entry for that symbol to allow the loader or linkage editor to alter the address to the correct value. LEN records are new, and supply certain length information. END records indicate the end of a module, and optionally where the program is to begin execution. This must be the last record in the file. Format GOFF records may be fixed or variable length; the minimum length when using variable-length records is 56 characters, although most records will be longer than this. Except for module and class names, all characters are in the EBCDIC character set. Unix-based systems must use fixed-length (80-byte) records. Records in fixed-length files that are shorter than the fixed length should be zero-filled. To distinguish GOFF records from the older OS/360 format or from commands that may be present in the file, the first byte of each GOFF record is always the binary value X'03', while commands must start with a character value of at least space (X'40'). The next 2 bytes of a GOFF record indicate the record type, continuation and version of the file format. These first 3 bytes are known as the PTV field. PTV The PTV field represents the first 3 bytes of every GOFF record. HDR The HDR record is required, and must be the first record. ESD An ESD record gives the public name for a module, a main program, a subroutine, procedure, function, property or method in an object, Fortran Common or alternate entry point. An ESD record for a public name must be present in the file before any reference to that name is made by any other record. Continuation In the case of fixed-length records where the name requires continuation records, the following is used: Behavior Attributes ADATA records ADATA ("associated data") records are used to provide additional symbol information about a module. They replaced the older SYM records in the 360 object file format. To create an ADATA record Create an ESD record of type ED for the class name that the records are part of Set all fields in the Behavioral Attributes record to 0 except Class Loading (bits 0-1 of byte 5) is X'10' Binding Algorithm is 0 Text Record Style (bits 0-3 of byte 2) is X'0010' Optionally set the Read Only (bit 4 of byte 3) and Not Executable (bits 5-7 of byte 3) values if appropriate Create a TXT record for each ADATA item Element ESDID is the value of the ADATA ED record for that particular ADATA entry Offset is zero Data Length is the length of the ADATA record Data field contains the actual ADATA record itself ADATA records will be appended to the end of the class in the order they are declared. Class names assigned to ADATA records are translated by IBM programs by converting the binary value to text and appending it to the name C_ADATA, So an item numbered X'0033' would become the text string C_ADATA0033. TXT TXT records specify the machine code instructions and data to be placed at a specific address location in the module. Note that wherever a "length" must be specified for this record, the length value must include any continuations to this record. Continuation Compression Table A compression table is used if bytes 20-21 of the TXT record is nonzero. The R value is used to determine the number of times to repeat the string; the L value indicates the length of the text to be repeated "R" times. This could be used for pre-initializing tables or arrays to blanks or zero or for any other purpose where it is useful to express repeated data as a repeat count and a value. IDR Data Table IDR Format 1 Note that unlike most number values stored in a GOFF file, the "version", "release" and "trans_date" values are numbers as text characters instead of binary IDR Format 2 Normally compilers and assemblers do not generate this format record, it is typically created by the binder. IDR Format 3 All text in this item are character data; no binary information is used. RLD RLD records allow a module to show where it references an address that must be relocated, such as references to specific locations in itself, or to external modules. Relocation Data [A] If R_Pointer is omitted (bit 0 of byte 0 of Flags field is 1) this field starts 4 bytes lower, in bytes 8-11. [B] If R_Pointer or P_Pointer (bit 1 of byte 0 of Flags field is 1) is omitted, this field starts 4 bytes lower. If both fields are omitted, this field starts 8 bytes lower. [C] If R_Pointer, P_Pointer, or Offset (bit 2 of byte 0 of Flags field is 1) are omitted, this field starts 4 bytes lower. If any two of them are omitted, this field starts 8 bytes lower. If all of them are omitted, this field starts 12 bytes lower. To clarify, if a module in a C program named "Basura" was to issue a call to the "exit" function to terminate itself, the R_Pointer address would be the ESDID of the routine "exit" while the P_Pointer would be the ESDID of "Basura". If the address was in the same module (like internal subroutines, or a reference to data within the same module) R_Pointer and P_Pointer would be the same. Flags LEN LEN records are used to declare the length of a module where it was not known at the time the ESD record was created, e.g. for one-pass compilers. Elements A deferred-length element entry cannot be continued or split END END must be the last record for a module. An 'Entry Point' is used when an address other than the beginning of the module is to be used as the start point for its execution. This is used either because the program has non-executable data appearing before the start of the module (very common for older assembly programmers, as older versions of the assembler were much slower to assemble data stored in programs once instructions were specified), or because the module calls an external module first, such as a run-time library to initialize itself. Continuation If an entry-point name specified on a fixed-length END record is longer than 54 bytes or (if this record itself is also continued) is longer than an additional 77 bytes), the following continuation record is used. References Category:Executable file formats Category:IBM mainframe operating systems
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Herrickia horrida Herrickia horrida is a species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name horrid herrickia. It is native to Colorado and New Mexico in the United States, where it occurs only in the Animas River basin. It is often included in genus Eurybia. Herrickia horrida is a clumpy perennial herb or subshrub growing 30 to 60 centimeters tall from a woody rhizome. There are one to many stems which are coated in resin glands. The leaves are oval or oblong in shape with bases that clasp the stem. They are up to 4.5 centimeters in length. They are tough, glandular, coated in rough hairs, and lined with spiny teeth on the edges. The inflorescence may be a single flower head or an array of several heads. Each head is lined with glandular green or purplish phyllaries. It contains purple ray florets which may be up to 2.2 centimeters long, and yellow or purplish disc florets. Blooming occurs in summer, or as late as October. The fruit is an achene with a pappus of bristles. Herrickia horrida grows on dry mountain slopes and canyons, often in oak woodlands, pinyon-juniper woodlands and grasslands. Most of its habitat is rugged and inaccessible, which helps protect it from human threats. References Category:Astereae Category:Flora of Colorado Category:Plants described in 1913 Category:Flora of New Mexico
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Kingsbury, London Kingsbury is a district of northwest London in the London Borough of Brent. The name Kingsbury means "The King's Manor". Its ancient scope stretches north and west to include Queensbury and parts of Kenton and Wembley Park in other directions. Kingsbury was in 2001 a ward and in 2011 was identifiable with the Fryent and Barnhill wards approximately. About 25% of Kingsbury is Fryent Country Park, forming the southern quarter. It is of highly mixed density, ranging from high rise to suburban to a green wildlife reserve in the country park. It is within the The Hyde's NW9 postal district. History Kingsbury was historically a rural parish of a fairly modest in the Hundred of Gore and county of Middlesex. It formerly included Queensbury. Following local government redrawing of electoral wards Kingsbury corresponds to the Fryent and Barnhill wards and in all of its various older guises, a minority or all of the Queensbury ward. The early English kings had parted with their manor of Kingsbury long before the Conquest. An estate called Tunworth, in the northern part of Kingsbury parish, was granted by Edwy to his thegn Lyfing in 957. By 1066 it probably formed part of the manor of Kingsbury, which was then held by Wlward White, a thegn of the Confessor, and passed from him to Ernulf of Hesdin who died in 1097 and his lands passed to the family of Walter of Salisbury. Thereafter the overlordship of Kingsbury descended with Edgware manor. By 1086 on the Domesday survey of property, Ernulf's manor in Kingsbury had been subinfeudated to Albold as Lord. It was not mentioned again until 1317, when, under the name of the manor of Kingsbury, it belonged to Baldwin Poleyn of Tebworth. Kingsbury developed little in housing and population in the 19th century, remaining a polyfocal village. In this age, Oliver Goldsmith, writer and playwright, lived at Hyde Farm, Kingsbury (1771–1774); the third Lord Mansfield was buried at St. Andrew's churchyard in 1840. Although it lay close to London, development started slowly, and it was not until after the First World War that the district became built up. An aircraft industry was established in the part of Kingsbury adjacent to Hendon aerodrome during the war, while the road network was improved to cater for the British Empire Exhibition in nearby Wembley in 1924. The number of inhabited houses in the civil parish increased from just 140 in 1901 to 3,937 in 1931. By 1951 this had risen to 11,776. Between 1921 and 1931 Kingsbury's population increased by 796%. Population growth meant the existing parish church, built in 1884, dedicated to the Holy Innocents, and adjacent to the more historic Old St Andrew's church, became too small. It was replaced during the 1930s. The current church, completed to designs by Samuel Daukes in 1847, had originally been constructed in Wells Street in central London but after its use declined it was deconstructed, transported and rebuilt (by Holland, Hannen & Cubitts, directed by architect William Adam Forsyth) in its entirety in Kingsbury in 1933–34. John Logie Baird's experimental television transmissions from the United Kingdom to Berlin, Germany were transmitted from the stable block of Kingsbury Manor, now the Veterans Club in Roe Green Park. From 1923 to 1979 Kingsbury Road was the location of the Vanden Plas specialist motor body works, body makers for Bentley and later part of Austin, BMC, and British Leyland. The site is now Kingsbury Trading Estate. A congregation of Jews affiliated to the United Synagogue is first recorded in Kingsbury in 1939. In 1942 Eden Lodge at Kingsbury Green was registered for worship, becoming Kingsbury district synagogue in 1954. Local government In 1894 Kingsbury was included in the urban district of Wembley. However, as Kingsbury had only three councillors on the urban district council to Wembley's nine, Kingsbury's councillors felt the needs of the area were not well-served. In 1900 Kingsbury became a separate urban district with six councillors. The new council was immediately involved in controversy and in 1906 it failed to make a rate or meet its financial commitments. Following an inquiry initiated by ratepayers, the councillors numbered nine, not halting fiscal accusations directed towards the initial three councillors. In 1934 the Kingsbury Urban District was abolished and merged once more in Wembley Urban District. The urban district became a municipal borough in 1937 and in 1965 the area became part of the London Borough of Brent. Demography The 2011 census showed that the Fryent ward's largest ethnic group was Indian at 21%. Whites as a whole form 37% (17% British, 14% Other, 6% Irish). 11% was Other Asian. 41% were Christian, 21% Muslim and 20% Hindu. The Welsh Harp ward, which covers southern areas of Kingsbury Green, was 17% White Other, 17% Indian, and 16% White British. In film, literature and music The first two series of BBC children's drama Grange Hill were filmed at Kingsbury High School. Video of Round Here, about George Michael's childhood, features Roe Green Park, Roe Green Primary School and other local landmarks. Notable people John Beard (trade unionist), had his last home in 27 Wyndale Avenue at the time of his death in 1950. James Hanratty, among last condemned to hang for murder, lived in Kingsbury. Charlie Watts, drummer of The Rolling Stones, was raised in Kingsbury. Julie Rogers, singer, was educated and lived in Kingsbury. Shirley Eaton, actress. Courtney Pine OBE, jazz musician, was raised in Kingsbury from age 14. Chris Squire, bassist of Yes, was born in Kingsbury. Tony Kanal, bassist of No Doubt, was raised in Kingsbury. Mutya Buena and Keisha Buchanan, singer/songwriters, Sugababes, born and raised in Kingsbury. Jet Harris, musician with Tony Meehan and The Shadows, was born in Kingsbury. Gary Waddock, former Wycombe Wanderers manager, was born in Kingsbury. Jasmyn Banks, actress, was educated in Kingsbury. Stuart Pearce, footballer, raised in Kingsbury. George Michael, singer and songwriter, was raised in Kingsbury. Brian Michaels, theatre and opera director, was born and raised in Kingsbury. Geography Some historical maps show Kingsbury to be centred to the south of Church Lane around Blackbird Hill, an area that is seldom referred to as Kingsbury today but instead Wembley Park or Neasden. Neighbouring areas Transport Roads Kingsbury Road A4006 is the largest road within the district. Buses London Buses serving Kingsbury are: Tube Stations in the area are: Kingsbury Station (Jubilee line) Local parks Barn Hill Open Space Fryent Country Park Kingsbury Green Recreation Ground Roe Green Park Silver Jubilee Park Grove Park Open Space Eton Grove Park Schools Kingsbury High School Jewish Free School (JFS) Fryent Primary School Oliver Goldsmith Primary School Kingsbury Green Primary School Roe Green Primary School St Robert Southwell Primary School See also Old St Andrew's Church, Kingsbury Kingsbury Aviation References External links Kingsbury heritage Kingsbury history Highfort Court, Buck Lane. Designed in the style of a fortified castle by local architect E. G. Trobridge Vanden Plas Kingsbury Works - A Potted History Category:Areas of London Category:Districts of the London Borough of Brent Category:Places formerly in Middlesex
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League Park (Akron) League Park refers to two former American football and baseball stadiums located in Akron, Ohio. The original League Park was located at the corner of Carroll St. and Beaver St.; the newer stadium was on Lakeshore Blvd. between W. Long St. and W. Crosier St. Tenants The stadiums were home to the Akron Pros of the National Football League from 1916 to 1926. In 1933, the Akron Black Tyrites, a Negro league baseball team, played their home games here. It also hosted the Akron Yankees of the Middle Atlantic League, as well as various other minor league baseball team in Akron. Capacity The later stadium had a capacity of 5,000 spectators. Characteristics The second League Park was built on land that had a sharp drop-off directly behind the left field fence. This led to the left field wall slanting backwards at such an angle that outfielders could easily run up the wall, using it as a ramp, and catch fly balls that would have otherwise left the park. Since balls hit to left could literally roll up and over the fence, a rule was necessary declaring such hits a ground-rule double. References External links Stadium information Category:Akron Zips football Category:American football venues in Ohio Category:Baseball venues in Ohio Category:Defunct minor league baseball venues Category:Defunct college football venues Category:Defunct National Football League venues Category:Defunct baseball venues in the United States Category:Demolished sports venues in Ohio Category:Akron Pros Category:Negro league baseball venues Category:Ohio League venues Category:Defunct sports venues in Ohio Category:Sports venues in Akron, Ohio Category:Sports venues completed in 1906 Category:1906 establishments in Ohio
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Joe Schember Joseph "Joe" Schember (born November 13, 1950) is an American banker and politician and is serving as the 48th Mayor of Erie, Pennsylvania. Prior to becoming Mayor of Erie, he was a PNC Bank Vice President and he served on Erie's City Council between 2006 and 2012. In April 2016, Schember announced that he would run for Mayor of Erie. As Erie is a largely Democratic city, the race was largely seen as more of a Democratic primary contest for who would become the next Mayor. Yet this logic was overturned as a faltering economy and a demographic decline paved the way for Donald Trump to carry Erie County in the 2016 United States presidential election which was the first time a Republican presidential candidate won in the county since Ronald Reagan carried the county in 1984. With the county going Republican, the city of Erie was bracing itself for its most competitive mayoral race in over 50 years. On November 7, 2017, the people of Erie voted for the next Mayor and Schember won 53% of the vote to his Republican challenger John Persinger who gained 47% of the vote. The previous Mayor, Joseph E. Sinnott, served for 3 consecutive terms from 2006 to 2018 and ran unopposed in the latest election. Erie was at a decisive moment in its history as under Sinnott, Erie was kept out of Act 47 which is reserved for financially distressed cities. Early life Joseph Schember was born on November 13, 1950, to the parents of Joseph and Helene Flatley Schember. He has two sisters, Mary Anne and Helene who is a Rocket Scientist with a Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics from Cal Tech. In his youth, he attended Catholic School and studied to become a Priest. He left seminary to complete his degree at Gannon University where he met his wife, Rhonda Mahoney. Schember then received a Master's Degree in English at the University of Dayton and taught at Elk County Christian in St. Mary's, Pennsylvania. Professional career He worked for PNC Bank for 40 years, starting as a teller and rising up to the level of Regional Manager of 51 branches for PNC in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Political career Erie city council, 2006-2012 Schember served on City Council for 6 years and was appointed as Chairman of the Finance Committee in 2007. During his tenure, he oversaw the city of Erie move from a bleak financial state of a $12.7 million deficit in the General Fund in late 2005 to a $5 million surplus by 2012. In 2009 and in 2010, the City Council appointed Schember to be President of the City Council. During the Citizens To Be Heard segment of the City Council Meetings, a local activist named Randy Barnes, who was president of an environmental group called Keep Erie's Environment Protected (K.E.E.P.), would continually lodge a conflict of interest complaint against Schember because he had employment with PNC Bank which was doing business with the city of Erie. In response to Randy Barnes complaints that he would lodge at each City Council meeting, Schember resigned May 8, 2012 with a letter that stated that he was "troubled by the lack of civility and unprofessionalism that has infected the Citizens To Be Heard segment of City Council Meetings." Erie mayoral election, 2017 Out of nine candidates running in the primary race for Mayor, two remained in the run-up to the election: The Democrat Joe Schember and Republican John Persinger. Erie is a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans over 2 to 1 yet John Persinger ran a strong campaign, eventually garnering 47% of the popular vote. Persinger emphasized eliminating blight with a campaign promise of "1,000 in 1,000 Days" initiative to remove 1,000 blightened properties in his first 1,000 days in office. He emphasized the role of broken windows theory, and said that if Erie is to prosper, Erie would need to address blight quickly. Schember thought that was too much and was not realistic and he wanted to address 50 to 100 blighted properties in his first year. Mayor of Erie Schember has initiated many changes to the mayoral governance of Erie since being elected into office. He wants to upgrade the technology of Erie, redesign the city of Erie's website, and hire a new digital media coordinator to focus on getting the city up to date with social media which under Sinnott's long mayoralty it lagged behind. Schember hired Erie's first full-time grant writer, Abby Skinner, to work on helping Erie access grant funding from the local, state and federal level. One of Schember's priorities is Erie Refocused, which is part of Erie's Comprehensive Plan to improve the city's economy and society. Skinner will focus on writing grants that will help Erie Refocused move forward. References External links City of Erie Official Website City of Erie: Biography of Joseph Schember Joe Schember on Facebook Joe Schember on Twitter Category:1950 births Category:Living people Category:Mayors of Erie, Pennsylvania Category:Pennsylvania Democrats Category:Gannon University alumni Category:University of Dayton alumni
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
The Gigolo (1960 film) The Gigolo () is a 1960 French romantic drama film written and directed by Jacques Deray. It is loosely based on the novel Le Gigolo written by Jacques Robert. Plot Agatha, a wealthy widow in her 40s, falls in love with the handsome doctor Damper. She then wants to end her former relationship with her young lover Jacky, who is not ready to let go. Cast Alida Valli : Agathe Jean-Claude Brialy : Jacky Jean Chevrier : Dr. Dampier Valérie Lagrange : Gillou Philippe Nicaud : Édouard Julien Bertheau : Commissioner Jean Degrave : Bligny Rosy Varte : Marilyn Jeanne Pérez : Marthe Sacha Briquet : Man at bar References External links Category:1960 films Category:1960s romantic drama films Category:French films Category:French romantic drama films Category:Films directed by Jacques Deray Category:Films based on French novels
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HMS Yaxham (M2780) HMS Yaxham was one of 93 ships of the of inshore minesweepers. Their names were all chosen from villages ending in -ham. The minesweeper was named after Yaxham in Norfolk. Became survey vessel HMS Woodlark, 1964. Her final years were as the Southampton University Royal Naval Unit's training vessel. This unit now has , a P2000 Archer class patrol vessel. Notes References Blackman, R.V.B. ed. Jane's Fighting Ships (1953) Category:Ham-class minesweepers Category:Royal Navy ship names Category:1958 ships Category:Ships built on the Isle of Wight
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Ashley Cox Ashley Cox (born November 15, 1956) is an American model and actress. Biography Cox was Playboy magazine's Playmate of the Month for its December 1977 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Mario Casilli. Cox was one of Hugh Hefner's "Personal Playmates", a term Hefner designated women whom he dated seriously. Cox appeared in movies such as Logan's Run (1976), Drive-In (1976), The Nude Bomb (1980), King of the Mountain (1981), Looker (1981), and Night Shift (1982). She has two children and, as she told The Playboy Book in 1996: References External links Category:1956 births Category:Living people Category:Playboy Playmates (1970–1979)
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Stone Cold Gentleman "Stone Cold Gentleman" is a song performed by American contemporary R&B singer Ralph Tresvant, issued as the second single from his eponymous debut album. It originally appeared on the album under the title "Stone Cold Gentleman (Rizz's Interlude)", but the title was shortened for commercial release. The song features a rap from fellow New Edition member Bobby Brown; and it peaked at #34 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1991. Music video The official music video for the song was directed by Lionel C. Martin. Charts References External links Category:1990 songs Category:1991 singles Category:MCA Records singles Category:Music videos directed by Lionel C. Martin Category:Song recordings produced by Daryl Simmons Category:Ralph Tresvant songs Category:Bobby Brown songs Category:Songs written by L.A. Reid Category:Songs written by Daryl Simmons
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Siege of Inverness (1689) The Siege of Inverness that took place in 1689 was carried out by the Clan MacDonald of Keppoch, a Highland Scottish clan against the people of the city of Inverness. In 1665 the people of Inverness had rioted seriously injuring a number of men of the Clan MacDonald. Twenty four years later in 1689 the feud was re-ignited and the Clan MacDonald of Keppoch laid siege to the city with 800 to 900 men. They plundered the town and took hostages. Through the mediation of John Graham, 1st Viscount Dundee a ransom was paid for the release of the captives and the MacDonalds of Keppoch went home with their plunder, robbing and devastating all before them. The MacDonalds of Keppoch soon after supported John Graham, 1st Viscount Dundee at the Battle of Killiecrankie. References Inverness Category:History of Inverness Category:1689 in Scotland
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Otome Road is a name given to an area of Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan that is a major shopping and cultural center for anime and manga aimed at women. The area is sometimes referred to as Fujoshi Street, referencing the name given to fans of yaoi. Geography Otome Road is located to the immediate west of Sunshine City, near Ikebukuro Station. Bordered by the Shuto Expressway, its boundaries are roughly defined as beginning at the Ikebukuro Animate Cafe and ending at the K-Books Cosplay Store. Several other stores focused on goods aimed at women are located further west in Ikebukuro, mainly concentrated around the flagship Animate store. As Otome Road is only a small area of a larger commercial district, it does not have frequenters who walk around in cosplay, and is not immediately distinguishable from other streets. History Ikebukuro has been a destination for otaku since the 1980s, with notable attractions including a branch of the anime goods store Animate and the dōjinshi conventions (now defunct) and , both held at Sunshine City. These stores and conventions were initially focused on general audiences; the area would not shift to a focus on female customers until 2000, following a renovation of Animate that shifted the products of the store to appeal to that demographic. That same year, K-Books in Ikebukuro changed its product offerings to specialize in dōjinshi aimed at women. The term "Otome Road" was first used in the May 2004 issue of . The area gained further visibility through the 2005 film Densha Otoko, which presented Otome Road as the female equivalent to Akihabara, another popular location for otaku. Notable locations Comic Toranoana and Mandarake both operate Otome Road locations specializing in goods aimed at women. In 2005, a butler café opened on Otome Road. Otome Road additionally contains multiple household goods, cosmetics, and clothing stores, particularly stores specializing in otome-kei fashion. See also Shōjo manga Tourism in Japan Yaoi References External links "Otome Road and Doujinshi" Category:Otaku Category:Neighborhoods of Tokyo Category:Shopping districts and streets in Japan Category:Ikebukuro Category:Streets in Tokyo
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L'Arteosa L'Arteosa is one of 24 parishes (administrative divisions) in Piloña, a municipality within the province and autonomous community of Asturias, in northern Spain. The population is 101 (INE 2011). Villages and hamlets Caperea Óbana El Piñuecu Samartín Les Felgueroses Vegarrionda Other small locations are: L'Acebal, El Casar, Socastru and La Vega. References Category:Parishes in Piloña
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Pedro Caino Pedro Caino (29 June 1956 – 14 August 2014) was an Argentine cyclist. He competed in the individual pursuit and team pursuit events at the 1984 Summer Olympics. References Category:1956 births Category:2014 deaths Category:Argentine male cyclists Category:Olympic cyclists of Argentina Category:Cyclists at the 1984 Summer Olympics Category:Sportspeople from La Paz Category:Pan American Games medalists in cycling Category:Pan American Games bronze medalists for Argentina Category:Cyclists at the 1979 Pan American Games
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Yayo Guridi Yayo Guridi (born November 6, 1965 in Villa María, Argentina) is an Argentine actor and comedian. Biography José Carlos Guridi was born and raised in Villa María. He studied and graduated in economics at the National University of Córdoba and would be devoted to that profession for a short time. He was also an adviser to the Ministry of Economy. After performing concerts and presentations for years in cafés and pubs, his rise to fame came in 1995 when he joined the comedy show Videomatch. In that program, he gave mainly performed sketches including high content of absurd, obscene, vulgar and off-color humor. Also conduct a fake Top Ten, entitled "Top Forry" where would perform parodies of music videos from artists like Nino Bravo, The Rolling Stones, Lionel Richie, Bee Gees, Bersuit Vergarabat, among others. From 2008 to 2015 he appeared as part of the cast of Sin codificar, a TV show where the humour was somewhat less vulgar and more innocent. He is left-handed. Filmography Television Movies Awards References External links Category:1965 births Category:Living people Category:Argentine male comedians Category:Argentine people of Basque descent Category:Argentine male film actors Category:Argentine male television actors Category:People from Villa María Category:National University of Córdoba alumni
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6395 Hilliard 6395 Hilliard, provisional designation , is a stony Nysian asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 4.5 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered on 21 October 1990, by Japanese astronomers Yoshio Kushida and Osamu Muramatsu at Yatsugatake South Base Observatory, Japan. The asteroid was later named after the British philanthropic couple Elizabeth and Leslie Hilliard, donors of the Herschel Museum of Astronomy. Orbit and classification Hilliard is a stony member of the Nysa family, a relatively small family named after its namesake 44 Nysa. It orbits the Sun in the inner main-belt at a distance of 1.9–2.9 AU once every 3 years and 9 months (1,369 days). Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.20 and an inclination of 1° with respect to the ecliptic. The asteroid was first found on a precovery image taken at Palomar Observatory in 1949. Its first used observations was taken at Crimea-Nauchnij in 1975, when it was identified as , extending the body's observation arc by 15 years prior to its official discovery observation at Yatsugatake. Physical characteristics Pan-STARRS photometric survey has characterized Hilliard as a common stony S-type asteroid. According to the survey carried out by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer with its subsequent NEOWISE mission, Hilliard measures 4.082 kilometers in diameter and its surface has a high albedo of 0.351, while the Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link assumes a standard albedo for stony asteroids of 0.20 and calculates a large diameter of 4.71 kilometers with on an absolute magnitude of 14.0, as diameter and albedo (reflectivity) are inversely related to each other. Lightcurve No rotational lightcurve of Hilliard has been obtained from photometric observations. In 2006, observations at the RHIT in Terre Haute, Indiana, United States, rendered no observable brightness variation. As of 2017, the body's rotation period and shape remain unknown. Naming This minor planet was named in honor of Elizabeth (1903–2001) and Leslie Hilliard (1905–1997), donors of the Herschel Museum of Astronomy in Bath, England. The museum was formerly the home of astronomer William Herschel, from the garden of which he discovered the planet Uranus in 1781. The official naming citation was published on 9 September 1995 (). References External links Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB), query form (info) Dictionary of Minor Planet Names, Google books Asteroids and comets rotation curves, CdR – Observatoire de Genève, Raoul Behrend Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (5001)-(10000) – Minor Planet Center 006395 Category:Discoveries by Yoshio Kushida Category:Discoveries by Osamu Muramatsu Category:Minor planets named for people Category:Named minor planets 19901021
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AIDS Memoir Quartet String Quartet: An AIDS Activist's Memoir in Music, commonly abbreviated to AIDS Memoir Quartet, is a musical composition by composer Lyle Chan which premiered in 2014. The work has been exclusively performed by the Acacia Quartet. The work chronicles Chan's 6 years as an HIV/AIDS activist at the height of the epidemic in Australia, including importing experimental medications from Los Angeles to Sydney. It is the longest string quartet ever written in Australia About The 90-minute work was sketched in the during the years 1991-1996, but only completed some 20 years later. It contains reflections of historic events, portraits of famous activist friends now dead, and unusual effects like the use of police whistles to recall street demonstrations by ACT UP, the direct action protest group of which Lyle Chan was a core member. In those crisis years, he and fellow activists couriered AIDS treatments from the US that were unavailable in Australia, fiercely lobbied federal government to approve experimental treatments more quickly, and collaborated with drug companies to design clinical trials of promising new treatments. The Melbourne Recital Centre, one of the first presenters of the work, states, "This work tells the story of how activists transformed a stigmatized, fatal disease. Like the autobiographical quartets of Steve Reich or Shostakovich, Lyle Chan's AIDS memoir is in turn harrowing and touching but ultimately an intensely uplifting story of a community that fought against all odds for their lives and won." "Activism is an attempt to reach some kind of normality", he reflected in a 2014 interview, "that you feel is being denied for some reason. Once it became clear, between 1994 and 1996, that we were no longer fighting against a constant backdrop of death, it became possible to imagine a future where every day was not a state of emergency." Asked about the message of the work, he replied, "I don't have an overt 'message', aside from the message that we all should bring beauty into the world, in our deeds and in our relationships. Sometimes, there are obstacles to be overcome in order to do that. For two decades, AIDS was one such obstacle to beauty and love." A typical complete performance lasts 2 hours, without interval. In performance, Lyle Chan speaks onstage between sections of the music – a narrative entirely from memory, telling vivid stories about the events and people of this era. Structure The work is made up of 17 sections played continuously, lasting approximately 90 minutes. In performances where the composer narrates between sets of music, the entire show lasts 2 hours without any breaks. It is the longest string quartet ever written in Australia. In September The Light Changes ACT UP, Part 1 ACT UP, Part 2 Dextran Man, Part 1 Mark and Adrian Are Her Sons, Part 1 Mark and Adrian Are Her Sons, Part 2 Mark and Adrian Are Her Sons, Part 3 Dextran Man, Part 2 Et tu Bruce Night Vigil After Night Vigil Dextran Man, Part 3 Tony-ony Macaroni, Part 1 Tony-ony Macaroni, Part 2 Don't Leave Me This Way Towards Elysium Fairy Tale Ending Notable performances Organised by the presenter Music By The Sea, the world premiere performance of the entire work took place on 5 July 2014 at the Sandgate Town Hall in Brisbane, Australia. The Sydney premiere occurred on 18 July of the same year, organised by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as a live broadcast concert from its Eugene Goossens Hall in Ultimo. Preceding the performance, ABC Classic FM's presenter Julian Day interviewed the composer on air amid breaking news that Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 had been shot down over the Ukraine while carrying passengers destined for the 20th International AIDS Conference that was to be held in Melbourne only a few days later. The performance was dedicated to those killed on Flight MH17 and their loved ones. At the time of the broadcast, a large number of international media reports claimed that over 100 of the passengers were conference delegates. It was subsequently confirmed that the true number of conference delegates on the flight was 6, but it included the scientist Dr Joep Lange, known for his pioneering research on combination therapy to treat HIV infection. Melbourne Recital Centre organised a complete performance in conjunction with the 20th International AIDS Conference on 23 July 2014. The North American premiere took place on 22 June 2016 in Vancouver, Canada, at the invitation of Pride In Art Society for its annual Queer Arts Festival. Other notable performances Along with Dextran Man, Part 1, the 14-minute section Don't Leave Me This Way was performed at the National Gallery of Victoria's exhibition When This You See Remember Me, a retrospective of the work of artist David McDiarmid. This section relates to the underground drug trials that Chan helped organise and in particular tells the story of how the experimental lipid amphotericin was obtained to treat McDiarmid's lymphoma. Chan was one of McDiarmid's medical carers in the year leading to the artist's death from AIDS-related complications in May 1995. The performance was preceded by a 40-minute conversation between the composer and Justice Michael Kirby on stage. Several excerpts were performed by Acacia Quartet on the Global Village stage of the 2014 International AIDS conference. Reception The Quartet has met with widespread critical and audience acclaim. In its review, The Age described the work as "triumphantly articulating a story of humanity amid the gloom of disaster … sometimes words can fail to adequately describe what one witnesses." Limelight Magazine called it "A crushingly powerful work of musical history … A towering piece." SBS newscaster Anton Enus wrote in his personal Twitter account: "Impressive, admirable, so very moving." Renowned American composer John Corigliano said, "Lyle Chan's string quartet is a very ambitious work born out of a seemingly endless plague. Its composer has taken his experiences of living through the enormous tragedy of AIDS and from them has molded a serious and deeply felt work of art." The work was the subject of a half-page feature article in The Australian. In December 2015, LA Weekly contacted Lyle Chan to obtain permission to quote the AIDS Memoir Quartet's program notes about Jim Corti (the real identity of 'Dextran Man' referred to in the music), stating "Chan's post is a fascinating chronicle of what people were willing to do to be of service to a cause, including manufacturing caplets of ddC ("the most illegal thing Jim had ever done") when the FDA refused to approve it and the pharmaceutical companies refused to expand clinical trials. In a second post, Chan recalls when the supply of ddC was interrupted by the '92 L.A. riots — Corti, who was white, lived in South Central." References Category:Compositions for string quartet Category:HIV/AIDS activists Category:HIV/AIDS in Australia Category:Classical music in Australia
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Buinak Buinak (, also Romanized as Bū’īnak and Būynak) is a village in Ilat-e Qaqazan-e Sharqi Rural District, Kuhin District, Qazvin County, Qazvin Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 844, in 199 families. References Category:Populated places in Qazvin County
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2007 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race The 2007 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, sponsored by Rolex, was the 63rd annual running of the "blue water classic" Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. As in past editions of the race, it was hosted by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia based in Sydney, New South Wales. As with previous Sydney to Hobart Yacht Races, the 2007 edition began on Sydney Harbour, at Noon on Boxing Day (26 December 2007), before heading south for 630 nautical miles (1,170 km) through the Tasman Sea, past Bass Strait, into Storm Bay and up the River Derwent, to cross the finish line in Hobart, Tasmania. The 2007 fleet comprised 82 starters, including eight international entries of which 79 completed the race and three yachts retired. It was a notable race for Wild Oats XI equalling Morna/Kurrewa IV's record of three consecutive line honours victories, which Morna achieved in 1946, 1947 and 1948. The American yacht, Rosebud, won the IRC handicap race and, thus, the Tattersalls Cup as the overall winner of the 2007 race. 2007 fleet 82 yachts registered to begin the 2007 Sydney to Hobart Yacht race. They are: Results Line Honours results (Top 10) Handicap results (Top 10) References Category:Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race S Category:2007 in Australian sport Category:December 2007 sports events in Oceania
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Mike O'Rourke (athlete) Mike O'Rourke (Michael David O'Rourke; born 25 August 1955) is a retired javelin thrower from New Zealand. He represented his country at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California and at three Commonwealth Games. He was national champion eight times. O'Rourke was born in Croydon, New South Wales, Australia. Personal bests Pre-1986 specification: 90.58 m NR 1986 specification: 79.00 m Achievements References GBRathletics External links Category:1955 births Category:Living people Category:Australian emigrants to New Zealand Category:New Zealand male javelin throwers Category:Athletes (track and field) at the 1984 Summer Olympics Category:Olympic athletes of New Zealand Category:Commonwealth Games silver medallists for New Zealand Category:Commonwealth Games gold medallists for New Zealand Category:Sportspeople from New South Wales Category:Athletes (track and field) at the 1978 Commonwealth Games Category:Athletes (track and field) at the 1982 Commonwealth Games Category:Athletes (track and field) at the 1990 Commonwealth Games Category:Commonwealth Games medallists in athletics
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Switzerland men's national ball hockey team The Switzerland men's national ball hockey team is the men's national ball hockey team of Switzerland, and a member of the International Street and Ball Hockey Federation (ISBHF). World Championships External links http://www.ssha.ch/ ISBHF Official Site Category:Ball hockey Ball hockey Category:Men's sport in Switzerland
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Chapters from a Vale Forlorn Chapters from a Vale Forlorn is the second album by Swedish power metal band Falconer. Track listing All songs written by Stefan Weinerhall, except where noted. "Decadence of Dignity" – 4:22 "Enter the Glade" – 3:48 "Lament of a Minstrel" – 4:13 "For Life and Liberty" – 6:23 "We Sold Our Homesteads" (Traditional) – 4:11 "The Clarion Call" – 5:47 "Portals of Light" – 4:07 "Stand in Veneration" – 3:34 "Busted to the Floor" – 4:16 The Japanese bonus track is a Swedish folk song written by Björn Afzelius called "En Kungens Man" (3:58) "We Sold Our Homesteads" is a traditional Swedish song - the lyrics were translated into English by Mathias Blad. Credits Mathias Blad - Vocals and Keyboards Stefan Weinerhall - Guitars and Bass Karsten Larsson - Drums Guests Lead Guitar on "Busted to the Floor" by Andy LaRocque. Violin on "Portals of Light" by Sami Yousri. Backing Vocals on "Portals of Light" by Johan Wikström. Flute by Sabine Daniels. Piano on "Portals of Light" and Hammond organ on "Busted to the Floor" by Elias Holmlid (Dragonland). References Category:2002 albums Category:Falconer (band) albums Category:Metal Blade Records albums
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Thomas Blanton Thomas Blanton may refer to: Thomas L. Blanton (1872–1957), United States congressman Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr. (born 1930), co-conspirator in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing Thomas H. Blanton (1895–1965), member of the Virginia Senate
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John Collins (musician/researcher) John Collins is a UK-born guitarist, harmonica player and percussionist who first went to Ghana as a child in 1952 for a brief period and later became involved in the West African music scene after returning to Ghana in 1969. Biography Collins originally accompanied his parents to Ghana in 1952, when his father was setting up the philosophy department at the University of Ghana. Returning to Britain with his mother, on her divorce from his father, Collins was educated in Bristol, Manchester and London, doing a science degree. He was also playing music and when he returned to Ghana in 1969 to study archeology and sociology at the University of Ghana/Legon, he began to play with many local bands and has been involved with West African music ever since. Collins has worked, recorded and played with numerous Ghanaian and Nigerian bands; the Jaguar Jokers, Francis Kenya, E. T. Mensah, Abladei, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Koo Nimo, Kwaa Mensah, Victor Uwaifo, Bob Pinado, the Bunzus, the Black Berets, T.O. Jazz, S. K. Oppong and Atongo Zimba. In the 1970s, Collins ran his own Bokoor highlife guitar band which released 20 songs and, since 1982, he has been running Bokoor Recording Studio eight miles north of Accra. The studio released nine records and 60 commercial cassettes and has released three highlife CDs: Electric Highlife (Naxos label Hong Kong/US, 2002), Vintage Palmwine (Otrabanda, Holland, 2003) and The Guitar and Gun (Sterns/Earthworks, UK, 2003). Careers Collins is a music journalist and writer with over 100 journalistic and academic publications (including seven books published in the UK, US and Ghana) on African popular and neo-traditional music. He has given many radio and television broadcasts, including over 40 for the BBC. In 1978, he wrote and presented the BBC’s first-ever (five-part) series of radio programmes on African popular music called In The African Groove. Collins has been a film consultant/facilitator, working for the BBC’s Repercussions, Brass Unbound by IDTV of Amsterdam, The Highlife Story for Ghana Broadcasting, Highlife for German Huschert Realfilm, African Cross Rhythms by the Danish Loki Films (re-released 1996 as Listen to the Silence by Films for the Humanities & Sciences, New Jersey, US), When the Moment Sings by the Norwegian Visions company, Ghanaian Art Music by Bavarian TV and One Giant Leap/Astronaut music-video for Palm Pictures/Island Records. In 1995 he joined the University of Ghana, where he has taught African popular music, the history and sociology of music. Education Collins obtained his first degree (sociology and archaeology) from the University of Ghana in 1972 and his Doctorate in ethnomusicology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He has given lectures and workshop in Canada, the US, the UK, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, the Caribbean, Ghana and the Cote d'Ivoire. He has been a resident research-fellow at the North-Western University African Studies Department at Evanston in the US and at Dartmouth Art College in the West of England. Activities in Ghana Collins was on the Executive of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) in the 1970s and, together with Professor J. H. K. Nketia and the Ghanaian folk-guitarist Koo Nimo, was in 1987 made an honorary life-member of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM). During the 1990s, Collins was technical director of the three-year joint University of Ghana African Studies Department/Mainz African Music Re-documentation Project, and for seven years was with the Ghana National Folklore Board of Trustees/Copyright Administration. In summer 2000 Collins teamed up with fellow guitarist Koo Nimo and went on a performance tour of the US eastern seaboard with him. Recent work Currently, Collins is running his Bokoor Studio as a mobile one. He is the acting chairman of the Bokoor African Popular Music Archives Foundation (BAPMAF), formed in 1990. He is PRO for the Old Ghanaian Musicians Welfare Association (GOMAWA), consultant for MUSIGA, patron of the Afrika Obonu music therapy drum group and consultant for a World Bank project to assist the African music industry. He is also a Full Professor at the Music Department of the University of Ghana, Legon, from where he runs (with Aaron Bebe Sukura) the Local Dimension highlife band that toured Europe in 2002, 2004 and 2006 and released a CD in 2003 entitled N’Yong on the French Disques Arion label. He has also done some research into and documentation of highlife, a Ghanaian popular music. References External links "African Musical Symbolism in Contemporary Perspective", by John Collins - by-nc-sa John Collins Discography and Videography "John Collins & 45 days of Music", Digging 4 Gold, 23 October 2011. Category:Living people Category:Year of birth missing (living people) Category:Ghanaian musicologists Category:Ghanaian musicians
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Gwaneumsa Gwaneumsa or Kwanumsa can refer to various Korean Buddhist temples: Gwaneumsa (Seoul), in Gwanak-gu, Seoul Kwanumsa (Kaesong) in Kaesŏng
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Baccara (film) Baccara is a 1935 French comedy film directed by Yves Mirande. The film's music was composed by Jean Lenoir. Cast Marcelle Chantal Lucien Baroux Jules Berry Marcel André Paul Clerget Léon Arvel Emile Saulieu Claude Marty Jean Gobet Pierre Piérade Pierre Sarda Michel Serrault References External links Category:1935 films Category:French-language films Category:French crime comedy films Category:French films Category:1930s crime comedy films Category:French black-and-white films
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Front bench (Ireland) A front bench in Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the Oireachtas of Ireland, refers to any organised group of party members who holds any degree of speaking power (derived from the party) on specific issues. The Teachtaí Dála (TDs) who are members of the Government of Ireland constitutes the government front bench, while the members of parties in declared opposition to the government constitute the opposition front bench. Third parties (those who may not be in government or opposition) may only form front benches with the power to speak or be recognised by the Ceann Comhairle if such parties number at least seven TDs. In order to attain the right to speak in session, parties and independents can ally themselves into coalitions known as technical groups of at least 7 TDs. An analogous term in other Westminster-based systems is the cross bench (as opposed to the front bench or back bench). Despite the frequent necessity for coalitions in front benches, each party retains its own front bench spokespersons analogous (but not exclusively analogous) to government departments. When a smaller party is participant in a coalition, its own party front bench is semi-subservient to the coalition's agreed-upon front bench roster. List of front benches Current front benches Government of the 32nd Dáil Fine Gael Front Bench Opposition Front Bench Fianna Fáil Front Bench Sinn Féin Front Bench Labour Party Front Bench Green Party Front Bench Technical group Category:Politics of the Republic of Ireland
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Valentín Carderera Valentín Carderera y Solano (14 February 1796, Huesca - 25 March 1880, Madrid) was a Spanish painter, erudite scholar and collector. He was named honorary court painter during the reign of Isabel II. Biography He attended the , where he studied philosophy then, thanks to the patronage of José de Palafox, studied drawing in Zaragoza with and painting in Madrid in the Royal Academy of Arts, where his teachers were Mariano Salvador Maella and José de Madrazo. In 1822, he won a grant to study in Rome, awarded by José António, Duke of Villahermosa. He remained in Italy until 1831, travelling widely and creating sketches and watercolours. Back to Spain, in 1836, he received a commission to make an inventory of the nationalised works of art from suppressed monasteries in Castile. From 1838, he was a governing member of the board at the Museo Real de Pintura y Escultura. He was also a member of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, where he taught art history and, from 1843, he held a chair at the Real Academia de la Historia. In 1873, he helped establish the by donating paintings from his own collection. His most familiar works are portraits of famous Spaniards throughout history; gathered together in a large anthology called Iconografía Española (1855, enlarged in 1864), which constitutes his magnum opus. In order to defray the costs of publication, he had to sell his collection of drawings and prints to the Biblioteca Nacional. As a writer, he also contributed regular essays on cultural subjects to El Artista, Semanario Pintoresco Español, El Museo Universal and the French Gazette des Beaux-Arts. In 1866, he edited the first edition of the Discursos practicables del nobilísimo arte de la pintura, written in 1675 by Jusepe Martínez. As a collector, he was particularly fond of the drawings and engravings of Francisco de Goya and owned a large collection of them. In 1835, he wrote the first substantial biography of Goya, which was published in the journal El Artista. Writings Catálogo y descripción sumaria de retratos antiguos... coleccionados por D. Valentin Carderera y Solano, M. Tello, 1877. Iconografía española : Colección de retratos, estaluas, mausoleos y demás monumentos inéditos de reyes, reinas, grandes capitanes, escritores, etc. desde el siglo XI hasta el XVII, copiados de los originales por... Valentin Carderera y Solano... con texto biográfico y descriptivo, en español y francés, in two volumes, R. Campuzano, 1855-1864. Informe sobre los retratos de Cristobal Colon, su trage y escudo de armas. Leído á la real Academia de la historia, por su autor Don Valentin Carderera. Imprenta de la Real Academia de la Historia, 1851 Full text online @ Google Books. References External links More works by Carderera @ the Biblioteca Digital Hispánica Category:1796 births Category:1880 deaths Category:19th-century Spanish painters Category:Spanish male painters Category:Spanish portrait painters Category:Spanish art critics Category:Spanish art directors Category:People from Huesca
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
United States v. Wheeler (1920) United States v. Wheeler, 254 U.S. 281 (1920), is an 8-to-1 ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States that held that the Constitution alone did not grant the federal government the power to prosecute kidnappers, and only the states had the authority to punish a private citizen's unlawful violation of another's freedom of movement. The case was a landmark interpretation of the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution, and contained a classic legal statement of the right to travel which continues to undergird American jurisprudence. Background On June 26, 1917, Local 800 of the Industrial Workers of the World (or IWW, a labor union), struck the Phelps Dodge Corporation and other mining companies in the town of Bisbee, Arizona. Nearly 3,000 miners (about 38% of the town's total population) walked out. The strike was a peaceful one. However, Walter S. Douglas, the president of Phelps Dodge, was determined to break the strike. On July 11, Douglas and other Phelps Dodge corporate executives met with Cochise County Sheriff Harry Wheeler to conspire to seize, by force of arms, all the striking workers, forcibly transport (deport) them several hundred miles away from Bisbee, and abandon them in another desert town without food, clothing or funds. To this end, Sheriff Wheeler recruited and deputized 2,200 men from Bisbee and the nearby town of Douglas to act as a posse. Phelps Dodge officials also met with executives of the El Paso and Southwestern Railroad, who agreed to provide rail transportation for any deportees. Phelps Dodge and the other employers provided Sheriff Wheeler with a list of all the men on strike, as well as suspected IWW sympathizers. At 6:30 a.m. on the morning of July 12, the 2,200 deputies moved through town and arrested every man on their list as well as any man who refused to work in the mines. About 2,000 men were seized and taken by armed guards to a baseball stadium two miles away. Several hundred men were freed after being permitted to denounce the IWW. At 11:00 a.m., 23 cattle cars belonging to the El Paso and Southwestern Railroad arrived in Bisbee, and the remaining 1,286 arrestees were forced at gunpoint to board the train. The detainees were transported for 16 h through the desert without food or water. They were unloaded at Hermanas, New Mexico without money or transportation at 3:00 a.m. on July 13 and told not to return to Bisbee or they would suffer physical harm. The Luna County sheriff and New Mexico Governor Washington E. Lindsey contacted President Woodrow Wilson for assistance. Wilson ordered US Army troops to escort the men to Columbus, New Mexico. The deportees were housed in tents meant for Mexican refugees who had fled across the border to escape the Army's Pancho Villa Expedition. The men were allowed to stay in the camp until September 17, 1917. Sheriff Wheeler established armed guards at all entrances to Bisbee and Douglas. Any citizen seeking to exit or enter the town over the next several months had to have a "passport" issued by Wheeler. Any adult male in town who was not known to the sheriff's men was brought before a secret sheriff's kangaroo court. Hundreds of citizens were tried, and most of them deported and threatened with lynching if they returned. The deported citizens of Bisbee pleaded with President Wilson for law enforcement assistance in returning to their homes. In October 1917, Wilson appointed a commission of five individuals, led by Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson (with assistance from Assistant Secretary of Labor Felix Frankfurter), to investigate labor disputes in Arizona. The commission heard testimony during the first five days of November 1917. In its final report, issued on November 6, 1917, the commission declared the deportations "wholly illegal and without authority in law, either State or Federal." On May 15, 1918, the U.S. Department of Justice ordered the arrest of 21 mining company executives and several Bisbee and Cochise County elected leaders and law enforcement officers. The indictment contained four counts. Three counts alleged conspiracy to violate §19 of the United States Criminal Code. A fourth count was dropped before trial. The indictments did not reference any federal law as there was no law in existence at the time made kidnapping (or abduction, felonious or unlawful restraint, or felonious or unlawful imprisonment) a crime. Thus, the government was forced to rely on a dubious claim of an implied federal power in order to prosecute Wheeler and the others. The defense, led by a Phelps Dodge corporate attorney (provided pro bono), filed a pre-trial motion in a federal district court to release the 21 men on the grounds that no federal laws had been violated. In Wheeler v. United States, 254 Fed. Rep. 611 (1919), the district court threw out the indictments on the grounds that, absent specific statutory authorization, the Constitution did not grant the United States the authority to punish the alleged illegal acts. The Justice Department appealed to the Supreme Court. W. C. Herron, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney and brother-in-law of former President William Howard Taft, argued the case for the United States. Former Associate Justice and future Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes led the team which argued the case for Phelps Dodge. Decision Chief Justice Edward Douglass White wrote the opinion for the 8–1 majority, in which the judgment of the district court was affirmed. Associate Justice John Hessin Clarke dissented, but wrote no opinion. White opened the majority's decision by reviewing at length the four indictments and briefly describing the ruling of the federal district court. Then, in a section widely quoted in American jurisprudence for the next century, White described the fundamental right which was at issue: In all the States from the beginning down to the adoption of the Articles of Confederation the citizens thereof possessed the fundamental right, inherent in citizens of all free governments, peacefully to dwell within the limits of their respective States, to move at will from place to place therein, and to have free ingress thereto and egress therefrom, with a consequent authority in the States to forbid and punish violations of this fundamental right. White next outlined the history of the "privileges and immunities" clause of Article IV, Sec. 2, of the Constitution. In the space of less than one sentence, White came to the landmark conclusion that only the states had enforcement authority over the "privileges and immunities" mentioned in Article IV. The "privileges and immunity" clause, White wrote, was a linear descendant of a similar if limited clause in the Articles of Confederation. "[The] Constitution plainly intended to preserve and enforce the limitation..." White reasoned, and thus "the continued possession by the States of the reserved power to deal with free residence, ingress and egress, cannot be denied." The principle of comity enshrined in Art. IV, Sec. 2, is one of the most fundamental principles in the Constitution, White claimed. It was, he asserted, the very basis for the Union. The right encompassed not only travel between the separate states but also movement within a state, but while the Constitution fused these two rights into one, it reserved exclusively to the states the power to enforce these rights, except when a state violated the rule of comity. Relying exclusively on the Slaughter-House Cases, and United States v. Harris, White noted that Art. IV, Sec. 2, may be invoked solely when a state actor is involved. White distinguished Crandall v. Nevada, by noting that that decision had involved state action. Aftermath In United States v. Wheeler, the majority never discussed whether Sheriff Wheeler had acted in his capacity as a state actor. It remains unclear whether the government even raised the issue at trial or on appeal. United States v. Wheeler identified a major omission in federal criminal law (the lack of a federal kidnapping statute), but it would take a major national tragedy to rectify the problem. In most common law jurisdictions, kidnapping had been outlawed by the courts, not by statute, but the Supreme Court had held in United States v. Hudson and Goodwin that the Constitution prohibited common law crimes. It was only after the Lindbergh kidnapping in 1932, which ended in the death of 21-month-old Charles Lindbergh, Jr., that Congress passed the Federal Kidnapping Act, which prohibited kidnapping. Several of the deported citizens brought civil actions against Wheeler, Douglas and the others. But in State v. Wootton, Crim. No. 2685 (Cochise County, Ariz. September 13, 1919), a jury refused to find in favor of the complainants and give them relief. Defendant Wootton argued that the IWW members were such a threat to public safety that necessity demanded their removal. The jury agreed, making this one of the rare times in American law in which the necessity defense was successfully used. After this failure at law, nearly all the remaining civil suits were dropped (although a handful were settled for small sums of money). Few, if any, of the deported citizens ever returned to Bisbee. Assessment United States v. Wheeler did not have a direct major impact on American constitutional law. The case was only one of a long line of decisions which extended as far back as the circuit court ruling in Corfield v. Coryell, and included the Supreme Court decisions in Paul v. Virginia, Ward v. Maryland, the Slaughter-House Cases and United States v. Harris. All the decisions rejected federal protection of important constitutional rights. Still, although Wheeler stood firmly in the middle of an established stream of constitutional law, the Supreme Court itself began rejecting the rationales contained in Wheeler a few years later. Finally, in United States v. Guest, the Supreme Court overruled Chief Justice White's conclusion that the federal government could protect the right to travel only against state infringement. Indirectly, however, United States v. Wheeler had a much larger impact. For many years, the roots of the Constitution's "privileges and immunities" clause had not been clearly determined. In 1823, the circuit court in Corfield had provided a list of the rights (some fundamental, some not) that the clause could cover. The Wheeler court dramatically changed this. By reasoning that the clause derived from Article IV of the Articles of Confederation, the decision suggested a narrower set of rights than those enumerated in Corfield, but also more clearly defined those rights as absolutely fundamental. The right to travel and what that implies Among the rights specifically mentioned in United States v. Wheeler is the right to travel. The right to travel had been mentioned in Corfield and recognized as a fundamental right. But the Wheeler court was the first to locate the right in the privileges and immunities clause, providing the right with a specific guarantee of constitutional protection. Chief Justice White's statement of the right to travel (quoted above) is frequently cited by courts even in the early 21st century and remains the classic formulation of the right to travel. The Supreme Court's rejection of Wheeler's state actor rationale but acceptance of its strong defense of the right to travel led to a number of additional court decisions and the establishment of a new constitutional test. In Kent v. Dulles, the Court held that the federal government may not restrict the right to travel without due process. Six years later, the Court struck down a federal ban restricting travel by communists. But the court struggled to find a way to protect legitimate government interests (such as national security) in light of these decisions. Just a year after Aptheker, the Supreme Court fashioned the rational relationship test for constitutionality in Zemel v. Rusk, as a way of reconciling the rights of the individual with the interests of the state. The Wheeler Court's establishment of a strong constitutional right to travel has also had far-reaching and unintended effects. For example, the Supreme Court overturned state prohibitions on welfare payments to individuals who had not resided within the jurisdiction for at least one year as an impermissible burden on the right to travel. The Court has used Wheeler to strike down one-year residency requirements for voting in state elections, one-year waiting periods before receiving state-provided medical care, civil service preferences for state veterans, and higher fishing and hunting license fees for out-of-state residents. The Wheeler decision may yet have even farther-reaching implications. The Supreme Court has acknowledged that freedom of movement is closely related to freedom of association and to freedom of expression. Strong constitutional protection for the right to travel may have significant implications for state attempts to limit abortion rights, ban or refuse to recognize same-sex marriage, and enact anti-crime or consumer protection laws. Wheeler may even undermine current Court-fashioned concepts of federalism. See also List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 254 Notes External links Category:1920 in United States case law Category:Privileges and Immunities case law Category:United States Supreme Court cases Category:United States Supreme Court cases of the White Court Category:Industrial Workers of the World Category:Phelps Dodge Category:History of Cochise County, Arizona Category:Kidnappings in the United States
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Chrysobothris monticola Chrysobothris monticola is a species of metallic wood-boring beetle in the family Buprestidae. It is found in North America. References Further reading Category:Buprestidae Category:Articles created by Qbugbot Category:Beetles described in 1910
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Frederic Remington (politician) Frederic Remington (born November 14, 1929 in Elizabeth, New Jersey) is an American Republican Party politician who served in the New Jersey General Assembly from 1978 to 1982. Early life and business career Remington graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in Elizabeth, and Temple University. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard. He was the Vice President and Director of the Peerless Tube Company. Peerless Tube, a family business, was among the first companies to incorporate plastic caps and necks in its squeezable metal tubes designed for toothpaste, paints and medicines. Political career In 1967, Remington became a candidate for the New Jersey State Senate, but lost the Republican Primary by just 156 votes, 19,243 to 19,087, to Milton Waldor, who went on to win the General Election. He ran again for State Senator in 1971, winning the GOP primary but losing the General Election by nearly 12,000 votes. Remington was elected to serve as the Republican State Committeeman from Essex County in 1969, and was re-elected in 1973. He was elected Essex County Republican Chairman in 1973, and was re-elected in 1975 against a strong challenge from former State Senator C. Robert Sarcone. When Thomas Kean gave up his State Assembly seat in 1977 to run for Governor of New Jersey, Remington became a candidate for the New Jersey General Assembly. He won the Republican Primary, finishing second in a field of seven candidates; he defeated Wayne Mayor Newton Miller by 1,237 votes, 7,685 to 6,448. In the General Election Coburn lost by 7,330 votes; , Remington defeated Livingston Mayor Donald S. Coburn by 7,330 votes; incumbent Jane Burgio was the top vote getter with 34,859, followed by Remington (30,754), Coburn (23,434) and Bernard Reiner, a History Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University (21,553). He was re-elected in 1979, defeating a well-financed campaign from Democrat Jim Bildner, the heir to the Kings Supermarket fortune. Remington won by 1,964 votes, 20,258 to 18,294. In 1981, James Wallwork gave up his New Jersey Senate seat to become a Republican gubernatorial candidate. Burgio and Remington both wanted to run for the Senate, but when their shared hometown of North Caldwell, New Jersey was moved into a different district, neither of them ran for anything. Remington's top aide in the Assembly was Ruth Stevenson. References Category:Members of the New Jersey General Assembly Category:New Jersey Republicans Category:American business executives Category:United States Coast Guard personnel Category:Temple University alumni Category:Politicians from Elizabeth, New Jersey Category:People from North Caldwell, New Jersey Category:Living people Category:1929 births
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Penfold Penfold may refer to: Penfold, pillar box designed by John Penfold People Penfold (surname) Other Ernest Penfold, character from the animated series Danger Mouse Penfolds, Australian wine label Penfolds Grange, Australian wine produced by that label Penfold Golf, British manufacturer of golf balls Penfold Park (also called Penfold Garden), public park in Sha Tin, Hong Kong Penfold PGA Championship, annual professional golf tournament Penfold Tournament, former professional golf tournament (1932–1974) Penfold (Band), American emo band
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Taynuilt railway station Taynuilt railway station is a railway station serving the village of Taynuilt in western Scotland. This station is on the Oban branch of the West Highland Line, originally part of the Callander and Oban Railway. History Taynuilt station opened on 1 July 1880, when the Callander and Oban Railway was extended from Dalmally to Oban. The station was laid out with two platforms, one on either side of a crossing loop. There are two sidings on the south side of the station. On 11 January 1987, the crossing loop was altered to right-hand running. The original Down platform has thus become the Up platform, and vice versa. The change was made in order to simplify shunting at this station, by removing the need to hand-pump the train-operated loop points to access the sidings. Signalling From the time of its opening in 1880, the single line between Dalmally and Oban was worked by the electric token system, this being the first ever application of that system in everyday service. Taynuilt signal box, which replaced the original box on 24 March 1921, was located at the west end of the station, on the south side of the line. It had 16 levers. Taynuilt lost all its semaphore signals on 16 February 1986, in preparation for Radio Electronic Token Block (RETB) signalling. RETB was commissioned between Crianlarich and Taynuilt on 27 March 1988. Taynuilt signal box did not close until 24 April of that year, when the RETB spread west to Oban. The redundant signal box was later relocated to the opposite end of the station, where it is currently in a semi-derelict state. The Train Protection & Warning System was installed in 2003. Services There are 7 departures in each direction Mondays to Saturdays(6 on Saturdays), eastbound to and westbound to . On weekdays only, an additional service in each direction between and Oban calls here in the late afternoon. On Sundays, there are 3 departures each way throughout the year, plus a fourth in the summer from late June-August runs to Edinburgh Waverley. Notes References Category:Railway stations in Argyll and Bute Category:Former Caledonian Railway stations Category:Railway stations opened in 1880 Category:Railway stations served by Abellio ScotRail
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Valentin Rumyantsev Valentin Vital'yevich Rumyantsev (ru: Валенти́н Вита́льевич Румя́нцев) (19 July 1921, Novaya Skatovka, Saratov region — 10 June 2007, Moscow) — Russian specialist in mechanics, stability theory and control. Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992), Department of Engineering, Mechanics and Control. Professor of the Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Mecatronics. Editor of the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (). Corresponding member (1995), member (2000) of International Academy of Astronautics (France, Paris). Category:1921 births Category:2007 deaths Category:Early spaceflight scientists Category:Corresponding Members of the USSR Academy of Sciences Category:Full Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences Category:Russian scientists Category:Soviet scientists Category:Soviet space program personnel Category:Moscow State University faculty
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Semien Mi'irabawi Zone Semien Mi'irabawi or Semien Mi'irab; ሰሜን ምዕራብ in Tigrinya (or "North Western") is one of the Zones in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia. It is bordered on the east by the maekelay (Central) Zone, the south by the Amhara Region, the west by the Mi'irabawi (Western) Zone and on the north by Eritrea. The Zone is subdivided into the six woredas (districts) of Asigede Tsimbela, La'ilay Adiyabo, Medebay Zana, Tahtay Adiyabo, Tahtay Koraro and Tselemti. Major towns and cities in the zone include Inda Selassie, Sheraro, Inda Aba Guna, Selekleka, Adi Daero, May Tsebri. Semien Mi'irabawi was split off from Mi'irabawi Zone in 2005.. Demographics Based on the 2007 Census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), this Zone has a total population of 736,805, of whom 368,254 are men and 368,551 women; 107,999 or 14.66% are urban inhabitants. Two largest ethnic groups reported in Semien Mi'irabawi were the Tigray (96.81%), and Amhara (1.58%); all other ethnic groups made up 1.61% of the population. Tigrinya is spoken as a first language by 95.6, and Amharic by 2.8%; the remaining 1.6% spoke all other primary languages reported. 96.76% of the population said they were Orthodox Christians, and 3.04% were Muslim. Notes Category:Tigray Region Category:Zones of Ethiopia
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Gertjan Verbeek Gertjan Verbeek (; born 1 August 1962) is a Dutch footballer and current manager for A-League club Adelaide United. Coaching career Netherlands After retiring from his playing career in 1994, Verbeek stayed with SC Heerenveen as an assistant-coach. He left for Heracles Almelo in 2001, and after a successful stint there was hired as the successor to Foppe de Haan with SC Heerenveen. In 2008, he was hired by Feyenoord, but was fired after clashing with players a few months into his tenure. He moved to Heracles Almelo for the 2009–2010 season, and after guiding them to a 6th-place finish in the Eredivisie, AZ hired him for the 2010–2011 season. Verbeek caused controversy in December 2011 in a 2011–12 KNVB Cup match against Ajax by leading AZ off the pitch in protest at having their goalkeeper Esteban Alvarado sent off for retaliating against a pitch invader. The game was consequently abandoned. On 29 September 2013, AZ fired him due to lack of chemistry with the players. Germany The German football club 1. FC Nürnberg hired him on 22 October 2013, giving him the first coaching opportunity outside of Netherlands, with a contract until 30 June 2015. However, he was sacked on 23 April 2014. On 22 December 2014, the VfL Bochum announced signing Verbeek as head coach, starting 1 January 2015. In his return to Nuremberg on 23 March 2015, Bochum defeated 1. FC Nürnberg 2–1. He was sacked on 11 July 2017. Twente On 29 October 2017 he returned to management in his native Holland, where he signed with FC Twente, which was going through a disastrous campaign of the 2017-18 Eredivisie.. On 26 March, after 149 days, Verbeek was fired as FC Twente's manager, with the team at the bottom of the table with six games remaining of the season. Adelaide United On 23 May 2019, Verbeek was officially announced as Marco Kurz' replacement as manager for A-League club Adelaide United. Verbeek led Adelaide United to their third FFA Cup victory by defeating Melbourne City 4–0 at Coopers Stadium. Career statistics Playing career Coaching record Honours AZ KNVB Cup: 2012–13 Adelaide FFA Cup: 2019 References Category:Living people Category:1962 births Category:Sportspeople from Deventer Category:Dutch footballers Category:Dutch association football commentators Category:Association football defenders Category:Eredivisie players Category:Eerste Divisie players Category:SC Heerenveen players Category:Heracles Almelo players Category:Dutch football managers Category:Dutch expatriate football managers Category:Dutch expatriates in Australia Category:Dutch expatriates in Germany Category:Expatriate soccer managers in Australia Category:Expatriate football managers in Germany Category:Eredivisie managers Category:Bundesliga managers Category:A-League managers Category:Feyenoord managers Category:Heracles Almelo managers Category:SC Heerenveen managers Category:AZ Alkmaar managers Category:1. FC Nürnberg managers Category:VfL Bochum managers Category:FC Twente managers Category:Adelaide United FC managers
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
VP1 VP1 or VP-1 may refer to: VP1: Viral Protein 1, a name used for the largest, most abundant, or first discovered protein component of the capsids of several virus families Major capsid protein VP1, a main component of the polyomavirus capsid VP1, a virtual machine architecture conceptually similar to Java VP-1: Evans VP-1 Volksplane, an aircraft designed for amateur construction VP-1, an active patrol squadron of the United States Navy, the fifth Navy squadron to be designated VP-1
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Albergoni family Albergoni was nobility of Italy from Lombardy. Their coat of arms was blue in the shield, featuring a golden lion and three stars above. References Category:Italian noble families
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Brijesta Brijesta is a village in the municipality of Ston, Croatia. References Category:Populated places in Dubrovnik-Neretva County
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Talk box A talk box is an effects unit that allows musicians to modify the sound of a musical instrument by shaping the frequency content of the sound and to apply speech sounds (in the same way as singing) onto the sounds of the instrument. Typically, a talk box directs sound from the instrument into the musician's mouth by means of a plastic tube adjacent to their vocal microphone. The musician controls the modification of the instrument's sound by changing the shape of the mouth, "vocalizing" the instrument's output into a microphone. Overview A talk box is usually an effects pedal that sits on the floor and contains a speaker attached with an airtight connection to a plastic tube; however, it can come in other forms, including homemade, usually crude, versions, and higher quality custom-made versions. The speaker is generally in the form of a compression driver, the sound-generating part of a horn loudspeaker with the horn replaced by the tube connection. The box has connectors for the connection to the speaker output of an instrument amplifier and a connection to a normal instrument speaker. A foot-operated switch on the box directs the sound either to the talk box speaker or to the normal speaker. The switch is usually a push-on/push-off type. The other end of the tube is taped to the side of a microphone, extending enough to direct the reproduced sound in or near the performer's mouth. When activated, the sound from the amplifier is reproduced by the speaker in the talk box and directed through the tube into the performer's mouth. The shape of the mouth filters the sound, with the modified sound being picked up by the microphone. The shape of the mouth changes the harmonic content of the sound in the same way it affects the harmonic content generated by the vocal folds when speaking. The performer can vary the shape of the mouth and position of the tongue, changing the sound of the instrument being reproduced by the talk box speaker. The performer can mouth words, with the resulting effect sounding as though the instrument is speaking. This "shaped" sound exits the performer's mouth, and when it enters a microphone, an instrument/voice hybrid is heard. The sound can be that of any musical instrument, but the effect is most commonly associated with the guitar. The rich harmonics of an electric guitar are shaped by the mouth, producing a sound very similar to voice, effectively allowing the guitar to appear to "speak." The effect produced by talk boxes and vocoders are often conflated by listeners. However, they have radically different mechanisms for achieving the effect. Talk boxes send the carrier signal into the singer's mouth, where it is then modulated by the singer themselves. On the other hand, vocoders process both the carrier and the modulator signal integrally, producing the output as a separate electric signal. In addition, they are also more common in different genres: a talk box is often found in rock music due to its typical pairing with a guitar, whereas vocoders are almost always paired with synthesizers, and as such, are ubiquitous in electronic music. History Singing guitar In 1939, Alvino Rey, amateur radio operator W6UK, used a carbon throat microphone wired in such a way as to modulate his electric steel guitar sound. The mic, originally developed for military pilot communications, was placed on the throat of Rey's wife Luise King (one of The King Sisters), who stood behind a curtain and mouthed the words, along with the guitar lines. The novel-sounding combination was called "Singing Guitar", and employed on stage and in the movie Jam Session, as a "novelty" attraction, but was not developed further. Rey also created a somewhat similar "talking" effect by manipulating the tone controls of his Fender electric guitar, but the vocal effect was less pronounced. Sonovox Another early voice effect using the same principle of the throat as a filter was the Sonovox, invented by Gilbert Wright in 1939. Instead of a throat microphone modulating a guitar signal, it used small transducers attached to the performer's throat to pick up voice sounds. The Sonovox was marketed and promoted by the Wright-Sonovox company, an affiliate of the Free & Peters advertising agency. The Sonovox was used in many radio station IDs and jingles produced by JAM Creative Productions and the PAMS advertising agency of Dallas, Texas. Lucille Ball made one of her earliest film appearances during the 1930s in a Pathé Newsreel demonstrating the Sonovox. The first use in music was a score by Ernst Toch in the Paramount Picture "The Ghost Breakers", in June 1940. The Sonovox also appeared in the 1940 film You'll Find Out starring Kay Kyser and his orchestra, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, and Peter Lorre. Lugosi uses the Sonovox to portray the voice of a dead person during a seance. The Sonovox was used in films such as A Letter to Three Wives (1949), Possessed (1947), The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947), The Good Humor Man (1950), the voice of Casey Junior the train in Dumbo (1941) and The Reluctant Dragon (1941). It was heard on the piano in Sparky's Magic Piano, and the airplane in Whizzer The Talking Airplane (1947). The Sonovox was also used to give the impression instruments "talking" in the children's album Rusty in Orchestraville (1949). British rock band The Who included a piece on their 1967 album, The Who Sell Out, that consisted of the days of the week "spoken" by electric guitar chords using the Sonovox. This recording was in fact a radio jingle created by PAMS. Talking steel guitar Pete Drake, a Nashville-based player of the pedal steel guitar, used a talk box on his 1964 album Forever, in what came to be called his "talking steel guitar". The following year Gallant released three albums with the box, Pete Drake & His Talking Guitar, Talking Steel and Singing Strings, and Talking Steel Guitar. Drake's device consisted of an 8-inch paper cone speaker driver attached to a funnel from which a clear tube brought the sound to the performer's mouth. It was only loud enough to be useful in the recording studio. Another prominent use of the talking steel guitar appears in The Ventures' Christmas Album, released in 1965. In the song "Silver Bells", Red Rhodes spoke through a talk box, distorting the phrase silver bells. Kustom Electronics Talk Box (The Bag) The Kustom Electronics device, "The Bag," was the first mass market talk box and was housed in a decorative bag slung over the shoulder like a wine bottle. It used a 30-watt driver and was released to the mass music market in early 1969, two years before Bob Heil's Talk Box became widely available. The Bag is claimed to have been designed by Doug Forbes, who states that exactly the same concept (speaker attached to a plastic tube and inserted into the mouth) had previously been patented as an artificial larynx. John Kay of Steppenwolf used the Kustom Electronics Talk Box (The Bag) in studio recordings and live performances beginning in 1969. On the album Steppenwolf Live recorded in January 1970, the Kustom Bag talk box can clearly be heard on the tracks "From Here To There Eventually", "Hey Lawdy Mama" and "Twisted". Kay was observed using a Kustom Electronics talk box on stage in Charlotte, North Carolina in June 1970 and at two shows in New Jersey (Wildwood and Cherry Hill) in 1971. Steppenwolf appeared on the live music TV shows The Midnight Special and Don Kirshner's Rock Concert and lead guitarist Bobby Cochran as well as John Kay used the Kustom Bag. Two other early examples of a Kustom Electronics talk box being used on studio recordings are Sly and the Family Stone's "Sex Machine" from their album Stand! and Al Kooper with Shuggie Otis' "One Room Country Shack" from their album Kooper Session, both released in 1969. The band Iron Butterfly used a talk box in the song "Butterfly Bleu" from the album Metamorphosis in 1970. Alvin Lee used a talk box for the Ten Years After song "I Say Yeah" from the album Watt in 1970. Young-Holt Unlimited featured a talk box on their song "Wah-Wah Man", also released in 1970, on the album Born Again. Stevie Wonder first used a talk box on his album Music of My Mind in early 1972. The Osmonds used a talk box on their 1972 track "Hold Her Tight." John Rebourn used a talk box on the song "Back on the Road Again" in 1972 on his "Faro Annie" album. The Crusaders featured a talk box on the album "Southern Comfort" in 1974 – notably on the song "Greasy Spoon". Jeff Beck used the Kustom Bag talk box on "She's A Woman" from his 1975 release Blow by Blow, and was seen using it for the song on BBC television program "Five Faces of the Guitar" in 1974 in which he also explains its use to the host of the show. Heil High Powered Talk Box The first high-powered Talk Box was developed by Bob Heil. Heil came up with the first high-powered Talk Box that could be reliable when used on high-level rock stages. His first Heil Talk Box was built for Joe Walsh's Barnstorm tour. Heil and Walsh, both avid ham radio operators (K9EID and WB6ACU, respectively), along with Walsh's guitar tech "Krinkle", combined a 250-watt JBL driver and suitable hi-pass filter which was used for Walsh's single "Rocky Mountain Way". Walsh gives credit to Bill West, an electrical engineer, Nashville steel guitarist and first husband of country music legend Dottie West, for inventing the talk box for him in the May 2012 issue of Guitar World magazine. Pete Townshend, in his 2012 autobiography Who I Am, claimed to have invented a version of the Talk Box during a Who tour of the US in 1976. "I built a speaker in a small box, attached a tube and put the tube in my mouth, allowing me to speak music." In 1988, Heil sold the manufacturing rights to Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc., which currently builds the Heil Talk Box to the exact standards that Heil designed in 1973. The 1974 hit single "Tell Me Something Good", performed by Rufus and Chaka Khan and written by Stevie Wonder, which peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100, was among the earliest hits to use the guitar talk box. In an interview for the 1999 DVD Live in Detroit, Peter Frampton says he first heard the talk box in 1970 while sitting in on sessions for George Harrison's All Things Must Pass. While he sat next to Pete Drake in the album sessions at Abbey Road studio, he heard Pete using it with a pedal steel guitar. Frampton said in the same interview that the sound it produced reminded him of an audio effect he loved listening to on Radio Luxembourg in the later 1960s. Frampton acquired one as a Christmas present from Bob Heil in 1974. It was a hand-built Talk Box in a fiberglass box using a 100-watt high-powered driver. This was the Heil Talk Box used for the Frampton Comes Alive tour and album. He then promptly locked himself away in a practice space for two weeks, and came out with some mastery of it. Due to the success of the albums Frampton and Frampton Comes Alive!, and particularly the hit singles "Do You Feel Like We Do" and "Show Me the Way", Frampton has become somewhat synonymous with the talk box. Peter Frampton also now sells his own line of custom-designed "Framptone" products, including a talk box. In 1972 Todd Rundgren used a Talk Box on the album Something/Anything? on the instrumental track, "Breathless". Over a synthesized background his VCS3 synthesizer repeatedly "sings" the words "I am so breathless", which can be taken as a reference to the Talk Box. In 1975, Nazareth lead singer Dan McCafferty used a talk box in the popular single "Hair of the Dog". Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry used a talk box in the band's highly popular songs "Sweet Emotion" from the album Toys in the Attic and the live version of "Walk This Way" from the album Live! Bootleg. He also used it in the theme song from the Spider-Man 90's cartoon. In 1976, Steely Dan guitarist Walter Becker recorded the talk box effect atop an already-recorded Dean Parks solo in "Haitian Divorce", on the album The Royal Scam. It was also used in a solo section of "East St. Louis Toodle-Oo", on Steely Dan's 1974 album Pretzel Logic. Ronnie Montrose used a talk box on the title track from his 1976 album Jump On It. Also in 1976, the band Ruby (featuring Tom Fogerty) used a talk box on the track "Running Back To Me". David Gilmour of Pink Floyd used the talk box on "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" from their 1977 Animals album, and on "Keep Talking" from 1994's The Division Bell. The band Stillwater used a talkbox on their song "Mind Bender" in 1977. Also from 1977, Johnnie "Guitar" Watson used talk box and the Meters used one on their track "Funkify Your Life". Roger Troutman, lead singer of the R&B group Zapp, used the talk box (first with a Minimoog synthesizer, and later a Yamaha DX100) on the group's first hit single in 1980, "More Bounce to the Ounce", and in numerous other songs including Tupac Shakur's "California Love". Matthias Jabs, lead guitarist for Scorpions, has used the talk box in many of their songs, most notably the 1980 song "The Zoo". Joe Walsh used a talk box in the song "Space Age Whiz Kids" on the 1983 album You Bought It You Name It, in "I Broke My Leg" on the 1985 album The Confessor, and also in "Half of the Time" on the 1987 album Got Any Gum?. Walsh, along with Don Felder, did a dual talk box guitar solo in the song "Those Shoes" from their 1979 album, The Long Run. The 1986 Daryl Hall hit "Foolish Pride" features the talk box played by English guitarist Richard Morcombe. Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora used the Heil Talk box in many of the band's songs, including 1986's "Livin' on a Prayer" from Slippery When Wet, 2000's "It's My Life" from Crush, 2002's "Everyday" from Bounce, 2007's "We Got it Goin' On" (Lost Highway) and 2009's "Bullet" (The Circle). Lead guitarist Slash of the hard rock band Guns N' Roses used a talk box in "Anything Goes" off their album Appetite for Destruction, released in 1987, and in "Dust and Bones", from their following record, Use Your Illusion I. Mötley Crüe's Mick Mars used a talk box in "Kickstart My Heart" off their 1989 release, Dr. Feelgood. NJS musician Teddy Riley used talk box also. Brian May was asked in an interview whether the song "Delilah" was recorded using a talk box on Queen's 1991 Innuendo record. May answered: "Yes, I finally succumbed and used one ... I suppose there’s no other way to make the meow sounds, meow, meow, meow." Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine used a talk box on their song "Wake Up" in 1992. Bob Hartman, from Petra, used the talk box during the 1993 song "Underneath the Blood", from their Wake-Up Call album. Metallica used a talk box during the solo on "The House Jack Built", from the 1996 album Load. The Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl used a talk box during their song "Generator" off their 1999 release, There Is Nothing Left To Lose; his use of the device was partly inspired by Grohl's admiration of Peter Frampton and Joe Walsh. Dream Theater guitarist John Petrucci used the talk box for live performances of the song "Home", from the band's 1999 album Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory. Avenged Sevenfold vocalist M. Shadows used a talk box in their song "Lost" off their 2007 self-titled album, Avenged Sevenfold. In Godsmack's cover of the Joe Walsh song "Rocky Mountain Way", frontman Sully Erna used a talk box. Alice in Chains, Adam Jones of Tool, Slash, the Eagles, Chromeo, plus dozens of other groups continue to keep the Heil Talk Box in their song sets. The talk box was used in Elton John's 1975 album Rock of the Westies, on the song "Dan Dare (Pilot of the Future)", as played by Davey Johnstone. ElectroSpit Producer Bosko, who played talk box on Big Boi's 2010 album Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty, conceived an alternative to the cumbersome and unsanitary talk box in mid-2014, imagining a neck-worn electronic system that would be easier to use. Bosko showed the ElectroSpit prototype in 2016, and launched a Kickstarter campaign in June 2018. The device sends sound into the mouth by way of electromagnetic transducers placed against the throat, allowing the user to shape the sounds of a synthesizer, guitar or any other electronic source. Bosko released the ElectroSpit product in 2019, showing it at the NAMM Show. Early users of the ElectroSpit include P-Thugg of Chromeo, Terrace Martin who works with Kendrick Lamar, and Teddy Riley. Non-musical uses A talk box connected to an iPad running an effects program was used to create the voice of the character BB-8 in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. See also Auto-Tune Wah wah pedal Clavinet References External links National Talkbox Association's Website GF Works Talkbox Index The Talkbox FAQ The Effects Database Forum – The Bag Category:Effects units Category:Tone, EQ and filter Category:Digital signal processing Category:Sound recording Category:Music hardware Category:2010s in music
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Flag of Stellaland The flag of Stellaland was the official flag of the short-lived southern African Republic of Stellaland, which existed from 1883 to 1885. History Stellaland arose from a war in Bechuanaland in 1881–82. It was established by a group of mercenaries who had fought in the war. The territory was self-governing from January 1883, and a self-proclaimed 'republic' from August 1883. Independence was short-lived, though, as Stellaland was occupied by British forces in March 1885, and was later incorporated into British Bechuanaland. Description Although the Republic of Stellaland existed for only eighteen months, its flag history is as complicated as its politics, and some uncertainty exists. During the period from January to August 1883, i.e. before the proclamation of the republic, the flag is reported to have been a red star on a blue background. As a republic, Stellaland had two flags : a green flag displaying a white star; and a green flag ('standard') displaying the Stellaland coat of arms. There is also a third historical flag – green and red, displaying a white star – which various writers since 1952 have attributed to the republic, but its provenance is unclear and it may very well date from after 1885. Green flag displaying a white star This appears to have been the official flag. An official document issued in 1884 depicts the Stellaland coat of arms flanked by flags, including a green flag with a white 5-pointed star. Three of the original Stellalanders later confirmed that this was the Stellaland flag. 'Groot' Adriaan de la Rey, who had been a member of the Bestuur, stated in 1898 that the flag had been "a green cloth with a star on it".<ref name=ot>De la Rey, A.J.G. (1898). 'Losse bladen uit mijn leven' in Ons Tijdschrift Vol 2 (1897–98).</ref> Mrs Christina Doms, whose late husband had also been a member of the Bestuur, stated in 1924 that the flag was "a white star stitched onto a green field". Charles Dennison referred in 1928 to "the Stellaland flag of green base and white star", and depicted it on the cover of his book. G.W. Haws, who lived in Vryburg in the early 1930s and researched the Stellaland flag and coat of arms, reported in 1933 that Dennison had told him that "a green flag with a star on it was the common flag of Stellaland." Had Stellaland and Goshen gone ahead and formed a united state, a second star was to have been added to the flag. Some reference books give alternate versions of this flag, e.g. green with a white 6- or 8-pointed star, or green with a yellow star. None of the writers, however, cite any sources for their information. Green flag displaying the Stellaland coat of arms This flag, measuring 1.4 metres (wide) by 2.3 metres, was used by the government. It was known as the 'standard'. According to G.W. Haws, Dennison told him that "the standard with arms was only flown on the 'government' quarters, the site of the flagstaff being next the Landdrost's office, now covered by the cinema (Plaza) at a spot by the main entrance." On 21 August 1885, after the British occupation, the Bestuur resolved to send the standard to Queen Victoria, "praying that she may be pleased to keep us under her protection". This was duly done, and the standard hung in Windsor Castle until 1934, when King George V returned it to South Africa. It was placed in the Vryburg town hall in 1935. Green and red flag displaying a white star This flag is divided vertically into green and red, and has a white 8-pointed star in the middle. According to Gerard's Flags Over South Africa (1952), "this flag was returned from England in 1934 to General Smuts and his widow presented it to the Transvaal Museum". The provenance of the flag is unclear. It is possible that it came from Stellaland as a region, but was not an official flag of the Republic of Stellaland. It may date from after 1885. References Sources Bornman, H. (1982). Vryburg 1882–1982. Burgers, A.P. (1997). Sovereign Flags over Southern Africa. Burgers, A.P. (2008). The South African Flag Book. Dennison, C.G. (1928). History of Stellaland. Du Toit, A. (1983). Op 'n Storm van Drome. Gerard, R. (1952). Flags Over South Africa'. Goldman, P.L.A. (1927). 'Beredeneerde Inventarissen van die Oudste Archiefstukken der Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. Mackenzie, W. (1902). John MacKenzie, South African Missionary and Statesman. Pama, C. (1981). Flags of Southern Africa. Radburn, A. (2014). 'Captain Haws and the Standard of Stellaland' in South African Vexillological Association Newsletter SN 70/14 (December 2014). Radburn, A. (2015). 'Stellaland's Flags : Examining the Evidence' in South African Vexillological Association Newsletter SN 73/15 (December 2015). Theal, G.M. (1919). History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884. Upington, T. (1885). Bechuanaland – by a Member of the Cape Legislature. Van Zyl, J.A. (1943/1995). A History of the Flags of South Africa Before 1900''. See also Coat of arms of Stellaland List of South African flags Flag of the Cape Colony Flag of Goshen Flag of Natal Flag of the Natalia Republic Flag of the Nieuwe Republiek Flag of the Orange Free State Flag of the Orange River Colony Flag of South Africa Flag of the South African Republic Flag of Transvaal Stellaland Category:South African heraldry
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Stackelbergomyia Stackelbergomyia is a genus of parasitic flies in the family Tachinidae. There is one described species in Stackelbergomyia, S. arenaria. References Further reading Category:Flies Category:Articles created by Qbugbot
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Munna Bhai (film series) Munna Bhai is an Indian Hindi language film series co-written(with Abhijat Joshi) and directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra under Vinod Chopra Productions banner. It consists of Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. released in 2003 and its sequel Lage Raho Munna Bhai in 2006. In June 2018, it was confirmed that a third untitled installment is in development with Hirani attached to direct again. Films Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. (2003) Murli Prasad Sharma, nicknamed as "Munna Bhai" ("Bhai" is a word used to address Dons in India,especially Mumbaiyya Maharashtrian region, literally means Brother) is a good-hearted local gangster who engages in criminal activities. Munna Bhai pretends to be a doctor in order to impress his father, but after being revealed as a gangster to his father who feels insulted, he decides to go to a medical college to obtain an M.B.B.S. degree to prove he can become a real doctor. The film follows Munna' extremely well-played struggle as he learns about the medical system and makes his way through the renowned medical college run by dean Dr. Asthana, the very man who insulted his father. He continues to cheat his way through college but changes over time while also instilling a more heartfelt and sensitive approach to patient care in the hospital. Lage Raho Munna Bhai (2006) In the second installment of the series, Munna Bhai poses as a professor of history in order to meet with a radio jockey whose voice he has fallen in love with. She asks him to give a lecture on Mahatma Gandhi, and as a result, he becomes a proponent of Gandhism and uses it to solve modern life problems of the people. The start of Munna Bhai (2022) On 25 February 2016, Sanjay Dutt was released from Yerwada Central Jail after completing his sentence (2013–2016) for illegal possession of firearms in 1993. Vidhu Vinod Chopra announced on 29 September 2016 that production on the third Munna Bhai film starring Dutt in the title role may begin in 2017. But the project got delayed again because Hirani decided to instead work on Sanjay Dutt's biopic, titled Sanju. In June 2018, Hirani confirmed his future plans for films which included Munna Bhai 3 and he has confirmed to have begun working on story with his co-writer Abhijat Joshi. It will be his next project after Sanju is released. The shooting of the 3rd instalment on the Munna Bhai series will start in June 2019. Short film Munna Bhai Chale America (2007) After the success of the first two films, Rajkumar Hirani and Vidhu Vinod Chopra planned to make a third film titled Munna Bhai Chale Amerika. The short film was released in 2007 as an announcement teaser which followed the characters of Munna Bhai and Circuit learning English. But the project got nowhere and the idea was cancelled altogether after Sanjay Dutt's conviction and subsequent imprisonment. Now in 2018 after the release of "Sanju", Rajkumar Hirani says that he will start the films very soon. Cast and characters Release and revenue Awards Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. was the recipient of a number of awards. At the 2004 Filmfare awards, it received the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Movie, the Filmfare Best Screenplay Award, the Filmfare Best Dialogue Award, and the Filmfare Best Comedian Award in addition to four other nominations. It won a number of awards at the 2004 Zee Cine Awards including Best Debuting Director, Zee Cine Award for Best Actor in a Comic Role, Best Cinematography, and Best Dialogue. Other ceremonies include the 2004 National Film Awards where it won the National Film Award for Best Popular Film and the 2004 International Indian Film Academy Awards where it won the IIFA Best Comedian Award. Lage Raho Munna Bhai Lage Raho Munna Bhai is the recipient of four National Film Awards in addition to other awards. Some speculated that it would represent India as an entry for the 2007 Academy Award for Best Foreign Film. Although ultimately losing to Rang De Basanti as India's official submission, the producers submitted it as an independent entry. However, neither film received an Oscar nomination. References Category:Indian film series Category:Comedy film series
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Wickes Furniture Wickes Furniture was a privately held chain of furniture stores based in Wheeling, Illinois. The company was founded in 1971 with a showroom in Fridley, Minnesota, and at its peak operated 43 stores in California, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Texas and Oregon. The company, despite its expansion into other markets, declared bankruptcy in 2008, and eventually went into liquidation for failure to find a buyer or an investor. At the time of its closing, it was owned by Sun Capital Partners. History Growth After its founding in 1971, Wickes Furniture had grown to 43 showrooms and five distribution centers. The company had over 1,700 employees, making it one of the top 25 furniture retailers in the United States. By the early 1980s, it had grown into the United States' largest furniture retailer., but it closed nine of its then-24 stores in the wake of the 1982 bankruptcy of its parent company, Wickes Corp. After Wickes was purchased by two investment firms in 1988, Wickes Furniture was sold to a management-led group in 1989. In 1998, Taiwan-based Master Home Furniture purchased Wickes Furniture; the company went into receivership in 2000 when Master Home Furniture defaulted on its bank debt. In 2002, Sun Capital Partners teamed with an affiliate of the furniture chain Rooms To Go to purchase Wickes Furniture from Master Home. In 2004, Sun Capital bought out Rooms To Go's interest in Wickes. In March 2004, John Disa was hired as president and CEO of Wickes Furniture by private investment firm Sun Capital Partners. Before he joined Wickes, he spent most of his career in athletic shoe businesses. Bankruptcy and liquidation In May 2007, Wickes Furniture announced it would close five stores in Minnesota and a Brooklyn Center distribution center, as part of its plan to focus its resources in expanding into markets in California, Chicago, Portland, and Las Vegas. In mid-to-late 2007, however, the furniture industry was hit hard by the high cost of fuel prices and subprime lending markets. Wickes Furniture filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on February 3, 2008. At that time, Wickes operated 38 stores. The company listed debts of more than $50 million and assets of less than $50,000. On February 14, 2008, it was announced by Richard Clausing, the company's chief financial officer, that Wickes Furniture needed a buyer or an investor by February 25, 2008 to recapitalize the company and to keep from shutting its doors due to a deadline set by the court and creditors. None of them came forward, so Wickes, with bankruptcy court approval, commenced its liquidation sales in March 2008, and closed all of its remaining stores. On January 1, 2012 Wickes Furniture reopened and rebranded as Wyckes Furniture. References External links Sun Capital Partners Category:Defunct furniture manufacturers Category:American companies established in 1971 Category:Retail companies established in 1971 Category:Retail companies disestablished in 2008 Category:Defunct companies based in Illinois Category:Companies that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2008
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Main Library (San Francisco) The Main Library is the primary library of the San Francisco Public Library, located in San Francisco's Civic Center. History In 1986, a task force was set up to complete the design of the Civic Center, including the use of Marshall Square, next to the main library at the time, for a new main library. Construction on the current Main Library began on March 15, 1993, financed by a bond measure. The building was completed in 1995 and opened a year later on April 18, 1996. The old main library, which was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, was rebuilt as the new Asian Art Museum. At over and with six floors above ground and one below, the new library is more than twice as big as the building it replaced. The new library includes over 300 computer terminals, room for 1100 laptops, and a new wing for children. The city spent $104.5 million on the new library. Library visits doubled in its first year open, from 1.1 million to 2.1 million, and the number of library card holders nearly tripled. In October 1996 author Nicholson Baker wrote a critical article in The New Yorker about the weeding of books from the library as it moved to the new building. He was also critical about the elimination of the card catalog when the computerized catalog was introduced. Due to this negative publicity, the library released an official response to Nicholson's New Yorker article, criticizing his claims. There has also been criticism in the local press that the atrium significantly and deliberately reduced the amount of floor space available for shelving the library's collection which resulted in the destruction of over 200,000 books which were then buried in a landfill, gutting the research collections of one of the most important research facilities on the West Coast, all of which occurred away from public sight or review. Later, under intense pressure that included then Mayor Willie Brown, City Librarian Ken Dowlin whose policy it was to weed and subsequently destroy the books, was forced to resign in January 1997. The library was prominently used in the 1998 film City of Angels. References External links Category:Beaux-Arts architecture in California Category:Civic Center, San Francisco Category:Libraries in San Francisco Category:Library buildings completed in 1995
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Electone Electone is the trademark used for electronic organs produced by Yamaha. With the exception of the top end performance models, most Electones are based on the design on the spinet electronic organ. Current models are completely digital and contain a variety of sounds, effects, and accompaniments, on top of the ability to store programming data onto memory devices. History After Hammond pioneered the electronic organ in the 1930s, other manufacturers began to market their own versions of the instrument. By the end of the 1950s, familiar brand names of home organs in addition to Hammond included Conn, Kimball, Lowrey, and others, while companies such as Allen and Rodgers manufactured large electronic organs designed for church and other public settings. The Yamaha Electone series debuted in 1959 with the D-1, a home instrument. By 1980, with the market waning sharply, and some manufacturers ceasing production, the Electone line embraced digital technology. This allowed Electone’s survival as the traditional home electronic organ market dried up. By the 1980s, many of the most famous names had ceased home production, but the Electone successfully transitioned to the modern world of digital synthesizers, now competing with such new electronic products as Moog Music, Wersi, and later Kurzweil. Electones were to be found not only in homes, especially in Japan and elsewhere in the East Asia, but also in bands and other solo and group public performances. Notable former models Yamaha began exporting Electones to the United States, starting with the D-2B in 1967. 1968 — EX-21 prototype Different from prior Electones, it was expressly designed for stage performances. 1970 — EX-42 This became Yamaha's first commercially available stage model Electone. It was also the first to use integrated circuits, although it was still based on analogue technology. 1974 — Designing of Electones around synthesisers, instead of organs 1974 — CSY-1 Based on the SY-1 synthesizer. 1975 — GX-1 (a.k.a. GX-707) The first polyphonic synthesizer in Electone form, bridging the gap between synthesizer and organ. It used velocity-sensitive keyboards and the solo keyboard was even after-touch sensitive. Some notable users of the GX-1 include Richard D. James, Stevie Wonder, Keith Emerson, John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin, and Benny Andersson of ABBA. 1977 — E-70 One of the first home based organs to feature Yamaha's PASS (Pulse Analog Synthesis System) in a console cabinet. 1983 to 1986 — FC/FE/FS/FX series Featured FM (Frequency Modulation) tone generators and the FX series featured the company's first digitally sampled sounds for the onboard percussion/rhythm units. The F series Electones were the first to allow users to digitally save registrations via pistons and then save them to RAM packs or an external disk drive unit: MDR-1. 1987 — HS/HX series Electones became more digital here. It used more integrated circuit technology to make components smaller, and hence allowed for a sleeker design. The HX/HS series was the first to use AWM (Advance Wave Memory) "sampling" technology for both voices and rhythms, and also featured 16-operator FM voices. AWM Voice expansion is also possible via sound packs. 1991 — EL series This series included an attached Music Disk Recorder which enabled players to record their registrations and performances, thus eliminating the need for extensive programming before each performance. The EL series introduced new synthesisers, filtering, and expression technologies that made instrument voices on the Electone even more realistic. Voice technology continued to be based on AWM and FM technologies. 1996 — AR series The AR100, and its junior model the AR80 (released in 1997), were designed for the US and European market, and reverted to the more traditional cabinet design. Using purely AWM voices, the most distinctive feature of the series is its 384 preset registrations. A huge increase compared to only 5 presets on the EL series. 1998 — EL900 Visually similar to the EL90 model from 1991, but with more voices, rhythms and effects, the most significant change of this model is the inclusion of VA (Virtual Acoustic) voices. These voices, or preset sounds, do not use sampling technology but is instead based on modeling. Thus providing a different level of authenticity. Glossary of common Electone terms ABC Auto Bass Chord. Auto accompaniment function, in the form of backing chords and effects, activated when the lower keyboard is held while rhythms are playing. Advanced Wave Memory Yamaha's sound sampling technology introduced in the 90s. As of 2014, AWM has evolved to generation two and is usually termed AWM2 or AWMII. Frequency Modulation Yamaha's sound modeling technology used in Electones from the 70s to 90s. The final model to feature FM technology is the EL900 and all its variants. Keyboard Percussion Drums and percussion sounds that can be assigned to both keyboards and the pedalboard. Also used to create custom drum rhythms. Lead Voice The solo voice typically used for the melody line. Lead voices are monophonic on all Electone models. Lower Keyboard Voice General term referring to sounds selected and assigned to the lower keyboard. Polyphonic by preset. Music Data Recorder (MDR, before Electone Stagea named Music Disc Recorder) Memory storage device installed to, or part of Electone models from the HS series onwards. Allows storage and quick call up of complex sound and rhythm settings. Melody On Chord (MOC) Harmonizing effect activated on the lower keyboard based on note played on the upper keyboard. Pedal Voice General term referring to sounds selected and assigned to the pedalboard. Monophonic by preset except on the latest ELS-02 series. Registration Electone term referring to sounds selected for each keyboard and the pedal board. Includes also rhythm pattern selected. Also refers to user memory slots available on the Electone itself. Rhythm Drum patterns available on the Electone. Comes with different accompaniments. Rhythm Sequence Program (RSP) Sequencing function used to string different rhythm patterns together. When activated, the entire sequence plays by itself regardless of sound or memory changes on the Electone, thus allowing the player to concentrate on performance. Also allows for auto changing of registrations. Rhythm Pattern Program (RPP) Programming function for designing custom drum patterns and accompaniments. Upper Keyboard Voice General term referring to sounds selected and assigned to the upper keyboard. Polyphonic by preset. Virtual Acoustic Yamaha's sound modeling technology introduced with the EL900 in 1998. Features higher realism compared to Frequency Modulation. Continues to be available in top end models as of 2014. Voices General term referring to sounds on the Electone. STAGEA series In 2004, Yamaha launched the STAGEA series. This series uses all AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) voices and features over 180 digital effects, built-in registration menus, VA (Virtual Acoustic) voices, and a Style-File compatible expanded rhythm and accompaniment section. AWM is the proprietary sound sampling technology of Yamaha. Models in this series are: ELS-01: The standard model ELS-01C: The custom model, carrying the ability to use the VA voices, Pitch and Tempo Bends, After touch on the pedal keyboard, horizontal touch and after pitch, along with other features, and lastly, ELS-01X: The professional model - taking the ELS-01C, it adds 61-note keyboards, a 25-note pedal board and XLR external audio jacks. The STAGEA ELS-01 series was officially distributed only in Asian countries.In 2006, Yamaha added the ELB-01 model to the lineup. This is a students' model, with 245 AWM voices and 133 accompaniment rhythms, but without voice or rhythm editing capabilities. In 2008, Yamaha added The D-Deck (DDK-7 in some markets), which is the portable version of the ELS-01 with a more compact body, 61 keys on the lower keyboard and an optional pedalboard. The D-Deck comes with all the features of the ELS-01, with the additions also of Organ Flute voices and a second expression pedal. In 2009, the STAGEA typeU series was launched, with only hardware differences between them and their original counterparts. The typeU version omitted the floppy drive UD-FD01 and the Smart-Media card slot. In April 2014, Yamaha launched the STAGEA ELS-02 series. This series features Super Articulation voices, on top of over 900 AWM sounds, 96 VA voices, pedalboard polyphony, effects, and 566 accompaniment rhythms. The ELS-01, ELS-01C and ELS-01X can also be upgraded to the current series by the use of a "Vitalize" unit. The STAGEA ELS-02 series currently has three models: ELS-02: The standard model, with 506 AWM voices including Super Articulation voices, 506 accompaniment rhythms, and hundreds of audio effects. ELS-02C: The custom model. Other than all the features of the ELS-02, it has an additional 60 AWM voices, VA voices, Organ Flutes voices (with digital drawbars), a second expression pedal, horizontal keyboard touch, and pedal board aftertouch. ELS-02X: The professional model, which contains all the features of the ELS-02C but with both keyboards expanded to 61 keys and the pedalboard expanded to 25 full pedals. Unlike the first STAGEA series, the STAGEA ELS-02 series is distributed in both Asia and Mexico. In May 2016, the ELB-02 model was launched as a revamp of the ELB-01 model with more voices and rhythms added as well as the "after touch" feature on the upper and lower keyboards. ELC-02: In 2016, Yamaha launched the STAGEA ELC-02. This model is a replacement for the STAGEA D-Deck (DDK-7), this model contains most of the features of the ELS-02 such as Super Articulation voices. Unlike the previous D-Deck model, the ELC-02 does not contain a 61 note lower keyboard instead a standard 49 note keyboard resides in its place. Existing owners of the D-Deck can upgrade the main unit to the ELC-02 and use their current stand, expression pedals and speakers as is. In 2018, the Electone STAGEA series was discontinued in Mexico. International Electone Festival / International Electone Concours The International Electone Festival (IEF) / International Electone Concours (IEC) was a worldwide Electone Organ competition organized by Yamaha back in the early 1970s. The competition featured both the performer and the Electone instrument itself. The IEF finals from its early concept were held in Japan every year until 1984 when it was held in Los Angeles. Afterwards Yamaha began holding subsequent IEF finals in other cities around the world including Hamburg, Toronto, Paris, Hong Kong, Mexico and Singapore before returning to its home in Japan. Notable musicians who were invited to be part of the adjudication panel included film composer Jerry Goldsmith and Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Participants in the IEF finals had to be at least 16 years of age and competed for medal awards and cash prizes. On almost every occasion, there was one "Grand Prize" recipient who would receive a gold medal and cash prize which in its last years totalled $10,000US. Before 1982, a selection of participants were also presented with special Winner's prizes and the number of recipients of this award varied from year to year. After 1982, "Most Outstanding Performance" awards were presented to two (or in some instances three or four) participants who would receive a silver medal and cash prize, and "Outstanding Performance" awards were usually presented to three participants who would receive a bronze medal and cash prize. On rare occasions at IEF finals, a special President's award may also have been presented to one performer. Known as the "Kawakami Prize" it was named after renowned Yamaha Music Corporation President Genichi Kawakami and consisted of a special bronze medal and cash prize very similar to the "Outstanding Performance" award. In the early 1990s Yamaha ceased to sponsor the event. It became too expensive to produce and electronic organ sales declined. International Electone Festival/Concours Finals: In popular culture The Electone HX model appears briefly in the 1987 science fiction film The Running Man. When Ben Richards is in Amber's apartment (18 minutes into the film), he chases her around the Electone. Two scenes later (at the 20 minute mark), Richards, while standing over it, asks her what it is. Amber calls it her "synthesizer setup" and reveals that she wrote the ICS network jingle. (starting at 5:45 and 9:30 in this clip) References External links Electone Station (Japanese) - official Yamaha Corporation Electone web site The Yamaha HX-1 Electone Fan Site - dedicated to the Yamaha HX-1 Zona Electone Italia - European Electone site Electone Society - UK Electone site jazzhooves.com - information and articles about Yamaha Electone models Eleven-year-old girl plays "YYZ" by RUSH on an Electone ELS-01 Qi Zhang performance at TED History - comprehensive list of all Electone models by date of manufacture with photos Glenn's Collection Of Electone Books - Australia Category:Electric and electronic keyboard instruments Category:Yamaha music products
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Malcolm Boyle Malcolm Boyle (1902–1976) was a British organist and composer. Career He was born in Windsor, England, and as a boy served as a chorister at Eton College. He became an organ pupil of Sir Walter Parratt of St. George's Chapel, Windsor. At age 17 he was appointed organist and choirmaster of Holy Trinity Garrison Church, Windsor. After taking his BMus at Queen's College, Oxford, he became Assistant organist to Sir Walford Davies at St George's (1925-1932). He also attended the Royal Academy of Music in London where he had been granted an organ scholarship. In 1932 he became organist of Chester Cathedral. As a divorcee, he was dismissed by the Dean and Chapter when he remarried in 1948. In 1949 he was appointed an Examiner for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. In this capacity he travelled widely to New Zealand, India, Hong Kong, and the West Indies. He was chosen as one of a panel of specially co-opted musical adjudicators from Britain for Expo year in Canada. His anthem "Thou, O God, art praised in Sion" still enjoys a place in the musical repertoire of the Anglican Communion. For many years no published edition was available, the piece only existing in manuscript form, having been written down from memory by Dr George Guest, who had been a chorister at Chester Cathedral under Boyle. The motet was later published by Paraclete Press. Fittingly, it was the introit at Dr. Guest's memorial service. For the last decade of his life he was organist and choirmaster at his local church in Sandiway, Cheshire. References Category:1902 births Category:1976 deaths Category:English classical organists Category:Male organists Category:Cathedral organists Category:People educated at Eton College Category:Alumni of The Queen's College, Oxford Category:Alumni of the Royal Academy of Music Category:20th-century classical musicians Category:20th-century English musicians Category:20th-century organists Category:20th-century British male musicians
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
List of mosques in Jerusalem This is a list of mosques in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, considered the holiest city for Christians and Jews, was one of the earliest cities conquered by the Muslim Arabs. The Dome of the Rock is the oldest preserved Islamic structure in the world. Today the city still contains several mosques, including the Al-Aqsa mosque which served as the first qibla for about a year. Period Rashidun (632–661) Al-Aqsa Mosque - For the mosque known as the Mosque of Omar, see under "Ayyubids". Umayyads (661–750) Marwani Mosque is also known as the Musallah al-Marwani, it is located in the underground area in the south-eastern corner of al-Aqsa compound. Abbasids (750–1258) Fatimids (909–1171) Ayyubids (1171–1341) Mosque of Omar Al-Khanqah al-Salahiyya Mosque is also known as the Khilwah (retreat) of Salah al-Din it was commissioned by the Ayyubid Sultan Saladin. Its only minaret is identical to that of Masjid Omar located south of the Holy Sepulchre. It is located north of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Sheikh Jarah Mosque - It was established as a Zawiyyah, Zawiyyah al-Jarrahiyya, a mosque-madrassah (educational institute) by Hussam al-Din al-Jarrahi. It is located in east Jerusalem on Nablus Road. Mosque of Al-Qala'a is situated within the Jerusalem Citadel, it was established during the Memluk era, and later on renovated several times. It is not a functional mosque and has been converted in to a Museum. Magharba Mosque is located in the south-western corner it has been converted into a museum, recently. Mamluks (1250–1517) Sheikh Loulou Mosque (Sultan Emir Badr al-Din Loulou) is a small mosque located in the north-western part of the old city of Jerusalem. Mosque of Khan al-Sultan (Sultan Barquq) Ottomans (1516–1918) al-Maulawiya Mosque is an older mosque transformed by the Crusaders into the Church of St Agnes and turned back into a mosque after their defeat Masjid Swiqat 'Allun is a small mosque situated in Swaikit 'Allun market, close to Bab al-Khalil (Jaffa Gate). Modern (1918-present) Abdeen Mosque (Arabic: مسجد عابدين‎) is the main mosque in the Wadi al-Joz neighborhood in East Jerusalem, about 500 meters (1,600 ft) away from Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City walls. It was built by brothers Abdel Muhsin and Omar Abdeen in 1939. Unknown Shorbaje mosque was originally established as a Sebil Waqf (charitable fountain) for water dispensation, it was later on decommissioned with its original function when the city started to get its water from the city water mains. A small mosque was established on the premises. Mosque of David the Prophet Red Minerat mosque Mosque of Dome of Moses Mosque of Bab Hattah Mosque of Suleyman's throne Mosque of Bab Al-Ghawanma Mosque of Dar al-Imam Mosque of Khan Al-Zeit Mosque of Suleyman al-Farsi Mosque of Raba'a Al-Adaweya Mosque of Al-Tur Mosque of Al-Hanablah Nebi Akasha Mosque also referred to as the Nebi Okasha Mosque is a small and historic mosque in the Western Jerusalem. It is believed to have been built close to the tomb of Prophet Muhammad's companion Ukasha ibn Mihsan. Khaldeya mosque Yacoubiya mosque Al-Buraq Mosque is located along the Western Wall of Haram al-Sharif (Temple Mount). It is the interior space of the so-called Barclay's Gate. The date of its conscription is unknown.. Al-Qormee Mosque Al-Karemi mosque Mosque of Al-Elmi Haret el-Arman mosque Haret el-Nasari Mosque Bazar mosque Masoudi mosque Hejazi mosque Mathana mosque Sheikh Rihan mosque Afghani mosque Mosque of Omar Gallery of Mosques in Jerusalem References External links Most distinctive Sites in AL-Quds Complete compendium of Mosques in Jerusalem on Madain Project website *List|Mosques Jerusalem Mosques Mosques Mosques Category:Israel religion-related lists
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Ithel ap Hywel Ithel or Idwal ap Hywel (died ) was a king of Gwent in southeastern medieval Wales. He was called king of Gwent and Morgannwg (i.e., Glywysing) by the Chronicle of the Princes. Along with his brother Meurig, Ithel assisted King Rhodri the Great of Gwynedd against the invasions of Beorhtwulf, earl of Mercia, and his brother "Ithelwlf". According to the Annals of Wales, Ithel's death preceded his brother's; according to the Chronicle, his death followed Meurig's. Both sources agree, however, that Ithel's demise was occasioned by the treachery of the men of Brycheiniog. The act was so infamous that the treason of the men of Brycheiniog became proverbial in medieval Wales. The Chronicle placed Ithel's death in its entry for AD 843; Phillimore's reconstruction of the dating of the A text of the Annals of Wales dated its entry to 848. This Ithel seems to have been the original namesake of the church at St Illtyd in Monmouthshire, although his cult was never sanctioned by the Catholic Church and the church's dedication was later altered. References Category:Year of birth unknown Category:Monarchs of Gwent Category:840s deaths Category:9th-century Welsh monarchs
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Al-Sha'rani Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha'rani (1492/3–1565, AH 898–973, full name ) was an Egyptian Shafi'i scholar and mystic, founder of an Egyptian order of Sufism, eponymously known as . The order gradually declined after Shaʿrani's death, although it remained active until the 19th century. Sharani's master was the prominent Shaykh Ali al-Khawas. Besides voluminous mystic writings, he also composed an epitome of a treatise by as-Suwaydī (1204–1292; AH 604–690). His seminal work Al-Mizan al-Kubra (The Supreme Scale) compares the rulings of all four Sunni schools of sharia as if they were a single school. He considered the differences, according to their difficulty, as either strictness ('azima) or dispensation (rukhsa). Works Al-Ajwibath al-Marziyya الأجوبة المرضية Al-Kibreet al-Ahmer الكبريت الأحمر Al-Mizan al-Kubra الميزان الكبرى Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra الطبقات الكبرى (The supreme levels) Lata 'if al-minan wa al-akhlaq لطائف المنن والأخلاق (Subtleties of gifts and character) Lawaqih ai-an war al-qudsiyya لواقح الأنوار القدسية (The fecundating sacred illuminations) Kitab al-yawaqit wa al-jawahir fi bayan 'aqa'id al-akabir كتاب اليواقيت والجواهر في بيان عقائد الأكابر (The book of rubies and jewels: an explanation of the tenets of faith of mystic luminaries). Al-Javahir wa al-Durar الجواهر والدرر (The jewels and pearls) Durar al-Ghawas li sayyidi Ali al-Khawas درر الغواص لسيدي علي الخواص Al-Kawkab al-shahiq fi al-farq byn al-Mureed al-sadiq va Ghayri sadiq الكوكب الشاهق في الفرق بين المريد الصادق وغير الصادق Mawazin al-qaswirin min shuyukhin wa muridin موازين القاصرين من شيوخ ومريدين See also Ibn Arabi List of Sufis List of Ash'aris and Maturidis List of Muslim theologians References C. Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL), 1st edition, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1889–1936), vol. 2, pp. 335–8. M. Winter, 'Shaʿrānī' in Gibbs et al. (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edition, 11 vols. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1960–2002), vol. 9, p. 316. Category:Asharis Category:Shafi'is Category:Mujaddid Category:Sunni Sufis Category:Sufi mystics Category:Sufi teachers Category:Sufi writers Category:Muslim mystics Category:Egyptian Sufis Category:Egyptian imams Category:Egyptian Sunni Muslims Category:Egyptian Sunni Muslim scholars of Islam Category:1492 births Category:1565 deaths Category:16th-century Egyptian people Category:16th-century jurists
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Vakilabad-e Pain Jam Vakilabad-e Pain Jam (, also Romanized as Vakīlābād-e Pā’īn Jām; also known as Vakīlābād) is a village in Zam Rural District, Pain Jam District, Torbat-e Jam County, Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 409, in 104 families. References Category:Populated places in Torbat-e Jam County
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United States House Agriculture Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research The House Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research is a subcommittee within the House Agriculture Committee. It was first created during the 110th Congress as the Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture. Jurisdiction Policies, statutes, and markets relating to horticulture, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and ornamentals; bees; and organic agriculture; policies and statutes relating to marketing and promotion orders; pest and disease management; bioterrorism; adulteration and quarantine matters; research, education, and extension; and biotechnology. Members, 116th Congress Historical membership rosters 115th Congress Notes References External links Subcommittee page Agriculture Nutrition and Horticulture
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Coppa Italia (futsal) The Coppa Italia is an annual cup competition for Italian futsal teams. It is Organized by the Divisione Calcio a 5, was founded in the season 1985–1986, is disputed between the first eight classified at the moment of half-season and is disputed in a neutral venue in different cities every year. Current Formula The first eight classified after the first half of the season are grouped into two groups: group A and group B. Group A are the first four of the standings, while in group B are the fifth to eighth place teams. In the quarterfinals, a team from each group with face off against each other with the winners moving on to the next round. In the event of a tie, there will be two extra times of 5 minutes each. If still tied at the end of the extra times then there will be a penalty shootout. Season by season Number of titles See also Serie A (futsal) Divisione Calcio a 5 External links divisionecalcioa5 Category:Futsal competitions in Italy Italy
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Paul O'Neill (cyclist) Paul O'Neill is an Australian Paralympic cyclist. At the 2000 Sydney Games, he won a silver medal in the Mixed Bicycle Road Race LC1 event and two bronze medals in the Mixed 1 km Time Trial LC1 and the Mixed Individual Pursuit LC1. References Category:Paralympic cyclists of Australia Category:Cyclists at the 2000 Summer Paralympics Category:Medalists at the 2000 Summer Paralympics Category:Paralympic silver medalists for Australia Category:Paralympic bronze medalists for Australia Category:Year of birth missing (living people) Category:Living people Category:Australian male cyclists
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Gem Lake (Flathead County, Montana) Gem Lake is located in Glacier National Park, in the U. S. state of Montana. Gem Lake is often ice clogged and is WSW of Sperry Glacier and adjacent to Comeau Pass. See also List of lakes in Flathead County, Montana (A-L) References Category:Lakes of Glacier National Park (U.S.) Category:Lakes of Flathead County, Montana
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Der Tog Der Tog () was a Yiddish-language daily newspaper published in New York City from 1914 until 1971. The offices of Der Tog were located on the Lower East Side, at 185 and 187 East Broadway. History The newspaper's first issue was on November 5, 1914. At its peak Der Tog reached a circulation of 81,000, in 1916. It had a weekly English-language supplement entitled The Day, edited by Marion Weinstein. In 1919 Der Tog absorbed another Yiddish newspaper, Di Varhayt (Warheit; Wahrheit; "The Truth"), and between 1919 and 1922 was known as Der Tog, di Varhayt. In 1953 Der Tog merged with the Morgn Zshurnal (Morning Journal), and subsequently appeared under the title Der Tog Morgn Zshurnal; the circulation was estimated at 50,000 in 1970, and the paper ceased publication in 1971. It was followed by Der Algemeiner Journal in 1972. Journalists and Writers The founding of the newspaper was the project of a group of businessmen and intellectuals including Judah Leib Magnes, David Shapiro, Morris Weinberg, and Herman Bernstein. Bernstein became the paper's first editor and Shapiro assumed the role of publisher. Styled in its masthead as a "newspaper for the Jewish intelligentsia," Der Tog sought to uphold high journalistic and literary standards, and to rise above ideological divides. Under William Edlin, who succeeded Bernstein as editor in 1916, and the first literary editor, Benzion Hoffman (Zivion), the newspaper attracted a talented staff, including Shmuel Niger, who was its literary critic for many years. Among the other outstanding staff writers were David Pinski, Aron Glanz (A. Leyeles), Joel Slonim, Peretz Hirshbein, and Abraham Coralnik. Other significant contributors included Chaim Zhitlowsky and Samuel Rosenfeld, as well as H. Leivick, Osip Dymov, and Ruven Ayzland. Leon Kobrin was the paper's chief fiction writer for nearly two decades; and among the more famous of other occasional literary contributors were Joseph Opatoshu and Abraham Reisen. The newspaper also published the entirety of the Bible translation by the poet Yehoash (pseudonym of Solomon Bloomgarden), and some works of Sholem Aleichem. Edlin, who had been associated with the paper from its beginnings as a news editor and a theater critic, remained editor in chief until 1925. Samuel Margoshes filled that role from 1926 until 1942. At that point Edlin came back and led the paper again, until his death, in 1947. According to Edlin, Der Tog was the first Yiddish newspaper to include female journalists on the editorial staff. Adella Kean-Sametkin wrote about women's issues, and Dr. Ida Badanes, about health matters; the popular fiction writer Sarah B. Smith was also a regular contributor over many years. Before making her mark as a poet, Anna Margolin (pseudonym of Rosa Lebensboym) distinguished herself as a reporter and editor for Der Tog, contributing a column, "In der froyen velt" (In the women's world), under her actual name, and articles about women's issues under various pseudonyms, including Clara Levin. References External links Guide to the Records of the Day-Morning Journal ("Der Tog"), 1922-1972, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, RG 639. Guide to the Papers of Herman Morgenstern, 1914-1976, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, RG 1334. Morgenstern was a reporter and editor for Der Tog - Morgn Zshurnal from 1938 to 1971. Category:Yiddish newspapers Category:Defunct newspapers of New York City Category:Defunct Yiddish-language newspapers published in the United States Category:Yiddish culture in New York City
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Saeed-Al-Saffar Saeed-al-Saffar (born 31 July 1968) is a cricketer who has represented the UAE at international level, most notably in the One Day International the Emirates side played against the Netherlands in Lahore in the 1996 Cricket World Cup. He also competed for the UAE in the 1996–97 and 2001 versions of the ICC Trophy, which is the qualifying competition for the World Cup played between non-Test nations. He has the distinction of scoring a double hundred against Thailand in the acc trophy, scoring 209 not out, which by itself is a huge feat in the one day form of the game. He also carries the record for the third wicket for the domestic competition in Sharjah Cricket stadium in Ramadhan Night Tournament, where he along with Qais Farooq put up 217 runs for the 3rd wicket. His only ODI was where he did not bat and bowled 3 overs conceding 25 runs without taking a wicket. References Category:1968 births Category:Living people Category:Emirati cricketers Category:United Arab Emirates One Day International cricketers Category:Sportspeople from Dubai Category:Emirati cricket captains
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Shilton, Oxfordshire Shilton is a village and civil parish about northwest of Carterton, Oxfordshire. The 2011 Census recorded the parish's population as 626. Geography Shilton village is on Shill Brook: a stream that rises southwest of Burford, flows through Shilton and Alvescot to Black Bourton, where it becomes Black Bourton Brook, which joins the River Thames downstream from Radcot. Shilton was historically part of the manor of Great Faringdon, and most of Shilton parish was an exclave of Berkshire until the Counties (Detached Parts) Act 1844 transferred it to Oxfordshire. Manor When the Cistercian Beaulieu Abbey in Hampshire was founded in 1204–05, it was endowed with a group of manors that were headed by Great Faringdon and included Shilton. Beaulieu retained the manors until 1538, when it surrendered all its properties to the Crown in the Dissolution of the Monasteries. In about 1848 the architect and antiquarian Frederick S. Waller drew a plan and sections of an aisled barn at Shilton. It had six bays and an internal timber frame built on two rows of five large timber posts, This seems likely to have been a medieval barn, built when Beaulieu Abbey held Shilton Manor. Beaulieu Abbey also held the manor at Great Coxwell, south of Shilton. Great Coxwell Barn, which was built for the Abbey around AD 1292, survives intact and is open to the public. It is somewhat larger and structurally more complex than the barn that Waller found at Shilton, but it gives an idea of the scale, style and quality of building that the Cistercians commissioned. Tradition had it that a fire destroyed the barn at Shilton. However, in 1971 an historian, PL Heyworth, reported that the stone walls of the barn and a few of its timbers still survived. Heyworth found at a farm in the village a stone-walled barn that had a modern arched corrugated steel roof, but had some stone corbels that would formerly have carried principal rafters of a former gabled roof. Heyworth found that the lintels of two large doorways in the barn were re-used timbers that had been principal posts. Each had the mortices that would have held a tie beam and a strut, both of which would have been parts of a timber roof. The barn is near a house called the Old Manor, a medieval dovecote, a possible former medieval fishpond and a field called Conyger (i.e. it had been a place for rearing "coneys" – rabbits). Heyworth therefore concluded that the barn is very likely to be the remains of a Cistercian barn. The dovecote is cylindrical and has a conical roof. It is early 16th century and is a Grade II* listed building. Church and chapel Church of England The earliest parts of the Church of England parish church of the Holy Rood are the Norman nave, south aisle and arcade, all of which were built in about 1150. The present Early English Gothic chancel was built in about 1250. The bell tower was added in the 15th century. The present side windows of the nave and aisle are also late Medieval Perpendicular Gothic additions. The Gothic Revival architect C.C. Rolfe restored the building in 1884–88, adding the present rood screen. The church is a Grade II* listed building. Holy Rood church tower has three bells, all cast in 1854 by W. & J. Taylor of Loughborough, who at the time had also a bell-foundry in Oxford. Currently for technical reasons they are unringable. Holy Rood has also a Sanctus bell that Henry III Bagley cast in 1730. Bagley was from Chacombe, Northamptonshire but also had a foundry at Witney. Holy Rood parish is now part of the Benefice of Shill Valley and Broadshire, which includes also the parishes of Alvescot, Black Bourton, Broadwell, Broughton Poggs, Filkins, Holwell, Kelmscott, Kencot, Langford, Little Faringdon and Westwell. Baptist Shilton has a Baptist chapel that was built in the early or mid 19th century. It may have been converted from a small barn. Economic history Traditional houses and cottages in Shilton are built of local Cotswold stone. Shilton House was built in 1678 and is a Grade II* listed building. Elm Farm dates from 1683. Shilton Bridge across Shill Brook is a small stone hump-back bridge that was probably built in the 18th century. By the 1930s its stonework had become decayed, it was too narrow for modern traffic and its hump was too acute for some vehicles. In 1938 Oxfordshire County Council rebuilt the bridge, making the road across it wider and reducing the hump. The sides of the bridge were rebuilt using the original stones in their original relative positions as far as possible, while the widening of the bridge was achieved by inserting a concrete section in the middle of the road hidden from view. Amenities Shilton has a 17th-century public house, the Rose and Crown. Notable residents John Coghlan, drummer of the rock band Status Quo, lives in Shilton. References Sources External links Shilton Village Noticeboard Category:Villages in Oxfordshire Category:West Oxfordshire District Category:Civil parishes in Oxfordshire
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Ayacara Formation The Ayacara Formation is a sedimentary formation made up of interbedded sand and siltstone cropping out around Hornopirén and Ayacara Peninsula in western Los Lagos Region, Chile. Less common rocks are tuff and conglomerate. The formation dates to the Early and Middle Miocene (no earlier than 21.8–17.6 million years ago) when it deposited during a marine transgression. See also Geology of Chile Chaicayán Group La Cascada Formation Puduhuapi Formation Vargas Formation References Category:Geologic formations of Chile Category:Miocene Series of South America Category:Neogene Chile Category:Sandstone formations Category:Siltstone formations Category:Conglomerate formations Category:Tuff formations Category:Geology of Los Lagos Region
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Simeon Phillips Simeon Phillips (1847 – 22 February 1925) was an Australian politician. He was born in Parramatta to rabbi Solomon Phillips and Caroline Solomon. He worked as a jeweller before entering politics, and settled in Dubbo where he was an alderman (1880–99) and mayor (1883–91). In 1895 he was elected to the New South Wales Legislative Assembly as the Free Trade member for Dubbo. He served until his defeat in 1904. Phillips retired to Sydney in 1910 and died at Rose Bay in 1925. References   Category:1847 births Category:1925 deaths Category:Members of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly
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Velko Markoski Velko Markoski (born 5 April 1986) is a Macedonian handball player who plays for RK Metalurg Skopje and the Macedonian national team. His brother Nikola is also a handball player. References Category:1986 births Category:Living people Category:Macedonian male handball players Category:Sportspeople from Struga Category:Expatriate handball players Category:Macedonian expatriate sportspeople in Croatia Category:Macedonian expatriate sportspeople in Romania Category:RK Zagreb players Category:RK Vardar players
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
JSM Challenger of Champaign–Urbana The JSM Challenger of Champaign–Urbana is a professional tennis tournament played on hard courts. It is currently part of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) Challenger Tour. It is held annually in Champaign, Illinois, United States, since 1996. Past finals Singles Doubles External links Official website Atkins Tennis Center ITF search Category:ATP Challenger Tour Category:Hard court tennis tournaments in the United States Category:Recurring sporting events established in 2005 Category:Annual sporting events in the United States Category:Champaign, Illinois
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Billy Clark (footballer, born 1967) William Raymond Clark (Billy Clark) born 19 May 1967, has a wife and two children, whom are called Bailey and Bonney Clark. Clark is a retired footballer. William Raymond Clark (born 19 May 1967) is a former professional footballer and a current youth team coach with Bath City. Clark was born in Christchurch, Hampshire on the south coast of England and began his footballing career as a trainee with A.F.C. Bournemouth. Most of his career was spent with Bristol Rovers, where he spent ten years and made 289 appearances for the club in all competitions, scoring fifteen goals. Recently, Clark rejoined Weston-super-Mare for his second stint with the club. He captained The Seagulls from 2003-2005 before moving to rivals Clevedon Town. His role with Weston was a coach/player which he played defense as well as being used in a coaching capacity. Clark has since retired from professional football with Weston-super-Mare retaining his rights. He was a youth coach with Bristol Rovers before moving on to perform the same role with Bath City FC in 2009. External links References Category:1967 births Category:Living people Category:People from Christchurch, Dorset Category:English footballers Category:Association football defenders Category:English Football League players Category:National League (English football) players Category:A.F.C. Bournemouth players Category:Bristol Rovers F.C. players Category:Bath City F.C. players Category:Cheltenham Town F.C. players Category:Exeter City F.C. players Category:Forest Green Rovers F.C. players Category:Newport County A.F.C. players Category:Weston-super-Mare A.F.C. players Category:Clevedon Town F.C. players Category:Association football players who received a testimonial
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Arry Arry is the name of the following communes in France: Arry, Moselle, in the Moselle department Arry, Somme, in the Somme department 'Arry is also a nickname, an example of H dropping in the name Harry. Those with such a nickname include: Harry Redknapp, former English footballer and football manager
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Recep İvedik 3 Recep İvedik 3 is a 2010 Turkish comedy film, directed by Togan Gökbakar, which stars Şahan Gökbakar as an oafish character who is attempting to combat depression following the death of his grandmother. The film, which was released nationwide in Turkey on , was the highest grossing Turkish film of 2010. The film's titular comic character was created by Şahan Gökbakar for his Turkish comedy television show Dikkat Şahan Çıkabilir, which ran from 2005 to 2006. The series subsequently generated several sequel films, starting with Recep İvedik (2008), to which this is the second sequel. Plot Recep İvedik (Şahan Gökbakar) shows signs of deep depression following the death of his grandmother. In the meantime, one of his distant relatives, Zeynep (Zeynep Çamcı), comes to İstanbul to attend university. With Recep being Zeynep’s only relative in the big city, she will have to stay at Recep’s house for a few months. Now that Zeynep has been included in his life, Recep tries every kind of activity to socialize and get rid of his depression, including going to the theater and even attending karate classes. However, nothing seems to work for Recep. Release The film opened across Germany and Austria on and across Turkey on at number one in the Turkish box office chart. On its worldwide opening weekend, the film grossed of $8,665,889. References External links for the film (Turkish) Category:2010 films Category:Turkish films Category:2010s comedy films Category:Turkish sequel films Category:Films set in Istanbul Category:Films set in Turkey Category:Turkish comedy films
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
List of Australian High Commissioners to Vanuatu The Australian Government has maintained a diplomatic relationship with Vanuatu since the New Hebrides gained independence in July 1980 as a Commonwealth republic. Australia was the first country to establish a foreign mission in Port Vila, in 1978. References Category:Australia and the Commonwealth of Nations Vanuatu Category:Vanuatu and the Commonwealth of Nations Australia
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Narukerä Narukerä are a Finnish bandy club from Pori. Narukerä finished in 3rd position in the Bandyliiga in the 2005-2006 season and also competed in the Bandy World Cup. In 2012 they reached the final of Bandyliiga. They have won it once in their history, in the 1998/1999 season. References External links Category:Bandy clubs in Finland Category:Bandy clubs established in 1965
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Nikos Pappas (basketball) Nikolaos "Nikos" Pappas (Greek: Νικόλαος "Νίκος" Παππάς; born July 11, 1990) is a Greek professional basketball player for Panathinaikos of the Greek Basket League and the EuroLeague. He is 1.95 m (6 ft 4 in) tall. Professional career Pappas made his professional debut in the Greek League with Panellinios, during the 2006–07 season. He made his debut in Europe's continent-wide second-tier level competition, the EuroCup, with Panellinios, during the 2007–08 season. He signed a 5-year contract with the Spanish League club Bilbao Basket in 2008. He was loaned to the reserve team of Real Madrid, Real Madrid B, of the Spanish 4th Division, for the 2008–09 season. He was loaned to the Greek League club Kolossos Rodou for the 2009–10 and 2010–11 seasons. He was named the 2010 Greek League Best Young Player. In February 2012, he joined PAOK. He moved to Panionios for the 2012–13 season. With Panionios, he was the Greek League Top Scorer, and a member of the Greek League Best Five, in 2013. Panathinaikos On 20 June 2013, Pappas joined the Greek club Panathinaikos. He was announced as a new player of Panathinaikos, for the following three seasons, along with his Panionios teammate Vlado Janković. During his second season with Panathinaikos, Pappas switched his jersey number from 15 to 11. On 22 April 2015, after winning his first EuroLeague MVP of the Round award, after the third week's game of the EuroLeague playoffs, in which he scored 25 points against CSKA Moscow, it was officially announced that Pappas had renewed his contract with Panathinaikos, until 2018. On 16 May 2015, Pappas suffered a torn ACL injury, and a tear of his meniscus, in a Greek League game against Kolossos Rodou, after falling awkwardly, after being fouled on a play by Vassilis Toliopoulos. He was operated on the day after, and his return to playing basketball was scheduled at 5–6 months time, at the earliest. On November 30, 2015, in a Greek League game against Lavrio, Pappas made his first re-appearance in an official game, 6-and-a-half months after his injury. He scored 2 points in the game. National team career Greek junior national team As a member of the junior national basketball teams of Greece, Pappas won the silver medal at the 2007 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship. He was named the MVP of the 2008 Albert Schweitzer Tournament, where he also helped lead Greece to defeat Team USA Under-18 during the tournament, by scoring 27 points in the game against the USA. He also won the gold medal at the 2008 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship, where he was also voted to the All-Tournament Team. Pappas also played at the 2009 Nike Hoop Summit, where he helped the World Select Team to defeat Team USA 97–89. He also won the silver medal at the 2009 FIBA Under-19 World Cup with Greece's junior national team, where he was also voted to the All-Tournament Team. Pappas also won the gold medal at the 2009 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship and the silver medal at the 2010 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship, where he was named to the All-Tournament Team after leading the tournament in scoring. Greek senior national team Pappas first trained with the senior men's Greek national basketball team in 2010. In the summer of 2016, it was reported that Pappas was interested in playing with the senior Cypriot national basketball team, due to his mother's Greek Cypriot origins. However, in 2017, he was re-called to Greece's senior national team. On 19 August 2017, he scored 22 points (career high with the senior Greek NT) in a friendly game against Great Britain, in London. He then played with Greece at the EuroBasket 2017. Player profile Pappas began his career playing as a combo guard with the junior national teams of Greece, and in his early club career. After maturing as a player, he became more of a pure shooting guard who can occasionally operate as a swingman or a ball-handler. Career statistics EuroLeague |- | style="text-align:left;"| 2013–14 | style="text-align:left;"| Panathinaikos | 13 || 2 || 8.6 || .467 || .385 || .750 || .8 || .5 || .3 || .1 || 4.8 || 3.5 |- | style="text-align:left;"| 2014–15 | style="text-align:left;"| Panathinaikos | 22 || 1 || 20.3 || .487 || .387 || .909 || 2.3 || 1.9 || .8 || .1 || 10.8 || 12.2 |- | style="text-align:left;"| 2015–16 | style="text-align:left;"| Panathinaikos | 5 || 0 || 8.3 || .444 || .000 || .700 || .4 || .4 || .0 || .0 || 3.0 || 2.6 |- | style="text-align:left;"| 2016–17 | style="text-align:left;"| Panathinaikos | 29 || 2 || 17.2 || .426 || .260 || .764 || 1.6 || 1.3 || .6 || .1 || 5.5 || 5.0 |- | style="text-align:left;"| 2017–18 | style="text-align:left;"| Panathinaikos | 32 || 1 || 17.6 || .423|| .324 || .776 || 1.1 || 0.9 || .6 || .4 || 8.2 || 5.8 |- | style="text-align:left;"| 2018–19 | style="text-align:left;"| Panathinaikos | 19 || 5 || 17.9 || .342 || .271 || .826 || 1.0 || 1.2 || .8 || .0 || 6.8 || 4.2 |- class="sortbottom" | style="text-align:left;"| Career | style="text-align:left;"| | 120 || 11 || 14.9 || .429 || .313 || .810 || 1.4 || 1.1 || .6 || .1 || 7.2 || 6.1 Awards and accomplishments Pro career Greek League Best Young Player: (2010) 3× Greek League All-Star: (2013, 2014, 2018) Greek League All-Star Game MVP: (2014) Greek League Top Scorer: (2013) Greek League Best Five: (2013) 5× Greek Cup Winner: (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017),2019 4 × Greek League Champion: (2014, 2017,2018,2019) EuroLeague MVP of the Round: 2015 (Playoff Game 3) Greek junior national team 2007 ISF World Schools' Championship: 2007 ISF World Schools' Championship: Top Scorer 2007 ISF World Schools' Championship: MVP (40 points in the final) 2007 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship: 2008 Albert Schweitzer Tournament: 2008 Albert Schweitzer Tournament: Top Scorer 2008 Albert Schweitzer Tournament: MVP 2008 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship: 2008 FIBA Europe Under-18 Championship: All-Tournament Team 2009 FIBA Under-19 World Cup: 2009 FIBA Under-19 World Cup: All-Tournament Team 2009 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship: 2010 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship: 2010 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship: Top Scorer 2010 FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship: All-Tournament Team References External links Euroleague.net Profile FIBA Profile Eurobasket.com Profile Greek Basket League Profile Greek Basket League Profile Spanish League Profile Draftexpress.com Profile Category:1990 births Category:Living people Category:Bilbao Basket players Category:Cypriot men's basketball players Category:Greek Basket League players Category:Greek expatriate basketball people in Spain Category:Greek men's basketball players Category:Kolossos Rodou B.C. players Category:Liga ACB players Category:Panathinaikos B.C. players Category:Panellinios B.C. players Category:Panionios B.C. players Category:PAOK B.C. players Category:People from Euboea (regional unit) Category:Shooting guards Category:Small forwards
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Chorus (gastropod) Chorus is a genus of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Muricidae, the murex snails or rock snails. Species Species within the genus Chorus include: Chorus giganteus (Lesson, 1831) References Category:Muricidae Category:Monotypic gastropod genera
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104.6 RTL 104.6 RTL is a private radio station that is produced in a hot adult contemporary format. It is transmitted from studios in Kurfürstendamm in Berlin-Charlottenburg. According to German Media Analysis 2011/II, the station reaches 209,000 listeners in an average transmitting hour (Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM) with a total of 709,000 listeners per day and thereby is one of the most listened to radio programs in Berlin and Brandenburg. Program The most listened to program on 104.6 RTL is, as is the case for most radio stations worldwide, the morning show, which is known as “Arno and the Morning Crew”. The show has a relatively large talk portion, which has predominantly comedic content, in contrast to the rest of the station’s programs. It has been moderated by Arno Müller since the beginning of the show, who is simultaneously the station's Director of Programming. The rest of the daily programs are, as is usual for hot adult contemporary stations, contrasted with a music-heavy program, interrupted by short presentations, hourly news (which are always broadcast at ten minutes before the hour), service information, and advertisements. History The station has been broadcasting since September 9, 1991. The model for 104.6 RTL was the radio station 102.7 KISS FM in Los Angeles, from which the method of construction of the radio studio has even been imitated, as well as numerous program elements. Since 1997, 104.6 RTL has organized one of the largest free open-air festivals in the Kindl-Bühne Wuhlheide once per year with “Stars for Free”. Transmission Area The station covers Berlin and Brandenburg with its transmission. Frequencies FM Berlin: 104.6 FM Potsdam: 104.6 FM Finsterwalde: 88.0 FM Elsterwerda: 89.5 FM Luckenwalde: 96,9 Analog cable Berlin: 104.05 In January 2014, the DVB-T distribution was ended in Berlin. References External links Category:Radio stations in Germany Category:RTL Group Category:Media in Berlin Category:Radio stations established in 1991 Category:1991 establishments in Germany
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Verona Airport (Wisconsin) Verona Airport is a privately owned public use airport located one nautical mile (2 km) east of the central business district of Verona, a city in Dane County, Wisconsin, United States. Facilities and aircraft Verona Airport covers an area of 15 acres (6 ha) at an elevation of 960 feet (293 m) above mean sea level. It has two runways with turf surfaces: 3/21 is 2,190 by 90 feet (668 x 27 m) and 4/22 is 1,897 by 85 feet (578 x 26 m). For the 12-month period ending July 8, 2016, the airport had 1,010 aircraft operations, an average of 84 per month: 99% general aviation and 1% military. In November 2018, there were 3 aircraft based at this airport: 2 single-engine and 1 ultralight. References External links Verona Airport (W19) at Wisconsin DOT Airport Directory Category:Airports in Wisconsin Category:Transportation in Dane County, Wisconsin
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List of United States Navy ships: N–O N () () () () () () () Na (/) (/) (/) (, , /) (/) (, ) (/) () () () () () (/) () (/) (//) (/) (, ) () () (, ) () (, ) (, , /, , ) () (, , /) () (, ) (, , /) (, , /, /, ) () (, , ) (/) () () () (, , ) (/) (///, ) (/) (/) () () () (, , /) () () () () (, ) () () (///) () () (, //) (, , ) () (/) (, , , /) () (, , , , ) () (/, , , ) () (/) (/) () (//, ) () (/) (/) Ne () (, , ) (, , /) () () (, ) (//, ) (//) () () () () () () () () (, , ) DSV Nemo () (//) (/) () (, , , /) (//) () () (, , , /) (, , ) () () () () () () () () (/) (/) () (, ) () () (, , ) (/) () (/, /) () (, , /) () (, , , ) () (, , , ) () (, , ) () () (/) (, ) () (, /, /, , ) () (, , , , , , ) () (, , , , ) () () () () (//) (/) (/) (/, /, , ) (, , ) (, ) () Ni (, , , , , /, //, ) (/) (//, ) () () (, /, ) (, , , ) (//) () (, , , /, /) () () () (, /) () () () () () (/) () () () () (, ) () No (/, ) (, ) () (, ) () (/) (/, //) () () () (/) () () (/) () (, , , ) () () () () () () (/) () (, , , , ) (, ) () () (, /, //) () () () () (/) () (, ) (, /) (, ) () () Nr–Ny (NR-1) (/) (/) (/) () (/) (/) (, ) () (/) () O (, /, ) (, , , , ) (/) () (/) () () () (, ) () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () Oa–Og (/, ) (/, ) () (, /, ) () (///) () () (/) (, /) () () (OSS-26/) () () () () (/) () () (, ) (//) () () () () (, ) () (/) (/, ) () (/) () Oh–On (, , , , /) (1914) () () () () (/) (, ) (//) () (//, ) () () () () (1797) () () (, ) () (/) () () () (/) () (///, ) () (, , , ) () () () (, , , SP-765, ) (//) () (, /) (//) () (, ) (/) (, , ) () () (, , , /) (/) (, ) () () () Oo–Os () () () () (/) () () (/) (/) () (//) (, , , ) () () (, , /, ) (, ) () () (, , , /, //, ) (, , ) (, /) (/) (/) (//) () (/) (//) (/, /, ) (, ) (, ///) (/) () () () (, , , //) () () () (//) () (, , , , /) () (/) (, ) () () () (, , /) (, ) () (/) Ot–Oz () (/) (, , , ) (, ) (, ) (/) () (/) () () (/) () (/) (/) (/) () (/) () () () () () (//, /) (/) (, /) (/) () (, , ///) () () (, ) External links List of homeports and their ships @ navy.mil Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships Naval Vessel Register
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Flappers Comedy Club Flappers Comedy Club and Restaurant is a live comedy club with two California locations, one in Burbank, and the other in Claremont. Notable celebrity comedians who have performed at Flappers have included Jerry Seinfeld, Maria Bamford, Kevin Hart, Gabriel Iglesias, Bill Burr, Adam Sandler, Christopher Titus, Jimmy Dore, Rob Schneider, Craig Shoemaker and others. The Burbank club, which opened in 2010, is located at 102 East Magnolia Boulevard in Downtown Burbank, and includes a 200-seat Mainroom, a smaller 50-seat "Yoo Hoo Room," and a bar & patio area with smaller performance stages. Over 40 shows per week are produced, seven nights a week. A full-service restaurant and bar menu is available before and during shows. Friday and Saturday 8pm and 10pm shows feature national touring headliners in the Mainroom. Other notable shows include: Celebrity Drop-In Tuesdays at 8pm - a show in which famous comedians routinely drop in, with past guests including Adam Sandler, Whitney Cummings, Adam DeVine Two Milk Minimum every Saturday at 4:30pm - a family-friendly comedy show starring Michael Rayner (Sesame Street) Uncle Clydes Comedy Contest every Wednesday at 8pm - Flappers' fresh-faces comedy contest in which the audience votes for their favorite comedians to win cash prizes, gift cards, and Flappers Traditional "Huge Bowl Of Fries." Flappers is also home to Flappers Comedy University, "where learning is a joke," and is one of the largest comedy schools in Los Angeles. The school offers classes in stand-up comedy, improvisation, marketing and promoting, writing for late night television, screenwriting, getting booked on the road, and more. The Claremont Club, which also opened in 2010, is located at 512 West 1st Street, Claremont, on the second floor of the historic Packing House. Seating 100, the club offers a beer & wine list, appetizers, and desserts. Notable shows include: Headliner Friday and Saturday nights - featuring national headlining comedians Comedy Showcases - Sundays at 7pm featuring a mix of local talent, LA comedians, and national headliners Two Milk Minimum - select Sundays at 4:30pm Events Since 2014, Flappers has produced and hosted the Burbank Comedy Festival, sponsored by Visit Burbank and the Downtown Burbank Partnership. The festival features a full week of comedy shows, classes, industry panels, and parties. In 2017 to celebrate Women's History Month, the club featured female headliners that included Cocoa Brown, Taylor Tomlinson and Laurie Kilmartin. Acts In winter of 2016, Cedric The Entertainer performed every Monday for a two-month residency. In April 2017, Kevin Hart headlined four shows. References Category:Comedy clubs in California
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
National Register of Historic Places listings in Ashley County, Arkansas __NOTOC__ This is a list of the National Register of Historic Places listings in Ashley County, Arkansas. This is intended to be a complete list of the properties on the National Register of Historic Places in Ashley County, Arkansas, United States. The locations of National Register properties for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in a map. There are 26 properties listed on the National Register in the county. Another two properties were once listed but have been removed. Current listings |} Former listings |} See also List of National Historic Landmarks in Arkansas National Register of Historic Places listings in Arkansas References Ashley County *
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Filatov Filatov () is a common Russian surname. Notable people with the surname include: Alexander Filatov (born 1940), Russian politician Anatoli Filatov (born 1975), Kazakhstani ice hockey player Andrey Filatov (born 1971), Russian entrepreneur Antonin Filatov, Russian surgeon and hematologist Borys Filatov (born 1972), Ukrainian politician Dmitry Filatov (scientist), Soviet embryologist Dmitri Filatov (born 1977), Russian football player Leonid Filatov (1946–2003), Russian/Soviet actor, writer and director Nikita Filatov (born 1990), Russian ice hockey player Nikolai Filatov (1862–1935), Russian scientist in the field of theory of shooting Nil Filatov (1847–1902), Russian physician Pavel Filatov (1887–), Russian fencer Sergey Alexandrovich Filatov (born 1936), Russian politician Sergei Filatov (1926–1997), Soviet equestrian Tarja Filatov (born 1963), Finnish politician Valentin Filatov (animal trainer), Soviet circus artist Valentin Filatov (born 1982), Russian footballer Valeri Filatov (born 1950), Russian/Soviet football player Vera Filatova (born 1982), Ukrainian actress Viktor Filatov, Russian journalist Vladimir Filatov (1875–1956), Russian-Ukrainian ophthalmologist and surgeon Yuri Filatov (born 1948), Ukrainian flatwater canoer Filatov & Karas, a Russian group Category:Russian-language surnames
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2018–19 Rink Hockey Euroleague The 2018–19 Rink Hockey Euroleague is the 54th season of Europe's premier club roller hockey tournament organised by World Skate Europe-Rink Hockey Committee, and the 22nd season since it was renamed from European Champion Clubs' Cup to Euroleague. The defending champions Barcelona were eliminated by Porto in the semi-finals. In the final, Sporting CP beat Porto 5–2 to win their second trophy in the competition, while Porto lost their 10th consecutive final and 12th overall. Team allocation Association ranking For the 2018–19 Rink Hockey Euroleague, the associations were allocated places according to their coefficient, which takes into account the performance of each association's representative teams in European competitions between the 2014–15 and the 2017–18 seasons. The coefficient is calculated by dividing the total of points accumulated by the number of participating teams. Participation is reserved to teams from associations that have an effective capacity to organise annually their own national championships. They will all have at least one team entering the competition. To allocate the other nine places, the D'Hondt method was applied to the coefficient of each association. In case of withdrawals, priority would be given according to the order established by the D'Hondt method. Teams League positions of the previous season shown in parentheses (TH: Title holders). As English champions King's Lynn resigned to its place, that was occupied by a fourth Italian team following the allocation criteria. Round dates The schedule of the competition is as follows. Draw The 16 teams were allocated into four pots, with the title holders, Reus Deportiu, being placed directly as head-team of the Group A. The other three seeded teams will be from the three top ranked federations according to these priorities: National champions of those leagues. Highest ranked teams. In each group, teams played against each other home-and-away in a home-and-away round-robin format. Group stage The 16 teams were allocated into four pots, with the title holders, Reus Deportiu, being placed as seeded team in the Group A automatically. The other 3 seeded teams, Porto, Barcelona and Amatori Lodi, were automatically placed in groups B, C and D, respectively. The rest of the teams were drawn into four groups of four, with the restriction that teams from the same association could not be drawn against each other. In each group, teams played against each other home-and-away in a home-and-away round-robin format. A total of six national associations were represented in the group stage. Group A Group B Group C Group D Knockout phase The knockout phase comprises a quarter-final round and a final four tournament with two semi-finals and a final. In the quarter-finals, group stage winners play against group stage runners-up (other than the one from their own group), the latter hosting the first of two legs. The winners qualify for the final four tournament, which will take place at the ground of one of the four finalists. Bracket Quarter-finals |} Final four The final four tournament is taking place at Pavilhão João Rocha in Lisbon, Portugal, on 11–12 May 2019. The home ground of Sporting CP, one of the teams qualified for the final four, was selected as the host venue on 18 April. It is the first time that the Euroleague final four is played in this venue, and the second time it is hosted in Lisbon, after the 2016 edition was played at Benfica's Pavilhão Fidelidade. All times are local time (WEST or UTC+02:00). Semi-finals Final See also 2018–19 World Skate Europe Cup 2018 CERH Continental Cup 2018–19 CERH Women's European Cup World Skate Europe - all competitions References External links Comité Européen de Rink-Hockey (official website) Category:Rink Hockey Euroleague CERH European League CERH European League
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Serhiy Shipovskiy Serhiy Shipovskiy (born 2 January 1965) is a retired Ukrainian football goalkeeper. References Category:1965 births Category:Living people Category:Ukrainian footballers Category:FC Izhevsk players Category:FC Krylia Sovetov Samara players Category:FC Karpaty Lviv players Category:FC Shakhtar Donetsk players Category:FC Tekstilshchik Kamyshin players Category:Hutnik Nowa Huta players Category:Pogoń Szczecin players Category:Association football goalkeepers Category:Ukrainian expatriate footballers Category:Expatriate footballers in Russia Category:Ukrainian expatriate sportspeople in Russia Category:Expatriate footballers in Poland Category:Ukrainian expatriate sportspeople in Poland
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Phillip & Sala Burton High School Phillip and Sala Burton Academic High School is an American secondary school in San Francisco, California. The founding of the school is a result of a consent decree ruling in 1984 between the City of San Francisco and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. First established in the Silver Terrace neighborhood, the current campus is located in Visitacion Valley at 400 Mansell Avenue, on the former site of Woodrow Wilson High School. The school is named after former U.S. Representatives Phillip Burton and his wife Sala Burton. From January 2007 to May 2009, Leadership High School cohabitated with Burton High School; as did Metropolitan Arts and Tech Charter School from May 2009 to May 2011. History Phillip & Sala Burton Academic High School was established in 1984 under the court's guidance as a consent decree between the NAACP and the City and County of San Francisco. Demographics According to US News and World Report, 98% of Burton's student body is "of color," with 73% of the student body coming from an economically disadvantaged household, determined by student eligibility for California's Reduced-price meal program. African-American enrollment has steadily declined in regards to the overall student enrollment. African-American families have left San Francisco for more affordable locales (from 1970 the city's African-American population was 13%; in 2006 the population declined to 6%). Academics Standardized Testing In regards to student achievement and state accountability measures, Burton's Academic Performance Index climbed steadily 109 points over the last several years. The API calculation under the most recent state accountability system occurred for the SY 2012-13, at which point Burton's API was 732. For the most recent reporting period our decile state ranking and similar schools ranking is 4, 4. The three year non-weighted API average is 716 and the weighted API average is 718. The California Department of Education approved the use of a 3-Year Average API Report, which includes a non-weighted average API and a weighted average API. Burton Courses Currently, the course offerings for Burton students are as follows: Wall-to-Wall Academy Model Burton piloted the National Academy Foundation's wall-to-wall academy model for San Francisco. Following the freshman year, Burton students self-select into one of three career-themed academies. Students who elect to continue playing for one of the Burton bands elect to postpone their academy selection until their junior year. Each academy is designed to provide students with a relevant experience that is grounded in academic content. Students have the choice between engineering, health science, and media arts and entertainment. Over the course of their study, students partake in a wide range of field trips and job shadowing experiences. Guest speakers from the industry come to Burton to present and discuss with students what skills are necessary to pursue jobs in a particular industry. Additionally, guest speakers speak to the assortment of jobs that each industry actively recruits. Students have the option to participate in summer internships—some of which are paid! Collectively, academy students work as a class or as a member of a small group on a final project leading up to their graduation. All students commemorate their participation as a member of the academy with a celebration and a sash that adorns their graduation gown. The primary objective of the Burton wall-to-wall academy structure is to utilize the rigor, relevance, and articulation of the curricular program to fully engage students, thus reducing the truancy and dropout rates, closing the achievement gap, improving test scores, and increasing the graduation and college entrance rates. Post-Secondary Success Plans Burton High School works with the San Francisco Education Fund, a non-profit, that works to support schools on building and following through on their Post-Secondary Success Plans for graduates. Like other San Francisco high school graduates who elect to enroll in a two-year program like City College of San Francisco, only 10% of students leave the program in five years with any degree or certificate. However, 90% of Burton graduates who attend a four-year institution immediately following high school successfully complete their program within five years. Additionally, when compared to similar high schools in San Francisco, Burton graduates are more likely to attend a two-year program over the four-year program. See also San Francisco County high schools References External links Official Website as of March 1, 2008 Great Schools profile on Burton HS Category:High schools in San Francisco Category:Educational institutions established in 1984 Category:Public high schools in California Category:1984 establishments in California Category:San Francisco Unified School District schools
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Paul Vitello Paul Vitello is an American journalist who has been writing for a variety of publications since 1972. He wrote an award-winning news column for Newsday from 1982 to 2005. He currently writes for the religion and obituary sections of The New York Times and is a lecturer at Stony Brook University's School of Journalism. Biography Vitello was born in Chicago in 1950. He grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. He graduated from the High School of Music & Art (now LaGuardia High School) and Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Before joining the Times staff in 2005, he wrote about Long Island life for Newsday for 23 years. His column received the Meyer Berger Award from Columbia University, was named the best newspaper column of the year in New York three times by the Associated Press, and won Newsdays Publisher's Award four times. He shared in Newsdays 1985 John Hancock Award for excellence in business writing and its 1997 Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Reporting for its coverage of the crash of TWA flight 800. His work was featured in the American Society of Newspaper Editors' Best Newspaper Writing 2001: The Nation's Best Journalism, published by The Poynter Institute.On most days, I gather information for a story just as I would as a reporter; but when I write the column, it's the subtext I'm trying to get right.... Subtext is, according to my definition, the part of the story that none of the players ever mentions. It's the election politics in the prosecution of a murder case.... It can be in the way two people look at each other across a courtroom before one testifies against the other. For me, subtext is where the action is in any story. Vitello began his career reporting for the Kansas City Times, the Knickerbocker News in Albany, New York and the City News Bureau of Chicago. As a freelance writer in Rome in 1979, he covered news from the Vatican for the Religion News Service. Vitello is featured in the 2016 documentary Obit., about the complex work of The Times's obituary writers. References Category:Living people Category:American male journalists Category:The New York Times writers Category:Year of birth missing (living people)
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1887 in China Events in the year 1887 in China. Incumbents Emperor: Guangxu Emperor (13th year) Events 6 July - Establishment of the Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Shensi 1 December - Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Peking Census finds a population of 401,520,392 References Category:1880s in China Category:Years of the 19th century in China
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Tony Manero Tony Manero may refer to: Tony Manero (golfer) (1905–1989), American golfer Tony Manero (film), 2008 Chilean film Anthony "Tony" Manero, character played by John Travolta in the films Saturday Night Fever and Staying Alive
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Karyosome Karyosome refers to the chromatin material inside the cell nucleus when the cell is undergoing meiotic division. It appears to be a dense mass in the middle of the cell and is often mistaken for the nucleolus. The karyosome or karyosphere is particularly known for its role in oogenesis. It seems to form at the diplotene stage, or in the first meiotic prophase. It is formed when all chromatin material form together to make a mass before the beginning of the first meiotic division. Around the mass protein granules can often be seen. There have been studies that point to this stage as being when genes are silenced. References Category:Cell biology
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Problem (horse) Problem (foaled 1823) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse and broodmare who won the classic 1000 Guineas at Newmarket in 1826. After winning the classic on her first appearance on a racecourse, Problem was beaten on her next five starts before returning to form to win two match races at Newmarket 1827. After her retirement, Problem became a successful and influential broodmare. Background Problem was a chestnut mare bred by her owner George FitzRoy, 4th Duke of Grafton at his stud at Euston Hall in Suffolk. She was sired by Merlin, a horse with a "frightful temper" whose wins included the Port Stakes at Newmarket in 1819. At stud, his best runner apart from Problem was her contemporary and stable companion Dervise who won the 2000 Guineas for the Duke of Grafton in 1826. Problem's dam Pawn was a daughter of Prunella, described as one of the most important broodmares in the history of the Thoroughbred breed. Pawn herself was an influential broodmare, regarded as the Foundation mare of Thoroughbred Family 1-f. Her direct descendants have won hundreds of major races in the last two centuries and include the modern champions Hurricane Run, Snow Fairy and Frankel. Grafton sent the filly to be trained at Newmarket by Robert Robson, the so-called "Emperor of Trainers". Racing career 1826: three-year-old season Problem did not race before contesting the 1000 Guineas Stakes on 28 April 1826. She was ridden by John Barham Day and started at odds of 5/1 in a field of six fillies for the race over the Ditch Mile course. She won the race from Tears, a filly owned by the Duke of Grafton's cousin Thomas Grosvenor, with the odds on favourite Butterfly in third place. Problem's win was the seventh in the race for the Duke of Grafton and an eighth for Robert Robson. A month after her win in the Guineas Problem was sent to Epsom Downs Racecourse for the Oaks Stakes over one and a half miles. The race attracted a field of fifteen runners and Problem was made favourite at 6/4, with Tears being the second choice of the betters at 6/1. She went into the lead from the start and still held the advantage on the turn into the straight. In the closing stages she turned back challenges from Butterfly and Shortwaist but was overtaken inside the final furlong and finished second to Lilias, a 15/1 outsider owned and trained by John "Daddy" Forth. After her defeat at Epsom Problem was off the course for more than four months before reappearing at Newmarket's First October meeting. She started 7/4 favourite for the ten furlong Grand Duke Michael Stakes but finished unplaced behind Lord Exeter's colt Hobgoblin. Two days later Problem again raced against colts in the Newmarket St Leger over the two mile "Ditch In" course and finished unplaced behind the dead-heaters Leeway and Monarch. Her final race of the year came in the Frogmore Stakes at the Second October meeting. She started the 1/2 favourite but was beaten by her only rival, the Duke of York's filly Elizabeth, who won by a head. 1827: four-year-old season Problem began her 1827 season at the Craven meeting at Newmarket in April. In the Claret Stakes for four-year-olds over two miles she finished third of the four runners behind her stable companion and close relative Dervise (apart from being sired by the same stallion, Dervise was the son of Problem's half-sister, Pawn Junior). At the Second Spring meeting in May Problem was withdrawn from an engagement is a Handicap Sweepstakes but took part in a match race over the Ditch Mile two days later. Her opponent was Lord Wharncliffe's six-year-old chestnut horse Reformer who was given a weight of 122 pounds, 11 more than the filly. Problem easily defeated her older rival to record her first win in over a year and claim a prize of 200 guineas. In October Problem took part in a second match race over the Ditch Mile. On this occasion she was required to carry six pounds more than her opponent The Dragon, a colt owned by Lord Jersey. The Dragon was strongly favoured in the betting but Problem, ridden by Francis Buckle, prevailed to win a further 200 guineas. Stud record Problem was retired to become a broodmare at the Duke of Grafton's stud. She produced no champions but the successes of two of her daughters ensured that she had a lasting impact on the history of the Thoroughbred and she is regarded as the Foundation mare of Thoroughbred Family 1-g. In 1831 she produced the filly Nameless, sired by Emilius, whose descendants include the British classic winners Pilgrimage, Swynford and Mon Fils. Swynford became a champion sire as did another of Nameless's descendants, the British-bred, Australian-based Star Kingdom. Problem's 1836 foal was Io, a chestnut filly sired by Taurus. Io is the ancestor of numerous leading Thoroughbreds including the Triple Crown winner Gay Crusader. Other descendants of Io are Dayjur, Sky Beauty and Summing. Pedigree Problem was inbred 3 x 4 to Highflyer, meaning that this stallion appears in both the third and fourth generations of her pedigree. References Category:1823 racehorse births Category:Racehorses bred in the United Kingdom Category:Racehorses trained in the United Kingdom Category:Thoroughbred family 1-f Category:Thoroughbred family 1-g Category:Byerley Turk sire line Category:1000 Guineas winners
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Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine (GCSOM) is a private medical school associated with the Geisinger Health System and located in northeastern and north central Pennsylvania. GCSOM offers a community-based model of medical education with four regional campuses - North (Scranton), South (Wilkes-Barre), Central (Danville), and Guthrie (Sayre). It offers a Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program and a Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS) Program. History The foundation of GCSOM, formerly known as The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC), began with the establishment of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Medical Education Development Consortium (MEDC) in 2004. The consortium included business, medical, community, and government representatives. After acquiring funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and other state, federal and private philanthropic sources, the Commonwealth Medical Education Corporation was formed. In the spring of 2007, Robert M. D’Alessandri began his tenure as president and founding dean. Commonwealth was awarded degree-granting authority by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 2008 and received preliminary accreditation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) in 2008. D'Alessandri resigned from his position as dean and president in April 2011. In June 2011, the LCME placed GCSOM on probation due to financial stability concerns. Provisional accreditation was granted in 2012, with full accreditation granted in June 2014. In June 2014, GCSOM was also granted full accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). GCSOM accepted its first class of medical and master's students in 2009. GCSOM graduated its first MD and fourth MBS classes in May 2013. On September 28, 2016, Geisinger Health System announced it had acquired the Commonwealth Medical College. The acquisition integrated aspects of the health system, such as residency training programs, into TCMC, and also introduced new Master's programs. Additionally, TCMC was renamed Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. Admissions and academics The MD Class of 2020 had an average MCAT score of 30 and GPA of 3.62 at admission. 12% of the class is from groups historically underrepresented in medicine, and 71% of the 108 students that comprise the class are from Pennsylvania. 29% of the class is specifically from Northeastern Pennsylvania and North Central Pennsylvania. The school was among the first United States medical schools to adopt the Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC) model as the standard clinical experience for the entire medical school class in the third year. This allows students to follow a panel of patients over the course of a year. Students live in the community and train with clinical preceptors in the different core disciplines of family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, OB/GYN and general surgery. The key difference is the year-long curriculum as opposed to traditional “block” clinical rotations. References External links Category:Medical schools in Pennsylvania Category:Universities and colleges in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania Category:2008 establishments in Pennsylvania Category:Educational institutions established in 2008
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Valley Torah High School Valley Torah High School is an Orthodox Jewish high school located in Valley Village, California. The school has two separate divisions: a Boys Division, and a Girls Division. The current Dean and Rosh Yeshiva is Rabbi Avraham Stulburger. The Boys Division Torah Principal is Rabbi Yisroel Semmel and Assistant Principal is Rabbi Chaim Davidowitz; The school's General Studies Principal is Tomer Kleinman. The Girls Division Principal is Mrs. Sheindy Gross and their General Studies Principal is Mrs. Yali Rosenberg. Valley Torah is theologically aligned with the Chofetz Chaim school of thought. This religious philosophy is rooted in the Musar movement of 19th-century Lithuanian Jewry. Athletics Basketball The Valley Torah Wolfpack won the 2011 Division 6AA CIF basketball championship, becoming the first Jewish school in Southern California to ever earn a CIF title. The Wolfpack frequently play against the YULA Panthers and Shalhevet Firehawks, two Modern Orthodox Jewish high schools in Los Angeles, California. They also won the 2017 Cooper Invitational with Ryan Turell leading the pack with 41 points. A few weeks later, they went on to win the Steve Glouberman Annual High School Basketball tournament as well. In the 2017–18 season, head coach Lior Schwartzberg and assistant Alexander Lieu led the Wolfpack to one of its most successful seasons to date, amassing a 28–8 overall record (10–2 in league), while also capturing two of three nationwide Jewish high school basketball tournament championships. Notable alumni David Draiman — Lead singer for the band Disturbed attended Valley Torah High School. Aaron Liberman — Currently playing for the Northwestern Wildcats men's basketball team. Liberman is the first player in Big Ten history to wear a yarmulke in a game. References External links Category:Educational institutions with year of establishment missing Category:High schools in Los Angeles County, California Category:High schools in the San Fernando Valley Category:Jewish day schools in California Category:Mesivtas Category:North Hollywood, Los Angeles Category:Orthodox Judaism in Los Angeles Category:Private high schools in California
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Andrey Yerguchyov Andrey Yerguchyov (, born 23 April 1995) is a Kazakhstani canoeist. Competing in the four-man K-4 1000 m event he won a gold medal at the 2014 Asian Games and placed tenth at the 2016 Olympics. At the Rio Olympics he also finished 12th in the K-2 200 m event. References Category:1995 births Category:Living people Category:Kazakhstani male canoeists Category:Olympic canoeists of Kazakhstan Category:Canoeists at the 2016 Summer Olympics Category:Place of birth missing (living people) Category:Asian Games gold medalists for Kazakhstan Category:Asian Games silver medalists for Kazakhstan Category:Asian Games medalists in canoeing Category:Canoeists at the 2014 Asian Games Category:Canoeists at the 2018 Asian Games Category:Medalists at the 2014 Asian Games Category:Medalists at the 2018 Asian Games
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Preservation Act 2 Preservation Act 2 is a 1974 concept album by British rock band The Kinks, and their thirteenth studio album. It was not well received by critics and sold poorly (peaking on the Billboard 200 at No. 114), though the live performances of the material were much better received. The 1991 CD reissue on Rhino was a two CD set combining Preservation: Act 2 with its 1973 predecessor Preservation: Act 1, but with no bonus tracks. The 1998 CD reissue of Act 2 on Velvel featured the outtake "Slum Kids", a popular live piece for The Kinks. Track listing Personnel The Kinks Ray Davies - vocals, guitar Dave Davies - guitar, vocals John Dalton - bass Mick Avory - drums John Gosling - keyboards with: Maryann Price, Angi Girton, Pamela Travis, Sue Brown - vocals Christopher Timothy - "announcer" voice (chosen to mimic his adverts for The Sun) Chris Musk - "reporter at meeting" voice Alan Holmes - baritone saxophone, clarinet Laurie Brown - trumpet, flute, tenor saxophone John Beecham - trombone, flute Technical Roger Beale - engineer Pat Doyle - art direction Bob Searles - design Jerry Preston - illustration References External links Category:The Kinks albums Category:1974 albums Category:Rock operas Category:RCA Records albums Category:Albums produced by Ray Davies Category:Sequel albums
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Whaplode Drove __NOTOC__ Whaplode Drove is a village in the civil parish of Whaplode , in the South Holland district of Lincolnshire, England. It is approximately south from the market town of Spalding. The hamlet of Shepeau Stow is to the south-west. Whaplode Drove is a largely rural village and lies in the middle of the Lincolnshire Fens. Community Village amenities include a post office with shop, a church, garage and a social club. The ecclesiastical parish is Whaplode Drove. The parish church, on Broadgate, is dedicated to St John the Baptist. The parish is part of the Whaplode Drove Group of the Deanery of Elloe East. The only other parish in the group is Gedney Hill. The church maintains a church hall, and the village also has a war memorial, and The Elizabethan centre, a community hall intended to commemorate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, but which took until 1982 to be built. References External links Category:Villages in Lincolnshire Category:South Holland, Lincolnshire
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Pajé River The Pajé River is a river of Ceará state in eastern Brazil. See also List of rivers of Ceará References Brazilian Ministry of Transport Category:Rivers of Ceará
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Alvin M. Fountain Alvin Marcus Fountain (July 10, 1899 – May 2, 1989) was a former professor of English at North Carolina State University and a notable college historian. Biography As a student at NC State from 1919 to 1923, Fountain served as the editor of the Technician, NC State's student newspaper and the co-author of the NC State Alma Mater, originally composed at ROTC summer camp at Camp (later Fort) McClellan in Alabama in 1922: "Where the winds of Dixie softly blow o'er the fields of Caroline, There stands ever cherished, N.C. State, as thy honored shrine So lift your voices! Loudly sing from hill to oceanside! Our hearts ever hold you, N.C. State in the folds of our love and pride." Fountain graduated from NC State in 1923 as salutatorian with a degree in electrical engineering, later receiving and M.S. in sociology with a thesis on the spending patterns of mill workers at Pilot Mills in Raleigh, North Carolina (1926); an M.S. in English literature from Columbia University with a thesis on ante-bellum Charleston, South Carolina, as a literary center (1930); and a Ph.D. in English from the George Peabody College in Nashville, Tennessee, with a dissertation on courses in technical writing (1937). Fountain co-authored several English textbooks including The Engineer's Manual of English (1943) and Manual of Technical Writing (1957). In 1991 NC State University named Fountain Dining Hall in honor of the former professor. NCSU Libraries Special Collections Research Center serves as the repository for the Alvin Marcus Fountain Papers. References Category:1899 births Category:1989 deaths Category:North Carolina State University people
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Anna Elisabeth Baer Anna Elisabeth Baer née Carlbohm (1722–1799) was a Finnish merchant and shipowner. She was one of the richest merchants in the latter half of the 18th century in Turku, Finland. Life Anna Elisabeth Baer was the daughter of the rich merchant and city councillor Kristoffer Carlbohm and Anna Warg of Gamla Karleby. In 1743, she married the wealthy merchant Anders Baer (1712–1770) of Turku, who was also an elected representative to the Swedish parliament. The couple had thirteen children, seven of whom became adults. Business career She took over the family business (as well as her husband's guild membership) after his death in 1770, and managed it for nearly thirty years after his death. She sent several petitions relating to business to the Swedish Collegium of Commerce. She was a shipowner, owned a merchant company and several properties outside of Turku, as well as parts of a brick factory, a saw mill and a tobacco factory. From 1770 until 1777, she managed the Turku city hall restaurant in companionship with Elisabeth Wittfooth. After the death of her spouse, she was sued by the tobacco trader Emanuel Tillman for the debt of her late husband, for the unpaid tobacco leaves he had ordered for a tobacco factory in Turku in which he owned an interest. Baer refused to pay the entire amount but claimed that the other part owners of the factory should pay part of the debt. This was contested by the biggest part owner, Jost Joachim Pipping, who demanded to see the Baer account books to verify the purchase had been exclusively that of Anders Baer. The legal dispute lasted for three years, until 1774, when the court decided that all part owners should pay a share of the debt. During the Theatre War in 1790, the war lugger Tumlaren was gifted to the royal fleet of king Gustav III of Sweden by a group of female merchants (referred to as 'Merchant Widows') of the city of Turku, among them being Anna Elisabeth Baer and Elisabeth Wittfooth. Anna Elisabeth Baer died a very rich woman in 1799, and left her possessions to her three surviving children. The 1771 Election Anna Elisabeth Baer wanted to vote in the Riksdag elections in Turku in 1771, and sent a letter to the governor regarding the matter. The petition was sent together with the book binder Hedvig Söderman and the tanner Hedvig Ottiliana Richter, both widows who had inherited their businesses from their late husbands, and who all petitioned to vote on the grounds that they were tax paying guild members. The petition to vote was sent because the election of the burgher city representatives to the Riksdag had already been held, without her having been called to participate in it, despite having the legal right to do so. In the election, Jost Joachim Pipping was elected representative to the Riksdag by the Turku burghers. Pipping was a business rival of Baer, with whom she was involved in a court dispute at the time. The burgher election of Turku was contested by both the Craftsmen's Guild as well as by Baer. In her protest, she demanded the right to exercise her vote and made the case that because she paid taxes as a burgher, she should have the right to elect her burgher representative, and that if her right to vote was not respected, she feared that her other rights as a businessperson were in danger of eventually being contested in the same way. In her protest, she wrote to the Governor: "I make these demands for no other reasons or designs than to defend my rights and priviliges, without which my Profession and Business Trade could be limited and mistreated, a concern to which I trust upon the consideration of Your Grace." In Sweden-Finland at the time, there was in fact conditional women's suffrage, and women who were tax paying guild members did have the legal right to vote, a fact that Baer may have been avare of. In Sweden, women did vote in the 1771 election if they were taxpaying guild members of legal majority, which Baer herself became when she was widowed: and Finland was at that time a part of Sweden, thus this conditional women's suffrage should have applied in Finland as well. However, this right was contested in Finland, where it was not considered proper for women to appear in the town halls to discuss political issues. The answer to the petition of 1771 was a refusal from the governor, after having consulted the burgher elders of the city of Turku, regarding their view on the matter. The burgher elders stated that Baer, Söderman and Richter had merely inherited their businesses (and burgher rights) from their late husbands: they had not sworn the burgher oath personally, were thus not 'full members' of the guilds, and thereby they did not have the right to vote, despite being guild members. In his answer to Baer's petition to vote, the governor stated that she had no reason to fear that her business rights should be threatened in any way, but: "… Mrs Baer wishes to vote for the representatives of the Parliament: this curious matter seemed too ridiculous for the City Elders to answer further. For that reason, and because it seemed likely that Mrs Baer had been seduced to this step, so unexpected for the strength of her intellect and unflattering for her sex, we will give no further reply to her petition in this matter." The conditional women's suffrage in Sweden-Finland was in any case abolished the following year, when the revolution of 1772 abolished the age of liberty in favour of absolute monarchy. Nevertheless, the Turku burgher election of 1771 was deemed to be incorrect and a re-election was held, during which Pipping lost his place. References Category:1722 births Category:1799 deaths Category:Finnish women in business Category:18th-century Finnish businesspeople Category:Finnish businesspeople in shipping
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
NGM NGM can refer to: NASDAQ Global Market National Guitar Museum, USA Nested Grid Model, for weather prediction New Generation Mobile, a phone manufacturer Nordic Growth Market, a Swedish exchange for Nordic growth companies
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Brzoza, Szamotuły County Brzoza is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Duszniki, within Szamotuły County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, in west-central Poland. It lies approximately south-east of Duszniki, south of Szamotuły, and west of the regional capital Poznań. References Category:Villages in Szamotuły County
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Jushan, Lorestan Jushan (, also Romanized as Jūshān and Jooshan) is a village in Borborud-e Gharbi Rural District, in the Central District of Aligudarz County, Lorestan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 359, in 68 families. References Category:Towns and villages in Aligudarz County
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }