28 values
It's been a long time since we were together I'm back in Ireland and I miss you more than ever In early spring we parted and I've been here since then But if I could only see you once again Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, and maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe tonight I remember Amsterdam as we sailed along the canal And as the leaves began to fall, we were walking in old Bruxelles In the Black Forest on a German summer's day And the memories refuse to go away Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, and maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe Don't you remember those Adriatic days? I miss your laughter and all your little ways I can still see you in London, walking on Trafalgar Square And drinking wine in Old Seville, how I wish that we were there Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe tonight Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, and maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe tonight Somewhere in Europe tonight Somewhere in Europe
It's been a long time since we were together I'm back in Ireland and I miss you more than ever In early spring we parted and I've been here since then But if I could only see you once again Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, and maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe tonight I remember Amsterdam as we sailed along the canal And as the leaves began to fall, we were walking in old Bruxelles In the Black Forest on a German summer's day And the memories refuse to go away Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, and maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe Don't you remember those Adriatic days? I miss your laughter and all your little ways I can still see you in London, walking on Trafalgar Square And drinking wine in Old Seville, how I wish that we were there Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe tonight Meet me in Paris on a Champs-Élysées night We could be in Rome again, 'neath the Trevi fountain light We should be together, and maybe we just might If you could only meet me somewhere in Europe tonight Somewhere in Europe tonight Somewhere in Europe
Liam Reilly
Somewhere in Europe
Ut ur en dröm och in i mitt hjärta Kom en känsla och fyllde min själ Och jag, en man, som reser i tankar Fylld av visioner ur en dröm Och jag känner... Som en vind, sveper inom mig Skänker mig värme, kom var mig närmre Som en vind, visa mig vägen Rör vid mig som en vind Tillsammans, men långt ifrån varann Vi vet att vi vill och vi kan En tanke säger mer än tusen ord Ändå vet jag inte vad jag ska tro Men jag känner... Som en vind, sveper inom mig Skänker mig värme, kom var mig närmre Som en vind, visa mig vägen Rör vid mig som en vind Jag, en man, fylld av visioner Stanna och rör mig Som en vind, sveper inom mig Skänker mig värme, kom var mig närmre Som en vind, visa mig vägen Kom till mig, stanna Vänd inte från mig Rör vid mig som en vind Rör vid mig som en vind
Out of a dream and into my heart A feeling came and filled my soul And I am a man travelling in his thoughts Full of visions from a dream And I feel... As if a wind were sweeping inside of me Giving me warmth – come closer to me Show me the way like a wind Touch me like a wind Together, but far apart from each other We know that we want to and that we can One thought is worth a thousand words And yet I don't know what I shall believe But I feel... As if a wind were sweeping inside of me Giving me warmth – come closer to me Show me the way like a wind Touch me like a wind I am a man full of visions Stay and touch me Like a wind sweeping inside of me Giving me warmth – come closer to me Show me the way like a wind Come to me, stay, don't turn away from me Touch me like a wind Touch me like a wind
Som en vind
Insieme, unite, unite, Europe Con te, così lontano e diverso Con te, amico che credevo perso Io e te, sotto lo stesso sogno Insieme, unite, unite, Europe E per te, donna senza frontiere Per te, sotto le stesse bandiere Io e te, sotto lo stesso cielo Insieme, unite, unite, Europe Sempre più liberi noi Non è più un sogno e non sei più da solo Sempre più in alto noi Dammi una mano che prendiamo il volo L'Europa non è lontana C'è una canzone italiana per voi Insieme, unite, unite, Europe Per noi, nel cielo mille violini Per noi, amori senza confini Io e te, sotto gli stessi ideali Insieme, unite, unite, Europe Sempre più liberi noi Non è più un sogno e noi non siamo più soli Sempre più uniti noi Dammi una mano e vedrai che voli L'Europa non è lontana C'è una canzone italiana per voi Insieme, unite, unite, Europe Sempre più liberi noi (Sempre più liberi) Le nostre stelle, una bandiera sola Sempre più forti noi (Sempre più forti) Dammi una mano e vedrai, si vola L'Europa non è lontana C'è una canzone italiana per voi Insieme, unite, unite, Europe L'Europa non è lontana C'è una canzone italiana per voi Insieme, unite, unite, Europe
With you, so far and different With you, a friend that I thought I’d lost You and I, having the same dream Together, unite, unite, Europe And for you, a woman without borders With you, under the same flags You and I, under the same sky Together, unite, unite, Europe We’re more and more free It’s no longer a dream and you’re no longer alone We’re higher and higher Give me your hand, so that we can fly Europe is not far away This is an Italian song for you Together, unite, unite, Europe For us, in heaven a thousand violins For us, love without borders You and I, having the same ideals, mmm… Together, unite, unite, Europe We’re more and more free It’s no longer a dream and we’re no longer alone We’re uniting more and more Give me your hand and you will see you’re flying Europe is not far away This is an Italian song for you Together, unite, unite, Europe We’re more and more free (More and more free) Our stars, one single flag We’re stronger and stronger (Stronger and stronger) Give me your hand and you will see yourself flying Europe is not far away This is an Italian song for you Together, unite, unite, Europe Europe is not far away This is an Italian song for you Together, unite, unite, Europe
Toto Cutugno
Insieme: 1992
Italian (English)
Zur selben Zeit vor einem Jahr Hat niemand sich's gedacht Dass unser Freiheitsdrang Den Sprung nach vorne macht Gegenwart kommt in Fahrt Sie muß um jeden Preis Bunter sein, nicht nur schwarz und weiß Denn unsere Zukunft wird erst jetzt geboren Viele Sprachen, viele Ohren Keine Mauern mehr, No walls anywhere (Keine Mauern mehr) Tomber les barrières, Keine Mauern mehr Keine Mauern mehr Der Wind ist stark, er nimmt in Sturm Bläst manchem ins Gesicht Die feste Hand am Widerstand zerbricht Denn unsere Zukunft wird erst jetzt geboren Viele Sprachen, viele Ohren Keine Mauern mehr, No walls anywhere (Keine Mauern mehr) Nema više zidova, Keine Mauern mehr Keine Mauern mehr
Same time last year noone would have thought that our dream of freedom took a step forward The present starts right she has it to be - at all costs more colourful - not just black and white 'Cause our future starts right now many languages, many ears no walls anymore no walls anywhere (no walls anymore) the walls are falling down no walls anymore no walls anymore The wind's strong, the takes meanwhile the storm blows some people into their faces the regime breakes up because of the resistence 'Cause our future starts right now many languages, many ears no walls anymore no walls anywhere (no walls anymore) no walls anymore no walls anymore no walls anymore
Keine Mauern mehr
German (English/ French/Croatian)
Δεν ξέρω πώς να σ' αγαπήσω Δεν ξέρω πώς να σου το πω Δεν ξέρω τι να σου χαρίσω Τι δρόμο πια να περπατώ Πού θα με βγάλει η ιοτορία μου με σένα Όσο σ' ακολουθώ Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά Βρες ένα τρόπο μια φορά Την πάρλα να την σταματάς Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά Δεν ξέρω τι να σου θυμίσω Ποια μελωδία, ποιο ρυθμό Με μουσική να ζωντανέψω τα λόγια που θα πω Που θα με βγάλει η ιοτορία μου με σένα Όσο σ' ακολουθώ Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά Βρες ένα τρόπο μια φορά Την πάρλα να την σταματάς Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά Λοιπόν καλύτερα, μια ώρα αρχύτερα Να τελειώνουμε μια για πάντα Δεν ήταν μπορετό να συνεχίσουμε Κάναμε λάθη πολλά Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά Βρες ένα τρόπο μια φορά Την πάρλα να την σταματάς Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά Βρες ένα τρόπο μια φορά Την πάρλα να την σταματάς Μιλάς πολύ, ζητάς πολλά
I don’t know how to love you I don’t know how to say it to you I don’t know what present to give you Which street I should walk along Where will my history with you lead me While I follow you? You talk too much, you ask for too much For once find a way To stop your talking You talk too much, you ask for too much I don’t know what I should remind you of Which melody, which rhythm With music I should make alive The words I say Where will my history with you lead me While I follow you? You talk too much, you ask for too much For once find a way To stop your talking You talk too much, you ask for too much So we’d better end it an hour sooner Let’s finish once and for all It wasn’t right to continue We made lots of mistakes You talk too much, you ask for too much For once find a way To stop your talking You talk too much, you ask for too much You talk too much, you ask for too much For once find a way To stop your talking You talk too much, you ask for too much
Milas poli (Μιλάς πολύ)
Fri, om jag frågar dig, säger du ej nej Frihet har vi väl Men, om du frågar mig, vad vår frihet är Svarar jag så här: Fri, vem av oss är fri? Fri att tänka själv, att ärligt och stolt vara den vi är, whoa... Rädd, rädd att göra fel, fångad i ett spel Där de som är lika får leka med, whoa... Säg, varför dessa krav Vad gör mig så svag för ditt yttre skal? Vem ger behoven fart? Vem gör mig till slav under all reklam? Fri, vem av oss är fri? Fri att tänka själv, att ärligt och stolt vara den vi är, whoa... Rädd, rädd att göra fel, fångad i ett spel Där de som är lika får leka med, whoa... Whoa... vem av oss är fri? Fri att tänka själv, att ärligt och stolt vara den vi är, whoa... Rädd, rädd att göra fel, fångad i ett spel Där de som är lika får leka med, whoa... Fri, vem av oss är fri? Fri att tänka själv, att ärligt och stolt vara den vi är, whoa... Rädd, rädd att göra fel, fångad i ett spel Där de som är lika får leka med, whoa... Fri?
Ooh yeah… Free, if I ask you, you won’t say no Don’t we have any freedom But, if you ask me, what our freedom is My answer is like this: Free, which of us are free? Free to think for ourselves, being honest and proud of yourself, whoa… Afraid, afraid of doing wrong, caught in a game Where those that are alike are allowed to join the game, whoa… Tell me, why all these demands What make me so weak in front of your outer shell? Who generates the speed of needs? Who makes me a slave to publicity? Free, which of us are free? Free to think for ourselves, being honest and proud of yourself, whoa… Afraid, afraid of doing wrong, caught in a game Where those that are alike are allowed to join the game, whoa… Whoa… which of us are free? Free to think for ourselves, being honest and proud of yourself, whoa… Afraid, afraid of doing wrong, caught in a game Where those that are alike are allowed to join the game, whoa… Free, which of us are free? Free to think for ourselves, being honest and proud of yourself, whoa… Afraid, afraid of doing wrong, caught in a game Where those that are alike are allowed to join the game, whoa… Free?
Brazil, Španija, Kolumbija, Kuba i Amerika Samba, rumba, cha cha cha Skini sve Skini cipele što pre Skini jaknu, farmerke Hajde igra počinje Za tvoje usne i moj vrat Tvoj poljubac će biti znak Za Ramba, Dina, šta, šta, šta Da sam novu igru smislila Brazil Jedan okret to su dva Reci hop i to su tri Tvoje srce to smo mi Brazil Meni ne treba Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Samo ti sa tobom ja Skini sve Skini cipele što pre Skini jaknu, farmerke Hajde igra počinje Za tvoje usne i moj vrat Tvoj poljubac će biti znak Za Ramba, Dina, šta, šta, šta Da sam novu igru smislila Brazil Jedan okret to su dva Reci hop i to su tri Tvoje srce to smo mi Brazil Meni ne treba Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Samo ti sa tobom ja Za tvoje usne i moj vrat Tvoj poljubac će biti znak Za Ramba, Dina, šta, šta, šta Da sam novu igru smislila Brazil Jedan okret to su dva Reci hop i to su tri Tvoje srce to smo mi Brazil Meni ne treba Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Samo ti sa tobom ja Brazil Jedan okret to su dva Reci hop i to su tri Tvoje srce to smo mi Brazil Meni ne treba Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Samo ti i ja i Oh Brazil
Brazil, Spain, Colombia, Cuba and America Samba, rumba, cha cha cha Take off everything take off shoes and hurry take off your jacket, jeans come on the dance begins For your lips and my neck your kiss will be the sign now ramba plays what what what I invented the new dance Brazil one spin makes two say hop and make it three your heart is what we are Brazil I don't need Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Only you and me with you Take off everything take off shoes and hurry take off your jacket, jeans come on the dance begins For your lips and my neck your kiss will be the sign now ramba plays what what what I invented the new dance Brazil one spin makes two say hop and make it three your heart is what we are Brazil I don't need Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Only you and me with you La la la la la la la... For your lips and my neck your kiss will be the sign now ramba plays what what what I invented the new dance Brazil one spin makes two say hop and make it three your heart is what we are Brazil I don't need Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Only you and me with you Brazil one spin makes two say hop and make it three your heart is what we are Brazil I don't need Brazil Dolce vitae, cha cha cha Only you and me with you Oh...Brazil!
Baby Doll
Brazil (Бразил)
Núna ertu hjá mér, Nína Strýkur mér um vangann, Nína Ó... haltu í höndina á mér, Nína Því þú veist að ég mun aldrei aftur Ég mun aldrei, aldrei aftur Aldrei aftur eiga stund með þér Það er sárt að sakna, einhvers Lífið heldur áfram, til hvers? Ég vil ekki vakna, frá þér Því ég veit að þú munt aldrei aftur Þú munt aldrei, aldrei aftur Aldrei aftur strjúka vanga minn Þegar þú í draumum mínum birtist allt er ljúft og gott Og ég vildi ég gæti sofið heila öld Því að nóttin veitir aðeins skamma stund með þér Er ég vakna, Nína - þú ert ekki lengur hér Opna augun - engin strýkur blítt um vanga mér Dagurinn er eilífð, án þín Kvöldið kalt og tómlegt, án þín Er nóttin kemur fer ég, til þín Þegar þú í draumum mínum birtist allt er ljúft og gott Og ég vildi ég gæti sofið heila öld Því að nóttin veitir aðeins skamma stund með þér Er ég vakna - Nína, þú ert ekki lengur hér Opna augun - engin strýkur blítt um vanga mér Er ég vakna - ó... Nína, þú ert ekki lengur hér Opna augun - engin strýkur blítt um vanga mér
Now you're with me, Nína. You stroke my cheek, Nína. Oh, hold my hand, Nína. Because you know I'll never again I will never ever again Never again have a moment with you. It hurts to miss something. Life goes on, for what? I don't want to wake up from you. Because I know you'll never again You will never ever again Never again stroke my cheek. When you appear in my dreams, all is nice and good And I wish I could sleep for a whole century. Because the night only gives a short moment with you. When I wake up, Nína, you're no longer here. Open my eyes, noone strokes my cheek softly. The day's eternal without you, the evening cold and empty without you. When night comes I'll go to you. When you appear in my dreams, all is nice and good And I wish I could sleep for a whole century. Because the night only gives a short moment with you. When I wake up, Nína, you're no longer here. Open my eyes, noone strokes my cheek softly. When I wake up, oh! Nína, you're no longer here. Open my eyes, noone strokes my cheek softly.
Stefán & Eyfi
Draumur um Nínu (Nína)
Shadows fall, it's so lonely waiting here There's a garden bare out there, where songbirds sing no more No golden stardust shining and no lining on the cloud Could it be you and me have found our rainbow's end? Autumn leaves falling softly all around There ain't but a single sound of voices I once knew No silver star to follow and no moon to light the way Could it be you and me are playing 'let's pretend'? Won't you just call me? If I'm to blame at all, I'll say I'm sorry It's useless standing tall, I'm longing for your touch I'm waiting for a love I knew so well So well Winter cold, and the wind blows through my hair Deep inside you know I care, no matter what's in store Our lines of love ain't rhyming and the rhythm is all gone Could it be you and me can't say we're on the mend? Let's pretend Won't you just call me? If I'm to blame at all, I'll say I'm sorry It's useless standing tall, I'm longing for your touch I'm waiting for a love I knew so well Ooh yeah... Won't you just call me? That's all I need to hear to ease the worry I'll kiss each lonely tear, to me you mean so much God knows I speak the truth and time will tell
Shadows fall, it's so lonely waiting here There's a garden bare out there, where songbirds sing no more No golden stardust shining and no lining on the cloud Could it be you and me have found our rainbow's end? Autumn leaves falling softly all around There ain't but a single sound of voices I once knew No silver star to follow and no moon to light the way Could it be you and me are playing 'let's pretend'? Won't you just call me? If I'm to blame at all, I'll say I'm sorry It's useless standing tall, I'm longing for your touch I'm waiting for a love I knew so well So well Winter cold, and the wind blows through my hair Deep inside you know I care, no matter what's in store Our lines of love ain't rhyming and the rhythm is all gone Could it be you and me can't say we're on the mend? Let's pretend Won't you just call me? If I'm to blame at all, I'll say I'm sorry It's useless standing tall, I'm longing for your touch I'm waiting for a love I knew so well Ooh yeah... Won't you just call me? That's all I need to hear to ease the worry I'll kiss each lonely tear, to me you mean so much God knows I speak the truth and time will tell
Georgina & Paul Giordimaina
Could It Be
Αν έρθεις και τη νύχτα μου ντυθείς Αν έρθεις και στο σώμα μου κρυφτείς Αν έρθεις και στα δίχτυα μου μπλεχτείς Ένα να ξέρεις, δε θα προδοθείς Αν έρθεις και τη νύχτα μου ντυθείς Αν έρθεις και στο σώμα μου κρυφτείς Αν έρθεις και στα δίχτυα μου μπλεχτείς Ένα να ξέρεις, δε θα προδοθείς Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Θα 'ναι ουρανού κατάνυξη Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Στα ξαφνικά Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Θα 'ναι ουρανού κατάνυξη Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Στα ξαφνικά Αν στους ανέμους είμαστ' ανοιχτοί Αν σ' ότι ζούμε είμαστε πιστοί Αν του έρωτά μας δένει η κλωστή Τα δυο κορμιά μας, κήποι κρεμαστοι Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Θα 'ναι ουρανού κατάνυξη Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Στα ξαφνικά Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Θα 'ναι ουρανού κατάνυξη Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Στα ξαφνικά Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Θα 'ναι ουρανού κατάνυξη Θα 'ναι σα να μπαίνει η άνοιξη Στα ξαφνικά
If you come and dress up as my night, if you come and hide yourself into my body, if you come and get trapped into my net, there's one thing you need to know: you will not be betrayed. It will feel like Spring is coming, it will be the supreme joy for the skies, it will feel like Spring is coming all of a sudden. If to the choices of the winds we are open, if to any action of our life we are committed, if our love is tied by a knot, then our two bodies shall be hanging gardens. It will feel like Spring is coming, it will be the supreme joy for the skies, it will feel like Spring is coming all of a sudden.
Sophia Vossou
I anixi (Η άνοιξη)
Io questa sera vorrei sognare un po' Con quattro note fermare la realtà Poi nella mente ritorna l'allegria Se c'è una canzone mia Lei mi riporta a scoprire dentro me Nei miei sorrisi la tua complicità Poi dare un calcio alla mia tristezza che C'è quando te ne vai Portami via con te, non mi lasciare mai Non voglio perderti, stringimi forte perché C'è una canzone che ti parlerà di me A lei affiderò tutto il mio amore per te Poi ritrovarmi seduta dentro un bar Con le mie note e un sogno dentro me No, no, non serve fermare la realtà Dai chiudi gli occhi e vai Portami via con te, non mi lasciare mai Non voglio perderti, stringimi forte perché C'è una canzone che ti parlerà di me A lei affiderò tutto il mio amore per te Una canzone che canterò e dibro con te
Tonight, I'd like to dream a little Hold back reality with four notes Then, happiness will come back to my mind If theres a song of me It will make me recognise Your solidarity in my smile And then kick my sadness, which is there When you leave Take me away with you, don't ever leave me I don't want to lose you, hold me tight because There is a song that will tell you about me I'm going to put all my love for you in it Then I find myself sitting in a bar With my notes and a dream inside of me No, no, it can't hold back reality Come on, close your eyes and go ahead Take me away with you, don't ever leave me I don't want to lose you, hold me tight because There is a song that will tell you about me I'm going to put all my love for you in it A song that will sing and live with you
Sandra Simó
Canzone per te
Lichter im Regen, ich hab' dich gesehen Ein Lächeln wie sanfte Magie Verzaubert, erfroren, ganz in dir verloren Gefühle so tief wie die Nacht Stilles Begreifen und Sehnsucht nach mehr Zärtliche Augen, will dir gehör'n Venedig im Regen Lass uns diese Nacht einfach träumen (Träumen...) Venedig im Regen Bis ans Ende der Nacht einfach träumen Dein Atem ganz leicht, an meiner Schulter vergraben Dein Zauber ganz tief in mir Erfühlen, erahnen, von dir fortgetragen Bei dir sein und doch nicht hier Stilles Begreifen und Sehnsucht nach mehr Zu zärtliche Augen, will dir gehör'n Venedig im Regen Lass uns diese Nacht einfach träumen (Träumen...) Venedig im Regen Bis ans Ende der Nacht einfach träumen Venedig im Regen (Lass uns diese Nacht) einfach träumen (Träumen...) Venedig im Regen Bis ans Ende der Nacht einfach träumen Venedig im Regen (Lass uns diese Nacht) einfach träumen Träumen
Venice in the rain Lights in the rain, I've seen you A smile like soft magic Enchanted, frozen, completely lost in you Feelings as deep as the night Silent realization, and longing for more Tender eyes, I want to belong to you Venice in the rain Let us this night simply dream Venice in the rain To the end of the night simply dream Your light breath, buried in my shoulder Your magic deep down in me Felt, sensed, carried away from you To be by you and yet not here Silent realization, and longing for more Tender eyes, I want to belong to you Venice in the rain Let us this night simply dream Venice in the rain To the end of the night simply dream Venice in the rain (Let us this night) simply dream Venice in the rain To the end of the night simply dream Venice in the rain (Let us this night) simply dream Dream
Thomas Forstner (2)
Venedig im Regen
Comment peut-on unir les horizons? Libres sont ceux ignorant la peine La peur rend fou, appelle la haine Le mal grandit dans nos esprits Et pourtant l'amour est le sens de notre vie Un baiser volé dans ce monde blessé peut nous apporter l'espérance Saturé d'images, le monde se méfie Les chemins du cœur ont des frontières Une vie perdue, un arbre abattu, joignent mes larmes aux rivières Et pourtant l'amour est le sens de notre vie Un baiser volé dans ce monde blessé peut nous apporter l'espérance Par nos yeux éblouis se remplissent nos mémoires Le bonheur libère nos émotions (comme un baiser volé) Comme un baiser volé (Comme un baiser volé) Et pourtant l'amour est le sens de notre vie Une histoire inventée, et l'espoir retrouvé Créer un univers sans souffrance
A stolen kiss How can we unite our horizons? Free are those who don't know any sorrow Fear makes you mad, it calls for hate Evil grows in our minds And yet love is the meaning of our life A stolen kiss in this injured world can bring us hope Saturated with images, the world is distrustful The paths to our hearts have barriers A lost life, a tree cut down, add my tears to the rivers And yet love is the meaning of our life A stolen kiss in this injured world can bring us hope Our memories are filled by our dazzled eyes Happiness frees our emotions (like a stolen kiss) Like a stolen kiss (Like a stolen kiss) And yet love is the meaning of our life An invented story, a hope that is found back Creates a universe without suffering
Sarah Bray
Un baiser volé
[Vers 1] Jag har aldrig slutat tro Att efter varje natt väntar gryningen Fast jag inte kan förstå Så finns det tid för skratt när jag börjar om igen Känner doften från en stilla ocean Plötsligt står jag i en levande orkan [Refräng] Jag är fångad av en stormvind Fast för dig Ingenting kan hindra mig När det blåser i mitt hjärta Fångad av en stormvind, natt och dag Här finns bara du och jag Och det ljus som himlen lämnat kvar [Vers 2] Det är dags att ge sig av För stunder som har flytt kommer aldrig mer Reser ut på öppet hav Där allting blir som nytt I den framtid som du ger Utan saknad lämnar jag min trygga hamn Fri, men ändå bunden till en öppen famn [Refräng] Jag är fångad av en stormvind Fast för dig Ingenting kan hindra mig När det blåser i mitt hjärta Fångad av en stormvind, natt och dag Här finns bara du och jag Och det ljus som himlen lämnat kvar [Stick] Vi går tillsammans Förenad av kärlekens band Min längtan vaknar När du ler och räcker mig din hand [Refräng] Jag är fångad av en stormvind Jag är fångad av en stormvind Fast för dig Ingenting kan hindra mig När det blåser i mitt hjärta Fångad av en stormvind, natt och dag Här finns bara du och jag Och det ljus som himlen lämnat kvar (Fångad av en stormvind) Jag är fångad av en stormvind
Uh-huh yeah Woh-ho-ho-oh I have never stopped believing That after every night a new dawn waits Though I can not understand There is time for laugher as I begin once again Feeling the smell of a silent ocean And suddenly I'm standing in the middle of a windstorm I am captured by a windstorm Caught on you Nothing here can stop me When it's windy in my heart Captured by a windstorm Night and day Here is only you and me And the light the sky has left behind It's time to leave Because times that have pass will not return Traveling on open seas Where everything's like new In the future that you hold Without regrets I leave my safe harbor Free but still tied to a set of open arms I am captured by a windstorm Caught on you Nothing here can stop me When it's windy in my heart Captured by a windstorm Night and day Here is only you and me And the light the sky has left behind We walk together Joined by the ribbons of love My longing wakes When you smile, and reacher out your hand I am captured by a windstorm Captured by a windstorm (Caught for you) Nothing here can stop me When it's windy in my heart Captured by a windstorm Night and day Here is only you and me And the light the sky has left behind (Captured by a windstorm) I am captured by a windstorm
Carola (2)
Fångad av en stormvind
C'est le dernier qui a parlé qui a raison Dans ta maison C'est celle qui m'a donné un nom qui a raison De toute façon Fille ou garçon, tous ces dictons sont des leçons Ne dis pas non Le monde n'est ni mauvais ni bon, tu tournes pas rond C'est sans raison Houah houah... houah houah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah... hiah... Dis-moi au nom de quelle nation tu lèves le ton Dans ma maison Ne gémis pas comme un violon sans partition C'est une leçon La vérité se cache le front comme un silence Qui en dit long C'est le plus fort qui a parlé qui a raison De toute façon Houah houah... houah houah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah... hiah... C'est le dernier qui a parlé qui a raison Dans ta maison C'est le dernier qui a parlé qui a raison De toute façon Toutes les saisons font et défont même les passions Quelle dérision C'est le dernier qui a parlé qui a raison Sans condition Comme-ci ou comme-ça Ici ou là-bas Houah houah... houah houah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah... hiah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah...
It's the last one that spoke that is right In your house It's the one that gave me a name that's right Anyway Girl or boy, all these proverbs are lessons Don't say no The world is neither bad nor good, there's something wrong with you It's unreasonable Houah houah... houah houah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah... hiah... Tell me in the name of which nation do you raise the tone of your voice In my house Don't moan like a violin without partition It's a lesson The truth hides the front like silence Who said long It's the most strong that spoke that is right Anyway Houah houah... houah houah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah... hiah... It's the last one that spoke and is right In your house It's the last that spoke and is right In your house All seasons do and undo the passions What a derision It's the last one that spoke and is right Without condition In this way or in that way Here or over there Houah houah... houah houah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah... hiah... Hiah hiah... hiah hiah hiah... Houah...
C'est le dernier qui a parlé qui a raison
Dön bak sen de haydi bak günler dönecekmiş gibi Geçiyor oysa, bunu unutma Yine de yıllar geçecek aslında yaşa yeter ki Gidene aldırma, doya doya iki dakika Bir aşk sanki en güzel anda uçacakmış gibi Seviyor oysa, bunu hatırla Yine de yıllar geçecek aslında yaşa yeter ki Gidene aldırma, doya doya iki dakika Sana bana aynı aynı şey Oona buna aynı aynı şey Haydi yaşayalım gel Oh... ne olacak ayrı olsa de Neşe dolu günle başka hayat... başka hayat Dön bak sen de haydi bak günler dönecekmiş gibi Geçiyor oysa, bunu unutma Yine de yıllar geçecek aslında yaşa yeter ki Gidene aldırma, doya doya iki dakika Bir aşk sanki en güzel anda uçacakmış gibi Seviyor oysa, bunu hatırla Yine de yıllar geçecek aslında yaşa yeter ki Gidene aldırma, doya doya iki dakika Sana bana aynı aynı şey Ona buna aynı aynı şey Haydi yaşayalım gel Oh... ne olacak ayrı olsa de Neşe dolu günle başka hayat... başka hayat Dön bak sen de haydi bak günler dönecekmiş gibi Geçiyor oysa, bunu unutma Yine de yıllar geçecek aslında yaşa yeter ki Gidene aldırma, doya doya iki dakika İki dakika... iki dakika Wooh...
Turn back and you look too, like the days will turn back It's passing, though, don't forget Years will be pass anyway, actually live, though Don't mind who goes, until satisfied, two minutes A love like will fly in very good time (he/she)Loves, though, recall this Years will be pass anyway, actually live, though Don't mind who goes, until satisfied, two minutes To you, to me it's same,same To him, to her it's same,same Let's live, come What will happen, if it's same The life is different with a day of full of joy, the life is different Turn back and you look too, like the days will turn back It's passing, though, don't forget Years will be pass anyway, actually live, though Don't mind who goes, until satisfied, two minutes A love like will fly in very good time (he/she)Loves, though, recall this Years will be pass anyway, actually live, though Don't mind who goes, until satisfied, two minutes To you, to me it's same,same To him, to her it's same,same Let's live, come What will happen, if it's same The life is different with a day of full of joy, the life is different Turn back and you look too, like the days will turn back It's passing, though, don't forget Years will be pass anyway, actually live, though Don't mind who goes, until satisfied, two minutes Two minutes, two minutes Wooh..
Can Uğurluer, İzel Çeliköz & Reyhan Karaca
İki dakika
I don't know why I want you The way that I want you And I don't know why I miss you The way that I miss you But when I'm in your arms It makes me feel so good And I don't know the reason why I don't know the reason why And I don't understand Why I feel the way I do And I don't understand What I feel when I'm with you And anyway now, it's no use worrying Until I find out what it is Could it be that when I'm with you My fears all go away? Could it be that when I'm with you It's like the start of a brand new day? Or is it just that when I hold you I can't hold you enough? Or could it be that I'm in love? Somebody once told me: "You've gotta trust your heart" (Gotta trust your heart) And this I have tried to do Right from the very start And when I'm close to you It makes me feel so good And I don't know the reason why Could it be that when I'm with you My fears all go away? Could it be that when I'm with you It's like the start of a brand new day? Or is it just that when I hold you I can't hold you enough? Or could it be that I'm in love? Could it be that I'm in love? Could it be that I'm in love?
I don't know why I want you The way that I want you And I don't know why I miss you The way that I miss you But when I'm in your arms It makes me feel so good And I don't know the reason why I don't know the reason why And I don't understand Why I feel the way I do And I don't understand What I feel when I'm with you And anyway now, it's no use worrying Until I find out what it is Could it be that when I'm with you My fears all go away? Could it be that when I'm with you It's like the start of a brand new day? Or is it just that when I hold you I can't hold you enough? Or could it be that I'm in love? Somebody once told me: "You've gotta trust your heart" (Gotta trust your heart) And this I have tried to do Right from the very start And when I'm close to you It makes me feel so good And I don't know the reason why Could it be that when I'm with you My fears all go away? Could it be that when I'm with you It's like the start of a brand new day? Or is it just that when I hold you I can't hold you enough? Or could it be that I'm in love? Could it be that I'm in love? Could it be that I'm in love?
Kim Jackson
Could It Be That I'm in Love
(by José Da Ponte & Fred Micaelo) Fado Chorar a tristeza bem Fado adormecer com a dor Fado só quando a saudade vem Arrancar do meu passado Um grande amor Mas Não condeno essa paixão Essa mágoa das palavras Que a guitarra vai gemendo também Eu não, eu não pedirei perdão Quando gozar o pecado E voltar a dar a mim Porque eu quero ser feliz E a desdita não se diz Não quero o que o fado quer dizer Fado Soluçar recordações Fado Reviver uma tal dor Fado Só quando a saudade vem Arrancar do meu passado um grande amor Mas, não condeno essa paixão Essa mágoa das palavras Que a guitarra vai gemendo também Eu não, eu não pedirei perdão Quando gozar o pecado E voltar a dar a mim Eu sei desse lado que há em nós Cheio de alma lusitana Como a lenda da Severa Porque eu quero ser feliz E a desdita não se diz O fado Não me faz arrepender
Fado… to cry the sadness well Fado… to fall asleep with the pain Fado… only when the longing comes Forcing out of my past A great love But… I do not condemn this passion This pain of the words That the guitar is also moaning I do not, I will not ask for forgiveness When enjoying sin And to come back to give me Because I want to be happy And the misfortune is not spoken I do not want what the fado wants to say. Fado… to sob memories Fado… to revive such a pain Fado… only when the longing comes Forcing out of my past a great love But, I do not condemn this passion The pain of the words That the guitar is also moaning I do not, I will not ask for forgiveness When enjoying sin And to come back to give me I know that aspect that is in us Soulful Lusitanian As the legend of Severa Because I want to be happy And the misfortune is not spoken The fado does not make me repent.
Dulce Pontes
Lusitana paixão
Som en drøm fløj du rundt i mig, listed' dig ind i mit sind Vendte rundt på min virk'lighed Fanged' mine tanker, leged' med min selvtillid Mmm... tvivl og håb og længsel farer ud og ind Har du det mon li'som jeg? Så hør på mig: Mød mig lige der hvor hjertet slår, hvor kærligheden foregår Der hvor verden ender, der hvor tanken vender rundt Ta' mig læng're ud end lyset når og hold om mig i tusind år Ved du at jeg venter? Vil du gerne vide hvor? Lige der hvor hjertet slår Denne nat blev du virk'lighed, smelted' dig ind i min krop Fløj af sted i det tomme rum Svimmel og beruset drak jeg af din kærlighed Mmm... verden er forandret, ska' vi samme vej? Oh... har du det mon li'som jeg? Så ta' med mig Mød mig lige der hvor hjertet slår, hvor kærligheden foregår Der hvor verden ender, der hvor tanken vender rundt Ta' mig læng're ud end lyset når og hold om mig i tusind år Ved du at jeg venter? Vil du gerne vide hvor? Lige der hvor hjertet slår Oh... lige der hvor hjertet slår, hvor kærligheden foregår Der hvor verden ender, der hvor tanken vender rundt Oh... ta' mig læng're ud end lyset når og hold om mig i tusind år Ved du at jeg venter? Vil du gerne vide hvor? Lige der hvor hjertet slår Lige der hvor hjertet slår
Where the heart beats Like a dream, you were flying around inside me, sneaking into my mind Turned my reality upside down Caught my thoughts, layed with my self-confidence Mmm... doubts and hopes and longings whizzing out and in Do you feel like I do? Then listen to me: Meet me where the heart beats, where love happens Where the world ends, where the thought is turning around Take me further out than the light can reach and hold me for a thousand years Do you know that I'm waiting? Do you want to know where? Where the heart beats This night you became reality, melted into my body Flew through the empty space Dizzy and intoxicated, I drank of your love Mmm... the world has changed, are we going the same way? Oh... do you feel like I do? Then come with me Meet me where the heart beats, where love happens Where the world ends, where the thought is turning around Take me further out than the light can reach and hold me for a thousand years Do you know that I'm waiting? Do you want to know where? Where the heart beats Oh... where the heart beats, where love happens Where the world ends, where the thought is turning around Oh... take me further out than the light can reach and hold me for a thousand years Do you know that I'm waiting? Do you want to know where? Where the heart beats Where the heart beats
Anders Frandsen
Lige der hvor hjertet slår
Undergrunn' er alltid sen og toget ute av rute Men jobben må du rekke likevel Sjefen tror på overtid, hvis ikke er du ute Men klokka er blitt fem, så det er kveld Og på toget hjem igjen Når du sovner, kommer drømmen av seg selv For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson? Kom igjen Foreldremøte mandag, og tirsdag foran TV'n Og onsdag gjør hun yoga for seg selv Torsdag kommer jentene, på fredag er det huset Talglys og rødvin lørdag kveld Hele søndagen i seng Når hun sover, kommer drømmen om igjen For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson? Kom igjen For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson? La meg presentere deg For alle tiders Mrs. Thompson En hverdagshelt som viser vei Trå til og gjør det, Mrs. Thompson Kom igjen For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson? La meg presentere deg for alle tiders...
The underground is always late and the train is off the road But you still have to get to your job Your boss believes in long hours, else you're fired But it's past five o'clock, so it's the evening now And you're on your train back home While you're sleeping, the dream will come naturally Because life is calling and your heart is beating And can you hear it, Mrs Thompson? And time just keeps passing by But what are you doing, Mrs Thompson? Come on Parent-teacher meeting on Monday, spending Tuesday in front of the TV set And on Wednesday she's doing yoga just for herself The girls are coming to see her on Thursday, on Friday she's doing the housework It's candlelight and red wine on Saturday evening All Sunday in bed While she's sleeping, the dream comes to her one more time Because life is calling and your heart is beating And can you hear it, Mrs Thompson? And time just keeps passing by But what are you doing, Mrs Thompson? Come on Because life is calling and your heart is beating And can you hear it, Mrs Thompson? And time just keeps passing by But what are you doing, Mrs Thompson? Come on Let me introduce you to To amazing Mrs Thompson An everyday hero who shows us the way Step forward and do it, Mrs Thompson Come on Because life is calling and your heart is beating And can you hear it, Mrs Thompson? And time just keeps passing by But what are you doing, Mrs Thompson? Come on
Just 4 Fun
Mrs. Thompson
Norwegian (title English)
כאן ביתי, פה אני נולדתי במישור אשר על שפת הים כאן החברים איתם גדלתי ואין לי שום מקום אחר בעולם אין לי שום מקום אחר בעולם כאן ביתי, פה אני שיחקתי בשפלה אשר על גב ההר כאן מן הבאר שתיתי מים ושתלתי דשא במדבר ושתלתי דשא במדבר כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי כאן גם אתה איתי וכאן כל אלף ידידיי ואחרי שנים אלפיים, סוף לנדודיי כאן את כל שיריי אני ניגנתי והלכתי במסע לילי כאן בנעוריי אני הגנתי על חלקת האלוהים שלי על חלקת האלוהים שלי כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי כאן גם אתה איתי וכאן כל אלף ידידיי ואחרי שנים אלפיים, סוף לנדודיי כאן כאן את שולחני אני ערכתי פת של לחם, פרח רענן דלת לשכנים אני פתחתי "ומי שבא נאמר לו "אהלן ("אהלן") "ומי שבא, נאמר לו "אהלן כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי כאן גם אתה איתי וכאן כל אלף ידידיי ואחרי שנים אלפיים, סוף לנדודיי כאן גם אתה איתי וכאן כל אלף ידידיי ואחרי שנים אלפיים אחרי שנים אלפיים כאן נולדתי, כאן נולדו לי ילדיי כאן בניתי את ביתי בשתי ידיי כאן גם אתה איתי וכאן כל אלף ידידיי ואחרי שנים אלפיים, סוף לנדודיי כאן גם אתה איתי וכאן כל אלף ידידיי ואחרי שנים אלפיים סוף, סוף לנדודיי
Here is my home where I was born, on the plains just by the sea, Here are my friends with whom I grew up, And there's no other place in the world for me. No other place in the world for me. Here is my home where I frolicked, in the land that's beyond the heights, Here from the well I drank water, And planted grass in the wastes, And planted grass in the wastes. I was born here, my children were born here, Here I built my house with both my hands, Here you're with me, and all my thousand of friends, And my wanderings are over after two thousand years. Here I played all of my songs, And went out on a night journey. Here in my youth I protected, this piece of God given land. This piece of God given land. I was born here, my children were born here, Here I built my house with both my hands, Here you're with me, and all my thousand of friends, And my wanderings are over after two thousand years. Here Here I set my table, a piece of bread, and a beautiful flower. A door to my neighbors I opened, And to those who come we'll say "welcome." And to those who come we'll say "welcome." I was born here, my children were born here, Here I built my house with both my hands, Here you're with me, and all my thousand of friends, And after two thousand years, And after two thousand years. I was born here, my children were born here, Here I built my house with both my hands, Here you're with me, and all my thousand of friends, And my wanderings are over after two thousand years. Here you're with me, and all my thousand of friends, And my wanderings are over after two thousand years.
Duo Datz
Kan (כאן)
En edes halunnut sua omistaa En edes leikisti rakastaa Kaksi kulkijaa yhteen osuttiin Yksi yhteinen hetki jaettiin Minä jäin kun aamu sinut vei Rauhaa sydän mulle anna ei En irti pääse, sua tarvitsen Mut turhaa toivon sua vierellein Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö Me ehdittiin kai jotain siinä antaa Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö Ei haluttukkaan vastuuta kantaa Enää löydä en sua sylistäin Sua kosketan vain unissain Vain unissain En edes halunnut sua omistaa En edes leikisti rakastaa Vain yksi yö niin helppo unohtaa Mut sydän nälkäinen ei rauhaa saa Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö Me ehdittiin kai jotain siinä antaa Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö Ei haluttukkaan vastuuta kantaa Enää löydä en sua sylistäin Sua kosketan vain unissain Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö Me ehdittiin kai jotain siinä antaa Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö Ei haluttukkaan vastuuta kantaa, hey... Yksi hullu yö, hey... (Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö) (Me ehdittiin kai jotain siinä antaa) Yksi hullu yö, ha... (Yksi hullu yö, villi sydän lyö) (Ei haluttukkaan vastuuta kantaa) Yksi hullu yö
I didn’t even want to own you I didn’t even want to love you We two travellers came across each other Shared one common moment together I was left behind when the morning took you away My heart won’t give me peace I can’t let go, I need you But I’m hoping in vain for you to be next to me One crazy night, the wild heart is beating I suppose we had time to give each other something One crazy night, the wild heart is beating We didn’t even want to bear the responsibility I can’t find you in my arms anymore I’m touching you only in my sleep In my sleep I didn’t even want to own you I didn’t even want to love you Just one night is so easy to forget But the hungry heart cannot find any peace One crazy night, the wild heart is beating I suppose we had time to give each other something One crazy night, the wild heart is beating We didn’t even want to bear the responsibility I can’t find you in my arms anymore I’m touching you only in my sleep One crazy night, the wild heart is beating I suppose we had time to give each other something One crazy night, the wild heart is beating We didn’t even want to bear the responsibility One crazy night, hey… (One crazy night, the wild heart is beating) (I suppose we had time to give each other something) One crazy night, ha… (One crazy night, the wild heart is beating) (We didn’t even want to bear the responsibility) One crazy night
Hullu yö
Und sie lehrten uns zu kämpfen Und wir lernten zu verlieren Auf der Suche nach der Freiheit Ließen wir uns oft verführen Was sie uns erzählten Alles haben wir geglaubt Waren auch viele Worte Immer nur auf Sand gebaut Doch die Zeit der Lügen, irgendwann ist sie vorbei Wenn es keinen Hass mehr gibt, sind wir für immer frei Dieser Traum darf niemals sterben Dieser Traum darf nie vergehen Vieles muss noch anders werden Und noch so vieles muss geschehen Dieser Traum darf niemals sterben Und ein Wunder wird geschehen Einmal siegt die Liebe Und unser Traum wird einmal in Erfüllung gehen Auf dem Weg zu neuen Ufern Wurden viele Wünsche wahr Doch wir greifen nach den Sternen Und vergessen die Gefahr Niemand sieht die Schatten Die uns folgen in der Nacht Einer gibt die Karten Und wir sind in seiner Macht Doch die Zeit der Tränen, irgendwann ist sie vorbei Wenn es keine Angst mehr gibt, sind wir für immer frei Dieser Traum darf niemals sterben Dieser Traum darf nie vergehen Vieles muss noch anders werden Und noch so vieles muss geschehen Dieser Traum darf niemals sterben Und ein Wunder wird geschehen Einmal siegt die Liebe Und unser Traum wird einmal in Erfüllung gehen
So they taught us to fight And we've learnt to lose On our search for freedom We allowed us to be tempted No matter what they said We believed everything Even if many of their words Were built on sand But one day The time of lies will be past Once there is no hate left We'll be free forever This dream must never die This dream must never fade away Many things have yet to change And so many things have yet to happen This dream must never die And a miracle will happen One day love will triumph And one day our dream will become reality On our way to new shores Many wishes came true But we're reaching for the stars And we don't mind the danger Nobody can see the shadows That follow us at night There is someone who's dealing the cards And we're beyond his power But one day The time of tears will be past Once there is no fear left We'll be free forever This dream must never die This dream must never fade away Many things have yet to change And so many things have yet to happen This dream must never die And a miracle will happen One day love will triumph And one day our dream will become reality
Atlantis 2000
Dieser Traum darf niemals sterben
Germany (United)
Is 't niet waar dat ik jou lang geleden zei Hem te vergeten, kom terug bij mij Geef 't op, kom terug bij mij Hahaha... Oe! Je blijft het steeds proberen Hij is het echt niet waard Loop hem niet zomaar achterna Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Ik geef je meer dan iemand ooit gegeven heeft Ik ben altijd met jou begaan Als je denkt aan de tijden die je met me hebt beleefd Zou je me nooit meer laten staan Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Ik zal blijven hopen Ik wil jou dicht bij me, dag en nacht 'k Zou m'n ziel verkopen Als de duivel jou weer bij me bracht Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Ik zal blijven hopen Ik zou m'n ziel verkopen Geef 't op, geef 't op Geef 't op, meisje Ah, geef 't op!
Isn't it true that I told you long ago To forget him? Come back yo me Give up, come back to me Haha haha haha haha haha... ooh... You keep on trying Really, he isn't worth it Don't just follow him Give up, give up Give up, girl Give up, give up Give up, girl I give you more than anyone has ever given I was always with you If you think about the things you have experienced with me, You would never leave me standing Give up, give up Give up, girl Give up, give up Give up, girl I will always keep hoping I want you close to me, day and night I would sell my soul If the devil brought you to me again Give up, give up Give up, girl Give up, give up Give up, girl Give up, give up Give up, girl Give up, give up Give up, girl (Give up, give up) I will always keep hoping (Give up, girl) I would sell my soul (Give up, give up) Give up, give up Give up, girl Ah... Give up
Geef het op
Bailar de lejos no es bailar Es como estar Bailando solo Tu bailando en tu volcan Y a dos metros de ti Bailando yo en el polo Probemos una sola vez Bailar pegados Como a fuego Abrazados al compas Sin separar jamas Tu cuerpo de mi cuerpo Bailar pegados es bailar Igual que baila el mar Con los delfines Corazon con corazon En un solo salon Dos bailarines Abrazadisimos los dos Acariciandonos Sintiendonos la piel Nuestra balada va a sonar Vamos a probar Probar el arte de volar Bailar pegados es bailar Bailar pegados es bailar Es bailar Verras la musica despues Te va pidiendo un beso a gritos Y te sube por los pies Como algo que no ves O que nunca se ha escrito Bailar pegados es bailar Igual que baila el mar Con los delfines Corazon con corazon En un solo salon Dos bailarines Abrazadisimos los dos Acariciandonos Sintiendonos la piel Nuestra balada va a sonar Vamos a probar Probar el arte de volar Bailar pegados es bailar Bailar pegados es bailar Es bailar
To dance far apart is not dancing It’s like dancing alone You’re dancing on a volcano… And 2 metres away I’m dancing in the South pole Let’s try, just once To dance close together, like a flame-- Held together in rhythm without ever separating Your body from mine To dance close together is dancing Just like the sea dances With dolphins Heart to heart Two dancers in a room The two of us, embraced tightly against each other Carressing each other Feeling each other’s skin Our song is going to be played Let’s try--try the art Of flying To dance close together is dancing To dance close together is dancing Is dancing You will then find that the music Leaves you shouting for a kiss And the music climbs through your feet Like something that you can’t see Or has yet to be written To dance close together is dancing Just like the sea dances With dolphins Heart to heart Two dancers in a room The two of us, embraced tightly against each other Carressing each other Feeling each other’s skin Our song is going to be played Let’s try--try the art Of flying To dance close together is dancing To dance close together is dancing Is dancing
Sergio Dalma
Bailar pegados
Half the world is hungry Just through being born And every day is a compromise For a grain of corn And half the world have too much Their only hunger is their greed Through politics and ignorance Half the world's in need A message to your heart, it's all right Say a little prayer and sleep tonight, oh... Tomorrow you'll still be in paradise, oh... A message to your heart, walk on by Till you hear the voice of conscience cry, oh... There but for the grace of God, go I Half the world is lucky Born in paradise But they don't see the children With hunger in their eyes And the time has come for changes Though for some it's much too late There's got to be an answer The hungry cannot wait A message to your heart, it's all right Say a little prayer and sleep tonight, oh... Tomorrow you'll still be in paradise, oh... A message to your heart, walk on by Until you hear the voice of conscience cry, oh... There but for the grace of God, go I Oh... a message to your heart, walk on by Till you hear the voice of conscience cry, oh... There but for the grace of God, go I There but for the grace of God, go I (A message to your heart)
Half the world is hungry Just through being born And every day is a compromise For a grain of corn And half the world have too much Their only hunger is their greed Through politics and ignorance Half the world's in need A message to your heart, it's all right Say a little prayer and sleep tonight, oh... Tomorrow you'll still be in paradise, oh... A message to your heart, walk on by Till you hear the voice of conscience cry, oh... There but for the grace of God, go I Half the world is lucky Born in paradise But they don't see the children With hunger in their eyes And the time has come for changes Though for some it's much too late There's got to be an answer The hungry cannot wait A message to your heart, it's all right Say a little prayer and sleep tonight, oh... Tomorrow you'll still be in paradise, oh... A message to your heart, walk on by Until you hear the voice of conscience cry, oh... There but for the grace of God, go I Oh... a message to your heart, walk on by Till you hear the voice of conscience cry, oh... There but for the grace of God, go I There but for the grace of God, go I (A message to your heart)
Samantha Janus
A Message to Your Heart
United Kingdom
Εδώ, στον τρίτο πλανήτη Ποτέ δεν σβήσαν οι φωτιές Πώς μοιάζει με τρελό κομήτη Γεμάτο με πυρηνικές Τον ήλιο κάναμε εχθρό μας Παντού πληγώσαμε τη γη Μολύναμε τον ουρανό μας Και ρίχνει όξινη βροχή Εδώ πλανήτης γη, εδώ πλανήτης γη SOS, SOS, SOS Εδώ πλανήτης γη, εδώ πλανήτης γη SOS, SOS, SOS Τριγύρω τα πουλιά πεθαίνουν Τα ψάρια βγαίνουν στη στεριά Παντού οι άνθρωποι σωπαίνουν Δεν ξέρουν τι να κάνουν πια Εδώ πλανήτης γη, εδώ πλανήτης γη SOS, SOS, SOS Εδώ πλανήτης γη, εδώ πλανήτης γη SOS, SOS, SOS Εδώ πλανήτης γη, εδώ πλανήτης γη SOS, SOS, SOS
Here, on the third planet The fires have never died out How it looks like a mad comet Full of nuclear arms We’ve made the sun our enemy We’ve hurt the earth everywhere We’ve polluted our sky And acid rain is falling Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling SOS, SOS, SOS Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling SOS, SOS, SOS The birds die around us The fish get out on land All people stay silent I don’t know what to do anymore Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling SOS, SOS, SOS Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling SOS, SOS, SOS Planet Earth calling, planet Earth calling SOS, SOS, SOS SOS
Elena Patroklou
Greek (title English)
Ammore, sole, mare, luna e stelle Parole belle, sò parole belle Nisciuno ha scritto mai cchiù doce e cheste Parole sò, parole ma Ma surtanto chi, nun s'annammora maje Nun tene 'o core p' 'e cantà Ma comme è ddoce 'o mare Comme si ddoce tu Quanno l'ammore è ggiovane Te vene voglia 'e cantà Ma comme è bello 'o sole Quanno tu staje cu' mme Quanno te chiamme palummè Vola, e i' volo cu' tte E gira, gira 'o munno Gira mmiez 'a tutte 'e stelle nun se pò fermà E canta, canta 'nà canzona Cà nisciuno sente, cà nisciuno sà Da sempe accussì, pe' sempe sarrà L'ammore è chillo cà ce fà campà Ammore, sole, mare, luna e stelle So' sempe belle p' 'e cantà Ma comme è ddoce 'o mare Comme si ddoce tu Quanno l'ammore è ggiovane Te vene voglia 'e cantà Ma comme è bello 'o sole Quanno tu staje cu' mme Quanno te chiamme palummè Vola, e i' volo cu' tte Quanno te chiamme palummè Vola, e i' volo cu' tte
Love, sun, sea, moon and stars Beautiful words, they're beautiful words Sweeter than those nobody has ever written They're just words, words but Only the one who never falls in love Doesn't have a heart to sing But how sweet the sea is How sweet you are When love is young You feel like singing But how beautiful the sun is When you stand by me When I call you butterfly Fly and I'll fly with you And round, round, the world goes Round among the stars and I can't stop And you sing, sing a song That nobody can hear, that nobody knows It has always been like this, and it'll always be the same Love is what makes us live Love, sun, sea, moon and stars Are always nice to sing about But how sweet the sea is How sweet you are When love is young You feel like singing But how sweet the sun is When you stand by me When I call you butterfly Fly and I'll fly with you When I call you butterfly Fly and I'll fly for you
Peppino di Capri
Comme è ddoce 'o mare
Solo una vez más, antes de marchar, lejos hacia otro lugar Tenemos que hablar, por una vez más Para ver si podemos continuar Eres mi obsesión, y sólo pido a Dios Que mañana te acuerdes de mí Sólo una canción, puede hablar de amor Y contar las penas que hay en mí corazón Todo esto es la música, que rodea tu cuerpo Solo este momento, me llena de felicidad Todo esto es la música, que llevo dentó de mí El recuerdo, para ser sincero, es por ti Pienso que fui yo la culpa, pero tú te fuiste sin decir adiós Sólo entre los dos, el odio y el amor, existen en nuestro corazón (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).requestNonPersonalizedAds=1;(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Todo esto es la música, que rodea tu cuerpo Solo este momento, me llena de felicidad Todo esto es la música, que llevo dentó de mí El recuerdo, para ser sincero, (es por ti) Todo lo bueno y malo de la vida tiene sentido con la música. Música es alegría, también melancolía Paz, armonía y sueños, y el sabor de tus besos Todo esto es la música, que rodea tu cuerpo Solo este momento, me llena de felicidad Todo esto es la música, que llevo dentó de mí El recuerdo, para ser sincero, es por ti, es por ti.
All this is music Just once before going Far away to another place We have to talk once again And see if we can go on You're my obsession, and only I beg God That tomorrow you will remember me Only a song can speak of love And tell all the sorrows that I have in my heart All this is music, which surrounds your body Only this moment fills me with happiness All this is music, which I have so inside of me My memory, to be sincere, is for you I think it was my fault But you left without saying goodbye Only between us, hate and love Are in our hearts All this is music, which surrounds your body Only this moment fills me with happiness All this is music, which I have so inside of me My memory, to be sincere (is for you) Everything good and bad in life Makes sense with music Music is happiness, and also sadness Peace, harmony and dreams And the taste of your kisses All this is music, which surrounds your body Only this moment fills me with happiness All this is music, which I have so inside of me My memory, to be sincere, is for you, is for you
Serafín Zubiri
Todo esto es la música
En sweat, en pantalon Drôle de génération On cache nos émotions Sous la peau d'un blouson Oui, mais sous l'apparence Mais derrière l'insouciance On ne dit rien de nos blessures Ma génération assure En rap et en funky Génération Gorby On cache nos frissons Sous des tonnes de béton Mais cet air d'insouciance N'est rien qu'une apparence Au pays sans frontière Ma génération espère Nous, on veut des violons Et des statues de pierre Mille ans de tradition Des sentiments dans l'air Nous, on veut des violons Des oiseaux, des chimères Et des déclarations À ne plus toucher terre Nous, on veut des violons Nous, on n'a pas d'histoire Pas de passé, pas de mémoire Mon cœur bat la chamade Sous mon rire de parade J'affiche l'indifférence C'est rien qu'une apparence Sous ces masques de couleur Ma génération a peur Nous, on veut des violons Et des statues de pierre Mille ans de tradition Des sentiments dans l'air Nous, on veut des violons Des oiseaux, des chimères Et des déclarations À ne plus toucher terre Nous, on veut des violons Nous, on veut des violons On veut tout un orchestre Et puis des émotions Et puis des nuits d'ivresse Nous, on veut des violons Nous, on veut des violons Et des statues de pierre Mille ans de tradition Des sentiments dans l'air Nous, on veut des violons Des oiseaux, des chimères Et des déclarations À ne plus toucher terre Nous, on veut des violons Nous, on veut des violons Nous, on veut des violons Nous, on veut des violons
We want violins In sweatshirt, in trousers, crazy generation We hide our emotions underneath the skin of a jacket Yes, but underneath the appearance, but behind the carefreeness We say nothing about our injuries, my generation assures In rap and in funky, generation Gorby We hide our shivers underneath tons of concrete But that look of carefreeness is nothing but an appearance In the land without borders, my generation hopes We want violins and statues of stone Thousand years of tradition, feelings in the air We want violins, birds, phantasms And declarations that can't be changed We want violins We have no history, no past, no memory My heart pounds underneath my smile-for-the-show I show the indifference, it's nothing but an appearance Underneath those coloured masks, my generation is afraid We want violins and statues of stone Thousand years of tradition, feelings in the air We want violins, birds, phantasms And declarations that can't be changed We want violins We want violins, we want a whole orchestra And afterwards emotions, and afterwards drunken nights We want violins We want violins and statues of stone Thousand years of tradition, feelings in the air We want violins, birds, phantasms And declarations that can't be changed We want violins We want violins We want violins We want violins
Nous, on veut des violons
אני שבויית המנגינה, המכורה לקצב לכן, אני מאמינה במלחמה בעצב לרקוד את כל המועקות, לשיר אל תוך החושך לזרוע לשלוש דקות את הבהובי האושר ואין לי שום רצון להתיפייף ההתנשאות הזאת היא קטע מעייף ולא אכפת לי לצפצף כי המשחק עושה לי כיף בסך הכל נעים וטוב לי לחפף עם גיטריסט ומתופף ועם קלידן שמתחצף ועם סיכוי אחד לאלף לעופף ואם הנערה לא תשחק אותה היא לא תבכה, היא לא תכריז על יום מותה כי זה רק ספורט, כן זה רק ספורט זה רק ספורט, רק ספורט כי זה רק ספורט, כן זה רק ספורט זה רק ספורט, רק ספורט כן החיים הם קו מהיר וזה דבר בטוח אבל הלילה יש לי שיר ועוד הכל פתוח נדמה לי שאצלנו כאן, בארץ המובטחת אתה מבין מי שמוכן את הסיכון לקחת ואין לי שום רצון להתיפייף ההתנשאות הזאת היא קטע מעייף ולא אכפת לי לצפצף כי המשחק עושה לי כיף בסך הכל נעים וטוב לי לחפף עם גיטריסט ומתופף ועם קלידן שמתחצף ועם סיכוי אחד לאלף לעופף ואם הנערה לא תשחק אותה היא לא תבכה, היא לא תכריז על יום מותה כי זה רק ספורט, כן זה רק ספורט זה רק ספורט, רק ספורט כי זה רק ספורט, כן זה רק ספורט זה רק ספורט, רק ספורט
I am a prisoner of the melody, the addict to the rhythm That is why I believe in the fight against sadness To dance away all the distress, to sing into the darkness To plant for three minutes the flickering of happiness And I have no desire to mince words This patronising is a tiring thing And I don’t mind not caring because the game is fun If there is a chance of one in a thousand to soar And if the girl doesn’t do well She won’t cry, she won’t declare this her day of death Because it’s just sport, yes, it’s just sport It’s just sport, just sport Because it’s just sport, yes, it’s just sport It’s just sport, just sport Yes, life is a fast line, and it’s a sure thing But tonight I have a song, and everything is still open I think that here, in the Promised Land You understand those who are willing to take the risk And I have no desire to mince words It’s just nice and good for me doing a sloppy job With a guitarist and a drummer and with a cheeky keyboard player And with a chance of one in a thousand to soar And if the girl doesn’t do well She won’t cry, she won’t declare this her day of death Because it’s just sport, yes, it’s just sport It’s just sport, just sport Because it’s just sport, yes, it’s just sport It’s just sport, just sport And if the girl doesn’t do well She won’t cry, she won’t declare this her day of death Viva sport, oh viva sport Viva, viva sport Viva sport, oh viva sport Viva, viva sport Papa pada papa papa dei…
Dafna Dekel
Ze rak sport (זה רק ספורט)
Seni yaşamak, sensiz olmamak, istiyorum Duyuyor musun beni? Aynı dünyada, ayrı yollarda, yaşayamayız Anlıyor musun? Sevmek zamanı, şimdi gel şimdi Seninle sensiz olmak zor Yokluğun içimde bir kor Haydi yağmurlarla gel Ister günahlarinla gel İster fırtınalar estir Gül de güller açsın ömrüme Ben işte böyle beklerken Yaz bitti Seni yaşamak, sensiz olmamak, istiyorum Anlıyor musun? Sevmek zamanı, şimdi gel şimdi Seninle sensiz olmak zor Yokluğun içimde bir kor Haydi yağmurlarla gel Ister günahlarinla gel İster fırtınalar estir Gül de güller açsın ömrüme Ben işte böyle beklerken Yaz bitti Seninle sensiz olmak zor Yokluğun içimde bir kor Haydi yağmurlarla gel Ister günahlarinla gel İster fırtınalar estir Gül de güller açsın ömrüme Ben işte böyle beklerken Yaz bitti
I want to experience you, not to be without you do you hear me? We can not live on the same world but in different roads do you understand? It is time to love, now, come now. It is hard being without you with you your absence is as a pit in me Come on, come with rain if you want come with sins If you want blow with the storm Smile so roses can bloom in my life When I was just waiting like this, summer was over. I want to experience you, not to be without you do you hear me? It is time to love, now, come now. It is hard being without you with you your absence is as a pit in me Come on, come with rain if you want come with sins If you want blow with the storm Smile so roses can bloom in my life When I was just waiting like this, summer was over. It is hard being without you with you your absence is as a pit in me Come on, come with rain if you want come with sins If you want blow with the storm Smile so roses can bloom in my life When I was just waiting like this, summer was over.
Aylin Vatankoş
Yaz bitti
Τι να πω για όσα γύρω μου αλλάζουν; Τα σημάδια των καιρών τι θα μου πουν; Οι απορίες των παιδιών μου με τρομάζουν Οι απαντήσεις που τους δίνω δεν αρκούν Στο ταξίδι, ας γίνει πυξίδα του τραγουδιού μου ο σκοπός! Στην αγάπη απάντηση είδα κι όλης της άνοιξης το φως Κι όλου του κόσμου την ελπίδα Τι να πω; από που ήρθα και που πάω; Τι είν’ αυτό που μου τρελαίνει το μυαλό; Βρες μου μια λύση για όλα αυτά που αγαπάω Να νιώσω ασφάλεια στο χώμα που πατώ Στο ταξίδι, ας γίνει πυξίδα του τραγουδιού μου ο σκοπός! Στην αγάπη απάντηση είδα κι όλης της άνοιξης το φως Κι όλου του κόσμου την ελπίδα Στο ταξίδι, ας γίνει πυξίδα του τραγουδιού μου ο σκοπός! Στην αγάπη απάντηση είδα κι όλης της άνοιξης το φως Κι όλου του κόσμου την ελπίδα
What can I say about everything changing around me? What will time signals tell me? My children's questions are scaring me The answers I give them are not enough I wish the tune of my song becomes a compass on the journey! I saw an answer in love and all spring's light And the whole world's hope What can I say? Where did I come from and where I'm going? What's it that makes me go crazy? Find me a solution for everything I love So I can feel safe on the ground I'm stepping on I wish the tune of my song becomes a compass on the journey! I saw an answer in love And all spring's light And the whole world's hope I wish the tune of my song becomes a compass on the journey! I saw an answer in love And all spring's light And the whole world's hope
Olou tou kosmou i Elpida (Όλου του κόσμου η Ελπίδα)
Monté la riviè, wo, whoa... Entre les roches et les racines Un jour tu verras la source de la rivière Monté la riviè, oh... Wouvè zorey ou Fòk ou aprann kouté bri dlo-a I ké toujou montré'w la pou kontinyé Kontinyé, oui, pe pe ba... Ou pé ké janmen swèf Pli ou ké monté pli dlo-a ké fré Pli ou ké lé bwè pli ou kè lé monté Monté la riviè, wo Entre les roches et les racines Un jour tu verras la source de la rivière Monté la riviè, wo Wouvè dé zyé'w gran Toujou gadé koulè dlo-a Anmizi ou ka monté, i ka vini pli klè Pli klè, oui, pe pe ba... Ou pé pa garé Afos i klè tèlman, i ka briyé Ou sé di sé an limyè ki ka gidé'w monté La rivière d'amour, la rivière da la vie, oui Monté la riviè Wé, wé, wé... la riviè la vie, doudou... Monté la riviè, wo Afos janbé wòch ni an lè Ou ké rivé lasous-la ka soti ya Monté la riviè, wo Afos janbé wòch ni an lè Ou ké rivé lasous-la ka soti ya Monté la riviè, wo Entre les roches et les racines Un jour tu verras la source de la rivière Afos janbé wòch ni an lè Ou ké rivé lasous-la ka soti ya Entre les roches et les racines Un jour tu verras la source de la rivière Monté la riviè, wo
Go up the river Go up the river, wo, whoa... Among the rocks and the roots One day you'll see the source of the river Go up the river, oh... Open up your ears Listen carefully to the sound of water It will always show you the way The way, yes, pe pe ba... You'll never be thirsty As you go up, the water will be fresher You'll want to drink more and then you'll go up Go up the river, wo Among the rocks and the roots One day you'll see the source of the river Go up the river, wo Open up your big eyes Look carefully to the colour of the water As you go up, it will be clearer Clearer, yes, pe pe ba... You can't get lost It's so clear, it's shining Like a light that shows you the way up The river of love, the river of life, yes Go up the river Weah, weah, weah... the river of life, doodoo... Go up the river, wo By crossing stones we arrive At the time you should already go out Go up the river, wo By crossing stones we arrive At the time you should already go out Go up the river, wo Among the rocks and the roots One day you'll see the source of the river By crossing stones we arrive At the time you should already go out Among the rocks and the roots One day you'll see the source of the river Go up the river, wo
Monté la riviè
Antillean Creole/ French
[Vers 1] Det finns en flicka som jag går till ibland Hon  tycker om mig för jag gör vad jag kan I  hennes tystnad finns så mycket jag vill veta Så jag stannar hela natten fast vi är som eld och vatten [Refräng] (Kom) så länge hjärtat slår (Kom)  så länge spänningen finns kvar I  morgon är en annan dag (Kom) så länge solen ler (Kom)  så länge lusten ger och tar Så fort när allt försvinner I morgon är en annan dag [Vers 2] Hon målar tavlor som jag aldrig får se Hon  sjunger sånger när ingen sitter bredvid I hennes ögon finns en längtan efter mera Så jag stannar hela natten fast vi är som eld och vatten [Refräng] (Kom) så länge hjärtat slår (Kom) så länge spänningen finns kvar I morgon är en annan dag (Kom) så länge solen ler (Kom) så länge lusten ger och tar Så fort när allt försvinner I morgon är en annan dag [Brygga] Tiden är som ett timglas i din hand Där sekunder och minuter blir till år Jag vill ha allt det jag får [Refräng] (Kom) så länge hjärtat slår (Kom) så länge spänningen finns kvar I morgon är en annan dag (Kom) så länge solen ler (Kom) så länge lusten ger och tar Så fort när allt försvinner I morgon är en annan dag I morgon är en annan dag
There is a girl that I visit once in a while She likes me because I always do what I can There is so much hidden in her silence that I want to know So I'll stay all night, even though we're like fire and water (Come here) As long as my heart is beating (Come here) As long as there is still tension Tomorrow will be another day (Come here) As long as the sun is smiling (Come here) As long as our desire is a matter of giving and taking Things are passing by so quickly Tomorrow will be another day She paints pictures that I never get to see She sings songs when nobody is sitting next to her In her eyes, there's a longing for more So I'll stay all night, even though we're like fire and water (Come here) As long as my heart is beating (Come here) As long as there is still tension Tomorrow will be another day (Come here) As long as the sun is smiling (Come here) As long as our desire is a matter of giving and taking Things are passing by so quickly Tomorrow will be another day Time is like an hourglass in your hand Where second and minutes become years I want everything that I get (Come here) As long as my heart is beating (Come here) As long as there is still tension Tomorrow will be another day (Come here) As long as the sun is smiling (Come here) As long as our desire is a matter of giving and taking Things are passing by so quickly Tomorrow will be another day Tomorrow will be another day
Christer Björkman
I morgon är en annan dag
[Verso 1] Quando eu vi olhos de ameixa E a boca de amora silvestre Tanto mel, tanto sol Nessa tua madeixa, perfil sumarento e agreste [Pré-Refrão] Foi a certeza que eras tu O meu doce de uva E nós sobre a mesa, o amor de morango e caju [Refrão] Peguei, trinquei e meti-te na cesta Ris e dás-me a volta à cabeça Vem cá, tenho sede Quero o teu amor d'água fresca (x2) [Verso 2] Tens na pele travo a laranja E no beijo três gomos de riso Tanto mel, tanto sol Fruta, sumo, água fresca, provei e perdi o juízo [Pré-Refrão] Foi na manhã acesa em ti Abacate, abrunho E a pera francesa, romã, framboesa, kiwi [Refrão] Peguei, trinquei e meti-te na cesta Ris e dás-me a volta à cabeça Vem cá, tenho sede Quero o teu amor d'água fresca (x2) [Pré-Refrão] Ah, foi na manhã acesa em ti Abacate, abrunho E a pera francesa, romã, framboesa, kiwi [Refrão] Peguei, trinquei e meti-te na cesta Ris e dás-me a volta à cabeça Vem cá, tenho sede Quero o teu amor d'água fresca (x2) [Outro] Peguei, trinquei e meti-te na cesta!
Fresh water love When I saw your eyes of plum And your black berry mouth So much honey, so much sun In your juicy and wild lock of hair I was sure it was you My grape sugar And nut on the table The love of strawberry and cashew I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket You laughed and made my head spin Come here, I'm thirsty I want your fresh water love I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket You laughed and made my head spin Come here, I'm thirsty I want your fresh water love, oh... A tang of orange in your skin And three segments of laughter in your kiss So much honey, so much sun, fruit, juice, fresh water I tasted and I went crazy It was in the morning that was alight in you Avocado, wild plum And French pear, pomegranate Raspberry, kiwi I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket You laughed and made my head spin Come here, I'm thirsty I want your fresh water love I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket You laughed and made my head spin Come, come, come here, I'm thirsty I want your fresh water love Ah... it was in the morning that was alight in you Avocado, wild plum And French pear, pomegranate Raspberry, kiwi I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket You laughed and made my head spin Come, come, come here, I'm thirsty I want your fresh water love I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket You laughed and made my head spin Come, come, come here, I'm thirsty I want your fresh water love I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket
Amor d'água fresca
Σου δίνω τα χείλη μου, και μέσα στην ύλη μου Με κάθε κύτταρο μου σε τυλίγω Μέσα μου χάνεσαι, παίζεις και πιάνεσαι Κι' εγώ κάτω από το δέρμα μου σε κρύβω Ταιριάζουμε, θέλεις κι εσύ όπως κι εγώ Μια νύκτα δίχως αύριο Μοιάζουμε, σαν δυο κομμάτια ουρανό Που σμίγουν γίνονται νερό Κι' εξαφανίζονται Ταιριάζουμε, ταιριάζουμε Σημάδια σπαρμένα, κορμιά δίχως φρένα Και γω να ζητιανεύω τ' άγγιγμά σου Σε τέλειο σχέδιο, τρελλό ναρκοπέδιο Να γίνομαι μια έκρηξη μπροστά σου Ταιριάζουμε, θέλεις κι εσύ όπως κι εγώ Μια νύκτα δίχως αύριο Μοιάζουμε, σαν δυο κομμάτια ουρανό Που σμίγουν γίνονται νερό Κι' εξαφανίζονται Ταιριάζουμε, ταιριάζουμε Ταιριάζουμε, θέλεις κι εσύ όπως κι εγώ Μια νύκτα δίχως αύριο Μοιάζουμε, σαν δυο κομμάτια ουρανό Που σμίγουν γίνονται νερό Κι' εξαφανίζονται Ταιριάζουμε, ταιριάζουμε
I give you my lips, and into my existence With every cell of mine I wrap you You get lost in me, you play and get stuck And I hide you under my skin We’re alike, you want what I want A night with no tomorrow We look alike, like two pieces of sky Which mix to become water and vanish We’re alike, we’re alike Scattered signs, bodies surrendering And me begging for your touch In a complete picture, a mad minefield I become an explosion in front of you We’re alike, you want what I want A night with no tomorrow We look alike, like two pieces of sky Which mix to become water and vanish We’re alike, we’re alike We’re alike, you want what I want A night with no tomorrow We look alike, like two pieces of sky Which mix to become water and vanish We’re alike, we’re alike
Teriazoume (Ταιριάζουμε)
Little child, your look – it pains me It’s an answer your eyes seek Can’t you see what shadow of a soul I’ve come to be tired of the scene Little child, come sit beside me It’s so much I have to say Stay as free as high winds on the seas No destiny bringin’ lonely tears Smile, live today, and leave the past behind Live it up day by day, and surely you may find That both sorrow and tomorrow aren’t worth a thought or two Look at me and teach me to live again Little child, your look elates me It’s an answer your eyes give Now, you see, I’m on the road again I’m bringin’ out what child there’s in me Smile, live today, and leave the past behind Live it up day by day, and surely you may find That both sorrow and tomorrow aren’t worth a thought or two Look at me and teach me to live again Live again Sing, live today, this moment can’t endure Oh, let us reach for the stars – we’ll make it, I’m that sure Be it sadness, be it gladness, we can start it all anew Look at me, look at me, and the sun comes shining through
Little child, your look – it pains me It’s an answer your eyes seek Can’t you see what shadow of a soul I’ve come to be tired of the scene Little child, come sit beside me It’s so much I have to say Stay as free as high winds on the seas No destiny bringin’ lonely tears Smile, live today, and leave the past behind Live it up day by day, and surely you may find That both sorrow and tomorrow aren’t worth a thought or two Look at me and teach me to live again Little child, your look elates me It’s an answer your eyes give Now, you see, I’m on the road again I’m bringin’ out what child there’s in me Smile, live today, and leave the past behind Live it up day by day, and surely you may find That both sorrow and tomorrow aren’t worth a thought or two Look at me and teach me to live again Live again Sing, live today, this moment can’t endure Oh, let us reach for the stars – we’ll make it, I’m that sure Be it sadness, be it gladness, we can start it all anew Look at me, look at me, and the sun comes shining through
Mary Spiteri
Little Child
Efasemdir og ýmis vafamál, oft á tíðum valda mér ama Verðum þú og ég, á sjafnarvængjum senn, mmm... Eða verður allt við það sama? Svörin liggja í loftinu En samt sem áður ég sífellt hika Nei eða já? Nú eða þá? Aldrei mér tekst að tak' af skarið Vakin og sofin ég, velti þér endalaust fyrir mér Nei eða já? Af eða á? Erfitt er oft að finna svarið Þó á ég von á því að finna það hjá þér Ævintýravef, þú eflaust spinnur mér, mmm... Ef við náum saman um síðir Samt er ómögulegt að sjá, sögulokin og svörin fyrir Nei eða já? Nú eða þá? Aldrei mér tekst að tak' af skarið Vakin og sofin ég, velti þér endalaust fyrir mér Nei eða já? Af eða á? Erfitt er oft að finna svarið Þó á ég von á því að finna það hjá þér Hugurinn hendist áfram og aftur á bak Heilluð ég er, samt er ég hikandi enn Nei eða... Nei eða já? Nú eða þá? Aldrei mér tekst að tak' af skarið Vakin og sofin ég, velti þér endalaust fyrir mér Nei eða já? Af eða á? Erfitt er oft að finna svarið Þó á ég von á því að finna það (hjá þér) Nei eða já? Nú eða þá? Aldrei mér tekst að tak' af skarið Vakin og sofin ég, velti þér endalaust fyrir mér Nei eða já? Af eða á? Erfitt er oft að finna svarið Þó á ég von á því að finna það Von á því að finna það Von á því að finna það hjá þér Hjá þér Nei eða já?
Doubts and uncertainties Often cause me troubles Will you and I fly on the wings of love Or will everything remain as they are? The answers are in the air But yet I hesitate No or yes? Now or then? I will never decide Awake or asleep, you're constantly on my mind No or yes? Off or on? It's difficult to find the answer Though I believe I'll find it with you You'll spin me a web of adventure If we ever become one Still, it's impossible to foresee the end Of the tale and the answers No or yes? Now or then? I will never decide Awake or asleep, you're constantly on my mind No or yes? Off or on? It's difficult to find the answer Though I believe I'll find it with you My mind goes back and forth I'm bewitched, yet still hesitant No or... No or yes? Now or then? I will never decide Awake or asleep, you're constantly on my mind No or yes? Off or on? It's difficult to find the answer Though I believe I'll find it with you No or yes? Now or then? I will never decide Awake or asleep, you're constantly on my mind No or yes? Off or on? It's difficult to find the answer Still I expect to find it Expect to find it Expect to find it with you, with you No or yes?
Heart 2 Heart
Nei eða já
(Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) Siitä aikaa on kun putkiradiota kuunneltiin Ajatuksissamme tuota laatikkoa muunneltiin Sen sisällä sata oli soittajaa Ne oli pieniä, eikä niitä nähdä saa Yammaillaan ja kuunnellaan saundeja vanhan radion Se soi kuin stadion vaikka niin snadi on (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) Kun lauloi radiossa Sinatra tai John Lennon Noissa tuokioissa siemeniä onnen on O o o... (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma) Sen sisällä sata oli soittajaa Ne oli pieniä, eikä niitä nähdä saa Yammaillaan ja kuunnellaan saundeja vanhan radion Se soi kuin stadion vaikka niin snadi on (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya) (Yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma yamma ya)
Take care of yourself and those ones who suffer Give alms for him who needs it for living Remember to build there where the home collapses Try to encourage them who stagger in their decisions Since everyone who gets help will some day give it, too will give it, too will give it, too Take care of nature it takes care of you Stand by your decisions the power grows in them Remember that seniors don't belong to nursing home Act the way our young men won't have to go war
Yamma, yamma
Comme je rêvais de pouvoir l'enlacer dans mes bras J'ai demandé au chef d'orchestre à mi-voix: Mister Music Man Voulez-vous me jouer un air doux ? Avez-vous un slow rien que pour nous ? Je rêve tellement de pouvoir le serrer dans mes bras Mister Music Man Avez-vous une chanson d'autrefois Qui le pousse à danser avec moi ? Monsieur, soyez un amour, venez à mon secours C'est incroyable, je ne m'y attendais vraiment pas Impensable, lorsque je suis venue seule ce soir Mister Music Man Voulez-vous me jouer un air doux ? Baissez les lumières autour de nous Et laissez-nous le danser tendrement Et puis je vous en prie Monsieur, si vous êtes d'accord Jouez-le encore et encore C'est incroyable, moi qui avais perdu tout espoir Impensable, lorsque je suis venue seule ce soir Mister Music Man, voulez-vous me jouer un air doux ? Baissez les lumières autour de nous Et laissez-nous le danser tendrement Et puis je vous en prie Monsieur, si vous êtes d'accord Jouez-le encore et encore
How I dreamed of being able to hold him in my arms I asked the conductor in a low voice Mister Music Man Do you want to play a sweet air? Do you have a slow nothing for us? I so dream of being able to hold him in my arms Mister Music Man Do you have a song from another time That will push him to dance with me Mister, be a love, come to my aid It's incredible, I really didn't expect it Unthinkable, since I came here alone this evening Mister Music Man Do you want to play a sweet air for me? Lower the lights around us And let us dance it tenderly And then, I ask of you Mister, if you agree Play it again It's incredible, I who had lost all hope Unthinkable, since I came here alone this evening Mister Music Man, do you want to play a sweet air for me? Lower the lights around us And let us dance it tenderly And then, I ask of you Mister, if you agree Play it again
Daisy Auvray
Mister Music Man
French (title English)
Wéi en Draach am Wand Pabeierschëff um Himmel Faarweg Koplabunz Um bloen Trampolin Wéi en Draach am Wand Iwwer all Grenze fléien Sou fräi wëll ech gin Wéi Gedanke sin Kuck dat Kand um Wee Sou liicht säi Liewe spillen Wa säi Laache kléngt Gët an der Däischtert Liicht Kuck dat Kand um Wee Aus Dreem en Heem erfannen Sou fräi wëll ech gin Wéi Gedanke sin Fléi mat mir an d'Sonn Mir gräife no de Stären 'T gët eng aner Welt Wou mir eis all verstin Fléi mat mir an d'Sonn Iwwer on eege Grenzen Sou fräi wëll ech gin Wéi Gedanke sin
Like a kite in the wind, a paper boat in the sky A coloured whirligig on big blue trampoline Like a kite in the wind flying over all frontiers I want to be as free, I want to be as free I want to be as free as thoughts can be See that child on his way playing his life so easily When his laughter bubbles out the dark turns to light See that child on his way building his home on dreams I want to be as free, I want to be as free I want to be as free as thoughts can be Fly with me to the sun and reach out for the stars There is another world where all men understand each other Fly with me to the sun, beyond ourselves I want to be as free, I want to be as free I want to be as free as thoughts can be (I want to be as free) As free As free (I want to be as free) As thoughts can be
Marion Welter & Kontinent
Sou fräi
Wir waren ein echt verschworenes Team Waren immer hart am Wind Ich hab gedacht, dass wir vom Weg nie abzubringen sind Mit uns, das war 'ne Odysee Ich würd' so gern noch mal mit dir... Ein Schiff, das so voll Liebe war, dass fährt sich schlecht allein Es macht mir Angst, da draußen jetzt ganz ohne dich zu sein Ich frag mich wie, das sterben kann Willst du vielleicht mit mir noch mal... Zusammen gehen zum Horizont? Insieme a te, together strong Zusammen gehen, so weit mit dir Auf zwei, die sich so liebten, wartet noch so viel Uns war kein Ozean zu groß, kein Abendrot zu weit Ich glaubte, du läßt mich nie los nach so 'ner langen Zeit Dein Abschied ging verdammt tief rein Doch morgen werden wir vielleicht... Zusammen gehen zum Horizont Insieme a te, together strong Zusammen gehen, so weit mit dir Auf zwei, die sich so liebten, wartet noch so viel Zusammen gehen zum Horizont Insieme a te, together strong Zusammen gehen, so weit mit dir Auf zwei, die sich so liebten, wartet noch so viel Zusammen gehen
Go together We were a real conspired team We were always hardened against the wind I thought we'd never get off the way What we had, was like an Odyssey With you again, I'll be glad to... A ship, that was so full of love, sails badly on its own I'm frightened to be out there, now, to be totally without you I wonder, how that can die Do you maybe, with me again, want to... Go together to the horizon? Together with you, together strong Go together, so far with you For two people who love each other so much, waiting is still too much No ocean was too big for us, no dawn was too far away I thought you'd never let me go after such a long time Your farewell hurts deep inside of me But maybe tomorrow we will... Go together to the horizon Together with you, together strong Go together, so far with you For two people who love each other so much, waiting is still too much Go together to the horizon Together with you, together strong Go together, so far with you For two people who love each other so much, waiting is still too much Go together
Tony Wegas
Zusammen geh'n
German (Italian)
Don't walk away Just let your heart decide If love is gonna stay I know it's right Just think about it, girl Ooh for a while Another week Another day When I call You're miles away In the arms Of another All my friends say I'm crazy Night after night I'm waiting Say that I'm wrong Then you tell me That I'm coming on too strong One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time When I sleep I dream of you You're in my mind In everything I do Well I still don't feel that it's over I know what's right Could be with you Holding you tight Now that you've gone Won't you tell me Where I've been going wrong One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time Another week Another day When I call You're miles away, daddy Daddy now, you're still it's over One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time One step, One step out of time One step out of time [Repeat Chorus and ad-lib vocal to fade]
Don't walk away Just let your heart decide If love is gonna stay I know it's right Just think about it, girl Ooh for a while Another week Another day When I call You're miles away In the arms Of another All my friends say I'm crazy Night after night I'm waiting Say that I'm wrong Then you tell me That I'm coming on too strong One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time When I sleep I dream of you You're in my mind In everything I do Well I still don't feel that it's over I know what's right Could be with you Holding you tight Now that you've gone Won't you tell me Where I've been going wrong One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time Another week Another day When I call You're miles away, daddy Daddy now, you're still it's over One step out of time One reason to put this love on the line again Can't believe that it's true Now I'm one step out of time One step, One step out of time One step out of time [Repeat Chorus and ad-lib vocal to fade]
Michael Ball
One Step Out of Time
United Kingdom
Sometimes I watch you passing by my window And sometimes I watch you passing through my dreams And sometimes, when I look at you You take my breath away Sometimes I try and understand your reasons You choose to feel the way you feel about me And sometimes, when I turn around And you're there, like today I wanna say: Why me? I look at you and I get to feeling Why me? (Why me, whooh) I know it's true but I can't believe it I keep on wondering why My love shines in your eyes Why me? I look at you and I ask myself Why me? Sometimes I lie awake and watch you sleeping And listen to the beating of your heart And sometimes, when you're lying there You take my breath away And I wanna say Why me? I look at you and I get to feeling Why me? (Why me, whooh) I know it's true but I can't believe that it's me Who's gonna be holdin' you in my arms tonight And why it's me Who's gonna be the one to make you feel all right Tonight Why me? I look at you and I get to feeling Why me? (Why me, whooh) I know it's true but I can't believe it I keep on wondering why My love shines in your eyes Why me? I look at you and I ask myself Why me?
Sometimes I watch you passing by my window And sometimes I watch you passing through my dreams And sometimes, when I look at you You take my breath away Sometimes I try and understand your reasons You choose to feel the way you feel about me And sometimes, when I turn around And you're there, like today I wanna say: Why me? I look at you and I get to feeling Why me? (Why me, whooh) I know it's true but I can't believe it I keep on wondering why My love shines in your eyes Why me? I look at you and I ask myself Why me? Sometimes I lie awake and watch you sleeping And listen to the beating of your heart And sometimes, when you're lying there You take my breath away And I wanna say Why me? I look at you and I get to feeling Why me? (Why me, whooh) I know it's true but I can't believe that it's me Who's gonna be holdin' you in my arms tonight And why it's me Who's gonna be the one to make you feel all right Tonight Why me? I look at you and I get to feeling Why me? (Why me, whooh) I know it's true but I can't believe it I keep on wondering why My love shines in your eyes Why me? I look at you and I ask myself Why me?
Linda Martin (2)
Why Me?
Min fyr ble' sur og han er gået hjem Så er du lis'som mig til fest alene? Jeg kender ham, der' ingen dør på klem Så' du vel fri i nat sku' jeg mene Hør sig mig, tror du, at jeg' en pige Der falder for enhver? Det vidste jeg, du ville si' Så hvorfor bli'r vi egentlig her? Når alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af, næ, tak, jeg bli'r tilbage Alt det som ingen ved Det ka' ikke komme nogen andre vid, forstår du? Ja, alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af, et frikvarter er OK Hvis det' til kærlighed Og hvis det kun er os der ved besked Hva' si'r du, syn's du bare vi ska' gå? Gi' mig en grund til at vi ikk' sku' gør' det Et øjeblik, mens jeg ta'r frakken på Det' er om at turde, mens man tør det Vi ta'r en vogn, mens der er en at få Uden at sanse tid og sted Er det ulovligt at satse på En times tid til kærlighed? Når alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af, som denne her affære Alt det som ingen ved Det ka' ikke komme de andre ved Hva' gør vi nu hvis nogen ser os gå fra festen? Jo, for resten Jeg har et trick der ikk' blamer' os: Vi er gået, for du har fået En enkelt tår mer' end du sku' ha' Ja, den er go' med dig Nu finder jeg en dør at ta' Så ingen ser vi er på vej For alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af, som denne her affære Alt det som ingen ved Det ka' ikke komme de andre vid Du ved at alt det som ingen ser Det har ingen ondt af, et frikvarter er OK Lynet ka' let slå ned Vi' kun et sekund fra kærlighed
All the things that nobody sees My friend got angry, he's gone home So just like me you're alone at the party? I know him, there's no chance left Then you're free tonight, I take it Now tell me, do you think I'm a girl, who'd fall for anybody? I knew you'd say that, so why do we stay here? When all the things that nobody sees Nobody minds that, no thanks, I'll stay here All the things that nobody knows That can't be any of their business, you see? Yes, all the things that nobody sees Nobody minds that, a break is OK If it's for love and if we're the only ones who know What do you say, do you just think we should leave? Give me a reason why we shouldn't do it Just a moment, while I put on my coat It's all about daring, while you dare it We'll take a taxi, while we can get one without sensing time and place Is it illegal to aim at an hour for love? When all the things that nobody sees Nobody minds that, like this affair All the things that nobody knows That can't be any of their business What do we do, if someone sees us leave the party? Yes, by the way I know a trick that won't disgrace us: We've left, because you've had A drop more than you should have Don't give me that Now I'll find a door to use, so nobody will see that we're on our way For, all the things that nobody sees Nobody minds that, like this affair All the things that nobody knows That can't be any of their business You know that, all the things that nobody sees Nobody minds that, a break is OK Lightning can easily strike, we're only a second away from love
Lotte Nilsson & Kenny Lübcke
Alt det som ingen ser
Un giorno i vecchi amori S'incontrano nei bar bugiardi ma Sinceri a dirsi come va magari Fuori piove e allora stanno lì Pensando chissà dove chissà Perché finì Un giorno i vecchi amori si dicono L'età dolcissimi rancori ed altre Verità Chi siamo noi sperduti qui così Diversi dagli eroi del nostro film Con l'ironia e un po' di guai in Questa immensa rapsodia Dei nostri ormai Ma un giorno i vecchi amori Si chiedono di più i sogni e i Desideri di un'altra gioventù E lasciano famiglie tradiscono gli Amici non vogliono consigli Per essere felici E quando i vecchi amori si Lasciano nei bar diventano canzoni Di tanto tempo fa Chi siamo noi seduti qua ad Ascoltare questa vita che non va Chi siamo noi buttati via in questa Immensa e disperata rapsodia Chi siamo noi buttati via in questa Immensa e disperata rapsodia
One day the old lovers Meet in a bar Deceitful but sincere telling how it goes It was raining outside and they were there Thinking about who knows where Who knows why it finished. One day the old lovers tell each other their ages Sweet resentments and other truth Who are we, feeling lost? So different from the heroes in our movie With the irony and a bit of trouble In this immense rhapsody, now about us But one day the old lovers long for more Dreams and desires of another youth And they leave their families, betray their friends They don't want advice about how to be happy And when the old lovers leave each other at the bar They will become songs of a time far behind Who are we, sitting here? Listening to a story of a life that didn't work out Who are we, sunk in shame For this immense and hopeless rhapsody Oh who are we, sunk in shame For this immense and hopeless rhapsody
Mia Martini (2)
Boga sam molila Neka mi snage da Da oprostim ti sve Zaboravim što pre One duge molitve Još si na mojim usnama Ljubim te pesmama Snovi umorni nas su čekali Ali mi nismo zaspali Zora je čaše dve razbila S' nama se ljubavi napila Lepše je pevala od cigana O Bože, da li sam sve snajala Još si na mojim usnama Ljubim te pesmama Snovi umorni nas su čekali Ali mi nismo zaspali Zora je čaše dve razbila S' nama se ljubavi napila Lepše je pevala od cigana O Bože, da li sam sve snajala Zora je čaše dve razbila S' nama se ljubavi napila Lepše je pevala od cigana O Bože, da li sam sve snajala
I prayed to God To give me strength To forgive you everything To forget as fast as possible Those long prayers You're still on my lips I kiss you through songs Tired dreams waited for us But we didn't fall asleep Chorus The dawn broke two glasses Got drunk from love through us Sang better that a gypsy Oh God, did I dream all of it?
Extra Nena
Ljubim te pesmama (Љубим те песмама)
FR Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
Visjoner fra en drøm gir refleksjoner og en bønn La fremtiden bli vår Vi høster bare det vi sår Hva har vi så forstått av tiden som er gått? Kan fortid bære fremtidens barn? Et sekel ebber ut, en ny tid banker på vår dør Har fremgang ført oss vill? Fortidens ild har varme glør Naturen har fått sår, verdier står på spill Nå ser vi alle feil fra i går Men håpet det er tent, det kan vel aldri bli for sent At kunnskapen slår rot Som gir oss skapertrang og mot Kultur, det er en arv til folket i vårt land Det er et speil av tidenes gang Gi oss en soloppgang med barnelatter og sang Vi elsker far og mor Har kjærlighet å gi til søster og bror Gi oss en soloppgang og la vår drøm være sann Sammen på håpets vei går vi hand i hand Vi har kun denne jord, la morgendagen bli en venn Vis nestekjærlighet Så får du ærlighet igjen La liten og la stor få dele samme bord I vennskap som lever og gror Gi oss en soloppgang med barnelatter og sang Vi elsker far og mor Har kjærlighet å gi til søster og bror Gi oss en soloppgang og la vår drøm være sann Sammen på håpets vei går vi hand i hand (Gi oss en soloppgang med barnelatter og sang) (Vi elsker far og mor) (Har kjærlighet å gi til søster og bror) Gi oss en soloppgang og la vår drøm være sann Sammen på håpets vei går vi hand i hand
Visions from a dream lend us reflections and a prayer Let the future be ours We only reap what we sow So what have we learned from the time that has passed by? Can the past give birth to the children of the future? A century is dying away, a new time is knocking on our door Has progress misled us? The fire of the past has got a hot blaze Nature has been scared, values are at risk Now we see all the mistakes of yesterday But hope is lit, it can never be too late For wisdom to take root Which gives us the urge to create and courage Culture is a heritage for the people of our land It's a mirror of past times Give us a sunrise with children's laughter and singing We love our father and our mother Have love for our sister and our brother Give us a sunrise and let our dream come true We'll walk together hand in hand on the road of hope We only have this very world, let tomorrow be a friend Show charity And you will be rewarded with honesty Let the big ones and the small ones share the same table In living and growing friendship Give us a sunrise with children's laughter and singing We love our father and our mother Have love for our sister and our brother Give us a sunrise and let our dream come true We'll walk together hand in hand on the road of hope (Give us a sunrise with children's laughter and singing) (We love our father and our mother) (Have love for our sister and our brother) Give us a sunrise and let our dream come true We'll walk together hand in hand on the road of hope
Merethe Trøan
Siehst du dort das junge Mädchen Auf dem Bahnsteig steh'n? Sie glaubt, einer von den Zügen Wird in die Freiheit geh'n Und der Mann, der seinen Job verlor Träumt, dass er's allen zeigt Wie Phönix aus der Asche steigt Träume sind für alle da Glaub daran und halt sie fest Mit Herz, mit Leib und Seele Morgen ist ein neuer Tag Kämpf um deine Träume Dann werden sie auch wahr Dort der Alte, der mal reich war Schläft heut' unter Brücken ein Eine Frau denkt an ein Kind Und merkt nicht, dass sie weint Der Junge, der ganz einfach fortläuft Mit unbekanntem Ziel Sie alle haben Sehnsucht nach Gefühl Träume sind für alle da Glaub daran und halt sie fest Mit Herz, mit Leib und Seele Morgen ist ein neuer Tag Kämpf um deine Träume Dann werden sie auch wahr Es ist niemals ganz zu spät Ws ist niemals ganz vorbei Manchmal kann ein Traum Ein neuer Anfang sein Träume sind für alle da (Träume sind für alle da) Glaub daran und halt sie fest Mit Herz, mit Leib und Seele Morgen ist ein neuer Tag (Morgen ist ein neuer Tag) Kämpf um deine Träume Dann werden sie auch wahr
Dreams are there for everyone Do you see the young girl On the platform over there? She thinks that one of the trains Will lead to freedom And a man who lost his job Dreams of showing everyone That he rises like a phoenix from the ashes Dreams are there for everyone Believe in them and hold them tight With heart, with body and soul Tomorrow is a new day Fight for your dreams Then they will come true The old man over there who once was rich Now falls asleep under bridges A woman thinks about a child And doesn't realise that she's crying The boy who is running away With an unknown destination They're all yearning for feelings Dreams are there for everyone Believe in them and hold them tight With heart, with body and your soul Tomorrow is a new day Fight for your dreams Then they will come true It's never really too late, it's never really over Sometimes a dream can be a new beginning Dreams are there for everyone (Dreams are there for everyone) Believe in them and hold them tight With heart, with body and your soul Tomorrow is a new day (Tomorrow is a new day) Fight for your dreams Then they will come true
Wind (3)
Träume sind für alle da
Ik heb mezelf gezocht In boeken en landen ver van hier Zo is mijn leven Maar hoever je ook zoekt De waarheid is niemand gegeven Wijs me de weg naar het nieuwe land Wijs me de weg, neem me bij de hand Wijs me de weg naar mensen om me heen Leer me te zien dat het anders kan En bovendien met een beter plan Wijs me de weg, de weg voor iedereen Ik heb mezelf gezocht, hier en in andere landen En ben op zoek geweest naar vrienden voor altijd Ik vond de waarheid, maar heb haar weer zien stranden De dwaze dromen, gestolen door de tijd Wat is dit leven? Hoever kun je komen? Wie kan je helpen? Gevoel of verstand? De weg die je zoekt in jezelf Houdt nooit op, staat niet stil, laat je leven Wijs me de weg naar m'n eigen zin Wijs me de weg naar een nieuw begin Wijs me de weg naar liefde voor altijd Wijs me de weg Oh... oh... loop mee Wijs me de weg Wijs me de weg Wijs me de weg
I searched for myself In books and in far-away countries That’s my life But no matter how far you search Nobody holds the truth Show me the way to the new country Show me the way, take me by the hand Show me the way to people around me Teach me to see that it can be done otherwise And moreover with a better plan Show me the way, the way for everyone I searched for myself, here and in other countries And have been in search of friends for eternity I found the truth, but I’ve seen it stranding again The stupid dreams, stolen by the time What is this life? How far can you go? Which one can help you? Feeling or reason? The way you search for in yourself Never stops, never stands still, lets you live Show me the way to my own sense Show me the way to a new beginning Show me the way to love for always Show me the way Oh… oh… walk along Show me the way Show me the way Show me the way
Humphrey Campbell
Wijs me de weg
Corrono in macchina, giocano a prendersi Lungo una strada bagnata dai bar Provano a vivere, ma si consumano E i giorni non cambiano mai E la prima luce arriva Là dalla periferia E piccole case li portano via; Ma i sogni non cambiano mai Sbrigati sole, fatti vedere; Sparano ancora ma aspettano te Posaci un raggio sul cuore Se scopri dov'è Sorgi per me, sali con me; Scaldami ancora Non si conoscono ma si assomigliano: I sogni non cambiano mai Se ti prendono la mano Cercano la compagnia Il vento e la guerra li portano via; Ma i sogni non cambiano mai Svegliati sole, fatti sentire; Oggi nessuno domanda di te Copri di luce l'Europa Ricordi dov'è? Vieni con me, vola con me; Scaldami ancora Cambiano divisa e colore Ma le anime stanche Aspettano il sole E dicono che verrà; Credono che verrà Oh Kleine Liebe Shaust and der Spìegel Schmerzliches Weinen Du bringst über dich Wilkommen mit schönen Traümen Wilkommen in Licht Die Sonne scheint Regen und Weint Oh kleine Liebe Reveille nous soleil Depèche toi soleil Combien de douleur Tu amène avec toi Donne nous un rayon de lumièr Dans l'obscurité Lève toi pour moi Monte avec moi; Chante moi encore Svegliaci sole, facci capire Quanto dolore hai portato con te Donaci un raggio di luce Nel buio che c'è Sorgi per noi, sali con noi; Scaldaci ancora
Sun of Europe They run in their cars, they play taking each other Along a street bathed in bars They play living but they wear themselves out And the days never change And the first light comes, beyond the outskirts And little houses carry them away And the dreams never change Hurry up, sun, make you see They shoot again but they're waiting for you Put a beam in your heart, if you discover where it is Rise for me, come up with me, warm me up again They don't know each other, still they resemble each other And the dreams never change If they take your hand, they are looking for some company But the wind and the war carry them away But the dreams never change Wake up, sun, so we can feel you Today nobody asks for you Cover Europe with light, do you remember where it is? Come with me, fly with me, warm me up again They change their uniform and colour But their tired souls wait for the sun And they say he'll come They believe he'll come Wake us up, sun, make us understand How much pain you've carried with you Give us a light beam in this gloom Rise for us, come up with us, warm us up again
Enrico Ruggeri
Sole d'Europa
Dua dua dua du... Dal dididal didaldal didal... Dal dididal didaldal didal... Dal dididal didaldal didal... Diba daba diba duba du... Seni görmez Duymaz olaydım Bir bilsen o günden Beri bir başkayım Ha... sanki (sanki, sanki) Çarpıldım (çarpıldım) Hatta (hatta) Sarsıldım (sarsıldım) Çok fena (çok fena) Kaptırdım (kaptırdım) Galiba (galiba) Sana aşığım Ha... esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Nazlı narin (nazlı narin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Tatlı şirin (tatlı şirin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Nazlı narin (nazlı narin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Tatlı şirin (tatlı şirin) Zaten deliydim Şimdi divaneyim Ateş-i aşkına Pervaneyim bak ne haldeyim Ha... sanki (sanki, sanki) Çarpıldım (çarpıldım) Hatta (hatta) Sarsıldım (sarsıldım) Çok fena (çok fena) Kaptırdım (kaptırdım) Galiba (galiba) Sana aşığım Ha... esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Nazlı narin (nazlı narin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Tatlı şirin (tatlı şirin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Nazlı narin (nazlı narin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Tatlı şirin Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Nazlı narin (nazlı narin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Tatlı şirin (tatlı şirin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Nazlı narin (nazlı narin) Esmer yarim (esmer yarim) Ah... tatlı şirin Dududu dudum...
(I wish) I didn't see you, I didn't hear you I wish you knew that I was different after that day Ha... like I'm struck , like I'm shaken I'm in love deeply, I think I'm in love with you Ha... my dark lover, coquettish delicate My dark lover, sweet cute Esmer yarim, tatlı şirin I've already been crazy, now I am infatuated I'm addicted to your fiery love, look how I am Çok fena kaptırdım, galiba sana aşığım Esmer yarim, tatlı şirin Esmer yarim, tatlı şirin Esmer yarim, tatlı şirin Esmer yarim, ah... tatlı şirin
Burak Aydos
Esmer yarim
Irgendwo in Zeit und Raum Muss es ferne Welten geben Unberührt und schön Und doch erfüllt mit Leben Leben ohne Angst und Not Ohne Hass und Neid zu spüren Sterne hell und klar Dass man sie fast berühren kann Ich glaub daran Doch das ist viel zu weit Draußen in der Dunkelheit Viel zu weit Hier ist unsre Wirklichkeit Irgendwo in diesem Traum Muss es ferne Wünsche geben Keiner ist so tief Wie unser Wunsch nach Leben Leben wie im Paradies Ohne dafür zu bezahlen Das man wie ein Bild In tausend Farben malen kann Ich glaub daran Doch das ist viel zu weit Draußen in der Dunkelheit Viel zu weit Hier ist unsre Wirklichkeit Viel zu weit Weiter als es jemals war Viel zu weit Und dabei zum Greifen nah Viel zu weit Draußen in der Dunkelheit Viel zu weit Hier ist unsre Wirklichkeit Irgendwo in Zeit und Raum Hat es eine Welt gegeben Unberührt und schön Und damit fing das Leben an Und was kam dann Und was kam dann?
Somewhere in time and space There must be far worlds Untouched and beautiful and still filled with life Life without fear and misery No hatred and malice to be found Stars, bright and clear, so you can almost touch them I believe in it But it's much too far away Outside in the darkness Much too far away Here is our reality Somewhere in that dream There must be far wishes None is as deep as our wish to live Life like in paradise Without paying for it So you can paint in thousand colours like a painting I believe in it But it's much too far away Outside in the darkness Much too far away Here is our reality Much too far away Further away than ever before Much too far away Yet so near to touch Much too far away Outside in the darkness Much too far away Here is our reality Somewhere in time and space There has been a world Untouched and beautiful, and with that, life has begun And what came next? And what came next?
Münchener Freiheit
Viel zu weit
Vous, Messieurs, vendeurs de vent Vous, les montreurs de chiens savants Magiciens, charmeurs de serpents Poudre aux yeux pour les enfants Au grand bal des rêves truqués La où vos tréteaux sont plantés Les guitares ont beau jouer Je ne viendrai pas danser Pas question de brûler mes ailes Pas question de suivre vos pas Je n'ai pas le temps Et si demain la chance m'appelle Avant tout, je veux être moi Moi, tout simplement Vous, Messieurs, faiseurs d'argent Vous, les chercheurs de faux talents Marionnettes à faire semblant Disques d'or et chèques en blanc Au palais des mondanités Limousines et publicités Tous vos flash ont beau crépiter Je n'irai pas m'afficher Pas question de brûler mes ailes Pas question de suivre vos pas Je n'ai pas le temps Et si demain la chance m'appelle Avant tout, je veux être moi Moi, tout simplement Pas question de brûler mes ailes Pas question de suivre vos pas Je n'ai pas le temps N'ai pas le temps Et si demain la chance m'appelle Avant tout, je veux être moi Moi, tout simplement Tout simplement Et si demain la chance m'appelle Avant tout, je veux être moi Moi, tout simplement
You, gentlemen, wind sellers You, trainers of performing dogs Magicians, snake charmers Dust in the eyes for children On the great ball of fake dreams Where the stage is erected The guitars play in vain I won’t come dancing Chorus: Out of question to burn my wings Out of question to follow your steps I don’t have time And if tomorrow luck is with me First of all, I want to be myself Quite simply myself You, gentlemen, money makers You, the false-talent seekers Puppets in appearance Golden records and blank cheques In the palace of vanities Limousines and publicity All your torches crackle in vain I won’t come prancing Chorus: (x2) Out of question to burn my wings Out of question to follow your steps I don’t have time And if tomorrow luck is with me First of all, I want to be myself Quite simply myself
Annie Cotton
Moi, tout simplement
Jeg sætter mig på kanten af din seng, og du ler til mig Verden svinder ind til ingenting, når jeg ser på dig Du ligger li' så musestille og virker ubeskriv'ligt lille Imellem dine mange sjove dyr, men i drømmelegen Finder vi to vejen ud mod nye eventyr Under stjernerne på himlen, sejler du med mig Luk nu stille dine øjne, så er vi på vej Vi sejler over vandet og ind i drømmelandet, du og jeg Og hvis du bli'r skræmt af vinden, kysser jeg dig blidt på kinden Hvor du end er i fantasi'n, vil jeg altid være her hos dig min kære Læg nu trygt din hånd i min Under stjernerne på himlen, sejler du med mig Luk nu stille dine øjne, så er vi på vej Vi sejler over vandet og ind i drømmelandet, du og jeg Drømmelandet, du og jeg (Sejler, sejler ind i drømme-... drømme-... drømmelandet, du og jeg)
I sit down on the edge of your bed, and you laugh with me. The world shrinks into nothing, when I see you. You lie so very still, seeming so indescribably little between your many funny animals. But in our dream game the two of us will find our way to new adventures Under the stars in the sky you're sailing with me. Close your eyes slowly, then we'll be on our way. We're sailing on the water, and into our land of dreams, you and me. And if you're scared by the wind, I'll gently kiss your cheek. No matter where you are in your imagination, I'll always be here with you, my dear. Please put your hand in mine with confidence. Under the stars in the sky you're sailing with me. Close your eyes slowly, then we'll be on our way. We're sailing on the water, and into our land of dreams, you and me. Our land of dreams, you and me.
Tommy Seebach (3) Band
Under stjernerne på himlen
Ελλάδα, χώρα του φωτός, του κόσμου, αρχή και γυρισμός Τόπος που διάλεξε ο Θεός, κάτι τρέχει, πέρα βρέχει Έρχεται δύσκολος καιρός, και σου φωνάζει ο ουρανός Κάτσε σκέψου, λογικέψου Τη μια μας παίζουν, ροκ την άλλη τσιφτετέλι Παιδιά του Πλάτωνα και του Αριστοτέλη Μας ξεγελάνε με σεκλέτι και μεράκι Πνεύμα αθάνατο σε τρώει το σαράκι Τη μια μας παίζουν, ροκ την άλλη τσιφτετέλι Παιδιά του Πλάτωνα και του Αριστοτέλη Μας ξεγελάνε με σεκλέτι και μεράκι Πνεύμα αθάνατο σε τρώει το σαράκι Ελλάδα, χώρα του φωτός, πολεμιστής ειρηνικός Κάν' άλλο ένα βήμα μπρος, για προχώρα ήρθε η ώρα Είσαι του κόσμου το κρασί, κι ας μην το ξέρεις ούτε εσύ Κάτσε βρες τα κι έβγα πες τα Τη μια μας παίζουν, ροκ την άλλη τσιφτετέλι Παιδιά του Πλάτωνα και του Αριστοτέλη Μας ξεγελάνε με σεκλέτι και μεράκι Πνεύμα αθάνατο σε τρώει το σαράκι Τη μια μας παίζουν, ροκ την άλλη τσιφτετέλι Παιδιά του Πλάτωνα και του Αριστοτέλη Μας ξεγελάνε με σεκλέτι και μεράκι Πνεύμα αθάνατο σε τρώει το σαράκι Τη μια μας παίζουν ροκ την άλλη τσιφτετέλι Παιδιά του Πλάτωνα και του Αριστοτέλη
Greece, country of light The world’s beginning and comeback A place chosen by God Something’s going on, you don’t give a damn Difficult times are coming And the sky is shouting to you Sit down and think, get to your senses One time they play us rock music and the other tsifteteli Children of Plato and Aristotle They trick us with sadness and taste Oh immortal spirit, the evil is destroying you One time they play us rock music and the other tsifteteli Children of Plato and Aristotle They trick us with sadness and taste Oh immortal spirit, the evil is destroying you Greece, country of light Peaceful warrior Make another move ahead Go forward, it’s time You are the world’s wine Even if you don’t know it Sit down and figure it out and stand up and tell it One time they play us rock music and the other tsifteteli Children of Plato and Aristotle They trick us with sadness and taste Oh immortal spirit, the evil is destroying you One time they play us rock music and the other tsifteteli Children of Plato and Aristotle They trick us with sadness and taste Oh immortal spirit, the evil is destroying you One time they play us rock music and the other tsifteteli Children of Plato and Aristotle
Katerina Garbi
Ellada, hora tou fotos (Ελλάδα, χώρα του φωτός)
Ik heb nog nooit iemand zo lief gehad Al mijn twijfels zijn voorgoed voorbij Nooit had ik eerder dat fijn gevoel Jij bent alles wat ik bedoel In je ogen zie ik dat hemelsblauw Een warm gevoel waar ik van hou Ik heb nog nooit iemand zo lief gehad Zo een iemand als jij Waar ik ook ben jij zult bij me zijn Met jou vind ik steeds de juiste weg Ik heb nog nooit iemand zo lief gehad Zo een iemand als jij Jij zult altijd in mijn gedachten zijn Wat er ook met ons gebeuren mag Weet heel zeker dat ik op je wacht Zelfs in 't midden van de nacht Jij geeft me vleugels dat vrije gevoel Dat is het nu juist wat ik bedoel Ik heb nog nooit iemand zo lief gehad Zo een iemand als jij Zo een iemand als..... Zo een iemand als jij
I have never loved someone like this All my doubts are gone forever I have never had that nice feeling before You are everything I mean In your eyes I see that clear blue A warm feeling that I love I have never loved someone like this Someone like you Wherever I am, you will be with me With you I keep finding the right way I have never loved someone like this Someone like you You will always be in my thoughts Whatever may happen to us Know for sure that I will wait for you Even in the middle of the night You give me wings, that free feeling That is exactly what I mean I have never loved someone like this Someone like you Someone like... Someone like you
Barbara Dex
Iemand als jij
Ooh baby, when I'm alone with you You show your love for me I believed that our love was for real But I knew it was too good to be true Oh baby, baby, when I found out that You were foolin' around with my heart It hurt so much, pain unexplained How could you do it I thought I found love This time I'm gonna stand on my own I said, now, baby, this time I won't be missin' you at all No, no, now, baby, this time I'll be strong I won't fall in love again You thought I was usin' your love Wastin' all your time That's where you were wrong Oh baby, baby, when I found out That you went wrong with foolin' around With my little heart It hurt so much Pain unexplained How could you do it When I thought I found love? This time I'm gonna stand on my own Said, now, baby, this time I won't be missin' you at all No, no, now, baby, baby I'll be strong, I'll be strong, yeah (This time) This time I won't be needin' your lovin' for me, baby Baby, babe, baby I'm gettin' by This time I'll be strong I won't fall in love again
Ooh baby, when I'm alone with you You show your love for me I believed that our love was for real But I knew it was too good to be true Oh baby, baby, when I found out that You were foolin' around with my heart It hurt so much, pain unexplained How could you do it I thought I found love This time I'm gonna stand on my own I said, now, baby, this time I won't be missin' you at all No, no, now, baby, this time I'll be strong I won't fall in love again You thought I was usin' your love Wastin' all your time That's where you were wrong Oh baby, baby, when I found out That you went wrong with foolin' around With my little heart It hurt so much Pain unexplained How could you do it When I thought I found love? This time I'm gonna stand on my own Said, now, baby, this time I won't be missin' you at all No, no, now, baby, baby I'll be strong, I'll be strong, yeah (This time) This time I won't be needin' your lovin' for me, baby Baby, babe, baby I'm gettin' by This time I'll be strong I won't fall in love again
William Mangion
This Time
Opnaðu augun, sjáðu hvar þú ert Ég er og bíð þín þar Hugurinn ber þig aðra leið en hvert? Enn heldur' af stað brenna spurningar Ég bíð Þú leitar svarar út um allt Hvar endar þessi ferð? Til hvers er farið? Þá líða ár Og láta uppi lítið ráð Ef leitarðu til mín Þá veistu svarið Því ert að hlaupa, leita langt og skammt? Ég leynist þér ei, ég er allsstaðar Ég bíð Þú leitar svarar út um allt? Hvar endar þessi ferð? Til hvers er farið Þá líða ár Og láta uppi lítið ráð Ef leitarðu til mín Þá veistu svarið Ég bíð Þú leitar svarar út um allt Ef leitarðu til mín Þá veistu svarið
Open your eyes, see where you are I am and wait for you there Your mind carries you elsewhere but where? Still you keep going, questions burn I wait You search for answers everywhere Where does this journey end? Why do we go? Then years pass And leave behind a small advice If you look for me Then you know the answer Why are you running, looking far and nearby? I'm not hiding from you, I am everywhere I wait You search for answers everywhere Where does this journey end? Why do we go? Then years pass And leave behind a small advice If you look for me Then you know the answer I wait You search for answers everywhere If you look for me Then you know the answer
Þá veistu svarið
Maria Magdalena - gib mir deine Macht Für immer und nicht nur für eine Nacht Wie ein Donner ohne Warnung, wie der jüngste Tag Wie die Sintflut, mehr als ich ertrag Bist du über mich gekommen, hast mich überfahr'n Hast mein Herz im Sturm genommen, wie ein Orkan Himmel oder Hölle Wo du herkommst ist mir gleich Beides in dir, Gut und Böse Macht mich arm und reich Maria Magdalena - du bist Glück und Leid Maria Magdalena - schenk' mir die Ewigkeit Maria Magdalena - gib mir deine Macht Für immer und nicht nur für eine Nacht Deine Augen schrei'n nach Liebe Sehnsucht heißt dein Blick Immer weiter, niemals mehr zurück Du bist eine der Sirenen, die Odysseus sah Ich bind' mich los und stell' mich der Gefahr Nur wer leidet ist am Leben Wer nichts fühlt ist tot Schmerzen nehmen, Liebe geben Das ist mein Gebot Maria Magdalena - du bist Glück und Leid Maria Magdalena - schenk' mir die Ewigkeit Maria Magdalena - gib mir deine Macht Für immer und nicht nur für eine Nacht Maria Magdalena - du bist Glück und Leid Maria Magdalena - schenk' mir die Ewigkeit Maria Magdalena - gib mir deine Macht Für immer und nicht nur für eine Nacht
Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalene – give me your power Forever and not just for one night Like thunder without any warning, like the first day Like the Flood, more than I can suffer You were coming over me, you ran over me You conquered my heart in a storm, like a hurricane Heaven or hell Where you come from is all the same to me Both inside of you, good and evil It makes me poor and rich Mary Magdalene – you are happiness and sorrow Mary Magdalene – give me eternity Mary Magdalene – give me your might Forever and not just for one night Your eyes crying for love Yearning is the name for your look Going onwards, never again backwards You are one of the sirens, seen by Odysseus I untie myself and place myself in danger Only those who suffer are alive Who feels nothing are dead To take pain, to give love That's my command Mary Magdalene – you are happiness and sorrow Mary Magdalene – give me eternity Mary Magdalene – give me your might Forever and not just for one night Maria Magdalena – you are happiness and sorrow Maria Magdalena – give me eternity Maria Magdalena – give me your might Forever and not just for one night
Tony Wegas (2)
Maria Magdalena
De madrugada saio para rua A cidade está à minha frente E de repente a cidade é minha e tua A cidade é de toda a gente Entre um gin e um beijo Vamos nós de bar em bar Sinto tudo o que vejo Há um brilho no ar Quando cai a noite na cidade Há sempre um sonho e há magia À noite na cidade Há sempre um sonho até ser dia As cores da noite Dão um brilho à cidade Trazem luz até se fazer dia Entre a lua e o sol Vamos nós de rua em rua Amanhã de manhã Já será outro dia Quando cai a noite na cidade Há sempre um sonho e há magia À noite na cidade Há sempre um sonho até ser dia (Quando cai a noite na cidade) (Há sempre um sonho e há magia) À noite na cidade Há sempre um sonho Quando cai a noite na cidade Há sempre um sonho e há magia À noite na cidade Há sempre um sonho Até ser dia
In the morning I go out, into the street The city is in front of me And suddenly the city is yours and mine The city is everyone's Between a gin and a kiss We're going from bar to bar I feel everything I see There's a glow in the air When the night falls in the city There's always a dream and there's magic At night in the city There's always a dream until it's daytime The colours of the night Give a glow to the city They make light until it's dawn Between the moon and the sun We're going from street to street Tomorrow morning It'll be another day When the night falls in the city There's always a dream and there's magic At night in the city There's always a dream until it's daytime (When the night falls in the city) (There's always a dream and there's magic) At night in the city There's always a dream When the night falls in the city There's always a dream and there's magic At night in the city There's always a dream Until it's daytime
A cidade (Até ser dia)
Elle a toujours un peu de vin Quelques fruits, un peu de pain Pour les amis qui ont faim Mama corsica Elle a le coeur grand comme le ciel Elle est sincère comme elle est belle Mama corsica Elle est comme ces vieilles dames en noir Qui portent en elles leur histoire Mama corsica Il paraît même que le bon dieu Il en était fou amoureux En la dessinant de ces doits Mama corsica Sta sera cantemu In corsu per té Mama corsica Au nom de l'amour Et au nom de l'amitié Mama corsica U mondu n'a occhiu Sta sera che per te Mama corsica Comme si le monde Chantait en Corse Pour te saluer Elle prie toujours pour ses garçons Quand ils sont loin de la maison Mama corsica Elle sourit quand on pense à elle Elle aime bien qu'on lui soit fidèle Mama corsica N'allez pas croire tout ce que l'on dit Au fond c'est elle qui nous unit Mama corsica Tant mieux qu'il y est des différences Elle ne fait pas de préférences Tous ses enfants ont le sang corse Mama corsica Sta sera cantemu In corsu per té Mama corsica Au nom de l'amour Ce soir c'est toi, la terre d'amitié Mama corsica U mondu n'a occhiu Sta sera che per té Mama corsica Comme si le monde Chantait en corse pour te saluer Mama corsica Mama corsica..
She always has a little wine Some fruits, a bit of bread For the starving friends Mama Corsica Her heart is as wide as the sky She’s as sincere as she’s beautiful Mama Corsica She’s like those old ladies in black Who bear their story inside themselves Mama Corsica It even seems that the Good Lord Was crazy in love with her Drawing her with his fingers Mama Corsica Tonight we’re singing in Corsican for you Mama Corsica On behalf of love and friendship Mama Corsica Tonight the world has only eyes for you Mama Corsica As if the world sung in Corsican to greet you She always prays for her boys When they are far from home Mama Corsica She smiles when you’re thinking of her She likes it when you’re faithful to her Mama Corsica Don’t believe everything what people say Basically it’s her who unites us Mama Corsica Never mind that there are differences She doesn’t have preferences All her children have Corsican blood Mama Corsica, tonight we’re singing in Corsican for you Mama Corsica, on behalf of love, tonight you’re the land of friendship Mama Corsica, tonight the world has only eyes for you Mama Corsica, as if the world sung in Corsican to greet you Mama Corsica Mama Corsica
Patrick Fiori
Mama Corsica
French (Corsican)
[Vers 1] Samla dina tankar i ensamhet innan jag går ut Trodde jag var smart när jag gjorde slut, ha-ha-ha Längtar efter dig och nu står jag här utanför din dörr När jag nu ringer på, öppnar du då? Eller vill du att jag ska gå? Så jag ber dig, kom ut till mig [Refräng] Eloise Är vi mer än bara vänner? Så visa vad du känner Och sen får känslorna bestämma Eloise Även vindarna kan vända För mig är du den enda Vår kärlek, den är värd ett högre pris Eloise [Vers 2] Det är inte lätt när man inte kan inse sina fel Jag är som en boll i ett flipperspel, ah-ha-ha Längtar efter dig och nu står jag här utanför din dörr När jag nu ringer på, öppnar du då? Eller vill du att jag ska gå? Så jag ber dig, kom ut till mig Whoa [Refräng] Eloise Är vi mer än bara vänner? Så visa vad du känner Och sen får känslorna bestämma Eloise Även vindarna kan vända För mig är du den enda Vår kärlek, den är värd ett högre pris Eloise [Mellanspel] Oh, oh, ooh, ooh, ooh Bam-pam-pam-pa-pa-pa (Bam-pam-pa, bam-pam-pa) (Oh, woohoo) Jag väntar och hoppas och längtar, säger mig [Refräng] Eloise Även vindarna kan vända För mig är du den enda Vår kärlek, den är värd ett högre pris Eloise
I'm Gathering my thoughts all by myself before I go out I thought I was smart when I broke up , ah... I'm longing for you and now I'm standing outside your door When I ring the bell, will you open Or do you want to go away? So, I'm begging you, please come out Eloise, are we more than just friends? So show what you feel and then let the feelings decide Eloise, even the winds can change, for me you are the only one Our love is worth a higher price, Eloise It's not easy when you can't realise your faults I'm like a ball in a pinball machine, ah... I'm longing for you and now I'm standing outside your door When I ring the bell, will you open Or do you want to go away? So, I'm begging you, please come out Whoa...Eloise, are we more than just friends? So show what you feel and then let the feelings decide Eloise, even the winds can change, for me you are the only one Our love is worth a higher price, Eloise I'm waiting, hoping and longing, so tell me... Eloise, even the winds can change, for me you are the only one Our love is worth a higher price, Eloise
Showing no emotion My feelings locked inside I made myself an island Trying to take my heart and hide I built a wall around me Afraid of letting go But suddenly an open door I never saw before In your eyes I see the light Leading me home again It's heaven in your arms, my love My heart is in your hands In your eyes Seems so right I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again (In your eyes) Love's been building bridges Between your heart and mine I'm safe here on my island But I'm out on the edge this time I built a wall around me Thought I'd save myself the pain Your touch swept me away Now I'll never play it safe again In your eyes I see the light Leading me home again It's heaven in your arms, my love My heart is in your hands In your eyes Seems so right I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again I've never been this close How do I know love will survive? I'm walking a tightrope Here in your arms I'm alive I'm in your eyes I see the light I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again I'm in your eyes I see the light I see the light Whoa... I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again When I look in your eyes
Showing no emotion My feelings locked inside I made myself an island Trying to take my heart and hide I built a wall around me Afraid of letting go But suddenly an open door I never saw before In your eyes I see the light Leading me home again It's heaven in your arms, my love My heart is in your hands In your eyes Seems so right I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again (In your eyes) Love's been building bridges Between your heart and mine I'm safe here on my island But I'm out on the edge this time I built a wall around me Thought I'd save myself the pain Your touch swept me away Now I'll never play it safe again In your eyes I see the light Leading me home again It's heaven in your arms, my love My heart is in your hands In your eyes Seems so right I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again I've never been this close How do I know love will survive? I'm walking a tightrope Here in your arms I'm alive I'm in your eyes I see the light I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again I'm in your eyes I see the light I see the light Whoa... I see forever in your smile This woman is a child again When I look in your eyes
Niamh Kavanagh
In Your Eyes
Whoa... ooh... Seule, le regard dans la nuit Une étoile qui brille, peut-être pour moi Pas facile de dire que ma vie chavire J'ai besoin de toi C'est un jeu que l'on doit vivre Je veux savoir si la partie est perdue Mais je veux encore y croire Te dire très fort tous mes espoirs Donne-moi une chance de te dire Les mots pour te conduire Sur les chemins de tes désirs Donne-moi une chance de te dire Les mots pour te séduire Vivre à nouveau tous nos plaisirs Tu as menti bien trop souvent Tu te prenais pour un géant Trop sûr de tes exploits Pas facile pour moi Mais je veux encore y croire Te dire très fort tous mes espoirs Donne-moi une chance de te dire Les mots pour te conduire Sur les chemins de tes désirs Donne-moi une chance de te dire Les mots pour te séduire Vivre à nouveau tous nos plaisirs Demain, peut-être, tu t'en iras très loin Mais donne-moi ma chance, j'ai tant besoin de toi Donne-moi une chance de te dire Les mots pour te conduire Sur les chemins de tes désirs Donne-moi une chance de te dire Les mots pour te séduire Vivre à nouveau tous nos plaisirs (J'ai tant besoin de toi) Donne-moi une chance de te dire (Donne-moi une chance) Les mots pour te conduire Sur les chemins de tes désirs (Mots pour te séduire) Donne-moi une chance de te dire Les mots pour te séduire Vivre à nouveau tous nos plaisirs
Alone, gazing at nighttime A shining star, maybe for me Its not easy to say that my life is overturning I need you It's a game that we have to live through I want to know if the game is lost But I still want to believe in it To tell you all my hopes loudly Give me a chance to tell you The words to guide you Along the roads of your desire Give me a chance to tell you The words to seduce you Live out all our pleasures once again Dréi méng Welt an eng kleng léiw Suerg Sief méng Rous, déi och ëmmer fir mech bléit Sief mäi Stär an der Nuecht But I still want to believe in it To tell you all my hopes loudly Give me a chance to tell you The words to guide you Along the roads of your desire Give me a chance to tell you The words to seduce you Live out all our pleasures once again Tomorrow, maybe, you will go far away But give me my chance, I need you so much Give me a chance to tell you The words to guide you Along the roads of your desire Give me a chance to tell you The words to seduce you Live out all our pleasures once again
Modern Times
Donne-moi une chance
French (Luxembourgish)
Tih deževen dan, zaprem oči, potujem daleč stran Čez pretekle dni narišem senco in že me več ni Kako dobro se zlivam v ta svet, ki me omamlja Kako vase potegne me čas, ki ne obstaja Kaj bi svet brez sanj (Kaj bi?) Ko gre sreča tja v en dan? Kaj bi čas brez sanj? (Kaj bi?) Saj življenje bilo bi zaman Kaj bi svet brez sanj (Kaj bi?) Ko gre sreča tja v en dan? Kaj bi čas brez sanj? Čas brez sanj Modro je nebo tam v daljavi sliši se zvon V sapi jutranji še en revež za mano hiti Kako dobro se zlivam v ta svet, ki me omamlja Kako vase potegne me čas, ki ne obstaja Kaj bi svet brez sanj (Kaj bi?) Ko gre sreča tja v en dan? Kaj bi čas brez sanj? (Kaj bi?) Saj življenje bilo bi zaman Kaj bi svet brez sanj (Kaj bi?) Ko gre sreča tja v en dan? Kaj bi čas brez sanj? Čas brez sanj
A quiet rainy day, I close my eyes and travel far away I paint a shade over the bygone days and I'm no longer there How well do I blend into this world that's intoxicating me How I'm pulled into a time that doesn't exist What would the world do without dreams? (What would it?) When happiness is wasted on nothing? What would time do without dreams? (What would it?) Life would be futile otherwise What would the world do without dreams? (What would it?) When happiness is wasted on nothing? What would time do without dreams? (What would it?) Time without dreams The sky is blue, a bell is ringing in the distance In the morning breeze another poor soul is hurrying after me How well do I blend into this world that's intoxicating me How I'm pulled into a time that doesn't exist What would the world do without dreams? (What would it?) When happiness is wasted on nothing? What would time do without dreams? (What would it?) Life would be futile otherwise What would the world do without dreams? (What would it?) When happiness is wasted on nothing? What would time do without dreams? (What would it?) Time without dreams
1X Band
Tih deževen dan
Paroles de la chanson Tule luo : Tule luo, ole poutapilvi taivaan Tule luo, ole kaste aamun maan Tule luo, tule noustaan ilmalaivaan Tule luo, tule juostaan maailmaan Tule luo, tule hiljaa, tule salaa Tule luo, tummaan iltaan valo tuo Tule luo, kaunein liekki hetken palaa Tule luo, tule luo, tule luo Kuunnellaan, katsellaan, kuljetaan Tule luo, aikaa pieni hetki on vaan Tule luo, ovet kohta suljetaan Huomaan poutapilven taivaan, tule luo Kuunnellaan, katsellaan, kuljetaan Tule luo, aikaa pieni hetki on vaan Tule luo, ovet kohta suljetaan Huomaan poutapilven taivaan, tule luo Tule luo, koske niinkuin aalto rantaa Tule luo, rauha sielun kuohuun tuo Tule luo, tuuli toiveen kauas kantaa Tule luo, tule luo, tule luo Kuunnellaan, katsellaan, kuljetaan Tule luo, aikaa pieni hetki on vaan Tule luo, ovet kohta suljetaan Huomaan poutapilven taivaan, tule luo Kuunnellaan, katsellaan, kuljetaan Tule luo, aikaa pieni hetki on vaan Tule luo, ovet kohta suljetaan Huomaan poutapilven taivaan, tule luo Tule luo
Come to me, be a white cloud in the sky Come to me, be a dew in the morning Come to me, come, let’s get on the airship Come to me, come, let’s run to the world Come to me, come quietly, come secretly Come to me, bring a light to the dark night Come to me, the most beautiful flame burns a moment Come to me, come to me, come to me Let’s listen, let’s watch, let’s go Come to me, there’s only a little moment of time Come to me, doors will soon be closed To the care of a white cloud in the sky, come to me Let’s listen, let’s watch, let’s go Come to me, there’s only a little moment of time Come to me, doors will soon be closed To the care of a white cloud in the sky, come to me Come to me, touch me like a wave touches the beach Come to me, bring a peace to the surge of soul Come to me, wind carries a wish far away Come to me, come to me, come to me Let’s listen, let’s watch, let’s go Come to me, there’s only a little moment of time Come to me, doors will soon be closed To the care of a white cloud in the sky, come to me Let’s listen, let’s watch, let’s go Come to me, there’s only a little moment of time Come to me, doors will soon be closed To the care of a white cloud in the sky, come to me Come to me
Katri Helena (2)
Tule luo
Ja ne mogu skinuti zvijezde sa neba Ne mogu naći put, put do svemira Al' ti mogu ovu pjesmu poslati Da znaš da sam živ, ljubavi Kad se noćas na mom licu suze zalede Neću dati da me strah sa sobom povede Ja još imam snage sam da pobijedim Da smo zajedno, lakše bilo bi Sva bol svijeta je noćas u Bosni Ostajem da bolu prkosim I nije me strah stati pred zid Ja znam da zapjevam, ja znam da pobijedim Kad se noćas na mom licu suze zalede Neću dati da me strah sa sobom povede Ko će mjesto mene stražu čuvati Da se nikada zlo ne ponovi? Sva bol svijeta je noćas u Bosni Ostajem da bolu prkosim I nije me strah stati pred zid Ja znam da zapjevam, ja znam da pobijedim Sva bol svijeta je noćas u Bosni Ostajem da bolu prkosim I nije me strah stati pred zid Ja znam da zapjevam, ja znam da pobijedim
I cannot take the stars down from the sky I can't find the road, the road to the universe But I can send you this song So that you know that I'm alive, [my] love When tonight the tears on my face freeze I will not let fear take me with itself I still have strength to win on my own [But] if we were together, it would be easier All the world's pain is in Bosnia tonight I stay [here] to defy the agony And I'm not afraid to stand in front of the wall I know [how] to sing, I know [how] to win When tonight the tears on my face freeze I will not let fear take me with itself Who will keep watch instead of me So that the evil doesn't repeat [itself]? All the world's pain is in Bosnia tonight I stay [here] to defy the agony And I'm not afraid to stand in front of the wall I know [how] to sing, I know [how] to win All the world's pain is in Bosnia tonight I stay [here] to defy the agony And I'm not afraid to stand in front of the wall I know [how] to sing, I know [how] to win
Sva bol svijeta
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Better The Devil You Know (Dean Collinson / Red) It's better the devil, devil, yeah, yeah, yeah It's better the devil, devil, yeah, yeah, yeah Baby, don't do things that make me blue You know my love is always true Baby, don't do things that make me cry I just can't seem to sleep at night You know I love him every day It breaks my heart when he goes away Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I tell him that I love him most every day I'm out of my head, I don't know what to say He never plays around like the other guys do He's got the key to my heart and my love is true You know I love him every day It breaks my heart when he goes away Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Oh no, don't tell me lies boy Oh no, don't make me cry Oh no, don't tell me lies boy Oh no, don't say goodbye Better the devil, better the devil Better the devil you know than the devil you don't You know I love him every day It breaks my heart when he goes away, when he goes away Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Better the devil, better the devil Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love I'll give you my heart, oh baby
Better The Devil You Know (Dean Collinson / Red) It's better the devil, devil, yeah, yeah, yeah It's better the devil, devil, yeah, yeah, yeah Baby, don't do things that make me blue You know my love is always true Baby, don't do things that make me cry I just can't seem to sleep at night You know I love him every day It breaks my heart when he goes away Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I tell him that I love him most every day I'm out of my head, I don't know what to say He never plays around like the other guys do He's got the key to my heart and my love is true You know I love him every day It breaks my heart when he goes away Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Oh no, don't tell me lies boy Oh no, don't make me cry Oh no, don't tell me lies boy Oh no, don't say goodbye Better the devil, better the devil Better the devil you know than the devil you don't You know I love him every day It breaks my heart when he goes away, when he goes away Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love Better the devil, better the devil Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love I'll give you my heart, oh baby
Better the Devil You Know
United Kingdom
Zelfs de allerduurste auto kan niet zwemmen En als het nat is heeft-ie moeite om te remmen Daarom is er met het asfalt iets gedaan Waardoor er nooit een druppel water op blijft staan We weten allemaal dat goochelaars bedriegen En dat geen mens waar ook ter wereld zelf kan vliegen De ware reden dat het vliegtuig nu bestaat Ligt in het feit dat zweven niet vanzelf gaat We bouwen huizen om orkanen te weerstaan En maken schepen om in elke storm te varen Er wordt gesleuteld aan een lamp die nooit kapot zal gaan Het wil alleen nog niet zo lukken om de vrede te bewaren (Te bewaren...) Elke nieuwe appelboom die wordt geboren Heeft van nature niet de oren om te horen Maar genetisch zullen wij hem dan wel leren Om smaak en kwaliteit te garanderen We bouwen huizen om orkanen te weerstaan En maken schepen om in elke storm te varen Er wordt gesleuteld aan een lamp die nooit kapot zal gaan Het wil alleen nog niet zo lukken om de vrede te bewaren Als geen brug te ver is, komt straks elke klok gelijk te staan Als geen weg te lang is, wil straks geen mens een ander mens meer slaan, whoa... We bouwen huizen om orkanen te weerstaan En maken schepen om in elke storm te varen Er wordt gesleuteld aan een lamp die nooit kapot zal gaan Het wil alleen nog niet zo lukken om de vrede te bewaren
Even the most expensive car can't swim And when it's wet, it has trouble braking That's why something is done to the asphalt So that no drop of water remains on it We all know that magicians deceive And that no man on earth can fly by himself The real reason why the airplane exists now Is the fact that gliding doesn't happen on its own We build houses to withstand hurricanes And make ships to sail in every storm We're working on a light bulb that never burns out It only just won't work to keep peace (To keep) Each new apple tree that is born Isn't endowed by nature with ears to hear But through genetics we'll manage to teach it To guarantee taste and quality We build houses to withstand hurricanes And make ships to sail in every storm We're working on a light bulb that never burns out It only just won't work to keep peace When no bridge is too far Every clock will chime at the same hour When no road is too long No man wants to hit another man ever again Woh, oh... We build houses to withstand hurricanes And make ships to sail in every storm We're working on a light bulb that never burns out It only just won't work to keep peace
Ruth Jacott
Tisuće snova dalekih, ruža u srcima zaspalih Leptira tisuće šarenih, k'o duše nevinih Osamnaest godina, moga Ivana Moli za njega, pjesmo anđela Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Osamnaest godina, moga Ivana Moli za njega, pjesmo anđela Mir daj nam ti, mir daj nam ti Nebo ljubavi, nebo ljubavi Mir daj nam ti, mir daj nam ti Nebo ljubavi, nebo ljubavi Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Don't ever cry, my Croatian sky
Thousands of far away dreams, a rose in the hearts of those who are asleep Thousands of colorful butterflies like the souls of the innocent ones Eighteen years of my Ivan Pray for him, song of angels Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Eighteen years of my Ivan Pray for him, song of angels Give us peace, give us peace Sky of love, sky of love Give us peace, give us peace Sky of love, sky of love Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Don't ever cry, don't ever cry Never say goodbye, never say goodbye Don't ever cry, my Croatian sky
Don't Ever Cry
Croatian (English)
Todos los hombres son tan egoístas Que han confundido macho con machista Todos los hombres son tan presumidos Que han olvidado ser agradecidos Ellos son así por naturaleza Viven dominados por su vanidad Corren impulsados por sus ansias de ganar Y nada más Ponen el cerebro, nunca el corazón Vuelan como cuervos a tu alrededor Y al sexo llaman amor Ellos son así desde la prehistoria Siguen los caprichos de su voluntad Cuando tienen todo, siempre quieren mucho más Es lo normal Digan lo que digan, tienen la razón Hagan lo que hagan, te lo digo yo No saben pedir perdón Todos los hombres son desordenados Y siguen siendo niños malcriados Todos los hombres son tan especiales Que han conseguido ser todos iguales Pero si no están, nos sentimos solas Dicen palabritas con sabor a miel Cosas tan bonitas que nos hacen suspirar Y enloquecer Hombres y mujeres en la intimidad Son como dos faros en la oscuridad Como dos misterios parar desvelar Son complementarios como guerra y paz Como sol y luna, como tierra y mar Son irresistibles, son como un imán Que al mundo hace girar Digan lo que digan, tienen la razón Hagan lo que hagan, te lo digo yo No saben pedir perdón Hombres y mujeres en la intimidad Son como dos faros en la oscuridad Como dos misterios parar desvelar Son complementarios como guerra y paz Como sol y luna, como tierra y mar Son irresistibles, son como un imán Que al mundo hace girar Hombres y mujeres en la intimidad Son como dos faros en la oscuridad Como dos misterios parar desvelar Son complementarios como guerra y paz Como sol y luna, como tierra y mar Son irresistibles, son como un imán Que al mundo hace girar
Men All men are so selfish That they've mistaken male for macho All men are so conceited That they've forgotten to be thankful They're like this by nature They live, ruled by their vanity They run, driven by their longing for winning And nothing else They use their brain, never their heart They fly like crows around you And they say love for sex They're like this since prehistory They follow the whims of their will When they've got everything, they always want much more It's normal Whatever they may say, they're right Whatever they may do, I'm telling you They can't say sorry All men are untidy And they keep being spoiled children All men are so special That they've managed to be all the same But if they're not around, we feel lonely They say little honeymouthed words Such beautiful things that make us sigh And drive us crazy Men and women in intimacy Are like two lighthouses in the dark Like two mysteries to be solved They're complementary like war and peace Like sun and moon, like land and sea They're irresistible, they're like a magnet That makes the world go round Whatever they may say, they're right Whatever they may do, I'm telling you They can't say sorry Men and women in intimacy Are like two lighthouses in the dark Like two mysteries to be solved They're complementary like war and peace Like sun and moon, like land and sea They're irresistible, they're like a magnet That makes the world go round Men and women in intimacy Are like two lighthouses in the dark Like two mysteries to be solved They're complementary like war and peace Like sun and moon, like land and sea They're irresistible, they're like a magnet That makes the world go round
Eva Santamaría
Στη ζωή μας όλοι ερχόμαστε γυμνοί Ίδιο τέλος μας ορίζει και αρχή Μα είναι κάποιοι από μας, οι ζητιάνοι της χαράς Μη σταματάς, στους ανθρώπους να δίνεις βοήθεια Μην προσπερνάς, μη φοβάσαι να δεις τα συντρίμμια Κι αν τη ζωή την πληγώνει συχνά η αλήθεια Μη σταματάς, μη σταματάς Όσα έχεις τόσα έχω, αδερφέ Μα είναι κι άλλοι που δεν γέλασαν ποτέ Ειν' το βλέμμα τους θολό, και σηκώνουνε σταυρό Μη σταματάς, στους ανθρώπους να δίνεις βοήθεια Μην προσπερνάς, μη φοβάσαι να δεις τα συντρίμμια Κι αν τη ζωή την πληγώνει συχνά η αλήθεια Μη σταματάς, μη σταματάς Κι αν τη ζωή την πληγώνει συχνά η αλήθεια Μη σταματάς, μη σταματάς Κι αν τη ζωή την πληγώνει συχνά η αλήθεια Μη σταματάς, μη σταματάς Μη σταματάς, μη σταματάς, μη σταματάς
Into our lives we enter naked The same end and beginning define us But there are some of us The beggars of happiness Don’t stop helping people Don’t overtake, don’t fear seeing the wrecks And if life is occasionally hurt by the truth Don’t stop, don’t stop Whatever you own I own as well, brother But there are others who never laughed Their sight is unclear And they carry a cross Don’t stop helping people Don’t overtake, don’t fear seeing the wrecks And if life is occasionally hurt by the truth Don’t stop, don’t stop And if life is occasionally hurt by the truth Don’t stop, don’t stop And if life is occasionally hurt by the truth Don’t stop, don’t stop Don’t stop, don’t stop Don’t stop
Zymboulakis & Van Beke
Mi stamatas (Μη σταματάς)
על גדות הירדן בימים אחרים גדלתי בין עוד אנשים ששרים הם שרו בלילה החם כדי לעודד את רוחם והם שהשאירו לי את השירים שלי שירו, שירו בגרון ניחר אל תשאירו כוח למחר שירו, שירו והדליקו אש כי השיר הוא כל מה שיש שירו, שירו בגרון ניחר אל תשאירו כוח למחר שירו, שירו והדליקו אש כי השיר הוא כל מה שיש ומאז השירים מלווים את חיי אני שרה תמיד עם אחיי ורעיי שירת הרבים החמה תוכל להפיל כל חומה ולפתוח לבבות, לנטוע אהבות שירו, שירו בגרון ניחר אל תשאירו כוח למחר שירו, שירו והדליקו אש כי השיר הוא כל מה שיש שירו, שירו בגרון ניחר אל תשאירו כוח למחר שירו, שירו והדליקו אש כי השיר הוא כל מה שיש הארץ שינתה את דמותה ורוחה אך שירת הרבים לא איבדה את כוחה הזמר הזה מלכד והוא שנשאר לנו עד ובכל דור ודור, העם נושא מזמור שירו, שירו בגרון ניחר אל תשאירו כוח למחר שירו, שירו והדליקו אש כי השיר הוא כל מה שיש מה שיש שירו, שירו בגרון ניחר אל תשאירו כוח למחר שירו, שירו והדליקו אש כי השיר הוא כל מה שיש שירו, שירו שירו שיר
On the banks of the Jordan, in bygone times I grew up among other people who sing They sang in the warm night to cheer up their spirit And they are those who left me my songs Sing, sing with a great voice Don’t leave strength for tomorrow Sing, sing and light a fire Because the song is all we have Sing, sing with a great voice Don’t leave strength for tomorrow Sing, sing and light a fire Because the song is all we have And since then the songs accompany my life I always sing with my brothers and friends The warm singing of many people could break any wall And open hearts, plant loves Sing, sing with a great voice Don’t leave strength for tomorrow Sing, sing and light a fire Because the song is all we have Sing a song, sing till you can no more Let the world know what you’re singing for Sing a song, oh, sing it loud and high Till it reaches up to the sky The land has changed its image and its spirit But the singing of many people hasn’t lost its strength This song is uniting and it remains for us a witness And in every generation, the people carry a song Sing, sing with a great voice Don’t leave strength for tomorrow Sing, sing and light a fire Because the song is all we have All we have Sing a song, sing till you can no more Let the world know what you’re singing for Sing a song, oh, sing it loud and high Till it reaches up to the sky Let the world know Sing a song
Lahakat Shiru
Shiru (שירו)
Hebrew (English)
Når eg treffe deg på gadå Og du stanse og smile dette underlige smil Og du står der og late som ingenting Tør ikkje møda mitt blikk Ingen må se det, bare du og eg vett det Når eg treffe deg om kvelden Og du ser på meg med dette underlege lys Og du stryge meg forsiktig Øve hånnå når du går forbi Ingen må se det, bare du og eg vett det Alle mine tankar, de flyr te deg Alle mine drømmar er åbne I alle mine rom, ser eg bare deg Du ligge i mi seng og sove og sove Når du er blant dine venner Og din trillande latter smelte min hud Og du late som du aldri har sett meg Du er som en fjern og kjølig gud Ingen må se det, bare du og eg vett det Alle mine tankar, de flyr te deg Alle mine drømmar er åbne I alle mine rom ser eg bare deg Du ligge i mi seng og sove og sove Alle mine tankar, de flyr te deg Alle mine drømmar er åbne I alle mine rom, ser eg bare deg Du ligge i mi seng og sove og sove
When I meet you in the street And you stop and smile this strange smile And you stand there, pretending nothing has happened Afraid to meet my glance No one can see it only you and I know it When I meet you in the evening And you look at me with this strange light And you gently touch me On the hand as you walk past me No one must see it, only you and I know it All my thoughts, they fly to you All my dreams are open In all my rooms, I can only see you You are lying in my bed sleeping When you're among your friends And your beautiful laughter melts my skin And you pretend you've never seen me before You are like a distant and cool god No one must see it, only you and I know it All my thoughts, they fly to you All my dreams are open In all my rooms, I can only see you You are lying in my bed sleeping All my thoughts, they fly to you All my dreams are open In all my rooms, I can only see you You are lying in my bed sleeping, sleeping
Silje Vige
Alle mine tankar
God morgon, min sol Säg har du vaknat för att ge mig av din härlighet Eller försvinner du nå'n stans i ett regn Där dina tårar blir en spegel av den ensamhet som jag känner nu? Men om du ger mig av det ljus du har Stannar dagen kvar tills månen tänder Stjärnorna som lyser upp min natt Som ger vår kärlek kraft Som leder oss när vinden vänder Stjärnorna som styr med ödets hand När hjärtan sätts i brand Som leder oss till drömmens land Åh... kom och ta min hand, följ mig i natt God morgon, min sol Tänk om jag kunde se allt det som bara du kan se Då visste jag allt det du vet Om vad som händer med oss båda i morgon dag Om du stannar kvar Så om du ger mig av det ljus du har Stannar dagen kvar tills månen tänder Stjärnorna som lyser upp min natt Som ger vår kärlek kraft Som leder oss när vinden vänder Stjärnorna som styr med ödets hand När hjärtan sätts i brand Och jag kan ej en tanke sända Stjärnorna som lyser upp min natt Som ger vår kärlek kraft Som leder oss... Stjärnorna som styr med ödets hand När hjärtan sätts i brand Till drömmens land, åh... ta min hand Åh... ta min hand, följ mig i natt
The sun is awake So I'll ask myself if this will be a splendid day Or will it disappear at the first sign of rain? It'd just remind me of the tears I've cried in loneliness And that's what I fear But if the sun decides to share its light It might be just enough to lead into A starlit night, much brighter than a day To raise a hope for love To guide us when the times keep changing A starlit night that helps us find our way For hearts might go astray On our search for a place to stay Oh... come and take my hand, join me tonight The sun is awake If only I could see the things that one can see up there I'd know of all the things in life And I could just tell what will happen to us a day from now If it stays around But if the sun decides to share its light It might be just enough to lead into A starlit night, much brighter than the day To raise a hope for love To guide us when the times keep changing A starlit night that helps us find our way For hearts might go astray I'm out of my mind, so I still need A starlit night, much brighter than the day To raise a hope for love To guide us... A starlit night that helps us find our way For hearts might go astray On our search, oh... take my hand Oh... take my hand, join me tonight
Marie Bergman & Roger Pontare
Kun silmiis sinisiin katsoin Luulin niin onnen susta löytyneen Sua rakastin, muut unohdin Sinut tahdoin omaksein Vaan kuulla sain Että ainoa en sulle olekaan Kun kerran viimeisen suljen oven varoen Olet mulle historiaa Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Lähden pois vaikka yksin jään Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Itke en, kun loppuu tää Kun katson taaksepäin, olet muisto vaan Muisto menneen rakkauden Löydät jonkun muun Joka sinuun rakastuu, uskoo sun valheisiin Silti luotan rakkauteen, voimaan ikuiseen On mulla määränpää, eilinen taakse jää Se oli unta pettävää Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Lähden pois vaikka yksin jään Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Itke en, kun loppuu tää Jos rakkauden uudestaan, uskallan aloittaa Ehkä huominen taas, onnen tavoittaa Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Lähden pois vaikka yksin jään Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Itke en, kun loppuu tää Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Lähden pois vaikka yksin jään Bye bye, baby, baby, goodbye Itke en, kun loppuu tää
Bye, bye baby When I looked at your blue eyes I believed so to find happiness from you I loved you, forgot the others I wanted you to be my own But I got to hear That I'm not the only one for you When I close the door last time carefully You are history to me Bye bye baby, baby goodbye I'll go away, though I'm left alone Bye bye baby, baby, goodbye I won't cry, when this ends When I take a look back, you're only a memory A memory of a past love You'll find another Who falls in love with you, believes your lies Still I'll trust in love, the eternal power I have a destination, yesterday stays behind It was a deceptive dream Bye bye baby, baby goodbye I'll go away, though I'm left alone Bye bye baby, baby, goodbye I won't cry, when this ends If I dare start love again Maybe tomorrow reaches happiness again Bye bye baby, baby goodbye I'll go away, though I'm left alone Bye bye baby, baby, goodbye I won't cry, when this ends Bye bye baby, baby goodbye I'll go away, though I'm left alone Bye bye baby, baby, goodbye I won't cry, when this ends
Bye Bye Baby
Finnish (English)
I remember '62 I was sixteen and so were you And we lived next door, On the avenue. Jerry Lee was big and Elvis too; Blue jeans and blue suede shoes, And we never knew What life held in store. We just wanted to rock 'n' roll forever more. We were the Rock 'n' Roll Kids And Rock 'n' Roll was all we did And listening to those songs on the radio; I was yours and you were mine But that was once upon a time, Now we never seem to Rock 'n' Roll anymore. Now Johnny's in love with the girl next door, And Mary's down at the record store, They don't want to be... Around us no more. "Golden Oldies" but we hardly speak Too busy running to a different beat Hard to understand, we were once like them. How I wish we could find those Rock 'n' Roll days again. We were the Rock 'n' Roll Kids And Rock 'n' Roll was all we did, And listening to those songs on the radio; I was yours and you were mine, But that was once upon a time, Now we never seem to Rock and Roll anymore. I was yours and you were mine That was once upon a time, Now we never seem to Rock and Roll... We just never seem to Rock and Roll anymore.
I remember '62 I was sixteen and so were you And we lived next door, On the avenue. Jerry Lee was big and Elvis too; Blue jeans and blue suede shoes, And we never knew What life held in store. We just wanted to rock 'n' roll forever more. We were the Rock 'n' Roll Kids And Rock 'n' Roll was all we did And listening to those songs on the radio; I was yours and you were mine But that was once upon a time, Now we never seem to Rock 'n' Roll anymore. Now Johnny's in love with the girl next door, And Mary's down at the record store, They don't want to be... Around us no more. "Golden Oldies" but we hardly speak Too busy running to a different beat Hard to understand, we were once like them. How I wish we could find those Rock 'n' Roll days again. We were the Rock 'n' Roll Kids And Rock 'n' Roll was all we did, And listening to those songs on the radio; I was yours and you were mine, But that was once upon a time, Now we never seem to Rock and Roll anymore. I was yours and you were mine That was once upon a time, Now we never seem to Rock and Roll... We just never seem to Rock and Roll anymore.
Paul Harrington & Charlie McGettigan
Rock 'n' Roll Kids
Μέρα γιορτινή δεν περιμένω νάρθει Σαν μια Κυριακή που δεν χωράει Τη φρικτή μου τη σιωπή Να με ξυπνήσει μ' ένα αθάνατο φιλί Νύχτα φωτεινή, και πάλι θα σε κρύψουν Τρέμεις σαν παιδί μήπως σ' ανακαλύψουν Βάζεις τη στολή να μην σ' αγγίξουνε Τα 'πώς' και τα 'γιατί' Άνθρωπος κι εγώ, κι απόψε θα φωνάξω Άνθρωπος κι εγώ, βαρέθηκα, θ' αλλάξω Άνθρωπος κι εσύ Πού 'χεις στα χέρια τη δική μου τη ζωή Και πριν προλάβω να σου πω πως σ' αγαπώ Με σκοτώνεις Μα είμαι άνθρωπος κι εγώ Κι όταν το πρωί μες στον καθρέφτη Θα φοβάμαι να με δω, μην με φωνάξω ψεύτη Τα σημάδια θα ρωτώ αν έκανα όλα αυτά Που είχα στο μυαλό Άνθρωπος κι εγώ, κι απόψε θα φωνάξω Άνθρωπος κι εγώ, βαρέθηκα, θ' αλλάξω Άνθρωπος κι εσύ Πού 'χεις στα χέρια τη δική μου τη ζωή Και πριν προλάβω να σου πω Πως είμαι άνθρωπος κι εγώ Ένα κομμάτι απ' τον ίδιο τον δικό σου το Θεό Κι έχω δικαίωμα να κλαίω, να γελάω, να πονώ Κάτω απ' τον ίδιο ουρανό που άλλοι πετάνε Να πετώ Μα είμαι άνθρωπος κι εγώ Κι έχω στα χέρια τη δική σου τη ζωή Και πριν προλάβεις να μου πεις πως μ' αγαπάς Σε σκοτώνω Γιατί με είμαι άνθρωπος κι εγώ Είμαι άνθρωπος κι εγώ
I don’t wait for a special day Like a Sunday which doesn’t Fit my awful silence To wake up with an immortal kiss A shiny night, you’ll get hidden again You shake as a boy in case they discover You put on the uniform so that No how’s and why’s can touch you I’m a person too, and I will shout tonight I’m a person too, I’m fed up, I’ll change You’re a person too, you’ve got my own life in your hands And before I manage to tell you that I love you You kill me, but I’m a person too And when in morning in the mirror I’ll be afraid to look at myself, in case I call myself a liar I’ll be asking if I made all these marks I had in mind I’m a person too, and I will shout tonight I’m a person too, I’m fed up, I’ll change You’re a person too, you’ve got my own life in your hands And before I manage to tell you that I’m a person too A piece of the same God of yours And I’m entitled to cry, to laugh, to feel pain Below the same sky where others fly, I’ll fly But I’m a person too And I have your own life in my hands And before you manage to tell me you love me I kill you Because I’m a person too I’m a person too
Evridiki (2)
Ime anthropos ki ego (Είμαι άνθρωπος κι εγώ)
Nætur, draumalönd Dimmblár himinn við sjónarrönd Nætur, þar ert þú Þangað svíf ég í draumi nú Allt sem ég óska mér er ofið í skýin hvít Háleitar hugsanir, í húminu þín ég nýt Ég hverf er kvölda tekur, hvert sem hugur ber Svefninn laðar, lokkar mig af stað Leiðin er greið Nætur, draumalönd Dimmblár himinn við sjónarrönd Nætur, þar ert þú Þangað svíf ég í draumi nú Allt það sem enginn sér, ég eygi um miðja nótt Í svefni oft ég sendi skilaboð til þín, já Þögnin flytur þvílík leyndarmál, þangað yfir (Nætur) ó draumalönd Dimmblár himinn við sjónarrönd Nætur, þar ert þú Þangað svíf ég (í draumi nú) Og í nótt, ofurhljótt, er ég þar Enn á hugarflugi Læðist inn, í þetta sinn, fanga ég þig (Nætur) ó draumalönd Dimmblár himinn við sjónarrönd Nætur, því þar ert þú Þangað svíf ég Skilaboð til þín (Nætur) þar ert þú Þangað svif ég í draumi nú (Og í nótt, ofurhljótt) Í draumi nú (Og í nótt, ofurhljótt) Í draumi nú
Nights, land of dreams Dark blue sky above the horizon Nights, there you are There I drift in my dream All that I wish for is woven in the white clouds Grand thoughts, in the twilight it's you that I enjoy As night falls I disappear, where my mind takes me Sleep beckons, lures me away The path is clear Nights, land of dreams Dark blue sky above the horizon Nights, there you are There I drift in my dream Everything that no one can see, I spot in the middle of the night As I sleep I send you my message, yes The silence carries such secrets, over there (Nights) oh land of dreams Dark blue sky above the horizon Nights, there you are There I drift (in my dream) And tonight, silently, I am there Still, soaring in my mind Creep in, this time, I capture you (Nights) oh land of dreams Dark blue sky above the horizon Nights, there you are There I drift in my dream Message to you (Nights) there you are There I drift in my dream (And tonight, silently) Now in a dream (And tonight, silently) Now in a dream
Walk into the box Let your secrets out Time for confession Purify your soul Denounce the devil from within No time for aggression Don't wait up in vain Love has lost its way We live in segregation Can't you see the piece of dust That crumbles in your hand is me? Give me some affection And though my heart is broken My picture is forgotten But I still believe That I can see A piece of me reflecting in your eye (We will rise) (Never fall) Never fall (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) We will rise (Never fall again) We'll never fall again (We will be free) And we will be free Welcome to the land Where all our dreams are planned And fighting is a thing to do Sometimes it makes me feel Naked like a tree in autumn And through the clouds and rain Love has come to stake its claim In an ugly way And while you dance beneath an angry star I'm chasing rainbows across the sun And in this mad equation I still believe that we can be In harmony, you and me A chorus in your lonely symphony (We will rise) (Never fall) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) We will rise (Never fall again) We'll never fall again (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) (Never fall) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free And in this mad equation I still believe that we can be In harmony You and me A chorus in your lonely symphony (We will rise) (Never fall) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) We will rise (Never fall again) We'll never fall again (We will be free) And we will be free We'll never fall We will be free With a little love (We will rise) We will be free (Never fall again) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free
Walk into the box Let your secrets out Time for confession Purify your soul Denounce the devil from within No time for aggression Don't wait up in vain Love has lost its way We live in segregation Can't you see the piece of dust That crumbles in your hand is me? Give me some affection And though my heart is broken My picture is forgotten But I still believe That I can see A piece of me reflecting in your eye (We will rise) (Never fall) Never fall (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) We will rise (Never fall again) We'll never fall again (We will be free) And we will be free Welcome to the land Where all our dreams are planned And fighting is a thing to do Sometimes it makes me feel Naked like a tree in autumn And through the clouds and rain Love has come to stake its claim In an ugly way And while you dance beneath an angry star I'm chasing rainbows across the sun And in this mad equation I still believe that we can be In harmony, you and me A chorus in your lonely symphony (We will rise) (Never fall) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) We will rise (Never fall again) We'll never fall again (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) (Never fall) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free And in this mad equation I still believe that we can be In harmony You and me A chorus in your lonely symphony (We will rise) (Never fall) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free (We will rise) We will rise (Never fall again) We'll never fall again (We will be free) And we will be free We'll never fall We will be free With a little love (We will rise) We will be free (Never fall again) We'll never fall (We will be free) And we will be free
Frances Ruffelle
We Will Be Free (Lonely Symphony)
United Kingdom
Dolazi kiša sa sjevera Jastuk miriše, al' boli tvoja nevjera Nema te, jutro me probudi Tko te ljubio, sve spalio u očima Sve mi je s tobom netko uzeo Mene si prodala, whoa... Za ljubav se bori, a ja nemam snage Ne, ja nemam snage Nek' ti bude ljubav sva (Sva) Moja je duša umorna U venama struji tuga najveća Al' iz mene nećeš otići, oh... Nećeš otići, oh... Ne voliš, više me ne voliš Sto bi godina, moja ljubav trajala Nek' ti bude ljubav sva (Sva) Moja je duša umorna U venama struji tuga najveća Nek' ti bude ljubav sva (Sva) Moja je duša umorna Al' iz mene nećeš otići, oh... Nećeš otići Ooh...
Rain is coming from the north Pillow smells, but your unfidelity hurts You aren't here, the morning is waking me up Who kissed you, who burned everything in your eyes? The one who took you, took everything from me too You sold me, whoa... You can fight for love, but I don't have any strength I don't have, I don't have any strenfgth... He can have all your love (Love) My soul is tired The biggest sadness is flowing in my veins But you ain't going out of me, oh... You ain't going out of me, oh... You don't love me, you don't love me any more My love could last for hundred years He can have all your love (Love) My soul is tired The biggest sadness is flowing in my veins He can have all your love (Love) My soul is tired But you ain't going out of me, oh... You ain't going out of me oohh
Tony Cetinski
Nek' ti bude ljubav sva
[Verso 1] Esta noite, vou ficar assim Prisioneira desse olhar De mel pousado em mim Vou chamar a música Pôr à prova a minha voz, numa trova só p'ra nós Esta noite, vou beber licor Como um filtro redentor De amor, amor, amor Vou chamar a música Vou pegar na tua mão, vou compor uma canção [Refrão] Chamar a música, a música Tê-la aqui tão perto Como o vento do deserto Acordado em mim Chamar a música, a música Musa dos meus temas Nesta noite de açucenas, abraçar-te apenas É chamar a música [Verso 2] Esta noite, não quero a TV Nem a folha do jornal Banal que ninguém lê Vou chamar a música Murmurar um madrigal, inventar um ritual Esta noite, vou servir um chá Feito de ervas e jasmim E aromas que não há Vou chamar a música Encontrar à flor de mim um poema de cetim [Refrão] Chamar a música, a música Tê-la aqui tão perto Como o vento do deserto Acordado em mim Chamar a música, a música Musa dos meus temas Nesta noite de açucenas, abraçar-te apenas É chamar a música
Tonight I'll stay like this Prisoner of that stare Of honey resting on me I'll call the music Put my voice to the test In a verse just for us Tonight I'll drink liquor Like a redemptive filter Of love, love, love I'll call the Music I'll hold your hand I'll make a song Call the Music The Music Have it here so close Like the wind in the desert Woken up in me Call the Music The Music Muse of my songs In this night of flowers [Madonna Lillies] Just embracing you Is calling the Music Tonight I don't want the TV Or the common newspaper Nobody reads I'll call the Music Murmur a madrigal Invent a ritual Tonight I'll serve a tea Made of herbs and jasmine And aromas that don't exist I'll call the Music Find on the surface of my being A poem of satin Call the Music The Music Have it here so close Like the wind in the desert Woken up in me Call the Music The Music Muse of my songs In this night of flowers [Madonna Lillies] Just embracing you Is calling the Music
Sara Tavares
Chamar a música
Sto pregando per chi non ha ancor capito Che la vita ha soltanto un gran dolore Chi crede quanto è scritto, rinascerà di certo Un grande giorno e dolce quel sarà Io sto pregando per voi Per tutto il male intorno Che circonda la vita Io sto pregando per tutti Per i sogni distrutti Perché non credere? Io sto pregando il domani Il cielo, il sol, le stelle Che perdoni ogni sbaglio Io sto pregando per quelli Che cercan l'amore E non sanno dov'è Io sto pregando per voi Per tutto il male intorno Che circonda la vita Io sto pregando per tutti Per i sogni distrutti Perché non credere? Io sto pregando il domani Il cielo, il sol, le stelle Che perdoni ogni sbaglio Io sto pregando per quelli Che cercan l'amore E non sanno dov'è Sto pregando nel silenzio dei ricordi Che ritorni ancora il tempo dei miei sogni Risplenderà une luce per quelli che sapranno Cercare il sole nell'oscurità
I'm praying for those who still haven't understood That life has only one great pain Who believe as much as is written, certainly will be reborn That day will be a great and sweet one I'm praying for you For all the bad around That encircles life I'm praying for everyone For the destroyed dreams Why not believe? I'm praying that tomorrow, Heaven, sun, the stars, That you'll forgive every error I'm praying for those That search for love And don't know where it is I'm praying for you For all the bad around That encircles life I'm praying for everyone For the destroyed dreams Why not believe? I'm praying that tomorrow, Heaven, sun, the stars That you'll forgive every error I'm praying for those That search for love And don't know where it is I'm praying in the silence of the memories That the time of my dreams returns again A light will shine for those that will know To search for the sun in the darkness
Sto pregando
Ma saabun salaja, kui laine, mis randa merevaiku viib Ja meremaik mu huulte peal on maine, kui rõivas võbeleb kui tiib Olla võin kui jää või tulikuum, su kõigi unistuste tuum Ja valgel ööl ka varjust truum Enda nii sulle tõin ma, kuigi tean, et homme võin ma Muutuda vaid nimeks sinu suul Ja muutun samuti kui laine, mis piire millekski ei pea Olla võin kui jää või tulikuum, su kõigi unistuste tuum Ja valgel ööl ka varjust truum Enda nii sulle tõin ma, kuigi tean, et homme võin ma Muutuda vaid nimeks sinu suul Ma olen nagu päev, sa öö, üks meri teine on kui maa Kui palju tundeid mahub meie vahele, aimata ei suuda keegi Muutub meri, muutub maagi Olla võin kui jää või tulikuum, su kõigi unistuste tuum Ja valgel ööl ka varjust truum Enda nii sulle tõin ma, kuigi tean, et homme võin ma – Muutuda vaid nimeks sinu suul (Olla võin kui jää või tulikuum,) su kõigi unistuste tuum Ja valgel ööl ka varjust truum Enda nii sulle tõin ma, kuigi tean, et homme võin ma – Muutuda vaid nimeks sinu suul Muutuda vaid nimeks sinu suul
I arrive secretly, as a wave, that brings the amber to the shore And the taste of the sea on my lips is earthly, as a garment flickers as a wing I can be as ice or burning hot, the core of your every dream And in the white night as faithful as a shadow So I brought myself to you, though I know that tomorrow I may become just a name on your lips And I also change as a wave, that doesn't have boundaries You are a man and I am a woman, I know some things that you don't know I'm like day, you're like night, one is like the sea, the other is like the land How many feelings can there be between us, no one can guess. The sea will change, so will the land. (I can be as ice or burning hot) the core of your every dream And in the white night as faithful as a shadow So I brought myself to you, though I know that tomorrow I may become just a name on your lips Become just a name on your lips
Silvi Vrait
Nagu merelaine
In ziua ce vine poate mă vei asculta Am ales şi rău şi bine O parte din mine las in grija ta Nopţi fără vise, întrebări fără răspuns Imi trezesc din amintire sufletu-mi ascuns Dincolo de nori e-o rază de lumină Dincolo de nori e lumea mea, e lumea Nu cer iertare pentru tot ce am făcut Cer o rază de iubire s-o iau de la început Am puterea-acum sa schimb ceva in lume Am puterea de-a visa (Dincolo de nori, dincolo de nori) Dincolo de nori (Dincolo de nori) E lumea mea, e lumea mea (Dincolo de nori) E lumea, lumea, lumea, lumea, lumea mea (Dincolo de nori) E lumea mea (Dincolo de nori) E lumea mea
Beyond the clouds The coming day you may listen to me I have chosen the bad as well as the good Part of myself I leave in your hands Nights without dreams, questions without answer I wake up my hidden soul from my memories Beyond the clouds, there is a ray of light Beyond the clouds, there is my world, the world I am not asking for forgiveness for all I have done I am asking for a ray of love to start all over again I now have the power now to make a change in the world I have the power to dream (Beyond the clouds, beyond the clouds) Beyond the clouds (Beyond the clouds) There is my world, there is my world (Beyond the clouds) There is my world, world, world, world, world (Beyond the clouds) There is my world (Beyond the clouds) There is my world
Dan Bittman
Dincolo de nori
Swiftly movin' on The days I see Often ask myself What I really wanna be To dream of an aim To reach it with fame Not easy to say There's will, there's a way More than love What music gives to me Body and soul Live in reality Glistening on a star Of promises and dreams Some take me for a laugh But they don't know what it means To tell you the truth I'll never change my youth Not easy to say There's will, there's a way More than love What music gives to me Body and soul Livin' in harmony More than love (Please, God, hear me now) What music gives to me (You gotta help me, you gotta help me) Body and soul Live in reality (Ho, ho) More than love (Please, God) What music gives to me (You gotta help me, yeah) Body and soul There for eternity This life is what I own Gotta make it through I'm liftin' up my heart And I'm givin' it to you
Swiftly movin' on The days I see Often ask myself What I really wanna be To dream of an aim To reach it with fame Not easy to say There's will, there's a way More than love What music gives to me Body and soul Live in reality Glistening on a star Of promises and dreams Some take me for a laugh But they don't know what it means To tell you the truth I'll never change my youth Not easy to say There's will, there's a way More than love What music gives to me Body and soul Livin' in harmony More than love (Please, God, hear me now) What music gives to me (You gotta help me, you gotta help me) Body and soul Live in reality (Ho, ho) More than love (Please, God) What music gives to me (You gotta help me, yeah) Body and soul There for eternity This life is what I own Gotta make it through I'm liftin' up my heart And I'm givin' it to you
Chris & Moira
More Than Love
Waar ben je gebleven? Waar ging je naar toe? 'k Heb nog geschreven Maar nu ben ik zo moe 'k Had me begraven Ik was alles kwijt M'n veilige haven M'n vrede, m'n strijd Waar is de zon die mij zal verwarmen? Waar zijn jouw armen en waar is de bron? Waar is het licht dat eind'lijk zal schijnen? Dat de kou doet verdwijnen? Ik zoek jouw gezicht De pijn is verdwenen Maar de kilte, die blijft Ik wacht op dat ene Dat de stilte verdrijft Ik wacht op een teken Een stem of een woord Die dit zal doorbreken Als jij me maar hoort Maar waar is de zon die mij zal verwarmen? Waar zijn jouw armen en waar is de bron? Waar is het licht dat eind'lijk zal schijnen? Dat de kou doet verdwijnen? Ik zoek jouw gezicht En plots'ling was jij daar Ik zag je weer gaan Ik ging nog opzij Maar jij bleef naast me staan Je bleef naast me lopen Je ging weer mee naar huis Mijn hart ging weer open Ik voel me weer thuis Jij bent de zon die mij zal verwarmen Jouw sterke armen, die vormen mijn bron Jij bent het licht dat nu weer zal schijnen Dat de kou doet verdwijnen Ik zie jouw gezicht
Where have you been? Where did you go? I even wrote to you But now I'm so tired I'd buried myself I'd lost everything My safe heaven My peace, my battle Where is the sun that will warm me? Where are your arms and where is the source? Where is the light that will finally shine? That will make the cold disappear? I look for your face The pain has disappeared But the chilliness remains I'm waiting for that one thing That will drive the silence away I'm waiting for a sign A voice or a word That will break through this As long as you hear me But where is the sun that will warm me? Where are your arms and where is the source? Where is the light that will finally shine? That will make the cold disappear? I look for your face And suddenly you were there I saw you go again I even stepped aside But you kept standing next to me You kept walking beside me You went back home with me again My heart opened again I feel home again You are the sun that will warm me Your strong arms, they form my source You are the light that will shine again That will make the cold disappear I see your face
Willeke Alberti
Waar is de zon
Uh... fühl den Rhythmus, Baby Wo ist 'ne Party? Wo ist 'ne Party heut' Nacht? Fliegt heute irgend jemand mit mir zum Mond? Ich brauch' 'nen Kick damit der Abend sich lohnt Wo ist 'ne Party? Wo ist 'ne Party, Baby? Mmm... ist doch ganz simpel, ich will einfach mal Spaß Am besten alles und nicht bloß irgendwas Wo ist 'ne Party? Wo ist 'ne Party heut' Nacht? Na dann shake it, take it, make it all right Immer wieder, immer weiter, denn heut' ist heut' Na wenn schon denn schon, das wird eine lange Nacht So rock me, Baby, heut' ist alles egal Um so länger, um so lieber und noch einmal Komm und lass uns tun, was Lust und Laune macht Wir geben 'ne Party, wir geben 'ne Party Wir geben 'ne Party, wir geben 'ne Party Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... 'Ne Party heut' Nacht Hab so'n Gefühl im Bauch, ich find heut' den Mann Mmm... auf den auch ich so richtig abfahren kann Wo ist 'ne Party? Wo ist 'ne Party, Baby? Ich hab genau so'n Hip-Hop Feeling wie du Häng' nicht zu Hause rum, ich weiß was ich tu Wo ist 'ne Party? Wo ist 'ne Party heut' Nacht? Na dann shake it, take it, make it all right Immer wieder, immer weiter denn heut' ist heut' Na wenn schon denn schon, das wird eine lange Nacht So rock me, Baby, heut' ist alles egal Um so länger, um so lieber und noch einmal Komm und lass uns tun, was Lust und Laune macht Wir geben 'ne Party, wir geben 'ne Party Wir geben 'ne Party, wir geben 'ne Party Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... 'Ne Party heut' Nacht (Wir geben 'ne Party, wir geben 'ne Party) Wir geben 'ne Party (Oh yeah) Wir geben 'ne Party (Oh yeah) Wir geben 'ne Party (Oh yeah) Wir geben 'ne Party Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... 'Ne Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Party heut' Nacht (Wir geben 'ne Party) 'ne Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Party Schau da drüben diesen Typen, der schaut immer hierher Meinst du den da? Aber nee, der steht auf mich viel mehr Bei dem einen, den ich meine, da habt ihr no chance Besser wir vergessen die, come on, let's dance Dance, yeah, dance, yeah, dance (Dance) Auf 'ne Party heut' Nacht (Wir geben 'ne Party, 'ne Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Party) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... 'Ne Party heut' Nacht
Ooh... feel the rhythm, baby Where's a party? Where's a party tonight? Is anybody going to fly with me to the moon today? I need a buzz so that the evening is worth my while Where's a party? Where's a party, baby? Mmm... it's quite simple, I just want some fun Preferably everything and not just something Where's a party? Where's a party tonight? So let's shake it, take it, make it all right Again and again, on and on, 'cause today is today In for a penny, in for a pound, it's going to be a long night So rock me, baby, nothing matters tonight The longer we do it, the more we enjoy it and then we start again Come on and let's do whatever we want We're going to throw a party, we're going to throw a party We're going to throw a party, we're going to throw a party Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… A party tonight I've got a funny feeling that I'm going to find the man tonight Mmm... that even I might be hot for Where's a party? Where's a party, baby? I've got the same hip hop kind of feeling that you you've got Don't slob around at home, I know what I'm going to do Where's a party? Where's a party tonight? So let's shake it, take it, make it all right Again and again, on and on, 'cause today is today In for a penny, in for a pound, it's going to be a long night So rock me, baby, nothing matters tonight The longer we do it, the more we enjoy it and we start again Come on and let's do whatever we want We're going to throw a party, we're going to throw a party We're going to throw a party, we're going to throw a party Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… A party tonight (We're going to throw a party, we're going to throw a party) We're going to throw a party (Oh yeah) We're going to throw a party (Oh yeah) We're going to throw a party (Oh yeah) We're going to throw a party Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… A pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-party tonight (We're going to throw a party) A pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-party Look at that guy over there, he keeps looking over Are you talking about that one? Oh no, he's much more into me You've got no chance with the one I'm talking about We're better off forgetting, come on, let's dance Dance, yeah, dance, yeah, dance (Dance) To a party tonight (We're going to throw a party, ‘ne pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-party) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… A party tonight
Wir geben 'ne Party
German (English)
Sám sa dobre pamätám Na časy čarovné Tak nekonečne vzdialené Poď – tak vrátime späť Veď mali sme svoj svet A niekto nám ho ukradol Nie tomu neverím Že je to už dávno stratené ®: Láska Pamätáš na tú pieseň Na naše znamenie Vieš že ti vraví Tak sa vráť, vráť, vráť Návratov nemusíš sa báť Viem že dala si sa zviesť A že ťa zvlákal svet A sníva sa ti o šťastí Čas sa nedá vrátiť späť No ja som zostal tvoj A pre mňa sa to nekončí Vieš že tu je tvoja zem A to sa predsa nikdy nezmení ®: ®: … báť … Počúvaj našu pieseň Moja láska vzdialená Nocou sa k tebe nesie Vieš čo to znamená
I love everything that burns. I love to play with fire i was born in it's sign I dedicated my life to a storm my blood is burning I am not waiting for orders I have burned a sign of my destiny to my forehead I am. Yes I am flammable, flaming desires are blazing in my head. One thing I know: 'till I’m alive I’ll never leave this sign. I’m a child of flames, I’ll light up your way I’ll die with hope, as the last one I love everything that burns. Hot lips and frost. There are no bonfires on the hilltops anymore1. I don't want to watch anymore at what remains from us. I’m blowing into embers still smoldering inside us. If you burned out, than I just didn't. I am. Yes I am flammable, flaming desires are blazing in my head. One thing I know: 'till I’m alive I’ll never leave this sign. I am. Yes I am flammable, flaming desires are blazing in my head. One thing I know: 'till I’m alive I’ll never leave this sign. I am. Yes I am flammable, flaming desires are blazing in my head. One thing I know: 'till I’m alive I’ll never leave this sign.
Martin Ďurinda & Tublatanka
Nekonečná pieseň
Tavo lūpos kvepia lietumi Nuodėmė paliesti jas, išsipildymo meldžiu Sapnas mano į tave įeis Likti tamsoje vienai neleis Mano neliesta styga Tu man neliesta Mano sapnas į tave Lieja svaigų vyną mūsų naktyje Jau ir visi nakties žiedai akis užmerkė Tik tavo toks gilus dangus Gėlės kaip ir tu be meilės verkia Ir sapnuoja tous pačius sapnus Mano neliesta styga Tu man neliesta Mano sapnas į tave Lieja svaigų vyną naktyje Mano neliesta styga Tu man neliesta Mano sapnas į tave Lieja svaigų vyną naktyje
Your lips smell like the rain It's a sin to touch them, I pray for it to come true My dream will enter you It won't let you be alone in the dark My untouched string, I haven't touched you My dream is pouring wine into you At our night Every night blossom has closed its eyes already It's just your deep sky. The flowers, like you, cry without love And keep on dreaming the same dreams. My untouched string, I haven't touched you My dream is pouring wine into you At night My untouched string, I haven't touched you My dream is pouring wine into you At night
Ovidijus Vyšniauskas
Lopšinė mylimai
Med din sang strømmer varmen inn Bringer vår til et frossnet sinn Gjennom is finner sangen vei Til en elv dypt inni meg Isen går, elven våkner opp Flommens kraft fyller sinn og kropp Først som gråt fra et kildevell Inne i deg selv som bryter fri Og nå er fossen fri og vill Som dansere av ild, en mektig strøm Vi er ett, med varmen i vårt blod Med styrken i vår tro i en sang Våg å gi, slippe våren løs Sangen bor under alt som frøs Flommen går i et fossefall Våren i krystall bryter frem Og nå er fossen fri og vill Som dansere av ild, en mektig strøm Vi er ett, med varmen i vårt blod Med styrken i vår tro i en sang Fri som flammer i en dans Duett i sinn og sans for første gang Vi er ett med varmen i vårt blod Med styrken i vår tro i en sang I en sang
Day is turning to evening, is gone, soon forgotten But what we gave remains, a seed will grow and sprout Such is love's way when it strikes you and me Only when we learn and understand, it will ripen and be ours Though the days pass by, vanishing, becoming years Love will always remain, for ever and eternity For eternity The river smoothly flows, through meadows, plains and woods But on its way to reach its goal, it passes stony rapids Though the days pass by, vanishing, becoming years Love will always remain, for ever and eternity For eternity Though the days pass by, vanishing, becoming years Love will always remain, for ever and eternity For eternity Love will always remain, for ever and eternity For eternity
Elisabeth Andreassen & Jan Werner Danielsen
Ti znaš da vratiš svijetlo ovom mraku koji osjećam S tobom sam sretno djete mada tako ti ne izgledam Godine, jedna po jedna, kao voz i stanica Na posljednjoj smo sami ti i ja Ostani kraj mene Sva moja nada to si ti Sva moja snaga to si ti Sva moja sreća i zato ostani Ljubavi U tvojim očima modra rijeka kojom mržnja neće poteći Tvoje srce zna one drage riječi što se daju ljubeći Godine, korak po korak i sva bol će prestati Ostat će ova pjesma ja i ti Ostani kraj mene Sva moja nada to si ti Sva moja snaga to si ti Sva moja sreća i zato ostani Ljubavi
My lonesome soul Always alone Without anyone understanding your suffering, Your horrible suffering Imitating an existence that's always full Of joy and pleasure Of joy and pleasure If I were to find a soul like mine, how many secret things would I tell it? A soul that looks at me, without saying a thing It would tell me something with only a look A soul that would get me drunk with a slow breath That, to kiss me, it would feel what I feel And sometimes I ask myself what would happen If I were to find a soul like mine A soul that looks at me, without saying a thing It would tell me something with only a look A soul that would get me drunk with a slow breath That, to kiss me, it would feel what I feel And sometimes I ask myself what would happen If I were to find a soul like mine
Alma & Dejan
Ostani kraj mene
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pente roges kokkino stafyli Eginan sto stoma sou krasi Omorfi pou isouna to deili Myromeni i anasa sou otan mou ‘doses fili Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… di… Mes sto trechantiri i thalassa ego ki esy Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… di… Koita me sta matia kai tragouda to ki esy Prasino tis thalassas to chroma Kokkina ta cheili sou fotia Omorfi pou itan i agapi Kato emeis kai pano o ilios na gela Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… di… Mes sto trechantiri i thalassa ego ki esy Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… da… Koita me sta matia kai tragouda to xana Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… di… Mes sto trechantiri i thalassa ego ki esy Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… da… Koita me sta matia kai tragouda to xana Ki o ilios egeire sti dysi na plagiasei Kryftike piso apo tin pio psili korfi Stis ankalias sou to apanemo limani Erixa ankyra ospou rodise i avgi Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… di… Mes sto trechantiri i thalassa ego ki esy Diri diri diri… diri diri diri… di… Koita me sta matia kai tragouda to ki esy
We had so much dreams we both the clever ones but maybe we didn't know waht future will bring we struggled with time and we believed in tomorrow we marked the dream but we lost the target Where were you, where were you my little bee last night, last night that I wanted you to take from my pollen you're the fair of my ecstasy Where were you my little bee, the night that I wanted you to take from my pollen my passion's alarm clock Oh little bee, little bee, you went to another flower who know where are you sleeping, in which hug you are How many times we quarelled and we meet gain we gave in our passion at the time of need How many times we tried nad tried again but slowly we put out love's flame
Kostas Bigalis & The Sea Lovers
To trehandiri (Diri diri) (Το τρεχαντήρι (Ντίρι ντίρι))
Worte, die wehtun und Bilder, die schrei'n Wehende Fahnen im Wind Grenzen, die Lügen, und keiner mehr kennt Und Menschen von Tränen fast blind Manchmal, da hör' ich ein Lied tief in mir Das mir von Liebe erzählt Sehnsucht nach Freiheit und nach einer Welt Wo jeder den and'ren versteht Für den Frieden der Welt, für die Hoffnung nach Licht Für die Wahrheit, die keiner mehr sieht Für die Menschen, die frier'n, und die keiner mehr hört Dafür singe ich euch dieses Lied Für den Frieden der Welt, für die Hoffnung nach Licht Für die Wahrheit, die keiner mehr sieht Für die Menschen, die frier'n, und die keiner mehr hört Dafür singe ich euch dieses Lied Dafür singe ich euch dieses Lied Flehende Herzen im Dunkel der Nacht Wann sehen sie wieder Licht? Wer gibt den Kindern ihr Lachen zurück Bevor ihre Hoffnung zerbricht? Für den Frieden der Welt, für die Hoffnung nach Licht Für die Wahrheit, die keiner mehr sieht Für die Menschen, die frier'n, und die keiner mehr hört Dafür singe ich euch dieses Lied Und es darf nicht mehr sein Dass man Mut dazu braucht Um den anderen Liebe zu zeigen Für den Frieden der Welt, für die Hoffnung nach Licht Für die Wahrheit, die keiner mehr sieht Für die Menschen, die frier'n, und die keiner mehr hört Dafür singe ich euch dieses Lied Ah... dieses Lied
Words that hurt and pictures that scream Flying flags in the wind Frontiers that lies and nobody knows anymore And people almost blinded by tears Sometimes I hear a song deep in me That tells me about love Longing for freedom and for a world Where everybody understands each other For the peace of the world, for the hope for light For the truth that nobody sees anymore For the people that are cold and that nobody hears anymore For them I sing you this song For the peace of the world, for the hope for light For the truth that nobody sees anymore For the people that are cold and that nobody hears anymore For them I sing you this song For them I sing you this song Entreating hearts in the darkness of the night When will they see light again? Who will give the laughter back to the children Before their hope is broken? For the peace of the world, for the hope for light For the truth that nobody sees anymore For the people that are cold and that nobody hears anymore For them I sing you this song And it can’t still be That you need courage To show love to others For the peace of the world, for the hope for light For the truth that nobody sees anymore For the people that are cold and that nobody hears anymore For them I sing you this song Ah… this song
Petra Frey
Für den Frieden der Welt
Cuando estoy con ella Soy un laberinto de indecisión Cuando estoy con ella Juego con mi imaginación Ella me da su sonrisa Y yo, con mis prisas, me suelo ahogar Y le digo acabemos Y ella persigue mis ratos de fuego Refrain: Ella, ella no es ella Ella es la otra, la que me impulsa Y está en mi memoria La otra es la que nunca podré olvidar No, ella, ella no es ella Ella es la otra, la que me excita Y quema mi ropa La otra es la piedra y yo, el volcán Cuando estoy con ella Sé que todo va peor Y cuando pienso en la otra Soy casi, casi un dios Ella me baja la luna La otra despierta mi instinto animal La otra es mi fortuna Mi musa desnuda, mi mejor remedio Refrain No, ella, ella no es ella Ella es la otra, la que me excita Y quema mi ropa La otra es la piedra y yo, el volcán
When I am with her I am a maze of indecisions When I am with her I play with my imagination She smiles at me And me, being in a rush, I tend to drown And I say let´s end And she pursues my moments of fire She, she is not she She is the other, the one that drives me And in my memory The other is the one I can never forget No, she, she is not she She is the other, the one that excites me And burns my clothes The other is the stone and I the volcano When I am with her I know all will be worse And when I think of the other I become almost, almost God She brings the moon down to me And the other wakes up my animal instinct The other is my fortune My naked muse, my best remedy She, she is not she She is the other, the one that drives me And in my memory The other is the one I can never forget No, she, she is not she She is the other, the one that excites me The other is the stone and I the volcano
Alejandro Abad
Ella no es ella
Semmi sincs, csak fénytelen éj Csak szótlan bánat, hiú remény Nincsen hűség, nincs szerelem Nincs simitó kéz nekem Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet És a megbocsátást kitől kérjem? Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet, Istenem? Hideg az éj, de fényre vágyom Mint délre húzó fecskepár Testem kihűlt álom csupán De lelkem szunnyadó tűzmadár Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet És a megbocsátást kitől kérjem? Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet, Istenem? Ne kínozz Hisz elótted állok pőrén Bekötött szemekkel Istenem mondd miért? Könnyek nélkül sírok A meg sem született gyermekemnek Hogyan mondjam el vétkeimet És a megbocsátást kitől kérjem Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet A bűneimmel kell, hogy éljek A megbocsátást kitől kérjem? Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet, Istenem?
There is nothing, just the lightless night Just speechless sorrow, just illusive hope There is no loyalty, no love There's no caressing hand for me To whom can I tell my sins? And from whom should I seek forgiveness? To whom can I tell my sins, God? The night is cold, but I long for light Like the swift pair escaping to south My body's merely but a chilling dream But my soul is a resting fire bird To whom can I tell my sins? And from whom should I seek forgiveness? To whom can I tell my sins, God? Don't torture me Since I'm standing bare in front of you With blindfolded eyes God, tell me why I cry without tears My unborn child How can I tell my sins? And from whom should I seek forgiveness? To whom can I tell my sins? With my sins I have to live From whom should I seek forgiveness? To whom can I tell my sins, God?
Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet?
Ты не со мной сейчас, ты далеко В разных мирах жить нелегко Может быть, только сон может помочь Увидеть тебя, коснуться рукой И снова ночь уходит прочь, твой голос далеко И я кричу тебе через моря: "Наш дом хранит твоё тепло" "В нём пусто без тебя" В этом доме я Вечный странник, я твоя судьба Знаю, помнишь обо мне Ты всегда в пути, но для тебя Яркий свет в моём окне Там далеко рассвет, в небе заря Вновь полыхнёт ярким цветком В утренней тишине я не одна: День принесёт встречу с тобой И снова ночь уходит прочь, твой голос далеко И я кричу тебе через моря: "Наш дом хранит твоё тепло" "В нём пусто без тебя" В этом доме я Вечный странник, я твоя судьба Знаю, помнишь обо мне Ты всегда в пути, но для тебя Яркий свет в моём окне Вечный странник, я твоя судьба Знаю, помнишь обо мне Ты всегда в пути, но для тебя Яркий свет в моём окне
You are not with me, you are far away It’s not easy to live in different worlds Maybe only a dream can help me To see and touch you And the night passes by, your voice is far away And I shout to you from over the seas: “In our house is still your warmth” “But the house is empty without you” In this house there is just me Eternal wanderer, I’m your destiny I know, you will remember me You are always on the way, but there is always A bright light for you in my window There is the sunrise, the dawn In the sky glow bright and coloured In the silence of morning I’m not alone: The new day brings the meeting with you And the night passes by, your voice is far away And I shout to you from over the seas: “In our house is still your warmth” “But the house is empty without you” In this house there is just me Eternal wanderer, I’m your destiny I know, you will remember me You are always on the way, but there is always A bright light for you in my window Eternal wanderer, I’m your destiny I know, you will remember me You are always on the way, but there is always A bright light for you in my window
Vechnyy strannik (Вечный странник)
Świat mój tak zwyczajny Pod niebem biało-czarnym Ludzie są wycięci z szarych stron Ze środka ksiąg Piękni są z romansu tła Zmęczeni tylko z gazet A ja... jestem białą, czystą kartką Pośród Was To nie ja byłam Ewą To nie ja skradłam niebo Chociaż dosyć mam łez Moich łez, tylu łez Jestem po to, by kochać mnie To nie ja byłam Ewą To nie ja skradłam niebo Nie dodawaj mi win To nie ja, to nie ja Nie ja! ...Jestem Ewą Niebo wieje chłodem Piekło kłania się ogniem do stóp A ja... papierowa marionetka, muszę grać To nie ja byłam Ewą To nie ja skradłam niebo Chociaż dosyć mam łez Moich łez, tylu łez Jestem po to, by kochać, wiem... Zanim w popiół się zmienię Chcę być wielkim płomieniem Chcę się wzbić ponad świat Hen, do gwiazd Ogrzać niebo marzeniem
My world is so ordinary Under tha black and white sky People are cut out of grey pages From the inside of books The beautiful are from romance background The tired are only from newspapers And I... I am a white blank sheet of paper Among you It wasn't me who was Eve It wasn't me who stole heaven Though I have enough of tears My tears, so many tears I am made to be loved It wasn't me who was Eve I wasn't me who stole heaven Don't ascribe more guilts to me It's not me, it's not me I am not... ... not Eve The coldness blows from the sky The hell bows with fire at your feet And I... am a paper puppet, I must act It wasn't me who was Eve It wasn't me who stole heaven Though I have enough of tears My tears, so many tears I am made to be loved, I know... Before I turn into ash I want to be a great flame I want to ascend over the world Far away up to the stars To warm the sky with a dream
Edyta Górniak
To nie ja!