Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill. Yes pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running health and well-being related for the highs and lows of Life Training and chasing girls. This podcast is designed.Keep you motivated and enthusiastic on your journey to health and happiness. Every time I run I discover something new about me and about life be a reason why I run or a discovery of myself. I genuinely find gratitude through Runnin. I am able to stay healthy and fit through the execution of my passion, but furthermore I'm able to achieve peace presents growth and Discovery and I love to hear all your stories on how running has changed your lives and what it's brought to you. I want to connect like-minded people through the power of podcast.Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the not another Runner podcast and to episode 24 already. I'm so glad that you're tuning in today to listen to this episode in particular and today's guest who has a brilliant story and Mission that I really really want you to hear all about before I tell you about today's guests and their epic Mission. I firstly need to give a massive. Thank you toYou to you guys this is a big thank you from myself. And especially I'm personally from Carly bombs Carly Barnes who was a guest on a very recent episode. I think it was 20 21 yet only one. So Carly want to say a massive. Thank you to everyone that has signed up for the 12-day marathon for this Christmas and supporting her with raising money for both Charities Family action and Hope For Tomorrow. Carly has told me how the 12 inning Marathon has now fully so sold out and has 200 signups this she is truly grateful for I'm just delighted that that so many people so many of you are on board with this with this challenge. She's excited and hope that you all enjoy the challenge over the Christmas period so if you are taking part of the challenge, make sure you do check in with Carly tag in here over on Instagram. Let me know how you're getting on and use the page 12 Day marathon and Gil run the Shire use Twelve Day Marathon so that you can all follow and follow each other and keep each other motivated and inspired so that you do achieve this Challenge and support Carly what a brilliant way for us all to raise money helping Carly and to brilliant Charities and staying active over the festive period so on today's guest originally from Atlanta now based in Paris, but traveling frequently across the world with her current Mission the mission being run to reach which she Devised his self and the mission is to to run 30 marathons before turning 30 during an 18-month period And across different countries around the world and to raise money for different local charities to which you'll be running within that country by the end of the mission. Today's guest Liz will have completed marathons in locations include in Western Sahara, Guatemala Mongolia Sierra Leone Chile Antarctica. Just to name a few today's guests and face behind. The mission is Liz Liz Warner when Liz thought up this idea and challenge. She was on her honeymoon. I think she said she was on the beach just relax in and it came to her and she hoped to continue working freelance during this Mission and during the time and fit it alongside the project but since taking on the project and attempting to achieve this Mission, she has had to give work time. Out as a mission demanded so much of his time which is just a huge commitment in itself for her to be taken on let alone the travel traveling to these different countries all the miles Etc. But despite completing 14 marathons this year alone. I'm traveling across the country the world and to some extremely remote and less developed countries and areas of the world Liz says the hardest and most demanding part of the project has been the administrative side of This Mission the work that's required to Liaison with all 20 different charities local charities within the country. She's go into organizing the flights the accommodation the liaison and everything and that goes behind the logistics of requiring the support that she needs for this Mission has been a big job for her and if you're not convinced yet to support Liz and her mission on her goal of raising 100,000 pounds and this is all towards low. Local local charities within the country she's running in and specifically for in women empowerment supporting women empowering women in these local communities and please do listen to the whole of the episode. Listen to Liz's Mission and you know, the logistics of what she is trying to achieve because as I say, she's taken a huge commitment by taking time off work in order to try and complete this. And she is so fully dedicated to this Mission and it is really really truly inspirational and I want you to hook to or listen to this. Normally I ask a guest for the three tips in start and running but I felt like today I needed to ask something different. So I do ask Liz for three tips to give to listeners to take away some three pieces of advice in life to take away and just that alone three pieces of pieces of advice for life. Life is something in to listen to so hang on and listen to the whole of the episode. It is a brilliant child. I really really do want you to listen to this one. So thank you and enjoy hello. Well another episode of the not another Runner pot today. I get to introduce you all to an incredibly inspiring and beautiful person. Today's guest is Liz Warner Liz loves cooking. And like me she loves to listen to podcasts Liz has set out on an incredible Mission. She aims to run 30 marathons before she turns 30 next year June 2020 and she's given herself. I think it was just I think it was 12 to 18 months to complete the end of the mission, but furthermore will complete these 30 marathons in 30 different countries whilst fundraising fundraising for 20 different. Global Charities and it is one heck of a mission and I am so thrilled to be able to introduce you to Liz who can chat to us more about her Mission run to reach. Hello and welcome Liz. Hello, Natalie. Hey, how have you on the show? Oh, you're so welcome. How are you? Are you? Okay? I'm really good. I'm home now in in Paris for a few days. So so yeah just recharging the batteries a bit here. Yeah. I mean when you get home to your place in Paris, how long are you normally therefore before you have to jet off again? It could be anywhere from a couple days to a week. Now. I'm gone for a week which feels like a really long time and but yeah, I mean there was actually a I think four month period where actually I didn't come home so really ranges, but yeah, so yeah, so that's lovely so could You tell us just a little bit about yourself and Liz what what were you doing before this project run to reach started and where did the inspiration come from? So I'm originally from the u.s. From Atlanta. Sorry. This is the long long version. Okay, that's right after uni when I was 22. I moved to Japan and I lived there for almost five years working just a regular job. And marketing for very deep various companies and then exactly three years ago. I relocated to Paris to go back to school to get my masters worked for one year after finishing. My Master's didn't particularly. Enjoy my job. I'd also just got married around this time a year ago. And yeah, it definitely felt like some sort of transitional phase. I was going through through figuring that in a few years. I might really be settled down and maybe with a few kids. So yeah, so the idea just came to me when you know, I thought to myself literally I was on my honeymoon. I thought to myself this might be the last time I life I could I could really go on a huge adventure for myself and throw all of my energy and passion into a project that would exhaust Potentially exhaust my full potential so that's sort of how rentier each sort of came about. So on your honeymoon the idea just out of nowhere. Why don't I just do another 20? I think it was 20 miles into the time and just make this a mission. Absolutely. I mean, I remember exactly moment. I was in the car with my husband. We were in the midia there was sort of this brief silence and I think I was just thinking to myself, you know, I needed I need a new goal. I need I need something to really ignite my fire again. And yes sort of this 30 Before 30 idea popped in my head. I sort of blurted out to my husband and we just kept talking about it throughout the week and then it evolved into this project essentially incredible. And did he ever like think once like, oh, hang on a minute like another you know, 20 old marathons. That's a lot like because I mean at that point had you done the first 10 marathons Liz. Yes, I had I would run 10 marathons but over like a five six-year period so I was doing about like one or two marathons a year which to me at the time felt like a lot like I was yeah constantly treating for one or two marathons a year. So, I don't know I felt like at that point to I had gotten to a point of running where I really felt so comfortable running for hours on end and felt pretty confident with my physical ability. So First yeah, my husband Mark was like, you know, that's a little bit crazy. I'm a little scared for your help. But once I started training, I just felt confident that I could potentially do it. Like initially. Did you think you know, I'm going to do these marathons in initially in countries or you know places that were near to you or did you think straight away write this is what I'm going to do. Did you have a vision of the places? As you wanted to go to the countries you wanted to see yes, but countries have actually changed a lot over the course of even just this year. I'm still sometimes grabbing some marathons and choosing new places just you know based on my budget and I originally I did plan on running more local races within Europe mixed in with a few crazy or places around the world, but as I've sort of progressed in this journey I have Really tried to plan out my trips to go to places that are more far-reaching and a little bit more interesting to to sort of go there discover the place. I mean, for example last month, I was in Afghanistan for a couple weeks running a marathon there. So really choosing places that are particularly interesting in their own way and that would also, you know, really throw me and you know so many different directions erections. Hmm. Okay, if we just skip back just a little bit then just to get a bit more background. When when was it you started running like how long ago was that? So my first I really only started running right before my first marathon. I had run a half marathon in college. I sort of I used to play the sport squash and so running to me was sort of just to keep in shape. You know during the the squashes and at my University, but yeah, I mean I was living in Tokyo. I signed up for my first marathon sort of after heartbreak my boyfriend at the time had moved away and I sort of had this three-month period of having more free time. And so I signed up for a marathon there and yeah just completely fell in love with training and And endurance running. I'm not a particularly super fast runner nor am I very competitive Runner, but I just loved the feeling of just letting yourself go for a few hours the endorphin high you would get after a long run. I quickly became addicted to running after that. Yeah. Yeah and that face Marathon then in Tokyo and was it's not long after that you were signing up to another one like how losses you leave it out. First marathon. Um, yeah, I was probably six months later or a few. Yeah half year later. I signed up for my next marathon in Seoul Korea, which is not too far from Japan. And so sort of every Marathon I signed up for was almost like this. I remember actually I was having a pretty big bizu issues in Japan at the time after my first marathon and I thought to myself okay if I can figure out my Visa if I can figure out a way to stay I will reward Myself by running a marathon in Korea. And so I got my Visa sorted out and then Marathon running became synonymous to me with with traveling and discovering a new country. And so really for the first few of my marathons was all around Asia and I would sort of make a small trip out of it plan for the year ahead around this small trip. And yeah, so that it became a really exciting part of my life. And that was obviously with a with this Mission came in with the travel and the countries because you're starting in endurance running and mouth and training and events was was hugely to do with running in an another country or another space that you weren't as familiar with. So then when this Mission idea comes to you you think right. Okay, I'm going to continue this. I've Loved running in other countries and knowing and getting to know the culture. Culture and landmarks and exploring so that again is where this this Mission idea came to you. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And did you choose the places you wanted to run on based on the impactful Charities that you were choosing to raise money for or was it the country's first and then you explored at what charities with local to them in order to raise money and support those communities. It really was a mix. Sometimes I would find a really cool race in you know, an interesting country. And I mean it's to be honest choosing all the Charities. It's took the most time during the planning of this project is because I really wanted to choose Charities that I felt an emotional connection to who were extremely transparent and in what they do and so it really I mean for example Sample, I came in contact with this charity that is based in Zimbabwe and completely loved what they were doing. And so, you know after certain point found a race and in Victoria Falls and so went there and so but then you know, for example, there's this marathon and Afghanistan and from there, I choose the charity so really was kind of both where either, you know found the marathon first and the charity or vice versa. Yeah. Yeah that makes total sense. And the the name where did the name come from? How did you come up with this run to reach? This was a process. I definitely came up with a number of very terrible names before run to reach. I think initially I wanted to call it helping locally by running globally which is just way too long. But yeah, I have this group chat with a couple of close girlfriends here in Paris and every A I would just be sending them ideas. And then one day I just randomly wrote out run to reach and not thinking anything of it and they immediately wrote back and they said yes, that's it. It's cleared it straight to the point. It's open-ended. You can sort of it has you know, a lot of different connotations. And so so yeah, I just I went with it based on them sort of validating the name. Yeah, that's brilliant that you had them that your friends though. It were a part of the name process. I'm I'm interested to know what were the thoughts and feelings or opinions when you admitted to them what your idea was initially? Yeah, I got a lot of mixed responses when I when I came back from my honeymoon and I sort of call them all my close friends Paris and announce this big idea. I think everyone was extremely supportive and this isn't the first time I've sort of wanted to do. Due to embark on a certain personal crazy adventure. I mean a few years before run to reach. I wanted to start like a Bento restaurant. I've always wanted to start my own my own thing. But so I think a lot of my friends were not really surprised. I was pursuing some a project like this but but yeah definitely some mixed reactions for sure. Yeah, I can imagine I think they kind of probably thought all they must have had a little thinking of you know, you've had your wedding On your honeymoon and you've got you know, you've done your Masters you done studying. So you like you you lives you needed something else to concentrate on to focus on a little bit Yeah you okay one one thought I have and I'm sure a lot of other people will have is how does this project and Mission work alongside your work like currently, you know before you thought of the idea during you know, how does this look because this must take a lot of your time the trouble the flights the expenses being in a different country for a long time and you know, your husband live in Paris. So how does it work IV initially when I started the project I was hoping to still work on the side and do freelance work what I was sort of doing before and I mean this project even now it's it's been the most stressful undertaking just professional undertaking. I mean, even though it's not work, it feels like work and I yeah, it's become my full-time job and I just really don't have too much time to focus on other things at the moment, but part of this job is also reaching out to people for support and And you know trying to set up meetings to talk about your project and as much as the focus of what I'm doing is fundraising and promoting these Charities. I need to be able to of course figure out how to get to these races in the first place and to all of these countries and so, you know, for example some individuals and companies have donated SkyMiles, which is helped a lot and covering flight costs. You know, I've been reaching out and connecting with tourism boards. To help sometimes with with hotels and and so it's a constant battle to remain financially afloat be completely honest, but and I'm still figuring it out. It's still a very scary thing for me and in very stressful, but but so far, it's I've managed and of course having not my husband helping financially, but just him keeping me in check. Check with with my budget and where we are together as a partnership to, you know financially as well. So but yes, it's been a whole process for sure. Gosh. Yeah, I can't even imagine and it does sound like a full-time job. So this will be your full-time job now until your birthday which I'm sure was June 2020. Is that your 30th? Correct? Secret. Let's yeah, yeah. And that's not long away. So how many have you run now? What is your total standing now? So I just so now have twenty three marathons down. So I have 7 left to go. So yeah. Yes. I can't even believe because I just started this year was, you know, I've just I was at my temp are thought so it's been a lot of their thoughts since January that is incredible. So you You so starting this year of January 2019. You had run a total of 10 marathons, correct? Right say and now we're in the seventh month while nearly to the end of the eleventh month and you've run another 13. That's that's crazy 13 in 11 months and you've got another one coming up now in how long is it in a week's time? Yeah. Yeah, I mean Okay, I think a lot of people have sort of been very surprised. I mean physically it's really been okay. I do travel with a small yoga mat and I stretch a lot. I try to do some strength training exercises just in my air B&B or hotel room that I'm staying at but and you know, obviously I'm not hoping to get any peas at any of these races. I'm not in a lot of them are Trail Races as well. So it's just for me. Mostly about enjoying it not getting injured taking lots of photos really, you know experiencing the place that I'm in. That's the man, you know the priority for all of these races. So absolutely and is to complete it safely and to complete what you know, your goal is to complete the number, you know, the 30 Martin's be 4:30. It's not the goal is not to run fast. It's so much bigger than that. So by the end of this year, you will have completed 14 or if you've got another one scheduled. No, just one final Marathon earlier and then and then I'll be done for 2019 brilliant. So then you will have six left Andrea in the six months that you have literally so yeah, January to June. Yes, correct. Yeah, okay brilliant. So you've done your fair share marathons and specially in you know in to the average Runner and in a very short space of time to any run a really complete in 14 in a year is a big amount. So what would you say to others listening the biggest do's and don'ts are to train in and running a marathon. I mean for me it's my training now is so different than my trainee even a few years ago when I was only running one or two marathons a year, you know, I think in 2017 when I was I was training for the Paris marathon and I actually at that point overtrained I hit you know burnout point. So I think they're just so many things that you can buy accident do wrong in the lead-up of a marathon. Right now, you know again, I just I think for me the key and not getting injured is just doing a lot of stretching and and sort of just checking up on my body how I'm feeling making sure I'm switching up my shoes as often as I can and and just listening to my body. I there are days when I try even now when I'm back in Paris, and I know I need to sort of go out for a longer training run and and some days I just feel really tired of my body's not up to it. And so I think it's just listening to your body to the best of your ability to yeah, that could be quite a fine fine thing Fine Art to tune because you know naturally when you're training and you know training for a marathon you will naturally going to be tired. That's normal. So it's really listening. I'm checking in to know when your body is a normal tired and you're okay to go and continue the training or when you're Overtired and you're treading very close to injury or sickness. Absolutely. Exactly. Exactly. Now, I saw a long time ago some pre Marathon rituals that you should on everyone your Instagram profile. So I just wanted you to see those with us because it's can't I mean, it's quite a personal thing. I have been in trouble before a race and it's quite nice to hear what other people do and sometimes people. It might resonate with it. They might have something very similar. Yes. Absolutely. I am pretty superstitious before races. I mean, I know that anything could happen during a marathon you could trip and fall and and so I'd I do the same five things before every race no matter where I am in the world and I make sure that I have, you know, I'm able even the night before I bet I'm able to complete all five steps before. Before the Race So first I wake up in the morning I if I do have access to like a decent toilet, I go and just splash really cold water my face or I take a very cold shower to sort of wake me up when I'm putting on my running shoes. I always put my left running shoe on first. I don't know why it just started that way and it sort of kept with me. I always drink several big cups of coffee before. Hands, I really need that and there have been a few races where I have just haven't had access to coffee. So I make sure to travel with some instant coffee with me everywhere I go when I get to the starting line of every race, I have someone record a boomerang of me doing a very funny dance, and I usually if I have service Summit to my family before every race and then when I'm allowed to The music right before starting the race and I everyone's lining up. I put either Daft Punk song on or an Ace of Base song on my playlist to start the race. So yeah, those are my five steps before every Marathon that I tried to try to do. I love that. You've got the very specific fiber. It doesn't matter where you are. Like, I mean the Sahara I think you are. Sahara marathon and you've got Afghanistan yet the impact Marcin and you're doing these rituals in these different spaces of the world and and it's so unique to you. But what what I like about rituals is that if you're doing the same thing before a race if you've had a pretty of race before that's gone. Okay, you're gone. Well, you're setting yourself up in a mind frame that this too will go well and also really, yeah. A bit like a comforting thing. So you're doing your rituals. It kind of is a bit like a meditation and meditative process where you know, you're not in your head space thinking all these thoughts or thinking about, you know, anxiety anxiousness thoughts like or you know, I haven't filled enough. I have done this. I'm doing that you're taking all the worry Away by concentrating on completing the five rituals that you always do. I love that. Yes. Absolutely. No, I couldn't have said it better myself exactly that it's Very meditative. Yeah, so you just mentioned about the coffee and taking the instant coffee around with you. Are there any other Essentials during your trip because few of my few of the photos? I saw it I couldn't see if you had like a running Park on or a running belt. You know when you're running have you see anything with you during those marathons? Yes, so I always have like a running belt. All right. I always Yeah, usually it's like underneath my shirt. You can't always see if it is always I travel with I use Kuma energy gels, which are these amazing all-natural energy gels there. I've been working with them. I love them too. I mean, I probably used at least five of those jobs during every race. I always travel with oatmeal porridge with me actually with a bag of oatmeal just to make sure Sure that I have some sort of, you know safe pre Marathon breakfast option on hand for every race. But besides that I always travel with a good book, you know there I had the same small suitcase. I bring with me everywhere that just feels like it's sort of my become my travel companion at this point. I always travel with a journal. I've been journaling a lot this whole process. As well, so it's really those few things that I always always travel with that love that I'm trying to like. Guess what books you be back in with you? What have you been reading recently recently. So I actually feel like my French is I'm not speaking as much French as much as I used to since traveling. So I've been trying to really read more friend. And literature I just read the Scott knew Scott jurek. Book North, which is amazing. I just read it on this last during this last trip. And yeah, I mean, I also just try I'm a News Junkie as well. And I read a lot of just news articles all the time, but I think that's actually been a really nice part of this project is just actually having more time to read especially on Flights and during all of this travel as well. Yeah. Did you know that you keep has your husband like has he read and like, you know so he can see what what you've been experiencing in this Mission so far so interestingly enough. He doesn't know this actually, but but I've actually before during each of these when I'm in it. Each of these countries. I've I've actually written a letter to him sort of that's I mean, I was hoping to give it some he's probably can listen to this podcast and it is like going to be surprised. But yeah, I know I've I've been trying to to sort of write a short piece directed to him because he's he's just been so incredibly supportive throughout this this whole journey and You know there have been certain things that I just, you know, especially after coming back from some of these trips and only having two days before I leave for the next trip. I'm still processing so much. And so to be honest, he oftentimes doesn't know what's going on in my head and it's really hard for me to to sometimes communicate what I'm feeling, you know, it's even within our relationship how I'm just able to to sort of communicate everything. So I've been trying to do that in an effort to eventually be able to to speak to him about all these different experiences. That's amazing and I because I was initially I was thinking, you know keeping it, you know, you know, maybe one day you write a book about this this experience and what you've taken away from each, you know Community country that you've been to I'm just that the process itself and doing all of this but what a lovely idea You could you could pretend that. We haven't yet. I know I haven't been Doom. Yes, I'll tell that he has to skip over like this 20 second period of this podcast when he listens to it so yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's okay. Well managed it somehow. Yeah, and yeah, that's beautiful. I love that idea. That's such a good idea as well. I'm glad that you started it and that you didn't think like, you know near the end all that would have been a good idea. So I'm glad you've done that. That's brilliant. Leonid thank you, what would you say has been the hardest part of your mission so far? Funny and no definitely not all of the marathon running. I think the administrative component of this campaign is is really overwhelming just being on top of you know, coordinating with all of the 20 partner ngos. I'm working with two to plan country visits to see even the logistics of planning all the trips of course budgeting. Reaching out to sponsor who's and communicating about my journey on social media, which does take a lot of time and just even you know, sometimes going to these places and how do you sort of package certain experiences to put it in a digestible form on social media takes a lot of time for me to even strategically think about that. But yeah, I think it's the actually the You know the behind the scenes of this project that that has been the hardest part and I didn't you know, I'm also I'm a pretty private person normally and so me, you know being on social media all the time. It's something that's very new to me and I still think I'm still now getting used to it and you know, there's always this pressure to share more and more and more and I think sometimes that has definitely gotten to me. It's made me give up altogether on on social media, but it's I also understand it's a huge part of you know, sharing what I'm doing and fundraising to and getting people to donate. So that's been sort of my motivation as well. But it's been a difficult aspect of this project to yeah sounds it especially as you say liaison between all 20 of the of these, you know Charities that your liaison with and Raising money for that must be so that must be really difficult brother. Leo's between all all 20. Yeah. It's you know and in I have to also keep in mind like when I started this project again naively I assumed you know, I'm going to contact these organizations. They're going to be extremely enthusiastic and and willing to help me to the best of their ability. And you know, of course, I'm essentially I'm doing this work for free for them to campaigning for them, but they are Also doing you know by helping me out and by helping coordinate all my visits there that's also free work that they're doing for me. And so, you know, I there have been experiences where you know, I get to a country and I am not able to showcase the charity as much as I wanted to just because sometimes it's really hard to to meet with them or for them or to organize a you know, a really great sort of meeting that would Expose the kind of work that they do do and and so yeah, I mean it's time-consuming and it but I but I also am very cognizant that it's you know, it's extra work for them as well to be supporting me too. And I mean we haven't said all of the 20 different charities that you are liaising with and raising money children this challenge that you've set yourself, but obviously anyone listening who Wants to find out more information. We'll see at the end of the show where you can go to check out all of the different charities Liz's raising money for and all the information which is all available on her website, which is the run to reach website, but we will remind you of that later and the link will be in the show notes to thank you. Yeah, that's okay. What so that's the hardest part there and is the administration component of all of this. What would you say then has been the highlight so far, you know, of course being able to travel to some truly incredible places, but I think it has been meaning so many just inspiring humans along the way and creating lifelong friendships to I mean, I've you know one girl I met in Sierra Leone immediate instant. When we traveled again together in Afghanistan just us month and it's really just the friendships. I think I've formed throughout this whole process that's been a huge highlight and I was not for seeing, you know, making any new best friends on this journey, but I absolutely have and it's been so so rewarding. Mhm. Yeah I can imagine I'd like I just think what you'll do in with the travel and visiting these Unity's Fund Raising the money. I just think it's such a huge huge experience that you can't you know, you're obviously going to have a change in you as well. They say that you know, I do you to train for a marathon and not let it change you but I would say what you're doing must really change you as a person as you say you've met so many any inspiring people, you know, you're going to take away so much from each different country and all the people you've met along the way but what would you say then has been the most profound lesson that you've learned about yourself during this planning and during this start of this this challenge. You've set yourself. I mean, I think it's still I'm still trying to learn this lesson, but I think constantly trying to look at life and a big picture sort of way is the biggest lesson that I've taken from this whole journey in that, you know, day-to-day there's so much that that needs to be done with this campaign and I think sometimes it's overwhelming. With the expectations that I personally set for myself and sort of the pressure. I put on myself to reach certain goals and to do everything in a certain way and you know, especially I think even a month ago a few weeks ago. I was in a not in a great headspace where I was just completely overwhelmed with with all the pressure I was putting on myself but to just take a step back and just realize you know, Much of an amazing adventure. This is and to be honest. I'm still completely in the middle of it. And so I'm processing a lot and I feel like you know, once I finish this Aller, you know, once I get to the end, I'll probably be able to really see everything in a much clearer way, but for now, I think I'm just constantly trying to to just take a step back be extremely grateful for for every experience that I've had the pleasure. Of you know, just all of the travel all the people. I've been meaning and just appreciating every second of it. Yeah, I'm not makes like me listen about I honestly had a feeling you would say something similar because like you say, you're still in the throes of it. You still got these, you know, seven months just about left. So there's still going to be, you know, some epic experiences along the way and you are as you say you are still processing. We'll still right in the throes of it. And so you could answer that question very differently come June time. But yes, yeah be interesting to know haven't followed you over on Instagram and and he did about your story and I heard about you your story over on another podcast as well. I've got a pretty good idea of at least one of your reasons for running and obviously anyone listening today and listening to our conversation will know that your reason for running for you. You is much more than just putting one foot in front of the other. It's a much more profound reason, but if because I asked all guests on this show if I asked you what is your hashtag white I run? How would you try to answer that? Because I know it's a difficult question. It is a very loaded question. Yeah, but I guess you know now six years ago running. Makes me feel completely free. It gives me a complete peace of mind. It also makes me feel wildly confident that I can reach truly any goal. I put before myself. My mindset is so different this, you know five minutes before I go for a ride and then even just, you know one mile in to run. I just I feel lighter with every foot forward. I just feel Howard and so full of life. So there's so many ways so many reasons why we truly love to run I truly loved her on but I think if I had to really distill it down to one reason is that it makes me feel free and and empowered and full of life. Love that free empowers and full of life. That that is it is such a hard question because if someone asked me I wouldn't be able to to whittle it down because there's so many reasons and you could go on forever almost as to what the reasons are. I mean, even the free empowered and full of life. You can break those down into other elements as well. But but I love that free empowered and full of life. Oh, this is interesting. You've said before about post-race Blues. I remember reading this and you mention that you should not allow the the event or the marathon to be the end go so when someone's trapped on this is this is so common. I see this so often someone is training for an event for a marathon and they've placed all their time and emphasis on it and they planning they do the event and then afterwards obviously there's like a grief process because it's gone, you know, you've no longer got this Focus in your life and that you say that to not let it be the end goal but rather the Stepping Stones, so I want to know your run to reach project and Mission. What is it a stepping stone of what you hope to go on to achieve after this project? I need the ID but this question Still Remains unanswered but I you know, I think for me, of course again, the biggest goal is to reach this hundred thousand dollar fundraising goals. I set for myself. I really feel you know accountable. It's a big goal, but I really want to reach this. So, you know, even after this Mission ends even after I turn 30 if I haven't reached this goal. I will make sure that I get them. Eventually, so that's you know something I think about a lot and you know, I initially when I started this project I thought you know, perhaps I would love to do you know, maybe some motivational speaking. I'm still not quite sure where what kind of path this will lead me on and I'm I'm actually quite open with any sort of Direction it takes and I mean, I just I think for now I definitely want to continue on some sort of path of giving back and you know before I think also initially when I started this project I was hoping for I just never thought that perhaps I would maybe go back to a normal job. But I also think I am one hand. I definitely look forward to having some sort of stable income after this project comes to an end. But you know, I'm very open to any sort of possibility that that comes my way afterwards I In terms of running I am really interested in starting to do more ultramarathons. And I think that's sort of where my running path will lead me to after completing the 30 marathons just so I think you need to keep really pushing yourself, of course traveling the world and running more very interesting races will always be something I hope to do but but in terms of this project, it's still very open ended and I'm you know, I go back and forth. Sometimes getting very anxious about that. But I am also I think that's also a huge lesson in life is just being you know, accepting the unknown and letting everything sort of unravel as it as it does naturally. Yeah, that's a that's a really good point to make and and you said about you know, you happy with wait, wherever that that path will lead you and I before that you said about motivational talks, which I could actually really imagine you doing and I could imagine you, you know holding these talks post this run to reach Miss Mission, but what what motivates you then there's what keeps you motivated and inspired. I mean, I think just now because I think I still have a lot to learn. I'm still learning a lot in the process of what I'm doing and you know again also with all of these meetings with the ngos. I'm hearing a lot from then them about what more kind of support they need and I think what keeps me going is just that I'm just so hungry to learn in any possible way throughout this journey, you know, I don't want it to be just me traveling to this place, you know getting a sense of country. I want to be I want to have as many connections as possible to as many amazing humans. I can meet along the way and so I think again just sort of jumping into these these trips in these situations where I mean often times. I don't know anyone going to these countries. It's just You know being excited about not knowing what is coming your way is what is keeping me going if that makes sense and just being excited about about the unknown and and what kind of crazy adventures and that the Universe could throw at you during the process. Yeah, that's a great way to look at it because sometimes the the unknown can set fear and anxieties for us, but actually you could look at it. That way you just says and you know In excited it, you know, what what may come next what have you got an uplifting or motivational phrase a favor of yours that that keeps you keeps you going? Yes. I mean, I think going back to sort of this whole theme of, you know, being accepting of the unknown and and sort of living life, you know day by day and Ed of planning for the future. I love this one quote by Oprah Winfrey actually a good friend of mine just shared it with me a few days ago and I just it's resonated a lot deeply with what I'm doing now and the quote is doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment and I think I mean I've been thinking it's the first I've actually taped it to my computer this quote because I think it's Sort of a good reminder that as much as you know, you're preparing your hoping for the next big thing to come out of whatever you're doing. What you need to be focusing on is the now to get you to that next place. And so that's what I as much as I want to know what's going to happen in six months. I really just need to focus and stay positive on what I'm doing now as well. I love that when I've never heard of that doing the best in this moment puts you in the best for the next moment. Is that right? Yes exactly. I love yeah. Yeah, it's a great quote. I love Oprah. Brilliance it makes me think of something I showed you the day. I actually know the saying if you've got a dream or a passion or something that you want to work towards even if you just work a cut a few minutes a day towards it. So doing your best now doing your best In This Moment by working towards it will put you in the best in the next moment. So by working hard now today even just a couple minutes will put you in good stead for tomorrow and the next day the next month next year. And so that's what I was when you said that it made me think of other one as well. Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay, so you're running in lots and lots of different places lots of different terrains scenery countries cultures, but if you could run with anyone in the world dead or alive and famous not famous, who would it be Right laughs but I think it would honestly have to be Oprah because I know at some point he did run a marathon. Yeah. And yeah, I mean, I think at this point, I think Oprah to the reason that I really admire her as that, I she very much looks at life in a big picture sort of way. And so I think being around other people who have this sort of the same mindset and have this philosophy on life. Is is hugely inspiring to me and I think also sort of resets resets where I'm at now today, but also going forward and so I think yeah, I would love to go first for a run in the park with Oprah. And I didn't laugh because that's really I knew you were going to say it then I really yeah, but I mean it's quite you know, because you've just said a quote with his but I was thinking you were going to say Oprah now. Yeah. Yeah. My other question I often ask guests is could you share three tips with the listeners on how to get started and running now your we've spoken a lot about running on about your mission and your Essentials that you take with you and for marathon runner. So instead I'd like to ask you some three tips or three pieces of advice rather that listeners can take away in their life. And what would it be? I think three tips. I mean the first that comes to mind is to just say yes to a crazy idea big or small. I think we We forget to often how short life is Anything could happen tomorrow? And I think you know I have been trying to every morning. Now. The first thing I do when I wake up is I write five things that I'm grateful for. I also every morning try to remind my I wake up I drink my coffee and I try to remind myself that you never know what could happen today or tomorrow and that's you know that each and every one of us has On passion interest and and that we need to to you know, that's to give in to the pleasures of life. And you know, I think it is sometimes a tragedy even when I talk to friends and they tell me about all sorts of ideas or dreams that they have and they don't pursue it and you know, sometimes it's for a valid reason and that's completely understandable, but when it comes down to fear and when the dream is right across the you know, right outside The door I think you need to go for it and it's scary. And then I mean even looking at my project there have been many points where I have been so scared about what I'm doing and been so scared about the unknown but I think that there's always a reward that will weights, you know, even if you fail in whatever you're doing there's this story that awaits, you know after this any sort of risk or Adventure You take and yeah again, another piece of advice is to just not so put so much pressure on yourself. I mean I'm again. I'm still learning this lesson, but I was recently talking to to someone last week when I was in Cote. Wha someone who I just met and I was telling them all about my project and that you know, it was very stressed out. I wasn't going to reach my fundraising goal. How do I get more people to donate, you know sort of just Not complaining but just you know being a little bit negative. And the first thing she told me is you know, if you come out of this project and you don't necessarily raise all the money that you set out to like that needs to be our lesson in life is that you know, it's we put too high too much pressure. We set too high of expectations and and that's not what life is about life is about pushing your limits growing for them learning from your mistakes, and that should be the lesson. Learn from your project not that you, you know set this goal and that you reach raise this much money. And so I think yeah that's a big piece of advice that I would give to whatever listener is just to not put so much pressure on yourself on everything that you do. So that was that's brilliant when it's not not putting pressure on yourself. I love that and I know I need to to work listen up on that one because I definitely do that to myself saying yes for crazy idea because like make sure it wasn't it. Yes. Well, I guess I have okay last one. It's hard. I mean a peace that lasts because I'm nice you did say about writing the five things you're grateful for and I say That one of them as well because that is a good idea. I know I need to do that again. I don't do it in say and then I realize I need to I started doing it again and I'm like, is this a good part of my routine? Yes. I know. It's so hard. It's almost like, you know setting time to meditate. It's it's yeah, it's like setting time to go to the gym. It's all sort of the same thing that you know, you need to do these things and you know, improve your life, but everything else gets in the way and I think you know, I've also recently Lee just even the last week started to meditate more and I've seen just how much that is affected my you know improved my mental health and my anxiety has I've been dealing with my anxiety a lot better. So yeah, just those simple things I think could could really just help in the day-to-day stresses. I mean we all stress about this the tiniest of things that you know life is very stressful. There's so much going on we are so, you know saturated with so Information at every moment that I think just taking a step back and you know thinking about the things that are really important to you is hugely beneficial. Yeah, massively like you say we know we know we want to do we know when he's drink more water just like we should take time out or meditate or have quiet time or but it's like it is like you say it's trying to juggle all of this with our busy Lifestyles, but even if you're setting Alarm five minutes earlier to get up and do five minutes of meditation in the morning before going to work. You could be in a completely different mind space and that's only 5 minutes. Ya gotta try harder way. Yes. Yes. I mean it's it's it's a hard thing to do. I you know, it's I know we all it's almost like yeah, it's a hard thing to do, but it's the reward which I think is is Big. Yeah, so worth it final question for you today is yes. Yes. Who would you love to hear? All it? Well, who would you love to listen to on this podcast? I you know, I think what is so amazing about your podcast is that you know, it's not just big players in the you know in the running Community. It's it's normal everyday people and so, you know, I don't have necessarily a specific person. I think you know, even I can think of specific people I've met on this journey that I just think, you know their regular Runners who run so many different Susan, you know their stories that highlight one person actually comes to mind is this man Josh that I met at a few marathons that I run this year and he's run over a hundred marathons is like the most eloquent speakers. It's just his life is full of stories and I just think you know, I think any Runner is just is an enlightened person. I feel like it's hard to not become enlightened in some way through running. So so yeah, I mean just continuing to to interview the people that you have been at the type of people that you have been just normal everyday amazing people with with their own personal story. Yeah. I'm not sure if that's the right answer not as a person. I know I love that answer that's brilliant. That is brilliant because that's what I used to love when I was listening to other podcast was being able to listen to all these different stories of your you know of there any Runner because every story was so different from the next Stan especially listening to the I love listen to stories of of your everyday run out because that to me was more relatable. Yes. Absolutely. Love that and Liz thank you so much for joining today and giving us your time, especially at a time. So precious now in Paris before you get off again. Could you just tell us where people could go to follow you over on Instagram and where they can find out more about your mission, of course, so My Instagram handle is run to Reed's. Are you nto R EA CH and my website is meant to reach that cam where you can find out about all the different ngos. I'm partnering with a head of each of each race. And you know, you can I would love also if I could recruit any of you to join me on some of these races, I've definitely been successful at recruiting a few people on Instagram. So yeah. Thank you so much for for following my If you do that's exciting so we can literally go on over to run to reach check out the 20 great great Charities you're working with prior to those marathons and even possibility of joining you on some of those. Yes, that's brilliant. I love that. Thank you Liz. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Natalie all the best with the last seven months and your fundraising and if people can donate whatever they whatever you've got available. Oh, please do for this great cause thank you so much Natalie again for having me. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Thank you guys so much for joining today and listening to not another Runner podcast. Please tell your friends and family who you think would enjoy the content. I'll be sharing. Don't forget you can get in touch with me over on Instagram by another Runner. Let me know your thoughts on the Pod casting suggestions on guests or topics. This is greatly appreciated. Send me your questions through as well if you want and use the hashtag white I run to be featured and hey, if you can't hit subscribe to the podcast, this will really help me. Me to be able to give you more. Thank you again, and remember when you get up and exercise or go for a run. You've never regret going, but you always regret not go in. Have a great week guys and speak soon.
Today's guest is Liz Warner, a 29 year old woman with a major mission. Liz has challenged herself to complete 30 Marathons before she turns 30 in June 2020, but not only that - she created this mission: Run to Reach. Running the Marathons in different locations across the World and raising money for local charities, supporting women-focussed NGO's in each of the countries. In her words she's "Helping locally by running globally." Liz does not class herself as  fast runner, and her purpose and her #WhyIRun is far more profound than chasing times and PB's, striving for calm: for a peaceful flow of mind, Liz states "it's far more than putting one foot in front of the other." By the end of the mission Liz will have completed marathons in 30 different locations including Western Sahara, Guatemala, Mongolia, Sierra Leone, Chile, and Antarctica, When Liz Thought up this idea and challenge - she was on her honeymoon, and hoped to continue working freelance to fit in with the project. Liz has since had to take time out of work as the mission has required her time and dedication. Despite completing 14 Marathons this year and travelling across the world, and to some remote and less developed countries and areas of the world, the hardest and most demanding part of the project for Liz has been the administrative side of this mission; the work required to liaising with all 20 different NGO's and organising flights, accommodation and everything that goes with the logistics required to support this mission and make it possible. If you aren’t convinced yet to support Liz and her mission and her goal of raising $100,000 - then please listen to Liz’ story;  what motivates and inspires her. Towards the end of the show I ask her for three pieces of advice to give to others to take away in life - something that we should all listen to. And remember you can say YES to a crazy idea, you will never know where it may take you in life.
Welcome beautiful soul to be Blissful so podcast. I am Jasmine the sky Ichiban traveler or found content creator and conscious lifestyle advocate here to guide you on your own self love and well-being journey to connect with your highest self so that you can manifest the life of your dreams and shine your light unapologetically in this world that needs your presence. Thank you wholeheartedly for being here. Here and now let's dive into the deeper Essence around us and tap into your bliss. Hi beautiful souls, it's Jasmine and welcome to episode 4 of the Blissful solar podcast. Thank you so much for being here. Wholeheartedly. I really really appreciate you and thank you so much for your reviews and your feedback on iTunes and just all of your shares on the Instagram. It truly means a lot and I'm just so happy that you're enjoying it. So today as you're listening to this. I am sending you the energy of love and I hope you have a very positive. Active day today. So in today's episode I actually want to upload a recent video that I made and turn this into a podcast and this video is the girl talk of video. And I thought that I would share this in the podcast version so that you cannot listen to it because it is a sit-down chat type of video and in case you are unable to watch the video at least you can listen to it. So for example, if you're going on a walk, then you can listen to this episode. Say in this girl talk I cover a whole variety of topics and answer a lot of questions that you sent through on my Instagram. So if you would like me to answer a question regarding Eagle Talk video or just any future podcast Q&A episode keep an eye out on my Instagram, which is at jazz lips. Kyle always post a question in the story for you to put this in through a question there. So as I was saying in this girl talk, I were a variety of topics and some questions include how to be more positive tips to love the way you look do I ever experienced mood swings how to make more friends. What should you do when people look down on you how to stop relying on others for happiness? And that is a big one that I really go deep into and it really is one of the best things I've put out there. I think it just it channeled through the universe everything that I create. Isn't from me. It's just the universe using my body to express it through and some other questions include how do you believe and have faith in yourself dealing with not having many friends in school and loneliness how to heal from a breakup and how to truly stop a people-pleasing. So I hope that you really enjoyed this episode. If you do do let me know as well on my Instagram. If you can leave a review on iTunes that would mean the absolute world as well. So yeah, let's get straight into it. Hello beautiful friends, it's Jasmine and welcome back to my channel. Thank you so much for being here. And if you're not yet part of your beautiful Community, you're more than welcome to join by clicking the Subscribe button just below so you today I am finally back with another guilt or theater. It has been quite a while and I'm so excited to do another one today. So let's just get straight into it recently I asked. It's in on my Instagram stories for you to send through any questions you may have the first question comes from BTS at 80 kg hedge and love the name. By the way. Can you give me some advice on how to be more positive? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions that I receive and firstly I recommend that you watch back on some of my previous videos. I've made a ton on positivity and self-love. They feel free to watch them and I really hope that they can give you some more guidance and insight. This is definitely a topic that I can talk for hours. Nails on the end and that is why I started a podcast as well. Do you just want to give some of my best tips right now? And the first thing is to cultivate awareness because you can only change something when you are aware of it is a key to looking within when you are self-aware. Then you can immediately recognize when a negative thought comes up and then replace it straight away with a positive thought to how you can cultivate self awareness is to be present in the moment. You become an observer of your thoughts and One of my favorite practices that I've talked about all the time. You probably guessed it is meditation meditation has changed my life this year and when you just sit quietly with yourself, you don't let your thoughts control you just receive so much insight about yourself when you meditate I just I can't highly recommend it enough and also gratitude. It's another thing I talk about all the time, but there's honestly so much to be grateful for even the think about right. Now. You have eyes some people can't see have legs. To walk with you have arms to create with you have a roof over your head have a beating heart highly recommend that when you wake up the first thing you do and make this into a habit which is to just think of at least three things to be grateful for so that's my practice every day when I wake up and before I go to bed as well this comfortable bed that I have food to eat a tap water running that I can drink straight frog attitude will change a life and allow you to be more positive. And also when you practice gratitude you can add a why you're grateful as well. For example, Today I am grateful for my job because it provides me with an income and also surround yourself in a positive environment can't always control everything but we can control for example who we surround ourselves with the resources. We use who we listen to who we look up to environment significantly influences you and that's how we influence as they raised because of our environment will be really conscious of who and what you surround yourself with for example, instead of watching the TV and negative news switch it to watching Uplifting videos or listening to inspiring podcast cultivating a positive mindset is definitely daily practice and a lot of inner work daily. Its daily repetition of positive affirmations of speaking kindly to yourself of identifying negative thoughts and switching them with positive ones. You will get there and every day you improve people looking for the Silver Lining seek the beauty in everything the joy there is good in everything and it's up to you to choose to seek that run boobs in primary and High School. Guess this question is a bit vague, but I just wanted to touch on it because you like it's just not talked a lot about it whether you're in primary school high school or no matter who you are what stage of your life don't feel pressure to wear a bra. It's actually not that necessary totally fine. If you do I'm wearing one now. I have no judgment whatsoever against prize that what I'm saying is don't feel pressure to if you don't want to wear one then of course, you don't have to wear one at all. I mean, I recommend that you wear some sort of Of supportive right if you're doing exercise, but just in general that we say stay true to yourself and remember that the size of your boobs don't Define you or your work or how capable you are. It has nothing to do with the value. You can bring to the world and it doesn't Define your beauty either Beauty always comes from the inside. I did used to be quite self-conscious about the size of my boobs in high school. I have definitely come a very long way and I've completely switched out. I see these as precious The key of C night every part of their body is precious and one day they'll be able to provide my baby with nutrients for to survive it is that is just incredible like magic if you view it from that standpoint. I think it can really change your point of view and allow you to just love and accept yourself including your boobs are just what they are. You have any tips to love the way you look this is really hard for me. Thanks much love sending my love to you as well. I do get asked this question a lot and it is something I hold very Close to my heart. I think that is why I went through my whole struggles with self love in the past that I could heal and then teach this to you. So my biggest biggest tip is to stop comparing yourself to anybody else often when we don't like the way we look it's because we're actually even if you don't realize it we're comparing yourself to somebody else you didn't compare yourself. Then you would just accept and love the way you look because you're not measuring against anything else and if you're not measuring why would you not like the way you look? Is also beautifully unique and just know that someone else's Beauty does not dim your own you as you are right now in this moment are a perfect pure manifestation of love. God created you perfect. Nobody has actually been designed so that your soul can fulfill its Highest Potential remember that you are not your body. You are your soul so detach your worth and your value from it does not define you it is a vessel for your soul to have this beautiful Incredible One An awful Human Experience, if you want to be at peace with yourself and your appearance, then be at peace with this present moment. Because in this present moment, you dissolve the eager you dissolve fear and there is only love and also stop seeking Perfection. This image of perfection that Society has created is all just made up and it's unattainable because we're already perfect as we are born. There's nothing we need to fit into me. Stop seeking Perfection. You'll stop rejecting yourself. and you will start loving and accepting every bit of yourself from the inside to the out and something that really really changed my perspective and helped me to start loving myself is thinking about when I'm 80 90 100 years old ask yourself when you're 80, when you look back at when you're 20 years old and think about how you physically appeared or will you think about all the memories and experiences that you had don't waste your time judging yourself or how you physically look and just appreciate all of who you having created to be and focus on the memories experiences and what you can give to others that is true fulfillment as a girl G ever experienced mood swings and if so, how do you handle them? I actually used to be really really moody and have really sudden and quick mood swings which is totally AK by the way don't ever judge yourself over that. You're only human. I've actually changed through my spiritual journey. I've just been able to be so Still at peace with myself and not let my emotions control me be a really attribute this to meditation. I'm able to control my emotion because I still do have low periods of time. Of course when I'm just feeling just like no reason in particular. I just feel a bit loan vibration. And if that happens, I do things to raise my vibration. I'll do you try to make more friends and some of the fires of how to make friends and actually not going to answer this question fully in this video because recently episode 2 of my podcast Cast I did a whole deep dive answer into this exact question. Feel free to check that out. I will leave the link in the description box below and I truly just channeled through such a deep great message that I really hope can resonate with you and I really big advice would be to be the first one to reach out stop waiting for others to approach you and you can take the first step to approach that should you do when people look down on you have some very interesting question. I'd like for you to ask. Sell people really looking down on me or is this just a judgment from the ego and other lives? Are you just making an assumption that people looking down on you feel like looking down can be also quite vague. But if people really do that and you feel inferior than know that it's just stemming from fear from the ego because the truth is that we're all equal and others think of you has nothing to do with you. So don't give your power of your own happiness or way to other people and See what you think of yourself matters know who you are Stan confident in your truth. You are brilliant. You are worthy. You are capable and I'm telling you that right now that is a truth. They keep repeating that to yourself. Well, do I stop relying on others for happiness? Love you. I love you so much to this is one of the greatest lessons that I learned this year. It's okay allow people to bring you joy and happiness, of course, but know that only you create your own happiness. When you rely on others to make you happy it's doing a disservice to yourself and them as well because you're placing an expectation on them that they never agreed to in the first place. And also if they do just suddenly leave or disappear one day you will feel this appointed and upset. So ask yourself. Is there something that you fear about when you are happy for yourself, maybe something happened in the past so that now when you do just feel happy Be it by yourself, you're afraid that that happiness will suddenly be taken away. But I highly recommend that you dive deep within yourself and just a journal out ask the question and you may not receive an answer straight away. But I guarantee if you just write it down just some moment. You will just proceed the answer as I did. And another thing that you can do is just make a list of all the things that bring you Joy and make you feel happy and fulfilled that doesn't rely on someone else and do them. So for example, if you like to paint then paint your life. Conrad ships and go on a road trip by yourself and you're happy for no reason then your happiness can never be taken away. And that way you're serving the highest good of all to cultivate self. Love if you are if you if you have a really low self-esteem. This is another one that I hold so close to my heart because for majority of my teenage years. I had really low self-esteem and I've been able to completely shift and change that my greatest advice is to stop believing in the lies that you're Our inner critic tells you you know that voice that tells you that you're not good enough. You're not pretty enough smart enough. You're not good at this and blah blah blah. It's not true. Your truth is love as babies. Think about it. We just love herself. I don't have this voice. It's because through conditioning that we are taught these things because we're taught these voices we can always teach ourselves again to say positive and kind and loving things to ourselves. I am so passionate about this a self-esteem stems from Fear and actually as Marianne Williamson said we all are born as love and fear is what we learn in this lifetime can learn to love yourself again, three cultivating awareness and knowing when this inner critic Voice pops up and being able to just gently close the door and and just replacing it with a positive kind words which are your truth such as I am where the I am good enough bling worthy and confident in your own skin and who you innately are is your Birthright and you can do things to dial up your sense of worthiness repeating positive affirmations on the day listing all the things that you love about yourself. Don't hold back just go about anything that comes to mind write it down with no judgement and you can also ask yourself this powerful question. When do I feel beautiful me when I did this exercise I realize that I feel beautiful when I am serving using my gifts and helping others, you'll start to change a mindset from this superficial level are using your work off your physical appearance, too. You can truly give what's on the inside of a shape that you have with yourself is actually a mindset. So it's really just a little Daily Inner work and stop victimizing yourself as well. Stop repeating to yourself that I have low self-esteem because when you keep repeating that that is what manifest into reality and you repeat it doesn't serve anyone or the highest Glenn. How do you believe and have faith in yourself? The only person that you will ever be with forever guaranteed? Is you so if you don't believe and have faith in yourself, then who will your life is your responsibility know who you are stand confidently in your essence embrace. All of you have been created to be and that is how you believe and have faith in yourself practice positive affirmations. I believe in myself repetition is key to shifting into a positive mindset also reflect back on all of your achievements so far. It's because you believed in yourself that you were able to Do all these things only reason we stopped believing and having faith in ourselves is because of conditioning through our childhood our I want you to remember that even before when you are born when you were just an embryo and you believed you had faith in yourself that you would grow eyes that you would grow and knows he would have a mouth so believe in yourself. They have a crush on someone and I can't stop thinking every day about him. What should I do? It's totally normal and okay that you have a crush on someone. And you think about them unless you're not attached to them. And also there's nothing that you should do. I'm just going to give my best advice. But remember, you know yourself this that energy of attachment if you're attaching your happiness to them. It's very low vibrational and that is actually hindering them from being attracted to you. It's like attracts like the Law of Attraction and if you haven't yet you can go and reach out to them send them the message made of go on a date and be really confident in yourself. And if you do feel that you are attached then So that God or the universe has a greater plan for you. Let it be and if it's taking up all of your attention then be aware and just turn your attention to something else. So watch a movie you go for one go into nature meditatively next question. I'm going to combine these two because they're quite similar dealing with not having many close friends at school. And how did you deal with loneliness in high school? And love you? I love you both very much to again. This is something I can really Lee relate to and I never give advice on things that I haven't experienced or don't you late to use and I firstly want you to ask yourself. Are you really feeling lonely or are you feeling pressured to have a bigger group of friends? There's definitely a difference between feeling lonely and feeling the pressure to have more friends when you're actually just truly happy with who you are we at right now as we're dealing with not having many friends at school. I feel like a lot of it is just peer pressure to have this. Big group of Angie but honestly, when I was in high school, I never had a big group of friends that I only ever had a small tight group and that one stage. I was lonely because I lost my friends all the time. I only had a few friends. I was okay with that because that made me happy and if you truly would like to make more friends than stay open wide to all of the possibilities be the first to reach out and don't have any expectations on what a friend should be like such as their appearance how they act I did still suit Group of friends, but I never really felt connected to them. And that is the way that I felt lonely a lot of the time such as when we had to find a partner in class or something. I was I always felt insecure because I didn't have that someone in the class or a my group but I was honestly still okay with that. I still did my best to initiate conversation just do my best to fully participate in activities in school. Another big thing that helped me through loneliness is just not fearing about what Others think if I sat by myself at a desk and class, for example, I just continue to be myself and always give to my classmate be friendly to all and yeah, you get through it. Everything is everything in life is temporary and you always make it through. So how do you heal from a breakup but I actually haven't shared this on video before I actually did go through my first mini heartbreak this year in my life. My biggest greatest advice would be to Allow yourself to feel allow yourself to experience these emotions don't suppress it and general down all of your thoughts what you're going through that really really does help and also don't be afraid to seek support from loved ones or your friends or your family walking to my soul sisters really really helped with that and they could give me advice as well. So never underestimate the power of seeking help then just letting go of the past once you experience these emotions meditate on it and just forgive the past. Past the past is the past and now it's time to move on forward and know that everything happens for a reason for your highest. Good seek the lesson in this is a something for you to learn if it's not this person than maybe you just need time apart to heal so you can be on the same level again, or maybe there's someone even better for you client will Healey as long as you focus on moving forward. I'll can I truly be myself by not pleasing anyone. I had a hard time to stop doing this by the way. Thank you for all of your Questions as well and a lot of them do make great podcast episodes as well. So I'll definitely do more in the future answering those questions. I feel like this is such a big topic that so many of us can relate to I know for me in the past. I used to be a really big people pleaser, but now I know so much better and yet this year was my year of Spiritual Awakening and true transformation and growth truly. You are not here to impress seek validation and approval from anyone if someone isn't satisfied with you Expresses their disappointment in you know that it has absolutely nothing to do with you don't take things personally because what others think of you isn't actually about you. It's about their reality if they aren't pleased with you then they have actually projected their own reality on to you, which you never agreed to any we're not here to impress anyone you live for yourself and it's not selfish. When you take care and you stand confidently in yourself, then you can be the best version and give more to others. You radiate your love and kindness you stop a people-pleasing you'll stop being afraid and you're really step into your power and be able to share your gifts confidently to the world as you authentically are because the world needs your authentic self when others do or don't do what others think or don't think it does not determine your value. Like I mentioned earlier with happiness. Don't rely on anyone. Of course, it's really great when people cheer us on and support us and love us and help us. That is so great and always be grateful for that. At but don't be so dependent on others that you get your Valley from what they think remember that you don't need to win. Anybody's approval value doesn't come from another person. It comes from year AKA comes from the Creator because you are just a manifestation of the universe. You are pure love red. So I really hope that you enjoyed today's Girl Talk video. If you did, please give it a thumbs up so I know that would mean a lot and if you do have anything else to add and leave it in the comment section down below. So that is today's episode on the Blissful Soul podcast. Once again, thank you so much for being here. I really really appreciate you with all of my heart and even though I'm not directly looking at you at this moment. I know that from my heart I am speaking to you on an energetic level and I send you so much love and know that you are so worthy and you are able to manifest all of your dreams into reality it is As possible that is what you are here to do as a human being to manifest and you are worthy and deserving of all that you desire because it is for the highest good when you are truly tapped into yourself and while you do want to manifest your dreams and keep visualizing be sure to be present as well. That's been a focus of mind since the start of the year really just something really sunk into me and I really really been focusing more on just being more present in this moment because Happiness is now and if you happy now then you'll be happy when the things manifest and you've got to feel worthy for them to come into your life as well. So thank you again, and I will see you in the next podcast episode. Take care.
Hi beautiful friends, welcome to episode 4 of The Blissful Soul Podcast! In this episode, I am sharing with you the audio from my recent video "Honest Girl Talk" on my Youtube channel, where I answer a diverse range of your questions including: - how to be more positive? - bras and boobs in high school? - tips to love the way you look? - do you ever experience mood swings? - how to make more friends? - what should you do when people look down on you? - how to stop relying on others for happiness? - how to cultivate self-love if you have low self-esteem? - how do you believe and have faith in yourself? - thinking about my crush all day? - dealing with not having many friends in school and loneliness? - how to heal from a breakup? - how to truly stop people pleasing? Thank you wholeheartedly for being here and tuning in. Your reviews mean a lot, and I hope you gain something insightful out of this episode, and may you be filled with love and joy.
Just wanted to take a brief moment to give you guys a little idea how we do it here at paddle and fin podcast. We use the anchor dot f m-- recording platform super easy distributes our podcast too many many different platforms. There's creation tools to allowed you to record and edit podcast right from your phone or a computer check out anchor dot f m orDownload the free anchor app to get started. What's up paddle and fin listeners? This is your host Brian from the OG show. Just wanted to make you guys aware of Jack's te nors second annual Catch and Release charity tournament. That's Ka TCH kayak Anglers together can help this takes place September 13th 14th and 15th. It's an online event. In wide starts Friday at 6 a.m. Goes till Sunday at 7 p.m. Entry fees $20 tourney X is waive the fees you can sign up on tourney X doesn't matter if you're good angler and experienced angler new angler to the kayak fishing tournament world. So let's all get together and help Jackson out get this organized your host had paddle and fin of all come together and we've decided and he proceeds that we get from selling T-shirts hoodies. He's long sleeves things like that at the paddle the letter n and go to the store tab, you buy any stuff. We're going to take the proceeds from that donate it to the charity portion for jack stands event. That's something we wanted to do to help jack stand give back to some great organizations. So get signed up guys Jackson's trying to reach a hundred Anglers. I think it's an easy way for us to achieve even If you can't fish it, it's 20 bucks guys. Let's help out. Welcome. Hi everybody, Welcome to the paddle and fin podcast tonight with on the final cast. We have epic guest Duke West Camp from catch boards, and we were planning on doing tonight the hog trough versus The Catch Board review. So we'll go ahead and kind of get started on that. We're going to make the review short and sweet because we have a lot of questions. We've been wanting to ask Duke about his company and so I'll go ahead and go into the hog trough and I've got a couple here Justin's going to review the catch board. He has his within tonight. And so I'll just kind of go into it. My first one I bought was this one. Everybody's familiar, especially if you fish tournaments of with the hog trap, that was the first and for a long time only board that was used the board at the the time was the thing because it was pretty wide it held your fish fairly easily. The only kind of big downfall that everybody instantly noticed was that it was not lined. It was not visible all these lines in here the same colors board when you buy it. So if you're snapping pictures of fish in the tournament, it wasn't feasible. You couldn't see what what the measurements were. So became a kind of a requirement basically that everybody had to line their What you saw some interesting boards that were lined, you know, this one you can see mine is actually very dark. I did mine the first time around I try to attempt to do it with the Sharpie and I didn't have the patience nor the time to actually attempt to do that. I ended up getting a paint marker like actual Paint Marker and you used it and it worked really well, but a made my Lions really really fat. At on the board because of that, you know, I talked to a couple tournament directors. Just want to get there and put if it was a legal board and they said yeah, it looks great. It's really easy to see but your lines are so fat that you might possibly get deductions because of the paint slightly bleeding on both sides of those edges. I've never had like an issue that Iran that I measured a fish that close but Anyways, I ended up getting another one. So I got finishing online version which came with the dowel rods about the dowel rod and the foam helps make it float made it more durable because my other one I cracked it twice this one obviously though is is new this year and it started fading really really badly. It's a and it it looked when I look at it up close. It doesn't look bad but on camera it looks pretty horrible. So he said that no online, right? Yeah fishing online has the ability where you can add those little features onto the board. I think it up the price like five or six bucks maybe so it wasn't horrible. You can get this little tourney tag. Also, it's like a bundle. I like the tourney tag. It's a little on the small side for most of the tournaments like, you know, they're everybody's kind of use it almost the same size identifiers at this point. So this thing fits Really snug in there takes a lot to get it in there now because this plastic on that is warping or it's just really flimsy. I've seen a lot of cool identification identification tag, like type stuff that people have done. I think there's one called flip it pretty cool, you know, but my overall judgment on this board, it's not bad. It's usable it works well, but its durability She is seriously in question in my opinion. I've cracked the board. Justin was just telling me stories that he's heard people actually have fish flop on their boards and them snap and so when you're in the middle of a tourney last thing you want to do is obviously break one of the most important, you know, the tools that you have out there on your kayak. So she know the weight of all draw, I have no idea. It's light though. I mean it here's what kills me about this. Board the two that I don't like is how light this thing is and the fact that it still doesn't flow. So, you know, I own two of them for the sheer reason of its durability. I know and I've I tripped over it one time when it was on my black pack in the brackets and I heard it crack luckily didn't crack all the way through and then the other day when it was in back of my truck. I slid some gear in there and it came off my seat and landed on it when I was driving and I heard it pop again. So the eventually that that one that I first got this one doesn't have the dowel rods or anything. I think I bought it at Cabela's or something weird like that, but it it's got a crack on both sides like right here on the edge and it's it'll probably eventually go for keep abusing it. This one I kind of used when I'm fun fishing. The other one with the dowel rods is what I take for tournament. So overall, it's go ahead. Sorry. So the the retail price on the hog trough was originally like 1699, right? Yeah. I said you said what the additional features it's like an extra five or six bucks. Yeah. I can find have been a little bit more. I think I got mine for maybe 1999 originally the first time around and I think the final cost of the fishing online was like 25, maybe 26 bucks. I want to say and I can't remember quite offhand. So So, I mean it wasn't it wasn't anything bad, you know, it's so I just always remember thinking that original hog trough was a little pricey even at 1699. Yeah, I mean for what it is. I would say so for the sheer fact that it doesn't float and you have to add stuff to it, you know, a lot of people it's kind of weird is I think the whole idea that came about with the dowel rods in the foam was actually somebody's do-it-yourself idea and I think fishing online kind of decided to capitalize on And you know say hey, let's just let's build these boards and charge, you know, extra six seven dollars, whatever five six seven dollars what it is, you know and all that they did was they just put some DIY stuff on it. Yeah, so it's literally probably hired an intern to just say, you know highlight take a marker and you just go ahead and yeah because I wonder if it's the first year they were doing that actually making it black for you. Yeah, I have no idea all it is literally doubt. There's two dowel rods in here. I don't know if you guys can see them. It's on both sides. And yeah, they're just wooden dowel rods and there maybe half inch thick if that and I think the foam is actually laid down first, and then the dowel rod is pressed on top of it. And so because I was expecting to see like the foam over the data rod in a sense, but this looks much cleaner. That looks a lot better than the phone being sticking out on the outside. I thought I'd have to trim it. You know, I thought it'd be all sloppy again. But my overall view point on the hog trough it works. It's useful. It is high maintenance though, and it's not durable, you know for and for the price point that it's that I in the lightweight it you would think that it would float, you know, but it doesn't so it kind of kills me. I mean this thing's light, you know the part of the catch board it's you know completely lighter, but it Seriously, seriously lacks and durability in the sheer fact that you got to realign this thing. Probably. I know it was some guys do it like once but if you're catching a lot of fish and you're fishing, especially like Rivers where you're getting it really dirty, like that's what I think is causing a lot of that lining to come off as it's like the sand from you know, from it being in the in the bottom of my boat because I took mine underneath my seat so and especially fun fishing rivers my boots. And stuff are often muddy, and it's just getting on the board and it's just a mess. But yeah, actually I've broken one myself, but I have broken a friends. So I've owned two of them. One of them. I won from a tournament raffle and I ended up just selling it. Yeah, but the one that I didn't have I babied it for for as long as I still have it in the garage actually. So yeah, I can say that I didn't break my own there were several times where it was pretty pretty close to breaking it. But as soon as I found out about the sketch for do is answer to all my prayers. Yeah. See everything about this is is an upgrade. I mean, it's heavier. Do you know the weight on this? I tried to look on your website to find the actual weight of it. Yeah. It's the board. Self is about 2.4 pounds and it's about three and a half pounds on the money with the cradle and the 26 inch version. The 32 is about 4 to 6 ounces. Have you? Okay? So what I like about this board is they trimmed off what four or five inches. The other one goes up to 30 correct? 3232. Yes. Well, I like the fact that especially here in Ohio. We're hardly ever going to catch a fish that goes past that 18 or 19 inch. Mark every once in a while every day every once in a while you'll see that but uh, I would say anything past 24 so I like where it's cut off its cut off a 26 inch Mark you guys do have some that go up to 60 inches, correct? Yep. Yeah, we do when we started actually with a Musky product way before we were doing anything for kayak Bass Fishing. We are doing walleye boards at 32 inches and then musky boards that were 60 inch folding. We're actually redesign that whole line right now. So If you go to our website looking for them, they're not there but the new products going to be available in about six weeks. Yes. Oh, I like that it cuts off at 26 the weight has never been a problem for me. It's it'll if you if you measure your fish on your lap, it's not going to slide off your lap. You're not at risk of it falling off or a fish flopping and kicking it off your lap. I have from what I have heard about reviews from people the only Two things that people had a problem with the and again, I don't have a problem with this. I think it's a perfect product all around is the numbers with them being directly down the middle. You just got to watch where you put your identifier. Yeah sliding it on the board which again, it's just something you got to be aware of just like everything you can't have a perfect product just kind of watch that. You don't slide it right up to the tail because I have submitted a fish before and you get dq'd for that. I have some hurt some people having problems with the weight. But again, the way I feel is dead on if anything if there's any improvements later down the road or whatever. You know, maybe that is an option. But again, I don't think it's too too big of a deal. I slide it underneath the front of my Q-See HD and the in the bungee cords. And I know it's going to stay there in the fact that it comes with a tether the options of whatever color you have. You know, there's orange. There's purple. There's green. I think there's a red you guys now have an American American flag Edition parts of the board are red white and blue and you can get a tether to match all that. So there's there's there's no problems. As far as is losing this board as long as you keep it tethered up. There's also the option to get Engravings. I've got my Instagram name here, which I kind of messed up on that's my fault. But see going back to the logos, you can have three options that you can get the inside of the bump and Grave you can get the top of the bump engraved. Is that correct? Is that was called. Yeah, you can get that. So they have we call it top offense back of fence in front of fence. So front is facing the ruler and back is the where you have J Marsh fishing right now. Okay. Got you. But yeah, overall thumbs up compared to I think it answers all of the the problems that the original Hawk had its hella durable. I mean you could you could throw this thing out of window and drag it while you're going down the road and Pull It in and I guarantee you at all still be there. It's American made which we all know how that goes if that means anything to you pretty straightforward and I just give it a thumbs up. I need to and if you if you if you've owned an original hog trough and you've broken one or two of them with how the price keeps going up like Josh covered, you know, you pay for three of them. You pretty much have one of these boards paid for yeah. There's off. Yeah, it trust me. It's seriously easy to break one of the games. I know a lot of guys they literally stock, you know, especially if they're at tournaments if their tournament directors, they have like 10 of these in their trucks because of how bad the durability issue is with them. So, you know, it's a it's clear cut that the catch board is a much much better product than what the hog trough is, but you know, I mean this works, you know Works, but if your you think that the catch board isn't in your budget, I guarantee after a couple Seasons, like you said you're going to end up wanting one because you've probably spent more money on a few hog traps that you've had to replace and if you could have just originally bought a catch for so, you know, it's in a sheer fact we did the fact that you guys have the lining. It's already on there. It's done. It doesn't need to be Maine. maintained, you know, I mean what with the way our world works today time is money, you know and for me to sit there with a sharpie and sit there and try to make I've seen people's attempts they'll get online and go check out my hog trough in here like you do that with your eyes closed, you know, the deal chisel tip job in there that's like like you have with a real wide lines and the I mean a lot of a lot of what the product boiled down to was What was to get rid of some of those inconsistencies? So there's there's an initial manufacturing inconsistency and any injection molded product. So if you if we I have a hog trough myself in 2017. I fished with a hog trough on my local series because I catch wasn't legal. But if I measured my hog trough using our equipment over here and and and both of yours if you know, you said you guys got you both have some sitting around the house somewhere, right? None of them will be the same and then you add the further. ER in accuracy of the of allowing the user to actually draw the increment lines on it and you get this compounding you get these compounding errors and I mean a lot of these events, you know, you guys can attest to it if you fish tournaments a lot of the times it's a quarter of an inch at the end of the day 1/2 inch at the end of the day, and so if you're getting a 16th of an inch advantage over one of your competitors, that's a mile, you know in a in a bass tournament and people say well, it's bye. Quarter inch, right, you know, but the truth is if my board measures about 1/16 and short so I'm getting a 16th inch and one of you guys is losing 1/16 inch that's almost a half an increment right there. And that was that was what we thought would sell the bumpers was the the accuracy, you know, I'm a machinist. So the only way I knew how to do it was to just make it as accurate as we possibly could so we're plus or minus 10 plus or minus five thousands of an inch on every increment line, its The truth is that that catch board you're holding in your hands is probably the most accurate measurement device you have in your house right now, unless you have a machinist scale, you know, it's more accurate than a tape measure any sort of ruler it we really took an engineering, you know kind of perspective on it. But really I mean is it turns out as you guys have pointed out, you know, the reason it really sells is just people are sick of break in the plastic boards. That's been the primary driver for sales for us. Yeah. Yeah, it's that your guys's product man. I'm in I work in the steel industry. So when I saw that board come out, I was pretty excited. I've even been able to get one yet. You know, it's probably some purchase. I'm going to make over the winter time, but I didn't see what you guys did because just from sitting like when I said sitting down and trying to line one of these things I'm like, it's just it's time consuming. It's inconsistent. Then just like you touched on, you know, like not only are the board's the measurements bad. But when you start adding people to the sheer fact that they're taking Sharpies and drawing these lines themselves and you touched on something else that we also stories of which is people cheating. These boards can be easily cut and glued back together and I think your boards eliminate that you know, I'm sure somebody out there you can cut that board and try to cheat but is going to be some work and and I think it would be fairly easy to identify that especially for the fact that it's colored, you know, you know, I would think you'd be able to see the cut marks that would show up really easy on this it wouldn't you know in my opinion because it's through and through its that same color with injection molding plastic like that. So go ahead and that was in that was the concept behind obviously. I mean, I think 8 inches is the shortest fish. Most of even the local clubs will take And you notice our starts at 1 inch and that all goes back to the Andrew Shepherd thing way years and years ago where he shortened the you know, the hog trough in the section that wasn't numbered and that way that's why it was so hard to catch him because he had no frame of reference. You weren't able to say, oh why the hell is it? You know, does it go from you know 14 inches to 16 inches what happened to the 15 increment? You know, it's got that unnumbered area which kind of leaves you with this. No man's land of you know the kind of tinkering. And I mean we've done everything to make our product is cheap proof is possible. But I mean the the bottom line is if I can make it there's nothing inherently special about me, right? I'm a machinist that figured out how to build this product. You know, if I can build it someone else can build it but let me just tell you that like all the time and effort that went into actually designing and figuring out how to build the product the way it is today. It would be really really difficult to either remanufacture an existing product in my opinion would actually be Easier to cheat by man, you buy totally remanufacturing one from the from the get-go modifying an existing one would be to mend the powder coat and everything. It's just it's going to stick out like a sore thumb at you if you go and try to manipulate it. All right? Okay you want to do would you like to go it? Well Justin, did you want to finish reviewing over anything else you wanted to add it that you liked know? Ultimately that I mean think I think we touched on every single thing that That there is the touch on here the only only problem I see with marketing it to a crowd that might be difficult or the people that are on a tight budget for fishing. I think what you guys have done here with the big boom in the kayak fishing industry was kind of just nailing on the head because I imagine you guys are just Can't keep up with all the work, but basically, yeah. I guess what I'm trying to say is there's a lot of people there's a lot of guys out there who will want to go big or go home as we see with buying kayaks by and reels whatever the case may be. Those guys are probably eating this up, but the only only problem I can see with with marketing certain people is that low-budget people just start now and so yeah and like the honest truth is for a lot of letting our local clubs smaller tournament series, you know, the events that have less than 15 or Guys, I mean it's all about involvement and it doesn't matter you can use a hog trough get people, you know get people into the sport that ultimately is the is the goal and but you see with any guy any of these Anglers as they get more serious you touched on it, you're seeing the market move Upstream, maybe a lot of guys that were attracted to this sport because hey, I can't afford an $80,000 bass boat, but I can get a $800 kayak and and get my equipment on it. You see these guys moving Upstream you see him. Buying 200 and 250 dollar rods and reels it's not just the basket, you know, the bass boat guys that are you know, buying the expensive tackle any more you're seeing trolling motors and power poles. And you know, that's see the Jackson hat. So you're you know, you're aware of the blue sky and the whole bees and like, I mean, it's just it's the whole kind of thing moves up market and I agree. It's probably not if you're just doing your first tournament series like get a hog trough and try it out before you go drop 60 bucks on a bump or because you never know you might I just hate Tournament Fishing. Yeah, it might not be your thing. You know, so don't yet. But yeah, I mean it's that the hog trough certainly still has its time and place, you know, I think but I think you're going to see some of the more serious Trails move over to catch only in the near in the near future just because of the consistency consistent line with you know, and the products just dead on consistent. So, you know, there's not really any questioning did someone manipulate this did someone someone cheating is there Foul Play? I think it takes like as many of those questions as you can out of the equation. Yeah right on. Well, I know we would like to learn a little bit more about you and speaking of the whole kayak fishing thing. Maybe you can go over if you fish out of a kayak and what your favorite type of fishing is Josh what one other question where we're going to throw in there. We want to know what kind of fishing you like. if you can what you do fish out of and I I will wait I will kayak fish. I fish out of a canoe. I've got a drift boat and I've got a bass boat. So I will fish out of anything that I can fish out of now to give you some idea. I've got zero hours on my Merc this year and I've got about a hundred and fifty days on the water in, you know various. I'm not a Pro Staff for anybody. I have got a like a fleet of Randomness that I kind of use depending on the situation, but I'm mostly a kayak angler. I'd say I probably weighed more than I that I've been well I would know I weighed more than I've been on the boat this year anyway, and as far as you know, I don't I wouldn't like nail me down to a species I'd say I'm about as a true of a multi-species angler as there is as you know musky musky is probably where my heart's at. If I could catch any fish every day. It would be it'll be musky or be, you know trout in the Stream. Eames but you know, I obviously bass fish. I walleye fish. I pike fish. I catfish I caught the guys in the back of the shop got me started carp fishing like a year and a half ago, you know, so I'll fish pan fish and crappie with my wife and my son, you know, so I'm really all over the place with regards to you know, my fishing habits. Are you doing any tournaments I tried to do I mean I used to I used to do some tournaments or rather make my donation over at with kbl. Brian Schiller's now fishing that that serious I've been with them. So I started in 2017 and I just I did the series really because I we had been making the wall I Bunk Boards in the musky Bunk Boards and I found out about I'd been kayak fishing for It sometime at that point, but I just I wasn't even aware that there was a competitive arena for it. I just I just assumed there wasn't you didn't have a live. Well, he couldn't way fish and then I kind of found out they were using a bump were to measure and we were already building a bump or it at the time so I was like, all right, you know, we have an accurate bump or maybe you know, maybe I can sell this to the Bass Anglers and you know, I fished some bass before that, but it wasn't the purpose of me to being competitive wasn't really about it. Well, it wasn't about like winning a tournament. It was more about like learning the process meeting some of the Anglers like seeing what the culture was about. And you know, I ended up picking a great local Club. Shout out to the kbl that you know, Allen wide Meyer and all the guys run a fantastic fantastic league and you know you get humbled really quick because I consider myself a pretty good stick and you know, I'm not even one of the top 10 guys you're worried about. I mean, I've actually got a bunch of running skunk. Kbl right now because I'm easily easily distracted on tournament day, but I'm certainly not one of the guys you're worried about, you know, and there's there's just a lot of fantastic Anglers over there. And you know, I got hooked on the I got hooked on the the community really was what was you know, it was this is the reason I still do tournaments. Like I said, I you know, I'll register for the you know, the Newton open it kbl this year. And I know that I'm just going to go fish white bass all day. I'm just kind of contributing and going out there and just just you know, we're just I'm just having fun. It's like they're my friends now for my fishing buddies and it's good to you know, I fully believe that the sports starts at that Regional level. It starts with strong Club foundations locally and everyone's kind of concentrated on well FLW and kbf and the Hobie bass open series and you know, there's been Rumblings that you know Bas s or MLF might be rolling out something that's that's going to be you know, that that's going to be a kayak or CPR type. Leaders and I mean that we behave heard those rumors for a while, but we always talk about what goes on at the top end of the sport but it's really what's happening in the local clubs. That is that's where the growth is. You know, that's what that's what makes this sport grow. Its not its guys graduating from those clubs up to a National Trail which is kind of now making some of the national clubs grow, but it doesn't start it starts with the with the local clubs for sure. And what what state are you out of? I'm in Northern, Illinois so about Two minutes Northwest of Chicago. Okay, and you mentioned Muskie fishing recently you had a picture of I'm not sure if it was your personal best or just a just another monster musky that you've caught. Can you elaborate on that for us a little bit? Yeah. That was I mean, that is my that's my personal best Muskie in a kayak and it's also my personal best musky in state. It's it's far from my best musky, you know lifetime if I've caught, you know, I've caught him up. 49 and a half out of the out of a boat and I've got a couple Pike over 50 inches. So I've been but I've been doing this since I've been fishing for Pike and musky probably longer than anything since I was like 7 or 8 years old, you know, we've been traveling to Minnesota Canada, you know, God bless my father for doing that because he wasn't an angler. I was just I just had the itch. I don't I don't know how I got into the sport really, you know, it's just it kind of happened and you know, I was then I was dragging dad around. All over the place, but that one was forty five and three quarters. I caught it. I was teaching my wife how to troll out of the Hobie of all things. There's a good crappie and walleye bite. It's a really finicky bite, but I figured it out a number of years ago. And so, you know, she likes eating crappie and she's been wanting to try walleye. So I figured you know, whatever will go drag some baits around and see what we can make happen. So I got that I wasn't fishing for Muskie got him on six pound fluorocarbon in a medium pass Rod. So wow. I always tell people if you want to catch more muskie fish like a walleye fisherman. They catch more they catch more damn musky than the musky guys. It's the truth. Here's here's the big question. Did you measure measure that fish with a catch board? I did? Yes. I did. We have a new we have a new folding 48-inch product that I've got. One of our I've got a couple people testing it right now. It's it should be on the website. Actually. I just units in stock and it should be on the website by next week. But we also provide the bump boards for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources the conservation police the game wardens. And so that was actually the 50 inch model that we that we made for them. So II did I bumped it and got an A. I got an accurate bought my business partner who's a big mustn't fisherman was so salty because he he didn't manage to get one in a tournament the weekend before and I was spamming him pictures the other night, so nice Well, dude, I wanted to ask you some questions actually in regards to the manufacturing process of your boards. Like I said before I'm a I work for a steel company. So I had a lot of interest I used to actually work for one that supplied, you know products like aluminum and copper and everything. So I want you to kind of go into detail kind of what it what it takes to make the bump board man you want you can get as detailed as you want. You know, what kind of aluminum you're using, you know what it takes but your Machining processes. You know, like I said, it's I think I think when people have an understanding of what it takes to make the product that you guys sell in my eyes. That's what sells me on what the price of one of those is, you know what I mean? Like we talked about before this in my opinion doesn't take much to manufacturing but when you are etching lines into steel or aluminum, that's some Precision work and that's some high quality machines, you know. I'll just from my background. I kind of know a little bit about that. But I'd like for you to elaborate a little bit tell us what goes on, you know to make these boards sure we get you know about every month we get about 10,000 pounds of three inch by quarter inch 6061 aluminum bar stock that so it all actually happens in our everything except the powder coat actually happens all in our facility. It basically goes into a big horizontal saw. Machop blanks and then there's a there's a top one Machining process that that puts the holes and the tether hole and actually cuts the board to length at which point it sent out to powder coat and then when it returns, there's an opt to Machining process which locates the fence squared of the face, so we actually put the dowel pins. We put the dowel pin holes in after after we get it back from Powder because you you're going to change your point of registration once the powder. It's there. So the only way to really keep it accurate the keep your zero Mark Accurate is to is to put the pot or put the dowel pins in after the after the coatings on after we do the op to Machining process where all we do really there is cut the pocket for the the QR code and the serial code that's right next to the fence and then put the dowel pin holes in it. We move it over to a hundred watt fiber laser. And from there it the the machine etches the all the Engraving on it. We used to actually use a ball end mil in CNC machine. All of them. That was like it was a nightmare when we were doing it at when we were doing it. That way we were really under charging for the product to just to kind of get it out there. We kind of always had our eyes on a laser system, but we just really wanted to know that we have the orders to justify, you know, a hundred and fifty thousand dollar piece of equipment before we before we went out and bought it so You know, it's after it separates laser engraved. It's a really simple it's a really simple, you know building process. We actually we tune all the cradles now, so they fit tightly or if they all fit uniformly on the boards. Now we didn't used to do that. Some of you guys that have had them from like way back since 2018 when they were just first approved. We used to use electrical tape to kind of take that Gap up a little bit. We got a little more sophisticated and built some tooling to tune all the cradles into each board. We installed a fence on it and clean it up bag it up and ship it out to you. And as of right now, we don't even really sell through dealers. There's a couple of dealers that I've been experimenting with Westbrook is one of them Jade is fishing in Central Illinois is another one of them, but we've been just trying to get a dealer program together because the paddle Sports Community loves the loves the product and I there's a lot of paddle sports stores in a lot of retail specialty shops like tackle stores that That want to they want to carry the product but up until now. I mean, we just been selling them almost as fast as we can make them. It's just really been since June of this year that we've actually had an opportunity to start building inventory. So yeah, that's been the biggest struggle and I've adding we have almost 10 guys between the full-time and part-time guys. So we're a small company but we're like we're quickly transitioning into like more of a medium-sized company over here. You know, I have all the you know, I've dealt with all the growing pains. But it's fun man. I have a ton of fun in this industry. I have a ton of fun doing this. I still don't really pay myself. So I have to do some hours as an engineering consultant still but I can't complain life is good. Yeah, man. I remember I went to actually originally get a catch board. I think at the beginning the season and I think I was like oh and I was rushing out because I had I hadn't even really decided if I was into doing any tournaments at the time and I decided yeah, I won't want to and then I jumped online and Mike I'm going to get a catch board next week's tournament. I think I can I'll pay the extra shipping have it sent out and then when I found out there was this pretty long waiting period And I was like, they must be dirty. Doing things right over there, maybe because I think it was I think at the time there was a backorder for what I was trying to get. I can't remember exactly what it was but I ended up getting one of the hog traps, but you know, it's really cool to see, you know, the success in that, you know, you said you guys had started out originally making them like just the bigger ones right? Use was it for Muskie fishing and well? Yeah. My partner was a my business partners actually a two business partners. The one is a Big Muskie angler and you'll never hear me say this to him but he's probably one of the best Muskie sticks in Illinois, we fishing tournaments together. So he was more into the tournament scene than I was and that was just where we were plugged in. We did some walleyes stuff. We did some musky stuff. I never did it very seriously. He's always been the more serious tournament angler. But yeah 100% started with the Muskie product and then the walleye product. Wasn't until I became aware of CPR. I mean, we didn't even have a website and I mean we did it was all just Word of Mouth, you know, I mean, you know how the fishing scene is you eventually you kind of just know everybody and everyone just knows. Oh, hey that's that's duker Eric. Those are the bump word guys. Go talk to him about a bump board, you know, so we never until we got into kayak Bass and I just I didn't really have any contacts and I was just kind of trying to figure everything out. You know, that was when we finally built a website and started a Facebook page, but it was all the longer product. Before that. What a what year was that that you were doing the musky stuff? When did it all start? Mm. It started like in 2015 with some anodized stuff that we didn't really like and then in 2000 2016 was when we were actually selling some product. Okay, and it was it was teeny tiny like I'm talking like maybe sixty to a hundred units like a month like just a hobby business at that point. We started the business. Is Abit Anglers like we are just looking for an excuse to our wives to go out of town and go fishing. So, you know, I gotta go do this competition. It's a marketing thing baby. I gotta go, you know so that I mean it didn't we didn't really think it had a ton of potential. It was just we were dumb enough to make a couple bump boards for ourselves and then people Psalm and then it kind of turned into a business and we said, oh, yeah. Well, let's you know, what will we can use as an excuse to our wives and I never in the world. I never anticipated. The pated that I'd be sitting here on a podcast talking about how I make Bunk Boards for a living that's cool. So did you want to talk about what kind of said it all for you guys? It's we were we kind of touched on before the show, you know, when that came became kbf proved, you know, they can Bunk Boards kind of exploded you guys came onto the scene and you came on and seen it in like in a serious way, you know, I You've you guys formed a team, you know, you guys got some guys that you sponsor, you know, some really good guys to like not just as good Anglers, but you know good representatives for your company. Do you want to talk about how how that boom occurred and kind of like how you got approached by KB F. Yeah. I didn't know who Chad Hoover even was. I approached my local tournament. You know, KDL is a kbf an affiliate. And so I approached town-wide Meyer and I Hey, I got this product. It's better than the hog trough. It's more accurate. And you know, we'd really love for to use the kbl as a test bed, you know, can you approve this and if guys are interested whatever if they're not interested just let them use the hog trough and I didn't know Alan as well at that time and he was like, oh you got no no, no, you gotta if anything everything just goes through kbf and you got to talk to this guy Chad Hoover and and so I just I went about trying to get ahold of Chad through kbf through, you know, I'd gotten an email address form for mountain and then ultimately I sent a I just sent it in an email to info @ K and told them about my product and left my phone number and like 15 minutes later. Chad was on the phone talking with me about it. And I kind of told him what my concept was and you know what the product looked like and you know showed him some pictures and eventually I said, Him one of our original prototypes because we had 3D printed cradles that were they cost me like a thousand dollars a print these damn things when we were testing so we didn't even actually have a production product. So I sent him up one of the one of the Prototype units he unboxed it looked at it and he called me he's like dude, it's done. He's like this is going to be legal. He's like, this is he's like, this is awesome. He's like this is we needed this for so long and you know, he had told me even about you know, hey Luther was trying to figure out a bump board and you know, he's like I hate And asked him and he said man, this is a great idea. He's like he's like you're onto something here. He's like you gotta he's like make me make me like 13 of them for the national for the for the 10 in Florida. He's like in make sure you got like five or 600 of them to and comes out of the national championship and selling at the national championship. And yeah that that event the 10 he put a picture on his Facebook page of the board's we built for the 10 and our our website. We've been up for I think a day or two and then when that post went live our inventory was gone like overnight it was and then for the first year it was always it was always a weight if you wanted a certain color a certain length or you know, it was just it was always awake because we were just playing ketchup ketchup ketchup. I it was it was hard to go out and throw a lot of capital into the business not knowing what the potential was and you know, and I halfway thought. Oh, this guy's crazy, you know fight you're going to sell 500 Bunk Boards at an National Championship. I like there's only 708, you know, some odd Anglers there and we sold out at the national championship. So I brought like I was a little over 500 boards and we were basically sold out there were a few blackboards left because that's always been kind of the unfavorable color amongst the kayak Community. But all the colored boards actually sold out, you know during the event and that was that was kind of a seminal moment where I started taking this real real serious that at that at that point. I was up to that point. I was still kind of like this is a fad and everyone just likes a new product because it's something new and different than the than the same old, you know the status quo so to speak but when ice when we sold 500 of them at the NCI was like, okay all right time to start treating this like a real business and more or less since then I've been doing this. Like I said full time. I still do a little Consulting just to keep the lights on basically. But the I've been full time since you know, March or April of last year. You guys plan on expanding the options for colors on those boards? We're going to keep doing what we've been doing, which is you know, we have the 4-way five kind of standard colors in each size and those will continue to be the standard colors and then the will offer so the all the custom colors that we offer. Those are all tied to charitable 's so when we when we did the pink board, you know, the pink board is going to be tied to is tied to a breast cancer charity with the America board. I actually have Dryer and Denny Ramiro or both on our Pro Staff. They're both combat veterans and their kind of heading heading up the charge with the team to sponsor a really cool veterans event. We might actually throw it. I don't know. It depends on how much work those guys are out for you know, so we and then the purple board. I we still haven't actually the we haven't decided that was the board that we released right around the national championship, but we take $10 a proceeds from each each board and it's there's about a hundred and fifty in each batch. Give or take because I have some scrap, you know, I don't always get a hundred and fifty out of out of an order but you know, we generate 15 hundred dollars for a charitable. Every time we go through one of those batches of custom colors and you know, we got so many requests for it's hard to do it custom one-off for everybody. But we figured you know, we can kind of cycle through colors give everybody a chance to get what they want and we can also support a you know, we can support a good cause because I've been fortunate to have been successful in My business Endeavors, you know, so more than anything like being ethically conscious and being a positive contributor to the community. That's super important. I'm one of the people that's not really it's not lip service. You know, I'm not that's not bullshit for me. I just that's just the way I feel about it, you know, if we can't do it right it's not worth doing right, you know, and that's that's something you touched on a little bit that you know, the more I've got It involved this year with the kayak Community because before before this year, I was literally just fishing with my buddies, you know, I mean, we're fishing take a couple pictures here and there my post a little something on Facebook or one the local forums and this year. I kind of dove into the tournament scene and I'm not even a very good Lake guy, you know, most of these tournaments occur and lakes, but what I really got a taste of is the community that you talked about, you know, and it's just by meeting people like the paddle. been guys and just actually kind of getting more involved on the Social Media stuff starting to follow a whole lot of Anglers man, and you know, like the Westbrook story from the kid with the cat that got the kayak, you know, the and your story that you're talking about for, you know, those proceeds going to build, you know money for things that you know, a lot of people kind of pushed to the Wayside nowadays and it's kind of cool to see us as a community and people kind of care and we're all trying to take care of One another, you know, it's just there's a lot of hobbies out there that people can kind of get into that. Don't don't take that as seriously as a lot of the companies. I see that our have entered the kayak fishing Market that they do and it's impressive Main and I commend you guys as a company for doing that appreciate. Thank you. So I got a question here you need you may or may not want to answer it. But I'm curious as to cause you said there were some improvements that were made from on the board from 2015, you know just in a short time period do you have any improvements that you'll be making to the boards for next fishing season? Um to be honest, probably not there is we are talking about doing a custom Extrusion instead of the bar stock because Doing such a volume now that it starts making sense on a man you from a manufacturing perspective. It actually makes it cheaper because I'd be using less aluminum on your end as a user consumer. It actually fixes one of the problems which makes it lighter, you know, so we would extrude a product that had would have some like cavities and it essentially which would not cheap in the build quality but lighten the amount of aluminum other than that, you know the as far as the the kind of standard three-inch wide bump or product which is the bumper that most everybody's familiar with, you know, we'll make changes as we need to but I'm hesitant to start to change it too much there because it's always you're always fighting to serve different Masters, you know, and it's it was you know, when the lines were if you if you've seen any of the old bump boards the lines used to be or the Used to be all along the top Edge and then the lines were didn't go all the way out to the edges. And then at that point the big complaint was well, the lines aren't long enough. So, you know, I can't measure when the fish is tail is, you know, really forked. I can't measure my fish right? And so I actually I agreed with that. I thought yeah, there's no reason not to run the numbers down the center and run the line to the edge because most of the time the Tails all the way out towards the edge right near the Cradle it made more sense, but then you know sure. Enough we change it and there's you know guys that ask me. Hey, can I get one of the old style boards at the old engraving? I don't like it with the numbers in the center my mighty D disqualified me because I covered up the you know, I put the tourney tag over the over the number and he couldn't tell how long it was. So, you know, I'm hesitant now that we've kind of got a standard design that most people are familiar with and now like you said you get the one fish dq'd because you slide the tourney tag up a little bit too much and that's the last time you'll make Mistake, you know, it's just it's a it's a it's a crummy lesson to learn, you know, especially if it's in like a live tournament and it's a great fish. It's a it's a, you know, it's a tough pill to swallow but you it's a mistake that you really only make once have you guys thought about like partnering up with anybody or have you as far as I could identify ocation tags like a way to attach to for sure. I don't think your boards. Yeah actually Jim strong. Goku's who does the flip it tournament identifier? He's one of our protein guys and I've been working with him. I've just been to in data with work to really turn it into a new SKU but that the flip it identifier in almost the same design that it is. It'll be a little cleaner and the little more refined than the version that he's selling now a little bit a little bit of a cleaner production look but yeah, that'll that'll be that we will have that. Available for for sale and I'm hoping by the beginning of next year. I'm really hoping for like a month or two, but I'm just I've been disappointed with the amount of time. I've had to apply to projects like that. So I'm just being a realist probably better be getting a 2020. Have you ever thought about any accessories for the for the board such as a bracket? Yeah, we had after that's that actually should be available in 8 in 8 weeks. Yeah, Denny Ramiro good friend of mine and also a business partner of mine. He did a design that you know, some people have seen he used to sell them, but they were 3D printed but it was a catch board bracket that he designed and I took most of the basic design concept and change it just a little bit. But yeah, he helped he helped me with that and there will be a board holder available in six to eight weeks is about the time frame the the tools being built. I just haven't I haven't had a chance to or they haven't had a chance to start it because we're actually getting we've moved to a bigger extruder for the for the new board and then and the 3-inch product that we're already selling. We just, you know bought new molds and we're in like that's kind of like Burner, I need the three inch in the 5-inch cradles before I need the holder, but the holder will be available really really soon. Okay, gotcha. I want to know a little bit more about your ability to put logos on the boards. I know you can make some pretty intricate. Logos, like I know Brian I think you you you talk to Brian and you put the paddle and fin logo on his board. Correct? It's remember him saying something about you want to know how how complex it was and what is your limitation to it? Could you do a logo say like what's on Josh's sure right now? It's a yak attack logo. Oh, yeah. No problem. Yeah, the the big crowd it gets to be the super detailed like when you have a lot of Colors, so in order to shoot it, we need it in black and white and I don't technically need it in black and white, but the our equipment is only going to recognize where there's color and when there's not color so there's no gradients with a blading powder coat. So it's either there's paint there or there's not paint there. So I can't, you know a blade a certain amount to make it look like a gray scale. So it you know, if the if it's a basic rule of thumb if your logo looks good in black and white White we can engrave it 100% And we can do super detailed work, but it just has to look right in black and white and super super fine lines. Obviously, you're going to get are going to get lost to a certain extent. I mean you can you can put the line there but the depth of the powder coat like you don't you lose some of the fine detail in the in that process. But yeah, we can do almost any logo almost any black and white logo. And we'll do it for a you know, we right now it's mostly clubs. But you know, I know you guys mentioned, you know, making the paddle and thin logo available to your listeners. That's that's absolutely no problem. All we need on that end is just approval from the the owner of the licensed logo and and it's easy as going on our website and just hitting a drop-down and adding it to your board. Oh nice, so you'll keep you'll keep it as an option on the website. Yeah. It's that was the big I didn't know there were going to be so many people. People that were that enamored with the with the custom stuff. I thought it would just be you know, kind of some of my buddies that knew I could do it that would ask and I put a post up in January when we were struggling really with the laser but one of the small victories was we kind of figured out how to do the logos and I and then I had so many requests for it that it was just a customer service nightmare Because by the time you spent all this time talking to someone on the phone to figure out what they wanted go back and forth about I got to do this. This with the logo. Can you give it to me in black and white or have you know by the time you spend all the customer interaction time as like we were losing money to to put the logos on there. And so I just I told our web designer. I'm like figure out how to implement this into the website so that you know, as long as we get approval on the logo anybody that wants to use it can use it and for that reason with kind of stayed away from manufacturers. There's been some quite a few manufacturers that have asked us to to you know, can we can we get our Pro Staff guys with their with their Logo and I said it's fine if you guys buy it if you guys are buying them for your team. That's great. I'm like but I don't want to have anything to do with putting someone's license logo for a charge on a bump board and then the legal headaches that could go with that down the road. You know, I just don't want to touch that with a 10-foot Pole. One thing I did have a question. See when I originally had seen the catch board like online. I always had thought that it was a one piece design that it was bet. The aluminum was bent what what was the thought of process and making that to Pieces because I would think in a sense that my costs are them having. It just be bent would be less money for you guys manufacturing, you know, as as a far as opposed to making it to Pieces sure the I'm doesn't hold up nearly as well as PVC to abuse. So you can put that board that catch board on the ground right now and jump up and down on that cradle. You won't break it. I mean that stuff is it's I do that all the time at trade shows. I'll just put one of the display units on the ground and I'm 215 pounds. So I'll jump up and down on the board and invite anybody that wants to jump up and down on it to try it out and aluminum. Especially as it gets thinner when you kind of you have that curved section right at the top here. If you did a full Extrusion, what you're going to end up is with a lot of sharp Nick's. Yeah on that black on the top edge of that black surface if it was all I mean if it wasn't PVC if it was all aluminum the PVC will it'll scratch it'll ding up a little bit. But I mean if it does you can take a little piece of sandpaper to it and it's just far more durable and and we thought you know we You're thinking ahead as far as like, you know conservationist Peta and all that stuff. You know, we just didn't want to be creating like a sharp Burr on the edge of the board because someone dropped it and you know dropping it on asphalt there's something or on the sidewalk or it hits a rock and then you get one of those deep gouges in it. We just kind of wanted to avoid that. So that was the purpose behind the two-piece design cool. It was more expensive for sure. I could extrude that product out of aluminum much cheaper. Yeah. I wanted to ask you a quick question about what you made for the national championship. You know, we kind of thought it was a trophy but you're not even sure exactly what you kind of made of KBS National Championship. You want to go on a detail about that? Yeah. It was me and Chad just have a way of just exchanging favors with one another so no money ever changes hands. It's always just like hey do this favor for me. And then I'll get you back later. And so he's been really really good to me over the years, you know over the last couple of years rather since I've known him, he's just been he's been a mensch man just a just a just a really good dude. And I knew he wanted a new he wanted a trophy and he called me up one day and said, you know, I want a big trophy and he's like just he's like I like what you do. He's like, it's super industrial. He's like I want something his exact words were I Want something industrial and ridiculous and I said, all right. I'm like, are you sure you want ridiculous? Like as far as I can cook up ridiculous. I can get pretty ridiculous and he's like I go go for it just have at it. And I said, alright. Well if I'm doing that there's no like sneak peek. There's just hey, I'm driving it down to Louisiana, you know, March 23rd and that and it is what it is. You know, you're just taking it how you get it because I can't have too many cooks in the kitchen on this deal and we got carried away, you know. I kind of my thought process early was I wanted it to be taller than the Stanley Cup. So it's four foot tall and it's about 230 pounds of mostly aluminum and polished aluminum powder coated aluminum, you know anodized aluminum, there's all sorts of stuff on there. And like I said, I got carried away but it was I think it turned out nice. It was a nice centerpiece and you know half the joke was just I told him hey, you know now you got to figure out how to get it home. I got it here. You know you go put it in the the corporate headquarters are in here and you're fishing dinner, wherever it goes wherever its resting places, but it's not my shop and you think I can do you think you could duplicate it all for sure. I'd it was all that it was all blue print and everything. I mean, I'm like I can't get away from the engineering dork in me. So yeah, I mean we actually did There's CAD drawings of the entire thing. You know, I got to replace the there's the little you know, the little Ends Parts. It's actually the old fence that we used to use on our bumper there just goal. That's where we put all the names on it. So, you know, I've got blueprints for everything in case I need to rebuild anything. I know I'm sure I'm going to get a phone call in the next couple months like a do this Duke and I'll do it. That's it's not a bad gig to have considering this could be I mean depending on how big this sport gets with kbf in the direction. They're going you're the man you created. He's great at the trophy for the very first one at a one of the KB of events that early kvf events. That's pretty good. And that was the thought I you know, I sold it to my business partners as hey. We're going to build the Stanley Cup of bass fishing because it's we just add the names to it every year and it's kind of a tiered design so I can just add another layer to the cake if I need to but I think we have enough for the like the first six years or eight years. I think we have enough total spots to put its angler of the year. The ten Champion the trail Series champion and then of your Trail search and then the national champion, so there's there's actually four sides to it with with all those individuals engraved on it. I'm not it was a headache. I got it done literally about an hour before I left town for Louisiana. I lived at the shop. I had been there for I think three straight days without sleep at the point when I when I left for the national championship, so it's I guess that's a business lesson overcome it and just figure it out make it happen. Yeah. All right. Well, I got another question for you. Let's see. What what are your day-to-day responsibilities? What does that look like for your role in the company? And what would you say is your favorite part about the operations and catch well to be honest. My day-to-day has changed around here quite a bit. We have a new media Endeavor that we've been doing with the team and I've actually been on the road fishing and filming. Our various team members fishing for most of the summer. So I was fortunate enough to make a couple of really good young hires a couple of Brothers Here Marco and Jake and and one of them that neither of them had any shop experience. We trained them. One of them is running the shop right now. Basically one of them stayed his right-hand man, and you know, they've managed to train all the staff we have in the back and so I'm not a back of the shop guy and all anymore. I don't do any of the production. Self I don't do I don't do any back of the shop type of stuff. I handle mostly sales and and some customer service type stuff. But really really what I've been doing is fish fishing and shooting videos. I know it's terrible. Yeah. We saw the teaser for Dwayne Twain's video man. Everybody's really excited and we had him on and his interview went really really well and he was talking about a lot of the videos. You guys have been doing following the catch guys around and everybody across the the web sites everywhere Facebook. Everything is just really really excited to see what you guys have come up with man. Yeah, you guys are going to be stoked man. I've been looking at this stuff for we did the first video over at well over a year ago when we went to the Boundary Waters and 2018 and if you've ever been there, I mean, how could you not shoot a good video on the boundary? Waters but we just we saw the potential for it. And and and like I said, I do a lot of different types of fishing but the potential was really in the kayak more than anything. I happen to prefer fishing out of a kayak but it's you know, what we found real quickly was the guys shooting fishing out a bass boats are pretty lazy. You know, they tend to they tend to put a camera man in the bass boat. You get one pretty static angle always from a guy sitting in the in bass boat and you just don't get the shots that you get when you're you know, when we when we shoot its me and my business partner bacilli, you know, we're there's there's a lot of times we have to camera angles but we have we have two guys always kind of monitoring what's going on and what we can capture and it's just it has a much more cinematic feel some of its artsy-fartsy BS but it's it's definitely got a what we're trying to do is give the team a really professional look and a bigger platform. We have scaled down our Pro Staff and you know, our thought is we want 25 highly supported athletes as opposed to you know, a lot of these steps that are several hundred people that are you know discount code this or you know that I think that culture really kills it it really it'll eventually that culture will be the death of the death of competitive kayak fishing if it stays that way You need to be able to support the athletes that are that are competing, you know, the Anglers that are competing at the highest level need to have the support so they can do it. You know the FLW the MLF the Bas s Pros they have that because once you get to that level you're you're you have sponsorship people are covering your travel costs. So, you know, we're trying to step up and one of the things that we do is when we go on the road with the catch guys, I always get a big house and like I always cover there. Lodging and you'd be surprised what like how big a deal that is to a lot of these like got these Blue Collar guys, like just having a spot to stay is the difference between going and not going and and and it's a shame because if we want the sport to grow the the guys like we really need to start supporting the supporting the the premier guys a lot lot better and you know, like discount code prostaff kind of thing that has its place for guys. That are doing you know, they're only you know, couple few years into their careers and they've never staffed for anybody and there's like I guess it has its place but I'll but ultimately you got we got to invest in these in these Anglers because they won't they won't have time to do it. They won't have the time away from work to do it. They won't have the funds and it's and it's tough when you think about even kbf and I'm the biggest KBS supporter. There is like, you know, people would say I've drank the Hoover aid, but you know, you got to finish really A third or better or you know third or fourth or better to break even if you're not doing also like the pro series side pot, you know, you got to do pretty well. Just if you're going to go out and pre fish for a day or two pay the tournament fees, you know, do all the travel expenses all the meals in town. I mean you really need to finish third or fourth before you're even breaking even and like the winners are making the first and second and third maybe making a little bit of money, but that's that's the top. It's tough that the economics of it or tough that You know even a guy like Dwayne Beatty or Dusty or Kurt Smits, you know, the you know, all these guys of it. They don't win every tournament, you know, so there's that that means you're taking a loss some weeks and it's it makes it hard to do it every week and that needs to change right? Yeah Kurt mentioned that when he was on the podcast about you know, they asked him if he was going on a certain tournament. He's I could just he's like honestly man. I don't I don't have the funds. You know it you've like you said the payouts for this. You've got to do really well to just break even to cover those expensive as man and it does it. I hope to see with the growth that we've all been seeing in the past couple years start to up those pots. So it does make it more more friendly for these guys. Like we all are a lot of us are blue collar fisherman, you know, we didn't grow. I didn't grow up with money. We didn't I heck I just started fishing. You know six years ago and the way I could get into the fishing that I liked was by kayak fishing. It's affordable. You know, I can't afford to go out and buy that big bad, you know bass boats get out there and do it that way, you know and living in Ohio man. It doesn't even make sense because it's it in a storage somewhere for three months. Probably, you know, but you know, it's it hopefully with the growth that we're all seeing because it Does seem to be a trend that kayak fishing is is the largest growing sector, you know right now at this time in in fishing in general in the fishing industry. But you know, I completely agree with you on that point man. Some things do need to change in these guys need to be invested in you know, I mean they make they make great marketing tools, you know, especially with the internet to now, you know, you've got Dusty at their recording all the time and you know, it's just it's it's The net does need to be addressed and hopefully some some of the other companies out there like yours is going to notice that and you know kind of jump on board like what you guys are doing for your guys. We've all right. We've already seen it's more effective. You know, I've already seen increase. I've already seen increased sales like this is kind of an off season for us right now. We will sell some walleye and musky gear. We don't have any musky current stock or any of us keyboards in stock right now. So we're not selling any of that. So we'll sell. Some walleye stuff, but we've been in that segment for a while. So it's you know, it's slow. It's really really slow and we see just with just a little bit of the buzz from Dwayne baby at the FLW cup generated quite a few sales right after that event. And so, you know what we're hedging our bets on mostly because personally it just means something to me and I'm trying I'm trying to convince everybody that it's the right way to do it is I just think that if you invest heavily In these guys in and they really do buy into the team environment and they buy into your team and they're they're banging the drum about it. Like I feel like 20 ft like 25-30 guys and gals. We hope there's some ladies at our team is about the right is about the right number and we're going to show that you know, I I'd rather put more money into fewer guys and I'll get more I'll get more our oh, I'll get a better Roi on that then, you know having several hundred, you know discount code because At discount codes are for customers. You know that that's what I tell all the guys on the team and and even some of the guys on our team. They're still on discount code programs with some of their Pro staffs and I tell them all. I'm like man, you know, we have a TV deal now, so you'll be seeing some of our videos featured on Midwest outdoors and you know, and I can't name the streaming service, but I'm sure you can imagine the the several streaming services in the outdoor space. We're in talks with them as well with the with the media content. And you know, I keep telling you guys this elevated this elevated, you know media presence that you guys had its worst something, you know, make it worth something and get what you're worth. You know, that's what it's all about. And I keep trying to drive home to them is you know, take take your value. You know, I'm just one of the guys that you're taking your value from. I'm giving it, you know freely, but, you know, take it from the rest of these assholes, you know, sorry. You know take it from the rest of these guys, you know, because they're just so used to you know, new guys new to the tournament seeing they want some logos on their on their Jersey, you know, and they'll they don't care. They just want the logo on your jersey. I don't even really care about the discount code. That's the crazy thing. Most of these guys will be Pro Staff without even a discount code and and and it's great. It's great that guys are eager to like embrace the culture and an embrace the sport but at the same time, it hurts the guys at the top because you know like this. Companies have taken this carpet-bombing method of social media where yeah, we'd rather have a thousand guys on staff, you know just banging the drum all the time then just having a few of them that really count. Who knows I may be maybe in a year from now. I look like a fool. So we'll see time will tell. Justin you have any other question? It's buddy. Yeah. I actually have just a couple more my video go out. Can you see me or that we could see? Yeah, we can see you. Okay, it's all froze up over here. Let's see. I want to know about the most challenging aspect of the job. Family time, you know, I'm an entrepreneur like it is married to his business is and his wife and you know, I you know my wife I love her and she's she's probably more reasonable and most wives and you know, there's still that there's it's been hard to find a family time, you know family work balance with you know with catch being as busy as it is. I'm also partnered with Danny Ramiro of on the water Innovations. We have a trailer company and and then the media the media business and there's something else cooking right now and I'm just be stupid to get into something else. But that's just the entrepreneur and me. It just wants to tackle as much as I possibly can but it's I'd say the hardest thing to balance is just having family time when you're you know, trying to really get a business up and running. And then lastly I want to know what would be one long-term goal in one short term goal for catch. Short-term goal. We are winning the challenge Cup this year team catch the gauntlet has been thrown down. We will win the challenge Cup this year long term goal is by 2021. I want to have a Netflix series that follows our team and all the Anglers and encompasses every every element of fishing again. It won't be just kayak but there still be a lot of kayak a lot of waiting. I just I want to do a little Have a different fishing program and I'll be honest. I've watched a bunch of fishing videos and over my ears and I don't think I don't think anyone's done it real anything really interesting since River Monsters. And so I think the you know, I think the world's ready for you know that they're ready for a bigger look at kayak fishing for sure. And I think that ends up being our conduit that gets us into a streaming deal in Netflix Hulu, whatever. I'm not I won't discriminate anyone that wants to give us a good, you know a big old. It and a good deal on a streaming platform. Just give me a call. Yeah, I definitely think we're headed in that direction. I think the industry is ready for it. And I think it's going to be televised in the next 10 years. We'll see how that goes. But yeah. All right, Josh you got anything else? Nope. I think I'm off that Duke. I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with us today man. It was a great interview, and I'm heading actually up in your area. Your Labor Day weekend to meet up with Brian if you have any interest and kind of meeting up with us, maybe doing a little bit of fishing one of those days. It'd be awesome to have you out man. Yeah, LOL. I'll contact Schiller. I got I'm trying to do a shoot with Midwest Outdoors for Dusty. So I'm not sure which day that's going to be I've actually if you see me like semi distracted trying to text it's because the silly the videographer and Dusty have been messaging me right now. So once I get that figured out, but no I love to me. Man, I love meeting. I love meeting new characters out on the water. It's certainly a lot more personal. You know, it's a lot more. It's a lot more fun doing it on the water than it is over the over the internet, right? Yeah. For sure, but thank you. Thank you again for taking the time and like we said to man you're making the killer product. I wish your guys business all luck in the world, man, and you guys keep moving forward and can't wait to see what else you guys come out with man the be exciting exciting things for your company. I appreciate it guys. Thanks for having me much. Real quick. I'm gonna give a shout-out to our show's sponsors. We got rock Town Paddlesports Loveland canoe and kayak hammered lures Coyote sunglasses. Fish mob lures Southern Lake Co Michigan, Ohio kayak Anglers, don't forget to send your damaged Plastics to Erica hammered lures so he can melt them down and make new base for Heroes on the water Josh. You got me out last things to throw in there just if you guys want to Check out our website. You can reach it www paddle the letter n and Also if you have any questions or requests, maybe four episodes May mean by you guys would like your interviews on or products to be reviewed. You know, check it out. Our email is paddled a letter in fin at You can reach us out on social media were on Facebook Instagram at Pat allanson basically and you know, that's about it. It did you want to put in the shoutouts out there do anything you want to catch let you know that just thank you guys. I'm Brian. Sorry for ducking you for the last six or seven months. You know, I'm glad to kind of could check it off the list. I am a listener. I listened to almost every damn episode you guys do so you're doing you're doing good work. I love the tile of the tournament Recaps. I love all the little segments that you guys are coming up with adding new care. Here's to the show man. It's awesome. It's not different than what we're doing with the video. It's just, you know, tell them the stories a little bit and you know, hey, shout out to you guys, man. I'm not I don't need to plug the company man. If they're looking for bumpers, you know where to find me. Well, we appreciate your time tonight, man, and you take care. Appreciate it guys. Take care.
Justin and Josh compare the ketch board and the hawg trough in this episode. The guys also speak with the man behind it all at Ketch Co. Duke Weskamp.
Hello and welcome to the popcorn and Piggy at podcast, which is your audio guide to all things guinea pigs. Thank you for joining me today. Hello. Welcome back. Welcome if you are new hello, I'm your host Sam and this podcast is a place where together we share our love for all things guinea pigs their big cheeky personalities. Yes more fluffy physical bodies and how we can ensure that they get the best life possible so that we in turn can benefit from their interaction love and overall.Keep nests. This podcast is brought to you by popcorn and piggy popcorn and piggy. The brand is your One-Stop shop for Unique cute and funny guinea pig clothing mugs greeting cards and stickers and we are taking over the Internet by our YouTube channel Instagram and Facebook accounts. So that together our community the pop corners will change the stigma around guinea pigs being easy and disposable pipettes and instead spread the word that guinea pigs are the best animals in the world. So that's after the intro now, let's get into this week's episode. What's the fuck good is a welcome back have I got a special podcast episode for you this week? We have the awesome Scott or Scotty from Scotty's animals. And this is an interview with him. So in this podcast you are going to learn all about him. If you don't already know him his YouTube channel his own guinea pigs. He has a variety of board. So we are talking all about ball relationships and bonding. looking what it's like to be a volunteer at the Ellie Guinea Pig Rescue and what that entails his Al happy allergies Nails the guinea pig and his main story and so much more this episode is a long one because it's an interview episode and you know me I like to get to know the person behind in this case the YouTube camera and and bring them to you in so that you guys can get to know them more to so let's get into this week's episode so that you guys can hear all the teufel goodness that's got to he has to share with you in this wonderful interview. Welcome Scott to the pot. Okay. Hey pop corners. It's great to be here name. The popcorn is yeah. No, it's great. You've you're starting a cult. Basically. Well, he's a guinea pig Community is almost It totally is it really welcome to the podcast Scott, please introduce yourself and your YouTube channel, which is probably where most people know you from and if they don't know you obviously they can get to know you so over to you to introduce yourself. Yeah. Well, I'm Scott it were you can call me Scottie and my channel Scotty's animals. Let's see. I'm a volunteer at the end. La Guinea Pig Rescue, and I also make videos about mostly about guinea pigs, but also about other animals. I have a cockatiel and some fish and and and you know, whatever animals happen to come my way that you know, I find interesting. I'll try to you know learn about them and if I can capture, you know some video then who knows Which is awesome because one of your latest videos on your YouTube channel is the desert woodrat. I think is that right it yes it is. I was wondering how current we were going to get with this or yeah, so I just moved to the desert and lo and behold I'm acclimating and there's creatures all around me and some of which are used to coming in and out as they please I guess. So, yeah, I read Relocate the Desert Rat it's funny because at the very end of the video I concluded that whoever has been living under my my washing machine in the laundry room was not the one I caught but last night at Sunset as I sat out there enjoying my new surroundings another almost identical rat. If you sit still enough of it, it just will walk right over your foot. And so I lot of people in the comments were like you got to get a trap because I caught him. With a trash can and some parchment paper because I ordered a trap but I was able to catch him quicker than the Trap arrived but the Trap did arrive and just in time for me to catch this new rat who's sitting right behind me in a tupperware and he's about to go to the same spot with his friend later on today. It seems like it's going to be a thing. I loved that in the sense that you were able to catch them. Was he alive and release them and give them their natural habitat that was amazing? Yeah. That reminds me. I hope it doesn't screw up the audio but I did I set the Trap up after I caught the trip the guy last night. I whoa desert chipmunk. There's so many animals out here. It's hilarious. But I set the Trap up again to make sure to see if that was the one in the laundry or if it wasn't so there's a third one. Oh, no. Like I caught the eye caught the laundry rat? Okay, he's still got an apple and he's in a pretty big cage. He's probably scared but we'll finish the podcast. It's still nice and cool in here. And then wow, I'll take these these two out to that spot. Is that exciting like being on one of your videos right now the exclusive on yes, so that that that video is coming. Oh my gosh. Wow, so I can't let's talk about this so it for anyone who's not on your channel and doesn't know about you and you've been based in La you've been helping at the LA guinea pig Dusky for numerous years, but you've upped and moved its let's focus you're calling it The Desert aren't you? So let's just just give people an idea of sort of your location comes to visit is the podcast. They just can't see things. So let's talk about what your noose around current location. Okay. Well, I'm near Joshua tree and the Twentynine Palms military base. So anybody who has Google can kind of pull that up and triangulate sort of where I am. But yeah, it's it's lizards and little prairie dogs. And there's a lot of palm trees that live out on this direction and Joshua trees more as you get closer back. West towards the city, but yeah, I mean, I'm only on 15 minutes from Joshua Tree National Park and I can see it right out my window. But yeah you were talking about how long I've been volunteering. I looked it up just earlier and I think I first my first Contact was in 2012 with the elegant a pig rescue and amazing. Yeah, I kind of got sucked in just like everybody I I lost one of my pet store pigs. You know, I made there's there's so many paths into guinea pigs. And one of them is of course you go into this you go into a pet store. And of course you have this moment with them and then you know, it doesn't matter if you know, you know, that's it, you know, so I didn't know that there were guinea pig rescues and My boys they lived harmoniously for of about three to six months. Maybe maybe I was in denial, but at a certain point I just, you know, I had to separate them because it was just constant daily fighting but they lived happily side by side. They laid down touching each other through the grids, but it was just one of them had a you know, dominance complex you the little one Oliver and so, you know whenever they were together he was Would just always try to prove his dominance and big Louie was just like he would tolerate it for a while and then he would just be like, you know, push them away and then you know, then they just wouldn't trust each other. So while I find I had to for a while and one was literally twice the size of the other and it was the same the little while yeah dominance issues. They got something to prove I can understand that so when I when I lost Louis Um, I thought there's got to be a rescue somewhere. And yeah, it was it kills me because you know people have guinea pigs for years and have no idea what they're doing and they Google and it just pop right up, you know Guinea Pig Rescue and you know, it's a way in the corner of the valley. So where I lived in La as like practically an hour away and traffic but everything is you know, so, you know, I went there on the week. Right. Yeah people I get messages from people all around the world and they're like, yeah, you know, the nearest rescue or shelter is an hour or two hours away. It's like it's nothing, you know took to go and be with people who actually know what they're talking about driving an extra hour can save you months or Years Of Heartache. Absolutely. Yeah and just not only finding people who know what they're doing, but I did an episode recently about Care as well and actually finding a vet who's also guinea pig Savia. Sometimes again, you need to put icing thing one. Who knows they're doing people. Yeah people have told me that all the nearest vet. That's these guinea pigs is 45 minutes away. It's like in a rural area. I get it. You're going 60, you know, well, I'm miles an hour, but you miss international audience. But yeah, you're driving at top speed for an hour worth versus in Allah and you're just sitting there stuck in traffic. For an hour to go five miles, but you know do what you got to do to fuck to get that, you know high quality care that your babies absolutely so what you say as well also volunteering your time to the rescue and helping the rescue because not only do you get something out of obviously helping the rescue but rescue gets so much by your health as well. So I guess this is a natural kind of a leeway into that. So let's talk more about I guess what it's like being a volunteer at the LA, you know, because I think it's fair to say especially because the yellow Guinea Pig Rescue have an amazing YouTube channel, which guys definitely check it out. If you haven't and obviously again plug for Scott's got these animals on YouTube as well or the links in the show notes and but yes, is there pretty much every weekend I think and yes every weekend you do that. Well, so like I said, yeah I met saskia and my duties have evolved over time. I'm my responsibilities have kind of grown as I've gotten to know Sasuke and Sasuke is amazing. She's been doing this 20 years. It started. It's always been pretty much out of her home. But over the years, you know, it used to be a small apartment in Santa Monica that she was doing this and I think you know, she was also working through Pet Shops at a certain point and helping, you know, facilitating adoptions like that, but At the current location spin about over 10 years that she's been there and I met her seven years ago. So I was doing more freelance work at the time which gave me days off. And at first I was able to help transport pick up piggies that were coming to the rescue from shelters. She would say, oh there's a piggy at this animal shelter. Can you go grab him and bring him here? And back in the old days. We don't really do much neutering at the rescue at all. We try to bond boys with each other which is what I ended up really specializing in but after you know, sometimes six months or a year of one guinea pig failing play date after playdate and they're just still here and still hear those ones, you know after we have three or four of those we used to take them down, too. And Diego because we companions which is another amazing rescue. They knew some vets that would do discounted and and neuters with a vet that we trust that had a really good track record. So I would transport, you know anywhere from five to ten guinea pigs in my little Volkswagen Golf all loaded up and then I would drop them off in San Diego and then bring the ones that had been neutered back so I did. That for a while and saskia was like why don't you come on the weekend and help with adoptions? And I just how its it is really cool. There's a culture. So we all sort of have learned from each other what each other has presented during the adoption process and it's really just all comes from saskia's knowledge. But then at the same time, we've all been volunteering a lot of us for so many years that it's been crazy. You see a lot of the knowledge of evolve especially around food and calcium and things like that. But also just the approach to bedding and you know, everything really it's so having this internet Community has allowed all of these thoughts to really You know even five years ago. I didn't have like a fully stocked emergency kit. I have some things but you know now I'm like, oh, yeah, you got to have some children's benadryl, you know in just in case of the off chance because it's not even about your Piggies who knows you might be somewhere and you know, you find some scraggly piggy like actually just sitting there on the side of the road. It happens all the time the most crazy stories about where people you know, because I am there every Sunday said every Saturday and people come in and you know, they're like, oh I found this guinea pig five miles out on a hiking trail and you know, and and this is like a canyon country, you know, this isn't you know, this isn't like some magical, you know forest with berries to eat everywhere. This is like rattlesnakes and like, you know Cliff sides that was Freddie Ellie Guinea Pig Rescue. And and I we both did a bunch of videos about Freddy when he came in as he was. really dirty and dehydrated and what he made a full recovery found found a great home and a good match and Yeah, it's it's crazy. I have to say that those videos as shocking as they are because you know the state of the guinea pigs when you or saskia and everyone at the rescue finds them, I love those because especially like your nails, you know to see where he started years. Now. Those are like pretty interesting video. So I guess let's talk about Nails because I think Nails is oh gosh, isn't he? Males, he's getting really big. I was going to go grab him. So I lost well scuff. He's grabbing Nails guys Nails you have came in with was it mange you found him? Yeah. Well, he he was yeah, he was in a feed store in San Bernardino, which is about two hours away north of Los. Yes, and somebody messaged me saying that they've had them for a couple months and they've been trying to treat him but they don't know what to do. And yeah, it's It was a great opportunity, but it's also it's still it's like my videos aren't reaching if you know still like the feed store. They couldn't diagnose this as mange and the heartbreaking thing was they actually had a dewormer paste that they could actually have cured him with but they just they just sounded over. We you can Ivermectin is a paste is a drops that you put on the ears of guinea pigs at Vince might slice and parasites we give it to all the pigs when they come in for health checks. We do free health checks for all guinea pigs at the rescue no matter where they came from, but you can also use a horse were more paste. It's I don't know what I like a wormer. It's like deworming but it's that's called horse were more paste and you just put a pea sized amount in their mouths once a week for three weeks and it would cure them and they have it because it's a feed store they you know have stuff for her. Nurses but they just didn't know so I drove there and I got him and he was seizuring. He sees, you know, when they get maintenance that bad they're just their nervous systems are overwhelmed with how Chi they are and and they just can't take it. So I took him and and just we have a treatment, you know, we just give them the Ivermectin and then we give them antifungal baths just in case he did have ringworm also. It was just a mess. But now he's huge. Thankfully this is a podcast but you we're doing a video chat for technically you can see ya. He I think he's a Teddy. I'm not still not entirely sure what the difference between a Teddy and a Rex is but he used to have really Fin fur and even when it filled in you can still kind of see his skin and now it's just so dense, and he smells really good. Yeah, no, it's I love all my kids. But if you want to see literally where Scott was talking about there, you know how you know nails came in to be originally. I think he was a foster Pig wasn't me but you can with them and obviously had to keep him which I'm so glad because it has to see more of him to and but yeah, if you want to see the as the original how he came into how he is now check out Scotty's Channel. Yeah. Yeah, and the first video was actually for Ellie Guinea Pig Rescue. I think it was called mange seizures something like that. But yeah, yeah when I hold him, I just can't stop thinking about the whole thing. But he has this funny thing where guinea pigs are really smart, you know, of course and and so if I tickle him under here, he will I don't know if he'll do it when I'm holding his paws like this. But yeah, so you see go go and they'll go and he'll bite. My finger and he'll move it out of the way if I tickle underneath here and he'll completely bite and move my fingers gently. So he not just a lot of them. He doesn't he doesn't not like Gary know he doesn't like he likes it on top of his nose and on his cheeks. He is really playful. Like if I sort of scratch him and tap around and like Pat around his cage and kind of scratch the log I can get him to kind of popcorn and run around. Yeah, I better put him back. Some pigs like it's going to distract me. It's too distracting is too cute. But yeah, I definitely like some Piggies love chicken scratches and others don't and I've got a few that same I've got one who absolutely loves it and just will go crazy and just literally forever be like like Gary does in the video. So just put a scratch music. Yeah, and then I've got you um who are kind of like nails who don't bite or don't nibble, but they kind of will you That poor to like grab my finger and say no no. No. Yeah, I would say probably in my experience the majority I'd say 70 percent of pigs don't like their chin scratched because they are prey animals. So it's this whole underneath thing is like, you know off limits, but wouldn't that also is what makes that you know, 30 40 % special cuz There's they're really being vulnerable with you. And that's what I like. The most is finding out what each Piggies personality is and what they like and don't like and you know, I mean, okay, let's spend this time now. Yeah, we can go back to the rescue. Yeah. So you got you have quite a few piggies in your life. Let's go through and talk about the piggies in your care at the moment. Okay, but I was also going to say that like people come in to the rescue and And they say I have a million stories that start out with people coming to the rescue generally or somebody specific came in to the rescue specifically, but yeah people come in to the rescue and they're like like just last weekend. I hope they're not listening people coming to the rescue and they're like, I've been searching for three months for a black, you know Abyssinian or this or that or do you have like a long hair? I mean I get it especially if you have a Bunch of pigs or if you've never had but like I get the reason and and if you're willing if you got your heart set on a type of thing and you want to adopt and and your you wait are willing to wait but what they look like. Totally like basically doesn't matter like after the first hour when you get them home, you're just like, oh you're sassy or you're shy or you're super lazy or end and even I mean what you discover can change over time, but it's amazing how yeah their personalities reveal themselves to you. And for instance we're talking about my Piggies. I can just start off a mention Mike you guys have probably more skinny pigs. Listening than people who even know about my channel, so Abby's Pig huckle who is a silver agouti Martin. That's what Michael looks like almost identical if if Abby does a action movie starring huckle and she needs a stunt double. Mike would be perfect. He's a little he's a little chubbier. But with the right camera angles, I think it could still work. What was I going to say is that he his? Leti is He's so kind of lazy and he wants to hide everywhere. But yet at the same time, he'll like be in hiding spot and he'll I can hear him like demanding food from me. And then I'll put like a sliver of something kind of just on the edge of where he doesn't see it and then I'll kind of like push it to where he can see it and I'll hear like and then he like grabs it and it like just disappears it like moves backwards. It's just like the weirdest but when they parents like a funky wasn't it? Yeah. Well and Timmy does it to will sometimes they're just like super excited about what they're getting but well that's another thing at the rescue people ask me. Well, what is the purring mean and it's a Smurfs reference and I guess we're getting to the point where some young kids don't even know who the Smurfs are. I'm like they're blue right Katy Perry. Was it Katy Perry Smurfette or something? Like if that doesn't bridge the gap between the old sport but anyways in the Smurfs, they use the word Smurf to mean pretty much everything. You know, I'm smurfed out. You know, I go Smurf me that pail of Smurfberries, right? It's just but for some reason in context you understand what it means and that's what the purring is if if a firecracker went off. They might go bad, you know really short brief one. If you put two strange pigs together. They're going to be bad Rumble starting and which you know, I guess to the untrained ear it all sounds the same but because they are a bunch of pers, but they are subtly different and they do have totally different meanings. And yeah, I think once you find the guinea pigs for a certain that the time you actually acknowledge and know the different peers totally. Yeah. Yeah and just in general, yeah. all their different sounds yeah there once you kind of it doesn't take long, but once you can detect them then interacting with them, it's yeah, you're speaking their language and that's part of the whole guinea pig ownership. I should get back to all the piggies that that I have but a lot of people they're trying to get the piggies to get on to their level and it's like if you would just well when it comes to having your Piggies raised up on a table, I would say you do want your Piggies to be on your level, but when it comes to their personalities and communicating with them, you've got to get on their level and Stop adding your crazy emotions onto them and trying to you know, and just and also accepting. Yeah the that they are animals and you know, and but it's yeah, it's not like they're not like Starter pets, like people say or like like I've had yeah that I mean we could go off on a tangent forever about that. But yeah, it's like you can't expect them to do things that they can't do but at the same time when you meet them on their level, it's like there's no limit to the surprises and the layers of their personality that you can discover like there. Yeah there. They're awesome. It's exactly like you say, it's basically, you know, knowing everything about the guinea pig species. So the fact that their prey animals like they need shelter like all their basic care, you know giving them time to settle in they love routines and and so getting them there to feel comfortable in your home. That's when they really sort of Excel and because they feel comfortable they let their guard down a little bit so you get to know their personality and they become you know, the Adams or the you know, that's the pigs that we all know and yeah, yes, and and that's kind of the fun thing about all the guinea pig channels is it doesn't take very many videos watch. My pigs are not always like their personalities aren't always the star of my videos like some other guinea pig channels, but when I watch those channels, It is amazing how quickly I get to know the guinea pig specifically and it's just like, you know. Yeah, you just it's like, you know them like like their friends. I want to listen to a bunch of other PE channels, but we don't probably don't have time. Yeah, so should I list all of my Piggies? Yes, I think you started with Mike and then you remain mentioned. Mike won't be a Mike lives with Timmy. And and yeah Mike's a silver agouti. Timmy is a satin Abyssinian. And he has a satin guinea pig syndrome. So that basically means he has joint issues and and basically like arthritis an advanced form of arthritis, but we've got a couple treatment options going for him. And you know, he's still it's amazing as much as he seems like he, you know has mobility issues. Is when it's veggie treat time you just comes running. So it's it's it is funny that sometimes he forgets how sick he is or I take it easy old man, but he's not old he came from the rescue. He is one of those ones that was dumped in a park with mange and he was pretty much almost exactly like nails he went through. The same recovery with seizures and he was wrapped one of my earlier videos. I think I showed some pictures of him. Yeah. He looked very scraggly but there is something kind of he look like a skinny pig. So that's yeah. That's what mange pigs look like if it's really bad. Basically, they look like skinny pigs. Just Werewolves of hair. Yeah bits of hair. That should be lots more hair. Okay, survive the next kind of cage or group I guess is the way to okay. Let's see. Yeah, it helped her from looking at them. Okay. So T me and Mike are kind of in the middle to their left is Billy big Billy is a Chui and he was born at the rescue. And yeah, Billy was one of these situations where I had a pig. I'm pretty sure I had a pig Louis who wasn't getting along with anybody and but he was super awesome and I never gave up and for years, I would always try to pair them up with whoever came in as a foster. And incidentally he finally paired up with Mike. Actually. I've since rearranged the group's because Mike can pretty much get along with anybody and instead of having a bunch of like Timmy being bullied by somebody and Mike being bullied by somebody I put them together because they are the most docile and that way Timmy won't be bullied as much because of his condition, but I got Billy as a baby to go. With my Wild Boy Louis and that worked for a couple months. And is then as soon as Billy kind of grew up and became a teenager. He started challenging Louis. And so I you know, you start out with one pair and then the pair's breakup and you think oh, well, it's easy to just add a baby. That works like 50% of the time maybe the baby becomes a teenager doesn't it? So you can go through the whole thing again sometimes yes, and so that's but by that point you're already attached. Yeah, so so and I never had a cooee before the for some strange reason. So for those people who aren't familiar with the term kui's are the larger guinea pigs normally just Orange and white and they were bred our bread for food and South America, so don't go Googling it. But if you do it guys if you need to prove if you Google it be prepared that has two pictures look like the cover of an Oxbow food bag and the other half are on a dinner plate. So but for some reason they started showing up in pet stores in America in California, and for three or four years people all we would get for surrenders people would come in with these huge wild pigs and they were completely frightened and they all you know, they all look the same they had kind of long noses smaller eyes huge feet and they were just gigantic and super strong. And just like Billy they when they're babies. They're like these cute little hamster sighs, you know surprises Billy is crazy tame and he has no idea of the power he holds but he's the other pigs did and they and so, you know people would come in with their small children and they're just like we this is we wanted a guinea pig. We don't even know what this is looks like a guinea pig. But so there was this epidemic so we at the Guinea Pig Rescue, there was a barn before we had the NorCal 700. Situation the barn had lots of female qu he's just a bunch of them some neutered boys, but a lot of the Neutered boys for some reason or a lot of the boys in general we could pair up easier, but especially if they were neutered but the girls would just be really scared. We just so we just had a bunch of the wildest ones living in the barn and some people over the years, you know, they all got adopted because people would be like that's what we want. We want a crazy. Wild Chui and we're going to we're going to tame them. Maybe they did maybe they didn't but there was some really, you know, kind-hearted patient people out there that that's what they wanted to get into but then they stopped showing up and now we see a lot more skinny pigs in the pet stores. So there's there's always some Fad in the pet store guinea pig. World. Yeah, like you say they almost go through Trends. Don't they? Yeah. So let's lie. So that's that. Let me let me know so that's Billy. So but yeah, it's it's almost like there's always some crazy. Well, there is some crazy story behind every pig that I have but sometimes it actually it's not just about the individual. It's it goes to something bigger. So next to Billy is nails and piggy Smalls and for the names guys well, It's so the way Nails was named is right when I got back from San Bernardino and I was like we got to name him something tough. And the guy that was just some guy walking out of the rescue and he's like, why don't you name him nails? That was like I thought I was recording too and I was like, yeah, it's like that's amazing because it's like, you know, he's like because he's tough as Nails I was like Of course, so that would just yeah became his name but Biggie Smalls, he was an owner surrender and that was just his name, but at 4:00 in the morning last night. I hear a rumbling because my bed is just on the other side of the window and the guinea pig room. I've such a crazy setup now, so I heard a rumbling in a commotion followed by tooth chattering Biggie Smalls. You can probably see Yes, there's this huge divider. So it's like almost two grids high and somehow Biggie Smalls jumped over it into Billy's cage and he's been doing that for the last week or so, but I just keep making the wall Higher and Higher and you've gotta jump. Yes, but I mean, he's like he's yeah, it's like two grids High. I don't I have no idea how he's doing it. So Yeah, so then opposite them is Gary and pipsqueak they each have their own 2 by 3. And then down below is Snoop and Nate and that's I'm still devising plans on figuring out how to get my singles together in some way. You know, I'm including Gary and pipsqueak, you know, what laughter so I've got what I've got five single boys. So I figure there's got to be at least a combination of two in there. But I always say that it's I feel like in my experience it's been about it's about 20% chance of any two given boys that you put together are going to actually Bond maybe less. It's just that at the We have so many single boys that we can try that. We are almost always successful after three or four tries and it's crazy. So we'll have like three really bad seemingly fights the pigs will like chatter and it seems like they won't even calm down and but you know, sometimes the people drive from ours, you know, because as I said, you just go 5 miles you're still you know, it's an hour and you're still in LA. so people come from pretty much all around and I don't want them to leave, you know without a match and because they won't give up they'll have to just come back the next week or a month later or whenever they have time and On the fourth try it's amazing like with with boys with girls. It's almost always like a match right away. But with boys, it's crazy. They could be huffing and puffing and drew blood and and then you put in the right combination and they're just like they run around in circles. They'll do some humping some butt sniffing the poop will fly, but then they're laying down and you know taking naps together and it's awesome. That happens like every weekend so nothing smellier than ball bonding. Oh man. Well, okay. It's pretty funky. But I would say when you're at the health check station and one of our volunteers cleans the like more pocket. Yeah, that's funny thing. Well, it's the same thing. It's just that's like a concentrated. You'll get like a very condensed Cloud. There's a boar bondings Court of more of a fine. Fine Mist the Wind Blows the right way, but also we do the boar bonding right next to where the horses are. So there's also all sorts of smells filtering through I try to take a Claritin within 24 hours of before I go to the rescue I bet yeah, I'm allergic to Timothy Hay which wow, yes. I sort of have built up an immunity, I guess because I swim in it every day. But yeah, I like break out in hives especially if I get like some random either a small pack of some random brand that I've never got and it's got a lot of dust in it or they sell these huge Bales at the rescue. And when I first started volunteering there before I realized how allergic I was Sasuke would be like, hey, can you go Bale some? Hay and so I was like in there with like a pitchfork and you know, like classic. There's like a hole room with pile of hay and I was like bailing it and putting it in bags and later that night. I was like, I just, you know, I started getting like asthma-like symptoms like my lungs are all like wheezing and like I probably shouldn't do that anymore. Wow, so I guess you know, this is quite a topic in the sense of sometimes people actually. Have to give up their guinea pigs because of health issues. So that's yeah. How do you deal with the fact that you know, Timothy is okay and that all you know, you could do meadow. Hey or something like this and this is a part of a guinea pigs diet. How do you then and it's worse? That drink during a magic. Yeah, well during allergy season when like flowers are blooming or it turns out they've also apparently pine pine cones. There's you know, these little bristles that come out and there's a lot of pine powder. It's like a yellow powder that can be very you can be very allergic to so the combination of all that and the horse dust and everything. It can be worse at Times what so like I said Claritin. Really helps but on a day-to-day basis when I'm feeding the hey, first of all, I tried to hold my breath and then I'll feed the hey and then I'll immediately wash my hands get any hey - my arms and rinse my face. It used to be. Yeah, I'd like feed a big pile of hay like because I'm leaving the house. So I'd feed a pile of hay My pigs because I'm leaving and I'm going to be gone for a few hours and then I would just get in the car and I'd be sitting in traffic and you know, I'd like scratch my eye or my nose and I had watched my hands and I've got like this. Hey dust all over my face and I'd be sitting in traffic then all of a sudden my eyes would get itchy. And you know, I'm allergic to cats to I think so. It's kind of like that. But yeah, if I breathe the dust, it's bad. I have a air purifier so but I would say that's that's the main thing is washing your hands before or right after you. You know feed feed your pigs that's going to be the main thing. You could try other Hayes sticking with the same type consistently probably will help. I have a air purifier which seems to actually work better than I would expect given. It's just this little battery shape thing that sits on the floor and makes noise, but it does seem to actually make The air because when there's lots of hey Dustin there I can feel it. Like when I breathe in I'm like, oh, I better not breathe that but if I run it for a little bit and then come back into the room. I'm like, you know, that's actually nice. Yeah, but I have I don't have air conditioning out here. I have what are called evaporative coolers. So they're kind of like air conditioning but it like sucks air in from the outside through Little pads that are dripping that are wet that like a get saturated with water. So it evaporates so because it creates like a vacuum suction into the house if I close the other windows and open the animal room a crack when I'm cleaning or when I'm pouring out the pine bedding, which I use for some of the pigs that dust kind of gets sucked out the window. So I've found well, yeah, I couldn't do that at my old place but the because of this whole vacuum situation. Yeah, the combination of the air purifier and that some people are super they they'll react badly with some allergy medicines. It seems that like everybody finds the one that works and all the others don't work. if I have Benadryl I slip into a coma for like half a day. I just I can't move I can't move. Well, I guess is you know, it's the same as anything. We all have different tolerances of certain drugs and things and I'm one of those where I try not to take anything because those tablets that say non-drowsy they make me drowsy. So I just don't take them. Yeah, and I found that Claritin seems to help at least with that whole itching and sneezing kind of a thing. I just yeah, I just take it before I go to the rescue and it's seem to have been helping over the years. Yeah. Well awesome. So I guess to end off let guys listening to the podcast know where they can find you and obviously take all of your amazing content into their education as well and get to know you. Yeah, well Scotty's animals. I've been relatively successful at everything that I if it's Instagram or YouTube or whatever. It's just Scotty's animals and if you Google it then they all seem to pop up so through no credit of my own. I guess there's some the only Scotty's animals out there, but I have Instagram and I have a YouTube page. I'm learning all the social media but it's so it seems like each one kind of serves a little bit of different purpose. So on my Instagram, I will try to post photos of my pigs if something cute is happening or a lot of the times I will post like a one minute trailer of my latest video or if just something crazy happens or like like if Gary lets me pet Him under his chin, then I'll just post a video of that and the way fate that those also go to Facebook to so it seems like some people have Facebook and some people have Instagram. So both of those content kind of go to both places at the same time, but I also have just a regular website. And the first part of it is basically all of my social media kind of there's all these widgets on my website where it shows my latest. No, and also my guinea pig rock band music video, which is awesome. Yeah, that was a labor of love for a few months after I shoot my educational videos. I'd spend the we hours of the evening. Yeah, that was even the digital magic. But yeah check that out that it was really really fun. So yeah Scotty's animals. I also there's like links to supplies and stuff that we recommend at the rescue there. And I have a patreon page at way right that you can support people who do things that you like on a monthly basis, but I post for them a lot of random things like this is a secret. So I did a cartoon version of myself as I'm learning this new cartoon software, but Yeah, I'm I'm working on it some cartoon guinea pigs. And so that's like on patreon last night. I was posting some of the as I'm building the character just posting like videos of of the in the process just you know for the heck of it, but my idea is is I'm going to have some guinea pigs cartoon guinea pigs, and they're going to be sitting in a pet shop and they're going to be over here. Bring the pet store employee giving bad advice to potential guinea pig owners and they're going to be like that's all wrong. You know guinea pigs need eight square feet or you know, that guinea pig food is horrible. Look at the seeds in there or you know, amazing. Yeah, so and and and also it could be like right so that I wanted to be an opportunity for fun. So like this guy doesn't know what he's talking about and he could be like and guinea pigs eat their poop. Okay. I'll give Them that one I don't know. I've always loved cartoons and I have a film and cartoon degree. So it's the technology and the channel are all kind of coming together at the right time. I have an audience. It's I have 15,000 subscribers as of now. I don't know how many people actually still watch but you know, there's a potential there for lots of education and lots of fun because it is cool that you know, I do get so many messages people are saying, you know, if it wasn't for you and saskia, you know, you've improved the life of my pigs or some people really say like, you know without that one piece of information, you know, I would have lost my Piggy and You know now they're doing fine. But there's also people that are just like, you know, I was feeling super down and this video just you know, really made me happy or you know, I don't even have guinea pigs. But you know for whatever reason there's some reasons, you know, people can't have guinea pigs, but you know, they can love them vicariously through me and and and so yeah, it's It's been a real surprise and been really great really amazing. So well, you are doing lots of amazing things. I am truly one of those subscribers that watches every video. So that's amazing and continue to do the awesome work that you are doing. Thank you Sam. No worries. Everything Scotty has mentioned will be in the show notes. I'll also link l a Guinea Pig Rescue as well so that you can check those out if you are local and like Scotty says they also do free health checks. So check them out. So thank you very much Scotty for being part of the podcast this week. Oh, it's my pleasure. I hope my rambling answers. I hope there's a some nugget of goodness in there by pop corners. Thank you for listening to this week's podcast episode. If you enjoyed it, please leave us a star rating and review it on the Apple podcast app and share it with your pinky friends. It really helps us get our message that guinea pigs are the best animals in the world and I'm not supposed will pets to more people if you aren't already follow us on Graham I username is at popcorn in piggy where we'd love to connect with you and learn all about you and your guinea pigs. Our Instagram account is linked Below in the show notes along with all our other links to our social media. Thank you once again for listening and we'll be back next Thursday for another episode. See you then. Bye.
In this episode, I interview Scotty from Scotty's Animals and we talk all about his Youtube channel & guinea pigs, what it's like being a volunteer a the L.A. guinea pig rescue, male guinea pig relationships & bonding, what it's like having hay allergies & owning guinea pigs and so much more. Enjoy listening! Guinea Pig Rescue Website - ETSY SHOP FOR LA GUINEA PIG T-SHIRTS - The Popcorning Piggy Podcast is all about guinea pigs. We share our love for guinea pigs, your stories, care advice and interviews with other piggy businesses and rescues.
Hey, I'm Gabby and I am Jessica and you ain't seen nothing yet. We both grew up on punk rock, but we also had are coming of age during the prime time of the emo scene Revolution, which sorted Blended the whole alternative scene into one black white red and neon palette Myspace taught us how to code and design emo bands taught us how to talk openly about death and mental help and trekking through festivals taught us how to be independent resourceful and resilient. We're looking back on all the whiny cringe the unevenly cut fringe top aides and internet. Hey, hey are many hours spent on our respective am accounts talking shit since 2006 is finally paying off and we're here to reflect and get nostalgic or give you a glimpse into the not-so-distant past so buckle on your second belt and cut your wrists and black your eyes. files done Hi everyone. This is Jessica. And this is Gabby high-end. This is you ain't seen nothing yet. This is the first time you're hearing our voices ever in the whole world because we wanted to do a quick little intro episode fill you guys in on what the fuck we're going to talk about over the million episodes that we're going to have exactly one much plan for he have a big fat Google talk. We like four pages of content to release over the next few years. You're stuck with us intermittently after we talked for ten minutes leading up to starting all of the above. So Gabi, why don't you tell these lovely people what is gonna be going on? All right. So within this podcast Jessica and I will be talking about dissecting trying to come to terms with reminiscing all that good stuff about the scene era and the scene kid. Cult-like era that was like, I don't know what 2003 to 2009. Yeah, something like that that weird fix year window where everything was just like Hot Topic and hairspray and my face and chiptune music. Yeah and like GarageBand and too much hair and Jonna hair too much man every day. It was like YouTube YouTube was also so deep in like Beauty influencer. So people actually knew what to look like, right and then it was like one of these kids do with their their hair their musics everything and I want to make very clear. We are looking back on this fondly. We're definitely looking back on it with a lot of cringe and a couple of regret a lot of criticism a lot of criticism on criticism a lot of conspiracy, which will mostly so much to me. He is our resident conspiracy theorist and you can hear my conspiracy about Kat Von D. That's true that's coming right up. Whatever sewed one episode 0 this is 0 and our first episode will be about Jeffree Star and that one's gonna get fucking deep that is gonna get deep and a lot. I totally forgot that this was like episode 0. Yeah, and I thought we were just hanging out and talking into my oh, that's true. Yeah. Bye. Yes, Jeffree Star what better way to start a podcast about seeing kids than Jeffree Star. The only thing that would have been better would have literally been doing episode on like the millionaires or Hollywood or like broken side. But you know what Jeffree Star was the king back then he's still the king now and we're good. We're gonna take we're all living in this world where it's Jeffrey Stars world, and we're just living in it and we're going to take you through the entire Journey. By step. Yep, so I want to talk about we we kind of touched on like some of the different aspects that came into seen culture and a but I want it. What I want to kind of do is first like kind of introduce who we are and also what we were during that time we were here you were because the for perspective like we're in our mid-20s at that time. We were like what early early preteens and early and early teens and that was That's kind of the stage. When you start really making your own decisions about like fashion and music and and then on top of that we had access to the internet that nobody before us have exactly it was a new it was a new dawn like it was it was right when the internet was starting to be able to be used for personal use at home and home Computing and social networking just became a thing and there were no rules there were no no rules. There was no YouTube. Tube there's no Spotify SoundCloud. It was just my space and blogging and we were 12 and there were there the world was our oyster and a few things to give a perspective. I had to wait 25 minutes for my computer to boot up when I first got a MySpace because our computer was that bad. She's we as many of you who are probably around our age know. Some were more fortunate than others and had another phone line. So they could use the internet and the phone at the same time. I was not that fortunate for quite some time. I don't know if you are. I always had pretty good internet. Yeah, I because because never did my brother played World of Warcraft. Okay. Yeah. He was like a pioneer of Warcraft World of Warcraft and it was his life and if we didn't have good internet, he would have burned our house. That's true. Yeah. I have like designated hours. I was allowed to be on a name and that meant in the summer I was staying up until 5 a.m. With the other kids who weren't allowed on the internet during the day but was also kind of like me because like my brother had to get his own computer so he could play World of Warcraft. So then eventually I finally got my own computer usage time and I didn't have to wait but when I had to share it with him, I didn't get to be on the computer at all and love about the middle of the night early in the morning and part of what came with all of this was kind of we were teaching ourselves a lot of things about the computer because once again, the internet was new to us, but we were like teaching ourselves how to code like valuable. Skills, I will value someone who literally Works full-time as a graphic designer right now. I started learning how to do those skills when I was 10 years old so I can put things on my MySpace. Yeah put things on like and like I learned how to put like HTML code so I could have my Twitter widget which was we're going into the Vault here kid, which was like a little box that you gotta you got a link to put in your Myspace HTML code and you got a little box that was alive. Like thing of your Twitter feed of your tweets and it was like before you can follow people. It was just like your designated Twitter profile. We're only like your friends at the click on it. So you can see what you were saying. Yeah. It was we got that dude like me when me and Gabi first became friends. We were making like bonding over making icons for our each other and ourselves. We learn like 11 and 12 years old. We were using anime bootlegged and yeah software on our parents come. Pewter High straight up took the Corpse Bride DVD not in the library rented. It wasn't that bad ass, and I imported it into my computer and made animations from the frames of Corpse Bride and then made them my a mic on and I was like 13 like I and I still to this day don't think I would have it. Like I can't it's in my brain. I'm sure that I could still do it, but I was just natural because we literally were coming up in this age where this was all fucking brand new. And and it was easy enough to understand because that's kind of what the people making these these softwares and these social networking sites and all these other things is that they wanted to embrace the fact it was home Computing and personal Computing. So everything was easy a ten-year-old right would figure out how to do most of it because that's what like the people creating it wanted it to be exactly and it was the easiest thing and I'd also like to note that we became friends by talking on AIM more than we ever spoke in real life. That's gonna vary whether friend was a sister of my friends through that. I got her aim screen name and like she was the cool door sister, and I just wanted to be her friend. So I just I used to message her all the time and like comment on all of her Myspace things like Coolpix or and then like weirdly something exactly like one day I saw her in the flesh. Threw a snowball at her and you've been friends over that is how that was and then the next day she tried to buy my My Chemical Romance shirt off of me. Why do you always have to be so fussy? I would still buy it off of you. I feel that it was really good how I designed the merch for your like preview and and I got it printed and even like yeah that I had a chance Ages were doing. Yeah, like I straight up I had a band and we just played My Chemical Romance covered and we definitely thought we were going to do more than that, but Gabby was on board and like we I took a video on my digital camera and the audio was garbage, but I taught myself how to extract the audio from the video put it up on my face music so that we had an official recording even though we never went to a studio and from that one recording Gabby decided. She was our biggest fan true made one t-shirt true. I made it an MS paint, but it did not look like it was made in Ms. Paint believe me. But yeah, you is good vectors of like red flowers. And I use this cool typewriter font, and I knew how to save it. Yeah, Angie so I could get it printed on a good shirt and a guy like how much you like the typewriter font at that. Oh the typewriter for everything like thinking back and I carried a little bit still has a very special place. And so I think the the ability to customize things on the internet and also like how to be subversive in your like home without alerting your parents incredibly like I think that's what made that throw appealing to like the scene in emo kind of generation there and like I'll go on the record. I think that I never personally you can totally call me out on this. I don't ever think that I got as seriously seen as some other people did know you guys only did it not even like in like I agree with you in my and inform my perspective. Like I also me too, but you weren't even on the level that I was yeah most part so like there are people That are like that were in it a lot. Right? Especially when I think about how like people who are probably like 18 to 21 during that time that could like go to bars and likely clubs and stuff and I was like, oh those people probably had the weirdest time of their lives solutely, but we were 12 and this is our perspective of it. And we also like depended on our parents to take us to the mall and allow us to buy things and like actually improve our makeup and like my mom didn't give me permission and dye my hair black until two of my friends and I I'd their hair black horse and she was like, oh, well, I guess you know, I was lucky my parents. Let me start dying my hair when I was in the fifth grade. I know by when you stained my bath I did that was math Panic. Yeah, that's another great story about this time period and now I've continued to stay in all my bathrooms everything. We've also bald died each other pair for each other most of the rainbow. I think we've missed out on maybe orange and yellow and other than that, but yellow we pleased her hair. So yeah, we'll take it. Yeah, I'll tell. Except it all out. But yeah, so that's kind of where we were at that point. We both also like grew up on Punk and I feel like that's kind of--yeah where we went in our adulthood as well. So yeah, we definitely both got in different and similar ways sucked into kind of what was popular at that time still flaps and some of it. I'm like what was rocking wrong with us? Who is we who is looking out for us? Why did we get to tell you any experience all about and that's what this podcast is all about. Just looking. Back at it all and being like still slaps or where you're like, you can't breathe because you're like, why are they talking about that? I was trying to I was trying to suppress that forever. And now I'm having to deal with the fact that like I used to like cry to a camera with like mascara tears going down my face and then I posted for the public if you have to think about it. I mean we have to think about it you and I think about it and that's it. That's so if you don't like it then go away and I don't know you tell me that's all I got a fucking saying like it then go away go away. Just go somewhere go somewhere else. So. I guess let's talk a little bit about the seat like outside of our perspective. But what we still were able to see what we were seeing here during this fucking scene are like if you picture the stereotypical seen boy and the stereotypical seen girl, let's break that down for a minute. Okay? Which one do you want to taik to him? Take a girl or do you want to take the boy? Do you want to go first? I'll go first. Yeah, so I've seen boys. As the object of our affection at that time. I had a whole photo album on my photo bucket, which barely exist anymore. That was like holding hot emo scene boy. Yeah. I think we I find your everyone because at that time Photobucket had a browser and you could just drag things to the top of the brow. It was called flock and you could just drag images to the top of the browser and it would download them to your photo bucket. So my Photobucket is like an archive of the fucking internet because it's not only Only my personal thing if everything it's everything I saw that I thought was interesting. It's basically just like a fucking suitcase of cringy garbage. But most of what that is are men who are lanky who are wearing very tight jeans and there that is that overlaps with being emo. The single is kind of took on some of the colors so you would see like hot pink pants boy or like pastel hoodie. Shirt that you can see their nipples three exactly and like obviously not all of these people were skinny. But this was like the Apex of perfect right my in seen Royal exact was and you know, no eyes these people did not have that in our they have like one eye they might Empower themselves to wear makeup once in a while if they were so inclined but that typically was reserved for photos only like so like I'm in the room. I'm in the House with my mom but she's never gonna see this kind of thing or like you're at a show and all your friends. Like we're gonna put makeup on Joe and then you know, you do that shows wearing makeup and then you all take pictures of Joe perfect. And that's and also like we know baggy clothing here like the the hoodies were to size. You could borrow them from a sister. I always oh, yeah brother borrowed my clothes. Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Firstly and yeah, I mean that was the benefit of that. I always wish that I had like a brother so that I could just kind of like do that swap. But yes, it just is they all kind of looked alike? Whereas with girls? I feel like it was a little bit more diverse and then I was honestly super fucking interesting. Yeah, there were there were different leagues. I would definitely different like classifications. Yeah a scene girl like and like going back to what we said before where you were like, well, I wasn't really as in it. Uh some people yeah, you were also like if I had to classify you like to the older kids we were all the like little seen tween girls. Like it didn't matter like if I was wearing Hello Kitty all the time and you just were band shirts and like Spike Bell, right? We thought we were two completely different people but those kids are like those are the seen little girl exactly like it didn't matter because like when you look at when you zoomed out that we all looked the same. Oh, yeah matter but like I guess like some girls like we're really like bubblegum poppy like It was like this mixture of just like pink and cotton candy colored like hair and makeup and lip gloss and like, you know, like Hello Kitty and like my melody and Nails pattern tokidoki and like zebra print leopard print like you would wear like your pink leopard print shirt under your Hello Kitty shirt what you're like tight skinny jeans or like you would just wear it with like ripped neon green stockings. This is an exact Gabby. Oh, this is what I used to wear. I never had green stockings. Yeah, that's true. I never said I was also not like I was always overweight as a teenager. Yeah, I would have never worn that to begin with like couldn't and then like you had like people more your speed that just had like the black hair wear like some red or some pink or some like bleach Parts in it two belts to my beetles one practical belt and one Axon. That looks like black like probably black jeans just band t-shirt. Yeah and like wristband writing like hoodie with the finger hole. How do you with the finger roll? My mom thinks I invented that. Oh you did I will make sure I never let her know your secret again, and she is 100% convinced. I'm like, I feel like I'm there was a different but there was people who like Blended those tools. Yeah. I think I kind of did yeah, I did go all into like the fairy theater. Teen girl but I also like I was really into music, so we're all my friends. And so I guess we would do that, but then that's kind of how those like really colorful like big text band t-shirts were think if anyone looks back at that and doesn't know how that happened. It was because of seeing kids. Yeah marketing to the kids that were wearing all these like colorful things with their like but dark makeup and dark hair and they needed that like almost anime look. Yeah all of the their existence their aesthetic. That's that's how those t-shirts happen. That's right. And I guess that's like that's really a lot of bracelets sometimes bracelets like all the way up to your elbow. You make the beaded candy like what real I can't. Oh, no, that was a big thing. Okay. So another like aspect is like you're pulling for my club looks and like the Rave scene of like older kids. So you would have the candy up to your elbow right the big fuzzy sock boot thing and like the big like chunky dog necklaces that were like emblems and like also like the idea he of like doing drugs and being perpetually drunk even though you were like 38 pulled a lot from like that Rave club culture and then like the emo and like Punk culture and then like anime and it just like all of them hit together at an intersection. And then yeah girl that way like 70 pounds wearing like Chuck Taylor Converse just kind of like came stumbling out and that was it. That's a good thing. It was a crazy amount of the nation of like a million migrants stuff. The state you were lucky. Yeah, honestly, I'm probably better are so lucky. So one thing that I want to do a just once again to give you an idea of who me and Gabi are even though at this point. If you're listening to the first episode, you know, who you're definitely not a lot of people met us as in adulthood and may not know our dark path. And so that's what we're here to are out for you today. So me and Gabi are going to ask each other a couple of questions regarding our individual seen eras. Like I said, we had different levels of them. We were on kind of different wavelengths, but I think it would be fun to kind of get into that. So you get a kind of a feel for where we're coming from because like I think both of us kind of started out at a sitting love for Green Day. Oh, yeah, and then from there we were already alternative and needed to kind of keep going in that direction. And that kind of came from our poor game. What you no matter what direction is it was like you love Green Day. I like the age of like eight or nine. Yeah, and then you got into like middle. Wall, like early middle school and then you write while I Love My Chemical Romance and rare wearing weird makeup all over their faces. And yeah y'all dye their hair and then from there it was like Palace a disco really like pain that show really also made that huge shippo also would like early Fall Out Boy. Yes, that's true. No Panic at the Disco wouldn't exist without Pete one's exactly and then like Good Charlotte and like Billy had like pink and red hair write something and it just got to a point where everything was involving right? Wanted to keep up no matter what it meant. You looked like that day, but you were just like okay, I guess tomorrow. I'm dying my hair like, oh like glitter green eye liners exact size. And then Hayley Williams came in and blew the shit. She ruined it for everyone. She was like, oh my God. It's okay to be a girl weird. I thought I had to be a man. Mildly is the middle of genders at all time. Love it. Yeah. So let's let's talk about this game when I go back and forth or do you want to ask all yours? And then I'll ask him for it. That sounds And to me if you're cool with that, alright, so my so one major thing that was a huge part of our Lives kind of during this era was going to shows and a lot of times you had to get merchandise when you were at a show or like for me like I would have a at the beginning of the school year. My mom would be like you can order like two things online from like, you know, the band that you like. I'm like fucking smart Punk or something like that are part of our holy shit. Let's fucking do this and some bands had really fucking great Mercy. - and some bands had merch worm like you are marketing this to Children. What the fuck are you doing? So my question for you is what piece of merge do you wish that you still had and follow up question which piece of merge would you like to permanently wiped from your memory? Okay, so I have an automatic answer for the first question. Okay, because I was tweeting about it recently to Forest of Hellogoodbye who follows me on Twitter for some reason. I don't know why. He follows me probably about the only person that cares about them still - but I saw them one time ever and it was like all the already way past their Heyday way past like zombies and aliens and you know all their their big stuff and I went to go see them and they were selling this gray pullover hoodie and it fit me perfectly and it had two little otters holding hands on it and it said like in script under it Hellogoodbye. It was really subtle. It was like the most Troll thing. I owned as like a junior in high school and like I had never worn a pullover before because they usually didn't fit me well, but that one you that one just like hit the sweet spot and I got a bunch of oil stains on it. And I think I eventually the front pocket fell off and then like wait the whole like I don't like stop there and then like I probably still didn't like it relevant, but my mom probably found it. It was probably like, oh no, we're going to get rid of it and like I think like up until a month. Month ago. I was tweeting like if anyone has this funny or if you have like a deep pop link, I will buy it off of you because I wanted so bad that is so I wish I would do a lot to get that honey, but I completely I was a goody I think for me in terms of like what I would wish that I still had there's all the from first to last year. It's I have a really good like the dart on those really sick. The skeleton was killed but yes green Fanta everybody had that shirt. It was a skeleton. I didn't heed and it said First less if you didn't have it. You knew someone who had it and wanted it degrees of Kevin Bacon for like where someone had this fucking shirt, but if we're talking about like what I genuinely wish that I had back that's a really good question. Probably fuck. I had a Greeley Estates hoodie. That was the comfiest remember that hoodie in the fucking world, and I hated it then because I really didn't like when hoodies didn't have designs. Like over the like when they had them in the corner because that was the big thing is like put a design in the corner. But now I'm like super into that and I don't know so there was something that hoodie was so comfy, but I did not appreciate it the way I should have appreciated it because I was mad about where the design was and I would love to have that back fuck and I also when I saw Jeffrey started for the first time, I'm glad you brought that up. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we'll talk about that in the next episode especially but I did buy a t-shirt that I lost 20 minutes later. I don't wish I still had it. I just wish I didn't lose it because that was $20 and I didn't have a job. But what about ones that you would like to wipe from your memory thing? I don't remember if it was you or someone else who gave me their Jeffree Star shirt that I had four. Yeah. It must have been me and it's it must have said like because I got one somebody gave me their right and I must have said like we want cunt under the words Jeffree Star and I was rocking that as a thirteen-year-old. I have a picture of it. Remember I found that picture recently of me wearing it maybe in the background. Sitting on the floor. Yes. Yeah, we'll look at it. I don't I don't know what to do. I feel like if it said we won't count on it. I wouldn't have wore it true. But if it did I want to wipe that but also I had read heavy heavy Lolo sweatpants and if someone held a gun to my head right now and ask me to name one song by that band couldn't tell you I just really thought it was cool that a band was showing sweatpants has emerged that I could wear for gym class and seem a lot cooler than everyone else. I understand my brother. Listen to them so like close enough. Yeah, but and I lost those. Yeah, like I wish that and like the name always kind of grossed me out. Yeah, I don't know but feel uncomfortable. So I would wipe those heavy and I love or sweatpants out of my life and all the fucking booty shorts like that was gonna be my anger is I mean, I never had them because I too was an overweight teen and they never fit me and even if they did they just did not look good on my pregnant looking self. So I was luckily saved The Misfortune of having booty shorts that said like shake it Metro station. It's like a preteen but I want to forget that those happened. I think they had their place. I think it would have been cool to have shorts, but it got weird. It did get weird and no weird. This will play into an episode that we do where I talk about how Hellogoodbye influenced everything in the scene kid error and Beyond And and that's because their music video for Shimmy Shimmy quarter turn all the guys are wearing those green fucking booty shorts and everything 2005 2006 and then from there fucking took off. Wow, and all the way to the top because all the way to the top shit. Okay? All right, that's cool. We give me one. All right, I have one. Yes, I have one. Okay. Okay. So who's the most obscure person you still follow but are not friends with that you met through my face I Came Out Swinging. With this one. Oh my God. Okay. Look I because a lot of these didn't migrate to like Instagram for me, right? So I guess it would really have to be on Twitter since we were both. Yeah, really about there being. Um, so it's hard to think about because I'm you people so often. Oh hell. Yeah. Um, please lose to let me think about that. Do you have one? I like don't have one like comes like that that I don't know. I feel like I've met most people that I've been internet friends. Okay, but um, I guess there's a Probably like two instances like Barbara. Yeah, and so long story short. I was Myspace friends with a girl named Barbara since I was 12, and we I knew we lived in the same state. I didn't know where she was from in relation to where I was living but then fast forward to me being an adult and I live with Jessica and our first apartment and we eventually have another roommate who grew up with Barbara and we had a housewarming party and she came to the party and it was our first time ever Meeting but we had been internet friends since we were preteens. That's why I was really really really interesting. And then also my friend Jack who catfished my other friend and like we are and that's a good answer. Hey, dude, I'm like, he's in this really cool movie coming out. It's called I think like Adam or something and it's looks really cool. Look it up on YouTube. Yeah, but he's like a pretty successful actor now and then Now what I used to follow him on Instagram and I probably only like talk to him like twice in person. But every time I see him, I'm just like, oh, you're the guy that catfished my friend when we were 12, but now you're like really successful in your really nice and arriving. It was either you catfished or were catfish. I got was that's really about it. I was just thinking the other day like I didn't really get to be a part of enough catfishing and I really should have went for it. You could be taking some of mine. I would have gladly given the like, I was just too scared of men. N and the internet are fully be a part of that. I should have been more afraid of night. And that's probably true to answer your question though. I did kind of think of something. So this is actually something that's gonna come up in the podcast pretty frequently. But when I was in 8th or the summer after eighth grade, I joined the official From First to Last fan club called the K VLT. Yes, this will come up quite a lot of will because of Reason. Hey comp every room so At that, but you basically what it was you were supposed to get like a whole bunch of things in the mail. You were supposed to get perks when you went to the shows like every show had a meet and greet before the show no matter what my 50 extra dollars on top of your ticket. Yeah. It was just like you paid thirty dollars a year, I believe and you got, you know, all these things. Like I said all these things in the mail you got access to all these shows and a lot of different things. You've got your own email address, which I never got because I came in you were supposed to get like at kvl t-dot-com. I never got that and but the main thing of that is there was a chat room and it was 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There were people in the kvl teachout room. And so when new people came in everybody just kind of added each other on MySpace like gave each other their screen names and there are still like so many people from those days that I am still friends with on the internet and stuff like that. I'm even friends with some of those. Yeah, because I knew you were friends. With the body internet and like they like my stuff and they're very nice. Ya know. A lot of them are really fucking cool people and a lot of times I don't even think about how we met and then sometimes I ended up becoming friends with people just from those shows as well. I know one who's gone to jail. I know ones who are grown up with kids now and I'm just kind of like, I really have to like kind of climb to the back of my memory to figure out how the fuck I met these people but for the most part like most of my internet friends did come from that chat room, right and also, That is so I just want to take a moment to say a major joke in my life has been for many years now that when I signed up for the kvl TA, I never received the perks you were supposed to be talking to you mad could it was ripped straight to Sunny more zeros right fucking now wasn't his fault, but he's rich and he can send me one if you want. I um, it was called the kvl. LT package, and for now, what is 4480 six days? I have been waiting to receive a t-shirt a laminate a sticker and I think that's it. What did you get like a CD? I think I got a CD as well. Like I don't know I think some sort of CD or something, but it was definitely a t-shirt a laminate and a sticker and I never received it. So Skrillex, if you're was fairly severe listening, please replicate these items for my pleasure and I will regularly be Dating you the listeners on how many days it has been since July 10th 2007. I went back in my email and found the confirmation when I ordered my KV LT package with the whole thirty dollars that I had as an eighth grader and never received my items and it shut down less than a year later. My next question is when you know, we we have our music that we tend to listen to now we're We're into some similar shit. We're into some different shit. But I know sometimes you know, I want to get nostalgic and I want to like listen to shit that I was into and I was a kid what bands do you default to for genuine Nostalgia that still slap? Okay. So I've already mentioned this and it's going to come as no surprise to anyone don't like Iraq out too hard to Hellogoodbye still a year 2019 and I'm not talking about the weird new like disco album. They've out fins and like would it kill you is a pretty good album, but it's more like them trying to be nevershoutnever after like the scene conveys like fizzled out but like the original like like zombies aliens and whatever the fuck is he pee before that that I can't remember the name to because I'm a fake fan like I put that shit on in my car and I lose my my like that's probably like my immediate go to and I wish I had like a more like hardcore one I got A heavier band that like I could go like I got to but I really because I never I wasn't into all that means right as much as I was into all the like kind of like Cynthia like yeah up stuff. So like them like not gonna lie listened to alcohol by the millionaires today does not slap not good 10 out of town, but that is kind of like where we diverged a little bit like you were a little bit more. The sympathy, you know, like this is really a really fast fucking BPM and it's yeah and where I was like a little more like posts but we kind of met in the middle it but we are going dead meat in them. But then II got I like fucking Norma Jean and like a lot of them weren't emotion. And so mine would have definitely be like the first Hawthorne Heights album slaps the second night also flap and the first scary kid scaring kids are always really into the hi. Anyone, I knew me and my boyfriend listen to scary could scare kids on the fucking rag nice. That's like when we're driving and we've like exhausted our normal contenders that fucking album comes out here. Like let's fucking go and that guy's died he time the singer of scary because scaring kids like died of a drug overdose. Yeah. I know. I I kind of sometimes forget and I'm like Wednesday. What are they gonna get back together goofy? Oh no. Oh, you know what? Heavier side I put on like senses Phil's first like EP that has like answer on that 187 and no that's all like, what's the other like what's a free fall without a parachute and like those things saw laps? That is like so good. I know it's like a thing that people yell play 187 and yes, but I don't know that song I am I getting good idea take a walk down memory lane. With my boy buddy buddy is on New Jersey's finest new dreams hide it but he deals with this is an open invitation for you to come on this podcast. If you ever want to go we have to have a whole buddy episode. Oh we oh my God, we have we even talked about this know it we need to add it to the spread. You know what we have with that said to be really good. I mean, he's a really nice guy and he really does talk to all of his fans online. So maybe we could get him to come somebody to help buddy to get his ass back to New Jersey and Beyond the podcast because he lives in like New Mexico or Arizona. Yeah. He fucking dipped his kid is traitor so fuck his kid is very cute. But then like he made a song on the the newest album Like New Jersey makes the world takes and I'm like, you know, what buddy? Yeah. Someone had to say it was like to be in a while. I had oh my God. Damn our oh Phil Murphy's re-election. Okay, so like, okay. So from the depth of Dreams has free fall without a parachute bloody romance dreaming a reality 1-8-7 guns and second chances. I know that's all I know that I don't think I could sing the chorus but I definitely know that song. Okay? Yeah. All right. All right. What else you got for me God? Oh, yeah. It's my turn. It's okay. Tell me a story from your most obscure social networking platform. And what happened to that platform. Holy I really I brought it. That's a good question. All right, so my answer is obviously going to be about Gaia. I So Gaia Online was a how the fuck do I describe? It wasn't I know there's like a technical term for this kind of online game, but it was PG. I don't think it's because they're really it wasn't a story and there wasn't a platform to play the game on. Yeah, you just kind of were able to at some point but it was really just like a version what role-playing I would it definitely was role playing but it wasn't I don't know. I'm sure there's a name for what guy online is but to describe at anyone who was fortunate enough not till you use it. It was you designed an avatar and you could if they had like they went off they had all the scene hair. They had all year long hair emo accessories. They you know, they literally made things you can model characters after like the bands that you like, but they made sure that no matter what hot emo boy who were looking to be on this website. You could be them and you also were able then Had insane customization on their profile. So for a while, I wasn't allowed on MySpace because I had an incident and I lived solely, uh name and my secret my space when I was at friends houses and Gaia Online. So to give you a it was it was forums. It was a MySpace style kind of profile and it was customizing your character only of those are so story-wise. I had a message chain with like five friends on their who that I believe was over like a hundred thousand messages like and it wasn't like instant messenger. It was kind of like Forum kind of thing. So it was really a we call that like the for us. I remember you talking really fucking huge and just like he was posted on his if it was instant messaging but it was forums like you like picture or Reddit post that right. I was a just got to come back like picture like being on red. I would only your friend exactly. Is absurd imagine if Discord was a social networking site. Yeah, it's kind of like that and and just like had friends and all of you just went on it and you typed like LOL. Did you like look at the sky today? But what we what we did was we had multiple accounts. We had our regular accounts and then we literally made like alternate gender accounts. Oh, yeah everyone I knew had the regular one and then like they're super emo Like fictional boy. Boyfriend and away, so I don't know that there's definitely that and then of course I was xanga person. So I weigh both where we were crossing on xanga. Yeah, even before it evolved to live Journal it was nanga and I literally just assign off my posts as Queen of the scene because I didn't know what seen culture was right and all I knew it was before I'd heard about like seeing kids and stuff like that. What I knew of the scene was like people going to show right? And stuff like that and I had at that point been to two shows like besides but Irene a concert in a My Chemical Romance cards are I'd gone to like to show that The Local School of Rock and I was Queen of the fucking see you were clean. So I guess that's kind of what I did in the Obscure depths of the internet, but what about you go? Well what I thought of this question I was thinking about the Sangha. Yeah, because that was my first introduction to blogging and like customization of like an online page like picking your colors and like Minds were always like blues and reds. Like that was my thing. Yeah, and then I was like, I also had a b-bow which was like, okay, but I had online friends that I had made probably through livejournal organ ago who were from the UK so they encouraged me to get one and I never used it only to talk to my one friend that was in the UK don't know where he is today. But but then I remembered the favor. I am very old you were going to say I'm like, I just feel like it needs to be talked about. I feel like I don't know everything you did on I am I didn't do anything I envy you so I am to you for those who never got had the displeasure of having an account on this site was okay. So it was pretty like technically Advanced for among social media sites. So not only did you make a cool profile. We're kind of like your Myspace you had your picture and you can have different backgrounds and Custom. Colors and like little glitter graphics and you can write all about yourself on it and you get a friend's you also it was a piece of software like a game like an app that you download it onto your computer and in the one and it was like the Sims. So like you had a social networking profile attached to your little Avatar Sim character and you can make it look however the fuck you wanted and they were really cool. They were a really Advanced for that time like where I was like Gaia were these little pixelated like anime characters and most places with Avatars were that you could like design a whole room for your character to live in and then like you could like get rent you once you made your character and like how it looked whatever you wanted. You can go into a chat and it would match you with random people who are also on the platform from Wild all over the world and it was so dangerous. I I'm afraid of it. So dangerous. I got catfished at least three different times of sight and then like there are some cool people that I talked to for quite a while meaning through that site. But like oh, yeah, it was bad and my character when I first started when I was like in the sixth grade, I still had my blond hair. It was before I started perpetually dying my hair black which I still do to this day. My character always had like short dirty blond hair with pink at the end and then like a skull shirt and then like, I don't know jeans or something. Yeah and like Converse shoes and like you could literally you literally just got match with random people and then you would like chat with them in your little hangout than they could like. You could like select a dance together or like high-five or go skateboarding. Like it was really advance for like 2007 this question. Could your characters make out or was I dreaming that know they could okay. They are a hundred percent. I needed to know if I was afraid for the right reasons know they could also like have sex but I was also like 30, I wouldn't know anything about that that's been pretty sure cause like my profile like said I was like under 18. So I've even tried to click those buttons it would to that. I can really good right. Right, at least they at least they thought of that praise Christ had some crazy fucking but apparently it's still a thing where you can get an IMVU a pie like just brought it up on my we do that know that for like a month and then talk about things and guy is still up to but I logged into my guile less than a year ago. And I read messages. Oh God, he was insane even imagine it was II tried to do it the other day because I was trying to answer a question for a friend that was trying to figure out whose username on Gaia was attributed to a certain person. Oh my God, and so I was like, all right, I could just log in again. I can't do it. I managed to do it a year ago, but somewhere in the last year you off I want memory and I'm so bummed about it because boy those messages was fucking wild and like my profile still sitting there with like the usual even if you think about it like because like my space had a huge data wipe and like yeah really access like your profile anymore. Yeah, like a lot of those places like Photobucket is completely different now and great granted you can get back in and look at your photos, but some like albums would be like locked or they're gone. Yeah, you can't navigate the site as easily as you did you once could yeah, so it's crazy that your profile is yeah. I'm touch it's it's the formatting is not all there. Right but the content is still there and I can still read comments. That's crazy. Like are there still completely they're like, I don't think anyone could find it in like a search. Of my brain because I don't think I ever used my real name on there. But like yeah, it's still fucking sitting there and people are using it. There's like new features and shit. So what time is it? It's like it was like Neopets for seeing kids literally strip, but unlike a little bit more interactive than you but was kind of things Club Penguin. Yeah. Yeah because we were all the era that was kind of like I never really did the Club Penguin thing, but I think like maybe two years younger than us kind of well. Yeah, they were a penguin. Uh, yeah, we didn't club before like or kids who had really strict parents with their online usage and they all wanted to play things like Gaia or I am beyond their parents wouldn't let them so they could have a Club Penguin. I love the idea of such a good idea love. No, I think you eat like last year at shut down or something which emotional media platform did know which social media Network did Say he would from Family Force 5 steam know he was gonna be my vowel be your Valentine. Yeah, we've have a hotel a hotel. I never ever ever even heard of it before they did like that online promo. Yeah doing a Family Force 5 Chad and how about hell and I kept asking them to be my Valentine is around Valentine's Day and soul glow from Family First 550 would be mine. You have the screenshot printed. I have the screenshot printed on my door. It was in our dorm room. I knew that that's a visit. Shamed I mean I don't blame you. I got one more question for you. Hit me I can you describe what what what or who you desperately wanted to look like when you first discovered seen an emo style because obviously we did not look like the pictures we were seeing. Oh, yeah, the older kids who are fucking killing it. No. Yeah, I think like when you first like said like oh, this is what my cool questions. I wrote I was like, oh fuck you had it Prime examples. You were like, oh these people Blah blah blah, let's go. I don't really think because I also like I think I just kind of like would just spend all my time going emo kid like and being like that's like I didn't know these people understand it then also like I guess like probably like Lindsey from MSI probably like peak of my list that he had the black hair. She was right now her makeup always looked perfect. She wore the Plaid skirt and like the black like collared shirt or like the like sweater vest kind of like nerdy kind of like, Goth look down kid, and then there was also people just like I don't like Audrey kitching. Yeah and like larger-than-life Myspace like celebrities that like I just like was like, ah their hair is so perfect. Right all their makeup always looks good, or they have these cool sunglasses and I want those cool sunglasses right and like probably like but like if I had to pick one person it would probably be like Lindsey from yeah. I'm a cyanide even really listen to them that much money like that girl is a great example who's like that girl's hot. Groans God I want to be here. Yeah, I I guess also just like I took a lot for my mail. Like that's what I was gonna say. It's what because like Gerard Way was very like flamboyant and like kind of like did whatever and so did Billie Joe Armstrong and like also like I didn't care if I was gonna put on a shirt and tie one day and booing. Oh American Idiot, exactly. It didn't matter. I got wasn't trying to dress feminine at all at the same. So it didn't really matter. I just kind of wanted to look like Billy Joe. Joe and Gerard Way and like the people they Associated right like that. That was it. Yeah II was the same way like I would see kind of like the men and kind of aspire to be more like right because I didn't feel like a really girly Personnel me neither and I didn't feel like I was never going to have long hair. I'm never going to have like Coon Tails or anything like that. So like I saw people like Andy Biersack Ryan, right YG in the Myspace days was like if Googled hatim. Oh boy. That was who came to I was obsessed with him. We are he was beautiful and he was like around our age and you know, you looked at him. You're like his hairs fucking perfect like he dresses so nice. He likes the bit in the same band fifty thousand friends on MySpace. Yeah. So I think like first and foremost it was it was him and definitely like the Gerard Way Brian of like Billie Joe Armstrong like gender ambiguity kind of thing. I Always had a fucking tie on even if it is over a T-shirt and I had to get the same tie that trade cool had and like it was just like I A lot of it was men. And and then from there I when I started learning more about bands and then learning about bands that had women in them and being like Oh, like you're the best of both worlds. I got really into the distillers when I was 12 or 13, and I was like Brody Dalle. I need to be her she is what I feel like inside. Because she you know, she she was not afraid to be a woman but she also had this kind of like still tomboyish nature about her and she like did the whole combination of like makeup and band shirts all the fucking time while also like fucking shredding on guitar. I don't like you're the coolest person I've ever seen and then like I said before like Hayley Williams really switched everything up for everyone and we all had kind of like a different thing that we pulled from Haley like I never wanted to have Check know but I always was wanted to have hair be my pop of color in otherwise a darker color, right? She was a little like granted you would like the first big big like female music icon for Our Generation for us. But I feel like I didn't know how to dress to my body shape until I saw pictures of Hayley Williams dressing like a cool like Punk girl. Yes. I was like, oh, I just need to stop buying shirts that are three times too big for me. And like just like find like a high-waisted pant. That fits me nicely. That's right. I can look exactly like that. But like up until then I was wearing like 1xl Green Day sure, right like a tie over them and like fucking pants. That didn't fit me Chloe. Yeah, like and we were fucking terrified of our bodies. But yeah, I was like I can wear like slim fit clothing and still like be cool. But like it was the first time I didn't see like being like feminine as As being like kind of lame when I was like Zack, okay, I can still be like this cool Punk Rock Girl. Yeah, but I can dress like that and still be and still good do my own thing. Yeah, which was like a big deal. Absolutely and recently. I was having a really good conversation with my friend Adrian who's trans and they said that now in adulthood they're getting to kind of dress like how they wanted to dress when they were like a young emo kid, but because they know So uncomfortable, like kind of tastes like pulling that masculinity from like people like Gerard Way and and people like Adam lazzara and stuff like that. But now as an adult like the emo boy as of 2007 are this person's like style info and that's something I never thought about it was an amazing perspective and I'm like, I really want to have them on the show and talk more about that because really cool. I love the idea that that was so important. Fluent will for us comfortable in our skin. I had that you know, like cisgendered girls and we were just kind of like, oh, yeah, like I'm gonna be like this boy, but Who's acting like a girl right in our eyes, but at the time like that had to be so interesting and eye-opening for people who are questioning that I don't know. I love that. I just thought that was a really cool thing to find out. It's really interesting and I don't know style icons. There's still shit that we can pull from that era that I will stand by. Forever and ever the to choose over jeans though. No absolute needed to never happen speaking of tutus and like it's gonna sound lame because it wasn't a scene kid thing. It was like pre seen kid. But like I feel like a lot of girls and like you probably too like Avril Lavigne really changing the game for me when we do not want to admit it after a while. No did that I was like standing Avril Lavigne in third and fourth grade and like like I had very supportive parents. Who like, you know like thought it would be cool if I do, you know dress. However, I wanted and dyed my hair and did all that stuff. But like the like my parent like when they would see every will be music videos a big. Okay, we're going to go and buy you like that tie and that like cool belt that yeah wearing and she has Converse on so we're gonna get you Converse for a new school. Yeah. I'm like that really like kind of with a smooth transition into things like Green Day and My Chemical Romance is still wearing those like like, oh, what's the Avril Lavigne video where she's all the straw and she's like, I'm just fucking punk like that is Crying, you're a poser. That was me. Yeah, I mean that was if you ask 10 women from that time like full disclosure don't even deny it like was ever-lovin your gateway into becoming emo scene everybody. Yes, because that was the first like mainstream subversiveness that was accessible. I think to the people that are pink when she was good and not terrible and making something I have the lyrics to school too cool for school or to school for cool or whatever. It is. Listen, but like I used to sit on my computer and watch the don't let me get me. Yeah, he had the bright hot pink streaks in her like non-stop being like my hair needs to look like misunderstood was a fucking punk records. Yeah. I stand behind that to this fuck outta here is the point of this party. I just by the end of all of it after a million episode, you will believe that fucking what the fuck was the name of that that whole album was fucking And that's it. That's all I have to say family portrait was the first time I realized that families were fucked up. Hell. Yeah. I was like man. I'm emo. I don't know it yet. But I am pink Avril Lavigne and like Gwen Stefani. You know, she really coming out of being like this scar Queen of the Universe. Yeah, but she was still really cool and badass the old acted. She was like she was she passed she got the past. We are definitely a some point going to talk about artists who got the pass from emo Kelly because like we were also, So okay with fucking that song grills. Do you remember this song grills fuck maybe it was just the thing in my gravy that time but like there was a lot of hip hop songs that I think got the crowd a lot of like hip-hop got the past. Yeah, but we'll talk more about about that's a big thing that I feel like needs to tell him into the light. Do you have one more question? Yes, I did. I couldn't remember we be an easy one. All right. I know it's a very obscure one, right the very me question. What food or drink did you force yourself? The like because it was big in the scene like crunk juice Monster energy drinks hockey Etc. So, oh man, I mostly found out everyone had one. Yeah, I mostly found out about most of them from you to be perfectly honest. I'm like energy drinks and shit I never did but um, oh no, I know. I have an answer for this. I mean Ring Pops, are they still slap? But I feel like a lot more Ring. Pops were sold that that's right, and I still love ring. Pop's those are still really fucking good. So I don't know if that's a great album. You know, what pop rocks was a Big Poppy Pig candy and you know Green Day did that to Pop Rocks this huge also. Oh my God anything that hot topics a lot of good like the gummy things like it was the dummy vampire teeth. Oh, yeah. They had all the like crazy gummies. Yeah, and those were gross like we're all cut any gummy thing. That's like bigger than a gummy worm is problematic to me. I yeah because like Typically just like there's too much going on there. But yeah, it was mostly the things like you said from Hot Topic don't hundred things like that. But oh they had like those blood bags that was like liquid sugar. Like people would never have made me sick looking at them. I pictured thinking like I pictured just eating the gummy vampire fangs and that was oh that was so problematic for me, but I think it was harder for us sometimes because we didn't live in an area where you can just walk into a store and Get things so it was like we had to go to be driven to the mall like an hour away. And that was when we got to like fucking wild out and get all these things. So, um, I mean just the general food court was like, oh yeah. That was a thing. I'm Gonna Leave My idolized the idea of the food court, but other than that definitely the gummy fangs and the food court. He'll fuckin. Yeah. What about you? Probably energy drinks? Yeah. I was that was your shit test with them and I was like 11 to 13 and had like irreversible stomach damage for like 2 years because all I did was like my parents would let me go hang out with my friends and they give me like five or ten dollars in case like we ended up getting going somewhere and getting a snack or like, you know, in case I needed emergency money and I would just buy like four cans of monster and I've mostly take photos with them and then drink them and then I would be like, I got to the point where I couldn't eat food because like that I said reflux and like indigestion I had was so bad that I would just throw up after it because all I was doing was putting all that shit in my preteen body like felt like because like the marketing of those drinks were like so good Rockstar Energy Drink and I read below a sponsored concerts and things like that and so did rock star insulted monster and like it was everywhere you went and all these older kids were like take drinking hanging out drinking them together and I am using the Monster Energy like logo and font on things like really weird and like they had probably the best example of like, really Like viral branding at the time evidence if it wasn't like everything was viral. He'll like it is today but like they were the best example so your pink monster. Can I got to take a picture with that for my MySpace and then post a bulletin about how I drank it? He's like so like I would just go and like the only thing walking distance for me was a deli that yelled energy drinks. So I'm like, all right, and then I ended up working there in high school. So yeah. Well like I would just go and like get monsters and red bulls and like rock star even though I never rocks and was my favorite. Well, I was trying or Full Throttle was all yours. Yeah, and I drank those shits so much and I'm thinking about it now. I was like, why did my parents let me drink that. Yeah, I think they should have been like what the fuck are you doing? You're poisoning yourself? My mom got mad at me on a recent road trip because I wanted to get a Red Bull for the right granted. I drink to I drank so much of those you really did. I have a vivid memory of you throwing up in my the mini golf. Yeah, that was me that happened. Yeah, but probably I definitely cashed in on like the mini the mini conflict the minute your energy drink. You know, I got that mini golf buddy. I really did old you remember the drink cocaine? Oh my God, you never had that right? I think that was kids slightly older than us. Yeah, like maybe other and like his friend that makes a lot of sense. Yeah II remember seat when people used to make the collages. Yeah things that they like that there might be a problem in there and it always had cocaine and I'm like and for anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about. It was like, oh like a bright red right hand with white text that said cocaine. So it was like playing on the coke branding a little bit. Yeah. I don't know what the deal with it ingredients wise. Yeah, it was bad, but it was bad news. And I think people were really into how edgy it made them seem that they were, you know, fucking drinking cocaine and then advertising it on their social media. Yeah, like as if they were cool and edgy. Holy shit. Yeah, that was a scary time fucking gummy bears for like a big deal people really like gummies and like just like can't like gummies were like an aesthetic. Oh, you know what people like they like the candy necklaces and the candy bracelets. Yeah, you could eat that's true. I was a big thing. That was huge people really liked it. I remember the first time I saw a candy thong and ha yeah, and I was so traumatized. I was like someone got my brother one of those is like again, there's so much candy on them. Like I would have been able to eat so much. Went over a lot Gabby did so I hope that this give everybody kind of a perspective on what we're going to be talking about. It's going to be music. It's going to be internet. It's going to be a general culture fashion and just like Dom rind of the collective Consciousness that we have from that right? It needs to be taught. Like we're like at the end of the day it all needs to be talked about. I feel like we all lived it and then we were like good to that talk about that again. And if we do we're making fun of it instead of actually doing right what the fuck happened? Yeah. Yeah, so it's like at we're taking it on ourselves to be those people to kind of try to do. What happened. Do you remember this? Why was that a thing? I just get into it people just want to talk about the cool Parts. Like, you know, she's gonna be like, I loved My Chemical Romance and I loved Fall Out Boy and those are still cool to this day. And I'm like, I I liked all of those things but also that is not entirely what happened Ryan. It's like, yeah. I also like those But I also had a brass knuckle belt buckle with the rhinestones on and one I don't know where it went and to why the fuck did I own that why we're professionals. It was such a thing. You know, why because it could it was a big bold icon that people could put that's true. It was like the Big Jewel but a big Jewel my God if I could have gotten a tattoo when I was 13, I would have would have been that I would have a big Jewel and a bat tattooed on 100% hundred percent. Shit, man. All right. So next time you guys hear from us. It's going to be a whole lot of shit about Jeffree Star from there. Like I said, we have so many fucking ideas and we want to hear from everybody to so like if you have like seen urban legends. Yeah, I really like those there was one when I was young that been Jorgensen from Armor for Sleep used to eat at the Taco Bell at our local mall every Wednesday, and that was very oddly specific. But that was something that I've always just Stuck in my head. So seen stories urban legends times. You went to a weird meet and greet and like someone signed your Converse sneaker and you highlighted it and nail polish. You know that kind of fucking shit or like a band guy lured you into a room and you were like 13. I want to hear who we were we were exposed every suspicious of everything everyone and especially so many of the people we looked up to to his kids were so bad guy from Blood on the Dance Floor follow you to your car one warped or me to Jesus Christ to tell me about his tell us about it on the I guess we're going to make social media. Yeah, I guess the carrier pigeon. Yeah. So everybody who's received this on a cassette from a carrier pigeon, please insert it into your parents because that player their Minivan and they're gonna hate you for life. All right. This has been ain't seen nothing yet. I'm Gabby your chapter and that's it. That's the end of the show and we Papa.
Before plunging eyeliner first into the endless pool of scene related topics, Gabby and Cheska introduce themselves with a little Q&A and some recapping of what exactly it was to be "scene" in the early-mid 2000s. Featuring talk about scene fashion icons, their favorite bands of the era, the weird parts of the internet, and so much more. Episode 1: Jeffree Star (Google Me, Bitch) is now available in your podcast feeds as well! ------- Myspace photos, breakdowns, neon jeans, brass knuckles and a face full of bangs: we lived it - the complex and often denied Scene Kid era of the mid 2000s. Aint Scene Nothing Yet is here to talk scene kids in recovery through some much needed nostalgia. We’re looking back on all the whiny cringe, the unevenly cut fringe, Top 8s and internet hate. Gabby and Cheska’s MANY hours spent talking shit on AIM since 2006 are finally paying off as they reflect (with a mix of adoration and horror) and give you a glimpse into the not-so-distant past. Send us your scene urban legends and tales of raccoon tails in our social media DMs or at [email protected] You can’t add us to your Top 8, but you can find us here: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Aint Scene Nothing Yet is Gabby Vice and Cheska Colombo - teen-hood best friends who still instant message each other all day every day. All opinions expressed in this podcast are our own and are based on our respective sects of scene/emo/internet history. For Cheska’s other podcast about The Menzingers - check out On The Impossible Pod Audio recording, production, editing and by Cheska Colombo of Angry Papa Entertainment with artwork by Gabby Vice Theme music features clips from local NJ bands The Victory Drive and Bear Conditions with permission from the artists
Hello and welcome to episode number 39 of the Ricky law podcast.a little bit of current music from the current Les Mills bodypump 110 or one parent or one 100Handing how she choose to set this episode you're about to listen to it has an absolute abundance or value for old group fitness instructors for anyone who does group fitness classes as part of their their keep-fit routine get that routine. Not sure I've ever said that before but you get what I mean this episode was featuring My good friend and colleague. Mr. Tim Meadows. I'll give him a full introduction and the episode but we chat about is just great. You know Tim is an expert and group fitness. Tim is an expert in nutrition. And Tim is an expert in nutrition for group fitness instructors. Tim's been a trainer for a long time now for at Les Mills. That's how we first became aware of each other and friends and we do know It's just a lot of ideas and banter off each other mainly through what's up before modest? And yeah, this was just really really good to get in-depth on high Thames. He's the rule that nutrition can play with the end Fitness professionals and group fitness professional. So, like I said, there's a ton of value in this we're talking about tens nutrition prescription is thoughts and feelings on some of the fads that go through the industry what you can do as a As a group fitness professional to adjust your nutrition will talk a lot about kind of live feedback that you can give yourself how to balance your training in and around your group fitness classes, which I'll obviously talked a lot about on and yeah, probably other stuff but I won't eat into much more of your time and the forecast I will do sponsor section then I'll introduce you to Tim and you can have a good I'll listen get some crack get some value. You'll hear a northern Irish. You'll hear a South African accent. It's going to be very very different feel for your ears and this episode as always sponsored by putting for sport Northern Ireland sports retailer of the year in 2018. We specialize in commercial gym equipment home gym equipment and sportswear for skins. You can check put in for sport out at or on Instagram Facebook app Podium for Sport up next our chat with 10 and introducing my good friend and colleague Tim Meadows. Say hi Tim. Hello, everybody and Ricky. How are you - I'm good. I'm good. Tim is a great friend of mine and college then probably best known for the work. He does with nutrition for group fitness professionals and his working doors with Les Mills UK and Les Mills International. Tim is a trainer for pump grit and Sprint and he has also recently been right in the global education for at Les Mills body pump, which goes out to all the Lesnar's trainers and then as a result about all of those bills instructors globally, so I will not I pass you over to 10. I hope however that introduction was that was allocated a touch all the bases there. It sounded pretty good mate. Very comprehensive very happy with that one yet that your LinkedIn get that in your legs in. Hey. So yeah, then you just kind of introduce yourself. He is Tim and just you know to cook cover all the bases are yourself. All right. Yeah. I don't know how far we want to go back. But yeah, literally as you said is he too said pump grits and Sprint trainer presenter also to handle running a few body pump education briefs. They go all over the city around the kind of Worlds 110. So the ones that you've just would have attended and coddled to for bodypump 110 will be the my last brief writing for levels International. So I've kind of wrap that up just to kind of focus more on my family time more on nutrition and just more popular than a lot. All enjoyment. I think after of the committing a few years towards that so it was a great great privilege, but I think it's time to tell everyone and hopefully still stay with education kind of Realm and hopefully get more involved with UK instructors with kind of things that webinars except except as well. So still going to stay in that kind of scope. Definitely. I really really enjoy it. So just a different kind of phocis perhaps and if the last four years be putting a lot of attention a lot of focus into nutrition particularly for group X instructors and for general population as well, but any for instructors just because nutrition is such a it's a really really simple topic but I think we just make it really difficult. There's such conflicting information out there, you know Mets different different diets different mindsets sort of thing. And I think it can be really tricky for instructors just to kind of know the basics of really what you came for. So that's been a big focus in the last few years and hence why I've developed a group X and continue to kind of try and put a lot of content out there. Information a lot of kind of help just to try and make life easier for the best instructors and then that I've enjoyed by taking a bit more kind of competition but my strength competition as well. So I've taken up the challenge the last three years to do some powerlifting and Strongman Competition. I think it fits nicely from playing rugby for a good 24 25 years. It's got that kind of wee bit of nitty-gritty Competitive Edge business kind of going on. So that's been quite good as well. Had a good bit of enjoyment with that little bit of success. Is that Mike and I and another level I'm not really going to be starting on TV shows anytime soon. So but I do enjoy a cup of conceiving on again just put a focus and get things taken over and that's probably about it. And I think as a general overview, yeah, but lots lots of Fitness and Nutrition stuffing out which won't surprise a lot of people there's one thing I was just going to pull out of that is people will probably have seen from your social media that you obviously Are involved in Les Mills land and you also do heart lifting mhm are strong man left in rather and like they probably could not be further apart in terms of the strength scale ones muscular endurance and ones absolute Force. So yes, yeah just talk a little bit about that. How does that work? Well, well, sometimes it does work. Sometimes it doesn't work. It's it's a case where I think the group X background and the kind of CV. - that group X kind of brings an endurance, you know definitely has a handle has a benefit in some of the strongman competitions in terms of recovery before event. So there's a definite kind of crossover that it has been beneficial in a way in terms of like particular that they had programs. However, obviously powerlifting for those who do know will don't know it's a one rep max for you know, you have three attempts trying to lift as much as you can three times over and that's it and the guy that lives the most for your looks the most End of the day kind of wins. It's really straightforward as that and that is cannot be as you just said further from what if pump is or what it would pump has now progressed particular lawsuit over to so doing you know over a thousand reps doing you know, a squat rack would say 30 35 kilos in your back for six minutes solid is a little bit different than doing what sets are three with you know, like whatever, you know, something heavier around 20 kilos on your back. It's quite it's quite different and it's a challenge in itself, which is which is quite good. And you know, I'd enjoy it. It has been River kind of struggle. No doubt if I was a out-and-out powerlifter, maybe I have been put more kind of progress a bit more, you know strength kind of games perhaps, you know, the classes and what if pumping and gets printed been a bit counterproductive perhaps because I'm not sure that a lot of palaces in my weight category would be will be doing, you know body palms and that kind of stuff but that's just the way it goes. I just enjoy both. I see that there's a place for both of them in my kind of Life at the moment. As I said, I take it very seriously, but I'm not going to be entering that will stage anytime soon and putting on a GB Lycra singular anytime soon. So I don't need to worry about that. You know, it's more for my personal a personal gain my personal bucket list, you know to look back content when he has time and knowing that I've copied enough you can't suck repeated at Scholars Champs level. I've lifted XML great, you know at the same time. I'm still doing what I enjoy still teaching classes taught in modules. So it's just the way it goes. But yeah, man, it's a It's Tricky. Do I shift the body weight and you know and and and go from heavy light, you know heavy I'm few reps to literally body pump, which is just continuous tension overload, you know, heart rate spikes throughout and minimal recovery. It's just the opposite end of the spectrum, but it's just kind of proves that things can be done, you know and want to ask you and want to put you on the spot just from us and meal egotism point of view. What are they? What are your stats? What? Your PBS who did three lifts you'll do is a dead squat. It's a squat bit squat bench. Then the full power of thing. You can only really go off your last kind of comp because it does come change the whole kind of time last comp in February. I think was a 230 squat was a 135 bench and it's a pal of thing bench. By the way. It's a pause. It's not a Brokedown scare discredit and and that comp my piece. My highest end of was a 265 available to 75 previously of quarter 70 dead and I did call at 275 axle deadlift at end of last year, which is quite surprising because the bar is much thicker. So it's theoretically be hard but obviously I've got maybe a big monkey hands or something. I don't know but it kind of went up anyway. So those are the kind of rough numbers. I've written them down and I'm just looking at them and I've just I've got such such a meal egotism kind of boost jealousy and resentment. respect all at the same time and I'm thinking I'm sitting here thinking if I trained really hard I could probably do one of those I could probably get a I could maybe get to the bench of a really push myself the squats not a yeah my knees when I'm sitting like a bad thing, let's somewhere and yeah, that's as Tim said there's quite a contrast and doing like a squat at once sorry, 2:30 and already stole a hundred kilos on you there and he does it through thoroughly and then a couple of days later duroc and their Body Pump class and do What a hundred and twenty reps at 30 telegram. Yeah, it's two completely different elements of Fitness. It's like it's almost like trying to run a marathon at a competitive time. I'm trying to run a hundred meters at a competitive time. It could not be further apart whilst use of him equipment IE running a hundred meters running a marathon lifting a hundred and twenty reps lifting one reps here. So yeah, I just want I just kind of always wondered how that actually works and I it balances your day and your life. Like could you I didn't even intend to talk about that some just that just from you and kind of learning would you try and do your poor lifting training on the same day you would teach pumps but there was some days where we using sprinters are, you know, as almost a my head as a warm up before a way that they're lifted on a Thursday night for many many months and years or I will train on a Tuesday morning and then go teach up upon. Great double on Tuesday kind of night, you know, so when I was teaching more eight nine ten classes and also trying to get instance kind of strong man and strong man is it's a bit more kind of risky. It's not as controlled as powerlifting. You generally don't go to your heavy see this way to powerless thing even up until like the last week. It's all about Progressive overload about picking and all that kind of stuff. So but strong man stuff, normally it's a bit more balls to the wall as they kind of say, but what risk-averse been in your back and some tase's you you know, You just it's a bit more, you know, and I thought I would say it's a badass but you know, it is a bit more you pick you up big heavy Atlas Stone to picking up yolks their way through an important kilos picking up like Farmers walks a hundred twenty hundred forty kilos in each hand all that nonsense. So it's a bit of a different kind of skill set. But you know, you just got to do what you do and I think sometimes we talk about things like mindset has a you know, positive kind of thoughts if you adopt that kind of mindset where like, I'm going to nail my Sprint, you know, it's great. Its Nation it's this it's that it's going to fly it up. I wouldn't need a warm-up as much when I go do my dad loves that you're half an hour later. You can be really surprised what you can sort of do and the formation of sometimes for many many years playing a premier one right be back in the day, you know, I'll be a makeshift, you know, get literally minimal minimal sleep. Wake up next morning go play against the likes of guys that were competing in professional. Can I level you know sort of when you've done it for a number of years and you just kind of get on with it? Sometimes it's quite startling when you You instead of telling yourself that you're tired, you know, you just tell yourself. All you need is a this I just need this what I need is this or whatever else and now I don't know, you know, sometimes again struggle against adversity you can end up bringing some really kind of great great things forward, you know, you read about the stories by guys doing and yours doing amazing amazing things. So it's just a bit of you know, just get on with it sometimes, you know without sounding trying to sound, you know, too much on the kind of male-male kind of chat. It's just a case of or any kind of ego chat. It's just case of sometimes get on with it. Just / amazing. I'm just I just read what a book. I just something to want to pull out of that is like you're surprised what the body can do, you know your mind wants to quit long. So your body wants to quit long before your mind or your mind. What's quite long for your body's actually ready to quit and I was like, there's a great. I've just read a book by David Goggins, which is you can't hurt me and it was the other goblins who I didn't realize there's and I still in the researcher, but apparently it was David goblins and vented, you know, the saying the Aaron that the Navy's say apparently was David Gorgons kind of coined that because of everything he's been through and it's very much that attitude you're so surprised at what the body can do when you just make it to and I'm going to I'm going to see David Collins actually speak this week. So for the the listeners on this they were Gardens is speaking in London this week and he's just he's just as phenomenal human being on his Instagram is one of the most motivated motivating. Going to your shop. What if he's a very very angry man, so it's very very motivating man is also have there's also a version for Broadband perhaps I yes, alright. So we're going to move on we're going to chat specifically about 10 and 10 and is nutrition. So just I want you to explain kind of what your nutrition skill set is and what it is, you know kind of do Do for you your clients? I'm instructors. Skillset. Yeah, well attended a few kind of course has a few certified kind of programs as well. So I can you know, legally come us off and just in sort of a consultant so that that is the one you know, the one can I nice kind of thing spent thousands of pounds on workshops on seminars on books on everything to kind of learn everything that lychee PT Clark PT, you know a personal trainer. Course doesn't teach you even sometimes the additional nutrition modules that get kind of added onto the kind of Peter qualifications. They kind of give you the generic basis. They talk about generic kind of health and disease and stuff which is which is fine. I think it's good to have that appreciation. But most of my learning without doubt has has taken over the last 10 years of as I said just you know, workshops ebooks webinars seminars everything on the skylines funding guys like yourself with them on MacDonald big big fan for learning for Dr. Lee Norton and dr. Spencer mikulski got every Mendoza as well. You know all these guys that are actually the top end of the field, you know, clinical dietitians nutrition. Gurus generally generally nutrition. Gurus that know their stuff, you know publish author's meaning they have many books. So those are guys such any kind of follow the last 5-10 years and end and that's when was my monsters come from in terms of of applying, you know, it's all very well having knowledge and have information. It's putting it into the people that kind of need it in terms of knowing something and then applying it correctly or in the scope that's actually needed if I make sense of that Society can compute it. So when I look at Finish instructors and because I've been there many times, you know with the big events obviously live and workshops and just teaching classes and trying to compete and sleep and all this kind of stuff and work night shifts the whatever else I've got a really good appreciation as to If it's just like the kind of goes through, you know, in terms of nutritional needs in terms of energy outputs and terms of activity trying to work life balance, you know, all this kind of stuff and you know, that's it's where basically picks of come from is trying to give people instructors, you know, sound evidence-based, you know nutrition advice that can be applied simply without making things too complicated without you know, sticking to the whatever you want to call. Call it as the pearl of the priority is the hierarchy of nutrition. It's the weather whatever. It's that kind of pyramid shape that you've used that I've used and everybody uses because guess what it's is the shit that works, right? It's kind of true and that's why you'll see it and see it around, you know, total energy calories number one and then a bit of macros split in the micro split the meal timings then stops and sleep and everything else like that. So without going over can I tangent is just trying to step away from you know, it's trying to appreciate that. Destructor is not general population. You know, it's not somebody that has forced on overweight that just sits on the bar all day what just TV has take away seven days a week and live that lifestyle now, that's not a last all bashing. That's just something that's this a demographic that lives that lasts all that way. And that's totally fine. That's totally fine. Nobody's going to make a judgment on that but a fitness instructor are generally people that have been a class participant so had been general population then they get hooked and Liz most workouts. They want to become a group fitness. Instructor which is fantastic. So then they make the switch from being in a class to now doing this literally possibly part-time or possibly I'm kind of full time where a lot of people have left their jobs because they feel so passionate about helping others achieve their Fitness and the health so that when we come instructor and to take on obviously initially handful of classes and then it's 10 and 15 understanding is 25 has become the main source of income. So and that that rich that Journey happens for a lot of people but you know being really kind of blunt nutritional Knowledge is still what they might see from general population what the storm at sea at people are kind of work what they might see on, you know, the connect what I call it the Glad Rags and the between EPA kind of magazines about the Celeb losing Sports tone and two days and all this come on since you know and look at my flat tummy off my off my camera baby and whatever else and that's so different. You know, I mean that has led laughs now those ladies and gents and everybody there. I'm not doing what we're doing. They're not doing what Trying to generalize what the average for the structure is trying to kind of go through you know up in the morning to our salt kids do drop-offs grantees to glasses see a couple of clients whatever, you know and do it all again and come in the evening come home at half-past nine ten o'clock at night burst the idea of trying to cook a decent meal just goes out the window and that's where the kind of struggles come up, you know, they are trying to perform at a level when I say a level. I mean activity level that matches most Fitness the so the matches whisper Sportsman intensity in terms of endurance in terms of time. It's really really high as the output of activity can be burned is really high, but the nutrition doesn't really kind of match that you know, and then you get the slip for us to get the truck for so you get The Fad diets you get, you know, it's not a dig at Wellness coaches generally, but it's just a case of like right here's a diet has a fair here's a food domination thing. Try this try that try that and then it doesn't doesn't work at never never works because either try and take away your food you're trying to reduce. Galleries and what really people need is actually like more calories and more protein more carbs, whatever else because it needs to match the kind of output activity. And and that's why you know, people feel really really saw and get injured and will feel come Wednesday. I hear about all the time, you know, it's crashed and Wednesday Red Bulls, you know all day through and I'm really really lucky starving for like sugar and chocolate sugar and chocolate and that's literally because you have a racemic like your blood glucose levels or so solo. Your body is Craving for simple sugars as craving for you know, sweet tasting simple sugars doesn't mean that chocolate has bad. Inherently. It means that your body is low on fuel and low in carbohydrate because we still eating like general population. We're not eating like kind of more an athlete instructor nutrition mindset. So that's the kind of one of the biggest mindset things that trying to kind of get, you know spread and kind of get everybody aware of yeah. One more thing you said they're on one asked you more on this is you know that mistakes a lot of Fitness instructors make and one of the things the mistakes they make in regards to nutrition. And the biggest thing I notice is they're just not treating themselves like a fitness instructor. They're treating themselves like general population. I have a Centre job and I will tree and maybe for an hour a day. Sorry be active for an order or as as a group fitness instructor, especially you have Have an active job and you're going to be active as well as that for maybe on average through the course of a week. Maybe three four hours a day so a pink correct me if I'm wrong, but eating 2,000 calories for a nidhi kilogram meal or female group fitness instructor isn't really going to cut it. No. Yeah. No, that's not it. Do you see and what Solutions we would you kind of give the people well That is I think probably one of the biggest kind of kind of mistakes is it's just still adopting this general population kind of mindset and not you know, everything else. I've got a few Muslims have about this as well. It's kind of you know, we talked about it being a fitness professional, you know, you are since professional we do CPD we do we do upscaling we do aims. We do everything to kind of make us, you know, we wear the right gear we practice we do everything and that and that role model Essence. So so it's for the professional is the word but the one thing we don't take in professional Context really is as our nutrition. Everything else is like professional level this that that that nutrition hmm, maybe not you know, so it's even that kind of mindset of going like I need to get everything in order to make sure that I could do my job my role really well nutrition plays such an important part not only an energy recovery classes, but in happiness and confidence and sleep in cognitive therapy, you know and everything plays such an important kind of role. So yeah, they kind of mistakes a little kind of things that you See is it's just jumping up to the Kana Kana diets, you know being misled with extreme kind of mindset. There's a whole big kind of scope about disordered eating and flexible dieting how the two are really gonna different, you know, restrictive diets to get people into extreme thinking, you know, it's supposed through the worst kind of cheap mail. It's that kind of, you know, the guilt the anxiety or the stuff. It doesn't bode. Well for Health, it doesn't people are more likely to end up. Being a disordered eating if they follow a restrictive conduct proper diet, if people take a bit more of a food value approach with something. I'm kind of like hashtagging everywhere and trying to impose on people my post people trying to kind of talk about that. There is no if your fruit has a value and it can be useful. We can't think like a white, you know, we can't think you know, this is great at done that just terrible then I just horrendous cakes. I mean, I like - right but it's like About it like a doughnut is like 30 40 grams of simple carbohydrate if you're teaching conferences in a day, what's the one thing you could do is every now and again yet 40 grams of simple carbohydrate. Like anybody does that mean we eat donuts for breakfast lunch and dinner? No, it doesn't. It doesn't mean that you just immediately eliminate something that can and would be really useful to your diet on a very very busy day because that's kind of what your body is sort of sort of them. So neat. I think I said, you know, that's the biggest thing is just that mindset of trying to move from culture general population and trying to let infrastructures appreciate guys. You do look so much you do so much intensity and and all the programs they getting harder and harder and harder, you know, there's no like easy program really the every program gets your heart rate up where it's a 30 minute 45 mile an hour class, you know, your step count must be through like the roof. So you've probably appreciate that you need more of a particular thing and that's because you are on a very specific niche. You know, you are finished structure. It's like Athlete Nutrition is talking attrition and body's preferred Cobb. Your body's preferred fuel source is is carbohydrate, you know, that's just the way that's the way it is. That's not me trying to push it because I'm a big table fan. It's just what the sign says, you know, so trying to do anything else, you know doesn't doesn't really kind of doesn't really kind of work. Yes, and I'm going to put you here again wanted to kind of through your blunt question here is it's off with the listeners will probably understand and if not, you know, your Macros or your carbs fats and your proteins and you've really really touched on the importance of carbs. They're so good. Well what people there's going to be two questions in one. Should people yes or no eat carbs? And what is the balance you would recommend people start with in terms of their macros? Okay. So the first question is a definite. Yes. Yes. Yes, the only calls absolutely I mean cops gets a bad rep. It gets a really bad rap, but it comes from people being overweight and sedimentary. So, you know, it's anything like sugar people like so Scared of sugar and this whole fruit thing about sugar and stuff like that. That's my head and I really doesn't and I'm just like, you know, sugar doesn't make you fat eating too many calories for your activity makes you feminine overweight, you know and and high sugary Foods or a problem for people that don't move because they can eat a lot of donuts and don't feel full. So they even like, you know, three donors, you know as a whole of the can calories, but they're not moving, you know, so and they have all the other meals and that's why they were weight because eating too many calories for the activities not because sugar is inherently bad was the second question in terms of what like a macro split perhaps like soaked is right kind of what you see bashed around is 30 30 40 and I was just wondering what your thoughts are. What because everyone has their own perfect kind of macro balance each person's. Yeah. So how do you kind of work that out for people? What do you start out? And what's your process so Come a used to go off the can I pretend just for a number of years back but the last few years. I've been working more of kind of grams per can a kilogram body weight. So protein wise, you know, there's been a lot of research about how much lean body mass. Perhaps to the one consideration with kind of protein is if somebody is quite overweight, you're not wanting to account for protein for fat Mass. You're wanting to count protein for lean muscle tissue like lean lean mass. Okay. So if somebody is quite overweight wait, I wouldn't I would be very aware of that and probably have that number will become a lower but typically protein for men and for women. Anyway, I ran about the 1.6 up to about the to possibly 2.22 anywhere in that kind of scope. That's 1.62 about took that per kilogram body weight. Yeah after about 2, alright, so on the odd occasion you can go but higher if it's 2.2 or 2.4 depending on the client up in the kind of person that I've got a client. That's also Pit of Hell if there was well and that's really important to make sure that we we have folks you were high on certain days. But again, that's a kind of generic Garland's. I will start around somewhere around those kind of points for carbs then generally if you look at two Sports Nutrition kind of sense, you're probably as a bare minimum like three or four grams, you know, ideally if you're doing something like 20 plus classes are weak. You would probably sitting more closer to the four or five mark and I know that number know that number might seem a lot for a lot of people but honestly in the world of like what attrition in the world of how much body can kind of handle it still it's you know, it's considered moderate activity in the sports science kind of an aspect. So anywhere between the three and kind of five grams will just illustrate that for for people listening is so we're talking about 3 grams per kilogram of body with yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So if you're talking just about carbs, so I'm 90 kilograms give her tick so I would go towards five grams per kilogram of body weight. So that affords me roughly 450 calories per day. So I 450 grams per day of carbohydrates for know for if you're 90 kilograms. I mean for five grams, but before hundred fifty grams, yeah 450 grams. Yeah. Yeah and your thumbs up our fall for your total. Yeah, so that that's that's a lot of carbs. So 450 grams. I mean, what's that is that's a two-and-a-half that two bags of rice must be close with by crisis. What 200 grams? Yeah. Yeah. So you mean that that's a lot of chords with us for well 200 grams of rice. You can learn about 60 grams of carbs from a hundred grams of rice. So it's a lot of rice as four bytes. Yeah exactly, which is why sometimes you obviously want to eat most of you Foods from nutritionally dense sources obviously things like rice potatoes keep all that kind of stuff. But if you're having a really high output say for example, you do something and then we'll kind of classes right and add a your that calorie, you know output is probably close to Kona 4,000 calories, you know be three and a half four thousand depending how long your consumers even though it might not be high intense, you know swimming like Sprint sessions from successful insurance from okay, you know, it's still going to be a lot of calories. But so this Where you want to aim to eat the majority of your first behind considered high nutritional Foods the old super super food kind of stuff the hold the hold Keen Keating stuff. Yeah, but there is if you've got a hundred grams of carbs kind of makeup, you know, this is where instructors sometimes need to make decision of like, you know, what I've not eaten enough today. Okay, but I'm kind of stuff from kind of fool. How can I get what I call easy wins? And how can I get easy carbs? And that's where the doughnut comes in handy. That's where the Smoothie comes in handy. That's R like the intra carbohydrate drink comes in handy, so it's not like the necessity it's kind of like if you're having to go for like a big number and your your stuffed with broccoli, right? You just can't eat more broccoli or rice or whatever else because it doesn't have its not calorie-rich. Then you need to think about topping up, you know with liver. So if 80% of your of your of your food intake or your calorie intake is from nutritionally dense foods, you know like you Good protein sources and a good castles that you mentioned, you know investor balls and fruitless kind of stuff fantastic but a dairy whatever else okay great, but if you short like of consistently going to be under eating your requirement of what you need to kind of recover and perform. Well, well, you've got to get this calories in because what's the most important thing and that pyramid that we can spoke about is the total energy intake right then as macros then as Microsoft Mark and nutrients has to do with food quality. All right, so the deaf recall it is a Third round on that pyramid or five so that's where they can importance and the relevance of that is the most important thing is getting in the calories that you need. So if you for example are aiming for argument's sake 4,000 calories on a really busy day you get 3,000 in from you know, good nutritional, you know your oats in your porridge and you go goats and you know put Abby for a bit of quinoa or buckwheat, whatever your salads and vegetables vegetables and bananas all this really great nutrition dense food. Fantastic. Plastic then a thousand calories right almost literally don't care get it from where you can easily get it in from and that maybe three doughnuts. It may be a hot chocolate or night. It may be literally whatever you kind of fancy, you know me, but I scream, you know late at night whatever get the photos of terrorism because that's what you kind of need to replace the, you know, literally the muscle glycogen and the fuel that you've burnt up and that's where I think sometimes we need to appreciate. She ate food value. We need to appreciate that be consistent say 100 its roots, but don't get like narrow-minded blanket into thinking that's all I can eat. That's all I can eat, you know, so what I can when I can talk about the Doughnut life and the cookie life was kind of stuff. It's because we are super super active kind of people, you know, so yeah, I don't say helps and it seems kind of fast just to round it off with kind of proteins carbs and kind of fats, you know, generally it's around about 20 to 30 percent of your total. The macro intake so little bit of kind of mass will kind of figure that one out, but normally for a 60 kilogram fitness instructor female for the structure is working around about kind of 50 grams for males as roundabouts kind of 60 up to an 80. But again, you know, it's all within a few a few grams either way. It just kind of depends. Yeah, if you have really kind of hard if you're really busy day to say you're teaching four five six classes a day, you're not going to want a lot of foods that are high in fat just because it's going to stick in the got a lot longer. It's going to keep You feeling you know, but for learning become more than a bloated. So on those days is going to be probably really quite high carb and quite kind of low fats. That's not because I prefer and low-fat food. But just because that's that's the way science works the way your body works. It's just it's one of those things. You just have to sort of accept on a kind of load a where you may be any teaching one or two classes. Yep. You can have a higher fat fat intake is not a problem. I'll never go low-fat. You never go extremely high fat you just it's the old non-sexy stuff. That's kind of in the middle. That's where Everything kind of needs to be you know, so the less extreme things are other more common sense. It kind of makes it's hard to kind of self as it's a hard to sell kind of Common Sense and non sexiness. You know me. Yeah, there's an economic factor in all of that as well for for us all is you know, if you're going to take on more physical work IE more classes more training sessions. You're going to need more food more fuel and that means more expense as well. So you're going to have Have to be spending more time on the energy or on your food prep. So that's a big thing. So that's what Tim said there. And by the way, this this episode is in no way sponsored by Donuts, but we have mentioned if there's any donut companies out there that want to chat you can imitate him on that one, but that's where foods like donuts which are relatively cheap in regards of how many calories you can actually get any ice cream was respect about Ian, please These do not come away from this episode and start having doughnuts and ice cream for breakfast lunch and dinner. That's no that's not what we're saying. Yeah, it's alright cause on the site was all right. We another one my favorites is sort of like low expense. He's a pet foods is like cream to cream rice, you know, honestly, it's like 40 Pierre can put it B A can it's like 50 60 grams of carbs in it. You can put them back on top of where it's quite interested in this. It's really really cheap. Its taste pretty good. I looked a lot like strawberry and also, I'm like that, you know and it's it's easy coming to kind of done but and was put the cost people it's like whatever you kind of think as well like whatever you it's got to fit you. There's no point in me telling you eat that eat that eat that so it has to be flexible. Just stay within the boundaries within the kind of guidelines apply. But a common sense be a cannibal be consistent and you'll be amazed with the kind of success that you can have, you know, but yeah, it's a bit more kind of paper but more Thinking that one hit the nail on the head in but more expense perhaps but what kind of time but again, we for this first professionals, it's it's kind of its kind of what we need. You know, there's one thing before I kind of go into specifics about that your programs and it's just one's kind of come to mind is what what's your thoughts on, you know, the saying that some people can be more carb dominant or fat dominant when it comes to extracting energy for food. Food will find your thoughts and feelings on that. It's pretty tricky one. I mean if it was all the kind of guidelines as well and how everybody cannot digest food. Everybody is kind of different it is you know, it's it's never ideal with kind of say this is the only way and this is the right number and you will burn more fat from 75% exactly. So he pops in the maximum heart rate and you can stall x amount of carbs and kind of body. They're all within reach of kind of guidelines. I'm not wholly convinced on that kind of evidence in terms of how much more Adaptive UI and cover that of I think everybody is a bit different. I think it's always worthwhile to understand that to appreciate that and I think that's where you know a good nutrition coach will always ask for a food diary and activity diary up front try to get as much information from the Clans possibly, you know beforehand and soon also including dating history training history up to the last five years as well to get a really good insight into what that person has kind of been through to get in to see if you know what this isn't really kind of working. We need to change it and that's what makes a good kind of coach. And that's why you know, most coaches will hopefully have regular check-ins weekly or fortnightly check-ins kind of see how things are going. So whenever we can solve the kind of clients going right, so I think I think this is where we kind of need to be based on all the information you've gone and told me and that and the discussions we've had this is the way I think that you need to kind of go. However, you know, we check in a week's time taking two weeks time and we'll see how things go over things aren't going according to plan then that's where you bring out the tools in the toolkit in. A'right Taiwan, but of intermittent fasting might be good for you or a bit of a no-call breakfast not too good for you or tell what we don't have all the cards run about this time or let's try this approach. Let's try that approach, you know, it's like case of and that's possibly where you know without sending a bit Canary and that's why we're having that that knowledge or that on the background of being able to kind of not just go. Well I'm selling you this, you know, I'm sending you this shape diet. I'm sending you this whatever and this is only thing I know how to get you lean or to give you more energy. Or if there's a work for you then well, it's your fault because you didn't do something right you don't mean so it's that kind of feedback loop from client to coach again where there's open honesty and going well this worked well, but I'm struggling with it. Okay, cool. Well, this is what I think we need to do then you know, so and it might take a week to three four we because I kind of find that sweet. That's because everybody so yeah, what a what a pair maybe I wouldn't give it to much space across generational too much kind of thought. I probably don't just go with the fact that you know, everybody will be different and some people will tolerate like a lot of carbohydrate really well and a lot people might tolerate it up to a certain point and then and then just not feel great in terms of gut or the might need but more fat or the might need more like an animal protein or whatever else so, you know, there's never a fine night. Golden Rule that you should stick to I think it's okay. So these are the guidelines and then, you know take the client literally as an A-Class, you know, T supposed to find of you see what's in front of you what people are getting back to you take it on board, you know, and then apply it back. So if you shout I'll cue you know in body pump and it's not quite working. What do we do? We look at it think about repackaging in a different way and say something else to to kind of make it work and make it land. So that's probably where I would I would go with that. Yeah, and it just what up what I've really Noticed in the South and the lesson I give a lot of people is you you're your own best feedback mechanism when it comes to eating food. I always preach always eat always eat your food in mind of what your next workout is rather than trying to replenish think about trying to be prepared and what I find and you'll know what you've eaten as soon as you start training. You'll know how high the last Maiden has set you up for that training session, so it's constantly back. Well, I've really discovered a really wanted and all the carbs and fat circus I've discovered if I have a lot of carbs before I do any exercise. I am shit. I am good for nothing. However, if I have fats, I'll feel really good when Lindsey it's a complete opposite, you know, you give Lindsay a couple runs a toast before she trains she's bound to know the rules you give me a couple rounds of toast before train and I'm walking out after track to because I'm just I'm gonna have a good time. Yeah one another Yeah, so that's why we go towards you know Foods, you know high fat foods, you know, like it's not the most kind of satiable maybe or the most tasty but like a spoonful of coconut oil every now and then the middle of the day like I find that I've got a long Swim tonight. So I know what half for an hour before my swim. I want to have a couple spoonfuls of coconut oil because I know that works for me. So my message to everyone listening is you you already kind of know what's Thing for you, you just need the react to that rather than keep doing this shit. That's making you feel shit. Yeah, and one of the simplest kind of things are going to do and it's almost we're kind of fun concept is like when I try to be kind of killing people again. Listen, I want you to think about just just tracking subtract a week before and track week after and the tracking mask there is to literally log. So love how it feels like so say on on a Monday. This is what he ate. This is how your meals win and this is How I felt so how did you feel during track for body combat robot attack when things start going off? You know, how did you feel transitioning from the Grits into can bodypump? Did you feel the squat rack like you as you were like ready to kind of go again kind of thing? What were you feeling flat? Right? How did you sleep that night? And then once you've got like a week of what we call a defensive word data, you know, once you've got like a week of like feedback you go quite so what well, I felt really great on Wednesday, right? What did I have to eat before training or Wednesday or if you if you Lindsay you like I Lots of post and a bagel great. I felt great. That's all I need to do more if you yourself is say well I had that in that then I feel great but on Friday I had I had someone report fattening. I had like a bacon butty or something. I but of whatever cooking oil something that I felt really great on my son more my run whatever breaks that's what it Dew and that's where it's like, you know, it's a constant feedback. It's like it's like video, you know you like you see what you're doing record it track it monitor it and then we can come back when you can like say right. This is wicked. Well, it's not working for you. As opposed to just keep doing the same thing literally again and again and again feeling frustrated and I think that's where a large structures will end up feeling. They'll just feel frustrated. But the question kind of says like why did you track a little monitor weight and how you select? No, right? Okay. Well, if you do that, then you can you stop putting a piece of the of the jigsaw together to figure out how you're going to make sure you have more better days than unless bad days. Keep doing the same thing the same thing the same thing feeling frustrated feeling confused and whatever else, you know one reach out for help. Somebody or try something different, you know, but don't draw Somethin, you know extreme or are some fad that I select can put out try something that somebody has social proof that actually kind of works all climbers what they can talk about with any special within that specific field. So that tracking monitor before hand and can off the hand can be really really kind of useful. Well speaking about things that work. Tell us about your nutrition program. Yeah, tell us about it. And then I've got some questions. I'll probably just give people a bit more specific people. So a group X literally just created and designed for myself just with knowing the destructors just you know can struggle with with with with attrition. So I'm stepping all the myths and all the kind of fans and just knowing how to get more energy for classes to help recover and also help feel better self confidence wise body confidence wise. It's roughly a three-month kind of program its weekly. Coaching email. So in your email box will get an email from myself. Something will have video coaching sessions where we talk about, you know, the importance of total energy intake we walk through an example. We talked about how to set up the macro nutrients for yourself and different days. So, you know, really really busy days and slightly kind of low rest days how to implement a calorie deficit to ensure that you know, well, we are feeling really great in full of energy that we can also set off a few pounds as well because you know, let's face it without being overly overly, you know vanity. Bold, we do. We do like to look good. We do like to feel good and confidence comes from feeling good within your own skin. So you might not need to be you know, really tone and shapely a must if you're a guy who's kind of stuff or girl whatever you fancy. It's a case of just feeling really good in your own skin and you can always notice people that are confident in their own skin. They are the most attacked the people in the room. They have this all about then they just kind of walk through the glide through everything is a smile about them. It's infectious, you know, so the body self-confidence probably Get a lot of talking to because we like to think about energy and Recovery most but and know that you know, the conference ways is a big big thing. You know, if you feel good, if you if you if you look great, you know, it's just it's totally worth it. It's only worth all the effort that stuff about other little additional bonuses about new recipes about calorie survival guides to things like cafes and after coffees and that kind of stuff as well shopping shopping lists good food shopping list. And you'll be added into a private or private closed private closed Facebook group where there is a community of a similar mind if instructors and professionals we talk about stuff there. We are host a weekly webinar and pick a topic that say somebody has a question on or I will talk about something in terms of why protein so important or you know, timing of meals or whatever whatever kind of floats their boat that that week almost and then you know weekly so fortnightly check-ins to see how I was kind of going on with everybody on a personal level and that's pretty much it. It's it's probably less of a this is what to do. It's probably more of you know, I want to get anybody as much information that's all in my head and trying to kind of put it across two instructors over two weeks. So I don't want to overload everybody like write an email one. It's glittery kind of lay it in like we layer now, let's was coaching. So we started the basics, you know tracking working at your maintenance calories, then we decide how many of how much television food you need every day of the week. Then we trade macro splits then we look at Food quality. They look at meal timings. Then we look at Subs health supplement formance UPS, you know, and then we kind of put the kind of sprinkles on the cake as it were, you know, putting up the kind of permit. So by the end of the two weeks my purpose to my attention the objective is that instructors can go and go away and let you create, you know, they can be aware. They can make informed Decisions by themselves that they need to be fearful of going out for our first night and then it'd be fearful about it. And not have to feel themselves and have a busy day or a quiet day or the getting a whole lot of extra kind of cover in a day. There's short-term. How did you were sad? So when they see something on the Internet on social media whatever else they now know, you know, they have that knowledge and information as to how to sort of either use it sidestep. It isn't valid as long as then what's really important and you know, hopefully put them in the clear as to how to feel for it. If instructor much much better. I love that. I love that. I'm setting listening and I'm thinking II need to progress I need to do this for me. Never mind people listening. I actually need to do this for me when when forever understand and maybe myself as well. When is the heart of people poke? What's the antique look like what's the process? Well, I prefer to kind of do in takes every sort of two to three a few months to take on literally, you know, four or five clients every every time I like to see the numbers fairly small because everybody can get some people No, really kind of busy is allowed with kind of family training working everything else. So like your numbers kind of down so I can keep everybody, you know, keep it kind of quality of check-ins and the attentive coaching there. So just had in take the closed last week. However, I still do have one space left as up for grabs and group X and a one-to-one personal coaching as well. The next intake will probably be when this intake starts running out which will probably be around about all the September time so I'll be all right. Words to go on. Yeah, where's the best place for people to kind of see that is where people be getting inside information about that will be happening having yet weekly emails. That would be the best way to kind of get more with that. There is a website as well. MPT coaching dot code at UK is a website they with all the details, but the weekly emails were the ones where we putting out information about holistic stuff in terms of Fitness training just arbitrary stuff and also, It seems like we're kind of be and that's when I'll can open things up from the email list but a content and information always coming off on social media, you know, but social media as you probably know Ricky is a big kind of noise on Facebook and Instagram, so I'm kind of preferring the so of one-to-one directness of emails about better. So yeah, I want a I'll link your social media and your email list only the notes for this episode. So when people Velour interested you just go and follow tender, you know the content templates out there and as emails can get involved in them and by all means ask him questions because that's where you get real value from people Firework and then just just in the interest of time. I've got a couple more questions and it's a you know, what's kind of next for 10, you know you said which is sad news for you know about body pumps not in the briefs Club. Anymore. So what's kind of next 4/10? Hmm. Let's get pretty good question. I'm not too sure. I think there's still so much to know when you kind of give to you know, UK instructors are still still think there's a lot we can we can come up for them. So still want to kind of keep in in that context and and give something there in terms of Education within body part within great with a Sprint as well. Just going to find something that works for it works for everybody nutrition kind of wise. I'm considering I'm very sincerely another sort of simple kind of program that's gonna be kind of free for everybody. I need to put the kind of fun at the details on that. But just continue with how things are kind of running if things do go really kind of well then possible to kind of take people on to kind of help us out with a kind of workload. That would be ideally the next big step. Also possibly offering some just Services out to personal trainers who are doing a really rocking. Job with personal training for however, maybe need somebody to assist in nutrition side of things as well. So there's that aspect as well having three conversations along those lines as well. But again, I'll just need to work for for both parties, but I think as you can of know sometimes working within the kind of partnership using each other's kind of strengths can be really beneficial in terms of that. Then otherwise personally in terms of on put some kind of stuff competition-wise just got the Scottish plastic chair. Temps end of July powerlifting and I'll be competing in the big heavy 120 category. So they'll be fun. Just hopefully get a few bees there. Hopefully just put in a good performance and then try to get in a strong man competition for the end of the year and that's it. Once that's done then put my eyes on somewhere else. I think I was intending to attempt the Scott the strongman qualifier early next year. So if things go, well the next few months, that's probably where I'm going to at least put my My effort into and try and get into Scotland's kind of strongest man. Perhaps we'll just see what happens there other way. Other than that, there's also no, I'm just thinking a hundred and twenty kilos you are a body to give people perspective Tim is a bodypump squat rack heavier than me. So the bar I will put my back would be 30 kilos. I weigh in at 90 kilos. Tim will be wearing a hundred. Well, well, well, I'm not quite went with it. As went so once we new category, I'm sitting around about the 115 Mark 160 Mark, which is just over 18 million story. You'll have to work up quite a bit down here. I well, you know slowly but surely it's yeah, it's a I know I know it sounds really weird. It's like this this guy is talking about healthy eating and about not gaining weight losing weight slowly progressively getting heavier and heavier and heavier, but it's kind of like, yeah so happens this guy tell me about your losing weight when he's literally slowly increasing the weight on but it's the slowest one specific. Well, it is small. If I cry, it's slow and steady, you know, I've not got a big belly on me. I still I still teach I still do it. I've been doing a lot more kind of my rose the kind of walk. So my activity is still really kind of high, you know still very active. So I've not had not gained like five kilograms of just pure body fat on my belly. I have have put on a bit of like muscle mass. Maybe I had that habit of that but you know, it's a slow and steady. It's not like a dirty bulk as there's a broad word. I guess I'll clean vocals like that. I'm you know constructively and quite controlled. And slowly increasing my body weight. So I think the 120 might just kind of kept it off. I think that's nice kind of round. Nonetheless kind of round number. Although we'll see we'll see so the next one is my pure personal Indulgence what is best app you have on your phone which isn't social media or it's a really boring one. Unfortunately my it's not even rock stars. Not bad ass. It's a it's a meditation app that I use to help. Can I go to sleep was cool. Let's meditate really cool and normally pick some between 10 and 20 minutes. It's just like I'm a bit of a bad sucker. I'm getting better better better. That's like know that most people put onto the phone and TV. It's all kind of late at night and then sometimes when you're trying to get a drift off pick about work, think about trading thinking about the next class thinking about playlist thinking about this isn't this and sometimes quite hard to kind of those also putting your headset and you know, he said when your head space into an app to somebody else can talking just To really help shut out all that distraction and then possibly into a much better sleep. So that's one of my favorite apps. That's not social media and it was a great one that that's actually what I wanted download straight away. I've written that down on the page and there's a massive big circle around it. That's that's what I want to take. I can relate to that not switching off and then final question. I always finished with this question one. What advice would you give to your 20 year old self? I don't know how much - time you go and give you a couple of minutes artiste. I don't know probably a couple of things of care less what people think you know, I think we all are well, maybe maybe just me but I think we all think that we don't care what other people think but the truth is that we do because we are social creatures and what other people think of us. We are think kind of impose on what we think of ourselves. So if somebody that's something that we don't really know doesn't like it. Yes, it's this automatic thing. I will try and get them to actually kind of like us because then we feel kind of bad about ourselves a little bit. But in reality that person doesn't know you they don't know you from Jack squat. They don't know what you did that morning. We did that night, you know, people make the snap judgments literally out of nothing, you know social media outlets for that is really bad obviously, but so probably care less what people can I think would be one of them and then the other one is anything else? You know, I don't be afraid to make mistakes. Perhaps don't make mistakes. And as long as you kind of learn from your mistakes, you know, I think when this kind of well, sometimes we think like, you know, no regret no regretting regret and what's kind of stuff and I think there's a long as you kind of learn learn learn a lesson. You can apply it you can take something away from it. What does this teach me, you know and the last kind of thing applies himself and I forgot I still have one thing but the other thing off will be slipping there is you know, keep your keep your circle. You know have a good small trusted kind of circle. I think the people that you keep company with because it's even simple things like like how you speak. Hey speak with each other how you see people interact with with other people as well. So, you know, if you've got a small circle of five or eight people that you really look up to the really inspire you can have liquid up the conversations with it won't judge you. You know, I think it's a put you in a really good kind of space as opposed to maybe be in a work environment where The kind of our Mantra people are really kind of like negative and always come morning and you can all have a bit of a bitch ammonium now and again, but it's just sometimes a bit too easy to kind of get into that spiral of of getting really annoyed at things that you can't control, you know, if you can control something then you go to ask yourself questions like right, so I'm going to just keep morning. Is it going to make things better or kind of folks or something that I can't control? I can't control how we react I can control this right we'll focus on that, you know sort of without sounding like a like a mindset kind of thing. But it's something that's would you know definitely bodes difficult. Well, I've see ya do those things. I love the three messages you get like there. There's three things. I've actually spoken to quite recently on recent podcasts. And on social media is everyone says care less what other people think and it's all very well good and send that and the key to that is actually what you said. And the third one is if you care more about your inner circle the other Circle, you'll start learning about them. You won't be good at all. SP White Noise. Yeah, and certainly like a fine line between between coming across as now as a sort of an arrogant rude person that doesn't care what kind of thing but you know, it's kind of like well dude, and we're really going to care what so-and-so think. So this person on that are on Facebook things because they disagree with something that I did or said or whatever else right? No, and they don't let it bother you. So like know, okay. Well you think that I think that that's cool. I don't have a problem with that. I really don't like In the fire service where I don't have time to like, you know, like get upset at people that don't agree with whatever I can sample. That's cool. If you think that I think that that's Yeah friends. You shouldn't care what I think and I'm not really going to care what you think. So without sounding really nasty are really rude. I don't really, you know, I so let's just name a Time 10. Thank you so much. This has been an absolutely fantastic. I know people get a heap or value from this to thank you very much and just very quickly. Everyone's on the gram. What is your Instagram name or so people can get you on it. Is Tim underscore nutrition coach. What does what it says on the 10th as they say but yeah, yeah if there is some stuff that I put out there so maybe a bit confusing with numbers and whatever else you know or back to my sound a bit like a bit more neither one explanation but more chat just get in touch and I'll happily heavily have a chat and help anybody out as well as what we can kind of hear for awesome for everyone listening. That is an open invitation to bombard him with nutrition. I'll catch you on the other side once we stop recording. Don't know where is what it is. Thanks that I absolutely loved that episode and I hope you did too Thames knowledge never ever feels to impress me inspire me and always learn something when I talked to Tim either face-to-face fear. What's up, or when it just consumers content social media, you can see all of Thames details in the show notes of this episode. You can learn about what Tim doors with us. Graham's get yourself on the Thames emails and just if nothing else you will get value and increased Knowledge from consuming. Some of Tim's content in the free content that he puts out there and I would highly recommend his nutrition program that he offers having looked at it in Great depth myself. Episode number 39 sponsored by putting for sport Northern Sports retailer the year 2018. We specialize in commercial gym equipment home gym equipment and school where for kids you can find all of putting for sports details on their website and on Instagram and Facebook app Podium for sport. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of the regular on podcast. I always cherish all your feedback. I love when you do the screenshots and put them on Instagram stories. That is really that's a sign from me that people are getting value from my content that I'm Puttin out for it. And if there's anything you would like me to chat about on a podcast or any social media content, please reach out. Let me know. You can email me Ricky Ricky or you can just send me a DM on the ground a tricky long 42. Thank you. Good night. Podcast number 39 is done now.
 #39 Tim Meadows Nutrition & Group Fitness Expert This episode focuses heavily on the role Nutrition plays in performing physical activities like teaching group exercise classes. Tim is an expert and has practised his craft for may years spending many hours studying and even more money investing in his own knowledge. This is a must listen for all group fitness professionals wanting to gain an insight into improving their nutrition and/or feeling frustrated with where they are right now. Nutrition is the very fuel we need to fully function in our jobs. Ignoring the importance of this element is catastrophic for your own health and well being. In this episode you will hear the Nutrition philosophy Tim preaches along with some tips and tricks you can implement immediately using the mighty attributes of Donuts! You can check out Tims Nutrition programme on his website and his Instagram page here This episode is sponsored by podium4sport who are a Northern Irelands sports retail shop of the year 2018. Right now you can check out their brand new website at we specialise in sports and fitness clothing and equipment.
All right. Here we go. Hello, ladies and gents today on the show. We have a man who's been there and seen it all at Forest over the last 20 years is presenter matchday and Match Night on BBC Radio Nottingham. Westbridge would resident himself.Voice you'll instantly recognized so afternoon. Mr. Robin chipperfield Robin are doing thanks for joining us at Forest Fan cast. No problem Tom. How are you? Very good. I'm very well here from New York. And as you know, where a podcast made by Forest fans in North America and we want numerous supporters group across the u.s. And Canada as well what to games together. We've got La Chicago Toronto and of course the one in New York City, which is mine. So my first question to you Robin is what's your experience? Variants of the forest brand around the world. Well, I was going to ask you that actually because I was going to talk about how because it. I'm always amazed by how worldwide Forest is and I've always assumed that's because of the European days and the kind of the word spread around the world about the forest success and obviously winning the European Cup twice, but or do you think it's more about Experts but you know British people moving around the world who are Forest as maybe from dr. Gilmore around and who then spread the word around the world that way well, I'd like to think that as well for my experience. I think it's both I think honestly, you know, the heydays of the European cups took Forest on a World level people watching it worldwide people know about them and any of those Brian Clough from that which yeah, she's great. But I've also found more Recently, I mean I spoke to people that have come into the New York bar to watch the games with us. So how did you get into Forest, you know Americans or Canadians and I'll actually, you know, I was playing FIFA and I write I just picked the team because I like the logo and then then how in my theme yeah, it's really the name helps because it's not United it's not City. It's not town. It's something different. It's something unique as well. So I like that. So how many how many in know you can probably only talk from a New York perspective. I know you. Perspective but how many how many would get together in New York to watch a typical game at a regular time really very so you know sadly his ten o'clock which would meet their last weekend. We had about 25 people in which was great. It was a big number. We had a lot of tourists because you know, it's Christmas in New York. So people are coming over. Yeah, but it's brilliant because we get you know, we get to chat to people that come from Nottingham and they can't believe that there's Forest fans that get together here in New York and and they love coming to, you know, come to join us here. And I think that's just such a brilliant thing that a club like Forest can do. Yeah. Yeah, and there's not many that would do that. I mean you probably take it for granted because you're from nauseam and it's your club, but I wonder if you know in reality. Would there be another 20 English clubs that were do that? I'm you know there and I would I would doubt it. Yeah, I don't do we you know we get some in this same bar that we see Chelsea fans West Ham fans my new fans. Quartz, yeah, but there's you know, the smaller clubs you don't really see. So if he makes you really proud to be a forest fan. Yeah good really really does. So thanks for joining us today. I you know, it's been a little while since we saw I can't get out of the habit of asking questions getting the other end of the mic to the I know I know so you began your career BBC knocking what back in 1999 right 20 years here Ron Atkinson. David Platt Lopez - David Platt was my first Forest manager back in those is quite a you know, it was a big people forget because you know didn't achieve great success with with Forest didn't get them back into the Premier League, which is obviously the eye but people forget how big a name he was at the time and I remember coming up in the summer of 99 when he'd been announced think he brought me. This is big this is this is You judge that he's a he I mean, he was a huge name in English football at the time and obviously seeing this one of the more intelligent English footballers have been to played Italy and you know, it's quite a quite a thinker I think is was the impression at the time about the game. So, you know, I came up there take your bloody. This this is this is huge but I always remember before I come up. I explained to Jose who was a guy. I was covering South End of the time. This is my team. Okay, and I said to the guy at the time I said we're looking forward to going up next week to you know, start my new job and everything and maybe Platts obviously been appointed and that looks good. He went well, he won't be a success and he was kind of add our York sermon which is going to give it away bit, but it kind of made me think. Oh, right. Why not? Why not now you need experience in the championship. You need somebody who's who's been there and done it or knows his way around. I always kind of bore that in mind and I think it's a Whether it whether it still the case these days 20 years on I'm not so sure because we've seen the Mushi having success. We saw Daniel falke having success at Norwich and David Vagner Alice field and you know, whoever else and you have a your horses for courses Championship managers, but then now and again you you get a little sprinkling of something different and it and that could work too. So yeah just doesn't seem like there was a formula for it, but my question was really Coming up is could anyone ever imagined back then? You know that Forest it would be 20 years since they've been out the Premier League because obviously that's not station was on that. They go straight back up. Yeah. I mean, I didn't think that goes straight back up. I thought they'd go back up second season Once David Platt and look a bit more about the championship and got used to managing in there in the championship. They're still have the parachute money at that time and they still had a strong Squad but it you know, it's working. Obviously it didn't happen and we're still Waiting still waiting. Oh, you know just grateful to be out to League one after one. So we're gonna get to that in a little while and now you know in your time you've seen a 17 managers. It's Ron Atkinson do directly plus K and I didn't even include them in my which of those managers do you think would have been most successful had they not been sacked and given more time which you think you know what they're stuck around a bit longer give it Chance for the obvious one for me is Sean O'Driscoll. Yes. That's the one that immediately comes to mind. Some of them just kind of it just felt like I didn't say Steve McClaren, right? There's only there was a month or two. No bit longer than that big something that my big announcement at the time there was a big announcement and everything and you and and it just that never felt right from the moment the season kicked off it just didn't it didn't feel right and the same to a certain extent with Mcleish as well though mcleish has had success that other clubs and there was you know, all sorts going on in the background at the club at the time but should I just was the one that that readily Springs to mind is somebody who I think had laid a decent platformer on a on a on a lowish budget in the championship and I think given time and it might have been The Following season. I think he would have he would achieve he would have achieved something. At the club and you know, he played Without was she doing inside the Forest Way, really? I do know we use the I know he did no one wants to leave. Everyone was yeah because it was the players that kind of assigned him when he wasn't there. I remember reading that someone went around and asked they said who you want to be the manager, you know? Yeah, but it because it was summer. I was about to Dougie Freedman not like you Friedman, but Babar Steve cotterill had gone and it was deemed that a Driscoll. Had quite an impact when he came in as a coach assistant manager in I think probably January February year before it had made quite a difference to keep forest in the championship with the players quite fancy the idea of a Driscoll doing it full time and forward to seeing his side's, you know, he's done cast aside perform at the city ground at League one and at the championship level seen the way they play they had good players and played the right way. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But you know, it's quite a Few decisions and managers down the years that we thought. Yeah, that seems a good idea at the time. Yeah, I completely agree and we know it's worse in is no for that. If you know I'm speaking work when I was a forest fan of at first. I was seven years old. That's when he has to go down at 94 95 season when we finished third in the Premier League. So that was my introduction to forests. Yeah, and it's been not very many. Oops since then. So every year we all think this is our year. This is going to be it for us for going to promotion to the Premier League. What? Closest you've actually thought you know what actually we're going to just do it this time Paul Hart. I think probably when Paul Hart was a manager and they had to kind of the rebuilt team if you like the young team that went to Sheffield United's second leg. Yes heartbreak. I know it was horrendous. It was truly horrendous. It probably reminds the greatest game I've ever seen really. Yeah just Just obviously been dramas in playoffs generally, but that one was given everything that was on the line and the you know, the close proximity of the game only being an hour at the motorway and it was Warnock against Hearts, you know contrasting Styles given how much was at stake and you know, especially afterwards not not perhaps knowing as much at the time but that you know, the players that score. On a drifted away a little bit close with sold and yeah, not too many came in. So that was that was a huge moment for the club looking back and I go back to a forest went to the laughs if you remember so they were within touching distance a Wembley turn it up and as a deflected Michael Brown shot. I think that the goes in and you think well that deflection could have gone anywhere and immediately after Forrest Gump tune it up that goes in and just think it's that deflection of God. Why'd the History of the club could have been so so different could have been so different. Oh my God. I hope you can imagine when Billy because I remember reading something quite recent. It said, you know Forester only one of three teams haven't played at the new Wembley yet. Yeah, it's amazing. It's not depressing me. Yeah that perspective bloody. Hell, is it really just to give you an idea? I think Knox County who slipped out last summer but last May but I think why they wouldn't bother the other two, so that's very helpful. Hugs for the last few years depressing this been the girl that you know, the feel good factor is coming back. I'm going to get on to that question secondly, but my next question for you Robin is something that some of the fans in the forest supports Club New Yorker put towards me and wanted to know and this one goes back to Billy Davis in his second term. I knew what the the two words coming up were here comment. And you know, he declared a blackout against the Press BBC Radio Nottingham. What do you think was his reason behind it? You know, is it tactical was it a personal agenda with you know, it's assert his authority or do you think that you was genuinely paranoid? Well, firstly the say and I will always put this on the record go for it. Is it he's a very very good manager agreed. Oh, this is the result absolutely show it and the hole It was really odd the whole. I mean the first time he was fantastic to deal with really good. Yeah, we got on really well. No, I never if you had a problem with me. He never talked about it. I certainly didn't have a problem with him. He was good to deal with and I would not so when he came back second time, I thought well that be okay. It'll be fine. I have returned. I remember the video. Yeah. Yeah the prophet. Yeah just really strange. It was a really strange time to come. The club because you know, if you had a problem with me or the radio station fair enough, but then he also had a problem with the Nottingham post and with ITV and with lots of national newspapers, and I think it was sky and five live for a time. You know, all I'm saying is you if you have a problem with me, that's fine, but you can't surely have a problem with everybody. So it just it just seemed a very very odd time and No, I told him I would look back on with any from this whatsoever. Second time around you must have been relieved we read in a sense when you know when he when he was sacked the second time and he thought a new era can start we can get around with this Gloom that's been surrounding it gives no football should be fun is there to be in here waiting? Salute? What if I think you hit the nail on the head because it should be fun. It should be fun most of the time, you know, there's going to be times when it's difficult. Caress your door you get stick or whatever but 90% of the time it should be fun and 90% of the time at that point. It wasn't fun and it should be enjoyable. You know, most most people in football are good to deal with you come across people who you'd rather not deal with but you have to deal with it times. That's fine. But most of the time it should be fine and it just made the job so difficult because you you know, you'd want to build up to a match against Watford or whoever it might be at the time. Chef which is honestly than and you couldn't hear from you couldn't bring the fans the views of the manager or any players as part of the program. And you know, that's not that's not fun. Really. It's not fun for anybody. Well no makes you make sure job harder makes my job harder. But but more importantly the people that pay the money to go watch games on the way to the game can't hear from the man that's in charge of their club. And that was that was sadly. It was a it was a strange old time because you know, we had the I now look back as propaganda which Jean music BBC, you know on the news where they had Billy Davis has DVD room. Yeah. I remember to go down that road we do that. Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you doing? To know who you are how fast we popped up on my screen I get that a lot. Don't worry about it. Well, I say, my name is Marc Marc said I wanted the regular co-hosts on for assign cast. Hi Mark. Hello, and it's really awesome to talk to you because you're one of those guys like Jack. Oh and like calling Frey who you know, obviously we've listened to for a lot of years now, so I can't believe I am talking to the legendary chippers. So Barry gets very straightforward. Don't worry about it. He seemed very down-to-earth. That's good. The Billy Davis thing I have to say I heard Colleen Freight the other day. I think it was on Reservoir red dogs. Okay. Yeah. Yeah talking with Ford and his assessment of that situation mirror Jaws, but even went further is to say I guess they exchanged cell phone numbers or mobile numbers you call them in England and you know, they had exchanged text to whatnot. I guess Billy Davis texted Colin Fraser say looking forward to working with you again prior to arriving at the city ground that second time around. Yeah, and of course the you know, the wall went up and that was that so very very odd. But yeah all time on time on sweetheart. I'm sure it's very difficult to kind of to get past that time because that's obviously a lot of what people want to talk about. But yeah, I don't know how long it lasts in the end. He year. Yeah, my mother better than me. It wasn't it wasn't that long. So I just say when you were recounting the Sheffield United game. I actually threw her I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Listening. So listen Simon mark from from that part there. Yeah. Okay. I was waiting for the intro to also I was I was I was looking at something else on my screen. I wasn't looking at it. I didn't realize you joined. I was like, all right box here. No, so, you know New York as well Mark. No, I'm actually so I live in Austin Texas as you can tell from my accent. I really can't but for many many years I lived in Colorado and I'm actually packing Colorado today. Today on business. So I'm talking to you from Denver, right? Okay. It's amazing is that I do it is amazing, New York, New York Denver and west bridge should fail. It's not what you always see on like on those lists is Right Paris, New York, Denver Westbridge food, right? Yeah, that's there the three down the top great. Fantastic. Oh Robin, we're gonna get to you know from the bad times a forest. You know, I'm going to switch it around but there's a real feel good Factor around. For weeks now, you know in New Orleans chairman and obviously Le Meucci doing so well and you know, the club seems to be such great shape on and off the field. Now, we've got Yates sign a new contract this morning my cash signing again. It's it feel any different to this season working around Fort Jackson with the players. And if so, why why does it feel different I have to be honest. It doesn't feel a lot different from last season. I think I think There perhaps a more solid side and they were last season on the pitch and they seemed very much as a squad very United. So I said that I would say the squad looks more together than last season not that there were massive problems last season. I don't want to give that impression but they see they see more together this season, but what I would say is that about this time last season I didn't think they were going to be Major issues lawsuit and it turned out you know for most of December and into the new year. They're obviously work major issues which led to so I talked her anchor guy, but I remember about this time last year seeing Forest going with it whole comfortably away from home at Bolton comfortably sort of thing that florrick don't do go away from home and win comfortably. Yep that they were doing that at this or just before this point last year and they've done it at this point again this year. So I think it feels largely similar, but I think there are you know, there are more maybe the foundations are a bit more the roots are a bit stronger than they were last year. Let's put it like that. Okay, that's great. And that kind of leads me on to another question that was asked to fit in. I was feeling some questions after selling my speak to chippers and people wanted to know you know, what can you tell us about the crank of Fallout? And also what led to a later on Roy Keane leaving and then O'Neill was fired and Lucci was bought in what 20 minutes later he was announced. Ask. Yeah, I mean there's all sorts of wait wait Hannah second mono Neal's gone. It was it was hugely uncontroversial. Nobody really batted an eyelid at the time. It was it was us. Oh dear that was that was quite a difficult period actually the meal time because you know, there was I wouldn't like to guess the percentage based on social media, but there was a large chunk who were not having him as a manager from the beginning. Yes at the city ground and then there was a chunk that work. Were equally wanting to defend him every opportunity and if you sell anything that could be construed as critical then the world would fall in from a great height. But if you said anything that would praise him that the world would equally falling from a great height. So that was actually there's a understand how social media works. I'm not experienced anything like that because generally the feelings are you know towards a manager you you get a large level of support or a large level of criticism and you're not surprised by it. But I was I was surprised by the both sides actually how willing people work to defend and also how willing to attack as well given given his CV when we talk about the music and what's going on presently. I'm trying to actually remember when was the last time Time we had a manager at Nottingham Forest who deflected the advances of another team particularly one from the Premier League as let me G is apparently done this week by some accounts twice from Watford. Yeah. What was the last time when our forest managers want to buy another team? Why was it for you? Absolutely agree? I mean it might I mean people. Well, there was a lot of talk about Billy Davis first time around was there and another club Some classical ages and every day whether how much there was in that. I don't know but there was the poor heart and leads scenario. That's right long ago with that about maybe 15 years ago. It's been a long time since there's been that kind of rambling around a forest bunch of might be interesting other clubs, but I think part of that is because the Meucci was largely unknown as a manager in this country. I mean obviously some people who Who follow European football more closely than I do and and wild football more closely than I do who knew who he was but you know, he was he was a relatively unknown when he came in to replace Martin O'Neill, but I think I mentioned this on on our own podcast this week. But the reason I think he's he's attracted that attention is because one he comes in with a clean sheet of paper because nobody has preconceived ideas about his style of football what he can achieve what he's like, What it's like to deal with Etc, but also the way that is teams play and the way they look so organized and he's got them so organized this season. I think it's that that attracts Premier League teams. Yeah, and it's interesting as well that this the team right now as a whole I mean that seems to be kind of a watermark of this team, which is that you've got a manager who's largely unknown you've got maybe as much as I don't know half the squad perhaps even more who are not particularly. Well known quantity, you know, we talked on before I sign cast about Bruce Amber who's one of our favorites. I think every Forest fans favorite solutely ER and and how on Earth, you know, we're did he come from? I mean surely he has been created in the lab. Remember how much stick there was for the signing? I don't if you do remember at the time, why do we need one a goalkeeper? Why is he signing? Another goalkeeper? Well as it turns out he's signing another goal keeper because this one's better than all the ones he's got put together potentially. But but you know, you can look at San basilio. You look at a mirror on a sorry ma'am. Yeah moving on. Yeah, but these are you know, these are you know, Forest a shopping in that market now. And you know, they have upgraded from the previous time. They shocked in a continental Supermarket. If you like Hypermarket, they've gone for a better class of player, you know, better class of European play on its it makes a heck of a difference. I think it makes a heck of a difference to the players the British players. You've got the supplies that were there already. They see these players coming in at a blimey. We are going up a level and that's what are its. I'm definitely have done when you talk about forests previous Continental for age. You're surely. Referring to the Italian job. I YouTubers and what the David Platt Italian Job the Montana yo era if you like where when you know do mature and people like that came in and for one reason or another fail to impress what to use American Sports vernacular for a moment the batting average this year in terms of transfers is remarkable and in just about every player. Shown their metal just about every player has contributed to one degree or another and that's astonishing and I know that doesn't all fall on the shoulders of the minutiae. I know that now we have a team who has to guess we're actually pretty instrumental in bringing him to the club to begin with but I know that this team has found this talent and it's yeah, it's a great place for us to be. Yeah and you know, even if Lamar she hasn't found it and I don't know how much you know, he's had to say about his work with Bruce am the before so you would imagine he had a fair bit to do with Suddenly that recommendation if not that signing but it's all very well signing these players and spotting the talent, but you also have to mold them into a team and bring the personalities together and I think you know as well as the organization of the team the fact that he's brought the team squad together to be United and all on one page and to be able to cope with not being in the team. Perhaps one week and dropping out of the squad and then coming back on the bench and then being back in the team the way he's managed to keep that going. I think it's only that is is hugely beneficial to the club and shows him in a very good light as well. Absolutely. Yeah. Well, I was reading yesterday that you know, he's not too worried about not having his you know, his contract runs out at the end of the season. Is that right? That's right. Yeah, and he's confident that he's probably going to stay right? Yeah. I think he's very he's a very relaxed guy. I'll be what you what you see may be on TV or hear on the radio when you listen to him. Is it him? He's very relaxed that he you know that he doesn't get too involved in the in the drama of football if you like, which there's too much of, you know through this. Absolutely. Yeah, and he's fine with all that he's not he's not concerned by much to that. He just gets on his job to try and suppliers to make them better and you know, potentially as we all hope to win matches and so far so good. Absolutely. So it kind of brings me on to my next question Robin over talking about plays. Your knowledge is phenomenal as I've just you know, listen to you over. The last memory is is I'm so impressed by it. And obviously you've been voices it 19 season 20 Seasons now since since August 99 bloody house 20 if my math is right. I want to know Robin feels more who are some of the best players you've seen your time at the city ground who? Stands out in all that time. See that's that's difficult because obviously you've get to know them at to a limited extent you get to know them. So I look back at that Billy first team first Billy team, right and you know, there were such good people to deal with so camping gold Chambers Gunther. Where's Morgan you go through the team with Ken Anderson. Own sure, you know that team people pick me up on others I've missed out but that team was fantastic to deal with all good people and I still you still see them against or you know, generally around the place is still keep in touch with them because they were they were just really good people as well as being oxy re very good players as well. So that makes it more difficult for me to pick out exceptional pliers, but right you just you have you like supporters you just you have your favorites. The different reasons they might not be the best players in terms of quality or technique or anything. So you just have your photograph. If you could choose a player that embodies Forest the way that Stuart Pearce did for me and my generation he was forest and still is Forest in you know, in my head. He's just encapsulate if you could choose anyone over your time. They hear encapsulates that Spirit who would it who would you choose? That's a question. Probably someone like what'll I think at the moment? Yeah, I like they were three or four that kind of comes through the the academy and a part of it. I think that one it so to Club an awful lot of money, but to it just gives gives the team, you know, does Joe world will know what it means to win on a Saturday for forest and you just have the faith that he's giving everything to get. A team over the lines. I think I'd probably go for Joe world, but there are you know going back over the over the years of plenty of others, you know, Chris: you know, you can't go thundering into tackles these days in the way that Stuart Pearce did and you know, a lot of his or amongst Forest fans is because of that you can't really do that these days so you have to do it in a different way and I think you know Cohen back in that that era who like call should have mentioned earlier when talking about that. So, it's Billy Davis team and how good they must deal with But Cohen, probably embodied everything about that's good about being a for exploding because you know, he gave it is absolute maximum all the time. You was decimated obviously by injuries at times his career went down into League one came back up and you know came from Lee played in League one the Forest Camp and look to really really good player and you know, but for injury, he might have gone on to play for the in the Premier League and moved on but you know because of Heretic, he didn't but yeah, you know long round about why there's been a few over the last 30 years. I think we co-enrolled people like that Michael awesome. Yeah. I like the Dawson's I think so. I like the fact you said Warren as well because he's putting the Nottingham and Nottingham Forest and to me that is important. Yeah. Yeah, and he's somebody who you know has had quite a bit of stick as well over the previous couple of years before she went away to Rangers. He's not good enough blah blah blah. And you know one thing he got a B+ is is a bit of time a bit of patience players in their first three or four games. They might come off and they might look brilliant in there those little ball games, but you can't make a decision on whether he's good enough player on the basis of the firstly of all games. You have to give particularly unclose you have to give him time. Yeah and one follow-up question for you Robert. Oh well quick observation. So it's interesting what you're saying about getting to know the players a little bit. So when I lived in Colorado, Colorado Springs specifically had the opportunity to do some media work around a podcast and some writing following the Colorado Springs switchbacks who play in the USL, which is the tear directly below the Mis and it's interesting because I have my favorite players as well and some of them it was based upon ability. But but oftentimes you are influenced by those players you make themselves available to you who give a good interview and you just get a sensor good human beings and I had the yes, I have a couple of favorites at the switchbacks. Adjust really really good guys, and they just wish them the best but it's funny. We pass it was Fresno or Vancouver. I think maybe it was Fresno from California were visiting Colorado Springs for a game and Robert Earnshaw was actually the assistant coach and so it's funny after the game. I was supposed to be going on the field interview switch back to players about the game, but instead I belied it to Robert sure. All right. All right. A guy. Yeah, and I've never been that close to a forest last lecture. I shook left hand. But outside of that. I've never been that close to a forest Legend. I beelined it to him. I got a little hyperbolic in that suggested to him in modern times. He was the best Striker we'd seen at the city ground outside of Stan collymore and now they look back on that could be argued. I mean probably slot slight exaggeration expediate. Other than that, I mean, you know top quality top drawer. Anyway, the only guy says he Top division. No. No, you're right. You're absolutely right. Absolutely. Right that put a big smile on his face anyway, and it was good visiting with him. But my follow-up question is this and we asked we have poor tailor on the show a couple episodes back. Obviously, he's a proper chance, but we had him on the show. It's not a choice. Yeah, we're getting through all of the Nottingham royalty here today, as you can tell and a question I posed to him was not who do you think is the best player necessarily in the current squad or necessarily contributing the most? Most but which player this season so far which players have surprised you the most and maybe it's that there are unknown quantities and it's one of the new boys. Maybe it's one of our Lads that's been around for a while. The you fellas really elevated their game. So same question to you which player or players this year really surprised you there's one immediately Springs to mind, which is Cash. Yes, who's always thought was a good play. I never thought it was a right back. I never ever thought it was no. He's Sensational. No. No, it was like, oh we got nobody to play right back up and down to Caesar. What will play or play Matthew there? We've got. All right foot now obviously wasn't like that at least been absolutely Sensational since then the other one might be been what's actually who is probably wrong to say surprised because you know, he's had a tremendous career and I all one of my pet lines in football is that that position he plays is is always massively underrated and a and Watson to a lesser extent because I always thought he was a really good player. But certainly Matty cash is the big surprise when you receive really yeah, it's a good show. It's a right. I think I think most people would agree and and probably sambar as well because no one no one knew anything about him. Yeah, and he really has yeah, it certainly caught the eye and he's a bit of a character and you know, that's what you want from a goalkeeper. And yeah. Yeah, what is that? I think it's Amber in the midst of the Mirage situation. I think that's the thing that's made that made this made his appearance and his performances. Surprising is that I think everything was hung on marriage rights being an international goalkeeper, you know coming from the current Champions Premier League champions. There was no doubt. He's going to be our number one all season long for just as long as the loan went and of course that made the the rise of briefs Amber that much more surprising. Hey gents. Unfortunately, I'm squeezing this interview in between work commitments. So yeah, I have a day job. I've got to run a boring and a terribly boring, but I know that you guys have more questions, so I'll leave. You guys to it. Look forward to hearing the rest of the interview myself, and it's been a pleasure trip is really a very enjoy business with you so bad. Thanks a lot. Nice to meet you. It's years mark. Thank you. Hey, we got a nice surprise. I've been marked pop-up, wasn't it? It's amazing technology that it is. It not amazing. I know I sound like an old fart now but it really is amazing. Not one bit now and he's a probably because he's good. Isn't he - Yeah, he really brings it. Yeah, I'm going to wrap it up pretty soon as well Robin. Okay, because you think you pretty much answered the questions I have now what I did Gage from Chancellor of the New York fans here when I said that I was going to speak to you is that this was said I was Annie from Essex and so here's an ethically. Yeah. You tell ya I try and hide it the accents not there. Thank God. It's over use no offense to any virus expands listed, but you know, you have some affinity for Forest now surely after all this time. Would you consider these larger self a fan how far would you go is to say your high? I know I am a fan. I'm a fan of South End is my team that's where you know, I grew up and that's the team. I started to go and watch it's a bit embarrassing. The seasons who missed their truly Dreadful but forested team. I've covered like North County. I've covered man see what I've covered for 20 years in various sizes in various pieces as well. So I have a huge Van Der sprawled and over time. I found all them favor left and went somewhere else. I would have to I look for South and East and then Forest not smells good immediately after that if you can have a look I never thought you could have more than one team, but my god, I've got more than one two, that's impressive and you know as As far as fans of share your eyes, you can tell why Mark come on and he's always speaking to the legendary chippers, you know, you caught steaks. Yeah. I don't really I don't get I don't get that. I just haven't I do my job. That's all I do. You are just ask the game and we are very lucky to be able to do it to do. What now what you enjoy doing? It's not I've always said at some point somebody's going to go look you've had your fun. You've been doing this for 20 25 years. Do you want to manage team going to get But go and get yourself a proper job now and explain about but I'll keep plan about as long as I can I think and what can you see happening after you maybe you finish reporting on Sports? Would you ever going to you know, writing or anything like that the l11 writing at some point some point in the future? I always enjoyed writing whether you know, I've done bits and pieces not a lot but bits of pieces of the BBC sport website, which I've always enjoyed actually I do. You like writing so that's a possibility but not not something I thought a huge amount about so yeah, who knows who you know what future when there are you know, so many good podcasts about including house. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, what what you know, it's who knows in 10 years time what the future of radio will be, you know, where we'll be broadcasting. It will be broadcasting, you know, anything could happen in the next 10 years until you can like the last 10 years you consider 10 years ago. There wasn't It wasn't social media. There would have been the internet I think but no Netflix. I don't think you know stuff like that. No just just didn't happen. You know, I player no Big C sounds, you know, so, you know, what? Will there be in 10 years time? Who knows? Who knows? There's no point really thinking about it because whatever will be will be I think can you tell us where to follow you on Twitter for those that want to note that sport chippers on Twitter Facebook and Instagram. Are we II really am a modern man, there we go. We have pictures of you as well. Well lookie is good bad this time. I'm right. Thank you very much and will speak soon.
Forest Fancast is a North American podcast produced by Forest fans. Hosted by @NFFCFlorida, @Melchett, and @JordanThelen. Forest Fancast’s gift to our fellow Trickies is a fantastic ‘Stoppage Time’ with Forest constant Robin Chipperfield, aka Chippers! Roving reporter Tom Wardle, with a little help from part-timer Mark Turner, takes a walk with Chippers down memory lane, talking all things Forest past and present. Chippers discusses the managers revolving door at the City Ground, and some of the characters that have spun through it. He also has some insights into the best players he’s seen don the Garibaldi over the past 20 years, as well as which players have most surprised him this season. And he ruminates over what he thinks the future of sports journalism could be, and what he might find himself doing some day. Contact us: Twitter: Instagram: Anchor: ---This episode is sponsored by Boot Bags, founded by pro soccer players, Shane Malcolm and Jordan Schweitzer in 2019, the company is dedicated to providing quality products for traveling athletes, professionals and sports enthusiasts. For every 5 bootbags we sell, it gives us an opportunity to give a pair of new or lightly used boots to a child in need.
Hello and welcome to episode number 32 of the Ricky Long podcast. Hey, welcome to another episode of the Ricky Long podcast episode number 32. We are again sponsored by the way. Wonderful Podium for sport Northern Ireland's Sports retailer of the year in 2018. We specialize in all types of fitness gym equipment as well as equipment for schools and uniforms for schools Etc. Really really good guys. I've been associated with putting for sport for a long long time now and really really grateful for their continued partnership and support. Port through these podcasts the second sponsorship is actually my own so jump 4.2 is about to launch in May the 1st 2019. What is jump 4.2 jump 4.2 is a training nutrition and mindset program specifically designed for group fitness instructors who want to get fit to teach tree and the teach have a better relationship. An energy with their exercise that helps them and serve them when they come to do their job IE teach a group fitness class. If you want to get involved and jump 4.2 you need to private meal me. You need to email me. You need to connect with me on social media and I will make sure you get all the information which allows you to start on May the first and what do you get for that? You're going to get your own individual training portal you can access this portal on your phone or on your Your laptop anytime you like and this will allow you to work through the workouts the mindset drills and nutrition education at your own piss. You will have connections with a Facebook group where everybody else has gone through jump 4.2 in the last two years and we can lean on each other support. So today it. I've had a hundred and forty-five. I actually contacted the other day a hundred and forty-five people go through job 4.2 and the only other concern S hand on heart. I have had a Bowden 95% success rate the 5% known success rate were due to extenuating circumstances such as horse moves and in one of those cases, it was a whole continent move as well. So people have the Opera date is Sunday the 14th of April 2019 to give you some context and the apologize in case you hear any outside noise. I'm actually sitting in my car, right? Now recording this podcast in the last week. It was announced on social media and email marketing about changes too high. It's going to work for a Les Mills instructor. So this email is this email this podcast is done on edited by the way, Don off the back of the news that was announced last week. This podcast is a flight instructor pay in the fitness industry instructor pay in the fitness industry. Now, I'm going to have to come at this a couple different ways. I'm going to do a couple of disclaimers right at the start of the episode and I apologize in advance. If I at any point seem a little bit random and want to jump between conversations and jump between subjects. One of those was in fact that I put this out. On my Instagram that I was going to record this episode and was there anything that people wanted me to talk about and a lot of personal trainers who don't teach Les Mills classes actually got back to me and started talking about their own pay for personal training. And and I think that's another big subject and I might go into that a little bit today, but that's going to be another topic for another time. This one is going to be specifically specifically about group fitness instructors pay. The news that was announced last week came from Les Mills a company that I work for. I'm a contractor for Les Mills and it was about changes to high an instructor will stay and educate themselves with Les Mills. So beforehand that used to kind of be they pay it was kind of a pay-as-you-go system pay for the touch points you do pay for the music that you buy pay for the education sessions. Your tent and what Les Mills have announced in the last week is that that is going to change to a quarterly payment system. It's kind of like a membership but not quite and for that slight increase of quarterly payment per program, you will get access to two three four five times the amount of access that you would have had before for the same amount of money. So I am not going to quote the actual figures here. I'm just going to pull a couple of numbers out of my head. So would have been about 30 points per program for your minimal touch points per quarter. No, it's 35 points per quarter, but you have unlimited touch points. So people are paying like six or seven points extra and they're getting a you know, if you were to work out the master probably getting access to about three or four hundred points extra. By way of Education called a workshops touch points, etc. Etc. So this is why this topic has exploded a little bit and social media and when I put up my post on Instagram people are very very passionate in the responses. So let me qualify myself to talk about this for just a couple of minutes. So I'm going to talk at this from three points of view of Donna podcast in this before kind of similar, but I'm going to flesh this one out a little bit so So first and foremost, I am qualified to talk about the instructor pay a group fitness instructor gets because I have been a group fitness instructor for over 10 years not I've taught spin classes. I've taught head classes. I've taught circuits classes. I've taught Les Mills classes obviously, I've taught yoga classes. I've taught Pilates the freestyle classes and I've done some well as are yells out of them Beachbody classes before I've told a couple of and silently classes. I have got F of theta for work that owner for the you know, worked out 10 years 20 classes a week. I mean, that's a lot of classes. That's a lot of counting it. That's a lot of group fitness classes taught. That's a lot of members. - I've had in front of me. You're probably talking close to that's definitely over six figures how many members are would have had in front of me? How many clubs that might be and how many countries and continents and secondly, it also means I have done a shitload of invoices and means I have asked for money for a lot of those classes the second person. I want to talk from the perspective of is the club owner. I have been a club. Owner before from 2015 until 2017. I ran my own club in Banger Northern Ireland. It was called belong Fitness and we had on our books 10 members of Staff teaching group fitness classes. We were paying license program fees to Les Mills. I've been paying all the bills for the club. I've been paying the staff wages the rear its rent the license fees for for music. There's something called PPL which is your license to play copyrighted music just about every Bill I've had to sign for in that regard before I was the club owner. I have also been a club manager basically doing the same tasks as one of just said for another club. So I am qualified to talk about how it feels to pay an instructor because I have been that person before and the third person I'm going to talk in the perspective of is the layers Mills trainer because I am a Les Mills trainer and I have been a Les Mills trainer since 2011 2012 or thereabouts have been a Les Mills instructor since about 2010 and the reason why I need to talk about the Les Mills trainer is I was I was talking to someone a before the despoil castings explaining how I was going to do and I said Ricky just be careful because I know what you're like you can run your mouth off sometimes and you can have around and you can pass a few people off and you don't want to be doing anything the the pistoleros Mills off and say stuff you shouldn't and I completely appreciate the advice but the fact of the matter is this is a delicate. Delicate subject and it needs spoken about and as a Les Mills trainer part of the Les Mills value proposition to instructors, which I 100% by into is we are dedicated to helping our instructors achieve greatness. And for me that goes far far beyond what I deliver on a Les Mills module. That goes far beyond what I deliver on an educational quarterly Workshop. I want the instructors to achieve greatness and of part of your individual greatness is earning more money. Then I'm going to do my best in my lifetime in this part of my career to make sure that instructors have the ability the totals to earn as much as they are worth. So whilst I am a Les Mills trainer. I am speaking to you today as Ricky Long a fitness professional. I think that's all I'm a disclaimer is done. I think so. So if at any point you are a club owner, I've been there if you're an instructor I am one you are a Les Mills trainer or Les Mills member staff. I am speaking on behalf not on behalf of y'all but in perspective of y'all I'm going to give different kind of analogies as you go through right and like I said, I'm going to jump across topics from time to time as you do this. So first things first what you get paid, In your life is a direct reflection on the service and the results that you get for other people. So if you were to pause this podcast right now and go into your bank account and look at the the sum of money in your account that that sum of money is 100% Correct for what you've been doing. You will always use the money you've you are. If you're in 20 grand a year by the end of the year, sorry 20 grand a year. So what's up 1/2 gram the month, whatever it might be by the end of the month. You're going to be skint if you're on a hundred grand a year. So it's by eight grand a month by the end of the month. You're going to be skint. That's just how high how it works. So it's all relative what you're getting paid and what you get paid is a direct reflection of the service you provide. It's why a brain surgeon will get paid more than a general. Senior doctor because they have specialized in something therefore they get more money. If you are the best PT and you get the best fat results and the fastest time you can expect to charge more than the standard PT just off. Of course who doesn't really specialize in anything if you are group fitness instructor and you are known as being the best hit. But Camp type coach in the area you can expect to be paid more than someone who teaches generic workouts and doesn't really specialize in amethyst. So my point is what you compared is a direct reflection on the service and value you bring to other people. So first things first, what is the pay for a group fitness instructor now this varies massively and I've asked quite a few. People from all quite well connected throughout the UK and Ireland and I've been able last people in different parts of the the contrary countries countries. I've got to get that right because I've just mentioned five countries UK and Ireland. So I'll let you work that out for a minute hiders five countries in the UK and Ireland. You get a prize if you message me what those five countries or if it is, correct? And the kind of figure I've kind of settled on, you know rounding off a little bit is about 20 points a class. So some people get paid more than that and some people get paid less than that. And there was a lot of people kind of saying well, there's Mills classes compared this yoga classes compared this players classes because the pair dish and Sammy the classes compared this I've kind of just, you know, kind of your thanks. I've taken abroad average. I was about 20 pounds per class and that sometimes translates as 20 points and or but it's Always tried to poison our because some classes to be 45 minutes 30 minutes, maybe even some classes or the longer than the 60 minutes. So that is the rough and what's really really important for any of the listeners out there to realize who don't teach group fitness and classes 20 points and or shines like a decent deal because you're probably thinking well, you're going to work 40 hours a week because that's what everybody works for 20 points in or you're thinking you know, that's a hefty sum only. Well, it's four for four from that because as a group fitness instructor, you're limited the amount of classes you can teach on a couple of reasons one of those reasons is you Don't do it at all hours of classes per day from the simple point of time. So you might get one or two classes before 9 a.m. Couple of classes between nine and twelve one class round about lunchtime. Then there's this big black hole in the afternoon were no group fitness classes ever exist. And then in the evening, you may be able to get three possibly four classes. So that's where the windows of classes come and let me tell You this for Nothin teaching more than two classes per day is a massive massive asked on the body physically mentally, they might the food you would have to eat to get through that. They might have recovery. You need to be able to teach those classes and not damage your health. And then the other side of that is well, you might be getting paid 20 points for that one class. But it's not 20 points and are because you're going to have to span two or three hours prepping for that class. You're going to have to spend time getting to and from that gym. So you might teach half an hour away from your house. So that's half an hour there half an hour back. That's an order that classes and or that's to your Expedition. You're giving me 20 points for it. We'll all of a sudden that's an item points and are and then if you take into consideration, I've had the span say four or five hours learning my choreography learning my routines. Well, not all the sudden. It's about three or four points in our and what's the minimum wage nowadays seven or eight points? And this is another interesting. I told you I'm gonna go off on tangents. So the minimum wage has consistently risen for about the past 10-15 years orange instructors pay has stayed the same or actually got less especially in some clubs case. And by the way if you're a club And you do this. I really really resent you for doing this the way PPL and music license fees repaired. A lot of the time that's been passed on to the instructor. So the instructor was getting paid 20 points per class and then on some clubs they know I deduct about 1.57 from the instructor per class. Do you teach in ten classes a week for that Club restaurant to lose 15 points? So you've give us another pickup Yeah, and I know I'm speaking as the instructor right now. So let me flip that rind. Let me speak as the club owner. Your rates have gone up your rent has gone up your bills just to run your Club in general have gone up. We can't put yourself wages up. But have you put it the minimum wage up for your front the house stuff. You probably have put that up. So why can't you put this the wage up for everyone else or because you're not enough money in the business. Well, then you need to pass the payment on to your members and start providing them a much better more fulfilled service. That's what needs to happen. And the members will actually reward that reward that well actually value that as a value offering and so I've just kind of going through my next Point here, which is what are the costs of being a group fitness instructor. So there is the cost of upscale that is staying generally educated that's knowing how to teach your program to the best of your ability. There is also the the personal development side of things. So that's like I'm really really good at teaching a body part. Coaching model if I do say so myself, but to in order to stay upscale the myself. I also do a lot of things outside of the fitness industry and a lot of self and personal development to understand what motivates people to understand how to read and listen to people which isn't necessarily taught in the fitness industry. So that's more cost second on my list here is closed like second or my list of expenses is closed. To put that to give that kind of weight is a group fitness instructor we go through clothes fast. We sweat a lot close start to smell clothes loose ship. They were losers support. So we are going to need new stuff and I use the word need there. Deliberately. We're going to need new stuff probably every three or four months depends on many classes you're teaching if you're teaching ten classes a week. That's 45. As a month that's a hundred and twenty classes at 220 sweaty sessions in three months. Well, your clothes are going to start to with a little bit, you know, when they get that kind of stage just as soon as they get a little bit warm, they start to stink you're going to need to spend money and clothes there's insurance. So we all need to have our own insurance equipment. So what equipment do you need to teach so you might need to bring certain wits equipment with you? Dinah bands with your hurdles with your SAQ, whatever that might be. I know that would be possibly a one-off cost or once per year course, but it still needs to be factored into your business and then there's a more functional things that when you turn up the air Club what they provide you with do you need to provide your own microphone your own batteries and that sort of thing. It's you need to factor in all that cost and then the biggest cost to any group fitness instructor I've touched on this already is time the time you must dedicate the teach a 60-minute class is Way Beyond 60 minutes. It's probably closer to 5 or to teach 160 minute class because you've got to do all that prep time all the education all the getting to and from the club. I've spoke about before I don't want to go into it too much more. Other things that kind of spoke about a is what the the club should or should not provide. This is a massive bugbear of mine that some clubs will provide you with equipment X y&z. Some clubs will expect you to bring equipment X y&z. If I am the club owner, I need to make it very very clear to my perspective instructor coming in to teach my class as a contractor what I am going to Provide them with are they going to get batteries? Are they going to get the microphone or they go in to get an iPod late? Can they play for my court? Do they still need CDs? And I know some clubs still work from CDs so that as the club owner, I need to factor that into how much I then pay the instructor to provide all that to come and teach my members this the other side of that is as the instructor. I need to decide am I going to go and work in clubs that don't provide me with x y&z. Where am I going to go to a club if they don't have a microphone because I know I have to go and buy a microphone and that's a couple of hundred points cost up front and then there's maintenance of that D. I want that in my life. I know a couple of instructors and this I really really respect this decision. I know a couple of instructors who refused to teach in clubs refused to teach bodypump and clubs that do not have Les Mills smart Tech. Not and I absolutely love that. I think if I'm honest if I was to go back into teaching full time, I would do the same thing. And the reason why I would do the same thing as my standards are high. I only want to teach in the best clubs with the best equipment. Now, I know that whole sentence will have pissed a few of you off, but that is me that is my opinion. I want to teach with the best equipment in the best clubs that might not be you. And the the last part of that is what should the instructor provide by way of the service. So I'm going to command I'm going to come and teach your classes and then I'm just going to go home or I am I going to come in 5-10 minutes beforehand chat to your members teach your class and then stay five ten minutes after and I want to post on social media about your club and their benefits at your Club has am I going to tear and other club events and communicate with your Brush, I'm going to provide extra equipment on my going to provide extra session. So what is the value you as the instructor are going to provide to the club? I kind of got sidetracked when I was talking about the instructor instructor pay though just for a second is there the minimum wage has consistently gone up and up and up and up and up and the instructor Ridge has stayed the same and in some cases gon die. So we as group fitness instructors have essentially had a massive massive pay cut over the last 20 years. That is our fault. That is our fault for not making sure we are getting paired what we are worth and we are worth more than the or Leary it of taken a class. All right, let me get get my phone. So what I'm trying to do now, I've got some got some stats for you. Which came straight off some research platforms. There's a lot of Les Mills that's here. And there's a lot of just just that industry-wide and it's to support why group fitness instructors and group fitness programs in clubs actually benefit the club. I was triggered last week. I saw a post on social media and if this if this sentence gets back to the person who wrote it, I didn't reply to your time because I probably couldn't have worked out harder replied. constructively But it was in response to some of the recent changes of charges and being a Les Mills instructor and the sentence was and I quote you're not I forcing us to treat our passion as a business. When we previously treated it as or passion on a read it and I thought well, yes. We are you should have been doing that from a long time ago. It's turn your passion into a business. That's what the sentences that's what we we when I say we are not point we as entrepreneurs and not speaking as a Les Mills instructor or a Les Mills trainer or club owner when I say that we as entrepreneurs satyr. Turn your passion into a business and if it doesn't make business sense, don't make it a business. So the examples are I really really like one of my passions and life compilation was say this on a podcast. I love playing football manager know there is a way you can turn playing football manager the computer game into a business that involves doing YouTube videos that involves going to gaming centers that involves getting sponsorships, etc. Etc. I could turn that passion into your business word that business be enough to keep my life go. In the style. I have come across them to probably not so what am I going to do it? No. If I put in 40 50 hours of work per week per day in some cases. Could I make that passion a business that pays me handsomely in return Yes. I'm prepared to do that. No, so that's why you've got away up and you've got to think like a businessman or woman. If you enjoy keep it teaching group fitness classes. It must make Financial sense. So if you're only teaching one class of a program per week, and it's caught Student you about the same in terms of time and money and Investments on am not speaking about Les Mills specifically here. If it is costing you the same. It doesn't actually make business sense for you to do that and might give work for that amount of return. So you have a couple of options. Do you do more work? Do you search for more ways to deliver that program or do you think you know what that's not making sense right now. I'm going to stop doing that and spend my time doing something else. So to give you something. Tangible it up through a lot of and again, I'm going to speak to Les Mills instructors as a Les Mills instructor myself. So you might be certified in a couple of programs. Let's take three of our bigger programs body pump body combat and Body Balance, you might have three pump you might have to combat and you might have one balance. So you look at the cost for everything in that so it's going to cost you the same per quarter for all of those three programs. So maybe you're thinking well. It's worth wide for pump because I'm doing three classes a week for combat kind of it's okay and for balance while I'm only doing one class a week of that. So it's cost me about the same and time love energy and money. So what should I do? Should I try to increase the amount of balance classes? I teach should I stop teaching balance and pick up an extra body pump or a combat class? That makes business sense business owners do this on a quarterly monthly weekly basis. They reevaluate their pla their profit loss. Like if you're a group fitness instructor, you need to be doing the same. Look at your p&l line. What is making sense? What isn't what is bringing you in the most amount of income and what is causing you the most amount of loss and hi. Can you start to bridge that Gap so there is more money. Common in to your Fitness business because that is what you are. You're a Fitness business. You're not a group fitness instructor. You're not a personal trainer. You are not a member of Staff. You are a Fitness business. You are a personal brand and you've got to treat your passion as a business first and foremost, right? So I'm stats for you, which I'm going to pull out here 32 and this is this is going to be Lafitte are a lot of people. So let me clarify who this will benefit you. So if you're a Les Mills trainer listening to this or Les Mills member of Staff. These are the stats that we work towards and try to increase because we know the benefits this has on instructors Club retention and profit and loss and the effect that actually has on gym members the instructor. So if your instructor and you're thinking, you know, what regular lungs I'm not talking a lot of sense, right? But he's about the real awesome stats and I want to pay rise. So I'm going to listen this is support for you. And if you're a club owner, I have heard this sentence before as a club owner. I have I'm ashamed to say this as a club manager. I kind of said something to this effect that the group fitness studio doesn't earn you any money. It just costs money in instructor costs, which is absolute nonsense and Bones yet. I'm pleased to say that was like 10 years ago when I was a lot less educated than I am nice. So 32 percent of the adult population attend some sort of Fitness industry all these stats by the way can be found on the Les Mills website and it's all verified and published research 80% of all people paying for exercise or Millennials or Generation Z. Let's just sit on that one right now 80% of all people paying for exercise or millennials. Or Jen's at so that's people basically under the age of 33 34 depends. What book you read what qualifies as a millennial 80 percent of those people are paying for Fitness. You go back 20 years 80% of 35 year olds on under were not paying for Fitness. They were paying for alcohol drugs and course. So that's where the value is and put in our efforts into serving these people group fitness attendees visit their facility on average four times per week. So what that means? Is that the member of your gym. Your goes to group. I'm hoping reading this right now interpreted interpreted interpreted and Tarpon this right? So group fitness attendees visit their facility on average four times per week. So they will go to the gym four times per week where someone who doesn't attend group fitness classes. It's actually less than two times three kids by one and a half times per week on average. Let's knows workouts account for 45% of all group workouts to music globally. Sense retention globally Les Mills attendees who visit three classes per week have an average membership of 22 to forty nine and a half percent longer than GM only member. So let's take the lower end of that scale 25% So there's a couple of other stats of got written down here. So members who attend three times per week will stay three times longer and it's estimated that people who attend your gin. In Joe who join your gym half of them will leave within a year. So if you get a hundred people to join today or on April the 14th. By April 14th, 2020 only 50 of them will still be members. So what these stats say is if you can get those hundred people to start doing group fitness classes, two three four times a week. They are three times four times more likely to still be there in the next year. And in fact in the next two or three years. So this is where the group fitness studio starts to earn you money. Because instead of you having to run out and get your seals Force the get in more and more members. Well, you've got all your members still in the club and this is another thing that pisses me off about the fitness industry is that you walk in the most gyms and you wanted a member of gym stuff and you can find any Because there's only one of them and he or she is probably away cleaning machine not their fault. It's the industry's fault and then you go down to the seals officer reception and there's three or four members of Staff. They're all trying to get new members in. Well, what if you flip that what if you can flip that what if you had one member of seals on at any one time and three or four members of the GMT mourn and in any stage of time the gym staff were servicing members so they stopped leaving. The membership staff don't have to get a hundred people per month all the sudden. They only have to get 5 or 10 people per month folk. There's my alarm. About time to tell me your record just be careful to stop swearing. Right so warm was I on that 45% globally 86% of all there's Mills attendees or extremely satisfied or satisfied the results. That's a little plug for Les Mills. Obviously, I'm going to do that and and here's a great one for the club Owners listening to this group fitness attendees recommend 18% more. Then Jim only members so Jim's will do referral schemes here refer a friend and you'll get a free water bottle. You'll get a free some bad. You'll get a free Cinema ticket, whatever it might be or group fitness attendees will recommend people on a average of 18% more than Jim only because we're more sociable creatures 95% of all, there's males attendees refer versus 85% of GM only attendees. So if you have a class of People probably unlikely for most gyms. But if you have a hundred people were saying that 95 of those people will recommend the friend and if you have the gym floor with a hundred people on it only 85% of them well or 85 people of them 85 people of them. Well recommend some and group fitness attendees refer on average about for non-members to everyone or of or Jim going members. And then this is just for the instructors 79% of cycle class attendees site that the instructor was extremely important When selecting your class, I don't have this stat in front of me. There's two things that help you win when it comes to run and a group fitness studio is your location and your timetable you can do nothing about your location. Your location is just where your gym is what you can do is work on your timetable. So you can position classes in a certain way you can have specific. Constructors for specific tasks and you can upscale your instructors to absolutely on limited value what happens when you upscale an instructor, they will keep your members happier when you have happy members, they get more results and they stay for longer what happens if you're an instructor who is exceptionally upscale with a massive reputation will suddenly you can earn more money than the next instructor. One off on a tangent. So one thing that gets me about the fitness industry as well. As you know, I'm aware actually had these had these three from I'll not say their name from a company I work with and it was the contract of employment or contract of freelancer agreements. And in that contract that was telling them what the Ritz is payer and I was thinking well if a plumber walked into Union Coolidge you for some work, Doc contractor would tell you this is how much it's going to cost for the labor. This is how much it's going to cost for the parts. And this is how much it's grown a and this is how long it's going to take cetera Etc. Whereas in the fitness industry. It's kind of the other way around, you know, I'll walk in the club and they'll say Ricky we pay 20 points for that class. No, this is where you as a group fitness instructor. This is where you need to prove your worth. If you don't think you're worth 20 pints of class, you think you're worth more than that, you need to tell them that we need to stop being embarrassed and ashamed about money. We all want money. We all want more money and we're all worth a certain amount of money and we have to ask for more that so I'm going to say this all my podcast if you offer me 20 points to take a group fitness class, I don't care if it's Two minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes and car how long it is. I will not do a class for 20 points. It is not enough value for what I can bring to your club and the second side of that is I don't even believe group fitness instructors should be getting paid per the class. I think it would be a much better Arrangement between the club and the group fitness instructor to have a monthly quote-unquote salary now, I'm not going To get into pay waii and tax and all that but let's just say you're teaching one class a week. So up before classes a month. If you get paid 20 points of class, that would be 80 points of the month. Let's just say I month has four weeks what I'm saying make that a hundred points and use the club nice start to treat that freelancer as an employee include that contractor in business decisions in business meetings. Get that contractor to buy into your Club values your Club ethos to interact with your members and not just in a group fitness environment make them feel part of your team because what that instructor will give you back is a better class is more likely to post about your Club on social media. So what I'm saying is the old school way of thinking on paying your instructors per class. Well, I'm just going to set it doesn't work at all. Don't leave long-lasting results and affection. So why why don't you change it? Not very many clubs do this. I used to do it with belong Fitness is we didn't pay or freelances per class. We paid them in an overall package per month and it meant with the main reason why we did it is when they posted on social media. They were only ever Post in the Bible on Fitness. They weren't potion about the local Leisure Centre or the other clubs the torrent because they only happy to teach and or place everywhere else was slightly different. So why don't Go against the Stars start school. Yeah, cool cool. Go against the tide and deliver something else create your own value proposition between the club and the instructor. I'm going off on tangents all over the show. I know this podcast is going to be listened to a lot of probably a new your audience to me and you want to be wondering or these podcasts always is random in this and the answer is fucking yes substance over style matters most for the instructor Choice 40% of people prefer. Someone who coaches intelligently verse 26 percent of people who prefer someone entertaining. So what I take from that is As a group fitness instructor, you have a responsibility to teach your program to get results from your memories because that's their the biggest thing that keep members in a club is a results and some of that is functional aesthetic results and some of that is social results. So you as a group fitness instructor what I'm basically saying is you've got to do more than just High we're going to do this way. It's workout. Today we're going to do four sets of ear. Then we're going to do 5 sets of 5 then we're going to do some heads. One two three go you got to be entertaining. You've got a coach. You've got to connect with people. You've got to make long lasting relationships. Not just between you and the the class but between class members and other class members that again brings your self-worth and value up a couple of other stats to when a member joins their risk of canceling in the first six months. Is higher so let me word that again. When a member joins their risk of counseling in the first six months. Is higher for Jim only at fifty-six percent compared to just 27% from somebody who joins in those group fitness classes. So that means if somebody joins and wants to start doing classes will you know, there are 27 percent less likely to cancel their membership in the first six months. So you as the club owner you as a group fitness instructor should be doing everything possible to make sure your group fitness offering is the best it can be 61% of people who exercise are members of a gym. So a lot of people exercise and not everyone wants to be a member of a gym, you know, some people be member of clubs such as football hockey netball swimming and member of someone Club my hashtag. I'm a swimmer and so 61% of people who exercise and members of a gym group fitness accounts for 44% of club visits 44% of this why pins through Your Club this week are going to come from people who are booked in to do a group fitness class. What a massive step. I've touched on the Millennials and gen Zed. What I want to kind of elaborate on the Millennials and gen said is so these are the under 35s. I think Jen's are door kind of I don't know 25 and Below. These are the kids as I call them. You know, I'm obviously 24, so I'm Jens at 80% of the club or Millennial or Jen said and 81 percent of all Fitness action on your phone that you're listening to this on. You know, all the fitness apps 81 percent of users of fitness apps or under the age of 35. I either Jen's add or millennia. So that's how powerful that market is. So as a club owner, I would be thinking right now. Okay, so if I want to get more members because there's more Millennials and gen Z ads. Hi can I tap into that market? So I got to become really really Savvy with social media. I've got a create an app and I've got to get my instructors post and about my club on their social media the same side of that if I'm an instructor and I want to get more money. Need to build up a social media following so is that when you know the fitness club and the rackets Club come to me and say you want to come and teach you my studio would pay 20 points. I can say to the fitness club know I teacher 40 points the fitness club will say no we don't pay that in the rackets Club say, well we can you can teach your class here for 20 points. I said, well, I've got this following on social media and I know they're all going to come here. Okay, you can come here for 40 points. I'd be like Date, so I've just proved my worth. I'm just using a fitness club and a racket club just as just as examples are I'm not talking about anyone specifically. Hopefully you get what I mean, and I've said this before members to attend a class three times per week will stay three times longer. So now I'm going to want to dive into my phone. So just give me a second. I'm just getting a heap of heap of emails through and All right. So this is again, I won't flash these like too much but there's a couple of them which I know we're going to trigger me. So this is when I post it on social media and said, is there anything you want to talk me about a PT who doesn't teach Les Mills classes, but this PT is very very clued up in the industries and man of the world it said because you need to pay the teacher layers Mills class. You need to take the right class. In the right club and take the right amount of them in order to make business sense of touch in this before if you're going to make any sort of investment to teach a class to go into your course, you need to make sure it's for the benefit of your business. So it's business over passion rather than passion over business. Where's the other one? So Alan sent this tree, which is a great point is if you're a group fitness instructor, you will probably be self-employed. So you'll need to factor in tax National Insurance holiday pay over being contracted. So what what is absolutely fantastic about being a group fitness instructor is you will be able to register as being self-employed which means you do your tax return at the end of the year and anything you buy for the benefits of your business. You can clean back against the tax. Which is brilliant so always got a proper content rather than recognize podcast to talk you through that, but I spoke about it earlier every three months you might need to invest in Newport trainers. Well, that's tax deductible. That's all I'm going to say about that coach going in the accountancy and taxes and pay why he's just a little bit not so this one's come in from someone who I'm not going to mention. This girl's name. And this is what I'm going to get triggered on is so the question was anything about an instructor paying one of their podcast and this instructor has said no tiered payments depending on class numbers. So let me stick on that one. I was doing some research for this episode and I came across a great article which was backed by research and Science and stats. It was on the Les Mills website and they were talking about their the benefits of paying your instructors depend on how many people are going to your class. So I'll just put you some figures out, you know, if you have under 20 people maybe you'll get 20 points you have over 20 people. Maybe you'll get 25 points and if you have over 40 people maybe it's 30 points something like that and a lot of Start say this works, but I can tell you right here right now. That does not motivate me. And no way shape or form. It's not something a group fitness instructor is actually in control of and it doesn't matter how many people are in front of me as your group fitness instructor, but like it could not I could not care less. How many people are in front of me? Whether there's one person or a hundred people in front of me. I'm going to deliver a world-class work out doesn't matter. How many people are there? I don't care how many of your members have turned? What I do car is people have turned up get the best of me. Therefore. I should be paired rewarded for my value and my service which hasn't changed. It hasn't because only three people have turned up. My class doesn't mean it's tickets me any less time energy investment to teach that class. So why should I be paired less than that? Ignore me. So those tiered Payment Systems. They're brought in by club Owners and Club managers in order. In sent the FI their class instructors to bring more people to the classes while I'm sorry, that does not change how we deliver a class. Okay, if you want the incentive i-i us to bring people to your classes. Well, perhaps offer us some sort of membership referral I if we get someone to come to the gym you're going to pay us 20 points for a class flat rate the matter how many peoples are but if we get someone to come to the gym, well, perhaps you give us an extra 10 points in our pay packet the next month. I don't know. I'm just speculating what I am saying tiered systems for teaching classes and teaching quo. I'm going to say I'm going to say I'll you're ready is everyone At a who's listening to this. I know this will rival a few people. My time is highly highly highly valuable. It doesn't matter whether there's one person there or 20 people there my time for Value has not changed for me. So what you pay me needs to be the same doesn't matter whether it's a group fitness class or a training module or a speech or public speaking. My time is my time if you want me to come and do something for you you put the people in front of me. Wow, triggered, but like I said, there's nothing on the Les Mills website, which probably goes against everything. I've just said there so, it's Tit for Tat depends. What you believe in. Where is the other one? So, like I said, I'm doing this in the car and I car has just pulled up and beside me so apologies if that gets a little bit noisy. I'm just going to keep chatting. So how long have I been chat and I want the To be 20 minutes so far. We're on 55 minutes. Wow, you ready really do charge a lot? So to summarize I'm going to cut this short in conclusion. What does Ricky Long think about instructor pay? I don't think instructors get paid enough. I don't think instructors do enough to Warrant more pair. I don't think the majority of club Owners unlicensed payers do enough for their instructors. I don't think a lot of Club. God Studio providers truly value the power of the studio. Therefore, they're not getting the best financial return of investment in their studio right across the board as a as a trainer for Les Mills. I think the demand to be an instructor is as strong as it has ever been on people's passion to teach these absolutely fantastic programs again as a strong as ever been what I would encourage anyone what the teacher group fitness class is you need to treat it as a business. You will need to give away two of the most important Commodities of life. One of those is money. You will need to invest money in order to be upscaled in the fitness industry. Not just Les Mills instructor in the fitness industry. You will need to invest money to stay up-to-date to stay with current trends to be relative to be current more than anything else. On the second thing you'll have to invest in give up is time and you can never get time back. So in closing this podcast has just taken up around about 60 minutes of your time. You can never get that 60 Minutes back. So I hope this podcast has brought you value. I hope there's been lots of information in here which which can serve you and if it's just a simple case of well, I am an instructor so I need to go and demonstrate the my club why I should get more money. Make sure you you demonstrate that. They'll go bang on the table. So now just listen there any loans podcast and he says I need to get paid 20 bucks. Or class now. I'm not saying that I'm saying you need to demonstrate the value. Why do you deserve to be paid more than 20 points? Plus? Why do you deserve to be paid 30 points in class? If you're the group Fitness Studio owner, you know, how can you attract the better group fitness instructors in your area? How can you create better group fitness instructors in your Club already? So you might have tan great instructors in your Club Hoyer they different to the club down the road here. Also have 10 different group fitness instructors. So what are you doing for your staff or you send them on personal development courses self development courses industry specific questions to this isn't me saying send them on a Les Mills module make them better not send that that might be part of it. Yes, but what are you actually doing to make your instructors stand out? So as your members get a better experience your members get a better experience. They are less likely to leave their less like the leave. You can put your membership premiums up supply and demand. Claws of business and service. So I'm flying home next weekend. It's my mom's birthday. It also falls on Easter weekend. My mom's birthday's the 28th. I know you're old wish her happy birthday Easter Sunday normally flights back the bail faster about seventy or eighty Point return this weekend. It's cost me 290 in points because it's Easter weekend. It's supply and demand. So therefore if you have a phone studio time table or your classes around You can start to increase your membership. So you increase the ticket price to get into that class for your membership you pass that and you don't take that money for yourself you invest that into your business. You either do refurbs you pay your staff more whatever. It might be you get what I'm saying? Not telling you how to run your business. I'm just giving you examples of how you can grow how you can make money work for you the faster you get the flow of money moving the faster. Money, welcome back to you give you a little life tap the next time you're out for dinner. You know, when you leave the tip normally you leave the tip at the end of dinner give the waiter or waitress the tip at the start. The reason why you do that is you actually get a better service for that because they will think oh, these customers are good. They're just handing me a tampon note. I'm going to really look after these guys and girls, I think that's about it because I was trying to wrap this up, but I kind of went off on one I'll do. Do that. Like I said, I don't know this episode is going to attract new listeners. I know it's going to piss a few people off. I've tried to be really really objective including as an instructor. I think you should get more money, but I think you need to demonstrate that why you need to get more money. What are you doing for your Club as a club owner? I think you need to constantly assess and review all your group fitness space is operating. And as a as part of a training provider just to clarify what I do with Les Mills skin is I am a lot of you won't do this. I'm going off and on again. I'm not a member of staff at Les Mills. I'm a contractor for Les Mills. So they a bit like, oh, yeah a bit like teaching a class. So if you are asked by a club to come and teach a class they will pay you a writ for going and doing that if I'm asked to go and do a training module for Les Mills. I am prepared to go. And do that but at the same time I can say no. I'm not free that weekend the wonder that so we're all we're all contractors for Les Mills. But what we all have in common at Les Mills as a trainer is we're dedicated to achieving instructor greatness for me personally that goes a lot a lot fucking deeper than saying this is how you teach bodypump. This is how you teach CX works. I'm going to give you life skills. I am going to tell you how you can become more of a SAS in the Fitness Centre because that is what my passion is and that is why I love doing what I do with Les Mills because I lines with Ricky Long's passion. I want to make people create Fitness professionals being a Les Mills instructor May for a lot of people be part of that. Therefore is a Les Mills trainer. I'm skilled and able to deliver that. Wow, I'm going off on one again. I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to cut this episode here. I'm sure this episode is going to lead to some feedback. You can direct all feedback to Ricky Ricky Long corn. You can also connect with me anyone social media. It's Ricky Long 42. Basically on every platform Facebook Snapchat Snapchat for that. Jen's are by the way a shallow. When do that. No, that's another episode for another time Instagram wrecking all 42 LinkedIn Ricky long you website come on along soon big shout-out to put in for sports sponsors of the Ricky Long podcast Northern Sports retailer of the year the new Ulster and Ireland rugby kit. They have in by the way is exceptional and final shout out to anyone who wants to do jump my Transit each training nutrition and mindset program. You've got to contact me. It's starting to made the first and it is going to transform so many instructors out there and that will transform so many members out there. And by the way, if you start doing that you will become more valuable for your Club there for your service offering and value proposition may increase I'm Ricky long. This is a regular on podcast. Thank you. Goodnight sigh.
  #32 Should you be paid more to teach Group Fitness? How much should you get paid as a group fitness instructor? What should you pay your group Fitness Instructor? How valuable is it to have Group Fitness in your club? This episode is a hybrid. I jump from multiple points of view on this one. I speak from the qualified perspective of a group fitness instructor, a club owner and a group fitness trainer of trainers. I feel this podcast is a can of worms. Already an hour after editing I can feel more topics I wish to speak about around this subject. Watch out for follow up episodes! Should you wish to turn your passion into a business then please start thinking as a business owner would think. Otherwise you will always be frustrated and earn well below your potential. You want to teach group exercise as a career? GREAT! It will cost you time and money so make sure your business plan sees a return of investment both spiritually and financially. This episode is sponsored by podium4sport who are a Northern Irelands sports retail shop of the year 2018. They are based in Belfast and specialise in home and commercial gym fit out. Right now you can check out their brand new website at This Train To Teach Mindset programme is deigned specifically for group fitness instructors to connect health and well being mindset to give energy when teaching classes. We look at training, nutrition and the mindset that connect them both. You can register for the May 1st Launch and qualify for early bookings, bonuses and discounts.
Hello and welcome to the volunteer firefighter podcast where we listen in to a group of rural firefighters as they give their opinions on the challenges. They face both on and off the fire ground. We release a new episode every week. So please hit that subscribe button leave us a rating and share this with your fire family and friends now onto this week's episode. Where as always we ask the question. Are you DTF? Hello and welcome to the volunteer firefighter poker. My name is Carl and Sarah. Jerk. So now two members of my firefighting family. Hello, and I have Scott hello, and we're a little bit late because it was Thanksgiving weekend and we were all very very firmly busy. So yeah little bit late, but better late than never. Right crazy Thanksgiving. Yeah. Yeah, it's what we're thankful for unless you can only jump rings. Fire fire Shirley thankful for fucker very many that you have no job. Anyways over that weekend. We had the open house. There was 60 people that came through so I didn't mark I do is actually going through 60 people. Always like there was always an easy to do crowd but we had many comes through the doors for sure as as the which is way that in the last time I think last year was our inaugural one and there's only like half an hour maybe less of a little more than six layers. There was actually a fair amount of people last year to one. A lot of family came last year, which is really cool because you're a really good turnout from the town. Just they knew they'd seen what happened last year and then nothing we can pump the advertising bitterness see her. So I just Socials. Well, I think I think this year we actually got the post up about a week before instead of the day off because last time it was a bit late for the day of yeah, so Ash. What did what did we get up to? What did the whole get up to there when we open at the house, which is really nice. It's really in the name. Yeah, we open the doors let Buddy come and have a look at what we all have going on here. I can start to climb on fire trucks. We got to explain sort of what each track is for. So the kids climbed around the adults ask questions. Sometimes the adults climbed around we did a bunch of demos like that a rescue how not to put out a grease fire what a oven fire looks like and then we didn't are big Grand Finale side by side the two building or the tube to room burnt. one with a sprinkler one one without it was good. Yeah, really we get her a really good day. Yeah, there is fire was a big eye-opener for a lot of people because I mean even ask is we don't we don't purposely make grease fires right often. So we found an old stove actually mild stole from my house and took out a while ago, but we rigged it. So propane around direct you it and it's actually harder to make a grease fire than we thought do you let it burn go for a while, but it was kind of dads around watching. Okay. Well this isn't happening anytime soon. So then they went and did something else. Actually we had a couple cars car doors. That's right. We like the kids kind of run the tools little bit and then they got to take a piece of card or home has crushed pennies. So then they came back and increase my still wasn't ready. So yeah, we gotta go on will ya Kevin? There's a picture of it on Facebook. Kevin came with a little bit of water and dump it in and it's got a pretty good explosion to it. And we're out in the open. So imagining side of kitchen. I've never stayed in that would be the you like just yeah a 20-foot flame outside versus you got three feet and then Cabinetry. Yeah, so it was basically like Napalm. So I opened a lot of people's eyes were very little and then we got going again later did another demo where we actually had the beta sprinkler or not sprinkler. We had the liquid like fuel fire. So we did a little bit of fire extinguisher stuff and got some some of the crowd is running around the fire extinguishers. And then we also I left the stove on fire again to show how like a small fires near sure could put it was dope fire if you I need you but like Bob says the chief A fire extinguisher is like a life preserver. You wouldn't necessarily stick the life preserver in the whole of the thought you needed to get away from the sinking boat. So maybe use it for a second or two. If it doesn't really affect on the fire use it to clear path to get out of your burning house. So that's what I'm not. So Bob always expresses it what does it'll small fire extinguishers are good for ya. A lot of people don't realize those kind of little they're the real small ones I think are like Five painters our sons but painters they run when the other day and it literally lasted maybe four seconds five seconds Max even the big ones the 40-pound ones are those ones. I think even those were maybe 15 seconds. We're isn't a big one and it was going pretty good. We had about five burns out of it five put out sick my colleagues extinguishment extinguishers extinguisher. Everyone everyone left really educated. We have the we had to find it on the stove and it was not very much of a fire. Yeah, it was good because a lot of people haven't seen it haven't seen a fire extinguisher used or out sorry. I haven't used a fire extinguisher. So they didn't know you know the past pull aim squeeze sweep method people don't know that. Yeah, so that part was an eye-opener for a lot of people it was really cool to me because we had like some younger adults. We had a couple of our like some of our local seniors were there they came over. There's a like a senior home really close to us. One of them was my mom. Well, really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The one was more like one of them was talking to somebody who's talking to my missis and there is a couple of around and they're like, hey, like like I don't know if we can do this like, you know is the easiest squeeze and someone's like I'm you know, I might give it give it. I've got like carpal tunnel or I had some sort of set mom on my wrist I go. I wouldn't mind giving it a try. I think that's when your mom went up there. Yeah, and she was over there and also the our local politician. Hey, there's their castles up later. She's like, yeah, who's that? Oh my God, what works no matter what? She loved me. So. And she wouldn't give give her a go and I think even she said he was the first first time so, yeah, I like it can be a little bit daunting if you've never done it before so getting the people up there that haven't operated one kind of just like wow, that's why we practice right? So this is an opportunity where they can go and do it and he's great. It was really well received. Good Mmm Yeah by all the seniors such as one of actually I A little I posted a picture but I'm on Facebook and the guy I know he liked give me a little bit of feedback. He's like no one's wearing gear. I said, well, it's a fire extinguisher said and when that when that really happens, no one's wearing gear like these people is this is for their home like no one's wearing here. Yeah, so I don't remember I don't I didn't want to give them a false sense of confidence of being like I'm in this gear or I guess we did they give since accompany because they'd be like on the on and all this gear. Like, of course, I'm not gonna feel the heat like I want them to feel the heat and we're in a controlled environment. There was literate to firefighter sitting there with hoses ready to do any work that needs to be done and we weren't getting like we're getting as far as ways of fire extinguishers and make it so I didn't feel any danger at all. And when I put it that way, he's like, oh, yeah. He was that make sense. Yeah, it's weird, you know downwind and are all pointing are using the fire put writers dine winds and a long day. And only for seniors went to the hospital successful overall well for the second for the second time through it sounds like it was doubled with kind of at least doubled with turnout. Yeah, and you know that and get the end Double burn that we didn't that really opened our eyes to a few things because it was a sprinkler demo. It was meant to be a sprinkler. No, but it's also I meant to show what a room fire looks like and how quickly it'll go and yeah, you know is that typical like four minutes from ignition point we had full flash over in the room and the sprinkler amazingly enough. We lit it and literally they got to let it be but my daddy came around a building this regarding off so it was in about 30 seconds. Yeah. He's quick and So within about the first ten seconds the Smoke Box we have smoke alarms in both rooms. It's about 10 seconds more. We're going off and then within another 20 seconds after that the speaker popped and interesting thing about this figure didn't put the fire right out, but it definitely could take kept it up Bay kept it on just the one side of the couch that we had it on and eventually the kind of went out and by the end we went up and just hit it with the hose ones. So it would be very that's exactly what it would be like smoldered on through the rest of the demo. Yeah, but it didn't Sprout is just we would still be required and that was telling you learn but It definitely kept it at Bay, which is great. Yeah. Now the other side of that the other half that structure well half the other portion of the burn was they said no sprinkler four minutes / / and interesting thing about that was a smoke alarm started going off and I'd say but million. Yeah, they may be climbing was no longer going off because the smoke alarm which is 99 ceiling had melted and Fallen the ground. So I and I never really thought about that before remember thought about how quickly a smoke alarm will become useless to us. I'm both rooms. Actually. I'm blossoms because yeah the sprinkler hit the other smoke alarm. It's right there one went off and shut off faster. So you get your 30 seconds sprinkler come more seconds or 30 seconds smoke alarm couple more seconds sprinkler cut, you know, maybe another 15 seconds smoke alarm done mmm, because now saturated water So really, I mean we didn't buy those expensive smoke alarms honestly because we knew we were gonna give something to them, you know, we but I you know, I didn't really thought about how cheap is smoke alarms and we've built like it's just plastic. So of course it's gonna melt but it's on the ceiling maybe the heat is so if you're not woken up in the first 30 seconds to a minute on the fire the smoke alarm becomes useless thing. Just something I never really shot. Yeah, and I probably would suggest not my in Electronics next to war you were right. I don't think like I'm looking like right now and I don't think there's a I don't think you ever mount a smoke alarm right next to a sprinkler. Yeah. We just had to for this case because of everything like in his diary room or 10 by 10 room or whatever. But yeah. Yeah, there's definitely interesting to see that stuff. So even Oscars we see fire all the time. I mean the fire itself interesting from the crowd because he did, you know, I'm talking it through my I don't know if we posted on Facebook. I'm not talking it through them like you know right now. Now it's this temperature actually said the temperature wrong because I said I said it in Celsius 500 degrees Celsius I said which is the temperature you could get turkey yet. That's not right. You cook your turkey at 350 degrees Fahrenheit Donuts. Not a thousand degrees Fahrenheit. That's what selfie as would be. But anyways into us like we are all of our guys because again, we have that stress inoculation through light burns and stuff. We're used to seeing that fire. So we're just like everybody's kind of chilling Raw. Item and you know everyone's filming and but in You Hear The Crowd Oh my God exploding and flames shooting out and if you don't see this every day all the time, he's gonna be like, holy crap. This is hot. Yeah, so did did it go full Backdraft to or better than background we can host the video and we will if it's not up there already if you watch that you will get more. Satisfaction higher movie Backdraft to you. So that's curls alluding to that night for some some strange reason. We'd be talking about doing a movie review for a while and that night Kevin actually send a message out. Hey who's here? Who's down to watch Backdraft to tonight? We're actually be said Backdraft. Yeah, so I said, well we're going to watch a movie Let's watch and the newest one which is probably so you did it. I was the worst mistake. So, yeah, so Out of the old movie store, which actually when we post on Facebook a lot of people were more surprised that they're still movie stores around game rentals. What? Yes, yes. We still exists we found one, but tell you what, we didn't need it for seven days even went back the next day. No that night when I drove home car fast. So Backdraft here, we set it to watch. Yeah, yeah, it's either it's I don't know man. So from everyone because I haven't watched it and gladly didn't come but it basically everyone's just say it was a cop movie. Basically a terrible one at that. Like I thought it was a good thing, you know, I was expecting anything from it because really one wasn't that great either. Like I remember when it came out it all like when I was younger all the all the firefighters last best part for movie every will probably only one of the time but it's really not a good firefighter movie. There's no smoke. There's then like them Kurt Russell's Chasing Fire on Xanax the fire runs away from them. It's that weird. It's just but anyways, so I'm not expecting a whole lot from backdrop to other than maybe some firefighting. There was no fires. No man. That's whack for the first scene. There's people using a hose. Yeah first thing I look like super high pressure. No. Yeah. I was like they're just bad. And every fire fighting scene class alarm for days every time there's a fire is happening. Like who's on rent like that guy? Yeah. It was a yeah, it didn't make any sense. Like he was a fire investigator and then movies opening starts with like he somehow sees a guy in a crowd because looking funny at him and he's like, oh that's just started by a candle in that. Sorry spoiler work lowered under the bed. And yeah, it's dollars what Freddy killed her so many tackles them and and then when I think we had posted like do we post that the one I'm a firefighter helmet. This is we have a live. So this is the opening. I'm a fireman. Can we cheer because it's ridiculous the guys it is he saying ridiculous to me. I've seen you do it at least twice as last week. You say we should you say she won't cash ruffle coming up for the rest of the we just went downhill from there. Don't watch it. Give me down hill from there was only there wasn't an uphill every no sense. There's this a complete so that they had their Spinning Wheel of fire fighting terminology, which I think that's how they wrote part of the script. Hmm. Okay. Now we've got these people they're inside of the building and there's a fire pppp pppp flashover. Okay. All right. This is what we're going to do. All right, so you guys are over here hiding and there's a fire in the room and there's Johnny Bag. In the middle of the room and misses it. He says all right, he can't move he knows he can't move because if he moves he's gonna cause a flashover but it was our trip wires. Yeah. So there's a guy whose arms are out to the side and he's like on the verge of being burnt toppings like he's getting hotter in that he needs to leave but he can't leave his if he moves boom flashover. So it's just watching him like almost burn and finally, it's too much. Each forms again. I'm out flashover his partner. Okay, go now they say she crawls into the into the room. Yeah, so he sends her out piece, which is literally everything in the rooms have been on fire and she's okay. So she makes it out. She's still talking and breathing and not burn it all and she's in like a polyester wouldn't break right now. scared no chance and then you he doesn't decide to crawl know. What does he do positive pistol ventilation say takes his gun out pop the window because he has a gun because he hasn't pissed off because he's a fire investigator cop thing. It's not a pack even investigating. Is he running gear? This? Is he going to see beyond this point. He's a coat but he stopped wearing halfway through the movie after we complain enough. It's like he heard us. Yeah for the first half of the movie. Look at this old turnout coat of his dad. So it's the premises. He's the son of bull ball from the first movie of Kurt Russell character first week. So he's wearing his turnout coat like with bowler on the back for the first half of the movie everywhere 1985 old turnout coat and so he's doing like a fire investigation and he's at the diner where an external code. That means like get a shower at this tournament internal cooldown. Is that would wash we need all this is a spread. And then for some reason that they're halfway through the movie stop wearing it was like I don't need that color anymore straight leather for me. Now just a regular comes like is the reports came back from the doctor uses that word. Everyone around you is mega-concert. We think it's your jacket, please not worry. Yeah, then oh, yeah that whole scene. So yeah, she shoots a window out vents for the room, which is I'm like at least two men in the room think that is a cropped building to save some Girl, they crawls partially that down and then of course the pipe breaks and he's hanging and he throws the girl to a little ladder in the building explodes and he was flying like 40 feet through the air and lands a dumpster and no one goes looking for him there. Oh, yeah, he's obviously thinking so the chief who pulls out for others to see it as like, oh there goes someone so fine that looks to be a Baldwin Baldwin, of course. Yeah. So your soccer is over there. You are found you in a dumpster like he can't he can't It out the middle of a heart-to-heart. Well, he's pinned. Yeah, he's down there out of his neck. How's dad died? And I was like what things I love entire. Oh man. So during all this there's a other there's a side story of a missile has gone missing and I'm hunting a missile. The fire department a hunch he has he went rogue is he got pulled off spoiler? Right? He has spoiler. Yeah, because he got suspended for being too Rogue. You're wearing his turn a jacket with me because he didn't wear it where they go mad. If ya don't wear your PPE on that one, and I've learned that I have not been taken advantage of my firefighter giving right to park like a dickhead. Oh, yeah, like anywhere he goes just little Street nail the street. Yeah, put her in p pop. So you like it. I mean it only goes sandwich a little road lights on let's up getting Sammy's words can express a terrible movies. We're trying dude. You didn't pretty well. I think you don't even know man, like like I was a shaped charge gasps thing under the bed is like this. So every time they bad guys are trying to kill him. It was through fire rather than just walking in and shoot him in his apartment because I like set a trap under his bed. Like they should have shown us their I think. Yeah, what are the shoot both of them? So they sent this gas trap under the bed. He's like, ah, it's a gas goes off. It's a shape charge. It's gonna blow me in the air and then Baldwin shows up and was like, I'll say to you by Smashing that our ceiling open and let the gas out into the Where I am and maybe sacrifice myself spoiler alert rather than being like hey gas company. He shut the gas off in this building. Everybody just shut that baby up. No sacrifice myself. They didn't even bother. I'm sure although whoever listens to this nice. Probably we can just upload your guys review the bone. Let's see. My whoever was doing quite well in the acting and we just realized he's got this really old and doesn't know ideas at a move. If you started talking about dragons and stuff is about the dragon the dragon. Yeah. But I think it was about drivers to see the dragon. Did you ride the dragon chased the dragon and I'm gonna drag you here Jason with his Firebox so bad. This sounds terrible. Well, 67% of people like this movie news Rebel that 25. That's why I don't listen to Rotten Tomatoes. They were well, there's more firefighting and Rambo than there was in this movie Rock again is Rollins wins. sixty-seven percent Yeah, no, no. No, he's a Rotten Tomatoes 15% We had sorry that's not better. Yeah, 50% of here Ryan story was written 69 user rating or six men. Yeah stupid users. They will pay guys not giving this more lip service in the desert. Absolutely. Yeah, but still that was hilarious the future we might review some more movies. Actually are maybe good mmm. He Ladder 49 somebody mentioned that if we know now, I haven't seen a lot of 40 hours always watch what I see. It's a it's pretty good. I've been watching nothing. I'm sure I want to start watching Men. She is all that when he was little my ya burnt with the yeah the inner city Detroit Detroit in Troy. Yeah. Did you start watching Rescue Me? Yeah, that's what Kevin not Kevin. Yes. Larry likes. Ya better flirtatiously housing Kevin O'Leary and Denis Leary never seen it never heard of what? Oh, man. Yeah disappointing. Well that's cited atrocious. So I'm glad I missed it. We on a different note our Zima. X which we will get to a little bit later in the show notes. The code has changed and they got back they might help with the stench of this show. That's a perfectly good for anyone. That's the stench of this movie has amassed RZ. Well, we had we had a few people reach out about any regime has pieces but we had somebody who was covering our see mask over your eyes to Blind you blind from so you didn't have to watch it. They were asking about what else we use or what we use the RZ masks wrap the other grass around our heads and have to hear it either three three things right there lime juice deafen you and to completely just remove any sense of watching by crafting. You're welcome public RZ were strewn on Backdraft to these is one of the real purpose is for Real. So yeah, so there's been some questions like I got one. Well, we got one today. I just happened to see it. I know we've touched base on some of the things that we've used them for we've tested them for and they were just asking that okay, I get that. They're like they're great for a while. Then Bush fighting. That's awesome. Just fucking bushes. Yeah. Thank you. I'll get my turn. Okay? Yeah, we wardrobe Elsa last review its great super cozy. So Wildland firefighting it's great for that. We've spoke about it pump operator along of are you know, fire scene? These five operator you're trying to park the apparatus in a way that they're not going to be affected by any sort of smoke or anything but winds change things happen. You can't just pause the surgery down. Yeah. I remember em back up 30 feet. It's fine. So RZ mask upon the pump tack, you know, you're not writing it but you getting some of it so that that helps and you know, we don't say we're not here to say that there. A replacement for SCBA absolutely any means but if you're out in the frames you're out of that idea, uh, but you're still I mean if you can smell it if you're still around it, but you're not in it. It's a great substitute for nothing. Right? I mean, they are a rated a safety rated mask, which is great. They've got readings like they've got a particular rating and you can get different filters for different ridiculous and such so that that That's a really good thing. So we just were as what other uses. Have you tried them in and what other uses would you like to try them in? So round table. I'd like to spray Scott in the face with pepper. Spray it again. That'd be fun for having down. Yeah, that was pretty neat. I want you want red Bears pretty one first, very interested. Yeah be curious medical schools. Yeah medical schools. I mean again, you know, it's It's a good again. It's the go-to of anything. If you've got something is better than nothing and when you go to some of these things you don't know what you're going to come across especially with all the drugs and things that are in vehicles nowadays. Yeah, and how the little exposure you need to be effective when our car fentanyl or fentanyl is not necessarily fentanyl in a car. No, it's it could be track that know it could be. The worse much worse like carpet and all the like white sunglasses. Yeah medical schools for sure. It's always it's it's definitely a good good thing to have on those sorts of bulls for one thing. We noticed in that in the stop oblique. This was I'm like just even the fake blood spray with getting in our face like some guys got hit in the mouth with it. And you know, it's like Kool-Aid water or food coloring and water. So if some of our guys got hit in the mouth with this stuff and they're like, well, yeah, I mean actually not a bad idea to have a mask on, you know, always turn a mass movement and mask a mask my profile I bro. Yeah, you're wanted in those mucous membranes. Yeah. It's about be 1/4 plus 2 is the the fence No, yep for the car stuff for sure farts. Yeah, so, you know drugs medical like the blood the pathogens. I mean even like off here if you can go ahead and place where the sickness not even knowing when to yeah, so that's the medical side Fireside. We already talked about what while and sure mop up. the pump that's is there we use it for. Yeah, that's kind of really stress so far. That's really yeah, but for the instances that we have used them now, everyone has them like we've all got them and they're all in our turnout gear ready to roll. She's the one thing I remembered because I had my own cars. We have the original sample sent to us, like months months months months months ago Frank. Yeah. Yeah because I think I was thinking because I haven't done it yet, but I was thinking unlike around here unreal Cold nights because it's neoprene so we could be actually throw it on and it would actually keep the face warm, right? Yeah. Yeah, it probably was because lots of nights like when we go fight cold like right over there and they're really cold. Like I see bees froze up and stuff and we're still out there doing work put that on your face when people put their balaclavas on stuff but you know don't have his full of sweat and stuff. And yeah. Yeah, it's cold sweaty. Yeah full of toxins that your knight breathing is are you throw that are zmapp? Strong and so we can keep your yeah. Yeah that we keep your face warm. Let's keep going to work. Hey guys now we're just running really making up. No. No, thanks. Well, I'm in the oh, yeah, the three levels of stopping Backdraft to from being being seen is mighty nice and one for your friend in case you know, there's with a warrant. Yeah, I mean, you know we do is promote them each week, but we don't we don't get anything out of it. It's just the fact that they are good masks and they do good stuff. There were raids. What do they end in? 95? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Silver's are 20 20 hours heavy and then you have depending on you can then they're cheap. They always they come with two anyway. Way / my skin then the other fillers are fairly cheap. If you are looking to pick one up then you can get one. I'm just going to shave for Argentina where Kanye robot there. Anyways, yeah pretty much so you can get one from their website. If you use the code, we have our own a DT f f funnily enough if you use the the discount code of DTF F. You will get 30% off of your RZ masks. We Ordered for E all the M ones and I think we saved around 300 or something for bucks from this get chunk. So it definitely works out because again we were getting for the full department but still 30% off is a really good deal. That's so very impressed. Yeah. Yeah. So DTF discount code RZ website do it and it's working like people are utilizing their mentioning that they're hearing things from us. We just great and we really really appreciate that. I was kind of it's just if you can mention like if you're ever in conversation with the supplier of energy or whatever if it's something that we've spoke about even if we're not pumping it like the RZ is or or the motifs, whatever if you hear hear they say yeah because we're always looking to to train and test Out product and It was a long way. Yeah, the more we can get our hands on the more we get to play with the more we can tell you whether it's garbage or not. Like yeah, we'll run it through the burning buildings and we'll run it through the hard tests. And you know, we'll give it a good go and tell you whether it's worth buying or not. So if you even if there's actually something specific that you would like us to test less know, I'll reach out reach out to whoever to see if we can get our hands on some. In fact, we were just recently talking with some friends of ours close by Department that are part of the Very large company that deal with all sorts of fire product who have asked us if they could send us stuff to do exactly that so if there is something that you were looking it test it out or looking at purchasing, that's no bull. Let's hit the irons to it and we'll see what we can do Scott working on so we got runs the show sir. Yeah, right. Jake Miller Likes shares promotes a whole bunch of firefighter content. He's got a harem of podcasts that oh, yeah. It's a word look at that. I think it's it's a group of I'm still on Bush boy. That's just Right. So yeah, it is a social media presence is crazy. Yeah, he's got cheap Miller Chief Miller media. She's Miller ambassadors on the Instagram a lot of power, which I think is over Nazi Miller if you want to look into that Facebook, I think he's just cheap Miller. I don't know. What is I'm not really the Facebook site away. Yeah, check all that out guys got some apparel out there. He helps out with her challenge coins, which I think we're pretty much got a small handful left for personal guests, maybe but yeah she Miller. Don't make him do it. The promo code for motifs is DTF F5 will get you five percent. Of your order wedges snagger tools some other fun stuff that they go on the way check them out. They um, oh, so I just saw this new it's like their truck kit so you can customize I think you can like just give money and get the whole kit. It's a pouch snagger a couple of wedges LED flashlight some other crap. stop I do the hand signs. He everyone can sit everybody see this. Hey guys, it's a witness big. Yeah. I don't know whatever that is. He buddy sure quick three three iPhones by three iPhone 6. I like that. You gotta iPhone probably because you're listening to it. So yeah, I'm thinking like duty truck. I'm thinking like any sort of command vehicle be at my side pocket of my guys my personal. Yeah. Yeah. Pull her out and say yeah, it's got it. Hey a plethora of products that that throw up you with your your firefight needs. We gotta check them out. Whatís there on the Instagrams around the Facebook's and the interwebs? Yeah. Yeah. We use their snagger quite often I or at least those of us that have them do it over to you Scott. So during our open house one of our former members who now lives actually maneuver he works for he's a dealer rep for hex armor gloves. No, so he gave me a pair to try not to X for all X. So I'm going to test them out. You seem really good. They're very like they're tactile and they're very like kind of sticky so there seemed very good. So he's he let me test it up there I'ma run through spaces because usually one thing with my gloves for execution, I would blow through them. Yeah, which means she might see how these ones hold up. Yeah, and actually warm their hands armor like summer. Yeah. HEI exide has asked the most is that I had forgotten with the name myself a chi-x armor. Yeah, so So far so good. I mean we're in for 10 minutes, but I felt pretty comfortable. And like I said, they were actually somewhat warm inside and I know it's like because most of my auto xw used they're not warm you found him. Yes, the Thin Lizzy you're on the wrong side chest right there. Yeah, they're all fancy colors in the Whiskey in the Jar there. Check him check like Morgan will tell you what they're really like once Scott Burns room. And when he was look like you like the blue and greens are noticing some how y'all and every one I call. I forgot the bread of the model number is on the model is the rig lizard way. Yeah. Anyways move thin Lizzy's aren't big pigs or what next he likes. Maybe he'll yeah. Yeah. Sort of play around with test. Yeah hex hex on her him cool RZ mask. We've already mentioned them. So yeah, we can skip over that one tsf Unicode Checkmate 30% They're good a lot of bar boys. Okay. Well, if you decide we're Fighters, you lost all of your English English. Are you absolutely know this is all Actually did it their all so no. Fantastic. Yeah good. So I was like me happy. Well that the the bar boys where they his main, right? Yeah. Yeah main, they they do the same as us. But Diane there they yes instead of here. This is my ocean only. This is why would I listen I listen to Nick but You're always in covered intoxication and I pull this one out of the fire. Yeah, she's often Bush as so a couple things. I know that they know that they are fighting for a Dying Breed. They are yeah, I know that they are doing that. It's right and they do a good job. It's raining song. It is ya know the we need to spoof of that time. We're done with this we are. Yeah we all have So they are there the Downing main group of guys. It's out there and I think they're all from a different department. Oh, really? Yeah, all three are from different which is interesting is they all have different takes on things to be like when tacos here. Yeah, but we didn't we would need another person what we need to come regularly to. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, it's like you're all so and they're all which is Cool, they're all from a leadership role one way or the other from each of their departments one of their guys Paul all nothing. Suggests. Got ya Chief really? He's getting his own assembly. You can park like a dickhead. It's a park in the Harbour. That's great. So so they yeah, so they they just started doing their Wednesday box alarms. That's that short run which is really cool. So a lot of those small ones are Nick just as a quick little blurb and it's usually something about some bold leadership or some quick training tip or tactic wherever this last one was about what it was at. Training based and it's sort of well, I think we listen the full episode again. Yeah, so sorry not the bomb slam their last episode the most alarming box allowing the word Joker. Yeah. So then how is more yeah, it was really cool. Yeah. So check them out sounds like they want to get involved a little bit more on the video content the training stuff. They were really pumping our tires if you will for some of our videos, too. We've been putting out which we love and we thank everybody for for following that and commenting and such so there was sort of jungle right now. Yeah. Yeah. We're only two hours away from Farmington. Yeah origin main is a necessity chocolate ones, right? So basically they're Brothers. I'm sorry. So go visit Pakistan, definitely Aryan. However, also Farmington Maine I hear and When I hear it's because of their podcasts that's a house where that accident. Yeah, that was that big propane explosion accident. Yeah sounds like so there's a there's a maintenance guy. They got it like really bad and he's fluctuating between critical and not stable, but it's like the one step under critical so I don't either but maybe he is there a step worse than credible. Yeah, so it's better than that. So it sounded like they didn't expected to make it and now like he's better he's getting better. So there's there's something there. It sounds like the chief for somebody is coming home very came home. So that's really good. Yeah. Yeah, so a couple of the people that were like in a bad way are starting to show so so that was really good and then which kind of Titus and you are our house fire smoke smoke alarm. They did a bit of a save at their department. They had a call from him is like an apartment complex neighbor calls in smell it. I've heavy smoke. So fire department comes gains access to the apartment and here's some dude sleeping on the couch and the whole place is just covered in Smoke and you like burnt is postures. And I've nothing crazy truth version We sober I'm sure I'm sure he's Stones over how everybody was there smoke alarms. He sleep through it was there no alarms like what was the deal exactly how Smokey was the room but it sounded like it was quite Smoky and you know, the guy was assessed and then released but yeah, I mean they're calling it to save I'm gonna have to agree. I mean if he was hard on the liquor, I mean we're we're not saying was but yeah, he kind of slept right through it. Okay, all that smoke inhalation. Absolutely, you know was how that could am. I right good job boys are so good job on that will put barbed. Wish I was Let's go - my Motors probably probably we've talked a little bit already with the are doing its initiative throughout the world is I'm not yeah when we talked about Lots free online training teach it to public. We actually got a pretty good comment. You did Carl. You got a message. Did I probably from a guy in Alberta? Yeah, we have not talked about that yet. No, we've not, you know bring up. Yes. So what happened is shortly after our its kind of ties to our attack attack. Stop bleed all to come together to find it. Did he did he was pretty exciting. Yeah, so you got good. Yeah, I'm not sure the fellows name calling. The last name is Cliff to Cliff contacted us last week. Basically said they were in the Prairies which I think is Alberta for the I don't know what problems he's actually in Alberta scoffs what's going on and they went to a call where the patient was trapped between the seat and the - car outside in the edge of an embankment. There's a car versus semi There's open femur fracture and they're worried that there is going to be massive Hemorrhage. And and also I'm not sure if they were meeting for you by the questions raised. Well, it was kind of both couple things were in their mind. He said he told that yeah, so he said they advised the EMS to tourniquet based on what they've heard from the DTF and solid lead and our Tack and so that's pretty cool. Yeah. As you said he's not sure if they save their life, but it probably surprised eh s guys fit here. Like he's probably put a tourniquet on that. Yeah, because I had school that was very good. I actually sent that for I forwarded that to to dr. Nick as well. So that was awesome. It's it's really humbling when we get things like that come through right like really humbling it one that even people listen to our romulans for an hour. How about Backdraft? But my trusty sorry save some of these two hours of their time obsessing while I'm here literally saving time, but it's always humbling that people the people listened but when people actually take something away and come back to us with something like that and just say hey, you know what after kind of listening and bits and pieces it helped click and now we've we're doing this now our department has changed and we're doing that as a trainer. Officer I have now implemented this new thing and it's working really well. It's awesome. What's the thing back to the bar guys? Like I was happy when Nick the other Nick sent me a message that they were doing stop the bleeding because even if you know, it's simple stuff, but even if one person gets saved from not from it and it was, you know, based on us getting this course and teaching everybody and telling everybody about it. It's awesome. That's what and that's what started leads for. That's what it's called. And that's what this park is for try to spread the word. Absolutely. Yeah, I want to think like I don't think we're doing anything crazy special no miss doing it for stupid about doing it the way that works for us and we're talking about it. I think one of the biggest things in the volunteer, like in fact the cross fire departments everywhere unless you're in the fire department. You don't normally know what fire departments do and when you do it's very rare that you know what other departments do and how they do it and it seems like there's this kind of mystical Cloud that just covers up. Goes on inside the firewall and what they really trained for and how they do it because there's there's videos and stuff. And yeah, you can go on online you can fall into the YouTube holes, but no one really kind of normally break stuff down you have to go and you have to pay for these courses. There are thousands upon thousands of dollars to then sit and take a test which ultimately is Scott said before anyone can pass the test and keep a piece of paper for the rest of their lives right until it's taken away and you can't take that away. So you know it I'm not slumming it at all. It's a good thing that you've gone through and done these things but still there's other ways of getting that that content out there and making sure people understand there's just share it like talk about it. If you do something wicked tell people show people maybe it will save a life. Maybe it'll do whatever but you tell us and if you want to come on we'll bring yeah, absolutely. Absolutely speaking of should do some more interviews. ghost people in shed Let's unleash the people who want to have a chat. Yeah, we have to in the bar was on man. That's the collaboration. It's a we keep putting off. So we'll have to really look into that get that happen. Well, they're all in bed by like 9:00 o'clock only. Yeah or 9 o'clock, which is there 3:00 in the morning, you know, we already on no shirts. Yes. We're at Like if it was pig roasting, we're at about 4:30 in the afternoon new measurement of time is to take Gracie. Sorry about 4:30 in the afternoon or like just about done. We have crispy skin dramatized in we're like, yeah, it's almost done slow. Pull it out get in there get in there. Brilliant. Well, yeah, you will actually be able to get t-shirts soon then but the signs of it. Yeah, maybe - yeah, nice girls dealing with it. It was not in my did it second alarm dot-org second alarm dot-org. Our buddy Matt. It's coast East Coast man. Is he has second alarm don't East Coast was he like in trial? No. Oh no. He's in a state, New York. Yeah, well, I'm sorry. I thought you just a bunch wrong or just below trying to I mean sure I don't need you over fees. I mean, yeah. Well I do know is he's not in Canada. He was from Kevin. Yes. Yeah. Second alarm to alert me West Coast. Yeah, I guess we're wife, right we're like way in like, yeah, I guess he's ghost. He has a cold boot cycle second low note. They are trying to raise attention of communities and people's and the world. Hopefully one day but definitely on a national level on what we do is Volunteers in the fire service and try to get more and more people involved and spread the word that you know, this is a fun thing to do and great for the communities and You know building of phenomenal relationships that will last for a long time including experiences and all the other great fun sassy things that you can get through doing this kind of stuff. So take the time go check out second alarm dot-org help out in any way you can yeah great great calls, and then we've got us. Yeah, we're ready. Yeah love us ma'am. We do stuff. We're pretty alright sometimes things The reason videos of the hotel in stuff that got your okay. Yeah, they go got quite a lot of Charities and like sees any that's a big thing Smiley's the things that we can do the anybody can use among all the fancy prop. Some training facilities are great. But like those those videos were in the bay and from just outside the door. Yeah, that's something Continues clicking easy doesn't take anything special and some of the any member can go on take on right? So I think those those are having the cool videos of librarians, you know further down CPR stuff like that ladder asking those things are wicked. But yeah, we've gotten great feedback from those easy things quick and easy like we were right there. We show all three in 35 minutes. I think by the time we'd set up and we were done. We don't we're broke down in that to and back button for way. We're doing the talent here. That's the tough part was hate to clean them roll. I don't know. I know they weren't as big a fan of it as we are. Yeah, they're talking about Trucks and one of the mix wasn't a big fan of humor. Which one do they use something different. They went back to this to flatly. I think are followed. So for some of the things and it is very one. Yeah, they were talking about maybe trying to Minuteman out. Yeah, there was talking about that and it's funny because everybody like they said yeah the AAA like they like your Blaine. I don't like I've never met anyone who likes that thing, right? Then in fact of the pores pretty cool, which I can't remember seeing one deployed lately because none of us around here use them anymore. I think the one guys up on the hill. Yeah, they still use it. But I've ever seen it in Washington pack it up watching pack it up is a nightmare and I'm like I know but yeah, you don't have to you know pack me up shouldn't be shouldn't be your biggest problem because it's after the fires over that's from usually a fairly or not surfing and we've been doing it all wrong. Yeah. They said oh, yeah, usually Mitchell impacts of the hose. That's a bad. The bar boys said Mutual Apex balls. We happy to neuron that's never taught. If you're listening time. You're getting pictures are gone to some fires another department of pack of Rolos We Trust our Haggard but, you know, we always get it done yeah, yeah. Yeah weird interesting interesting. Yeah, I want it. Yeah, I mean again it's that we don't talk about things that everyone should do we talk about things that we do and maybe it will work for somebody else to even rolls work for us, especially in a lot of the Situation's we are not getting ourselves into yeah. Yeah. It sounds like they had some deployment issues. Yeah, and we've made really wrong we've done. Couple times a Cleaver always come out and it hasn't deployed. You know a person pulls alongside hooks hooks up funny and deployment issue happens, but in the end we get started out just by pulling open a links and doing a quick relay of it. So, I mean, it's never been like super Tangled. Yeah. I've never seen it where it's regarding employable. You're like, I've seen Minutemen dropping Heap and you're trying to sort through it. I've seen other ways drop it he'd been trying to sort through it. So it Yeah, none of them nothing ever to place perfectly. They're also way easier to carry. I find then don't rolls NZ we easier you can carry out on like getting out there and adding a couple lengths on relatively easy. I mean it's a game for us it works. So well definitely no the Wildfire stuff to when you're at our flight in the bush. Yeah, wait man with that much is coming at you. Check us out if you like because we're stitious Meyer Friday. It's got all right. Thanks everyone for listening stay safe if it's your phone.
We talk about our open house where we showed the public what not to do to a grease fire, demonstrated why sprinklers are important and a reminder that smoke alarms are made of plastic. The guys also go over their review of Backdraft 2 and we discuss the RZ masks and how we have been using them. Hey Fire Family, please Check out and support Matt's cause at and don't forget to Share, Like, Subscribe and visit us on our Facebook Page at to do the same! If you have a subject that you would like us to discuss, a question that you would like to ask or if you would like to be ON the next Episode, then you can message us on our Facebook Page at To check out the rankings click here #DTFFpodcast #DownToFightFire #Firefighting #Volunteer #Firefighter #FireFamily #Firefighters #EMS #Rescue #Fire #Emergency #FireDepartment #FirstResponders #Firedept #FireDepartment #FireHouse #FireRescue #ThinRedLine #FireService #BrotherHood #SisterHood #FireFighterLife #Fireman #VolunteerFirefighter #VolunteerFirefighters #StopTheBleed #StayDTFF
Finishing out our week all about the lightning network with a guys take episode. What is up guys? Welcome back to the crypto Cana me. This is Guy your host the guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, and I wanted to close out our week on lightning with we kind of have been doing a lot of brainstorming about lightning and just trying to imagine and think about the applications that are enabled and we just read Jack Mallory hours Olympus announcement which Olympus and Breeze right now have been the best examples to see where the user interface is going because as the user interface shifts to lightning first as the as the on-ramp to bitcoin the easy and simple and fast way to just start interacting with Bitcoin. As those is that bridge is gapped. Essentially. We don't know. We don't know. He says in the article. We don't really know what this will enable like we can guess but we don't have any concrete evidence. I mean, there's been ideas floating around for you know, decentralized or digital digital money applications for decades where you know, we just the opportunity to even try them out. Simply has not been there. And there's also a lot of I'm not even a hundred percent sold on the idea that decentralized applications are even going to be a huge market like it might not even though I think it's important for the market itself to be decentralized. It's like I think it's Simon Morris is series on the lessons from BitTorrent. Is that okay? Well, what are the most important things like minimum viable decentralisation is what he referred to it as is only decentralized that which is most critical to decentralize. However, there's a big limitation there because everything we wanted to do like all the applications we may have wanted to I have a huge problem. They have a massive bootstrapping problem because there is no infrastructure. We have to create an infrastructure for these things. And there was the question was always always. So how the hell do we pay for it? How do we say infrastructure has to be paid for how on Earth? Yes, it would be great to have this wonderful like decentralized social media. Ation, yes, it would be wonderful to have this great decentralized blah blah blah. But how do we actually pay for it? How do we get it? So the infrastructure problem is solved and that's what I think lightning is actually enabling lightning is providing just it it's incentivizing its own infrastructure layer, like the the infrastructure that we will need for those sorts of a Locations will now be built in to just for the sake of making payments and scaling the base layer of a decentralized money. So in this second layer technology, we're actually seeing all the incentives and all the funding necessary to make this second layer happen and it's because of the demand of the underlying money that we would see and need the demand for a second layer. So so we've already found the incentive necessary to build out the infrastructure. So now it's like what kind of applications can we build with this? What can we actually do with this new tool? Is this a huge market? Like do we have all of these major like applications that we could do centralize some social network or file storage or something like that? Is this does this make sense? Is there a huge need to actually do this or does the internet kind of I can do that already. Is that it? Is that a problem? Does that need censorship resistance? And I don't know. I don't know it's tough because in our current environment, we do have a lot of situations where we need or at least where things are trending in such a way where censorship resistant resistance is becoming more obvious as a need. A lot of people are getting very very comfortable like social networks in particular getting very comfortable, which is deeply For me people that they politically disagree with so I think that is a concern that can't be outright dismissed. Same thing with payment platforms PayPal and in this is why Bitcoin exist in this is why lightning exist, but the question is do we have to go a step further do we now need to use this infrastructure due to decentralize other things because that's what it could enable and it's funny as a lot of people just thought blockchain and making your own token was going to do this because Cuz Bitcoin was such a great example. And again, this was something that I was initially really excited about. That's why the whole idea of the DNS name coin the very first altcoin that ever was which I in my mind was a totally legitimate project and an attempt at using this tool to decentralize other things, but I think it makes I'm now the years since considering that it doesn't make sense to do it in its own token because you're having to do. Strap the value for some single utility when when your boot strapping a money when you're creating a money that is secure and honest with this technology if that's what that's what Bitcoin is doing is its using the technology to make easily verifiable provable Global money. That's how you get the value of the token and then then you can build on top of that. It doesn't really make sense to try to create the value of a token around every single we don't need a token for every possible use Case of the thing it doesn't that doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense from a saleability and a market Standard perspective. So in the crypto economy telegram chat actually had a friend make a really interesting point and it was funny because this was while I'm making all these episodes about lightning it said he kind of gets annoyed with the fact that all these Bitcoin podcasts are focusing on Lightning because it feels like focusing on the coat of paint that we're putting on an aircraft carrier which doesn't really matter and that's it. That's a actually a decent analogy in my opinion. I think it's a little bit misses the point but not by much. I kind of push back on that and was like, I think the analogy is better that like we had this giant ship we have this huge foundational infrastructure to build stuff on top of the whole point of it. It's more like a cruise ship maybe is what we build on top of it like so what services and restaurants Applications in a pool and like you know, what's going to be on top of this ship but yes, the invention the powerful part of this entire thing is the fact that we have a ship now to build on top of but as far as like adoption and further integration into the economy, it's really important what we actually build onto this ship the infrastructure will enable a ton of stuff and now we have to figure out what it will enable. Aside from the fact that it's you know, it's a ship that allows us to abandon the Titanic. The one that we are on currently it's a ship that will actually survive. So that's really the major use cases that in the context using that analogy as far as like other currencies go if all the other currencies are ships is that they have been designed in such a way that they're all just going to sink and they are all in the process of sinking. So the key the absolute critical Part of this thing is that we have a ship that's just not going to sink that is sustainable and we can all get on this ship and it will carry everybody properly. But with that we also have to build things on top of the ship. It's like, you know TCP and HTML without the web without actually building out the web. So yes, okay. It's a powerful tool and yes, it decentralizes communication, but that means that we it's important that we Figure out what sort of communication we can actually do with this that was limited or just impossible before. So that's what that's what I want to kind of break into. I want to brainstorm in this episode about exactly that sort of thing. And you know, maybe we are just talking about what color were going to paint the aircraft carrier because really the major use case of Bitcoin is just that it floats in an ocean full of ships that are all sinking. So that's the multitrillion-dollar use case without a question. Everybody needs it just so they don't have to they can stop bailing water. Water out of all these other ships that they've been on for, you know their entire lives mess. That's kind of what we're doing. I think it was the kind of an interesting analogy is that we're all on sinking ships, but we're basically the economy is working overtime like everybody's overheated because not only do we have to do all of the normal things that we want to do have our Leisure and are productive activities and all this stuff. But we also have to take time out of the day every day to bail water out with buckets. Um, that's kind of what inflation does is it creates this constant bleeding of the actual productivity and it soaks up all these resources into a completely unproductive Direction and takes it out of the pricing system and the incentive structure that actually produces things that actually makes life better and creates a higher standard of living. So we're really we're all on sinking ships and we're having to spend half our day bailing water out of the ship just so that we can sit down and do Being productive. So the two main elements to lightning that I think is real that are the real game changers. Is that because this is a payment later and this is you know part is just because this is derivative of Bitcoin and you build these channels and this network with Bitcoin transactions, and I've said numerous times in the past that Bitcoin transactions will slowly go from thinking of where the transaction itself is the exchange of the ownership to Transaction being used to build networks that they are network connections as opposed to specific like final ownership their contracts. They're living contracts to ownership that create networks. So I think the idea of just like owning a one person owning a specific you txo will start to kind of fall into the background. But that's a little bit. It's a little bit out there for our discussion today. But the major thing is that this is an open payments layer. So this is like the web of payments so we don't have to partner with square or you know call up AT&T and get them to add. I mean AT&T, I'll call up visa to get them to adopt or PayPal to get them to adopt some application that we're like trying to build. Can't just go up and just build an application for a machine to make billions of PayPal payments back and forth between like my users and just do that. Like I'm gonna get shut down immediately or like I just won't give be given access to you know, their API or whatever. I won't be able to talk to their system. This is not it is not a permissionless open system. It is a highly restricted and closed Source system. Like I don't I can't like go in and like You know edit stuff in the background of PayPal can install the PayPal infrastructure onto my computer and use it and that's one of those things where I think be teased out. I really wish I had gotten a chance. I thought I was going to earlier this week until my computer took a dump on me and I got everything got refocused, but I thought I was going to install BTC pay server this week finally because I really want to play around with this because I think this is a huge enabler of it's essentially that's what you're doing you're creating. Own you're installing your own PayPal on your computer in a sense and you can modify it and added extensions to it. And it really everything. I've been reading and looking into seems really exciting. And I love that project. I think that's a huge huge part of making this accessible and building out the tools that we can actually do with this and enabling, you know businesses and online websites and stuff to really control all of their own finances. Unfortunately, I really have not gotten a chance to play around with it. Even though it's something that I try to follow pretty closely and I'm really excited about this one of those things that I just have not tinkered with yet, but the other thing aside from the openness and the fact that we can just build whatever we want which totally opens it just like anybody can build a website like anybody can build a payments application. You can create a machine that does billions of payments and you know owns its own Keys like you can create your own little Interface and stuff with lightning like it's programmable. It is programmable payments where Bitcoin is programmable money, but aside from that the scaling the possibilities in the the ability to scale. I think we'll start to get early on with lightning as Lightning becomes more and more user-friendly and we get things like Olympus and zap and Breeze and these things basically closing the gap between ween wanting to use Bitcoin and then getting it immediately and lightning and turbo channels, you know in particular is just a great great simple concept. Is that even if we have to go through lupins and loop outs a lot, even if we have to use the submarine swaps, which that that's Loop in and loop out and we have to do on chain and we have to do splicing and every once in a while. We need to close or open channels. even if lightning only presents particularly at this stage before we get really key solving really key problems like amps or maybe even getting a different concept of like how to deal with routing or something like who knows who knows there could all there's so many areas for improvement with lightning that any one thing could have a huge shift in how well and how robe have reliable and robust the network is but even if it only represents a five 10x scaling benefit like at an early stage. That's a huge. That's a huge deal that is nothing to scoff at if we're talking about like going 10x scaling because every transaction a you know, third of the network is is a channel transaction that then offloads 10 additional transactions. That's a huge freaking deal that we did not have to change anything at the base layer to get essentially 10. NX the block size simply because of how we utilized it and I think that in combination with the fact that I think it's inevitable that we get way more than 10x specifically because of that whole open payments layer principle or the that characteristic of it is that somebody is going to figure out an application or create something somebody is going to have the imagination necessary and create something that takes thousands tens of thousands. Maybe even millions of payments and it will be something probably simple that just wasn't possible before that just didn't quite all the corners weren't quite right to get it to fit together into the market. So let's take a quick break before we get into the list. Now. We kind of set the foundation for what I think is going to start enabling these things because I've just kind of like got a general list of things. I've been brainstorming about and thinking about with What things that I've been reading about and watching on videos there's there's some really interesting proposals and there's a lot of things that I think have been sitting in the wind for you know, 15 or 20 years. It may actually finally see the infrastructure the incentives and the decentralized payments layer necessary to now enable it so let's take a quick break and hit our sponsor and then we'll get into kind of what I've been brainstorming on. What could possibly be enabled with this new layered Financial ecosystem? What is the second layer give us that we may have never seen work prior to this. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically publish to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f FM today So again the key element to all of this is the fact that is it is permissionless that essentially Jack Mallards myself. If I was any good at coding anybody can simply create a competitor to Visa can create a payments application with some specific utility some specific. It is the web of transactions and just like the HTML and www was the web of communication of information. In this is the web of Exchange in finance. So there's going to be an ocean of things here, but we'll start actually with what I think is working right now. I've been using Bitcoin. Excuse me. I've been using lightning quite a bit lately. In fact, all of my main wallets now, none of my main wallets are Bitcoin wallets. They are lightning wallets. I do own time on occasion have to make Bitcoin transactions, but I try to keep it to a real minimum it. it's probably a A seventh ish of the number of transactions that I make most of it is own lightning now and that's pretty powerful and there are a handful of applications that have really made me. Exciting about the fact that this is changing my habits. Not necessarily the fact that oh goody. I'm spending more but when I have to spend I have an option with lightning which just wasn't the case like it's literally been only in the last couple of months two to three months tops. Then I realized that I'm using lightning a lot more and I don't even know when that shift happened. I just slowly got into it because I was playing with things and then I found that I got stuck. Doing things that actually provided me a useful service and truth be told one of them is tipping. I love the fact that like people tip me on the bottle the bottle app. The lnt x pot on telegram with tip and Dot me that's actually a pretty I just checked my account every once in awhile and somebody has given, you know, what five or six days later. Somebody gave me a tip for some tweet or just for the show or something because they didn't want to You know donate or do patreon because I have to subscribe and put in, you know, their information all this stuff. So like I totally get that and I would love to have I would actually have to love to have something like patreon that you actually do with lightning, but we're not yet there yet, but I think we will be it looks like there's already some things in the works that have to do with capabilities that are provided with the whole delay CH TLC's which you can dig into with Alex Bosworth if you want to kind of explore A little bit and then also amps the multipath payments. There's something in there that I definitely read. I just didn't get to dig into further about subscriptions style payments where you can essentially validate early on that. You've got these funds available available to continue a subscription going forward don't know how it works. So, you know, don't ask me I haven't gotten there yet. But so tipping has been a major part of this and lightning really brings that into the Forefront again. And it's also a really great like first use case something simple to sort of test the waters with small amounts because that's you know, micro payments are kind of lightnings thing. Like I regularly get tips of like a hundred satoshi's or a thousand satoshis which are like a penny and like a tenth of a penny like that's a tiny amount of money being moved, right? So even though that might just be like a first use case something that will kind of get people in the door to play with it. There's no telling how big that Is really and you know tipping does not there are very few projects that can really be sustained on donations or tipping. A lot of Open Source projects have this issue like that's not an uncommon thing and that actually leads to the next thing that I've been really surprised at how much I've kind of gotten into and maybe this is just me but the SATs for ads there is a say the Ellen TX bought it's a bot for lightning Network transactions and wallets and tipping and all this stuff in Telegram and they have started this interesting little test case on sats for ads and what happens is that people pay and I have run a couple of ads for the crypto Konami and just you know mention it and sometimes I've just done a couple of more just for bullshit because some people are paying for one and they'll just say something random and I'll Like it's a conversation that they actually set their price and you pay to reach a certain group of users and that shows up as a direct message to that user. Well through the lnt X Bots and I pay pretty close attention to it. I watch them and sometimes I click on them because like it's a bunch of is usually a lot of lightning stuff people like, you know trying to be like, I've got this new lightning app. And here's this perfect demographic of I think it's like, you know, a hundred and 50 ish users right now and you can actually just check the rates for everybody. So, you know exactly how many people you'll reach based on the number of characters in your message, but it's pretty amazing. And like I said, this is kind of a new thing. It's almost like I've always thought those there have been those previous like services or whatever get paid to watch ads or what not and they're actually running like their own payment set up. The background have to get Banks and all this stuff. So there's all this unnecessary overhead for something that's micro payments and I just think it was not feasible, but it makes me wonder if now you've got the example of Brave. I'm not sure if anybody is check out the brave browser. I love the browser. They've got this really awful token though. It's a shit coin where they're trying to scald basic attention token, but what they were trying to do is tokenize people's attention, but I think the issue with that is that when you create When you don't have a stable money, they're trying to they're doing the pricing and the reverse they're trying to use the attention and the value of the attention to price the money. That's what the a lot of the altcoins and shit coins or the utility tokens. That's I think what the utility tokens have backwards. They're trying to use the utility itself the attention or the network or something like that to try to price the token and what you need is a money so that You can price these things you need, you know stable core monetary system so that it can be used to price stuff doesn't make any sense to try to create individual tokens for Market private it soft. It's so backwards. And so I think I think they have kind of an interesting idea in the fact that they the intention is there and I think they're trying to figure it out. But the fact that they made their own all coin I think was a terrible terrible idea. And I think it's just completely backwards economic logic that we're going to have individual pricing tokens for every single utility out there when we already have God, how do I even explain this? It's like every industry every service having its own token to try to price those services and those products when the whole point of the pricing system is that it is the intermediary it is the medium. It's the market Standard by which we are able to price the other things because it's money so it doesn't make any sense at all to create all these monies that are just for one single use case and then make some sort of crazy huge Forex Market to Arbitrage between the value of every utility against every utility. It just doesn't make any sense. It's completely antithetical to why money is actually useful. If every single good and every Network and every service that we want is priced in a different thing why even price it I mean seriously, like they'll point of the price is that it's an easily identifiable thing that everyone can weigh against its this is all about measurement right? It's all about measuring value. Like the whole idea of a basic attention token would be to what's the value of our attention market and a token for just smart contracts is what's the value of the smart contract money are a conference smart contract Market. Well, the idea of a utility token is that we will have measurement standard measurements for everything that we would measure rather than a standard measurement to measure everything. So instead of everyone knowing what the length of a meter or a centimeter or a decimeter or a millimeter is we would have A standard measurement of a couch and then your couch would be how many couches is it? Oh, well, my couch is 1.2 couches. And then oh, what's the length of your house? Oh, well, my house is roughly, you know, 8.9 boards wide and then they check on their app to see what the measurement of a board versus a couch is it's like, okay, that's one point three couches man. That's a lot of couches man. That's like 10.4 couches or something. Holy crap. You got a big house. It doesn't make any sense. The point of the measurement is that it's the standard. We're all measuring length here. We just need a standard form of measuring length. We don't need a new measurement to measure everything so that we can create a market and this really great like the idea of creating a decentralized market for exchanging thousands and thousands of different tokens and utility tokens and value tokens is the same as having a nap, too. Instantly convert between the length of a couch and a board and how many DVDs wide is my car? It just it just doesn't make any sense. Okay. So now that now that I've got the whole I have thrown out the idea that the bat token is any sensible means of creating a Market Round attention or around paying for ads or creating an alternative like decentralised ad market now that we have the lightning Network and a universal measurement to price the value of things in this case our attention now, it's like can we actually build that I don't think the utility token. None of it makes any sense whatsoever. But I think the idea of trying to decentralize ads is actually a good one. So I'm really interested in the utility. It just makes no sense to price it in anything other than the dominant money because then the price is meaningless. So as little as SATs for ads is it's a fascinating use case that I didn't quite expect and I'm surprised that I'm interacting with it. It's my reason I can't quite tell you why maybe it's just the novelty of lightning and I like to play with lightning but there is something different about it from those sorts of schemes and the pay for your attention and the bat token that I always just dismissed. I was interested in Brave actually when they were using Bitcoin as micro payments, but as soon as they created a token I was like, okay this is crap and and it's really upsetting because Brave itself. The browser is pretty awesome. I love it. It's my main browser. So Love to see them actually adopt something like lightning and attempt to do this again in kind of the SATs for ads concept. I would like to see SATs for ads build out and try to become a larger thing. I think there's potential there and I find it useful to myself. I have used it specifically to be like, okay, I can reach these 147 people to May Vary may very well be interested in my podcast and that's cool. So I think there's kind of something there. Now the other thing that I use a lot is fold and gift cards like bit refill and the whole SATs back concept like lollies and folds do and like the the ability to do easy and cheap micro payments without having to with without having the banking infrastructure at all to just simply facilitate your payment through them and do like an affiliate share like lollies does. And then get money back in SATs. That's so much cheaper for them to manage and then obviously it's Bitcoin as money. So as the price go up goes up, you know, you're saving it's that change its the whole lawn mower concept. I'm not sure if anybody remembers about that, but there was an app called lawnmower that would put your extra change every time actually you actually had to connect it to your bank account so that you could watch for every single transaction, which honestly was a little bit scary and kind of stupid Maybe. But I did it because it would round up every transaction. So there'd be like a transaction for $19 and 53 sent and it would immediately by 47 cents worth of bitcoin for me. However, it would aggregate it over like a couple of weeks because it could not charge every single time. It could not pay out every single time because it costs too much can't pay somebody $0.47 over the banking Network and you know costume I call she like a 50 Cent just to do that like Justin. Initiate the payment and as also where we see a lot of applications already the gift card thing that's a real use case and I love it to get a discount get a 10% discount just yesterday. I used fold with lightning from my Breeze wallet and I got 20% off at Starbucks. I reloaded my card with like 24 bucks and got like five dollars and sixty. I can't remember exactly. How much was it was like 50 some odd thousand SATs back just by using My Breeze wallet and I can top that up this that's a big discount 20% discount at Starbucks. That is not something to just dismiss particularly when I might need to cash out in order to you know, get my coffee like my daily expenses that is money that I didn't have to cash out for a premium like think about it. Like if I use square or something like some cash app service or something, which is great and crazy convenient, but when I sell I am not selling for spot I'm selling for Their overhead for their Gap. So like let's say the price is $10,000. I might get you know, ninety eight hundred and fifty dollars worth of whatever I sell in Bitcoin. I get 98% I get like a 1.5% spread right? Well with fold I get the exact opposite. I get a 20% bonus if I'm selling for a Starbucks gift card, and I think it's still up to day. I might actually refund just because Even the price is low. I might I might just not drink coffee for the next two weeks. But if I know I'm going to be spending money at Starbucks and I need to cash out. It makes way more sense due to the gift card. Yes. It's a little bit of a headache but it's saving me a lot of money on a lot of things when I know I have to cash out and I don't really have another option. The gift cards are really saving me in a lot of ways and I usually just get very near like if I can get like seven percent back at Home Depot. So or something and I'm spinning like a hundred and sixty bucks. I'll get a hundred fifty dollar gift card. So I'm not I'm not wasting money by spending unnecessary Bitcoin, but I'm saving, you know, a 7/10 and a half-ish dollars on a hundred fifty bucks at Home Depot. And then I just pay the remainder and because the transaction is instant, I can do it just sitting in the like it didn't take any time. I don't have to like prepare. I can do it in the store and that's a big deal to me. I'm trying to save as much Bitcoin as possible. And sometimes I had to cash out the better price I can get for doing that the more I am going to be on board with that option and the gift cards really have been the whole SATs back stuff has been really great in that regard. The next one I've used on occasion. It's not a huge thing for me. But I know this is a giant market gambling gambling is a huge use case. I'm inclined to think maybe I'm wrong about this but gambling is such a huge Market that I've constantly wonder if that's really we're going to be where the killer app for the lightning Network finds itself in doing some sort of gambling that you just can't and you know when you were talking about like Centralization is about breaking the rules. Again. Go back to the BitTorrent lessons is it's about breaking the rules. So what rule are you breaking gambling is one of those gray areas where it's difficult to do in a lot of countries and jurisdictions and to have a global easy low payment like micropayment gambling like set up. I think there's a lot of potential there. And that is something that I have found myself doing a couple of times and I will still kind of go back to even if it's something stupid like lightning spin or of the the slots or what not mean. I don't bet much but it is still kind of fun to just do for like 5 minutes at a time. And then lastly privacy just the just the whole nature of payments privacy is a big deal to me and That's definitely a consideration when I'm doing a lot of this stuff. Like I know when I get bit refill or fold or something like that in using like a gift card and stuff. I'm getting privacy. Like I'm I know that data is going straight like it might be connected to an account. But that's just that accounts just connected to my email and doesn't tell anything about me and you know, maybe fold can like tell somebody else what gift cards this account bought but they don't know, it's me and That's that's not something to Discount either because that is definitely something I consider when I'm doing that is that I know I am getting a degree of privacy with that payment that I'm not getting with anything else. So even though I'm using it mostly for gift cards now, I would love to see that the more things that I can actually use with lightning and the more circular that can become I would love to do more enlightening. I've been really having a great time with it. And I think there's so so much potential there. So I want to see I want to see what other people can build with this. So here is where we get into. The major things that I think could be a huge possibility for Bitcoin or excuse me for the lightning Network did it might enable that we could not accomplish before? And the first one that I really want to get into because I am still waiting for this like I mean, I love my my apps, you know, my telegram whatever my chat apps, but I still think even if it's as slow as email, even if it's something like email, I think an encrypted decentralized store-and-forward system is really really important and I want that really bad. I want that for a full. Like end-to-end encrypted there is no Central server. I am paying a micro payment maybe to lightning servers or whatever to store my message for a little bit and then forward it to the people who come online and I told I talked about this in one of my previous guys takes episodes of the app that I want to see for lightning. It is a decentralized encrypted chat and where I add friends based on their public key, and I'm encrypting the The message just so that those friends can decrypt it end of story and I don't even care if it's a little bit sluggish. I wouldn't use it as like my main messaging but I would use it for a lot of things and I would use it to share certain stuff. And I think that would be a huge. I know I would use it. I would be all over it. And because the message forwarding is already built into lightning. I'm pretty certain that there are people working on this. In fact, I keep hearing little rumors here and there but this is just a big one for me. He personally I really want to I really want to see what could be possible with the lightning infrastructure to enable something like this and that immediately leads to the whole neighborhood watch concept is everybody talks about the Watchtower Skeptics and the lightning Network Skeptics talk about how watchtowers are centralized and you have to trust somebody else. Well, that's what it came up with. The idea of I came up with the idea of the neighborhood watch is that I have multiple devices. That our own lightning all the time. I have my own Casa node. I have my cellphone which uses Breeze and I've got zapped now because I really want to try out a lympus and I'm probably gonna have a BTC pay server setup, which I might even have them like a digitalocean droplet or something so that it's online. Why can't I use all of those devices as watchtowers for each of the other devices like that doesn't seem like a very difficult extrapolation. I've lost no privacy whatsoever and I've got Backups, I've just provided myself with multiple backups because I got plenty of devices. I've always got some device somewhere. That's Own Line. It just doesn't seem like that difficult of a problem as far as a not as far as like a technical implementation have no idea exactly how you would implement it, but I'll leave that to people who actually know what they're doing there. But as far as a conceptual way to not have to worry about privacy and then again to extend the hole neighborhood watch idea is that if I've got a encrypted decentralized messaging with a group of friends. Well, then I just have my trusted friend Network. We're also watched hours for each other. So I'm never going out to somebody even though I could even though it doesn't really matter and it's not like a super trusted thing. Like there's not a whole lot in trusting a watchtower. You don't you're not giving them Keys. It's not a custodial thing. So the relationship really is already not a big concern, but if you wanted to mitigate the minor Issues of privacy and needing to actually give up some information in the case of a dispute. Well, you've already got plenty of people you can trust and everybody can be a watchtower. You know, it's just like a, you know, you scratch my back. I scratch yours sorts of sort of thing that leads me to another video recently about I couldn't quite follow it completely and the accent was difficult enough that I was missing some of what she was explaining but look like a really interesting system to use watchtowers as a way to store encrypted backups of your channels. So that not only could you use a watchtower to basically enforce a channel balance in the case of a dispute, but you could actually have your node go offline. And as long as you had your public key and murmurs, excuse me, as long as you had your private key you could request out to the Watchtower to give you the backups. Cryptid backups that only you with the private key can actually decrypt and restore your node by utilizing again the lightning infrastructure as a storage for your your backup service and that's a pretty powerful tool and that's that's pretty amazing to think they like, okay, we're all ready. What else can we do with these watchtowers? We've got again a infrastructure set up a service built for one specific use case, but now we can start to expand. What these always online servers can do how many pieces of information can we give them? How can we utilize them for other problems that we're having other issues that we need to fill in the gaps for? In another sort of fun when that I thought of recently is physical Bitcoin notes and physical Bitcoins, like open dimes and stuff is to actually use those in payments. It's like imagine if you were just buying a bunch of $20 bills, but like all of your stores in the area didn't have $10 bills $5 bills one dollar bills and change right like trying to use physical Bitcoin like that in Commerce in exchange and physical exchange is really a nightmare like like you have to have again. It's a bootstrapping problem. You have to have a way for someone to divide that thing up because otherwise you need to always spend exactly what it's worth like imagine having to you've got twenty dollars in your pocket and you have to go into a restaurant or a grocery store or something and you have to figure out how to spend exactly twenty dollars like that would be a nightmare right? And that's why I think physical. It's why physical silver like, you know, like you would have all these pork fest and stuff and they try to sell like little silver cards and stuff like that, but you can't do that without the infrastructure. It's it's like selling access to a social network that nobody is on so if if nobody has the change that you need you can't really use it in Commerce. You can't break it up. So lightning actually changes that for physical Bitcoin if everybody who accepts open dimes and physical Bitcoin bills and stuff and there's like an easy kind of standardized way to validate that these are legitimate on and also safe then it's also really not a stretch to think that they might have a lightning Network or a lightning implementation and as Lightning becomes more ubiquitous as the app sphere is really kind of taken over in the payment sphere is kind of taken over by lightning with in Bitcoin. What a perfect way to get your Change back, right. So rather than needing to if I'm trying to spend .01 Bitcoin on a single opened on I don't need the merchants to then have a bunch of point zero zero one Bitcoin open dimes and I want to point zero zero five Bitcoin opened dimes. I don't need them to give me back change in open times if I want to buy .008 Bitcoin worth of things and I've got a point zero one Bitcoin open time. Well, then I just get 200,000 satoshi's back on lightning in my lightning balance. So I hand them the opened I'm they validate and deduct the the difference and then I scan my lightning wallet and they pay me the difference. I get the change back in my lightning Channel. Now, we just skipped a massive bootstrapping problem of a of trying to create a different physical cash medium. It takes forever to get people to adopt the physical cache version, but it's really quick to adopt and integrate this. Software version particularly when the network effects are all in the software version, but those can the physical version can piggyback off of that Network by integrating the two essentially I would really like someone to see that I would really like to see that where there was like a point-of-sale. That's a lot of people trying to make these like Bitcoin point-of-sale things. I really like to see one that could you know verify an open Diamond then pave somebody back change enlightening and I think it really Really could actually enable another rather significant option for off chain scaling by making these bills and open dimes and physical Bitcoin actually viable in exchange without the infeasible expectation that we would get everybody to always have tons of different open dimes and tons of different Bitcoin bills in order to you know, give back correct change. And then we got one we got another use case that Andreas talks about just the idea of streaming money. I mean when I first heard this my brain kind of went went off trying to figure out all the different ways, you could use this and one of the things in my opinion would be a really interesting like video service like a YouTube style service except for its pay for the video and you only pay for what you actually watch. So it's like it's not Nine dollars to get to the end of this video like like you're watching a movie or something or maybe it's four dollars whatever it is. And so if you watch it and then you get sick of it like two minutes in you can bail out and you've only paid for 2 minutes of the video now in a competition for YouTube You're competing with something that's a free platform for storing all of this. But in the exact same sense you also you have to figure out how to monetize a decentralized. Sure, and if you've got something like our previously talked about SATs for ads well. Now you have a possible decentralized way to put ads in front of certain videos that do get lots of views to offer one a version of it that's free because you have to watch an ad and then another version of it that's paid for by the second or the minute or whatever and both of them have some sort of Revenue sharing with Storage like with whoever is actually running the server that feeds the video to the customer. So there's an incentive to basically create the ipfs of the lightning Network, you know, maybe there's not a huge Market need for that. Maybe it's like solving a problem. This just not really there and particularly in the hole Zhou Bo like minimizing consumer worry standpoint. You don't want anything to be too confusing as to as to how you're using it I could see that as a potential. oil like viable solution to Distributing content That's at least an interesting use case that could have something there. And then another one is an e-commerce layer, which I actually have heard little bits here and there that this is actually being built. This is actually kind of part of some of the lightning protocols there. They're setting a foundation for this already. So and I but I can't I haven't heard anything substantial about it since I just had just here a little bits like like somebody says something like oh no. Yeah, that's already that's we're building that in and I'm like, oh wait a second. Holy crap because that could be what open bizarre didn't didn't quite have at the beginning is like it again. It needs that bootstrapping phase. And if you have your infrastructure already in place because it's the infrastructure of lightning. Well then branching that out to some other use case. Like an e-commerce a decentralized e-commerce application could be really fascinating and open bizarre also kind of controls what people can actually post up there even though you can Fork open bizarre. Your you're starting a new network from scratch. It's like starting a and that's why I don't think darknet markets ever got there's no open bizarre for darknet markets. I don't think yet which is kind of interesting considering the risk of a centralized server. So I don't even know who I that hasn't happened yet. I feel like That would be a key use case for something like open bizarre. So we'll have to see what comes of it with lightning but I think that's on the near Horizon, you know, at least in the midterm and I'm very very excited to see what happens there. But that leads us to what would also be necessary is a decentralized reputation system if we're going to have a decentralized market. We need to have a secure reputation system for that market that can be easily cheated or spammed or you know. it but what's funny is that lightning lightning itself could actually become that with just node statistics because we're actually getting into that part of lightning where we want to measure we want to know how reliable are nodes are we want to be able to have you know concrete data on how well this node is forwarding payments what other people think of connecting to this node how many payments failed versus how How often do they go offline how often do large payments versus small payments get routed. Like there's these sorts of data. I mean some of it we probably can't collect just because you know, it's private, but at the same time we are going to have no statistics. I think that's a really important thing so that people know that they're connecting to a reliable connection into the lightning Network. So I think this is going to be part of the system that actually needs to be built out. Kind of a question of whether or not it needs to be decentralized. That's an important part of it. You know, it leads us back to the minimum viable decentralisation rule is that does it need to be decentralized? Like what's the reason that we should decentralize it? Because it's very much like the Pirate Bay issue is that there were alternative protocols other than BitTorrent that attempted to add in the whole indexing and downloading the torrent in a decentralized way. Way and you know all they try to decentralize everything around Torrance. Whereas BitTorrent just focus on the network itself and it didn't worry about anything else and it just left the indexing and searching of Torrance to essentially The Pirate Bay to websites out there and that wasn't really an issue. In fact that was exactly why BitTorrent succeeded over all of the alternatives. So it might not be necessary to do this, but it's something that may already become part of the lightning protocol because of the need to know the history of nodes that have been online because it's important to have a good reliable connection that we talked about this extensively with the whole LSP lightning service provider concept and then extending that to some sort of decentralized like some sort of e-commerce layer. Or basically an identity like a reputation layer attached to the public Keys involved. I don't think that's a huge stretch to think that might actually be like just extending something that already has an incentive to exist might actually be doable in that way. But then the last thing that I had that I wanted to mention was mesh Nets and this we talked with Admirers from go Tina and his presentation or his proposal of the lot 49 protocol attempting to essentially pay mesh nets for pay for mesh net infrastructure to forward messages on a mesh net and that is really exciting to me. I think I think there maybe I don't know if a lot 49 is it but it's a really fascinating technology and that Was always an issue with Hardware like actually funding Hardware infrastructure is an incredibly difficult thing to do and it really needs a decentralized micro payments payment layer payment system in order to actually do that pull that off and needs to be permissionless. It needs to be something that you know, everybody can participate in and experiment with because it has to be easy to integrate with and it Has to be something that can be Universal like that and the whole idea of a mesh network is to have something that is unsensible. So if you're paying your means of paying to keep that mesh net alive is centralized in not censorship resistant. Well, then neither is your mesh net it's meaningless. So again, that's one of those things that I think has been so difficult to do like the mesh Nets that have existed are only hobbyist, you know, they've never been robust infrastructure. Unless it was actually some sort. It wasn't a mesh net. It was just a centralized service that was offering Wireless. Right? So there may actually be a way to create an incentive for robust infrastructure of a mesh net of a alternative internet connections and in the physical space in meatspace, and that's really interesting. I think that's something that we should put a lot of energy and I think all of these At least what come to my mind when I think about what I want to see with lightning going forward, but I have no doubt in my mind that I'm probably going to be shown as probably missing something completely obvious in hindsight, you know, after a couple of years something is probably going to explode like I kind of feel like we're getting close to that or at least I am in my in the ease with which it feels to try to onboard somebody else. It breathes made a big difference there. And now with Olympus that one came totally out of left field for me. I wasn't thinking anything like that was that close? I mean Breeze originally came out of left field. So I'm really excited about the onboarding experience. That's slowly evolving here. And I think probably something is going to come completely out of left field again, like just a complete random development that somebody's like, oh, yeah, by the way, we have this on lightning and I know I will Ready to play around and test it out because now I'm the lightning that works really working for me again. It's not super reliable. It is beta software. So be careful guys. It's not without its headaches. But you know, I deal with that sort of I put up with little inconveniences all the time to get some degree of control that I like. Like if anybody's been following me on Twitter, you know, my computer was just out of commission because I build I use a Hackintosh. I've been using hacking charges for quite some time and is it A headache it is a big inconvenience a lot of the time but I have to admit I went into originally using Hackintosh has for a just out of sheer curiosity and I had no idea what I was doing. I never use the command line or anything and it's a lot of the reason it's one of those things that I wanted to try something out and then I ended up learning a ton about how command line Works what the hell is a bootloader, you know, all these things about computers because I'm I don't know it's fun. I like to play with These things it's interesting and fascinating technology to me. And because of that the fact that there are some minor limitations or I usually add sometimes have to try to different wallets or something with lightning that does not that's not really much of an inconvenience for me. It means I get to learn lightning. It means I get to play around with multiple apps which is kind of stuff. I'm gonna do anyway, so take that with the, you know a caveat. It's kind of like working with a Hackintosh. If you're not ready to kind of experiment learn a little bit and play around. This thing well, then don't do it. It's not going to be like a consumer experience where I always pick up my app my Mac and if there's anything even remotely wrong with it, I'm furious and I'm calling apple on the phone. If that's the state that you're in just give it some time the that we will get to that stage. It's just not there yet. So it is tinkerer stage, but it's good enough that I'm using it and I love it. I've been super happy with it and it continues it continuously. It's incrementally better. I it takes a couple of weeks for me to realize that things have changed but I'll just like trying to play around with this new app or use this new service or like, you know start to try to transfer over. It's like oh, well, they just like Starbucks gift cards now unfold I'm doing that pretty regularly now and I just realized that I've slowly changed my habits and now I'm making use of this a lot and that's really exciting to see it. We value it's given me value. I've been utilizing it. So anyway, anyway, that's those are just a bunch of things that I was brainstorming about. And I wanted to see I'm really kind of curious about your thoughts on this. Was there anything in this episode that you were like? Why is he not talking about this? This is obviously a thing. I want to hear what you guys think could be built on the lightning Network. What? What do you kind of see in the future? That might be Lightning Network novel like in the sense that it can't be built anywhere else and you have to have something like lightning Network for it to be possible. I want to hear what those things are. It fascinates me. And I think there's a crap ton of things to explore and unfold with this. So yeah, that is that's today's episode. We will wrap up this guy's take thank you guys so much for listening. Don't forget if you want to jump into that telegram group and become part of the crypto Kana me crew. 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Finishing up our Lightning week on the show, I've got a Guy's Take on all the different applications I think are viable here in the early days of Lightning, and also what decentralized projects may make sense on Lightning, but are pointless as "utility tokens." • Sat4Ads (The real BAT) • Why utility tokens are backwards economics • Fold, BitRefill, & Lolli • Making Bitcoin bills make sense • Watchtowers for decentralized backups • A new e-commerce? & tons more! Here's some more great listens to go deeper down the rabbit hole with today's discussion: • Minimum Viable Decentralization [Simon Morris] • Estimating and Minimizing Consumer Worry [Nick Szabo] • Richard Myers on a Lightning Powered Global Mesh If you want to join in the Cryptoconomy Telegram and help support turning all of the best Bitcoin literature into audio, become a patron below!
Hello, this is West Kramer. And you're listening to talking Schmidt. Yay. What do you think?Live from Half Moon Bay right across from the jetty we're now good night at kids and we got episode 30 with fucking you're not gonna believe who we got on the show today, but first to my special co-host all the way through episode 6, it's Timothy McKenney back in the day. Everyone was talking about this guy difficult from the p-town he come to any rap and fuck. It up. I'm at crouches ramp practicing or whatever. You want to call it back then and you just hear about the guy it was like maybe three years later. We're at this dude's house that's just smacked out on nutmeg. I never heard of it. This guy was fucking loose kids don't do it. But here comes Eric at this five million dollar house at the shittiest. Jake is rep you seen and he fucked it up and I'm sitting back going. Damn. They work fucking right? This guy is the shit and he Give a shit. He never did. He just loves skateboarding and I give it up to somebody that gets it before you're supposed to because he got it at like 16 s. I'll fuck that know. I'm skating fuck you. So now here as our guest episode 30. It's Aaron J. Eric, right Eric what gel evaru? This is what I've been calling them. It's an elusive creature at this point can born and raised. We're in New York. You're born in New York. Yeah what City Queens? Yeah, we sold everything and we sail sail down the intercoastal and we fucking lived like in between, you know, the British Virgin Islands and then we live in Haiti for a little bit and fucking what we saw. Everything I lived on a boat cruising around he lived on the boat by the baseball field. That's why I'm telling you lived in that Creek when he got here blood, right? Yeah appeared thinking that when we first moved out here, we're living on a golf club at Pier 39 o on Pier 39 dude. Yeah in a houseboat know in a fucking boat a 36-foot catch fucking sailboat, dude. It was just like another fucking like nine months 8 months almost a year like you just go and you don't shower in the fucking thing. And how old are you? That's first round when I it came out here. I think I was maybe 8 9 something like that ADI. He's known as a clean. Yeah with who my fam they sold everything and we lived on a boat for a long time. And then we were just both peopling and we moved to Michigan and your dad was like a fisherman. Yeah. I mean like, you know, just catch whatever, you know, you catch lobsters and shoot. Yeah. I used to fucking good get shells and I'd be like look at this you want I am a little kid like man. Give me some Skittles. When did you come to Pacifica? Like a kink a 88? Yeah. I was put out we moved we moved we lived in San Ramon out there for a little bit. Uh-huh. Yeah, like 83 84. Yeah fucking Brian Frost. Dad Dave Warren. I started skiing skating like at Pier 39 like I had a little plastic board because we lived on a boat. Boat. Yeah inside go down and see people but like I really started picking it up when we moved to the East Bay. Did you skate that ramp? What was it? Like a little bolt Dave Warren had a ramp? Yeah and all that and they had the bullpen Bullpen skate shop, and they had like random shit to ride my buddy Todd's and he's get the Mercantile done it the envelope. So what was like your first real skateboard? Probably I had a fucking like a Volterra bio stick and then I got a Schmidt like I think Is that a TV? It was just said a TV on it. Yeah, something like that. But I had yeah, I had like a fucking beater for a long while shout out the possum a shout-out to do end up meeting the Kenny. Fuck you, dude. We're fucking knows where those skates did drinking wine. That's right. Fucking Space Bags dude going down the way. Yeah, no time flat, Maybe. Sixth grade. I don't know. I used to see you at go skate party first. Look with gorillas, Larry or whatever is new. Yeah, you were there right up the street from the spill idea ever skied this Billy. Yeah come he took me through there. Okay, Tony vitello just texted him and he wants you to give a description for someone who doesn't know who Gumby is the gum stirs dude. He's the God of all know man, like dude. He's always there. He's like, he's like a fucking like dude. He's sick. Homie. Imagine Spicoli that just fucking just power Spicoli. You know what? I mean? Like he's they're whipping his ponytail. Like I ain't seen him in years. And the first thing he says to me, he's like dude, you're still alive. What's up, you know we go camping the gum be gummy bears are Road Warrior. He's the shit. He's been around forever and a day. You think he came out of the womb like that or it was Drug induced a little bit of both, you know smashing alien. God of all know the dude to fuck. Yeah. Dude fucking weight is Dad would throw us out of the house but naked like, you know, we're sick of it. I slept Gumby's closet Gump. He's the shit dude. We've been up and down the whole Coast you want to know about ZZ Top go on the road with gonna be there to fucking Eliminator album Beauty came out of my cold water park tube in a fucking Vision fucking hip pack and he was like, this is my spot dude. What are you doing? What's up, bro? And I'm like you can hear him coming down the funnel and you just popped out like what's up? I was like, yeah on that note. Remember you me and him went fucking looking for them full pipes and we burned the fucking cardboard and we're yelling in the fucking pipes. See we're gonna kill a baby frog it ran the fire department came the fucking cops down there. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, they're like, there's a kid trapped in the sewers. Are we really dude? That's that shit happen. Ins on the regular with Gumby? That's why he's the shit dude Adventure - yeah, dude. It's like Indiana Jones kind of shit. Do you like come on check this out next thing, you know, the fucking fire departments are looking for fucking yeah looking for fucking lost shed babies and you dude like all the Millbrae and Burlingame gets put on fucking alert, dude. How sick is that in half an hour? But just burnt. Let's just burn shit. Dude. There's smoke coming out of toilet pipes and shit and Just like I don't know him the cops are looking and we're standing there. Like I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, do you have to say and we're just like screaming Brewery is shit. Like you lose your baby. I like that dude. The first time you came to this room and I'm gonna be honest with you guys. Don't move until Granada. No Elgar not old Rufus Eric first sponsor was think skateboards. I'm gonna say I'm gonna say no I'm going to say maybe dog town or something before you told me to you had a different spot. She was fucking the first set I got for free. Yeah, let's from fucking uh, Luanne Dorfman Brad Dorfman sister. Yeah. Yeah. I was living in Michigan and I came out and skated sad lands and in fucking the pipeline and she saw me at the fucking sad lands and it was just some random lady like you likes cake shit like yeah get in the car and she took me to the vision Warehouse. And gave me some all this random shit. You told me this last challenge back to Michigan with a yeah. Yeah, Jinx is there and like it was a trip dude. I had all the fucking silly Beret and the fucking skull shoes and shit, you know, did they send you anything on the know that was it there? You're just like yeah, but I was hype dude, you know, when did when did you start getting some foot? Like on a regular deal where they were actually hooking you up sucking uh, who's probably DTS like like when that's when Keith and SF. Yeah, yeah fucking yeah. Yeah, it was red dog. Yeah, I remember I was getting the karma got his little like Buddha belly board, right? And he's skating Highlands with that and I go yeah all that. Yeah. He was in he was in p-town for a minute like skating just janky ramps doing finger flips and fucking all that. Yeah. It was a trip man. It was like I go up there and it was my buddy Mike mundane the Menendez. He's a CHP officer now our bark copper some crazy shit. Yeah and flex and fucking yeah. It was Keith and red dog red dog, like come in with fucking like like fucking VCR cables. Like I don't I couldn't find a belt. I gotta get here, you know and you're like fuck you know, that was that hook up through Keith knowing you and pasifika. Yeah. He's given like God Township and then you followed him to think. Yeah. Yeah. He just thinks started and it was like, I think the missing kids board was the first or something. Yeah and all that one kid's name that was mini ramp champ Bobby something. Bobby Bobby Coons not a coon's. Yeah by the coons dude. You ready champ. That's right. Let's hear one of the fucking craziest things I ever did with Keith house. He was standard. Come on boy. Well, he was right on the mark Boulevard. Yeah. They're I'm sorry Keith like this were used to people over there and fuck with them he be Listening like DJ Quik tonight is the night trying to fucking Mackey down in these the yeah, we like we would like for you. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know man. I was just a bad kid, dude, you know like that kind of shit. Like did I sit down his chimney a shit? What I did some tear up like just bad. It's the dude. I'm sorry Keith. I don't know like there was nothing going on. So you go bug teeth or just gonna lurk on think of that time. Yeah. Yeah, do we used to do all that shit? Like hi to Duke. Did you like fucking bring a Duke into the like Safeway and mash it into the magazine. Just keep the fight outfit made it to the ground level. I don't know man. If it got stuck in the flu. We just would creep in it was bad dude, you know, like, you know, he's fucking it's cool like tonight is the night. You know, who teach a quick fuck you dude keeps the shit, you know, like I did he put up with so much fucking bullshit, you know. Really like it was rough dude. It was straight up Lord of the Flies like trying to fucking bring the Wack Pack along for all the bullshit, you know, so who are the dudes that you looked up to when you were younger before do eyes? Okay. Well, I lived in Michigan for a while. I was getting out there it was built in for it. It was fucking the duty became the body builder built Toko. Oh, yeah like a bodybuilder. Yeah. Yeah, they used to have the wind waves and wheels in Arbor and all this crazy shit. There's do Paul Henderson. He fucking he would take me on road trips as a little kid down to Fort Lauderdale like Van Halen Running With the Devil like get in the car and go skate the Cambodia ramp and Florida. He had a vert ramp and shit like that. That's like when I was back there trying to skate and then I came out here and it was like fucking dude, you fucking weighed when he was a kid like road for the bullpen Dave Warren Brian Frost dad nimrod. Astronauts from there. Yeah shit. Yeah, all them dudes like they had. Yeah, it was it was a trip like just I was just a little Spud maybe like yeah, come on, you know Wade skated spines better than anybody. Yeah. Yeah, they for frontside half cab before like and people were like not it was like what? Yeah. It was like the wrong way just for fun. Yeah going Mach. He taught me that that's how I learned the front side under the back to the city contest where they have the spine in it, and he just didn T folks. Like we do everything on it. You're like Hey try this and you be like, all right, bye-bye and you know five minutes later it was on you know, he do front boards fart, like farther than people could boardslide like just fucking sit on it. That's at the fucking Mercantile curb. He'd seriously, do you like a 50-yard front board? Push push push push? Yeah so fast. Yeah. So then what point did you get hooked up? Of antihero. Who did you meet out of those guys? How'd that all go down? I got fucking I got kicked off think for pooping. No because fucking one of my homies and he's fucking lurches. He's fucking he got a check from somehow. I think they were on like a crime spree in Pacifica and fucking they wrote what they got one at East checks and they wrote my name on it Jay. Can you get the full name and fucking he went to court and you know guilt by association me and Keith hashed it out a long time ago, but I got booted and I'm like, oh, you know and so then I just kept skating around with all those dudes fucking the best. It was for the best. He knew it he knew from the gay. Yeah. I just did you know, it was just like, all right, you know what now and I was actually I was going skating your shit back way back when yeah you and Riders deal. Yeah. Yeah, and so I was riding that for a while and then I think Just Julian was like, oh she had dude. Damn. Yeah, dude, you just hey you. All right, man, what happened? He trips to you somebody just fell down doing nothing like a dirt snow angel up for Spicoli that kids actually really cool. I think he's from Pete and he's actually a nice fucking kid. Nice circuit. I met Julian well before I moved back to Michigan, it's like 87 or 88. There was a skate camp in Visalia. Yeah, Bobby. Jeez. Yep and fucking him a notice for out there and you made it. Yeah, and you remember is because like I needed some wheels. So I ate a fucking cracker filled with filled with fucking feels. It's up a whole Shaker a pepper on it. I fucking hate it down. He gave me these wheels and I was like, he's like he's watching me. Up and fucking he gave me his mom's number and I would like call them from Michigan and then I saw him later and he's like you're that q2id all the fucking pepper and we gasps me, you know, so yeah. Yeah, so that was that was a trip man. Like it was like 80 whatever, you know, so and no on any trips with those guys. Yeah. We're not a few um, shit like Yeah couple like any of those bus ones are trained ones, or I went on my own. Like I went to fucking burn side with them and I was freaked out and they left me up there as we such a troll. They're like fuck it. I was like dude sit around and then I got stuck up there left them. Right they bail. Oh, no cause dude I was it was rough. Dude. I was up for holidays fucking you know in a bad way, dude and just like fuck dude. I shouldn't have even gotten a van fucking wheat berries, like just go dude. I just can't, you know came off of it. Bugging and I went out to I went to fucking Albuquerque and Arizona with them from resik a few random ones. Were you on that one work? I think it was cardio and Trujillo doubles Arizona. Yeah. That was the one. Yeah, I mean fucking being ups and we're fighting all night in the parking lot like Brawlin like you spent the perfume. China Bank electric fares in the hotel room I grabbed him like yeah, he said it was cool till I put my leg over here. I don't know. I was black belt. Yes. He pie is you don't even know you're dreaming about something strange trip. You know what I'm saying it in the morning like to fucking John Ike what's wrong? I'm like, dude, you know, you're not supposed to snuggle your fucking team manager to dude. You know, what Ripper? Yeah. Yeah, sorry fairs. That was rough to let me put you know, those trips were awesome. You know, like when it happened, were you on any of those early? Hell ride. Yeah. Yeah, man, I'll first one was like I went with Jake in fucking hookah. Yeah Coco Joey wheat and fucking Christian Hosoi to European cars. No to Burnside the birds. The one more Christian does the transfer. I got the listeners before I got the Peapod I do a fucking pivot to Fakie in my Iggy is full fucking butt crack out as I shit my fucking pants because it was so raw. I had to lose my Chinese dude and dude. I do a period to figure on the fucking cinder block and they're just like I did get a belt, you know, because it was just so wrong like it dude, you know, it was just a blowout that whole trip was just Madness dude-- Yeah dude-- are coming to say something just for the kids and people who don't know. No, one thing that's always stuck in my head is this guy at Burnside? You don't have to have much footy when he's doing frontside bluntslide on the cinder block wall in the way comes in is parallel to the wall when we're all popping mile out. This guy stayed inches away from the wall and stayed right next to it was the most beaut one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in. My life is Eric doing a frontside Blood on the cinder block and I ain't distant been chronic backside noseblunt revert, but do Derek's More beautiful. Sorry booty out. Sorry bud. What about the front blunt? Fucking India at my house? Probably 11 p.m. Bryce and him showed up fucking after dark lit up the ramp. Yeah. Bryce was Dallas. Yeah. That's him Showtime. I don't do a lot of that. This is this is Harry's mean again. This is same trick front blunt on the Box on the Zoo Box in Menlo Park at the ramp, but I'm telling you, you know, it's a Picture in my head that will always stick. It's Eric's front side blind cause I'll never be able to fucking do it like that. But that's how I learned frontside blunt was wanting to do it like that guy going to like like I fail like when he saw you watch that shit we get off at a rest stop and he just be like fucking like making her shirt into a headband and like fucking getting it and it just fucking dude these people like, dude. And dude, he has like the finest bitch in the car like a just cruises out of the car and fucking back side drives into the bowl. Like it's a lock. He's trying shit to Hell the lateness and he's like flip Tic-Tac shit with all the shirts flying off of them and shit and do it. He just it was insane dude, because everywhere we went people were like, hold on. Yeah. It is JQ style always tell me be like, you know what Christian says about black pepper. Air blasting powder. Yeah, we had some funny ones dude. Just winding up and random House's like we was getting Some Lovin and I'm on the sofa. Oh get it wheat and food and it was just like we were just giggling like God damn dude. Yeah, like you can Christian sitting there were just laughing on whatever and you know, those trips are just dogs all yeah. That was awesome, dude, like I remember calling and Going to fish like thanks dude. This is the best thing is thank you so much for telling me shit. He's like that just kept shut up and go do your thing. I was so fucking stupid that whole fucking thing went to rehnquist's vert ramp out in the fucking the middle of nowhere and oh, yeah, I'm not little yeah. Yeah sighs. Yeah that was way back, you know and red red-head this little little bowl thing way back there with Phil. Yeah it all that we do. It was just it was nuts, dude, like, you know, Portland was just so like just like fuck you can just loiter, you know and just do it just like exploding with like that energy and the concrete being built and everything. Everything was a work in progress and they were like all this shit's gonna happen and you're like, all right, and the next thing you know, it's a fuck, you know blow up. All right, we got to talk about urban legend because I've heard about this all my life the old wallet or good story that There's a backside 180 story right true or false what happened? It's definitely in crumpled. That's it. Yeah, wait for butcher pushing. Yeah, one of the things I heard was there was like skid plate or something built in your shirt. So you slide on it like a plastic know this because they said you put plastic in your back and sliding it was that you do the back to the city thing. It was a jazzy. Jesse and in fucking Markovich and all that and fucking and Jake's like fucking come on get yours kid. You know, I'm like, all right. Here we go. I tried it and tried it and tried it like and I was like just falling like Snap and then you kick out and then you're just like oh this is going to be great. It's just relax and you're just looking at this shit go away from you and it boom boom on your back and then you just slide. I tried it for half an hour 45 minutes and tried it a couple more times, and I'm just Like fuck this bullshit. This is fucking ridiculous. I can put it down and then you're like, this is fucking what's the math on this because it's like fucking Challenger drop it. Wow, you know, it was weird because you do the three and you're like, all right, just a little further. You know, that was a fucking ghost. I'm in Woodstock dude like to on a skim board or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm coming around. You know, you get it just throw everything out. I got another one for Eric. He had me check it out. I actually did check it out. Sponsor me. It's right in the beginning Tre flip pretty much the tail smack over the Steep bank at Cha. All right at Fort Miley and it was sick dude. I give you props for that. You had me look at it. I looked at you better believe I looked at it and it was no. Yeah, you know that was your proud of you had me look at a very to the second row - I've got the tail smack over the The bank at my age. It's you go. Try it. I know you guys will cause that's what you did a China. Laughs that might said it's so what happened ha ha ha. Well, Tim, I gotta ask you a question. We're at episode 30 right now. I'm so proud of you Schmidt. I really am and they get better and better. What's the highlights for you? So far is gonna be Keith. He said my he said mine was his favorite. I'm right back at you kid. I've listened to yours and Rob's more than anybody's so I'm going to give it to you Toad and Rob but you guys are my homies. Of course. I'm going to want to listen to you guys. You don't think I mean you got Jaws on there what you got love on your shit and I'm proud you got the girls on there. What like that out. I'm proud of you. What about meters? I want to apologize. I apologize. Was it Jessica? Krause's who you had on? Yeah, if that that question was for yes. Yes Yvonne Rock outs mom. She's the stewardess. I'm so sorry Jesse Von rock out the house. Shout out on an on an airplane and then me and you Turn it on. What's that honey? Butter, honey, like a ver honey Butters and to or Mom and tarragon mile-high Club thing. No was Hornets. Remember Hornet wheels my first sponsor. Okay - it's like yeah, let's it's not about me guys. It's about Eric. This is getting deleted and edited. It's about Eric. I don't know but mama got the wheels that you got them and you thanked me for me. It meant the world to me. I'm sorry Krauss. That's it. Let's hear it good wheat berry story. What's like the craziest? The shit you've seen out of it. You gotta get him on here. Dude. Yeah fucking weed. Are you coming on? Have you seen my 18th birthday? Dude? That's not him though. I know but it's so good with the Slayer we know that is what do you know who's doing that account some fucking not they're like dude. Here's the thing man. They're at their firing it up on them, but like weeds coming off some bad ones, dude. You don't even know if shoelaces for a reason, you know you guys Give him respect. I see you guys giving them love. All right, we used to have a house in Bernal Heights the fucking hell ride Hideout. You remember that? Yeah with the ramp. Yeah, dude fucking Johnnie Mack Satan bust. All right out. All right. Yeah, dude, that shit was sick. It was owned by the sons of food, why dude came through and they're like, where's the rent and it was just like maybe later dude. They're hella people that live there fucking Al Xavier Noah fucking Shaunie Mac fucking dude. With all those these aren't under the gun fucking ruthless when you keep but they house. Yeah. Oh dude, take place ramps down stairs dude, that whole place was we and headed in India there. I think yeah, there's no price came in there. It was tight and it was really tight at random shit up. We had like we found these trampolines does little jumper ones like six of them and we set them up and we drop fucking barbells to bounce down the stairs like while you're skating Take the other dude, like take somebody out like fucking Etch-a-Sketch through the thing then we fucking music blasting at 3:00 in the morning. Dude. Just fucking skating down there in the basement right of the Bernal Heights. Do ya a whole nother thing is like go to the dish go down some hills. Cocoa. And Danny all them dudes would come around and it was just fucking sick. It was the shit liked it because it was just so much. It was just every day. It was something sick. You know what? I mean try to keep up with that shit dude going down fucking going down the other side of fucking Courtland. And yeah that did you know what? I mean? Like, hey, let's just go over here and you're like fuck dude. So there's a lot of that shit as a matter of fact, it was actually it was fucking Coco who probably got me to get on get with uh, Deluxe because he would use giving me real shit. He had his cocoa. He's fucking Santiago six six six incredible incredible shoe is only on my wall over the driveway. The black on dude dude, he would hit that shit like it. Come here. I want to show you and you're just like what the fuck and he would fucking pull that shit out of his fucking ass dude at some random hour and you're just like fuck dude. You know what? I mean? Like dude. Yeah. That's that shit. There was incredible like road trips down to the PowerHouse with fucking Joey and fucking Andy and cook. Yeah like to go down there and fucking I saw you down there one time actually. Yeah, that's that's what Holmes came through and for me, that was the last session. Yeah, I think that's when I ran into care of that didn't hurt her or something and everybody chase me out and I'm like, I'm sorry. I knocked her out. Okay was last session at Santa Barbara indoor pal Zone. It's like around midnight, maybe 1:00 in the morning. They're closing it up. I'll send Dave Duncan comes running. Christian's toys in the car sleeping. He's gonna skate every Mustang and Christie came in first red, baby. Haha. Alright your face Eric. Tell the story about Ben Schroeder going through the net and just going for whatever. That's the Betty warehouse this door, San Jose. Yeah, the first one you remember when that the fucking partition. It from the fucking vert wall to the to the mini, right? Yeah. All right, he fucking flew over that shit clipped his truck on the net in his big ass, which is so much Locomotion. He fucking rent the front 50/50 on the thing and rip the fucking it out like Godzilla look out. You know what? I mean? What the fuck dude like that dude, you know, it's just a fucking Good. I'll just roll through it. You fucking beast. Yeah, he's the only person I saw that people would step back when he was skating around the whole ramp with Shane wanted to get in the middle of that. Dude people back out at the pulping. You remember just fucking wrong. Shut up at walls out. That was his favorite skater. I guess there's a reason he must have seen him like Eric did just kill it. Yeah. Yeah still this shit like I go to those Combi the legend ones and then just drops in and eat shit going so block. He's trying so hard because that was like Changing of the Guard kind of like he was like the lipslide guy in the fucking tail slide and all that Raging Water. He was the guy that Wade Deb to on his like a just smacking every life lipslide Smith over and she like a heel over it down. Yeah the fucker does that walking? Yeah the Greek army. Yeah. That's right the going on Look Out Below that's much more Walks in Beauty and then there's the culprit and he just fucking walks up to the coping and then that's his board fly off and he just jumps in dude, you know fucking Work bowl. Like he's like, I don't know what it's called. Like fucking ghost. Yeah business is shorter 10 fucking Army all the double leg or you just walks in his board flight. I'm just going off the curb into the fucking Combi ball. He does she like that still where it's just like. Oh, yeah. I know. I'm not he's rolling and then he like does like Ghost Ride the Whip to jump as it's going in? You gotta be like fucking or whatever. Even if it's only 10 feet to the flat fuck, you know, so the tight part. Let's take a quick timeout hear from some of our Peeps and we'll be right back. What's up, everybody you guys thinking about making a podcast. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Anchor will also distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast or anywhere else that you get your podcast. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So go ahead download the free anchor app and go or go to Anchored FM to get started that's anchored on FM or you can download the app start today. Always the zero, ler story. Telling me about a guy about zero lers, I'm Bobby skate camp bhabhiji skate camp. Well, who is the zero lower guy fucking Peter Hewitt. He knows me better you it on C 24 see wow 0 with now, I guess well, yeah trucks that would fucking he would grind they would roll up the ramp do that motherfucker was Billy Waldman Felix arguelles and Peter Hewitt at the Fresno State. A camp 88 whatever fucking stead him and Steve sneer Julian Allen like you he's crazy dude. It was just a shitshow dude. The Rams weren't even done yet. It was just in Fresno frying pan, and it was like just get it and you're like, all right, you know and just skate all day. What was it? Like the first time that you fucking hung tough with Mickey Reyes? Fuck dude a few times dude. I don't know. What was that intimidating at all Mickey? Heckle me did like if I got too sloppy here just pulled up like pull the shirt over me like your style and like like kind of like fucking pounds being around like a ball but it had to be in the toilet at security your party and I was like, okay we went we went we went down with Jake Nikki gluey fucking blue head and Herbert the Pervert herb. He's the fucking kick it down. It's a Bar we went down to the people Grande. Yeah and fucking Mickey was just on it dude. Like he's just the like he's like she's wherever he goes. You know what I mean? He's got that fucking cop live like, you know, like oh, this is an escalation Factor number three that it you know what? I mean? He just handles it. Dude. You're just like, all right, dude, and you know, it's like Bad Lieutenant. Sometimes we get it, you know, I never really gave me too much shit because I was just Out most of the time so you just like, all right, dude, do your thing, you know, he's killing it now. Yeah, he's got his back to the farm. That's perfect for him. Dude. I've perfect for him Eric. I want to talk to you because we've been hanging out lately right? I started at this ramp right where we're at. Shout out to my co-host out to sack the couch cushions going down there guys, right at sundown. All those pla kids came out and started filming lines down there by the harbor or by I'm not the harbor of the the boardwalk. Guys kill it man. Me and Eric we're watching and we're very impressed with the scene out there. We're going back next. We are seeing a couple days but my point is dude. We've been kicking it a lot lately and skating and I want him to let you guys know what he's been up to lately. This guy's going on solo man missions in his 40s and still skating. I wanted to talk about what he's been doing exact on his own solo soul-search shout-out to my cuz for a great question our soul searching. Yeah, you've been going down south. What you never had? Yeah, I would going to fucking wherever dude like mammoths. I try to fucking get around to just random shitty damask paper. Yeah. Yeah, I mean Gompers went out there and yeah hot springs. Yeah. Yeah. It's just look back you up. This is lurked a stick man, you know, like fuck skating is like, you know, you can you don't really need a fucking contingent to do it. You just go and just get out there man. That's half the fun. It doesn't have to be the fucking what's one of your favorite. Ones in Cali what like just like stops like a mammoth or if again ripping or the go you can do all that and then there's yeah it's to dump there's the full pipe. Like there's a few that are near here. You can make a trip of that like you can just get a couple parks and then go to hell. Yeah, all that shit is just like I and you know, it's it's just bugging you getting out and kind of camping and kicking around like a hammock set that shit up. Yeah, I'm just fucking just get out there man. And he's be out like it. You know, it doesn't have to be anything like instrumental Monumental but it's just go you know something to do is be sitting on the sofa. What do you think of this new fire that McKinney has got going fuck dude. He's on one and almost too much fire. I'm trying to harness it guys. I really am he's all one. It's good to seed it. It's it to see I'm blind but hey, I got bruises and blood. You know, I'm and I love it again. It's not like I'm getting hurt. It's like yes, I'm getting hurt. You guys just went up to suck though together to skate with pails map pale. Junk mannion. Oh you think reunions us three a Greg wants to hook up. He say next time. They're out there. Make sure he comes just here in the house. I'd love to skate with Mario. And Marco guys are still around dude. It's just like the O's up there. Yeah. Sure. Jed hertzler. Yeah herding cats that wants to skate you and Bowman just moved there. He's looking to film people. I need a I need a picture you and I got a fence for you, but he filmed though. Okay. Well take a picture of Jeff Landy. I think okay. Yeah near and we're going to talk about one of the worst jobs. You've ever had. I think I know what it is but pigeon shit. Yeah, not for a while. What was that dude? All right, you basically work is like a colon for a fucking building dude. You climb up on the facade and you don't think birds and shit a lot, you know, and there would be like fucking six feet of bird shit in water because the fucking drains would back up and you put on a tie veg suit because there's fucking like 18 different fucking death diseases. You can get from bird fucking shit and you climb up there and you just start Fucking bran muffin in the shit out of there with shovels and bags and all that and then you gotta kill all the birds and like, you know to get them out of there humanely, you know, fuck dude. It just is like and what was the timeframe weren't you working like 3:00 in the morning or some shit? Yeah, because it is after it's closed. Oh, yeah, I'll night and you got to be like you gotta be like fucking like a they don't want you there. Do you want to see some weirdo in a fucking respirator? I like poking his head up in the morning covered in bird shit like yes, I'm almost done like you had to get out of there. It was like one of those like just don't fucking tell like nobody wants to know how it gets that way and did your up on fucking Euro pumps fucking lips hanging off the side of a building and just just like grabbing Birds you rip their head off and throw them and they fucking fly for 200 yards drop dude Ellen rough dude. That was that was like a life event. It was good, but there are just times when you're like really dude. They just turn Up there like did it and you'd be on this huge roof fucking thank you General Perez IPM dude, like it was sick, but he was like, you know, you got arrested you should have just told me man. I understand there's a lot of stress here, you know, and I'm like, well are you know, you never clean bodies are a crime scene cleaning out. That was the another one. He told me so he did pigeon shit and then he cleaning up dead body shit to he told me this. I mean, yeah, it was like sketchy licensing and I'm dead bodies and pigeons. Shit man, this is rough. And so it was just mainly they'd haul the shit out, but it would be like fluids and stuff and I was with he was trying to break into it and I was just like who just their smells in this world Justin? Yeah. Yeah, dude, you do the whole fucking Silence of the Lambs you put the fucking Tiger Balm up your in your nose and then the respirator and you know, you just you're just like, all right, you know, it was good pay but you know, there's just tons of shit out there. You didn't do it and you know and you're like man, what did I get into? Yeah straight up like 5:00 in the morning. Dude, you're just up on a roof like going like try not to kill somebody with a huge contract your bag of bird shit and drop it on their head. Fuck it. That's what you are. Excused to be still in his shoe. Now the point where I just buy them one every once in a while. There's a quitter fucking. Yeah, that's it. I mean man, I don't know like here's always decide. Yes. Yeah. It's a shitty job man. It was just has India would turn us loose dude, you know those fucking window washer scaffoldings like they put me on that and they have two controllers on either side and it would just be me and the guys like here's a stick hit the button to get the one side to drop and then hit the button to get the other side to drop and you're up there scraping shit and the guys like on the harness you clip into the fucking safety line. He's like arrow down means you go all the way down arrow. It means you live and that's the intro and you get up there and you're just like and you know, and you're just Like fucking flying around on that shit like going okay, and there's a time limit like you gotta scrape the shit off the windows, you know what I mean? And it's just like dude and then the sun comes up and you just extra salted like and you can't rub your eyes because you like Hutchinson's are Morgellons or some fucking Arledge in then, you know, it was it was interesting. It was cool. I mean like we go on like little tours and two gas stations and shit like, you know, like all the way down like an evening like kettlemans. City upon a fucking gas station at 3:00 in the morning just you know shoveling and chipping away blocks of bird shit all fucking night Eric Eric. I got another question for you man. When it you know, we got all these guys younger than us. I see you and how you bond with the kids at the P tell you saw it. You just saw it kids come up and talk to Eric like hey, what's up Eric? Yeah, I'm gonna try that. He's going hear me get it right when I got there, right? Yeah a little long dark if you had anything to say to these guys about what skating is really about And what it should be about because I've even had the question. Hey man, how do I do this? What would you tell them? It's more like what would you tell him? Because I know what I'd say. What would you tell that little kid that comes up you going? Hey, Eric, what do I how do I do this? And what it's well, how do I do to achieve this? What would you tell them got a sister? Let me just wait it out. Wasn't c0 kid dude, that shit is sick. Just rolling it uneven out of drop it. You just push the wall. Yeah, shout out lingerie going off that tell these guys about your story about the kid that you acted that we all have a story about how he hurt somebody on accident when we're out there doing demos. He's gotta tell you the story about how serious it could really be when I get you know, this was brutal. You're fucking you don't you know, so don't talk about I have one ripping broken arm. I'm sorry kid. He Close the game pro. Yeah, you got a good one. Like you fucking cripple them to pieces did why you hate fucking piece of fucking I think I quit. I think I might have that on video. Did I hope you I never want to see it for all you guys are listening if you got like seven minutes of your time. I'm just log in to YouTube search to McKinney and go to a sikkema kidding skateboard leaves Thomas. No subscriber count on you subscribe. I got 56 256. I think I'm getting a clip on there from today. He is he is he gonna shout out to Steve? Tell your story about the kid because it was pretty brutal. It happens to us Escape what it's doing here. Listen to this gnarly gets out when I wasn't daddy you just foaming at the mouth dude, you know, and I'm like I'm like come on board until the horse short low and he got the tranny check in for like dude. All right that you know, the hip you got the hip and is fucker just comes flying out of the right dude. Oh my God, no and you just you know, you crumble down there is expecting a beating and he fucking he fucking friend flops over the top straight to his head just like that. Aunt are yeah. Yeah. Yeah dude like the Scorpion shit and so I get him and he fucking just like foaming a little bit and I'm shaking him and I hit him. I'm like, what do I do? You know what I mean? Like it did back in there, you know. It was just kind of like does anybody know you know it just sitting there and he's foaming and shaking and his eyes were rolling. I'm like this ain't good, right, you know instead of that come. Yeah, they got him out of there. They took him out. I'm just getting it. Was it fuck. In like the turf at Milwaukee shit happens. I mean ever skied the turf. No, I don't think so. No, you know, what shout out to fucking partner shouts. Ow, fucking roster Russ roster. That's not Rasta was their fucking Gomer Brian has to vanish shut up fucking sitting hits. Yes. And that dude he put his arms up like skating rink, like python and a condo for fuck double snakebite spitting and fucking carbon and grinding all over the place. He was bugging the shit dude anybody that went to the turf with know that we remember that guy rocks. He drove us. But I never hit that's how crazy it was there like to do to put me up like yeah, he used to be my school bus driver like the guy who drove the school bus and then they see him like OG Turk Turf guy, you know. Yeah, it's right that man. Oh no. Yeah, that's make you guys this either turn. Yeah. That was fucking that was yeah that kind of shit was just like go ahead, you know, like just your some boards hears that and you're going okay before the internet there was internet gold made at the Antioch skate park Arc basically running over a rollerblader there was no audio. No because the camera was busted happened in Antioch and booking because we used to go every Tuesday because Upton and Jehovah would be like dude. It's girls girls skate for free girls. No the doc. Oh, yeah push Tuesday at the dock was girl scape free. So we'd always go and be like I'm going to shout out Aaron mazur because I talk to him I said, hey, I'm skating with Eric the first thing I was shot out the first thing out of his mouth is what backside 5050 to revert into fake as all dude. Classic Eric is 50/50 backside Smith on anything. He's going to 70 revert party. It don't matter in your face and that's classy first thing out of Mazes mouth. He knows everything. He's from this area he grew up with us. Us in the South San Francisco he could tell you all about South City to he knows mall but we check that what we really want to know about is the goat rope Eric made for it not only that the Disco Johnny the Disco Johnny's the dojo you think the go rubs dope it's all about the Disco Johnny helper did he was like you fucking just grab goat rope it in fucking right like strong-arm robbery that shit I'm just fucking like when all else fails you wrote the goat just fucking grab it and just circumstance. So, you know, like you're really into it and you bounce dude that is from Eric originally my I heard gautreaux from him. So I took it as an inch. Of course, it's Phelps, right? I mean what you can't all it in you might as well just go rough and you fucking dump truck that makes sense how to turn into the Disco Johnny go to disco John you tell your trick tell them what we're talking about. That's your trick. I can spin out fucking 50/50 know you you fuck nollie 360 nollie frontside 360 to Backside 500 pivot cranky, but this go join all the time. You just flashing around and spin a room, you know, yeah just bullshit like that just sounded funny because you know, you never fucking sticky dough is laying on the deck. So it was like flashy like Dolly fucking fly out. Fucking gear, you know keep the change ya just you know, that was the one here all is and so if you could stick it and roll it in it wasn't disco Johnny, you know, it was like you did it. But you know, it was like fucking love, you know, it just fucking spinner. You know, it looks it looks sick, but you're like man, that's all just chowder because it's just like a fly out. You know what I mean? And so you just I don't know just give shit and you know names dude. I got one more for you. You were telling me about All shout out the bowl. Shout out Phil. Shall Greer skateparks shout-out grew up doing shit there. Tell them about your story about you and Chris saying I'm we're thinking we're all bad doing our little Gap. Okay. There's a fucking kids. There's footage actually fucking sick. Yeah Ali up this and centimeter did that dude, like he threw it down. He did some crazy shit. There's actually something there's footage, but I seen him you roll into the bowl you carve around the bowl, and you only have to spine. You have people all have the spine into the volcano like doing frontside. You film this me. He cleared the fucking thing and landed to manual across the volcano Johnson over the fucking dancing and lots to the fucking wall over the top up top fucking landed in the Big Island where Kristen. And resides function only counting fucking Maka dude. That's holy shut up. Oh, no, we don't have to let's talk some more footage becomes evidence. How about this? I got it. I want to go back to Jesse Driggs house. I want to go back to Jason Crouch crowds. He fucked up the San Mateo's. Are you fucked up the Beresford park? It went you should have made it go. Other way, so at least you could hit things how you going to push up hill to nothing Crouch is to have the blowup dolls in his car dude. That's what I fish better footage of him fucking rubbing one out with a bowl of cereal on his head and you'd be like me like what the fuck is going on dude, you know, but that was commonplace back then. No, he's holding Tim's footage hostage. Yeah. We got about eight and my story about his blow up dollars. I went to touch it one time like because I never see what it looked like you don't need carpool. He told me We don't touch it like this girlfriend farts and flies out the fucking crazy to try and like dude. Yeah that shop and their Deluxe is just starting game over, you know in did he was trying dude, if you're ever out there on eBay and you see a copy of re divider. It could be Tim's best part. We filmed it in about two weeks and Have fucking half alligator half man. Kool Keith. Dr. Octagon. See that's the shit back then dude. It was crazy or you could use any music. No rights needed or fucking nose gear is from Claire's so itemized now, you got your fucking little like Jim niblet phone and just like that, you know, it's all compartmentalised in like dude back then it was like try to haul you out try to haul somebody like Bryce, you know and all that shit. Whatever it was like get the thing in that was that and it wasn't like a fucking math test, you know, like fucking two weeks of just fucking learning around like I think I got it now. Yeah, like get it or not. And then that was it dude, you know what? I mean? Like, I don't know that's that's the you know, I guess that's the VHS quandary. I don't know because you just put random shit together and hope it worked. What about these dudes that are dictating on the internet what is going on in life get off the message? And God shut up and skate like will use the same your kid just shut up and skate. If you're gonna say that what it was was if you're not going to say something nice. Don't say something at all. Just shut your fucking mouth and skate And if you are going to say something that's important. Why don't you at least some lame who you are don't be Indie 136 and even make 136 years. You should test your bait till your wrists hurt to you can't I just like a little fucking powertap clone, you know. Appearing in Kansas. Yeah vomit in space healing and get it man Roswell kill your profile know your TF. Most people that lived in Nebraska moved out. Well, I mean, hey, it's interconnectivity. Right the world's a better place. Now if you spend more than 45 minutes fucking Paul block it up some bullshit. Oh, yeah, just get you like you just get out do it and just get out there and like I don't know. There's just a lot of chowder with that out there and do it. Me and Eric are going Active Friday and going to do it again. We're going to go melt in a ditch. At least we're skating dude. It's better than talking about. It. Just go out and do it too much the biggest sturgeon you've ever caught pretty much 80 inches and I got a picture on one of my dead phones 80 inches off the shoreline, but I'd landed how nice is there were seven of them in a row that were all over sighs. I couldn't even pick it up Iraq Point Coyote Point off the shore a couple years back. Wow. Remember when I caught one? I remember you all my buddies got and when they come in they come and take to where you can see him dragging a cross your line. How did you find out Jake past? I heard it. I think from a homey. There's there's people that make their Mark and that's what he did for say, whatever the fuck you want to say man. He did it. Thank you Sinatra my fucking way. Yeah, you know what? I mean? Hey, yeah, dude that shit, you know, it was a trip dude. I was camping out in the Lost Coast and I was like bukka Belfast. I was out in Black Sands Beach Trailhead, and then somebody called me I was up there. Fucking Jake man, you know, but I mean dude like this fucking terminal man. He made all that shit work dude from the Widowmaker on like first thing I thought I was like, oh fuck all these dudes are going to take advantage of him being gone. Like all the cooks that are going to fucking seep in and go. Oh I can be relevant now because Jake's not here to call my shit out right now. Who's gonna do that? Nobody like that's not an easy task. Well, it did just get like all right, the high blows itself out in Any which way dude that's just fucking pissing in the wind. Yeah, and dude Jake state was like listen man. This is how that shit is fucking this is skating like just get it and you know at the end of the day dude, it doesn't matter really what your film or any of that like that's it's just you getting together and fucking getting it like that's what the sick shit was. I go fucking bomber Hill. This is our shit. You can't fucking put a stamp on this and you know, like camera will get all right, every time I turn on the news, I see fuck it. See skateboarding. I can like put a camera. No, chill KFC Cheetos rolling up to a bunch of kids at a skate park and he's Colonel Chuckles slip and the kids are all yeah, and it's like everybody's always gonna try to fucking dry humping. Yeah, that's always cool a guy like fucking just get up upchuck get in on it and you know and it will deflate again it comes and it goes that fucker saw like how many fucking of this and that coming back and forth and you know, and He put his little stamp and he fucking made it work, dude, you know, that's just not going to go away. There's too many people that are just that just go out and get it as long as there's like a squad of kids. It's just they just don't care dude down think they're just like fucking keep it rolling. I'm gonna read a little email that I got this week. Shout out to Sheamus McKean shout out. He was listening to episode 29 with Ron Allen and he said dude, it's so crazy that you guys touched on with In BMX in the new pod sure fella. He's like there's a huge Revolt right now where all the women are protesting the X Games for not giving them their own class. They all boycotted their demo that they are given each year instead of their own event. Just thought that was weird. Y'all discussed that at the same time. It's going on for real. Arie. I ride BMX I skate and all our friends do the same huge fan of the Pod. Keep it up. I always look forward to the next one. Check out the spot. Our crew is building. A goat pen skate park you might have actually symbiotically change the X Games ha ha just trying to switch up the gears because fuck dude every time we talk about Jake it's just like I got a fucking switch it up. So sorry if that was an Abrupt trick shot from the hip. Thank you Seamus for fucking sending us. It's still rolling. It's like make your own fucking thing your own shit. Yeah, fuck that. We don't need the corporate shit because you know like It's like why not we talk about that again. Sure. This is what Ron Allen was saying is, you know, the girls are getting like the boys and they ain't changing shit for the for the girls. They're going to go out and have it you want it go out and get it like things like dude. There's a 12 stair rail for the guys they and they don't think girls 12 stare but for BMX and Motocross, they have nothing girls do it and he's like, I'm pretty sure in 2019 girls can and so on the Forefront wrong because then I'll send this guy emails in. He's like dudes already on its this is what's going on those kill it to now guys, you know, and and there's a feminist podcast is the most feminist podcast and all skateboard. I don't know if you're wearing that's just equality at this point. Yeah, cuz fuck the haters tongue chick doing the same. I don't hate on a girl doing a better trick than you. What are you going to shut up and walk away. Like I did plenty. I with Elissa steamer when she's kicks the melon the pyramid I Fucking shut my mouth and walk the fuck away. What about the vampires? Fuck the vampires and narcissistic vampires kill that shit. It's about love and 2019. You don't know what empathy is try to find it in your soul. Go hug your fucking grandmother still around you assholes. There you go. Wait, if so vampires being what like you killing your smile dude. How many times have you been there with you? You can't dough but you can touch Eric but a pussy like me. I've had my smile Suck something you can't. Fuck whenever you can suck my smile anytime you want you could do it. Oh, really? You thought you were that know, you ain't suck. We call it the bitter Harvest. That's what Jake and I we were making sounds great. Yeah called the South. Remember that shit looks fresher. Put it up. Radha was in their house. I hated that guy. Fuck shit is heated with herati. You kill you he will kill you on anything you built some she's gonna hate on that guy. Billy pepper came down and suck them out her peppered it up and fucking whatever do we know hardflip and double set pepper What's the fun dear just to be put on The atlas the jiu-ge. Oh, yeah. Well dude, I thought you two are used to steal very Femme. Well, yeah because you would have fucking you would just be like surf the Satchel, you know, the Modesto Mangler the best of Mangler on never got no love dude. We got love on thrashes and dude. He was a fucking giant man Squatch and you can kill it though, dude, but he was Duty. I don't like like sweatbands. Indeed. He was sick though. He had it going on guy know yet Ryan Carpenter. He gets a bad rap, you know like you would show up. We were there a trip on and everybody's all some guys just they looked at you too much while they were skating. Yeah. He did have the fucking look back but it's like, you know, you gotta give it to pets. Do you like fuck you Jake that I feel like that man? That just makes it way more fun to have it mixed up bad. Press is better than none at all. Dude, like all that shit way back when you know what I'm used to just like you could do shit like that fucking we bury his write articles dude 12 tribes from outer space dude. He sends us so much mail we get a lot of mail more gas up on there. Dude. No weenie. We were coming for you if you're down damn right tell somebody. Will you tell me or either fuck you - Nick? Yeah, so besides wheat berry, if somehow you're looking at this podcast in the future. What names are you going to want to see to draw you into? Listen? There's so many people like, all right, you put out Big Al X-Men. Yeah, dude. There's so many of your people fucking uh, we thorn thorn would happen fucking awesome ones dude started Mission skates near you just crumpled. You with his eyes like what's up, bro? Noah peacock Shawnee Martin Johnny Mac. Fuck dude, like dude. It's endless really like my no article. We need our go fucking Sarge Sarge you guys in here? And it's like seriously at least 85 degrees on the coast of Half Moon Bay. It's just a beautiful day. This started it out for me being back out here on the route Tim's been stressed and I don't know if you guys have heard but Tim has two more bedrooms than I do and more bedrooms equal no stress. Go find a ditch, dude. I'm telling you guys again. I'm in sacto skating ditches and having it in a hundred degree weather with Eric and it's a dream come true in our 40s. He convenient. He's my sidekick at this point. He's making me want to skate even harder for him at this point because I watched him fuck it up for years. So I want to fuck it up for him. Now, you know, hey one more thing shout out to Eric James daddy fishing Miss fishing master. He made me the fisherman. I am studying him at Rockaway. I love the guy as much as I love Eric. They're one in the same way. Look at Eric's dad. I see Eric lures are totally fucked up. Now. You better believe it was artificial all the fucking way after that. It was but when he got sick all the assholes on the beach, he said Fuck this I'm gonna go shoot. I'm gonna go shoot my bow now fuck those guys both isn't now wow, dude ever get into the was fly fish. I've got a little flyout. It's not about me. It's about Eric. I'm just giving Eric dead love because I love him and just as much as I love Eric. Yeah big pops doing. Alright still he's holding it down. Man, anything after 60 is all the bonus round. Let's take it to the bridge may be fucking is this guy's been Rocking In Tune. You've been having your entombed shirt. So you got it. All right now see, he's Takin that shit fucking chaos. Chaos breed entombed some heavy shit, dude play that shit 3:00 in the morning. He'll ride hideout on fucking tender dodging barbells fucking. All right, let's go bomb. No now but the Infuse their get around to something, you know, all that shit. Yeah, dude album might be left path or something. Look up left path or something free. He's right here. Yeah, chaos breed fucking clandestine clandestine and we out. Thank you so much Eric. This has been fucking amazing. Thank you Tim for co-host. Love you guys. I mean China Banks like two weeks ago. And now over here at the ramp. This is priceless. Can you give us a piece out in your shout out form? Just shout out. I don't know actually has loved and will come up and give hugs and high-fives and ain't going to come up with that. Look, I don't want to see that. Look no more. I see it. I'm going to run cuz you're the devil to me now. It's all love you come up high five and say what up, I don't care what age you are come out with get away from that shit. Even if your mom's doing if you reverse it on her and watch the Power you got with love. It's out there and get it text your bait. Tell your pinky get stinky hasta Lavista fail. What you say insect I let me get somebody else I am. Thank you for listening to another episode of talking Schmidt. You can subscribe to the show on iTunes anchor Spotify or anywhere you get your podcast when you subscribe, you'll get notifications every Tuesday of new episodes the minute they become available. Also, please leave reviews in a five star rating. It's the best way to help the show grow up them charts. All the episodes will always remain free to my listeners, but if you'd like, To help support the show you can do so at our website talking where you can pick up some merchandise, like stickers beanies hat possibly even a t-shirt. The website has an entire Archive of the episodes with extra photos and sometimes even video if you have personal pics of are talking Schmidt. Guess please send them to me at epically trife at and maybe your photo will end up on the site or Better yet on talking Schmidt Instagram account. All interviews are conducted edited and produced by me Schmitty. The intro music is Mary's Cross by the bay and nature and a special shout-out goes to my executive director Cheryl camisa shout out until next week. This is talking Schmidt where the Rolodex is deep, but the conversation is deeper talking to talking smack talk
Tonight is the night! Episode 30 with the elusive creature Eric Jalavara. Eric gets goat roped into a full conversation about early Think days, living on a boat at Pier 39, skating with the Hell Ride crew, defining Gumby, Wallenberg urban legend, hide-a-dook down a previous guests chimney, Wheatberry stories and a lot more. As if that wasn't enough, I got a co-host to elaborate and give shout-outs on the fly—welcome back Timothy Donald McKenney. Big love from the Peninsula's finest—you're not gonna want to miss this one... HIT SUBSCRIBE and leave me a review in the iTunes store. 5 stars is much appreciated and really helps spread the word. Feel free to hit me up with questions or suggestions at [email protected] or better yet, USE THE NEW FUNCTION ON THE ANCHOR APP to leave voice messages that I can plug right into the show. I will be looking over the best ones on the air and giving the proper SHOUT OUTS... Thank you so much for the support.
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Now you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now let the Oh, yes, indeed. Welcome to The Punisher after Show and The Punisher after show is another word for Nothing Left to Lose. I'm Christian black joined by the one and only ZL Anderson Z Anderson. The song afterwards. Yeah, like I literally just want to go sit and just listen to this song every time I hear it see it kind of makes me want to go to a bar and get my ass kicked some people and they might want to go in a barring and actually beat some people up now. I understand. I understand my own physical prowess, right? I would be getting my ass kicked. But if it was to this song, I feel like I would at least be able to tolerate it a little bit better which we will build to the point of talking about that song fairly shortly. But as I said in the And we are only talking about episodes 1 2 & 3. This is a Netflix show. The after show is going to be the binge style. So you have until tomorrow at 3 p.m. Pacific 6:00 Eastern when we will be doing episodes four five and six and then we'll be back next week. We'll do 7 8 9 10 11 12 and then 13 all by itself because it's going to be yeah. So for those of you who've seen some of the other recent Marvel after shows the and I have have managed to cram four episodes into each of those. We think we need to let Frank breathe a little bit and let's dive right into it. Give us your thoughts kind of about where Frank is when we first see him in season 2 and kind of contrasted with the Way season 1 ended. Well, it definitely made perfect sense because he kind of got one season 1 ended he sort of got to get out of jail free card. Yeah and became Pete casterly own. Stig Leone castiglioni. Yeah Castiglione. Yeah became Pete Castiglione. So seeing him in a bar in the middle of nowhere seemed pretty right. Yeah what he would be doing where he'd be going. We don't know he's just, you know doing it hasn't through. Yeah, but as we all know Frank that times cannot stay peaceful and then obviously we wouldn't have a season 2. So you just know it's only a matter of time. I'm really happy. They got into it in the first episode. You know, I've talked about this on Marvel TV weekly there were like one tiny part. I was like and then we got into it and I was like, yes. So yeah, I think a lot of times what you can say about, you know, someone you know, one of these kind of protagonist's especially these Marvel shows is that trouble always manages to find him but really what it comes down to for Frank is that he kind of seeks out the trouble he wants it and looking for his young friend whom will talk about his traveling companion in a little bit. She makes the point of You kind of really enjoy when this stuff finds you and yeah, you know, let's be honest Frank has many traumas in his life, but the key one being his wife and children murdered in front of him. So I think there's been a little bit of a psychic break for Frank and he really Revels in these sort of confrontations, but we're getting a little bit ahead of ourself. So we see him here in a bar in Michigan. you know, which very few of your Marvel stories start off in Michigan, you know, that is probably the definition of just passin through for somebody like The Punisher and he befriends Beth the bartender who I think friends and then he really be friends are you know, he stands up for her with just a painfully just very creepy and appropriate guy which I think that you know, he deserves to get some fingers broken or whatever it is that Frank actually did do him. And you know, I think that when you get a guy like Frank Castle, your expectation is going to be when the cute from my estimation possibly Z as a different opinion. Bartender says do you want to get a drink his answer is probably like nah, that's all right. I'm going to do me. You know, that's not my thing. He says I'd like that and he does have Head head home with her for well, let's just say an evening. And I think that's what you were referencing right xia that that was the sequence that took you a little bit out of your you're punishing phase. It did it. It was fine. And it made sense to why he would want to come back and why you know gave him a reason to come back to the bar because you know had a nice night with this girl he had feelings but there was definitely during it where I was like, all right enough. Can we move it along please we get it. Guys are bonding and you're loving each other and like is whole banging like this. I mean apparently it you know for for Frank it is and there was a there were a lot of times where I'm just like are they doing like a weird editing trick or are they added again? Come on Frank? Let's go. There's you were waging a one-man war on crime. I think that it's important storytelling wise just because of the simple fact that it kind of shows you where he's at right now. He at least one of the season starts. He is a little bit, you know unplugged from his usual his usual Vendetta his usual approach towards the entire world, you know, he's a little bit more laid back and he's like, you know what I am going to enjoy a nice evening with this girl. I seem to be hitting it off with a few beers and I don't think I don't think you would see that, you know last season's obviously it wouldn't fit in the storytelling but just where he was at. I don't think he could have let himself do that. Yeah, you know, he was just preoccupied enough with you know, microchips wife trying to kiss him. Then that was that was enough action for him last year. So what was it about that sequence that that bothered you so much the I think it was just because it was so slow and it was so and it wasn't it doesn't bother me as much as like they did it in a way where I wasn't like. Oh God a rolling my eyes. Literally, the only thing was that I was you know, waiting for it to move on to the next point. So it was really a point. That was like, I'm not not totally into this scene and like what's happening and to me the woman was a little too awkward for me, right? I was like, yeah and like the kid. Yeah, which I thought was important. I thought I was cute we can you can see that of course, you know, Frank likes the kid he loves being able to interact with the kid. He insists on taking them out for Breakfast, which I think is a good move. So let that Frank's part let that be a lesson to all of you one-night-standers out there, you know, you can the least you can do is buy some pancakes for the kid, you know, I love you forever. Yeah. Well, which maybe you don't want but you know, I like the little back and forth about hockey. I thought it was it was some good character stuff, even though the actual sequence of Frank and Beth together, you know, I felt like a few minutes. It's less would have that's all it was. Like they could have just said could have saved some of those minutes of running time for the fight that comes up a little bit later the bathroom's here. It could have been another sink seen, you know something but let us know in the chat if you're watching live where even if you're watching the archived version what you thought about that first part of the first episode of season 2. Are we hearing in the chat from some of our friends just - so does Dez gross it's supposed to be fucking Karen. I mean It should be Frankie Karen. I've said on our the other show that Z and I do Marvel TV weekly that I you know, Karen is definitely available. She's clearly not with with Matt foggy Bears all locked up with Marcy. So yeah, you know, I think that maybe Karen had some troubled men in her life though. So maybe this wouldn't be healthy for her. I definitely wouldn't be the most healthy relationships. But I think that Karen would be really good for Frank. All right. Yeah, I think definitely be good for Frank. Absolutely. But you know barring that this is this is you know, if you can't be with the one you love Love the One You're With says Frank Castle and so he does go back to the bar and I kind of like the moment where you know, he explains when bantering with her the next night the second night that she's like how far did you get? He's like I got two hours down the road. I'm like, oh, I just thought he was down the street turning around. I like that. He got two hours. And he's like man gonna go back and see her and I don't know, you know, you don't usually get a lot of cutesy out of Frank. He's like, it's a good band and actually black magic does say here. It was fine. It was nice to see Frank in a relatively good place. I did enjoy him smiling and being at ease in the bar. Yeah, not a side of him. You can see that often but always when you're Frank Castle, you got to live life one beer at a time. Never mind. It's have no not what appeared at a time one day at a time because he has no credit cards. That's basically what he's saying. He's like I only have wads of cash exactly. He's like, I've got thousands hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, but I cannot put a card down naughty, you know, Pete Castiglione has Immaculate credit rating. He doesn't want to do anything to it. Well, let's talk about sort of the the focus of this first episode, which is the young girl whom we don't know her name at this point. We don't know any of her name's at this point who I do think that they have a really funny interaction. Marcy's we look at you know, and she calls him rough road which I think is actually pretty funny because when you look at Frank and go like that's a pretty rough road. I mean she was being a hundred percent accurate. Yeah, exactly. And so obviously he can't help but notice this obnoxious girl because she's super jumpy even the first night, you know, and then the second night. He's like, all right, what's going on here and he can't help himself and he steps in. You know, he He hears the altercation in the ladies room and I love the guy that they have, you know, Manning the the ladies room to keep people out because you just look at that guy and you're like, oh, yeah that mean it's like of all the people in this crew that could be, you know, blocking Frank from the door. This is like he's not going to break a sweat and he didn't know it was fun to see him pretend to be drunk which tells me in like a cage. He probably hasn't been drunk at a long time. He's like, well, I'm so drunk. And I don't have any weapons at all. I'm not that drunk. All right. Well, let's talk about I'm sure you have Zia for anyone that has never noticed. She takes copious notes for every show that you watch it. So she has a little notebook right here. So I want you to get to the section in your notebook about the fight scene in the bathroom. And I want you to share some of your thoughts as you took them down and just some of your what stood out for you about that sequence. Okay, first of all, Him hitting or no, I'm sorry. It wasn't him. It was the young girl have just heard as young girl. And yeah, and I actually have young girl is very annoying not by the way not wrong not wrong. Yes couple of episodes. I was like whoo girl stop running away anyway. So anyway, yeah when she hits well, first of all, he smashes the one guy's head into the sink and breaks the think if that's my favorite part I got was definitely dead, right? Yeah. I thought so yeah death by sink though. Yes. Yes. That was amazing. And then another note that I have here. Just this is on besides just the fight scene. That is awesome. And I love the young girl actually smashing the other girl you got involved. Yeah, me too. Yeah, she helped out. Yeah, because gosh because even if she'd like tried to help out and it didn't like knock anybody over here like all right, don't just sit there and hide yeah, like clearly he could use you could use another pair of hands. Yes a little bit. He's like he's trained and ridiculous. But he's also up against other train people that are clearly well-trained but my favorite yeah, but they're like, Michigan Rain, is she getting out you can still take like five or six of them obvious. And by the way, I'm just teasing anyone from Michigan. It's just jokes. All right, you know, we're just playing around. I don't really mean anything bad about your state. Yeah, the one girl in the chest. He just turns around and stabs her with it and you can just see the look on her face like oh we messed up there. Yes, you did There's Something personally gratifying about seeing people hurt with their own weapons because it's like well if you Pull that on the Punisher you might still be alive, you know, he's only stabbing you with that knife because you pointed it at him. Yeah. He didn't go like I let me use my stabbin knife. No, he would have just knocked your head into a sink or something. Yeah, and maybe not killed you but you know probably probably killed you. Yeah. Look this was this is like a this is like an a-plus-plus top-level fight scene. It's right up there with Daredevil season 3 had a great. Yeah. All the Daredevil hallway scenes this this was up there with kind of anything in season 1 of the show. I just sort of love the unique nature of it happening in the bar / the the ladies room and kind of the inventive nature of the fact that you're able to have things like death by sink. What were some of your more General thoughts on that xia? Well a big thing. And that that seen as well is I have noted here. I just I felt Ringo. Oh, yeah, we should talk about Ringo the bouncer I felt so bad for him seemed like a good guy like a nice guy and just when he was also just sitting there eating his Burger too. Yeah. It's like, oh no don't have good to that burger looks really good. I wanted it if you guys too. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know next time and Ringo. Yeah seemed like a good guy and look he's he's definitely more than carrying his own at First he was doing great. Yeah, he was just outmatched and there were too many of them. They had weapons. That's all I can say is he was no match for weapons, but he was definitely well matched for that neck, you know? Yeah for yeah, he's just like I finally get to do what I've been wanting to do the whole time. I've been here. So yeah, I know and you could you could feel for Beth because like Ringo is probably one of the only constants there, you know in this bar. I'm sure they probably got close and he's constantly having to kick out jerks. Who were On her and super weird ways like creepy guy that you mentioned. So yeah, I'm sure that they've formed a little bit of a bond. So that was sad and then her getting shot all yeah and and just the world's most difficult shotgun to load that she had they're just she could not get it get it loaded. Just imagine if she could have and yeah, I think that that's a big reason why they spent so much time with the character because they wanted it to be significant for Frank when she gets shot that it's not just Just you know, I think anyone who got shot but wasn't dead. He would probably be focused on. Alright, let's see if I can get them some medical attention. But because it was this lady who he spent the previous night with and took a kid for pancakes. I think that it gave it more weight, which II look we both know exactly what they were doing why they spent so much time with it. It doesn't make sense. It does that's why I'm not knocking it too much. Yeah, and it shows that even amidst all of that. The uncertainty of trying to figure out who these people are why they want this girl why she's trying to get away from them. He's like, all right. Well, I'm gonna see what I can do to help Beth and make sure that she pulls through so that's kind of the gist of that first episode that is our main story and you know Zia one of the things you talked about we gave a very quick overview of these same first 3 episodes on Marvel TV weekly this past Sunday, but I know that like me you kind of like when an episode of a show starts right in the thick of everything and then you're like, I don't know what's going on. But this is great and then it's like okay, let's back it up a little bit and then they catch up and we see why he's in the van with the girl who these people are they're stopping the middle of the road. I always like sort of the you know, the Tarantino asked cycle back. I always think is is is pretty interesting which I actually also do have in my notes when they do that's right in the beginning. Yeah where they're up the van and she goes now what Because the card pulled in front of the nose people and Frank just pulls out his gun shoots them all and literally in my head. I was like, that's what that's what before we move on to episode 2 episode 1 was entitled Roadhouse Blues and excellent title. We do get to see agent madani visiting Billy Russo's room. And we do get the revelation of the Billy Russo mask, which I think is a little bit of a a controversial Choice part of showrunner Steve Lightfoot and everyone involved that I mean, I think that they do a good job of explaining it in a subsequent episode. But when you see it you go like wait. No, I mean purely Russa dead. That's no he's not character with a really bad mask. He's like the punishers Nemesis and that definitely it's a little jarring in a all the wrong. Ways when you see the mask, right? What did you think when you first saw that? Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan. I did at least like the way that they explained it, but it was just it was interesting with the colors that they went with. Yeah and the design. Yeah, it's just and it was obviously was drawn on. Yeah, I didn't mind it as much though like it wasn't especially because I knew that they were they they've been pulling the mask out a little bit, but I knew eventually the mask was going to come off. Yes, and we were going to see his face. And I know that this is something that Ivan has brought up before in the chat and some other people have brought up that and as soon as I saw his face, I was like the scarring is not as bad as it probably should be. Yeah, I mean, I understand that it's a you have yourselves a handsome actor and that you want to get it to capitalize on that. But you know, if you're watching this show you have to be ready for spoilers on this and I mean, he's jigsaw and his face is Not jigsaw dad at all. It's like even if they just decided like well, you know what we're just going to do like maybe one side of it one part of it, but it's like he's just got some scratches. It was like he got thrown through a plate glass window and that was it. And if I'd seen a man with scars like that on his face, like everybody's a glue freak like I wouldn't even think that well. Yeah, and I certainly wouldn't say it to a guy with those scars on the bus not doing that was crazy. Yeah, so I think that the and the basically what all we really see Billy do is open his eyes in this first episode. So we'll talk a little bit more a little bit more about Billy. We'll talk about episode 2 right after this very important message from our own Zeal Anderson. I have a really important message to you guys. So before we move on to our next topic, we just wanted to say thank you for making us the ESPN of TV talk and for continuing to grow we could use Help if you're on YouTube right now hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe. If you're on iTunes, please us. Please give us a five star rating stars 1 through 4. Just do not work. For some reason. I'm just not five and no matter where you are. Leave us a comment so you can get involved in the conversation because we love talking to you guys being a part of AfterBuzz TV has meant so much to all of us, and we truly appreciate you supporting us and doing what we love. Don't forget to tell your friends and keep enjoying our shows. Thank you so much, and thank you. So we move on to Episode 2 now which Frank and the girl are on the run and they're treating his wounds and you can feel for a little bit here. Like she's being obnoxious and she has the bad Instinct of trying to run away which I think when we get to know her a little bit more you can understand that she's just like that's what I do is I run away from the situation and I won't stop running until I feel safe and you don't necessarily not even necessarily you don't feel safe. If with Frank Castle, especially when you first meet him and instead of feeling like she's been rescued. She's having to it's a pretty funny scene, but she has to dig a bullet out of his ass and then sew it up. Yeah. I know it's like it's not enough. Then you have to sew it up and I think that you know the actress who played her did a great job of like we were what are you doing? Because he's like he's taking his pants off which I'm sure she's seen her fair share of yeah girl. Yup, you know, however is how whatever happens? Yeah, I mean, especially this point we don't really know that much about what she's she's on a rough past her past was not great. Yeah. I'm sure that this you know, in fact we know for certain when we see a little bits of her flashback, you know, crappy motels like this or probably nothing for her to have to go through and this is probably not as traumatic as other things that she's had to done there had to do in some of these Places, I do think we have some good interaction between Frank and who at this point. She's calling herself Rachel Rachel. We find out pretty soon that that's just one of several names, but we'll call her Rachel while we talk about this episode. I think that this is this is sort of one of those important episodes that gets us ready for the next episode. You know what I mean? This is really setting us up, I think That there's a really cool another cool fight scene here and it shows how Frank is ticking thinking a couple steps ahead. I love that. He gets the hotel room on the other side of the wall so that he can tunnel into the other room and you know kind of use that as a staging station for the inevitable arrival of more of the thugs from episode one. Give me just some overall thoughts about Frank and Using air quotes for those not watching on YouTube Rachel and just sort of how he prepares her to survive this inevitable shootout. Well, what's the most annoying thing about that is the fact that he clearly knows what he's doing. He goes over I love the scene where he's arguing with a woman about the room. He wants to that was great. Yeah, and he gets a remedy once and you know, she's kind of watching all of this and late clearly is still trying to get away or still thinking about escaping he had to zip tie her to the bed, which is just crazy. I mean Granted he doesn't have the best bedside manner. But at this point you're watching everything that he's done and everything he's preparing to do and you're still trying to leave and the reason that's infuriating is because you know what you're facing and if you don't want to miss Dad. Yeah and he's working this hard to save you and you're not going to stick around. It's just crazy. I did like the moment where she's like, you're not gonna be able to sleep because I'm going to keep yelling and he's like, oh you think so. What do you think? I got duct taping here specifically for your mouth? Yeah. No that was that was really Money and and it's just but I but I love watching Frank work. Like that's one of my favorite things is when he sees what's coming he knows and he's planning for it and then you just get to watch it all unfold and that was so fun because in my mind when he was knocking down the wall, I for some reason didn't even think I was just like I know this is for something but I don't know. Yeah, I thought he was just going to be in the back of the closet. I yeah, I'm not smart enough to put together the fact that it's like we got an extra room. I wasn't quite sure. I thought that maybe He's going to hide out in a different room, but I wasn't really thinking about it. Yeah, but not instead he comes through from the other room through the wall and somehow which the next time I'm in a shootout in a motel. I'm going to do the same thing. I'm 100% using guys. Here's the problem though. Is that everybody's Gonna Know That Trick now, so they're going to go find the room on the other side and you know be ready back there. But and that's when you knock the wall into the room on the other side and you just I'm just gonna buy all the rooms. There's going to be a very creative maze through all the different. Yeah, I think that again interesting compelling sequence to watch but again Rachel just can't help herself. She feels like she's just has to run away again. And you don't think you steal the punishers van. I just I mean she I know she doesn't know who he is at this point. But this is bad Instinct and stealing the punishers van, you know, does this seem like a guy whose car? You should steal him? Yeah, and she flips him off and she's like see you later. So I go and yeah, like really this guy saved your life like a bunch. Yeah, like quite a bit actually and then I think Frank assesses the you know, when he is face to face with the police he realizes like, you know, I am sure I could shoot my way out of the situation but these are police doing their jobs, which I think you know, I think Different characters would handle that situation a little differently, you know, maybe they would even just try and wound the police but he's like, all right. I can't I can't start shooting. There's you know, too many people are going to get hurt. Let's just get turned in but he also figures I gotta do is call My Pal iijima, Tommy and everything's going to be fine. Uh-huh, and she gets that call right in the middle of a nightmare about Billy Russo and we'll talk about my day. Owning Russo in a second, but I think that it's interesting that she's just like I know you know that you had the one get-out-of-jail-free card. This isn't like a get out of jail hotline, you know, are you surprised about her initial reaction to Frank calling her especially in the middle of the night out of nowhere? No, not at all. I feel like that's kind of her Mo. She doesn't she gave him that one get out of get-out-of-jail-free card and she doesn't seem to really get too close to people or to attach. Especially after what happened with her and Rousseau, so I think at this point she's like, I don't want to be dragged back into all of this and she's already obsessing over Russo so much. Yeah that it she's not like she why would she want to bring that back in which is interesting and let's talk about that the fact that she confesses that she was visiting him twice a day. And I mean which one of these two characters is the psycho by the way, and she's you know convinced that he's faking. Yeah now, At that point when we first see him and she's convinced that he's faking it. What are your thoughts because my thinking is like I don't think he's faking it. Do you think that there's a chance? He's faking it or well I thought there was I think there's always a chance sure but for the most part I was thinking know just because of they they do have some of his And cease this is where I'm like, oh no as an episode to episode 3, but at least it's in one of them where he's working with his therapist. Yeah. I think that's episode 3 that's out there actually a little bit episode 4, I believe it want to get too far into it, but just from the little bit that you see I was pretty convinced that he didn't know what was going on. Yeah, I think once we start to see those going to say once we start to see his dreams. I'm like, okay, I think he remembers flashes. He remembers little bits and I do think it's interesting that he remembers Frank who's like a brother He remembers being in the Marines. He doesn't remember the Black Ops stuff. He definitely doesn't remember, you know, any awareness of Frank's family being killed and you know anything from season 1 he does remember any of that. He doesn't remember agent madani and then that's the part that drives her crazy because what she wants is him to not only know what he did and be like, but you didn't, you know, you couldn't kill me, you know, you were unsuccessful so I can sort of see it's very very complicated. I mean, they're both dealing with trauma and very different ways right him in the way that he can't process it hardly any of it. He's just can't sleep and it's not altogether surprising considering the beating that he took from Frank like I mean, he should have been dead the yeah the fact that he lived through that is insane. So it's not crazy that his brain completely shut down after that. I think they said he was in a coma for six weeks. Yeah and his brain completely. Down after that so then it's trying to reboot and how is it supposed to remember anything after that? Yeah, and we see that not only is madani obsessed. This is out of her jurisdiction. And I love that her mentors name is raffy and Good Ole RAF. He's like you got to let this go and you know, if you've ever watched anything you always know that the person that's being told like you got to stay out of this, you know, like how many times was? Ste night told that she has to you know, stay away from this game walk it off and okay. Sure. She's like, yeah, no problem. Anyway, I'm here. I am again. So yeah, obviously she wasn't going to listen and you just know that that spells trouble later, you know later in the season. So I think as we go through we're going to talk a lot more about Billy trying to process what happened to him, especially on tomorrow's show when we talk about episode. Or that will kind of be the first time that we're really dealing with him and we see him throughout the throughout the series before we run out of time believe it or not before we run out of time. Let's talk about episode 3, which I thought was one of those great. I mean, look, it's important. It's an important part of an ongoing narrative, but as like a standalone one hour of Television. I thought that this was great. This is a self-contained. You know, what you can kind of look at it as like a bottle episode because it's set in this police. Station I'm pretty much the whole time. And the what happens in the police station doesn't go the way you expect. You know, you figure you've got you've got Frank pretend Rachel and you know this psycho that's trying to kill Rachel that Frank ran into in the previous two episodes. I just refer to as creepy religious man. I'm talking about the Torah. I've been with the girl in jail will talk about him in a second, but the girl that's in jail. So yeah, you have to Give them inside your jail. You have to figure what obviously everybody's gonna end up dead, you know, because they're like, nope. We are not letting anybody go, you know, it's like we're going to do this by the books and I thought that they did a really nice job of illustrating how isolated this Precinct is, you know that it's the the state troopers are going to be like what I think they said that's like an hour away and they lose all connection, you know any way to communicate with anyone. So they really are isolated and I thought they did a decent job showing like yeah, you would kind of believe these characters as being at a Precinct like this, you know, especially the not particularly physically fit like desk cop, you know, you you don't get a lot of that in your movies and TV I did really like that one moment of here humor with him. We're after all is said and done and there's all that Carnage. He's like is it messed up that I'm hungry. I was just like yeah, I would be too. I would want to eat Ringo's hamburger right now. Yeah, and I just thought it was it was just so well done. You care about the characters. I kind of like their interaction and you felt the the sheriff really struggling with he has this guy who you know vigilante if you look if you're a policeman, you don't want Vigilantes out there taking matters into their own hand, but at the same time you want to protect, you know, No your community you want to protect your brothers and sisters in uniform and you know that this guy can can handle it. You know, you figure it out pretty quickly, you know. Yeah, and they don't even know. He's the Punisher like no they don't they don't know anything about Frank Castle. They're just like this guy's going to be a good shot. He's going to be able to head out there and take care of it. Tell me what you thought about sort of about these police officers and their interactions with Frank Rachel and We just color crazy bitch. I don't know what to call that lady. Yeah, I don't know what to call that that character. I don't even know that we get a name for her. That's we don't not sure they do give her they do have a name because they run her it's that's my fault Miriam or something. Yeah that oh goodness. You're right. Anyway. Yes. She's insane and I kind of enjoyed watching her die and I knew it was going to happen. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah and raised only one way only one way that was gonna have diarrhea. However, I really really enjoyed the way that they portrayed. I think the sheriff's name was Roy. Boy, that was I think you're right. Yeah, so I really really enjoyed him just as a character because he's one of those characters. We're in a sea of kind of very annoying characters. The female cop was driving me crazy. She's like, he's a murderer. Yeah. It's like you don't know the full story at all. You're just making assumptions. Yeah, which is crazy. But I just I liked how astute he was and how he just he picked up on everything. He didn't believe Rachel's ridiculous story that she's like, I'm just 16 called chat like I mean, I know her character is 16, but So like she's like, I'm the innocent bystandard all this he took one look at her and was like, you're lying to me. I know that and he was just I really he's one of those characters that I just really enjoyed and I like that he was trying to do what was right no matter what like he wasn't just going to kinu giving up Frank / Pete and Rachel too. You know, I guess it's I call him creepy. Yeah won't talk about him in a second. Yeah, the the mysterious religious man. Yes. And that would probably result in their deaths. So he's not willing to do that. Even at the detriment to his own men. And I think that seeing Ogden get believe that was his name again get shot really sort of force this not force his hand, but sort of that with the onslaught of you know, the insane gunshots in there, which was crazy. Cool letting Frank sort of let loose and then again, that's my favorite part. It's like, oh my God, just let Frank go when yeah with the broken arm, by the way, and he's like you got any black tape. He's like, yeah, I'm gonna be fine don't About this. Yeah, I just gotta I just gotta cover up the cast because I don't want anybody to see it and yeah look Ogden is obviously I think in a lot of versions of this same story the character who gets into the police vehicle and takes a sniper bullet. Well, he's not going to be long for the episode but it was nice to see and I thought that it humanized the Rachel character that you know, she had the interaction and then she's like, oh my God that guy almost died and she even and she gives him back his Five bucks. Nice touch. Okay. She's like I still don't like you but here's your money back. And I'm glad you're alive. Yeah. All right. So let's talk about this mysterious man. Whom we saw in the first couple episodes, but I kind of wanted to wait until now to talk about him because this episode does actually start with the flashback and we see him at church. We see, you know, there's a situation at home where his wife is clearly not well and we also see his Faded poorly laser removal white supremacist tattoos Nazi tattoos, I think across. Yeah for sure and there were two and I forget what the other one was but the helmet. Yeah, I like the the war to helmet. Yeah, it looked it looked like that but it was hard to see because you just kind of faded because was faded but yeah, the cross was definitely was very apparent. So just to kind of get to know him. I I found his interaction with the sheriff who I do agree with you. I think his name is Boy, I like that. He actually like talk to him. He's like, all right. Well, you know, you're a God-fearing man. I want to give you this opportunity and not in the way where you know, sometimes characters will pretend to give you a chance to make things right you feel like if he's like if he'd just been like take these people he would have been like alright fine. Yeah. There's nothing that nothing's no harm is going to fall you people because I you know, I don't know because you're a man of God. Basically, I legitimately think that he doesn't want to hurt. Old that they don't deserve it deserve it. Yeah, I think that he's got like this weird. Like he's still killing people. He's definitely got a code. Yeah, he's operating. He's following his religious beliefs which are you know, not the traditional religious beliefs. But yeah and whatever we're like he's got going on with you know, that man that he was talking to and that sort of flashback. Yeah. So there's there's definitely a bigger story going on there and watching that makes me want to know what that stuff. Yes. I was fascinated. By him, I was glad to see him get away. I didn't want him to get shot at episode 3 and the season which I didn't actually think was gonna happen, but I was glad to see it didn't happen. Yeah, and at this point, it's more just looking forward to when he turns up again. And then as we wrap up this episode, of course Billy Russo manages to break break out of his hospital the doctor who clearly A two way too trusting and accommodating lets him get out. I mean obviously she's being threatened but there's I think there are different ways. She could have handled it but she was so worried about him being safe that you know, she helps Billy Russo get out not in tight not a hundred percent willingly. I'm not saying that but and of course then Madan he's like no I need the Punisher. So all of a sudden that's the reason why we Get the homeland security helicopter. And I think that's the moment where creepy religious not see guys just like all right, this is more than I this is I'm biting off way more than I could chew. My whole Army has been taken out. There's a Homeland Security helicopter here. I don't know who this guy is. I'm gonna kind of circle the wagons a little bit and I come back. It's what did you think about sort of that moment when you know, Madonna shows up in the helicopter to be like, alright, everybody flips. You don't got to stay home, but you It's day here. I mean I thought it was great. Yes perfect timing and it just it was amazing the way everybody looked at it and was like, okay, so there's way more to this guy than we even know because he literally has Homeland Security sort of at his disposal showing up with helicopters. So I just loved it. I thought it was great. It was an almost comical moment, even though it wasn't meant to be. Yeah and especially because it comes right as creepy Nazi religious guy actually has Frank in his sights now. Now I think that you know, Frank has certainly realized he's been in someone sites before and it doesn't end well for that person, but I think it definitely sort of it was a nice way to be like, alright, we're going to put a pin in this no pun intended and we will see how this goes. So at the end of the episode they all had to New York, which is where we will pick things up tomorrow. I know that when we do these binge style shows that there's a lot of ground to cover. So let us know if you feel like we're going too fast, but we wanted to make sure we could pack as much in as possible. We will do episodes 4 5 & 6 tomorrow at 3:00 Pacific 6:00 Eastern or of course, you can always just subscribe as you mentioned earlier and you can also watch the archive version so Tune In For The Punisher after show tomorrow, and then we'll be back again next Wednesday and Thursday and will finish off the series next week. Until then you can find me at Christian DMZ on Twitter and Instagram and Zia. Where do people find you you can find me on Twitter and Instagram @ Z underscore land. It's Xiao underscore land and I'll be sitting in on the popcorn talk networks Marvel movie news tomorrow at 1 Pacific so look for me over there. But until then we will see you tomorrow for more Punisher. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. 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The Punisher is back for season 2, and so is The Punisher after show, with hosts Christian Bladt and Xia Anderson recapping episodes 1-3, including that epic bar room fight scene, the tense county jail scenes, the creepy religious former Nazi guy, Billy Russo and much more! Marvel's The Punisher, or simply The Punisher, is an American web television series created for Netflix by Steve Lightfoot, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films and other television series of the franchise, and is a spin-off of Marvel's Daredevil. The series is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios, with Lightfoot serving as showrunner. The series revolves around Frank Castle, who uses lethal methods to fight crime as the vigilante "the Punisher", with Jon Bernthal reprising the role from Daredevil. Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Ben Barnes, Amber Rose Revah, Deborah Ann Woll, Daniel Webber, Jason R. Moore, Paul Schulze, Jaime Ray Newman, and Michael Nathanson also star. A television series centered on the Punisher received a put-pilot commitment at Fox in 2011, but that project fell through. In June 2015, Bernthal was cast as the character to appear in the second season of Daredevil. Development on a spin-off titled The Punisher began by January 2016, before the second season of Daredevil was released. In April 2016, Marvel and Netflix ordered the series, confirmed Bernthal --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Do you know where is it setting? Hello. Hey, okay. Okay. It's been crazy shit right here. wait Yeah, Cody a all right. What how do you cut it the cardioid? No, yeah should be good. Alright, alright, so right let's get looking starting. Oh, yeah, so we're welcome to welcome to life to the show. Thanks for having me man. Yeah. Yeah you're in my room. Thanks. Thanks for taking the time to come to your room. Definitely man. Anytime you anytime you need me in my room. I'll be here sweet. Three always dreamed about this. Well, how do we start man? That's a good question. Yeah. There's many good questions out there. Yeah. What is life another what when should I do it the Rideau and quite sure to do some local cops. Next very true. Yeah. Okay. Well that is always awkward to start a podcast right now. Yeah, you should talk about your start with a joke with the joke. Yeah, you know one hmm. No, I was hoping you had an amazing you okay the old we are. Ready? Fuck you also, but also start fucking over. Okay, let's fuck. Why are we here? Like not not not generally suppose like why are we both here? What are we doing? So we are two strangers that you know each other over the internet, right? Yes grinder specific right grinder, not over Kanye. And anyways, you know, you have these sweet little nipple things right on. Yeah, it's crosses and I was like, yeah, that's tap. That know. How did we meet you? Each Other Well, I signed up for this jump cut thing like two or three two and a half years ago and I was put in a in a book I decided to do with this boot camp that they were testing out. I think it was the first time they ever did that they don't even know what jump cut is Jump because basically a oh a company that teaches you how to create viral content for yeah, for example, yeah exactly. It's made by these Simple Pickup guys who I'm like a huge fan of because they make all these Street interviews that are kind of probably want to do eventually. So yeah, they have like a boot camp, which is like every week there was a challenge to make YouTube videos and I'm was really instill I'm really into making YouTube videos and so are you because that we met there we were put in the same group along with like 10 other random people. Yeah, one of which now is like 600 K. So that is so insane. That is so insane. Yeah. He made it we fucking mayor made it. Yeah, fuck that guy right there not know so bro. We love you. We love you if you're listening over. How should I still have my cell phone on that is very unprofessional. What's his name again? Lingua liquidizer link Eliezer. Yep, check them out on YouTube and give him give him a like following, you know to tell them that you came from. Yes. Definitely. Yeah, no nice, but that is fucking prove that this shit works that there's a there's a concept for virality and this guy got it and Yeah, it's really like not to talk as content down but it's really like nothing too crazy know like what he does is essentially like, you know, you'd taken a cent one sentence and translating that into different languages using Google translator. Yeah, that's not going that is not the wildest thing. You know this that is something that everybody does on a regular basis, but he got to use the right context to make it viral. What do you think made the whole thing viral man? This that guy yeah, that's a good question because I know that he I've seen this guy since he has six subscribers. Like I saw him to create his channel and then he was he had like 10 subscribers. Yeah, and I was like subscriber number 11. Yeah, and I was seeing his videos and he was making like playlist videos and I was like, this guy's not gonna fucking like what is this? What the hell who watches this and you know little did I know two months later. He had like two point two million views and world, but I think what He was smart about it because he was just testing out stuff and he figured out that you know some stuff hits. He he had a he made a video called polyglot says I hate you in 10 different languages or something like that or Hi, how are you know, and the people were like, don't call it polyglot because people don't know what the heck that means call it how to say this in 10 different languages and the second he'd changed that title. Yeah. Yeah, he went from like to pay views to like 200k. Yeah, that is so insane. That is so insane. And also I feel like a lot of people have this perfectionism bottle and they're like, okay. No, I want to have make sophisticated content. This is why I am going to put polyglot off in my description right my title but you know having I think having no ego attached to that and not trying to make something super fancy, but just making something that works and doubling down on the things that works the work. I think that might be the recipe. Right. Yeah. Yeah exactly you figure out something something you're posting a bunch of content something suddenly gets like more views. It's something that means something if there's just certain things that hit better than other things. Yeah, and you just got to be scientific about that like a slap in the face. Yeah. Yes. Exactly. Nice. You wanna fucking kill. It's a slap in the face. I can let's just look at the damn bro. Ouch. Fuck out that her. Let me amend that ring. So we decided to meet each other because we really really enjoyed that like you were super funny guy. Oh, they were super funny guy. Really when I when I watch your Instagram stories. I'm I'm you know, I'm loving my fucking ass off and you have like a very intelligent kind of humor humor and yeah definitely like this. So, I love to see you, you know succeed. Just recently. You went viral? Yeah with how many how many views it has like 820 Kano 820,000 views on Tick-Tock. Yeah, that is that is insane. And that's not the first video that that you went viral with right? I mean you already had a decent amount of you know projects where you get, you know over 101 over 200 even 500,000 views on. Yeah, and you Did this over the past few years like consistently, right? Not not that like every video hits but you you were able to hit the spot hit the spot, but you were able to do that consistently consistent basis. And so I think you definitely onto something there and you I think you're on your way to cracking that, you know to cracking that code. Yes, you did it with different like many different things. Yeah, so I'm really really interested in how that turns out. Yeah, I definitely don't have like anything like I don't have most of my stuff figured out. I'm still like in the testing phase of most of anything that I'm doing right now, but I feel like in the past like since February or March of this year April around that time. I've been like kind of getting more into the zone and like I understand a little bit more of what is funny and and I can fill my video and be like, that's probably not going to be good and then like re it re-film it. It and I have more of a feeling now. Yeah, I don't feel like I'm absolutely lost. Okay. So for a lot of people that is really hard to understand because it like one beginner thing one beginner mistake for Content creators, especially when they when they create a video they have long as videos every YouTuber starts with, you know, at least 10 minutes a video where this video could have been like two or one middle or even even shorter than that people have such a sort of short attention span and Like that is really key to making good content. And so what did you figure out our how did you figure it out yourself? How did you did you you know get the taste for what is funny and what is not? Mmm, well I've been doing this Snapchat for like three years and more for years and I get I receive feedback from from everyone like it started with my friends. I made Snapchats just for my own. My contact is glitching out right now just for my friends and they were like damn this is fun. Sometimes they were like damn this is funny keep on doing what you're doing and sometimes I would get like no response. Yeah. So off of that I would kind of like A/B test and I'd be like, okay they said this Funny maybe this is funny plus this and then and then I would see what I want my feedback was and now I don't even care about the feedback. I just see it and if I find it funny, I'm know that it like people find it funny and a lot of people actually are just not even replying they just watch it and then suddenly like in three months I get a long-ass message. Like, hey, man, I've been watching you for the past six months and you're like the most amazing person that I've ever seen in my entire lifetime and I hold it like this. Super humbling, but also like I understand more now. So yeah, I test a lot. I think the answer is just test. Yeah. Yeah, I just yeah, I was hoping for you just giving one sentence answer but oh shit. I'm just kidding now. I mean that is okay then absolutely makes sense. But I think and that is just something crucial there. You took some advice and some feedback that people gave you and you're like, okay, let's double down on that lets, you know do more of this. Yeah, right and a lot of people they don't do that because They want to experiment which is also great. But then you also said okay now you don't even get feedback anymore in like after a few months people are going to be like hey, I love your content. I love what you do here. Most amazing person I've ever seen blah blah and so it's really hard to distinguish. I feel like when you doing something right and something wrong because some sometimes you doing everything wrong and you don't get rich you don't get a response. Yeah, it's true. And even if you ask people for their opinion on something sometimes their opinion sucks. Yeah, right and they have really nice people are wrong. Yeah. Yeah, and that as well as well, sometimes people are like hey, this is amazing and this is not but you like okay, I'm watching this and I'm re watching this and I definitely I love this right now. I feel this and how do you go over this because to you if you find something particularly funny? Yeah, and even when you didn't, you know acquire the taste good things to do that you have now or that intuition. Did you did you say, you know, what fuck this I enjoy that so I'm still going to That missing something that you carried on to your to your content creation right now up until if yeah, I feel like yeah, I do a lot a lot recently because right now I gained a little more experience and I know that if I want to be myself and people like it when you're yourself, so I've decided to just like if I find a funny and I find something like hilarious. People are just gonna like the fact that I'm being myself. So just like don't just care about like whether it will hit or not or something like that. Just like if it's really truly hilarious to you. Sometimes I would just like record a random snap and I'm literally sitting there laughing at the snap that I just recorded for like five minutes. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a five-second snap and I'm just like sitting there laughing that is so funny. That is so fun. I get you something that is yeah dude, like Instagram stories and you know, That tries to do this daily now just because I want to get too into the routine of creating content regularly on a daily basis and it's super easy tool to do that in writing, you know, Snap Snap Chat. I haven't used that one. But you know making stories is really easy to because the various hello, you don't have to do a lot of editing you just you know, it's just amazing for a lot of creators to get something out there before without having to sit hours and hours and and in front of a laptop and a boring that wound. It's Gary Vee. Nope. Oh no. No. No, I but you know his yeah and Order definitely. Yeah, you should watch them. Yeah, I don't know man. He's too much like this. This wannabe gangster type of guy. He's like over-the-top like he's not I can feel him sometimes right but it's he's not he's not like my type of concrete. I can he's hyping people up a lot of yeah, it's a lot of motivational stuff. Your motivation is very is very dicey because you can I mean everyone that's why it's Popular because everyone likes to be motivated for those three hours and then you lose it after but sometimes he says some really fundamental truth that just like are really true. Yeah, and that's why I follow him. Do you do you know what I don't follow him this much. I mean sometimes as you continue like yeah, okay. He does the content is great. You know speech is great as the engagement, you know, everything clicks and is nice but since he does so many videos like this. Hmm. You can fall into the Trap of you know, I wanna yeah, I'm gonna watch this video today and one more video. Yeah. Yes so much content that you you want to watch the whole. Oh, yeah, you're not going to do anything. You cannot go to do jack shit. Just sitting on your couch watching a bunch of motivational stuff and jacking off to the idea of you yourself being, you know, yeah, you know, whatever forward in life. I don't understand that. Yeah, but I mean, yeah, he's he's probably a great guy and you know, it's very successful in what he does. So yeah, business-wise and suffered he's Surrounds himself with Like Rappers and you know, I saw this really with the game and yeah, so yeah, I don't know not my cup of tea or going on right now. But yeah, definitely give her a great guy. People that I follow I don't know if we should get into that but I mean you also follow Tim Ferriss, right? Yeah and what I like about this guy is he's very straight to the points. He has very condensed information. That's what I love, you know, he's very structured and if you listen to a podcast or if you consume information about the various, he doesn't have a lot of fluff in it. Hmm and he goes, yeah exactly. It's not about the motivation at all, right? He's not you know, but information, yeah, he's definitely want information and I In time I learned how to Value information over motivation definitely definitely because I want to learn I don't want to be motivated, you know, sometimes yes, you need that motivation cushions. Yeah, but yeah info is just yeah info is King but but dude Tim first has so much information. It's like sometimes it's overwhelming for me because I bought his book tools of Titans. Yeah, and there's like all these things and it's like, how do I keep? How do how does he live because he has He's done everything he has like all these like stretches and this is like this morning routine and then there's other morning routine and then there's this and I'm like overwhelmed like I don't know what to do in the morning everyone. Yeah, dude that thing. Okay. Let me tell you about about the to our morning routine before God. I swear to God I love I love to try out different kind of hex, you know, I love to improve my routine and something like that. So and I do consume Tim Ferriss content. And one thing about this guy, I mean, yeah, he is able to do a/b testing and he says, you know one week I'm going to do this when we can go to that and blah etc. Etc. And he he writes down all this information and he has it saved but I don't have the fucking time to go through all of this. You know, I don't have some time to you know, say oh that's drink a cup of milk or glass of milk in the morning and then do that for two or three weeks and then see if there was any results in weight gain, whatever, you know, I don't have time for that. That's why I People taking the time and in first does this on a consistent level but the two key to our morning routine? Oh my God. So do you do that? I you have done it. I have done it. Ok, I have done I have done. Okay. So what I tried I experiment with with meditation, so I woke up in the morning. This is my routine. Right? So I woke up in the morning. First thing. I did was motivate only like 15 minutes of meditation and After that, I went straight into writing down my dreams. Okay, it's like a troll yo, right so and sometimes you know the streams these dreams are so confused that you like. Okay. I have to you know, sometimes it takes you 30 minutes or even 45 minutes. Sometimes it's the green just really strange, you know, and you want to write down beautifully, you know, it takes its time. So it's like one hour ready for you know meditation and then writing down that yeah, then next up would be you know. Journaling, what do I want to do for you know this day, okay writing down your to-do list and that kind of that kind of stuff. Then you want to have you know, you're moaning shaky great breakfast and you've got to go shower with and you're gonna do this. I've also our uncle Chavo definitely. Yeah, like for a couple of seconds, you know always called her. Yes. Yes, I do that the right now I it's a different routine. I try to use the Wim Hof method or a couple It's sort of like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but this this takes me way too long. When I do the breathing exercise. Yes. It takes me fucking 20 min half an hour. Yeah or this is either 30 breathe. Yeah 30 and then you hold you hold your breath with exhale exactly. So yeah, the the Wim Hof method is basically this is the guy that he Iceman. Yeah Iseman. He climbed he climbed the Mount Everest in his short shorts. That's insane and he's able to to manipulate his What his his body temperature and a lot of other things by controlling his breathing so oxygen is essential part of this whole thing and like his exercise is because he says it makes your body all calloc and or alkaline and yes also gives you gives you various health benefits and stuff like that. So you do 30 brep you've breathe in like really deep breaths and then if they're half out exhale half and do this like 30 times, then you exhale completely hold. Don't hold your breath. For as long as you can what was how many how many seconds or how many minutes can you brought? I love that exercise. Yeah, like I love the breathing. I don't know. Why in the cold showers. Yeah. Oh my God. The problem is like I haven't done it for like two weeks because I've been trying to focus that energy of habit into some other habits that I want to train. Yeah, but when I do it I could it depends because I grow like I started off at 2 minutes or one and a half minutes. If you're talking about how much I could hold exhale. Yeah the third time. Because it's always best at certain time. Right? Sometimes I do the fourth time and then I could get to 4 minutes 4 minutes while this is insane, but that's if I do it the fourth time and then like I don't go like full axilla. Yeah, but I go like flick self and like not on to my lungs are absolutely then. Okay, then I could go four minutes that is that is so insane with an exercise. So, you know, it doesn't take a lot of practice for me the first time when I tried this was also like to Minute or two and a half years, which is already good. It's insane that is insane two and a half minutes without air. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, then I'll be raising. Yeah, so yeah, but to not get too much into that. That is he crazy. There's a crazy thing. I neglected that because it takes too much time and I have other morning routines that this interferes with so what I do now is fuck what I do. Now. Let's talk about this morning routine that I that I did back in the day. So what happened what happened up happening. I was like two hours at least into the day. Day before I start could actually to actually gets to shit and get things. Oh, yeah, exactly. So you wake up and you already like stressed the holy shit I have to do do have all man this routine and takes me fucking hours and and you're already stressed exactly. Right and while meditating you already thinking about okay, but I have to the stranger on this so you I think you have to take things easy and simple and not overwhelm yourself with things because if the routines of Help you and if you overdo that it really yeah, it's it's that's not the point. Yeah, then you end up just stressing yourself. You haven't even started the day and you're already thinking my God. Okay, it's meditation right after that. I have the this and I have that and yeah, I know exactly that cause I also I really like morning routines and my morning routine used to be wake up breathing exercise because I used to follow. I don't know if you know Jim quick know this guy's all about the brain so it's like And wake up breathing exercise light exercise like actual physical exercise cold shower Shake, then we're also meditation bro. I used to do I used to do like literally like I would wake up and I did like one hour straight of meditation, which I really like I've done this for one week. Yeah total. Yeah, but because my brain goes out 1,000 miles per second. Yeah, but my then it's like 1 p.m. And I lost my whole morning because I'm doing all these routines. Yeah, so I would have to wake up at like 6:00 to be able to be done at eight nine. So yeah, it gets it gets complex man. You know what I can do, you know what I mean? Yeah. No, definitely definitely I can I can I feel you there. I'm either and I think you should definitely cut down like if your routine takes you two hours in the morning if you cool that. All right, but if you're not cool that maybe try to cut it down. Yeah, like I take my I take my time in the morning. So what I'm doing right now is I start with high intensity interval training or using an app called the NX Cruz area. He's like awesome calisthenics dude, and the app is free. And it really really this changed a lot for me. So what I do is to not get too much into the details, but like 20 to 21 minutes to 22 minutes, whatever. Of exercise. Yeah, right after getting out of that comes the annex then I drink as much as I can like watering. Yeah. What? Yeah, what if she won't know just getting wolf? No. No, that would be maybe a little bit too early morning. But and if it was something you whiskey or tequila, okay, not vodka killer no nothing, but no don't like what's go. What go. What go what go maybe in Bloody Mary? I would like to try and that Bloody Marys. Yeah. Like little bit Yeah. So after this, you know waking up training drinking. Yes and then having my first smoothie a green smoothie and then breakfast showering and that's basically it and that really, you know, that that green smoothie getting the vitamins in and getting you know exercise in the morning that really changed the game for me a long-- my energy levels are not I can't even compare them to when it didn't do this. Yeah, exactly. I did it all because of the energy also because my I need more like I'm a I could go continue to sleep until I 1 p.m. Even if I want to sleep at 11:00 the night before so that's why I forced myself to go to sleep early wake-up call this exercise to get the energy I want I will go running like 7K every morning. I'd like insane times. Yeah still yeah. Well, I stopped. I stopped the past two weeks cause now I go to the gym instead because I'm a thin stick what I wake up at like 6:00 and go for like i7k run. Wow. Yeah, and I would love doing it in the cold for some reason because I read this book called can't hurt me by David Gardens. Yeah, and he's like Iran in Seal training with broken legs, and he literally had like like microfractures in his legs and he taped his legs and just ran and so I read that book and I was like, holy crap why I am. Like I gotta do more so I would and I was already running back then but then I was I started running faster and more I would do four laps around the block which is like 6K and then suddenly I started doing like 10 and I do like ten laps around the block and like winter with likes know what I'm like nothing can stop me then they would go against can run with broken legs and I'm here like in my room or being comfortable. So yeah, I would do that. But now I realize that I'm like Thin as a little stick so I want I want to gain more mass. So I'm getting more when I get that muscle. You know, I get that muscle interesting interesting. Oh, yeah. Good luck with that man. Thanks man. Ouch. No nothing is nothing is whatever whatever goals. You said yourself. Yeah, definitely. Yeah go for it. Maybe don't run like a fucking Maniac because that yeah, that doesn't help but to be honest I oh yeah also, So try to to gain some muscle like a lot of times during my you doing man small little fear of life. Okay, so sometimes it works sometimes it didn't but right now my focus is really not on, you know gaining muscle at all. It's really I really want to get into the best shape of my life. Okay yet and I do this by by this having this morning routine, right? Yeah. This helps me a lot and this has given me the best results so far, and I'm really not To I want to get fits. You know, when I want to have my I want to help my brain. Mainly there's this is that is that is my first and foremost goal to help my brain help my buddy. Help my help. You know, I have these energy levels right to do the things that are really what I want to do in love which I think might bring us to the next topic which is the things that we love to do. Yes. Yes. Yes, so exciting. So your comedian. Yeah, right. I'm the funny one. Yeah, you create a video. Yes. I make the little one the little bit deal they include a and we talked about this today then okay so far there's some people having a fun time open the back shut the fuck up. Yes. Oh, yes. Oh we talked about this already that we have millions and trillions of things up in our heads. Yeah, and we want to they want to do. Accomplished accomplished. Yeah a couple of success. So so physics so formal, yeah accomplished. I would like to accomplish here. Let's accomplish this a few months ago. We should talk about the all these the the when we went to the center. The interaction. Yeah. Oh, yeah or not. I mean whatever. Okay, no. Okay. Let's let's let's do that. So so I'm pretty huge on self-improvement saying and this is like we met through a community that had this Vibe. Yeah had this Vibe and so we talked about some of your like everybody has their personal limitations and restrictions and then I'm someone I used to teach people to get out of the car. Zone and then do many other things right? And so there was this one thing we talked about these interviews that you wanted to do, you know with people and I couldn't believe when you told me that social interaction is not you know, you main Forte because yeah, you such a such a fucking amazing Persona and you know, what a virtue videos I like. Holy shit. I want to be friends with that guy. Yeah. I mean I am but I mean, holy shit. That's this. This is amazing hilarious human being or thanks, man, and I thought okay. This there's there's just he must be attractive to everybody around him and you like magnet and you know people just form naturally, you know around you but then you told me surprisingly that this is not the case that you like expect situation. Well, I mean, you know, if I I've always been like a like a more introvert. I feel like right now I'm like a one of the few cases of being an ambivert, which I recently realized this a thing. Where you're like the introvert and extrovert I can be both. Yeah, so if I'm in a party I can easily just go crazy and not care and Lego but I also can just be very shy and very quick very quick is ambivert like the you know ambivalent introvert/extrovert. Yeah, make some of these three. Yeah, exactly. Okay interesting. No, so am be so the word am be means comes from ambles like from Latin of both. Okay, so it's just means like both introverted and extroverted this is because it doesn't mean that what you say you one of these things in the core. Or core introverts that or extrovert. Yeah. No, I'm both. Really? Yeah. That is so weird. Yeah, like I've never ever had someone answered that question to me like this or a they they either going to be like, okay. I'm in the core. I'm an introvert that then you know, I have trained myself to be an extrovert and I would consider myself being an introvert like very much you yeah, okay that people have definitions of about this they say if you get your energy from being alone versus getting your energy from being with A run of the Braille. Yeah, then you were an introverted hard. So and that would say this is true for most of the time for you. Yeah for me. I can be both I have spent four or five days inside my room having the time of my life like not leaving my room just like thinking about video ideas filming videos editing looking at movies. Just having a blast without any social interaction and then I've gone to parties and like I've gone to social Gatherings or whatever you call these things like barbecues. I don't know anyways use who does fun. I mean, I don't know sounds nice, but I've never been to a barbecue. Oh, really? Yeah. Well in Panama we have like barbecues. I guess you should fucking invited me. Yeah, but yeah, you should come to Panama man. Come to Panama. Yeah, seriously, but anyways, yeah, if I go to one of these events and like I just I can just like talk to people and I don't really care and like eventually I saw don't somehow find myself just like as a Just like guiding the conversation which I wouldn't do before but like I have that in me. So just like talk and be myself and make this the mood funny and like just make people laugh so I can be both I can get energy from interacting with people and then I at the end of the night. I feel like like holy crap. I can't go to sleep. I have all this energy. Yeah, and I also can be like, oh my God people I guess fuck. I don't want this. So yeah. Oh man, so you kind of like both sides of the Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so I can be the middleman and communicate both of them. But but yeah, but the bitch maker yes, but I've always wanted to I've never been fully happy with how social I like. I have all this potential socially I feel like but I haven't like fully, you know conquered it. Yeah, so I feel like I can be very quick and be like say funny things especially These interviews such videos things. Hmm But I don't feel like I have ever done that. So yeah, so yeah, that's why we decided to go to the center and like a No-No. That's how we that's what we have in common. I guess what that we both kind of our into the whole getting out of our comfort zone and definitely being ourselves definitely. But yeah, I mean there are things that some you know, everybody has its is strength and his weaknesses and I know for certain that I can you know, if I'm physically there especially that I can you know, maybe show someone the slopes of the ropes that I use to fast-track my progression into, you know, being a more confident person more confident man and you know dealing with those high social pressure situations and say right and so yeah when I noticed That you there there's some weird little things going on everybody's you know in people's minds when they confronted with talking to strangers especially right? They had this preconceived notions of all K. They're going to think this and that of me and you know, it's all about breaking these patterns up, right? Yeah. So this is why we decided to go. Yeah to the city centre in. Where are we know we went there? That's not disclose. Yes. This is a secret location secret location somewhere in Europe in Europe. Yes or Russia. Oh, that's not a continent or ancient Europe and Europe or Russia? Yes. This is these are the two options. Yeah choose whichever one you want. So yeah, and we went to the city centre and we had a blast and yeah, we did some challenges. Yeah. I've never been pushed like this before socially because I like I have gone up to random strangers. We're always in a party situation, you know, never in our fully like sober not that I'm Not unlike a drink or anything. But but like, you know what I mean, you know what I mean? So yeah, this was like a really I've one point I just felt like like no man. I don't want to do this anymore, you know, but but I dig inside my head and I'm like no you want this for yourself. So just like do it because you want to do this eventually, so I feel like Yeah, I learned I learned some stuff nice a lot. Yeah, this the very first interaction that you had and this is one of the most crucial interactions and there's a lot of things to be learned in this very first step. What went through your head. Okay. So basically this this one you told me we were at a bus stop right in front of where I live and you were like go to ask go high-five that lady somehow and it Like a lady that like not like, you know middle. I don't know how much yeah middle-aged. Yeah when she was like 30 really is just carrying things. She was the had like a long day probably. So in my head, I was coming up with all this crap. I was like, she's not gonna like that. Who is she she's into some other crap, you know, the regular the regular stuff when you're told to get out of your comfort zone. So at first I was like no man why now, you know excuses. Let's do this later. Let's wait till the center. And in the center is where everything happens, you know delaying it so through my mind you rushed a bunch of excuses, but then you kept on telling me like no man. It's happening. It's going to happen. So then eventually I started caving I was like fuck. I mean, I guess if it's going to happen, then it's got to happen. If so, I just like slowly walk. They're all like, oh no and And I just ask your like to diffuse my tension because I if I would have gone up and be like can I get a high-five that would've been so I feel like that would be so weird. Mmm. I would have been really awkward. So to the fields might for my own purposes. I was like, hey is this bus going to the center which I've taken this bus hundreds of times. I know exactly where this was is going and how what time is coming and how many stops where I'm like, hey is this bus going to a center and she said yeah and I'm like, okay. Can I have a high five and she's like Like okay and then she gave me like the most enthusiastic high-five that I've ever had with a stranger in my life. So it's like what the hell? Yeah, this is amazing. So yeah, that was a relief immediately. Yeah. It's so crazy. It's a so what happens in this situation is so first of all, you realize like when you see the other person smiling. Yeah proposed to them something for you extremely alien and strange like hey, could you random stranger? Give me another one. Ranger Hi Five and out of nothingness and like that is fucking weird. But the important thing is to not think about this and just thought yeah, exactly. So and you see them starting to smile and being enthusiastic about it instead of you know saying okay dude fuck off because there was probably what you thought would happen. Yeah. I had a fucking long day, man. So yeah, so get out of my way. Yeah. Yeah get out of my face. Yeah instead of that. What happened is she was enthusiastic about it and you actually made her day because yeah, maybe She had a long crappy day, but then there was chain super you know, some Pathak guy came up to her probably shivering and look weird or whatever. No, but I mean you just went up to her and crying what crying peeing his pants. He's dropping it. Yeah tears just running down his cheeks and actually giving giving wow. Yes. I said that and it was a moment of silence for that joke. I I was joking my own Survival. And so yeah, I mean she was you made her you made her fucking night and don't know that wasn't the only only occasion and what this what this also teaches you is this is why I said, you know, okay start with a high five it teaches you that you can instead of thinking that you would bother other people what happens to a lot of a lot of people think that if they do something like this they bother someone else. Well, it's the complete polar opposite you are Making their day and there's someone tells it if I call from him. That's what I want to happen. Yeah, I mean that can happen. So we'll just the worst thing. I mean you haven't you stopped if they say that you you know, the one you know, you know pushing them over the of the yummy iceberg is just like this is you are saying pushing pushing the iceberg over the ice breaker of the iceberg. Oh, I have no, I don't think so pushing him over the line. I hope yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. Okay. I hope everybody got what I tried to say there, but over the iceberg guys, just take notes, too. So the iceberg so yeah, that would have been you know, the the one tiny thing that made them go Angry. No definitely not so but on the other hand, you have the power to you know, give someone a smile but doing something silly and mean next thing that happened. We went into the bus, you know drove to the city and we sit down next to a girl and and I thought I really I from the from the bottom of my heart. I thought okay. She looks really kind of not in the mood for anything but Vite Vite us write our faces offers definitely and stab Us and something but because I trained myself to not really think about people that way and you know, because I wanted to have a great time with you and enjoy this is the situation. Yeah, I decided to okay, you know what, let's bring that fun vibe that we have to her and you were he invite her into our world and then you can she can still decide if she wants that are not in right we are not dependent on what would she do? You know sends off since August. Yeah, and what happened is she was smiling all the time. She was really yeah, we also made her day. Exactly and not only her we went to the city and we played rock paper scissors with some the random people on the spot. Yeah, and they were really they were confused. Yeah, but then they were like, okay. Yes. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you could tell that immediate like At first there's always that brief moment of like what that crap is. Is going on let me be but then eventually they're like, yeah, yeah this one and then they realize that you're not a complete psychopath the with you give them like a smile or something and not in a creepy way and and then and then it just diffuses itself. And then you suddenly are having a conversation. Yeah, that's the same. So if you if you would like going back to the first conversation or the first interaction with that woman on the bus stop the thoughts that went through your head. All these excuses and whatever. I mean what's next time that you want to would like to do this, you know by yourself if I was there, what would you tell yourself differently this time? If it was yeah, if you were to talk to someone and then do that same kind of approach or why would I tell myself to stop the excuses? Yeah. Well what would happen? I mean, how would you go over this like differently like instead of you know, and not doing this at all, which has happened past? Yeah. How would you go over doing that and what is your mindset now to you know, stop yourself from stopping that right that makes sense to stop myself from from all this garage of crap to get myself to do things. Mmm. I actually realized it's an interesting thought that the same feeling that I got when I convinced myself that it's going to happen is a feeling that I get when I when I turn the shower to the coldest setting and I'm like I got to get in Like it's just going to happen. Like I stand there outside waiting as if somehow the situation is going to use implode and nothing happens and then time stops and I don't go in the shower, but that's not going to happen. Eventually. I have to jump into the damn shower. So it was for some reason the same thing. Maybe that's why people do that. I don't know because it was the same feeling like well, I guess it's happening and then I just like walk to the over there. So so that Association is something that I would definitely bring up next time just be like well just like in the shower just like start walking there and figure it out as you get there and nice but you have to stop all the thoughts because I'm an over-thinker. I'm just naturally going to always think a lot about everything and plan carefully planned my every move but eventually I just let go and I was like just walk there and whatever happens happens and that mindset. I feel like really changed. Of course, it's not it's not like hammer. To my head and I am I completely free person of everything but it definitely is one step towards the towards. Yeah, it's good to have the right direction. Yeah, it's good to have the experience like like if you you know bite into a chili first time you look at a chilly you like. Okay, what is this? And when you bite into that, you know, you have the experience of oh shit. That's hot. Yeah. I don't know that. That's the right analogy. But I mean the very first time that you do that you learn right? Yeah, it doesn't mean that you are you know, a connoisseur of you know, very hot hot things items items right the right there on the spot, but you know, at least that things are hot and yeah, you know from that interaction only that things can go definitely definitely definitely differently wolf who what Eminem out here, but I can also be posted and definitely less people but breaks. We're out here in the we're out here in the room freestyling weather Beats. I don't get the feet. Whoo. Let's Go. Whoo! Let's go freestyle. Look at that, but that don't want the top others. Don't let's go to Rome and eat some rap somewhat simple. Ramon belonging is some bologna bologna. Yeah. Thanks everyone. Thank you. Yeah, please go and sit comedy if there's such a thing as ballon. Oh baloney baloney. It was nice brofist on that. That was really good the creative creative people. Would you would you consider yourself being a Later a Creator creator of what what's not even perfect job title. My perfect doctor. Yeah, Bobo Bobo was hobo. Hobo know em, like right currently or my dream job, you know, like currently like if you what's my job right now. Wow, that's very difficult Daniel. I thought this is going to be like a one-sentence thing man. I have no idea to I'm like right now. I'm in a very gray area of like I start to get my stuff to take off slightly it slightly working but also trying to juggle school. The only thing the only why I started this question was to see say one word. I really didn't really love the word content creator. Oh, oh my God, and I consider yourself being a content creator. I consider consider you being kind of Greater and I consider me being a kind of Greater. Yeah. I think that is such a nice job title. Yeah content creator. I Want to create content for freaking ever? That's just what I like I just like making dude. Sometimes I sit down in my bed and I'm like, I just want to express like I have a thought system. Yeah, I literally just want to express myself and I want I want millions of people to hear it. I'm like, why can't a million people here this that I have to say right now. That is a crazy. By the way. This is very very crazy. Narcissistic thought to be like, I mean a lot of people are like this but imagine, you know, you waking up and you're like, okay I have this thing inside of me. Yeah for bunch of here. Yeah. This is so weird. His narcissistic as heck, but it's like, you know, it's worth it. It's a good deal worth it man your roses. Everybody should fucking listen to you. Yes, subscribe motherfuckers. That's what my brain tells me at least but that is you said something so nice, which is like there's something inside of you. Yeah, you definitely want to get this Artisan. Yeah express yourself. Yeah, whatever that might be that might be. I mean we both have something in common you do this more efficiently than me right now is like music. There's one way to Press yourself. Then. Do you write you write something in terms of in terms of maybe I'd like a diary or sometimes. Do you do you write some like short articles or something like that? Yeah. This is like Mom. I right here. I'm showing you all of my written things. Oh, well I have well, yeah diary, right? Yeah you next to you what I'm showing him right now is basically my book full of ideas with lighting jokes flash Tick-Tock videos / songs such as YouTube jokes that I want to make was interesting. I mean, I would have loved to say something like all your writing Henry. Is impeccable but no no, it's a piece of trash trash. Wow. Is that is that something sacred for you? Like I'm at home. Yeah, I think so. Yes. This book you have in your hands right now is every single idea that pops into my head that I haven't executed on yet. And there's probably some like potential viral. She crapped in the okay. You know what I'm going to rub this against my chest and my nipple and that better work man. Yeah. Yeah, you have some like hot energy. Heart chakra right now over this but yeah, and I got some some of your creativity into my heart that sounds good. And then your creativity into my book. Definitely nice Definitely. That's great. I also have a book like this involving my you know, I also like you millions and trillions of ideas. Yeah, and I don't even think that like the most of them is like viral content. Yeah worthy was just like things that I want to do and I that will be so interesting to see if more people like you like content creators. Creative people have this kind of bucket list book of you know projects and I'm pretty sure a lot of people have. Oh, yeah, probably. Yeah and it's so interesting to see that writing is such an important like even if you don't do this on a regular basis, but just having your ideas go through your arm, not your digital word necessarily but, you know writing something physically down and making this somehow it says it's a recipe basically for reality you writing something down. That is probably going to Become reality later. Yeah, it's just like like like a magic if you say magic you like we Guardiola video. So yeah like that. What a magical spell spell. Yes. I actually write down like a spell and then you only need to execute on it. Yeah, it's so crazy. Yeah, but pretty much all content. Like we're all writers pretty much you do what I realize is that the most important thing about writing is you have to be an observer like everyone. Through things and everyone. I feel I look around me and there's people who are so much funnier than me. Like I have friends who are like, how do you come up with is hilarious things and I'm laughing with them, but they don't like write it down and they don't care about writing it down. But I feel like the people would just learn how to observe and find the funny things around you and find that ideas around you. These are people who like become successful If You observe learn to observe correctly. Hmm. I feel like that's the skill that changes everything to you. Yeah, you saying something? Yeah, I'm so so with you on ya like this analytical side of things is so important. Yeah, I would not consider myself being like a little Analytical in in in that kind of fashion like with social interactions. Maybe I could go into an interaction, you know and within a few seconds dissect every inch of it and say, you know what this relationship between this person the other person without even having met those guys who won but You know being able to sit in a cafe and observe something and some I could I could see the funniest I could experience the funniest ship in the world and that helped me and multiple occasions, but I could not, you know, make this a story worth telling a worth listening like on a cot like on a piece of content. You're generally like we could we could experience the same thing Ben, but I would not be able to observe it in a way that I could you know, also. Express it in the way that's their you know directly, you know, you can tell a story way funnier than I could ever. Do not only because you generally family but because I'm particularly bad at ellicsr. Okay. So yeah this this this observing things and some people tell you about that breakfast. This is okay. We're getting to the core of this is something that bothers me when I first recognized when it was a little kid and the head that you have these things and then middle school or no like First first grade and second grade where you were you little to yeah, but there is the second grade where you we talk about your day and then you know about your breakfast and what you did on the weekends. Yeah, we had that yeah nice. So there was always this. I think I still remember name there was a chubby kid named Sandra and he always had the weirdest stories. Yeah, but sometimes about things that are really not that interesting but everybody was like laughing hilariously really and I wasn't in my head like, okay wait I had this You know, I wanted to talk to him my story and I had like way crazier things on my plate, but when I told them people were like they didn't come on target. Yeah. Yeah, I wasn't able to you know formulated in a funny way, you know the way and people are able to tell you or there's something I admire and somebody can tell you that they had breakfast and you know, they the marmalade that they had on their toes was from a very very specific and great mountain and Yeah aging where you know where little toddlers, you know, preciously very good if whatever whatever I fucking. Yeah, I mean people can tell your story like this when they can tell you about their moaning toes and it's more interesting. Yeah, and I telling you how I want to do, you know Lanes. Yeah, right. This is some people can do that. Some people just can just tell a good story. It's a some bland thing that happened suddenly turns funny because they learn to observe the little funny thing. In that thing, I'll make it relatable. Actually, you need to remind me of you can definitely if you know how to do this teach me. Yeah, this is yeah, definitely. Yeah, that's like that's why I got that notebook because I would just take mental notes of things that doesn't work. If you want to be a good Observer, you literally just have to always be in the mindset and I think I heard about this from Baldacci. There's this thing called Master Class. Yeah. I don't know if you're not well all these writers. Mmm. Well, there's other people but I just watched the writers they How to tell a story how to everything in all of them. Well that gee Dan Brown any other writer there they always say like have a notebook write down your ideas and if you see any of you start the day and you always have it in the back of your mind, you're like, okay, let me look at this in the way that maybe I can make a video or a funny Tick-Tock or for any snapchatter of it. If you start looking at everything like that then after a week the first few days is going to be a little forced but after a week you're suddenly going to connect the points and you're gonna to finally observe things in a way that you can make them funny. It just happens. If You observe it with through that lens wow that is okay, that is so good advice that is so good. Okay. I'm going to try to I'm going to try to I'm going to try that out yes. Oh, okay. So you're saying just a lie, even the most mundane and boring things observing them and trying to write them down in a way that is hilarious if they so it depends what your goal is if your goal is to beef you want to make a funny piece of content. That is that your goal. I don't know. I'm or you want to tell a funny story or you want to yeah, maybe maybe telling a funny story of maybe telling the telling the details of the story that it that it, you know, make some the people people like they are. Yeah, like they that they can I want them to imagine exactly what happened and I want them to feel the same emotions that I felt when I went through this ml when I experience this then you have to well that comes a bit more with You have to watch other people do the same thing and you have to watch other people kind of the bullet process. And then with that in the back of your head, then you come to a notebook and then you start writing down stuff. So you mean I should I should observe people that are able to tell stories well and then use their ways of Storytelling. Yeah, like there's all these comedians like David your big lie or something. I don't know. What his name is Mike Birbiglia that are just like Storyteller Comedians and they just tell story because some comedians are just I hear bla black joke joke, but there's some people who just show up and say a long story and the whole story is funny. But what I'm saying is so I take the notes because I want to make like a tick tock, you know, and I want to make a funny Tick-Tock or a funny Snapchat and I don't know how to think of things like no one can just sit in the room and then suddenly think of thing but then I see in the are in the world. I see like a guy dropped something or I see a guy This thing and then I see it through the lens of like I want to make a big dog. I see and then I write it down like okay this guy did this it was funny. I will do this in this other room if you know that is so that's what I mean. I understood understood. Wow, that is super super interesting. Thank you for that inside and I would love to maybe we will find time for another podcast to go deeper into the topic of Storytelling. Yeah, because I think that's a huge topic and I would love to learn more. About this and content creation is a lot about storytelling and especially I mean, okay Instagram, they all they call their little thingies that you upload stories. Yeah, and it's exactly that so with every piece of content that you put out there like with every snippet you are telling a story and yeah, if you're able to connect the dots perfectly, you know and tell a good story just successful in terms of people enjoying what you would you do and yeah, that is a huge topic. We love to get into yeah that I'm very very assume that definitely highly definitely catches all on the next episode. Yeah, we I don't have a name for this Pope has yet, maybe some like we created my fingers then pull something cme's yeah, I don't see em fcms creating abbreviations. Yeah. Abbreviations are good. I have no idea if this is kind of an anywhere where you can comment but if it does, please yeah, I can get us a name for the comment down below. I'll be like hey guys, I need advice. I want to know how to cook rice and I need to know how to remove my lice, you know? Okay. Well only combat the right. Wow, and on that note I would say this is going to be a wrap. Thank you for listening. Okay and get a wrap next time a rap because it rhymed rap. Okay, I'm gonna go and kill myself now these guys bye. Love you. I will have the last sound.
The perfect fairytail: Two strangers meet over the internet - love ensues. I met Bonjee in an online community focused on personal development and creating viral content we instantly clicked and after a few years we finally met up. This is this very magical moment and you can be part of our (in my opinion higly interesting) first real life conversation. Bonjee is a creator of finest comedic video content over the past few years his content went viral over and over again, using Snapchat as his main platform and very recently with almost 1 million views on TiKTok he keeps continuously growing his audience and is on his way to creating his very own recipe for virality. We dive into his journey, the fundamentals of becoming viral ,common mistakes as a creator, self improvement, dismissing your fear of talking to strangers, challanging yourself , 2hour long morning routines, how to hold your breath effortlessly for 4 minutes and much much more. Oh and did anybody say random beatbox session? Say no more fam. we got you covered. Get ready for a wild mix of conversational topics and virtually sit down next to us at our little coffee table! You might learn a thing or two.
Welcome to episode 5 of the canvas Casters in this episode. We take a journey with Chris Giles a canvas administrator at Beaverton School District in Beaverton, Oregon whether it is a journey across continents or a journey of learning Chris gives us some great insights. If you're a teacher using Canvas OR involved in the administrative side, Chris's big Three won't disappoint here. It is episode 5 with Chris Giles. Welcome to episode 5 of the canvas casters with Chris Giles a canvas administrator at Beaverton School District in Oregon. Beaverton is a public school district of nearly 41,000 students in 34 elementary schools. Eight middle schools six High School's five options schools and to Charter Schools. Schools had so many. All right. I know like it's baffling Chris facilitates canvas PD and use of digital platforms throughout the grades 6 through 12 Beaverton has approximately 20,000 students using canvas on a weekly basis hashtag canvas fam. Join us in welcoming Chris to the show. Let's go Chris now crops with yeah with those numbers. I was you need so And claps right? Thank and then we'll be good to go. That is incredible the 24,000. But yeah, that is Bonkers. It's insane guy is going to say a partridge in a pear tree when you get off the line exactly. That's what I was thinking in perfect. So right off the bat let's let's go right to the topic that everybody is is questioning, which is that Chris from Oregon right now Twitter username is at okay, that's beautiful. How does that happen? Open are you from Canada? Because people have questions no, I'm totally a hundred percent from Canada was born long time ago. And I'm from I'm from New Brunswick's I'm from the very far when people say Canada, especially this part of the country they all like, oh Vancouver like know about 3,500 miles east Toronto no way far, so I'm from like New Brunswick, which is right above Maine, you know, I'm not the farthest away, but I'm pretty darn far right you went to one side in North America to the other I did which is interesting because if I were to fly back home, I'd fly from Portland to Portland. Wicked I've always wanted to do that actually. Yes, my ten-year-old would be like, whoa, bro. That's that's your thing. Now everybody's bro. I'm like that's so much that's a lot of miles be racking up them Scott miles that have to drive to so it wouldn't be into Canada. Just put me in within driving distance. I'm right not only like Far Corners of North America, but you're also like super far south for some part of your life and leaving the country. So give us the background everything kind of outside of your educational career that led you up to now tell us a little bit about Chris. Well, I am from Canada obviously so and I went and I moved to Arizona to finish my education degree. So I went to Northern Arizona University and I taught in Phoenix at a title one school district for 15 years. So the same school different classrooms same school different grade levels, sixth grade junior high technology classes Ela Middle School Ela, and then it was probably around 2012. I was at school making photocopies and doing lesson plans. On Saturday my wedding anniversary when it just finally dawned on me. I can't do this anymore. So I called my wife and said this is my last year teaching and she's like cool and so I went about the rest of the year filling this great sense of relief like gosh, I'm not gonna teach next year and then I don't know what I'm going to do next year either anyways, but Dad be a little scary right? Like ask me like, what are you going to do? And my first answer was like I'd be a gardener day issue at this point. Those skills are being a gardener. Not a bad game submit my ghanian. the rest of your just knowing that feeling the relief and then a friend of mine and who is a mentor for a good part of my life in the district audit sent me a job description for a job in Brazil and I laughed at it as like there's no I want to go to Brazil to teach but I applied while I was on the train with my grandfather traveling to California and I heard back a week later asking for an interview and the director wanted to interview me and then so I'm having my interview and she's like, what does your wife do you and I like She's a teacher will put it on right now and like literally like Barbie sitting next to me and her jammies. I said, are you serious? She was no put on right now. So I literally turned the computer over because we're Skyping and she's like, okay Barbie tell me about yourself and so sure enough through that process. We were basically given a week to make up her decision about whether we wanted to go teach in Brazil and it basically came down to we can you live in America and pay bills or we can live in Brazil and pay bills. So we basically decided it's probably way better for our family to move Brazil solid. Yeah thought there for two years. I didn't I be School and then moved back from Arizona. We moved there with a two-year-old and a four-year-old and move back with my same two kids and plus my son was also born in Brazil. And then I spent two years working at the Arizona Department education supporting K-12 standards where I work with an amazing amazing group of people and then I was hired for this position specifically to move to Oregon. So we literally Came Here sign for house flew back home pack up the house drove over here all within seven days yeesh. That's incredible. It reminds me of my first King job which kind of a similar not a similar situation like that. That is this that's insane, but we were actually hired very similar to each other as far as getting teaching jobs in the same my hometown and then we had gotten married on Saturday moved on Sunday. And our first teacher day was that Monday? Yeah. So we had also did the craziness of just making decision and starting school immediately. It was it was an insane time so I can imagine adding kids to the mix you don't have time. Regret it. You're like, oh, we're sorry. We can't regret it. Now. We're on our way. So right it's just rip the Band-Aid right on. Yeah. Now before we get into the real business of talking a little bit about canvas. I need to know as a person who is a huge Oregon Ducks fan myself. There's a whole backstory to that that I'm not going to get into but just let it be known that I'm a huge Ducks fan as a person who lives in Oregon Chris ducks or Oregon State I got No, first answer would be I'm a Michigan Wolverines fan. That's true. I've been enough which won't get any Love From The Boilermaker and Hoosier business in this chat, but it will brain scan for a good product good part of my life. Now, is that because up in Canada? There's a bunch of those in real life. Yeah, probably, I'm sorry. Sorry and I have to say if I had to choose between beavers Ducks. I like ducks like the uniforms and I think their quarterbacks amazing. Absolutely a great quarterback the past few years. So so yes, I'm more of a duck fan. It beerus fan but Michigan, yes for sure miss skin even though they're not playing Amazing this year, right? Yeah. I actually mad respect for being a big fan of the Big 10 being out there and Pac-12 country so much respect Chris. I also noticed that you spent some time in Brazil tell us more about the time that you spent there. Like I said it was but 2012 was when I accepted a job down there. So my wife and I both moved down to Brazil their two-year-old and a four-year-old and 22 Check bags. Hmm time out. How does that work? Because I get really been out of shape when I have to like their way in my bags and they're checking. Yeah, hold on. Hold on 22 check bags times 50 bucks a pop. I don't know what Anna like an overseas flights 60 bucks a bottle. So we actually the rules have changed a little bit but back then it was back then 2012. We were able to have I think up to 10 check bags per ticket and So we actually end up buying 18 gallon Rubbermaid tubs used from someone who's selling them because they were going out of business. So we bought all these tubs for five bucks each and we packed what we need to take with us. So it mean kids kids clothes school clothes toys, which you know, you have a two-year-old a four-year-old. And so anyways, we put all that stuff in the plane. I pictures of Anna prove it and we went down there we taught for two years at an IB School so layers of instructions in English, but it's you know an IB School, so I taught NY p and p YP which basically means I They're pure IP technology teacher ages 3 to grade 5 and I was a 6th grade through 10th grade middle school and YP Design Technology teacher. So I taught sixth graders through 11th grade 10th graders. So in any given day or week, I had three year olds to 16 year olds coming to my class nice including my two little ones. I feel like moving from Brazil back to the US. I mean, what was that feeling like because I just have this in my mind that Brazil is just like this amazingly beautiful place. That's probably just based on TV. Yeah. What was that? Like was it were you excited? Were you anxious? I mean to pick up and go to Brazil's one thing to pick it all up two years later and come back as another thing. Yeah, and you are right Brazil is beautiful country it totally is but it's also intimidating. It's a, you know, go down there. We don't speaking we don't I don't speak any Portuguese her Spanish is far better than my ass my Spanish for sure, even though I spoke a little bit of French growing up in Canada. That doesn't help me in foreign country except for like Latin still doesn't help me when somebody speaking really fast, but it was so it was a challenge to live there. The first year was brutal the second year was much better, but we just had great people that we work with. We got to know a lot of people and moving back after two years. This is going to sound probably crazy and weird, but we spent the first few nights when we moved back to Arizona first. We went to QT quick trip and make sure we got big their spouses of dr. Pepper because they don't have any down there and then we spent a few days I would say it could have been two days or three days in a row going to Walmart and Walking up and down the aisle because there are now like in the land that is not something I thought no idea that was coming up. Yeah, it's quite amazing. We would just walk up and down Walmart aisles. It would just be like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. Wow, that is note that is never been said in the history of podcast. That is so crazy. I mean, I know people are going to bag on Walmart and stuff but I could have said it about tardy it could it could been any like massive store where it's all in one. It just Brazil is not Convenient design that way so yeah convenience and you have plus and minuses for both systems for sure a dr. Pepper and Walmart. That's so for the listeners at home. Here's what we need to do. You just have to understand that the best way to not be completely annoyed by the existence of Walmart is to leave the country for approximately two years. Then you come back and live it when it's refreshing convenient. That's awesome our Target and I knew whatever right? Yeah. I think teaching in Brazil was was manly eye-opening for myself for sure. I mean, I don't speak to my wife because she's a natural born teacher. So she's already caught like some mad skills, but for me teaching and an IB School was just mind-blowing because the philosophy is much different than a traditional then what I was used to as far as teaching so I felt like I grew a lot as far as teaching. I yeah, I just grew a lot as a teacher. So coming back to Arizona from that experience. I think really helped me Chris. Can you speak to a little bit you talked very early on about how like one day you are. It was your anniversary and you were making copies and it's like a weekend. Yeah, and you're just like, you know what I'm not going to teach anymore. So was it burn out like what caused you to mentally get to that point? So before this I was teaching at technology class to Junior High to middle school. So I had seven eighth graders and elective that come into my classroom every day every week. We did some amazing stuff like this was in like nineteen. This was like in 2005. I already had my students with their own digital portfolios. We were already doing video pot. Audio recordings audio recordings we're killing it then the crash happened and I lost that position and became a full-time Ela teacher which is fine, but it was it was very challenging because new curriculum the class sizes went up my last class in 2012. I had 47 students. Yay. Wow, 47 eighth graders. In fact, it became a competent it became a competition is to which of my colleagues would have the next student and have our class size go up by one or two because 47 students times that many desks in a classroom. Yeah where it was brutal. So how did you know? Yeah and just the area. I taught at required a lot more energy students came with it was a title one school. So Title One School District. So students came with a lot of I should say a lot of needs they came with needs that were probably different than maybe another school be that was kind of one and so it required a different energy level and then we no joke I had to write lesson plans. Which is fine. I write lessons plans anyways over page and a half each for every lesson plan for every day available to my administrators every day at any time. There was just other requirements that became super taxing in a space where I had four classes in my largest class is 47 and mentally I don't think I was I don't think I could handle any more. I think I was really getting stressed out and it wasn't so much the student. It wasn't, you know, I had a terrible pilot students by any means it was just simply it just became too much I couldn't do it anymore. And I'm glad you're sharing that story. I think it was important. I I was a little worried about asking it. I think there are so many other teachers in this profession that that feel the exact same way that I think that's part of the reason why Marcus do what we do as far as being you know, and and I think that's probably why you're doing what you're doing now, which is to support teachers when they feel that overwhelming sense of yeah, I don't want to do this anymore because it is Meaningful and there's there's something that eventually LED you to be an education. So what can we do to get that back? So thanks for sharing that appreciate you being honest with us and open it up on the yeah, I'll and I can appreciate you know, the the element that you know, everybody's got their sort of their Journey. You know, I certainly have had some experiences where I could say the similar sort of thing that Chris said in terms of you know, it wasn't the kids, you know, a lot of times that's the only Solace of sometimes being you know in education is that connection with with the students is the best part and sometimes that's the case and I definitely bad experience where that was the best part in everything else around it. As what was the most challenging we what we can see here for sure and we'd talk about this, you know, almost every episode just the journey that the path that you take through those years getting to a point where kind of find your spot find your Niche. It sounds like in Chris's case, it wasn't conventional and unconventional situations in classrooms, but then it was also you know Global, I mean he's a world traveler so you got a lot going on there Chris. I want to hear a little bit more about You're your current role there Beaverton. I work in a corporation of about 4,000 students and you're talking about over 40,000 students just the sheer number and how that looks and how that works on a day-to-day basis is just really daunting for me. Tell us a little bit about what your role is specifically in like what your things that you you tackle on a day-to-day basis. So I was hired specifically to be to come up here to Beaverton School District Two. Work with our campus roll out and basically help with implementation and they'd already kind of set up some of the support. They already had created an environment where we had a canvas facilitator at each building matter of fact extra first year. We had two or three people who are considered canvas facilitators who were basically support staff at each of those sites. And then I came along in my role was to help in any way possible make this a transition from teachers who've never used any ology from teachers have used a different LMS from teachers who from wherever they're at to basically getting our students and our teachers using this LMS and we're also a one to one school district grade 6 through 12. So you're talking to I think our stats are we deployed 30-some thousand devices if you conclude Chromebooks and iPads, so, you know, we give you a Chromebook now what basically out the LMS canvases was basically the glue kind of like, how are we going to get students and teachers? Is in the same space and make this work. So my first year I did a ton of professional Velma did two or three or even four sessions every day. I'm sorry every week after school and I would go into classrooms and work with teachers. I would go and just support staff with during staff meetings are I would say during lunch time or prep time. I've just this is when I'm coming in and so I did that every as much as I could possibly get my first two years. Last year things a little bit differently. I didn't have to go into classrooms as much instead. I could be more of a school-based like go in and and be available for schools. I still do trainings. How is there enough time in the day or in the week or in the month to be quite honest the Indian religious short answer would be there's obviously not enough time. Like I said when I first got here, they had a little bit of structure. They really had a chemist facilitator at each building. I had met them all but my goal was to basically meet all them and kind of form base. The team approach like how are we going to get our teachers on board? So it was I don't want to say it was a perfect trainer trainer model because it was not but it was definitely be working with staff in that role to help their staff. And so those individuals would be open to help their staff. They're teaching their most of our teachers so they can only help win a when they're not necessary teaching and then I did a lot of Afterschool PD like hey, I'm doing a session at site a from 3 to 4, you know sign up and come to the PD, so I did tons of Tons of PD everyday know that didn't hit every single staff member of buddy hit a lot and enough to get I guess you could say get the ball rolling. Basically, it's just constant. Like I just it was just constant constant connecting with people making relationships with people. It just sounds to me like you really in a case like that, you know speaking to the large, you know, the expanse of your corporation like you really are depending upon reaching out to building level leaders teachers in the classroom. Those that have been Sort of assigned as facilitators and even those that aren't basically you need teacher leaders at every building to be your you know, your Posse. Basically, it's not only teachers. Can you tell Chris about how coaching roles we can you know support with administrators and how that works with their teachers, but unless you have bought an administrators, you could really kind of fail at this job. So did you have was everyone on board? Well, first of all, there's no No way in this planet, we would be where we're at without amazing people. I mean I every person is probably going to say the same thing and I can say that with confidence that we had the facilitators in each building that and mind you before I got hired. They had done a little bit of training that summer had introduced it to the whole staff probably in the spring. So this is happening before I got hired and so there really wasn't like quote anybody who was an expert there were teachers who were I believe part of a pilot and there were teachers who were like, Individually or independently using canvas just like there are teachers using Google classroom or using schoology or Edmodo. So when I was hired on thankfully some of that support staff is already there. I had I made my absolute hundred percent goal to make sure that I worked extremely close with it, like made them my best friends and that was based on my experience at the part of Education. Arizona was I wasn't going to be successful unless I had it in my corner and not just like support but like we're teaming up. To go into the whole administrative and that big question. So first of all canvas is not mandated. So our school district teachers do not have to use canvas when it was first rolled out. So that in itself is freeing but also kind of a barrier right an administrator or principal at a building couldn't tell his their staff. Hey, you have to use canvas because again, it wasn't necessarily A District set mandate again that brought freedom to people to make the choice, but it also kind of created an extra layer of challenge for me and for people who I work with to say We want you to use this and then question is well, why are the question was? How long is this going to be here for so there I will say there was probably administrators including my boss who is an amazing person. He was on board because he quite honestly when you hired me and they were probably some individual individual administrators who are like, yeah, I can get behind us but no one said let's get going. Nobody said I don't believe anybody administrative. So I went and said hey we're a hundred percent is we're going forward. We're moving forward. Nothing was more like a I guess you'd call a Grassroots effort. As that grassroot effort started you are a key element in the adoption and roll out. We know of canvas there at Beaverton. What advice would you give others because I'm currently right now in the midst of adopting canvas and we're in a pilot program transitioning from obviously another LMS to Canvas. What are some tips and advice you would give to those that are kind of in the thick of it right now getting started. I think if I could speak from like my position meaning I got to work with it. I get to work with I've a great relationships with our chief technology officer and other colleagues. So from that point of view when you're trying to convince or convey a message as to we should be using this product, I think starting with why you've probably heard it a hundred times starting with why and I was not an expert with us. It's really quite honestly, I'm still learning if I had to stand in front of some staff and say Hey, listen, we're going to choose this tool. We went through an RFP. We're going to use this tool in the the most question will be about why I think coming from it from a point of view of we want to give our students the best student experience that they can receive in a K-12 experience. I feel like something that's similar to their entire Twitter grade 12 or 12th grade progression is if I'm a given a tool a digital tool as a kindergarten 1st grader all at 12th grade help me interact with this tool helped me become a learner help me be able to contribute help me do all these things as a student and I think one of the Slaves to sell the idea of an LMS is it's something that will give our students a similar student experience last year a person who Jim Newton to guy I work with he's an it. He made a statement he goes. Well, what is the Beaverton student experience and I kind of we all kind of looked at them and basically from that kind of devise, you know, we give our students six through 12 of Chromebook and we say here you go. Well, that's all we do. What is their experience going to be it is going to be so vastly different amongst every class a visit. Every school if it's now on the one hand, that's okay. I'm not saying that every student in school experience should be the exact same if we're giving you a Chromebook to have an experience of learning to be successful. What does that mean? And then this year? I feel like I took it a step further. And so Under the Umbrella of the student experience. Well, how do we create a space where we have a summer student experience? So going back to your question? How do we help people kind of move towards getting an LMS? Well, I feel like let's give her to our students a tool that will help them have a similar student experience in the classrooms. They visit in in the We'll see move through so that we can help them be successful through their care entire K-12 career because reality is when you graduate from high school and you choose to go to college or a technical school. You will encounter an LMS of some sort. So let's get you set up for living and breathing and working in a digital experience know I love that. That's the exact approach we're taking I was so it was so refreshing to hear you say that because that is what we are trying to accomplish with the rollout, which is they're going to encounter some sort. Sort of of LMS or some sort of customer management system and we want it to look exactly like or we want them to be familiar with the tools inside of this thing so that they're successful not only in their in their trade and then their job, but also on that other end that basically they have to prepare for so I love that so I would say that would be for my big picture if I were to go smaller picture working with actual individual teachers. Let's try to give our students a tool that will help them be successful and create a similar student experience. It's really hard to argue. I feel against wanting to Set our students up for success by using a common tool. I think it's hard to argue against that absolutely and a good friend of mine. Rebecca had pointed it out to me two years ago. She she had basically said once solid way of getting our teachers on board is to go at go after their heart which is to the student. That's a really good stuff. I want I have to ask the tough questions here. So we are we talk one of the regular parts of the podcast is to talk about know our failure moments for some of us like me it's hard to pick one. Because there are so many but we embrace it we embrace, you know, the learning that comes from that and we feel like the best way to model that is just to always ask our guests that same question. So Chris give us one of your fail moments in education the first of all smiling and laughing because when I listed the cone is when she was on the podcast with you first of all, she's amazing. So, yes, she was able to answer this question with such Grace that I was like, holy crap. How am I going to even top that? Not going to try to top it but I will say two things real quickly. So one I felt like her response which is about relationships like changing your mindset on the relationships with students was much more important. I think that's what I felt like she was saying so on the one hand I will say my greatest quote failure and greatest bounce back with learning that I don't necessarily not here to just make my kids listen and sit and learn I'm here to build relationships with them so that when that kind of took place in mind you that was over a span of some years that was probably my greatest failing forward moment, which is basically learning that but in my role here currently, I'm not going to say I don't have any failure moment because there's probably who are listen to me who like, oh my gosh this that's not true. So I instead I just I felt like I wanted to call it a growing moment instead of a failure mode because I am having a hard time picking one, but my growing moment here in my position was learning that when I was sitting in a in a training at the very beginning when I first was hired and we had a trainer here and he was Some training he's doing a great job and one of the teachers raised her hand and said so what does canvas look like just in everyday life of a teacher and I don't remember the response, but I think I remember them possibly struggling I struggled and so that was like the first few months I was here and this is your 4 and I still think about that question. And the reason why I'm calling this my growing moment is because my first year I spent a lot of time going through cameras one-to-one 201 and 301 with teachers. I offer these sessions all over the place. Are we going to learn 101 do this is we're going to learn. Earn and then 201 we're going to step it up and do assignments. And it's 3 or 3/1 do modules second year is when it finally dawned on me. That doesn't answer the question. What does canvas looks like in the day of life and teacher and I had a really completely a hundred percent revamp my teaching of how I was going to get teachers to use canvas my second year and so basically re-evaluated it and talking with my with my really good colleague Paul ottoman. Basically, it came down to I'm going to teach teachers how to use canvas in 3 steps and I'm going to promise them in 15 minutes. They're going to become the canvas ninja and Pretty much was my growing moment, which was now I can actually officially answer that question. How is canvas using the day of like a teacher? I can answer that really great solid evidence of how this can be used in your classroom. And then from there we've reduced this whole stress about canvas and how do I use it to the point where you're using it and in 15 minutes, you can walk away from here and tomorrow morning in your classroom. You can use it and you can feel confident. So I think that's my growing moment. I guess if that's I can call it that listen. Tonight I taught English high school English for 15 years. So anytime somebody can you know manipulate the language a little bit and use some words there. I dig it. I like that a lot. And I love that. The moment was a bunch of moments, you know, it was it was a it was a span of time coming to a realization but that realization is amazing and that's something I think everybody that's listening from you know classroom teachers K through 12 instructional coach Tech coach. Tech directors adding everybody can latch onto that which is really awesome. So it definitely shows your you know, your introspection which we all have to be able to do. I love Chris that you can speak to what canvas looks like in an everyday situation and you said like that question, you know really impacted you so it's your turn you get to tell us now what canvas looks like on a day-to-day basis, but giving us your big three we calling it The Big Three. We're probably going to change the name it. A point but right now it's the big three. These are your three go to tips tricks for the canvas Community again. I'm the Newbie Marcus has been in the game a little while. So you probably know some of these but I just this is when I just get to sit back and take notes. So it's your turn tell us all the great stuff that you can do in canvas that you love. I have to give you like to list quickly not just one because because of my position my unique position of being able to be somebody who's quote administrator who has to overlook things and deal with stuff and that and Then also been a classroom teacher and have also taught online. I was an adjunct for a Grand Canyon versity. So with that being said, I feel like I have the experience to bring into this question two different lists your kind of like my position where you're working to support staff you're working with it. I think your first thing is you need to connect with people. I made it my goal to connect with with every possible canvas person in my position that I could connect with within reason, so I was connecting with people from Howard County. Ernie Joelle and Anna Hart County Neil out of out of Clark County out of Vegas. I was connecting with Broward County Orange County Brad out of Blue Valley. So I made it my goal to connect with people have video chats with them ask them how to do things and ask them for help. So that was my biggest takeaway is reach out our connect with people and my second one in my position is if you're going to do a roll out and you're going to work with teachers start simple, if you really want teachers to kill it their first year with canvas with the most bang for the least amount of energy possible. Tell him how to use a calendar dust is it like just canvas calendar and you can answer what's due when it's due and how do I find it in one space? So that's a big thing is start simple. Like don't go down modules don't go down assignments. It's all going to happen. But I feel like you just need to have it. You need a teacher build a walk away the next day and go how do I use canvas? Oh, yeah. I can just put in an agenda. Here's my gender for the day it answers what we're doing. How do I find it? And what's going on boom? And then my third thing would be making sure you have Tier 1 support if you're a district of my Sighs or anything of even more than by 10,000 like if you don't have Tier 1 support, what are you doing to yourself? Because you cannot possibly pay a person to be available 24 hours a day 365 the price that we pay for tier one. That's my top three as far as people who are in my position and we've had we've had the support with our pilot program that we're doing. Yeah, and it's phenomenal. Yeah, I do have I do have a I do have a tech admin in the building that looks at me a little funny their former Tech and now it's teacher but she looks at me and she goes that's not Eddie. That is not how you use it. They're going to stop and I go no that is exactly like they've told me anything we need. Yeah, we just continue to ask my God my like I train my teachers you got a question that you think is Google able you check support and you send a you know, and if you feel like it's an emergency click that it's an emergency now then so when she freaks out, you know that not everything is an emergency and I'm like if you're a teacher and you got 30 kids in the class and you can't move on to the next thing that's an emergency. Absolutely. Yeah, and a good thing is we don't have to judge that like That is not for me to say you click the button and go just it right just do it. Right right. So and then I shout out to them because they are phenomenal. I asked them the harder questions the questions that sometimes it can answer because I'm coming from an administrative point of view where a teacher my ass different implementation questions. But again P big big huge help and as far as like if I could say three things for being a teacher or at least in this position as using your day, very classroom. I would say definitely the one is connect like, you know code had mentioned the community. I mentioned I say the It is well, I definitely say try to get into the community, but don't be afraid to go on Twitter and ask for help because there's a lot of help out there again. Use Tier 1 if you have your school district acid and then number three, I think you should be honest with your students and yourself. You don't know everything when it comes to Canvas. I feel like I probably know 25% of canvas really. Well, I feel like I know 2.5% Yeah. Yeah, right. And and so I feel like as it I have to be willing to say I don't know. Yes, so I just and you have to it. It's okay. I think it's totally fine. I think that I salute our are going to love us anyways, if we don't know something. Yep. So in the realm of Lis who should people follow on social media who are some people that have inspired you as you went through this journey some of our canvas listeners out. There are even some some tech leaders or teacher leaders out there that are just looking for people to follow on social media who we recommend and I don't know anybody's Twitter handle, but I mean, like I said, I connect with Joe Allen out of Howard County and Neal. Clark County and of Vegas, and I know that it'll probably on Twitter but they're fantastic but it starts Twitter getting Williams. So it's at getting Williams. He's from the Netherlands and the reason why I kept it with him is because here's a here's a guy who's doing something. He canvassed in Europe and I'm like, what are you doing? And how are you doing it and he's amazing. I've been able to chat with him. Like video chat. The other person is Brad Moser out of Blue Valley. He makes me want to be like him. Basically, it's hard to say that and my friend my friend Brent a Warner who teaches in California community. College she works with I believe he works with English language students and I want to pigeonhole him but he's pretty amazing because he's not a canvas administrator like me. He is a teacher who's using it and he's got a lot of feedback and I love talking to him and then of course our good friend of mine who I actually work with Rebecca Larson. She's one of our chemists facilitators and also teacher at Sunset and so hers is at Sunset Larson and then finally a new person I just met and I'm not going to pronounce her last name because I will mispronounce it probably but her name is first name is Laura and I am she's in a Mesa. Other schools in Phoenix and she is doing amazing things as well. And then there's probably 500 other people that I can add to this list. So what is do you have Laura's Twitter handle? Yes, I do. So Laura's Twitter handle is to me at Laura. So la Ura mme. E-w. Oh Jo. She does a lot more on Instagram than per se Twitter. That's actually where I connected with her quite honestly, most people who I've connected with on Twitter or somehow out of someplace. I really try to make sure I get a chance to video chat with them and Connect with them and ask questions and just talk very cool. So we know how to find you on Twitter. Is there any other platform that you are active on that? Our followers can give you a follow Instagram? It's the same. It's the same handle. Okay, tweet it Instagram. Okay, Mark. We're really good. We're really good. Yeah, that's what that is. That what that's no shame is what that is called. Shame no shame in the game now. So yeah, definitely. I mean I'm onion skin, but mostly it's my life and my family's but what we do at work too and then probably the canvas Community as well. I'm not near as activists Kona or as as much as I'd like to be and make sure you give a lot of love to your CSM. If you have one like we have a CSM or customer service manager and hours name is Jana and she's amazing. So if you're a district that's going to adopt canvas. You'll probably get a CSM, but make sure you give a lot of love and support to them because Their job is mind-blowing and our CSM is amazing. I feel the same way. Our CSM is Jordan. Yeah, and that dude. It's like anything I need he's on it. And even when we even we use the Tier 1 support, like I don't know if he gets follow-ups on that but he's like hey, I saw some emails come through like let me know what you need. Yep, and it's incredible. So it's like we always talk about like everybody in the community is super helpful and the kind of wrap you around in the support blanket and say everything's going to be fine when you're Hang out at like 3:00 a.m. And like I don't know how this is gonna happen. Yeah and Jordan and Joe are Jordan comers, he's been amazing like that guy. I don't know how he does. Like you said. I don't know how these people do it because they're eat sleep with indecently invis. Yeah, I don't think it really makes no way. There's no way they did. Yeah. Okay. Oh, sorry. We're not doing that anymore. No, well Chris on behalf of canvas casters myself and Eddie. We want to thank you so much for your time. It's been a really insightful. Conversation can't wait for everybody to hear this episode. And remember we don't work for canvas canvas works for us Eddie, and I want to thank some of our latest Twitter followers and fans of the podcast. Mr. Clink at VA teacher 32 from Virginia Joe Wakeman at Wakeman Joe in Nevada. Oddvar breca at oddvar underscore breca in Norway Francis Quirk at Francis quirk in London, England and Morgado @viki Morgado one in Ontario Canada, welcome to the canvas fam.
Welcome to The Canvascasters Podcast. In this episode, Chris Giles (@ohcanadatweet .... OH CANADA!) joins us from Beaverton, Oregon! A Canvas Administrator at Beaverton School District in Oregon. Beaverton is a public school district of nearly 41,000 students in 34 elementary schools, 8 middle schools, 6 high schools, 5 Option schools, and 2 Charter schools! Chris facilitates Canvas professional development and facilitates the use of other digital platforms for grades 6-12 specifically. Beaverton has approximately 20,000 students using Canvas on a weekly basis. Chris has a unique voice to share through his educational journey and offers a different perspective as an Admin at such a large district. In this episode we discuss: • His brief exit from the classroom, moving to Brazil, and working with the Department of Ed in Arizona. • What Canvas looks like in an everyday classroom. • Setting students and teachers up for consistency and success in an LMS. • Our love for Tier 1 support through Canvas & our CSM's! Those that have inspired Mr. Giles through his educational journey: gideonwilliams @gideonwilliams Brad Moser @bmos Brent Warner @BrentGWarner Rebecca Larson @SunsetLarson Laura Wojciechowicz @lauramaewojo A special thanks to all our listeners and recent followers of the podcast. Mr. Klink @VAteacher32 Joe Wakeman @wakemanjoe  Oddvar Brekke @oddvar_brekke  Frances Quirke @francesquirke  Vickie Morgado @vickiemorgado1
Welcome to my life to the supplied episode 290. We are the beginning of the month of Tavis the week of parcels via he the last portion Torah portion this first book of Genesis of voracious this week. Tuesday will also be sort of at Avis. Which is one of the four fastest prescribed in the Tate internship excitement Tanakh? So let's begin with that but above all let's begin with what the dedication of this program dedicated in honor of the twin newborns. Leia tiferet, I'm sorry. The Moon is Sarah and the boy who has not yet been named children of later ferritin pace of Benjamin and great-grandchildren of proud grandparents Phillip and Nancy Namo worth the born on Shabbos six night of Hanukkah. Rosh chodesh Davis mesh and bless them to grow up healthy the Torah and mitzvot sank Miller's hasad. So being that sort of at Avis is this Tuesday? Let's begin with that and then we'll move over to you by he and I have a whole array of interesting and fascinating topics to discuss in this episode. So I sort of at Avis is as I mentioned the first of four task connected to the base. I'm English the home base Amigos and I sort of at Avis the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar said surrounded the bay spice addition surrounded the city that you shall I'm muttered which is a basically he surrounded the city. It was the beginning of unfortunately with become the end with the destruction months later. Ultimately breached the wall of Jerusalem. Then finally that's on the 17th of tammuz, which is again a fast day and then finally on Tisha b'av was the actual destruction of the base. I'm English. This happened the first temple. So all these three days are marked with fast days as the as halacha sites from the tsukemen the beam and the rambam, of course in Texas tiniest. And each of these fascists are all stages in this destruction. Now an interesting thing the rebel brings about celibate Tavis, which is different than the others. We know in Tisha b'av with the 17th of tammuz the 9th of all fall on Shabbos, which happens the Shabbos is dirty. Shop is open supersedes over the faster if I started but tables would fall on a Shabbos. It doesn't and that's one of the reasons that come when they created the calendar made sure that you shouldn't but if it would fall in the shop is says David Aram it would be day for Shabbos meaning it would we would fast on a shop? It's like we do on Yom Kippur. We derive that from the fact that it says bad sir my a mezuzah on the 10th of Tavis and as similar to what it says add some am Isaiah and Yom Kippur so obvious question. Is tissue Bob seems to be the most strictest faster actually the 24 or 25 hour fast that begins the night before I started but Davis is a fast that begins in them and Dawn or the morning and Tisha b'av seems to be the biggest issue which is the actual destruction of the temple. So, why would a celibate Avis had such power that it's more powerful than even sharpest to the extent like him keep even tissue of doesn't have that. And the ribbon a fascinating explanation and as an aside, I should mention when the rebbe after the heart attack that the river hadn't option Lama testimony at Sarah's so one of the things many things that have been added and increased in his own work and his own teaching of Toyota was one of the things was he renewed the custom of dividend Confucian. This means work saying words of inspiration and saying words that are relevant to a fast day. So the level began that I sort of the tape is that your tour summer class both at night. Night and the day he said to break physician with a minor. So one of the things that I've explained and also in subsequent years that the power of a sudden but Avis is because there's two ways to see a problem. You see the problem when you finally the full-blown symptoms of the issue begin to affect us or you wait, your you look at the root of where it begins whatever happened on the 9th of all of which was the destruction of the best musicians one of those Lon did not begin that day. When did it begin it began a sort of at Avis the surrounding and the and the content and the seat see The Siege of Jerusalem began months and months earlier some say it's even years earlier. And that was the beginning that would lead to what would happened that so whenever you have a problem you don't begin to solve the problem when the problems are ready or full-blown are about to be destroyed. You want to nip it in the bud. So I sort of at Avis had that not happened. The rest wouldn't have happened that's on a very physical. What's the spiritual significance it this Siege of Jerusalem represents the siege of the walls that protect the city. The reason we make different economies common make different the kree's different stringencies different things to be careful of is because it says, what's a bigger God do they get them when you see an open field you create a fence to make sure nobody trespasses. You don't wait. Will they till they come to your house will come to your direct property create a fence around that's the whole idea of homeless and different stringencies to protect. They shouldn't even come to a problem which psychologically and emotionally is a very simple thing. You don't have to wait to this a problem. For example, the physical body also has a wall around it and they'll say that's the skin and the outer layers the here that when any type of bacteria Full upon the body that here and the skin and the outer layers protect you from God forbid from infection. If the body is not protected infection can enter into the more sensitive and internal organs and creates Havoc. So everything needs I wall around it, whether it's a psychological or emotional or physical or spiritual wall that wall is meant to be like a barrier that protects from toxins and from all kinds of negative forces. So I start a bit too. His honors the protection of the outer wall or not. The way God forbid till infection enters, which really be 17th of tammuz, which is The breach of the wall and then and three weeks later Tisha b'av the destruction of the base. I'm English. So you as soon as it's besieged, you know, there's an issue and had the Jews done shuva at the time had they corrected their ways the seeds would have been over and they've never been breached and would never have been ultimately the destruction. So in the case of the second temple, we talk about Sin as hinnom spaceless hatred you don't wait till the consequences begin to manifest. You nip it in the butt and you nip it in the bud that way then rest of it will not be like exactly in health type of pre-emptive preventive action. That doesn't allow that right when you see a seed you see a little something is already weakened. You don't wait till it escalates until and then and grows into a monster but you dip it immediately. That's a sort of potatoes. and the Mozart which means that the per summer bother Miller bubble some of them are both in other words for besieging some has an interesting word also means to support some are combined to besiege to lean on but it can also mean to support and when you transform the summer of Siege to the summer of support that becomes the most powerful day in that sense and that's why it's more powerful than Shabbos because it's the beginning of all the challenges and when you fix it there you make sure that the other Choose only even arise in the first place which of course is the healthiest approach in life is not to wait till the city Falls and not to wait till the walls fall not to wait till it gets even worse. But as soon as you see some type of challenge something that questions or some way weakens, even on a small scale you immediately address it. It's one of the lessons of a sort of Actavis in our personal lives. One of the questions that came in which of course fits right here is how is one supposed to spend a fast day according to Exodus people get very hungry. So they often try to distract themselves by watching films or going to sleep that doesn't seem very spiritual and not what was intended. Yes. You can definitely say that and but even if it's not done something something but is not appropriate in general. How do you really supposed to do in a fast day? So let's go back for a moment. Why do we fasten the first place? I'm bummed right Sandhills tiniest the laws of fasting the reason we fast and the reason we honor these days is because when a catastrophe or any tragedy only negative thing happens to an individual or Community, it's insensitive and even cruel I was odious he calls the word to to be apathetic and say a just happened. Let's move on. So it's really a study and an exercise in introspection and soul-searching and one of the ways we Soul search in the Serious ways we fast we break our routine. Usually we have our routine. We eat are three meals or whatever amount of meals we eat here. It's meant to bring your attention to it. And one of the ways to bring attention is yes that you are looking hard inside yourself and when you're doing that you don't get distracted by meals or other type of activities like that. In addition fasting is also a form of self Affliction because it's painful and depriving but it's depriving in order to grow through it not deprive just a deprived so fast. Is one of the ways that same so then let's look at what's the purpose of this time is not just a fast in order to fast. It's an order to fast in order to make you aware which in other words is what these days are called as the rebel always emphasizes on these these in the toxic delivered on Fast days. It's a case of Datsun a slots on a sham. It is it's a desirable time is a desirable time. It's a fast day for negative things that happened. It's a desirable time. Yes, because it's a window of opportunity. A window opens up and one of the ways we recognize that is by paying attention taking it. Seriously including yes refraining from Material food that's on the server Tavis and Yom Kippur, of course, it has its own purpose, which we're not going to discuss here. So it's about introspection. And that's the way that they should be used a day of a little more seriousness. So they have looking at the causes and the roots of our problems as opposed to the problems themselves. How can we improve our ways? How can we mend? The word mending a breach Bridges and happy about amending a be sieging the besieging of your territory your intimate place your home your family. When it's under siege, it could be under siege by the internet. They could be under siege by psychological effects to be under siege by abuse could be under siege by a lack of proper behavior in the home. Just giving it as an example of how this would manifest. So this is a day to look into that. That's the way to look at it not to distract ourselves with doing other things to just get over the fast. There's a reason there's a fast the fastest meant to get your attention. And to get your attention right where it hurts and sense and I mean hurts in the sense to cause pain but right where it affects you we're really feel you feel it. And that's when you don't need you feel it. You sure we're so to stop right there just with the refraining from eating the goal. Is that that should wake you up to think about your life where you where are you now in context of the balsamic - we all are a silly myth has Richard Conte be safe from God said build for me a temple and I will rest among you which means beset called ethic has with Each and and man and woman saw each man woman and child Soul. They're supposed to be a Michigan and big - so we honor and the tenth of Tavis when that means us which was in the city and that city is deceived. We have to look at our own mikdash what's going on with your inner Temple what forces are so-called attacking and and laying Siege to your inner sanctum and what can you do about it? That's what we're supposed to be focusing on. On a sort of potatoes and that's why we actually extra prayers and the other things that we are involved in. Of course, the whole goal of it is as that album concludes. The laws of Tiny's you have courier-mail the sustenance in column to the made him Tavian. This is also from the verse in Scalia in the profits that talk about the fast that these days will ultimately be transformed. To the holiday yum yum table made them the same which means the holidays and to joyous occasions. Why because the purpose of all these concealments all these challenges is not to be an end in itself. Even if we overcome all the challenges Monsieur Angela come that doesn't mean this all goes away because everything has to be transformed. So even the negative the some of my little bubble and the negative becomes some Camilla bubble in the positive. So everything is not just not just me. Go back to square one. We use the negative energy. We use the challenges to be a catalyst for growth. That's the lessons of a sort of potatoes and how we use a fast day. It's also a passerby your key and very interestingly begins with a real Paradox. We know that Yakov is life was not easy life from pregnancy, even he was already struggling with his twin brother asaph then of course as they got older to the point he had to escape and he ran off to went off to Harem as parents instructions built this family and very just went from there where they say from the friar from Frying pan to the fire and he and he dealt with love and the devious Uncle of his Lovin. Then after that he thinks he can really live in peace another 20 years past he comes back and wants to live in peace and no cops are love roses Shield yousuf yousuf is disappears in thinking that asaph already had was killed. And that's another 22 years and then finally reconciled the Ace of the final years of his life the last 17 years of the life begin in this week's chapter by he yaakov. That's where he lives far as the son is 17 years. Weekly. Yahushua the sun emits rhyme. These are the best years of his life. Shiva is Shawna is a commodious as The Ballot or him of the word Tafe tave good is the Gematria the same numerical equivalent of the world of of 17? So that's why because these were this best years as that summer said it to the alter rebbe the best years and it's I'm he has because that's where he transformed Darkness into light. Now, of course, we'd all of the living light and we'd all love to live in bless and Bliss and with happy moments. But as long as there's a goalless as long as they're suffering as long as there's a symptom Irish are concealment of the Divine side became sensitive and they know there are very the continues in this world to Natchez battle but to transform the darkness into the light and there was a taste of those 17 years afterwards, it would get a lot worse after the active and all the shrubs in passed away of course by Akamai. Others next week's chapter a new king either a physically new king or it like this or conveniently new king forgot Community what happened all the good that was done to him, but those 17 years and you can say it's part of the preparation Was preparing even a nervous audits in a decadent land and a debased culture that they're there was Taylor remember you who that stablished a Yeshiva mitzrayim and gatien and Jakob. Is there together with his entire family? So relatively speaking in those 17 years were the best of his years which emphasized the same point. I was talking about with the fast days and perhaps as the connection between our sort of potatoes and vehicie that sometimes the darkest things when you transformed you have the greatest light greatest power and that's indeed the whole purpose of Creation in the elements of the antioxidants explains as Delta B says and Tanya, it's all Gilliam in chapter 36 and therefore it's all revelation. It's only in this world in this lowliest of world a world that where the Divine is completely concealed to the point that it's morally Clippers who said that are not just its concealed and it's natural and it's neutral. But there's actually a world filled with negative forces. After their successfully there, we have the power to transform it. And when we do you sooner - hey, shh the light then it either comes out of the darkness is infinitely greater than light that is just initially light and that theme of one of the themes of I-80 and I read after I he he active lives and we know that this chapter talks also about his passing but the word mess death is not mentioned the a Covino lime Sy because Mars is a terrible crime. Will become his children alive so too. Is he alive even in its, right? And that of course there's a lesson for all generations that when you connect to what really matters to the Divine and of The siddiqa Mobile Generation to the level of a generation, even we go through darkest moments. There's something that lives on and that living on is in our hands to continue to perpetuate the teachings and the and the directives and live by them in our personal lives, which of course continues the theme I discussed last weekend about the habeas it Tavis, but let us not stop all stop with that. On this topic and we'll move on to the next topic but as cross-references go obviously I've spoken about this topic more than once. So I'll refer you to episodes 95 145 194 240. These all can be found at siddha and website filled with an array of resources of planks. It has to life many types including of course all the previous episodes. You have a form there to submit an anonymous question totally anonymous. As well as all the essays thousands of s is that have been written in the last five years by people from all walks of life from all backgrounds. Essays applying Exodus to life. Next question which actually came in today, but since it's timely I chose to read it March against anti-semitism. What should our attitude be to the March taking place today against anti-Semitism. What would the rebels opinion be and what should our attitude to be this March? When it's a March against anti-Semitism, but it's organized by UJ a and the reform movement to invite Al Sharpton to give the keynote speech at their annual dinner. Okay. So this question can be split into several parts. First of all, what about a March in general? Let's say there was no Al Sharpton involved. So the rib is attitude these type of matters generally speaking when it came to for example Soviet Union demonstration, there was adamantly against it because you knew the Russia and you know how they behaved and how they would react to these demonstrations. However, this of course does not go into that category. We're talking about a demonstration. So my understanding is obviously the rebel always look for Plymouth Deacon more internal and more more of the deepest way. You can have impact which means of course talking to officials political connections Now demonstration if it helps because it brings awareness and puts pressure most likely and I can't speak for the web. But if it has that benefit great, but unfortunately many of these demonstrations and events become. Case for people just to just to celebrate themselves and honor themselves as more of a PR opportunity a photo-op. However, again, even if it may be that but it does help create attention and awareness. So I can't again I'm not going to say that every will endorse every March but in some instances, you can see a benefit to that because it's part of a whole plan which means there's follow-up meeting the politicians meeting the police meeting the law enforcers meeting all the powers that be Do something to protect the Jewish people especially doing to the dealing with the recent attacks. That unfortunately, so in that sense, we're not going to go over the full endorsement that yes, you must go to Every March and so on but if a March especially if there's a respectable presence of people who are attending and can help. How could we negate that? Regardless of a said the intentions and just mentioning it not because I'm throwing any aspirations on the intentions of those organizing it but let's be realistic. We just want to keep everything in context and make sure that the focus is above all on the goals and that there's a follow-up and it's part of a larger strategy as far as Al Sharpton or other such people. Obviously the hypocrisy is quite obvious and that just under underscores and undermines actually The credibility of such a March but Don't want to come out and say that a March not being supported because they are honoring sharp and other places because so no one no one's perfect. And therefore if the March has an impact, yes, but if the March again is advancing a liberal cause or a cause that does not really benefit. It's just again just to be a stage to have people just Express themselves in order for them to be more prominent in the news that throws a lot of cold water on the whole idea and you see I'm being not black and white on this for intentionally reasons because again, I don't want to be the one that says no absolutely not if it could be a benefit some things you can Overlook now if they really wanted the credibility remember this definitely different opinions on who should be leading such marches and whose political opinions we can respect the best is obviously to create a consensus that it shouldn't be seen as political shouldn't be seen as one group or another group, but I don't know how realistic that is. I repeat and some up again. If it's one piece of a whole puzzle that's helping get attention and helping actually change policies and increase security and increase pre-emptive measures including education, which of course is the long-term measure and other measures that will help then we have to look at it as a bigger picture instead of it just one specific thing. If this is the only thing that's done and it's only a photo op and nothing else is done then obviously the whole thing is really actually undermines. Because it's like just seen as okay. Let's all get together. Make sure that we are seen on television. We're seeing that we're saying something and we're not just being quiet but then obviously the foods that help if nothing follows up. That's why the pressure has to be put on both elements. I'm not going to come to a conclusion whether this March is actually part of that type of strategy. I hope it is we're scenario. It's not so then you know, it's another sad chapter that is just about people exploiting tragedy for their own gain instead of it becoming really are true Catalyst for Solutions and answers to our issues I will be following up with more little later about what we discussed last week about attacks on the Jewish people. But one question I do want to address right here is about why doesn't Judaism focus on self defense bearing weapons and other methods of protecting ourselves. The down the way someone wrote it was this why didn't you deism ever focus on something from the second Corbin until the modern state of Israel and even then it wasn't really a religious thing in other words during modern-day state of Israel. Of course, there's the IDF. There's that's how this Israeli Defense Forces Army. So clearly there's an entire Army which is an Exon Army and protecting. But even that this question is asked we don't see it as a religious thing. So with that said let me first of all in this disagree who says we don't focus when neck of a venal prepared to meet Ace of his archenemy. He prepared three ways. He prayed he prepared for war and he prepared a bribe to appease him. Thank God the bribe and the appeasement and the prayer worked. He didn't need to go to war. Jews have always been prudent. We don't look at it from one perspective. We never saw War alone being we're not worries were alone was not the solution. We always knew that the main battle is a spiritual one. Meaning that we have the fortitude. We stand up for our values. We don't back down but obviously you use all measures and the third talks about what kinds of hello Chris went to go toward defensive War Thomas Mitzvah more. Come on soos. And obviously in a smaller scale to have protection whether it's in the community. So the idea the concept and stand it comes from a certain stereotype that includes the Jews going to the Sheep like sheep to the slaughter by the Holocaust but the fact is Jews are docile people. Yes. We are a peaceful people with war is for us abhorrent, but does not mean that we don't use it when necessary as last resort when it comes to situations like now with Jews are under attack communities absolutely specials schools and other should have security doesn't have to be in a panicky way. Could be done in a more discreet way, but they should have security. There should have arms whatever is necessary to protect innocent people. It's not just we just say till so that's the most important thing to keep in mind. But to focus on the fact is that it's not just War often you here that's only about arms or and just be that's all you have and everything will be fine. Not correct. We look at it in a balanced way. You need to have all aspects just like you need to lock the door. You also put up a mezuzah. You don't do one or the other. We need to have a good strong police presence cameras today and do everything possible. Like I said before to get the officials and the people in power to do something about it. Now is this the thing we prominently display? We tell our children were all going to Bear guns and rifles and weapons. Oh because firstly we don't panic we don't pay take type of that behavior. That was something going to war create a world like attitude, even though there are those attacking us. That's not our approach and secondly, as I said, some things have to be done more discreet doesn't have to always be announced in that type of fashion. Yes, we'd love the enemies to know that you come to our place you are going to be in danger not just because of spiritual reasons. So the right balance has to be met unfortunately people get extreme in the saying this is the only way to do this is the way to do it and when you say when we maybe we have to educate those children before they become haters. And supremacists and whatever else in anti-semites, obviously that's long term that's not replacing that's not instead of it together with so you need short-term solution long-term solution deterrence and preventive approaches what the deal wants a situation happens wise people look at the whole strategy from beginning to end and don't just focus on one thing whenever you see focus on one thing. It usually has an agenda someone's trying to sell something strong some promote something something about themselves. That's why we have to have Is balanced people that are not driven by a particular Blobby or particular financial gain or particular political gain and so on? Since we're on the topic, I might as well do the follow ups because there's on the topic people. Unfortunately, this is issue that's on the table. So let's talk a little more about it. Is feeling vulnerable a lack of emunah Rabbi. Thank you for all you do to spread it to share turning you described. We are inspired and uplifted with every breath broadcast. My question is in regards to the recent increase in brutal crimes and anti-semitic attacks. My husband and I along with our Chabad Rabbi and rebbetzin are the only Torah appreciative and observant and shomer Shabbos hidden in our community. We know that the only response to this darkness is to increase light we on a daily basis increase our Torah study Arts. Dr. A charity. I recitation of the hilum Psalms and try to share with non-jews the noahide laws, which are the moral ethical universal laws for all people on Earth it is there it is. Is it therefore a lack of emunah my part a lack of faith and my Heart if I feel overly vulnerable when walking alone with my husband to show over a mile and a half and back home. Thank you. Absolutely, not the Munna includes. Wounded means faith in God. It includes the god-given tools that were he gave us which means are using your head your mind using your heart using your intuition using every tool at your disposal to make sure you're safe. Mistake is people think of Munna means not using anything. I have faith in God have to do anything. Unlock. My door. God will protect me. That's part of how God protect you by making you an intelligent human being and being wise and need be constant good consult with others and get advice and to do protect yourself in the best possible way. The key thing is and I mentioned before but I want to elaborate a bit more is not to panic. We've not hysterical people and that not the Panic meaning everything is Is it normal not to panic means because when you panic first of all, you become weaker and you don't think straight and you can make mistakes, you don't want to panic meaning, you know, there's a God that's protecting us. You want to think soberly and with have composer and presence of mind and heart and plan accordingly, especially if we have families and children. We cannot Panic that's not an approach that healthy for us is not healthy for our children. That does not mean that we don't be or not prudent and We're not Vigilant. There's so there's a there's an in between Pat between panic and being completely complacent. There's a big wide spectrum. So we have to use everything at our disposal and it's not a lack of immunity to do whatever it takes. Now the fact that we feel vulnerable yes, there is we live in a world where vulnerabilities are reality but we have to always remember that there's a sham with us. We have trust and faith in God and as I said also trust and faith in the tools that God has given us and God is his family's role in Ileana Malaysia me Israel. God is does not rest in does not Slumber. He's our protector and we make every possible Kaylee container for this protection to manifest in our lives. And with that. I want to say some shiitake held that we shouldn't have any more such incidents. Events and we should do whatever it takes to prevent and of course prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and even further if possible by extending the laws by expanding the laws only one that God forbid infringes on any persons rights in general especially Jews and especially religious Jews for their just of mere fact that they're from right? Okay, another person writes the stabbing and Muncie the guy who threatened attack and 770 some extremists who regularly attend. Different synagogues or have recently been expelled from a synagogue have a Common Thread mental illness at the same time. There's an effort amongst local to break the stigma with Shabbat together. Not sure what that means big to break the stigma and in general the conversation about mental illness among the three. I'm wondering why this isn't being spoken about On the one hand Saudi anti-Semitism and Evan evil with all about all these attacks can further increase stigma with regards to mental illness at the same time. The public must be protected physically may be psychologically to is there a line between illness and evil one who has Mercy on the evil ones will eventually be evil to the ones deserving Mercy yet. If it's an illness is it not deserving of Mercy? What is this approach to mental illness specifically when it's expressed in evil actions such as the ones depicted in the news recently. Can kind of change the expression of illness so that if a person is diagnosed with schizophrenia for example was raised in a home that was imbued with the shovel. Mrs. Blaine are seven noahide laws with goodness and kindness. Will it be less likely that his or her mental illness will his or her mental illness will Express itself in evil ways? Okay, interesting question and it does cross over to a lot more tap a larger topic. So let me just make it very clear here just because some people are mental illness does not mean that we just forgive them for shooting or killing innocent Jews or innocent people for that matter. Yes mental illness has to be addressed both on the preventive and the pre-emptive level as well as dealing with it. Once it's a case, but the fact that some of these people did attack and they have part of mental illness why they choosing Jews for example So there's more than just the mental illness now in a court of law of they find that that is the situation they want to lock that person up into a mental Patrick Ward. That's that's if that's proven that way so be it but they still has to be locked up whether it's in a prison or in a psychiatric prison, that's up to the loss of the system of law. So I just want to not confuse the two matters and conflate them. We're not going to forgive all these anti-semitic attacks and claim that everybody is mentally ill number one. It's not true. Many many are not men. Lille and just because they hate doesn't make them mentally ill they may have other illnesses psychological or emotional but it's not necessary cry clinical ones its hatred that needs to be addressed that can be tolerated in our society. Even those that have mental illness. Yes, of course, we have to understand that and when you look at the situation you diagnose it and then a dress it dress it appropriately. So I don't want to mix the two because right now we're dealing with the issue of these attacks and many of them have nothing to do with mental illness. But yes, you're correct mental illness is one of the issues that needs to be addressed in general not just wait for a tax because unfortunately it can make a can add to the equation when a person has some mental illness and has prejudices and read something about some hate mail or some hate to social media. Obviously that can push that person over and go on attack. So I think we have to look at everything and I have spoken in the past about mental illness is not really the scope of this conversation. So I'll suffice with that. Let's go back to some new interesting topics and it's completely moving over to very different topic. What is kibbutz position and Daffy Amy and the CM hashes? So Daffy Amy was instituted in the 20s Rubbermaid Shapiro had a tremendous idea idea was that Jews everywhere begin studying one Daffy a day. And that way you have like a collective study and then every seven and a half years did a see my shots this just this past week was a see my shot. Of over 90 hundred thousand people and MetLife Stadium and Berkeley Stadium. And so was a Kiddush Hashem Jews coming together to to learning Torah making assume a CMOS is a simcha so number one without even going into any details. That alone is a Simcoe for all Jews. And yes, if you're by Seema shots, whether it's a kabocha will not talk about soon. It's a simple answer to this Mitzvah and therefore we all celebrate together that Said there is the issue with a flame itself. Is this a Chabad customers and that Ichabod costume so we have from the rabbihim. We have the following. When it was first instituted, there were those that were formed there were those that were not for it some said not for it was not because they were against learning God forbid. But because they thought it would be more superficial type of learning. Some said Pro can proc him. Meaning you just learn one page. You could be rustic right Miller at the end of the day you just middle of a topic But as time passed more and more people embraced it the 3D Kadabra that ever speaks in a secret. / mom has calcium has did not encourage the students to do it, which does not mean he night in the gate of the leader. Just do not encourage it in other words. It's not a taco Nevada be like for example heat has or rambha then the rebel spoke about lamb being something that unites all the people because the entire Toyota and other reasons as we come closer to the goal in that slack see in different various places you have from the lever that even though it may not have been at that corner of Chabad, but the rebbe actually encourages different groups of learning to learn it and there's even a cm of a shots based on Daffy Amy And overall let's just make it clear. How bad is one thing with Theta and Theta is one thing with habad when you see someone learn it's a simcha whether it's that many different people have different monogamous some people for example, learn that Daffy. I mean they have other shooting not another Pastor meaning each one has their path and they're all positive things because they're learning Taylor. So I spoke about this in episode 238 because the question there was what about Chabad? What about someone's learning to nephew? Amy should have been negated. People criticized so if someone's learning today that General how can you criticize learning Tate you suggesting they should learn that a time bomb or something else instead. They may be concerned both of they want to so the gating the idea of negating something and learning is completely unacceptable and I thought about never negated and the contrary as I said different sure that I was told about that he instituted. Is this something this is an instant is a taco Nevada, but as I said, no, but that doesn't take away from the fact that even if if a hundred people did that for me, especially when you have a car heilig teyla so many thoughts thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people learning on a daily basis in offices in Shoals on planes in and trains and so on that's obviously a great tremendous Kiddush Hashem and we celebrate and honor it. So go to the gallery now to another posture different custom. Some of them are spread more some of the spread less and each has their legitimacy in their way when that ever makes it that corn. Obviously, it has a whole different type of important impact and the purpose different story, but it's not you don't compare the two one does not negate other. So honest and answering the specific questions now with that being said and again, I refer you to episode 2 38. They're actually quoted all the secrets. I believe rate of Shame and base deliver spoke about it / member Hess and some of the letters that ever wrote two different people who have a groups who are studying or teaching and making assume so go there for actual sources don't need to go over those sources. So here the specific question is what was the deposition on that for you Amy. I already answered that and is it okay for the bother to go to the see him toss? Next Market. This was a question written last month next month, or is it better to stay home and learn the Devastator? If I bring son Ed of hate Avis, my answer to that is person has to make that decision on their own to going to the shots is nothing wrong with the going to it and its celebrating with Eden a learning a tailor. If you feel that better for you to stay home and learn the Devastator whatever Tater that's a personal decision if you're doing nothing, but definitely better than nothing is to go but if you have something you have acquiesced, let's say you're learning. Oh, so that's it's because leverage obviously these are priorities that person has to make Case by case. And I don't think there's a black and white answer to that the see my sauce is coming up in a few weeks and hundreds of thousands of Jews will be celebrating this event. But combat doesn't seem to participate officially participation that the rebels make that policy but there many habad people that did participate and there's nothing fundamentally wrong with that. So official Habana only that have been would with the river participated didn't participate in previous human shots, but he didn't participate in many. Beautiful great events. So that doesn't indicate anything. Why is that and what was the rebels position about the same as us? So, I believe I explained that already isn't it a beautiful thing that caused sawdust together? Yes, the rubber encourage learning tight at every opportunity. However, the rubber really encourages learning that for ya me. Why is that the rebel follow the free the crevices the physical levels of the opinion that there were questions whether this is the way it should be done never come out against it. And as I said, he did encourage groups, but it's not called the number that many things that ever did not necessarily that Advocate didn't mean he was against it. It was simply a question of what the priorities were. Okay, and again episode 238 for more information. But above all I want to say this will never hear anyone becoming too radical and too extreme in something for something or against something you have to always go back to the sources. If a Deb if our Deb would say something that absolutely not to do something. Obviously. There's no question if he says absolutely do something then again, there's no question though. The gray areas of things that are not stated. Absolutely. Yes, and not not not called reduce their consultant. Pia consult several must be M2. See if it's a double Sawbuck do she liked learning? And I mean this across the board in any scenario not just a few Amy, then you can imagine it's a positive thing questions whether you should be doing it whether how should you prioritize your time if you have different shooting different options that needs to be discussed Case by case if it's something that seems to be negative thing, even if you didn't hear and not supposed to do it, especially with consultation with an objective party, it could be something you should stay away from but I if you have a balanced approach that is a tailor and that resort to car noise, which is zealotry the type of extreme radicalism unless again something that absolutely even then even the things that ever said you must do. He also said But Derek a name without your solemn in a calm way in a peaceful way in a respectful way in a condescending way non-judgmental way that goes without saying but the truth is I should say that doesn't go without saying sometimes it has to be said and that's even when it's Mom is this Is a directive has to be done always in a beautiful and pleasant manner. Especially something that is not so a directive but it's not anti directive either meaning it's not nothing against it. That's a general attitude in general my brings to mind when they're afraid the rebel has it over me repeated a number of times. He wants told the free the collab that he was in the shul in Paris. I believe in France and he gave somebody charity we gave charity At Night song came over and reprimanded the debit because lucky don't give at night. Then that is all talks about it. She told the free to grab the free decrepit said Mr. McGee today but against that No criticize you probably doesn't give charity by day either because the fact is he's focusing on the negative. So maybe it doesn't get by day. It's not like he's really so he's so adamant about Zucker and not giving a night is all are the areas as well. But the physical web is sense that you have to be careful when you tell somebody even if they're doing something maybe whatever reasons should be done at a different time, but they're giving their helping somebody you have to be careful how to criticize something like that and critique often of such things. Even if it has some basis always an asset. Can be an indicator of other issues going on as well. Okay, next question. Should a parent let her child eat oud. OU D and kosher standards for children What? Oh, what's all U dou? Of course is our has got there from the Orthodox Union. There are other artists and sometimes it says daddy right near it which means it's Dairy and dairy. Most often is Hall of Arkham will most often not only always unless it says how is slow so the question is its kosher, but it's color vehicle. How about if it really matters to the Sun to be able to eat or you D that means the son really wants to eat it how about of the father's okay with the child eating things that aren't called Israel but the mother isn't should parents interfere with what the child eats of the food is kosher but not up to their cultural standards so very good question firstly I've addressed this issue in the past and I want to just give you the other episodes 108 110 112 271 and 272, so this is a broader question this isn't just about oh you are God Obviously this is about education of your children. Now generally speaking parents would love their children to live up to the high standards even higher than their own stent. But again, as I said before the way you teach it as to his being with love and pleasantness because if you don't do it with that way you give leave a bad taste in your children's mouths no pun intended and they will not help them maintain their standard. They'll just see it as something that was just an imposition and uncomfortable. And as soon as they can Rebel they will Rebel but talk let's talk about the general. Picture parents like in all areas should be teaching their children all the highest standards in a beautiful loving kind nurturing. Personal way so the children should embrace it like something I really want to do and this is whether it's eating kosher and eating Harvest all or other standards and other matters, but it's A- acid the bed or its citizens at night or the yarmulke and all kinds of things that become relevant. It's not just this matter. I want means the highest standards. Listen. This is something based on parents education. They could have a must be an Ask enough to go crazy about it. But we want to live up to the standards. Now if a child is already an hour of age where they are challenging or they say no I want to eat something that you that you may not have that standard so here to you have to change shoes by case-by-case pesach is a big issue like this. Some parents have strict standards and their children are not so strict. You have to be careful not to burn Bridges and not to create just irritation and tension for Unnecessary reasons. This doesn't mean you have to compromise you have to take a case-by-case try to see what can be done through make things a little more peaceful and the same is true with the obvious Rollin other matters like that. For for Chabad, Nick and Century people who are familiar with the sources call yourselves. Not just a matter of who's watching it. Today is become also matter it's written clearly that's connected to you to shamim and other factors. So is it equivalent to eating treif? No, it's not but it still is my tumtum. It does have an effect on a person's spirit and soul. So you want of course avoid that as much as possible now if a child and sister they're hiding or they're lying about it that that's it. An issue of how to deal with children who are not living up to your expectations. And this is the same thing with smartphones or other issues. It's not just a matter of kosher and that's something as I said requires more looking into its heart to give directives here. They should all however be with love even when you have standards and when it comes with love in a kind way, it's much easier to get what you want then if it goes into a battle. Call your throat is definitely a standard. It's not just a small matter. But you have to make those choices now parents disagree. That's another issue that needs to be addressed between the parents. What do we present to the children? You don't want to have mixed messages with the children are confused. So that's something loving parents. If you have a good relationship with your spouse, you should be able to discuss that before presenting to the children. So they see a United stand. Should parents interfere this goes back sometimes yes, sometimes no depends on the age of the child the temperament of the child how they'll react if the reaction will be one that will make things worse or not. And and that's the end of the day that needs to all be taken to account. Okay. And I've given the episodes were some of this was discussed many other episodes where I talked about how parents should deal with children and how far to push and how do you discipline? So please you have to see sir. That's not the topic right here, even though it's directly related, please search on consider parents children attitude education and you'll have plenty of material of addressing that as well. But we have to try to keep things rolling here because they can cover everything in the full extensive way. That's why I'm doing the cross-referencing dress next question dress. What is the two questions in two parts to this question about what is this? What is this? What is the significance of wearing a black hat and second is it okay for a considerate person to wear jeans? So an episode 90 I spoke about dress the significance of dress because I want to and you can say dress and some external thing who really cares. One is a person's heart and soul and mind is in the right place and their Max covid epitomizes thought speech and action. So dress is somewhat superficial and yet we see in the even in the physical secular world the hovel you see baseball uniforms. You see army uniforms. You see people identify when they dress a certain way with certain groups. Is it external to an external but it's still a symbolic element when it comes to the discrete. We also there's a uniform this job is clothing is weak. They call the ink this is an easy kill clothing. So there are Customs now present only the focus on dress and nothing else. That's a continuous. Some people focus only on the inside and no dress at all. That's also you want to have a balance between the two that the inner should be reflected in the outer and the outer surface like the inner. So it's not about worshiping the called themselves that ever once told somebody they saw the debit before the sea is studying learning something on Shabbos. I'm sorry Friday and they would have was not wearing a jacket. So you like games are very courageous boy. I told the devil we're good jackets to learning and the Never Said Some important things to know what's under the jacket and this person later told the years later that he had many problems under his jacket style getting into details. This does not mean but you see that ever dressed I could ever so everything in its time and its place. We're not talking about anything Hydro solemn that is not appropriate. So yes, John garments including a thing like a black hat. Is there something about a black guy that makes it holy no became a mini Gasol to where the Chabad that's where the rebel war. And therefore others were if you look in the earlier. Here's the Devil Himself wore color hats gray or other calls and send them did but as the standard change standards make a difference not because we worship the standard because as of course many people say all you care about is how you look at your dress. And what about everything else you're behaving like an obnoxious person and what you're wearing a black hat. That's a very legitimate time. But that doesn't mean that black cat has no value. It's just a matter of balance. If it's only a black cat and everything else about the person is is antithetical to that. It's a serious problem. So many people are contain him are externals and everything is about externals, but we're not talking about that. We're not making externals and end as an end in itself. It's part of a whole picture. You stand respectively before Hudson, Alaska see Michelle Malacca before God before I lived in a shoe. There's a respectability and clothing is part of it dressing appropriately dressed in cleanly and yes addressing fittingly to the community standards. However, I'm not going to go say that a person wears a little different. We have to go now an attack that's not appropriate either because as I said earlier it all depends what kind of impact you're going to have and I've seen that unfortunately in my own is Shiri years and I've seen that later people attacking people just for their dress and they don't get through because they're not really coming from a pretty music a place or a loving place and they themselves may be just obnoxious people know that talking about his dress. That's why it has to be in this balanced way. The black cat does not have an end in itself if that ever had chosen the That would have been the standard that would have been yes black has a certain condition to a black-and-white related to Shabbos some people wear because they shocked us some people big deal of and some people wear white all white on Shabbos somewhere back black and white. So this is the more kabbalistic meanings behind it and that there's the document there's a shocker but that's not for right here this discussion as far as genes go generally speaking genes is considered to be not a Hasidic or religious Garb now many people wear jeans, and I'm not here to criticize Them but as the standard that is the standard it's more of a casual and more of a reverse a secular dress. Is it officer? Is it forbidden on called prohibited? But again, everybody has to make their choices. I'm not here to criticize. I'm not here to judge. So you have to look at it. If you want to know the facts look at what citizen standards are and that's not just apply to this type of pet stylists other types of clothing as well. Okay next question. birth and death Is on someone's birthday. It said that they were born because the world cannot exist without them there when someone dies is that God's way of saying it cat meaning the world can exist without them. What does the statement really mean now not to toot my horn here. But these this quote is attributed to myself the Yours Truly in 20 minutes for life and the chapter on birth. I translated into English and expression that the devil would use very often ate somebody might see us Aspire that every Jew is every person every Jew every is a special person and God is proud of him and the expression is birth is God saying you matter that has evolved into a statement that when birth is God saying the world cannot exist without you now, it's all true because of God sent you here you have an indispensable Mission and calling to fulfill the no one but you can fulfill So regardless of where the expression comes from, so there are discussion and is based of course on the river Seekers that I mentioned very often, but I'm a cool Aunt Sandy came Nate's amatory my co despoiled you are my handiwork. You're my product and I am proud of that. And of course the Deb is words that each person sent to this world is sent for a unique purpose what you can accomplish you and only you can accomplish because God does not send two of the same. Sometimes that have expressed himself and said what you can accomplish even why should I? Even all those of the beginning of time and to the End of Time cannot do but you that's your job. So that definitely describes a type of inherent and indispensable value. So the question now is asking so does that mean when a person dies that value comes to an end? Obviously not. Birth being the sole was sent to this earth. The soul existed long before came to this earth the mission begins. Now that your time has come now to your stage in life. You're carrying out the Baton during your lifetime now every good deed you do lives on forever. So you've fulfilled your mission if you fulfilled the mission in your lifetime so sad, like now the world doesn't need you anymore. You've done what you had to do and it changed the world forever. So in a sense you're now a permanent component a permanent part of existence. Ever because you've done your part the fact that you physically die. God forbid. Someone dies doesn't mean the mission is no longer that the world does not need you because you finished your job. Now. If someone did not finish the job. We know they come back to finish it or I'll be finished some other way. So once we are the soul is always here always has a purpose when it comes to this world that purpose is now activated. And now it's activated and whatever happens and we hope that you do part of your mission or all of it. And then yes that lives on death is not at the vote of the you had your vote of confidence when you're born and death is like a vote of no confidence or say. No you're not worth anything anymore. God forbid It's Your Role has finished and now someone else continues and remember we all supplement and complement each other. Okay next question. Isn't it about time that we create a powerful program powerful programs rather to teach people about mushiya without even reading further. I can tell you absolutely yes, but let's read the question as we all know the Rebus said that the direct path quote unquote Aguila is through learning about maschiach Angola for whatever reason the talk of 1991 1992. The talks of have been put to the side for many years by some I feel it is about time that we begin to learn and teach these talks in depth. Would you be willing to give classes on these talks and give practical applications from those talks? I'm not going to be the next line. It's a compliment to me. But as a scholar of our times, I feel it would be best told by you. And this would teach the most most people the goal is to just too long. We need to bring mushiya. Second question racks asks, why is their Silence about mushiya? I don't get it. If the rebel clean scent of guys started touching on base five seven five two now the Slocum need to take her closest resolutions and student make a fuss about mushiya. How come there's such a striking Silence about mushiya. This pass job is Ashley I said over some points on the of the above-mentioned talk but failed to even mention once about maschiach in a way. I can relate to the frustration of those little him that make a breakaway. kinis Okay now so firstly see episode 722 and 238 where talked about this Summit and something one of my pet peeves and know if that's the right word but definitely an important part in topic is this is unfinished business that deliver gave us that he announced 70 years ago. Let's say 69 years ago a tough senior doll from the lab assume leadership that this is the data speed the Seventh Generation that will bring the screen or down below and said, this is our job whether we chose it were even if with it's not what's not up to our choice. Not up to our Veda even many may not even want in some ways. That's our mission and then later Interruption and I love 40 years later that I ever said the words. I did everything I can now you do what you can put him tough. She remembered Zion a few years earlier. Rubber spoke about that at length as well. So this clearly this is our final mission. Now. This is this is of course the culmination of everything in history all the Tater mistress, although Aveda all the service combinations to bring the goal. As the Rubbermaid so aptly clear time. And again, he said now you have to do what you can so yes, this thing is about time that we do major revolution in the teaching and learning of Google and Michelle has the level set at the rebels directive. What does that mean? Because you can't appreciate something. You definitely can't yearn for it. You can't live it. If you don't know what it is. So the first thing you need to study the product so to speak if they understand what it is that way you can become passionate about it. That way you can share so the first step. Learning about it and learning as that. I've explains it's not just learning about it learning itself is the process of bringing this year who's the machine has Consciousness maschiach awareness and ultimately actions that live up to that awareness and Consciousness. So hundred percent agreement and Beyond an agreement. Yes. I am really ready to do. What am I part? But I think we need to have also a team effort and create a Groundswell that touches the entire world to critical mass. There is absolutely no limits. It's just a matter how to teach it and what language to be used. I'm not going to not going to explain why their silence why some people don't there's many reasons some are not necessarily healthy reasons some are not sorry Tara reasons, it could be political and so on but I will give everybody the benefit of the doubt. The biggest reason is because people are not aware what it is, which means we're not learning it properly. It's an abstract idea. Just leave you with this question. What would Golem is she? Okay, what will the world look like tomorrow morning? Michelle comes tonight or tomorrow morning? What will your city your town your house your streets? your workplace look like What will happen? That question can be answered by learning about and when you learn about it, then you can learn how to make your home your street your community your city your state or ever you may be a Michelle dick environment that becomes a ceilidh a channel to actually bring the Gula and each of us has a role to play in this part. So you of course the next question. So what do you do? How do we begin? Well, we begin by talking about it and making a big tumor and hopefully in the next weeks as we prepare for the 70th anniversary. Huge fat adoption Route 73 adoption pay we really turn over ourselves and the world into pioneering exciting passionate programs all based on pay taxes, but in ways that make people relate to it, they feel that you relevant to me. There's something I can do about it. Okay, if you have any thoughts and ideas, please by all means bring them ups and submit them and we will be happy to address them. I will use this platform to the fullest extent my fullest the fullest possible extent and trying to awake myself awake everyone possible and hopefully this could be a ripple effect that we all awake each other and finally do what's necessary to our part and they burst and the rebel will do their part once we do ours. Hopefully, we don't have to wait for that ours, but So far seems to be that's what the rubber said we should do and that's what we need to do. Okay? With that let us go to the see this question. This is question is like this. You heard the invasive? Hi Robin Jacobson. I appreciate your program very much. I was learning Toyota Aid. This is of yes of yesterday Shabbos value gosh, and there's something that seems to be different than than the way it's explained elsewhere. He explained that you hood is malkos, which is lower nowadays in case of his decide which is higher. Yes of his must be a mirage billboard is a transmitter a source of sustenance and Yehuda from the word. Hey doll. Acknowledging is a Macabre recipient there for you. Who does the one who needs to come close to you sir? But you cash a lot of you who do you who the came close to the asaph the mccampbell comes to the must be here, but when we share will come it will be revealed the superiority of Malthus. And therefore you who will be higher and Yusuf will come to your hood which is like to have Taylor that we said yesterday talks about David Ogden Asia them Layla is it explained that Yusuf is one is the one who is able to be involved in this. Send in the world unlike the rest of the brothers. Doesn't explain that Yusuf is the one that was the one that was able to bring it down to be our and I'll explain that in a moment. So seemingly the question of seems that she's a contradiction. I'll try to explain what he sees but there's no real contradiction when we get when we understand the topic. So we'll see this say that all the others all the Patriarchs they were separates intentionally because they were that way they could not be involved in the hoo-ha of the marketplace of the stock market of the times and they could peacefully as the Sheep's peacefully Gray's they can meditate and pray and contemplate and And commune with God Lisa was the first one that was thrust against his will into a whole different environment. He also began as a Shepherd, but once he was sold into slavery and came down to Egypt and he became an accountant. He's Vic has been us as the targum translates, which means he's the first Jewish accountant essentially and then when he is interprets your father's dreams and he's pointed to be mishnah lamellas the second-in-command what happens now he becomes a major business man. He was in singly in charge of turning single irresponsible to Turning Egypt into a superpower by trading in the grain by stacking it up selling it when the Great Famine broke. This was immersed. No longer Shepherd's no longer is right part in Elvis audits In This Very materialistic and Pagan country. He became the leader of the business leader the leader of the leading mind and strategist and so on. And yet so this explains he maintains his spiritual Integrity as we know when he met Yakov, one of those signs he gave them that are glad Rufus sent wagons. That was the last Sugi they learned and Gomorrah together and yes of maintained his connection that even when he was the language of cieszyn be ah Bree its citrusy maintained. The Integrity of isil has the always never went to be ah, yes. They were occupied with the world to some extent but there are major thing wasn't condition. And they were so isolated insulated and yes of them entered and still maintain. This is a bigger Kiddush compared. Sometimes that Phyllis. Mincha that middle of the day you tear yourself away to pray middle of the workday my roof evening prayer in the morning prayer are in the morning before work and after work, but that tearing away. That's the kid is that even in the material world you maintain and completely completely maintain and completely preserve your spiritual Integrity. So the question is asking That that would make Yusuf. The one that goes into the ah, here we say that you who does models Mal whose is usually seen as the one that goes to be. I assume that's what he's asking. So today yossef is the mash Pia and you who danced to receive from him. Mushiya comes you who they will be the much beer because Marcus will Elevate its proper place. And yes of will come to her house that seemed with the ASA being my spear. So firstly the first answer is very clear yesterday. We must be here today March billboard. You saw this must be it must be tomorrow cause I must be it to be. Ah, he's the one that provides the sustenance. So there's no contradiction. There will also love a case of will still be a must be he'll still have that element, but Moses will have something to give that that even a sub doesn't have Because once moloch was elevated is prominent place which is to the SM case of will need that but that doesn't take away in the gate that Yusuf will not continue to transmit. He'll transmitted in general but obviously his main his main transmission has maintained its main the main transmission will be coming from your Hooda who in turn will transmit to everyone and Jason will do his transmission through his way through the Ace of way, but you heard the will then be the SM will be must be into the mccampbell will be much beer like in the cave it to say we've got Aces Kyla tell us by Le that doesn't mean the ball won't have any role to play obviously have a role to play but then he'll be receiving from the Edson from The Core Essence which only Marcus can touch so I don't really see a contradiction if I misunderstood the question of please correct me and I'll be happy to address it further what it comes down in our practical lives is that the Ace of is Tom would you who does my son Tom and Godless so maybe they might say today. We need talmud because Only way to know what to do is by receiving what the Torah tells us. So you heard the receives direction from Taylor. Let me share comes it will be my sagada you will be able to sense internally what needs to be done and Taylor will not be the we don't need to open at 8:00 it to know what needs to be done or we're not to be done Taylor then we'll serve a different role. Yeah, could you put him as the alter rebbe explains the end of section 26 and I guess a kadish. So that is the lesson to us the power we each need each other you need the must be any Well, but then the McConnell has something that one's the world is saturated with the Divine itself will tell all levels what needs to be done and does not need to receive it from the mash beer. Okay, let's do the essays. There are three essays as we've been doing that essays essay. Number one is Happiness by Joshua gold Hirsch H 45 Melbourne, Australia, it begins by quoting Dennis Prager the well-known American radio host has written a book entitled happiness is a serious problem and in it as well as on his radio show that have that happiness our he contends that we have a moral obligation to our family friends and Community to act happy and behave like we are happy, even if we may not feel happy. The obvious question is kind of person just be happy given that happiness is an emotion. What if Don't feel happy goes on to say this essay will demonstrate that by implementing the Hasidic approach to happiness in Hebrew. Simcha, then you can truly be and feel happy and not just act happy no matter what the challenge or circumstance goes on to discuss what happiness is quoting from the alte webinar get us a kadish and deafened different my modem connecting simcha Capital that you need humility. And that is the key element to it Ace a powerful. Is a short and sweet to the point the combination as Simcoe not out of arrogance, but out of humility is the key right? Next essay is challenging reality is by analyst Schusterman age 19 Chicago, Illinois student. The Barbers girls high school Chicago she writes this world is a world full of challenges. We see a reality in which people encounter challenges daily. Every person has their way of dealing with the challenges and negativity. They see this essay. I will examine the creation of the world through the Look see this in order to discover. One of The Godly tools used to approach and totally eradicate challenges and this information the will be compared to best seller emotional agility by Susan David. Okay. Yes, and the essay goes on to describe first defining reality agility and rigidity why change confirmation bias creating a new reality and then actual steps of intercept and except switch the scene fighting nature make a change and then changing our challenges. Negativity versus positivity versus Godly well annotated well done quite comprehensive and well worth reading. Thank you and finally for tonight Joy rifki Cohen H20 Manchester England student. Oyy The Barrage girls Sewell Manchester. I assume Alias if it's like maybe not she writes I chose the topic of simpler because I saw it personally affected my life and change the way I dealt with different heart situations. I based my essay on the first King David writes in the Book of Psalms serve god with joy come before him with Jubilation and goes on to discuss the mission of life from a historic point of view using that verse as an anchor and explain difference in Sussex and simcha, which is joy and jubilation. Internal joy and external joy and well done very comprehensive. I found that to be very Illuminating and thank you again for this essay as well as the other essays concluding with it some exotic thing good will be good. Of course, there's a fundamental principle and all oxidizers. And with that these three essays are all now posted on our site just posted at City These essays are posted as we go each week as we continue down and the order they were in the marks in order of the marks. They receive these essays and we are preparing an excited to prepare the next Essay contest which you'll be hearing about shortly. You can begin writing frankly because there's no time. There's no deadline and when you begin there's only a deadline when has to be submitted. So the guidelines will be similar. If not exactly the same so you can begin writing your essay and with that. I want to conclude by wishing everybody a very pleasant and simply take a week or week of your hover your mail assassin or Simcoe the modem Tavian any challenge any setback should be turned into even greater light. Right. This has been my life since applied episode 290 were here every Sunday night 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Always welcome your questions and always an honor to interact and thank you for allowing me into your lives, and hopefully you will also initiate and right questions and feedback of All Sorts. Thank you very much.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to 10 Teves and Vayechi 0:09 • How is one supposed to spend a fast day according to chassidus? 8:38 • March against anti-semitism 18:48 • Why doesn’t Judaism focus on self-defense, bearing weapons and other methods of protecting ourselves? 23:44 • What is Chabad’s position on Daf Yomi and the Siyum HaShas? 35:06 • Should a parent let her child eat OU-D? 43:53 • What is the significance of wearing a black hat? 48:56 • Is it ok for a chassidic person to wear jeans? 48:56 • If birth is “G-d saying you matter,” what does death mean? 53:22 • Isn’t it about time that we create powerful programs to teach people about Moshiach? 56:32 • Follow up:  Attacks on Jews 28:08 • Chassidus question: Is it Yehuda or Yosef that brings down the Divine into existence? 01:02:16 • My Life 2019 essays:      o Happiness, Joshua Goldhirsch, 45, Melbourne, Australia 01:08:24      o Challenging Reality, Chanale Schusterman, 19, Chicago, IL 01:09:34      o Joy, Rivky Cohen, 20, Manchester, England 01:10:44 Submit your question now at or email: [email protected]. WEBSITE: EMAIL US: [email protected] SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The objective of the program is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. What's up afterbuzzers? We are covering season 7 episode nine right now Cindy is at home, but it quickly goes all wrong. Lorna gets a visit from Vinny that also doesn't end that great and Alex and Piper have a moment. But Alex doesn't end up telling her the truth. We are talking all that and more stay tuned you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now let them go. What's up afterbuzzers? Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of the Orange is the New Black after-show. Like I said, we are talking saving 7 episode 9. Thank you all so much for tuning in join in our live chat. I have it up right now. We want to know what y'all think I'm your host April joined by my best girlfriend, Jessica. Okay, you can find all of us at AfterBuzz TV everywhere. If you're listening on iTunes. Be sure to give us a great rating and everything we also I have some great news and gossip. If you want to find a way to be able to stay with Orange is the New Black for years and years to come so you want to be sure to stay tuned for that as well. As our special segment was some great quotes throughout the episode. We have another episode of kind of everybody and all of our favorite people. What do you think? It's a potpourri of Orange Is the New Black it really is buddy. I think this episode episode this episode was kind of Intense. Yeah, like especially with Cindy and especially with Lorna that was tough. But then we also have really intense moments with Shauna's shaunie's truth exactly was that was a little hard to see I don't know. What did you think? I mean the same thing it was It was kind of one of those episodes that was a little more tough to watch only because you feel so much for the situation that they're in and then you're also like oh my gosh, please don't do this. This is so crazy. Not the Shawnee situation more of like the Lorna and Cindy. It's also just a terrible thing to have to realize these truths that happen every single day. It's just so difficult and yes to watch and you kind of find yourself sitting there and like not breathing while we're watching. We you even said like you haven't even you haven't said anything and I realized I was sitting there like and I had a drink too much Coca-Cola and I had to go but I couldn't I couldn't That could weaken cephalic before we get into our topics and very friendly reminder that we have not watched past the episode that we are currently on. So we will not give you any spoilers don't give us any spoilers either. We are only we have only watched up until episode 9 as of right now. I want to start off talking about Cindy because just whoa, I think only last episode we said we might not even see her. Yeah, and we get this whole scenario of her being at home. Home the moment. I mean, it's gotta go straight for it the moment of Monica her daughter getting the letter that we know tasty sent. My heart was just crushed and I can't imagine what it's like being in that situation on any side. Yeah. Oh, yeah that has to be so difficult for everyone and I was honestly I was kind of sad that we got to see that because I was kind of hoping they would just leave us hanging on that and we wouldn't even know and then we wouldn't even know. Yeah, and I think I think Briana originally this was like, oh no, they're gonna bring her back but I wasn't prepared for that. But I can't imagine like, you know, you're like 17 18 years old and you find out your grandma. I mean, your mom is really your grandma. Right? And your sister is your mom and we're told life. Yes, just like upside down right? There's the part of me that's like wouldn't they have had to tell her eventually anyway, but I guess they kind of don't it's been going on this long. Like what's the point in saying something to her? But I almost think that they gave us this as a show because it's like they almost wanted us to see Cindy be punished in a way like not that that she well she does deserve to be punished. I mean she totally screwed over tasty, but I think they did it because it's like, okay are we really just going to see her get out of prison and la-di-da? She screwed somebody over and it worked out right? Because it was shoot. Is kind of opposite of Piper getting out of jail. She got it. She got a like a great job right away where the interviewer was like. Okay. Well you were in federal prison for four years and she was able to turn that around and you know, it was so it was like so easy and they just had to like it seems that you know, seeing her from the beginning of the episode where she's like making breakfast for Monica AKA her daughter and you know, it's like every she's so positive everything seems to be looking up she An amazing outfit on for all of these interviews that she has set up and even when she and the interviewer we're talking about, you know the position I guess it's essentially like working on nursing home. Yeah. It sounded like everything they said it did sound like a perfect for her. I mean every single thing made sense. So it kind of like tears me apart a little bit to almost see her what I'm going to assume is like throw this opportunity away because she left her mom. House, did you think she would actually leave her mom's house after the blow-up with Monica and stuff like that. When I when I saw that she had a backpack. I really did think that she was gonna go even and then, you know when her mom even when her mom was, you know, her mom was clearly upset previously. Yeah, but when she was like, please stay I just felt like I didn't I didn't think she was gonna do it. I mean she is just like so down like you said like in the beginning she was so positive so positive and then she just let that mindset go right away. But why do you think she let you know? I'd say this blow up with her mom affect her in that way. Well, I think I think it's because the mom said you always what she said you always make everything bad you it's you know, it's never your fault. You always turn everything bad and you know, she already has the guilt of tasty on her back and now she has this guilt about Monica. So I think she might have had a moment but the fact that her mom said don't ever come back now, that's kind of scary because I could I could see you're leaving and then Having a moment in realizing she's being dramatic. Yes. It's a tough time, but we could figure it out. But I mean that little shot of her walking by the homeless man felt like that was like a little foreshadowing exactly. I think that it was I mean dumb of Cindy to leave I think her mom obviously in that moment hit way below the belt in the beginning when she's like, it's all your fault. You always bring a mess for me to clean up. She of course hit below the belt because what like she's been raising Cindy. Daughter she's been doing all this. She's been protecting her for this many years. Not that she deserves to be, you know to act that way but like everybody has their moments and you know the words that she said the the next day or right when city was sneaking out it kind of really resonated with me because you know, think about when you were Monica's age lets, you know, we're going to say late teens and how many times did you have a freak out and like scream your mom? I don't ever talk to me again. It's just like her. Mom said she's gonna come back and let's please figure this out together. So the fact that I was like surely this is going to get to her because it's so got to me. I was like, of course like you have to realize this so to see her still walk out. It's not that I agree with what her mom said, but I was like I get it because I'm giving you this opportunity I gave you this and you're just going to leave and give up on your daughter again, and probably what will be one of the most difficult moments in her life. It's just Me being selfish. Yep, and she really did seem to learn from it and prison but I guess maybe not but she can't also we can't forget that she can't be homeless. I think that's why they made such a big deal of the give me the address thing a few episodes back because you have to have a stable place to live and all of the house why halfway houses. They said at the time are booked, so you can't let you really can't be homeless right? So, I don't know maybe Be maybe since we are seeing her character again, maybe she'll rethink this. Yeah after she walks around more homeless people and she comes back and even though mom yelled and said don't ever come back. I mean whole village a letter back. We'll see we'll see before we move on to our next topic. I just wanted to thank you all so much for helping us be the ESPN of TV talk. If you're in the chat comment, let us know what you thought. Be sure to subscribe and rate us on our Tunes we all love our fans so much and so appreciate you watching because it gives us the opportunity to talk about our favorite shows with all of you. So thank you very much like five star rating on iTunes and all of that great job. Yeah. Yeah. I want to talk about our lovely man Caputo because I always feel like he's a little in time I talk about Cindy. I always think about tasty and now we have this situation with Caputo a little different than you know, Things that kind of go on but in real life everyday, I feel like we hear about so somebody else being accused of sexual misconduct and whatever we've seen Caputo throughout the show be a total creeper. We haven't seen him directly. I don't think like do something maybe back in season one. I can't remember anyway, but he's dealing with this whole restraining order situation. Do you think that he actually should tell the ward? Or should he not know? I think he needs to listen to Natalie because the last was a couple episodes ago. Natalie said just leave it alone don't because he wanted to you know, apologize her just leave it alone. Don't go to her and he went to her and just made it worse and now she's putting a restraining order on him. So I feel like she needs to listen to Natalie again because she's always been like the pr person for Paulie core polycon polycon and He's just saying let it go leave it alone. I think he's listened to her. Although I feel like if he did go to Ward, I feel like Ward is isn't I don't know if she knew would know what to do because she's so green. Yeah, I mean Natalie set our fig she says that you know, if she if Caputo tells her that she is legally obligated to let him go. I mean he can't be a teacher out of prison at an all female prison like if that's the case. Yeah, but I struggle with The thought of being like okay, maybe he was a little inappropriate back in the day smell like what she's saying isn't true, but maybe he is a different person now and is doing all of this stuff. So it's like do you forgive that because he's doing all this great stuff now, I mean in the realm of the show, I'm going to say yes because and I don't think I agree. I don't think he should tell her okay. Okay, because I think that it you know by what is It ultimately going to do him telling The truth are to him saying something toward he if anything he needs to make whatever reparations to the girl that is accusing him and saying that he did these things. He's tried to apologize didn't go well so like but that is the situation that he needs to fix not by telling Ward. It's just going to screw so many other people and that's what kind of kills because we've gone through, you know, Ebbs and flows with Caputo's character throughout the show and kind of being the creep and then doing things to help. Then kind of being creepy as well and he's really at this point. Anyway, other than like the freaky crap that he fig do kind of come full circle and the sense of his character really does seem to just actually enjoy the helping of the people. Yeah, whether it be the students or the prisoners. Yeah. He I mean we see like when he when he see runs into tasty the you know, they had that moment and he went you know, that wasn't a real a touching moment, especially when he said that he wished that he could have done more because you know, tasty was there and he helped tasty out and even when tasty you know with the whole Riot thing kind of like I can remember exactly what she did now but she kind of went against him. Yeah. He was like to go telling her please don't do this and she's like I have to yeah, she even though he she did that. He's still understood and he still cared for her and he still fought for her last season when she was in court and everything like that. So he yeah, he's He's genuinely good person just kind of a little doesn't think things through exactly. I think that was one of my favorite moments of the episode the moment with between him and tasty and I think that that was probably the last time that we're going to see their characters together and that's why they gave us that because that he and tasty of had a special relationship for a long time the assistant job and obviously everything that he's tried to do even though, you know, he's messed up along the life sometimes but just I think the way that they acted that scene I was like this is the last time we're gonna see all together so actually so that is so actually I was I was actually thinking that but on a different level I was wondering because tasty kind of broke down for that minute. I'm like is she gonna do the drugs? Oh she gonna get is this like there's this like a goodbye? Yeah. I mean, that's the for me like throughout. You know, we only have a few more episodes left. That's probably the biggest question in my head. Because I'm so scared of that but she does seem to be a little happier. That's true. But she was you know, I think they were I feel like our I should say, I hope that they were giving us that it does feel like a goodbye. But as like a goodbye between the characters like yeah, you know, they're one of the people if you would have said like you want to see like a final moment I would have said I wanted to see something between the two of them because they've had such a special relationship. I would rather see less Caputo and fig trying to make a baby. Be the most disgusting of ways but she's oh my God. I wish I took this down for like our little quote saying I'm actually going to be too easy. That's why I'd be too easy but something about that's in whatever. I don't know if make me baby juice, maybe get your little thing going maybe some baby juice. That's not what she said. Y'all know what she said, but it was a lot more. I don't know if I can say that all I was Channel what she said. I like seeing it's nice out of her by the way between never seen. I mean, she's still pretty Savage but you know, she just like wants a baby and yeah, I mean it is very endearing when she told him I even if she was just doing it to get him to be able to be able to make the baby juice when she said that he's doing good and she's like essentially proud of him. Yeah, like wow, it seems like she must have genuine, you know, who didn't mean what I said Alex we officially don't think that they are going to last a noun No, I don't think so either. I don't and I'm actually we were talking about this last episode that Piper wasn't annoying us as much as usual and this usually I'm a all the time annoyed with Piper this time. I was really upset with Alex. I was too Piper the moment the interactions with her dad. I love tonight, but the interaction with Alex which it took her a little bit to get there, but she you know, we learned tonight that she has been like Fully honest and she's like, okay. I did hook up with these people whatever. Alex doesn't want to hear it. But then like McCulloch comes Creepin and I mean she I feel like she didn't even try to hide that like, I don't know about little stolen glance that she gave her. I guess someone has stolen because you didn't hide it but Piper was definitely oblivious to that because she I don't think anyone in her position would think that she would go for McCollough, right? Yeah, but do you think the fact that Alex hit it means that like she could have feelings. Formicola, um maybe for me more so I think that she isn't ready to admit. Maybe that means she does have feelings but I don't think that she's ready to admit that. She also did that because she was doing that with Piper to kind of like give her a to help her I guess so she didn't explode with the other things you'd only actually out at yes I can. Out and so she was helping her and then I feel like now she realizes she kind of she's taken advantage of the situation that she brought about right. So I think it's guilt and also maybe maybe just maybe she does. Well, I think that originally Alex probably only really decided to make a move, you know, we talked about the connection and whatever but because she was like, oh well Piper is doing this. So it's the same if I do it, right, but they're Seeing these like, you know, like sexy moments and the closet whatever it's very different than what Piper did like Piper went out literally just to like get the pie plate like this is different. It just sucks that like, they can't be on the same page like it's either Piper lying to her Alex lying to her like screw each other over and I guess I'm like really are we the whole, you know entirety The show we've gone through this and this is how we're going to end again, maybe not. I don't know. It was just I was definitely not happy that Alex didn't but I did like the moment between Piper and her dad and her dad has just been super hard on her, you know, she admits to everybody of course that she was in prison and he essentially accepts it. Well, she called him out. She said you cheated on Mom and he said oh shoot, you know about that. All right, so I think once he realized that he is not perfect as well. That made it, you know him able to relate and I did think that was cute because you know, she's been kind of vying for his approval this whole time that she's been out of jail. Yeah, and that was nice. Although I thought it was hilarious when she admitted that I drink all your vodka or tequila tequila and a drip and she's like what tequila what I don't drink on the job alcohol in my desk. I love the all the ladies were supportive and like that situation where you just assume that they're going to be like and On her like I should see my ex-husband exactly. I loved it our other kind of Parental stuff going on. Well not parentals tonight, but Daya trying to get back her drug mule situation, whatever from a Leda are trying to figure out another way to do it. I still think what I said last episode that she's just there's no sign at this point of her stopping doing anything to change. Worse? No, you're right. And I wanted to think that a later would kind of put her in her place. But you know, like as we see she's trying to she's trying to one-up her mom now she's trying to take away from her mom. So she yeah, she's lost she's completely a lost cause and they're trying to find you know, the new person to smuggle in things from and I was really excited because I liked this character. He was a teacher was doing so much with pennsatucky. Helping her with her learning disability and then and then she had to go and threaten him with a shank. Well Slide the shank but to the crotch. All right, and then his son. Yeah. Yeah, the thing that got me at first I was like, okay. She just wants like, you know, she needs back in the game. She's an attitude addict at this point, but of course, she's not going to buy anything from her mom and she wants to be the hbic on her block. Whatever. But then I was like, okay, not that I get it. But like we're talking about situation of the show I get it but then when she grabbed the phone and took it as far to like look at his Facebook. I knew the second she started looking that she was looking for something to threaten him with because you can't just like take in every other situation where a guard has, you know, kind of put themselves in a position to sneak stuff in it's always been a certain type of person and Just kind of randomly going about it looking and I feel like she knew she had to have something. So the fact that she did that and is like, you know not she has a kid or selfish clearly. She's forgotten about that. Yeah, but she's threatening him to do that. I just feel like she's just gone way way way more off the deep end than we ever even thought to see her like in the GD class being so disrespectful them like honey. You're grown. Why are you okay I get you joined the class. Like make the connection with Elmer whatever but like why you're just being dumb and pizza tacos clearly bothered but I don't know. It's to me like this is annoying to me. Yeah this point the whole situation. Yeah die has died has story is annoying her character right now is annoying because she's just lost she's better than that, but it worries me about like what other links she'll go to because at the end of the episode Ward when she's talking to a computer. Says that he quit the that Elmer quit he said he had a problem with his grandma or something like that and Illinois, so she's gonna have to find somebody else to do this. But like we don't have very much longer for her to do this. I'm wondering if I guess that could wait for predictions. Never mind. I am sad that that means pennsatucky kind of has lost one of her. Yeah Advocates if you will, so when that's really trying to help her so I'm wondering how that's going to affect her. Hopefully tasty will be able to continue helping her but we'll see our ice crew is in so much stuff the same Goods as always. I want to talk about the Nikki and Shaunie moment. We're obviously we know Nikki trying to hook up with her and she Shawnee explains how when she was young someone performed genital mutilation on her. So horrible that that's real. I mean everything that's happening in the show is real and it's horrible but like that, especially Is so horrible. I feel like it's not a topic often discussed because at not not that it doesn't happen in the United States, of course, it does but it is you know from what studies show and whatever much more prevalent in other parts of the world and that is literally part of their religious culture to do that to females it really hit me when Shawnee said tonight. She's Nikki so upset. How could your mother let you someone do that to you and she's like That's our culture. She's the exact same way. I had no idea that it was any different until I moved here which kind of just goes even farther to the you know, people always wonder. Oh, you can't just let everybody and you can't just do this whatever but it's it's like look at this situation. Look at this girl who would have never known that this was wrong had she been somewhere else, right and it's just like it was It's just tough and they're hearing about it. I mean, obviously we have to educate ourselves but like I don't know. I'm proud of Nikki for handling it in like, you know, she was clearly visibly upset, but she still tried to hook up with her again and Aunt is she wants her to experience the same sort of pleasure that Sean he's giving her exactly for lack of better words. I'm happy. I'm not happy of course about her situation, but I'm happy. That's what her story was that something horrible because for a moment I thought Shawnee was being discussed. Dishonest and that she was scheming and up to something different that would interfere with the whole, you know, the whole ice crew helping I mean the kitchen crew helping the ice people out, right? So I'm happy that that's not where it went. But of course that's not happy that that situation happens right her but like you said we need to be educated stuff like this happens and it's a sad reality exactly speaking of people helping people and Ice Detention Center. Obviously we have Bonkers, let's call her friend. I guess her new buddy her new buddy Carla. She gets the note about our kids custody battle in the moment where they are talking with litvak, right limit. I almost said it. I thought no did you think he was actually going to give her transportation for her kids? No, I mean this guy is a douche and and I think You know. Flakka playing all these pranks with him. Yeah, eight it into that at that moment in time because you know, everyone was walking by laughing that she wrote that and that aggravated him even more like we learn from the past episode when Blanca got him to turn back on the computers. She stroked his ego a little bit and you know, Carla tried to like get in there nicely and write code you have kids this in this but he shut her down and then the whole clip back thing. Shut up. Shut him down even more so no, I'm not surprised that he's this is the thing. I think she was wearing when she says to him. You know, I have this custody hearing I have to be there you have a legal responsibility to provide me Transportation. I was like I don't think you know that he does and I don't necessarily think that technically he does. I think that she was trying that because that's what helped in the case whenever she was actually, you know, she had her hearing that's we don't know that she I mean she did work in a law office she references that but we don't know that she knows that that's a law and like I'm not knowledgeable on that either. I'm not it. I don't know enough, but I'm pretty sure it's also not but you know, like you do whatever you can you say whatever you can to get there because chances are that product that Person may not know either and instead of getting in trouble. Maybe they're going to take you because they think it's their legal obligation it I mean it kills obviously that she's in this situation. But the moment we're block Blanca seats Gloria at the end another reference to last episode kind of a little foreshadowing here. I just feel like that is has Gloria and trouble written all over it. Mmm, and I don't want to say that because I mean, don't you do you think Gloria should help her? Or do you think Gloria should stay where she is? I mean, she's already kind of accepted that she's helping people when she kept take last episode when she kept taking the papers from everyone returning the trays. So she kind of is where she is now and I think the only way that she could get out of that if she needed to put her foot down would be not being part of the kitchen. Yeah crew anymore. But at the same time she's friends with Blanca, she knows Blanca from before and that would almost also be like Abandoning her friend and I don't think she'll do that. I don't think so either and I there is the part of me. That's like, okay. You can't help you have the ability to I just hope that it doesn't leave her in a lot of trouble. Obviously, it's not that of course. I'm very empathetic for Carla. But you know, I'm just thinking in terms of the show of like emojis. I don't want to get messed up. I don't want her to get myself either but you know, I'm being selfish and a scenario and yeah, right. We'll see maybe they're icing out Nikki, but I feel like everybody everything's going to get better but um like Lorna and red and stuff like that, but Anna is clearly in a bad way and the whole entirety of her episode tonight Parts in this episode were very difficult to watch shout out to Yellowstone for doing an amazing job because like in the moment in the bathroom when she's crying. I was just like that's definitely a me worthy right there. Just that moment, but the flashback what it's so difficult. Even talk about because like we see what I feel is a different part of Lorna than we've seen. We've seen her be kooky. We've seen her not living in reality, but we've never seen her directly like blackout. Yeah that yeah that was really tough to watch and I was telling you this when we were watching I feel so evil saying this but it's so frustrating watching her her go through this because you're you can't Have to have some grasp on reality. Right and and she really doesn't and I mean that happens to people some people just have stuff going on and it's just frustrating because she could be so great. I guess if you will, right? Well, I think it's they showed us this part of the flashback but to say, you know, obviously when people go through trauma, they totally blocked stuff out but I think they did this because we've always just thought like she's a little kooky She clearly has some issues but just doesn't live in reality. I feel like this is that showing them showing us. This says like she has an actual issue where like there are certain things that happen that she can't even remember them happening in her life. I mean when the car was driving up to her she thinks it's the guy that was like trying to hit on her earlier and even after they you know, she walks up to them. Oh, it's just awful and the car after they crashed and like she grabs her girls and she's like and they just got engaged like her mind. Is an employee grasping what happens delusional I mean and then to equate it obviously to what's happening in her life. Now, I don't I guess we're we see her running out of the jail at the end. I mean, we don't know but it's like she doesn't she can't grasp the situation with her child. So therefore she's kind of doing this whole running blacking out thing again, that was awful to watch the stuff with Vinny. I just because I'm so heartbroken for Vinny. I am too because he it's like he's giving her the chance. He's saying I want to be with you but like you can't you have to live in reality and the fact that Vinnie genuinely wants to be with her and he genuinely thought they could be each other's like rocks and this time even though he's seen how kooky she is. Yeah, that was tough because he's genuinely in love and he's genuinely hurt and Yeah, I mean when she's just kept talking about the baby like they didn't just talk about it. Yeah passing. It's almost better in my opinion that for her to I and I kept thinking this is she gonna go this way. She going to go this way for her to be like you let my baby die right then to be in this fake Instagram. Whatever kind of scenario. Yeah. Yeah be be like she's in the denial stage, but be Yeah, like get to the angry stage. It's okay to be angry. She just needs to accept it, but she definitely doesn't have the ability to because we see what this flashback that she there's a lot of things. She just can't accept. Yeah, and I feel like her, you know potentially losing him or losing him as just going to send her even farther over the edge what - when they were looking for her. I mean did you think she just escaped or like what did you think was happening? I mean I was Really wondering where the heck could she be like all the doors that she's running through don't they have like alarms or locks or something. So I'm curious to know where this door that she walked out led to do. You think it's outside part of me feels because they were mirroring, you know everything with what happened when she got up to the roof at the Pelican Hotel and how she was running Barefoot in the street. I'm hoping it's not like to the roof. Oh God. That would be awful and heard a jump. I mean, I definitely don't want the character to die. I just especially with them getting rid of the psych ward and all these other things that they need. She I don't feel like she has the proper care and prison. So I was definitely worried that she had committed suicide right then just because I think him saying the words that he did and then throwing the if you You can't do this and I want a divorce. But to me I like he was saying nice like he's saying this is my reality. I can't take you doing this and I just think she doesn't have the ability to not do that all I don't know. We'll see. I mean, I really hope not before we do our news and gossip and predictions. You have our special SEC. Yes, since bran brand is not here. I will do it. Love it to you. Okay. Um, so let's see. I wish I had a Blackberry scone for you Nicky. Yay. She's giving us she's giving me once but somebody said on the show and I have to guess who said. Oh, yes. I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that my apologies. I'm flattered. I've never had a stalker before. Oh gosh, I don't know you do. I don't know Shani Shawnee because she she found out the Blackberry scones because of her stock in on the Facebook and Instagram. Yeah tacos are on Tuesday, duh. Oh gosh, it's either. Oh, is it flock of? Yeah, the Flickr was giving me epilepsy. That was the characters. I can never die. I don't know her name. I think another random character set it in. We're in the um, what's it called the office? It wasn't an office. Yeah Piper's coworker. Oh and there's little room. Yeah. Okay fibrous co-worker. Okay, you kind of got it math nerd or Tokyo Drift. I don't know that was 80, although when they're talking about a professor. So evil of them. I don't know if ye okay, um now on to our news and gossip segment, so we were just talking about Yale. Yeah, baby. Yeah. She just posted this on her Instagram today Orange is the New Black is put there they're doing this. Fund called a pussy Washington fund and it's a to help fight the injustices of mass incarceration and the broken broken immigration system that we have here and it was named after some areas character Posse Washington and the organization benefits eight campaigns. Some of them being a new way of life re-entry project and Tyree. Oh my God. I cannot read I'm feeling like a pennsatucky right now. Let's scratch that when freedom of immigrants and immigrant Defenders Law Center. And so this program at first I was telling April like, oh my God, is this real is this a joke, but they wanted to use her character in the show just because of everything that happened to her character. Are we the show and all the misconduct and stuff that goes on in the prison and they want all the viewers since there's so many viewers. To keep this going especially because this is the last season. So yes, I want to watch the little yeah, let's watch the clip the clip the fund will support nonprofit. Advocacy groups whose goals are to reform criminal justice protect immigrants rights end mass incarceration and support women who have been affected by it. We've been honored to tell these stories of these characters and we've learned firsthand that the system is failing women both inside and outside of prison walls. So the pussy Say Washington fund will help all of us keep the orange Legacy living on Far after the show is over. Please go to the link to learn more. I just love that they're doing something to actually like she said keep the legacy of the show going but actually really doing something to make a difference because we can always say let's do this we should do this but to actually put something into a into effect that really, you know, kind of brings the whole show together and encompasses everything that we've always talked about. Just so great. Yeah, and this is a spoiler for those of you who haven't watched past spoiler for you April. They're going to mention this in the last episode of this series. So they they had originally wanted to tie it in in the previous season, but didn't know how to so we'll get to see this and just a nice way to keep it. Keep it going. Exactly and now let's do some quick predictions. TV predictions What do you think Lorna dies? Yes, you do. I do. I just think that it's a you know, we've lightly touched on her mental state, but never we've never like been given a full-blown shebang she should be you know in this that it's clear that she should be in some type of therapy but like that. There's actually you know more To it, and I just don't think that she can kind of take the situation the ultimate, you know, the worst thing that could have ever happened to her. It has happened to her and how she's always said and everything. Do you think she is? I don't know part of me doesn't feel like she is but I'm hoping if she is not dead that this will help maybe something with the prison and realize that they need to not get a do away with sir. I'm things and she needs to get some help. But yeah, I don't know. I'm also going to predict that Cindy might be going back to jail. I hope not but I could see it going that way just for the fact that they brought the character back at like we mentioned earlier. I thought they were just going to leave us there so I could I could possibly see that happen. I don't know so sad. Okay. Well, let us all know your predictions. We definitely want to know what you have to say. Remember to like subscribe comment. We All of your comments and love interacting with y'all and the meantime y'all can find me everywhere at April with some hand. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram and XOXO Cesc a you can find all of us everywhere Facebook Instagram iTunes at AfterBuzz TV. We will see you soon for episode 10. Yeah our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first we're the biggest in the world. And we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and shut that are lineup Buzz ya later. You've expressed herein are those of the host Tony do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are printable.
Hosts April Whisenhant and Francesca are still reeling over the Lorna flashback that we get tonight. Will Vinny really divorce her? Cindy is living at home but Monica gets Taystee’s letter in the mail which causes an immense amount of trouble. Blanca is trying to help other people in the ICE detention center but we see problems arising. All this and more! ABOUT ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK Orange is the New Black comes from "Weeds" creator Jenji Kohan about a women’s prison drama with comedy that takes no prisoners. Based on the acclaimed memoir of the same name by Piper Kerman, the series is about engaged Brooklynite Piper Chapman, whose decade-old relationship with drug-runner Alex results in her arrest and year-long detention in a federal penitentiary. To pay her debt to society, Piper must trade her comfortable New York life with fiancé Larry, for an orange prison jumpsuit and a baffling prison culture where she is forced to question everything she believes about herself and the world at large. As she struggles to adjust to her new reality, she finds unexpected laughter, tears, conflict and camaraderie amidst an eccentric and outspoken group of inmates.
Hey guys were here at AfterBuzz TV and we're so excited because we're finally going to cover letter Kitty stay tuned for more details. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN app TV top now let the buzz Hey guys, welcome to the preview episode 4 Letter candy. I'm so excited to get into the season and give you guys all the details of how we're going to recover it. My name is Princess Carole and I'm so excited for this show The Comedy seems right up my alley. So I'm just excited to get into it. Adam. Tell us more about you and why you're excited about Letterkenny. Hey, what's up guys Adam car here. I grew up in Cleveland, which is a lot closer to Canada than Los Angeles. So I think that already makes me just a little bit. An expert of what this show is season seven just dropped. So what are we going to do? We're going to start from the beginning season one next Monday. Exactly. And as you can tell Adam is our resident comedian. So I'd love to hear your thoughts on the comedy throughout the shell. But yes as he mentioned we are starting at season one. So next week on Monday. We're going to cover the entire season. It's a pretty short season only six episodes. So we'll cover every episode and then the following week we'll get into season two. All the way up into current season 7. That's right. Yeah only six episodes. So it's like British but it's in Canada indeed indeed. Sorry. I don't where can we find you on social media until then? Oh sure. If you I'm also a hand model. So if you want to see a picture of the bad boys or my real for that, it's Adam or if you want to look me up on Instagram at funny guy 1985. And guys again, I'm princess Carole. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at princess CTV will see you guys next week first season 1 of Letterkenny our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm. Mmm
Join Princess Carroll and Adam Carr to tease that we're starting a Letterkenny After Show! The Canadian comedy hit is returning for a new season; but we're not only covering that. Let's start at the beginning! Seasons 1 through the end, join THE AFTERBUZZ TV LETTERKENNY AFTER SHOW PODCAST as every week we break down the Hockey, the Farts, the Canada, and dibs those digits fellas. Subscribe and comment to stay in the know! About Letterkenny: Letterkenny revolves around the antics of the residents of a small rural Canadian community called Letterkenny. Expanding the cast from the web series, the series focuses on Wayne and Katy (created for the TV series, though obliquely referenced earlier, unnamed), siblings who run a small farm and produce stand, with help from Wayne's two friends: Daryl and "Squirrely" Dan (created for the TV series). It also focuses on a pair of local hockey players (Reilly and Jonesy) who are involved in a polyamorous relationship with Katy. Episodes deal with life in a small town, amongst different types of people: the farmers (the "hicks"), the out-of-towners who make up the local hockey team, the town's minister, the local drug addicts (the "skids"), and members of the local First Nation (the "natives"). Often plots revolve around Wayne defending his reputation as "the toughest guy in Letterkenny", the exploits of the perennially losing local hockey team, Wayne's attempts to break up his sister's open relationship with two of the members of the team, schemes by "the skids" to rip off the residents of both Letterkenny and a nearby First Nations reserve, and Wayne's various attempts to find love after the breakup of his high school sweetheart relationship of five years. In later seasons, the scripts feature wordplay and puns as a running joke to convey the intelligence of the small town characters.
Hello, welcome to the theology podcast. It's great to have you with us today and we are podcasting once again from flatbed pizza here in South Windsor, Connecticut. And we enjoy this place. It's a great atmosphere for us and we hope that you'll enjoy today's show. But anyway, the gang's all here. So when we introduced ourselves and then we'll get into the subject of the day when I'll go to my left. Okay? That doesn't mean I'm a leftist. I'm just sitting somebody has to beAre the most people story to left Chris? Let's be real. Yeah, once upon a time. I was I left this long long long time against right as most children are so and just before you know, before I introduce myself, there is very fine. Beer here and pizza as well. So I've right so just to throw that out there Tom Price. I'm a systematic Theologian and Christian ethicist and I do teach both and I inclined Sunshine Amy European historian professor of history at Central Connecticut State University and Senior fellow at the Colson Center for Christian worldview and I'm CR Wiley the senior pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Manchester and I'm the author of the household nor for the cosmos. Anyway today. We're going to be talking about someone who has been very influential in my thinking. It's my day. If you haven't you haven't figured that out and the the person I want to talk about is Robert Nisbet. Now the reason why I was prompted to think a little bit about nisbett and how he's influenced. What I've done is because I came across an article in Chronicles and I Chronicles is it's a great magazine that's been around for for a while and it's a it's a Paleo conservative publication and and as we get into this a little bit, maybe we'll be able to help our listeners understand. that a little about the different strands of conservatism because Nisbet is definitely a luminary in the world of paleo conservatism or social conservative thought intellectual thought now this bit was a giant in his time and produced a number of books that are really important, but the book that influenced me is a book entitled The Quest for community and it was a recently republished by Isi and it has an introduction by Russ too hot in the colonists over at the New York Times and so I bought it but I but I already had a copy from days gone by and I couldn't find it. So I bought this one. So I you know, and then I read it again and marked it all up. But this bit was a sociologist and the places he taught were pretty significant, you know, he was at Berkeley taught at Berkeley taught at Arizona then He was at Columbia and then he was the dean and vice Chancellor at the University of California Riverside. So this is a guy, you know, that no one could ignore because of the place that he occupied within the world of Sociology. But also in the world of sort of political and philosophy because he was kind of an old school kind of sociologist Emile. I know durkheim kind of person, you know or or you know other sociologists who didn't limit themselves to number crunching and statistics like a lot of the guys seem to you know want to do what it wants sort of limit themselves how they limit themselves today with their potentials to being scientists, you know what I mean? But so in this bit, you know as I noted request for community and he was a good buddy with Russell. Kirk now Russell Kirk is a fellow that was a very colorful person and he was famous for a book you in. He wrote entitled the conservative mind which came out I think in the early 50s and really put Russell Kirk on the map, but Kirk and Nisbet were like, I noted a couple of luminaries in the Paleo conservative world now to give folks a little bit of little bit of a of a framework for understanding what I mean by paleo conservatism when we think of conservatism most people would are what, you know, you might refer to what might be referred to as sort of knee-jerk conservatives Common Sense conservatives conservatives who watch Fox News people who just think how can anyone believe such nonsense when they hear progressives or marxists, you know say nonsense, you know, so so they're good folks, but they're more kind of operating from kind of an emotive and unreflective, you know Outlook now when you get into the sort of intellectual the intellectual sort of, you know, world of conservatism you discover that there are different camps or different sort of outlooks. So libertarianism, you know is an Outlook that you know is often associated with people like an r and so forth. And it's very individualistic. And so it's often materialistic and even atheistic but it's all about, you know, efficient economic systems and people pursuing their own goals and not being interfered with by the gut, you know by the government and there are a number of things about, you know, the things that Libertarians support that other conservatives support, but then there are also some important Divergence has then we could talk. Talk about you know, something get some folks refer to as Classical liberalism, which is a little odd to say that classical liberals or conservatives. But but when we think about Classical liberalism were essentially talking about people who were influenced by Enlightenment thinking and still sort of, you know, look at the individual list sort of the basis of the social order everything kind of boils down and and classical Liberals are people who often you know, lionize Certain rights, you know, this is kind of what Weds oftentimes Libertarians with this type of classical liberal. Right? Is this kind of Center on the individual right? Even though there's differences that kind of brings them without oftentimes knowing it into similar political territory. It's also worth noting that the American Founders were essentially classic liberals. That's right. So in the context Of American culture a liberal is a conservative. That's right. That's right. Yeah, you have to go back over to the content back to right across the pond. If you go across the pond to Europe, that's a liberal it there. This goes back to ideas of free market economics Smith Liberties of the individual all of those kinds of things which were part of the currency the intellectual currency in the enlightenment the late 18th century, right? So So yeah, that's a great in so, you know when we talk about classical we're talking about people like, you know, Adam Smith. We're talking about Thomas Jefferson or even Benjamin Franklin people that you know warm the hearts of many American conservatives and just kind of throw out there this little note these would maybe be on the same page with a traditional Christian in terms of the significance of a lot of Institutions that have gotten us to where we are but oftentimes a class Typical liberal in other ways would often undermine those very yes, so we will and that's exactly what Nisbet gets into. Yeah. So so what we mean by that is, you know, say a person like Benjamin Franklin's no Benjamin Franklin will defend Christianity on utilitarian grounds. Not on its truth. You know, he won't say Jesus was actually the Christ or the Son of God. He'll say people who believe that tend to save their money, you know tend to do further grata. Case intend to work hard, you know, and so therefore attack really a certain religion is a positive. You know, it's a social good because it contributes to social stability and personal responsibility and those kinds of things but you know, you know, it's not necessarily true because it's just true. It's in a non it's useful. It's yeah. Yeah choose it's not uselessly true, which is a good thing as well see later. That's right. Now, you know in my experience most of the social conservative sort of knee-jerk or common sense conservatives that I know are actually conservative at a deeper level than Libertarians are classical liberals. But but they tend to gravitate toward libertarianism or Classical liberalism because that's all they know and that's and they are times to only be the expression that's on offer. Yeah. That's the only thing that they hear about and they know, you know, it's sort of like the the enemy of my enemy is my My friend, yeah kind of think. So those wackos who are protesting The Ant and the antifa people all that kind of stuff. I don't like those people and neither does an Ran So and ran must be great. Yes. This is you know, so but there is another strain or thread of conservative thought in the west that is referred to often as paleo conservatism or social conservatism and Russell Kirk who, you know wrote for National Review. You and was a pretty significant and a very colorful person by the way, he had a sword cane and they're talking about that kind of he never drove. Really. Yeah, in fact, he hated technology so much that when he discovered that his daughters had snuck a television into the house. He went to the tower in his house and threw it out the window. See see a lot of people don't get this. I mean, this is similar will talk to you know, we also tell that Roger Scruton a lot of people think of, you know conservatism. Is this weird type of ultra consumerist right indulgent exploiter of Nature and everything else when classically when we understand what it is to conserve and a real conservative and I'll save it as a Christian is someone who is conserving the goods of the created order not saying they don't need Redemption just talking about the the preservation of that which is has been given as gift one sees that there there is something that oftentimes has a semblance of what for example the counterculture and hippie movements pointed to a mat. Right? So you look more in continuity with with movements like that at some points and environment as well without turning it into an ideology or a new god. Well, yeah, it turns into a no for Paleo conservatives like ideology is the devil and we should probably spend a little time talking about that maybe the course of the show, but but this this Point you just made Tom brings to mind something that happened in Russell Kirk's life. That was kind of amusing. So Russell Kirk, he was a used he had a doctorate but he was a man of letters. He didn't you didn't actually teach in a car in a university setting or anything. He just felt that higher education has become industrialized. It's right. And so when any had the means the monetary, you know resources to kind of live independently like Roger Scruton, we're going to talk about a little later, but so but he He founded some journals Modern Age, you know the university Bookman did different things but he was invited to participate in debate in a debate over the environment and I think it was at some University and like Virginia isn't like and so he's responded as well. I'd be happy to do that. What am I? You know what side am I on and one of my for he said the what we're talking about the environment and you're against it and he said hold it because the environment I want to conserve the right now. We think about when we think about like Earth day, isn't it interesting that Earth day, which is this wacko sort of Earth First cult kind of thing has in the minds of many people that clip starboard a wasn't member Arbor Day was about planting trees and things like that, but it was a very conservative kind of outlook on the environment. But anyway, that kind of gets this but I do think that you're right Tom that that when We talked about paleo conservatives. There are certain ways in which paleo conservatives can actually relate to and have more in common with a certain kind of progressive. That's right particularly ones who are in favor of you know, the natural order or making sure that small communities are protected connectedness to Nature right agriculture. Yes craft, right? Yeah those definitely and so you could say that Vermont, you know, if you look at it one way is the most Progressive state in an another way. You could look at it and say it's the most socially conservative of our state's. Yeah. I think I'm doing good for now. Thanks. So now that probably sounds very weird to our to our audience. But let me give you an example of a way in which Vermont is actually peel you conservative in a way that some progressives would say cool. Billboards are illegal in Vermont. And there's one Walmart in the entire State hasn't been Walmart and wall. I can't even say that well mortifying. Yeah, so if you go to Vermont almost every town still has a general store. That's where you shop I think the word you were looking for as well mortification. Yes of the flesh. Now. What does all this have to do with Robert Nisbet? So what I'm going to do is just read a little bit from is bit. And I think we can just sort of Freewheel it here and react to the things that Nisbet says and I'm going to be reading from the Quest for Community now give a little bit of background on how this It has influenced me. Well, I mean, I mean, let me say what I'm going to say for a little later because at this point I want to just read a few selections, maybe two or three selections from the first chapter of the book the questor community and the and the title of the first chapter is the loss of community. So here's the first sentence in the first chapter quote one may paraphrase. Raise the famous words of Karl Marx and say that a spectre is haunting the modern mind the Specter of insecurity. Now, we know from The Communist Manifesto what Mark said is the Specter of Communism, but this is a sort of interesting inversion because if there was anybody who is the anti commie thinking guy it was Robert Nesbitt now now what news bed is getting at Is that if you know in the modern world, the individual is has had the traditional supports Stripped Away the supports of you know, a functional family supports of a healthy vibrant local community that the support of the of a church or a parish that actually did stuff Versailles leadership virtuously. It's all these things are gone in the modern world. Now, here's here's another or here's another quotation from the loss of community the first chapter of the Quest for Community quote. All of these words is, you know listed a set of of terms. So let me give you the list individual change progress reason and freedom. Okay, those were the words that he lists and he says all of these words reflect the temper of mind that found the essence of society to lie in the solid phase. Act of the discrete individual autonomous self-sufficing and stable and the essence of History to lie in the Progressive emancipation of the individual from the tyrannic torana trennis tyrannous. I should say tyrannous on to say tyrannosaurus, but I think most individuals want to be liberated from trying to say this is a real issue. Jurassic Park, sorry, sorry folks. Kills me. Anyway, let's go back go back to rubber news, but they're just been a number of people have done subscribers. Let me go back and read this again. Anyway, all of these words reflect the temper of mind that found the essence of society line the solid fact of the discrete individual autonomous self-sufficing and stable and the essence of History to lie in the Progressive emancipation of the individual from tyrannous and irrational status is handed down from the past. So, you know, for example, you know, what we do with now is you know, the patriarchy Key, which is essentially, you know the father who is representing the traditional understanding of the household in other words as a functional institution is now considered rather, you know, instead of being a benefactor instead of being essential someone who's in the way. Yeah Tom a problem. Yeah problem two children problem two women problem to homosexuals a prominent all these Of people if we can just get the patriarch out of the way, then these people will be free to Define themselves to be themselves. Now now there's a lot we could say about that, but that's that's one of the things he's getting at what I'm struck with here is the in part of this is just what I've been teaching today what one of the things I'm struck with here is that you know when you look at Metaphysics when you look at the the problem of universals, right which in a nutshell is the analogy I always use has leaves on a tree all the leaves are different but somehow we've got one word to describe the whole lot of them. Each of them is a leaf but no two of them are alike. So how do unite unite the particulars into the universal. What's the relationship between them and they're basically classically there are two approaches one of them starts with universal and goes to the particular the other goes with starts with the particular and goes to the university. Whistle either way, both are real. It's just the question of what's primary what when you get to Medieval nominalism, the universal is nothing more than a linguistic convention right now medieval nominalism. I'm going to disagree with a lot of people here medieval nominalism largely dies out, but there's a sort of new version of it that comes out and what strikes me is what he's describing. There is a nominalist way of Approaching Humanity interesting that there is no there are no real Universal. There's nothing that unites the particulars. They're all just a bunch of discrete things out there like leibnitz with his monads in him. So if you know all these things that are just sort of like like Adam social Adam's right a lot of the theological World followed that but what it did, is it embraced in a sense. I'm not saying full nominalism. It didn't criticize the lot of it. It did start to embrace something as we've talked about is sort of a pure nature but one of the things for them what held it together was sort of an arbitrary Act of deity. So a what we would call a voluntaristic view of God as sort of the commanding God or I'm who imposes arbitrarily not not because he's conforming to the nature of who God is but sort of his nature now is determined by the way Yaks imposes that form on thing. So in either case you have a very altered picture then than the world of universals that historic Christianity carved itself out in you have a new setting in which even even for a lot of Christians the individual in the particular starts to take on this heightened sense of almost everything and the kind of universal in that which holds things together the harmony if you will starts to be removed from the picture and if anything it's only conceived as arbitrary Right on one end or merely linguistic on another right ending on where you are whether you're Christian or not and that work to see and and where I go immediately is the relationship of the individual to the family. Yes. Where is what's primary what secondary it's actually a really tricky question. But what's the current thing love makes the family a family is a linguistic convention that we we use to designate whatever particular group we wanted to be. There is a there is a disconnect that has developed between the individual and the family so that family is not even acknowledged as anything real right? Well, that's that then what you know Russell Kirk and with Robert Nesbit we're doing was very much interested in sort of the tradition of of of the realists which was And that there is some kind of metaphysical basis. For human life that is instantiated in Social arrangements. So he's so people aren't really capable of living the way that is described here as discrete individuals that you know, you know, Tarzan, you know is fiction. That's right. It's not real it's real. Well what's real is that people, you know? I've been in relationship to other people from the start and that this is a business tremendously important and there's a whole thread or the tradition of thought, you know that we can trace all the way back to Plato through Aristotle and and even before that and it recognizes those there's an interesting thing because you know oftentimes I don't I don't think I contemplate this enough, but what what you get mimicked in in creation Genesis account is on the one hand. Everything all creation gets its everything from the Creator. It's absolute dependence. In other words there if I always tell my students the nothing that creation is not a little bit of something. It's the introduction of being entirely. Yeah. So everything we are everything we have everything is determined and defined by the Creator whether we like it or not and if we are not being self tough luck, it's a it's a gift all the way down. But then what you end up seeing is what gets mimicked in. Created order is a certain sense of dependencies that are analogous to that. What are that? Parental dependency? Yeah, relational dependencies dependencies on other aspects of creation and the amazing thing that we're not only dependent on the created in an absolute sense, but relatively we're dependent on this whole right? And so that is what this is kind of onto well definitely. Yeah, and you know to sort of fill our folks in on sort of how this, you know kind of ties into witness, but It is up to Nesbitt is just got leid to summarize, you know, sort of the essence of his thought it best. I can basically it's this the individualism that we you know, lionize and champion in the west right now strips away all of the traditional supports historically, you know that have been relied upon to take care of just letting a number of things not only psychological needs, but just Everyday physical needs that people have some day. I'm going to be an old man and I'm going to need but some people think I'm an old man already. But someday I'm going to need more help than I already need just to get through the day. So with that in mind, what is Classical liberalism have to offer the sort of the facts on the ground. Well, this is it a state the state has to fill in and and you know for all of the stuff that the state has to help to strip away or very very expensive corporate. That's right. One of them said it's done in a mechanical way. So so it would paleo conservatives, you know are advocating is is a you know, they're what they're saying is that we have these organic systems that occur naturally. I know families and local communities and do that. Tada and yeah, they yeah and yes, they do make demands on us because the only way that those systems can work as ever if everybody pulls their own weight and it does things for each other. So, you know an example would be you know, if you know an infant is utterly dependent upon his his or her parents then they take care of you know the child when the child is cute and small independent and later in life that child Returns. The favor is Duty bound. Bound to care for his parents in their old age in the inner furmity when they kind of return to infancy themselves in certain respects, which is something I recall. Is it even as a kid? I mean, you know, I'm old enough to have been across that threshold. I'll never forget as a as a child. I was lived in Massachusetts at the time instead it was born and I remember we had some friends top of the street and one morning their parents were going to take us to school for that day. I remember going into the house. They're elderly grandmother in her 90s was they're being cared for it to him take care of in that context and I just always remember thinking to myself. This is very interesting. I hadn't had the experience at the time. I my grandmother was not quite at that age where she she had the kind of moved to caregiving but it was one of the my first introductions to the way in which there was this kind of I was used to my parents taking care of me, but I consciously was aware now this family was taken care of right of An elder Elder parent and in so it showed me this connectedness very young. Right and if that wasn't the case who would pick up the slack it's right that the government would have to pick up the slack or you know, or, you know, perhaps some other institution, you know, when we think about the early church there was you know, obviously, you know the call to care for widows. But again, we're not talking about the state. Yeah, we're talking about communities. Which have faced, you know where people have face-to-face interactions. Yeah. So what Nesbitt is saying is just just the quicker you're bringing in the church is a really interesting one as well because the great heresy of America is individualism, right so it can be just me and Jesus. That's I don't need the church. I don't have to go to the church. The church is a collection of autonomous saved individuals. Yeah, rather than anybody. Body with its own identity and integrity. Right? Right. Yeah that that that issue of you know, what we theology call the ontology of the ontology of the church is a huge issue. I mean, what is what is it that defined finds the being of the church and when you have scripture language, like can the hands say to the arm, you know, I don't need you and similarly all the way down to to the organic which I think it's very much rooted in. You have this very deep connection between the way in which. All of creation has this harmonious working that is for the full development and spiritual fullness ultimately of every every particular thing of that creation. So so the the particular in the individual that the modern is so obsessed with has its completion within this whole when it tries to become an end in and of itself, you know, but you know when you seek, you know, What is it what it was the famous biblical? I'm you know, when you when you seek your own Pursuits you end up dying, but where you actually seek the kingdom you find your fulfillment right? Very similar within oh, yeah created hole which I think demonstrates that the temptation to kind of just be autonomous goes a long way that well it goes back to the beginning. Yeah, you know, that's right, you know, so so nisbet's great fear was socialism, you know, he was a student of Alexis de tocqueville. you know and the idea, you know the TOEFL, you know back in the early 19th century tocqueville when he came over to the United States from France and wrote his famous book, you know, he predicted that this is a sort of tutelary and beloved benevolent sort of apparatus the you know, the state would take over more and more of the of the functions of a healthy local sort of community or society and Essentially become a kind of benevolent mother who would just never lets anybody grow up, you know, what a state like that wants is infants, you know to just be utterly dependent upon it. Yes and socialism is essentially that it's all about you know, where you in fact, I remember when I was in Harvard Divinity School. I remember I completely blew the minds of my interlocutor is there and and offended number of them. I said, you know what you guys are all about is you You want to you want to exchange substantive freedoms? And where's the freedom to be responsible for yourself and your actions for petty freedoms so that you can screw whatever you want to screw in other words sexual Freedom. You just want you to have this libertine lifestyle without consequences and you want the government to come in to mop up after you yeah, take care of all your mess as well as criminalizing any criticism of your behavior. That's The right? Yeah, so, of course, they were all tremendously offended but actually weren't able to respond. Yeah, they never do the deal is that they're going for is unlimited Freedom by which they mean sexual Freedom enforced by rigid governmental sanctions. Yeah, and that's the end that and think about that. Oh, yeah, but that's but that's actually the inevitable sort of outworking of this kind of Understanding of things so Nesbitt would say and I know this little fat offend some of some of our you know, knee-jerk, you know conservatives some of our remaining listeners. That's right. It says is this is where Thomas Jefferson takes you yeah, in other words. This is a this is the natural outworking of this kind of Classical liberalism. So what would Nesbitt would like us to do is recover? Institutions that we are, you know casting aside because their oppressive. Yeah now that's not to say that, you know, the institutions that you know, we've relied on in the past can't go bad. I mean churches go bad church leaders can go bad father's can be bad mothers could determine we all know that yeah, but let me let me Jump Ahead a little bit in this book and he gets into this. This is a chapter entitled the problem of community and he's a Dressing this very this very thing so here he says but the decline of effective meaning and what he's getting at here. Is he saying that you really can't have you no meaning without institutions and that so that's kind of the background here. Now, I don't think many modern people think that way at all. I think that people think that we just make up meanings and institutions get in the way I think in a weird way. I don't want to go off on this but I think in a weird way if it can Stein was trying to Recover something of that interesting that this this associate this social meaning the institutional meaning. Yeah is what GE GE rep sense to the reference and I think that this bit yes, you will see that here. So Tristan he says but the decline of effective meaning is itself a part of a more fundamental change in the role of such groups as the family and the local community at bottom social organization is a pattern of institution institutional functions into it. Which we are woven. We numerous psychological threads of meaning loyalty and interdependence. The Contemporary sense of alienation is most directly perhaps a problem of symbols and meanings and it is also a problem of in the institutional functions of the relationships that ordinarily communicate integration and purpose to individuals and that's a lot that's a pretty difficult sentence, but he goes on to explain what he's getting at and any society the concrete And devotions of individuals tend to become directed toward the association's and patterns of leadership that in the long run had the greatest perceptible significance in the maintenance of life. Now, I'm going to stop here and just interject today. Most people don't even know who their local representative is, you know at the Town level or at the state level, but everybody is completely obsessed with Trump. That's right. So What does that say that that says that we don't really believe that local institutions or even at the state level, you know that those folks are really doing anything terribly important. The thing that really is important is the federal government and who's running it and it's interesting in Connecticut. It's not so much that the governor isn't doing terrible anything terribly important. It's he's doing things that are terrible. That's Connecticut. You know what you're talking about. I was speaking one of the institutions I teach yet locally and I had one of the Catholic Worker movement guys. Come on. Yeah, we know there he left wing. Yeah, orbis book sorbus books guys, but one of the interesting things he did say and this is what I always say is that that actually historic classical whether it be Christian or conservative oftentimes as facilities with certain things these people say he said exactly the same thing. He said everyone's obsessed with the the big symbol. They don't realize that it's the particular in the local that is where all the shifting and shaping happens. Yeah, and so, you know, they maybe they've learned that to experience because nothing's moved with their ideals other but if you notice I mean, I've noticed legislation passed here where I only heard about it on the radio and I never heard about it anywhere else and it was already when it was being passed and it wasn't for the good of anyone. Yeah, but that's because those people who recognize that the pressure is Here in the particular. Well, this is why Kayla conservatives are kind of funky because I've known several paleo conservatives who don't drive. Yeah. They just you know what the interesting thing. Is that other thing no kidding. He told the classes. They don't need a car. Yeah, here is a leftist Catholic social worker. He's convincing the youth they don't need to have an automobile. Yeah. Well, I have a friend who's about as far right as you could possibly get. Yeah named David Trimble hee hee. He's he lives the in downtown Boston precisely because he doesn't want to have to drive drunk and and Russell Kirk didn't drive Ray Bradbury didn't drive the famous science fiction writers wrote Fahrenheit. What's funny about driving Obsession on both sides, but what they're saying is in a sense is that you know, the ambulatory the peripatetic. Yeah that that the fact that human scale matters. Yeah that you know what we're able to sort of Understand at a sort of intuitive and sort of experiential level is limited interesting. Yeah, and it's interesting Roger Scruton will talk about often a lot of the significant Architects that have done the best work in terms of building Community is wrapped around creating as thetic communities on the human scale. Yeah human skill I think is a very important that both the physical and the institutional level the interesting thing about this I find myself thinking about my time in Europe. And in this sense London for example is not built on a human scale is right. It is just simply too big. I mean, yeah anybody who's been there Paris is built on a human skin interest Paris is a city that is made for walking. Yes. Yeah, and so a certain parts of Boston Are Made For Walkin. Yeah, but when you get to the newer part They're not. Yeah the further away you get from Beacon Hill the the less, you know sort of pedestrian friend really kind of friendly gets. Well. Let me read you another part another paragraph here another few lines from the problem community in the Quest for Community by Ribbit missed it. He says quote our present crisis lies in the fact that whereas small traditional associations founded upon kinship Faith or locality are still expected to communicate to individuals the principal moral and psychological. A logical gratifications of society they have manifestly become detached from positions of functional relevance to the larger economic and political decisions of our society. I think I'll have a Conehead. That's the Stout. No, that sucks. Yeah, I have another code right? So he goes on to say family local community church and the whole network of inference in formal interpersonal relationships that have ceased have ceased to play a determining rule in our institutional systems of mutual Aid welfare education Recreation and economic production and distribution yet despite the loss of these manifest institutional functions. Yes, and the failure of most of these groups to develop any new institutional functions. We continue to expect them to perform adequately the implicit psychological or symbolic functions in the life of the individual now that that's a mouthful but let me just sort of play. It's sort of, you know, sort of a break it down for for for folks. So what he's saying is we still expect family to provide a lot of meaning in our lives. But we don't expect family to do anything. So in other words, we want family to be a warm emotional sort of Safe Haven, you know a Haven in a heartless world. That was a book that Christopher lash wrote. He expressly can, you know, criticizing the tendency of modern people to think about households in that sort of sentimental way but in and yet we don't even eat dinner together, that's right. We don't eat dinner together and but you know as No, because we've talked about it many times, you know, the pre-modern household did everything it was education. It was health care. It was occasional training. It was productive Enterprise. It did everything. So in a situation like that in a household where you're actually, you know, relying on the household to survive the patriarchy is hugely important and respected and obeyed because to to not obey and not respect is Death literally death and and I think that you know, I mean I you know, I don't want to take it fully in this direction, but I think part of the economic strain that most families put themselves under and then end up becoming servants to our results of the fact that all these things have been handed over. Oh, yeah, two Alternatives that that basically take the the group the Revenant. Thank you. They take the revenue that People have and they offer such a minimal answer to those things that a household traditionally our family and the community could have actually handled in a much more comprehensive and significant way and so they're handing over all of that to someone who not only is taking everything they basically have but giving him something very minimal in return for its a false security what you think about for example the costs. Yeah that you know, we that are that you are. You experiencer you pay and when you put your you know, your parents into a nursing home. Oh, yeah, I know that sometimes because of the medical requirements the person needs access to the kinds of things that only a nursing on provide but it was prior to that you were talking about tens of thousands of dollars, even on a monthly basis then people that have to pay for the services that but if you just brought the guy home or The woman home and you know, there were people who are caring for this elderly person in the household you would actually have you know, the human connection and you would have obviously kind of a subsistence economy wouldn't be handing over dollars. Well even accused in that human connection played a lot of people don't realize the significance of it. For example, you know, I just I had some teeth work done. My insurance will pay 80% of certain things. I have to pay out of pocket the rest. All right an astronomical amount of money for something that really is about a 15 minute. Yeah giant course, you got to have the tools to take but what happens is it's so flooded with all these other things protecting, you know, you know protecting insurances and I'm all of these things and of course the upside is it protects the patient to the downside is what used to be Provided by the mere care for someone else within a community. It's now have to be has to be basically paid for every time you've got something done. So whereas in a community that was close-knit organically between families Community Church and the like that care was more natural. It was more organic. So therefore you didn't have to have a special set of insurances and protections in place that that that malpractice was going to take. Yeah, right. They were going to do the best they could for you. Because they were going to do the best thing they could for you and the value system was connected to that. Now. You don't know. I mean, are you just a number merely? Do you need that root? Canal? I don't know. I'm not someone you know, I don't I don't know. I don't know if I did right and so you have all these extra costs get flooded into what normally and and could be dealt with in a much a much more humane way for everyone involved in much. So if I were to summarize Nisbet, Andy and Beyond Is bit the larger paleo conservative tradition the more you stress the lip that sort of the sort of the freedom of the individual and in a moral sense. That's that's an important thing to you know to make that qualification in a moral sense. So that a person can make choices without sort of having to consider the consequences or having or having to consider the people that are affected the more of that kind of Freedom that kind of protect libertine freedom is celebrated though. The Paradox is the larger the state must become. Yeah to support people who live that way because there's no way that human beings can live the way the ideal says they are not Gods. That's right. And this is the whole point of Civil Society the idea that there ought to be intermediate institutions between the individual and the state. It's the whole point of Kuiper's Right sphere sovereignty all of these things disappear. When you move into this kind of thing. I'm glad you brought up Caper because within you know Christian, it's sort of the larger Christian tradition. There are essentially two strands of thought that recognizes and deal with this and they are in the subsidiarity and you sort of the philosophy of subsidiarity that we see within Catholicism and the within the reformed tradition steer sovereignty that we see with kite. Upper but your typical sort of mainstream megachurch Evangelical is completely clueless right completely closed get to it Terry and but let me give another example we talked about the family. Yeah. What about your town? Right? Okay, so think about it what real connection challenge to listeners? What real connection do you have to your town? Right? What does the test is, you know when I think about it? What are the things that bring it down together? Well, maybe High School football naked right? Right pleasure of Pennsylvania. Definitely in some of us kind of some of the ones like me who didn't play football but played clarinet. Maybe it's the band but but aside from that, what is the town right? What identity does it have or if you're in an urban community? What how about your neighborhood right as your neighborhood how it used to be that these things were Everybody knew each other. Yep, everybody watch out for each other everybody that helped with each other's kids everybody knew when there was a problem and work to solve the problem together. I mean this isn't this isn't I'm not trying to paint some sort of idealized past but this was the reality of how these things worked. Right? And you know, I actually wrote something for the Boston Herald years ago on this very theme is entitled amateur police are quickly disappearing and it was basically this idea that you know you And in the old neighborhood, you know, you had that that fussy and nosy woman who spent all her time at the window watching the kids on the street. So probably that woman was despised or at least feared by the kids by the kids, but think she was actually appreciated by the other mothers because she would probably get on the phone and say, you know Johnny, I just saw him. Yeah do this kind of thing so so but this is the thing about community. When it's really working in the way it should and that is if there are irritants and I suspect that some of the people who don't want to go back to that world are our people who don't understand that we can't have a world without irritants that there's always going to be something. So the question is what's lost and what's gained who's the one we end up, you know, when we lose that and we lose the the tight-knit neighborhood where everybody kind of knows everybody and there's a you can let your Could you just open the door the front of your your Brownstone and you know a little Bobby can run out into the street and play for hours and you're not have thinking about them. We've lost that and we instead we've replaced it with helicopter parenting where a parent which is Merced which is once again an atomized. Yeah individualistic way of looking at things which well, it's a complete breakdown of all of these kinds of values that used to be taken for granted. Yeah, I would jump on my bike when I was a kid. I imagine something similar for you Glen you Tom and I was gone. Yeah, he's just gone till the evening today by my thing was the street light came on at six o'clock in the evening. That was time to come up. Yeah. Yeah that is you know, it was funny. You know, like I remember Mike one time. I was like, maybe six and my mother was Kind of freaking out because I decided that six years old that you know, I didn't want to go the way to school that would require me to like, you know, stay in the lines of the crosswalks and then I just cut through people's backyards you had your way. Yeah kind of okay and but you know, even with that, you know, I was I was just I just, you know, we talked about free-range child. I might childhood was like like the Serengeti baby. Yeah, and I was just out there and I had a very conservative home but part of that was balanced by that a very similar thing a gave us that kind of confidence and space to kind of pursue life at a very young age in ways that not even conceivable now. Yeah, I mean we've got which and I think it's because we had a we had a way of thinking about Freedom. Yeah, and it's a sort of a To do that we had inherited a way of thinking about Freedom that was sort of bound up with responsibility. Yeah. Yeah and also in and sort of compatible with Community. Yeah. Yeah. Now today we don't think that either responsibility or Community are helpful. In fact, we think of those things as hindrances to our expression and that's what's hurt. I mean I evaluate with goes on. I mean, I have teenage a teenager and They evaluate how discombobulated they are with with life. And a lot of it is because these these nets aren't there and these things that were you know, I remember Rowan Williams was called them kind of lost icons. I think it was a good time. He's per amp social parameters that gave us a sense of where the limit is and what can be transcended what can't be and so they were guidelines guidepost signpost. If you will they're gone for them. The family has been is taken away. The community has been taken several the whole burden. Placed on the individual to realize everything their identity their sexual. I mean everything is now go put on them and they're bearing a burden that is not meant for the individual to bear. It's meant for the whole and that's what when it gets ripped out of the hole. Then it comes something that I think is why we have identity politics. That's right people submerge themselves in these sort of crazy. Yeah things. Yeah, and and the real oppression is that Yeah, it said that the left Vision that kind of the vision that kind or you know, it's common It's a combination. I don't just want to blame it on the ledge kind of the whole modernist version. Yeah, that place is the the the autocratic Freedom or out there is another term for it autonomous for the yeah autonomous and and it was something that kind of basically puts the whole burden on the individual it creates this whole thing this monster. And and it is it's you know it in there isn't anything to celebrate in that when people talk about freedom of the individual to pursue whatever they want. That's not a good thing. No. Yeah, and that's exactly what with Nisbet was was concerned with and you know the opening sentence of the book, you know insecurity. Yeah and what loud Classical liberalism to kind of flourish in and do its thing is because it was trying to actually balance. Lance some space for the individual that was a good thing, but it was trying to balance that with what it inherited from the kind of moral order the families the social structure even christened them in a in a very interesting way with still framing shirt. The judeo Christian worldview was still shaping it. So so for a lot of people, you know, the whole goal is just to get back to a culture that has the judeo Christian worldview, but really that isn't that isn't Enough because it doesn't it doesn't deal with the anthropology that's been fun covid basically thrown at us with with the enlightenment. All right. Let me let me just wrap up this upper kind of getting to the point where we can wrap the show up when I think about you know, my work, you know the stuff I've done on the productive household and you know, my books, you know man of the house and you know household work for the cosmos when I think about you know, what were the Where were the the influences intellectually that help me or informed that the this project that I haven't been involved with? Nisbet's one of these guys and and and this particular passage. I'm about to read was was seminal for me in this respect. It was one of those passages that you know, I'm sure you've had similar experiences where you like. Wow. Yeah, my whole my whole way of thinking is just been transformed this this Passages it. So here it is. We are told by certain psychologists and sociologists with that with its loss of economic legal functions. The family has been freed from all that is basically irrelevant to its real nature that the true function of the family the cultivation of affection the shaping of personality and above all the manufacture of adjustment. Is now in a position to flourish illimitably to the greater glory of man and Society in a highly popular statement. We are told that the family has progressed from an institution to companionship. Okay, so now but he goes on to say but as or Ortega, it cassette are cassette. I don't know how to pronounce that name. It's written quote people do not live together merely to be together they live together to do. Something together. That was that's what hit me like a ton of bricks to suppose that the present family or any other group can perpetually vitalize itself through some indwelling affectional tie and the absence of concrete perceived functions. It's like supposing that the comrade comrade Lee or the comradeship and the ties of mutual Aid which grew up incidentally in a military unit. Well long Outlast the condition in which war is plainly and erecta irrevocably banished. Applied to the family the argument suggests that affection and personality cultivation can somehow exist in a social vacuum unsupported by the determining goals and ideals of Economic and political Society. But in hard fact, no social group will long survive The Disappearance of its Chief reasons for being and these reasons are not primarily biological but institutional unless knew it institutional functions are performed by a group Family Trade union or church. It's psychological influence will become minimal. This is why I think that people don't grieve like they used to grieve you and the old days people would agree for weeks because when the father died it was bad, I mean really bad it changed everything and Not just a father and a member of the household is doing functions and every day you're confronted with those functions that somebody else now has to step up and do and you are reminded again of the loss. That's right. And you probably felt gratitude at a deeper level, you know for what they did when they were alive. He'd say. Wow. I didn't know that Dad did that to wow, we relied on him for so much well, and it's interesting. I mean I came at a very transitional time to I mean, I kind of grew up 70s 80s and on the one hand. I had very traditional in terms of what this country thinks of traditional family. My dad was very hard worker up until College. My mom was a stay-at-home mom and so a lot of functionality there, but there was never I mean we had chores to do there was never really a lot more mean. It was very much our world and there was a lot of imagination development we read Ed pursued a lot of things there's a lot of structure for that. We played a lot of creative freedom but on the other hand, I think the seeds of autonomy where rooted there too because it had already part of a shifted world and that really started to show itself right around adolescence. And I think that was the time at which that generation kind of gave us space rather than helicopter. And now it's probably the opposite right and like I said, I don't know if fully how to evaluate it I am what I am because of that and they were you know, and there are things there but yet I don't think it's the same as a kid today. For example that it's sort of 1819. They don't have what I had still a more solid social structure that defined which way you aimed your actions, right and you're in your dispositions and so they don't know what to do. I still knew what to do even though and I think that's that was the advantage of that transition. Phases there was still there was still a lot of structure there. It's not there anymore than that. I'm aware of we're very thinly yeah, it's so it's so interrupted by technology and yeah, just the hectic sort of case of life and that's kind of--yeah the utilitarianism and and then just this the kind of that, you know, childhood and Adolescence isn't about cultivation or it's only about cultivation towards social engineering in the Left that isn't about well. Yeah, Tony Tony Iceland gets into that all the time. Nice. Yeah, you know we should wrap it up now. I think we've gone about as long as you should go anything you want to say if you conclude Glenn. Yeah. I'm intrigued by this side. This is my first really significant encounter with Nisbet this notion of community or family or church or something as an entity that is more than It's utilitarian that has its own independent existence under God. These kinds of ideas. I think are really powerful and I think that they're really important. I'd really like to pursue this some more in connection with the church. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah, I think similarly. I mean, I think our doctrine of creation especially Genesis and what you're dealing with their as we talked about in previous episodes compliments this a lot. This is sort of a fleshing out of that. I don't know Nesbitt Allah but a death only want to kind of pursue it more and he also is a he was also very suspicious of Socialism or communism. She saw a sort of perverted forms of what he was up to. So that would definitely be worth I think even visiting again. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He definitely saw those as a sort of a mechanistic sort of replacement for the organic the God and given. No. Anyway. Well, let obvious wrap it up like that. But so thanks a lot for listening theology podcast we Really appreciate your support. We've got you know, I know a lot of folks out there who listen to us each each episode and and the number of folks have reviewed. Our shows are our podcast on iTunes. We appreciate that and other folks, you know contribute to offset any expenses of this show. We appreciate you for doing that. But anyway, thanks again for listening to One More episode with of the theology podcast by final.
In today's show Chris introduces Glenn and Tom to the work of sociologist and paleo-conservative Robert Nisbet. Nisbet was a sociologist and professor at Columbia, and his work reflects a time when sociologists were liberally educated and could draw on the thinking of the likes of Alexis de Tocqueville and Edmund Burke as well as classical philosophy and theology. Nisbet's best known work, The Quest for Community had a strong influence on Chris's thinking. It is particularly evident in Chris's book, Man of the House. During the course of the conversation the Pugsters discuss the various schools of thought that are often thrown together under the label "conservatism": libertarianism, classical liberalism, and paleo-conservatism. Seeing as most listeners are unfamiliar with the last of these labels, and that it is also the school of thought Chris, Tom, and Glenn most strongly identify with, they spend some time defining each while explaining why paleo-conservatism is actually genuine conservatism. Here are some helpful links for further study:, The Quest for Community,   --- Support this podcast:
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Libra season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you in your expansion and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you and leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each. Each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you at their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism with them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day you were born in the place. You were born if you know Earth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, make sure to take a listen to embodied astrology for Libra season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of Libra zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world in our relationships and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each one of us. You can find the Libra season episode bling. It in the show notes from my website, or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. If this work benefits you in your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring monthly donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave 5 Star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. I want to let you know that I'm offering a live online class on October 13th for the full moon in Aries. This class is open to all and no previous experience. With astrology is required in the class will explore the chart for the full moon and how we might each interpret it in our personal charts in relationship to broader themes right now such as climate change and social justice. You can register for the class by donation and ninety percent of all proceeds will be given to the sunrise movement a youth-led movement for climate and economic activism. I also want to let you know that the deadline to register for my upcoming Retreat is on Friday September 27th. Please join me for three days and nights and South West Washington state for a deep dive into the astrology of 2020 and how to work with your own chart to manifest your vision and expand your gifts. You can find more information about my upcoming classes and Retreats at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone. Please wait for a brief sponsor message and I'll be right back with you in just a moment with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on a Every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for embodied astrology save it and browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on On social media on Instagram add embodied astrology, so you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello cancer, thanks for tuning into your audio horoscope for Libra season and 2019. Libra season includes the span of time between September 23rd and October 23rd. And in this horoscope, I'll be looking at some of the more major themes and influences in your astrology this month specifically. I'm focusing on the sign Libra and the presence of the inner planets or the personal planets through the sign throughout the month. And how these planets are aspecting or relating with the other cardinal signs where some important planetary activity is also taking place these signs include your sign Cancer your opposite sign Capricorn and the sign Aries in your chart Libra rules your solar fourth house. This is the place in the chart that describes incur grounding Foundation stability Home and Family Home and Family in in as large and general or as specific as context as you want to think about them in cancer, of course is you this is your personality and identity Capricorn as your opposite describes other people your relationships and the ways that you're engaging both in general in your social relationships as a whole and of your expectations for them generally as As specifically people who you are collaborating with or partnering with in a significant way. Finally Aries rules your solar 10th house. This is the place in the chart where we find information about you as a public figure who you are when you are at your most public visibility and for many people this means their work in the world whether that is a vocation or calling of some sort or their career. So over the course of these next 30 days, there is a lot of movement through the sign Libra and as I mentioned Libra rules your solar fourth house and this is the place in your chart that has a lot to do with home Family Foundation and foundational issues and your sense of security and belonging. Now. This is a place where you can make a lot of choices right now. You can choose how you are thinking about these themes and Concepts and how are You are communicating to the people who are here. So whether this is your home now or your homes and families of origin or people who have parented you or been very foundational and important figures in your life the way that you are communicating and connecting at home and the choices that you're making to make yourself available or not and the ways that you are taking action to In to give yourself a greater sense of stability and Foundation are absolutely essential for your work in the world and for the health of your relationships and for your sense of personal empowerment and well-being. So you're working the world right now is changing and I think that your understanding that you can participate in the world through your chosen activities. Your vocation your career or what you seek to Aspire towards or embody in a more public way. I think that you're sensing that there's actually quite a lot of potential in these roles for new ways of being that perhaps you hadn't considered before ways of being that might include your role as someone who can be a resource for others the more that you embody the potential. For you being someone who can be an inspiration be a resource be an ally for others. Then the more you get to feel like you are re sourced and healed and helped in return. I really want you to think about kind of the the ways that you have moved towards Direction in your life and why you have pursued You the path that you have pursued why you are striving to succeed in whatever. The Ambitions are that you are striving to succeed. And if there are ideas that you can holding about other people's validation and your success in the world through another person's lens or what makes you a desirable partner or what makes you a valuable person that other people will Regard in a ocular way be particularly attentive to these kinds of realizations or thoughts. It's unhelpful for you right now to do things for other people and that doesn't mean don't help them out. If they need help. It means don't do things in your life or or be things try to be things for someone else's validation. It's perfectly wonderful for you to do things for other people. when it feels really nourishing and joyful for you to be doing those things or being those ways if you feel supported if you feel seen if you feel like you get to be your best self, but when you are doing or being in ways that are for whatever reason at odds with who you feel yourself to be in a more internal or private space or how you sense your authenticity how you sense yourself? Even if you're not sure of who you are right. Now if you feel like you're evolving, but you feel like maybe there is a way of being in the world or being with others that is a little bit disingenuous where you're trying to uphold some kind of notion about how or who you should be. I really want to encourage you to start to over the course of this next month shift your habits and Your habits can be really scary when we're dealing with relationships and particularly when we're dealing with esteem. And in order to shift your habits. You want to Anchor you want to feel really grounded you want to come back to the people who have been consistent forces or sources of support in your life consider that the way that you experience rootedness or Foundation can be really expensive and in its definitions. So this doesn't necessarily need to be an actual physical location or any person in particular. You can make choices to invest yourself in your community. You can make choices to access nature and spend time looking at the sky. You can call your best childhood friend and try and reconnect with someone. Long ago, but really try and remember yourself remember who you are when you feel your most stable your most centered your most grounded. You do not need to perform for other people right now. You don't need to be anything that you're not you really want to be as honest and transparent as you possibly can be and in being those Ways you will become even more a source of support and inspiration for other people in the world. So if you want to disentangle spend some time disentangling the threads between your role in the world or you're a potential in the world as someone who can actually be quite a healing or transformative or important presence for other people or in your chosen path and the expectations. That you have internalized or somehow adopted because of what you think that other people want. That would be a really worthwhile practice for you is just untying those those threads the more you are yourself the more you are your authentic self and the more that you include yourself and you don't try and shut parts of yourself down or force yourself to be some way that you're not or so. Submit to interacting or relating in ways that don't actually feel good to you that the less you do things like that. The more you are accountable to your own sense of stability and well-being and the more you get to embody this a place that I think is starting to maybe make itself felt or known to you which is really a role or a space of being an ally as I said an agent of healing and some A person who can both heal and integrate yourself and help support healing and integration in the world in general. So that's what I have for you. I hope that horoscope is interesting and that it will be useful throughout this month. If you'd like more information on the specifics of astrology throughout the month. Please become a subscriber when you subscribe you can subscribe by donation and you get access to subscriber only content which includes day-by-day options of planetary aspects transits and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work with that astrological energy. Thanks so much for listening cancer. I'm wishing you all the best in this season and Beyond bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Libra Season in 2019. Libra Season extends between September 23 - October 23. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Libra Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Libra’s zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Libra season and is also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Libra Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find information on my upcoming classes and retreats here: Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
What are the numbers talk about another episode hyper he was here and hide forever power go. This is probably the most DC Centric episode. We've done in a very very very long time because as many people like to point out we talk a lot about Marvel. Well, yeah, it was an opportunity to talk about something else. Here you go. And there it is. Very very very very special guests. It is my fault that we have not had this person on before because he's been wanting to be on our show for a while. He watches he's asked he's out.The window with a sign like Charlie Factory like you guys you guys can see there's a giant window on the side of Andre every week has been right out there. Just rubbing the glass. You know, you love them Andre Meadows is he? Thank you so much. How you doing? Thanks for having me on of course on this very special episode. Yeah. So excited. It's a very special it is because you're here it is. That's what and I'm sure guess would be like, I'm sure guess we'll be like, oh, it's a very special episode because hackers not here. Yeah. Oh no. It doesn't guitar Pickers and respect but so excited to have you here. We were just talking about how like we are. Well, I'm trying you're doing you're actively doing adjusting our life to an East Coast schedule because of all the trailers and use that comes out Central at the most. I'm not that easy just yet. But yeah, I like this these past few weeks because you know, you got the frozen's. Yeah, it's coming out of those family films out there. You got the Star Wars coming out like this is Trailer on slot for the past couple weeks. So it's like I was saying that it's a friend of mine who just limit been texting me every morning. I've called in my wake up call now. They're just like every other morning like 17 Scooby-Doo trailers out. Okay. Yep sound trailers out. Okay. Yep cats trailers out Evelyn. All right, let's go. Let's go go. Oh man. I'm ready for y'all in there with Skywalker's I will be getting my cats going on congrats on being trending. Oh, thank you, dude. That's dumb. Nope. Yes, thank you. That's a big accomplishment so much. Thanks so much. I hope all the people that had the music in the trailer appreciate that ha ha ha. Yeah, I mean it's so now I have a lot of bands this year help who helped Gangsta's Paradise with the first trailer is a Jedi and I hope to help Supersonic in the next let's say thanks YouTube copyright claim process. It works. Great. Oh my God. Yep. That's something that's something that's never never going to go away and we deal with it all the time and it's yes, by the way, we're talking about shows for over there. 13 listen everything out there on the no no no no music. There's no over and no swearing. Maybe that's a YouTube professional, right? Yeah. I got snot. Uh session every time now for a lot of our videos I have to go in and edit in clips of Iron Man and Captain America saying language language and my I might slip up I might let him fly home. But yeah, it's been crazy and like, you know, at least for my social media I try to go out there and Try to talk about trailers that are not just related superheroes or Star Wars. I try to do as much as I can about things that I'm passionate about and it is hard because at 5:30, I'll see notifications. I'm like, I want just an hour more of sleep, please. That's a weird thing to say was snowman who got me hyped man because I got so mad. I got some I did some deep dive and I just don't like investigating. Yeah, man, you know, there's a new universe coming all I got that's what I'm feeling. That's what I'm doing. Okay, I'm excited. You're cool. But you know Scooby-Doo that's up on the laff-a-lympics. I grew up on them the Yogi's Arc. Okay, so I'm ready for that Universal return. It's gonna be good. It's also you're here you're going to be doing this episode was but you're also going to be doing the Mandalorian chapter 3 is a sin. Yeah, very excited about that. Zach's also going to be joining us that that's going to be available on our patreon early. So if you want to check that out jump over to patreon sighs hyper RPG, we're doing episodes of the Mandalorian. We're also going to be doing an episode of Titans Equity joining us. For that God help us that's going to be very interesting going exactly Zack has been loving that more with okay? Okay. I have not have not tightened. Mmm. So in one word, there you go. I feel like you got it. Yeah, that's it. Really. I heard I thought it was. Oh season to season to well kids. It's frustrating because it started on a high note. Yeah, and there were a couple of episodes that I really liked and then really quickly it start to go downhill and it's so disappointing because giving away the good stuff. Yes. I will do a separate podcast going explain Titans to meet you. Exactly exactly the person who haven't seen Titans what happened right way? Yeah, exactly. So you guys want to check out that stuff out jump over to patreon. We're I'm going to be changed. The way we release some of that stuff. So I'm doing also a lot of poles trying to get you guys a feedback and what you think about the show's Mandalorian Titans also other stuff that we're watching. I want to start doing a lot more. I want to get a lot more engagement a lot more feedback from you guys about some of the stuff that you're watching what you're excited for. So check that out and next week. Next week is the finale of Titans, but it's Thanksgiving break. So we're going to kind of figure out how we can do that. Some of us are gonna be out of town. So we got to kind of figure that I have ideas, but you know, well you guys know yeah well talk about it talk about it. We'll talk about but should we just get into let's get into it is good. That's gonna do it. So the first thing we're going to talk about that. I'm I think you know, I'm excited for the Batman movie. I think a lot of people are excited for the Batman movie Matt Reeves, who's the director has been announcing some amazing casting and what we got to do we got so we got got patents of yes. Okay, so then because there was there was some there like legit and there was all the rumor was. Yeah. So all the ones that are confirmed our Robert Pattinson is Batman. Yes, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman Riddler get cast. Yeah the Riddler, it's Danno. Paul Dano, that's right. All they know is Edward Edward an Ashton. Okay, Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon. Yes, and it was someone who was cast but they didn't say who it was. Well, they've been talking about there was one. Yeah, there was one actor. Who was it? Who was it? Who was it? There was someone who was like rumored? Yeah and but it hasn't been confirmed yet. Andy Serkis is Alfred. Yes, and then that is legit that isn't it and the newscasting is John Turturro as per my Falcone, which is character. We haven't seen since the Knight trilogy. Yeah, he had a prominent role in the Batman in Batman Begins and then sort of the Fallout of that movie. We got to explore Through The Dark Night not so much The Dark Knight Rises, but mostly in the dark night. Yeah. I am very excited for this casting because as much as I love Tom Wilkinson, Tom Wilkinson is very British very much not Italian-American and John Turturro is so I may see italian-americans Italian-American. Sonny was Latino. I thought he was I thought so too and I looked it up. I'm like, oh, he's Italian how okay. Okay. Well we did a good job. Whoever whatever ethnicity he played in The Big Daddy was that game? Very sneaky said oh, yeah, baby. So I'm excited to see this character again. And it really seems like just kind of what we've heard about the the movie and what Comics it's kind of pulling from long Halloween is seems like it's going to be very mobster Centric and it's also going to revolve around of the bigger DC Villains, right? We've heard Rumblings of things like the Ian we obviously know Catwoman Edward Ashton, which will probably end up, you know, we'll see the Riddler and I've heard also Rumblings of other other characters. Do you think it's going to be a thing where it's gonna be like a Gotham misc type thing where it'll be like you'll see some of these characters some of them might be full-blown as their villain side or some might just be will this the character right now, but they might be leading up to something in the future. I think I think that's a very much a possibility especially when Matt Reeves tweets out Edward gnashed in and he doesn't say the Riddler. Yes, right? Yeah, right. So I That's I think that's a very high possibility and probability and I think it's kind of a really great way to come in and do a Batman movie and not have to worry about setting up every single character. Yeah, George. I think that's the Cena Yeah. I think that would be a neat idea to be like establishing the world in these characters are already in that world. Absolutely. You don't know at what point right will like it like whatever nature is exactly if you just set them up as a character. You don't know is he gonna come to Riddler this movie? Right? He just now in that world so that the next movie he becomes a real like it can be for some great surprises. I'm not going which Village Alan goes full on or which one's team up at which time and right, you know, if you're into that whole Catwoman think of like, will she be nice when she died? Yeah. I really like that idea a lot and you know more recently in the comic books Catwoman has been more of an ally to Batman. Yeah and not so much an enemy and we've never really got to explore that we explored on Gotham quite a bit but cinematically that's never really been the case The Dark Knight Rises I think is the closest thing that's sort of like made the commitment of like Selena Kyle and Bruce Wayne are a It's right, but I would love to see a little bit of dealing with the past of what those characters are being, you know adversaries and talk. They would probably in this movie probably discussed that and then in you know in the next movie, we definitely have more of a solidified sort of like Alli relationship. You mean with Batman and Catwoman and Catwoman. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that would make sense to me. I'm just kind of I'm borderline kind of on this just because we have seen other movies that have Too many villains in it. Sure. You're just like dude. That was you should have taken away Sandman and Venom and just focus on but goblin or yeah, you know what? That's the same with those it was like it was very established. Right? You're you're saying Mandeville because that's been the superhero movie way to do ya the big draw is like who's that new villain this level thing if this is an idea of like maybe it's just sitting up to these characters in this world, right? So that everyone has to go full Villain at a specific time like like Spider-Man 3, but yeah if what if you know, Eddie Brock never Came to like very very very very end. Teeth like the next time then it'd be like, okay, it makes sense. Why you established him now, right? So then do it for the next one but for happen, or you could do kind of Arkham the Arkham video game style. Yeah where they're just they're yeah, they're already a supervillain team and they're ready to take down Batman no matter what have you done with that to buy just and with that we some of these characters. I mean there's there's different ones are doing right now, but a lot of them are iconic so it could be one of the things I like they're just already there already there. They're already here and going back. To John Turturro. Yeah, I'm glad that he's got cash because he's done. He's a great actor. He's done a lot of work. Yes, but every time his name comes up, I just think about Bumblebee peeing on him about about him being underneath Devastator scrotum. So it's gonna be nice. I feel you there man. I don't know. Yeah, and I think a lot of people who are coming from Transformers because we know this I mean I especially like whenever I talk about whenever I see people's like hot takes on superhero movies and how like either terrible they are or how incredible they are. I'm like, you do realize that there's a whole other world of Cinema out there that exist where there's actually like. Yeah great movies. Yeah and a lot of these actors who you think are like terrible right are actually like really good and movies that are really good quality. Right? And I feel like yeah because most people who are sort of like into the things that like we're mostly into they might only know John Turturro from Transformers. No, no, please for the love of God go back and look at that Transformers run and then that box office everyone talks that smack but check the numbers Transformers and Ice Age made Bank. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and I'm excited for Carmine Falcone because we got to see a little bit of that criminal underworld in Batman Begins. And by the time we got to the Dark Knight Carmine Falcone was just in Arkham Asylum and the third movie it's eight years, so it's set yet. Years after the dark night, so we don't it's the story just completely transitions it as something different which is totally fine. But I for these Matt Reeves movies and I would imagine that someone who's done the Apes movies and there's been such a consistency from movie to movie. I would imagine that if he's going to set up all these things like the crime the crime families of Gotham City and all these villains. It's going to be 2 hopefully our have a consistency throughout the whole thing. So that like any filmmaker who potentially jumps in after the third movie if he does a whole trilogy They have a lot of things from mine from that. He's been now been setting up for years a you feel of his building a really good foundation for anybody else to jump off of I think so, I would agree with that because there's so many people in here and it's not just like, oh we have random actor be as the penguin or whatever. It's it's a person that we were going to know and probably have a lot of attachment to so I it bodes well, but also we haven't seen anybody pull off like Mega villain team movie yet. Yeah, and this is Hoping it is like I have high hopes that this is going to be that Sinister Six that they promised us a while ago. Yeah where it's badass villains almost taking down Batman and Batman being even more badass and you can everybody that yeah. I know we've talked a lot about I mean I've even talked about it myself the years about like, oh this movie has too many villains in it. But then I remember even when like with the Marvel movies going on was like well, is there a point we to be too many Heroes and I'm still at this point like no. No, I'm all right. Yeah. So I feel like yeah, we are at that point now like well, we got this these franchises have these great robes. Rogues Gallery, that's great right villains at what point can we see them all together? Because when you're reading a comic or when you're watching the animated series or anything like that, like that's always a great moment. Yeah. I'm just seeing like these characters are together and I get why the past they were always want to keep them separate for each movie. Yeah, but I think we're now at that point. Yeah, I called it up or even if some like hey, we said establish this let's make a Catwoman movie now. I can't look good one, right exactly how they could just take that cat with you that basketball scenes. I'm just one yes to basketball basketball. We're Playing Basketball, it's an and one video of did almost. Okay, just trust people. Oh my god, there will always be a soft spot in my heart for that Halle Berry can't speak bad of it because there's always a special place but I think you're there there there there hanging out while while while Daredevil an electrified the other side of the playground. It's / Marvel and DC on the respective sides. Yeah, but I think you're totally right. So I think if we can get to the point where we're Avengers, A game has like 20 something Heroes and obviously not all of them were main characters, but but Infinity Ward did a great job of like going from like character character character. Oh, yeah, I think they're absolutely is an opportunity, especially because Batman has I think Batman and Spider-Man are like neck and neck for the greatest Rogues Gallery. Yeah, and I think because those those villains are so rich and they have so much to offer this universe. I think it would be an amazing opportunity to do what you're saying and introduce all of them and I don't think all of them need to Play Central roles, right? I think you can sort of like how they do in engagement Infinity War. You have ebony maw you have you know corvus glaive you have Proxima midnight, but they're all like they all have their own purpose. Right? And I think it's okay for your character. Exactly. Yeah, and I think like characters like Riddler and Catwoman. I think our women will end up being more Central than some of the other villains. But yeah, I don't think that every single one of them needs to have equal screen time. They all got to have a specific role in the movie. Like look at something like Civil War like that's that story is about Tony and cap. Yeah, but introduce black panther an amazing way into Spider-Man an amazing way. So I feel like if you can flip that script and do that same thing with villains or maybe you know is Falcone or someone else the main villain, but I still have these little side things if there's always things like you can't do to get it can always be done exactly since tablets, right if it's set up right can be done and I think this could be again one of those ways that DC is we're seeing a lot of Things like that can be there. Yeah hook there we go. Yes, you got all these Heroes over there. That's cool. We got all these villains over here. You know, we've done so many iterations of Batman. Yeah, I think General audiences and fans. Obviously, we know who Batman is really really well at this point. Yeah, but I think General audiences. Yeah, I think it's a great opportunity to introduce us to their version of The Riddler right there version of Catwoman Falcone the penguin to face Mr. Freeze so many yeah, I want to see all those I want to See all those villains done. Right? And I want audiences to connect with and not necessarily to be empathetic to them. But to just understand who they are and and the threat they pose to glatman and why he does what he does. But yeah, I read I've been reading a lot of DC Comics recently and there's one that came out this week called Von fries and it's a little bit of a unique take on. Mr. Freeze. We're really explores how Victor Fries was a child of World War II and how he sort of gets like Him and his dad have a clashing relationship with so he his dad's best friend, they end up working together and because his dad ends up becoming part of the part of the SS this like friendship that he has with this with his partner in the chemistry lab or in the lab it kind of falls apart and it sort of changes Victor freezes trajectory in life. He ends up becoming friends with Thomas Wayne. He's there for the birth of Brews. Okay. So there's like a lot of like different ways more than trying to yeah origin of rather. And just like a random guy who happened to get us. It's a little not it's not completely similar but there's a little bit of like a Magneto backstory to it. You're like thinking. Oh that can those are ways to make the character empathetic like Nora Fries ends up being someone that was part of the family that he was kind of adopted into and so that that's how they end up being together. So there's like really fun twists and turns that I think you can do with these villains that we've never seen before. Yeah, I think would be really interesting and fun. Yeah, I agree. I'm just going to talk the rest of the episode. Like like it doesn't do it like dr. Free or mr. Freeze from the Animated Series some ice, you know, that's the sorts of negative one. The one in the animated. How are ya very much like that doesn't work. No, but I mean come on who doesn't I actually was reading that comic book as Schwarzenegger. I couldn't help myself wait the old-school Iceman as in the Schwarzenegger voice or mr. Freeze not comic book. I was reading his character has Mr. Freeze. I was like, this is amazing. This is so good. All right, please come with me come with me. If you want to live. Come on island quickly get to the chamber Thomas. We have delivered that baby. Come on quickly. What eyes? All right, you got your money's worth. Okay, we killed that one little that makes it John Turturro great choice. Yes good choice really good at the say. I'm also excited to like every Friday feels like we get something like cool. Thank you for giving us news to talk about on this show. Otherwise we come out June 25th. 20 21. Okay. So at this point I feel like are we going to get like a casting announcement every week until the movie probably for the next 18 months are going to be guessing. I'm excited though. I can't wait Barista. Number two. You'll be played by get from it'll be the best. I cannot wear. It turns out that's what about Superman. So yeah, I think there's been a lot of Not misunderstanding, but I think because Henry Cavill is someone who is not necessarily going out there and saying exactly what the status is of his role as Superman or how he feels about the Snyder cut or how he feels about Warner Brothers and this and this a lot of people have been assuming well, like now he's done he's done. He's done playing Superman. Yeah and look whatever's happening behind the scenes it very well could be that he is done playing Superman at least to the studio, but maybe there's also a version of this where Henry Cavill is kind of waiting for the right moment. Strike and to go to Warner Brothers and say Hey, I want to do this and maybe it's a Superman movie. Maybe it's the Superman vs. Black Adam. Maybe it's a Superman Shazam team up. Maybe it's another Batman Superman movie. We don't really know but he just did an interview with Men's Health and there's a couple things that he says that I think are very very interesting. The first of which is saying the Cape is still in the closet. It's still mine. I love that and that always makes me feel good so good. Thing is we comic fans mostly know him as Superman and I think a lot of people are going to watch Witcher when it comes out on Netflix and I think I think of him as the guy who cocks his biceps before you kick. Somebody's or us for me. I'm like, I mean, I've known Henry Cavill for a long time but like his role Mission Impossible Fallout is so good and not movies. Every time I see Christopher McQuarrie announcing a casting thing. It's like Matt Reeves on Mike. Let's go. Oh, you're gonna put you going to put bomb coming teeth in this movie's gonna put Hayley Atwell this movie Parts go. Oh, I'm in I'm in oh my God. Yeah, but if yeah, it was going to be Mission Impossible both of them seven and eight breaking news. Anyway, I'm sorry. I told you yeah, it was interesting. He kind of did like a more or less like a really quick recap of what he thought about the three movies that he's been in Man of Steel. He says a great starting point. If I were to go back, I don't think I'd change anything for me personally. There's a couple things that I think I would personally change why like, I'm not the rack director or the actor so If you love it, awesome, I'm glad you're happy about that. Batman vs. Superman very much a Batman movie. And I think that Realm of Darkness is great for a Batman movie. We'll leave that there Justice League. It didn't work. I think before I mean, you know Justice League is such an interesting Beast actually just re-watched our spoiler review of Justice League. Yeah, and obviously acknowledging like everything that kind of went into the Beast that is Justice League and how changed hands and all that sort of stuff. Yeah for me personally. I really like Henry Cavill as an actor. He talked about how a man of Man from Uncle was the thing that really got him Mission Impossible in The Witcher and I know there's probably a lot of people who didn't go out and see that movie. I really liked it. Okay, I really like Man from Uncle. It allowed him to be very Charming very action-oriented very funny. And so I think that really showed and Christopher McQuarrie talks about this. It really showed him how we could how he hasn't been getting the opportunity to stretch a lot of the acting muscles that he does possess. Well, I was going to say that and then also the same thing applies to Superman and so yes, it's Didn't work because you set up Man of Steel and and you know, there's some things feel about that and I but I feel like it was definitely a starting point. Yeah, that's yeah that's going to be and then just all of a sudden it's like we're going to go Batman it which was even that was like, okay, you know that makes sense as a good story in itself. Yeah, but then it was like well now we also got to establish the Justice League. We got us and we got a fast track this and I'm curious you know, that no matter what you think about those movies. Yeah positive or negative. I'm curious what it would be like if we we got a man of steel to like right away. We got the Dark Night exactly. What if we got this the sequel to Man of Steel so we could have been able to further explore what what they were going with what the plan may be what it is right before this other are other assets. Yeah, I agree with so what I mean, does he address that in anything else that he said Adam or I mean he talks about sort of like not addressing the surrounding. So I'll just read the quote that he talks about in this and it kind of gives you a little bit of an idea of like what his thought is About Superman the character. He says I'm not just going to sit quietly quietly in the dark as all the stuff is going on. I've not given up on the role that there's a lot that I have to give her Superman yet. A lot of the story. There's a lot of Storytelling to do a lot of the real true depths to the honesty of the character. I want to get into I want to reflect the comic books that's important to me. There's a lot of Justice to be done for Superman. The status is you'll see God that makes me so happy that makes my heart happy because to me and honestly, His this is just my wild speculation. I have a feeling he watches our show if you're not there. What's up? I said some stuff online where I'm just like that sounds really close to what we've said you guys and your you know, whatever not saying that he does watch but I'm just saying but I love his book dying devotion Margot Robbie has watched our stuff. He has watched starts. He recognized Hector that's they watch their trailer - for birds of prey shear and I'm like, you're a little because outside of the realm of possibility that Henry Cavill and other people DC of right some exactly but what about Love his undying devotion because we keep talking about and like I can get choked up. Sometimes talking about all the good that that Superman represents like everything. He's the beacon of what we all should strive to be and Henry Cavill gets that he understands and he knows the heart of Superman it and then just seeing his pictures like on his Instagram where he'll use like a Superman doll slowly bringing up he rides motorcycles. Yo, his helmet has print the comic book prints of Superman all over it like it's Not super in your face, but it's just subtle sermon every where he lives and breathes this stuff and if there's anybody who I entrust with saying something like this and also with the future of Superman, it's it's this man right here. He embodies it which is makes me so happy to hear all of this that he's saying yeah, I can't gush enough about that. I mean, you know, it's been almost 10 years since he's been cast he was cast I think in like April or June 2010, so it's almost been 10 years that he has. Like own the custodianship of this character and there's a part of me than like there's a lot. I really like about Man of Steel. Yeah, but they are definitely elements like what you were saying Andre, there's elements that were put in sequels that took away from Superman and the pivotal role that he has not just in the movies, but like in the DC Universe, yeah, like the whole DC Universe was birthed out of the existence of Superman, right and I feel like the movies have Not necessarily like leaned into that and I get it like they reckoned it. So now Wonder Woman is like the oldest hero. Yeah now with the existence of characters like Shazam and Black Adam and we'll talk about it later the Justice Society. There's going to be characters that might even like predate predate Wonder Woman. Yeah, but well, I guess I'm technically not because she's I mean, she's a yeah, she's soshe second, whatever. Yeah, it doesn't in any case but I mean like my biggest thing is always been like Batman Superman and Women are the cornerstones of the DC Universe if those three work if your other movies are not hits but they like mostly work by Batman Superman Wonder Woman are still like thriving then you've kind of one in my book. Yeah, but if I'm not sold on Superman and I'm not sold on Batman, but I'm sold on Wonder Woman great you like. Yeah, at least you have one building block done and like Ben Affleck's done. So like yeah the future of the DC films Batman who's in this Continuity is still a question mark right but if beneifts Henry Cavill is hopeful and he's very passionate passionate about right giving us more when it comes to Superman and the Arc of the character and what he represents and wants to tell more stories. Yes, give it to him at him in there get him to play Superman again and we put him in coach and putting aside like whatever this new Batman wasn't there all that. I mean the way that it's done we're going just on the movies made already. I mean You could easily do another story. I mean, he's here. He's last seen Running With The Flash. Yeah, Justice League. So like if you want to do a Superman, you know, and of course you have that that's just I am thing right which he said he was going to do that. Yeah, he's talking about how he wanted to do it, but he couldn't because of his schedule with Mission Impossible, right? So that's why they got to stand so so yeah, so you could definitely say if we want to make another Standalone Superman movie go right now and then it also you in a weird way through all this you kind of have an interesting setup. Up of like yeah, he was dead. Yeah, he came back came back pretty hard and then like now as you know, supposedly all good again. And so you know, how is how is the world dealing with that? You know, what what are some you know what villain was already like Superman's gone. I can do my thing and now he's back off man now, okay, I got to up my game like there's so many different ways that you can approach that perhaps I just person I would love I would love to see another Superman movie with him. I agree. Someone who loves Superman gotta be him together and to see to see what the what the concept is. See what happens when you take everything else out that was there right? Nothing gets anything of it, but just like just putting that aside for a second focus on something to go there because yeah because if we've seen anything about any of the movie definitely look at Aquaman, yeah, Zam Joker no matter how he was exactly where how much you thinking about them. They were able to do their story with as little of a connected like like Aquaman. It was just like you did that thing with Steppenwolf the truth of it all. Whatever exams like here's a reference here, there don't joke is like I ain't with them but they've been able to tell their story. Yeah without having to do all those connections. I'm curious. I think she's am did it incredibly? Well, I mean, you're referencing so much stuff and it's like you're doing it through different characters in like their enthusiasm and like they're hardcore like fandom for those characters without actually having to have them in there. Yes, we have that Cameo for Superman by like to me that's a perfect way to do those sorts of things. Isn't that what you want though? Because Batman or sorry Superman is a Of the people. Yeah, you want to hear those stories coming from them rather than like I need it. I don't need to hear it from Superman's mouth every time how much people love him and I think also like a character like Shazam without the inspiration of having a Superman in your Universe. I don't know how well that character kind of right? I don't know. I don't know if that hopefulness and inspiration works for character like Shazam. If you don't already have Superman in that Universe because that's the thing that inspires it right. He's the role model exactly and I totally understand like Warner Brothers kind of wants to Pivot they want to focus on diverse. Jurors and all that sort of stuff and I'm 100% for that. But I also think that the cornerstones of your Universe still have to work in order for agree General people to kind of buy into it. Yeah, because really gotta think about that. It's such a that time with an interesting time because one you're making mayonnaise deal and you just had the success with the Nolan Batman movies so over the course, of course, your brain is going to go do the same things like that just make sense. And then the process of making that movie you get something like Avengers showing up. It's like oh that's what John won't now. All right, let's do that. Yeah, so it seems kind of weird because I think the timing of it is almost kind of interesting for sure if man is still came out the same time alongside like Nolan Batman movies. Yeah, it probably had time to grow if it came out after this Cinematic Universe. Everyone's running as you do I think he was able to plan this out but I feel like it was his weird move because you watch that movie we watch made of steel. Yeah. Yeah. There's a Wayne satellite, but no one ever watch that movie. First going. Oh, this is starting something. Yeah known are bad. Literally. Yeah ends with Sam Jackson going we starting something there is nothing like that in Man of Steel you like this is a good movie. They straight up in your way. I know right? I feel it's a weird things. I know everyone makes their jokes and I've made jokes and well about DC but like I always have this feeling inside me like did Mana still get a bad rap because just because of when it was time, I mean cuz well, yeah, it was a weird. It was a kind of a superhero and betray literally came out one year after Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises both came out. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. You're right. You're absolutely right just because the movie landscape at that point was constantly changing Avengers was doing the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe was doing new things. Ooh things that people didn't know they wanted and specifically with Avengers because like yes, everyone's all like a Marvel has been killing it before they got two Avengers. Yeah, we're doing fine. But it was yeah, but they weren't doing that. Well, they were still kind of see the stand-alones. It wasn't until that happened and that sort of solidified. Yeah that theme park ride if you will so some might some might say that that that that was like, okay. Well, that's the new thing. Like I said before that it was looking at Something like the number one reason going. Well, that's what you gotta do. Sure. I don't know. I just I don't know. You're absolutely right like a weirdly. I just wonder what would have happened if that came out of different year. You're right. I think that's really right. Yeah. I think you're a hundred percent. Right and I think the Nolan verse and the Marvel Cinematic Universe were like and I hate saying it because like I like I love both. Yeah, but I think like they were a blessing and a curse for Man of Steel yaps, right because they may Man of Steel because it was like, oh, it's a Christopher Nolan things. We got to make in the tone of the Dark Knight and then Avengers comes out. It's like great when I was with that. Man in there and let's build let's build faster. But we have a lot of yeah, it's like oh no, no wait breathe. Yeah, you've breathe breathe Superman Superman great. You got that cool story. Yeah, you know because yeah, I think if someone went Batman don't think Superman's a cool dude, I get it. So it's like you can or you know, if that's what you want to go with like that's that's a good. Yeah. No. Yeah at the end of the day though Henry Cavill Superman I'm 100% on board. We love you. Yeah, we got it. I've got to go talk to him like he's staring at us. But do we love you have to keep doing this thing? But do you wonder if the Batman is going to make that possible? Yeah. I don't know. I have a feeling he might be not in conversations with the Batman kid who serves but in people's ears of like, hey guys look like there's an opportunity here to maybe do something not necessarily make it a Batman and Superman movie. Yeah, but I'm think I'm imagining that. He's thinking of creative ways to tie his version of Superman into this but I don't know you have a big thing too is like, you know, we're good. The Wonder Woman train is like moving. So if you're not on board, but if they bring back Superman great, how do you bring Batman back? Yeah you like do you go back to Ben Affleck and say great we're going to do this. We're going to do this the right way. We want you to come back and play Batman or did he so done? I know we're going to come back you like this thing though. It's like you can never say never You never know. It's very it's very truth. Always possible to always possible. I know and and and it's like it's so tough because I remember when they were kind of going back and forth is Flash going to be a solo origin story and then like the next year Comic-Con flash flash points was like, oh are we going to use this to like bring in a new Batman and like go away with Ben Affleck. So like is there going to be a version of this where it's like Matt Reeves your movies are so great. We love Robert Pattinson so much. Let's do a Flash movie where flash goes into an alternate universe. Our Batman was killed and we Bring him in and we bring back that's already a little too much. I don't even watch Doctor Who but it's tiny whining. It's to timey-wimey for me. Like it's just already basing it off of time travel only works on Back to the Future. Like it's very difficult actually watch crisis on infinite Earths. I know we've had a spider-verse so anything you know what you're right. You're absolutely right like you would like if you try to pitch that movie years ago people like that is how do but now if you are Thank you for reminding me. Yeah, that's a really good point right never forget spite of her again. But no nothing that I could ever. You want to lose your card at the sea just give it up gladly because I got a problem in cartoons. Let's go on to the next one the next one. I'm gonna make sure I'm in my right folder. Here we go. Hey, there it is. Okay. So this is kind of a surprising thing that The Rock talked about he's doing currently doing the junket for Or Jumanji, which I'm super excited to see it. I love the last one. Yeah, I cannot stop talking about that movie but something that he liked revealed that I was like damn. This is kind of surprising this early because we just got the release date. We just got that new amazing piece of artwork from boss logic and Gimli. So I'm like cool this train is also starting to leave the station. So you better jump on board fast before it before it's gone. He confirmed that the Justice Society of America is going to be featured in Black Adam crazy, which it's Eating but I'm also like great but what about Justice League? He wouldn't make sense for the story because as we know Black Adam is a character who comes from Egypt, right? And as we know from certain characters from The Justice Society, particularly Hawkman Carter Hall, he's a reincarnated version of an Egyptian princess and prince. Yeah. So I think there definitely are opportunities for Black Adam and Carter Hall to or Hawkman. I should say. Yeah to sort of like cross paths at one point and if there's you know each other know each other and if there's some sort of passage of time we can later meet Hawkman who is now Carter Hall part of the Justice Society of America. We've got characters like Stargirl Alan Scott Green Lantern Jay Garrick flash doctor fade in like that could potentially tie into the block out a movie part of me is also a little worried of like is this going to be one of those things like the Batman where we're setting up right Black Adam to fight this like whole team of Heroes and I'm like wait, is that a little too much too soon? That's I don't really know. With two Mega team movies going on they could run into that because if these teams aren't necessarily talking to each other yeah is the Batman going to live in the same universe as this other Mega team up move which probably not because this exists in the Shazam Universe which exists in the DC Universe once again back to that argument that we were having. I mean we could talk about this for hours like the more that these things come out and I don't know how to connect it the more I'm like kind of impressed by like, I'm just like you know, what, Just gonna go wild go wild. I mean, yeah and rails could considering something that you're talking about. I got I got I got a theory I'm not on save it for loan. Oh, okay. I got it right here. Well, I think tree. Yeah, I think oh wow man, go crazy, but everybody out there and then it's also like, you know, if you do Justice Society and you do include characters like Jay Garrick The Flash and Alan Scott Green Lantern does this mean that we're going to potentially like show these characters in a future flash movie. Yeah the Green Lantern Hal. Green Lantern is technically very different from the Hal Jordan. You know that era of Green Lantern is power set sort of different but like yeah, are we going to see those characters in like movies that take place now? Is that going to come into play at all? When we see an old Jay Garrick and Barry Allen? So here's another question. Are we too much in the Weeds about it now? Like are we over going through comic books? Are we are we thinking too much about the repercussions of what's going to happen? Whereas maybe the Rocks thinking of it as like this is another summer. Esther hit just like Jumanji for her. Like I am gonna keep doing these fun movies not necessarily worried about the continuity of this type of stuff because it would be cool if they try to set this stuff up but also getting into the weeds leads to some theories leads to some craziness and then we could talk about it for days literally about how they could tie this stuff. The one interesting thing is because Star Girls now is for the most part been a member of the Justice Society and she's been now on the CW arrowverse as a member of the Justice Society as well on top of that. Getting her own show coming to the CW / DC Universe. So we're going to have like three Co existing versions of star girl that's like to one movie and to TV Universe versions of her which I have nothing against I think obviously the Star Girl TV show is going to be singularly focused on that area. Listen y'all like under reminded us earlier spider-verse did it? Yeah, it's fast and it just so you know, there's a Disney plus movie called star girl, but it's not has nothing to do with this, but she also exist in the universe. he said we will eventually see black out of it and Shazam and then Get out damn release. That's all I wanted to release a deleted scene where they like there was a casino where they were all sitting in the throes and they Mega references like oh there's one empty one. Well, yes. Yeah. I think that's a deleted scene but on top of that. Yes, I think that I'm pretty sure that's what that that's on me special features. Yeah, but not only that in the movie itself. The wizard makes a reference to someone who like had the power in was kind of like a fallen version which is am and I always assumed that they were talking about Black Adam, I don't know if everybody else in terms of the way. Yeah, but yeah, I think that empty seat. Yeah, that's I would assume that that would be for the Rocks blackout in character. Yeah. And yeah last week we talked about when they announced as we talked about how our hope at least for me, you know, Black Adam has traditionally been shazam's aren't any. Yeah Nemesis straight stardom as a villain building between antihero and then let's see how we kind of plays with all these other characters and like I think would be awesome to see Shazam and Superman team up to take down block Adam. A blackout and become like a villain main villain for the Justice Leaguer. Like there's so many stores animated movie where they take him down like, yeah, I think it's I think it's called The Return of blackout him like that. Yeah. I know I've seen that in animated form. Yeah. So I guess I guess is a good question like yeah what I mean, you know, so speculation but obscure curious what the angle is going to be with his character in this right if the idea later he's like if you make this movie where it's like he's a you can't make like he's a hero and right and then order set all of a sudden everybody's beefing and yeah, I don't know some casual. Yeah, but I remember you I think you guys even talked about it. You said something about like how his mindset is like I'm doing I'm doing just as but in my way. So maybe one of the things of like same idea but different ways of handling. Yeah. I don't know. I'm intrigued by it - yeah. Yeah, I think definitely it's like cool. You definitely have to kind of figure out how to bring this character in this universe and I get that The Rock doesn't necessarily maybe want to play a villain character. Yeah, but I think like if you're going to put them up against Shazam Got to be a reason for it and if it's going the more antihero route where it's like you're saying, it's Black Adam doing things the way that he believes is the right way to do it, which is different from the moral values of what Shazam and scared like Superman think yeah, then yeah, then I think there is a way to further all those characters kind of like butt heads on baby. You gotta build that up. Yeah, or maybe he's just like I know how these powers are handle. I appreciate anybody else having them on precisely beefing with. Yeah, that's exactly back. You know. Yeah, as long as as long as it's entertaining, okay? I said I say make great good movies first and continuity can figure that out. Like yeah, not a bad way to us or has at least tricked us into believing that continuity is like very clear in that Universe. They fudged stuff too and like have you no one cares because the movies are entertainment still confused about the timeline in Marvel and endgame. I'm like, how does how do these things I'm just like whatever dude I don't care. They basically we're like they basically like To cheat their own like time travel stuff. They're like, yeah. This is an effect anything in the present. So you can kind of just Branch it out and surrounding it right at the end of the day. It just make a fun movie. Hey, right, you're right. If you're concerned about the continuity of Marvel's in my universe River War Machine changed people right? Sure. It's so nice. He became a completely different person who did it doesn't even look like the original person if you guys had me that I'm sorry. I'm sorry, if you can accept that and you can set up a different Hulk. Yes. Yep. We're good. Don't worry about exactly. But that was that that happened now, there are look at Star Wars news flash everyone. There were superhero movies before the Marvel Cinematic Universe that didn't have to be crazy can happen again. What what what what it's a possibility all and it's a real movie can exist in the universe is not necessarily the connected Marvel Cinematic Universe. Exactly. I'm sorry too. Sorry for these hot days boilers boilers. What do you call it? What's it called? You know hardcore decent defense. I'm like, I'm in the alternate universe grains friend right now with all this DCC. Yeah, speaking of let's keep going speaking up because our girl heading to the CW. So what this is a very nice man. I'm starting to wonder like how long it is before my DC Universe subscription will not matter. Yeah, and that's right. I got a whole year. So I'm going to February. Hope you will see start so Star Gold has secured exclusive linear linear rights. Where it's going to premiere on DC Universe first, okay the next day it'll air on the CW and the day after that you'll be able to stream it on CW's Digital streaming website. Okay. So silly you'll get a first on DC Universe which is like cool DC Universe has now become a patreon basically get a first down there and then everybody else will have access to it. We get some some some live chat. I know it's I'm frustrated, too. Worried because I'm frustrated because I really was excited for DC Universe and I was so excited for the fact that I was going to give us things like Titan swampthing Doom Patrol Stargirl, give us allow us the opportunity to explore characters that maybe are not going to get movies or TV shows. But now when it's like swapping canceled Doom Patrol season to HBO Max and DC Universe star, rho C W and DC Universe like great. I love the fact that a lot of this stuff is going to be available for everyone. One so they can enjoy it and consume it but I don't think that it'll be enough for people to go. Well, I want to get each I want to get DC Universe Charles. Great. Oh Doom Patrol. Yeah. I want to get this universe. What more they offering its Titans and like bless you Titans. I don't think you're that there's you're trying they're trying but I don't think it's enough to like hook people. We got Disney plus the Mandalorian is like rushing it. Yeah, and I think this universe needs a show like that for people to go. Oh shit. I need to sign up for this. Demente. Yeah. Well Devil's Advocate. Yeah, there's a possibility that maybe they saw something in star girl. That was so impressive and they're like, we don't want to put this behind a pay wall at yeah, we need to get this sent maybe you know and considering you know the speculation about what's going to a Black Adam or just in general. Maybe there is something where they say like this character could you know be really big and obviously, you know, they're mean they're losing hair like arrows ending right hand. We don't know how long some of the other shows will be exactly. So maybe they're just seeing this as like, Like this really fits the CW Network and which just on the basis alone when you don't really write a character. It feels like it's something that I could be like. Yeah Star Girls Supergirl, you know, right Flash River dsc-w problem. Is that yeah something there or maybe maybe you know on the flip side when you think of things like Titans Doom Patrol, maybe they're looking at Star go and be like, well, this is great for DC Universe because in DC property, but maybe it's not the same mold as the other shows and so something like CW with like that's gonna be a great way to gain an audience outside of the service. Here's another question. You guys yeah in a world where we have Disney pouring how much per episode for Mandalorian like 11 million or something like that even more I think right? Yeah, I think 200 million for the whole season. Do you think there will ever be a time where this CW style of making TV shows will not be enough to compete like do you think there's always going to be an audience for the CW type of show serialized caddy of the week? I think considering how long a show like Supernatural or not? Yes or no? Yeah Jensen. Cause it's supernatural, right? I think it was Supernatural, right? That's the show is only like 15 years. Yeah with him Jensen Ackles. Yeah. Considering how like long that's lasted. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think if you continue to make those series fun and entertaining I think the problem that those some of those CW shows those dc1 specifically they've become too repetitive and they're too much of the same. I personally have never seen Supernatural but I think the reason why it has such a rabid fan base and a very enthusiastic fan base is because like They've done so they figure out a way to make those characters feel very special to the audience. Right? And I don't know if the DC versions of those shows have found that yet. Well that might be why they're doing something like this because maybe maybe start over the test because the average DC shows has been out already for DC Universe there only a few episodes or like for which one for likes like Titan season one was how many episodes I think? Yeah. They're both been about 12 13. Yeah. So so maybe this is a test that they're doing because that's what I like. Look every time I see these Marshalls for these shells only gosh, I want to but you're five seasons in and twentieth episode and every why we don't do them and there's and I know that of you know, so it's kind of a task. So maybe this is their opportunity like well, let's see what happens if they shorter versions is like that and so maybe what ends up happening is instead of having a 22-episode season of a superhero show where you do feel like well some of these are fillers some of these are essential whatever that it's like. Okay. Well, we'll have 13 episodes of this show and then we'll swap it out with 13 episodes this show and in those shows are tight Andre. We're gonna make you a permanent residents on the show. Yes, you are preaching the things that we've been talking about for years. We've been talking about this for a while, but that's that's kind of what I'm trying to get to the like that method has been proven not clicks Netflix show - thank you everything. Yes training things Daredevil Jessica Jones or any cable shows the cable network. Yeah, but that's the thing though. Is that old school way of making a 26-episode season, right? Is it too much is there too much filler? Like I think I personally believe That if DC wanted us to really latch onto all of this stuff that they're doing. They really need to pour that money on to I mean to these series like more than just a CW Show. Imagine if you took the 23 episode budget of the flash you took all of that and you invest it into an 8/10 episode right? Exactly like and then same amount. You're exactly right. How much do those visual effects drastically increase? How much does the storytelling feels so much? Tighter and so much more to the point because you do that and that's at once again back to what I'm what I was trying to say is that I feel like they just need to tighten up the ropes a little bit because the DC characters deserve this like the if there's anybody who deserves this before the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe happened the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoon shows were the greatest superhero thing I had ever seen and that was just a fact I had never been in all like that and dude. I was off your Super Friends. Yeah. Yeah, these characters deserve that touch that everybody else is putting into other things and other networks, but these characters just deserve that for sure. Yeah, and let's just let's just be real. Okay, look, I know we're all excited about a streaming services and wrong thing about these original programs, but we're being tested. Let's just because no you're right here because I'ma tell you right now if the man with the way to Mandalorian is going if there is ever a moment on any Disney own network where they're like, Pam we had to cancel some show we got eight three weeks. We don't know what to put there and the mandalorians just sitting there after for a while, you know, they can be like, let's do a special event. So like I you know as much as it's cool to get to some exclusive and I think that's how we should look at is that you're getting this stuff exclusive first, but to act like none of these shows will ever be on television network or ever get cut down to be like that's why they're investing so much in this because now if they're like, okay, you know what we got 10 weeks to show the show now, you're putting 10 weeks of a show that got like movie investment, but now it's One television. Yeah, and it's like Whoa, We can do this and you have the opportunity and this might be the way of showing like let's put that movie money into TV shorten it up. Yes and and like show that it's good and just keep rotating the stuff out because that's what's going to make network television. And of course it's changing things are evolving things are changing and I feel like this just needs to catch up a little bit but you'll still get your three hour you three are your three cameras it comes. Oh for sure. Yeah last man standing I think is still Just last night. I went to the theater and I watched Primal in a movie on the theater screen and it was a cut-down of the first four episodes and I'm like cool. It's 80 minutes of just pure Gandy greatness beautifulness so good and I love and I think you're absolutely right. I mean I if they put them out which who knows we talked about this last I'm not even gonna touch the physical media thing but like if they release 4K box a box, like if they release a box of the Mandalorian season 1 am, I gonna buy it hundred percent am I? Groan Disney Plus Hudson. I own half of the CW shows on Blu-ray. Right? Right. I still I'm gonna have these Universe because like yeah, I want accessibility to be able to watch their but also want to be able to like go watch the special features in my room. What if I'm camping somewhere and all I have is a Blu-ray player and a TV. Yeah. We're like a vice versa. I'll have as my phone. It's like I'm not gonna bring my disks with right exactly. So yeah, and I agree with you on that. You guys have changed my mind about. Yeah media for sure that mean well I was I was on a show on the full screen networked digital. As they have guess where you can find those episodes. So this turn Port you are at Lisa mp4 file do something physical Media or you most way more than I should. Yeah, I'm telling you. I wanted 4K kit, which reminds me. I forgot. I'm so sorry. I got some 3D a couple three. Where you don't act right here. Where's your guitar? Because he's he's literally flying from Qatar. I know he's giving those to means yummy with a yeah boner just like my God. You said 3D. It's yeah, it's shared. It's just that you guys like that so I don't have that. So Hector has those So my answer will ya I know it's but it's like it's really it's one of those things. That's like it's really tough for people like us to like not click physical. Media because like some I mean truthfully sometimes we just get it and it's like well, I'm not gonna sell it. If someone gives it to me for free. I'm going to keep it but like yeah, there's certain things that I just don't want to own it, but actually but yeah, but like yeah this the with so much money being honest in this stuff like they're going to find it different opportunities. So I think this is a cool idea I do want but I do understand from the side of like, hey man, I'm paying you for month to be like this is mine and then you put this out there to the masses as well and it's a little bit like beyond that like, yeah, I mean Okay for me, it's not a big deal to pay for DC Universe because I love DC and I want to access all that stuff and yeah and the bottle bottle but it also then makes me worried about like what's the future of that streaming platform is it I'm just gonna like how we talked about last week. Is it just going to merge into HBO Max and it's like it goes away. I think yeah. I mean, yeah, I think that if you're going because they're already saying if you get HBO Max you'll get HBO now I think so. So I just though DC Universe in there because they should they really good because it doesn't make sense to pay whatever 15. For HBO Max and then another amount for another Warner Brothers party where you're already taking some of the shows and putting them on exactly different tiers releasing. Yeah, it's too much if anything there. Yeah, if anything that you would do at the way like Disney pluses doing with Hulu and what's the other one who Lou and ESPN Espy? Yeah. It's like cool if I'm going to pay 1599, but I'm already a subscriber to DC Universe. Yeah, you should give me some sort of like they were rated DC Universe for the comic aspect. Yeah. That's what I think that is a very special. I mean, I would just keep them as still separate apps. Yeah and just like prorate it. Right or something? Yeah, you know, I don't see we'll see what happened. Don't you? Don't you? I don't know guys. It doesn't charge. I don't know guys just put us solve everything if you want to save money. Just wait a day. Yeah, we got ya. You don't have CW wait two days for free. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll still be relevant. It'll still be trending. All right. So this thing is mostly for me because like I'm just way too disgustingly excited for crisis on infinite Earths, please I want to ask you this. Yeah, sure. Okay, if I am like completely like I have seen like two flashes and and and and 1/2 1/2 of the tomorrow's. Yeah, like am I? Yeah, your nose all good, but I am but if I'm super excited for this am I gonna be good like if I be? All right, aren't if I'm being completely honest if I can make a recommendation, if you have the time, I would honestly just watch the crossover episodes from each season. Okay, cuz I watch The Flash Supergirl one, okay. Good one that was a fun one. That's the only one I've seen gesso and that's honestly all at because again not to like I'm not trying to bad-mouth. These shows are very rinse and repeat for a lot of it and it's like sometimes for those shows all that matters is the first episode the winter finale and the finale itself because you're like, okay I kind of can can pick up the rest of it. You can all I've done for the last three seasons. I've just watched the crossover episodes and they do a good enough job of setting up what's going to happen in the next crossover that like Yeah in a perfect world. I probably should watch the leading up episodes of like Supergirl flash Arrow Legends of Tomorrow Batwoman. But like it's not necessarily a requirement in my opinion. I think you can go in and just watch these these five episodes and you'll still feel satisfied. Yeah. Let me just preface was I would love to watch all these. Oh sure. Yeah, if I have the time it's literally 300 episodes of caliber that we don't watch them because we don't have the time. Yeah. I wish I could I wish upon a star. Early, that's why I wish I was right now. And I've I think about three times. I've started arrow and then stopped and started and then Flash and legends. It's really hard and I have all the blue raised on but it's like getting through it is like not an easy task and sometimes they're like this. LOL is taking so long. I'll eventually get to it. But I mean like the biggest thing for me personally. The exciting things for me is like getting Brandon Ralph back as Super Bass getting Tom Welling back as Clark Kent athlete Gammy mandating, Kevin Kahn. Conroy to play Bruce Wayne so good and it looks like based on the images that we got. He's going to play the show that if I'm sure that and of Bruce Wayne and I'm like my brain is going to spin it and to go inside out and it's going to come out my ears because like I'm gonna lose my shiznit. It's when I watch this isn't dominates that television there is a television and the direct-to-video animated stuff. Video, there it is. Yeah animated up there. I mean they have always dominated. Yeah, great. I'm so pumped for this and like I've been re watching a lot of Smallville and I think it's because like that shows not current and I can kind of do it at my own pace and I don't feel my hind because I've already seen the whole series. It's been fun just to re-watch it. But then like the fact that we're going to get so many of these returning characters coming back for this 5 episode incredible like crossover event as like someone who has grown up. Yup, reading DC comic books and experience crisis on infinite Earths in the comic books and then seeing all this stuff sort of like these crossovers build up year after year for the show's might do this is if you've been following this every single week for the last like yeah, ten years one incredible work. Yeah and to what a reward for you, right? This is your MCU basic comedy as the TV equivalent of a yeah sure because like you've been watching these shows and they've had like the occasional like they're bright. Yeah. This is this is this There this is there. Yeah Infinity. There's their in-game. This is it's impressive. Yeah, it's super super impressive love it. I cannot wait and I think like having Kevin Conroy team finally having the ability to come and play a live-action version mediator to these voice for 25 years is so dope. Okay. Okay. This might be me asking for too much now, what's up, but okay because he's an older Bruce Wayne, right? That's the last time I ever saw an old Bruce Wayne was an animated series with some red. Logo, yeah, is that is that possible look if I don't think it will happen Okay, but I bet I know it's honestly like okay if you were really going to like honor what's come before if Wilfred L showed up as like Terry McGinnis, I would flip the table over and and I'd like to have him be a more like establish. He's already been Batman for years. I'm like, well y'all are really going all out there knows who? Yes, what a thrill it would be amazing, but I Part of me wishes it part of me thinks it's not going to happen. Mostly because it seems like they're pulling from the kingdom come version of - okay, Bruce Wayne and I don't know if that's fair. I don't know if Terry McGinnis Batman exists in that Universe because that common question for a comic book predates Batman Beyond, so probably not I was I was mixing I was mixing cartoon logic would what happened but because this is a TV thing and because it's going to be brief if you mix and match the continuity and the history, I don't think Kevin Conroy is Swain is going to exist in the same continuity as Brandon Ralph's Superman, right? But if he does well, I mean, I guess actually you could because Superman ages a much slower rate so hard to talk about it had a name we just so excited for it. But look it's not it's not a complete impossibility because if you're going to tell us that Kevin Conroy is Batman exist in the same world as Brandon routh's Superman Brandon real Superman is technically the Christopher Reeve Superman. So like all of that aging stuff it would work. It could and would work Adam. I think at this point. We just need to watch this show. It's really not that far away. It's almost here and I know you're super duper excited. Okay, so how's it working? So it's like it's various shows various episodes. Yeah, it shows over the course of the next couple months. Yeah. So the first three episodes are going to start so December 8, you're going to have the first part 1 will be the Super Girl episode. I sewed okay part 2 will be the Batwoman episode on Monday. Okay, R 3 will be the flash episode on Tuesday the same week. So you sound like you're like, okay, okay that helps and but so the first three episodes and then we're going to take a break and in January the episode of Arrow will be part 4 and the episode of Legends of Tomorrow will be part 5 of the final crisis on infinite Earths. Okay. That's the conclusion the conclusion of this was five episodes total. Yeah, and then Arrow, I think really don't I think Arrow because I think it's eight or ten episodes this season. It'll be like one of the last episodes of Arrow. Then that's your way that's gonna be so I know that's a good way to now. Yeah, it's going to be epic. I cannot wait and like I know a lot of people have a varying opinions about the DC TV stuff, but like you have to commend them for just going for it a great day just committed and went for speaking of physical media. They need to put all that needs to be a set. Yeah, all the crossover episodes as like a nice. Oh my God collector's edition with like pictures and stuff. Like that was all the guys get on that hard interviews and stuff. I think will be I think if I think it would be a challenge because All the lead up stuff. Like how do you how do you make a Blu-ray for crisis on infinite Earths without doing the lead-up episodes for the respective Seasons doesn't matter though. Yeah look in some in some Far Future. There will be some crazy Collector's Edition that's going to be like $3,000 and you know, that'll be like the CW are over sand will be everything and my dumbass will We buy it but no I think that if you'd like if you'd like a you to Chrysler in it or if that's like that's like the artwork. Yeah, and I thought the main part of it and then you throw in some bonus episodes of other Crossovers and true, but two special features that they look awesome or you just make like a special like 30 minute recap episode. Yes. Yeah of like what's happening all these special features absolute do like a flash Trevon Smith recounting what we really like go super fast as tell you everything that happened liya because I feel like I'm going to show we give DC and Marvel so many like cash making opportunities rules and y'all I'll never do it. Can I drop a small quick Theory before we go to next 100% What if and again this is like my Batman Beyond thing that might be asking for too much, but we are definitely setting up. Multiple universes in these DC shows. We just had had numerous conversations about what the heck are all the universes in the movie world. Right? Is it possible that the TV shows are kind of being like the we're going to teach you a little dislike the tutorial. Yeah of how this works so that when we start throwing some of these ideas in the big-budget movie land, you're like, oh, okay. I get that. I saw Chrysler Universe. I understand how this goes. So then you can have your Whatever DC movie you want whenever you want how you want because if you think about it with the animated right movies. Yeah there you some of them some of them connect so it's down. Yeah, so I'm like, I'm wondering if this is just another way of them establishing. Look we have these characters, you know these characters but we're going to constantly keep telling you different iterations different stories. Don't worry about which one's connecting which I know I think like we can always make it connect with this even invited Earth you Marvel at kind of I mean the amps you kind of did it because at the end of a game you're like, oh Steve Rogers went and In the alternate timeline Yang ba ba ba ba ba and for the most part people have been like okay that makes sense to base but I feel like people still see that as like that still the one. Oh for sure. Yeah, but I was it all ties back to the sounds. But if you see something like this and go okay, there's different worlds than that. Then you can accept that. Whatever Black Adam is setting up over here is different from whatever Joker's doing over here, which is different whatever the batter is over here that you're not sitting there going. Well how they all connect you just go. Oh, that's just how easy does it? I'm sure is he Marvels one connecting Universe DC is multiple universes, I think China I think they are doing that but not with the TV stuff because from what we've talked about in the past is that those two departments generally don't really talk to each other. Yeah. Well we look I don't like necessarily like having the TV characters jump into movies. I'm just meeting just letting people aware that we're going to see we don't this is part of our Lord, but I think they're more reaching the masses with things like the Joker like you knew Joker which is kind of set in a whole different Universe than everything else that's been happening. And that was wildly successful. So I think yes, you're onto something with that but I think it's going to be done in sort of a different route rather than yeah having the people who watch the TV say, oh well where the leaders we know about this. Yeah. We know all about it guys. So just listen Okay. I mean like I'm just curious the fact that like the John Wesley Shipp 90s Flash TV series is in these arrows show the like hell, yeah. It's a deep cut that's a fact they're connecting this with small the like I never will That's so great, please they got it. They got to play the song. Okay, never mind. I'm not going to tell you you need to go. Oh gosh. Yeah. Oh, no, they do it already. You need to go watch last season's crossover. I'll gotta watch it so much to learn. It's okay. So we're going to be talking about Star Wars galaxy far far away. We're also going to be obviously talking about the Mandalorian on the podcast with Andre can't wait to talk about that but the movie Yeah start when it comes to the Star Wars movies, it's it hoof. There's been so many varying opinions about the movies and what people think about them and all that sort of stuff and a lot of people have started talking about like well, what does this mean for Kathleen Kennedy when you have such a divisive fan base, what is this? What kind of pressure does this does this put on someone who's really supposed to be in charge of all of this stuff? They do have a movie lined up for 2022. They're going to hold off on announcing the director until January after the rise of Skywalker releases, which which totally fine and I know Bob Iger has talked a lot about well, maybe we like jumped out the gate little too strong with Star Wars figures day. I personally agree with that. I I've always loved the idea that like I had to patiently wait three years for Star Wars movie and now it's like every year we're gonna throw Star Wars at you and like I don't need that and I know a lot of people always talk about like well Marvel does it I'm like, yeah, but Marvel has like they figured out the formula and they've done it their own way. Star Wars doesn't need to follow that and Marvel movies, even though that's one Universe each one of those movies played around in different genres. Yes. Where is Star Wars has been a very similar line even even the one that you're like. Well, I like this one over this one. If you really nail it down. It's the same. Yeah and I'll structure wise also I think the root cause of the divisiveness is because people have been creating and reminiscing about this universe since the 70s. Yeah. There is Hardcore fan demand loyalty to this. This and things that people have thought about for a very long time that and a lure that was established in than removed. Right stablished removed all the sudden its Legends now and then there's a new lore. Yeah. So there are things that this is an old fandom that is going to be difficult to crack and I agree with Captain Kennedy. It's kind of difficult because people are so so attached to things and when you mess with things that people are attached to I don't know if you guys know but the internet gets mad sometimes sometimes yeah. Yeah. I don't know is this bad? Was Star Wars as well? I know that we just hung out like all these infinite universes. I'm like that and that's something you know, haven't Star Wars. So wherever you decide I want to introduce this thing. You got to probably like talk to every person that has you know, right, you know history and knowledge that you have to go. Can you even do that? Does that even work? Yeah, you know, I was watching a documentary that came out I think late 90s about episode 1 when it came out. Yeah and listening to George Lucas address. The hatred that he got 4 episode 1 was really interesting to watch because I feel like we're reliving that every single time a new Star Wars movies drop her son. Yeah, which sucks because if the Creator granted however, you feel about those episode 1 2 3 movies if the creator gives you something and people are still rabidly angry about this like what does that do for the future of these movies? Are you never going to be able to make the fan base happy like what the Creator works on it? You have a problem with it. Someone new works on it. You have a problem. Too much like the original you have a problem. If you change too much. You have a problem. It's a very very simple it's but yet the thing that's working is the television series of those which we will talk about later in a patreon thing. But I mean, that's definitely one of the things that Kathleen 10 Kennedy has talked about is like it's a very it's a it's a fan base that has very particular wants needs and expectations and for them when they're trying to crack, you know, what they want to do going forward. A lot of it is like will do we go to The past do we go to the Future do we try like what you're saying of like do we try and like just go into a whole different galaxy? Is that a possibility? Like how would all of that work? And I think like that is part of the thing that makes Star Wars hard and I do also believe that because they changed the cannon and it's now a brand new Canon with brand new stories and all that sort of stuff. Yeah you there are elements that I think you can take from comic books and books and graphic novels like they did with Ron and Star Wars Rebels. And repurpose them, but I don't think they're going to necessarily take a particular story and just make it work in their new continuity. That's why I was curious about. I wonder I wonder if what would have happened if mean obviously, yeah because I've even read or heard of like even within the stuff that got tossed at some of that does contradict each other sometimes but like I wondering what kind of experience would have happened if they said okay, we're not going to use everything but there is something in this story that was Something that we like and we're going to do not me not you know to the letter but like sugar interpretation of that. Yeah, I think that would have been I mean like heir to the Empire those like SQL throught the basically the thrawn trilogy right is like you could have adapted those into movies, but like we're not in that timeline like Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford or now old. Yeah. So if you adopt those books, if you would have done that would you have now aged up all those characters from the books where people still be mad about that? But what about this? Please this many years after Return of the Jedi cool. It's been 32 years in real time like not like we can't make that movie anymore. It's not possible. Or maybe that's what I keep trying to make CGI people just in case exactly and I think that's also like you I think as lucasfilm you have to make a commitment and just say great. Let's not focus on the Skywalker timeline anymore. I think things like Mandalorian are cool because it's such a big gap between six and seven that you can kind of play with that and like that's there are particular things that make me excited about playing in between timelines. But like yeah, I think if you're going to move Star Wars forward, let's get out of that sixty four year time period of the Skywalker Saga, let's go back a thousand years. Let's go forward a hundred years. Yeah, like let's start doing new things over here. Yeah. I really liked it. Yeah. I can't I can't we just go there and I think that's the only way that this universe. The opportunity to move forward and like she talked about Ryan Johnson and how she was happy with what he did because it was bold different in it challenged read what people knew and loved about Star Wars is the movie perfect. Of course, not of course, there are things about the movie that don't work but the idea of pushing something beyond the point of what we expect to me is like that at least is intriguing and interesting. Yeah, I think if you would have just rinse and repeat Star Wars again and done the same thing. It's like, all right. I don't write it would have given us to me. Me personally, I feel like forward is the way to go for sure. Yeah, there's there's definitely cool things that you could do with Knights of the Old Republic and even pre there's there's old Sith that you could really get into who didn't even encounter Jedi because the Jedi and the Sith weren't necessarily a thing like Ancient Ancient Jedi. Yeah stuff that imagine like candies Clone Wars mixed with Primal. Oh my God, my brain opposing dude, like prehistoric when people didn't even know what the force was. They've just yeah. Um, I still had like the early versions of like a lightsaber and that going exactly like what all of meant so that that is cool. But I think moving on and for I think the future of the franchise moving on to the future is really the way to go. Yeah. Unfortunately the fan base probably doesn't see it that way me personally. I love change. I really Embrace change. That's why I love The Last Jedi because I saw the little inklings of like guys were trying to progress this forward a little bit. We're really trying to kind of break out of the rinse and repeat thing that we've seen with previous movies and previous iterations. I really loved Star Wars Rebels because that's still kind of playing in the same timeline Darth Maul plays a huge part in this but you get to see what what mall is doing and how he survived being sliced in half and what he's trying to achieve and it gives that character some grape depth. Yeah, which is why I like things like that, but for the overall franchise, let's move it forward. Yeah. I think that what I would like to see when I And I think that's a great example of what Star Wars where I don't know. I don't speak for fandom or anything. But you know, everyone has a different team, but I think what has made some of the other IPS or temples work is because even though they're based on several old properties what they have created is the new thing right and it's like very much specific for them. And so you can look at it as a comic book fan and it's a Marvel DC. For example, I go I know that represents that but for someone who has no prior knowledge that this is their first time they can go and go. Oh, this is just a cool thing. Yeah, and I think Star Wars is still this weird area where you're like trying to make it a new thing, but you still have to establish really like like I'm gonna be real Flee I feel like all the Luke Leia Han stuff. I I would've been fine with that ending at Force awakens. Oh, yeah, because if you're gonna get bringing all these new characters re you can ring Rafe in Poland right like clean up all the Skywalker stuff boom. And then a tenday Beyond let's focus on these new people because in that way it's like now we're focusing on what is the current thing and then that way if you're like, eh, I'll just like my old stuff I'm out or if you like ham into this new stuff amend right? It's at least taken that time but I think this weird kind of like we want the old fans to be here, but we also want to accept This is different. But we also don't want to go too far different. So we're gonna you know, there's also a dance and was like dancing. Yeah, where is like you are you saying if you come in with going like we want to show like Rebels wondering like Mandalorian and we're going to have this story but then when there is a moment to go hey, you know what we can connect this classic things into it. Exactly and then fine just do it like that. It's just, you know, I also like to I know right watch movies and another thing too that I think we forget about Lot is there was a pre there was a world before Star Wars even existed. Yeah, when Star Wars was the new bold. Yeah, groundbreaking things actually and that is part of it. And and I don't think people have moved on from it. Like it was new bold and exciting. Let's make it new bold and exciting and you all seen Freddie Prinze jr. Is rant about Star Wars. I don't I did I thought was part of it. He talks about and he says like a lot of people are just mad because Star Wars has not aged. It's like with them. It's not each with them. It's trying to do new things and bring new people in and it's not necessarily just for you. It's for kids. Who are young now? It's meant for it's meant for everyone in like, I'm totally okay with that. Yeah, and like I understand like the prequels were for me when I was a kid. Yeah. This new Trilogy is for kids who are growing up now the original trilogy was for you when you were seven and this year Yeah, exactly. People saw them. So of course I have an attachment was 27 years old when I saw the original trilogy, so I didn't days ago. Yeah, basically, although I came I came late in the summer because because by the time that I even was here about Star Wars that was like when they were hardcore enemy walks and I was like, okay then I'm mixing them up with Smurfs and Chipmunks are no different than the later to someone like when there's all this other stuff stars like this weird franchise where I like knew so much about it without ever seeing a movie like in like Drew I knew who Luke wasn't who? Wait, what'd I do all the relationships and Darth Vader I do everything but then when I sat down and watch one like yours, I don't think I ever saw this in full. Yeah exactly exactly to force myself to sit down to watch them. I'm like, I don't understand this. I need to understand. Yeah, it's really weird, but it's just but then that show but that shows how big in pop culture is like like not even joking like the other night. I looked up that Richard Pryor had a short-lived television show he had us. Our Wars sketched only right? We lose like actual puppets and everything from Star Wars and there's like but like this is like just proof of just like how big in pop culture it was, right? It it transcended just like, oh it's just for us and it like Nietzsche. It was like the movie because it was a game changer. No, absolutely and I think like yeah, I think I think sometimes people forget just like how ingrained in our culture Star Wars is yeah. There are so many people who have never seen Star Wars still to this day, but they know so much about it like you're saying It's just something that's so talked about. Yeah, it's kind of its kind of wild like how much I know I will eat has in Mexico who love R2D2 because his name sounds like arturito and I know I have to redo I love him like it's ingrained in not just everybody everybody. It was a worldwide phenomena. I don't think you could say the word lightsaber and people not at least people tell you it's a sword that looks like a laser. It was a world before a lightsaber where nobody knew what the hell it was. He saw it on screen. They lit the fuck up. There were just like this is the greatest thing I've ever seen. We need to get back to that. Yeah, we do we do but if it makes you feel any better Star Wars, you're not alone Harry Potter's having the same problem. Oh my goodness. That's so for example. That's a franchise. I've never sat down and I will never watched all of them. And I guess is a Harry Potter is a Wizarding World sure, you know, like that's not hard for any franchise. Yeah, like that's a franchise that I've never sat down to watch the whole thing in its entirety. T I've seen I think for out of like the 12 movies they've made and I'm like, all right, it's not for me it's for its for the people that were the right age when we were growing up and for kids now as an adult it's not necessarily for me, but I'm not mad about that. Yeah that it but it get but that being said it does get to be difficult with situation like this because one you know because of social media never all ingrained and and we I'm the same way. I'm like you look it's for the new generation it is but the fact that you still like The hardcore putting Luke and Leia and Chewbacca and R2D2 and C3PO is like every C-3PO and R2D2 is in every everyone except for which one is there is one design in right there another and all of them there are okay every movie. I thought there was one they skip but I guess no I think they're in everything every single one. No, they're enrolled why they have a cameo role Solo solo. Yeah. Oh so low. So yeah, so it's like it's so low. Yeah. So yeah, so, you know while I do agree with that that's why I was that's why I was saying earlier like at a certain point if you if you want to have that idea you got you got to make the cut ties and Riata country because because the moment you still go we still got the Skywalker's we still got this guy's you're still wanting that nostalgia. In there to try to get an audience for sure. You just can't have a way it's like at some point you just have to go. This is our new take. Yeah, and there will be little nuggets in there. This is what we're doing with this franchise and that's a risk it is but right it's one you have 100% Yeah. We'll see what Kevin feige does I think I think someone like Kevin feige because he's done so much with Marvel. I think that he will be someone along with other filmmakers to who will look at Star Wars and say like what can I do with this that's never been done before? Or and push the bar right into a new Direction not necessarily make it like better but I think just different different. Yeah, absolutely, but I can't keep going hard on these shows though. I feel like the TV shows. I mean, that's what Star Wars was based on ya cereal cereal. So I think that I think it's a way that you can just a not the one you focus on. Yeah. Well, they have those two they probably still have the box. Maybe you Oughta. See rebuild Gremlin cereal just change it to make people change the prop. But yeah, but like I think the TV shows and maybe that's maybe that's the thing maybe just because they haven't explored that well with Star Wars that maybe now they're looking at something like the Mandalorian maybe even with what they're doing at Obi-Wan. Yeah. Oh this is a way we can expand this world, but do it a different way where it can be very contained about one very specific thing and we can have a few episodes to cover it that we now know that not every Star Wars story has to be told in a to two-hour movie Frozen. Damn. That's a that's a perfect way to end and then it ends weeks absolutely love all of them. We love Aldridge. That's right. I'm very excited to jump from this episode 2 goes talking straight to the Mandalorian with Andre. Thank you so much for being here, but Chad are but I know know all the times. I'm like people there's other people out there. 20:27, like what how many DC universes are there and Adam just goes let me tell ya Let's sit down and travelpod, but let people know where they can find you online if they're already not watching. Yes. My YouTube channel is Black Nerd Comedy? Be sure to check it out. I geek out like just just like this but by myself and also check me out on Twitch at times. I do some live streams Black Nerd Comedy at Twitter. ER and Instagram a black nerd and sometimes I'm here doing. Yeah, if you haven't seen our Power Rangers high-performance RPGs, you're a hundred played the black Ranger on and on top of that. He was also in the first season of coli was your all available on this YouTube channel, if you're interested in seeing those go down go down description. Check out the links. Yeah follow on during social media check out all the stuff that he's doing. Thank you again so much for being there got to have you on sooner than later because I know it's taking me forever to just be like, hey come over you come hang out. We'll see what the comments. And then uh, no, no, don't worry about that man. Official hyper home. That's right. That's right. Welcome to the family room. Welcome to the fitness adding more diversity to your exactly like, you know, we keep going and further. That's right. That's right. Right, right. Thank you so much for being here guys. Let us know down the comments what you thought about everything that we talked about in this week's episode of hyper Heroes go to our patreon check out our episodes for the Mandalorian or podcast episode for Mandalorian and Titans. Let us know what you think about both of those shows and we will catch you guys not next week because we're going to be taking a Thanksgiving break. Break, but when we come back Hector will be back and we're getting close to 100 episodes. So we're going to start planning some fun stuff for 100 will party little party here a party real.
This week, Andre Meadows from Black Nerd Comedy joins us for a brand new episode of Hyper Heroes. John Turturro joins the cast of Matt Reeves' The Batman as Gotham City crime boss Carmine Falcone. This will mark the character's 2nd cinematic appearance following Tom Wilkinson's take on the character in Batman Begins. Henry Cavill did an interview with Men's Health magazine and discussed his future with Superman, and whether or not he'd come back to the role. Cavill also reveals his thoughts on Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League, and what direction he would like to take Superman in the future. During the Jumanji: The Next Level press junket, Dwayne Johnson revealed that Black Adam, based on the DC Comics super-villain and arch nemisis of SHAZAM!, will feature the debut of the Justice Society of America. It's rumored that characters like Hawkman and Stargirl will appear. Stargirl is coming to The CW. In a unique deal, the new series starring Brec Bassinger which debuts in Q2 2020, will premiere on the DC Universe streaming service. Following its debut, the show will air on The CW network and will be available on their online streaming service for free. Will DC Universe become an obsolete service? Crisis on Infinite Earths, the CW's mega-crossover event, debuts new images that give us a first look at Tom Welling returning as Clark Kent, Kevin Conroy's debut as Bruce Wayne, and new looks at Brandon Routh as Kingdom Come Superman. The 5-part event begins Sunday, December 8 on Supergirl. Finally, what does the future have in store for Star Wars? Kathleen Kennedy talks to Rolling Stone magazine about her future at Lucasfilm, spacing out the movies, and the challenge of making satisfying films.
Everybody listening listening to Medicine remix of Duty. Thank you for calling the medicine remix hotline, please leave. Thank you. Hey guys, this is Eric Madrid. I'm a family physician Southern California. Just came across your podcast new on anchors. I was kind of looking to see what was out there and found your guys's stuff started listening to it, and I like what you guys have. I'm glad you were able to find a nice Outlet to help balance this crazy life of medicine that we all have undertaken. Anyway, talk to you guys later. All right. Have a good evening. What's really good remixed Hood, it's your boy riche. It's your podcast medicine remixed. And today's episode is another installment of our doctor Mentor. He's interview Series where we talk to doctors from various Specialties in medicine that Vibe with the remix culture that we're trying to create on our show medicine remixed. And our guest today is dr. Eric Madrid was a board certified Family Medicine doctor with an interest in holistic medicine, otherwise known as root cause medicine And we will talk about what that means in this episode doctor Madrid received his bachelor's degree in microbiology and molecular genetics at UCLA. He then graduated from medical school at the Ohio State University School of Medicine and completed his Family Medicine Residency at Presbyterian Inter-Community Hospital in Whittier, California where he served as chief resident. He currently practices at the Rancho Family Medical Group, which is affiliated with the Loma Linda Medical Center and he's also an assistant clinical professor at the University of California Riverside School of Medicine. He's the author of The Vitamin D prescription the healing power of the Sun and how it can save your life. So you already know we're going to be talking about some vitamin D in this episode. And dr. Madrid's writing has also been featured on Kevin MD and his podcast heal thyself has been featured on Apple podcast top health podcasts and has even made appearances on the top overall charts several times. Is episode covers a lot of ground from nutrition and supplements doctors doing social media and podcasting and the perspective hacking nature of doing medical missionary work. There's a lot of valuable nuggets in this one for anyone listening. So without further Ado do enjoy this phenomenal, dr. Midori interview with dr. Eric Madrid on the one and only medicine remixed. Well, hey Eric. Hey, what's going on? How's it going in its reach. Hey nice to talk to you reach nice to talk to you too. Thanks so much for agreeing to do this. Absolutely. So I was on your Instagram stories girlier to see what you're up to and it looks like you were up in Big Bear Mountain. I am yeah Big Bear Big Bear is a kind of a mountain resort here in Southern California, and we're blessed to have a kind of a second home up here. So All frequently come up here just to relax and do some extra reading and studying and writing and you know, try to help my brain get a little bit more creative as I get away from the busyness of everyday life down the hill. That's awesome. How often do you do that? I come up here about twice per month. Usually about two weekends per month at least sometimes more but at minimum twice per month. Okay. And is that something that you do with your family or are you kind of go up there? R it varies the kids, you know, I have three kids. My oldest is 20 have a 17 year old and a 16 year old the first year they're actually very excited, you know coming up here and then now they're kind of over it. So yeah, I'm kind of like if you guys don't want to go that's fine. I'm going right right. Sometimes my wife will come up here with me as well. So it just kind of depends it's only about an hour and a half drive from my house. So it's not that big of a deal. That's great. Yeah. I definitely want to dive into some of your routines and practices I mean Sounds like you have so much stuff going on from you know, your family medicine practice and you're also, you know teaching medical students and that you do a lot on social media. You have the podcast your husband your father and you know, kind of how you balance all those things that definitely want to get into a little bit later but one of the things that we try to do to just kind of start off these interviews, I mean, we consider doctors like the class thing Society has to axle superhero those without sounding too corny, but we want to typically start these interviews by asking what your first comic book I kind of looks like for you and other words. What is the error committed rid MD AKA holistic health man. What is the origin story there? Well, yeah, so it's interesting. I've been interested in, you know, holistic medicine Integrative Medicine actually ever since I was in high school and part of that actually I was inspired. Goodbye, Aunt of mine who was an RN and she also interested in using medicine are using food and herbs as medicines as opposed to Pharmaceuticals just so she kind of actually taught me and gave me some information and to me it just made a lot of sense that if we as future healers or as a future doctor if I could help encourage patients to live a healthy life. Style and eat appropriately that you know, that would obviously bring a lot of satisfaction and I always have said that to me it's a lot more satisfying to help prevent a hundred or a thousand patients from having a heart attack or stroke them to actually try to treat them after it's already happened. Right but interestingly I actually started off upon graduating from high school. I wanted to be a doctor but like a lot of people I thought it was going to take too long and that was kind of thing. Night settle for second-best and I actually started off as a business major. Okay, fortunately, I went to a community college because changing Majors would have been very expensive otherwise, right? So I spent two years at Cerritos Community College in the suburbs of Los Angeles here in Southern California taking a lot of business classes and so on but deep inside. I still have a desire to be a doctor. So about two years after you know, when I was just about ready to transfer I kind of had a you know, a wake-up call and said you know, what why am I doing this? I'm not going I'm not going to you know, enjoy I'm going to have regrets in my life if I don't pursue medicine, so then I actually switched over to science major and ended up spending four years at a community college in total before I transferred to UCLA. Okay, ironically, right? My first concern was I didn't want to waste time and there I was spending a couple extra years because I had changed my Majors but Again, I think education and any form is never really a waste and it would soon turn out that it would be at my benefit later on that business education. So, of course I go, you know go to UCLA microbiology and molecular genetics. I ended up going to medical school at Ohio State or the Ohio State as it's known in Ohio and a lot of Californians as you may know or may not know end up leaving the state. I think are you from California? No, I actually like the opposite from New York. Okay, okay. Alright, so a lot of Californians because there's so many people here a lot of Californians end up leaving the state of California to go to medical school and I was one of those. Okay, so I'm dead blind Ohio state did my Family Medicine Residency? And as you know, there's so much material to cover while in medical school and even residency. We're just trying to keep her head above water and trying to learn everything that we need to learn and obviously under that traditional approach. There was not much focus and attention put to nutrition and Holistic medicine and integrative approaches. So it kind of fell by the wayside. I'll be honest. I kind of you know spent those seven years of med school and residency just kind of trying to learn basic medicine and then upon, you know graduating from residency. I kind of you know, my flame got re reignited and I started just reading more learning more going to conferences studying more and just really deepening my knowledge and holistic medicine functional medicine integrated medicine and really trying to Practice more of what now seems like a lot of people are calling root cosmetics and trying to get to the root cause of the problem as opposed to simply giving a pharmaceutical for a symptom. Right and that's kind of where I am. Now. I'm kind of more of an integrated doctor and you know certified in Family Medicine, but you know, when I obviously treat people conventionally but a lot of times we'll use an integrative approach and really promote a diet and lifestyle changes and when appropriate if there's certain supplements that can be effective will add that or use that either in place of or in addition to Certainly, you know pharmaceutical drugs at the patient may need right, you know kind of going along with that, you know, the word holistic in general can have somewhat of a polarizing effect. So like how do you you know go about defining what a holistic approach is especially for people within medicine that might be critics of kind of the connotations of what's a holistic medical approach using supplements and you know other entities that aren't the traditional all treatments modalities that we use right? Well, I think if you if you just think of the term holistic, it means really just kind of taking a comprehensive approach one of the things and you know in medicine is that we tend to take a very linear approach. So the patient has high cholesterol. Yeah, you know the commercial say, you know, when diet and exercise is not enough talk to your doctor about, you know, Lipitor or whatever. The right medication is when diet and exercise are not enough adding Lipitor may help but let's face it. I mean you Diet and nutrition exercise is almost never a very limited Lee counseled to Patient. It's red because the the kind of system that we have. It's so rushed, you know, we have our 15 minute appointments. We're just trying to solve a problem give a person a drug and get on to the next patient. But in reality that approach to someone with high cholesterol really should be discussing or insomnia or anxiety or depression or whatever. The problem is. We really should be discussing diet nutrition exercise. Sighs how is that individual balancing their life? How are their relationships? And how are they sleeping at night time? So in reality that is a holistic approach just taking all these aspects into consideration, but I think we're frequently too quick to jump to the Pharmaceuticals. Also, right we say the patient comes in with high cholesterol. They see the cardiologist. They you know had McDonald's three times that week but because they're on 80 of atorvastatin their cholesterol looks great and the heart doctor says, hey great job. Whatever you're doing keep it up. Right and a lot of times these medicines can become an excuse for us. You know, it's almost like they wipe away evidence of the you know, the crime scene. Yeah, you know that that's that's interesting that you say that because you know, as you were kind of talking about this I was reminded about the movie Minority Report if you seen that movie, it's been a while. Yeah. Yeah, but you know what I'm talking about the whole idea of like pre-crime like preventing a crime before it happens. We're going to be waiting for me in the car was going to rape me as going to be stabbed. Here within a year pre-crime effectively stopped murder in our nation's capital and you know thinking about the analog are medicine inside wouldn't be wouldn't it be so great if we had a system like that and then it's like wait, we actually do you actually do have had system that we know what's going to kill you. Yeah, right really treat it as like this amazing thing about that. We have to be able to prevent disease. So I'm totally with you. Yeah, I'll give you a give you great. Example here to of a way that we kind of missed the boat. So so when we think let's take hypothyroidism for example, right? If you go online if you look up at Mayo Clinic you or you know, Merc Merc manual or any of the leading medical journals, you'll see that the leading cause of hypothyroidism worldwide is iodine deficiency, right the leading cause of thyroid nodules worldwide is iodine deficiency. When was the last time you've ever seen an endocrinologist? Gist are a primary care doctor check and iodine level on a patient. That was not. Yeah, right and because we are we've been taught that the reason being is because since we supplement our since we have fortify our salt with iodine right that we don't have iodine deficiency in this country, right? But when was the last time you told the patient to add all the salt they want to their food right true. Yeah for the last 20 years. We've been doing the exact opposite. We should avoid salt avoid salt. Yeah, right and Interestingly it was it was a 2013 study based on the nhanes data, you know the government kind of gets together nutrition and health information and dietary information and puts out a report and in the United States, so they looked at people in the United States K. This is a few years ago in the United States 10 to 11 percent of the u.s. Population has a mild to moderate iodine deficiency. Well, they're okay and this is based on government data. It's not you know, it's not conspiracy medicine Journal at its mainstream thyroid medicine journals, right 10 to 11% have a mild to moderate deficiency. And if you were to actually factor in a mild deficiency based on I would estimate probably another ten percent. So we're talking almost one in five people in the United States have an iodine deficiency either mild moderate or severe interestingly 10% of the population has thyroid disease. But again, so my Approach To Medicine is like, hey, let's you know, let's try to get to the root cause yeah. Yeah. Outside were nodules you have an underactive thyroid, you know my own daughter actually had I deficiency. Hmm and you know, so we're treating her just for the multivitamin. I'm not gonna write, you know, am I getting crazy but again, but the fact is that you know, if we didn't, you know, this we would have look in the fact is you know, 10 to 20% of pretty high number for us to completely ignore. Oh, yeah. Now that's significant. So that's why I use holistic medicine. I kind of you know, go back to the basics. I think sometimes we get too caught up in all the science and to Caught up in you know and all the medications and I've had many patients, you know, go into afib and the hospital and and they're on you know, proton pump inhibitors and diuretics and you know, neither the ER doctor or or their cardiologist, you know, every check the magnesium level. So I also admit patients and I kind of also work as one of our hospitalists for for medical group, but sure enough, I'll check the magnesium level and it's severely low and I've had cases where patients do not respond to build high as I am, but all of a We give a bolus and magnesium and they go back into a they convert back to normal sinus rhythm, or they at least become very controlled right the Kaizen great in the works. But sometimes again we forgot the basics. Hey, let's check this person's magnesium Rubble. So I think yeah, so I think that's what I tried you at the med students, you know that come and rotate with us. I say, hey all this stuff that we're learning super important, but don't rebuild the engine without, you know, first checking to make sure there's gas and oil in the car. That's right. It seems like medicine nowadays is such a reactionary practice like you're describing. Scribing we're just throwing pills and surgery at things whereas we're not really emphasizing what the root causes and changing people's Lifestyles. So as you know, new agey as some people might find that some of these practices it's actually like going back to fundamentals essentially and really, you know, going back to the basics and I think that it's easy to lose sight of that with the culture of medicine nowadays, you know, just as far as the since we're talking about supplements and things like that the supplement industry is and Like very controversial sector of our society because of how high the unregulated it is and how little evidence there actually is about so many products that are out there supplement company to die. You do not need approval from the FDA before a product is marketed. You can make Health claims without prior approval from the government and you don't have to prove the safety or effectiveness of your product before putting it up for sale. So in your practice what supplements if any do you yourself believe in in and do you recommend to your patients and what supplements do you caution against if any so again the ones that I use most commonly, honestly, we're just be a simple multivitamin for example for patients because so many of us have a poor diet and you know, depending on our stress levels, you know, we each have kind of a unique metabolic demands right not, you know, not everybody needs to drink eight glasses of water a day, right? If you're 90 years old with congestive heart failure that's going to worsen your symptoms. You know, if you have marathon runner you running to You know 10 to 15 miles, you know in training every day and you drink eight glasses of water a day. You're going to be dehydrated, right? You know Shaquille O'Neal might need more nutrients than an Olympic gymnast who is you know for 10. So so again, we have to realize that each person has a unique metabolic demands and requirements. So to assume that one-size-fits-all is kind of I think a dangerous thing. But anyway, so number one would be a multivitamin just because there was something like what 90 vitamins and minerals so I figured are either on a biochemical level you either deficient you have the exact amount you need or you have excess right-wing one of those three things and with our poor diet that we have, you know, chances are that were not in excess the vitamins and the chances of us having the exact equal amount that we need is low. So, you know, so the evidence is actually quite deficient a lot of things. I'm so that's why I started with the multivitamins and then depending on certain symptoms that patients are having leg cramps migraine headaches. I've had a lot of success using magnesium primarily Aquila. Form though. Not the magnesium oxide. I think I absorbed very well and that just kind of you know, that's great. If someone has diarrhea, right but usually we use a chelated form like citrate or malate or something like that but magnesium and I've had great success and helping to prevent migraine headaches. I'll get rid of nocturnal leg cramps muscle twitches and so on a lot of these patients again are on maybe ppis or diuretic. So the we know that those drugs actually will bring upon a magnesium deficiency, right? I've had some patients, you know, I've utilized in John's work. Example for some patients with mild to moderate depression and there's pretty good evidence that the st. John's Wort could you know can work for that and what else why I have a lot of seniors as well. And right now, you know, there's a lot of concerns are how do we treat pain in the senior citizens or just in people in general and there's a bigger version towards using opiates. And so that kind of leads us would NSAIDs but a lot of seniors also have chronic kidney disease, you know stage 3 stage for whatever. That's right. So we can't really use NSAIDs. There's population. We can't use narcotics on this population time and I was no longer effective. So like what do we do? You know as Healthcare Providers to these patients that come to us and say hey I'm having severe pain. What do you know? So I've had good success using tumeric, uh-huh, for example, and their studies out there that show that it has a similar method of mode of action. It can inhibit the cyclooxygenase or act as a cox-2 inhibitor, you know, also, there's evidence that tumeric and the herb boswellia also can help reduce inflammation and I've had many patients who've been able to either reduce their need for opiates or reduce their need for n sets because they started taking turmeric or Omega 3 fish oil and they've been able to reduce the inflammation to a tolerable level. Yeah. That's a great point. My family is originally from India and you know, we use a lot of turmeric in our cooking but even on top of that my backgrounds in Orthopedics, and I have had my Other start taking turmeric supplementation on top of the turmeric that we have in our diet. And you know again this is probably not something that has been studied long enough for us to really prove the some people that it makes like a significant difference. But anecdotally I will say that my mother has definitely seen a difference and a lot of other patients that you know, I've taken care of have as well you typically recommend that they take turmeric in the pill form or also kind of like use it in their cooking or how do you If I build both actually, so I will encourage them to you know to use it in there cooking and you know, we have the tumeric powder in our in our spice cabinet and then also in a pill form as well usually as a capsule, I usually have them take it maybe 2 to 3 times a day around 500 milligrams and not helps usually at least with their Baseline and then you know and definitely, you know to use it, you know in their food as well. Okay, and if that's something that you would recommend to only Old better having pain or is it something that you feel like everybody should be taking I think it's a good supplement actually for a lot of people, you know, there's other studies to that would suggest that it's also helpful for for the brain and for memory and maybe even in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. So I think anyone maybe with a family history of Alzheimer's disease or who's concerned about memory, it could be a helpful herb from some of my research to I think you know, Alzheimer's disease is definitely something obviously becoming more and more. Common is the population ages but it's not necessarily as common in India where there's a high turmeric intake and as you probably know too. So the active ingredient in tumeric is the curcumin right which is which is where we get the word Curry, right? So but India and gentle, you know, they tend to have a higher intake of the turmeric and curcumin so so maybe in a roundabout way that contributes to the reduced incidence of Alzheimer's disease compared to you know those in you know those in the Western Hemisphere and first thing Interesting. Yeah, you know one of the other things that I have read in is it's obviously multifactorial and I need to revisit this literature. But also, you know speaking more than one language I've heard has also helped with kind of reducing the risk of like early onset dementia and maybe even Alzheimer's but you know from the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's being related to you know, inflammation and things like that. I guess, you know, that's probably why There is a correlation that tumeric May reduce the risk of Alzheimer's my right and kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard that as well. And from what I've read to tumeric also helps increase bdnf, which is a called brain-derived neurotropic Factor. So it's kind of a protein I guess or a factor that that's made in the brain that helps with neurogenesis or neural plasticity of the brain. So basically helps new nerves. Do you know we used to believe when I was in med school actually? We have to believe that the brain cannot be, you know, regenerated, you know, once you lose brain tissue, that's it. And now we know otherwise that the brain is very plastic and it can be regenerated. But you know every thought everything we learn every experience we have are actually creating new neurons and new connections. And that bdnf is one of those factors that's really important to do that. So, yeah, so tumeric helps with that exercise helps with that, you know, so this is what I tell patients to and they're worried about memory loss even I say hey. A you need not only do you need to eat right and have a diet You Know Rich and and antioxidants and fruits and vegetables and you know these certain supplements that you know can potentially be helpful, but you need to exercise as well. And I think again the prom with Western medicine is where the oh you have memory issues here some Aricept here's some Namenda that's not working. And you know, we just kind of leave it at that. And again, it's never that simple. You know, why those medicines may be helpful. They might only be a small part of that equation. So if there's 20 things contributing to a Memory loss we need to address all 20 things and that's again goes back to being a whole holistic approach. Yeah, you got to address all 20. Whereas each individual one. You may not notice any significant difference and that's why maybe a lot of these studies don't show don't show benefit because it's kind of like giving, you know giving a person who's in debt a dollar and uh, of course, they don't go out of debt with the dollars. So therefore the conclusion is money will not get you out of debt price, right? It just not enough, you know, we need to address the whole thing. That's right. Yeah, that's a great point, you know in prepping for this interview. Also, I learned that you wrote a book back in 2009 called the vitamin D prescription the healing power of the Sun and how it can save your life talk about why you decided to write that book and what that process was like writing that book in the context of being a full-time family doctor and maybe some important points as well. Discussed in that book sure. So now you can remember this is in 2009 in 7 in Southern California, which has the most Sun probably of you know one is you know, almost anywhere and they not in the world. Yeah, probably 330 days of sun per year and here I am testing my patience for a vitamin D deficiency, right? And at the time there was only one other book on Amazon and it was written like around 2001 and and so on and Obviously it didn't get much traction because it took you know, most another decade for vitamin D deficiency to become a to become commonly known and accepted. So I've always been kind of a contrarian so kind of you know, go against the grain and whatever aspect of life and so I'm trying to remember exactly how I think it was a patient who came to me and they said hey patient came to me. She had really bad fibromyalgia and she said hey, can you check my vitamin D level? I might learn something. If on your vitamin D levels great. She's like no and I was reading this thing on the internet right again. This is like 2007 mode in 2006. So the internet, you know many cases didn't you know, it's kind of a joke back then right? Would you see that the internet, you know, obviously little more credibility. So she's like, you know, I read it blah blah blah and you know just being open-minded I said, hey, let me look at what you got and you know, let me say if I look up I do some research on vitamin D deficiency. I look up The Merck Manual and it talks about vitamin D deficiency can cause Muscle aches joint pains and I'm like thinking oh my gosh, it sounds like fibromyalgia. Right? Right. I must abide by the definition there. So so I you know, go ahead and order a vitamin D 25 hydroxy level on her and sure enough. Her level was low. It was like it was like 12 and I was like, wow, this is amazing, you know what's going on here? So, you know, so I had a couple other patients with fibromyalgia and at this point, I'm like, yeah, I'm going to test them. Maybe five or six patients and sure enough all of them were deficient. Wow. And so I started going to my colleagues. I'm like, hey, look, I've been checking these people for vitamin D deficiency and they're like, yeah. Sure. This is Southern California. What are you doing? Oh my God. I'm like look, I actually had to bring the lab results to the meetings to show them and their that kind of got their attention. And so that's kind of where it started and then I just started doing more and more research and you know started reading a lot of the journal articles that are out there. R there's a dr. Holick at a Boston who kind of one of the vitamin D gurus is done. A lot of research on it. There is a organization down in San Diego couple doctors out of UCSD who found that geographical locations where there was less vitamin D that there are higher rates of colon cancer and breast cancer. And then of course, I remember to med school right? They teach us the latitude and how that increases one's risk for multiple sclerosis, right? So then I started researching that so, you know because I kind of have like a nadie. HD Personality, yeah, it started off. I'm thinking him. He's going to write like a six-page article and may be submitted to the American Academy of family physicians. I've got like Forrest Gump. I just kind of kept going going and going I just kept on going to like 200 pages right and you know printing up, you know just hundreds if not thousands of Articles and then I ended up, you know publishing my book back in 2009 and then kind of the whole vitamin D re you know, and it's had its Ever see in this sense since then, you know like whether or not supplementing is really helpful or not. And you know a whole bunch of studies say yes, if you study say no and you know, I think it goes back and forth, right but in either case it definitely, you know, we're still relatively early and understanding that the vitamin D, which is actually a hormone, you know steroid hormone and how it can affect overall health and I'm actually thinking of can't believe it's already been nine years since I wrote the book. Yeah, so I'm actually thinking of starting an updated version here for the ten year anniversary. Verse 3 and the maybe I'll have something coming out next year 2019 updated version. Yeah, that would definitely be timely and you know, I totally agree. I feel like I hear so much more about vitamin D these days. So I feel like you were you know, definitely a Pioneer the back in 2009, you know writing about themes related to that. So how did you go about wind up like self-publishing that or what was that process like? Yeah. So so initially I was looking for Publishers and it was kind of difficult. So then I kind of I end up self-publishing it through Amazon which made it nice and then I reached out to some other literary agents. And if you recall back in 2009 2008, it was kind of during the economic collapse. The stock market was down and I met was a guy in Manhattan a book publisher. I was real excited just even meet with him and stuff but at the time Russian companies were being real skeptical and real hesitant because of the you know, just the economic crisis that was going on and you know, people have less discretionary income. So at least that's what he told me that you know that nonfiction and so on where you know kind of risky at that point, so and I said, okay that's fine. I just ended up self publishing it and pretty much you know, it went through Amazon and that's kind of where you know majority of things are purchased at least when it comes to books nowadays anyway, so so it's worked out good. Yeah now that was very timing and as far as the amount of time that it took You too, kind of compiled all of that research. He started that kind of in 2007 kind of prompted by this patient and how long did it take you and how did you kind of find a pockets of time in your day? We put that together and it wasn't easy. So yeah, so I started researching it in 2007. It was probably when I started seriously writing the book it was probably mid 2008 and literally I would before I would leave my office at the end of the day I would go on. Mad pull up a couple articles print them up go home and read them and you know, sit down on my computer for an hour or two while you know, my kids are doing their homework or my wife's was doing her work or sometimes even when we were watching a family movie. All right, so that's that's tough. But you know, I frequently tend to do that when we're watching, you know TV or watching TV just because I don't like to I try to be productive as much as possible when I'm awake. Yeah, I think most of us try to multitask to the best degree. A possible. So I would just write you know a few pages here and a few pages there knock out some more on the weekend then like I said about a year later it was I think I think if you're a couple hundred Pages 210 Pages or something like that and just slowly kind of, you know work on it over the course of the year. That's phenomenal. I mean, I feel like it's so many doctors now, especially with the rise of social media and having an outlet to kind of get their message out there and there, you know so many platforms including you know pod. Captain now. How did you kind of get started in social media and with the podcasting and what like daily routines if any do you have and it may be similar to kind of what you just discussed about your book and finding time to get that time in with social media and podcasting but kind of take me through your journey in social media and ultimately finding podcasting and how that all kind of went down. Right? So I've always been very creative. You know creative spirit in that sense. I'm always like trying to trying to create new things do new things and kind of push the push the limits and don't my first, you know, like most people my first experience with social media was my space right here. Everyone's best friend was Tom and yeah that was back in the early, you know to thousands or so and I remember when I got my first Mac computer, this is probably like in 2005-2006 and this whole idea of Justine was pretty pretty exciting again, my date might be off a couple years, but I think it was around 2006 maybe 2007 glaze and I got my first nap and there was a thing called podcast and I'm like wow, this is great. So I would experiment actually back then on my Mac and I actually made a couple of podcast back then but I didn't have the time really or the or the material in the sense the variety and the diversity of material and the time to do the editing as well. And it was a lot more complicated than it is now. Oh, yeah, like the anchor app is just amazing. Yeah, and so I dabbled with it, you know a decade ago and then it kind of went on the back burner and I think you know, I think I was using pot being I think at the time and ended up removing the podcast because you know, nothing happened with him for a couple, you know many years. So then we kind of jump forward and you know, like I said, I have three kids we had meet my wife and I we had them while I was in medical school which and residency which is not necessarily advised but It's difficult. But now that they're older it's kind of nice because I'm I'm only 46. All right little bit right have that freedom. But anyway, so, you know, of course them with the kids and the social media, you know, I don't want to be one of those old dabs, you know, and totally out of the loop. So I had to kind of keep my social media skills up. It's only guys got my Instagram account at three four years ago. And of course Facebook, which now I guess is the old person's right social media Snapchat, you know. Download download a year ago, but didn't really use it as more just to spy on my kids and make sure there's no trouble and but you know, then my wife is a little bit more into social media. So she really like show me how you this is how you do a story and this is how you do it and it's done. So then I really, you know, I posted stuff like Dennis Bergkamp years ago and you know, then I was kind of off it for a while and then I think just with the natural growth of it, you know ended up with but followers and so on and if I got more into it just probably this past summer and stuff started posting more. And then when I kind of discovered anchor and you know the ability to make podcast and so on so just kind of now, you know doing that. I mean working on between the anchor podcast and you know working on some of my books and things that I write log articles that I write as well and you know, and it just try to do that and you know now that the kids are older they don't want to really spend as much time with us parents. I have to find me my wife top to find ways to not only enjoy each other, but you To entertain ourselves as well. Sure. So do you have any specific kind of routine with social media or podcasting like you have specific times of day that you kind of dedicate to that or is it more of like an organic kind of a process where you know, you're just posting when you feel like it. Yeah. I'm trying to you know, I'm trying to maybe post at least one time a day sometimes more and if I do it it's maybe can be like morning lunch time in the evening. Just kind of when I'm not in the clinic or not have a little bit of spare time, but But as you know, you know, we have to really put time from this on things because you know, you can be on social media and that's you know, you spent 30 minutes and you're like, wow, it's just I just wanted to post one thing and it was going to take me a minute and now it's been 30 minutes, right so it can really zap ones time. So I find it important to try to balance that out and you know, so if I post like right before I start seeing patients then obviously I won't get sucked into into the media to that degree because I'll have other other responsibilities that I need to attend to. Yeah. No, absolutely and Yeah, it's definitely definitely a challenge but I feel like it's one of these things that that's really important. I mean depends on who you talk to and definitely for more of the Old Timers in medicine. Like there's still a lot of skepticism and fear around it. But I feel like the benefits far outweigh the risks as far as like how I see it. How do you think social media can be really helpful for doctors in practice Yeah. I think it could be very helpful in a sense. Even when I look at the med students nowadays or we have PA students who rotate with us. Well, you know the attention span of the millennial generation is definitely shorter and one aspect they need rapid transitioning of images so to speak so one aspect it's a way to educate as well because you know, the use of memes you can really tap a lot of information and a lot of quality information. And of course, you always have to be skeptical of the source as well because pretty much you know, anyone can Anything and people are going to believe it. So I think it's important to you know, kind of fact check whatever's out there as well that if the sources are reputable and if the people have, you know, some kind of experience behind them and so on then I think you know, it could be a great tool for Education only of healthcare providers, but also just patients in general also can be a good way for health care providers to grow their practice for healthcare providers may be to get a following so to speak who you know in the future of one has a book or some other Paper or article that's written. It's easy to disseminate it to you know thousands and thousands of people whereas it would have been very difficult to do that. And without the use of social media, right? It's phenomenal, you know, your podcast has really taken off. I feel like in a short amount of time even though it's funny what you were talking about doing the podcast thing back in the day me and Dee my co-founder of the men's remix. We did something very similar back at it was a little later than you did even maybe around too. As in 10 or 11. We also kind of host it on COD Dean and at that time we were you know, we were roommates we were like in the same place. We kind of had to be in the same place at the same time and you know had all this like recording equipment and we had the edited and figure out all these RSS feeds and stuff. And then it was what until much much later that we discovered anchor and figured out that you know, we could be doing this remotely and you know in any down time that we had in the hospital or like owner commutes and things like that. But when did you join anchor was it? It you know just this past year or yeah this past year. I think I joined it may be in May and then you know, like anything, you know, the first step is always the hardest things. I sat on it for a couple of months and had my hesitancy. I was scared. I was like, oh my how about you know, what if I don't but if I sound funny because of course, none of us like the way we sound when we hear us. Yeah, so I had that nervousness that I think a lot of people have whenever they're trying to do something new, especially when right off the bat knowing that I D under the scrutiny and be evaluated by by other people and I remember just telling myself, you know, what the first 10 or maybe even the first 20 are really going to suck but I gotta just do it and over time. It's just gonna get better and better and better so I had to just kind of stick myself out there and and and make it work and see what I can do. And you know, I think I've gotten a bit better over time and I hope to you know, even continue to improve is the you know, as time goes on. So basically this summer is when I really just kind of started Started doing it now. It's amazing. And and you know, like I said, it's really has taken off in a short amount of time. We've been kind of following you from afar and congrats on the success. You've been like featured. Thank you, like the top 10 a health-related podcast on Apple and we even saw you make a few appearances on you know, the the top charts overall, which is just phenomenal talk a little bit about what your podcast is about and why you think it's had the That it had which has been tremendous. Like I said, thank you. Yeah, so the title of in is heal thyself, which interestingly when I was even skeptical about using that title, right because that's kind of like an old turn. Yeah, he'll die self like, you know, this is shows my age even more and again, I'm only 46 but I'm baking is this going to appeal to see the appeal maybe to the seniors but you know, I don't know what percentage of them are listening to podcast. I want to make from appealing to all to all demographics. So I called it heal thyself and really my goal. Goal is to provide information and to empower people to heal themselves because it's not your job is the doctor or it's not our jobs is the position. So to a degree our job is to heal patients and to help patients and to help improve their quality of life. But but we're only seeing them, you know, I mean, even if you see somebody four times a year for a 15-minute appointment, you're only spending an hour with them each year, which is just a small blip on the screen. That's right. And so how much Information can we really give them how much can we really do and just a 15-minute appointment? That's really going to transform their lives. So what we really need to do is put them on the path so that they can change their own lives so that they can become encouraged and motivated and to provide them with the resources and knowledge in the education to continue to work on themselves to heal themselves. And you know, I kind of feel sometimes I'm you know, yeah, I'm kind of like a life coach and a health coach at the same time because you know I can tell. You something avoid this or do that? But unless you're going to my patients leave the office unless they're going to maybe read an article read a book or watch a documentary perhaps on you know on Netflix or Amazon Prime, which I tend to promote, you know, try to encourage them to do that and a lot of people tend to be in love as their you know, with their TV or with their mobile phones, whatever they can watch documentaries, but I try to encourage him like Hey, you need to become a you know, get a minor in nutrition major key. Ellen is only a small aspect of it. So that's really what I'm trying to accomplish is to encourage people to educate themselves get a minor in nutrition. So to speak unofficially learn about it read about it. And you know, the fact is the more we focus on something the more we will manifest that in our life, right? So if you're focusing on health and nutrition you're reading about it, you're more likely to eat healthier make better decisions, you know be more physically active because that's what's in the Forefront of your thought process and that's really what I'm trying to accomplish here just to empower people No, absolutely not. I think you're doing a tremendous job and definitely, you know encouraging to see how quickly people have kind of caught on. What are you doing? If anything as far as you know, promoting this to your patients and students why I've interviewed for example, a medical student at Loma Linda because he rated with me and I think he shared it with a lot of his friends and colleagues so that actually got a lot of a lot of listens and then I would use Facebook as well to promote it or I have it pretty decent following on Facebook and then also Instagram And then also as I mentioned before my kids, you know, like most Millennials nowadays are masters of social media. So so my my two sons have one has almost 20,000 followers on Instagram. So he's shouted me out a few times on this story and my other son passed almost a hundred sixty thousand followers. So he shouted me out the few times in the story. So that also kind of drove some traffic to the site as well. Okay, I guess the influencers. Don't fall far from the tree I guess. Exactly exactly. That was another thing to my son had my son also has a business podcast and he started out a couple of years ago. So, you know in a roundabout way. I was re-inspired again. I'm like, you know, my my son and he's not even using anchor he's doing the old school where huh, but I'm thinking hit my son can you know start a podcast and do well with it I go. You know what? Let me let me try this again and let me you know restart this process and so on. So again, I was kind of you know, our children Inspire us. Anyways, you know that we don't always realize you know, when they're young. We don't realize how they will inspire us when they get older but I think any parent out there as kids that were inspired in many ways by her own children who will let you know teach us things about ourselves that we never realized. Yeah, that's phenomenal. You know this a few like quick questions and we'll wrap this up. I want to be mindful of your time. Don't get back to enjoying the mountain there. Thank you. So I found in prepping for this interview also that you've been doing missionary work in Haiti since 2006. And I just wanted you to maybe touch on how you got into doing that kind of work and any notable experiences or impact that this work has had on your life and your practice. Yeah, I'll be honest they're going and going on these missionary trips is actually been life-changing to be rather on. It's one of my colleagues. He had been going to Haiti the current Medical Group. I work with its Rancho Family Medical Group and Southern California, where in the southwest Riverside County and the other looks like seven. We have like 17 18 doctors and Just as many PA Sanders practitioners. And so I joined the group back in 2005 and one of my colleagues have been going to Haiti for about 10 years or so about seven years at that point and he got interested because his patients he had a couple of patients who had started a non-denominational the religious-based christian-based that it's a non-denominational Mission nari group. So he basically added the medicine to it. So we would go out there and basically provide medical Outreach. To those in the What's called the central plateau of Haiti. It's about a about a maybe a three hour drive from Porter branch. And and I've gone probably about a dozen times over the last 10 years we go for about one week at a time and I'll be honest like it's really changed my life and they sense of yeah, I mean, let's face it. Everyone has problems. We all have problems and even here in the United States by the richest country in the world, one of the higher standard highest standard of living in the world, but yet we're still Anxious we're still depressed. We still have insomnia and then I kind of realized that a lot of it really just comes down to perspective because I bend it, you know for the most part even the poorest here in this country for the most part. I mean, there's always excepting for the most part we pretty much have a roof over I had we, you know, pretty much you're getting at least one meal a day and so on and you know, obviously we have higher expectations for you know for us here in America, but we have clothes, you know, we have shoes for the most part. And when I went to Haiti, it just broke my heart because you know, there's still so many people there who don't even have the basic necessities that we all take for granted. So and by that I mean shelter right or they might live in a an adobe like house with mud walls in a thatched roof. So, of course when it rains will frequently does over there no water leaks into the house and then they have a dirt floor or they may not have shoes. So there's a lot of kids, you know running around with Shoes on you know, they have to walk five or six miles to a well to you know to be able to provide water to get water for the family. And so it really just kind of I think allowed me to appreciate the situation that I'm in and that we are in here in the United States. But then also just to be more mindful others around the world and saying hey, you know, when we're in a position where we can help others and provide medical care and do things that we need to make sure we get back. Because not everyone has the Good Fortune, you know that we have I mean to see a kid, for example, I had one patient there and he was probably about nine years old and he comes up to see us and he has pus coming out of his ear right a horrible case of Titus media. He has a ruptured tympanic membrane ruptured eardrum and I ask them is how long has this been going on? They said three weeks. So this could help us with coming out of his ear for three weeks because they didn't have the money to get an antibiotic or didn't have the resources there. To see a doctor so they can get an antibiotic which you know, really just cost, you know, maybe a couple of dollars wholesale. Wow, and so of course we gave them the antibiotics and you know, and he was able to get better and stuff. But again, you know things like that and it's only a two-hour flight from Miami. It's a tragedy. Yeah. Yeah, I think really perspective is a very valuable medicine and it's definitely something that I get quite a bit every time I, you know, go back to see where my parents grew up in. Tia and there's so many places like that around the world when you know, you really start to see the difference between third world problems and first world problems, and I think there's nothing like actually being in the setting itself to really drive that point home, right? How often do you get to do this? I go to Haiti once a year and open and just recently actually about two three weeks ago. I came back from the Philippines, which is the first time I had done a mission trip to the Philippines. So that was that was fun. Siding and so we had about you know about seven or eight days medical Outreach and then few know about four days of just aren't are fun and relaxation. So that was that was nice. Yeah. Yeah is that typically the time frame that you spend in Haiti as well. Your therefore for likes a little over a week. Yeah. So Haiti tends to be about seven days just because it's a little easier to get there and then Philippines. It's about a 12 to 14 day trip amazing. And you do this through your practice essentially or I do. Yeah, I do so there's about three or four other doctors in our this and then we'll go various times throughout the year to Haiti or to the Philippines always making sure that we don't leave at the same time in the sense, right? Because it would be too too much work for the those who stay behind right but one of the nice things to I think about going do need medical Outreach trips to Medical mission trips is one of the things that it kind of helped reinvigorate my excitement for medicine to because I feel that when we go there we can simply just be doctors, right? Yeah, and we're not worried about is this drug covered. Could we take medicines with us? We have our formulary that we're going to work from but again, we're not wearing like a let me give you a prescription. It's not covered. I'm going to get a callback and from the pharmacy or I don't have to spend if I spend 10 minutes or 15 minutes with the patient. I don't have to go spend another 10 minutes documenting the whole note the whole visit and what went on just from a med legal perspective. You know, we literally could just see patients take care of them do what's necessary and just keep moving on to will literally see hundreds and hundreds of patients each day. That's amazing. So, it's really it's really Nice in the sense because it kind of brings the joy back in medicine that sometimes you'll be a doctor's fun. But we have to admit as Healthcare Providers. The fun part is you know for you is probably doing the surgery or are actually taking care of the patient, but the not-so-fun part is, you know spending half the day on the computer left-clicking right clicking and typing this that's right. Yeah. No, I mean most of the job, you know winds up being in the documenting and the electronic medical record dealing with insurance companies and all of those, you know, I guess first world problems, right? Downwards but then on the flip in the third world when you don't have to deal with any of that, it's just like wow. Wow, I'm actually like way happier here. That is I don't have to you know, do all of them all those things that are causing my first one exactly because no one goes into med school say I'm going to med school because I want to sit spent half my day sitting in front of a computer typing and clicking right we go there to help people. That's right. So definitely very very enriching. Awesome. Well Eric, this is phenomenal. We covered a lot of different ground here. I would love to do. Around to at some points as you know, we continue to follow the success of your podcast and all the exciting things that you're doing with social media and definitely keep us posted on the vitamin D prescription 2.0 definitely promote the the hell out of it on medicine remixed and where can people find you in General on social. So on Instagram just Eric Eric Madrid MD and also the same on Facebook forward slash Eric Madrid MD awesome and It will provide all the links in our show notes and I'm sure you've heard a few of our episodes Absolutely. You know, we do like kind of the mixtape styles of podcasting so we'll get this, you know chopped up and mixed in the next few weeks. And I think people are really going to get a lot of its. Yeah good job, by the way to it. I really enjoy it. I enjoy generics and you guys do a great great job with the sound effects and and I always look forward to listening to your episodes when they come out so I really Appreciate that man. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you. Have a good day. Alright, bye. Documentary documentary about that he told you to go see this is probably one of the hardest things to do and that's ask for help on any front asking for help. Medically. I don't need therapy asking for help LifeWise. Asking for help supporting medicine remix, I guess it's all uncomfortable no easy way to do it until now the folks over at anchor have decided to unveil something that we think is pretty dope called listener support and way it works is you go to Anchor dot f m / medicine remixed and it'll take you to our page. There's a support button click on it follow what it says and Bam. Now donated the vital blood to this organism that it needs to keep on pumping. Thanks for listening medicine remix.
In this interview, Reesh talks to Dr. Eric Madrid, a board-certified family medicine doctor with an interest in holistic/root-cause medicine. He currently practices at the Rancho Family Medical Group, which is affiliated with the Loma Linda Medical Center and he is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine. Eric is the Author of the Vitamin D Prescription: The Healing Power of the Sun & How It Can Save Your Life. His writing has also been featured on KevinMD and his podcast "Heal Thyself" has been featured on Apple Podcasts Top Health podcasts and has even made appearances on the Top Overall Charts several times. This episode covers everything from nutrition and supplements, doctors doing social media and podcasting and the perspective hacking nature of doing medical missionary work. Enjoy! Visit to learn more! Find us on Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill. Yes pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running health and well-being related for the highs and lows of Life Training and chasing girls. This podcast is designed.Keep you motivated and enthusiastic on your journey to health and happiness. Every time I run I discover something new about me and about life be a reason why I run or a discovery of myself. I genuinely find gratitude through Runnin. I am able to stay healthy and fit through the execution of my passion, but furthermore I'm able to achieve peace presents growth and Discovery and I love to hear all your stories on how running has changed your lives and what it's brought to you. I want to connect like-minded people through the power of podcast.I want to tell you all about run one and the elevated energy pack of supplements, which is what I'm currently trialling and loving at the moment. 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I'd follow the routine for a couple of days and then just forget and not continue then it'd be a waste and I'd have to check them away. But with run ones in juniors idea, you can pop one of the packs in your lunch bag or box for work or even your kit bag. If you're an early bird catches the worm type who hits the gym first thing and has breakfast during your commute to work because I know A lot of you do so. Yeah. It's just so much easier. I also love the idea of conscious Wellness sits really well with me the elevated energy, which I am currently trialing includes an ultra vitamin ginkgo biloba for memory and focus tumeric for a feel-good and anti-inflammation vitamin D3 and calcium for feel good and bone health, which I always take vitamin D3. So I'm thrilled that that's included in the park glucosamine chondroitin and MSM. For joint health and stay Supple. So I'm going to take these daily supplements for a while. See how I get on for me. It's come up perfect time. I'll be very honest as I was there the day my exercise diet and routine has taken a slump recently, but none of us are perfect. And neither is life. I guess it's how we Face the adversities and Imperfections and choose to overcome them. So it's very fitting to start this now while I'm motivated again to get going again with my exercise. Diet regime especially when I read on their page a quote that reads the best way to change the world is to change yourself and I absolutely love that quote. I'm going to have to remember this because it reminded me in my recent world that the only way I can change my situation is by me changer and what I can and to change in myself. So I shall accept the things I cannot change and make every effort to change the things I have control of so if you guys want to have free Trial pack a 10 day free trial I will include run ones story and the link to this site in the show notes as well as the link for the 10 day 10 day free trial if you do trial before you buy let me know if you are and how you get on with the project because I'll yeah be really interested to know. I was so grateful to catch up with today's guests Victorious tears, especially given just how busy her life currently is her daily commute takes four hours out of your day and yet Victorious still manages to find time to fit in her training running at least four times a week attending a bar class once weekly and often getting out on her bike and do an Open Water swimming and she dedicates time to her local Sailing Club. She throughout the year Victoria is Alex front-runner a Suunto brand ambassador and a very very Speedy Runner with an incredible PB for the half marathon tune in to hear all about Victoria's Adventures including winning first lady at a 50 kilometer ultramarathon and why she's motivated by the outdoors and why she coaches herself. Hello, and welcome to not another brand a podcast. I am really excited to introduce today's guests to you. It is Victorious tears a wife an avid Runner cyclist swimmer the occasional triathlete from Hindi and an A6 front-runner and Suunto brand ambassador. Oh and also part of the local Sailing Club, so welcome Vic. Thanks for your time and joining us today. Thank you for having me really excited to ask all these questions today. So For those who aren't sure or perhaps haven't come across you just yet. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do for a living? Yeah. Sure. So I'm 30 years young and like you've already mentioned. I live in Kent, but I actually commute into London each day because I work for a place called some of these Institute of Art and we are leaders in art World education and we have campuses in London and New York, and I'm the deputy director of global. Missions and recruitment for them through that sounds really interesting. Do you enjoy it? I do. Yeah. I mean, I think it sounds a little bit more glamorous than it actually is it's a lot of hard work. It's a lot of traveling but that can be pretty exciting. I don't like to stay in one place for too long. But yeah, it's a really really great place. It's full of very interesting people and I get behind the scenes access of the auction house and I get privileged access to say It was and auctions that I'd love to do some of that might actually yeah, you get 50 first dibs on some of the things as well only I could afford them. You know, you said you I mean, obviously you travel a lot with your job. I can imagine that makes it quite difficult than if you're if you're training for something big. Yes, I have to admit so I've only been doing this job for a year now, but I feel like in my races this year. I perhaps gotten lucky rather. Rather than have actually put in the hard work before it which is you know, a little bit of a shame but you kind of have to work with what you're given. Yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely, especially if you if there's something that you can't change for example, if you are traveling or you're away, you know, you can't you have to like, you know be able to adapt to you know, your situation or your surroundings and just you know, get on out do what you can so could you tell us how it was you got into running and how long have you been running for? Yeah. Sure. So I was always The kind of kid that wanted to get out of PE lesson, so I would fake letters from my mum because I never really wanted to do like communal sport. That being said. I was always the runner at sports day. So do cross country and track event was never particularly good at it, but just kind of enjoyed running just for the hell of it. And then when I got to University I started to run more regularly, so I was 18 years old and I would be going out every day. But I would never run more than five k. So that was kind of my thing and I just found it so difficult to get beyond that point and so I just kind of assumed running with one of those nice things to do each day didn't really have any concept of racing or anything like that. And then when I was about 22, I think I started to do some races with my cousin who was a triathlete at the time and we started to do 10K races. Have an oh my gosh. It just felt like the most difficult thing in the world. I still maintain that 10K is one of the most difficult distances to run and then when I turned maybe 25 if I decided to get into Triathlon myself and did that for a couple of years and then running took over because I just loved it so much and then you've never looked back. No indeed. It's just a part of who I am now, but I mean when you were in Only and you were you said you're running everyday was that joke, really? Yeah. I mean I think running 5k Every Day is not the end of the world. But I am quite prone to move training which they have to watch in myself a couple of years ago. I was in a pretty bad headspace and I ended up running 10K every day and you know, that's just not normal and not healthy at least not for somebody like me. But yeah, you know 5k Every Day at University. I hope to fill the time. Yeah, and I did we did you take us low then the 5K which not adjusted and space. Absolutely. I mean, I was probably running 5K in gosh, maybe about 35 minutes. So it was a really really nice easy run worked. Now I run 5K in like 22 minutes. Wow, which is really fast. I'm wondering and you when you started in uni when you were 18, did you did you used to use anything to track the Run? Did you literally just you know head out the door with your trainers? Jean and you know no watch no phone. Yeah, literally I had no idea what running properly was. So I think I took my phone with me just from a safety perspective, but I didn't have a watch I had slip on trainers, which I probably would never ever even we're just to walk around it nowadays and I just used to wear really really big heavy t-shirts. I just Didn't know what running kit was but you know, I think it was like that, you know, just you know, yeah those men, you know, because I would be new new roughly the same time as you then and I remember my friend who was a runner like heading out the door. No watch big baggy t-shirt shorts from she's had four years since like secondary school and I like just mapping the run before heading out on map my run just so that she could see right. Okay, I'm gonna go for six miles. This is where I'm going to go and that's just the way it was. Yeah, and I would listen to the The Same album as well. It was a Miley Cyrus album with mortified to admit now. I would just listen to the same songs over and over again. So I knew exactly where I was in back run so you could kind of like compare it then the next time yeah, it's weird. Isn't it? Help it when you start running. I remember when I first started and I was doing a 5-kilometer loop, I would just do the same route, but I would only start like at the same exact spot so I can like come here the time and all you know, yeah. Yeah. So you said that you should try and get out of PE lessons when you're at school. So obviously then you you know Sports active lifestyle of you weren't as interested as you aren't because nowadays, you know, I look at your Instagram and you're literally like in between one and another I can see you're swimming in open water. And then you're part of the Sailing Club and you're running. You've got a massive a big bike ride coming up as well this this year in August. Yeah, I I've got a lot of energy and it kind of needs to be burned up somewhere. So I wasn't really interested in sport and the teenager as a child and that being said I did the usual stuff. You know, I went to dance classes I went to karate because I've always been quite a hyperactive person. So I needed some kind of outlet but it didn't really I didn't enjoy doing sport at school. Although I was on the fencing team so actually fenced for a different. School to mine and I started winning all of the competitions and so my school decided to adopt a fencing team and I was the only person in it so fencing was my sport is a teenager and I wish that I still did it now, but I'm a qualified fencing instructor so I could get back into it if I wanted to gosh. I didn't realize you were qualified fencing instructor as well. Yeah. I just love fencing is such a beautiful sport. Wow, and now obviously, you know, we chatted earlier when you said that with regards to the Sailing Club, then you you helped out with them yearly as well with several events. Yeah, absolutely. So part of the membership means that you have to volunteer for for events throughout the year, which is fine. Although I've kind of got myself into this routine over the past two years. I've been paying my membership, but I actually haven't had any free weekends to sail myself in any of the races because I'm so preoccupied with Racism and stuff like that, but I still have to do my duties. So I tend to just go down and help out on the safety boat whenever I'm allocated Duty instead, but I'm not actually benefiting from the ceiling at the moment. Unfortunately, it's hard to fit it all in there. Isn't it really hard? Absolutely and you have to balance your sporting commitments with family and everything else as well as a real juggling a I feel guilty a lot of the time. Yeah, because I mean, what does your weekly structure look like at the moment with running Etc? So I mean so I probably only run three or four times a week. I've got a 4 hour commute each day though. So I have to fit everything in around that and get some sleep as well. I also try to go to a bar class once a week. I'd like to increase it to two times a week, which is what I used to do. But at the moment I just can't fit in any more than once but that's really good because that's my strength training and I try to cycle once a week and I try to see swim once a week as well if I can. But the swimming and the cycling a probably more inconsistent in the running for me because we're running is always a main priority. Yeah. Yeah, which makes sense and I remember seeing about you go into the going along to the bar class. So when did you start that then so I started that about three years ago and it actually coincided with me getting faster at running. So I was always such a plodder. I think I started going to parkrun I said started going to park one. I've been to park one. Five times in my life. So I'm not a regular girl. I wish I was but I can't make up that early but when I went the first time I I think I got like a 32-minute 5K and then I went back after I had just started doing my Barre classes and all of a sudden I was down to 25 minutes and then I chipped off from the time as the other part grounds that I did and I just think it is one of those really really amazing and class. Has to do because it's helped me so much. I'm so much stronger and my body really changed in terms of how it looked. I started to get more definition and it was good for my back as well to my posture isn't great. So I am a huge advocate of our classes. And because what made you go along to that then was it do you have a friend that was going or new as an instructor? So I've always been interested in Bali. I love ballet class, but I'm not Actually, very elegant. I've got really long limbs that are a little bit awkward. I'm very clumsy, but I'm quite good at those representative movement and like being in your own head and challenging yourself in that way. So I thought I would give it a go because I noticed a class was starting in the area and and I went along and our instructor pick up. She's absolutely incredible. She's a real force to be reckoned with and so she does two classes in the local. Area in different locations and I know she's one of those people that you just want to be around her energy because she's just amazing. Yeah. I remember seeing a post about that and I was like really interested to see you know, if he was still doing it. So I'm glad you've mentioned that bill which is quite good A lot of people do, you know promote strength training and using the body weight for their strength training for running and obviously as you know, it's worked for you with regards to your speed. I think you know perhaps the cycling's got a good part to play in it as well because cross-training is always a great great thing in order to improve our endurance and aerobic capacity. And so keeping that going as well as well as the swimming it obviously is going to pay dividend for you and you're running exactly. I mean, I'm always confident but I've got a general base thickness. And so I think once you've got that bass Fitness a lot of what happens on Race days what is going on in your head? And so I'm confident with my body knows how to approach a race properly. You know, I know what my tactics are in a race. I know what works for me and it won't work for everybody. But I'm confident that the things that I'm doing throughout the week just keep my fitness levels ticking over even if I'm not actually pushing myself into unknown territory in terms of speed and things like that, but you know speed isn't everything either. It's about having a good time. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I'm sure you mentioned you've got four hour commute. Am I right? That's really my it's still destroying I keep saying so every now and again, we have a meet the train manager session when you get to the station Inland and every time that happens at my station I go up to them. They say what you need to do is replace one of the carriages replace the seats with treadmills and you can use the energy the electricity generated from that to power something like the Wi-Fi in betraying but it means that those people who Who have to do the commute but want to be active can actually be doing something productive? It's it's so horrible. I would never recommend Community to anybody unless you can commute on your bike. Yeah, I mean, is there an option, you know later down the line where you could perhaps? You know, I don't know where work would be closer to you or you could be closer to work. And so I do work from home one day a week which makes a big difference. Realistically. We wouldn't move to London just because we're so out. Rosie we need to be by the Sea and it's just good for our mental health in general to be around this area. So a man is one of those sacrifices that I have to make because you know, I'm a little bit power-hungry in terms of my career. So I just need to make sure that I'm looking after myself but that I've got a bit of a balance going on in terms of things that keep me happy. Yeah. Yeah, and I think generic credit where credit's due for you to do a commute like that. And then still, you know be able to fit in your three to four times weekly runs your cycling once a week C swim in and your Barre classes. Well, I think welfare played you because I can be easy, especially when you've trained for longer distances. So if anyone's listening and think I know I'm tired this week or you know, really think at all, you know, am I going to be able to get out the door and of this run? Oh, I'm too tired after work blah blah blah. Well, just think of Victoria here who's doing? Or L will commute. I'm still getting it done. I mean everybody has their own time constraints don't be so I guess it's a very apparent or something like that. You could similar restrictive timetable, but it's just about doing what you can as long as you feel okay at the end of the day and I actually find that even though I get off the train and I feel like an absolute zombie if I get outside it does make me feel better. Yeah. Yeah, I think sometimes I you know, I haven't gone commute like yours, but even on the most Just tired days or tired weeks where perhaps I might not have slept well or Works been stressful or I didn't know what it may be as soon as I've you know, pleaded with myself and got out the door to go for a run or go to gym class as much as I was exhausted before I started about she got more energy for doing it. So yeah, you don't regret it when she wants you gone. No, no, no and you know, what, if you're not having a good time on that run or training session, you just cut it short at least you've given it a try. I always have them this one mile rule. My head so I'll go out. I'll Attack the session and if after a mile, I'm still not feeling it then that's fine. I can go home. Yeah, that's a good that's a good thing to do because actually they say, yeah well and the first 10 to 15 minutes of your running is it's never it's never delightful. It might be okay, if that more often than not it's quite uncomfortable. But once you've got past the 10-15 minute barrier where you've warmed up and you've got the blood pumping tall them. Muscles you are more likely to then continue and continue to finish your workout because you've warmed up and you're ready to go now. Exactly and you already sweaty. So you might as well finish. Yeah. Yeah exactly as I get, you know, keep keep going and get the feel-good endorphins. Absolutely. So you mentioned about you and your husband and that is good for you both to be living where you are and near the coast. So what does I'm Gareth is your What is he interested in sports like yourself? So he absolutely hates running. Although I do occasionally sign him up to things and then I feel terribly guilty afterwards but he's really really into cycling and he's also into kayaking and wakeboarding powerboating stuff like that. So he is really really outdoorsy perhaps in different ways to me sometimes but a good mix and the both of ya. Yeah. I mean, we always like to have an adventure ER I think that's what keeps our relationship really fun. You know, if one of us says, oh I'm going to head up this mountain, you know, he might cycle along side me on his mountain bike or something like that. And when I'm doing my long runs on a Sunday, he'll sometimes Comer alongside me and his bike just so that we can have a conversation while some training. Yeah, that's pretty intense and it's going to still actually having time together, but you're still getting the training done and you'll get you both getting outside and getting the It benefits of exercise and fresh air. So that's that's great. Yeah, and I've got to ask there's this photo when he posted it like I looked as like, oh my God, and you posted was a photo outside the the start-finish line for in chamonix in France for the marathon Du Mont Blanc. Yeah. I need to know which one you did because I saw that there was like, oh my God, I can't believe you were there and you were doing one of them. Yeah, so I actually did two of the races. So and this was when there was a heat wave in France as well. So pretty unpleasant conditions and but on the Friday afternoon, I did the vertical kilometer which was incredible. It had been on my bucket list for about four or five years. And this was finally the year when the stars aligned and I was able to fit it into my schedule and it was just the most surreal challenging and inspiring race. I Ever done and I didn't really have much Mountain experience. We've got a place in Wales as well which we occasionally go down to but to be honest with you. I don't tackle the big mountains. So this was a complete unknown for me, but it was absolutely brilliant and I would highly recommend it to anybody and then on the Saturday there's a race called the duet to Ali which is a nighttime race. It starts at eight o'clock in the evening and you have to run it with somebody else. So you're in a team of two. And it's 20 kilometers in distance and about 1,400 meters of elevation. And it was just magical that you can see all of chamonix lit up down below and you could see Mont Blanc in the distance. You were running towards it and it was a really really busy race. It was quite frustrating on the technical Parts because it was slow but two of the most surreal races but I've ever done I just didn't know that scenery like that. It was just a brilliant weekend does I'm so jealous that you got to do that or don't do the Genesis of like weird. But like just yeah just while because I'd love to do one of them up the I do I would be a bit apprehensive mind because I mean there is some serious elevation gain in the law of those and lot of those races with Marathon to Mont Blanc and I just think of all they look grueling. I mean the vertical kilometer you It off of switch back switch. I was told by my uncle who was out there with me and who had run back a few times before. He said look just just don't run it back. Don't run. It just walk. It really really slowly. But of course I want to run, you know, I want to see what I can do. So I started off on these switchbacks and it was so tough like right from the start. You're just climbing and then you get halfway up a vertical kilometer and you're just scrambling. You're literally having to climb up Rock. Or use a rope that's in the rock face to pull yourself up. It's it's so physically demanding but you get to the top and you realize what you've done and you just feel so proud of yourself. And actually I was in the elite category as well for the start time because I accidentally messed up what start time I should have been in and the day beforehand. I was really worrying about this as I'm just going to slow everybody down what's behind me? They're going to get so angry. Really? There's not going to be any opportunity for people to overtake me then as I was walking to my station to travel home. I saw a lady in front of me and she bumped into one of those security bollards and I thought oh gosh, is she a little bit drunk and then as I walked around her I realized what she was partially sighted and her cane hadn't picked up the fact that the security guard was that I just thought in that moment. I'm so lucky to be able to have a body that can just run up mountains with very very minimal. Iterations the any kind of inconvenience I might get into and it just gave me a renewed sense of inspiration for the weekend. And I think that is kind of what carried me around on those braces. Yeah. So that was before you headed to the race that you saw that and the night before hand which because inside, you know, you gotta trust the universe of these things, right? Yeah, definitely definitely so did Karis do one of them? I'm sure you post. Did that he did the vertical? Yeah, he didn't vertical kilometer and I didn't think this forgiven me yet. Was it that bad? I mean 40 percent of the people that had signed up for it didn't turn up for the race just because of the extreme weather and it became mandatory to carry water with you on a raise and they put the start times back by an hour for everybody to get them out of the heat. But when I started so Gareth started before me But at my start time it was still 39 degrees and that was about six o'clock in the evening. So, you know, he found it hard because he hadn't really done any run training beforehand. He I think he had started running like two weeks beforehand again, but again, he he didn't really have any elevation in his legs, but he was amazing. I was so proud of him. I was really worried over time because up there because if anything had happened to him, I would have felt responsible for pushing him into it, but he was brilliant because he's good at everything but he does and did did he do the other event on the Saturday or was he so that was yeah. Yeah, so I'm going to slam. Yeah, I didn't think Gareth would have enjoyed that we did actually have a place for him if you wanted it because one of our friends from Monaco dropped out, so we were kind of running as a for but one of our friends had to drop out because he had surgery the week beforehand. So there was Three of us running together for the Jeweler to Ali hmm. You've got an amazing picture of you doing what look like the vehicle kilometer. I think you posted that like few days ago. I died like who even took that photo? So that's one of the Professional Day from the race organizers. They were just given most perfect spot because that was one of the particularly technical parts of the climb, but it's so nice to have that as a Memento of God. Yeah, such a great photo with a brilliant brilliant view behind you. Amazing. Would you say that was your best that's your best experience yet with regards to your endurance endurance life. That's a really good question. It's definitely up there like in the top three I would say but I didn't know I get something pretty special out of all of the races, but I do I mean, that one was just so different. I'm going back. Next year to do the marathon actually. Yeah. Yeah, I haven't signed up for yet because registrations on open but that's the plan. I'm not done with Mont Blanc with them with the marathon. Do you have to qualify with points? Because I know one of the races you have to qualify don't you as so UTMB weekend, which is in August you have to have points to enter into the ballot for all of those Reese's I think there's four or five races across that weekend that the marathon du mont-blanc weekend, which is in June. June you don't actually have to have points. So it's sort of more fun to do that and also in chamonix isn't as busy for both races either it still gets pretty busy but not like UTMB weekend. Yeah, I think like because UTMB that it's just stocked with Elites and sponsors Etc. So I'm assuming that that brings a lot of busy hub for that weekend. Yeah, although chamonix itself is pretty busy all the time with really good-looking athletic people. I mean it was so inspiring walk. Around I just kept seeing people guys. Like I really wish I looked like that person and that person isn't and there's just loads Outdoors shorts is kind of our idea of Heaven. Yeah. Yeah, I've got to ask right. Am I right in thinking that you still haven't completed a road Marathon yet? Yeah. Yeah, that's right. So I'm going to Chicago American in October, but no, I haven't done a raid Marathon, but I have done some papers. Yes, I thought Thought I'd seen this and I wasn't sure of anything to change but I thought I was right so so you literally went in to do an ultra before you'd even completed the Marathon distance. Has it all just just on road. Yeah. Yeah. I I didn't know I'm a classic overachiever and I just like to do everything. I like to say yes to everything and my uncle he so the reason why I did with ultra it was last June that was my first And I did it two weeks after a really really strong half marathon performance of a road and my uncle just said to me why don't you try an ultra and I thought yeah. Okay. Sure. I think we ever run Bike 12 miles in training and I think my my longest ever run at that point as well was 15 miles, but I thought you know got to give these things a try and see if I liked it and he took my watch away from me so he paced me. And he said that whenever he ate I had to eat and on every uphill when we were walking I had to drink water and it was actually a lap trees as well which really works quite well for me so I can logically I because I just love knowing what's to come. I know most people it's like their idea of hell, but I'm So Into lap traces and so I was getting through a bottle of water on each lap of electrolytes in and it was just fantastic. I really really loved it. I didn't struggle at all and It was just so different in the usual road races where you're chasing find it was much more about the experience. So your uncle had you done stuff like that before then obviously. Yeah, he is a seasoned ultrarunner. He does all of the weird and wonderful stuff and it's so inspiring but you only got into it in his 40 he's but he's amazing absolutely amazing. That's amazing that you need to go into all of that in his forties heard you been running before that. Not really I I think he started running possibly as a bit of a midlife crisis. I hope if he listens to this. He doesn't mind me saying that but I didn't think he was overly acted, you know, he was living in Monaco and living party boy life, but with a young family as well and I think one day he just started running and realized he really enjoyed it and he had a group of friends that were really into it as well. I think when you've got people around you who are into similar things to you or a starting on that similar Journey, it makes it easier to Get into it. Yeah. Yeah. I can't believe that he took your watch away and pasty that's like a fantastic story to tell it's my idea of hell though, because you know, I wasn't in the best head space at that point. So I was restoring weight throughout that year. And so I was still really really fixated by numbers. So to take my watch away from me was a genius move because it meant that I lost all power. I just had to trust him, but it Worked yeah, because wasn't that the Moonlight challenge? Yeah knows about was the was it called Kent 50 can endurance run something like that? Yeah, because when did the when did the moon like challenge come in was that that was after that then? Yeah see the Moonlight challenge was in February of this year. And that was absolutely brilliant. I mean I did that all by myself actually, no, not all by myself. I had a really really great friend. Aw. Natalie she was my support crew when she found out those doing it. She's like oh, so he's supporting you on that run. I said only buddy and she said but she would come down and she would do some of her coursework for her University course in the barn because again, it was a lap trace and she was just brilliant because you get into a stage when you're racing if you're on your own and it was at night time. So I think it started at three o'clock in the afternoon, but was in winter in February, so you lost the light quite early on On and we were lucky that it was really glorious day. So I started it wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I think it was about 12 or 13 degrees at the time. But obviously as soon as it gets dark, it really drops in temperature, but when you're in that missing mentality, you kind of forget that you need to put layers on and you forget that you need to eat. So every time I was coming back into base camp she was saying to me right? I'm going to put this coat on you now, right? I'm going to feed you watermelon. And even when I was saying Lola, I really don't want to eat. It was like no. No, I'm going to make sure you have like six peanuts and this amount of watermelon and you have a bite of this Flapjack and she was just brilliant and then when I was on my last lap, I started to struggle in like the last mile and a half and I just sent her a message and I said no I'm going to be a little wild coming in and she came out and she ran in the Last Mile with me and it was just really kind of her to do that. And that's what the running Community is all about. I met her through social media and you know, it's just nice. Nice to have a real great support crew around you. Wow. I love that story that she was there supporting you and that she was reminding you to eat and drink and stay warm and that she run the Last Mile and that you met her through social media. Where did where did you meet? Was it on Instagram? Yeah, it was on Instagram. I think she had done the Kent endurance run so that Ultra of the year before and so we were technically at the same race, but we didn't know each other then and then we would just connected. Through hashtags like after that race and just start each other. But yeah, you know, I take my hat off to her because I ended up going first lady in that race and I wouldn't have been able to do that had it not been for her looking after me and I was literally just about saying that race you one first lady. That's that's incredible can't get that. We use I bet did you like expect you know to come in the top I know top five top ten. No, I mean it was only the second time but I I'd ever run long in a race and I hadn't had the best lead up to it because I'd had pneumonia a few months beforehand. So I was out of training for an entire month. So it was completely unexpected. But I was having such a good time in that race and that's the thing, you know, if you're in a good headspace, I think you can achieve so much more. So I always know that if I wake up and I'm not happy on Race morning. I know what my performance is going to be like hmm. Oh, yeah, there's a lot to be said about In the right headspace. I mean that's why they these pro athletes athletes. They pay good money for a sports. I am they call him sports psychologist. Yeah, like psychiatrist so they can get them in the right mentally game. Absolutely. How many how many miles was the Moonlight Challenge and that was 31 miles for me? So 50 kilometers and that's my sweet spot. So I haven't run longer than that and I don't know if I want to run longer than That to be honest with you because I just really enjoy that distance. It's manageable without destroying yourself. I can't I can't imagine running out just yet or what. It must feel like after running that especially on your first Go, I mean like to push yourself and get first lady like, you know, what was how did you recover afterwards be honest with you? So the first Ultra I did I recovered really well from it. I went swimming the next day and I think that helped but when I did the one in February the Moonlight challenge I thought that I had recovered well, but I noticed I was just feeling a bit sluggish. I decided not to run for the week afterwards, but I was traveling for work. Anyways about just ended up being convenient, but then when I started to get back into training, I was really struggling and it turns out that I was suffering from anemia, which is something I'm quite prone to but I just hadn't picked up on the signs, but I think I just must have pushed myself so much in that race without realizing it, but I'd just broken down all of my Blood cells and the thing is you can't believe you know, you said a minute ago. You had you'd have pneumonia a few months beforehand and had a month off training and yet you still went in did this ultra marathon of 31 miles or 50 kilometers and you race it and you get first lady, you know, I mean, I will kind of just put the scenario out there. I don't think the field was overly strong on the day, but still first lady especially I'm happy to take it but it was Sing with Elites or anything like that. Yeah, but still none that I mean not being funny, you know, if you've been off training for a month and you're talking ammonia, like, you know, you always lie bounce back pretty quickly to do that. That's crazy. When I had pneumonia, I literally did no training whatsoever. I mean I was so unwell, but I couldn't anyway, but you know, you just got to be sensible with these things and I haven't always been sensible in the past, but I've learned my lesson from that. Yeah, because when was it you decided what I'm going to ask when you decided to Ultras, but obviously it was your uncle that spurred you on to do that to you before exactly yeah, June 2018. Have you got any more lined up and I haven't for this year, but I've got some big plans for next year, which I'm keeping secret for the time being but there's smelter in the summer which is overseas. And had quite a Savage cutoff time, which I'm thinking of doing. Well. Yeah, there's an ultra next year is that we would say yeah say there's one July overseas. That being said. I've got a few Ultras I'd like to do next year anyway, and I just want to do lots of trails stuff next year and I also want to get my rude halftime down as well. Yeah. I'm so intrigued to know which what this As for next year won't keep it under wraps. Yeah. So the reason why we're not saying anything about it is because when the registrations open, it literally sells out within two days. So be a little bit sad me about it. Yeah. No, I get that. I can't wait. I can't wait to hear which one is going to be great. Right? So tell me you started documenting your run and journey on Instagram and or triathlons and so how did that come about and when did you start like, did you did you tell your friends and family, you know, we were open about Out it or yeah, I mean my Instagram started off not as a running Instagram. And also I remember when Instagram came out and I just thought why would anybody want to post a photo every day? And why would anybody want to look at somebody else's photo? Oh how times have changed but I think I think I started doing something called Advent running 1 December and the whole point about it running was that you would post a picture of your run each day. And so I started to use my Instagram. That I didn't really tell anybody about it. I didn't tell my friends and family. In fact, my parents have only just found my Instagram in the last month and they're like, oh gosh Victoria, why didn't you tell us but we could see photos of you and and I was like, yeah. Well, there's a reason why I wanted to keep you away from it and the like my friends kind of found me gradually, but it's also it's one of those awkward things because I guess you create this Persona of yourself on social media. And my Instagram is all about running and being outdoors, but I guess that's the only part of my life and so you never really know how it's going to translate with your friends and your family. I'm most of my family who are really into sports. So like I mentioned earlier my cousin's into Triathlon says her husband and my uncle's really into Ultra marathons, but they don't post about it on Instagram because they're not of that generation. So when they see me, you know, they Walk me for doing it, you know, it's kind of a laughable thing. Yeah, but I think I suppose it depends really on like, you know, whether you whether you use social media are often or you know, a I think age comes into it a lot as well. Perhaps. Yeah. I mean, I'm a classic Millennial but I've made such good friends and I get really really amazing opportunities through it as well. And I'm just having a good time and I feel like it's an opportunity to inspire people as well. I feel like we have a social media following and I don't have a huge following but the people that I'm I'm following or who are following me. I have good connections with them and I feel like you have a degree of responsibility as well. I'm also really important to show the lows alongside the highs. It's also really important for me to show people that you can be outdoors. Like there's no barrier to you being outdoors. I always use the hashtag Outdoors is free because I think people Often feel like you have to have money to be able to go out and have an adventure but you don't you just need a pair of running shoes or hiking boots or whatever and I just think the benefits that I have from being outside and just feeling that sense of freedom. I feel like I have a duty to tell people about that because I want other people to see that you don't have to be indoors playing video games or or feel like being on your own is a bad thing because I do most of my Adventures on my own and I have a brilliant time doing it that way. Yeah. No, I admire it completely and that's why I love us what you love about your page and I was thinking you said something to go about it got a duty to be honest and to inspire and because I mean you obviously do you've got a following on there and people, you know, they engage with the post that you make and especially because you are an R6 front runner as well. The you posted a really really Brave honest posting the day. I think it was the last weekend of the weekend before regarding your Every with eating disorders and how you'd had a really tough moment. So I mean, you know, have you zipped I've got to ask is is it always been an easy or is it a difficult thing that you share that on on social media and on Instagram or like you just said a moment ago you feel like a duty to to be honest and to share it so that perhaps then you are helping other people to to, you know, overcome their anxieties as well. Yeah, I mean it's something that I've suffered with her a really really long time. So I've learned a lot about myself and I've learned a lot about what recovery means and you know, like I say, we do have a responsibility and I'm very fortunate but I'm kind of at the end of my recovery Journey. So now I know it might not always be this way, but because I'm in a good place. It means that I feel like I can talk about it more freely than some people might be able to but also The very isolating illnesses and so just having somebody who is willing to talk about it. Openly it really breaks down a few barriers and I've had some really really sweet messages from people who have also been suffering just saying thank you for being a little bit open because they can resonate with the things that I've said but a lot of people say to me, you know, you're in such a good place now, how do I get there? And they're trying to compare their story to my story, but I felt like With that post it was really really important to to be honest in that moment because yeah, you know 90% of the time I get it absolutely right and I'm happy life feels good. But in that moment on the Friday night just froze going into to our weekend with the front when a team, you know, I felt like my whole world was crashing down. I I phoned my friend Rini who's an amazing Sports dietitian and I was crying down the phone to her because I didn't want to socialize with people I didn't I have to have dinner with people and it wasn't about the food and it wasn't about seeing other people. It was about the fact that I had a really really stressful week work and I was so tired and these weekends are really really full-on in the best possible way, you know, they're so fun, but I needed some time to recuperate from from the week that I had had and I wasn't going to get that down time. But you know what she gave me like a therm talking to because she knows that that's my on well too and although we're dinner and it was all right, you know, I felt a bit rubbish the parts of it, but then the next day I just decided I wasn't going to let that be deep voice take over and I was going to have fun because I'm so lucky with that team like they're so supportive and I've got a real great group of friends and they really encouraged me and look after me, which is so lovely. It's so nice to feel like people don't Judged you, you know, one of my friends of the team Becca. She knows that I struggle. Sometimes she's like, it's cool. You know, I'm going to give you your space you do what you want to do, but I'm going to go and eat this and if you want to join me you come and join me and that's a really really nice way of me being able to kind of test the waters and go and buy it and that's enough you said about that was the nicest thing I'd eaten all weekend. So so I think it's really important to highlight the fact that Yeah, I had a really really low moment on the Friday night. But by the Saturday I had decided that I wasn't going to let that take over. I was going to enjoy myself because Eating Disorders really really stop you from having fun and you it's something that's comforting and is keeping you safe. But it isn't it's just cutting you off from any kind of opportunity. And so I think it's important to talk about things like that. But at the same time, I don't want my platform to be just about that because it's not but there's still a Time. Going to place to be able to talk about it openly hmm. Yeah, absolutely. I think the thing is it's been a part of your you know, that's been your story. You've look where you are now and you've, you know dealt with your anxieties and you've coped with it. You've you know, you've sought advice support. It's been a long long journey. So for you for not occasionally share about your anxieties and or difficulties with it would be would be almost wrong to do so so as much as it's not all about that on Platform it is good. And I think I and a lot of other people appreciate that you do share that especially when like you said those disorders and illnesses can be so isolated and can ruin your fun. So seeing other people posting about them bravely. Honestly, well actually spark up the conversation because a lot of people who perhaps who know me online won't know that I've struggled a lot with food and eating disorders not the same as You but in other ways with binge eating disorder bulimia and you know other things but like I haven't I've never it's not part of me right now because I've come almost come through it, but then I will still have times where I struggle or if my anxieties are high that it can Surface or you know manifests and some horrible reminders and then you think okay. It's still there look in the back. Ground, you know, so I love that people like yourself can share that because like I said, it just Sparks at the conversation and you know, you'd be surprised that a lot of other people could could be going through something similar will have gone through something similar. So I think it was really Brave and I really love that you posted about it. Thank you very much. Thank you. We mentioned a little bit about the assets FrontRunner weekend. And obviously those weekends look so much fun, and I just wanted to know how did that work? About for you becoming an A6 front runner. Yeah, and so it's kind of surreal really. I can't remember all of the detail, but I used to have a Running Blog a couple of years ago when I was a little running plotter and every now and again, I would get running shoes from them to product test and I feel like that may have worked to my advantage because I received an email saying that they were opening applications for the first set of the front-runner team and I just decided to apply on a whim and force. Reason, I got selected my still struggle to the stage. We understand why they would choose me because I'm you know, I was a very very mediocre runner at the time. I wasn't particularly inspiring. I joined the team as a triathlete, but I wasn't a particularly good triathlete either. So I've always kind of wondered like what's my Niche within the team but I was so lucky. So I joined the first team that was set up and I'm still there now and you know, the first couple of years were not great for me on the team. Because I was struggling with an eating disorder and you know, I didn't want to participate in the way that others were participating but now that I'm wait restored and having a good time. It's fantastic. There are so many opportunities that come our way and it is a very very supportive team and we're a team of so many different abilities and so many different disciplines as well. So you have track runners. You have Ultra Runners you have read marathon runners. We've got an Olympian on the Mmm, she's an Olympian Steeplechase ER and she's just phenomenal. We have loads of triathletes, you know and obstacle course races. It's so so diverse. We've got an Adaptive athlete and it's such an incredibly inspiring team to be a part of and you feel so supported. It doesn't matter what kind of believe moment you have. These people are your biggest cheerleaders and it's a really great Community to be a part of but you know, there are lots of teams worldwide as well. And we often meet up with our international team mates too. So it's not even just a UK thing. But yeah, I feel very fortunate very very privileged to be on the team and how many years ago was it that you became you know that one of the first ever team member so I think this is my third year of the team also feel like part of the furniture and yet what it does. It looks so much fun and like you said, you know Oh brilliant events of come your way and opportunities. But you do say you struggle with understanding what nice to have but you know, I think anyone looking on or sees you you know, what you get up to in your free time and you know, all the activities that you do with regards to swim in cycling running on sailing I can see exactly why you know, they would want you to be part of the team. I think sometimes you just not you personally but people struggle to see you know, the the Great It in yourself, but I can understand why you would be part of it. I think sometimes maybe you underestimate your abilities. Yeah, maybe I mean, I just feel like I want to have fun all the time. That's why I think my my Niche is at the moment. I don't know how that translates to sporting ability and the in particular Focus. I mean, I'm not particularly focused on one area. I suppose I think I mentioned to you earlier when we were having a chat, but I feel like I'm Jack of all trades and master of none. But you know what that works for me because I'm having a good time and I can't ask for more than that. But I do think you're quite a master at Brandon. Let's be fair. I mean you went in that Ultra on the back of like I think it was 13 miles training that Ultra the Moonlight Challenge and when you think and consider that you were off and off training for a whole month and then recovering from pneumonia and the speeds that you do in your running, I think actually You're quite you've mastered running. Let's be fair. Yeah, I mean I know what works for me when it comes to running. I'd like to get a little bit faster. Although I don't want to become too preoccupied of times. But even now on the team we have people who are so much faster for me. I mean some of my my fellow female Runners on the team are absolutely incredible in terms of the times they're knocking out but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what time you're doing just as long as You're enjoying the process I suppose and that's kind of a stage, but I'm mad at the moment, you know, perhaps if I have more time going forward. I'll actually dedicate more more training towards speed work, but that's just not what I can do at the moment. Yeah. Yeah, and that makes sense. You said earlier about inspiring them, you know, you know the platform and using Instagram, you know, it is an inspiring and motivating place to be what would you say in? spires and motivates you so The Great Outdoors inspires me. I feel so motivated when I'm by the sea I get I guess that's my big thing. I'm a real water baby whether that's running by the sea or actually being in the sea or sailing or whatever, but I just have to feel like I have the outdoors I have to say I can't be in the city too long. You know the working day is kind of soul-destroying because I just feel like it's so claustrophobic. I'm just surrounded by So many people but yeah, so what motivates and inspires me and actually being outdoors having green and blue around me and feeling like I have and in that amount of freedom, I love that like that's a really like different way to approach that. I love it Great Outdoors, but actually it's not surprising because of you know, what we've talked about already this evening and how much that you do love to live and be outside you and Gareth and the fact that you were you live and that the fact the very fact that you still choose to commute, you know, four hours a day because you want to live with you are and be close to the coast and enjoying the outside. Yes, not surprised really very lucky. Our house is right on the beach. So when I get home in the evening if we want to we can go out for a see swim and I mean, I feel so extraordinary lucky to be able to do that to have that as my lifestyle. I just don't ever want to sacrifice that yeah. Yeah, I get that so We spoken about Chicago marathon that that's on the cups for you this year, which is really exciting, especially because this is going to be your first road marathon and I want to know how did you get into the Chicago marathon and have you got a goal at all in mind? Yeah. So how I got in I just applied in the ballot. This was a fast but I had applied for it. I just didn't want to win because Chicago is my favorite US city is Is such an amazing case I love running when I'm over there. And I thought you know what? I would quite like to do a rude Marathon. I'll just enter the ballot Just on the off chance that I might get in and I got lucky it happened for me. So I'm really really excited about but like we say, I've never done a road marathon before so I don't know how well I'm going to do I suspect I might struggle a little bit especially with trying to fit in a decent amount of training in the lead up. But whenever I go into a race, I always have a gold silver and bronze goal in my mind so that I can never be disappointed whenever I get my gold go. I always treat myself to something nice. So that's always an incentive to work hard that this is always to finish and of course there are always going to be races where you might not finish for whatever reason but my drawings goal is to finish my silver goal is to At a subfloor hour marathon, my gold goal is to get a London good for age. Although I don't think I want to run and the marathon but I want to get the time. Yeah, and I yeah 45. Yeah three hours 45 which you know, I don't know if I can do that. I am a decent half marathon runner the eyes. Suspect I'm going to struggle with fueling on full Marathon because I do a half with no fuel whatsoever. But I know I can't take that risk in a full marathon. And so it's a complete unknown for me. So it might all go pear-shaped. But if it does it doesn't matter because I'll be in a city that I love I'll be running we have time and I'll eat yeah, he's a food afterwards which will be wonderful. Yeah, because what I mean, Is your PB now for the half and my half PB is an hour and 39 minutes, which is pretty good. I think very good. Yeah, I'd like to get it closer to an hour and 30. I think that's what I'm going to chip away at next year. But yeah, yeah, I'm really really proud of my half marathon PB. Yeah, because you I mean the they normally say like with regards to the marathon like a few times your half double it times up by 2 and then add a I think. 15-20 minutes on that's normal like a realistic goal for Marathon. So you've definitely got realistic goals in mind, especially because you know, there's a lot there is still time between now and Chicago and like a cycle Marathon cycle. Do you build up so much endurance and fitness that like you would literally get yourself to Peak Fitness. So yeah, that's really exciting. Yeah. I like to be a bit Rogue in my training though. So I'm not the kind of person but can just follow your stereotypical training plan and do long run. The long run every weekend. So I think I'm just going to adapt things a little bit. Make sure I'm having fun with it and maybe do like a significant long run every other weekend. So we'll see how it goes. But I know that also quite good at Hanging On in a race. So so again, it's about knowing what where your strengths lie, I suppose. Yeah, and at the moment then Vicky you are you coaching yourself and yeah, I Add creatures in the past but it's always a bit of a tricky relationship with the couch because I'm so headstrong and I'm such a control freak that I always like to think that I know better when I know I don't but I just don't like being told what to do. So I figured for this time. I'm probably better just coaching myself. And do you find like plans online and then adapt it to like you said you go bit Rogue and you you'll do your own thing, but will you are Actually get the building blocks from a plan online and then adapt it to what you want to do what you feel that you need to do. So I used to do that but then I found as soon as I printed it out or whatever. I never actually looked at it again, and I didn't really follow it. So a couple of weeks ago I spent an afternoon putting together like my ultimate marathon training plan and I didn't look at any anything else for that. I just kind of figured it out around all of the races that I've got going on. On this summer because I've got a few weird things but don't really lend themselves to marathon training but you know, I'm signed up to them. So therefore I'm going to do them. So it's a bit of a weird training plan, but I've written for myself, but I think it'll be all right. Yeah. What can you tell us what events you have got planned and that you're obviously sticking into that plan. Yeah. So this coming Saturday. I've got the whitstable serpent. Lawn, which is a swim and then a run then the weekend after that. I've got the Divas on Wheels pilgrims hospice charity cycle around the countryside which will be really really lovely and there since that then that's only 25 miles. There is a 50-mile option, but I just haven't really had enough time on the bike this year to be able to do that. And also I'll need to do a long run on that day anyway, so I figured 25 Miles and we're going to do it at what we're calling party pays. So any obviously cyclist but want to hang around with us. We're just going to have a really nice time. I'm doing it with a couple of other ladies and then a few weeks after that. I've got a triathlon the oyster man try which is in whitstable. And then I've got a 10K and I've got a half marathon and then we'll weekend before Chicago. I'm actually doing the Brecker swim run at Connors. And Lake, which I'm doing with my friend and is probably not the best thing to do the week before a marathon, but you know, I can't say no to things. What what did you say that was the breakfa and the Brecker swim run and lakes in the Lake District. So I just until it basically you swim for a little bit and then you run for a little bit and then swim for a bit and rotten and it just keeps going on like Like that, I think the total running distance is something like a half marathon and I have no idea how far we're swimming. Actually, I probably should look into it. But I think it's going to be fun. I think a lot of plans. I mean obviously you be tapering and the two weeks prior to Chicago but some some of the more advanced plans especially been running for as long as you have their tapers do include runs nearly as long as the half so you might be okay. I mean do we have anything that I'm worried about is I don't really do like swimming. I'm a sea swimmer and I'm very very comfortable in the sea. And I know that I don't get sick from the sea. But if I swallow any of the lake water, the last thing I want is to have an upset stomach in the lead up to Chicago so lots of coke after I come out of water on that one. Yeah be very careful because what I mean, have you booked your flights? And you know, when is it that you you travel out to Chicago? So we Travel out on the Thursday. I think it is and Thursday the 10th or the 11th of October and then I'm actually working at our auction house out there on the Friday and the my husband's out there for a conference the following week. So it's worked out really really conveniently for us say the man is on the Sunday. Obviously, we're doing a 5k ShakeOut race the day before hand and then we've got a few days in Chicago afterwards where we'll both be working. Nice. Yeah. Yeah you excited. I am so excited. I'm really really excited partly because of it being my first ever read Marathon but also because I just love Chicago if people listen to this haven't been to Chicago go it's incredible. It's way better than New York and I've got a cousin who lives out there and a couple of friends. So I think I'll have a really nice support team on the day. Yeah. It's a bit like It was meant to be for you. Like I like I mean, what are the odds of you entering the ballot the first time round Ivan such a love for that for that City and I'm getting in I know I feel like it's just meant to be I say that now but obviously on the day I'm probably going to be hating it. But you know, I'm sure you'll be fine. Right if you could give listeners three tips in getting started and running, what would they be especially when you like Cast your mind back to when you were running in uni, and you'd be t-shirt and just giving out five kilometers every day. What would your biggest tips be? Yeah. Okay. So I guess my first tip would be to find a route that inspires you so when I was at Uni, I was just running around roads in a town and it wasn't very inspiring and it kind of felt like a bit of a punishment, but now that I run along the beach It's So Glorious and it really really is inspiring. Ying so I would say find a route that really sets your soul on fire and I guess my second tip would be to perhaps sign up to a race because I think it's really important to have a goal to work towards I'm not saying that racing is super important like it I'm I don't think it's important in terms of getting a good time or anything like that, but I think if you're putting in the hard work in training you deserve a medal for that and actually loves a medal from a race or a t-shirt. And I guess final tip would be to find somebody to train with or to run the race with you know, make it a community thing for yourself because you'll have so much fun. If you can do this with a friend. I mean, I have a love-hate relationship with racing with other people because you have to gauge their ability against yours and they might be a stronger Runner or you might be the stronger better and that can sometimes be a bit of a an ego Clash. - but I think when you're starting out, it's really nice to have somebody to run alongside and to make it a social thing. Yeah. No, I totally agree. I think that last one is so important as much as I can because I think you like to run quite a bit on your own as well. Don't you just get some living space? Yeah. I really do. I love being on my own. I mean, I'm a classic only child love to be on my own but that being said whenever I run with a friend and it's just a casual training run. I had the best time, you know, are you easy? Wear it as a badge of honor like oh no, I don't want anybody to be around me. But actually just going out having a run with a friend and then going to have a piece of cake or breakfast afterwards. That is fun. That's a really really nice way to spend some time. Yeah, it's the best isn't it? And it's like you especially if you need to do your easier runs or you know, your recovery or slower Pace like us it's a brilliant excuse and also our what a good way to deter you from being fast by going along with a so that your chat all the way around and then like I say have a nice piece of cake or breakfast afterwards. Yeah would write if you think now like back to where you were five years ago at 25. Yeah. I said you were first getting into triathlons. I mean if you think how you were then would you ever have imagined you'd be as well as you are now, you know going through your recovery now. And you know about to do a road Marathon near the end of the year and all the experiences. You've had through, you know, a sixth FrontRunner. When you think of all this time you've had in the last five years, like what or where do you see yourself in the next five years time? Yeah. I mean I could never have imagined but I would be where I am. Now, I'm entirely grateful for all of the opportunities that have come my way. I guess the next five years. I think primarily I want to be happy. I'm happy now and so I want to be able to maintain that happiness. I would like to have a better work-life balance because I don't have that balance at the moment. And so I'm tired all the time and I'd like to be a little bit faster, but I guess perhaps instead of spreading myself too. Thinly across lots of different events. I would like to find what I'm really good at and just Just focus on that that being said I am having a really good time doing all of these weird and wonderful thing. So I don't want to sacrifice it too much but I think in I worked my benefit if I just streamlined just ever so slightly and what you need to do. I'm thinking it's only just now some sort of this before until literally just this moment you need to write it down as much I know it's a bit silly because you know, you still going to have that piece of paper and five years time, but, you know documented somewhere like and whether it be on Instagram, oh, I don't know Juno or on your phone or you know a diary that you keep in there in the cupboard with all your paperwork need to write it down and then see you know, listen, you can read it back in five years time and you you have you achieved what you want to achieve because I think sometimes that Grill might have these girls or visions or ideas, but I think unless we're writing them down and revisiting them along the way it's really hard to actually achieve or Manifest those dreams or goals? Yeah, I think you're completely right at Lee and I'm a big fan of writing things down and just feeling inspired from what you've written previously. So yeah, I'm going to do that and I'll let you know in five years ago and it sure is yeah. Yeah. No, I'm a big fan of writing things down. I think they've been far too long of a time that I haven't written things done. So I'm trying to do that myself now and revisit what I've written down not Right and lists for lists and Knology visiting them. What would you say your favorite uplifting or motivational phrase is and why? That's a good one. See my favorite motivational phrase and this is actually something but I repeat all the time when I'm in back pain cave in the race. It's to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift and I mean it just hits home on so many levels for me. I think it's very very easy to give up on yourself mentally and erase or in training, but we're It's do great things and we're capable of so much more than what we believe we are. And so I repeat that to myself all the time. I often write it on my hand as well just in case I need something to read and it really does help. See you write you write it down on your on your arm or your hand like four races. Yeah. That's such a good idea. I've seen a lot of people think that so you just said it was to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. Yeah. I love that. I love that you write it down as well. There's another one that my family will say to each other before we go into races as well. And that's unleashed the Kraken. So that's kind of us going a little bit Bonkers in our race and absolutely going for it. So we've kind of remember that to which always puts a smile on my face. Yeah. I like that. I'm sure they'll all say that when you get when you come along to Chicago now, and I want to see pictures of your You quit on your arm. Yeah. Yeah need to be pasted in that and okay. So this is an interesting question that I've really liked asking recently and if you could hear anyone being interviewed on this podcast, who would it be and why and so I would actually choose my friend Becca. She's on the front-runner team her Instagram. Is this bunny runs? Yes. She is. Just amazing. She is such a cheerleader for other women and men. Men in sport and she's also a yes person like me and she just smashes everything that she sets out to achieve. So she did her first Olympic distance Triathlon at the weekend and she did it in such an amazing time and we've been chatting on WhatsApp today and she's already thinking about what her next goal is going to be in terms of triathlon and you know, she never shies away from things and I find that incredibly inspiring but she's also just really good fun to I love being around her. Energy is just so uplifting. Yeah, I know exactly you know what I'm not actually surprised you've said that I really yeah, that's really weird. It's like I felt that come in but no I have I have seen backhoe and I do follow it and I love her feed and yes, she's definitely on the list of people. I'd love to get on on the podcast myself. So I'm really glad that you mentioned her. Yeah. It's amazing. She's extraordinarily smart. She works and the corner from me. So we are. Often have lunch together and we just always had such a good time and she's actually the one that I'm doing the swim run event with the week before she yeah. She's a great adventure buddy for me. Brilliant. I'm glad you said her and okay then last question. If you could run a race anywhere in the world, where would it be? And so this is an easy one actually for me because this is also been on my bucket list for a very long time. But it would be the Hawaii Marathon. I've never been to Hawaii but I've always wanted to go back because I'm a bit of a surfer chick at heart. Yeah, and I know I just think there's something really magical about being able to run a race mm in Hawaii perfect. You know, when the Hawaii marathan that laughter so they have weird because they are very renowned for the the triathlon in Kona aren't they exactly? So the marathon is a completely different event Kunis obviously Kona is the world championship for Triathlon, but I think the marathon is very very inclusive. So I want to say that there's no cutoff time. I might be making that up. I'm sure I read something like that a couple of years ago and it just sounded like a really really good event to do but it takes a bit of planning to get to Hawaii and I just haven't quite got to that stage yet. But it will happen one day. I'm sure yeah, write it down. Yes. Yes your eyes. Oh, well, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me and to us today. Can you just let everyone know where they can go to check out your profile on Instagram where they can follow your adventures. Yeah. So I am Victoria runs wild unsurprisingly on Instagram. That's the best place to find me. Perfect. So people can follow you now for your Ventures over the summer and see your swim run event the week before Chicago and chew your long on the Chicago. Can't wait. I can't wait to see how you get on. Good luck to you all the best and thanks again for your time. Thank you very much for having me. You're so welcome. Thank you. Bye thank you guys so much for joining today and listening to not another Runner podcast. Please tell your friends and family who you think would enjoy the content. I'll be sharing. Don't forget you can get in touch with me over on Instagram by a not another Runner. Let me know your thoughts on the podcast any suggestions on guests or topics. This is greatly appreciated. Send me your questions through as well if you want and use the hashtag white I run to be Featured and hey, if you can't hit subscribe to the podcast, this will really help me to be able to give you more. Thank you again, and remember when you get up and exercise or go for a run. You never regret going, but you always regret not go in. Have a great week guys and speak soon.
Victoria is 30 years young, a wife, avid runner, swimmer, cyclist - the occasional triathlete. Victoria is an Asics Frontrunner and Suunto Brand Ambassador. She is a member of her local sailing club, where she dedicates time during the year to complete duties. Victoria lives in Kent, and works in London where she works as a Deputy Director of Global Admissions & Recruitment for Sotheby’s Institute of Art. Victoria commutes a total of 4 hours daily to and from work!! Despite her busy work life and tiring commute Victoria still manages to exercise frequently, primarily running. Victoria is a talented runner, with an incredible PB in the Half Marathon. Despite not having completed a Road Marathon Victoria went on to run ultra marathons thanks to the encouragement of her uncle, and went on to place First Lady at her second ultra at the Moonlight Challenge 50km. She most recently completed the Duo Étoilé in Chamonix, during the Marathon du Month Blanc Weekend, and is scheduled to run Chicago Marathon this Autumn - her first Road Marathon.Tune in to hear all about Victoria’s adventures, and why the outdoors motivates her so much. Links:  Daniel’s Instagram: Natalie - Not Another Runner Instagram: Blog:  The Moonlight Challenge Interview with Easy Thrills Podcast
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That's the name of this episode. So we have to begin with this getting a little too much. We're talking all things Roswell, New Mexico season 1 episode 3 Tearing Up My Heart. And if you don't know anything about Roswell, New Mexico, you have come to the right place. I am Tehran I will be hosting the show as we get into the overall thoughts alien powers investigations the relationships between the various. There's so many relationships that go on social commentary, of course because it is a CW Show and the truth. We finally find out the truth or do we we Also have a special segment where we decide which scene spoke to your soul and our special predictions coming up right now. I'm joined by a panel of Roswell New Mexico experts to the left. I have my man Jim Chad we can call me Chad or ninja. I don't know exactly and of course. Mr. George korres in the building back in the house. I think they could call me GK now GK is in the house. That's right. Now I made the Chad reference because of the concept the conversation that they had. So I'm hoping I caught a combat. I'm sure the people of no one wants to name their kid. Chad's no one wants to know why do people named their kid their kid check, you know, I think that was a little bit of a stab at a at the Dawson's Creek or what show is the Chad guy on the Chad. I don't remember but make perhaps the writer had an ex who hooked up with a chat. There's a chat on The Bachelor there wasn't enough there was a guy named Chad who was like on every CW Show steps abroad. Is in the boot stuff. Do you remember the Chad guy that was in like every show? I was like Chad something anyway, as we get to that I would love to know your overall thoughts on this episode. My thoughts are there were too many plot twists, although I appreciate him before and they were inconclusive. So I'm a little confused. I liked it. We get more stuff. We have more angles you get more relationships. What's bad about that? Just knock me off. My my inner Chi Ling get back on it. Yeah get back on it because I thought this was a great episode of who's the plot line for it a lot faster than the first two. It was a lot more direct and to the point. I do still think we got that same situation where we had three endings or for endings that we could have stopped the show at any point. I still think going she's going to keep on doing that is their thing that's because it's so many plot points that go on in the show that it has to get there. I really like the interaction of Max and Isabel on Episode because it was such a dynamic one. It was full of emotion. It was so hard and that's actually where I think the hey tearin up my heart scenario comes to play you would think it's Liz and Max this that I think it's Max and Isabel, which we'll get into when we discuss relationships. Let's talk alien powers. We learned a little more about their alien powers Max's power Isabel's power and I feel like we got a little feel in the preview of next episode of of Michael's power. What do you think about these alien powers that They displayed what is it Max like the Hulk now or Earth or I guess without a hammer when he hits the ground. Everything goes out. Damn. The guy's got some power to him. Right? I mean you can take some out lights out in a whole area and he's not to mess with only nail polish will take it down so much. We still need to figure out what's going on there for me. I fell Isabel was demystified this episode. We saw weakness in her attempting her power when all along I thought Isabel was this was the indestructible one. Just do anything. Yeah, but they explained what the acetone was it heals them so it doesn't make them. It doesn't actually it doesn't even heel them. It makes them not feel pain. And that was the whole concept. It's something that happens in plants and it seems like they have a plant-based type situation as an alien life form. So they explain that you Terian or we're gonna find that out in Excel a diet. I mean, I don't know about their specific diets, but if there's situations with like things like chloroform or anything of that nature where we just have an idea of what who they are and what they are because they are alien creatures but that power of of electrostatic energy that that he displayed Max Evans displayed. The end power was a very huge knocked out all the lights in the town. Yeah, like went through the ground into the Earth's crust and carried over. We don't know how far away maybe all the way to Denver, you know weird. Yeah go live. Yeah. I don't know if it It just seems that it was a very effective explosion George when you saw that did you know that Max was going to be that powerful? I did I assumed if you could save someone's life after their being shot by a bullet that they could be that powerful and also it spoke to what Liz said. She foreshadow a little bit saying his powers can heal but they could also hurt and here we just saw a whole but having powerful like superhero. This is like Marvel Superhero powerful. Like that's what it looked to me like you really thought that I I did I did. Okay, as you know, well predominantly Team Max this episode clearly kind of shifted things a little bit. But as you see you always see Max almost holding back his power and that led me to knowing that there's something much greater here. Well, we see that he's able to control electromagnetic energies to he gets mad and when he gets mad he kind of loses power and that's the concept is when he does get upset. He loses his power and it affects the things around them. It even hurts Liz at one point where I feel like Liz pushed it to do so. I felt like Liz was actually trying to test his powers. Oh, yeah. She's been testing a lot of ways mentally and physically and a lot of ways. She's just been pushing his buttons. I feel that's been going on. I think Nelson's end of last episode when she kind of found out that whole think she's been pushing him. But as far as the powers go him being able to create like an explosion on the side and hurting Liz. How did you think you felt about that? It was more of a reaction to me. I don't think again he intended to hurt Liz from what I saw. It was a lie detector test of some sort and whole arm bird and basically it's just like, you know, why detector test it was like an EKG. Yeah. So it was testing just it was a form of testing his heart rate his pressures his his vital system and I was wondering why he was accepting that was he genuinely concerned about his health or did he not have a hunch that Liz is now treating. Her soul mate like a science experiment sure and we will definitely get to the investigation part as well. But as far as the powers go when he did that you said it was not I don't know. Yeah, it was inadvertent and that's again why I think he's more powerful than we know it was inadvertent and it was just a byproduct of a natural reaction. He had he's so strong and powerful that this electricity flows through him in the rest of his environment that sometimes it's just simply uncontrollable. I don't want power for him. It's too much power for one. There's the Too much power literally now to the point where he can destroy areas and he can take out lights and neighbor like that is too much power for a show that you're not feuding or having like super hero monsters that you're going against. No one man should have all that power. Oh, no Isabel's power we touched on as well Isabella seem to have this mind control and do you think Max is aware of Isabel's power? I do and a part of me suspects that Max may have had something to do with the Rinse, so as she was trying to mind control is we saw Rosa pop-up and a part of me thought is hey is Max aware of this and is he like using his powers to infiltrate is Isabelle's Powers. They have to know each other's Powers, right? I mean they've been together for so long he's hurt person. So I'm sure he would know and vice versa what their power it's like Professor X or Jean Grey and X-Men reference and and enter anyone's Cyclops or something. They know each other's powers. They're kind of mutants in a way. We did not know they're going to have that many superpowers. It's just kind of almost overwhelming in a sense unnecessary for the show. But if you had watched the original show, you would have realized that the aliens in that show also had power. So the alien reference of powers is something that is not new to Roswell New Mexico. What is very new is the fact that Isabel failed in her attempt to control Liz or suggest because it didn't seem as if she had the power to control. It was just a suggestion something we've seen in shows like The Originals were the vampires are able Compel their their prey. So do you feel that her not being successful in her attempt is a weakness on her part or a strength on Liz's I think it's under estimating Liz has control over everyone kind of I mean she has this human element to her and I think they might be under estimating her the powers. She has the manipulation in a way that she has over Max and maybe now Isabelle Liz determined she's so determined that her human powers are almost escalating to almost compete with the alien powers when someone's that determined to do something in her case, she's so determined to bring Justice to her sister Rosa that she's not going to let anything get in the way now. It's interesting. I disagree with both of you. I actually think of the power of two things first guilt on Isabel's part. Somehow Isabel is tied to the whole roses death think that's number one number two. I also think Her sending Liz away in the first place and three realizing that Liz actually does love Max so much the power of love as we have seen in Harry Potter making it another pop culture reference is the most powerful one of all and I think that that love is what is interfering and not maximize a genuine love. I mean, we are seeing a lot from Liz that is she lying to herself that she doesn't love him. But then there's also things that suggest that she might not you know that she treats him more as a way as a A means to get to the truth of Rosa. So is it real love? But let's try to see she's always saying I suspect him of the murder, but I have this thing for him and then we catch Isabel slipping saying I think they have something they have something genuine something. She's alluding to a power that's more powerful than love. It's something that's very different than she's seen or something. She wasn't even aware of as she explains it to Noah at the end of the scene where she's like, I think he's Found Love and he's Happy this whole time and she feels like it was her fault completely. She sees Max with this opportunity to fill this void that she's been living with her whole life. She hasn't been Isabella hasn't been able to be up front with know about her real situation. Now, she sees Max having this transparency with purely human and the connection that now seems undeniable and she's almost growing and admiration for that and that was part of the Revelation and I do agree with you that when she kind of held back. Back while she was trying to mind control is part of it was guilt and part of it could have been this epitome that oh my gosh. This is real. I need to respect this. I need a respected it might be and then we're still not sure about Michaels power. We saw something where he was able to he was he was strong enough that he kicked the Jeep up in the air in the preview for the next season, but we aren't sure I'm sure we'll get a lot more of that and the next episode. I don't think we're not sure about it next season. We'll see but next episode. We'll make it happen the I was referring to was Chad Michael Murray. That's who was in Dawson's Creek and Gilmore Girls. He was all over the CW it wants your help One Tree Hill exactly. He had his own show and it was a whole thing. That's the chat but George has a message for all the Chad's out there. Yes, I do Chad's and everyone else. Hey guys, before we move on to our next topic. We just wanted to say thank you for making us the ESPN of TV talk for us to continue to grow we could use your help if you're on YouTube right now hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe. Herb, and if you're on iTunes, please give a five star rating. But no matter where you are. Leave us a comment. So you get involved in the conversation being a part of AfterBuzz TV has meant so much to all of us and we truly appreciate you supporting us and doing what we love. Don't forget to tell your friends and keep enjoying our shows. I appreciate each and every one of you and each and every one of your comments. Please keep commenting below and if you're on iTunes, don't forget to rate share and subscribe we Did you because the panel isn't just us? It's all of you at home as well. Let's talk some investigations because I feel that we had two investigations going on simultaneously on one hand. We had Liz investigation into Max and the murder of her sister Rosa at the same time. We also had an investigation of Kyle as he investigates. His father's records and the Legacy that he supposedly has starting off with roses investigation who the hell understands what it means or what is going on first. Once she starts like starts out the episode going with all these formulas and scientific method. Yeah, come on eliminate all personal bias and outside influence observation. The mark on roses corpse the handprint on roses corpse, which develops a little after her death max Evans lied about last time prediction is ability to manipulate electromagnetic energy is a power to heal and harm and finally hypothesis Max Evans killed Rosa and she begins to investigate this And it's so much easier and just set it in a few last words. That's for sure. I lost on that row. I'm just like yeah, I'm not I don't care. Let me just say this with seeing what Liz did here l'm x which is Liz and Max is now it's over from some nickname is mags. He's shipping it Max is over for me to treat your loved one like a science experiment and I respect your scientific approach. I expect I respect your background in your career but to use this This on someone who you apparently love is we don't know that it's completely wrong. I believe in Liz's love for Max and vice-versa. Let's discuss this investigation. What did you think about the investigation overall? Was it Justified? I guess I mean she wants some answers, right? So she's gonna poke the the beast in a way and find out what she can I mean, she's got two different motives here. She needs to get to the Roses truth and she's trying to salvage some sort of connection with him at the same time. So it's treading water in a way, but she still has that mission of attaining like Max who just has eyes for her. She's got other alternative motives. She has ulterior motives that you think go beyond. Investigation of our sister's death. Yeah, the only just about justifiable factor. I find in destructing lemax is the fact that Max in fact lied to Lis and to me that was her path to justify doing this science experiment on Max the fact that she now knows he lied. But if he didn't I mean what if what if he didn't lie, I think it's still would have happened. She does basically say that he did lie about the last time he saw Rosa and yes it eventually Really would have had to happen in the nature that it's happening. I don't like the deception Factor the fact that she's willing to almost manipulate him and put up this face, but that's how domestication of curtailing you guys Liz ain't what you guys think she is man. She's a manipulator She's Got Game to her. She's she's not that nice girl, but that's how much they should happen. Right? So when investigation happens, it's not like they come out and just say hey, we're investigating you they surveil they do surveillance. Pay attention they gather Clues everything that Liz did and you both think that she's unjustified in investigating the murder or potential murder of her sister. You know, what if you feel that strongly about it be straight up with Mac. Why because you owe that to your while she doesn't own up to her character. Her character seems to be to me at least. I know maybe not to Jim. Okay, Jim, but but to me, she Seems she strikes me as an authentic person. Have you ever watched a cop show? So do the cops just go. Hey man, did you kill Mike and they're just like yes, I did. How did you know that's not how investigations go. That's that's the detective's job not the cops job. The cops job is to keep people safe and informed but that's just semantics the concept is anyone investigating a murder would walk up to someone and never just be like, I think you murdered them and that person just give up the fact that that would discredit every single true. If she checked if show yes, but there's kind of this dichotomy happening here because she to me loves Max, but we can also loves her sister. He's saying to him, you know shop to me. She loves Mack sure and she also loves her sister and I see her stuck in between and what makes it more difficult is that Rosa is no longer here, but Max is so that's the best way to investigate is to convey this scientific method that she has out which is to eliminate all personal bias and outside influence and she does find Clues we see the hearts that Rosa leaves on everything that's her place. And of course we see this CD this mixtape that Rosa has where we have a list of songs here in your bedroom pony under the bridge Small Town Saturday night blue flower creep number seven. We could not read take me to the river into the road. Iris bills bills bills every morning Crossroads by Bone Thugs and Harmony and each one represents a place that Rosa visited or Kept Secrets at And we see this as she goes under the bridge and finds the first clue, which is dear Rosa. You will never be alone Orpheus. I still wanted to know who afiya kiss is I have no clue at this point. We learned that Sophia kisses the 13th symbol of the zodiac which is a very controversial situation because we do have 12 that we all subscribe to for the most part but technically as we've discerned there are 13 and this is the problem Um and they rotate based on a calendar the best thing about this is the playlist. It's a good playlist. I got some gouda TLC rest of this stuff. Doesn't it feel like an escape room. I gotta like they're trying to do an Escape Route would always closed and everything but why she it took all these years and it's not like she hit things like we learned in Roswell everything you can find if you just give an effort to look for it doors are just hiding major Secrets, but why would she do that? She I think and that all these years later someone would discovered is that that's her sister and no one else would come across and be like, what is this or find? A lot of times the best kids are the ones kept with the people closest to you? No one knew Rosa the way listed or at least the way Maria did as we see because that's the best friend. So these Clues were left unharmed and they were there we saw a clue also given when Rose has snuck out with the eyeliner and we found this love letter that was from Max that ends up being part of that true. That's told but this investigation actually revealed a lot of things about who wrote so was so it wasn't it wasn't a harmless investigation and it wasn't a pointless investigation. We actually learned a lot about roses character and each clue did lead to something they found things that were unfound before that since hence why they were still there in place. But so far to me how meaning for the things that were found if in the end that Max debunk this letter and it wasn't in fact about Rosa then what what did we really learn? We learned a lot about what roses doing, right or at least we're on the path who she was more. So like, okay. She smoked pot and she had a Wild Streak she would go out at night meeting some guy which that might be a clue later on who maybe that guy is we don't know that technically yet. But you just gotta get two more to our personality. I don't know if there's like a major major reveal through all that. I have a question. Do you have any siblings? Yeah. Okay, so So, let's assume God forbid. One of them is murdered. You wouldn't go through their stuff in the room to see who they were. Sure anyone would do that. Well, that's what wrote that's what Liz is doing right except her room now turns out to be the town of of Roswell New Mexico. Well, that's her purpose for being there and that's what I'm saying. So, well, it seems that you guys don't understand the point of the investigation totally makes sense. It's a comprehensive investigation and she's finding things out and she has a suspect and that's the way to vet out a suspect is to investigate them on the flip side. We also have Kyle We have Kyle's investigation of his father and that's a very good investigation to because he is being manipulated by Sergeant Mains who brings Alger Kyle exactly. Well, that's the things Kyle is not a soldier. He is a doctor and and Sergeant means and master sergeant main says you can either participate because it is your legacy or because you are afraid of what the government can do to you. Hmm. And what can the government do to him? Like what what well, they just like take him away somewhere and never to be heard and Found again, is that my state gym and white privilege wasn't such a strong element in what you just said. You know what my question is is what can the government do? Well, what did the government do to Rosa? What I think is that we're leading up to something where Rosa may have known that's why the clues are left the way that they are she might have known something. She wasn't supposed to know and in what I'm starting to see is when Max tells his truth. I stopped believing Max throughout the episode but in the end when he twisted that letter I actually then again which is why I'm so mind blown over this episode and confused and lost I then started believing Max again. And I think that main is giving a real threat to Kyle he is Kyle doesn't appear to see the extent of what can happen, especially with the way that he's settled it and said we're Square now. I don't think he's square and there's more to hell not Mains not square, but Kyle is and my guys showing a righteous side again, you know, you guys were kind of thinking that he's the bad guy and we all debate in a sense, but he's becoming in this episode at least we saw Side of Kyle that's really righteous more so than anyone else I felt in this episode. Kyle is trying to do the right thing. He's honoring this whole deal that they did but with the devil basically, but he doesn't want to stay on with that and he was pretty honest weird about the whole large - he stole his mama's Keys. Yeah, but then he fessed up to Irene. That's she didn't fess up. She figured it out and he handed them back over. Yeah, and then he gives me Sheriff W like she is the sheriff like if anyone. Figured out it should be her totally the investigation LED Kyle into his past. He learned certain pieces of information. Number one. He learned that his father was and master sergeant means we're not friends its main says LED them to believe and that Legacy didn't exist in the way at least Mains is trying to portray secondly to a list of a number of letters that the Valenti senior sent Kyle. Or the family during his his impending death where he was going. He was a little out of it. He wasn't in his right state of mind and he started possibly spilling the truth and Kyle hands finds these letters, of course with the stealing of the keys and going through the old stuff and his mother tries to have him leave it alone. And then this course of the investigation he hands these letters over to Master Sergeant mates. Did you think he did the right thing handing over the letters? In his character's point of view he did because he just wanted wrote for him getting roses information was apparently more important than this letter because he doesn't probably understand what it means fully he knows it's from his father and there's some significance but he needed that immediate thing from roses data to is so he's just squaring away because he doesn't want to be involved in this situation with him. So he's doing the right thing that he thinks of it might burn him later. What are you pointing? About roses dad. I don't understand no data from data. Okay. Yeah. I thought you said her dad and I was like, well, he's still on the shot. I mean, he's working. I saw something much beneath the surface when he handed main the letters if you look at the letters that he's crazy looking graphs. I didn't understand the illustrations myself. I think that Kyle needs Mains to transcribe those letters and he knows that he doesn't understand what's there. And in a way, he gives Maine's those letters because he needs to understand what they are and he's probably the only one who could read them. See, I actually disagree on that episode and point to and I'll explain why because it seems that Kyle's walking away from means he's done. He says here it is and I'm done it actually felt like Kyle didn't go over the letters or the graphs himself at all. It literally felt like he handed him a folder of things but I will say this on his behalf. It looked like copies. And I he might have kept a copy for him. Well, we saw him teacher photos here. We saw her first cell phone on that pisode. So I believe he took the photo sure anyone would pay decipher them all of them. Exactly. And so he has a whole set of it for himself, but it look I felt like he had printed out he's ready to go over it himself. So he just handed it over blankly to Master Sergeant main switch. I do think it's going to be double of I think it's a bluff to run. I think he walked away knowing that means is going to end up coming back and when he does come back and want something he's going to say a Mains tell me what it said there. I don't think he's that deep into it yet. There's not that much indication that he's that into this case. He's more focused on DeRosa think and Max think instead of this. He's curious about it, but I don't think he's that deeply involved yet. At least well, we're gonna find out because this is an ongoing plot line and it looks good. Let's get into some relationships that are on the show. So obviously the biggest Relationship is maximalist the max look Max things. We like to call that over for now or Max lie. Are we still Team Max and Liz are we still a team Lomax when Max was treated like in a science experiment? I was off limits, but then you came back eyeing Twyman Island came back it through the lens of Isabel Isabel seeing that there is a connection a possible connection a transparent connection between an alien and human So what inadvertently happened is a more inspired to be team Isabel? No one now and I want them to share that beautiful bond that I thought limb X shares nothing beautiful about that. So you're clearly against them. Do you think maximal is actually love each other? Not love. I think there's feelings that have been hidden or suppress. I don't think there's the strong indication from Max's side. Sure. I think it's pent-up and he's trying to hold it in but he can't Like I said Liz has got some game. She manipulates her way things. I don't think someone that could be that manipulate in a sense would have that much love she would spill it out. She would let it go. She wouldn't be able to keep her kind of mischievous scheming ways that she's doing I don't think it's mutual man. I just don't and there's something with Kyle still my guy still got a chance in this whole triangle has he called it? She's not all in she's just not Jim, but did you hear how Liz talked about her own fiancé there is Clearly there's no connection there. Okay agreed. We will Diego's out. She left him. Yeah show us that dude's gettin screwed right there. I'm sure he'll come back later. We'll see what happens. But and my point is although there may be fiance's floating around make-out sessions outside the pony there is a different way that she speaks about Max she trusts Kyle because she told him about it. He was there when she uttered Max's name and she still kind of going around with him right there discussing certain things. She feels disconnected. Comfort would Kyle and she shares it with them. So if she didn't she if he was some just random guy. She wouldn't be I guess we're gonna have to find find out I do know that she does trust Kyle she has definitely confided in him. Let's talk Max and Jenna Cameron cam as he calls her we see them go on a date are we shipping that Max cam very bold move for the way Max just shut down Kyle with I have a date and it's Kyle was there to almost Max release he walks away and brings up Cam and that was very telling for me that a is he trying to shake kala for be in that moment was Max also off the lemax himself. Yeah, you're gonna think for inaudible mm X we found out he's got a thing for her because she's almost the one that's trying the whole no strings attached right because she's almost what they were talking like. Well is this going to kind of end up and you know, what? But at my place and then he's like no, it's go on a real date. So he's the one putting effort here with her to maybe take it further. Yes. That was a surprise I'd say because I didn't think so. Are we shipping Max and Jenna Cameron or no? I think that's a thing. I'm thinking this is they clearly have history cam clearly likes Max. I don't know if Max like scam as much Max cam is possible. I like that sound. Okay. We'll see Alex and Michael relationships. He slept over. Slept over got a little freaked out when he so that answer to question. We brought up last week does everyone know about Alex? Clearly? They don't not even Isabella supposed to know the father kind of knows or hasn't a suspicion. That was a revealing moment for me when Alex asks his father Are you ashamed of me? And I thought you was going to bring up some something about his sexual orientation, but then he actually just simply brought up the fact that Michaels a criminal and he doesn't belong with him because it's a Purple Heart. Etc etc. And so were around him maybe not with it. That's so I don't know for sure if he knows what I do know is I'm a little bit hurt by seeing the two of those gentlemen fall apart because they were my hope for the strongest bond on this show after I realized that lemax was crumbling. I thought that they would be the true love of the show and now we're seeing they could still have true love but we're seeing them be ripped apart to sizzle. First quarrel that just ends in like make out sessions and hookups. There's I don't I mean there's history there but it's their substance there. That's the thing. That's a good question. That is a good question. Let's go Isabel and Noah Noah being Isabel's husband. How's that relationship? No, I'm an first of all that dude does not belong in Roswell, New Mexico. You see how she's all dress preppy. You looks like. He's like a banker from New York City or something. I'm wondering how he ended up there. First of all second of all that dude can Cannot be this nice. There's no way there's got to be some Shady Side of him. I'm telling you. There's a he's making these elaborate dates for her and she hasn't even given him reasons to do. So right because she's always skipping out on him besides hooking up what you know giving him that that portion but he's not getting any love and when she said that Max is my person and he says, oh, you're my person what a sucker man. Come on, like you need to let her give you more for her to kind of learn this affection and adoration. You're giving her can we speak about this Max is my person. I thought they were brother and sister. Yeah, but the but she has this love and like he's the priority in her life. That's sort of sense. Like she will dropped her man to go whenever at Max needs her right that sort of thing or is that the decoy or the disguise for the fact that there are aliens and they're doing things she just saying part of it, but Bond and she makes it more about his relationship and his feelings that she does with the real stuff that's actually happening and I almost saw that that as a cover-up. Well, I think Isabel and we're going to talk about Isabelle and Max because I'll ship that as a relationship as well. Especially after this episode. But Noah is a nice guy clearly loves Isabel Isabel loves Noah, but I don't know how much he's in love with. No not not enough. No was clearly in love. She wants about love Isabella's in love with Max and when I say that I mean she clearly has an affinity with Max because he's her brother but is also much more than that as we see in this episode where the concept is Michael throws it out and says you're just Mad because you're no longer his number one. You're not the number one priority. That's why all of a sudden mine wiping her and making her do stuff you want to is a good idea when I told you it was horrible. So she's jealous Isabel's actually jealous of Liz interesting which makes me wonder just because you're born in these eggs and they were already really related. Are they really related or are they just the same speed? I don't know if this is a Game of Thrones situation. However, there is a situation where there are times where am I? Mom can get jealous of their son's lover and it's not a sexual jealousy. It's a priority. Jealousy where I'm no longer number one in your life, and I'm used to being number one all the time, correct? And what we see happening is in beginning of the episode Isabel was this voice of reason I'm going to shuttle is down and in the end she almost retreated after the filled mind read and I don't want her to confuse. What loving Max means what loving Max means if she does care about him this Is to protect their identities and protect their safety and now we're seeing her given out of her care for Max which makes me think if she's wavering on that. There must be great emotions for Max and I'm going to have to agree with you on the prime shipping is oh Max, let's go with the truths. We heard we hear two truths on this one. The first truth is Kyle's finding out that his father wasn't a legacy to this master sergeant Mains is scenario, but the other big Revelation truth is Is we did get Liz asked Max directly. I believe you murdered my sister and and here's the letter that's proof. This love letter and Max has an entire explanation does the best situation diffusing you could possibly imagine drops the mic walks away and sounds very credible. Do you believe Max about the letter he no. No, I mean he just that is that is a good speech like that is something to write down for someone whoever wants to use it out there. That's a typical diffusing situation and she just left there standing and he walks away. She had nothing to say speechless. He took that one and own it not in the sense of admitting anything but man that was a power move. I have not seen him do so. I give him props for the first time George. Do you believe how or move if Maxis he manipulates energy? He's not a poet. He is not a poet. I don't think you could make something up like that that fast and that articulately on the spot when someone just reads a letter. Sure. He didn't know she found the letter she read it and he had this automatic answer. I don't think it's in Max to make it up on the so you don't think Max can lie. I don't think he's lying in this city cause he's been lying about buying a la all time. Yeah, is it true that he feels possibly guilty for being there the night Rosa went off and not stopping her. Yes, and that's what he lied about and now he confessed he told the truth. He's telling the truth that we don't know maybe had a thing what Rosa right? I Like they definitely push the plot forward as they gave us this reveal three episodes in I was expecting it to make take much longer. It was a very good episode overall. Let's get right into our special segment where we decide of a seeing the touches our soul seen segments. Ol George Wendt touched. My soul is when Kyle was questioning Liz about real love for Max and she said is it because he's told her that's a real. That's a real. Real because to me I was like, oh man, that's something you just can't help if you're not tall and luckily. I was born to also I never had that feeling but I really empathize with him. Wow, that's like something you can't really work around unless you got some nice heels or something and I felt I saw Kyle who's appears to be powerful on the surface in this powerless moment. And I've had these powerless moments in my life. And that's what resonated with me the things you can't change. Well, I don't know because I'm not short. Let's go Jim. resonated I mean, I'll listen camon Max in the car Liz comes and interrupts and he leaves like you know what she interrupts a situation and ended I'll give him credit for that, you know, because it could have been like we'll talk about this later you was right there about to receive a gift and he gave it up a gift but the truest gift is love the real love the max feels for Liz even though you deny it and I think my favorite scene is Max explaining the Letter and having such a plausible realistic explanation. I don't know if I fully believe him, but I believe I'm enough if you don't believe him or if you do we would love to hear about it in the comments below. Let us know what you think about the episode and more importantly was Max telling the truth. That's a huge epitome into the episode of It's the third episode like we got so much we moving so fast. We are moving so fast, let's jump right into predictions. Jim now, you're AfterBuzz, I predict that Cam and Max will have a deeper story line together and you will see now the separation with Kyle and Liz really becoming a stronghold here and her trusting him with everything. I'm going to stick to what I said, I believe that Kyle is going to use main to decode these letters and he is going to find a dog in this fight when he sees something. About his father's involvement. He doesn't think there is now there was more involvement than he perceives and I see Kyle getting on Main side of the investigation. I see Max maintaining the truth because he didn't make up that letter and he did his guilt is stemming from leaving gross aside. And I think that Rosa was killed by the government and we're going to find that out. Well, my predictions are Diego is not out of the picture Rosa Liz has not stopped investigation the handprint. I'm from one of the other siblings Max was telling the truth and that Kyle has not stopped his investigation either. We will find out more altogether in the upcoming weeks right here Roswell, New Mexico at AfterBuzz TV the after show and we're on fire George where can people find you if you want to be found find me at mr. George Khoury on all social media platforms to run spell the last name that's KHOU RI gem can find me on all social media at the gym. Durand on the wrestling after show something to wrestle after that's right, and that's Alexander like the great and of course, I am Tehran literally I am to run all across the board. I am th r a n find me and I'm on a variety of AfterBuzz after shows hosting paneling and doing all the above appreciate each and every one of you see you next week, same Roswell Time, same Roswell Channel. Bye. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and we're the only destination from all your favorite TV show, whatever you're great. We've got it. It's a good AfterBuzz Buzz You described herein are those of the whole tones. Not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV were told as our principal.
Tehran Von Ghasri hosts the panel of Jim Alexander and George Khouri as they talk all things CWs Roswell New Mexico Season 1 Episode 3 “Tearing Up My Heart” as we see more of Liz’s investigation into Rosa’s death, Kyle’s investigation into his father’s connection with Master Sgt Manes, and Max Evan’s investigation into his health problems. Does Max tell Liz the truth or does he? Find out more. ROSWELL'S BACK!!!! We're so excited to have our favorite show back, so join the hosts each week break it down! From the past to the present, we'll bring insight and more to each episode. Join us for character discussions, plot breakdowns, and insider news and gossip! Subscribe and Comment to stay up to date on all things Roswell New Mexico! After a decade away from home, Liz Ortecho returns to her native Roswell to care for her ailing father. When she arrives, she reconnects with her high school crush Max Evans, who is now a police officer. Their chemistry is electric, but Liz soon learns something shocking: Max and his siblings are aliens who have kept their abilities secret their entire lives. As they grow closer, Liz struggles to keep the truth from her best friend Maria, and her high school ex, Dr. Kyle Valenti, but concealing the siblings' true identities is more important than ever, as a long-standing government conspiracy and the politics of fear and hatred threaten their lives.
Hey, what's up, everyone? This is David and I'm here with a Liska she is going to activate this year and she's been an innovate, you know last year and we wanted to do this podcast for you guys to give you some insight on what she wishes she knew before she started innovate. So Elizabeth tell us a little bit about yourself. Yeah, so I've been I'm super interested in a bunch of different Technologies, like blockchain artificial intelligence and just recently got really deep into nanotechnology. And so I think one of the biggest pieces of like feedback that I would wish like I had before I started TKS would just be to like start your focus early and one thing I did a lot this year was just like going to a bunch of different Technologies and Sciences that really interested me and it's to the point where you just want to you don't want to overthink it so if you find something really You're staying then I was just a good idea to start looking into it like find resources online, like hustle meetings. A lot of people cold email people, like don't be afraid to reach out to people because oftentimes they're willing to help you because they feel inspired by the work you're doing. Well what if they haven't done anything yet? Then I'd recommend just doing just just following the process. I think the process really does work and you'll realize that as you start to follow it and so off the bat, I would just like write a bunch of Articles like make a ton of videos talk to a lot of people and then once you start to gain a lot of knowledge and you can start to reach out to really legit people and in the industry that you're focusing on and then you'll got like tons of opportunities to learn more and like expand your knowledge and work on like really sick projects with like really cool car. Knees so I remember I don't know maybe eight months ago. Now you messaged me and you're like, I don't know if I'm on the right path. I haven't gotten any speaking opportunities yet. And I was like relax like just keep doing what you're doing. You're on the right track and you were judging yourself based on the opportunities. You were getting what would you say to that past self? That was kind of judging your success based on your speaking opportunities versus just the quality of the content you're putting out. Yeah, like opportunities literally don't matter and I think it like everyone coming into TKS really values that but it's really it's not a good success metric if you really think about it because you could be doing nothing and then getting a ton of speaking opportunities, but really it's about like what you learn and that's the thing that will come in handy when you're actually like talking to legit people and they want to be able to test your knowledge and like your technical ability to like build a project or work on a hard problem with them. So I highly recommend Like one of the biggest metrics is just like how do you just have high standards for yourself? And then how do you just continuously like set the bar higher and higher it TKS? So one of the things is like right now we have like we have like a metrics for like who produces the best content but really I would challenge like all of you to try and create the best article or try and create the best video because that's really how you like create the culture of keeping each other motivated, but also always continuously striving. Going to learn more so really it's about like curiosity but also the quality of the content that you're continuously pushing and how you're motivating the people around you to also do that and just to kind of take on to that the quality of the content you build is equivalent to the quality of the knowledge you have right? And you know, you've been to New York speaking a consensus you went to Switzerland to talk to these blockchain companies talk to us about why Having deep knowledge and actually understanding this content matter so much. Yeah, so I'll give you guys an example for when I was in Switzerland working with company and there were basically working on Supply Chain management. They wanted to integrate like machine learning and blockchain into their process. So machine learning for like tracking the products as they move along within the supply chain and using the data that they're collecting in the feedback that they're getting from their users and running a bunch of like different algorithms. Jean that to analyze how they can better produce their products and Target different audiences. So I had unlike previous work in this area. So I did a bunch of stuff with machine learning and with blockchain specifically a developed application in Pharmaceuticals to track your medication. So really I like the past knowledge to understand first of all like how this works. But also when you go into a company oftentimes you'll realize when people have been working in the company for so long they almost Get tunnel vision, right? They don't know as much as you probably know and you're able to bring a fresh perspective. So for example within this company, there's like tons of data that this company had collected just like inventory data because they were updating their inventory manually. They have like people going in and updating Excel sheets whenever like a product you move from one place to another port in a different country. So it was really really inefficient. And so I had to like scrambled through all of this data and like figure out how to organize this into Anywhere, you could actually run algorithms on it and train it in a model. So one of the biggest things was if I hadn't done that previous project. I wouldn't have understood like first of all, how do you do that? And then second of all, how do you do it in a way where it's actually valuable for the company and what they're trying to do. So when you get a breadth of knowledge, it's good because you're not just thinking about the specific thing you worked on but also you're able to apply it to two different scenarios and different situations and are able to adapt. So that was like one of the biggest things for me was like that was challenging but it was also like I was prepared for it because I done that project previously and I was open to learning while I was well, I was working on this as well. So what did you know about blockchain AI all these things before starting TKS nothing you knew nothing. So all these new students coming in should they stress about? Oh, I don't know how to code. I don't know about blockchain. Like is that worth stressing about? No, it really isn't. I think the best thing you can do. Actually the worst thing you can do is stress about it. But the best thing you can do is like just learn like just start early. Like I said follow the process and don't worry about like what other people are doing or like what you what you should be doing. It's really just like are you learning and are you growing and like continuously set metrics for yourself to get better at making articles or making videos but also like getting more knowledge and getting really Technical so one thing that I think you're really good with is consistency like you're always producing content and when you stop and you have like, you know a period of time where you're not producing anything I find that you catch yourself and then you start producing stuff again. What's the what's the trick? Like, how do you how are you able to be so consistent when other people, you know, get demotivated or stop producing things. Like how do you stay motivated and and keep going? Yeah, so it's like, it's some Until thing for me. It's like I think like every article or every like research paper that I'm reading. I think of it as just like an opportunity for me to learn. So if I'm like slapping one day and I'm like I need to write this article, but I don't want to like the first thing that comes to my mind is like this is like so much knowledge that I could be gaining right now. Like I'm missing out on this opportunity to literally learn about the six stuff that I could talk to like really cool people about and it just makes you even more legit and just makes you someone who's more Isabel so people want to actually talk to you as well. So I think biggest thing for me is like realizing first of all, I'm just missing out on so much opportunity to learn and then second of all like I'm doing this all for myself, right? Ultimately. You're just trying to become a better version of yourself every single day. So I know that sounds like really cliche but really if you're motivated internally by just curiosity then it's easy to catch yourself when you're like procrastinating or being lazy, so Really? It's just like a mental trigger. And I think it's important for people like before TKS to develop that and really find that like internal motivation to do this stuff. It's also one thing I noticed about people if you're not curious or if you don't have like an internal drive for anything, you can't expect someone else to give you that like nobody is going to make you curious. Nobody is going to make you driven like either you want something. Either you are hungry for it knowledge or information or whatever or you're not and you know, that's one of the that's one of the things that we try filtering for and TKS because you know, if you're a car if you're driving a car your foot should be on the gas pedal the whole time and then TKS could give you fuel, right. So when you run out of fuel we can give you that fuel, but you need to be the one in the driver's seat putting your foot on the pedal, you know steering on the steering wheel and then we can guide you in the direction to go to we can give you more fuel but If your foots on the brake, nothing's gonna happen right tell me about like your happiness levels. When when do you usually find like you're the most kind of fulfilled and happy in life? Yeah, I think best like so this ties into like another thing that I wish I did Preeti chaos, which is like building really strong relationships with like people around me. So when I came into TKS, I was very like work Focus like I just want to get stuff done. Unlike I shouldn't write articles and produce content constantly and that's good. I think you should you should definitely do that. But you should also find that like balance of talking to people like finding opportunities to develop like authentic relationships like have brain dates with people like set up as many as you can and so I think that's like one thing I didn't click for me till later on in TKS. So I think that's when I've actually found myself the happiest was when I'm surrounded by like really smart people that are also super driven to do this. Like the same stuff is me and that was like one thing that I realized was like a different culture shock as well compared to school and you'll realize that the culture that you have in school is very like competitive like you always just want to be better than the other person but it's like it's very different and TKS and we really like cultivate that culture of like, let's help each other. Like let's let's try to like lift each other up and that's something I've been doing a lot is like if I find a cool opportunity, I'm like, how can I just helped my Our friends hop on this as well so we can all do it together and it becomes a lot more like enjoyable and lot more fun. So I think that's usually when I'm like the happiest is when I'm around really cool T. Guess people. Were you intimidated by anyone before you joined TKS? Yes, I was intimidated by you. But also yeah, I think like oftentimes I like I was really intimidated by like the previous activate kids and like the stuff that they done. I was like, I don't know if I can do this. So now you're that person this So should people be intimidated by you know, yeah. So like what would you have told your self last year, you know when you're intimidated by someone in TKS? I think just like you will be really uncomfortable when you want to like talk to people or reach out but just do it and you'll realize like people are actually really willing to help you and they're open to like providing you with like honest feedback and also like be open to feedback. I think that was another thing is like you we've always looked at feedback. Like a bad thing like this person just like didn't like this one thing I did but really feedbacks good because you realize like it's part of that culture again. Like we're helping each other get better and we're setting constantly higher standards. So like I would reach out to people like ask for feedback. And then also like look for ways that you can provide them with value so has to be like a two-way thing and not just like a transactional relationship where you're constantly like asking for something or asking for feedback. So I think definitely like build that and then just literally just reach out to people it's not very hard to do. So if people are like yeah easy for you to say just reach out to people like, I don't know anyone like what would you tell them to do? What's like one thing they should just do right now just go on just go on like announcements or go on like the new channel that we created say hi and literally just message like the first five people you see like DM them on slack. Yeah, and what should they say just be like, I mean just just intro solve it. Hey, like, I'm in this cohort if your messaging someone from innovate, they like I'd love to set up a brain date chat about whatever you want to talk about and then just set up a time to chat. I also think like like make that a priority because I think a lot of people it's easy for you to be like Oh, I'm busy or I don't want to make time to hang out but make it a priority and like set out time in your schedule to do that some. All right, so just wrapping up now. What is the TL DR? Well, okay. So number one build strong relationships talked to a lot of people number two is just like follow the process and make sure you're like just starting your focus early like you should like if I wish I could have just started it like before TKS like I had no idea what the process really was, but I wish I just started learning and writing articles so do that and then third I think just like find that internal motivation and figure out what's really going to drive you and I think that's We really important for you to for you to be able to grow in this program. Hey, cool. Thanks Elizabeth. Yeah. Thanks.
Alishba is in her second year of TKS (Activate). In this podcast, she talks about what she wishes she knew before starting TKS. Tune in to hear about why she thinks building relationships in TKS is super important, and to follow the process! About Alishba:  Alishba a 16-year-old Blockchain, Machine Learning developer & researcher from The Knowledge Society. She was the winner of the Enterprise Youth Blockchain Innovator Award, and she is passionate about leveraging these technologies to solve important issues in sustainability, pharmaceuticals, and finance. At just 15, she's worked with Hyperledger to create HonestBlocks which using Blockchain helps people in developing countries manage their healthcare records and track their products like counterfeit medicine. Alishba has also developed various Machine Learning algorithms studying various factors within our DNA to diagnose Malaria and Pneumonia at a 95% accuracy rate. She has worked with Vestergaard in Switzerland to consult them with Blockchain integration in their supply chain, inventory management & she recently won a full scholarship to be in Japan this October attending DevCon, one of the largest Blockchain gatherings in the world. Over this past year, Alishba has spoken at some of the world’s most innovative conferences like Google Think Telecom, Global Revolution, Consensys in New York, and she will later be speaking at Microsoft TruffleCon in Seattle. Throughout her journey, she has been supported by some very innovative companies like Google, Microsoft, and TD!
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We're doing great and we Have a great episode for you today. We actually just finished recording it with Nick cobley of the internationally touring reggae band pacifier. And we use that term reggae not lightly but only enough to let them play the reggae festivals right as you'll learn in this conversation mean what can I say every time we get someone in the reggae scene on this podcast, we say the same thing and because it's true we're learning time and time again and time it's time it's time it's time again. They're super nice people. They are the hardest workers ever. They're very determined and they were nice enough to be on our podcast. So please show Your Love The Pacifier check them out. They got a busy 2020 lined up as you'll learn in this episode check out all the new music they will be releasing and have already released and thank you again to Nick for for being a part of the show. Yeah and speaking of Music. We have a band. We love talking about it. I hope you guys love hearing about it because we're going to be talking about it every episode. It's called the stash and we're still making music. Music that is promo code th e stas h now I'm just getting I'm going to tell you to take them anymore code into Spotify and you'll get all of our music right there. It's incredible for a simple payment of whatever their monthly membership whatever you're paying for Spotify. You will still be paying that if you use the promo code the stash in the search bar where you search for songs, but not for real like that. That is what we're trying to do with our lives. So the fact that any of you listen is crazy and amazing. We appreciate it. And if you haven't checked it out yet. We'd be really thankful if he did. Yeah, and we appreciate you checking out at least this episode of our podcast. And if you'd like to check out upwards of 25 or more episodes of this podcast, this is the thirty first episode and for those listening. I think we should let him know we've had episodes with Greg Shields of cashed out how we Spangler of Ballyhoo Vandalia of a Tamil version tunnel vision hatred tunnel vision. Gob OFA Yuka Yuka if you guys like list goes on this reggae scene bumping uglies if you guys like this reggae scene as much as we do we got a lot of that for you. As well as other great artists we've spoken to increase to I don't know. It's disc jockeys outdated speaking about fish. Not at all. I think he'd really like we spoken to fame disc jockey of I Dobie radio. Mike fish. We've even covered some heavy bands like Fit For A King we spoke with Ryan. There's a bunch of stuff. Yeah. Come on Punky. We've got it all you name it. We've got it. And so we appreciate you guys being here because that means you do know about the show and that means you are giving it a chance. So so if you want to follow follow us on all the social medias for the bandits at the stash and why anywhere that matters and for the podcast it's at talking podcast. No G. No. Jeez here. No. Jeez here. This is Tacoma by Pacifier on talking podcast. Back on West Coast time baby. You don't have to wait for me. Me I was gonna call it a try. Anyway, the explanation that I owe you but we are. That is one thing we do before we start every episode is being take a quick sip. You're welcome to join us. You don't have to but we will be taking a quick sip. Yeah. I've been drinking coffee. So you've been so you've been so that's cool. Yeah. Yeah sweet so dude, thanks for thanks for being a part of this man. We're thrilled to have you on the show. Yeah. Thanks for having me. Look. To it. Yeah, so what's been new? You know, like we've had a lot of the reggae bands in your scene on the show so far. And first off I just got to say like you guys are the most welcoming and inviting seen that I've ever, you know, encountered we grew up in like the punk rock scene Andrew and I and you know, everyone super friendly until like your band starts falling off and then no one wants to hear from you anymore conversely your band starts doing better than everyone else's band and then they're like, oh well, whatever. I mean, they're not even good like they can't even play. Yeah, like yeah the amount of times I've heard come. Yeah. It's terrible man. Like the amount of times I grew up at shows and saw like the local band that was on the come-up preach community and and you know, like coming out and supporting every show that's happening and then the second they like sign or or do like their first real tour or whatever because because we're from Poughkeepsie New York, and so we've had a few bands come through like matchbook romance and Just Surrender and I'm not saying those guys like are the ones that have done that but like there's there's been a few smaller ones to and Second they get like their slightest grasp of like cool. This could become something. See you later. Drop my number. Yeah, but that is that though. It's I really want to know that because I feel I've always thought that like the most competitive genre seem to be rap because they were always just shit talking each other and being like I'm the greatest of all time or whatever and I'm like, okay that makes sense. It's all about you know that but it's like punk rock is all about like sticking it to the Man and it's like I'm not the man I could now I'm with you. I know I feel like most bands though. If they're in the situation where they can like quote-unquote sell out or whatever. They're going to do it regardless of how much shit they talked to some other o hundred percent. I mean, I mean, I guess I would I would do it. Yeah, but I would try to do it in a way where I would still like if I threw like a holiday show and I could have like a local opener play like I would do that. You know, I wouldn't just be like, right. Let's bring our friends from like Florida up because like they're badass and they'll sell an extra few tickets. Like if you already know the show is going to be sold out. Might as well try and throw a bone wherever you can and I just don't see much of that in the punk scene on the local level. Yeah, but reggae artists are just not only like super nice to everybody but they're always so welcoming the new artists. Like I feel like every artist we've talked to from the reggae scene has been like yeah, I like started doing music and in this band was like, hey, you're really awesome. You should just come on tour with us. And then I was like it was that easy. Yeah much is everybody is everybody has been really cool to everyone so far. I don't know what you the trip. Beat that too, but I don't know it feels like one big family. You know, the Layman would say it's the weed but weed is in all music genres. Very true. I mean, it doesn't hurt. No it simply doesn't hurt man. So like let's talk about we don't know much about the members of pacifier Andrew and I are obviously just you know fans of the genre. So of course we've stumbled upon you and the music. Yeah. Yeah and the music but like so so, where did you guys begin where? Pacifier first start I know that you and your brother are both in this band together holding down the Rhythm Section. So why don't you take us back, you know sort of paint the picture for us if you will. Um, we're based out of Savannah, Georgia and Ted and I met while we were both in college at the Savannah College of Art and Design and I was a year ahead of him. So I lived off campus. I had my own apartment and I had a drum set setup and then once Ted found out about that. That he was over there all the time and we were jamming and that's kind of how the band started and then he had he was in a sound design class. So he had some studio time booked for a project but he didn't really have anyone to record. So we went in there and did a few songs that he had written and then you know, we kind of flushed out and that was that was it that was the beginning of the band and that was 2003. Damn. So you guys sort of Met in college then. Yeah, and you all went to that school. No, just me and Ted. So we'll is our third bassist and Mike is our second keyboard player. So our first keyboard player Adam, he was in that initial recording session as well. Okay. So yeah. So basically, you know, we don't hear of at least you're the only reggae band I know of from Savannah, Georgia. Same so how does one stump I mean, you're not you're not entirely reggae right obviously like yeah, we're like barely reggae. Yeah. I just enough to be included in the festival's. Yeah tolerate us. You guys hit the Prague I think a little bit and like, you know, like you have like the you know the indie rock side, but like where does this combination come from out of Savannah Georgia, like like what were the influences and what is this something that like, yeah because felt in the room or because you guys definitely transcend a lot of genres, but it seems like there's always a East of sprinkle of Reggae and every song right and that's why I think I go there. Yeah when I exact tried to describe this to someone, you know, exactly. Yeah. I don't know that it was Savannah necessarily. I mean we were Ted and I were listening to like a lot of Like John Brown's Body and dispatch and 311 and Incubus and stuff like that. And then but also like we're listening to we we both kind of got into the police at that time and The Clash and I mean where we were already like big reggae fans to begin with but band the kind of like the bands that I just mentioned that kind of like take the reggae influence and then add it to you know, some harder rock is kind of what We are into but I would say mainly out of all those bands John Brown's Body was the most important because they were doing they were doing reggae and a whole new way that we had never heard before and it kind of kind of blew our minds. Okay. I'm actually not familiar with them. Yeah, I'm gonna have to check that out. Am I missing out are we missing out on something? I think so they're yeah, they're from they're based out of like Northeast like if a canoe York I think starting out they've had tons of members over the years but their album their one album in particular it's called spirits all around us that is like a really like futuristic kind of proggy dub take on reggae and that that definitely that album was a huge influence on Ted and I when we were starting a band I'm sold for sure. Yeah, dude, I love the whole like, you know the thing that Me the most about like the reggae scene and I guess like more specifically the American reggae scene and why I think I'm so drawn to it. Is it all starts with the upstroke? But then the way everyone builds something new around it is incredible. Just when you think you can't get another combination another Fusion style you do. Yeah, exactly. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, because like Chris is like I definitely like reggae but Chris likes reggae more than I do for sure and he was always showing me reggae bands and reggae songs on Mike. Yeah, it's cool. Like it's reggae whatever. It's awesome. And then he played me I don't remember which song it was first from your album Vines and I was like, wait a minute. This isn't reggae. He's like, yes it is. I'm like, okay that I definitely fuck with reggae because this shit is sick like steam Rising problem. That should blew my mind. Thank you. Yeah, I mean that's again though. That's like barely reggae but for some reason we're able to kind of exists in that genre like Income I think our earlier stuff was was a lot a lot more reggae than it is now, but I don't know. We have a pretty good mix on every on every album. But yeah, I don't know. I'm thinking I'm really thankful that the scene is kind of embraced us even though we're you know, as I said were like barely in there. Well, actually actually, you know, we've been speaking about the seen a lot and I kind of want to talk about it more from like an outsider's perspective. So you guys I've been a band for like what roughly 15 years or so, you said yes 16 I think will be 17 and February. Okay, so so listening to other interviews and and like, you know, like how he's podcast and whatnot. When he has people on it kind of seems like At first this was a real gamble for all of you guys like like 10 15 years ago being in this scene right like correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like your Cali Roots and all those festivals weren't really here like 10 years ago, and it was sort of that very much so a scene trying to find It's footing and now to me it's crazy to see where it's where it's gone. You know, like what was that like being a part of this from I would say the ground the ground up would you agree? Yeah. I mean I haven't I've never really thought of it like that. I mean I always felt like the West Coast was pretty established. Like there was a lot of bands like us on the west coast and not hardly any at all on the East Coast. I don't know we never when we started the band. We didn't really think about about whether or not we're in a scene like we just kind of I don't know. We just wanted to make the music that I don't know we did we didn't think about it. Basically. Yeah. Yeah, I hear you. But as it as we grew and we kind of we kind of met other bands that sort of were doing a similar thing than week. It became aware of it. But yeah, I guess we work on a in on the ground floor. I don't know. I never really thought about it. But like I said the California thing was already happening and had been happening for a while and I feel like I don't know. We were we were accepted into that pretty easily. So I don't know. I don't remember your question now, but then I'm not that's right. The show's just called talking. That's all we're doing. It's called talking. I know it like see I would if I was to stay in the hardcore scene or whatever. It's still be there. If I got asked that question, I would think like wow, this is such like an interviewers question to ask because you don't think about it like that. That's a question though. Well, like, you know, like what was those what were those early days like it was just like try to play as many shows as we possibly could around Savannah at whatever bar would let us set up and then and then slowly, you know, we'd Branch out to neighboring towns like Statesboro. There's a college there and like we drive all the way to Columbus or Augusta or making or like st. Simons Island or whatever, you know it pretty much anywhere that would have us and and we were still in school. So we didn't get too serious about it. and then like 2006 we did our first East Coast tour with the movement. And we're kind of hooked after that. But yeah, the early days were just like House parties and bars and just Jam in for fun. And I don't know that any of us thought that we would be, you know doing it for a living at some point. Yeah. I mean, do you ever have like a pinch me moment? Yeah, something like that. I mean, yeah, we've had a lot of those moments. Definitely. I mean, I don't know the fact that anyone gives a shit about what we do or comes to see us. I mean kind of still blows my mind. But yeah, we found a lot of those moments when you get I don't know when you get noticed by bigger bands or whatever you could ask to open for people where you get to do a big Festival slot. You have you have those moments over and over again, like I'm sure for you and you said the 311 earlier you drop them and then doing the cruise, right? That must have been. Yeah. I mean, yeah, that was that was real. I was obsessed with them in high school and never in a million years. Did I ever think that They we'd get to open for them, especially on a cruise ship on their Cruise or whatever. Yeah. Well that must be incredible man. I mean except if you hit some Rough Waters, but yeah, but I'm playing that out. Well enough. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. But did we actually played a show in Statesboro? We kind of had a we had a similar trajectory. Which one was Statesboro The Birdhouse? Oh, yeah, so so before so we're like a pop rock band now. Before we did that it was sort of like me doing like a solo folk thing. And I mean, you know the deal everyone says that wasn't that wasn't the stash when you went to Statesboro it well. It was I don't know what we were that night because the the tour flyer said Christian Evancho and Company and then every night we were saying Christian Evancho and something else like some nights. It was like Christian fake on the stash. That was Christian Evancho in the satellites Christian Evancho in the Dirty Mike and the boys like, you know, so I don't know which one we were that night, but not a Officially the stash it was basically like, you know, like I was in this hardcore band had broken up and so I was like sad and whatever and I wanted to just like I was splitting time like with the screamer and I was the singer and I was like, you know what man, I just kind of want to sing the whole time. So yeah, the guy at the the acoustic the show with the acoustic guitar gets talked over all the time. So I was like fuck I need a band and I was like very scarred, you know, my band had broken up. I was in it for five years didn't want to play with anyone again. So they were just sort of like my live. To help me bring it to life and it was cool. It was like we were doing what you guys did exactly. This is why I thought of it on our breaks from college, you know, I was in a community college up by us and we had the one winter break and the one summer break and for like two years we did like two tours a year every and it was always with a punk band. It was always with the punk because that's how I still knew and we played in this this this living room. Yeah, we'll have some room so it was it was a frat house, but we pulled up and there's this huge frat house that first we pulled into this. Driveway there like the just a whole bunch of dude, Bros. Come on. We're late what you guys doing? Like we playing here and they're like nah, and then we look to our right and there's this really tiny house and a dude comes out. He's like it's over here and we're like oh and then it's like six guys living in this house. Each of them has a dog and they throw shows in her living room and it was honestly pretty sick, but I was just like, how does this like? How do you sustain this until at night? When oh, yeah deadline cockroaches came, then the flying cockroach has come out in droves. Those are palmetto bugs. Okay, we're getting learned people. They're still awful though. Don't I mean don't get me wrong. Did I couldn't take it man? Like I was sort of they're basically the same thing. Yeah Chris Chris in our guitars that to sleep in the van and me and our drummer braved the inside of the house with one of the dogs. Oh my God. It was too much to like, I don't know how you guys handled but the show was amazing. We that I mean we did exactly what you're describing for years. Just staying and weird. People's houses and with you know dogs and pet hair everywhere and then roommates that weren't aware that a band would be staying in like just bad bad sketchy places. Yeah, or like you're like, hey man is a cool. We stay at your house. He's like, yeah man, it's cool. I got room for like five people and you get there and like what he means is like, yeah, the couch, you know is got room for one and then there's like definitely ample floor space. Okay? Yeah, it's always plenty of for space. So let me out. There's never five beds. I mean look the we're still in this part. It's fun. And you know, we're making the best of it. We haven't toured in a while because we're just sort of like trying to gather our resources and whatnot. But when does that like not that I'm not having fun and I don't want to sound like to anyone listening who's like Duty so not a punk rock anymore. But like when does that stop? You know what I mean? Because it is kind of it gets all of my back can only take so many hardwood floors and I'm saying I don't know I mean Actually, eventually you'll get so fed up with it. You're just like you'll reach a Breaking Point and then you'll start like springing for hotels. So it sounds like you're not quite there yet. But now we're far from it happen kind of sounds like it sounds like that's like a blessing and a curse. I mean your there's there will be a point where you're just gonna fucking lose it if you have to stay on one more floor, whatever that point. I will book a hotel room for us right now. We do like the whole one hotel at or thing when we just when we really need like that that peace of mind and it's like okay everyone woke up a little cranky today and there was no reason for it last night was good. Yeah. Yeah. Luckily. We've pretty much only done the East Coast so we know enough people now that we at least 90% of the time have like a solid place we can at least drive an hour due to sleep. Yeah, we did that forever, but we kind of but after a while we kind of felt like we might be wearing out our welcome, you know, and so and we wanted to be able to stay with those people again at some point if if need be so we started to phase it out. But but yeah, I mean do that as long as you can it's key very true. We're trying to trust me. So do you like, you know, like a lot of our friends who listen are sort of like Andrew and I Spears who aspire to hopefully They being a place that like you bands like you and Bailey who are at, you know, like doing the thing and having the wheels turning so like is there anything that you maybe ever think about what you're like damn if I could tell like any Young artist right. Now what I've learned in like 16 almost 17 years of being in the same band like I'd really want to tell them this. Oh, man, there's a lot there's a lot of stuff. I mean, I feel like pacifier. We learned all the lessons the hard way, you know. I don't know. There's so many things like if you're ever in a management situation and you're like having second thoughts about whether or not this person is doing a good job at any point get rid of them. Like don't don't wait. I'm not saying this happened to us, but like, you know don't like trust your gut when it comes to people. Your team, you know, like if you're ever having any any doubts or second thoughts about is this person really doing as much as they could possibly be doing for us then get rid of them and find somebody else. Yeah that that would be one thing. I feel like I just brought the mood down big time. No. No, that's not that's honestly really good. That's kind of reminds me of remember what interview was but someone asked Taylor Swift like if you could tell young Taylor Swift one thing, what would it be and she said get a good lawyer? I'm like, yeah, that's That's why those real things that like, yeah, it's like one of those things that's like that's like the real advice that you don't really know about until it happens. And it's like one of the things were like listen man. I don't want to tell you that your manager is not doing a good job. But like if you feel like he's not doing a good job. They need might not be doing a good job. Yeah, but the problem is and I say that because you won't you won't know until it's like years later and you're like, you know, what the fuck have we been doing this whole time? And you're like, oh this is what a good manager does. Yeah, not that any manager is bad but like and because and you know, you think you ever you and everyone on your team thinks that they're doing everything that can be done. So you're like, you know, you're fine with it and it's not till much later on you realize that. Oh, that's definitely not the case. And you had your you had your doubts but you just kind of you know squash them but you should have listened to it. Mmm. Yeah, that's damn Thang that mean I just want to say thank you for that. That's that's like because I I, you know, I've been reading a lot of like books and I listen to a lot of interviews trying to you know, soak up the knowledge man, like even though I'm not in school anymore. Like I love the student mindset and it's very rare that you get something that direct and that straightforward. Yeah. I'm trying to think of something else but Well on the flip side of that like do you think do you think and have you seen a lot of people who maybe jump to getting a management and management or an agent too soon like the fear of not having representation. Do you think that that is a real thing and like if so, is that something that like you guys maybe struggle with or how has that been like observing that I've definitely? The booking agent too soon. The problem with getting a booking agent is like I don't know by the time you're able to get get one. You don't you don't need one, you know, because you will have booked all your own shows. You've booked all your own tours. You've made all your own contacts and you can you know, you can book tours on your own. It's only it's only then that agencies will even bother looking at you. So, you know, there's like a catch-22 there. So yeah scene. Of bands tried to get booking agents like way before they've had any History built up, you know, like agents kind of want to see that you have done the work yourself, you know Mmm Yeah, because why else would they want to try and get you that opening spot? If you're not worth even like five tickets let alone like probably 200 or 150 that you'd need to bring to them. Yeah, exactly. You know it's there like why are we going to have you on the show? You've never even been to this town type deal true. Damn, you know, well, hey, so I guess being a we did all this stuff by the way, you know, right? Yeah. You said that pacifier learned it the hard way. Yeah everything now with that being said was there ever a time where you guys were like, you know what this is pretty hard maybe being a band isn't the right career path. Like was there any ever any like Outs for this being like the main focus or is it always just like well this sucks but we're going to keep going. I mean there's there's been a lot of tough times. We always said like we would stop when things kind of plateaued out or whatever. But I mean we like not this I guess it was last year. We kind of took off the road just because we were completely fried and we kind of needed a reset and during that time, you know, I was definitely kind of Worried about like was this the right thing to do or are like should we be taking a break because of all the momentum will lose and everything. But yeah to answer your question. Yeah, there's a lot of those moments but then you play a good show and you'll forget about all of it. Right and I wanted to ask you about that because it seemed like you guys sort of took that that break only like and correct me if my timelines wrong but like what only 10 months after the album had just dropped Yeah, I guess it was I never really thought about it like that. Yeah, we did but we also felt like whatever the album was going to do. Like, you know, it did it like we kind of felt like it. I don't know like it it reached its peak. And yeah, so that was all you know, that was also kind of a disappointing thing. Yeah, but I don't know we thought Longshot would. It didn't do bad at all. Don't get me wrong. But like we thought it would we thought it would do more, you know, so when it didn't really live up to our expectations, you know, I think that definitely You know that definitely factored into our decision now, I can't I can't speak to it obviously from an internal perspective. But as a listener me right I come from more like the melody driven pop side. And like I said earlier, I think your band very much so has like two sides to it. And so for me, I really enjoyed the dip more into like the pop song structure and obviously you still had like the heavy guitar and all that that you normally have but so for me, I really enjoyed that but did you sort of feel that maybe like it was a bit of like a weirder reception from the fans? Is this like a personal sort of viewing of it where you're saying? It didn't do as much as you had wanted it to do. I think it was more personal. I mean, I feel like our fans love that album and I do and we do too. But yeah, personally, I think I don't know. I don't want to I'm not trying to shit on that record at all. Like I think just personally we were just totally burnt. So yeah, well, you know I think half and I think the fans loved it though. I mean, it's a great album. Yeah find my way Rapunzel. You can't go wrong if that is true the more pop side again, but like, you know, hey, man, I am not going to apologize for what I like. All right. No. No I said yeah, that's what I like pop music and I like pacifier. All right, I'll die on that Hill. Wow. Alright, thank you. I appreciate it. Well, we've been talking about pacifier a lot. But the rest of the guys Here, so let's talk about you a little bit. I know that you do other stuff besides play drums in this band because you said you went to a school of music and art so let's talk about the art. Yeah, it was mainly art school, but I went to school for illustration. So whenever I'm not on the road, I do, you know, a lot of freelance illustration work and design work was that like what you wanted to do before pacifier started like you weren't thinking of being in a band you're like, yeah, I could definitely just be an artist for a living. Yeah for sure. Sure. Yeah, that's what I wanted to do. I want to do you know Commercial Art and do like editorial stuff. But once I got in a band and I saw that, you know, like we needed certain designs and flyers and album covers and then you know, all of our a lot of our friends needed that stuff to I kind of geared myself towards that so have you done all of pacifiers artwork stuff. I've done some I've done a couple of the covers and I've done A handful emergency designs over the years and some posters but no not all of them. Okay. And is this like a do you have a website or something that's people just contact you or it's just kind of word of mouth. Like people are like someone's like oh, yeah, Nick did this and then people are like, oh sick. Can you tell him that I want this done? And then you just do it. Yeah exactly. I've website Nick and then people find me on Instagram as well. But and then, you know just Word of Mouth. Well, there you go through all the bands. Yeah. Hey people listening. This guy makes art and if you need art this guy can make you work. Well, I gotta hang up. I gotta I gotta ask you this man. How do you go from like, you know, from what what point do you start illustrating? And then at what point in your life, do you start playing drums? Like I'm just I want to get the timeline here, you know, I kind of started playing drums when I was probably 15 or so. And then I mean, I always like I always liked making art and that's kind of what I excelled in in school and I always knew I kind of wanted to do something art-related and then drums was just something I did for fun and playing, you know, playing in the bands in school and stuff. But yeah going into college like art was definitely my main focus and I didn't think that I would you know be in a band or anything. Wow, that's cool. I mean, how did you feel about because like I did creative college but selfishly in the back of my head. I was like, I'm literally just here to appease the parents who are letting me live ran three until until the band takes off and does something, you know, but I never went into school for the right reason. So what was that like like going into Creative school for the right reason because there's obviously a lot of backlash against it people you'll hear like this is from your uncle at Thanksgiving right? This isn't a real degree and all that stuff, you know the hypotheticals but it happens so it does luckily I had you know, luckily I've really supportive parents and they were all about it. So, you know and also it was like you're probably not going to get into a regular college. So maybe you should think about well, you gotta love the Tough love right? Yeah. Well, I mean I would imagine that they're really supportive since both of their sons are in the same reggae band, you know, well quote-unquote reggae. Yeah, they were surprisingly cool about us, you know, basically plucking will right after high school to be in the band, you know, we had to ask my parents permission to ask him to join the band and they you know, they were hesitant at first but they let it happen and the rest is history. How do they feel about it now? Do they come out to the shows and ya know they're they're they're good with it. That's cool. Yeah, they're happy now was he like into music and into all that stuff before joining the band hurry. Was it kind of like yo, we like you pick up this base and learn it so we can we can play music together because I've definitely classic make you make your best friend play bass just because they're your friend. Yeah exactly happens in a lot of bands and happened in our band having attended another bands. You know, I'm sure yeah, he wasn't he was he was definitely way. In the music, but he wasn't necessarily bass player, but that happens so all yeah you would he was into it though. Luckily. It's so weird because like base is honestly a really cool instrument, but I guess it's like it's not very appealing to kids. Yeah gets. Yeah. It's like all all the kids just want to play guitar piano or if they have birthday of add then they want to play drums. You know, that was why I did it like I need to burn some energy and my dad's like you could take drum lessons on like great. That sounds dope. Yeah now that I think about it. I don't know too many base. It's like started solely on base, you know, I know a lot of them in like our local like jazz school. That's like, you know, that's like the right. Yeah, exactly. That's like the only ones I know the rest of them are like, oh man. I joined the band like laughs so I guess I get like atar. Yeah mine was like I think in my joints the band last yeah, you are the best player. I feel like I think the first instrument besides, you know, like my baby drop when I was like one, I think I Took bass lessons when I was like nine, but then the guy who was teaching me base, like took a trip to China for an undisclosed amount of time. So I stopped taking bass lessons and then I just didn't care and then I played I was forced to play violin in middle school and I was like, why are you making me play this I want to play clarinet and then I just started playing drums and I started playing drums. And then Chris was like hey, you said you play bass right? I was like, yeah, you did say though. It's like, yeah. I've I've played the bass and he's like Alright, you should join my band. And I'm like, it's not a good idea. But okay the funniest shit was before Andrew actually, like when we were just my name and they were just the Live members. I shot a video and Andrew was one of the only guys that's in the stash right now who was in that video, but all we used to work at the same job. We used to work at Lowe's together and my dad also worked there. He got us the job and so all those people would come up to Andrew on the clock and be like, dude. You're such a good bass player because they did not realize that you just like Mom over them. Yeah, I learned and I learned the notes maybe two minutes before we started filming and my base was not plugged in know and everyone was like man, you really killed that. I'm like, yeah, I'm pretty till you make it. I'm pretty good at dancing. I guess true sent you definitely fake it till you make it so we have like a little bit of time left. We got like quite a bit of fan questions. I think if you're if you're up to answering some stuff, yeah for sure. I was wondering if you got any or not look like those posts. No one responded. But I guess yeah directly. Yeah. Yeah, they're all behind the curtain I guess. Yeah, it's definitely a nice little handful. We appreciate the effort man. Thank you. Okay. Yeah, of course. Let's see. This first one is from Trisha K. And she says now that you have a baby congrats and Ted is married. Where do you see the band in the future slowing down or same type of tour schedules that you've had? First first of all congrats on the baby. Yeah. Can I thank you. Appreciate it. I don't think will slow down. I think I think we might we'll probably tore a little bit less than we have in the past at least, you know, at least for a little while, you know, especially while my daughter is, you know, brand-new and like, you know less than a year old, you know, I don't I don't want to put like a definite definite time on it, but we'll yeah, we'll probably scale scale back the shows a little bit but I mean, we're not going to slow down. We're we have a bunch of new music that we want to put out. I don't know. It's full steam ahead. I mean, I mean it's steamed rice, but it seemed exactly but at the same time, you know, I don't I don't see us doing like, you know a two-month long tour anytime soon. I like when we were when we were taking our time off that last year, you know, we still did a handful of shows here and there so I think it'll be I think it'll be similar to that but can't cable j keep you guys away too long. Yeah, we'll do more shows than that, but I think starting out while we ease into this while I'm like, you know, figuring out fatherhood and what that's going to be like will probably take it a little bit easy. Word. Yeah rock on. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. All right. This one is a little less serious of a question, but I'm still going to ask it Alexandria Hickman asks. Hey, Nick if pacifier were a candy bar. Which one would it be and why it's a good question. That's a good question. It's a real thought provoker. Hmm. I don't know. I'm just going to say Snickers because that's my favorite candy bar. And I guess you know all the wonderful elements that make up Snickers bars. That could be that could be the four of us. I mean Snickers satisfies exactly. Yeah, that's a really smart answer to go. I'm gonna go with that. That's a good one. That's a good one. All right, Instagram user Hallelujah 21 has two questions. First what I think her name's Holly to Holly. Yeah. That's yeah good. Good memory Chris. I figured you know, that's why when I say that would you spend a year as a Cher impersonator for 1 million dollars? It's a good question that it that's the quick. That's the first question. Yeah, I'm serious method acting I mean, I don't I don't know but I also like I don't think that means that your share for an entire year think it's just like, you know, you're the impersonator. So like you go to gigs and like be share for like an hour or two. I'm taking that as you live breathe and eat. Yeah, yeah, that's no that's like do you want to pretend to be shared for a year Cher? Impersonator is a job. I like the openness in person. I mean you just had a baby. I mean do it for her, right? Yeah. I don't know. All you need to know is that they are all hits you're going to live forever man. True true. Yeah. All right, and the second question? Yeah, I guess I don't know I get I feel like you'd have to that's a lot of Yeah, it's not that hard of a job like you would have for a million dollars. You know, it can't be that hard. Yeah not do some shit not to diss any share impersonators. I'm sure y'all kill it but just saying, you know, there's not a lot of things on the list and need to do it. Probably is this probably a Reddit wall to be good at it. I'm sure it's really hard but just to accomplish it it's not that different. Yeah, definitely not in a position to turn down a million dollars though and the second question if you were a wrestling Duo. Go with Will. What would your signature Duo move be? This would be a better. This would be a better question for will because he was like he was way into wrestling back in the day. Well, maybe you should call he's actually at my house right now. But I mean if you want to hurt you good Tech I could technically ask him. It's up to you. But if you think you could answer it, it's you know, it's all in good fun. I mean you could just make up a move right now. He could hit someone in the head to he can hit someone in the head with a base and then you could just cover them with a bass drum, you know. Call it the Base to Base. Yeah base base to the face and then they land inside of a giant drum. I don't know. It's I mean listen, I would watch the shit out of that wrestling match some kind of tag team like clothesline situation. If I don't know, I don't know any wrestling moves. I'd have to think about that. We'll just do a tag team clothesline into a bass drum that has a bass guitar in it. Yeah, the thing is there's only like one tag team match like a whole three hour WWE event. So you don't really get many of like yeah, and I and my memories to watch and I feel like there's not that many like signature Duo moves where it's like these two guys always do this move. It's like each guy has their own thing. So as someone who used to be super into it, I think like the base to the base thing is that that's not bad. That's kind of cool because in my brain in this is just misses. This is me spitballing feel like it would be like will would be a wrestler and he does the bass guitar. Its own and you're a wrestler and you do the base from thing on your own and then you guys come together and you put them together in the fans are like, yeah. They're doing the base in the doing the doing they're doing both base things. I don't know. I think I think that would work. That would be a pretty high demand Pay-Per-View event. Hmm. That's just me now. I only have a picture of this question. So I don't remember who what his real name is but it's brass Squatch from Oh Derek from Tropi delic ask Sarah. Yes. So he asked a few questions. I guess we'll start with like we'll start with the more serious one and he sort of they deteriorate as we go along and I like is the rails I like his So I guess what's your favorite song to play live? probably submersible Yeah, I just loved playing that song Live the big like I don't know the instrumental part at the end where we all go nuts and there's a lot of crazy stuff happening on the drums. Like I think about it a lot like every time we do it. I'm like, I don't know. I just I fucking love this like this song is great. Love playing it got to go back and listen to the live version of that one that happens almost every time nice so I would say Merciful, then you can play on that one for a while too. So that's that's yeah first firing here. Hell yeah, man. Yeah, I haven't got tired of it yet. The next question. He asks is and would you rather make out with Ellen DeGeneres or Oprah Winfrey now don't answer too quickly. This is an important question. That's a tough one. I mean there's a lot to think about there's a lot to unpack here. He didn't say you had to give your reasons why but if yeah, there's no one. Yeah, there's no need to elaborate. You don't have to make out with them forever. It's probably just once I mean, I guess I don't know Oprah, I guess. Okay Island probably wouldn't be into it. You know, that's a she's that's what I thought. That's what I thought when I read it. I was like Ellen doesn't wouldn't even really want to be there. So I really thought well, I just immediately thought not Ellen. If that makes sense, you're definitely a good sport for answer that right questions, by the way. Oh good. I'm glad he's right, you know, no no listen, you know, I picked Oprah like I don't know man. I thought that wrestling move was pretty sick and I didn't even really come up with it though. Yeah, but you're the one doing it who cares true. Yeah. It's you know, it's like you're the one delivering the lines. So the last one. One that he asks is would you rather wear a fedora hat every moment for the rest of your life or lose all ability to use correct grammar and spelling you remain intelligent enough to know you sound stupid just no ability to rectify it word for word. He really felt that question through. Yeah wear a fedora every moment for the rest of your life. You can never take it off or you always sound like you don't know how to talk. But you know in your brain. You're speaking incorrectly. Yeah, you just can't fix it sounds terrifying. So it's basically either look kind of dumb all the time or sound kind of dumb all the time. I don't want to wear a fedora. So I guess I would just go with sounding kind of dumb all the time. Well Chris and I had sound kind of done a lot of the time so it's not that big deal. Yeah. I picked I picked the I picked up sounding dumb all the time too. Because I said what am I good Charlotte on our comeback tour? I'm not trying to do that. I picked the Fedora though because like you know it like the fedoras not it has a bad rap but like Bruno Mars where his Fedora so like you can definitely pull a fedora off and you can you I don't know if I can I don't know what I want. But I try now this was not an official question. This isn't really a question but refunds and take was a last guest and crafting are talking podcast Universe. Yeah, but how how we come It on your post and said whoo-hoo. Tell them about your price Albert. We don't know what that mean. I'm assuming he met Prince Albert. But yeah, I'm assuming that's what he meant to I don't have one of those but yeah, I would tell everyone about it. What is that? I've never I'm pretty sure it's a dick piercing. Oh and I feel like you got us good. Oh man feel like if you're that type of person you would probably tell Everyone about it and you probably were yeah. Yeah. Well the only comment there's one comment from base babe 311 that's just three skulls. So maybe she knows something. We don't know and then these three skulls means I don't know but we we commented we come in and said we'll do and then how we responded with a laughing face. So maybe he got his good. He gotta get well played. Yeah. Yeah mean. Yeah, I don't have one. But if I did, I don't know that I would I don't know. Maybe you wouldn't. You wouldn't tell anyone about it. I don't know. I don't know. I'm I obviously for the record I won't be giving out any names. I do know someone who has one of those and it's not something he openly brags about but he has mentioned it to me. My mom was a big time. I don't know. I don't think he regrets it because I feel like he would take it out but he's just like yeah, I mean, it's there. I'm like, whatever bro that's fucking gross. I'm not really enjoying the separates episode until she wasn't yeah. Sorry. Dad, but so we actually have a set question. We like to ask all guests on the show before we let you go here and you've been a great sport. Thank you for being a part of the show man and for taking some time of course for taking some time out today to chat with us. If you had to describe yourself in one word, and then you can elaborate on this later as like a creative and artists like an entrepreneur like what's the first word that comes to mind that stuff one word to describe. myself creatively Oh, man, I don't know. Determined I guess I don't know. Okay, I feel like I'm always striving to I'm always trying to push myself and like whenever I look back on our that I did a while ago. I'm like that's fucking terrible and I just want to get better. So I basically just want to get better at are all the time. So, I don't know what word you would use. To convey that but I would say practice or Improvement. Maybe I think the term yeah the term and I mean determination is yes. Yeah positive. Hell. Yeah, dude. Well, so before we let you go. We just wanted to you know ask you about the new song you guys just dropped especially since we're going to be playing it at the end of this episode. Oh perfect. Yeah. It's called keeping on it's the first song that we recorded just all on our own Ted's house and his new studio setup and I don't know. It's my favorite song that we've done honestly, I think I mean, I'm really I'm really proud of it. Yeah, honestly, I think it's my favorite too. Yeah, it is gonna be like, thank you. I don't know. I feel like it encompasses everything, you know everything there were about and Yeah, I'm just really proud of it that we you know, did it completely independently on her own and we didn't have to go to like a major Studio to do it and that that feels really good. I mean, I'm I'm definitely not like in a completely shocked way, but I'm surprised to hear that you guys did it at Ted's house all by herself because it sounds like better arguably than like any of the other recordings that I've heard and guys it's really good. Wow - yeah, I think so too and I mean like Little intead of gotten really good at their knowledge of engineering and recording and they spent a lot of time on it and I'm thankful for that. They know how to do all that stuff because I don't know anything about that. Yeah that I'm I'm in the same boat as you. Yeah, I don't know anything about Mike's or recording or Pro Tools or any of that shit. So well, Nick man, so so basically here's like, I mean, I'm gonna go off on this tangent. I don't want to keep you too long. I'll wrap it up soon. Like the thing about not just the music. Is it about the reggae scene? That inspires me? Right? Like we tried we have a song called how to live. It's got like a slight undertone and we may revisit that it was a little you know, it doesn't come as natural naturally as me to write but like the thing that life is also a lost ska song. We released somewhere out there on the internet is true. But like the thing that bring that back well said if we open for you will definitely play it but Like no, but seriously like the thing about you're seeing that I think really resonates with me and makes the music even stronger to me as a listener is like just the hard work that you guys all put in is so inspiring man. Like if you take a look at like how he like a past guest to the show, you know, he just released recorded his own EP. He's doing a solo tour on top of all that he doesn't Ballyhoo you are constantly writing and creating with your your own illustrations and graphic design work as well as like being in a full-time band and having a baby most part you guys Really are doing it all yourself. Like there isn't really a label backing the majority of you you're seeing you know, it's like obviously you have like team members but it really is all in house and I just want to like let anyone listening like who because you know, people sometimes here reggae and they're instantly like hmm. Maybe not my thing but there's more to it especially if you're a musician because this it's like some of the most hardworking and inspiring conversations. I think we've had on the show and things that I've learned just like being a fan so, you know, like thank you for like being so open and honest on this chat and just like We're just continuing the grind because like that is so impressive that you guys recorded this all yourself. It sounds phenomenal and the sky's the limit if you just put your mind to it as what I'm getting from this to this conversation, you know, yeah for sure. I mean any I don't know anybody can do it like it just it's a lot of fucking hard work. It's an incredible amount of work. But I mean you mentioned how he's a perfect example, like nobody works harder than that, dude. Yeah. I forgot what I was going to say, but hard work pays off. Off hard work pays off it can be done for sure. Hell yeah, dude. And with that being said will let you go. Thank you again for your time expect to see Pacifier on the road in 2020. Is there going to be more new music on the way that people can get ready for? Yeah, we'll be putting out another single in the next month or two. And yeah, we've got don't know we've got three or four songs in various stages of getting them ready to go and they'll Out in the next you know in the first part of 2020. So yeah, and then hopefully we find some time to record a new album sweet and real quick. Where can everyone find you and the band on the internet and everywhere that matters. My website is Nick and pacifiers is And then of course, we're on Instagram and Facebook and all that cool. Hell yeah, man, we'll have a great holiday season to you and your family and you know, thank you again so much for being a part of our show did it was great to chat with you. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks for having me. It's great for Sherman. Have a good one dude. You too. Dream of a heartbeat. There's only one way to the bottom of the ocean. Can I stall around with the fish won't say where they keep it potion. You can try and dig it out, but it's true the Sun. Today all the solutions about it and to it on with one way. But there's only one. You could buy more stock certificate Burlingame opportunity knocks and calling my name.
Welcome to the 31st episode of "Talkin' with Andrew and Chris". We are very happy to introduce you to today's guest Nick Kubley, of the band "Passafire"! Passafire’s latest single, Keepin' On, serves as a mission statement for the veteran rock-reggae outfit as they continue to forge ahead through their second decade of reimagining the boundaries of the current rock-reggae landscape. Since forming in 2003, Passafire has released a total of six studio albums and boasts credits like producing with Paul Leary (Sublime, Pepper, U2, Slightly Stoopid), #1 albums on both the Billboard and iTunes Reggae charts, and sharing stages with rock-reggae OGs 311, Pepper, Toots & the Maytals, The Wailers, and John Brown’s Body, who in the band’s early years, inspired them to explore reggae with a gritty edge. “We like to mix tight, clean reggae grooves with distorted guitar riffs” insisted Ted, “We’re ‘90s kids,” added Will, “we love rock, hip-hop and metal equally. It was always natural for us to straddle the line between genres.” Keep up to date with Passafire: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Listen to Passafire: Spotify: Apple Music: YouTube: Keep up to date with Andrew and Chris: Instagram: Andrew: Chris: Twitter: Andrew: Chris: Follow Andrew and Chris's band "The Stash": Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Listen to Andrew and Chris's band "The Stash": Spotify: Apple Music: iTunes: YouTube: Google Play: Amazon Music: SoundCloud: Subscribe to "Talkin' with Andrew and Chris" Podcast: Apple | Spotify | Google Play | YouTube | SoundCloud As always, "Stay Sweet!"
Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running and health-related for the highs and lows of training and chasing girls designed to keep you motivated and enthusiastic.Your journey to health and happiness. Have you guys already heard of the easy Thrills podcast? So this idea this Venture of podcasting? I am starting at much earlier than I thought I would and I have Tom Bell to thank for that from the easy Thrills, Tom got in touch with me a little while back to be interview for his podcast. Now if you haven't already you really need to check out easy drills. I'll include links to his podcast in the footnotes as well as the interview that we did not long ago, Tom Is a brilliant hosty House of great approach to life that I love. He has positive and adopt an attitude of gratitude as he calls it which I love to live by myself. Now Tom is working so hard with his podcast and it really shows he is updating and putting up so many great interviews with so many brilliant Ghasts. His show is all about Adventure motivation and transformation with an element of endurance. He is a family man leader and has a love for Endurance Sports. I was absolutely on Honored to be asked to join Tom's podcast, especially alongside so many brilliant guests many of which I've honestly been following for years and I've been greatly influenced by some of which are the reason I started my own run an account on Instagram and it just blows my mind that I was asked to be interviewed and featured amongst so many fascinating and inspiring people. I seriously took so much away from that interview and I could never thank Tom enough. He has inspired and motivated me. To no end. So again Tom a huge thank you. And guys, please check out easy Thrills podcast. Thank you guys so much for joining today and listening to not another Runner podcast. Please tell your friends and family who you think would enjoy the content. I'll be sharing. Don't forget you can get in touch with me over on Instagram by another Runner. Let me know your thoughts on the Pod casting suggestions on gas. Or topics, this is greatly appreciated. Send me your questions through as well if you want and use the hashtag white I run to be featured and hey, if you can't hit subscribe to the podcast, this will really help me to be able to give you more. Thank you again, and remember when you get up and exercise or go for a run. You've never regret going, but you always regret not go in. Have a great week guys and speak soon.
Katie, started running whilst at uni, but didn’t fall in love with running until the last couple years when she discovered trail running. Despite Katie’s 45 minute commute, and her long working days she has still managed to train for a series of ultra marathons this year. She has just completed the Threshold Trail Series: Race to the Tower, Race to the King, & Race to the Stones. Three Ultra Marathons in the space of 5 weeks, and a total of 276 km (171 miles). Katie says herself she is happiest on the trail with a snack, she loves an adventure and exploring and enjoying the beautiful countryside. This is a great episode with an insight to training and running ultra marathons. Katie gives some great tips for newbie runners, and for trail running and tackling ultra marathons, Katie also hints at some running goals, and what may be on the agenda in the future! Katie encourages others to go steady, and to find the running you can fall in love with! Links:  Threshold Trail Series - “More Is In You” Katie’s Instagram:  Katie’s Blog  Natalie - Not Another Runner Instagram: Blog:  vSusie Chan  Billy Yang Films  Life in a Day  Western States 100  Easy Thrills Podcast Interview with Easy Thrills Podcast
Whoo. Hey lovers. Hello. Thank you for coming back. We had a ton of fun recording this one. Yeah, we chatted with Kyra Daugherty who uses they/them pronouns Chi is actually one of our favorite people a hundred percent iconic. Yeah, they are are queer and gender queer activist from Bermuda and the undergrad in Montreal and then zipped over here for the post-grad which was in Scottish gender recognition policy and then took a two-year sabbatical just kind of like kicking ass all over the shop. Really? Yeah.Throughout their career. They've been doing a lot of difficult and important work in combating transphobia and sexual misconduct in University spaces hot stuff. So we had a damn good chin wag about student activism burnout. Well that kind of shit in the first half and the second half. We got to the basics of the gra which is the gender recognition act and we also talked about online debate. Yeah. So as always we got you will put all the links that you need for any information is episode in the Description so just chill out pal. You have to just take a seat strap in and let's call it all stays not going so. - I am not quickfire. Would you rather let's begin this long as the right way cats or dogs. The only cats I don't have enough energy to take care of another being as much as dogs require. Okay, that's fair. Yeah coffee or tea coffee. That's the correct on Japanese that there are right answers here, right? Okay, sweet or savory. I think Savory like if I think of my favorite foods, they're mostly like roasts and kind of like Old School summer or winter. So we're ya betta from tropical island. So we care is it was pretty the first few years, but then I got over it and I like summer which obviously Scotland just have so that's a shame because that one day where the sun is a queer or lgbtq+ for myself queer. Yeah. Okay and as a politic queer and yeah. I need yeah. Well, that's a controversial. Yeah. Yeah, so I guess getting into the actual meat of the podcast that's not roasts. What is it student activism to you? And how did you get involved? So I guess I first got involved in student activism when I was like 13 or so and so far as I was super mutant as wearing from very small island of 60,000 people. So really quite a small country and I got quite involved in like environmental activism there. It's you. Things like stopping hotels that were being built on Green Space like old school and worked with actually mostly people in their 50s and 60s. So small way to kind of start but yeah started working with like other people who had like Eco clubs at school so very much like had a green pickup and activism and they went to Montreal for my undergrad and the year. I arrived the whole province is on strike. So student strikes throughout the province to oppose kind of basically tuition going up and that's something that long-standing. It's been quite kept Low by Quebec kind of student movements. So it was really sick to like come in to what I thought was just going to be a hectic first year anyway, but then basically, you know, most of the colleges and universities were shut down because students barricaded the doors and people didn't go to school and the further, you know, I went to marches that had Dean at two hundred thousand people which is more than the population Bermuda and you know, a lot of debates over what it meant to have free education or like subsidize education. Yeah, so, Described as kind of being like going to Hogwarts in the last book are your the first year? You're a first year student in the last book and you're like what the hell is going on? So I had to trial by fire and yeah, so involved in student activism their career activism a lot of work on sexual assault policies and supporting survivors of sexual assault and then over in Edinborough. I came for my masters and then took a two-year interlude working at the Students Association and then obviously, I've been working with student leaders doing activism. So for me I mean activism is just seeking political and social change and then student activism are just students doing that. But I think there's something about that. I find really great about student activism because it tends to be people from obviously not every Walk of Life, but various walks of life different countries different kind of experiences coming together and being, you know, unattached maybe to your family for a while or just out of your normal element. You got a chance to kind of question things that maybe you hadn't questioned before and you learn from each other. You realize that you maybe have more power than you thought or you can use more of that power. So I think student at this activism is kind of like it's a culture. Yeah science where you can grow like different kind of ideas. Yeah. And so I think it's a great Locus for some of the a lot of the stuff. You see change 30 years down the road, you know, people are talking about universities colleges and students, you know right before then. So do you think that I'm like in student spaces went in student actors faces specifically You like talked about quite Hot Topics, I guess like I remember quite a while ago. There was a student unicorn which one it was the started using the word woman with an axe and the newspapers like especially the Daily Mail because the kind of personal my mom is is to shoot his the day now have like blew up about this and we really like, you know, this is all for and but actually that there are lots of conversations that we have students that are very Progressive and it kind of really challenging that maybe aren't accessible to like the Gen pop like if you like that yeah every A job is like buying the Sun instead like that. There are a lot of the time universities I think tend to be like Elite spaces of a sort because obviously this is like a space for education. So even the vocabularies around things and the things that we read and even the reading level of the things that we read is not very accessible to other people. So I think that can be like a downside I guess of student activism. Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think it's I think it's like chicken egg. I hate the kind of Supremacy. Sometimes that student activists can have Like we started every social movements and every new idea and that like the general population can't understand this and running. If you're a marked sister not you have very different views on websites, like people who are working class and often don't have as much access to places like University, you know, it's do start a lot of the movements that we follow and that we work on so it's been chicken egg. I don't think students universities colleges, whatever start the ideas, but they can be, you know, kind of privileged but it also freeing spaces for people to bring that a bit further and to kind of study The things that are happening outside of universities, but also things outside of universities can reflect it. So I do think yeah a lot of things that the places like yeah Daily Mail and all of the kind of trashy newspapers love to focus on student unions here. That's also I think because they know that people are going to fear some of the stuff we come up with because it does lead to social change and it does start this conversation to think that student politics naturally leans more towards Liberation because we're not just thinking what's the issue thinking what's the issue but I what's in the way what's creating it in student politics or student activism. It's brought because there's obviously right wing left wing Centrist liberal radical whenever different kind of segments so universities, I don't think are inherently radical spaces, especially somewhere like University of Edinburgh. Yeah. I'm so you know things like neoliberalism were born out of kind of academic and University like settings and that hasn't gone so well, so it's not I don't think you know inherently student politics is always going to or student activism is always going to be like aggressive and good but I think people who engage with things like the national Union of students, which is obviously this National level student body people whose medical officers and have like the more formal politics kind of rolls tend to be more Centrist leftist. Yeah. I mean, it's interesting we're point of like it's more like Liberation or quality. I think you're kind of pointing to is it more getting at rooted systems of Oppression versus this kind of surface level liberal. Let's just have rights and we're fine kind of equality. So I think that is a big split. Your politics have like do we just need more representation? We just need more policies and rules that we just need more bursaries or is it about fundamentally like uprooting the elitism the racism sexism all of the isms that universities are built off of quite literally we had to add that all up and start again. So I think it is there is a split. I'm definitely kind of more on The Liberation side of politics and I've definitely work to people who maybe have different views than that, which is you know, it's good. An interesting to have representation of what the broader student body might also be feeling. Yeah, okay with talking about like students but especially students faces that are so big like it in Montreal and he talked about how many people involved and how like charged it is. Do you feel that with in student politics you've had like experience with a lot of burnout and we talk about burnout like what that mean? What does that mean to you and people use that that phrase a lot online. What do you think burnout is in your in your Well, I think burnout means different things for different people. I think it is just as kind of like I can't do anymore. I'm done. I'm at capacity. And so for some people that's like I'm exhausted and they just take a break something that people that's like I'm sick leave and I actually need to stop work or school and I definitely like been both of those different points. I don't have great Solutions in that sense because I worked really so involved in so many different student organization kind of collectives both here and in madam, Aaron in Montreal and then also kind of doing activism in Bermuda but from afar, so it's just because it gives me so much energy and passion. It's something I love. I'm happy to give half of my soul to it. But I only have so much Soul. So, you know, I've been sick for the last six weeks trying to finish my Master's dissertation with a cold while also being quite ill and I think it's because I've been thinking working really hard for the last two years doing student activism work and getting paid for it, which is great. And that's actually I think a great remedy for Burnout is when it's actually your job it Help but I think my body just kind of was collapsed as soon as I finish the job because I knew it always knows when it can I don't know if you have this after finals or after kind of a big period my body does to care like I might have noticed abilities. So it's very much a different kind of like area but I find my body stays together until it's slightly allowed to fall apart and then it gets the be does so, you know after I finished second year in my undergrad after I finished my undergrad as I said just now a different point I've had Burn out for sure. I guess how do you guys understand burn out? I mean, I'm definitely the same way. I also have no physical disabilities that like, you know actually prevent me from doing certain things. I guess except for just that tiredness and exhaustion, which I can tell that you know, it affects how I interact with people it affects just like my energy levels on a daily basis and just how how much I'm able to actually go out and like enjoy my life and also my want mental well-being in my mental health in general Um, so I think when I when I noticed that kind of like decrease in my general kind of well-being that is how I know that I've like burnt out and that I really need a rest. I think what I find really really difficult is actually allowing myself to take that rest and I'm actually, you know, being compassionate with myself and actually saying no to things. How do you how do you manage that like, yeah. I mean I think because I recognized my propensity to overwork myself. I've tried to work on saying no and to finding other ways. As of like a burning out. So they're a few thoughts I have one is a lot of the kind of projects if you will the revolutions the structural change. However, you understand it that I have aren't going to ever happen by me or in the next year or in the place. I am right if they're usually Global Systems. There are things that require large Collective action. So I think I need to like it's been useful to remind myself that I as much as I could make a change. I'm not the change and me, so I'm not like I don't need to have that weight of the world on my shoulders is essentially what that comes down to you. The part of that is like if I actually want to be useful in the movements. I want to be useful for I'm not useful if I'm like completely burnt out and exhausted. So actually it's helping myself and helping other people by pacing myself because I think I feel a lot of Duty and a lot of like gills but also, you know interest and passion for to making change, but actually I can't do that if I'm dead. I'm exhausted and second bed. So I think that's one thing is kind of not having the world on your shoulders. The other is having many wins. Like we literally at work had A board that had many wins on it and sometimes it would be like we survived this conference or I wrote this paper or I you know, spoke strongly in this meeting or I organized with these students. So you remember that you can't it Wrangle of like any patriarchy but maybe this week chipped away in this way and actually letting yourself like celebrate its super-important. Yeah, and in terms of saying no, I actually some point had to start making a list and every time I said no to something and if it was less than like say three in a week, yeah I was doing I wasn't doing well, so I think Like actually this catharsis in writing down I said no to this and this is like a win by writing that's interesting that you said that thinking of, you know, thinking of the system as this larger thing bigger than you kind of give you comfort. Whereas I feel like for me so far. It's been kind of like this overwhelming thought that oh my gosh. This is like the systemic thing and I cannot possibly take a break because I can't possibly just like sit down and let other people wait for deliberation as I like take a rest or whatever, but I think a lot of times it is just about like changing. How you look at it and looking at way out of the way you're looking at it is definitely much more help healthy much healthier and just much more reasonable. It's true. Like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna and patriarchy or end racism. Whatever just like my being here. Have you seen like that? The there's like an Instagram post. I think it was that was like just because you can doesn't mean that you should yeah and that's been like a big thing for me. I think to tell myself like recently. It's just been like, you know, you just because you can do something. I'm a big light on. Want to have like a breakdown and then be like but I'll get up and do the thing. Anyway, I'll be like I'll say to my flat my old like my best friend are all like text my girlfriend feel like I can't I can't fucking do it. Like I just can't do it. And then like that is my issue is I wear a wig on and I've gone through that thing like they're light and it is hard like you you feel like you can't do something but then you you know that like physically or mentally you have the capacity to do it. If you really put yourself in like quite a lot of stress and danger and that's something that I will do. Anyway, and that's badass like you've been looking at me like oh no, I feel that damn it. It's something I think like saying no is hard especially like you talk about setting boundaries and learning to say no. It's a process of doing that and I've definitely had times as well. Like I have set boundaries. It's just not been respected. And I know as well that I'm not good at setting boundaries. I think that when you're a student it's doubly hard because like your your work is being a student but then your life is also being asked. On the people that you like doing all this work and activism with it also kind of the people that you're like friends with people that you're dating and the people that you see what I'm in class and they are professors. You never really get away. So it as well as being systemic issue. It's also like an issue in your life and your mind and it kind of gets tricky because you are doing emotional labor warm, you are kind of like even if you're not physically there in an office doing an hour on a clock Lock your they're emotionally in your mind mentally thinking everyone all and that like for me burn out really comes around when I don't recognize when I'm doing work, and I don't ever really switch off and stopped working. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think there's one thing of setting boundaries which is generally hard to set boundaries for what they are. But the hardest part is keeping them and obviously people can push them and there's I'm not saying it's totally your fault if they get pushed but I think what I've had to learn is also to be firmer and I think what stopped me is It won't hurt people's feelings or fail the revolution or like the about Ally and it's like you can't put that pressure on yourself because you're just gonna burn out and like I've seen so many people who are so involved in these movements and then now they're completely disengaged because they were so in it for those like first or years of school University and then they left and did whatever job and then we're like I can't anymore because the pressure we put on ourselves to know everything to speak in the right way to always action the most socially and politically conscious way and to spend any extra money. Ian time and emotions on furthering the cause or causes is great and it's Noble but it's not sustainable. And if you actually want to for yourself and for your communities, you need to actually like survived and continue and to grow so I think there's something about making yourself take breaks and like that's what I there's a lot of great things about having getting paid as a sabbatical officer in a way that I did volunteer work for 10 years couldn't and finally get paid for it. But other great things annual leave where you literally have a Number of days where you put in the vacation, whereas when you're a student you really have that you're like, it's semester one. It's mr. To and then it's working over the summer least. Yeah, so I think sometimes making yourself be like, you know, the third week of February. I'm not going to any meetings or I'm not gonna go on Twitter or you just make yourself take a week off every two months. Like it's a holiday. It's also important to prioritize what you are going to do as a student activist and obviously there are certain things that are potentially more important. I need to plan for that. You don't want to burn out for Cuz you know obviously there's there's so much that we can do but there are certain things that perhaps we should do if we want to be a good Ally. Yes, you need to ask yourself. Do I need to do this? Especially if you're someone so the answer could be yes for so many reasons of like your privilege in this case. So that's actually a lot easier for you to do it or could be like I'm best places. I have personal connections to the people who need to change their mind or I'm best places. I better giving speeches or writing or whatever like we all have different skills and accesses and privileges that actually can make us better suited for a job. So just because you could do it doesn't mean you can that's interesting. I'm bringing kind of like identity into it. So like, you know, the Privileges you have and the Privileges that you don't have and how that kind of plays into your decision of whether you should act and and so on. So how would you say your identity plays into the decisions? I guess you make and I'm like your activism. Yeah, I think it's integral. I mean, I guess I can probably really queer politics point of view Which is less based on identity and more based on experiences and what counts as normal and normative. I won't get too deep into that. But essentially, you know the way in which the world has seen me whether that be in terms of privileges of being white of being English speaking of being with class. I am going to private school those kinds of things or the like less Screech things like being visibly queer when I was in a very homophobic country Bermudez, like notoriously very homophobic at least, you know, in terms of social attitudes and law and less in terms of like person interpersonal violence. But yeah, I think I think subconsciously I was involved Activism is at a young age because it was the first time in my life. I felt I had control over something by just shouting a lot and having a different opinion. So like we were able to stop the government from building on this piece of land by, you know, using a bit of policy that have like direct action a bit of like networking. It was like really cool to see and like to get my fellow students to sign up petitions the age of 13. And so that was like a benign versions of self-empowerment essentially, but I think going to Montreal where I could really see that Being queer was not just a bad thing. I would deal with but actually a power to be able to see the world differently and to be able to question everything that was normative and normal and actually apply it to everything in the world and also it gave me access to learning a lot about just I did have and the ways I needed question, you know, the racism and Bermuda that hadn't really been questioned before in the world that I am in in Bermuda classes and things like that student politics like just open up a world for me. Sort of like you and you identities and activists at like 13. Yeah. It was like was it your parents at all? It was an awesome teacher as it often is so the one called teacher. She actually was from Montreal originally. She was the guidance counselor and she ran this program that kind of helps bring students across the world together machine running. She was part of it. It's called round square and it was like bringing all these students. It's probably pretty neo-colonial and retrospect but basically, Bringing together students from across the world to talk about things that were just academic. So, you know, there's a lot of pros and cons over the program, but it was cool that she had connections. She saw that I was like wanting to make change which once again in retrospect was probably just being really angry about being in a homophobic place and that sucks and I'm really depressed. Did you know anywhere when you were that age did you did I guess people silly did you know do you think that you had an understanding that you were that you were gaily? We quit I think I came out to myself as queer when I was like 15 and it was also Internet and unfortunately our IP X is now turkey used to be so good because that he's a little videos or talking out. Like I feel like I actually like all like find a cool person and I'll have to go I need to Google them first. Yeah to find out if it's anything transportation and that's so fucking sad. Yeah. I mean I had the L word. I also like, you know, it's to try on any game. Ooh. Yeah, I could stream and I'm a bit older than you. So it was hard sometimes I feel like I can't enjoy anything. Because I'm constantly like is this problematic like and that's the beauty of like early 2000s lesbian content is all problematic. You've ever watched the l-word. It's like the weirdest definitely biphobia like was ingrained in me from early career agent took me a while to be like, oh that show is questionable. But yeah, so I feel like I came out to myself was 15 and I had a girlfriend in my last two years of high school and overall school who would not very happy about that and I got involved in activism areata. So yeah, I've been but I use actresses super broad term like I was Really like this 13 year old kid with a room full of like old hippies talking about how we're going to hold signs by the side of the street to stop this development. You know, it was cute but worked. Yeah. I want to own turkey touch into it. If there's anything that you want to say about the pronoun that is and what went on during freshers week and sort of arrivals week yousa and mainly push for by you is that fair to say, yeah kind of brought out some pronoun batteries that students could choose to take if they wanted to to show like the correct. Pronouns that were the ones that they identified with and there was a massive National media backlash basically and social media backlash, right and the international yeah was that was that like an example of burnout for you? Did you burn out like be honest, you know, I think because unfortunately I've been involved in a few other media should storms I was able to just like relatively disengaged and I also like that week we as about copper statue so much that I didn't even have Too much time that you spend on it, but to be fair, I woke up on the Sunday morning. I tweeted from work on like a Wednesday got like three likes. I don't know how the telegraph or whoever found it will come on Sunday to the article being out and then it was like spreading like wildfire and yeah, you know, I luckily I think realized media is trash and I've always been more into this is it happen? So I didn't I didn't burn out because it was like the first week of semesters. Yeah, but I definitely it was a knock. I mean it was annoying because it's so basic and I'm like, there's so many reversal opinions I have in this is not one like this is controversial. Why are we debating other things that most couldn't understand it obviously also people people that weren't even at the University. We're like saying all these things. Yeah, they were always like this. This literally isn't applicable to you like you're from I like you got people's like profiles nothing like Auckland. Yeah, you'll literally on the other side of the earth and you think that this is battling is Auckland New Zealand. Oh, I was just like I can't understand why this is Is she a TA? It's like a global news kind of trend build pick up on any snow flaky type thing and then they'll spread it and I think yeah, we just can't bother to give them time to take the next day the have anywhere to called. It's like someone wants an abortion or like sex workers exist and it's like I'm happy to be along with those people because it's all reasonable opinions and activities. So yeah, it was annoying but and actually in some ways what's perverse about you know, the whole press thing is the whole, you know more all press is good press This is kind of not true for the most part but for this because it was such a hullabaloo more people found out about it. We ran out in the first few days. And if it hadn't been for the Press attention, I think people wouldn't have known about it. It started a conversation. So looking on the positive side of it all it did it did help people know about them so that when people are walking around with badges, they actually knew what that meant. And then more people need to find them, you know, it was annoying when like the tab did a poll on whether it was okay. They have not go on record needs to sort this shit out. We need to have so there's you know, there's some areas a lot of irresponsible journalism or yeah, you got me. Yeah, I think I think is well they like it was tough because like with all these kinds of things you have to balance the idea of pressing it of getting it's like not attention for these issues. But but of them to balance the idea of press and raising awareness and celebrating something that could be good with the potential backlash that they could be because that's the way the internet works and like you can have a really good thing happen. You can have an awful backlash, but you can even have a good thing happen. But the way that it's reported can be very triggering people or could bring up a lot of things that are really difficult and it's whether you're happy with that trade-off. I don't think that's a decision that like anyone ever feels particularly comfortable making yeah. Yeah, it's obvious. I mean the more people who know about something means the more people are going to be sucky about it is a technical term. So like the more people you reach the more haters are going to get like the more enemies the more right-wing the more whoever like disagrees with you. It's going to voice their opinion, so, Always a downside but also if you only ever you know Post in terms of media, social media or posters, whatever to the same people then you're not spreading your message either and there can be queer and trans people in those other areas that don't know you so yeah, it is a balance. I think in this case I had no control and I was exposed. I just didn't like it was really one of my least controversial tweets, but they just literally Hound Student Union kind of Twitter's to be like, oh, it's a slow Sunday. What can we find Austin? So, you know, that sucks. It and it would suck for obviously all the trans people having to read that and we selfie to me like these people suck but wait for most part. We already know people suck and the people of weird opinions and trash bins about pronouns. So yeah, it was I think it turned out okay, you know good to mate or conversations, but not do it again. Yeah. I feel like we will talk some debates in the second part and now it is time for a break. We're kind of Fashions are actually what what happened. I when I lived in my dad like and throughout sick form and stuff and I like bought probably my first vibrator. I think like good one and I was just like so engrossed in the fact that I now had it, but I was using it all the time every single second that I got an opportunity. Opportunity to just like yeah, I was I was just I was just doing yeah perfect doing what I needed and and it was waterproof. Right? So I would like take it into the shower me sometimes and one morning. I like how to shower use in the shower and like go out the shower brush my teeth put my row down on like the side a wipe clean side. I'm not unsanitary and God didn't come for me. I'm like then just like kind of forgot about it and like fucked off and I went and got dressed and stuff and my dad like how my dad go in the bathroom and I was like sat on my bed like fuck it's in there Johnny. It was as bright pink. It's not like it's like yeah inconspicuous like it's very clear but no he did because he addressed is what happened. See you like he was he was in the bathroom and like I was like I said Sam about it listening little Godlike. Please don't see it. But then also knowing it was like completely inevitable and then he like kind of came out the bathroom and I was heading that way. Figure like Rosie and I was like fuck I was like if he says anything like I don't know what to say what I do. So I just started like the other side of my door. It's going yeah, whatever. What has it? He's like, yeah. I'm so sorry Dad. I'm so sorry and he's like, yeah. Oh, yeah. I think you've you've my dad doesn't actually talk about this. He's sounds good. Sounds no. Yeah, he's a man. He's like, I think you got that you've left something in there. In the bathroom Rosy posy which is what he calls me and I was just like I was there like inside or being like fuck fuck. I'm such a fucking idiot like fuck it. Fuck it. All he knows that and like she has my God has Jenna told I was like, oh my God, I can never live this down and that but like to fair I just went and got it. Like he didn't say anything about it ever again. True Ally my dad a true Ally supporter. Yeah, I think so. I mean like I think a pretty light open my stuff. Anyway, let me to kind of like not, you know, we don't talk about like sex and stuff. But yeah, but like he's aware that like, you know, I am a sexual being because we all are philosophically. Yeah apart from if you don't want to be which is totally fair so hearty. I think that a great things we talked about is the gra and the reform that's currently has been going on and then went through Parliament sort of parliament all these go now and to say That we would be not reforming delay. Yeah delay. Okay. So can you explain for laymen what the gra is think of your average the average? I want to use like a gender-neutral name the average Jo Jo, what would they what would they need to know about the gra? So the name probably is useful so gra sensor gender recognition act. So it's been around since 2004. It basically is the process by which someone. Can change their gender on their birth certificate? So your birth certificate in the UK that you can change it by following the evidence requirements of the gra to get a gender recognition recognition certificate. So you change your birth certificate birth gender like tender Market with that and I'll see your legal gender. So what if it had an f and you change to an M, then your you got a new births to get this as M and for all or most purposes. Anyway, you are considered to be that gender. I mean, that's it's been around for a while because The European Court of Human Rights actually made the UK get a lock to actually make it possible. So they can we change your gender because before then for about the 30 years or so before legally people couldn't change their gender. So you'd always be whatever you were assigned at Birth. Yeah. Can we meet like yeah pop pop in there a Fab and a mob because when I first came to University, I don't know if it were talking about. Yeah, so if you like to explain a fan so when you're born doctors to Our Midwives or whatever you have 10 Look at your external genitalia and determine whether you are male or female based on whether your penis or vagina essentially if you don't then often corrected surgery is kind of use. So on people who tend to be referred to as intersex people, but we won't talk about that so much today, but most people are giving an F or an M said the male or the female see your signs that IE your doctor or Midwife has assigned you. Okay based on this your mail or based on this your female. So that's what a Fab stands for assigned female at Birth or a map is assigned male at Birth. So everyone at least in the UK, this is signed either female or male at Birth and then the gra is gender recognition Act is the law that was passed to make it possible to actually change what that markers says. So right now the evidence you need for that is you have to be over 18, you have to prove that you have lived in your acquired gender for two years and you also need to be diagnosed by a professional with gender dysphoria. So you actually did medical diagnosis usually through A gender identity Clinic of which there are very few and which usually the waiting line is, you know, you're in half two years or so. So that's the current. Yes. That's the current kind of action that's been around since his and for the last couple of years activists have been trying to change it. And so that's what the current kind of debate has been about in the last general election in Scotland. All of the political parties agreed to that they would reform it the basic tenants of Reform are wanting to make it so people under the age of 18 can find. The way to change that marker that includes like that like legally recognized will also be non binary people so it won't just be male or female. He's actually have like a third kind of gender option and also they want to take away or we want to take away the medical diagnosis and two-year living test part because even an international kind of medical diagnostic manuals things like that. It's actually like gender identity. Disorder. No longer is a real disorder. So that it's no longer a pathology. It's no longer a bad thing. So there's no reason that it needs to have a medical element at all. So you don't need to see a doctor to say you have transness anymore. So people say you should just be able to self to Claire. So that means you can just on a piece of paper say yes. I am a man. I want my birth certificate to be changed in em, and that's that you just make a legal declaration to say that that will be a permanent change. Yeah. So when you see that they also proof you've lived in your in the Oh that you're trying to change the quantity required. So yeah the same. Like terminology becomes so when they ask for proof that you have been living in your acquired gender, what kind of proof is that? So I guess full disclosures. I haven't done this process. My birth certificate is in Australia, which is super cute. So I had to find a whole other he's a whole other logic change my birth certificate there, but I have changed my password here and it's worth noting that passports your NHS kind of number your driver's license a lot of other identification. You can change a lot easier. You don't need to change it through Through this process. So I just needed my under doctor to write a letter saying that I would make a change to mail as they think I am my change the male's permanent as all of its needed a letter. So actually the GRC is and your birth certificate isn't used to for that much anymore. But I still obviously is a problem that you probably won't changed around things like determines whether your same sex marriage and marriage married married, you know, it has some some impact so The process is way more intense for getting your birth certificate changed. And yeah, this point of having two years proof like they asked for it. So inconsistent like you read reports and some people get admonished for getting too much information say they have a full photo album showing look, here's me dressed as you think is a woman or just these things as a man and they have to prove and they have letters from their employers their friends their doctors people in their life to prove that they've been living in that gender and in theory like they say the reason is so that you Definitely know how hard it's gonna be don't say it like this, but it's inferred that you need to know what the consequences are of you transitioning. They say it's you know to help prepare you but why would she want to be like that some kind of like troll my violin - yeah. I mean, I think it is and that's I think that's essentially a big reason why we want to change it is like there's no reason why people have to do that without having legal protection or recognition so that they can be protected by having, you know, the driver's license and birth certificates that they need to have. It's kind of just a remnant of we know better than you. Let's triple check and how we're going to do. It is see if you can handle living in the world as a trans woman or transmission and say assumes to be binary. So two choices. I think it's I think it's realistic as a trial by fire to be like if you can't handle this and we're not going to do almost like a ditch Heron. Yeah, their logic is we need to you to have not woken up today and just decide you want to be a woman and then like change her birth certificate, which is a ridiculous but prominent argument on the other side. So they Prove that there's some kind of consistency to your feelings which the gender clinics also do. So my understanding is that most Scottish people and many like these two or three surveys that I've seen mostly supported the gra. Yeah and yet it's being pushed and delayed since 2004. Yeah. So who are the main voices and like what are their arguments? So for uniform the consultation so the government of a consultation which means like organizations individuals can all write in and say how they feel about the proposed changes. Has so they suggested these proposed changes and of self-declaration. So once again being able to say I'm a man or I'm a woman and that's like how you change your breasts to get adding a non-binary kind of category was also the option or opening up 200 teens. So they put out this consultation late 2017. I closed early like March 2018. And yeah the overwhelming majority of people agreed with the proposed changes with obviously understandable caveats and less understandable Gabby and It's after that and during that an increasing like increasingly loud voice of what we would term like Turf so trans exclusionary radical feminists have been organizing quite effectively frankly. So you have groups like for women Scott you have groups like women and girls in Scotland you have four. Well you got so that's like kind of Scotland ones. Yeah a couple of like broader English ones so they came in and have been like, I mean some of them submitted consultation responses, but since they've been holding events, they've been now focused on the census which was a huge area of focus around this question to of whether people can self declare their sex on a census since it's a huge data collection exercise that the country does every 10 years. And so it's very important with that data determines Health policy determines just like State planning. So that was another kind of proxy debate over whether trans people should be considered a gender they are or what's on the birth certificate. So they're growing and growing these kind of what we were turned I would term Earth's are growing as a group of people who Proclaim to be, you know, talking about the silenced women, but are really just recycling old 1970s transphobic feminists and all these little things woman is predominantly women and it is predominantly it has been said in my experience with all of these groups is predominantly white middle class saw the old woman who have identified a lot of the time as lesbians. I think that a lot of the rhetoric that they use Is really on this issue of trans activism erases lesbians and erases the fight for lesbian equality. And a lot of this is just done on Twitter, which seems like totally wild me, you know, there's like a lot of this really seriously debate is being had or on Twitter and it is being put out into the world in let massive massive quantities and you get like pylons of people and people that are tough having these really abusive and conversations about trans women. That's right. And do you think that all this debate online makes it really difficult people to form educated opinions on the gra. I mean, I think a lot as well about like me had brexit going on and people trying to make informed decisions about something that the government was asking for opinions on and there was so much misinformation being spread all over the internet people from all kinds of different places and like that. What will the impact of that being at these these online spaces that The increasingly more young people using hmm. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I guess the short answer is no it's not a good way for people to learn. I think Twitter, you know used to be Tumblr. Maybe it's still Tumblr. I don't know Facebook, you know, all these social media platforms usually get into your own bubble and you talk to each other and occasionally you like fight with another award group and get your comrades or whatever to attack them as well. And it's always the energy and I don't have a public Twitter for that reason and I just don't engage with it online because it's a waste of energy. I think you know in a social movement, you're not trying to convince your total opposite to your opponent's you're actually just trying to educate and inform the people who are as fence sitters who actually don't know what it means to be trans don't understand why it's really important for a census to look like this or for adverse to get to look like this and that are willing to be open to be educated. But often online people spend a lot of energy trying to fight say goodnight. Julie bindle. He was like a big term and she's super against likes working against trans people also, This kind of narrative of lesbianism being erased. She also thinks that gay men shouldn't be How to use female surrogates to have children so that's enough. Yeah, aren't you know what I'm saying by people don't exist. Like she's a lot of bad opinions. It's like a casino here. But yeah, it's essentially it's just I don't think worth the arguments. It's always you need to call people out and so far as like not let it slide but I think I like to use more of my energy in this kind of not how not to burn out. He's more of your energy with talking to and working with people in person if possible, but certainly people who are willing to listen, I guess your earlier point about lesbian Erasure being an interesting axis of kind of discussion in this so like I worked as my dissertation has been looking at the kind of Scottish debates over gender recognition and the gra in the census debate also the prison protocol here, which is based on self-declaration and also like the gender reassignment protocol so that kind of NHS Medical side of all of this. It's been really interesting to look at. I honestly felt like a whole week or two reading just pure Turf kind of academic work or reports or consultations and I think is always useful actually to read what your opponents are are putting out or to hear what their tactics are and the way that you're talking about because I mean, it's just good as any kind of person to understand your enemy, but also it really shows you where you agree and disagree not that I agree with. Most tenants of turf Dem but the radical feminist part. I do consider myself to be radical feminists just a trans inclusionary one is like really interesting because a lot of what they're talking about does have to do with you know, questioning social gender roles or questioning the roots of some of the kind of forms of misogyny. A lot of people tend to see a lot of tough rhetoric and discussion as being part of a movement for gender abolition and getting red of peace. Really by your ideas. Yeah, so there's some like really appealing parts of what they talked about. But I think and you know, there's like less appealing parts of some of the more liberal trans rights stuff that like, I don't think actually gender recognition is the be-all and end-all. I would love to see a situation where the government had no say in what they called gender you are and didn't assign it at all and that's not even on the table. So it's kind of interesting to hear what they say. But the lesbian Erasure part, I mean, it's the same stuff when so we said let's take out talk about single like sex faces. So like women only spaces to huge. Area of debate so you have things like Rape Crisis centers or you have prisons or you have swimming pools. Whatever it be that's a huge point where Terps are like, we don't want trans women because a lot of obviously a lot of their their work is more about being trans women because they think trans men are just like dupes to the patriarchy so they kind of ignore trans man and then trans women are all like, you know these people coming in and trying to infiltrate to women's faces. That was the exact same argument that was used against lesbians going into women's faces, but 20 30 years. Go it's the same like you can look at some of the newspaper articles in the arguments. It is the same stuff of like lesbians aren't real women. They can't come into our spaces. They're going to assault as they're going to not understand where were coming from and that is unfortunately now being used by the people who were once oppressed by that narrative are now using it to impress another group that they don't agree with so almost all of the debates now have have direct routes to you know, one of the first pieces of turf writing was Janice Ravens a transsexual Empire and you can see this same kind of General notes and the same debates and same arguments as to why trans people shouldn't exist or don't exist. She's famously want felt that trans people could be like morally argued out of existence. So it's all very hyper academic very like, you know, what is social theory But ultimately incredibly dangerous. So it's nothing new feminists being racist or transphobic or homophobic that's always been a problem, but it's been wild to me to be honest being in the And see how much money how much support how much access how much anyway platforms that Turf here in a way that Canada there was this dog is being Sons, which is really what we were saying about social media and you know on one hand you're saying that the third debate or just the basic terms have between each other is a really academic one. But on the other there are a lot of what they're doing is on Twitter and then at the beginning of the podcast in part when we were talking about how a university space is a little it can be elitist and it can be an accessible or inaccessible in a way. I think that having those debates online is actually a good suit or can be a good solution if you know how to curate your feet essentially and if you know that, you know, if you're educated as to how you should be using online spaces and like, you know, don't just stay in your bubble and like read other things and things like that and I think in that way having an online debate like I think that is one You see I don't I said I don't agree with most tense chirps them but I do like the idea of having a lot of the base that you have online which obviously can be very very negative. If all you're doing is just debating online. You actually not doing any any other work beyond that but I think it is such a good way of like getting to people especially people who don't have access to those debates unlike in a university setting or in any kind of like Elite setting or so. I think I really I really agree with that point. In some senses, but then I also think about how like this space is almost basically created this kind of like platform. It's really hard to filter or switch off. Whereas I think if you are going when it comes to like debate and discourse, which is a word that people use increasingly now to describe the kinds of conversations that have been had like you go she was space knowing that that will be there and you consent to engaging with it whereas online I think that because our personal accounts Increasingly they kind of infiltrated with this kind of content it then becomes really impossible to know if you're entering that space and know when you can leave it people think that they you know, people think that they expect a response from you people think that they expect people think that they deserve for you to engage and for you to engage in discourse with them. Yeah and for you to really give an answer to all questions or be held accountable to the things that they're asking of you. Yeah, and I think that online activism and like like I think the whole big hashtag activism and stuff like that. I think that a lot of time can be really useful in terms of mobilizing lot of people large groups of people and building critical masses behind movements and like the surfer accessing things that might actually be housing quite like Ali to spaces and spaces that really are prioritizing people from a certain background makes it more accessible. But then I also worry that now that a lot more young people are using all those bases to learn about their identity that have Is kinds of discussions online means it's really hard to step away. Yeah when you're being abused, but I wonder whether the solution to that should instead of just not having those debates online should just be education as to how to have the debate and how to just know it like no one to say no no one to leave and just kind of maintain some kind of etiquette on online spaces. We look I have no judgment of people who do engage in debates turf wars if you will, I think Upon the previous conversation of burnout. I just need to decide where what I need to be doing and where my energy needs to be and where I most useful and I don't think that's online debate. I think I mean the internet is huge tool for democratizing information making accessible all of this kind of knowledge. So totally don't think you know, we should just take it all off the internet, but I think the difference between debate or discourse and educating so the internet yeah huge resource for educating people for being people on board having discussions, but I think, you know having a back-and-forth of You know with most of these crude like arguments are just like you have a peanut is um, that's your man. Like, you know, it's just like it's not even worth debating people who have no respect for your existence and I think the educated people who want to be educated but don't waste your time. I wouldn't waste my time anymore on like online debating and I think there's also a difference between what are you debating? If it's like some of the events here have been clearly more like here being Attenborough have been clearly more about weather. Trans women should count as well and that's what it all comes down to right often the hate that being simplified terms are like no it's not just about or trans women, but it usually is we can have debates about gender what it means or we could have debates about best way to measure something. Is it about what body you have for some forms of healthcare? Yeah. You need to know how many services are on the country maybe for that. So how do you ask that? You know, you have debates over whether like, whether we then ask people whether they have Services we asked people whether they're discriminating it against his women like that's a debate area you could have But most of the coding that people use for debate isn't an actual debate. It's giving equal platform to a small group of like, you know, discriminatory horrible transphobes and saying that they count as the woman's voice and then giving an equal voice to people who fought for decades just for basic liberal rights of trans people. And so yeah, I think the kind of debate idea comes into trouble and that sense of you have discussions over how to implement things but there's some things I don't Ink that need further conversation, which is whether trans people should be able to identify know themselves better than doctors do yeah. So before we bring us to a we close, could you maybe talk about the haps an easy thing for people want to be a better Ally trans friends family people that they engage with like a simple thing that they could do currently the might help to improve. Either something like a policy level or just everyday life. Yeah, I mean Thursday equal recognition campaign is the kind of campaign around the gender recognition acts reform so you can find out what they're doing. So it's got strands Alliance has a lot of that work and essentially like the government has said they are pausing on their updates of Reform until they have another consultation, right and hopefully by the end of this year. We'll have a kind of Bill brought to Parliament, but that that other consultation will need a lot of people to write in and say what their points of view are. So that's like a very tangible way to engage and I also think I can be sneaky and say to like so much of the debate has become about this policy or about law or about the state's power to Define our genders. So I guess less tangible thing is to start questioning why we need to know gender is how we know what tenders are and whether like the state needs to be in the business of defining us at all. Right kind of wearing-- the ideas that we have about what trans people need me. Sometimes trans people just need to not be attacked or they need to get money so they can live or they need jobs. If you can employ people, you know, get to the real nitty-gritty day-to-day lives of trans people and figure out how you could help with that. Yeah. Wow, there's a lot to digest their thing. Is not the same as when I was punched in the old days was enough the car games and he's with better solve blood I wasn't but I want my mother's love is true. I'm sick of words that hang above my head. What about the kid? It's time to kick off free. Hi. I know my plaster me to go. Yeah sure got right. So my my plus this week and today is literally so simple. I just had a really really good slice of cake today. That's what it is. Yeah, really? In really brilliant cakes work and say amazing for the pastry section in in Stockbridge and it was very very good my apply kind of following on from we talked about Kyra's that is literally just a Scottish trans Alliance and to like their Facebook page, which I'll put a link to in the description of this episode and because they are constantly putting out content that just gives really simple and helpful ways to engage with trans people in and around Scotland to be supportive and to help shape. Keep things going forward and they also have started to offer really brilliant training and skill workshops people that want to be involved in activism and it's a really good way to get involved in activism. That's my plug good one. So my Plus for this week, I think is my cousin who listens to a podcast and their homophobia country of Poland and I don't even have to like get her to listen to it. She just saw it on my on my Instagram. That's really annoying. So I've had to make all of my friends until you say Exactly. She's literally the only person texted me and I was like, oh my gosh, I listened to your podcast because yeah, so so hi cousin. I hope you listen to this one as well. So try it feels awesome. Little baby sounds see that's like that's about she's are obviously really good being uppity new generation of yeah, of course, I'm gonna convert your kid. Am I plug I think would be the teaching matters platform because they're pretty cool, honestly. Lee they're not they're not like a queer thing but you know if you have any any queries about about uni about what about I don't know lecture recording or well-being or anything like that, they've got your card they've got pretty cool shit on there and if you want to write for them if you want to make uni life easier for anyone I guess you can you can do that. I've also read a book for them. So that's yeah. Yeah. Look at look at her over there. So I guess for me my Plus. Is that I submitted my Master's dissertation Grassley past and finish that degree which can raise and then my plug is a brilliant other podcast. It's called one from the vaults. So it's by Morgan and Paige. He's very lucky to have as a good friend of mine and who does really a podcast looking at people in trans history because there are far more people than just those at Stonewall who've been involved. I feel like people just kind of Mercy P Johnson. It's good to kind of know some more folks as and from different countries as well and different eras. So would highly recommend checking out on Soundcloud and having listened. Yeah. Well like them and Dad. Yeah, she's totally insane. Yeah easy access we're going to do the same thing. You did last time one, two, three trans rights are human rights. snake out
(CW: transphobia, mental health, homophobia) Welcome back to the podcast! In this episode, Kags and Rosie chat to true Edinburgh icon Kai O’Doherty (they/them), who’s true excellence is fully celebrated in the intro. The trio chat about the paths to activism in queer communities, setting boundaries, the GRA, and hate speech in online spaces. Here is some more information on the GRA to get you up to speed:; Through this link you can access feedback to Scotland’s public consultation once it is published:; You can support the movement for trans* rights and recognition by writing to your MSP using this simple and quick template from the Equality Network: Do check out these articles and tell us what you think on Twitter and Instagram or by emailing us (Instagram: @whatsqueerhere Twitter: @WhatsQueerHere Email: [email protected]). You can find them through their website and on Twitter @UoE_Teaching The Scottish Trans Alliance (STA) offer friendly and accessible information, routes to activism, and signposting to resources through their website and on Twitter @ScottishTrans Listen to One From The Vaults over at soundcloud: It is described by its creator as being "....the podcast that brings you all the dirt, gossip, and glamour from trans history!".
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These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you and your expansion and help connect you with your intuition and highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign. It's up. You to get specific. I suggest that you listen to the horoscope for your son and your rising sign. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website and bodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, please also take a listen to embody destroy. Edgy for cancer season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of cancers the dial energy through our bodies hearts Minds relationships and the World At Large. Everyone has every sign in their chart and cancer represents amazing and important energy for each of us. You can find the cancer season episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platform. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free if this work benefits you in your life, please consider. Taking a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going recurring monthly donations can be made at any amount and will grant you access to my expanded monthly reports. These reports are 15 to 20 pages that outline the upcoming months most important planetary aspects of lunar cycles and offer suggestions for how to work most effectively with this astrological energy if Financial contributions aren't possible for you at this time. The number one way you can support this work is by sharing it with your family friends and networks, finally. I want to add a special announcement for any of you who are ready to dive deeper with embodied astrology in your life this Autumn from September 28th through October 2nd. I'm offering a very special retreat in southern Washington. We're going to be exploring the expansive potential and personal manifestation power of Jupiter and Capricorn. This is a year-long Transit which goes from December 2019 through December 2020 this three-day Retreat includes daily movement meditation art writing and astrology classes where you'll learn how To work with your own chart and you'll still have time for long walks on the beach hot saunas and good company get more information at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone now onto your horoscopes. Hello Pisces. Thanks for listening. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead forecast for cancer season cancer season extends between June 21st and July 22nd. This is the time of year when the sun is radiating the light of cancer and Shining this light upon the Earth stimulating the cancer ruled astrological body parts and corresponding emotional reactions responses and behaviors. Please make Sure to listen to embodied astrology for cancer season to understand more about how these diagonal energy of cancer works in your body and works in the world. This report gives you some skills and tools and ideas to apply with everything that I'm about to talk about over the upcoming month. So for you as a fellow water sign Cancer is a very personal energy and in the Pisces solar chart cancer holds the solar fifth house. This is the place of your personal expression how you are unique in the world what it is that you uniquely have to offer and to express. This is the place of your creativity your joy your passion your playfulness your inner child. And if you're a parent or a parent figure also your children the sun entering this part of the chart brings more emphasis and awareness to these themes and the sun illuminates. It's some other planetary energy that is already in cancer since last summer the eclipses have happened in July and August in the cancer season. So we have the North Node which is one of the eclipse points in cancer for the last month and a half or so. The planet Mars has been in cancer. And for the last few weeks the planet Mercury has been in cancer wherever Mars is it brings action brings more excitement. It brings drive it brings desire it can also So bring aggression or confrontation wherever Mercury is it's bringing communication. It's bringing thought it's bringing mental activity and exchange and the need to use language and this is both the language of thought and the language that we're sharing with others. So there's a lot of activity in the part of your chart that has to do with personal expression. And this is the part of the chart that's most stimulated over the course of the next month as well as the opposite place. In the chart, the opposite sign of cancer is Capricorn and the opposite place in the chart is the 11th house Capricorn and Cancer are an axis of emotion and containment Capricorn is a sign that encourages us to be mature responsible. Sometimes not emotional to really kind of uphold ourselves with some degree of refinement and discipline the 11th house in your chart has to do with the future outcomes of your Creative projects with your larger social networks and with the idea of your influence and emphasis kind of Rippling out around you and into a larger social hole and into future effect. So as I talk now about your month ahead these parts of the chart are going to get mentioned a number of times. And again, this is the main theme in the chart. However, as we enter cancer season the first couple of days, especially on June 23rd and 24th. Venus is what's making aspects and Venus is currently in Gemini. This is your solar fourth house of Home and Family Venus will make a few hard aspects in opposition to Jupiter and in conjunction to Saturn and a square to Neptune in your sign of Pisces some themes for these couple of days could include an awareness of how you are evolving kind of who you are in the world right now and what this means for your path and also for your home and for your family, so Venus is as I mentioned currently traveling through the fourth house of home and family and there might be a lot of ideas right now about how you want to relate in this part of your life home and family are just as much Concepts and metaphors or symbolism as they are actual things. And so please listen for the symbolism. But also this may very much have to do literally with the people you live. With your family of origin or with your actual homes. There is a desire right now for your energy to grow out to get bigger to go off on some kind of Adventure how you balance this need with your home life is what's in question and you're in a space right now of evolution with Neptune in your sign. There's a big need for expansion right now of your own ideas of who you are and what it is that you want to be expressing again. On how you're relating to your inner child to your need to express to your need to be creative. But also just who you are as a being you're in a state of a lot of change and your home is a place that you incur but it's also sometimes a place that anchors you and the the sentiment right now is you you want to be growing in some way and this may have something to do with your home or away that you're engaging with home and family or it may be really like kneading. To get out to spread your wings to feel a little bit more space. But how you do that is going to be something that you're probably mulling over for the first couple of days of cancer season and then as we get into the 26th and those 28 your may be starting to think a little bit more in terms of practicality schedule Logistics Mercury moves into Leo on June 26th. And on June 28th Mercury begins what's called its storm. And this is the period of time before the retrograde Mercury will turn retrograde at 4 degrees of Leo on July 7th and between July 7th in August 2nd Mercury will travel back into the late degrees of cancer. This part of your chart is the place where your creative projects where your personal expression your your kind of liveliness and and joy and enthusiasm meet the practical. Eater of your day-to-day and your schedule and how you're living your life all of us. I think probably most of us want to live our lives doing the things that we love and we also have to be useful in the world and we have to figure out how to get our needs met. So the Practical concerns and how they relate to fun and to your personal expression to your kind of growing enthusiasm for Some kind of creative project or expansion of yourself. If you are a parent I should say also that the fifth house has or I think I mentioned this has Association to children and to your inner child, but in the 6th house we go to work we figure out how to sustain ourselves. We get practical we figure out what's useful Etc. So during Mercury's retrograde you're figuring something out if there are creative projects that you're trying to figure out how to get off the Ground if you're trying to form a bridge or transition into some new period of your life if your children are in a state of growth and they're trying to assume more responsibility or if you're wanting them to assume more responsibility this period of time is going to be a time when you're negotiating but also it's not really a time when answers are arising Mercury retrograde is always a time to practice. The re words remain reflect revised redefine during this this cycle July 7th through August 2nd. Don't make big decisions. If you possibly can consider the decisions look at them from all angles reflect on what it is that you really want. But you may not have all the information that you need in order to move forward if you're already in process with something feel free to move ahead but as Always with Mercury retrograde and this probably isn't a bad idea for the rest of the time either be mindful. Make sure you have information make sure you are being as considerate and careful as you possibly can and if possible if you are making decisions or signing contracts or making purchases that are important get as much leniency as you can ask for the option to change your mind later because it's quite able that you will want to on July 2nd. There is a solar eclipse and new moon at 10 degrees of cancer. Again, this is in your solar fifth house. This is the place of your Creative Energy your childlike. Joy and your children a new moon is always a time for new beginnings and an eclipse supercharges illumination cycle. So we have a new beginning right now that could Propel you into the next decade of your life. Consider your joy. Sitter your vital energy. What is it that fills your heart when and where and how do you feel your most centered your most authentic your most expanded commit to making space and time for whatever. This is for. However, this is and nourishing this part of yourself with as much care as you possibly can cancer is a sign that asks us to nourish and to nurture and to include Food we want to protect and make space for what is sacred to us. And what we love dearly right. Now. What you love dearly is your childlike Essence your joy your passion Your Enthusiasm and your children if you have them, so this is a new moon to really think about what you want to grow in these themes in this area of your life. Particularly. This is emphasized with Venus. Into cancer on July 3rd Venus will Transit the sign through the end of the month on July 29th, wherever Venus is it brings Beauty. It brings magnetism. It brings attractiveness and love Venus in this part of your chart encourages you to attend to your joy to do what it is that makes you happy to shower love upon your children to encourage them to be their authentic selves Etc on July 8th and 9th. We have a number of different aspects and these aspects all ring a fair amount of energy with them on the 8th Mercury and Mars are conjunct in the early degrees of Leo Chiron also stations retrograde that day and it will travel retrograde through Aries until mid-December. There are several aspects that Venus and the sun both make in cancer across the Zodiac to planets in Capricorn and Pisces, especially on the 8th and the 9th and also on the 9th we have the second quarter square that Circle moon in the sign Libra on the 8th and the 9th. It's particularly advised for you to move slowly. This is right in the middle of Mercury's retrograde. There's a lot to be considering the aspects that are being made bring a lot of energy into these parts of your chart that have to do with your expression. But also with your application with your jobs with your tasks with your duties and how you are subsisting through your life Chiron. Retrograde is in its stimulating the part of your chart that has to do with your values your value systems, but also your personal wealth and your resources Chiron is a healing influence and one of the ways that I can interpret this. Is that the more you recognize what it is that is really bringing you Joy. That's really bringing you happiness and that you commit to it the more your value systems can adjust and the more you will then find ways. To attract value and resource into your life that is harmonizing with your true desires and with your heart for some of you this is a time when you may really want to consider your money and how you're using your money and where the energy of your money is either coming from and going towards if you're a person who has money to invest definitely consider investing in sustainability investing in causes that are healing Chiron. On is a healing force and it heals through psychological awareness as it moves through your house of money and resources. It's definitely important for you to be aware of how you're relating to issues of security and finance. And yeah how you're using this energy and how this energy is now Rippling out into the world through you on July 16th. There is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn Capricorn is the Is it sign of Cancer as I mentioned it is the ruler of your solar 11th house. The lunar eclipse is conjunct to the South node and very close to Saturn and Pluto and Saturn and Pluto have been moving through Capricorn quite close to one another all of 2019 this aspect suggest a retraction and also a reckoning of some kind the South node is encouraging us to let go and to release of old and outdated. Dated ideas. Again. This part of your chart has to do with the larger influences and impact of your Creative Energy your hopes. Your fear is your worries for the future and also your larger Social Circle is your networks. It's important for you right now that you are socializing and networking with people who are in in Integrity. These are people who are not flamboyant they are not Baker's you want to be around people who you really resonate with who you can trust who are going to be accountable and who are also going to ask for accountability from you you want responsibility and commitment in your relationships. You don't need a ton of friends, but you do need friends that you can count on right now the South node in this part of your chart suggests some kind of releasing of social status. So if there are ideas that you've had about oh, this is how I'm going to be in A future this is the thing that I'm striving for those ideas. Perhaps are outdated perhaps they're anchored or rooted in some kind of notion of yourself that actually isn't that aligned to who you are right. Now. You want to be including your heart more and more you want to be including your joy and your joyful expression at this full moon There's an opportunity for you to reflect on how you express This Joy out into the world and what it is or where it is that perhaps This to your joy exist. Those are the places to work on letting go on the last day of cancer season. There is an opposition between Venus in cancer and Pluto and Charon and Pluto in Capricorn that emphasizes the scene that I was just talking about transformation is the name of the game in your Social Circles and in the idea of your place and the future of things you're ready for a new chapter in your your life is the sense that I get and this chapter is going to have to begin with your authenticity with your joy. You cannot function from outdated expectations for yourself. You can't function from shoulds or Notions of Duty and responsibility that aren't really aligned for you right now. Now you obviously need to do this in a way that is responsible and that's caring especially for your children. You have them and also encourages your children to think responsibly for themselves, but it is quite important for you right now to be in a space of listening and recognizing that sustainability is something that you can come back to everyday. And so if there's a feeling of forcing yourself into something that that feeling is going to probably drive you to make some big changes over the course of the summer and around these cesare times when a lot of change can happen eclipses are known for bringing quite significant change into our lives. So notice notice what comes up if you're getting a clue that something needs to change. It's generally better for you to make those changes yourself then to wait for the universe to do it for you. You usually have a better idea of what it is that you want and sometimes if we kind of weight on it and put it off for too long. The universal forces, you know, just they act for us. They do something that might feel a little bit like not quite what we wanted. So listen deeply what is it that you want for your future. How do you want to be expressing yourself? When do you feel the most alive? These are the places to really encourage and lean into right. Now as we go through the month make sure to check back in with embodied astrology around the new and the full moons on July. And we have a new moon and lunar eclipse in cancer. And again on the 16th. There is a full moon and it Clips in Capricorn. So I'll be releasing podcasts and meditations or rituals for those eclipses working with that energy and giving you a little bit more information about their astrological significance. So stay up to date with me there. That's what I have for you for now my friend. I hope that this horoscope is useful for you wishing you all the best in cancer season by Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Cancer Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between June 21 - July 22 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Cancer Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Cancer’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Cancerian influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Cancer season (June 21-July 22), and also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Cancer's qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Cancer Season: Get the Cancer Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESP n of T v-- talk now let the buzz Hey Dad, the massive right there. You got the AfterBuzz going the Mac clich Kevin to see Mac doing things all over your internet screen the bottom the bumper shell head big Big Show season premiere at Full Sail University were talking about matches talking about promos and all that, but we do listen. Reduce our panel on the far far left. She is a newest correspondent and women's pro wrestling weekly give it up for Emily met. Hey happy to be here again another week. Yeah and exceedingly strong. Are you thoughts overall thoughts about the show will hold on to look at you as like a father that on the right are you we have one of the hardest-working ladies in the business today, you called it. Can Assassin give it up for Miss take can't turn that bonjour. All right your hot tea I'm looking for Jack farmer. He's across the hall prepping right now for his debut edition of all leaves rustling right here in AfterBuzz TV wrestling a story stick around for that. If you're not a traitor back, oh overall top of the show. I'm gonna start with you and Lexie season premiere full two hours on USA. No longer that that split Network business at the Mac in the chat, by the way. I just want to let you know I have forgiven you what that was two days ago. Yes. Yes, I have forgiven you because you did such a great job of the bumpy. You guys are not watching that show. It is all you can find on YouTube. You can find the network. You can find it everywhere because of a Mac is Eva Mackey did such a great job today. I have now forgiven him for his transgressions that he did on Monday. That seems awfully Canadian. He the Chet I forgive you. I forgive you. I'm just saying that sounds like my little brother. It's always love but you know, I'm sitting on your bad side. So I think the NX team they brought it tonight. I think the matches were dynamic. They the championship matches were all there. I think they highlighted the right people this time. I was just I was really just loved it. And I'm I'm very happy that they brought it here to kill me ask you. I know I'm in the first two weeks. We have the double Network thing real. Well, it kind of feels like watching choose shows back to back in two hours. Did it feel any better having it one experience or this is the still seem like well, if so get used to Annex T it worried that we as hosts are in a predicament because we cover, you know, we're not exclusive to a network and we cover wrestling so it's a lot to like, you know, you have n XT n aw, unfortunately our studios are set up. So to Maria and Keven AfterBuzz we could watch you know, both kind of sort of so the two hours just seemed like Lot just to me because it was a very heavy wrestling day. Yeah, but to the viewer, I think it was an amazing show the two hours. They had something it wasn't like how raw of yesteryear where it's like you had the three hours and you're like, okay an hour was just not even necessary true with NXT. Everything made sense. They had storylines and the stuff to look forward to so the tattoo hours actually was jam-packed and I think it was a good start. They definitely even if they even if they think aw is not Not to their level the the the onset of aw, and mlw and impact and all these other wrestling shows. We pretty much almost rest watch resting almost every night and stepped up WWE's game absolute to at least maintain their, you know, dominance turn on the networks and what I what I felt like this morning waking up is that we all get to watch all of these amazing wrestling shows in this week, and that's so exciting for wrestling fans and even new people that Might not have watched it before it's a whole new audience. They're excited. And I think we should just be supportive and just be excited that we get to watch these amazing people do what they love. Yeah. Absolutely. I've been at AfterBuzz from little less than a year now and I was used to start watching the the wrestling shows though. Some will walk by and be like, hey, what's that? Okay cool. But today with both shows going on beside the side universe is hanging around. That's everyone was like, oh what's this and they want to like watch it and see like we kind of had dual screens. Yeah Oscar's because because I just opened up with the NXT title match of mat reverses Adam Cole baby. Matt real got the opportunity. I didn't think is going to win this one, but the Mets itself was stiff talked about this one TK is a great match and it's one of those things where I've wanted Matt riddle to take the Bilbao know if he's ready to take the belt and it's even though some people still concerned NXT developmental. It's on network TV. Yeah, so there's just a lot more at stake, you know, as far as eyes and you can't Be whatever on the mic you can't just be whatever on character especially since the new show. So, you know, I think he's ready on a looks wise on a brand wise but as far as carrying the belt, I don't know what these ready just yet. But I'm excited to see maybe them go at it one more time to see you know to say hey, we're on network TV. You need to step it up. What about that that on today's episode the bumper Seth Rollins be like, I don't like Matt riddle. I thought that was pretty cool. I don't know think I'd be a match coming up or well, I mean that's that's I think NXT doesn't need to be a developmental thing. We also obviously I'm no we're gonna talk about Finn Balor coming out. He's at NXT boat. Now why can't other wrestlers come that where I why can't they, you know certain wrestlers who have that name come down and it seems like look I don't care who you are. I think your trash and I'm gonna make sure that everybody knows that and that would be awesome. Right and that would draw a rating. I mean, I think tonight was an example of where they're totally throwing everything out the window and saying, you know what we can do anything because all of our Was have a network audience, right? So I'll talk to you Emily when Balor came out. We're doing the hands in the air. You know, you just didn't think yeah, man, it's cool. It's all good. Just talk with you that I mean, here's a guy you thought it was he was not something someone SummerSlam against the things he was offered two months. He thought he's going to be coming back to Raw get revenge but and exceeds his choice. I mean, I think the fans were all kind of wondering like what his next step is going to be married and yapping on married and you know and wondering like because everyone's still trying to figure out you know, where is good who's going where we're going where there's like a shift and you know, I think it was I think it's a really cool move and it's some it surprised a lot of people. I'm pretty sure it did surprise me. I was like my mouth was open. It was like screaming and I see ya the person who always puts two thumbs down on the show before you even start the show like, I'm just so curious they get no love being on the gift. Love Heywood Walmart saying Balor estimation point Exclamation point From shock wave we get to call us today? Yeah, so you guys can interact with the show whenever you get the chance you by hitting us up at a magical number 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 2. Once again, that's 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 2 before we move on to our next matchup taquitos world the favor how they can watch this after Bush show and author of the book shelves. Well, here's the deal folks whose man. My name is Nick and Janette. If you want to watch this show you can catch us on YouTube. Obviously through watches YouTube make sure you hit that subscribe button. Definitely leave comments. Be read. All the comments or flowy read all the comments and let us know iTunes Spotify all that good stuff. Make sure you for iTunes five stars are better because we are the ESPN of talk TV and without you guys we want to be the best and we're the best at everything. That's your shout out to external shock wave and Miss Eva who did put reviews on our iTunes Channel external shock wave says this Palace has personally you guys have been tagged me on your tweets and retweets It's just sometimes Wednesday's get like crazy. So I do see them. I just want to have something more creative to say back. So I do like I do like the popular Hollywood loves you. I just don't want you to think I'm like bujji is just life. I wake up at 2:00 in the morning. I don't think she hustles. So I do see them. I appreciate it. Please keep them coming. I do thank you for all the birthday wishes during birth fast, you know one blanket email like it comment saying what our fans but Chopsticks are no Shockwave who actually reviewed the show last week since the panel is great and We Endeavour the thoughts of superstars championships and overall product of NXT. It's a great time to unwind the listen to others top pro wrestling. He asked him to get aw after show. You know, what you got what you wanted and is coming next week. We're just finding a day. So for you guys who been sending me tweets Total Divas is going to be coming. We're just finding a date and I am 95% Sure. I'll be covering it. I also miss Eva can't do says enjoy hearing every recap and try to join the live chat as much as possible flow TK and Jack Jim provide in-depth reviews and not only that match one of the wrestlers this podcast will be a gym two people tuning in after the move the USA. So our next match was dark EO Sharia taking a me a yam now the match result. How do you try going over? But TK you were speaking ahead know what I mean like that just like that. It was just way too much black, which you'd probably never hear me say it was just one of those things where I've been for a long period time outside of WWE. They're very great wrestlers and it felt like they built me a Yim up to a certain extent a couple weeks ago and now it's just like, okay. Well now we're on a network. We don't really know what to do with you. So we're just going to bury you there we go. That's what felt like wow. Yeah, you're great and I thought it was A really precise match it showcased, you know it showcase these two women really really well and I'm really glad that they did that and I think it's going to give them I see I don't agree that she got married because I think this is just the beginning of her being showcased even more if they give her a storyline if they give a strong line, but there that's the problem. They're still gonna try. So the way that this episode was was formatted from what from seeing it from beginning to end. Is that you had the big Championship storyline matches? And then you had kind of ones in between that they were still trying to establish who was they're introducing we're introducing. So we have a mix of matches that are in different phases. And so we just kind of have to embrace that and I think you're going to see her get I embrace later. I'm in mind it because the season premiere didn't have any like jobber matches and me is the only face left that hasn't been elevated. It's so like even though it's a losing streak for me. I didn't mind it as much but if it happens again, well, it sounds yeah the thing we've seen it on other WWE promotions as far as what they do with other wrestlers in women wrestlers and other wrestlers. So that's why I'm kind of weary if it was okay. This is our first time seeing it and it was more of a aw level and you're looking at from of your protective. Okay? Well, they can't give everybody a storyline because it's just going to be too much those storylines. I mean everyone deserves her lying right, but not the first game for this. A Game of Thrones, right? You can't you can't do all that at on One show sure. So I completely understand that however from past experiences watching wrong. I watching Smackdown and stuff like that people like they have them at a certain point and then they no longer you think their trajectories getting to the top and they hit there's a point and they just roll back down and that's my fear with me again. I will say that that take her imagine no favors, but we've been that would mean that that horse speak. So you gotta be in dead horses the street profits or Warden. Green with Bianca Bel-Air. TJ got her. Wish I'm not sure how I feel about that TK. What's up? I mean, it's good that we saw her because she didn't hear anything else. I as far as Instagram lies and whenever I believe Evans said he saw them backstage at some point as far as Instagram lies. They look like a very happy couple. They look like, you know, I've been watching I've been falling Bianca Bel-Air for years. The guys are just tuning in for the first time. I've been followed by I am a huge fan and it just seems like genuine love. Love between the both of them. So why not showcase that especially being minorities and stereotypes which you know, sometimes WWE and other places gravitate to if you watch we had agio Pereira, she's coming up on wpw in a couple weeks. She talks about that. It's nice to see two people who are in love and they're doing what they love and just showcase it for a minute. And I you know, I'm hoping that she will be in some type of storyline. Definitely not a valet type run exclusively. Yeah, but I'd be interested in seeing explain that do you think she'll get like their do you think they'll get their own show eventually, maybe I don't see the why not. They're all they're all very Dynamic to do something. You already see a street profits on raw and they're not even wrestling on Raw true. So some people he's I'm dumb enough to bring them every single week to literally do a monologue right on something II worry. Okay, I like the idea seeing it now in the flesh crawls like otk what you Bianca Billy. I'll admit when I'm wrong. I'm wrong, right it looked cool it look cute everyone. They're so good at what they do in each division. I'm just worried now. It's like High season relationship with Maria and my Kanellis and Lashley and Lana an English man. I'm just saying I don't want to ruin that. Oh, oh that yeah, that's yeah, that's some specific but you don't have to be black or how well that definitely well that's there. That was my concern. So for you guys who didn't watch Raw Bobby Lashley pretty much tongue down Lana We're not gonna talk about it too much. How was it was? It wasn't for me and I realized aspect of wrestling but I was also it had me conflicted that actually text a couple of female wrestlers and I asked them know their personal opinion like would this be okay if you saw your husband tongue, Going down some rest for that, you know, yes, it was a lie. Yeah, like once yeah, but he kept on going back and then like he was just really sure that was touching her behind. Well, you just kind of have to from my perspective. You just have to think like they are acting acting and they're a character right and they are performing. Yeah, but it was a lot I'll leave it at that because I did make another prediction. As far as the Samoan Dynasty, I forgot I forgot what promotion it was, but he tagged us on Twitter and Rishi key is heading a wholesome own thing on some promotion. So well, yeah, I wasn't talking to you. I feel know what I'm talking about, but it's ok. Shh. I don't know. I love you. So you guys were guards brought to you by Center in skin care and candles if you want any cocoa butter body. Of and sell signals entering to get all that good stuff. It helps it also do watching as you can put an AfterBuzz TV and get a nice little discount and that's for those who watch our WWE shows not the ones who watch it. Aw. You can tell what was rejected. Yes. I am definitely feeling kind of the the change it's different and I believe in this is a great thing about change of character. You don't need to say that the great wrestlers don't Don't have necessary the mic skills or can't necessarily translate in the current environment that we're in just by her look, right. She speaks she's saying a lot. Yeah, that's a lot. That's a sign of a really great wrestler. Matt real billion that he had a great match and I just I think I think there in about six months. We're going to see some great things. He's strong till yeah. I was like, I'm not impressed. I'm going to hot and bothered but dang man. You're getting all worked up over the gym ra hot and bothered. Oh, yeah. Hey, it was a joke. He got it. Right. I'm actually getting sex attracted him at riddles a joke. I mean, you gotta go. Oh, thank you so much for I go staying off Gabby can throw the glow beetles and moving on Shayna baszler in there too because she's been she's been carrying the show however for maintained for a retaining the belt for so long and still making it interesting. Well great Kudos terrorists. Especially somebody who came from a different, you know came from UFC. Yeah, this is something she hasn't been doing for, you know, ten years or whatever whatever time she walks out. It's like she's like stronger and scarier and you don't want to mess with her and stronger and scary. Yeah guitar. We got smaller and smaller every week. It's like yo get her an actual towels like, all right, and then I'm doing the look. I'm feeling I'm just I'm curious and I'm excited to see what they're going to do with him for sure. Dang. Mq. Jack is not banned from her on Monday, but we met Out the door if he comes to think about it, well think about it Oh, see now give only doing the reason why we're there it is the week. Thank you so much riding on the booth. You see to play that song. We gotta play some reason. I am not ok. So there is nothing in the week. I got to say that I'm one person who is willing to apologize when I am wrong when I say something that's out of line I said, To myself I said I love Helio. Sure. I but I went back to me on classic and I was like man, she's putting in work even back then as a face. Yeah when I was kind of saying, oh, she's all right, but I would say what she didn't really improve. I opened my eyes. I was brought to her level of a performer and that's why you should rise my boo thing of the week. See, I'm not conflicting with your Boudoir so you can chill out. Okay - oh so we could you so much. Again, reverse a the one matching night. Just kidding. John guy came out you guys both rolled her eyes and let me start with you. Why why Richard? It's fun. I wasn't too enthusiastic about this man. There's wrong placement team was the wrong placement. It just felt like at this point we had, you know, we had a promo right before this. It just feels like the I felt like the adrenaline and kind of the the movement forward in the show is and slow down and then it just felt kind of out of place and you know, there was like some surprising moves in there. It felt really long actually and I don't know we were battling the the commercials that make I feel like this we were the Millers limited commercial and non-commercial worse having the yeah. We were River kind of battling the the match in the corner and you know with the commercials in our in our ears, so it was It wasn't as strong. I think as it could have been well, I think this is that's that's a perfect thing for the person who was booking them. I learned this from x pot being on his show that you everything can't be at a 10 else obviously can get tired and by time you get to the main event. Everybody's too exhausted to actually appreciate them in event. Yeah. So you need the you know, the booker who did it probably timed it perfectly because you need a moment. This is when you go to the bathroom or this is when you can get something to eat or this is when you John Gargano is a bathroom Guy. This is when you talk to each other it's like this. That's what some matches are and unfortunately it is what it is. But again, I've said this a million times everybody can't be LeBron. But Johnny was your former NXT champion. Yeah, let's be honest and I am a fan of John Gargano as far as India is Indie stuff. But since he's been on NXT, he had some great moments and angsty. Yeah, but within Last year, so it's it hasn't been doing it for us. I will say that I was on board until the Champa injury the Champa injury really was like okay two year lease on the play off of it because it was so similar your friends or enemies. Yeah that storyline was what really sold gigantic for me, but it's kind of telling that this match was won with a story but normally care that story. Yeah, I feel like there was so much like we were waiting for the championship match. Yeah, like we were waiting for some of those other matches and this was like to get there. I'm sure just moving on speaking of Championship matches. We had cannons ready. He's saying the basilar totally hold it down. I volcanoes are going over didn't have a chance. I am leaving start with you thoughts on that match and you're after the shame Thorn epic barn burner. If you go into this match, you know, I think they think there was a mix of like risky moves. I think it there was it was like that perfect heel facematch. I think that they had this epic story that they were telling and they told it in their moves. They like the moment they both walked out there. They were telling their story. And the and the the fans in the audience were paying attention and that's they captured it and I think it was an example of like the tenacity that they're bringing to the NXT brand. Yeah. Those are that she didn't need interference at all to win this match TK. It was a great as a great match Ken Disney just I don't know what it is. She's amazing wrestler. That's a given but there's just something that just like we Anna you could sink your teeth into her character with Candice is just like there's just something that's missing and I don't know what it is and I wish I knew so I could tell her myself hopefully, but I just don't know what it what is overall was a great match, but I'm part of me is looking forward to whoever Shane is going up against next. Yeah, I was like, okay, this is great. It was great to watch it was great visually I can appreciate that officer has fled. This is mmm. However, who's the next? What's the next door line for Shana and No, she didn't retain the belt against that person. My problem with Candace was was something that they tried to address today. Was that as far as annexed East concerned? We only know what who she is you relying too much on people knowing from her ba wrestling ways from her. Yeah. I need a raise or Joey Ryan taxing days for it to make sense good. She goes hardcore. I mean she fought Kevin Owens or think what Matt what's up? So to our fans? We haven't seen how you guys have. But yeah, so as far as our nxe stuff, it's like yeah, why do I want you to win? I just I'm going by past memories, you know, just wanted to remind her in about 5 Min or so. You can get your calls in there for 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 to number the call Pete Dunn Denny Birch the one half of the unlocking tag team O'Neil or contacting the Brit am Brawlers. Pete Dunn the Bruiser wait here on the mass where I liked was very very British, but there was no Sparkle and a totally at our AfterBuzz table all of us are looking at a double to start time and it's sad to say because this match was great, but there was something missing. What was well, I think the technical aspects were there. It was a very technical match. Again, it's talking about what you said is that there's a structure to this there's an arc to an episode and you Evan flow. And so this was where we were coming down from the candle or a match. And so we needed one to kind of calm us down before we got picked back up again. Right? And so that was it was a very like beautifully done match very technical. They got they were very precise in their moves. But again, it was it didn't have that sparkle on that shine, but it was I mean, I wouldn't say it was bad. I think it was amazing. It was on USA Network that he was and UK and these I don't think so. But again, it's one of those things where we had two hours. Yes. They threw a lot of people out us. Yes, but you can't you can't throw all the storylines on because technically this is the premiere show current last week in the week before I didn't really count per se so this is the premiere show for an XT. You can't throw everything especially because they're catering to the new view the new viewers. Yeah, they're not catering to us, right because we're gonna wear Us in particular are going to be there next week to watch so they're carrying to the new viewers and you throw too much as a person so I can't nap. I just came home to relax and I just want to watch some wrestling and I just wanted to you know, I think it was the perfect amount of math. Yeah. I don't think it was too much. I don't think it was too little and then they intermixed some some promos and in there so I'm gonna ask you question. I'm like, I know how we Meaning like dragging myself. If you feel about Damien priest, he shows up after the match and he told you ladies out Pete Dunn. I have not been impressed with his run so far, but just all your thoughts about Damien priests and his trajectory here at NXT. You know, I I think I it's kind of tough because there's mixed feelings because he comes he comes through in these situations, you know and surprises you and kind of I think they're trying to figure out To do yeah with him and you know, I'm not I'm not actually sure. I feel like I'm still trying to figure it out. I that's totally fair. I mean he's and he's definitely one of the older veterans and you saw him. He wouldn't look at it. Look at the look in the entrance behind bleakly Yeah couple weeks ago. I think we just need to again everyone has the right opponent. Well, yes, I think he has the look and to me I think he has the look and he also has like the look is like interesting to me. Like, okay. Well, what are what's going to happen with this? He just needs the right opponent. Yeah to and the right story line to I feel like this should be a drinking game whenever I see story like you should take a shot. There's like a mystery to it. Yeah, I think they're going to have to build up to it because again, you have to think that there's like a long game here. So you have to think like okay six months from now. What is going to be the most? Yeah, what's going to be the most impactful story and then you might be able to bring new people in and had move. I'm just kind of confused with who Damien freezes. Is he supposed to be Supernatural like Mordecai and taker is he like a fuck about satanic character? He's like allows for black like what what is his ankle but hopefully get something some kind of clothes in there. And that's when like you kind of think about the person as a brand and then how they're like, what are their promos look like? What are they saying on the mic? What are their like social media posts like all of that works together in order to kind of put out the message of who they are and who they want to be or are going to be yeah. It's like comic books to like, you know, it's Batman is okay, but when Batman was going begins Joker or penguin, isn't it makes it makes for a story. So it's like you need some people. It's Johnny Gargano like you were talking about some people need that opposite person for you to be more interested in them. Yeah. So I think that's a sometimes you need somebody for for him to go up again Batman personally. That's our main event was an example. You probably learned it's been an error the rematch while a was there for some reason is a huge fan of wrestling. But what do you do today was just like what's up? Well, he actually tweeted about it. What are ya you tweeted about it you supposed to come on Xbox you I don't know they actually had happened but he's a huge fan of wrestling and I mean why not? I'm and he and I were that's that that for this intro show it was airing on the side of Of if you're not familiar with the culture, it's little on the stereotypical side. However, I liked it. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, I just feel like wow you got while a it was like not even like announced writer promo and just showed up like hey just like you should know who I am, you know, so I wrote a note saying that that I wrote they are stars because I felt for the street profits that there was there was a Were the audience in the fans are completely embracing that they that song for 8 minutes. Everyone would have been on board and that to have that moment on a premier like this. Yeah is epic and is just shows that they are ready to move on to larger story lines and more opponents and you know ready to get a championship zero hour I'm not dissing while a just Announced he just like sort of like he was on the roster like oh Stephen WrestleMania. He's been I think he just called and he's like look, I want to show why not. I said we've seen him on my for like eight weeks. Yeah, just talking just talking. We just saw a master that yeah, they have such a full well-rounded brand and well-rounded just Talent they can be on the mic. They can you know, they can rustle they have those moves and they have the Charisma and that is so important to have all of those all those elements throughout to he would Wong who wrote down the Green Lantern's oath in the chat you're amazing, but now it's time to open up the chat lines for 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 so to call in we don't bite on any questions on the table and now Jim's not here. He just got here too. He was all eager, but I should be in the chat out there doing it. I don't know what you doing picking up women. So yeah, just call him whenever you ever question will be here for you for 2 4 3 5 4 3 0 2 so but in the meantime, but the match was great little ranlo longer. I thought yeah slower-paced a commercial thing still got in the way it's hard to get into things when it's kind of going like that. But look the prophecies going to live another week TK. Privacy, how long can I go for it? I love you know, I'm also a fan of three prophets and I would wanted them to get the belt. However, it makes sense for the premiere show for. Oh my God, just last name to Prophets The wow long day for them to retain the belts. I don't know who this repop is go up against now. Yeah, I don't know. They're gonna build like a new tag team. Yeah Macario caller you're on your live with after but oh my God. Talk to you. When they did have the belt so I'm hoping it's building up to something to them either getting the belt back again something because it seems like somebody backstage likes them. They're doing a great job. This would be backstage like some enough for them to be on raw and XT are doing a great job on all fronts as far as wrestling is concerned. So hopefully, you know, some will see something play it for them. Absolutely. It says evil evil urgent. Oh my gosh my event. Oh, yeah. From Baltimore. Hey, Eric, what's up? Welcome on the house. Yo, what? Is it going to mean then they'll return to NHD. What do you think's going to have him if dividend I was going to get the NXT title right away or does he have to go and when a few matches before he writes and Uncle mmm, thanks for coming. I appreciate it. Finn Balor is is a dope acquisition. I don't think he gets the Bell here because he got it. He has to give Adam Cole a level of competition where he says he's solidifies the one the best in a few Champions. I don't think Bella gets a bell here. Really think that's gonna be a good match of you. Do you guys think I think it go either way come on Finn Balor and and he's huge like there's certain people like Bailey and Sasha like they're huge the time that they left NXT was the perfect time because those NXT people who just ride for an XT still remember them and still appreciate the work that they put in with imbalance kind of the same thing. We're just like whatever he does were cool with it. And I think he can carry it either way if he already get the belt, you know, it's like I'm good you you know what I've done. Done and I'm going to retain this belt and you know kind of have Adam Cole chasing after it. Well, I think it gives Adam Cole and actual huge art and a huge challenge if he has to go against Balor and I think it's going to be like Finn Balor could like pretty much do anything and has a huge fan base. And so I'm interested to see what they what they do with it. And if and I'm also wondering if they're going to bring even other people right from other. The station. Yeah, you're calling another caller on the line. What's your name? Where you come from? There's a number of Baltimore the same area. He called back sir. What do you think? Do you think he's going to get a rematch for the title? He never lost. Mmm. Well, that would be the perfect. Thanks for calming. That would be the perfect like our to say. Hey, look I lost gold IAM getting Goldie back, but you got to re-establish campus heat man like that storyline was so hot. If you just came back, it'll be like, well the game is kind of change because Johnny are Those down the card Adam calls up the I don't know any kind of hard to put him back in there. Yeah, you'd have to well the only I think how you establish sheet is almost playing back to playing back to what he's done in the past. You know, how they do like, oh this is what happened the past and here we are right now, that would be happy. But again with Johnny Gargano who knows final caller. You're on the air man. Hi, it's Emma from Houston. So I had a quick question for y'all who should finally defeat Shana to me. I want her. I want her to go to the smackdown brand be with Becky but who's gonna beat her in NXT? Just well. Yeah Shana and like I said before they did a really great job with Lacey Evans, even though they're really not using much of her, but she still getting a lot of air time compared to some other folks. Just a lot of people who go from NXT. To the main roster they don't do much with them and it would be a it would be a shame for them to put shading over to NXT or Smackdown are Raw SmackDown. And then she just buried in the shuffle. Mmm. If the Ronda Rousey does come back and she's not knocked up. That would be the perfect time for Shannon to come up because it does the story lines right there. It's like you're waiting for the other to horsewoman are Christian and XT with her to kind of develop right? And they all three go over that would be awesome because then they can Rick's shop on both motions, but Shana going back by herself, even though with her current with her current story line. It may work. I think faction wise it'd just be a bigger story line, especially with the MMA versus rustling tie-in on national TV when you put them two Powerhouse athlete. Yeah, we're going at it and then that would just be amazing. I do see Candace being the one taking the belt but I do think she's at work horse face because the next person has he owes the hottest act but he's also a heel right so I would have hers transition and But if you even decide to keep candies with the strap, he will be someone that's like that Workhorse. I'll do it every week. Well, you know, I'm always for Bianca Bel-Air. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what she's doing. Okay, I don't know. What you doing. Well, maybe she's reintroducing yourself to this audience. I mean if she's a heal those initial stance Kansas will be transitional if she's a face now, then she can be the one to take pills to take wheel right? So I'm not really sure what her alliances. Yeah. It depends on how they use the the marriage situation may be zero, but it's about time we get out of here. Thanks so much for checking. This out and we work in the world find you online. All right, you guys can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Emily May Heller M AE. Hope to chat more. Thanks. No and you can find me on everything adds TK Trinidad. If you did get the check out women's wrestling weekly Jazz was on she has amazing things to say about aw, any possible retirement. So definitely check that out. Also shout-out to Evan T Max. Look out. The bump goat is the bump the bump the go check out the bundles are really really great Joey and Seth Rollins on there and you know Evans Doing his thing. So I forgiven him for this week. We'll see what happens tomorrow bi everything again at TK train at thanks guys for watching. The guy said Cornucopia and put over his dad on National Television. So she supposed to do a little boys. Check me out on Twitter at Global Boys on Instagram outflow be done of course will be shot 70 Mac shoutout to John of the cross in doing things Captain Kelly what all those people don't have the bunch of lumps, but until next time buzz you later. Ciao. I found her Keven undergaro who knows would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember is whatever your grave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. You described herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners or principal.
Join Flobo Boyce (@floboboyce), TK Trinidad (@tktrinidad) and special guest Emily Mae Heller (@emilymaeheller) as we break down the "Season Premiere" of NXT on USA! Matt Riddle takes on Adam Cole, Finn Balor returns, AND we have two more titles on the line! The Unofficial WWE NXT After Show The NXT After Show recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of WWE's NXT. Every week, tune in for host discussion, recap, and play by plays of the best moments of that week's NXT! With in depth and often entertaining commentary, be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with the world of NXT! *This podcast is not associated or affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. ("WWE") in any way. ABOUT WWE NXT: WWE NXT is the professional wrestling developmental branch for WWE, based in Winter Park, Florida. From its inception in August 2012 to June 2013, it was a distinct but affiliated developmental territory for WWE under the name NXT Wrestling. In June 2013, the NXT Wrestling website was shut down and NXT content was moved to From February 2014, NXT started a series of live special events broadcast on the WWE Network, comparable to main roster pay-per-view shows. Despite its status as a developmental branch, NXT has been praised for its high quality of wrestling, captivating storylines, and the opportunities they afford female wrestlers as opposed to on the main roster; the latter of which has led to a change on how women's wrestling is portrayed in WWE. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
We need to transition into a low-carbon economy, or we need to transition from an institution that was set up a hundred years ago into one that actually is fit for purpose today.Hello, welcome to On The Edge a podcast about making unexpected connections everywhere and anywhere, my name is Roland Howard. And in each episode we talk with somebody who's making sense of our increasingly connected world today. I'm really pleased to welcome designer an Uber connector Cassie Robinson. I've known her for over a decade and I was Keen to speak with her because she is literally connected to an on the edge of so many interesting people programs and organizations that it's almost impossible to list them all but let me attempt to highlight just a few she started out.Career as a fashion designer and fast forward to now. She's the head of digital grant-making at the national lottery Community Fund in the UK as well as that. She's the founder of an amazing network of women called Point people. And in addition she is a fellow of the ucl's institute for Innovation and public purpose to name but a few of her many affiliations and lastly she was until recently strategic design director at the responsible technology think-tank dot everyone which he also mentions in this episode. I'm of course well aware that we all live in our own little All connected communities but nevertheless I'm struck by how many people that I've met who know Cassie or no off her and therefore I'm fascinated by what drives her to do what she does often working in emerging or exploratory fields to try and apply new ways to design transitions. She literally seems to be almost everywhere all the time, which is both remarkable and slightly freaks me out at the same time. So when I met with her recently I started out by asking her as a prolific connector what motivates have to do it and practically how does she manage it? I hope Joy thank you. I cover a lot of ground and I often meeting people and my I currently have someone that looks after my diary and the national lottery Community Fund and she laughs at how many yeah like meetings. I have external meetings. I have all the time. I think like on a really sort of practical level some of the and that I can do that is that is actually because I don't have children. I know that maybe sounds like a weird or unrelated thing but maybe all my friends who have children like permanently exhausted for a period of time and I feel like I have more space and energy to maybe do the many many meetings across many different sectors. I think I'm a bit like you in that I have many meetings and you have three children. I do have three children. Sometimes jokingly say I've got a very short attention span. So I you know, I get energy from talking to lots of different people and frankly I get a bit bored if I'm solving the same company for more than an hour. Do you do you have it? Do you think you have a short attention span or you seem to build long-lasting relationships? How do you balance the breadth of conversations in relationships that you've got with the depth that must be sacrificed to some degree. You've just made me realize while in that maybe that what this is all about is me avoiding intimacy. Maybe I'm just moving from person to person not really connecting deeper than anyone because I'm basically trying to avoid intimacy. Well, you know what? I think that's part of my reason so you can share whatever you like, but I find I like asking people questions which is why I've started a podcast, but I don't really particularly like answering them. I wanted to do this party because it's always nice to see you but partly because I become more open to answering me answering Tiny if I think they're going to be good ones and one of my friends had to Once which really make made me laugh because I think I'm a very open person and they said but only if someone asks you the right question and I think there is something about that for me and in terms of I don't like small talk, it's probably some of the right question or is it the rights of intention? I mean if somebody just asked you a brilliant question, but they didn't care about you or care about the answer. You wouldn't answer it with you. Yeah, that's true. That's probably both of those things and maybe sometimes it's as much is the person really listening the sort of question that will always mean I want to respond as if it's a question that has taken me by surprise or really made me think or I like people being bit courageous in their questioning and throwing in a I feel like throwing down the gauntlet that's better questions. I'm not I'm not doing that. Actually, I think they're really good questions that actually I don't think I've got a short attention span. I think I've got a good attention span. I think I do really enjoy like sense-making and pattern spotting. So I think some of my going around yeah, like hearing and listening to his working on what or who's thinking about what or who's feeling? What or that's just it is kind of like raw material to than used to pattern spot or weave together and I get energy from that. Yeah. It's like a dopamine hit I love being able to think about you know, how if you have people working on something similar or actually something that may not seem in any way related. I really enjoy then helping people imagine what they could do together that they may not have thought of and that kind of thing. And is that just an innate skill that you've developed for whatever reason you are you or is that do you think that's a teachable thing that you could teach other people to do? I don't I wouldn't want to be as arrogant to think it's something I can do that others can't however sometimes I get surprised that other people don't think like that or aren't doing that. I suppose there's there's something in how you can reimagine or how you listen that I think brings a particular quality to how you can like make sense of things or connect to people connect ideas together, and that probably isn't. Something that everyone naturally does that mean one thing that so I know stuff about you that I don't think we've ever spoken about in person. So I know you shared quite a lot about your dad a few years ago, you shed bits and pieces about your sexuality for instance, which I don't think we really spoken much about that. We I'm trying to think well obviously lots of work-related things but em and I admire that openness. I think you would describe yourself as an introvert. Is that right or possibly a shy person? I think you've possibly use those words with me before. Also, how do you balance that openness? So I think there's something about how by being just authentic. I think I recognize there's a real privilege in being over to be all of who you are and kind of show that if you want to I'm really uncomfortable when I can't and I really don't want to have to sort of hide bits of me and I cut I guess I kind of want people to just accept me as I am and I kind of feel Quite unconditional about that, you know, like that's not really a compromise me and I guess what that means in terms of introversion is it kind of helps people understand that? I'm not that good at small talk. So as an introvert my experience of introversion, I can't do small talk find it really hard to be chatty and I do really get drained if I spend a lot of time in a lot of company and I need to sort of retreat and I love spending I'm on my own and there's something about sort of putting it all out there that I think sort of maybe sets a tone for the type of conversation you are up for and I don't find those as draining. I had a girlfriend a long time ago. Who's quite like me. She didn't say much and I don't say much it was a terrible match because we just said nothing. Where's my my wife Juliet is very chatty at home. And I think that's a good balance here. She's chatty. I'm quiet. And actually the to compliment each other's I'm always grateful and relieved and I'm hanging out with people that like to chat so that I don't have to yeah me too and I love listening and it's especially great with my sister. For example who never stops talking. Yeah. And so if we ever have to go to like awkward family things or I can totally rely on her to deal the all the work and I can just sit and be really quiet. Yeah, what's going on in your head that when other people are chatting away? Your sisters chatting away and awkward family together. You actually engaged in what's going on you paying attention. Are you daydreaming anything thinking if I if I disengaged from the immediate conversation? I'll tend to be trying to sort of read more about what they're actually trying to say like what's really going on with this person. I'm a terrible sort of you know, and will you ask them or you just think pens do it is if I think that someone is talking to me on a really superficial level. Yeah. It's getting a bit painful. So awkward and I think that it's appropriate. I might say like isn't this really what you're trying to say or is this actually what you mean or yeah, that sounds great. Please say that to me when you figure out what my quirks are because I would appreciate that we might come back to intimacy. But I just one of the things that I know you're passionate about and experiencing and knowledgeable about with Point people and other stuff is this whole thing of systems change, which is feels deeply fashionable and yet quite We'll still what is systems change Cassie and why do we need it? Well as you say because it's become very fashionable. I've obviously now gone past that moment. Oh, I'm too late. Okay too late. Well, I always talk about designing systemically rather than systems change and I what I mean by that is generally the kind of challenges that we Face are complex. They have root causes of which there are off. Often multiple and the nature of how we solved problems. And also how we think about the world which is often siloed individual is if like a problem can be cut off from all the other things that it's related to and solved that's kind of why I think we need I think we have needed different approaches to try and address some of the issues that we face and I think some of those very linear solution Focus ways are like plaster sticking Not really dealing with the interrelated interconnected root cause of things. Can you give an example the way that everyone designed their programs of work? I think we're really thoughtful in recognizing the different bits of the puzzle that needed to be addressed. If you're trying to what was the puzzle that they were addressing making responsible technology The New Normal, I guess really what that's about is if we're putting technology out into the world. How do we do so in a way that doesn't entrenched power and inequalities and create unintended consequences and all of those things. I've become more interested in transitions. So like transition design just this idea of like, you know, we're living in one system or one Paradigm. You might call it capitalism. I don't know it might be sort of dying or we might want it to start dying and there's an emerging alternative. I'm interested in you know, we need to transition into a low-carbon economy or we need to transition from an institution that was set up a hundred years ago into one that actually is fit for purpose today. There's all kinds of you know communities transitioning. So how's transitioning different changing in a way? It doesn't really matter what you call that work and systems change has become fashionable. I've moved away. Yeah, you're a Pioneer. I think it's just that the Verse ations about it. Yeah, aren't that interesting? What's the work out there in the world that needs doing and what is the best approach from which to do that? The only thing I do think is really important about the system's kind of work is I guess I'm someone that does have a real belief in the idea that we are all interconnected. And I think that's what systems are systems view of the world really tries to put up at the four and I think that was the A useful lens that we need all to have on the world from a very young age because I think it it changes how you act and are in the world. I know you've got an interest in Collective Consciousness is something that I've experimented with you earlier this year around a little project on that and collective intelligence Nest is doing a lot of work around that and other people as well. I wonder what is the difference between like Collective knowing and collective intelligence? Elegance I feel like there's something different about Collective wisdom because I feel like wisdom is where you go to Beyond knowing and Beyond intelligence. I think collective intelligence is a helpful way of trying to frame the space where humans and all living systems and machines will co-evolved together and that is not kind of describe how I think about Captain intelligence and then Collective Consciousness for me. That's always this idea of was there in the liminal space around us and between us in nature in our myths and in our subconscious and our unconscious that we have different ways of that we can access I'm a lifelong terrible meditator or at least I've had a long-standing interest in meditation and generally beat myself up for not being as good at it as I would like but one thing I do know is when I try and meditate on my own, it's sometimes it's all right, but a lot of the time I'm just there in my thoughts and I Give up or get frustrated or whatever, but when I'm meditating with a group of people to don't be very often, but when I do it's utterly different a totally different experience and just this year collective intelligence Collective Consciousness seems to be fashionable or talked about but they seem almost Worlds Apart in some ways as well. And just how do you think of them as different? Well, I think you described it very well. I like the the co evolving of technology and people for collective intelligence seems to be the way it's interpreted and but Yeah, Collective Consciousness is just yeah, just far more kind of spiritual or something, you know, just getting beyond the self and plugging into the web of relationships and some I don't know if you remember ages ago. Me and Ellie Ford won that competition is called ideas for London and we got to stay in that little boat. Well first I was a bit jealous that was with this idea called London scape which was based on you know, the Tree of Souls in Avatar. Yeah, and the I the idea for London Escape, which I I guess that links back to Collective Consciousness, but it was how could you almost like reflect a mirror back on the city of London about the things that we're doing together and the things that we have in common all the things that the aggregate of our behaviors and our data can tell us about the whole rather than the individual parts and I find that whatever you think of the film. Avatar I still find that the image of the Tree of Souls and the kind of thing where they're all sort of connected to one another through their fingertips and this kind of living breathing Collective really powerful image. So I'm curious what what's your relationship like with the future and I'd love to know what your kind of hopeful of a perhaps fearful of as well. Perhaps starting with the the positive where the future most manifest itself in my life is Three. My niece's one of whom is nine and one of whom is five and I see a lot of them and love being an aunt. What's their future going to be and what have we created and left them with and I do kind of really like this idea of plural features. I don't think we can know what one future is going to be and I think there'll be many different ones. But yeah, I don't think I've I don't think I probably have thought. Laughs about the feature, you know, there's people doing work. Now, let's try and encourage people to think more long-term and to think about what it means to be a good ancestor by Ella salt marsh mm be Pembroke are doing the long time project. And you know, I think it is really important to think through. What is the Legacy we're leaving, but can I just challenge you on that? Yeah, I would say you may not have thought about you. Our own personal future but I think through all the work that you do. It's quite future Focus, isn't it? It's about trying to address challenges is trying to solve problems make the world better. Is that not true? Yeah, but maybe it's at the minute. A lot of my work was a bit more responsive like doing the work I do. I'm always doing it because I have a hope that something can be better and that's like one of the motivate like that's kind of one of the things that drives me. I hope that we can. Change were paralyzed. I hope that we can have a future where there's much less. I think it's really unrealistic. So they'll be no inequalities, but I guess I hope for that we can have a better future. Maybe it's just I don't use the word future. Okay, which is where are we trying to get to or what does this look like or how will things be different? You must have hope otherwise you wouldn't you wouldn't even bother, right? Yeah. No, I definitely I Generally, even though people I think sometimes think I'm really grumpy and I can move my favorite. I've been told I'm scary and I'm can be standoffish because that's my introversion. I actually really have a lot of faith in people and a real belief in people and always think the best of people until sort of proven otherwise and I think that kind of belief in people and I guess therefore in humanity Is the thing that gives me hope but even with all the Ingenuity and magic and problem solving and I think we are entering into a time. We already are for lots of people not living in, you know, black Keith. We already are living in times of Crisis and I do think we will they'll be sort of turbulence for quite a long time. Your turbulence is usually a temporary thing in the flight that you buckle up for a period of time until it's over. Do you think it's a temporary turbulence or do you think that's a perm or permanent shift? I suppose I think they'll be a turbulence that might go on for like quite a few decades not just A few minutes and I think the state it will have changed the state of things. I don't know. If you've read like Steven Pinker that a book last year Enlightenment now where he looked at infant mortality literacy rates kind of the global sustainability goals and by virtually every metric in every country. Our lives are quantitatively and qualitatively better than they were 10 years ago a hundred years ago thousand years ago and yet we still I think we lack some perspective as well, but perhaps historical perspective. I can't remember who was saying it but oh, yes, I do. It was Mona chili Beach Allah because it does the amazing data are yeah because she was asked what area and history she would like to go back to she's just made the statement that you know compared with all other areas of History being a woman especially women minority ethnic background. She wouldn't want to go back at any period of History, you know right now notwithstanding all the problems and the challenges is still the Best time to be alive and that's true. I think for the statistically speaking. I think that is true. I don't think we see that all recognize that and just curious why that is I recognize it in myself a fatalism and myself. I mean that's a good thing to be reminded of it. I guess it would also be really odd to be going round saying shut up. We don't need to worry about this or that like we're all fine because we're much better than off than we were 10 years ago 20 years ago, you know, so you can acknowledge progress and Homicide that there is I do believe the science around climate, but what do you make of Extinction Rebellion say this year and gratitude broke and what how does that make you feel about climbing? Well Greta tomb Berg. I just think she's amazing. And I mean thank goodness. She arrived and has and is doing what she's doing. I just I hope she's okay. Like I just think God what a huge amount that she is carrying. I do feel like what she has My obliged in the energy she's created and the awareness. She's created actually won't be put it back in a bag. You know, I feel like it has Unleashed something that will continue to grow and create change and I'm less sure about Extinction Rebellion. I mean, I think I think they have and will also influence people's perception and awareness. I feel less sure about where that will go because I think there's still a lot of people that are also so not convinced by the kind of campaigning work that someone like exception Rebellion are doing Extinction. Rebellion is a is a movement with its own identity and Brandon, obviously, there's people behind it. But where's Greta is at an incredibly impressive young woman, but we do seem to want to put people on pedestals. Don't worry sir to give us hope or to what you know, whatever it is. And you said earlier about moving away from Less individualistic to more kind of collective future. I just I just wondered when you said you weren't sure about Extinction Reveille news. Was it because it wasn't sort of personified by a single Angelic individual that seemed amazing. Whereas Greta obviously is you know that Li you can relate more to her because because she's a amazing young woman it is it just it feels like Her story and what she's done? I guess it's like she's come. So from nowhere. He couldn't have designed for a Greta to arrive and like immobilized the climate crisis movement as well as I might I find that more compelling rather than it's just because she's an it is not because she's an individual individual is just like that's the kind of change all these all of us including me that are trying to do like designing change. Yeah, I guess she's a really good example of how often you can't design for those big change moments and whereas it sinks and rebellions model. I think the thing is for me that it's just I've got a lot of respect for what they're trying to do. I'm hoping to take my niece's there when they're doing their sort of two-week thing. Yeah next week. It will need so much more than Extinction Rebellion. Yeah, and of course it will also need so much more. Than Greta but somehow I feel like she's already like mobile his yeah so much more. Yeah, I my eyes are more on what will happen because of her. So even though you don't think about the future that much it's quite comfy. I quite like struck by the fact. I really can't answer that question. Yeah. Well, well, maybe you've answered it already but my the work yeah, what are you what are you fearful about? I'm not really Careful, I think there's like eruptions or like the turbulence will also have like eruptions and I wonder how things will play out. So I was feeling a real sadness and shame last week about just all like my personal friends who've worked on climate for years and there's not like I've been like twiddling my thumb's doing nothing, but I haven't been someone that's been particularly. Focused on climate and recognizing or just like thinking God hug must they feel now and on the one hand, of course be this is amazing more people are starting to pay attention to this but there must be part of them. That's like I can't believe yeah, we've been saying this for years and you've literally not really paid any attention and I guess someone in me rightly sort of called me out for that sort by saying we'll think how indigenous communities must feel And so I feel like there's this there's going to be this whole wave of that kind of feedback loop of people that have seen this coming and I are already experiencing this and I've been trying to have their voices heard. Yeah. I just wonder what those repercussions will be and then alongside that I guess I fear again, I'm not sure if he is quite the right word, but I worry about the what can sometimes feel quite urgent in terms of our need to act, you know, there's one thing that does in a way unite all of us which is the planet and climber and I'll need to yeah, like work towards trying to address all the kind of crises that are going to come our way because of what's happening in terms of climate alongside all of the healing that needs doing in the world, you know, there's so much colonialism and racism and land rights and how indigenous communities have been to you know, there's all this healing that I think is so important. and and needs to happen, but will potentially slow down our action around climate and I think that's a really tricky kind of space and because in theory if we thinking about climate Justice those things will happen together, you know, we'll act around climber and like racial and social justice or be at the heart of how we do that, but I think that was really tricky and that's where I feel like there's so many Many knots to that and I think it's like one of the most important things and maybe I feel a bit fearful in that. I don't know how to act in that. I was about to ask you where where where's was your role in that so you've because I but I also feel something similar. I mean, I think it comes back to what you're saying earlier about kind of, you know, working systemically, so doing the healing and the reconciliation doing the policy work doing their Technology Innovation, whatever it might be to tackle climate it all needs to happen at the same time. Yeah, I guess there's a play Ality that you can have in your work when how you act this is something I've talked a lot about with Rachel my old boss at door. Everyone around like what is the role of like white women like she and I who are in positions of privilege, although obviously, we're trying to overturn the patriarchy alongside all these other things as well as our role to sort of get out the way or become hinges for young women of Color, for example, like, you know, if we get all of the older white men out of the way, except you and you're not really older you're my age. But if we know that is that is one thing that is incredibly dominant right now that I hope becomes less and less dominant. Maybe actually the leaders that we need which I would say are particularly women of color. I wonder if you know, I could say I could become a hinge which it with by that is just like How do we offer allyship, how do we give some of our resource to that? How do we support younger women of color? How do we Champion them? How do we but actually all of those things in some way are still making an assumption that they would want us to do that? And actually maybe what they most want is for us to literally get out of the way and I think that's something that I'm thinking about and I think we are likely to see a mess some of that up because we're human just the fact that you're talking about it. Shows that you're far more Mindful and conscious of that say that is a good thing. I also feel you know, painfully aware of my privilege and what to do about that. I think the worst thing that any of us can do who are in positions of privilege is to become Paralyzed by it because I think it can be hard to know what to do. I've realized because I was feeling a bit Paralyzed by it. And actually I need to be just prepared that I will probably fuck up. Sometimes I will maybe do something. Well, I'm not aware enough of my privilege one big thing. I've taken from the last year where I've been talking to so many people and just trying to be a sponge and learn and is that kind of paralysis is just everywhere too many choices too many options too much data to much opportunity in some cases, but that creates a sort of rabbit in the headlights kind of fear response or something paralysis and what there's not too much of that just made me think when you're saying that there's not too much care as they'll never be too much. Care in the world whether that's caring for each other or caring for the planet or caring enough that you sometimes get it wrong forgiveness sometimes. Yeah, and I feel like and actually like just having skin in the game. I feel very privileged to be actively thinking about how I can have more skin in the game because as someone that doesn't have kids that doesn't really have any responsibilities or ties particularly that is quite comfortable at Came back rest. I feel like I should be making more use of that for something much bigger than me. And that's that's probably one of the main questions that I'm asking. I would say I ask myself that all the time when you say skin in the game. What does that look feel like I suppose it. There's a lot of comfort in my life, and I'm not saying comfort as a bad thing. I just that's where I think yeah. I have a relatively secure and stable. Distance and therefore it would be really easy for me actually to just settle into that and I guess I don't feel but don't want to do that. I don't feel comfortable doing that and I don't think I should do that and that's what I mean by having more skin in the game. So there we go. I hope you found my conversation with Cassie interesting and relevant to your own life and work is fascinating to me how Cassie talks so openly and honestly about what's important to her. I have huge respect for the value. She creates often with little or no direct benefit to herself. And if you accept the premise of this podcast namely that we're all living on the edge of multiple possible Futures then perhaps we can all learn something from the way the Cassie spoke about the way we need to design Transitions and strive towards more Collective transformation. I hope you enjoyed listening to this. Episode of on the edge. So before we go, please can I ask that you raped comment or subscribe and share it with others who you think might like it as well using the hashtag on the edge. This will encourage us to keep on making new connections and to find more interesting people to talk to and to share those conversations with you. This podcast was brought to you by luminal a collective intelligence Network to address complex challenges in our connected World. Thanks for listening until next time keep on connecting people and ideas. If you do you never know what might happen. Thank you. You and goodbye.
In this episode we are delighted to welcome designer and uber-connector, Cassie Robinson, who is connected to so many interesting people, programmes and organisations, that it’s almost impossible to list them all. Starting out her career as a fashion designer, Cassie is now the Head of Digital Grant Making at the National Lottery Community Fund in the UK, as well as the founder of the Point People network, and a fellow at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, to name but a few of her many affiliations. And until recently she was Strategic Design Director at the responsible technology think tank Dot Everyone, which she also mentions in this episode. I’m struck by how many people I’ve met who know, or know of, Cassie and I’m fascinated by what drives her to do what she does, often working in emerging or exploratory fields to try to apply new ways to design transitions. So when I met with her a few weeks ago I asked her about being a prolific connector of people and ideas, and what motivates her to do it and also practically how she manages it?
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Capricorn season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions. As for working with this season's biggest opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition turned on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign is determined by the time of day you are born and the place you were born if you Your birth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to break down to break through the embodied astrology episode for Capricorn season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you're hungry to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber. Earrings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and principal Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers also get discounts on year ahead birthday Reports online classes Live Events and the embodied astrology Basics handbook speaking of Live Events. I would love to see you next month in, Portland, Oregon. Giving a talk on the astrology of 2020 on Saturday January 4th at 7 p.m. At psychic sister on Alberta the next day Sunday, January 5th. Come hang out with me from 11:00 to 4:00 at the people's yoga Northeast where we'll continue to explore the amazing astrology of 2020. I'll teach you how to work with your own chart and we'll play with fun creative and embodied approaches for working with Astro energy from manifestation by tality and joy details for both events are in the show notes are on my website. Right embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring. Lead owners get access to the awesome subscriber content the number one way. You can support this work is to share it. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back at you with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Capricorn welcome. I just finished recording your year ahead birthday report for 2019 2020 looking at the next 12 months beginning from your solar return from the moment that the sun enters Capricorn and I want to encourage you to check that out. The birthday reports are available on my website and bodied under the horoscope section. Subscribers get a discount on them. They get $10 off. The birthday reports are a great deal. If you want lots of astrology there only $25 at the full cost of the include. Your reading is about an hour and 40 minutes and it includes a 40 page PDF and I give you so much information and suggestions for how to work with your astrology these next 12 months and you my friend have some really exciting astrology in the next 12 months. So please check that out. Now the astrology of the next month is not shabby by any means there is a lot that's going on first. Let's just talk about what Capricorn is for you Capricorn the season of course highlights your sign and whenever the sun is in your sign then in horoscope astrology, this is referring to your soul. First house of identity, you're probably either listening for your son or your rising sign. So these are both important aspects of the self. The Sun is going to be expressing your soul nature something that you need to feel and experience and also the Light the resonance that you need to radiate in your life what you can to vibrate with that in turn calls relationships and experiences. As and Ambitions and challenges into your life so that you can feel this kind of quality a rising sign will determine more in some ways superficial layers of the identity which are by no means not important or less important even but they have to do with a lot of the ways that you'll position yourself in your identity. So when you introduce yourself and you say this is my name and you think about who you are and what you want to do with your life. - what your energy is all about where you came from what you identify with etcetera that's going to have a lot to do with your rising sign and one of the things that we identify with the most of course is our body and our appearance. And so the rising sign very often talks about your body and your appearance. And in this way, I think of the rising sign is kind of your your bias or your lens that you're looking through. So when the sun comes into Capricorn it is Illuminating some really important spaces when we think of who Ooh, you are yourself as a Capricorn identified being and this Capricorn season the sun will be making a lot of aspects to the outer planets and I'm not going to talk so much about the astrology. I'm going to talk more about the feeling of what's going to be going on. And if you want information about the astrology then become a subscriber if you subscribe you can get on my list by donation at any amount per month and you'll get tons of info about astrology. So That's what you want. What are the planets doing? What are you talking about? What time get get on the subscription list and you'll get an extended monthly forecast. That's a general forecast for all signs as well as a printable calendar and journal a lot of information in there about the specifics of astrology, but here's the jam with the feelings. Okay. So some things that are being highlighted throughout the month as we move into Capricorn season. There is a burst of energy for you. You two start to experience your values and the way that you resonate with what's important to you what you want to uplift and what you want to elevate in your life the kinds of relationships you want to have and also very literally very tangibly how you're working with money and how you want to work with resources and ideas like abundance or prosperity in your life. This is getting a boost as we start Capricorn season, and there's a feeling of kind of new awareness. Some freedom and a desire to use freedom and you want to use freedom in a way that promotes your creativity that promotes your authentic. Joyful self and this can feel hard especially if there's restrained constrain meant that you're sensing or restriction that you're sensing if you're being really practical with your money right now, which you very well may be as this is a time of year. When a lot of people are experiencing a lot of expenditures. But I really want to encourage you to use this month and your birthday season and the end of the calendar year is such an amazing time to get free of things use this month to get free of ideas that are holding you back especially when it comes to relationships and when it comes to how you are connecting with value and worth in your life is a really big theme in the first part of Capricorn season. You are working to kind of unlock Make yourself a little bit from some of the places that have constrained and restricted you that I'm saying I'm feeling like are really long term and potentially intergenerational or ancestral themes. So deep deep stuff where you might feel like. Oh my God, why is it always like this for me? You know, this is the thing that I want and I can never have it and it's always been like this that kind of feeling of like, it's pathological. It's never going to change that that source. Spotter that painful spot could come up for you right at the beginning of your season and you know, when it does I want to remind you that a lot of times right before breakthrough, there's crisis. So in like the darkest shittiest moment, we have to really burn through a lot and that actually allows something to open and it feels like that's part of what's happening for you right at the beginning of your season around the 21st through the 27th through the 30th or so of December you are wrestling with something you're working through something. Then you're figuring out how to get free. You're figuring out how to make meaning for yourself. And this is a Liberation for you. This is a feeling of like, okay you can move on and I'm going to say that indulging your sense of creativity is really important right now. It can help you make sense of things. So if things in your life are just feeling Frustrating and like you don't know what to do with them. Then go dancing, you know make a painting sing a song get yourself out of your logical brain and do something with your energy that is expressive. And that's a motive in its creative in the sustainable. Joyful pleasurable way that will help you a lot through the month as we move into the kind of middle of Capricorn season around the 10th. Through the 13th of January. This is the shit show. This is the showstopper and I mentioned in the introduction to please listen to the episode for Capricorn season. I'm going to talk a lot in that episode about what is going on around these dates. It is a lot. It is heavy. It is intense and it will change your life and your life has been changing to get to this moment. And after this moment your life will never be the same and I mean that I'm not trying not to be a super flamboyant or dramatic or predictive but I do mean that there is something that is really wanting to shift in your life and for you it's definitely has a lot to do with your identity and how you been thinking about yourself how you have been thinking about yourself in relationship with other people how you've been thinking about yourself in relationship to yourself definitely to your sense of creativity to your sense of generative. My full potential but also definitely in terms of your Ambitions and what you are are setting yourself up for the things that you are aspiring to and what you're trying to achieve. There are some really big lessons that are here for you and you may have already been getting glimpses of them. You may think you know, what they are you have a sense of them. So as we move into the new year it is time the time is now to make those shifts that you've been wanting to make or that you've been sensing that you need to make. Make don't delay be brutally honest with yourself really look at what is no longer working for you in terms of how you have been orienting yourself to your identity to who you think you are what you think you need what you're going to do with your life. This is definitely relational and it's definitely a career and path oriented. There are two Eclipses in Capricorn season. So like I said a lot going on we'll have a solar eclipse on Christmas day. So the 25th or the 26th, depending on where you are that solar eclipse is at 4 degrees of Capricorn. So check your natal chart and see where your placements are if your son or your rising sign is close to 4 degrees in this eclipse is particularly. The potent for you, what's happening in Capricorn right now in terms of the eclipses again wants to help you let go of what's not working eclipses can often bring periods of Crisis or change their maybe breakthrough moments or breaking moments not necessarily on the day of the eclipse, but around the eclipse and there are two weeks between these two eclipses. So those two weeks are very energetically charged two weeks notice what's going on between December 25th and January 10th, the the solar eclipse on the 25th use it to connect to your own knowing to stimulate and work with your creativity and to work towards resolution of some long-term pain now with again. I'm going to say this again when you are creative you can make meaning for yourself. So get get somewhere. Where where you can let something get expressed out of you, you know, if you're with family all day find 20 minutes to take by yourself and just go like write a poem or go dance like a maniac, you know in an empty bedroom somewhere in just put on some music and free your body figure out some way that you can release some energy and that will help you get into your clear knowing on February. Excuse me on January 10th, the years a lunar eclipse at 20 degrees. Of cancer. So again check your natal chart. If you have any points that are close to 20 degrees of cancer or Capricorn since the lunar eclipse happens at a full moon. So the moon will be in cancer. The sun will be in Capricorn. These are really important planets that are getting figured in and this lunar eclipse is really wild. So I was saying February 10th. I keep saying February January 10th through the 13th. We've got the Big Show. Showstopper astrology of 2020 and there's a lunar eclipse that's happening within all of that. So listen to the longer episode or become a subscriber. If you want to hear me talk more about astrology. Now the feeling of this the sense that I get from your chart is very much oriented towards relationships and has a lot to do with your emotional intelligence your Healthy boundaries your knowing of yourself. You're either. And discipline to work with what you know you need for yourself or the consequences of not doing that. This is a big full moon for you in relationship. You are ready to move into the next level and layer or experience of yourself and relationship. My my sincere hope for you is that what comes through this full moon is? Joyful that it feels liberating that it feels like you can finally put to rest some old habits. It's and destructive patterns and dissatisfaction if the full moon brings about a period of chaos for you. I do want to say that you just want to trust this energy and trust that there's something that needs to open and to give way for you to move into this space of you know, this next layer of relationship that you want to move into and if you want to move into that space keep listening keep listening deeply open yourself to Be spiritually expanded look at your deep psychology and again work with your creativity check in with me at the new moon and the full moon. If you get on my free mailing list, you will get lunar attunements for both of those days. I offer some kind of ritual or meditation or practice to align with the energy of the full moon oftentimes. They're very creative. Okay, so good for you this month. And I'll give you some more information about what's happening with the new or the full moon there. You can always follow me on Instagram at embodied astrology. I post regularly a couple of times throughout the week. Just dropping little Astro tidbits. You can find all of those posts. Also on Facebook at embodied astrology or on my website on the blog and bodied As I mentioned in the intro. I do have some events coming up in January in Portland, Oregon. So if Around I hope to see you there, and if you're not around and I hope to see you somewhere. I'm wishing you all the best in Capricorn season and Beyond. Thanks for listening. Bye for now. Just to remind her that I'll be offering to Live Events the weekend of January 4th in Portland, Oregon, and I would love to see you there check the show notes for more info or go to embodied and find my live events in the Play and Learn section. Happy New Year.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Capricorn Season in 2019/2020. Capricorn Season extends between December 21, 2019 - January 20, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Break Down to Breakthrough - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Capricorn and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and I’ll discuss some of the potent transits happening in Capricorn season linking us to cycles that have deeply influenced our world for the past 500 years. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Capricorn represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Capricorn season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Capricorn Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started welcome back afterbuzzers to the Real Housewives of Atlanta after show. So tonight. We are talking Dennis just made a mistake is Cynthia really moving to LA and Kenya ain't got no prenup all that and more coming up for you next. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TV talk now let the buzz. Hey. Hey y'all. Hey, you guys look up afterbuzzers. All right, you guys thank you so much for joining us the real housewives of Atlanta after show and we are in doing season 12 episode 7. What would Michelle? Oh do and it's me, you know, hold it down. I'm your host Erika Edwards, but we couldn't do it without the crew and tonight. It's Danny be hey y'all, it's your girl saying anything. Hey. Hey, and we're holding it down missing Lynn and Drew shout out to them come. Back come back. All right, you guys but stay tuned to the end because we got more news and more tweets than even the show. So, you know, these girls keep it coming. So I before we get all the way in what did you think about this episode? I'm not gonna lie this episode do not do it for me. I was bored. I'm like, okay. Where is that action? It was just a whole lot of excuses from Dennis the whole time my eyes were just like sis. Turn this off, please. Yeah, it just didn't do it for me. Yeah, I do see what you're saying because one I think there's still talk about the snake and the Cynthia Gates and the taping and I'm like, okay, which I get they're gonna really see that forever and a lot of therapy action, but nobody getting cured so very interesting. Yes, very very interesting. So starting with that. One thing that I did sign kind of fun is Porsche, so I'm going to start with poor. Asha tonight because you know, she's actually one of my favorites right now like I'm really I think she has the most interesting storyline and she just seems to be so comfortable and just like she's like she's turning into an old G now. Like I like she's like, well, you know, I might not have been here from day one. But now that I know that the Underground Railroad is underground right big thing. So I'm loving her. So first we see this really super cute scene with her and Marlo and it was really interesting. I thought to kind of see I say this every week by Marlo is just doing what she can for a peach shut out to her wig looking much better this week than it did last week. Yeah. Yeah a two thumbs up on the wig. So it was cute to see that Porsche even though she's you know giving me the side eye is actually being cool with Marlo and kind of bonding there. What did you feel about that whole their whole little moment together. Um, I really like Marlo this season I do. I do but I was not here for her taking Porsche to the hot dog Factory. Why and why are you standing for Denny's? Like I'm confused if we're girls and you know, he did me wrong. Why are you standing for him and calling him in like make trying to make Porsche say I love you. This man is fouled what he did was not cute. Like I was like, okay as a friend. I would never put my friend on the spot like that, you know, like I can spell again. I actually agree with you on That although I will say this Marlo did make a big point of saying portion and really opened up to anybody. So maybe she don't know the real real I guess she but obviously we all know what we read. So I totally agree with you because I was like, all right, I get that. She was standing for him before he cheated while she was pregnant. But now, you know, like I thought she was doing the most and wanting them to get back together, but then fundamentally, I think Marlo's all about the money so she's kind of like girl don't turn down those paychecks. And work it out. Yeah, I don't know I agree with you though. I do feel like her she was a little bit too over it, you know to pushing her too hard towards it and she was just too much like oh, yeah, you know we're calling I'm calling Dennis all that was like, okay. Yeah. I'm not that close, you know thing and if you were then you would not be doing that. Yeah, and I feel like Marlo regardless, you know enough to know that you shouldn't be like pushing her to get back with someone that did her wrong, especially knowing She has a baby involved. I think it was just messy and I don't think Marlo meant to be messy, but it was just like like which side are you on? You know what? I mean? Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. It's like you don't really know Dennis like that. You're not doing this is cousin or whatever. Why are you so hard for team Dennis? And Porsha is really your girl. Right and one of the things I also found interesting was when they had the discussions about Nene and it was sort of like, okay, I'm not gonna let my man. Do me like this, so I'm not going to let Nene do me like that. This which I think is valid until you stayed till the end or whatever. Like we already know. She's back with Dennis. So I don't know are you back with Nene because it's kind of like, you know, you did kind of it was interesting because she went so hard on the show and then or in the beginning of the episode really, but then you definitely saw her cracking. Yeah therapy and maybe it's not really a crack. I'm not saying she shouldn't forgive him. I guess I don't really know but it was interesting because she's been so strong or Like oh this was really wrong. I'm really hurt. I'm not just gonna take him back like that and we know she took em back so it's like okay, but it was interesting because I almost see it seems like in this episode she flipped. What do you think about at least once, you know got into therapy and stuff. Um, you could see her kind of like like you said cracking a little bit her kind of like letting him in a little bit and I was like serious like okay I get it. You don't want to be Petty but like you don't get a hug for me. At the end of therapy and you just made up every excuse in the book as to why you cheated on me while I was pregnant with our child. Exactly. No hug, like exactly first of all, and then that was like a real hugs at first. I was like, I thought she was because she started like she's just going to be fake and then I was like, she was really snuggling with him right then. Why do you not have your own car while you in the car wire? Like I did not like that at all. I was she's like, can I come over like dude? Why don't you have your own car? You can come together. However, you got here. That's how you get that exact one. Why are you in the car with me? So that was one thing I didn't like and then to talking about the therapy session because yeah, that was a thing. They didn't come together. He came late. So how did you get there? That's the way you need to leave. That was my thing. I was like, why is he in this car? Because at first I was like is she talking him on a speakerphone like how she taught me? Yeah. He's sitting there and I'm like what then another thing I want to see what you all think to in the chat or whatever. Well, you were real sad and you have pores partum. So it was an accident or mistake and I was like, oh, okay, like really? Oh no and then he said this this is where I was like, well, you know, you was pregnant. It's not something a man wanted to do like what head even me like what you trying to say really like what what what and then she's like but we were having sex though, you know, I was like, well, what are you really saying and to me his excuses were horrible like They had all this time to think of something is what you came up what you need to talk to somebody because that was bad. It was bad. I was like girl he if someone was just like, okay. Yeah, you know you got big and pregnant so I slept with somebody else and you were a little down afterwards. So yeah like yeah my bad, like what or you could have just said it was just a mistake. I just you know, whatever whatever but bright blaming it, you know when she got pregnant that she was going to have a big belly in right exactly the whole time. Like not everyone gets it but some people get a you knew that it was a possibility. That was like the worst excuse. I'm like sir. You have so much time to ponder and think of a good excuse and this is what you gave us. That's what I'm thinking. I'm like do you not have any friends? You not have a sister do not have a mother do not have any woman in your life to sit you down and be like don't say no stupid mess like that like to me really like fundamentally, maybe it was this this and this but it was something within you that cause you to react like this instead of and sleep with someone. Can bring somebody else in to your situation so you could have said something along those lines because you are the one who messed up and they didn't have anything to do with how sad she was or the size of her body. So, you know and so for her to me, I mean, honestly, I've got mad so I was like, but she seemed to kind of be like, okay. Well you were honest like I didn't seem like honesty to me. It just seemed like an excuse that he just came up with on the spot like I mean maybe For him like that was why he did it right like she big and fat. I want to hook up with somebody smaller or who she crying too much. I'm gonna go get me some maybe that actually did really happen, but you need to look at yourself. Like why are you that person? Yeah, and that's the thing. I felt like he didn't really look deep within himself at all. And you've had a lot of free time because she ain't been talking to you, right? So why didn't you look a little bit deeper into who you were and is that why you did it and also like to me is going to be something. Star because it's like because you not changing who you are. You just saying. Well, okay. So the next time she get added to what you're going to go cheat again like that. Actually that was the thing and the therapist. I don't know. I think there was really wants them kind of get back together. Yeah. I got that Vibe. I got that vibe that she was just like well, you know, I see that you're hurt but she didn't really to me. She didn't really hold Dennis to like any sort of real responsibility for what he did. Yeah, I agree with you. You I just I don't know. I just am I don't want to judge it and be like no Portia. You don't need to take him back, you know because that's her family, but I just don't see it because I feel like the therapist was saying like you have to build back trust but like honestly trust is like so hard to like build back after someone, you know, like I feel like it's going to be in their relationship like looming over their relationship all the time because when someone hurts you like that, especially when you're pregnant is like, Come on. Yeah, absolutely. I agree with you and I think furthermore that if he ain't made no real changes then and he's not really talking about anything. He did. He's just coming up with who it's my it's a mistake then yeah, how are you going to stop from tripping into the next girl? Sorry, you know send it to me. I feel like not only is it going to loom is likely that he's gonna do it again because even though he's sad that they're breaking up. He doesn't seem to have any remorse really for what he did and You know, he's being honest and open with her and all of that but I don't really see because to me, like I said, he's not facing. Why did you do this? Like actually, you know, I'm saying it's not it's clearly not just because she was sad or yes. She was big or because of whatever there was something in you. That was like, okay. Well now I'm going to go hook up with somebody else and you haven't addressed that. So when the next problem comes you're likely to act react the same way our DOT Iman in the live chat says it would be different. He took accountability for his excuses and actions and Ronnie media page has question though. The women sometimes confuse the relationship therapy issues as mixed with the work to attain a family. Not really understanding if you can clarify that for me. Yeah, because because I think well, I'm not sure if I understand your question, but I do feel like Porsha is really pushed because she wants a family unit for Pilar. I absolutely feel that to be true but to some extent she has been through that crazy divorce. I mean, she has had a lot of relationships that didn't work. So I do feel like there's always that point where you're like, okay, I don't want to start over exactly there. So I do see where she Be pushing for a whole family. Yeah, and you know and I guess the therapist is assisting her with that the issue I kind of have with even the therapist and this particular really both of the therapists on this this episode, but the be there but right here is that she's not really saying anything to dentist and I'm like, well, it's couples therapy. So Dennis, you know, it's not all okay what's going on with you Porsche and then Dennis comes up with something whack and you act like oh, okay. Yeah, that's Acceptable instead of going a little bit because she I mean if she's a therapist maybe he don't know enough to go deeper. I'll give him that so she should have been like but what about you me? Yeah this you know what I'm saying? Because to me now, he's just blaming her cheating is cheating on Porsha literally and there was kind of let that slide which I am not a fan of maybe just a bad Eddie but I did exactly what we need to see the cut. Yes. This looks crazy right here. So we'll put it on the producers for now. Yes. Yeah, they need to get that together. All right. So before we move on to our next topic, Danny has something great to share with you guys. I do before we move on. We just wanted to say thank you guys so much for making us the ESPN of TV talk for us to continue to grow we could really use your help. Please make sure to comment like subscribe if you're on iTunes calming all that good stuff guys, the live chat is lit right now. So make sure that you sign you, you know put in you're in put in the live chat so we can shout you out and get some of your opinion joined the conversation being a part of AfterBuzz means so much to all of us and we want to thank you so much for supporting us each and every week keep it up y'all absolutely and if you're watching right now you might as well like it because you're already here. All right, you guys, all right. So let's talk about Cynthia. Okay, so, you know, we all know I'm just joking. Yeah, he's cool. I like well, so she's trying to make space for a while. Until we see some sort of lightness with her and Kenya because Kenya has an Immaculate closet and we all know that Cynthia has closet issues. So so we see a kind of cute little segments there and they both have a lot to say about these long-distance relationships and how they're sort of making them work and Kenya although she's a little snarky as she is that often times in a little shady, but she seems to be coming from a place like girl, don't do what I did. It and and it's interesting to see how she and Cynthia are interacting in this in this particular scene. What did you feel about sort of Kenya's advice? Yeah. Can you save is like girl get him to move here first before you move him in and all that others, you know kind of girl. Um, I mean, I agree with it you want him to be here first before you move him in but sometimes can you doesn't say things like from a don't do what I did type of standpoint. It's like a judgy type thing. And so I Read with Cynthia when she was like, how are you going to be talking and you did this damn the third I'm like, but seriously, can you like you really don't need to be giving relationship advice at all at this very moment, but you know what, I mean, but it was just like a kind of I agree. Well, I kind of agree with you to me. I feel like she should be giving advice because she should be but she need to be if she was more authentic be like girl. This is how I could go wrong, right? So this is what you need to say, and she instead of that. She kind of she always kind of makes it seem like Cynthia's thirsty. That's how she comes at her like forgetting that she had like several seasons being thirsty to get a husband. Oh my gosh, girl. You pay people right? Like what are you talking about? So, how are you going to Judge Cynthia? When an honesty you should be like look, this is what happens when they're in this Coast year on that Coast that it allowed because to me she's been so real with candy and we haven't seen that between her and Cynthia which is actually very surprising but if she was a little bit more real with Cynthia, Maybe someday I could better understand it because to me she should just be like, okay, you know because if she was really a promo her right about where she is with Mark now and how this separation has affected them and basically how she's you know, like she herself going home every night with him is seems like she thirsty now so it's like right if she had really been real with her that I think Cynthia would have been like, okay. I see what you're saying. Maybe I shouldn't when you go all-in too quick. Yes is also what can happen. Yeah, but I agree with you. She's Definitely not in a place to judge nobody because it's like girl come on now. He's talking to the baby and the baby can't talk when he's talking to you. So, you know, you not really in a position of look down on anybody for sure, but you can be like, okay don't do this because this is what happened to you. And so she could have just I thought you know, it's interesting. It was cute to see him together whatever basic you see them talk and now what is interesting and so we do finally get a really decent scene. Of will because we've seen him and he's cute and whatever but we haven't really seen him in the thick of it. So we see this double date dinner with Cynthia and her new BFF Eva cuz I don't know even need somebody tape with I guess so they're friends now or there's sort of like this new just weird weird. I mean, it's interesting where people like okay, you know, I guess I got to take with you today. So we go regenerate friends. I found this is what we're doing now, but so she goes On a dinner and some sort of bowling football combination. I've never played that game, but it looked interesting sort of and I'm and so they get into this discussion about the taping again interesting sort of because I'm kind of like y'all need to get up off my girl Marlo. I know that right. What do you think about that whole thing with okay. Let's let's ask Michael. Is it illegal and all of that? It's like it was dramatic it was Come on, like you're grown. You know what it is. Like we didn't need his legal advice about this recording it is not that deep. They don't need to get up off Marlo. Okay, like I'm tired of y'all coming from Marlo. She is not that petty I don't think Marlo is like a you know, undercover spy recording set exactly and more importantly. Why would she just go back and be like, yeah, I need this what she said. That's it. Like I don't even think it's that deep tomorrow like we Really? I you know because Marlo is such a bone carrier. She don't need tapes. She can just her word is bond. Like she could just say yeah and she has enough receipts on everybody. It's not that serious. So I think for them to kind of keep throwing that out there is hysterical and so they end up playing this little game. Oh, no, the one thing I will say this before I move on to the game was that this was the moment where we really see will like, oh, I'm so protective of Cynthia which I was like, okay. It was too much like I'm glad you studied him. As your lines book good job thumbs up because it just seemed like acting I was like you're doing the most with that so that was kind of like it was cute. It was nice to see him and scene or whatever. But yeah, it didn't feel the most authentic but we know you're new so keep working at it. Right and it doesn't even like, you know natural because I was like, yeah somebody wrote that so then they play this game that seemed like I was bowling at first but they're shooting a football and two pins or something. I don't know and so whoever wins the other person Ian has to move and so will one. So do you think Cynthia is going to La no? No, I don't think she's just packing up everything and moving to La maybe they'll have like a, you know another place so that they can you know, travel back and forth, but Cynthia is not going to La I well I don't think Cynthia is going to La she's too used to Atlanta and she's trying to say on this franchise here. Yeah, and you know, and this will be the first The upcoming season will be the first time that Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has a black person so they not gonna have to so not did not visit season coming up anyway, so I don't think so. And then honestly, I feel like if if someone were to go to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I do feel like taenia is a better fit than she is by far. So I don't think Cynthia is actually going to move so I don't know maybe we'll move to Atlanta and guys. Sorry. We are correcting ourselves. It's the Mike's not will wear sari. Oh, sorry, but Max, you're fine. I'm sorry too many I know right? Okay, so thank you guys for cooking for correcting me. Okay, and then so so that's kind of where it ended with them is is she going to go or not go so we'll see what happens with that. So let's move on to the other Nene and her life coach. So we got her life quote made a guest role. Parent and I don't know like to me the biggest thing is if you can't even admit to your life coach that you sorry. Maybe you need a better Coach. I don't know but how did you feel about that whole I was like why I feel like mean he's running. His session is what I'm not so I agree with you. I was like, okay Nene. Do you have his growing payroll or something? Like this girl is like loving these checks you were riding her because she is just yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes to everything that Nene says she's not kind of like me. Making Nene dig deep or questioning her about anything. She's just agreeing with Nene like and we know from seeing Nene all these season. She likes people to do that with her. For example, like she gets mad at Marlowe. Will Marlow isn't being a yes man to her. So I mean, I don't expect anything else right? Absolutely, but I was like if this person is coaching you then they should have some some semblance of authority which none was there like she's like, well, I don't want to apologize if I don't know what I'm apologizing for life. Oh, so now you don't know. Yeah exactly and the life coach didn't recommend anything. She was just like whoa Nene you great like I don't even see why you need her if you're that great. It was just too friendly like yeah, what you been doing today? Oh nothing you like he just too friendly. It wasn't like a it just wasn't it wasn't like, oh like again. You know, I'm like Nene you better make up with these people because it's nobody taping with you. Like I feel like you're you're grasping at people at Safeway because That whole segment was kind of like, okay. She's just agreeing with you. So she's not even I mean not that Porsche therapist. Was that great either but this woman literally said nothing. So like she was just like yeah t it go Nene go like she got a coat. She's a cheerleader. That's what I really felt as far as she went before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account. Modify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV now this episode and then that Was it so and you know, I think we'll talk about that lab in the news, but that's all we saw of Nene which was kind of interesting. So how time checks looking girl you taping enough, right? And so let's move on to Candy because I think we got to see a little bit more. We're getting a look to see a little bit more of candy behind the scenes with Kayla her stepdaughter and we're seeing a little bit more of Todd and then we get to see her good old girlfriend Carmen for a moment. So how do you feel one of the things candy has brought up? Several episodes is that at the end of the day they both have the final say on their individual child, even though you know, they're supposed to be a combined couple now and Todd is so hard on Kayla, but she can deem I still question. I guess it's going to be like this for several weeks, but candy still feels like she could give Kayla more but she doesn't what do you think about that and we've kind of discussed this before and they've been over the same sort of issue about Kayla and her dad Todd. But I feel like candies been there long enough that she could stand up more. What do you think? Yeah. I think Andy definitely needs to stand up and throw Kayla some money under the table. There's something you know and just like y'all are women like she's going to be closer to you than her dad. But Taj is acting like he's raising a boy that she's in her 20s, you act like she's grown with kids and married like she has to be like so independent you can't do anything. For her candy doing stuff for him though, you know and that was it that's going to say that's what one of the things I don't understand because like it's like Todd maybe you struggled. Maybe you were your own self-made man, but you're not coming into this like candy can't pay for my businesses candy cane buy me this candy can't buy me that because I'm a real man, but you expect out of Kayla. So I feel like that's slightly hypocritical because Kayla is basically the only one that seemed like she broke in the family. Everybody else is Riding High on Kandi's money except for Kayla. Yeah. And so I think that that sort of a double standard that I get that you want her to be mature and take you know, and do her own thing. But you you live in a luxurious life. I think that if you have the means to help your child, you should help your child and then you know, there comes a certain time when you are like, okay like I've done enough for you. I'm backing up you're doing you know, right but like help her get on her feet help her with her business or something. You can't like she's a girl you can't just Throw her to the wolves and just be like figure it out. You can't do that with women exactly and speaking of which let's talk a little bit about Todd and his 85 businesses. Yes, um tied according to Candy you have all this stuff in your head, but you're not acting on it, sir. Yeah, we're going to need you to act on it. Your daughter's trying to start a business. How would you help her out get her involved in some of these business there's or something, you know some father-daughter, you know business dealings or something. But um, Candy, are you finding this has more importantly, I think we need we need the producers to cut back to Riley being like why do you have more kids and you can't take care of the ones you got like that's the truth. It's like you're building this person and we talked about last week about how he's going to the strip club and a baby only been there a week. It's like you have 85 jobs. And you said you wanted this kid, but do you really want this kid? Like if you want to have all those businesses, I'm not necessarily knocking that but you have all that and a new baby. Anna toddler and two other children you doing the most? Yeah, and especially if you're going to the strip club days after your child is born you're not ready for these businesses anyway, because you're not even ready for the child. Absolutely. Absolutely. Alright you guys so we're going to close out this episode talking about Kenya and girl how you ain't got no prenup and you just met this man three months ago. I'm so confused right now. Like I know he has restaurants and stuff. But what you doing girl, what you doing, and she breaks down in front of the estate lawyer, which is Actually, not a divorce lawyer. So she brought I didn't know what was going on. How did you feel about that whole thing? Um, you know better like, you know better getting into that situation. Like I know you really wanted a husband and a baby so bad but no one should ever be able to talk you out of protecting your assets to me and you know, he has other kids to where you want your money to go to his kids and you know what? I mean, like right exactly a more. Me too. You know, I think okay, like maybe her money won't go to his kids but more importantly his money is only a trickle might come down to her child. So, how's Brooklyn all end up? So that's the part where I'm like, okay, he has some stuff and why wasn't you know, like I'm not sure why we need to hear more Martin. Let us know why you were so uncomfortable with it. But Ken. Yeah girl, you you're not 20 girl. You should know enough to be like look, especially now that you're like, okay. I want to protect my stuff. Yes. Now you're still at Risk, so, you know and is he going to have to agree to some of these things now because you know, I mean there's a lot of different issues but I was really surprised by that and it was really sad to kind of see her breakdown because it seems like any little thing consider, you know can break her down which I think means that her marriage is even back then is worse than we even think. Yeah, I think like I feel really bad for her even just what we do see on camera. I feel bad so I know it's probably worse off. Yeah, because we all know how She is so like if she could come get you would so all right, you guys there's so much news and gossip. So let's move on to our news gossip. All right, you guys so the first thing I noticed from YouTube which I'm going to check this out. Like I canceled my subscription to JustFab but for $39.99 or whatever you can get like VIP shoes Porsha Williams. Our girl Porsche is doing a collab with them and I'm going to check out what her boots are all about because you know, I love Porsches style. I think she's really cute and she does you know, she does a collaboration. I mean, I probably can't afford her weaves, but I can't afford $39.99. I will let you guys know if I ever get in those boots. All right, and And let's see here. And then Nene posted this Instagram tweet earlier basically right after the episode aired and it's basically she's only being seen once this whole episode so she's kind of snapping off and trying to act like y'all thirsty and y'all still trying to come for her all of this and as Danny and I discuss a little bit before the show. I think Nene is trying to set it up where where she gets cut is going to be more like You know more like she got more like she quit so she got fired. I think she's trying to save face in case something happens. All right. So now here is another Instagram post where they posted a picture and the snake has been blurred out which is Yvonne. Yeah. Well your Vonda posted this picture and blurred Porsche out. Oh, oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Thank you because you know, it's this is blind up here. Okay. So yeah. Yeah, so that was cool. And then can you bring this one up a little bit or you can read this one if you can read it. Yes, someone commented on the picture where Jovana blurred Porsche out and said, how did she start these and Yovanna says she didn't post Porsche because Portia did a little ditty crop on her and grunts growls. I saw that one. I do see the one where Porsche cropped her out. And then she like said she cried rape which eyes is like because I said, there's only answer I was like, well, here's how you crop somebody out. You got to leave in a random elbow. But yeah, so they know that was there had been cropped out so you don't have to tell everyone so yes, right. I did see the earlier photo. All right. So now this one I did see so as you guys know because it's kind of went on a little bit last during the week last week as well. Is that Andy called out Nene on his watch? You know, what happens live about wearing the same dress that she wore. I think it Bravo Khan in her confessional last week. And so Nene went on this long tirade about you know, and now she has to be worried about being called. By the executives and blah blah blah and my boy Andy who deserves his own temporary Peach. Hey back with a gift from Nene that said I said what I said and then Nene came back with a gift or whatever from candy. That was like and what you said was some beat bullshit likes okay with Heather a little hilarious Twitter battle. So go ahead and then now Nene recently had a birthday and posted these Fab wig photos. And he's fat have pictures that as we all can tell were clearly photoshopped, but they look great. You look upon her You Look Marvelous. All right. So let's move on you guys to our tweets take it away Daniel B's. Okay. We got some funny tweets from today's show. Let's pull up the first tweet. Okay. So the first tweet if you know, you know, okay, Nicole underscore Perez one says this Literally Riley and Kaela LMAO. Y'all remember Brandy is Cinderella, if you know, you know, if you seen it, this is definitely giving me Riley and Kaela guides for Kayla Kayla. Okay. Next we have unconventional says that he just use her postpartum depression as an excuse for him to cheat. I would have had to pull a Jocelyn. Yes. Yes, when jostling tour Stevie up at yes. Yeah, I would have had to pull a Joseline to that was just not a good excuse. Yes. She should have gotten a little gangster right here in therapy just a little bump. Okay, and now we have the Sama 26 says what is this voiceover at the end? I was wondering the same thing. Like are we on the Haves and the Have Nots to like what am I watching right now? What is this voiceover? Very true. What is going on? Right, like you do it too much. Oh my and now stressed Tiffany 11 says talk spending all of Kennedy all of Kandi's money while telling his daughter to be independent with this. Yes. I'm looking like that to say I am totally here for you. I'm like dude. She is bankrolling your whole life. You won't give your daughter extra hundred in her allowance. Do it do better tied, right? All right, you guys, thank you so much for joining us. And remember you guys if you want us to feature one. Of your tweets, then, you know tag us tag, AfterBuzz all that good stuff. I wait a minute before we do before we truly leave. Well do one prediction I predict the were finally gonna see hashtag chill gave the proposal and everything and I'm here for I'm ready to see how it all went down. I totally agree and I think that Nene is after all going to make up with Marlo because she ain't got no friends. All right you guys thank you so much for joining us. And before we get out of here now for your bed Danny where can Do you find it? Yes, I'm your host Danny be you guys can find me on Instagram at the Danny be. All right you guys and I'm Erika Edwards. You can follow me on all of my social media at Erica. Are I Ka d as indoor Edwards shall for now folks. I guys our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Hmm use express herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Join hosts Erika Edwards (@erikadedwards) and DaniB (@thedanib) as they break down Season 12 Episode 7 "What would Michelle O' Do?" in this Episode Porsha and Dennis have couples therapy. Nene meets with her life coach. Cynthia & Eva do a double date and discuss who taped Cynthia again. Kenya meets with an estate lawyer to discuss protecting her assets for Brooklyn. All this and more! Tune in!! #RHOA #AfterbuzzTV #ExactlyErika #TheDaniB ABOUT REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA: Real-world dramas whirl around five privileged ladies from Atlanta in this soapy entry in the 'Real Housewives' franchise. The Southern belles include a single socialite, an aspiring country singer and the wife of a professional basketball player. The Atlanta housewives continue to live their fabulous lives in Georgia's capital city in this incarnation of the popular reality TV franchise. Relationships, a staple of the "Real Housewives" shows, take center stage as usual as the ladies' love lives experience ups and downs. The sassy women's entrepreneurial spirits are also in full bloom as they juggle their personal and professional lives, along with their busy personal calendars.
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Welcome to another after show for Basketball Wives season 8 episode 9 Jackie is doing everything to stay active including playing tennis pole dancing and running her mouth child. It's getting out of control the lies. I don't know who to believe stay tuned as we dish on all that and more. You're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. Now, let them let him begin because up everybody it's been going on for the last eight episodes and it's still going on. Thanks. Same old same old. I'm your host Miss Conversation Piece. We're going to break it all down for you tonight. First. We're going to review the episode then we're going to play invasion of the closet snatchers and we have some trending tweets plus our predictions news and So stay tuned to the end and I have the lovely branching Cheyenne Cheyenne here y'all yes, she's here with me. So I hold it down. So just give me your overall thoughts of the episode drained your Tyler and I heard she said you said she said she said you said one more time. It was like I felt I felt like I was back in high school. Everybody got on my nerves this episode. I was so over it. Yeah. I have the same feeling. I feel like it was superintendent. Tense of just lying to our faces like they weren't being recorded. I mean you're on TV, why are you lying? So I don't know when the ladies felt like they would fess up to everything. I think they're waiting to the reunions to see how things are gonna play out. So they're just and and I think the main one that was my with Phoebe and she's new to the scenario. So maybe she doesn't know how the cuts work and she doesn't think he's gonna are you don't need to know that to know you're being recorded? It's gonna are eventually and the truth is going to come out and if you're going to say something out your mouth you need to be okay with the repercussions that come with it. If you're going to be scary don't say it. Exactly. So what do you think? Maybe we can talk about that in predictions? Her her reaction will be at the reunions when people start calling her out for this. I think she's gonna backtrack a lot. I think she's going to act like she's over it and she doesn't have time for the drama. I think she's going to pull that type of card so she can avoid Void she's going to make it seem like they're immature for still being mad. And she's going to act like she's just over and she doesn't care. Mmm. I think she's gonna like try to boss up at the end you think so, I think she's going to try because I feel like the reunions everybody tries to put on this face. Like, you know, this is what really happened in just that's when the real blame you for teachers and state exactly and his arguments are but we'll get into it later. Let's just talk about how Jackie Jackie Evelyn and Phoebe they go to the Exercise exercise class in there pole dancing. I mean Jason's everything I need to go. I didn't hurt. It takes a lot of upper body. It does it takes a lot of upper body strength because you're lifting your own way. I've done it so many times back home, but it's really good cardio. Yeah in Jackie, she knows how to keep it spicy. She has a Sex book Byron's reading it. She's giving tips to everybody Phoebe's learning a little moves that she could possibly use on the stage, but she wasn't really into it and she never Say anything she's never and that's the thing. She's a Debbie Downer and that's why I don't see her fitting in next season because her story line is always boring and she's always lying judging lying being scary and always has a problem with something or a critique. So it's like girl bye you complain too much. Yeah, and this is where Evelyn makes the phone call to Anthony who's been talking to Jackie and Dominique and Jennifer about Evelyn. So, what about you? Jennifer know they're talking about I'm sorry for they said Jennifer was talking about it and Evelyn call Anthony because she was talking about whom talking about Anthony was talking about how he how messy this. Yes. It's just too many names. It's too many needs. Yes how the girls get confused exactly because I'm Anthony because Anthony was talking about Jennifer and Dominique talking about Malaysia Malaysia. That's where we my God. God is so much. It's a chain reaction. So Anthony gives some very close details because at first he was like, oh my God Evans on the phone. He's a fan. So we're like, okay, he's just one of those people that strolling right but then he comes with the details and it's almost like receipts and even though we don't see any text or anything like that. He's like saying too many details so we begin to believe him. Yeah, especially when he brought up Dominique. Mmm. It was like, oh there might be some truth. There yeah, because Evelyn dropped the phone mouth fell wide open and then she picks the phone back up to get more but we don't we don't get into that when the messages are relayed. She's like plans sympathetic to Malaysia when it's coming out and stuff like that. So it's a lot of fakeness going on. I'm just confused about like this whole friend dynamic because I want the ladies to get along but when you sit at brunch and you talk about how someone is, you know, the stylist is calling. You in this is another Jennifer. Oh my gosh, the thing with Kristin with Kristin was there your when Crystal was laying and she says the stylist said the card declined and she didn't clean the clothes. So spreading these rumors is it's just I guess the way of basketball-wise it seems like that's what it's come to because I don't remember it being this messy in the past Seasons. Like I've been able to deal with it and find it entertaining before but I don't know if it's just me or Older and now I'm more mature and I just see past that stuff but it's so draining to watch these grown women play these childish games. Who cares? Okay. Tammy might be a little juicy. All right, like it York. It wasn't your car that had to pay for it. Like why is everything everybody's situation everybody's business people. Just want to bring the person who gives them attitude or they have shady past with With they want to bring them down so they got to take this little juicy gossip. And I think it's you know people like Anthony or whomever like be carrying the news because they're like, who did you hear about the yeah, and they know that you're fighting cause it's on TV, so they're like, let me tell Jennifer is let me tell Malaysia this so an instigator exactly and it could be laid to rest. However, I think Jackie's pretty boring, you know, her son's about to leave her daughter has her own family. So I think that's one reason. I'm Jackie just Is finding like a lot of messiness you think going back to like the old Jackie like she said yes and the old you and I said and I said in the beginning before he started as I said, I'm so proud of Jackie so far because she used to be so messy. And now she's allowing them to pull it out of her, but I do want to say that I am kind of surprised how quick Evelyn was to kind of jump on Jennifer's defense When It Disco rumor thing about Malaysia came out because just because you made up with her now you want to give her the Fit of the doubt but as soon as you heard it was something about Shanice you were about it. Like you were ready to jump. I feel like she was trying to deflect it and make it about the other girl because she was like, oh, yeah just had enough, you know confrontation Les bring the heat to the other girl. You know what I mean? I think that's why she was more like a Dominique. Yeah. That's why I feel like she was just like a Believer, you know, so it's just a bias thing then basically, I mean she still is not feeling Jin. It's just I feel like she just trying to Divide and conquer and just get as many girls taken out if she can you know what I mean? I just feel like Evelyn she's a little I don't I want to say evil but she's a mean girl a little of a mean girl. Evelyn knows who she is. So, you know the skate party gets out of hand because these rumors are getting out of hand and Malaysia is ready to confront like soon as she here. She's like I need to get my composure like I can't believe I'm hearing this. This and you know, we can't even get into the fact the girls I'd rescue. I don't know they were so cute. First of all, the fact that feed be thought that she was Ashley Banks boggles my mind because I didn't know who she was. That's another thing I think production was doing because you remember Kristen she's dressed like all people my God. I did not think of that. She didn't really have the Kaufman's though. She was just like, okay, but Kristin look better though. Yeah. She actually We had the real costume the real Prep School costume. So, you know Kristen if you know like it was like the time is now I have to tell her it was it the time Kristen that's her problem. She never knows when the right time is because she did the same thing at shaunie's party when she dropped the ball at shaunie's party about the whole thing about the room with Jennifer and now she's at her own party and she feels like this is the time to tell Malaysia people everybody in the comics that first DC so she disinvited CC but brought everybody else to bring some more mess because now the heat I guess it's kind of off of her but but you actually he's acting like she didn't have any opportunity before the party to talk to Malaysia. Like you guys are cool your family, right? But what about her adding in the extra stuff now that the kids are dirty see I have a I don't know how to feel about that because at the moment when she said it I was like, okay. Maybe maybe the Anthony guy said it and producers cut that out. But then when Phoebe said that Kristen threw it in I'm like oh so now Christians being messy, but then I'm like at the same time fix Phoebe's a liar. Exactly. You can't take anybody's word for anything that sauce is going out of control. Honey is too much. But when Malaysia sees that, you know, just Dominican jaywalking and she immediately walked over confronts them and they deny deny it. And that's where Evelyn is like, I believe it. She seems like Evelyn you believe it that quick that quickly if it was Shanice Evelyn would not let it go that quickly. We saw that last season but this is the thing everyone is not even taking into account. She's the one who asked for the guy's number to call so she's just as messy or just as troublemaking is Jackie. Yes, and I think that at that moment when they both heard Kristen throw that dirty part in Phoebe and Evelyn should have clarified. At that moment and said that's not what he said and the fact that they didn't do that adds on to the messiness. Oh, yeah. So then by this time Jackie's late and Malaysia's pretty much heated just waiting for her to walk through the door and Jackie has to go to the restroom. It's just like I'll be right back sis and she's like no we got to talk now and pull your sunglasses off while you at it he gets in her face and it gets very very intense. So I Like to see Jackie and Malaysia for I think they did. She just automatically was believing whatever Evelyn was saying in her ear because she didn't give Jackie a chance. I feel like the answers that Jackie was giving made sense. You know, I don't think it took, you know from Malaysia to get that angry without really just like are you serious? But you got to remember when you're in the moment like that and all your emotions because Malaysia is not someone that it takes time for her like it. It's immediately so for Malaysia in that moment, she hears people calling her kids dirty and on top of that as from her cannot it's from her friend, and she but the thing is they were right about Jack he's saying because Jackie was telling everybody except Malaysia. And so Malaysia does have a right to be mad about that and she's very big on loyalty with friends and family so I can understand why she took why she got that upset. Okay. Yeah. I just feel like she could have heard Jackie out a little more Let it go to the bathroom and little you know talking about it. Jackie was trying to make a joke and that's what you don't do when somebody is mad and confronting you because for her to turn to what's it called to Evelyn and say you look hilarious and I'm in the midst of talking to you about I'm going through this right now and I'm pissed. Mmm, and then you're trying to talk about I'm going to the bathroom to data. No. Yeah. Well it gets out of control. Well, and that's where the episode ends but let's just talk about Cece and oh gee, they're they're making you know a man's as well because they've had a wish drawn into them and it's just good to see that all the aggression comments that people have been making I didn't see any of that when you know, something was directly said to her and it was receipts. And this was somebody that was Frame, but she was able to talk to her calmly and be able to you know, basically hash it out. Yeah without any violence without any screaming and throwing things and CeeCee did hold accountability and I feel like if the other ladies act like this maybe we have more apologies and friendships. It's it would be nice but it's just like what OG said it shows maturity and if you don't have that maturity in you. You can't expect an outcome like that. Yes, you definitely can't but what you can expect from us is a great show and we love how you guys interact with us. We like when you comment subscribe and tell your friends about us because we want to grow and become the ESPN of TV talk and Brianna. Can you tell us why you love being a part of AfterBuzz? I love being part of AfterBuzz because it gives me an opportunity to meet so many amazing people in the industry. I get to watch my favorite shows all the time and say I have to do this for work and I get to talk about it with people who are just as passionate as I am. So it's amazing and I love meeting people online and having somebody else to talk to total strangers. I never meet you, but we got a lot in common. So yes, thank you so much for joining the conversation and let's just get into. Tammy trying to talk in this British accent so she goes to the acting class and she I guess sit did she said Phoebe up because Phoebe said she felt set up. I mean, I guess it can be considered a set of if you don't tell the person that the other the person you have beef with is coming but because it's Tammy it's not a set up in a negative way because Tammy's is Tammy was doing it for herself because she's like I heard you were talking stuff about me. Yeah, I'll do was there when it when it happens, right? Yeah, so Phoebe just straight up like what's up with her because oh gee, you know confronted her. She lied, you know, jeez there this time as well. So I'm just like what she she lie. She thought both of them was gonna jump on her probably because both of them can fight and clearly clearly Phoebe doesn't have hands nor mouth. Well, she got mouth behind the scenes and stuff but But I guess she thought she was going to get hurt her credibility is out the window now little girls like to thank just because they're pretty and they shake the little booty or whatever and rhyme a couple lines than there are rapper these days. So I guess she thinks that's how it's going to happen. Well, do you feel like there's a certain age for you to you know, take up a new personality a new hobby a new interest in life. I think you're always there's never You're never to it's never too late to reinvent yourself ever everyone grows. You never stop growing as a person. So if you want to take up a new hobby because you found a passion do it life is too short and you only get to live one time. So why not? So you don't think it's too late for Tammy to wrap Timmy is to connected in this industry not to take advantage of trying to pursue a rap career. Like I'm not saying Tammy is going to go for Grammys and try to collaborate with the Honest, but she could if she really wanted to I think she's trying to do it more of like a comedic sketches. Yeah type of thing like a Saturday Night Live like she could yeah, I mean like she or rapper. Yeah, you know, that's like her Alter Ego. I don't think she ever came out was like yeah, I'm about to you know, go in the studio with DJ Khaled. Yeah, not at all. Not at all. And I think that was the whole point of when she went to the coach and she said she wants to learn about the British accent thing because she wants it in her arms. In all meaning just as an artist. She just wants to be able to say oh, yeah, I'm capable of doing this because those coins and booking those jobs. They want to know that your diverse and being a black woman in the entertainment industry. You need to be able to fill to check all the boxes. Yeah, and plus she's done with the show. It seems like she's like, yeah sure when she walked off on Phoebe because he was tries to deflect so much. So when she's confronted now, she got to tell what Jen said. Yeah, you know about the juicy. Is and then that's when Sam was like, you know what I can't have this conversation with you because I'm going to lay hands on you right now anything juicy in the live chat. Jenna James said, I mean Mama D on Love & Hip Hop did it for a minute facts? Okay, she does and she's still doing it. She's good luck. She just performed at a club not too long ago some nightclub booked her and she did in that order. I wish I could've been there. I'm glad I wasn't there. So that's what Jenna James said Natalia said Phoebe is used up space on this show and she's boring facts and a bookie said Phoebe never tells the truth also facts. Yes. It's a lot. It's just a lot of pennies. I just don't get it and I don't get why Phoebe would even shade Tammy to Jackie. Like why would you talk about Tammy to Jackie? I don't know Phoebe's just talking. She's just whatever she can do for camera time at this point. Yeah, you know and it's just it's not going to last. I just want to see how Evelyn looks at her after seeing how she spills the beans because she always throws Evelyn under the bus and tries to deflect away from herself exact. There was no reason for her to tell Tammy about the likings juices and card declining stuff, but And then say that you did right? Yeah, but she but she still didn't have to bring it up. Like yeah, it was unnecessary. Yeah, she's just she was just trying that she was she was scared and she was like, I got to say something. Yeah, she had to say something. Yeah, Phoebe come talk to this girl. Let us know what you were thinking while filming now. I want to know who what happened. You know, it's so ironic Evelyn was talking to Phoebe when she was talking to her about Jackie and I've Allen said, oh my gosh, where's though? The girl code? Yeah, where is the girl Coke because your home girl doesn't know it because she just threw you under the bus to your enemy and you don't even know but she's venting to you about she left that part out, right? Yeah, just the same way Evelyn left out that she called Anthony so they're all like, you know, yeah, keep one eye open around these ladies. I don't know if you just got to stick with your real family and just filled with these ladies but it seems like even it doesn't matter how long they've been friends. They all are like Running away from each other like even though Tammy is done with the show like she came in super close to Shawnee and now they're not they're not cool at all. And I've always said yeah, I peeped out from one Shawnee wasn't at the engagement announcement party. Yeah. So that's unfortunate. What is good to see them? Malaysia is doing things for her family get a new home and this is where it's confusing because it's like how people speaking on someone else's finances when you know, she could have been saving up for her house in Los Angeles. It's expensive to live here guy. Yes, so for her to get a house, right a big huge house like that. So maybe she was saving up money. We don't know Atlanta is a little cheaper car lot cheaper. Yeah, so I don't know who Anthony is and why he did that but Anthony hit us up in the live chat or in the comments. Give us an email. We want to have you on a Skype call. Okay. Yeah, we wanted that five seconds of Fame and they sure gave it to him. Okay, so also When Jen and Jackie hold you go for a walk. They actually did compliment Phoebe about her skills. Yes, and so I don't feel like they're hating on each other. It's just like why do the messy Lies come out all the time? Because it's like I think they want to like each other like I think they'd want to like each other for the sake of just not having drama and a headache but it's almost like it's engraved. And then like they it's in their blood to just be messy and it's so sad. Well, I don't get it. I don't get it. I'm really starting to get over this over this. I just want them to focus more on businesses. Like they did with cc is good to see the actual Spa that she was talking about last. Yeah, they OG visited her in so it looks nice doesn't want to go there and check it out. You guys let us know if you've ever been to want to see see. Spas because she has several locations now, she didn't partnered up with orange twist. So anything else you want to touch on before we go on to the special segment. Well Rd Barnes said the Evelyn Malaysia friendship seems so fake. I want to know why you think it seems fake. It seems fake because just like what we said when she when she came out and was telling her like I believe Jin it's like why cuz Three episodes ago you hated in right? Exactly. Exactly. And you still don't like her that much exactly. So it's like you now you your eyes are set on Jackie but it was like you were just chilling with Jackie. I feel like to be honest with you. She know that she made that phone call and now she sees how mad Malaysia is because Jackie said Malaysia is going to be man. You remember that? Yeah, and she sees how man Milady is so she's like trying to deflect the fact that she called and asked for this guy's number to call him. Yeah, because once that gets Then she's going to be in her face. Yeah, so and it all that could have been avoided if she just told her if she didn't call but because that's already done. She should have just owned it. I think that's the problem. Everybody has here. Nobody wants to own anything. They want to take a little piece of that and throw in extra to save themselves and make someone else look bad. Yeah throw in an extra zero, right? So let's get into our special segment invasion of the closets natural. Yes, so we have two sisters facing off here. No longer part of the Basketball Wives LA franchise, Gloria go Vaughn and Laura Govan. So miss Conversation Piece whose closet would you say you are you know who I'm going for? I'm going I already know oreo with this hat flashy going to Kentucky Derby or what? I think she was going to the conservatory Derby. That's why I love it. I love the hat. I love anything dramatic and red stands out soon as you walk in the room is sexy. She looks good Laura this hair the Mohawk the oversized jumpsuit in the pink shoe. Nope. I mean I get the color scheme. She was going for with the shoes. It's kind of hard for me because Gloria is very basic like going I can't tell you how far I had to scroll in her Instagram to find a decent picture. That's noteworthy. But then on top button Laura is tacky. Mmm, and I don't Don't know if I died. I guess I'd rather be basic then tack. Yes, I don't want people laughing at me. Yeah can happen crazy and up on the shade room. Yeah, so I would definitely snatch Gloria's closet, but I don't know about this hair like driving. I thought I think it's a struggle Pony. Oh, it might be a bunch of a struggle bun because you know, she doesn't have that much hair. That was a mohawk. Okay it see we're confused. She had a mohawk at one time at one point, but I think that's a struggle bun. Yes struggle the struggle continues lady lost a lot of weight and her body looks quite quite nice because it's about her for child support checks. That's what they say. She do with the child support checks, which is why her baby daddy always in the media going in on her. Hey, yeah, they be having the worst Twitter war both of them. And you know, what's so funny Glory everytime Gloria and Matt make headlines for some drama. Gloria will repost the headline on her own page. Even if it's bad about her or bad about him and I'm like girl. Well, I did hear that Gloria and Matt they made amends and they now have a solid legit custody Arrangement. That's nice because remember I think maybe last season she wasn't on it. But just last year they she like almost hit him with a car. Yeah that happened this year. I think oh my God, and that's why he was bringing her to court of what this whole restraining order thing. Yeah, and the boys were in the car with that's what's scary about. Like she's crazy, but it's good to see he's moved on to a beautiful woman her made Adam. Sorry. Okay. Mermaid Adam said I like the pants better, but neither is really my style. And then she said struggle. I guess you're talking about that struggle bun girl. Yes, honey struggle just leaving curly and not put in a bind. But let's do our trending twist. This is for all the super fans watching the show take it away, Brianna. Yes. Okay, so we have some interesting tweets based on today. Say we've got at Lady T forever. She said Jennifer Williams was crying about basketball. I have supposed to be a Sisterhood now. She's Evelyn's friend again and back to her old mean girl ways talking about Malaysia's kids and back to doggin Tammy are you know what? I don't think that was back to her old ways. I think it was actually her, you know talking about it back in the day like they're bringing it back. I think you know she already Just made amends with Evelyn. Yeah, so and she's gone through all this stuff with her mom. So I feel like this is something old that they're digging up. Yeah. It just had there's always just some drama. So it always seems like it's something new but it usually is old and like you said just dug up at XXX. Oh Erica says Jennifer from Basketball Wives LA really play with her life. She knows him about it and she acted bad isn't just for Phoebe like Like the way that I was scared for her to and it was he was sitting there. I was like right but I mean, we're well, I guess what the news and gossip we're going to see what we're talking about with Jennifer because we saw that video of her at hey, hey Malaya J Kristen, I do not care about them. Oh Decimus seats those were from when you and CeCe were cool and you were wearing her clothes. We not dumb. We're not dumb Kristen. We know the truth girl. I know how to bring the shade in the comments Hyundai really relate to and then at pinky underscore Balboa. Okay, I guess you I guess you'll be fine girl Balboa. Remember on the first season of Basketball Wives LA Laura said, she knew Malaysia was a rabbi because their first name is LaKeisha now, you cannot judge people by their first name and then what you need Bonded saying and Malaysia proceeded to walk around the table and a rock Hut as I guess it's Laquisha. I don't is it Laquisha or Lakeisha? It's one of its one of the loves. I just know Malaysia hurting. I know her off at her altar you go. She's trying to be now that they're but they're bringing out Lakeisha Lucretia and keep Keyshia. They bring an outlaw and they don't want her whole family was there but I'm proud of her because I remember one time she pulled up with Brandi she Pull up life. So and I know he sure is she sure is she sure is I do want to give a quick shout-out to K Reilly and Roshanda Powell. They were in the comments from last episode just showing a lot of love. So shout out to you ladies. I saw your comments. I appreciate it. Love you. Shout out to you guys. Thank you so much for doing that and let's just get into our news and God bless. I'm excited for the new Tammy Romans Ravine. She's going in on Jen on social media. If you don't want to hear the explicit words, we kind of bleep them out for you. You can turn the volume down a little bit because Tim is about to go in on Jim. Let's just play it right now is what I think about you. F you got damn I'm glad you said it all begging me to put you on when you couldn't even keep a job. Now. We're trying to go to Africa to say if you've been out too long. Nobody wanted for cookies over it. Now you want to show looking rookie. Oh my look how far you push me this right here is wrong. No Vaseline so far. It's not a paella impressed me. Like I'm tired. Now you go hitting some cool me a lie. I got receipts. I don't think you should reply selling your soul for fake friends and a little in it for almost then. We'll be a train. I'm telling you now. I don't say my name again. Shout out to the real ones who never pulled off Ben. Oh my God now nothing Tammy can rabbit her age. I don't know casual her funeral. Hey, I don't know how to respond to that. If I could say something, yeah, honestly the best dish I've ever heard. Honestly. I think Ice Cube would be super proud of that because that was honestly I'm just going to do this right now because yeah, that was awesome. Yes, she got us killed it's ounces. So let's get into our second piece of news and gossip. You have some more news. Oh, well that part of it was the when Jen was in the gym as part of that same if you go back a little bit. Okay? Yeah Jake what was she doing? She's just in the gym, you know showing I got a job. To the next one. She made a little a hit dog will Halo we got the receipts boo. What does she talk about the stylus? Is this about the pain? I she you know, Jennifer never has a at she never goes direct. So I'm assuming it's about Tammy because she could be from the Anthony she could be but then I'm assuming because the way the shade room does their news when they group things as a collective they make it's like linked to each other and then this is in the same thing with Rap so that's also how a lot of things get misconstrued though, because her she wasn't talking about that now is right now we're making a beef works. Well, Jennifer you need to you need to clarify on who you can come here to that. Yeah. You sure can. Come on over Jim. We would love to have you so let's get into our protection. Why do you think Breanna I can Until you that I would like to see Phoebe get beat for running her mouth. No violence. I can tell you what I'd like to see but I think I think that this thing would Jennifer and Malaysia is going to hit a really high high intense moment, but I can see them communicating once everything calms down Jackie me Jackie Jackie. Yeah, Jackie and Malaysia communicating about the situation and figuring out what was really He said it because I like their relationship. So I would hope that things can get back on track with them later on before the season ends. Well, I think they can make amends because I mean I remember her and Jackie got into a while ago and they made him be and she was just like Jackie's crazy. Yeah, and then I made friends again, but I don't really feel like Jackie was spreading the actual room like she did say the dirty kids think she was right. I heard Jim was talking mess about right her. So I feel like that's not so bad and I feel like once they have Have a chance to talk it out. They will make amends with each other. However, I do think that's when it will be revealed that Evelyn actually called Anthony and maybe she might be feeling a certain kind of way about scared for that one. You know, Malaysians might start feeling the way about that. Like why would you call because I want to know why would you call I do too but you know Evelyn is just messy and if it doesn't involve her then it's just what do you think? She was wrong? I think she was wrong because at the end of the day the thing is Evelyn didn't Going to Malaysia and Reporting it back to her like a good friend. Should she held onto it and was just kicking back and relaxing and Christian is one who brought it up exactly and then they say she still hasn't admitted to Malaysia that she called. So the fact that you you have yet to show your part in it, you know, you were being malicious and you weren't being genuine about why you called. So do you feel like every time you hear something about from you have to tell your friend? I heard this if we're that if we're close enough, and I know that it's something that Could get around absolutely. I'm going to tell you think they would have closed because look at how eager she was the call. It was like she got excited to be able to get some gossip on Malaysia. Like that's true. They're not that close in real life. But if you're going to portray yourself to be that close because they bonded off of not liking Jennifer so you can Bond off not liking somebody I guess you are forming some type of relationship and if Evelyn can sit there and spin, Tea but spill the tea that she chooses to spill you have to spill it all you have to give all the details because you felt that comfortable. Hmm. Yeah, I just didn't like how when Malaysia start to break down and cry when she heard everything that Evelyn was like, oh, come on, babe her like that is so fake don't like that what this I just don't like that. Mmm. I know but it's like what to do what to do. That's why I'm scared for 1malaysia finds out the truth because Malaysia's I don't know how she's going to react. I don't know either anybody else in the live chat. I have something to say Chanel Taylor says Evelyn planted that seed in Malaysia Sera talking about Jackie should have should have told her these two this time Evelyn had a whole conversation with Anthony and set there and did not mention to Alicia. Exactly jewelry. Sadler said it is so sad that Jackie and Malaysia fought and Jennifer started the rumor and Evelyn through Jackie under the bus. Evelyn is wrong. She's a ish starter. She also said I'm it's sorry to see Jackie and Malaysia fighting. Okay. She was correcting herself. Okay guys are lit in the live chat. Thank you so much for engaging with us. It's been real tonight and we're going to talk about it next week as well. So make sure you come back next week as we dish on all of things basketball-wise. I'm your host Miss Conversation Piece. You can follow me on Instagram and my SS Conversation Piece. You can check me out on my website conversation. and other after shows that I do I appreciate you Briana. You can find me on Instagram as I am be underscore Cheyenne see hia and any you can also catch me on upcoming love after lockup. I just found out you lied to me and you can also catch me on dating. Hashtag no filter. Alright, so next time we'll be back. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you're great. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. You just press your inner. Those are the holes only the not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or shoulders open.
The first episode of season 8 of Basketball Wives kicked out tonight! Breanna Chianne, Adaeze, and Ms. Conversation Piece discussed the best relationship moments, swapped fashion opinions, and a lot more as they chatted about the LA’s hottest wives. The Basketball Wives After Show: Welcome to the La La Land this spin off of where these lavish ladies who are formally linked to basketball stars. The BASKETBALL WIVES AFTER SHOW gives you the inside scoop on all of the drama that comes with being romantic with a baller with a California twist. Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show. ABOUT BASKETBALL WIVES: Basketball Wives LA is the Los Angeles based spin-off of Basketball Wives that premiered August 29, 2011, on VH1. It follows the lives of a group of women who have all been somehow romantically linked to professional basketball players. VH1 has renewed the series for a fourth season, which will premiere on July 12, 2015.
Often the advice I give to people today is Fast Forward where you are. Look at yourself in 10 15 20 years time and ask yourself. The question. Is that where I want to be and if the answer is no then you need to find a new path to just get to understand yourself. You don't know what you need in your life until you figure out who you are. Everybody Welcome to impact Erie. You were here my friends because you believe that human potential is nearly Limitless. But you know that having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it. So our goal with this show and Company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams. All right. Today's guest is a former monk whose wisdom has truly gone viral after finishing business school. He turned down lucrative offers from prestigious companies shaved his head and hit the road for three years. He Able to cross India Europe and England living as a monk studying meditating and building food and shelter programs for those in need. He was definitely in love with what he was doing. But he knew that it didn't scale so driven by a desire to share what he was learning with as many people as possible. He re-engaged with the world and dove headfirst into learning about the tools and techniques that might allow knowledge to spread as fast as entertainment and to that end. He joined Accenture helping them build their digital division while learning about the forces shaping the new digital landscape. He learned fast and quickly became their number one social-media influencer in a company of 400,000 people along the way. He also helped advise over 150 Executives on their personal Brands allowing him a very broad base with which to test this theories and leveraging what he learned in 2016. He launched his own Facebook page and it exploded in less than 12 months his inspiring entertaining and highly useful videos garnered over 1 billion views and now he North of 2.5 million followers globally. He makes content not only for his own pages, but for places like The Huffington Post and he has interviewed such luminaries as Tim Ferriss Simon sinek, dr. Shefali Deepak Chopra and countless others in the wake of his ridiculous level of success as both a content creator and digital strategist. He was named to Forbes 30 under 30 list in 2017. The Asian media Awards named his blog best blog in 2016, and he was added to National Geographics. Genius Council for which he is now helping to Source solutions to some of the world's greatest challenges. So, please help me in welcoming the urban monk himself. The man who is proving that you really can scale impact Jay Shetty truly goes both ways. So as I was telling you before we started rolling in my research, like I know Just go watch all the interviews of people have done and I've come across you like a million times and researching other people. So I thought oh this would be the easiest thing ever. Like this guy would have been interviewed a hundred times and you haven't like it's insane to me like you're pumping out so much content. Nobody's nabbed you up yet. So this is going to be really fun to really go deep. Your ideas are clearly very well thought through so mr. Be a lot of fun. Thank you, man. Yeah, I'm patient. Yes Haitian and having the right interviews the right time being with the right. People having it be framed correctly. So I'm very honored to be how much huge fan of the show. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. Yeah, absolutely. So one thing I want to talk about obviously having lived in London knowing a little bit about what it's like to grow up as an Indian Head in England. How on Earth did you Buck the trend of you once said growing up in an Indian household, you're either a doctor or a lawyer or a failure? Yes. That's right. So how like, how could you not fall prey to that? Yeah. As my three options, right? That was it. There was no flipped option. So according to my parents family or their Community I grew up in I'm a failure. That's crazy. And how did I Buck the trend? I was really really fortunate that very early on. I started to experiment with What mattered to me sometimes I got me in a lot of trouble what people don't know about me is that I was suspended from school three times for trying out all sorts of things like things that people would never imagine if One who goes on to be a monk. I was experimenting with all the drugs in the world. I had multiple relationships. I was really trying to search for some sort of meaning fulfillment. And as far as long as I've known I've been chasing thrill. I really value thrill and feeling like did I not see that coming? Ya know not many people do it. It's very different from 14 to 18. I was like this kid who just wanted to try new things out and my parents rhetoric would always be we'll make sure you get Great, and I used to think well if I can be bad and get good grades and then it's all works, right everyone's happy. So that's that's kind of what I did and at 18. I was really fortunate when I met a monk and this monk was invited to speak and I kind of just went because one of my friends forced me to at that time. I was listening to CEOs and entrepreneurs and business people and marketers who I thought that's what I was aspiring to be like and then I hear this Monk and he captivated me like no one had ever captivated me before it was like staring at the most beautiful woman on the planet, you know, I was completely fixated on him and his message and that is the beginning without me going into too much detail before we probe. That was the beginning of what changed me because I went from being someone who did only want all those things to become successful and trying to but I started hearing my own inner voice. Much more in all that noise that I had around me. I remember one of my parents had a math tutor for me because they wanted to be amazing at math and I was I was pretty good at numbers and I'd have this tutor and he tell me that he goes the reason that you're struggling with the next question is because you're always worried about what your parents think and and that really stayed in my head. I was just like wow, so as long as I'm trapped by what my parents think I can actually never find the answers to the real questions of life and they're all these little things Anning I lost two great friends when I was 16 one girl died in a car accident one guy died because he was involved in drugs and violence that that made me rethink everything. I just thought to myself wait a minute. These were beautiful people people that I loved people that in my opinion were good people and I just lost them in a moment and it was kind of like this collation of little things that just made me think wait a minute having money having Fame this that just doesn't seem to add up and then and then me Among kind of made that shift possible. And as I said, he was completely captivating and then I found out that he'd given up jobs and Google and Microsoft to be a monk and I thought to myself who does that, you know, he's given up everything that I'm chasing and they're all my friends are chasing but he seems happier than anyone I've ever met before and he spoke about this incredible principle where he said that we should plant trees under whose shade we do not plan to sit and he was speaking about this principle of selfless sacrifice and that kind of just penetrated me right there. When he said the words selfless sacrifice for the first time in my life. I felt a thrill about something that I've never felt before I thought wow giving up everything you have for the service of others sounds like the best thing you could possibly do and I don't know why I had that thought because I wasn't a spiritual kid growing up. I wasn't a religious kid growing up. I wasn't even a good kid growing up. I was just a rebel a misfit. Things out an experimental which I still consider myself. And so what I started to do is I was interning at companies and firms and corporate thinking I was getting a grad job afterwards and then I'd spend the rest of my summer holidays in turning in India living with him as a monk. So I'd use all my summer and Christmas holidays to just be out there with the monks and he introduced me to another 200 to 500 monks that were just like him just as smart just as bright giving up everything they had and using all their skills to make the world a better. Other place I want to go back. Yeah, so to why that resonated with you which is really surprising. So and maybe you're just, you know, so far ahead of where I was at the time but that would have sounded absurd to me at that time. Yeah, we're did you already have a sense of unease that like, I'm a rebel without a cause or like what was it about that moment and use you seen very aware of yourself. So I'm hoping that some of that awareness is present then like, what was that moment? I believe the moment was I was I've always had friends who are older than me and I could see a lot of them in the most successful careers successful jobs, beautiful Partners, whatever it was, but I saw a sense of lack of fulfillment meaning and purpose in their lives and I've always been an observer and I would see these people are like five years older than me seven years older than me, maybe 10 years older than me and I'll be watching them and go is that the life I want and often the advice I give to people today is Fast Forward where you are. Look at yourself in 10. Fifteen twenty years time and ask yourself the question. Is that where I want to be if you're in a company look at the person who's 20 years ahead of you and ask yourself. Is that where I want to be if you're in a start-up look at what other startups have got to in similar roles and go is that where I want to be and if the answer is no then you need to find a new part and for me the answer of that time from observing was no the path that my parents or Society or the university. I went to all the community. I had that was positive. Living out for me. It didn't feel like the path for me. So I was almost seeking an alternative or A New Path. I was just so fortunate that it happened to be an uplifting powerful bad as opposed to something that could have actually taken me down the wrong road because that could have been possible to so walk me through the first time you step off the plane in India, it's summer and so I'm living there I'm waking up. I'm almost doing all the practices just as if you were shadowing a CEO. I'm just shadowing a monk. So I'm just shadowing his lifestyle. So we wake up. He's like one of the most elite monks. So we're waking up at like 2 a.m. Everyday after sleeping at like 9 or 10 p.m. And then we study these ancient Vedas which are five thousand plus years old together and we spend two hours. I'm studying with the best of the best here so he can like analyze and assimilate and I'm learning fast taking notes and 4:00 a.m. We go to Collective meditation. We do those practices with the other monks as well 6:00 a.m. We have personal meditation, so I'm literally going Through the life of a monk and falling in love with it. Step-by-step going. Wow. I've never had this experience before that. I just threw myself in and I was practicing it to the T, right. It wasn't like. Oh no my back hurts when I sit on the floor. I can't stay for too long or you know today when people are like I can't meditate for longer than two minutes. I was like, no I'm going to do it for two hours if that's what they're doing. I'm going to give it a go because I can only test the hypothesis will only be true if the experiment is carried out to the degree that they They are so if the hypothesis is if you live like this, you'll a happier more fulfilled. Then I want to do that. All right, so let's explore this then through the lens of creating one's own perfect life. Yes, which is pretty interesting especially because interesting because I think this is so accurate to the way that most people are it's not like, oh there's some Grand missing thing in my life, but you took that first action so codify this for me or for anybody that wants they don't know what their ideal life. Looks like they just know that Not living it yet. So step. Number one is take it seriously to find out if the hypothesis is true or not. You have to take the the the experiment you have to do it sincerely. What comes after that? I think you've been one step before that is opening yourself up to new role models and new experiences. See we live in Echo Chambers. We're just surrounded by the same thinking how often do you bump into a monk? You know, it just doesn't happen. You don't have no one has a dinner party and goes. Oh, yeah. We didn't invite the monkey, huh? From town I'd like the local monk like no one ever does that and so we meet people who are just like us most of the time and we talked about this in business all the time. If you want to be a billionaire spend time with billionaires, if you want to be a millionaire spent of a Millionaire's if you want to be a tech startup spend time with you know, that's that's the common rhetoric that we hear all the time. But what if you want to find purpose and master the mind, there's no one better than among his master the mind. So for me, the first step is just opening yourself up to new experiences. Experiences a new Role Models because most of us can't see ourselves in people. So then we try and fit ourselves into the boxes that we do see and and I mean there's this beautiful quote that I've been saying it everywhere and I wish I wrote it but I didn't so it's by a philosopher and writer named Cooley and he said that today I'm not what I think I am. I'm not what you think. I am. I am what? I think you think I am. And just let that blow your mind from its it's so powerful. I'm not what I think I am. I'm not what you think. I am. I am what? I think you think I am. So we live in this perception of a perception of ourselves, hence. My identity is made by what my parents think I should be my identity is made up by what my college or university thinks I should achieve while you're living in that bubble. And that Echo chamber getting to what you really want to do is Impossible because maybe that just doesn't fit and I think so many people feel that way today that they don't fit into the current education system. They don't fit with the three or four or five careers that you're taught exist. So that process of self excavation and actualization first requires being exposed. You can't be what you can't see if I never saw a monk. I would never have wanted to be a monk if I never meet a billionaire. I wouldn't want to be one because I wouldn't know what that feels like. I don't know what it looks like. I don't know. What It Takes and I think that's the biggest challenge of our society that we're not exposed so that's the first step being exposed to Unique experiences and Role Models second step is finding that experience or role model that you're passionate about and exactly like you said taking it seriously Shadow their network with them spend time with them observe them even from afar it takes that observation being addicted to observing that person's lifestyle And then the third step is going yes or no. Does that work for me? Not everyone who's going to go off and become a monk is going to feel like the way I did and that's cool. But not everyone is going to go and follow and Shadow a billion anger. That's exactly the lifestyle I want they may want the result but do they want the hard work that goes with it? And so for me, that's the third step. It's observing focusing shadowing getting as close to the process of that individual and then going yes or no. Do I want that process not do I want the A result. Everyone wants to be that monk who's fully enlightened, you know can walk through as an incredible or that people just gravitate towards but when you realize he has to wake up at 2 a.m. Everyday and States about four to six hours you like, you know, I don't want to do that. That doesn't sound like me. All right, so a couple things one you said he's as powerful as he is. Yeah fine power for me power being so from amongst perceptive perspective. The greatest power is to be self-controlled. To be able to train the mind and energy to focus it exactly where you want it and when you want it to be you are completely detached and undeterred from external ups and downs you are able to navigate anything. That seems tough challenging fun excitement with the same amount of being equipoised and balanced in Equanimity without being too excited in pleasure or being too depressed in pain, but knowing how to navigate Every situation to me, that's great strength and great power. I heard in one of your talks you were saying that if you look at a literal Lifeline a heartbeat for instance, you know, it's up and it's down and people have this sense that something like Enlightenment would be that the Equanimity forever. Yeah, and just an even Keel and you said but what what does that resemble it resembles a flat line when you die, correct? So what is it? Like what I love about you is you sort of went. Into the Wilderness of being a monk but you brought it back to the real world because when you talk about a monkey talk about them being detached and that to me seems like the only real way to have that sort of super even Keel existence, which is not appealing to me personally. So if you're bringing back that notion of power of having control over yourself not letting your emotions take you everywhere but knowing that life is is the series of ups and downs. What does that power look like when it's brought back? Absolutely. And actually that's the whole aim of Monk train. It's more like a training system than it is a lifelong commitment. It is bringing that mindset into the real world where you get to test it. Now, I got to do that for real when I left being a monk around 5 years ago and when I left it was like, oh my God, I'm in the real world. Now again real world. I have to think about how to apply all this. I'm going to test for real all this stuff that I've learned and I was scared like I was nervous. I was anxious and all those things that I've been trained not to be. Rushed back because For the first time in my life, I had to really put into practice and I love that feeling. I'm so glad that I had to do that. So for me, actually the mindset is completely trainable to bring into the real world. That's what I'm trying to do. And what it allows you to do is it allows you to gain Clarity and perspective when you need it because you know when you can just take a bird's-eye view from something, you know, when you need to get clothes into something, you know, when you need to pull back from something there's a Beautiful verse in the bhagavad-gita that says that Detachment is not that you own nothing Detachment is that nothing owns you and I love it because to me that summarizes Detachment in a way that it's not usually explained usually people see Detachment is being away from everything. Actually. The greatest Detachment is being close to everything and not letting it consume a known you and that's real power. That's real strength. How many people do we know that have had Fame and then that Fame has ruined Them so for me that definition of detachment. Is possible to practice even in the real world rather than saying? Oh, I'm just going to be really simple life. I'm Just Gonna Have Nothing in life. What was the best part about being a monk the best part about being a monk is that your morning routine and practices are so powerful that you can actually Aspire for more incredible values in life because your mind is clear because your mind is clear and you have that ability to have more clarity so you can seek that with his Which is higher. So I'll give an example of what I'm gonna find ya so we about to defeat what is higher. Yes, exactly. So for me being able to overcome ego being able to overcome Envy being able to overcome jealousy being able able to overcome the negative of competitive State there's a positive competitive State and there's a negative competitive State today. People are looking on Instagram or Facebook or YouTube. All you're looking at is all she got that many likes or he got that many liked she got engaged or he got married or oh my God, look at her body or look at that and it's like that starts destroying us inside Envy jealousy ego greed to be able to have enough Clarity to purify yourself of those things is going to alleviate the biggest anxieties and depressions of our time and mental health. Problems and we know that we know that because all the mental health research today suggests that things like isolation overexposure. We now can have more pain consumption in one day because of what we're exposed to than the pain we would have had in a lifetime that's huge like that. That's ridiculous to think that in one day because of the media news and social media. We consume more negative than we did in lifetime for me being able to have time energy and Clarity to focus on self purification. Shin that is the best thing about being a monk because you have that time reflection and a process and an environment that only allows you to become more purified of those things. So if I was the interviewer that I wanted to be able to ask you this question when we were on the topic, but I'm going to go back then as important enough you gave us the three ways that you can really construct your ideal life. But Define an ideal life for me so in an ideal life in Me is a life and this applies to a company and organization and Institution for me is an ideal life is when we all have a head a heart and a hand all three elements together working in alignment without one or the other we start to lose something if you only ever had in a heart, you'll find that life is stable and defined. Yes. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. So ahead is the clarity of vision what? I want what you want knowing what you want the way you picture life and being able to navigate and make the decisions to get that's a good head. A good heart is being able to understand what your intuition and hot ones being able to connect and tap into that understanding deeper and Beyond The Vision you may have painted for yourself. So I often say to people that you get to where you want in life. Just not in the way you imagined and that's because the path that's paved up. And down is far different to the path we pave so you can have a great head and a great vision and a great Mission and know where you want to go. But if your heart's not able to have that resilience and be able to adapt And I have compassion and care and all of that then then you're not going to be able to make the toughest decisions without your heart but to be able to realize that we need to care and be sustainable and long-lasting requires a heart and a hand. Is that service wanting to pass that on that which you have wanting to give it Forward pay it forward the idea of serving with what you have I often say to people your passion is for you. Your purpose is for others your passion makes you happy but when Use your passion to make a difference in someone else's life. That's a service. That's a purpose and that's the hand. So those are my three elements of an ideal life. I like that a lot. And I when you first said it I'm glad you to find it because when you first said it I thought the heart was going to be the part about like, you know, just compassion and caring for others doing something for other people, but I like that the hand being tied to service. So one thing that I think a lot about is deep. Fulfillment like really when I think about okay. What is a life worth living? Honestly, it comes down to neurochemistry for me and it comes down to experiencing this world in a way that optimizes for for sustainable pleasure, which I'll differentiate between a bowl of ice cream a bump of cocaine. Those are pleasurable and I haven't done the cocaine but the ice cream I can speak for. Okay, I've done both good. Yeah, so I'll trust that it's it holds up, but they don't bring a Lasting fulfillment is not sustainable. Right? So both of them end up creating this self-destructive Loop and purpose really does become that thing that gives you something that is on a neurochemical level deeply satisfying absolutely and how much of this like How did you marry the deeply spiritual the often abstract often times? I'll hear spiritual speakers talk and I feel them sort of drifting off into the ether. How did you marry that to experimentation Neuroscience practicality like one? Why do you find that interesting and then to what are you doing with that? So I studied Behavioral Science at University. So I've always been fascinated by why people do what they do. And when I was reading these books that are 5,000 years old. My greatest Fascination was finding a principal and finding its relevance in modern science. And I said to myself the day I can't find that I'll quit I won't believe in this anymore. So I'm still doing that and I'm ready to quit if someone shows me a piece of Science and I can't find a principal in these ancient literature. So actually what I like to call these Timeless literature's then I'll give up my faith because for me it has to track forward. I'll give you a breezy basic example today. We're in the gratitude. And there's like a million gratitude journals out there. There's a million scientific studies on gratitude and gratitude has been linked to better mental health self-awareness better relationships. I mean, there's so many scientific studies on the on the neuro level that shows that gratitude is great for your mind brain and fulfillment. Now, I look back I gratitude is all over the time this wisdom. One of the first things we were trying to do when we were among was to pay our respects to the Earth for what it gives. Us and you do that first thing in the morning, what is that? If not gratitude when you wake up in the morning you thank the Earth for the food you think the Earth for the water you think the Earth for allowing yourself to walk you start your day with gratitude today, the biggest tip on Forbes an ink and everything is start your day with gratitude. Like where does it come from? It's right there. These things are old. So I'll I get fascinated. I'm intrigued by the parallels and patterns because it saves you time. It's the same way as which if I say that this This business person got invested by this company and that's why they're successful because they had the right investors Etc. That's a pattern. So I know if I'm building a business in that area. I'm going to look for investors like that. It's the same thing that pattern saves you time rather than you trying to figure out does gratitude work how shall I be grateful creating your own process one most it's a really interesting life has taught me to stop believing everything I think and the way that it's taught me that is Relentlessly punishing me every time I over invest in being right and I remember when my wife and I first got together. She used to get chest infections all the time and she told me it's because of the AC and I was like that doesn't make sense and she was like no no my grandmother used to just swear up and down. If you if you're hot and you stand in front of a fan that you're going to get sick and I was like that is the biggest load of like crap I've ever heard in my life that does not make sense like getting sick. Kick comes from either bacteria or virus like it's that simple and she was like, I'm just saying it's my grandma always said and it seems true to me and I was like, oh God, this is exhausting and then one time I went to a doctor and I was like, yeah and my wife is crazy and thinks that when you're hot if you stand in front of a See, it'll make you sick and he goes. Oh, yeah, she's right. I was like, hold on and he was like, well she sort of right. He's like this is what's happening. You have a mucus layer membrane in your throat. That's it keeps it moist keeps germs from Able to break the break through the barrier and so they get trapped they go to your stomach or killed by the acid or whatever and he said but if you get a crack in that then the bacteria or virus can actually get into your bloodstream and that's how you get sick and it's just drying her throat out and I was like whoa, and it was one of those moments where I was like how many wives tales are true? Like directionally, they're not accurate, but they're true if that's it. I mean, yes, and so that's how I think when you think of a book that's lasted as long as it as it has and I know you and I we never talked about this but we share a real A Fascination for storytelling. Yes, because it's a way to convey an idea that resonates emotionally and allows people to carried on and passing on and obviously this all starts long before we have science and can prove any of this but we see the patterns. We need a way to encapsulate the pattern. We encapsulate it in a story. The story is in and of itself totally fake but now in a modern context we're getting lost in that the story is fake even though the take-home message is incredibly powerful. Yes, and so as I mean, it's the classic story right the more you learn the less you realize, you know, mhm and just as I've gotten older and really started to understand this stuff and read as much as I do and quite frankly live and suffer and go through things like my wife having microbiome issues. And at first thinking her all of her descriptions make absolutely no sense. And then you stop passing a judgment on it and start saying what if everything she's saying is actually true like what how would we treat it then write a Lily and so if there is something really fascinating and now I find myself I'm way more emotionally drawn to the science because when I can picture it, I have a much easier time doing something about it. So when you were talking about the things that you learned from meditation, I've gotten tremendous value out of meditation, but it's nothing like what you've learned. So for me it was once I understood that diaphragm breathing made sense because it triggers the parasympathetic nervous system then because I understood it at like was the understanding becomes a force multiplier. Absolutely. All right. Talk about Behavioral Science self-awareness watching your content. Which have you ever looked at? How much content you put out? No, it's a lot dude, like when you search your name like to go because I normally try to watch like basically everything and I was like I give up it's just it's really incredible and going through that stuff. It seems really clear to me that you have massive self-awareness. And what would you say like is a is there a process for people to Gain, more self-awareness and then what are from a behavioral, you know just human behavior level what are things that trip up the average person the first answer. I mean, I'm a huge fan of the book thinking fast and slow. I don't know how if you've read it. Yeah. It's a great book because for me it's got a really close pattern connection again to what I studied so just understanding system 1 and system 2 if anyone watching hasn't read it I highly recommend it just being able to differentiate between system one and system two as Your Kahneman calls it in The Vedic philosophy recall differentiating between the mind and the intelligence knowing how to differentiate the voices in your head is the first level of self-awareness so break down what system one and system two are absolutely system one is your initial response to anything that happens. It's a stop that I can't really say so if you say something I don't like my system one naturally would be a face that I pull a time that I don't agree with that. That's that's an understanding of what system one is your initial default. All reaction in the moment that can be positive often. For example, if someone pulls out a knife you feel scared and you run that system one. That's a good thing. It's safe for you but also system one is someone says something that hurts your ego and you start defending yourself immediately. That's also that's a negative of system one that we would refer to as mind. It's buildup of conditioning those responses are conditioned those default elements are all there because of habit and continuous practice. The system to is more like the intelligence. What I would say is more like the parent if you can pick consider system one to be more like a child system to is more like a parent. It looks more at the long-term and looks more at the bigger picture. It processes that default reaction through a set of checking and metrics to decide whether that's true the child is that the one that wants everything right away impatient quickly responding straightaway reacting when it doesn't get what he wants. Telogen parent on good one knows what the child wants and needs and what's better for in the long term just starting there and being able to reflect and observe the different voices inside of us is a great place to start your self awareness because the biggest challenge is that most of us don't know what we're listening to and we don't most of us don't even know that there are more than one voice inside of us. Just getting over that line is a huge win. Because now at least you're trying to differentiate then what you're hearing and that's going to help you make better decisions in the future. So that was on someone. Does that answer your question? Yes, and second one was what so that's awareness. How can what are like typical things that trip people up that so in your answer just now it's like okay if you want to become more aware just know that those two things are happening, right you can have an initial response and then one that's more calculated now be aware of these two or Things that are also coming for you. The biggest challenge is that there's just so much noise. It's like have you ever had someone in your home? Maybe it's a wife or maybe it's a friend or whatever just playing really bad song too often. Right just playing a song that you really don't actually heard my wife laughs because she knows how guilty right? Okay, there you go, right. There you go and just play a song and just think I'll turn that off and after a while it's been on for so long that you become immune to it. Like it's just there and it's still on is there in the back of your mind and you didn't manage to turn it off? So the noise that I described in life, whether it's your parents expectations, whether it's society's expectations, whether it's your partner's expectations, all of those are like noise in the background and that noise drowns out your ability to understand the mind and the intelligence. That's one of the biggest trip UPS. I was looking at I gave a presentation called build a life. Not a resume. It's also one of my popular videos, but very good video. Thank you man. Thank you so much. And when I did the research so you don't see this in the video because this resets didn't make it into the video. But the research that I was doing was around the most common resume lies. The truth is over 40 to 50 percent of us lie on our resumes. Yeah. If you don't you're missing an opportunity, I'll just say that yeah, there you go. Right so and I started to dig deeper and I was looking at you know, a lot of people lie about their dates of employment. So instead of three days, it's now three months, you know, whatever it may be now I dug deeper and I wanted to meet some of these people and speak to people and so I spoke to people who lie on their resumes and we know that at least 40 to 50% tell us they do know the thing is known as proud of that. No one no one was like, yeah. I know I'm going to get really what it came down to is we're really insecure about our own abilities. Really what it came down to is we're not confident about what we have to offer what he came down to the lack of self-awareness. What it came down to is the lack of understanding. What am I good at? What am I passionate about? What am I bringing to the table? That's what people are really worried about. They were worried about the job when you Beneath the surface the real behavioral trait. I was coming out was insecurities and being unconfident about one's potential that that tells us a lot that indicates a lot about human behavior and human nature that the noise from outside makes us want to fit into a container and that stops us from differentiating between what is my mind saying and what is my intelligence saying and what happens is that noise becomes your voice so that noise becomes what you think is what you're saying and and most people don't realize that until 10 20 30 years down the road. How the hell do you like figure out so your analogy is great. Yes songs on you don't even realize is there any more becomes total White Noise? You're oblivious to it. In fact, you only notice it if it gets turned off, correct. So how do they identify that like do have a process for that? How do you hear the thing that you no longer here so that you can shut it off? Yeah. Absolutely one of the biggest ones and we say this all the time but it applies mostly to this is switching your Association is sweating. Listen to people that you hang out right? It's like changing your circle because if you're only hearing the same thing from that Circle the only way to turn it off without you having to do massive amounts of reflection is changing your circle where you start hearing we all ultimately find the things we want to hear right? We know that all right right now in real time you and I are going to use some cool shit. Okay, let's do it. Let's do it. All right, so I created like a little piece of content for Alexa where I was like, okay, what are the the the four questions that you can ask get because you and I use different words, but I think we're saying the same. Yeah, so I call them invisible beliefs beautiful. So everybody has invisible beliefs and they're totally fucking with you now clear noise. Yeah, so they're they're controlling your life and the only way to get them to stop controlling your life is actually figure out what they are. And so I gave four questions that two of them. I just straight stole from Albert Einstein whatever and it's the most important decision every person will Make in their life is whether they live in a friendly or hostile universe. So just make it a question. Why do you live in a friendly or hostile universe? And so the the point I'll go through all four. But the point was that if you ask these four questions and they're just the tip of the iceberg. But if you ask these four questions, you're going to begin to identify your frame of reference. Basically. Just trying to get people to frame themselves as either optimistic or pessimistic which I think is sort of the the big ham-handed like first thing you need to become aware of so first, do you live in a hostile or friendly universe? Another Einstein one is everything a miracle or is nothing a miracle right? Because you get to choose absolutely. So neither one of those is objectively real but you pick and it's really going to color how you love it. Yeah, and then number three, can you do anything you set your mind to without limitation or are there certain things you can't comprehend and then number four I'm forgetting right now so I won't waste time because you get the I get it. I love them. They're brilliant brilliant questions. So what like they're woefully incomplete. So what could we add to that? That would really bring this home for people. So if that gets them optimistic pessimistic what what other at a really high level? Yeah sure what are other things that people could immediately switch or in fact would immediately switch if they change, you know, the people that they're hanging around but like let's really get real about what some of those things are. So optimism pessimism what else so for me those two questions that I had to ask myself that really change what I do one of my big questions is what advice would I give to my younger self is huge? Because I think that's the stuff that we regret. That's the stuff that we wish we were doing. That's the stuff that has been lost in the noise. When you ask them. What advice would you give to your younger self? The number one answer is I wish I studied this. I wish I tried this out. I wish I gave this a go. You know, those are the all things that somebody didn't do. Yeah, it's all things that things people didn't do. It's always like something that either should have cast started or didn't continue and that's really tapping into someone's voice. Right, that's really tapping into what someone really wants to do and you're going Way Beyond just like oh, what do you like? What are you passionate about so hard to answer that sometimes especially if you're drowning. Does that add to your questions or that's really interesting, you know, I need to know what your answer was. So I used to be I stood a lot of spoken word. When I grew up. I read the dictionary. I read the thesaurus I love language. That's what I was fascinated by and for some reason I gave it up then I find out about monk life became a monk and then almost back ten years on at 28 Eight, I was going I asked myself that question and my answer was I miss words. I miss expressiveness. I miss sharing a message and stories through incredible language and ideas potential Rhymes but flow and all of these things. So that was the answer to my question. One of the biggest ones is was I wish I never stopped right? When did you ask that question? I was actually 28 so two years ago two years ago. Here's the thing that I will tell you right now that your content your content is like the modern. Version of spoken word. So I don't know if that's on purpose or an accident. But like there's an accident watching it. I was like fuck like if he is doing this off the cuff, I have to hate myself a little. Yeah and if he's writing it down he performs it so well that it feels off the cuff, but it's the unseeded but very impressive. Thank you man. Jiseok. I'm genuinely touch coming from no. No, here's the thing like look and I love giving compliments when they're real but more Importantly you compliment the thing you want to reinforce in somebody. So you've got a mission. I find it very interesting, which is can we make knowledge my word. I don't remember. What where do you use wisdom wisdom? Perfect. So can we make wisdom spread as far in as fast as entertainment, which is so similar to what I'm trying to change people's beliefs through entertainment. So I recognize the kindred soul right away and then just watching the content of like whoa, like it's I'm not The prize the number of views that you've gotten because it's songs work because they make you feel an emotion, but they also tap into whatever it is about humans, whatever it is that we convey through Rhythm. So and before the cameras were rolling we were talking about so the one thing that makes me very uncomfortable. I do this thing called impact quotes and impact quotes is the first time where I allowed myself to perform where I'm knowingly I would not say it like this if you and I were standing next to each other, right? This is for the Camera, I know how it's going to be edited. I know we're going to add music to it. So it is a performance but it's also some of our best performing content. So it's like what you were saying earlier about look I just accept that not everybody Geeks out on neuroscience. And so I have to understand like who my audience is and give them something in in a way that will then resonate and go viral. Absolutely. And so I think acknowledging that's really interesting. So anyway, I'm responding just what you were selling your life seems to be an echo of that answer. All right, so there's a few more things happen. Frank I'm here. I'm here. I'm I'm loving this and if you're loving it that Stephen yeah hundred percent. So there are three questions that you get asked a lot. What are they who the big one is? How do I find my passion? Okay, and you can tell me that what you get. I need you to answer each one of them. Yeah, but if you want to run through what each of the questions are and we'll go back or so ya know. I just do them as they are perfect. So, how do I find my passion my simple model, which is the Dharma model it also Dharma means Eternal Duty in The Vedic tradition. And it's very similar to what a key guy is being spoken about today, which is a Japanese version of Reason for being why do we live where is meaning coming from and it talks about an intersect of four areas. What am I good at? What do I love? What is the world need? And how do I get paid for it to me those for help you unlock your passion when you find the intersect across all of those for you're making your passion your purpose. You'll unlock your passion. You'll find your purpose. This is part one. There's two parts Part. One I find my skill set and I engage it to help other people and become better at it. So I'm becoming better what I'm good at and I'm using it to help other people because I'm aware of what I'm quite good at. And I know what knowledge I have what skills I have. I have some self-awareness the other path that people often miss is actually I just start serving people. I just start helping people and I start to notice what I enjoy about that and what I'm good at helping people with so that's Gandhi's part. Gandhi said that you find yourself when you lose yourself in the the service of others. So for me, those are the two Paths of how do I find my passion and finding the intersect between those four areas of the second one is Jane my relationships falling apart. I get asked that all the time. So the answer to that is much harder. It's hard to summarize it but I always start with self-actualization that the problem is we have a list for the one that we want. And we don't have a list for what we need to become and I don't mean to come to attract. I mean become to just be to just get to understand yourself. You don't know what you need in your life until you figure out who you are. And so I find too many people rush into relationships Without Really recognizing and being fully aware of what they need from a relationship. So it all comes back to how a, where're you how much understanding do you have of yourself and what you need and what you want that's my best advice for Japan like a minute and then the third question I mostly get asked is Jay. What do you read? Like, what are your favorite books? Because it seems you read a lot. What are your top three books? They're not groundbreaking in the sense that people may not be like, oh my God. It's the best book I've ever read for me. They changed my life. So that's where I'm coming at a point from I love start with Y by Simon sinek and not because I applied it to businesses because I applied it to my life. And even today I'm constantly refining my why that's all I do every day my deepest morning routine and practice is to refine why I do what I do. It's so easy for me to now do it for money. It's so easy for me to now do it for followers. It's so easy for me to now do it for fame and every day. I have to refine that because I know having lived as a monk and what I practiced that if those become what I want then I'll forget who I need to be so my daily practice and my daily routine is refining my intention which in modern language. Is why so for me Simon's book help me do that the bhagavad-gita, which I would love to do for Vedic knowledge what Ryan's done for stoicism and the bhagavad-gita over 5,000 years old and that book really exemplifies human challenge third book I'd say this one's gonna be hard because it's the last one. Let me think. I'm gonna try to throw something else in there. So I've done one like self-development one more spiritual. Lighten, man. Let me throw a business book in seeing as I'm sure you have a lot of business for years. I love the book exponential organizations. I don't know if you read it by Salim Ishmael and the singularity University and that book for me is an incredible analysis of this success of all the organizations. We see ruling our phone today the way it breaks down their business models and how they were created to me. It's fascinating. So if anyone really wants to start up a exponential Today and that's where they have to go and that's when Peter diamandis that if you want to be a billionaire redefining it as someone who impacts the lives of a billion people and and that's what that business book is really about is how do you create an exponential organization that positively impacts a billion people? So those are my three for today very good. Yeah. I've got one more. Yes. I want to hear you. Talk about your three. He's oh, what are they? Why do they matter so for me? Me my three. He's our element environment and energy. Everyone has an element that they thrive in if you take someone out of it that element they won't be the same modern-day example would be Michael Jordan. He was incredible at basketball. You took him out of basketball put them into baseball. No one remembers his career we talked about one of the best athletes of all time. Your environment is the environment around you you can take a fish out of water and give it a beautiful mansion and a Bentley and all the money in the world, but it would die. And that's what we are like our environment everyone needs an environment which may Thrive which we have to craft your boss. If you're at work is never going to ask you. Hey, what environment you succeed in right like that never happens. So we have to create an environment where we Thrive and then finally it's energy. We some of us love high-energy environments high-pressure some of us succeed in low energy environments and low pressure figuring out your energy in the frequency on which you operate best will help you thrive as well. So for me, those are the Bees to really create thriving environment know your element know your environment and know your energy and so at all times if I see anything going wrong I'm going is my element out of alignment is my environment out of alignment or is my energy out of alignment and that's a great three question test. You can do to yourself when you don't think things are going right and all you have to do is bring that back into alignment love that. All right before I ask my last question working these guys find you online. Absolutely. Can find me my favorite place for you to find me please? See the most stuff is Facebook. I'm Jay Shetty on Instagram. I'm Jay Shetty as well. There's my two bass two best places YouTube as well Jay Shetty Twitter J Shetty. So it's just yes JJ. Yeley. On Any platform that you're on I'm probably they're awesome. All right, what's the impact that you want to have on the world? I think you've said it so beautifully so many times and shared my vision, which is wonderful and it's wonderful to know that we share the same thing. It's making wisdom. Go viral. There's an Study in 2017 that said the most successful people in the world healthy wealthy and Wise choose education / entertainment. The impact I want to have from the world is I want to transform and revolutionize the entertainment industry so that it becomes an educational without anyone knowing so it's still completely entertaining. It's still like watching Netflix, but you're learning about human behavior the my neuroscience and everything. Without even knowing you are to me that's the greatest win that we can have for our society. How many people are going to quit watching Netflix and reading a book every night. I don't know. But if we can make that book come to life on Netflix that's going to change the world because that's what people are going to consume. So for so long media has been used to numb people to switch people off if we can use it to excite Elevate Enlighten people not by just not by like the cheesy way of like a let's follow someone. Through their journey of Enlightenment and I like that kind of stuff. I mean like really entertaining programming where you can learn by being entertained at the same time. If I can do that by changing the most powerful industry in the world, then I will feel that I've had some some whatever an impact because that way I think we'll reach the world without having to get around to change their habits too much. My my thing is how do we meet people where they are and and really deliver a message and a powerful. All expression of love and to me that's the highest form of compassion the highest form of empathy love and compassion is to meet people where they already are rather than expecting them to change. And yeah, that's the impact. I'd like to have on the world. So fingers crossed with your help with the help of everyone is watching, you know, it's going to be a team effort. I can't do it on my own. I'm not expecting to yeah, that's that's the impact would like to have on the world. It's awesome, and thank you. Thank you. Guys, I'm telling you when you look at a tribe of people everybody has different roles and there's always somebody whose job it is to go out to experience the world to bring back the wisdom in a form that has been digested and made easy for other people to take away. Jay Shetty is that man go watch this content. It is somebody who has gone out into the world who's been a monk who's worked at Accenture and everywhere in between and come back with a real ability to explain what is going on and he does it from a Position of not trying to seem smarter than you or better than you, but just that that's his role. Some people are musicians. Some people are the doctors and some people break down the information. I really think he has unique access to the wisdom as he calls it to understand what people are trying to encapsulate in the books modern or ancient and his ability to articulate that in a way that feels like modern rap spoken word. Whatever you want to think of it as it is. Of itself an artistic creation, so you cannot go wrong diving into it that it is not a mistake that he's had over a billion views in less than 12 months, which is insanity. So go check his stuff out hit him up asking questions keep an eye because I think he's going to be one of the greats at really digesting that information and really helping wisdom. Go viral. All right guys, if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary. Take care. Thank you so much for watching and being a part of this community. If you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're going to get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential.
Jay Shetty is making wisdom go viral. After spending years on the road studying as a monk he re-entered the world and began scaling the digital voice of companies to make an impact. Now with a wide-reaching following of his own, Jay is creating engaging, inspiring content for the masses. Watch as he discusses how to find your purpose and redefine entertainment on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. SHOW NOTES: Jay details how meeting a monk redefined his path early on. [3:53] Jay breaks down key steps in building your ideal life. [12:01] Jay and Tom discuss bridging practical studies with spiritual insight. [23:30] Jay talks about gaining self-awareness and the things that hinder it. [30.28] Jay shares and answers the 3 questions he gets asked the most. [42:40] Jay reveals the impact he wants to have on the world. [49:03] QUOTES: “Your passion is for you, your purpose is for others. Your passion makes you happy. But when you use your passion to make a difference in someone else's life, that's a service, that's a purpose, and that's the hand. " [22:54] “Being able to reflect and observe the different voices inside of us is a great place to start your self-awareness because the biggest challenge is that most of us don't know what we're listening to. Most of us don't even know that there is more than one voice inside of us.” [32:28] “The highest form of empathy, love, and compassion is to meet people where they already are, rather than expecting them to change.”
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. That's right. We're talking this Lucifer season finale we've been waiting for this all season. I have to say ten episodes in I had a great time with Lucifer and a great time with all of you. The world will not be destroyed because Lucifer forgave himself. Oh, no, that's not what happened. What's up everybody? How's the family doing today? Yeah, that's not what happened. He thought though it would have been nice if I would have been nice. It would have been a it would have been a fun. I don't know actually, I don't know. What would have been nice to be honest. I'm feeling More Lucifer. I know me too. Me too, but hopefully hashtag save Lucifer again. Maybe we'll get there. Do we do we need hashtag save Lucifer yet or I mean, it doesn't hurt right? Well, we don't have a season five at this point. So I don't know if saves the right word, but like renew Netflix hear our prayers Netflix. We have to we have to pray to the gods of Netflix is that when it is played I think the gods of Netflix is Satan now, so I think we have to pray to Satan to get Lucifer renewed. Oh, yeah, you know fetch me a goat. Where do we go to fetch the go there we got to fetch the goat put your G pants on and fetch the goat. Let's stop beefing get to this Monday. You guys don't remember that. No one else was so good. Okay. If you don't know this panel is you haven't been watching us all the way to my left Steven Lim use in the building and I'm just like flapping for this episode. What did we say? What did we say Steven? Please? Tell him let us investigate. You're not allowed to use your razor. The roof Wings anymore your what kind of wings can I use the kind that flap? Oh, no, he can't use any of them be himself. Let him be himself. Let him be himself. And of course the queen of the Wings is in the building Roxy stryer fly queen fly. That's how it is. You are a fly just needed one Langer. I've killed her. I'll say fly Queen and of course the bathrobe heartthrob. I am Tehran I am in the building hosting this panel as we talk all things Lucifer season 4 episode 10 the season finale who's the new king of Hell who's done new king of hell? Yeah, which okay, Going to get into exactly how that plays out. We will be breaking down this episode the case, even though the case was very arbitrary and what the case really means to the storyline abdicate and Ramos and squeaky. We got these these demons incarnate in these bodies. Let's talk about him Charlie Linden amenadiel. Wow. That was a scene Charlie again Eva Eve comes clean Yves Epiphany. Should we just tell Dan and Ella the truth at this point? How could they not know elephants? As again the Mayan which by the way is a real Los Angeles location downtown if you guys ever want to check it out. Don't let me know because I've never been there Lucifer Goes to Hell news and gossip special segment circles of hell wrapping up our thoughts and predictions as we have concluded this. It's actually a little bit sad much much more. Let's start with overall thought Steven Lemieux. What did you think about this episode not my favorite episode like surprisingly like I well Stephen I was looking so much for it and I still thought it was a strong finale, but I was like Aah woof I'm blown away that that was what you took because I thought this episode was fire. Wow, all the puns intended. I mean, we got a so many Roxy predictions came true. So let's just be clear. I'm always right fire. Got it. Got it like yeah like that like Hellfire ya gotta be yourself be right and then also I just I just feel like the way that we ended made me know we're going to see more of this show. They've got such big plans. I'm excited for another season because we're going to hell spoiler alert. We're going to hell. Well interesting. I am torn between the two of you because happen also was not impressed with the season finale. It felt like a good mid-season finale, but there was no season finale Miss to this. Here's here's the issue and I let me see if you With me to run because we're both going to disagree with Roxy shocked. That's you. I I didn't think there were big enough moments for the characters we care about that would need for a season family. The only big one we get is Lucifer when he has to go back to hell but we've kind of been expecting that for six episodes an appropriate question. Are you on crack? Because what be the biggest moment I've ever seen Chloe almost gets eaten by demons lose. Surfer almost eats somebody he is able to be the devil then have his angel wings everything going on with Ella. She's putting back on her necklace. That's massive. Amazing. Amazing Eve. Are you for real? Honestly Roxy, none of the things that happened in this episode led to that in those ways when you break them down in a quick like a quick like breakdown of what happened. Yes, it sounds great, but it was an hour episode and I'll tell Where the shortcomings were? Oh my God tell you where the shortcomings were help me, but I don't have to agree with you. I know this this is how to do but the shortcomings were this first of all when it comes to Lucifer even something as much as like Linda missing Charlie, I didn't feel like the scene was emotional enough if my baby's missing and and something happens. I'm going crazy. Second of all you mentioned Chloe. Chloe actually pissed me off this entire episode stay in the car. Do you understand stay in the car? You understand that you make Lucifer vulnerable. The one thing he has was his invulnerability and you keep coming around. I'm sorry Chloe. Listen this at this point. This isn't a cop. This is we're talking angels and demons human but true to her character. Sure. Chloe has done this from day one. She can't stay away from him, even though in her mind. She knows it makes them safer. She feels helpless and she has to go in there and make sure everything's okay because she knows even if it makes him vulnerable. Double at least she can do something about I would have loved to have Chloe went in there and Lucifer died as a result and taught Chloe of freaking lesson, then while that lesson the lesson is stay in the freaking car. This is in life. I don't think it's not always when it comes when that when Satan says, hey Chloe, I need you to stay in the car for this one. It's not a very applicable life lesson. I don't think she's ever going to be able to use that for anybody else if he dies. Yeah, I don't think it has to be anyone else when it comes to Chloe. I think this is a big one. That's how blessed. When he turns on his Satan you need a listen not his Lucifer not his Lucifer like oh, I don't know what's going on. He didn't steal his Satan and so did all them demons then all listen, it's not it's not so much any of that that I had the issue with I just felt like the stakes were low, which is really weird because we haven't really gotten to know this child. I get that they took they took Charlie right? But like it was like that whole thing like we're going to do Charlie up. No, we're not we're gonna do it. No, we're not and I'm like stop making suspense with this child. Like I want I want the characters that we've built and grown with for so long to have some kind of stakes like maybe the demons are about to kill Amy or Ella or maybe the demons are something's going on with Dan or like something outside of just this small circle of the mind helping with this how quick it was. I do want to give a special shout-out to the music selection in the show scoring team who do not get enough credit because they are the real Winners, they added such suspense. They've been picking good songs though entire season and I don't know if they're getting enough credit for what they do. But especially in this episode. I noticed that without this music this would have been not such a great episode at all. All that being said, I love the episode. Okay, let's get let's get into our breakdown. Let's talk about these things. I cannot wait right now. I am coming out guns a-blazing right? I hope so. I hope so. I hope you saw the case, which is a little bit of arbitrary, but does Into it, we get the first victim holiday. Maybe that's what set the tone for me not liking this episode as much when holiday was just like that's right. We're going to get this Monday. Yeah, that was just like okay did we not just have two episodes where we were like, oh we were going to be a little woke and then this but this is a this is a personality trait. I didn't have any problems with this at all. Of course you did. This is literally like the Instagram little like buttons across my favorite everything. I thought it was great and I wasn't expecting him to get stabbed right when you open the door. I thought I was going to be like a different kind of death, but no just God. I was like, oh damn all I was thinking about which makes you How long we've been out here in La for is all this actor can't use this in Israel. It looks like he's just shooting this on his iPhone and also he's not gonna want to be cast in this role again like this role. It's all I could think about this is not good for his really the opening to Israel. I don't think so holiday and monopolize were my least favorite character. I like monopolize way better than holiday cannot get on board. Yeah Dan's break beatboxing. Yeah. That was a highlight. That was dope. Beatboxing with Ella actually brought me back to danella. Yeah. I was like they need to be back together. He was lowkey amazing. Right? I think it really was that was fire and I'll tell you why I think it was because he could not wrap on beat and that's what I made. He was really good and then I also liked the friend of what's his name monetize monopolize the friend who's like yo tell him the super snitch. Look all these things LMAO be easy on my friends actually his name might have been be easy. That's G easy little cousin. Here's the concept. I was just I did not like those characters at all. I'm so sorry. I really ship those characters. Oh, I cannot ship. I cannot here. We have such a wonderful play on so many things we come off to woke episodes back-to-back one about being mixed one about being walking while black basically and then we insert this we insert holiday and monopolize. I agree that they were not the most creative characters, you know, this is not us pushing any kind of boundaries, but I do think that this was just a fun way to show people that are so different than our characters people that are so different than Chloe and amenadiel and Lucifer and Linda that are just out there like the fact that Chloe had no idea who these People were and Ella and damn were obsessed with on that's funny. I don't I'm surprised that your you have an issue with it Tehran because literally like I feel like people who don't live in Los Angeles would be like people aren't like that but we live here and we know at least five of those people who are just like that. I think his issue was because of their race is that correct has to do with specifically you chose. This isn't a show that's been littered with black characters. I'm so sorry. So when you do have a black character in you're coming off a Caleb I do not want to see They in monopolized to get right back on that we went from woke to broke within one episode. I mean I had money though. Did they it's why amenadiel talked about or dbe's talked about why it was it's so important because he's the only black series regular so you're right. There's not that many not at all. And so I totally get what you're saying. I thought for this specific story line it worked, but it is kind of a bummer. It's coming off of episode 8 Holiday, that's all I'm going to let you know I'm gonna let that simmer really quick not getting my new nickname. That could be your is a queen of Halle Berry and however, if that same character was a black female character, I wouldn't have been as as tainted because it wouldn't have been as much of a singer what times as much as stereotype here. We would have had Holub a and she's like, I'm coming off beef with monopolize. Oh, no, I would have been a little more lenient. I would have been much more lenient had this been a white rapper who was doing the exact same things. These are Instagram rappers. I understand that now when you are a mocking the Tupac Biggie beef which is what they're doing understand that for a lot of people. This is very real be you're coming off the death of Nipsey Hussle when this episode's coming out so you should have been aware of that as well. I'm so sorry. This was just not it was tone-deaf when it comes to the culture. I totally feel you and it's not just that they were alluding to the big Epoch stuff. They said it out loud. They straight up said this is a serious beef. That biggest beef since Biggie and Tupac and and there are rappers who are actually in real beasts because you carry the street life into being famous and it does not change and they said that the reason that they're they have beef is because one killed another person's friend. It wasn't I almost wish that they had said like they have beef because something ludicrous like he took the last piece of pie during know whatever what I would have been much all those things would have been they it wasn't as many parallel as many real parallels, especially Going into you have MBA young boy just was in a shootout right before rolling out loud. Nipsey deaths hustle. You have real rap beefs. This was just a young young dolphin Yo Gotti young Dolph got shot up a hundred times and survived. I mean, this is just a little bit of tone deafness when it comes and and I would be very interested into looking into that writers room and seeing how many people of the culture or how many people of color are actually in that writing room today. I don't know the answer to that and it I'm glad you're talking about it because I would Necessarily been aware or cognizant of this while watching so I'm glad that you're sharing. Yeah, so that's that's why and maybe that set the tone but then I also separate from that there was a lot of stuff in the episode that just kind of wrapped up as if we have one last episode. Let's throw everything in there and one of those things with the abdication scene with Lucifer basically explaining how he's going to abdicate from the throne and then just giving the throne to dramas which can't happen because we learn that only an angel. I mean we already knew that but only an angel can sit on the throne of hell. Are these two guys. Do you are you familiar with them? Yes. Okay. I'm not familiar with them as characters are familiar with the fact that they are not from the comic book. So there's two separate incantations of the Lucifer Comics 2006 where we get the 75 episode 75 issues of comics and then again in 2011 where we kind of get a different Lucifer this is taking more from that 2006 with elements of 2011 and yet Timer drama since we mentioned in anywhere what you could have used some of these characters that exist. I mean, yeah, I thought that was an interesting choice. Also if anybody it squeeze the grossest name I've ever heard. There's something about that that we every time they said it. Oh, well everyone hates squeeze. So everyone wanted squeaky. I hate screen. I don't know squeak, but I thought that the they could have my one thing with the episode was I thought that these characters could have been a little stronger. However, I did love seeing the same valka. Fleurs father Kinley turn this way because his chops her for real man. Amazing. He wasn't the highlights by far. Yeah when he yelled stop talking. That was I was like, whoa, that was that was Heavy. I'm surprised it took 10 episodes for somebody to say that to Eve. Stop talking. I do not take orders from you. You are not our King and then he smacks her by the way, even get smacked twice on this episode. Also, I didn't really I did not like Rogers the only one who can say that. I also I have an I have an aversion to when men hit women. I've looked at that and I at least killed her at least be demonic and killer it really looking at him as a man. He's a demon. Yeah, he's a demon all men that hit women are okay. That's very very true. And I agree but I think that Eve and know I don't really mean she deserves to get hit but she definitely deserves something because yes, she is Sorry by the end, but the same thing as Lucifer you cannot forgive. Give yourself in one day and I think this is going to be a long road for her because she done messed up. Yeah, well Eve has a couple epiphanies and that was actually really nice highlight. But also I felt like it could have been done a little more dramatically. What did you think of Eve's epiphanies? I like that. She has the self-awareness to be like, yeah. I was kind of in my mind going after one goal, but not paying attention to the effects that I've been causing to the other things because I don't think originally her plan was to release it. In and everything the plan wasn't it was a grand gesture to give Lucifer father Kinley to end the prophecy and have him take to the prophecies fakes a lose for can be loved again. But I mean you can't blame her for stabbing him in the neck when she's being choked to death what you can blame her for is what happened after where she summons the demon but she's like so up in her feelings that she doesn't even realize what she's doing at the time but let's not forget that she unbuckles father can lie in order to do so, I like she kidnapped him. She set this. She's the Catalyst for all of this. So, yes, she stabbed him after being choked. However, seeing a little bit of Eve today. That was a little bit of the part of the plan Roxy. I'm slightly confused and was hoping you guys could clarify for me what she was talking about with the phone situation. I gave you that phone you have my phone. That's how I found it to keep in touch with me to keep tags. When and when and how and how long has she been in on this? I think like once she once she realized she killed Ken Lee and used him as the as the message to hell because I don't think when she was unbuckling him. He was originally Going to be the person she was going to have be the message. But after he attacked her he was I think he was trying to make her the messenger. Yeah, he was trying to make her The Messengers she turned in him in the messenger, but I think she knew who'd Ramos was when dromos came back from hell and was like, okay earn her mind. She's like, all right. Here's the plan. We're going to get Lucifer to go back to Hell blah blah blah. So they're on the same page until Lucifer abdicates and then drummers goes his own way. I agree. Yeah, so she gave me tell him about locks. She tells him where to find Lucifer what to say. We need him back and help to me and I Be dead off here, but it seemed like she had while Lucifer had been on Earth. She had been in hell like she had gone there either a looking for him or be looking for herself trying to find and had cultivated relationships with these people while they're and then had come to Earth from hell. I don't know. I think if we get a flashback we can that's a theory I oh I don't I'm not saying they the show said that it would be great. If it would give me a little more it would give me a little more meat to this episode if that was the case. I think the issue with this episode which sucks because I think the writers did such a great job doing what they had last time. They ended this show season three's finale was such a cliffhanger and such a moment that you needed more that. He had and this one in a way that they didn't want fans to be upset. If there wasn't another season. I think they were too careful because of that reason it was like a fear of failure, but I still think they're going to definitely get another season. Well, I didn't feel that way at all because there was enough for me to know that they are banking on another season that I love you moment with Chloe where he has to leave we can't assume that's going to be the last time they see each other with Eve walking off. She has to go find herself. What does that leave mais? Doing I've got tons of questions there with amenadiel and Linda who are about to raise this baby. There's so many there's a lot of things that cause like loose ends that need to be tied up but it also is a good ending point. I've recently seen a similar scene with the last episode of the gifted Stephen not gonna go there again you not let's not go off topic. All right, so draw mohsen squee, let's talk about saying it stopped squeeze. He left because know those I am sure there are men too. But a lot of women hate the word moist. Yeah, we heard that it's like I'm only human I don't mind the word moist something about squeak makes my insides crawl dramas little squeeze. It's like Pinky and the Brain not even because there is no there is no Pinkie or brain there because pink is supposed to be the smarter. You know, it's funny none with drama drama since Qui. They're not the brightest demons, but I thought their plan to Get new demons was brilliant you hole up with squeaky in the confessional and you just kill every person who comes the confessional in the church. That's actually the number one thing that I thought was interesting was how we were told to drama since we aren't that smart and yet they seemed actually very smart. They had a plan it was viable. It was a pretty decent plan. Actually. The only reason the person who came off a little slow was Eve when she was like of the Aztecs the Incans. I can't remember the Culture that I haven't said Mayans. Yeah Mayan the oh the Mayans you're right. And yeah, she did come off that way, but she's kind of come off that way for a lot of the show and I agree. They did seem rather smart. However, I think that the payoff in the end with them all having to bow down showed that they're just servants. Yeah their own so it doesn't matter what plans they have or what brain part of their brain. They're going to use that day when Lucifer speaks they listen and that makes you a sheep. I mean, I don't think it's over between lose friend Ramos Ramos. Obviously Lucifer headband being possession a couple years ago and here dramas comes away with possessing someone then challenges Lucifer basically in the club Lucifer turns devil eyes know when he brings up torturing people alive. I would have liked to see some tea up to drum. Oh since Qui or the other demons are have the feet the whoever that woman was. I think she's a stunt actress that they used as the default. Who had that terrible likes mark on her Lila Claiborne is the victim. Yeah, I think like I would have liked to see when Chloe was back in Rome researching like name drops for some of these demons or something like the devil's generals. That'll come to earth or something like that because I would have liked to like see them in their demon form on the litigious way as and then have them come out. So we have kind of A build-up for these characters right now. It's just there's so many demons and we only get drum mohsen squee. Yeah, but I think next season. As we should be yeah, but coming out of haze is however directly from the comic book. Maze has been set up Maze We had an affinity towards me as we had. I'm just him out. He's saying we only get four demons. We also have seen a different side of him in this episode. Like it just is like an introduction of two characters. We've never seen before and they're gone. I think we could have had bread crumbs and I don't think they're going to be gone. I'd love to see them come back in some way shape or form and have different actors playing the same character for sure Lucifer was going to eat him right literally consumed him. I didn't get that. I thought he was just going to disgustingly murder. He said eat me or something. He said okay. Well, I'm the for Chloe walked in. I thought he was going to like ribs, like just start cannibalizing him which flipped me the F out Darrell and the chat says maze has her actual body, which is why she's different which is a great Point. That's true. That's true. She keeps saying. Yeah. Well, I don't think she couldn't possess people, but she's not Let's get to the concept of Charlie which by the way as much as you hate squeegee. I hate Charlie. I don't like that name Chinese baby. Charlie is a baby Charlie you bet the time and honestly, I'm the only one on the panel that can say this. I'm kind of questioning of Charlie is Linda's baby. I'm so sorry. They didn't add a hint of Windows and their I'm so sorry to tell you this but he said you can't say it. I understand and I appreciate that. We have not discussed this before those. However, when you're looking at that baby, there was no hint of being mixed at all, which is I listen. I'm not saying that babies can Come out a certain way, but that baby was Celestial is strong in the baby. Usually though you don't question who the mom as because it just came out of her vision you question your dad, but for sure I know what you're saying hundred percent and every time you looked at the baby it came up. I know that you guys seem to have or Tehran you said that you have an issue with it wasn't sad enough or that you Steve. Okay, I disagree. I thought this was the first time we got to the actress who plays Linda comes from Groundlings. She was either Main me or Sunday company forever. She's always been in so many comedies and then this role comes up, but we haven't seen her do anything like this to this point and I thought she was so brilliantly poised for her character. She still therapist. She still good at trying to talk herself down, you know, he's probably with amenadiel. It's gonna be okay, but it's also her child, so she's freaking the freaked out and I thought that that those two things Going inside her she did a brilliant job and I loved how they handle Charlie. Yeah, I think she was in shock. And I think she did a good way of portraying shock because when you have your child taken away for it's one thing to think in one way and I have all of the imagination come with that of like, okay a minute deals taking him to the Silver City. I'm never going to see my son Again by law that's entire line of thought and the no demons have them. Oh God. So it's an entire another line of thought that just hey wires your brain and she's just like can't function. All right, Rachael Harris is dr. The new referring to so Gregson. Violent actor I've been team Linda for a very long time. I feel like when Dad would have wanted to be there, you know, who would have got another Linda. Mom. Mom wants to protect baby. Mom should have been a little more active. She's like a day out of the hospital Tehran. Okay, but that was out of the hospital. Mom lifts a car to save her baby sure that has happened. That is an interesting point because when amenadiel is like no I won't take Charlie to the Silver City because I just saw what you're capable of and that means that our baby is safer here and I Seeing myself. What am I capable? What did what did Linda do exactly your to me? And that's that's my only point. I didn't falter for performance-wise. I thought it was great, but it was funny when amenadiel said that and I just thought all right. Just trying to make her feel better. Do you really think she did something she did not because that was all eve even though you've put this into that mess. You've got us out of the baby Maxwell. She finally put those heels to good use. That's for sure before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors and today Spotify. Phi is one of our sponsors on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse. In the your library tab also, make sure you follow us. You never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV and we also learn about Charlie what we learned about Charlie we learned about Charlie and this is Roxy's prediction is that Charlie is half angel half human and able to go to Heather one without having to die. Yeah, Roxy is right and doesn't have even though it doesn't have wings. He just needs a ride. Yes, I catch a ride and so he catch it. He can catch a ride with his dad. Honestly at this point. I'm sitting there thinking. If I'm his mom, I want what's best for him Silver City. I kind of think so I think so at least for a few years because I just saw look at the demons trying to they were trying to make him the devil the king of hell my baby. I know but the angels are going to do the exact same thing with them with Angel nests. Like that's okay with me but is it like you've met ramiel? She's so distant from Humanity. Linda hasn't Linda has a metric. Yeah, so she had that knowledge. I'm just saying if I mean Linda shoes I'm probably thinking the same thing she did which is like, you know take my baby. I can't I can't I think Mom's are always going to want to keep their going to be like, I'm the best thing for my baby. That's a natural instinct so I couldn't be on board with that. I just thought that Linda did nothing and was rewarded in every way and that's what I wanted Linda to be more. I'm coming to know Linda you have to stay here. Just two simple lines just her sense of urgency from her or liking or include her. At the Mayan and have her be a linchpin that changes things. The Mayan it is the mine. It's an actual place and the what goes down in the Mayan happens at the mine stays at the mine. Let's talk about that mind seeing that that all out demon fight. This is what made the entire episode gold for me. I loved this fight. I love what happens all the way until Lucifer tells them all go back and they all pass out everything that happens. You didn't like that part know I love okay my favorite parts of the episode because During these fight and and rooting for I guess you don't call Lucifer and Humanity but I feel like he's on his team are Earth. So he is now I just thought that was so well shot it moved my heartstrings. I'm pulled them moved them pulled them. Am I the only person who's thinking like what's gonna happen when LAPD gets that call? Like I hope the first scene of next season is like Dan and Ella and Chloe showing up on site for the mine with 50 bodies on the ground that are all drained of blood like there's like 50 to 60 people there that are all just dead now the cops are there. There there it's Chloe. Yeah, it's Chloe. And now how does she explain that? She's surrounded by 50 60 bodies cops are pretty good at covering things up. I'm not saying all of them do I'm just saying she's there and I think she's gonna be able to figure this out. I think they're going to use a cult. Excuse of some sort. This is one of those situations where everyone drank the Kool-Aid. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point. It's a because the whole concept of the mine and they all killed them is a place of since adenosine and a place of worship, which is actually a take which I really liked on a lot of the churches. Church home and all the other churches that use theaters and actually advocate for young people to go to church but then the very next night, you know, it's a concert Iggy Azalea's in concert at the same place and I actually like she's not in concert anywhere so that the concept is that it's a church and a place of sand. Yeah. It was a it was a cool play on words for ya and they used it and they use the Mayan which is an actual location. That was really well. It's also Grant I've never Ever been there. However, this made me want to go there. Let's go. I thought about it my head like was this the best promotion for this place? Probably that and I also think that just using the Mayan as the imagery basically Mayan sacrifices and things like that sending people to the gods and sacrificing to the gods. I thought it was a really cool dynamic they used for imagery with what they were doing. It was it was good for me. I liked it. I liked it a lot more than I like the should we just tell Dan and Ella the truth scene. See, I thought you would really enjoy that because you wanted Ella to find her faith on her own and she did and you wanted them not to reveal themselves and they didn't you just didn't like the verbiage of it. I did not like the way it was done and I'll explain especially with the Ella's fate thing. I liked how she said I felt alone. I just thought it could have been a lot more powerful. They should have stayed on that for just the extra second because that was a very powerful thing and then at the end she puts the necklace on I would have liked her to put the necklace on right. After Dan leaves the just little things I just feel like it would have played better. It's like listening to an album and being like this song should have went here in this song should have went there. So you didn't hate it. You just would have rearranged exactly I would have just rearranged it and made it a little more powerful. Would you think? Yeah, I mean, I thought it was a fun scene. Like I didn't think too much into it. I was like, okay cool. I'm glad Chloe brought up that it took her a long time to get over this first face. It'd be really weird to be like, hey guys, by the way Angels demons get with it because we have to go save this baby. That's not looking mixed but is Know if we get a season 5 do we tell Dan Ella? Yes, yes, but I've been saying that this season to Steven. I don't think we tell Ella I think Alice got to be the character that stays out of it, but I think Dan has to find out at some point. But again, I don't want it to be as black or white as as like Satan and God. I think it needs to be like his investigation reveals. Just how amenadiel has wings and brings them out from time to time. I think Dan has to start putting pieces together and have it be an investigation that last like three or four episodes that Brings to it to that point for a reveal. Well, I wonder what all of you at home. Think should we tell Dan and Ella we love hearing your comments below. Please let us know below and of course as always you are as much if not more. So a part of this panel than all of us. You are very much a part of the AfterBuzz family and because of that we asked you to do one little thing which is share comment and subscribe spread the word get more people to join the discussion. We talked about all of the same TV shows that you like to talk about and we talk about them with you and if you're listening to us on iTunes, please give us that five star rating we so Greatly deserve as always. We thank you for making us the ESPN of TV talk. I love that also show Runners listen to our show and Steve and I know your friend lose for sure on it, but I think it's great because we're talking about the next season. Maybe if you guys leave your comments below they look at it. They incorporate some of your ideas more nudity. We want more and more nights more but I did what I did wonder why every time Lucifer changes into Satan. With the Satan Wings, his pants state gets the heart syndrome the Hulk's of the hook syndrome. Keep those pants. It's really hard. It's Evie. It's a huge budget to animate a CGI phallus it is. Yeah actually some examples as we saw in Watchmen that was like the $10,000,000 penis for some reason when it comes to Lucifer and that last scene where he tells everyone to go back to hell. That was one then we get another one where Chloe and Lucifer basically admit to their love for one another and then loose. It goes back to hell. Yeah, it was heartbreaking. Boom. Boom. Boom back-to-back loved This Love This thank goodness. They said I love you. We you were right here on I jumped on this board that it was her. She was the first love not Eve and I thought that was beautiful. Do you guys feel like Trixie was kind of left out a lot this season. Yes. Yeah. I like I think we're going to get her more next season because I think Khloe's going to be reeling from Lucifer's absence. And now that she's finally admitted it because she's been struggling with it for so long. Wrong, I think this is going to affect your more than seeing his true face. It's interesting. There is a character in The Lucifer Comics. Whose name. I forget right now who's a child who has basically a little bit of powers and I was hoping Trixie would become that person or something because Trixie was in and out and we never really get to see her as much and she was people be something they're not tear on. Haven't you learned this from this season season? She was the humanity of the Season. What do you think's going to happen now that Lucifer's back inhale. I feel like that's predictions, right? Yeah, but we did your AfterBuzz TV predictions. Go ahead. I mean you said this off I didn't mean to okay. I think that that probably either Eve or Chloe's going to have to go find them gotta go get them. So someone's got to get Lucifer bringing back. Yeah. I honestly don't know where the shows going to take this. I think they left it open for a lot of creativity and they have probably The different ideas and the one they choose is probably gonna be the best of the 50. I think that something is going to happen regardless of Lucifer being in hell. That sends demons to Earth. I don't think he's gonna I don't think his returning actually does what he thinks it does. I think the prophecy has already been fulfilled and next season will be him returning to Earth to fight against it and I would have really liked to have seen Lucifer Satan it up while he was in hell. I would have liked that imagery. It was I like them. It looks boring - it did look and he looked around. Round as if it was boring he looked around like what am I doing here? I'd love to get like a the All Around Me are familiar and you'd like a montage of him walking through this like different areas of hell with people getting tortured in the background. I think that'd be great. Well, hopefully we'll get some of that. Let's find out what we're going to get in news and gossip. Okay, here we go. Oh quick honorable mention him walking into the office. Sorry, but him walking the office the entire dance number with all the cops now around and stuff out there. The musical episode so in our news and gossip this week we are talking about if we were to get a season five a lot of people are pitching across over with John Constantine the Prince of Darkness. Obviously, we know Constantine from his own TV show now, he's on Legends of tomorrow and if Lucifer is going to hell did a whole pitch for how John Constantine could save him and bring him back. It's really interesting. So go check it out because I love John Constantine and he was another one. #save Constantine. So, you know, well, that would be very cool. If we get constant, it would be very cool. If we get Jason blood and Aragon because they play a big part in lose for his comic book so that demon I mean there's a lot of ways they can go Lucifer was its own world and crossover a lot. So anything can happen. Let's play our special segment game. All right circles of hell squeeze probably in one of these circles of hell guys were in the ninth circle of hell, which Treachery which we can apply to a lot of things especially with drobo's Guillermo's and squeegee this episode, but there's something really interesting about this circle of hell and us then ending the finale on it is that there's four rounds of the ninth circle of hell and the worst of the worst are in these and round one is famous for having cane in the first circle of hell, so it'd be the the ninth circle of hell. So it's really interesting that Lucifer is now back in hell and Kane would be there to after being killed round two is Aunt Nora for antenor of Troy but then skip the next one because the third ones Ptolemy but around for Judas so Judas is in the deepest circle of hell for what he did and I would think it'd be interesting to now Lucifer always teases like who is you'd be surprised who's in hell. What if it's the people were not surprised by that were introduced to next season? It'd be really interesting to see kind of a community grow and how that can kind of go to Earth and be the A-Team for Lucifer that goes to Earth to fight the demons. I don't know. But with treachery we're going to apply this to the demons. We can apply this to Eve. We can apply this to Lucifer betraying his people and basically abdicating the throne based and basically the fact that he told them he was going on vacation, but he never intended to go back that's betraying everyone who's in hell. And now that they know that's the reason he has to go back is because his lie, which he never lies, but they discovered that his lie, and they needed to well eyes are about tension Maybe started off. A vacation and ended up abdication finding friends die. Chloe Goodwin. Yeah, that's how it works. But we have a lot of things that we've discussed throughout this season 4 of episodes and this finale was phenomenal. We can't wait for season five to answer some of our questions. But until then where can people find you if you want to be found save it from you. You can find me with my angel wings on Twitter at Steven Lim you I'm everywhere at Roxy stryer. And of course, I am Toronto and literally I am Toronto all across the board. Find me also-- host Paneling on a slew of AfterBuzz after shows us we talk all things about your favorite TV programs because they are mine too until next time this panel. We love you guys. See you in hell from executive producers Maria Menounos, Keven undergaro fils VTech and the entire AfterBuzz TV staff. We would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV Network to watch or listen to other after shows and post comments or questions. Be sure to visit AfterBuzz I'm Sir Richard Wentworth and this has been a presentation of AfterBuzz TV views expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
As we draw to a close of season 4, Chloe finally admits her love for Lucifer and Vice Versa, unfortunately now that Dromos and Squee and ALL the demons are aware of Lucifer's intent to leave Hell forever, he must return to ensure that the prophecy does not come to fruition... but will that actually work?! Tons of great moments tonight as Charlie's taken by demons, Amenadiel goes bad dad, Linda goes stress-crazy, and Ella finds her faith again. Don't forget Eve turning down Maze to 'Work on herself' and her self revelations, as well as Lucifer's BOW BEFORE ME moment! Join us to discuss this packed finale! Hosting today is Tehran Von Ghasri, Roxy Striar, and Stephen Lemieux! Lucifer is BACK! Cancelled but not for long! Thank god for netflix, and thank god for AfterBuzz TV, because WE'RE BACK TOO! Covering the latest episodes of Lucifer! Join us every episode for in depth discussion and breakdowns! There may even be some special guests so be sure to subscribe rate and comment! ABOUT LUCIFER: Lucifer is an American television series created by Tom Kapinos that is scheduled to premiere on Fox on January 25, 2016. It is a very loose adaptation of the comic book character created by Neil Gaiman for the comic book series The Sandman and its spin-off comic book series Lucifer written by Mike Carey, both published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint.
Welcome to the pow cost with Charlie Johnson. I'm one of the world's leading Fitness and transformation coaches only provide you with the tools to build your ultimate body and mind. Hey everybody. Welcome to another episode of the podcast. I'm going to do this very very quickly cuz I have my man Charlie Johnson on the other end of this call and we were fucking 25 minutes into a podcast and this is I don't know as an advantage of living in the country. Tree or did a fucking sheep chew through an electrical cord or something, but the electricity winds 25 minutes into our recording. So now this is our take to Charlie welcome back to the forecast round two. That's a very much an Irish problem. I think like Countryside problem. You don't get so much in London. May I know it's like this never happen when I was living in the city, but you know, what instead of jumping into the questions that we covered Charlie when shit goes wrong and I love because even your attitude on this was so you're like, fuck it. Come on, we just do it again. Mostly about what you do with Seth backs and when things don't go to plan in any of your life, what's your kind of automatic go to thought process on that sexy very timed conversation to be fair because I spend a good four or five hours of my day with a friend today's head like a bit of a major life crisis to a lot of respect and like yourself as well as me are both very busy individuals and like I like to surround myself with positivity. So I sometimes find a little bit difficult to like be around negative. Tea and deal with that and but I also see the value and being a good person and helping people and offering out hand when people really need it. So I took a huge amount in that even though I just find it a little bit draining, but for me like I person like opening up and being vulnerable suffer a little bit with anxiety with having like a lot going on and the easiest way I find to deal with that is a phrase alike and that's like basically like taking action to deal with anxiety. So for me like the best way to deal with any problem, it's just make a decision and move on so like okay the It costs ballsed up and it's in recorder going to do it again. Like it's not the end of the world known as died like, okay. It was 25 minutes. Me and Brian will chat shit to each other for a bit and discuss a few things are pretty cool. But now we get to do it again to make it even better. So like ultimately all you can do is like you can't go back in time and undo things have gone wrong. You can only plan ahead and try and be positive and I think like the more positive thoughts you put out into the world the more positive things will happen to you generally love that mindset and I can't bear to go on. On the first two questions that we covered because I'm like fuck I was like we got for these questions, but we're going to make them better now or definitely gonna flip the order today's podcast. And for those of you listening Charlie was on in all this in a very popular episode about identity. It didn't Define your trigger foods and the amount of DM's and messages. I got off the back of that because there was so much value in there. It's a belter of an episode hints the round two on the Q&A Forum Ash. I'm so I'll link that in the show notes for anyone who wants to listen and but today we're jumping On a QA style format. So for those of you who didn't why aren't here because it was only me and charity for the last 25 minutes. And like now it's fucking disappeared into the world of the fucking wired Network and wherever the fuck it disappeared into it's gone, but we're doing QA so questions. I'm throwing them Charities Direction and then I'm taking them back. So these came in for my Instagram stories and for people that wanted to send in questions that for the opinion of both me and Charlie. I'm so charity instead of jumping. Being back on our first two questions. I'm curious because you're probably the best person to ask on this because you work with so many clients who have very busy Lifestyles. As you know, one of your main messages is I help people get in shape, you know, people are living busy Lifestyles and something I get asked quite a lot on is about shift work and I know they're not necessarily shift workers that you work with a lot of them are corporate a lot of people just busy lifestyle with family excetera, but when it comes to shift work high stress and that lead To weight gain. Do you have any tips for shift workers in general and then we can kind of digress into dealing with stress and dealing with weight gain because of that when it comes to shift workers, what's your kind of philosophy or thought process towards that for me first if you'd agree, but the big thing I think she just works really need to focus on is it might seem obvious is quality of sleep. So obviously their sleep pattern can be a little bit all over the place. However, what you can focus on is making sure that the the quality of sleep you are getting is optimized. So like as we discussed on version 1 of this podcast every cost caffeine like being very aware of in Terms like time to taking caffeine and you be aware of your blood pressure all these different factors that you can try and control which will optimize your health and your breathing while sleeping. So for example myself I suck like the one of the biggest Revelations my title life in terms of health sleep recovery and probably longevity for me. It sounds ridiculous something so simple is using native. Strips and that became very important in the last week or two for example, so around this time last year from now if I had very high blood pressure around a hundred and sixty just from being restricted working loads and various different reasons having a hell of a lot going on and I obviously clocked what but this is already obviously crept up as I knead sort this out if I got talking working with check with dr. Dean. So it's a fellow Irishman who is probably the most intelligent person in the fitness world out there when it comes to anything. Is related and one of the things he first recommended to me which is nasal strips. Now, why is use nasal strips is because basically being a slightly bigger individual I struggle to breathe through when I lie on my back for a start and also I don't breathe well through my like nasally to I know so in terms of nitric oxide production which causes vasodilation. So you're basically your blood vessels relaxing that mainly comes actually 70% through the nasal cavity when you breathe. So if you're not breathing properly when you're actually Sleep through your nose. Therefore, you're not getting the nodule outside coming in your blood pressure will naturally be higher and also the quality of your sleep will be poor because you're constantly waking yourself up because you can't actually breathe properly. So that in itself is mainly like literally changed my life and some I check my blood pressure every week just for Health and Longevity purposes and I had a week a week or two ago. We like I was bit crazy with work and I just got slapped with it. I didn't actually bother using the nasal strips and my blood pressure jumped up 14 points in a week. And that was the only thing that had changed a little bit more stress than usual and then the week I realized this is obviously it happened start using nasal strip skin and my blood pressure dropped back down the another 14 points the following week. So for me like a talk about anecdotal evidence that clearly makes a massive difference in terms of My overall health my recovery in the quality of my sleep. So like if you work shifts and you have a very high stress environment one thing that monitors your blood pressure and then I was also be very aware and conscious of the Quality of sleep you're getting in the environment you sleep in. So another thing I've recently implemented last month or two. My wife thinks. I'm a freak though that last is wearing a called a man to sleep mask to basically cover my eyes because I'm very sensitive to light. So particular if you're doing like when sleeping, so if you're doing shift working trying to sleep during the day at all having a perfectly black environment and like Darkness will again massively improve the quality of your sleep and then also means that you have less of an impact in terms of Of dealing with the stress from shift work if that makes sense. Yeah, that's Brittany device. I'm going to pick you back a little bit on what you said about the Sleep environment being very important and the that understanding that all the photoreceptors through obviously your eyes into your body to either cover your eyes or black out your room. So people are working night shift. I generally try and as you said focus on the quality of sleep, like there's going to be certain circadian disruptions just from your night/day side. All your melatonin production your hormone that tells you you're tired isn't going to be working as well as somebody that's on a normal day shift work. However, you can kind of mimic some of that nighttime environment by blacking out your blinds or getting blackout curtains or using face masks excetera. And this is also an area when people are talking about shift work and I'm not a massive fan of melatonin production are melatonin production, which is the supernatural thing. Melatonin supplementation. Even just because if you keep consuming it for too long, your body will stop nasty producing it. However, I think it's an amazing tool in your tool kit. So if you're traveling across time zones melatonin is always one of those supplements that I pack, you know, something we talked about on round one that people will never know about is that when you're traveling across playing when you were talking about fasting on planes and that's something similar I do if I'm going on Long Haul flights and I'm crossing several time zones. I'll always bring melatonin with me to try and get my Sleep cycle on track faster and also for shift workers. I think you can be a useful tool in your tool kit because you're not going to be producing melatonin as well as somebody that's following the normal nighttime daytime routine and stress is another thing we mentioned relieving stress briefly there. What are your personal protocols that you either use yourself Charlie or with clients for people to relieving stress and then we get into the waking around this which just kind of there any like three separate questions that overlap but when it comes to stress in general, what's your stress relieving techniques and how do you handle this and what you advise clients who are quite High stressed individuals are in high stress environments what you recommend they do so can this very much I think stress as we said on podcast number one was is like everything is very person dependent and depends on your personality. So for example to me, I have a very Type A personality which I would say you do as well Brian like being outside about hyperactive. I just want to go go go go or time where it's like if you're like that probably the best thing you can probably do is make yourself sit down for like three minutes twice a day and just do nothing like but almost like Zone off. So in that respect, I'm a big fan that I actually genuinely really struggle to make myself do it at all and that's used an app called headspace which is like a form of meditation app where you literally just sit and just breathe and just like I think it just like clear your mind that I fit find it's a very powerful tool and when you can almost make yourself take yourself extreme of slowing your mind in your body down. I find it almost gives you another gear in the other aspect about of course your black your body and your mind to the other end of spectrum and work even harder. So that's the first thing I'd probably look at the other thing I would say is like trying to like you run your day the day doesn't run you. So one thing that's a bad habit is people being reactive to example for their phone or Email so something I big fan of is like say for example, I go and train I put everything on airplane mode. No one can contact me. That's like my time to myself I think about nothing else other than what I'm doing in that like rep set or whatever and that for me is like my freedom for the day. We're like, no one can get in touch with me. Like it's just like peace and quiet almost so I think it's very important that everyone has that like a breathing space in the day because as beautiful amazing, like we're on technology now that we would be having this conversation that thousands of people can listen to me. Technology is an amazing vehicle and tool that we have at our disposal to help people. However, it does also is detrimental respect that everyone is like reach all the time and it was almost overly stimulated going through phone's constantly swiping through Instagram ticked up whatever it might be. So I think there's a lot of power and be able to control your own access to these social media platforms and messaging and vice versa that being able to access you if that makes sense. And I think that gives you control of your life. Yeah. I think that's systems having systems around whatever your we talked about trigger foods in the first podcast, but having systems around whatever triggers your stress levels as well and you made a very interesting point there and I do something very similar even though you go on airplane mode during the gym. I I never turn my phone off silent mode and some nobody's able to ring me. The only person that message has come through on my phone as my mom and I've got like dedicated times and I'm on social media and that for me is systems around, you know, you mentioned anxiety at the top of the Cast I had a lot of stuff imposed anxiety around, you know comparison syndrome, which we talked about on the very first podcast and August and these were all issues that I had that I'm like, right. There's something causing this there's something triggering me to feel this way. There's something triggering me to feel anxious or do something triggering me to feel ramped up with my stress levels. I'm like, okay, what is this and what I go through my day, I'm like, well, I'm fucking replying to every email as a comes instead of Bachelors or everyone's able to reach me at all. Moments during the day whether it's 2 a.m. Or 2 p.m. Or I'm on social media constantly flicking through randomly. I'm like write these things are causing me anxiety and stress. I need to put systems in place around them. So I think identifying as you mentioned earlier identifying the Triggers on what's causing the stressful environment now working shift work in a high-stress environment. Of course, your work is going to be your stressor, but it might be worth looking into short-term stress. To handle chronic stress one of the things that I found by proxy by pure look when I was training to run through the Sahara in 2018 and then again running through the Arctic in 2019 was I did a lot of heat exposure. So when I was training for the Sahara because I knew it was going to be 40 degrees 50 degrees. I was doing a lot of work in the sauna and as a result, I found out about heat shock proteins. I found out about your body's response to extreme heat and extreme conditions and like my mindset and my arm I Stress levels were just massively reduced after about in the sauna and the same thing happened when I was training for the article last year exposing myself to really really cold temperatures to try and prepare my body for that - 38 degrees, but I was getting something very similar with those extreme conditions cold shock proteins the opposite and understanding for me the benefits of short-term stressors, which training is a short-term stressor fasting is a short-term stress stressor cold exposure heat exposure. All short-term stressors that can help you deal with chronic stress. So they are all tools in your toolkit on top of what Charlie mentioned that are all worth considering as well. I think that like like I took a lot for that myself and Brian, so thank you and I think you probably have this pretty dialed down and is probably something I need to learn from you. I think I am probably starting to realize more now that I have control more of my life because I do very much like what you say in terms of like someone message me or apply show away email straight away because I've Got That Type A like Africa stuff that I have to get stuff done where it's like like I can do whatever I want to control things where I want replies people when I want so like you can ultimately do like an hour twice a day and that was just as effective as jumping in and out all day long and getting distracted. So I think that's like a really awesome system. You've got there. Yeah. It's pure down to the product productivity levels. Like I find myself even when I tried it and experimented with it. I'm like, I'm actually getting more done and I feel better. I'm like, this is literally a win-win. All around and which brings on to kind of the last point in this question and I'm curious if you've had any experience with this yourself more so working with clients shift work and weight. Gain, do you find those two things can be synonymous or is it a case that it's just easier for people to I don't want to say use it as an excuse because there's definitely some circadian a metabolic things going on when you're disrupting that natural circadian rhythm and not working during the day are not being out and about during the day and sleeping you're in the day. But have you any experience working with shift workers who have either came here? Because weight gain was the issue or anyone that you were working with to switched into a shift work and found that their weight started to increase because of it all. Okay. I personally don't think there is a huge issue with shift work providing you can get your quality of your sleep like nailed and down. The problem is I find that people they often end up. Greeting and they struggle to nap. Like if they have a change in start doing a shift pattern, they struggle to almost accommodate like the nutritional changes that need to be put in place when you're doing like when you move into a shift work phase which often will lead to something like phases where you might have to fast for a few hours, which also talk about come on to later just to balance things out so it like it bounces out over the week because you can't be like if you're a nurse a for example of bodybuilding style or Fitness Elite Fitness style diary every 2-3 hours if because you're on like, Some crazy shit where you can be up for 20 hours. That doesn't mean you can then eat next to two meals because then that's an extra say 800 calories. Then you're going to gain weight if that's not your goal. Obviously today with them. That's not good not can be a good idea. So again, it comes back down to the specifics of the individual and their scenario, but realistically, I don't think this is much detriment in doing shift work as I think a lot of people perceive. It's just having it set up correctly in optimized and I think one of the things to probably look at that is like the workout window and Making sure you feel yourself around that window. Ideally that for me would probably be the first thing I would say the rest of the meals you can pretty much put in as you like, but I wouldn't be too concerned the necessarily do shift work in the make again at a ton of weight realistically my opinion. I don't think that's necessarily true. I think as you said, I think there's something people might look to use as slight excuse perhaps. Yeah, I think there's a kind of have two conflicting thoughts on this because when I either work with people that are coming through shift work Factory workers nurses Etc. I understand that there's definitely some hormonal and metabolic disruptions going on from normal. As you said, it's down to the lack of quality of sleep, which is a real issue, you know, if you're working a shift work and you're not getting high quality sleep the problems are stemming from that that's the root problem. So if you do a charity mentioned that is going to have a massive benefit on your ability to lose body fat or Hani and goal that you're trying to hit because you've got the root issue which is my Sleep Quality is really poor because I'm trying to sleep during the day if you get that dialed in it's going to make everything else significantly easier. So pulling from that side. I'm like there are some disruptions things like left and ghrelin like they can all become down regulated if you're not sleeping, so it's not necessarily that it's the shift work is the problem and even now as I'm saying it out loud. I don't think it's the shift work per se that's the problem. It comes back to setting up an environment. And saying up systems with your food with your training and getting your pre and post-workout window rice getting your quality of sleep, correct, you know and if there's times when you as you know nurses and doctors are great examples when I've worked with those try and tell where they could be working the 2022 our shift. I'm like right there. You're going to have some negative effects from that but that comes down to sleep quality. So with the case of Building Systems around that and don't let it be an excuse because it is very very easy to Less shift work and working nights in particular become an excuse for not getting to the shape that you want because you're like a fucking I'm working night shift. What's the point? You know, I'm hungry all the time. I'm not sleeping. Excetera is like no you can definitely get things built around your Lifestyles to compensate for the fact that your Sleep Quality isn't as good as it would be if you were sleeping normally at night time, but you just have to make sure that you're completely taking responsibility for an on the front end getting your blackout blinds. Getting your mask to sleep at night time getting your meals and pre and post-workout meal set up and making sure that you're still training. You know, I think training works really really well here as structure for the day, you know, one of the things I generally tell my clients who work shift work. I'm not sure if your similar charity is I tell him to try and mimic what they would do on a normal day. You just flip the hours around so you might be getting up at 8 p.m. I'm like cool have your breakfast go to the gym. Go to work have your post-workout meal, you know and keep Days, you would if you were getting up at 8 a.m. You know, you just flipping it by 12 hours because you're working night shift and I find people have a lot of success with that and I'm not sure what your thoughts are on terms of what you do with your shift workers in that respect. That's exactly the same strategy. I would use the only thing there anything I would change with that potentially is if so, for example say you're like flipping their shift around and they're starting the day 8:00 p.m. But they were trained at the end of their day. So for example, it's it will be equivalent of 7 a.m. The next day what I might get them to do is maybe fast for the first few hours of their day from 8 p.m. To say 12 p.m. If that allows them to have a longer window of them being if they're going to be awake for a long window of time because I'd rather they had small window of fasting at the start of that scenario and then they could eat consecutively for every three to four hours then they had bigger gaps of like 5 hours between meals that make sense because I find Once a client if they haven't eaten and they're generally okay hunger wise Once they start a they want to like if they're training hard, they'll need they'll start craving food every three to four hours. Otherwise, one of the things we mentioned with the recording that we lost and I want to bring it up here because there's so much value because I didn't actually realize we fell bolt on. So opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to caffeine intake talk about what we were mentioning earlier about caffeine intake and your ability to have a cup of coffee late in the evening go to bed. And people's ability to metabolize caffeine. I think that's a really interesting point that I want to read bring back up on this podcast. Okay, so just so this was something that was brought to my attention funnily enough. It's always been sort of Fairly aware or to Ferry reports mentioned by Ben pakulski. I was at dinner with him for a friend's birthday and like it came up somehow and he said that people have blond-haired blue-eyed. They tend to have the enzymes of genetics that they can they hide metabolizers or caffeine so they can clear caffeine to this system very like very very quickly and as soon as he said that That makes perfect sense was like a blond hair blue eyes, but I can I can take I can go after dinner. I have a really nice coffee and I go to bed ten minutes later. It makes no difference to me actually like terms of falling asleep. The only thing it does have an effect on this in terms of the quality of sleep. And the only way I picked up is by using my aura ring, which is something I mentioned on the previous podcast. Now the aura ring what it would do it tracks your heart rate through the night and basically how Restless you are. So with your heart rate with a through the night you generally will have almost like a hammer to shape and you At your lowest heart rate generally like during the middle of the night with your heart rate will drop but what I find is if I have caffeine late at night or a meal right before in the bed. My heart rate will be elevated and be much higher than it would be normally which would have an indication which have an effect obviously in recovery, which isn't ideal. So that's the only negative. I noticed in terms of like physiologically in terms of caffeine for me, but in terms of me like we also studied in detail regards to on podcast one earlier and in regards to pre workouts, and for example, I I don't really recommend pre workouts for clients. Like if they want to use them by all means like super but I'd rather they invested their money better quality food their own education and learning to train better will be the first thing I'd look at and but as I said I use pre workouts because I'm a fortune position that I'd get provided them by a supplement company. So why hasn't my disposal so I will use them if I don't have them when I'm traveling, for example, I just have a black coffee because I love coffee and I find caffeine pre-workout works really well, but I don't get any Crash from using pre work or anything. Oh that was you yourself. Brian said that you'd literally be like curled up in the corner like few hours out laughter a pre-workout when it when it kick when it crashes in it leaves you in a bit of a mess. I like I remember as I said just you know on the First Recording like back in the days of say jack3d and craze like those supplements. Like I'm the complete opposite to you as in the highs are so high but the laws are so low like I would get the highs and I would be bouncing around the gym. Like I'll be ready to hit up a claw. Open up a rave. I'd be like fucking like life is amazing. And then three hours later. I'd be curled up on the couch and I'm like, nobody likes me. I have no friends hike it was just it was such a Polar Opposites and but like I can't take any caffeine after tweet 12 p.m. In the day or else I can't sleep. So it was such an interesting point. I'm glad we got to touch it again because everybody on this podcast listening either is like me or like you or somewhere in between and it's important to understand even though the most caffeine has they say five and a half. Half our Half-Life Etc, meaning that half of it will be in your system five and a half hours later different people have different genetic makeups in different enzymes that are going to allow the metabolize it a lot faster. Hence why Charlie can have it at 7 p.m. Or after dinner and like go straight to bed where you know, I would literally be fucking stared at the ceiling until 40. Mm. Yeah. Okay comes at everything every person on this entire planet is unique and beautiful in their own ways. And you just need to optimize whatever you do for yourself, and that's why From a coaching perspective. I'm so into my clients giving me like a very specific bio feedback on everything because the better the information they can provide you as a client the better decisions you can make as a coach because like no matter how good a coach I am. I'm not Mystic Meg. I can't feel what you feel in terms of your body. So in terms of food that's digest well with you in terms of reading that sits heavy and you that affects our sleep if caffeine makes you feel anxious all these things. You need to be aware of conscious of and pass that back to your coach to and they know okay, you can't handle Caffeine let's not have that after 12 o'clock like Brian, for example at let's not have pre workouts these don't sit well with you. This will be a bad idea and it's just providing that feedback and I think that is the key for anyone who's got a coach or a mentor their work with and then respect like success and everything in life is a lot of it comes down to communication and be able to communicate and articulate how you feel to someone else so that they can make the right decision for you going forward if you're working with them. Yeah. I know that's such an amazing point. I couldn't agree more with that Jerry. Next question. How do you determine if you work better with carbohydrates or fats? So this is an interesting question because I know that very much depends on the person per client, but talk about your thought process on what you advise people do because this is something that's been coming in very frequently on my challenge recently. People are going should I eat more carob should eat more fat, you know fat adaption versus care adoption. What are your kind of thoughts on? - and what do you apply your clients and talk about a little bit what you apply yourself and because I'm sure there's a little bit of crossover there or if there's not, you know talk me through that. Okay. So there's a lot of mixed opinions a lot of like media scaremongering in my opinion to do carbohydrates and fats to be say the general public. Now neither of which cut carbohydrates or fats will make you fat either those macronutrients in excess will make you fat and that is like the be all and end or two. Really in terms of my thoughts and how I like to optimize things. I like to have a very logical thought process in terms of like how your body would utilize food. So in terms of what's around Gaza for me during my clients are generally high level athlete or they're looking for like physique transformations to get in the best shape possible. So for me, what I'm looking to try and do is basically fuel performance in the gym to create an Adaptive response so build muscle and burn Burn body fat now. How am I going to do this? I'm going to look to try and push have like a nutrient timing approach in terms of the diet by pushing carbohydrates more heavily around the workout window. So pre-workout into worker and post-workout and then the rest of the time I would look to for lower the carbohydrates increase the fat content now, obviously this is all person-specific. There's a couple of major things in this you need to be aware of now one of those your body fat levels. Generally, I would say I noticed like anecdotally with myself the fat. I am the less carbohydrates. I can handle the leaner. I get the more my body tends to utilize nutrients are carbohydrates more efficiently so I can push up carbohydrates highest when I have a high carbohydrate day. I can ramp it up. Even Higher One leaner because my body just tends to turn through through carbohydrates the glycogen more which when I'm soft the my body doesn't tend to run a fitness officially from my own personal experience. Now this coming back to clients. I would personally say that from experience. I find that females tend to deal. Deals, not right word tend to run better and more efficiently from slightly higher fat diet and that's been proven from some studies. I've seen in terms of like the way they run in terms them from the metabolic point of view and home only that women tend to do better with a slightly higher fat diverse carbohydrate. But again, I'm a big believer as we said earlier in terms of like listening to the client and how they feel like what works terms. If you said to me look I find that I run better and higher fat diet then cool. Let's run with that will That see how we get on. If you said to me look, I love carbs like carbs of life. That's what I want to do then cool with focus more on that. But again, it comes down to the individual for myself and clients. Generally. I will have some form of cop cycling diet through the week which would basically be like and there's a sort of a nutrient timing approach where on diet days where your weight training with the carbohydrates would be higher and days where it's a rest day. The carbohydrates will be much lower like even potentially like zero but the fat and the protein will be slightly higher to offset that keep the calories. Up. Now, there's a few different caveats to that. So for example, if you were training in the fasted first thing in the morning, I would go give you more carbohydrates in the evening to saturate glycogen overnight so that you were fueled slightly for the morning because you're not gonna have a meal pre-training. So there's a few individual nuances that obviously would come into play with this but in a general consensus, that's how I find I get the best results with my clients and also from anecdotal experience with myself. I don't know what you find works best for you. Obviously Brian you're Or endurance events now, which is obviously slightly different terms demands on your body. Novice your end goal is not necessarily just pure it like aesthetic point of view, but I'd be fascinated foxy your thoughts on that. Yeah. So again, that's such a great point in terms of again goal specific to the person is always going to be the answer when it comes to any dietary advice, but what I do myself and we touched on this briefly and I'm going to retouch on it now just because I literally had this conversation with one of the guys who signed up to my program for January so you can sign up to to my beak a fine line program early and stairs, but the program to the start to January and he literally got the nutritional plan and he was like me he goes what the fuck you guys I thought we were going to be fasting on this program and I was like, why do you think we're going to be fasting he goes what you do micro fasting you do fasting, you know, you do high fat diet as it. Okay, I was like, are you training for a hundred mile ultramarathon? He's like no I was like are you trying to lose a couple of kilos to train for that Marathon? He's like no I want to build muscle. I was like, okay, that's why you're not doing what I'm doing and that answer like I was The jokey way and that answers always that's why I'm so conscious on my social media platforms on my podcast everything to let people know that this is my end goal in the way. Then I meet you in the way that I'm training is in alignment with my particular in gold at this moment in time and Charities exactly the same like if your goals are matched exactly like Charlie, you've the same training history. He was similar metabolism. I'm not doing what he does is probably going to help you but the majority of people in the world have different goals. We have different bodies. We've different training histories. We have different abilities to digest different foods and different ways. So I think it's important to understand that it's always gold depending on the person and what are you doing? What Charlie does isn't necessarily what everybody should do. That's one of the reasons why I love chatting with Charlie because he's like, well, this is what I do, but this is what I do with clients and sometimes it's the same and then a lot of times it's different. So when it comes to carobs and fats for me, I work way better off fats and Do a lot of fat based diets because of dietary High dietary fat because I'm trying to feel my body for endurance. So when I'm running ultramarathons particularly like longer run, so anything over Marathon distance the actual Ultra or a Long training day, you know, the 30 kilometer run at the end of my workout on Monday and it will be 35 kilometers next week. So they're quite long runs and I do them at the end of my weight workouts. How many calories did you eat? I haven't a clue with the miniature. I really like I don't track calories at all now and this is when I get up to that level of training. So as I get closer to an event my training tends to ramp up, you know your stuff similar to a show like your training tends to ramp up and for me, it's all about just fueling my body in recovery. You know body composition is pretty low down on my list of goals. And you know, I'm lucky in the sense that I'm quite you know short and stocky kind of built like a hobbit. Anyway, so like I'm never going to be lean and skinny like, you know, I'm not fucking short and stocky. Farmer builds. Like I saw I'm fine in the sense that I always maintain the muscle that I have regardless of how much I run or how much I train but when it comes to the way that I eat around Nash and the days that I'm hungry, I'll eat more and the days that I'm not as hungry less now, I do something similar that we're going to talk about later when we get to fasting because you made such an interesting point earlier that we're going to expand on about your thoughts on fasting intermittent fasting micro fasting excetera. I try and get all of my food in In during the time restricted window. So even if I'm eating, you know 5,000 calories a day or I'm eating 2,000 calories a day. I try and condense that all into an Asian art in our e-zine window because one it fits into my lifestyle and Suits my schedule, but to it makes me a little bit more fat adapted meaning that when I'm actually on longer runs and doing endurance work I can tap into those fat stores and I don't for anyone that's listening and you may be familiar with this charity or may not be Runners get what's called a boink and where they literally like Running and they just hit this wall. And that's normally like when people have depleted glycogen and they're trying and they're not metal but modern metabolically flexible enough to switch over to Fat stores and they get this feeling of like hitting the wall. Like I never get that because I run primarily off fat versus carbohydrates. It's carbohydrate fuel that leads to tend to get that problem. And so when it comes to what I do, that's my reason for consuming a lot more dietary fats. And again, it changes based on training seasons based on what I've done that Previous day excetera but when it comes to finding what works better for each individual person with carbs and fat. So to answer your question. I'm the fucking clue. My calorie intake is M. But answer the question on how to determine if someone works better off faster carbs. I think it as you said you made a great point there. Like if somebody has that self awareness around their own nutrition initially before they work with a coach with me with you with the personal trainer with an online coach with whoever having that information is very valuable if you know that you work very Well of carbohydrates and is you said carbs or life like if that phrase or word is ever into your mouth? Then you're like you're probably going to work well off carbs that's never I've never heard those words because I've never really cared of never apart from like chocolate like the fucking trigger food cabs from the yeah, give me more of that shit like with the exception of those carbs like I could go to the rest of my life without eating potatoes or rice and I'm like, yeah, that's fine. Like I don't really care but I do love my fats. I love almond butter. I love oils I love Of fatty foods, like my body works really well off those and has done for as long as I can remember now when I used to compete in bodybuilding I would do similar to what you did the carbohydrate cycling protocol. And that's one of my favorite methods of nutritional plans for people to follow when composition is the goal. But whether you run better off carbs or fat, it can be as simple as asking that question, you know, as you said our cabs life, like if you think that way then you're probably going to be able to adhere and In a diet that has a higher intake of carbohydrates and all you do then is manipulate your fat intake so that your calories match during goal to lose fast to build muscle to you know lose weight. Whatever you're in goal is and I think the reverse works for people that are better with fats, you know, if you work better off having fats and then just have a structured refeed every 7 10 14 21 days, whatever you want either with free foods or cheat meals or whatever it is or you know, healthy sweet potato and baked potatoes and rice Etc. And you have a structured reefy just to make sure you don't get any metabolic stalling like that's going to be really beneficial but I think coming at it from that watch your ringgold's down point and looking at carbs and fats as tools that if you have this tool in your tool kit, you know, you work better off one or the other that's going to help you or your coach determine what plan you're going to be able to stick to long-term. I think that is going to be very important or that can be very beneficial to understand for Do you like I'm sure you're the same Charlie when you get a client comes to you and goes look I do really well off carbs are do really well our fats or whatever anything in between. It's very useful as a coach to be like cool. Let's prioritize this now and then you can kind of adapt things as you go along Hobson agree with that and again, it comes down to as we said earlier every single person is unique and different. Yeah, like I think at the end of the day, that's literally what it does and I just want to kind of hammer home that point that what I do what Charlie does what any media fitness person does like always remember what somebody else does they're doing it for their specific goals. Like that's the advantage to working with the coach, you know with whoever you're working with or the advantage of researching and educating yourself on the different dietary strategies and training strategies to hit a specific in goal because following and copying somebody else. There's so many variables that haven't been considered there, you know, the training history injuries how you deal with certain foods your trigger? That we talked about the episode in August like they're all going to be different based on the person. So don't ever go with a one-size-fits-all like this is when I think of when I see it on social media and this is why I love your content Charlie because it's so clearly let's find what works best for you. And I love that message. But sometimes when you go on a social media profiles you can see ya, you know, this is what everybody should do. This is the vegan diet. Everyone should do this is the training program. Everyone should do your like that's like somebody giving you the winning lottery numbers. I'm like, you know winning lottery numbers. Is work for the person that won the lottery with them doesn't necessarily mean they're going to work for you. And that's for me. Like I miss nothing worse than having a one-trick pony and being narrow-minded with your approach and I like for me I'm a training nutrition nerd. So like I love going on training seminars and nutrition seminar. So I'm going on a seminar this weekend actually to Edinburgh with dr. Scott Stevenson who be great guest on your podcast. I see so like he's probably the most intelligent guys in the world. It comes to training nutrition. They're calling the bodybuilding physiologist. He's a cool guy, but I'm do that sometime this weekend. But I also did a seminar earlier in the year with me loss arches and one of the best things that he said at the very start that I bought in to him straight away was this is what he said. He said this deed it was information here. This is my own personal anecdotal experience. You interpret this how you feel fits best for you. I like that for me. Like when he said that I was like bang on the money, like that's my thought process as well with everything that I have learned so far and at what I say to people is like this is my knowledge now, this is What I find is worked for myself and anecdotal evidence with clients. You interpret this how you feel fits best for you because you're different than I am and no different than the clients that I've worked with in the past and like that for me was golden love that. That's a great message jelly back to the questions that we covered here here thoughts on fasting intermittent fasting. This is a very everything in Fitness tends to go in nutrition goes in Cycles. Depending what's popular in the media are now in terms of intermittent fasting. Really? I'm not a fan of this. But again, it comes down to the specifics of what your goal is and it depends as always so that's a very specific question like is a specific question. But like you can't give a specific answer without knowing all the information. So in terms of intermittent fasting, I'm a big fan of it like counter-intuitively when actually bulking looking to add muscle mass now. The reason for this is when you're looking to try and add muscle mass you're going to eat a lot of food now anyone who's be doing this for a while in fourth? 5,000 calories a day will know this gets very tedious very fast and you'll feel bloated and you'll feel in a polite way that nothing is moving through you now a great way to you reset your digestion keep hunger levels higher and generally probably for overall health is optimal and also to keep you probably a little bit leaner as well to a degree is to throw in like an intimate fast, maybe every week to ten days probably every 10 days probably optimal. Now what I would look to do with a client for example or myself is I would fast safe. From when everyone asked me was the evening nine o'clock. So maybe one o'clock a total of the next day now, that's not a huge fasting window, but it just gives your stomach a bit of a digestive break because otherwise you're constantly pounding in food is trying to digest over and over and over again. And again that's going to cause digestion digestive issues and chances are the food you're pushing in. You're not going to be up taking particularly well and like again it comes down to it's not what you eat or just throw down your gullet. It's what your body actually absorb some takes in. So if you're getting to the point where You having bad stalls? For example, you've got no hunger you feel bloated. You feel sluggish been training. I would suggest maybe giving this a try maybe every 10 days and you should find it makes a big difference other times. I'm a fan of intermittent fasting if you're in a fat loss phase and you were a client of mine who for example, so my clients who work in the city, I'm a fan of them using it if it was very busy lives and have got time to be in sit down eating four five six meals a day. I'm a work in the Train the evening. I may well get into fast the Throughout the day and then half maybe three meals later on in the day the reason generally I'm not fine and it's been fasting and I find myself and with clients is that it tends to lead to a famine Feast mentality where you don't eat until so two three o'clock in the afternoon and by that point you are so hungry and ravenous that once you start eating cannot stop and chances are that you're like cuz you're so hungry the food you want to go and eat aren't maybe to be the best choices. You can be more likely to be led astray. And therefore you're less likely to adhere to your diet. Now your results will directly like link to your adherence. Adherence is the key to achieving success providing your program is set up correctly your diet is correct it if you'd like if you'd hear to have to program a diet, that's correct. You will get results Huntington's guaranteed as possible. So that's my thoughts generally on intimate fasting the other time. I personally love intermittent fasting is when traveling so if I'm doing a long-haul flight, I will Fast for a couple of reasons. He's a pain in the ass to carry like to prep for meals that you know, 15-hour flight or 12-hour flight. Secondly, I don't eat the plane food because I've generally notice when I plain food it tends to mess up my digestion and I also find flying in like carbohydrates or salty food your stomach tends to have a bit of a meltdown anyway, and it also gives you a great way to like reset your digestive system. And also like if you're going on holiday, you're probably overeating overindulging calories and we're having a Great time it will offset some of the damage from that on the way there and the way back and also on the way back it will give your stomach in a bit of a break if you've been overeating and overdrinking perhaps so that's generally my thoughts and intermittent fasting. I don't know what you find work best for you passed in the brine or if you've tried it yourself. Yeah. The only thing I'm going to add to that because I think you nailed that the nail on the head with everything. There is the day feast or famine approach and the ravenous binging like that's something that I've experienced myself that hopefully I'll try and provide a bit of value here for People that are experimenting with it the middle fasting and I do intermittent fasting and have done for probably nearly two years now. So I started training for Marathon to sob I was intentionally trying to make myself more fat adapted because I knew I was going to be running six back-to-back my horizons in the Sahara with limited food. So I had to get my body used to running on stores that I already had as opposed to getting, you know food from the outside and I experimented with fasting and I've kept it, you know, I try and eat everything between eight and ten hour window and then sometimes I'll do longer. Fast on a Saturday or Sunday if it's a rest day, but the ravenous binging the feast or famine approach is something that I experienced in the beginning of intermittent fasting where I would skip breakfast and lunch and then come 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. I would be ravenous absolutely starving. And as you mentioned there I would eat some good food. But a lot of it wasn't I was going to all like we joked in the August episode about the trigger foods, you know chocolates might trigger food certain chocolates and but like all food becomes Trigger foods when you're starving and for me it led to kind of overeating and I found when I became a little bit more fat adapted that that's stopped happening it just when my body got better at utilizing dietary fat or fat on my body and you know to the form of ketosis just when you're that's what happens when people go into intermittent fasting and become more fat adapted that ravenous hunger went away. And generally I find that as long as I'm not easy in a massive amount of carbohydrates that ravenous hunger is Fine, I can eat just a fat based meal or a protein-based meal or a combination of that and I have no issues with them the feast or famine approach. So if anybody is experimenting with intermittent fasting and they're finding that they're massively overeating because they've skipped one or two meals or you've skipped one or two meals and now you're so hungry. You've just over consumed that gets better with time if you train fasted in the morning, which is obviously make you more fat adapted through glycogen depletion IE burning through your carbohydrates that you have and also Your body just becomes more metabolically flexible meaning that you can use fast as an alternative fuel source instead of carbohydrates, you mentioned popular media diets, and I didn't prep you on this at all. But I'm curious. Have you watched the documentary The Game Changers. Do you know what's ironic about this is that in 55 minutes. I supposed to be doing a podcast with James Wilkes who is the main guy in game changes? However, it's not be rearranged next week. So that's funny. You ask that question my thoughts on that is Is trumpets politely tread carefully the vegans are listening. Don't shoot me. Don't tell me don't tell me named pyke I think the documentary is incredibly one-sided and biased and doesn't give a true reflection of the reality and I think a lot of things to take incredibly out of context in terms of the athletes and the performance results on there. That would be my initial foot presses on the documentary. I Lightweight film to be fair and it was interesting to watch I in terms of vegan diets do I think they are again it comes down to individual. So what's your goal from an ethical standpoint? Do I think it's cool killing animals to eat them? No, do I feel slightly guilty that I hell of a lot of meat and then all these animals dying of Satan. Yes. However, like is it optimal you eat a vegan diet to for an aesthetic of performance Sport with you know in my opinion do Do would I recommend it to anyone generally know who wants to get in shape? Why because chances are if you're not in shape now you struggle stick to a diet. If you can't stick to a normal diet how you can stick to a vegan diet. We can't eat pretty 90% the food you normally anyway and something that I like is a saying that I think Mark McDonald said that I absolutely loved I was like the reason people statistically become healthier on a vegan diet. It's not because they can't meet because it's like eating vegetables and fruits. That is the that is it like that is it? Yeah, that's Like one of the anytime I get asked and I eat mostly plant-based now just because it suits My Lifestyle but one of the questions I asked absolutely everybody when they ask me about any diet vegan paleo intermittent fasting whatever it is, but particularly ones that are like specific on certain food groups. So vegans a great example because it's like eliminating me steer excetera. I'm like, oh, why are you comparing it to I'm like, you know, if you've gone from a standard American diet or standard Irish diet or eating a lot of processed food and those three times a week and then you start eating more fruits and vegetables in a plant-based vegan diet. You're going to feel fucking amazing. Like if that's what you're comparing it to like but with every diet and I'm going to offer because I haven't touched on this podcast at all about watching game changers because I didn't watch it for a long time because I'm like fuck I really struggled to watch heavily biased documentaries. Anyway, it's frustrating, isn't it? Yeah, there's a it's frustrating because and the advice that I offered on my Instagram story earlier this week. I'm like by all means watches but I'm also a big fan on Garrity and against the information you put into your mind. I'm like if you have a good background or basis and foundation in nutrition watch it because you'll see that it's very heavy like the way it's really persuasive. Like that's the like, oh, it's cleverly films - yeah, it's really really well shot documentary and one of the things I was trying to hammer home to me, but I'm like the job of a documentary is to persuade you I'm like that's literally its job. It's like whatever the message is the Entire film is I is geared towards persuading you in a given way and I think it's very good at that but my issue with that is because of that persuasiveness. If you don't have a good knowledge of nutrition going into it, you're not going to be able to you know, pick out the fact that it's very heavily cherry-picked with the evidence that they've used and by all means I'm a massive fan of plant-based diets. I'm a massive fan of vegan diets and Lifestyles for people. I'm like if that's what's working for you. I'm like, yeah if that's I've choice and that's the day tree protocol. You want to follow that won't probably one of the better ones out there but realizing that that documentary is so heavily biased in one way and it's not providing any counter argument on the other side. Like I love documentaries that provide the evidence on both sides and then let you pick which one's the most compelling. I'm like, I like those kind of documentaries, but they don't fucking hit number one on Netflix. Like it's the one that are going to give people polar opinions. You know, I think that's an important. Message and but as you said Charlie made a great Point here, I'm going to bounce it back to you. Now the issue with vegan diets isn't the fact that it's not good or bad. It's getting its comes down to the context of the person, you know, every diet out there vegan paleo keto excetera. Like they all have pros and cons the problem with the game changers are my main issue with it is cutting out. Miche and fish the foods that have the essential amino acids that your body is going to use for Recovery primarily as an athlete. It's not that you can't get those from Plants. It's just that it's way easier to eat one food source, then combining different foods so that you can get all those essential amino acids. So it's not a case that you can do it. It's just that it's probably going to be easier to build lean muscle tissue to repair muscle cells if you're an athlete in a performance. Course by consuming those Foods by all means you can do without it. But I feel that I'm not sure how you felt about this Charlie that was never given as an opinion that was never given as an alternative and that was kind of my main issue. I'm like fuck you could have totally addressed that and still made your point and you know, but they never did that and that was kind of my only like if I was to pick out apart from the cherry-picked evidence, that was my own issue. I'm like you totally could have said this and still had a good point to me. Like you can do it with a plant-based diet. This is just another alternative as opposed to ruling that out or not covering it or touching agree entirely agree entirely and I apologize if I offended you with your if you're following a vaguely plant-based diet. It's so I am I last week's episode of the podcast. I had Kim Constable on and she's the shredded vegan on Instagram and she she went she had one amazing seven minute rant given our about vegans like and it's not like heaven. His friends are just like lifetime vegan people and but it's what it represents. It's like, you know, you can be a trash and be vegan. You can be really nice to be vegan. You know, you can be a transient be a bodybuilder and you can be really nice and be a bodybuilder, you know same as Ultra Runner same as crossfitter like, you know, it's the but she went off on the 7 Minute rant. What is amazing about she's like, yeah, I'm plant-based I'm vegan and you know be nice she was like, don't be a dick. And like for me like I quite frankly give a shit anyone does like if you that makes you happy and you find that makes get you results and it works for you. Awesome. I all the power to you, but for me, it's same as like like she compared veganism to religion but like do what you like as long as you don't hurt anyone else or preach upon anyone else and like it's fine too if you like. I mean that's that's my opinion on approach every think Charlie I couldn't agree more and I think that is a perfect note to leave it on and made love this format of the podcast and You again for your patience on the second recording at mate for everybody listing that wants to get in touch with you. I'll link all of these in the show notes. Where can they contact you directly for a coaching for your programs or just to check you out on social media or your podcast the best place to check me out would be my Instagram page. So you want me to write messages Charlie Johnson Fitness my own podcast is called the power cast. I'm over on YouTube Charlie Johnson Fitness and my my coaching Iran shred an eight, which is probably nearly one of the world's biggest eight-week. Summation competitions solid hit and show notes if Ryan's have to do that and also my own coaching link. There was Charlie Johnson So by all means guys like I'm open to any questions and if you want me to if anyone's me to a podcast only content specifically same as Brian I could ramble on about anything for hours. So it's a pleasure and I actually love just helping to helping people and discussing these sort of things. He's my passion. I love and for everybody listening over puddles in the shaw knows everything that charity just mentioned. I'm breaking Charlie. Thank you so much again, pleasure ma'am, and thank Q
Charlie Johnson joins me for today’s podcast Q+A. Charlie was on episode 238 talking about ‘avoiding trigger foods and building a positive mindset’. He is an online transformation coach, fitness model and social media influencer with over 215k followers on his Instagram account. In today’s podcast, we take turns answering questions sent in through Instagram. Enjoy. I work shift work, high stress and I think it’s leading to weight gain, any tips? 09:24 How to determine if you work better with carbs or fats? 32:18 Thoughts on fasting, intermittent or micro fasting? 46:06 The Game Changers documentary, what are your thoughts? 52:28 If you enjoy the podcast and find it informative, please make sure to leave a 5 star review! I will be picking one person at random who leave a review to win a FREE place on the next Shreddin8 program! If your interested in transforming your life and not just your physique, hit the link below to apply for my Elite One to One Coaching Or join the WORLDS Biggest 8 Week Transformation Competition with Cash Prizes SHREDDIN8 and secure one of the limited EARLY BIRD places!
Hello and Happy who come to the Katerina and Katerina the podcast hello. Hello. We're two girls traveling Europe and our names are Madame Katerina and Alice Ekaterina So today we're going to talk about planning and bureaucracy because freelancing from all over the world sounds like the most amazing thing and it's not that easy though. I mean it is kind of cool, but still you have to look into a couple of bureaucracy things.And let me tell you something. I love to be a German citizen German bureaucracy. Not fun at all. So I think this is quite important. It's not going to be a really fun episode, but I think it's an important episode and if you're interested in German bureaucracy, keep listening and if you are German and you and if you're interested in doing the same thing, yeah, I think it's necessary and that's why we recall that is and Martin will start with the fun things, which we also did a had of heading out of Germany. Knee and after that it's going to be German insurance is so fun part. So yeah, what most of those first thing we did had of leaving Germany. So of course, how do we want to travel to Stockholm which was our first city. So we booked a flight Eliza was the one booking the flight. I think it was in March or April this year. So a couple of month before we left Germany on the first of September 10, because I think she wanted to make something sure for the photo. Also something serious fixed prove that we did we are leaving so and yeah, then she booked a flight and then in the last episode we said we are not flying but to be honest this was the only flight it will be the only flight afterwards we stick to the train and buses but yeah industry and the fairy sure we are not like avoiding costs Beach. Yeah, we want to avoid the flight because of our Roman reasons. So yeah and the next Thing was like the moment. We we set the stage. Okay, the first of September reliving we could tell the people so that was the next step. We did. We told our friends and families or hood that we are leaving and happening. This is happening. Yeah, and we were pretty open for any kind of recommendations. So we just asked our friends if they know someone and like you maybe know sometimes it's really cool to get some recommendations. Sometimes the advice is are not there. Money waiting but that's another topic. We gonna talk about this and another episode. But yeah above all we are here we got started and it's fun and yeah ahead of that the planning and yeah, this is just an act like a did. Yeah. What I was going to say about the flight still is then we realized that not flying is not only for environmental issues. We it takes longer. I mean sure we took the ferry from Um Stockholm to Riga and we were 17 hours on that Ferry and it gives you time to sort of adjust to the New Student Union City. And yeah sure and so that's a that's a good thing about that as well. And we're going to take the bus to Berlin next Tuesday. And this is gonna be like 21 hours in the bottom of my goodness. Yeah, we gonna just get ready to leave Riga and just be ready for whatever comes after. Yeah, and so I was actually coming to the next point. Which is texting lovely people on Instagram and working not looking first of all, we have five Instagram accounts. Wow, that's a lot and that's just because yeah, both of us have a private account. Then I have a photography account because I'm a wedding photographer as well. And Marren has her designer count and then and then we have our couple account which Which we will talk about in a social media episode as well because that changed a lot if you stick around you'll see that there was more some changes into two stories and feed and stuff. Anyways, I used my photography account to get in touch with photographers from Stockholm. I thought it's a super important to sort of have a network where where wherever we travel. Yeah, and not just friends. No, like people we do not know yet or before going to the city so maybe Wise or however you want to call it. But yeah, exactly. So I was thinking what am I supposed to write them? What's a good text message and overall I decided to do a voice message. Yes, you can do that on Instagram. I didn't know that as well. But once I figured it out, I felt like wise messages are more my personality. And so I just voice message - A couple of people and actually everybody got back to me off the course. Of course, there were a couple of no we can't help ourselves. Or no, we won't be sticking around or you can't work for us and that kind of stuff but people getting back to us was quite important at that moment and felt pretty good. And in the end actually we met two people I texted or voice message on Instagram in Stockholm both were amazing. We'll talk about this once we get to the Stockholm application. And even the first job came over Instagram. Yeah, we have to admit this so it's Quite a tool and I think once you just admit that Instagram in this world at the moment can be such an amazing tool just use it. So the thing was that the wedding photography conference way up North happened in Stockholm. I always wanted to go mmm. So at least I freaked out when she realized me you're gonna be in Stockholm. Here's the beginning of October and she was like almost yeah crying. I wasn't really intense moment and they're really nice moment. And coincidence sometimes for us. It's not about the money. It's not about game earning money or anything. It's about experiencing things and the ticket where the tickets were quite expensive and I wasn't sure if I can like pay the ticket. So I texted them voice message them that I might cry if they don't let me volunteer and I got the proof and Dad happened like Dad worked and they actually I thought I'm going to be behind a bar. Just working and handing out, you know proseccos and stuff. I have no clue but they actually wanted us or me at that point to do some design work which was even better. But we'll talk about this in the job section. Otherwise, it's going to take ages to Soapy Suds. Exactly. Let's focus on the things we want to talk about today. So how did we survive and so calm that is the next question like before like yeah, like Eliza said now we had some It's but what was missing was an accommodation so I thought okay, maybe it's cool to to extend this give and take thing and just ask hostels if it's possible to volunteer in the hospitals so that we worked there but you can sleep dead and for free and that's why I detected some some hostels in Stockholm. I think it was like eight or ten. And yeah, I think it was a nice email, but we did not get any response. No, not a single one. So we were pretty upset with this is like we didn't really know what's happening. Then once we go to Stockholm, but yeah, there was the first impression so no response is not as well. So we actually live hostels are quite expensive as well if you stay there for a month or yeah, he stayed in Stockholm for six weeks six weeks. We had to figure it out and that's how we came across work away. So I don't know if you ever heard about work away. It's a platform where you can sign up and offer your Helping Hands for any kind of job. If it's volunteering at the farm if it's babysitting for family or even cat-sitting doc seeking sitting house-sitting whatever so you can just apply not apply your signup you create an account and that's what we did Eliza. I created that the couple account or working with our Capital account another couple account. We really introduced couple of counts. And yeah, my we can can say that we got our first experience with work away and Stockholm and it was awesome. It's so cool to be surrounded by lovely people who offered a place to stay and we can give them something back and just helping them whatever comes to their mind. And yeah, we got to talk about this as well. And once we reach our accommodation and be Soto my goodness and And what else did we do of the overall plan was because we're graphic designers that we can actually write some agencies and maybe freelance for them. I mean, that's the dream it's still thing is if you approach an agency, you actually need a portfolio or a website or anything to send to them. So they know what you're capable of and of course we both had like a little things lined up and stuff, but it's just not ready yet. So I texted one agency they like they replied as well. But it just didn't work out which is fine and it's still on the to-do list and we're on it right now and it's going to happen. Yeah, anyways back to our fun part insurances at this is going to be really really intense because it's just hard to talk about insurances German insurances in English. So, yeah, so now we have to concentrate and focus so that you don't get lost and we don't get lost. We won't talk about what we need. We rather talk about what we have because it could be that we still miss something. So if you're listening and you have like the amazing clue about what we need and we miss something just you know, tells us let us know Martin will start with the most complicated one, which is health insurance. Yes. It's a big topic and yeah the status quo before we left was that Lisa was still a student. She is 25 still and she paid for her health. Insurance 90 Euros per month because she was studying my status quo was that I was also a student I was under 25 and I was Family Health insured with my mom. So I paid nothing for my insurance with the start of our travels because our Student Life expired on the 31st of August and we headed out on the first of September. So it was right in the moment when our German in German really accurate So that was the end of our student life and we knew before that the minimum cost for a half insurance will be 190 Euros per month. So our question then was how can we maybe avoid this amount of money? So the first idea was to re-register in a university in Germany. So that was the first thought. Yeah, of course. Definitely because there's so many advantages in being a student. So for example, we are going to city we want to see a museum as a student. Normally you do not pay so we had a like a pro list with all the advantages. And yeah, the thing was that the insurance for at least at this point could have been the 90 Euros per month still for me. It wasn't that sure because I am turning 25 next week and like I said, I'm I'm still in the insurance with my mom. So my question was how what's happening for me? And can I be like injured injured injured? It's correct on my goodness without paying anything and being older than 25 or 25 and the answer is no because you have to be student and and the 25. Be in the family insurance. So that's a really important topic because maybe now I have to pay for I have to admit but let's see what's happening. But that's a really important thing. So studying and being on the transit fee because Martin is still under 25. Yeah, but she's not studying anymore, which makes her not able to stay in the Family Insurance ruined that's it, which is a cool place not paying anything always a cool place to be but you're not in the into Family Insurance bubble. Anymore if you're not studying and if you're not in your first education way, so keep that in mind if you're under 25 and not studying you still have to pay. Yeah, so you thought was then too. Oh, yeah metrical age Eureka. I mean same University you've been before and I studied my Master's Degree not together with Martin, but in another University actually fish Fabric and You have a bachelor's degree for internet of things iot and I thought it's a cool thing to just re-register myself. There thing is I'm from Baton button back, which is the state of Germany. And if you I mean you already know that probably in Germany, we don't pay a lot for for our studies almost none. I don't to other countries compared to other countries, but if you study again, so I studied all the way and if I would restore yeah just want my second studies I'd have To pay an amount of money, which is 600 euros per semester still not a lot of money compared to other countries, but for me, it's a lot of money then Martin came to me. I have a better idea. There's the University of würzburg and we can matriculate ourselves there. It's you won't have to pay because it's not a button button back. And yeah, she would have signed up for edge of Technology. Yeah, and you for all worlds amazing things and we would reduce the costs from the 600 euros per semester to round about a hundred and fifty Euros per semester. So that's a good thing. But the thing also of this studies is that you need to do not need to hand in your notes or something. There's no what's NC in German? It's like there's no it was close. So you just can just can sign up your chest can register and pay defeat and then that's it. So yeah, probably a little illegal. So maybe we shouldn't I don't know. It's not that we say do it. It's just we want to let you know what we thought and that was I thought at one point. So we're just going to be completely honest about this. Yeah, that's true. So yeah, this is regarding this is after. Thing regarding our student of still being a student life, but the decision in the end was no we do not register we won't do it because they are some more it's in the end. Maybe just a troublemaker to be a student. So we said no to this. So the new thought was okay is it may be enough just to have the foreign have insurance and not the one in Germany. So that was our next topic. We were like looking at Yup, and searching for information. And the thing is that if you have a German health insurance, you need a German address. So it's connected. Yeah, and exception is when you're a freelancer so that includes us. So as a freelancer you are you can decide if you want to have a health insurance in Germany or not. So we we were kind of confused what we gonna do next or If it's necessary to have to have insurance in Germany or not, because with the foreign health insurance, we need German Insurance. That's the next thing we came across so it's not possible just to be injured with the other interns. I don't know company. So yeah, this is intense. Seriously. It cost me a lot of this moment. Pretty much. I mean to sum it all up. No, it's not enough to have a foreign health insurance. You need the health insurance in Germany. If you have an address in Germany, and that's it and a fun fact besides that is as a student. You need to German address and you need a German health insurance. So another bad point about being a student while traveling we did being a student. Yes student. No student time didn't I my goodness? Check your matriculating ourselves no sense because it's just so many things which we already mentioned. Then we want to keep our German addresses pretty much the addresses of our parents. Yeah Adam to to write and voices because that's what we're doing. We're working for people with writing invoices. So yeah, we need those addresses and the key finding is we need to be Health insured in Germany still question from the beginning. Is there a possibility to be insured in Germany, but pay less So not 290 euros per month because we don't need German Health insurers will never be in Germany. I mean we're traveling. So what's going to happen like I don't need to be in a hospital in Germany because I'm not there and yes, there is something like that and it's called a reversionary insurance and Germans unbought shafts physician and why does the crazy word is that that pretty much means that? Both of us pay 60 Euros per month and 990 Euros for being still in insured in Germany for some some sort of it's not really insurance though. Because if we yeah, whatever and this allows us to get back into the state health insurance once we're back because that's the important thing the most important thing because if we wouldn't have the re Vision free version Airy Insurance, it might happen that the state insurance does not let us anymore. As Freelancers and we would need to be privately insured which is super super expensive. Yeah above all as freelancer. Exactly. That's that's I mean, that's the life we chose at the moment and that's the life. I'm definitely gonna live like I decided that Martin still in a fight, but so it's really important to to try to understand what's happening in the insurance world of Germany. So yeah, we consider ourselves as candidates. For reinsurance at Bush Baker and EM huh blows, if you want to know a bit more about reversionary insurances look it up. It's interesting. Yeah next topic. So the next thing has really it's hard to talk about all this and hopefully you're not losing track why we are talking a lot about this intense topics. So the next thing I get back now to the foreign health insurance, so we came across the hands of Merkel. Has insurance and we chose two different insurances. So I Lisa chose the like the premium one or little hired and the basic and I chose to cheaper one the basic one. So Eliza is paying 60 Euros per month now and I'm paying around 30 Euros per month and it's pretty good because you can start the insurance from the day. You're leaving Germany until the day you're coming back. It's not Connected to like a certain time. You have to be a broader. And yeah, it's not like it for one year. It's yeah you pay for day. I think what was it 265 whatever. Yeah and something for day for per day. Yeah. So yeah, and in the more premium insurance, at least it shows there's also an emergency my goodness emergency insurance. And there is a foreign liability in terms of travel accident a travel luggage incident. So there's a lot cover I got it all cut. Yeah. Yeah you did it. So if you have questions regarding that the difference is we can send you the file. The file thing is I mean you also have we talked about differences and similarities about Martin and me regarding insurance as it's pretty much the way that I'm insured for pretty much everything. Is the basic way there's not a better way. It's just it's different and it's a thing because you're sure that you're going to be freelancing after our travels and I'm not sure if I'm going to be a student again. So I'm not that covered with all the entrances at the moment because I have to figure out how my life is going to be next year. We got it - yeah, I have to so yeah, that's that's the reason. Yeah third third thing. It's my turn again, right? Yeah. It's liability insurance. Yeah. so in German Yeah, yeah have fleshed. Is it? Yeah. I like Marin already said I got it covered because it's in my premium foreign health insurance and she is privately liability ensure back home in Germany. So actually that's what she has more than me in that part. Anyways easy insurance will boob. Let's just kill it. That's it. We have liability insurance point you need liability insurance when you travel abroad I did an insurance for legal expenses just because we're working with new clients and with loads of people and you never know who your end up with and maybe I do something wrong and I need legal expert I have legal expenses and I want them to be covered good thing about this insurances. I can ensure a colleague which I have right here. So more initially insured as well because she's my colleague on this troubles and we're hashtag team insured. That's the way to go and we pay 24 Euros per month for this insurance. And now Martin's got again a really hard part. Yeah. It's a like like you said a tough cookie. We have to have to eat. It's the occupational disability insurance. So it's a big boobs When Faith guides physical room in German and yeah, once again at least has covered I'm not I will do it. Definitely I talked to some friends at the weekend. That's necessary. So I gonna do it in the next month. So what is it all about? I think you heard it before so if there's one like something happening in your life, so you can't work anymore. You need to coverage for that so an insurance and that's what it's all about. So the thing is you have to sign up or yeah to sign up for this insurance pretty early because there's some problems to get into this insurance if If you ever went to a therapist or if you have some mental issues or something, so because all the different professions like graphic designers or other jobs, like roofers, for example, of course, it's different word, but they are rated in some sort of list in the insurance. So for example, the Rufus, of course because they were working outside. They're risking their life. Sometimes maybe they're hot or for them. It's hard to get. To insurance and for us as graphic designers as well because we tend to have those mental issues sometimes and back issues and back issues. That's it. And of course the insurance that it does not want to cover everything when we are older and so it's good to to be covered from from the beginning on so that's why I decided to do it like I have to look up where I want to injure myself. But yeah, that's that's pretty much it. So it's a necessary thing so you can think about what it is. So I pay 60 Euros per month now to be occupational disability insurance and a roofer which is the guy who works on the deck. Yeah, he pays over a hundred per month and then there are other jobs which are easier and then they pay only 20. Yeah, so it's just the range is crazy. So whatever you do, you might get lucky but just do it from the beginning on if you To get the F employed. I think it's a good thing true to start with this one. So yeah, the next Insurance Eliza has because she is carrying a lot of equipment with her. She's a photographer as well. We mentioned that before and she has her cameras with her and her lenses and so on and it's a lot of money so being on travels. Yeah, it's necessary for her to know. She's explaining what she's covered. But what she covered equipment insurance is really important for me. Because I knew from the start that will start that our travels with a wedding in Zurich. She was a friend of ours and I was taking the photos on the wedding day. So I needed all my equipment there and over the last couple of years my equipment got really expensive and I just I wanted to make sure that this that it's covered and if I lose it if it gets stolen whatever so yeah, I've equipment insurance and I was actually knowing the company who Choose me now, which is p and p in Hamburg from a podcast. I've been listening to so that's exactly what this is all about that we hope that someone is may be listening to this podcast and knows a little bit more about insurances because of us like I knew a little bit more about equipment insurance Because of You Leah and Jill wedding photography podcast. Yeah. I pay about 18 Euros per month to to know that my two cameras and my lenses. And everything under 50 Euros, which happens to be in my camera back is injured and I'm super happy about that because I don't need to worry you feel safe. No, I think I'm walking around with their cameras and carrying them all the way. Yeah, we tried to write everything we did down and make it more understandable and easier thing is what we add to this podcast now we talked about it a lot. So the next thing is to write it down to make a pose in Instagram just to to mention all the different things again. And don't hesitate to ask questions if we can help you in some some point. Hopefully we are help now. Sometimes it it still feels that we are losing overwhelmed overwhelmed and sometimes a little bit confused about all the different things because they're all linked together. It's not one single thing. You can think about there's always like a role in like a snake we say in German I think behind so That's that's a hard hat a topic, but got it all the way to here. Thank you so much for listening to us and almost half an hour. We promise that the next podcast is again a little bit more, you know, the easier fun fun fun fun easier to listen to and so we just hope you're having a great day and diet and maybe no more Insurance talk today. Yeah. Thanks for listening. Thank you.
This episode is about planning and bureaucracy. We'll talk about what we did to get ready for our digital nomad adventure and what german bureaucracy obstacles we needed to overcome to make it happen. Book a ticket to the first destination Tell everyone what the plan is Start networking with locals (friends, clients and agencies) Contact possible sleeping locations Create accounts (workaway, instagram, splitwise) The biggest part tough will be about german insurances. Here's a quick overview what we cover and our expenses to be covered. health insurance – Krankenversicherung (Maren + Alissa: reversionary insured) reversionary insurance –Anwartschaftsversicherung (Maren: ~60€/month + Alissa: ~60€/month) foreign health insurance – Auslandskrankenversicherung (Maren: ~30€/month + Alissa: ~60€/month) emergency insurance – Notfallversicherung (Alissa: part of foreign health insurance) foreign liability insurance – Auslandshaftspflichtversicherung (Alissa: part of foreign health insurance) travel accident insurance – Reiseunfallversicherung (Alissa: part of foreign health insurance) travel luggage insurance – Reisegepäckversicherung (Alissa: part of foreign health insurance) liability insurance – Haftpflichtversicherung (Maren: ~6€/month) legal expenses insurance – Rechtsschutzversicherung (Maren + Alissa: ~24€/month #teaminsured) occupational disability insurance – Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung (Alissa: ~60€/month) equipment insurance – Equipmentversicherung (Alissa: ~18€/month)
Hello Tara, so I'm telling this story today and I have been very excited to tell this story for weeks. Now. I've poured a lot of research into it and honestly, I'm not even done yet. So I'm going to leave you. I mean the same thing this is going to be a two-part series. I'm going to preface that this with that and I'm also going to say that there is some content in first part part 1 and part 2This episode is going to be kind of unnerving and not PG and probably not PG-13 either. Do you need to specify in this part? There's not going to be any content like that. But in part to there's going to be some sexually explicit content. No definitely not safe for work. If you're playing it out loud. I wouldn't probably not her own children. I'm not around children. I've you know, I definitely wouldn't honestly I wouldn't let this program children either. I'm going to be covering the case of Robert Wong. I'm sorry. Yeah, if this is an unsolved case there have been Court proceedings with this case but no one's been officially charged or prosecuted with it. Definitely unsolved. Hi guys. I'm also here by the way, Kelsey. Hello. I'm listening this time. Like we've already said in our other podcasts each time. We're going to be switching off who is recording. She's going to be just as much in the dark as you guys are Robert Wong was a 32 year old lawyer. He was son of a me and William one alumni of the University of Pennsylvania and the College of William and Mary one was Chinese American and he was very involved in his cultural Community. Like he was very much a part of that. He was doing pro bono legal work. So he was doing legal work for the organization of Chinese Americans who is very much a voice for his culture in the city of Washington while he was very active in his community. Like she was by no means ashamed of his Heritage. He did change his name from his I don't know if you notice I said William and Amy Juan Yeah, and so he changed his surname naming himself won't so adding an e to the end instead of one. He was married to Catherine Ellen you two years his senior and had been married to her for three years at the time of its student incident. It's important to note that Robert had no known enemies that I could substantiate. He had no reported run-ins with hostile clients from past cases. No, wild X's with like a In for revenge like nothing like that. Did he like specialize in a certain type? Like you said he was a long as he like a divorce lawyers. He just like all around everything. I just said just said lawyer. Okay. He did have a lot of friends. He seemed to have a very big network of people that had nothing but good things to say about him by all accounts. He's very likeable man one friend who met him while he was working for the organization of Chinese Americans went so far as to say, this is actually quoting him quote he Was immeasurably special he had a sincere interest to do community service, which is why several fellowships and honors are now made in his name. The people who have supported Robert's family particularly, all those connected with this case have represented the best of Roberts spirit. I hope people will carry his light by remembering Robert in life and living the way he did. So people loved him like people really did they respected him. So that being said little intro as to who he was. I know you notice I keep referring to him in the past tense. And there's no way to get around that. Okay, A friend of Roberts was Joseph price and very importantly if you have any questions this is going to get dense. So if you have any questions died, okay, if you liked her soft already spoken to the train to all the people listening. I'll raise my hand. So Joseph price lived on 1509 Swan Street Northwest DC with his partner Victors of or ski and their roommate Dylan Ward now the men were reportedly in a polyamorous relationship all three of them, Joe and Victor were the main couple. Okay price I pricing Moon had met while attending William and Mary College and is stayed closed for several years thereafter. So on the 2nd of August 2006 won't had plans to stay at prices home on Swan Street since his house was located. It closely to his new place of employment once to place of employment. So you worked long hours. He's a lawyer. He had a long drive home and sometimes staying in town overnight seemed easier. So this was something I did see though that this was something that had never happened before this was the first time that he did do this. So the first time you stayed at prices house. Yes. Okay. So this is what placed Robert Wong at 1509 Swan Street on that August I want to add that. I think it's pertinent that he has there's a lot of theories about this and obviously you guys don't know anything about the events yet. But I just want to preface this story with saying that he was a straight meant like he had no like wild days in college that I could find. He was very obviously supportive of the community the the lgbtq community because I His some of his really good friends, where were homosexual and it's a he was married right like to a woman to woman. Okay, but so that being said according to the affidavit arrived at 10:30 p.m. To sponsoring he chatted with price in Dillon more in the kitchen. They drink some water although all the normal things and they kind of went their separate ways. I'm cracked. And so here's a here's we're going to kind of get think Louis. All right, so I won't showered and retired to a futon / pull-out couch situations in the office upstairs on the second floor. Also on the second floor. Dylan Ward was asleep in his bedroom right across the hall price and svorski were asleep upstairs on the third floor seemed set. I'll should be quiet. The night is not over. It's not near over at approximately eleven fifty p.m. Only an hour and 20 minutes. Later. Victor svorski calls 9-1-1 in a blind panic. I'm just going to give a brief warning. We are going to play nine one one call in this episode. Is that something that might distress you you might want to skip this case because it is very relevant to the story correct tariff barriers. So it's really important for the case to hear that. I will learn call. Is it too graphic? It's not I wouldn't say it's graphic. I would just say it's disturbing it made me kind of emotional listening to I didn't cry. Hi or anything, but I just I was really scared for him. I feel it's important. I've noticed other podcasters not playing the whole nine one one call. So I feel like they may not feel it's relevant. I do so just keep that in mind before you start this episode Victor zamorski calls 91 in a blue moon. Okay, wait pause. Okay. He says somebody stabbed him. Someone stabbed a guest in your house. Yes. He says somebody broke in and stabbed him. Yes, and she asks, are they still in the house? And he says I don't know. Yes, there's going to be more on that in a minute, but there's a couple things I want to note. So he says I don't know who stabbed him. He thinks he's Stabbed in the stomach. He's not on the same floor. He details in particular that someone is bleeding that's important because you know, it just it's important and something. Something I found kind of under-recognized is how upset he is he and he becomes increasingly hysterical like at the end of the call. He's completely like in hysterics. He's inconsolable and I do want to clarify something the you know, one one operator by no fault of her own. She mistakes him for a woman so she'd she is saying ma'am. She's not saying man or it's not this is not a This is this is definitely Victor zaboor ski calling. So I did notice that yeah. Yes Chic that continues the whole food Tad annoying. That's right. So let's continue. The first time I walked the Earth. Okay, he said that he was stabbed in the heart. That is so oddly specific to say. Yeah. He said he was stabbed in the heart in the center of his chest so you can hear the 9-1-1 operator giving him instructions of first aid instructions of someone who's been. Lethally wounded and svorski you can hear is the worst game murmuring giving instructions to someone relaying her instructions to someone and that's presumably price because he said his partner was with him. So that details important the fact that he was relaying instruction. I thought he was upstairs. I thought he was do there's no but there's no there's no reason why he couldn't have walked downstairs while he was on the phone. So that's how I kind of do kind of connect those dots there but it's important to remember that he is relying instructions to of how to staunch blood flow from a from a heart wooed. So the rest of this call is about three minutes long and I'm not going to talk anymore through I'm just going to let it play until it stops and it feels horribly long because it's hard to listen to so if you're not in the mood You might want to go ahead and Skip three minutes ahead. I'm going to play it because I feel it was very important to me to immerse myself in the situation if you will. here family It's heavy stuff. Wait, I had questions. Okay. So this story appears to change at some point in there. Am I crazy because it sounded like he said where I'm upstairs. Yeah, and then a few minutes later in the call. He appears to be talking to what I would imagine is his Partner or someone who is attending to the wounds? Yeah, but in that beginning part he had said that they were downstairs. Yeah, not near him which I found kind of strange too because he says that he is afraid to go downstairs. Exactly. That's what I was about to say and then he says I'm afraid to go downstairs, but previously he had just said that they were downstairs, you know, there is important to remember that there's three floors in the house so you could be meaning I'm afraid to go down to the first floor, but why? Would my thing is why would he say he stabbed in the stomach? Which and then he says I'm not on the same floor. I can't apply pressure to the lungs. I'm on the floor and then you hear him relay instructions to someone which kind of implies that he went into the same room. Do they have a loft? Hey just just said three floors and sadly no and then then he corrects himself and says he was stabbed in the center of his chest. And so that means he's got to be looking at him. He has to be yeah. Um, and then then he says he's afraid to go downstairs which which I mean I guess insinuates that he's afraid that there's an intruder still in the house. Yeah, but he had also said that the victim was on the first floor at the beginning. Did he? Yes, and he's sure. Yeah. He said I'm on the second floor and they're downstairs. Hmm. I don't remember hearing that but you very well might be right I could be making that up. But I swear I heard that because I was pretty sure he said I'm he just said I'm upstairs and that means he's on the third floor because I know price and well-known are on the second floor and there's only never okay. I think you misunderstood. I think I think maybe possibly because I would have caught that discrepancy. I'm sure I've listened to this a lot. Enough to be just as disturbed by it. So he does see something very important where he says he be clarifies. He had one of our knives. Do you have the beginning? I did hear something something. He had a knife. He says very specifically. How does he know that if they never saw him? Well, I'll get to that but there's a nice there's a knife on the nightstand on the nightstand right near where woman is. That's a long story. I'll get to it. Okay, but I just find it interesting that they're like you have one of them nights, you know and Okay, while that's happening. You hear that he's saying they're here they're here. And so we're going to switch to the perspective of the EMS workers that arrived according to the affidavit to EMS workers arrive at Swan Street the affidavit calls them W1 and W-2. It's kind of a mouthful. So I just renamed them. Okay, I pulled names out of absolutely nowhere. We will call the Ron and Rhonda. They only gave me their sex. So that's all I had to go off of. Okay. It's important. To note that Ron had been sorry that Ron had been an EMS worker for over a decade and Rhonda had been an EMS worker for over 15 years. So they're both very experienced. They responded to countless dramatic scenes involving violence and unfortunately death both workers are familiar with the hysteria and panic of those witnessed these kind of crimes according to Ron usually the people are frantically trying to direct him to the victim. This is no such experience for them when Ron and Rhonda arrive at Swan Street svorski standing on the porch in a bathrobe on the phone. Talking indistinctly about a stabbing on the second floor, which I'm assuming they say indistinctly because to me that sounds almost like he's talking on the phone while you're ill or those drivers on before but like I think they mean that he was hysterical they could barely understand him because in the 9-1-1 call it is kind of hard to understand him every once in a while. So I think he was on the phone with the 9-1-1 operator when he opened the door was like go upstairs, uh after attempting to talk to him. Apparently they were trying to talk to him and he was Skidding hysterical Ron and Rhonda they get no response. They say that they get no response and I'm not sure if that takes place after ordering the 9-1-1 call because they don't say that he starts crying. They don't say that he makes no sense. They say they get no response. So they then just go into the house wrong goes up the stairs and finds Dylan ward in a bathrobe and asks him what is going on. Ward not only doesn't answer him. He just walks past him into his room like it's no big deal just like whatever this man is bleeding out piece like appears freshly showered and so does the borsky interesting the EMS workers wandered down the hallway? Probably very confused. I would be and find price on the pull-out couch. Seated with his back to the door. So they walk in there's a man not facing them facing the wall wearing only underwear. He was not applying to pressure to Roberts wounds. He wasn't even touching him. Ron tried to get an answer again. What is going on in price says, I heard a scream and nothing doesn't even look at him just to the window why? Yes and then stands I got chills all over my body and then he stands moving away from Roberts body keeping his back and face turned away from the EMS workers just likes idling away. Can I ask an off-the-wall question where any of these men on drugs of any kind funny that you say that they do actually they do actually search their house later for for drugs. They find ecstasy and I believe traces of marijuana, but not Marijuana, and I don't think anything else did they did the paramedics like seem? I mean, I'm sure they were in like crisis mode gotta find the person who's in need but did they notice whether their actions were oh, yeah assistant of somebody who's under the influence of something. Well, they didn't say under the influence, but they said their actions Were Strangers are yeah. Absolutely. I don't get into that. No remember how these are very experienced EMS workers like have been doing this for three quarters of my existence. See they've seen how people people all different kinds of people from all walks of life of cope with all different kinds of trauma in different ways in different situations. Ron expressed that the entire experience was so bizarre that the conduct of the three men in the house in a quote made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He was so spooked by this he when he walked into the room with price he gave him a wide berth and literally would not walk to the side of the room that he was in. And checked his hands for weapons when he came in the room because that's how weird he was acting like he felt like he might be in danger. Yes and like literally his fight or flight response was like he moved to the opposite side of the futon where Robert Ley Rhonda immediately recognized that the scene was quote. Very wrong. Robert made on the neatly made pull-out couch crisp Corners the whole thing the he just fallen on. Top very strange. There was no General disarray of the room his watch and his BlackBerry and his wallet were all on the nightstand and if they're on the nightstand, but they were near him. That's all I remember reading is they were near him. No obvious signs of struggles when I'm trying to say and no obvious signs of robbery. It was immediately evident to Ron and Rhonda upon examining him that he'd been deceased for some time. His pupils were fixed. There was no pulse or cystal meaning that there was no electric activity in the heart whatsoever at all. There was no respiration while searching for signs of Life the EMS workers found three stab wounds in Roberts chest one large enough to fit a finger into what no, that's a quote to no blood was coming from these wounds none. Gets it gets worse. No blood was on his gray William and Mary College t-shirt like a light gray. Nothing was there like he was wearing this shirt. There were three holes in the fabric that we responded to the stab wounds why it's one of those wounds was in his heart what furthermore there was no blood in the room no blood on the floor and no blood on him. How does that make any sense? It gets worse upon closer inspection. Ron notes that there's there were striation marks of traces of Bloods. So Layman's means someone had swiped a cloth over his blood like streaks at some point. Someone had tried to wipe it why so wait why didn't quoting EMS worker Rhonda it appeared that the body had been stabbed and I quote. Showered redressed and placed on the bed to me. It sounds like the body was stabbed post-mortem because you only bleed once your heart is still beating. So if there were wounds in his chest, but no blood to me that indicates that he was already dead when he was stabbed. He said a cover-up. Oh my God. I'm oh Tara funny that you say that why it's funny that you say that I have so many things to tell you Kelsey. I have so many things, okay. So once questioned svorski finally states have this nightmare unfolded report. Okay. You ready? Get comfy. Wait, who is he telling us to this isn't a statement like it. Oh, hi Steve afterwards. They're questioning. I yes, okay. So there are there there's much more to the crime scene, but that was all in like the actual crime scene affidavit statements. It's the rest of the evidence. Is in like the autopsy and I'll get to that okay, I can see that there's a lot there's a lot to uncover here according to the occupants of Swan Street. This is going to be dead so hold hold on to your hats here. They had heard the chime of their alarm system as you heard in the memo on call meaning a door had been open somewhere in the house. This Windham any typical though as actually Swan Street had another tenant. They had a woman who remains nameless and the affidavit they call her W4 what W4 was not even in the residence that night. She was visiting friends and it's like corroborated. So this door opening could never have been her to top it off. It goes on record in the affidavit that all residents deny that the security system was even engaged which to me makes no sense. How are you going to say that? At oh, we heard the chime and the door open, but the security system wasn't alarmed did it is farmed. Did he say something? I thought you said something about in the 9-1-1 call. So he did that. Yeah, he did. He said I heard we heard the chime and then we heard a scream and we came down the stairs. So he does say and they continue to say that we heard a chime. We heard a chime someone opened the door in the house. Well sometimes oh I know alarmed systems will even if they're not set to Go off if somebody opens the door, but I know some when you open it'll be like front door open or we aren't door ajar. Yeah, so maybe that's what their system was. It just wasn't arm for an intruder basically. Yeah, and I will say I don't I there are so many different kinds of alarm systems a very well could have not been armed and so just beep when someone enters the house and that's something I'm looking into too much. Yeah, but let's continue long story short. She was not there. She I just figured I'd I put her in there because I feel like that's relevant but not relevant to a woman's death in price and zaboor skis statements they say they heard three distinct grunts quote from their third floor bedroom after the chime and they left their room to investigate the commotion in the second floor office. They found womb stabbed laying on the bed at this time Ward emerges from his bedroom. Dylan War there were there was no perpetrator in All three of the men say they heard no one lying down the uncarpeted hallway and no door chime to mark an exit from the residence, which if we're going to give them credibility here, I could understand why Sikorsky was then scared go downstairs because if you didn't hear the door chime to go to go out I could get it but to make themselves not look guilty. That's a strange statement. And yes, and I will I'll probably say About this in episode 2. But of the three of them, I think there are certain amounts of culpability and I don't know if svorski has the heaviest of it hurts. So This is reportedly were price tells the worst get to go upstairs go upstairs and call the police note here that this is that there is a phone located in the Very Room. That won't is laying in because this is this is like 2006. So it's all phones aren't like a huge thing yet. I mean probably look bones and raise problems he has and um, but so there's there's a landline in the room that wound is in but he's like no go upstairs and call the police. I just fell down. Those three wasn't his like Blackberry in the room. Also. Yeah, so you got potentially two phones in the room and you're like no go up to the other phone. Yeah, so I guess I was worried but like like I mean, he was a lawyer. So it was yeah, that's true and all the different. My main point is that landlines were much more of a thing then so they are now in sikorsky's call to police. He seems to know like I said earlier that the alleged perpetrator has one of our knives and that he used it. Injure Robert now at the scene pricing goes on record as saying that you picked up the weapon. So this price not the borsky he goes on record saying that he picked up the weapon and placed it on the nightstand while telling the friend later who I'm assuming coughed this information that he actually pulled the knife from wounds chest and placed it aside, which first of all don't touch a No murder weapon just in general second of all you don't remove something that's inside of a stab wound because when you pull it out that person's probably going to bleed out. Yeah to me that almost sounds like bravado. Like if you if it's give him the benefit of the doubt soon. He's not guilty and say that the only cost for me to do that would be to be like well some time for just pulled the knife out of his chest or something like that. I don't know. To continue price states that he raises ones shirt and the gray William and Mary t-shirt and found it blade entry wound and quote a lot of blood on his chest, which we know was not a thing and also, why would you like shouldn't you see the blood through the shirt? Exactly like my it was just a normal t-shirt right was normal teachers gray like you drop some tea on a gray t-shirt and you're going to see it. So the dvorsky also remarks in his statement that Joe price was applying pressure to the wound of the towel and that is of course key gave price yet another towel to in Words Words staunch the bleeding. Question is where are these towels? So they did find a towel this towel that they say was blocking a heart. You have a picture of it. We'll put it in the hole put it in the sources those black spots isn't this isn't in color. This black spots are blood. Oh like thanks like I dribbled some coffee. You know what? I mean? That that is like that's an I had nosebleeds worse than that, right like like and as a kid, I used to get a lot of nosebleeds and my nose bleeds were like way worse than that. Like it's literally it's probably the size of my fist literally like I'm looking at Probably the size of her fist and they like like a couple sprinkles that like are the side like it looks like somebody like is if you brushed like you touched blood with your hand dried a little bit and then like maybe rubbed up against this towel. Yeah, like not not significant at all. So throwing that out there so he gave price yet another towel to staunch the bleeding like like he needed another towel after that towels barely sad. Saturated. I don't know me I'm this could not have actually happened here is why as after mentioned there was no blood in the room where the stabbing was that to occur. There's no blood on Robert. There was no blood coming from his wounds actively one of the stab wounds within his heart while it was still beating. Are you sure? Yes, there was the force of that muscle would have rendered anything within a few feet of Robert absolutely saturated in blood which means he could not have been stabbed in that room. He could There's no way and I'm not going to go into specifics but he was stabbed in the heart while he was alive. Like they specified that I'm not there. Where is the blood? I mean, is he some kind of freak who had no blood in his body? Like what that's definitely not it. Okay. So there was a towel of cover covered with blood on it. Alright covered that this blood is so my Newton it to mouth of there's no way that this is the towel that svorski been dictating price to Preston Roberts. It's just after undergo. Can't wait. Hmm. Okay, listen to me Mamacita after undergoing examination. It was found that the towels blood patterns were consistent with having a knife in one hand. That's how we'll in the other and swiping the bloody blade downward onto the towel surface. About that knife on the nightstand. Okay, there is actually no way that that night was the one used to stab Robert. No, are you kidding me? It was a bloody knife. There's no way there was no way and you I'll tell you why it had blood on the blade five and a half inches up the blade the knife wounds in Roberts chest were only four to five inches deep the knife from their kitchen knife set found next to Roberts bottom couldn't have been the next killer could know no possible way. Are you kidding me? It was the knife that was swiped on the bloody towel though. Okay, it has that same towels cotton fibers were found on that knife's blade. So it was that it was that knife on that towel. The gray fibers expected to be on the blade that would stab Robert in through his gray shirt won't was absent on that blade. You're kidding me. I'll wait for this upon examination of the residents in Greater detail. They do find the Ecstasy as I talked about earlier. The police found a cutlery set in doing words bedroom. He's at he's I'm pretty sure he's a chef but okay, but you don't keep that in your bedroom a large knife and fork sat inside with a smaller four and a half inch knife missing a length consistent with the stab wounds and Robert wounds chest that nice to never been broke up. Are you kidding me Tara you feeling like I've been in dated you with a little information here. I hate to say it only gets more. Using way more confusing so much more confusing. I'm nowhere near done the autopsy. Was that sorry? You have to wait till episode to know your yes. I am serious. Sorry I told you you're gonna hate me. I am go to theme song. Okay next week. I'll be reading about Tara's murder because I'm gonna kill her. Are you freaking kidding me? Even if you killed me in the most complex way you could imagine it still wouldn't still wouldn't do this. This is crazy. It only gets crazier. I'm not even to the craziest part. Yet I literally don't even know what to say to you right now. I'm so like taken aback because there's so many things that first of all pay all of those dudes and like a really bad light and on top of that everything just seems extremely suspicious. First of all, where is the blood? We're lucky? Where's the blood? I will say like they all they look shower showered what you telling me somebody's bleeding out your like to I could go for a shower right now. Well, I think it's I think that means that they were covered one probably head dude. Had a heart wound. Yeah, I'm sure they were you like. Okay, so I can't tell you any of my theories because that's going to be episode 2 and I can't tell you anything more because you're still grossly misinformed as to his body because the autopsy results are in man. You don't know him yet. I'm breaking up with you you theme song. You know come back to me. It was really important to a room here move the knife he did but it was it was more than that. Okay? Okay. Okay, I remember. Okay, okay. Okay. Alright, so.
Welcome back insomniacs! This week Tara shares an extremely frustrating unsolved mystery with us. This week's case is the story of Robert Wone. Share you theories with us on instagram and possibly make it into a future episode!
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Well turbo sends his mom Nani packing and then goes on to disown his new daughter whole Keisha Davon and Wes get together and they make it happen and again in the tribunal tonight and we got an elimination Cliffhanger, of course episode 12 coming right at you you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now look hey. Thanks for tuning in guys. Welcome. Its AfterBuzz TV. It's your after-show for the challenge were the world is episode 12 Lost in Translation, right? It's just the two of us tonight. It is Jenna bussiere and to my left is Dan lingering. That's me. I'm here. Hi everyone. We're gonna be missing Pam and we're going to be missing David but we're going to hold it down for you guys gonna talk about everything episode 12. We're going to get into this ninja and turbo fight don't you worry this very very just gripping elimination from tonight. Oh that's all on the edge of our seats that we were not taped onto. I know I was stuck to my seat until we were stuck to our seats just full force paying attention to this illumination. The challenge of the day really good will get into and then we will have some predictions on where we think this Cliffhangers going and what's Polly gonna do. What is Molly gotta do is probably gonna jump into elimination and end this whole weird flirtation thing with Kyle once and for all I We set he said if this is an elimination where I can get my hands on Kyle, he's gonna take this opportunity clearly. He's supposed to be in there. He can't wait to get it clearly all over Kyle. Yes, so stay with us and then we got some news and gossip coming at the end to so be along on the ride before we get at everything overall thoughts episode 12 your look. Yeah. All right. You're giving me a very well Stevie a smile. Okay. Now the producers are like, yeah, let's break up these teams in that everyone be in. Dividual and yet everything in this episode tonight was relying on a partner. What are what are we doing here? Especially the elimination sucks and the elimination was absolute hot garbage. Yeah. It was trash. I see you're saying but they do this every time it's like the Dual or free agents. Like you're going to have these challenges where you have to be partnered up with people that always happens. It was just so funny that they made a big deal at everyone's on their own but then they continue to keep partnering things going like just leave them all together then why switch it up? They just announced that and they said it's a huge twist. Guess what you're finally on your own very first challenge your back with it was put the partner which I don't mind as much but you're right about the elimination. The elimination was ridiculous how it really depended on whoever you chose to be your Ally and you could have done that challenge individually, but they love the drama of having two people paired up and boy, did they get that engine turbo tonight? So it works. Alright, what else that what about your other overall thoughts uh-hmm like the episode. Yes, and And no, well, that's a lame-ass answer but I got a man damn. Well, you know, I just have to say that the eliminations might be the worst elimination I've ever seen in the challenge history and that's why period it's just it was just so bad. I did this game when I was a kid my buddies and I we just tie each other with ropes and say well who could get out the fastest like what were the producers thinking? There's like a it's the end of the season maybe and the weirdest thing is they teased us with this. Elimination last week like it was gonna be this crazy elimination like they're in electric chairs or something. No, we just had duct tape and who knows how strong that duct tape now, we know where Johnny and Theo got the tape for the amount of tape gate God. Yeah. Well they had a lot lying around 12:00 every extra. Yeah. They were really trying to make tape work this season one way or the other so that's why you didn't like it. Why did you like it? Because a lot of the cast members that I don't usually like I started to fall in love with tonight. I I was loving day and West together. So I was loving day and I was everything Theo said tonight was so spot-on. Like when Polly gets mad at him for picking car. He's like it's a game and relax. I'm like exactly Theo you're getting it man. And then um, yeah, I just over there's more about it. I don't want to skip ahead too much. But yeah wouldn't be an episode without Cara and Polly doing something to irritate all of us whether it's like Daddy. I love you thing. You're gonna see couple in the corner or being like an annoying. That don't check my girlfriend. Yes, like there's some Middle School everything about it is like this is my hop superhero baby boyfriend. Yeah. Don't take my girlfriend. I wanted to pick my girlfriend every time they're just always do something to get under our skin. It wouldn't be an episode of The Challenge without that. Anyway, I did not like the elimination obviously and we're going to get into the thick of it in a second, but overall, I still really enjoyed this episode. I thought the challenge is really good. I love the challenge even though maybe it wasn't the most head-on exciting competition to watch. I still think it Was I still think it was extremely entertaining and I think it was more of seeing the personalities clash and the Dynamics of the groups that I love like like you said Wes and day them coming together. I was hysterically laughing the whole time so good that was like the match made in heaven. We needed this matchup this partnership and they killed it and it was just so surprising to see like what teams thought they were not going to win and then they actually won and like turbo was shouting that from them from the bell tower the whole time like relax. We got this. It was really fun watching what they had to pick up to the What if they try to pick refrigerators and like ovens? I'm like, this is awesome. I want to pick up heavy stuff. Yeah, it was great. They're really challenging themselves. Yeah, but the challenge is great. And then I think ninja is kind of crazy. And I mean she was apologetic but we're going to get into them and he's trying to slide in it's like a whole mess. It's like those two against everybody else in the house. But let's take it from the top. Shall we? Yes, so let's go into this elimination even more. I guess we'll spend a little bit more time on and really dive deep into this. Yeah, so we make it back. Back to the episode we see it's The Killing Floor. It's left on this Cliff Hanger Georgia, who she going to pick she's weighing the options between ninja and nany and she's gonna go nany because nany has not worked out the entire season as not really prove that she's ready for this and then ninjas obviously in American Ninja Warrior. So that's the situation there. She chose Nani Nani is pissed but her head, you know for nany. I think naughty can be very explosive, but she's still maintaining her emotions a little bit. Better than I thought she would she really did even at the end when she lost she just kept everything very chill very interesting. Like she's wanting to get riled up and lick her face is turning red. You can almost see smoke coming out of your ears, but she kind of keeps it together but this for like an elimination so they get down and TJ explains the game to them and they basically have to pick anybody else any partner they want from the bleachers to come down and tape up their opponents and then you bust out of the tape. Yeah. Why was this ever and elimination because I was trying to think. All right. It's north Georgia. And nany were they trying to make this like an equal playing field? Because these two girls are similar in stature. Yeah, I think Georgia maybe as more stamina but I think nany is just as much as a fierce competitors her it's like they could have done something the Clutter they could have done or a puzzle. See if George is good at puzzles if she could use her brain and her intellect. Well, yeah, but I'm just sitting there like what this have been a good elimination for anybody like what? First Theo be good no matter but like this elimination just sucks. Right? How do you how do you categorize this somehow? I can't even pronounce the word properly Mexico to all I gots a karate is this elimination? Like what was it? It wasn't a puzzle was it? It wasn't like it was its strength. I don't know what this was. It was sitting in a chair and they hyped it up for two episodes that I couldn't believe that this is what they came up with. This was this is interesting. I don't like that. I don't know what the rules were but not nice at very still and Let turbo do whatever he wanted to her Georgia. I get that. She's yelling and I like that. I like her trying to get West riled up but she's doing this with her arms, and I'm sorry, but you can't get duct tape as tight. If she's loosening it before Wes even getting some they're really sorry. So, I don't know what's going on with I don't think it I like Fair eliminations. It didn't feel fair to me. Yeah, I agree with Bill. I love Georgia and to she did get into West his head and Wes kind of looks like a fool for that like Wes, you're an OG. Veteran your seasoned don't let her do this to you. Like don't let her see that she's winning because you just going to keep going even louder and even more annoying than her last yell because you're just you're visibly everybody sees that here and West is saying stop moving. What do you think you are you allowed to like move and then the producers no one ever stepped in her anything. Finally nany does make one jerk in her chair as but she's a her arms are already tied at that point. I will say this. I do still feel that George. George would want have one either way because Turbo is insane the what did you see the speed at which he was he was a machine and the fact that he liked worked on an airplane and had to tie up some guy that was highly on drugs or something. Maybe even better fabricating the story. We're playing telephone with the story because the way he describes it as like you don't know where this is going. We have to rewind it three times because I looked I wrote down to or I look down to write a note and I was like, wait, what was he like a flight Marshall or something was this a terrorist? Like no. No what happened in this situation that this is not his first time some guy. It's but we rewind it and I guess it was some guy was just high on drugs on a flight was freaking out spazzing out. If somebody went to turbos like turbo, please they must have recognized her from survivors or something. I don't know please sir, but we know you you can do this and turbo did the damn thing and he got the job done and he got this guy tied down to the chair and the flight. But yeah, he was not holding back against his mom, right Donnie his mom no longer blood has a lot of family issues. As episode I think that Georgia would have one either way. I just wish it was a little more fair with the I just really felt that George was really moving those arms and I didn't like that. So it was unfair only to Nani right? Because well, you know, I mean she did pick Wes to be the person that I Georgetown, right? So it always goes back to her. It was her decision, but I think that was a good call. I would think Wes would be so good at this because how many seasons has he done this and he's so like this is where he's strong because he thinks things through and he's like good at the Mind Games. But he really he botched it and it's weird because overall West has nothing to lose. So he's not really gonna be nervous doing this. I mean, yes, someone else's face in his hands, but he is not even it does. He still going back up? He's still staying in the game. So, I'm sure yeah Wes did not do well and like if Wes had just maybe grabbed her by the wrist, but then he's T can only has one hand to pull tape duct tape does not come off that easily. I mean but turbo spinning machine. So that was turbos did it? Yeah turbo. That was a good call Foo to tie ups. I thought it Back home the beginning because I was like, well that was not his partner and but turbo is just playing the game exactly. He's gonna take it easy on her. No, he doesn't he his Integrity who said it. Oh David loves turbos Integrity. So David should be here right now. He loves who plays the game so fair. Yeah such a challenge purist. So yeah, Georgia be sitting like two seconds and you know, a lot of being bada-boom. Thank God is illuminations over, you know, it's crazy. If they just let me she was awful. But why didn't they like at least once they got untied have to solve a puzzle or something that that way it would have got the craziness up because what if Georgia couldn't solve the puzzle 90 finally gets out and then she still has a chance and it still has a little drama to it Leslie Jordan. I'm out. Yeah, where do I go? Do I ring a bell? No just stand there and you ain't gotta get outside the Rope Circle. Yeah. So lame. We're yeah, we're slipping a ship ever seen on The Challenge has to be I can't think of a worse one. I think it's for sure one of those that the producers are there probably like in the van watching a live band like well, this is not our best wine guys have really really like, I wonder how much time they gave him to tape him up to it. Almost as bad as the basket case one with Kayla and Maury remember that when they were stuck in baskets and why not get out of her life. That's what I felt wicker basket of some kind right? Yeah. It was good. These are the Transcendent eliminations. All right, so don't with that. Let's move on. We're going to get into the challenge of the day right where we do. Oh my goodness. Oh my God. Hey, hey, everybody watching us. I want to thank you for watching us tonight. And thank you for making us the SP n of T v-- talk, you know, if you want to give us a thumbs up or subscribe that would be great or give us a five star rating on iTunes. You really appreciate it and leave us a comment the comment section because we love those being here to AfterBuzz means the world to us. We love being here. We love being able to talk to you. Thank you so much for the support and enjoy the rest of the show back to you Jenna. Whoo. Alright, so challenge of the day is a Day of Reckoning your Day of Reckoning Ryback Reckoning although wrecking ha ha. Yeah. I think we retained it from final row Reckoning but ways assume Yeah, so they're in this like a junkyard. That's a very long run. It's probably not a mile. What do you think? I don't know what it is hundred fears. I don't know quarter-mile. I could have been as long as it makes you sound but in like the hot desert on some sand they got it can't be as long as you think because they have to drag stuff through Santa. Yeah, it's heavy stuff. So yeah, they got to run from a dumpster to a junkyard pick up all the junk they can in either by themselves, but their arms and stuff or wheelbarrow. Rolls, yeah, whatever body of Limbs have available and then they run back and it's not how many trips you take. It's not how fast should do it. It's how heavy the weight the garbage is at the end of the day. So, oh I love how they pick. I love how they end up picking the team. So the guys get chosen at random and then the guys choose the girl and that's fair because it's a guy elimination day. And what's TJ picking out of a hat wasn't supposed to look like he's picking out. I don't know what he was doing, but he was shouting out names. I think he was supposed to pick out of a hat and thank God that Theo got called. We're Polly. Yeah, because the entire time probably like pressing the situation friend. No one better take my girlfriend. I want my girl on my team. And the first thing he does like I'm taking my partner back. I'm fixing the car first come first serve like the you think it was great. I loved it. Yeah a little temper tantrum Hunter picks Maddie and we both like looked at each other. Yeah, because we've never seen Maddie with the endurance and that was the one final thing. We haven't really seen her perform at yet, but they don't really show her performing badly. I think everyone I think all the teams perform. Okay, I just think Ink that some had bigger way and like someone was saying it doesn't matter how many trips you make because bring back the heaviest crap I make less trips. So it's Polly and Georgia then it's Kyle and D turbo picks ninja which we see go south real quick. We'll get into and then last it's done the last person sour grape about this and I love Dave on she thinks it's hysterical laughing his face. Like I control your fate now BTW I also have asthma and I have an inhaler so get ready. It's Just because they show that clip before this challenge of day talking with Georgia saying that they both want to eliminate West so right when I see them get together and like all days just going to throw the challenge. Yeah, because in my mind, I'm like, well it's a guy's elimination day day doesn't have anything to lose here. The only thing she would lose is just getting the chance to go to the tribunal and vote someone else in but Wes is her partner. So would it matter anyways, so I was like, oh, maybe they won't even try and really mess with Wes but as We saw they actually want to leave they made into the tribunal. It was like Midway through the challenge day had like a talking head moment where she was like I see how hard Wes is trying how much he wants to win and I respect that and I want to be a part of that and she's and I love that. Yeah, and again, it's not how fast you're doing it or your endurance is just making sure you get the heaviest stuff and well she definitely wasn't absurd. Yeah, but I guess it's also the edit we're not there. So it really know what they're pulling but the way it looked I was like, there's no way they're getting the job, you know, I mean days like Huffington Inhaler didn't look like Wes was carrying anything more than right. And that's the only that's all done on purpose by the producers and it's not our fault for not knowing that because it was really just a smorgasbord of nonsense that whole time it was not so we didn't know what they were carrying half the time Polly had a sack. How did he get a sack to pull stuff Parachute from he got like a backpack to carry stuff and then turbo at one point had a rope like tied around his neck hanging off a car door, but where do you get a roof? Just met him at one point had ninja with like what? Were these things they're like things that hold gas they were they were the they were the tank for like a grill they were gasping for yeah, she had for your head is going to fall off of your body. You're gonna take decapitate yourself tonight. They made it sound like this. They made the the edit really made it sound like turbo wasn't doing well, but they won. So he must have been strategically wasn't doing. Well. I was like he's going to prove. This is what I agree. I thought like I'm like after all this after the way they're portraying it. They're gonna win but didn't it sound like every time they showed turbo and ninja that it was it was a talking head of ninja complaining about how bad turbo is doing because she's being annoying this episode, but I think it was just a red herring right? And because I mean, yeah, I I love Turbo Man. He's so deserve that I would just watch the turbo show. Can he just get his own reality TV show and I would just watch that all know that Kyle keeps injuring himself in any way shape form possible like get it. Again, he beat the crap out of myself this whole. Yeah, and they showed every injury because I need to show that because he's up for he's gonna be up for elimination that we find out at the end. Obviously tell was gonna fall off his he broke his leg because what are some this shit they got car doors. They got metal scraps garbage cans a refrigerator at one point. Oh, yeah, stove some heavy stuff Hunter tries to get a like a 200-pound refrigerator on the wheelbarrow. He's still trying to get in that is like probably not the best idea. Why didn't they just carry it together back? Why don't you just carry it together? They thought that was the heaviest thing out there if they just carry that one piece back together as a team. I don't know. What does that then that takes all the time and then I guess that's where time plays a factor. Yeah. Overall overall I love this challenge. I thought it was fun. I had the drama was obviously there and we can get into that in a second if you'd like. Yeah, I thought Polly and Georgia killed it together Georgia proved her endurance and she looked incredible so crazy to me because she is a very small in stature, but she's killing this season everything. She does she succeeds in there like she was like speed 15 on the treadmill at the gym. Like she was constantly. Yeah her legs never stopped. Okay? Yeah, so And into ninja the first thing I want to say because ninja clearly is not thinking straight. It's a guy elimination. What the hell is she mad? About? What is she mad about she can't lose this week and it's not like that's going to carry on at least we haven't seen it like oh, well, you gotta go in next week. No, it's a guy lamination. And then the next challenge is a girl in the nation ninja has no reason to really be mad. She was clearly caught up in the moment but going into the day her and the other girls must be like hey, We're gonna have a good time today. It's not a girl in the nation. She's doing with such secondhand embarrassment bringing a huge can get your toy and Target at four years old really and then her excuses. I'm Yelling to the Sky, but she wasn't I have I'm allowed to yell into The Ether. Yes, if you're like a six-year-old who got told I couldn't have second slice of cake like you look ridiculous early emotions get high in these situations and she you're very competitive, but you don't even know the results yet. All right, anything like may be freaked out if you realize you lost like I said again You're not going into elimination, right? That's the thing down 12 octaves. Like take it down. This game was bananas. How could you even think to know that the other people had more weight in there than she did no one everyone was like a dust bowl out there and just carrying crap. She had this is me off that turbo rightfully. So the whole time offended though, but he's gonna calm he's keeping calm. He doesn't say anything and then finally he says, okay. Ooh, this is getting ridiculous. You're disrespecting me and he starts to yell back a little bit. But what is out of her mind tonight DD is actually almost worse than India tonight to me deep. I don't know what she was talking about half the time let them do their own thing as much of a feminist as am there's no reason to play the gender card there at all. She's being crazy. She's freaking out on him. He has the right to defend himself and yell back and plus he's not even doing it aggressively hats. That's my thing with the whole thing. He's just he's literally just talking to her and then he has all of a sudden two people yelling at him. He's like whoa. Whoa, what did I do to you? And you know, he has broken English. He's really just trying to explain he's like just leave me alone. I don't want to like what? Why are you going while yelling at me? He's really big he's a big fan of respect and he feels like he's being disrespected by two people right now. When in the entire challenge every time ninja yelled at him. He said, please trust me. I'm we're gonna win this thing. We're going to be fine, and she did not trust him. At whole time and Jordan made such a good point. I think it was Georgia saying people don't realize like how sensitive he is and cut to tribunal and we see that they're the second team called that they made it and then just like, oh my God, LOL like trying to like elbow turbo like isn't that so funny when I had that like freaked out before and I made you feel like complete garbage like it's so silly now, right and turbos like pumpkins, but he started crying. Yeah, and I felt so bad for him. I did too and then even even ninja started Because they she's like, oh my god. Look what look at what I did. I wonder if they lost if she would had that same reaction. There were what she said. I told you so what she had been so apologetic in the bar later. We'll never know but that was interesting but we you and I think both agreed that ninja did realize she was wrong and we saw that later I said at least you know, you were being an ass. Oh my God curse words, and she said I feel like a bad person. I took out this anger on him and he's crying, but we'll see you later on that that lasts for all of like one apology at one dinner or one United the Bar is all that it extends to until she's right back to not caring. I know he did you think that he should have accepted her apology after she did Apologize like 10 times at this point are about to the best. Most people would just be like your I won't forget as I say that the Talking Heads, I never forget but I forgive her now. He should have just forgave me but again he but he liked the o6. I like the you here to Thea was like look, I thought I was going to hold a grudge but turbos next level like I don't let this go by now, which you shouldn't have just that's going back and forth with to now that we're on the subject when they were out and she comes And she's crying you could tell it's heartfelt. And this is where I'm like on the fence because if somebody does apologize to me, I appreciate that they apologized and I'm going to probably forgive you like that in the 10 times, but I don't know if you're really that hurt because you think about it. He just doesn't show his emotions as much as she does. Yeah, so he's just as hurt and he feels so disrespected that should he hold strong to this if it's like, wow, I saw your true colors and you're not somebody that I need to be friends with any more going forward. I just feel like do that but feel like the respect. Spect factor with him is so much deeper than it is with a lot of us love is just let stuff going like let bygones be he holds it so damn close to his heart. I don't think he can get over in the that night. It was clearly that night because Kyle's to let paint all over his face of the bar. He wasn't like three days later. It was the night after that challenge. I believe I mean, why wouldn't he wipe that pain? Oh, yeah. Kyle was working that paint black and blue toe pain all over his hair is still grossed. Oh look, he's too. Get to Rapunzel more and more every episode but I'm becoming a fan of Kyle but yes back to this ninja Natalie turbo situation and then D again chimes in and I get it God. Yeah because you want to defend your friend and you always want to make sure that your friend feels like you're in her corner, but at the same time she's getting too wild like it's one thing to be like, okay, let's break it up now or ninja come with me. I'm your friend. I got your back but to then insert yourself into the situation in a way that like you're embracing or almost. Bringing on this different added layer of conflict it just unnecessary and she's down and I down he's lying to she's like turbo stop yelling at her think I'm just sitting here like what we do like, he's she's blatantly lying. Come on D. What do you like? I totally get why to stand up for a friend but there's a line where you get to touch you bring your friend aside and say hey look he's not feeling it right now. He's not even being the aggressor here. He just wants he clearly can't even look at you. Just let it go for another doing is being a one-sided friend and telling then Joe what Ninja wants to hear. But but again, so ninjas one second pouring her heart out crying and I do feel bad. Maybe turbo should have been like let's give it some time. I think he's I think you should be as hard as he was but then it's like five minutes later ninja washes her hands clean and says, well I tried and now he's dead to me again. Yeah felt that bad you would know to give it some time and maybe you guys can make this thing work on that brings you back to the whole thing is if they did lose that challenge and didn't win it. I don't think ninja would be has Guy saying hey, I know I blew up earlier but I want to apologize for that. Even though we did lost lose. No, you're doing it now because turbo was right that whole time and now you're like, holy crap. I went crazy silly. Yeah, silly silly silly. So the other people know tribunal Paulie and Georgia congrats to them & Wesson Dave on the the pair that we didn't know we needed but we but we need it and I'm happy that they made it work and they got this. I mean, yeah, the producers got me they set it up so bad like because they they were using all days great lines whether she has asthma and all this is I'm not good with him. Princeton West is like oh God. It's but he they did great clearly. He's a mother house drama that happens tonight. I did you think Hunter was gonna leave no, no not per se and here. I am not he might pack of his cowboy boots you got so and be Audi, let me let me tell you this. I never agree with car either not a big car fan. When car is Cara spoke the truth tonight. She's like every time someone says they're going home dang going home or they usually don't like lesbian Hunter wasn't going anywhere. No thanks it I did it. I didn't buy it for one. And I feel like he's been mentally checked out this entire season. So I was like, you know what maybe he just might yeah, I don't don't worry. He pulled out his ever given Sunday sports speech. It has confessional again. He's not a quitter. He's never going to be one. Yeah, he loves his in spell. I feel like he is hashtag Monday motivation on Instagram every time he hops into the confessional. He he whipped out his his nice line that the producers probably handed to him with the straw that broke the camel's back was like God. No, that's not producing that's Hunter. Is that Hunter Hunter? All right down to his core. Our but he decides he's gonna stay so that happened for 30 seconds tonight. Yeah, what else happened? We see Paulie plotting first off. He has a composition notebook in his hand. Did anybody else catch that cop notebook? Yeah come back to his old cop notebook days, and I'm like, what is he doing with his Reign down as strategic moves at first. He said something about he was plotting. I'm like is he really like writing a diary entry about his plans here, and he's seriously threatening throwing himself in when He's safe to go to the final almost. He just has like another elimination or another challenge has to win when he's basically go to the final and he's throwing out like how we just can't wait to get his hands all over Kyle. What is usually three guys and three girls, right? There's five guys left right now. They go in there to we're going to go into this elimination at the beginning of next week's episode. So they'll be for left. So right he's one away if he doesn't put himself in to me it seems like he's Ballin smoke for camera time act like, you know what you're doing. Probably you know that you're trying to be the next poster boy the channel. I mean, this is a prediction but percentage chance. Goes in is wait. No, we didn't get some predictions and Josh have to give us a jingle. I don't do the jingle Josh Josh Josh Josh. So let's then cut to elimination. Okay, we're now we're all at elimination. And we see that it's going to be a bloodbath type of one the whole brownie the hall brawl the classic the classic love me some Hall problem classic. Yeah, we got a narrow hallway that obviously only one body can fit in it's gonna come down to two people probably transferring a ball. Or an object. Yeah Bronson tape undergoes in there. He might have to run sideways. He's got he's pretty wide. They're all all of them. Well, I think Kyle and fewer a little more true slender to little more trim done the men. Well, I'm just saying Hunter's little more girthy. That's all we see before. We see Paulie doing these psychotic exercises to get himself pumped up doing these like these kinds of ground. He's Kissin the ground way. That's like some weird. He's getting his like fast twitch muscles warmed up by jumping like seven stairs at a time. And then he's doing like upside down push ups. Yes. So we see you like getting pumped up and ready. They're all the guys are in the gym getting their swollen before the elimination Kyle and Hunter in there. Now it now it comes time Pauline to put your money where your mouth is. So predictions hit us up Josh. There it is. How's there it is. I'm sorry. All right elimination Cliffhanger Wes is on the tape is on the timer and he gets to pick someone to go in but he says first is somebody going to offer themselves up for tribute. Yeah, and why do you think he did that? Like he just wanted to Polly to be gone because I like can lose by offering himself. I just think it's so funny that I don't know. We we see Paulie, you know, getting all hyped up and then conveniently the next shot they show is West like hey, Paulie. Hey, so you do not sweep push-ups. Yeah. No, I want to hear your percentage. If you actually think Polly's going to go and what the percentage of that I'm very torn because honestly this could be the most poly move of all time to go 50/50. So headstrong you so confident and this has been his his phrase his catch line from the very first episode of challenges out. If you're mad, you get it done yourself. Yeah, and you should you should always volunteer and enter yourself, but I don't think he's going to do it. I think it's blown smoke for the cameras and I think when it comes down to it, he's just closed and I think this whole thing with Kyle is now just a joke at this point. Yeah, it's like this weird flirty relationship that they have and I don't I think conspiracy theory. I think he might even be a touch a touch intimidated by Kyle because Kyle has be sitting all these eliminations. No, I mean he's gonna never admit that out loud, but why wouldn't you be might be and you got to be nervous like flirtation this like we're enemies but we're actually like best friends. So I don't think he's gonna go ahead. What do you think one percent chance he goes in Like I can never say never right but it's a zero percent chance. You will not put himself in that position. So dumb your two dudes away from winning $750,000 possibly. So who do you think is going? Well, the only choices are who we got Kyle Hunter Po and whoever gets voted in by the tribunal gets it and pick one Polly and turbo voting. Well Paul he's gonna go for Kyle. So there's two votes for Kyle already because whoever's within probably just throw things. This is going to go Theo and then so it's got that comes down to Turbo is Turbo going to go before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline. Where they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV turbo can go turbo can go Kyle to well then he thought okay. I'll pick Kyle to go in and Kyle from go get Kyle then pick. He won't pick hunter. I think total might go Theo because the oh hasn't been in the elimination. So who's gonna go down there? First is the question you think Theo or do you think Kyle because that's the first thing you have to decide and then they get to pick somebody else because that all depends they could pick I don't think Hunters safe. I think so Hunter is going to be in the elimination next week. So you think he's going down first into the I don't know. I don't know. I'm taking Kyle to go down there first and then Kyle's gonna look up there and all he has is Hunter and theater go after and he's kind of teamed up with Hunter. So I'll say he picks Tio and then it's Kyle and Theo's very rational and then hi. And then in the here we go. Kyle's way to beat up feels going to kick his ass good prediction because he's just too beat up it the producers are purposely letting us know beat up. I think he did you see his toe. Yeah, you're that toe is important. I don't know if it's that before and I don't know. It's like the like the pointer Joe thing that like, it's one of your toes get cut off like you can yeah, I think it's your peter. It's like any more legit your pinky toes gone. You can't walk you got to get you got to get a replacement pinky toe screwed up. That's wild. All right. The other prediction question I wanted to ask you is we see the teaser next week if whoever wins that finally there were sorry that daily challenge. I guess if you're in a tribunal or if you win you go straight to the airplane thing, right? It's jumping out of an airplane. So given the challenge and given that you go straight to the final with those steaks. Who do you think one guy and one girl to go straight to the final after next week's you think the only thing is jumping out of an airplane though. They were look like the airplane was spit out now, but at that plays a factor because this He's scared of heights. It's obviously they're going to be delayed. Yeah, I think I think what's going to happen in next week's I really have no idea they're strapped in maybe they're like strapped in really hard and have to as it's circling unstrapped themselves and then jump out and then whoever jumps out first wins. I have no idea. But if I could pick to pee I'm going to pick pick Wes just because I like Wes strong argue. Yeah. Well, I mean we gotta pick who we like to see in the file. So D. I'm Be upset with d this week. So I'm not going to pick D. Who else do we have? What other girls can I pick up? Pick up? Pick up pick Polly? Oh wait, he's not a girl. I'll pick a pig Georgian get crazy. I was kind of thinking Georgia as well. Don't care at this point. She's just so exactly yeah some of the sometimes it's the people who are just the craziest to make it the furthest because I have no fear kind of leaning towards Georgia as well. And I think turbo I think turbojets a better that might be a better cook than West for sure. Yeah t&g T and G go G going straight to the final. Yeah, I think those are great. We shall see you next episode. We have some time for a little bit of news and gasps. Oh, yeah, great. Okay little bit news and gossip and thank you for tweeting this over here. This is from Machu x 0 1 9. Thanks girl. So Ex on the Beach season 3. Whoo is going to start filming down. I know you're a big fan of the show. How your be you sound sarcastic, but I'm a huge fan of that. I love Show as well as I love that. I love the beach as well. But have you seen some of the cast and spoilers? I did and I can in some of them are really good, but I just forget so why don't you just tell me so I have to sit here looking like related. But I mean, we're pretty sure it's at this point. If it's on the Internet, it's true, right we all know this so we see it. Looks like Marie Marie Roda is going to be on Ex on the Beach 3. Nice to think of her exes. She ever dated anybody on the challenge. With Devan Walker. Oh, I love Debbie. Yeah, looks like Devon's gonna be on Ex on the Beach. Also. I wonder if they're actually now rip Devon got if you watch them challenged. He said he's working with a six-pack. He looks good. He looks ripped starting to get more muscular like every season but I haven't checked in on him. Lookin good. He's got the muscles gone. Yeah. I'm wondering if these if because I knew he was in a long-term relationship, I think with a girl like Anne on reality TV star girl. So I'm wondering if she's going to be brought. I'm hoping they pick the girl that he And of screwed over on are you the one who didn't end up being his perfect match, but he treated her kind of crappy. So I'll never think of her name but he treated her very poorly and that would be cool if they got reunited, so maybe that's who it is. Yeah, I like that. Hopefully something like that. Do you have any other people that are on there? I do not challenge people but Aubrey O'Day. Oh Danity Kane is Pauly D gonna go on with you then to imagine. I hope it's Pauly D. I love paulides the bottle of to is. All right now great. Great show is The girl from Teen Mom Elena Davies. Oh, no. Sorry. That's big brother. Oh my God. She looks his girlfriend's mom. I don't want to see Mom or big brother. So yeah, I'm gonna um, I remember this girl from RE the one seven Kenya Scott. I gotta see a picture. But yeah well so we got who else we got? What? Yeah. Okay, he goes, I'm sorry seven. Oh wait I said, there's someone else I'm trying to think that I did see that was gonna be on and I was like heaven Grant. He's also from RE the one and him in Kenya where a thing. So that makes Sense, I don't know any but I don't know they had an interesting relationship. I don't know who you know julie-san Rodrigo. I got to see pictures. You know what that is. All right, but it's fine. Okay. No, I do that. No, that's not real deal. My God is she changed her? Look. She was also a know. She's on Big Brother 19. She's like this girl was also on are you the one are weirdos like the Farrah of this season? Like they keep trying to bring in that like headline Name-O headline. Oh, no showstopper was a Danny Caine song. I was just playing on words. So we got some more tea. Lily and CTT. Yes, we do. Well, I saw it on Instagram under one of our challenge to you that Lily took down hurt CT's last name tambourine Oh Yeah from her Instagram or was it Twitter girl Insta insta, and then she also took down a lot of their if not all of their pictures together and and then I immediately group texted you guys and that's all we know so far. I did had to get to the bottom of the case and I saw this she was also posting all of these quotes about like being free. Three. Yeah, and you know being happy on your own and Independence and freedom and all this stuff. Well, thank goodness. CT got his free wedding and free Wings to uh provided by MTV. So that's nice. It's just crazy. What social media needs now like you can tell so much why someone's Instagram Twitter Facebook status and you don't want to read too much into it because ngubene have no idea what's happening because Mary like eight months ago, but I mean if you deleted all your pictures with your husband, come on, yeah and you took his name out of your bio like something's have what are we doing here? You're clearly your Not having a good time with it such a gross like culture now that we can tell everything about somebody's life based off like what their social media? I mean like there's no way this is a good is a crack conspiracy. Do you do they do you do this to get some traction going back with you guys? Cuz I need to keep they need to keep their storylines going right even when they're not on the show. Well CT CT does they'll see teaser storyline and RCT though and they've had their kits they got the kiddo. Yep. They do that was short-lived now surely. I don't know for sure. Maybe they're just going through a rough patch, but then don't delete all your pictures. If it's just a rough patch exactly. Wow. Yeah hot that we T this week go find heavy-duty dmet Stevie. I'm excited for next episode. We should have Pam and David back with us. Yeah. Do you have anything else tonight before we shut this thing down? No, I just overall I enjoyed the episode and I'm looking forward to next week and God, please let that elimination be better than anything. We better than being dead. I think we better it's a hall brawl. So we pulled some BS with this ridiculous tape elimination. Now, let's bring in the big boys. Let's get the OG elimination back. Will the Hall Bobby Hall brawl be best two out of three or will it be three out of five? What will it be? I think in two out of three three and you think they got a ring that Bell at the end we have to die for and it gets really exciting. I know it's probably gonna go for like six hours and then we only see one minute and then they'd go for multiple rounds and there's like a tie at one point and then we never know and then all this stuff comes out on Twitter from the cast members after where they back-to-back I'll know someone like had a technicality and something something happened. Someone will be aligned Kyle's toe actually falls off. Yeah, and they never show it. They didn't want the producers didn't want to get in trouble. So they just they sewed it back on there the huge liability one of them take your shoe off get around Seoul assassins infected amputated toe poor Kyle. Wow. Can't wait man. Kyle went from we all hated him to we all love them. There was always a part of me that like in the pay will fall off in the elimination. Like I told you he got a really tight up hittite haircut now, so he's doing it. Well sweet happened. No, I'm sure breaks out some like line dancing moves to get through that hallway. I'm telling you right now after all these things all these BS that Hunters doing he's gonna make it to the finals. I don't know how he's going to place in the finals. I really think him and Wes are going to somehow pull off as to the guys making to the finals. I really like reverse curse. So bananas steal the steals the money from Sarah. He never never wins a final ever again now hunter gets the money stolen from him. Yeah. So automatic. I'm not saying he'll win but I think that will make it better. Second and third place you're going to get something right or is it all or nothing? Because I hate that All or Nothing give them they made it so far. Yeah. Yeah. I know the rest of that song. Oh tell Rose to fall. Yeah. We're falling out when you reach the bottom. It's now or never guys. There's only two of us and now we have so much time to talk. We still have a whole like four minutes, but we're probably just going to rock aren't real real quick then since we have four minutes, give me your top three girls in your top three guys to make the finals because we're that close Okay time. I'll tell you mine real quick. This is the go-to guys first you ask me first. Okay, go, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you I get how rude is that? I get excited turbo you I guess waiter. I'm hearing things the finals. Kjell Lindgren David Christopher and Pamela gross are deathly all gonna be in the finals. Okay final girls, Georgia Cara and ninja so positive D ninja and my girl Georgia okay men the manly man Paulie Turbo You got to put Wesson know I'm thinking about it Wesley Rumple skills still skin Wesley. Okay. I'm going to go west and Hunter and then I just I just hard for me to go against turbo but I it's either going to be turbo or poly as far as I'm concerned, but I'll say say it again Weston Hunter for sure because it working as a team. I really just think that Hunters I have to believe that his Mojo is something has to be lost so much money it is Standing your favorites too much. No being blind Hunter is not my favorite this season At All by the way, he just yeah, it is what it is. Okay. Yeah. Anyways, huh? Where's Hunter and I'm going to go I want to say I hate you so much turbo. Wow, we shall see who's right. We shall see. All right, let's get out of here. Thank you guys so much for joining us. My name is John of us are I'm on Twitter. I'm Jenna underscored bussiere till next time till episode 13 tonight has been episode 12 Lost in Translation were the world. Oh the challenge of AfterBuzz TV the Dan Lindgren on Instagram, you know hit me up on Instagram. It could be a lot of fun. We'll chat in the DM section. All right back to you. Why not? I got no one else to talk to sighs Jenna and and my friends Everybody follow the Dan of hinari show on Instagram. It's then, it's Dan and hinari. That's the Manhattan area. It's Dan hinari right funny. Thank you so much, and I appreciate that. All right. Bye guys. Have a great week. See ya our founder. Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm use express herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Turbo sends his mom packing and then disowns his newly adopted daughter hulk-esha. Frienemies Wes and Day prove that asthma is a conspiracy and old cars aren’t that heavily, you losers. Paulie doesn’t want anyone else to chase his girlfriend at recess and threatens to finally get his hands on Kyle’s locks of love once and for all. About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge:  It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN the tv top now. We got lots of guest stars in this episode today, didn't we Cherry so many so many spoilers so many surprises you guys. This is our Supernatural mid-season finale. We are coming at you from season 15 episode 8 Our Father who aren't in heaven. I am Lindsay Wagner. I am joined by happy Supernatural Thursday, it's me cherry. Y'all I walked into the bar. I work at in the morning today and I turn on the TV and Supernatural was on and it was episode where Crowley if y'all check my Instagram stories. You will see it truck Crowley has this great like one line about the boys coming back like a specific STD. It was Flippin amazing. I giggled so hard and then it was also the return seeing the British men of letters make Davies and Arthur catch. So it was it was quite the opposite I kept it on for the first hour when no one was in the bar and watch them was like yes. Oh my God. I miss this so much classic and I'm like a supernatural Thursday and will be our last Supernatural Thursday to ever have as a break to ever have as a break. Yeah, and then we're going to come back January 16th. That's our that's our return date Thursday, January 16th. So you guys we got a whole month and a week without Supernatural. I don't know what you're going to do. I don't know what I'm going to do. We're just going to go re-watch all the episodes again. We're going to be talking about Adam and Michael this dual character we are going to be talking about who is currently ruling hell. There's a little door that the boys are going to be going through and yeah, Chuck is Ack. So Cherry, I'm going to ask you. What did you think of this episode Here Comes Supernatural Here Comes Supernatural, right Dad Winchester boys Lane. It's my own little Christmas joyous day. And this episode was a blast full of than gambling. I mean the minute you see some people loo look dead and Supernatural. Y'know there's some trouble and Chuck is full of his you know, Oh what I'm not gonna say it not going to say go to hell check but who go to hell Chuck. Those are harsh words like cherries the happiest person. I know so to hear her say that there's frustration here you all there is right here. Remember city right here in River City. Yeah Chuck is killing everyone in a casino and this poor little innocent waitress bringing this tropical rum cocktail at first I was going to say it had to be a sex on the beach or something like that, but it's probably a row. Runner and bartender chalk and he's like keep them coming. You don't want to make me angry and not too much. Right? I mean dude, why are you asking for a rum drinking? Come on, you don't want any liquor in it. Are you want it light like come on and he's just instantly winning and I'm like, all right. What what kind of antics are you going to be up to today? I knew we were with the mid-season finales. We always get some sort of like aha or like whoa moment and the whoa, Moment happened way early in the episode which I was very happy about that's coming you guys it's coming. I promise it might have been spoiled in the chat already, but I'm not going to spoil it for you here on video yet. It's coming it's coming up. So I leans out on a hunt on her own and she goes around the corner and almost kills Sam who's been following her and he's worried about her and we continue to see this. Friendship that's developing into more and more concern and care for Eileen then perhaps maybe a typical Hunter would care for someone and even Dean calls to notice to it later in the episode and says, you know, dude she gets it like she gets our lifestyle. She could do better you could do worse. Like I'm really happy for you. Even though Sam says we've tried this before this. Don't work for us. I think we're all really really hoping that saline happens saline is the awesome ship named that I'm loving and I have to say the way he was talking. I felt like he was trying to like distance himself and I thought is my little precious boy doing a Friends with Benefits situation. Is he he does seem like a friend's no absolutely not he's way too emotional and like romantic I think to have I mean, I'm not saying that you couldn't not have a Friends with Benefits situation and still be like hopeless romantic or be relationship and then part of me thinks are we seeing more of just like not a father figure but just like somebody that truly is cares about her and just like loves her but not in a romantic way. I'm torn between that because I definitely feel that he cannot bear to see to lose anyone else and that's why he sort of following it. Behind her and checking in on her and the threat against her was a lot for him emotionally. I don't think right now he's able to have a relationship after so many losses what after another but he likes the idea of being with someone and the idea of having an emotional connection with someone who understands that hunter life because he usually tries to date not hunters and it just doesn't work this could this could work if you can you guys see a little head popping up. We've got a little Rutherford in here. Oh, it's rather bird. Okay, you gotta sit down. Thanks pal. So my this is the other thought Eileen gets a phone call from Sue Ann immediately. I'm like hmm. Something's not right. Did you feel that felt really off to me? Y'all felt that you could not it just didn't seem she was like calm and see me come help whenever you have time whenever you're free like it was just too much and then for Eileen to mention it to Sam and for Sam to go with I'm Like she wanted to go on her own initially for to this first time and didn't want Sam following her. So then she tell Sam about it. So I don't know. I'm just not loving that and we get to wear this Vamp Nest is supposed to be and Sue is there and then it morphs into Chuck. It was the language that they used was very much not like what a woman would say is very manipulative. We're at first she asks her in a nice way then she says, oh well You have to ask your boyfriend and sort of like does this whole weird feminism thing and then she's hiding she's like down in a car garage by herself and the dark. Yeah, and it's like, oh I'll get this a was I tweeted out you and danger girl. She did all signs pointed now, but you're saying it. Yeah, it was completely Chuck controlling. Sue the whole time obviously, which is I didn't know was Chuck something just felt off like maybe he was telling Sue to do this, but it makes more sense. And that he just took control of her and decided that this was going to be the situation. She was a vampire and I lost I didn't you and Eileen saying thank God and he's like any time steps it with his little Smyrna. Yeah, we don't care. What a smack the smirk off you buddy. Hi Sam re Master. Austin Prophet said, I knew Sam Tsui was a setup somehow, especially after Chuck threatened Eileen and then robidas says to quote Akbar and A trap it's a trap. It is a trap y'all and Crowley. So I've got Crowley on the brain after seeing him today and the episode. I watched earlier Chuck saying Hi Sam. And then that's all we get of this episode of this and this situation until a month and yeah until episode 9 or whatever is going to happen in between there. So there's a cliffhanger Cliffhanger for that. We knew this is Kind of happened. We'll get into what we see happening next episode once we get to our predictions later on but let's get back to Sam realizing they've got the demon tablet which was created and dictated by God, so he's written this thing but and it's written to give directions in case something happens to him as Sam points out. He has an Achilles heel. Percy's not hole right now. So perhaps this is the opportunity for them to take this tablet and really kind of take over and take control but who do they need to read it Jerry? No, not doubt it tell you keep bringing him back. The terrorizes poor guy is literally going to go not so if he hasn't already, you know, I kind of like grumpy Castillo's kind of set see what he's like. I know you're in there open the door. I'm like What to do that? Yeah, Johnny, he's cute, but he's grumpy. I've got another appearance my brother friend. No, he's doing that for Rutherford. Oh just froze talking about grumpiness. And anyway, they say that they can basically put God into Chuck into solitary confinement because they do need him to keep the balance of the Earth. Jean it's like access access and there's no Tate annotations on this demon tablet, which they were wondering if it was from Metatron basically giving context to the actions that were happening things only shared with his favorite which would be Michael and something takes over Donatello. And this is where Chuck once again is now taking over someone else so we should have seen it I guess right here in the situation because this happened before we even saw Eileen talking with Sue that Taken over Donatello and basically said you guys stop go no further or I will use brute force and take care of your friends who Jodi Donna and who else would they say Eileen's the drop? So drop it the boys really gonna drop it. They're not gonna drop it now, but let's just be clear as Catholics when you say God's name you bring whatever you're doing to God's attention, so they should have like try to do something a little bit more undercover than what And apparently the warding doesn't hold in the bunker for God not against God. Sorry. He's all being everywhere here for every he is in everything. What's why when you said you say God, he's like, he's like, he's like, hey, what's up? Yeah, he might not help you. But he heard you remember that episode back when they say when God showed them how people think and all you just heard was millions of voices talking like that's what he's hearing all day long and someone talks somehow he gets he can answer take care of like everyone and Crazy crazy crazy crazy so Sam makes this Bell basically was Rowena spell to get into hell Dean cuts his hand and cast goes inhales. I'm so I'm like, okay. All right. We're trying to like mend this Brokenness between Sam and Dean are between Dean and Cass and little do we know who's actually going to tell them they really need to fix things is when they get to Hell, there's three women waiting for them and these women were Add bad asses beat them. They beat them down like that girl. Just punching Dean. I was like and genius is anymore. None of you boys best line of the episode exhaust my favorite part and then someone yell stop and I'm like, oh, I know that voice. I know it Cherry one two, three, who is it? 1 2 3 Rosalina? So happy to see her back and what a shock I was like but didn't I say we need to have a queen of hell? I did. Wow, how sexy is she as the Queen of the Waves that mascara mascara honor the the smoky eye. I mean better than ever red dress everything all the best hair stylist the best makeup artist the best dressers go to hell. She reminded me of Abaddon. She looks so good. She is like this is everything that she's needed. She says that yes, the Fisher cost her life, but her soul until big surprise and she took the throne so she was pretty excited about this who gave it to you. She was like this bitch took that I took it. Yeah. She's like I took it. Yeah, she and Sam short. She apologized and she's like no no. No, this is the best thing to happen to me. Although she misses sex and Amazon deliveries because Amazon doesn't deliver to howdy. I'm body. Sorry on body. She's having sex some kind of just not just a really good kind but should I notice her assistants looked mighty good. I'm just saying but she is the queen and she asked him make her a drink and then mrs. She says okay guys something's up here. What's going on between you two Cass and Dean what's up? You know, I remember making Napoleon so short like she calls herself a bitch part of my language. Oops and telling Mick Jagger he'd amount to nothing and everything that happened with Fergus. She can't fix this. None of these things can be fixed later on in life so cast and Dean need to fix this and I was kind of hoping Fergus would be in hell. I'm sorry. I want to see him so I'm not I I don't think it's the end of him. Yeah, I will not say it's the end of him. I don't think he's dead though until we get 2 episode 20. I think that's the final episode until we get to that and we haven't seen him then I'll be like, okay, he's not coming back. Literally. I'm waiting. I think he's coming back. I want him to and one of her plebs / interns tells her that Michael is nowhere to be found so bad out of hell because they all got out everyone in the cages everywhere. Everyone is out so we know That Adam and Michael are also out with a question from the chat. Yes art Master. Austin Prophet says what do you guys think Crowley would think of a wiener being queen of hell? He loved it. I know he'd love it. He loved his mom. He like. All right. Mom took over. This is the if I can't be that the king of hell. Mom can mom is literally a queen so she can definitely do this job and take over it tight ship. Yeah, when the boys came down. There are men like from the ghetto. Yeah, she's doing good. She's doing well ran it like a boss. So we see a waitress bringing Adam a burger and him kind of going back and forth saying I know I don't need to eat but I haven't had a burger in 10 years. It's totally worth. It tastes delicious and he's going back and forth and we realize he is actually even Michael. Talking and I got a little computer because I'm like, wait a second Michael Michael Michael. Wait, I thought we killed Michael and then I'm like, wait a second. This is the other Michael. So this is the Archangel Michael and of my okay. Yeah, this all makes yeah not from the other not the other with his bad Michael. But so they so he's in this Diner and Lilith shows up and says, no. No, I got to take you to God and I can't live without you. Well, he's way more powerful than lillis. He was and flashes her away. And I love that. He just snapped his fingers and says forget, you know, don't remember this or forget it. I wish I had a saddle snap in real life. I really do. You know, what else? I wish we could do what I want everyone who's enjoying watching Supernatural even though we're having a break keep tuning in to AfterBuzz TV because you will get to discover new movies new books new TV shows because AfterBuzz TV V is full of people who loves TV movies and everything else as much as you do and we have tens of stuff that you can enjoy not just super super natural and sci-fi. But Project Runway evil. They have everything under the sun that you want to watch with people who will be talking about it and that you can join them live in the chat. So make sure you give us a thumbs up check us out on Apple podcast. And don't forget to subscribe because we love sharing our passion with you here on AfterBuzz TV and making new friends because of it. So thank you Maria and Keven. Thanks guys, make sure to subscribe and follow us on all the things social media so that we can talk in between the supernatural days. So also in the chat, I noticed that Chris moews said Crowley would have been great to see like agree with you 100% I also saw that Aaron Brody said I was hurt that girl. It was punching Dean watch his face and that our Master off Austin says hashtag protecting space like the newest thing like yeah, please don't please don't hurt his face not look like let's keep it intact. Okay everywhere else just not in that the Tactical it will not well, does he want to have babies with? Yeah. Someone needs to have a baby with her. Tummy is okay. But yeah, so continuing on Dean calls Donatella asks if he's felt anything lately. He says no. And and the sets us up to know that ok. Donatello is going to feel something later and okay now he a no duh. Donatello actually says, he does know something Michael is moving all over he's not quite sure where he is and then he says, he's in Cairo Egypt, but Cass says he's able to bring him there. So he kind of starts to plead with Michael and pray to him saying, you know God is not who he is or got not who he says he is there's a battle raging. He is no longer ISM enemy. Now. They all have the same enemy and it's God and obviously Adams / Michael come they have him awarded in a circle in a fire Circle and the boys take him back to the bunker. Michael is obviously not happy about this. Would you be happy about this? No, but I'm wondering okay, how are we going to how is this going to be handled between Sam and Dean an atom? Is he going to be upset to see not going to want to help and it almost seems as if it's not even atoms. Decision, it's more up to Michael. Michael wants to do versus Adam. That's because Michael has empowered Michael has the power but I figured that you know with the preview last week it seemed more. So like Adam was saying why would I help my brothers? Like they let me rot in hell Adams still mad at them sure, but they discussed before he went to hell with him. So he kind of volunteered for it. So he kind of accepted it but he did kind of hope that they'd save him and get him out of here. Sure. Um, Michael did not agree to go to hell. So Michael was not happy with him. So I totally am fine with how Michael feels and I also don't blame him for not trusting the Winchester sure because when it comes right down to it, they think something is in the right, they'll put you in a box forever and dumping into the see if it comes right down to it. Well, and I love that Michael has Adams back and and kind of his protecting him like an older brother to sing like what you let loose. For go, but you made Adam rot. Like what the heck? We're where's your where is your loyalty now? You're trying to get us to help you like put got away. Well, why would we help you after you've done that? They're not going to nipple eight Michael Michaels live for eons. So that's not going to work on him and I do like how over the course of time when they're locked alone in that hellish cage together that they weren't fighting that was always one of the things that I worried about at the end of the episode was that they just be fine. Again, sad for for eons forever and I was like Adam didn't deserve that. Michael wasn't being good. But Michael is an angel and what Angels consider good and bad as we remember when Castro as we found out is not what we as humans decide as being good or bad well and they kind of became one another and I loved the actros playing Adam going back and forth being able to split back and forth between being Adam and being Michael I'm being Adam and Michael and literally within sentences. Yeah of each other and like freshness face freshens intonation everything like that is not easy to do as an actor and I could tell when he was being Michael and when he was being item and I was like Sam Dean can you not tell which ones are yeah, like, you know, they didn't really know him that well sure sure chat Peter D Supernatural movie and I think we're going to get a badass Cass. Back this season my guys going to go out in a blaze of glory and Aaron Brody said all of his Creations are out to kill their maker. I love it. Yeah. Everyone's mad everyone's pissed off Chuck has been a total douche nozzle. Yeah, and opening that gate meant they're out and wreaking havoc and whoever they want to he's like playing like when Castillo showed him what Chuck has been doing it. It would have been mind-blowing for Michael like that. That's mind-blowing and he still has loyalty to the God that he thinks he knew versus this creature Chuck sure. I think he's differentiating between the two the way that the boys are doing. Mhm. So he will only go so far and he's totally peaced out and he's like, well, you know, I gave you this opened up Purgatory for you. Peace out do what you need to bounce it and it sounds like Adam was truly. Into the boys because he's sitting there trying to reason with Michael telling him like look, this is what's going on. Adam says, maybe Michael doesn't know Chuck as well as he thinks parents keep secret. And I mean this is where it goes it that really like kind of struck me and I think is going to struck anybody that's religious its meaning that we have to doubt God now, we've seen it on the outside now the last eight episodes that God is actually not as good as we think he is and or is in a really Happy place at this point where Michael hasn't seen that yet. So he doesn't know and his favorite son. So even though God left him in a cage as Adam says so he's creating that seed of doubt and thankfully cast is able to show him everything that Chuck has been doing he's been lying. He's writing a story. It's his favorite show and he's showing them this is how All atoms and so Michaels actually able to see the truth of everything and even though he doesn't want to betray his father and Kass really manipulates him with you know, he pities them at this point. He was never God's favorite. He wasn't even a star he was Tiny blip in this story at least Lucifer could be trusted. Are you new God knew Lucifer couldn't be trusted Lucifer was the smart one because he knew God could have be trusted. So I mean this is this is great. This is this makes at least Michael open to hearing what's going on and seeing that and that he wasn't the only Michael which also yeah. Yes. She wasn't the only Michael that would hurt. I can't that I think and I think that's what made him change his mind and he comes in and tells cast and Dean that Michael says God lied to him. Yeah, he wasn't his favorite sort of like a man who goes out and starts a new family and names his second child Junior to yeah like to replace the first one. Yeah. It's like that's not right man. That's not right. So Michael says, I'll help he's going to help the boys. They can do to God. He knows how handsome is felt, but they need to look they've got all the things except they need a leviathan Blossom. Of course they do because why wouldn't they need something that would be found in purgatory? Re it have to be heard. God doesn't want to make it easy for you to like strike him down. Nope. So he creates a door the door will remain open for 12 hours. So now we're going to have our countdown of 12 hours of the of you know, Dean and cast being in purgatory trying to get this damn Blossom and who knows what else is gonna be there? And you know, they're going to be fighting people off my sense of scary. Yeah. This is not going to be a fun situation. Michael says, he's not going no and this is where Dean Goes on an apology tour to apologize to Adam for what he's done and that they were wrong and he didn't deserve this and you see this glint in Adams. I unlike the glazing of Tears almost and he's like, we don't always get what we deserve. That was such a good line heart such a good break and I was and the boys it looks like they're going to be separated and then when we come back, which is always when there are difficult dress and it's true because Adam didn't deserve that and when it comes right down to it, they believe that Adam and Michael were crazy had to be locked up because of what Chuck says and as we've known in the past as we learned the past two seasons Chuck's been lying shut that flying and he's writing and he's writing the story. Yes. His favorite TV show. So Chuck is Chuck is at this point not to be trusted and tomorrow to come back. So I really think I can't wait for tomorrow to come back take them down. I really don't think Chuck is weak enough and he tells Dean good luck and we see that nice little door sparkling at us. And that is your mid-season finale y'all. It was wonderful. I am beyond impressed. Just by Richard speight jr. Directing it. Oh AKA Gabriel aka the trickster AKA Loki because he knows the show and he knows our mythology and of course our executive producer / writer Brad Buckner and co-executive producer Eugenie Ross lemming they did a wonderful job writing it but they've both been executive producers for years. So again, they know our characters and they know where they want to go for. His final season first sharp. It was it was a great. It was a great Men season finale. They didn't leave us hanging too much where we really like were some times where you're like worried. You're surely worried. Wondering what's going to happen. We know the boys are we know that essentially Dean and casts are going to go to Purgatory. We know that whatever happens with Chuck and Sam. Sam's going to be okay because they're going to they've got we've got 12 more episodes figure out what the heck is going to happen and how we're going to fix all of this. So and we can't do it alone. Loan, they may be separated for a little while, but they can't do it alone the entire time. So essentially we know everybody's okay and Rowena's back. Well, we know I mean that is a an A-Plus in my book a less. So let's get into our special segment. That's just the best kill of the episode. You know what I don't think I really had any kills. Oh, I've got one. Dish girl dish Michael's Spirit. Oh ouch. They broke his heart again. Like they just kind of I think they killed a little bit of not Sam and Dean but essentially yeah them they kind of showed and Cass showed him the truth and I think it killed them a little bit inside to know that I can't even trust my dad and I've been lied to My whole life I've been locked away. Like if he hasn't already felt like alone in this world that just like broke him even more the look on his face. When all that was was members are flashing was painful. Oh gosh, pure pain. So an Agony I think I do. Have a good kill. Okay what you got for me girl? Chuck at the bar and just the ominous evilness that was permeating throughout all those dead people and the way he was threatening that waitress. I have to say, I believe before he left the barn he killed the waitress. It might have been off camera out for there's no way he died girl. She didn't she didn't make it there was too much Ramen that rumrunner you in danger girl you endanger. So as always Chair, I know you've got news for me. What kind of news and gossip do you have today? Well as we know supernatural has been on for 15 years and that very first season. What was still WB well, we have some exciting news the final season of Supernatural. We will be moving to Monday night starting March 16th, but when we returned from the winter break will be back on our normal Thursdays. So make sure you mark that on your calendar so you don't miss an episode. To live to eat with me and Lindsey and then we'll be back on Supernatural. Thursday's talking about the show every week. And so I cannot believe it and they'll be teaming up with the return of Roswell New Mexico. So will be on March 2 T 16th for their final episodes at 8 p.m. Followed by Roswell at 9 p.m. Great. So get a little bit day change and we are going to assess and figure out what we're going to do. We're going to go. To Monday's or if we're going to still keep doing the show on Thursdays. We will figure it out for you guys and have that all settled in place by the time that happens in March, but we've got Thursdays coming at you for the next few weeks after our break after a six-week break until January 16th. So, all right predictions or do you have a home or business? She's got gossip course y'all so our favorite. It boy us would Chow has gone superhero sort of because he's in the five episode crisis and infinite Earths. And so a our Cosmic Chow is playing a genius scientist and he's going to be working with Crest Williams AKA black lightning and the Flash Barry and Iris Allen killer frost Cisco Ramon AKA breach. Elongated man Superman / the Adam Lex Luthor Supergirl Black Canary and Batwoman. I love that the CW has brought him back because Chuck did him dirty. He did he 100% did and seeing him and that episode back three or four whatever it was. That was like heartbreaking that he'd gone to heaven and God me up. That was and Chuck did not he sent him to hell and everybody knew who he was and was Messing with our cute little boy. Yeah, that was tough. So now let's get into some predictions gz prediction when we come back on January 16th. We have Chuck showing Sam everything that if you want to see the future and shows him what's going to happen and kind of like foreshadowing it of it all. I don't know how if we're going to see what Chuck is seeing but scary and Dean is Dean Cass or in purgatory There Are Monsters Everywhere. It's gray colors as we are when it's in purgatory. We see Dean burning a woman dying passionate kiss between Sam and Eileen Bobby beheading Sam and Sam says, it can't end like that. No Chuck is threatening. Chuck is a douchenozzle. He's trying to terrorize the boy he is because he likes to keep himself entertained. He's my life aurion so I have to say if I had been alive for eons. I might get bored, too. I just don't think I'd torture. People he's writing it but can they change it? And that's what I'm wondering and I know I saw Austin and the pain and the chat ask us if we think that Lucifer is going to come back to help and I also said somebody say, please don't bring back Lucifer. I don't want the server to come back for that. I really don't I'm done. I'm over that fully beyond that. I'm 100% with backing a Mara again and getting her revenge or avenging like Like Chuck kind of like bugging the crap out of her. Yes. I'm not even Revenge putting him in his place maybe a little bit because Amara when you think about it, she wasn't really evil before he put her in the pit. Chuck just didn't like competing with anyone. He wants to be king God. So he put her in the pit to be like a douche nozzle. I really don't think she put him a bit the pit to be mean or evil, but because she doesn't believe he should be able to just wantonly destroy Humanity and all the alternative Earth and all the other living creatures and all the other planets. I think she's like, that's not cool man. Don't do that. Hmm trying to talk some sense into him while he listened probably not sighs. He's still trying to manslaughter Chris Mo says Eileen's gonna die again. So then we won't get the happy ending with Sam and I was thinking yeah, and then also Robo know you either die or live long enough to become the villain, which is how we're now seeing Chuck. which is true, but I think that's why Sam or Dean are going to end up ruling over hell and heaven and maybe they won't get their like happy fairytale, but it'll be somewhat of a happy ending it will be but with Supernatural sometimes you live long enough where you become a better person AKA well WETA Oh, she grew love what we know and she's just except now. She's rolling hell and she's just a good talking ass and taking names seems like she's running it like a business and she's being fair just like randomly tortured people sure reason as far as we know as far as we're seeing but she's changed girl. Well y'all that was our episode today is a greater good mid-season finale. I'm I'm leaving feeling a little bit on a high. We didn't get any crazy deaths. We don't have to say goodbye to any of our care. Jurors least only temporarily for the six weeks until the show comes back or five weeks to the show could get back Cherry. Where can everyone find you you can find me at Cherry underscore LA on Twitter and Instagram y'all. This is Lindsey. You can find me on anything social media everything social media at Lindsay Wagner vets L. YN D SE y w EG + e ER make sure to tweet us and let us know what you're thinking for the next few weeks while we're waiting for a supernatural to come back. On January 16th. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays. Happy Kwanzaa. Happy Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah. All the things. Happy New Year will see you in 2020 with clearer vision. That's my dad joke for the day our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to a AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. Hmm. Use expressed herein are those of the host only and do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
Lyndsey and Cherry chatted Supernatural S15 E8 'Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven' where Chuck is back with an evil vengance threatening Sam and Eileen, Rowena shocked us as the Queen of Hell and Adam/Michael are mad at the Castiel and the Boys for putting them in Hell but still trying to enlist them to fight Chuck/God. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year...we're excited to see you all back on Thursday January 16th when Supernatural returns! ABOUT SUPERNATURAL: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki star as Dean and Sam Winchester, two brothers searching for the meaning behind their mother's death at the hand of a demon, and their father's mysterious disappearance. Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth. This haunting series follows the thrilling yet terrifying journeys of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who face an increasingly sinister landscape as they hunt monsters. After losing their mother to a supernatural force, the brothers were raised by their father as soldiers who track mysterious and demonic creatures. Violent memories and relationship-threatening secrets add additional burdens on Sam and Dean as they investigate all things that go bump in the night. As old tricks and tools are rendered useless and friends betray them, the brothers must rely on each other as they encounter new enemies.
Hey guys, this is Billy Carson. Also known as Forbidden Knowledge with the number 4. I'm going to be doing an amazing 6 hour event at guy has fear in Boulder, Colorado, April 25th, 2020. You are not going to want to miss this event. I'm going to be detailing The Chronicles of the intern Aki and I'm going to be basically talking about the first Galactic war that we have based off of the information. I'm from sages and also Mystics as well as ancient texts that has been left behind glyphs that have been hidden in certain areas around the planet. I'm going to cover all of that and show it to you. I'm going to talk about these Galactic war and how it affected people in that region of the pleiadian star system and how those space refugees and spread out across the Galaxy and then eventually affecting our solar system here and engaging mankind. It's an all-day event that you're not going to want to miss broken down. You in a way and taught in a way that you've never been taught before. I'm going to give you a theater like experience with a live stage presence and it's something that you're definitely going to want to be a part of so click the link in the caption of this podcast and register today for the my guys fear lecture April 25th, 2020 Boulder Colorado, and I'm just telling you it's going to be a once-in-a-lifetime event and something to be a part of and a lot of this content might is going to make its way into the actual box. This movie as well. So you'll be a part of making history as as we learn the truth ancient history. All right. Thanks a lot much love from forbidden knowledge. Well, welcome to beyond belief with our very special guest Billy Carson a researcher a blogger social media manager in one of the best and also founder of the for that's what this Forbidden Billy. Welcome to beyond belief. Glad to be back. What's new with you? Oh a lot of exciting things are the book that I wrote compendium of The Emerald Tablets became a best seller on Amazon for you. Thank you, sir. Really a great accomplishment. Yeah, exciting very excited about them working on a movie right now called Chronicles of the Aha, we're just going to be a box office level movie produced by Damon Dash at Dame Dash studios. How did you get involved in all of this? I need because the subject matter that you handle isn't something that the everyday person wakes up and goes I want to go study that you know, it really started back from 1977. We live next to an airport in Miami, Florida called the Opa-locka Airport, very small private airport and I saw planes going over my backyard all the time. But this one particular time. I saw an object it went over that didn't look like an airplane huh even as A kid, I didn't know what a UFO or Flying Saucer was but I knew what a fuselage and wings look like that. You knew yeah that I knew and I didn't see that on this object. So I went to Rainbow Park Elementary the next day. I went to the library because this is the 70 so he had to get the old encyclopedia. So I got all the encyclopedia britannica's on Aerospace and I literally started researching Aerospace and Technology from back then much later. What happened was I started saying? Okay. I've been researching all this technology. It's got it, you know may be linked to In from a long time ago, sir. So I started digging into the ancient past and realizing they were talking about technology in ancient texts and sort of putting two and two together and saying wow there could be evidence of a very highly technologically advanced ancient civilization on this planet and digging into the ancient past. You did. Tell me a little bit about Toth and The Emerald Tablets both is an Ancient Ancient Atlantean priest-king. This is what he was called back then he was also the son of enki which was Anunnaki. So the enter knocking it Lanterns are really two and one in the same actually say I don't knock he came from another planet called Nibiru right from another Clinton Avenue Bureau and also other star systems as well. Not just in the bureau. They came from multiple star systems, which is one of the things that I talk about in the book, but thought of himself as basically the bringer of knowledge and wisdom to Mankind and he was ordered by his dad to go around the planet and Kickstart civilization all over the planet and after the great flood he was told to bring back civilization to Ohio level and where he was then told to take his crew. With him and go out and start off in the land of khem, which is ancient Egypt before it was called Egypt. Does it tough have that bird like Look to Him? Yes. He looks like a bird like ice get that bird beak, but he's really not a bird man. The bird is the symbol of the Ibis beak and reason why they chose that symbolization fourth off is because an Ibis bird has to dig his beak deep into the mud to bring up sustenance. So the symbol does the symbology is basically saying he's going into darkness to bring Darkness to light. Well, let's take a look at Thoth the trail of the occult begins in Egypt 5,000 years ago just before the rise of Egypt's great. Pharaoh's hieroglyphics or pictographs were invented Egyptians used them to document their history and religion and to practice complex systems of astronomy astrology and geometry. They believe their powerful knowledge came from the god thought far for to Hootie was the Egyptian god of magic and more. Then just in kind of magic, he was the god of writing of astronomy of mathematics and science. He invented language invented writing only priests with special training were allowed access to thoughts sacred knowledge Imhotep Builder. The first pyramid was one of the chosen Thoth was considered to be the one who gave us writing and numbers and the Arts of self-cultivation through works of Consciousness. Some people thought he He was a person who was then deified through his accomplishments other people feel. This has been a mythical entity from the beginning Legends held that a book of magic written by thought contain. The secrets of the Gods book of Thoth was actually considered to be in the astral plane. Not a physical thing, but something that you had to actually travel and Consciousness to arrive at and so this is probably one of those very old incidences of channeling where an individual I would get into a special State of Mind contact the Thoth energy wherever it was to be found and then be tutored by this multilingual multi-code kind of consciousness. What kind of a creature was this? Well, he was really a very special being he wasn't a homo sapiens sapiens like us because according to the ancient tablets. We came along much much later on in the geological timescale. She did by right? Yes. Well, I think I really think that they are like our cousins and we look like them. I think that homo sapiens sapiens are the New Kids on the Block and that these ancient beings these beings of old were here many many millions of years ago and had developed Technologies to Stand their lifespans for many tens of thousands of years. What was his thoughts roll? What was its purpose? Well, this is where we get to where thought from. So he was the bringer of knowledge and wisdom to mankind all the different languages on the planet He was ordered to teach all the different languages to teach the civilizations how to develop different levels of technology. And also he was the master architect of the pyramid structures all over this entire planet. That was one of the key roles and matter of fact in The Emerald Tablets. He says himself he built The Great Piece of I built the Great Pyramid. So he developed the Great Pyramid and that technology and then after they Rose the land of khem back to a higher level of civilization. He told the people that came along with his crew members to spread out all over the planet and duplicate exactly what they did there Billy. Did he have a lifespan? I mean, how long did he live these beings are capable of living for tens of thousands of years. He talks about going into this place called the halls of amenti, which is underneath the Great Pyramid has where he put it and that Something has been those rooms have been discovered down there by the way, but anyway, he goes into these these regeneration Chambers where he takes an avatar body, then he puts into a regeneration chamber and leaves it in there for a hundred years. But while he walks amongst men and another Avatar body. This is why he had so many different names so many different looks over many ons because he was utilizing these Avatar bodies, but it's the same him. It's the same him. He transfers his Consciousness from his Avatar body to the next one is regenerated and he puts it. A depleted Avatar body either he gets rid of it or put him back into a Rejuvenation chamber and regenerates that one again. So they have done this for tens of thousands of years. Isn't that what we're trying to do now with cryogenics and by downloading memory so you can put it into a different body and you live forever. Well, we've gone even a step further and cryogenics now, they've just developed the first DNA hard drive and Microsoft has so you can take what one gram of DNA can store 433 petabytes of data. He discovered that it can store in digital bits of zeros and ones and information. So they've created a digital DNA hard drive, which was the biggest limitation on transferring Consciousness. So now we have the capability of transferring Consciousness into a storage capacity. And then with now the creation of ability to create to create avatars from stem cells, right? We can literally take a skin cell from your body put it under the right chemical conditions in the laboratory create a clone of you up to whatever age specified and then transfer your Consciousness from Um your body your mind into that new Avatar. Amazing Now The Emerald Tablets tell me the Emerald Tablets Rule and what they are. Well The Emerald Tablets were riding ever author directly by thought himself other words. He didn't have a scribe write these he wrote them himself which is kind of unique for back in those times. They were usually a God or a king. They would have ascribed do all the writing these he authored he said that he was leaving these behind to guide mankind to back into the Golden Age basically back. Light almost like the Ten Commandments. Well, yeah, I mean when you look at the Emerald Tablets you start to realize you reading something that predates a Biblical text by tens of thousands of years and the Bible is saying almost the exact same thing when you look at some of the wording in the New Testament, so I kind of show side-by-side the work Jesus Jesus is quoted as speaking in the New Testament verses with both is saying in the emerald tablets and it's going you're going. Oh my God, which came first the chicken or the egg you saying that the words are matching up, but when you go and research first, Either into the words of Jesus, which is really his name is Yeshua, he discovered something in the gospel of the Holy 12 where he left and went to Egypt to live and I've actually been to the place he lived and he been Coptic Cairo and then from there he went to Tibet and also to India where he learned. Mr. Garcin Reiki healing with his hands teaching reincarnation to whole way back. So he was a student of the mystery schools. Could Mosers have been given the Emerald Tablets as opposed to the so-called Ten Commandments Moses got his information from Thing called the 42 laws of mocked which is something that's out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead of the book of going forth by day. And it's actually 42 Commandments out of which they took 10 and they made it into the modern day bible. Where the Emerald Tablets today Billy. I really believe that the Emerald Tablets the original version or underneath the Vatican archives and he my way curve hidden away, you know down way beneath that five-acre archive. They have four five mile archive. They have underneath the Vanek interesting who would have translated them. Oh, lots of people have translated them over many years. There's you know have a Saint Thomas Aquinas the Queen of Sheba Sir Isaac Newton translated the emerald Emerald Tablet of Hermes, which is actually on display at the Cambridge Library. Wow, you know many many famous people Michael doriel Roger Bacon. So lots of very well-known Scholars have come in contact with this information and deciphered it over many years Edgar Cayce has talked about in his day the hall of records and they said they were located in three places throughout this. That did Toth have Hall of Records to yes. He did. As a matter of fact, he claims to have had a hall of records that were hidden one underneath the Great Sphinx in one inside of the Great Pyramid itself. And I think that they've found both my personal opinion when you look at a lot of research that have come out over the last few years. They found this chamber they were doing a cosmic scan of the Great Pyramid something called a muon scan. Once yeah, muan and during this muon scan using cosmic rays, they found this hidden chamber above the grand. Gallery in the Great Pyramid this massive open area, huh, which might be one of the locations of one of these Hall of Records. What could be in them? Oh, wow, a lot of secret it text from the ancient Mystery Schools the true knowledge and wisdom that was meant to be passed on to Mankind and our current ERA which unfortunately a lot of the stuff that has been found I think has been swept away and hidden by some of the elites, but I really do believe that there could be information of high advanced technology Zero Point Energy devices. You know esoteric wisdom and knowledge flying machines. Well, he talks about the fact that he has a flying machine or a spaceship hidden underneath the paws of the Sphinx and recent scans discovered that there's a huge massive an object there. There's something down there. Yeah, there's something down there. And unfortunately, there's also a massive tunnels down there too. So we would never know if they use one of those tunnels to get access to this thing and move it away. I know there was a very big special it was going to are live about five years ago. On one of the science channels and then the night that was supposed to air it got cancelled why I just think that somebody at a higher level said, you know what we're going to pull this we're going to go down there and see what it is ourselves and maybe get it they were going to release the scan images and everything live on TV and then it got cut Billy. What is this tell you about our ancients in our ancient past? Well, it tells us that they were very highly Advanced very sophisticated. The evidence is all around us. We can't duplicate some of the things that they've done. I've done just with architecture can't imagine what they've been able to do technologically to be able to even to be able to build that architecture. So I think that there's a lot of evidence around including in these are ancient texts that talk about flying machines talk about different types of engines talk about different types of tools and Technologies, even in the Book of Enoch. It talks about the fact that these beings came down from the sky and taught humans how to build weapons of war and everything else. So it tells us that there are these people that came here. Some are good. Some are bad, but overall they Highly technologically advanced and they had extensive life spans, which gave them gave us the illusion that they were Immortal now back to toss first second. Why did he have this reptilian bird-like look to it, or was that just a headpiece costume? Well, it was just a representation of the Ibis bird. So if you look at an Ibis bird and Ivers bird has the biggest beak deep into the mud to bring up his sustenance in his food. So what the representation are or the symbology there with both is that he's he's going into darkness to bring Darkness back. To light so he goes into areas where he always talks about in The Emerald Tablets where mankind has fallen into a low level of Consciousness or Fallen to a low level of civilization and he's got to go down there now and bring them back up. So in the beginning of the Emerald Tablets what happens is the great flood waters are starting to subside and the people are coming out of the caves several Generations later and he's saying that they had fallen to a low level and his dad says you need to go down there and bring them back restart civilization there. So this is just a symbology. I'm going to Darkness of bringing Darkness back to light was he an alien? I think that he was an alien. I don't think that they were from this planet at all. When you look into a lot of these ancient tablets now I've researched and right now over a thousand tablet scriptures and text and bake Stones everything else. So I'm just rolls over the last 20 years and you starting to realize I'm starting to realize that there was an ancient war possibly in the Pleiades star cluster, which is mentioned in Homer's Iliad in the Bible and everything else this these the palladian star of the Seven Sisters where there was an ancient. Warren I really do believe that refugees fled that region some ended up in the Orion some end up in the Sirius star system. And also some I believe ended up on this Nibiru Planet, which was orbiting a brown dwarf star. I think that the original refugees that crash landed there. So what I think and that brown dwarf star ended up getting captured by our solar system and now modern-day astronomers are saying that there is another solar system within our own solar system. There's two sons here one's a brown dwarf from ones are yellow Zecharia sitchin God Rest, his soul would be Vindicated because he talked about this and his books a long time ago. He sure did. You know exactly why I said she was one of the greatest research that I'd never stop saying that a lot of people were making up stuff about him at the end of his life. Unfortunately, but the truth is when you read his preferences of his books, he tells you where he got his information. It wasn't that he deciphered these tablets. He was going off of deciphered information already, right? He was just interpreting. That's all he was doing, you know, and his story was pretty much dead on now, that doesn't Of other researchers have gone and done their own work like myself and be coming up with the same story, you know, so it's really amazing that let's talk about Atlantis for a moment in the atlanteans. What is their connection to like The Emerald Tablets? Well, the Atlantean civilization is part of this Annunaki race that came here see the Anunnaki name is a generalization term for people coming from other planets and star systems to Earth. It's not just one specific race of people. Okay? And so these atlanteans they came here and Deep Antiquity and they literally began to develop their own civilization on this planet a high level of civilization. They came here to mine this planet for resources, not just for gold but for many other resources and they also saw it as kind of a fresh start kind of like a breakaway civilizations what it really became for them and they developed a high level of civilization year without Homo sapiens sapiens just on their own at some point they began to go to war against each other and this is even talked about in the book of Deuteronomy. This is talked about in many other ancient texts wear these God started going against each other and fighting there were some living on Mars called the EEG which would have working class than or narky. They came down. These are the guys that you know, the angels that fell from heaven. They came down from Mars to Earth to go to battle against enlil and enki and there was a big water was about to start and that's when they decided to make the homo sapien, but where we lost Atlantis was during this Global flood that came and that's when it washed Atlantis the way Atlantis away, but then after that there was another War so I know he's a one-race these Emerald Tablets. Talk about the great flood which leads me to believe they came the tablets after the flood obviously. All right. Well, yeah, the tablets are were written After the flood. Now there was because of that was written After the flood and it but the tablets mentioned Life Before the Flood. So if you look at the Sumerian king list, which is located in the Australian Museum in Oxford England, it's got the Kings list of anti diluvial kings that rule over Earth for over 200,000 years. Just a handful of Kings ruling for many some room for 14,000 years from ruling for 28,000 years. These people had extensive lifespans. And this is one of the main displays at the Australian Museum. So pre-flood there were people here that were not human beings that were ruling over this planet and different cities on this Earth and it's well documented and baked into clay and hence the flood to get rid of them. Well, it's a combination. It could have been from in lilz point of view to get rid of them or that they knew it was coming. They didn't want to stop it. They could have stopped it dead, but they didn't or some of the interpretation state that they they caused a flutter on purpose to get a fresh start on this planet and wipe away the people and everything else and all the technology and start all over again. So that interpretation is kind of up in the air whether it was whether it was something that was geological that could have been prevented but wasn't or whether it was done by an actual, you know, an actor was like we want to make this happen right now and it was done. What do you think caused the flood Billy? I really think that the flood was probably Caused by an economic that was coming by and I thought they saw an opportunity to take this Comet and crashed into the planet. So it did hit. That's what yeah, that's what I think happened. I think that they get used to sharing and click the ocean for 40 days and 40 nights, right? Yeah, a lot of you know turmoil and everything else on the entire planet. I think that was probably one of maybe several great floods. I think there were probably two more other floods, but not ones that cover the entire planet just big regions of different. You did that flood destroy the Atlantic civilization. Yes, it did in my opinion. He destroyed the Atlantean civilization and I think that was directly in the middle the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is where it originally was and my personal opinion now from doing a lot of researcher and I think that one of the main reasons why I think it was a directed meteor strike was because there was a little bit of anxiety and anger back and forth between these Atlanta and people about the fact that some of them had now taken these humanoid clone, you know, women men and women and started mating with them right outside of their own raising the Nephilim, right? And so it was like, okay this is enough and then it became a jealousy thing and then it became a war and eventually when there was so many people on this planet they decided you know, what we're going to just wipe everything clean and start fresh again did some of them from Atlantis flee to place places like Egypt and then contribute to the building of the Great. Your meds absolutely. Well, that's what happened. Both was one of the original land atlanteans. He's the son of enki and after they fled, you know after the great flood they fled to a safe location not on this planet because he talks about in The Emerald Tablets in the opening verses that his dad tells them to getting this great ship and take the crew with you and go back to get out. So they actually take off into the sky until they say they sort of Planet disappear when they got to Earth. They didn't start descending where they saw one of the ancient great temp to ancient. Great temples with the floodwaters residing down beneath it and that's when they decided to land. So I don't think they're from Earth they went away and they came back and they're always going and coming all the time, you know, but these are some really Advanced people when they opened the ship the doors to the ship the people at that time now were like barbaric and they wanted to attack them and throw the raises our staff and he says he sent that array of vibration stopping him still as Stone in the mountain. So he had some kind of advanced Weaponry that throws these people but didn't kill him and I Compare that in the book to something. We have called the active denial system in the military. Now, they have the same beam weapon that could stop a crowd from attacker without injuring on excitingly. So it renders them down to their knees exactly exactly so I make the comparisons here. So you can see we're talking advanced technology in ancient times could the craft that you're talking about the ships that you're talking about have been basically the story of Noah's Ark in the fact that maybe they went up in a spaceship. Not not a boat. Yeah. I really do believe that. Noah's Ark was a DNA bank. Now, if you look at the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is one of the Sumerian Tablets, which is like the full story of of Noah's Ark he was given a design to build an actual submersible and it wasn't square or rectangular. It was actually round their actual, you know, the writing craft like a craft and I do you some of his local animals just as local farm animals were put on there, but overall it was really the Election of DNA from all around the planet of animals that they would have needed a re kick-start civilization and I think I went to a DNA bank and then they because both an Inky were Master geneticist. And so I think it was very easy for them to bring back these animals so that in one part of the Sumerian Tablets to talk about fashioning a lamb because Lambs hadn't been here yet. So these people were very Advanced genetically and we're able to make all these animals there was a point where I would say, we've lost all this past information but researchers like you have obviously I found it. It's here. You just have to read so many different things and research so much information to paint the big picture. You can't just like, oh, I'm going to read this one book and I'll learn about the ancient past not going to happen. That way. I know you've got to go through thousands of texts and scriptures and books and writings and perspectives and information and you have to research modern technology because you can't Envision what they're trying to say. If you don't compare it to something in a modern times and we have a lot of modern technology right now that will really Give you an idea of what they were talking about the ancient past. Are they still here Billy. I really do believe they are is in Emerald Tablets thought talks about the fact that they they walk amongst men but unlike men so they use these Avatar bodies that they cloned create and they put their Consciousness into them. They call it transfer my ego into this, you know, sleeve basically do they know what they are. They know what they are they do. Yeah. I think they've long shed their original Avatar bodies that they were probably born with And they've now just been jumping from body to body. I don't think they jumped from bodies that are not theirs. It appears that they have the capability of making their own sleeves and they transfer into those bodies since this has been going on since the beginning of time. I would think are they doing this on other planets too? Oh, I really do believe so one. It's one of the biggest things that I've researcher our space anomalies and I've made the news on that many times researching information from the NASA and the European space. The NASA after the Russian space agency the Indian space agency and looking into all of their space data from the probes have been sent that all the Rover's that have been sent out and we've now the United Family of anomaly Hunters we've catalogued thousands and thousands of image over 58,000 anomalies in our solar system alone. And a lot of these things look like things just you know on Earth on Venus. I discovered through the radar image of a city there and this city actually looks like it's got a temple on it. With a cross my gosh. So I think that they duplicate this thing over and over again masquerading as Gods as they go and utilizing people as cattle to do a lot of the work for them. I got a call a couple of weeks ago from former NASA employee who is well-known, but I'm not going to mention its name yet and he's in bad Health very bad. Hell no, and he said George I want to put together a bunch of documents and send them to you. Give me Red dress and I said what's in these documents and he said you gotta see them first but they're coming from within NASA. I can't wait to get these things. Oh, yeah, who knows what they are are yeah. It's probably going to be a lot of anomalies that weren't obfuscated. There's a lot of stuff that's popping up that's coming out now and the government's kind of really giving us a drop by drop disclosure and letting people kind of get the information. They're not really are truly denying aliens and UFOs any more, you know, so they're kind of just letting us be the research to look it up and bring it to the general population as like World form of the disclosure as well. Our guy is cheri's called the ancient civilizations explores the mysteries of the Great Pyramids as well. The reason I shouldn't count to be found within the Great Pyramid. It's within the geometry not just at the pyramid itself, but its relationship to the other two main pyramids of the Giza plateau. Having studied this for a number of years. It seems to be related very much to do with the idea of The Music of the Spheres. The idea that there is some kind of connection between the Primal tones of the universe itself and their relationship to the creation of form and structure in the physical world and that to somehow Tune and enhance this connection that certain proportions has to be constructed into the design of the pyramid and also the geometry of the landscape itself and these seem to reflect the musical intervals Billy the technology in the architecture of the pyramids or absolutely astounding yes. How did they do this wealth is the master architect of this whole thing. He really laid everything. He did everything. He laid this out. What he did with the Great Pyramid was he took some type of advanced computer program and said, okay, here's all the data that we've collected on Earth the dimension of the planet the size of the planet the distance to the planet from the earth to the moon so forth and everywhere they built them and he that I mean, there's Great Pyramid directly at the center of the land mass on Earth not the center of the Earth, but the center of the land mass so think about that for a minute in order to find out the center of land mass. You have to have a scan of the entire planet. Yes, and you can only do that with technology and Of have above you had to be in space and you can't use a regular satellite that just goes around the equator. It has to be a satellite to goes on the North Pole. So it's a North Pole orbit. So this is a very new orbit that we ourselves just discovered on how to do in the last couple decades. So now this type of orbit of the planet as a planet is rotating on its axis. It's just going around this way and taking an image as it rotates and then the images are stitched together and that's how you get a complete Global scan. You can't do it on the equator you have to do it that way. So this is the Raising piece of technology or evidence of an ancient technology in the ancient past then the other thing is the fact that the location of the grand Gallery are the same digits of the speed of light in meters and by longitude now, how can you get this? Okay. Well, you're gonna meet us were just recently discovered. Well actually not if you look into the Proto Sumerian texts and you discover that they had meters all the way back then thousands of years ago. We rediscovered meters or possibly the gentleman that discovered it read the ancient Sumerian Tablets. Listen to see a doc me use this for new mathematical calculations. So we had meters already. The other thing is if you take the size of the pyramid blocks and multiply them by 10 squared a lot of them you start to come up with all these weird calculations sure. You can actually discover the distance of the Earth to the Moon the distance of the Earth to the sun. You can calculate the tropical year the sidereal year. You can actually calculate the speed of the sun around the galactic equator all this is built into the Great Pyramid and then what's amazing if you look at the Pyramid Giza from from above look at all the temples locations of them. You can actually then draw a grid map and that grid map will give you the location of every planet in our inner solar system and the astronomical unit distance from the Sun down to the inches by in compared to a NASA interplanetary map. It's at almost all overlays and almost matches perfectly. The mathematics must have been unbelievable unbelievable mathematics. And this is all encoded into Giza and the Great Pyramid the Great Pyramid is Also a 1 by 4 32 scale of the earth. I mean this is all you know, and it resonates a 432 Hertz. I mean it's these are five together. It's all tied together interesting what and who are the dark Brothers. The dark brothers are talked about in The Emerald Tablets by thought vineeth basically says it to things about them one are these are civilizations that have risen and Fallen. They're the cause of the fall of civilizations all over the universe. Hmm and that it's a yin and yang you can't have good without evil and you can't have evil without But no matter what he's gone through out the entire universe. He's actually gone and watched civilizations rise and fall and he's dark brothers are always the reason for the fall of civilizations and it becomes this ego that takes over mankind or these different different, you know species of man all over the universe apparently hominids are pretty standard everywhere you go and it's this evil mentality this egotistical mentality this power control mentality that takes over a person and then starts to drive. Civilization back down into Dark Ages again, and it has to do with them understanding how to get to a high level of civilization consciously and technologically but then taking it and using that Force for a dark intentions and but or bad so you have the dark and you have to good so it's almost like Star Wars makes you wonder where George Lucas got his information from there because you have the dark Forces and you have the light force and you say you have the like, you know, the Jedi and then you have the you know, the the Empire here whatever so it's really really Orange. You have the force, you know, and they take these dark Forces in a use them to turn people against each other kind of like what you see right now just going on our planet. We've got all the people fighting against each other with a very small amount of people controlling everything from behind the scenes and they're controlling both sides so that got us like puppets and they got us fighting each other so we can't find out that we're supposed to be really fighting them when that's what it's all can wear. These human beings belly or what were they these were beings like him atlanteans are these these, you know beings that have the capability of living for many eons. And they plant themselves in different civilizations and they literally Thrive off of causing turmoil angst anxiety starvation poverty murder and everything else why they do this. It doesn't really specifically say but this is the reason for the cycle of the Eucharist where civilizations rise and fall, like right now we're in something called The Tech Tree yoga and we're just like the Silver age when we're headed back towards the Golden Age again, but about a good or bad thing. That's a great thing because that's where life spans are extended. That's Technology is really super Advanced that's will become but we become an Intergalactic civilization. And these yuga's that these yoga Cycles last for hundreds of thousands of years. The bad thing about it is force. Whatever reason it didn't goes down again we go back into like a Bronze Age where these dark brothers are these dark Forces start to take over mankind again, and we start to sink and go back consciously into a low-level War startup greed starts up power struggle starts up again and the next you know, we fall into a low level of civilization in this cycle has happened at least four times just on this planet. So we're talking about four five, you know million years of rising and falling and according to the mines were heading into the fifth age again. So now we're heading back into another golden age and the biggest thing that I want to learn from these tablets reason why I wrote this book is because I don't think it's nowhere written. It says you have we have to stay in this cycle. There's nowhere written. It says we have to rise and fall. When can we break this time Loop? Can we break it? Can we finally for once stay at a high level and maintain Level I would be nice. That would be fantastic. What is the ancient Smith effect? What is that? Well, you know, this is one of the things that has to do with the dark brothers and how they subconsciously get into your psyche. So they control the media they control the news they control what you eat what you think what you see and everything else are they the Deep state that we hear so much deep state of the deep state. They're all these hidden figures behind the scenes pulling all the strings that nobody ever can really see who they are. But they're they're you know, there's a hundred families running this entire planet, but they're still a handful of them. M there at the top of that many pyramid that it really make all the final decisions and so that's really what it's all about. So the agent Smith effect is wearing like if you're talking to somebody like a friend or a family member about what you saw on TV and it's like a sitcom or TV show everybody's having a great conversation about it. But as soon as you stop and talk about is 9/11 conspiracy or you know what they're putting in our food. It's poison all of a sudden that person will then change their continents will change their attitude will change. And they'll almost become like a prison guard to stop you from talking about those topics and try to skew back into what the more comfortable with topics were which was gossiping and so forth and so on so it's like this thing jumps into them. It's like this Matrix programming takes over their body and that's part of the dark Forces that happen and it's called the agent Smith effect kind of after the Matrix movies were agent Smith would pop into the bodies of other people to fight against Neil. You've got to have a PhD in ancient technology my God, how do you know all this stuff, you know? No, I've been Recent research researching this for so many years now, you know since 1977 until this current day researching Aerospace and technology and combining with the knowledge of ancient wisdom and ancient texts and trying to put the two together trying to look for a unified physics kind of like Nassim haramein. I study a lot of his work and seeing how mate how the quantum mechanics and quantum physics really does interact with spirituality. You can't have one without the other if you try to only go the spiritual way and not incorporate the science behind it. You don't Get the big picture and vice versa. So I really tried to put you know pieces of the puzzle together and try to paint a picture not only for myself but for everybody else Billy what are cymatic frequencies? Well, these are the hidden frequencies behind either of space-time that literally jingle matter into existence. And so I even talked about in the book that thought is talking about using cymatics and lights and Photon of light to create matter. So he would actually literally utilize photons and cymatic frequencies which are drilling string. Ings and ether of space-time is called String Theory, but he had the ability to access that and utilizing vocalizations and cymatic frequencies combining the two together to create solid bricks and matter and everything else. So some of these structures weren't built by, you know going and getting querying bricks and blocks. Some of these structures were literally manifested and we as now people on earth scientists just recently said my book a whole article on it physics dot-org. They discovered how to turn lights photonic light into solid matter interesting. So we're just now catching up to what the Ancients already knew in the 1970s. There was a legendary film put together by Hans Jenny about cymatics. Everything owes its existence solely and completely to sound. Sound is a factor which holds it together. Sound is the basis of form and shape. In the beginning was the word and the Word was God. We are told that this is how the world began and how creation took shape. If we put that into the modern idiom and say that into the great voids of space came a sound. And matter took shape, please watch carefully. We can also use different shapes plate here. We have a triangular plate with a crystal attached to its Underside and Solar has fit we change to a higher note and see a rather more complicated figure. Our partners sounded what does he mean by that building? See? It's very important. For example in space-time itself. There are these these strings that vibrate and give off these frequencies and vibrations and they wave they run across this like a like a wave across the come across an ocean. So for example, if you look at a cheetah and it's got these spots on his back and well the genetic makeup of a cheetah vibrates vibrates at a specific frequency. That's in a match for that pattern. That's Being emulated directly from space time through something called The Flower of Life and the vesica piscis and that's where these sound frequencies are emanating from. We can't hear him with our human ears, but they're there and so when that splashes across the genetic makeup of a cheetah that's gives it the pattern. It's on its back and this is the same thing for every living thing on this entire planet whatever you are tuned frequency vibration, your sub atomic frequency vibration is a match for from the emanating frequencies or the cymatics coming out of space-time. That will create Create your shape your form your figure. And also even your perspective in on reality as well. And all really solid matter is is these vibrating waves that interact with electromagnetic frequencies and then Consciousness comes in and collapses it in something. We consider to be called digital or solid matter. If a person understands this in their day-to-day life, what can they do if you understand your life? Yeah, I can change your life. Once you really understand that the biggest thing about this is it. To be is an illusion separation is an illusion and when you understand that means that we're all one in other words. I'm sitting here talking to you, but I'm really talking to myself and when you begin to understand that we're all one, you know, the Ancients have a term in like a Kyla. Can I am another you and what it means is I'm going to have a lot more respect for you as a human being as a person as an animal as an entity on this planet or anywhere in the universe. I'm going to treat you like I would treat myself because you are me there's only one real conscious. Is that exists and we are Just the conscience is separate into trillions and trillions of entities so that they can experience itself subjectively from different perspectives. In other words. It wants to see what it's like to be human. It wants see what it's like to be a blade of grass or even a rock and that's what we're here for. We're just we're on our data collection Mission sending information back to the source. What does this tell you about the complexity of Life Billy in that not a lot of people probably are aware of what we're talking about today. They will be after they watch this program, right? But what does that tell you about life itself? So it's a lot more complex. I think that we've gotten complacent and we've taken a lot for granted the fact that even that human beings are creators ourselves. We have the Divine energy inside of us and we ourselves are also creators. We even take that for granted the fact that everything that's here even including the TV that people are watching this on right now is all started off as a thought and then became reality and third dimension. It's manifested from a thought. I think we've taken all this for granted and we've gone through like a like robots through our day wake up go to sleep get married have kids go to work, you know retired right died. But it's a lot more to it. I think when you really understand how complex and how incredible it really is. It'll take you on your mind into other dimensions in other places other tangents and really start to really appreciate everything that's here on another level. I really want to appreciate now. Now I say every second then I say every microsecond now, I want to enjoy every plump unit. That's a smaller salt smallest measurement of time. And you know, I want to enjoy every single tiny bit that I can enjoy in this Dimension now, do we as human beings manifest every Nothing that happens to us. We literally do see the way that manifestation works and people when I tell people that they are God they some people get what get offended by that but they don't realize what I'm saying is you have the power of the crater As Above So Below the power of creation is already inside of you and we do it every single day. So in a real world, you know example would be if I wanted to create for example a cell phone so I would think about the cellphone in my mind. So that's a Consciousness platform and that platform now, I'm thinking about the shape size texture what it can do all the functionality and I go okay. I want to Manifest this now. Ticket information I give it over to CAD design who brings it into a two-dimensional format, which is all based off of lines and then they build it and then it's not goes to an engineer which brings it into a third dimensional platform in reality. So the thought then goes from thought platform two dimensional then the three dimensional reality where I can physically pick it up touch it and maneuver it through the third dimension. So we manifest everything in the third dimension that way so our services thought we literally create things just like the universe creates week are also co-creators in our reality as well. How often are we as human beings tapping into this whatever it is the Matrix, let's call him and not even know that we're doing it. It's nonstop scientists discovered that human DNA get upload and download digital bits of information that it sends and receives information wirelessly like a Wi-Fi signal and that we interact with each other wirelessly wirelessly on a consistent basis also that DNA stores memories. So a lot of your memories are stored in DNA, which is something that a lot of people don't know. This is real science. If we're sending and receiving Wireless information and signals directly from this DNA 24 hours a day 7 days a week, you might get an idea that pops into your mind about the invention or an idea, but really all those inventions and ideas are all floating around in The Ether of space-time. You might have matched this specific frequency to download it information at that moment to be you. Can you were the one who lucky enough to be able to decipher it and then bring it to fruition kind of like what Edgar Cayce used to do did most of our ancients understand us. Oh, they understood it and they knew all about it and they were mystery School set up for just the elite of the elites or hand-picked people that they felt heads of specific talents to be able to really analyze understand it and utilize it in the right way for good and us we really were the mystery schools were all about eventually when these deer fight God's left then it started getting twisted and turned into darkness interesting take on all us that science ever catch up with what they did a long time ago. We're trying I mean, I really thought there yet though not there. You know, it's not I mean if you look at Abu simbel for example in there. Where I visited in person it was much further down the mountain there and it had a specific alignment. We're at the solstice the sun would come through the center of that Temple and illuminate the gods at the back. Okay precisely, right we cut it up in chunks and moved up the hill because they were building a dam there and the dam was going to flood it so that you know, we still want or deserve to be where it was. Yeah, they try to put it in the same angle to get the the illumination right and they were about five degrees off. They still couldn't get her to lauriston didn't I mean that's what modern technology you know, so we're trying and I think a lot of scientists and Aerospace technicians and everything else. They go to these ancient texts even Hitler went all around the world scouring the plaintiff ancient texts about technology because he wanted to do oh, he was obsessed with the occult and ancient world. Yes. He was for that absolute because he knew that was the key to technology and that's what it's all about. And I think we're duplicating or trying to duplicate everything is in his ancient texts the more I read ancient texts more and say wow. Let me find it. We're doing it now and I go oh my God, we're doing it now transferring. Aren't they just transfer the monkeys Consciousness into a computer? I mean the 2045 project by Ray Kurzweil in Russia They're they're working on transferring human consciousness now into an actual biological Avatar by 2045. The DARPA program is now have a program in America where they're transferring a soldier's Consciousness into a field robot if Hitler wasn't so insane and if he wasn't so horrible as a human being God knows how far the Germans would have. Just with technology. Oh, they would have been light years ahead. They were way ahead of us. Yeah, I mean they were so far ahead that we decided to take all their you know, all their scientist that we project. Maybe we got to the Moon because of German scientists. Basically, we became the fourth right Kirby took all them. We took people thought it was just a small amount of scientists that we took from there. We took over 1,600 people from from Dad. So did the Soviets at the time they talk they took some to it were a lot of people working on a lot of projects and we took my put we put them in key positions of power here in the United States as well. Well, they The V2 rocket way before we even knew what a rocket was exactly incredible and I Von Braun was quoted as saying that he had help from other people. Well, maybe we did there's an old saying called As Above So Below, what does that mean? Well, you know, so in the macrocosm so in the microcosm work everything you could look at on a large scale you can find in the smallest scale. If you look at the universe as a whole the universe to me is a biological entity as conscious and if to and we are just another small total of what the university is. So if you look at for example human eye and you'll see the retina of the eye and iris of the eye and look at a nebula, you'll see that they look almost identical interesting analogy, right? If you look at a brain cell and then look at a zoomed out version of the Universe from billions of miles away. It looks like a brain cell, huh, you know, it's a really amazing. If you look at the birth of a cell or cells cell division or look at Supernova. Same thing same thing and I can just keep going on and on and on. Set up one blood cell and a human is an entire universe. Everything is needed for that that one cell to live and you know the power source and everything else. It's an entire universe just like our universities. And then also if you look at the Multiverse, which we now believe scientifically through Quantum physical to this multi universes, look at the cells in the human body. The cells are all each Multiverse a Multiverse inside of your body. So it's just too many ways. You can go at it. I mean, you know Adam versus a solar system you have electrons orbiting the you know, the Adam he's so you can just look at this. There's so many different comparisons you can make but as above so below is really it's really a true thing that felt talks about the emerald tablets and you can make so many comparisons to it and you look into the fact that we may be living in a fractal holographic Universe. If you take a hologram and take one piece of the Hologram out and look at it. You're going to see the entire hologram in the smallest piece could be really be living in a holographic Universe. I really do believe so really and it's talked about in the emeralds Are Not Alone people like Elon Musk believe the same thing Elon Musk and a lot of The theoretical physicist is well have come forward now James Gates has talked about this. He's a theoretical physicist. And also he's a master of supersymmetry and he did he basically discovered him and his team of scientists discovered that the ether of space-time is running off of something called a dhingra codes and these adinkra codes which we talked about ironically by the dogon tribe for many thousands of years are the same exact codes that we now use in our web browsers and search engines. So The Ether of space time is running out. If the same code that runs search engine the websites, so we're living inside to me of a creation and when you begin to look at the fact of fractals through something called the mandelbrot set you discover that everything is literally just a small piece of the whole so like I was saying with if you take out a piece of a hologram and look at it, you can see the entire hologram in the smallest piece you only lose resolution and it almost seems as if our reality is happening as we need it like in a video game the next frame of Graphics appears when you get there. When you need it to show up, so right now we can't see our homes our houses wherever we're from so they don't exist as solid objects right now, they exist as electromagnetic waves until we physically see them then they collapse back into a solid structure. Does this mean that we're not real? No, it needs that we're real because Consciousness is real but what it means is the third dimension is an illusion Consciousness is being broadcast in from another realm there was a scientific study done where they took people and put them in a room and had them look at images on the screen because they want the map the human brain. Brain to see what the human brain under certain feelings and emotions what it looked like on a computer something happened by accident each image. They put in 10 seconds apart. And what happened was they were showing images of serene ocean views and roses and they would show somebody getting killed or murdered all these different emotional baby. So what happened is now the computer started picking up something 7 seconds in advance up to seven seconds in advance. The human brain was sending to the computer what was going to happen on the next image and they work I had in mind ahead of time. Have it son. We're not in real time that we're living work. Our brains are have these crystals inside of him magnetite crystals and we're receiving a signal and we're decoding that signal into what we consider a little Billy. My radio show Coast-to-Coast. We're on a delay. Yeah, which means what I've said hasn't happened yet to the people who are listening right? Is that almost like the same thing very very similar even the fact that we're sitting here and I'm looking at you you're looking at me this close together. You're not seeing me in real time because why the photons got a bounce off of me? He hit your retina go to the back of the brain get decoded and give you an illusion of what's going on. Outside might be nanoseconds. Yes. It's still not real time. Still not real time. You see me, as I was not as I am, you know, so we're living in a universe that's basically a conscious stream is being sent in these Avatar bodies are encapsulating part of that Consciousness and decoding it and giving us this broadcasted hologram of what's going on out here and we're maneuvering through the third dimension that way so we've been talking about the holographic Universe guy. Show called mystery teachings jumps into this too. Could we be living inside a hologram? What really is a hologram? Anyhow, let's explore both the physics and metaphysics of holographic being and what that means for us. First of all, what is a hologram? We've all seen that shiny image of a dove on the back of a Visa credit card or the Hologram trading cards of our favorite superheroes when we were kids. These are two dimensional films that have three-dimensional information encoded in them. When light shines on them in the right way, we can see the image as if it is three-dimensional the word itself gives us insight into what a hologram is. It comes from the ancient Greek words Hollows and grandma holos means whole while grandma means that which is drawn or written as in a picture a drawing an alphabetical letter or piece of writing that contains a message. That's a hologram is an image or a message that depicts the the whole there are two main defining features of a hologram first every part contains the same pattern or information as the whole if we break off a piece of a holographic plate and then shine light on to just that fragment it will still contain the whole image in this regard. It is fractal-like or recursive meaning. It doesn't matter how small of a scale we go to it will still contain the whole pattern within each piece a large. Of information is contained in a hologram. The second defining feature. Is that a hologram is a projection from a lower dimensional encoding of information about a higher dimensional reality an easy way to think about this is what happens when we go to the movie theater the movie we see on the screen is a projection from light shining through the film in the movie reel that film is imprinted with images and information from the studio recordings of real people acting out their parts. The real people are three-dimensional in this case, but the film is two-dimensional and we watched that movie being projected onto a two dimensional screen as well. So this example is not holographic but it gives us an idea of what is meant by a projection from a lower dimensional encoding of information about a higher dimensional reality. All right, Billy. So interpret what Teresa Bullard just said, well she's saying is who's really what a lot of us now are really starting to come to realize is the fact that Is this entire Third Dimension is a projection most likely from possibly what I consider to be a dodecahedron structure outside of the universe outside of the frame rated by who the Divine creator of possibly the Divine Creator or creators. I think it was living in a ancestor civilization. So there is a creator of the universe because the mathematics proves it somebody made them somebody made them and I think it goes many layers. I don't think they were even close to base reality. I think that there's many layers to reality and many many universes. Created by ancestor Civilizations. For example the video game The Sims they're going to become conscious with the AI technology now and that video game has real people in it that are going to go into work having babies. Haven't going to parties and everything else at what point will they then create their own simulated universe and then they'll be one inside of that game. I think it just many levels of reality in many levels of universes that occur by creators like ourselves using this fractal mathematic pattern that we do free. Basically, and it basically says that you know, we're living in a universe that is created. However, we are like a simulation in other words if I took all the empty space out of all the atoms on a 7.5 billion people that are on this planet. I can fit every single person into one sugar cube. I mean, we're in this is all an illusion. This is it we're not even really hear. What is this due to Modern religion. I think it destroys modern religion. I think that it enhances spirituality and less, you know, That you have to have a Divine connection with the source with their God energy. Where you God you want to call it the universe, whatever you want to call it. You can have a direct connection with that Divinity. You don't need to go through these in my opinion through this religious system, which is more Contours towards control and the monetary system. So I think that the knowledge of what we're talking about what we're trying to explain to people here will Free People mentally and a lot of them to connect to their true source, and also to take a journey to Inner Space. Realize that these are the temples that need to be visiting and that the true power of divinity is within them already and they can have a lot more control over their life than they really thought. They've been relinquishing their control and begging and hoping for things to change and happen when they can realize that the lot of the power and control and energy is already inside of them and it's been in David endowed with it to allow themselves to control the reality tunnel a lot better. What do you think the message that tothe wanted to convey to us? The biggest message is the fact that mankind has the capability of not only reaching the level. He's on but even exceeding that level according to him and that we that we can do it that we can do it that it's already within us to do it and we have the capability to rise up above the darkness that we're in and get to a high level of not only Consciousness but civilization and living and living a pattern of Love unconditional love and light towards one another and that will become a spacefaring race and will be able to travel to other worlds. Not only in this galaxy, but even in other galaxies, where does your research Take You Down? Spilling it takes me right now into you know, I really want to delve a lot deeper into the scientists behind spirituality. I really want to learn a lot more about the unified physics aspect. I'm working on a movie right now called Chronicles of the Anunnaki. Okay, which is going to be based off of ancient texts and tablets and bringing the real Star Wars 2 light going from Galactic Wars all the way to the current day that we're in over many episodes of many series. So I'm really excited about that and I'm looking forward to speaking with the air. Erich von daniken in 2020 in Blackpool UK. Is there a Nobel Prize in science for you somewhere. I hope so. That would be nice, you know just to be I would not maybe not a Nobel Prize, but just to be recognized him. I'm doing a lot of work a lot of countless hours a lot of you know, three-hour nights of sleep and traveling all around the world on my own dime to try to really bring the truth to humanity as to what I'm discovering and what I believe is going on out there and letting them make their own decision by providing with enough research material to say, okay. I can check into what he's saying and this is what I'm thinking and a lot of its matching up. With what I've said, are you looking at anything Billy that could be destructive to humankind. Is there anything out there that you see that scares The Living Daylights out of you that you haven't told us yet. Well, the biggest thing that worries me right now is AI artificial intelligence. Yeah, I think in the wrong hands, it could become detrimental to the human race. Even the Anunnaki themselves had realize this they by making a very limited amount of these Androids. They had created in these ancient tablets. They had Android even Gilgamesh went on a journey with an Android but they had a very limited amount and when it came down to talking about making a slave race, they decided to go with the genetic hominid instead of AI technology because they can have more control over a biological entity then they can AI because AI will become smart enough to replicate itself realize we don't need humans or biological entities and then take over. So my biggest fear is the fact we do have the global net Skynet really is active and once AI Taps into Skynet and if these these entities are these robots become conscious enough, They may want to eliminate human beings. Are you hopeful for the future of mankind? I'm very hopeful for the future. I really am. I really do believe that we're going to rise above all this. These are our lessons as we as we're trying to learn how to walk and we're stumbling a little bit but we will learn how to walk and we will learn how to run and we will become much more conscious civilization. We're already heading in that direction now and it's just a matter of time before we get back to the Golden Age. We're now like the Pioneers trying to help mankind get there Billy. Thanks for being on beyond belief. Thank you. It's good to be back again. Thank you so much. It is amazing the teachings of the Ancients and if we could just apply it to the way we live today think of the kind of planet we could create I'm George Noory and thanks for watching beyond belief.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR MY GAIASPHERE LECTURE The Chronicles of the Anunnaki tells of a time in deep antiquity, some 450,000 years ago, when advanced beings came to our solar system to strip-mine its planets and moons for resources. During their mission they labored, they loved, they fought, and they created a slave race. They were a war like race and our solar system became their new battleground. Join like minded members and human origin seekers as Billy Carson, best selling author of "The Compendium of The Emerald Tablets" and a show guest and expert talent, presents The Chronicles of the Anunnaki. Billy will dive deep into the Annunaki bloodline and civilization structure to help us understand how it relates to our modern day experience. Billy Carson will take you all the way back to the Creation of the Milky Way Galaxy and the formation of our solar system. Then Billy Carson will take a deep dive into the Pleiadian galactic war that occurred millions of years ago. A galactic space war in the Pleadian star cluster. Refugees were sent fleeing to other star systems to look for a new home. The fleeing refugees find new planets in inhabit in the Orion and Sirius star systems. A Small remnant crash land on a planet that orbits a brown dwarf star. Learn about the galactic refugees and discover what star systems they inhabited. Billy Carson will teach you the lineage of the Anunnaki bloodlines and the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries that are your birth right.
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I don't know if you have my be able to tell well, he's yeah. That's incredible. Cuz your accent is it what's my voice? I can't do accents. I would like to have you like that girl from Little Mix. Oh my God. I just I had a big day. Yeah. Yeah. What did you guys might actually love her very very funny. Like I that's my favorite video of all time. I'm yeah I show it to quite a lot people and I don't know I'm sad in case it would upset. Her no, I don't think the wouldn't listen. This is quite funny to me and my friends we loved it so much. We genuinely thought it was the funniest thing you've ever seen that we made we made it up that it was a religion. So we told people with a bad leg day was a religion so like whatever we would be like on the tube like my family blah blah like this and some of that what's black day. I would like to religion goes so far it got like quite weird. But yeah, I just Just I don't know that's another weird thing. I'm sorry Joe. I need to introduce this podcast. Yeah, okay. Hello guys. This is going to be like wine. Wednesday's except it's Saturday. Yeah, we're having a glass of wine. Yeah. Currently. I might even have a second. Yeah. I might have a second a fun time. Yeah. I'm having a great time and we can only run for 26 minutes or 25 minutes and then stop and then start again. That's great. Yeah, that's perfect. It makes me space ourselves as are so guys in case you haven't recognized. It's recognizable that voice of all time such like like a blow to my head though. I am with Jess would lie. Hello everyone. Hello. Hello, mate. So just how would you this is like the most the worst question. But like how would you define yourself? Like, what would you want to be introduced as because I feel like people would introduce you before on your behalf. And you'd be like that's wrong oversee. Like, you know without biting the hand that fed me. I did. I wasn't a TV show that has stuck with me and a lot of people still even for three years later. I don't know how long it's been actually, I think three and a half years or something. We'll let all this is just from Made in Chelsea and I'm a bit like am I not like do I not have more to offer? Yeah. So like like it does. Kill me a little bit. Like I'm not gonna lie. It does kill me a tiny bit. That's kind of but obviously that's not that's not a doesn't Define me. Like I think I don't know. I think I would like just love to be introduced as a Creator. You are created at like a fun time gal. Literally. I'm young. I guess I should be allowed to be introduced as like this is silly Jeff's. Yeah, this is yes idiot, but not Idiot. Yeah, but I I really feel like from being on TV or being on I know being on anything it stays definitely say it was the first time people saw your face. Yeah, it's the first time people got to know you. It's the first time most the majority of the people can start to relate to you as a human being and what age were you when you started that 18? Holy shit. Yeah, so your judgment going into that? What was it? I was absolutely did like thought it was the most terrifying thing and yeah, I would but I was so so excited. To to be involved until I mean, I was just a waitress. I was just being like I mean, I loved waitressing. I love my job as well. Actually. I made that home quite young moved to London and worked in a couple of bars and I worked in this one bar in Sloane Square Court on tahrir. Okay, so I just like loved Hospitality. Yeah, like I liked being away from home because I was meeting new people and I loved serving people because I don't Got to meet people. So Hospitality was just like in my head what I wanted to do. Yeah, and then from there obviously just being in slides that area Sloane Square. Yeah. I met like the boys and he's like admitting and Jamie and like there was a group of friends that aside from that show. Hmm, the we always hang out. Okay, like will look best friends used to go every weekend. We were like we spent all our we can see other with you. Like go on holiday together, we'd all go to like Barbados together. Like it was mad. We're like a crew there and then only some of them we just don't happen to be on that show and mean anything to any of us were just there just our friends and then eventually Jamie and me. I think we're like me just do the shirt like your you spend so much time with us before so I was like, okay sick. I'm just going to do it my mom and dad were like, no you're fucking not doing that and I just did it and then yeah, it just led to sort of slow spiral. Of control, really and hydrogen spiral out of control. It was good. It was it was it was fun. Yeah at the start but I just personally like I'm not I don't have a thick skin when it comes to like I'm a deep deep deep thinker. Yeah and being a deep deep thinker and being on something where you're like the nation is watching you and judging you. I was just like and you have no control and have no you don't over how your portrayal I mean, of course if you're a That are so you're going to come across as not of your nice person. You should come across as a nice person but that kind of wasn't the case and then that started getting to me because I would be like no, this is not how I feel. I started going a little bit loopy loo. Actually really? Yeah, would you watch them? No, I couldn't could you not know I think you have to be a certain type of person. Okay. I think you have to be a certain type of person to thrive in that scenario. Okay, so that yes to be somebody that just loves every second of it and you love The cameras and you love constantly being up against people and like challenging each other and talking about each other and you like gossip and you like you just lightly real of Fame. Okay, and I like thought that I did so I was like sick. Oh my God, I'm going to be famous. This is mental and at 18 18. You don't really care about I walk at ya have any responsibility isn't yeah the repercussions of going on a TV show that like millions of people watched. I just thought it was Was gonna get me a nice boyfriend or something. Yeah, this is what I thought I'd never thought thought further than that. And then yeah long story got shot. I just wasn't strong enough. Okay. She just wants to run off and used to cry a lot. I used to just be sad. I wasn't very unhappy on the show changed me. Yeah at that time was instagrammer thing. Just I just caught like I think to be honest that's it. Definitely will be a reason as to why my Instagram popped off was because of the show at Tom I think it's gotten you okay and Twitter Twitter was like big, okay and I got Twitter and obviously when you're on a show like that you're talking to each other on like through Twitter. So people would love to see what you were saying to each other. Yeah, because which is another point of contact for them to see mmm so that we'd be like fighting on Twitter whilst the show was being aired. But why would you say that about literally it was like a pencil? Oh my God, because you're not that person just for meeting you today in person. No, but you are not confrontational on. No, but I am actually I'm really a little bit so basic I cannot imagine because you're so hospitable. But that does January thing. It doesn't mean that Yasmine. You can't you're not confrontation like yeah, definitely a feisty person. Okay, what is wrong to me or a friend? I will pipe up. Okay, and that was also the a big issue on Made in Chelsea because I would react to everything. Okay, like my reaction. I would be if somebody said something hurtful about me or too tall for to Alex. I would lose my shit. Yeah, and it would then they just catch you on camera and that's me like popping off in front of the nation every time. Yeah, because I would be hot because that was a real I would you say that cause that was my genuine reaction. Yeah, so I would just be so upset. Where's everyone else knew how to handle their emotions in front of the televisions front of the cameras. We are 18 years 18 19 turning 22. I lasted I think I lost a two and a half years. Okay before it started to really just like Affect me. As a person. I just didn't like who I was yeah at all because I would be reactive but in the way that like if someone even if someone was like really nasty to me, I just say sorry and I'm reactive in that way and then I react I regret not standing up for myself. I'm the complete opposite. Okay over gret going in as hard as I go in every time. Okay, so that was a problem on the show for me because I'd really embarrassed myself. My emotions I wouldn't think before acting. Yeah, and I would shout okay just cry or like kickoff. It was just so so many emotions have to deal with in front of a camera and then Then when you're in public I asked you this before but especially at that time when you're kind of just like a launched there was no who's no practice round. It's not like you're an actress and you're doing like many bits and few people recognize you like launched its instant instant. Yeah. How was that? Like, what was your first year of being? Not that bad. Not that bad quite again quite fun. Okay, like cuz you your liked by people and like the instant gratification on Instagram and the likes like it's nice. Hmm But like quite quickly that wears off I think yeah, I think yeah, I feel like Andy Jordan did something recently. Did you see that? You don't something about how did something? Yeah, he did something about reality TV and Instagram and that was everything that was quite sad. Yeah. Yeah that made me sad that. Sade yeah, but because he seems like a really nice he is he was lovely guy didn't know him very well. But when I did it was wicked. Yeah, but yeah, what was your question again? I we're just like literally just tell ya. What was your first year last year was not too bad. But then it gets it's just I think it just gets your head a little bit Yeah and in a bad way. Yeah, I'd say so personally but not not everyone is like yeah, I know what I mean. So not everyone is as deep as me. Yeah. So like when I took things seriously everyone's like Jesse the calm down. It's just a TV show. I've like no. No like this is too much like yeah, I've like really upset by things. Yeah sensitive. So and was that because you had no control over what was being portrayed about you or was that because you regretted things I just remember thinking like a point that when I was in it, I can never get out. Okay, that would be fucking sorry. I was so scared. Yeah, and that's when everything just turned bad for me. Okay battles a cup just It's like I don't know like I'm not even like famous. Like I'm like a small tiny miniscule dot on the grid, but I felt like joining. I just joined this grid that I could never get out of does that make sense? Yeah, and I put my it's like it's like if you're an accountant, yes knows that that what would you couldn't probably yeah me wanting to be like a film director. Yeah, like I'm never gonna be able to be a film director and you know, I wanted to be an actress and that and when I put my foot into reality He was like fuck. Yeah as like I'm never gonna get to do what I want to do. But then Mike yeah, that was just an extreme. I'm just an extreme person. So everything was just extreme. Yeah, but to be honest, it sounds it sounds like you're realistic as well. Yeah, and you're probably realistic from a young age like just think Cut From a Different Cloth maybes. Yeah still always thinking about things that sometimes it can seem Excessive. Yeah, I'm and overthinking and overthinking and sometimes yeah, that didn't help so soon as I left which like, you know what like I don't have a problem with any with the show or anything because I respect like they're just said job too. They're just making a TV. Yeah, and it's actually an a reality TV show. It's beautifully shot for yeah like mate the cameramen are ya we're double. Yeah, and I remember the first the first couple of years me and my sister-in-law Indie shouting. What do we see? Are all the girls were in the exact same color lipstick because they're like it was like it had an Instagram filter on was a filter and it was great because I used to not have to wear makeup. Really they would it would be like makeup was on my face. It was insane best filter. I think it was very expensive filter. Okay, because oh my God, I would turn up like no sleep or like dead hungover. It wasn't saying I would look like fire. That wasn't my real Grace. Well, there you go people who ever has or ever felt bad about that that we are a match. Ocular. Yeah, we're not the filter is very very expensive. That's insane funny that you would enter that was quite good fun. But yea, like I said, like I don't even have a problem with it. Like I really understand that like that's just their job to do that and you're either just cut out for it or you're not hmm so left. Yeah. Yeah. So like my mom and dad were like obviously everyone was in like what you doing leaving your careers popping like you're getting Rimmel you get here like Reebok Classic like you're doing quite well on this because you're quite different. May be quite different man quite like no you are too maybe they are the cost at the time. I was just like quite different type of person you represented a different type of girl a different type of girl. I like rough around the edges like yeah. Yeah dungarees. Yeah an abundance of shit, so they were like no no don't leave like you this is good. This is good for you, but I just didn't have it was like it's either sanity. Yeah or fame and what age was that at like 22 or something? Yeah, maybe that's it. Very mature decision 22 to pick fame or your mental well-being Health. Yeah. Yeah. I definitely chose my mental health because I genuinely didn't like who I was becoming. Yeah, I wasn't nice. Okay, and then when you left was that scary was that like what am I going to do Gary? Yeah because it's like a drug. Yeah. It's like he's gonna fall back. And yes because you can because you're leaving they don't want you to leave because if you're doing well you bringing view you got fan base. Yeah and Like the drunk is like leaving you're leaving everything behind you living this close knit family that look after you that you see every single day. Mmm, and you're going to the real world you're stepping back out of the dream and show sorry. That's probably bad things today. No, you're 70 a back out of the bubble. That's not a bad thing to send to get in trouble real world and you're like I got fend for myself now even No, I've got that behind me. Yeah, but now try and like be an adult and like have a career. That isn't and what when you laughed we did you have a career in mind or were you just like I just I didn't I was just so ready to leave that I didn't care what happened to me. So I was just like yeah like yeah, I was so ready to just not be on practically every bags of donated their yes. Name the year. So so ready to leave that I didn't care what happens. I just really gasps to do to be my actual my friends when I close close friends that were not on in like I think I don't know. I like yet again now, I might just be being really extreme because I'm an extreme person. But at the time I did feel this that's not extreme don't question yourself because I can't even Fathom being on the show on a show with the magnitude of at the time. What made in Chelsea was I can oh, yeah, if I get the time I was on it as well. It was absolutely huge. It was everything. Yeah. It was like when I was in school, I would have the girls over for Made in Chelsea. Really? Yeah. Did you watch him Domino's? Yeah. What did you think this is quite weird. I just can't really remember that X was alive, but I do remember This is so weird for me to say because now I'm in front of you but identifying with you more than anyone else obviously. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I mean, it's just quite bizarre to meet someone in person that you've that you seek is like because what is the reality show that weeks me out that like hearing you say that yeah wigs me out. Yeah because I come here. I'm just like a person hmm. Do you know I mean what even though everyone knows that? Yeah, but Even for use this must be like, I think just the fact that that's a TV and that's a person is what you're saying. Yeah, like it you're just kind of like Yeah, you know, I mean it's bizarre because at the time Made in Chelsea for me as a teenage girl was like what Game of Thrones has four little boys. Yeah exactly. I would like those in the Game of Thrones. Oh my God you so good being in friends, but like it it's just kind of bizarre because then I just can't imagine it would make me so anxious and it even does no race Odyssey on your fucking trousers. Yeah, what the fuck that's mental. Why is my favorite film and I like that's like literally something that I've been watching now on repeat because I think it helps me with my mental health and you've got on your fucking leg. That's really that's the universe. Sorry cats are weird because I was not gonna wear these pants. That's really all that. I own as we talked about that in five minutes time. I only wore these pants because youth shout out to youth who I interviewed this morning love these pants. They give them to you they just no no. No, he's just a guy like he just loves these apps and because he's a deep up vintage reseller. And these are like old musky know what the Yeah, there's a six things I've ever seen. Yeah. So like at least A Space Odyssey on as well. Whoa. Okay. What about Cesar? See? You've gone? No supposed to learn that my podcast is just a rambling CEO a great great. Yeah. Watch this film. My friend. Jamal was like, he's another person like me who we just we just like kind of like we talk about things that I may not make sense. Yeah, but in our heads but I yeah, yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. I feel like that. Yeah, like we just yeah anyway, so you didn't see this filming at the IMAX. It's cool. It's just like that 50 years of Stanley Kubrick made 50 years ago that film on your leg. I've never seen it but I've heard and it's just like this really weird like old space film like the first ever film made about space. It's like the the animations bad but like actually so good so bad that it's good. I don't know why I always talk about it about talks about this in Last podcast I always talk about this about something and it was just the birds by Alfred Hitchcock because it's such a terrible terrible terrible movie that you just like to keep I just like I actually recreated it with my cousin did you? Yeah, that's really funny. I'd love to recreate this. Maybe we could do that. Oh my god, let's do it. You know your knife of something that goes into yeah and like why is it just that like a little on repeat? You know, what's in that for me before? Or I choose night fish. I say would Reese Witherspoon and Cruel Intentions where this that's really cool. That's that's my way. That's really cool. Cruel Intentions is the best movie. That's really cool. You kind of look like her. Anyway, let's go back me so you yeah, you you talk a little like a little bit as in like, I feel like you're open but you're not like it's not like how do I put this because I have to be so I'm careful. You're very careful. Yeah, but mental hind because I feel like also with mental health. I went through a stage of thinking that I was really sick, like really really really needed like serious help. My family were a bit confused. So what was going on with me? This is this is not made under major. This is literally just like me hmm going through a bit of a transition where like I think I actually thought I was going a little bit like mad. Yeah, just like everything was just like not making much sense and I was like really really emotional and I was like so up and down I couldn't even like function and then I went saw like a therapist which I also like thoroughly recommend to anyone that's going through anything. See, I've never find a therapist that I feel comfortable trying. Okay. But anyway, so I went to this therapist and she said that I could potentially Sleep be bipolar. Mmm, and I was like, oh fuck that makes sense. Was it a relief or was it you? Okay, actually, yeah, so I was like, okay this is kind of makes sense with like how what's going on with me and I was like, everything makes sense my whole childhood make sense. Yeah. Okay. I was like felt like this insane terms of clarity. and then I went to another person and she was like you're not then another person was like no you're not so I was like You know, I mean, yeah, so then I got sad and this is self the system fucked me. But yeah, because I was going to take medication and I was like am I meant to say oh my no, I'm not who am I and now I'm just like what the fuck do you still feel like that but way more balanced than I was okay, so I don't know and I'm not a medication, but I was going to but then obviously having some more tests and screening done II think I'm just some It just suffers from severe anxiety and a deep thinker but I can I don't I don't want to put a label on it because I don't know if we need a label on these things. That's the thing with mental illness. Well mental well-being mental health. Is that sometimes like I used to find it so weird when I was in school and I used to have two for a dare points and stuff which is like extra points. If you have like any sort of physical or mental condition or dyslexia or whatever in Ireland for your a-levels and when you have to Go to and do an assessment. So I do one for like everything everything and it was like a mental one and you're like it's so weird that I'm telling you all these problems that are happening to my life. And then it's like not an issue but like and then they say like anxiety or they say yeah anorexia because I didn't like the labels very much. Yeah, it's are they have to have them but like it's so weird for you because it's you sometimes what I felt like it was like this sounds really shitty, but it's like Don't feel it doesn't feel as personal. Mmm. It's like oh, you're a part of this generalized. Yeah, so I know you're desperate for something you're desperate for them to actually give you to say you you're actually you've got something wrong or just to be like that must be shy. Yeah. I don't know why she's so anxious. Yeah. It's like yeah, you kind of wanting them to say more. Mmm. I feel exactly the same. That was my problem was I could help me? Yeah sort of thing the little yay just feeling anxious. I'm like me. This is not anxiety. Like I don't know what this is. Is just felt worse. But yeah, I do it like it's weird because I like like with my Instagram obviously I want like it's the least I can do. Yeah, it's to like be honest about how I feel and like you said earlier you asked me if that was for me or for the people that follow me. I don't know. I think it might actually be for me. Okay, so like me posting guys, I'm wigging out today shouts. You deep thinkers. I'm with you all that crap, which isn't crap. I that's for me. But see I saw your post the other day. It was like feeling but she said if anyone else is also Q. I like that. I like that and I love that and with you I kind of I believe and associate with pick things you say because I've kind of like I've followed you for a long time and I really trust you. Yeah, that's that's nice. Whereas like with other people sometimes when they're posting about mental health. And then I think it depends you inconstant. I'm not genuine does it it's just like if you're Posting concentrate on dragging perfect the whole time it just like kind of create an issue of my mind. If you are feeding into other people's mental well-being. Yeah, and then because that yeah because I know exactly what you're saying. Yeah, because it's bit of a bandwagon isn't it? Sometimes, you know jumping on the sea, I think like everyone obviously deserves to be open and like everyone should be open yet. So I would never say bandwagon per se but I would definitely say that sometimes it can feel a little awkward to me when someone's Testing constant odds has a different outfit on every day is posting all these different countries and is saying what a life like, how's your Monday? Probably and then it's like your guys. I actually just need to open up. I'm really unhappy. Okay, so you think that it feels dis genuine. No. No that doesn't fit field is genuine to me. It just is like well, sometimes that can make you feel like shit and like you're not achieving no, but like when they're posting in all these faces and then when they're like, oh this I actually feel kind of shit. You're like taken aback, really? Lee yeah, I would feel oh I see but that's coming from someone who like right now. I have 400 my bank and that's the highest I ever have, you know, and that's a lot for some people. I'm not I'm so grateful but like so it's just like sometimes you just like it's unfair and it but your like you've made me feel kind of shit. Sometimes we know not you not you personally because I'm setting the same generally right and it's just like I know I actually know what you're saying. It's hard. It's hard to describe because I feel like such a bitch, but I'm it's not and it's not a criticism but it's just this whole weird thing of Instagram because there's no normal way to behave there's no no one knows. No one knows what to do knows what to do. I definitely don't know what to do neither. And I have to I have to split it up. Now. Let's pause it. So we'll pause come back come back to thank you guys for listening and you're probably like are we stoned but we're not I've never gone back there. Okay? Okay. We're actually let's talk about this. Yeah, so I was just saying and probably people who are following me from Dublin know this so I yeah, I've gotten to me when I have an eight pack. Yes. Yeah. Yeah that's real because that's when I was Ill. So everyone knows this from my previous podcast that I suffered really badly with Nina and Sawyer and I was talking about what came how that came about and I think most people in Dublin will probably know this already but Like because I had like a few followers and I was so young and then people expected me to look a certain way. I just I was insane like I was so mean to my mom at that period as well just me too horrible to people around me just and Jesse's and I going through my Instagram. I'm actually freaking out right now the photos worse. You've like fiercely quite edited them. Yeah, at least you should have gone to the gym like every single day to go to five hours a day twice a day. Day for a couple hours mate that's didn't go to school and that's no fault of my mom. Like she couldn't do anything when you're that dedicated become completely obsessed. That was all I was so I was really depressed but also like so obsessed my period totally different. So I yeah, I had sleep until like 1:00 go to the gym go back sleep straight away because if I was sleeping I couldn't eat and I also have no energy and then I'd see you again but to be That was from having Instagram. So young and then people starting to follow me that like and then an older boy that makes me sad. Yeah, like really sad. That's why I have a really weird relationship with people speaking about Mental Health on Instagram, but it actually just purely because of me because of it's not that as a yes actually something deep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah because I want to go back also and say that I didn't mean to say that thing about the bandwagon. Yeah, because I didn't actually think there is about my good with window see that I understand what you meant. Did you know what? Yeah. I said it wrong though. But anyway, yeah, but it is hard. Do you find that I say that, you know that backs and there's quite a lot as well and that also scares me on Instagram, but you I think that that's because you're human and it's unnatural famous an adult to self-edit you mean it's like natural to like yeah like but like Fame being in the public eye. You know that having to be worried about what you're saying. That's our natural human. Yeah. It's so saying, oh I like I say things by accident is like such a harsh thing to put on yourself. Yeah, cause you're speaking but you can say something and regret it. Hmm. But that's human lat. I mean, yeah because I do that a lot. It's so unfair that once you say something obviously to a certain extent. I mean like if you're really going on. Yeah, but like it's a scary culture we live in that you say one thing and you get frightened because you said it and that doesn't it is enough light to fame. This is people real shame that we have that now yeah, do you ever get scared of being like canceled me? Yeah General Mmm Yea, like I said, like what obviously My career is right and how I'm not going to lie to you like Instagram is great and all but like I'm doing I'm going out of my way to try and get off it. So like I'm trying to orchestrate my career so that when Instagram does disappear, which it probably will may not I don't know. I have my foot elsewhere. So I do so many other things because I don't I don't want this to be what about in five six years time my going to be want to be sitting on Instagram. Mmm, how was my brain going to be unless I am producing the most wholesome like real like hard-working believable true to myself content. I'm not going to want to do be doing this. I'm I so I need to try it. Like what I'm doing is actually trying to get my eggs in a different basket and what baskets are they production? Okay, like I have a production company. What's it called? Its we've not got name at the moment. So sorry of us. But we've but what gonna weigh thinking of a name of got few names and we've also started with the something. I want you to like come on there after Stevie. It's can't say that to me. I don't like being I'm hoping you up because I'm not a person that can I would love you to definitely feature on this. It's going to be quite interesting me and my friend Steve you've come up with this treatment. It's a TV show. It's like, oh it's like old-school Gas Works like Brett big breakfast show like, you know bringing back the old TV shows. Yeah, like where it's like actual just like loose. Us chat. Yeah, and it's I don't I don't want to give away too many things because it's I can edit any of the site. It's a it's like based. It's a weave copyrights. My name's you can't steal it like Afters TV. Okay, so it's like an after-party. So like the whole theme is that it's loose. That is so bizarre. Okay, that is so fucking weird because Today's youth youth like who I interviewed earlier can attest to this and youth send Jess a message at how we were talking about this. I was saying to you that I want all my podcast to be based like a conversation you'd have an after-party. Yeah, let me do that is bizarre because any time you get to see someone's real self sometimes when they're in addition to yeah. Well, they're smoking something or whatever. I don't care what they're doing. Yeah, but I'd also unfortunately for me like there's a bit of an agenda where I'm quite like a loose fun. I drink I go out of See I have fun with people like yeah, it's attached to me. So I'm going to pray like prion that why is that attach to you this because I think well, I think obviously on my social media, I'm very honest know what I'm hanging up my ass. Yeah, and when I'm just quite a lot of the time yeah because I'm living. Yeah younger work hard and I play hard too. Yeah, and like I do think that people pick up on on that about me and I think it's funny like I think I'm just a normal girl. Yeah, so like for me I'm not going to lie either a lot of my clients and a lot of people that I've met have come from having a solid drink with someone. Yeah meeting someone at a party or meeting someone for drinks or I don't know wherever it may be it weirdly. I don't know promote having fun, but hat sometimes having fun is led me to my career. Yeah, so that's why I want to use this like the after the fake after party. It's not really a fake. I kind of want to give people drinks on it. Hmm But I don't know if that's allowed was trying to find out if that's a lot of Pee Wee can give because we're not a reverend mortem cocktails Chloe, but you know what? I mean, we're also going to blindfold people may the make drinks and like it's always really fun. Are you sure you want me on this show because I'm a lightweight. It's the same. I'm already quite the same. I'm concerned that we're still recording. But yeah, I really want to do this is something that I've just been working on for like six months. Yeah to be honest. It's really exciting and it's keeping me. You making me really really happy unreal. Yeah, I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to show you like a pilot making a pilot next week wheezing artists for now, like Musical music artists, like because I know there's some badass artists out there that you don't really get to see their personality. You can hear the music. Yeah, I never get to see them like the like them. Yeah, and I like and there's an interesting space for People who aren't uh, how do I Define this? Why my podcast I think has done. Well, honey. Don't be tooting my own horn, but I also don't want yeah just fuck that. I also don't like being like Oh my God. I'm so alternative because people who are like really alternative probably come for me, but I do feel like that. Like what I have tapped into is that there's there's something that people want to see and that's like alternative culture artists. How are Just live and work in the kind of commercial climate that we're in and that's how I've been interviewing and and my interviews aren't based on followers. That's just nice. It's based on Merit Merit. Yeah, that's cool. But you know what? I mean like what I mean? That's what I find interesting about what you're saying is because there's a lot of people who don't do interviews who are scared. Yeah, the unsigned artists as well as yeah. No one's I'm going for now because they have no idea like for me even I have you've no idea how to make those kind of connections and get on to those kind of things. How does Focus Westerville? Yeah. Yeah. It's mad mad times my times we live in so that and then as well like I love how your when you are doing ads on social media now, it's not a photo with the product in its not shaming that but I'm saying like it's I appreciate because as Saying before you're not paid extra to do good night. At first that's what I also really want people to like. No, not that anyone gives a shit, but I think people do give a shit. But like for me it's a massive thing showing adverts down people's throats. I think it's offensive and annoying people can unfollow. And yeah, absolutely and I just but I just think that sometimes for me personally may not be with anyone else. I don't get pleasure from it at all. Like I find it really gives me severe anxiety. Actually before you post not okay hate it. Okay, and why is that cause like--'cause I because I know It must be annoying. It must be a bit annoying. See I probably used to think that when I followed that I still follow an outrageous my people but I'm still trying to undo that. Yep, but when I followed a lot of people because I used to just follow people for their bodies or like to be competitive to drive me which is like the wrong so wrong I think now, Now people are starting to realize if you have a problem with Instagram. First of all, you can delete the app. You can unfollow people at all. So you can use Instagram how you want. It is you're tall really Instagram technically isn't a bad to say. No, not at all. I'm not even saying no no. No, you're not at all but I'm saying that's what I'm saying. Like in an agreement with you is that you shouldn't feel shame for your ads because you're putting so much effort into it people can unfollow if they don't like it. Yeah people can block you if they never want to see you the explore page. Yeah, I appreciate that you're doing yeah, I definitely don't like yeah, like if a brand when a partner with me like me and Ali my production team that will literally sit down for a couple days and we'll come up with a concept like a little short film to like an organic personal way to promote something that and we're only ever played something if I genuinely love it. Yeah. I've never I've never promoted anything. I don't love that I can stand by because a lot of people say that but I know No, that's you with you. Then. You need to like you can see that. Oh, no, that's what I mean about anything. There are things I prefer like Like a lock aware p.m. Every day, right? Yeah and I did before they that's why they hired me. Yeah. That was what they found me. Yeah. That's the same with deep up. Yeah cuz oh, oh, she's an ambassador ready? Yeah, he's like brilliant and then like obviously Mac. I've been waiting. So I was like, yeah like I don't know 10. Yeah. So, uh makes had a studio fix fluid. Yeah on the body or like worsted. Are you the orange eyeshadow? Yeah Mac orange eyeshadow has been part of my life. Is that is you You it's me. Yeah, and so when they people know you started that aren't eyeshadow, by the way, she invented I say Irish Irish example, like the orange eyeshadow. They were like you were this we know that it's ours and I was like So I named for meeting was like yeah, mate. Let me create something that something that's real true to me, which I did the video like, oh, you've been moving back since day one because it's true and I showed you a photo of me way Matt when I was 15. Yeah, so like if and if there's any way that I could tie in me as a person to promoting then that is how I will do it and it is the only way because you have things you don't have to do I don't get paid to make the videos. No, I get paid to do something. I'll go ahead and spend a week working on like Reduction of a video. Yeah also for my benefit because I fucking love it. Do you enjoy enjoy filming? Yeah, I love it. Come out concerts poems the music editing talk to us about your pounds. I want people to know about this because it's amazing. Don't be scared. It's amazing. There's like a lot of things in my head like over the years I've written down and I wanted to do poems short stories short films. I've just remembered or like made up when I was a little the I do convert into two things like like short films. Hmm. It will be something that I knew that I dreamt that I wrote down years ago. Mmm, and then I'll I doubt it. It's weird. It's weird. It's like I have a book in my head of films. I want to make I want to I like I want you to be a director when I was younger. So that's why I felt like I blew it by being on reality TV. Do you think that happens to a few reality TV people? Maybe I never really thought about that. Maybe I feel like it does personally like for me I know she's self in the foot but this is me, like I'm going to sign like a cock head right now. But when I was in first year, yeah, that's not a word when I was in first year of college when I was in screen acting had no money. I was single and I was I was retreating back to the space of that. I had been in before and and All right. So then I got an email from ITV being like hi. We really love to have you on the show we're doing okay. So I was attached to a like a really really amazing and screen acting academy with a guy who liked how this works with Heath Ledger and stuff. So I was like, okay this is going to be I'm going to make it like this is okay shit, like someone has noticed me and then email back me like high waters every language the show is called loveliness. Really? Yeah, we haven't crossed I was so crushed, but I was like should I take it? Okay. Oh, really? The only reason I didn't only reason is because Being from Dublin like you know that if you ever go back to Dublin, you've done something like that. It's going to come with a lot of judgment and I wasn't in a good headspace and I was aware of that and now I'm so glad I didn't do that because I feel like it would have fucked me over for what I'm doing now, but the same time if I had done it like no judgment to people that do but if I had done it, it would have take me down a different chords because that's what happened what's happened with me. And yeah, so it's I can so I've on Durst and how you felt at that moment. Well, I can't I can't In but I can imagine. Yes so weird, isn't it? Does it feel like that wasn't real that part? Definitely also because you like sometimes it's something called I think with your brain. Never underestimate the power of your brain my brain. I must have found that quite hard because my brain doesn't want to remember it. Mmm, like my brain doesn't the whole want to hang out with that with those thoughts. So when someone's are how was it that how really was it? How was your day today? I'm like, so it's like a forgotten because maybe it was hard. That's bizarre because I can relate to that very much having success obviously at my mom or your boyfriend being psychologist. Okay, my boyfriend isn't nervous like he's studying psychology study. He'll be like oh my god. Well done. Tell her this sick and having my mom has like a Master's in psychology talking to her about these things is interesting because she's she has she has a way of explaining it to me and she said look if you found pain in your life your brain can help you forget it. Yeah, like cushion it shares is that is because I And remember yeah anything from time in your life the from second year of secondary school at don't know what that is in yours. But the second year you're in your second level. I don't know what that is. If you had a to a levels, I have no memories. Yeah, if you've had a really tough time in those in those years, I think your brain it's almost like, you know, sounds quite extreme saying this but you know, if somebody dies hmm your brain can protect you for a few years. Until you're ready to deal with it. Hmm. So you might not be ready to deal with that right now. Yeah, so your brains just kind of clocked out for a bit. And then when you are your we access it. Yeah, and you'll bring it back up and you'll be able to talk about it. But right now you're clearly not ready to talk about it now, so don't bother it will come back. Yeah, when it we need to come back. It's like dealing with trauma. It's like dealing with death. It's like dealing with and I know I can't say it link what happened to me because it's not death. It's nothing bad. It's just it was very but it's something that Who would have ever known that we could be as humans watching other humans on the TV going about what we think of their normal daily life and judging them by that literally just watching them go about their life 18 year olds that is kind of it. Even if it wasn't a traumatic experience. It's its default its Because I I'm not saying it's bad but it's like if you actually think about what we're doing and how far we've gone from the nozzle, right? That's why I get up. Like, you know, when you see me on Instagram and I'm wigging out you freak out of every kind of freak out. Don't freak out. Yeah, it totally freaked out. Mmm. Look at like I completely lose like like I think we'll see because I'm such a like inquisitive person. Yeah. I'm like what? Yeah. Yeah, you're like, what am I what? She's a floating item right now though why I'm just a deep motherfucker and for having done something. That's not even like this is that's that I'm like whoa. That is what we like what we doing. Yeah, it's funny. That's also quite weird. Isn't it? It's bizarre that I have dreams where I know one of the Kardashians and then I wake up and takes me a couple hours to realize I don't know them personally. I had a dream last night about Gemma Collins, but Gemma Collins is an icon them, but she had a proper dream but her and she was in Drag and she was dancing. That would be the best thing to ever happen as fast and she was in Drag and she was dancing and she was helping me because I was scared. This is fun. I mean, this is a bit strange yet. Yeah, I've had a really bad nightmare last night. We're like there was like somebody in my room. Mmm. Sometimes I get these late night terrors sleep paralysis coming by I guess it was quite a lot. I just because that when I slammed my back, I think it's going to be like, yeah, it's always when I lie on my back has anyone like seeing this little kid in my room and in my dream I dreamt that Gemma Collins was distracting me trying to help. Help me in drag in drug trying to help me distracting me from the little girl that was looking at me in the corner of my room and I had a gem help me. Go back to sleep. Thank you Gemma Thank you Grandma. That's your mind. How weird is that at Gemma? Thank you for helping me frickin weird. You know what? I know your ads are good. But have you seen Jammers ad where she is wearing a swimsuit and in the boobs of the swimsuit there are speakers and she's in Ibiza. I think playing music out of her boobs. I know your ads are good. I need to get out. That I need to get back in the yeah. I've seen a few have seen it. Do you have a list because sweeps relationship. I like talking about this. That's my favorite topic unconventional relationship for me too. We'll just like dating now in London and I might like like will work one. I'd say it's hard for you. I cannot imagine dating as as a human. Well, first of all in London, but Zach enough to second of all. As you but I'm not but me I'm just like like, you know, does that mean know for me? I mean like as in what does that mean? I would never know if someone is he obviously you're like stunning and you're so nice, but I would never know if someone was like so really into me as a person. Or like you're like yeah, I don't know close. I don't know. Yeah, see I feel like everyone who beat I think everyone in is in on his famous or everyone in London example Instagram. I said doesn't matter. Do you have any mean? Yeah, everyone in London is like is like on like some hot some like mad trip. Yeah. So like I don't think that's a thing in London. Okay. I really don't think everyone you turn the corner and your next alike. The most the highest highest paid actor in the world, then you turn a corner. Your next letter is building Instagram and one then trying to call you next to the six artists in the world. It absolutely know what I felt like in woking when I right guys. That's Niche but if you know, you know, that's not where she lives. Like Supply everyone has a fucking status or like or is this ache got so much going on our or a very interesting people? Yeah. So I think there's so much competition that people are really looking for clout. People are just like there's so much option. Yeah, so that like if you meet someone there like she's all right, there might be better. Well, let people like constantly like there's so much choice of all these dating apps all this shit that that have you ever gone on a dating app. I did. Yeah. I did like that would be a bad idea for you. Yeah. Yeah, it's not working didn't never work at never actually met anyone know but I feel like people would just you'd have some too many options. It's a dating app called Raya Raya. Yeah, I don't know and it's like I don't know. It's okay is what it is. I've never actually it's never worked for me but was I'm not I don't know. I'm just I don't do ding too good. I didn't think I'm so like into what what I'm like my focused. Okay, that's good. Yeah, I think so. But then obviously you see like, I don't know. It's just weird. I think there's not much choice for for chicks in London. I wouldn't say that. I've really anyone that's like this is sick like this person. I want to get to know this that's probably a good thing. I think I mean, I'm such a cringe but like I feel like for you you're definitely I can see from even talking to you. You're definitely like on a journey and I feel like a part of the universe is like and his friends but like, you know universe is like like just Like grantee, I think you're on like a creative path and that if if I was saved by a boy and fell in love, I would lose track of what I was doing. See I'm aware of that. I am the opposite and I know people perceive me as different but I as in I was always going out with someone when I was younger. Yeah me too always and then I didn't and then I just started going out with my best friend and then because I I knew what it was like to actually be valued as me then I just flourish. I've never had that. Okay, so I was a cycle before that. I am recognized they'll probably am I was so remember being so in love when I was younger to this one kid that I kind. It sounds this sounds mad. No I am I say this out loud, but it really I think has affected me now. Hmm because of like having my heart just ripped out of my chest. I just don't can't be bothered. I like can't I liked I'm like cool like I have feelings for you if I've met sick people but like the second I start to have feelings for someone. I'm like no move away. Do you think that's because you're career-driven? I don't want anyone's get invoked get in the way of my path. Yeah. I can imagine that if I I know I won't I know that sounds like such a crazy thing to say but I like why you can never know anything for certain, but I know I want like what if I was ever to be single again, I can't see myself ever getting with someone until I've achieved absolutely everything that I want yet because you want to be your best self, don't you? Yeah, but then when I achieved everything that I want you just a climatized that and you want more career-wise that's just well for me for me. So then it's just like so I think along that path you'll find Yeah, I like it's not even to me like I don't care. Yeah, if I do or I don't if I do great. That's so nice like to have someone to have someone that like the makes you your best self and then makes you feel secure that I'll be like beautiful, but I'm not worried about it. And I know that a lot of you mean you are a lot of girls, I think alike I'm single I'm single. I'm like that's their identity things and go like I literally like I've got no one to worry about For nothing no extra when you're in a good relationship. Oh, you shouldn't have I will you know, okay. Do you know what I mean? So that's why I'm not desperate for one because I wouldn't know what it's like to be in a sick sick relationship. But that I think that's a better place to be in when you're looking for not looking when you're not with anyone, but you're not intending to be any with anyone because it's like I know a lot of girls and even myself in the past I My identity was that I was single then my identity was that I was with certain guy and then my identity again was better single know and that's only thing in my personal belief that young girls go through. I think that's quite sad. Hmm. A lot of my here. We're about to run out of time. We'll just do every 20 minutes or something. Yeah, it's this otherwise, it's like so expensive one expensive. Yeah you have to add is there's a certain tax added for and TV broadcasting. It's not actually the camera. It's what they can sell the cameras you got me. But and we saying why are they saying that identity thing with being single and stuff? Yeah. I wish people wouldn't focus on it as much but also think also with Instagram and Facebook and with the stuff like I don't know it's also so much choice and stuff like that that people are like hmm. I don't know just confused because I know in the past like when I was so so Unless is no hey to All My Exes, I actually a very nice actors, but I honestly that I was like a child so they're not actual exes. But like when I was with I just I wouldn't be with a person like they'd always be nice people but like I would put something always on the back burner. So like whether that was most the time I was my creativity because I didn't actually be who I was until I was with my current boyfriend because he didn't give a shit. I'm because he's doing psychology here actually be like if I was going out with people people and I was like, oh not going to wear that because it's not that heavy why people like actually think because he said that you should wear that. Oh, that's great. He sounds good. He's like the best and I'm like really cool and that's not because other people were not good people. That's because like he is like a person for me and I do the same I would hope for him, you know. Yeah, but I also think that like what I have also learned from being in a relationship, which is weird. Is that that that relationship it doesn't Define you as a person. Which has never been my experience. I was always like like in school. I'd be like, oh not to other people but to myself I'd be like, I'm going out with an older guy. Yeah, that's that's so wrong. Isn't it? Like that's defining your identity. Yeah, and I was sexualized I feel like from such an early age because you were dating an older guy too. Yeah, and then that now even when I'm in in Ireland, I feel like when I have lectured her and like my nose ring in like wearing funky clothes and no one really looks me, but when I'm in here Because I think people are more used to Funky people when like men like would look at me a certain way when I was young. I would love that but now because I like to transition as well. I like it like makes me feel sick because of when I was younger. Yeah, but I'm saying I had a complete and utter identity a crisis when I was at school. Yeah, that's the way I like proper padded bras like my face slapped on makeup. Like I didn't know who I was I was head full are extensions. All I wanted was attention from guys. Hmm, and it is only thing that made me happy. And it was weird and it was obsessive and and like I just it was a massive confidence thing for me. And then I moved to Australia for a year and I came back a different person. I didn't know you moved to Australia. Yeah, I just tapped out. This is before I am I suggesting for Made in Chelsea II Tapped Out went there like met all these Swiss Ozzy from just people from around the world in this place in Cannes. Far North Queensland. I picked on the map the first place I go to just because I want I knew that I wasn't being myself like I was being like I was an attention seeker as being like vein and like hated the way I looked sometimes and I just kept on taking on makeup and kill them adding more padded bra and like going out to live look in the night trying to get trying to get someone to like look at me. It was so weird that when I went there like a like just no one knew me and I just started again. So I Took him and make for off. I let my hair gets coffee. I put a nose ring in this is when there's rain came from used to me you started this though. So that's such a big thing that I can't claim that. Yeah, but I would like to play a lot of girls that I know that's where you gotta free cake. We actually give my best friend to shout out Carla O'Sullivan. Carla is Sullivan is he was my best friend. He's currently card. Let's be honest. I've no idea where you are, but she's studying science in America someplace really smart girl. She's actually Sitting find some go away. But as in a year in America, she she when I was getting this I was like, I just wanted like Jessica Woodley's which is so weird and she was like, we're in Vancouver and she's like, yeah, like, I don't know if it's possible to get a ring one when you get like I just now that conversation. Oh my God. So bizarre. I was a quite similar. Yeah. No, I like to be honest just like you are one of those people that like me and my friends are look at and get inspiration from and now it's weird to me. You and think of you as a real person. That's that's mad that do you think of people doing that? No, of course not it's a comment. That's bizarre. That's absolutely bizarre. It's very it's very flattering very but like I can't get my head around it. I'm a Reigns just like nah. Nah, I was talking about when we kind of like took a break there that like even though this is weird for me to say it in the make me so uncomfortable. Is that like you would be more those people that sometimes I would look at your page and I'd be like and this isn't from you. This is just like how you look I'd be a bit sad and I like you have that with other people and I have that with people as well that has 80 followers must be funny for you to hear that. Get to it's bizarre from as you if you folks have on my page because of some something. I wore or somewhere where looked in a photo I have had that too. I have a quite a lot still. Still have it. It's literally a catch-22. It's just weird circle is one big circle. Yeah, and it's a shame. I definitely would recommend people on Instagram to orchestrate the people you follow Taylor at to yourself. Hmm. Don't follow anyone that you want that desperately to be or that desperately to body shape like just try try and get rid of them what I've done recently as like even if I like the person if Go on to their page. I like I said that about you but I like that given that you know, that doesn't but like that. I feel like that was more when I'd be insecure, you know what I mean about like mostly I go to your page for inspiration and also you don't make me laugh the great because that makes me sad that you would say that you know, it's cool because no but that was the Dolby like a token occasion. Yeah, but like what? I don't know if you remember but like at the start of Instagram that whole like fit spiration like loads of Australian girls with like the thigh gap and all that kind of shit. It like you remember you were expected to have a Bigfoot and a gap I Gap at the same time. So that's what a time to be alive. Yeah. Yeah, it's mad. Yeah. Is there anything you want to say before? We wrap up? I think that just think last podcast ever if I sound mad you'd I am but you don't it's just because a lot of people I speak to their how do I like you are just you mmm and that's nice. Yeah. Hope so bloody. Hope sir. That's the funniest podcast ever. I know my podcasts as you can tell it doesn't really have a linear. That's great structure is how it should be I have to do my depopulate guys download deep up and iOS or Android now, but I actually love deep. I went into them yesterday. I loved it. They're so nice. The people their office is so bizarre. There was dogs walking ever had this thing called Vibes. Did you go to the office in Liverpool Street? Yeah, they're nice is very bought ever. And there's like all the people who work there sounds like I am talking to the Head the guy I deal with this had a digital marketing and he's just wearing like all Supreme really needs like that. See that sounds like and yeah, I actually got everything I'm wearing today on deeper did you this is from past trash? These are from nothing special vintage. I wear them all the time because I love outfit repeating and more. This belt is not this belt is from a vintage shop in Dublin. It's either heirloom. Okay guys it you know, it's the between Georgia Street Arcade, and so I throw him streets Jesse's like I don't know anything yet. Okay. Love you all and thank you so much for listening and you already follow Jazz if you follow me, but just follow anything. Thank you.
Halfway through my second season, it is an incredible honour and quite a surreal moment to bring you an interview with Jess Woodley, a fiercely intelligent, honest and open individual who I have looked up to and followed since I was about 14. In one of the most open podcasts I've posted so far, Jess discusses her journey to be taken seriously as a creative having appeared on reality television. We talk about her upcoming television series and how she uses poetry that she has written since she was a young girl to develop aesthetic creative media for instagram and other creative enterprises she works within. This podcast deals with discussions on mental wellbeing and issues with sense of self. We discuss how as women, we have let relationships and being sexualised from early in life define our worth in the past. Jess explains why she feels she is at her most aspirational and hard working when she is single. The podcast takes a really engaging turn when I tell Jess how easily susceptible I was to being 'influenced' as a young girl struggling with low self esteem. Jess is incredibly aware of her audience size and of her contribution to the platform and explains how she herself has felt low as a result of comparing herself to others, we question the benefits of the mental health discussions on instagram and express our vulnerabilities being part of a generation confused. Thank you Jess, for sharing your bubbly, hospitable  personality with us and being so honest about your feelings and struggles. Thank you to Depop for fascilitating these conversations. This week's depot shop of the week is @nellskitsch for Sabrina the Teenage Witch style second hand clothing in sizes 8-14. I am currently looking for plus size Depop pages to spotlight, please dm me on Instagram @mouldyparsnips or email me at [email protected] with suggestions.
Hey, I can listeners and welcome to the second episode of blessed are the binary Breakers. This is your host Avery Smith and I am super excited about this episode. I met Willow hoving a year and a half ago when she Colette. A workshop about welcoming trans people and to Faith communities with me Willow is a very intelligent caring person who is just so much fun to be around. She and I recorded this interview a couple weeks ago for my apartment on Louisville seminaries campus. Let's get into it listeners you are in for a treat. I would invite you will owe to just you know, say hello and tell the listeners whatever you think they should Yeah, okay. I am Willow hoving. I'm a trans woman. I'm 56 years old and it's exciting to be here on this campus Because 25 years ago. I also was a student here some other things to know about me. I work as a software developer. I am also the parent of 22 year-old grandson and Let's start with that. Yeah, that's plenty to start with so you only just came out a few years ago as trans. And so that's yeah. Yeah, I decided at the ripe old age of 52 and a half that it was it was time. Yeah for me to get at first. I framed it as I'm going to look into this and see what's involved. But but then I'm pretty quickly became clear to me that that transitioning and moving into living full-time as a woman was was what I was supposed to be doing. Yeah. Yeah, but I'm I'm a late bloomer in terms of coming to that point. I'm also a late bloomer in terms of my involvement with the church. I didn't become a regular churchgoer until I was about 25 was that before or after Seminary? Well, so I was in a different program a different graduate program in Boulder, Colorado and Somehow found my way to lovely Presbyterian Church there became quickly very involved and very interested in Bible and Theology and the pastor there kind of encouraged me to look at going the seminarian and a few years later. That's where I ended up before you found that church. What was what was the Childhood like and your family background, I grew up in the 1960s and 70s in Salt Lake City and I was pretty much unchurched what I was three or four years old. My mom decided that it would be convenient for me to be able to say that I had a church that I went to. Okay, and so we spent two or three years and I was mostly they're in there. They're in their preschool Christian education program at the Unitarian Church in Salt Lake, but I still would consider myself as having been brought up unchurched. Okay? Yeah. I'm really I'm really not sure. I don't have a good narrative for how I found my way into that Presbyterian Church. Yeah in Boulder part of Of it was one of my colleagues in graduate school who we later figured out is the second cousin of mine. Oh, wow. He saw something in me. That was either searching for something or that or saw that I would be fertile Grant fertile ground and and planted some seeds that really quickly took off. Would you agree with that sort of him seeing you searching for something. Where you at that point? Do you feel like oh, I think I've been searching for things all my life at some point in this interview. I want to say that for most for all of my life. I've really lived with John scalzi calls it the lowest difficulty settings in The Game of Life. Ah, you know, I was assigned male at Birth I was When I started be aware of romantic and sexual orientation because I was living as male. I appeared straight. Yeah, I was white raised in a overwhelmingly white culture middle class educated parents and grandparents, you know, so so all the Privileges all II had the all the Privileges across the board. And there were a lot of ways in which I was different from other people around me for for for my first six years. I was raised by a single mother if you think that being a single mother in Utah in the early 60s was easy you'd be wrong and she she just did wonderfully under challenging circumstances, but I think it's safe to say that. I never ever ever. Saw myself as one of the boys. Okay. I was not like any of the other boys and frankly. I didn't I really didn't enjoy their company. I wasn't like them and I didn't want to be like them. Yeah, you know in contrast with a lot of personal narratives that I hear from trans women roughly my age. I wasn't intensely aware as a child of being prey. You know, I just knew I was different and and all through elementary and middle school. You know, I was just the weird kid. Yeah. Oh, I relate to that. You know, there were there were a few people who tossed the word queer at me, but mostly it was sort of a generic you're different from us. Your listeners can't see because it's not a visual medium is my curly hair. Yeah, that's mostly what I got teased about. Really? Yeah, just your curls. Like in the sixth grade, there was there was one kid who just mercilessly teased me calling me curly Luke. Oh my gosh what an insult and I was going to tell you I love your curls. Well, and I do too. Yeah. Now let's let's go ahead and fast forward so far. So I graduated high school. I went to I did my undergraduate work in Southern, California. Went on to graduate school and ended up in Boulder really wonderful program. But as as I moved into adulthood one of the things that I started to notice that really kind of puzzled me was I really really did not want to work with a therapist who wasn't a woman or have work with a physician. Who wasn't a woman to the extent that being a student in scientific field allowed it. My preference was was to hang socially with with women, right? I did have in my undergraduate and graduate years some some really dear friends who are male, but I would have been just as happy if just had all seen. Yeah, it's yeah. Starting in childhood and then, you know developing into adulthood there would be these little things that I would notice the were like. Oh, okay. That's another way in which I'm not yeah typical. Yeah. So I was in this Ph.D program in Colorado and I was pretty uncomfortable and unhappy with my life and maybe that's maybe that's what what my friend who turned out to be a second cousin saw, you know, as soon as I got involved with that church in Boulder. I just really dug deep into scripture and Theology and the history of the church and I was just fascinated by it. And so I actually ended up deciding That I'd go ahead and finish that degree. But then I applied to come to Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. You know, I think initially my thought was was that I could go into pastoring or maybe Academia as it turned out. That's that's not how things worked out. But but it did bring me here and I also learned about myself that Changing geography and changing academic fields did not relieve me of that sense of not being comfortable with my life. Yeah. So a couple of things happened when when I got to Louisville what just to give a time frame was that what decade was that? Sort of? Yeah. So I arrived in Louisville in August of 1992. Okay two years before I was born right, right. So a couple of things happened when I got Here one was that I developed a really really strong and pretty intense friendship with one of the other students who started at the same time. I still value having had that friendship. Yeah, but one of the things that she used to jokingly say was was in and she so she was assigned female. At Birth and in some ways but not always gender a typical. Okay, and the the way that the phrase that she had to describe that was I missed out on that course in girl indoctrination school. Oh my gosh, that's relatable. And and what I what I started to realize was I had missed out on just about all of boy indoctrination School. And I realized that I was pretty glad. Yeah, you didn't miss out on too much. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know the this list of things about my life that puzzled me kind of started to stack up and F at some point after I'd been here for for about two years. So so we're now in 1994 was the very very first time that the possibility occurred to me, you know, I might be a trans woman now contrary to current transgender vocabulary Orthodoxy. Yeah, that really was tied up in what I was noticing about my who I was romantic clay and physically attracted to okay to to be blunt all the people. I found myself attracted to more masculine of Center lesbians. Haha. That's like What the hell? No. Yeah. So if you're supposed to be a man and you're attracted to lesbians who yeah, yeah, I can imagine that was very confusing. It was awfully confused. Yeah, and so so I can find it in this friend. You know, I think I'm looking at the possibility that I might be a lesbian who was assigned male at Birth and and actually I think I use that horrible phrase trapped. In the body of the man, which is a phrase. I don't like it turned out that that she had come here from women's studies program. That was at the time and still is notoriously trans exclusionary. That was pretty much the end of our friendship. Yeah. She was not happy with that. Well, she was not happy with that and and her message to me was that's not a thing. Yeah, there is no such thing as that. But and I will tell you I still feel that loss. Yeah, and I was also in in therapy at the time and I brought it up with the therapist I was seeing and he didn't he didn't shut it shut it down in terms of know that can't possibly be true his his message was not know. That's an impossible identity. His message was you've got enough going on in your life and that is An awful hard road to try to walk down. Okay, and I don't think he was wrong. Okay. I mean, I think that that if I had tried pursuing transition at that time, it would have been a really difficult and yeah, I certainly would be in a very very different place today. I don't I don't think that I would have had the kind of support that I have had. And the past four and a half years and so I really kind of put it on the Shelf. Yeah, and then a whole bunch of stuff happened in my life. I did get married and we had a child that marriage ended pretty quickly and pretty shortly after something else that was going on was I had come into the Seminary program already really pretty burned out on academic on academics. Yeah, and so You know, I stuck around for several years and left, you know left after six years with the two-year degree instead of yeah, the three-year degree that that I'd come for but I the the whole idea of maybe being trans woman. First of all had I'd only gotten to the point where I considered it as sort of a theoretical possibility. Okay, and second of all I was now. A single parent. Yeah and raising a kid and in the they're real world of work for for the first time in my life and I really kind of put it on the shelf and it stayed on the shelf for about 20 years. It's a long time. Well, I think that I differ from a lot of the trans folks. I know in that I I was never really clearly consciously aware of dysphoria of being intensely and clearly uncomfortable with parts of my body or or with aspects of how I lived. I was just uncomfortable with everything somebody who I'm at a couple of years later who is still a very good friend came up with the perfect metaphor. She said when I first met you it was like meeting somebody who spent every day walking around in a sandpaper suit, you know, just everything about life was uncomfortable and she said that to me a couple of years ago after Ryan started transitioning her point was that I no longer was like that. Wow so much changed for me starting just with the with the decision. Yeah. I'm going to do this. But then as I started to make small changes and what I was wearing and you know, God bless estrogen from from my perspective. Yeah being able to start on Androgen suppressors and start introducing a sturgeon in into my system made a world of difference for for my Outlook. And so there's a trans writer named Sam Dylan Finch who I think had a somewhat similar experience and talks about gender Euphoria. Yeah rather than dysphoria. I love that so much. Yeah. Yeah, you know, it's not so much that I got rid of things specific things that I was uncomfortable with but started discovering things that hadn't known were possible that that were just so delightful and I think it's so important to Get that narrative out there that being trans isn't only about like suffering and hating yourself and stuff. It's also about finding, you know, joy, and again largely thanks to all of the Privileges that I walked into life with that road has been pretty easy for me. One of the things that happened towards the end of my time at the Seminary. Was that I got connected up with a tiny tiny Lutheran Church here in town and and ELCA congregation. It's unlike any any other congregation. I think I've been exposed to are they still around? Well, so you want to give them a shout out I do I do for third Lutheran Church have to visit them. Oh God, we would welcome you yeah. And actually they invited me to come teach their adult Sunday school class. How cool yeah, I still teach that Sunday school class every wow. Wow, I have to come and see that and what I didn't know about them was not more than two years earlier before I walk through the door that congregation had made the decision to sign on. With what in the ELCA is designated reconciling and Christ. Okay, roughly equivalent to more like more like Presbyterians that in part was what was responsible for their sort of difficult past real situation because the bishop at the time was strongly anti gay not a fan of not not a fan and wants the congregation had made made. That decision. Well, first of all, there were some members who left the sure but mostly there was a complete withdrawal of support especially in terms of calling a new pastor. Yeah from from the Senate and you know, frankly the impression that I have was that that Bishop expected that the congregation would close its doors within a couple of of years and kind of fall apart and and there was you know, what I will say is that that congregation has been two years from closing its doors for 25 years. So they're hanging in there. We've had some really wonderful pastoral leadership the ELCA decided as late as 2009 that it would be. Okay, right or partnered gay people. To be rostered clergy. Okay, and one of our members who's been clear about his call to Ministry since he was seven years old. I was finally able to be ordained. Oh good and he's our current serving past or so. So we're pastored by a married gay man. We have two members who are ELCA seminarians? Okay. Both of whom are gay men. Oh, wow. We have LG and be people in congregational leadership and the adult Sunday school is taught by a tea person. Yeah, it's great and it's really really a wonderfully affirming Place. Yeah, and I don't I don't think that I would have been as comfortable transitioning had I not been involved. You know long-term involved with a congregation that you know, there was never any doubt in my mind that that my transition was going to be recognized and accepted and welcomed. It's beautiful. I'm so glad you had that. Well, I'm deeply deeply grateful and our pastor was one of the first people I came out to it was the first place that I went. Out in public in a skirt. And yeah there if there were a few raised eyebrows, but they were just wondering what was going on because I haven't made it made a big announcement. So not judgmental just kind of absolutely not judgmental just curious and you know, one of the high points of the past couple of years was when we did a recognition of name. Right. Yeah in the congregation on baptism of Christ Sunday two years ago. That's awesome. All right, that's always going to be a treasured memory. What about that was so special for you part of it was just knowing that a faith community that has been an important part of my life and my child's life for two decades was a place where I was fully affirmed and welcomed and celebrated and you know, it was constructed as an affirmation of baptism. Yeah, but one of my dear friends from the congregation stood up with me along with my son, they weren't baptismal sponsors. But but they kind of play that that's a mall and and when my friend Kristen As as part of part of that letter G said something about recognizing will out as as the strong beautiful woman. She is. You know, I'm getting a little weepy just think yeah, so I've been very very blessed to to have that Community of Faith were where I'm affirmed. Yeah. I'm so happy you have that you hands. I wish every trans person had that. Yeah, and I'm like a lot of trans people. I never had any exposure to a community of Faith where I Wouldn't have been affirmed, you know, the the Presbyterian congregation in Colorado that I initially became an involved in I don't think had an official position on ordination of gay people the man who was the pastor there who baptized me and later encouraged me to go to Seminary. He you know, that that debate Within in the PC USA was just really kind of heating up. Yeah what he had a beautiful way of expressing it. There's a lot of things in understanding scripture. He said that I'm not a hundred percent sure about and I am the first to admit that I might well be wrong. Yeah, but if there's something that I might be wrong about I would like to err on the side of Grace That is beautiful. It's beautiful and and you know, it's been been an important thing to hold onto not not only in the context of queer people being accepted within the church, but all of the controversies that church people get into all the little theological debate. Yeah. This is like to have you know, it's a very useful hermeneutic. Yes, okay if I'm going to make a mistake, let's Let me make it on the side of my side of Grace. Yeah, another thing that that has been a real gift to me a phrase that I've held onto was actually something that when I first came to Seminary here on an exploratory we yet I was just looking into it. Yeah, Gene March who was the dean of the time and taught to the group of us about How do you understand your vocation and and how does that fit into how the the church both institutional and and metaphysically him handles vocation and and he said one thing to ask yourself is what are the things that I can't not do the things that I would be doing even if nobody paid me. Do them even if people told me that I shouldn't be doing them and and of course, you know, what are the life enriching things that you can't not do and some words in there about you know, if a whole lot of people in your Community of Faith and and in your life were telling you not to do something at least listen. Yeah reflect on. Yeah. Yeah, but when it when it got to the point that I had This is this is what five years ago. Yeah, 2014 when I got to the point it is time for me to pick back up off the shelf the idea that I might be a trans person and and to start asking what would be involved in walking down that road. I started to ask. Is this something that I can't not do yeah and 20 years before that. It hadn't been a camp not do thing. And as something else that that had happened maybe a couple of years earlier. I had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and that meant some some lifestyle changes for me. And also maybe it was just as simple as turning 50, but I woke up one morning and and I said, you know, I'm old enough that I just really don't give a hoot what anybody thinks of how I look or how I dress or you know, I am done worrying about other people's impressions of yeah, and so a couple of years later it became very easy to say. Well, I'm already not worrying about other people's superficial impressions of me. So What's going to what is going to make my life? Comfortable for ones and that ended up being the road that I went down and you know in retrospect that therapist who told me in 1994 whenever it was that going down the road of transition. What would be hard? Yeah, he was absolutely right sure because a whole lot of water passed under passed under the metaphorical bridge between 1994 and and 2014. Yeah. Yeah. A whole lot of awareness of trans people and acceptance more acceptance developed in that time. And so it really was relatively painless. You know, I was able to find the medical assistance that I needed. You know, I have with a couple of just small irritations sure aside aside from those I have had no adverse Health Care experiences. That's really really cool. That's great. Well, it's really cool. I also recognize that it's highly unusual. Yeah. I mean, you know, everything has been so easy. I worried about coming out in my workplace. It's one County south and in a relatively conservative area and I spent a couple of years really anguishing because I would kind of listen to side conversations between people who were in adjoining cubicles. And you know, when the Indiana passed its religious freedom. Yeah law and there was backlash there were there were a couple of people in a Adjoining cubicles who were pretty outraged at the backlash, of course and and my department had who's now my boss. I knew was a fairly conservative Catholic person. Okay, so I was really really concerned. Yeah, and I had absolutely no reason to be that workplace handled my transition really really well. Now I did some work and to help set that gk8 them and to educate them but they took the information that I helped them find and really ran with it and I haven't had anybody give me any kind of site I at that workplace. That's really awesome. Yeah, I feel like that's one of the big reasons why workplaces has and schools and families need to sort of do the work and like make their stance clear before someone comes out because like it's a little different but with my family, they're more like my parents are conservative and Catholic and so like I had no clue how they were going to handle me coming out as queer because we just never talked about it. I didn't know if they felt negatively or partly, you know, there was just no knowledge. So like families and workplaces. They should somehow make the message clear that if someone is going to come out It will be received well, because then you wouldn't have had to spend those years anguishing. Yeah, I'll tell you I would have been more productive for those years to yeah. Yeah, if you didn't have to have that worry hanging over. Yeah. Yeah. I've often joked that if I ever wrote wrote an autobiography the title would be if you had told me then yeah, if you had told me when I was 14 and 12 or 14 in years old that well that I'd be a happy woman. Yeah, I would have just shaking my head because because a I didn't have the vocabulary sure you should be you know, all throughout my adolescent years. I think I would have had a hard time believing that I was ever going to be happy. Wow, and that's that's that's for a variety of reasons, but I I think that part of it was deeply deeply deeply buried understanding that I wasn't living that I wasn't living my truth. Yeah, even though I didn't know what that truth was yet. Do you feel like you're living your truth now? Yeah, I am. Yeah, I am. I think that I also think that I have some more of that truth to discover for sure. Hopefully we all do yeah. Yeah. One thing that I've noticed was fairly early on after having decided to pursue transition. I kind of had some preconceptions about sort of what what my transition goals were going to be and like I had some I had some pretty clear ideas about what my clothing style was going to be. Okay, and those have turned out to be wrong. Initially, I didn't really picture myself wearing skirts and dresses but boy the day I put on my first skirt and especially the day that I wore that skirt to church. It was so clear to me that that's what I was supposed to be wearing. That's awesome that sort of unexpected rightness to yeah. And and again, it's that that euphoria that you sort of lived without it, but you would have missed out on that that feeling of Yeah. Yeah, right - yeah. Yeah, exactly and like God doesn't intend us to just kind of live without things that are joyful like to just sort of have that neutral life. We're caught a full life. Yeah that that that reminds me of something but that Justin Tanis talks about yeah, which that guy yeah just finished reading this. Oh one of you through wonderful, is that available now? Yes. Oh, Just sign up for listeners transgender a book by Justin Tanis from like 2003. I think used to be like a hundred and thirty bucks to buy because it was out of print. It's now like 23 bucks. So it's back in print y'all. Yeah just in tennis. Yeah talks talks about that being and living as a trans person and living in to that truth is just as much a calling a vocation from God. Yes. As is a ministerial vocation and yeah, I believe that a hundred percent and and many of those and and that ties back in with the you know, what can't you not do well. I I having now lived as myself for the first time in in 50-odd years. I could I can't go back. Yeah. Yeah after you've seen what Euphoria is like a few after you've seen what full life. I was like, yeah would be cruel of anyone to try and push you back into something. Yeah, and I'm I'm truly blessed that I don't have anybody in my life telling you who would tell me that now the early on in transition the other source of stress for me was going to be how will my parents deal with it? And how is my kid going to deal with it at the time? If my son was 17 18 and my my parents actually lived lived with us, okay during during his school years. So it was the four of us in the house together and I first talked to my to my kid and nobody has been a bigger booster all the way along but he was Really really really concerned about how they would deal with it. I think that both of us had a misimpression of how conservative yeah, they were. Yeah, I got to say my relationship with them has blossomed and become infinitely richer. Yeah. I think that they might want articulate it this way sure but I think they can see my life is is better and more authentic and all those all those words. Yeah, but he he made me promise not to have that talk with them while he was in the house. Okay, and I have that conversation with them and went and picked him up from the from the youth group activity that he was involved in and he said are they still there? Because his fear was was that they would pack their bags and leave. Yeah, which was Which was completely unfounded but yeah, and they struggled a little bit but only because they didn't yet have the information yet. Not not because they were hostile and and the real switching Point especially for my mom was the day that I first went to work as Willow and came home and was able to report to her that that had gone had gone. Well, it was like it it through. A switch for her and the very next night. She called me up and said on the Christmas cards that we send out this year to family. Can I use your new name? Yeah, that's sweet. Yeah, and the extended family has by and large been been supportive to which I mean, I don't know why all of this surprised me but it did. Well there's it's unfortunate but there are so many stories where things go horribly wrong. I mean that was my expectation with my Only two that I would deal with a lot more hostility than I have and it goes back again to like, you know people who would potentially be supportive should sort of broadcast that before the issue arises. Yeah, so that those of us who are thinking of coming out don't have to be afraid to do so. Yeah because yeah, your brain will just your imagination goes wild when you're thinking of coming out, you know, all the stories of it going wrong and yeah rejection and that's all you can think about even like I like to think of myself as an optimist, but when it came to coming out, I was thinking worst-case scenarios for every absolutely absolutely and I have never been more happy to be proven wrong. Yeah, for sure. Yeah for a while. I've I've been kind of working in the back of my mind on a Facebook post that I think I really want to put out there that that I would want to Rs2, all of the people. I was in seminary with all the people. I know who were working pastors and it goes something like this someday soon. Somebody's going to walk you to your office and I might be a member of your congregation who says I think I'm trans or it might be a member of your congregation to says my son keeps insisting that he's not a boy or my daughter keeps insisting that she's not a boy or a girl. Yeah or somebody's going to walk through your front doors. Who you Kwok as being visibly trans gender who's a stranger to the congregation. Are you ready? Yeah, you know what resources do you have at your fingertips to to be able to answer their questions? And what are you doing? What are you and your congregation doing today? To make that person feel welcome and to make it clear to people who have walked through the door yet that they too will be welcome. You should definitely make that poster. Yeah, and and you know, I'm not a huge out on the front lines activist. But yeah, there was this election thing a little over two years ago. Yep. There was that sadly and and frankly it was that that really kicked me into gear and terms of going ahead and getting my name change and coming out at work because I was thinking okay. What what am I going to do to to resist this? Well, one thing that I knew I could do would be to just show up at that workplace visibly trans. Yeah. Just living your life is just just distance, you know, none of the people I work with now. Can ever say well I've never met a trans person. Yeah that it doesn't affect their life or people they know. Yeah, and yeah, I'm I hope they can see the yes, I'm trans and I am also a productive member of society and yeah and not not some strange mythical creature. Yeah. Now the one thing we haven't talked about is what it's like being a trans person. Who is the parent of the transparent. Yeah. Because you came out to your son. How long after that was it that he came out to you. It was a couple of weeks or maybe a couple of months, but no more than a couple of months after I had that conversation with my parents. And you know maybe part of it was that he saw that no, they didn't pack their bags and go home. That's that's when he came out to us. You know, I'll be honest. They've been a lot better about my parents have been a lot better about name and pronouns with me than they are with him. Huh. The other thing that is true about both. My parents is there in Early 80s. Yeah, so so they're certainly they don't hit hundred percent even on my knee on my name or pronouns. I'm not really all that bothered by that. Okay. Yeah, I'm just happy they're trying. Yes, you know that they're accepting, you know, they're trying. Yeah, so the mistakes aren't as painful and in the same way that You know, my co-workers will. Occasionally slip, you know because they knew me for six or seven years as this person with that name and that beard and those pronouns and you know verbal habit is a strong thing. Yeah. Well and pardon my my blue language for a minute, but you know, I have always said the only thing that's ever going to bother me is Britt asshole Lori with the exception of one cousin. I have not encountered that and he's always been an ASL and assholes no no Shockers. Yeah, so prized a so-so. No, it didn't come as a surprise. You know, I've just I keep saying it but it's true. I've been incredibly lucky and Incredibly blessed all the way along. Yeah, that's I don't know about you but sometimes when I feel like I've I've been lucky I feel bad about that and I always try to remind myself. It's a good thing that I've encountered this acceptance. The goal isn't to like play some sort of Oppression Olympics where I should want to be, you know rejected and stuff. It's the goal is to bring other all trans people up to that level of acceptance exact everyone's well and and it motivates me to do things like to reach out to to to the working pastors. I know. Say this has been so wonderful for me. I really would like you to be equipped to be able to extend the same. Welcome so it can be wonderful for others to yeah. Yeah, it's kind of a motivator and you know, we were talking earlier about what's my my personal relationship with with the Divine. Yeah. I guess I would say it's primarily gratitude based. Yeah, I recognize. Eyes from the get-go that all good things come from God. Yeah. I also recognize just from experience that my life goes a whole lot smoother the more I can recognize and photograph and focus on those good things and my gratitude for them. So so my son getting back to him he has always as soon as I was out to my parents, he has consistently referred referred to me and introduced me as Mom and I know different different people in different families have have different ways of negotiating around that the the fact that my ex and I live apart makes it a little bit easier because you know, no matter which house he's in when he As hey mom, there's only one person who's going to answer. Yeah on the other hand. He also he also has the disadvantage of getting caught into endless go ask your mother lives. And you know, I hope I've been reasonably good about talking about him as as my son and getting the pronouns right and getting the name, right? And you know, I'll be honest and a parent I think would have some concerns about well, what what is my kid's life going to be like, yeah. Yeah, I'll be there if he needs me. I think that's my Mom's main hang-up. A lot of times with me being non-binary is just but what will people think like will it affect your ability to get jobs and things like that especially being like I guess if I stayed on testosterone long enough and like wore the right clothes and did the right things I could pass as a man, but I have no desire to do that. You may give me a leg up and certain kinds of careers. But I do not want to do that. And I think that's part of her concern is because I want to be visibly queer that worried that we'll what if someone harasses you for it or even give you a job for it. And so yeah, I think that's you have such a unique Viewpoint being trans yourself and also having a chance child to kind of have those thoughts about well and you know, I'm not a typical any And and maybe that that goes all the way back to you know, third grade being kind of proud of being the weird. Yeah, but I'm sure pretty happy with where I am right now and I'm really really grateful to have gotten rid of that sandpaper suit. Yeah. Sure. No one no one no one should live like that. Nobody should have to live like that. And and certainly nobody should have to live surrounded by people who want that for them. Here's to a future where everyone can be free of those sandpaper suits and absolutely absolutely love their true selves and experience Euphoria and freedom and and live lives that can be full of gratitude ready to wrap up. Yeah. I just want to thank you for the Tation to absolutely. I want to thank you so very much accepting the invitation. Like you said, you're not a typical anything the kind of goal of this podcast is to get as big a variety of stories as we can and I thought yours would be a great starting point well and yeah going back to that that Facebook post that I want to write. I think that something that is so important for sis straight people to know. No, I call them Muggles then like all this. Yeah, what I what I would really love for all the mughals to now it is that no to trans people have exactly the same pathway and my uncles I'm gonna start using that someone yelled at me on Facebook a while ago for saying says heads so I'm gonna change the mughals. Yeah. Well and I like it because what does that make us but Wizards? I think the way I ended the other one was like go out there and break some binaries or something. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely be a blessing to the world with your life.
Join me and Willow Hovingh as she shares her experiences as a trans woman transitioning in her fifties. Coming out has brought Willow an abundance of blessings in her personal well-being, her work life and church life, and in her relationships with friends and family, including her trans son. Talking points: - Willow introduces herself -- a "late bloomer" who came out at 52 (0:00 - 3:20) - Growing up unchurched (3:21 - 4:10) - Joining a church, "searching for something" (4:11 - 4:59) - The "lowest difficulty settings" in the game of life, but still different, "the weird kid" (5:00 - 9:30) - Enrolling at Louisville Seminary, first inklings of being trans put on the shelf for 20 years (9:31 - 16:15) - Willow's "sandpaper suit;" everything uncomfortable (16:16 - 17:20) - "God bless estrogen" -- starting her transition and discovering gender euphoria! (17:21 - 18:49) - Supported by her long-time church, rich in LGBT ministers (18:50 - 23:17) - The power of a recognition of name-change rite (23:18 - 25:27) - Erring on the side of grace (25:28 - 26:44) - Gender and calling: what are the things that you can't not do? (26:45 - 28:45) - Ready to come out: "I don't give a hoot"; medical experiences; coming out at work (28:46 - 32:36) - "If you had told me then" - a happy woman (32:37 - 35:55) - Justin Tanis' book and the idea of gender as calling; "I can't go back" (35:56 - 37:26) - Coming out to her kid and her parents; enriched relationships (37:27 - 40:57) - Willow's message for pastors: "Are you ready?" (40:58 - 42:31) - Resistance through being visible (42:32 - 43:41) - Parenting a trans person (43:42 - 44:37) - It's okay to make mistakes (44:38 - 45:55) - Focusing on blessings and gratitude (45:56 - 47:27) - Willow and her son support each other (47:28 - 49:42) - Free from that sandpaper suit (49:43 - 50:42) - A message for the muggles (cis straight folks) (50:43 - 52:08)
We all wish we had the time to sit down and read all about Bitcoin, but we can listen almost anywhere. So let me read it for you. This is a crypto Kana me quick read welcome back everybody to the crypto Kana me. I am guys Swan the guy who is read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know. No, and we are diving in this week. We're starting off the week with a technical discussion on something that is going to be important to tomorrow's interview. We've got Max hillebrand on this show tomorrow if everything goes well, hopefully all the scheduling works out, but I'm really excited to pick his brain about a couple of things. He's been diving into recently, but to set the stage will go back over a lot of this tomorrow in brief. But to set the stage we're going to read a piece by Aaron then veered mm on bitcoin And this is a really great piece all about Tap Root, which we've not covered yet on the show. So let's go ahead and dive into the piece and then we'll talk about it afterward and it is titled Taproot is coming what it is and how it will benefit Bitcoin. Bitcoin users May before long be able to benefit from a trick called Taproot first proposed by Bitcoin core contributor and former block stream CTO Gregory Maxwell Taproot would expand on Bitcoins smart contract flexibility while offering more privacy in doing so even the most complex smart contracts would own the blockchain typically be indistinguishable from Euler transactions while a big undertaking. This is not just Theory several of the most prolific Bitcoin core contributors including Peter Wella Anthony towns Johnson Lau Jonas, Nick and Drew palestra Tim roughing Rusty Russell and indeed Gregory Maxwell are working on a schnorrer signature proposal that would include Taproot all-in-one protocol upgrade. Here's what Taproot is and how it works. P2 sh All Bitcoins are essentially locked up in scripts a couple of lines of code embedded in a transaction included in the blockchain that Define how the coins can be spent in the next transaction spending conditions, usually involve providing a signature to prove ownership of the coins, but other well-known conditions, for example, include time logs coins can only be spent after a specific block height or date. Or multisig coins can only be spent if some number of private keys out of a set of private Keys provide signatures. Different conditions can be mixed and matched to create complex types of smart contracts an example of such a contract could be that coins can be spent if both Alice and Bob sign or if Alice alone signs after a week has passed or if Bob alone signs while also providing a secret number whichever of these three conditions is met first is how the coins are spent. Since 2012 scripts or the conditions are often not publicly visible at first only the new owner of the coins knows how they can be spent this is done with a trick called P2, sh pay to script hash where initially only a hash of the script is included in the blockchain this seemingly random scrambled number holds the coins. When the owner spins the coins he reveals the whole script as well as the solution to the script at the same time. Anyone can then use the initial hash to check that the supplied script was indeed the original script locking up the coins and can immediately conclude that the requirements of the script were met still when the coins are spent. It's currently necessary to reveal all of the possible. Is it could have been met including the conditions? That weren't met? This has two main downsides one its data heavy especially if there are many conditions into it's bad for privacy. Everyone learns all the different ways in which funds could have been spent which can for example reveal what kind of wallet was used and perhaps even more mast masked or Merkel eyes abstract syntax tree is a proposed solution that uses Merkle trees a decades-old compact data structure invented by cryptographer Ralph Merkle to work around these two downsides in short all the different conditions under which the funds can be spent are individually hashed as opposed to combined into a single hash and included in a Merkle tree, which ultimately uses a single hash the Merkel route this Merkel route quote locks up the coins. The unique benefit is that if any of the data in the Merkle tree is revealed the Merkel root and some additional data called the Merkel path can be used to verify that that specific data was included in the Merkle tree the rest of the Merkle tree remains hashed and hidden. With Mast this means that only the condition that is met needs to be revealed. If in the initial example above Alice alone spins the funds after a week. She just reveals that condition in the Merkel path. No one learns that the money could have also been spent by Alice and Bob together or by Bob alone if he'd added a secret number. This makes Mast more data efficient than complex P2, sh smart contracts and adds privacy to boot yet with schnoor Taproot can do even better a transaction can hide that a masked structure existed at all. snore - nor signature scheme has long been on the wish list of many Bitcoin developers and is currently in development to be deployed as a soft Fork protocol upgrade many cryptographers consider the schnoor signature scheme to be the best in the field as its mathematical properties offer a strong level of correctness. It doesn't suffer from malleability and is relatively fast to verify as its best-known benefit in the context of Bitcoin schnur's quote linear math allows for Signature aggregation several signatures in the same transaction can be combined into one a similar trick could be applied to multisig transactions combining both public keys and signatures into threshold public keys and threshold signatures a multisig transaction can be made indistinguishable. or from any regular transaction in the signature scheme can be used in even more interesting ways. For example, it's possible to use data to tweak both a private key and a public key as a simplified example a private key and its corresponding public key can be tweaked by multiplying both by 2. The private key x 2 and the public key times two would still correspond and the private key times to could still sign messages that could be verified with the public key times to anyone unaware that the original key pair was tweaked wouldn't even see any difference the tweaked keys look like any other key pair. This is what enables Taproot. Taproot Tap Root is based on an interesting realization. No matter how complex almost any Mast construction could or should include a condition that allows all participants to agree on the outcome and simply sign off on a settlement transaction together in the earlier example, if Bob knows Alice can buy herself claim all the funds next week, you might as well cooperate with her now to sign off together. In many typical smart contract setups, he would even be penalized if he doesn't the complexity really just serves to keep everyone honest. Taproot resembles Mast and always includes a condition where all participants can cooperate to spin the funds the Co-operative close by utilizing schnoor signatures. This is where it gets interesting first off. The Co-operative clothes would utilize schnur's threshold trick to make it look like a regular transaction from one person to another so the public keys of all participants are added together resulting in the Threshold public key corresponding with this threshold public key the combination of all participants signatures their threshold signature allows them to spin the funds so far so good, but spending the funds as if it were a normal transaction is the only thing they can do no Mast like structures yet. That's where the other schnoor trick comes in. All the alternative ways in which the funds can be spent the non-cooperative outcomes are this time combined into a different script this script then is hashed and used to tweak the threshold public key rather than public key times to as used in the earlier example this result in a threshold public key times script. We're still simplifying here this threshold public key. Times script corresponds, of course to a threshold signature. I'm script. Now if the money is spent cooperatively all participants combine their signatures into the threshold signature and tweak it with the script the resulting threshold signature times script allows them to spend the funds yet and importantly to the outside world all this would still just look like a regular public key and a regular signature in other words a regular transaction. Only if a Cooperative close proves impossible the threshold public key can be shown for what it really is tweaked in this case both the original threshold public key and the script are revealed. This proves that the threshold public key times the script was tweaked with this specific script. So like the hash and P2 sh The Tweak proves to the world that the funds should be spendable. Well, if the alternative conditions as specified in this script are met and like with P2, sh these conditions are of course immediately met to spend the funds alternatively instead of tweaking the threshold public key with script the threshold public key can be tweaked with a Merkel root of a Merkle tree that includes all the different conditions under which the funds can be spent a masked structure to And the funds then only the spending condition that's been met needs to be revealed. As such Taproot offers all the benefits of Mast while under normal circumstances, no one will ever know that a regular transaction was hiding such a complex smart contract as a fallback. This is a general outline of the Taproot concept implementation specifics may vary for more details read the original Taproot proposal by Gregory Maxwell or watch this presentation by Peter. Wela. All right, and that concludes Aaron Van Buren's Taproot article on bitcoin magazine. Let's go ahead and hit our sponsor and I really want to dive into this one for anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground. Their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download I have uploaded an Library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid me for exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically published to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never ever had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f m-- today. All right. Thank you to bitcoin magazine for allowing me to continue to read these articles. There's so much great stuff and another huge. Thank you to Aaron van Werdum for the continuous amazing work that he puts out. They are unbelievably lucky to have him so and as well as I am we have had him on the show in the past you have actually listen to that interview we go into a lot of great stuff and he has so many so many he's just a notion of Articles to dig through and I've been consistently Old that his lightning Network series that I read on the show way back when in like episode 40 something is one of the best explanations and like dives into the lightning Network that you can get and it's pretty damn thorough and amazing. So I highly recommend all of that stuff. I'll have those links in the show notes along with the Bitcoin magazine article, but let's talk about Taproot. So this piece goes through there's a lot of people working on these Nor and Taproot proposals right now and it really is it's kind of funny that all these things were slowly piled on top of each other and till and like kind of during the work on all of these soft Forks. We've got multiple layers of additional use of this technology because Mast is a huge Improvement in and of itself so go back to let's go back to the beginning. I'm going to kind of re-explain hopefully more simply some of these About some of these things that I know particularly in audio hearing all of these terms can make it really confusing to follow but P2, sh. Hey the script hash. It just means that you were paying to a hash just a fingerprint of some other data that is required to unlock it and that includes a signature and a script typically. Well, the script is almost always just this person must sign, but it can include any amount of complexity that you Want but because you have to reveal all of the script to unlock those coins because what happens is that like when I send the coins to their new location, they just go in there lock with the hash are locked with the fingerprint of a lot of data and then in order to then unlock that hash. You have to present all of the data that it is the fingerprint of so, it's a cost savings when locking up the coins, but it's not a cost savings at all when you unlock the coins because you then Just changes when you have to broadcast that information to the network on because before it was the person who sent the coins was needed in order to or was needing to put all of the different instructions on chain as to how to unlock them. And now it's the person who unlocks the coins that has to give all that information which actually makes sense when you think about it because the person getting the security of that complex script whose reaping the benefits of it or utilizing whatever service or smart contract inside of it is the person redeeming it not the person that's creating it. So it makes sense that the we would want the cost on that side of the equation the receiver rather than the sender. So just in a normal like sorting out the economics of it that's actually kind of important in my opinion. But again, it doesn't really do anything for privacy or just cost-effectiveness overall. Just kind of putting the cost for the cost should be so So that was that was implemented in 2012 ish? And I can't remember exactly win. But then Mast is a new proposal that it is not implemented yet. This has been in the works for a while. And this is what led to the combination of all the other technologies that are in proposal right now, but Mast is turning that hash into an entire tree of scripts and requiring only your only the path to your script. The one that you are specifically redeeming it with be necessary to unlock it. So a good way to visualize this is to imagine a literally a tree with like two main branches and in each one of them have three branches in each one of those branches have three branches and each one of those have three like you you immediately get to a massive tree of transactions and number of possibilities that you could possibly need. However to like you're one leaf on This tree of possible outcomes for the ownership of these coins. And the only thing that you need to prove to redeem that is to show that you were one of the paths in the tree. So rather than needing the what would it be I said to 3 and 3 and 3. So that's 27 times 254 different leaves essentially on the end of this and you have to present four pieces of information in order to just show that you were involved in In it or in other words, you just need to point to which branch that you were on and trace it all the way back to the root. And that's all you have to do. You don't have to show any of the other branches. Nobody has to know the any of those other branches exist because you can prove that with just, you know, take a right here. Take a left here take a right and right and then you reach the your Leaf of this, you know script tree and that's all you need to do is you just give those instructions and then they can Move the okay. Yeah, you were a final destination you relief on this huge tree of all this stuff that happened and we don't have to know that there's a whole nother half of you know, a whole nother branch that there was any type of path outside of exactly yours yours could have been the entire path in the script. There was no alternative anyway, or it could have been hundreds of paths like 54 in our example or even more than that. You could just continue to stack it indefinitely really and the cool thing about Got it is the data needed to redeem. The script is logarithmic in comparison to the size of the tree. I mean you could literally have a script that was built with 3,000 different outcomes that only required, you know, three different hashes like that your Marco pass to get there only requires three hashes. So that's both a huge huge cost savings on the Redemption of these coins, as you know, obviously you don't have to show the entire tree which currently in the P2 sh setup. You have to show the entire tree or well you have to show the entire set of scripts. But as soon as you do the Merkel eyes apps that abstract syntax tree, you just have to show the One path to the branch to the end of the branch that actually redeems the coins and all the other trees. We held on a whole rest of the tree could be is entirely obscured. It's never visible to anyone other than participants that are involved and that's a huge that's a huge shift in both making incredibly efficient use of the chain because all you need to do is prove that the person who received it received it in a valid way. It's all this is all a game of authentication and verification and the less data. That we need that's the beautiful thing about Merkle trees and why they are so useful. I mean the blockchain or the time chain itself. I prefer the time chain concept now personally, but the Bitcoin blockchain is in fact A variation on the Merkle tree idea. It's a chain of transactions rather than a branching tree of a chain of hashes. Excuse me, rather than a branching tree of hashes, but it serves the same purpose that you can trace it all the way back because The hashes are within the next hash etcetera Etc. So this is a really old concept is one tool that's being used utilize for so many different purposes. And that's just again, that's just Mast and it does uncover the or reveal always reveal the even though it's privacy for everyone else. It isn't any privacy for the person who actually gets the path like a who actually ends up with the redeeming. That person does have to give up the fact give up all the details of at least they're part of the contract and that's what leads us to schnoor signatures in Taproot. So schnoor signature scheme, and it was the reason and actually wasn't used or at least I'm not sure if this was explicitly said, but I know there was some conversation about it at some point with Satoshi. But the patent was not out yet was not run out on Shore signatures. And even though it was a very very popular or I guess maybe not popular is the word very desirable signature scheme and encryption scheme. It was not a free to utilize public Key System public-private key system and it was only a couple years after Bitcoin. I believe that it actually was in the public domain that it's patent ran. Out and but it is a fascinating way to combine data into single into single keys. So rather than using a bunch of separate keys in order to produce a hash like in rp2, sh situation and then having to reveal that data data later it basically creates a way to turn a bunch of public Keys into a new public key like derive Them from each other by combining them in and literally it's not super far off from just adding them together and what it basically means is that every individual can sign with their public keys or excuse me, sign privately with their private keys. And then those signatures can so to speak the added together and they are the corresponding signature threshold signature for the aggregate threshold public key, so, As long as you add the signatures in the exact same way that you add together the public keys. Well, then you've got a valid signature and still nobody in the mix had to give their private key to anyone else and that's a way to so that the the unlocking script is an aggregate just like the Locking script is an aggregate. So you're hiding or combining the information before you even do the Locking so you don't have to you don't. I have to undo it later as long as you recreate the exact same way. The information was added or tweaked later on. You've got its it all it's all valid in. This allows you to tweak. Those things is that you can as long as you're all using the same multiple of the same quote unquote set of instructions of how to manipulate the data to tweak the data, which could be anything multiplied by 2 multiplied it by a thousand multiplied it by A very long ago by a hash multiply it by a new entirely set different set of scripts. Well, it's still just creating a different public key and all that needs is a different signature with all that same stuff applied to it in order to unlock it. So the signature is all that the network ever has to see and it looks indistinguishable from any other signature because all the work that was done to create it. Never had to be broadcast to the chain. It was done before the signature even existed and because of that you can stat you can put Mast underneath that signature and it's a really fascinating way of combining all of this data and not even having to reveal anything about the tree that goes on and and what he means by when he talks about how Since the branches of the tree they are simply proof that the person who is the rightful Redeemer of whatever crazy setup of contracts that are actually involved that the person who is redeeming it has proof has undeniable proof that they are the rightful owner of the coins. They are the rightful recipient of this contract. So if in a Taproot set up there is always a path in the Taproot for everyone who is involved to Simply sign and release it to that person. Well then having that proof going to them with that proof of the the Merkel path to your destination makes it pointless for them to try to cheat. It makes it pointless for them to not simply do a Cooperative close because what Gain, they don't gain anything. They try to do a Cooperative close. They won't get your signature, which means they'll have to do one of the backups and then you broadcast your proof and you get the keys. So it's a it's a way to just slow down the inevitable end of this whole thing and it's a way to force all the participants in this incredibly complex and decentralized agreement or centralized agreement. Whatever it is that everyone is forced to be honest because honesty is Going to be enforced one way or the other. It's just that we can do a whole lot cheaper right now, or you can waste a lot of people's time. And so, duh. We just want to close this thing out and broadcast it. It's very much like lightning except in the sense that the contract is built so that there is a time lock for to dispute. It's essentially the final state of the chain the final state of all the transactions that happened off chain and The rightful owner always has the ability to revoke any previous state which is, you know fraud in that instance. This is very similar to the same thing. Is that except with a you know, a broad scope of what you can do with the smart contract outside of just off chain payments. I mean the Taproot can Encompass a lightning Channel unlike all the scripts and stuff that we're used to seeing like the ability to see how many channels there are on the network. Actually going to disappear because we're not gonna be able to know what to channel and what's not from blockchain analysis. If everybody uses a Taproot a Taproot signature on the only ones that will ever be visible on the Chain are the ones that have uncooperative closes. They're actually disputed which is a tiny tiny fraction of all the channels that are out there. So lightning will go completely dark with Taproot from a sense from a blockchain. Analysis sense of things. However, when you ping the network as a participant of the lightning Network, you will still get updates on channels and stuff. So you'll still be able to have some view of any public channels that are not, you know set up as private on the network, which a lot of them are these days and you can generally get an idea of your neighborhood in the lightning Network and you can map it D probably would be able to map it decently. Well depending on how many nodes I want to be private and how many channels want to be private which I kind of expect to go up with time, but it's going to be kind of crazy like lightning network is going to be very hard to do analysis on because it's analysis is dependent on the ease of distinguishing these things on the blockchain and that is going to get more and more difficult with things like threshold signatures and threshold public keys in which multisig is indistinguishable masked set of contracts is Distinguishable a lightning Network contract is indistinguishable. Everything just looks like a public key. No different from any other public key and all of the complexity is hidden behind a signature. That looks no different than any other signature. This is a really really powerful technology. I've totally outside of the fact that what an incredible efficiency gain to hide so much to hide multiple signatures multiple keys. Well scripts and entire tree of options as to how to unload a contract to the rightful to execute it to the rightful owner behind the exact same amount of data that it takes to send Bitcoin from me to you one addressed to one you txo. I mean, I think if this it really is as secure as it all appears snort doesn't seem to have any problems has been around for a long time. So it's got the Lindy effect for it. I mean there's so much. In this and it doesn't even seem all that controversial. This could be an incredibly important boost to the entire Bitcoin system in so many different ways and the fact that it is privacy through efficiency is one of the one of its most powerful aspects and this is this is one of the many reasons why I think the idea of a you T XO the it night the idea of a current address. I own the Bitcoin Network being solely owned by a single person or entity is going to slowly become a thing of the past because what you need what the core of this system is about making sure that the path to unlock money to unlock value on this chain is provable and is based on the keys of the rightful owner that the keys are the ownership of the value and that does not require. Are one full transaction that can be done through extensions through Merkel paths. Plus hashes plus signatures are so many different ways to combine and expand on that possibility that I think we will essentially figure out how to create tears and branches and layers of networks all on top of this thing where we can move back and forth. We can move throughout these Merkel paths that these Merkle trees that we can move from one leaf to another on a tree that is all hidden behind a single signature and we can exchange value while always knowing that the rightful owner is the only one that could take it to bitcoin and claim the undeniable final settlement over who owns that value and because of that everyone involved has no reason to do anything other than be honest and cooperate with everyone else it is it is an absolutely beautiful. Of incentives and this allows us to scale almost indefinitely. Like we can just will find new ways to extend this in as long as we have a strong base that has no it hardly any attack vector and we can all prove with a full node as to exactly where on that chain of value and ownership only actual Bitcoin time chain that all of that information that proof that we hold unlocks and we can trust that Bitcoin is in fact still solid as a rock. It is undeniable in the scope of you know, jurisdictions and a true ownership Global ownership chain, and then we're looking at the most efficient and capable monetary in value system we've ever seen that this this really will be a whole new internet. Just think about the implications of that something that can scale like for instance like just just recently there was a paper that came out and a bunch of big blockers were boasting and laughing about how this was spelled death for lightning Network. The only ninety percent of transactions went through after, you know, a certain amount of time that they weren't instant like like 30 or 40 percent of more instant or something like that. Ninety percent of them would try multiple paths and then they finally go through but it was like an average of like Whiny seconds or something like that, I can't remember exactly but it was just an assessment of the difficulties and degrees of finding paths. You think about it if we take it at 90% that's a 10x scaling Improvement right there. All you have to do is design a wallet or client that will immediately do an atomic swap or a loop in and loop out in the in the one out of ten cases where it doesn't work and look at the savings that you've got on chain already you've Equivalent of a 10 to 20 Mega byte block just because you're using your utilizing lightning where it works and you can hide the fact that it doesn't work behind Lupin or Loop out behind an alternative a backup past to just send Bitcoin to people and then incremental improvements in the lightning Network add 2 percent to that add 5% of that. They cut it down to one 20th when out every 20 transaction when at every 50 transactions Yes, and think of how fast that compounds on each other that we turn into what is it the equivalent of a hundred megabyte block worth of payments 200 megabyte block worth of payments all within the 1.5 to 2 megabytes that we actually have and that's negating but this totally ignoring any improvement with side chains with the fact that we could have 50 a hundred participants in a single transaction that is unlocked with a single Tap Root. I mean the the possibilities here. It's one of those beautiful things where you just realize that you have a base Foundation of really strong foundation and just like 5 or 10 Lego pieces and what you can build with it is Limitless and I the people who don't see this are missing. Like imagine that every Financial deal business payment system that you ever use no matter how quote unquote centralized. The actual service is no matter how like what jurisdiction you choose from. You always hold a provable path of signatures of hashes that makes you the only sole owner of that value and that you can always always The option to exit in that acts as a barrier to anyone trying to cheat you it's the elephant in the room every time you make an agreement with someone else or someone attempts to corrupt your agreement or someone attempts to take abuse of the trust that you have provided them that they have. There's this elephant in the room that you always have the capability to exit. So it makes no sense for them to do anything but be Ernest is an extension of the beauty of the Bitcoin system in and of itself that you're rewarded for being honest and you're punished. You have a high cost for trying to cheat the system through the proof of work and that is extended into a contract that is backed up by the proof of work incentive and settled to a chain that every single person in the entire world on their mobile phone can validate the undeniable proof of It's just awesome to me. This is such a fascinating way to like the continuous ways to become more efficient to pack pack more information into more densely into this chain of trust in to extend the unbelievable power of Bitcoin into new networks into new agreements into very complex and The faceted sets of ownership and new transaction systems and new liquidity markets. I mean this thing is truly going to be a Financial internet and internet of value in such an incredible way and we're still right at the beginning of this. I mean these were working these people are working on proposals right now to make these things a reality and people are already trying to cause this An open source software people can already play around with it. There are already designing the solutions with this and that's part of what we're going to talk about with Max tomorrow Max hillebrand. We are having him on the show, and I'm so excited to dive more into this. So I hope you guys will listen to tomorrow's episode as well. Don't forget to subscribe to the show. This is the crypto economy where we read all about Bitcoin and the development and the technology everything around the Case of the cryptographic economy. This is that place and I'm the guy who's going to explain and read it all to you. That's what I do. Thank you guys for joining me. Don't forget to check out Bitcoin They are the best resource for this type of stuff in my opinion like hands down Aaron Werdum right at the top of the stuff that I read when something else comes out about like some of these new developments just a huge huge. Thank you to those guys. For the amazing work that they do and if you don't have your physical copies of Bitcoin magazine you were going to fail because they're going to be worth a shit ton later in the future. You got to get him now. They're scarce there Bitcoin magazine only check it out at the shop. I'm the link to it if you want to do that and thank you guys so much for listening. Don't forget to subscribe. Follow me on Twitter at the crypto Kana me. I have the show notes for all this great stuff if you want to dive deeper in the wait, I have the links in the show notes, and we will be back here tomorrow with an interview with Max hillebrand if everything goes well, so don't miss it. I love you all and I will catch you tomorrow until then. Take it easy guys.
One of the many amazing technologies coming to Bitcoin, Taproot is one of the most promising improvements to the privacy, efficiency, & capabilities of the Bitcoin system. Another excellent article breaking it all down by Aaron Van Wirdum, published at, today we read & discuss: "Taproot Is Coming: What It Is, and How It Will Benefit Bitcoin" For a deeper dive into Taproot, check out the links provided at the bottom of the article. For more of Aaron Van Wirdum's excellent work in audio: • Our Chat with Aaron: • The "No Input Class" & Eltoo • Statechains: Sending Keys, Not Coins • Understanding Lightning Part 1 • Understanding Lightning Part 2 • Understanding Lightning Part 3 Grab a hard copy of the latest Bitcoin Magazine edition at their store below: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
For everyone who doesn't follow devil, we know on social media yet do it. Also. Here's an important announcement as of this week devil. We know would like to welcome Amanda from the state of Perfect Balance podcast to be a permanent part of our team from now on you'll have two awesome host sharing the stories that chill you to your bones. Look out world, the Dual narrative podcast is here fear. Love it and listen for more. You are listening to devil. We know a true crime podcast, which may contain adult themes explicit language and graphic depictions of violence portions of the show may be traumatic for those under 18. Listener discretion is advised. In this episode of devil, we know a man in his 20s Fosters romantic relationships with two people in their old age with the ultimate goal of killing them for a hefty inheritance. Killing this map to slide fantasize about is maggot try go against and now it's time for a Crimson Tide another king and I will resign on the throne and you know that chill this guy. On a cold January night Peter Anthony Scott Farquhar was born in Edinboro in 1946. Peter was the sort that maintained an intellectual interest for all of his life. His father was a general physician. So the encouragement for schooling was Paramount to Peter as such he spent time attending some of the best schools available nurturing a strong love for literary Pursuits. From lap mere Upper School in West London to Churchill college at Cambridge Peter studied English and literature at Great Lengths. Even as he went on to teach at Manchester grammar school, and then it's still an independent school in Stowe, England. Peter passionately pursued literature and other ways namely he had written on his own time even finishing a novel manuscript in 1997 titled a wide wide sea. Parkour is approach to teaching was often compared to that of the inspiring mentors of Hollywood such as John Keating the Econo King glish teacher in Dead Poets Society. As such his teaching inspired the approach of many a boy in his classes. He seemed to understand them to a great degree and his novel was one Layton proof of such a powerful grasp on the mindset of male youth. That same enthusiasm was something that translated over to his work after he left Stowe and began giving occasional lectures at Cambridge University starting in 2007. One friend and former pupil of Peters Michael Creek, even described Peter as having an acute understanding of the problems of modern adolescent boys for some he became almost like a second father. Perhaps it was this Zeal that blood into the crowd at his lectures encouraging many young students to approach him socially these solicitations were usually welcome. Of course Peter was a social animal and an intellectual at that. He lived to impart wisdom. And so when Benjamin field and Martin Smith came to him and became acquainted with the Learned writer. Nothing at all seems out of sorts for quite some time. For the elderly gentleman. It was likely that the Newfound attention from these two young men helped him feel a little less lonely. Now up in years Peter had never truly settled down. One may have said he was married to his career, but there was more to it. Peter struggled with the belief in Christian Theology and his feelings of Attraction toward men something that embattled his theology quite a bit. It became such an integral part of his inward struggle, but his first ever published novel between boy and man takes on those feelings of conflicted attraction and embodies them the struggles of his fictional School Chaplin the story based Loosely on Peters own experiences while its toe. It was this feeling perhaps of loneliness and misunderstanding that made him incredibly welcoming to the two boys, but sometime after making his acquaintance decided to move in with him Benjamin Martin even discovered a manuscript of Peters the tucked away copy of a wide wide sea and read through it. The pushed for Peter to publish it and they made other appeals of trust toward the man Whose desire to be seen had been fulfilled at long last or so. We thought then and Martin spent a lot of time with Peter and it was clear that the two had a lot to gain from it. They were able to receive years of wisdom from an acquaintance dare. They say even a friend whose experience had amounted to more than twice that of Their Own. Been a prolific writer in his own right also stood to gain the rubbing of shoulders while he got to know Peter and both Ben and Martin were rightly aware of the vast pension still trickling out of the sexagenarian. Both Ben and Martin were staying with Peter now and Peter's relationship with Ben soon grew into a romantic entanglement. Ben had told Peter that he was apparently through with girlfriends. Although he still was spending time with women on the side. However, Peters repressed feelings were much more easily manipulated by been once they begin sleeping together and been even wrote an email before nurturing this relationship detailing his intentions to rest from Peter and he rewards he could Anna most Sinister way. Peter a Scott four core is a man of many contradictions. He is a closeted Christian homosexual English teaching pennant with a serious problematic attraction to teens and who continues to privately tutor 14 and 15 year old boys and his home. I do not suspect him of ever acting inappropriately in any way this is because I know he is a virgin I first met Peter and my sixth term of University Peter usually acts in a fashion that betrays his fearful nature overcautious and aged example when making a cup of tea, he will go throw the bag into the cup but as in stricken by apprehension and goes to toss the thing several times before dropping it from a distance of 3 to 5 inches. It's All but summarizes his entire demeanor Desiring to appear masterful. He contemplates a Showmanship is a version to failure inhibits. He ends up looking far more insecure and shaky than if he was not trying to present himself to the world at the end of term. I called Peter invited myself over the reasons for this are manifold but Center on career-minded avarice. I wanted to work at the University where he was a guest lecturer or at Stowe school where he had been head of English for 21 years. So I went over and was amusing and cheered the poor man up. He retired early to be a novelist and his day-to-day existence was lonely note later in our friendship. I edited his second novel for him and suggested that we collaborate on a book. This is once again my own ambition seeking to exploit Peters vanity and his desire for companionship time passed. I saw Peter again and again, he once came to Olney and I showed him. Around the various churches and spoke about the history of the Baptist Christian tradition in Britain blond blah. Typically though. I would visit him during a free hour or two while I was in Buckingham anyway, and he would make us a meal I had and still have a very clear model of relationships reciprocity or mutuality, which is vulgar early commercial. He gives me things and it gets me for a length of time. Historical example, he lets me stay in the spare room makes me dinner and breakfast and in exchange he wins at chess and feels a little less lonely. This is needlessly cruel. Of course. I do like the man in appreciate some of the things he's done for me. However, that's not really an interesting thing to say. Needlessly cruel then called it and yet he did more than just use Peter. He began to be used to add insult to injury bended Martin shrewd as they were had devised system through which they would glean much more than a furthering of career from not just Peter but several targets whom they called clients and their plans. The execution of such a strategy was as Ben said needlessly cruel, but the goal was clear. Ben and Martin aimed to secure inheritances from pension ears and their regular black widow fashion earning trust and becoming the named inheritors of Estates of all sizes before ending the lives of the selected clients to cash in on their Twisted plots or projects. Plans for ending each client's life were called exit strategies and there was much more planning that went into this part of the scam as well. But for bed and Martin who had yet to cash in on their plan with a single person turn their full attention on Peter first to read through Awards of their SEC efforts. Benjamin Martin had notes some of which detailed methods of killing and one of Ben's many ideas was to have Peter died and alcoholics death. Been even recorded a rap on his dictaphone glorifying himself as he plots to kill the man. He has claimed to love. So the two sector work in bringing about their plans. As Ben had become Peter supposed partner and definite Confidant. It was a question of Peters last will and testament which when it came up was apparently left to Peter's brother Ian Peter though soon named Ben and his will and his dad as the to underwent a betrothal ceremony in 2014. Peter believe that he would not have to worry about dying alone and in a way he was right. Ben want about a slow and cruel method for the eventual extrication of Peter from the ties of his life firstly been began to drug Peter. Taking apart Peters own medications to add drugs of his choice into the mix. The initial changes were sudden Peter began to notice that he felt more groggy than usual. He experience hallucinations and he felt less stable one time sustaining serious injuries from a fall. But that wasn't all. Then also took to moving things around Peter's home when Peter wasn't looking. These things would go missing frequently enough that Peter began to question his own sanity. And only when Ben came home with these items be miraculously found. Ian Peters brother said later that these actions were robbing Peter of the things he held most dear including his intellect since he now started to doubt his own work. Peter had also become less social and more in depth in his usual intellectual environments. And in one case, he even experienced the psychoactive drugs to their utmost effect. The day in question was the day that he released his book a wide wide sea which Ben and Martin had encouraged Peter to publish and yet Ben was there. slipping him psychedelic 2cb to turn the man into a gibbering shadow of that which he once was it made many students of his nervous as people came from near and far to learn from Peter his quick wit was legendary to a local degree. And yet although students and Friends worried Peter's trips to the doctors turned up. Nothing suspicious. It was as if nothing was out of the ordinary medically speaking anyway. He had been hospitalized unless for these episodes from April to September of 2015. But the doctors did not suspect or test for drugging. Not only did been slit Peter drugs though. He encouraged Peters drinking to exacerbate the issues that came of these drugs and eventually he used the same drinking Habit to convince Peter that he was unwell Ben told Peter that he believed Peter had become an alcoholic and Peter whose Vision had been blurred by a traction and by months of drugging believed him. Peter who is finding his crystal glass in the freezer and finding all his contacts deleted on his phone. Firmly believed that his mind was simply going at the hands of his lover though. Peter was suffering a slower deterioration after the initial changes that left him listless depressed and devastated at the loss of that which he held dearest his mind. Not every student who maintained contact with Peter had Sinister motives one such former student a man named Richard Searby had been taught by Peter at Stowe in the 1980s Richard Searby among others notice the seemingly sudden shift to the daughtery and Confused state that Peter was in when the to in July of 2015 made a visit to the theater. They are Richard was saddened by the apparent loss of wherewithal that Peter was experiencing, but something didn't Sit right with Richard. He had met been multiple times at Peter's home. And for Richard something about the younger man was unnerving. In fact during Richards Last Visit to Peter's home in September 2015. The two were enjoying a walk around the house. Peter was still frail. But sometime in a care home had significantly improved his condition. However, when been appeared leaving the house to get something from the shops, there was that feeling of disquiet once again for Richard. Still he finished up his visit with Peter and he later left driving through Buckingham a new ride town where he noticed this guy following him same car that been left the house in an eerie feeling encompassed Richard as he drove. He followed me to the edge of town and turned away without waving or flashing his lights. The very next month on October 3rd. Peter was hospitalized yet again and his symptoms drove doctors to conclude. He had overdosed on 14 tablets of fluoride. Pam a psychoactive drug, which Peter was prescribed as well as 400 milliliters of gin a dangerous mixture that was sure to have massive repercussions. But Peter didn't remember taking those meds and he assured the hospital attendants that he was not suicidal. It wasn't long before he was back in his own home or he was assumed safe and sound until that is on the 26th of October when Peter was found dead in his own home by the cleaner. Who came Came into his home. He sat dead on the sofa next to his pills and whiskey bottle and a glass. It seemed that he had done it again, and it was not assumed to be suspicious foremost who knew not much of Peters home life. Ian though, I had come and saw the glass and bottle where they lay next to Peter spot on the couch and felt as though something was amiss not an investigator though. He soon dismissed the thoughts as he had Peters Affairs to worry about He went to have a talk with been which he later described as unreal. It seemed that Ben was virtually unaffected by the catastrophic event at hand and it wasn't just Ian that thought so Richard who eventually got to see his friend one last time at the funeral got an even better. Look at Ben. He later told media at the funeral. I thought he was surprisingly lacking in grief. My wife and I commented at the time we thought he was quite perky given the circumstances. Ben Martin had gaslighted Peter conspired to bring about mental anguish that causes a person to doubt their sanity. It was cruelly intended and even as they brought about the man's death they were able to glean from an inheritance of which Ben was left the Lion's Share. Peter trusted been implicitly and in the shadows been we've destruction from the unknowing victim in addition the two young men set up a posthumously named company for Peters unpublished Works. Hoping to release them for a profit. It was clear what had happened to many but the doubt and suspicion would not motivate the police until months later for now Ben and Martin walked free to strike along their hundred-person list of potential clients. But they didn't go far before beginning their next project Benfield though clever and matters of manipulation was a cocky killer. Although he used the funds from Peters inheritance to get a toaster apartment. He lacked the street smarts to know that it was a bad idea to take his dark game three doors down into the home of an more Martin. We will be right back after these short messages. And was another person just bends type retired unwed with no children speak of undeveloped and her faith of Roman Catholicism. She was born in Kent and her career as a Catholic school teacher took her from town to town all over England. After being appointed as headmistress at a Catholic Primary School in Bicester Oxfordshire when she made this last move in her career, she made her home with her mother and Maids Morton an attached home. That was Three Doors Down from Peter Farquhar. And who is now in her 80s but a sense of surprise and wonder when Benfield began writing to the retired head teacher. He paid regular visits to her home. He wrote poems love letters and other messages to this woman who lived just down the street from his previous mark. Little did she know he was the reason for Peters departure? She met Ben sure once he had moved in with the author, but nothing had explicitly implicated Foul Play initially. However, it wasn't as if the new relationship was considered a normal thing and who lived alone all her life was a well-loved part of her own family Auntie Anne as they called her wasn't just an ant but a mom grandmother. And end all rolled into one. It was her nurturing spirit that made her family care so much for her and when her relatives especially her niece and Marie Blake learned of Ben's role in the woman's life. They grew suspicious been who is over 50 years. Her Junior was spending a lot of time wooing and he said that he loved her and soon he began to have a sexual relationship with her one time even taking photographs of her as she was engaging with him and sexual acts without her knowledge something. Thought he could eventually use as blackmail if need be. Then knew how important hands religious background was to her and it wasn't just something that he took to using as blackmail been also took to writing so-called messages from God on the mirrors and Ann's home these like so many of the things that he did were planned written down with many of them reading inspirationally such as your intentions are holy your work is not yet done. Take care and complete the task given to you by the Lord. Others to explicitly mentioned Ben and call to attention her relationship with him such as pray for Ben Ben loves you and all that you give him will return tenfold soon. The messages had their way with The Devout old woman whose affections for Ben would not belie his true nature. They convinced her to change her will. She was swooning for Ben who had acted as a Christian himself. He had everyone fooled and it wasn't just for the late payoff. Been swindled and life as much as he tried to do in death. Ben first fraudulently claimed that he was in desperate need of a car for this. He eventually came to an and an encouraged into obscene generosity with then by the messages in her mirrors. Gave the money needed to Ben. She gave him four thousand Pounds Sterling to use for this purchase, but she gave him even more later when been approached her with a fake sob story involving his very real brother, Tom. Tom and Ben both falsely claim that Tom was experiencing kidney failure at an insanely quick rate to the point where he required a dialysis machine of his own in order to function on pain of death. Answer this very seriously and she took no issue with giving been another 27,000 in order to get help for his brother. Tom who had been in on the take new of Ben's projects and had in fact called it good fun only advising against the manipulation of these elderly people's last Wills. And apparently mattered not what been dead in life to extort and Gaslight these Unfortunate Souls for whom generosity was obviously a common trait. It only mattered to Tom that been did not mess with the wills of these people probably because the amount of attention such changes would likely receive in succession still Tom and Ben were quite fine with taking the 31,000 from her that she gladly offered to help a dear friend. In fact, she made sure to call the bank and make it happen as soon as she could. As could be heard in the following phone call. I'll do I'm just going to hand you over to I'm thinking of withdrawing all my accounts money held in my accounts. Okay sometimes and because I have an urgent need for them. I have a very dear friend who is above the other than our very different. He is extremely ill. He's got very difficult kidney difficulty and And is likely to die if he doesn't have his own dialysis machine and so on. I've been thinking of a way in which I can help him. He is a lovely young man. He's got this lovely brother who's a bit Odin into to stay alive. He actually has to have this dialogue his machine. Okay, he's heartbroken because he can't continue at the moment in life one must not be selfish and keep everything to yourself. It's this investment was worth it as I think he's gay. A very helpful for them. After a message from God came to an telling her to leave her home to Ben she began to have trouble sleeping during this time been apparently offered her a white powder and the concoction. He brought her seem to help her sleep. It wasn't long though until the drugs that Ben was evidently bringing her maid and fall terribly ill when she did she wound up in the hospital where her niece Anne-Marie accompanied and comfort her. It was then that an finally gained Lucidity. She understood the nature of Ben's relationship with her a little better after discussing with Anne-Marie that she had been receiving this white powder to sleep. But also that she had been finding these mysterious messages from God which the to now suspected to be Ben's doing although Anne. Marie said that Anne had trouble getting her mind around the Betrayal one thing was evident to and now she had to change her will back she was wrought with confusion and and Anne Marie came to the police with the suspicions that she had her laying the information about the evident drugging and the mirrors that had been speaking to an and her home and whose thoughts were finally clearer. Once more asked her knees shortly before her stroke a few weeks after her hospitalization quote. I'm such an intelligent woman. How could I let this happen to me and quote in her will and left her home and the rest of her estate which totaled about 380,000 to Marie the same niece who stayed by her side and her last struggles against the cruel calculating killer who had come for her money. After his and Martin's arrests been admitted to the manipulation and fraud. He admitted to gaslighting each of the victims Peter Farquhar an an more Martin had been without a doubt swindled by this man and his accomplices Martin and Tom and ways that hadn't fully been realized until his confession. Been Advanced all in the little village of Maine's Morton, but he was a Christian himself a boy called into the service of the Lord. He was a Baptist preacher son and a church Warden. He even expressed Ambitions to Vicar him. He made a lie based around truth seen you which is the easiest kind to get away with Ben for his part believe that sharing these details of fraud would make him appear honest and that the jury would buy his plea of Innocence on the count of murder against him. When the investigation came down hard on the projects and the team behind them though, not much stuck on anyone but Ben Martin who walked free of the murder charge simply stated that he learned from The Experience. I'm relieved that this ordeal is finally over the lessons I take from this case our first and foremost to always be your own person and secondly to always choose your friends very carefully. Tom similarly walked free the charge against him for defrauding the late schoolteacher for the dialysis money. Then though had concocted a defense for his crimes that didn't pan out. He admitted to his actions and gaslighting the to. Saying of his work with Peter that he did it for no other reason other than it was cruel to upset and torment Peter. purely out of meanness He loaded Peter up with drugs. Lorazepam hallucinogenics bio ethanol and poteen in addition to the alcohol that he encouraged petered sit and Vibe on a regular basis. He also was discovered to have looked at various horrific ways to torture his two Targets including online searches for information on injecting testicles with lactic acid and bleach enemas two of the more cruel ways that he obviously was ruminating on as he did his evil Deeds. His defense based around telling only of his manipulation Mom unless failed. He had intended to kill the pair. It was clear. He did not prove his so-called honesty to the court and his Cruel Intentions simply solidified the reality before the court. Then field was a cold-blooded killer the lead investigator for the case as well as the prosecuting team believed improved that Ben had suffocated Peter after drugging him. So potently that he'd given no resistance. They also believe that given the chance Ben would have most certainly become a serial killer stalking and prowling for the Lonely People of old age looking to torment them and then to get paid doing it. And was found to have died of natural causes but she was still a victim of Ben's fraudulent activities. Then didn't get stuck the charge of conspiracy to murder or attempted murder of an but he was found guilty of the murder of Peter Farquhar with a jury taking 77 hours to reach the final verdict. Judge, Justice Sweeney told reporters that it was in fact a challenging case, but in the end the clarity of the issue brought forth their killer been who is sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 36 years in 2018. It's not known whether the fraud that Martin and Tom engaged in with been discontinued after Ben's sentencing. What is known as this been was the evident Mastermind in this plot, the ringleader of sorts with notes and recorded conversations that led the police right to him as the principal actor in these crimes. The involvement of each other man was deplorable. But without more to go on they walked free of the charges against them while been began his life Behind Bars. Then had made a life out of lying and manipulation and when the truth came out there were others who shared their stories of the man. They thought they knew. BBC Radio 5 live was able to produce a documentary on this life of been which they called killer in the congregation. In it one contact from Ben's earlier life shares her thoughts on the man who turned out to be a sadist and murderer the following excerpt from the story helps to reveal the nature of Ben's deceit and to what lengths it had gone. Quote Lucy not her real name had been friends with field for a long time and thought she knew everything about the man who made her laugh with his funny stories, but she admitted to BBC Radio 5 live documentary killer in the congregation that the person I knew probably didn't ever exist. He was always a bit odd. She said like lovable odd the stories. He told would make me laugh because he was always very good at observing people when field was charged with Lucy wanted to believe he was innocent but reading the evidence against him made her realize she didn't know him at all. I guess there's always a part of you that hopes. It will turn out to be some weird joke and then you see photographic evidence in your like oh God, she said and quote. There are dark Deeds going on in every neighborhood big or small young or old there are those who prey on children and those who prey on their peers? What's evident here is that people also prey on those who have lived their lives? Those who have a plethora of years behind them simply looking for peace and a reason within the Twilight of their days. And those people just like everyone else deserve justice. They deserve the ability to live as unfearing Citizens and what should be a warm cozy existence. But the world is cold and although we have friends and family live in it. The world is also shared by Predators some cunning some stronger than us and some most definitely hiding in sheep's clothing. When we've reached the end of the road to discover, it's a trap. It's these Predators these people devoid of moral conduct. But take from us until there's nothing left but a heap a shell of our former selves. It's in this position that Peter and Anne's families found them. Thanks to the work of Ben and his accomplices. And it's thanks to Ben and others like him prowling the homes of the lonely and helpless that we have to sleep restlessly at night unsure of what's really out there. Because of these people we can never really know what people are like not really. Hey devil, we know fans. I wanted to share with you another band to pique your interest meet just a mess a local band that plays out a plethora of places in the Chicago area. In fact, Thursday November 21st is another show of theirs at Roscoe's in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The show is around 8 p.m. That night so head on over to hear them play. You won't regret it their song Manifest Destiny has been quite the hit and made it onto YouTube as the band's first official music video. Here's a sneak peek at the Rock and sound and if you like what you hear follow the link in the show notes to find them on Spotify. So without further Ado just a mess. saying manifest destiny Perhaps thinking about the day your badges. The new intro we played was produced and created by Chase Gray from Chase multimedia. I want to give a huge shout out the chase just phenomenal work super talented guy more importantly super nice guy. So, thank you Chase. Please go to devil. We know for support of the show. You can buy merch there and donate any amount of money to the show. Just a one-time donation would help. You can also join our patreon at slash devil. We know podcast where you get to minisodes a month for one dollar. It's pretty good deal. You also get some stickers. I would like to give a huge shout-out to our new patreon member Dia. Thank you so much for joining and being part of our family. And until next week stay safe. Sources the Thames Valley police Harry shoe command David Brown of the times Bill Gardner of the telegraph Joe Black and Vicki Farnum of BBC Radio 5 live BBC News Rod mention of independent just glass of the Metro UK Jean Twomey of Express Martin fricker and Adam Aspen all of the free library. Steven Naismith of the Harold Thomas Bamford of the Bucks Herald a memo didn't of the guardian and Mike's Malcolm of Cornwall life.
A man in his 20s fosters romantic relationships with two people in their old age, with the ultimate goal of killing them for a hefty inheritance.Written and Researched by David Wayne Young, Intro Music by Chase GrayJust A Mess plays at Rosco's in Milwaukee, WI on Nov. 21st at 8 PM.
So they deducted from my calories. Yeah, there is lots of pitfalls on the way but in a few weeks it starts getting very efficient. So it doesn't take that much time because normally they eat the same food and it's already is in the database and it takes just 30 seconds to put in a Mill and normally this is where I want this.They think it's about discipline and food, but it's more about discipline and consistency of your records. I have a client who when he records in my fitness as well. He stayed in loses weight. Then he stops recording. He starts gaining weight. You are listening to the Ricky Long podcast where International Fitness entrepreneur Ricky Long answers your questions and interviews Fitness leaders on training nutrition. Rishon and mindset Ricky is a fitness industry expert having been helping people achieve their fitness goals since 2002. We talked everything Fitness business and group exercise to help you on your fitness journey. This podcast is a Ricky Long podcast. This podcast is number 55 in the Ricky Long podcast Series. This podcast is sponsored by Rhian because that's all it does in Scotland. Welcome to another episode of the regular podcast. And by the way, this is the first podcast I have done since I became. A marathon swimmer. Thank you. Thank you very much. I know that's really impressed you. Two days ago on Saturday the 7th of September. I completed a 10K swim in Loch Lomond and it's likened to be in the same type of challenge as a rule drum Marathon to a roadrunner thing is 42 kilometers 26 miles a 10K swim is a 10K swim and for the average person. Both of them would take in Android for four and a half hours. That is assuming you can both swim and run. I'm so I'm very very happy to have completed that Loch Lomond swim. I learned a lot about I'm going to do a podcast upload it later on in the week. Just want to kind of get my thoughts back together and can really digest but I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has reached owed and sent the message overwhelming amount of support on social media both on the day and in the the pictures and videos afterwards. So thank you very much for that and a massive showed and thank you to Rhonda who come up take some pictures and videos and the ways who come up took some pictures videos. Absolutely fantastic. So thank you very much for that. This episode was one of my favorite episodes. I have ever done on the wrecking all podcast. I had a good friend ex-colleague at Les Mills called Olga and you'll hear me try to pronounce her cernium as we do the podcast. So I'm not going to ruin that by trying to do at night all this is originally from Ukraine has lived in the UK since 2009 of as a personal trainer. And specializes in nutrition coaching. So here if we just we go to time we discuss nutrition and high that looks to the everyday person and we go to town on a weed a sector. We pull it apart. We we talk about fads and myths and processes and high people can work it out for ourselves and we spend a lot of time talking about exactly what all good doors in her nutrition coaching courses. So all her runs a this week nutrition course, which he does on a one-to-one basis with her clients, and I obviously get her to walk through the process with me. As we do the podcast and I just had a lot of fun doing it. I really really good long conversation. I think we were chatting for about 60 minutes and no you will get a lot of value from this soup, please please please give a listen get it maybe for this one get a pair night. Just get ready to take some notes or use the notes section in your foam huge huge. I might the value in this episode for absolutely anyone who cares about your nutrition and what they're eating we're going Mindset stuff as well all the way through, you know, it's really important to remember that you don't be in a calorie deficit, you know that principles easy. Look at after you nutrition and principle is easy, but it's the application or that which is where people find the challenges and the hurdles and the walls. So it is the the mindset which we talked about a lot and I did just get in there positive mindset around all of that. And then lastly we'll talk a little bit of business. Of business. So talk about what Olga's doing noise what you're doing next and all the made the transition from being a Les Mills National presenter for Les Mills, UK National trainer presenter and how noisy she doesn't do that rule and she's not teaching classes as well why she made that transition how she made that transition and how she feels about it knows who she you'll hear about in the episode it was I don't want to say too much at this point because I just want you to listen to it kind of organically. So yeah, I'm just going to stop chatting about that because you want to hear all those thoughts and that and you're going to hear my thoughts and that you'll hear that about three-quarters of the way. So the episode this episode with Olga sponsored by Podium for sport Northern Ireland sports retailer all the year 2018 specializing in Reebok now knows right now. Specializing in all the Ulster and Ireland rugby kit get involved. Give them a follow. Thank you so much for your support over the chat with Olga Olga on ash anko, pies that Olga automation Point, yes. Alright this podcast is going to be absolutely fantastic with Olga on a shank. Oh hi Olga. Hello. Hi, Ricky. We've spent that by the last are five minutes not really discussing the episode would just basically been discussing how I'm going to say your cernium with my my basic understanding on a shame. Yes. Very good. No, I have no no longer a long time probably for five years. Yeah. We've been on the the Les Mills UK Treatment team together. I'm further than that. We're just you know, we're all really being connected on social media follow each other what each other's doing and I've always loved the content all this product and I'm so happy to have you here on this podcast. So thank you for giving up your time. It is nine o'clock on a Monday morning. I cannot think of a better way to start out with them recording a podcast. Yeah, thank you very much for inviting me. Yeah, nice. Nice morning. We have rain in Sheffield. Oh, yeah. It's raining in Scotland as well. Obviously Scotland. So tell the listeners a bit about yourself. Who are you and what do you do? I am a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I specialize on fat loss. And what else did you do? Yeah, that's my main my main focus now love that training nutrition coaching. Yeah, I do questions and I do fat loss and I'm a coach for both absolutely fantastic. So you've what else can you say? So just so that the listeners know said you lived in Sheffield. Where are you originally from? And when did you move the chef is? Yeah, I'm originally from the south of Ukraine. And I lived for a long time in the Ukrainian Capital Kiev. And then you've just shuffled into solvent 9 I came there to do my PHD in social science. I did it and then I started slowly transitioning into fitness because this is what I really love to do. Okay. I'm how did that I don't know that. How did that transition Look From Below? Do what social science because I'm sure my perception of what social science even completely wrong. And so will a lot of others. Haha. It's so wide notion. Actually, I started economics and international business as my undergrad and graduate degrees and then in scheffel, they started public policy. Okay and informal cash flows. It was very boring. So like Jim was much more fun. Yeah, and I was always fascinated by nutrition fat loss my from that time My Views and my perception of all this Nutrition Fitness fat loss changed so much almost 180 degrees, but I'm still here and I'm still enjoying it. Okay good. Again, I'm so for the listeners listen to this. I'll probably say this in the pre-show notes as well. This is the most relaxed podcast I've ever done because I am actually lying in my bed right now because we are getting work done outside the house and I can hear the Builders of stardom already. So if we if you do hear anything like mechanical Reagan and the background that is exactly what you think it is. It is people building on the side of our high school did apologize for that. So all good tell me about Your business knowing your personal training business Na and you nutrition coaching. You know, what? What does that look like? At the moment. I'm based in shuffled the small private gym. It's called Kettle Club. So I train clients life at the moment. I have packages that include nutrition in addition to personal training because all my first clients were doing only personal training and then nutrition was bad. Of course, they were not getting results and they would not listen to me when I'm teaching them nutrition between the sets. Nobody will listen to you when you try to help clients without charging them first, and then just giving some tips during your workout. So now my packages includes. Nutrition advice together with personal training but I also work with people who do not live and shuffled I do nutrition advice for them and what it takes is normally six weeks or more and during the first few weeks were just observing the nutrition the right everything into my fitness pole. I would say it's my Niche people who are ready to be as precise reason. Raishin to be able to write down their calories. They do not have to do it all their life at some point. They just give a sense of what is high calorie. What is low calorie and have a bit of intuitive eating after this two weeks. I analyzed What they've eaten how many calories they they've eaten their makris protein fat carbs. I look at their activity average activity during the weeks because normally will have the same activity one week after week the same amount of classes we do or workouts. We do the same amount of steps we walk So taking into consideration the activity and then attrition and the trends in the weight and waist circumference. I prescribed to them the exact amount of calories and fats protein and carbs. They should eat on weekly basis. And then I just teach them about the flexibility. That's actually yes. This amount of protein is recommended. But if you go under or above this you are not Olympic a slit It's okay. Listen to body don't force feed yourself protein bars. If you cannot get enough protein from your diet, if you somewhere in reasonable amounts, that's fine with me cause calories. The calorie deficit is the most important for fat loss and maybe one day you will overdo it other day you will. Compensate and actually making people understand that it's all about flexibility helps people to stick to the diet for longer time, and I actually enjoyed it though. Because the biggest problem for many people is that they cannot stick to the diet for long enough and they cannot resist the cravings and this is another type of the people I call my Niche. Okay, those who try to lose weight. They work hard they died strict. They tender they've got it but then they're all back because willpower is depleted. They feel defeated. They feel stuck they start again. Start self-loathing very often. So my task is to explain them that that should not be as hard. They need to be flexible. They need to show a bit more of self-love and then gradually without too much expectation without any harsh dieting or extreme dieting there will achieve their goals another biggest mistake. take my Usual clients make is wrong measurements. They expect their way to go down very soon. Whereas the recommended weight loss is one percent of weight weekly and its maximum if you're not overweight if you're not at these so for me with my 60kg 62kg, it's 600 grams per week. It's freaking slow for many people many people will see I'm not getting any results they need to Cut carbs, for example, whereas they are getting results. So they just cannot see it in the first week and the second week because it's slow and when it's slow its long-term, you can keep the weight off. Yeah, they're its arms frantically taken notes hero and questions or want to want to go into so many there are what I want to just stick on what you said at the end there about how I like weight loss that isn't linear and people think You know with the two Pines a week two pints of wake everyone will lose 2 pounds a week if you're in a calorie deficit and it will hold on and if you're a hundred and eighty points and you lose two pounds a week well in about 2 years, then you're going to weigh nothing at all. Yeah, so it doesn't work like that and you'll have weeks. We're just, you know life gets in the way so you might have, you know a little bit more stress. So if you're stressed your It has all levels will rise. So you'll retain more water and that will give you this cool Uncle weight loss and you have weeks where maybe you won't be as hydrated and that will give you lots of weight loss. But as you just said that's not permanent that that is literally just water so I think and what's actually mean dude is on social media recently. There has been a lot of posts about that sort of thing and that whole, you know, if you can do you know two points a week or one percent Your body mass a week, which is what you said. That's fantastic. But that's just a guideline and that will that will stall you might do that consistently for four or five weeks and then you might stall for another four or five weeks. But in that for five weeks where you have stalled Sorry, your body weight has stalled. It can be a whole lot of other things going on like your your body mass composition and you what you're actually body fat is and maybe Hall you're actually performing in the gym. And then if you don't know the first thing was going to ask what he said there is what what factors do you find when you're helping people to use my fitness pal? How do you find that relationship for maybe someone who's never used a nap before to track food or maybe somebody who? Never truck food before how do you find when you start doing that? What sort of things are going on? What are you talking about? Yeah it first it takes time. It takes time. They ask questions. I show them how to do it. And then yeah, they when he starts complaining I can take so much time. There are so many mistakes. What's a bullshit database or it's counting my steps. Should I add on should I deduct it from my calories? Yeah, there is lots of pitfalls with the way but in a few weeks it starts getting very efficient. So it doesn't take that much time because normally they It's the same food and it's already is in the database and it takes just 30 seconds to put in a Mill. And normally this is where I want discipline. They think it's about discipline and food, but it's more about discipline and consistency of your records. I have a client who when he records in MyFitnessPal. He stayed in loses weight. Then he stops recording. He starts gaining weight. So He's not doing it for six weeks. And now he finally got used to consistency and he's not complaining anymore and it doesn't even take much time for him and I think soon he will just until you Tbilisi. Where he is overdoing the calories in some particular day, for example, eating two pizzas. Yeah, that's that's that's that's guy. It's two pieces. It takes two thousand calories and then well that's that's a little bit more food. And this is his done for the day and he's okay with that. Not that he's two pizzas every day. He is fine for the rest of the week. But intuitively he knows that on that day. It's better not to eat third Pizza. What a day. That is exactly. Yeah. So I was going to say about you know, obviously - there's on the podcast are well used to and you've already said this calories come first and then you look at the the macros proteins fats carbs, and I'm curious what What process do you put in place for people to work out their calories you use and after work that I do use a mathematical system. Just curious to what you do. Well first I calculate protein based on the weight based on the activity and I give them the range of protein intake Chrome, for example, 70 grams of protein to 140 grams of protein. If they laugh protein, they're welcome to it's 140 grams of protein if they are vegans or they don't it's like meat or fish or protein supplements. It's okay that they eat. Few grams of protein file but like I gave them recommended range. Then the rest of the color is we divide between protein and fat sorry carbs and fat and this is where it comes to the preference. Yeah. Of course. I advised to fill it in with no vegetables. And whole whole grains Whole Foods that they're more wholesome the better it is. Yeah, and of course there are some minimum amount of fats. They have to consume. Yeah, but then flexibility and preferences taste preferences of the primary importance. I like your approach. I've done this a couple of times if I'm honest. I do this more for myself than anyone else is when I'm trying to you know, be good with my calories and stay in that color e deficit or maintenance. I'll worked in the proteins first on the like that approach you do so for anyone listening is one gram of protein is going to be four calories. So if you know, you're eating a hundred grams of protein for the day that's going to be 400 calories of protein for that damn just use 100 grams as an example the general guidelines, would you agree with This one and a half times your body whipped or do you yeah, that's funny. Yeah 1 and 1/2 + - yeah. Absolutely. If you live quite accidentally lifestyle, you could 1 and 1/2 of B, you know, maybe high end of the scale if you're like myself like yogurt maybe do a lot of a lot of Fitness a lot of exercise you can happily go up to two maybe even two point exactly. So I'm 90 kilograms. I normally IAM for about a hundred and eighty Grams of protein per day. Sometimes we'll go more. Sometimes you go less do calorie-wise that's going to work out between five and six hundred calories or I like that system of doing it because it creates a good habits and people where it's I'm focusing on getting my proteins, which is also my calories and then as you just said, you can play with your carbs and fats just dependent or on your preference. How do you help people? Find out whether they're carb or fat adapted you have any systems to do that? We just experiment and they just noticed how they feel. Yeah. Do they feel better do they feel more energy with higher price was high effects, or do they feel better with higher carbs? And also if they exercise like higher higher carbs, like they need some starchy carbs if they exercise intense and they exercise hard and it actually helps the satiety as well because very often when people go only for approach Fat and very low carb against what the body tell them they stay hungry and they would crave more sweets and more calories and more food. So I'm sometimes I just say fuck the muckross completely agree as flexible as you can listen to your body. Let yourself eat. A cake or two. Yeah, maybe today you will eat two pieces tomorrow, you will eat two pieces, but the day after tomorrow, you will not even want to look at the cake anymore. You will crave salad and it helps. Yeah, you you've said that she's touching us a couple of times is like the biggest so they did this study. This is straight out of Summer Los Angeles content quite recently and how I like they spent hundreds. Parsons and Pines and that this massive research on what is the best diet for fat loss. So they're went away, you know, six months 12 months whatever it was and everyone was so Keen to see the results and then the end they find the best diet. It's the diet that the person can stick to exactly so adherence is everything sure if you come to me and say right Ricky you're going to lose weight. You need to go into your calorie deficit which is the principal the method you're going to use because The principal will never change if you want to lose fat. You've got to be in a calorie deficit the principal will never change to the method you're going to use Ricky is you are going to weigh all your food and put it all on top of our boxes seven days a week and I'd be like no that's not happening. I'm not sticking to that diet. I will I cannot do that at doesn't compliment My Lifestyle. So the adherence to someone so use the example of Kate and pizzas if that person likes Pizza And you say right Ricky you like pizza, you're not like pizza in your diet for the next six months because we've got to put in a calorie deficit already. I don't like you. I don't like the diet. You've given me so I am not only to hear that. So the biggest thing to stay in a calorie deficit is finding the method which which serves the person doing it. Exactly. Yeah and how I normally work I calculate. Everything for my clients, but I also show how I did it. Okay, so that later they can do it themselves. They understand how it works so that after this six weeks or eight weeks or Doesn't matter how long we will work with them after this. They can do it on their own without asking for anyone's advice without paying for another nutrition plan. I educate them. I explain them how to calculate that for themselves. Do you find yourself prescribing this for your clients? Like, you know the some of the typical diet, so I'm just thinking off the top of my head. Would you find yourself prescribed and intermittent fasting peel you, you know, go 80% plant-based which is quite popular right now. Did you find yourself leaning towards any kind of method over others? Not at all because all the diets. My help because they might help to start eating fewer calories. But all the diet's involve restriction, even if we take intermittent fasting you are restricted. You can't eat food till certain time of the day. This is restriction ever take Polly. Oh, you can't eat much carbs. This is restriction. Any diet puts too much restriction and science shows that what food we restrict we want more of it We crave more of it. And yes 10% of people can stick to any diet for like lifelong. They somehow had this unlimited willpower, but 90% of people they can't and this is normal. Yeah, and I hated that people hate themselves and feel defeated feel like lacking self. All and week and like filling sheet about themselves when they go off diet when they fall off the wagon and this is not their fault will power is limited resource here with that amount of restriction that people normally use when they diet anyone will start obsessed with pizza or cake or food in general. Yeah, and it's back to that if you put the restriction on someone and they have a slip so we'll come back. They come after pizza because I actually do love pizza. If you tell me I can't eat pizza and then I'll ask for two weeks and then three weeks and then all the sudden, you know, my mom will pores depleted as we've just said and I have a picture of fruit pizza myself is we've got a flip the mentality that that is bad because if I start freaking out and say it My God, I'm such a bad person. I've just had a pizza. I've ridden the diet and that's kind of self-loathing which I think you said as well as I'll actually create such a bad environment for my body emits or create such stress and was cortisol levels again working. I'm actually doing more harm with the stress than I ever did with the quote on quote bad food, which is the pizza and for people listening Pizza is not a bad food pizzas are fantastic food and can be part of a great diet and that's the mentality. Worthy that we've got a got a sweatshirt just sent us a note. I love how you're very it's the flexible approach. You know, it's long as you stick to the principle, which is a calorie. If you're looking for fat loss. It's a calorie deficit you can use whatever method you want. You can use a mixture of methods you could do correct me if I'm wrong. You could their Dev peel your if you want the day of intermittent fasting you could do a day of, you know have one slice of pizza have exactly one scoop of ice cream and have a couple of For your dinner and as long as you're in that calorie, that's you might not feel too good that there are people still be in your calorie. Deficit. Yeah nor really clear. Yeah, so if I'm working for you You know one that did you say it's a six-week nutrition program? Mmm. What would kind of our first meeting look like what would our first conversation look like? First of all, I will instruct you about record in your food in your nutrition theory on my fitness pal and doing measurements. Yes, my clients do way. I'm not ditch this. Salesperson and being afraid of scales is a little bit like too much. They're just scales and the number is on the scales may give us a really good picture of if the person is in deficits or not in two weeks. Nobody will gain much muscle, right? So the movement on the scales will give us the picture of movement of water and fats and if we take the average of the first tweak and second week or the way, it's Trend and if we look at the calories that the person was eating we can make conclusions on whether the person was and maintenance in calorie deficit or in color result Surplus from there. I know how many calories I should prescribe to the person so that the client starts losing weight. So on the second meeting or cage up via messenger or video call I Explain the person that prescriptions so I create a document where I explain how everything was calculated. What is best to eat? What is the recommended makris would and why I will recommend or how much and why protein I will recommend to eat how much carbs and fats this range the recommended range and then I will also advise what exactly they should eat good foods to choose and normally it's a whole food. So I actually give exactly what can be fat Source what can be carb source and protein source. Then for the next two weeks, they start eating according to my prescriptions and start losing the weight. And then after these two weeks we will catch up again and we're just depending on the feedback depending on the progress. Maybe they're losing weight too fast. Maybe they're losing this to pounds per week, which is too much and the calorie deficit is too. It's currently and it's not sustainable. It's just creates more stress and so on. Sometimes it takes more than six weeks to figure it out, but they do not have to pay additionally so they pay one off and it may take six weeks. It may take a little bit longer and I'm open to questions after we finished our program. But after this six weeks they've already lost a little bit of weight. 8 and they have a perfect understanding of how to keep losing weight without me so that they continue if anything is unclear. I'm again, I'm open for three advice so far and that's key what you said is it, you know, you're importing them you're given them the education and that's that's what's going to ultimately serve them because it's very, you know, six weeks anyone can follow a meal plan. Six weeks and you know quote unquote lose weight lose body fat, but if you don't understand that maybe plan if you don't understand why you're eating those foods and what's working for you. It's it's almost pointless. It's almost you know, you've climbed halfway up a ladder and then you've just gone back down again. Once you've finished your what I love that suit. This is your own business. When did you when did you start doing this they like the six week course and Two questions in one here. When did you start running through it? And do you do it and waves or could I be gone tomorrow could Lindsay be gone, you know in two weeks time or do you do it in the index? I'm just curious. It's it's not a group course. So it's individual individual course and you can start anytime. Yeah good. Oh your book you start or your book and you start in two weeks. For example, people say can I book now and but then Going on holiday, and they want don't want to be bothered with anything and that's where the holiday will start the program and that's also fine. I started doing it. I think some three years ago two years ago. It changed a wall according to feedback. However, Chris clients changed. So now I think I'm at that spot where it works almost perfectly and I know I know the pitfalls and they know how to adjust individually and approach to every client. Yeah, I think that's key and your room speaking maybe the fitness professionals out there her listen to this is what it was when you do develop a product that's understanding that your product and service isn't going to be perfect for the first week for the first six months for the first year and you're always making small adjustments. I'm curious to how you do your check-ins at the reason. Ask is I've recently just changed how I do my check-ins with the clients. So I always always used to do a Google form. So I said that the link they filled out the questions and I give them feedback most of the time it was a voicemail message, but I just I just find a it was the completion rate started to drop because I don't think people like the Google Form This is just my clients and I was starting to resent having to do spend the time to read your Google form and then read lenses Google form and then read this one and this one so I've recently just jeans and I have gone back to basics and I send a WhatsApp message and that's it. So I've got you know that the template they get that sent to Horn when of the send out a scent that Thursday night and normally by the Friday afternoon, I give them the feedback. Mmm-hmm. So I'm just curious. What do what does your check-in system look like? It can be what's up? Actually most more what's up or Facebook Messenger? Yeah, okay most of them and most of people find it the most convenient if I've never met the person will do a short video call in the beginning just to break the ice. I literally and then yes, it's all in the messenger and so far I can afford unstructured approach so that they can message me. And in time and I will answer and then when it's time to chicken I a message to them and ask the questions and then like we have a little chats on what's up, all of those. I was just curious. I don't I think I was asking you that more for my benefit than anyone elses. Yeah, so fun flexible. I know then when at some point there will be too many clients to constantly be on WhatsApp and answer. Anyway questions, but I don't worry much about that because like anyway, I have only limited capacity to have so much clients and making my work more efficient with them. I will not change my life hid my spare few hours. This is why I'm now preparing fat loss University fabulous. Tell me about this before I You with a text question. What's this? I'm using a platform which is called think effect. Okay, there are now many of them teachable think a fake learn world's you there. So user-friendly and so you just put the content in there. So I've already put in my lectures my texts and documents and schemes and illustrations. So I'm teaching My Method actually, I'm teaching people Basics or fat loss what I normally do with my clients, but it's without me using the papers and I'm just about to start filming here are the my can see the I'm so jealous hold hold you or not. You you bring your camera back. I want to take a picture of that. I want to steal that so this is fantastic for the the podcast. Is right not what all those done is just flip trying to the other side of her office and you have your black lights there. You've got the backing board or they talk us through what you have paint the picture for us. Sorry talk us through what you have there. So is just being the picture. There are three different lights. My husband is helping me and my husband's friend helped us in the Decatur those about the natural light for filming. For filming the lectures. I also have some well it was like it's just very big the backdrop / - yeah, I'm so jealous. Yeah, so I plan to do it this week because last week I lost my voice. All right been cold. And to be honest, I feel challenged. Yeah, because I'm I enjoy writing down the stuff. And making schemes and graphs and crate in the curriculum for the school. It's my thing like reading and writing but for filming I feel a little bit overwhelmed and it's a huge amount of material to film and think about it being short and not boring and also giving a lot of life examples and case studies to illustrate my point. So it's exciting but it's a bit overwhelming. I'll give you maybe a little hack. This is what I've done for job 4.2. So in Jump 4.2 it is similar in set up to yours or people are going to go to a platform and it going to get drip fed. The content. The education is why I have a 10-minute video introducing them to the module to the concept then I have a written PDF which They donít then I have a you that goes with that. So just I'm audio just meet or do I do what that PDF is? So it's not me in front of the camera. It's literally me chatting into my laptop like her younger and it's me talking people through the PDF talking through the key points and I did that for two reasons reason 1. It's just a little bit easier for people to consume because they don't need the spanned. You know 30 minutes in front of their laptop or foam they can cook. It's exactly some so I'm and the second reason is that it was just so as the didn't have to We just the go a little bit and cater for different types of learning so you can get a lot of learning from watching the video you can get learning from the PDF or you can get learning from not watching a video not reading the PDF and just listen to my voice. So especially especially for you. If you're the amount of time you might have to spend in front of the camera do consider some audio files at the raw a lot easier to do as well. I mean I did this is a little secret to any of the jump listeners. As I did four of them sitting in my car. I recorded them whilst I was sitting in my car. Just got my laptop out pulled up outside. I think was outside the gym and I spent an hour and a half an hour before I'm not going to Tree in until I get these these recordings all done. Mmm-hmm. Yeah, so do do consider that. So just a little hack for you. Yeah, that's a really good idea because yeah, I can just read that like this video file for them. Yeah, and then it will be much easier. Yeah, because you're real man. Yeah, but you all know is really really well written but you might get the appoint or you might think one. I just need the elaborate on that just a little bit or I might need to give an example. That's what I find myself doing and it's just the feedback I've had from the audio and I've never changed. Change the audio. So the audio has been there since February and I've never had a need to change them. I get the occasional questions about them. Maybe just a couple of things. But yeah, I've got there you go. That's that's from me to you. Get some audio when the University thank you. Yes, because at least this can best starting point maybe later. We'll film everything but so far just to start doing something a little been terrified by the volume. Barring that shouldn't be done. I think that's that's achievable task to do and to launch because it will be changing anyway, and I think your program were changing as well and we'll being as a result of feedback trial error and so on so I don't expect my course will perfect. So when are you open to launch the university as you called it? And of September, yeah. Yeah. I thought it will be later. But now with your idea think it's manageable to do some good happy to help. So I'm going to just push it on your direction and it and this conversation. So people listening to this well of heard at the start when I said we were on the Les Mills team together, and I this you kind of went quietly, but you are no longer. longer a creator for Les Mills UK Yes, I went in may just before. Tribal Les Mills year a summit or tribal gathering in Greece actually booked tickets. Okay look tickets for your assignment. I was ready to go and learn because I normally get so much out of it. I learned so much, but then I just realized Group tickets is not for me. I cannot do a kind of teach classes anymore. I cannot learn a piece of choreography anymore. Like I was trying to prepare for quarterly workshops to learn bodypump. I don't remember which release it was, but it was I just I just couldn't so I contacted Marcus and Sarah and they were very helpful and helped with is sorting things out but like I can't say it was out of the blue, but I thought well my doctor your assignment maybe after quarterly's but then something clicked and I cannot teach a class anymore. I just can't I cannot do any other squat. Yeah, that's funny. And then I just didn't know what to say. So I went quietly. I'm sitting listening because it was going to be a whole lot of Les Mills enthusiasts listen to this and kind of maybe Jaws have dropped a little bit right now sodagive just listeners some context as you said you went and met I was very honest with you two weeks ago three weeks ago. I didn't know right so to give people got the way this is our training teams massive, you know, there's 80 90 people on it because we both do bodypump we vary with I rarely be in the same venue. Because we're booked a body pump. You know, I would be I would be in Glasgow you would be in Sheffield. We would never we would never make and what we do get a host of emails and I don't know what it was flag to me and I just said to Lindsay. Well, you know, what's happening with all good like it's everything. Okay. I just know you left the team and end the summer and I was like what I didn't know but as soon as she said it and because I follow you on social media. I knew why. And you know what you and I have spoke a little bit about and private messages sent Sam. So again people listening I sent you a message three weeks ago just basically said, holy shit. I didn't know I'm so sorry for not messaging you at the time, but I knew why you'd left or I assumed I knew why you left and everything. You've just said, you're right. I can relate to you. I can respect and appreciate and I also know it's a law due to go. Harder at your own business. Exactly. Yeah, and there is that whole thing that people think teaching classes is just I'll turn it up. I'll do my 60 Minutes, you know, if you're doing accordingly Workshop, like a trainer you will do a 90 minutes of doing 60 Minute class that they were 30 minutes education and then I'll go home. And also I like the amount of energy and time and prep it all tips and you're able to kind of channel that time and energy noise. Your room business what your project absolutely love exactly. Yes because every class is a preparation. Every quarterly is a preparation. You do not just put that time and the travel time you put your mind into it. You put your resources your energy into it your creativity your efforts. I'm introverts. I'm like partially introverts and teaching classes took so much. much of my energy because I never realized it. and once I Started dropping classes off. I started feeling better. Actually. My body was not accepting it anymore as well. My knee started aching, but indeed the energy I released. For my own business was like more than I expected. Okay, so had so much more time more more creativity might just my head was free for doing my own thing. I can relate so much because I've been on so many different personal Journeys with self with Les Mills. I've seen it in in other trainers who have been on the fence with what they're doing with Les Mills what they're doing in their personal life what they're doing in their professional life on a love that you know, you've said hi. It has a large you to channel that energy into your own business and you've got more creative with that. You starting to develop your ideas, and I think that's really important cause people get I'm not just trainers not just Les Mills instructors. Not just personal trainers of group fitness instructors is you don't realize that the passion that you might have for something is still taking energy away from everything else in your life. and sometimes do you use the ladder analogy again? Our Brian King uses this all the time is your ladder might not be up the right wall. So for example, you had a ladder against your Les Mills wall and you're having to climb that ladder every quarter and that ladder didn't the line to your overall goal. So you have to have to get in line of the other and start a new one. I'm going to think that's really really important for people to to Value it and value often whether that's every six months or every quarter. I don't mind telling my podcast listeners I evaluated regularly. What what I'm doing for for Les Mills Sioux people have constantly been asking me Wrecking what quarterly so you doing this September and I say no I said I didn't make myself available for quarterly since September. Hmm because I have other stuff going on so I couldn't dedicate that time and energy and think it's really important and you know, just again, I don't want to stick the Lesnar strain around you don't want to talk about Les Mills instructors and group fitness instructors, you know, if you're driving for 30 minutes to go and take a 60-minute class and then 30 minutes home. You know, that's that's to yours is your ladder against the right wall for that goal. And if the answer is yes by all means go all in on it, but if it's no look at what the alternatives are. Would you be better spent than that to yours and your kiss instead of driving that time and teach that class on. Tonight spend that to yours getting in front of the camera and recording your project for you nutrition University that could be more valuable, you know, you know the doc daddy Pine from your wages for that month to get your University up so is next month. You can earn 280 points and actually serve as more people whatever that might be. So I was just and and to be clear you're not teaching classes at all anymore II don't teach any classes. I don't exercise. I haven't exercised for three months. All right, and it's terrifying to refine to lose my strength because I was strong. I remember I can tell it I can say it and I'm doing yoga. Because this is what my body wants to do. I decided Well, what happens during last year or year and a half is that I became more mindful in everything in what I do in my nutrition in my exercises and I realized that body pump that served me. So well is not serving me anymore. I need a break and actually this is what very good osteopath told me have six months break, but it wasn't 2017 and I thought how can I stop doing this so it didn't take a break. So now I'm just listening to my body and doing what it wants to do. Maybe it will will even jog wasn't I was so against any jogging but he's like feels good for the body. Why not? And yoga is my only workout currently. I'm thinking of coming back but I'm waiting for my body to Crave it. I don't want to exercise because it wants to lose weight. I don't want to exercise because I have to and by the way, it's so good not to go and do an exercise because you are teaching this class every Tuesday at 10:35. Yeah. It's such an amazing feeling not to be tied. Where are they? Regular weekly class and allow your body to dictate what it's ready for today. I can I can so relate to that and I'm the CM I teach I teach two classes a week, you know, I used to be 10 15 classes a week where you have to be at this place at that time origin. I'm sure you and a lot of listeners so I could as well. Yeah, so my classes is first thing on a Wednesday morning, which is great and lunchtime in the Thursday. So they actually really serve me or my week and they they work more for me than I Work for them. I'm like, I want to sound really grateful when I say that is like that Body Pump class. I do on a Wednesday morning that gives me more than any Financial value, you know, it gets me it's right in the middle of my morning. So it gets me up and do my morning routine I'll tree and I'll go and teach the class and then I'm ready to serve my clients. So it really gives me so much more than you know, a triple bodypump Sprint grit ever would have sent them on the night because Monday night that's I want to be chill about it. Eight o'clock on a Monday night. I don't want to be going absolutely nuts at the front of the class. So with that I think is really important what you said about you giving your body What It Wants What It needs and you're just listening to your body. So I love that. Yeah, maybe I will come back to body Palm concrete or Body Balance some time, but for now Yoga is all the way I'll uh, I'll bet your washing machine is loving life because it's not being used as much, you know having to do as much longer. Yeah, and like all the three books stuff. Oh my God, what to do is I'm a summers events to recycling Summers went to charity shop but funny. I'm not too dissimilar because I'm doing so much swimming. None of my GM kept is getting used. So I'm recycling like this. Three three or four outfits and the rest is just sitting in a pile which I don't need I don't use because all the burn is swimming. Although just just in the interest of time. I don't want to take up too much more of your days were the best people place for people to find you on social media. It's my Instagram. It's Olga. Tom put on the show notes, I'll put in the show notes. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I'm the school coach. Perfect. Perfect. And on Facebook, I'm Olga only shenko and I also have a website. Okay. Oh coach dot u k or put them all in the show notes and I actually have some new questions to finish the podcast if that's okay. Hmm, so no, I've had these two or three questions at the end of podcast always asked everyone I decided to change them mainly because one of them was always getting the same answer. So I just want to mix it up a little bit. So the question I have for you what would success in the next month look like for you just the next month. Next month is finishing filming my fat loss in diversity and launching it just Luncheon, it will be a success no matter how much I sell until and then what is the last book you read? And who would you recommend that for? Well, the last book I read may be boring probably for most of the people it was about meditation research. So I would love to mention the books that I read rest recently and the Changed my life. One book is mindset by Carol dweck. Yep. Yeah, it was mentioned. I think in one of your podcast. Yes a few times this actually drove my change it gave me more not when the confidence he has that I can do more than I thought that it's all about. The effort we put in and the focus and that we can we can we can change we can grow and the second book is craving Minds by Judson Brewer with the craving mind. I am writing not one time creating mine Jackson Judd some jumped. Dr. Judson Judson Brewer. Perfect. I will I will definitely Canada one. What's that sort of a boy? Who would you recommend that one for? This is for totally everyone because we all have addictions to something and craving mind is about our everyday addictions. It should not necessarily be cocaine or alcohol or smoking. It can be food. It can be forms. It can be bad thoughts rumination. We are addicted to that it can be anxiety and stress. It's can be. Shouting at your partner, it can be also an addiction and he explains how our habit Loop Works how we get addicted how we get hooked and what to do with this and why I love it. He does say what to do is this and it helped me a lot with my addiction to food. I was addicted to food and to bad thoughts and it changed. All of that works definitely science, he signs his psychiatrist and he is not a scientist. I will be looking at up immediately. As soon as we are off the phone here. I love that and then the next question should give people context in this question. Brian King asks us at the end of his podcast and I've always loved it, but I thought I can't steal it. However a book I'm reading which is tribe of mentors. They mentioned this some kind of well not still enough. I'm Brian King. I'm still in up from Prime of mentors. So the question is what purchases have you made of a hundred points or less have made an amazing impact in your life. I was just going to write a post on Instagram about it. Oh, yeah that up the up inside timer. It's a meditation up but it's not a usual up. They gather together the best the biggest names of tea. Chairs psychotherapist meditation teachers coaches life coaches together. So you pay a membership of approximately 60 pounds and you have access to all the courses wow and get and they are quality. You can find shitty ones. But all the best people I know the guru's the Geniuses other Judson Brewer is better but it's a funny story. I forgot to cancel my membership of the seventh 7-Day free trial and they charged me. Uh-huh and I wrote a letter said I'm not going to use it, please. Refund and they refused to refund so I started abusing it. I started abusing it. I was so pissed on I was pissed off at meditation up, you know, I was Furious about meditation. So I started doing the courses and started doing Meditations II paid iPad. So I started using it every day and it's it helps me so much with so much in a question. So there's so much problems. I couldn't solve in my head in my mindset. It's life-changing but it's important to know who's which teachers to go for so I would recommend that to everyone and it's yeah 60 pounds for and up my sounds overwhelming but it's only five pounds a month. Come on. Yeah, we always did not Mas. Amedda was thinking of 60 60 quid a year. That's a lot. Well supposed to so named for Four Points dresser 521 peer 5.59. Yeah. I think I'll be looking into that one. Thank you very much for that recommendation. Yeah, I'm not using it every day because it's good. Although I have had a lot of fun Dennis. Thank you so much for your time. Also. Also, this is the first-ever podcast. I have done all my bed. So I thank you for joining me on my bed on a Monday morning. This is been so relaxed. Thank you very much for inviting me that was really fun. Like I said at the time when we recorded this on Monday the 9th of September one of my most favorite episodes. I have recorded definitely in the top three a lot of fun chat with all the up by all things Fitness Nutrition business. Mindset Les Mills. Hope you got a lot of value from this. I'd love to know what you think normal procedure tightness on Instagram stories. Absolutely. Love it. When you do that, it helps me reach more people and always remember everything you put on your Instagram story. Your friends are going to see your friends are going to benefit from it. So if there's something in this episode that you can share with other people, please do be part of a positive Instagram social media. Climate and ecosystem. My name is Rick along. This is regular and podcast sponsored by putting for sport. You are listening to the Ricky Long podcast where International Fitness entrepreneur Ricky Long answers your questions and interviews Fitness leaders on training nutrition and mindset. Be sure to leave a review on iTunes.
#55 Olga Onoshchenko - Fat Loss PT & Nutrition Coach - Consistency over Discipline Olga is a PT that specialises in Fat Loss and Nutrition both live and online. In this episode Olga shares her best practise approach in her nutrition coaching for fat loss and delivers a very insightful view on mindset and consistency over reliance on will power and discipline for results. We chat about her current neutron coaching now, what’s happening next with her brand new project which I am very excited for and how her journey with Les Mills is….on hold right now! Massive value in this episode for anyone interested in neutron and mindset along with any fitness professional trying to be successful in their own business. You can follow Olga HERE Insight Timer - Meditation App by Insight Network Inc And the book: --------- Train To Teach Ebook - in-576eea65-926c-448c-90ab- Jump 4.2 - 12 Week Lean Body Programme September 1st Launch - Become a Patron of The Ricky Long Podcast - 155km Workout for water swim - --------------------------- This episode is sponsored by podium4sport who are a Northern Irelands sports retail shop of the year 2018.
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Aquarius season in 2020. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions for working with the seasons biggest.Opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what your sign is it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign is determined by the time of day you were born and the place you were born. If you know your birth information you can find out what your Rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to freedom from the known the embodied astrology episode for Aquarius season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you'd like to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber offerings you can scrap If you'd like to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber offerings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and printable Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers. Also get discounts on your head birthday reports online classes Live Events and embodied astrology Basics handbooks all of my audio horoscopes guided And podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring monthly donations get you access to the awesome subscriber content. The number one way, you can support this work is to share it, please share it with your family and friends and leave 5 Star reviews. On iTunes SoundCloud on Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for your support. I truly truly appreciate it. I love you so much. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I will be right back with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library Tad. Also make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Scorpio, welcome to Aquarius season, we have arrived Aquarius is often a sign that's associated with the new with a kind of breakthrough and a rebellion or rejection of the old way and claiming of the new way and a lot of what I'm feeling as I check in with the charts for Aquarius season. Is this kind of Radical shift feeling and it's a shift that doesn't just come out of nowhere. This sense of a breakthrough is a long process. There's been probably the last 10 years. If not more of a process that has been leading up to this moment. And for you the feeling that I get is that this process has largely been in your mind and in your kind of rotation of what's happening in the world and the way that you make sense of things to yourself and how you organize information and prioritize your energy and your attention and over the last decade. You've been learning something about your capacity for intensity and fixation. And this is something that Scorpio is really known for intensity and fixation and this is a strength that you have and it's also Weakness and in the last decade. I think you've been learning something about the weakness when you get fixated on something and you get really intense about something but that fixation ends up being kind of black hole for your mind that it can close you off to life wanting to stream in from all kinds of other directions and for some of you for many of you you've been reaping the benefits of your focus and fixation and intensity for sure. You've been finding ways to kind of go for what you want, you know with a with a gust. Oh and I think you're also reaching a kind of point where you're recognizing that there's time and space for intensity and fixation, but it doesn't have to be all the time or all the space and you are ready for a kind of a new experience and the experience that I think you're ready for is one. That allows you to spread out a little bit and to let the fixations that you have or the intensity that you have be directed in a pointed way towards what is generative. And what is joyful and enjoyable, but you want to start to clear out the fixations and intensity where it's not generative and where it's not joyful. And as you come into Aquarius season, there's more and more emphasis on foundation on a sense of groundedness and on developing or cultivating kind of a bird's eye view like an objective awareness of your life and everything else that's happening around you and in the world and in that objectivity, you can put some things down. You can go okay this thing matters that thing doesn't matter so much because what you want is to feel Daddy, you want to feel relaxed you want to feel at ease in your life. And you want to feel like you have a real kind of connection to what I'm going to call Anchor or ground or even home and that could be literal. Like, you know, you want to clear out space so you can spend more time at home, but I think it's in a lot of ways bigger than that and it's maybe more of a metaphor that you are feeling like you can come home to your yourself in a different way that you can relax and spread out and that there's a lot of things that might matter now to you that didn't matter before and that what does matter now is helping you expand your orientation get less intense, but also get more clear about how to direct your intensity when and where it actually does something for you and these are the big themes of Aquarius season as a kind of reorientation of Energy. Now throughout Aquarius season, there are a couple of things that are happening with the planets that are pretty important. So the first thing that's happening is that will begin the first of three Mercury retrograde Xin 2020 this Mercury retrograde occurs in the sign Pisces and it has three parts to it. So the first part is the first Shadow phase and this is when Mercury is traveling direct over the terrain that it will retrograde over the second part of Mercury retrograde is The actual retrograde when the planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky and then the third part is another Shadow period when Mercury is direct but it is then regaining the grounds that it lost in the retrograde. So the first Shadow period begins on February 3rd Mercury is retrograde from March 5th through March 16th, and the second Shadow period is March 16th through March 30th Mercury when its retrograde is a symbol of the mental. Linguistic communicative energy turning in on itself or moving backwards. Now, you might remember that just a moment ago. I was talking about I feel like you have been really going through a process with your mind. So Mercury is very much a symbol of the mind and the process that you've been going through is definitely related to Mercury's function within the chart. This retrograde is going to help you clarify where and how you want to direct. Act your fixation and intensity and how you want to be using your mind. Now, it's really important right now that you have an outlet for your mental activity, which I think can definitely be a more penetrating and Intense or fixated kind of activity. If you are a creative person that means that you like to spend your time losing track of time and enjoying yourself in some way and express. Yourself in some way that feels playful that feels enjoyable. That's Creative Energy. This Mercury retrograde is awesome for you and it really wants to help you kind of get into more of an immediate attuned intuitive space with your creative Explorations and your offerings if you are a parent and you know, your kids are creative project. It's like they embody the Creative Energy. Right, like present moment want to play Losing track of time children are a great embodiment of that at least for a while. Then there may be some kind of process you're going around with children in your life. Now the process of Mercury retrograde traveling through Pisces is a process of letting go of what's known and opening to The Unknown and what's being asked from you is that you again get more relaxed. You see her intensity release your focus and figure out how to apply your energy and your strength to the pathways are the channels that you have with the unknown. And so this means your intuition. It also means your capacity for empathy. You want to work in a disciplined fashion with a lot of commitment and a fair amount of intensity to to soften your mind to connect with a liminal space to have faith. And so this balance point between discipline and intensity and softening and intuition is the theme for your Mercury retrograde there is energy that wants to open up for you in terms of how you are kind of living your life in general expressing Your vitality expressing yourself creatively. How you can meet the energy of your children or of young people around you in the world, there's work for you here. There's something that's exciting for you here. There's a lot of opening in these Realms and Mercury retrograde is a time when you are reflecting on those openings and when you're wanting to get in tune with your more inner impulses and away from the kind of more logical straightforward narratives that come in from your frontal lobe. - all right. So now from February 7th through March 16th Venus will Transit Aires wherever Venus travels it brings love magnetism abundance and attraction Venus is traveling through a part of your chart that has a lot to do with responsibilities and your day-to-day kind of mundane reality your jobs your chores and your health Venus wants to help you initiate and determine for yourself how you want to be using Energy, I've mentioned in previous horoscopes that you are in the last year or so beginning a nine-year process of Reinventing Your Life in a lot of ways you want to reshape it took to look probably nothing like it does now, but to really understand yourself in a different role and meanness is part of this process. So Venus in Aries from February 7th through March 16th is encouraging you to do what you love to spend time and energy. Energy engaging with your passion with the places where you want to self-determine feel your own strength your own power and your own initiation Mars. Will Transit Capricorn from February 16th through March 31st at the beginning of the horoscope. When I was talking about this process you've been in with your mind and your attention and your priorities. I was talking about the energy of Capricorn Mars in this part of your chart brings energy force power heat and It can also bring passion. It can also bring aggression Mars in Capricorn is a time when you want to be very aware of the Tendencies of your minds to get fixated and for you in your mental activity and the way that you speak to yourself, but also in how you use language with others to be domineering or authoritative. These are qualities that you want to let go of so you can be Discerning there are moments. It's when it's totally necessary and appropriate for you to be authoritative and very decisive or clear the the dominant kind of like squeezing intense force, that could be a potential with this Transit is not ideal. So I'm thinking of a phrase in a roomy poem that says I've finally gotten free of this ignorant fist that was twisting my secret self. So is this kind of feeling I can't remember now if I thought of that in the Capricorns horoscope for you to I think I might have is this kind of feeling that you want to like relax your brain relax the parts of your mind that like to grip and like to control and with Mars and this part of your chart. What you can do is you can energize your Communications. You can energize your internal narrative to prioritize freedom. And what this could look like for you is that the way that you speak to yourself is noticing when you're fixating noticing when you're getting really gripped on something and then you tell yourself. I want freedom that gripping or that intensity does not feel good right now again, you want to learn to direct your intensity and you want to direct it towards what is enjoyable and what feels creative and what feels like the present moment if you get gripped on stuff that's taking you. Way from that you want to back off get more relaxed when it comes to your Communications with others. You want to be really clear about your priorities try and practice active listening, but don't as much as you can don't engage with conflict and if there is conflict that arises do your best to be very clean and very clear with your interaction. Don't get involved with power plays. Don't be manipulative. Don't be Shady if other people are being like that be really clear with your boundaries don't stand for it. There's a couple of important lunations. This month will have a new moon on January 24th at 4 degrees of Aquarius. The new moon is always a great time to check in with intentions for the upcoming 12 months from this new moon in Aquarius to next year's new moon in Aquarius Aquarius, is this sense of freedom and this opening up in terms of your kind of basic stance in life this Is also the idea of home for you home and family. I want to encourage you to think about intentions that you have four routes for foundations for solidity and for Community. Who do you want to be around? What kind of energy do you want to call in? How can you participate in those spaces? And with those people look at your natal chart, if you have planets or points around for Aquarius, these planets are going to be especially implied with the energy of this new moon on a February 8th and 9th depending on your time zone will have a full moon in Leo. The full moon is always an opposition between the Sun and the Moon the sun will be at 20 degrees Aquarius and the Moon is at 20 degrees of Leo. So again, check your natal chart. If you have planets or points around 20 Aquarius or Leo, these energies are also implied within what the full moon is bringing now the full moon feels like a time for you to really kind of show yourself in some way. Again Creative Energy is implied. So for those of you Who are artists or who are creative practitioners in your life in some way whatever it is that you've been working on. It's like it's you're really starting to gain traction with something. I want to encourage you to have confidence to have courage to put yourself out into the world. If that doesn't necessarily resonate with you. Then this full moon is a time to really appreciate what it is that you uniquely bring into the world. And of course got billions of people on the planet. No one is that special but everybody Is very unique. Nobody has a perspective that you have. Nobody has the particular skill set that you have. So let this full moon be a time for you to affirm your value in the world. What you bring that is special and that is different and to enjoy it and also to amplify it elevate it get it out there. Make sure to check in with me at embodied astrology on Instagram or your inboxes. If your sign up for my free newsletter, I send out lunar attunements which are simple practices or meditations and ways to connect. With the lunar energy. Hope this horoscope is helpful for you. I'm wishing you all the best in Aquarius season and Beyond. Thanks so much for listening and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Aquarius Season in 2020. Aquarius Season extends between January 20 - February 18, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Freedom From the Known - Embodied Astrology for Aquarius Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Aquarius and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and the importance of Aquarius for the upcoming 2 decades! Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Aquarius represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Aquarius season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here Get the Aquarius Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find out more here. If you enjoy this work and want to help support more of it, please leave me a tip! --- Send in a voice message:
Fantasy industry vets Joe Dolan and Tom Brawley are bringing it all season long on the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled fantasy football analysis. Training camp has kicked off in the for the 2019 NFL season and you know what? That means Tom that means we have a ton to talk about on the fantasy free agents podcast and Tha Mike. I know we just kind of decided we were going to wing it for this show. We've actually been pretty regimented thus far. I've been proud of myself because I'm usually very disorganized but I've been proud of myself we've been regimented. I've been keeping things tight but keeping things together we've had specific This is for our program Tom. I don't think we can avoid it on today's show we have to do a weekend news recap here from training camp. There is a lot to talk about that's going to impact fantasy. And of course as with every piece of news, you have to filter through what matters what doesn't matter somebody looks great. Somebody doesn't look great all that stuff that that's the stuff that we're going to have to to worry about but we have a couple announcements at the top of the Podcast then we can get into the news but we have a lot of tidbits to get to today. Yeah, some big stuff happening over the weekend AJ Green with the ankle injury. Yeah, the Giant's elal Giants with their issues that receiver and then just general Camp battle stuff and you know Theo Riddick getting cut. So yeah, we gotta got a lot of news right off the bat from the start of camps here. Okay. So first and foremost if you guys don't know over the weekend, I told you this was coming. Over the weekend we did launch our blog officially with our rankings on it some articles. It's at Fantasy free It is up. It is live Tom. I have a welcome post up there. We have a couple of rankings reports just breaking down where we're higher on than ATP may be higher on than the rest of the industry Tom. It is not going to be as extensive as what we've done in the past because we are doing this for free, but we determine we needed to have a landing page for the podcast. Cast and for our rankings, that's all up there at Fantasy free We have a couple more articles coming. We're still trying time to work through exactly how much we're going to put up there but we are going to have rankings. We are going to have cheat sheets and I think that's what people want the most. Yeah. I know you don't we like writing but you know, if we're not making money, we're not going to spend 50 60 hours a week writing, but we're going to have content up there. I'll probably at least spend 10 to 15 hours with a couple articles a week. But we're going to stay on top of rankings. That's the main priority for the site at this point, you know, we've updated throughout the weekend and will continue to do so and it'll be a home for the podcast to If you're looking. Oh, I want to go back a couple weeks. I thought I remember them saying this and you know the podcast all the podcast will be up there too. So we're going to do what we can for the site. You know, we have we're going to have donation links on there to PayPal and you know, you can donate to the the Add cast as well, but you know, we're excited just to have a little landing spot for the the podcast here. Yeah, I really want to appreciate everybody throw out my appreciation. We have 21 monthly supporters on the podcast already, which is wonderful. If you want to donate to the podcast there is a link in the show notes. But if you go to Fantasy free people were like, you know, I don't want to donate to the podcast or I don't want to donate the specific amounts that they have up there. There is a PayPal link on there just to kind of keep us to keep talking to myself. Well fed here. For the season and our guy behind the scenes been kookiness who's doing an utterly Kick-Ass job making sure everything runs. Well, making sure the podcast is up on time. Everything sounds good. So that's for me. Tom and Ben also Tom before we get into another cool announcement IDP podcast with Justin varns and Tom symons that went up last week. They have more planned IDP rankings will be up on the blog this week. A Justin has an interview scheduled with been fennel. Um Leduc to talk about the Packers talk about defensive players in general. So he's going to be doing some really cool podcasts not just rank. Not just talking through. Yeah. I like this guy and I like that guy. He's good. He's got some creative ideas. So Justin's going to be doing that as well. I'm thrilled about that Tom. I'm thrilled about a lot of things. I've noticed looks listening back on all this but the response to the podcast has been way better than we anticipated. I'm glad we have the blog up and if you guys have any comments just drop us a line on. We'll be sure to get to them. We really appreciate it. What's up listeners? This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast on anchor FM podcasting. I've been producing podcast and shows for my friends and colleagues Joe Dolan and Tom Bradley for years now. So when we decided to start the fantasy free agents podcast, it was imperative. We find a hosting platform an app that was easy to use Quick to record and post and track our stats and that's exactly what we found in Anchor. It's the easiest way to make a podcast and gives you everything you need in one. In place from either your phone or your computer, their creation tools makes my life easier and I felt great knowing that anchor handles the distribution of our podcast to their other platforms like Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more and don't worry about any difficult process to monetize your podcast. You can easily make money with no minimum listenership. So go download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today and thanks for listening to the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated. Analysis for your fantasy football and bedding needs. Okay, Tom so last week I teased a big announcement from our friends at the nff. See the national Fantasy Football Championships Tomcats Anakin Greg Ambrosius. We've been in touch with those guys and if you're a high-stakes player you're going to want to listen up. In the road a wire online championship of the nff see two hundred thousand dollar grand prize $1,500 individual League price. We have two separate contests setup for the podcast and for the listeners where they're called beat Joe Dolan and beat Tom Brawley contest were in separate leagues. You and I are at two separate times. I am at August 20th at 9:30 p.m. You are at August 27th. At 9:30 p.m. Eastern time and if you sign up for these leagues in the road a wire online championship at the NFC, you're going to have the chance to draft against us and most importantly Tom take our money and enter for a chance to win two hundred thousand dollars. So here's what you want to do. We are going to put this link into the show notes, but go to NFC dot s HG / football and when you're there click on football at the top Pop go to sign up ad team select Rhoda wire online Championship under entries select online and then select your draft time. If you want to draft against me select Tuesday, August 20th at 9:30 p.m. Eastern if you want to draft against Tom select, Tuesday, August 27th at 9:30 p.m. Eastern and we're going to be there we're going to be doing these high-stakes leagues if you guys want to show us how Much better you are at this than we are Tom. This is a great opportunity. I want to thank Greg Ambrosius and Tom kessenich for getting a set up with this. This is going to be a whole lot of fun and I'm sure we're going to be talking about this throughout the year on the podcast. Yeah. It's gonna be so much fun. Maybe I'll get a team in your leg and it because I want to beat Joe Dolan and we playing a bunch of legs already, but this is gonna be a lot of fun looking forward to playing in a high-stakes here. I've never really played in a high-stakes the nff see the Championships here. So I'm looking Forward to this just play some high stakes, you know with friends and stuff. But this is going to be a lot of fun and looking forward to it. I hopefully we get a you know, some of our listeners from the podcast to join up and we'll have a little bit of rivalry going throughout the throughout the season with our listeners Tom going to be obnoxious on Twitter tweeting this out until this league is filled. So just so you know, I will be tweeting it out on Twitter as well. But you yeah look for the links there. I mean that was a little bit hard to follow Larry like scripting but I got Reagan Tom if I can get a specific link just to enter our leagues but for right now you just have to take that step by step process again. I am at beat Joe Dolan on August 20th at 9:30 p.m. Beat Tom Brawley, August 27th at 9:30 p.m. Tom. Obviously you and I want to win the two hundred thousand dollar grand prize, but it's somebody from these leagues wins it I'd be pretty excited too. Yeah, we'll be rooting for you know, whoever comes out of our because I wanted the winners of these get to advance to a You know what the big playoff so we'll be rooting for whoever comes out of our divisions. All right Tom. This is a this is Ben. I guess the extent of our announcements at the top of the podcast. I'm sorry. We had a lot to get to with the announcements. So now I mentioned at the top of the show there was a lot to get to from training camp. So let's get into that right now and let's start with the big news of the weekend and it's AJ Green went down in practice Tom the other day with an ankle injury. According to Adam schefter torn ligaments and AJ greens left. Ankle. This is the opposite leg of what he injured last year needed surgery on he's going to miss six to eight weeks with torn ligaments in that ankle don't know quite yet if he needs surgery, but six to eight weeks is the initial timeline if he's at the the early part of that timeline Tom, there's going to be questions if he's going to be ready for Week 1 schefter said it looks like it's unlikely. He's going to be ready for Week 1 if he's at the later end of that. Timeline probably has them ready week three week four. This now becomes a big big question for Fantasy because it's obviously impactful Matt camp and I on SiriusXM last year had a had Tyler board on the show and he mentioned how much AJ Green helps them taking attention away. And those are all cliches. But if you look at the raw numbers Tyler Boyd put up better numbers last year with AJ Green on the field then without him. He averaged I think about five fantasy points per game more with AJ Green than without them. Caveat some apply there Tom. They're playing in a different offense. And also Tyler boy had to play with Jeff driskel. Yeah, I was gonna say Driscoll, uh, kind of brought those numbers down at the end of the last season, so I don't think we can logically decide we're moving Tyler Boyd down draft boards, but let's pass know. I I've moved him up our rankings up since youth since you do the wide receiver rankings predominantly. I'm going to ask you this question. What did you do with AJ Green? Where would you be comfortable drafting him? And now where do you have Tyler Boyd? Okay. Well green. I we had initially at 12 overall. I've moved him down to 18 for the time being here to pet. You know, we get deeper into the preseason. We get a more, you know a firm timeline on it. Just how long he'll mess but I'm kind of bacon in you know, two games lost at this point. So move them down to 18. That's right behind Robert Woods, Julian Edelman, Brandin Cooks and right ahead of the DJ Moors and Tyler. Markets and Cooper cups. So, you know that's typically going to be early, you know early 5th round. I would say maybe late 4th round if you know what receivers are going off the board pretty quickly. So and Tyler board, I've moved up moved up beliefs five or six spots. He is now 25 overall. I think he was at 30 overall before the injury. So, you know, he's behind Chris Godwin Allen Robinson and ahead of Mike Williams and cow. I'm Ridley in our rankings. So and I bumped up John Ross a little bit here just in case at the very end at the very low end of the receiver rankings. So I'm Tom. It seems like you were you were conservative initially here be waiting for a little bit more information. And that's I don't want to go too overboard because I think I mean you tweeted out last night that about a draft that you guys did and AJ Green went into the fifth round early 6th round that which seems like a pretty nice value at you know, given the information that we have. This point. Oh, no Tom. He went late sixth round Maddie. It's not it's extremely good value. Then we took we took a we did literally a best ball draft live on air and as that best ball draft kicked off with Matt camp and I do them every Sunday on Sirius XM fantasy sports radio with our listeners as the news kicked off the as the draft kicked off the news came down about AJ Green with the ligaments people people were spooked by them. Tyler Boyd went late V. AJ Green went late 6th. I said to Matt Matt Camp actually drafted him. I said Matt in a best ball specially I'm I'll by AJ Green at that price. Absolutely. Do you now so you had Boyd go ahead of green. I mean are you that that far down the road when I would never agree with this? I would take Boyd over green at this point. So you and I have a little bit of a disagreement with the rankings and that's fine. I don't care Tom because I do believe this is an interesting. I always hate when a guy is hurt and he was obviously distraught AJ Green was I always say when a guy's hurt me. About buying opportunities, but that's what that's the way. I kind of look at it though. I mean, you know, we see this every year with suspension, you know guys getting you know, and people the general reaction is usually an over reaction to guys missing games at the beginning of the year. I mean, that's that's why I didn't want to go too far down the road with green, you know, I still think he has, you know, High upside potential as a wide receiver one. So that's I didn't want to move them down too far just yet until we get a little bit maybe, you know, maybe a couple weeks down the road. We get a more firm timeline. I think Tom the worst case scenario and this is to keep in mind. This is total speculation here on my part the worst-case scenario for AJ Green is he needs surgery the Bengals have a week 9 by and they decide to just ird frm and that's probably the worst case scenario, but keep in mind. I'm the only one speculating that because I just wanted to check when they're by was just to be sure right now. We're still in that six to eight weeks. I'm frying time frame and if he's on the early end of that time, we're going to be asking if he's going to be ready for Week 1. Yeah, exactly. That's why you know, he could end up being a very nice value, you know, if the timeline kind of stays where it is and that's six to eight-week range. So, you know, we'll see how it all plays out. I mean the whole circumstances, you know them practicing at the date and field there and you know, maybe the surface wasn't nearly I mean we're you know, the we're paying these guys what's AJ Green make a year. I mean, it's got to be close to to you know, 10 12 to 15 million dollars a year. So it's kind of mind-boggling to me that they would be practicing at a subpar, you know a facility. I did see a pro football doc. Dr. David child tweeted that yeah, the field had nothing to do with it based on based on what he saw but I'm sure the Bangles are not going to be happy about it. Anyway, I'm actually looking up what AJ Green salary is his base salary is eleven point nine six seven six million according to over the captain. Um, but you know what agent green was distraught because he's trying to learn a new offense. He joined his head footage using you know, this is you know, not a not a new thing. It is a new thing with the left foot. But I mean this guy has lost Seasons because of you know foot injuries, so we probably a pretty traumatic event. He probably thought you know, it season could be done again already. And by the way just saw Tyler Boyd get paid and AJ Greens in the last year of his contract, so he wants to get paid to um, we touched on that last last week, I believe. Believe about the contract situation and maybe this, you know kind of digs The Bangles in even more to you know, let's see how this season kind of plays out with green. So it was probably a lot of things going through his head. He's usually a stoic quiet guy. So, you know that kind of you know that he was so distraught, you know just shows you know, what kind of competitor he is. All right, Tom, we could maybe laugh a little bit now after that news the New York Giants you might have heard traded Odell Beckham jr. This offseason. Oh, yeah. I don't know if you heard about Well Tom, they were supposed to come into this year with Sterling Shepherd Golden Tate who they signed this offseason and Corey. Coleman is their top three wide receivers Tom. I could come around right now. All three of them might be out in week one Sterling Shepherd has a thumb injury now he they still think he's going to be ready for week one. So, let's not freak out about that Golden Tate got popped for a four-game PE D suspension that he is now appealing because he said it was a fertility drug. And he had talked to the league about it and they still pop them and then of course Corey Coleman who was actually making some noise here a little bit and training camp. He is a post post post post post type type of guy. He tore his ACL. He's gonna be out for the season Tom the New York Giants aren't utter disaster at the wide receiver position right now Evan engram. I have now seen him really Tom almost Elevate into that OJ Howard fourth round tear at tight end. I'm not necessarily. Sure, I disagree with that at this point. You would think Evan engram is going to be peppered with targets at least over the first month of the season. I don't know what's going to happen with the Golden Tate appeal Tom. I took him in the 13th round yesterday. Well, I thought seemed like a great value and best ball. I don't I mean I don't care if he misses for games. So Golden Tate is appealing the suspension. But I mean, it's pretty cut and dry the CBA the drug policy you are responsible for what you put into your body. And so I don't know if he's he's gonna win this appeal shape. It will get reduced. I think that's I think that's probably what he's hoping for maybe get to get cut gets cut down to maybe a game or two. Yeah, so we'll see what happens there. Shepherd probably will be back for Week 1 but Tom that the New York Giants The Vibes here are absolutely toxic and it's funny. It's so Shepherd was that Wednesday or Thursday breaks his thumb and you know, obviously initially you got a bump a guy down but you know after the news from the next two days, you know with golden taken the suspension he has moved up. The rankings with a broken thumb, you know, just the way everything is played out initially had Golden Tate, I think about eight spots ahead of Sterling Shepherd. But now now I have Golden Tate in the low 50s in our rankings and Shepherd is now in the high 30s. So but Evan Grant Ingram is the kind of the Intriguing one here initially had Hunter Henry ahead of them in our first rankings, but I've moved and Evan engram up to number five here. OJ Howard, yeah, he's he's knocking on. Oh J Howard's door right now. I still like Howard a little bit more just because I think there's more upside in that offense and with playing with Jameis Winston then playing with Eli Manning and you know, what's, you know could be a pretty outside of Sake One Berkeley a pretty dismal offense. So I still have OJ Howard favored over Evan engram, but the Gap isn't too wide at this point. All right. Okay, Tom. I'm going to really throw out some. Here to the Detroit Lions. Okay. I'm going to throw shade because I liked carry on Johnson this year and people are like what carry out Johnson plays for the Lions. They suck blah blah blah blah blah and I was like, no I really liked. I liked what I saw last year. I like the versatility. I thought he was more. I thought he was a better pass catcher than I thought. He was coming out of Auburn. I thought he showed softer feet than I saw coming out of Auburn and then Tom they ruined everything because now everybody's on carry on Johnson because the lions were least Theo Riddick I moved carry on Johnson to our be 14 in my rankings based on what I'm now seeing from the industry. I might actually be conservative on that the way people are ranking him. I did think of moving him as high as number 10, but I've had already drafted carry on Johnson a bunch. He was arguably my favorite of those third round running backs. Now, there's no Theo Riddick what this says to me is that the reports from earlier in the offseason multiple lion beat reporters were saying I think carry on John. You can catch 60 passes what this says to me the lions were leasing. Theoretically they agree. Yeah. I mean there's a palpable upside now. I mean if there's going to be receiving production on top of you know, the early down work and I mean there's there's going to be he's going to start sneaking into the you know light second round. I think, you know as we get closer to the season here unless you know, they pull something here and sign somebody else but I mean this backfield its base. Luckily carry-on and CJ Anderson at this point and so there's no real threat as a pastor. So, you know, I can understand the excitement around carry on Johnson now, I wish I would have maybe gotten a few more shares of him whenever he was a little bit cheaper this summer, but you know, we should have maybe taken those, you know those hints from the beat writers that Riddick was really on The Chopping Block earlier this summer more seriously, but you know, I don't know why they waited to start a camp to do it, but It really frees it up. And now we're dick is probably gonna coat go somewhere and be a thorn in our side somewhere else, but carry on Johnson is you know, looking pretty good right now. Yeah, and II if you ask me if I opened my draft receiver receiver say I say I draft DeAndre Hopkins introduce Miss Schuster. Am I comfortable? Carry on Johnson is my number one running back in that situation. Hell, yeah. I don't think it's happening anymore than Joe that's got means you're going to be picking middle of third round. I I don't think that's going to be happening at this point. I got him at like I meant like 310 in a best ball yesterday and it feels like the news hasn't really caught up to how much upside they have. They brought in Darrell Bevell as the offensive coordinator bevel in 12 years as a offensive coordinator in the NFL. He's coached a top-five rushing offense six of those years. Of course, you have to have the caveat. He had Marshawn Lynch Marshawn Lynch is the Hall of Fame running back, but carry on Johnson has a lot of ability the Lions have talent on the offensive line as long as the damn thing. Stays healthy. They really want to build around the run. I am massively high on carry on Johnson this year and keep this in mind Tom. He was probably healthy enough to play at the end of last season the Lions smartly decided there was no reason to rush him back for a dead season. Yeah, they were out of contention by the end of the year. And so the knee yeah, I was, you know, a little bothersome that you know, he had a little knee issue but didn't sound like it was that bad and probably could have played if they were still in contention. So yeah, I mean picking at the top of the draft I think you know Your go Sake One or Zeke or somebody at the first couple pics and you know being able to maybe get antoniou brown or Mike Evans rty Hilton and carry on Johnson. Sounds like a nice, you know, three rounds start to the draft. Would you take carry on Johnson over Marlin Mac right now? Yes. Okay. Would you think I would take them over? Probably girly. I mean, okay. I'm just afraid of girly at this point. There's just more certainty with carry on Johnson situation. So I would probably I like your ranking. I would probably put them up another spot. Put them at 13. I think Tyler Williams. No, I don't think I'm going that far. I really liked what I saw from Damien Williams last year and I think you know, we kind of discussed last week Carlos Hyde freaking stinks at this point and they have a rookie running back behind them. So I think Danny Williams is pretty locked in as a three down back. Okay. So Tom just on the other end of this carry on Johnson thing Theo Riddick I had him buried in the rankings. I had him buried in the rankings though. Mostly because I like to carry on Johnson and I was like, I don't Really know what his role is here because they brought in CJ Anderson to be the backup. I'm you know, I didn't think Theo Riddick was going to have the 70 ketchup side that he had in the past. Now Tom there is an opportunity here if he goes somewhere where I think they lack a pass catcher in the backfield all of a sudden I'm going to rank the erratic as a top 50 running back in PPR. The problem is he's taken one visit and he's planning on another. Neither. One of them is a great fantasy spot for him. And also it makes things annoying for us from a Their perspective he's if he signs with either of these teams the first visit, of course because Sean Payton can't help himself is the New Orleans Saints. He has left there without a contract doesn't mean they won't sign him but he's left without a contract and he's headed to Denver to visit with the Broncos, which is also not great because both Phillip Lindsay and and Royce Freeman are going in the top eight rounds of fantasy drafts, right? Yeah, that would really really sour Phillip. Lindsay's draft spot here a little bit, you know because there has been talk that they do want to Reduce his work a little bit. But you know, you know, he's going to be out in the field on third down situations. And you know, Theo Riddick is starting to get get mixed in there. Even if it is just you know, 10 to 15 snaps a game. I mean that would really put a nail in his in his potential this season. So I don't know is there any spot that you would like him to end up? I mean, I'm trying to think of one off the top of my head, but Houston Houston would be no that would be that would be pretty nice and we're going to talk about Houston right now. Actually after that Houston. Just some of these teams would be good. Right? Yeah, I like those spots. I mean, there's not a ton of spots that need running back help right now, but those two spots seem pretty nice and we'll see if they actually have any interest though. Okay, Tom. Let's talk about Houston really quick because Bill O'Brien made a comment yesterday. I don't want to tell the whole story because it's kind of a long-winded way to say what Bill O'Brien was inferring Bill O'Brien, basically Not shot back as in like yelled at a reporter buddy, very very tersely suggested when the reporter said to Bill O'Brien while behind Lamar Miller and Deonte Foreman. Who's your third back Bill? O'Brien was like well, wait a minute. Well Mars are one. Medium Deonte Foreman is not right now are two and Tom there's a key stat a key stat for de'aunte Foreman is a and negative rushing yards last year, but the key Stafford you have a foreman is one and the one is a torn Achilles and I have done the research. I don't think any running back in the history of the NFL has returned from a torn Achilles to become a good player guys have returned. But to become a good player Tom, I think back to Arian Foster. I think back to Ryan Williams if you remember Ryan Williams, it just doesn't happen now medical advancements are happening every day, which is great. I want guys to return from injuries, but for a guy and Beyonce Foreman that I didn't think was a great Prospect in the first place. He was Uber productive at Texas but isn't a great athlete or anything like that. I didn't think it was a high-end Prospect a torn Achilles. I mean very much could be a death blow to his Yeah, I mean he was never you know, highly Elusive and speed and quickness type guys. So, you know, you take away, you know, any little, you know, any little bit can really hinder his ability to make guys miss and to pick up yardage. So I mean this this whole O'Brien thing, I mean it's it's you know, it sounds like it's going to be an open competition from you know, hey Lamar Miller is the only guy that's really locked in here and probably for good reason. We really haven't seen as you said. You got the negative yardage last year and is limited appearances. And you know, we really haven't seen him in game action here. Maybe we'll get a little bit more of a preview in the preseason but it sounds like this is wide open and it's time to pump the brakes on form in here. I mean, he's been like a ninth or tenth round pick. Maybe it's time to drop him down our rankings and he'll be starting to fall down draft boards here. Okay, so they drafted a fullback Cullen Gillespie. A' they drafted him. They have Taiwan Jones tambien. Josh Ferguson from the Colts. Oh, yeah, and then they have chronic didn't and that which was a guy that a lot of people had draft grades on who you know, was it a UDF a guide this spring got a Michigan people thought like I thought he was a draftable prospect, you know, exactly. He's like one of those guys that could have went in the sixth or seventh round. If you know if the right team wanted them that being said Tom they have the second most cap space in the NFL and we already have theoretical on the open market. Who knows what's going on with Duke Johnson to Johnson, by the way is dealing with a hamstring. Injury, so he's not even practicing in Cleveland. So theoretically already out there Duke Johnson. We know wants a trade Melvin Gordon's holding out. I think it's highly unlikely Melvin Gordon gets traded and I think there's basically zero chance Ezekiel Elliott gets traded but the bills are loaded with running backs. They've got Yeldon and McCoy and Gore and Devin Singletary and singletary's not getting cut. So something's going to give here A Team like Philadelphia Josh Adams and Wendell Smallwood are probably on the Side looking in on their roster the Houston Texans are not going into 2019 with this group of running backs. Yeah. I'm but it feels like you know, the Texans are the one team we touched on Trent Williams last week and it feels like they're the one team that can make a move but you have to wonder what all the issues they had, you know with Brian gain and you know, Rick Smith that you know last year and the power struggle with Bill O'Brien here and you know now they have an interim guy, you know, kind of Running, you know, one of the shows up collaborative. Yeah, you have to wonder if all this is kind of playing into it like nobody everybody's like afraid to make a move or you know, it's it's to collaborative as you said, so they need to make some moves here. You know, they kind of just let this running back position to Fester here the last two years since Foreman's Achilles injury, we've been waiting for them to make a move and they just keep riding Lamar Miller with you know little to no death behind them. So, They need to their might they might have some organizational issues here right now, which is why they you know, kind of been slow even though as you said, they have a lot of cap space. Well, that being said Tom Lamar Miller's still a sixth and seventh round pick. I mean right now people are drafting him there number one because they think he stinks they think he's boring but also they're drafting there because they're afraid they're going to trade for a Duke Johnson or they're going to go get a LeSean McCoy or somebody like that Tom right now as we stand And Lamar Miller is a screaming value. Okay, let me know if you're going to get a I mean you can get a guy that has a potential for 250 to 300 touches this season. I mean, I know he's mr. Boring and vanilla and but I mean, it's tough to find a guy that late in a draft that is going to have that many opportunities. So to keep the Texans strand kind of going Jason lock and for a reported yesterday that he believes the Trent Williams relationship with the Redskin organization is Quote completely fractured Trent Williams. It's not a money thing. It's hey, you messed with my health. All right, I don't want to play for you. I don't trust you. So it looks like the holdout is not ending anytime soon. The problem here is we mentioned on a podcast a week or two ago Tom. Is that the Redskin front office Bruce. Allen is constantly Under Fire Jay Gruden is constantly Under Fire you might be saying they're drawing dead. They're lame. Um Ducks anyway what incentive to those guys have to trade Trent Williams, unless Daniel Snyder comes in here and says you're trading Trent Williams, but the Houston Texans, I mean first and foremost any team in the NFL that hadn't needs an offensive lineman should be inquiring about Trent Williams. So I think Washington could actually get themselves a nice little package for him maybe even up to or including a first-round pick but I mean, this is a guy team should be calling about and a smart organization which watch Then it's not probably would trade him knowing that you have one of the most valuable trade ships in the entire NFL but I don't know what they're going to do. I don't know as you mentioned if Houston's front office has the wherewithal to trade for a guy like Trent Williams right now, but putting Trent Williams on the Houston Texans and certainly some other teams out there on the perimeter would would improve the offense as a whole but I don't see any team out there that I would give a significant boost to more than the Texans if they Were to acquire Trent Williams. Absolutely. I mean that's an instant upgrade for Deshaun Watson for Millar Miller. I mean, they need help immediately and have an awesome day one and they have the space. Now as you touched on earlier, it's you know, they got a couple, you know kind of lame duck guys in red, you know in Washington land there. So, you know, we'll see. I mean I would think it would you know probably would start at a second round pick for him. But you know the Redskins, you know with they might not be looking for. You know draft picks at this point. They want guys that can immediately help them to keep their job. So it's a weird situation here in Washington. It doesn't look it doesn't look like there's a solution coming up anytime soon. It looks like both sides are kind of dug in here, especially to Williams. So, you know, we'll see how it all kind of plays out here. But you know, it is nice one one nice chip here. Maybe we'll get a few more weeks into the preseason here and maybe we'll start to see a little bit of movement, you know to resolve this situation. I say the Texans did acquire Trent Williams. I mean I have to show on Watson at 3:00 right now. I do know some smart people in the industry have them as high as one would you push would you push DeShaun Watson past Andrew Luck if they were to acquire Trent Williams? Yeah. I'm actually kind of for it right now. Just I think it's setting up for what I mean. If you look at his numbers the last two years. I mean, they're phenomenal they're going to be playing in some, you know, more competitive games here this season, you know, they kind of had the chance to You know ride Lamar Miller and these guys at the end. I think they're going to be playing in more competitive games that tough a little bit tougher schedule. So I kind of like them at to but I don't know if I'd go as far as one as I've seen some people and in the end in the industry, even though I think Mahomes is due for a little bit of a regression, but I think he's too far out ahead. Okay, and I mean look you will Fuller is back healthy. He's practicing in full cootie for Hopkins is a great one to three receiver. They have a they have at least some competition at tight end and if They were to go get a pass catching running back home boy. I mean like even a theoretical this is this is a team. Nah, I don't think there's any official reports Tom that the Texans are inquiring about Trent Williams. It's just that everybody on planet Earth has speculated it because it's a perfect fit. I was gonna say it makes too much sense for both sides. Okay, Tom. We have a couple of injuries to get to at the running back position. Let's start with Derrick Henry. He's in a boot walking boot. I don't at Tom if you ever worn a walking boot. No, I've had I did my ankles pretty good back in like middle school high school, but I always had like the air cast Titan deal. Not not a full boot. Well, let me tell you something. They're really comfortable. They're like walking on clouds. Now you get a little sweaty in there, but that it's like walking on a cloud. So at this point in training camp, if you have a guy like Derek Henry whose legs are as important to the Tennessee Titans as they are they're going to put the guy in a walking boot if he His toenails too low so just keep that in mind. It doesn't appear. They're worried about the injury but Derrick Henry isn't a walking boot and ever since I started buying into Derrick Henry you and I have never been a Derrick Henry Guy Greg Cosell started to convince me that he was a different player at the end of last year than he's ever been because Greg was never a Derrick Henry guy. I started to say, you know, I need to buy into Derrick Henry a little bit more. Well, then what happens Taylor Lewan get suspended Derrick Henry ends up. Up injured. So here is my concern with Henry because Tom even if you love Henry and loved what he did at the end of last year, he is very context Reliant. I think he needs the offensive line to be at tip top shape. He needs to be in Tip-Top shape. He needs the offense to be playing Cowboys like where you're not going to be playing from behind. They're going to be in close games. They're trying to shorten their trying to take the ball out of Mario does hands the problem with Henry right now? Luan suspended for four games with Derrick Henry dealing with an injury is now there are two significant things working against him and working against Derrick Henry because he doesn't have that receiving upside is a huge blow to his fantasy value. Yeah, and it's a I know you just moved him up last week and you're probably a have already moved him back down to homeless where he was. I mean the lawn injury is pretty painful for them. You know, they have a tough stretch to open the season 2. Ooh, I know they got Cleveland and in Indianapolis, and I forget who their third game is against but they have you know, a really tough opening schedule. So, I mean he needs to be playing in close games or games that they're going to be winning in and you know, he could get off to a pretty sour note to start the season so, you know, we'll see I'm not I'm not concerned about this ankle as you know, you know, their everybody is, you know, very cautious especially at this time of the year, you know, we got five more weeks until we actually To get game action. So there's no reason to you know, if he has the slightest discomfort. There's no reason to rush him here. But yeah, I mean Henry we pump them up last week and now we're already knocking them back down to where he was. Yeah. It's I'm so carry on Johnson over Derrick Henry 10 times out of 10 for you. Oh, absolutely Marlon Mac over Derrick Henry. Yep, Freeman 10 times out of 10. Yes. Okay Freeman 10 times out of ten Aaron Jones 10 times out of 10. Yeah, and then it starts to get in that. Josh Jacobs, you know marking them, I guess. Yeah for that. I have a well ahead of them. Okay. All right, I think Henry and fournette. I'm still because for net of course, everybody says, oh it looks great, but he's in shorts. So let's yeah. Yeah, I'm ready to get burned by for net and again, but I mean that workload that he's going to get and it should be a little bit better offense here with Nicole. So I'm back into behind in the fournette. At least the price is a little bit more affordable. In the late 3rd now Damien Williams hamstring injury. Tommy hasn't practiced in about a week any real concern here? Not yet. I mean if you know it starts to drag into next week, then I would start to be a little bit concerned but you know looks like just you know out of practice today got you know got the injury this weekend. So just another one of those just to keep an eye on it here if it creeps into next week, then it might be a more of a long-term injury. I have a report now right now from Mike. Clis who covers the Denver Broncos. He said pheo Riddick is taking a physical with the Broncos this morning. That sounds like the Broncos are ready to sign him yikes. That would be really bad news for Fantasy Tom. I wanted to get to it because I didn't want if this happens. I didn't want to publish the podcast and then everybody's like, well you speculated on it and now it's happening. Yeah that that signing would really put a damper on Phillip Lindsay, but you know, maybe he's his price is becoming more affordable here. Maybe it will become really affordable. Maybe he'll start slipping into the seventh and eighth round and you know, the guy can play. I mean we saw that last year but you know, the Optics of the whole thing aren't great here. You know, you've got a guy that's going to probably play some third Downs Royce Freeman is a threat to play, you know, early Downs. I mean, you don't want to use a high pick on a guy that you know might be pigeonholed into just 12, you know, 12 to 14 touches again. Oh by the way what this does mean of course is Devante Booker who still exists is going to get cut but yeah, I yeah, we'll see. Yeah, I think he would be the odd man out. He stinks but we gotta see the Riddick money to though. I mean maybe there's a reason why the the Lions and moved on from them and you know, he's gotten moderate interest here, but we well I also want to see what the Riddick money is if there's any any kind of guaranteed money, maybe he's just a guy they bring into camp and they see what he has left and you know, he could be on the chopping blocks still too. So Tom, I don't want to fully recap what what our update on theoretically Because by the end time the And he might be officially signed. So we'll see what happens there. But theoretically in Denver would not be good for Fantasy. It would be annoying. Okay, let's get to Lamar Jackson. Tom reporter asked asked John Harbaugh about Cam Newton Cam Newton. I think his career-high rushing attempts is a hundred thirty-nine and John Harbaugh said very clearly take the over. Well, that's pretty obvious because Lamar Jackson had a hundred forty seven last year even without playing a full season of what was that seven start. It's yeah, so of course he did get Rush attempts while Joe Flacco was playing but Tom look at through his game logs Joe he had he had a game with 26 carries his first start in 20 carries against the Cleveland Browns a week 17. Holy crap, but I mean what more Jackson's of Canada to get 200 calories this year at from the absolute back position and even if he completely sucks as a pastor that's going to give him a really high. And if he improves as a pastor, it gives them a massive ceiling as well. Yeah, that's 12 to 13 carries. And I think that's very doable for him. I mean they're going to have design runs for him. And you know, he's going to scramble at least a couple times a game too. So we were talking about it, you know, the gaining weight. He was one I did see last week that he put on seven to ten pounds. That's one. I'm actually not, you know, if you ever seen Lamar Jackson. He looks like a real so he's actually a guy that could put on some of the ton pounds. We need to him to make it through all 16 games. So that was one I wasn't too upset that I saw the he gained weight this after that. I mean that is a fair concern Tom because we've seen these guys even Cam Newton County Down is built like an offensive tackle and he gets beat up. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean his body start to break down here a little bit that's you know, a couple different shoulder surgeries here. So it's built like an eighth grader. Yeah. I mean they list him at 212 and yeah, right. I mean that's like listed me. Like 160. Oh my God to 12 to 12. Uh-huh. Yeah, no way. He wastes 212 pounds not a chance. There's somebody out there who they say ways. 239 pounds Tom and Ben Roethlisberger is that I'm I'm inferring somebody who has a little more power than that and there ain't no way he waves 239 pounds. I'm going to tell you that much. Well, he weighs more than that, but Lamar Jackson, I'm gonna guess is under 212 pounds. Yeah, I would put it closer to A hundred. Okay. So Tom just another update from Ravens cam miles Boykin is the third round rookie receivers making a lot of noise. Somebody hears got to catch passes Hollywood. Brown is still on the pop. So will we Snead from the slop but somebody's got to catch passes here. We know Mark Andrews and Lamar Jackson have a good rapport, but it wouldn't be shocking to see miles Boykin makeup. Make an impact not a third round pick. I mean those kind of kind of guys get the chances to play early. Now we have brown. You know who've not who knows how long he's gonna sit out. I thought he'd be ready by now. I mean that was dating back towards the combine there when he had the surgery. So, you know, he's a cada maybe, you know star here kind of watch here the next couple weeks and maybe he'll make some noise in the preseason. I mean, it's not like it's very tough to get through this depth chart Willis needs kind of only one locked in out of the slot. You know, he's going against guys like Michael Floyd and Seth Roberts here. So plenty of room. I'm to you know, put your imprint here and become a starter Tom. Let's get to some of my most drafted wide receivers. Let's start with John Brown in Buffalo Robert Foster. Who is their surprise breakout guy at the end of last year the UDF a is working exclusively with the second team. Meanwhile, the first team is John Brown's A Jones and Colby's Lee and John Brown apparently is lighting up bills camp and has a great rapport with Josh Allen. I mean that's it's not shocking. It feels like we get these kind of reports on John Brown everywhere. He goes dating back to Arizona and last year, you know, we saw it in the preseason and then training camp. So I mean, he's you know, the type of player that can do this and it's great to see that he's you know, getting first team reps and doing it with Josh Altman right away. We initially had I initially had Robert Foster ahead of him just because you know the relationship that they were able to build lat. Here but it sounds like Foster's kind of you know, they're they're putting their foot down and their Givens A Jones the you know, their second round pick the snaps ahead of him. So, you know, I've basically flipped John Brown at Foster already this preseason. Just you know, this is what that was one Camp report. I was you know, moving on early in the preseason, you know early in training camp because that was kind of a pretty big battle here for you know, you got four guys looking to play in three spots here, so, Looks like Foster is kind of the odd man out at this point. So John Brown has already vaulted ahead. We will continue to watch it here in the next couple weeks. It's not like this is set in stone, but looks like Foster's the early man out in Buffalo. I mean John Brown was going ahead of foster. I was drafting both guys. Oh, no, I'm just saying I was a little bit more aggressive on Foster because I thought he was the bigger value at the at the time but you know, that's you know, he's kind of looks like the number for right now. Yeah, so I mean John Brown and drafted a ton I still trapped at Foster. Huntoon Tom because look if John Brown has had his illness and health issues for sure. He's got the sickle cell trait fostered made an impact with Josh Allen last year. So I think he's a good best ball pick to but Judge John Brown's obviously the better best ball pick and I would be I have to point out Tom that until Lamar Jackson completely tanked his season. John Brown was a League winner last year. Yeah. I mean he was, you know, pretty good with Joe Flacco and you know, we've seen how Joe Flacco is kind of know. His dive here, but even with a, you know, well below average quarterback last year and Joe Flacco. He was able to make some big plays. So, you know Joseline doesn't do a lot of things great, but he does throw a pretty good deep ball. And you know, there's there's some reason for Hope for John Brown. I don't know if I'm gonna be too excited to take him and redress but you know, he's perfect for best ball formats where you know, maybe you can use them five to six weeks out of the year. Now. Let's get to my single most drafted best ball wide receiver. Trey Quinton baby, I dropped him in the 17th or 18th round that seems like one out of every two drafts. I do Tommy has the slot receiver role locked up according to Jay Gruden and look I'm not telling you he's catching a hundred passes. I'm not telling you he's going for 1,200 yards and eight touchdowns. What I am telling you is that in the 16th 17th 18th round of a baseball draft where this guy could be your sixth or seventh receiver. He's an auto pick for me. Yeah, he's gonna he should be consistent out of that. Spot I mean, you know kind of kind of rare that we see a guy that's as unproven as trach win, but there are already saying that he is the guy in the slot. So I mean nice guy to pick up not a not a ton of upside. But you know, he should be a nice week filler, you know, if some of your other receivers have done weeks and I mean, I would think he's kind of a loft for four to six catches for 40 to 60 yards most week. So, you know, that's not too exciting. But you know that's potential for ten points and you know throw in a couple touchdowns and then he's usable for for your best ball lineups. Here's here's what I will say about Trey Quinton these guys exist in every every year these guys exist for Fantasy. Not somebody that you're going to keep on your roster all year. But the type of guy who you'd win six teams are on by and you've got a guy who's questionable for the 4:30 game that you can't take a risk on. He's the type of guy you pick up on Sunday morning put them in your lineup and hope for the seven. Catch type game. Yeah, I can imagine. Yeah, he'll depends on how big your drafts are, you know, if it's a fifteen sixteen round draft, you know probably isn't isn't going to be drafted too much but so he could be a you know, pretty hot waiver wire name at the beginning of year and in these deeper drafts though, you know, 14 teams or you know with deeper benches especially for PPR formats. He's definitely on the radar. What's up listeners? This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast. If you're listening to this you obviously like podcasts and I'll go out on a limb and say you like music too. It used to be looking for podcasts on one app and listening to music on another but now on Spotify you have all your listening needs including the fantasy free agents podcast for free. No, you don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic and you can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode download episodes to Listen offline, wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends via spotify's Integrations with social platforms, like Instagram spotify's the world's leading music streaming service, and now it can be your go to for podcast as well. Just search for the fantasy free agents on the Spotify app or browse podcasts in the EU or Library Tab and follow us. So you never miss an episode and now back to the unrestricted unaffiliated unparalleled analysis of the fantasy free agents come. So we are going to cover DFS on this podcast as well. It's probably going to be the focus of our Friday podcasts during the season will be mentioning it throughout the week. But since this is a big day in the DFS Community because over the weekend DraftKings release their week one pricing and the crazy DFS players are already trying to construct lineups based on the week one pricing Tom. I thought it would be I'm not suggesting you build a line up right now, but I thought it would be good if we want we maybe we'll do that on. Error during the season that would be pretty fun little exercise. It would be fun. But right now for week one, there are some pricing options out there and I already see the crazy DFS guys going through and finding values. And of course Thompson's your nuts you've gone and have look for Value. Yeah. I already looked through some potential values at the quarterback position. We got Carson Wentz at $5,700 going against the Redskins, you know a little home game there. So maybe you want to pair him with DeSean Jackson at $4,500. It seems like a nice little little combo there the guy that probably going to get a lot of hype here. I would think it has prices Kyler Murray $5,600 going against the Detroit Lions who had some issues with their secondary last year and it's going to be a real strength their defensive line and defensive fronts going to be a pretty big strength. So could be forced to go to the are quite a bit there and you know, everybody's gonna be excited about Kyler anyway, and you know, the guy that's been getting a lot of help from us and a guy that you know, Is getting a lot of help from the industry period is Cristian Kirk and he's at $4,700. So nice little paring their little little little more down the line here but a potential in trickling tricky one is Nick Foles in his first game with the Jaguars gets an interesting matchup against the Chiefs think it's the highest Line Game, you know, obviously with the Chiefs plan, you know, fifty two and a half points. He's only $5,300 that Chiefs at least Last year, the Chiefs defense didn't travel very well that is setting up for a high-scoring game and you compare him with Dede Westbrook Westbrook for $4,800 and another guy. I also set a circled Philip Rivers at $5,900 home game against the Colts. So I think the over-under is 47 48 points and you know Hunter Henry is a looks like the nice tight end value in the early rankings here at $3,900. Okay, so I'm so there's your week 1 DraftKings update. We will obviously never be talking about that again until week one that is not true. We will definitely be good dealing with DraftKings Tom II want to get into our team two days. But first I said before we do that. I just want to recap everybody. We do have a Blog up at Fantasy free I implore everybody to listen back to the beginning of the podcast. If you are interested in playing against me and Tom in the nff see the Roto wire online championship for the $200,000 Grant. Prize we have instructions on how to do that at the beginning of the podcast. So make sure you listen back to that that is going to be a whole lot of fun and I'll be tweeting about that a whole lot Tom you will be as well. You could draft against me on August 20th and draft against Tom on August 27th. Okay Tom the team to a days for the day. We've been wrapping up all of our podcasts with each other with these two team updates. Let's start in the NFC and the Los Angeles Rams. Okay, the Rams they're coming off of The appearance loss to the Patriots and that quite mind-numbingly boring game there in the Super Bowl. It wasn't awful game. Yeah, it was a pretty awful. I've tried to erase it from my memory here twelve and four last year easily over there nine-and-a-half projected wins Total offense 421 yards, which was second cigar scoring offense. Second 33 points basically plays per game 66 and a half which was third key offensive players lost. Roger saffold John Sullivan and CJ Anderson key additions the rail Henderson Blake Bortles and hi Blake Bortles. That's a nice addition there button on account of targets only 11, which is dead last and this year's when total sits at 10 and a half with a little bit of money going towards the under - 130 even money for betting the over. Okay top. So the the with the Rams Todd Gurley is the big question. Are we going to get any answers on Todd Gurley at all? No, I don't think we will, you know, he's not going to play it all they're going to probably limit his practice time. I think the expectation is the you know, he's not going to be an 80 90 percent snap guy anymore. You know, I think a reasonable expectation is that he's in that 1618 touches a week now, maybe you know sixty to seventy percent of the snaps what? Anderson, you know being like an 8 to 10 touch guy, but I know I think people are excited for Henderson just because you know, he has like waving potential if he, you know, something would happen a girly or if they decide that, you know, just the grind of a 16-game season is too much for them. They need to you know, intersperse some, you know, some breaks forms. So I think that's why people have been pretty excited for Henderson. Obviously, they use the third round pick on the guy and you know, this is one of the best offenses in the lake. Let's go to the AFC Squad in this the Jacksonville Jaguars Tom and it is a team that has basically nobody getting drafted for Fantasy all that all fire outside of for net. And you know, the receiving game is yeah Dee Dee's getting some hype which is, you know, kind of warranted but last year 5 and 11 under nine Vic under their total of nine victories 302 yards per game, which was 27th scoring offense 15.3 31st plays per game 62.8 which 19th key offensive players lost Blake Bortles Carlos Hyde Donte Moncrief, TJ Yeldon, Austin Safari and Jenkins are clowder flowers a little bit of a lot of key offensive player loss. That's a game. Well that last one is but quite a few bodies gone from last year, especially the skill positions key offensive additions Nick Foles Chris Conley Josh Oliver. Why coil Armstead Jeff Swain Alfred Blue on account of targets the third most Most 257 and this year's season when total is set at eight with the under getting - 130 and even money towards the over. So basically Leonard fournette. So third round pick DDOS books like a ninth round pick and then the next jag off. The board is Marquis lie, I think Rockwell Armstead at least been going in that same kind of territory to but yeah, I mean, it's tough to get 2X and Nick Foles is in best ball. He's But going off, you know in that seventeenth eighteenth round as well. So here's my point with that first and foremost. I love DD Westbrook and I think he's still under priced. Number two. Nick Foles is going to bring a level of Competency to this to this team on offense. Somebody else is going to emerge as a receiving option here. It's just a matter of who is it? Yeah, I've taken some shots on DJ charkh late and giraffes just because you know, he's stuck around guy and Falls will get it down field, you know, so if I've used it like a 17th round pick on foals and my best ball drafts. I'll sometimes consider taking charc as 18th round pick to kind of get like a little mini stack there. But you know, I think there's going to be more volume in this passing game. I mean Thief Aleppo has you know, he comes he wants to throw the ball. I don't think they're going to totally, you know, handcuffed them here, you know, they do have, you know, some pretty conservative coaches and you know team president, but you know, I think There is going to be more volume in this passing game. So, you know Westbrook is you know, kind of been a nice little potential value here and you know Nelson Aguilar was pretty active as a slot receiver last two years. I think he finished he was second or third and targets over the last two years in Philadelphia here behind Zach ertz. So, you know Deedee has a little bit of potential out of the slot here, but you know, not, you know, have you taken any shots on Josh all over it tight end and no not yet. I mean, I think he's the That guy though Tom who can emerge and we know foals had a lot of success throwing the ball to Zach ertz. So up everybody has success throwing the ball to Zach ertz, but I haven't taken them either but he's a guy I've kind of started here, you know, if I see a little bit in the preseason, he's a got a potentially take some shots on and you know, the very last rounds of some best balls. Okay, Tom that will wrap it up for this weekend wrap up edition of the fantasy free agents podcast. Probably something we're going to be doing a lot of especially once we have preseason games. I want to remind everybody to check out fantasy free If you want to see our rankings those will be constantly updated throughout the preseason when we get some actual news don't want to dump one thing we don't want to do is overreact to every little bit of news. But once we get solid stuff, we're going to update the rankings listen back to the beginning of the podcast and follow us on Twitter. If you want instructions for how to play us in the nff see the road a wire online championships. You'll be glad you did that's going to be fun and you got a shot to win 200,000. Dollars playing against us and you can rub that in our faces. Follow me on Twitter @ FG underscore Dolan follow Tom on Twitter at Tom Brawley. Thanks for joining us for this edition of the fantasy free agents podcast, and we will talk to you later in the week. Thanks for joining us on the fantasy free agents podcast. Remember to subscribe rate and review on the app of your choice. Our next episode is just around the corner.
 Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan) and Tom Brolley (@TomBrolley) start the podcast with two big announcements. The podcast's home site launched this week ( and the guys have two contests open to all in The NFFC Rotowire Online Championship! Joe and Tom then dig into A.J. Green's injury (8:35), the Giants receivers (14:35), and the ramifications of Theo Riddick's release (18:45). They also get into D'Onta Foreman's declining value (25:00), Derrick Henry's boot (34:20), and Lamar Jackson's rushing workload (40:10). Finally, Tom gives some potential value stacks from DraftKing's recently released Week 1 pricing (49:05) before finishing the pod with another Team Two-A-Days segment on the Los Angeles Rams (51:40) and the Jacksonville Jaguars (53:45). A special congratulations to our own Joe Dolan for finishing #1 in Draft Accuracy for the 2018 season among 140+ sites and experts! This was Joe’s second #1 overall and third top-3 finish in the last 5 years, making his rankings THE most accurate preseason fantasy football draft rankings on average since 2015. Check out the complete list at To draft against Joe, join the Rotowire Online Championship and select the online draft time of 8/20 at 9:30 PM Eastern. To draft against Tom, do the same on 8/27 at 9:30 PM Eastern. Play for the $200,000 grand prize!
Hey everybody. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the teachers align podcast before we get started. I want to thank our sponsor anchor if you're thinking about starting a podcast with your students or just on your own anchors. Definitely the app that you need. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast because it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchors going to distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on spot. Defy Apple podcasts and every other major podcast provider you can make money from your podcast to with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. I love anchor I use anchor and you should download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hello and welcome to the teachers aligned podcast. This is episode number 15, and I am your host Todd sheol. We are very very close to Christmas. And I know a lot of you about to go on break. She'll be a welcome welcome time for you to recharge and renew and enjoy some time with your family and your friends and excited start 2020, which seems like a science-fiction number. I just cannot believe that we're just going to be 2020. That's that's crazy. I'm super excited to bring you our guest today. I watched a video that was on edge autopia that featured my guest and it was just a really really great video. We put it on the website and I reached out to him to see if he would come on the podcast and he happily he agreed to do that. He has dedicated a decade-and-a-half to education in his role as a teacher instructional coach teacher mentor and school administrator and it's through the collaborative team approach and building positive relationships. Then he's leading his school into success. He is currently in his fifth year as principal of fall Hamilton Elementary and internationally recognized Innovative model school for trauma informed practices in Metro Nashville Public Schools. The school's work has been featured on NPR a local documentary PBS and Edge autopia. As I mentioned that video received over 7 million views. He's had the honor of presenting fall Hamilton's work. With the Tennessee State Legislature and the Senate education committees as well as the National Conference for state legislatures legislators. He's also met with the United States most influential Educators who serve on the national Commission of social emotional and academic development 2018. His work was featured in a monthly blog in education week. He is the founder of the trauma-informed Educators schools Network group on Facebook, which is connected thousands of Educators from all over the planet and in 2019. He launched the first annual trauma-informed Educators Network Conference, which was attended by a hundred fifty people from around the world in September this past September. He launched the trauma-informed Educators network podcast, and I will make sure that he shares that information with you so you can check out that podcast as well. Through the podcast to use the viewing Educators and practice practice practice nurse from around the globe in which they are sharing their own trauma informed Journeys. He holds a BS in elementary education and a master's in curriculum from Tennessee State University and completed his administration requirements from Trevecca Nazarene University without further Ado. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you. Mr. Matthew portal. Welcome Matthew. Thank you. I really appreciate you having me on I know that sometimes these early morning these dirty morning discussions can have our voices can arrest Bo who I learned that myself. So I'm really excited to be here. Yeah. So do you go do people call you Matt or Matthew? I always tell people they people call me Matt, but I introduced myself as Matthew and I don't get offended either one. Okay? Well Matt tell tell tell us a little bit more about you like We know you're an administrator. We know you're into trauma informed practices and that's really the connection that that you know made here, but tell us a little bit more about your background like where you grew up and you know, the things that kind of brought you into education. Yeah, so I'm originally from Illinois and a small town right outside of st. Louis Missouri on the Illinois side bordering state and got in originally into forestry. Wanted to be a park ranger and started. Added doing some research and realize that park rangers are only 70 in the state of Illinois, and they don't leave so that is a very lucrative job and bounced around did some things before I answered my focus of being an educator. I fought it off for several years graduated late actually in life and and was working and finally went back and finished at Tennessee State University and just have pursued this. Role of being a positive impact on the lives of kids and adults and education since then and have gone through many different Journeys. I started my career as a teacher of English Learners fourth grade classroom teacher and love that and unlike many people. I left the classroom not because I was pursuing or wanting something else it was because the district came and said we should apply for this instructional coach, which Which took me in to middle and high schools. So I was an elementary teacher who experienced Middle and High School classrooms, which was eye opening to me and I've learned a lot through that journey and I think what I learned the most was kids all want the same thing. They all want relationships connection and they want to be engaged and they want excited Educators in front of them. So that took me through that Journey became a literacy coach became a mentor and then ultimately became an administrator. I end I could never have imagined what being an administrator would be like and every day I leave school. I'm in all of first the amazing things. I see in classrooms being done by teachers and also the complexity of a school culture that branches out from a community culture and how we navigate that world in schools that it's just I tell people I get bored pretty easily but in the five years that I've been a principal there hasn't been a single day that I can say. I've been bored. It's a it's a very fast-paced important role with that your school is built on this model of of embedding trauma-informed practices. Was that something that you started from the start like iif, it says in your bio that you've been there for five years. Is that is that something you started from the beginning or did you learn about that somewhere along? away So I learned from our failures to be quite honest. I did not know anything about trauma-informed work or brain science or the physiological responses or the polyvagal theory. I didn't know anything about that when I started being a principal and be quite honest. I started off being a pretty awful principal. I was being a principal that I thought I was supposed to be and I quickly realized that it wasn't effective. We were physically restraining kids multiple times a week six seven eight times a week when they're escalations were getting out of hand. And I remember in January. I went to a lecture. It's called The Barber gave a lecture here and it's put on by Vanderbilt University and there was a brain scientist and there was an an assistant principal out of the DC area. They were talking about these things called a Aces and this thing called trauma and they started digging into the brain science behind it and the physiological responses and and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was asked by one of the people who organized this event if I wanted to sit in a small question and answer with these two presenters. There are probably 20 people and I remember becoming extremely overwhelmed with emotion of Standing that I was actually damaging kids that I was re-traumatizing them and I actually wept during this small group which people were probably thinking what is wrong with this guy but really it should have been what has happened to these kids because I quickly realized it was it was not good. And so that started the Journey of transitioning my school to become trauma-informed. It was one of those situations where we all have the opportunity when we receive information. Nation that we can either actor on it act upon it or accept it and I knew at that moment I had to act and it wasn't something I could just wait and for a year or two years. So I pretty adamantly went back to the school and started a plan a professional development plan that we ultimately launched in March with a basic Aces training and it just kind of rolled from there. So you Mentioned what like the suspensions or what? What else were you did you feel like you were doing that made you have such an emotional response and and then like how did that change? Like what how did you change that? So for like administrators or maybe some teachers who are listening and may not be aware of some of the things that they're doing that you found out about what were some of those things that you were doing that you you felt strongly about and then and how did you change them? Your suspensions was definitely one of them my goal when I came there were my school smocks 325 kids the year prior to my me taking on the principal shit, there were 52 suspensions. And so I was already kind of setting a goal not knowing about trauma and from work to kind of decrease that because as a kid who had been suspended when I was in school. It's not effective. But but I kept going with some suspensions. I think my first year I had 30-something suspensions and realizing that when kids came back they were just more Angry than before they left and so suspension would definitely one of them physical restraint was definitely one of them and ultimately what I realized is I was getting in power struggles with kids over things that I shouldn't have gotten in a power struggle over and then when I learned the brain science, I was realizing that kids were out. Rating out of that Primal part or what would prefer is the lizard part of their brain, their their lower brain of they were responding to this to the my my reaction and my reaction was trying to gain control as opposed to gain connection. And so that's where I knew that we had to change some things. Now you all Educators no changing system structures and mindsets take time. I'm and it has taken time and to be quite honest. We're stepping back in some levels to restart again because I've been teachers in my building. And so that's what I mean when when it was we weren't doing things properly and what I quickly also understood is this as an adult transition, it's not the kid transition. Yeah, we have to look at what we're doing and our skill set in our toolbox when we have kids who are bringing complex trauma with Them into our classrooms because ultimately controlling them and thinking we are going to assert our Authority upon them isn't an effective strategy when you're talking about kids who are operating from a from a toxic stress or trauma trauma impacted brain. And so what are some of the specific I know like in the video there were those check-ins and things of what are some can maybe you could talk about that and maybe some of the strategies that you started to implement with the adults in your building so that they could be more trauma-informed or certainly not create more trauma or some of those those strategies. Yeah, so the first the first one was to get the foundation of why what why do we need to change? So the first strategy was professional learning around the brain science and at that time Aces that were the acronym Aces wasn't in the mainstream people weren't talking about adverse childhood experiences. And so really getting that research in front of them from Kaiser Permanente in the CDC because it was was you know as profound and once we started that it was here's the basis of what is called trauma informed practices and it even at the time trauma-informed practices was just I mean, it was just coming out of being a thing in so having those conversations and and doing everything from praying playing the brain architecture game to talking about the brain science, too. Showing the Harvard University videos of the impact of trauma. We did this every month starting in March until the end of the school year. So we didn't actually do any implementation of practices. We started the next year and I tell people unapologetically half of my staff left after the first year because they they weren't necessarily comfortable and I'm telling you I I had they were amazing teacher. Some of them were absolutely remarkable. And I respected their stance of I don't know. I'm not comfortable with this. And so I actually helped them get to other schools. Some of them have become teachers of the year. That's cool. They're amazing people. But I knew I had to get the right staff in the building. So the second years when we started implementing practices. The first one we did was our peace corners and that is because we realize that elopement was a major issue in our school kids were running out of classrooms. Often and so that told us they needed a place when they felt overwhelmed. And so we started piece Corners. I did it voluntarily because I do believe in teacher voice and I do believe in teacher buy-in me dictating and saying you're going to put piece Corners isn't an effective strategy when you're first trying to transition model and so about 90% of the teachers actually volunteered we purchased all of the materials. We started seeing some really successful. Assess with that so that was the first we then realize that it was more than just a place where kids needed to deescalate. It was actually strategies. So we then layered in those mindfulness and D escalation strategies of take five deep breaths tighten and release go get a drink of water stop and work it out all of those type of strategies because initially we Kids go in and fill in that reflection sheets, but it really wasn't about reflection. It was about D escalation. And so we started that we then learn very quickly that teachers need the same support. So we did our tap in tap out system where when a teacher is feeling dysregulated and it isn't necessarily that the kids are it's that the teacher is feeling overwhelmed which for all of us, we know that happens and we know sometimes it happens often which was a system and In which teachers could request a tap out which is just a few minutes to kind of step out of the space. Do those D escalation mindfulness based practices get get back to calm and center and then be able to reintegrate back in the room. We've sent kind of adjusted even that and we use the group me app. Now it goes out to all staff somebody is going to respond whether it's a teacher on their planning whether it's me whether it's some of our trauma counselors. So that's a layer we then began check-in and check-out which was about relationship building with our kids and mentoring our tier 2 kids because we are trying to build out that true MTS s or multi-tiered system of support model for academics and social emotional learning. Of course, we have morning meetings and those things have always happen, but they didn't happen with the purpose in mindset around connecting kids or especially those kids who are operating in a dysregulated. I mean that quickly became our focus and then of course relief continue to try to innovate even with our SEL team that we eat every two weeks and we even now have to restorative practices assistance one's actually a trained 15-year veteran therapist intensive in-home therapist who serves as our restorative practices, but really there are trauma therapist over the grocery over the course of that time that you've been Ting these strategies what have you seen in terms of the shift as the has there been a shift in the school culture due to our teachers the teachers in general or warming up to all of it and feeling one more comfortable or are there still challenges? What what has it been like in terms of the shift? You've seen since you've started to do these things? So yes, yes, and yes. Yes, there's been a shift. Yes teachers are feeling more comfortable and yes, it is still difficult. And I think when I hear others talk about trauma-informed practices and to be quite honest, especially those that haven't actually done it in schools. It burns my chest because this is extremely hard work. It's extremely difficult stepping back from situations and Removing yourself or what? We call Q-tip quit taking it personal and really being there as a buffer for kids and a support system for kids when they're challenging and making our jobs what what we are produced is difficult. Right and I'm constant were constantly in conversations with our with my staff of yes. I understand that. This child is bringing difficulties in yes. I understand. It's negatively impacting the class. But here's the things that we're doing around a tier 2. Roach even just last week. We had what we call a productive dialogue circle with my staff where I have I have five new teachers in my building. We had five babies born last year, which respect my teachers for stepping in to the parent rolling out of the educator role while their children are growing and trying to have this conversation with a with the teachers who are just now coming in. Into this mindset, we've had to step back. And so this productive dialogue Circle was about consequences versus punishment teachers are frustrated a lot of teachers in my school were frustrated because they didn't feel that kids were being quote unquote punished. But what we do is consequence based thinking yeah, and that consequence based thinking comes in the restorative mindset. And so it still is continuing to manifest itself in our school culture of support. It isn't I don't well, I mean just to be quite Frank. I've had to step back after three months of really kind of being negative of I don't get why teachers don't get it. They're not understanding to in the last three weeks to going. Listen. It's about supporting the adults and standing in that space of vulnerability in front of my staff and having to apologize because I wasn't and haven't been in a good space the last couple months because I was projecting my ideas and my my knowledge onto to Educators that haven't had the experiences in the training that I've had. Yeah, and so it really is stepping up stepping back and re-evaluating constantly. I think that's such a good point though that you make which is that sometimes things are in theory sounds great and and so convinces his going to be great and then you put it into practice and it's can be much more challenging than the theorists present and And I think that's you know, you mentioned the teachers that left and I think that's one of the I think that sometimes things can make sense to us internally. But as we as we as it unfolds and reality, it just is a trickier thing. It's just a much more challenging thing because you're you're changing an entire mindset on how to approach maladaptive behaviors. And what's the what the students have traditionally been through and what the teachers have traditionally Done. It's all being changed. And I think that's it's really it's almost like pushing against the Stream So to a certain extent, but tell me like you mentioned these teachers leaving the once that stayed you mentioned, they went through training and so forth. But what what are they seeing in the classroom? That is specifically that is has been working. And what are they seeing? That's still a challenge? Yeah, so we know I know for a fact the teachers that are investing in relational strategies and connection are having the greatest success. Right and those teachers that can remove themselves from the situation as it's not about them. It's the kids aren't attacking them as teachers or even human beings tend to have the greatest results when it comes is to student the escalation students comfortability and even most recently what I've we've actually ran some data and our teachers who have the the most frequent communication with parents positive, right as well as those challenges are having better results with student behavior and academic success. And so I think a big piece of this trauma-informed work is not looking at parents in a negative way and thinking shame on them or they should know better. They need to be doing this as a parent or for those teachers that are embracing that relationship and connection to the parents. It's having a major positive effect on the kits and I think those are things that in this movement, there's not enough conversation in about out around that importance of the connection to the parent and the teacher what I also have seen are the teachers who have established the best structure and routine are having the best results. What we know about a traumatized brain is predictability is key. And so having explicit routines that are procedural everyday takes that anxiety out of kids and their stress when they Know what's going to happen next, you know, a lot of we see it at our school, you know during this time of year. There's all kinds of things that are changing whether it's whether it's winter celebrations, whether it's pajama day it throws our kids completely out of whack because we're breaking major routines for a lot of kids and I'm not saying all kids but there is a subset of kids who when those changes happen. It's difficult. So those teachers Those who keep it the routines have clear expectations and hold kids accountable and I think that one major thing and I've talked to Jim spoiler letter who has written. The Trump informal Educators guide book are trauma-informed schools educator at trauma-informed schools guidebook and was on the documentary Paper Tigers is we have to understand the balance between expectations and boundaries because What so many people think about trauma-informed his kids get to do whatever they want when they want because of what's happened to them. And that's simply that's a misnomer that is not true. We have to set clear expectations and boundaries and support kids to that boundary if they cross it there has to be consequences, but it has to make sense. And so those teachers who are being able to set that boundary and have those clear logical consequences are ending to have this greater impact when it comes to transitioning kids and supporting them. Do you think that that was like one of the reasons why some of the cheat teachers chose to leave is because I thought that maybe you were going that that you were removing consequences for kids and that they didn't feel like that that was going to work and I will be quite honest with you. I don't think any of the teachers left because of anything other than four of one of them had twins and she had a two-year-old son. Couldn't one of the teacher I can tell you the majority of the teachers left because they had babies and in Nashville, Tennessee. You can't afford child care and teaching which is a whole other podcast that I think you could go on to the cost of living is ridiculous and teachers are not compensated appropriately but one of the teachers did leave because of the intensity that he experienced with a specific student who was extremely aggressive physically violent. Violent and and we still have a great relationship and I understood and I told her I will help you get a job. I will help you get in a great school that you're going to thrive. I didn't take it personally just like I don't want my teachers to take it personally, but the student he had honestly been almost traumatized herself by the intensity of this child and this child has and still is in a very toxic. Situation and so she had to step out but the majority of them left because they met moved out of state or had children and they we still communicate so it isn't there. It wasn't a negative thing. You mentioned that about not taking a Q-tip not taking it personally, which I think is hard for any human being to do when someone you feel like someone's being aggressive with you or being disrespectful to you. Do you think that like that teachers having their own personal mindfulness practices or other means of addressing sort of internal stress is is something that is helpful. So in that capacity to not take it so personally to not necessarily maybe over react to some of these behaviors 100% And I think that not only those personal practices of mindfulness and I know most I don't know if most Is no but head space as an educator. You can get it for free. It's guided meditation. You can do three five or ten minute. I use it often and it is just kind of getting yourself back and I am not a woo type of person but I've blown away by the impact it has had on me personally just being able to be in that space of feeling what you feel understanding your body and its reaction to those emotions, but even more We as teachers have to have other teachers. They have to have them in the Moment Like I said we have tapping into about we have a card system for kids that if a teacher needs a break from a student not that the student has done anything or I have three boys. Sometimes they get on my nerves. Yeah, and it's being able to send a student to another room not because they're doing anything but it's hey, will you take this next door and the card indicates by the Of the card that the teacher just needs a minute from the student to make sure that they're staying and that's healthy space. There's also that the kid needs a break and so having a network or a support system within the school of other teachers is imperative. I mean, it is important and then the layer of that is also having a space to be able to be vulnerable and being open and honest so we use I'm not sure if you're if you're familiar with the Happy Teacher Revolution But it is a framework created by a teacher that was teaching in Boston. And she was a kindergarten teacher. She had 38 kids in our classroom. She is a mental health Advocate herself because she has suffered from some mental illness and she was raised by an alcoholic mother and went to AA meetings. And so she's basically formulated these Circles of support that are for teachers Guided by teachers where they're connecting to 12. Commitments are promises. So we use that every month at my school. I don't go it's ran by three teachers. So in that supportive space, I think those are layers that have to happen in a school for teachers to have a voice feel respected and connect to each other through vulnerable sharing and those were pieces that we use. What are your thoughts on this? Like, I've heard some teachers that I mean because teachers some lot of teachers have been through adverse childhood experiences. And are trying to manage and deal with their own trauma that they may have experienced and then we introduced Aces and trauma-informed practices to them and sometimes that can trigger some things that are challenging inside them. Have you seen any of that? And how do you kind of how do you build in sensitivity to that with the adults that you're bringing these Prime these this information to we always operate an even as a as an international speaker and presenter. I always place before I Anything that we are going to talk about things that could potentially have an adverse effect on you depending on your experiences. And if you need space and time, please take that and I'm going to give you a prime example this at the very beginning of the school year. We have an intern from one of the local universities and we were discussing the negative impact of active shooter drills on our kids and what we were going to do as an alternative to active shooter drills and I I saw her get up and walk out and at the end she came up to me and she said I really apologize but I was I was not personally harmed but I was a part of one of the mass shootings that occurred that was on the news over the last year and I just needed to step out and by all means we support that 100% And what I would say is no different than kids when we've experienced trauma as children or even as an adult it is That we take the Avenues of supporting care. And so we have like I said, we have a couple to actually we technically we have for therapists on staff. We have our school counselor who's a trained therapist. We have our two restorative practices assistance that are actually their best and we have a center Stone therapist. We encourage teachers to have those conversations whether with our team or outside of the building because healing takes time and it takes purpose. And and honestly just supporting the adults in those spaces is really important. I agree a hundred percent. It's teaching is a just a very stressful profession and you're trying to manage behaviors while also trying to you know, deliver a curriculum. It's just it's a very challenging process and it's and it can be physically and mentally very exhausting and really important that Let teachers know that their self-care is needs to be a priority and give them the time and space to do that. And because if we want them to manage these behaviors in a way that is positive without the emotional response without the over over reaction without the anger and that kind of thing that that might trigger the trauma and the student we've got to make sure that the teachers have the the resources to not get to manage their own. Own sort of inner lives as well. I wanted to you mentioned a term that I've heard of but I'm not super familiar with and I imagine some of my other listeners have the same sort of question mark kind of going there their head. You mentioned polyvagal Theory and I've read an article on that. Can you talk a little bit about what polyvagal theory is and how that relates to all the stuff we're talking about. So I will tell you I'm by no means a an expert in this and I'm actually going Be on my podcast talking to an actual expert of this but it is the way in which the brain is operating and specific situations of stress and how that we have to understand that some of the responses and things that are happening when kids are in this reactive State isn't by choice. Right and it is that they're going to a place in which they're not making direct connections to their R Behavior or responses? And so it is that part of the brain in which these things are occurring and I think that just understanding any brain Theory whether it's the polyvagal or whether it's understanding the the effects of of the amygdala and how that it manages the stress responses and how that is the kind of gatekeeper to how the neural connectivity happens. And we know that through these different processes that trauma is impacting our kids and so any of these theories and and need to be explored by Educators because for so many years we've done we've done research based practices, but we have disconnected from the brain science. And so the polyvagal what I would say is for people to really look into those that SS and I kind of gave a very minimal overview because I'm not an expert either right but even going down to just understanding the impacts of the limbic system as well and that's something I'm not an expert but how the body carries the stress within the limbic system but also even going down to recently the CDC. I think it was the CDC just experienced something about the body and the impact of stress. On bone density in the bone structures. So I mean this this work is trauma work is just flying out in the research world where it's really difficult to grasp it as fast as it's coming through and it's changing so quickly. Why don't the gun? Yeah, but I was gonna ask you why do you think this this kind of information hasn't been a part of the teacher education. Experience. Yeah, so I think because it's new I mean, you know, the the Asus study was done in the late 90s, but really started building the Resurgence in the last 8 years, so I think the research is new and as a it's like any research the more we know the deeper people go the The more we have to change what we do. I mean even coming down to the intergenerational transmission of trauma, you know how and we always have called it the cycle in education, but now we're having some actual research done around it and I think to that that that epigenetics and and I know I'm throwing a lot of Words, but that be genetic study around the impact of genetic makeup over time with with Generations that have experienced trauma is mind-boggling like we have to know that some kids over time based off generation or historical trauma, their genetic makeup is changing and so all of this research is newer research that as Educators we have to kind of put ourselves in that space of going wait. Our expectations are actually increasing right but the research is coming out is saying that our kids are kids are not the same kids that we had 50 years ago in the same type of experiences. They're having aren't the same that our parents have experienced or even to be quite honest myself in my in my education. What kids are learning in fourth grade. I learned in middle school and high school. And so I think stepping into the space of being being our own researchers and our own knowledge Getters of going we got to go out there and devour this information because it is flying out of the research of the research is flying out so quickly. We got to stay on top of it. Yeah, and I think that the information is so revolutionary in terms of how we approach public education how we approach just schooling in general that it's It's so essential that all Educators become informed on these practices on this information because I always liken it. Like if they change the cars like when they added computers to cars in the mechanics don't don't learn that and they just stay held a holding on to these old models of how engines used to be. They're not going to be an effective mechanic so they have to get that updated information to manage what we're what we know now our best. Cactuses and what we're for for an administrator who hears about these things, I think sometimes you know in you know, you've been in education long enough, you know, that things come along a people always say well think this is just a fad it's coming along will learn will go through all these trainings and we'll hold on to it for a couple of years and then it'll be the next thing. How do you set this apart from something like that in your opinion? Is this is this something is this something the And how is it different than maybe some of these other programs or ideas that have gone along and gone away. So to me trauma-informed isn't mindset right? It's not a box program that you're going to I mean there are box programs and they're going to continue to fly off the shelf because it is the I this topic is very at the Forefront of education. But to me trauma-informed is who I am and it's how I operate it's my system. And so it's to be quite honest. It's always been my sister. Um, it was my system when I was an ESL teacher and I had kids who are refugees who came in. I didn't know that's what it was but it was that wow, there's really amazing power in connection and and D escalation, but now that we have the research to base it. It's undeniable and to be quite honest to me. It is malpractice. If we are not utilizing This research to change what we're doing if we know for a fact that kids are coming in dysregulated and their In that that in that that lizard part of their brain and we're still doing what we've always done knowing that that isn't going to have a positive impact or outcome on them to me. It's now practice because we're continuing this cycle of what we know is the school to prison pipeline, especially for some students minority students. So, It isn't a it's not a fad. It's it is who we are as Educators who understand this and it's definitive research that's undeniable. And so I think it's going to continue to manifest and yes, I think that the pendulum can swing way too far one way and it's finding that balance between what you said earlier theoretical and and daily practice because it You to say it, but it's really difficult to do it every single day and I'll be honest and tell you as somebody who does speak on this often. It's hard for me everyday and Thursdays I make mistakes, but I think what Educators need to know is when you're in that space of mistake making just like we asked our kids you have to be in that space of apology. I apologize to kids often. I did this Sleek. I was escalated because of major situation in a kid. Came into the office and was really hyped up and I kind of became overwhelmed and yell and next thing. I know I'm like whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, I am the I've got to step out. I'm very sorry. I apologize and that's how we have to interact. I think that's a really good metaphor that it's not like it's an app that you're going to put on your phone and then maybe delete some day because it's not useful that it's the entire operating system really? It's the way your phone phone is going to work from now on because it's so Deeply embedded in the all of your apps. Really I think that would be kind of an interesting metaphor. I don't know if that works. But I think that's that makes a lot of sense to me rather than looking at it. This is individual program. That is more an operating system. Tell us more about you've built you started this network. So I obviously you you implemented this at your school the the video on adjective adjective you blows up. Tell us about this network and how people can get connected to your network. So the network I started it was and late 2018 as a social media connection platform basically was I needed like-minded people to talk to because I was feeling discouraged some point. I didn't have a network of like-minded people that I could go and throw ideas out or ask for things or Share a positive story that that could impact people and so I just started a Facebook group called The trauma-informed Educators Network thinking. Oh, it would just be a small group will share it'll be really like minded and didn't realize that it would roll out so quickly and I think we just hit this last week to over 20,000 Educators and Professionals in a hundred five different countries connecting and what I've also learned that when you're getting a network that Big that perspectives are extremely different and when you're talking about cultural differences when you're talking about somebody who's in the Ukraine versus somebody who is in the UK versus somebody who is in Tennessee, there can be some conflict. And so even this last week I kind of had to do a poll. Do you feel like there's some negative responses and so adjusting even the network, but it is an amazing place to Your ideas get ideas. There's document shared all the time. There's structure shared all the time. There's opinions here. There's new science shared, but it is a great place to go to and get some information around this work. And so how does I'm connected to it. I think it's great. I get read a lot of the stuff that comes through is really very very helpful. What how does someone find that is it just Facebook and if so have they find it and so there's a trauma-informed educators. Network Facebook page then there's a group what I would say is join the group and that is that's the one that has the large population of 20,000 people also from that I just went on during when the group was only I think it was 6,000 people last year. I put down would anybody be interested in having basically a conference just let's get people from this network together and let's get like-minded people around the table and have Asians in professional learning so last year in July, we sold out a conference of only a hundred and fifty people and we we develop this conference and a trauma-informed way. So we really were about the the title was cultivating connections. So it was no vendors allowed. There's no tables. There's not people selling product. It was at a local University. We did an RFP which is actually now open for The 20/20 version of this same conference, but what we did was we built into after every other session we built what we call home groups and so the same group of Educators came together and process the information and created those connections just like we do in the classroom and people left with not only information knowledge and learning but they left with connections and I think that that is the power of this. Network and it's around connections but Facebook group is definitely the way to go and then obviously the conference that we're doing in July as a second version I would highly recommend and it's only 200 people and we did that on purpose. We're not doing this to blow up a giant conference. We're doing this to create a connection for the people who are there that's great. Yeah. I think it's so important these this networking because there are a lot of teachers I think out there who have become acquainted with this information. Formation, but maybe their Administration isn't on board or whatever reason there. They may be the only person in their building that's really, you know, implementing this work. And so for them to have a group of other Educators to network with and bounce ideas off of and talk about what's working. What's not working and continue to get the latest research has so so essential so I think that's a that's great. The great work that you're doing is going to be helpful to a lot of people and then you have Also have a podcast. Can you talk about the the podcast and how that got started in kind of what people can expect and where they can find it sure. So it again came out of the trauma informed schools Network as I was seeing all of these people sharing and the amazing work that's happening across the globe. So I just started a podcast called the trauma-informed Educators network podcast. It's can't see a thing. It's All about the trauma-informed Educators Network. And what I've done is just reached out to people all over the globe and and talking about their Journey. They can find it on Soundcloud right now A we just recorded and released the sixth episode and they can also get it on Google Play unfortunately iTunes is not playing very nicely with me right now, but hopefully it will be on iTunes very very soon, but I'm extremely excited in January to be interviewing doctor. Bruce Parry the author of the boy who was raised as a dog one of the top trauma researchers in the world and to get his his ideas of what his work is but also the misconceptions that are being drawn from the work he's done because I'm aware of a lot of them where people are using some some captures of the brain that are misused to try to represent things that aren't based in fact, so anyway, Way, but they can and I just spoke to two Educators out of Montgomery County Maryland who are educators of children who have experienced interruption in their formal education their ESL teachers all the way to gyms for letter. I had spoke to a trauma training facilitator in South Africa. So it's a widespread a very diverse group of people who are sharing their perspectives and Journeys. That's great for those who may be listening will be Or to put links to the network the group on Facebook and the podcast end and it like when you do have information on the conference, if you'll share that with me, I'll be sure to put that on our website and and then I'll put the other information in the show notes for this particular episode. I wanted to one last topic I wanted to do and I'm going to ask you about some some recommendations for books or resources as the last question, but before we get to that I've lately been reading a lot about what one of the things that I think happens with this kind of work a mine. My emphasis has been more on mindfulness. But as I learned more about restorative practices and trauma-informed practices is connecting this to systemic racism and oppression oppression, and and I think sometimes there's I've read a couple of articles. That like I'll just give you example with mindfulness I think was Alfie Kohn. I think it's I don't know if it's cone or con but he was criticizing mindfulness as just trying to get people who are oppressed to be comfortable with their oppression. And I think there is an understandable put like some there's an understandable impression that some people have that these these all this stuff is just trying to get people to be comfortable with their oppression and my my response to that has been no this is getting people to wake up to their oppression and giving them the resources and tools to to overcome comment to help manage their inner lives so that then they have the energy and strength to change their outer lives. What have you ever had has that been something you thought about or something you've experienced as an administrator? And so I'm I My school and I think that that's where beyond the ace study is where we have moved and I think it's really important and even my mentioning of the school-to-prison pipeline. Yeah. I mean it's imperative. We can't talk about trauma-informed work unless we're talking about the context of historical trauma even even the impact of local context of trauma. So what it means to be a Native American And the middle of Tennessee is much different than what it means to be an Oklahoma and I've lived in both spaces being an African-American and and Alabama is much different than the context of being an African-American in the middle of New York City. Right? So these contacts we must have an understanding on and I think what you said is what I agree with being mindful is about knowing where you are in your space in your life in your reactiveness and your experiences whether it's yours or A channel and knowing how to manage that in a with a voice because what I think oppression is is not having a voice full of mindfulness is being able to use your voice effect. And so we do have to have those conversations and even in my school, we've already gone through three sessions around implicit bias because it doesn't matter who you are as a white male principle of a predominantly Black and Hispanic school. I have to check my A bias at the door often and to be quite honest the reverse has the same a lot of parents. I drive a truck. I love to fish. I am not what I appear most of the time there could be all kinds of stereotypes. And what I've learned is it's about connection parents. Once they know me know my heart know what I'm addressing and how I stand in the space, it changes their perspective, but we have to have these conversations because for so long, you know schools are afraid to talk about Some schools are afraid to talk about these type of topics, but when you're talking about trauma, it's all interwoven. Right when you're talking about marginalized communities and people who have been oppressed and haven't had voice and even to this day are still trying to be quieted because it's disrupting the norm we have to be in that space as Educators and as wide Educators, we cannot just remain silent when we hear see and Feel implicit bias or racism we have to use our voices effectively because not only can we not be racist but we cannot be we have to be anti-racism where we have to speak against it as opposed to just remain quiet. Yeah. I think it's this is I think some people make the assumption that they have to be neutral but I think it's a school system is in pot. It's impossible to have a school system. That's neutral. It's either it's either continuing its facilitating the continuation of Oppression or it's helping bring an end to it. And like you said by by just ignoring it. We're we're making a decision. That's not neutral. I think that's brilliant. So before we wrap up are there any books websites? I know you mentioned your network and your podcast we're definitely going to link that but are there any Other books or resources that you'd like to share with the listeners. Yeah, so I I can kind of tell you from the beginning of my journey is idead wrap myself around the deepest well by Nadine Burke who's now the deserves the Surgeon General of California. Who is she she the Terran resilience in a various documentaries. She kind of isn't that Forefront of the pediatric medical side. So the basis of you just want to know the impact of trauma, that's a 8:1 as early on I did use Jim's four letters book the trauma-informed schools guidebook as a basis and I still connect to it often fostering resilient. Learners is an amazing book. It's a short book great for a faculty meeting are great for a faculty read because it's really thin man. There's so many books coming out right now. I think that I'm trying to think of the one the new Jim Crow is one that You want to read about racial disparity and the impact of trauma is really good. Why do the wide there's another book that I'm actually in the midst of reading my goodness. My brain just went it's about vicarious trauma. It's literally in my bag, but I think to making sure we understand how important self-care is. I cannot remember the name of it. I apologize in email me. At all. Yeah, email it to me at all. I'll add it for sure. But right now there's so many books and I can tell you that a friend of mine. Alex. Bennett is about to produce a it's going to come out in 2020 a book around race and how it impacts how the role of that needs to be happening in trauma and formwork. She's a writer for a dystopia as well. There's so much coming out right now. The people just need to grab On an internet Network that we talked about the trauma Portage caters Network go in there and say what are you reading? And you will get hundreds of responses of books that are that are really impactful. Yeah, you know, I think that's you mentioned self-care and that's such a critical component of all of this because it's really hard you mentioned earlier how incredibly difficult it is to do do this kind of work to be Be trauma-informed and to to keep continue being regulated yourself so that you can help students regulate and that when you are deregulated that you have the awareness to recognize it and acknowledge it and be like you said that vulnerability piece about being able to acknowledge. Yes. I'm you know, I'm right now, I'm not being my best self. I've got, you know, I'm feeling anger and and apologizing like you mentioned as well to students a lot of teachers. May not feel comfortable doing that. It's but that self-care piece is so important because it helps build that Reservoir inside you to give you the capacity to stay regulated and to and to have the awareness to know when you're not and so I appreciate you mentioning that and I appreciate your time today. Is there anything else that we haven't mentioned that you want to share trauma stewardship? That's the book and it's awesome. I'm reading it right now and to be quite honest, it's changed my mindset, I think. I think that to laughing a lot you all when we're talking Educators. We have to be laughing when there are situations that we could view as being detrimental to ourselves. Just seeing the humor in things. I've taken this approach to be quite honest over the last three weeks and my staff they're like, what have you been doing? You just seem completely different you seem like you kind of you seem like you've changed over the last couple weeks and it really is just looking at the humor and look, Net looking at the glass half full and it's so easy for us as Educators to view our jobs as so difficult that we get almost in a despair mindset, but when we really think about what we're doing and the impact we're having and the kids lives that they get to share with us. It's really hard to stay in that mindset. And what I would say is we got to stop being pressured about our tests and we've got to start being pressured about our connections when connections happen teachers give high quality instruction kids will learn but kids are not going to learn under a pressure cooker of us being stressed out and in there there was a study done where there was swab test done of students to check to see what their cortisol level. We were in correlation to a self-assessment of a teacher are the teachers who self assess their stress, and there was a direct correlation. In between increased cortisol levels of the students who were in the classrooms of teachers who responded as highly stressed. Well, so we know all of what we feel is transferred right to our kids so laugh with your colleagues look at the humor in things every day because you all funny things happen every single day in schools and try to stay in that positive mindset because our kids need us our colleagues need us and to be more importantly our families need us. And we can't pour from an empty cup. That's powerful. Thank you so much for your time today and for all the work that you're doing, you know, you're you know being just being an administrator alone. And then the father three boys. I mean you've got so much on your plate and then for you to take the time to launch this network and to do a podcast and to you know, continue to try to spread the word on these important topics is very admirable. So thank you for everything. Thing that you're doing, I appreciate that was Matthew portal. I will in the show notes link everything that you mentioned all the books and resources and his Network and his podcast so you can head on over there and check out his podcast. Of course, you can check our website. It's You can connect with us on Facebook there as well as slash teachers aligned and thanks to Jordana Egan our new director of social media. She started an Instagram account and you can find that at teachers aligned. Network, so if you're an Instagram kind of person check out teachers aligned Network and you can follow us there thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of the teachers align podcast. Have a great week.
Mathew Portell has dedicated a decade and a half to education in his role as a teacher, instructional coach, teacher mentor, and school administrator. It is through the collaborative team approach and building positive relationships that Portell is leading his school into success. He is currently in his fifth year as principal of Fall-Hamilton Elementary, an internationally recognized innovative model school for trauma-informed practices in Metro Nashville Public Schools. The school’s work has been featured on National Public Radio, the local documentary Enough, PBS, and Edutopia, one of the world’s top educational practices website funded by the George Lucas Foundation which resulted in over 7,000,000 views. He is the founder of the Trauma-Informed Educators Schools Network Group on Facebook which has connected over 20,000 educators in over 100 different countries! In July 2019, he launched the first annual Trauma Informed Educators Network conference which was attended by 150 people from around the world! In September of 2019, he launched the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast. Through this podcast he is viewing educators and practitioners from around the globe in which they are sharing their own trauma-informed journeys. Mathew's Book/Resource Recommendations The Trauma-Informed Educators Network  The Trauma-Informed Educators Network Podcast The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity by Nadine Burke, MD The Trauma-Informed School: A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide for Administrators and School Personnel by Jim Sporleder and Heather T. Forbes Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom by Kristin Souers and Pete Hall The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist's Notebook--What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry and Maia Szalavitz Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky If you are interested in connecting and collaborating with Mathew, you can e-mail him at [email protected].
Hi everyone. This is Hannah before we get started. I just want to tell you about anger. It's actually the app I'm using right now to create this podcast anchors by far the easiest way to create a podcast it's free and you can use it on your phone or on your computer within anchor. It gives you the tools to record edit and mix your podcast and then anchor takes your podcast for you and it distributes it to all the major podcasting platforms, like apple podcast and Spotify.This was definitely the most helpful feature for me because I didn't have any podcasting experience. And so I would have had no idea how to get my podcast out there. You can also make money from your podcast anchor will pair you with sponsors and you can start making money without even having a minimum listenership. If you're interested in making a podcast download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started again download the free anchor up or go to Anchor FM to getDidn't you won't regret it? I got a phone call from a man. He said my name is dr. Peter Hackett calling to see if your daughter Shannon was there I said no I said you know, why who are you and he said that he ran I we were the house for girls Shannon was there she was upset he'd given her some medication calmed down and he was worried about her. Is she home? I had asked him. How did you get my number and he told me that you know, it's the policy that if anyone goes to his, you know his house that he has to have contact information. And I knew that was wrong. They say that he's an exaggerator. He likes to put himself in the middle of things, but he's otherwise harmless and from the facts that I have that's dramatically untrue. I'm Hannah green and I'm Quinn wolf and this is crime Coast. Hi everyone. We want to apologize for the delay in getting episode 3 up. We are still trying to get episodes up every other Monday and we really appreciate your patience and dedication to the show. Thanks to those of you who deemed us emailed us tweeted at us. We are still working very hard to get the content put together and to get the episodes out bi-weekly. So with that being said, we have a particular doctor and some burlap that needs to be discussed buckle up because this one's a crazy ride. This episode is going to contain some talk of suicide. So if that's going to upset you, I think maybe it's best that you skip this one, but if it doesn't strap in Before we dive back into the case and throw some new players at you. Let's just recap the night of Shannon's disappearance because remember she was not found with the four bodies wrapped in burlap on Ocean Parkway, right? So on May 1st 2010 in the early hours of the morning Shannon Gilbert was last seen frantically running around the Gated Oak Beach Community. She was hearing banging on a number of residents doors screaming for help. Shannon didn't accept help from the two neighbors who open the door for her, but she did cross paths with someone else someone whose property was about 30 yards away from where her body was found. Someone who spoke to her mother Mary before she even knew that Shannon was missing. Dr. Charles Peter Hackett was a longtime resident of Oak Beach and much like Brewer. He didn't have the best reputation. Yeah hack it was just sort of a weird guy. He was constantly looking to be a savior but his actions often cause more harm than good hacker up in Point Lookout a Barrier Island community. Just west of Jones Beach and remember Oak Beach is east of Jones Beach but the two are connected by Ocean Parkway. Oh, so what you're saying is that he has a lifetime of experience in the area driving down Ocean Parkway and would definitely know all of the most desolate. That beachy strip. Yeah, you're picking up what I'm putting down. Okay taking it back to the 1990s. I digress the thing about Hackett is that you can never tell when he's telling the truth right hack. It has a prosthetic leg and according to co-workers book. He told people that he was involved in a car accident when he was trying to help a driver in distress on the Northern State Parkway, which is totally Noble if that happened, but we're going to share a few more claims by Hackett about his selflessness and courage Both of those words are in quotes, by the way, and then you can decide for yourself if they're true or not. I've decided for myself that they're all bullshit. We're going to Rattle off a couple of these claims all of which we got from coker's book. Are you ready as ready as I'm gonna be? Okay. So something we can confirm is that Hackett served as the head of Suffolk County EMS for 2 years in the 90s. He led the response team to the crash of the TWA Flight 800 off of the shore of Montauk in 1996 and Could claim that the hours after flight 800 exploded and please get ready for this the Coast Guard the whole entire Coast Guard flew him personally out to the wreckage and lowered him down to the deck of a yacht and an and he swam through the fuel slicked water to examine a that's One Singular Uno body the American Coast Guard. Yes, the US Coast Guard denied such a thing happened or that even Have been possible. Nice the next year. He resigned due to quote policy differences with his superiors and quote, right? He had a strict policy of lying which it didn't jive with the Suffolk County that last line was a joke, by the way, please don't sue us for libel. But what is not a joke is this next claim? So Hackett told his colleagues. He was searching for survivors in the wreckage of a roof collapse in Bayshore. Meanwhile Witnesses of the roof collapsed. Confirmed he was nowhere near the scene. Can you handle one more? Because this is the best one. So before he left that other job with the Suffolk County EMS. He got roasted one last time for interfering in the rescue of three men when he lowered himself into a frigid water tank that collapse at the MacArthur Airport in Suffolk County Hackett painted a picture that he nobly and swiftly rappelled down the water tank While others reported that he Just climb down a ladder. His actions were of said to have caused injury to those involved. I cannot imagine how slowly he went down that ladder. Yeah, and he denied all of this on his way out the door awkward in 2001 Hackett was in his mid-40s. He found out he had a congenital heart condition and he had to have a defibrillator put in that force him to retire. Thank God. So those are all the tales of dr. Peter Hackett do with it what you will But there's also a video of him online faking a heart attack while being interviewed I beg of you please go look it up. So I know you're wondering. Oh, I'm sure you're wondering what the hell does any of this have to do with Shannon Gilbert clearly Hackett had earned a reputation for spinning stories throughout his neighborhood. Actually. There's a quote from Newsday that describes pack it as quote and erratic would-be hero who embellishes his achievements? And yeah, I think that hits the nail on the head, right so we can tell that Hackett had to say Savior complex and on May 3rd, 2010 two days after Shannon went missing. But before she was officially reported missing Mary Gilbert Shannon's mom received a phone call from dr. Peter Hackett. He claimed that he operated a halfway house for Wayward girls and Shannon had been there in his house on the night of May 1st to reiterate Shannon's mother had no idea that Shannon was even missing or that she would have even been in trouble. Right? So what we say next is From a court document which you can find on LexisNexis or Westlaw. So on that phone call Hackett told Mary quote. He had tried to help her and he treated her but she had left with her driver and he was worried about her disappearance and quote while Hackett adamantly denies. These calls happened classic. There are quote telephone records showing that calls replace from dr. Hackett cell phone on May 30, 2010. And from his home phone on May 6 to Mary's Gilbert cell phone on the Her date the call is from dr. Hackett's home phone to Shannon sisters. Sure. He's cellphone and quote. And here's the kicker during a court proceeding a bunch of his Oak Beach neighbors signed sworn affidavits claiming that either through hack it or through Word of Mouth that they were told quote shannan Gilbert was present at dr. Hackett's home or was given medication by him the night of her disappearance end quote. There's also one claim where an individual while driving past hackett's house overheard Hackett. Railing against the siding of his house while wailing to his wife that he couldn't believe the situation. He had put the family in and that his intention was to help Shannon Gilbert not kill her. Again. This information is all taken from a state of shannan Gilbert verse Hackett 2017 and we'll get back to that in a little bit. So one theory on how hack it is related to this case is that when Shannon fled Brewers house in the oak Beach gated community on May 1st 2010. And when she was frantically knocking on doors throughout the neighborhood some believe that she eventually knocked on the door of Peter Hackett as well and check out our Instagram. We posted a map of Shannon's pass the night that she ran through the neighborhood knocking on all the doors. We know that Peter Hackett love to play the Savior and insert himself or he does not belong. So perhaps he hears this upset young girl running through his community or on his police scanner that he frequently monitored, right and remember at this point multiple. People in the community had called the police about Shannon. So could it be possible that in classic Hackett form? He stuck himself where he didn't belong and tried to help Shannon, but just made things worse. I think that's why so many people correlate him with this case. Well aside from the fact that he called Shannon's mom two days after her disappearance and that he's just generally weird another reason why people connect a kit to this case is because Shannon's body was eventually found in the marsh behind his house for Contacts Shannon's body was found a year after the four bodies wrapped in burlap were found on the side of Ocean Parkway. One person who truly believed Hackett was involved was Oak Beach resident Jo scalisi Junior Joe scalisi junior live next door to his father Joe scalisi senior and his sister in the oak Beach Community. The scalisi said lived there since the 1970s and didn't really get along with the rest of the community and the scalisi family firmly believed that whoever killed Shannon Gilbert. Or lived in their community and according to an interview of Joe scalisi junior on a and he's documentary The Killing season. The scalisi's correctly predicted where Shannon's body would be found. They were also not fans of dr. Peter Hackett this gliese he's obviously heard all of the rumors surrounding Shannon's disappearance including that Hackett was involved when they finally saw a segment on the news about how Hackett had called Shannon's Gilbert's mother Mary before Renew, Shannon was missing the scalise. He's decided they want to get involved after hearing how adamantly the scalise he's felt about hackett's involvement with Shannon's death The Killing season decided to investigate the doctors potential involvement while scouring the web for information about Hackett The documentarians came across a user on Long Island serial who seem to know quite a lot of information. Yeah. This user went by the name fluke you that's right fluke. Like the fish and in August 2011 fluke you posted quote. Here's a hint something interesting was found in the doctors backyard and quote and Shannon's belongings and her body were not found until December 2011. So you do the math, but someone clearly knew something before the cops found her or her belongings when Joe scalisi junior was interviewed for The Killing season. They asked him if he was fluke you and let's just say he does not have Have a poker face do with that what you will and not for nothing after the bodies were found neighbors started noticing that Hackett had Florida plates on his Vehicles. Yeah, and that he was trying to sell his house to move down to Florida. Perfect timing. Right? So while Hackett is quite the character and there's a lot of things you could explain away and convince yourself that he was not involved with Shannon's disappearance. There's one thing you cannot explain away, right? And that's the phone calls. How on God's green earth did hack it get the Gilbert. numbers he had to have had contact with Shannon Gilbert at some point before her Disappearance in order to get their numbers from her cellphone and he had very limited amount of time to do this because Shannon did not go out to Long Island often many of the residents wholeheartedly believe that packet was involved whether it was maliciously or completely benign Joe Brewer the last client Shannon ever had and fellow Oak Beach resident openly stated in an interview with kolker that He knew for a fact that Hackett was involved with Shannon's disappearance. The Hackett Rabbit Hole just never ends. Hey, remember Peter Hackett the weird liar who lived in Oak Beach and called Shannon's family before they knew she was missing sounds familiar. Okay? Well his backyard was the largest marsh in Oak Beach. It was 49 acres and according to kolker it borders the street of anchor way, which is the last place Shannon Gilbert was seen alive and larboard Court where the hackett's lived right and again to remind you all. This marshes were Shannon's body was eventually found. In December 2011. We think it's really necessary to paint a vivid picture of this Marsh because it truly had a life of its own and a few theories of Shannon's death are based on the insanity that is this Marsh. So according to our Coker Bible every time it rains the marsh would fill up completely and if it was operating properly, it should drain out through the pipes underneath the roads of Oak Beach, but like most things we've discussed the marsh draining system didn't operate properly. The pipes were either crushed or would get clogged with sediment. This would lead to the marsh swelling even higher the grounds around the marsh would become too swampy and full of muck that no Oak Beach. Resna would even go near it Coker describe the marsh as quote the Frankenstein of plant life and it was universally avoided by all Oak Beach residents in the fall of 2011 the marsh pipes responsible for draining the marsh were repaired for the first time in decades that meant the visibility. Marsh increased substantially, so one morning in December 2011 Suffolk County Police decided to venture back into the marsh to search for Shannon the police including officer John Malia and his dog blue set out into the marsh there. They found the fully intact remains of shannan Gilbert. She was only a few feet from the shoulder of Ocean Parkway to backtrack a little they found Shannon's purse First with her ID inside then they found her phone. Her shoes and a pair of torn jeans after they found her belongings. But before they found her body Suffolk County Police Department formed a theory of what happened to Shannon Police Commissioner Richard Dormer stated that Shannon was high that night paranoid and that she ran into the marsh. He believed she was able to see the car lights from Ocean Parkway, but because she was so high she wasn't able to realize that the cars were almost a quarter of a mile away. I'm sorry. What headlights there? Probably no cars driving down Ocean Parkway at 5:00 in the morning dorm. I concluded that Shannon ventured into the marsh tripped in the drainage ditch and drowned. Okay, and not to be that guy but I'm going to throw on my tinfoil Hat real quick according to coker's book and amongst other research. We've done we found out the discovery of Shannon's belongings came conveniently close to Dormers retirement. He was also on the record stating before they had even began the search of the marsh that Shannon was definitely in there. Once again, I'm suspicious me too. Another weird thing to note is while Shannon's mother Mary was able to confirm that the phone person jeans definitely belonged to Shannon. She wasn't able to confirm that the shoes found in Oak Beach were hers. Apparently when Shannon went missing. She was last seen in strappy sandals and the shoes that the police found in the marsh were belly flat. Mary Gilbert would go on to say that she thinks Shannon's things were planted in the marsh by Suffolk County Police. She believed that Dormer just wanted to find the remains say she drowned and close the case before he retired. I mean, it's plausible anything's plausible in this friggin case, and that's why we made a podcast about it digressing but for Shannon's body was found Dormer told kolker himself that Shannon's belongings were found right off of like a little path. He believed she went down on Path and got disoriented something. We would really like to emphasize here is from what we could tell before she was found most of law enforcement thought she was high at the time of her disappearance and not to spoil anything but spoiler no alcohol or drugs were found in her system when she was discovered. Yeah idiots, but let's get into that on December 13th 2011 when Shannon's body was found the police didn't need to wait for a medical report to determine that it was in fact Shannon. The first thing they noticed was Is the metal plate in her jaw the one she got after being punched in the face by her longtime boyfriend Alex Diaz, her body was about a quarter of a mile away from her belongings, which kind of destroys Dormers theory that she could navigate the marsh and just died probably near the small Trail where her belongings were found, but that didn't faze. Good old Dormer. He said her belongings were found so far away from her because she was hysterical and just flung them all willy-nilly he even went on to say it's possible her jeans came off. Simply from running in that environment like the marsh itself took off Shannon's pants totally logical and reasonable Quinn. I don't know what your issue is. If you couldn't tell from Hannah's tone this theory was not in fact logical nor was it reasonable and Shannon's mother Mary thought the same thing she didn't understand the whole notion that Shannon was in a drug-induced psychosis quill Court did confirm that Mary couldn't wrap her head around this idea quote. What a crazy person called 9-1-1, that's not a psychotic break. That's Genuine Terror and quote quote. How could she be crazy enough to pull her jeans off in the marsh yet rational enough to keep 9-1-1 on the phone for 23 minutes. So obviously since her death was under suspicious circumstances. There was an autopsy done on Shannon Gilbert two years to the day from when Shannon went missing Shannon's family met with Suffolk County chief medical examiner Yvonne molesky to discuss her findings. the meeting lasted about two and a half hours as previously mentioned Shannon was found almost completely intact besides a few finger and toe Bones the only notable things missing were two of three hyoid bones Coker describe these bones as the quote small fragile bones in the upper part of the neck a broken hyoid bone is a Hallmark of strangulation cases if we haven't mentioned it before our bad but the cause of death for the first four girls were Relation, we have no proof that Shannon's hyoid was broken since it was not there and while it's possible that these bones were taken away by rodents or just lost in the marsh. It's very strange that there are over 200 bones in the body. And what are the odds that the one bone that could link Shannon's cause of death with the other four was taken away by a rodent. Once again, we are not scientists and we were tipped off to this Oddity by coker's book. Another thing to note from the autopsy, is that no trace of cocaine or heavy drug were found in Shannon's body, which quashes Police Commissioner Dormers theory that Shannon was high and a maniac and ripping off all our clothes a quick aside something else. We think is weird is that the medical examiner detective told Gilbert's family that they needed bone marrow to test for more drugs like meth psychedelics or pot, but they were unable to get bone marrow out of her femur. I'm sorry, but aren't there. Two femurs and like 200 other bones. That's what I'm saying something to note. The Gilbert family had an independent autopsy done by famed New York City medical examiner. Dr. Michael Baden. Dr. Baden found her death and subsequent decomposition were not consistent with drowning as commissioner Dormer theorized bad and concluded quote there is insufficient evidence to determine a definite cause of death, but the autopsy findings are consistent with strangulation and quote. So we have conflicting reports over Shannon's cause of death something else that raises questions is how difficult it would be to navigate through this Marsh right two years after Shannon went missing her lawyer along with her family decided to retrace her steps through the marsh to see if it was possible to drown or died from exposure to the elements Ray Shannon's family lawyer. Even brought along a young woman who is around the same height and weight as Shannon according to co-workers. It wasn't hard at all to walk through the marsh their shoes barely got wet their sight lines extended over the Reeds and from the thick of it. They could see houses and the highway right and according to co-workers book Shannon's family lawyer found it hard to believe that Shannon could have gotten lost it all and even harder to believe that she died from exposure Coker also raised a bunch of valid questions revolving around the fact that will never know how Shannon died because all the ways we could have found out were not viable right her hi. Eight bones were missing and they only tested for one drug because they weren't able to find bone marrow and one of her femurs and they just gave up despite having other bones to test because in case people forgot her body was found nearly intact with the exception of those few bones that we mentioned earlier. So John Ray Shannon's family lawyer has come to the conclusion that her body was placed in the marsh on the other hand the documentarians from The Killing season did a similar experiment and found it extremely difficult to navigate through. The marsh they find it very hard to believe that someone could have carried a body out there. So we don't have the answers. We're just here to give you all the information we have so you can decide for yourself many pointed out that a year and a half after Shannon went missing the police randomly decided to check the marsh for her and then they found her within a week again. All of this was occurring very shortly before Dormers retirement. However, as Coker pointed out in his book Shannon was found on the same. That the families of the victims were holding a vigil for the first anniversary of the discovery of the bodies. Now, is that just poetic or is it staged great question. So obviously something to point out here shiny was not found in a shallow grave on Ocean Parkway nor was she wrapped in burlap, which means whoever killed Shannon if she was killed seemed to possibly have a different Mo than the person who killed Maureen Melissa Megan and Amber. So while Shannon's disappearance is what led to the discovery of four other Girls, it seems like a very real possibility that she did not meet the same fate as them to recap Shannon's disappearance. Led the police to search the oak Beach area this search eventually bled out on to Ocean Parkway and officer John Malia and his drug blue found the four bodies while looking for Shannon, right? Exactly. So if Shannon never went missing, it's likely these girls may have never been found. So even if Shannon wasn't killed by the same person or didn't die in the same way as the other girls Connected Coker had a really simple quote in his book which gave me chills and he wrote quote the girls all found each other and quote my heart. On December 14th 2011 just one day after Shannon's body was discovered in the thick Marsh behind hackett's house 48 year-old local business Empire owner James J. Bisset the third took his own life near his home in mattatuck on Long Island. Now, don't let the phrase local business Empire fool you this man ran things in Suffolk County get ready for this list of businesses ready? He owned Treasure Cove Resort Marina in Riverhead, which is about an hour away from Go Beach, he co-owned the Long Island Aquarium and exhibition Centre also in Riverhead. He built the Hyatt Place East and hotel in downtown Riverhead. And of course, he owned biscuits Nursery in Holtsville and in Dix Hills with his family both are about 45 minutes to an hour away from Gilgo Beach, but he wasn't just a business owner. He was a staple in the Suffolk County local business Community for reference the aquarium. He owned is an absolute hub for school field trips on Long. Island I genuinely do not know one Long Island kid that did not have to go to that aquarium in elementary school facts, but besides being heavily involved in the local business scene visit was also really involved with the Suffolk County Police Department, it has even been reported that he was Pals with former Suffolk County Police Department. Chief James Burke who spoiler would later become disgraced and investigated by the FBI. Well how queer now some of you may be wondering okay this local business guy kills himself. 60 miles away a day after Shannon's body was found who cares meet me. I care you want to know why do tell? Okay. So as we just said Bisset owned a nursery Empire Nursery as in plant nursery, by the way, right? So a reminder the bodies Maureen Melissa Megan and Amber were found on the side of Ocean Parkway, correct? And would you happen to remember what their bodies were wrapped in burlap? And do you know the only place on Long Island were locals know to get burlap big enough to wrap a body? He visits nursery and just add a little more weight to this Theory not only where we told by locals that visits Nursery was the place to get large burlap. But on the documentary The Killing season Rachel and Joshua went around the island asking small Nursery owners if they sold burlap and none of them did all fingers actually pointed to Basics nursery for burlap that was large enough. I've been doing Contracting on Long Island about 40 years now and about 20 years ago. I was The opportunity to go dig some larger above ice for screening out of project I was doing so I went to visit and rented a root ball machine and they were very large root balls and I had a hard time finding burlap that would actually cover these in one piece but unlucky enough visit is the one place that I found that had very large burlap. So it worked out. Well, I return the machine and always good, but they did have their supplies. So to recap a wealthy businessman who owns the only place on Long Island to get the specific type of burlap for bodies were found in kills himself the day after a fifth body was found not sauce at all my thoughts exactly but it gets even more sus so in 2013, one of the longtime Executives at Biscuits aquarium. Also took his own life on June 13th. 2013 60 year-old Robert Landing. Harry was found dead of a suspect. Suicide in his home in jeans port and much like visit. He had major ties to Suffolk County Ranieri was at one point the president of the river had Chamber of Commerce and his wife Diane was a Suffolk County Deputy Treasurer. So Bissett and Lonnie Airy were business buds heavily involved in the Suffolk County community members of the Suffolk County Republican committees and both kill themselves within two years of each other and they both had ties to the Suffolk County Police Department. So hypothetically if Suffolk County Police figured out who list was and they respected him and they knew he was dead. Would they possibly just try to cover it up? Perhaps not cover it up, but maybe just keep quiet and hope it goes away. It doesn't sound too far-fetched to me. So to be clear the idea that Bissett is liske is an idea that a lot of long Islanders subscribed to however, it does seem that a lot of surrounding the suspicion of Bissett is founded on local gossip and rumors. Rumor is that he had some victims numbers in his phone? Another is that he just had a brand-new multimillion-dollar estate built out in Mattituck only to kill himself a few months later. But again, these are rumors and nothing has been verified. Just some things we heard through the grapevine. So if the Bissett is liske Theory doesn't jive with you here are some others biscuit was involved with liske knew that this person was liske and liske knew that Bisset knew who he was. And when the bodies were found in burlap both knew it was a matter of time before the burlap was traced to Bisset. So Bisset in fear of what liske would do to him or his family kills himself if that theory doesn't work. Try this one whisk kills Bisset and makes it look like a suicide or the police kill Bisset I make it look like a suicide because of biscuits ties to Chief Burke, but again all rumors and speculation. But I believe all of them so to recap the bodies of four girls, Marine Melissa Megan and Amber were found on the side of Ocean Parkway. These girls are all believed to have been killed by the same person and this person is known as the Long Island serial killer or liske ever heard of him Shannon Gilbert went missing which eventually led to a search of Ocean Parkway, which is where the girls bodies were discovered. However, Shannon's body would not be found for another year. In a separate location from the other girls therefore, it doesn't seem like she was killed by the same person exactly. So this is it. I guess five dead girls too weird guys a bunch of theories and no real answer it so Hannah my sweet dear. You're forgetting forgetting. What about the other six bodies found on Ocean Parkway? Oh right next time on crime Coast. We also want to note that the interview we used at the beginning for the cold open is an interview taken from crime. Watch Daily. We're going to put the link to the YouTube video that we found of the interview in the show notes. So we just want to make sure that we are saying that that was not our interview with Mary Gilbert. We got that interview from crime watch Daily if you or anyone, you know has any info about the Long Island serial killer please contact Suffolk County Crime Stoppers by telephone dial 1-800-222-6950 Siege text scpd and your message to crimes or two seven four six three seven four by email visit w-w-w dot tip All tips will remain anonymous. If you have any questions or comments, or if you have any information that you think should be included in the show, please contact us at crime Coast POD at music is by Matt sessions and Andy L. The show was mixed and produced by Hannah green. This podcast is independently created. It's just the two of us doing this. That means we do all the research write the scripts conduct the interviews and mix and produce the show all while working full time and going to school with that being said, we're trying to put out an episode every Monday but due to the magnitude of this case and the work that goes into creating this show episodes might occasionally be bi-weekly. As much as we'd love to consistently give you a regular episode every week. We'd prefer to have a well done episode every few weeks rather than a half-baked episode each week. If you like what you're hearing. Please give us five stars and subscribe and please tell your friends and family significant others and anyone else about this podcast. It helps our podcast become more discoverable and therefore helps us get the story out. Be sure to check out our Instagram and Twitter at crime Coast pot. And please consider joining and donating to our patreon at crime Coast pod. Thank you all for your support and we'll talk to you very soon. Be sure to check out our Instagram and Twitter at crime Coast pot. And please consider joining and donating to our patreon at crime Coast pod. Thank you all for your support and we'll talk to you very soon.
What does a doctor and some burlap have to do with the LISK case, anyway? Listen to find out.
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We are discussing Season 8 Episode 1, which is called there goes the neighborhood. My name is Ramesh sorrow and I will be your host Tonight. Now. Typically we would have a full panel but tonight it is just me you and our producer Ryan Ryan. Say hello, please hello. Hello. Are we doing everyone? I'm so excited to be here with rivets Soro talking Vanderpump Rules. Yes, we are so excited. There's So much to get into tonight. So the witches of we ho are feuding Sandoval and Jax are feuding and we have some new faces Dana Max and Brett. We also have our special segment, which if you've been here before, you know, we are going to give out our pump-tini of the week and we have some crazy news tonight thing so stay tuned for that. But first we have to get into our overall thoughts of this episode now Ryan, I wasn't sure about this season because we did have some new faces and Ander pump rules is really known for being authentic and it really started with a group of friends that work together play together did everything together and now bring in new faces. I was a little nervous how many new faces were there? Rivette 3 3 yeah. It's a bit much. It's a lot. It's a lot. Yeah, I think that's a ton. I think any show that has such a long it's been around for a while like this that can always be like a bit of a shake-up, but I think that can also be an opportunity to bring new life into a series. Yeah. Of reality definitely and I can say that I was pleasantly surprised I actually like all the three new people Dana Max and Brett. I think they brought the drama. I think we're going to get a lot from them throughout the season. So I'm excited about that. I love the season opener because once again we did get a lot of drama. I mean right off the bat. It was like Jackson Sandoval fighting, you know, which is of we ho are all fighting each other. Everyone's fighting and then, you know, the only thing I'm kind of confused about was that we didn't see Eames we did see Raquel which is always a treat but no James this episode. So I'm looking forward to seeing him more throughout the season but overall, I really enjoyed this season opener. It's always good to hear. I think Whenever there are new people people are always a little skeptical especially with a cast, you know, this Acclaim, so I think I mean that's great to hear. So I'm happy that they were they surprised you. Thank you Ryan. So we need to get into our first topic The Witches of weho, which if you Don't know. I hope you know Kristen stassi and Katie are feuding right off the bat now. If you've been following these people on social media, you may have sort of noticed that they've been fighting, but nobody really knew why and tonight. It was revealed that you know, Kristen and Carter have broken up. However, he is still living with her and they are still sleeping together sleeping and having sex together and they're still spending all of their time together. However, she's calling Ying, you know stassi and Katie all the time and texting them saying I'm so lonely I'm so heartbroken and they kind of haven't been responsive to her because they think she is lying. It's a lot I know you know Ryan this is very common and every friend group, I can't tell you how common this is. Yeah, a lot of late-night dming dming and the going that need help text the group text. Oh no anything but Group text so you know, I have a lot of sort of problems with the way Kristen is handling this and please feel free to comment below. I'd love to know what you think in the audience. Kristen is sort of crying wolf. She has been crying about, you know Carter and their breakup yet. She still lives with it or he lives with her. She's pretty much a sugar mama and I think her friends are really, you know, trying to be there for her, but she's not letting them be there for her. And so when she's Just sort of venting inventing but not taking her friends advice girl your friends. It gets old it gets old and I think every girl I don't know Ryan what about from a guy's perspective getting advice from from you know, your group of guy friends. Let's say you guys asking you about girl advice right? And you know, you're helping them out you're sort of trying to give them advice, but then he just never takes it does. You know, does that get annoying it gets annoying. I think when someone complains events a lot. It's one thing to vent and then just be To listen, but if you're actively looking for advice or want to get another opinion and it's becoming a repeated thing, that's where it starts to get old. That's where it starts to get annoying because if you are giving that advice and it's becoming repeated thing then yeah, that's a little frustrating. Yeah. I'm so glad you agree with me. There's a fine line. I feel like between just being there for someone to for them to vent and then actually looking for advice. Would you agree definitely and sometimes you know when we vent we're not actually looking for advice. We just sort of need a friend to listen to us. And I think that's what Kristen sort of wants but I don't think it's what she needs. I think she really needs to cut the cord with Carter and the girls see that she's in this toxic relationship where it's like are they aren't they yet there at the party and he's kissing her and they're saying I love you to each other. It's very confusing now. We did see at the party Lala got involved and she Took it upon herself to go up to Carter and ask him. Hey, what's going on? Are you guys broken up? Kristen has told the girls that you know, she's asked you to leave and you won't and Carter had a different story. He's pretty much saying that Kristen is lying and that she hasn't asked him to leave and she likes having him around and Kristen didn't like that. She freaked out when she saw Lala talking to Carter now. I don't think she would have freaked out if she She wasn't hiding something. She probably knew that Carter was you know telling it how it is and you know, Kristen hasn't asked him to leave or anything. So she was nervous that the truth was coming out and it did and then they had a big blowup. I just think it's a lot it's been going on for much too long. I think with Kristen and Carter and sometimes when you're in a relationship, you just get very comfortable with the person especially if you're living together, and I don't think it's Right to stay just because you're comfortable or because you're afraid of being lonely. What do you think the do you think there's a certain amount of time where you shall get a check mark or do you think there's a certain number of occurrences where you have to like check yourself and that comfortability like what are the signs or the red flags? Because sometimes people, you know, they have like rose-colored glasses and they can't even see the red flags. I think one major red flag is when your Friends, like if you have a good core group of friends is when they start seeing that you're acting different. Maybe you're a little distant you like, you know, your significant other has become your end all and be all and I'm speaking from experience. It's just I think that's the first sign when your friends and family even start noticing a change in you and of course you want to say like, no, you know, I haven't changed. I'm just I'm happy with the person I'm with but then you just become dependent. And on them and then if they're upset Europe said and if they're not talking to you, you are so depressed and it's just it becomes very toxic very fast. And I think that's one of the first signs when your family and friends start to notice a change in you so is it's a line between are you you don't want to have to but depend there's really two ships where you're depending on each other then there's somewhere I think you're tolerating each other right? You think that's When you start leaning into the depending that's working get a little up in the air a little hectic. My passionate it's I mean, it's nice to have someone when you're in a relationship to depend on each other here and there yes, but not to solely depend on them, especially when that person in Kristin's case is really not doing much for her. She he's living, you know, rent-free. He doesn't have a job. She's pretty much his Sugar Mama. It's just time to let it go girl. Would you agree Ryan sounds good to me Rebecca. That's I mean Let It Go girl Let It Go, and that is the lesson for tonight before we move on to our next topic though. I want to thank you the fans for making us the ESPN of TD talk. We could not do this without you and we are so thankful for you. If you are watching us on YouTube. Please give us a thumbs up. And please please please comment below we love when you get involved in the conversation and also if you are listening on iTunes, Be sure to give us a five star rating and leave us a comment and we might just read it next week and I promise you I promise you next week. We will have a full panel and a lot to discuss. Okay, and I'm really excited about it. So wherever you're watching, please get involved in the comments down below join the conversation y'all join the conversation. That's what we're here for Jax and Tom Sandoval had a conversation tonight, which I think was well needed. You know this. This argument between Jackson Tom Sandoval to me. It really felt like like grade school boys like Middle School boys arguing about you know, who has the better car who has the nicer house which is literally what one of the arguments was about so Jax and Brittany bought a house and Tom Sandoval and Ariana also bought a house as well as Tom Schwartz and Katie and all three of their houses quite literally. The same it's just it was mind-blowing. I had no idea. I mean, I know we've seen their houses on social media we talked about them last season, but I don't know that they all look the same and Tom Sandoval is issue with Jack's tonight was that you know, he feels like Jax is always trying to one-up him. So when Tom Sandoval bought his home Jax made a comment like, oh, you know, we want a home in a better school district because we want to have children and we want more room. So we're getting a bigger house. And that was you know, one of their arguments which was so petty to me. I mean, please comment down below if you think this argument is as ridiculous as I think it is. Also Jack's try to demote Tom from being his best man to just a groomsman because he missed his pre Bachelor celebration and I don't know about you Ryan. Have you ever been to or heard of a pre bachelor party like the the pre-party? I actually haven't heard of it. Okay, just sounds like a glorified playdate in a way before your bachelor party. I don't know if that means that you should not be the best man because it wasn't the actual bachelor party, right? You're not maybe not everyone has the same schedule but maybe if there was a stupid reason to missing it than that's a whole nother story in and of itself. Well, here's the kicker he missed it because it was Mother's Day and he flew out to see his mom. Yeah kick. Them here he cares about his family. Kick them. Come on, right come on Jax. It is just so childish. I think Tom Sandoval had a very valid reason to miss the pre bachelor party. It's not even the bachelor party and it's on Mother's Day like come on Jax no shade at all. But I know Jax has a rocky relationship with his mother. So maybe he doesn't care as much but that doesn't mean that you know, Tom Sandoval doesn't have a good relationship with his mother and wants to spend Mother's Day with his mom. So I just think that was very Ridiculous, but I'm happy that they were able to talk about it like grown men and sort of, you know resolve the issue. However, I do not think well, we'll get into it later and predictions but I don't think this is the end of their Feud. I think there's going to be a lot of things that pop up. But yeah, I just don't think that was a good reason to demote him from best man to groomsmen and tell him, you know, I think just to take pressure off of your plate. You shouldn't be my best man. You should just be my And especially when Tom Schwartz is still best man, and they were supposed to be co-best men and Tom Schwartz said it himself. I can't be best man by myself. I need Tom Sandoval support. It's just I mean Ryan. Have you ever been a best man in a wedding? I've been a best man. Yeah, but I was what was I was ring bearer my aunt wedding, even when I was younger. It's a lot of pressure. There's always some pressure. You don't want to be the one who is the the ring absolutely sounds like he's Some personal they got some personal problems to take care of and maybe evaluates maybe some family issues. Yeah, demote him. Come on, you guys have been friends for years. You've slept with each other's girlfriends for years. You've gotten past that you can get past this. Am I right? You're right. Did Pastor y'all grow up? Thanks Ryan. I think it's time to move on to our next topic. Finally. We have to talk about the newcomers of this season Brett Max and Dana okay. Let's start with Dana who you know works at TomTom and is so good at her job that Lisa Vanderpump poaches her to start working at Sur which can get a little messy seems as though Dana and Max have had a history together, even though Max has said that he does not want to date his co-workers given that he is the GM also. I mean, I don't think he really should be dating the waitresses or anyone if he's the gym. It's not good. it might you know go against company code but it's you know Vanderpump Rules and we've seen stranger things happen and Sheena has also Been with Max and she bought him an Apple Watch and then he ghosted her wasn't Apple watch. I feel like apple watches were the gift this year. Yeah, and I feel a little left out without one. I mean, you don't see one on this wrist. I don't have one either so hey still got a watch but that sucks it yet ghosted. Yeah. It's like first of all I would have Ryan her I would have really appreciated that Apple watch. Okay this way more than Max did and we wouldn't have ghosted you Sheena. Come on. It's just Like very frustrating once again seeing Sheena, you know poor her heart out and give her all I mean not saying that Apple watches giving your all but that's a nice gesture. You don't give an Apple Watch just anybody, you know, and then just get hurt by these guys and even Max told her tonight, you know, you're a beautiful woman. You don't need to chase guys, but you know, I'm happy they were able to resolve that but it seems that Dana is not going to be cool with scheana hanging out with Max because even though You know Max and scheana aren't dating anymore third planning a trip to Palm Springs their their friends Dana didn't like that. But Max is assuring Dana that there's nothing going on with scheana and that they're just friends for now for now for now. Also Sheena bless her heart. You know, she hooked up not hooked at well, I guess she shared a kiss with Brett. Which good for you girl cuz he is cute. Um, but Brett goes on his little confessional moment and says that scheana is not a good kisser which come on that is just a douche baguette. That is not cool. Not cool to share not cool to share may be true. It might be true. I mean, we don't know whose tits who's to say who's a good kisser be great. You know, maybe she wasn't a good kisser to you. Maybe you didn't kiss her the way she likes to be kissed. That's a Maybe I mean I think so. I think that's a great. It's interesting conversation. I never really thought of that. Yeah. Yeah, not not nice to share. Yeah, you can't just go around saying people are bad kissers on National Television in your confessional. It wasn't even a side conversation that he had with someone. It was a confessional straight to the camera. Like, you know, this is going to air I think Brett is trying to get some camera time and secure his spot in the show. We know what then how about this prove that you're a good kisser? Pull the pull like the I don't know the producer director of this of this talking head and then show us because you're so adamant about telling other people that they're not good kissers. Yes Ryan, man, you got it. We really honestly we need to see it because I how how are we supposed to know? How am I just supposed to take your word for it? Let us know let us know I am very excited to see what the newcomers have to offer other than dating each other and kissing each other and talking about it. But like I said earlier we didn't see James this episode which James always brings the drama always and I love him for it. Before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and pain. Has in one place for free you don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of Turbos TV. However, his girlfriend Raquel got a job at Sur which we are so excited for her. She has been dying to work at Sur for such a long time and Lisa finally gave her that chance. However, she did say that every day when she gets ready for work. James has these big puppy-dog eyes that he just looks so sad that she gets to go to work at Sur and he doesn't because let's not forget James is banned from Circa never work there again, but who knows what's gonna happen? Not me a lot of jealousy there. A lot of jealousy there, but I think it is time for our special segment Bing. We are so excited. We are going to give out our pump-tini. Let me tell you we missed this show so much last season. I have dreams of giving out pump teenies like every week and tonight. My pump-tini has to go to Lala for multiple reasons. So first of all Lawler about revealed that she is Months sober which honestly is such a huge accomplishment and I commend you for it. Lalala. That is huge and we're so proud of you. It's very cool to see your growth in that way. I also thank Lala was such a good friend to christen this week, even though Kristen didn't like it. You know, Lala really went to Carter and really try to get the information like what's going on. How can we help? Why is Kristin acting like this? Why is she coming off? Like she's lying to us and I think she came from a good place and even Even though it escalated I think in her heart, she had really pure intentions and also Lala wants to volunteer at Vanderpump dog. She is no longer a hostess at Sur, but you know Lisa did tell her there are plenty of volunteer opportunities at Vanderpump dogs, and she is willing to clean up dog poop, which is huge. That is amazing. I don't think season 6. Lala would have been okay with cleaning up dog poop. Do you agree? I completely agree. Let me know down in the comments below what you think and then also LOL, I didn't mention to Lisa that she wants to rekindle her friendship with James. Where as Lisa said James has a lot of growing up to do and he needs to sober up as well. I do think they will be able to rekindle their friendship and given that Lala has you know is on her own sober journey journey. I think she will be able to be a really good friend to James and be there for him in his journey as well. So shout out to Lala and please let me down. Let me know down below who you think your you want to give your pump-tini to this week. Eek cheers moving on we have our news and gossip. Crazy, that's weak. If you follow Lisa Vanderpump on Instagram. You might have seen this if you don't follow her, please follow her right now. She posted a picture of a Ferrari crashed into pump into the front of the restaurant now thankfully no one was hurt in her captioned Lisa put no, we are not a drive-through. Thank God. No one was hurt. Oh my goodness. I mean looking at this picture literally the car is halfway into the restaurant. It is a Miracle that nobody was hurt and you know, I really respect Lisa and her little caption. She has a little bit of humor. No, we're not a drive-through but a thank God no one was hurt. And yeah, we're just happy everyone's okay, you know the windows in the chairs and everything that can all be fixed and you know replaced so thank God no one was hurt. But you know, that's unfortunate people. It is not a drive-through. I don't know if the driver was under the influence or anything. I really hope not but just a reminder. Don't drink and drive. That's right revet, you know things can be replaced but human lives however cannot exactly. I'm so happy you agree. So that is it for news and gossip. I mean that was the big thing that happened this week. Just once again thankful. Everyone's all right, and now it's time to get into some predictions your AfterBuzz TV predictions. I have so many predictions. So we got a teaser. I love the first episode of any season. Because they give you that, you know this season on Vanderpump Rules, they give you that like three minute preview of the whole season and your mind just spins because there's so much going on. I'm so excited. So I think Dana is going to ruffle some feathers, especially sheena's we saw, you know, Dana giving a little bit of side. I to scheana today while her and Max were talking and even though Max, you know a sure Dana that nothing's going on. I think it's going to escalate and I think Dana it might be a situation. Ocean where Allah, Allah came into the group a few seasons ago. And it was like all the girls versus Lala and I think it might be all the girls versus Dana this season. I don't want that to happen. I really think I like Dana and she seems like a fun girl, but I kind of see that happening. I also think you know Jackson Tom Sandoval are going to end up fine. He's you know, Tom still going to be a CO best man with the other Tom, but I do think there's going to be a little arguments here and there because they're just like, you know there Brothers who just argue all the time and bicker back and forth. But at the end of the day, they're going to be fine. We got a little preview of Raquel, you know telling James I'm going to break up with you if I don't really remember what she said, but she said if you don't do this or if you don't get your act together and breaking up with you, I don't think they're breaking up. I think Racquel and James are going to be just fine. You know James has done a lot to Raquel. There's been cheating accusations. People cheating accusations and she has really stuck by her man which depending on how you look at. It could be a good or bad thing. But I think they'll be just fine and The Witches of weho, currently if you follow them on social media, I think as of now, I could be wrong. Let me know if I'm wrong in the comments, but I do I don't think Kristen is still friends with stassi and Katie to this day. So I don't think they're going to rekindle it. I hate to say this I really do but the TV Junkie and me enjoys them their Feud but then again, these are real people and it's reality TV. So it does make me sad to see especially girl friendships fall apart like that, but it's you know, sometimes when we're watching we forget that these are real people you think they're actors but these are real friendships. So ultimately I do. Hope they rekindle but in this season, I don't think it's actually going to happen. I think the fight is just sort of going to get worse and I think it won't get better until Kristen sort of realizes that maybe it is time to move on with to move on from Carter, but we will just have to wait and see the wait and see. Yeah, there's so much that's going to happen this season and I am so excited for it is exciting season y'all we have that full panel next week. So comment down below all your thoughts from this episode and please hit that like button. Yes, hit that like that subscribe button turn off the notifications if there. To annoying. I totally get it. But yes, we will be here next week with some old faces some new faces to stay tuned. My name is Rebecca Soro and you can find me on all social media platforms at rivets or oh and thank you so much for joining us. By our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Use expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal. Use expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
In tonight's season 8 premiere of Vanderpump Rules, we are instantly introduced to some new faces! Dayna, Max, and Brett have joined the cast and work at the Tom Tom and Sur. Scheana is still single, but mentions that she did date Max, but he ghosted her, even though she bought him an Apple Watch - the nerve! She also had a make-out session with Brett, who flat out told the cameras in his confessional that Scheana is a bad kisser - yikes! Meanwhile, Jax and Brittany are busy planning their wedding, but Jax feels the need to demote Tom Sandoval from co-best man to groomsman. This came after Tom Sandoval missed Jax's pre-bachelor party to fly out to see his mother on Mother's Day instead. Tom is also upset with Jax, as he feels that Jax is always trying to compete with him, one example being that Jax bragged about his house being bigger than Tom's. But that's not the only feud going on in WeHo. The Witches of WeHo themselves, Katie, Kristen, and Stassi, are fighting as well. While Kristen insists that her and Carter are broken up although he still lives with her and they still sleep together, the girls are not buying it. They think Kristen is the girl who cried wolf, and are fed up with her lies. Lala has also had enough, and takes it upon herself to confront Carter about it, which Kristen didn't like one bit. While she's also celebrating 8 months of being sober, she wants to rekindle her friendship with James. The drama continues to unfold on Vanderpump Rules, and we can't wait for the rest of the season! Rivet Soro (@rivetsoro) breaks down the season 8 premiere of Vanderpump Rules, the episode titled "There Goes The Neighborhood." Join in on the conversation as she breaks down the episode, crowns her Pumptini of the week, and discusses some major news! Follow us on "Like" Us on For more After Shows for your favorite TV shows and the latest news in TV, Film, and exclusive celebrity interviews, visit --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
There's so much advice out there. How do you know what productivity method to follow welcome to the Paw miners podcast the show that will help you to optimize your time income and lifestyle fast get more done with actionable easy to follow advice and learn how to live life on your terms and now introducing your host Paul minors. Hello everyone and welcome back to the pool - podcast to episode number one.Hundred and forty-one, or I'm asking the question which productivity method should you follow? This is one of my favorite times of the week. I love recording this podcast. It's Monday its content day, which I'll be talking about in this episode and I love sitting down and being able to record this podcast. So there's no doubt. There is a lot of advice out there about how to be more productive. Perhaps you've been told probably by me, you know to block your tasks on your calendar. Maybe you've tried things like the Pomodoro Technique or you've read about getting things. He's done GT D and some people will tell you no to write down three absolutes for the day. There is so many different methods and techniques for being more productive and these methods this is what I refer to as like a productivity method all these different techniques. I called them productivity methods and these really are these methods really just Define how you do your work. There's more than one way to skin a cat as they say and when it comes to managing your workload and your productivity, there's no shortage of methods to choose from there's multiple ways to be productive. The truth is there's no one best way to manage your productivity and you probably need to try a few methods to find the thing that works for you and your personal style. I will talk about this on my podcast and with clients all the time so much of productivity is personal style and preference. There is no best way people often are looking for that Silver Bullet, but the method you choose May is going to differ depending on the type of work you do and perhaps even the time of day or week as well. And so today I'm going to be exploring some of the different productivity methods out there how I use somehow I think about them and how you might go about adopting various methods. If you want to read the corresponding blog post or just get access to the links of anything mentioned in this episode. You can find those at poor /a hundred and forty-one. So firstly I'm going to talk about using time blocking to be more proactive and less reactive because when we're doing our work this kind of two states that we can be and we can be in a Proactive or reactive State being proactive. This is where I think you're being very intentional with your time. You're planning ahead to decide what's worth. Khan and how to get everything done I say you are the one in control when you're being proactive when your reactive on the other hand. This is where you are responding to things in real time. Your work is being determined by the need to respond to things outside of your control other people. And so while being reactive may seem like a bad thing that can hurt our productivity. It's often a requirement of a lot of our jobs. I get that may be included, you know, and so depending on the urgency or the importance of a task that will determine when you need to respond. Do something now and be reactive or whether you can wait and come back to it later and kind of postponed and plan ahead that's being more proactive. And so the key is to get this balance right? Because I'd say most people spend too much time being reactive and not enough time thinking about their priorities and planning their time and being proactive. And so this is what leads to that lack of productivity and always having to kind of catch up and so if you want to be more proactive, this is where we can use different productivity methods that I talked about to help with different help us with Sweeney's different modes and last week. I was actually having a call with a client who's often in a reactive mode and during a day. He's answering phone calls from clients. He's responding to employees who need to who come into his office and he asked me how he should manage his time so that he can still be reactive like this because he needs to be but still get his own work done. But as well, how does that how do you balance these two things? And so we talked about the benefits of time blocking and I've got a link in my show notes for the post. I wrote in the video. I've done around time blocking and how this can be used to plan. When you're going to work on different tasks now, he can't take time blocking to the extreme that I do and some people can't even stand time blocking he but he has a team of he has a team of many people and many clients to manage and so his work requires that he be in a reactive mode at least, you know some of the time but he can use time blocking when it suits him. He may not use it all the time. But when it suits him he can use time blocking to carve out periods of time for his own work or priorities and the rest of the time he can leave his Calendar open and blank and you know take a phone call or chat to an employee of him if he needs to and he actually said to me, he's really good at putting going to the gym on his calendar. He sticks to those he'll put going to the gym on the counter and he's really good at going to the gym at those times. And so I said right now we just need to apply that same thinking to one or two tasks a week where you can put that task on and go right now. I'm not going to take any phone calls. I'm not going to listen to anyone and I'm going to sit down and do my do my thing and I said to him it's okay to break the rules sometimes, you know often I'll have a client asked if They can talk to me tomorrow. I actually literally this afternoon I was trying to this was a brand-new client. They hadn't even signed up and paid for me and she said can I talk to you this afternoon? And I said and I had to sort of while I could have taken her call. I had to sort of say well actually sorry, it'll have to be next week. I've already planned to do things like record this podcast. And so, you know when something like that happens I look at my calendar and I have to make a decision on whether am I happy to push back some of my own work to free up time for a client which I often do but other times I will be more protective. My time like in that example and so it really depends on the urgency in the importance of my work and the client as well. And so it's just not a decision. You have to weigh up. You know, it's okay to break the rules and move things around if you need to that's time blocking and I think like I said, it really helps us to be more proactive and less reactive which I think most of us spend our time in. This episode of the poor miners podcast is sponsored by front. Now the number of in boxes we have to deal with on a daily basis has become pretty overwhelming. Most people have multiple email addresses social media accounts to check and now add to the mix a situation where maybe you need to collaborate with a few people to work on the same inbox at once maybe if you work in sales or customer support now in the past teams have tried to manage a shed in box using labels or folders or by cc'ing messages and emailing each other back and forth and it's a real nightmare. Trust me. I've been in these situations before the good news. Is that with front? This is the only and last inbox you'll ever need front allows you to create a team inbox where multiple people can access the same email account and incoming messages can then be assigned to a team mate who's responsible for applying as a team. You can chat with in the thread and draft a response together and Converse back and forth and it's not just for email. You can connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts managed a phone number and send SMS messages or even deal with chat responses from your website and it's not just for sales and customer service teams. I've been trying it with my wife who helps me with my email and she'll often have questions and needs to check with me before she hit send and in front we can chat back and forth in real time without having to move the message between folders or C. Seeing each other front also integrates with loads of third-party tools. So I've connected it with pipedrive and Asana which means I can really easily create new contacts deals or tasks right from inside front you can get started today. For just $9.99 to front /p MP to start a free trial and thank you front for sponsoring this episode of the poor miners podcast. And then there's things like getting things done and I borrow a lot of Concepts from getting things done. As you may have seen in my Asana training videos on YouTube. I've Incorporated a few Concepts from DTD into my own system. I really like this idea of like next actions. Next actions are small little tasks. I can complete in a few minutes. There aren't really time-sensitive and I will just do them when I get a chance and I also like from GTD this concept of waiting having a waiting list. These are sort of tasks that I need to do, but I'm waiting on this sort of on hold because I'm waiting for somebody. To get back to me on them. And so these two things and actually the weekly review as well. I've been doing that for I don't even know six or seven years. I think I can't even imagine finishing my week without going through this ritual. And so while I don't strictly follow GTD because it's quite a strict sort of methodology. I've adopted the parts of the system that work for me and then there's things like the Pomodoro Technique and I think this is a great for helping us stay focused. Now some people swear by the pimp Pomodoro Technique if you haven't heard of it, this is where you work in 25 minutes. It blocks of time and one block is sort of called a pot Pomodoro. And the goal is to focus on one thing for the duration of that Pomodoro and not get distracted. Some people will even keep track of the number of times they get distracted and they work to reduce the distractions each time. And when the Pomodoro ends you take a 5 minute break to have it just a quick break get some water go to the Loo and then switch to the next thing now, I've tried working like this, but I can't get into it. I don't like having to stop every 25 minutes, I think. Short and I don't want to have to take like a mandatory break to make it work and just due to the nature of my work as well. Like I'm often are on a few back-to-back calls and it just doesn't really fit with the format of my work with calls like this. I have nothing against the Pomodoro Technique. It's just not for me and so other people love using the pommel Pomodoro's to stay more focused and reduce task switching. So if you are someone that tends to be distracted easily, it's a nice technique you can use to build focus and discipline. So another great method it really Depends on how you like to work in the type of work that you do as to whether you adopt this or not. And then the final one I wanted to talk about was this concept of theming your days again. I've mentioned this before and actually was ever since I interviewed Mike vardy back in episode number 9 of this podcast years ago. I've really liked this idea of theming your days and this is where each of the each day of the week has a particular theme of work that you focus on. So for example, like I said at the start Monday is my content day. So with the time difference to the United States, which is where most of my clients are for most of my clients is Sunday and they're not working so I can use this day to work on content like blog Post this podcast just before that. I did a video in fact today. Basically I've done I've written a post for this podcast. I'm recording it now and I made a video about zapier which will go up later this week as well. It's this whole day is about it's about content and this doesn't mean that I'm not doing other work on a Monday. It just means that the overarching focus for the day is content and ever since Mike Riley on the podcast share this idea with me. I've really lent enjoyed this idea. Another example is Wednesday again, I've mentioned this before Wednesday is my project day. This is where I actively work on my own projects and non-client work got a few big projects on the go at the moment of in had an SEO audit done on my website and migrating to convert kit as well few big projects that I'm working on at the moment. And generally I'll try and carve out Wednesday's to work on that kind of thing other themes could be things like, you know Administration client work creative work planning Focus time, whatever it is that you do and even depending on your job. There are gonna be other things that maybe you need to do that. I haven't haven't listed here, obviously. Just like with time locking sometimes again, I break the rules and I don't stick to my themes, you know, I'll often have to schedule the odd client call on my project day. But with all the different productivity techniques, you can use it's okay to your deviate when the situation calls for everything. That's okay. So in summary, I think you know when experimenting with different productivity models and methods and planning your work. It's okay to try a few things bar the ideas from different methods of the things that work for you and don't worry too much about what other people are doing. You know, we are we're all operating in different conditions. Missions we all have different jobs and responsibilities the best system or method is the one that works for you that helps you to achieve that balance between proactive and reactive - and it's funny, you know on last week's podcast. I interviewed K as I've said, I'm a big advocate of time blocking K. Can't stand time blocking. He actually recently published a video on YouTube about why he doesn't like time blocking and I saw that and I was like Kay we're going to do a debate to actually coming up in the next couple of weeks. I'm going to be recording a video with K about the pros and cons of time blocking and it's around this. My dear, you know, there are these different methods are they all have advantages and disadvantages and it's about choosing the one that works for you and weighing up, you know, what's going to work and what your personal style as well. So we have that I have that video coming up in the next few weeks to keep an eye out for that. So what do you think you have any questions thoughts comments. Do you have a favorite productivity model that I haven't mentioned here. There are loads after all I've really just mentioned a couple here head on over to the show notes poor. 141. Leave me a Mint let me know your thoughts comments and feedback. I really do love hearing from you from you. You can reach me on Twitter at Paul Miners And if you're on my email newsletter list respond to any of my emails one more time, thank you very much for listening. As always. I appreciate your time and attention and I will catch you next time on the poor manners podcast. Thank you very much for listening to the Paul miners podcast two quick things before I go firstly if you enjoyed this episode or if you have any feedback, please leave me a review on iTunes. It really does mean a lot to me because it helps the show to get discovered so that more people can benefit from the content and I would love your help getting the show out there. So please if you have a minute, I would love a review on iTunes and on that note if you want to give me any more feedback, you can always reach out to me via my blog. Leave me a comment or if you're on my newsletter list you can Spawn to any of my emails as well. I really do love hearing from my listeners and hearing what you want to learn about and getting your feedback number two. If you want to connect with me on a more regular basis, you can become a VIP member of my website head to poor VIP to learn about my membership options and how to get access to my private slack Community. This is typically been reserved from my high-end customers in the past, but I've opened it up for the first time so head on over to the website poor VI. P2 learn how you can get access to my private slack Channel where you'll also get access to my complete library of book summaries as well one more time. Thank you very much for listening and I will catch you next time on the poor miners podcast.
You’ve probably heard loads of advice about how to be more productive. Perhaps you’ve been told (probably by me) to block your tasks onto your calendar. Maybe you’ve tried the Pomodoro technique or the Getting Things Done (GTD) method. Some people will tell you to write down “three absolutes” for the day or week. These techniques are what I refer to as “productivity methods” which define HOW you do your work. “There’s more than one way to skin a cat” and when it comes to managing your workload, there’s no shortage of methods to choose from. The truth is, there’s no one best way to manage your productivity. You probably need to try a few methods to find the thing that works for you and your personal style. The method you choose may even change based on the type of work you’re doing. Show notes » Download my productivity blueprint and learn the processes and tools I use to be more organised and achieve more in my business and home life. You'll also get my FREE 3-part video training series where I'll explain 1) 4 simple steps to supercharge your productivity 2) common mistakes to avoid 3) the 10 productivity tools I couldn't live without. Download here » If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast. Doing this will help more people discover the show so they to can get more done and get more out of life.
You're listening to the current parenting show powered by current Hey fam. Hope everyone is bashing their goes in achieving their dreams and aspirations. This is current Baroni founder of video. We consult and the current Pony show. This show is all about marketing and Entrepreneurship insights of which will be delivered by inspirational individuals who have done amazing stuff in their life and their careers. So today we have someone very very very special. He's someone I Admired since I finished my digital marketing codes from days. I am and so his blog for the first time. I became a fan he is the hungriest person in the whole digital marketing Community whom I also got a chance to meet at digital Masters conference in Mumbai. We will keep this episode both in Hindi and English as he saw some to talk in both languages. So this is the geek marketeer who is the only person who treats his fans as VIPs in his Facebook group digital marketing VIPs. And you do is hard work has been featured in jvzoo has been a jvzoo. Just world's biggest affiliate marketer forget network speaker in Indian affiliate Summit, which is India's biggest of weird Summit along with affiliate conference India, and spoke at enrichment begins with in in Goa, which was organized by the but Naga Brothers sort of n Roll But nagar and the recently held marketing Summit in go up. Wow. I mean, this is a great list of achievements. So with Applause welcome Garmadon on the show Welcome Got Away. Thank you. Thank you, Karen by this such a heavy introduction is very hard to live up to wedge myself. I'm very grateful. You took some of some time out of your schedule to Enlighten people and give your Doggers and not two cents on various digital marketing strategies. So I have a word for a word of caution for everyone. Please be ready with your notebooks and pens because as value K the mark you whenever he got away. So before we go ahead we have a Which we follow across all the episodes which is inspired by anik singal if you know this guy who is then, you know product Market here, which is to raise your right hand corner way. We raise your right hand and speak after me. All right, I gotta Madan I Garmadon do swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and reveal all my insights on affiliate marketing funnels and Facebook ads and review. In all my insides on affiliate marketing funnels and Facebook ads for people do people to go and apply them for people to go and apply them. Okay, so go to buy I want you to go ahead and tell your fabulous Journey so far starting from Omegle until stock nation and what are you planning for the future? Okay, so it's been quite some time being in the industry for almost seven eight years now, even even you know before that we were doing a lot of stuff offline because the way it started was solid came to me and you know introduce me to an MLM program which was introduced to him by his elder brother, of course, which is Robert Nava and then I got you know, kind of like since he was a very good friend of mine. So I said, okay, let's do it and then carbs. It's selling websites offline. Yeah, so this is back in 2011. We were selling website one domain and one like hosting for an ear for 8000 rupees and that's how that Journey started. Now when we started selling I was not really, you know, the person who was very interested in selling it though. I did a little bit of numbers, but then I was more curious to see what's lying on the other side. So we're selling a website what's exactly in the website, right? So let's explore that. So I start exploring. It and then, you know made my first blog which was gorebyss dot inferred that time let every kind of cool stuff installed, you know, almost almost thousands of helium's Wordpress themes made a Blog made a magazine made a News website middle middle. So everything is so then I got to know about AdSense and then you know I said, okay, let's try ads and Google it was very very nervous at that time. Nobody not much people would were doing it actually Yes, so install that on my website got approval and then you know now I was like I'm going to become rich. So now I'm sitting and you know waiting in refreshing my dashboard AdSense dashboard and nothing is happening. And then I said, okay. Something called is traffic then then something just clicks and then the money would lowing cattle many guys. Hello Optical scanner, but the way we do it is sabine's daugaard with tapenade garlic. So then I said, okay, let's do let's try something unique. So first time by Omega website cave REM patata hamara Chrome Beta Azad by Omega. So I said let's try traffic from my magel to my website too many but about a little hebei give area if you want to you know, like economically login guy, right? If you want to come watch me live on a camp then click on the button click on the link. Basically, then the people from you is clicking on that link to start the life then. Click on this Banner below absence Banner Google it ratnakara starting with a themed innovate in in hundred dollars. Okay, and and sort of Saint said Kim - apis a camellia party got a party where a bank account but excitement. So particle data. So that's that's how the journey started to be honest half will stumbling upon a lot of things. So we'll skip out Kiowa UNM about a bit technical but I've any about sorry, but they are jump share Carnival a so back in time in 2013. We have named bigger other it Bendigo likers also the Bundy Bundy. You know, what happened? Is she kind of said key she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. Willow get those 10 p.m. He coded starting Mayhem look internship made up of the roots to particles beta particles like to have a go, but then he has some other brands. So if a traffic light Opportunity then we you know started working on for some clients. You have starting on a Mac laptop like any other object up over the windows. So, you know, they were favors that he did for me. He get got me clients. We started doing things in Mumbai. I also travel from Hyderabad to Mumbai Radke Basilica the way or if it's over client meetings Cathay one close call today, and I was doing this it was give up. Time passed submit a mentor it mellow he gave me an opportunity to speak at an event in Pune for an eye for he was doing like speaking for is be at that point in time. There was a 25k 10K or 25k. Don't remember Goldman Sachs women entrepreneurship program. So mahamuni, he took me as a society to have a bespoke together. I snake-bitten better things and he explained a lot of things then I wanted to do a start-up with his help but then Zen work because he was a family man and then I had to come back then my mom I was like, you know, I did not sit for interviews or placements because I wanted to do a start-up. So first time a digital marketing training institute College, obviously because I was not able to get a lot from anywhere. So I said lie like I get pneumonia at least I teach people how to do and you know, so a sinuous a guy right now, of course, I'm Bagel onta make their bed. Whatever and just imagine my mom comes to me and says alone. So literally the transition happened in 48 hours and my mother was like wow really leads and sales dubai-based company based company in Delhi, which was named by the name pout. So we're managing to Brands a offline stores for traffic drive car through a Facebook page say so that's how things got started and he introduced me to DS I'm saying give him a double another digital marketers good, huh? What DSi training the initial area? so many Bond America We were in a lot of prize money whether they know that the X goes a little Haywire then we said t by training set on yoga or industry May if you want to go International have to do SAS and then we got in touch with Jay and we came up with an idea observe launch time the Elder time at the day. I'm the developer. Whatever project via we saw someone else doing the same idea on in another three days. Oh internship of so we will be we sat down Facebook apps key features which were like that time. Then we launched it with the help of J. And it went good. We did like rose $230,000 in a first launch in jail. Wow, so what will he say? You know, I really like your gihan there is a good potential in all of these and we should definitely do it. So then came like then came another and another and another since then doing a lot of stuff on jvzoo and wahab sahib what happened is affiliate marketing may do the regas hrsa who watches over the actually won was because he DSi measurement parado. I think I was running my god. Oh madonn blog and Kai used to let people opt-in on my website because you know for the fun of doing it and teaching it why not do it as well, right? Of course, so I have to pee. I still remember Paladin my boots that Samaritan subscribers say or my social environment in subscribers. Could I emailed a jewel? I had no idea. Oh and just share anything write a blog post and then share apparently stole a below top element of my stories. And then and that's how many email list building Mark said. Yes. I am saying so affiliate marketing kibarim is other patent is I was trying to be but Kunal used to take affiliate marketing classes mother make marketing Quezada. How many affiliate marketing training your abs about salut? Yeah. I'm pretty sure who are listening Joe offline agencies. Guerrilla marketing girthy home Willa being an agency themselves who multiple clients telemarketing Garcia just that universe as per se as an affiliate calm nigra bok choy to a significant Alchemy class attends a review own online class sleeping. So I poke at subkey the cuchini a table already got there. Okay, let's try it and B, but basically they are capita Let Me Shine how I was at a salary of around 50,000 Rupees, you know working with Colonel tohe major ballet class me hosting beachy. So we we jacked up the link on the canal was dug up my affiliate link your schedule. Of course Granado's angry after that. one single day A snake but meal they Jack which engage if I Lanka product give Adam a now not Julie maturity explore connect two organelles. Ten nine eight. Hey Market me to Miami to really I got so many wood tool careers over dual-mode jvzoo pelageya. Go bother to the capita is gay, you know already audience which you had, you know, you use that very well exactly super knowledgeable ecology email list your essay Emily stop KSA organized crime ringing female Jesse Madam mayor Walsh know maybe by donors Obama different but the time again will be as negative of emails little bit or swimming after weather. So you will get an email to his name is Mike. So to ask about the reliability value guy feminine email list building conditioner. Very Facebook ads Cafe aggressive condition who can't get a job in by Posada product launches say affiliate marketing side pumping back into Facebook ads building my brand where Moss asml Accords Nicoletta the assembler code. We actually met Ronnie with PL are many corrida. What does about is how to create a lead magnet and everything exactly the will be Eliza? Maybe I'm doing down thousand leads a day to which is pretty good. Pretty nice. The whoa steady here or scale. Our fear launches chalcogen consistently a big cheese curly gonna stop hell Jack you are bored. So I launched a civil bowgasm it 2018 manager. I had already calculate this array. So Phil masi idea of why not scale a particular product to get the product lethal, but let me stop Nation once the product how but a chicken versions think they just talk Mission launched or they can will like 28% on the final or e-learning per click was kabocha Hydra Domenica estimate December May frustrate or a device December give out there when I got this car they take sugar. And luckily but as always let us start by letting say C'est La Vie. I had potential to avoid huge are so that's a I've been stock Nation so far. We've done like a hundred and fifty thousand dollars from adds itself. So Stop missionary journey every time I'll be awake a plan. He has away streamlining things into training. I'm trying to push the ladder up in Indian market key. Let's just give them everything basic for free and let's take them to the level Javed burki Western Society of example, the Russell bouncing would know what sales funnels copyright and paid you have a loogie Robbie blogging patio. And then you know, it was promises are being Give me a block when I look at you when buying a organic organic pay at Kevin, you know, seop bought Focus, right? You know, but they don't Nokia be platforms. They require, you know few to grow. So, I've copied at me invest can I party or that's compulsion? It's not even that you know, simple. Geez, I get up simple math Lorena. However, it does will be Barbies McHale said to you mother. What's the bad thing or speed into their Anna? It's giving you the speed, right? you'll be keep building your backlinks directory listing car or comment Marcelo Carlos 0 P BN 0 Be nice and now we own the traffic. So we anything we do a product launch or come up with a new product idea. We can easily email a list and you know, we can test it test over whether it's viable or not. What kind of work is it possible with the help of that? So robots Arif, I doubt they'll still see people don't understand this correctly. So that's the journey by Body retail me, but I ovulate greatly anymore, but I hate anybody so guys, I mean, I hope you got a lot of Motivation inspiration bought a great journey. It has been from Omegle to stock Nation. You must have seen the transition which happened Garwin a bot. That is you scary. But now it's all about strategizing and how you take it Forward how you scale things up and that's everything's in front of you guys. I mean you just have to go and take action. So go to bed before you move forward in detail topics, you know open let's talk about something about you, you know, so there's a question about what people ask is what something people seem to misunderstand about Garmadon. People seem to think that you know only to affiliate marketing, but but that's not true. I am a full-fledged marketer and a geek marketer analytics with I said put it in the numbers numbers, you know. Is very fresh cut down real time traffic Lake that I found that I see so apart from affiliate marketing of I do a lot of other stuff as well. Not only misconception people have but of course, I do affiliate marketing and I'm good at it. And of course by though by and you know every day wake up, right and you as Ikea Gob Gob Caray was cup corn rows motivation mirror I can see you know, you feel inspired. So what makes you do that what makes you go and what is your why what makes you hired to do everything everything what you do honestly are bloody difficult or diagrammatic. I'm Goin all inspirational Nicola pengelly, but but but you know what, I see on social media like, you know, let's say sort of started with me and Rahul by a game after you know, I'll send and he's doing so well go somehow I feel like you know, there is a lot of things which we can do online since these guys have done it big make it big already made it big and it's happening but of Is the bug is doing so well, so I just come to Facebook. I see these people hustling and it gives me motivation kill. I should also hustle and I come back and I fight for it. Correct way, of course every Market here needs to go to social media, of course those sub K and everything everyone goes and everyone sees people like you people like, you know deeper can all pick guys and then they're doing good because we know that K of mechanization what's keeping, you know, we are not those guys who judge people you Harriet. Oh overnight success, you know, we know that See, what's the journey what went behind building what you today? You know, it took around 7 years 10 years to build an overnight success. So we know that you know where we everyone came from right? Exactly. Okay. So by other, you know other everything goes away any if you have to start everything from scratch or up cook agency should watch corneal, you know up that may happen is your name a you have tested everything up to do a lot of things. But now you know when you start everything from scratch, what will be your game gun? But what I would do is go online marketing is a game of building assets to get Hua Casa quiz music like is it was a crappy email list as it was at the Facebook Community acidosis textbook of fan page Instagram page. Okay, LinkedIn profile anything anything which you know, whatever it takes just one thing and you know make it so make Kitt little bit bigger or so big that it becomes noticeable and appreciable by others ticket to go in case it become girl up Arab name is Edgar Liana above nap could feel my body is okay. So that is the only game nothing else. Could we be excused for Pro or a square said Bernardo and keep working on it, you know don't be consistent with whatever you are picking. So I grew up or try new things, you know, people use motivation. They think you know bus passes are there by next Esa oo isnt even better is attained then they don't move. It's late. So maybe but at least you still cannot become stronger. Yes. Yes. So what people do is people see it as a small term game. He become Gaara and you know, we as being youngsters, we want money in immediate returns. That's how we see things but that's not how life works the opcode ever know that I would tell you money would definitely come but through our strategic approach case. Our first me something bigger should get the results. They get up early career occupies results have a name. Mmm, even if we were doing for free, it's absolutely fine. But but up results the car key. You can attract a lot of people. Okay. So that is the main game if you can attract maybe influencers maybe clients, maybe maybe maybe anybody who is ready to buy even a case study from you since you've done it good and made it bigger. OK Google X starting with random house already here the result overcome grow and don't think equal result. It's me give you a second example. Let's say make now I am somebody who Woman named Esther day. Once they get their gear please men told me I'm stuck they say so yeah, of course, did you summon me very quickly of question mentorship, nrega up Cuca Hotel optional technibond pieces of mentorship in electrical current Vice. Commander should go up right now casting me he would also like to include the show notes. Maybe they get at because of being a single and army is not able to you know, Do the shorts on time or whatever so you reached out to current high in you say that I would do the show notes for you for absolutely you don't have to you know, this is a prophecy problem. I see Keno. This can make your podcast spider and I'm ready to help you for absolutely free when start helping current. Hi. Okay, then what will happen is after they say two or three shows then you can say to Karen that as we go along. Can you also Mentor me as well? You know now see when you have helped that person. Not in terms of you know, giving them money or giving them sales or something like that, but if built a relation right you have right now the leverage to ask for help. Okay. So now when you ask somebody to Mentor you the the person is going to be ready to do it so find the problem of the one whom you're going to looking to get mental then help them and solve that problem and build a long-term relationship. Great. I think this is the best way to go, you know view add value to the person first and then you ask something. You know what Gary Vee says As you know the first do something for them and then ask whatever you are. Your requirement is from the from the person right so great in size 5 grade in size. So by other DMC weapon Measure 3, so schedule bharath. Oh, I still laugh at the video which you recorded with moon is fine. You know when you arrived in Mumbai, it's good idea that people who want to become great email. Could be a white. What is your take on this? You know, what are people doing wrong? And you know, what are the strategies which you personally use when you create your email. I mean JBLM email-based. So to up can make sure Kentucky is a Jose and you know, I think people listening after this bone buyer 10 lakh database for 90 bucks. So Bailey is to yeah, but people think of email marketing is he people say email marketing is that that's the first men's misconception. They have email is very beyond from dead. Okay, so it's not going to be dead any time soon don't send your is there and everything is there but that they move more mobile, you know, and he is still a desktop feeling in some places obviously people read from mobile as well. So the way I craft emails us even has certain things certain aspects. Their first thing is of course the subject line so subject line the objective of doing the subject line of curiosity driven subject line or something, which is so beneficial. Is to make the person just open the email that's the only a of your, you know, email email subject line, then post that you know, I always try to what I would do is I would come up with something something in the form of an angle. Whatever I want to say. I would not say Okay God of this is iPhone go take it and by okay, I would not do this. What I would do is I would always try to come up with an idol. So now always remember whatever the source of the list is Okay, for example, let's see many videos kill list of stock Mission me whenever I'm going to put a product. I'm going to give it a video angle and Link it to my product itself. He came up with social media marketing signal that I've built a list out of that to emit. Boom. Get up go. You know, let's say you have poor social media marketing major issue a a great social media marketing, but man must and look I've got a case study which is going to actually help you master that correct. So always try to find it angle inside your email. And also what you can do is you can link it up with your movie with with recent happenings from your life. For example, right now. I was in a movie I was watching Joker, right? So now I can link it up tomorrow in the tomorrow's in will if I want to promote something I would probably end up linking Joker and my product now because I did this, you know, last time I did it was the subject line of my email was Google bone. Remember, I remember that I remember that email so deep linking with movies or your life happenings or just go to go to websites like BuzzFeed and stuff like that and link your headline with their headlines, you know, you could do a lot of Wonders with their for that. So that's another part email third part of the email. What I tend to do is I think so now depending on whether I'm selling or whether I am, you know, I want them to click and go to the next step. I've graphed my email. If my objective is to make the people go to the next page and just click it. So I'm going to the email short and crispy. Okay, whereas if my objective is that people should be, you know pre nurtured and once they go to the page, they should buy they should pick up the wallet and you know claiming money then of course, I'm going to put some more effort into my email you some storytelling, you know, do some pre pre nurturing kind of stuff and then benefits at in detail. If possible, we'll talk about the bonuses. Tell them how they will look at the bonuses talk about the refund guarantee. So my sometimes emails would also go like little bigger. You know what Jen will would not do those big of females other than the pack. I have not seen anybody else doing that good of marketing. So so that is what I tend to do these things and now a quick little tip, which I can give you an email marketing is that in the footer of your email, you know include the links of all Your products now every time you're going to mail somebody even if it is not going to you know, take that action, whatever action you want them to take some many times people would go to the Footers in click on the links and they'll buy your products. So if I click the browse, you know, just what what what is all about so they browse the thing and then you can put a remarketing code on that CC then you can pretty much get them on Facebook as well. Absolutely and just not remarketing you generally make sales is out of that as well. For example Russell does a pretty well if you see click funnels put a film on the life, correct? These a little bit of things which I think so would be helpful for people and please don't buy an email list. It's always of money trains to put that put that money into Facebook ads and then you don't build a list out of it or Google ads and build a list out of it and then you know sell it sell it to them. Correct. I mean, why do by a furious then? They say Kira could be anywhere. You know have studied MBA or it has 30 BBS. So they just look at this through and either motor, you know, a awareness interest desire desire and action model which is not daughters in college degree or or they understand it as you know, parents are both akiza from Chico chance out there, you know, what turned out there. So now I know that you are the one who introduced me the power of funnels, you know, when I see you can I saw your webinar sounded fun Discovery Bad Kitty and you're talking, you know High I traffic some image of But I gotta take on your finals. So what according to you is a funnel, you know that people should understand and not take it as their internal sense, you know, either or would you better say so and why every person on the internet needs to have one if they have to succeed in online marketing also if you can provide some actionable tips and quick takeaways which they can do and apply today and which will help them to create everything funnels. You open a banana and they can make money by this keep as you too. So how you do it. I mean, what is the funnel? I mean, okay, so This is a group of questions actually had a dissected one by one. So Bailey geez, what is a funnel? Let's define that let's understand funnel or that so generally your other people would think that taking the person to the page and then completing the sale is a funnel actually okay are generating that lead is a funnel but that's not funny. So well is actually a you could say a group of pages and multiple steps combined together finally ended. Oh, sorry, Jesus at the a depending on what kind of funnel you're making for example start right starting from the ad okay ad copy your right to the end where the customer is actually his actually become evangelists for your brand and he started promoting you on other books. So it's May the way we look at at look at it is like a customer value Journey. Okay. It's cool customer value Genesis our watches some lettuce or text just like Ryan deiss puts it so one customer value Journey abzug research coordinator. None, what happens is they are stages of every human being in your brand or towards you. Okay? So the very first stages like when they are least aware about you. So first step of the entire vacuum reading that awareness. Okay, once you create the awareness in that funnel, so awareness could be with the help of a video could be help of with the help of something, you know, which you're giving them value or anything on social media. They just read a post about from from you in a group and then they Gotta Wear about you things of those sort. Okay. So then once you've done that awareness days, then we go with about you know, turning that Prospect like person whose was whose aware of a brand now into a lie into a lead character. So I've seen a lot of people trying to sell directly of course selling director also works. Okay direct selling ads have been popular from like long long time, but then happens is conversions would be lesser. But where is to First generate a lead? And build a relationship with them by providing more value of friend. Like let's say you doing you doing a I'm doing a lead magnet, but I'm not just start to lead magnet of social media marketing course. I have a sequence now in my sequence. I share my story I ask them to introduce themselves to me. I'm getting like almost 50 200 emails a day, which I read and which I reply to just because you know these people reply back to me and then I'm also giving them tools free tools then further, you know taking their paths from just from email. You to my Facebook group showing them my face and live video was you know, and then building a relationship there right then. So these this is the step where what I'm doing is after General like first was aware step then is the lead capturing step. And now what I'm doing and nurturing those leads. Okay, I just told you the way to nurture is through even you know, right now current by is nurturing you with the help of this podcast, right? So now you mr. Then once you have their trust, you know, trust is mmm Most undervalued thing actually, yes, but it's the most valued thing to be honest. So what you have the trust of people, you know, I can tell you the names from my email list of people whom I have been trusted by and they have been on my list for and a half years five years and they still buy from me, you know, once you get that trust once you get that trust rolling, then you build a long-term business with the help of that. So now We built it. Now you start selling tripwire you build a binary relationship starts with into your main offer. Then comes the backend of then comes the high ticket offer. Then comes the evangelism, you know, so these are series of steps which are part of the funnel to be honest. Okay. So now that's I hope now everybody has understood. What is the funnel funnel is not just a series of pages is beyond that Beyond it's a yacht, you know, it's kind of an ocean itself. You know, it's Five against a a service or a industry itself within digital marketing, you know, absolutely correct. Now people would generally think of you know, front end out human of grade 1 upgrade to this is a funnel Less Fun and that's not final that's just like defects in the series of pages which you are, you know, taking the person through with our website say, you know up knee WordPress websites reconstructed exactly exactly. So now obviously as current said that everybody should have at least one funnel and to be honest, I'm telling you you just one fun. Oh away from your success. Yeah, we funnel crackly Anna though windows are up. Malama Raja. Yoga hundred social media marketing course, I make 3 rupees back up front. So obviously I love cars but I have a series of 17 products which people go through one by one take a jumbo Jus. Just it requires skill. I have options. I have Instagram or Facebook. I have lead lead generation were made by step. Well, then I'll go to full core of msf already today. I have copywriting masterclass. I have this one is Workshop. So I have couple of other things as well as stick there and then, you know, even beyond that are being we have not really made this program, but now we may further. Going to one-on-one coaching where people would be paying minimum of 1 lakh rupees because that's like the amount of money which is required for well to sustain that particular, you know justify that time which is being devoted ha. So these are just different kinds of things. So people, you know, spending 1 1 rupee like you spending one rupee on the are you making three of these back your grade since then similarly I do for every one rupee in stock Mission funnel $1 rather I make $2 back. It's like 100% return which is The Upfront return. So beyond that, of course, you know, once you do relationship building, once you start selling other affiliate products and everything was way and Beyond so this is just the upfront value. So, you know, you should definitely make a funnel and if if you're not succeeding at your very first final don't worry about it and how to build a funnel is altogether a different aspect of X. It's a different story altogether. So but all I would say is, you know, depending depending on your business type up cuz it's like a business here are post types. If another classic example, if you're in real estate popular lead generation cuff on Allah lead nursing cover launched a site visit be up to include one cipo to make sure keymap email follow-up say your SMS Hallows Eve and they go sign by the site visit carrados, correct? So that's that's like the crazy funnel and then our up if you are into it's a digital course is and you need to go change then you need to shower cap cover. the ladder getting a stronger as a group like a product selector a clock here after EQ or give out at the Koenigsegg Agera for the productivity of cooking e totally dig it's as simple as that absolute value like the Rock and as the person passes through different steps and as he keeps on building more trust in keeps becoming more successful if you keep selling him more and more because ultimately everybody wants to go from A to B, right you are the person who's more successful than men then take I'm from A to B and then B to C and then C to D and then so on right so that's the part I and you know, if they're like any other if you are into any other particular zone or any other particular industry depending on the or industry, you can even run direct selling ads for example stock mission is all done from direct selling ads. It's nowhere to be magnet in between correct. It's because of the value of the offer though. What is the offer is really when you look Kevin live really great a problem solver. It will sell automatically for example I've been called a local Eco maker of the not generation first, of course directly. So Harper up basement come here Doctrine Investments. Only, let's say $15 $20 or maybe like let's add best $45 right order to happen. It's easier for a person to spend that amount of money but agar aapke co-equal base, which is a which is a little bit expensive but you trying to sell then up Collegian it will can nurture to connect. Correct, correct? So I mean guys, I mean if you even take 10 seconds 15 seconds of what God gave in this session, I mean half keys in Three Brothers would be I mean it got to get so much of information guys. I mean if you I think you must be feeling your notebooks up taller Queen are creating that to Jackie Corrido, you know, because there's a lot of stuff curve is saying right now and it's amazing car of thank you so much for you know, inviting us on the final section. It's amazing. You know how you have changed the perception of funnel. You know what people used to think what it is and I think It should be changed now and amazing. Thank you. So what have we are moving ahead and you know, someone question is there if you could have dinner, you know, if you could have dinner with any three people dead or alive, who would it be and why? Okay, so having a dinner, of course, that means I have not had a dinner with them so far, right so for so for my own expiration the people I look up to as one of them is of course Russell Brunson second person is Ryan deiss and third person not a lot of people know him. But his name is Android chapter on and he's like an amazing marketer or even like, you know end of chapter. Paula said garden and I am a huge Garden fan. If I got said you'd save got like having a devil is all together when we go against chair a chair pass the ketchup got him go if I could just have his 30 seconds on a call. I would be so thankful to God, of course. It's safe to I heard her be marketed mean each other because he's such a great person. Correct. So great Guru my great-great. So you're going to buy one more thing. What do you fear the most? Okay, so I used to fear a lot. Yeah earlier in my earlier days that you know when I when we were starting up but if you know, let's say if our business is based on Facebook. What if tomorrow Facebook closes takes a decision to close the groups and my group goes down. Okay. So all these kind of feels used to earlier be there. But then now what will happen is we've Diversified in a manner even if the one arm or One Wing goes down the the second one is always So that is why even an email list we have so now I have to autoresponders I pay for to autoresponders just in case one goes down. Hi. I'm not you know handicap because now it's when I chose which one of those I'm using active campaign at the moment and I'm using moose and moose and yeah motion is an alternative like it's like a backup for me. Okay, great. Okay. So if you feel if you are fearful of something just make sure you find pollution you find find an alternative you diversify and you know, you should not be fearful anymore. Of course, my dirty are cheap. It came out in Tucson. But there are still individuals looking for tactics no tricks and shortcuts to make money from this amazing part of the internet marketing. So, you know say they are they are being either scan by someone who says key you can make this money fast and you know say people lose interest in affiliate marketing and they if the potential income behind so according to you, what are the five steps you would give to our audience of five tips, you know, we'll be listening to this so they don't resort to a set of people who Sell this Internet dream of shortcuts to make money with affiliate marketing like reading systems automating cash and you know, terms like that. So what do you think on this? So first of all, you know, what we need to understand like a collective if it has to be five points I make it may not be exactly five. But I'll try to make it five. Okay. So step number one is understand you need a product to sell a product which is in the time. Okay, and demand can be checked with Google Trends. It can be checked on quora it can be On Twitter, it can be checked on Amazon as well. If you know in that Niche there is something selling second thing. If once you found a product, of course now, you need people to buy that product, right? So you need to hunt those people online or offline. You can even do you know if like, let's say my mom wants to buy something in a mesh, which is digital marketing. She was alone. So I will give an affiliate link of you know, let's say somebody's courses and to my mom and my I'll make money out of it, of course, you know. This is to be somebody so you need to find the people who want to buy it's not just that, you know, it's only online world. You can only find it them in online world. You can also find them in half lengthwise, but it online is here because you know, you have various targeting options available today. We have inaudible earlier a little bit about later that evening. He also find the buyers now. Up buyers name a problem. You really immediate buyers name is their ticket but first interesting look measure their so that is what you will indicate when you get double of the having interest in let's say buying an iPad but they're not going to buy instantaneously. Now those you need to third thing which you need to do is you need to have a process to pursue to not pursue about what would be the word to actually yeah to to make them by that particular product to add. Actually have your words turn them into action takers and make them by. Okay. So so now you go ahead and with the help of your copywriting skills the benefits over features, you know, trying to tell them using different marketing strategies trying to tell them benefits and trying to make persuade that person to actually purchase that particular product. Okay. So that is the third step now once they have purchased something from you, of course that means Trust you now, they have developed a relationship with you cry and incentivize them, you know for the purchase. Let's say if I purchase something from your linked track me a boon in return. Okay, correct. So that's like the first step because what what it will do is it will make an impression in their mind that every time I buy something online I could get additional bonuses if I buy from gaara's blink, you know or it well, it's better if I'm let's say I'm thinking of buying I've got today or any other platform activecampaign then might as well, you know, I should go to Gaara. When asked if he has some bonuses I met her I might get some done for you lead magnets. If I buy from his swing. Yeah, it kind of makes that we each kind of puts you in the person's head in terms of your brand value that you're going to give something extra then. Okay, then what you need to do is if you have find a process of If you find a process a process which ever you have been doing and if you're able to if you've been able to let's say find ten buyers through that process. So then you better scale the fuck out of it. Okay? Okay, but what I've seen is people people would definitely make money but then they would not scape for some reason they scared to scale it up. So now don't be you know scared of losing money since it's a business we might as well sometimes lose money. I lose money all the time like for example yesterday. A day I lost 25,000 rupees on on Facebook ads. So what I made it back today. Okay. What if I lose if I try to scale if I go all and what will happen, you know, I'll have no life has its own way and humans have it have its own way of adaptation. So we're going to obviously find the right way smart people with smart creatures. So these are the five simple steps. You know, these are the simplest steps I could put them in. And I think so stick to the process scale it up and then you know after that look for another process to diversify things because they're not not go to the people, you know, it's a Kia to our you know, we give you some system and then you just go and you make money out of that. So that's bullshit people, you know fall for yeah who you are tell us maybe, you know, you'll be you'll be making some money just like a lame duck company could afford nickels. Are there were some company. And you have to answer that within five seconds and then some you can take some time. And after that we get to the final topic of Facebook ads. That's what about the you know, we'll do that so ready for the way ready ready go t get soba logo or gurugram by go anytime go get Facebook ads. Facebook ads for now active campaign affiliate marketing and worst advice. I will generally take advice from a lot of people. So this is hard one. So was too dry. It is portrayed by supposed advice. Yeah, so worst advice which I have received which may I may have done as well in the past hiring friends in my company. So you say you're you're two failures till now which allowed you to learn and move forward. Okay, so I love failures long list of failures. They say Pella failure jota is because for example, I started geeko Tech blog Dakota accompaniment, of course, but blog should have written almost 150 blogs on that particular blog and what happened is even one of them received crazy amount of traffic with Google SEO Sookie. What's up cube with our blog Malika, but then I you know, I was not making money. So what i is the biggest failure was running the block for one and a half years and not making a penny out of it. Right but then it gave me the skills. I learned from it and then I moved forward right second thing what has been a failure. So, you know first my first product launch, which was in Warrior plus, you know in the Internationals well, Failure, so it actually gave me the importance of understanding the finances doing my calculus right and looking for partners, which are also at the same level. So it gave me an insight into the partnership out of it and your two success stories. You're so happy about you wish to party. Yeah, so first is of course start Mission, so it was a dream. Of course. It is still a dream do touch seven figures with the ads but even six years not seen anybody in my space doing it very very very few people. Literally I can count on my fingers in one hand, right? So so that is why it is like it reserves a party second thing which I did is I recently bought a home. So I've not got the key get congratulations. Thank you, sir. Good luck easy. So but as soon as I get the keys, I'm surely going to party because that deserves a moment for me. Right? Of course, of course bought seven Karina to your Sakai dream of her kissing her dream of every person on the planet has that cream and when they're fully I mean, of course you have to party great going. So go away your most favorite book ever Everett. All right, so it is what is marketing. What is marketing by Seth Godin? So read that book. Everybody should read that book. Anybody who's a marketer should read that book of course dear great sort of ice. We answered all the questions successfully and we have the gas part which is the boss, you know, the boss second comes up. So let's talk about something which made Mark Zuckerberg beginner and is still making him and us rich which is Facebook ads. Yeah. And so, how do you define the modern day of the Facebook ad super honest when we kept fill the Facebook Yorker today, it was direct, you know people used to buy things on Facebook. We got when you know ads varies from Facebook to use forget never neetha, but you know people now jump to Facebook ads without strategizing or knowing their objectives, you know, so if you had to start, you know building a campaign. So how do you go about start to finish? I mean, you don't need to give in detail just an overview and so how do you how you go forward with it? Okay. So Facebook ads EO Pele, who are Cathay I still Remember Perry bottles on Ava II would just the worst creative on the internet when then I will get the leads in the series. Okay, but how no more things happen like that because brands have evolved a lot of competition has come forward bidding has increased so rates have gone up so we have to be strategic about it. Now. The the first thing which I would do is for anything anything I do even an email or an ad or a page switch that I I would try To look for the hook or the angle we call it. Okay. What is the angle which I am going to do? Even before I start building my campaign. I would start thinking in my head, you know? Okay. What is the angle? I am going to sell to the audience? What are the different angles or I can try so as long as you know, I'm not clear about my hook. I would not really proceed but I whatever who comes to my mind, I'll put it on paper. Okay, I'll put it in my notes on my whatever and then I'll pay I'll start building around. Like in second thing which I would do is now so far I've seen, you know, I've been running an ad of four people. I mean the same person showing a journey of that person from Zero to Hero for my social media marketing course, but now what I feel is what I feel is if you want to talk about creative sense today when in advertising, I think so, you know, if you have the budget to do it you should do something extremely amazing and Innovative example, what? Take that moon is courses this time, you know, I was a kind doing the copy and the sales copy and also the you know parts and parcel of connecting with other people. So the way we try to do it this time was we made the sales video a rap video, correct? Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's an amazing unique concept which happened, you know, no one no one even expected the Boca but it came out very unique exactly. So so if you have the budget to do it, then I would always think of a creative crosses and try to bring up bring something and aspect which has never been done before earlier in the industry in your industry and if people are looking at it, but you're going to grab attention and it is going to actually make it go viral reduce your cost also give you extra customers without any pain, right and so and gives you a lot of brand value as well. When you do these kind of campaigns you might as well end up speaking at stages because of that one simple Campaign, which moon is also got a chance to speak it as well. All right. So so what I feel do that creative part, if you cannot do you know, if you if you have budget limitations and you can't go above and beyond then what I would do is I would simply you know, do a basic minimum video and I'll try to make it a social give it a social angle to it or not social angle, but rather have those those letterboxing above and beyond the video try to make it a little bit attractive or everybody's doing colorful things. You do black and white, you know. Try to stand walk in that in that particular feed so that your cost per mile decreases CPM decreases your CPC decreases your sympathetic decreases. It helps you write that stuff. Then then what I would do is I would not really, you know, stop at doing Facebook ads like that. What I tend to do is I tend to go deeper into my funnel and optimize it for maximum profit. Okay. Generally, what I would do is first slot by would put up a chat. Into my on my page make sure I have a two-way communication with people even a toll-free number is positive then I would go ahead and further, you know in at the back end of the funnel. I would see what kind of different products I can put to the people who are bringing who are coming into the final then, you know, what kind of lead generation process I'm going to follow how many sequences are going to be triggered to that person because it takes over to the manual manual Zone where I manually mean, you know broadcasting my emails so I would build that path for that. Person in a manner that my lifetime value of a customer is already optimized without having me to worry about The Upfront cost. Let's say even if the CP was up tomorrow by 2x. Okay, but if I have my system in place at the back end if my backup from this strong I can still outbid the biggest of advertisers on Facebook. Okay. So that is where Facebook ad is not just about the advertisement. It is also about equally about the final which you have in the back end the places system, which you have. Please make sure to get more money out of it. Okay, so so I would generally minimum do like three or four offers in the back and that's is like I'm minimum, you know, I could go up the offers non-stop because I've been promoting so actively in the past three years so I have called a lot of okay, so there is no end to it. But of course you need to decide what's best for your customer before you piss him off your list. So so that's the next part apart from that. What I do is Is I tend to be you know, read a lot study a lot example now the pace Mandela has a CBO cookbook perhaps you could get this for it and read about it because CB o--'s are the new things. Yes, which is happening at Facebook. Then I do be part of elite groups, which is like Tim birds at leaks group with you know, a lot of will Facebook advertisers would hang out and share the case studies, which is not shared out openly to the public. Okay you pay for it, of course, but then you have Edge over everybody else in the market right now have people may not be a part of it and the book may be doing the old simple creative of it and I'm a coming out with altogether new star different. So this is an example of differentiation. So are you you still beat out the competitors, even if they're bigger, right? Then these are the things which I would do a primarily then I see Facebook ads as a long-term thing. I don't think the, you know judging a Facebook ad with its one. I'm weak performance is a fair thing. It's not really a fair at all. I would generally take it like at least like 14 days or like maybe even a month before I try out every symptom angle every time hook which I had every single creative tested every single paste the tested every single headlines flick tested even like I'll just go crazy with every everything I can and you know since cool Africa is a traffic in control. I can test this not like, you know, it's Um traffic it will come today and it's too unpredictable. It will not come tomorrow. It's nothing. So that is the Leverage is for you to optimize the funnel and follow the process for a longer duration of time. So, for example, if I tell you stock mission in the first month or second like for the first three months rather was not profitable, but then it was just like breaking even hardly but then I stuck to the process. I kept this thing kept testing a little bit of more stuff. And then finally we were like two weeks of profitability. Hmm. Consider it consider that as a process and keep doing your creators and everything and just like last thing but not the least taste like, you know, we all marketers are actually true scientists. Okay, don't predict things because everything is data what data says is the truth and what people say is all fluff. So please have seat and let the people in the society, you know, go for a walk. Well, I think I mean when you see that that means it's guys having you can't find information today hiding Facebook ads anywhere. I mean, you know, we talked to God of regarding Facebook ads, I mean, mr. Gordy bharatha, you know, you cannot expect bronze by DX everything everything expect the gourd. That's crazy. I mean and one thing with God of you know, any heightened as is that you should have patience with your advertisements, you know, I saw people who invest dates or pay, you know, they deserve it all together we can oh, yeah. A business. It's not a sailor. It's already eleven giving the next day. They say gear you did a business model Facebook ads, you know, you need to have a patient. So it's similar to a business. So you need to have an adult side not just Facebook ads up Kissimmee typekit traffic olelo. It's eventually You can Master any traffic Source Jaguar paw pads. Oh, tyrol. X-linked adds Ocho native the bulaga through tae-woo, you know Google ads. Oh you too bad so you can Master it but you will have to have the patience to crack that particular thing. Correct? Absolutely great. Great. Great God of II think you know your last piece of insight or a powerful advice which can supercharger guy or a girl listening this far that they do what we have discussed today after using to this episode 1 1 Single statement which you would you know, please please been effect. Please believe me amazing. I mean I said he having realized maybe they should build an asset and on the you know internet they should be done assets. So as it is important guys, you should do this. You should be written as it everywhere. All right with this we will wrap it up. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Guru by for coming on the show and and lightning everyone out there and myself there were a ton of value bombs dropped today. I'm in Hiroshima. The other two guys listen to this episode again and again and again because you won't get this valuable and practically applicable. The thing is see. This is not a Gans is practically applicable things which you can go and do tomorrow. I mean, it's an EKG on but I have pay its practical takeaways which you can you know get from this conversation, which I had with Cora pie and go and listen to this every single day. So thank you for y for coming on the show. Thanks a lot current for having me on the show. So are you doing an awesome job and just in case you listening? Please make sure you subscribe to this particular podcast, which is an operations or Spotify or whatever. He was listening to this particular episode and I hope I have lived up to my words array by I mean what's cabin to put our volcano for the okay guys, thank you so much for tuning in to this episode and investing your time energy to something productive. You can go ahead and take the show notes at current CH podcast two days after this episode is released and taking action today until next time keep bashing your goals and achieving your dreams. This is your host current Peroni signing off. Thank you so much. Why sticker?
Hey Fam. Hope Everyone is Bashing their Goals and achieving their dreams and aspirations. This is Karan Parwani, Founder of Wedoeconsult, and The Karan Parwani Show. This show is all about Marketing and Entrepreneurship, insights of which will be delivered by Inspirational Individuals who have done amazing stuff in their life and their careers. So, Today we have someone  very very very special. He is Someone I admire since I finished my Digital Marketing Course from DSIM and saw his blog for the first time, I became a FAN. He is the humblest Person in the whole Digital Marketing Community, Whom I also got a chance to Meet at Digital Masters Conference in Mumbai. We will keep this Episode, both in Hindi and English, as he is so awesome to talk in both languages. The Geek Marketer, Who is the only person who treats his FANS as VIP’s in his Facebook Group “Digital Marketing VIP’s and due to his hardwork, has been featured in JVZoo, Speaker in  Indian Affiliate Summit along with Affiliate Conference India, Spoke at Enrichement Begins Within in Goa, Organized by the Bhatnagar Brothers, Saurabh and Rahul Bhatnagar and the recently held Marketing Summit in Goa. WOW! So, with Applause welcome Gaurav Madaan on the show. Welcome Gaurav Bhai. I am very Grateful you took some time out of your schedule to enlighten people and give your dollars on various Digital Marketing Strategies. I hope you like the episode, shownotes will be published 2 days after the episode is released.
There were two more murders 15 miles away arrived. They found by one investigator as reminiscent of a weird dating shows have been popular for decades audiences. Love to watch two strangers meet and fall in love from the comfort of their living rooms on September 13th, 1978. A man appeared on the popular dating show at the time the dating game what the audience and the poor girl who picked this bachelor didn't know was that this attractive man was in the midst of a murder spree. So if you like your coffee hot, but your bones chilled sit back and start your day with a morning cup of murder. Rodney Alcala from the early age of 17 after having a nervous breakdown and going AWOL from the Army was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. This diagnosis would during his trial be expanded upon to include narcissistic personality disorder borderline personality disorder and malignant narcissistic personality. Disorder was psychopathy and sexual sadism. With all this in mind the story of The Dating Game Killer unfolds as such after his discharge from the Army Rodney graduated from the UCLA School of Fine Arts and went on to study under Roman Polanski at NYU. It was in 1968 when he was in his mid-20s when Rodney Alcala committed his first known crime. He was caught trying to lure eight-year-old Tali Shapiro into his apartment. When they found the girl she was alive, but had been raped and beaten with a steel bar. Alcala was already gone. He changed his name to John Berger and in 1971 even worked as a counselor at a New Hampshire Arts camp for children that same year flight attendant Cornelia. Crilley was found raped and strangled in her Manhattan apartment while we now know that this was another victim of Rodney's her case remained unsolved until 2011 the FBI added Rodney to their 10 most wanted list an attempt to locate him and charge him for the attack. Tali Shapiro a few months after his addition to the list two of his campers noticed his photo on the FBI poster in the post office thanks to them. He was arrested and extradited back to California to stand trial. Unfortunately tallies parents had since relocated and refused to allow their daughter to testify and relive her attack without her as a witness Rodney. Alcala was only charged with assault and was paroled after just 17. Nine months in 1974 less than two months later. He was re-arrested for assaulting a 13 year old girl and was paroled yet again after only two years despite being on parole in 1977. He was permitted to travel to New York where cold-case investigators believe that during his visit. He killed Ellen Jane hover are so a Hollywood nightclub as his victim count started to rise his Mo took shape. He was known to toy with his victims by strangling them letting them lose Consciousness waiting until they came to and repeating until he decided to kill them around 1978. He added another element to his crimes. He convinced hundreds of men and women that he was a professional fashion photographer. He would then with their permission take photos most sexual for his portfolio. Most of these photos have never had their subjects. Identified and many believe that they can be connected to numerous other Cold Case victims. Because in 1979 while photographing 15 year-old Monique Hoyt. He knocked her unconscious and raped her during all of this. He somehow found time to go on a popular dating show The Dating Game which would end up giving him his nickname during this episode which aired on September 13th 1978. He won a date with Cheryl Bradshaw who refused to go on a date with him because she rightfully so so found him creepy criminal profilers believe that this refusal became exasperated factor and Alcala went on to kill at least three more women after this appearance on June 20th, 1979 a twelve-year-old Robin samso disappear before her ballet class in Huntington Beach her friends told a story of a stranger approaching the girl and asking her to take photos 12 Days Later her decomposing body was Found a sketch was released and Rodney Alcala has parole officer immediately recognized him and called the police. While searching his apartment, they found a receipt for a storage locker in Seattle upon searching it they found a pair of robins earrings. He was arrested in late 1979 and in 1980 was tried convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of Robin Sam. So the verdict was an overturned by California Supreme Court because jurors had been improperly informed of his prior sex crimes. He was tried again in 1986 with identical results. And once again the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel nullified this conviction. It was while they were preparing for her third trial in 2003 when under a new law. I'll call his DNA was sampled and match to the semen left at a rape murder scene of two women in Los Angeles. He was connected to another Cold Case in 2004 and led to his indictment for For additional women and 2010 Rodney Alcala has stood trial for not just the murder of Robin samso, but an additional four victims he acted as his own attorney and would question himself on the stand for five hours. He would address himself as mr. Alcala and a deeper voice ask his questions and then answer in his normal voice. It was like a circus in the courtroom. He of course. Started his innocence but two days later was convicted of all five accounts of first-degree murder during the sentencing phase Tali Shapiro came forward to testify about being his first victim when she was just eight years old. He was sentenced to death of third time. But this is not where his story ends because in 2010 New York and Huntington Beach Police released a hundred and twenty of his photos from his portfolio in hopes to identify its subjects 900 photos could not be made public because they were too sexually explicit in just a few weeks. Approximately 21 women came forward and at least six families said they recognize loved ones who disappeared our never found in 2013. A family member recognized Christine Thornton who's body had been found in the 80s. She was six months pregnant at the time of her death. He was also charged in 2011 with the murder of Cordelia, Crilly and Ellen Hoover. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 25 more years. He is a person of interest in a number of unsolved murders. Thank you for joining me in my morning cup of murder. Please join me again tomorrow to hear what terrible thing happened on September 14th. Don't forget to rate and subscribe and let me know how you like it. If you want to help support the podcast there's always patreon or just sharing it with your true crime obsessed friends and remember stay safe. Guys, I want to talk to you today about Spotify because not only can you listen to all your favorite artists, but you can also listen to all your favorite podcasts in one place for free Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including morning cup of murder and on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download the episodes and listen offline wherever you are, so it's perfect for travel and you can easily share what you're listening to. With your friends on Instagram. So you guys can chat about your similar interests and what you like if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for morning cup of murder on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me. So you never miss an episode of Morning cup of murder. Thank you for listening to morning cup of murder. This is a daily podcast that tells you what happened on this day in True Crime history in short easy to listen to episode. Acids that you can finish on your commute or while you enjoy your morning coffee. So make sure you check back every morning. My name is Karina. I am the Creator and host you can find morning cup of murder on Twitter Instagram and Facebook. I have also set up a patreon where you can donate a small monthly contribution to the podcast. All those links are in the episode description. Thank you again and have a wonderful day.
Dating shows have been popular for decades. Audiences love to watch two strangers meet and fall in love from the comfort of their living rooms. On September 13th 1978 a man appeared on the popular dating show at the time, The Dating Game. What the audience, and the poor girl who picked this bachelor, didn’t know was that this attractive man was in the midst of a murder spree. Rodney Alcala’s Dating Game Episode (1978) Become a supporter of this podcast on Patreon: Follow Morning Cup of Murder on Twitter: @cupofmurder Follow MCOM on Instagram: @morningcupofmurder Have a Murder or strange true crime story you want to share, email the show here: [email protected] Morning Cup of Murder is researched, written and performed by Korina Biemesderfer. Follow Korina on Instagram: @kbiemesderfer * ** *** Information for this podcast was collected from the following source(s) --- This episode is sponsored by · Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet Podcast: Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet is a comedy podcast featuring brother and sister duo Alex and Christine as they recap dramatic readings of one-star reviews, written by real people with not-so-real problems.
Welcome to my life is to the supplied episode 272. We are literally the conclusion of this Tisha b'av Natasha. Today's the 10th of all that the end of the day because Toshiba was on Shabbos. The fast was pushed off until this Sunday. Michelle has not yet come even though he still can come before the end of the day today is his birthday in the throes of the Abyss as the flame.The rising to their highest as the base emitter has remodeled slum was burned down by the Romans. Fruit the second base Amazed by the Romans 2400 1938 years ago and forms at 90 years earlier by the Babylonians the first base some English 2428 years ago. Michelle was born as the mothers tells us and that's why we say knock him in Minnesota octaves above but because it was Shabbos the fast was pushed off until now. Now generally, I probably would not have done a program but I will never forget 27 years ago. The same committee is the same schedule to shabaab has on Shabbos death of the fast was on the 10th of of and that I became down 8:35 p.m. Around a half hour before the fast ended and set a sister. gave out dollars and then they dive in might have the only time they're ever did that so following the rebels footsteps and Direction and that was the last tissue above that the red would speak to us trish-kabob Nika Because next year comes I know there was a very distraught Contraption base. So following that lead meaning that the need to take the darkest day of the year the loneliest day of the year the saddest day and turn it into something positive. That's why I'm doing the program. Standing on the shoulders of the debit the levels of course edited and was my gear that's it was printed and say for a secret option and Olive together with the talk that the rebels are gave the next day and you dollop of and it's all printed there. We reviewed this actually last year, which was again the same quiz. This is the same as last year was also a tissue above Nitra so as the sun sets On this Saturday. We also remember as I said that the birth of our Salvation the birth of the Redemption happens as well because in Judaism there is no such thing as Darkness as an end in itself. And as the mother says and ate her Abba that there was travels they were traveling the northern Israel and they met a farmer an Arab farmer who seem to have understood the language of cows and he had a cow and he heard the cow moan groan. She told The Travelers sad news. Your dumb your temple was just destroyed a moment passed and the cow groaned again, and he told them good news. Naled machine show you sit all the Savior mushiya was born Magda made a fool of Makkah that in the darkest of moments. The temple was not destroyed as an end in itself. It was an order to build even a greater Temple but this time a permanent one and that's only possible through our efforts and through our work and that's the emphasis especially as we come to the conclusion of Tisha b'av in this year tissue above need the number explains in the top chinon. Of seeker of 27 years ago as well as in many other places that the Panini is the inner power of Tisha b'av is as the passage says you have caramel sauce the made them to the sauce. No simple the made him David these days would be transformed to Celebration and the mother says will be the Mode. God will be the ultimate holiday when Messiah comes because the story is not over what we see and we experience and we have to follow the local some laws in Godless is the sadness of the destruction. However, the destruction meant lead to a greater construction greater construct as the talmud tells us in the end of Marcus the famous story that be a Kiva and his colleagues were want looking at the hobbies and this is not long after the destruction of the second temple. And they were looking at the Temple Mount and they saw how Barren it was like a Wilderness and they stash all him fax coming out from where once was the holy of all these were the Korean guard with going once a year the holiest place on Earth and the holiest day of the year the holiest person on Earth connecting to the holiest dimensions of the Divine. They saw a fox running out from there telling you how it's so desolate and this colleagues are rebbi Akiva began to cry. Arabic even began to laugh and when he asked them why you crying they said look the Fulfillment of this tragic prophecy. And why are you laughing says because if you read the end of the prophecy is this is a sign that one day soon. They'll be the hula and then machines based on me - actually she and that will be far greater than what we have now, and I'd be a Kiva perhaps because what he went through in his life a difficult life a life that didn't begin with Terror until age 40. I keep her from the word heel. A curve like yaakov. Akiva was a son of converts or Comfort himself. He recognized that in the darkest in the black hole is the deepest light of all today's also a hundred years from a powerful letter that the physical ever wrote to the debits and Hai mushkil. They did you have full the South the sustenance simcha tough stuff. They shy in test is printed today in the eagle skaters from the physical web of Volume 15 page 17. So long letter in Yiddish translated side by side in Hebrew where he talks about the history of tissue, but written in a very personal way and very unique way worthwhile reading and he describes the events that they says these two days is that somebody starts to let its Faith take trade save edited these two worlds Tisha b'av carrying. He describes in this in his graphic way all the pain and the grief and the sadness and the blood. And the mourning and grieving over the years that we have grieved over the destruction of the temples, but he begins even earlier and he says three thousand three hundred and twenty years ago 3230 years ago was that now is 3330 because it's a hundred years later was when Tisha b'av began with the miraculin came back with a terrible reporter better at this law and that became the big deal of datas the crying that night that was the first issue, but he said and the physical explains that was a result of the Egyptian. Effect on the engine and weakening their spirit and today to we have that and yet what is this really says is strong. He concludes the letter after a long description of the events for the Moraga than the destruction of the temples that the strength of the Jews is strong in the flame continues to burn and as long as we are not affected by those around us we will prevail. Worthwhile mentioning, especially since it's a centennial to Century since that letter was written. So the lesson of course my friends is very very very relevant and very obvious and as we are right now not just talking about it, but actually experiencing the final curtain coming down on Tisha b'av tough to his revolver soluble of meaning the dish above Nitsa the year top Shania and test enough is enough how many years? It's been 9 1938. I should mention the letter there from his calculation for the clever that writes 1951. years ago so there because they're different husband is not here to go into it, but it's something worthwhile looking into yeah. And he writes about the actual he writes about the first base on mikdash. That's 2004 341 years ago. Not with me 2441 now that it's a hundred years later. So it's interesting these discrepancies that can be looked into I wanted to just mention that the reason I mentioned the year nineteen that 1938 because that's the regular husband that is often cited that ever brings it as well. So we have to figure out how to reconcile and how this discrepancy is resolved just as an aside. So it's almost 2,000 years 2000 years sitting shiva for a big stomach - not just for a building but foreshadow shamim a gate to heaven an interface a place where Heaven meets Earth with God Divine met existence that has been closed and concealed but not disappeared and it's our work today when we sense the guy Graham the yearning and we sense the desire and the passion. To reconnect and reintroduce reconnect and realign the fusion of the Divine and existence and we do so through our actions that each actually do is not just a material act but it's aligned to way God wants us to behave whether it's learning Taylor or in Kima Mitzvahs on filler or Mills. Kassadin each specific thing. We do we are real I we make that connection we Unite the Two Worlds that were disconnected and separated the home base. I made this with the destruction of the temple. So now as we come to the end of Tisha b'av what more what better time and what more relevance is there is to make that final push that each one of us does whatever we can to connect our lives to what they are Chemin a barista wants of us and that comes down to specific details and how we behave How we speak and how we think sovereignty but in mice aligned with the way the Taylor expects of us and especially in the biggest midst of War which was the cause of the destruction of the temple was divisiveness cinema screen and baseless hatred the counter power to that is Unity talk about Unity the unity between us all together brings the unity with the Divine and therefore creates the container for the base Amelia. She to re-entered Earth's stratosphere our world and our Distance and made it all happen before the end of this 9/10 of of especially that it was nitta-san. It means it was pushed off that would be should pushed off the negative parts of it forever and from here on only holidays and only simple you have caramel sauce and sprinkle the maiden table and the lesson personally is equally relevant because we each have our tissue Bob as it manifests in our own personal lives because these events that happen are not just the collective ones. For the entire Jewish people they have also the microcosm because Tisha b'av is that energy the energy of symptom of concealment of covering of a split of a Schism. So whatever Schism was blood we experience in our lives Tisha b'av reflect that and the correction is defined that Unity with our own personal lives and realize that there's even a deeper power in this dark hole in these darkest moments of the end of Tisha b'av lies the greatest strength to transform it which will Revealed in just a few days from now in the 15th of of which is also this coming and this end of this week and we'll be talking about that shortly. So as always I begin by doing some cross referencing to previous years that we've spoken about dish above nitta to fulfill the whole picture. So episodes 127 and 222, which was last year. And of course episode 77 173 we spoke about tissue above in general and this is a segue into the rest of the day's what happens next. Okay, the tenth of of comes to a close we hope the googler comes then comes the 11th of of the 12th or 13th 14th, and then comes how many shows above the end of the sector time is set. The time is sort of course dedicated to fasting it concludes the same way doesn't conclude the fastest concludes actually with her Misha's above the story of the film. in the valve, which is the counter Force to fasting that just six days after Tisha b'av five days after the tenth of of the mishna says, well, you know, um Tatum is real commissions, but Ava Kiki & Maki put it pretty interesting equation Yom Kippur. Okay, hold these day of the year the day of forgiveness that they have. Hope written in the Taylor her mistress above is not hinted to anywhere until the ship except and yet the mission and compares the two and they come out elaborates. Why? It gives a whole bunch of reasons of things that happen the rebel explains that all the reasons are connected. They're all about us about Unity. To the to the extent that is equated with Yom, Kippur. see this as touches upon this my money man dead dead and other places and in a detainer knock that all the explanations that the modest still don't explain the power that it should be equated to him keep it and they explain based on that is ah, That tuba love is a kind of syllabus. Columbus's the full moon. Full moon is always a good sign. The Moon is in his full power. Malthus is in full power of the new moon is mouth Jesus as being born but the full moon is it's in full power full intensity complete with see this Kabbalah says you could soon you could zoom alcazar's the sun moon is Malthus. So you have the complete Unity the sun this the moon completely reflecting the Sun to Earth. Okay, but that's every 15th of the month. But this 15th of the month says that is because it follows the idiot that some of the tremendous the awesome descent and Pur gum and wound of the Moon of Colossus Israel that happened on Tisha b'av. So you did say that Ali has to commensurate to The Descent is the asset. Since no other month in the year has such a deep Dark Descent in malkos, like Tisha b'av, so none of them compared to the 15th when the moon becomes full. It's a completely different dimension. Yes, technically. It's the same for Moon. But spiritually it's a whole different story and that's why somebody says love is such a great jump to pesach. Sookie's poor him even are all the 15th 14th 15th of the month, but they don't follow a tremendous descent and and to her mistress above does to connect the deeper TM Kipper. What did when is Yom Kippur Yom. Kippur will be exactly 40 days from the start of the show when moisture goes up on the mountain the third time now, he's on the mountain the second time and he's not successful yet, but I'll come down and stretch and she'll go back and describe yourself. From the pin is the first they destroy the second day the last day of over the first day of elul and 40 days later will be M Keepers. Jim. KIPP work is a is a birth and Rush's son. NL all from the schedule which comes straight from of Says the shallah that are really the muzzle of the month of of the muzzle of this month rea. The Leo is four letters. Aleph re-issued. Hey, Richard Davis acronym LL Rosh Hashanah Yom, Kippur him occupied him keeper. I shine it up all born from a DA the Leo as the alcott's many says that the month of the lion came the lion the book and that's it and destroyed align the base timing. Ominous and condition that the lion will come this time. It's a shame in the month of the line of and rebuild Arielle the base. I'm in distress is called ideal area. So the birth of L and Rosh Hashanah and Yom, Kippur hoshanna rabba 116 Messiah the haysom the CMAs of the of the Civic exhibit a viz in Russia's Channel. When it's written, it's inscribed and Yom, Kippur sealed and Yom Kippur and the final seal is an ascended above all that is born from the month of just like Michelle is Born the darkest moment of Tisha b'av. So there you have the connection tube of is The Great Gilly the great Revelation that comes after the ninth evolved after The Descent of Malthus and Yom Kippur is the Hope and the Forgiveness that came out for the breaking of the tablets on the 17th of tammuz, which was the beginning of the three weeks that concluded with Dish above which was broken because of the golden calf. CM keeper concludes the circle as does tube of so it all comes together. Which also Explains why tube of We Begin some custom to start already wishing each other Civic simit Ava some say it's the commodity of commission has evolved because it's not just you. Remember you just a nice gesture that were remembering where the company is preparing for us on the but it's all intertwined. We you see the powerful Jewish calendar reflects the energies of Life the Cycles the journey that every decent is in order to bring an ascent and it's all a flow and our lives as well to see it through never think that any dark moment is the end of the story see it through the narrative is not over the choreography. The hidden choreography is at work. We need to just make sure to keep that strength going and then for how many shots but we go right into shop is not Moon next Shabbos, which is what Namo namaha me double marshmallow again, not one Nakamoto similar to what a beekeeper said when he gave when he smiled laughed when seeing the even though he saw the desolate people Mount so the other his colleague said that given the company I keep in the company double Akiva, you have consoled us akivi of consoled us not Ramona Ramona me a double cancellation because one is not enough one would not justify The Descent you need to have something greater that the darkness brings even a greater light a double nakama and double here is not just in Combos and quantity, but also in quality, so it all comes together a story of pain but also a story of joy A story of loss but also story of growth and that even when something is broken, it can be fixed and become greater than ever before there's no such thing as impossible. So even if in a relationship in a marriage in personal relationships situations where you may think things have been broken was shattered remember there's always room for reconciliation and forgiveness and rebuilding even after destruction. That's the in a nutshell the story of this time. That we're right now in a tissue above concludes tissue Bob needs I should mention the pushed off dish above understand above. Some cross-referencing for this as well is episodes 3077 128 173 222. All these archives can be found and meaning at them. Sorry at City a new website that we created exclusively for this related and applications. Of course Center Around the Corner Stone that this program might laughs. It has applied all the previous 271 episodes plus a forum where you can submit anonymously SLI any question you like? Nothing is off-limits. Nothing is taboo. We cover every question possible in an inappropriate way, hopefully, so please don't hesitate to write anything you'd like in that Forum X is the / ask also a good opportunity since seeing but miss Petit Palais Des Cheveux Blends doctor the conclusion of yesterday's of theta which is also negative but concludes with the Redemption that Zion is redeemed through Mishka through Tara and Chavez captives darken that his Especial time to add increase in terrans doctor. We're doing that right now by this teachings of this my Lexus applied and it's darker. A crease in the docket today tomorrow and all the coming days as the lab emphasizes and perhaps you could also be so kind and help us support this program as it grows and to develop more expansive Resources by going to see the / donate and sponsor a program in honor or memory of a loved one. And I thank you up front. Now being that recently they've been talking about negative things some negative news about mass shootings in different cities and Dayton in El Paso and Gilroy, California. Unfortunately others that have happened earlier in the year some of them in Jewish locations. So the question is somebody presented his has the lab ever made public statements about mass shootings why they happen and what can be done to prevent them. And indeed I've spoken about this a few times. Unfortunately previous tragedies in episodes 202 and 203 258 and 259. That was the recent Poway shooting on the last day of pesach this this past Basa. So yes, there are sisters that I will refer to and specifically your out of Neeson and you'd based almost option memo Olive and voltage range hood best time is to option mentality option download mom and her fourth option member of among others. I named my specifically we'll just shortly repeat some of what the letter said you'd based on Mustafa Kemal there ever was speaking then in general not just bump. It wasn't talking specifically about mass shooting but about students hitting teachers in schools in the URL Phoenician of that year the rebel spoke about the shooting of Ronald Reagan President Reagan and the main emphasis that ever spoke about was the tragedy of cutting out God from the school's when the single most important thing in education is not a knowledge and not information and not the Sciences now the physical social and political sciences but to shape a character and the key to keeping your characters to be accountable and to be moral and to be an ethical human being that gives more than a takes and that is infused and inculcated in children through teaching them that there's a enter a of isn't Shema that is the eye that sees in the ear that hears. There's a God that is with us all the time and watches us and by taking God forbid and cutting God out from the schools were taking away from the children the single most important foundational element in shaping healthy children. And by the depth that was the root issue, obviously you deal with the symptoms anything you can short term is so on but if you want to get to the root and to how to preempt and prevent going forward, we have to educate our children that life is sacred. And the way you behave is your accountable you can just do whatever you like. We live in a society where basically everyone does whatever they like. Yes, there's certain rules red lights green lights to co-exist but violence is sometimes even worshipped and celebrated in games and sports in the media and television and film and so on. So that of course has to be addressed as well. But at least equally if not more not if definitely more to teach people about the sanctity of Life the responsibility we have to each other now within automatically prevent. There's of course people who have always murdered even when that was taught but if you want a collective and a mass influence on people that's what you do on children who will become adults by teaching them this and of course teaching adults as well and the more we teach it More we emphasize that sanctity of life and the sanctity and the tragedy of taking a life the more power that we we Empower and we fortify. Our children and our adults in Behaving the way one should behave that's the gist of the Debbie sisters that I just cited. And maybe not know of any more such tragedies and hopefully do our part to make sure that we bring up healthy sensitive giving moral ethical children. Become moral ethical and giving sensitive adults. Okay. Somewhat connected perhaps is the issue of the talking something. We've talked about a number of times. But the question that was posed this way those real but talking include believing that everything I sham sends our way will be revealed good. Hi, Rabbi love your program. Thank you for everything. You do in spreading Torah and the teachings of our obtain question those having real but talking include believing that everything I've shown will send my way will be a revealed good is it not enough to feel comfort in the fact and believe that Hashem is only good and that ultimately whatever comes to me. In fact good and I just may not experience it that way on the surface. Good question. So in other words, is it enough just to believe God is good and there is good somewhere. Even if it's concealed or to feel that God will definitely be reveal good have I need of an eagle in the way that we ourselves will experienced. So firstly let me refer some cross-referencing this a topic that is not a small topic talked about many times in this program and just to give you one eleven 113 194 231 and 249 in additionally related with as well on 125 166 187 and 190. So this is a classic scene from The Devil's printed today in the courtesy of risque Luke Lambert valve. Of of lemon out of the Alum involves moist the first see her but track would vagina good and brings what exactly is but often brings from the of course sharbat talking from the heavy salvaged from the equally mm from the bribe a debauch. I am from others. What be talking truly is there but talking is not just a Munna it's not just Faith but talking is actual trust that God will not just can but will redeem us from every give you situation even though it may not seem naturally possible because we completely trust that God has that capacity and there it's clear that the cover not just that there be concealed but it actually be in a good way. So track Good Vibes. I'm good finger and it will be good in a way that we can relate to it. so why then does some places of Citizen and Tonya and other places that speak about her said sudden to stardom hidden cresset that are hidden sometimes in in in Affliction and you shouldn't the answer is if it doesn't work out that we see it. That still does not mean there isn't good because everything God does is for the good that comes with the Teva are called the over-the-counter taken over their cars barkal the top of it and the different levels as that up explains different places. So even then even when it doesn't appear to us this still at Hidden deeper good in it, but but talking is deeper that that deeper good will actually be revealed in our eyes in our lifetime. Now if you say Well, it happens happens if it didn't work out I did think good and Didn't happen. That's God's because Venus but toxin is RN to do whatever we can to have that couple total confidence and that and that itself does create an open up new channels. And again God is then the day is the boss and he chooses for some reason not to reveal it yet. It still doesn't mean it's not there. It means it's not revealed and that's why we depend on the deeper are other explanation that within it lies even a deeper good that is yet not is not yet revealed, but we'll be Revealed ultimately which is also part of the betokened that it will be revealed and hopefully to us as soon as possible. Okay. I Rely more on the episodes. I already referred you. Let's go now to another question this question already. I can't find a Segway. This is just another question now, many of these questions were asked several months ago just to tell you we have a backup, but we have to go in order sometimes I consolidate some of the questions, but generally speaking. I'm going order so you don't get your answer me, please. Don't be perturbed and please don't lose hope. We will address it just in a later program. Okay. So here's a question which actually something that happened a while back but still relevant. So I decided to speak about it. It's in the order of as it was received. What should our reaction be when we hear about women claiming the right to set up a fill-in stand for women just as Chabad has four men. So this person writing says a headline that was as I said several months ago. They're robbing you encouraged us to write our minds and we are eternally grateful for your responses to all questions. Coming from last week and just reading in the news today. This is of course several months ago. This goes back to shabbat. It's actually five months ago. So I'm reading the news. I cannot stop but wonder what this means for us as the bond matures, what would the rebels say about this? What's our healthy approach to this in all honesty. Can you share with us? What goes through your mind when you see this and the writer writes sends me a link of women up for the wall with Of the wall as the way they've been coined who are not just trying to assist to be able to put on film by the wall, but also they want to open up a they started children stand and to put Phil now women. Just as Chabad they claim is doing ferment. So what so the question is, what do I think about this? What what should we think? Thanks a lot looking forward to your response. So first I spoke about the topic of women of the wall in episode 98. I'll speak very bluntly my reaction. My reaction is I feel sad. Don't feel angry. I don't feel we have to boycott or become a vindictive. And anyway, I feel sad I feel sad that we've not done a good enough job to educate men and women of Our Generation. What a Mitzvahs. What film is what men are what women are it's not a discrimination against women that they don't put on film. It's as much discrimination against women then Shabbos. We also don't put on Film It film is such a great thing. Why don't we put on film now Shabbos is binds the mind and heart to God. So the gemara says because you need two Aces you need to signs on Shabbos Shabbos itself is a sign. You don't need film women are compared to Chavez Shabbos Marcus's so I was Queen So being that there was like Shabbos all week long. They don't need that from they themselves are like a walking film. They're walking bound mind and heart to God. Yes, there was mokuba's all the daughter of Raschi who put on film just like you say about Rosh Hashanah. They don't blow Shaffer and she was just kind of falls on our Shoppers because Shabbos itself does but lucious on it. I in the Basin is it did blow Schaefer because this I love the I'm sure that's even higher but that's an exception. Nobody puts on feel nausea, but you're not allowed to Did I feel sad this is not taught to people today to men and women young boys and girls to understand. What means a Mitzvah Mitzvahs binding yourself to God. Each of us are bound to God. There's no such thing as second class citizens. God created male and female equally they're both in the Divine image. As a matter of fact, they need each other the complement each other. And the distortions that come out of not educating properly become that people then everyone files they find their way that they think is the way to compensate for what they think is an injustice or a lack or grievance something they're lacking. That's my feeling on the matter. So our job is to educate and Inspire not the boycott not the big strikes not to get angry and not to yell and scream. That's not the delicate area. It's the way to educate and it's not just about films that about it's about other things as well. The different roles we have today gender identity is in crisis today and many many many levels and it's all due to a very messed up education about who we are who you are as a human being as a Divine image and then who you are on gender-wise male or female. And we all have our roles even within males and within females all this is today confused. So it's not a surprise that it manifests this way. So this is the only solution I see is education inspiration information teaching explaining. And not doing an aggressive way and not doing it in a crusade like way or in a condescending way, but simply informing inspiring like we do with everything else. We live in a generation Tanika shaneeshwar people who are unaware simply born in captivity. Most did not get it normal Jewish Education when I say normal the basics, especially the spiritual Basics which are so vital to really appreciate the picture of Judas. That's my reaction. Next question can not related but a legitimate question is interesting question. Are we properly educating newlyweds in the difference between healthy and unhealthy intimacy? So this letter is a little explicit so viewer discretion advised. I'm going to read it some what I am going to add us a sensor, but I'm going to modify it a bit because it's very explicit. And again, this does not mean you shouldn't send me letters that are direct but simply for the public. I don't think everything has to be read exactly the way it is without mincing words. I will talk because the content I'm not going to compromise but just as a way of being more subtle and more modest in our conversation as well. in preparation for marriage this person writes Women are taught to comply to what their husband wants an intimate setting are they ever taught to trust themselves first and to identify this is something they are comfortable with our they taught about consent that they can say, no or I'm not comfortable with that or I'm not ready for that now and not be considered a terrible wife. I know for myself. I was taught a lot of how local clause and that the most important thing for all the Broncos in the world is Shalom bias, but we weren't taught some very basic. Is about intimacy that I believe all couples getting married need to learn. We also warned told where to go with questions once married. It's like teaching a kid how to swim outside the water and then dropping them in the deep end and leaving them there to see if they can make it and we wonder why marriage is some marriages aren't working out. I don't know what goes on a custom classes which means four Grooms are young men getting married men who have been perhaps abused without receiving help or treatment are they taught about consent about sensitivity about healthy intimacy that are there being intimate with their wives with a wife with their with their way if one is being intimate with his wife and she says stop and they continue that this may be considered a crime are they taught about asking? And being sensitive to their spouses needs. Are these are the ideas in line with taro? The writer sends me a link about the discussion on this topic. I believe that this is especially important when as much as we might be in denial about it most boys have education. about intimacy long before hustling classes And unfortunately that education is not coming from healthy places which promotes objectification of women and aggressive culture. And on the other hand women are brought up with this idea of being a good wife and solemn bias. If you ask me it's a recipe for disaster for our health for unhealthy and dysfunctional marriages, and if nothing is done about it than another generation that will grow up and be even worse off. Suggestions cousin and color classes that teach a bit more than halacha. Teach about intimacy and healthy intimacy. Not just the technical matters of Jewish law from trained professionals who all couples can have access to seeking help once they're married something accessible and available. Maybe a hotline for intimacy related issues right after marriage that can provide guidance and refer couples. It further help is needed. I know we are taught to have a much beer. I'm questioning of the must be my must be as are adequately trained and equipped with these kind of things and there. Be more help made available. What is the total view on consent in marriage? Thanks, okay. So firstly I spoke about related topics in these episodes 559 151 and 152 212 through 214, but healthy intimacy and educating people in that direction. Now it's important to preface a let me say this. In a healthy home, and we hope to believe that Jewish homes were healthy over the centuries certain things were taken for granted that when you see a home where a father and mother treat each other with constant respect 24/7. That that rubs off by osmosis on the children and they recognize it when they see how they speak to each other obviously intimacy is not witnessed, but nevertheless the environment the mood so these things have an effect healthy Attitudes by parents parental influences that are healthy will create healthy children. That's a given now, of course, there are challenges that can always distort things today. We live in a world. Well number one is many Parents are not that healthy and then there's the big open world with so much to seen online and in places that are not appropriate. So there's even more need to make emphasis on these matters. Why am I saying this because for those people who know what healthy intimacy and healthy marriage life and healthy Shoreland biases. And again, it's not just about intimacy. It's a general attitude of respect which spills over also in Intimate setting sometimes take for granted and say you're off to talk about these things. Things because they have it healthy is like a healthy person doesn't need to talk about unhealthy situations, but we have to know there are situations that are not functional. So just because we few people breathe. Well, some of us have a very healthy breathing. There are people who are struggling to breathe there are toxins out there. So we have to know how to address that also in a discreet way. Not in a in a way that adds fuel to the fire. So I totally agree that there needs to be a relook and I know that rabbis and must be men must be is a rabbit since people teaching hustling and color classes are becoming more and more sensitive and more acutely aware of these issues. There's a lot more work to be done. And that's what I'm speaking about it. Yes, we have to make this a primary primary discussion because marriage is based on Stolen bias and show them bias is based on a husband a wife. Having a good relationship with each other. And sexuality has never been objectified as an end in itself. Yes, Judaism believes in healthy intimacy and loving and a sacred intimacy and all the halacha is involved but it also understands and recognizes part of that sacred intimacy is a mental kite. It's not just about one person getting his needs or her needs met. Is immense look like you're constantly aware and cognizant of another person. They're not just there to pleasure you. So those is the element of pleasuring and so on but all done with a certain love and a certain warmth and nurturing even in the most intimate setting. And it is all comprehensive what I mean by that is it spills over people's lives even how they eat dinner together how they talk to each other even in seemingly trivial matters is all part of that relationship. This needs to be taught those that are blessed to grow up in healthy homes who seen it and it's by osmosis. They picked it up great. Even there. I would say it's good to be taught and spoken about because we all get jaded and we all get toxified then we all get contaminated a bit by what we see around us. So it's good to be reinforced. What a healthy intimacy and what unhealthy intimacy's but especially because there are many not growing up and unfortunately in homes that provide that or provided completely and they learning it from the wrong places. So yes, this is a critical element. I would save in a crisis that needs to be addressed and preempted not wait till there's a problem to be taught and spoken about in a healthy way because unfortunately yes intimacy is being divorced. The the ACT is being divorced of the Sacred intimacy and warmth and connection that it's meant to be more than just an act more than just pleasure more than it's about building a relationship and then the relationship with each other spouses and through that relationship with God and through that relationship with your home and family and with the world around you and bringing intimacy the sanctity of intimacy into the sanctity of all of our lives. So as far as consent, of course, what's the question good intimacy is people are not just consenting they want it's all kinds of how losses have of not being intimate. If one of the two are not really interested or whatever reason. Or Saturday each other or not prepared whatever it may be so of course, but that goes with a I should I was going to say it goes without saying it doesn't go without saying it has to be said but that's part of the mental kind that's part of the relationship that there is a sensitivity. It's not just about I have needs and that's it. And we just communication and there's a real and there's a recognition of each other respect for each other's space. Everything gets more enhanced as the rebels famous expression chat quoting chapter and intimacy and Torah meaningful life that when your clothes when you should be distant, you'll be distant when you should be closed. Okay, let's go to the next topic. What is the next topic? Doubts about the rib. Okay. This question didn't have to phrase it somewhat sensitively. How are we to react to stories that seem to compromise that ever? This one also I'm not going to read it all out loud because something out of respect for our debit. There's things you say things you don't say in public or even in private. Hi, Roberta Jacobson. No need to tell you that solace in the fusses you're doing every week. My question is as follows. I was listening to a Radio Show podcast which I know you have been on before this past week this goes while back so it's not this past week. It's the past week when this note was written they had on a rabbi who told a story about Alabama. She wants to have hook Nur About the river having a safer during his classes at the sorbonne Ruffner also studied there and he said something which was not respectful about the debe. Now this Rabbi or told the story didn't mean in a bad way and explained why he said the story. He even said that if it's true story is true. The navi serve Hunter was also not doing something, right? What has really been bothering me as a horse's I can can I believe such a story? It makes no sense. I think I heard the rabbit wore a wig is that true? I cannot believe this. It has shaken my core. I do not like it. Please clarify. Thanks. So firstly let me refer you to episodes where I've spoken about a rabbit and a Deb is perfection and so on see episodes 107 121 198 199 255. So not sure where to begin. Let me begin with this. First of all, there's how long after that says Ames Ray and I'm Mel of Kasumi stop it. It's one should not look at a king when he's taking a haircut one should not look at a king when he's doing other personal private matters. Now. Why not? We know that the king took a haircut you could see if it was before the haircut then after they are cut by the Deb. We know they hit the barber would go on to the rebels room. We knew before we knew there was a haircut. Why not because we're human beings and there has to be a hazardous Mella. There has to be a respect and offer a king and being human we often affected when we see things that look a little more. You know, what's a haircut? Yes. There's an element of a certain respect and distance that you have to be hanging around with the king in his private chamber even a haircut. That's why you have stories that the mass given the different secretaries of the debate team. Often told that are but they don't want to be a secretary because then they see that Eben a perfect personal setting and could take for granted and they'll lose sometimes this caches that embera shop said they stood up Kanya morozov Connemara. Jesus said this the rebel Richard, why doesn't he has delivered a shop said he wants him to help him with certain personal matters. She says going to affect these caches. He was hoping that the river a shot with you. Let him go or say give my broke. It shouldn't affect. So the Deborah shop said yeah in Agronomy of a puzzle dicta in economy meaning so yes, it's true, but may affect. Will affect what should I do? I need that help later when they asked upon you know, he said that affect he said affected but it was worth it to hear such a Christmas sulamita. Someone will kind of effect it had but nevertheless suddenly it affected. So that's the first thing when we speak about it ever. The questions we should be even sharing stories like this. And this is even if a story may be true let alone who says is true. This individual you quoting that mentioning the name again is known to have certain jealousies about the rebel and had all kinds of issues with it ever. Even though one handy called himself a friend. So what's it who knows what he thought what he saw was he right? Was he not right? Did he make it up? I'm not going to say made it up, but maybe didn't understand the correctly. Maybe didn't see right. Now I know you could say as a Cobalt nickel or gonna say that so I'm saying two things. First of all, not every story necessarily true. Secondly, even if you have 1/8 is that says something who says that we have to park assist as a crossroad in these matters. I never said Eva and that dependent on whether it looks good to me or doesn't look good to me. There were those that had issues with a debit our shop the story that I've been - I went to Freud so began the explanation that I've spoken about in previous episodes. I'd ever go to the fridge my business. You got the Freud he knows what he's doing and I rely on him. He's a Debbie said up. And if you have a problem with the debit in one matter that may be of a problem in all matters at ever does not have to live up to our criteria Miriam and Aaron spoke about miss Robin. The Jew spoke about Mason have been and there was not good stuff at episode that business was chosen by God. so even if I have questions Who says you have to ask you a questions? This doesn't mean we put our head in the sand and we ignore it. And end of the day we know in Godless even are these are said outfit that time medium asked how could they say octet? Are these oval shaped these sins? So they give two answers one. Is he set up for the generations to the doctors as not to be slowly had in himself, but that was like the story of the middle Arab. So if you see something it could be but that was some type of subtle thing, but it's not our job to start measuring and say oh well, that's the case. What else does it tell us? About the rebbe. She have to know the cake be kept be open-minded fine, but in and how did him after that? I have supposed to have a certain respect now, you'll say if you never is that you arrived yet and you're skeptical in the first place. So fine do your due diligence, but once it's your rubber like a small monkey set it all today, but Monoshock, if you are there be nothing will happen to you they rescue and if you're not you deserve what he said you deserve because you took away guillem House of the pleasure of Allah. Mom has it from so many Sydenham so many Jews. Saurabh is far more than the few things. We see of course. There's going to be question. There are questions people have questions. That's the approach I would take to this matter and as soon as shake you to the core because they represent Lebanon matter what and if this is shaken to the core of the questions. What do you how do you see your relationship with it up? Look gimel Thomas is another one that ever said clearly the goal is going to come and have Cocina sin and many many citizens said I thought and the good that did not come and instead. We got hoes. I know demand gimel Thomas. A big a big question that ever said so the answer is like the rubber said many times hotter cash. That goof is the cash that ever rode this Interruption you would when he was asked to be rabid. They said was her designs are abusive husbands. I about Grace of their best aggressive as a campus animations. There are bigger things. I don't know what will be we have a big rep. He'll take care of it. This doesn't mean you can't have a question. But the question should not shake you that everyone said about a moon of Faith a question doesn't weaken Faith an answer doesn't strengthen it that still doesn't mean we shouldn't have NASA and nourishment, of course. Chabad it stops The Sensational and try the best understand things but not in a way that the questions the fundamental truth of it. What that means is yes, you can question the truth and you can discuss it and so on but the end of the day the unwavering truth remains true whether we understand it or not. And especially when it comes to more compromising or controversial things, so either we don't know what the facts as I said or it's not in our domain. Maybe we shouldn't be crawling this not our business. And we should be focusing on what we should be focused on the things. We do have understanding of and control of and the things that we can do to bring the gold. Now if somebody has questions that fundamentally shake their fundamental beliefs in the river and see this in the lab a you should have someone to speak to and discuss it but I don't think it's about one matter. It's going to be probably other matters as well and I'm not here to convince somebody to accept that truth that the web is Ms. If you have that question, you should definitely go speak with them. Ashby has been to someone discreetly someone you trust and work it through. Okay, let's do some follow-ups. So if they were follow-ups is one follow-up about Perry and the parental alienation from episodes to 69 to 70. And actually to 69 and and to and last week. Here's another follow-up on that day Rabbi Jacobsen. Thank you so much for beginning to discuss the topic of divorce and parental alienation. What so if you want to know more information on the actual topic, please go back to last week and three weeks ago meaning to 69 and 271. Yeah, while I don't have Solutions, I do want to address the issue further and lay out some of the challenges. Unfortunately, I speak from personal experience just as quick background both my ex-wife and I are ffb lava choose from BT families F of B is from from birth till beverages from Petrova families. We were both educated in the Bible School System. We went actually occurs and divorced why lunch we had one daughter together after our divorce. My ex-wife did not remain from While we were in the process of divorce my ex-wife tried to extort a lot of money out of me and my parents she tried to Blackmail me by saying they didn't give her the money requested. She would tell the court all about my intimacy problems. Of course, I responded I didn't have any such problems to hide and I will not be blackmailed prior to our court date. I sent the mutual friend to talk with her and see if we could come to some arrangement. She said to him that I my parents have a lot of money and she knows how much I love my daughter the only way she can explore the money from Me is through using our daughter as a bargaining chip interestingly enough. She comes from a wealthy background as well. And it sure didn't need my parents money. We want we went to court and she told the court that she feared I was asexual danger to my to our daughter. This is despite the fact that I was the primary caregiver for the majority of my daughters young life and just days before she had asked me as always to bathe her dresser Etc. The challenge that won the challenge is that once the court has the mandate to protect the From the child's parent is very difficult to reverse that situation. Every social worker covers his or her own back and it's rare to find one will stand up for the truth nevertheless. I was lucky to have professionals who tested testify to my cashews as a parent ultimately after years of fighting and giving her a hundred and fifty K. I got joint custody. This didn't prevent them from going again it going from again going to the courts with further false allegations of me being danger and eating to go through the process again until the office of child services shut and still the case saying unequivocally that the change that the charge was made up. As life has it. She moved away from me. And my daughter has been raised not from and my daughter and I have very little contact. I haven't seen her in five years all this to say that we need some sort of pre-emptive solution to these situations one idea of had is a prenuptial agreement that agrees honor of Basden that the couple legally agrees to go to in case of divorce with a legally binding agreement not to go to secular courts. The legality of such an arrangement would need to be per state country, but I think it could possibly prevent. Abused my daughter and I went through of course, I bring all this up so that we can discuss ideas and sure but if Yates which means salvation through many different opinions through Consulting with many people thank you so much for dressing this issue. I apologize for being so direct but this is the way the letter was written and person wrote it. So that's how I read it. Regarding prenuptial agreements we've spoken about this. I don't have the exact episode here because that needs to be looked at a lockley what you could do what you can do but it breaks my heart when I hear stories like this how parents can sometimes and this is of course one side of the story. Maybe there's another side. I always say that but it breaks my heart because the end of the day children suffer, sometimes her parents flaws who either are being vindictive or they are distorted or they just don't see clearly You Can Be Our Own Worst Enemy that's my biggest comment on that and yes we have to do everything possible it goes back to proper education proper way of entering into marriages and when there is a situation I would implore an appeal and begged any father and mother do what's right for the children don't do it's only right what you think is right and what else can one say then the day people have free will to do good things and sometimes destructive things. We should only hear good news. We also have more on the vaccine controversy, but I'm not going to read more of that because of time limits. I think I covered most of the questions there's still some more but I think almost the tires Spectrum has been covered just want to say one thing is I read the letters again. We have a Teta we have a locker. We have a rabbit who gave Direction a methodology. This isn't meant that one letter that ever writes the somebody in 1950s about the Salk vaccine is a Zeta sarcos of a rule for every situation. Yeah, but there's a logic that ever uses about listening to doctors about Alta freshman at Cyber to follow what most are doing going to rub on my stream. There's a methodology. So to go to upset that whole thing, which is the Tate approach to dealing with all the issues including medical issues is not right simply put this again does not mean that every letter that ever says this exactly what we have to do and every given situation every vaccine has to be looked at for its own Merit what kind of research was done who's doing it? That ever writes their Laboratories, but this type of approach where individuals are coming and making their own case and they're trying to build and find rabbis and doctors who will support them and they're a big minority. Is could be somewhat self-serving and destructive as with all the good intentions and I think I've said this already I'm not going to say it again. That doesn't mean there aren't two sides to the story that all sides be discussed review it but go with an open mind that with a closed case story, especially if you're not a doctor and you're not at all of and I think if we put our heads together, we can find good Solutions. If something comes up that is a new vaccine or something which has been proven to be problematic, etc. Etc. Okay concerning all of his role in last episode. So I spoke about how this saw the impact that has on a Munna I'm Faith. So someone wrote I wrote the rubber asking the dividual if I had to keep all this Robert Hadlock of gave me the rubbers answer was the following. the officer the tomte mess that which is forbidden, but optimism a reversal of the Compton dolls or blacks up the mind and the Heart. It's weird that I ever wrote but how do you explain to me that call a Commision issue? So this is the web is answer to this question to this individual. There are many many such other answers. So thank you for that. And I think I referred to with but but hearing is split a specific answer is always good. Okay. Now let us do to the question is question of the week. Okay, let me make sure I covered everything. This is question of the week is about the ballad. Mrs. Basden. Dolby space does them which is skilless late for having a panic. Which we of course is in the halacha and the mission and the commodity and we even saying I had that the end of marketing people. So the question is like this. Hi Rabbi here is a follow-up question answer to your episode to episode 270. I appreciate it very much your answer to the school who asked about the many wives of some of our great you explain Tatum in that bed is billion and we're going to measures but octane the Taylor speaks about things above spiritual and hints to elude the things below. I always wondered how a sham who is merciful kind and loving can have the fourth death for death penalties. Which are pretty graphic and severe. If you go into the details, would you say that Tatum in Tibet is volume applies here as well. Meaning that these are all spiritual matters that when it comes down in this world comes into the death penalty. Can you please set some light on this matter? Thanks a lot. Okay. So yes, this is challenging question because when you read the tale of describing these for mrs. That quite gruesome. But first of all, you have to know that the Theta always looked the death penalty was always frowned upon its really happened and the best dentists in heaven that put somebody to death was considered a couple honest even once in 70 years. They were they were marked branded as murderers tala because murder is selfish of delayed of accelerator. You judge the nation to preserve them to save them not to hurt them. That's the coven of us and hadn't and that's why if you look at the laws It's almost impossible to find the death penalty on someone because of all the different exceptions and the evidence and even and unanimous and edit if everybody votes guilty. He's acquitted because there's something wrong with us on head and that couldn't find one of them wood screws one Merit. That's number one. Number two when it says death penalty in the capital punishment that Taylor is because that's the best tested for this person. If indeed comes to that. Either because the neshama has become so toxic that this is the only way it can be saved the Kuwaiti be healed or because it's a danger to other people. And other reasons given for this and finally the deaths themselves were actually the most painless type possible even though some of them were painful more than others as the Casal talked about yet. This was sometimes that time being with that which was optional member. They did not have what we have today lethal and which also people say may not be so or electric chair and so on so then for those times that was considered if capital punishment was used Those were the acceptable methods but above all exactly as you said correctly because all this still is the titanium you have to say their spiritual source for at all and then manifest in the physical that's where you can find more ways to explain it. So I looked around where's this discussed? It's not discussed a lot. Thanks to this one place. Yes synthetic. I'm shout out to prove it from the middle of rubber. So it's discussed there. in we give you the source. Okay chapters 14 and 15 and on I think 17 and 18 continues as well. Especially chapters 14 and 15 and Derek. I'm shot at chuva. I also want to refer you to sha Allah the Shalom pastor's kid say and a secret passage Pinterest tough shinmin dallied with a debit flee the rebel speaks and says the dowel. Mrs. Belson is the little mother the negative of the arbor should see from the Hades when they're saved. Richard Davis Kind, which is Kayla you sued him yam and meatball for things is supposed to make mirrors again when you save so Loomis says the for mrs. The for mrs. In Kabbalah correspond to the four letters of Youth Cave of Kate the gum the gum means like a wound or blemish of you'd Cave of K through a sin if I Mitzvahs a connection as soon as it is a disconnection Aveda from the word moving away this alignment this alignment from what from the youth cave. Okay, which vivifies all of existence and also the human being so that's why we say in the video. We increased Michelle meter at night that began that I didn't you then in the hay and evolve and the K and the final. Hey, which corresponds to the for mrs. Besant as he explains in Vedic. I'm and what does he say? It's killer. We go from the worst that down there was Killa is a began in the letter you would this is what the free terrible the Midler ever says. Is the bit love? Krishma which is a Consortium itself. That's the bit that the Bittle of a neshama to the Divine Essence of the iron of ends of that's higher than say. Hello. That's the hood particular cell type of mutiny against the essence of the Divine of a deserter. That's killer. So Shabbos also goes in that category and other sins that touch on the core. This is the wound of the hood and the only way. to heal from that is something Skiller which is by Evan bayh Iraq and Evan and Hebrews Olive been you throw him down from racial or it says he says and stone him which means you taking a love bomb which encompasses the entire being because the began the wound is an entire being so you have to have a mysterious nefesh that is counters that began that happened in the missus nefesh That's essential in the coudé here. So skill is the harshest of the for because you need to completely Under you have to completely uproot this began this wound the next comes and you can look it up the hey, the first a is slaver. This is bit of filler. Someone is didn't David. This is Max of hazardous. It's still in its still the hates Ben. It's much of it. It's not me. This is not a motions and snot actions, but it makes Abba's artists which wound and damage the mind and some ways he who they are who they are. Very thoughts of a very can be worse than the Sinners. He explains. Their the mind is not connected to the Coos. It's now off on its own thinking whatever it wants to think. And that burns and destroys part of the neshamah that part of Bina the hey so the thicken is by burning out this entire thoughts. That's why it's safe the valve corresponds to headache. This is the bit love Citrus Citrus is me this without making this is already a hefty between Macon and Medicine. To in mind and emotions and they think only four cities headache is what is separating. It's a sword separating the head from the heart because that's a punishment for or you could say the tick one punishment always is a ticket is a repair for the separation where your head and emotions are not aligned your mind and emotions are not aligned and finally the last hey, is connect this is one second. I'm sorry the hey the first day I said bit love to Filan. I said filler little of to fill in the first one was Bittle to filler. Trish Max, really Yeah. The final hey is is Thriller Technic is Phil a prayer which is about bringing the heart into action and doubling of inertia believe you're bringing the heart and you make Knock lotta determination resolution to act properly. So the wound is not in any deeper level. It's that you took the life out of your action action should be in vivified by Passion and when a person just does Action technically mechanically taking out the actions. Our passion and that's kind of cool. That's what explains them that are kind briefly how it is a burger fries and from that involves. The Gotham is the curved out mrs. Now the lesson to us, especially coming from tissue above is this anus punishment in Taylor is not a punishment. It's cause an effect when you put your hand in fire God forbid and your fire and your hand gets burned. It's not a punishment. It's the way your hand is reacting to something done wrong and needs to repair when you feel pain. It's not a punishment pain. It is a symptom of something wrong. So all forms of the doubt. Mrs. Basden is about reminding us of something that is wrong and through the anus you can figure out just like Sky Mitzvah Mitzvah from the reward amid, so you can figure out what kind of mitzvahed is like, he says in Tanya scar evade evade from a Nevada and it's punishment. You can see what kind of sin and what kind of gamma did by seeing what effect that has on you you can learn from that what wound it is and then for learned how to repair it. That's a tremendous lesson in applied cities. Now, let's conclude now with the essays. Tisha b'av is about to end and I want to make sure that we conclude the for Tisha b'av concludes. So three essays. SA number which is all from the top 50 top 40 45 the essays of this past Year's contest 2019. They're all available. The newest is as we posed them at meaningful. So the supply that cam you'll see all the essays there. You also can receive them in your inbox. If you subscribe to oxygen supply to my life to meaningful So the first essay is an English transcending conflict novocaine h23 Morristown, New Jersey students interface. bakura Mario star we all want healthy amicable relationships, but most of but most of them are all relationships end up involving disagreement and conflict deep genuine disagreements can wound relationships and often trying to resolve a disagreement by talking it out often escalate the conflict and wounds the relationship further. An indirect approach to conflict resolution may be the key to healthy relationships. This essay will explain how students can be applied to transcend disagreements and conflict specifically, we will discuss a simple one-step conflict resolution strategy that can be implemented in three different ways. This strategy is based on a my moment of the alter rebbe in Lakota Tara and a member of the Rebel. Yes of the Rebel rishabh. And then goes on to do that. Why can't we get along analyzing disagreements the mainstream approach to conflict resolution. This acidic has approached his colobus interconnectivity. His cow is based on common purpose. Is Carlos based on common values? Is Scholars by means of a mentor? Repetition repetition repetition is key. And without he concludes a conclusion of practical steps on conflict resolution. Excellent essay for a really important topic especially as we come from tishell. Oh, yes the next essay. human doing discover your true Essence a human becoming Yaya here s age 41 Johannesburg South Africa psychologist We live in an increasingly automated world. The machines have taken over the stomach stent to some extent and the new emerging condition of low battery anxiety. For it's more fancy name homophobia. No more fibia refers to the immense stress when users are separated, even from the shortest periods from their devices. This essay first sixth understand the magnitude of this problem. Then look some examples of how consumers provides vital solutions to this crisis. Both on mental and behavioral levels. It also highlights the focus of Citizen the Practical integration between awareness and the mind of the mind and embodies feeling and action with filler having a central role in this and the central concept of personal Exile and Redemption and then briefly explores parallels with recent findings in mindfulness and Neuroscience research and concludes with an example of some of the unique benefits and value of the prospective and practical implementation of cities and goes Chasing the Dream depression addiction and eternal emptiness the power of filled to keep us connected and awake microcosmic exiled the blockage of the throat. Mindfulness and staying free and awake making it real in a practical way. Another excellent essay. Well well worth reading. Thank you. And finally the third essays in Hebrew samata Rahim, which is a Crossroad a fork in the road Hundreds and I don't exaggerate if I would say thousands of time we stand this is also the I forgot the title. That's the tell title Chaya mushka book Beckerman Jerusalem, Israel a 17 student at base safer based Hannah. Kabaddi Rochelle. I'm okay, so we face this all the time many times. We need to make a decision between two things and determine which one is the better one and the one that's more fruitful being better results. Even from youngest age. We have this Crossroad this fork in the road split. The question is how do you make such a decision? And that's why this essay goes on up according to Exodus compared to psychological approaches how to make a decision when you have these two different paths how to get the clarity and how to finally decide. What criteria determine what's better? We are our desire comes from why we want one versus the other. And how our secular intelligence comes into play to do the proper due diligence another excellent essay. Thank you for that. And with that we conclude this special edition Tisha b'av new tradition of my life sitting supplied episode 272 you hopefully young male the sustenance in column A didn't even as this fast comes to an end. We hope for the ghoul even right now tonight not tomorrow gulam. It is vastly my we're here every Sunday. So this will be taught. And after the goal that comes even more so as Delta that explains and Tanya get us a cages similar to evolve especially at the end. So we're here every Sunday 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. This is apply my life since applied everyone have a blessed week a week of nahama week of simplest and a week of transformation of the negative into the greatest positive to the ultimately to the Ghulam. It is Vaseline.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Tishe B’Av nidche 0:11 • Lessons from 15th of Av and Shabbos Nachamu 12:30 • Has the Rebbe ever made public statements about mass shootings, why they happen and what can be done to prevent them? 21:36 • Does real bitachon include believing that everything Hashem sends our way will be revealed good? 26:03 • What should our reaction be to women claiming the right to setup a Tefillin stand for women, just as Chabad does for men? 30:02 • Are we properly educating newlyweds in the difference between healthy and unhealthy intimacy? 34:52 • How are we to react to stories that seem to compromise the Rebbe? 44:38 • Follow up:       o Parental alienation (episode 269) 53:22      o What does the Rebbe say about vaccinations? (episodes 269-271) 57:50      o Cholov Yisroel (episode 271) 59:36 • Chassidus question: How do you explain the four methods of capital punishment proscribed in the Torah? 01:00:38 • My Life 2019 essays:     o Transcending Conflict, Noach Kane, 23, Morristown, NJ 01:10:57     o “Human Doing”? Discover Your True Essence: A “Human Becoming”, Yochi Ress, 41, Johannesburg, South Africa 01:12:30     o צומת דרכים, Chaya Mushka Beckerman, 17, Jerusalem, Israel 01:14:07 Submit your question now at or email: [email protected]. SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: SHOP: Proceeds support the continuing work of MyLife: Chassidus Applied.
This is optimal living daily episode 1351 where the bar is set by tying in of and I'm your narrator Justin moloch reading you blogs or articles every single day of the year to help you live a more meaningful life covering personal growth self-help, minimalism productivity happiness and more before we get to it small business owners wear a lot of hats. I know I do and while some hats are great others like the filing taxes and running payroll hat are not so great. That's where it Gusto comes in. Augusto makes payroll taxes and H are actually easy for small businesses Augusto automatically pays and files your federal state and local taxes. So you don't have to worry about it. Plus they make it easy to add on health benefits and even 401ks for your team. Oh and you get direct access to certified EHR experts to get started now the earlier the better, so don't wait like Gusto make it easier on you. Did I've been using dusto for a long time and love it as a bonus listeners get three months free when they run their first payroll. This is one how you're going to be glad you gave up like I did try a demo and see for yourself at old that's G you Oh LD just slash old for now. Let's get right to the post as we optimize your life. Where the bar is set by Tynan of I have a rule for myself that I have to shut my computer off at midnight every day. I allow myself to stay up until 3, which means that after cleaning the RV and scratching a bit on the violin. I have two hours and change to read so my read a lot of books. Usually I read nonfiction, but after a spell of three or four books about the brain, I wanted to read some Fiction with no particular title in mind. I went to Amazon and bought a book. That was then the number one editor's choice. And a New York Times bestseller with both Awards. It must be pretty good. I thought the idea for the book was interesting. But the actual plot was poorly constructed. The foreshadowing was so obvious that I couldn't help but hope that it was a red herring and that the actual twist at the end would be something more interesting. It wasn't worse the author made so many amateur writing mistakes that I actually found it hard to read things like using a lot of adverbs and using difficult words that aren't more descriptive than the simple ones. Replace it was a disaster of a book. It was successful in fairly. Well liked I thought about how that could be possible and came to the conclusion that the bar for writing a good book probably isn't set as high as I would assume and under scrutiny that actually makes sense. How many people would like to have a published novel with their name on it? Probably a lot. How many could come up with a decent idea for a story still probably a lot how many would have the confidence that they could get a book? Published we're starting to lose a lot of people now of those with the confidence how many have the free time to sit down and write seventy thousand words? Not too many of those we have left. How many also have the discipline to power through writing that much and resolving the problems that crop up during the process almost no one that's how a fairly poor writer in terms of writers. Not in terms of all people can publish a very successful book the bar just mizzen set that high for a totally different. Bo look at how our society eats meat a granola bar globe with Sugarman you're eating quote unquote healthy because you didn't eat a full on candy bar. Did he get a ranch some others salad with hair pasta Alfredo good job healthy eater people eat such trash as a matter of habit that the slightest deviation from that diet seems like a real accomplishment. The bar is set low work is another great example forget about a four hour work week if you have work that's important to you that you're trying to complete I That a 40-hour work week is a joke. I never go a day without doing some work including weekends and holidays and usually work for between eighty and a hundred hours every week. The funny thing is I'm actually trying to push myself harder because I think that even this amount of work is slacking a bit a low bar is a dangerous thing because our expectations have a tendency to hover around whatever standard is presented to us. There have been studies done where an item say a toaster is shown to two groups of people members of First group are told that the toaster retails for $200 and then asked what they'd be willing to pay to take home the toaster today. The second group is told that the toaster retails for only $20 and is asked what they'd pay to buy it immediately. The $200 group is always willing to pay more same toaster but a different bar. So when we hear that 40 hours of work is the right amount we feel like we're killing ourselves if we're working 50 when we're told that wheat bread, which almost always has sugar and white flour. Flour in it is healthier than white bread. We buy it and call it a day. This is not a good way to live. We are capable of so much and waste our potential in front of TV screens while poisoning our bodies with food that make us sluggish and sick. The irony of it is that our dreams aren't even as far away as they seem since the bar is set low across the board the amount of spare potential we'd have to tap into to get that novel written and published isn't even that great as an experiment. I took two days and did Very little but still some work on my project set to see how much of a novel I could write. I wrote 15,000 words in two days. This doesn't mean that we have to do everything to the point of Excellence. I bought a violin and I'll never be good at it. I don't care enough and won't put in the time. I use it for 2 minute quasi meditative breaks from programming same with working out. I'd like to put in the time and effort to become stronger, but my focus is limited. So I don't put much into that. I Believe In Balance, but not the same. Way that it's usually prescribed I suggest picking one or two things where you're going to set your bar astronomically high for me. It's set and learning. I spend 10 to 12 hours a day working on set and 2 to 3 on learning. You can see that eating healthy is up there too, but I'm not as strict and well researched as some people are for the rest of the things in your life. You can keep the bar low in theory. It's a good idea to try to have everything set high but with lack of focus, it's impossible to get anything done. People fantasize that they have high standards for all areas of their lives, but really have low standards for everything. It's far better to be honest with yourself and admit that you'll slack in many areas, but completely Crush one or two at a time. You just listen to The Post titled where the bar is set by tying in of and don't forget Gusto offers modern easy payroll benefits and HR to small businesses across the country. You don't want to wait get in touch now and get three months free. When you run your first payroll just go to old that's gu / o LD and I'll do it for today. Have a great day a happy Friday and I'll see you over the weekend. We are. animal life awaits
Tynan shares his thoughts on where the bar is set. Episode 1351: Where The Bar is Set by Tynan on Personal Development & Focus for Self Improvement    Tynan was named as one of the top 25 best bloggers in 2013 by Time Magazine. He believes in making deliberate decisions and breaking away from the herd mentality. He likes learning new things, building habits, exposing the world, connecting with awesome people, and creating good work. The New York Times Bestseller “The Game” featured him as one of the main characters, as he was one of the most famous pickup artists in the world. In 2008, he sold everything he owned and went on an extended world trip, becoming a fervent minimalist. Fun facts: he’s a college dropout, was a professional poker player, Courtney Love was his roommate for 9 months, and he once built a swimming pool in his living room. Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! Gusto is making payroll, benefits, and HR easy for small businesses. Get 3 months free once you run your first payroll with our link: --- Support this podcast:
Welcome to the me and my friends podcast. I'm your host Emmy Lou. I'm a certified personal trainer business owner tequila lover and Cat mom, but most of all, I'm just a girl who's really passionate about creating a strong community and building your belief and confidence through stories and genuine connection. I really feel that our world is craving real connection and authentic relationships now more than ever. So I decided to get behind the microphone with some of the coolest people that I know to really highlight their unfiltered successes failures stories and embarrassing moments that make them who they are my friends and soon to be yours are inspiring the relatable so funny and really real I cannot wait for you to meet them. If you're a new listener, welcome to the show. We are so grateful that you're here get ready for lifestyle tips Health packs recommendations encouragement. Laughs And a few moments of real genuine connection. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast check out the website for free monthly downloads at me and my friends and if you feel called to do so leave a five star review if you like what you hear for every five star review were donating one dollar to our monthly charity of choice. So stay tuned to hear about how you can help support and serve others by listening to the podcast. Thanks so much for tuning in. I'm so grateful for you.
Welcome to the Me And My Friends podcast, I'm your host, Emmy Lou. Im a certified personal trainer, business owner, tequila lover, and cat mom, but most of all - I'm just a 20 something who is passionate about creating a strong community and building your belief and confidence through stories and genuine connection. I really feel that our world is craving real connection and authentic relationship now more than ever, so I decided to get behind the microphone with some of the coolest people I know to highlight the unfiltered successes, failures, stories, and embarrassing moments that make them who they are. My friends (and soon to be yours) are inspiring, relatable, funny, and real and I can not wait for you to meet them. If you’re a new listener, welcome to the show - we're so grateful youre here. Get ready for lifestyle tips, health hacks, recommendations, encouragement, laughs, and a few moments of real connection. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, check out the website for free monthly lifestyle tips, tricks, and downloads at, and if you feel called to do so, leave a 5 star review if you like what you hear. For every 5 star review we are donating $1 to our charity of the month. So stay tuned to hear about how you can help support and serve others while tuning in to the podcast. Last but not least, I would LOVE to connect with YOU. Screenshot your favorite episodes and tag me, or send me a message at @heyemmylou on instagram.
Play to your strengths so many times we can get caught up and lost and confused because we're trying to do things that aren't really what we're good at. If you put yourself in positions consistently constantly where you are at a disadvantage you're going to be disappointed with the results personally. I know that I'm a powerful speaker and that I can connect with people but when I put myself too much in the receiving position where I'm consuming too much content, or I'm watching. Cutter people put on the show actually get very kind of tired. Lethargic not energized. I know that extroverted and doing things that are pushing creating moving forward are what drive me and people are different. We're not all the same some people get energized by relaxing some people are more introverted, but it's important to be honest with yourself because so often we're trying to conform and play to somebody else's standard or what we think is expected of us. And that's exactly why we fail because consistently and constantly trying to live up to somebody else's image of what we should be like is exactly what gets us in trouble. So don't let other people's expectation or idea of who you should be or society's Norms allow you to put yourself in a weird box. Don't box yourself in you're going to be miserable unhappy and you're going to feel like you don't know why. I step out do the things that make you happy look for Bliss when you know, what really makes you fulfilled and enjoy life. It's easy. It's effortless, but when you're constantly chasing that validation and trying to pursue things because you think you should that you fail do what you really want do what really draws you in? What are you magnetize to and what is magnetized to you? Not what you think it into now trying to tickle. a box be yourself unapologetically and your life will be 10 times better for
I share with the secrets of how you can tap into your own inner strength and use it to be successful in life! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #InnerStrength #Strength #FindInnerStrength #FindingYourInnerStrength #DevelopInnerStrength #IncreaseInnerStrength #IncreasingInnerStrength #SelfImprovement #PersonalDevelopment #Motivation #SelfHelp #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker  What is something you learned very late in life, but wish you knew much earlier? Everybody is a genius. If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it’s stupid ~ Albert Einstein We all applaud such quotes and condemn the educational system. A system which educates us to be “good” at everything. Working on your weakness and discarding your strengths is what we are taught in school. Is it really worth it? If Albert Einstein tried to be the life of every party, would he be great at physics? If Alexander the great started focusing on being an empath, would he have conquered half of Asia by 30? Whether or not you agree with these people, they were successful. They were known for their strengths. People who are great at something are rewarded way more than someone who is good at everything. Selective greatness is not what people strive for. I can bet you are currently more focused on your weakness than your strengths. Maybe you are trying to fulfil society’s standards of how you are supposed to be extroverted. Maybe you are trying to put yourself in the box of the adventurer while you really like a simple lifestyle. I don’t know you; But I do know that the world will miss out on your greatness if you keep trying to box yourself in. Yes, normalise your weaknesses but work more on your strengths. Are you artistic? Try Filmmaker, animating, etc. Are you an empath? Try being a psychologist, writer, etc. Are you resourceful? Try being an entrepreneur. What's the one strength you will start working on? Because if you don’t you are just wasting your potential.
It's time for a new era of communication the swine industry one that you can get the latest updates while Community or driving to Farms here. You have the brightest mind of the global swine industry in your pocket most of your production models or your expected growth performance / feed conversion is really dictated by your ability to get the right feed in the right place at the right time. I'm not over feeding it not under feeding it or even worse not food swine it podcast is only possible with the support of forward-looking and Innovative companies, like just off always one step ahead and slide fitting every Pig a simple yet powerful big health and production management tool loot request experts serving producers and delivering breakthrough Solutions Zoom Pro essential trace minerals exceptional. farmers and Genesis the first Power in genetics Welcome to sign it podcast. My name is Marsha room Salvage your host for today's episode this episode. Sponsor highlight is about just all celebrating its 25th anniversary justo manufactures, the original Wireless Standalone swine fitting system designed by pork producers for pork producers. They are simple reliable and provide peace of mind 24/7. Sixty-five days a year just always not just manufactured by an equipment company, but by a family pork production business with a slat level understanding just all always one step ahead and slide fitting. Hello everyone. Today. We are hosting dr. Kyle koelbl and we'll get his thoughts on the importance of feed execution and how a production nutritionist valid. How are you today? How I'm doing? Well Marcy. Oh, thank you. Thank you again for your time. And let's jump right into it. As always we like to start with you know your background. How did you get involved with pigs and tell us a little bit about Yeah, well, I grew up in South Central Kansas a small town called our Kansas City, Kansas about 12,000 people right on the Kansas Oklahoma border and in that part of the country, it's very much an agricultural part of the state of Kansas where we have a lot of cattle a lot of wheat more and more each year. It seems like they're getting corn and I grew up the grandson of a an Aryan my grandfather had partial interest in a feedlot and from a young age really instilled in me the importance of responsibility through managing livestock and growing up. I raised and showed 4-H pigs was very much involved in in the showing of livestock and it's a little bit like the gateway drug that a lot of us in the swine industry today really got introduced to pigs. So I went to College started in 2006 and went to Oklahoma State University and like many I too thought that I wanted to grow up and walk in the steps of my grandfather and be a veterinarian but I quickly realized that a lot of people wanted to do that in really where my goals and my interest and my passion was was connecting the farmer to the animal and nutrition seemed like a very very logical step for that and saw Much more opportunity to widen my horizons through a nutrition background versus solely event medicine got a degree in animal science there in 2010 and during my time there at Oklahoma State. I was introduced by to what I would consider one of my lifelong mentors Kim Brock who hired me to live at the swine farm and I was involved with everything from the breeding to power-washing. Ting hosting classes for judging kids lots of different things at that farm posted its responsibilities for and one of those things was working as a student labor for dr. Scott Carter and his swine research team there and they did a lot of things with nutrient excretions. Some mass balance studies a lot of things in air emissions. I believe they have a room that would be similar to what Purdue University would have for there. U-turn excretion and environmental impact Barn. So upon my graduation there. I had a couple of different opportunities and one was actually to buy cattle for Cargill and looked into that and dr. Carter called me and said, you know, I think you should you should look into getting a master's in nutrition. You have a lot of a lot of interest in this and so I said, okay and I started my Master's there and worked on the environmental impacts of pay lean and a couple of different. probiotic strategies and additives for lactating sows and then also worked on some of the iodine value prediction stuff as far as ddgs or corn oils impact and as I started to get ready to finish my Masters in 2012, I quickly realized that I didn't quite know as much as I thought I did and whenever I was at Midwest Animal science, I saw all these Students wearing purple and Kansas State University just had such a profound present Presence at either Midwest or the national animal science meetings, and I thought to myself, you know, if I want to do the best that I possibly can. I probably need to figure out some way to get involved with those folks and and see how I can be a part of that team. So I was lucky enough to get into the swine nutrition group there at Kansas State University to start my PhD and from 2012 to 2015 I was under dr. Joel to Russia and dr. Mike toe cash, even though I did a large portion of my work with dr. Dre Beats, you know Marcy. Oh very well for our your listeners. When you go to Kansas State University, you're really mentored and raised by by a community. You have lots of mentors that are coming to your life during my time at Kansas State University. I worked on predominantly look. Different copper feeding strategies and also looking at different fiber withdraw strategies as well as some linear programming and some modeling with pig flow and quickly upon my arrival to Kansas State University. I was searching for some other income and some other opportunities to really learn more about production swine swine production. And dr. Joel Drew. Ooh, she got me connected with dr. Chad Hast it at New Fashion Pork and I quickly became became involved and oversaw the research for New Fashion Pork during my entire three years at Kansas State University. And that ultimately led into my first full-time job. I moved to Jackson, Minnesota and worked for Brad. Dr. Brad fracking and dr. Chad Halstead for for nearly three years after my graduation. There I was responsible for pig flow marketing research Nursery nutrition formulation. And I also was in charge of one part of our production called old-fashioned pork. That was really targeted towards Gap or very intensive involved Animal Welfare focused production that serviced Whole Foods and had a great great time. I'm at New Fashion Pork. I learned a lot about the value of a dollar the value of people and the value of doing things right very very great company and I was very fortunate to be able to have touched lots of different aspects of the business and have control all of those and I'll be forever grateful that and that led into my current role as a director of nutritional services for JBS live pork. I started here. In February 2018 and my responsibilities here are to oversee really anything that touches feed or that feed touches. So I'm responsible for all of the feed mills the research that we do I work very closely with the plant on meat quality and nutrition or genetics focus and how it can impact that as well as the research and formulation and that I work with the merchandising team on on Ingredients I have a team of five who who helped me get all of this done and many many more important folks that would work for them who really are the heartbeat of this company. I also would have the feed desk but also be a portion of that and that's today's topic is really how we focused on feed execution here at JBS and how it's important one of my very most important. Is Miss Mandy gerhardt? She was also has some K-State blood in her and she is really a great coworker very very much a huge asset to our business a very good nutritionist and her and I take feed execution very seriously, and it's really what we spend the focus of our day on so that's a little bit about me very cool. Thanks so much guy. Oh and yeah, really appreciate all the background because I knew I knew a good chunk of it, but it's always goes down to here from the beginning and also for our audience to to learn more about you as well. And yeah, Mandy Mandy I would Echo that as well great lady and great team right there. Cool Kyle. You had a great link right there on fit execution, right? So first of all, can you define feed execution for us? Yeah, so For me, it's quite simple. We have this phrase written or labeled or taped to the wall throughout our business and it's the act of getting the right feed to the right place at the right time and we would say that while you think as a production nutritionist being complete completely focused on formulation really about 80% of our time is spent on spent on feed execution while only about 20% or sometimes maybe even 10 is really focused on the act of truly formulating rations, right very nice. And what is the importance of it? And also what are the biggest challenges you see on a day-to-day basis related to feed execution. The importance of it is is that most of your production models or your expected growth performance / feed conversion? Vision is really dictated by your ability to get the right feed in the right place at the right time not overfeeding it not under feeding it or even worse not feeding, you know late feed deliveries out of feet events. There's lots of things that can impact that and so the importance of getting the feed their in the right way in the right kind of feed. Really is how closely related your True Performance is to your expected performance. So is it production nutritionist your it's heavily scrutinized on your cost and your performance and when you go to budget how much feed cost you are going to have per head that's based on actively getting your budgets executed to 100% And so any deviation from that. Going to be a cost. So the biggest challenge that we that I see today is as we look across the Midwest and our Corn Belt for us. It's really about Manpower Trucking and really high quality feed truck operators are very very hard to find there. There was a shortage for the last few years and that shortage is continuing to eat and Kris really month by month and I am in the camp that we're going to have to allocate more monetary support to these drivers because they are the link between the feed mill and the production system and the Nutrition department really serves as a service to production. And so we want our Growers to not have hiccups and feed ordering not have hiccups and Feet into the barn so Trucking is probably one of the biggest issues. The second issue would be the constraints of your system and what I mean by that is a lot of people have it in their mind and focus that if your batch at the feed mill is based on three tons because you have a 3-ton mixer then everything has to be in 3 tons and when you're feeding let's say a high highly expensive. Civ highly fortified Nursery diet that's seven hundred dollars a ton or six hundred dollars a ton if you overfeed that by any quantity or any amount in the pigs do not need it. Then there's a cost Associated which is the difference between the phase 1 and Phase 2 diet. So if it's a hundred dollars per ton put that on a per pound basis and then divide that by your allocation for pig and that's the cost of overfeeding that So we try to look at the feed mill and say yes, our batches are in three-ton, but maybe we have enough Loadout bins that we can make a larger amount of that so we get good mixes but oftentimes it's much cheaper to send a truck out with say only 4,000 pounds of your in 1 vs. 6,000 even though that compartment will hold three ton. It's just one diet and then it's really what level of in accuracy you're okay with of under or over feeding. You're always going to under or over feed that to some degree, but it's understanding of what level you're okay. The last challenge would be is producers ordering feed on time. So we focus on that. We have a new program that we're using FAS feed allocation system. It's a In program made by Prairie systems and it really helps with the pain goes empty and shutting the slide on one end and opening it on another make sure that we don't get blending a medication blending a phases. You're going to have Sun blending in the feeder. But making sure that those bins get emptied when they should be feed is not sitting in there in the been too long. You're not having any type of water issues because maybe feed didn't want to flow out of one bin so So you decide to just leave it there and then six months later. They you finally decide to clean it out. All of those things kind of add up into what we would call successful feed execution amazing very very nice and new thirst a little bit on the value of some of the the feed execution Kyle and if you translate that on a per Pig basis, or do you have some measurements of that today? Yeah, so In my experience, there's probably as much value as a dollar to a dollar fifty ahead. Sometimes even two dollars a pig and feed cost in just accuracy. So if it cost you $65 ahead to feed it to Market. There's probably somewhere between two and a half or three percent Improvement in that cost by just not overfeeding the allocations. only giving the pig exactly what he needs so that value difference is going to be between the cost of what you overfed minus the cost of the feed that you should have fed / your allocation to put it on a 4 divided by 2000 to put it on a per pound basis and then multiply that by your allocation and that puts it on a per head basis and you know, depending on which system you're looking at some are certainly better than others, but I wouldn't be surprised if If a lot of groups were three to five percent off of budget one way or the other that's a very realistic number God very nice changing gears a little bit and looking more at the big picture Kyle. How do you suggest folks to restructure and Nutrition department? And what kind of people you need to help on that regard? Chad did one time told me it's always the people it's never the pigs and how true that has been. I'm very fortunate to be blessed with a team that understands the goal. And when I started this Venture JBS Life Fort did not have a Nutrition department. A lot of people on my team were not at their current roles. And the way that we structured this department was really giving people the opportunity and the empowering them to make decisions and getting people that buy into the gold that understand the goal and giving them more opportunity in the power to make decisions on their own that benefit. The business is extremely rewarding for me and I think it's extremely rewarding for JBS. We're very very much. Family-orientated culture driven company, but we also have a very very passionate and a very aggressive focus on Improvement and Excellence not just for ourselves but our customers as well. So my team when we sat down and decided what the structure of this was going to look like we gave everybody a piece of the pie and we gave them some opportunity to practice ownership, which is one of our big value. He's within JBS that that we take very very seriously. So on my team David barnhouse Angela Donley Mandy gerhardt, Brittany carender and Max Capitan a bitch all touch various portions of this feed execution. And that's the number one thing that we do each day, but we cut up the pie. We allow people to take ownership. We hold each other accountable. We have kpis and benchmarks around that we're constantly looking. Get those things to make sure we're driving in the right direction. And then we're explaining and teaching to our team's how this saves US money. How does this improve our profitability of the company and I think many times where we don't do a very good job of explaining to the people in our business who are actually getting the work done how they drive the bottom line and with feed execution. The math is very simple the objective seems very simple, but sometimes it's very very hard to get it done. But my team very much understands the value of getting it right and I think that's the most important thing very nice Kyle and how do you get the production staff on board with fiddich execution? Yeah. That's a great question Marcio. That's another reason why I feel very blessed to be here at JBS and certainly there's some some experiences you may have heard of or we all are familiar with where maybe the veterinarians and Nutritionists don't see eye to eye or the production team and when people are not rowing towards the common goal. Sometimes you can be a little misaligned and be off center and in our system. We're all focused towards a common goal of profitability or the percentage of good Market pigs that make it to the plant and the underlying factor that gets this accomplished is communication so through some education. For our to our production team. Our nutrition team was able to express and teach the importance of getting feed delivered right and also the importance of Growers and our production contract Growers and families that work with us. No matter what kind of farm they have teaching them and letting them understand why ordering feed correctly is so important. So the communication was key the first That we did when we launched our new feed ordering system. We had it out there for a few months got everybody familiar with it. And then we went and created our own booklet of how we wanted the production team to do it or have their Growers do it and then we did mandatory trainings for all the Growers. So we have over 700 contract Growers and David barnhouse went out and gave classes with our published book on exactly how to download the app. How to put the app into into work how to order feed what this means and we refined the process a few months after launch so we knew exactly what we wanted and then the second thing is communicating where the mill is currently at with deliveries and also the weather so we all know that this February and the Midwest was very very cold very very treacherous time. Lots of a defeat events lots of loads that weren't able to make it out the door and every production system in Iowa. And and the Midwest and the Corn Belt experience that this year was a very very quick tough winter and what I have every feed mill whether it's a toll Mill or an internal mail is twice a day. They send me a an update and it's not just me it goes out to any field manager that would pull feed out of that Mill. It goes to production manager and all of the trucking companies and it's very simple. It says how many loads of we hold today. How many do we have left? Are there any same day feed orders? And if so, which producers were they and we're there any out of feet events. And if so, which producers were they and then what that does is it notifies the field manager that hey one of your producers had an out of feet event or same day feed order and so our production staff is extremely diligent of acting upon those emails twice a day. They come at eight in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon on the dot and when See that if they have one of their producers, they'll pick that phone up and they'll utilize that opportunity as a coaching moment. In order to say, you know, mr. Smith. Why would you have an out of feet event? Well, we have the Iowa State Fair this weekend. I thought I had more feed their than I did and I wasn't running my bins in tandem. Okay? Mr. Smith. We really need to work on this in FAS. There's a mobile report that actually shows you how much feed you might have on. On site based on current consumption curves and it should give you an indication of when you needed to order feed. And so that open communication between the production team and the mill is really maximize through that email and that's been a really good opportunity for us and we don't have to call and check up on the field manager and and and see if he's doing that. We just continue to have a decline of out of feet events that really are shown by the production. Teams really Keen focus on that delivery aspect. So it's getting them to know where the mill is out on delivery. Are they ahead of schedule or they behind on schedule and what kind of inclement weather would be showing up that would inhibit some of those things to happen on time which we've all been a part of very nice a lot of golden nuggets right there Caillou. I love I love when we get to to learn a lot of very tactical things that a lot of our listeners can implement. That same day or next day. I love it anything else on feed execution before we move to the three questions. We ask every guest Kyle. I think that about does it cool since 1971. Zebra Corporation has focused on one thing Trace mineral nutrition as the most research proving organic feed Trace mineral products in the industry zebra performance minerals deliver performance. Are profitability to swine operations around the globe to know more go to It is time to our face. What is your favorite swine related book? I'll well my favorite one is the second edition swine nutrition written by Austin Lewis and least Southern and I think that that book, If other literature that while that book, I'd be getting a little bit dated here in our time. It serves very very good purposes to give you a not a simple answer but a simplistic answer that I think is a very good and quick reference. I encourage anybody who's looking at doing nutrition for a living. That's probably a good one to keep in your in your suitcase. Very nice. The the blue cover the Blue Book very cool. What is your favorite book unrelated to pigs? Well, I tried to read a lot of books currently. I've been reading some on business Acumen and Leadership and leadership styles but a book that I like that dr. Turner my boss who I just thoroughly enjoy working for or working with he's just a great individual a great hug, man, but a great person at our all meeting last year gave a lot of us in production on the production team a book called grit by Angela Duckworth and she's a psychologist who has an interesting background, but it really looks at and analyzes and studies the ability the ability of a person to persevere to push through the hard work to be successful when the odds are against you and she defines that by a major of a person's person's grab it their The hunker down and get stuff done and persevere and in the face of hardship and I think that's so much what explains and very relatable to what we do in agriculture that a lot of times the mark markets are against this the weather's against this health is against us very good. I love it hard about that book haven't read it yet. Very nice Kyle. And on the next question what separates successful fund professionals from those that are not on in your opinion. I think it comes back to your ability to communicate Wayne cast always says I may not be the smartest person in the room, but I bet I have somebody's phone number who is the smartest person about that topic and I've always thought that that was extremely insightful because I think networking and your ability to make friends your ability to make contacts and colleagues and working friendships. The people that I've come across My life but it will always continue to help you and I think to be successful you have to be humbled and you have to be realistic with what your abilities are always push yourselves. I think that's the one thing that really separates successful in any industry is just their ability to communicate and create lasting relationships because we all help each other we didn't get to where we are by herself and we won't get to where we're going without ourselves without by ourselves. And so I think it's just communication is key very very cool. Ooh Kayo, very profound and makes total sense being resourceful. And that's that's the ultimate skill. Absolutely very nice. Well Kyle. Thanks again for your time. I really appreciate that and and we'll be in touch. Thank you very much Marcio. Have a good day. Thank you.
Today’s episode will cover the Importance of feed execution and how a production nutritionist values it. “Our main goal, as swine nutritionists, is to get the right feed, to the right place, at the right time.” – Dr. Kyle Coble. Our guest is Dr. Kyle Coble, another bright mind of the Global Swine Industry. Dr. Coble is a Swine Nutritionist for JBS, USA, and before that worked for New Fashion Pork in Jackson, MN. In 2010, he earned his B.S. in Animal Science at Oklahoma State University followed by a M.S. in Animal Science with an emphasis in Swine Nutrition in 2012. He graduated from Kansas State University with a Ph.D. in Swine Nutrition in 2015, investigating the effects of different by-product withdrawal strategies to decrease negative impacts on carcass yield and copper supplementation in finishing pigs. In 2014, Dr. Coble was awarded the International Ingredient Corporation Pinnacle Award for Outstanding Young Swine Nutrition Student. In 2015, he was selected as an American Society of Animal Science Young Scholar. What you will learn: How he got involved in pig production and the development of his career; Definition of Feed Execution; The importance and the biggest challenges of Feed Execution; The value of feed execution; How to structure a nutrition department and the kind of team roles needed; How he gets the production staff on board with feed execution; What separates successful swine professionals from those that are not. Kyle’s favorite swine-related book: Swine Nutrition (Lewis and Southern) Kyle’s favorite book unrelated to swine: Grit Edited by Lauro Faccin
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Let's get it you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now, let's welcome in everybody the puzzle. Can really dig in my head. Can you guys hear this too? This is completely unexpected. I feel like this is on par with our Disney conversation that we just had before that. I love the music. Anyway, guys, welcome in this is AfterBuzz TV your after-show for the challenge for the world. It's episode 14 tonight the water boy and I just realized how Savage that title of an episode about such a ding towards Polly where you get into everything tonight. We got our full panel back. Yeah, Jill is back David Christopher is back and to my left who didn't leave what you don't hate on this link and he's getting back into it. Hello everybody. He did not leave me stranded the last two weeks. But so are we having life? That is true? I don't have a life. That is that is Trudy. Anyway, happy to have you guys back. He said get it into episode 14 tonight. We got davers deed. Kick it off. We're gonna get into this challenge which was really good really intense. We see Pauly a different side of him as maybe a competitor. I don't know. We're going to talk about everything. You still showed a lot of heart, but we also see some tears as well. We Got some news and gossip courtesy of Dan. I'm very excited to see what happens. He said it's - your sanity is piping, right? Hey if it's true it is. All right. Yeah. It's an internet rumor. We don't know that's just like how dare you if it's on the Internet. It's true. How dare you even bring that table and then we're going to give it to some final predictions and we saw that like intense ridiculous teaser at the end where people just look like they were actually dropping dead. So we're going to get into is it was Infinity War they were all returned. Absolutely Bonkers that we see somebody walking and then literally just tip over the Red Queen Hopple over like took off their necklace. Oh as if they truly just died right then and there on the top of that Sandy pyramid. Mmm. So, let's do our overall thoughts of tonight's episode. What do you guys think? Okay, I can I'll jump in out be quick with my overall thoughts My overall. Thoughts are number one. Do not mess with turbo. I feel like turbo is so on and on top of things. That he knows he can help you help today the things he says wind up being true and I love him. Number two. I feel I am devastated for Polly. I know that's a controversial going to be Hot Topic and we'll get into that later and really excited that these eight people are going to the finals. Yeah, I you know, I'm going to kind of piggyback on you little bit Pam with the poly thing. I'm a little bummed to see him go. I like Paulie. I know you're not a big fan chin, but I like Kali and it was you know, you said earlier. Was kind of like his Rocky moment. Yeah. I hope in front of pull through and he didn't want his bummer. I would have loved to see him actually pull it off kind of sucks. See him go home, especially with every other guy can play together. You're kind of wondering like what happened, you know? Yeah, so it sucks but I like the challenge it looked fun. It looks challenging. It was hard. I honestly wanted to try it. I like to see all the came in and kind of like one of the hang out for a bit. That was cool. Yeah, you know starting off the episode 2 with that challenge at the beginning with Dave on, you know, I mean it was it was cool. It was fun. It wasn't boring and kept going so like hey, I don't not like Polly I He's an amazing competitor. I just think that him and Cara thing that we see episode after episode is like played out and I want to fast forward it every time and vomit on myself looks like to eighth graders David Davis gonna go home today and watch reruns is all the goo Shiga she poppin. Yeah, that's probably in cars. That's what you want theory that I've been I've been incubating that I just put into were like to make sense. You know, how child actors are kind of messed up and they're screwed because they grew up in the camera and it's hard for them to adjust to normal. Adult life like typical child. Actually, except Jason Bateman, except Jason Bateman. Jason Bateman is Taco step away. She's finding her way. Miley's, you know, okay, but a lot of them are had problems. So if mu Rong basic response, is that some I will say some child actors don't wind up being good adults say they have find it hard to make the transition now, I love Cara and I'm a fan of poly but I think that in this day and age There's real. T stars and what they suffer from it's almost like social media is their child actor anything like they are so they're living their life. So in a public eye in terms of social media that it's I feel like there's it's not their fault. It's just the way the world is right now, but it's daunting and weird and I think it does something to people that we will see the results of in the future and not just them I'm using that as an example, but this whole like not being in the moment because they're constantly doing things like that, especially Weather like in a relationship with someone that comment on your and interacting with people that are fat. It's like it's not going to you're not going to be on MTV reality star forever. So it's like what are you gonna do with I've got to do our UI side of this time. I think that's like I agree with you, but I think it's across the board. Not just saying that anybody even just in general people like it literally it's changing a lot of the mindsets, you know, and just a society in general, you know, it's just instant gratification your attention span. So shorts quick next thing is just your literally watching it. Buddies lives like in the moment. It's tightly that when you are an actual stars that has you know, so that's my it's like it's not that I'm mad at them about it do whatever you want. But I feel worried. I feel like concerned like when you're not a MTV Challenge star, which you can't be forever. It's like being a childhood, you know Olympian like what are you gonna do after I want them to find some what's your real passion in life? Not gonna have to do much very true. Yes, exactly. Damn. What are your overall thoughts on tonight's episode. It's interesting. They're doing four versus four at the end or for that four guys four URLs, you know, these are the 3 verse 3, you know 3 and 3. So that's usually they're also doing a tribunal like halfway through possible something so that could be interesting and also guys just for fun. I kept a baby count tonight if you guys want a baby, come on baby how many times Cara said baby d'etat so impossibly to Kyle I got a count here for you later on. I was just later on. It's a teaser for our if you guys want to write down in the live chat right? Now. How many babies you think? Cara said that could be fortunate, right? Okay. That's the idea. That's not works. 800 48 is mine. I'm going like oh, yeah, I'm gonna go under 48 if you want to do this David, I'll go with my lucky number seven. Let's do seven. Oh, wait more like that. Okay, so all right. I'm gonna get my jean jacket outfit and now you pick one number below about 23 swagger jacker 23. I'm so let's move on here I guess is 80 In 1519 3436 were across the mackerel. Okay, okay arises subject the subject of this one the subject comes off of this. Oh gets a bottle wine. Yeah and three for me. All right. So we've got into the Killing Floor. Do you guys want to see ya soon? Okay. So talk of War. We got davers D tonight and I bet Dan or we didn't bet this last. My prediction last week was that D was going to handle Dave on line was day. You picked Dave on and it was interesting before we start this elimination. First of all, I love the elimination. I love that. It's not only a tug of war and a pulling and you just pull off the slack. It's not a true. Like I'm just gonna rustle you strength or strength one-on-one with one piece of rope. I like that. It's pulling slack. And then I love that you have the chance to down pull that person off of their Podium and that's a nice little added Factor. Yeah before we even start though, so it looks like Dave. Vaughn I love the way she handles going to it eliminations always she's always ready. She's no she's got a fight to be there always prepare to go in she was a little shaken up before you can just kind of tearing it on a little crying before she heads in and I was like this is this can't be it then if she's already kind of in this in her mind that it's probably not going to be a good elimination for her, but then we get in and do you looks like she's ripping it at first she's talking. She's talking. She's got all the endurance and of course it goes into a Dern's and I love days. Saying I know and there's is not my strong suit. So I'm going to take it slow and then I'll pump it into gear when I can which I think is great. And then we see D all the sudden turns into like a slug halfway through and Dave on cause I don't know where she did and now she's the elimination Queen. She's won every elimination that she's gone into hmm props today for sure like she kicked but this this whole season man, she just been bringing it, you know, and as a rookie and she's just awesome. So I'm very stoked on her performance. It sucks to see that, you know, your girl went home. I know your little Bummed on that one. I thought she would have digging of bummed. She looked nice walking away. Yeah, I will say that I am I am surprised that you voted against her being that you're such a fan. I just feel that D has every episode. She's become more and more mediocre. And I when I saw that this was definitely going to be an endurance challenge times 3, I mean they were I knew that rope is going to be long and I thought that D was going to gas out quick and I was right and then it was really about balance to at the end. It didn't take much to pull this tee off that. In her arms are already like jello. So they took it out of that is experience. Devon was incredible. She did amazing. She knows herself. She knew how to do it for her the right way and not play anyone else's game, which was incredible. I think if be he thought it through maybe she wouldn't have given it all real fast gassed out too early and couldn't get it done as TJ would say but Dave on did an incredible job. I was surprised what do you guys think strategy-wise for this because I was trying to think of what I would do you want to obviously start ha right out the gate but like Devon said you want to keep up your endurance. It's almost like how do you want to do a mild? You want to do it all consistently at one pace or do you want to do it in intervals? Well, if you know, there's a hill at the end which is essentially the using your strengths. You would want to take it slow. Yeah, you think she got it one steady pace and that way you're never falling behind but you might not ever be jumping ahead either or you can take it intervals. Like I'm going to basically Sprint. I'm going to write Sprint for 30 seconds slow down for 30 seconds. I don't know. What do you guys think? I'm more just like Steady consistent would be the least in my opinion the best strategy, you know, so you don't gasps out keep it consistent Pace see where your opponent's head and then give it all at the end. You know, that that's what I would do another props that they bond because the challenge the next day that they had to do if it was the next day. There's a ton of upper arm strength like her arms must have been yelling her and then she had to do that. So yeah, she did a really wonderful job. Let me ask you this. What if they drop that rope like what if they just got certain jumped out? What is it disqualification? It's a good question. I don't how does that work? It doesn't matter didn't because you don't it. You're on a platform. You're not on the ground. So you can't really get super low and spread out your legs and really tuck. You have to be like, you know, looking around like Don't want to fall off this thing is I bet that's a DQ as well. So yeah, that's what I was thinking of. You can't go too fast with the Rope another one of my takeaways from this was just like you said Pam never mess with her bow because he prayed to his gods and he held his whatever it was Rosemary be whatever his religion is he held that chain when he was praying that entire episode 13 the entire our last week you never let go of it and his Gods delivered and D walked away tonight. I'm like, this is why you never mess with her, but I'm just going to say turbo is the MVP of this season. Yeah. I'm just but that out there wasn't any pot. Not much to see here. Look why don't you cause he'll like Kyle's it just grows exponentially from episode updates. Are you realizing I actually got a haircut like two weeks ago to so, I don't know how it's growing like over a period of time though. There's like a time-lapse. I'm shy no car that's like orange hair isn't really hers. But did she like in the whatever add 20 pounds extensions? Right? But we should just got bored and put on like 50 extra fee for the challenge. I'll shoot doing it. I guess it's like what? What was it was hoping that would be the rope swing that Polly could be couldn't swing from that from the swing on the challenge tonight, but he's swinging on her which is incredible. It's intense, it's cold. It's everything you want before final. I'm going to pass it over to my man. Oh, yes me daddy daddy. Sylvia hashtag Disney, Dan. Hey guys. We just want to thank you so much for you know, hanging out with us tonight watching the app to show if you want to, you know, give us a thumbs up or subscribe. We would love that. You give us a five star rating on the old iTunes because you know AfterBuzz means the world to us want to keep doing this. We want you to give us comments, you know below I'm 50% time. I use a lot of hand gestures. That's great. So yeah keep keep supporting us. Keep hanging out with us guys. Have a great night. Whoo after this show. Have a great night for another 25 minutes in Eighteen thirteen seconds. So let's get into the challenge. Again Judgment Day. This is my conspiracy theory about the name Judgment Day. Okay is that again? We've seen that turbo is basically the God on the challenge and he doesn't have to compete in this challenge. It is his judgement day everybody stepping up to turbos Judgment day whether you are worthy to join him in the final nice. That's not really my receipts the fun. My joking conspiracy was that day was in the name of the title. So then just that was there are their little hint that she was going to be eliminated. Judgment Day yeah today has taught her judgment - there it is. Alright, let's get into it obstacle course, it's awesome. It's one of the containers over water. So you can jump off of the container into the water swim a little Loop to dupe around the buoy climb up then run on the container. Yeah, swing grab a ring swing back climb back up on the Rope swim lot of technical terms using a loop to do that type of therapy a little scoop the dirt around the buoy. We as a fitness expert. Can you weigh in on the loop dscoop you got to really train for that stuff, you know, it's endurance based lube these cool guy and girl go home tonight. So everything is on the table. This is the highest Stakes you could have before a final and we see Paulie go first and Polly. This is what he dreams or he's been cheating. He's been training for the challenge since birth. So he gets up and he's so ready to give it a shot. And this is hard. This is hard. Making yeah, uh, yeah. This was a really tough. This actually reminded me of watching Hunter you don't he had to do the like pull with your wrist with his hurt wrist when he got right before the final and he had crushed it that season that's what this reminded me of we saw whether we like or don't like Polly whether we think he needs to take a break with social media or not role of what Paulie strictly challenge-wise he was killing it. He played a great game. He did not make hey bonehead alliances. He played his own game. He was honest. He was a great competitor this season. He he he was wonderful and it is hard to see him go out like this and it was also hard to see him go first because people were we saw going. Okay. So the Rope is this way. Okay. Make sure you go high when you're jumping it really did help to see someone do it now slow it down, you know, they know they just have to complete it doesn't matter what their time to see ya. Do. You think he might have maybe done a little bit? Better had he not gone first, I do I think how could you not once you see what definitely he was going to college is our volume is going for time. He was going as fast as he could he rushed the Rope portion and that's what killed mimosas he had a re climb up that that role re x times what twice and then he did he make it the third time fell off. Yeah, so he fell he made a third time across the road. But the fact that you didn't make it the second time across that road. Yeah, what dude slow it down and get this done because you know, if all that water again, that's a long way back up and it's cold. He wasn't expecting to not finish it cause he boned it up and once his hand, I think he signed himself out after the second time falling off the rope and at that point, it's just all imagine. It's hard to terrible for him when he was in the ice cold water and shaking it up him to climb up. Yeah, because that I can't even take a cold shower for like 10 seconds. I can't handle that. I can't get into the ocean. But you know, it's like freezing like that shot him. He's trying to work through to try to compete you see his heart you see that he had to it, but his body's just not letting Do it. I don't think his heart wasn't in it. I don't think his head wasn't in it. I think that his body was just incapable of moving after being in that water for so long as one of those skylights scenarios were like, you know, your mind is telling you yes what your body is telling, you know, you're just kind of like you don't have control at that point. It sucks. And yeah to see a guy competitor as good as he is to go out that way so frustrating because that you'd almost rather him get beat by someone doing right? No, but it's serious. It's a bummer himself, right? He lost himself. Although I will say in Polly's favor. I literally wrote live and learn Polly and after that towards the end. He said, you know what? I'm just going to come back and win again, which made me like me even more and no one no matter how I feel about him personally like with car and all that stuff. He shows so much heart and every one of these challenges he does and that's something that I can appreciate it. Yeah, but I'm just because it comes down to his rope swinging and him that be able to clear that container twice a day. He killed that's what hurt me the most because any other re climb up that's what I'm curious about why it killed him so much because he's one of the shorter guys and he is A strong so it shouldn't be a lack of arm strength and I was thinking Theo at 6'5 was going to have a hard time because he has so much just height to him. But then again, so here's the keto for the roast the keeper any rope swing is to go hire me on the rope swing you might not go as far but you won't get what's called like a almost like a whiplash where if you go too low and it whips you down and then therefore you're losing grip already and then clearly weren't high enough to clear that awesome Pauly. Stop trying to jump it just swing It just swing nice and easy. But also here's we gotta feel bad for Polly though. He's first he has no idea if he just goes nice and easy if he's even get enough oomph to get to the other container. Yeah, that's why it sucks for him. Yeah. It was so cold. Why not put these guys in full-blown wetsuits, you know, everybody is can't do all that stuff and wet. So I'm sure you can no no and I don't think it would have been as awful if you just race through the whole thing, but he kept falling and getting in and And get again and getting out and getting in and I think that's what did it. Yeah, what was crazy to me as we see him now put on the stretcher in the ambulance and Medics are looking at him Cara's over him and this is my this is good wine could be too girly for that. It just reminded me so much of Prince Eric being found washed up on the shore and Little Mermaid because you see this like mermaid ask a woman with the long Fierce ready looking over her prince. She loves to say that he's right Paulie and he's just like washed up it is Stretch your being attended by her. And then later on they're giving us like the Titanic Vibes because she's behind holding him this blowing in his hair. He's looking over that the competitors. She's rubbing him. It's very like I'm king of the world Leo and K. Yeah, so they so he may not but he was Kate and she was Leo killed it in the Romantic Movie Department the entire context of it and she came ready wouldn't she make that t-shirt? She had the teaching they were Her Natalie were wearing team following she was a cheerleader, but it was crazy after all this goes down and he's getting medical attention. We see him do his interview and he can't he can barely speak. Yeah, I was shocked that he stood up and he did this interview after the challenge that his lips are balling. His skin is white as anything. I'm like that's terrifying because I can't deal with cold water and I felt so bad. It was hard to watch. I felt bad for him and again props to Cara for really having his back and being supportive. She was cool. She was helping him. And as she said, it just wasn't his day. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it's just not your day. It sucks that it was this far as good as she also said baby baby, but if you ready for answer 9 times no, I mean I'm conspiracy didn't want to say nothing because I thought everybody in the live chat was gonna see me look at your paper and I don't want them to know the answer. It's gonna go like shockingly low to me. I gotta say I think he's I think you're wrong. I don't think all the babies like it's okay baby and that just in that section of the show not the entire. So maybe it is just in the Challenger actually love Paulie and all these other competitors. You said baby. How about Baywatch or they wax watch? This is what's interesting because I know that Polly such a good competitor. I'm not taking anything from him. I know again, it wasn't his day but a lot of the other guys just like they killed walk through this. Yeah lots through it weird, right? But let's remember goes slow motion Pam Anderson not as big in the breast apartment is Pam Anderson, but he absolutely crushed me know she's a great swimmer, but he caught crushed the ropes wig crushed the climbing up to get the ring, which I also think is hard to because it's slippery. Hang on that container. On the incline. I think that was probably one of the hardest parts we see Wes co co co and Hunter go and they all do really well in the guy section. No one has any problems. No one has probable day. They had no time worried at all and they could slow it down on the rope swing. I'm telling you. That's your and and they saw like when Hunter swung he lifted his knees up the like Georgia did the same thing. They got high and they held their knees up and then put them down when they weren't cleared it, which is a good only had no idea what he was walking into. The first was awful for the citizens of Burj the perch challenge another Beast that couldn't get it done was Maddie. So it's like I was like if Paulie and Maddie are the ones that lose I mean, it's enough to lose Polly. But Maddie also was having problems. He's really good athletes. Was she surprised manage? I don't want that to be honest. Okay why this kind of a challenge? Here it's now. She's really being tested and that's what I was waiting for. Also in her defense. She has a damn seal distracting her. Yes. Oh, come on. I'll take a couple of seconds. You're in an ocean. You don't know. Someone is killing it because I thought that she's been a great competitor. But again like we saw tonight. This was a big shot Chad and she was able to hold her own and she crushed it. She really doing some she got an unsuspecting like little body you That b should be such a good competitor, but she really is who else was just a three girls that went the three of them day. It was ninja ninja ninja completed into did not got right. Okay. So let's get into the more the specifics of the girls. We see Ninja go first. She hits the truck first on her rope swing she eats at heart too. Yeah, and everybody's like, oh, you're not a ninja Natalie War but then she goes on and she finishes pretty well Maddie. We see obviously struggles. She can't get across that rope string she falls and she starts climbing up there. The rope and later on we see that that's the exact same part that Dave Allen gets up to but Davon maybe thought that she was gonna be able to complete the challenge therefore she took her time and she went very slow that by the time she got to the part where Maddie failed and she also failed. She just got there so much power that in turn she was which was a good strategy had she been just a little more Speedy, you know, yep, so we see it gets down to the end and it is Paulie. We already said goodbye. To and should we talk about his tears? Sure. Yeah, like in this too much gin. No dad, but it was that it was a lot that made me giggle definitely like this kind of know where we just shove bawling not even like a working up to a cry. You just full bra. I like the Pauly's like a crier. I think he's like a big crier and I think it's cute. I'm a crier to that game last week. I'm just kidding. He didnt die. I'm just kidding. All right. Yeah. Yeah, I was surprised at Hunter as well because clearing it because I did think his endurance and stamina and his upper body strength when car was trying to cite to cheer up Polly and she was saying he's I can see that his grip is weak. He's not going to make it he's not going to clear it. I was like she might be right and then I was like whoosh Superman right on over there and how about Theo just oh I I'm six-three. I can just reach right on up and grab the ring. I mean it was great. I do wish we had more of a breakdown from TJ as to why de Valmont home. I'm obviously assuming it was because she was slower, but I rewind it because I was like, okay, but what it comes down to was it time was it how many how far we got? Yes. Well to me, it would be who ever got to that the farthest point because they have the same for this one who ever got to that furthest point. The first there is no further. First though like Stevie, let's just say Maddie got there in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Devon didn't get there until four minutes. And therefore Davon has to go home. Let's say that's the both got five minutes. It's wherever was further at five minutes. No. No, they all get mad 10 minutes. No, I'm saying in the they get there. It's a get their say the man is ten minutes. They're both eliminated at ten minutes, right but who ever got to that point first right where something happens now? We're not you get their three minutes you get their four minutes right before minutes is going home and I was talking about Long story short, come on. I wanted the only point I wanted to make was that TJ at the end just said Dave on you're going home. Yeah. Hey Dave on you were to so before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast so you don't miss an episode. Premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV, but they had a conversation with Wesson Maddie. You can kind of explaining would TJ was going to say they put that in this iterative TJ have to do it later. Okay. Wow there and back to this. Like conspiracy Corner about this whole season them never TJ never telling us the order and being sort of abrupt like so Dave I was going home. I do think that that is going to come into play in the photos. I liked it. I do think it's gonna come back. We have to she kissed me yet something great anything before we move on to dance music gossip. I'm so hung up on the fact that you said you cried during a game down. All right. Well, I'm So congratulations to the finalists. We we see they get the congratulate congratulatory text car comes in eight of them are going and it's five rookies this season and three. That's wow Hunter Cara and West who have all been to a final two of one wasn't Cara have both won and it's going to be verse the five rookies hundred country want to do one last season. He won he won. You're right you did right you got the worst. When Now isn't that right also the artist he's got no money for it. But uh, you're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. I forgot because the whole smash his candle and then we have the five rookies Theo turbo, Georgia ninja body at is. Yeah. We did it. Yes. So we're going to have two predictions quickly after this but first should we do news and gossip? Yes sure. Can't wait. I can't wait for this bombshell down in butter. Well, I'm going to start off on a lighter note for the first one. Did you guys know that Turbo? He loves milk so much before he wasn't even a challenge. He was in actually in a milk commercial and turkey and you can watch it online. He's arm wrestling kids and it's hilarious. Of course he is. No but now I'm having Deja Vu or I don't know if I've made this up. Did we talk about turbo really tying someone up on a plane? Oh, I must have saw that because I was like, this is amazing. All right interviewed. I know I've got this next one's a rumor, but bear has like come out and About it on his Instagram. So I was watching it today. Apparently he was having relations with a 15 year old. Whoa now. That was not what I'm sorry. Apparently this girl lied to him and said she was of age whatever that age 18 21, whatever she told him. Yeah. Apparently she looks old for age. I know you're saying you're mouthing 15. I know it's crazy. So and I was like is this real or not? But now Bears coming out and like saying, you know and the way Way, he's explaining what happened? He's hot. He's messed up. Oh, he's real it's weird because I would hope so that's really where everybody involved. Now. This is a rumor but bears. Sir, Graham, I think it proves what a dirtbag bear is which I sort of what I'm saying fun. But let's put let's say a girl hypothetically says she's 21 and be like, okay great. Let's take he didn't act like a would let me see your license. You know, I'm gonna see if the right way agree and that's not cool. It'll have you have any of you guys in recent years hung out with 15 anyone that's 15 I'm saying, well, you don't refuse our siblings or cousins that are a little older. His little friends. They look like they are like 15 is not 17. It's not even sick that 15 year olds look like children. I don't think people are colder than 15. All right, a pair of apparently Brie Carter rights, and apparently that girl has lied about her age to multiple people and when people would ask her about lying about her age, she would delete the comments. Now. This is cooked fish. Did they hang out in real life or were they like Instagram? There's a picture of them driving in a car together. So I understand on social media, you can pretty screwed up. I tried to find her Instagram. But like I think I don't know if she's deleted it or what but I can't I couldn't find her Instagram. So if anyone has the girls Instagram, but we're gonna have to investigate. This is some hot tea I told you alright now that that's crazy. Yeah, that is crazy what that sinking the girl does not want to get him in trouble. She faults herself. I don't know if I saw that. That but all right. Did you did this break today? Is this I saw it by yesterday the day before then I run. I was reading about taking its popping up all over the challenge T. Yeah, I got Instagram first your cousin now 15 15. I mean, okay and it is true. It is always like one person that looks a lot older than everybody else. It's true if she lied to him. That's fine. What? No, I don't think you should check the IDS of people you It's not if we heard all I will say on that is if we heard this about Kyle I wouldn't be surprised caring about fair. I'm not surprised if we heard it about someone who I consider an upstanding good guy like turbo. I would be like really like I'd be shocked hearing it about bear. I'm like, yeah that tracks. It doesn't sound it's not completely surprising whether she lied to him or not. I feel like a d-bag is a d-bag Maria Carter again rights? Yes. She looks like she's in her early 20s, okay. Okay, gotta look into yeah, we gotta see this. He picks his anyways, I just wasted five minutes of the show. Yeah, somebody posted this Instagram. Oh my God. Are they single again? This is like actual news. Yeah crazy. I've got some pressed news. That's not nearly as hot, but there was some rumors that CT and his girl broke up for a while. We were out of the country. I didn't have I was not in the country. Her some slack, Jess. Sorry guys. I think it's very versatile. Just going to say I think you can even get YouTube on Mars. All right, let's continue with some prediction is with the shave tonight. I know I AfterBuzz TV hook me up a tree in the studio today. No, that's okay though. We're getting so much shade my God. We are absolutely keep you sober up anyway, so we got predictions we Got again, we talked about this a tiny bit at the top of the show. This insane teaser for next episode that they are going to be going on the death path. And it looks like the death path. I swear to God ninja-like full-blown fainted one second turbo we're going to top heavy goes down face in the sand. What are we thinking about like, he's kirkish. He's like you used to yeah. I okay now don't hate me. I don't even watch I don't like spoilers so much that I don't even watch the previews because sometimes they give stuff away so I don't watch it. Still doing it. Yeah, do we know yet? Like is it going to be in the other? I don't do we know how many winners are going to be how we're going to break it down or is that weird to the desert? Are we generally think what our predictions I predict that turbo Cara Mady and West will go far. So half the people to girls and two boys, so I think it's true. I think the winner gets $750,000 and then everybody else gets nothing and I think it's going to be a guy or girl winter doesn't matter if they're not going to pick a guy and a girl winner will be the one winner gets it and everyone else gets 0 so therefore which is really crazy because there's if there's a people in this final and only one person gets to win anything. Someone's gonna be there's gonna be a Purge on a preacher, you know, like how they did it with the one where Kyle and Brad or and Leroy where someone got to pick someone to go further. Yeah, right. It was like a first Of the final like they were finalists. But only instead of eight only six really final final. I think that's probably going to happen again that two people are gonna be cut pretty quickly. Okay. It's definitely going to happen. But yeah, there's a hint of the tribunal so there's obviously okay, would you see Pam, you know, but yeah, so I think obviously someone's going home. Well possibly two people are going home. Okay, so we should to then there will be a three verses. Okay? Yeah, absolutely interesting. All right, so then we already got Pam's top for let's try and do One girl one guy who you think's going to go the furthest I'm sticking with my boy turbo. I mean judging by him. Fauna has faced on cheesier. This is gonna be pretty damn hard, but he's got a lot of heart and he's awesome. So he honestly probably just was hungry ones taste this and we know he's getting back up. That was not a death drop by any means I'm going car a turbo car rotor. Oh, well, I want I would pick turbo as well, but I want to be different just for fun. Hmm and I am going to go crazy just because of what happened last season. I'm going to pick hunter. Y'all are gonna hate on his eye endurance, which I agree. It's been bad this season. I got a weird feeling I gotta whip it at all. I gotta pick a girl. I'm gonna pick car on and I want to buy the car. I know I'll pick ninja just for fun. I think Georgia just because she's Georgia I think has a real good chance. Everyone's got different picture. I just need turbo, but I thought she's cool. But I'll say Georgia as far as a girl. That's who I have Georgia and turbo. Okay. Yeah, we definitely see Georgie win for sure. I like what Hunter though, I'd be hot. So you know what? I won't pick ninja we saw her pass out our bike she fell off her bike. I'm going deaf go to Georgia to ninja cross turbo. I think it's over for her. I'm sorry. Yeah, I agree. I think that Mike ninja up until then and I don't want to hold a grudge but that wasn't really a weird freak out that's like, you know, again people have off days, but that was like, whoa, that was inappropriate. I was mad at her it's really hard because all these competitors are so good. Like I want to say Turbo. Number one guy with a side of Theo because I really just think people are and don't assign a Seahawk. I think I right. Well, I am Wes. I'm a victim of sleeping on Theo because he I don't know I guess. Oh my God, as you said that someone would everybody sleeping on Theo. That's the same time. But I think I think he's just eat his way into the finals. So he's not as strong as the rest. I'm not hungry. I guess it's hard to say. It's hard to pick a rookie someone that's never done this type of thing before and these Eliminations right crazy the five challenges are crazy. The reason that the only reason that I is that if there's any physical physical like the hot ball hallway bra way, I don't think Theo's as tough as the more built guys and those fast and strong he retired to shreds but Kyle had a broken thing in Kyle's not that he's Kyle's not hunter or Turbo. Yeah. I was not comfortable because he hasn't had that much camera time. He's been a little he hasn't been the the center of the drama storylines a love story lines. We saw a little bit. A hunting camp so we just aren't seeing him but he's brought in every time he's competed. Yeah, being an Olympic Athlete you have endurance you could ever need or have and his height his body type. I think that he's absolutely the only knock on the only knock on him is that he's a rookie and right experience plays a big factor, especially in these kind of challenges, you know, and again if you're carrying a hundred like I don't know how much physical upper how much strength strength he has. I'm not saying he doesn't have it. It I'm just saying I don't know if it's something like turbo carrying things from a dumpster or whatever. You're not going to be turbo. Nobody can beat her. It's hard to see turbo as a rookie because he's right. Yes, like you think he's milky performs like airplanes God's baby. Yeah shut this thing down, but we'll have to see thank you everybody who tuned in. Thank you so much love chat for chiming in. We appreciate you this. Ben episode 14 the water boy Prince Paulie R.I.P. My name is Jenna. Was there about 200 underscored bussiere? This is our full panel. This is where you can find them. Yes d-dan lingering on Instagram. Thanks guys. Hi Pamela groeschel you guys. Thank you for tuning in. I'm so glad to be back. Missed you David punk rock Christopher on Instagram DPR Christopher on Twitter. Thank you guys so much for hanging out with us. Again. We had a lot of fun. See you next time our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you. R tuning in to AfterBuzz TV remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm. The views expressed herein are those of the host only and do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
 Prince Paulie can’t survive the purge, but Cara is his little mermaid to the rescue when he washes up on the shore like prince Eric. Day is elimination queen but she judgement DAY has other plans for her. The rest of the competitors swing into the final with ease and it’s 3 vets and 5 rookies in the finals! About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge:  It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Here in America where a month away from the Fourth of July and as you probably learned in school, that's the celebration of the United States Declaration of Independence, which happen in 1776. So why am I bringing this up? I'll get to that in a moment because it's really interesting. I was doing some research for today's episode and found that the first constitution wasn't actually written in 1776. It was ratified in 1781. Why is that year?And if you can't well, that's the same year that a man named Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus. He thought it was a comet. It was very difficult to see especially with the technology at that time, but a couple years later they were able to confirm for sure that it was a new planet and they named it after the Greek deity or an us or father Sky the corollary to Mother Earth and eventually became known. Known as Uranus. So 1781 is very significant year and Revolution and change and transformation for an entire nation and really for the whole world. And that's the year. We discover this planet Uranus. So that gives us a clue of what kind of qualities urine is brings to your chart into your life and to the world as a whole and when Uranus is transiting and we'll talk all about that in today's episode talking about the planet Uranus and Chart today's episode is brought to you by anchor this is the platform that I use to create this podcast and my other podcast and it's totally free and easy to use. I've tried to make podcasts in the past and it was much more complicated but they make it super simple and free. So anchor dot f m is the website or the app is available on all the app stores just look up anchor and you can start and create your own podcast today. My name is Jeremy Devon's and this is The Quiet Mind astrology podcast. I've been studying astrology pretty much my whole life and Vedic astrology in-depth since 2011. I find it to be incredibly helpful. One of the most valuable skills to understand myself to understand others. And in this podcast, I'll share what I've learned how to interpret charts and how you can go from understanding your chart to improving your health your relationships your career all aspects of your life are covered. And acknowledge and address through Vedic astrology. I'll also show you meditations and Yoga practices and things that you can do to support the most positive expression of these qualities in your life and avoid and work around the challenges and possible negative expressions of these planetary energies. If you like this podcast, you can support it by becoming a monthly supporter at as low as 99 cents a month up to 999 a month. Click the link in the episode description to do that or visit Quiet Mind dot yoga / astrology where you can learn more about Vedic astrology and download the free workbook the essential astrology keywords to quickly read a birth chart. So you'll want that. You can look at your own rising sign sun sign the moon sign and see how that would play out in different signs and what size you have and understand how to read charts for other people again, you can get that at quiet mind that yoga / astrology or check out the show notes. All right. Thank you for listening and enjoy today's podcast. Such as like when you're in is was discovered in 1781 in the constitution is ratified anytime that Uranus is having a big Transit. You're going to see major shifts and changes major disruptions major revolutions personally nationally globally. So urine is brings about this urge for originality and independence from old traditions change and excitement Transformations. It's all about breakthroughs in. Create chaos and can also create order. So we're creating this balance of disruption and chaos, but also the need for order and Direction and usually it's direction away from an old tradition in a New Direction. So things like nationalism can rise up during a certain Uranus transits like Uranus in Aries, which is happening right now. When's the last time your in this was in Aries 1932 what happened in 1932 Hitler Rose to power in Germany. It was nominated as the chancellor and there was a Transit of Uranus in Aries there and it's about an eight-year Transit which you can go through history and learn a lot about what happened. There is very interesting and what's happening right now in the nationalism the rise of nationalism and politics and I'm not going to talk about any political beliefs. Sir, take sides or anything, but you can just turn on the news and see what's happening in culture and politics and beliefs and this sort of think of Aries of War action initiation Drive passion fiery energy and there's bringing Uranus into Aries this Revolution change transformation. Chaos, electricity excitement extremism all brought into the sign of Aries and that's happening until 25 so it's going to go on for a little bit longer last right before this. It was Uranus in Pisces, right? So going back through the Zodiac and that's when we had Barack Obama in office somebody think about the qualities of Pisces and Pisces episode more about spirituality Harmony transformation higher ideals and less about as less as much about war. And so things like Obamacare were put into place where healthcare for all was kind of the ideal. And things I care about like the big National picture of people's health and spirituality and connection and things like this for all more in the Forefront and the Uranus and Pisces Transit and you may have personally had some personal experience of that, right? It all depends on where it is in your chart. But right now in this time, you know, we can expect for the next five or six years or so really is going to be more of this more of the same what's been happening since 2017. And that can be challenging depending on which side of the beliefs you stand on and it's important time to remember that transformation always begins with in and that Revolution that you want to seek externally has to happen internally. You can expect other people to change to make you feel better. You can't expect the World to Change to solve your problems so that that drive for transformation and rebellious NE sand and change has to Really Happen internally for it to Effective globally and that extremism can be turned towards things like Tapas the yoga philosophy word for discipline. This is what the Buddha practice was tap us where you would sit in meditation for hours and hours and hours and and withhold food from himself and water and do things like this. You know, I'm not saying that you should do that necessarily unless you really want to but things are you have discipline and passion and focus and drive towards As your own personal transformation, which could be the maybe you have a daily meditation practice or a Daily Yoga practice or you have your own spiritual beliefs and you follow them and you know you focus on following your beliefs and it's being a person who is transformed and that naturally inspires others and that naturally transforms others without having to force the issue. It's interesting to note that these Cycles are really long 0 in is as far out there from the sun takes. 84 years to go fully an orbit around the Sun and actually spends 42 years in the sunlight and 42 years in the darkness. So it's a long time. These are long generational Cycles or it goes through all the signs of the zodiac and in 84 years. So just in one person's life time, you're kind of going through one hole urine a psycho versus like Mercury which goes through all the signs very quickly or the Moon. Very very quickly Uranus these changes in these Transformations are not going to happen. Like these revolutions aren't going to happen every day, but they're going to happen over a long period of time and really like this eight year period where it goes to a new sign and within the 84 years like, you know, big changes can happen in that amount of time, of course, but these revolutions these Transformations are going to be happening every single day. It's going to be about eight year Cycles so you can expect another big one coming around 2025 and plan for And and know that you're in one now that just started recently and it's so easy to get swept up into the media and the distractions and things vying for our attention and really what's called the distraction economy where devices are really pulling for our attention all the time. And I think the most revolutionary acts you can do is to have a time of solitude and introspection a self trust a self knowledge all these teachings that yoga brought to us thousands of years ago. They're more powerful now, Now than ever so you can have this sort of internal Compass is internal locus of control. So you're not driven by the nationalism in the excitement in the transformation of the Revolution. You can be involved in and of course if they if you're drawn to a B&B involved take action be an activist do what drives you and inspires you, but know that the real transformation has to start internally personally first for it to be really effective. And if you're looking to change the whole government landscape without being personally changed and transformed for yourself, you know, whatever flaws are still unaddressed. Whatever wounds are still unaddressed in yourself are going to be exacerbated in the work that you do so you're gonna have to deal with them one way or another so it's a lot easier and to do it up front to do it yourself to if you if you have any of those issues like that is some scars the wounds of the past things that you know are coming up always a good idea to have a regular meditation practice. It's a great idea to have mentors and guides therapist coaches people that help you and support you and your path people who are helping you facilitate your own personal transformation and revolutions all the time because we're all going through these Transformations all the time. But again these every every eight years or so, you can expect like these bigger external Transformations. So if you want to learn more about Urine is in your choice and how it's playing out what things you can specifically work with right? Because there are specific medications. You can do depending on where it is in your chart where this is Transit is happening for you you're interested in that you can go to Quiet Mind yoga and look at The Vedic astrology readings and we can schedule a time to look at your chart and see how I can best help practices might be best helpful for you on the next episode. We'll continue this exploration of the outer planets. So going from here. It's to Neptune and what does Neptune tell us about our own personal identity and it's again a very slow slow moving body in the sky. So it's going to be about generational changes and what happens over many many years. So we'll get into that in the next episode. And if you're enjoying this podcast leave a review and the podcast app and if you want to become a monthly supporter, you can subscribe by clicking the link in the show notes for as let us 99 cents a month. All right. Thanks for listening.
Here in America, we're a month away from the Fourth of July. And as you probably learned in school, it's a celebration of the United States Declaration of Independence, which happened in 1776. So why am I bringing this up? I was doing some research for today's episode, and found that the first constitution wasn't actually written in 1776. It was ratified in 1781. Well, that's the same year that a man named Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus. He thought it was a comet, it was very difficult to see, especially with the technology at that time. But a couple years later, they were able to confirm for sure that it was a new planet. And they named it after the Greek deity, Oranous or Father Sky, the corollary to Mother Earth. So the planet became known as Uranus. 1781 is very significant year for revolution and change and transformation for an entire nation and really for the whole world. And that's the year we discover this planet Uranus. So that gives us a clue of what kind of qualities Uranus brings to your chart and to your life, to the world as a whole, and when Uranus is transiting through your Vedic Astrology chart. We'll talk all about that in today's episode --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome along to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host Ed McKnight and today on the show. We're going to talk about the standard Clauses that you should be aware of when you're about to sign the standard Real Estate Institute of New Zealand and Auckland law District Society contract. And of course, we're G again joined by Shelley Finnell from Henderson Reeves lawyers now on.Last episode we talked about the changes that had come into the rinds and ALDS contract which is the standard contract tool that is used for purchasing property in New Zealand. But let's talk more generally about the Clauses then in there if you've never seen one before or even if you have perhaps there you might not have seen it for a couple of years. We might not have read it properly when it says is some cases so there are a number of Clauses and here we're going to talk about the really really most important ones. So let's start with a standard one Shelly like solicitors. Evil talk to us about what this is and when it can be invoked. So there's not a standard solicitor approval condition and the agreement you would add one if you wanted there's a lot of case law out there about the limited circumstances in which a solicitor approval solicitor could choose to withhold their approval. So if there's a clause that says the solicitor can only withhold approval on the basis of the form and the content of the agreement that basically means unless it is Something wrong with the agreement like an era in the agreement. That's the only basis on which we can withhold approval. So a lot of people think as I've got a solicitors approval clause in there. They can just pull out for any reason they can just say to their solicitor. Please don't approve that agreement that is not the case so we can draft them wider so that we can withhold approval on the basis of other aspects of the agreement. So that's preferable and again gone talk to your solicitor before before you sign the agreement and make sure you you can have a wide one and would somebody only use a solicitor's approval Clause if the if they are signing a contract before they've shown it to their solicitor. I think say aye most people wouldn't put it in a standard a standard agreement because they if they have selected learn I've selected Finance they've selected building inspection. There's a title condition contained in the agreement. So if there's any issues with the title, the lawyer can raise those so Ordinarily and a straightforward agreement. You might not have that solicitor approval. It's generally only if it's it's more complicated and they haven't had the chance to talk with their lawyer most often. I think it's better if you're putting a solicitor approval condition and then you probably need a due diligence as well because it shows that it's probably a bit complicated interesting and hey, there are just two things. I want to pick up on before we move on to the next Clause the and and the takeaway or the my point is this, you know, if you're sitting at home listening to this this don't draft conditions or Clauses yourself. I've talked to a couple of lawyers and they say that I've got the worst thing has when somebody tries to draft their own their own Clauses and their contract because they think it's a good idea. It's just never a good idea and this comes back to something that Shelly and I were actually discussing just before we hit record for the podcast, which is that generally the average person in New Zealand, you know, unless you're doing property investment full-time might only by fop five properties in their lifetime, but Shelly how many properties would you would you? Say in a week, probably a dozen if not more. So so she'll he's going to look at going to look at, you know, more than twice of the number of contracts in a week than most people will look at in their lifetimes when it comes to sell and purchase agreements for property. And so a good lawyer will do everything they can to to give you as much protection as possible and give you as much flexibility as possible. So don't don't don't try and rafter and closes as well because it's and not necessarily rely on the air. Agent as well to pop a Clauson what we often see is there's a copy and paste from another another agreement with some incorrect references. So, yeah, not good. So we have talked about the solicitors approval Clause. Let's talk about the building inspections Clause. So Building Inspections of if someone's buying an existing property, we always obviously recommend you go and get a building inspection under the previous standard agreement. You had 10 working days to get that done. They've extended it to 15 working days, which I actually think is correct because often we do have to delay especially when Builders are really busy doing inspections all over the place that gives you 15 working days to get that Builder throw and then you get a report if you've got some issues whether it can give you time to negotiate the price if that's what you want to do. If you want to reduce the price and your lawyer helps can help you do that and then obviously you can confirm or not satisfy the condition. If you do pull out for a building inspection report, it's always been the case that the vendor can come back to you and they say I'd like a copy of that report and you're obliged to send it to them. They're often trips people up. They especially if they've had a building inspector through the property and they haven't actually given them a written report. It might be amazed. It might be a brother or someone that is a builder and they've come through and inspected it, but the don't actually have a written report. Now these suit and the only certain cases where a building inspection report could trigger a purchaser to pull out of it. It doesn't happen. It doesn't happen that often but there's really no gauge for what you can pull out on either. So it doesn't have to be a major issue. You might just you might just think you didn't really like the tiles on the roof or whatever or there were some problems with it that needed to be Repaired so I don't know how major that issue has to be but it's normally pretty major before people will pull out there's a lot of people pull out a lot for roofs because obviously the consequences of having to replace a reef could be really really is exactly extremely expensive. Let's talk about limb now. So there's that there's a limb clause in there and you had an interesting point there. I wasn't aware of before that before we hit record. What was that so often purchases think that the solicitor order The lamb from the council so we don't it's up to the purchase at a do that you need to pay for it with the council and also as a purchaser you want that limb address to you as the purchaser of the property and basically that's almost like an insurance policy because if it turns out there's something wrong with the limb later in the council's put and Career Information, then you're going to want to go back to the council with your report and your name and say you've reached your duty of care to me and I relied on it. It so we you actually want to be able to order it. We don't have any capacity for ordering it either but we do review them. So soon as you get the limb report you flick it to you as solicitor. We're not Town planners, so we can't necessarily comment on the town planning but things like unconsented works or we'll look at that interesting and and limb just for everybody at home is that land information memorandum you order it from the council and that's basically all of all of the documents that counsel has on. That property for you to review now if counsel does you know say it was that use case that you just talked about before we want it to be addressed to you so that if there was incorrect information on it, you can go back to council and say they've breached their duty of care what would happen in that situation. I have court case. But yeah, it's not something I've tested. I know in Tauranga. They've had that issue with Bella Vista where they've gone back because the council gave them incorrect information. So it really is just a little Litigation process you'd go back to the council and ask for some compensation for damages and then just see where you get to but you're going to be in a stronger position if you've got that limb addressed to you. Yes. Yes. Yes and I think with a lot of these agreements as well and Clauses that were talking about it's it's everything you can do to protect yourself. So that in the event that something did go majorly wrong. This is your insurance policy. This is your protection so that so that you're not in a position. Where you would be severely strained because it is such a big major financial decision. And we also always recommend that you go and get the property file. So you can order that online from the council as well. And that will give you all the information to do with the property that's on on file there. So we definitely recommend you do that as well. Now the next one that we were going to look at was is not necessarily a clause but a tip from Shelly about making sure that the parties names are correct on the agreement. I was so surprised Shelly doesn't actually happen but it does happen as fish. She happens with trust as well or just people don't know you sometimes whose name their property is registered. And if you've got a good Agent, then they're going to get a copy of the title and they're going to make sure that's right. And I guess the other thing about names is making sure that when you put a purchaser name, there's a there's a possibility that you can have and or nominee which means that you can sign an agreement as one person and then you can nominate it to you and your husband for when you can buy it to give us so it's always best if that's not crossed out and I think this is particularly important for property investors where you may you may sign the contract as yourself, so I might sign it as it McKnight, but you may structure it and a trust or you may structure it in a look through company or however you want to do that and this will give you the flexibility to then talk to your solicitor or your tax accountant and figure out well, what is the the most beneficial structure for me to hold this property and but I've still got it into under contract. So let's talk now about the deposits because it's interesting because obviously a developer especially if you're buying a it off planes or will want you to to give your deposit on signing, but obviously you want to generally the purchaser would want it on unconditional. So talk to us about this this Clause Shelly. Yeah, so there's no default and ordinary sale and purchase agreement. So it really well then there is a deposit. An agreement that it's upon signing, but we would always say to our purchases put wording in the front of the pay and the on the front page that the deposit is payable once you've satisfied your conditions and then two last ones were going to talk about let's talk about the due diligence Clause because this is the one that most people will be really interested in. It's the one that's probably when I when I look at the stats of what people are searching for online. It's the one most people are looking for talk to us about out what goes into a really good due diligence Clause. So I really good due diligence Clause is drafted correctly and it's wide and it basically gives the purchaser in their sole discretion the ability to cancel the agreement we can obviously give a clause very we have that standard wide conditions so we can provide that before signing agents will put it in. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes it's not so I always think that is something you go to your go to your Get a wide to diligence condition the Auckland District Law Society in REI and Ziad. They published standard Clauses that you can put into the agreement and they've got a really good why due diligence condition but weirdly agents don't always use it interesting. Well, what will do as well is that will go track that closed down and put that in the show notes as well. So if you guys at home listening want to see that will swipe over the cover art you'll be able to see that there but sometimes it's even simple things like saying that this this causes for the complete benefit of the purchaser and what that means and we were discussing this before we have record as well that if if you have that wording with in there, then the vendor can't come and then cancel the contract base based on that cause I've got that right? Yeah, that's right. And also the picture purchaser can choose to way that condition if they if they don't want to end and the agreement anymore. And is there a minimum a minimum period of DD that that a purchaser? Should expect to have within their well, I think 10 working days at least most of the conditions the default conditions. Well, generally they were 10 working days because the building inspection and the title gave us 10 working days to look at the title. So that's about two weeks. It's a pretty pretty good amount of time to do your investigation now that the building inspection and the Lamar 15 working days if you don't want to be running around and putting pressure on your solicitor or just the fact that You you are going to want to look at the property file from the council and that might take some time. Ideally. I love 15 working days. And the whole reason that were talking about due diligence in these Clauses as well is that if you put a property under contract, then you're able to go through these processes, you know paying for an ordering the limb and paying for a building inspection, but you don't necessarily want to go through all of that cost and time and effort if you don't have a contract on the property And you don't have the right to purchase it which is you know, just just for people who are kind of new to buying and selling property. That's a reason why contracts the kind of structured in this way before you go unconditional and and the past over the last sort of five years. They were a lot of auctions. I obviously auctions were really popular for a long period of time and when you buy auction, it's unconditional you cannot even if it turns out the title. It's got stuff on it that you don't like like a covenant that you can't have pets for example you You cannot pull out of it. And so in that case you are having to do your building inspection your due diligence and order your Lum before you go to auction. So you have a number of purchases doing that. Whereas now we're getting a lot more agreements by negotiation and you can put those conditions and obviously you don't have to spend money until you know, that that price has actually been accepted by the vendor and I think that is fantastic news for purchases as well. Now the last Clause we're going to talk about is around. Kiwisaver to use for your deposit and this isn't necessarily a separate Clause, but I guess a clarification talk to us about this. Okay. So over the last six months a lot a lot of people using kiwisaver to be able to purchase a house with a home state Grant especially when that's off the plans they get a bigger Grant. So that's great. The one thing that can be really problematic is that when people want to use their kiwisaver for a deposit it takes time to witness the Declaration for us to see The application of and then the kiwisaver provider pays within 10 working days. So you really need 15 working days from the date of signing to the payment of the deposit. And the other thing is that we cannot pay that kiwisaver funds to a vendor solicitor unless they give us an undertaking that they're going to hold that till settlement. So in that case, it won't be released to the vendor and the vendor can't use it as a deposit for an on sale. So ideally we put their undertaking in the agreement up. And so that means we don't have to negotiate with the solicitor during the conditional period it's just easier for everyone and then you can definitely use your kiwisaver as a deposit and we can definitely pay it over great. Now, let's wipe it up there. But please don't forget to rate review And subscribe to this podcast. It really does help us get the message out to more people and if you want to learn more about property with Andrew, and I didn't check out our if it kinds of property investment in New Zealand. All you have to do is Google property investment with a second or third thing that comes up click on there and it's Is a 16,000 word completely free guide don't even have to put in your email address where you can you know, read more about this and learn more about property. Thanks for listening to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host Ed McKnight. And we going to be back again tomorrow with even more daily strategies tactics and insight to help you get the most out of the New Zealand property Market until next time.
In this episode, we discuss the key clauses you can use in a sale and purchase agreement when buying property in New Zealand. This is important for NZ property investors because DD clauses can be used to put a property on hold to investigate the property before making it go unconditional. This means that you can agree the properties price in principle (and have the right to purchase the property) while you ensure that it is fit for purpose. We mentioned in the show that we would include a Due Diligence clause you can use: This agreement is entirely conditional upon the Purchaser in its sole discretion being satisfied that the property is suitable for the Purchaser’s intended uses following the Purchaser carrying out due diligence investigations on the overall viability of the property and including but not limited to searching any and all easements, and of any requirements of the local authority or financier, this clause is for the sole benefit of the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall have until 4pm on 10th working day from the date of this contract to give to the Vendor’s solicitor notice that this clause is satisfied failing which the contract shall be at an end. This clause may be waived by the purchaser prior to the prescribed time at the sole discretion of the purchaser.
Before the episode starts. I would like to make a quick disclaimer. This episode was originally intended for my Bible podcast called Bible in depth as I began writing it. I realized yes, it would provide more value for Christians looking for answers on the topic, but the information is just as relevant to anyone listening. I hope you enjoy Yes, the topic no one wants to talk about the topic Christians close in faith as well as the more distant and Faith tend to sweep under the rug as outdated problem is ladies and gentlemen, you can only sweep for so long till the problem beneath the rug turns into a very serious dilemma. Hello and welcome back to another episode of Bible in depth this week. If you haven't been able to guess what we are talking about yet. Yes. It is the topic of fornication AKA premarital sex and sexual immorality. Now before anybody gets uncomfortable. I would like to make you completely aware. This will be no awkward lecture where I shun those who dwell in such practices. In a society where sex is glorified is probably the Paramount of human Indulgence. It is always raised the question to me. Why is everyone so scared to talk about it when it comes to Christian Life as a college student. I am surrounded by peers. Everyday word sex is the topic of casual conversation sex has become so integrated into our culture. I fear we have reached a point of no return movies TV shows social media hookup apps as well as Really easy to access pornographic content on the internet combined with people's little to almost non-existent self-control when it comes to sexual urges has spun the world into what I like to call a sexual frenzy since the cats out of the bag and it seems like it's socially acceptable to openly talk about stuff like this now. Well, it's my turn to load the magazine and start returning fire. I come from a background of a freshman college student where I'm anything but the majority in this discussion, but this nation applies to people of all ages this phenomenon now where Everyone likes to pick and choose what they want to follow and accept out of Jesus teachings is outrageous. If no one wants to talk about this because they're too scared that this is too much to handle. Well, I'm not just here to open the floodgates. I'm also here to show why fornication is scientifically neurologically physically and mentally degrading to your well-being and very well could reveal why problems have Arisen in your life that were never meant to her. Eyes jumping right into this. I would like to clearly stay. I am no saint I'm just like every other person out there who is just as susceptible to sexual desire as the next person. I would also like to stay in the past. I've been on the other side of this argument and know the ins and outs of it as I got older and understood how terribly wrong. I was I knew there was millions of kids just like myself who still have yet to learn and comprehend these very serious issues. Fact after fact life experience afterlife experience relationships destroyed habits formed. I haven't had the easiest time with this myself. It just goes to show how susceptible we all are but more importantly it shows that you can put a stop to something that will have terrible consequences later in life. I'm going to keep this as simple and as straightforward as possible and let's get to it Point. Number one. The Bible's view on sex is outdated and Irrelevant in Society this is the most common one I tend to here and this is why I'm addressing it first for starters as Christians. We love and respect God we seek Him for guidance and understanding about things. We simply just can't comprehend. I really want you to ask yourself this question when Jesus traveled around preaching about anything that involves self-control or abstinence from any action. Do you think he did it in a selfish controlling way because he said so do you think it was nothing more than a finger wag in a quick scold there was clearly something we couldn't see when we messed around with things that weren't designed to be messed around with Jesus preached about topics like this including fornication because he knew how dangerous it could be to us. God doesn't want to see us suffer of our own doing just like a parent would hate to see their child suffer because the child simply doesn't know any better look back to when you were a young kid on Halloween night if you were a trick or Do you would usually return home with all this new great candy you couldn't wait to eat. Unfortunately, your parents probably took 95% of that candy and hid it away. You couldn't wrap your head around why they would try to stop you from having something as great as that candy from the standpoint of the parents. They knew if they just gave the kid all the candy the kid would be chowing down all night until they get sick the parents withheld the candy because the kid didn't understand they would just end up harming themselves if they got Got to have it all due to a child's very little self-control as the kid gets older and becomes apparent themselves. They realize the importance of what their parents did for them when they were younger and understood they were just trying to take care of them in the long run. Now, let's flip this analogy with more adult topics where God is the parent. We are the children and sex is the candy. Yes. It's honestly a laughable imperfect analogy, but if you look at how God tells us to withhold from sexual activity. Until we get married. It's because we simply don't understand what we're getting ourselves into until we can see things from that much more mature point of view. You have to understand the Bible never says sex is inherently bad sex is often described as one of the greatest gifts God's ever promised to mankind. But with this being said it was designed to be used in a specific way not indulged in by the wandering child who simply doesn't know any better. When we look at God's laws from this angle, we still wonder if the question but why do we have to wait till marriage to have sex though God doesn't provide us with a hundred page scientific monologue about why it's inherently bad. I think the clear and obvious distinctions make themselves known one sex before marriage puts the element of family it risk. The family is considered sacred in the Bible and God very clearly prohibits anything that could potentially harm the family. We unit the Bible also makes it very clear society as we know it is built on families without strong family values children can have a very difficult time growing up in a household that is supported by a lone parent or a struggling set of parents premarital sex puts the greatest risk on to individuals to have a child when they simply aren't intimately ready or financially stable enough at that point in their lives due to this. We now see a significant spike in abortions, but that's a topic for another day as there are many statistics about healthy families and the sociological advantages. They have one statistic shines above all the others and that is a child that is born into a dual parent household statistically is recorded to have the highest percent chance of success in life going into their future. It is clear children were meant to be raised in a healthy family that was built on very real values those parents shared. The tragic reality that we see today is broken families all across the us as well as the world families that weren't ready to be started families that are torn apart by irresponsibility and poor choices, but most importantly the children who have been brought into this world who are now at a significant disadvantage because their parents couldn't wait until a much more opportunistic time to have children under much more appropriate circumstances. It's not the child's. Fault, it's the parents. Oh, but let's not stop there. I can already hear you saying oh, but we have contraception nowadays. They didn't have that back then so it was much more dangerous to things there one as contraception was seen as the Saving Grace there is still a very serious problem with teen pregnancy as well as pregnancy among young unmarried adults not to mention a large majority of people simply not even using contraception in the interest of pleasure and to One of the most commonly mistaken purposes of sex not only biblically but scientifically is that it was only designed for Reproductive purposes. This is entirely incorrect Genesis. 2:24. God himself said for this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh. Not to mention Matthew Mark and Paul repeatedly said the exact same thing on multiple different occasions to Different churches and groups of individuals Matthew 19:5 through six Mark 10 7 through 9 Ephesians 5:31 First Corinthians, 6:16 all repeat the same concept the sex does not just create life, but it forms a link between the male and female making them one flesh. The Bible also refers to sex is a bonding agent that man and wife used to grow closer to one. Another even going to say how the marriage bed is sacred and should be kept. Holy Hebrews 13:4. Yes, this is great and all but what's the point here? It's the sex is just as much as a tool to unify husband and wife as it is to create life. I'm sure God was well aware that man and wife might have a hard time putting up with one another for the rest of their lives. So we provided them a way that allows that bond to stay strong even when times get difficult in marriage with all this being said, there's a catch I often People talk about how they have moved around from partner to partner just fine without this unification taking place and they can continue to go about living their daily life. Just fine little do they know they just admitted to the catch. I'm referring to its that this bonding agent wears down and its Effectiveness the more its exploited. I want you to look at it, like a piece of tape every time a person decides to have sex with a partner. They metaphorically stick that tape on them when those individuals separate or Part ways they rip off their pieces of tape and go about living their daily lives soon enough, they find another partner and yet again, they stick their tape on to them that doesn't work out either and conclusively they have to rip off their tape yet. Again. This goes on for three four five six seven more individuals until their tape basically can't stick to anything anymore. This is an unfortunate reality for a lot of people and the most common remedy people resort to is. Dwelling deep into their sexual fantasies or other taboo means of creating the heigen sex was never designed to be this expedition of Wonder lusting and chasing Highs but nowadays that seems to be all it is anymore with everything. I just stated in mind. We simply cannot forget sex is just as much of a drug as other substances out there and we are just as prone to addiction of it. The more a person dives into their sexual fantasies the stronger the high get sin turn the harder. The spell is to crack should you want to get out of all of this? Like I said earlier in the podcast the easy access Society has to porn hookup apps and other means of quickly satisfying these urges has only exacerbated the situation way out of proportion relationships gone toxic irrational decisions made anxiety over thinking the list goes on and on. And and on the side effects of premarital sex will have an impact on not just the younger generation. But the ones that come in the near future studies from multiple sources, but the most notable being from the American Psychological Association showed the correlation specifically between hookup culture and loneliness and depression while the students were engaged in sexual activities. They reported a decrease in loneliness and a decrease in depression shortly after When the students were surveyed later, they largely reported an increase in depression as well as loneliness as a result of their actions earlier. This positive feedback loop is a very dangerous one to fall into for an individual can become deeply dependent on a sexual relationship as a form of connecting with others and avoiding depression. I'm sure you're able to tell why this can be so dangerous for someone depended on sex and sexual partners to fill that void in their life it could This traffic not to mention all of the other addictive properties of sex. This was all just point number one and I hope you can now better see why the information the Bible provides us with is anything but outdated. In fact, I'd be willing to bet it is more relevant today than it was 2,000 years ago Point. Number two. This one is a little more straightforward than the previous point, but it is the premature sex pornography consumption and sexual addiction has very real world consequences. Winces unintended pregnancy flips a person's life upside down forcing them into a very stressful Narrow Path sexually transmitted diseases are another very real consequence where your probability Rises with each partner you sleep with. I was just recently talking to a friend who is telling me how his old buddy has to take medication every day for an STD. He picked up decades before and now has to deal with annual breakouts all across his body. This is happy marriage suffering because he made a bad choice earlier in life, which has removed that intimacy him and his wife could have had the problem of sexual addiction is a very real issue. I frequently see friends mocking someone with a drug or nicotine addiction talking about them behind their back when in reality that friend suffers from a very serious masturbation problem that they cannot control. People try to sweep a sexual addiction under the rug like it's not a problem, but ladies and gentlemen, it is a very real problem. It can impact you in ways. You may have never thought it could a diminishing self-confidence no drive to do anything long term low energy and wasted time on pointless stimulation. I digress but before I get any deeper into that, let's round the wagon and in this on my last point point number three, let's finally You look at Society for starters. I'd really like to ask each and every one of you how you think this new openness to sex has reshaped Society. Do you think we are better off because of it? Do you really think the previous generations had it wrong? And now finally we got it, right. Do you really think the knowledge contained in the Bible is just simply outdated. Let's look at some numbers now. I'm sure many people would be interested in seeing the divorce rates around the world and Yes between 1970 and 2008 they have statistically doubled but for the sake of staying on topic, I'd like to turn the conversation and a much more Sinister Direction marriage rates marriage rates are significantly dropping. Yes talking about divorce could show us how premarital sex impacts the longevity of a relationship in marriage. There's just one problem with looking at things from this standpoint a couple can't get divorced if they never got married in the first place. With hookup culture On The Rise as a very strong alternative to long-term relationships and marriage. The question arises. Will Society get content where we're at right now. You know as a college student all I've ever heard my whole life was the saying college is this crazy experience where you get to do all of this stuff and get it out of your system so you don't have to be bothered by it later in life. What a joke. One of the biggest lies you could tell yourself is. Oh, I'll just deeply indulge in something to get it out of my system and I'm speaking to all the young adults and college students out there if you were trying to get Over an alcohol addiction would you deeply indulge in it to quote unquote get it out of your system. Of course, not you would stop drinking alcohol. It still makes me laugh that the people that tell me this kind of advice are on their second or third marriage and still struggling with the same problem. I get sometimes marriages don't always work out and maybe they were just a little rushed or something came up, but I also get sometimes people willingly walk up to the doorstep of Destruction. And and happily walk right in I would like to say I can probably relate to most people who struggle with this especially as young adults and I'll let you know why the thought of abstinence bothers you so much sure you don't get to experience sex sure. You don't get to join in on what it seems like everyone else is doing sure you might be looked at as an outlier. But the reason that it really hurts to admit is because there's a good chance you're scared. You're only going Have one opportunity to be a kid. You only have one chance to live life on the edge one chance to enjoy crazy things like sex with multiple different partners with no strings attached one chance before it's all over and you're just another adult telling the younger generation to live it up in college that my friends is one of the biggest deceptions the world has to offer it is nothing more than a half-truth a bait-and-switch if he met You see you're right. You do only have one chance to be a kid for those of you in high school college as well as young adults out. There you are in the prime of your life age-wise. So to speak you theoretically are at the best point to take risk do crazy things experience things. You might never get around to when you're older and I'd encourage you to go do all of those things truly but when it comes to sex, there's a reason the Bible doesn't prohibit taking risk. There's a reason The Bible doesn't say don't do anything crazy when you're young but let's not get ahead of ourselves though, but there is a reason why the Bible says hey I know sex is great. But let's save that for a better day when we're settled down with someone. We really do love and want to spend the rest of our lives with so we don't have to deal with all the suffering that comes with indulging in it too soon. God doesn't want to be the person who ruins all of the fun in your life. He's just the person who wants to make sure going into the rest of your life. You don't make a mistake that very well could cost you your entire future. To wrap this up folks sex has been put on a pedestal and Society just as much as it has been glorified and praised. It has destroyed lives and ruined families. The goal of this episode was never to try and sway you to my way of thinking but I know a large majority of people out there are on the opposing side of this argument and the real point of the episode was designed to provide Insight on the very real dangers of not only premarital sex. But sex in general at the end of the day the decision is yours to make for the Christians out there. I hope this has provided you with some insight on why God may have thought sex is best. For us at a more mature point in our lives and for the people who aren't religious. I hope you can now understand why sex is not something to play around with like it's no big deal. I got another dump truck full of facts studies Diagnostics brain scans. Here's the point ladies and gentlemen, I have presented the evidence to you. I have proved my case Beyond a reasonable doubt if you're listening to this and you are on the opposing side of the argument. Aunt I was just like you about six months ago, I'm not proud to say that I'm not proud to admit I was so unbelievably wrong about something I argued for years though everything I learned and experienced I present you with this and I hope you can make the same change that I made may God bless us all and thank you for tuning in.
Quick FYI, this episode was originally designed for my Bible In-depht podcast but I decided to upload it to both channels due to the value it can potentially bring to people on the fence about the topic. I would like to say this wasn't the easiest podcast for me to record as the topic has been on my mind years before I ever decided to change the way I was going with it. I hope you guys can absorb the information with an open mind and try to rationalize the points I make, to see if going into the future this is a decision you would want to make as well. As a freshmen college student, I frequently saw peers of mine brushing this topic off until they decided "It would be easier to deal with". Just live it up in college and settle down with someone later then decide to be religious right? I got frustrated when I saw so many people coming to this conclusion because its nothing more than a cop out. It's nothing more than saying "I don't wanna follow the rules when the rules are hard to follow, but ill follow them when its more convenient to me and they're easier to follow" going into the future everyone gets to make decisions for themselves and whatever they decide to do I wish them the best. But for the young christians out there I really do hope you can make the decision to start enduring trials when they're at their hardest, not when they're at their easiest. LINKS FOR ALL MY SOURCES
so we can hello everyone and welcome to living in this queer body a podcast about barriers to embodiment and how our Collective body stories can bring us back to ourselves I mashup injures and as always it's really nice to have you here. I'm pleased to be offering our 27th episode with a very lovely person and I will tell you about it in just A moment as always I typically have an announcement and I have an announcement today part of my announcement is to let folks know who are not already enrolled in receiving my newsletter, which you can do by just going to living in the square and there will be a pop up and you can just put your email address in there. But for those of you who haven't gotten my newsletter my update is that my practices Personal practice private practice is full and so are my one-on-one spots right now. So I'm really focusing on doing that work and trying to sustainably make the podcast happen every other week. If you're interested in helping me to make that more sustainable. I would love a donation. You can either do that through the link in the Notes, or you can go to living in this queer and there is a button that you can click and it says support so that would be great. But in the meantime, I have an offering that is going to be fully announced probably in about a couple of weeks maybe a month and it is going to be a three-month program intensive that It follows the theme of trying to find he's in are fluctuating bodies are often times disembodied bodies are bodies that require patience and care and that is the teaser. I guess the program itself. The details will be coming out soon and about a month, but the structure Is an intimate group of people who commit to working together over the course of three months with me and if that is something that is potentially interesting for you there is going to be a link in the show notes and also a link on my website to sign up for the wait list to find out about the program. It'll be a relatively intimate group and and I think we'll do some amazing work if my workshops and the feeling I get during and after the workshops is any indication of what working more intensively with all of you who are invested in some of the same questions. I am might be then I think it's going to be a really cool experience. So again that waitlists link will be in the newsletter. It'll be on my website and if you have any questions I'll answer them in about a month, but put your name on the list so you can find out more and I want to let you know that during the recording of this episode 27 a relatively loud rain storm began. So hopefully you can listen to this lovely conversation while you also enjoy the winter rain pelting my office window, and I think it's going to be Hopefully not super noticeable. I have a wonderful editor who can do a lot of amazing things with sound but not with the intensity of the rain that was happening this day. So I hope you enjoy the episode. I was really pleased to be speaking with Gloria Noto she and I talked about the power of incubating yourself and your artistic practice Life as a Are first-generation Sicilian activism as identity growing in power during the Detroit Punk scene as a youth and much more Gloria was a really generous and warm guest and I hope you enjoy the episode and learn more about all the things that she's doing Gloria Noto is the founder of Noto botanics a non-binary. Cyril product line you can connect with all things Noto it Noto underscore botanics on Instagram or no tow And if you're in Allah, they now have a flagship store that just opened in Highland Park. So I hope you continue listening continue sending me your feedback sign up for the waitlist to potentially work more intensively with And the spring and thank you as always for your support. So hi, Gloria, thank you so much for joining me. Hi. Thanks for having me. I'm so excited to talk to you. Yeah, me too. I'm really glad we're able to do this and I just want to mention that you are we're talking kind of right around the time that you are. Seeing a really big project which we will get into later are continuing to launch a big project. And so I definitely appreciate you taking the time to chat to chat during its Duvall that frenzy. So I guess you know the way I typically like to start is by asking folks to reflect on some of their earliest memories of being in a body or learning about being in a body like messages you received or anything anything around embodiment and early memories. Yeah II have I have very early memories of both of these things and I think I could answer something for both of the point. Both of the questions made being in a person's my personal body and then me being aware of bodies. I have a Have a much older sister. She's 16 years older than I am and my so as a kid as a very small kid. I like kind of idolized her. She was my bigger sister and she was so cool. And so beautiful and she was she was very different than she is very different than me even still we've been very different ever since I was born but I just kind of remember seeing basically what I mean by that is that she's she's like the traditional sense of what a woman in like a pretty picture I call or like very feminine or some version of a woman very like well, I'm sure Louis long hair big lips, you know, very curvy and I remember as a child can always looking up to her and seeing her beauty and her the way her body was unlike understanding what sexuality was and like all that sort of thing. Like what a body does specifically what the female body can do, too. Ignite reaction towards from from others. That was something I kind of learned in at a very young age and then for myself, I think I kind of realized. That I had a body. I mean, I'm sure that they were earlier memories that I was aware of that. I had a body obviously but that I you know, I had arms or legs or I had this you know, whatever it is. I had eyes I remember staring at myself in the mirror the kid and just like looking through my eyeballs wondering kind of what those were. I looking at my teeth because I had a had a really big gap when I was a kid. Like I still have a gap but when I was a baby it was easy. Is much bigger just like looking at all these body parts and just wondering what they all were. But particularly when I was in I think Fourth grade, I remember I mean, how old are you in 4th grade? Are you like nine? Yeah, something like that ate something like that. Yeah feel like it was maybe I was eight. I was talking to my teacher and I just remember I was wearing like kind of like, oh the kids I was just ringing. It's like a little tight like spandex you sort of shirt and I just remember kind of looking down and realizing that I had boobs. And being so ashamed of it and I like remembering that second crossing my arms like and and being just kind of traumatized and not knowing what to do about it and not knowing what it meant. Really other than I probably should be wearing a bra or something like that from what I had seen, you know, it was my first time realizing that my body was sort of different than You know that differentiation when you start to develop and there was I just remember being really traumatized by it. And that's actually something that's not totally left me as an adult. I mean they're it's really funny because I'm actually piecing it together as we talk. There's like always I get this like wash of discomfort when sometimes not all the time. Like it's just like this very deep deep deep part of me that comes up once in a while or I kind of have this. weird feeling in my body when I when I realized like when I when I sense my like the way my body is shaped or like the fact that I do have breasts are like those sorts of things. It's kind of like this very strange discomfort at the same time. I'm also very comfortable in my body, but I think it's that sort of acknowledgement as a child that I didn't I like I also developed very early as a child. I'm Cecilia and I have a very curvy body as well and I just sort of developed really really quickly. And so I did Different than all my friends at my forever. Even you can still even now I supposed to prefer one of my friends. But yeah, it was just always something that I kind of felt a little uncomfortable with because I had like so much of these things and it sounds like part of the shocking like the you know, I have a daughter who is 10 and you know, I'm it's very your so your story is really like resonant with Has me in a way because it's really striking to me that you part of the shock and like yeah the shock I guess is just you know, a natural like it happens because we are bodies start changing but I think it's all it also sounds like you didn't really have a context at home or a like a space or a dialogue to kind of understand what was happening exactly or to prepare for it or two. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I didn't I had an older sister like I said or have and I also have three older brothers and the youngest of five. Okay. And yeah, and by the time I kind of came around my parents pretty quickly got divorced after that point and for the most snow. Yeah, I mean my mom my mom was I didn't live with my father. So it was just me and my mom and my parents are from Sicily so they I'm first generation and They my mother didn't come from a background where you talked to your children about anything really especially about sexuality or bodies or anything. I had to figure all of it out. I had to figure out like what to do with my period And I got my period I had to figure out how to like get you know, these sorts of fantasies. Yeah. It just wasn't it wasn't that sort of environment for me. So and and basically around that time my My brothers and my sister they all had moved out. So in a sense, I was like an only child it was just me, you know figuring it out. Right and I didn't really know how to figure it out. So I just kind of like, I don't know piece things together like learning to my friends or maybe my sister would like interject here and there but yeah, it was it was it was a very difficult thing for me because I felt so confused about it all and I didn't know what to do with it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I think I mean I'm curious to hear sort of you mentioned that some of these feelings like that kind of part of you that you know, nine-year-old part of you still like I don't know experiences some kind of disorientation or shock just at confronting your body at times but it but I wonder what what stands out to you as some of the things that helped you to fill in the gaps as you have become. Adult, you know and like what what is help support you in kind of like creating a story or a narrative about yourself and your body and your sexuality and all of that like what are the yeah. Yeah, I mean So I think what you're asking is like what how did I learn about? Yeah. Yeah, and how what yeah, where did you turn like who? Yeah who helped you what helped you? Yeah, I would say I mean kind of in that typical Sense movies music kind of are you know, like magazines. I read a lot of magazines as a kid. And when you're younger and a lot of ways, you kind of you kind of even still your kind of told. By the popular media of what your body is what it's supposed to do what it's supposed to be for and I think it wasn't until I was a little bit so so basically, you know kind of growing up I felt like seeing my sister being super comfortable with her body very comfortable with her body very comfortable with her sexuality my mother and the same way very comfortable. Well, Our goal in the sense of how to decorate it, I guess and and then, you know reading these magazines and watching these movies. I kind of grew up thinking like women are supposed to be really sexy. Yeah, and so I kind of fell into the place of understanding the power behind that and really really kind of embodied that growing up because you know, you get you get the certain you get this like certain type of attention because of that and you're like reading in these magazines and watching these movies that say this is validation and then right get that validation and then you think that you know what you're supposed to be. So I think it didn't really hit me until I was a little bit older I moved out when I was pretty young. I was just barely 16 when I moved out and I think it didn't hit me until I went to art school and it kind of Hit me at that point when I when I graduated high school, I went to even though I moved out I went to a private school. If I kept I kept going to my high school just because I figured it why not but after graduation, I went to an art school. And that's I think what my my world kind of opened up as far as counterculture and understanding what that meant, you know as far as identity goes or what identity could be. As I was starting to get towards graduation and high school. I was starting to flow into these ways, but I didn't have an outlet. I didn't know those kids. I didn't know where those places were. I just knew that the music I was listening to is starting to move into these countercultures or the you know, and so these different different areas that the kids in my high school my very very small Christian High School one aware of and so when I when I graduated I just Then a exploded I just got really into like the goth and punk scene. And you know, I just was sort of like I just went a little I just went I just went free basically I just started stressing crazy and painting masks on my face and you know wearing just wearing the craziest thing that I would make with my friends or unifying or whatever and Funny enough. I think that's kind of when like my experimenting with what being queer Matt kind of kind of came to be because in a lot of you know in a lot of ways what I was what I was playing with there was very queer, but I just didn't quite realize it yet. I thought it was just like just another form of expression, you know and understand what that expression actually Was but you know really changing the way my body look during that time to like altering everything. I mean piercing and tattooing and just like exposing or not exposing certain things that were very taboo in that sense. That was kind of when I think I really started diving into what my body met, you know in an expression way. We're you Do you feel like you were I mean, it sounds like you keep you've used the word play, you know, like you were really playing with possibilities and stuff. But you know, were you also emulating where there's certain people that you're like, I that's that's who I want to be or you know, I want to be just like that or was that part of it for you? I don't think it was this is kind of in like an ongoing theme in my life where and it's always been very difficult. Me to pinpoint like one specific inspiration. I never I never I kind of envied those that had that in a sense that we're like, I know exactly like this is the thing that I want. This is the thing that I love or this is the thing that I want to be great. Um, I think I was just inspired by so many different things that I was kind of I was just sort of like a Melting Pot of pulling from all those Inspirations and like you know you You hang out with your Crews of friends and you kind of inspire one another and you kind of play off of each other's thing and I think I think because even at that time I was also still very like in insulated with what I was I wasn't I wasn't totally I didn't have like a lot of friends. I didn't do a lot of different things. I kind of had like the few little things that they really like to do, but I did those hard like I really window into those things. So no, it wasn't like there wasn't one particular inspiration. There were so many Inspirations and I think a lot of it did come from music and a lot of it came from art because you know, when at that age around 17, I was like really truly decided that I wanted to be an artist and so I just dope into that experimentation of just playing with as much as I could. Yeah, so it just it kind of all pushed around and came around to different areas and just constantly involved in something new and just you have you had that like I had that like freedom and carelessness to be able to allow myself to think into those different feelings and moods and Inspirations and Lang whims. Basically, you know, where were you doing this? Where was this happening? Like what was the scene? Yeah, I was in Detroit. Yeah, I'm from Detroit originally. So it was a very I don't know if you know too much about that like downtown Detroit, but it's kind of an ideal place for that because especially around the early 90s. I'm sorry the early 2000s around the time when I was hanging out down there. It was it was awesome. I mean it was very experimental very very raw very fun still like very underground still like you didn't, you know, you didn't really know where to go unless you know, you were kind of in the thing, you know in whatever it was that you were in so it was just really dangerous at times but also, Just just kind of just real it was like just actually happening, you know, but in front of your eyes it was free. Obviously pre Instagram free SmartPhone the internet was just sort of, you know, becoming like a bigger thing and you maybe had friends stirs figure livejournal totally, right? Yeah, but like otherwise, you know you were in it you weren't trying to just like create something to post them on on the computer, but we were like living it. Yeah, you feel Nostalgia for that time. I do I ever a lot a lot almost every day really for sure. I mean I had said, you know, I'm going to I'm an adult now and I love you know, I love the things that I do and I'm so grateful that I have the freedom to support my life and support my bigger picture goals for sure, but You know, there's a time there was a time when my my biggest goal was pining to be an artist and what I was going to you know, where I was going to go out to and like what music was it was just too you know, so that's definitely a special time and I do try to incorporate some of those feelings into my life. So I don't feel too detached from it but a time when you didn't care about You know building a business on social media or like yeah, you know, not even that wasn't even a thought in your mind. Like that wasn't even a possibility or you know, just like social media in general or like having to check emails or any of that stuff just being in reality the three-dimensional world. It more. Yeah for sure Atlee. I definitely miss that a little bit but hmm. Okay can't go back. Yeah, I can't go back and also it seems like you know, I mean, I'm curious to hear about maybe how you do feel like you're incorporating some of the really I don't know ask from an aesthetic point of view or whatever like what you are taking from that time and What you learned about yourself and how that is is kind of still present in some ways in your life and business. Wow, for sure. I think you know, there's something really special about incubating yourself in your things that you love, you know, like like your music or your art or whatever like having that silence around you to not be distracted to like easy, but lazy to fraction of moving to check your email or whatever the case is not you know not having that break of flow. So I feel like at that age. I really developed what being in a flow statement because I was really submerged in my art and I you know and like figuring out what my art was for myself or figuring out what I was into in a really submerged myself and so much music. And so much so much so many experiences and so much art and those sorts of things that a lot of what I know now is because of that time I definitely learned, you know, I definitely learn things. I'm very I'm as most people are I'm very curious person. I'm still very interested in learning but the things that really make me make me who I am currently are. Hugely inspired by what I submerged myself into as a kid. I mean my company the Aesthetics of it are spawned because of like my discovering Helmut Lang or discovering ck1 or like, you know what I mean, like kind of discovering these like androgynous ideas of the early 90s and and like so that's something that really has bled through with me or Like the the type of feeling that I try to produce through through a lot of my work has has Beginnings in that sort of time for me as well. But you know, it's just it's just kind of like the thread of what makes you you I'm sure that like there's a lot for yourself to that. You still are very connected to during those times when you were in your, you know, mid-teens or two into your 20s. Because it's just like when you discover your own taste when you discover, you're right what turns you on and you know, yeah what turns your head in a real way and I'm not just kind of what you've been told. You know, what you've been told ya it sounds like a specially powerful for you because of because there's there was some kind of like constriction of emotions and exposure to different things, you know, and Early childhood and so I can imagine and can relate to also actually growing up very religious and myself and in in Missouri and like really kind of going through that period of exposure to whoa the world is way bigger than I thought it was and like I have preferences and tastes and all of this nothing's of and they can see how you know, just kind of like witnessing from afar witnessing your your your business, you know, developing. And I can see the ways that. You know those influences that you're referring to, you know, kind of like that androgynous, you know aesthetic and like the the power of that really does visually connect to a time that that resonates for me too. I'm and so maybe we could talk a little bit about you know, kind of how you got to where you are with your business. And yeah tell folks. Yeah about that and what it's like to be I don't know business owner and a la la It were hey. Yeah, I mean it's it's pretty crazy because when I moved to LA I wanted so I dropped out of art school. I thought I was going to be like a conceptual Furniture designer and I decided I found these leg these books that famous makeup artist coming a Quant he had put these like beautiful makeup looks at where he completely transformed his models. And I was working at a thrift store and that they came up to the register and I was like, my mind was blown. I was like, wait a minute. I can I could do this for a job. Hmm, and I kind of decided like at that moment. I'm dropping at our school. I don't want to be I don't want people to tell me how to make my art I want to but I but I can do this as a job and I know I could do do well at it. So I dropped I didn't drop out are so I just didn't. No, yeah, technically I bet I didn't go back and finish that year and then I didn't I didn't go back but I'm I just started diving into doing makeup. And like I said, I had been doing quite a bit on my own self and my friends and just I was just developing the skill that I knew I actually had and then I decided to go full force. I was doing photo shoots and just really putting all of my energies into creating. This skill. I mean as a kid I should have I should have figured it would go into some Direction like this as a kid. I would run home to watch Twilight Zone and passion TV. This is two things. I watch back-to-back and I so I knew that I had like anything that was a huge influence for me, you know kids living in Michigan watching this shows fashion TV show or was just like Runway after Runway after Runway, and I was just mesmerised by The like imagination behind it all and I and then I became a makeup artist. I was really trying to kind of recreate that feeling for myself. But I knew I had to move out of Detroit to actually make a true career out of it because there really wasn't and isn't a True Market in Detroit for that. So I was like I gotta go and it was in between a few different places. I was broke. I was like Now maybe 21 or 22. I think. Yeah, I think I moved to LA when I was 22 and I almost moved to New York, but I didn't know anyone in New York and you had to like pay a broker fee and and like all these things that I had to move to New York with lots of money, which I didn't have but at the time to move to LA you needed nothing it was time and I was like, you know what? Let me get some sunshine to so you get out of here. And so I moved to LA and I I was working for a Makeup Company time and eventually I left there to go freelance inside with an agency and just started diving into being a true makeup artist in LA and then started going back and forth to New York. So doing the shows and just doing all that cut too many many many years later like 10 years down the line. I was just sort of I was in between that time I was working with some of the best people in the industry and making lots of money as a makeup artist. I couldn't believe that you could make that much, you know that kind of money and really building a name for myself and a technique that people knew and like they knew the hired me that they would get very clean very, you know, whatever aesthetic and I just I just kept getting more and more. Your clients and looking more and more jobs and I just started to become a robot. I should again to autopilot and a few, you know, a few years down the line. I was just like wait what the hell am I doing? Because I'm not doing what I thought I would be doing. You know, like I didn't move to New York. I stayed in LA and it's a very different industry here and I just was like working six days a week and I had the art magazine because I needed to cream. Outlet for myself that was created, but that was also a lot of work. So I was just just a second workaholic basically and even after that point I was like wait, what am I doing? You know even with the magazine I was like losing sight of I think I was just out putting so much for everyone out everyone else. I've been sort of thinking about my own. Yeah creativity, you know my own Inspirations. Yeah, you really doing the opposite of the incubation and the flow stuff like yeah. Yeah exactly. I was very much like just kind of lost. So I just I started to ask myself lots of questions. You know, what was it that I wanted what does inspire me? You know all these are the things I kind of is going through a lot of personal internal changes spiritually like physically health-wise just a lot of different things that I was discovering for myself and it was kind of around the time and I was getting clients that were asking me more and more more like especially specifically celebrity client that were like, I only want a natural I only want organic makeup on me only what vegan makeup on me everyone. But you know, I had one client that went to the extreme of I had to boiled beets to use as a lip stain for them. He's on her like wow, so it was just sort of like what's going on here, you know, and and so I started to develop I sort of just mixing and making my own products to use on models and onset and with and with my clients and and I also love using them on myself because I was I had this crazy crazy. Bowl terrible terrible skin throughout my entire 20s and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I was eating, you know, I cleaned up my diet. I was really physically active. I was like doing all the things that my skin was just not not budging and and then kind of almost around 30 years old when I was trimming like, I think it's like 29 I started to really make my own products and I really art of looking at the wellness clean Beauty if you will industry at that time specifically, it's like kind of like the more popularization of it and I was just kind of really bored with it and a little of fun than you know, a little offended by it too because it was extremely prestigious. It was extremely expensive. It was terribly designed and it was catered to you know how chic white women that lived in like Canyon, you know that sort of thing, right and very obviously cisgendered straight and are you know, I was I was I wasn't a lot of those things my friends that also cared about what they were putting on their body weren't those things a lot of people that I knew weren't those things and so that was kind of around the time when I was like, what am I doing with my life? What's my output? What am I working on I care about what's this like Gap in the industry that I feel like maybe I could have you know shift and create a bit of a different platform for and all these sorts of things came together and and I kind of was like, alright. I almost I almost quit this industry and I almost like walked away and just started something totally new and I would maybe I maybe I can put these like ten plus years of Serious experience and to developing a new thing for myself, huh? So a lot of different holes came into play as to why I started my my line and and then I started it and it was it was I was so far. I was I was very fortunate. I obviously came from a background of the industry of those that would want to write about it or want to use it more want to promote it, you know, so I had a lot lot of Leverage in that space and I was using all of that because I really believed that there were no voices for queer identified or you know people of color just so many different places that the queen beauty industry was ignoring, you know, creating a design that felt minimal and clean and didn't need to look like like it was growing out of the ground and that's it. Early with but still having the ingredients that grew out of the ground. So it's just was really well received. I was really and I was I just started it. Honestly like it was just a couple hundred bucks made what I could how I could when I could depending on who's ordering just started out really really really small. I was like making the my kitchen hmm. I mean, I remember flipping a tray over of just made like like like these highlighter pots that I make and I just like highlighter flying everywhere and this I'm sure you could probably still find it on my kitchen if you look deep enough, but like just it was very Grassroots very bootstrap and it just slowly picked up more and more and more and I was slowly been able to like hire a team and slowly able to update my packaging and and then now at this point, you know, we have systems and we have Certifications and we have it's just like it kind of blows my mind to where we're at right now because it's been almost to the day for years and that's kind of flown by a bit quite quite quickly and considering what we've achieved honestly probably the last two years because for the first two years I was still doing makeup full-time and didn't really have much of a team. Team. So in the last like two years we've really turned this company to a serious real functioning company and crazy and now we're opening a store and less than a week. That's amazing. It's yeah quite a story. I mean, it's really it's really cool. And I think part of the reason that I wanted to talk to you and hear your story has to do with the in which you are positioned at the crossroads of this like something that I work or you know around which is the the kind of clean clean / Wellness industry that is very offensive and alienating and creates all sorts of problems and yet there are a lot of people and yet it's also, you know, some of the principles are things that that you know our have like a lot of integrity and really matter and I guess, you know, you're at the crossroads of that and also being queer promoting, you know, like a line of you know, beauty products adornments like for all people. It's like a unisexual kind of thing, you know, and yeah that that just feels like a very interesting intervention for me and clearly to a lot of other people who are Really into your into your line, but has it been hard to kind of I don't know like continually assert or stay stay kind of focused on I don't know like the weirdness or the strangeness or the the kind of like intervention that you're you're doing or engaging in. Well, I mean to be honest. I feel like we could get so much weirder when you get so much finger and we can get so much real with it so much more real with it. I think I don't think it's too difficult for me to do that. I'm I want to do that. I want to push the boundaries even more. I mean, I think that in the beginning I wasn't pushing the boundary enough and I was trying to truly appeal to like everyone than make it feel very like Neutron that sense but I wasn't pushing the boundary where it should be it felt it still felt very like it didn't feel like my true messaging and funny enough. It was like around the time when she come started running for presidency. I was like what the fuck's going on like I gotta I gotta quit doing everything and run an email wrong bra - something. I don't know but that's around that and then I was like, okay, let's relax. What can I actually do and that was when we launched our agenda oil and this is an oil that I made that specifically for like any hair that you decide to grow pubic hair underarm hair like hair. Her head hair face hair whatever hair and it is also our it's a product that we make that we donate a percentage of profits from our direct sales towards rotating organizations and generally a lot having to do with the queer community and I that was a wake-up call for me where I was like stop trying to make everyone happy and push your message even harder, you know. And I think that's like around the time we started using a lot of the models that we use our friends of mine or people that have now become friends of mine. But like it's really started using more trans models or or non-binary models like that specifically for me. I thought it was something we were celebrating enough. And so now that's definitely like a focal point for me and every single photo shoot. I want to include everybody, you know, non-binary trans individuals like cisgender people, whatever you Whatever feels right for the shoe. I want to include everybody and I do so that's kind of that's I feel like there's a lot of Brands out there that are trying to play the gender-fluid rural right now and it's just it's cool that you that you want to include everyone. But like when you come to the top of understanding where that's coming from like who's behind the brand is a you know, is it a person is a corporation? And whatever the case is like what is their belief like where they actually spending their money where they taking money from are they trying to just like kind of pimp out this concept or is this actually something that they truly are embodied in where you know for us that's obviously and I do believe that there are also Brands out there that do embody that for sure but like in addition to us and that's something that we live and breathe. I mean my whole, you know, I would say 90% of my team is queer identified and or very inclusive not only you know in the inventory that we create but also my actual team, you know, and it has to be for me when you claim these things. It's great to be holistic and it works kind of system Noona systematically like streaming into everything that it touches to the so there's like a true authenticity and a real personal message behind it, you know writing great. Yeah, you're I mean you use the word embodiment like you're you're implicated in this and the people that work for you or kind of implicated in these communities part of its, you know part of what you're doing is kind of as you said like Sort of bringing visual awareness to all kinds of bodies and all kinds of ways of adorning those bodies and caring for those bodies but specifically queer trans non-binary people of color that but that is not something that you're kind of like leveraging because that's the new thing in the wellness field or Wellness space home boy. And you know, I mean, it's also like the way I try to do it as also not screaming at you. So there's like there's so many ways of doing it. You know, there's to be extremely like loud about it, which is also cool and fun and exciting to do and that was another thing that I also wasn't really seeing where it was like, Can you can you all can you also swing the other way and have a brand that doesn't need to necessarily scream that how about identifies. Basically, you know what I mean Can it can it also be natural and minimal and we can in that way and also still be very queer, you know, something like I wasn't really seeing a lot of that either because You know the I like I said to you earlier, like I identify in so many different ways even still like I my mood and my my my Inspirations and the way I visually identify myself into the world changes pretty frequently and I kind of wanted to create a brand that felt like it could be a chameleon as well in that sense. Yeah. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Yeah, and I think I mean not to be reductive about it, but it's like the difference between slapping like a pride flag on a product or a store window and really like having some of the nuances I think that's what is so interesting to me about in some ways about your kind of your whole project is that it feels very nuanced. I think that it's bringing attention to You have a nuanced ways in which queer all kinds of queer people sir, present themselves or have needs you know, I love it like this oil is for like every kind of hair, you know, wherever it's growing and for whomever it's growing for. Yeah, like yeah, there's just there's a kind of real consideration of the complexity. And as you said the kind of chameleon like nature Of being queer like being queer to me does not is not about a pride flag. That's like so it just feels like the very reductive narrative. Whereas I think what you're you're sort of talking about is this like really? Yeah, like a more expansive and complex Narrative of queerness. Totally. Yeah. I mean and it's like we like we like to say as well like there's a way of kind of creating activism. your identity and we want people to feel like they can do that with with our product because when your when you're buying into my product, it's not necessarily. Yes, it can be you're buying it because it's good and works really well and you like how it smells and feels but you're also supporting the message, you know what I mean? And it's it's like you're supporting the message or supporting you're connecting with what we support as far as like what the agenda soil supports. You know, let's see if it's Planned Parenthood or if it's like lgbtq Center. You know, whatever the cases and you're you're you know, you're supporting a bigger picture and and when you you know, pull the product out and you put it on you may connect with somebody that might be standing nearby and they you know also connect with that message or they know what that product is, you know what I mean? Right and and I want people to feel like empowered because of that and I want them to feel connected to something that they're buying. Not only for practical reasons, but for personal reasons and maybe even political reasons or you know, whatever whatever that kind of resonates with for them on a real level. Yeah. Yeah, I love that. So, you know, we're about out of time. I want to ask you one more question and then we'll get to kind of how people can find out about you and your products and all that. But I guess if we could go back to that like nine eight or nine year old version of you. Is there something that you would want to say to that kiddo now looking back knowing all the things that you know now like when there's so many things about you think you'd want to I would I would probably try to tell myself to learn. how to love love that body and and feel good in that body and and not be embarrassed to that body, you know as soon as I could because there is definitely like many many years where I was pretty abusive to my body and if I could somehow You know open up my eyes to let myself know that it doesn't matter, you know, like the things that when your kid these little nuances that you like. Oh my God, my butt's big if he end of the world or whatever the cases, you know, because the world is telling you if you have a big butt that you don't literally quite literally don't fit in but it doesn't actually matter. It's not that big of a deal and if I could If I Could Teach myself pain that I feel like it's a big of a deal as I made it out to be I probably could have saved myself many many years of stress as a child and like connect to my body in a spiritual loving way, you know, like if I could have taught myself how to Care for my body and love it and treat it truly like a temple as some may say I would like to do that for sure. Yeah. Well, thank you for sharing that and now we get to talk about how people who are listening can find out about you and everything you do. What's what's new. Yeah, like I kind of hinted that we're opening a store in Highland Park in Los Angeles enough. Days, and that's going to be really fun. It's going to be obviously a no toast or but then I have a selection of personally curated other items that I really love and a lot of makers are POC or queer identified and excited about sharing space for events and community and those sorts of things. So definitely inspired your ears open for that. Yeah, and then there's obviously You can find Noto botanics online all over the place on Instagram Facebook and all those things. Yeah, so those would be think the main things keep your eyes out looking for great. Well, I'm really excited for the people listening who don't already know about all your what you're doing to check it out. And and yeah, yeah again just really appreciate you being here and kind of sharing your story and gets especially poignant for you know people who can relate to this sort of like professional jerk professional creative Journey that you've taken I think it's really helpful to hear stories about people who ask themselves questions. Like what do I really want to be doing now? And I just became robot and now I'm like this reflecting on that and how those kinds of Reflections can actually lead to more clarity about things that you want. Yeah. Yeah, so it just I'm really struck by that and I really appreciate you sharing that so thank you always gotta do is get a check in with yourself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, thank you so much. Maybe maybe maybe.
Gloria and I talk about the power of incubating yourself in your artistic practice, life as a queer first generation Sicilian, activism as identity, growing in power during in the Detroit punk scene and much more. Gloria was a generous and warm guest and I hope you enjoy this episode. Gloria Noto is the Founder of NOTO botanics - a non binary natural product line. You can connect with all things Noto at noto_botanics or If you are in LA, Noto now has a flagship store in Highland Park. Enter promo code for a discount on your Noto botanics order: queerbody10 LITQB Podcast: This is a podcast about the barriers to embodiment and how our collective body stories can bring us back to ourselves. This is a podcast for people who identify as queer or for people who might think of their relationship between their body and confining social narratives as queer. This can feel like an isolating experience. Our wounded bodies need spaces to talk about struggles with nourishment/disordered eating, body image issues, dysphoria, racism, heterosexism, transphobia, xenophobia, substance use/abuse, chronic pain/disability, body changes in parenthood, intergenerational trauma, the medical/wellness/therapy industrial complex and its lack of inclusion of queer bodies and much more. Hopefully this podcast can illustrate the connections, and resonant pain points, that we have with one another.  @livinginthisqueerbody The Host:  Asher Pandjiris Psychotherapist/ Podcaster/ Group Facilitator WAITLIST for LITQB Program Intensive SUPPORT Music: Ethan Philbrick and Helen Messineo-Pandjiris --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Welcome to the withering effect episode 26 published January first 2020. I'm Carl or car rides to the rest of the internet. And today is a very special episode of the podcast where I'll be taking a look back at some ofBest conversations and ideas from our episodes in 2019. We started back in June with our very first episode discussing the new weapons and mobs in the Minecraft dungeons trailer Addy free Minecraft dungeon is I got excited for oh you did I did. Okay. I wasn't excited for when I first saw it, but after that trailer it really felt like what Nintendo's doing with Link's Awakening. Okay, trying to bring back an old style of gameplay on games with newer views and takes on it. Right, and I guess you're mainly aiming at the sort of top down View and yeah, well kind of that, right? Yeah and right. Well, yeah, it doesn't look like it's going to be any kind of building or crafting or any that kind of stuff. But I think it looks like a fun game. It's a way to introduce maybe new Mobs to see how people interact with them maybe in way to bring in new weapon types to see how the weapon types interact with mods because I have a feeling 115 will be a combat update and I wouldn't be surprised if they bring in something like a spear or a heavy hammer or something like that. I had not seen it from that point of view, I think. That's I like that that seems like a good idea. I would I would like to build a big hammer or something in the game, which I saw in the trailer. They picked picked out a big hammer. I saw yeah, it's interesting trying out mobs and weapons through that. That's that's for sure. I looked at it and thought it was cool. Like, you know, it seems like a fun game but I didn't get the idea. There was anything more than just running through a dungeon and beating mops up. Basically. Yeah it definitely Just looks like a Dungeon Crawler. Yeah, but I didn't see anything. Well, I'm I'm hoping they will add it because that would be really cool. But just a little story or anything like quests or maybe even a thousand we could just hang out or start from you know, like Link's Awakening has for example, yeah, even a newer games like they have that as well right there sort of it's a full-on RPG and this just seems like an RPG with just the dungeons which is going to be fun for a while. I'm sure. But for the long time, I don't think it'll last if they don't ya a little bit of extra replayability to light actually suffer a bit. Yeah, I like to see stuff where you could take your Minecraft skin and bring it into the game. So that way you feel like Dungeons is an extension of your gameplay on wherever you play Java console Bedrock from what I understood customisation was definitely something they were adding in it. There was a big part of it. So so I guess that'll be I mean obviously everybody wants to get gets his own character skin in there. Right? Right, but my favorite must realize is that's where they're going to monetize things because it's a free to play a game now, but I have a feeling they're gonna nickel-and-dime you on making your guy look cool same as like the console version and to buy skins as well. I get that. I'm okay with a free to play game charging you for customizations and stuff like that to pay for the game. Me that's the brightest solution out of all of them, but it'd be really cool to be able to bring over my own personal skin and play with it. And for all I know maybe I'm able to customize my guy to look exactly the way it does in Java. I guess the least they could do is just add sort of a baby payable option that you could add your own skin or something. Preferably. They just do it for free right but then I can I can see how that would conflict with their own skins. Could recreate it. I guess something like that and they do have to make money somewhere because like I said, it's free to play games so I can buy just it's a good solution. I mean, I've played free to play games. Okay, if you needed the biggest one, I've played this League of Legends. They handled it the same way, right? You can buy skins. It's optional and the game in general is for free and I have to say it was a great game to play. I think DOTA animals at the same way like a lot of stuff is free. But, you know, if you want to customize you can pay and sort of support the Yeah, it's a great way to do things. I say I'd say yeah, I'm on an agreement with that. I think it would be cool to add the Java skins and there but if the only way to monetize this game is through skins. I am a hundred percent for that way way better than doing loot boxes or pay-to-win stuff. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I mean, I think it could be fun to have some kind of loads from from the Final Bosses same as like World of Warcraft with deal with it. For example, yeah. But yeah, I hope to see like a little extra storyi else. It's probably not gonna last for me for too long right like doing some kind of a new dungeon every month would be really cool. I don't know how hard that would be. I don't know how big their dungeons are. But yeah good question as well. I wonder how the like how much you would need a team if that makes sense like yeah, I can you play it by yourself. right and the sort of traditional What is it RPG kind of things that you need a group right? You need someone to heal you need someone to do that? Yeah, you never told me something else, right? I wonder if they sort of you know, you can just go in there with a bunch of friends and start beating things up or is there going to be like, do you need some strategy in it? We now fast forward to July and episode free. We're done some Bank come up with some improvements that they would like to see to Minecraft. We look at things like Redstone gears better Inventory management and lighting options. Mechanically moving gears. Yeah, that's that's a pretty cool idea. I'd like to put a gear on top of the piston and another gear going to that gear and physically be able to see turning motions moving that piston up and down. So maybe you can control the speed of a piston opening and closing. Oh that could be interesting. It made me think of something else that I know I a long time ago. I told off I was just like How cool it would be to have like some kind of strengths you could make an actual throb H Bridge or something? Yeah, it should work really well with those gears. Maybe something like rope could be cool. I'd love to have rope to do draw Bridges and all that kind of stuff. I think hanging bridges. Yeah. I think it's stupid that leads don't do that. Now. I think you should even take one end of a lead and put it on a fence post take the other end put it on a fence post and it is done. Yeah, I can see how it could be short of a tricky thing to implement as well though. It wouldn't work like a block who did it. And then even the leads are a bit wonky. Yeah, you can see how I don't know. It's hard to it's hard to say something about I guess but I would love to see it. Well to me, I think you just keep lead the same as it is, but you would change the fence so you can attach a lead to an animal and offense. If the lead I guess he's the animal first. And I know there's a trick you can break the lead and still get it on the fence somehow but I think it's just changing the fence to a classification as an animal maybe not so much an entity that it was it go. Okay. I'm attached to two objects that I'm allowed to be attached to I don't know I can't code or no the background how any of this works, but to be I don't think it would be that hard. Maybe you know, it's I would love to see it. Anyhow, did she just work towards it really should yeah, my next thing is better Inventory management. Hmm because my identities are always full. Mmm. Oh man, I think sugar boxes were a great addition to the game. Probably the most important and I don't know. most important new block to the game ever since redstone Yeah, that could very well be true to me a lighter has are really important, but they were not important at till firework Rockets became a thing well, so if you like try I sometimes I thought idea it could be cool if we didn't have them because it changes the way you experience builds of people with Ashoka box. I've never had that idea like, oh, it could be cool if we didn't have those. It's like they've always been great. Yeah one this brings back to more unique Redstone items a shocker box Minecart. Yeah, you have my car test, but how cool would it be to instead of a hopper emptying out what's inside the chest like a minecart chest, but do it sucks the entire truck or box out so when it comes back as Mobile in the new one. Yeah, it's just an empty bank or yeah. Oh devil, be cool. Vehicle rats in addition. Yeah, Redstone genius. Yeah, you deserve that this one this yes. He doesn't say that other miles. Well, it's been a while you didn't do much. I didn't know doesn't matter. Alright, my next would be cool. Like my next thing is I think everyone agrees with more unique lighting options. Yep. Yep again, I agree. I think everyone loves lanterns. I think they are great thing to the game. I even like in rods now that they're not purple Mmm Yeah, but we don't have a lot of full block options still. It's hard to light up like bigger areas without like spamming thorax or something. It's yeah, I'm going to that right? Yeah, it's not Landscaping. Mmm Yeah, it's hard to light light up. Nice big areas without yeah. I mean you could use lanterns now, but that's pretty much just as real as having torches everywhere. Yeah. I'm person I would love to be able to die Redstone lamps so they put off. Yeah, that would be cool. I will be really cool. I want shades of color everywhere. to me Minecraft to Gray well, even if it doesn't change the light color, it could just be cool to have a different color than like the brownish yellow yams. Right? So you could plant them in that are into your build or whatever. I really think I agree with you. I would not hate it, but I feel it would kind of be lost not to be able to have Different lighting. I think we even with OptiFine you're able to do it. Somehow mmm. Oh, yeah. We'd like I mean, obviously they're gonna have to do it. So it does create the color light but, you know, at least give them the option to just change the color continuing the theme of improving Minecraft. We now go to episode 5 mobs mobs are more mobs. Where does the bank come on? With a weight of farm quartz and a giant worm with new mobs in the nether. But now here comes the fun part. I decided to try to make my own custom mob from scratch and we talked about the rules and our rules for this part of the topic was you can't generate a structure to basically give a reason to have a mob. There's so like we both kind of agreed. Well, if we generate structures in the nether having Golems bonder would be awesome. It's like well, no because there are no structures and another other than nether fortress. You have to use what's there? You can't make your own to justify a mob. Yeah, yeah, we'll make it sort of too easy and too hard at the same time. If you did that like you don't want to invent them all up and then having to like come up with yeah, I don't know if mechanics and structures to make it work. You sort of just Wonder Mop, right? Yeah. It's like well, I want to crack it in the ocean and it spawns next to this giant castle and underwater. It's like ordered you have a garden guardian Tipple and stuff. Yeah, and probably the you would be more inventing like the costal than the actual mop. Yeah, the kind of thing. I think that could happen as well. I saw it was a good idea to not just have have a mop and not include like structures or something like that. Yeah, and I'm going to give you half credit on my mob because Bank thought of the spawning mechanic for my mom and my mom is a wraith. So it's a ghost like creature that will spawn when a player is near Soul Sand. The Wraith is attracted to the player so it will try to like hovered towards the player but it won't attack them unless provoked. So if you even just swing at it, that's when it's going to attack you and it's going to tack you kind of like the flying Vex mobs would just in that crisscross pattern. The only difference is they can only be killed with fire aspect. So it makes them Opie because let's face it. A lot of people don't put fire aspect on the short. Well, I guess flame on a boat would also work. It's got to be a flaming weapon Fire fire would kill them basically. Yeah, if you could get them to hover into fire or even lava because I'm kind of lava is fire. I know a lot of mobs is another don't died Allah, but this one would so that'd be cool in the big thing is when it drops or when it dies. It drops courts. So now it's a farmable mob for courts. Yeah, at first I thought like rate and that's that's an interesting. Mope. Why would it be in another and then and then I started thinking well, it's kind of a like hellish mope, right? Yeah. It's kind of once you're letting should make sense to have us. Yeah, it makes sense to have it in another and then like you said, I know you were struggling with like are what we respond mechanics and then I suggested sort of something of salsa and I think that will be a great I think it will be a great model, but I think you invented To the mall something there. Yeah, I mean it when you mentioned salsa and it makes perfect sense. It's soulsand The Wraith could be spawning to try to steal the soul out of the player. Yeah, they sort of seem like they do to have no like heckley 100 percent sure what a rate actually is, but you know it sort of fits the description that they would be after souls and I love the idea that they drop corks. Yeah, it would that's just amazing FlexPay. E on a multiplayer server because after a while you start to run out of quartz in here and you got to dig a while to get some more likely Ripple effects. Not too bad. Common craft was way worse with losing courts. Yeah, I think courts needs to be farmable. I know you can trade for it with villagers now, but farmable courts, I think is a must I think that's all I really kind of have for The Wraith. What are you having? Well, I wanted to add one more piece that sort of sort of maybe existed the whole fleshly. I say this Vehicles. It was a myth and then I think we all heard of Herobrine. I think he's named. Yep. I know you know, it's a mope. It's it's I think it's been like a myth for a really long time as and It's sort of this a slide out for a lot of the updates or whatever and every update they'll say removed Herobrine and yeah notes. Yeah, and I remember like seeing videos of people and countering him and stuff which obviously were faked but it would be like really rare something to encounter, but it would basically mean like if he looks at you you're deaf or something. I know eventually they they sort of figured out that it really wasn't in the game. Which kind of is a shame. I always like the idea of having them around somehow like just fairly rare. Yeah. I didn't know it added something like ooh, what's that just makes you sort of jump for every unknown thing. You see in your in the corner of your eyes or something. That's a good thing man. I got a weak heart. Yeah. Good point. I mean, yeah, I don't know. I just like the idea of that if you like the killer bunny, right? Yeah, it will be one one in a million or something would be the killer bunny. I'd like that idea you have here Ryan and his pet killer bunny. Out to kill. Oh boy. That would be even worse like oh look at that money there and then it tries to eat your face. So you turn around to run and there's Herobrine great gave the yeah, but in the same spirit, I obviously intended the mob as well. I don't think it matches yours. I think you offended an awesome one, which would really work in Minecraft and - a bit more gimmicky and and I was thinking case it's been something that's been discussed lately a lot in general. I think gave updates in a kind of thing. Yeah, and it's all it could be interesting to just have a dedicated like gave monster or something considering caves are normally like really full of hostile mobs already identikit necessarily needs to be a hostile mob. Okay, but I thought it could be fun to have it where you Feed it or us and then when it eat it it sort of spits it back out or poops out like the the converted version of the or with a small fortune effect, which could also work for like iron or gold like you find iron ore and just give it to that thing and it would eat it up and then poop out like two or three iron ingots. Yeah, I mean real cool for early game for sure. Yeah, that was my thought like you go down in caves and I don't know if you would encounter that and would sort of help you out. I think there would just add a bit of fun and I wouldn't be too overpowered. But maybe you could do I don't know combine it with quartz. Maybe you can do that, you know feed it courts and then you get a bit of Fortune effect or whatever. Obviously Redstone diamonds, you know, when you find your first diamonds, that's always some people wait a long time. Did they leave Diamond sort of underground and then when they get a fortune back actually go in mind. Yeah, it's sort of go around that part. Maybe that's true. I like that that could be a really fun and like you said it's gimmicky but it's not Opie. And yeah, I'm breaking. It's it's a perfect nice little fit. It really emphasizes. We're here to help you the first night. In episode 12 doesn't bank. I joined by Nina for the lionheart SMP. She joins us to talk about what it's like running a server and how they set the rules and try and differentiate themselves from other smps. We we have a lot of because we have a lot of members. We have a lot of different people playing and having like their own opinions on like all that stuff. I Fishing not x-ray, I think it's you gotta find the people that are similar to your interest in how you play as well in order to like have fun. But what we kind of do we just kind of let things happen. We did we try not to like strike people too much. So we let Auto fishing slide of what we thought was more important was I guess the economy. So if we have you know, you don't want like that one person to get all the money, right? Yeah. It's it's else are we gonna look we all gotta mine for diamonds? So I guess like you it's important for the people that auto fish not get so stingy with their books or whatever it is. Yeah. I don't know. It's it's hard. At trying to it sir. I think part of the reason we also implemented that kind of thing is we had sort of an open application server like we were on the you yes or whatever. So we had like quite a lot of traffic from people coming in and going out and if you allow things like an out of Fisher and I would have clicker that's gonna they can have insane Farms. It was sort of to prevent a lot of random people just building firms and then starting ordering Adam stuff for no reason. We had lots of players you have come build the farm and then just kind of leave like they didn't have a house. I didn't have insurance. That's all they did. It's like you we had a pretty extensive like application process. Yeah, it wasn't super easy because that's the way we felt like if you were willing to sit there and fill out our crazy application and deal with the fact that we had a server vote to vote you in. And everything we felt that was enough to like okay this player obviously wants to be here once to be part of a community, but now we get so many people who would just put a farm and leave. Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah. I did they do that. I don't know. We also had a couple people who they've come on just literally x-rayed for massive amounts of diamonds. Yeah, they just went down and started like directly going for the diamonds. Yeah, it's like dude. You have a stack of diamond blocks three hours after you join the server. You don't think we saw that. There's no plug in that disables x-ray mods. We didn't have anything anyways around it. Yeah used a car. What was that plug-in Bank girl protect? Yeah, we use core protect and it gave us the freedom to make sure nobody was cheating without restricting. Basically. What I did is I once had a I use girl protect and just checked like what diamonds like diamond blocks that have been modified. Paint and then if one person with too much in a row, like showed up, I would start investigate. Yeah, see simple. Stop that it was yeah, it was like hardly any work but really effective but it also helped us know when somebody was stealing from another person because that's obviously a huge Nono on a server. Mmm. Well and I started playing on like an anarchy server where I like cheating is basically And what you kind of have to so I started learning about all the things that were possible which obviously helped a lot as well. Just knowing what they could do. So basically you learn from the darkness, basically. Yeah. I'm so glad we don't have to do that anymore. Sometimes it's finding this kind of fun to play investigator. But yeah. Sometimes it just was a lot of work. Yeah, it seems tedious to do. Yeah, it really was one time. I'm not public servers are not for me. They require are a little definitely a lot more work than than a sort of close to her. Yeah. Yeah, like on ripple effect. I have no worries about any of my stuff whatsoever. And I love the fact that I can have that like if core protect wasn't working on common craft. There was no way I was getting off the server for that night just because I couldn't trust some people as far as I could throw him. I mean for the most part they're all fine. Yeah, this kind of goes into promoting your server and how to make your server different from all the other servers out there because let's face it. There are a ton of different servers out there. But like on common craft we tried to promote our server as like the public hermitcraft. We played a lot like them that's kind of what our server did and if you'd like that stuff you could come join ours and then we would add like the vanilla plum. This is what I want to call it and I'm super proud of some of the stuff we did because we were doing it before some of the other servers were and I'm sure there were other servers doing it before us but like using command blocks to do custom traders that would trade decorative mob heads or have zombies and skeletons and spiders drop currency. That's cool that you could trade. Yeah like Common Core. Yes, Tom. We're going best thing ever. Yeah, they were so much fun to make as well. Hmm. They look like sort of Chinese coins. Just like a hole in the middle and then they were green and blue like each quadrant was like, how do you how do you say that? I was switching around like green and blue. Yeah sort of that because of the server. I thought they were really cool. Yeah, you could Farm but it wasn't worth your time to farm them. It was just better to play the game and when they showed up, oh, man. Yeah cool comic coin. So you couldn't really get we only got like custom hats that that sort of decorative things. So wasn't there wasn't much Point than And getting a lot of it. That's also hard to decide like bouncing and economy. Yeah. Yeah. We were everywhere like we don't want to I don't know we would do don't want to make it Bay to win basically. So we just added gimmicky stuff. Following on from the Minecon predictions episode we joined us and Bank in episode 16 where they talked about how successful their predictions were about. What Mojang would announce at MineCon in September. Let's talk about the biome vote because yeah, we didn't get to really talk about the last biome before the last podcast will now and that's the one that one did you actually vote? I did not actually true. Okay me neither. Like I said Saturday, I was out playing football. I was not home all day. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I wasn't I wasn't my parents. So I wasn't at home either. I didn't get the chance to watch the whole thing either. So I would have voted for Mountain. So it's a six-year see it one. But then again the ones I voted for on every other vote have never actually won. So maybe it's a good thing. I don't vote. Yeah, maybe. It's still floating. Yeah, so Mountain we guess correctly. There's goats there mountain goats. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks real goal when we upload the episode and then the day after I'll be recorded that pisode and then the day after it was it was announced that I was like wow. That's it's awesome. I don't expect that. We did. We also mentioned Mountain generation. Mmm that's going to be in there. It's like ya know what Mojang's doing before? Do it or they're finally starting to do the cool stuff. Well, and then we also called that 115 wasn't going to be a big update and that they were saving everything for 116. Which also kind of seems true. I'm telling you guys. We need to be more popular get your Minecraft news here because we're guessing on all cylinders, right? Maybe you're gonna get your red dragon Red Dragons one per episode. Yeah, I wanted to help you out this stuff. That's like my little trademark thing instead of just Red Dragons TM. It's Red Dragons one per episode. Yeah mountains super excited about that. I was upset that mountains didn't have a new tree and then we had another update. So now I'm not worried about that anymore. In the same episode does the bank give us their first impressions on the 116 never update for never 4S and blue fire to knew what types and mobs. Let's find out what they think about the forthcoming update to Minecraft. Wow, yes beep. Yeah, it actually says that in the notes I gotta yeah, it's actually in the notes. So yeah Carl. Well, I mean we're through start then another of they they I mean I feel they did a lot they gonna add biome student other which I think is awesome. Yes. I kind of like being in another already. I'd like to and I told it was a really scary place and I'm really comfortable in it. But that opens a new new sort of perspective on it and I love to explore that new nether. Yeah the to me the nether now feels like a place. I want to go travel through. Yeah, this is not gonna be the same mole rat. It's going to have variety and colors and stuff. Yeah, whereas before you kind of enclose your tunnel or you build a really high. So it's it's whatever you want now, it's like well, it'd be kind of cool to have Windows and look out into The Nether and all that stuff. Yeah. Yeah, especially the the forests they looked really well really cool colorful. Yeah. I'm excited for blue fire. Oh, yeah same here and I'm sure I mean it's going to work when you lights Olson. So I guess that's just going to work in the Overworld as well. Yeah, I think I remember them saying it's going to work. No, as long as it's on Soul Sand it's going to be that's going to make so much cool like magical places. Hmm, which hurts and stuff. Yeah. I saw some new glow stone as well. I think I saw that too. I didn't have its glow stone. But it sort of looked like it. I want to call it new glowstone to it kind of looked like an orange that was sliced and put on a black but right I can't remember a bit low. I mean, I guess I can tell it was in the nether. Yeah, everything is maybe some new kind of order that could be I guess, huh? I mean with all these changes that I can't really I don't I think I saw something about new or type did you know think I did either? Okay, I mean maybe that that's going to be it. I want to lean more towards its kind of a new glow stone. Yeah, that was my impression as well. Well, maybe it's like a new fruit or plant or something. Oh something edible. Yeah, because it may be because they mentioned food in the nether was a thing now and if you saw from the video there are tons of new mushrooms. So I had missed that I didn't seen you mushrooms. I mean I could see at least five or six new kinds of mushrooms in one picture and I went to Cali they're like blue and orange red. Why create new to new mopes. They are ghosts. Yeah. Well, they're gonna add new mopes, but they drop meet the Beast. Yes, but can I have honey on it? I mean, let's hope you find you'll eventually get your honey on meat but I didn't read anything or see anything about it. Yeah, I haven't seen that either. I wish I could say. Yes. 1.16. What else do we get we get new trees? Yes, we get never trees. I saw blue ones and red ones. I hope we get new woot with that. I mean I can't imagine it would be like Oakwood. No. Well, they had like these veins and on right? Yeah. I know. Yeah, I'm just assuming we're gonna get new a new week type because yeah, well guys to be so here's what gets me so they have these like a red and blue veins in his new Woods. Yeah that going to be like tree sap or we going to be able to get the tree sap out of those woods, maybe kind of sort of looked like glowy vines that grow on it. That's something that could be it too. Oh, thanks guys doggies. Yeah it was Means yes one sneeze. Well bless you. Yeah, you know which one but yeah, so they could be Vines. I thought they look like veins but I don't know. I've watched it two or three times trying to figure this out. But there's definitely New Leaf blocks. Yeah that too. The way I kind of saw the veins. They just looked like they were part of the bark didn't really expect them to be separate. Yeah. Yeah any leaves that that's going to be interesting. Yeah, and they're different colors. They're not green. We have red and blue leaves finally. Well, I was just starting to think like how would they react and over worlds? Oh true. I wonder if they die in the Overworld and you have like gray kind of like how if you take quarrel out of the water? It turns right or like regular leaves to change their colors a little bit depending on which biome there that maybe they have the same subtle kind of change like they just get a bit dull or but still be right. Blue but what if it's tradition what if it's just one tree type and depending on where in the nether that tree grows it changes from Blue to red or red to blue? Oh, yeah, cuz where I saw the trees they were sort of entire that's coal or biomass. I think yeah, if you look down they have like no other grass now and that's colored red and blue too. Yeah. Yeah, they didn't even reach something about that. I don't know if it's going to be cold and that are gross or something else or yeah. I don't know what nobody thinks that nothing gonna add. Yeah, we they going to add some new kind of trading as well. I don't know if you looked into that. We've heard about that against so I heard I was going to work which basically is you throw a gold bar at them and then they they can throw something back, right? Which I thought was kind of cool. Yeah, and to me it all depends on what they throw back at you obviously, there's going to be a loo table with percentages of what they throw back at you if they're just throwing like a gold sword at you and it sounded like it's not going to be an effective trading. We like regular villagers, right but it does sound like the way they're going to update the another asset. It's a sir. Oh fumble spot like you could just go instantly into the not our students respond in the world and survive. Yeah, and I'm sure that's going to be like some hardcore players world like that. It's like day one in the nether don't come back out. Yeah, probably I mean with the new not on that that's actually like you would stay sane. Yeah talking about the trading system when I heard about out it to me it kind of sound like this was a trading system. They were going to use for 114 and they realized that players were really attached to more of the older way. So they just kind of made a better older way and then took this trading system and put it with the pig line guys. If that think I follow yeah, I didn't even think about that. Maybe yeah, because the thing about that you can hold an item up at a villager and he'll tell you what he trades or what he would trade for that now anyways, mmm, so they just basically took that concept and said hey, I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to give you, but I'm going to give you it. Yeah, I mean gonna make sense. It could be a stretch but I'm going to keep stretching because we have guessed right so much on this Minecon announcement that who knows we've got to be right at some point. Right if we just keep saying stuff. Yeah, it'll become true. Maybe somebody is listening. Yes. If you are listening tell us please. Oh, we shouldn't forget another cool thing about the bilgin is that they are going to attack other mobs. Yeah, that looks sort of effect. So once I am worried though, like if they had like a zombie pigman instead like a skeleton and taking a zombie pigmen and you're screwed when you're around or I'm gonna be safe when they do that. I don't know but I also looked at like, okay, so you have gold Farms right? Well if they go around just killing Pigman now you have no gold Farm. Unless they drop goal to but now I've now what if they're taking out where their skeletons before you can take out with their skeletons. Yeah, what if they take out the piglet Beast that you use to get food before you can take it out? Like are they just going to Rampage to the nether to the point where there's nothing but them in there at the time? How is that going to work? Well, I'm sure I mean they're going to have some spawn requirements. If they're going to spawn like another big like the big man, we got now that that actually could be an issue. Yeah, but just because you mentioned that I guess they're gonna spawn in certain areas, maybe to get a their own biome. Maybe it's going to be like Villages. They just have a yeah or a little Andrea Pillager Outpost I should say. Yeah. I think that that last one is probably that seems likely like they're gonna have some kind of outposts. Village kind of deal yet me would make the most sense. I do like how if you go digging through their chest they get all angry at you and stuff. Yeah, and they don't attack you or something when you wear gold like your sweater invisible if you wear golden armor instead like they are really after gold always or something. Yeah. I'm not sure exactly how that works because I don't think their whole stole two are two anyway, yeah, actually provoke them it would give golden armor a purpose because let's face it right now. It really doesn't have one. Yeah, but then again, it's not really a big enough purpose for me to say. Oh I need gold armor. Well, so I mean it's smokes, right? So yeah slap him in the face with my sword exactly. I have so many little clips of me saying stuff that if out of context would be extremely bad. So please don't take my words out of Alex well, maybe somebody's going to make a song out of that. Please don't. Episode 19. The Bane of Arthropods is all about enchantments doesn't Bank come up with their own enchantments that they would like to see added to Minecraft. Could the OptiFine Zoom key come to vanilla. Let's find out. So I thought of an interesting and challenging because we use I think a lot of people use OptiFine and I used it for a long time. Just just so I could get the zoom button. Toto what about getting binoculars and chance that you could put on your helmet and then you could zoom any of that or maybe if you put it on that it's automatically assumed in it. You have to switch helmets, I guess an enchantment that gives you a button to press and then something happens exactly like OptiFine Zoom. I think they could be interesting that might open up a new sort of way of or and chance for Minecraft. Yeah. I kind of like them to be done. First of all just there and I tell they're sort of simple the background you don't have to do anything for it. Yeah, I mean think about I think if I know Yang fixes the rendering engine people no longer need OptiFine people no longer have the cheese. Umm key. That's a good point fine ocular enchantment Dada. Yeah. I think that could be nice especially since the zoom function. Well I got used I'm so used to it. Yeah. I can't live with that in anymore. Hmm. And I think you can do it in game. Anyway, right if you switch your field of view and stuff. Yeah, like it just changes the settings a bit just really didn't game. Yeah. I think that could be a fun one. I agree. So what about your enchant? What did you come up with? So my ancient is also in armor enchantment like yours. Hmm. It's called saturation. Okay. So what it does is whenever you strike an enemy, it gives you saturation feel or fills up your food bar. Oh, so while you're fighting you don't have to worry about eating as long as you keep killing or keep strike right say Oh, I like that. That's a pretty good. Yeah, well us obviously like if your fruit bars full you keep the Regeneration effect, which keeps you alive longer, right and it kind of forces you to keep fighting and not doing the whole I'm going to attack a couple mops. Runaway, eat jump back in at a couple mobs runaway eat. Yeah, it gives you a reason to stay in the fight. But if you put it on the armor of it work on the bow as well. I guess you could just shoot from a distance. I would have to guess so I don't know if it would be something like it would drop XP orbs like how mending works. I don't know yet that you want to do that because now you're adding more particle effects to the game and stuff. Mmm, unless you added into the XP arbs. I mean in general really like the idea though. I feel like keeping your saturation up. Yeah, it's it's not like it's strong but it's not too strong. I if you would get my actual Health heart back or something. I feel that will be a bit too strong. That's what I thought because that was my original thigh. And I was like, no, it's just it's like mending it's to Opie. Yeah, and now you're still dealing with like the natural regeneration. You have a Minecraft. You just don't have to worry about eating like you say, which is that I think that's awesome. That could be a really cool and chance they'd pack somebody give me Red Dragons. Give me saturate XD be an option. Well do the binocular one as well. Oh, yeah. Might as well you zoom in with OptiFine and then put your binocular helmet on you can see like every little pixel in the game. I need you would see beyond Randall distance. Like you just look in the void and just x-rays the world to blank space tubes too far Odo hot cheese. Following on from the never update announcements from mine cam. It's time to take a look at another Barren area of Minecraft. The end doesn't Bank come up with new block pallets more mobs, they'd like to see and a better transport system and even a link to a new Sky Dimension. I remember like when I started the game a long time ago, but the nether at that as well, it's like a very Place to be and you're like really scared and all that. But for the ended it died out like quite quickly. It was really intense and interesting at the start and then it kind of quickly got just like oh, this is a chore. There's no fun being hearing it to me. Once you get an Electra. The end is not a scary place. You're not worried about games fly everywhere. Yeah, so it to me, it needs to give you some stuff to go see and that's what I came up and said, well you need to in villages. We're getting something like that. Oh desert with a big lens. I want that in the end. Give me give me something that could be interesting. I guess also have corresponding villagers. Yeah. I thought you could do something like the pig line. So they're not like regular villagers, but kind of creating a Other kind of friendly mob that might just read unique items to the end. Make sure that whatever items you get from the end can only be gotten from the end. So mmm it gives you a reason to kind of go there. Yeah. The thing was just like they did in another I want different colors. So basically the end is pretty much purple yellow and black that's it. It's mostly yellowish. I feel that's all the colors in the entire world. Mmm. It's just like come on. We need some more stuff. I want like purples and orange. I had the idea of maybe use mycelium. So now you have a second location to dig up mycelium in the yeah, maybe like in villages or I know that's using purple again, but maybe I don't know make water colors different maybe water in the end instead of being Blue, it's green or something crazy. All right, I think I saw on the on the wiki when I quickly looked on their earlier that in the I think mobile edition or book editions. It's called I think they made they made the water orange and purple sea, but I wouldn't want purple because everything's already purple and yellow And blacks so yeah, but I mean at least eight that's something yeah. I had another thought that so hmm dragging his breath. It's pretty much only used for legal owner lingering potions, right? Yeah. When's the last time you used a lingering potion? What I think the better question is, when's the last time I used the potion the okay true not that often. Yeah, so I mean it's mainly used for what tipped arrows and lingering potion. Hmm two things that don't really get used to ton. I would love to be able to take dragon's breath and create. particle block I mean, it seems like things are getting really good with smoke particles and Bubbles and stuff like that were so they're not really affecting gameplay performance and well, even if it did like they're working on that our graphic program performance and all that. So yeah, and I got this idea from your path you're working on that. I looked at Friday. I don't want to say too much more and give it away. But the idea of being able to say well I want particles just kind of Floating around in this area would be really cool when you hit the block with a dye and it changes the colors. It would create such a great Ambiance to be able to have like little exactly somewhere. It's like that. Would that would give me a reason to farm dragon's breath. Yeah, then you could sort of you could build and in places where you wouldn't want to build. Yeah, if you can have particles you can just walk through it. It doesn't affect anything. Now you got yeah, you could create folks and something like that. Yeah. Well, like you said you can really make an Ambience somewhere which is there will be awesome. I like that. I mean maybe they are light blocks to so maybe they give off level 15 light or something like that. I mean, I'm always up for more like blokes placing them in water would probably be a problem. So I think if you were to try to place a particle block and water the water would just kind of wash it out like it does redstone. Oh, okay. Well, you can make a change do something in water as well or maybe a different things for that. Yeah. What's an exciting? Yeah, Mom. I think I'd like to I mean, it's Fiction. It's such a waste of a dimension kinda at the moment rude. And because she already has another which is also almost an errand the kind Dimension, but I mean you could live there because she could make a nun portal sort of right next to where you want to be and then you always have a spawn point nearby, but I'd like to have something for the end to I mean if we're going to make it more interesting give me a spawn point. Yeah, so I can I can live there. I mean you can use everything you can have water you can bring mobs in there. So it's Actually, it has the same kind of mechanics as the Overworld except the bed explodes. And I mean I get a bet wouldn't work cause she don't have day and night but I mean, I want to have a spawn point in their being able to live there. I mean you're speaking it would have put like a custom portal to somewhere where your bed is. Like physically be able to say I want to World here would make it 20 times better than it is now. Yeah have to Cock Sucking through the main island to get back and forth. Yeah, well, you have to the occasional portal that brings you back to the main islands, but they are fairly random. I think you can't move them. So an ability to say I want a blue quote-unquote into Portal or whatever and I'll take me to the Overworld one of my beds located would be awesome. Yeah. I also thought maybe it could be cool to have because you have a lot of fun portals in the Overworld. Maybe you could make it so that each and portal goes to a different main island true. I mean, I don't necessarily eat. You have to have a dragon. I think that could be a bit sure wish again. Yeah, but yeah, I think if you have like main a few main islands, I think that could be interesting that creates more of a dynamic kind of thing in and already you could fly from one portal to another make maybe you could use it as over will travel that way angry, but I wouldn't work or sure wish Palm back at spawn more too bad. Yeah. I don't know, you know, but it would give a good. Reason for why there's so many in portals in the Overworld. Yeah. Yeah. I think that would also maybe help adding to sort of having that spawn point if you have different an island, so you have different places to go I guess. I agree with that and I long as that. I thought it could be cool to have some kind of connection with another dimension because you have the Nether and Overworld and then it's used for quick travel. Usually maybe you could make some kind of cool connection with a dimension as well with that and instead of just being a because now it's a sort of a separate Dimension use go there and go back in the snow real link to any other one. What kind of Dimension would it linked to? Well, I was thinking maybe the sky a dimension which which everyone is sort of talked about before and everything. What and does it sort of resemble space. So I think they could be a really nice link what kind of mob would live in this guy to mention how you can answer that. I want you to say it Bank. Alrighty, well, maybe a red dragon dragons Mojang. Where's my red dragon? I want to ride a red writable red dragon. There's my one but I would be cool to fly around through the end on the red dragon. It would be I mean, could you imagine so basically just take the end as it is now none of our improvements. Hmm instead of it being dark with the space themed you put like a daylight theme behind it and instead of in stone. It's like grass and regular stuff. on I mean, it's the exact same except opposite and that's the Sky Dimension, right? I mean, I feel like a Sky Dimension needs clothes. Oh, you would put cloud. Yeah, that's a cloud block my other idea to kind of make the end cooler was late with gravity. I think I mentioned this. Well, I like that but mmm, I don't know make it so every once while the whole double jump effect. You can get with a beacon. Is somewhere like because you have biomes in the end make certain biomes have the double jump effect. Maybe you could have particle blocks that cause the double jump effect. Something like that. Ooh, that could be really interesting. Yeah, and I said I want to say I agree of different biomes with like different gravity effects. That's it could be really until I want to say I've talked about that before but I wanted to reiterate it because that's something I say simple, but to me, it feels like it could be simple that really would just straight-up change the dynamic of the end. Yeah, and it would make it sort of its own Dimension. I just mentioned that it's kind of it's just overwhelming. It's but you can sleep in about you don't have day and night that way it would become its own sort of it would have something something special. Yeah, speaking of Overworld stuff. I'd like a food option from the end. I mean, I know we have the course fruit and you could eat it technically but it teleports you. So I would like its own fruit. And another now has its own food source. So yeah, I would like the end to have its own food source. I don't know what it could be. Let me eat in termites for once those suggesting something like that. I think they could be a good idea. I mean in most fun would be to create another sort of its own mob Mob set for the end. I guess if we have end Villages obviously there would be yeah. Yeah, I think that and definitely I mean, it's already filled with Anne Bowman. Which is sort of mean it's kind of an unknown then spam in there. It really is. So being able to add like a lot of different. Well, maybe not a lot but just a few different mobs or animals and villagers kind of resemblance thing. I think that could could do really well just to make it more interesting to yeah, another thought I had was treasure hunts. So we kind of have the treasure map from the sunken ships at all that stuff. Yeah Suze. So she's going nuts right now. Anyways, so we have the treasure hunt and sunken ships. I would love to have something like that in the end maybe like a temple or something. You can go find and maybe this is where you can find the super rare enchanted golden apple. What about having a dragon slayer and that's where you can find the red dragon as well red dragon guys. But yeah, so you can make like an end cave. Yeah, I agree. I mean we need something we need points of interest. Yeah, and that was my deal with the treasure hunt that it would be. Okay. I don't know anyone who doesn't like getting the treasure map and going and looking for the treasure. It's a fun little thing obviously after a while it gets kind of boring and no one. So many more but gets repetitive, right? Yeah, they're all sort of the same dish, right? So if you can get an end one, I think that would be a nice little touch that people might find enjoyable. Maybe. Yeah, I think so. I mean in general any variation, I think if you add more colors just just some different blocks of have its own grass. I mean mycelium could be a great one for that. Well, I said my Amendment first one because it's purple so it kind of It Blends in and to I would like a spot where Endermen don't spawn. Oh make like some non-spam dinner mints somewhere. Yeah. Yeah, that's another thing it just gets so then so repetitive all the same block and at all the same animals or mopes and then all the same plants and every once in a while you get a city, right? And in that City, there's the same mod we've seen over and over. Again, and then it is there's only one more been there pretty much which yeah says. Yeah. I mean we have these in cities with this floating pirate ship but you're going to try to tell me and in German or a shocker built those things. I don't think so and the Pirates. Yeah, I mean they could do something with those ships. I mean this might be like too heavy on the game. But I mean, what about nothing them fly around in that has some I don't know little flying pirate ships with like pirate attacks or make the ships themselves just random more random like so as of right now, you have to find it in city and you have to hope that in city has a pirate ship. Hmm. If it doesn't you don't get an Electra. Well, the city is missing the ship. Whereas the ship have it randomly spread out throughout the end. Just have a random ship there. I mean ever makes sense. It's a transportation device have it ever be away from the city exactly gives you more chances to getting lighter and it adds even just the littlest bit of story to the game. In November Dutch was joined by apne in episode 23 discussing Redstone and improvements. They'd like to see would you like to see Redstone up walls and sticky Redstone Wireless Redstone. The possibilities are endless, but do they make sense in the game? A lot of people said Bluestone, so I want to read off the names daddy through 260 mentioned blue stone or Cobalt. Also mentioned Redstone up walls, which I'm a hundred percent for if the new like what we're calling in Redstone or another Redstone or Bluestone could travel vertically on walls. That would give it a new function. Yeah. So yeah, I really like to read still doesn't have but this one has a interesting the idea that I had was just to have like sticky Redstone. So you mix red stone with slime. I'm and become sticky and kind of a drawback of that was that it could since its kind of diluted Redstone the power and lowers by to every block instead of rolling by one. So it's kind of a drawback like yeah bit more something more balanced. You want to have vertical Redstone you have to deal with that, but it's going to have instant power transmission. Yep, I like that. I like me to give you her take. Yeah, but you're never having Bluestone is who's don't get the What walls but it doesn't mix with redstone directly. That's technical this. Well, you can be very cool if done right? Yeah. Sorry. I'm getting like all this flip in my throat from waking up still Jimbo also mentioned a reliable way to have wireless Redstone. I Lie, like this idea if say you craft two blocks or craft a certain block and within I don't know a 15-block radius if that block gets powered the same block that you have say you have like five dispensers and you power one dispenser. And the three of the other dispensers are within a 15-block radius. Those three would also get powered. That's going to do it for today. Everyone. There is so many more discussions. I could have included in the best of but this episode is already too long. Duds will be back next week and we look forward to bringing you more episodes throughout 2020. We'd like to thank all of you for listening throughout 2019. We just pass 6,000 listens and a hundred and fifty five per episode. Let's see if we can hit 10002 on Per episode in the coming months. If you'd like to help us out with that. You can share the show with all your friends and on social media if you listen on Spotify follow us or if you listen an apple podcast leavers a nice review doing any of these really helps us reach more listeners. If you'd like to get in contact with the show send an email to podcasts at ripple effect tweet us or join our Discord where you can have a chat with everyone who works on the show and your fellow Listeners as well. All those links are in the show notes. This show has been brought to you by myself. But also everyone else we heard today in the best of including Duds Bank, Nina and Albany The Amazing Music you hear in the intro outro and interludes is created by the one and only decoy. Everyone social media info can be found in the show notes. You guys have been awesome. Thank you for getting withered with me on this special episode and a Happy New Year, too. Hi everyone. You should probably go and drink some milk now. Bye.
In this episode, CarlRyds takes a look back at some of the best conversations and ideas from our episodes in 2019. We talk Dungeons, The Nether, The End, Redstone and more. Normal episodes will resume next week with DuDs back in the hosting chair. Podcast Website: Contact the show: [email protected] The Withering Effect Discord: The Ripple Effect Twitter: Host: CarlRyds YouTube: CarlRyds Twitter: Featuring: DuDs YouTube: DuDs Twitter: DuDs Mixer: Bank YouTube: Bank Twitter: Bank Mixer: Nina Twitch: Nina Twitter: aubni YouTube: aubni Twitter: Digital Producer: CarlRyds YouTube: CarlRyds Twitter: Music: DiiKoj YouTube: DiiKoj Twitter: Podcast hosted by:
Hi and welcome to the added value podcast. I'm your host Jules Thompson and here we're talking all things influencer marketing. I'm honored to bring you the stories of hustlers making a difference in their sphere of influence. If there's one consistent message, you'll see here is to own your unique value now, let's get to the show.Well, hello to my awesome podcast friends. What's up? I hope you guys are having an absolutely amazing summer. I can't believe it's already halfway through July. I don't know where the summer has gone so far, but a lot of great stuff is going on in my world. I just got back from New York with my work team Murr. I got to do one of my very favorite things in the world, which is to meet a lot of our content creators andAnd future brand friends at an awesome dinner. So we hosted about 20 influencers in New York City with the help of our friendliest or caucus who is one of our amazing partner. She's a celebrity nutritionist based out in LA and she helps connect us with people who Value Health and Wellness and could value a lot from partnering with our brand so really had such an amazing time. I think when you have the opportunity City to meet people face-to-face. It's one of the best things that you can do to deepen the relationships that you have. I mean when you think about working with influencers, it's part of your team. These are people who are representing your brand and they are your ambassadors and a lot of cases. So it really makes sense to invest in those relationships not just from you know, a transactional standpoint, but from a relationship standpoint, so honestly, you know gives them the chance to Ask you the brand questions about you know, what your philosophy is on your influencer marketing program ask about the products talk about new launches and more than that kind of see where your Mutual goals align. So I get to talk with influencers about you know, what our goals are in the future now and what campaigns were doing and what kind of content we're looking for and they get to do the same thing. We get to kind of hear what their goals are for, you know. What kind of brands are looking to work with and what kind of content they want to get into creating. So it's an incredible opportunity to make their relationship even stronger and partnering with someone like Leah who has such integrity and has so much respect as a nutritionist and her field which you know is just shown from her incredible roster of clients. And when you have someone like that vouching for your brand a truly does mean a lot if validates the Integrity of the brand the quality Lady of the brand and then her recommendation not only to her followers in her community and her clients, but to other content creators we could personally work with is just a really big deal and I feel very lucky to be in the room that I was in with the people that I was with. I always have so much fun. I always learn so much and it really just validates that you know, they work so so hard to create great content and to build relationships. Ation chips and time is the biggest commodity that any of us have so if you're an influencer and you're making the time to meet one-on-one with a brand and spend times been hours with them and you share that with your community, your community is going to be like wow, if they think this brand is worth their time. I really think you know, this brand is going to be something that I should be looking into and I can trust more so it's such a great opportunity if you're on the brand side, I definitely encourage you to seek out. Opportunities to connect with your influencers in person we try to do it probably once a quarter at least and it's just so valuable. It really does strengthen relationships on both sides. So that was a blast definitely a high like highlight of my week so far pilot of my month and I can't wait to do it again next month and I'll lay so no one knows better about the power of a face-to-face then our next guest Amelia Weiss when Amelia Our first moved to Nashville from Tampa Florida. She barely knew anyone. She was on the search for a way to connect with other female professionals and entrepreneurs and when she couldn't find one she created one. So I kind of was in this like women need to support each other. They need to have each other's backs mood and I was also in this mood where I was like in a new community that inspired me so much. So I kind of sat down and I could make a website I could make it Instagram. I could pitch email people from PR and I was like, I have all the tools Iron Man just faster into one thing since launching the Nash gals Network and early 2018. Amelia has also started her own Consulting and creative agency as a content creator her philosophy on working with Brands consists of genuine relationships added value and transparency on both sides as a freelancer and creative running multiple businesses and social media accounts. She proves that you don't have to have all of the answers. You just have to believe in yourself. It's not all festivals photoshoots and fun events. Like you see on social media. It's using every inch of her Google Calendar to maximize every minute of her day. Even if that means scheduling in her showers, not only is she one of the hardest working people. I know she is incredibly humble. She's constantly thinking about what more she can do for others, especially when it comes to empowering the women around her as both a content creator and businesswoman. She has experience working with Brands and as one. You are you are sharing things to add value to the people's lives that follow you are that's what I believed was social media anyways, and I don't I don't think that you should be working with someone if it doesn't add value that being said your time is worth something. So if you're spending time and you're spending resources and you're doing all of that, they should be paying you a certain amount. Amelia has tons of knowledge and experience and branding social media content public relations and most importantly has an The authentic intention of bringing people together and helping them excel in their career path. I feel so lucky to know her and I'm very excited for you to hear all about her amazing. Journey. Thank you so much for being here and listening. I hope you have fun hanging out with me and Amelia Weiss. Thank you so much for joining me and chatting with me. You're someone who ever since I started an influencer marketing. Obviously, you're one of the first people that I found and met able of it. Yes. Oh my gosh, and I think that's just like one of the highlights of my career thus far just because I remember going out to dinner with Elizabeth my coworker beforehand and we just like had a glass of wine. It was our first time kind of going in and like meeting people in person. So I don't think I'll ever forget it was such a great experience. I love hearing that that was one of my favorite events. My mom was actually there was her birthday weekend. And Abel is just so great the way they Embrace Community especially with females, but I love the way that we can just have events and everyone can come out and meet each other and it's so it's so great to hear that and that you met cars and that night too because I know that you guys have become really close and I got to go to it was a galentine's day Gala dad's event with you guys in the amazing strawberry lemonade. I know I will not forget. That's what it was. Right and the truffles truffles are the highlights these I choose to I didn't even know that night that Carson and Remy knew each other and it's so interesting when you know, someone through social media, I'm sure you've had this experience and then you see them and beat them in real life. Thank you for putting those events on and connecting the community because otherwise I would be missed out missing out on opportunities to meet such great people. So I would love to hear more about Out kind of how you grew up. Yeah, Miss boss lady. Oh my gosh. Well, I'm going to give you kind of a different story than most people probably would but I so I grew up in Tampa born and raised my mom and I are very very close. My dad passed away from cystic fibrosis, and I was too so it's always kind of spending my mom's as I can remember with that. She went back. She's a teacher. She's kindergarten teacher. She went back to teach Doing when I was probably when I was going into first grade something like that. I was really young. So I spent a lot of time, you know a lot of time with her one-on-one but a lot of time, you know with my grandma and my next-door neighbor's people giving me rides stuff like that because obviously she couldn't do it all she's a superwoman and so that I spent so much time alone and I just got used to be and I'm an only child so it's got used to being very independent and it's funny because people Talk a lot about only children and entrepreneur is MM. Is that something you know where I don't know. There we go. That's way longer and you know how kind of shapes that but I really think it was me having to not so much like we're like, I don't want to make it sound like I was alone all the time, but I definitely was held responsible for a lot of stuff at a young age that I don't know that a lot of people are Another thing about my childhood that at the time I probably thought it was really weird. But now I'm so thankful for it is we why like listen to and read and watch the stuff that a lot of kids were watching. I watched all of the Alfred Hitchcock movies and listen to The Beatles all the time and like records and stuff like that and kiss like I just found these baby pictures of me with like a kiss book and my hands like six months old, so I just have always been more on. Like the creative side of things and so when I graduated high school, which should probably Backtrack on that my senior year of high school. I convinced my mom to once I got into the school, by the way, because after if I hadn't gotten into school, no, but after I got enough is to I convince my mom to let me skip Mondays and Fridays and work from a coffee shop in high school. So like looking back like everyone thought it was so weird. Like I Most absences like I don't care but looking back I work in a coffee shop like three times a week now and I am so efficient there. So it's kind of like ironic to look back and think like I kind of set this path for myself and didn't necessarily realize it at the time when I went to school for a say I started studying art. I had no idea what I wanted to study. I again like school school was not necessarily my top priority. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed learning but I I enjoy learning about the things that they were teaching me. So studied art for a little bit realized. It was better as an outlet for me that I needed something creative, but I didn't need to be focusing all my energy on it. So I ended up picking the most broad major possible Humanities so I could study because for my school you pick three different things to go under Humanities. I studied literature learn a lot about copyrighting through that more than I know. I actually last night said to my boyfriend when I was writing. Something else. I think I'm getting good at copywriting and he was like, what does that mean? That was but uh and PR and marketing which I don't think I've used one thing from those classes in real life. Yeah, but I really just think that growing up as a super independent child. Formed me to to take the route of an entrepreneur as for its actions are the Nationals before I started the template files and because I was living in Orlando when I graduated college and I was miserable hated that place no offense to anyone that loves Orlando, but I moved up here and I knew one person my friend Karen and she kind of took me under her Wing which I'm really thankful for but I was really bored. I was still interviewing for jobs. ABS mostly in like the pr realm I was super into food and beverage and I was sitting at frothy monkey on till South and I was kind of like I had just gotten out of like a really bad relationship where he he had cheated on me with among a lot of other things. She dumped me with a bunch of women and I ended up at the end of that relationship kind of like I was really mad at them the whole time and then at the end I realized that like, we all went through the same thing together and I'm now actually best friends with one of the girls who cheated on me with her Rhythm time. She she was in the same shoes. But so I kind of was in this like women need to support each other. They need to have each other's backs mood. And I was also in this vid where I was like in a new community that inspired me so much. So I kind of sat down and I could make a website I could make it Instagram. I could pitch email people from PR and I was like, I have all the tools. Why don't I just Foster it into one thing and I didn't really know what was going to come of it or what? It was going to look like I ended up pitching Milling like a few people who I knew and natural and asking them if they thought it would be good. I emailed a few restaurants inside like hey, can we have like ten girls were at happy hour and we had a first happier a few months later and then it just kind of like took off from there. Like well-thought Wallflower Wells are who wildflowers as well, aren't we all just a little bit. So wow, that's a really cool to hear that. It was born out of a situation. in that's so unfortunately relatable for a lot of women, but that that emotion obviously is powerful enough to bring people together and I think Community is based on emotion and based on similar experiences and it's so cool that you made something negative so positive so I want to go back to college a little bit because I know and I hope that people listening that probably follow you and admire how entrepreneurial you are and your journey If they're in college, if they're thinking about going to college versus weighing work experience, or I know in my experience. I always give the advice of interning at your dream job and just kind of shoot for the stars and really put yourself out there and do the work while you're young and you can because that's going to set you up for the future. So I would love to hear your thoughts about Traditional School path because I know a lot of entrepreneurs do and some don't even graduate from college and obviously you did and I did As well versus having work experience and where the value in that lies in your opinion. Yeah, so honestly, well, I guess since I've started a business. No one has asked me about my degree which you know, sometimes I'm kind of like well don't you wanna know but I've been talking about this a lot lately with on panels. I was spoken what you know with other entrepreneurs stuff like that and it's really a mixed bag and I don't think there's like a right or wrong, but I think it really depends on the person. Which for me was a lesson in discipline and time management and social standards basically, like learning a lot about myself and a lot about relationships friendships what to prioritize stuff like that, of course, like the education component was important but like I said, it's not anything that I necessarily use that being said, I really agree with the internship thing. I had no idea. Do what I wanted to do until I went through a couple of internships in a couple of like short-term Contracting positions and really I had no idea actually graduated and started working at Make-a-Wish and Orlando and I was working there and I was working at a different nonprofit in Tampa and they both somehow like I thought I'd know what I thought I was going to be doing with the nonprofit, but they both put me on the marketing side and that trade me a lot of marketing and made me realize that I love doing great. Marketing. I just didn't want to do it and nonprofit because I didn't the CEO of the makos down there sat me down and was like, why are you here? Like if you want to make money you're going to have to switch from nonprofits to nonprofit and that's something that like, I've always been very just very into the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for obvious reasons and like in my mind, I can't switch for nonprofits nonprofit. So that made me realize I want to do marketing but not in this field. So then I found a different internship in a different field. Food beverage and I ended up loving that but I was in PR and marketing and it made me realize I'm not really in the pr. That's not really my thing. So I really do and especially I didn't do it. I did it after college. I didn't intern in college. I had honestly I spent my summers in Tallahassee relaxing because I used to take to stupid amounts of courses during the year. But but like my intern Jill from Nash cause she she literally moved to Nashville. Her Image in like our software in her junior year to work at Fleming's and get to know people in the community so that she would have liked in in when she moved here after graduation and I feel like that's like the smartest thing that anyone can do whether you're interning or you're just like getting a step ahead in some way because you're building a skill and you're connecting your getting to know people. It's kind of like an invaluable. Thing. Yeah. Yes. No, it's it's true. I mean relationships. I found and using your network is obviously the best way to get symbiotic moves in your career. I think so, I think that's super smart as well. And I would love to go ahead and dive into what it takes to build a community and turn a community into a business. I promise it insert a man. I hate Club. I was I the the minute I am Moved out of Orlando. I kind of past that but but it did certainly Inspire the you know, my forward changes in how I thought about my relationships with women and empowering women and the community of women. The biggest thing for me with now Charles has been creating a mission and figuring out values and pillars of what that looks like and staying true to it. No matter how it develops. So I had I had no idea if it was was going to catch on or not. Like if it was going to be a thing like I didn't sit down and think like this is going to blow up in a random girl two bars going to ask me about it or you know, whatever but I did have to sit myself down and start with reasonable goals, which is why I started with happy hours. It seemed like the most achievable thing because before I was you know, I was unemployed and while I have lost money because I pay for a lot of things that I shouldn't pay for like Like I have like a stupid amount of plates in my house for no reason for a nescau stuff and like we don't need them but like I have them have like lots of fun dinner parties at your house one day. Well, okay. So I put I organized my garage I put them on this beautiful shelf that I built and then when I went out of town the Shelf fell onto the top of my car and half the plates broke so I know dinner parties maybe like small branches, but but no so I had to figure out what an achievable goal with look like For a community that was based solely on empowering women and not taking money from them being all inclusive. So we start with happy hours that seems like something I can call restaurant and say hey, can you accommodate, you know 15 women standing around at your bar outside on your patio? Is this a bad time to you another group kind of thing? And once I started I would literally go on Instagram and find Like the email of the restaurant and I would email a person get into contact and explain like the mission and you know, a lot of the people in those roles were women and they were like, oh, this is awesome. Like I would love to help out. I would love to be a part of it and what that it was just a really great, you know segue and two other things from there and from the pull of it was a lot of the women were in you know into some kind of blogging or creative. Industry like were in some position where they really enjoyed sharing, you know their lives and what they do every day and so sharing what happened at that restaurant looked really great for the restaurant as well. So that was a pull to begin with and then once I started sharing things on Instagram about our mission what we're doing and who was attending the event and what they looked like and how different it was in the Nashville Community more and more businesses and people started reaching out wanting to be involved and it really just grew Organically and I got to this point where we like there were so many things going on a month that I had to like be like no we have to do it next month, which I'm so bad at saying no to people so that was really difficult. But it's it's been this trial and error of learning how to support businesses but also support ourselves without You know using people or not supporting them and sometimes people will be involved in events and hate how it works out and not want to work with us again, and that's you know, that that happens and I try not to get upset about that. But then there's some people who are so supportive and want to work with us over and over and it's a great fit and so it's just been finding this cohesiveness with the community and also I guess Really hit the ground running and March of last year and So within a year we had over 60 events and it was like alongside building a business. It was exhausting. So I needed to take a step back this year and kind of say like now that this community has developed. What does it need? How can I make it more intentional? So we've been doing a lot of panels and also panels that I encourage men to come to because I think a lot of them are based on growth And I don't think that should just be limited to women really nothing should just be loaded until women, but the second that I invite men to happy hours. It becomes like a dating thing and it's just like I get so many questions from in about like, when's the happy hour and I'm like, I don't run a dating service like I swear I don't but yeah, so it's just been this really fruitful experience of learning how to govern a community that is run solely on values and really nothing else. Like we have a membership program that the fees literally go to it's $20 for a year and the fees literally go to like I don't paying for the videos that we use or donating to like nonprofits when we go to events and stuff like that. So it's it's been a really interesting long process and as for growing a brand on Instagram and on Facebook and all the platforms, it's really just been staying true to us and what works as for the morals which are you know, connecting people through community and not going with Like the not I don't want to see like the trends of you know, what's going on. But like I'm not going to sweat and I love Mayfair, but I'm not going to switch our entire like feed to look like my favorite just because that's what's like the thing right now. I know that Nashville is a really specific community. And so like when we go to Tampa, it's a very different community and you have to understand that and so that's why we have a city Rapids in Tampa and doing the Tampa gals Instagram and same thing like we extended a camber which is in Australia and they have a completely different. Vernacular like I don't understand how this ends are saying and so it which is really just it's so interesting to me, but we have a city rep there who I had to I had to delegate which is hard for me and she was doing such a great job. So I pretty much just said, you know, just run with it like it's your community as long as you stay within, you know, the values that we have the models that we have. It's yours just govern it. You know the way that your heart tells you to so, I don't know if that's an exact answer but it's it's been a process. I said my question would be for the Nash gals in Tampa gals. How did you know that you needed to create its own Brands? Like at what point when the community was growing where you like? I need to be intentional about growing a business because for instance I'm a great example of this. I am my own person, but I'm also trying to start this. Cast so how do I know whether I need to Branch out my my business from my personal brand. I I've always had this issue where I don't I don't take compliments very well and I don't like putting myself in like the spotlight of things which is where like being I guess an influencer is really like more like confusing for me, but just like me as a person not in general no offense anyone but but so far - cause I never intended to be the face of it. Like I am like the client facing person like professional like I'm the person that walks in and less it's one of my interns that says like Hey, we're here for this event. Like it's great to meet you like thanks for having us or I write like the thank you cards or you know, someone has a question or if a girl looks lost. I've introduced myself like and you know make them feel at home, but It's with Nash cows. It was always intended to be a community for every woman and I didn't want to make it a community about me because I didn't know where it would be going and I didn't know you know what it would look like eventually. So I think I always branded it like granted like on on my you know, my personal accounts with everything. I'll share about Nash cows. But on Nash cows, I don't think I posted about myself and One of my interns sent out an email and was like our founder really and I was like, but I know she's sweet, but it I think with a brain like that. It's really important, too. to make it and this was my goal literally since like the beginning of creating the Instagram and I'll tell you this with any business or anything is to fake it till you make it and I don't mean that in a negative way. I mean that in like make your website look like someone created it two years ago and you've been working forever and make your Instagram look like the most professional branded thing that there is even if you don't know what your brand is going to develop into if you look back with but it would take a lot of scrolling. But if you look back in the beginning of Nash cows, it was definitely like me branding but I would post stuff, you know from Pinterest and from other accounts and my whole thing Like I don't like pink like I'm not a pink girl and I was like, I'm making a female empowerment account. I'm not doing any pink and so all of its like blue scheme which like it's like this beautiful light blue is my favorite color and it's probably all over the web sites who but I think with any brand it's important to separate yourself out of it and focus on what your mission is with that brands that being said with My digital Consulting brand. I like I am the face of that because people are you know, getting what they're getting. I don't want someone to show up to a meeting and be confused when they don't find a man in a business suit. I own a few pants who's but they're like blue. So I like like the same colors of upsetting us. I yeah, I just and with that like I saw this did the same thing my website. Look, I think it looks good. It actually just have pink on it and I had a friend of mine hated professional copywriting sit down and read what I had written on my website and he was like, this is great. But why don't I make it a little more professional and I said, okay, can you read it again? But like with my voice and he was like, yeah. Okay like this is right like this is how it should be. So it's a personal brand like it needs to stay true to who you are. But if it's a brand that is more encompassing other people and other morals. So I think that it should be separate. Does that make sense? Yeah, and you have no idea how much value you just gave me right then that was such great advice and it really did meet me see things differently. So wow. I got ya back to I'm glad that you brought up your Instagram your website and your you know where you were pulling images from at the beginning because so many people could use the excuse of not knowing you know where to get certain images from or It apps and tools to create things that look professional. So what are your favorite apps and tools to work with so okay. I love canva. I don't know. If you do use canva I do so canva is like a simplified version of like Photoshop and InDesign. Like it definitely doesn't let you do like all the crazy like distortions. But oh my gosh, it's amazing and you can have it on your phone. So I create everything from like story. We Graphics to Graphics, you know the cute quotes that people use on actual feeds to our hope. I'm going through puberty our whole entire like email marketing campaigns literally everything I do is on canvas. Like I unless I didn't mean to make something transparent Photoshop everything I do is on campus. So that's that's my number one like just play with it. They have designs. If you are not design minded. Let's see scrolling through my phone. I so I use this professionally I use it visually I'm a very visual person plan Ali is great. But I use later because I'm I am on my phone so much with what I do, which is a lot of like Instagram and emails and running around because I'm always on the go. I'm always on my phone in the car like that's terrible advice, but I'm always on my phone the car and so later has a desktop version where you can fill out the entire grid on your desktop and you can plan it out and And it's also on your phone, but that is something that like has been a such a lifesaver to me because it has automatic posting as well. So like I go to Bonner on two weeks, but I have 10 accounts that I run and I'm not going to be posting. I mean I'm probably will be but like I'm not going to be like actively posting on you know, a professional one of my clients Instagrams. When I'm at Bonnaroo. Like I'm going to be doing yoga and a field like I'm not yeah, so as you should yes. Exactly. So that one's a great one unfold as really wonderful do use that one. It's it's kind of just a way to make like Beautiful Stories. It's like plug-and-play you can just type in text you can and I believe it's 99 Cents when you buy it might be free to download and then you buy the things I don't know but it's so so worth it. What else I have on here. That's fun. I use my Google Calendar like it's my job this thing is It's color-coordinated which is if you know me at all. I'm not extremely like I'm not very organized Tropical Skittles for all of you light purple is Nash girls. No, but it's I even have this joint one. I have a special and it's not on here because my mom's like here this one but I was special one that I share with my mom's and she doesn't ask me over and over or doing when she's in Tom and I have one with my boyfriend so that he knows when to be home from work to go to micromanage. If you can't help but I don't know if this is like it's not necessarily in the creative world, but there are a bunch of like the I know we just passed tax season, but they're a bunch of the like tax apps that if you do Contracting or freelancing or like even have like a side household that is going to be on your taxes somehow you can keep track of like every single mile you drive in your car and deduct all of that. So like that just is a little helper when it comes to next March and April and you're dying. Wow, that's so funny. I think that you're reading my mind as we're talking in the same room because every time I think of asking you a question you bring it up. So I was going to ask you about as a freelancer and as an entrepreneur how you make sure that you are paid what you're owed and how you keep track of your finances and how you keep those things organized because for me that's a huge barrier to entry and kind of a scary thing to think about as you monetize a business. Yeah. Oh my gosh that was there something I saw something on LinkedIn the other day and I wish I could pull it up but it was like six things. I've learned as a contractor or as you know, like a single person LLC so I have been contracting for probably I mean since I got out of college essentially and it's difficult there are different situations, but usually if it's a contract position they're trying to pay you hourly and they're trying to pay twelve to Fifteen dollars an hour which like for them if it's you know like a Three month contract is like five hundred dollars. It's nothing and it's not what you're worth. So at some point and Contracting I almost felt like I was being used a little bit. So I sat down and formed a single person LLC, which is just essentially like on a tax form you fill out the same thing. You're still yourself my I have my business name on it as an LLC, but it's with your social number. It's but is really really helpful with taxes. And that's not what I think about. I know nothing about taxes. Else does my taxes and I wish that I knew how because I would do them, but who I just can't priorities. Yeah, seriously, it's I thought it's one thing I have to figure out a lot of the time what what is worth my time and that's not one of them at one point out of scheduling and went to shower and I was like, I can't do taxes if I can't shower I'm being so serious my hair takes it looks I got my hair done like two days ago. So it's fine right now, but usually I are so clearly takes like 40 minutes to blow dry it. It's it is a commitment and a half. Especially when your AC is out know one thing that I have learned and I see people talk about this every single day is when you are doing a project for someone or you are working on something for someone telling them what your rates are and getting that in writing and running a contract and having them sign it even if it's just for a one-time project, which I just realized I need to take my own advice on. I'm working right now and and really just keeping track of that. Like I have on my calendar when I bill or when I am voice all of my clients because otherwise I won't remember and they won't remind me because you know pairs of you know, if they pay me but and like again it's not their responsibility to it's mine and for me, I there are some circumstances where I have worked with a lawyer, but generally I write my own contracts and there are super there's this girl. Girl, have you seen the girl who does contracts for creatives on Instagram? She I haven't used her but I've heard a lot of like great things about her. She literally will drop legal contracts for people who don't know how or don't know where to begin and I think she consults with it too. So if you have no idea how to even you know, do that one thing that I have learned and actually like a one of my aunt's who is doing Contracting for like Finance stuff told. That's a long time ago. I didn't listen and I should have is not to charge hourly because as a creative like some things can take me if I'm if I'm photoshopping if I'm designing something it could take me like 5 hours whereas and like they're expecting it's taken our kind of thing. Whereas like if I'm posting on social media about something the the thought process and the copywriting and grabbing that content whether it be going somewhere or pulling off the internet or editing it or whatever I'm doing and that strategy takes so much time in my head, but it takes five minutes to implement. So I'm charging by the hour. That's really not worth it. I'm I'm more charging a generally charge something monthly by like the skill and the amount of you know, the amount of value that I'm bringing to the table kind of thing. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's that's such great advice and my husband he's a software engineer and he would do freelance work every now and then and that's something he learned the hard way too is because you know conceptualize something and working on the code and changing things up because it doesn't work. If you if you charge hourly a lot of the time you're not getting the full value of what your words so I think that's such great advice and a good way for creatives to think about something because from the brand side, it's my biggest Error to accidentally not pay someone and that's the main reason I like using platforms and we do campaigns because it's you know, I know they can definitely be a pain in the butt and this is something we can talk about because I've yet to find we have yet to really work with a platform that is super efficient on both sides, but a really really huge benefit is the whole payment piece because you'll never forget to pay someone and we have the contract right there. So I guess what that we can go ahead and go into an influencer marketing. Being and you know, I know the word influencer is kind of icky but that's something I hope will be less icky in the future my one of my missions but this podcast is obviously to provide Insight from both sides. And my last episode was a Bailey who's my boss there. And so obviously there's a lot of Brands hide content, but I also want to make sure to get the other side from the influencer perspective and you Amelia are a unicorn who has experience on both sides. Amelia has sent me. I'm awesome people to work with and you know, she is like, you know connecting me to so many people as well and I love that about you and I love that you do that for your friends. And that's one of your passions is connecting people. So yeah, we just kind of love to hear what you think about influencers who want to start monetizing their blog and how they should think about partnering with Brands and so on and so forth anything that you have learned or would like to share. Yeah. So yeah, the word influencer is super interesting to me. And I go back and forth with it because I understand and I think this is a me thing like back to like the taking a compliment thing. I understand that like what I say has an influence on people but I don't know not like half the time. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. So I don't necessarily like love that probably just because of like imposter syndrome kind of thing. So anyways, the the phrase is great. It's just a it's just a me think it's a real thing. I think so many other Creators would say the same thing and it's just my job title is influencer marketing specialist. And so part of me is just like no I want to validate. I want to validate the industry in that way and that word and but I totally understand because I think if I were an influencer, I would feel just as weird about you know, because I think of the connotation and I think it just the connotation needs to change because I don't think anyone goes into content Creation with the goal of what the what the connotation has become which is like Oh, it's all about me. I just want to take pretty pictures of myself and get like some compliments. You know, I think the industry has evolved so much since that perception was created. So I totally get where you're coming from. Yeah, and so something with that to like there is it is, you know, formerly known as influencer marketing but I think from an influences perspective. It's important to think of it as content creation because when you are working with a brand that's what you're doing you're Creating the content for them and they're saving money whether it be like it's it's not free marketing, but it's very cheap marketing for them and it's and you can speak on this too because you're you know in that industry, but it's it's you creating content for them. It's you bring value to them. So with me of the way that I've kind of learned this and there are platforms now as Julia mentioned like they're great you can get paid from them you can get products to them, but What like people will pitch you through emails through messages and stuff like that and I like I have learned over time. I also I hate soliciting people and like I don't want to take something that I'm not going to use and I don't want to tell people about something that I absolutely hate. So like I once worked with like a face mask company who like the face is literally I don't have sensitive skin hardly at all. I get sunburned but besides that and it literally made me like my had Bumps on my face and I had to email them and say listen, like I can't I can't share this because this isn't and I'm not going to say like like screw this company like they suck but like I you know, like I'm not going to give you a negative review. I'm going to tell you honestly, so I learned along the way that sometimes Brands would email me and say we'd love to work with you and do this and this and that and it isn't necessarily something that I would use in my everyday life or promoted my everyday life and with that. That back tire. I will never take a deal with someone that I don't want to promote but like this for example was like a one-piece company that empowers women and I was like, this is really on-brand for me, but I would never Really like posts in a one-piece. I don't know that's just it's just not my thing. And so so with them I was like if I'm going and they their big interest was was using the professional photos that I took for their Instagram. So I was essentially like either working with a photographer or taking my time to figure out like who was going to take pictures of me and arranging this whole photo. Shoot and like how many hours is that? Take me and how much am I paying you? Tog refer and then giving them these images like how much is that worth? And then that is how much I would say to like charge a brand that you're working with. There are other brands that I work with that I use the stuff all the time. Like I use Ancient Egyptians every day, which I love and there's I work with a brand virtue. It's it's actually one of the first friends I ever worked with and it's a haircare brand and my hair is a who and It's like one of my biggest things for my whole life and they send me all of their products as really quality products and they don't ask for anything exchange. Actually, they offered to pay me like monthly once and I was like no you give me this much product. You're not paying me to do it to like it just doesn't it doesn't sit well with me because they're adding value to My Life by sending me this thing that I don't have to go to the store and buy and spend my money on but at the same time like They don't know for I it's really hard for me to answer this question because I really look for like values and companies and relationships and transparency and like with them and like this might be interesting to you from your side to like she the woman who does our influencer marketing schedules calls and she catches up and like like I with we just talked to recently she's six months pregnant like she know a lot about her life. She knows a lot about my we've never met like it's just kind of like keeping the social and social media. And same thing with emfluence marketing and so that's with Brands. Like I really enjoy when it's a personal thing and not when a brand is using me for for like my following because so what I worked on the other side, I had emailed this girl and she sent me back a really interesting email with her her press kit and all of that and she said She said, you know like my which I've said this after her because I was like that was such a great way to phrase that she said my my brand and the community. I've I've grown as precious soil to me and I'm not going to share something or put something on there that doesn't reflect what I've liked garnered in my community and that is something that I've really taken to heart when working with different, you know, different brands and stuff like that and the same thing like I just don't think Everyone's to see like look at this paint that I used on the wall like hashtag add like I love this so much like No One's Gonna believe you. So I really just think it's you are you are sharing things to add value to the people's lives that follow you or that's what I believed was social media anyways, and I don't I don't think that you should be working with some of it doesn't add value. That being said your time is worth something. So if you're spending time and you're spending resources, Aces and you're doing all of that they should be paying you a certain amount especially if it's your full-time position. And so with that how do you determine you know, it sounds to me like you're super super fair with everything that you anyway both sides of the coin and I and any brand I think would appreciate that so much because you are promotion of a product doesn't mean anything if you don't actually care about it and your community. I'm going to have results for either side. So I think it's such great advice that content creators should consider that when they're choosing the Brand's to work with and let's say that you do have a project that you would accept money you for and you know, how do you determine whether or not you're using your iPhone and you're just shooting at home and that you want to create content for a brand and then when you you know, kind of curate more of a professional photo shoot and Honestly, I used to do a lot more professional photo shoots that I do now and it's it was great. But at the same time honestly like just from from a Content creation point of view. I think that iPhones are a lot. I mean granted like a great professional cameras going to look way better. But like for me like I don't feel comfortable doing photo shoots very much unless someone is telling me like exactly what to do like Literally where to look like how like close my eyes should be like, I'm not I'm so bad at it. I get so awkward. And so that's like not something I really enjoyed and it took kind of like the pleasure out of it for me. It didn't feel as creative to me. So I have been having a lot of fun like doing iPhone photo shoots around my house and you know around Nashville and stuff like that. I think it really depends on if you're taking a deal where you're promising. I like professional content, then you should be producing that content. But and I guess it really depends on the brand. So like when I work with a brand and kind of go through and look at their feet and kind of like what they are interested in because if they only have really professional stuff or some people only have Follies of stuff and like usually if they give you a brief it'll say that but sometimes people don't really consider like looking at what their aesthetic looks like for me if Me just posting on my feed all you typically do it with my iPhone just because I've been trying to break out of like the whole like Instagram has to be a whole aesthetic thing kind of make it more real but like if I'm shooting something like in my bathtub and I'm in my bathtub like it's like it was it doesn't really need to be like you don't have your tripod in the corner with the listen. Actually the tripod is in the corner of the house, but it has some balloons tied to from her birthday party and And my boyfriend whenever he has a chance, we'll say like to someone else like an another influence her boyfriend. I'll be like she gets out her tripod and like to do that. I don't like the term of literally sits in the corner like we've used it twice but we've just discovered an untapped Market influence her boyfriends and wounds our husbands. Wait, Danny Austin's husband is I can't remember what he changed his name to his name's Jorden, but you change its like the Instagram has been or something I think either As I do live or podcast and it's hilarious because it's just this weird looking to like like what it is. Like we there's one point where first I guess maybe because of Summer something I was receiving a lot of drinks in the mail. So dumb would go to work every day with a different kind of drink and he said the people are gonna start asking questions because I have such weird things that you can't buy at the store. I was like, yeah, that's gonna happen was her boyfriend problems hashtag. Let me get so much stuff like you get so much cool stuff and he doesn't get to complain so he can send me stuff. I don't want which is like I am with that to like one thing is sometimes I don't know what companies are going to send me and it's really wonderful like receiving products. But if I'm not going to use them, I'm either going to send them to like my I take I take my mom like a bag of stuff every time I go home because like I don't want her to be spending money on stuff and like she can just take this if I don't use right And it to my friends are like, you know, I don't know. I've seen some people where they'll do like a big giveaway and we did one on Nash cause we're like, I had the brands of prove it but whether they'll do a giveaway of the stuff that they don't want and it's just kind of like buying followers, but like with the free stuff that's gonna give you I don't know it feels off to me. So so that being said like he gets a lot of stuff at soda, like a lot of my friends are really spoiled when they come from out of town. I'm like hey take this home with you. Perks of the job. It's not so bad. No, I totally get that and that's something that I posted about yesterday is yeah and you know from our side it's you know, obviously way above my head what our packaging is is in and all of that but as someone who's in the health and wellness industry, it is on our brand to be environmentally aware and something that we definitely try to make use of every inch and the boxes that we have. We even made the boxes that we send out product and smaller. Just because it was more efficient and and yeah, and obviously these are recyclable and things like that. So obviously one of the big things I've always had an issue with with influencer world is just like the waist and the wasted it produces and the consumerism that it promotes. So I guess that's one part where you kind of have to stay true to your brand because this is going to be all over the place based on who you are and what type of influence are you are and what you're promoting but I think with you Civically, you know you talked a lot about health and wellness and natural products and things that really do impact people's lives in a positive way. So I just want to come in do you for always sharing things that you truly care about and it's not just like, you know superficial items. Not that there's anything wrong with that because I'm a girl I love buying cute clothes I buy off of influencers all the time, but I just really do appreciate that and as a brand, you know, that is something that continuously I hope more brands are conscious of and aware of I saw See a commented or responded to someone's comment about hey, I love buying your products, but it comes in so much plastic and packaging and they said, you know, they responded back where like, you know, we noticed that and we're soon going to be able to offer a package for your package list like shipping or something like that. So, you know, I think that is something to be aware of especially in this industry that you're not wasteful and then you're not sending people things that they don't want or they're not going to use because they're probably not going to post about it or promote it either, you know, Yeah, and that's like just both product ways and the amount of boxes. So I get everything shipped here because we're at my therapist because things get stolen from my front porch and I learned that the hard way when a box of mine got stolen. I think it was probably branded on the outside and it's you know, some of my neighbor but power to them they get the line I try to open things here and luckily I'm in this car working space where We have a few warehouses or people ship things out of like we have some guys who do candles and someone that does like a leather product. So I always ask them if they need a box to ship things out of and if I don't then they we have like a system here. They break down and recycle everything but when I do like when I am in a rush, I take things home. Like there are constantly my house is three floors. And so I'll bring things up to the second floor open them there and then I don't want to walk all the way down the stairs because I'm lazy and I have this pile of boxes and it's just like it feels like the most I mean besides the cats like really really love it. It really feels so wasteful to me and I think about that a lot. I said something to tell me other day about he likes to use like a plastic water bottles. Like he just loves them. They're everywhere but he loves them and I always say like we have so many like actual like metal or glass water bottles. Like why don't we try to reduce our waste and he like looks at the boxes and he's like, yeah, okay. Like I get hope it but it's not something that is really on my mind a lot. So I appreciate when brands are doing something what I you know small or big because it's so hard like what can you do? But yeah, that's that's such a difficult one and then as for like the products of there's definitely some stuff that I've gotten in in like loved and there's stuff that you either especially with skincare like hasn't worked for me like hasn't worked for my face. Face Hair Care like is just does like weird my hairs were just as weird things to my hair and I'm like granted like I'm sure the brand and and like this even happens with glossy like the thing I use everyday so many people are like that. I can't use that it breaks out my face and I'm like, well I use it everyday like it's great. But that kind of happened with any Brenner anything and when they're sending, you know, their Mass sending hundreds of influencers the same box like they're not going to They're not going to know or decide who gets wet. Like I could be I am allergic like elderberries and if somebody sent me like all of their products on had other berries that clearly I'm not going to use that but and that's just a waste of a product and like I said, like I do enjoy like being able to pass them on to other people or especially like like I mentioned that hair care brand they're really great about like if I love something letting letting them know so they can send me another one of it for me to share with a friend and like being really About that, but that's something like so really weirdly enough. I I had no idea about I wore drugstore makeup and I used to wash my face with water and a washcloth every night and put Neutrogena moisturizer on it. And that was it like through until until I moved here basically, maybe a little before that but my friend my best friend mayor and how give a lot of random stuff to know. She she was Always like really I had on all the trans like glassy sending Riley like all this stuff and I used to go to her house in Miami and look at like all the things on her little bathroom shelf and like be like, what's this was that like secretly play with it like not tell her and then she like catchy music. Let's do it like a face mask. Okay, but I have a best friend that I do the exact same thing was so I'm a hundred percent there. Well, it's so funny to look back now because I am constantly searching for like ways to store. All of these things and my intern wants me to get a skincare fridge so so bad. She wants to do a panel and skincare fridges if that there's a market for that. Let me know because she wants to talk about it, but I think are what Fringe have you heard like you literally it's like this mini. Oh, I think I saw it on skinny confidential. Yes, probably guess shoot. So hey, I got one and she's like obsessed with it and I'm like, but where do I put the fridge like? I don't have room for this up. So that is something that it really does mean something to me when brands are intentional about what they send. Like they whether they asked you like would you use this product or like I know that you guys have asked like are you allergic to something or do you like this or do you like that and to me like that's meaningful because it's like sometimes I don't necessarily need or want or feel apt towards the certain thing. Like I don't really use face masks anymore and it's just amazing. But if someone says we have face masks, I'm not going to share because I don't I don't enjoy them anymore. I think this is a perfect. Example of how Brands and influencers need to be better about opening up the conversation and not being so one-sided like the brand can't come out and influencer and say we need you to do this in this way and an influencer. I can't say. These are my rates in this is what I offer. I think it's more. I think it's going to be better for everyone when you work together to find out what your each passionate about and what your goal is for each campaign or for each product because you know, what we like to do is send. Usually it's a variety of products. So that way you can really honestly choose the one that you enjoy the most to talk about. And usually we aren't after professional content. We do we love reposting things that are shot on iPhones and that are user-generated just because honestly, it is more authentic and it is what your best friends going to be making, you know in her smoothie bowl and things like that. It's just more relatable. So if someone comes to us and saying hey, I'm going to spend all this money on a professional photo shoot. So my rate is higher. That might necessarily not be a good fit for us because that's not what we need. So I really love the fact that we're touching on this because I think it is a miss a lot of times I think on both sides being more. Like, how can I serve you and what products do you like or what services are you looking for out of this collaboration is going to get both sides a lot further and that's really how you build Partnerships that are going to last a long time. So I love that you love that. You mentioned that thanks. Yeah. Absolutely. That's that's such a huge one to me is just I'm all about relationships and like garnering those relationships. Like I know that another really great thing that you guys do is you'll send like full-size but I also have a lot of like the sample sizes which I appreciate because I have friends that had a friend call me and he was like, he was like my protein powders on backorder. Like what do I do? And he's like, I swear he's not like a crazy like muscle head or anything, but he just is really serious. But his health and his smoothies and I had mentioned ancient nutrition before and like this amazing stuff that I had and he was like I was like, I'll bring you a few little packs already unit like dropped it on his front porch and he's like obsessed. So it's that's like one of those things were well, it wasn't necessarily like communicated. It's a really helpful thing to try and like I brought them here before and people people ask me questions. Someone actually walked out to me once and who became my client probably because of this he was like, how do you have these like ancient nutrition products? Aren't in the market yet. And I was like, oh, yeah, you know why this is so cool. I mean, I love hearing things like this because you can you know work behind the scenes on something and not know all of the different interactions that people have with your product if it's not on social media. So this honestly makes my day and this is you know, connecting people and allowing for a good conversation around health and wellness is something I'm passionate about and I'm so lucky that I get to do that for my job too. And I'm glad that it benefits you and your life to like that's that's the whole point. That's how it works. And that's how it works. Well, so yay, what's next to wrap it up for you and your life and your career and your hustle, you're always dabbling in so many things and doing amazing events that are super cool and you're always you know meeting with the coolest people around town and tastemakers and content creators here in Nashville. So what's next for you? What's up? Oh gosh. Well, I kind of pride myself on this way. Only take one. Vacation I take I take a decent amount of vacations, but I don't stop working. I went to Egypt for a week and I worked the entire trip on a different continent, but we're not necessarily proud of but wait. Yeah, let's hold up on that. You need to have some more self-care time. I know but I actually from me and this some brought up to his probably not like a healthy way to cope but I Channel my stress into working which is probably what keeps me successful as like I'm if I'm stressed out. King or own cleaning and it's more likely I'm working because if you saw my house, you know, I'm not cleaning but that being said I take a week off I turn on my vacation email which I never do is probably says something really weird for Bonnaroo which like I'm not like a festival ground, but that's they have these wonderful. It's like I know people like think about like the lineup and all that but during the day since it's a camping Festival you wake up and there's yoga and there's dancing their sound baths and there's panels and so I'm really looking forward to My second year they're like really experiencing the things that have to offer especially because a lot of the a lot of people travel there a lot of the people that are presenting those things are from Nashville. So connecting with a lot of it's women. It's they have this one area that's called like the sanctuary and stuff like that. So I'm really excited for that that's in like two and a half weeks and then besides that for me summer is really just Kind of busy season with the vents and figuring out how to cope with the heat. I am working on taking on a partner and creating a full-service creative agency alongside all of the other things that I'm doing. So that's something that is exciting and will be a challenge for me as someone who is used to working solo and not delegating and so it will be a challenging summer for me. But I'm that's that's our growth has. Ben's yeah, I'm I know we talked a little bit about this earlier, but it's going to be such a great thing for you to have be able to focus on the creative direction of things on social media because that's really what you're passionate about and you've more than proven yourself capable. So it's really just taking everything to the next level and I could seriously sit here and talk to you and I have so many more questions to ask. So maybe we'll yeah, maybe we'll do a dot dot dot at the end of this and continue it another time, but this has been so insightful for Me and so much fun. So thank you for taking the time to sit down with me and chat and I hope you had fun. I did your awesome. Thank you. We're can everybody find you on social media. Oh gosh all over my Instagram at Amelia Weiss with an extra s because there is another million ways. I follow her. She's pretty cool. No, no. No, but but as she ever changed her name, it's mine. And then also the Nash cows and I the new company is V factory with a I've and I spelled out V. It's pretty much it. That's your website. Oh, my website is the gal start Network or Love. It Loud. Co is my my like personal digital Consulting business. And of course Fit Factory, but I'm pretty sure we're still under construction. So if you want to see a picture of a cute dog, you can go to that. Oh, yeah, that's pretty much it. And if you ever need me, you can email me because that is my most reliable form of communication if you text me and you might not get a response. Sorry Amelia to ice at Mom it's also linked to my personal Instagram, and then I have the Nationals email, which is just the Nationals at Gmail, and I'm also that was linked to me to all my emails are linked to me. There's 10 of them. He's a jack-of-all-trades. She can definitely help you out. Honestly. I've learned so much from the combo today. So, thank you. Well, that's a wrap. Thanks so much for hanging out with me and my girl boss Crush Amelia Weiss as she mentioned you can find her on Instagram at Amelia Weiss with two s's and at the Nash gals if you're in Nashville, I strongly suggest going to a Nashville's event. I've met so many incredible people there and if you're looking for an impressive group of women to connect with you. Certainly, we'll head on to the gals dot Network and check out the event schedule on their website. Now. Do you want to stay up to date on influencer marketing tips resources Instagram updates and more relevant information about this growing industry. Do you want to know about new episodes podcast guests and have the chance to submit questions for upcoming interviews with influencers and brand Specialists. Well, I'm sharing it all with you on Instagram now. Now officially at added value podcast. I really wanted a space to talk more about the topics. We discuss in these conversations and get to know you as the listeners what you're looking for. So, please feel free to head on over there and share your thoughts with me. I hope you find lots of value from the account as much as you do from the podcast, and I'm really excited to connect with more of you there. Thanks again for listening and until next time don't forget to own your all you
When Amelia first moved to Nashville from Tampa, FL she barely knew a soul. She was on the search for a way to connect with other female professionals and entrepreneurs and when she couldn’t find one, she created one. Since launching the Nash Gals Network in early 2018, Amelia has also started her own consulting and creative agency, Love It Loud Co. As a content creator her philosophy on working with brands consists of genuine relationships, value and transparency. As a freelancer and content creator running multiple businesses and social media accounts she proves that you don’t have to have all of the answers - you just have to believe in yourself. But its not all festivals, photoshoots and fun events like you see on social media. Its using every inch of her google calendar to maximize every minute of the day - even if that means scheduling in her showers. Not only is she one of the hardest working people I know, she is incredibly humble. She’s constantly thinking about what more she can do for others, especially when it comes to empowering women. As both a content creator and business woman, she has experience working with brands and as one. Amelia has tons of knowledge and experience in branding, social media content, public relations and most importantly - has an incredibly authentic intention of bringing people together and helping them excel in their career. I feel so lucky to know her and am very excited for you to hear about her amazing journey. You can find her on instagram at @ameilaweisss and @thenashgals. Go to and check out the event schedule to meet incredible and inspiring individuals in the Nashville community. If you want to collab with Amelia on something creative, hit her up at 5thfactory. Don't forget to follow @addedvaluepodcast for more influencer marketing tips, stats and episode updates. Thanks again for listening, and don't forget to #ownyourvalue.
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I well a lot of people in Hawaii have the surname me. Ah, no, but it's like quite a popular sternum in Kenya. Okay. There's there's a whole story to us. Okay. Okay, we won't get into it. So I was just talking to Karen. I was saying that I would love you. Excuse me. That is okay. I think that I'd love to do a podcast with someone who is kind of like a multimedia multi-dimensional creative. I need to sneeze again. No, I'm not get it there. Yeah, that is the worst feeling ever and because I feel I was saying not I feel you are someone who does so many different things that even when I was trying to research you I was like, I think I'm just going to have to ask her. Yeah, because you seem to be doing like every type of art form. You have a little finger in you know, and I just I find that really really inspiring but I also think that like a lot of people are working in that way. Nowadays and I always whenever someone asks me how I'm going to describe myself or like you want to you. Do I never know what to say because I'm a bit the same but like what do you do? You know and we can start this completely schizophrenic. Oh my God. I love that phrase. I see. Yeah, I do a lot of things but I don't really put them out there. Like if you were to look at my Instagram, you wouldn't really tell I don't know except for the links that I have which is like a blue which is the podcast that I do and then Origins which is the I guess I Community organization that ideas well for Cutie Pox which is queer trans and intersex and people of color. But yeah God, what are you? Okay, I always hate this question. So I know it's the worst question and I'm genuinely asking you it but I just obviously you have a loop. I didn't a loop as well and it's absolutely fantastic. And that's I think how I first came to Like be like what what is she doing? You know? Yeah, and but then I have seen that you were like releasing music or yeah, I don't know like you're asking me. Oh, do you know someone that I could film for this? I was like, I'm one that are you doing ask you really random questions. Like do you know anyone who does would work or and I think that's yeah. I'm I tried and I try and be really resourceful. So I'm the person that people usually ask like hey, do you know anybody that does? God cast yes, I do or yeah, I'm quite a resourceful person. So I think that's kind of work to my advantage in terms of all the bits that I do so in a nutshell in a nutshell, it doesn't have to be so it's our it's a very big nut shell I so, okay. So I'm like a freelance producer for music videos and I usually work with goldmouth media which is my girlfriend's company. So we work together on the amazing you would do like filming and stuff and then I'd like produce it or facilitate it in some way or another and then we have an independent music label called diadem and then yeah alien Origins and I DJ under the moniker Karma and what else do I feel like there's something I'm leaving. I we can always remember of Blackfish Collective, which is Sit Collective based in London, but they are from Dublin and yeah, just general General bits. I tore manage bad bones. I do visuals for bad bones. I am what did you do third level education. Did you like? Where did you learn this somewhere or are you like self-taught and all these things? So I'm one of those people that if if I've see like a problem. I like to come up with a solution. So I yeah, I'm self-taught. - very much so so I'm just one of those people that would like look YouTube tutorials or you know, the way always is like who goes welcome to my show same-same. This is how you work Ableton and shout out to the people who actually make those choices. Those are Anonymous people because honestly, you've gotten me through so many trials and tribulations so much know they're amazing because it's such a skill. I would I'm not able to do a tutorial. I'm really bad at teaching people things. So if anyone's listening to this and they're like, I mean we tried to care and they'd Avenue able to teach me how to do. Visuals and I can't I'm really bad at like teaching so that's not my forte putting it out there because I have gotten those questions. Like can you teach me how to be a producer? It's like I really don't know what to tell you kid. Also my pronouns are they them? Okay Henry just in case anybody was listening was like wait a second. You've got a very feminine voice. Thank you. Yeah, I my pathway into it wasn't necessarily. Through education so but I start like I guess for some background I started off wanting to be a photographer and I went to still organ and then I did IDT for a little bit and didn't finish. I'm real name. Yeah, I don't finish things either except for like these projects which is why I love the project that I'm doing because I'm able to finish the thing. Like I actually feel like it's more natural for someone who's Creative in the way that maybe we are and to not do for years of the same thing or three years of the same thing unfinished products and put your whole heart into them. And I always like have this sense of guilt that I won't be able to do other things because I didn't finish college, but when really I've done so many different things you're Syndrome has yeah. Yeah, but if you have experience, I feel like that's just that's just as much I just don't I Lee and this is took a lot of trial and error of like going back to college and being like, okay, I'm gonna go do digital marketing and I'm going to go do la for a year like ridiculous things and coming out with the same sort of feeling of like this doesn't work for me like that. I guess like an educational sort of format where we're focusing on just one thing doesn't work for me because I artistically schizophrenic. Yeah, I think It's a terrible phrase and I probably shouldn't be using it because it's not fancy at all. But I could I don't know you mean when you're focusing on one thing for a prolonged amount of time and it's labored over and it's something for instance when I was going in. I was like, oh look at I did a project on Natalie cones work and my lecture was like, oh you should have chosen an Irish person and like didn't get the work at all and I was just like, why am I here if you don't even understand that like Natalie cone, is it goes right? Yeah, you know what I mean? Why why am I doing this? It's I completely understand what you mean. It's like a pro. It's just dragged out version of what you would do and I'm short my daughter died. Anyway, yeah. Yeah, I think that's another thing also that put me off like photography because I had a really weird tutor said it there's some other people who like reach out to me like I did that same course tutors really weird. He came up to you and time to Psycho which he knocked you like a piece on I don't know. No, like the African diaspora in our lives. He didn't say diaspora because we didn't have that sort of like this is all I really knew that not even new language, but it's being used more like the roots or Aspera the more buzzwords now, I guess in the way, but he just randomly he came up. Yeah, we had a photo project where we had to the brief was like to capture people moving and movement in any way so it could be it was really broad because it's orange. I've never really broad so it could Been someone taking the darsh from one place or another their morning Journey or it could be someone running or just movement was the General theme it didn't necessarily have to be what the photos look like. They didn't have tub like made movement Sports shots. Yeah, and I can't remember what I did for because I was like suppress it so deeply but he came up to me and he's like, oh would you not do a piece on like, I don't know, you know be really beautiful African woman standing at a bus stop in the rain and just showing like the differences in climate and blah blah blah. It's just like why why are you trying to pigeonhole me into the like you should do this thing? I don't know. It just didn't it's bizarre. And yeah, and at the time I didn't have the language to even reply to him. I just was like, okay, I guess I'll try and focus on that more and that's not to say that I don't have an interest in African artists African trade mark, you know, there's specific countries in Africa and they all have like different Realms of artistry's bush. Yeah, just I don't know. I'm just to come up to you and say that yeah, but he can't he had I feel like he had me and him just didn't yeah, we did we had a bit of friction. Yeah, we don't know difficulties in in because he hadn't come back to because you're actually works so closely with them. There's a couple times where I'd nearly like blow up at like people if they were like, why don't you do this? I'm like, okay if you're suggesting I do that then you of you and you don't know really don't look at what I'm trying to do. I meant to be and you're like standing there. They're like because you're an adult but you're also Speaking to an adult. So you're like standing there. I'd be I whenever it's the way to use up. Yeah, I think so. I'd be like covering my eyes. Look my friends were like Molly relax. I'm like, I'm not because I don't get angry, but I just get like I just miss go silence. Yeah. I'm like, I can't we see right now. Let me get back to you my person. So when you left like did you start any sort of project straight away was that the beginning of you learning all these different forms of media, I guess in a way Way, yeah. So what I had like a big lull in between so when I left I I went off and worked in a cafe for ages the kids like I did I still would work in a cafe if I could. I just I personally can't anymore because I don't have enough social battery where oh my God under the smile that you have to put on some to Smiling. You know, this was hard enough. You're like I didn't want to burn your mighty fine. I'll just bring your coffee actually like we're going to get into Aubrey right. Now. I'm just going to stop this here want it hotter. Okay, that's fine have a just so you know, it's gonna burn I'm gonna find and then the next day did like hot again, please here like okay extra hot and the milk is screaming as well. And you're like, oh looking at the other people in the cafe near like I hope you know that this is this is okay this we are going on here. It's happening. It's happening. But yeah, so I did that for a couple of years and kind of fluff to beige freaking out. What like what am I going to do? And like what is my purpose on life? See? That's the thing as well. Is that sorry? I'm eating doughnuts. Okay, go for it. No, sorry to the people listening delicious. And that's the thing as well. Is that when I was working I was like, I need to find one thing that I'm really good at focus on that and just do that for the rest of my life. So I need to find that thing. So I'd be like, I'm really into fashion room. I'm really into painting. But I can only do one of those but I don't want them to be my career. So I have to stop you know, I was trying to find one thing which was so the wrong thing to do. Yeah, and I think they're there that's a very traditional way of looking at creativity and creatives. Is that a creative just like one thing they're really good at it. Sorry Molly is Stephen, but I'm leaning back because I can feel myself to me shooting a very delicious chocolate ball. Is it? What is it? It's like a Briny. It's so so good. It's very good. I am like pigeon holing yourself. Yeah, we were saying before talk refer or you're just an artist or you're someone who makes websites or you're someone who's a musician. It's like there's this idea that you can only be one one like not multifaceted and I think to create things like podcasts you have to be multifaceted in a way because you have to have a creative eye and understand like what the aesthetic Matches for the sonics. Like how am I going to put these two together? And then you also have to have which is why I was interested in doing digital marketing because you have to have some sort of career out of it and you need to actually eat and pay rent. That's the regular stuff and that's the thing also is that I feel like how I deal with some of my creativity is that I work in like a retail place that's vintage and that I really love and that's another aspect of like what I do but yeah. Thing that I don't get old guys good. That was my reason together though real money job, you know, I know but I hate that phrase. I know that's my money job. Yeah. This is my other job. Yeah, but I called the other things that I do for free. Also my job, whereas like people think that's just something I do wear like a hobby, but that's like what it's worth but my job go to think about all the things that you're doing in terms of like because it's all building up to one thing right? It's building up to something and I think it's really Ali good that people do say like, oh no I have to block this day off because I'm flopping about on websites, but your kind of researching in between and it's about doing things as well in your own time. So I think for me the main reason why I have so many different Outlets is because I find it really boring to just do one thing. I found it really if I was just a photographer. I know I'd end up doing something else for sure like I'd end up making I don't know I just have to I have to do other stuff. Otherwise I get to yeah, I got bored. Yeah it board on. It's also like the pressure of coming up with ideas for just like one art form kind of yeah, I would find to be quite difficult mmm, but I suppose it depends like there is like I know so many people who are like my friend Julia for instance is like photography photography photography like she and that's great and that's actually a really good. That's if you notice I'm not like on this podcast by the way being like no one has to do anything. Because I'm like, I wish I just had this Focus but she seems to have but that's why I was like, I really want to talk to you about this because also in like in terms of careers or whatever. If you go to say work in some sort of Journalism or work as a presenter work as a radio DJ, you have to have all these things and I would like yeah, they they're not hiring editors separate to well maybe for big projects but like Step 2. Deuces separate two presenters like you have to be able to do everything and that's something that I've only learned recently that like that is an expectation of you and I'm so glad now that I like taught myself through YouTube because I was taught at at YouTube. It's that shout out to YouTube. I actually don't know what I would do without you and you only I don't know what I like. I don't know what I would be genuinely. So talk to me a little bit about a loo, which I call Diallo before is really addressing any new means escape and Irish and it Is a podcast that I run with estimate Garda and my Nunes both who are also like just amazing creatives on their own terms and windings is this wear eyeshadow my friends because I always do this and like let me just do it. I am at my friend's a great do it. And so my Nunes is a performance artist based in Dublin. They're doing amazing stuff with the moment to definitely check them out. And then as time Regatta is running a thing called creating a space up and Belfast. Which is very literal just about creating a space and yes, just like multimedia stuff as well. She's really amazing. So yeah, we were having these come a loo is I always think of a Leo is like an educational space where people can learn about what the personal experiences of being black in an Irish context art because I think when you talk about Blackness and when you talk about race, there's a sort of Americanized Lens or a British black lens on on those conversations and we just we were having a kind of started just from us having conversations in our rooms are in cafes are in different spaces with each other and we're liked it. What we're talking about is amazing. We should put this on a podcast which is not to like to down horn. No. No, you're very likable very articulate. I think it's thank you. I think it's really I feel like I'm not articulate you always feel like I just scrub. No, well, I mean going on tangents is different. I feel like everyone who has a podcast. That's like there's right my car because I like it. Yeah. Yeah, but know you're all very very Arctic. Thank you. But yeah, I think it's it was just we wanted to create a space for ourselves to have those conversations and to widen those conversations conversations and hopefully other people who are black and Irish like listen to it, I guess and feel like R not so alone in their head because when you're going through the were going through Arland not even say the world is going to be specific when you're going when you're navigating Irish white spaces as a person of color or as a black person or as a queer black person when you have those different intersections, there's just so many bit like you feel like you're being attacked sometimes at different angles, but you don't have the language or the space to have those conversations if you I have many other friends who are who share the same intersection to see you. So yeah, I guess it's just to make people feel less isolated as well because it can be really you can be really in your head. And also like I used to get like ridiculous paranoia because something would happen but then you don't have anyone to like bounce that awful more like was that was that this was that racism or was this like homophobia or was this this? Like what what was that? That's your kind of just like in your head going through the events that have happened to you in the day trying to and then when other people around you who are like white it's hard to have those conversations with them openly. So we were like, how can we have like a space where we openly talk about race? We openly talk about race and an Irish context. We openly talk about just ourselves because like we really fluff on I might out here saying alien is about race, but also we fluff on So what you're going to listen to it and be like Jesus feels like like I want to listen to it and I had like a cup of tea my hand. I think I was like straightening my hair or something and I do genuinely forgot that I was and not in a cliche wait, like felt like you were in the room with you guys. That's what we want to create a yeah. I want to enter I know it sounds really creepy Island and to people's bedrooms to say that I love to do bedroom adduct you what it's just to create and also we wanted to create a assert a community - we see on on social media. Mmm. So we're like, how do we do this? How do we reach age? So like that's make a podcast and I know you were saying earlier like everyone and their mother has I feel like there's so many podcasts about everything but that just felt like there was a hole there. Okay Katie. Is there anyone open are talking about this podcasts are brilliant as well. I really think they're like because they're so simple. To what I say, there's some things great things but I didn't lie for this. We actually had like nearly an hour long conversation with podcasts and how difficult they are. And aesthetically like, what are you going for? Yeah, they podcasts are not easy. So shed it other podcast podcast easy. Yeah wash it but as in like in terms of like equipment or like you don't have to have like a huge skill set. Like for know, I don't really do it in our country. Yeah. Yeah. And that's why they are brilliant and I feel like especially I love podcasts that are between friends. Like you're one and like even when I have done ones with friends like I did one with my friend Jess. It's very informal. It's kind of like nothing best one. That's the one that everyone's like. Oh my God. I felt like I was there because we're mostly just talked my relationships and people were like are crying and we're like, oh, yeah, so he's like, you know think that's hard. me crying like we actually had to stop the podcast because we're all just like Actually, I'm having an ex constantly having an existential crisis constantly. They passed me on the Street Lamp. That's Karen. I was just crying. Well the first time I met Karen I was crying so fine. It's fine. But how important is then community and friends if you didn't go if you didn't finish in ID t or wherever you were how important has friendships or just people even be In learning and supporting what you do and like feeling able to go into all these different fields. I think it's super I'm really lucky because I'm from a generation where Everything feels really interconnected and you just feel it. Like it's really easy to reach the community that you're trying to reach. Yeah, but I also am really lucky and also on looking away. I guess I'm like a first-generation poc in Ireland and and a lot of the people that I grew up with and Val brick in Shadow be 10. All the best people are from Bob's Burgers, and I'm not even asking myself all but a lot of the people that I grew up with involved broken were people of color there block their creative, sir were musicians and still are musicians and we just constantly gas each other up and we had this there's something in the water I feel involved again, honestly because God I need to go up to about right? Yeah, but don't drink the water. Haha. She you're not you can't Some of the beach there. It's really dirty its filthy. It's filthy. But when I was there, it felt really magical. So yeah, but we we all just really gas each other up and just had this sort of sense of we can do whatever and we all felt really capable. Yeah. I think we were really good support system for each other. So yeah, I got friendship has been so important in my journey into a lot of The things that I'm doing now, so like most of the all actually all the projects that I'm currently working on our with friends in a way. It's a bad thing because it means that all of my friends I work with all of them and we're always talking about work. Yeah, but I wouldn't want to have it any other way because it creates such a good support system and such a good environment to just openly be creative and not and I think there's this sense of Like okay if you're a creative you I don't know. How can I wear this? There's for a long time myself. I had this idea that okay. I need to shut off at some point. But the way my brain works is like I'll be in bed being like Oh my God. I totally record this sound right now and I can add that to this and then make a weird like me and Maya have started doing weird videos not weird videos, but videos are to Videos and will be like up texting each other being like Oh my God. I had this great idea of so we need to get like 10 snakes and go to a field and record the 10 snakes. Its that's just how my brain works. Yeah, but I because I took so much on so when I was starting all these projects I took so much on and burnt out so quickly. So then I was trying to create a structure for myself because if you are freelance you do you have to create a structure for yourself you have To be like, okay, I'm gonna like be up at this time to me. That's your look like waking up at a certain time and finishing doing something at a certain time and like not talking about certain projects on like Friday's through to Mondays because I'm only going to work on them choose day to Thursday and it just doesn't work for me anymore. And I think for a while my burning Ash was also like making my friendship suffer, but I started taking on less, okay. And like taking a step back because I'm a little bit of a control freak and just have I've started trusting my friends more because I work with them started trusting them more and being like, okay. I know this Sal you can probably do this video without me in Gold math or like proud. I know you can like take over diadem for a minute and I can focus more on this thing. It was difficult. Yes. It's difficult. It's I'm I'm constantly trying to find a balance. I feel like I found it but I could say that in the next week being like yeah another exercise. And then why do you feel like you find it now? I feel like I found it now me possibly because I have put a like boundaries with saying because I used to be such a yes person be like, yes, I'm on board. I'll do this thing for you. And I think that's really the real reason why I burn Ted if I'm being honest with myself. It's because I was I did a year of yes, essentially. Yeah, and I think everyone should do that. Everyone should just have a yearly Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, I'm gonna do all the things and just like go into these spaces and be really scared and be like, oh my God. Why am I here? Yeah. I'm not even like a year of yes. Also created a year of imposter syndrome for me. Yeah. That's that's the year. I've had 100 percent and I think in some cases The Imposter syndrome was valid like I shouldn't have been in the places I was but I just wish your but I it you have license their lessons and I think I was really afraid of failure and I've had so much failure. And I look back on it now and I'm like I've learned so much from all that you have to fail and if it's something that you're really passionate about I think you are going to be scared and you are going to have imposter syndrome about it. But essentially, you know what you're doing when you go into those spaces and there's a reason why you're in X space. Yeah. Yeah. It was also the same year that I was named like one to watch by Irish Times in the meat and I think it was like person media to watch and the Irish Times of 2018. And that was the year the most thing yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Then the start of this year. I was just like oh my God, I think oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah and it's so easy way to do if you're if close. Oh, he's a thing is that that you're like, oh my God, I'm only doing one project and film but I am I love filming, you know, oh my God, I'm only doing this podcast and that's like kind of the only thing where I'm expressing myself as an individual. Oh my God, how am I gonna and if you if you are like a multi-dimensional artist, it's like All those things you do. You still love as much as if you are doing one thing. You still have probably have as many ideas, but you have to like choose between them or you don't yeah, and then there's the things that other people ask of you. He's like this has like lavender. Yeah, it's earl grey. Oh, it's nice. Yeah. My mom is obsessed Earl Grey. So that's the only TV have I highly recommend it guys. It's kind of peppery. Yeah, honey lavender you love Andre relaxing. Yeah, like I can drink that tea cult which is weird. Oh as in I mean I prefer To but anyway guys I had it anyway, so talk to me a little bit Origins Allah Origins. Yeah, so our Origins is something that started last year and that caught that came out of a need for seeing that there's a community out there but not like we needed spaces together which were we still need space if anyone has any space, but they like to give to me as in the physical space a physical space not Like forever not like a studio, but just like a fit a venue space. Okay, did you probably help you with that Grace? Thanks. Molly. Actually cut this also Bush. Yeah Arjun started as I guess as a kind of a personal project and if I'm being honest with myself, it's a very selfish project because I'm attempting. I know it's like a Monumental task. I'm attempting to create a queer community of color within Ireland. I don't see what so what it's very much for myself. And I had this it's been an idea of mine for ages and I was kind of fighting with the fighting with fighting against it in a way because I'm like am I the person to do this? Like should I be the person that's like attempting to start a community of a queer community of color and inclusive community because it's like A wool or don't have any like Community work background. Like that's not my background at all. So it's a very new project. It's not your background, but you're so young. So I know I don't do people start with these backgrounds, you know, yeah, I know. Yeah for sure for sure. So yeah, it's a community that I'm trying to start and we've had like really nice events just really like wholesome events and all of our events for the time being anyway. Our POC centered because I feel like there's so much healing that needs to happen within that Community just like we need to have those conversations outside of a loo and outside of all that we need to have that those sort of safe spaces and conversations and just space to rest and space to decompress and I think that's why it's been so hard as well to find a space because people are like, wait, what do you mean white people aren't allowed and I'm not I've never been like white people. Aren't allowed but essentially what people aren't alive because there needs to be just as much as there would be like a feminist space where it's like women only I feel like that is something that is lacking in Ireland like - that space to just heal and rest and recoup and learn but you know, I don't I'm not trying to stick to anyone for Matt. I'm not saying like, oh, yeah, we're just gonna have like, I don't know. We're just going to have dinners or we're just going to have Movie screenings. I think they can be all of those different things. I think the space just needs to be created first and be consistent which I'm working on consistency is not been no, but it's difficult. You know it is I feel like when you're different thing when you're but especially when you're looking for a space and then when you get down to the nitty-gritty and they're like, yeah, it's basically Marlins. We were talking about this event and we're talking about decentralizing, you know, like you have to move out of Dublin because like the rents too high and whatever I'm going to different cities, but then we're talking about that like even in those different cities or towns space is still very hard to get especially when you're like dealing with someone that maybe doesn't understand what you're trying to do. Even if it doesn't affect them or whatever like Issue of spaces. It's just it's very very difficult. It is. Yeah. Yeah, so it gets you usually we like get to a point in the conversation where we're like, yes, we're creating this space for people of color blah blah blah blah and then it gets down to the nitty-gritty of it and were like, yeah, so you as the venue person can't actually be here. Yeah because you're white and it's important that we could we feel safe and comfortable to discuss things in our own. Own language because we're still learning how to navigate navigate race unlike navigate our emotions around that navigate the experiences and Trauma that we go through so that's when usually it's met with like oh, oh why it's just yeah, it's a hard one. I think that's where like allyship or a comp accomplices come into play and they're really important to Origins. So yeah, yeah. A lot of learning that needs to be done and there's a lot of I think it's like a wider conversation that I don't necessarily know if I'm the person to be having those conversations, but I know thought I can facilitate those spaces really well. So on you're very organized person which is important for what you seem to be if you like produce being outside. Yeah. I wanted to talk to you a little bit about starting projects because obviously we've talked about all your projects but like You obviously are person who has loads of ideas and who wants to do loads of things. What makes you actually want to like start something or what? What is the process of say starting a podcast or starting Origins before you even get to there? Like what is your thought process that makes you go? Okay. This is something I really want to do. I think with some of them it's with some of the smaller projects that I've done in the past. It literally is just like fuck it. Let me just try it. Yeah, because I think Everyone needs to I think it's really important to just throw your haunted everything like throw the kitchen sink at it and just do your best and if you fail you fail if you're really passionate about it do it again. Don't be scared of failing because I know there's a lot of perfectionist out there that are like, oh now is not the right time to start this like the right time is literally tomorrow. Yeah, like whenever you can do it in a year you can do it tomorrow and I also say to people who are listening don't be afraid to do something just because someone else This is doing at yeah, because yeah, there's this like I don't like, oh, I can't especially in Dublin Dublin and problems the nature of the game. I mean, we're all very big Personality. Yeah, we're all drama queens. Yeah, but don't be afraid to do something just because someone else is doing it because you're going to put your own twist on it you're going to now obviously don't like coffee someone. Yeah. Well, it's different. I feel like people will know that that's what for instance people some people who No of come to me being like to mind if I start a podcast, I'm like, yeah first I was oh my God, I was asked do you mind if I start a oh my God, and I'm so upset by it. Yeah. I asked me. Do you mind if I start a queer POC group and I was like, why would I because actually for me if there's strength in numbers, I'm like, please do the more people. I didn't love to see another group who is like doing something similar to Me I'm not opposed to then when please please. It actually helps me because there's no one that I can necessarily look to in Dublin that I'm like you're doing the exact thing I want to do and I feel really encouraged and let's swap. Like what was this experience? Like, what was this experience? Like if there's someone that's doing a podcast and you want to do a podcast. You don't need to ask Molly. Yes you podcast was even with what you're talking about. Is that like the more podcasts are or the more actually makes it easier for everyone. You like your more your presence is more known like when you're emailing people they are aware of like that someone with a podcast could you know guess know like if you're emailing a space for instance trying to do a live show. They're like, oh I know what a podcast is or you know it. Yeah and like for instance I did a talk the other day with Jameson and it was half the time would you get free time soon? I actually did not do it and okay. Sorry. It was to like business. Owners and stuff and they were genuinely want they really wanted they was about like how they could so our generation is the first generation that were seen to be drinking less. Yeah, so they wanted to know not only signed Bob like how they can get people into bars and pubs with I like great like an ice cream. Yeah times are bad but like it like a healthy Community around quite understand. They don't want their they're not necessarily looking for people to drink more like just how to tie to make it I think are very needy. Yeah, so I was trying to explain that like the marketing to Millennials of like, you know brunches. And so that's not the same for necessarily what they're looking for with if you're trying to get like a creative communities to meet you and I've spent half the time explaining what a collaborative was now I'm sure they have tons of emails in their inbox about like collaborative want to do but they are genuinely were like but wait like, you know, they didn't know what it was. So then maybe they'll be more aware. Maybe they'll see any like the more of these things that Are happening the better it is for everyone like the more sure but I listening to podcast if someone's listening to your podcast about listen to my podcast. If someone they might listen to another podcast because there's suddenly into podcasts instead of music or you know, all those things like intertwine but I think that's such a good tip what you're saying. Is that like don't don't please. Yeah my God, please don't like just do it. Yeah, do it make it happen. Even if you do like one one if you want to get into events and you want to like do a gig with Different artists just do it. Even if you did it the one time that's not necessarily a failure failure. You've learned from Ash you've done it and if you want to do it again, and it was a complete flop bitch do it again. Just do it again and keep doing it because there is a pairing consistency. Yeah, like I'm sure your first few podcasts like I don't know I have what the rate monitor their they know. Well, they actually numbered well, but that was more I think people from my life being nosy. Yeah, like I'm keeping them. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's not because I'm so going to keep them up there. Yeah, because that's not shows. It shows the progress and it shows the growth. Yeah, but that's another thing I think would like especially with creative people because there's so many people doing so many things that are really really good and they've been doing things for years that some people like people are afraid to Their work out there because it's almost like because of social media, you're like defined by even like your the beginnings of your work and the beginnings of your career when you shouldn't be and it should be like a progression and like just a whole learning experience. Yeah and numbers aren't everything. Yeah, but I think it's really good. Actually. I'm just thinking about numbers. I think that's really good why they took the like the numbers of likes on Instagram. Oh my God in like it's much change for some people. It's been huge for me personally like I I just think it's amazing and I think for art I think I'm seeing more art and I'm seeing more people. I know who are really really talented who were really scared to post their work. Even if it's like someone I know with a private profile but they are not necessarily wanting to get into the whole like creative scene. I'm seeing more people just being more creative without like being embarrassed this whole ashame. Yeah, like centers right? You only have one like yeah exactly. Nobody knows. Yeah, nobody. Yeah, it's great. Yeah, and I think it's just about putting stuff out there. Yeah, it's the only way to learn. Yeah. Sorry. I'm just like repeating what you're saying. No, I feel like I'm really enjoying this conversation. I am on this Folly has a question for me. So okay. I'm giving you advice. Okay. So how do you get past blocks in creativity? Whether that's like you're on a project and you're like, oh, I think I can't get this to where I want to be but I don't know how to get there or whether it be like hmm. I I'm just not feeling creative at the moment. I'm not afraid to take my time because time is social construct just like gender. No, but genuinely I'm and I think you can see that in my work. There's like big stints of me not doing stuff because I don't fight against that and I think if you try and fight against that feeling of like stopping because I think naturally your brain will tell you it's like I'm tired man. Yeah, I'm I really don't want to do this and it's okay. It's okay to stop. Mmm. It's okay to just take take a take a minute. Take a breath take a month. Take two months because in that space of time you that's I feel like when there's silence that it's it's like a magical time. Yeah, you know, you're like something will come up it just it always kind of does and it's scary though. Yeah, and I feel like the thing is is that if you are like experience that kind of block it is frightening and For a while, you might be technically taking a break because you're not doing anything but you're still searching for it in your mind. And then it just takes longer but also personal and emotional and spiritual growth is so important as well for your create create creative growth. Yeah. So take the time baby. Yeah. I'm I like at the moment. I'm kind of like I'm just tired, you know, but there is there's so much pressure to constantly release and like have something weekly and well and I really push against those Things and it for a long time it really annoy annoy myself some like I should be like doing more. Yeah, we should be posting daily every single month, but you know 80 takes a really big emotional toll on us because we're essentially inviting people into our into our bedroom and having a conversation that we just record Like Richard just put a thing. I deeply personal. Yeah, it's soup. It can be super personal but sometimes even then we're just like touching the surface. So it's like a little bit of a therapy session but like we take our time with that and I think it's really important to we that we check in on each other as well. It's like hey haven't heard from you in a while you okay? Because we did get we got stuck in a rut were just talking about work. But yeah, I think taking time and not being afraid of because I would then see other people posting their podcast and be like, oh my God, I'm glad like fuck like yeah, I have to can I hear something? Yeah, you kind of pick up. You say whatever so much. Yeah, I get like really anxious for like posting things. Maybe I should I should be posting as well. Yeah, I'm gonna be left behind people are going to forget. We're going to lose our traction. It's like it's fine. If people are there for it. They're there for them. They'll just pick up where they because naturally like say vote Vogue magazine or any sort of magazine and I'm using that as like a an example that comes out monthly or weekly and some some weeks. You don't get it and some once you don't get it. Just like man. I'm actually getting another magazine. That's okay. That's okay to fall off of something and then like jump back on. Yeah, so I think it's it's about not having that sort of and I know it's I'm still dealing with it. So I don't have fully have the answers right for me at the moment. I'm just not fighting against taking time, but I still got what you mean about like, okay. I have to have this weekly and like going on to you like wake up one day. You're like I'm gonna have a lion And then you wake up and you've seen that someone has already gone to two meetings that they can't talk about it and yeah finished two meetings to yeah. Yeah and like it's like it didn't I do it. Yeah. It's in Trend to be busy it is so when you take even even when you are working really hard you feel like you're not working hard enough on it's like it's fully this online social media Trend that if you do it because we use maybe our Instagrams or whatever as our CV we want to be seen that we're like really booked up constantly honest. Yeah booked in busy and here doing bits baby. Yeah. Yeah. It's yeah, it's definitely like a pressure but I think that that's like the plus and also the negative that comes with Instagram is that it's so accessible and you can just go onto someone's page and like oh cool. This is what you do, but like you're not busy. Yeah. I'm I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but loads of bits that I do that I just don't post on Instagram because I feel like The work speaks for itself, but also quite shy. Yeah. I'm quite a shy person which is weird because you'll see we have your like I'm everything I wear and how I dress is really loud. Yeah blue eyebrows right now. Yeah, but I'm actually quite a like shy socially awkward person. And and I think that's yeah. That's just how I am with Instagram as well. I like to I don't I don't I say I hide behind some of Some projects, but definitely when I'm in facilitatory rolls, I prefer to let the other person shine and take that. Yeah that space. Yeah, which I love doing that. So yeah, I don't know. I don't have the answers for you know, but that's it's just the conversation, you know? No, but I feel like I'm still thinking about that question. I'm like, what do you do when you're feeling blocks? Yeah, because it does feel like like someone asked it in the audience the other night at the creative Island thing which by the questions that were so nice because I've recently I've been doing loads of panels where this adults in the audience and whenever people put that up there Hannah move this like yeah. Yeah, of course, you can no it's fine. You can even take it off if you want to recently I've been doing panels. I'm gonna go recently I'm doing doing panels where the audience is mostly adults and it and even when I went See Naomi Klein people who put their hand up. They were just trying to show the information that they had, you know, you know like in school when people do that or is phone Buzz words around. Yeah, like hi. I'm this from this like organization like obviously, that's great but then like statistic and it's like well, where's your question, you know or just was like, what do you think of that? But at the creative creative Ireland event, which is actually really well run and thank you to the people who organized it and there was it was freed tickets for In to 21 year olds, but it was mostly people who are like 16 17 dope. So there are actually wanting to know the answers to the questions. And one of the questions was from a young girl and she was like she was doing loads of work while she was in school, which I think is amazing because I was never like that. You know, she was like kids have so much energy. I say that like we're a little know what was it like kids have so much. I don't understand it's brilliant and I think she was like running a deep up and then she was also trying to do these like videos. Hunting I know she was like but I'm like feeling really tired and blocked and I was like, well, I'm feeling the exact same to wonder you are a few doing. Yeah things that's the thing is that like this expectation that we have of ourselves is so humongous. And I don't know if that comes from like like capitalism. We're working, you know, like yeah, I know it does. Yeah, but I think we know it does. Yeah, I think in deep in all of us, we know that this is not how we're meant to be living and I also know that I think it's as well as that like we all want these things to be our job that we make a living off and that we can survive off and so we were like constantly like chasing our Tails. Just trying to get to that point where we can leave whatever like even like college or even yeah, whatever job that like pays your bills to manual labor to the other. Yeah ping and I like I feel like that's where the I'm busy. I'm busy. Busy thing comes from because most of the time when I'm online, I'm like, I'm busy. It's actually because I have to go into work. Yeah things before that, you know so busy, I've loved it. Yeah same but for me when it's like oh, I'm so busy. It's because I've left everything to the last minute. Yeah, like now I have to do everything today. If I don't do everything today. I need to go to Tesco and he's your future by need to dye my hair blond again. I need to do my roots. Um, yeah, I know you like so I got so busy, so, Well, I think we'll finish it there. Is there anything that you would like to direct to your Instagram and projects? Yeah. Sure. My Instagram is shukra my heart. I have like a thing with Irish words. I don't know. What yeah. Well, they're gorgeous. Yeah, Sugar Mama. Yeah, SheiKra my heart I see. Are you see or a what's up underscore underscore? Hey Ma. Thi Orry, I think I kind of know I'll link it in the description and then the other project that I definitely direct POC and black and queer people to follow is Origins Allah, which yeah, I left dormant for so long on the Instagram but was doing loads of bits on it. So you'll do well. Yeah. Yeah, but I only just like started posting pictures on em, like I guess I should put things on that. I feel like there needs to be some other alternative platform. Yeah. Instagram, yeah, because I feel like it's going to crash and burn. Well, it's it'll be so powerful. It's because even though my treating it like a portfolio or archival. Yeah thing and if it like crash tomorrow not even like oh like to do with numbers like, oh I wouldn't get booked for things. I genuinely want to have proof of things. I've done. Yeah. I think I need to like start a website or there needs to be something where I have. I just need to get a hard drive and put everything on that harder and be like, oh, well you this is the back of ya if this yeah sales. Yeah, well do that. Let's see that absolutely Ailee Ailee Ailee is on Mixcloud. You can find it. It's easy father ALU father and make squared and the same on Instagram. He father ALU father on Instagram or on Facebook as well, but I don't use yeah neither. Am I don't you we're also on Twitter. Yeah. Our Twitter is like a bit of a hole for me. Okay, that's it could be don't look at her. Yeah. Well, you know what fuck bars. So yes people of the - yeah, and thank you so much for listening guys. And sorry for all the ASMR me chewing that delicious brownies. Thank you, sir. And thank you too deep up for letting me interview everyone and also being great to me. Thank you. That's my bills. Thank you for coming. Thank you, even though it's lashing rain and you know gorgeous I'm sad that I didn't film you just for your look. No, it's fine and trust me. This is like hiding an array of of things. Okay. Bye guys. Hi.
Starting out as a photographer Karen Miano has always had sights on the bigger picture. Named as one of the People To Watch in 2018 in the media category of the Irish Times & GCN, their entrepreneurial work to date has always been to uplift their community. In 2015 Karen started working with musician, producer & filmmaker Sal Stapleton (aka Bad Bones) they interned with Goldmoth Media as an assistant then working as a web designer & producer for small commercial projects and music videos. Making the switch from film & design to the music industry was an easy transition as Karen grew up with musician’s in their friend group and regularly offered advice and oversight they have also worked as artist liaison with festivals such as Body & Soul, Electric Picnic & stage managed the trenchtown EP stages. 2016 saw Karen managing Blackfish Collective & Tour Managing Bad Bones. With Blackfish winning AFROPUNK’S (2018) highly sought after slot in London, they are currently roundhouse resident artists. After a stint as Bad Bones manager they made the move to tour manager. Both have since started a co-op record label DIAxDEM with Karen acting as A&R and management, they also DJ under the pseudonym KARMA all of their sets are a conscious effort to play 87% sonics/tracks with poc or queer artists. In early 2017 Karen started the inception of GXRLCØDE with partner Mona Lxsa, working on the branding launch event and name. Seeing the importance in seeing themselves represented the small but pivotal decision was taken to play on gender and wording hence GXRLCØDE... Autumn of 2017 they started radio training in RTÉ with hopes of starting a show on rté Pulse with GXRLCØDE, with family issues taking precedent on one of the members the show fell through - Karen has used this knowledge to start Éalú (escape in Irish) With nearly 10 years of creative work behind them, outspoken, unequivocal, resourceful, and empathetic in their approach to community work through arts, Karen Miano is a creative with a focus on inclusion and uplifting marginalised voices.
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That's with permission from the authors and today's post comes from Angel of Mark and Angel hack life and amazing blog and Friends of the show. So let's get right to it and start optimizing your life. Nine ways to become an optimist by Angel sure enough of Mark and quote Optimist person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness Mark Twain Some people are more optimistic by nature but optimism is not a fixed attribute. It's a choice we have control over every morning. We either choose to wake up grumpy or wake up with a positive outlook research has shown that in the long-run optimistic people handle stress better get sick less often live longer and are happier and more successful than their pessimistic counterparts. The good news is that we can all develop skills to improve optimism here are Ideas to get you started number one find the opportunity in every difficulty Optimist is a word which he refers to a person who focuses on the positive. For instance. If an optimist lost her left arm in a car accident, she might say in a hopeful voice. I'm alive. I don't have my left arm anymore, but I do have my right one and my life still to live optimism does not mean ignoring the problem entirely. It means understanding that setbacks are able often temporary and that you have the skills and abilities to combat the challenges you face what you are dealing with may be difficult, but is important to remain hopeful and positive about a brighter future optimism will inspire a sense of hopefulness and the confidence that is required to take full advantage of the opportunities that do exist. Remember the most beautiful rainbows come from the sunlight after a very dark storm read full catastrophe living. Number two surround yourself with positive people. You are only as good as The Company You Keep if you're around gloomy people. There's a good chance. You won't be smiling make it your mission to dodge negativity surround yourself with supportive friends who have positive outlooks as they say if you want to soar with the Eagles, you have to stop hanging out with the Ducks optimism is a learned habit and it is positively contagious surround yourself with people who could infect you with positivity. In turn pass your new good mood on to a friend or Stranger in words and deed. Let somebody have that parking space let that person with only a few items cut in front of you at the market the simple Act of doing something nice for others is actually a good pick me up all by itself. Number three Give Love receive love and invest in love love is the greatest force in the universe. It's a treasure that people would give anything for yet. It costs nothing to give. Of an receive there's an endless supply and it can be extended to family friends and strangers at any moment and increases positivity and acts like a shield against negativity. It forgives heels, encourages and inspires Give Love receive love and invest in love every day because where you invest your love you invest your life number four be realistic and expect ups and downs. A foundation of realism keeps things in perspective and helps prevent things from being blown out of proportion just because you're an optimist doesn't mean you're not going to have bad days. You will that's reality life isn't always rainbows and butterflies trying to be a hundred percent positive. All the time is wanting to be an ocean in which waves only rise up and never come crashing down. However, when we recognize that the rising and crashing waves are part of the same one ocean, we're able to let go and be a piece with the way things are. Bottom line prepare for the worst, but hope for the best the former makes you sensible and the ladder makes you an optimist read awareness The Perils and opportunities of reality number five Inspire yourself with a smile and positive reminders. If you expect the worst the worst will happen if you let things bother you they will but if you smile you'll feel better Studies have shown that putting a cheerful smile on your face can trigger. Part of your brain that actually makes you feel happier and more optimistic about the present and future also feature optimism with positive reminders write down short statements that Inspire optimism put them in places where you'll see them every day such as on your bathroom mirror the inside of your locker and on your computer monitor statements, like anything is possible lead a life of positivity. The only thing I can control is my attitude towards life. I always Have a choice even the longest journey begins with a simple step. I will look at the Sunny Side of everything and make my optimism shine read The Happiness Project number six work on the things you can control pessimism is Impractical because it causes you to spend time dwelling on negative things that haven't happened yet while simultaneously preventing you from getting things done now pessimism breeds in decision. It's a waste of time and I'm The Limited resource that you can't afford to take for granted every minute spent worrying guarantees nothing but less time to enjoy what life has to offer the solution acknowledge the things you can't control and don't become a victim. Stop thinking about what is happening to you and start thinking about what you can do to make it better know that you almost always have a choice is your job a bomber find a new one now ready to leave because of your 401k and vacation time then celebrate those Ins and remember that you chose to stay number 7 count your blessings. There's so much good so much Beauty so much love in your life. You have so much right now to be thankful for you just need to pause long enough to appreciate it do so. This will help frame a better attitude and take your mind off of the negatives start a feel-good journal by a blank journal and fill it with things that make you smile like a photo of your pet or a compliment A friend gave you use it to track your accomplishments and celebrate your victories stick only positive things in your journal and open it up. Whenever you're feeling down number 8 appreciate that nothing in life is permanent research has shown that optimists and pessimists attribute the reasons for success and failure differently pessimists tend to attribute negative events to permanent personal and pervasive factors optimists tend to attribute negative events to non-personal non-permanent. Non pervasive factors permanent are factors that will be with you throughout life personal are factors that relate to us as individuals and pervasive are factors that affect our ability and other parts of our life bottom line. Nothing is permanent. However, good or bad a situation is now it will change. Number 9 focus on the present people often obsessed themselves with the past and the future but life is happening right now. You can't learn something or remember something that's happening. Now if your mind is stuck in another time, it takes about eight seconds of intense Focus to process a new piece of information into your long-term memory. So don't let your life in your mind slip away instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future practice being and living in the present moment. Remember right now is the only moment guaranteed to you right now is life. Don't miss it. You just listen to The Post titled nine ways to become an optimist by Angel sure enough of Mark and a real quick. Thanks to anchor for hosting this podcast. Anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. They'll distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard everywhere Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more you can easily make money from your podcast to with no minimum listenership. Anchor gives you everything you need in one place for free which you can use right from your phone or computer. Creation tools Lite record and edit your podcast so it sounds great download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Thank you for being here and listening every day, including the weekends and I'll be back tomorrow where your optimal life awaits.
Angel Chernoff of Marc and Angel Hack Life shares 9 ways to become an optimist. Episode 1100: 9 Ways to Become an Optimist by Angel Chernoff of Marc And Angel on How to be Happy Marc and Angel Chernoff are New York Times bestselling authors, professional coaches, full-time students of life, admirers of the human spirit, and have been recognized by Forbes as having "one of the most popular personal development blogs." Through their blog, book, course and coaching, they've spent the past decade writing about and teaching proven strategies for finding lasting happiness, success, love and peace. Marc and Angel's New York Times bestselling book, Getting Back to Happy: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Reality, and Turn Your Trials into Triumphs, is a guide to spark sustainable action - and to return to whenever needed. It's available online at and on Amazon. The original post is located here: Please Rate & Review the Show! Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts!
Hello everybody. This is Shane McCormick from the cheap home grow podcast. It's my pleasure to introduce you to skill bo1 he can be found on Instagram at skill bo1 he comes on the show today to talk about cloning. I've been talking with skill ball one for the past few days and I can tell he's passionate about growing his own and he's someone I know you guys will appreciate he's a home grower from Michigan and is growing medium is soilless that is peat moss based, but what I found found interesting is that he uses a aquaponics to clone and then he transfer his clone to soil. I think you'll enjoy the show and I look forward to your questions. When it ends. Please remember to press subscribe and enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to the cheap home grow podcast a show for individuals that want to learn more about growing cannabis indoors. This is a podcast dedicated to helping you with your indoor growing Adventure. Sure, you'll learn how to grow your own and not have to rely on others for your medicine. The cheap home grow podcast will also feature timely interviews with cannabis industry veterans shaping the culture and politics of cannabis. All right here is your host Shane McCormick and the cheap home grow podcast. Hello everybody. This is Shane McCormick from the cheap home grow podcast, and I have a Michigan Home grower. He can be found on Instagram his Instagram name. Is skill bow one that's s Kil bo1 and he comes on the show today to talk about the basics of cloning. So if you could could you please tell my audience a little bit about yourself and then we can get right into the topic of cloning great. Well, thanks for having me on the show today. I am a grower in Michigan. I've been growing my own since 2012. I am a legal, Michigan medical marijuana patient. In though, it's legal in the state now. Thank the voters. I have fibromyalgia and crushed discs in my neck and my back so I grow my own and I don't take any kind of prescription medications. I just use cannabis. Okay? All right. Well, you know scale both. Thank you for that brief introduction. I really do appreciate it. But listen, let's you know, let's get right into the basics of cloning. And and really I mean you are going to be speaking from a new Growers. If I mean, you know what, you know, I mean, how does a new grower properly clone? I mean what what should and should they not do? I think it's most important to only clone plants that are healthy and what that means is if your plant is nutrient deficient in any way and showing any discoloration or if it's sick or if it has bugs you have to wait and get that out of the plant and get it healthy again as the mother before you can take loans from it. Okay. Well, I mean, how do you tell that it's it is a healthy mother. I mean like I mean, what do you you know where he's at? What I'm looking for it color on most plants tends to be really kelly green and bright though. Some are darker and some are lighter always but you will know because the leaves will be up. They sometimes call it praying hands that you'll see when your leaves are up there very happy. Those are plants that are ready to be cloned. You also have to wait until they are a certain age because you need to have a certain set of nodes on each branch that you will cut off. So if you went from saying the top of the plant you would count down 3 or four or five nodes before you made your cut with a pair of previously sterilized Fiskars or scissors. You don't necessarily have to use a razor blade. I know that that's a lot of the books but as long as it's clean, you're good. Okay fair enough fair enough. Now, you know, I mean, let's let's let's I tell you what, let's assume. This is a aquaponics set up right and you have a mini. Far from now when it when it comes to Growing from that perspective what you know, and really I guess the same question applies. I mean what should and should a person not do when it comes to when it comes to Growing sure when I first started growing I used to use their called rapid readers. They are these little peat moss plugs and I tried calling in those and I've used the rockwool cubes which You have to pre-soak those cubes. I've done it that way. What I found works best for me is a deep water culture style of aquaponics. What that means is that I have think of a small tote that is probably a little bit bigger than a large shoe box that you would put about two gallons of water into the bottom. And then the bottom down there you have a pump that basically keeps the water in there moving around and you have an air stone which So ads are into the medium the water oxygenating the water helps. Okay, so that's why it's a deep water culture system. I use an oxy clone 20 site and I have had 100% success rate in this method for the last six cycles that I've had it whereas previously with the other methods. I was hit or miss but it was probably just my mistake and not being smart about it. Okay. Well, I mean what? No, I mean what are some mistakes that you made them? Well I back when I learned to grow the internet was still kind of young for you know, all of the information and I wasn't very well-versed at using it. So I listened to other people that had grown before and so I use the Clone Dome system where you have you know, the small black tray and you have the Dome that goes over top of it and then you put your plugs inside and you cut your Is to come inside and you are not supposed to water them. Well, the person that told me to do was like, oh no put some water down in the bottom there bro. That way they don't dry out. Well, what I was doing was is it was drowning the route, they couldn't get any Oxygen so they were very weak if they did take it all so that was one mistake that I made if you do use that method I would recommend using a spray bottle to keep the humidity up inside of there and try not to spray the actual plugs or Ever you're using just spray the leaves and the inside of the Dome. All right? Okay, well fair enough now now I mean when it now I mean, you know prior to this recording, I mean you and I talked about talked about gels right now. Let's let's delve a little bit deeper there. I mean should should a person use gels or should they not use gels when it comes to cloning? I think that you you Use the jowls. If you were in a regular situation where you use either the root Riot plugs or you used the rock wall. And the reason is is because the cloning gels are really hormones and they helped produce the root sites in the beginning and hell of a drive what I use though is I don't have to use cloning gel because when I put my clones into Mike lohner they are sticking with the the tips inside of the water. So the water already has my be one vitamins, which is from whore Max. So I don't have to actually, you know, how you cut them and stick them into the cloning gel and wait to 3 minutes or a half hour. Some people put it in a cup of a solution of that and let it sit overnight. There's the thing about cloning is that there are 5,000 methods to do this, right? That's the problem is that there is no this is how we clone. Right, right, okay. Well, okay fair enough. I mean, well I tell you what, I mean, you know and it's like me just walk you through the process, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, I know it's a podcast is and it's not a YouTube video but I mean really I mean if you could could you I mean not just walk me but you know walk the walk the listeners through that process sure. Okay. So if you have a plant that is healthy and you look at it, you're going to see all kinds of of sites on it where you can take a clone from I do is I tend to take my clones from the top of the plant and not the bottoms the bottoms for me. I think are Woody their weaker? They're not getting good sunlight or anything else. I want the strongest most robust cuts that I can get that when they route they're going to take off and shoot To The Moon. I don't want something week that's going to struggle and maybe clone in three weeks and that's just not smart for me, you know, even though I am a home grower. I do want to stay on schedule and I'm Rach okay. So I've just figured out where I'm going to get it. I'm going to cut it from this site right here. So if you have a pair of Fiskars or scissors that is a good visualization of about how long the Clone is going to be when you cut it down at the end. That's what your stick into the medium. So we're going to cut a little bit below and you can make your cut on a 45 degree angle. Then you're going to stick it in water for a second to keep it from getting what's called an embolism, which is where are It's into the cutting and it can cause it to not root. So we stick it into water for a second. Then we pull it back out down some people like to scrape or split the end of the Clone hoping that will create a stronger root or a different kind of fruit. I haven't found that myself. I think it's kind of, you know plan specific. So once I take my cut I go ahead and I take the Clone collar that goes into the top of the color. It's a little neat. Train ring like a circle Puck and it has a slip from the outside to the inside Center and that's what you slide around the clunk. Then you stick it inside of the cloner and there you go. The cloner is running already. You've already put your Newton everything in it that one on let's go back and do another one. Okay. Well, I mean now I mean, how long does it take to to sprout there? Some plants are really really quick and then some plants are notoriously hard to clone. So typically what you want to see is routes within 7 to 14 days. A lot of times. It's 7 to 10 days and then you'll try to grow them out a little bit in there to make the roots longer. It's not just that you see the little root beards and you're good to go and you can throw it in whatever Medium you're going to use you want to grow those roots out to maybe an inch or two or three or however long you want to go and eventually What you'll do is you'll take it out of the cloner and move it into your next pot. Whatever that's going to be whatever the medium is. And now you have a plant that's ready to go. Okay? Alright. Well, I mean and and that you know, really that leads me to my next question is is temperature water. Now how how important is the temperature water when it comes to cloning in, you know in your in your current setup. I think that is very important. If you use a deep water culture system aquaponics, like I'm using if yes, if the water temperature gets too high, you can develop what's called pythium and pythium is a fancy word for root rot. So what ends up happening is that you instead of having white, you know Hollywood teeth looking roots coming out of the bottom this thing now they're you know, Brown and nasty and gnarled like, you know some kind of hobos down on Main Street. Nasty looking and they stink and they're dying. They're done. They're infected. Now, what you could do is if you caught that early enough, you could change your Reservoir out and run it with some kind of sanitizer in it like a you see roots or a bleach or a H2O2 which is hydrogen peroxide to try to clean those up then, you know go back and build your Reservoir and go again, but sometimes I would say is better to just dump the res lose the Clones go take other cuts and start the process. S over again and watch your temperature your temperature your water doesn't you don't want it to go. I think it's 78 but you really want it to be lower than that. You want it to be, you know 7D would be great. You know, you don't need to put your clones under a big white so you can kind of play with that keeper cloner on the floor where the if you grow in your basement. You can keep it on the floor and the water is going to be cooler because it's on the floor sure, right, right. Okay. Well, I mean, yes, I had a question. I mean what happens if your water I mean Well what happens if your water is too cold, I mean what what a slow growth slow cooker and you know hydroponic system. Let's say that it may be not the cloner per se but if you were doing a Hydroponics grow and flower, some people would like to drop their temperatures down because that can make the plant Express itself in different colors. It will darken the colors and maybe bring out the purples and the blues and the oranges and stuff on it, but it does make it harder for the plant to really get going if you Down to like 49 degrees in your Reservoir, you know your plans are shocking and they're not growing. Right, right. Yeah, they need a little bit more a little bit more warmth. There are facing that issue. You could use an aquarium here a small one or whatever size. Your Reservoir is you know, we're talking a cloner. You just need a tiny one and you can set the water temperature to whatever you want. If that was an issue you could also use there's a thing called a Seedling pad that plugs into the wall. Have you ever seen? Those before I've I have seen those it's been a while since I actually look the one to be yeah that underneath of your cloner to if you needed to heat the water up on a poor man's method poor man's mouth another. Yeah. All right that keep on grow. That's the destiny baby exactly. Hey everybody. I know it's the middle of the show, but when this show ended skill bo1 and I continue to talk on the phone and I asked them a few important questions about cloning. So be sure to pay attention. Attention to his answers at the end of the show. Thank you. You know some I'll tell you what, I mean in terms of in terms of excuse me in terms of cloning in a aquaponic setup. I mean how much you know, I mean since my podcast is called Sheep Home grow. How much would you estimate that this all actually cost? Well, it's funny you ask that at the oxy clone or when I bought it. I bought it for 50. I think I got like Fifty four dollars at a discount. But I seen today I was looking. The podcast that some places are charging $80 for them. Really what you could do though. If you really wanted to give this a shot and go on the cheap with it since it's a cheap home grow. You could take a five gallon bucket or a small tote whatever you have that you want to use. I wouldn't get too carried away with it big because you know, you're going to need more pumps for it, but you could literally go get an aquarium pump and some are Stones I tend to use the ones that some people call them soda cans they are. Are probably four inches long and probably inch-and-a-half circular around so it's like a soda can in and you would plug those in and you're going to use those to aerate the water you're going to drop those into the res put your nutrient mix in there with it and you could cut little tiny holes in the top to accept these neoprene collars that are really cheap. You can get them at any hydro store. You can get really nice ones though to that are sterilized. Below the name of their company and that is I believe / McClung is expenses, but you can sanitize these in your microwave or in a steam pressure cooker or chemically, you know, the other ones not so much, you know, it's cheap replace them every time if you really want it to right, right? Okay. Um, how much is it worth to you to keep your genetics alive? If you have that one plant that is just fire for you. You're like, oh my God this just hits all the right notes for me it. It's great it grows. Well, it smells nice. It's very robust. I like this plan. Then I'm on a clone that plan. I don't want to just you know, let's say that it was a super silver haze. Well, how many other Super Silver Haze see to I need to pop before I can find that exact genetic copy and gives you that in space as you were taking a genetic copy of that plan and you can keep it in perpetuity. You can take a clone of a clone of a clone of it won't even though people say that you can't it. Yeah, I would say to those people that say that you can't take a clone of a clone. How is it that we have plants that are still, you know from the early 80s these Ancient Ancient plants that are still around because people are calling them now tree pumpkin seeds. Right? Right exactly. I mean, I've you know, a lot of Brands owned only. Yeah, right, right and and you know, I guess the big the big issue with cloning is and and you know, I mean some people that have come come come on my show that grow from soil have have said this, you know, I mean that you know, you don't really know you know where your clone is coming from whether they use pesticides and you know, so on and so forth, you know, whatever stories about that for sure. Yeah, right, right. And and you know, I'm really I mean, I guess I guess that is a valid point, you know, but I mean if you're if you are personally cloning your own Clone that say, you know, you you pop from seed if I popped it from speed. I know that it's clean. I know exactly what's been used on them. I know what I've done to it exactly. I mean that's I mean that's what I've always said about cloning. So I mean if if you pop the a seed and you're like, oh man this this I mean as as as you please if it's fire, you know, I mean shit, I mean you might as well clone it I mean, I mean, what's the I mean, I mean what the hell is the risk there? I mean, you know, right I know it's not Sometimes when you get something from someone else you have to realize it you Source a clone from somewhere else. The Clone is already adapted to their specific environment. Exactly. Oh life's their temperature there humidity everything about that that plant May thrive in their Garden, but it may take a cycle or two of you running it some parley for it to come around and adjust to your environment. But I typically now after having had to play the let's go find clones of something so that I have some kind of medicine to grow for myself. I've gotten to the point now where I have sourced my own genetic seeds and I just I'm on a few no hunt all the time. I'm currently growing out Ninja Fruit by Dojo sees I'm trying to see which one of those plants I have four of those and flower right now. I have something called Jinx proofs hit girl that I got at the Cannabis Cup this year and I'm trying to find out which ones are the keepers. So I've kept my data on my plants. To see which one grows strong and so once I cut those plants down and harvest them and I dry the smoke and I cure it and I try it then what I end up doing is it's a good old time. You try all four strains separately and you see which one works best for you. If you're going to use the plant as medicine, then these are the things that you have to do. You can't just say oh mrs. And smoke weed man. That's what I'm going to do. You can get a lot of different effects man. You really should do some research. I use Leafly. Kinds of different sites to check out these plants before I get them to see if it seems like it'll be worth while to grow out and clone and keep right, right. Well, you know something you you mentioned you mentioned Fina hunting there now, I mean how and again I mean this is coming from a home Growers perspective. I mean, how would you recommend that a person phenol hunt really, I mean, this could be an entirely different show really but I mean if you could Just talk a little bit about that. I would appreciate it. Okay, I'll give you a quick story. I went to the Cannabis Cup this year and I met a lot of people that I've followed online and stuff and it was a great time great energy picked up some seeds from a guy and I've wanted them for years. I had that before and my plant got sick and I couldn't get it to clone right never got out of it. So I had to let that strain go. I tracked it back down. I got a 10 pack of seeds. So I Took five seeds out of it and I drop them into a glass of RO water, which would be reverse osmosis. If you don't have that you could use tap water or you could use bottled water or whatever you want to do. I drop my seeds in there. Once they pop if if all five seeds crack open, then I take them out of there and I put them into a paper towel and put that paper towel with the water inside of a sandwich bag or a Ziploc container whatever you have drain the water out of it. So it's just damp after a few days. Those Tails will grow a little bit further and then you're going to go ahead and plant them in the dirt or whatever Medium you're going to use. This is what I've done. So I put them into small little, you know, half gallon containers to one gallons and right now their flowering I have some in a seven gallon. I have some in a five-gallon. I have some of the three-gallon the reason is I want to see what the plant wants to do. You know, I put my numbers in there. I numbered each At one through five and I put it on the label inside of each pot. So now what I've done is I took all the columns off of those and I kept those numbered one through five. So as n f for Ninja Fruit, so I have NF 1 through 5, and I ended up having one male so I had to kill that mail off got rid of it. And so now I have four ninja fruits that I am flowering out. I want to see what it's going to be like And I'm keeping all of those clones back in my bedroom waiting to see which of these plants are Keepers. Then I will get rid of the ones that I don't like. So right now like my number one. Ninja Fruit is really really really tall. It's really shut the sativa side of things and that's a cross between what is that? It's Grape Ape and grapefruit Hayes. So my number one plan is expressing the great great. Hey side of things big-time really tall, but I have another one. That's my Number four number four is really really short and bushy. So that's going to be expressing more of the Grape Ape side of things. So for me, I'm like, oh man, I need good pain medication and stuff, but I also have PTSD and stuff. So, you know a little kick to the mood is always a nice thing for me, right? No, you know, I don't want to just go with a hundred percent Indica. So you're going into this in you're looking for what you want out of a particular plant because no no two of those are the same. Same it's kind of like if you have five brothers and sisters, you're all from the same parents, but you're not the same. Right? Sure. So you have to find out which one's works for you. You get done you harvest those plans. You pull them down. You dry the smoke you cure it you smoke it and then you figure out which one you like the best and you'll definitely have one that you like the best. Keep that one. That's your mother plant. Now, you just keep calling that one take called off of it ten days before you flip that plan into flour. Then you grow those out and then ten days before. Those are going to flip into flower you take clones off of those and you just keep that's how you do a Perpetual growth. Right? Right. I mean, yeah, I mean if yeah, exactly I mean that can I mean that can last years and years and years. Really? Yeah, and you'll die within because you know, how long your strain takes. You know, I like some strains takes sixty three days strains take over 70. That's true. That's true there and you know something I mean, here's here's a question for you. Now. I mean you grow, you know in a aquaponic setup, right? Yeah, and let's say some Negroes in soil. Yep. That's what I flowering right now. Could you know since you grow in an aquaponics, could you take a clone from aquaponics and put it, you know into a soil? Yeah, that's what I do. Right. That's okay. All right, you can take your clone right out of there. You'll have your nice spiky roofs in the bottom. I like to take I don't I don't grow in Solo cups anymore. I just grow in like the square. I can't remember what size they are, but it's beautiful because you can fit eight of them into a cloning tray, you know to serve as like a reservoir to hold the water just to bottom water your plants, which is something you want to do with with the Clone once you put It into the dirt because you don't want to just keep watering the top and have the bottom be dry. You want those those roots to grow to the bottom of the pot so that you can size up your next pot and you can get a bigger and bigger root ball because the bigger the root ball the bigger the fruitball man. All right. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Yeah, it's something I mean, could you well, I mean, could you apply that to say to say a growing medium of Coco coir? Sure. Same thing same thing. Same thing same approach. Yeah, they're all they're all soil is materials one is If you use like pro-mix or Sunshine number for whatever those are just instead of being a Coco coir. Those are a peat moss and sphagnum mix, you know, like the bog material if you grow in cocoa that is sourced from the holes of coconuts. Yeah, that's are all that right and then you can grow and hide rotten which is the little tiny lava rock clay balls, you know, like if you grow in a hydroponic System if you were going to flower in that I used to use a 10 inch net pot which fits exactly on top of a five gallon bucket and you fill that you put some stones on the bottom. Then you put your clone in there. And then you put more Stones over top of it and that becomes your media. You don't have any nerve which is less shit to muck up the pumps or anything else. You know, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's all you know, it's all about it's all about keeping it keeping it pretty simple for sure. The definitely cuz you can definitely spend way too much money doing this and you don't have to write you don't have to break the bank. I mean you can go on Instagram and you can see these Growers that have just warehouses of you know, fantastic. But hey, that's awesome man. That's that's great. And I'm not knocking them. But I'm I'm a small guy. I'm just me. I'm not trying to break the bank. I'm just trying to produce something solid that works for me on a consistent basis that I know what is in it. I know exactly what it was done to I know what pesticides haven't been used on it, you know good to go. Exactly. All right. Well, okay. Well, you know, I mean I tell you what skill though. I mean are there are there any questions that I should be asking any any final statements that you would like to make final statements on cloning take from someone who was very poor at it in the beginning who has finally found a method that Works for him that's all it comes down to find a method that works for you at this and do it the the you can grow. However, you want to grow you can grow whatever you want to grow just grow your own. Don't break the bank don't get caught up in the hype games if things don't pooh-pooh other Growers or think that your way is the only way because it's not cannabis has been getting used for 10,000 years. You know what I mean? It's all we're trying to do is get it to flip over into Our and then wait for it to die. That's how simple it is. You're just waiting for the plan to die at the end. So you can Harvest it. Yeah, it's a pretty it's a pretty simple simple process. But I mean, it's like I mean I've I mean I've taught to man I've talked to well probably at this point a little less than a hundred Growers and wow, really? I mean, it's pretty it's pretty impressive. I mean, you know, I mean I can ask it's funny because I can ask The same question I get a hundred answers, right? Yeah. It's like in a sense. It's kind of like going down to the DMV, you know, like, you know, you you go down to the DMV you ask one clerk one question and then you go to the next Clerk and ask the same question and they give you two completely different answers, you know? Yeah Shane. I got a better one for you. Here's here's one you can remember. The only thing to Growers can agree upon is that a third Growers doing it completely fucking wrong. I know huh? Isn't that crazy and head gotta keep the hatred down there right? I know right? I mean that's it's kind of you know, it's kind of sad because I mean, I see a lot of guys and you know, I mean, I mean most, you know, most people, you know, the people that have come on my show they're they're all good people. They don't they don't give anybody any crap now and you know, that's not gonna do the can This community at that way, right? Right exactly as long you know, as long as we are helping one another and we grow together then you know, essentially that's that's what it's all about. For. Sure man. That's the cannon Community. Definitely that other kid that other community man. That's the cash cow Community brother, right? You don't need those are the people that are in it for cash. And those are the ones that are doing the dirt and shit, but if you're about to plant man you tend to be pretty mellow, right? Oh, yeah. Sure. Absolutely. I really just want to say thanks for that. We come on the show man. I really enjoyed it. I hope that I was able to even if I was just able to explain one thing to one person out there and that's a win. We're helping somebody else. You know, exactly exactly. Yeah. I mean, yeah sure. I mean, I know your own yeah. Yeah. Yeah exactly grow your own and you know, we grow together. So absolutely men and grow with me man. All right and writing that grow with me. Yeah. That's a good one. I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to keep it man Keith feeling It's all on you. Got it. All right, man. Hey listen, um, thank you again. And I hope to talk to you again soon. Absolutely. Thank you Shane. No problem. Hey, everybody after the recording ended skill bow and I continue to talk and some interesting questions came up. I figured they would be a nice addition to the show. So I figured I would record his answers. I asked him why he uses a aquaponics as a cloning system and what his recipe is for the oxy cloner. Enjoy his answers. Why? Is a aquaponic system good for cloning and then you know, why do you take that clone and then transfer it to soil? Well, the reason is because aquaponics to me is what I've had the best success with because literally it's something I cut I stick into the neoprene collar. I stick into the reservoir and the cloner does the rest of the work. I don't have to come back in. I don't have to remember to lift the lid off and let oxygen in is if I was using a clone Dome, I don't have to do any of those things. And you say well, why don't you just grow it all the way, you know from start to finish that. Way and I would say because in Michigan everybody thinks that it's just freezing fucking cold up here and it's not man. Like it's really bad in the summertime, you know, it'll get up to 92 94 96 degrees and then the humidity here will be like fucking 90% right? Yeah. So if I was trying to grow hydroponically from start to finish what I would have to do then is now it's not a cheap home grow now it's an expensive home grow because I've got to pay for an air conditioner so that I can keep my room. Teachers cool enough so that I can keep my reservoir temperatures, right or I have to spend $400 on a chiller. See we're making we're getting away from that cheap home growth. And again now, you know at the same time in the wintertime in Michigan is the prime time to grow hydroponically. I've done it in the past and I had great success with it. In fact what I have in my corner right now, is that hit girl that's just started into flour. Those are going To find the strongest one and I'm going to pop it into a deep water culture system and flowered out this winter and see what I get. What is the recipe that you use in your cloner? I got this recipe from Med grower on his YouTube channel, and basically what it says is that you use two gallons of either RO water or bottled water you add it to the cloner and then you add the you see Roots which is basically like pool shock or you can use H2O to Which is simple hydrogen peroxide or you can use bleach but I can't remember how little of bleach you use. What you're doing is you're sterilizing the water you making sure that nothing bad can grow in it. Okay. So then once you do you're going to turn the pumps on and you're going to let it cycle for a few minutes to sterilize then what I do is I add the whore Max which is my B1 vitamin as well as the grow and the bloom nutrients. I take my cuts. I put them in the neoprene collars and I'm off to the races. So that recipe is To use 20 millimeters of you see Roots which ends up being 10 milliliters a gallon I use six milliliters of whore Max at three milliliters a gallon. I use five milliliters of micro at two and a half milliliters a gallon and I use 10 milliliters of Bloom at five milliliters a gallon and so at the first sign of roots I dumped my res. I refill it with just water and the you see Roots again and the Clones are going to bust out New Growth the next day because they're searching for where those Your newts were in the original res. So you're going to do that for a few more days bang. It's Off to the Races and then you're putting them in your next medium, which for me would be soil putting them in the pro-mix putting them in the sunshine number for whatever you've grown your roots out that they took off you're done now. It's a matter of you know, putting them in the new medium shot in the corner down cleaning it sterilizing it. I personally I have my wife sterilize my corner for me. She does an Immaculate job of everything so So we kind of tag team that sure. All right. Now, I'm sorry good and lastly in spirit of the chief home grow. I will give you a method that will work. You just have to trust me if you go up to a plant in veg and you cut off a clone you don't need to do anything but stick it into a bottle of bottled water and stick it under a light and I think that you will have luck within 10 days. You should be able to get Roots off of that. So that's free, basically. Who doesn't have water? Yeah, right. Well, what time is it is it is a purified water or just simply tap water you could you could just tap water you get as long as it was like PhD, right if you weren't so you would pH that solution down. That's the other thing is, you know, if you're using aquaponics a lot of times they tell you to have your pH at 6.0 or below. I don't really worry about it too much. I figure it's kind of going to be what it's going to be if it drifts up a little bit, that's fine. But when I reset the res then I'll set it back to 6.0, you know and go. From there. Hey everybody. Thanks for listening to my podcast with skill bo1. It can be found on Instagram at skill. Bo1. I hope you've enjoyed this episode, and please remember to press the Subscribe button. You can visit cheap home / episode 44 to get show highlights, and please remember to sign up for my email list. Thanks everybody. I'll see you next week. Thank you for listening to the cheap home grow podcast. We do our best to bring you quality content. Let's grow together. Please hit the Subscribe button and take time to share this podcast with a friend visit cheap home for our database of interviews and information until next time be safe and grow easy.
I had the pleasure of talking to a Michigan home grower. This individual comes on the show today to talk about cloning. He can be found on Instagram @Skilbo1. I've been talking with Skilbo1 the past few days and I can tell he's passionate about growing his own and he's someone I know you will appreciate. He's a home grower from Michigan and his growing medium is soilless that is peat moss based, but what I found interesting is he uses quadraphonic to clone and then he transfers his clone to soil. I think you'll enjoy this show and look out for the questions when it ends. Please remember to subscribe and enjoy the show!
Ohayo, gozaimasu. Konnichiwa konbanwa for whenever you're listening to the Joshi. Pod your weekly podcast about the world of Japanese. Women's wrestling Joshi wrestling. I'm your host Erick Howard coming to you from beautiful, San Diego, California. What an amazing week of wrestling. It's been I hope everybody made it home safe from Japan. I really enjoyed living vicariously through your wall. It was great to see all the online social media tweets and posts and stuff and pictures. It was wonderful. Thank you guys all for sharing as always. I want to thank you guys for listening to last week's episode with Avery. She was really great fell in love with her right away. He's fan of her more hers more now than I ever was before if you haven't The last week's episode go back and give it a listen. I promise you you will fall in love with Avery as well. I'd also like to encourage you guys to Please Subscribe rate and review on Apple podcast or whatever you listen to podcast. We've had a pretty good 10-week run of guess so far. I'm pretty happy with it on this week's show we do have the three-count headlines of the week including a Gaijin making mockito ugly. Cry. We review the terrific Tokyo Joe sheep Rochelle from January for that Kirk at home, which was made of ended by yuccas akazake and me Yamashita and an undercard match with a piñata. We look ahead to shows this week in Japan and I hope a lot of the promotions are catching their breath after this wild wild couple weeks. We also look further ahead to see where Josie performers will be performing outside of Japan highlighted by the Russell queendom three show tomorrow night in London speaking of that in our big Main Event interview. We have Dan Reid from Eve right girls have rustling. It's interesting audio. We caught up with him while he was walking the streets of London with Machi E2 and yuccas akazake. You can hear those two in the background a couple times. And you can also hear the Ambiance of the Streets of London. Like I said earlier Eve has a big show tomorrow night Eve Russell queendom three. It's available on fight TV. I think you're gonna have fun with that unique chat with him as he's walking down the Streets of London without further delay. Let's get into the biggest headlines of the from this past week and it's brought to you by all is always by quiet white designs. If you need a logo tee shirt wrestling gear Snapchat filter or anything else. Please reach out to no one in the team at quiet. White designs search for them on Facebook q u IE T Wy ATT one word designs. You can also find some of their products on red bubble if you're going to be on the Jericho Crews keep an eye out for no one as he'll be on the Jericho Crews as well headline number one. I want to say since I came to Japan the first time in 2015. My dream has always been to become a champion today. I made history. Telophase Champion Thunder. Oh, so defeated mockito on January 5th and itabashi greenhalgh to win the international princess Championship Russell became the first non-japanese to hold that title Thunder else is on really good run right now. She's one of the breakout stars of NWA power. She's turned herself into a really really good wrestler. I'm working on getting her on the show and she gets back from Japan. Congratulations La Meta Meta headline number two. You're leaving but don't say sorry. Sorry announced on the January 4th. Showed Yokohama radiant Hall that should be leaving the day in a promotion and heading to the United States in February. It's long been rumored. She's going to wind up with the WWE. She did meet with Triple H and take pictures with him back in the last year in 2019. When the WWE toured Japan what's helps you get a few dream matches in before she heads oversees the announcement by sorry overshadow the fact that ayako Sato defeated sorry in 1858 to win the World women pro wrestling Diana title. Line number three the Tokyo Dome was their Kingdom irisa Husky and my you a tiny defeated Julia and Anna camera in the dark match on the first night of the wrestle Kingdom at the Tokyo Dome. Not sure the match will ever see the light of day officially, but it did seem to receive pretty decent reviews from fans in the crowd not all who were stardom or Joshi wrestling fans. There's also talk about took New Japan running in Madison Square Garden and you got to think that the to start them women will be on that show as Well in more start a new Zoe attack continues their rebuild on January 3rd sake Kashima became part of O8 @ I pour my you can't keep any friends because she even said she was tired of living in my you Shadow and now she's starting to dress like Natsu which is not a bad thing and it's fun to see the new away totai reforming after losing his new key and Miyagi and about to lose could get sued as well and finally in stardom news. They've announced the high-speed tournament Azumi Starlight kid. Yama's on Layla Hirsch and Zoe Sky will face each other in round robin format the top two will fight for the high-speed Grand Prix championship Shibuya the show of the week. This week is the Tokyo Joshi Pro Show from January for that cork and haul it aired live on the DDT streaming service. Mr. Hawk who runs the DDT? Score Eng Twitter handle is a godsend when watching these shows. He live tweets translation. So I know what's going on in the open era who ruin Echo and suzune defeated my Hiroki are you and Cena shiori? I was a good opener fun opener. It was seen as debut. She did a fine job in her Opening match. She took the loss but pretty high-profile place to make your debut and she did fine. The second match was pretty interesting. They had a pinata hanging over the ring and the loser has to change their name for a month and shoko Nakajima defeated hyper missile. This is a bit of a cluster at times. They were both were able to bring a weapon to the ring and missile brought. Mr. Cota as her weapon the most powerful man in Tokyo Joshi Pro. She was able to convince him to do that after she stole his Idol concert tickets and bribed him to be a weapon and it would give it back after the match shoko brought some Plastic Godzilla type Kaiju figures there's some funny spots in the match. She know they landed onto the those plastic figures and I'm sure that didn't feel too good. It's all so cute spot where Miss out had rolled up Nakajima to blanket trapping her for a while Nakajima eventually got to the ladder and pulled out the Sash and now hyper missile must change her name for a month. The next match was to of the tallest women in Joshi wrestling wrestling for the DDT Ironman heavyweight title sake I Chi hwan That belt out of DDT show on this Tokyo just Repro show. She defeated Yuki come a fuku again. The two tallest woman in Joshi wrestling. There's a lot of legs in this match. They had a really good match. What about nine minutes both had near Falls near the end, but sake ended up getting the win and the to embraced after the match. It was a really good match. It might have been Yuki's best match. I've seen her in a while and the crowd got really behind her which was nice to see the next match is a six-man match, which is a pretty D random team of Asia Kong Palm Harajuku and rocku defeated me to share a kawamura Ami, mayumi and Unum and a saying about 13 minutes before the match in the back Sasha kaun. Kick spin sake to become the DDT Iron Man heavyweight and Iron Man heavy metal champion, and she would be defending it in this match. Ah, she can't move as well. She used to but she was in there trying and the crowd seemed really into her and enjoyed her being in this match and just the fun of seeing Asha Kong team with Harajuku and Rocco was Fun. She did do the good night express with Roku and palm Aza palm and rock who got the win and after the match in the back sake surprisingly pin Dasha to win back the Iron Man title. The next match was the match of the night. I believe really really excellent match. Sorry, if he did not see me mocking about 12 minutes these to beat the snot out of each other. This was not to not soomi's first batch back after about four months dealing with a leg injury and she kind of flexed it. The match started just to remind the crowd, you know, she's coming back from the injury these two really tore into each other. A lot of forearms lot of kicks great back and forth. You can see why sorry so valued abroad and in Japan as well. She's really so young and really really talented. I'm not see me showed. She's not very far behind. She was able to hang the sorry, but it was an excellent match match of the night. One of the probably the top matches of the the week for Joshi wrestling. The next match was Thunder Osa defeating Mizuki in nine minutes. This was a showcase to show what kind of a monster Thunder Rosa is, like I said earlier she's improved. So much in the last year, but end of the match, you know, the way she won that she was going to be challenging for one of the belts. She look good. Not a super duper to match but Thunder Rosa look really good and it achieved what it needed to with showing Thunder roses the dominant force and in the next match the international princess title match mockito defeated Hikari Noah the one and only the komachi to sing her way out. She got a huge reception from the crowd. You can see a ton of foreigners in the first few rows this for sure elevated Hikari even In the loss. She had a terrific match with Ito I Ito such a good character, but I feel her wrestling is just gets better and better. I think it's becoming an underrated almost for her. Now. She's improved so much the Ito special gets Maki the win and after the match doesn't DeRosa comes out and challenges Ito for the international princess title. And as you heard earlier in the show, you know, Thunder Osa wins the belt the next day and go out of your way to see the pictures of Maki after the match where she loses the Thunder Rossa. There's definitely ugly cry there. She was pretty emotional. After losing the title in a semi-main event me you want to not be Andre kotetsu me defeated the bucket retsu sisters. Nodoka Tenma and Yuki, I know and under for just under 14 minutes. I'm more and more convinced me you want to nabe is going to be a superstar. She does that giant swing faster than he could have ever seen before. This is the third time the Baka retsu sisters have challenge for the titles and have come up short pun intended and in the big Main Event yuccas akazake defeated me Yamashita to retain her princess of Princess title in about 20 minutes. They fought all over correct. A halt if you haven't seen it yet watched a clip of me. Oh sliding me you sliding down the steps at Kirk and Hall on a table. She looked legit legitimately terrified these two had a terrific match as expected. I thought there would be a title change but there was not you had to fly pretty far and twist pretty far to get that magical girl Splash at the end to pick up the win and she those two are terrific. They have good chemistry together. I think overall the show was tremendous probably give it a 9 out of 10 if I had to give it a rating. In Tokyo Joe's Repros putting on some really good shows and I think you guys should check it out. The DDT service is worth the money. You can see the DDT shows you can see the some of the other smaller companies with DDT and also the Tokyo Joshi Pro shows as well. So you get you if you're not into just Joshi if you're in a Joshi and the guys as well, you can see some of the other DDT promotions they put a couple of got to move shows up on the DDT service recently as well. Hey guys, what's going on? My name is Steve. I'm the host of The Last podcast you'd want. Do you like movies? Well, that's what we talked about. I bring a guest on maybe more than one and we talked about movies. They like movies. They don't like movies from their childhood movies. They give him nightmares just some of the few topics that we talked about on the last podcast you'd want. So if you like movies, you could find us on Apple podcast. You can find us on Google+ cast. You can find us on most major podcast Outlets tip the We'll try the staff check out the show. Let's take a look at the shows this week in Japan on the 11th stardom has a doubleheader in Osaka on the morning show rijo takes on andras Miyagi. Also on the 11th got to move is the in Chicago chocolate Square the big match on that show is Mesa Ruben Antonio Honda facing Tookie Kokiri Hari and Chris Brooks. That'll be a lot of fun. Chris Brooks just announced that he will be with you T in Japan for all of 2020 which is exciting for him to see him. Maybe I come somewhat of a regular at got to move. He adds a whole lot to those shows also the eleventh eye. Ribbons at their dojo in saitama on the 12th Peter J. Is that shouldn t before string stardom is and shizuka Tokyo Joshi Pro. Is it either boshy greenhalgh send that girl has a show in Miyagi out of qatar's academies down south and Okinawa the 13th, ice ribbons and saitama the engineering center got two moves in Izakaya. And on the 14th the just tap out show talking about you know, who's promotion. I had said Kirk and Hall and features. Oh Tommy hayashida stepping outside of stardom for an evening and facing Micah. Yeah, the two were supposed to meet earlier last year, but Tommy injured her fingers in the head. You're free reschedule this match. Let's take a look and see where Josie performers are performing outside of Japan Sumi Sakai returns to Southern California tonight at the PD CW Ultra anniversary show. She'll be defending her Ultra Women's Championship against Ruby raised. She'll be also be selling pictures for $5.00. Show to help raise funds to get promotion going in Vietnam Southern California performer. Vita van is becoming a point person in that Vietnam project in soomi's trying to help raise some money for that. The eve Riot grrrls have wrestling present wrestle queendom 3 is also on January as on January 11th in London. We're going to talk about that here a little bit later in the show, but mockito faces session moth Martina and you could suck is Akio face it Lana Austin. I think there are a few standing room only seats available, but you can also Catch It On fight TV. She please do it. It's only about 10 u.s. Dollars to watch that show. I'm gonna order it and watch it and we'll talk about it. At least the you can match the in Maki match next week on the show announced this week Tokyo. Joshi Pros me to share a common will be appearing in Madrid Spain for RCW pro wrestling on February 15th and 16th as part of the Japan weekend. It's an event in Spain that celebrates Japanese culture. For more information on this, please visit to Japan Madrid. I think we're going to see quite a few Joshi performers getting Japan hopefully and traveling abroad during the Olympics and saying that now ice ribbons akane Vegeta will be coming to the United States from February 28th, April 3rd. If you'd like to book her on your show, if you're a promoter key Qatar was helping her with that. So you go to key guitar ODOT booking at And she's out of Las Vegas Tokyo. Josie Pro will be in Tampa, Florida for Wrestlemania weekend on April 3rd at Russell con. They still had announced tickets yet, but that information should be forthcoming real real soon. So this is the master of a thousand holds Mike Quackenbush, and you're listening to the Joshi pod. I want to thank you all again for downloading and listening to this episode of the Joshi pot. If you'd like to follow the show on Twitter. You can add the Joshi pod. We're also on Instagram at the Joshi pod, and you can follow me at Eric San Diego. Please stay tuned for the interview of the end read from Eve right girls of wrestling and we'll talk to you next week, but he got to gozaimasu. All right in 2010 Eve right girls wrestling a feminist Punk Rock wrestling promotion based in England was born and tomorrow night on fight TV. You can catch wrestle queendom three. I'd like to welcome to the show Dan Reed. Thank you for joining me. Thanks for having us. The performance so it's never it's not like that. I'm worrying on that side. Like I'm not having to worry about performers actually getting stopped. You're more worried about massive delays. Do you know what I mean? And there was there was a slight delay which caused the a missed connection. But but they just sort them out and got a Lon it's one of those old things. That's like when you've been promoted as long as I have you realized what in case that happens who's the best Airlines to fly them with who are the best people to put with? You know what I mean? Yeah, so Today there was a Miss connection, but it all got sort of like it made the difference only made like 50 minutes difference. So I'm I was relieved when that was the one that was a case. I like when like Caribou she missed his connection and I got stressed to heck because he can't let me know that he missed his connection and coder is known for being somewhat of a Wanderer. So and we were late getting there because we've got stuck in traffic so we would get we get there late. He's not there, and we're like I'll know we've had messages from all these friends and to parents saying, you know, keep an eye on him. He just disappears at times. So I'm thinking up crumbs. He's gone. God knows we're in London. There's a wildfire of Russia. Thankfully. He was actually just, you know list of connecting flight and he was on the next one. So, thanks. All right. So you guys I mean are based out of England but you guys are part of the Joshi wrestling scene because you guys book stomach Joshi Talent. Yeah. Why do you why do you guys book so much Joshi Talent or it's just kind of like we're is you know, I grew up, you know being a fan of Joshi wrestling, you know, I've gotten to take training seen in the mid-90s. So, you know getting our Japan women, you know shows was A regular thing for us, you know, Japan women ECW michinoku Pro those who are all Japan, you know, those were you know, my my regular gets on the take trade-ins thing. So it just made sense when we were doing this that of course, I'm going to want to work with, you know, the winning races in Japan. The whole idea is that you you know, you present some of the best and you present, you know, You know some of the best, you know of right now of the past and in the future and so that's always been a key in Emily my wife who runs. He's with me. She was a trainee herself for a long while she was hugely inspired by obviously the drazi seen it's not like it was a lot of this, you know, and on the western side her to be inspired by specifically she was inspired by Okay, come on both short specifically and assuming Yaga and yeah, it's just an actual thing. So I like we went off the show in 2010 and in 2011. We were working with ice ribbon. It was just it was always going to be there's always going to be my life. So, how did you guys get? How did you get rich the gap between, you know wanting to have them on there and actually reaching out to them and making it happen. I would like to reach out to be you know, so like it's going to sound like something out of a sadist. I'm known over there for working with a number of international performers. And so and Eve had a good rap in terms of you know, what the shows were like what kind of promise we allow performance with donut. Well, you know like the working with people so do the students really easy because they played on the rich again. I see. Have you kosaka sake and mockito there now? Hello. So what how did you get the relationship with Tokyo Joshi Pro to bring these two over this time? Really really? Or the future recently you guys brought purposely on shows you kind of bring like certain cruise over at one time and not mix the cruise up to much. Since 2011 has been a regular, you know for like nine years nearly. So it's not you know, when Emily was coming over there wasn't a gown Seward's you know, she was running a nice room and then when she came and you know, I mean even had a run as the you Campion know back in 2012 2013. So it's you know, I love getting with my heart if I think anyone that goes there he goes. Sorry, well at least. Mia's been a part of the roster for over eight years and then we went over to Japan last year, you know, we saw Mason Ruger and she's amazing and it's like you can see this come on. It's just like a natural, you know, like the most she's just incredible. So it's just like it just made sense that will see one coming up with, you know, we always have a strong International presence as well as you I wanted made a be a part of that. She brought something different. And just like jazz to go. I mean it's the idea of like doing Mesa Ruger versus Jazz. That was amazing. That was amazing. That's my mindset man. I like doing stuff this different like, you know, I like when you do the stuff that people want to see it as the obvious like that this weekend not paying down that, you know, Martin aramaki is going to be incredible, but it's also good to you know, throw people that are Polar Opposites. I'm Ian Jazz was just a whole world of fun. Tell me about that. The phenomenon that is Lulu pencil why all she got was actually received a pencil is a mama like 90% of the audience loved loved. I love personally I adore a pencil. I love the fact that she's a prime example. This passive Tabor and they're the reason why I started this podcast. Because I wanted to share the doesn't get the credit and respect that she deserves because she has had a far bigger impact on the dressing saying that I think wrestling fans understand I like and I love the guys iuw but I don't think it presented any the correct way. You know, I think I kind of missed missed a beat there with her because she's I've never been a show where I mean hasn't gotten over it. Just let me be honest, you know, don't don't direct or try to you know, leave her down one way, you know, you know talk to Carl. I've never seen a show that so it's really cool to finally see like a work that she's put her in no start to get more recognition because Let's take a look at the Russell Queen them card real quick. It sounds like it sounds like you have your hands full over there with those couple though. The maquis in UK. Sorry for this. No, no, no, don't say sorry at all. It's this is awesome. All right, so talk about some of the bigger matches for Eve not the from The Outsiders, but for the Irregulars, you know that the whole show there's always there's always It's always interesting, you know first time matches on so, you know, it's for as far as the faithfuls concerned, you know, the evil audience. I think you know the big match so you can check shit. So you too, you know, it's that it's that all you know, all story of, you know, good friends better animals and it's the first time he's to another had a match against one another, you know, some actions like six months. It's you know in the making, you know, they'll be the pre-show package for that will be released on Saturday as well. But those are Max I think you know by being faithful is really looking towards you make sure singing it's one of the things we try to do it even with right with the talent rather than just say right we're going to do this listeners. And so what you often see is the version of Laura dimatteo, they see a need as different to the local Authority Mateo. I see elsewhere and I think that's because of you know working. Let me be more themselves, you know come out and give them no longer matches and time, you know time to tell their story. So I'm really looking forward to that and I think most of the evil dances there's a new tag team titles. No, this is actually the main event of the show. You know, the you Championship is the co-main here Tag Team Championship is the match that we going on last and that's Emma Jane and Giselle sugar versus the white queens versus some abusive complex. You know, I know that we're all trying not to get hit by this giant stage trap at the moment has decided to come down a pedestrian side, which is you know, I caught, you know, some some people like, you know catching titles on Main Event tiles and it's just like because of how West you know, Western wrestling history tag team wrestling but taxing wrestling, you know can be Main Event, you know, because it's just another division so, you know that that's the most I'm Gonna Last unless there's so much Characters in addition to the beauty of North no Diana North Phoenix Diana again. I was going to ask you about her. Yes. Yeah. I know. She's incredible and also, you know prior to that exclusively from the mind of God as ginni versus need a Samuels. An exam I kind of Tweed in the day. This was a kind of a joke Gaijin All-Stars. Yeah, I guess so anyway, you know, so yeah, I like if you watch Josie, you know, you're probably going to know a number of our talent and if you don't get your way. So let's talk about the two. I Joshi performers there like yuccas akazake how familiar were you with her before you brought her over? And then we have the amazing Maki versus Martina, which is when you guys announced that the internet went kind of crazy. There's nothing that I can say to sell them I shouldn't have this. Have you thought that has going to teach my Marquee what dance means? Sorry. I want to thank you for joining the show real excited just to see the show. I've been tweeting about it quite often. I've been plugging it to pretty much every week on the show really excited for it. And you can everybody can listen to it or catch it on fight TV. Yep, it's on fight TV. It's 7:30 start for the for the fight broadcast on Saturday night, and it's only 999 dollars as well. Since actually see ya. beautiful That makes me very happy to here. Honestly, it does. It's like it's like people that don't like the easy. It's like if you need to win in order to get over many really shitty job the exactly well tell marki and Yuka the I wish him the best and we'll be watching on Saturday night. Okay. Thank you so much. I will day. Thank you. Take care. And yeah, thanks for having us.
Dann Read from Eve-Riot Grrrls of Wrestling joins the show this week to chat about WrestleQueendom 3 scheduled for January 11th in London. It can be seen live on Fite TV. He is chatting while walking the streets of London with Maki Itoh and Yuka Sakazaki, the latest Joshi talent Eve has brought over to England. Read discusses why Eve brings so much Joshi talent in for shows. It is a fun chat, please have a listen. Also on the show: We look at the 3-count headlines of the week, a Gaijin winning a major title. The Joshi show of the week is the Tokyo Joshi Pro show from January 4th. We look ahead to the calendar for shows this week in Japan. We see where Joshi wrestlers are performing outside of Japan. Pro Wrestling Tee’s Stores: Nicole Savoy Kikyo Gatoh Move Tokyo Joshi Pro Stardom Hiroyo Matsumoto Aja Kong Riho Hikaru Shida Yuka Sakazaki Social Media: Eve-Riot Grrrls of Wrestling Twitter Instagram Official Website The Joshi Pod: Twitter Facebook Instagram Pro Wrestling Tees For tickets: Eve-Riot Grrrls of Wrestling Present: Wrestle Queendom 3 PCW Ultra WrestleCon Our Sponsors This Week: QuietWyatt Designs: The Last Podcast You’d Want Music supplied by: Yume O Yume (Dream your Dream) by reiswerk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Not FM to get started. What is up? Everybody? You know what? It is the affair after show it AfterBuzz TV. So Whitney says Noah isn't invited to her wedding. Noah helps Helen climb down the side of a cliff and Helen still gets bit by a snake survives and they get resolution together and we got a special guest in the building. Let's go. Let's get it. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now. What about everybody see drama? Twz favorite music yo yo yo, what is up? Everybody the affair after show. I am your whole slim Gonzalez and I'm super excited because not it was a great episode. Not only is April sitting next to me. But we have a great guest in the building super excited as I said about our amazing person next to me. I don't think she's been next to me at all this season. No, but today I am blessed. It is Sunday. Say hallelujah, I prayed for this everyone sit on somebody's what's up girl. Let me cry. Just like I did. Of course the homie Alice indeed is in the building here. I am holding it down holding it down hallways and it is guess time our guest today is the one and only couplets actor super friend of the show William Christopher Stevens. I'm so cool. Thank you so much for joining us. So excited to have you here. Yes happy to be here only. So ladies and gentlemen, how do you feel about this episode? I will say that I did cry a thug tier on tier because I was as you know, I want this to happen. I want them to get back together. And now I feel like it might happen so glad I know when your Thug tear happened. What was the exact moment of this Thug tear that's It was well you had to see that exhibit then the sea then I'm going to expose my thing. I want to say it was one but I will say the biggest more than one the biggest thug tear came out when they were pretty much together and and Noah was helping her down the cliff and he was like just trust me and it was like, I went back to the moment. You know what I'm saying way way back. I know this is far-fetched for you, but for me a thug sensitive, It is not. Do you know the movie Titanic? Right just a small movie. Laughs and with Jack is like bluh-bluh-bluh-bluh-bluh, you know, he's in there and she's like no. No, I went back to that moment. I went back to that one when they're and that was how important it was because we know that Helen has not wanting to trust Noah for so long right at the whole song is called the affair. So why would he trust them in the fact that she had to trust him to get down that Clift and she did Trust him, even though they argue the whole time, but I thought that was momentous they didn't with us. This is literally one of my favorite movies of all time. I think Helen always wanted to really okay. So I think there was a period where she definitely did not trust him. But I think ultimately she's always wanted to trust him. Why don't you I really do think so, I agree with that. Yeah, I do. I don't think it was a matter of because I agree with some of what Whitney said, I think there is a level of codependency that's happening here. Even if they don't want to recognize it. I mean they were married. They have a lot of kids together. There's a lot of things there that you just can't undo no matter what so anyway, okay, okay. I mean the episode just altogether was an amazing one because I think I personally feel as if the Riders of the affair have been listening to what I've been saying just you so long, but I do feel personally victimized by Regina George now, okay, but I literally feel like they've been listening to me because they did what I needed them to do they gave we think they gave no no they gave a good enough. And adequate. Goodbye from NOAA to Allison. They didn't take away that relationship. They didn't act like it didn't happen. He tears up hearing her voice. He says I loved her I was this as this I needed that to get because when she died in a lot of fans were semi and an uproar, you know, because how could they not seem like it was a bigger deal to him whatever. So for them to kind of give have him do the official goodbye to her I was Like you won me over right there. Not that they haven't won me over a long time ago. But like you gave me what I needed and then now I can accept she's gone Helen's here. You have I have I have closure. That's why I feel like saying I have been doing that like this is how you wrap up a Show Gotcha. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know if this was the the Terminus if you will of Allison and Noah though because I still think we might have some Some real final stuff. I don't I disagree I disagree I say that is because I think we're going to see the daughter back in and I think that there which is why I feel like it is the Terminus this episode. I know but I feel like Joni and no are gonna have something together and I think that's going to then create some other after-effects of I don't know. We'll see what happened. Well side. We'll see I think it's I think this was it big wheel when you were coming in your character situation. Yeah, I mean, you know you get the script you see what's going on. And what was really cool to see what happened behind the closed door because when doing it, you know, I just heard the shouting and all that stuff right then you come in the whole attitude changes because I'm like you guys gotta move you gotta get out of here. So yeah, it was like that moment before is like, okay. This is what was going on. This is what you guys were arguing about, you know, so yeah, that wasn't I was cool then. Yeah, and you came in your character came in at a really momentous time because you see Helen she goes over right and if we go back to kind of the beginning how it started with me is on a tangent. Oh, yeah not mad at her right see I feel like yes, she doesn't want to give her dad a break. Helen is trying to plead with her. She goes in on Helen is like I don't want to be like you because she see what her mom is gone through and what she sees no as taking her through granite a lot of stuff happened when she was young. Young so she couldn't really process it. And so Helens really like no. This is not what it is, but Whitney is like no no, he's not even invited to the wedding that's deep that was huge. It really surprised me actually because I really thought when she was a Montauk with Noah, they really did Forge forward in a major way. You know, I really thought okay. This is true progress here and obviously, you know know they didn't necessarily talk about the spa incident, but it seemed like it was an unspoken truth that Hey, we're good. I get things were messy. And then I think on the plane that's where yes, her mind just really and it's not stacking up for me. I don't know it just doesn't you know, I feel like especially after everything that happened with fur cat and that weirdness and just like, you know, there's a lot of things that he was saying in the conversation with her where I felt like it was a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way where she was suddenly like. Oh God like toxic men. Did it all but okay. My dad is not necessarily one of these guys like he's done some bad stuff, but he's not. I don't know. I just really it seemed like a weird 184 me. Well, I think looking at what Whitney has gone through we've seen a lot of valleys with her not very many Peaks. And I think she that whole situation in Montauk when they were shopping and doing things for her wedding and Noah was essentially playing the wedding. Yeah. That was a great bonding. But I agree she's had tumultuous relationship with men. Yes, and I feel like at that time on the plane with we saw in the last episode when she's talking to old girl on the plane and kind of just you know, like look this is a situation would you know what you're doing the family he has kids and they kind of have this moment and she feels like I think in her mind, she's like my dad is just like these other men that have treated me bad and at that moment all the things that they built Up Came Crashing Down. And now she sees her dad is one of those other men. I mean it sucks because I mean the whole three episodes where they have this interaction and whatever it just kind of like gone to waste now and we did always wonder as viewers and fans of the show. When is this terrible scene of him like touching his daughter not knowing it was his daughter in this hopped-up gonna come Batcher, hehe. That he was in a hot tub thinking that maybe something could be happening with these two women that are about to be there whatever but it is, you know, it's tough to see because they never talked about this moment where I can only imagine I can never imagine that happening with my own dad. Never know what I'm gonna say, but I probably imagine if this you know in some crazy alternate universe happened with my dad it would have been a media trauma talked about trauma two. Exactly, you're traumatized whatever but it wouldn't we wouldn't have gone years upon years without ever having discussed it and then but for her to blame and I don't think she did. It was more Helen putting it all in this but for her to blame all of her trauma on that moment. I was like, I don't think that's legitimate because she does have to take some responsibility for her own actions, but she actually didn't say that Helen was the one that said that right away, but it just sucks to see all of this come crashing down over a very Terrible night probably the most terrible night in the life of Noah that we've seen happen and then you know, it just sucks and we've seen him and he said that he said that was literally the worst day of my life. Absolutely and I think Helen was mad not necessarily that it happened. It was a very terrible thing that happened but the fact that he didn't say anything, right? Yeah earlier it could because it could have not been a big deal. It could have been like I was at this party. Hey, guess what? I'm married my baby, even though I'm not his baby is being born. On this night. I just so happen to be at this party in our daughter was there how could you not say that your high school aged daughter is there and to see him turn that around on Helen tonight? I was like, well, that's just that's that's classic Noah he wants to divert and give a reason for what he did but he did kind of own up and we'll get into that later. We'll would you do if you were at a party and you were you know had some drinks and drinks. Yeah, a lot of stuff a lot of things that make you do other things turn to censor all exactly like and and then all of a sudden you get into a hot tub and you think it's a hot girl and then happens to be your daughter go and that point I mean what can you say right you already got thoughts in your mind. You turn somebody writes like What what were you going to do here Dad? Right, right. What was going down? It's like hey, this is I was I had some stuff earlier. Yeah good to me, right? I didn't know right right. No, that's all you can do. And that's what he did. He would always say. What the heck are you doing at this party child? That's exactly what are you doing here? Well, that's what he tried to say in hindsight. Like look, why was she at this party and Helen took it out. I was like, whoa, you're not going to dig on me. You know, you're not going to turn this on. But I really think that he should have said something and I think that would have made it all better and maybe that would help Whitney situation, even though she had felt some kind of way about her father. I think that the would have helped heal the situation a little bit better. Absolutely because if they had tackled it immediately I things would have been stewing for as long as they weren't mean it's been going on now for so long has been having all these emotions and harboring resentment against them. The other thing is no runs. We saw them when they were talking Helen told him do not leave do not leave and what happens afterwards. She gets out there. Like where's though? He had to leave. So he needs to stop running. That's one thing he needs to do his own up. But we see that later on in the episode. We see that he goes back by the way. There were four. I know version a thing which is present as first time and the first time that we saw Helena together, which was again amazing than others. Here for that just he just came on music. But yeah, she goes. She's like, you know, he's a birth certificate when he's like I need it. Okay. It's at Noah's house. Let me go get it. He's over there. Let me find out she goes to him and he's passed out and then Helen just was trying to wake him up. She ends up falling asleep next to him at that moment. I knew it was going to be that was the first one. I was a baby one, but she falls asleep next to him. They get up and then When you know, they're trying to look for actually for the birth certificate and then that's when the hot tub situation comes up and she's mad she's upset rightfully. Yeah rightfully because no again always doesn't want to own up to what he does. They talk about that and then she tells him that he's not. Can you imagine well, can you imagine not being invited to your daughter's wedding? Oh that's crushing man. How would you feel I would be obviously devastated. Yeah, obviously, you can see it on his face and like you raised this From a child, you know into a young woman. This is like it's like the Pinnacle of fatherhood, you know, you want to dance with your daughter at the wedding you give her away to a man you like. I want this man to take it's good to care for her as I have right granted, you know, he's now done this thing. So I want you to take better care of her than I have right don't hurt my baby. But right you're not even invited now so not even coming. It's rough. It was a rough moment to see and to hear the two of them talking about everybody in chat is saying the same thing. Just because they're like they thought everything was going so great. Lisa H says I thought Whitney was just so excited about her dad helping her and now that's all for nothing. It doesn't make sense. It does make sense in the in the sense of you know, she is going through all of this. She it's not like she just learned that this hot tub think happened to her, but she's just learning that her dad may not be this person that she kind of never have had she's never thought that he was a great dad or an exceptionally good. Or anything like that, but I think that they're doing this in the show obviously to give us something to bring Helen and Noah together about like we are all not going to like the fact that she's not inviting him. Even I thought this was going to be an unpopular opinion of myself, but I was actually a little not necessarily tonight so much but last week a little kind of almost annoyed with Whitney because I was like, how are you let's not blame everything on this one person like I trust me I'm not taking away at all whatsoever. From what he did, he did traumatize her and it was his job to figure that out with her. But like I'm like you can't have take this person doing all of this stuff for you. And you feel this you feel some kind of way and then in one conversation on a plane with some girl she tells you, you know, he actually didn't do anything to me, but he made me feel as well. I guess I was just like it's a little easy for her as a character to do so in the And even with a birth certificate I was like, that's all y'all like, why didn't you ask for this before? I know like my green card is going to expire. I really need this tomorrow. It's like you're trying planner right? Another thing I wanted to say is that I know this is probably weird and we're very appreciative of all of our viewers all around the country. And even in other on other continents has of course continents has that's what I just said, but y'all know that's a whole other world. This is something they're all the fires going on in like the rush and exactly what's happening is something that we very much so have dealt with and deal with on a regular basis. So this is something that truly goes on in California. So it's very relevant to us. That's one of the things I wanted to ask you because I feel like what they're basing all of these fires and literally people being burned in their cars and things like that and having to leave their homes is because of a really terrible fire went through last year at the Woolsey fire. Was that being filmed at All around the same time. I know y'all of course film in LA, but I don't know the timing I shot this in March. I'm trying to think exactly so it's not exist not exactly. Okay. So after March of this sir, yeah, which however regardless of that. We know the Woolsey fire would have already happened. Oh, yes. Yes, then they would be using that but I think the even bigger thing is that we've had fires recent. Oh, yeah. I was just talking to Mike now stir. Yeah my path. Sorry, he had to be evacuated back and forth on Thursday bomb and he had to be gone two days from his house. Luckily. He's fine as family is fine. Nothing happened. But to see this like, what do they call Art? Imitating life? Yeah, like that's crazy that watching this and this stuff is actually happened. That's what I wanted to say. Like this is this is a very accurate depiction of what we go through with even you literally you have cops Sheriff's whatever going to people's houses and telling them you have to get out or you will literally Burn yeah, and then there's other people that will not leave. Yeah and they're gonna try and protect their house which we saw that and one neighbor prior to Wills character coming in. There is another Thug tear moment when she reads that letter out loud that no rotor before we got married. Yeah. Yo, I'm telling you right now. Like I just I really I'm telling you I love what are you telling? I'm telling you right now. I love to take it slow. What Sarah dream and her people are doing with this finale? They're trying wrote this episode. By the way, I believe it. My thing is we know that obviously next week is the finale. Yeah. No, obviously you got to build up to it. But to see them come together in the way that they did. I still don't know exactly how it's going to end up solely because there's other loose ends that need to be tightened fact that the fact that they are showing them coming together. And showing why I mean this episode was all about them. Yeah, all the versions was them them them together and then they're separately but it was literally all about them and then finding themselves why they came together in the first place, right? And I thought that was amazing that letter reading that letter her reading it out loud. He's like no no read it and then she's reading it and then feeling some kind of way and he's feeling some kind of way Joe that's amazing. You know what I think it even more so is so important about that scene is the fact that he is on Most like the beginning of Noah feeling inadequate in their relationship. He thought all of these years we don't have any ears but a long time 18 plus years that she threw this very important letter away. Right? And he never said anything like we're all crying thugs here is reading this and she thought this whole time she just tossed it, right so that's an important moment because why did why did they come about their demise ultimately because he I felt inadequate right which he admits multiple times a night and says and as always tries tried to explain to her but I just thought it was such an important moment. There was a lot of I think Revelations as it relates to the relationship and it was done in a very masterful way sure. I mean really the way that they kind of put a lot of things in perspective and really I think setting the tone for next week. It was poignant. Absolutely. Absolutely. We do see that after Will's character comes on he's like you got to get out of here. No, it doesn't want to leave. He's one of those guys. He's like, no, I'm not leaving. I got all this stuff and I understand why because it's not just like I have these things that can be replaced. He's like, I'm detached from my kids. Yeah. This is all I have at this moment. I cannot imagine leaving this and let this Burn yeah, it's likely good, right? Exactly. And so then she's like, all right. I'm out. She bounces and then into picking this random couple on the what is it? What does he say to her to make her leave? Does he say that's when he says which I want to I want to ask you all this because it was so important to me because it seemed to switch a little bit in Noah's version when he says to her. He's like a out just as he leave. What are you doing here you like I think these people might be right you have some sort of codependency on me action and this obsession with me and I'm like If you could ever make me ever say one thing that's going to make me feel different about you. You just said it and I know he was just trying to get her to leave and he had just been through this this this this this and he's been through this this this this this but I was like dear God. She literally set responded to him and says, I hope you burn. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he basically he was always putting his foot in his mouth. He's the master of that and this was another example where he did that and I think whether it was to get her Leave so he could stay there and just get out of here, but you there's other ways to do that. I think him doing that is just him reverting to his old ways and just saying things that he shouldn't be saying I don't think forgivable offense. Is it a forgivable if you both of you is it a forgivable offense if someone's I get out of here, you're obsessing me. Yeah, I think so because I think at this point Helen knows that he talks out of his but sometimes and just does like inappropriate things. So I think for her as much as she doesn't want to hear it, I think she knows that like, it's in Noah and hence. Asking him you can be so cruel and yet so compassionate time. So, you know, what the hell right. So yeah, I think she kind of lets it lets it go over. But yeah, she'll give the piercing things to you know, write back to him now. So yeah, they just talked about his insecurities and you know, you have insecurities you act out of fear and you say stupid ish. Right? And you know, but evidently yeah, it made her very angry just like, you know, I can't even deal with you. Why are you thinking like this? I graduate I hope you borrow my the fact that he was just begging her back. Like two episodes ago and then you're like, wait. What are you doing here? I was like no I did like how the production side when they go to knows version because prior to this was Helens version. It's literally right? It's in sequence. Yeah. So we see no home during the fires. He finally finds Whitney's births to trying to get ahold of her. Of course. She's not responding because she hates his guts right now ghost, right? Exactly. And that's when he got those out these tapes and starts listening and then we hear Allison's Voice this is where I cried. My first love to hear your first one my first time this is like my third eye. All right. Well who's gonna know to hear her voice and to have this moment? Like I said when we were doing our opening, it was just such an important moment for him to just be like, oh my God. I'm so sorry and to hear her saying these things that literally we've heard the exact things. Of course in I think first season is when these recordings were actually done. But it just meant a lot to me as a viewer and it meant a lot to me to see him be upset about that and to just be like, you know the way he even though he smiled when he heard her voice and to hear how he reacted or to see how he reacted to her talking about their relationship. The other part is seeing him react to his own voice and the things that he says which obviously Helen making a good thing, but how he talks about you know, he's like I don't know what had happened. I was so happy and it was just like such a pivotal moment to me in the episode and then the whole show absolutely absolutely I thought that when he cuz we see later that this is a pivotal point to win he changes, you know, because again before he's like, oh, you're just obsessed that a DOT. He's not wanting even though we know he loves Helen he feels like I can't be with her because of all the things that's happened in the past. And so He just kind of do I don't even want her around because all those things are going to come back. However, when he listens to this and this is was big and he mentions to our later. She's like well what change when he listens to him talking about Helen and how he described her and everything that was happening. So you take that along with that letter and then he's like, oh my gosh, this was really the love of my life and I need to do something about this. So when we see that that person that knock again, I thought it was your character again like dude, I got to get out of here. We see this neighbor like hey, you know I'm staying like what you gonna do and he's like because of again, he was wanting to say initially and he's like nah, man, I got to get out of here like you can have my house because his mindset has finally changed its Jamie sees like it shifted it shifted. So he wants to find Helena me that he remembered how to be happy. He wants to live you go from be like literally him on his couch looking like the most sad that is exactly literally wants to die to change his mind after hearing this thing. I mean, I'm thankful that it did but I knew it was going to happen because you know without the preview was buried it had you I mean he can just live there and just died right? Let me know let that be the end of it. No. No, that would've been the worst. Enemy. I know it's gonna die though everybody in our comments from last week on Twitter. They're like wait and I was really moved by Ike. I didn't see that either the cliff. Yeah right there. So I mean it was definitely a lot of ways. He could have died helling and It was a cliffhanger last exactly. So we see that he doesn't run out and he finds Helen because she's Parts perfectly. Right and it's like let's not forget Sasha. That's true. That's true. He tells you need to get out of here because he has this information like the fires coming we gotta go and she's just, you know kind of finding a little bit and then she finally, you know decides that she's going to go with him and then we see it goes to No.1 & Helens apart together. Did you guys Notice that her hat had the end on it. Yes. I was wondering if you guys had noticed that foreshadowed. Right? Right. We said it during our when we were watching was like house in it says the end and then you see it's a Montauk New York and that's literally how season 1 episode 1 of the show started off was this place called the end? Oh my goodness, but also the end I know right exactly. It was a it was like you were really solid just before the snake bite. She's sitting there. There's like don't there was a lot of moments. So what is both their parts then we obviously have to believe that this is what's truly happening as viewers. There's no like my version this version. This is the version It's the version we enter gotten this before and I will say not knowing Helen but we've had where it wasn't anyone's version. They were showing the show. Yeah, so we were just like, okay. This is what it is, but this is actually and it makes sense to be poignant to have it to where it's knowing Helen because it is about them. So See that they leaving to go down this Trail. Did you all think that Noah was like leading her into the like Doom like impending doom? Because we know no one can do things like half Hazard Lee he can do things spur of the moment. He's not the best judge of character. He's not the best planner. Well, that's exactly what he did here because like I have this trail that I hiked all the time and it leads to a fire Road. How did you not know that there's a cliff? That's Cliff. So you never went this far on that's right. Turn Around by now, this is new right they just added this part. I don't know what happened. Yeah, usually it's open. Yeah, so they go down this Trail and then then then of course they have the all this time now to talk about themselves and you know, Noah tells how and why he changed his mind because of course he listened to the depositions. And so they discuss about Whitney and you know, he agrees he's I feel like Noah is because of everything that's happening. He has to own up to his stuff. Yeah, and he definitely agrees even Whitney said these charging things these really heinous things about him. He agrees with the assessment. He's like, you know, I am this person I have to own up to being this person and I think Helen seeing him do that sees the growth in him and she's just like, oh my gosh, she's growing up. Right right right before my eyes. It was a I thought it was just a beautiful. Juxtaposition of how they both felt in their relationship, right? So the dishonesty is that were on her side and on his side like that. They both weren't quite honest with each other. So even though they were both playing happy. They were still not totally a hundred percent with who they were as parents as humans as lovers as whatever right and it's just really interesting now being able to come back to each other in this way after having gone through everything. It's almost like this is the And relationship that you want to enter into right? There's no BS it's all out there. Yeah, just love each other for sure life or death to do that. There you go. I think it was pretty brave him just to ask like, how did the affair make you feel? Right so, you know what's coming when when he asked that like I mean or I should say he knows what what's coming when he asked that he saw certain things happen to remember when she got into the accident and whatever but for him to kind of be willing to sit there and take that and actually to really care enough to know like what were you really going through in your mind? What actually happened with you? That's it takes a bigger person than we've seen Noah probably ever be right because the it's he knows he's not going to hear good stuff. He knows he's not going to she's not going to be like, oh, yeah sad that I was tough. Like no, you're gonna you're in this very you're in this big moment of deep honesty, and he had just Gone through all of the reasons why this this this and I think it was important that Helen was able to say when she's like, why did you do it? And she's like no you loved her and he was like, well I did and I think saying something like that made her be like, okay, this is the time for us to just get it all out there make it work. Yeah, and I think to we always see this when you're in Peril, right? They didn't know if they were like they was I might die, you know literally just this fire is like well, let's get it all out now. Now because you know, we may not be alive in an hour or so. And so I think that we also solve this is another reason why they're getting all this out. So they can you know, kind of have peace with the situation on both ends. Yep. Helen can have peace with you know, the affair happening. I love how she asked the question. Well, what if you know, that would have never happened we do stayed together because she knows that she was at fault in a relationship too. Yeah, when they start comparing notes and how she felt, you know was mentioning about like look like I really just Jew to be with me because my situation with my parents, you know, she didn't really communicate to them. So she put him in a kind of a bad situation almost like, you know, he had he didn't have a leg up hand already feeling inadequate actually put him in the exact position to feel right lamothe even more so right. Yep right want to do the exact thing that her very successful father did but you can't because of this this this I mean, that's not too obviously know what did some terrible terrible things, but it's just it It was like the perfect storm of awfulness and that's how they started their relationship started the relationship right? So then he's like, where do you go from there? Yeah. No. No, we're good. Right exactly. So the end to to the end again and they do come to the end of this ledge and Noah's life is so like if you don't sit your butt down, he's always like Oh, no, I got it. I got it. Like you can just wait a second. The fire is off. You know, you get like maybe call for help or something. Like look for a helicopter, whatever but no was like no no. No, we got to go down and he starts going down like Helens like what are you doing? Oh, no, I'm fine. Appalling. Basically A Flat Rock. I was like, how do you think that this is a good idea? No, I mean I worked well, it's Noah. It's exactly exactly so he he goes down. He makes it down. He's like, all right Helen, you know just come on with me. I'll guide you horse. Helen is not about bout that life. Nope. She does not want to she probably halfway trust him. She also this is not her forte. She doesn't climb rocks on a daily. So she's just like no, I don't think we've seen Helen work out at all. And if necessary, this is not what she does holding babies, right? Exactly, which is the workout. Yeah, so she's obviously scared and at this was another moment that needed to happen because I felt like they always lie got all this stuff out in the open. Yeah, and now they needed to build some Rust yeah quickly. Yeah, and this exactly is what that does. She had to trust him that she could get him down that ledge. Yeah. I for a second. I thought she was not going to make it. I don't know for a second. Not that she would you know pass away or died or something like that or be hurt tremendously you fall but like she were fought here at the catcher or something like that. Yeah, she would break her late like, you know, she would hurt herself like minor something like that. I didn't think that she would make it down, but it was almost like the He helped her. Yeah, yeah, is it took her mind off of what the danger was and she's like, you know, Noah, I just hate the fact that you do but they hugged that's fine. I'll take you can smack me and she hugged him. Right? Right. I like that, right? Yeah, so you think they're out? Works, right? No, they're not because they continue on the Trek. They also talked about they do apologize to one another which I think is good here. It's not something that finally finally apologized to one another and she talks about blaming herself and knows like no you do not do that because she did mention she says she feels like because of the things that she put him through that the affair was my fault. Yeah, and I think you know that happens in some cases. With you know in real relationships. This is where I think it's important to compare the parts of Whitney's from last week where she's like yours. You should have done this. You should have banned tan and said that he was so awful. You just you've always loved him whatever and then with hers because it's so different and we do see and we've always felt I think like two whole episodes we were like, maybe she doesn't really feel this way, but it's so different from like a child's perspective to what actually is going on. It's not that Helen is just obsessed with him and whatever but like she she sees him as a person that like she wanted just once in her life and to probably wants to help because she sees I've done these things to him. I need to make up for those but like her kids don't know that so a lot of people in our chat in our comments from last week. They were like Helen is so codependent on him. She is this this when he was right when she said it I actually don't think so. Like I do think Helen has always just had a thing for Noah but look at what she's done she dated a very successful Doctor ended in tragedy, but she's that she's now dating it's not like Helen even to hear her talk about her body. Like she's never going to say those things to her kids. So they don't know those and Whitney doesn't know that intricacies that go into your husband cheating on you, especially with this younger person kind of random or in her mind. Anyway, she didn't know everything that went on but like I think that that's where it's Important because I found myself being like Oh, well, she is a little CO2 pit even when he said it when he's like you're obsessed with me. I'm like, oh so should I not want them to be together? But when you see the two of them and then when you see her version it's so not that it is very important how it's like I'm not just codependent. I don't just want you like we actually should be one. I feel like in the entire Series right from from start to finish. I feel like Helen is always been trying to figure out what she wants to be. I feel like she's almost like she's lived in the shadow. We see how she grew up her parents are not the best. We see her mom. Well gosh easily imagine now, but you saw how she was she was raised. Yeah, and so she's almost like she's lived in the shadow of that and needing to be somebody that she doesn't want to be kind of always not. Only confident about herself for so many years. She gets with Noah then these things happen and she's always just trying to find yourself even in the relationships that we've seen since Noah since the affair and what she's always if you think about it, she's always felt inadequate. Yeah when she was with Vic she felt inadequate when she was this guy Sasha man. I hate him but she felt inadequate and so you see these even the little tricks that she's had in between that she's felt and I adequate like she didn't deserve them. So she's always been trying to even though Noah has his thing what this episode showed me is that they both have insecurities that major insecurities different but that they deal with and they're also easily not whole people. Yeah, but also they kind of both suffer from the inadequacy feelings in a major way, right? Yeah. That's our thing which is in different ways. Yeah. Yeah in different ways, but interesting that they both suffer from Sure the same. Yeah the same thing really and just it's it was like this unspoken truth that they both were dealing with right and they finally figured it out. Holy I mean it's the most important thing which Cheryl list just said in chat that her kids don't know and why people would think that she was codependent and had a thing for him forever as because and I repeat Noah went to prison for her. So she is always gonna feel some some kind of way and her kids don't know that but she's gonna feel some kind of guilt because of that and so they may see it as being something else than it actually is but that is I think one of the most important things with that topic anyway as far as her being whatever because she's never just going to be like, okay. Thanks right by that is like that's not what happens. You're always going to feel some kind of guilt or wait on you that maybe can be misconstrued by other people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about as something else. Yeah. Yeah. That's certainly Everything is a big piece of it. So obviously they get down to the end. We see that they're almost in the clear. Will what did you think when you saw that rattlesnake and literally stabbed Hellyer you're here gonna for you were seeing right? Okay, every day is just too easy right here. Like it's a fire going to appear over here, right? What's gonna happen? Right and you here as like, all right. Yeah. And yeah, and she's sitting there is like Noah and yeah, is this the end it's just like We know what about you know, what happens in the westerns? Have you got bit by a rattlesnake? If you saw True Grit is like rap, you don't have a horse something something. You're not gonna make it. Yeah. I am from Alabama and how many rattlesnakes have we killed a lot? And I would that's what I just I think it was so funny because I say this to you will especially we have all been saying all season long. We're like Helen is going to save know in some way not like life-saving thing, but we were like with all this all these accusations and all this stuff. He's going to be the one to like come out. So I was like, holy crap. He's gonna have to save her we were so wrong. Like whenever I trust you terrible things always happen. So absolutely trust will come down this trike exactly. There you go, but I see which we'll get into in a second how overall it they saved all of them their lives. But yeah, I was like, okay, here we go. She's bit by a rattlesnake. We know that you know, that's not a good thing. You could definitely die from that. Yes, and so but they have no vehicle. They're still stuck in nowheresville. He picks her up. He just starts walking. Yeah, luckily somebody pulls up I know where and then they can get rushed to the hospital. They go to the hospital. They're like, oh no you need to go no mistake, but also for me right now, he's of course frantic because that's Helen that's his you know who the person that he really does love and so we see that she's okay. And then he calls into the room her vitals are stable and he turns on the TV and we see that moment where they say about a hundred people perished and they show that car that she was a man's car Gonzo. So what do you all think of that point? It was just insane. It would we were watching I was like, why are they making such a big deal out of the car? Because all this like chemical warfare or whatever. I forget that it was. Yeah, but obviously, so what do We Gather from that? Oh, The car can clearly survive through a fire not biological warfare biological warfare. That was a forest fire right now. No, that's also something that actually really happened with the Woolsey fire people stayed in their cars because people told them this was safer than going elsewhere. Wow, and then I mean it is want to anyway, but I just thought him being able to see and have that moment of like, you know, obviously she gets bit by a rattlesnake. That's very dangerous. Dress but for him to be like if she would have said if I would not have gone and demanding lost her and demanded that she get out. Yeah, like if you stayed in the house both of them, right that done kids no parents, right? No parents at all, and he still has a birth certificate in his backpack. Did you did you see what did he say when he I think when he was was was coming down the side of the cliff and he's like Noah, what are you doing? What are you for things? Like? Well, at least I have one parents right? I was like He was bringing me tissues. I don't see anything. I knew it was coming. But no that was a dry fast. That was a big one the big moment because I feel that moment. Was them knowing. Okay. It's on like Donkey Kong, right? That's what I thought. Wow. I feel like it's on I feel like that was the moment. She knows that he saved her. She also is real calling their deep convo. She also knows that he expressed his love for her a couple episodes ago. I mean, there's just many things that play where I think Helen is going to come to the realization. In fact, yes, I am codependent on you because I love you. Yeah, I like that. Okay interesting. I never thought I'd say that again. Yeah, if I'm calling season 1 2 3 4 I never thought I'd said I definitely did not think I would arrive at this moment but Lem Lem did yeah, let's keep yes. Yes, just saying. Yeah LM. Just wanted to Bite me actually because I was started for Noah and Alison, but as we both were yeah were for a while. I asked want to be ya. Do we have any special segment this guy? Yeah. Well what not to do. Yes, that's what segment time take it away. Oh, this is fun to see our special segment is what not to do. We specifically want to know what you wouldn't do in one of the situations that they were in tonight limb. I'm gonna have you go first. What would you not do that? They I did tonight, you know, to be honest, even though it worked out. I would not climb down that create another way. I don't know but I would not climb down the grip. All right, that's what I was going to say is well, but I will switch it up and say that I would not have this really has nothing to do with moving for to the episode, but I probably wouldn't have just gone to his house. He's You know passed out drunk on whatever else and then just like lay there. I maybe would have like called my kids because you kind of know what's going on. I was like I thought that was a little odd that Helen didn't but doesn't really matter. But whatever I was surprised she didn't call hmm. I'm with you because what about you know, the kids the other kids with Whitney. I don't know if there's some weird. Okay. What was I I mean for me when I was single the hordes of people getting out of their cars and their people still saying in their cars. I thought I definitely won't be doing that. I'm getting the hell out. My car so especially pregnant woman with hubby. I would have been getting out of my car. Also, we're going to do today for our hearts that they got out of the car. They did not stay in that car. We're just going to say that right away. Okay, let's hope so, right? Yeah, okay, but I feel like there's a lot of according to that news that news at four hundred. Yeah said a lot of people were they were in their cars on poor guidance. And so I'm thinking and they had and what would and that especially special Corner? Yeah, right well, but Against forest fires, right so we know that now you trust trust the officer here, but that was the wrong move. It was definitely the wrong move. Yeah, what would you not do I think for me starting to walk? I propped up. I mean, I've seen enough movies. Okay, make the incision on the lake tile. Oh, you're talking about aren't ya poison? I mean that's you can spit. Yeah, yeah, that was basically it somebody you love and it's just I thought I actually thought you were going to say that earlier whenever they they were like, oh keep whenever they started walking. I was like I was kind of surprised that he didn't just you know, like suck it out because that's what you do in that sort of situation obviously had to be sure not the I'm gonna go too far then slowly not say that anyway. I was impressed that he was carrying her from it for an undetermined amount of time. Like how long is she looks so tiny? I mean he had to because he was right like yeah, we're going gonna Buzz uncirculated. Yeah masters of the heart. Yeah, so he had to carry. What was the only thing what I was took it out one of the reasons to watch television kids. You learn about rattlesnake bite. So wait are we gonna ask Will questions about like what it was like on set? Yeah, of course. We absolutely can't okay what it was like on set. I was all the actors were really generous. Everybody was great from the director cast everything. I will say a big shout-out to Dominic because very generous actor really really yeah very much. So I added I had something that I Was preparing for in that week and I needed an English accent something else. Yeah another another role. I was reading it in the car on the way back as we wrap. We were just talking to some just it just asked him I said, hey man, look any point is I have to do this English accent for this particular project come to my trailer. Wow, sit down with me read the dialogue. Let me hear it so I could get the Cadence and everything. Listen to me. Give it back to him and I was just like man. Thank you so much for your time and commitment the world. He was like true thing. You know, it's just like this dude is another such tears. I feel about people on set like thankful. You have a good experience, but something like that just really, you know, it makes us you be more connected to your character and more connected to like the pert the people that we know and love as character. So it's a great story. What would Sarah trim like she directed this episode right? She wrote the episode there was a gentleman. I think what she I'm trying members name. He's I think he's from New Zealand. The God is directing it Aha and now he was just he was just some point. I'm trying to make sure how to pronounce his name. It's a weird name. I looked it up earlier and I wouldn't be yeah, I don't want to jack it up. But yeah, he was great because you know, we did the first take on it, you know, he was like all the lines were there urgency. I want you to do some push-ups. Oh, oh, so you get that? Yeah, you get that adrenaline, right? I mean I was like, I know you're going God's whole time. I was doing like push-ups like they call a mountain climbers. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah and then it's go time. So it yeah, it spoke volumes at the Transcendent on screen. Yeah. Yeah. I definitely noticed he was there. So I mean everybody was just just cool man. Mmm. I'm very much involved in the project. So I feel very comfortable in You know, that's not right. That's really though. Oh, yeah inside scoop it scoop. I mean we love the show and I think it's fans. I mean because we're simply just super fans of the show and we just get to talk about it on this platform, but it's always nice to get the inside scoop about you know, the people that are actually running the show the actors in the show what they're really like is people and all that kind of stuff. So I appreciate you coming in and sharing that with us. Oh, yeah, boom for sure. Let's get into predictions. Yeah. Series finale finale next week. I don't really know where to I mean, I will say this that only just because of the previews. I know they have to have a wrap up because we haven't seen Joanie in a while, right? So they got a Touchback with Joni and wrap that whole situation up. So, of course, we're going to see Joanie. I don't think we're going to see any more of Allison or here anymore. I really think that that was it we might hear her name, but I don't think we're going to see any. Listen, we will hear our voice in real life. I don't know. Well not her voice. Yeah, I'm just saying. Yeah foods. Like I said, if anything we her name is going to be like a one-time thing. Okay, but I think it'll be focused on Joanie. We obviously we know that the wedding is going to take place and it looks like he's not invited still not inviting even after the whole Epiphany that him and Helen went through so but he still there because he's not in he's just in plain clothes, but he's there so it's going to be interesting to see how that all culminates. Because Whitney still has to forgive him Helen as forgiven him but Whitney needs to forgive him and I think that's going to be the apex of the episode her forgiving him or not. And then how that transcends on this wedding. Do you think let's let's talk bit. The biggest prediction are Helen and Noah going to be together. Yes, I think yes. I think I see it happening. Are you a yes or a no? I'm just going to buy the trailer. I think they bonded enough to let me just say yes. Yes, I just say yes, you know, I think I've said no for a long time, but I gotta come on. I am slightly happy about it. And I think that it is a good way throughout the series throughout every season of the show. I you know will look on their Twitter Instagram or whatever and a lot of We'll ask like how do you as writers write this stuff? Like you must all be bitter single people who this is this and they're like, are you kidding? Actually, we're all very happily married with and they're like, we're just telling a story. So I think it's almost like a hahaha to people who have you know, people are crazy right obviously, right? Um, but yes, I think they'll be together and I feel like that's the only you know, that's what really matters at this point. I think it's going to be like a Grand restart so I think it's one of those now that they've said all these truths to each other. I think this is an opportunity for them to take two. Yeah, you know, like I don't think it's them just suddenly, you know, oh we're gonna get married again. I think they really need to get to know each other as the people that they know now, they're just they're like on a different playing field with each other. So I think it's like a new exploration of love and Alison and I talked a lot about Week I was very upset because I was like is this, you know the past couple of episodes not tonight's obviously have been just about Noah and these accusations pretty much and everybody's perspective on them. So I was like is that the culmination camp character like and I'm happy according to what we saw tonight in according to what we saw on the preview that it's like he's getting the you know, kind of the only word I can think of is Judgment even though that's not what I want to say, but judgment that he kind of deserves because he's done. I'm very messed up stuff, but it's like here's how we're going to show how he's hopefully going to rebuild sure. So I very much so appreciate I hold it like that. I hope that they do something for him next week though to to that he ins off Revolution some resolution because he's been through so much. Oh, yeah, but I think he means I still need some resolution with it. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think real quick as far as to the next? Next I mean, you know, I think he got his he's got it they're both looking for porosity for that word reciprocity. Thank you. I got you and it is if anything they will end up if not in a relationship better friends have a better understanding of one another and you know, if they happen to part ways, it'll be a more friendly it's orange and won't be the bitterness there. But I think that's hold that whole life. Life and death situation brought them closer together. I agree. I can't see how it out. Couldn't absolutely I'm with it. I you know me they're going to be happily ever after that's what I said. So we'll see that's been our show. Thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you to Our Guest William Christopher Stevens about spies in Disguise. Okay, awesome. You December 25th. Okay. Wait, is that a movie or event that is Will Smith's new animated movie? Hello. Can't wait. Yeah, so I've been your host Lincoln's office and you can find me everywhere at Lynn gonzalvez April where you at? You can find me everywhere at April with some hand. You can find me everywhere at the Ellison Dean will tell the people that can find you sir. And you can find me on Instagram under will see me dance. It's wi LL the letter c and me everybody in chat, by the way, I'm sorry that it's didn't shell out more. But all of our Zen Den Maria Ayala Laura Stone Haskell all of our faithful viewers in here. We appreciate all your comments. Absolutely until next week series finales coming down. We'll see you peas. Hi our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. 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Join Lem, April and Alison as they break down this episode with special guest William Christopher Stephens! So, it was really all about Noah and Helen. The episode was split up into four different parts and we really got some resolution between Noah and Helen and everything they've gone through since season 1. Whitney is still mad at Noah and ultimately does not want him at his wedding. Helen still cares about Noah and feels for him and everything he's going through. They literally almost periish in a fire and in the midst of all that, they find what they truly meant to each other from the beginning, Tune in and check it out! The Affair After Show: Join our hosts on THE AFFAIR AFTER SHOW as they explore the emotional and psychological effects of two affairs on the Showtime series. Each week we recap, review and analyze in-depth as Noah and Alison impact the people in their lives - from husband to wife to all the way down to the kids. Plus we’ll have inside scoops from cast and crew. ABOUT THE AFFAIR: The Affair explores the emotional and psychological effects of an extramarital affair. The drama will be told separately from the male and female perspectives using the distinct memory biases to both misdirect and intrigue. "The Affair" explores the emotional/psychological effects of two affairs. Young diner waitress Alison and her husband, rancher Cole, are struggling -- personally and financially -- in the wake of tragedy. Noah, a settled teacher and would-be novelist, is summering at his in-laws' Hamptons estate with his wife, Helen, and four kids. When Noah meets Alison, they begin an affair. For her, he's a welcome escape; for him, she's a pretty distraction. But, the tryst eventually ends two marriages -- one that was already a bit shaky, the other that was on solid ground.
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I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN activity top now. We are back and fully staffed. Yes. However folks that I'm so sorry. I didn't mean I didn't ever I don't want to I'm sorry, I can't make it tomorrow because I'll be in Egypt. Sorry, but I'll be I'll get you when I get back. I'm tuning in. Don't you what thank You magazine right back. I'm like, I can't be here because I'll be in Fresno right Egypt. So yeah, that's not a world traveler sir, you blush, but I have never been to Egypt guys, but it's happening. What's up? Everybody should boil it. Of course. The affair after so we're super excited to talk about this episode winding down to almost the end of the season. Yes, but my ladies are here next to me is as we were mentioning the world traveler herself Allison Dean. Hey, I am happy to be here and I'm sorry that I was not with you last week because last week's episode was like, oh whoa bananas crazy. It was crazy. But oh no, but yeah, but you know me and my OG held it down pick it o GC is the original Gangsta. It was his day 1 April wizard that she actually just came from Palm Springs in Palm Springs. Like what Egypt not quite Switzerland, but exactly we're here Springs happy to be here. Yes. Hello. Holy smokes. Yes, so speaking of what did you all think about this particular episode? It wrecked me? Yeah did it why because I just I was saying this to both of you. He cannot catch a freaking break, correct? I feel you know, look, we've all had our hate against Noah. I think I voted for a bit. Yeah. I hate yeah, and certainly I had my fair share. But at this point I truly feel he has repented. He has done. I mean literally he has done his time, correct, but really I think he's become very self-reflective and he's working on himself. I think he's thinking a lot about his actions and this episode is just wow. It's a doozy. I feel totally the same way. It's almost like, you know, I got to remember we had Helens part because Noah Part was just so heavy and I don't want you know, I don't think we're being romance. I don't think it's like okay lets you know forgive Noah because this this this I'm like the dude is not guilty of what at least they are saying in this instance with eaten now we whatever with the other thing we'll talk about that but I just literally feel for him because I feel like well guys, I just feel for him and it made me feel obviously we are connected to his character a whole lot more than we're connected to any other. Other character meaning as far as like an Eden or you know an Audrey or the people who were speaking negatively about him. So we're of course going to be whatever but I did like the fact that they are touching on this subject. That is a very very hot topic hot and I mean like Sizzle on the grill topic especially for people, you know, you have your the people who this happens to every single day and it's such a horrific horrific thing and then they are also touching on the side of like, you know, the man side what the heck this didn't happen. And obviously we as a Society are automatically going to go or we should go with the you know, quote-unquote victim, but I think I think they're actually doing a really really really great job of like hitting it and making you feel some kind of way about it and meaning like this is our guy we saw what we saw this didn't happen. So I don't know I do like they're doing that but it's tough to watch him going through this. I'm just going to add one thing. So in the povs during the time he was with Eden. That was all his PO. Be right. Yes. Yes, and then also in the POV when he was with the student that was his POV, right? Everything was I mean on his hand the same now because that season the season where you're talking about in previous. Yes with the with the French Professor or whatever. Yeah, and so there's definitely a piece of my brain as we're watching where I thought to myself Could things have been not aware that they were the same because never fake right? Oh you did. Okay, we said last week but I think with how they're doing things especially with tonight. We'll get there but I don't think I think what he saw and what happened in those businesses is we thought they were terrible. I mean, I'm hoping the yes, right we thought they were awful when it was happening. Like it was six sickening for me to watch because I'm like, oh my God, you're married. This is this your babies being delivered, but I think that's one of the moments where we probably were seeing most of what actually was just happening because it was a very bad look, Him well at the time yeah, so for me, I do like the fact that they're using, you know real time with and they mention it actually, you know, they call it out the me to movement. Yeah, and so the fact that they use that in this case and then you see him in his point of view where he is actually talking to us publicist and they're trying to get you know, figure out how do we you know counter-attack this he's being accused of things. He's vehemently denying them. And from what I remember seeing it did not happen from what we saw. On the show previously when he was taught when he was with eating and they were on that book tour. So and I agree and even though I've had my I've had a lot of things to say about know his character because he's had some major mess ups Yang's are major major major. Yeah, but I feel like I agree with you Allison in the sense that he definitely has repented. He's definitely trying to turn over a new Leaf. I still thinks he makes bad decisions. Yeah, he does not perfect. Correct him going to the book. Signing thing or what have you was a terrible idea that I'm like, what are you doing? But that's no I feel like it wouldn't be no way if he didn't do that, like of course your horse exactly. Yeah, but I do think he's getting a bad rap and I think it's going to be interesting to see what comes of you know it in the future episodes agreed I'm with you. Yes speaking of so we did start with Helens point of view and she's actually an interview for designer position. Give her coin but it was definitely Devil Wears Prada with those two girls that are doing her right and just oh I like how long do you want to work there? I don't know but I guess I'll just leave now again, I think it goes back to the whole l a situation like yeah. I feel like they have their they like to point this, you know thing about Ela and the stereotypical things about Ela answer and that design Community, right and You have these two women is like what you don't have five followers. Ah, now what is wrong with you? What else? Have you done like it? Exactly? Yeah, so I don't know if I really care about that point because I feel like it's too too much on that side. No, but good for Helen for going after a job grandma and I like that aspect. I like the fact that she's going with it. And I did like how boss woman came out of it. How about was like yo, I heard that you were the business right? You know, I'm saying I heard that you were amazing. And she's a you know securing the job right so which is what she wants to do. She tells Whitney that she got the job and then that's how we found out why she'll because you know, we were asking like, why wasn't she with because it was never I don't think it was really giving the full spectrum. They just had like she couldn't yeah that she could have but we didn't really know why so this kind of told us why she wasn't there with knowing Whitney when you know, they were doing the whole thing when he catches up to speed with us going on. She's like, oh my gosh, did you got the dress and you got like this and what I've mom out of this dress. Old in right? Yeah, whenever we were watching I said I was like, this is the beginning. This is the beginning. We said it last week. We said at the week before how are they in these few amount of episodes going to bring them together? Because I think we're all in agreeance that that's what the point is or maybe that they should be at this point anyway, and so I'm like how they're going to do this. And this is how they're going to do it. They're going to start with this thing. There's no I mean like in the picture that Whitney sends her of you know, where Noah's taking the picture of her and she zooms and she doesn't zoom in on Nations have daughter who write on little Noah so it's like they're I'm happy that we got that like moment because I'm like, how are they going to do this? I really hope they do it so maybe but then the project going to disappoint us but whatever. I hope not I hope not I was so glad that Noah had them on with Whitney because they had such a tumultuous relationship ever since he had the affair. Yeah, like she was not been on his side for several seasons, right? Especially when I was thinking about when they were doing the flash backs on their previews when he went into the hot tub, and it was her. That was probably the lowest moment. That was a lever. Yeah three. That was really really bad between them two. Yes, absolutely. So we do see that you know that happens and then we always try I knew that I knew I don't know if you guys thought that I didn't share it with me, but I knew that when she when she got into that accident and of course I'm talking about Sierra she had an accident with her child, Eddie. He and she just kind of walked away. I knew that wasn't going to be end of I was like, there's no way she's gonna get away with it. But we do see that this lady from Social Services. DCFS is greets Helen and it's like hi, you know, I got a couple of questions talking about what happened and of course, you can't divulge any information right actually side note. I happen to work for the Department of Children and Family Services back when I lived in Stockton before old La revisor. Yes at CPS we got All right. So fire in first so I know all about how that works out to drop some knowledge like this. Yeah, this is what would happen. No. No, I'm just giving a blanket. Okay? Yeah she waits. I'm just letting you know, I would rather confirm which is not okay. No, I mean they I mean the way that she handled it. I mean it's kind of true in the sense that you go out you kind of have to ask questions can't really divulge right a lot because yes, you know, obviously so she does that and of course Helen is trying to figure out What's going on? Because she had no knowledge no idea of that but side note it did happen after she left Ellen's house. Yeah, then she ends up going to me Christiana who ends up on hitting on the Graham who Helen is just discovering not in the sense. She didn't know about it, but she just wasn't on it which the helenseims very like anti Instagram. So I guess yeah. Yes, what do you all think of the whole Christiana situation? Because we saw her a couple episodes first introduced right? She comes over Sasha makes a big deal about her. Starting money. That's what she tells Helen and her thing is like, you know, she was previously in rehab but then now we see that she's reaching out to her for help to talk to Sasha. What do you think about her? You know, I just think that Helen has enough on her plate and that's what I'm trying to keep in my mind like I do feel for crystianna. I think that whenever we're you know, if we're comparing her side to Sasha side, I believed her and then whenever saw she was telling his side actually did believe him a little bit about some because I don't think there's ever going to be a perfect true story to that because I think it's clear that maybe each of them are not fully telling it correctly to one another or to hell and I should say okay, but I'm like, I also want to I want to take it back to what Vic said like do your own thing and I'm like they are throwing all of this stuff at Helen. They're not just throwing, you know, Sierra but and her Helens own kids and Noah doing this is this but they're now you have this other character who's like hey, I need you and when we were watching I was like no And she when she said can you ask Sasha? This Helen is not a part of this Helen judge has met this girl once and so she's going to go and you know, let's pretend like we're on Sasha side as far as being held boyfriend for a second for this incident because we're not public said we are kids. Yeah, let's say we are don't go, you know ruin your relationship for this girl that you don't know because it's exactly what it's going to do. I mean, we want that to happen, but I'm like, I just think Helen has too much on her plate right now. To now take this huge thing. This is not something small. But we're talking prefer. We're talking about a whole lot of money right trying to convince her relatively new boyfriend. Hey, by the way, you have all those girls money give it to her. You don't need it. But she does I can definitely see how she does approach Helen in the sense that she's like look you're not like Sasha's other women. Yeah that he's been with which he's even said and Sarah's mother even said exactly so the fact that right, which was kind of a dig. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent in 100 it great exactly. But the fact that I think that she's at our wits end. She literally I mean if I if this is all true, which I'm going to err on the side that it is, I feel like I would be in a desperate situation where I have to keep asking my father for my own money sure and he doesn't want to give it to me and we find out later that he's cared about. It's all about him. Not not her father. But yeah why but my father figure yeah, right. You know what? I'm not even a father-figure. Yes because he's not even that to her, please. She raised her whole entire life. So at some point he was Taking Liberties though because he's such a man will show like that. She's also that she's like, yeah, he raised me. She said they were to get he Sasha said they were together when her mother Christian was five. They got together at that point, but she did say like we grew I grew up with him the whole society got so screwed. Yeah really is it's very true. It's very screwed. But I again what I was saying was that I would be also I wouldn't I would hit up Helen do oh, yes. It's all your questions. Exactly. Yeah now should Helen obliged and then you know kind of chime in that's a different situation is already beginning to question if Sasha man is whatever. He's so good. He's sort of expressing himself to be and I think the first real implication of that was when he decided that he was not going to do that movie that's like going to be the game changer. That was the first, you know mark on his record if I don't know. That was a first but that was a big one. I think that was a big one for us because he's hiding some subtle. Yes. She's kind of like okay, but I'll let it chill out our clients exactly. Right but this one she really questioned it you could see it in her eyes. You guys should processing Ash totally as she should and so I think in her Helen nature because it's just who she is. She's a caretaker. She just naturally always will try and make sure that someone is gonna be okay Sierra and This girl is coming to her and I think she does want to err on the side of caution and boyfriend, but at the same time I think Helen because she's Helen is also thinking myself wait. This is not adding up right and now I feel like I need to dig deeper. And if this girl came to me just like you're saying if she like she doesn't know me if she came to me after after all of this. She clearly is desperate. You know, I think Helen is doing a good job. She could she didn't handle it well in the situation where she finally approached sauce Asha about it because she was annoyed by him and she was annoyed and then she's like well by the way those girls had this so not the greatest moment but like she had reason to be annoyed but yeah, he was being annoying. Yeah, he wasn't being great. Like I did think I was like, I actually liked the fact that he, you know flew in from chat or whatever. He was and didn't know I was I was impressed he can do it easily. But I was like I get why he's like, what are you talking about? I just flew in because guess what Sierra is another thing. Bringing I don't think bringing Helen down, but it's another thing making Helen not do stuff for herself. Yeah, but she also was kids so sure. Yeah. She made that comment. My kids are making me dinner. My kids are doing so at the same time for him to be so presumptive about. Oh, yeah. I can just whisk her off. She has no responsibilities here. I mean, she has been very good about being able to just kind of escape and and let the path bullets got at the same time. Like if you are flying 24 hours to see a woman Okay at some point drop the hint. Hey, you got something else going on because I may have some plans for us. I mean do yourself a favor big surprise, right? But what I hate it when she did say my and he he handled it at that point when she said my kids are making dinner for me. I'm sorry. I can't he said okay. I am not on Sasha side whatsoever. Yeah. I thought I did think I was like, this is a good thing. Yeah, you know, I had no choice. Let me tell you about. This is why I hate Sasha always hate it. I hate it. Absolutely because Sasha is all about himself. Yeah, did you do a great thing? He did it for himself like you got to understand like like to go to friend exactly whatever. That's what I'm saying. Like he spun it like, yes, it was her birthday and he wanted to do this nice thing. But again, he was presumptive. Yeah, that's your bad. You can just imagine he's in his mind. Everyone is at his beck and call. Yes, and that's the problem. Um, I have with him and people like him where he feels like his like you got to drop everything you're doing. I don't care what you have planned and you saw his response when she was like, oh my kids. He's like, I just flew 24 hours. It's French Laundry mind you sidenote French. Laundry is amazing. I haven't been able to go there. It is a Napa. I've seen it several times reservations a long time in advance. Exactly. I've driven past it a lot ha ha ha. I haven't walked a lot. Yes. It's what is nation is the only So side note only three star Michelin three-star restaurant in northern northern, California. Okay, so it's amazing. So shout out to French Laundry even Drake shouting right but the bottom but the bottom line is Sasa is about Sasha hand. And yes, he was trying to do something and you saw his reaction. Yeah, the fact that he stayed I want to give him a half a point - point. I have a point, but the reason why it's a half a point is because when he stayed there It's so annoying. He was super annoying and interjecting himself and things that he had no business doing if Helen wanted to step in and be there for her then let her do that. Like let her at least acknowledge it you see Sasha and you see Adeline, they're both of these Hollywood Elites or want to be a leader think they're Elite and so they feel like that that all their whole existence is extends Beyond everybody. Yeah, so we see it. Adeline right. She's got that old Hollywood like I'm gonna do whatever I want. I got money that about sausage just like her dad two peas in a pod. So you see them both talking like oh, you know, I'm just going to take you and I'm gonna commit to like, how do you just tell your daughter who has and I believe that's true. Yeah has postpartum depression, which is very common. Yes to be like, you know what I'm gonna commit, you know, I got a special rate though, but I'm a commit you and then I'm going to take care of your your son while you get this help. It's like a gay. Again, hey Mom. How about you just find me a really good nanny to help me out what she again. She clearly needs how some sort of helmet all she needs help more than just a nanny and she is very much. So Sierra herself is willing to admit that she's like, you know when she has the conversation with Helen where she's like I look at myself in the mirror and I want to hurt myself. I want to do this. She needs help. She is now admitting that but it's just the fact that her mom, you know, her mom had to be called because she's her next of kin, correct. She is her mom is Eddie's next of kin right? I'm like, why did you call Priya but whatever maybe that's a another story for another day. But I think that the fact that a Sierra is almost just willing she's like but it didn't then again. She's like in a day. She doesn't know what to do. She hasn't slept she's going through this vent postpartum depression as many people hopefully know I guess I should say is if it's a serious medical condition that affects many whammy so like when you see her she's like well, yeah. Yeah, my mom's gonna take me to this doctor and and that's literally like with a glaze over her eyes and like you can barely hear her because that Mom is probably berated her. Yeah. I told her that that's his what she needs to do. So like I get there's part of me and maybe it's just me wanting to play Devil's Advocate but I get where Adeline is like. Hey, you need help you need this, but the fact that she just automatically goes to like institutionalizing her. It's just insane but not quite that kind of help. Guess what that is exactly. That's a parent who doesn't want to deal with their kid. Which is what we're seeing in that they're trying to like show with Sierra Sierra, you know when he'll and walks it was laying on the couch doing nothing. Eddie's upstair crying. I don't think she was truly trying to let him cry it out because he just needed to cry it out. I don't even think she knew I was crying which is what some things that happen. But like I think that's what they're trying to show but the fact that Sierra was willing to just accept it and Helen was interjecting herself into a situation that technically technically is not her business, but it is very much so her business because she now Why has made it her business? That's what I was going to and that's a perfect example that Sierra has made it Helen's business here at constantly Goes to Hell In and Out help for help you babysit. Can you give me pointers or face? Exactly? Yeah, but I think that it was key and I think the whole situation of the institutionalizing is just showing and that's why Sarah had that moment where she's like Mom. I want to let you know that Helen has showed me. What a real mom is. Oh, yeah. I loves her children. Yeah, and she was really going in and that was a moment for her. That kind of showed. I mean we knew that Adeline her mother was trashed right like we already knew that but it was just a way for her to tell her like look you the way you've raised me is not how it's supposed to go. Right? Yeah, you took me around and whatever but it was really I was more like a puppet. I was like a prop you really didn't care for me. You didn't like impart into me. Helen loves her children just because she loves her children, right? There's no ulterior motive and that's why it was important for her to say that and why ultimately that I Think she bowed out. I mean Adeline she was a dementor by like well, we're going to take her and then that happened and then Ellen kind of introduction things and she's like, all right. Well, imma leave a come back tomorrow, right? She's not a process that kind of deep information. No absolutely not but then like let's think about it legally unless you know, if Sierra is at this point prosecuted, which she probably technically should be in some way just because all you don't drive but what situation would be covered accident which is why she's being investigated what happens you can't be like Okay. Well, you're going to take my baby away from me and I'm going to let it go to this person, you know add a line at that point would have to say no or the baby would have to go to Priya. So it's just it's a little murky of a situation but I'm like the fact that Helen is trying to help in the way that she is trying to help. That's what I just keep thinking. I'm like dear Lord woman. You got a lot on your plate. Yes. Yes, a lot of people coming at you, right that is as asking for your attention. I agree and I feel like Helen is the wipe that she is like she she Revels in that she like she she not that she's like, oh, yeah. Give me all your problems. Let me help you or what have you because you've seen that, you know when Sierra has come to her many times. She's like, oh I can't do it crazy. Right or I'm doing this or doing that but Helen is very very maternal. She has a strong maternal Instinct fraternal prowess and I think that at her core because if you think about it a lot of the time she said no, Because of Russia, right? It wasn't because she necessarily wanted to say no is because Sasha like even when we had that conversation when Priya is calling her and asking her she would have probably done that. Yeah, I agree. That's because Helen is trying to do Helen I'm not I'm not I'm just saying that but she didn't do it like her natural inclination would have been to do that to appease the other person but it is that's kind of in her nature, but she was mentally thinking oh, but tonight's for Sasha, isn't it? Good that she didn't I think it was good that She did it. Yes, and no, but at the same time, I don't think she needs to be doing anything was awesome. No, because I mean I tried I think she wanted to be at that party with Sasha. I think that's why I say that like, I think that she she yeah, I don't think she made it clear that she wanted to be at that party. Yeah. So like even tonight when Sierra was like, well, what did you expect I came to you and I asked for help. And you said no you had this this this I was like you just went down 87 notches in my Because how dare you blame this on her because I'm not her you could have done anything else. You could have done whatever of course the fact that anyone and the Helen takes that and that he'll and here's that hurts me for her because we all know what that is going to do to hell and that's going to make her feel awful and this is the whole situation with Christiana and Sierra. It's just I don't know. I mean Helen obviously is a saint and I think it just I'm like, I do think she should still be doing things that she wants to do more than putting everybody else in front of herself. I think in some way though. Though Holland's kind of really coming into her power right now and really recognizing the capacity with which she operates and how much she can do as a human. And so I think she can still operate and be honoring things that she wants for herself while still honoring that maternal. I'm caring for everyone else aspect of herself, which I still think is a big piece of who Helen is and so naturally she needs to do that to for it. I feel like I'm still Helen if you will, you know time so it's striking that balance for her of doing right by everyone else and still doing right by herself. Yeah. Sure. I think she's owning that Lori Stone Haskell on the chat says she thinks what Christiana ask of Helen is very inappropriate. Shout out to shout out to the chant Marie Ayala to but I think that that's why I and obviously, you know everyone our most everyone in chat agrees with us as our associations us and whatever but I don't know. Maybe it's just because I want Helen to be like the happiest and when did she look the happiest this episode when speaking about because to her version at the very end? Yeah, he brings a lasagna cake. Yeah with the candle and then he does have it again in his dramatic, right? Must love. Lasagna. I don't remember that being a thing. It's a thing. It's apparently he always made lasagna for her birthday. She doesn't lasagna. Let's get into Noah's version quick. Shout out to Stacy for totally Smackdown and on Sasha. Yes. She did. I will say I thought a few of her zingers were very I thought that acts up here Grady and she clearly knew what she was doing because she was like describing the exact story of Noah and Helen and Noah and the person to know and Hellman's person and I was like, wow, you're like 12 and you love you Stacey. All right Stacey the I'm glad you brought that up because Stacey did do her thing with that story. I feel like and I want to say I'm not sure the name of the actress but I think that she is playing that part so well because we've seen in this season her have so many good lines so many good, you know inferences into the situation the way she's been interjected the way she's playing out. So yeah, shout out to her. Yes. I was her doing her thing girl Stacy Doctors. Oh, so we see Noah and it starts up with him chopping it up with his friend Ariel. Yes, and then of course they talk about Eden. Oh dear and finds out that basically it's all bad. Like it's all bad for Noah. Yeah. She kind of breaks it down and says look, you're looking bad in this publishing world. You're not looking good. You look like a loose cannon was the word she used and so, you know, she basically gives not only the situation when you eat in with another former student Audrey Nelson who wrote a book and talks about having an abusive professor and is telling everybody and I feel like the the the literary World in this is very small. Oh, yeah, so I'm feeling like yo, like this is bad for him. He needs to let you move to Barbados or stay together. He goes to his publisher Harry and then we see Joyce who also works at the company and they're trying to figure out what can they do to kind of you know, Overtake the situation he's vehemently to denying everything's like I didn't sleep with her. Yeah, none of this didn't happen the way she's saying it but of course with a we get an accusation, you know, you got to like handle it. Yeah, and you got to figure out what you're going to do. What do you think that you know the information they gave him do you think that that was good advice? Oh gosh. It's that's a great question because I think some of the things that they were saying, yes good advice some most definitely not they Are the pr professionals whatever but you know, let's we know Noah as a character. I know that you know what Joyce said to say is that you know, okay, so you need to go and you know be like I respect her if you know this whatever interaction happened I thought it was totally this way if she considered it another way. I'm so sorry and he's like, no she could have never considered and I know him and I and I also in that moment when he was like no, why would I ever be like why am I defending myself against something that didn't happen totally get it and it's a major issue now and me who likes to be maybe a little less than politically correct because I'm like that's just crazy as a society that we have to like say things in a certain way obviously respect to everybody but like Eileen on the whatever side of it, but I think that I was like I get where he's coming from because if you thought this And this is what happened and if we if what we saw is actually what happened then no it was on her and that is not me remembering it correctly because I looked back and watched some Recaps. I watch Are You Captain did all this stuff? No, that is what happened what he is saying happened as far as what we saw was what we saw but they are right in the sense of like there's what can you do once someone accuses you and once it's out there and especially once it's out there in this public way and guess what? It's not just even there's also your Student who you did? I don't remember there was some inappropriateness for sure. But like you remember he went in on this girl if he was like you suck as a writer, whatever and I remember he and he was going through a tough time. We're not excusing that I'm not excusing his behavior. But also like she would play a little more sensitive to it at that time. But you know, he Joyce is right in the sense of like you just got to you got to fix it. You can't just be like I didn't do this whatever because then you're discounting what she says she feels and you can't do that. And I can't remember if it was them or if it was someone else maybe his friend area that said that the court of appeal public opinion has more weight than the actual court of law. She said like something like unfortunately, the court of public opinion is going to weigh in more on this than its getting then it's going to be you know, legitimate. This most likely isn't going to turn into like a criminal case, right but this very much so affects your book and you're moving in on the tribe in this and we see this in and what I like about this particular episode, General I'm like we talked about the me to move it that was mentioned but it's things that we've see this happening play out in real time where the court of public opinion is. Definitely you get caught up in that and they will be the judge jury and executioner. So to speak before you even go to a trial if you end up getting a criminal or we goes the court at all. And so that's why they were really talking to him about like this is the things that you say regardless of what really happened. This is how you need to handle it to protect your image. Yeah. I feel like Like the worst thing that he could have done was going to Petra. Oh one hot underrated. What are you doing? My bro? I was surprised that these professionals suggested that I'm like, he's already made a statement. It doesn't to me, even though you know, it wasn't he did say no, this did not happen but like that leave that more up to interpretation then you going back and now you have all of this terrible stuff. I was like you never go back and try to clarify because guess what? It's going to be and like they suggested it's not like they were like, this is great. But also know that's the last thing you tell them to do because now it's he said no and then he came back and he's like well we did KISS was one problem. No looks way more awful for him. I think he should have definitely gone with Joyce to take a meeting with Petra and to temper it that way and not saying anything over him going alone. And oh, yeah, just because I think in these situations he really doesn't know. Know how to censor himself and he does not know how to to react in the appropriate ways to convey what he actually wants to be conveying. And so I think he needs someone like a Joyce who can Channel some of his energy and not totally debilitate the situation because when he goes in alone, it's debilitating. No has definitely someone who's very book smart, but he wears his heart on his sleeve. Yeah, very impulsive exactly. I am trapped. He's very impulsive good call. She's very impulsive, but he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve and he wears his emotions like like right here. Alright that and so whenever you challenge that or you you come against him, like wait a second. No, no, no and then he ends up just being flippant with his shooting ourselves in the foot and exactly both feet are done Dom bleeding came on and then the duck that Bloody foot in his mouth all of it. I don't even think he put his foot in his mouth, I think. That he put himself open to more scrutiny. So by saying, you know what just happened to happens what happens exactly and then she's like I have these facts but the question is in the fact that we you know, obviously he very quickly shut down when Petra even slightly suggested so okay this happened and this was in your book and this was fact, so what about could your ex-wife had committed suicide because of the portrayal and like that's when you know what you get is something like that but also like, you know, the article is no GE about what the article was gor at the about it so like is the only option now not to just shut it down. I don't know but yeah, the option is shut it down. He should not have gone once she said can I go on the record now? And then I was like, oh down in the record before that. It's gonna go downhill. It's gonna be down. It's going to be all bad even meets with his attorney and his attorneys like, you know, you're in trouble. Yeah, you're in major trouble and they basically try to figure out okay, how do Ooh, we attack this what do we need to do to try to save some kind of face? What is Noah do what does no-one do? Oh, let me get drunk and lit in the airport go back to LA and then go to her situation her events and ask that he can talk to her. Like that's going to be like she's gonna be like, you know, what Noah. Yes. You're right. I'm so wrong. Let me recant everything. I said, he's just I guess this is from day. It from day one. Noah has made decision bad decision after bad decision after bad decision and he continues to do that and I think that's probably what's great about him because he's real like he's a real person like yeah when you see him and remember that one scene when he has that like goofy face and he shows up at Helens house. He's like like I feel like that's that face is the quintessential no has his image for the entire Series. Yeah, like he's like, he's like, yeah. No, I like You know your you made a bad decision. You're not a bad dude per se like at his core, but he just makes bad decisions over and over again another different person because it when we were watching I was like I would have gone actually I shouldn't because I'm a little impulsive myself, but I think that he thought this obviously did not happen. Why is she saying that you know, just like he explained to his lawyer and to the public and everybody this happened ten years ago, right? This is clear why she's doing this. This did not happen Ian give you the Max and from what we know and from what we feel he's giving us the facts but she if she's coming out at this point at ten years later because she feels this way and whatever she clearly is not doing it like she's not she's not going to be convinced by you. I mean by just being like what are you doing? Ryan? Daughters are going to ruin my life. She's gonna be like, well, sorry just like she did and then he has as soon as he reached for her arm. I was like, oh game over right there that because now it doesn't even matter if it because we see people here you want it doesn't even matter if you can hear it or if you have any sound the only screen grab is going to be this. Yeah exam going at him reaching for this big man. She's very tiny. Would you put a small woman's arm and I'm like you just put the final piece of dirt on Your Grave right there. Yeah, and I don't want them to do that to Noah, right? I don't want this to happen. But I feel like the writers just what they want. I feel like he's going to have a hey he's going to have we got three episodes left. Yeah. I feel like I don't think That they're going to leave us hanging and keeping him in the dirt. I think he's gonna have some Redemptive quality and I feel like and I said this before Not tooting my own horn, but I think it's going to be with Helen. I think Helen is going to be the Savior. I think Helen is going to make some statements for this Vanity Fair article that are going to completely I don't know exonerate him on some level or she's going to make some very very pressing. Statements that will make everyone go huh, especially because she's the woman that he had an affair right or that his most successful book is about not it said it's about her but like she is the very obvious like sad character in the story and in this show, but I think that you know, the like thinking back on it Helen is you know, I'm talking about her not protecting people and I'm like, I feel like Helens gonna want to protect him because of what he did for her. You know, he obviously did terrible. Things but this is the first time and I think that we are seeing Noah or hearing. No, I should say audibly say I went to jail for 3 years for a crime. I didn't commit we haven't heard him say that in a really long time. So why are we hearing that because they want us to remember that they want us to remember. Why would Helen have a reason to protect him and whatever I feel like and and you make a great point because we haven't heard him say that and I feel like Helen before this series is over. She's going to say that herself. She's going to come to grips with that whether it's something horribly. Yes, whether it's something fictions early whether it's something verbally or something that she does with her, you know Family action. Oh that no one went to jail for her like because I feel like we as viewers forget that like he spent three years in jail, not me. But okay. Yes sure. We as viewers except Allison Dean. Yes, all the rest of us. We forget that I know I did ramus like I mean not I Bird but it's like I forget I'm like wait a second when he said it I was like yo, he did go to prison for three years for her. Yeah. I wanted my Brendan Fraser. I remember we've been talking about this in multiple episodes. He's redeemed not fun. I don't take away what he did. He's doesn't mess up stuff. Yes, when you if you got a gel from state is frightened. Are you didn't commit he's paid his forgiveness. He's paying the price. He just needs to stop doing idiotic things and that's the thing. That was his. Lawyer that he went to by the way to went to his publisher first and then he went to his lawyer right people are saying maybe he didn't but that was his lawyer. That's the divorce lawyer. That was it was Helens and then it was also her and her attorney when they the the court case is going on before the murder right? Because even they even brought that up. Yeah, you know, he said like he's like, yeah, that was great. Let's get into special segment. Yeah. All right, we're gonna do our special swing segment what not to do dear Lord. There are a whole lot of things of what What to do in this episode but Lim what is going to be yours for tonight so many there so that they're all of regaining to Noah. I would say definitely which we touched on but him going to meet in to try to smooth things over I knew right away, especially when he's drinking in the airport and he's like, you know you since that whole message. Yeah, like write them in there like that's automatically strike one bad and then he had strike. Him by the time it was all over. Yeah. Well, I definitely agree with Lem. That one was catastrophically bad. I'm going to have to go though with leaving a baby on a kitchen counter. Even for a moment I think is just whenever I mean it's all bad. So horrified me. I am going you know, there are there really are just so many from this episode, but I'm going to say I think the biggest mistake know what could have made is going back to Petra after because it just I think it opened him up to a lot more now. It's clear that you know, maybe he has a little more information but just like his attorney was trying to suggest they could hire a private investigator. He says he can't afford it. But like you figure it out do whatever you can I don't think what his attorney was saying as far as disparaging Eden that just comes off even worse. But I do think that him going going there. It opened x y z box that was kept nice and tucked in. And so now we have it's a lot worse for sure. Yeah. All right. Well, let's get into predictions real quickly AfterBuzz TV predictions. So we have three episodes left. We did finally because we were like really looking to be a two-episode to our situation what's going on, but we know for sure it was said there as long as well. He is correct. Right. Now we heard it on the actual yesterday said they said so they can perhaps it's official. Yes, three more episodes a lot needs to happen. And I think we said this like we're watching this we didn't get any Joanie. Nope this particular episode and we were kind of talking I believe she's definitely coming. I'll just get my episode of my prediction. I believe she's definitely we're going to see more of her because I feel like it wasn't final. Yeah. We need to tie the last thing we do and also what me and April were talking about about that being Hello friend Yeah, Eddie. Yes, Eddie being we think EJ is actually Eddie. Yes, and he's baby Eddie baby Eddie. EJ that Tony is with right. Now. We think Eddie and a lot of people in our comments and on YouTube and everywhere have thought the same thing and they've been shouting it out. So we agree with that prediction, right? Yeah that came up last week when you are my giant and Morocco we were talking about this. Hilarious but yes, I was rocking it. So I feel like we're definitely going to see Johnny and I and I think as I said earlier that we're going to see Helen is going to vindicate. Mr. Noah because she needs to and I think that needs to happen before this series is over and I think Sasha man is about to be done. I think so too as he should because he's trash hi Sasha. So I'm gonna totally Echo Lem statement that Helen is going to vindicate. Noah and not because she needs to per se I think she wants to Lem. I think she's at the point where the wheels are turning and you know Stacy making Commons and him going to bat with Whitney for the wedding prep. Just all of it. I think she's really thinking a lot of stuff things are coming full circle for her. So that's a big I think she's gonna kind of save the day as it relates to this Vanity Fair situation. I concur I I'm going to steal this prediction technically from our chat and from our comments on the past few weeks on YouTube. I think that Sasha man is slightly behind if I don't think it's fully I think he has something to do with the Eden allegations coming out. Oh my God, three episodes ago whenever they were doing the house party that Helen went to and Eden approaches. Yes. Yes, how do you want to get Sasha man? You know Sasha man does like Noah, I think he's behind it and somehow and that is going to be the death of Sasha man right there once home to find out and that's going to be yeah. Yeah. That is great. Oh my God, right Hat knows that I totally agree with that though. I also think we're completely on the same page. I think Helen is going to vindicate Noah because she wants to Actually, we see in the preview where she says, you know, you got Noah's name removed from that. She says that to Sasha from the movie because I'm sure he was like he has these allegations his name shouldn't be involved. Otherwise going to be a flop whatever no boys. Um, I think he has a lot of involvement and I definitely think she's gonna vindicate I do think we will see more of Joanie. I don't know what else they're going to do with her character, but I am very excited to see it. I think if nothing else to expose ejb, maybe Eddie. Yeah. I like to rest. Wow, well that I was not expecting but that I like that I love that prediction and I totally concur. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen that has been our show in the thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you everyone in the live chat think you're an engineer for the amazing sound effects of on this down as always. I've been your host Lynn gonzalvez, and you can find me everywhere at live Gonzalez. I'm Allison Dean. You can find me everywhere at the Allison Dean and I Listen, and you can find me everywhere a table with some hand. Yeah, three more episodes left. Make sure you keep staying tuned because it's going to continue going down. Oh, yeah. Peace out. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. You've expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or shoulders or printer.
Hosts @aprilwhisenhant, @thealisondean, and @lemgonsalves break down a juicy episode: Noah is realizing that his previous relationships, may be coming back to bite him in a big way, Will Helen be the one to redeem him? And, is Helen finally seeing Sasha for who he really is, and perhaps taking a hint from her daughter that Noah is the real MVP? Sierra is still figuring out motherhood, and Helen being who she is, is advocating for her to not be committed to the loonybin. The Affair After Show: Join our hosts on THE AFFAIR AFTER SHOW as they explore the emotional and psychological effects of two affairs on the Showtime series. Each week we recap, review and analyze in-depth as Noah and Alison impact the people in their lives - from husband to wife to all the way down to the kids. Plus we’ll have inside scoops from cast and crew. ABOUT THE AFFAIR: The Affair explores the emotional and psychological effects of an extramarital affair. The drama will be told separately from the male and female perspectives using the distinct memory biases to both misdirect and intrigue. "The Affair" explores the emotional/psychological effects of two affairs. Young diner waitress Alison and her husband, rancher Cole, are struggling -- personally and financially -- in the wake of tragedy. Noah, a settled teacher and would-be novelist, is summering at his in-laws' Hamptons estate with his wife, Helen, and four kids. When Noah meets Alison, they begin an affair. For her, he's a welcome escape; for him, she's a pretty distraction. But, the tryst eventually ends two marriages -- one that was already a bit shaky, the other that was on solid ground.
Hello and welcome to the beauty industry podcast your online support Community for the professional beauty industry. I am your host founding director of beauty industry Tamara read here. We are closing the competitive Gap and speaking your language. This is a platform created and skated to the professional beauty industry valuing community over competition. We serve to help connect you with inspiration from industry experts expand your knowledge through educational pieces and bring you the latest in product and Technology Innovation. This is beauty industry. Hello. Hello and a very Happy New Year to you all. I hope you've had a restful break over the summer holidays and you're making your way into the new year with Big Dreams and big business plans this year in a bid to enhance a professional beauty industry service levels. We are kicking things off with a mini series brought to you by our friends at the global Beauty group on the seven essential steps that turn an hour. Average treatment into an exceptional service in today's professional beauty industry landscape. It's not enough to just perform a treatment. Our clients have come to expect a level of Excellence from the professional beauty industry that we will be spending the next seven weeks exploring together these metrics of exceptional service include experience results value and time all of which can be provided in every treatment across the industry from eyebrow wax to facial and all the way through to massage and makeup application. There are seven steps which span across the seven episodes of this miniseries, which will expand how to enhance yours or your team's client experience. These steps are the booking the introduction the consultation the diagnosis the treatment itself the prescription and the rebel King as 2020 is the year for advanced results driven technology treatment. Our friends at the global Beauty group have been kind enough to provide us with technology tips along the way which will not only enhance your service levels but to your bottom line. This episode is one of seven on the seven essential steps that turn an average treatment into an exceptional experience. Step One is the booking with any appointment new or occurring. There are three ways in which a booking can be made which is why we're starting our client Journey here the three ways your clients can make their appointment bookings are either in person or over the phone or over the internet. If you have an online booking system, let's start with the client making a booking in person firstly your beauty space has to be open and not just open but actually your doors have to be open with somebody Manning. Option for the booking to be taken right? This is not always viable as our Beauty spaces aren't open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and sometimes we don't have the capacity to have somebody man. Our reception desks and take the bookings for us. So on the off chance that your client does think about making their appointment between your opening hours. They walk in makes it appointment is somebody there waiting to take the booking more than often know. Second method of making the booking is via a phone if a new client is trying to make their booking most likely they've found your website online. Perhaps they've seen your services on social media or even heard that you're a great Beauty business to visit via Word of Mouth referral or drive by and they're interested in your services now having your website open on their computer. They phone your beauty space only to have a similar circumstance as the phone whether you're not open or your phone can't be Answered because either you or your receptionist or therapist is currently in the treatment room themselves. This leaves the client to go to voicemail. Now, let me share with you a little statistic which might shock you about your voicemail system 80% of calls in 2019 went to voicemail and 90% of first-time voicemails are never returned. So the average voicemail response is only 4.8% Percent, so if in fact 80% of your clients are getting to voicemail, which is a lot of clients, right and then 90% of their calls aren't being returned. What hope do we have of making that clients booking in these two ways to make the booking via person or phone there is room for human error. Both of these booking processes need the person who is taking the booking to be a 10 out of 10 booking taker. This means your booking take our needs to send your business by being on brand having your values front of mine always hosting a stunning approachable and sunny personality that people love and that they love people not just like people but they need to love and adore people people who don't know what type of booking they want people who don't know what their gift voucher says people who take 25 minutes to make the appointment going back and forth on the days that they want, but they said that they wanted the I meant the other day if the kind encounters a 10 out of 10 booking take out. This is the best option. However, if they don't this has already started your client Journey off on the wrong foot and we're only at step one, which is the booking. Now I've had this conversation time and time again with business owners. And I know what most of you are thinking you're thinking tomorrow. You've got it all wrong most of our clients phone or walk into our space to either make their appointments or visit us and if that is so true, then let's explore some thoughts around your own booking experience at service-based businesses. So I want to ask you when did you last walk into a business to make a future booking? When you went into the business to make the booking and their doors were closed. Did you go back when the sign on the door told you we'll be back in 15 minutes. When did you last phone a business to make a booking? When did you last phone a business and your call reached the voicemail answering system and you left a message with hopes of your call being returned. We could almost finish this episode here because the above questions should have already shown you that online bookings are the new way that your clients are making their appointments and where they are hanging out, but for the sake of those who are still holding onto their booking system Ransom onwards we go for those people who absolutely do not like change they do not want to implement an online booking system. They are absolutely adamant that your clients do not book online. Then something to keep in mind when your receptionist or therapists are making the booking in person or via phone is to encourage the client to make decisions. For example, Mary our client would like to make an appointment for a facial. Our receptionist should say something like this Mary. Would you prefer a weekend or week day appointment Mary answers weekday, the reception of should then say perfect and would you like a morning or an afternoon appointment Marianne? Answers afternoon. Thank you receptionist, then responds with excellent. We have either a 4 p.m. Or 6 p.m. Appointment for you. Which one would you like and Mary responds 6 p.m. Is great receptionist responds. Perfect. Let's get that booked in for you psychologically speaking. When you offer people two choices 80% of the time they choose the last option that you have offered this way. You can actually encourage your clients to make their appointment. And when better best both suits you and their appointment diary and also the calendar of therapist. Community I'm just popping in here for a little mention of our mini-series sponsor the global Beauty group. I adore that the global Beauty group that lives and breathes and mission of making people feel wonderful with over 25 different Technologies available, including the meadowlarks LED and The observed skin analysis machine the global Beauty group connects businesses of all size with the best and brightest in the industry paired with rapid response technical support professional clinical. It's expert marketing advice and Industry leading educational programs. Then multi-award winning team ensures your business grows, beautifully with aesthetic technology find the team at the global Beauty group today on one 300 double zero six six. Oh seven or you can visit w-w-w dot the global Beauty for more information and now back to the episode. I too am a big believer in that. We should be offering the client more than price to compare and compete us on a lot of clients will have many different tabs open on their computer or on their phone and they will be searching around to find the cheapest price because that is the way that we've trained them to learn. So what they'll do is they'll phone ABC Day Spa and they'll ask for their facial and they are asked how much it is. The therapist will say a hundred and seventy nine dollars for that facial. The client will say thank you so much and hang up and then go into calling XYZ Day Spa and the facial then might be $159 from the price given a loan is what the clients then making their decision of visiting that space. They're actually not making their decision based on anything else. We don't know what kind of service levels what kind of experience levels we're going to get. We don't know the Excellence and the knowledge of the therapist so when your clients are phoning out, too Could booking make it less about price if you can and more about the experience and the value that they're going to get. I like to do this by encouraging your therapist and receptionist. Whoever's taking the phone all the walk-in appointment by getting them to actually have the client enter into a consultation prior to their treatment once a client is in consultation with your expert therapist. We know the chances of them converting are going to be much higher than wandering around aimlessly. You looking for the cheapest place to be serviced the consultation gets to show off the knowledge of the therapist and also the experience and the Excellence in your service in your beauty space. That is a service worth spending money on the third way. Your client can make their booking is viable cooking online. Did you know that service based websites that includes people like doctors chiropractors? And of course us Beauty spaces that our Traffic time that a client can land on your website is generally between the hours of 11:00 p.m. At night and 1 a.m. In the morning. So when you think about it, it actually makes quite a lot of sense think about the busy mum who is finally settled all of her children tidy the house organized tomorrow tasks and then when she jumps into bed, she starts planning for herself. She's thinking what do I have on this? We can what else do I need to organize? Can I wear pants to the function or do I actually have to go and get Get that leg. Wax, right? So Mom jumps on her phone heads to your website and makes the appointment similar to the busy lady who has been running around at the office all day signing contracts meeting clients have her own taking calls and then when she jumps into bed after a glass of wine and dinner she then thinks I need to get my facial done before I jet off to London for that conference on Wednesday. So what does she do she opens her phone navigate to your website and makes the buh? King for these two clients who I am assuming are your top two clients entering in your space. They are the reason why you should activate online bookings on your website mum and busy lady will not remember to walk by your space tomorrow and make the appointment normal. They phone up between 11 p.m. And 1 a.m. Because guess what they're going to wake the rest of the house up and their call will most likely reach voicemail which we know that's not going to be returned to right you must make it. It easy and also possible for your clients to make their appointments and online bookings is the most simple way in which you can do that with the online bookings There is almost no room for human error because it's actually the computer that is going back and forth with a visible calendar with your kind working out what day they were free and what treatment thereafter because they can see it on their screen all their phone plain as day and measured this against their calendar a really simple fix. Now one question, I know that you're thinking of and you're probably screaming in your car. What if they cancel or what if they don't show for the treatment? Well your online booking system also has this covered most online booking systems allow for a deposit or a full treatment payment to be taken at the time of the booking which helps steer away those pesky no-shows and last minute cancellations all while Gathering your clients email and their phone number to add to your marketing database to birds. With one stone your online booking system is completely customizable will speak your tone of language and your brand values to give the client a sense of who your business is when they do actually eventually enter into your space for a treatment. Now, I do know this Probably sounds like a plug for some kind of cell on Software System, but it really is not I as a mystery shopper and consumer who spends about $15,000 worth. Earth of beauty Services every year and that's not even my hair. I encounter these types of booking systems on a monthly basis. I too have often walked past Beauty spaces only to see the door shut because the therapist has gone out for lunch or I've gone in and I've had to ring a bell to try and make an appointment or the therapists are running around like crazy pants and they can't take my appointment because the phone's ringing similar to that. I've tried numerous times to make book. Was by the phone and it either ends up a hitting voicemail or be just ringing out completely. Therefore, I'm not going to phone back and make that appointment. I what I love as a client is to make my bookings online and soda most of your clients when you do have bookings online though. I want you again to try and make it as simple as you possibly can for your client one big thing. We know that clients do these days is Everybody is on social media. Right? So what I want you to do is actually take the link that's in your social media pages and actually put your booking Link in here that way when I land on your ABC Day Spa Instagram page at twelve o'clock at night and I'm trying to make my tanning appointment for this weekend's event. All I have to do is click that link and it should open up the booking system right then and there this way I can click on Through I can pay my deposit. I can measure up against my calendar and see what time's your available see what times I can fit the appointment in and then make it on through that way this episode. Number one may actually be a little bit controversial for some of you I might be agitating you just a little bit too much but I want you to think that you are in Beauty business you're in a service-based business not for yourself, but for your clients and this miniseries Aries is on the client journey and the client experience not on your experience. So if you're not tech-savvy we need you to actually seek out people like the global Beauty group and like cell on software systems who are going to help you and who are going to guide you and support you through this very Millennial year. Thank you so much for tuning in to episode 1 of 7 four-hour miniseries the seven essential steps that turn an average treatment into an Client experience brought to you by the global Beauty group next Monday. We look at step number two, which explores the clients first impressions for the purpose of enhancing therapist presentation standards. We look at the importance of greeting the client buyer their name and introducing touch points into the meet and greet. If you have enjoyed today's episode and this miniseries, make sure you clip subscribe or follow and your podcast app and to like and share this Episode across our social Pages add beauty industry. We will also popped all of the script from this podcast episode into our blog post which releases every single Wednesday. So you can jump onto the website and check it out pop it up on your staff kitchen or post it in your team's group on Facebook so that every single person in your business including you your receptionist and your therapist are consistent. Thank you so much to our friends at the Global Beauty group for making this episode possible Global Beauty group for making this episode possible
Hello, Welcome and a very happy New Year to you all! I hope you had an incredible Christmas and New Year and you are making your way into the new year with big dreams and big business plans. This year, in a bid to enhance the professional beauty industry's service levels, we are kicking things off with a mini series brought to you by The Global Beauty Group on the 7 Essential steps that turn an average treatment into an exceptional service. In today's professional beauty industry landscape, it's not enough to just perform a treatment. Our clients have come to expect a level of excellence from the professional beauty industry that we will be spending the next 7 weeks exploring together. These metrics of exceptional service include experience, results, value and time - all of which can be provided in every treatment across the industry from eyebrow wax to facial and all the way through to massage and makeup application. There are 7 steps which span across seven episodes of this mini series, which will expand how to enhance yours or your teams client experience. These 7 steps are; the booking, the introduction, the consultation, the diagnosis, the treatment itself, the prescription and the rebooking. As 2020 is the year for advanced, results driven technology treatments, our friends at The Global Beauty Group have been kind enough to provided us with technology tips along the way which will not only enhance your service levels, but too your bottom line. This is episode one of seven on the 7 essential steps that turn an average treatment into an exceptional experience. Thank you to our friends at The Global Beauty Group for making this mini series possible! Keep an eye out on the Beaute Industrie Blog for a written version of the episode you can share in your team groups or print and stick in your staff kitchen! --- Send in a voice message:
Hi, Sarah. Hi Kirby. Welcome to Los Angeles. All right, you guys for those of you who have been listening coming back episode after episode. Thank you so so much for tuning in it means the world. But for those of you who are new to gloss Angeles, welcome to the best hour of your week. Be sure to follow us on our social to keep up with the latest beauty news and memes. Our Instagram is aGloss underscore Angeles our Facebook group. You just have to search for a gloss Angeles on Facebook. And then we launched a Twitter account. So follow us there too at gloss Angeles pod on today's episode were chatting with a special guest. You've heard me rave about her and her products and she's a big reason why I know so much about my skin and Skin Care in general her eponymous brand Renee below skincare began 23 years ago. She's been an aesthetician for 30 years and ever since has been I'm a huge favorite of beauty editors and celebrities like Demi Lovato our girl Lisa Rinna and Lily Reinhardt. You guessed it Renee. Is he requested Renee by the way, absolutely. Yeah wanted you on the podcast. So we're so glad to have you and we're going to be talking with her later in the episode about adult acne and so much more but first let's get into what's on your face Yay. Okay, so we're Every episode we do what's on our face. We would love to know what's on your face, but we'll get started just to show you again how it goes. Sure Sarah. Yes, what's on our faces? Yeah, we had we are wearing the same thing today. We are wearing products from a new la-based clean Beauty brand called Tower 28. Yep. They are absolutely adorable. They are cruelty-free vegan sensitive skin friendly all under $30, which is incredible. They're available available at Credo Beauty and Sephora they It launched on and we're really excited to see them there just because we fell in love with this brand. Yeah, I learned a lot about it and then we tried the products and I have to say I stand they're awesome. I also stand so I'm wearing one of the blushes. It's a cream blush. I love a good Cream Blush. It's called Magic hour and you can actually use this anywhere on your face eyes cheeks lips. Whatever. This is Magic hours more of like a topi with pink. Huh? Things are really beautiful blush. I think would be beautiful for fall exactly. And then I'm also wearing one of their lip glosses and it's called chill. It's just clear but one of the reasons why I really loved how we're 28 is they're all but endorsed by the national exam AA Association. So the founder has eczema and she had been using a bunch of products that really weren't helping her skin at all and she created this brand because of that and she has cleared up her ass. Eczema, which is kind of amazing. So but you don't have to have eczema to use the product exactly. And so I am wearing the Luminous tinted bomb in happy hour, which is more of like a pinky. Yeah rose color and they also tap used it on my lips because it is also a lip stain. It's super creamy very hydrating. Yep, but I also top that off with fire which is their lip jelly what she told us the reason why she created these was because She loved the juicy juicy. Tubes Yang from back in the day Yammer those. Yeah, this is like updated Chic version Yeah, clean Chic fun. It's like the quintessential California brand, which is why we love it. Yeah. The tower for Tower 28 is a towel lifeguard Tower in Santa Monica. Yep. So if you live in Santa Monica, you know that you suggest to people beat me up this Tower. Yeah on the beach so Allah, so well like gloss Angeles approved. So that's what were wearing. That's what's on our face Renee. What is on your side? So let's see. My morning routine is always my cleanser. I when I'm traveling here to LA because I'm based in Austin. And so I use my Myron a reuleaux rapid response detox cleanser, which is my travel cleanser just to keep my skin making sure xane. I always use a toner leaving toner wet. I used moisture infusion toner, then vitamin c and e treatment always use vitamin C and then my waitlist protection SPF 30, which is a With an SPF and then after that I put on benefits porefessional. Yeah, so I always use that and I recommend that to all my clients but I'll use that in my T-Zone and then for foundation I use Laura mercier's radiant something-or-other isn't the Tinted Moisturizer. No, it's an actual Foundation. That's all radiant something or other and then lately I've been I have on glossy A's like they're cream shadow. Toes. Yeah, so I think I forgot what color it is, but it's kind of you can kind of see it kind of a like a little bronzy. Yeah, like the rose gold shimmery. Yeah. They look like to YouTube's yeah, and I really like using those and then Nars bronze and blush and I've kind of been in a bronze look for summer. Yeah, and I can't remember what powder I tested on. But anyway, but yeah, so kind of just going for a little stroll around. Beautiful of the rapid response detox cleanser toner the whole kit and I just started using your sunscreen hydrating what the name of it weightless protection - protection and I love it it like goes on so smooth and just Blends into your skin and it looks beautiful under makeup. So yes, it doesn't fill up which is thank you for that. We're just so nice and here's the thing like you guys have heard me. Talk about Renee's products. Like I'm getting sent a paycheck or something. I just truly have loved her products for so long. So what we're saying that we love these products were not just like kissing butt over here. We truly just love them. So Renee is the reason that I learned I had melasma. I don't know if you know this but when I was like 24 25 the first time I saw Renee I went to get a facial with you. I was like, I'm determined to Me Demi Lovato's esthetician look like I'm from, Texas. Is I want to meet her so I actually met her. I got a facial with Renee and she looked at my skin and she said are you on birth control? Like right off the gate and I remember just being so shocked that she even could kind of tell and she was like because I don't know if you know this but you have melasma I've mentioned this on the podcast before I'm an idiot. I thought it was like self tanner. I hadn't scrubbed off the right way. Like I was just like, oh, it's just there whatever and she really let me know that melasma is a hormonal response and because of you helping Kirby and Kirby Saying this on our podcasts a lot of listeners have also figured out that they have melasma. Yeah, they thought it was just from the Sun and I'm like the sun can make it worse. Yeah, but if you're on birth control, I mean the minute I got off of my oral birth control it cleared up immediately and obviously I have it still because I am back on birth control out of control those babies and no babies happening. We got an audience to build exactly. So, you know, I feel like Renee is such a great resource. She has her own person. Count but then she also has her brand account and she is constantly giving people amazing information about their skin. And your blog to is so full of information Google the blog if you have a skincare question like half the time if I have a question about my skin before I text Renee about it. I will look it up to see if she has something that I can read first but Renee for those that maybe aren't familiar with your trajectory. Can you tell us a little bit about how you fell in love with skincare? First of all, thank you for all your sweet. Edwards I really appreciated it's always humbling my I think like most Beauty people, you know, we're just Beauty junkies, right? We always just were into it. So when I was in the fifth grade, I'd bring my makeup to sleepovers and always do everyone's makeup is the first girl to wear makeup just you know just was always into it. But but also my grandmother on my mom's side was a hair stylist and she used to own her own hair salon the Powder Puff. Beauty shop and so as a child, I used to play in her rollers and hairnets and just be into all of that. And I also think seeing her as a single mother and a you know, entrepreneur entrepreneur and the beauty business making people feel good and look good and I just always also remember how empowering it was to see a woman come in who was upset or sad about something and how much Beauty could you know, they get their hair done and how much Beauty can transform them and they walk out with a You know a bounce in their step and so that just had a big impact on me. And so I knew I knew I was not wired for college and my I've never been formally tested but I think you know, I'm a little can't sit still a little probably add. I'm sure and so I was just always super creative and I like to work with my hands and so my mom suggested she was like, you know, you've always been into your skin. Why don't you do that and that was 30 years ago, so I never looked back. I'm you know, once in a while. I'm like I sometimes get envious of people who've had lots of different jobs and try different things and I'm like, I sometimes I feel boring because I'm like, I've done the same thing for 30 years. So actually a friend of mine she owns a restaurant and I asked her if I could go wait tables one day because I think I didn't have that college job waiting tables. And so and so it was like a ramen noodle place. And so but everyone's face is like a different job. No, For sure for sure, but I went and waited tables one night. It was so funny because the guy who used to run my blog WordPress. He happened to be dining in there that night and I went over to his table to take his order. He's like, he's like like I thought your company was going. Well. What can I get you? Yeah, go on the clock right figured this yeah, awesome that she gave you the support that you needed. Yeah, always always and my mom was also somebody that used to get facials all the time. And that was you know, this is back, you know MIT, you know early to mid 80s and too late 80s that she used to get facials once a month and I mean people didn't get really facials back then so she was kind of a Pioneer in our own way. I think she just wanted me to be an aesthetician so she could get them from being. Yeah. Can we ask you who? Ooh, you're how you got into the celebrity world of yeah, Jules. So what happened was? Well, Jessica Simpson was my first client know she stopped. Yeah, he's kidding me. I did not know this. Oh my gosh, wait back in like when she was so to Nick Lachey days know and she was so this probably was 90 well, probably 98 or something. She was yes. She was auditioning for Dawson's Creek. Yes, fun fact mine foun. Do we know that we know this about Jessica Simpson? I don't know, but honestly, I can see it because I mean I remember I think I remember like all the behind the music's and stuff like that. Like she wanted to be famous like she wanted to she sang in the church. Her dad was a pastor. Right? Right. It was like a whole thing and she was she like didn't make it on the new Mickey Mouse Club, like everyone made it except for her that type of thing, right? Yeah, Jason. Oh my gosh, that was a fan of hers. Yeah, so so she was having a lot of problems with her skin as like, you know, it's been reported that she has but then she got the contract with proactive and then she had a stopped coming because now she was their spokesperson. Of course, I know and I thought that's probably hard for you because like you probably work on so many people but there's like a privacy thing obviously like some people are just like I don't want people to know that I have bad skin or that somebody works on me and then there's other part like well, I'm sure I would Love to promote you but I actually have a contract that would say otherwise, yeah, yeah kind of crazy. So well, so then Demi Lovato has been my client for 10 years and she was in Dallas so I met her there so I started giving her facials then, you know 10 years ago. So that was I think the first time I met her was she was on tour with the Jonas Brothers for Camp Rock and so she's been my client for 10 years. I just gave her facial couple nights ago. And then Lisa Rinna was In Dallas summer musicals for Chicago and she was stationed in Dallas for like a month or something and I met her in the green room when I was on TV and she was there promoting the program there was this text good morning text this morning program. So I met her there and then but basically then Demi moved out to LA and then Lisa's like, you know, you need to come to La I'll send you all my friends or whatever. So actually I just gave Lisa facial the other day too and I looked back and yeah, it was ten years ago that I started working with her that's in so so so basically between Amy and Lisa they were out here and they were like, hey, we can say to our friends and I thought well, maybe I should just kind of venture out there and it's been probably I've been coming out here probably for about seven or eight years now. Yeah, and and I come out every you know, depends but every six to eight weeks I come just for a couple days. I don't take any new clients. So it's just kind of my regulars. But yeah, so it's kind of word of mouth. I'm you know, careful about who I take I kind of have a no Diva rule so when somebody wants to send me a Celebrity I'm like, okay. Well tell me what they're like for they nice to work with because I've fired a few people before that really how to feel and I'll tell you all there. Yeah, but like, how do you fire a client? I just kind of I don't actually have to pay them. Well, I kind of just say like, oh I can't get you in this time on it. I kind of jackets like yeah yourself unavailable. Yeah, and then they get I like what we do with events and meetings. We're like Oh bummer can't make my car. We horrible enough or did we just win does it's okay. So something you developed a long time ago that you were sort of known for is that you categorize skin into nine different types. Yes. So and you have a quiz on your website that you can fill out. So can you touch on the different types and like why you came to the number 9. So when I first became an esthetician super excited, I'm out of school. Well, I'm working at the salon and and we sold a skincare line and I knew that you know Home Care was a big part of caring for your skin. And so, you know would give a facial and then at the end then I start learning more about skin and I'm like, oh wait a minute like this person doesn't fall into dry normal or oily. They have other things going on and then of course the skincare line was catered to that. So I begged the Solano door to bring in a second line because I was like, I need more than just two moisturizers here are into cleansers or whatever. So she brought in a second line and then eventually a third line and so I was basically customizing their routine based on three lines, but I just learned quickly that it was, you know, you just couldn't put it into the those cookie cutter category. So when I started my company I determined there were nine skin type. So I had already had seven years of experience and so I created nine different skin types and they're very specific and very detailed in their descriptions and to this day it is very rare that I'm like, you know what I should there should be a tent like I it's like I nailed it. There's really Very few times that I felt like I didn't get it. Right B. What's your skin type number? Do you know I'm a nine. No, I right. No, I'm a C6. Yeah, you're a six. It's been so long since I've done it. Yeah, really? Yeah. I thought it was I took it was a nine, but maybe I'm just confused because there are nine aeschylus. Yeah, it's been like probably years. Well, I think what's happened to is obvious you look at me. Like can you tell what skin I have? Yes just by looking. Okay, so you think I'm going to yes, I sold your tell me what is the to then A2 is I don't have all the symptoms in front of me, but it's I think the title is like oily combination occasional breakouts anti-aging. Yes, right? Yeah, and that's probably our most popular skin type because you know, it's people that are in anywhere from mid-20s to mid-30s generally and they still get breakouts but they're concerned about aging but they're you know, it's like most skincare lines. It's like sorry sweetie. You got to pick one or the other because you either got a dry it out or we're going to load you up with grease and oil and so there's like kind of no middle. And so one thing Tell me when you're getting giving me a facial because I was we're going to get to inflammation in a second. But you know, I was breaking out and I remember just feeling so defeated by and you're like well, it's a good thing that you're breaking out. It's like good that you have these like oil glands that are still working. It'll help you in the long run and I'm looking straight at COD. Okay, these are active. I love I just want to say because I went to you for the first time this past weekend for a facial which changed my life because then I also learned what skin type I was I just love how specific it is. So I so I looked it up here. So I'm skin type 6, which is normal anti-aging and then all the symptoms there's like 10 of them now, but they all apply to me like needs hydration without heavy oils or pore clogging ingredients may have enlarged pores mostly and T Zone including blackheads may have hyperpigmentation wants to keep skin healthy and smooth like all of these things and I'm like, that's me. Yeah, that's me. Yeah, most people once I put them into a skin type and I read it through the they go you know, it's magic. How do you know? It's like my horoscope. Yes. Yes. Wow, and I wanted my language and I want to touch real quickly when you said like about you having acne and it's good that things are like, yeah, I have a blog post titled. If you've suffered from acne consider yourself lucky and the blog post talks about that the people who really have the best skin now are the people that had some trouble with their skin because guess what all through their teenage years. They weren't people that could sleep with her makeup on you know, they they form good skin care. R habits and a lot of people who had acne had become estheticians now and so but those habits are formed. So if you are somebody during your teenage years and Beyond you never had any problems, like you're not really taking care of your skin because there's no problem to solve totally. So people who have had a history of breakouts. They are so good about their skin and in the end, you know, they end up having the best skin because they're disciplined. Yeah. I remember I broke out when I was 15 and I was like, we thought it was an allergic reaction or Things that just had never happened before it was all over my forehead and my mom we went to the doctor and they put me on, you know, tetracycline or whatever it was and I've since had you know long discussions with Renee while she's doing my face about how like I don't like to be on antibiotics. It's really a last ditch effort one time. I came back from Coachella and I had acne cosmetic. Yeah, which I didn't know at first. I didn't know what it was, but it looked like little pustules and I she was in Dallas and are Austin at that point and I had sent her photo and said help me what's going on here. I have shoots all week. I was just at Coachella and and the reason why I have said that I trust estheticians more than even trust dermatologists is because she is going through. Okay. Where were you what were you doing? What was the weather like did you change something? What make a good you where she's asking every possible question to get to the root of what it could be so did have to do it like the sweat and the Heat and your it was the wind from Me wearing a foundation that was liquid and had oil in it and it was the excessive Heat and the wind pushing that product into my poor and in making it inflamed and she actually suggested that point. Listen if you need it to go away quick go to the dermatologist and get on that antibiotic. It will clear it up but moving forward wear powder foundation in the desert, right and I have done that ever since she told me that four years ago, and I have never broken out in the desert at coach. Bella or at any music festival or any trip there since game-changing. It's game-changing and I wrote a blog post about it. She ready to go to change my name, but it's me. Can people go to take the skin type quiz Renee below Tom? Yeah, great. We just redid we just updated the quiz. But yeah, so you can take the quiz is super fast and easy and then it will put people into one of the nine skin types and then it will recommend our basic routine which is three products are essential which is six products or the complete which is about 11 or 12 products or people can just kind of piecemeal it and get what they want. But it really makes it easy for people because it you know, they can start with just a couple products. Hey, I just you know, I'm not Ooh, dear Ilana. Just want to start with a couple things. Great. These are the three best products for your skin. I see a lot of new brands coming out where it's like they fill out a quick people are filling out quizzes and they're getting these personalized regimens now and it's kind of interesting because I feel like it's definitely been modeled off of what you've been doing for so long, so I just want to throw that out there. Yeah. We're name OG or in this. Okay, so we did talk about inflammation and how I had it. I've had it a lot. So this is something that you like to talk about a lot on your Graham to me personally to your clients what is actually happening to your skin when it's inflamed and like what kind of issues can it cause and how do you essentially put out the fire? Right? I would like to yes, we always talk about putting the fire out put the fire out. Yes. So I mean generally speaking, you know, particularly as it as it as it pertains to acne acne is a skin disease of inflammation. And so the problem that occurs is that people are further in flaming it right there using Sonic cleansing brushes or facial scrubs or they're putting you know asset owners or p50 on twice a day and you know, they're kind of you know, anything that burns and causes the skin to get further inflamed. You're just aggravating it. So if the you know, the the skin could talk, it's just like oh my God, like I'm already all riled up like allow me to settle down kind of things. So so inflammation can be acne inflammation can be redness heat in the skin General irritation. And a lot of it stems from a damaged moisture barrier from things that are too strong or harsh. I have a great blog post on what a damaged moisture barrier is but generally calming the skin is always a good rule of thumb. I remember one time I had a where when I first learned about this at a client that had acne and she had tried everything and you know, she told me everything she was doing but her her skin just looks so inflamed and I said, you know, why don't we just try to put the fire out and just Give you a calming things and I didn't give her anything that was antibacterial or anything that was traditionally for acne and her skin just cleared up so much. And as a matter of fact, I have a great blog post. I'll show you a real quick. But for my nephew same thing if you see this before and after did you see that why I'm obsessed with this. It's awesome. Yeah, so you showed me initially. This was a couple months back. Yeah. It's like first kind of getting started on it, but he has acne. It's pretty inflamed and She put him on this regimen and it's it's cleared up significantly in neither of the products actually were acne product. So 16. So if you type into blog material order Comm, if you type in the word nephew, you'll find it but it's all how to get rid of dry skin caused by harsh acne treatments and Sarah you can see this but this is him when I first saw him and you can see it's so red and Flaky and irritated and then after three days I gave him my skin recovery lotion at My purifying face wash two products, that's it. Neither of which were for acne because I didn't I was with him at a family reunions. I didn't have it in anything else in my travel bag and that was after three days. Yep already home. So again, I know we're on a podcast and one can see it but you can leave this on with the leg and then this was eight weeks later so you can see all their dryness went away. His skin is Acme ball the redness gone and he didn't even use one acne product. But this was because his barrier would was so disrupted because he had been on prescriptions topical prescription. Options but his skin never repaired itself and it just stayed in that damaged mode. And so so a lot of times, you know, I'm analyzing people's skin to really see if the damage moisture barrier is the problem and let's fix that first and then we can tackle the acne but I would say that most I mean most all of my skincare products especially because people are so focused on so much exfoliation these days so as a come out with new products, I'm always focused on barrier repair because naturally people are Just doing things that disrupt the barrier. So a lot of ingredients that help to kind of keep that intact. So when I came to see you I asked you why the right side of my face was a little bit more red than the left side and you blew my mind because you told him you were like, are you left-handed or right-handed? And I was like, I'm right-handed and she was like, you're probably a little more heavy-handed with your right hand. So you're like exfoliating your the right side of your face like a little bit more using Wordpress using more pressure than I left side and I was just like so smart and then you told me about that one client of yours who came to you and she was like why am I inflamed her breaking out here here and here she pointed her cheeks and her forehead and then you asked her how she was applying her products and she dots it on those spots. She's putting like acids and retinol but she's dotting it and then rubbing it in so every night she's getting a concentrated amount in those three specific spot. Wow, so you should always, you know, massage it in your hands and then put a thing. Code everywhere but isn't that like it's fascinating. It's like so it's just hope that you don't think about yeah, that's what my blog is. It's all these little experiences that I've encountered with custom, you know clients through the years that are like you wouldn't get that from a dermatologist, right? They don't have enough time to have those conversations and that sort of thing exactly when you're talking about moisture barrier and and how important that is. Can somebody look at their own skin and say, okay really effed up my moisture barrier or is it really something that an expert like yourself has to figure Out that's a great question. I do have a great video on the blog about what dehydrated dehydrated skin looks like which is awesome, which is awesome. So on her Instagram, but you would have to start you have to you have to go down. Yeah, so I think if you on the blog just type in barrier and maybe would come up or dehydration may be. Oh, I think it's in the blog post about the difference between dry and dehydrated skin, and I think it's in that blog post. Okay, but anyway, but so that could be one video that kind of shows people but generally speaking if somebody is has acne or they have some underlying oil but they're also dry that could be a sign because you can't be dry and oily, you know dry means lack of oil and you know, oily skin doesn't it doesn't have or is it dry and so you can't be both and so if somebody's finding that like they're breaking out cause breakouts are all stem from oil so you know you have oil there sometimes Just not hitting the surface because you're using too many drawing things. But yeah, just anytime you're feeling dry and you don't really think you should be dry. That could be a sign is your nephew an example of that where like he was breaking out and also super dry, correct? Okay. Yeah his that was the underlying cause of his entire thing was that he had a damaged moisture barrier. Okay until we fix that it's been could never get to a healthy plate. Okay that makes complete sense. Do you know what else I learned from Renee? I was like I have really dry skin. I feel like I have dry skin and so throughout the The day I will use a Mist to like, you know, refresh my skin and she was like, I don't like Mists and I was like, oh my gosh, just kidding. I don't like messy. That's why don't you like me? Well, first of all your it actually when you had sent me a question to think about what my biggest the biggest mistake people make with her skin. Is it Miss? Well, no. No, but it but it kind of goes into it. So do you want to go into this question first and let's put it all together. So the question was what's the biggest? Care mistake you think people are making or what is the biggest mistake? They're making with your skincare routine, right? So the biggest mistake and we'll talk about the Miss Thing in a second. But the biggest mistake is that people aren't getting their sunscreen game down. Right? Like like everyone's like, oh what kind of vitamin C is best or should I use retinol during the day or I'm layering these nine serums or I'm using the skin oil during the day or whatever but like no one's talking about some protection, right and and it's like they're more concerned. Like, you know, oh, oh sunscreen, or they do wear sunscreen. Oh, yeah. It's in my mind. It's in my foundation. So I have it in there. Yeah, let's get back to the Vitamin C product. Like no one's like taking their sunscreen seriously. And so and what that means is 78, you know, 78% of all premature wrinkling and things that you get is from incidental exposure, right? It's not because you're on the beach every day because most people just go on vacation once a while. It's it's any UV lights when people go. Oh, I'm not at all during the day does face ever see UV light or do do living in darkness and and people just you know, they kind of still are stuck into thinking it's when I'm out of the beach or I don't go outside whatever and but people really need to get that right and so the problem when they layer too many products underneath the sunscreen is they the sunscreen may not be coding the skin very well, especially if you're using a chemical base one, which really needs to kind of get into the skin and if you've got six serums on underneath and in essence or whatever you might Not be protecting the skin as well. You also should be in your moisturizer and then additional bonus. It can be in your you know Foundation or use some sort of mineral powder or just any powder because this is I have a blog post on the biggest mistake people make is about they don't think of skincare. They don't think of makeup as a skin care product like most people they come to me so they never have to wear makeup again, and I'm like no no. No, I still want you to wear makeup because makeup is an insurance policy because All makeup, even if it's not tested for an SPF. They all it all has titanium dioxide in it. So it's acting like a sunscreen and so so layer it's another thing. Yeah. It's another layer of protection. And so when Sarah mentioned about the myths the problem with the Mist is that she's deluding her sunscreen and you know, I mean everybody who's taking care of their skin, like if you don't get your sunscreen, right like all that effort and all you know what you're putting into it isn't working so it should always be about how can I protect my skin from UV light and it's also like even putting on a moisturizer with sunscreen most people put it on their face and then whatever is left over on their fingertips, they carry down. Well, it's not enough you it's about applying it generously. So you have to find one that's lightweight enough that you can put a lot of it on and be okay with that and so like my weightless protection SPF 30, you can apply a lot on and it dries to a matte finish and so people are comfortable with it. But so I think the mistake is that people are just not Attention enough to their sunscreen and and even if you do have like, you know foundation with SPF in it, most people aren't wearing that much. Anyway, they're putting just a sheer amount and then they're using their wet Beauty blender and that's taking half of it all off. And so I just think that if people can't get sunscreen right none of you know, that's just better. Your other products aren't going to be able to work their magic. Totally. I think a lot of people I've gotten this question a lot like okay. I am wearing a tent are I'm wearing a A moisturizer with SPF 30 is that enough and for me? No, I like to put on sunscreen. Like it's not the added bonus. It's just like a straight-up sunscreen and then I add on the moisturizer with the sunscreen, right because I want the protection. Yeah earlier, but I think a lot like to your point so many of you guys are telling us like that you use this Foundation that has SPF 30 in it, and it's like I'm glad you're using SPF 30, but like I'm not glad that Only using makeup as your soul exactly is a protection. That's not going to help you. I just remember reading Allure magazine's when I was a teenager. And the first thing I ever learned was SPF 30 at minimum. So I feel really lucky that I've been doing that for so long. I mean I had some of my best friends are like should I start wearing sunscreen? I'm like, oh my God have I not taught you anything in life and it's like and it's like everybody knows it. But like people just kind of they still don't take it that Serious, they don't think yeah, I don't know. I don't understand. I mean, I can't tell you how many conversations I have that people is just an afterthought either way more excited about serums and all sorts of fun things like that. But it's like you have to get that right and that's why when you know also like a lot of times people are like, oh should I use my retinol during the day? Can I use that? And I think what's important to understand is you have to understand what your skin requires during the day your skin is out in the environment heat pollution and all of that and it's being bombarded with free radical activity. And it's all about protection. It's not about active like repair ingredients. That's all your nighttime things. But during the day you're number one focus is how can I protect my skin from the environment? So that would be a vitamin C serum and some protection like those are the two things you need and I feel like people are layering on you know, they're using an acid-based owner what you don't need exfoliation like that in the morning to that extent because you want to keep a little bit of protective cells on the skin. So yeah. So people just in during the days when most of the Aging is occurring because it is free radical activity is at its highest during the day and you're working out and that's increased oxygen was just more free radical activity for the body. And so you just really want to get it right during during the day and so there's several takeaways then. Yeah, Miss will disrupt your sunscreen because it's going to it's going to dilute it gets going to dilute it your beauty blender might as well, correct use your active ingredients obviously for your nighttime routine. I say Obviously because it seems like common sense, but I think a lot of us are probably using them during the day do right focus on the protection and the moisturizing in the mornings save all those active things like the exfoliating toners if you use them at night and then don't worry about having like a 12-step skincare routine, especially in the morning less is more correct great. So what you should do after because I use a beauty blender and I do, you know, I dampen it and everything, but also I'll put my moisturizer my waitlist protection SPF. 30 on and then I'll put on foundation and then I'll dampen the with the beauty blender, but then I'll go ahead and put a little bit of powder on top just because that gives additional you know sun protection and you were saying because I asked you about your routine or what you do when you work out or when you go walk the dog outside. Like what do you do to your skin? And you said that you put sunscreen on but then you also put powder on well, it's so if / so, if you just need a hop out in the morning to take your dog for a walk, like what I do is I just put on a Are pressed powder and I'll just put a ton of it on and just go outside because it's easy right? It's like or I'll do that. Also, if I'm not going to be in the morning, I'm not going to be showering for a while doing my morning routine, but I'm still going to be walking around the house and there's Windows. I'll just put it all just dust a bunch of that on and that's enough for to hold me over until I can do my morning routine great and then like today it was kind of my day off a little bit here in LA. And so I wore my my SPF and then I put on a some mine has both chemical and physical but then I like to put an additional physical on top. So I use Delta m d they have their physical like little tinted one and I layer that on top. So I mean I were to sunscreens today love it. Okay, so you sort of already talked about adult acne and blemishes, but I want you to talk a little bit more just because for those of our listeners or people who just all of a sudden wake up 30 years old 26 year olds or whatever and are struggling with this adult acne and they don't know what to do what it is. What is your advice? It's like what should be their first step of action. So I see a lot of adult acne. I mean having been an aesthetician for 30 years adult acne as is at an all-time high women are more likely to get adult acne than men because women's hormones kind of dial up with age where men's hormones kind of dialed down but this is a big problem people that you know, you know why we don't really know but it's, you know, obviously some sort of hormone thing environmental thing, who knows but so the main thing that is in the The challenge for people as when they're breaking out. They don't know how to handle it because now again when I talked about the nine skin types their kind of left to like either Alston toss out whatever they're using and now switch to some really drawing routine and then they'll dry out their skin and then they're compromising their aging efforts. And so so specifically I mean some of the skin types in my line as we talked about like with Kirby are geared toward that specific skin type, but I came out with a collection of products called rapid response detox and products. I have a mask we just To do cleanser and toner we also sell it in a kit and I came out, you know, when I you know, there are definitely products out there that can address kind of breakouts in a non-drying way. But there it's like a whole you have to buy kind of the whole routine and I feel like when somebody has a regular routine, I created a couple of these products in this kit to just swap out a couple products and then just use those until you can kind of get your skin back on track and then when everything's clear you set those three products aside. And then go back to your regular routine. So you're not changing your whole routine. You're not having to buy a whole new set of collection of all these things. I looked at it like just swap out your cleanser and toner with these to use, you know, swap out this mask. We also have our Triple Berry smoothing people in the camp, but it's called rapid response detox kit, but it's specifically for people that just need a sub something in temporarily to kind of you know, because we don't know why you're breaking out but it doesn't matter, you know, I mean, we would love to know why but we may never That out. So but these are the tools you can you know, you can use to try to get it to go away and the main thing when I created those products is how can we address acne and non-drying way so that you know Salas, I mean benzoyl peroxide is great, but it really dries out acne. So it has it some salicylic acid depending on the product but it uses an Australian tea tree with Manuka. So it's kind of this complex that has a antimicrobial effect on the skin and it has a five minute Kilt. And kill rate of bacteria. So when you use it on the skin particularly The Mask, you only have to leave it on for 5 minutes and it reduces all takes off all surface bacteria. So it is it's also this kind of complex is used also in hospitals with disinfectants to clear staff. So it's been known to client clear staff, you know to prevent that but it does it in a non drawing way because we've added in a lot of calming agents and anti-inflammatory agents. So licorice root X Chinese licorice. Here we go. Okay. Which is anti puffy because you know, it's well and here's an interesting little fact menstrual cycle breakouts, right? Why do people break out during their cycle? Well, what happens is because of the hormonal shifts that occur right, but they occur right before you get your cycle starts. You have more oil starting to come out but the skin gets puffier which is why it's like people's pants can get a little tighter. So there's puffiness and the skin and Royal is trying to push through the poor when the skin is Puffy it Narrows the poor because it's kind of squishing the poor. So you have more oil trying to get through a pore and it can't get out as much so it's more likely to stay lodged in the poor and then that's when the cycle can begin for breakouts. And so this particular mask rapid response detox mask has anti puffiness agents as well. So it's trying to decide is trying to help like prevent the skin from getting so puffy. So the pores don't squish as much but it's It's a great collection. But like I said our rapid response do you toxic it is just here like anybody who's I cried? I am breaking out great and I say use this kit and then then when everything's fine, they go back to it, but you can also use it if you know, hey, I know I always break out around my period great start using this like five days before or I'm going to be traveling and I know you know, I'm going to this hot climate or I'm going to be eating all different foods or who knows what that's kind of like the skin Savior for people. Yeah. I wrote about it on popsugar when it first Launch as before the kit came around right there. It was the mask and y'all can look it up the article is you know, if you have hormonal acne, this mask is going to be your savior. I am actually breaking out right now because I have a little bit of inflammation because I did go a little ham with my routine this morning and I knew it that minute after I did it because my skin kind of like had a little burning moment. I'm like, ah crap. Okay. I'm going to break out and then I can feel it like right here on my cheek. So I'm going to go home keep it in the fridge you Don helps calm down the fire calm the inflammation. I have recommended this mask. I think to like every living soul. I know and it without fail works for them if you if you're breaking out so and you would put that on like let's say you have a big pimple. Let's say you don't have like break out our annual you would put it all over the face. Okay, because it only addresses bacteria where there is bacteria, but the truth of the matter is your skin is dirtiest at night. They actually say that the face is the dirtiest part of the entire body because We're touching her face all day long stuff on her nails. I mean like our faces our hands are on our face. I could mean people are always touching their face. And so it does like a total antimicrobial reset, but even if you're not really breaking out, it's super hydrating calming. So people it's like a great rosacea mask as well. So you don't have to have breakouts to use it but it's just putting the fire out and it's sending a signal to your skin to behave that's basically what it's doing and then of course we have anti bumps. Informally known anti cyst treatment and that's you know, I mean Kirby son that Praises for a long as you know Praises for a long time, but that's our number one bestseller, which is an alternative for people to try who typically have to get like cortisone injections for our sis. Like I mean, if you even knew the thousands of people that have that saved for those hormonal cystic under the ground knots that just aren't traditional don't come up to the surface. I mean this product is our number one bestseller it Has been our number one bestseller for years and it's a it's like if there's ever a miracle product that is it. So and she makes a chin kit, which I've talked about. Oh, yeah, the chin breakouts and kit includes the rapid response detox mask and the anti bump right because a lot of a lot of the hormonal breakouts that people get is chin and jawline. And so these two products are targeted. I mean you can use it all over the face, but we put that together so people could just use it just on the chin area because that's another thing too if you only have It's on certain areas of a of the face your kind of like well, how do I use my skincare routine if I'm only breaking out on my chin and jawline? And so those two products specifically are used down there. Awesome. Okay, we have one more question. Yes. Okay. So what advice do you have for testing out a new skincare product new skincare product great. So actually when people order from our website, we have a packing slip that comes in it in with it and we actually address that because that's a big concern with people we suggest to people to introduce One new. Product a day about every three or four days that's ideal. Now people when they were our products they get excited. They want to try everything at once but ideally just one new product, you know at a time and mainly mainly because if something isn't agreeing with your skin, you're more likely to know what it is. And and the thing is because everyone's skincare Journey, it's all about getting to know your skin. What does it like? What doesn't what does it not like, so if you're using five new products at night and your routine and you have a problem Helping yourself because you're going to go. Oh forget it. I can't use that line. Well, no, you might have been able to but it could have just been that one product that didn't agree and then of course trying to figure out what that one product what the problem was is a little hard as well. But yeah, you want to introduce slowly. So we always tell people yeah one new product every couple days. Would you say that's also the same for makeup too. Would you say like not just skin care but anything anything anything new and you know more so if you have a history of having problems, right? If you're prone to sensitivity and breakouts, you have to be a little more careful. But yeah, so always just take it slow. Okay, and that's so hard for us. I know we're like constantly. I know our job all the time. We have to kind of put our skin on the front lines for a job. But you know, we try to obey Renee. Yeah. Okay Renee actually have one more. I'm going to make that a sideline for hashtag. Obey Renee. I have actually like a one final question that just came to my my tiny little head. It's a good size. Actually not tiny great hair. Thank you. Do you believe in purging like do you believe that the skin purges? I think it can for some people. Okay. Do you think that if you are trying out a new product and your skin appears to be breaking out and it might be a Purge that they should keep going with it. And if not, when should they end progression? So typical culprits of purging would be acid? Leaders if somebody's not used to using an acid leave on exfoliator and mainly because your skin cells are kind of getting reorganized and so that takes a little bit of time. So if if we can determine that really what the new addition was if somebody just starts a whole new routine but include an acid serum and they've never used an acid serum before then we can kind of say hey maybe that's it. And so what we'll do is we'll tell them because I suggest using I mean, I can't speak for every acid serum out there. But in my line we have four of them. And I suggest people use it three nights on three nights off and the concept behind that just FYI. Is that night one you break through the concrete and I to Works a little deeper and I3 Orcs even deeper and then after three and I should go off of it and now you feed all those new cells for three nights with like a high hydrating serum something to peptides antioxidants whatever, you know, hyaluronic acid, whatever it may be and you keep doing that three night three night routine going back and forth. But if somebody's new to exfoliation three right out of the gate might be a little strong. Um, so I'll typically suggest them to just use maybe back off and use it like one night a week eventually work up to two nights a week. And so that's kind of the first thing I'll tell people is if they're not used to using exfoliators that would kind of be the one to pay attention to but sometimes sometimes it could be a moisturizer. And so sometimes I'd like people to kind of get off of that because that could just be it's just a little too heavy for the skin. So so sometimes if I suspect is more of a moisturizer, I'll tell him to get off of it. Not with you with the access of explorers. They need to push through that. Okay, push through your asset exfoliator, 's and if you predict or it seems like it's your moisturizer just cut it out immediately and see what happens and lighten up lighten up. I actually I love that advice. I think that's perfect. Yeah, we get a lot of questions about that. I think that's a big mistake that people probably make just layering it on the creme it look and don't get me started on skin oils. Oh wait, Anvil and the Actually curious like I personally I do use Skin oils from time to time. I wouldn't say they're like a must-have in my personal regimen just for me and personally many people that we've spoken to our abandons us. Well a lot of our listeners are obsessed, but I feel like a lot of people in the industry like not are not. Yeah, so you all know something. Yeah, tell me about skin oils. So I'll make it short and sweet. So one is let me start with Bombs, right? So I kind of put that the family or cleansing oil. Yeah, so people love to wash their face with that and they're like, oh, you know, I took my makeup off and oh my skin feel so soft afterwards and I can't ever imagine using a rare cleanser again because those leave my skin dry etcetera. Well a cleansing oil or cleansing balm has a lot of oils in it. So naturally, I mean so it does a great job, especially if you wear a lot of makeup, there's no doubt. It will break that down but it deposits oil on the skin afterwards. So if deposits a coating of oil which is why the skin feels so nice. Nice and soft and people are like, oh I love how it makes my skin feel but the reality is oils moisturized skin. The whole purpose of the cleanser is to clean the skin right? We're not trying to moisturize that's not the point that the moisture comes in. That's we're going to address that later. But you want a clean slate and so the mistake that people make is, you know, certainly in the morning as I talked about sun protection should be your number one Focus, but if you have this thin little layer of oil on the skin, even if this, you know you wash the facial wipe with wash cloths not going to feel greasy. So it's not like you feel like you've got this layer. Boyle but that softness meant it coded that and then when you want your vitamin C serum to go on in your sunscreen, you may not be coding those cells efficiently makes complete sense. What about if you double cleanse, right so that would be a better option. So then do a double cleanse if you need to audit because then you can get Caroline loves a double click that and he's just own teachers own but this is just my philosophy on it. So that's that also quick side note talking about cleansing in the morning. You should always wash your face in the morning because people are like well, I mean, I don't worry. Before I went to bed, but again like you want that clean canvas that clean slate because your focus is to make sure your sunscreen can properly coat those cells. So that's that so cleansing oils, you know, everybody loves, you know, I think what happens is everybody loves a glow and you put an oil on and your skin is shiny and light reflective and it's like ooh my skin glows, but the reality is, you know, only certain skin types can can use an oil if you're somebody that has breakouts, you know, even if you feel dry on the surface, maybe it's because Your barrier is damaged and using things that are drying but if you have breakout, there's oil under there somewhere because oil breeds bacteria bacteria leads to breakouts. So people with who have oil just don't need oil. That's not what your skin needs. But secondly, they're also kind of using oils incorrectly and they're putting it on underneath the moisturizer, but the molecule for the oil is the largest and that should go on top as I like a top coat. It was a seal everything and so like for example Vintners daughter, I think it's called a serum and I feel like that's misleading. I mean, I actually I haven't even seen how they recommend using it. So I'm not necessarily calling that out. But the fact that it's a serum right? We're like it maybe we do recommend it on a moisturizer. I have no idea but I recommend well, they recommend that you use it alone, but because it's a serum you can use a moisturizer on top. Okay, but you don't have to I do think though the turmoil Serum is completely misleading for a lot of people and I'm not speaking about Vintners daughter right? I'm just saying that I I think we get in general a lot of questions. What about an oil serum? Like I love my CRM but you guys said use oil as the very last step in your routine. What about oil serum rights, and I'm like It's an oil. Yeah. Yeah, it's still annoying. It's not a treatment. It's not something that you're going to get the if it's claiming to be a treatment. I feel like it's just our hack because it's not actually giving you the treatment that you need because you're not going to be applying it in the right way, right? Your moisturizer is going to be adding an extra barrier. You know what I mean? It's that can be you know efficacious. So should always be the last step you can use over moisturizer oils are all I mean, but they are good if somebody's like swimming in a chlorinated pool. It's going to kind of give that barrier to prevent like, you know, chlorine from drying out the skin so they have their place. But I also if somebody does have you know, some oil or they break out once in a while the best way to use an oil if they are going to use it is to put their moisturizer on the one that's appropriate for the skin tight because that's what's really penetrating the pores, right? So it might be an oil-free moisturizer that would be ideal or whatever that should go on because again, that's what's touching the skin and if you feel like you want to use an oil or need an oil then you take a couple drops rub it in the palm of your hands and then just Pat it on don't massage it. So you're literally just like just putting like a barrier over the Skin So if somebody lives up in New York and it's really cold out in the winter. I mean this can can dehydrate any skin type can dehydrate soils can be good for that barrier, but you just don't want to if you have some acne just don't want to be massaging it in got it. So just Pat well learn so much just calm so much. I hope I still learn I hope you guys have strong nerves. Just scribbling away learned. I did you see my hair flip. Yeah so much still. Thank you for the easier. Yeah. Thanks for today. Thank you Renee. Thanks for having me on I love you guys. I love you so very much for you. And I listen to you every week vehicles per day. So where can people find you? Okay. So Renee take the skin type quiz, you can get in your nice skin types then from the website is my blog and if you want to be a smarter skincare Omer you're just going to go down that rabbit hole I've been had a Blog for 10 years I've over a thousand posts and then my company IG is Renee reuleaux skincare and that's really where we talk about skincare and then my personal IG I definitely do talk about skin care but like I went away for my birthday and we went to all those honky-tonks with my with my niece and so I talked about you know, all things going on in my life. So it's less about skincare. But if you follow them all because they're also great. Yeah Palo Verde is with Whole life. Yeah, she has a lot of fun. Okay guys, thank you so much for listening. We're so glad that we were able to get Renee on WE collect. We had I had Sarah asked well during her facial and then shave your puppy-dog eyes. Just whip this out. So we're so happy to have her you can find us on Instagram gloss. Underscore Angeles. Send us some DMS be engaged. We love to post questions and we love to post memes are my favorite thing like Tibe like review. Yes, please. If you are subscribed to us on Apple, please send us a lovely comment. We read all of them and thank you to everyone who has already left a comment. It has made our day. It also helps us to get pushed higher into the list so that people that are interested in fashion and Beauty on Apple podcast can find us and we can grow. Yeah, we can do more of these. We're also on Twitter Los Angeles pod and you can find us on Facebook. Our page is Los Angeles and Have our very special Facebook group that you can join and meet with and interact with like-minded skincare and Beauty junkies. That's a good chatter on there. All right guys, we will talk to you soon. Thank you so much for listening, and we'll see you next week. Bye.
On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Renée Rouleau, famed esthetician and the woman responsible for teaching Kirbie a ton about skincare. Not only is she a huge favorite among beauty editors and celebrities alike (including Demi Lovato, Lisa Rinna, and Lili Reinhart), but Renée also runs her successful eponymous brand, which she started 20 years ago. Renée chats with us about how she got started as an esthetician, her advice for how to figure out your skin type, and what to do about adult acne and blemishes. Plus, why skin mists might be a huge no-no during your daytime routine. Follow Renée: and Renée's blog: Take the skincare quiz: Acne cosmetica post: How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Caused by Harsh Acne Treatments: How to Fix a Damaged Moisture Barrier: Kirbie's Rapid Response Detox Masque review: What's on Renée's face: Rapid Response Detox Cleanser (travel size) Moisture Infusion Toner  Vitamin C and E Treatment Weightless Protection SPF 30 Benefit The Porefessional Laura Mercier Flawless Lumiere Radiance-Perfecting Foundation Glossier Lidstar NARS Blush Bronzer Duo Elta MD Physical Tinted Sunscreen  Shop our product recommendations for this episode! Follow us on Instagram: Shop all of our product lists: Shop Kirbie’s stash: Shop Sara’s stash: Gloss Angeles is co-hosted by Kirbie Johnson and Sara Tan. Our editor is Patrick Muldowney.
Welcome to the key Chargers of keyboards my kids focusing on competitive play from the members of the keyboards team the key Chargers. Hey everybody. We're coming here from just after the first round of the Albany Vault tour arc on survival. And it's a me kneel or you Sinners fan and Sean you guys here we go. After first round Sean if you want to go first. Yeah, so I was paired up against a guy named Joe twardowski. He's from the Albany area before the game started. He told me this is like he played before but he's just getting back into it here recently. And so first thing I lost but I looked at his necklace. I felt comfortable. I was going Worlds Collide and he was going Kota. He had a Talega triple Terror basic Shadow sweet that he really never used because round one. He played Talega round one. I think I put a damage on till you go with festering touch just because I had red alert in my hand at the time to next turn. He went this put it the Terror. Down and play played maybe to the tears. You played a couple creatures. So the next turn I just read alerted him put out my my Skirmish Skirmish creature and and Galactic senses. Just for the Amber after that. He called Untamed regrowth to Li get killed my my creature off. I forget how he killed it off, but he got rid of Somehow then then he was able just to control my board and play out his cards like you you had three Fates had Cooperative. I am so that he protected and protected to legal with Shadow Self. The game really wasn't even close. It was like three keys to one. I mean, I only have 13 creatures in my deck, but I had to I had to get them down because I was trying to kill Polly guy can't let her stay to me. It wasn't even a close game and kudos to Joe especially coming. Back into the game after a long break. Yeah for sure. I knew I was going to be in for a tough match. As soon as I saw the pairing sigh paired with Trevor May the winner from gencon are consoelo and then Colin and so I knew that there was you know, Keith going to have good decks. He brought some things at it's an Italian deck and when I saw the decklist, I knew that that was gonna be in some issues. So I was playing the the muscles deck. I think we talked about it when Mike was on the podcast, it's his deck I was Wearing it again. It's done. Well for me, it is not tested well against Worlds Collide at all, but I was hoping you know early that I would run against non Worlds Collide and I did I ran against AOA which you know, normally that sounds great, but it was broaden our Mars as first turn he dropped a grump buggy like two terms later. He dropped the other two. So I knew I was in a lot of issues. It was actually disables the other half. You know, he played out some teachers early and it is Mars besides the triple grub buggy sitting over in in there, you know against a deck that has actually very few creatures, but there's some decent ones, you know, I've got ancient barriers and double fire spitter and or Shaker, you know, I mean, there's some things in there that that have some some bolt and some bolt to them to drive his Kosta to but India's Mars was Martian generosity GG abduction, so I knew that Probably my only way to probably get out of this game at all was to just any you know, he had like a Maverick Swindle in bars, but I just knew I just needed to get Amber as fast as possible and hopefully beat the grunt buggies to the table that didn't happen then it was just trying to keep the Amber down as much as I could because I didn't want him to generosity for a ton instead. He got to nine generosity. Red 18 cards double key Abduction the on the spot and you know at that point when you're down to two one, they the key I forward I had to forge it 12 because in the Triple Crown buggy, so it was pretty was ugly that yeah, I mean, I knew I needed the cowards in with the bodies play. It did not happen cowards in actually end up being on the very bottom of the deck. So, you know, that was the probably my only way out of that and you know good deck actually great deck. That's grim. So we got it. So it's pretty gross. It's great deckhand a great players. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let me know, you know, I did as well as I could have I think is a horrible matchup. Like it's just not good match up whenever I need to combo off to win and it didn't happen. So that was that's that we're on to round 2 and deck to which you know, I think we both put what we thought was our worst deck first. So I mean and real quick recap Brent. And Chris, they were still playing when we came out here Brent was bi he was playing Z from Team SAS. He was playing his son. And when I walked by Brent was down he had zero keys to Amber and the kid had one key and a like 10 Amber and is full. So I'm pretty sure Bruce going to lose that match and Chris Chris. Chris was even it was like they both have one key in two or three hundred. Yeah, but Chris is deck plays that way. Yeah because he'll Archive of us. Stuff just battlefield for the win. So we'll see. You know, what happens we go back in there if he's if he's even like that and there's an archive at I didn't get to see it. But depending on game State I've played that deck enough if there's if there's archived cards, he's probably going to win the game actually, so we'll give you an update on the next recap. Yep. Everybody here after round two with the boat tour and Albany and I'm going to go ahead and go first this time. I'm here with Sean again. And I played Jason Schultz who is originally from the Albany area, but he's moved to Dallas. I don't know if you visiting family. I you know, we'd conversation didn't quite get that far by the time we got set up. He was almost late to the table. He hit me. He got his stuff out just in time to swap cards. So we did a little bit of chatting but not much. He had an AOA deck that was you know, the Archimedes like Neutron shark. Experience mother Legacy. So it was it was a lot of card draw a lot of cycling through his deck. Luckily. I do a little bit of the same. I was playing the they that instructs embryology the horrible wonder the double chain gang and the Legacy Magda. In fact Legacy magnet pretty much want me to game with the end of the game or pretty close to it. But, you know kind of for some things at the end of the game I discarded it earlier in the game with the time. And as he took his spacely went to the time was called right after I finished my last turn I snuck it in with seconds left tops and you know just drew my cards was like your turn and you know time was called right after before you even started doing anything time was called and I had nine Amber. He could kill Magda he could reach a like 11, he could kill Magda and get the probably 10 or something or he could read but I was at nine Amber. All that would do is get to Seven. He had no way to stop the key. Hi. And you know pretty like a me, you know, you could go des and go Allah when I attack you on polst the lash out of the game just a couple turns earlier. So that was you know, something that helped me but super close game really good bad matchup for me because he doesn't he does board things but they just recur and that Neutron shark recursion was just killing me because he just pop everything and double covid week that it seemed like he had every time I had like one creature had to call the weekend and it was Just gone. So how do you go shopping? Yes, so I played I matched up with a George sprek from I think Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I've seen him around another Vault doors and stuff. He was playing the coda Rush deck. He had triple hunting which and ways to Archive. So he was able to Archive quite a bit of Untamed but it did that didn't hurt me. But what what killed me was my card draw like I was playing the DECA Worlds Collide that called Ryan ruined said yes, Ryan. One said and I got it from my teammate Ryan actually, but anyways, like what I want to do. It's a triple Eddie Deck with a mimic gel. And what I need to do with that deck is to get my ID. He's out early archive my story and because I have Imperial Forge with tribute cow Fijian way double strict. So I'm trying to trying to archive all the story and to win with Imperial Forge or Get it my second key with Imperial for do something but I was forced to play all that to get my first ski with Imperial 4ch. But before I even got the key, he was up to 90 number. I had an Infernus. I killed both of his ghostliness to take him off at gate but the Infernus was the only dissing my hand. Basically it was all cards all after that. I was forced to use exhume on an ed not finished with you. I had to play it earlier because my hand was clogged with this and nothing else. So my card role was pretty bad going into the game. I thought like it was no doubt when if I just drew those Eddie's early, but it just didn't happen and he was able to push ahead pretty quick and we do, you know, Chris did not win this match. He did win the match around one and then Brent won the match Hugh's plan right next to me kind of across the room right next to me and so it was no contest for grew so we have three one-on-ones and Sean is owing to the very top. Okay. We'll see you guys. later Okay, everybody back for and after round three were going to lunch and coming back tight. Brake Sean won't you go first. Alright, so yeah, I'm now showing three and out of the tournament. I matched up with a another codex and that's three codex in a row. However, this matchup was the worst matchup. He had double cowards and a three Fates Annihilation ritual lash, you know to keep me off keys and pretty much you just use those boards. It wipes and big problem are creatures to kill my creatures with Annihilation Rich a while and my deck solely relies on those creatures for double redder. Double since her teeth. I have own voice and a couple more in a couple more creatures is like 20 some creatures. I think I had at the end of the game. I had two creatures left in my deck. So it was like really no contest the matchup just wasn't there for me this this game. That's when we got a couple other people. This time we've got Chris and we've got Britain joining us. Hi. So this is all four of us here. So Chris if you want to go real quick talk about round 3. All right, currently one and two of played against one of each of the sets so far lots of played against Eric Taylor from Team SAS. Super nice great game kind of kind of these local D&D, right? Yeah. We travel 12 hours to play somebody we could have played on a Thursday night. It was a pretty it was pretty bad. He sweat he swept me right there. Be me two keys to three super good game though. Yeah, if you don't know the deck people a lot of people consider this one of the better decks in Kota, they ever come out at least for the long time. It's I don't know the whole name, but I know it's Echo gamer as what everybody calls. It is a double time traveler for Horsemen deck. So yeah, it was a it's also a Lands Deck, but you know those don't exist anymore, but it had the land as the lands combo at it, but Is pretty nutty but the time traveller plays he ended up doing but yeah, you gave me didn't you say you played for Time Travelers in one turn. Yep. He played both Time Travelers and then he twin bolted helping future self the other one and then he never conceded the L Hope from future self afterwards so that he played two more time traveler back again. It was a who's pretty it was pretty disgusting but I gotta give him credit for that. I was it was pretty is pretty sick. You went from like three embroider 10 or something. That one turned from Time Travelers. That was great. Yet what we got Brent, so I am currently two and one I matched up just like Chris to one of each of the sets. My last one. I want to guess was Worlds Collide. My deck is a deck that relies on a bunch of Amber with saurian. So I capture a bunch and exalted bunch and just beef that the creatures so my the real threat for this is Hysteria Nature's call and he had Nature's call, but he never drew into it. So I basically took a troll the game early. So my source Rex and tribute competition arrogance and just kept my Amber generation and exalting to a minimum. So if you did end up drawing it, he wasn't taking very much. So yeah, I don't that that I know that decks filthy. I've played against it many times if thesaurus rex tribute pop to stuff goes off. It's really hard to wipe the board out here basically need hysteria or Nature's called deal with that sometimes. Yep, and then I faced a guy. I can't remember his name for Life me. He's from New York City and he was Playing Worlds Collide kind of a Worlds Collide rushed deck multiple flax. He is Nature's call mimicry ghost Hawk armonia. I had a pretty critical error one point in the game where I buy killed a scullion when I should have killed the harmonia because he definitely rushed back up to six on the next term because I messed that up I even said it out loud, which I don't normally do but I was like, I cannot believe I just did that but I'm playing the embryology deck. Red deck has answers for a lot of things orb of Wonder popped twice in the game. We got down near the end. I got to six Amber. He could make a bunch of Amber, but he couldn't take me off a key time was called but I got my next, you know Ford to key step is he was going when time was called and you know, I got to forge the key because he couldn't keep me off key and that was pretty much it. So I'm Sarah buddy after around for. Okay, welcome back to Vault or Albany realm for just ended for myself. Shawn. You guys are the last round unfortunately is out of the event my round was against Brie Smith. That's you know from Team SAS Aziz wife. And we played know I looked at her deck. It was I think Italian she had the necklace like printed out small like, you know, like just an English version and you know look through the deck and it was crazy quadrant. Job existed actually probably played at gencon are still pretty well with it in my deck. You know, I have discombobulated ER I'm like, okay this Kebab you later with all her small stuff. I think just ends this game if I just get it stick it on group Think Tank opening and I have four logos cars including group think-tank. I don't have discombobulated ER but I have I gor so I'm like I'm saying go start searching through the day, right? And I know I had topped out so I keep searching. I don't find Ed and discombobulated where the last two cards in the deck. I played orbital Wonder used over wonderous some point and I could have grabbed one of the other but at the that point the shadows and stealing to keep her off at he seemed more important because she was racing fast. So I made that choice. I don't know if it was the right or wrong choice. It's just a decision you make but discombobulated Ur. Like if I get it early, I don't think she can win the game because she only had a couple of Titan Guardians and I did a great job early. I'm just using the action she kept putting logos. Preachers Wives as action clear the board action clear the board with a think tank. Maybe if I go faster things are different. I don't know but I mean I even mimic gel that I going to keep digging for discombobulated. ER just so I could go to the deck. I just couldn't find it last card in the deck. So it is what it is great game though. It lasted quite a while because my deck once again kind of stalled things out so and Shiki charge. I mean I literally was like if you got neighbor 51 the game because she had a hollow-core for Amber read. Amber she had tied mechanic on the end. I'm like, you just grab the key charge from wherever it's at. If it's the one in your archives you pick up our archive and key terms I I didn't have I'm out but I did play Alex walked ins with a deck with the deck. I didn't play only on the Vault order, but I ended up being a moves. He he ran a martian generosity and key abduction that can gets me it was pretty gross. But I had my accomplices horror specs working and on that I had the And filled light of the archons and Calvin side. I just kept using that and then I also had double golden spirals out. So I kept exulting in a librarian Palace oars and every once in a while. I had the one the one story of card that moves a neighbor for one creature to Enchanted Evening. Yeah, so I just kept going into that and using that and I had double Falafel sources out and you know, try sharing the ward. I kept your name goes in the bucket. Yes, all ssibly get that. Yep, so I did it was a funny one something but he and it opened my board at the end. He wasted a key abduction on on one tourney. He had a big archive pulled his archive pikey abduction was just like to to Amber short unfortunate key, but the last turn he played Martian generosity again and key abduction for free, but that was the second key and I had like 15 Amber because throughout the game he was added to forage for like 8 or 12 or because Disruption to Old I kept using the the Calvin card role in the destruction field. That's cool. So yeah, but I pulled it off awesome. We'll be back at you after the next round. Hey, welcome back everybody after around five of The Vault or we have three Key charger sitting area me and Neal and Chris and Brett. We're all hanging out here Shaun's playing in a sealed side pot. I think after this round was a matchup. I matched up against John Edwards, but he said he's from three hours West of here. I'm not quite sure what we went back and forth. You got a key fairly quick on me and but I'm playing roads and that's typical roads while I'm setting up and going to make in the plan and put the story in a way. They're you know, they kind of slowly get to key. You got to a key handed the game I think with about Amber I had eight soaring cards archived with Edie protected with award and a taunt and just kept calling into the double tabor's that he couldn't get off the board and just kept doing things out of the house and he you know, we had a fainting he had to Fang to she was a little scared when I saw the deck because if he gets those early, I think I struggle a little bit he didn't and everything went. Okay. I'm on the three and two And I played against a Jeff from Long Island New York said it was a four-hour drive. So not super local but you know local concern Albany but played against his deck was very similar. Both far saurians kind of like to do the same thing have a lot of have a lot of taunts and some tributes and captures and Gail emms to increase key costs and stuff like that except. I have an imperial Road and he had a city Gates big difference was whenever you played a city. It's I had the Poltergeist waiting because I knew that that was the artifact I had to go for you mentioned after game that really hurt him. So that was kind of my big play was trying to make sure that was off the board was able to play around the Tabor that he played and his health has been Spears that he played out early killed those as soon as they got out. She's good for me. Yeah, you did a real good job. I watch the end of the game. I mean you really manage the in the game like a really really well so they game was really I was afraid you had a tribute in hand. I was like it yet is how the tribute there's nothing I can do about it. I tried. To pump Amber. Luckily. I was at nine which she mentioned after the game. Nine was the number I needed a hit because he had a two frames and transport a platform to capture three, but he didn't do more than that. Otherwise really solid deck did some similar stuff to what mine does and he played it pretty well there. Hey good game. What about your friend? So I played a guy named Daniel Lawrence. He was playing a Worlds Collide X. Just like mine it started out where he would not let me get to a key. Actually got key before I did and then put in 10 Amber onto into his pool and I but then the next turn I drew into my saurians and city limits or city state interest and I had about seven creatures on the board. And after I played with Morpheus on the field and my strix is exalting twice and engrams going off twice. I did with my board everything having a an Amber on it at least one and then everything was awarded. Basically. He couldn't get anything off the board enough to get the Amber off of it and time. So awesome. Hey, man, we all just need one more win cross our fingers. We don't have play and we'll see if we can make three people in the day too. Happy to see what happens. Hey, this is Neil coming to you after around six and Albany. We have our kind of final results here for the event for day one and you know, it didn't turn out quite well. If we want I was three and two going into the last round myself. And played am on and Emin maybe and you know, I mean his deck looked like something mind should handle fairly easily your basic Shadows lineup, maybe a little bit more damage than normal fewer creatures. Something like that and then he had this when she Drew almost all of and Andrew a lot of it early and Drew the Arise at the perfect time and you know, I drew 2-2 to Mulligan's didn't even like what was in there and to two to one, you know played to Drew the same to play to your the same to and he will control in the board. I wasn't drunk creatures. I mean it was just rough. Draw and you know, that's the way it goes. So no round two are no day to sorry and we move on and upward I do have you know results from the rest of the team as Brent made a to so good job Brent. He will be playing tomorrow and Sunday and Chris my son that didn't quite make it as well. He went 3 in 3 and 3 as well be lost in the sixth round. So, you know better luck next time but it was a very fun event. We're off to play Team sealed will do one more wrap up after the event. Hey, this is Neil giving you guys to wrap up for the event of alter Albany for the key Chargers Brent lost early and day two and we played some tea mark on and fared. Okay, and T mark on it was me, Chris and Sean. I'll play it on that team was burnt was occupied with the main event a little bit and hey, you know how I want to thank Yeti for putting on a great event as always. They do a fantastic job. Great job Zach being the head judge and tired in charge of the event whether it's events Denise or Zack or Thomas Heather Marcus who were here from Florida helping out. Jade is always doing great point. So great job by Yeti Class Acts. We appreciate what you guys do. You know, we'll see you guys at one of the next Vault tours. I think a depth to come for sure. I'm not Quite sure if we're going to be at Fort Worth, maybe one or two of us, but we will have a regular episode as well here in about a week. Thanks everybody.
We recap our mostly Day 1 and a little of Day 2 (congrats Brent!) at the Albany Vault Tour.
This episode is brought to you by Spotify on Spotify. You can tune in to all of your favorite podcasts playlist and party Tunes literally for free. Like I don't even have a premium account right now. You can tune into my podcast and so many of my guests podcast on Spotify and you'll never miss an episode because you can just click follow and they will let you know when there's a new episode and if you have premium you can download the episodes and listen literally Whenever Wherever like on the airplane when your super boredAdd flying to Paris. So if you don't already have it downloaded the Spotify app, you can search for the mindset magic manifestation podcast. Be sure to follow me so you can get notified every week for the new episode. Welcome to the mindset magic and manifestation podcast. I'm your host. Mckaela. Mckaela I'm a manifestation mindset coach. And blogger if you're ready to dive in deep get real AF about your belief and manifest the life of your dreams. Then you're in the right place. I'm dishing out everything. You need to go For Broke too. Bougie first class to world class. If you're a hashtag life goals involve a luxury travel and being the boss of your own life. They get ready to embrace your mindset magic and manifestation Powers. Let's do this. Hey guys. Come back to the mindset magic and manifestation podcast. It's your girl. Mckaela Jay and I'm teaching you how to manifest your next level looks life. Every fucking day all day long baby. Hello. I sound super and easily because I'm sick. I've been sick all weekend. If you followed me on instead you will have seen the Deets from my nasally voice to all of the soup that I was consuming. And if you don't follow me on Instagram, what are you doing? It's at the Michaela J. It's always liked you. Tell the show notes Shameless self promo. But yes, so I have a nasally voice of but the podcast must go on. I can't not give you guys what you love what I love. I love doing the podcast. I would never I would never let you down like that. So I have a super super exciting episode for you guys today. I am interviewing this style Queen Alyssa and I was so excited to do this interview because a long time ago, Started my podcast. I knew I wanted her on and she talks about the next level version of you through fashion. And I love fashion. A lot of you know, I studied fashion and French on my University and growing up. I always wanted to be the CEO of a fashion companies. So your girl loves to shop. She loves her Louis Vuitton and it was just so much fun having this conversation about feeling elevated feeling confident through our clothes. It'll have you wanting to go through your entire class. Closet right after listening so you're welcome in advance. But before we dive in I want to give you our spiritual Splurge for the day and very fitting to this episode I meet at a piece of jewelry. So I got this rose quartz necklace and it's from Urban Outfitters and it's so cute. It's super small. So it looks cute. Look Chic. It doesn't look like a hippie kind of necklace in the hard wire is gold. So it matches literally everything in my closet and it's just really cute. I recently Did some journaling and I was like okay to bring more money into my life. What kind of feeling so that cultivated for me? It was love. I would love to buy things. I love to travel and money. Let's be do that. I love to treat my friends and money. Let's be do that. And so it's like okay to bring in the more money. I'm going to bring in more love I've so I've been wearing my rose quartz necklace every day. And I mean I've been making money of course, so that's just expect. Added clearly it's working. So I'm going to link the necklace for you guys below. It's super cute and it was only I want to say it's like 15 bucks. So super affordable cute who doesn't love a good rose quartz, and this episode is sponsored by my just bundle. It just stands for get your shit together because we all have those moments when we need to get our shit together. So have you grabbed the bundle if you have it? What are you doing? So basically it's this killer bundle I have and it's full of trainings master. Classes workbooks high fives me ranting me drinking wine. There's some there's a master class with slides so much info and you will literally be manifesting by the end of binging these videos. Like there are six videos in one of the videos is over an hour and a half long. So you can binge this Netflix Style on a Friday night when you are drinking a nice copy at seven PM because we've all been there or you could have it playing in the Background while you take a shower whatever but you will be manifesting shit by the end of binging these videos. They're so powerful and the master class that I'm referencing is my mindset Mastery master class, which is one of my favorites that I've ever taught. You can only get it in this bundle. It's literally so good. I spilled all the tianhao. I had my first 5k month at the time in fast forward to now I months are much bigger than 5K, but the work is all still the same. I told you guys all exactly how to Over it what action steps to take all the good things and it's all in this bundle. So I mean, what are you even waiting for? It's linked in the show notes. Of course, go grab it. Thank me later. It's so freaking good. Okay, I'm not telling you guys any longer. Let's dive straight into this episode. Hey guys, welcome back to the podcast today. I am super excited to bring you our guest. We have a list of Williams from styled by E here and she's the queen of hearts entered personal. Styling, which is probably the coolest thing to hit the internet and a while. She's a style Alchemist mixing fashion self-expression and a radical call to be your most evolved itself to create a magical wardrobe that feels good, which is such a refreshing perspective and what I love about Alyssa is her bright spirit that she brings to Instagram stories, like literally every fucking day. She goes on all these rants that are just empowering and remind you kind of of who you are. So you guys are going to be obsessed with Are welcome to the podcast? Thank you so much Michaela. It's awesome to be here. And and yeah, I do end up going on these inspiring. I hope that they're inspiring rant whatever less than I'm learning or can pass on any tidbit. I like to do. So, I'm so happy to be here and thanks for having me on of course. I'm so excited. Like I was just telling her earlier. I've been dying to have a list on my podcast. I was waiting for the perfect moment to To get all of her wisdom in a Punchy episode. So here we go. We're going to start off with some speed dating questions. If you're ready. I'm ready. I love that. Okay, what's your horoscope sign? I am an Aries with a Leo moon. Oh my God. No way. I'm a Leo moon to oh my gosh. There you go. Yeah, and then I have and I have four planets and Capricorn. So basically I'm like a lot Thanks, but but yeah an Aries Aries is I mean definitely an Aries I'll clean that a hundred percent. I love that so funny because well, my son sign is a Capricorn. So I definitely we have the same Vibe. Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense good and I love that. You're an Aries because well that makes so much sense because you're always ranting on IG stories and Aries. Are there just like the leader and they're not afraid to speak their mind. So that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, that's I identify with that. So much. Okay. Are you a morning or a night person? Oh my gosh. I am such a morning person. And I think I'm like The Rare Breed that that I like even this morning. I was waking I woke up at 5:00 in the morning and started work at 5:00 not because like because I'm some crazy person just because I like wake up and I'm just ready to go. I love it and but on the other end of that like it's like 9:30 10:00, and I'm like, okay, I turn into a pumpkin time for bed. So so definitely morning. Oh my gosh, 5:00 a.m. My jaw just dropped a morning person. I love it. So do you have a morning practice or do you just hop straight into the day? I think I hop straight into the day. I like to I mean it kind of I don't to be honest. They don't have a total total morning like routine. So I kind of It kind of changes but I always like to meditate in the morning. That's a good that's a non-negotiable for me. Even if it's like 5 minutes. It just really really helps kind of ground and Center me and Andre priority ties or just refocus because I think sometimes you can get out of bed and really or for me at least I can get out of bed and tried it and kind of let the day just get by or let the day. Me and I think just having that that moment to just re collect my thoughts and really connects our my higher power is really so so helpful to me but I but it kind of changes all usually, you know, coffee tea, maybe a little Journal sash definitely medication. I feel the best when I go exercise like do a you know a workout classic first and foremost, but let's be honest that that doesn't always oh my gosh, that's very interesting. I think you're the very first guest to be on and Say that they don't really have a strict morning practice. So I love that that's really refreshing. And yeah, I would love to get a morning workout in but you know totally well I think like here's the thing I think and this is like one of my like pillars of what I think success is built on is being a hundred percent yourself and who you are and I think that some of those morning practices, you know, then we have like I just kind of like the flow of how life is I don't like to force anything. So there's they're definitely you know, you kind of get into routines. But but yeah, but I don't think it's like I don't think that a morning like routine is like the definition of success. I feel like you can be successful no matter what huh Buzz. Oh my gosh, just such a refreshing perspective. I feel like every online article every interview is like have your morning routine if you want to make a million dollars, you know, so that is really interesting and I think That will resonate with a lot of people. I love that. Yeah. Okay. Where is the fifth place that you've traveled to? Where's that say that one more time? Where is like the favorite place that you've ever traveled to? Oh my gosh. It's a tie between Paris or Bali. I think both of those are just like have special places in my heart for different reasons. But but I just in Paris in December for three weeks and I was like, oh my gosh, this is my favorite and then and Bali definitely need to do another Bali trip here soon. Oh my gosh love. Well I speak French, so Love Paris, and I'm actually going to Bali for the first time in May. Oh my gosh, I will have dire effects. Yes, you are going to love it. You're never gonna want to leave. I believe that a hundred percent. I only have a one way ticket right now. So maybe I would job. I love it. So good. What are your favorite things about both places? So apparently just love so I keep crunches. Well, actually I went to a different School. Up from third to fifth grade, so third fourth and fifth grade. So I love that. I think I love just French culture is very much. Like they call American prudes and I think it's so true. Like, you know, I just there's just a level of like freedom and just of expression that I really really resonate with I think they also appreciate the beauty of life. So it's not uncommon for you to see somebody that's just like window shopping and then like a little Boutique and looking at a nice watch or you know, or whatever. Ever it is I think they actually take the time to appreciate that and that and that goes for just like appreciating, you know, a cup of coffee, you know off the side of this road or just you know, those find those just simple find things. I think there's just a lot of appreciation for it. So that's what I love about Paris and then obviously fashion. I just I can't get I mean I came out of the womb I say I came out of the womb loving fashion. And so and so just to be around some of the big holster house that you know, the big houses the big It's just like amazing for me. So that's probably favorite thing about Paris. I think a lot of times were like, oh but the sites and Eiffel Tower. I'm like, I actually don't care about those things are really did care about like just like people and like life and I mean, you know, the sites are great too. And then and then as far as Bali goes, I just love I love the ocean. I love I mean you can you know, it's a hard question because there's like so many Anything that I love the ocean, I love surfing I love like you can just get so many so much healthy food and it's all relatively affordable. So you can live a long time there and enjoy like just nature and beautiful Beauty. I will also say Bali is is like this this beautiful. I almost it's almost like a Vortex of what you see yourself in such a different light and and I and I think DP queuing that gets to happen there. So that's also a reason why I love love love Bali. Okay. Well that just made me even more excited. I'm in Bali. Yeah. Well and you and I think you'll be surprised because sometimes the healing you're like wait this is going to be so wonderful and sometimes they're like, oh my gosh this healing looks like can look painful in the moment, but or can just I wasn't too painful can just raise up a whole bunch of Of emotion or different things that you just get to look at it and heal through and grow through so so it's never bad. It's but it's but it's definitely like I would say intense like that's it. That's a good word for intense, like intense goodness intense Beauty lusciousness and also like intense growth gets to happen there. Hmm very well, but can't wait level two places already. Okay. What is the coolest thing that you've manifested? Oh my gosh, I I heard my whole life like literally. I look around me right now and there's not a thing that's in my life. I mean, yeah, there's not a thing in my life that I'm like, wow. I didn't create this with with my being and and with my thought and with who I am as a person so and I'll say I mean, I'll just give you like tangible things though. I manifested within a period of three months and just working on kind of like money specifically money and I would say more money and as I stood I just kind of some kind of healing some old money beliefs and really adopting new money beliefs. I had bought a duplex. I had quit my job and I like nine to five job and I bought an Audi over the years. Yeah, so yeah, so those were kind of simple that was just a really really clear like linear manifestation. I would say that the other thing and right now I'm in the middle of a revolution out of a marriage and and I would say that this is granted. It's like so painful and there's so much but at this resonates as if you've ever been through a breakup you kind of think oh my gosh, this is the worst thing but actually I would Say that that is a manifestation as well. And Amanda said because when you are really a lying to your highest good and your highest goal and your highest self, you know, your external world really shifts around you and so and that's a manifestation because when you're really wanting that when your dream we are creating your life everything that isn't aligned to that that life that you're creating is going to fall away. So that's prop. That's also I would say I have manifested a and over just an abundance of freedom. Now and in my business and my life and money and a lot, but I would say everything in my existence is there is everything in my reality currently is is the product of a manifestation. Mmm. So good and I always say that anything that's in authentic anything that's not serving you any more always dies. It always has to fall away. So I love that you're looking at that perspective of life and evolution like it's a new chapter and wow, so exciting and what a good outlook on it, too. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Amazing. Okay, what's your favorite luxury Splurge? This could be like like buying cars like buying handbags. What is it? Oh my gosh. I so this has changed so much. It used to be way more things. I would say and now it's more experiences. Like I love going to the spa and like a fancy Spa getting a good treatment. Don't think that for me feels like so good and I would say that's doesn't even feel like a that it that feels like kind of my new normal or bite ya standard is just like is is I this is how I treat myself, but but yeah, I mean, I love I think I love living life like I love enjoying every aspect of life and that's the good things in that and I don't think it has to be necessarily like financially expensive. I think there's a way to make everything. In to make your world beautiful and to make to be able to enjoy those things in life those splurges but I don't really and I had to be honest. I don't even really love the word Splurge because that somehow implies that what you're doing is you're it's like above what your worth or something or above what you should have quote unquote. So I would just say you know, and and and I know that I mean man, I didn't need to get into like so much of this background, but I think this is what Resonate with you know, like I grew up with like, oh you you know, this is what you can spend money on in. This is what you can't spend money on or this is you know, a Splurge as a massage or a Splurge is, you know, a nice dinner or a Splurge is you know a Chanel bag, but I would say that like that you get to have whatever you want and your life truly whatever you want and and part of getting those things is removing the shame and removing the like I would say like the polarity around having those things and having it just be not a Splurge that this is this is I take care of myself. Sway and you know and I honor money and I Auburn time and I honor these things but also this is this is the reality that I have and this is part of my what I do. Yeah. It's like this is your new energetic minimum. We've been talking a lot on my podcast on my Instagram lately about becoming an energetic match for things and that's just that's exactly what you're doing. You're like, this is how I treat myself like this is my normal. So I love that. Yep. Exactly. Exactly. Okay, what's your my favorite book Oh my gosh. Oh, this is so hard. I love listening to audible like all the time. I think my probably my latest favorite is the surrender experiment by Michael Singer and this is really as I said, I'm in the process of evolving or I'm in the middle of evolving out of a marriage and a relationship that I've had for 10 years and in a lot of things times what we want to do that. Control situations that actually the surrender experiment his whole premise is really you get to let go when you get to release it and you get to know that you are 100% supported and which which feels so good and I seen that time and time again, so that's probably my favorite book. My latest favorite book. Yeah. That's probably I also love anything by Joe dispenza is really really good. Let's see gay Hendricks Make me for the Great Leap, but that we also the big lie. Yeah that also rat radically changed my life. I think I read it like for I don't even know a long time ago, but it just totally changed my life. So so those are probably some of the greats I like that a lot. I like the the surrender book. What was it called? Again? It's called The Surrender experiment. Okay, and it's an amazing book because this man has built multiple. Small companies really on the foundation of I'm going to just I know that God or Source Works basically through me and I'm just going to surrender to the like what I'm doing in this moment and have this whatever I'm doing in this moment be an act of just almost meditation and it really allows you to detach from you know from kind of thinking that your destination is the place where you'll find happiness, but it's actually like in the moment. And and he just I mean, it's a great read to or he it sought of I listened to it on Audible and he narrates it. So so I highly recommend it. I love that. Okay. Well, I'm going to look that up as soon as we're done and Olive that inaudible. Okay. Laughs yep meeting question. What is your go-to coffee or tea order at the moment? Oh my gosh, I so right now I am making I keep making myself Double Espresso lattes every morning probably not the healthiest but and but my true favorite of anything is pour over coffee like good high quality coffee. Just pour over. Oh my gosh. It's my absolute favorite so good. And yeah who cares if it's healthy or not? Because it makes us happy. That's how I know. I know I know I know. Off this is so good. I love this and I try to get off of coffee so many times but I just like it. It's like I just like it so, you know, it's days. Yep. It stays that's our norm and some coffee drinking like a quad shot. So like four shots of espresso over ice from Starbucks, and and so that's like next level, but I used to be a barista. So I need a lot. Oh my Gosh, that is neck. Well, I feel like that was shocked that I'm like woohoo today. Oh my gosh. Well, if you ever need a lot of energy before a barre class get a quad shot my gosh. I will holy cow. If you do it. Let me know how it goes. Well, oh so good. Okay. Let's just dive straight into these interview questions because I'm just really excited for everybody to hear you're really interesting perspective around fashion and kind of Up leveling yourself through it. So let's do some background. How did you get into styling? What is it that you love so much about fashion bring us back to where it all began. Yeah. Oh my gosh. So I always say it began when I was five years old making clothes, you know at that time. I just never slept. I know I think I've been high energy since the time like I said five years old and I was making I'd make clothes and sell potpourri from door to door with my little red wagon at six in the morning and I'm like no Nothing has changed. But essentially I am the same person like like at the intersection of business creativity and fashion, and and and I think so, so that's that's kind of where it really began. And then I with my family I moved abroad and I moved to a place where we had these dresses and so we would instead of like kind of going to the store and buying clothes which we would sometimes I got really really into having clothes made and so I would design clothes Have mr. Tom make them for me and it was like amazing. So so that really sparked my just my obsession with like creating, you know, like close as an art form and close as self-expression a just that kind of you know was was almost like an extension of me. I will also say that that a significant part of my story is that I grew up in a super religious background where where what was celebrated in was you know was was doing kind of the quote unquote right thing which would like and you who would have careers that were like good careers or like helping people like nurses or doctors or you know, or whatever and then there was a career that were like kind of, you know, not as celebrated which was like, you know anything in fashion, like what you're not even helping people you're out. What are you doing? You know, you don't like it doesn't have it's not like a utility. There's no like like perfect quote unquote for that. And so so I so I kind of thought I struggled a lot like because I Wait a minute. I have always seen Beauty as just an expression of who we are and is an expression of God and it's all around us and yet I'm kind of being told that what I'm doing is somehow not like not godly or something and so so my 20s I went into marketing went into did other things other than fashion and kind of like healed through like healed through this idea that that bashing wasn't like like being Us with closes like a bad thing or being obsessed with Beauty with a bad thing because and so and part of that healing. I mean when that healing happened all of a sudden my life changed drastically and then and while I'm putting myself through school, I also worked at as a visual manager or so basically did all the merchandising for anthropology. So I had this background I know so I had to when you kind of go in and look at all the displays and all of the merchandising so I was in charge of all things visible. Aesthetic of a store so kind of manage the store with the store where they called now that's like the they changed it but the store brand leader and and I was essentially just been the visual, you know, residual store manager. So so that was so I had this skill and I realized that what I really loved was was styling people and and really allowing kind of their who they are inside to shine through with clothes and and and and how this wasn't like this wasn't a bad thing. I was watching people's lives transformed drastically. Once they just started feeling really good about themselves. And and so and so that's you know, so I had my job at Anthropologie and then I went into marketing kind of it. Did I call it my big girl job did what worked for a couple different tech companies which I love is that I always kind of just had this like little inkling that I was not here to be In marketing at you know at the latest tech company that I really really cared about building a platform and building a way to connect women to their own internal personal style and to really watch women be completely Unleashed no matter where they are no matter what they're wearing if that's like, you know outside to go get coffee or facet from a stage, you know, speak from a stage. So that was you know, so that was kind of my, you know my introduction. My yeah, my my start to styling I started on the side and 2014. So almost five years ago to the day is when my first website went up and and I was still working my nine-to-five corporate drawers. I just started offering my services for free at This Woman's networking event. I said, you know, I'm doing all this like, you know marketing but what I really like I miss all my like I miss the Merchandising is putting outfits together. I really miss this. Like is anybody interested in you know, if I offered styling with anybody be interested and I had a flood of women at the end of this networking event. Come come and say oh my gosh. Yes, please. And so so that is what started styled by E. Mmm. I love it and it's so crazy to me how people think that fashion isn't like an impactful industry. Like I am very similar in the same not like my entire life I grew up. Wanting to work in fashion. Like I knew I never once wavered. I wanted to work in merchandising until I started my business but it's like for me passion was always a sign of like individualism. It's a sign of expression and I think that's like one of the most impactful ways. So it's very interesting when people are like, oh you work in fashion, like your school's most like School must be easy in this this and that but it really is a big job and it's an important job. Absolutely, I think absolutely not Sigma II. I just see that stigma changing and I also like I want to be a part of it changing because I just see these and especially now I'm I you know, a lot of my clients are, you know, spiritual entrepreneurs or people that are heavily, you know, invested into different spiritual communities and and I just find it as like as any expression that you have is a form of Art and so and and that's you know, and if you look around flowers have so much Beauty. So there's like Beauty all around us and beauty is such an important part of like so and and I think that we get to be a part of the transition in you know, there's some whichever industry. For example, there are there are good parts and parts that need to be changed and need to be kind of I would say like need need light shined on it so that they can transform and so on. How I in my view that's what I'm doing in this oil industry is really using wait a minute. I have seen people manifest their dream life through clothes. And so guess what we get to do that and yeah, is there is there a way that we need to kind of look at our weight and look at how the clothing industry, you know employees people and are there things that we can do better? Absolutely and so but let's do that from the inside and let's really bring transformation from the inside. Hmm, so So good. And is that why you wanted to take the more holistic approach and kind of bring in like the manifesting or next level self through fashion or what kind of inspired that I think I just that was me. You know, I think I just I saw time and time again, you know part of when you work with me one-on-one I start out by saying what kind of Life are you creating? You know, where are you going? What is your six months year? Your goal five-year tenure goal because ultimately you are stepping into that person. And the way that we can build your wardrobe is for that next level version of yourself because because if you think about growth growth really is just embodying that next person like the only difference between you and I would say like Steve Jobs or Sara Blakely or anybody else. Is there embodiment of that that person that they are, you know, it's like if they just have the belief and then knowing that that's the that that's them and so and I think clothes get to be the little, you know, just just a teeny like a teeny piece of that. So so that's how I got into it. I think I need myself was go I was going through a radical transformation in my own personal life. And then also seeing client totally, you know, manifesting their dream partner or you know, doubling or tripling or quadrupling their income level or you know, whatever. Why is it that it was just energy is energy and stuck energy is stuck energy. And so when you're like wearing you're saying yoga pants and Jude not obsessed with and don't fit you that well and you don't feel good like the guess what that's a feeling and and when you can finally release those and replace them with something that actually feels like you and your highest self and the person the version of yourself that makes those decisions. There are lying to your you know, where you're going and you're next level like your life totally transforms and so on. So that's that's kind of how it all started. You know how it all started. I also think I have to say that that I'm a wardrobe stylist. And so I often pull, you know from different stores and I had found that some of the women that I was working with were really not that kind what ask kind of like. Oh, so who are you pulling for and just was in it kind of was like this almost like a you know, and this is when I think that I wanted that I am changing and actively changing it kind of felt like this cool girls club and I just thought you know what they say. Just why fashion field unexplained, you know inaccessible for some people or you know, or not inclusive because you walk into a store and and they're you know judging what you're wearing instead of actually trying to help you and loving you for who you are. And so and that's when I just was like no this is not. Okay. Like I am a stylist that I just I love people and I want to see and I see the potential of people more than anything. So that's that's kind of how it all kind of started, you know getting Get it getting all wrapped in two one and I seen incredible success with that because people want to know who they want to feel good about who they are period right? Yeah, that is so interesting. I one thing I talk about a lot is that like there's no such thing as being stuck. It's just you thinking the same thoughts over and over and over again, and it's you wearing those old raggedy yoga pants over and over and over again. So like when we can ship those beliefs and ship the physical G around us whether that's a handbag or pair of shoes or your like your wardrobe. That's so powerful and I think not a lot of people are talking about this and it's so important. So let's just break it down to make it really simple for people. So like what would be your definition of kind of a next-level self and how exactly do you like to tie that into fashion, maybe like three quick tips to do this? Yeah, totally. So three quick tips. Number one get really really clear on your next level version of yourself. So you can go six months out. You can go a year out. You know, what does your day look like? How much money are you making? What is your you know, what what what do you feel like, you know what you get really really really clear on that. I like to then start. I call it an uplevel style board. I like to then create a Pinterest board that actually has those things on it. So that means that income level that means that that partnership or that means whatever. That you are growing into and I would say also next level is just a journey back to who you are like kind of like mine stock right there. But you know, we kind of always say we always say that oh, your next level is like actually somebody outside of yourself, but actually it's just a journey closer to your your truth and who you really are. Okay, so but back to easy easy steps. So number one very very very clear, you know, you can write down like like and actually I have a I can send you guys I have a pediatric called my up leveled style workbook and you're welcome to exercise 20-something question that goes through this because you want to get really really clear on this. What does it look like? What does your day look like? How do you feel? How do you feel in your clothes? How do you feel in your job? How do you know you really want to know those things? That's first step second step back to you get you go that did that Pinterest board. You want to look really Envision what that looks like what that feels like, I personally like the visual component of Manifesting because that's what the it's just I think some of us are very very visual. So I love love love that component of it and then so then you manifest so then you have that vision board and then you kind of look and see what's not aligned, you know, so if there's like if you you know are like wait, my next level version of myself is like really classy and loves like Chic black things and then and then you have like nothing in your closet that is aligned with that. Well probably time to start art start really embodying that next version of yourself. So good. Also I love that idea of like your next Soul self is you like getting closer to yourself because it's true like and when we like look up to celebrities or influencers are people like Oprah, we're like, oh my gosh, they're so amazing and their just emulating things that are already inside us that we need to step into and fashion is like just one of the ways that we can do that. Yeah, exactly exactly. When I think sometimes we put somebody else on a pedestal because we admire something about them but exactly to your point. It's actually that thing that we admire about then is also in us, it's sometimes it's just not realize or sometimes. We don't have the clarity around really owning it and really being that but ultimately we have it in us, so it's just the way it's just it's just a practice of Letting Go any of the story For the belief that we have around not letting that be just be period yeah. Oh so good. Okay. I want to talk about confidence a little bit because when we're talking about fashion and we want to look good because we want to feel good and we can't really feel good in what we're wearing unless we have that element of confidence. So I kind of just want to hear your opinion around this and how you think that kind of ties in with manifesting that next level version of you. two Yeah, totally. So I want to tell a story really quickly because I had this yesterday I woke up and I was like, oh my gosh, I feel like like just a little bit overweight and I just feel like I don't feel good. I feel sad and I just you know, and I think and I have a beautiful beautiful beautiful life. I love what I do. I have the best relationships in my life. I literally I have a dream life and yet and yet this is a reality is sometimes you don't feel good. And I think that when we wake up or you know, when whatever we get from some of these like thoughts in our head of like wait, I'm you know, I'm little I'm a little heavier than I want to be or you know, and oh my gosh, like I you know had a slower month and that means I'm you know, so you kind of can get into your head a lot. So I so I just want to preface this by saying like I run a six almost multiple six-figure business and I still have these days where I'm like, oh my gosh, you know, yeah, and and I don't feel comfortable. But I don't want to go outside because I'm just like oh my gosh, what is this? So I think so. I want to practice what I'm going to say by that and I think to shift that it first and foremost just saying what is so because you don't want to you know lock shame and guilt onto wait, I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't feel guilty that or I shouldn't feel like I should just be confident or I should just you know, we can get into these Loops of just shooting on ourselves and really like that. That's not helping. That doesn't help. You. Just get to feel how you are because That's the place that's the point where you get to shift it. And so for me, you know that shifting is just writing out every single thing that I'm believing, you know, oh my gosh, I you know feel heavier than I that I am and that means that I you know, don't feel attractive or you know, I have a slow month there for you know, I feel like I'm a failure at business or whatever it is that those things kind of can come can just be those are the things you're bleeding. And so it's really really helpful for me to like write them all down and then and then after they're are all written down then I actually remember who am I stepping into like who is CEO Alyssa or who is you know partner Alyssa or who is you know, like who actually am I because I'm Alyssa fucking Williams and I am a queen and I am here to bring self-expression to the world and go then you just get to connect back to that version of yourself and that person and then all of a sudden like and you haven't it's not like you'd like just shoved all those feelings because that's a hundred percent like But Jack, you know those are but then you get to remember kind of who you are. And you also get to it's almost like you detach from like from this like identity version of yourself because let's be honest. We all are here to play a really really big game and when you and I just sometimes I do remember like when I have these like doubts and fears and insecurities, that's that's a disservice to the world. That's not only Number one, I don't feel good. But number two, I he I know that I'm here to play a big game and do offer massive value to people and so when I am stuck in wait, I'm not good enough or I don't feel good enough or whatever. That's at that's like it's almost you know, it's kind of a paradox because yes, that's the very thing that's going to prevent you from from Austrian. What you do have to the world is feeling like you can't offer that to the world. So So back to confidence I think confidence is one allowing yourself to feel what you need to feel and then do little incremental things to feel better and whether that's and really connecting to what you do need. You know, maybe that is I need a long bath with epsom salt or maybe that's I need to just go dance to Beyonce and get it all out. Or maybe it's I need to like sexy dance in my room and remember who I am and that I and faith in my body. I have I'm safe secure happy home. Whole complete and just to like connect to your to who you are in your core. And then from there I would say then you really do connect to that highest version of yourself. You know, I'm Alyssa fucking Williams, you know, you were fucking Michaela. This is you know, and and you're here to play a big game and then all of a sudden you're just like then I kind of get that wave of confidence doc per year and you just like raise your Vibe a little bit and you're like, oh yeah. This is who I am. I'm amazing period full stop. Right, let's so so important. It's like when I love the point that like you're doing the world a disservice like almost for like when you think you can't do it and it's I always tell people that like self-care is never selfish because then you can show up as your best self and I always think that like I was showing up as their best selves us showing up just being it's confident as we fucking can because that's the most impactful. That's how we can shift other people's energy with not even doing anything other than being in the room. Room other than having our presence so exactly so so inaccurate, I love that. Okay, exactly bringing it back to kind of The Styling piece a question. I thought of earlier kind of forgot to ask if people want to start stepping into their next level in terms of their fashion uploading their wardrobe. What are they? What's a step they can take if they can't just straight up go out and like buy a whole new wardrobe because I know people are going to be like, well, I can't go out and buy everything. So what do you got here? Boy, is that and what I totally so I think what I like to do is I like to pick out my five favorite pieces in my wardrobe. So really look at what are those things that really do embody your next level and that is going to be your those five pieces along with your uplevel style bar are going to be your gold standard for what you are kind of what you're creating and what the Wardrobe is that you're creating. And then from there you can there's so many different ways to get get clothes for you know, that won't break. Break the bank. So I like to do clothing swap. I like to borrow clothes from Girlfriends. I also really like to do Rent the Runway. They have Rent the Runway. I can't remember it's not unlimited but one of them basically you get for new four pieces a month for like $70, which is like basically deal because if you're yeah and they're all designer pieces. So if you just have those good Basics you kind of can pick for ones that really will make you feel like I kind of feel like you're next level version and and I've seen You know clients that don't want to really spend a whole bunch of money on a whole bunch of new new pieces. I do recommend that I also will say in this people like kind of hate me for saying this but I don't even care. I'm going to say it like get rid of the shit you hate like like really really just I know that you're like, but maybe I won't ever get that again and maybe I won't have anything in my closet and listen like this is a mindset shift that I promise will change your whole life, but it is better to have five things that you fucking love then like 20 things that You're just like because what are we here for? We're here for a 100% life. We're not here for an 80% life. And so and that's your choice. I give you one aware of the things that I don't make you feel good. Like that's great. But then don't be surprised with when you make other choices that are similar to that. It really aren't aligned to your higher self and really are that like kind of 70 to 80% Zone because we're going for a hundred percent and would rather have things that are a hundred percent that you feel so fucking good in and then don't bring shit. That doesn't feel a hundred percent. You know, like like I swear I feel like sometimes when people like I can't afford that I'm like well how many times did you buy shit you like only kind of love like maybe five Forever 21 shirts at like totally fell apart. Whereas you really didn't invest in that one. You know, Rebecca Taylor piece that you absolutely were fucking obsessed with so it's really a kind of again. It's a mindset shift of what you know of where you are sending your resources. And and what what you do what kind of Like you do want to create. Yeah so good and I've been the last couple months. Just trying to get more of those investment pieces that don't fall apart after five washes because there's nothing worse than that. Any almost feel like yeah, we get that thrill that like exhilaration of going shopping and buying something but then you just feel like when you look at your closet like it's just not excited. We need that excited energy out our closet every day. Yeah, I totally agree and with those like with those investment pieces, like I think those are just excellent, you know, those the investment pieces really you have them for a long time. You know, they feel good. I have the mic jacket that I'm just obsessed with and you know what I've had it for a long time. So same same thing you just you want to or even like I had some Golden Goose, you know shoes and these are their spensive, you know, they're five over five hundred dollars by seriously. So I've worn them like almost every day for three months so totally worth it. And I love that. I still love them. No. Yeah, it's so important I could talk about this all day. Okay, I would love to hear what are your favorite trends at the moment. Oh my gosh, I love a skirt with a graphic tee. I love cheetah. I mean clearly I think I'm just I love cheetah. I really love you. I love fanny packs or even felt forces. I'm obsessed. I don't share that people are not obsessed with that Trend as much as I am, but I love it. Yeah, but I think and then what else do I love right now? Hmm. I mean, I think I'm also really in a blazer. A phase right now Blazer phase tracksuits as well the trends that I'm like totally here for ya. So that's that's probably it and then it also like like elevated athleisure. I feel like we're just now about kind of we're kind of like settling into that. I think that we you know, kind of didn't know what the it was kind of like finding its feet and and now we're really like, oh, okay great. You can wear like yoga pants that cute little crop top and a leather jacket. And like some you know some athletic shoes and you're like golden so I really I do really love that Trend as well. I'm also obsessed with cheetah print right now. It's like becoming a neutral and my wardrobe. Yes. It is a neutral good. I have like a cheetah print shirt and a cheetah print coat and I wear them all the time and I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna wear this to class. I don't care. Yeah. Yeah go so good and it's so Funny I love that you brought up the like the fancy athleisure thing because I really want a pair of APL sneakers and I want the different one. So like that's the way you feel like work out in them. But also wear them out and you like look put together. Yeah do it. So I'm like giving you full permission. Yeah. Do it gonna do it this I'm going so I live in Nebraska, but I'm going to Kansas City this weekend and we don't have Nordstrom or anything like that, Nebraska. So I'm going on a major shopping spree this Got it, and I'm definitely going to get those sneakers now. I love it. I love it. Love it. Okay. So my very last question that I asked everybody on a podcast is what's your best manifestation hack and for you outside of clothes because we've already talked about it. I think my binary di playlist on Spotify. So I think Or okay wait, I'm going to have to or my trampoline my mini trampoline. I think we're that thing. Like like I just can like get up on that trampoline. I mean and I mean also Tony Robbins, this is from Tony Robbins. So, you know, he's clearly he's doing something right so but yeah, I think like like a good yeah binary beat playlist to just really elevate your Vibe and same, you know, same rate. And elevate my vibes with my little baby trampoline. I love that where they like in Tony Robbins office. They just jump on their little trampolines. There you go. That's like that Style by he's offices. So we are I love it and I listened to Binary beats every single night of bed. I am obsessed with them and I think they're supposed to heal you on a cellular level and I'm just like, yeah for that while I'm sleeping, you know, we love a good multitask. Yes. Yeah, I love it. I really really love it. And I do feel like it does heal on so many levels so it feels really good. Yeah, I'm going to have to play that in meditation on a beach in Bali to get tricky feeling Vibes my gosh. You're gonna come home so sparkly. Oh my God. I'm going to be a different person. I'm ready ready. It'll be so good. Oh my God. It's amazing what this has been so much fun. I feel like everybody is going to go like Marie kondo there. Closet after this and throw away all the shit they hate and I hope they do also thank you so much for all the value and you're really unique perspectives on things. I think a lot of people will take a lot out of this episode. Yeah, I'm so excited. Thank you so much. And and you can please please please like like if you are Marie kondo in your stuff, feel free to tag me or send it to me or anything because I always love you know, I love seeing seeing people really rise through or transform through fashion. I love it. Okay. Well tell everybody where they can find you. Where can they work with you? Where can well obviously you need to find her on IG to watch her rants, but tell us where to find it. Yeah, so Instagram is styled by E. So that styled underscore by underscore e, my name is Alyssa Williams. And then my website is styled by That's the best you can go there to work with me. And or you can go to go to Alyssa as well. So and I look forward to it. And I think the thing I'm most excited about right now is I actually have a kind of the lowest price by offer I've ever done to work with me and it's on a month-to-month basis. Or I said it's or rather take a monthly package and I actually helped style me and my team we helped style the pieces that are already in your closet. So this is something that you know, you're in then we recommend three additional pieces every month. So this is kind of a great thing. If you're like way I have a lot my closet. I just feel stuck and I feel like I don't know how to make those outfits with those. So so that's what and then we'll make those those. Peace. - and based on your specific wardrobe. Oh, perfect. What a good idea. Yes, so I will have everything Linked UP below and then we'll also get the link for that PDF you mentioned about getting here early will link that below for you guys as well. So thank you so much for coming on. It was so much fun. Oh my gosh, you are so welcome. Thanks for having me and I look forward to connecting with you all. Yes, so good. Okay. Bye. Bye thanks for driving in and getting your daily dose of personal development with the mindset magic and manifestation podcast. If you loved this episode leave a rate and review on iTunes for notes details and more information. Check out Michaela See you next week.
In episode 49, Mikayla introduces us to Elissa Williams from ‘Styled by E.’  She is the queen of heart-centered personal styling. A style alchemist, mixing fashion, self expression, and a radical call to be your most evolved self to create a magical wardrobe that feels good! You will definitely have to check her out on social media, and listen to her “inspiring rants” that Mikayla loves so much! Elissa believes that the “pillar of success is built on being 100% yourself and who you are,” and she will explain how, through fashion, she saw her clients manifest everything from a dream partner to a mega increase in their income level. At a young age, Elissa had a passion for fashion, and over the years realized that she enjoyed styling people in order to allow who they are to shine! Through her platform she found a way to accomplish this, making a difference in the lives of women, no matter where they are, no matter what they are wearing! In this episode:  + 3 tips to begin tying fashion into what your next-level self looks like + Confidence building (bc let’s be honest we ALL have off days!) “Your doubts, fears, and insecurities are a disservice to the world...preventing you from offering what you DO have to the world” + Styling a wardrobe that embodies your next-level self with different ways to acquire those quality pieces + Her current fav fashion trends + Some personal Manifestation hacks Now that you are done listening to today’s podcast, with all the nuggets of wisdom you now have, follow Mikayla’s advice and “go Marie Condo your closet!” FOLLOW ELISSA HERE! GET HER STYLE CLARITY GUIDE HERE! Check out Elissa's School of Heart Centered Styling here! Snag the GYST Bundle here! All the basics on mindset, manifestation, starting to manifest money and success, plus so much MORE! SPIRITUAL SPLURGE - Rose Quartz necklace // Activate that heart chakra, make sure it’s chic, bring in some more love to bring in some more dough. Get yours here. APPLY FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING WITH MIKAYLA HERE! FREE MEDITATION HERE! Can't get enough?
Welcome to Soul sugar. I'm your host carry rad. You might know me from my videos on YouTube. I love to chat about all things self-care self-love living our very best lives and finding our inner magic Soul. Sugar is a community of blooming Soul Seekers like sugar for your soul. Hello. Welcome to an all-new episode. Odd of Soul sugar podcast, it's your host carry rad and I have Alex ailing sitting across from me. Alex is my fiance and also a YouTuber. I feel like I'm not going to hold up to what I said about you on the last episode. So I want you to give us a little introduction about you and what you do because you are definitely not only YouTuber. Yeah, you definitely set the the introduction bar quite high on the last podcast, but I guess I'll just keep it brief. I'm a filmmaker photographer Storyteller TV host and amateur life enthusiastic. Love it. Today. We're going to be chatting about Lanka is adoption story. You guys asked us a lot about the story of Lanka how he got here to Los Angeles from Sri Lanka and if you don't know who Lanka is he is our little adopted. It pop from Sri Lanka. We were traveling there. We saw him and will give you further details in just a moment and we decided to figure out how to bring him back with us to Los Angeles and he is currently in our living room right now. So we are going to bring you way back to September of 2018 in Sri Lanka near Marissa. We were going from Marissa know we were going from Ella to Marissa. Sri Lanka maybe we should Orient The Listener on where Sri Lanka is Sri Lanka love it. I travel and geography expert Alex coming in clutch Sri Lanka is a small island nation tropical beautiful right below the southern tip of India its had civilization for a very long time Buddhist and Hindu it's had a slightly rough last 30 years. With some Civil War there, but things are on the up-and-up there has been peace now for about a decade and when we visited a year ago, we had one of the best trips ever loved it want to go back so bad. We loved Sri Lanka. I dream of it all the time. I loved everything about it. I loved the people. I loved the entire vibe there. It was just chill, but people were nice the food so good and we also met Lanka which was a Plus in the whole situation but was very difficult and there was a lot of emotions wrapped up in the entire story. So we might as well get into that now so starting where the story began we were in a bus going from like a small bus sort of what would you say SUV style. So essentially we were in Sri Lanka with my brother Marco and my best friend Carlos and we were shooting a video series for YouTube channel vagabrothers and it was about a nine-day trip starting in the capital of Colombo and kind of hitting all of the major areas of to ristic interest if you will, so we saw a lot of the country and the best way to get around Sri Lanka when you're traveling there is, you know, essentially hiring a driver so we had a driver his name was Nero. He's a super friendly guy remember that name because he is a very important character in this story. Indeed. He is Heart of Gold Nero has and so we were on this long road trip. It was I think six days into a nine-day trip and we were leaving Ella which is a popular like Backpackers destination in the central Highlands of the country and we were heading towards the southern coast, which is kind of like beach Vibes surf towns specifically a place called Marissa. So we were on a long drive from the highlands down. Down to the coast that whole morning. We were kind of like just napping we were you know, kind of tired and everybody was just kind of snoozing in the truck didn't I get some serious sickness I got carsick. Okay, was that that day? I don't know but I was getting car sick a lot on Drew. Well, it's because the I don't think you were alone. The roads were extremely windy, especially when we're coming down from the mountains, but we were in the middle of rural Sri Lanka. I don't remember exactly where it was. But I do remember somebody saying that it was like quote-unquote like the ganja growing capital of Sri Lanka. So I don't know if you're interested in that, you know, we're driving and then all of a sudden we came to an abrupt stop and the road was filled with water. Buffalo. A farmer was transferring his herd of water buffalo, which kind of look like, you know, like cape buffalo from Africa. They have like big horns and you know, Black bodies and they were maybe a hundred of them in in the highway in the middle of the highway. So they'd stop traffic. We had to pull over I jumped out Carlos jumped out. We were shooting some cool video of the whole scene and then when we got back in we were like hey, maybe we should all just stop and use the restroom and grab a tea. So they're just so happened to be a small little Roadside restaurant / Hotel on the side of the road right there. So we pulled in and Use the restroom our driver Nero ordered t4s and when I came out of the restroom, I saw like the hotel had kind of like a large wall to compound in the back and the the BAC was like very overgrown and jungly and there was some like discarded Old Farm Equipment back there and I saw something move on the ground and earlier in the day. We had seen Sri Lanka has Mongoose and I don't know if you know what Mongoose are but they're like crazy little mammals and they they hunt snakes and stuff and they're cool. They're dragon creatures. Now, they're not dragging creatures. Those are monitor lizards. Oh, well, there's several different types of dragon creatures in Sri Lanka. There are yeah, the the water monitor lizard is a scary looking thing. It's kind of closely related to Komodo dragons and definitely would eat lots of things including maybe a person. But anyways, we're getting a little puppy or a little puppy. Definitely a little puppy. Anyways, we see something scurrying around. I see something screwing around in the corner of my peripheral vision. Over in the back of the lot I walk over there and to my surprise. I see an incredibly cute little puppy all alone underneath an old rusting piece of farm equipment, you know, I start I start to pet him and he just kind of lights up. He was sleeping he wakes up and he starts licking me and kind of squealing a little bit and Carlos comes over and I and I tell him to start recording because he has his camera. So he starts filming and then I call carry over and I'm obscuring her view from what I have in my hand. So Alex has turned with his back towards me and I see that he's holding something and I didn't know if he was like playing around with me. He was gonna like throw something at me or if he had like a little bunny. That's what my mind I was like, I hope it's a bunny and he turns around and then shows me a little longer which at that time. He didn't have that name. But he was this little just ball of puppies skin and fur and he had these tiny tiny ears. I've never seen ears so small in my life. They were the littlest things I'd ever seen and we have footage of the moment that I react to Lanka and Alex actually is putting all of that footage into a video that's going up on his YouTube channel at slash Alex the Vagabond he's going to tell the story there to using the footage so definitely go check. Check that out if you want to see that moment, but I my jaw just drops and I almost fall to the floor just because I was just overwhelmed with cuteness. Yes funny like your jaw. I didn't know that you could open your mouth like that that big so I like dropped I obviously picked him up into my own arms and immediately my first thoughts were we have to take him from here, right? Because he was essentially living underneath a piece. Trash that was a was once a tractor and he like smelled like oil down there and you know dust and dirt. He was covered in fleas and ticks. That's the thing upon like further inspecting him and playing with him. We started noticing that he had fleas and ticks kind of just covered everywhere and all of the crevices of his body and his ears under his arms on his belly his tummy, you know like near like he just had them everywhere. It was it was Grim. Yeah, so then When Nero our driver picks him up from the extra skin on the back of his neck where the mother picks up a puppy usually and he looks at Lankan. He's like, he's a good pup because he didn't make any noise. He didn't protest he was just sitting there panting and smiling happy as could be like his tongue. He just he was smiling. We were instantly enraptured by Lanka but I don't think we were fully aware that we could adopt him and when Nero came over and Held Lanka and said oh, this is a really good dog. I kind of jokingly was like well, maybe we should just adopt him and then Nero said you totally can in my mind that wasn't an option. I didn't even go to that concept until later on when we got in back into the car to me. It was more. So I want to take him from here bring him to a vet because that was the plan and I looked at Alex and I said we will keep him with us and take care of him. Until we can find him a good home here in Sri Lanka. And then Alex turns to me and says no, we're gonna we're gonna try to bring him home. Yeah. I was kind of under the impression like if we're going to take him then we're going to like take him all the way home. And so that implemented into my mind and of course, that's my Ultimate Dream of finding him and I loved him so much right when I saw him, but I you know to do something like that. It's just so I knew how difficult it is just by Thinking about it. Like I had never experienced anything like that before but I'm a realist in those types of situations. And so for me, I was like, there's no way that we're going to be able to bring this street pup back to the United States. Yeah, it was, you know, kind of a pipe dream it was optimism bordering on insanity, but, you know having the support of Nero, and also we were there with an agent from the tourism board who assured us that it wasn't all that difficult. To adopt a dog in Sri Lanka and that he would assist us with getting paperwork in order. So having that extra bit of support was the extra little nudge that we needed to kind of commit and say okay we're going to do this. Yeah. It was definitely reassuring so we get into the bus and we decide to take him straight to a vet to get him checked out because of just the condition that he was in the fleas and ticks being all over him. We wanted to get them all removed and just Vet take a look at him. So we went to a vet that was on the side of the road in rural Sri Lanka. We just brought him in there. And we said can you just look at him we found him and we told her the circumstances and she said sure So she gave him an inspection and she cleaned him. She gave them like a little bath with just like a little bit of water and like a towel and she gave us some deworming pills. Yeah, then she essentially said that he's extremely healthy, but you know, he's at the age where he's either weaning or has just been weaned from his mothers teat. She thought teat the vet told us that he was about four weeks old which means you know, he's about a month and so he still needed to have breast milk. So she recommended that we go and find like a bottle of some sort or some way that we can feed him this breast milk. It's an alternative milk that she had their that she Gave to us so like a puppy. It's a dog formula like a breast milk formula. It tastes amazing, by the way, so we get back into the bus again, and we start doing a little bit of research once we're able to connect to Wi-Fi and we start to find out that the US has a law that does not allow you to import an animal a dog cat whatever it might be unless they are four months old. Old so that left us in our tracks and we were trying to figure out if there was any way around that is that really the law like we looked further into it. I think we were kind of under the impression. I was under the impression at least at all. We really needed was to get a bill like a certificate of health of good health from a vet and a puppy passport, which the veterinarian had given us. But when we googled it, we realized that that wasn't the case. Yeah that that Actually, no animals were allowed to be imported into the u.s. Unless they were four months of age or older and there was no way that we could kind of fake that Lanka was four months old. I mean, he literally looked like a tiny little bear. He's the size of a gopher. So we still did not think that was time to give up. We still wanted to figure out how we could do this. And in that time, you know, we were spending more time with him. We were kind of like bringing him back to life and feeding him and like we smuggled Um into our hotel room we were bonding with him as if he was like a little baby human because you know, somehow Alex new have to warm up a bottle. I don't even know how you did that like how you know how to a kettle. I just boiled some water and mixed in the milk powder, but you know, it definitely got carry very excited. She saw my potential father traits and was was like all about it. Also, there's a very funny video which I'll put in in the video on my channel where Carrie is like lying on the bed and she's got like a towel over her shoulder and she's got Lanka in in a human-like position and she's feeding him a bottle and he's just like sipping away at this milk. He's got milk all over his face and it quite literally looks like Carrie is breastfeeding Lanka and I just whenever I see that video, I just laugh out loud. I think it's so funny mind you I wasn't actually breastfeeding him. My breasts was nowhere near this situation. But every time Alex tells this story to like anyone friends. Only whatever might be he always says Carey was breastfeeding him. I said basically I'm I'm just like my my boob had nothing to do with this at your Lancome was sleeping on the boob was there okay, but there was a towel little puppy. There was a bottle I was definitely not breastfeeding or dog but it did look like so in between bottle feeding sessions. We were wrapping up this trip to Sri Lanka. We were leaving 48 in in 48 hours and we were scrambling Willing to try to find a solution to how we could get Lanka home in the beginning. We kind of both entertain the idea of like, hey, we'll just stay here tourist. Visa is three months long. That's all we really need to do is, you know, wait for three months and then we can fly home and bring Lanka and reality struck when we both realize that we had work obligations that we could not get out of and that we had to be a home. So we found a Saving Grace. Ace in our driver Nero who volunteered to watch Lanka and he had a daughter he has a daughter named Julia and Julia if you're listening. Thank you so much because it was at Julia's beckoning that Nero essentially offered to watch Lanka my favorite moment that I always think about, you know, about to say that I haven't been soon Euros sends a picture of long It's to his daughter Julia and he asks like hey, just so you know, like these people that I'm with these Americans are going to be adopting this dog, but we can he needs a home for a few months until he's old enough to go to the US. So we're going to watch him while he's a puppy and and he's like, what do you think about that and she sends a voice memo that and she goes but Daddy bring him home and we just melted it was the cutest thing ever. So now we always like joke around like that when we miss it and stuff is like so we thought we got really lucky and without without Nero and his family stepping up to the plate. It probably wouldn't have worked out the way that it did. We fly back to the states after a very difficult departure. Lots of Tears were shed and I actually get the word. Food poisoning I've ever had on the flight home. I projectile vomit in the plane and then I get off the plane where in Dubai and this is a funny story and I'll keep it short but we were transferring from Planes on the tarmac and I was in one of those buses and I had like it must have been scary for the rest of the people on the bus because absolutely scary for the rest of the people. I just like stood up and I start yanking on the trying to get the window open, but it's locked it won't open. And then I'm yelling at the guy like pull over pull over to the driver who's who's turning around? You're not even supposed to talk to the driver. When when you're you know on the tarmac anyways, I couldn't hold it. I just projectile vomit all over the door splatters everywhere. The driver Slams on the brakes opens the door even more so I had the worst return trip. But anyways, I'm over here just like holding my hand on my head remembering that moment because it was just so that's a whole nother story. But it is such a good one because it turned around and whole bus was just staring at me a ghast. And then this very kind Japanese couple the man pulls out like a handkerchief and he hands it to me and he's like full your face and I guess I had barf all over my beard. I was like trying to make everybody feel like he wasn't a zombie and I turned around and was like, he got sick some he ate some bad doll when we were in Sri Lanka and shrimp Curry. I wanted everybody to you feel like you were there with a nice kind of cute. Yeah, and I'll carry it would have been I would have like definitely looked like it was, you know, sparking off like some sort of post apocalyptic movie. It was scary. Anyways, that was a detour of the story. Where were we we have arrived in the United States and we have a three month waiting period of pure Agony as we're trying to figure out how to best get him home. So we were getting WhatsApp updates from Nero every day. He was so good about letting us know how long It was doing he was showing us pictures every day. So we got to see his growth every day. You know, we were watching him grow from these updates that we were getting, you know every couple of days from Nero and it was just crazy how much he was growing because when we first found him, he looked like a little bear he didn't look like a dog or a lie, but it was really cool to see him grow into a dog because he just got cuter and cuter. We were like, oh my God, he looks like a dog now because before even your aunt his aunt loves dogs, and she was like, I don't like I didn't think she was like is that some other kind of mammal species that I'm not aware of because he was just like like that's the best word. I can eat this on a word this is sound effect for him. He just looked like because he was just all squished. It was all squishy had so much fat burn skin. Like he looked like a little bear. He looked like a small like panda bear or one of the like a red panda, you know, those those kind of raccoon looking things. That's kind of what he looked like, so we're getting updates from Nero if One day went by that I didn't get an update from your I was all stressed because he was updating us so much that I was like, I hope everything's okay. Yeah carry kind of had sporadic panic attacks when there was radio silence essentially during that whole period of time we were working really diligently to try to find the best way to move forward the best way to get Lanka home safely efficiently and not super expensive Lee and what happened and what we figured out after multiple phone calls with every single Airline carrier that flew from Sri Lanka to the United States. There is no direct flight from the United States to Sri Lanka Sri Lanka is on the opposite side of the globe. So it's quite literally one of the farthest away places to try to adopt an animal from and it got it got stressful. So not only were we trying to figure out exactly how to get him out of Sri Lanka, but we were trying to figure out exactly how to get Him through transit to an like through another country and then into the US which ended up being so complicated. We were on the phone for so long. We got an argument over it. We got put on hold for like hours at a time and transferred through every single different department of these are lines until finally after about an hour and a half on hold. Somebody would just hang up on us and then they would just no be like, I don't understand what you're trying to do. So and people bring we're not the first people to ever do this. So, you know, but we kept reading on threads about you know, that they'll take the dog and they'll either either euthanize them or they'll take them in and not give him back to you and essentially if your paper transferring animals internationally is not a super straightforward thing. There is a lot of Hoops to jump through bureaucratic Hoops legal who You need to have your paperwork a hundred percent in order. You need to have clearances from veterinarians stating that your dog doesn't have any diseases you need to and every single country that you go through or exit has a different policy. So it was turning into this bureaucratic legal nightmare. We entertained all ideas flying there and and picking him up and then trying to bring him back with us in the cabin which was initially the the first idea and we spoke to all the carriers who allowed animals to travel with you in the cabin and none of them were in a position to confirm that we could actually do that leaving Sri Lanka. They also had weight, you know barriers like they were saying that he had to be under a certain way and we at the time saw how quickly he was growing and we didn't know for sure what size he would be on December 17. And we would be able to bring him back into the u.s. So, you know, we were looking at a month ahead going. Okay. Well are two three months ahead going. Okay. What is his size going to be like we don't know and so the last thing that we wanted to do was take on the responsibility of bringing him over here. But then doing it in a way that was more hurtful for him than anything and so potentially lead to his euthanization exactly. So that's what we wanted to avoid and whatever way that we could so then what ended up happening was the tourism board recommended a company called Pet Express Sri Lanka where he would be able to come into the u.s. And they would be able to fly him and they would also be able to take care of all of the paperwork needed to bring him into the u.s. So the company essentially all they do is Ship people's pets from to and from Sri Lanka. So they have the proper contacts with the government officials. They have their own veterinarian whose only job is to make sure that all of the paperwork is in order. They also booked the flights. They were using Qatar Airways, which had essentially direct flight from Colombo to Qatar and then Qatar to Los Angeles and in Qatar the company had a Facility where they were able to get the animals out of the crates clean the crates feed the animals let them rest walk them and then feed them and then put them back in the crates that had been cleaned for the next section of their Journey. So when we did all of the all of the heavy lifting in the thinking and the mathematics behind it all it just made sense for us to hire Pet Express Sri Lanka and we had nearly Oh who at that time? We before we even left Sri Lanka, we gave him a budget and we said we want to take care of you for helping us take care of our dog and we want to be able to make sure that we're paying for his food for him and his shots and anything that might need to happen before he comes in to the us so we took care of Nero. We asked him if he could help us, you know, kind of meet up with Peta. Especially Lanka and make sure that Pet Express your Lanka can check out Lanka to make sure that he's ready to go and also, you know to vet and check out Pet Express. Sure Lanka to make sure that they were legit exactly and it was nice having Nero there to kind of, you know, do that investigative work I guess for us and it was also helpful because I was the skeptic in that situation. I was like, I don't want to just give my dog to this any Airline and just see And so I ended up being able to talk to Pet Express Sri Lanka on the phone and I asked him if there was anybody I could speak to that they've sent it yesterday but it is use their use their services before and so he was like, well, it's funny you say that because there's actually a vet who I believe lives in San Diego. This is him talking to me. He's like she is a vet who just rescued a dog that she named Ella because she found her dog in Ella and she shipped her dog from Sri Lanka to LAX, which is exactly what we were going to do. So he gave me her phone number. I randomly called her up and I just said hi. I am calling because I found a puppy in Sri Lanka who I am trying to bring home to the US and I got in contact with this company called Pet Express Sri Lanka and they gave me your phone number. It was a legit phone number. She was a little Edge it human being legit veterinarian legit veterinarian. I looked her up on Google. It was all legit. So I started feeling better and better and better about the situation. Let's take a quick break to hear a word from our sponsor third love. I am currently wearing the most comfortable bra and I got it from third love. I took the quiz that they provide on third and it asked me all sorts of questions. 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Thank you to hemifusion for sponsoring. Today's episode of Soul sugar. There is so much confusion around CBD these days and that's exactly why I created an episode all about CBD here on Soul sugar podcast, and that's also why I'm so excited. And to be working with hemp Fusion because not all CBD is created equally adding hemifusion CBD to your daily routine adds. So many great benefits our bodies already make cannabinoids and plant-based CBD helps naturally balance out. Our body have Fusion doesn't just offer CBD they offer CBD plus omegas plus terpenes to help you feel 100% They do this because CBD works best for your body when combined with other. Nutrients I have been absolutely loving their sleep CBD full spectrum hemp extract. It's been helping me to just feel more relaxed at the end of the night and really helps me get a deeper sleep. If you're interested in checking them out. You can find him Fusion at a natural products retailer near you. They're also available online and they can ship anywhere in the u.s. I have a 20% off code for you guys. You can use Soul sugar for 20% off of your first order and free shipping at hemp that's promo code so sugar for 20% off and free shipping at hemp hemp Fusion can ship anywhere in the US. Now, let's get back into the conversation. Fast forward it's December 17th. It's the day that Lanka is supposed to arrive Pet Express Sri Lanka has gone to Nero's house. They've picked Lanka up, you know, which was traumatic for little Julia because she had to say goodbye to Lanka but then yeah, they took photos and documented the whole process of Lanka being crated and then, you know rolled out and you know put on the tarmac And into the plane and they gave us updates when he arrived in to Qatar and then it was time to go to LAX. I do want to make a note about the Julia thing because for me, I think that like from the outside looking in you could think well, you know, Julia could have taken care of Lanka in Sri Lanka what Nero told us before. We left Sri Lanka was this he said I will take Take him in but we will not keep him longer than those three months. So I think Nero was concerned that maybe if we didn't take him. He didn't want Lanka to be back on the street because it's very common in Sri Lanka for people to bring puppies in and take care of the puppies and then let them go when they're older and bigger and they're adults which is what they do there. It's not something that I think is a good thing to do. You but it is something that is common there. So that was something that made us push a little push even more to make sure that we could get him here because he was already domesticated to at that time. And so I definitely didn't want him to be put back on the street. So we wanted to just like make sure that we continued on pushing to bring him back. So the morning of December 17th, we wake up extremely excited slightly anxious a little bit scared. We don't know, you know, what's going to happen. We don't even really know what Lanka is going to be like, you know, we only really knew him for three days when he was one month old now, he's four months old. He could be a little tornado, you know, we don't even know we don't even know what he could be. I was the scariest thing. Is that like we were Earning money and time and energy and so many emotions and we didn't know what he one would end up looking like or to what he what his character was a big he was going to because there was also in that compound there was a German Shepherd that was like in a in like a crate like a cage. It was kind of like the guard dog of that compound and and I was kind of worried actually that he might be part German Shepherd which would mean that you know, we were living in an apartment. In a one-bedroom apartment like having a German Shepherd in a one-bedroom apartment is like that's a lot of dog for a little house. So we were still excited if he was we were just stoked either way every day. So we drive to o'clock is when Lanka arrives we drive down to LAX. We have all of our paperwork in order. It's been sent through an in, you know via email. We've printed out all of our paperwork. We have it all in order and we go down to LA. X to the cargo section, which is not the main terminal there that you know Travelers go through its where cargo and and animals are shipped through so we go to this company. We have all of our paperwork in order and we get there and the company is just like the people are just kind of joking around taking their sweet time. There's really nobody in there. But getting anything done was like taking a very very long time and it was big star. To become like difficult to to just kind of accept like tensions were running. I it was really frustrating to me in particular and Alex was trying to keep me like cool calm and collected but I was pretty upset with them because first off we have traveled from Sri Lanka three months ago, and we've been waiting every day for three months. I remember waking up that morning and thinking oh my God 1 p.m. I have to wait until 1 p.m. So we There and just their careless demeanor and the fact that they you know, they could tell I was like we're here to pick up our daughter like we told them the story and they just it didn't feel like they cared at all. So, you know that that moment wasn't butterflies and rainbows at all. It was kind of frustrating. Yeah, I just felt like their attitude towards the whole thing was just kind of cold and you know, maybe they were just jaded from having dealt. With this type of stuff for so long. But anyways, regardless we gave them our paperwork. It was all in order but then they told us that one thing was missing. We needed a stamp from the Customs Department. Luckily the Customs Department was only a couple miles away. So we jump in the car hightail it over to the Customs Department, which was super efficient is actually like incredibly surprising the whole process took less than 10 minutes. We were in and out of there. We got the proper stamps. And they confirmed that the documents had been sent electronically to the cargo company and that we should be good and approved to release Lanka. So we drive back to the cargo company and then and then they looked at our paperwork and they were like the stamps not here when we had just watched them stamp the paperwork, but there's like a hundred pieces of paper in this document chain. So we Not know exactly where the stamp was, but we were trying to assure them like we just went there. They just stamped it. They just told us everything is good. We just wanted to get Lanka out of his crate because he had been in there for a while. They did let him out in Qatar, but we just knew that you know, it just like a human being on a flight from you know, Qatar to the u.s. You're over it. You want to get out you want to stretch your legs and I actually when you're in a crate totally dark under there I know and they were like he's right back here and I'm like great, okay. I'm just get him. Goodbye Dom out. That's what Carrie was like honestly Wicked Witch of the West is the girl whatever we reluctantly accept that they can't find the stamp even though we've assured them that it's there. So we say, okay. Well, we're going to go back to the customs office and we're going to double check with them that it's been stamped and we're going to make sure that you guys have received it. Even if we have to have them call you and they said great so we drive. Back to customs the Customs guy looks at me. Like hey, man, what are you doing back here? And I told him what happened. He said no, look here's the stamp. He showed it what he showed me where it was and he assured me that the files have been sent electronically. So we went back to the cargo company show them the stamp. Tell them to check their email. They refresh it the emails there and lo and behold Lanka is good to be released. So they tell us to go outside and wait So that was the moment where I started to feel better in mind you Wicked Witch of the West is not the way it was. It was more. So like can you guys please and like usually I'm very calm cool and collected and so seeing me get like just slightly assertive can be like, you know a shocker. So anyways, I just was being assertive and making sure that we got that handled and so Lanka coming out in his crate and Alex and I just standing there like waiting for him just so excited and setting him down and opening his cage and looking at him and like just getting over any like argument that Alex and I had had we just those just like flew out of our minds and out of the whole entire situation because this was the moment that we had been waiting for and he was just so sweet and he just started to Like us right away. He was also like he had you know, soiled his crate. There was a very large turd and I cared zero I just pulled my help him. I mean like he had like they had put down some like puppy pads. So he had kind of like smushed all that stuff in the corner and was sitting on the opposite side, but he did smell like he smelled horrible but he was so cute. We got him out of there. We dumped out the crate. Luckily. There was a hose right there. We washed it out through all the stuff in the car with brought long con the car we had Treats and we had everything lined up for him. And he was just so utterly happy. So happy to see us. He just kept licking our faces and he was and then all of a sudden he just sat down and Carries lap and he just fell asleep. He was just so comfortable and we had all these like phones for him and stuff to snack on on the way home in the car. And you know, I just remember that moment thinking like all of this was worth it because you know, it was emotional. It was hard. It did cost us money and it you know, but at the end of the day not only did we love this dog right away and had we loved him since the moment that we saw him. It was also a great learning experience for us in our relationship. It was a test to us and like if we could get through something that was not easy, you know, a lot of people when we first started going through it. We're like, you know, my mom was like this is like it feels like you're adopting a child and I'm like, well, we kind of are I'm not relating it to that at all because of human is different from a dog, but like it did feel like you know, like we were adopting, you know a child bringing him here and with any with any couple and in moments and making big life decisions like this because this was not a little decision. There's always going to be stressed. There's always going to be Be so much emotion wrapped up in everything and doubt and fear. We were scared but we wanted the same outcome and I think that's what really helped us. And we understood what we were going through and so we were there for each other throughout the whole process and there was a light at the end of the tunnel, you know, it was Lanka and are on are like beautiful little Street pup at home and safe and like a family and so It's what we wanted, you know, and and as stressful as it was at times when I look back on it. It's just all pure magic to me because we did it and I think that like we were I mean you can call it luck. You can call it whatever you want. But Lanka is the best dog. He is so calm and loving and loyal and quiet. He doesn't bark. He's not annoying. He is literally like the perfect dog and I think that all of the discomfort all of the stress and all of the the, you know Hoops that we had to jump through it all paid off in the long run because now we just have this incredible companion and I don't even remember what life was like before Lanka, you know and taking care of him. Like for us has been really important and part of its just like another dynamic in our relationship where you know, we're In care of this living thing together and we have to sort out in organized like who's going to be gone who's going to take care of the dog, like does he need to be dropped off at we have this like really great place that we found near our house that sort of this ranch-style boarding place where he gets to run around with other dogs that like they loved him there. So we've like built this really great relationship with them. So like all of the fears that we had about. Oh my gosh, like are we going to be able to do this when we travel like How are we we can't depend on family all of the time for this and so it's essentially like we found this child care, you know, like it's the same type of feeling where you're like, okay, do we trust this place? Are they going to take good care of the dog when we travel and and it's just been a seamless process ever since and we're doing it and we're able to do it really well. And to be honest if I was a dog, I would like to be Lanka I would have to agree with that. Yeah. It's taught us so much and I think that the struggle The hardship and the and the you know, the the doubt really all of that in the long run was just trivial and it all paid off so big and yeah, I can't imagine what life would be like without him now. No, he is such an important part of our everyday life in our family now and I couldn't imagine not having him in our lives at all. Like he runs with Alex he goes on these awesome dog runs. Yes, and they go 5 miles or more sometimes in Lanka is like just loving and eating it up and he's just such a great companion and he loves hiking and we take him off the leash sometimes and he's so good on a hike and he stays right by her side. He really has that pack mentality when he's with us and you can just see the love in his eyes and he's also just so Zen when I look across the room and I see his eyes just like he's like this little buddha like this little Sri Lankan Buddha. Yeah, it's actually bizarre. Sometimes I wonder like if he's some sort of like, you know Spirit reincarnate like because he has very powerful eyes and he makes a lot of eye contact and dogs don't usually make a lot of people will say that he has human eyes and that he's very human-like, which is so bizarre, but he truly is if there's a lesson from this whole thing is that it's not impossible to do the impossible if you Do you know believe in it? And if you dedicate if you dedicate yourself to it, and yeah, it's going to take time and energy and money, but you know doing the right thing. It's not always easy, but it's still the right thing to do and also having you like having each other having each other to depend on through the process like I don't think I would have done this without you and I know that you told me months ago. Like when we were in the thick of it you were like, I wouldn't have done this without you and so having each other in that process to be able to add to our life and give like there's such a like beneficial element to our life now having Lanka. I think that there's a lot of lessons to be learned in it. And I think it's really special looking back that you know, I value our relationship even more so from going through that experience because To be honest with you, like having kids is something that Alex and I have talked about in something that when we first started dating we talked about and seeing you help navigate the situation and seeing you, you know calling the airline and saying no we want to make sure that he's with us or or even just talking to Nero and making sure that you know asking your oh what a Lanka seating and all of these things like was for me. Kind of a glimpse into without even expecting it and without even looking for that. I just remember thinking wow, like he has taken ownership of this and he's not really this wasn't about you. This was about the dog and about bringing him home and it was about you know, how I felt and so just watching you navigate that and figure it out was really really cool for me to see in it like made me love you even more Baby, well, thank you and thank you for having me on the podcast to talk about this special moment. And you know, I think that it's been a while. You know, I think that people have obviously been asking for this story to be told for a long time and quite honestly it is kind of a long and complicated story which is why we took a long time to to tell it but you know There is a happy ending there is a happy ending Lanka is healthy happy and he is currently napping in the living room and he couldn't be happier and neither. Could we so thank you for having me on the podcast. Thank you for being here. Thank you all so much for listening to this episode. I hope that you loved it. If you want to have more Lanka you can go to at lucky Lanka. No, it's at lucky underscore Lanka and if you want More salt sugar you can go to axle sugar. Cocoa. That's sou l-s-u GA our CEO. And for more Alex. Can you tell us where to find you? My Instagram is Alex the Vagabond. My YouTube is Alex the Vagabond. There's going to be a video that Carrie and I shot together that has all the footage and more in-depth the story of Lanka so you can check that out there on YouTube and also the main Channel vagabrothers slash vagabrothers. I think we should do the sole Sugarman Went together today. So what I'm feeling right now is talking about overcoming The Impossible like you were saying a second ago think of something that you really want to do whether it be starting a business or learning to play the guitar or being comfortable singing on stage. Think about something that you really want to do, but you're too afraid to do Envision it take a moment breathe that in breathe in that passion. And let go of that fear. It will take time. It will take energy. It will take action to move past that fear. But I encourage you to take little baby steps in the direction of overcoming that fear and embracing whatever that passion might be because the feeling of pushing out of your comfort zone and grabbing hold of your own destiny and doing the things that you love and that you're passionate about is one of the most Beautiful feelings on the planet and I really want everybody who's listening to be able to experience that. I love you guys to the moon and back and I will see you and talk to you in an all new episode of Soul sugar coming up next week. Thank you all so much for tuning in to today's episode. I hope that you enjoyed it while you're waiting for our next episode come chat with us over on the Instagram. It's at Soul sugar. Cocoa. That's at SSO you LSU GA R. Co we give you a daily dose of inspiration over there? Also, it is the best place for us to communicate together and I love hearing feedback and advice from you guys over there. As well so definitely come on over and let's be friends there.
In this episode of Soul Sugar — we are joined by Alex The Vagabond to chat the story of how he and Carrie Rad adopted their Sri Lankan street dog back in September 2018. They discuss the entire story from A-Z, how they transported Lanka to the United States, and the trials and triumphs they experienced along the way. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Find Lanka on Instagram: @lucky_lanka Find Alex on Instagram: Find Carrie on Instagram: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ThirdLove — For 15% off your first order, go to Hemp Fusion — For 20% off and free shipping, go to and use promo code SOUL SUGAR. Hemp Fusion can ship anywhere in the US. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Welcome to Soul Sugar. I’m your host Carrie Rad! You might know me from my videos on YouTube. I love to chat about all things self care, self love, living our very best lives, and finding our inner magic. Soul Sugar is a community of blooming soul seekers. Like sugar for your soul. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ CONTACT SOUL SUGAR — ➭ If you are a listener, you can get in touch with us here: [email protected] ➭ If you are a business, you can get in touch with us here: [email protected] ➭ Follow Soul Sugar on Instagram @soulsugarco FOLLOW CARRIE RAD — ➭ Follow Carrie Rad on Instagram @carrierad ➭ Follow Carrie Rad on YouTube: Carrie Rad ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Production Manager — Samantha Belgarde If you enjoy listening to Soul Sugar Podcast — please rate and review the podcast!
Hello and welcome Elena very and newer Super supportive a flavoring from the conscious. Junkie show the podcast for Millennials developed rise and shine my data collected from liquor low cancer cell A4 harder. Now who think he belongs now and not signed to Seekers have derived from the best if I Define myself because I don't have enough knock me over hoga what my cost isn't dick affect the inspirator mark, don't fit and spirit.Idiom the often Google for Netherlands with and platform. My Bob said, I'm HomeAdvisor Mensa in spirits or aircraft hook up. The stands is hard to our Canadian Under full code. Basically - I'm sorry duck energy and fit to Burkina supplied that you door that looks any rear drop this down your fitter cooker and successful her food formula beta snap. It is either of Stan is fit. 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Oh my God, all the male power. Yeah. This is what I swear to God Yara Syndrome has managed to my I'm so sorry very carefully the shower track from the bottom of the tree are not a safe at UCF walls did but I like yeah, but of those sign outside my door. Hello. Hold the mirror and a nice King of the Hill Snell and they plucked it off the link every dessert that circuit for five years a moment male palette and it is so fair. This is well. Everything is 60 brutal on Saddam. They convert her husband. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah over kunikida moment forever. Okay. Holy shit pinch myself. Yeah, it's happening a couple of Statesville or so, since you've been a star panel option and everything my contour and as he could Louisville horning. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, its own. Yeah shame on me healing power. Good morning. Yeah, and yeah memorably and dumb bad mommy. Wow. Absolutely. Yeah, there are four forbidden your labor to do they divide our beheld. This is really for your blood seen for a while. Okay, this horror film Stop and on the to covid autofocus. Yeah the heck. Hey and equated to the Nia VI bands from other than Instagram convenient document dear. Good morning individual sets. Yeah. Keep it needs of every day of my career. My main aim and who did is Bahama? Maybe longer. Yeah look. Mr. Mack. Yeah, and I think is real simple circuits that at least a year old and has Sports him the Clover inertia. So spins had supported dot Calif Hartford. Andhra bottom shelf are fat has been self. Therefore built-in equals X and aftman signals he'll drink because L am America to Full Time Bomb It characters produced by additive a and an immensely that bills you make you can't - Phil Phil Phil where I can actually Mark so who's for brightest a sloppy mildewing and attached to my door. So sometimes need mr. 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Affleck has yeah Michelle's to motivate and I had so hand there. Is it who it is that motivates? Yeah, lovely cooker Bloc tactic. Is it? Yeah and make a grilled tuna cocaine meth from Korea color. So met for dinner and Edwards videos on the name and was a girl by her shoe cleaner to just rethink. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Amir multiplicator is it grabs their Obamacare and create my permanent color covid Cisco from there are social media called FDA good morning after a bomb from my job to motivate of underemployment motivator and I would all ties the best design. Yeah and doctors Rivera back a first-rate fitted as employees shelf life. And how am I miss you? I just a little tone man stroke. I bet sleep almost conveyed that you have beautiful crunch successful. The Border. Yeah, and I'm still not Elkin another did her father not have to be resourceful beta shine and I Britian a loans from the banks that are open on the Beatles. My name - Gina did yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and they IQs are recommended for both imported or settings from Agra. Loss of pflag artificial fuck off Sofia Market prior projection of donations from Oaxaca May of his army towards again go to Duke Health also to Asia Russia. There are other who stimulated this Africa look my heart stopped. My average male have a major Schaefer Mar does all the other groups down they become self then and out of my doors yet. It didn't go to the comes up after there tomorrow. Do for old friends and that kind of collaboration of Doom. Yeah, this example that yourself an ally remarks got to go help as it flies High shared with me slave is don't mark look and daughters have to endure to settle. Yeah, my wedding was an incident at Cole. Yeah, cause she's yeah perfect ankles me and waited on the other. Yeah to look if y'all could I think you don't you were so blown away from that affect. Yeah my class of corn out of the door at hand. Yeah, well yeah I felt about tunic epic it's just routine member hannah0 piñata and ovals that it's harder to make than it looks and still take a look a look on the website field look Manuka Honey is needed by mu slapping outfit of long legs to just look at a video just to be safe and neat your house and then I'm Takin our partner who make all those who Miss and Hagrid or Who Do Ya think it's a good movie is once that's finished well after them Marik marvelous occasion spiral is discussion. Its anchor need you to OK Mark. You can on excavatum intact in fact had hunting under to stop making morning routine. You have a lot on our beds and I'm asking if you don't already ships that come out leading it by with Dori as I like. Yeah this damage then go get up and keep up a hundred belong hikes. Yeah don't like doing a team skin values our ships. My evaded legs are full in Oakland. And she took my fat and I should talk now I need so you are nominating life to talk about the Fibonacci. I think vibration how the yeah, the other is a seeker and they cook those. Well fuck mrs. F double major of observable tribe of Dan. Yes, but the Coconuts are busy evoked to stop the heater fucking Manuel petitioner who do not describe your working folder. Oh my God me too slated to start can also eat Chinese red flower preservative predominance of that sort of for veneer to say for a moment for least funny moment fat see that little circle days of through her fart not Highway door. Yeah, and yeah, there's no direct lines of Me no longer such a hobos hat and not to care need look that me your sacrum armor and on the luncheon-table our yeah and then happy to book you make your bed. That is laser light that is answer Navy SEAL ex-commander and Isaac make your band. I should have bet old Max sortez, you start the day with a task completed and am a convener. I should go on start my Deets full brainer besides that I know you better not to wreck in the next two, which is bizarre training them. Yeah, that is harmful and sport in the Octagon. Yeah. Bombs on Netflix it okay if I have some sort of sports and doesn't Zone like a fool. There's also the only really fully activated after another show lekker gas sector official laughing slap. You have an absolute and have you done. Okay the second banana chip For standing for station and Romola and the growing stage for each other Lookout said I do think that the who is get up and meet a creditor and yeah, yeah. Yeah and then computer. Yeah go back through and almost look like a broken coffee table after four holes in this market all of us than our sports that yeah and on the market will be a gym and a hunk of a just curious because wait five years du Chien becoming Dominique Coffey and melted enough times took - yeah, I don't have to like em back off in the gym mark look like nice, huh? Soft yourself a douche your second cowboy who fought so you can the winter and the Fish Bone Fish and all through the house of go by too much coffee. Yeah. And do you did say that I can make the October go welcome back in stock. Skip because electrons are attracted to you. Yeah, and now they spot castles are going to face that had coma that. The dish for humans are that's a video remarkable sport hockey a sport whose any face that for y'all that Logan was the first Act of God for the gift Hedberg out this massacre of the most part of ears and whiskers off. This is 80° that guy says it's also pretty fish and also to meet a fellow blog and I think you're no clone had eyes lab, but at your own liquor 8 and her need for watching my review American lawyers look woman hit work as a Mac and you with me so distant from their Community. Okay, and And the don't want the demands are met almost. Um, yeah. Hi, and I have me to just under toenail for the open almost father's this is made and and the doctor didn't come to have just made a face that Minister stimulator for your for the fans questioned by some sort of a 1502 sports are never creative me May the Kyoto Prize winner. I read it online is you got going to say my last name fields in opening a motor and a kind of Yeah, this it conveys that for here comes the Kanita and upgrade for The X Factor Matrix a farmer had a man seems can talk about you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was renewed our system. Are we close your beliefs, but if he didn't of it Ben - Ben he doesn't come over here have been due Sunday. strides Fine exclusion of that y of Mark on she digs her a golden key as lava little girl. How do something like Shamu July to check me out - he's excited. Yeah. It is support men Sophia motivate Mentor for skin and ammonia and I'm Instagram is not due to government year protective order to pay a call on your name talk sports film, please. Oh, yeah and what from Anita support human cell now my blood like Seth me. Websites are sourced from our home base that is also phenomenal movements of order and followed Arabic a tunic Facebook and Instagram it for starka murdered at my website episode. I've for how make covid American the day from Sound of Erica's you don't like mine and two shots. Mahanakhon fish Predators. So have created a list of a basic fits. Yeah. This is her Hello to spend less critical functions of course builds have filled a senior workshops stacked field events. So dim the office, right? Very special Smell Ya only flag to heck. Yeah, and it's ok. Go. Go Little Joe everything. I've got. Oh, yeah cares come to a Madonna to open. Here. We are and it's new yarn you before names for Mensa. Yeah Mario dimensional new office New we are not 0 because Mark Disney don't mention my mail from you're doing with media marketing relative movement. So think of solutes in this room. Okay. Yeah, but what you don't do? Yeah happy tips from as if you have my new government. Zayn Malik been at Oak Ridge after the minor key roles in the morning with her laughing slapping. Yeah, like open yoga training. He'll cook. The best atmosphere is strictly for my eyes in front of a letter. Yeah, it's sleeps nurse Baker who drew the doctor I had more energy, but it must pay for their strong will across racial not F of I have to do it most needed, okay. Yeah, I could do without the strong holds a deep and home now from now I think about for your thoughts of sounds father. She motivates you want us to do and what I do now. However for the photobooth tank is vote for work out. Definitely The Clash but I shall come forth. We think of now or 40 blown in words and blowing sheltered me a striped is opal you fools, but you're nothing is a fantastic. Yeah. I saved up with conservation but also hits virtual machines. It looks have Antonio paved acrimony the title Antonia varieties of home for and vegetables before you do whatever room you dudes and but you have a boat officio. And yeah, how doubtful for stifling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah successfully ended up. Me on the name of the war to build me a little matinee for holler. Does she work Sokka successful or yeah and for y'all You have your sabbatical Fay. Do you hear Mabel home? Yeah, and who I'm happy turn of Nazca the newest attack you back for that. Yeah, Chris he's now at was at work. We were doing surveys or murder. Yeah. I think or but this in fact local beer. Oh, yeah ears hurt you when you joked and asked. Yeah, and you is this true? Yeah, that was a lot going on there Americans America my maximum pressure system that sort of who you are. Awesome took out of your house. You can your bill from Khalifa's it also did Muhammad Amin a Believer to cram Rockville for somewhere to remember later for a fan and it's not Wow, yeah. Yeah and you need a leg if 17. Yeah, I've got to go bus notes versus you know, how crazy this is the mating of state from America the workers compensation system now for my after shifting Zoom to 594 work melting. Yeah and about from a new baggage of real dragons your bag and they're good morning. She helped moment except site's content Mark photos mark up now think of what kind of Doomsday chart because her plan for 2020 this democracy. To Allah maroc also fold the flap of relation. Yeah that's connected to bring to all tied to shine and basic design is pretty much almost no idea morning. Mr. Chef sir, not at all Layla website articles flavor everyone bow and it's super tall. Yeah, nice and biloba nutria want to emulate new fit girl to nuuma and over 80 happiness. Oakville ain't mine. Cold from act and it is belong I like Marv. So Focus up. Yeah and up front again. It would have three hours my filaments need for other state evacuate and so look for that for me if they are good for her Velma alternate each mirror drift of Sporter Mar different pitches. Yeah options and a channel forward Sporter not fulfilled unfolded today. Then you can feel flower of long. I got her back ignored envelope or not, but my or 40 years and clothes for eating all those verbs. Yeah. There's only took the four of eight kids clients. Just yeah. Yeah me too really belong like, oh it can do in Florida where I hope the phones because she's and as you can see my fat mouth yet, they need of that on an average and a mission for the extra pipe see cover my hair like to come by now the state of meeting. You love to do now for did Margaret Mead of that market needs? No. No it really affect our here. I come here for the delay to some screen filaments. Also some tomato Market is commercial. Yeah. Yeah absolutely wowed us more. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Okay. Now we have a new look now. It's not too sticky item from the podcast. It kind of flattered ceremonies and courts. This is the some bum first thing that comes to mind. Oh, yeah. Get out. Okay. Hope now yeah, okay Von Bulow or Fittin future. Happy tattoos. Yeah our mouth a detainer. Oh now I know through quick three or two a day no matter Exodia removed the sixth our new from you. I've been shot. Okay AJ place for free to chick flick. Oh, it feels book him. It's a guy gets older films capisco logos in singled Netflix become head of needle and so it was it from the other thing is the excuse only this part of Georgia ports. They died buck stops here. Building a border three climbers, but get Bakker. Yeah, Nia named Mia Mia broke, it broke her off the table or check out that those men dope idea baseball and Haley have to go back home quieter. And he also does a good source for open build a border and a free Candela do well Flay suppose F minor more 58 is kept with the top board with natural Zopa and ago, Because I think as by banishing by because Parker V rocket go-kart Luke. It's like Marco later, okay. I don't think it's working with Millie Patty venison your nose. Yeah, Drew look family that if a Pokemon I don't care from the lotion water at all. OG actually to your Alma zombie some more your guilty pleasure. Ships and also tell nothing else. Yeah best at work out some minor dear. Good morning playlist on Spotify the to your leg sighs mama and Instagram is overrated is overrated. Yeah, another factor of Instagram the overrated feet of collective agreements on Israel Steve of kitties. If I could all the books over there, they defecate about this neighborhood are okay. Oh, I do hope yeah sweetie farmer Oak methane bum out. Yeah the combination of three and oh, there are any slept in still shitter. All right. I've got your suffering to support Mac. Llama boy youth is what do you think? Yeah, they'll play hands odile beta maestoso. Whoo bout Pizza Pasta cooker and silica for now. Mmm of patata opt out for pizza oven to cook. Then Mario and of moose, okay the head and if it's right, it's right. Yeah, it was horrible. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah like and weekend. Yeah. And good morning gives you a good day be kind to it miles active long. I can fold wake up kicks. My ass needs icon do what's wrong with my car. Okay, and I'm very happy to be able to hear from our answer. Yourself with food. I'm actually a project that you don't activate reveals Christ. Yeah. Yeah enough of yourself. I was raising revenue if the wheels are not open. Okay, link eight minutes and her Sycamore a podcast for them as you feel. Yeah want to quit it from and satanic thing for I think he'll for inspirati Motif at Sea. So after mere belief in that over y'all of your metal with a sport. Yeah backwards not to have they are good morning. Also, they are good morning bencomb of Instagram Facebook. The dynamic time offer or never going to keep its commitment and it's inevitable you guys I'm thankful that new year of our liver in December morning skate Gonzo. I feel like a sport matar and words a little moons. Actually the most of it. For watching guys, it's bitter liqueur and successful or that's it and I'ma stay.
In deze aflevering is ochtendgek (of eigenlijk ochtendguru!) Lienke de Jong te gast. Deze enthousiaste powervrouw heeft de missie om Nederland te inspireren om elke dag een uurtje eerder op te staan! Waarom je dat zou doen? Omdat het je fitter, gelukkiger en succesvoller maakt! Wist je dat je  door slechts één uurtje eerder op te staan gemiddeld 240 extra uur voor jezelf creëert? Wow! In 4 simpele stappen leert Lienke je hoe je een ochtendmens kunt worden. En als je dat eenmaal bent, dan ben jij een echte Dear Good Morning-er en dus… fitter, gelukkiger en succesvoller. Ben jij er klaar voor? Tune in en ontdek hoe het voor Lienke allemaal begon, haar missie, opvoeding, doorzetten, dromen, kerst, goede voornemens en patat. Ga direct naar: - Lienke was niet altijd een ochtendmens [4.30 min] - How Dear Good Morning all started [5.40 min] - Een authentiek social media account [ 7.35] - Wees trots op jezelf! [11.40 min] - Lienke's ochtend routine [13.20 min] - Hoe kom je de feestdagen door [15.05] - Hoe Lienke jou support! [17.20 min] - Tips voor avondmensen [18.50 min] - Fit als vegetarier [23.05 min] ps. Sorry voor de achtergrond geluiden. De prachtige panden in Amsterdam hebben dunne muren ;)  ★ Wil je meer weten over Lienke en over wat Dear Good Morning jou kan bieden? Neem dan een kijkje op ★  ♡ Leuk dat je luisterden! Zonder jouw klapperende oortjes was het lang niet zo leuk geweest. Ik hoop dat deze podcast je inspireert om de beste en leukste versie van jezelf te gaan ontdekken doormiddel van vroeger opstaan, sporten, bewustwording maar vooral ook nieuwsgierigheid. Ohja e druk je even op de volg knop als je op de hoogte wilt blijven van alle afleveringen die nog gaan komen? Verwacht spannende, bekende en vrolijke gasten uit binnen- en buitenland. Sat Nam.
Deep down we all have the answers to our problems. Yeah, we do. We know when we should step away from something if we should continue to do something like it's in it's within us. Yes, you're ever looking for an answer. You just have to sit with yourself literally in a room a dark room, or when Kong's people. But I think there's so much going on in the world. Always connected to our phones and social interactions through our phones that we a lot of times forget to just be quiet and listen to ourselves so that we can kind of figure things out. Hey, what's good everybody and thank you for R tuning in to episode 11 of Highly invested where we invest in ourselves talk about personal finance investing in business while asking entrepreneurs about the investments in time money and energy that they've made that have gotten them to where they are today. I'm super excited to have a new guest on the show. She's a teacher a business consultant and an investing Latina originally from the Dominican Republic. She's living in New York City and saving for a rental property so you can find her content and what she's up to on Instagram at investing Latina. So Julie, how are you doing today? Hi Jordan, I'm doing great. Thank you for having me on the show. You're very welcome. Thanks so much for being here. And how is New York City? Good right now because it's fall. Then it'll be horrible. Yes. Unfortunately that time is coming in Canada too. And so is Central Park this time of year probably like the most beautiful sight in New York. Oh my God. It's so beautiful. I walk through it probably the week before last and not everything had turned but it's so it was a mix of a couple orange, but then it's still a lot of green left. But yeah, it's only going to get more beautiful and although I'm not a fan of the snow to see it is it's amazing. It is dark and could it does make winter winter? That's one of those things of living in a cold place that you know the seasons you can take them for granted or at least when I was living outside of Canada. I definitely miss the seasons a lot. So try not to take them for granted when I'm here. Wait. Where did you live? I lived in South Korea for two years Vietnam for four months in South Africa for about three and a half months. Oh my God, that sounds so amazing. I definitely want to go to all of those places. But South Africa, yes. Yes. Yes, South Africa is was an amazing beautiful country a great place to visit as a tourist. It was just a very big adjustment from Canada to live there completely and that's just something that you know, I could probably do it over again now, but at the time I just I just couldn't do it, unfortunately. So and tops it was very very tough. Just especially where I was but oh, yeah, you've got to go there like the nature Cape Town Table Mountain beside beside that the the ocean and then you've got that The Safaris all the wildlife. It's You got to try and try and see one of those at least at some point your life. Wow. Okay, I need to start saving for that. Yes, there's so much to say for opportunities are endless. So yeah, Julie. Thanks so much for coming on. I want you to share what inspired investing Latina. Okay, so I hat was inspired by by the term investing Latina because a a Latina I was born in the Dominican Republic and I moved to New York when I was four years old. So although I've lived in New York for over two decades. Now. I definitely resonate a lot with my Dominican culture and I am proud of saying to say that I am on a Tina and and I'm proud to talk about the things that I do and investing has become a very big part of my life ever since I realized the importance of it. Yes, it seems like everyone has a certain point in time where they do realize that shit. They've got to get their finances in order because that's they're not where they want to be. And yeah and exactly like the things that you talked about how it's important to not only invest in finances but everything else in your life. Well, thank you. I'm glad it resonate. So when did you first begin investing so I actually started investing when I was 19 years old and it was because I was working for a non-profit and they had a 403 b, which is what we call it here. The US and its a retirement fund designed for nonprofit organizations and I just signed up I had signed my offering letter and went to HR orientation and they were like, okay. Well we give you this free money if you sign up and I was like wait. Yeah, what did you just say free money and so I took it and it was so simple but oh my gosh so effective because I was simply putting in $50 a month into that account. Ain't nothing and now it has grown so much. So that was that was really my first experience with investing and at that point. I didn't even realize exactly what I meant or what it was but I just knew that I was doing something good for myself. Yes. That's a very powerful realization that you can have two and just goes to show if you start small even with $50 and it will grow that's the whole concept of investing right? So, yeah, that's great. Absolutely. I always encourage people to do that just with whatever you can I mean I got I am speaking like I know someone that is it has a lot of debt right now and they're trying to pay it off. But at the same rate, I'm just like, you know, what just put $15 into an account. Like I'm not kidding just start and trust me, you will not regret it. So yeah starting with with anything is important and nowadays. It's easier than ever to start small because We have so many different options. Now. That's a great person has 20 years ago. So it's always always a great idea to just get started. I can seem crazy and confusing but once you start you kind of never stop. Yeah, it's only scary when you start and then you're just like, holy crap. I'm getting value out of this. Yeah, if your world. Yeah. No, so I love I do love the name though investing Latina and like do you feel lucky that you you ended up coining that when you did because I feel like if you didn't grab it at that point. Someone might have tried to take it from you know, what's so funny. You shout out a fellow Instagram. Marriage a millennial because he was a person that I was talking you know him, right? I do. Yeah, possibly a person that I was talking to. Please starting that name, right? Okay, and I was talking to him and I was like, oh my God Instagram is giving me a hard time. I can't use investing Latina and I'm like, ah, give me some ideas. I need something else and he was like, how about the investing the Tina? I was like, oh do you think so creative like the Facebook? Oh, yeah, but it was it's funny because Something so simple, but when you're like in when you're so emotional about something sometimes you don't even think about, you know, just a simple thing that you can do to change it or to make it work but luckily enough. I just had to go through the whole Instagram process where they wanted to make sure that I wasn't like a scammer or whatever it is. Okay. I see I guess some names are probably a bit more sensitive than others. So you might have showed up on their radar. Yeah, so I just had to like send them a selfie of myself which you know what I'll probably post one of these days with the flow with the name on it and they were like, okay fine. You're good good. Yeah, I do feel lucky to have gotten the name and I think it's it has grown into so much more because now I've always been very interested in in giving back and teaching. I mean, I'm a teacher now I teach at a state school here in New York. And I'd love to do that. Like I'd love to teach others everything that I know. I am not going to the Grave with the things that I know like I want to make sure that I get all of that out of myself and passed on to others. I love that sound more teachers though that just want to do it out of passion and to give back as opposed to, you know, getting getting Summers off, right? Yeah. No II and love to do it and I have gotten a lot of messages from from people and And it's funny because the platform isn't just for Latinas. I talk to people from everywhere. I personally am a Latina but it has definitely attracted a lot of girls that are like me which is awesome because they happen to be going through the same thing that I'm going through they happen to want to know what I have done and are looking for advice. So I think that's the most like motivating part of having a name that can really Grab others. Yes, that's that's very true and to touch to touch on your point there just like getting those messages the even the rent one. You might be having a bad day. But you just get that message from somebody that reaches out and says like hey, I love your content. Thanks for thanks for putting it out there and they might ask you something or just your opinion like that really makes all the hard days worth it. Yes. I totally agree. Thank you, but then you realize you know, there's more to life than what we don't like exactly let's let's be positive and so getting those positive messages really actually likes me up a lot. That's good. Yeah, I'm glad to hear that. I remember I saw this quote recently the other day it was like Being rich is hard being broke is hard to choose Your Heart Right, and I've been out. baroque And that was very very hard. But you learn how to get through it, you know, and yeah and like like a says you decide which one you want to which one you want to be challenged by. Yes. Exactly. And that will ultimately Define, you know, how you move forward. So it's important that I think people try to make them more responsible choice sooner. Yeah last time we did we've tried it before over over Instagram and I remember when you started the account you had a Eva Longoria As the main picture now you are have opened up a little bit and and it's great to see your face on the account. But what was the original inspiration on using using Eva Longoria again? Yes. So I love everything that she does like she is obviously a well-known actress and she also has a lot of philanthropic things that she she does. So for her when I started the the page originally I'm made her my icon because I planned on being anonymous and being extremely transparent about numbers and all of those things and I started kind of like this like little investing Latina feature and she was the first one and then I did Jessica Alba. She was the second one and then I did Selena Gomez. She was a third one and then I ran out of investing Latinas and that's when I'm like crazy. I'm like, okay, so I guess this ends here so that was actually more. So when I got to that point the wake-up call aren't inspiration for me to continue to do this so that there could be this more sort of visibility for Latinas that are you know, investing and in creating opportunities for other people whether it be through philanthropic Endeavors, or even if Through Business Development all of these things. So I really appreciate and respect what she does. She recently launched a sort of campaign to teach Latinas how to be entrepreneurs. So I'm really looking forward to seeing more of that and when the the companies that come out of that is going to be something like really interesting to look forward to yeah identify with two because it's just such a great point. I only knew I belonged Longoria as an actress and I had no idea that she'd been doing other philanthropic or entrepreneurial Ventures. So just goes to show that you know, you get tired of acting he move on to something better. Yeah, exactly. And and I think the whole idea of investing a lot of people in the fire Community talk about how important it is not only to cover what your needs are going to be but also to extend a hand financially to others And I think that at her level with all the success that she has amassed throughout the years. It's the right thing to do that definitely is and you know, hopefully with time and as things change and we keep progressing will see more and more of that. It's definitely hopefully I'll meet her so she's like on my I must meet at some point list of you have you started the Emer at all? I've talked to her in things. Yeah, so I guess that does go to DM. I'm sure you probably noticed you maybe maybe hopefully start I I really do hope so, I mean she's not like base. So it makes it a little trickier but I she comes to New York all the time and the funny thing about that. Yeah, is that someone that I know saw her in the street and they immediately thought of me like a trigger? Yes Eva Longoria's that Columbus Circle. Okay, guys go up to her show her my page. Yeah, ever tell you your blow-up over never know gotta clean it out there. Exactly. You got to Envision it that's what super cool about using Instagram for to connect and network and meet new people like-minded people as well. Just it's a very valuable tool to touch your last point to on people reaching out and people that are similar to you. So true. Yes, great. So I want to ask you the big three quarter Stone questions that I like to ask so in if you can think back Julie and think, you know, what are three big investments in your life that you've made maybe good ones maybe bad ones, but Means either in time money or energy that have taught you something very valuable that has gotten you to where you are today. So my first the first thing that I spent a lot investing in was my education and I seriously do not regret it one bit. I was at my I have a sister that's 17 years old and is applying to colleges and we also have another sister who's 25 and the 25 year old ask me. She's like hey, do you like wish you had done anything differently in college or your go through your path or anything like that? And I thought about it really hard and I thought no and Not to say that I did not have challenges because trust me I did right I gotta do different degrees. I changed Majors. I picked up a minor. I stopped school like a full semester all these things. So it was a whole big process but it is one of the things that I do not at all regret regret, and I'm so happy that I didn't bust those six years because it did take me six years. That was a super senior in college. I spent six years really investing in myself and trying to figure out what it was exactly that I wanted to do. I had initially gone to school to be a fashion designer and I studied that and I got my degree in design. I ended up working at Ralph Lauren for the man himself and I did that for about a year and a half and literally at that point. I was a beautiful experience because I learned a lot from him. Him, I learned a lot from The Amazing team that he keeps around him. But it also sparked something else in me. And that was the business side likes just watching someone that in the flesh that has built such an amazing brand. Yeah such an amazing American brand was extremely inspiring to me and I knew that you know, there was more to this and that was really what pushed me to change my major. That's okay. Amy wrong. Yeah, like in person. Yeah, so, yes, so I used to work there. Are our division which was the runway so the things that you see walking down the runway hmm on Thursdays and it was a long day. I would work we would be there from probably like 8 a.m. Until maybe 8 p.m. Sometimes 9 p.m. On Thursdays because he would come in and the afternoon and we would just spend hours putting stuff together for him getting feedback all of these things. So interesting. So yeah, it was it was such a great experience and I loved that I was able to use the things. I've learned from my design degree. Yeah to get to that point. Like how many people can say they like they've worked with Ralph Lauren so many that's like your top of list of people's mentors that I've interviewed so far. So hey, yeah. Absolutely. We top of this for a while. That's all. I did it. I got it through really just pushing along and networking and talking to people within my fashion Community. Great. That's one thing. I did not do when I went to University and I took it for granted and I do regret that I wasn't more outgoing and I didn't Network as much about the time. You know, I personally just didn't really I wasn't raised to network and to try and seek out opportunity like that. So I would show up go to the university do my classes and go back home and I was living with my parents. That's just not fun either. So it's super nice to hear how you you know, took the challenges and you know Steer them the way you wanted to go. Not everyone does that? Yeah, right. Yeah, it's funny because I feel like I consider myself very extroverted in a lot of ways, but I also need quiet time for myself. So even though I can be very outgoing and I'm passionate about a lot of things that I talk about so I can get a little while about it. That's better really but I passionate in boring. Yeah, but I really do also get a lot of my energy from just being quiet and at home and recollecting and doing these kind of meditations and yoga so so I consider like myself a mix between the two there might be an actual term for that out there. If you guys know tell us what it is, please please let us know and send a message. I know that there's all those personality test Lance Briggs. There's another Speck like I guess you could say spectrum of like extroverted introvert and introverted extroverted, right? I don't know but I would say I'm probably closely in line with you Julie. So that's refreshing nice great. So at that point I had been and I had already been investing because I worked for that nonprofit. So my money was kind of just like they're working for me. Oh, yeah. I was really putting anything into it at that point because I no longer work for them. But the the money was still invested which is nice, right? That's the way you want to do. We want money to work for us when we're not working. Yeah, and you got to leave it in there for at least a couple years just to see the difference. Yes, so I saw that point I had been in school for three years. I was working at Ralph Lauren. I decided to go back and really focused on the business side of fashion. And that was also when I pick up the economics minor so all of these little things kind of have molded me throughout the years because I think without having also that might that minor in economics. I probably would be less interested in economics today and personal finance in the way that I am. Today, right but something again that was sparked in me to really want to focus on how things work in the economy and how business Works in Fashion, which was specifically what I was studying and eventually I graduate. Hey guys, my parents were like finally and so what did after all that you see you had a fashion fashion designer degree. Yes and minor in economics. And what was your other degree? Yes. Sizing management. So it's it's design merchandising business management and economics. Very very young very versatile. Yeah, it's kind of a lot that is when you look back I'm speaks to who I am as a person and and you kind of feel no because you've seen it on my page and if you guys follow along you'll also see it that I do talk about fashion and fashion like outfits and passion, Miss. Steaks that I made and too much money spent on fast. So true your pages so colorful and yeah, bring a lot of different aspects to it. Yeah. Yeah, so that's kind of how I am as a person. So I was really happy to have invested in six years of my life into getting a degree or multiple degrees in things that I really enjoy and love good that I still use to this day. That's awesome. I think that's all you can hope for you. An opportunity, you know, it's easy to take it for granted if you're not in the right mind set so good for you. Yeah, and you can say, you know the design degree. It's not like I'm a designer right now, but it really taught me and I think that's something that that kids that are going into college to really think about like the what you actually study is an important part of it. But what school at the end of the day is designed for is to teach you how to How to think like make it? Yeah. Make your get more abstract. Be more creative. Yeah, and when I say you can figure out how you are and what makes you unique how you learn you can really make anything happen. Very inspiring. It's so true. I was thinking today. I was like, I got to make a list of what my strengths are here a lot. You gotta focus on your strengths. Yeah, both of conversation, so I didn't Doing it. I was quite busy today with work and I had another podcast interview. I will write them down. I'll try and do them tonight and I'll get back to you but I think taking in the show. Didn't the PO - Oh, thank you. I'm glad to hear that because I like I think I have a few of these strengths but at the same time like I've never genuinely asked other people what they think my strengths are and it's probably better to get an objective opinion than just what I'm used to because obviously I know some things I'm good at but there's a lot of things that I probably downplay that I am better at to so yes, I think a lot of people including myself are like that and and even when someone says, oh what a good things about your tell me about your strengths you almost start Think about your weakness right away. I won't like you know, and so true and it's so weird the way the mind works but that I found that that has happened to me and I'm just like, oh, you know that question like what what should I not be saying, you know? Yeah. Yeah. No exactly. You're just like put Millions initiative is such an important thing and you definitely do that. So shout out to you great. Thank you. I will not stop. That's for sure awesome. So another Investment any other so School great time in your life. You took advantage? What's another one that really one that you can remember? So another thing that I invested in a couple years ago was my own personal finance. I unfortunately living in the crazy fashion lifestyle and we are sitting hey, it's not cheap and in New York City and traveling and all of these things thinking that I could do it all quickly very very quickly got myself into a lot of debt and I decided one day, you know, this is this is the end of it. Like I don't want to do this anymore and I'm going to go for it and do everything that I can to not live like this because it didn't feel It didn't feel good to only be paying minimum payments on a card. It did not have control. It didn't feel good too emotionally shop for things or emotionally experience things because I was running away from the debt. So I really took it upon myself to just focus and say no to a lot of things so that I can stay yes years later like I do today into the things that I do so I do find it hard at the time. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was definitely painful. I get I don't know if it was physical pain, but it kind of felt like it at the time because I just wanted to do so much and I had all these invitations and all these opportunities to do just fun and exciting things. But then at the end of the day, you really have to kind of weigh out how important is it? What's it gonna cost? Ask me and those are the kind of things that those are the conversations with myself that I had didn't have right before that. I had to start having then and I quickly just figured out that it was going to be hard. Yeah, and it took me about two years to get out of all of my debt. So it was it like School dead or consumer death. Oh, no, it was not school that at all but something which is even words and it's still very embarrassing for me. I still haven't publicly Aired how much that I was in you don't need to share this year. I think about it or you blocked it out. You're like I do not ever want to think of that again gone from a dark place. Life really was I was extremely unhappy and I felt very defeated. Hmm. So I wanted to change that because I knew that I was better than that. I knew that I was powerful. I knew that I was smart. I knew these things about myself but I wasn't proving it in the way that I was managing my finances. Yeah. So yeah, I think realization but it's a good one, right? Yeah, right. Yeah. Absolutely, and it's hard to kind of look at yourself and be honest with yourself Mmm Yeah and say, you know, you're an idiot sometimes and not in a negative way or it is a negative way but not in a way that will the next thing will be a negative action. But in the next thing should be a positive action, you know, so like that was dumb be better do better get better. So the that's kind of what I did and I spent one year one full year not buying a single item of clothing, which was really my I got him very nice device. Oh, yeah. Wow looking back at some of the posts that you've put like, I'm not gonna say anything out here, but those outfits were very like embarrass your anything. Those are some beautiful outfits, but I'm looking at the price tags like yo, you know, you'd have to pay me to buy those. It was crazy. She looks good though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean that's what I was going for. Yeah, but yeah, I definitely I spend one year and not spending not buying a single item of clothing and that kind of catapulted the whole debt free Journey good. Yeah for me and this was years before it became in an Instagram culture as it is today. Yeah. Yeah, let's keep takes time, but it's cool to think back and just be like yeah, that was before I do so, right. Yeah, so I guess I didn't call it that free Journey. Yeah, but that's exactly what I was going for. And that's what I did and I say that I invested in that because I had to change my lifestyle. Yeah, and that requires an investment you have to do things differently. You have to think about things differently. So I no longer went shopping Friday. Kids that were spent the day shopping Saturdays I was doing you know dinner's at home on Friday night. Well, there's a lot of opportunity cost at the same time. There's risk, you're missing out on seeing friends. You do have to say no to some things in order to then. You're just like well, I'm not spending money. But what else do you just got to find new habits to replace the old ones and it's not easy, but after all that did you feel like an like you came to some sort of level of like closure and contentedness? Yes. I did. I feel like I lost You know some friends along the way or you know, you would think we're or who you would think we're friends. But at the end of the day, oh, I read something recently about friendship and how relationships in general are assignment. And I found that to be really interesting. I've never really thought about it in that way but in my young and my operators were good on what you mean by that so from what I Gathered from that reading was that every relationship you have is an assignment. It's an assignment for you to offer something to the other person or it's an assignment for you to take from that experience and you can really choose isn't that great and you could really choose what it is and sometimes we don't necessarily know what like have you ever been at a job and you don't even know what your role is? Yeah, because it's like a start-up or whatever the case may be or Or just that's pretty much where I'm at right now. I don't know where my role as but I've almost never felt like more confident in where I am at the same time, but I do know what you mean another way. That's just sorry. I just want to say because I've read I remember reading somewhere to is that just like anyone that passes through your life that you end up in a relationship with like, you know, you can have unlimited soulmates that in the world that you end up meeting if you just happen to have that encounter and you know, yeah, whatever your experience is. Do you know for me it was like these assignments. With friendships people that I constantly was surrounded by but at the end of the day, they weren't really good for me or going in the same direction that I was going essentially. I was growing as a person and other people around me were not so that's when you have to make the decision like am I going to continue with this assignment? Yeah, or am I going to move on take what I've learned and grow from it. That's an amazing way to look at friendships. Yeah, looking back, you know some friends you meet there. They can be very open. So if you haven't seen them for a year or two you run into them again, it feels like you haven't missed a beat and you pick up where you left off, but then some friends. Unfortunately, it seems like who aren't is open or used to sharing you see them after a while. It can just be like pulling teeth is really hard. And you know, yeah, that's that's sucks. But I guess that's the that's the end of an assignment right? It's not It sucks for me because obviously they when you're in a relationship with either friends or even if it's a family relationship that has become different or evolved into something that you don't want it to be anymore. You have to know when to kind of step away from it and deep down. We all have the answers to our problems. Yeah, we do. We know when we should step away from something if we should continue to do something. Like it's in it's within us. Yes, you're ever looking for an answer. You just have to sit with yourself literally in a room a dark room. Sometimes forming Kong's people. Always connected to our phones and social interactions through our phones that we a lot of times forget to just be quiet and listen to ourselves so that we can kind of figure things out and I had to do that throughout the debt free journey, and I invested in that I invested in really just being with myself getting to know myself figuring out new ways to live and still be in a lifestyle. That I felt was good for me because it was all fun and games before but I wasn't holistically in line. Yeah, as I am, you know today as I try to be everyday more every single day. I grow a little bit more that's good. So Ira investing in personal finance those couple of years really getting to know it's that studying different books and people And talking to people about it really helped me Allah. Yeah, it definitely accelerated your growth just in life taking those small steps and now you're here, like look where you are now, it's great because before like no one wants to be in a negative net worth. No no, and I was for a very very long time and it was pretty sad. It was depressing but you if you keep going and if you stay motivated to not do it and if you keep Investing in yourself and breeding. I mean you don't have to spend money to invest in yourself. Enjoy that library card and you have unlimited access to knowledge. Yeah, and even today I literally have I think probably somewhere around 14 15 books checked out of the library. You're gonna go charge late fees if you don't read those I know there was one. I trust you. It's fun because I do have. My and then I mixed it up with library books, but I definitely want to tell the people that are out there that are going through a debt free Journey, like don't feel pressure to buy things. Like if you can afford a book, that's fine. If you're going to stay within your budget if $25 is too much for you. That's fine. Do what works for you and the time that it's going to work for you. So I really think the advantage of all these all these resources when I Flat and dead broke. That's probably the best time to send up, you know coming across those and changes everything. So yeah Gregor so much from them. So for your last investment, what would be number three? Well, since the first one that I talked about was time and now this one really was a kind of about the second one was personal finance. So it was kind of a subject that I invested in learning in that's more knowledge my third. Will be literally monetary investment and thought is definitely my retirement plan. So those $50 like I told you guys that the beginning made the world of a difference because even when I was super in debt, I continue to put a little bit of money in there and do what I can and just keep it going so that it grows. And what year did you first make that investment? I was 19. So that was in 2007. Okay, so that was a party at the like right before our recession. Yeah, right before the crash but imagine that you just what you're doing is as the as the prices are going down the biggest recession you guys have ever seen you're just buying more gobbling up more and more shares. Yep, and just goes to show from the you have that growth from 2012 up until now and you're just like, huh? Laughing. Yep, maybe exactly so it was really great and and I was able to really learn more about investing. Through watching that account grow and seeing what I was invested in and what was happening and those years that we had 22 percent increases. We're so good so good. That was that was 2017. I was like what I like this smell 2019 were also seen like a record high. Yeah, which is amazing. But that is definitely one thing that I always encourage people to just do just start start small start. Retirement account because yes, you're going to retire in 50 years, but that's exactly why you should do it. Yeah. Yeah, you probably plant everyone plans to be alive in 50 years. They say, oh, you know, I might die something like yeah, but realistically you want to be alive. So why the hell aren't you preparing a little right? Yeah. That's great that you mention that because I one thing I try to convince any person that asks me about money or like tries to see what I'm about someone that I might not have seen in a while. She's like no I I just want people to know that if you just start with one Index Fund one low-cost Index Fund that's probably going to be enough to for you to realize that there's opportunity and you're going to learn the rest yourself as you go and like you have the your whole life ahead of you. So whether you're starting with just 25 or 50, like people just think you have to day trade or you have to get into stocks, but it's exactly the model. We followed a little bit into a fund and that's all it is. Just consistency. Yes and keep doing And keep watching it grow and every quarter or take a look at it and see you know, what was good. What worked what didn't work and maybe you can make a you'll get to the point where you can make adjustments based on the things that you're learning. Yes. So I definitely encourage people to get started just throw it in there and then little by little I'll take a couple of a couple minutes a month to look at it and see what's going on and soon enough you'll be talking about it. Yeah, that's so true. Really great point so valuable just you know, better people can start before they have to find out the hard way. But you know in time at least we'll be on Instagram for people that need the need the guys. I know. We obviously love to do that. We're like less than people. Yes I have for these your future self. Will thank you, please please whether yeah, like what do you hear my annoying voice echoing in your ear 10 years later like fuck I should have listened to that guy. Just you know, keep doing it. I remember the year that I care was saying it was one of those years after the recession that I spoke to my uncle out of one of our family reunions. I have a huge family of like 50 cousins. It's insane. Nice Asik Latino family. It's so much fun. It's so crazy. And so I just remember talking to him and he's like, you know, you've been out of school for a little while like what's going on? Like how much are you investing in your 401k? When I was like, oh, you know, I got like five six percent in there something like that. He's like are you kidding me? He's like you have no kids. You have no significant other. He's like you have nowhere. He essentially said you have no responsibility. That's essentially how he broke it down. It's like you have no responsibilities. You should be investing more and I was like, you know what you're right and I start putting in 10% So tonight is my of my salary and that was that was so great. So I really We thank him. His name is Andrew. Maybe I'll send this to her. Yeah, you said well, thanks Andrew for the advice and for encouraging me to save more when I was able to yes, that is that's just like being able to hear good advice and take it and run with it. So yeah, thank you. Andrew. Good man. Good uncle. Yeah, totally totally. That's awesome. Yeah, like a lot of times people don't realize the impact that they leave on you or so. It's always good to just yeah if you can say Thanks, or let that person know that they did help you because they'd probably be super super happy to know that. So yeah, I'm happy that you do this for others as well now from thanks for all of your post. You're very welcome. I mean, it's one of those things where I feel like I'm most can't control it. I've just over time. I've gained the knowledge and I just I have this drive to want to help others because I think personally myself I'm fine like I'll be good. Good with money. However, I'm with however, whatever my salary is I'll be able to balance enough money that I have cash and I don't need to touch my investments and to me right now. It's just more important to show people that you know, there are people out there that want to help and get them on the right track if they're willing to ask and yeah, I get a kick out of this just as much as I would going up to see some friends too. So and like this we get to catch up and yeah, it isn't a great like how we met and we've become Friends now it is 10 years from now. We're going to talk about this maybe like How to remember what? Yes when I have the money to just come fly down to New York for a weekend or you can come yeah, that's what I'm talking about rebuilding these ridges will figure out a travel hats for that. Okay. I know I ain't care has her she's on top of her game with the tomahawks. Yes. I definitely need to message her and see if we can get her on. You know, I have a lot of good experience with traveling but there's always more of these points these new business models that keep coming out. It's just there's so much to learn and try to take advantage of so, yeah and it Just got complicated every a little bit more complicated. I'm not going to be that they just change and they are changing quickly, you know, so it's it can be a lot to keep track of but like even myself I had to like Google travel hacking spreadsheet because I was becoming overwhelmed with so many different cards and options and things and you gotta organize that yeah. Yeah, and you had definitely have to strategize to get the most out of it. So sometimes I look at my points and I'm like, yeah. Me just spend it this weekend. And then I think now come on you're better than that. Yeah little bit of self-control is a long red hairs balcony. I'm like, hey, well, you know I sent her DM and I'm just like but she's great. You definitely have to get her on the show. Just so many people that just get on and pull great information and wisdom out of so lastly. What are some new things that you're up to now, I noticed that your page is kind of shifted to bit towards real estate. What's what's next for you? Yes. So right now I'm definitely looking to invest into a rental property and I've been showing a lot of kind of open houses that I go to and after I do the open house, I do the here are the numbers and I share them with Instagram and everybody gets like really excited about them because this is the kind of thought process that you have to have any time you invest into anything. Yes, you have to kind of weigh out the pros and cons. You have to really think about what can go wrong before you can make a very smart decision on it. So I've been saving for a while for a property specifically for a rental property. And now I'm hoping to really make it happen. Then hopefully within I don't know maybe the next year. I have no specific brush to do it. Yeah, I don't need but right now I'm learning as much as I can and I am going to as many open houses as I can just to get well versed in the whole real estate world because I personally do love to negotiate successfully negotiate anything is to really know your stuff packed. Are you cursing on this? No, no, I said fact but oh, yeah, you can curse if you want. I feel like I've been keeping it clean. I don't I think it's because I'm speaking. Dang it man. You guys are so nice. You can swim. I didn't feel appropriate because I'm such a New Yorker. I'm like Crossing all the time. Although I try to decrease but essentially in order for you to be a great negotiator. You definitely have to know what you're talking about. So getting well first before you really pull the trigger, even if those people that are out there on the market looking for a home for themselves and their family I encourage you go to 50 open house. Is before you make a purchase know what is entailed like do as much research as possible. So that's kind of where I'm at now, so I'll definitely keep you posted. You'll see ya I'll thank him for sure. So you're gonna have a nice view of I will are you going to have a nice view of Central Park or my God? No, so, where are you looking though? Like you have any areas? Because I don't I know obviously Manhattan Island and then you've got Long Island, but are there any like which areas are seem reasonable for you? Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. No view of central clearing because I would that would require probably I don't know like ten million dollars minimum and that's like with a tiny window. This isn't like offal floor-to-ceiling window 10, really? Rooney's tiny glimpse of the Park. Yeah, but but no I II Westchester which is right above the city it's like 30 minutes north of New York City funny enough where I live now, I can see the Empire State Building simply because I live on a hill and the building that I'm in which is a rental. I'm on the top floor of that hill so I see that Empire State Building in the distance every time there's a clear night. I can see the colors on it and you know what? I'm gonna I despite with that that's good. So I do love Westchester because of how green it is and it's a suburb, you know, I really like the quiet life when I'm not in the chaos of work in the city. That's very important to have that balance. And when it is New York City, one of the biggest ones out there. It's like it it makes total sense to be out there and try to take advantage of more green and yeah about it your honor. I've got a view For sure, imagine note of all like kind of the Flatlands of New York. You're probably on one of the few Hills. So that makes a big difference. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love it up here. That's good. And this is where I'm looking. So if you follow me, you'll see that I look for places in throughout lower Westchester. Okay. Well, so for anyone that's in the New York area definitely follow at investing Latina and get your fix on real estate information amazing. So funny. I love it. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being on the show Julia. Where can people find you. Thank you so much Jordan for having me. I really appreciate it. Thank you for inspiring. At me with all the things that you do, but you can you guys can definitely find me at investing Latino on Instagram. I'll have a my website will be launching soon and my goal is definitely to share like tricks and tips and hacks specifically on things like credit and how to manage taxes and how I invest my money. So if you guys want to follow along on the journey, feel free, I'll be there amazing. You have to go follow. This is hugely important information, and it's all free. Realization recently to like if you have the opportunity to ask someone that has done it and knows versus someone who gets paid always get the second opinion from someone who's done it and who knows, right? Yeah. Absolutely. I think that's why people really ask questions because they really want that first hand experience. Yeah today. It's it's different when you hear it from someone that has emotionally gone through something or Versus someone that just talks about it because it's something that they studied for a long time. Yeah, and they're getting paid. It's so true. It's yeah definitely want to always get a second opinion ask questions. So any any last word of advice that you want to pass on? Yeah, I mean, I hope you guys continue to learn as much as you can from listening to this podcast. Jordan is great. I'm reading his book right now. So hello. Thank you. Good luck. You guys that girl money and make sure that Just a highly invested. I like that. Hey, thank you so much. I wanted to do that for a while the pain name, but it just took me getting over the fear to climb we're doing but it just feels like it feels good. I love it everyone you can find highly invested on Spotify Google podcast breaker radio public and it's now an apple podcast. You can also find it at anchor dot f m / highly invested. I will be trying to figure out a way to have it pasted right on make Mark So it's even easier for you guys to access but that is our show thank you so much for coming on again. Julie always applied it. Hi, everyone. Hey, well, we'll be in touch. So everyone thank you for listening. If you like this, please subscribe like share leave a review not in that order. But whatever you can to pass this on to people who might be interested. This has been the episode. Thanks so much for listening and I'm sending off to a highly invested in yourself till next time.
Episode 11 features Jully, the Dominican born, New Yorker who teaches, does business consulting and aims to empower other Latina's to take control of their money with her account on Instagram, @investinglatina. Jully began her debt free journey in her 20's, coming to terms with her spending habits while tackling and completely paying off the consumer debt she had accumulated and began her journey towards financial freedom. This allowed her to construct the lifestyle she confidently lives now, as she takes on the topics of credit, taxes and real estate so she can spread financial awareness and help others save more money and take control. Her website will soon be up and running at Her biggest investments: Her education, her personal finance and ultimately in herself and what she really wanted. This podcast is for anyone who wants to learn about personal  growth, finance, investing and business concepts or feels the need for a mindset shift. My mission is to create a world of financially literate individuals who take responsibility and practice discipline to be the best version of themselves. By openly communicating,  sharing objective information and learning from personal experience, we can spread financial literacy and mental health awareness, reducing stress and improving the quality of life as it helped me. Be the change you want to see and people will notice. It shouldn't be so bad to talk about money so get highly invested in yourself.
Hi Kirby. Hi Sarah. Welcome to gloss Angeles. All right, guys, we have another exciting guest today. You might know dr. Loretta sir, Aldo MD faad as the creator of the cult favorite tightening eye gel which want to loras bested Beauty Awards in 2019. She is a highly sought-after board certified dermatologist with over 40 years of experience and Avid clinical researcher published author and and a regular on camera beauty experts her research experience started in 1975 in the Dermatology Department of Harvard Medical School where she performed early testing on the effects of UVA on human skin and contributed to the development of the Fitzpatrick skin type classification, which is so major and you know that she knows a lot about sun exposure just from that fact alone. She received her MD from downstate Medical College of State University of New York and completed her Dermatology residency at Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx New York where she was selected as chief resident. Dr. Loretta is a line of anti-aging skincare products formulated with high concentrations of Advanced Medical grade actives combined with blends of the most beneficial essential oils and Botanical and Marine ingredients to ensure that the skin remains unexposed to harmful external influences. So please welcome. Dr. Loretta. It's a gloss Angeles Hi, how are you? I'm great and he so excited to be here with you. Oh my gosh that like your resume. Oh my God. I'm like tired for you. Oh, thank how do you do it all I think it's really a matter of passion. I am very passionate about everything I do and because I still practice as well. I really have a motivation and a goal to make people feel so much better about themselves more comfortable in their own skin and even really more confident as they age so you Sarge about my professional life. I also am a woman in my now my late 60s and I feel so much more confident probably than I did even about my appearance. I feel so much more confident than I did in my 30s. So my goal is really to share my passion and my confidence about aging with everyone and it just keeps me going. I really don't believe I will ever Tire of this the my gosh. I love that. You know, we are big fans of your products. It's and we've been using them for a while. I remember when I first met you Sarah was I don't know where you were that no, I was so sad. I couldn't come. Well we went had brunch coffee and it was I was like finally somebody that understands like you're an actual expert you've put in the time you've done the research. I mean, you're an actual doctor exactly. It's not like they're just slapped Dr. On the line, you know, they mean which I think a lot of people are Attempting to do these days like I will reach out to people and ask like, okay wait, so, you know, what are your certifications and it's kind of murky. So where they do like won't answer. Oh, yeah. They just the coast you that's always special. Yeah, but I remember when you told me about the Fitzpatrick skin type classification and your work with it. I was like, okay I since I'm I've been a sun screen junkies since I could read Allure magazine. That was good. That was the same. Yeah, right. I mean that was like the first skin Care tip I ever learned besides don't put black eyeliner on her lower lash line to keep the wrinkles. Remember her now is a big. Yes that I my gosh. I remember reading that when I was like 11 thinking no black eyeliner what I don't have any wrinkles to worry about money, but that all being said you're so informed you like essentially like wrote the book on this stuff. So we're so excited to have you here because you have a new launch that we're going to get to a little bit later in the show that I think you know, Blends beautifully with with your vision and what you're trying to bring out to the world. So yeah, we're just going to kick it off with some girl chat. Yeah, right. So as Kirby mentioned, you know, you are doctor you went to medical school and while you were in med school, you got a job at Harvard Medical School Dermatology Department doing research on the effects of UVA on the human skin. Why was this so interesting to you? Especially at that time? Well, I have to tell you that in medical school. This was after my first year. Of medical school when I arrived at this summer job in a laboratory and the very first day they gave me a little instrument and said go out on the lawn and this is going to measure if this thing called ultraviolet a reaches the surface of the Earth. So imagine in 1975. First of all, I had completed my first year of medical school and had actually never heard of ultraviolet a I think that and so I did find yes it did reach the surface of the Earth and then I went on to test human skin. To the effects of ultraviolet a unfortunately one of the very first people that we tested I'm sorry to say it was a lab partner and I she ended up in the burn unit of Massachusetts General Hospital because we gave her we had her out Under the Sun for too long. I think that what happened with me is it's sort of made me a bit of a mad scientist certainly an out-of-the-box thinker and so when you fast forward to the fact that I have The education and the clinical practice but it also a little bit of a historian and what I realize is that just like in the 1970s when we honestly had no idea that ultraviolet a might be damaging our skin and I think you know, I remember in the 70s how women would be as very common women did not work not very many women worked at all. Not very many women even went to medical school in the 1970s. So women spent an awful lot of time outside on Of the sun we didn't even have sunscreen that covered UVA now really 45 years later. I think we need to sort of revamp the way that we think about the factors that are damaging our skin and I think that I have that unique sort of historical background and and Decades of clinical practice and so over time. I really investigated. What are the factors that might be aging us so that you just went perfectly. On to our next question is that you believe that there are actually Four external factors that contribute to aging and you have proof that they actually contribute to 85% of corruptible and preventable skin aging which is nuts if it's that preventable why everybody doing it? So let's talk about what those factors are and what we should be doing to make sure that we're accurately and effectively protecting ourselves. Okay, so thank you and I love the Question in the way, you stated it. I would say that by Nature. I'm an extremely positive person. So I'm just going to sort of repeat Kirby the way that you stated. She said that and I'm going to talk about these factors that are aging and really sort of damaging your skin. But I love Kirby that the way you questioned me. You said that these are if we address them, they're both preventable and correctable changes, so I don't want to scare womankind or Mankind not want you to realize that although we might be sort of exposing ourselves to external aggressors that are responsible for about 85 percent of Aging changes that we can always almost always correct them to some degree and certainly prevent further damage. We're just so nice. Yeah, right. Yes, because most people are like they like to fear Monger. So it's nice that you're telling people. Okay, you know what you made a bad you made a boo-boo we can move forward with this and Honestly to prove that what I've done in my clinical testing is include Volunteers in their 70s and we've seen Improvement in their skin, very notable visible Improvement even well into their 70s. Wow. So what are the factors the first one is pollution and we know that pollution if you just look at populations who live in urban settings, which in America is over 80% of all Americans live in urban settings, but Urban versus rural settings that there are 22 percent more age spots associated with living in an urban setting we know that creases and wrinkles are deeper when you're in an urban setting and the urban setting is really the pollution Factor. Okay, and so pollution is a very big factor in aging our skin and causing a lot of changes that we often associate just with chronological aging especially Lines wrinkles creases and age spots. The other thing to know about pollution is that pollution is actually the rate of pollution. The amount of pollution is higher indoors than Outdoors. Whoa. Yes. So what that then practically speaks to is that it's a great idea to be aware of using skin care. Even if you're not going out for the day. That's I think that's like something that well, you know what we spoke to Renee. Hey, everyone, who is either like an aesthetician or dermatologist will tell you that but a lot of people just don't believe it which is so strange because yeah, you're like so they know this is the Environmental Protection Agency the World Health Organization. They have the stats and pollution levels are higher. The other thing that I want to tell you is that pollution really the way that it damages their skin is it causes free radical damage? Yeah, and so the kind of thing that Want to use the kind of ingredient we want to use to protect us from free radical damage has antioxidants and we'll be talking I think a little more about it because we use one extremely unique antioxidant and every one of our dr. Loretta regiments, which we'll talk about in the yeah. Yeah, definitely. Do you sorry to interrupt but just quickly do you have like an air purifier in every room of your home? Okay. So this is what I would like to tell you that if you look at our dr. Loretta. Gotta box is and you know all of our packaging we use the Expression skin unexposed want to keep our skin unexposed to this and really if you're protecting your skin with clothing that happens to be a very good protection from pollution. Now if you have any respiratory problems, then absolutely air filters are great. Okay, and that's what I did for that. But let's get back to the other Factor. Yeah. First is pollution. Yeah. The second is light. Now remember what I just said to you that 90% of our time is spent indoors. So yes, I do believe we have to protect ourselves from UVA and UVB but visible light is proving to be a really detrimental and damaging Force for skin. And so there's a very nice study that was published in the Dermatology literature the Journal of investigative Dermatology that shows that when the same person is exposed to ultraviolet a Or visible light the visible light actually produces more redness swelling and pigment then UVA. Okay. So for people that might not know what visible light means. Can you just so actually visible light is like indoor lights like we're sitting on top office playing and so yes, there's some amount of that. Especially that spectrum that called the blue light. Okay, and the biggest exposure is from indoor lighting but even more than light bulbs It's really coming from instruments that we or devices that we put our skin up to. So, especially our computers and our cell phones, which we are always doing that like an especially if you read your screen time on your phone. Yes for the day or for the week. It's actually horrifying to know how much it's seven hours just on your phone. Yeah, Dad. How many hours you spend staring at your laptop? Totally. I mean I guess for me. I'm glued to my phone and my computer because I'm a workaholic but like I would be less inclined to use those things. Now knowing right effects of the blue light or at the very least like protecting our skin at all times exactly. Like that's what drives me to do things. I'm like, oh it's gonna be tough again. Right? I mean, you're not alone every and remember that you know, I'm here not only to tell you the problem, but also this yeah totally totally but this is very informative to know so you have the pollution you Light next climate I think that all of us well, most of us agree that climate change is a reality and things like Greenhouse emissions, which really have all to do with carbon free radicals methane and other kinds of carbon free radicals in the air. So when it comes to climate whether it's outdoor climate with things like climate change and the carbon free radical damage that era skin undergoes from that or it indoors in climate control that most of us again 90% of our time is indoors and most of us are subject to either air conditioning or indoor heating right for most of the year. And what that does is it really lowers the humidity level and the air besides adjusting the temperature in lowering the middle humidity level. It's actually sucking the moisture out of our skin and we become dehydrated. So again the remembering the Read a products are trying to address all of these factors and then the last factor is irritants and if you buy something and you start to use it and all of a sudden your face gets red fine, you'll stop it. But what we really don't realize or many consumers don't realize is that there's what we call and dermatology subclinical irritation. Meaning you really don't even realize that some of the ingredients and a product are somewhat Bob. Other SIM to your skin and so over time you may have a little bit of redness you may have just a little bit of even Broken Vessels or whatever. Not only is that going to be causing the change of increased redness and blotchiness which by the way is often sort of misdiagnosis rosacea or sensitive skin, but we know that irritants cause what we call like an inflammation in our skin that actually makes our collagen breakdown faster. and that really ages are skin more because when collagen breaks down we see the exaggeration of lines and all so the four factors that as we're sitting right here sort of attacking our skin, but hopefully not mine because I've got all my doctor learn about the four factors that I really want to help you with the external aggressors the environmental damage that we're all under going 24/7 or the exposure to pollutants to light both visible and UV a to climate conditions and to irritants so in developing the dr. Loretta line, I really didn't just want to take advantage of the fact that I'm a 40-year dermatologist. I really wanted to come up with a very unique approach. I love women and man to stop thinking that they're just aging because of their age or because of sun damage and it's really that we need to be protecting our skin and addressing all four of those. All aggressors. It's so interesting because the first thing you did bring up was the pollution and to be completely honest. I feel like Sarah you could probably speak to this too. But growing up that was not something that was really harped on. It's alright antioxidants. We would hear that they were in skincare products, but to be completely honest it was kind of like, okay, whatever and antioxidants in our product great and I feel like it's only recently become such a big buzzword in the skincare industry whereas, you know sun damage and you know, No, sunscreen all that. I mean we like Kirby said you like we grew up just slathering it all over our face trying to stay under out of the sun. Yeah, because that's what we felt like, you know equated to aging and I and I also feel like, you know, I keep thinking of like commercials on TV where it would talk about antioxidants or like, you know pollution or whatever and it kind of goes over people's heads because they don't understand what free radical means and I think that's why it's easy for people to kind of like Look it as a main factor because they're like well, what is it, whatever I like I have to go outside or I have to do, you know, I have to be around it's happening inside exactly. So I think it's important because I noticed that when I was, you know reading up on the brands like the number one like it's not the number one, but in order you talk about pollution first then and so I feel like that's something that huge takeaway is you think about and what I would like to say A 2 is that in that way us saying that we're addressing pollution at the dr. Loretta line that does not sound all that unique, but we are addressing it in a very Advanced way. And so I'd like to actually have we elaborate on that. So the first thing is that you have to realize that pollution particles or very minut. Some of them are up to 30 times smaller than the size of are pores. So they really Deeply into our skin the too bad. They're not good for you and I need it done because we're having a nice right be awesome if they were great for your skin and right. Yeah the exact a really great lesson, right? So one of the ways that we're addressing it is with our gentle hydrating cleanser and that cleanser has a lot of good things. It's got beneficial essential oils. It's got firming Marine peptides, but it also has a specific Marine extract which is able to absorb. Herb, these tiny microscopic particles. Okay, and so what I really like so this is called The Gentle hydrating cleanser and I love if now that we're sort of educating our listeners to the fact that pollution is very high levels indoors as well as out. I love people to consider washing their face twice a day that why because when we sleep at night, we're really rubbing our faces into the pillowcase, which is Laden with dust mites and other Carrie's of pollution particles. So this is one way to use our our hydrating cleanser and actually what I use myself how I use it as I don't even mix it with water. I just sort of rub it onto my face a little bit like a mask. Okay, leave it on for a 2 to 3 minutes while I sort of do something like brush my teeth and then wash it off to give it the time to absorb these pollution particles. So that is one very unique way that we're addressing pollution. Then all of our products all of our regimens because we do make three different regimens, but all very regimens highlight a wonderful antioxidant called a lipo croman. Okay. Yeah. This is what you were discussing and lipo croman is the strongest antioxidant that exists. So it's stronger than vitamin C vitamin e ET bananas. It's the idibon OWN on on the assay for antioxidant strength 80 be known as the second strongest and the Why poke Ramen is 11 times stronger than that. Wow, but even more than that, remember that antioxidants or really serving the specific purpose of mitigating the damage from free radicals. So if you read about free radicals what you almost always going to hear is this antioxidant is great for oxygen free radicals. But remember just a few moments ago. We were talking about climate change. I said, that's really predominantly carbon. Free radicals if you turn on a gas stove its carbon free radicals secondhand smoke is nitrogen free radicals car exhaust fumes or oxygen but also very much nitrogen and carbon free radicals and lipo croman and this one is really dead Tada. Michael Coleman is the only antioxidant that protects the skin from not only oxygen but also nitrogen and carbon Free radicals wow, so we do like to emphasize that our line is really a combination of picking the best most beneficial ingredients from nature, but also from the medical field and so lipo chroman is a synthetic. I will say that the way that this was created is it was synthesized in the laboratory and it was originally used only for medical purposes and to this day it is still used internally to treat cancer. A patient's but we're using a topical. We're not making any kind of medical claims. It's certainly not a cancer drug, but it is a Powerhouse antioxidant that will really protect your skin from all three kinds of free radical damage carbon oxygen and nitrogen free radicals. Well, I mean, I've literally never even heard. Yes. Why is awesome why is it that other you know skin care Brands maybe aren't using that antioxidant. Well, I think it's a couple of things number one. This was something that literally because I've been making products for the medical arena for years. I discovered this product. It's from Europe. I discovered this ingredient. And also I do have to say that many times bigger companies take decades before they will bring a product or ingredient to Market. I think the fact that obviously my grant is very easy access to clinical testing because I do do it myself, you know, we can bring things to Market faster. Also, I will mention to you that there is a growing Trend in skincare for consumers to be told to use natural ingredients Yep. This is a synthetic and what we believe extremely what I believe as a physician and as a skin care expert is that there are instances where synthetic ingredients because Really have advanced benefits their preferable to the Natural ingredients. Actually the way that the Lipo croman was synthesized the laboratory says it was bio inspired by vitamin A. They sort of took the by vitamin E molecule and super powered up and may the light book Roman that's amazing while I'm like loving all of this and learning so much a ously. So as you mentioned you've been formulating skin care products for medical practices since 1993. And you clearly love, you know sun protection, but you didn't initially launched with a sunscreen when you created your brand. Is there was there a reason for that. Yeah, I will tell you that we did Just Launch our sunscreen, although we have been working on it for a full over three years and that actually I think relates back to me. I was very fortunate just last month to be lecturing to 550 cosmetic chemists at the sunscreen symposium. I'm so jealous. Yes, and I was very proud to because there were a lot of members of the FDA there and they came up on complimented me. One of them came up the head of the non-prescription drugs. They have take him up and complimented me on my talk. I started the talk by saying as a dermatologist with 40 years of experience the advice that I give to each and every patient when they ask me, dr. Sorrell de what sunscreen should I use is one simple advice? I want you to use the sunscreen that you like, right? And it took me three years to develop a product that Not only was medically sound and I'd say sort of cosmetically elegant but really super user-friendly and I had very specific Gold's I wanted that sunscreen to be able to serve as even a lightweight moisturizer eye makeup primer. You can also use it in lieu of a light foundation and so it Really took that long. We also have vanilla. I'm sorry, but no and lavender essential oil to knew we wanted that send to be something that we Pleasant enough but really not at all overpowering we wanted it to blend with all skin tones up to that Fitzpatrick type sick. So even if you have very dark skin, it will blend in and so it really took this salon and of course it does contain lipoic Roman because one of the The things that light does whether it's visible light or ultraviolet light is it causes a lot of free radical damage? So it has light book Roman and last of all it also has blue light protection. Yeah Phil is extremely important. So well, no wonder it took you so long to develop a yes and like I mean like a Powerhouse of a sunscreen and we're looking at the package right now and it says multifaceted protection from uva/uvb. HEV and pollution, which I don't think I've ever seen a sunscreen that mentions the last two. I mean, yeah, you wouldn't usually for sunscreens. It's like UVA UVB like broad spectrum, you know, yeah. Yeah. Yeah exactly. That's it. Yeah, so I have to tell you that at the sunscreen Symposium everyone in attendance the 550 people, you know who are all chemists or FDA members. I know they all said of course sunscreen on these blue light we need the aah. Uh, and by the way, we're using the words blue light visible light and that term HEV which stands for high energy visible. We're using them interchangeably. Okay got it. So the 550 experts at the sunscreens opposing wall said, of course, we know that we have to have blue light protection in sunscreen, but the consumer does not know this again again being a small company we're able to get things to Market faster. We are definitely the first time Market sunscreen that protects you from all three types of free radicals that are caused by pollution and from the HEV or visible light from digital screens and also remember and I don't I'm sorry that I don't think I did mention this that the sun emits more of the blue light than even UVA and UVB combined when we go outside. Yeah when you go outside and you see the sky is blue that's blue light. There is a reason why the sky Is blue wow love that really most people do not know it and I think that really one of my biggest goals is educating and again not educating to be a fear Monger whatsoever. But to really make people believe that no matter what your age you can have some visible reversal of things that You don't like about your skin and you can certainly prevent so much future damage just by protecting yourself from these for damaging factors. Yes, I mean knowledge is power. So we're of the same opinion. Dr. Loretta. I didn't Kirby have you Swatch this yet? No, I didn't even open. I love the formula it goes on so smooth it absorbs so quickly and I feel like with a lot of sunscreens especially ones that act as you know moisturizers. And tries to do all this stuff. It's super chalky or it's really thick and this one just oh my gosh feels really really hydrating on the skin. And like I said just absolutely absorbed so quickly. Yeah. Oh my gosh, it's already absorbed face. So it's like it has a matte finish. Yes. It really leaves your skin looking better than before you put on and you know, that was my goal. Not that me as a dermatologist tells you. Oh, you got to put on sunscreen. It's that you want to put it on because you like the way your skin looks that mmm. Idiot lie when you put it on your skin looks a little bit better. I mean, I know so many friends of mine who don't like to wear sunscreen because they don't like how it looks on their skin how it feels under makeup and I'm just like how it smells nice. Yeah, and this has a very light smell but it's I was going to say she mentioned. Yes, you mentioned not but you can barely see ya. It's very like I almost like I can smell it like faintly right, but it doesn't linger. So what you have to know is We use very minut very low percentages of the essential oils. Yep to make it a pleasant experience on application but not then the say exactly it's going to dissipate immediately totally. So it's actually funny that you mention that because we have an episode where we talk about skincare ingredients were a little weary of when we see them like in a package or we hear that there and a product and one of them is essential oils but to your point it's how it's formulated. Right and it's the concentration of exactly I Thanks a lot. Honestly expertise does matter in formulating and essential oils need to be put into formulas typically in the range of 0.5 percent or less. So most of our I don't think that we actually have a single formula were even up 2.5% and many of our formulations were at 0 .01 percent. Yeah. Yeah, so yeah, that's where I think there's been misinformation you another thing. I must jump in to say to you you came up at the sunscreen Symposium that I just attended or election about silicon know as a dermatologist. I think that many silicones are extremely beneficial even in terms of helping penetration certainly getting an even spread and one thing that is really again, I'm sorry to say almost like little bit of misinformation is that So called chemical free sunscreens that use zinc. Typically the most common most almost all zinc's that are used are coated with silicone. So when a line says our silicone free their chemical free fine, but do understand that the meaning of that term is a little bit dubious and trip frankly inaccurate because there's think is silicone coated which is very very helpful to get better spreadability. Got it. So even though it's good for the spread. They're still not being a hundred percent accurate with their claim. Yes. And also I think that again my experience has been that silicon is a very helpful ingredient that again, it really can help to maximize the absorption of beneficial ingredients and to get a very even spread of product Yasser when it's silicone get a bad rap. Like I feel like a couple of years. Yeah and people have been messaging us like, but does it have Then it and what are your thoughts and silicones of my are we supposed to not like I mean what's to dr. Letters point is just there's so much misinformation. But I mean, it's such a confusing industry. And you know, how are we supposed to find out especially if we're not experts or beauty editors? Like what is what is your advice when it comes to finding a product that you know, maybe has silicones and how do we know whether or not it's okay? Okay. So the very first thing I'd like to almost take it into a little broader question or and to say that I think that if you are having Having any issues with your skin. You should actually research the ingredient list on each of the products that you're using for instance a very common thing that I see in my office. So often is perioral dermatitis, which really is just sort of like acne around the around the mouth area. Okay, and some of the very popular scrubs that are used on the first thing that we dermatologist say if someone comes in and they're breaking out around their mouth is please do not Is anything with Mint or cinnamon? No, very commonly. People will use dental floss that's been flavored or cinnamon flavored. But unfortunately some of the more common scrubs have cinnamon essential oil. Now this is sort of really not good for the problem that you have because here we dermatologist is saying, you know avoid doing certain things this will clear you up, but then the very ingredients in the products that you're using become a problem. So this is the first thing that I like to say try to research all of the ingredient listing and I'm not saying that you need to always do this on your own, you know, you can go to your dermatologist. But for instance when I get in a new patient, we ask them to bring in the products that they're using so we can take a look if you don't have easy access to a dermatologist or or maybe you don't even have the listing of ingredients on your products because they're on the box you threw away the box then aside I would recommend first of all you can To the manufacturers site at the dr. Loretta site. We have the full ingredient listing on every single product that we make but in case you are using products where the manufacturer doesn't have the ingredient listing if it's on Durham store Durham store is a very good site that will list the full ingredient deck. We loved we loved our so yes, we I do too so underrated. Yeah, and then they have amazing sale that people don't even know about. Yeah, so I think I I do really like that. I even asked patient Joe take a look at everything like I'm saying to you don't use dental floss that has cinnamon. But please make sure that you know, your exfoliator doesn't have cinnamon and at this kind of thing so so when you say yeah, but that sort of depends on what the person's problem is. Yeah. Sure Believe It or Not parabens, which is became much less popular years ago. They're still in a lot of a lot of the big Brands to have paraben. Yeah, you know. If you don't have any problems, if it's been linked possibly to breast cancer, you know, if you don't have breast cancer the family maybe you want to finish up something to have with parabens, you know, I think that it's going to be on an individual basis, but I really do think that you need to reflect on the expertise of the people behind the brand agreed. And so that point I want to you talked about seeing clients come in and they have acne around their mouth. This leads me to Common skin. Care conundrums that you see I'm curious. What are the most common skin care issues? You see with I want to just go with women in this case Yemen and their 20s women in their 30s and women in their 40s. Is there something that you notice trend-wise for each category? Okay. The first thing that I'd say is that we are starting to see an awful lot of women in their 20s coming in complaining of crows feet. Okay, and this is a huge shift from Years ago. Yeah, I don't think that people of 25 even understand what the word proceed was totally, you know in the 1970s and as a dermatologist, I do blame this on digital screens for sure. And actually I'm sitting with you ladies and you have on as a gift with purchase right now for the launch of our sunscreen. We have blue light protective screen protective glasses and their piece gift. They're so cute so cute. So we're wearing them. And so the first thing I do want to How you is if you wear contact lenses or prescription glasses the ophthalmologist the eye doctors recognize long ago how damaging blue light was to your eyes. So if you're wearing prescription contacts your eyes are being protected from Blue like thank God why we made these are nice big round glasses and why we did that is because an awful lot of people who have dark under eye circles really have them because they're sitting at the computer and you know eight hours a day. Remember we said that that Digital Light gives you more hyperpigmentation more Darkness than even ultraviolet. So they've already done studies that prove this. Yes, we might even have a Graphic that it from a published study that shows really how much more redness swelling and pigment you get from the blue light not only immediately on exposure but even a week later you still have God does it matter how close you are to the screen or to your phone? Own. Yeah, so what I would say is that they haven't done enough studies with that but definitely, you know, I will tell you that some dermatologists will say to me well read a you know, you really are you know, the light that's emitted by the computer screen is not as much as the blue light emitted by the Sun. How do you know it's problem. I think that the difference is that you are holding your face directly in front of that form of actual light. Radiation and so you're focusing on it. And that's why I will tell you that. I started to even teach the Dermatology residents how to administer Botox 26 years ago. Wow, 26 years ago. Our average person coming in who is interested in Botox was in their 40s now practicing in Miami as I do many 20 year olds are coming in asking if they're ready for botox for the crow's feet. So that's one thing that I'm saying. Okay, the next thing I'm seeing is that a lot of people in there a lot of women in their 20s, and I think it's because women are coming and saying gee whiz I didn't have this much acne in high school. And now I've got it in my 20s what's going on and what I see not only is what we're starting to call adult acne in the 20s and we know that adult acne is most common form of acne, but I'm also seeing a trend of a lot of exfoliation a lot of at home exfoliation and like I lose Two before you know, it may be good. But then again in that exfoliating product it might be exposing yourself to things that can make you break out more with your acne. So I think that you've got to be a little bit careful. There's such a thing as too much of a good thing and I think that that can lead to sensitivity all of this at home aggression and then by the 30s. Wow, sometimes on some days it seems like half of the women who come in to see me in their 30s tell me that they have Have rosacea and you can't see me listeners, but I'm making this in quote marks because I think that a lot of times this redness that you're experiencing on your face is really an inflammation and irritation from all the stuff you're doing, you know, if you follow what the Koreans are saying and I have respect for them their dermatologist or excellent. But Korean skincare is advocating 10 steps a day. I think that that's falling into a huge trap. Overexposure and overstimulation you all I feel like you just named everything every issue that all of our listeners have like submitted questions about. Yeah, and maybe it was like talking to me directly. I was because we've talked about this. I have a little bit of redness in my cheeks and I'm like, is it rosacea? Like, what is it? And then yeah, I mean you really just words it blue. Why is it weird answer? Right? Yeah. I was a chronic goes but now were formed over exfoliator. I I learned that I had to stop doing both physical and chemical exfoliants every single day because I was a crazy person and what's funny is I had an actual doctor tell me that I had rosacea because of my skin, but they didn't spend that much time with me to be completely honest and didn't ask me that many questions and the sign that you're like, yeah, and they wanted to put me on Accutane. Wow and told me like, I mean also told me insane stuff like you have rosacea. If you don't get this taken care of now you're going to Big bulbous nose and like yeah, it was like the weirdest thing ever. I have never said this was for five years ago. Like I remember like being in the office about to sign that I was gonna like have two forms of birth control to like make sure that my like if I'm sharing it on Accutane, I'm like, I'm not taking Accutane. Why am I on Accutane? I don't need to be on you didn't go on your skin was probably great the sad part and obviously we don't like to drag people on this podcast, so I'm not going to be The sad part is that this person does make amazing skincare products that I use and actually like but it does concern me that this person was gnosis. Yeah, like I'm like, maybe you should retire I think you've been doing this like way too long. Maybe you're just bored because now you have nothing interesting to say to me well, and I'd sort of like to address that too. I am that it's very important. If you do go to the dermatologist and I will say I do think that if you make a Dermatology Appointment that you have the right to be seen by the board certified dermatologist and many states. We have physician extenders. So you go in you think you're being seen by a board certified dermatologist and instead you have the physician's assistant or the nurse practitioner. I think that if it's a problem that is distressing to you be sure you're seen by the board certified dermatologist and the second thing is that I believe in always starting with topical care, you know. If topical care fails we can go on but I will tell you recently a patient came in who told me she'd been diagnosed with lupus and I said, you know skin lupus and I said, you know gee whiz you've got this rash. It was redness on her nose and she's bright red. And I said, you know, it's sort of funny because typically the lupus is going to act up if you're in the Sun a lot or you in the Sun a lot and she said, oh are you kidding? I'm 10 hours a day in front of a computer. And so I Give her actually at that time our sunscreen hadn't been out yet. But we have a moisturizer called the anti-aging repair moisturizer. I gave her samples of it. And I said, let me take a picture of your face on your phone today and these are enough samples to last year for a week. I'd like you to put it on this moisturizer day and night and let's see you in a week and when she came back in a week, I didn't recognize her. Wow, and so what I do. Believe and I say this was so much respect to my profession. But I do believe that in dermatology practices. We are seeing a lot of skin cancer. Unfortunately, even the incidence of melanoma has increased we're seeing, you know, all time highs with many kinds of skin cancer in pre-cancers and often times other skin conditions non-cancer conditions sort of many doctors sort of just Rush and say oh, you know, this is a form of acne. Let me put you on this pill. Oh your blood test looks like you may have Lupus. I see your face is red. This is lupus and they wanted actually to put this patient on internal medication when really all she needed was blue light protection, right? So really many times in my own practice. I'm actually the fourth or fifth dermatologist that the patient is seeing because that particular particular patient and this is many patients right now. They really aren't willing to settle for attend that a consultation where they were given oral drugs to use a prescription for oral drugs. So that's an aside find a doctor that you believe is compassionate and we'll spend time with you. Yeah, and and go in sort of having done a little bit of your own research Accutane, you know, there are 10 drugs that the fu FDA Associates with Shin, and Suicidal Thoughts Accutane is on the list of 10 and it's the only non psychiatric drug on that list. You know, some Studies have said many studies published in the US have said that Accutane maybe doesn't increase the incidence of suicide, but there was a study published in England that in an animal study that showed that Accutane will make Rats show signs of depression take them off the Accutane the depression clears put them back on it goes back and so in animal studies Are pretty objective so don't don't take medicine internally unless you have so researched it totally. Well. I agree with that 100% Okay, you've answered. So many is there anything else you wanted to add in regards to things you're seeing and women 20 30s or 40s? Yeah. One other thing that I would say is that right now there's also a big trend for using at-home devices. Okay, and so it's sort of like to comment on that a little bit. Simple things or for instance cleansing with brushes. I think that that may be okay or the foreo, you know, but really be sure to clean whatever surface is going onto your skin before you apply it to your skin because do you feel like it's even necessary though to use a cleansing brush, right? So this is the thing a cleansing brush is a physical device right our gentle hide. Drain and cleanser that gets rid of microscopic particles is truly. I think a better situation also with aging and this starts by our 30s a lot of times the top layer of skin is getting a little thinner that epidermis and so blood vessels come a little closer to the surface. Sometimes the agitation from using a brush or device can make the skin get red or so. I'm not that in favor of that device. Another device would be A lot of people are now using at home micro-needling now that I have to tell you if you are gentle with it. I think that that can help a lot. Okay, and that I've seen that help with acne scars with lip lines things like this. But again, the whole context should be never do too much of a good thing and every single thing you do, even if you want to exfoliate, you know a start depending on your skin type we make An exfoliating pad a glycolic pad that has peptides to hydrate and stuff and we say, you know three to seven times a week. If you've never explained it before started three times a week yet. No gradually get into this at home kind of device or you know ritual. I think that that's very important and not overdo. Also, you know to your point about micro needling you should never be trying to achieve the same result as you would get from a professional All who's using? Like you should National pain, right? You shouldn't I have the same length of the needle with the you are so right. I do agree with you there. And you know now with the internet people are having access to very deep needles which really can also cause scarring. So I love as you two are suggesting. I think the best thing is go to a dermatologist that you have confidence in and even discuss your at home routine. And if there is a place for at-home devices for you, and really I'm I think it's great. If you can find a doctor who also believes in at home skincare. The other thing I'm seeing is that a lot of women are getting too many procedures done. And so, you know, we're seeing women with things that are out of proportion, you know cheeks that look like what we call the moon face where their faces just one round ball. Now you have very little hard. Look like they've just been so super inflated. I love that serious laughing sleep. Very large right very large. No. No, absolutely. You're right and I feel like because of social media to just obviously getting worse. Well, they like they why agree, they band filters on Instagram that look like you've had cosmetic enhancements, but I also would argue. Okay. Well, then you need to get rid of the Paris filter because the Paris folks are Smooths your skin or and makes you look better as like Kirby the photo that you posted on your Instagram over the weekend is like I just feel and like the caption that you wrote like basically it was Kurt. She didn't have any makeup on it. Yes, it's you're showing how her real skin looks and I feel like that is so powerful because so many of us are just like naive and thinking that you know, Kim Kardashian looks like Kim Kardashian, but then when you see Kim Kardashian important, don't get me wrong. She let me Johnny. She has to be she's poor. Yes, and she's I mean, obviously she is so beautiful like yes and has access to all of these different things but we are like all human. She's 40 years old. Yeah 39:39. I'm sorry. I'm sorry and Kirby. I also saw that she posted and I think that that's wonderful. I call you an Instagram hero. I think I said it was very true because I think that so many especially younger women really feel that if they if they fall short of perfect. They're inadequate. Yeah, and it's so important that real pictures are going up seeing us. If you could have seen me I'm staying in a hotel and I ran down for some coffee and my hair was a mess and I did not have Stitch of makeup on and I looked in the mirror while I was waiting for the elevator. I thought oh my gosh. No, but this is how we truly are and really it's very very difficult. I think for young women to live in the times of Instagram. And none of us is perfect. In fact perfect is boring. In my opinion. I am Candi perfect. Right and it's so important to really sort of practice self-love and besides the fact that I think you have to be careful about taking Instagram too. Seriously. The other thing that I'm a real believer in is throwing away the magnifying mirrors. No, I think that even young women do use them. Let's say to put on eyeliner, but then they they see pores that just really no one else will see why they're seeing a crow's feet that you know is invisible to the rest of the world. So we need to really I always say sort of when you're looking at yourself in the mirror to get the best view of yourself as other see you stay arm's length distance from an on my magnifying mirror and that's how others see us and you know, really I do if you remember Perfection is boring. I really do feel that I've got a lot of lines that come from years of smiling and a really a joyful life and I think we almost need to focus more on achieving personal happiness and self-acceptance so much more than the goal of perfection. It's just it doesn't exist. And it's something that none of us should be chasing in my opinion. I love that. I love your outlook. Yeah, and you are beautiful inside our yes, so you are our I say this a lot, but the people come on our show are walking Billboards for their work because true everybody looks amazing. And obviously I feel like a lot of that too comes internally like how you feel about treating other people how you feel about yourself. So, you know, it's also about self-love not just skin love to very true be kinder to yourselves. Thank you for that reminder and thank you for creating these beautiful products. I cannot wait to put the sunscreen on. Yes. I'm so excited about the sunscreen so it Just launched, right and so you can get it. Now. You can purchase it now and the gift with purchase are these Amazing Blue Light glasses. They're playing Hank. They they have big round frames. So they cover your whole orbital bone area. You're completely protected. So you take a picture very yes Instagram. Dr. Loretta. Where can we find you online? If we want to follow you great. Thank you. So we're at dr. DRL r ett. Cam awesome and I are Instagram is at dr. Loretta meeting and then where can we purchase your product? So again on our website were also at 17 Nordstrom's right now. We're on Durham store. We're on and actually think it is. We're up to about 60 doors right now. So we're very excited Gratz amazing graduations. Also, I'm going to say guys when you pick up the sunscreen if you're looking for one other product to get make it the eye gel. Yes, I'm obsessed with this stuff. There is a reason why it's won an award from a lore. It is truly. I don't believe in eye creams. Usually I'm very skeptical. It's like one of the only things that I've actually seen feel like they hate us before I know they're like like there's a lot of family was like don't buy one. No, but if you're going to get one the little gel the gel is amazing. So, dr. Arata. Thank you so much for taking on so much. I learned so much. Me, too. I learned so much this episode guys and learned a lot to me if you loved this episode, please. Please find us an apple podcast. Give us a five star rating and a review And subscribe share with your friends. We're also on Instagram at gloss underscore Angeles Twitter at gloss Angeles pod and join our awesome Facebook group. Just search for gloss Angeles on Facebook. Thanks. Bye.
You might know Dr. Loretta Ciraldo, MD, FAAD, as the creator of the cult-favorite Tightening Eye Gel, which won Allure’s Best of Beauty Awards this year. She is a highly sought-after board-certified dermatologist with over 40 years of experience, an avid clinical researcher, published author, and a regular on-camera expert. Her research experience started in 1975 in the Dermatology Department of Harvard Medical School, where she performed early testing on the effects of UVA on human skin and contributed to the development of the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification — so she knows a lot about sun exposure. She received her MD from Downstate Medical College of State University of New York and completed her dermatology residency at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, NY, where she was selected as Chief Resident. Dr. Loretta is line of anti-aging skincare products, formulated with high concentrations of advanced medical-grade actives, combined with blends of the most beneficial essential oils and botanical and marine ingredients to ensure that skin remains unexposed to harmful external influences. In today's episode, we're discussing how blue light may be contributing to your skin in a negative way, which is why sunscreen is essential every single day — even indoors. --- Follow us on Instagram: Shop all of our product lists: Shop Kirbie’s stash: Shop Sara’s stash: Gloss Angeles is co-hosted by Kirbie Johnson and Sara Tan. Our editor is Patrick Muldowney.
Welcome to the Glenn Macintosh show. I'm Glenn Macintosh author YouTuber developer of transformational online programs. You can do all over the world and psychologists who is super passionate about eating physical activity Weight and Body Image, please join me for inspiring conversations with world leaders as they share innovative ideas based on the latest scientific evidence.And they're rich personal experiences. We dive deep exploring all of the subtleties. So you understand exactly how to make peace with food find joy and moving your body Embrace a positive body image and generally just kill it at life. You'll also hear some podcast of all parts of my Q&A video series Thursday therapy and a bunch of other cool stuff. I know you'll love whether you're tuning in for yourself.Your health professional looking to better support those you serve welcome to the Glenn Macintosh show. This episode is brought to you by our Flagship program the 12-month transformation online. We all know that 6 to 12 week challenge has don't work in the long term and most of the things people try to do to lose weight end up doing more harm than good. So six years ago, I developed an on dieting psychology based alternative, which has actually ended up being more than even I ever hoped it would be. People loved it so much that the very next year. We took the program fully online. So anyone could experience benefits the world over and really we've never looked back every year hundreds of people joined the TMT online as we call it, which is actually a package of our five main programs designed to set you up for success rather than sabotage create the mindset for a lasting transformation. Help you develop naturally healthy habits that happen without you having to think too much about them. Free you from emotional and other types of non hungry eating and help you learn how to love your body healthy. The feedback has been so heartwarming. It's crazy to know that you can help people on the other side of the world transform their relationship with eating physical activity Weight and Body Image all from the comfort of their own homes and every year we make the program bigger and better using your feedback the latest in Findings and adding in tons of new bonus material more recently. We've started researching the TMT and it's been really hardening to see the data showing that the program actually works with improvements in every single thing. We measured and you can actually see those results on the website. Now, this is something that most programs do not want you to see but I'd love you too because I'm really proud of the TMT online and the results were getting eating with people to find out more about the 12-month transformation online and even sign up today. So you can start to experience all of these benefits yourself visit w-w-w dot weight management a u /t Mt - online Welcome back to the podcast guys today. I am so excited to have our first ever dietitian on the Glen McIntosh. Oh, this makes me super happy as I'm a massive fan of psychologists and dietitians working together. So many of the things we talked about on the show are psycho dietetic there is just so much crossover and I always say that dietitians and Sykes working in the eating wait, And Body Image spaces need to be best friends. And as far as dietitians go Lindy Cohen is one of my best friends. So it's very fitting to have her as our first dietitian guest on the show Lindy to me is the epitome of a non-diet dietitian. Not only is she lovely but she's a qualified dietician so she can help you combine the principles of non dieting with the principles of nutritious eating and as we Talk about she has a lived experience of overcoming her own eating and weight struggles. So she really knows how to help you make these ideas work in real life. It's always really special getting together with Lindy and today's chat is no exception. So, I'm really glad we get to share it with you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Glenn Macintosh show where we talk everything around the psychology of eating physical movement weight body image social health physical health mental health spiritual health and everything in between today. We are up for an absolute treat. We have one of my favorite dietitians which is saying a lot because I know a lot of dietitians the nude nutritionist Lindy Cohen, we call her the nude nutritionist because Strips away all of the bay s and just provides great nutrition information all from a non dieting perspective, which I love she's obviously very talented because she's able to get non dieting messages across in her role as the channel 9 Today Show dietitian, which I absolutely love. She's also the founder of the keep it real program. It's a program that we're going to talk a little bit more about later, but it's helping people get off the yo-yo diet cycle. Overcome binge and emotional eating I've done the whole program myself and absolutely loved it. And Lindy is soon to be a book author as you'll find out she's just so outgoing so very real and We Vibe really really well. So we're going to enjoy taking you guys along for the ride. What we're going to do is Lindsey has a beautiful personal story that she's going to share with us. And in that she's going to talk to us about why dieting is not the answer to your Or eating and Body Image struggles. We're going to get into some of the how to's and the finer points of intuitive eating because Linda is one of the best in the game when it comes to supporting people to become intuitive eaters, and I'm going to talk about this interesting idea of being body positive in a world that may not be so body positive. So without further Ado Lindy welcome to the show Glenn glad what an intro that was fantastic. Thank you so much for Having me hi. I am absolutely stoked that we got you in between countries because you're spending half your time in in Australia, but you are actually in Berlin at the moment. That's all right in Germany's. I'm just trying to make it work at the moment and so far so good, but delighted to speak to you. It's always the biggest pleasure and you know, we've known each other for a little while now and just you know, I think we were always able to talk about some really important issues. And you know, this is a really interesting time for body positivity. Intuitive eating and on dieting and good to have these conversations. It is such a great time to be having this conversation because I totally agree with you heard a really interesting space. I think that it's like body positivity is a baby that's been borne out into the world and now we got to figure out how we nurture that babies. I've definitely Keen to talk talk with you about that. But I'm wondering Wendy. I feel I know a lot of my audience knows your personal story, but there's also a lot that that might not and you have a very sort of an interesting path into your dietetic study and your dietetics practice. Can you share that with us? Absolutely. So I you know, I would love to tell you that I decided to become a dietitian because I was just so passionate about nutrition and antioxidants and all that jazz, but the truth is I started dieting when I was 11. So at a really early age, I mean even before that around six years old, I was already bought. Conscious I'm naturally a little bit of a bigger build than some of the other girls in my in my grade and I was really aware of this by the time I go to 11. I was hitting puberty. I was eating a lot more. I think my parents got a bit of a bit of a fright whirring. All right, what's happening with her weight? And so I went off to my first dietitian at the age of eleven eleven. Yeah, you know, what's interesting is I was well within the healthy weight range truly. I was and yet The dietitian Was she just she looked at me? And she said I understand that you probably want to be on the lower end of the BMI as in to be slim. So if you do want to get here don't lose weight. I just try and maintain the way you're at your grow into your body grow and create a Slimmer and Slimmer body. And then from that point onwards it 11. I'm already being told right here. Here is the portion size here the Good Foods here the bad foods. This is how you lose weight pretty much all the roles starting off and I'm impressionable and you bet that I'm eager to Please everyone and to fit into this this this role. I was reading all the Magazine's I knew what it meant to be popular to be liked and at the time I thought that meant I had to be pretty I had to be slim. So I was super excited and I don't have right into it. I started absorbing all the nutrition information that I could and you know, it could I would go well for a little bit of time and then very soon afterwards. I'd you know, fall off the bandwagon. I'd end up eating more than I'd wanted to I'd be overcome with guilt and shame, you know, I felt as though I was a failure. I couldn't tell my parents. I couldn't tell anyone that I was trying so hard and I beat myself up for it fast forward to the age of 15. This has been going on for many years already and now my weight is actually spiraled out of control. I've gained I've instead of going instead of just, you know growing into myself I have now gained about 10 kilograms. Deeply unhappy I was so body conscious. And so if I go to my next dietitian and this dietitian really has a very extreme view on weight loss. You have to see her once a week. She weighs you if you don't do well you get in trouble. If you don't do well with dietitian that they live in they might Community. They called the Nazi. Yeah, you know and it's not that far off because she the idea is that she scares you into losing weight. Well anyway this This is this is a 15 year old kid and I would cry you know, I have some terrible stories where I would you know, hop on the scales multiple times at this point. I was getting obsessed. I would run for at least an hour an hour and a half each day. I would make sure that I you know, go for a walk in the morning and walk home from school for an hour as well. I was under eating I was over-exercising just to try and fit in and please this dietitian and plays my family and and prove that I was worthy and This is where am I eating? Disorder was kind of, you know going full strength and it's you know, I reach the goal. Even when I go to my goal weight though. It wasn't as though I ever felt good enough. I always look to myself. Oh, you know, I could still lose weight and everyone around me thought yeah, you know, you could still lose weight and yet I was in a really Slim body or still not good enough. As soon as I stopped seeing this dietitian. I fell into binge eating so, you know, I knew everything I needed to do yet my body took control. And you know, I try and be good and then I'd end up on you know, eating in private in secret in the pantry hiding food hiding wrappers eating way more than I physically wouldn't had I never gone through this and all because of the shame the guilds and this vicious cycle of the the yo-yo dieting. So for me, I did experience all the extremes, but I also experienced just the yo-yo dieting. That's so many people go through. Yeah, that's story Lindy that you're just telling me it's a Start to you know to sad introduction to diet culture. But as you're telling me I'm thinking this is like so many people that I see this is an I felt so alone at this point. I remember sitting on the couch going what is wrong with me? Why is if no one's talking about it. I believed that it didn't exist that there was some fundamental floor. Everyone else have willpower. I didn't and I blamed myself for a long time by the time I'm 17. I'm deeply unhappy. I'm deeply disappointed. I ordered the food and it reached and then I started dietetics. I decided Well, if I'm going to I'm going to choose a profession that's going to force me to have to be a slim weight because at the time I believed who would see a dietitian who wasn't slim and so it was a very disordered reason that I became a dietitian yet through the program through the study. I actually discovered that food was so much more than just calories in calories out and and looking a certain way. So by the time I graduated at 21 I decided I wasn't going to practice the way that I've been taught. Well, I was at my heaviest weight that I ever was and this is when I found non dieting and I decided I was going to stop dieting for good. I was going to eat, you know, if what I've been trying up until this point had led me to be so deeply unhappy and struggle with my weight then obviously the opposite was goal is hopefully going to have the opposite effect. So I basically did the opposite of what I've been taught and you know four years later. I was in a much more More balanced sane place I'd lost 20 kilograms. But to be honest the truth is I just had so much more freedom in my life. My life is not controlled by food. I don't obsess I don't lie in bed at night hating myself and want to eat that day. And as a result, I have so much more free time in my life to focus on things that to be honest matter way more than things silly things like calories and number scale. So there was a point in there somewhere along that Journey Lindy where you sort of were able to take Talk and realize what I'm doing and what I'm being taught is not working for me. And how did you first hear about non dieting? What was your introduction to the non dieting World? Well great question. So Fiona Willa released a guide book for dietitians on how to teach non dieting. Yep. And I remember reading this book and just being a bit baffled this idea. Okay, so, you know, it was stepping away from from weight and I learned about non dieting. I read dr. Linda Bacon's Health at every size and I really threw myself into it. I remember exactly where I was when I read these books. I remember the lightbulb moments. I remember how much the idea of just listening to your hunger transformed my life. And from that point onwards I was you know, how could I go back to what I knew didn't work. I can totally feel you there Liddy. I remember where I was when for me it was Rick kossmann and Linda bacon. And I remember just these you know, all of the the research that they are presenting and the way of thinking there was this kind of this this is really strange. This is very different but it actually kind of makes real intuitive sense. Absolutely. It was be confronting. I don't know if you felt that but it was so different from what I'd been taught that I always had to take a leap of faith and go. Okay. I'm going to try this. I'm going to be an outlier and start saying different things because this was not the norm when it came out. Absolutely when we sort of started doing this it was it was absolutely against the norm now. I think it's becoming a little bit more more mainstream, but I totally agree with you and I'm sure Linda you would get a lot of people in your programs who that they kind of liked the ideas of intuitive eating and body positivity, but they're still very far and so they do have to take a big leap of faith in us to really start to look at things a different way because it's scary and I think here's the thing when we see a clue. They they want weight loss most of the time they're coming to us because they hate their body. They want to change their body and their want to lose weight because this is what Society tells them to so then for us to kind of view them off into an on dieting part pathway for them to trust us to go. Actually you will be you'll find Freedom. You'll float find happiness. I'll help you feel more comfortable in your weight and whether or not they're changes or not, you know, and obviously, you know, ultimately they do find all those things but you know, they do have to trust us to get to that point and that's I guess I'll challenge. Yeah now I'm thinking Wendy one way that we might be able to help people with this challenge is could you share with us some of the ways that you do it now because you're on the other side now and and you have a really good relationship with food and physical movement and you really good, even though you're a very busy and a very successful person. I get a sense that you're pretty good at it. Taking care of yourself. So how do you do it when it comes to eating and activity and just nurturing yourself in this non dieting way. You know, I I think the biggest transformation I've seen is that when I was dieting I was trying to control myself. So it was very much. Let me control how much I eat. Let me restrict. Let me punish myself with exercise and I'd set all these different kinds of strict parameters on how I was going to achieve this. Whereas now that I'm intuitive, I think what I've brought in is as idea of choice, so yes, I can't have chocolate anytime I want but do I really want to have the chocolate and once I invite that choice in then really it actually allows me to check in with myself and and sometimes I do what the chocolate and sometimes I don't but without that choice. It's really hard to actually find that you are you know to get that healthy point. I absolutely love that Lindy because you know people Dude, I think you know when we reflect on it, we feel like of course we have choice we have free will but we can get so controlled by the food rules that in the moment. We actually feel like we don't have a choice. So I love that, you know taking off the rules so that you know taking up that attempt to control yourself with the rules and just empowering yourself with Choice absolutely love that spot on and and and and you know, it's also very important to have enjoyment, you know. So often people, you know go on a health kick and then it's boring healthy food. And there's nothing more depressing than a salad. You don't remember the advice to put salad dressing on the side, you know, like as though as though like we're going to take all the joy out of eating a salad what kind of person then wants to eat a salad. Here's the thing. I mean just salad dressing is an example a salad dressing helps you absorb the nutrients in the salad, but it makes it so much more enjoyable. And so if Means you're adding in more calories, you're adding an avocado. You're adding inside of your making eight. Lush delicious. Salad. You actually want to go for the salad. You actually think that is a delicious exciting option and then you're not as you know, the burger doesn't seem as appealing all the time. So it's about bringing enjoyment and appeal into healthy eating and not going to the extreme where it's boring and Bland and you know calorie free free food or whatever it is. And you know, this is the same thing applies to exercise as well finding that enjoyable. Exercise and maybe you know, you're not running. Maybe you're just going for a 10-minute enjoyable lovely walk. But if that's consistent and that's fun. That's so much healthier than you know, exercising hard for a week and then giving up completely. Yeah, so you with your with your eating and with your physical movement. There's a real focus on choice and enjoyment just having enjoying it and be you know, I know that you have a real love around food a lot of dietitians talk about your wonderful recipes and if I can share with you guys As a personal story of when I first met Lindy we did a Thursday therapy video on combining intuitive eating with nutritious eating and Lindy. I don't know if you know this but you gave me the simplest little bit of advice when we're talking about what I have for dinner. I don't know why we were talking about this but you said what about the olive oil? And this is I am Ali probably I cook very nutritiously, but I'm you know the absolute opposite of Mars. As a chef, it's super basic, but that one ingredient has transformed my dentist. And I literally I pour it out and I think of you. Oh my goodness. I'm so glad you enjoy your food now more because it's got that little ingredient that little tweak that makes it easier to enjoy absolutely absolutely hundred percent and Mindy. Can you tell us how you because I think one of the messages Of body positivity is that you're not actually your health and your well-being and your success is not just about how you eat or how you exercise. How do you take care of your mental health and your lifestyle? Yeah great question and to me it's so it's so intertwined. So when I was 21, I was also diagnosed with anxiety and I think this was a turning point for me when I decided I don't want to keep living like this. I need to do things that actually helped me feel balanced and feel good. So, you know, we spend so much time working on our physical health we go to the gym we eat well, but how much time do we actually invest into our mental health? I mean your brain isn't being that is, you know, giving you the resilience that grip you can you make those choices? Yeah, absolutely all of that, you know the willpower or whatever you want to call it that decision-making process. You need the brain. That's the number one sort of COG in the machine it is so we take care of that and me now. I'm very clear on how I take care of my mental health and Exercise is something I do that really gives me that endorphin head and for me it used to be about burning calories and to shift into. Oh actually it's something I do for myself not to punish myself that was transformative. But others also things like seeing a psychologist fortnightly, which is something that keeps me grounded, but also allows me to be more successful because I can actually, you know, Elevate myself in a thick new thoughts and grow and expand. There are other things I do like I do a lot of work on social Idea, so for me having very clear boundaries about how I use my phone who I follow and you know after eight pm iPhone gets tucked away and it sleeps in another room from me. So it's not going to distract me. And then only after I come back from exercise is it time to pick up that phone again we need is little coping mechanisms to help us because otherwise if we just let the society tell us how to run our lives. It doesn't lead to a very fulfilling mentally healthy life. Yeah. Absolutely. There's some I'd advise great little tips and it's nice to hear you. I think sometimes you know, we took were talking about food and body positivity. There's a lot of stigma associated with our bodies and our food choices and also as a psychologist sometimes with psychology, so it's nice to hear you sort of empowering yourself with psychology sessions and and being open with us about that. And it sounds like you think that it's actually almost a strategy to kind of manage your overall well-being. Being at but also to boost your performance to operate at your best. Yes, exactly. I mean, I would recommend that everyone did it, you know, we don't need to wait until a mentally unwell to seek help. It's something that we can we can do proactively to be more well and you know, it's something it's it does give you a Competitive Edge. So if you do want that next level I you know, I highly recommend that everyone does it for their Wellness. Absolutely. I posted a post this year about myself seeing a psychologist and it's exactly like you say psychologist we say You know psychologists of like mechanics, sometimes you take us in when something's broken down. You really need help. Sometimes you take it in for a regular tune-up, you know, there's nothing wrong, but you just just get that regular check-in and sometimes the car is running just fine. But you take it in for performance enhancement. You won't want to a turbocharger on it or you know, you might want a new set of wheels or something. So it's valuable at all times couldn't agree. Well, thank you for sharing that with us when you know, I think that That gives us an idea of how this stuff actually works in practice. I just think we learn so much from real people's examples rather than research or theories. I remember, you know learning from Linda bacon turned brown thiet Rick kossmann George blue s and actually having meals with them and spending time with him you think oh, this is how this is happens in real life. There's a few awesome practical tips there now, I have to ask you the name because like you said before Or most people do want to lose weight and I think a lot of our audience I think some of them have graduated to full body positivity authentic body positivity and really care about the scales at all. But I think there's a lot of people who even if they like body positive ideas still do want to lose a little bit of weight. It's interesting if we look at research on intuitive eating approaches and and body acceptance approaches in general. They don't tend And to result in weight loss for the average person, but you in your journey you ended up by sort of reversing your approach and following an on dieting approach. You shared about 20 kilos, which is quite a lot of weight. Why do you think you have lost weight with this approach where others might not have mmm? Yeah. Yeah, so that's a great question. So here's the thing. So I lost 20 kilograms over four years. That's really important to know. So if you do the math, that's about a hundred that's a hundred grams per week. Now. How do I been attempting to lose weight Ed had I measured my success of how I was progressing by using the scale. I would have given up because I would have seen a hundred grams after week and thought what the hell what am I doing? I'm doing something wrong. Yeah. I'm not I'm not doing good enough. I need to do more. This isn't fast enough and I think most of us when we want to lose weight. We want it now we want it. Yeah. Yesterday we want it for an event coming up into three months and we're not willing to take that long term approach what I did wasn't rocket science. It's nothing you haven't heard before but basically the way I see it is this if you you need to stop relying on Willpower so many people are kind of going. Oh my willpower is going to help me control all these new habits in a day. So when you go from Zero to Hero your will power is weak as long as you can recognize that. Yes, okay. Get stronger, but it gets fatigued. So when you're trying to do all these new changes at one point, you know, you are going to fall off the bandwagon. What I'm more about is kind of going one thing just one new thing that you can introduce into your into your health like this morning. I was sharing this idea of what if what if you just the one have it you got into Was preparing yourself lunch. That's it. Nothing else. Honestly like for as long as it takes to you until that habit feels normal intuitive easy just We focus on that. And so I think when you when you are able to adopt that and then it becomes second nature, then you move on to the next thing and you start accumulating these little healthy habits along the way you feel good. Some habits results in weight loss has some don't it doesn't matter. All you have to do is start just becoming like a stamp collector and over time. You're going to feel be really rich after four years time. You bet. You've got so many healthy habits you look back and go I could never Imagine that I'm this healthy person but by taking it super slow and I think the word I really the words. I really like is imperfect action. We have this idea that we got to get it. All right, we got to get him / got to get it perfect. That's not that's not it, you know, maybe it is you want to stop drinking alcohol midweek, you know, that's cool most days you can try do that. But if you go out with your friends and you know that having a glass of wine enjoy, so there's no need to build beat ourselves up for any so-called imperfections. Just moving forward one step at a time. That's that's as complicated as it gets. I love that and that's a really great take home for everyone that's listening and you know, we might get you to do guys. We might get you to comment below wherever you're watching this with one imperfect action that you can take one of those stamps. Just one of those habits not this is how many kilos I'm going to lose or this is what I'm going to look like in six months time, but just one imperfect. Action absolutely absolutely love that love that so I need just quickly because I think that we you and I both like to kind of keep things generally on the positive but a lot of what we're doing here is about not dieting. How do you define a diet? And I think there are a lot of sneaky kind of wolf in sheep's clothing 's diets out there that claim to not be diets. Yes. How do you spot a diet in Disguise? Yeah. That's it. It's such a good question. So many diets are pretty obvious. Right like he got the Atkins died and you've got things like Weight Watchers and you're kind of aware of those. So that's one thing but today it's become very trendy to say you don't believe in diet and you shouldn't restrict yourself and you shouldn't be on a fad diet and yet when you look a little bit closer you realize that you're staring at a diet and I guess unless you know what you're looking for you're going to get sucked in. So here's some kind of key things firstly any diet is To give you some form of forbidden food list. Okay, this should and shouldn't have the Bad and the good and I think any time you're kind of going even if it's just temporary so going oh, you know, we're just going to do a detox and just for the next month cut out this this this that's that's a diet. The other thing it's died and burning people don't realize is a meal plan here. I think people really want to be told what to eat and when to eat it, but when you get a printout and it's Monday Tuesday, Wednesday breakfast lunch dinner that is A meal plan, you're the farthest. I'm willing to tell someone is what I eat in one day if I look at if I show you what I eat in a week, you can't copy that and as soon as you you if you were true if you try and then you fail to do that, you're going to think that you're failed so that is a diet as well. So I would you Lindy how would you what would you say to someone who says to you? I do like a bit of structure around my eating. I like a bit of planning, but you're not for a meal plan. What should they do? I'm you know, it started as a meal plan and then there's something slightly different which is meal planning. Okay. So what you might want to do is you might want to sit down and go. All right. Well, this is what I'm going to eat for dinner this week. I'm going to make extras for leftovers and you know, here are some lunch ideas but to sit down and write down every single meal and recipe and thing that you have to eat and to calculate it and recorded on an app. That's that's ludicrous. So just try to step away from that. Need to control everything you eat. It brings on the opportunity for flexibility with your food. I'll just the way you mention it Lindy. It's more flexible. It's just a bit more you friendly so you can take into account whatever your desires are going to because they of course might change throughout the week and totally and you can use your the produce in your fridge and you can get the deals at the grocery store. So it's really The Best of Both Worlds now, I think it's so many people will write to me and I'll say hey Lindy, what do you mean? I've just started a vegan diet. And I feel really great on it. What do you think? I've just started a ketogenic diet. What do you think and and to be honest? I you know, if you're on something and you're eating and it feels good to you and it feels relaxed and you feel your best and you think you can live like that for the rest of your life then go for it. I'm not telling anyone that there's one way to eat healthily because there really isn't the best diet is the one that works for you that feels fluid that feels flexible. And you know, I advise you You don't need to subscribe to a certain, you know any diet. That's got a name. There's no need to label how you eat, but just eat that way and enjoy it and I think when you don't label it, it gives you room to be flexible. So you might be vegan most of the time and then if you eat out you can kind of be a bit flexitarian and you know enjoy meat and I just think allowing that flexibility if you want it is really essential. Yeah. I absolutely love that too. That's a great quotable. The best diet is the one that works for you. Now Lindy, I know that we we I could talk to you all day. No, we're we're we're we're just limited with our time and I but one thing I want to tell people about is that Linda you've been for a long time posting a lot about body positivity. You've had the say no to photoshop campaign. You don't do before and afters in your advertising, but you've been posting some really great stuff on your Instagram and even in your blog's recently, so I just wanted to Direct end everyone to Lindy's Instagram. It's nude underscore nutritionist. And I definitely check out some of her blogs on body positivity. You've got a really good one on how to use social media to improve your body image. Another one that I imagine will be good. Although I'm not going to try it out myself. It's just on different bikinis for all shapes and sizes. Yeah. I'm glad you could I could I could hey I've been talking to Karen Brown fit about self-expression. So who knows what I'm gonna do. You know days to come you already know that I wear too much leopard than is appropriate never too much letter grade. Never the guys check out Lindy's website at l y nd i Cohen Co and we might actually provide some of the links if you're listening to this through our podcast on the website will provide that the links to Lindy's blogs as well at management a you / podcast and I really hope everyone reaches out to Lindy. She is definitely one of the good guys on social media and her post a really really cool Lindy. I wonder if we can start to talk about intuitive eating and some of the one of the things I like to do in the Glen McIntosh show is really give people somehow To see because I think a lot of my audience they understand about enjoyable movement and intuitive eating and body positivity, but but that's different to being able to actually do it. So I'm wondering if we can get to some of the the how to's and some of the troubleshooting. I think that you're a very good person to talk to around intuitive eating with my audience. And the reason for that is because you are a dietitian and so you do have a focus on intuitive eating and non dieting rules. But also a focus on being healthy. So can I ask you a few questions and and see if we can start to get to some of these how-to's of yeah actually do intuitive eating perfect. Oh, all right one big one that I have and actually we might start with this this one comes from John and you've sort of touched on this already when you talk about managing yourself, but I think it's a really really good question John. He said he loves both of our work. So we'd love to hear your thoughts on this. How do you harness intuitive eating to get the best performance and the best long-term Health outcomes in protracted high-stress situations, and he raised a really good points as the exact time that you often need to be on your best game and have nutrition support your best efforts and I actually have had some interactions with John. He's a an engineer. He's a busy man. He said, you know that that same time when you need the intuitive eating in the nutrition to support you as Seems the easiest time to be off your game like major events or Peak workloads are traveling heaps. So how what advice would you have for John to keep is intuitive eating up when he probably most needs it. Yeah, great question John and lovely to have you around. Okay. So first up you got to create an environment that's going to support you to be healthy. So here's some examples, right? If you go to the to grab some tea and coffee and the biscuits are just they're saying hello, you're going to reach over and grab. One so there are little things we can do just by moving the biscuits to a different area in the kitchen putting them at the back with you. Just not seeing them all the time. It's not about restriction, but it is just about facilitating an environment that supports you to be healthier because when it gets the 3 p.m. 5:00 p.m. You're stressed you're tired. You're going to want a biscuit. And then later on you're going to go, you know, I don't feel as well as I really want to feel so moving those kinds of foods around the for me. It's And I have some tricks where I'll keep cherry tomatoes on my desk. So you know that feeling where you want to go for a nosh you just want something to eat for me. It's a great way to add in those extra vegetables. That's a practical thing that I always do when I go grocery shopping before I check out. I like to look at my groceries and I'm gonna go. All right. Well does this it says everything in my trolley reflect the way that I want to eat? You know, how many veggies how much freedom I really eating do I have enough of that kind of stuff? And what's the ratio? Going on here at that point. I can already be mindful of all the things that I'm bringing into my house because once it's in my house, then I'm going to be so much more likely to eat it. So for me, I create the healthiest environment at home that I can possibly eat thousand mean that I don't have ice cream. It just means that when I go out for friends, that's when I eat ice cream or I have dessert when I share with my friends and it's a social thing and you know, there's a birthday cake and I commit I'm enjoying that but I'm not bringing in opportunities to where I'm going to facilitate my own. Own unhealthy eating so, you know your have seven times a day. We are willpower is really strong. And in those times you create that healthy environment, I would highly recommend you also keeping convenient Health Foods on hand. Now, I'm not talking about like chia seeds and kale, you know, that's so not where I'm at, but it is looking like a chariot some cherry tomatoes or you know, you get those sachets of brown rice that are ready to go, you know tens of tuna tens of chick peas tomatoes and the in the cupboard have These options means that you're going to actually be able to pull together a healthy meal, you know, pees in the freezer khun tin cans that kind of stuff is really important for me. It's about getting fruit that I actually want to eat. Like don't get me wrong apples old good and stuff, but it doesn't excite me and bring me alive. Yeah, you know in summer I'm going to grab a mango because I'm actually going to want to eat that and you know people say fruit has too much sugar and anyone who does to be honest doesn't know what they're talking about, you know. Get strawberries. I've got a whole pun it at the moment. I'm going to have to have my morning tea snack and just getting those healthy food that excites you and maybe it's not going to be as healthy as some other things that you could be doing gives an idea. Okay, right. So some people get really snacky in the afternoon, you know, they arrived home from work and then it's just like I just eat everything and I can't stop very often. I find her under eating during the day. So for me, it's about having a giving yourself permission to go. Maybe I need a more. Crashing filling lunch that includes things like bread that includes my carbohydrates that has healthy fats. That's a little bit more loaded than I personally have an idea of what I think I should be eating and in doing so I'm feeling more satisfied. I'm eating more of the you know, those everyday foods and in the afternoon as well before you leave to go home have something at work or have something with the kids or whatever it is. So that by the time you arrive home, you're not walking in and you're ravenous and you're thinking oh now I can eat. So for example, Maybe You're making yourself a slice of toast with a quarter of an avocado. She Myriad on enjoying yourself, you know normal dietary advice has you have six almonds? Like no one's going to get full from that or have a bliss ball like that devoured in one two bites and having something like a piece of toast with some avocado, you know having your yogurt with your fruit and some honey and maybe even a bit of muesli. So always give yourself permission to eat a little bit more in those that afternoon period makes you more satisfied unless I couldn't go and binge in the afternoon because you're feeling a little bit. You know hungry. Yeah, just making sure that you're feeling full and you're feeling satisfied that you've enjoyed what you're eating and I suppose, you know hearing about you doing that at dinner. It's like the same for all meals what I'm hearing Lindy. It's like, you know, you want to be eating in a way regularly where you're feeling your body and you're satisfied. You're enjoying it. Yeah the spot on and for me it's you know people often talk about the nutrition world is about car. The hydrates off and get a really bad rap and I think that's really unfair. What I like to focus on is not what to cut out of your diet and we've talked about this before but what's actually add into your diet. So you want to focus on crowding in more vegetables. My nutrition goal is simply to eat five to six servings of vegetables a day and wants to visit for there is nothing else that I strive for. I just really no I feel good when I eat that so instead of thinking oh, I can't eat that. It's that oh actually, but I want to I feel I want to add in an extra set of the vegetables and I might not have space if I keep eating it. So your people often worry about portion size and how much I'm allowed to eat simply focus on filling up on more veggies more fruit and listen to your hunger and your natural cues and you're going to notice actually I do feel satisfied as it is. I don't need to worry about old. Do I need to have an extra slice of toast first fill up on the vegetables and if you're still hungry afterwards go for it, but just by crowding and more healthy stuff, you find it a lot easier. I love that ad. I'm not subtracting and then of course what you find is that you're going to be eating less later on. Anyway, yeah, that's him and feeling good, you know the French the French love to have a big lunch and I reckon they're onto something there. They're onto something and it is interesting to hear you talk lyndie about creating a supportive environment. There's almost exactly the same recommendations that I give people so I'm like ticking myself Glen. Yes your honor it's but it's you know, I suppose what's coming to my mind is that you're doing? Things there, you know, you know creating a supportive environment being mindful when you're shopping that could actually be diet behaviors or intuitive eating behaviors. And what's its kind of actually depends on the intention behind it. Doesn't it? Well said well said that's absolutely true. Yes, because it still is some effort isn't it? You know, even when you're really really busy the reality is that you want to support, you know, John and everyone else out there. You want to support yourself when you're Hi willpower John for when you are going to be low willpower John in the future. But it even that is some effort. Yeah it is but I also believe in automation. So for example, if you can just set up an online grocery delivery that gets delivered once a week go for it. Make your life easy. No no point to make healthy eating more complicated than it has to be if it means that you get a meal delivery kit delivered because you know, you're going through a busy time. So what that's great. It means you're actually going to cook and it means you're actually you know, I guess it's more about letting goes idea what how perfectly you really want to be eating just going. Yeah. This is really good. This is good enough for right now. And this is great and consistency is what matters fantastic I love that automation. That's a big one. And then while I think the people can kind of take home eat dinner because it is, you know, we have to make so many choices with that willpower that muscle we have to spend with work and family and like you say it kind of depletes itself. During the day so anything that we can do to make healthy choices without having to think too much about making healthy choices is a real win. Yes, but on spot-on so Lindy one of the things I really want to ask you is that I find this and I'll be interesting to hear what your experience is with this and this is a bit of a tricky point for me. So maybe you can help us all out a little bit is that I find when people let go of that dieting mindset and start to eat a bit more intuitively often. They don't do that. You know, they're no longer doing that restricting then overeating cycle and a lot of the extra food cravings just kind of died down and I wish it happened to all of the food cravings, but the reality is for a lot of people that I see whether I said one-on-one or whether they're doing our online programs. They can still struggle with really powerful food cravings, whether it's due to emotions or they feel like they've got a little addiction to sugar or have just built up a really strong habit. What advice do you give to people for when they Thing that really really tough craving almost that one way you feel like I have to eat this food. I can't stop myself. How do you help people deal with that? Yeah good question. So there are two types of Cravings to kind of be aware of there is a craving that happens every single day at the same time at the same place. Now if that is happening to you then really that is a habit that you can work on breaking and in the first instance to try and making a healthier swap so often we try and is it like for example, if you're craving something that's salty you're going to go to resist I'm going to resist I'm going to resist and that inevitably yeah inevitably you end up getting a pack of chips and then more often than not you end up eating more than you really want to bring the guilt thing happens and the whole cycle. It's like saying don't think of a pink elephant, whatever you do don't imagine a pink elephant. And so I would say it kept in the first instance Step One is maybe go listen, Maybe. I just have a little packet of chips each afternoon. I know that sounds like you know, not their advice you get from nutritionists, but we really just give yourself permission and then see how you feel afterwards because what you might notice is after a few days you go. I'm ready to go for a healthier option. And then maybe you go for some Salted Popcorn and you get a little one of those little packets of Salted Popcorn and you just know this is my afternoon snack when I get the craving I have this And eventually you're able to kind of go. All right, maybe I'm ready to go for another option as well you progress yourself and then it becomes, you know, a piece of toast with some core muscle in it, you know and progressively are getting to that healthier Point like that swap, but maybe if you can't go for a straight swap to something that's really really nutritious that have you feeling really really good is progressively swab. I love that. That's it. And also I mean you can you know through if you're getting those little snack size chips and you're able to eat a quite mindfully You kind of got like this is this is my little snack that I'm going to have. I'm going to chew it. I'm going to enjoy it. I'm going to be present while I'm eating it and it's not one of those. Oh, I shouldn't be eating. Its I'm going to get as much in as I possibly can and tomorrow I'll start again. It's a whole different experience of when even if you're eating the same food when you eat it mindful, isn't it? Totally also being aware of those those environmental factors that influence your habits. So are you sitting in the same place each day is it, you know, can you make it make you make a change? So for example, if it's always 3 p.m. That you getting this Cravings, can you find a way to is that the to good time to go for the to the gym if you're not actually hungry. Can you get out and go do something else trying to interrupt that routine? If you're always eating sweet food after dinner in front of the TV. Well, that is a learned habit and you can swap. So for me I'd be going can you go for fruit? Can you go for yogurt? Can you create a healthy environment at home? So even if you want chocolate it's kind of like I'll just have to go for you know, a beautiful planet of strawberries your there than is the other Having that happens sporadically every so often you just got I just really need a donut and she to that person. I say go eat your doughnut and savor it and experience it and then see how you feel because most often when you really give yourself permission to do that. You're going to notice it goes away. It starts gnawing at you and then you can just get on with your life and more important things. I absolutely absolutely absolutely love that. And so that's a really good. Good sort of take home plan for guys. If you're you know, if you're thinking look there are certain areas where I'm eating more than on like I don't feel good about it. I know it's not very nutritious necessarily. Let's sort of put it into one of those two categories. Is this a habit something. I'm doing a routine time or routine day linked with a certain event. And if so, let's work on it with some swapping, you know, and really just really good what you're talking about there. And then he has really good habit change sort of tools. Changing the environment creating some mindfulness and and figuring out some workable new behaviors, but then if it's one of those sort of off the cuff, hey, I just want to have the donut you just enjoy yourself. That's it. You go for gold. Enjoy Lindy. I got one more question when it comes to the how to's and I think this is one that's probably relevant for almost everyone. So Liz asks, how do you consistently stay healthy control your eating and portion? Sizes and not diet but lose some stubborn fat. She says a healthy lifestyle is what I want. Not the yo-yo dieting and that sort of speaks to I suppose what we were talking about before is that a lot of people kind of want to try to achieve The Best of Both Worlds. They don't want the yo-yo dieting but they do want to lose some fat. So what would you say to Liz and the million people out there like her? Great question and I think you're right. This does talk to what we were saying before. Okay, so I'm just going to give you some more healthy habits to give you some ideas or some little ways to just improve your health and it may have been qu8 in losing weight. So we know we talked about not having alcohol during the week. So that is one option. Another option is to increase your steps for the day, you know, some people find that have been a step cut counter can be controlling other people don't so just find if you're one of those people that you I find it inspiring then go for gold. So focusing on just little habits you're talking about here because you've got a really lovely metaphor Lindy that I read in one of your blog's around this where you talk about building a bridge. That's it. Yes, so we want change instantly, right? So we always try and just imagine there's a river you just trying to get to the other side. So you jump in the water and you fool Rochas Lee starts swimming hoping to get what you want to get and after a while, you know. You get momentum at the beginning and then you start to get tired the current gets strong and you end up back on the other side again having to start all over again from scratch. So that is like that's like dieting now finally building healthy habits and accumulating them is more like building a bridge across the river. It's going to take you much longer. But once you're getting those fundamentals, right that bridge gets built you're able to easily come across that bridge anytime you want. So, you know any time that you feel you You need a refresher. You can just really easily refer back to those habits and walk across the bridge. So, you know, it takes way longer but I think having a goal going with that. I want to lose that last stubborn fat. You know what maybe it's that you're going on. Maybe I'll lose a kilogram this year. And and if that's all it is you go and I never have to struggle and I'd never have to try lose that kilogram again then fantastic. I think very often we have very high expectations about losing weight and I want it now and sometimes it's not That possible I will say just quickly about stubborn wait. Now if you feel like there is that you know that pesky last five kilograms that you feel like you're always struggling with you just really wish it was gone and your body just keeps fighting you every step of the way I'd say to you maybe your body's trying to tell you something. Maybe you're not meant to lose that weight. Maybe those last five kilograms is where your hormones are balanced what you feel like you have enough energy where your mood is stable. Maybe that's a protective layer that helps. You have a higher. Community that makes you feel insulated when it's cold and gives you a cushioning when you sit down. So also were told that those last five kilograms are really horrendous. The truth is we're meant to have a comfortable healthy weight or maybe that isn't what we see in the images that we see that's what a healthy way. It looks like but to be honest we need to reassess what healthy weight looks like because it might just be a little bit bigger than you really always dreamed. It would what the models in the magazines or whatever tell you it is, but honestly, They just finding that reassessing what that means and kind of going maybe I need to make peace of the vest. This is just how my body is and just be the healthiest person that I can be. I absolutely love that. So for people who are out there and thinking look I do want to lose weight or I do want to lose weight fast, you know, I get all this but I want to lose weight. Maybe the advice there is build the bridge just focus on all of those habits that Lynn he's been talking about and other ones that you know, a Healthy Steps reducing alcohol fruit and veg and like you said, Before Lindy we kind of know what those habits are. Yes. Yes, we've been told before we're not it's also about letting go of some of that silly dieting advice that you've maybe taught been taught along the way but you're not sure you hold on to things like, you know don't have carbs after a certain time or don't have starchy vegetables. They're fattening or you know don't have salad dressing and you know having a teaspoon of sugar in your salad dressing is bad for you to be honest. No one struggles with their weights because they do these things. No one's fat because they eat so much peas. No one's happy because they have salad dressing. So let's get real about that. Yep, really the fundamentals that we know we need to eat less you would treat and sometimes foods and they are they have a place in your diet. Maybe not every day but focus on the fundamentals and not the things that you know can be distracting and take up a lot of your willpower. Like I say, let's get real and I do love that thought that sometimes our stubborn fat might be stubborn for a reason because it's actually protective. Our body and it's our bodies is telling us something that it did wants to be a sort of a size and a shape that might not exactly be that thin ideal. But hey, you know those people who we see the thin ideal in the Instagram and in the movies, they don't really look like that anyway day today. So so why shoot for that now Linda speaking of keep it real tell us quickly about the keep it real program. Yes. Oh, I'm so happy about keep a real program. It's delivered over 10 weeks and the real aim is to kind of Tackle that died in nonsense that you've been taught and helped you get back to basics. So we go through things like intuitive eating we talked about getting your environment set up and I'll give you those really practical ideas with videos and examples and you know helping you work through that stuff. We're talking about all those other influences that can affect your life including people who are you know, sometimes you know when people make comments about your weight and they lead you to a certain way and they you know, they go or should you be eating that or you've lost weight and will all those little comments can affect you and what to do about that. So, you know, I really think it's a really comprehensive program. If you're looking to kind of get that extra level of guidance and keep it real is just that we have a really beautiful support Community where it's just you know, that's the place when you get personalized support and advice and we share a recipe ideas and it's become even more than I could have ever imagined it would be so I don't like to keep it real. Unity, and we absolutely love it. There are not many programs that we recommend but the keep it real program is certainly one of it one of them. I've gone through the whole program and Linda it actually is sort of similar in ways to a couple of the programs that we do although you go into a lot more detail about the nutrition and so for anyone who's on familiar with my work any of our audience if you're looking to take that next Step and and apply some great nutrition without undermining all of the non dieting principles that we've been working on the keep it real program is really really awesome. And also you can use we just remember this this morning you can use my discount code which is just GM 20 and you can get $20 off that at Lindy's website. So anytime that you are that you want to join the keep it real program then make sure you use the sneaky little Discount code that Lindy's teed up for me. Yeah. Perfect, please. I'd love to have you guys join me. And also I have a quite a few people who said they doing your program and my and keep it real at the same time and it's proving to be amazing to have the combination of the learning going on totally and I won't embarrass Lindy too much by saying that one time in the future. My vision is to have a super program that combines all of them together. But until then please do mine now Lindy I I am conscious that you're you know, we don't have you for all of that that much time but I do want to ask you a couple of really quick questions about this idea of being body positive about being an intuitive eater in a diet culture. You know, we're still in a world that kind of stigmatizes fatness that idealizes thinness and and pushes us always to be thinner with these rules and these restrictive diets and the restrictive diets that though. Claim to be restrictive diets very very quickly. How do you encourage people to deal with your sort of mentioned before how do you encourage people to deal with that those subtle or not? So subtle social influences around eating drinking exercise weight, you know doctors saying you've got but you've I get that intuitive eating stuff, but you have to lose weight or Partners keeping a very close eye on the food or even be no walking, buddy. He's or personal trainers that are trying to push people more than they want to what advice would you have for those people? Because I think there's a lot of people in this boat who are sort of trying to break into this intuitive eating enjoyable movement body positive space, but feel like they kind of have to justify themselves to other people. Yeah, that's such a good question. So first up you got to realize that this intuitive eating movement. The idea of non dieting is new its novel The majority of people haven't heard about It so they are still operating under the old Paradigm, which we know doesn't work. They know it doesn't work yet. They still keep thinking maybe if I just remind them not to eat that food. Then I'm helping them and I'm going to either support them along the way so firstly understanding that what you now know is unique you are at the Forefront by simply knowing about intuitive eating and you're operating a little bit of front of everyone. So be patient with the fact that most people are still a little bit lagging behind now sometimes Are examples where you're running into someone you haven't seen in a long time and they think it's their opportunity to comment on your way. So maybe of all you've lost weight, which to be honest. I don't think is a compliment. It's really just a statement about what someone looks like. So, you know, I, you know, if you can just almost I'm not acknowledging that and moving past it they just realizing that they don't really but they're still operating under that old Paradigm and it doesn't reflect on you in any way shape or form. Home, it's just their pre conceptions of the how they think they're meant to act in a social circumstance. If they're a close friend, you might actually take that opportunity to say, you know, I'm actually not focusing my weight at the moment. I really am just focusing on feeling good and I'm feeling good. How are you and just you know, let sidestep that the give it a bit of a chance for for Education just need a little seed and you know, there is sometimes there are people who you won't be able to have those conversations with whether social circumstance isn't Right, but there are people in your life and we most of us will have them who are very close to us. And it's typically our closest humans. So maybe it's your partner. Maybe it's your parents or your children or someone who's believes. It's their responsibility to help you control your weight who see it as them reminding you you shouldn't be eating that you want to lose weight. You've had enough now or telling you you're trying to help control what you Now, I believe that Walt's you still have someone who is operating like this and your life it is so tricky for you to get freedom for food to step away from dieting. So you it's scary. I know but you actually need to take the opportunity to have a conversation with them. Now. They're the conversation. I've got scripts that I've ridden out on my on my blog if you want to go check it out, but it really is just a conversation of going, you know, I really appreciate your trying to help me. I've actually starting to To not focus on my ways. I'm trying to be healthier and I really need you to support me and see how this goes. Now. I've and any time that that you have this conversation. There may be a bit of turbulence there may not but next time if they have forgotten that you have had this conversation and they probably will die dude that day you need to remind them. Okay. So so once you decide that you don't want a body bully anymore, you need to remind them each other they come, you know, I really appreciate your trying to help but as I've already mentioned I am trying to do. Things differently. I'm not focusing on my way. I'm focusing on my health and I really appreciate your support here by not commenting on my way to buy not commenting on my food. I'm now in control of what I eat and how I eat and I would really appreciate that and to be honest from what I've heard from my own experience with dealing my own body bullies and my clients this really does work. And once you have that freedom from those people, it gives you so much headspace and then you can start operating from a place where you can really get into. Non dieting and freedom of food. Absolutely. I think that is absolutely wonderful advice and we will definitely will provide in the show notes the links to those those scripts Linux. I think that's so powerful and I definitely I haven't seen those I'd love to see them myself because I think sometimes people once you're ready to do that you have that question of okay, what do I actually say? And how does this actually so that's a link to another another really great great how-to and I suppose there's a really interesting point in their linear your kind of talked about Picking and choosing maybe if it's somebody who is one of your close people and who is acting like a bit of a body bully. I love those words. Then you really do need to have that conversation, but maybe if it's just someone that you know a little bit more casually you can kind of pick and choose just quickly. I think sometimes when we do start to explore the non dieting space, we we kind of realize how pervasive diet culture actually is. And sometimes we can get a bit angry or a bit. Like we need to tell everyone about this and I think you know when you just just talked about, you know, that example of someone saying you lost weight I think for a lot of people you just doing what you're doing actually shows people a different way. You might choose to have a conversation but even just that that's actually a very different conversation to the normal conversation. If you've lost weight all have I ah, yes the thank you. I've trying really hard. I've got 10 more kilos to go. It's a actually I'm not really focusing on that anymore. But I'm just trying to feel good and it's going really well. So, how are you doing? It's even that is actually sort of helps created a different conversation without actually, you know actively kind of evangelizing this person into the body positive Community. That's it. You know, we don't want to create enemies relationships are What Make the World Go Round, that's why we're here so we want Strengthen relationships and not you know, we've all been in a place where we believe dieting was the ads what we believed you had to be thin to be healthy and happy we've we we now know differently but people are still at that stage in the journey and there's no point to get angry with anyone. I find helpful reminders are really just really lovely way of reminding people depending on you know, I think I think you're so much more than your way. It's might be an example that you give to a friend. Who's complaining about their weight? And you know, I think you know, I think we can't get angry with people we can take control of our own lives and there's things like you on your social media feeds. For example, you can exert your own control who you follow get really clear on who you follow who you allow to come into your world and influence you put out positivity in your posts and what you write about and how you comments. But if someone is still stuck in that disordered World, it can be also equally harmful. Them to kind of push back and get angry and get defensive about it. So body positivity is really about positivity and acceptance and be accepting a where people are at in their Journeys as well Lindy. I think that's absolutely beautiful advice. And I think that's a great place for us to to finish up there have been so many great how-to's Lindy you're so beautiful with sharing your personal stories and your experience. I know there's a lot of wonderful little it'll how-to's that that I know that my clients will be picking up. I love that word body bully. I love it. I think that gets it really really well. I love that idea of stamp collecting habits, which is is really really cool too. And there's just so much that we've gotten out of this. So so thank you so much for your time. Before we go. I just want you to tell us very very briefly about your book which Is out January 7th. Yeah, can you tell us what it's called? Yes. I'm so excited. So it's the surprise surprise. It's going to be called the nude nutritionist because it really is it's that framing up all these kind of key things that you need to know when you're starting out and this is the kind of book that I think you know, if you've got a daughter or a friend who think is is needs a little bit of guidance who you want to support. This is a good way to kind of go ahead. He is a gift. It's a great way to kind of get people to use their sharing the idea of body positivity. I talk about is eating healthy eating Basics. But as I said without the BS, it's got your recipes in it. So it's give you a lot of practical skills and how to do things but it's it's a it's really a book for getting started in the non dieting world and and Bonnet body positivity and I think for you know, if there are any mothers out there who wondering how I help support my daughter or my son's to be healthy. I think this is a great place to start and I think the best thing we can all do is to create a healthy relationship with our bodies and to role model them. So this book can help. You know, Glenn's programs can help keep it real as there and I'm working on another program that should be out by December as well. So it's going to go to hit and come check it out because it's going to give you all those Basics and really what this next. Grams about is dealing with things like Cravings how to be consistent snacking give you real practical skills around meal prepping. So I'm diving a little bit deeper there. So if you do want more of those practical nutrition and food tips without the superfood nonsense, then I'd love you to come join me. I absolutely love that and I think guys, you know, I often talk about intuitive eating and body positivity like learning a new language and so you need podcasts like this one you need to To follow Lindy's social media. You need to explore other body positive Advocates. You need to have a look at the programs. There are some great books out now including Lindy's book and a new program on the way. So really just just I think it takes years to really develop this intuitive eating ability to how it just your eat. What eating well without trying and your authentically body positive and I know Lindy's work can really really help with that. So let me thank you so much for coming on the program. It's the biggest pleasure chatting to you. Thanks for having me. Thank you so much for being with Lindy and I I just love talking with her and getting those practical strategies from someone who has the nutritional knowledge but is also walk the walk herself and shares wisdom from a non-diet perspective. So you get all of the benefits of healthy living without any of the Hidden nasties that often come along with it. Now you here Lindy talk about another program towards the end of the podcast and the good news. Is that other Graham is now here and it's called Back to Basics. One of the barriers to actually living out a non dieting approach is that because there are no food rules is no weighing or anything like that. A lot of people end up kind of floating around without a direction or a structure and Lindy has seen the need for a type of structured support but delivered from a non-diet perspective and created a fantastic and I say this. in the best way simple program to help guide you into getting all the benefits we were talking about in the podcast Lindy provides the most delicious budget friendly and easy to prepare recipes as well as short doable workouts that she actually does with you as well as lots of mindset tips motivation and Love Like Only Linney can give along the way we already have so many of our clients doing Basics and loving it and it's actually really well priced to I said I'd give you a discount to Lindy's old program keep it real but all of that goodness has been rolled into this program. And to be honest. I didn't even ask for a discount of this one because it is cheap as chips to find out all about the program sample the goods and sign up today visit w-w-w dot Linda /ba back - two - Basics. Thank you so much for tuning into the Glen McIntosh show like am yours in creating your own personal story of freedom from diets, and I'll look forward to seeing you really soon.
Do you like the sound of body positivity and intuitive eating, but struggle to make them work for you in real life? Living in a crazy culture of weight obsession makes it pretty hard. But today’s guest has overcome her own personal struggles with food and her body, and made it her life’s mission to help others do the same. In this heartwarming interview, leading non-diet and Today show dietitian Lyndi Cohen and I discuss:  - Lyndi’s personal story of dieting since before age 11. - How Lyndi did the OPPOSITE of what she was taught as a dietitian. - Moving from “control” to “choice”. - The importance of enjoyment (using salad dressing as an example!) - How Lyndi invests in mental health and manages anxiety. - Why Lyndi and I both see psychologists. - Balancing body positivity and the desire to lose weight. - Lyndi’s 20 kilogram weight loss (the part people don’t focus on). - Using your high willpower self to support your low willpower self. - Stamp collecting healthy habits and the power of imperfect action! - The important difference between a meal plan and meal planning. - How-tos and troubleshooting (Q&A from my Facebook Group). - Creating a health-supportive environment (without restricting). - Dealing with afternoon snacking and overeating when stressed. - Differentiating habit cravings from “want it” cravings. - Lyndi’s advice on “losing stubborn body fat” (client question). - The “building a bridge” metaphor of health change (I love this!) - Lyndi’s advice for dealing with weight comments and body bullies. Selected Links from Podcast: Twelve Month Transformation Online Program Lyndi's Back to Basics Program Lindy’s Instagram Fiona Willer Rick Kausman Linda Bacon Taryn Brumfitt George Blair-West Lyndi and Glenn’s video on combining intuitive eating with nutritious eating. Lyndi’s Blog Lyndi’s Website The Nude Nutritionist Book Our Psychology of Eating, Movement, Weight, & Body-image Support Group. See more at:
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This is a great one to listen to she talks about how bravery is a habit you form, and she wants you to help build that muscle so that when it really matters you're ready to take on the challenges that life. Throws at you. So listen And subscribe to her podcast wherever you listen to them. Hi everyone, it's Rebecca. You're listening to Super women today. My guest is Jill Kirkman. She is hilarious. You do not want to skip this episode most notably writer and star of odd. Mom out where she chronicled a quote unquote fictional lives of women on the Upper East Side, but she's an author. She's a badass mom of three and there's a lot of swearing in this episode. I'm just going to warn you she does not hold back. So if swearing offends you definitely don't listen to this episode. I hope you enjoy So I'm with Jill Carmen. We met through mutual friend Miss Crystal mirrors. Yeah, I love Crystal. I would love to just hear like I obviously knew you when I met you from odd mom out, but what was before before I was just a writer. I wrote books and II started a magazine said worked as an assistant interview and Harper's Bazaar, and I thought I wanted to be in magazines and just be a magazine writer and then I wound up writing. Being a screenplay for a movie that was at Sundance and then books like I wrote trashy novels for what kind of trashy novels. My first one was called the right address. It's about a co-op on Park Avenue and the different people that live in it and then eventually momzilla has which was I think my fourth or fifth momzilla has became odd mom out later NBC at optioned it and hired a writer to adapt it because they wouldn't let me do it because I was sort of a nobody with in terms of TV writing it. That point even though I had written for MTV. I had a bunch of shows there but it wasn't in The Writers Guild it's all non-union there. Right? So I begged to do it, but they wanted to bring in big guns and then I never got made and years later when I met Andy Cohen, I said can't you just like reach over and take it because NBC owns Bravo and he said that's not really how it works. But so I had sent him momzilla has and my book of essays. Sometimes I feel like a nut and we really developed odd. Mom out together like a lot of people That's why Bravo. Why were you on Comedy Central or HBO or something else? And I said like they never would have touched me. They I was a book writer and you get put in those pods kind of where you can it's harder to break out, right? And once I was meeting with Andy's henchmen at the time Larry spots who later became my showrunner, you know, I realize like this is a collaboration. It was totally from within our team there that it grew I didn't go around and have it fully formed. And Pitch it at all the networks. So stepping back before that. You were always a writer. How did you know that you loved writing? Did you write a lot in high school? Like how did you decide that that and then and then from there the second question would be how did you get a book published like, you know because I know so many writers that struggle with that. I think yeah high school was it helped in tenth grade? I had a really good teacher Berkeley Johnson who's who said, you know, you have a voice but I really think it was my dad had always said right like you talk and so whenever I wrote letters to My friends a lot of them still will send me screenshots of letters that I sent them in tenth grade 11th grade. I always wrote exactly like how I talk and I just shit it out. I don't edit it or I never did rough drafts. I just like Daya read it out and it felt like, you know, I was like breathing to me. It was like talking because I wasn't self-conscious about putting everything out there properly, you know, and and then later ironically I was not I never took English in college. I was not an English major. I got to college and my grade had I think 400 English majors and you know when you're an English major, I think you start to get self-conscious and you have these people criticizing your work and everyone passes around the stories and rip them to shreds and I don't think I'm wired or at least at the time. I don't think I could have handled that very well and that didn't sound appealing to me. So I became an art history major. There were 28 of us. I had only professors know Tas I'd so much attention and I think That's how I became really a writer was solidifying this kind of visual language where your repainting the work and I focused on northern Renaissance because I'm kind of like McCobb and that way and I love skulls and Albert Durand all of the Dutch some of the Dutch still lives to the Vani toss paintings and I always have had this, you know affinity for death because I feel like the happiest people talk about mortality a lot. I don't know. I just it's been my thing. But anyway, I love that kind of art and then in my summer internships in magazines, they knew they were never going to have me write or anything but I was packing trunks or taking Polaroids back back in the stone age's when we took Polaroids. I have like my Walker with tennis balls on it. I was doing like menial work, but my dad always said like you got this internship because of me and you didn't get it because you're so great. I made a phone call. So you're going to fucking be the first one there in the morning and the last one to leave. So I was I was there before anybody else I Out the garbage I would redo the Rolodex. I would clean their desks. So I feel like I got a lot out of it, but I really pumped so much energy into those internships and then because of those summer internships, I kind of had a job waiting for me an interview when I got out of jail and they was soon as I got there. I realized you know, this is going to be really hard. It was a huge adjustment because I work crazy hours for 18,000 a year and I wasn't really treated well, but I was allowed to write so right away. They had me doing articles. So that's how I mean, I wrote like 200 articles there. Wow. Yeah. So when your dad said to you I made this phone call you got this internship. You better work your ass off. Do you feel like him saying that and putting himself on the line? And then you working hard helped shaped your work ethic on the go forward. Yes, totally because even though the tasks were really menial and fetching coffee and clean literally cleaning people's desks. Stuff. I felt like I was told all the time I had to pay my dues and that it doesn't matter what you've accomplished in college or whatever. You are at Square fucking one and you have to be ready to eat shit sandwiches, you know, it's funny is now that behavior is frowned upon. Let's say that's Mead and you can't do that to the millenial Workforce and I say that as a millennial do you think that that sets up people to then not work as hard? Yeah, because I think that now I mean the good part of That is of course office culture and there's no verbal abuse. I sustained like more verbal abuse than you can even imagine we were all tortured people were in tears all the time. So I'm glad that that's not there. Yeah, but I definitely feel like some people in your generation feel above certain tasks. Yeah, and I don't think that that's a good thing. I know there's a big gap between the Elder Millennials and the younger ones right? Exactly. So then when you decided to write your first book you had the contacts or you To go through the struggle of finding them. And did you get rejected or I was like actually a funny story though. I took like this weird side door to do the books because I had done the screenplay about an intern in a fashion magazine called intern that was it was with Dominique Swaney was 99 and I went to Sundance and mm so long time ago not the the successful intern with Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway a different one. So it only came out in New York and LA but I I wrote the script with my writing partner carried oil and it was really exciting. It got made and I was 24 and I thought like this is great. I'm going to be screenwriter wrong. So I sent we got it but it got us our agent, you know as a stepping stone and the agent said, okay. Now you have to write a spec script. So we have this idea of a co-op and the different apartments in it as one building called the right address and we sent it to my agent the screenplay and she said well, I have good news and bad news the good. News is I left my fucking ass off and I said what's the bad news? And she said well, this is too esoteric a milieu, you know, you have like the coasts that will get this, you know between Zabar's and the Hollywood Bowl. No one gives a shit about like rich people in New York. And I said that's such bullshit like look at Sex in the City. Look at Nanny Diaries and she said well those that's apples and oranges because they were books first. So we'd said let's write it as a book fuck it. So we novelized are screenplay and that was my first book. Wow. Wow, so we totally took like this weird back to her. That's awesome. Yeah, it was really weird. And for those years I had three kids in four years and I was underwater like underwater like I couldn't breathe and books were my only way to be alone because I felt like I was constantly pod by the kids and all this shit. So I loved writing books because it was solitary and now I don't want to write books because I like people now because my kids are all grown up. So I like being in a writers room and TV world. It's so much. Better and what gave you the I don't want to say like you'd never acted before so hot you had yeah, I was in college never not in a play. Like I was in town. It was shown for you to be no not Mom out. No, not at all. And in fact, they'll laugh when I took a bow on the stage my senior year before graduation. I was like, well, this is so sad. I'm never going to act again because I didn't want to go and be an actress right I wanted to act but I didn't want to be an actress and I thought you'd have to like blow Harvey Weinstein or whatever like I I knew this shit that was going on and I'm a workaholic and I would I wasn't willing to have that sporadically working lifestyle. I really wanted like a job. Yes, so I just thought okay, that's not a life for me and I'm not gonna like gargle casting director balls not comfortable to gargle them know well now they have Gucci knee pads in the fashion show yesterday. I watched it live on Instagram. So I feel like I took this different back door in but on the flip side I had there's more of me now. Guys, I'm 44 and I'm now the balsamic reduction of myself. Whereas it 22 I never would have I think been a working actress because there's just none of me to now. I mean, I'm I know who I am. I have my family. I don't give a shit. So it's like taking risks isn't scary to me totally but as a young person, I don't understand how these girls do it and get you know have trolls and shit like I have crocodile skin so I don't give it him. But when I you know all go through the Twitter when odd mom out first came out and they're like like she looks like Marilyn Manson Shadow on her face. Like there's gross like her like season 2 from season one to season two. I got Invisalign because all these people were like, she's snaggle teeth or teeth are like nightmare our jaws and then I was like, do I shitty snaggle teeth because I never had braces. I have snaggle teeth. Well, my publicist was like you should just do Invisalign. It'll help straighten them and it actually will like make you look younger because your teeth can Aid you and shit? I just saw an article in Vogue. So I got Invisalign and Enough it straightened my teeth a year later season 2 comes out. And the first thing I see on Twitter someone's like oh sure her teeth East have so much more character, but I was like, you know what? That's right. Like you can't please anybody like you should have to do you and I actually am fine with my straightened to do you still wear it to keep him straight? I have a quote unquote Appliance at night you're supposed to wear but I know I do it like once every two weeks when I think of it, okay, because I was getting it it does. Yeah. I don't know if you back anything like a breath. Freak, it's the self. You never notice. Really. Yeah. Oh, I think it's terrible, but I'm also lazy. So yeah, I'm lazy. Anyway, the shit works like it does work, but we're not sponsored by Invisalign yesterday. That's true. So how what was it like having three kids in four years and was that planned know all my kids were accidents and I had a miscarriage in there too and the middle. I just kept like shitting them out. My husband really wanted for and I wanted to and we split the diff and had three, okay, but That when the miscarriage happened I was like, okay, I guess I do want a third because I felt like sad for one hour and then I went and had like three glasses of wine and I wasn't sad anymore and I'm a big believer and I tell everybody who's had miscarriages like its nature doing its thing. You don't want to know, you know want what that that exactly. So I was I was sad for one hour literally and then I was like, okay, let's go and drink. I'm not even that big of a drinker but I feel like motherhood started me drinking kind of yes my bottles of wine. Started after my son. Yeah, I never did that in even drink at my wedding. I think I had like, uh sip of champagne. Yeah, and now it's even down again. It's weird now, I don't crave alcohols much because they're just not coming Tantrums are shitting themselves or anything like that. How old are they? Almost 16 13 and 11. Wow. Yeah. So you're in the clear they don't want to hang out with you necessarily. I actually I am very lucky. I have really good. My son is like I have two girls and people are like, well there was a lecture at my daughter's school. They invited us. To saying how to deal with your teenager, you know and all the stuff and I was like, I'm good. Like I'm really really lucky. She's we have a really good relationship. My son is the one that gives me grief and most people are like boys love their mommies and the girls are the difficult ones and I have the opposite of like he well, I think he loves me but we butt heads right? Let's put it that way. Okay, like he's my door Slammer not the teenage girls. So funny how that works weird. Yeah. So what it what was in all this, you know thread Ed from magazines to books to then this odd mom out and now a free agent a free agent the thread is basically I think continuing to say what you want right what you want and just like follow your gut. I had a couple setbacks where I didn't listen and one example is last year into your gut. Yes. Okay, but only because I don't have it's funny at you you when you're told over and over again. You're new in this industry and your you have to listen to the people. I finally realized like nobody knows anything. You know, I have to trust my gut and not this, you know, I never had an agent went on Mama out started and I actually love my agent and wasn't it's nothing to do with her. But I feel like you there's this sense of the industry and the way things are done and that I was supposed to follow along and pitched a certain way or do things the way that it's done and I never have had that Playbook. Yeah and I think one of the reasons odd mom out felt fresh to our viewers was that I didn't have that experience in the writers room where there with this sort of the rules of act one and you have to build to this and then seeing break and there's all these rules in writers rooms. And I was like, yeah, I just want to do this and I didn't have the cool thing about Bravo is it was because it's mostly reality. It was the Wild Wild West they didn't have a team of scripted, you know Department Executives who are giving me notes. So no one was clipping my wings. I got to really What I wanted to say, right? Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that normally so that was a huge wake-up call to me. So when odd mom out finished, I sold a show to NBC. It was The Munsters where I was doing a reboot and Seth Meyers and Mike Shoemaker were producing and I love that my worship them are so lucky to work with them. But I remember saying I don't think NBC is the right fit for this. I think it should I love to curse. I want to be dark. I have dark humor, and it's a dark subject and I knew Eddie. Master in my version would be a teenager and would come out as gay at the end of the pilot and I wanted to talk about like some of the depression he was facing and all this shit and NBC was you know the home for it because Seth is there and everybody was saying, you know, they want to take it off the table. Like you're just go with them. And even though my I knew that it would have been better streaming I did it and it was and it didn't get on the air so it felt like And you never get it back. Once that happens now it's gone because they own so Universal owns NBC and Universal on some monster and you never get it back. No, I mean I have the script. What I do sometimes is all I grave Rob my own scripts and put jokes and other things so I feel like there's a lot of good shit in there and that will make its way out. Okay somewhere right somehow I don't know how yet, but I kind of like Bank jokes and so dude, you draw a lot of your inspiration from the life. You have lived being that you're from, New York. You've grown up on the I'm assuming the Upper East Side. Yes. Now, I'm in Midtown. I'm in Dorito down under Roosevelt Island Tram overpassing. What's the thing now, but II feel like I yes is the answer on my Mount definitely I mind from my life and apply to kindergarten all the bullshit that New York moms deal with with like type a competitive moms, but I feel like I my kids have grown so now I'm interested in the teen world. Like I think I want to talk about that. And there's also kind of a hole in the Teen Movie Marketplace. I miss John Hughes terribly and I get in bed with my girls and watch all the pretty and pink and Ferris Bueller and Sixteen Candles and the beauty of those movies to me was that they didn't know what to say. They didn't have like a perfect singer. You know, Molly Ringwald was biting her lower lip and feeling invisible and then there was a Spate of teen movies where you know, they had the perfect comeback and this quip and they were had just like the best art related insults and I never had those in my back pocket when I was 15. So it just felt overwritten and I want to go back to that kind of purity of those teen movies and they were feeling invisible and then I'm actually readdressing some of John hughes's themes through the lens of the kind of pernicious side of social media, but his pernicious mean like dangerous dark. Okay? Yeah. I love Instagram. I think it's the best. I'm on it. I spent a lot of time on it. I love looking I love Keyhole. Into people's lives, but I wasn't a teenager with it. I'm a 44 year old when I see my girls going through and they'll zoom in on people's bikini body on the beach or wherever I am constantly reminding them. They took 30 selfies to get that one. There are filters. There are facetune body tune. Like this is artifice. This isn't their life. It's a construct right? And do you think the girls know that they do? Okay they do because I'm gonna pound it in their fucking heads good. Yeah because I have a a year old and so I'm like as I as she grows I'm like, how is this going to work? It's kind of frightening. You just have to talk about it all the time, right? This is fake constantly. I don't get my makeup done every day for no reason right exactly. So what do you think? You're next? What are you working on now? Well, I'm working on an adaptation of a book that a writer who I loved it and I'm going to pitch it and I'll lay that's kind of a long shot and then I don't know. I really think I want to try. A movie it's been 20 years 20 21 years since I've done that I don't even know if I know how to do it, but I'm just going to fucking try and the worst thing that can happen. Is it like rats in a drawer somewhere? But who cares? So you strike me as someone that is fearless. I'm not Fearless. I have like really irrational fears. Like what? Okay clowns. Okay raths. Okay Suburbia, like I told you I've Suburban panic disorder. I don't know how to drive. I've read States right now. I'm really like freaked out by the polarization in our country and I'm obviously a Democrat and liberal. So I just I feel like I hear banjo music if I cross the George Washington Bridge, like I just don't want to be not in New York right now because I don't feel that safe. Okay, although I met some really nice people in Texas a couple weeks ago. I was there for a speaking engagement and there are pockets of blue everywhere. I will say and like-minded people but I feel like I grew up in a house where it was, you know difference of opinion was a good thing, but It's become so extreme that to me. It's not difference of opinion. It's just right and wrong. Yeah, so I can't really spend time with Republicans right now. I hear you. So I have a fear of dumb people. Okay, and I have a fear of haters like I don't hate anybody but I hate haters like if you're racist or homophobic or whatever. I just I those people I can't abide and I can't even have a conversation with them right as far as things that have challenged you or Ben you mentioned some setbacks. But have there been deep challenges or things that made you not scared as in like a clown or a rat but just like oh shit, how do I get through this huge challenge? Yes. Okay, so I have to okay. The first is I had a double mastectomy last summer. I had two lumps in my left boob that they found actually around I guess like let fall of 2017 and they said what you have these two lumps you can do a lumpectomy. We are doing like breast MRIs every three months where you live. That tube. It sucks like your boobs go in these empty cones and for like an hour and you hear this horrible noise they give you a sedative but I don't really like drugs because then I can't poo so I did that three times and while I was waiting between they were they were each three months apart while I was waiting. I did the full workup at Sloan-Kettering they do genetic testing and it turned out I have a breast cancer Gene. It's like a lot of Jews have it and I wound up deciding eyes. Just didn't want to stick around and wait for the shit to turn into cancer when it's all over my family both sides. Wow, so I was like, fuck it. I'm doing a mastectomy. So I did the double mastectomy last June June of 2018 and the reconstructive surgery in August and that was fucking hard for me because I had the drains I had all the shit and I'm not in the hangout achill stuff. Well, yeah, and I didn't take any pain. And by the way, I had an epidural when I had my kids. I'm not one of those hippies. Like I'm going to shut it out in a bathtub and I rule. I got a birth announcement. Once that said natural childbirth engraved in the lower left-hand corner, and I was like, fuck you who cares? I'm not anti drugs. I'm just saying for me. I can't take any of that opioids. Like I can't believe America is addicted because you cannot Poe so I just took Tylenol. I was in terrible pain I drank wine but not enough to make the pain totally go away. So that was tough and then right on the heels of that. At my son came home from school crying and I had my drain still in and it was gross like you have these tubes coming out of your pits with like blood and pus and it's fucking gross and it's gross. It's scary for a kid to see that and I try to cover it up with bathrobes. Yeah, but they are there. Yeah, like you see it and he had tears in his eyes and sat on my bed. And I was I said, I'm going to be okay sweetie. It's all going to be okay and he's like no, it's not about you. Like he I realized like I just thought that he was crying because of my state and he was Like no this kid in school came up to me and said God sent Hitler to kill the Jews because you nailed Jesus to the Cross. Wow. So I like flipped out like I'm a generally really happy person. I'm one of the happiest people I know I went into like a really dark place. I started sobbing and I didn't stop crying for like four hours. I called my parents. I'm really close to my parents. It's like not normal. I'm 44. I talk to him every day. I called my parents balling and my dad of course his first Inked was like look you've been through a lot you would just had surgery. Yes going to say you're a mom down your emotional and I was like this has nothing to do with my boobs like forget the mastectomy. Like I didn't care about the mastectomy is at that point. My I was so traumatized that my child had to hear that because I grew up in New York in the 70s and I never heard anything like that right never so I was shocked because it's fucking New York, you know, and I've had a couple instances where I've heard people say Things about Jews and whatever and it was disturbing but this traumatize me I felt like what's wrong with the world it got like heavier. It wasn't just about this one kid or family. It just turned in my head into this like Cloud Thundercloud of like this is a horrible world, you know, and it was really hard to get through that I had about three weeks where I cried every day. Wow. It was really depressing and then so what did you do? So my daughter came home and said, you know, there's girl I Heard about this girl the cool thing also about Instagram is it makes New York a little smaller because you see these kids follow kids from other schools and they meet once and then they see this whole prism into their world. And anyway becomes your Social Circle becomes exponential and your Venn diagrams, like constantly growing with with everybody meet. So she and she sees the overlap of the Venn diagram with who follows, you know, so she knew through a friend through another friend that this girl who's a lesbian. She was called a dike at her school. And she just like as a total Hail Mary called over to my daughter's school and tried to switch to an all-girls school. She thought she would feel safer because it was a boy who said this and they made a spot for her. And so it's kind of like an amnesty admissions thing like you don't really hear about it, but you can apply offseason and in a special circumstance, so she said I think you should do that for Fletch. So as like a total like fuck it move. I called over to the school. Jules and I called three schools and said like this is what happened to the school said we don't have a spot, you know, please apply in September were horrified. We're so sorry for your son and that you're going, you know had to go through this and then the last school was like calm down. It's come when can you be here? So I went out to the Village my husband and they this is the same similar situation. They basically created a spot for him. So once I knew we were out of the school because the issue was also that the school didn't do anything right? So they Mr. Field trip and got like a slap on the wrist and I felt like that wasn't sufficient and the whole school should have been addressed at that. They have zero tolerance for this kind of rhetoric and that it's unacceptable nothing like that and they just don't want they sweep dirt under the rug they want everything to look perfect. So I decided to write an essay about the whole experience for tablet, which I thought was kind of Subrosa because I had never really heard of it. It's like a Jewish Magazine online. So I wrote it for that and then I was I'm shocked that I got picked up by a lot of other media and I got felt a little like nervous and exposed because I didn't I meant for it to just be something in my community that I was talking about and then I kind of went viral so I felt a little bit nervous for a couple days and then ultimately I got tons of letters from people from my son School alums parents saying we had a similar thing and they did nothing so in the end, I think it made change over there. They're brought in somebody to deal with stuff. Like this WOW, but not my problem because we're not there and we're so happy. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Wow. Yeah, but it was it was 2018 was not a great year for me. No. Yeah, but I did the reconstructive surgery. Did you keep the nips? I kept the nips they cut under my guy Alexander swiss-style kind of pioneered this surgery where they cut under your boobs. So the scars are under. Oh, so I know you can't even see them. So I have my nips and my boobs look like kind of porn star - I mean they Look really fake. But who cares like they look like I was 18, you know, wow and you still have to get checked though. No, there's not. There's no mammograms. There's nothing in there. They scooped out everything. So there's no I think you got an MRI every five years. Okay, but there's nothing to check. It's all like silicone my cousin did that because she carries the gene. So she just was like, nope. Everything's gone. Yeah, it's really I have to say, I think it depends on your personality a lot of women. I know women who had full-on tumors breast cancer, too. And didn't want to get mastectomy as they just kept doing lumpectomies. They're fine with it. They didn't want to mess with their boobs. Like their sexual identity was wrapped up in their boobs. I have never liked might the way I dress is not cleave e I'd never call my boobs the twins I never liked think of my boobs is like a part of my identity. So it was no biggie for me. Right but there are other women where they were like, I can't do it. I can't do it. I'm like, but it's not, you know, the my grandmother's double mastectomy. She had to Scars across her whole boobs and you know, even for years after what you were basically Frank and hits and now it's you really can't tell I mean you can tell they're fake but you can't tell that you had this done by now. It just looks like any Playboy person, you know, I have zero sexual connection to my breasts their utters to feed my children. Yeah. I didn't even nurse. I was a bottle feeder. Yeah because my nips were like clits. That's the one thing is I had like two clits taped on my boobs, basically. So when I was nursing my first one, I was in agony. It was bleeding like I hated nursing. So I stopped so I bottle-fed the all three and the thing is with my husband like if he wanted to touch my boobs, they're so sensitive. Sometimes I would like SWAT him away and just be like fuck off. Don't touch me, right? Whereas now I don't feel anything. So I'm like go to town. I don't give a shit. So he's actually happy that's great. Its best of both worlds best of both worlds. Sometimes I miss it because I'm not like aroused as much like I don't get a rat like I have to have like two glasses of wine. Before I want to like bone or anything, but I feel like I was kind of like that. Anyway, I was getting like I don't know like three kids kind of desexualize me. My husband just said the other day. He said honey. It's like we're friends with kids. It's like made myself always bone though, because I feel like I know it's the only thing about me that's really old-fashioned where I feel like if you don't fuck your husband someone else will true. I don't think Harry would but I just feel like I got I don't know even if I'm not in the mood, I like flop on my back. It's hard. It's really hard. But I feel like you know, I you're always glad you did after always I'm always like why don't we do this more? Yeah, it's always a good time. And then it's just yeah. Anyways, is it so bad? Sometimes I also think oh, yeah. I'm so glad we just did it because I didn't want to do it tomorrow. I can't like I feel like off the hook for two days. You know what I mean so bad. It's that I'm really glad I have my husband. He's a good person. My husband does not listen to this podcast. So that's good. This is there anything else you want to add? No, just that you are an inspiration and you juggle it all and thank you for doing everything you do because it like makes me feel like I can get off my ass and doing your projects. There's one question. I always ask. Yeah, what would we be surprised to know about you? I'm sure it's very rare because you're an open book, but would be okay one surprised because I only wear black and I love Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I'm kind of a goth person. I actually love Valentine's Day. I'm in love with love. I used to have a Valentine's Day party every year. And I da cappella singers come make that might also be a surprise. I love Broadway musicals, but I'm in love with love. So I do love hearts. I have heart tattoos here. You know, I have my swords and I have my Gothic New York while my back in the New York Times font, but I also have hearts being that you have done so many things and so many different fields. Do you have any advice you'd like to leave our listeners with about anything? Yes could be about sex. Well, it's more of like your raise. And all the time saying better safe than sorry and I think better sorry than safe. I like that. Yeah, that's I'd be like, I'd rather regret but try shit, but don't be safe because that's actually not safe right then. You'll be claustro in your own skull. Yeah. Yeah, you'd be a Stepford Wife. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. That was your card when everyone I hope you enjoyed the episode and you can follow her at Jill Carmen. I just want to read you guys a couple of new reviews that came in again. I Read almost every single review that has sent a read over every email and if I don't respond to you right away, I'm sorry, but I'm reading this one's from blush not pink. The only reason I'm still saying. Wow this podcast to salvage the very select remnants of my sanity Rebecca has created this incredibly Safe Community for young female entrepreneurs. I am a newly minted Edie executive director running a brand new nonprofit very much of my own absolutely. Everything runs through my hands hearing the struggles real genuine problems fears. Pains and sometimes just pure crazy that some of my own role models and other powerful women have faced gives me the space and comfort to breathe a little and now I'm not alone. Thank you for creating this incredible and empowering space for women, especially those who need to know the journey is messy imperfect scary and still beautiful. Listen blush not paying kit is always scary and I think it's becoming more and more apparent to me that everyone I talked to has War Stories almost every day. And so I think it's about getting used to the horror stories and Getting them and getting used to all the holes in the boat and just keeping that bucket handy.
 Jill Kargman is not your neighborhood soccer mom and she doesn’t play one on TV, either. Her dark sense of humor and love of all things goth might put her out of place at most “mommy and me” gatherings, but this is especially true on the swanky Upper East Side where she originates. However, Jill isn’t one to waste her time worrying about what other people think. Instead, she worked her alchemical writing magic and spun this into comedy gold, using her position in society as inspiration for the screenplay – turned book – turned TV show, Odd Mom Out. She also plays the feature role in the show, utilizing the talent honed from acting in numerous plays during her time at Yale. Jill’s creative journey has taken her from arduous internships to writing rooms to the confines of her home office and back again. Jill now plans to return to the big screen as she sets out to script a film inspired in earnestness by the life of her teenagers. Thanks for listening! We love our listeners! Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Big Ideas  Trusting yourself and listening to your gut. [12:55] “Better sorry than safe.” The importance of pushing beyond your comfort zone to do the things that are important to you. [30:58] --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
This podcast is brought to you and made possible by generous financial aid from Peter kanzler K. Ay n z l-- e-- r-- you can buy his Amazon books at your favorite Amazon Branch, for example, the original texts of lock Hobbs and the US Constitution of Pennsylvania put together into one book for only $15. Thanks for listening. Hello everyone. I've got lots of questions here. And so welcome to the first live question-and-answer YouTube session that I'm hosting. So I'm going to get right into it and answer some questions. There's logs coming up on the screen here Mac one three five. Seven one nine seven nine asks, what does it mean people don't have ideas. Ideas have people. Are we okay because I've got an area of sorry about that. We're going to you're going to hear some technical talk during this because we don't exactly know what we're doing yet. Okay. So what does it mean people don't have ideas ideas have people I learned that mostly from Young. In fact, I think that's virtually a direct quote from from Carl Jung. One of the things I learned from Ewing was that it's perfectly reasonable to think of ideas as something that's living as a something that's alive an idea something that's alive and I think the reason for that is that the beings that have ideas and so that's us people are alive and we're trying to use our cognitive ability to further our living. and so we create ideas that and and the purpose about those ideas is to have them played out the embodiment to have them act out acted out because otherwise they don't have any utility and so We conjure up ideas. Let's say it originally, but they take on a life of their own overtime. And as they take on a life of their own their capacity to dominate someone increases to the point where the idea is arguably more powerful than the person know. So if you look at religious ideas, for example, maybe you could think of what happened with regards to Islam and the You know in the latter part of the first Christian millennium. A set of ideas exploded out of one source and and swept through a vast population the same thing happened with Christianity's and in fact, the same thing is happening with Christianity right now in China China in China Christianity is spreading faster than it did in the Roman times. Definitely something we really notice because our time frame is, you know, small compared to thousands and thousands of years. But ideas have their own goal and their own perception and their own way of interacting with the world and it's it's always possible for them to possess people. Why do we feel exposed and vulnerable when we know and do what we really like? Your words that does LH. well Lots of times people hide behind a shell even at cost to them because if the shell gets criticized then it's not really that relevant because it doesn't have any direct bearing on them. And so if you're not showing your true self, so to speak to the world and what you're showing is something essentially that's false or just constructed and that gets criticized. Well, you can always Comfort yourself with the idea that it's not really you that's under attack. So it doesn't wound to the same degree. now and I mean that's partly why people protect themselves with falsehoods and ideologies and and it's an attempt to Shield their genuine vulnerability from assault by the world. But the problem is that if you don't allow that vulnerability to manifest itself, then the probability that you're actually ever going to get what you really like or even discover. What it is is 0 so by protecting yourself to that degree you end up losing certainly losing it what it is that you're most trying to protect. I mean, I don't want to be Cavalier about that because it's understandable that people. Attempt to Shield their vulnerability because the vulnerability isn't just felt it's real and people are fragile. And you know, we're subject to the terrible forces of nature into the terrible forces of culture. So we put all sorts of masks in front of ourselves so that our exposures limited people even do that to themselves to some degree. If your front is false enough than it it's also false to you and I suppose people do that to some degree to protect themselves against their own self criticisms. David Guida says how can I School teachers best promote virtue cultivate morality and tackle the meaning crisis in the face of an increasingly chaotic violent and dehumanized Future. Well, I would say it isn't obvious to me that the future is increasingly chaotic violent and dehumanized that the past was pretty rough. Now. The future is definitely ill-defined. We don't know what's going to happen. And I think maybe that's more true in a general sense than the river has been in the history of mankind, but I don't necessarily think that there's reasons to be Particularly pessimistic. However, the first part of the question I think is is well worth addressing how can a high school teachers best promote virtue cultivate cultivate morality and tackle the meaning crisis. Well, I think the best way that people in general promote virtue and cultivate morality is by promoting virtue and cultivating morality within their own life. But I think that in order to do that for yourself, and then also in order to transmit that information to your students, you have to understand that morality isn't a set of injunctions. Of the nature of don't ever do anything impulsive that you like, which is generally how morality is put forth. You know, what you think about morality is something that a puritanical person might preach and that it has to do mostly with self control and self constraint and I think that that's a very shallow. That's a very shallow vision of morality. I think the way that you convince people to act morally if that's something that you're interested in doing is to meditate on the utility of the truth because I think the highest form of morality is following the truth. So you might say well why would you bother a following what's true? And the answer to that I think is quite straightforward. if you follow what's false, then you're going to end up somewhere that you weren't planning to go and the probability that that's going to be good is low mean following what's false is like attempting to use the wrong map for for for the territory that you occupy and if your eyes are open and you pay attention then the probability that you'll be able to maneuver around the terrible sharp obstacles that will emerge in front of you is is that much higher and so when you're having a serious discussion about morality with people there's a there's a couple of points that you make to begin with is like and these are fundamental points one would be Do you want things to be better or do you want things to be worse? And you might assume that people are going to automatically answer that they'd rather have things better, but that's not so self-evident because to make things better usually requires that you adopt a tremendous amount of responsibility and that's effortful and difficult and frightening and and the bark sort of stops with you, which is also part of what makes it terrifying. But if you do want things to be better and you have your mind straight and oriented in that direction then The truth is your best possible guide because it'll help you get to that point. So I think one of the things that people who talk about morality. Fail to understand is that it's not abstract. It's practical. morality is precisely what's proved to be most practical over the longest possible span of time sort of like the Morrill Act is what's best All Things Considered and part of the reason that it's necessary for people to follow conventional rules is because convention is part of the wisdom of mankind and the wisdom of mankind has basically said no All Things Considered Here's a pathway that you could follow that is going to work out in principle best for you. And so you you know, one of the one of the considerations there speaking in terms of convention is, you know, the standard path through life say in Western culture has been to grow up to form an intimate relationship of some stability to Do something productive that other people approve of and and and will trade with you for to raise children and to establish yourself in a community. And the reason that that's conventional morality is because that's not such a bad deal compared to most of the Alternatives and if you can pull all those things off properly, then there's a reasonable chance that you'll at least have a life that isn't completely full of unbearable suffering with nothing positive in it, but there's also the there's What's a reasonable possibility that you'll have a good life? And so then you might want to try to do that correctly? Why act morally? Why act in a virtuous manner because it's in your interest and it's in everyone's in else everyone else's interest as well. And so that seems like a good deal. Now, it will mean that you'll have to put off certain forms of impulsive pleasure. But the problem often with impulsive pleasure is that well, you you have pleasure in haste and you repent at leisure and so part of what standard morality is trying to do is to Inform you about how you might act in the present so that the present is acceptable. But so that tomorrow is also good and next week is also good and next month is also good and next year is also good and for you and for your family and for your community for this broad swath of humanity and partly what you ask people you ask high school students is well, they want to be part of that or do they want to do something else and if they want to do something else, maybe they want to make things worse. Well, they should think that through because that's just not a very good plan. Unless your goal is to make the world a more miserable place and you know often people's goals are precisely not. Alex fee and harassed is mindfulness really beneficial or is it just a trend ma'am? Mostly it's a trend the problem with mindfulness as far as I'm concerned is that it's it's a it's a word that's like a giant box. You can put anything you want in it and claim that that's not only what it is, but that's what it does. And so I'm I'm You know, I would be very hesitant to make a blanket statement such, you know, like no one practicing mindfulness or teaching mindfulness is producing any benefit for their students. But yeah, I think mostly it's a it's a fat so how can Disney produce an archetypal Masterpiece in The mid-90s Lion King and then turn around and create propaganda in the New Millennium Frozen. That's why Sam call that God. That's a good question. But there's an even better question that goes along with it. It's like not only could it is knee turn around and create propaganda in the New Millennium because I do believe exactly that that's what Frozen is. But if I remember correctly, I think that that's the highest grossing animated movie now that's ever been made so it's not only That they created propaganda. It's the people are extraordinary hungry for it. Why would that be? well, one of the ideological motifs in Frozen is that you know the classic idea that the Sleeping Beauty needs a prince to awaken her is observed in old-fashioned. And that there are alternative ways of traveling through life. That don't require the subjugation that that particular story might appear, too. entail, I think that's really naive beyond belief because a story like Sleeping Beauty Where the feminine is waiting for the masculine to awaken? It's true. It's just as true for men as it is for women. It's not about men and women precisely it is to some degree. It's more about the masculine and The Feminine and The Feminine part of a man. Which is the part that enables him to have a relationship with a woman at all is awoken by the archetypal masculine qualities of clarity of mind. For example, just as much as the females. Femininity is awoken by masculine Clarity of mind and you can read those old stories Sleeping Beauty in all likelihood. It's a variable story at multiple levels simultaneously. so but I think that people want the propaganda because it tells them that what they already think is correct and that all the old wisdom or much of the old wisdom. It can just be dispensed with and people can conduct their lives in any manner that they want. Well that doesn't work. So Julian Tien says you have said that to study history is to study oneself, and that one will be much more grounded and strong if they do, so we please more talk on this. Please talk more on this. Well, you know it's easy for people to think let's say you're 30 years old. It's easy for you to think. That you're actually 30 years old, but you're not you're in many ways and at least at one level of analysis your three and a half billion years old because that's approximately how long the genetic structure that has given rise to you. At least in part has existed and your the consequence of this massive massively extensive evolutionary process extending back billions of years. It's conditioned every Of you and so you're a very very ancient creature from a biological perspective. And if you don't view yourself across that entire span of time, so to speak you have the wrong idea about what it means to be a human being and then on the cultural end of things. Well, you're deeply shaped and and inhibited and offered opportunity Buy the entire history of human cultural Endeavor, which is also interactive in the causal manner with with the emergence of our biology across time and if you don't understand history Then you don't understand who you are because you're a product of History everything. You think someone else already thought every word that you use someone else came up with. and so a naive person thinks for example that the thoughts that they have are their thoughts but the probability that you're going to have a thought that's original is extraordinary low, and so just understand your own thought process. You need to be deeply. You understand your own thought process far more deeply if you were an astute student of History, you also understand the problems that confront you in the world. I mean, you're born into the world in a particular historical configuration. That's an archetypical truth. You know, your spirit is Born Into the world. when the world is a certain specific way and that certain specific way is also a consequence of vast patterns of processes that have laid themselves out on a historical timeframe mean just a simple example. I mean a lot of the Interpersonal complexities that young people face say in their in their intimate relationships are a direct consequence of the birth control pill. I mean that's only been around for 50 years. So it's not deep history, but it's certain it certainly history. And if you don't understand that the birth control burst in on Humanity like an act like an atomic bomb, maybe like a hydrogen bomb. You don't understand what it is that's driving your own interpersonal problems. So there's no difference between studying history and studying psychology and there's no difference between the study history and psychology and trying to understand who you are and what you should do history is about you. It's not about the world or it's about the world and you and like if you can't see the sense in it, then you're not approaching it properly or you have bad teachers or you don't know how to read or something like that because History's unbearably interesting. And so I suppose that's another marker that you can use to determine whether or not your attitude towards studying history is correct. If you're not fascinated and horrified by it almost beyond belief, then you're not studying history properly and I think if you were studying it properly You never asked why you should study it. It would be it would be so evident. So obvious that it was necessary. Why do humans enjoy sad stories that Selleck's beyonder? Well, I don't know if they actually enjoyed them. Although I think you could make a case that they do in sometimes maybe someone's watching a story. That's that's somewhat sentimental that'll make them tear up and you might say that that's an element of beat sad, but I would say that's more an element of being compassionate and participating in this fictional way in in the love and and intimacy that human beings are capable of so you can do that by pressing. And that can certainly produce sentimental emotions and and nostalgic emotions and those can be associated with tears. But you could go deeper than that and say well people will watch tragic stories. And that's certainly the case in any Shakespearean play virtually is is tragic in many regards and I think part of the reason that people are are compelled to do that is because we are compelled to understand the tragedies of our life. and so to see that tragedy laid out on a stage which means that it's distilled and Amplified in some sense is to symbol taneous Lee engage in the problem of wrestling with what it means to exist in a tragic world. And any information you can get about that is going to be well worth the momentary negative emotion that you might experience while you're engaged in the play. So people like sad stories because life is often sad and we have to figure out how to deal with that and stories can tell you how to deal with it well and how to deal with it badly and that can be observed Lee informative. If Christianity has much historical wisdom to offer why is it so derided in the academy? Is this a good thing or a bad thing why Brian Ross? I think that people generally think of Christianity as science for stupid people in something like that. You know and it's often reduced to its more fundamentalist manifestation. So, you know that the strawman version of Christianity is fundamentalist protestantism of the sort that makes the case that the Bible is literally true. And that the cosmos is roughly. several thousand years old well, it's easy to it's easy to make fun of that. I'm not sure so why is to make fun of it and people generally have reasons? for what they believe in sometimes it's fear and and narrow-mindedness and ignorance, but Sometimes what might appear to be fear and fear and narrow-mindedness and ignorance is actually the attempt to preserve something of extraordinary extraordinary value the value of which has not been fully articulated. I guess partly I see the so there's that there's the there's the ability for people to generate the strawman version of Christianity and then just feel intelligent by comparing their own knowledge to that and you know, that's pretty weak I would say I think Marxism contributes to it a lot. I mean, I think that the universities and our intellectual life in general is still saturated with Marxist the neo-marxist presuppositions, and I really think that's a terrible thing. I really don't think that that's any better than having our intellectual landscape populated by neo-fascist ideas. I don't see from a historical perspective that there's any reason whatsoever to assume that neo-marxist ideas are any more morally appropriate than neo-fascist ideas. and I think a lot of what drives them the neo-marxist analysis of Christianity is Some of its some of its simplemindedness mean the Marxist tend to reduce everything to power to economics and I mean power and economics are important but to reduce everything to that is to reduce everything to any one thing is a mark of a weak mind. I mean most problems are multivariate problems. They're not univariate problems. I think there's a hatred for the responsibility that genuine Christianity lays upon a person because at an archetypal level me if you just if you just speak about this psychologically young said, for example, the soul is naturally Christian. It's a hell of a thing to say but he had his reasons for saying that and part of what he was saying was that or what he believed and Aldous Huxley talked about this a bit too. Is that There are elements of Christianity that have taken conceptualization as far as it can go and that's what makes it archetypal so so I can give you an example of that. So there's a presupposition in Christianity speaking psychologically that Human beings make progress by making sacrifices. That's a good one. You see this act it out to begin to begin with to some degree in the Old Testament where the sacrifices that people make are. Are genuine archaic sacrifice that they take something that there? They believe has value perhaps a prize animal and burn it and offer it to God and the reason that it's burned as far as I've been able to tell is because the archaic conception of the world was that the world was a flat disk. And on top of that disc was a bowl and the bowl was the sky roughly speaking and then outside the bowl. That's where the gods existed and I think our cake people believe that for the same reason that we feel all when we look up in the night sky, we do, you know Want to make the mistake that just because people didn't know some of the things we know now that they were stupid. They looked up at the night sky or the day Steinfeld aw and part of the intuition that came along with that all was that while they were looking at the night sky or the day started they're looking into the infinite and and that's Allied very tightly with divinity. So there's those ideas going in the background. Well, if you burn something and offer it up to God the smoke Rises and God can detect the quality of your if I see you might think well, that's again. That's pretty Simple-minded but it's not it's the dramatic representation of an unbelievably profound idea. The profound idea. Is that sometimes in order to make things go properly. You have to let go of something that you deeply love or deeply want to do and what it means what it means to sacrifice is to let something go in the present so that the future can be better or to let something go personally so that other people can have it better and there's no difference between the Of sacrifice and the discovery of the future as soon as you discover the future one of the things you realize is that you have to sacrifice things in the present so that the future manifests itself in a more acceptable mattered. So then you think well, that's also an amazing Discovery. Here's the discovery human beings made if we change our behavior in the present better things could happen in the future. Well, no other animal really is ever discovered that okay, so that's very tightly linked into the idea of Twice so you might say well you have to sacrifice something of value. And so sometimes I ask my students. A lot of them are second part children of immigrants. What did your parents sacrifice so that you can go to university and I mean everyone understands that question the students immediately tell me of you know, the things that their parents have done they moved from some foreign country. They spent 18 hours a day working their selves to their fingers to the Bone at a laundromat or a dry cleaner so that their students could pursue that their children could have a richer and Fuller life. They're sacrificing and the sacrifice is based on its Faith and the faith in it's a essentially a form of religious Faith, but we don't have to get into that moment. But the fundamental driving idea is that the reality is can be positively shaped by sacrifice. Well, that's an amazing idea. Well, so then you might say well, okay the higher quality the sacrifice the more profound the positive effect on the future so reasonable proposition and so then you might say What's the most valuable possible sacrifice an answer? That is well, obviously yourself. So then you can say well that means that the ultimate moral Junction the ultimate moral injunction. Is to sacrifice yourself in a manner that makes the future better. Well, that's the central idea of Christianity the central idea like the central figure mythological figure at the core of Christianity is the person who voluntarily sacrifices themselves to the benevolent will of God. Well, if you have any sense, you're terrified of that idea and especially if you're if you're I would say if you're a rationalistic intellectual or rationalizing intellectual mean who the hell wants to believe that if that's your moral obligation is to sacrifice yourself for the best what God. You don't know what that means. I mean the archetypal story isn't means that you end up crucified. well There's lots of reason to be not very happy about that idea. But and then you say well is the fact that Chris Durant Christianity is derided in the academy a good thing or bad thing. Mostly. It's a terrible thing, you know, it's not like Christianity can't use some criticism. Although I think you know, Nature in many ways nature took care of that for us. But mostly I think what we're doing in the academy is running as fast as we can from the responsibility of burying our culture and revivify it and we were using any number of appalling rationalizations and ideological Maneuvers to try to not only make that acceptable personally but to proselytize about it to others, you know there the more I wouldn't say maybe I would the more cynical part of me sometimes thinks that the universities now these students more harm than good, especially on the humanities at because they take students at a very formative period of their life when they're all when their belief systems and their ability to identify strongly with life are already somewhat in question because they exist in a culture that's being badly fractured and they take those kids and they, you know, they expose them to ideas that are absolutely destructive and it's not like I have anything against ideas like that reading each if for example is or reading dostoievski, I mean that can be a very destructive act but the purpose of Nietzsche's writing and Dusty as he's writing is not to destroy its to remove detritivores so that something new can spring forth and I'm I just don't really see that happening in the University's I think they're too cynical and I think that there's also a strong streak of serious anti Humanity among moderate intellectuals and that's been the case for Least a hundred years you hear people saying no, like I think this was a statement from the club of Rome the people who are so concerned about a population explosion back in the mid-1960s that the world would be better off if there were fewer people on it or maybe that there were no people on it. Well, man. You can't say anything that's more appalling than that. You know, if you said the planet would be better off if there were fewer black people on it. It's like well, no one's going to put up with that or the planet would be better off if there are fewer European colonizers on it. Well, you might be able to get away with that a little bit more but probably not but as long as your Sentiments expand extend to humanity as a whole is perfectly reasonable for you to say something like that. And that's the most horrific thing. You can possibly say I mean the kids should go into high schools and shoot them up and call my kids. That's certainly what they believed. The planet would be a lot better off if there were fewer people on it. Maybe we'll take a few steps in that direction. So Bob Smith says nice jacket. Thank you for appreciate that. All right. Can you explain Nietzsche's General philosophy and some of his most famous ideas? He's really hard to comprehend. Nietzsche's General philosophy I probably can't do that. I've been putting together with my students here. I've been starting to plan a seminar on existence realism and which would focus a lot on each and those two have ski I think nature is so damn complicated that it can't really do that. I don't think you can explain Nietzsche's General philosophy. First of all, he wasn't really a systematized ER he he was skeptical of systematized. It's very difficult to distill someone. Not as systematized ER into you know, a few general principles and the thing is with with with some of the greatest thinkers. You actually have to read what they wrote. You have to read the original writings because the Brilliance is encapsulated in the original writings, and they can't be condensed. So So, let's see. Can I do any better than that? Can I explain HS General philosophy truth serves life. That's a good one. And I guess we can unpack that a little bit. I mean It's a good example of exactly what I need you. So stay really brilliant. One of the things he presumes me makes a statement like that is that a human being is in? An existential situation that's characterized by the necessity of determining what he or she will actually accept as truth. You know, you might say well truth is something you can prove and that's how you know, it's true. But unfortunately, it's not that simple because you have to decide what criteria you're going to accept as proof and there's an Act of Faith in that and and there's an inalienable word. Argument seems to be lacking and this is the famous is ought conundrum. The David Hume described is okay. Well, let's say that you use science to lay out a very detailed description of the nature of the objective World. Well that still doesn't mean that you know how to act in that world. And that's a big problem. It might be a fundamental problem if the fundamental problem of people isn't what is the nature of the objective World thought How is it that you should conduct yourself while you're alive? Well meet you believe that. the fundamental question was how you should conduct yourself while you're alive how should you act and if I would say that's the fundamental question of meaning and science can inform you but it can't really solve that problem for you. And that's a problem and then science also has this other terrible attribute some sense, which is that because science can't solve the problem of how you should act in the world. It impels people towards the conclusion that there is no answer to the question. How should you act in the world? And so that way that opens up a door to nihilism and nihilism is is its destructive. It does not facilitate life. In fact, it has the opposite effect. It takes the spirit of people. It takes the motivation of the people. It makes them better and makes them resentful and makes them hateful. It's not a good thing. Also Nietzsche is primarily concerned in some sense with how to act. And part of the reason that he decomposes Christianity to the degree that he does is because he believed that Christianity. Was a very very serious attempt to answer the question how should you act and he also believed that it had become fatally flawed for a variety of reasons. At least it is typical socially socially instantiated form. So he took it upon himself to subject it to a criticism but I've always thought of Nietzsche is a terrible image, but I've always thought Nietzsche as like a maggot in a wound. So what he's doing is clearing away dead and diseased tissue so that something else can live and it's a terrible thing to watch. It's a terrible thing to apprehend and it's a it's a terribly destructive thing to involve yourself in as Nietzsche is he said philosophize with a hammer and that's certainly true. But he was trying to clear the path for something new and that's something new he was trying to formulate with this conception such as like this the the Superman that the next version of human being so to speak and he thought of them as people who would create their own values. And that that would be the way forward out of the wreckage of Christianity. Let's say I think nietzschean was wrong about that and I say that with all due respect believe me and I say it cautiously and I don't think it's an original idea of my own that Nietzsche was wrong and I think the reason that he was wrong is because people don't create values they discover them or maybe they co-create them, but you can't create values By Conjuring them out of non-existence. You could say if you were scientifically minded that values are in some sense arbitrary. And then if you believe that values are arbitrary, you might then believe that people could create them out of nothing but values aren't arbitrary and most of the time people discovered them. And maybe they co-create them and one of the reasons that I was so have been so attracted to you stinking is because young is in many ways a nietzschean a student of Nietzsche. Also a student of Freud's but more primarily a student of Nature and use lifelong Endeavor was to understand what the way forward might be given the situation that needs you described and the situation that needs you described in some sense was that Christianity late so much emphasis on truth that it ended up undermining its own axiomatic presuppositions. And so then you thought following needs you. Well, okay in principle, we have to create new values, but that's partly why you can got so interested in the unconscious because one of the things he found particular in his analysis of the collective unconscious that was that the values that Nietzsche thought people should create were actually lying dormant in well in our imagination. That's one way of thinking about because that's a good way of thinking about the collective unconscious and that it was a return To the deepest the way forward in terms of the generation of new values was a return to the deepest recesses of human existence and a rediscovery of what was actually there. I touched on that a little bit today when I was talking about the necessity for sacrifice. Like there's an archetypal idea that the Savior the Messiah is is by definition the person who is willing to sacrifice him or herself for the ultimate good whatever that Ins to be and that that's the appropriate pathway forward. Well, that's that's an argument for teak of Christianity. And I think that you almost right. I think he's correct. that's a terrible thing to say because I mean Union such a radical thinker that it's it's funny because healing is subject to a lot of criticism mean I read Richard Knowles book on Nietzsche. I think it was called the area in Christ and Noel basically who I think was a very is or was I'm very resentful person. I think he did a hatchet job on you. He the cover of his book made you look like he was a Nazi. I mean how what a cheap shot that is but you know, he accused you and of basically fomenting a cult and I read those books and it just made me laugh because What you was actually up to is so much worse. So to speak than merely starting a cult. It's like accusing an Ax Murderer of what? Annoying annoying his pet cat, you know, it's that the difference is that extensive the sort of sorts of things that um was actually messing around with our soul complicated and terrible compared to just building a little cult that you know, it's absolutely clear that Noah had no idea what he was talking about. You only said like nature like Dostoyevsky, it's a terrifying person and I think part of the reason that you own is not well regarded in the academy. And also why Christianity is subject to such He'll rationalist and criticism is because people open up young and take one. Look at what he's doing and either just don't get it at all or they get a little bit of it. It scares them. So badly think there's no damn way. I'm going there and and cans I can really understand that. I think I think anybody with any sense would be very very careful about trying to figure out what you was talking about. It's cognitive behavioral. Sorry here. I miss that. Sorry about that. It's a good idea to believe in something healthy delusions like Karma or life after death. That's a knee wall socket. Well, there is a whole line of social psychology. That was very popular about 15 years ago. In fact most cited social psychological paper ever written was about the necessity of positive Illusions, you know, the basic hypothesis was life was so tragic and dismal that unless you bolstered yourself against it with you know, Defensible optimism I suppose if you're being charitable or just positive Illusions lies is what I think are that life would actually be intolerable and I think that's an unbelievably nihilistic and vicious philosophy. I think the fact that that was actually seriously put forward by by a generation of social psychologists as a medication for the modern disease of meaning it was an out is an absolute indictment of the entire field. No, there's nothing about illusions that are healthy. But that doesn't mean that cynicism and despair are forms of Truth or that nihilism is a form of Truth. There's no such thing as healthy delusions. Now, you know any wall socket says like Karma. Well, I don't know karma is a healthy delusion, and I'm not so sure about Me there's some elements of karma that I think are extremely interesting from a psychological perspective. I'm going to scrap The Reincarnation element of it because I well for obviously at least for the sake of Simplicity, but I believe in karma. I think that no one gets away with anything ever. I think every single thing you do that is immoral because the moral thing is an attempt to warp the structure of reality everything you do that's immoral comes back to haunt you and it generally comes in multiplying form now that doesn't mean you'll be able to draw the causal connections like you might have done something immoral who knows five years ago and that produced like a crack in the structure of your being and like it's five years later and all sorts of things are falling into that crack and you have no idea that that initial Act was what produced is, you know cascading consequences of events, but that doesn't mean it didn't so what did Camus mean by Revolt in the myth of Sisyphus? What are some ways to revolt without being destructive or should one simply be a good at? Thank you. Well, that's 19k Mitch. Well, the first thing I should say about is it's not those so simple to be a good end. I think being a good amount is better than just being a chaotic and and useless and and so you should probably go from chaotic and useless and to good and that's a process of maturation. That's what happens. When you're you know, you move from being a child to an adolescent to a young adult. You adopt the strictures and responsibilities of your culture to discipline yourself. Now if you stop at the point where you're a good Aunt well then I think you know, that's not so good then Then you're you're an avatar of the pathologies of your culture as well as an avatar of the virtues of your culture. So but you it's fighting against mirror enculturation is that's that's not virtue that's failure. That's just failure to mature. You know, that was actually one of Nietzsche's questions of conscience. Are you leading or are you just running away? Well, the answer that almost always is you running away. You might think you're leading but the probability that you're leading especially if you haven't seriously considered the possibility that you're running away is like really, what's the what's the chances if you if you really think about it's not that easy lead as pretty easy to run away. So if you're not doing what other people are doing, you're probably running away and you might say well that's pretty rough. It's like fair enough, you know, if you've got some absolutely unique destiny that You have to manifest more power to you. But most of the time what I see are people who think they have a unique Destiny and really what they're doing is wandering off the beat batch into some Thorn ridden ditch where things are not going to be good for them. So what are some ways to revolt without being destructive revolt against what? That would be the question. I mean, it's a very you could try revolting against your lack of discipline. Like that's good. That's a war. That's a war if you want a war maybe you do because people need War, you know, I think it was William James who said that people need a moral equivalent to War. I think that's what um was trying to discover by the way the moral equivalent to war and I think he did discover it as well and that's tied up with the idea of sacrifice. If you want to revoke you should revolt against your own pathology and inadequacy in uselessness and resentment and cruelty and blindness. And yeah, you could have a war against that you could revolt against that that give you something to do. Pete Professor MRA people are often quite smart. Why do they have this strong tendency towards atheism. Oh, well, you know people who have Smart get atheistic right away because you know, it's obvious you really believe in God you believe in an old man in the sky. You really think the world's only 7,000 years old. It's like he really believed Christ turned Wine Into Water, you know, no one who wasn't foolish would believe that well, that's the statement of someone who's I guess who's smart enough to start to notice something about what people believe but you know, they're ten steps along a 50,000 mile Journey. So and then the other thing I already mentioned this about atheism. People like to think that the reason they're atheistic is because they're clear-headed and rational. It's like well first of all, no, probably they're not because how often you meet someone who's clear-headed and rational like I'm being psychoanalytically minded. I'm always way more likely to look for the dark reason that someone is doing something rather than the light reason, you know, the reason that's moving them towards the light because it's hard to move towards the light and so I would say most of the time people are atheistic Well, it's kind of its fashionable in some significance in fashion way to be a to revolt if you're rational and if you're kind of an intellectual, but also you can just dispense with responsibility if you're atheistic and I think that's 90% of the reason that it's especially in modern world. That's why people Are proponents of atheism, you know where they have some particular hatred for the church. I think Richard Dawkins has a particular hatred for the church. I would I would I would I've thought of this many times I would swear that something happened to him when he was a kid that wasn't good and that the church was involved because he has such an animus against the church. It's that It's it possesses him. There's a reason for that. Alright, so, let's see here. Can you explain why the conventional wisdom about ancient people are sort of words with your ideas about each and people? Yeah, that's Harold Bloom. I can explain that people like to think they're smart and they like and the easiest way to think you're smart in many ways to think that other people aren't and so we think well the people who came before us all these thousands of centuries, you know, they just didn't know what we knew. Well their cultures didn't have the same degree of Staggering technological capacity that our skin, but that didn't mean that they Stupid mean throw the average person back into ancient Athens. They're not going to last very long. Its lack of respect and you know that is a definite Hallmark of modern cultures that you can hardly even tell, you know, you can hardly even say well being respectful. It sounds like you're from 1819 be respectful well. if you're not if you don't want to be nihilistic, you better be respectful because being nihilistic and having respect for nothing are exactly the same thing. So you can start by having some respect for your ancestors and try to figure out what the hell they were talking about. He read the Old Testament for example has a very weird book. It's very very very very weird book. Lots of people wrote it. Lots of people added it it got sequence together and turned into this volume for reasons that we just can't understand. It's a collective work of the human imagination and people read it. So simple in such a simple minded way. They read it like Fundamentalist, like simple-minded fundamentalist Protestants think about science. Now the fundamentalist Protestants think the Bible is literally true science is literally true. Thus the Bible is science. Well, you know know the people who wrote the Bible word scientists, that's just not how it works. But then this modern critics mm of religious thinking of traditional religious thinking they're just they're the same they do the same thing except backwards. And they say no no no religion was science. It's just bad science. And so, you know, we don't have to pay any attention to it. Well, it's not science. It's something else. It's ethics its morality its drama its all of that. And reminisce about how to live and religious drama is it's a definitional issue. There's nothing deeper than religious drama. And the reason for that is that depth defines what's religious and like I know this firsthand partly because in my clinical practice like I often see people who are in terrible terrible terrible trouble and often that trouble is ethical and if the trouble they're in is bad enough, there's no other language to conceptualize it in that. Isn't religious because the religious language comes into its own when you're dealing with problems normal way of life and death but literally of Heaven and Hell and you know modern people think well, there's no such thing as heaven and there's no such thing as hell. It's like okay fine. There's no such thing as Heaven let's accept that but if you think there's no such thing as held it's like I can't see how someone who's educated would ever dare to make that claim. After everything that happened to us in the 20th century. I can't see that someone could ever say that there's no such thing as hell without being terrified that a bolt of lightning would obliterate them on the sparkle. You know he'll is real and if you want to talk about use religious language, and if you want to figure out how to get away from hell, you use religious language, and that's what religious language is for. So, you know the that's actually understandable. Now, I would say if if you want to learn about this you can you can read nature. You can read Dostoyevsky. You can read young it's hard. You can read young student Eric Northman Eric. Norman was a genius like a lot of this information. Is there waiting for people to begin to understand it, but it's hard slogging and and part of the problem is that you get to Hell way before you get to have You know and one of the things you own is sometimes conceptualized as a new age thinker and I think that's absurd. I think it's it's completely observed. One of them's fundamental propositions is that if you follow a meaningful and truthful path that will take you to the worst place you can imagine and then possibly having gone there the journey uphill, you know towards the light can begin in earnest. well who wants top? Well, no one if they have any sense, but you know young also made another statements which really taught me the bone when I first understood it he said Anything you don't thoroughly understand you act out in the world as fate. And so one of the one of the lessons I took away from that is that you know, if you don't want hell to manifest itself in the world, then you better understand your role in producing it. Let me say that's actually the primary religious injunction and I would also say that that's a big part of the reason why. Belief systems such as Christianity I'm talking mostly about Christianity because that's what I'm most familiar with but and also because it's definitely out of the you know, it's the foundation of Western Civilization actually quite a fan of Western Civilization. Mean that the fundamental moral injunction is in Christianity or one of them. I mean, they're all tangled together. I guess to some degree is like you want to constrain hell within yourself. Well, that's no joke, man, I mean you know one of what another thing I learned from um from Egypt was that if you if you if you look at the sorts of things that happen say Nazi Germany or are in the Soviet Union or the mouse China or that are still happening around the world where their systematic torture and persecution of millions and millions of people where where the entire state was devoted towards making things as bad as they could possibly be and then making them even worse after that that people played a role in that and they were people like you That means that people like you play a role in that. And so then the question is what's your role? And is that the game that you want to be playing? Well, that's a serious question because it is people like you who were responsible for that and it means that to the degree that you're a person and you don't want that to happen anymore. You have to sort that out within yourself so I can I can explain it. I think I'll close with this another. Deeply religious idea there's another idea. This is an archetypal idea about the image of the savior of the Messiah. The Messiah is the person who takes the sins of the world unto himself. That's a classic archetypal idea it's like what does that mean It means that you look for the motivations that drove Hitler in yourself because they were there. And that's what it means to take the sins of the world on to yourself. It means that you have to view yourself as the perpetrator of archetypal evil. You know, one of the things you said for example was that if you take a small moral failing that a person manifests and you dig into that. As deeply as you can you end up in the center of hell like the roots of that unethical Behavior go all the way down to the to the to the archetype and in my experience, that's being true. That's that's right. That's why people want to have conversations about this sort of thing. You see it happening in Intimate Relationships all the time where there are things that the two people who are involved in the relationship will just not talk about why because they don't want to go there. And where is it that they don't want to go? They don't want to get to the bottom of things. Well, no wonder because you know That's an archetypal idea to hell is a pit. It's at the bottom of things. It's like yeah, that is where it is. And you have to go there if you want to straighten things out. It's like who the hell wants to do that? Well, the alternative is that it plays itself out in the world and we've seen that and that doesn't look like a good idea to me. So well, I guess we should probably end there because I'm getting fuzzy minded that's always a good time to stop. So thank you very much for tuning in. And if this seems to have been successful kind of had a slow start as far as I was concerned, I was kind of muddled headed to begin with but You know, maybe we'll let it all that out. Anyways, I'm thinking about doing this on a regular basis. So, you know, let me know what you think and and we'll see how many people watch it and we'll see what happens and like thanks to all my Ras and there's lots of research assistants here really helping me out with this. So mastering the technology and figuring out what to do with YouTube. So thank you very much for tuning in and hopefully I'll see you again. Ciao. This podcast is brought to you and made possible by generous financial aid from Peter Ken's Le K. Ay n z l-- e-- r-- you can buy his Amazon books at your favorite Amazon Branch, for example, the original texts of lock Hobbs and the US Constitution of Pennsylvania put together into one book for only $15. Thanks for listening.
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I think you're going to enjoy the hell out of today. It's almost like you have a front row seat to watch our lives evolved into whatever it is the pub in Zito make terrible decisions on a daily basis and you all get to witness it from right up close and personal Todd McComas is back in the comedy world doing stand-up comedy. You have a front-row ticket for that. It's NHL playoffs. It's Gourmet. Man, it's Nick. It's digs. Its tie it seven it's everybody and I can't wait to share it with you and you are going to experience something today that you've never experienced before because this is what you're going to do. You're going to listen to our show and you're going to say you know, what the weather's changing. It's starting to get a little bit warm outside. I want to go experience something live. I want to go watch a show. I want to go watch a game. 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We appreciate them a lot you're alive, but are you living go live and experience something live with your friends? It's eek eek. Let's get into the show pop. You guys went golfing this weekend. Oh, yeah tiger motivating us get out there. Yeah, so you actually hop on top of a golf cart then over a barbed wire fence to hit a ball off of a street. That's why I had to I tried to do it without the golf cart cut my hands up a little bit. I got a couple blisters play it as it lies you guys just for those that don't follow Evan fox or Connor or zero on Instagram. We don't blame you for not following a lot of people don't but you guys went golfing in. What was the equivalent of I think was worse than my yard. Yeah. You would have an easier time finding in your backyard. Yeah, you guys golf in the golf course equivalent to the pub which is just a shit. Whole perfect perfect way to describe it. So we wanted to play some golf and we found the closest golf course to the pub and it turns out we got there and I look over at the practice green and it says out of order. This is not a good time. And if you see the videos that I posted you can see why but usually year-round though. It's a very very nice green. Yeah. They're just like normal heart has been better. It's been bad. Start of the winter. I mean you could even see the Bob track or the bobcat tracks across the green that were probably picking up snow just those the Bobcats are Zito's tracks. So it's a nine-hole little shithole. Yeah, there's one par-5 all par fours and threes. That's why we like it though, you know, we shut up. We're the only ones on the course and how much did you pay? It was $18 for 9 with car to eat. If you deposit slip expensive. I thought I was talking to them while they're golfing and they said it. Was 18 for 9 in the car. I said for all three of you. Yeah, you know know each I'm like, holy shit. I was 26. It's about balls That's a classic move. But the Classic Golf game. How'd you guys do? You know we were up and down but I mean you can't like I said, you can't really judge your game because there was no puting like this way better. You should have just had a two-part rule. Once you got in the green to adds Two Strokes out watching the Masters made me want to just go golf a meal. Oh exactly. It is such a relaxed and I think that's a part of the Allure of the Masters. The Masters nap is a real thing and Nancy's voice is just so calming Birds Verne Lundquist gets in there and he's got a little bit of a smooth stroke there with his voice it just everything about it was just like man, this is awesome television. You're not going to see anything else like that. By the way know where the world is captivated strictly by how relaxed and calm everything is now granted you throw a legend in the mix like Tiger has who has by the way, I don't know if anybody else in golf could have done what tiger is done to the fashion of golf. He walks into that golf club that is very hard to get into without a collar with a fucking t-shirt on hit it it's a mock Turtle. Well, the first one wasn't I don't even think it was a mock Turtle. It seemed just to be a t-shirt that was just kind of athletic fit and then on Sunday goes with the mock turtleneck. I'm like thinking tiger strictly for his fashion thing, but also him coming back and doing what he did was. Is a thing of beauty I mean, you're talking about Francesco Molinari going for a fucking swim and old Kazi fee now, by the way, I like the way he plays so yeah, he's the man. He's fun to watch. I like Tony fan. I don't think I knew anything about him before this weekend, but I like the way he plays very casual very calm. They look like they're wearing Air Maxes to help. Yeah that whole crew had a bunch of Air Maxes on well, it's six or seven of them. He was so casual and call him last year. If you remember when he dislocated his ankle celebrating a hole in one and then just sat down and just popped it right back in place. No, I didn't know that was yeah, but he goes into drinking and all of a sudden tiger takes a smart shot. They're like, oh the old veteran the old veteran move Haven for the middle of the fucking green. I don't know veteran of a move that it's just saw two people go in the water. I love the Masters though. This was the first time in my existence that I watched everything from Saturday and Sunday all the way through and boy, I really enjoyed watching golf there for a bit. I enjoyed it and I go for it and I watch the final round. Sullivan Steakhouse, we went on the bar side because no one was in there. We had all the TVs to ourself. So we're in there watching gets down to the 17th hole belief and some lady that had periodically she would come from the restaurant side to check up on tiger gets up and he seemed ready to putt and she literally looks at her phone and says, oh there must be a time delay. My cousin to said he hit the shot. He's going in the final hole. What the fuck you came from that side to ruin my fucking it was electric like pins and needles all know. I was on the edge of my couch like come on tiger just like feeling it for Tiger Woods and I bet on Tiger Woods last year. I think in every tournament he got in and I said, I'm done better. I never said he was done forever. I just was done betting on him and then all of a sudden you watch him just kind of he said plotting which I don't think I particularly know what the fuck that means. He's Wander around a course. He said it a bunch of times in his post interview plodding around plotting her. I don't know what that means. But watching him make decisions there on hole 18 in particular where he laid up like twice almost. I'm like yellow Tiger Come the fuck on because that tapping he had at the end. I'm like no no don't do this. Do not miss this to happen right now because then he goes to overtime. I assumed he would lose then laughs. I feel like he had it all under control that moment with his son was obviously awesome his daughter his girlfriend getting some face. Stein by the way, there was a couple times there though where they were obviously cropping her out of the shot. Yeah, the girlfriend they had the daughter the mom the moms have you zoom in for his son? And it just was perfectly cropped out at the girlfriend. It's like I we're going to need this for later if they break up. So yeah, let's make sure we got a shot. Let's make sure we get a shot of just the family there and we'll add her and then we get the family then we had her then we get the family you got a director back. They're like, we don't know if he's gonna make sure she's Old time I thought it was just a really good moment for golf. You really find out who paid the cops to take them out. Yeah, by the way, what was that all about in my mind? I studied the tape we talked about on Friday a little bit. He had slipped earlier. I heard he had me his name was already wet. And he was just playing catch-up because they didn't want tiger to engulfed by the rounded don't know on Friday. Tiger was walking and everywhere Tiger goes he sells out golf courses, by the way, there's people that sell out stadiums. There's people that sell out Arenas tiger. It sells out golf courses. So you just got herds and flocks of people trying to touch him be around him and I would assume security is at an all-time high like okay. Here's our fucking Golden Boy. Literally. Yeah here is our Golden Goose for everything. They said that sales are up 66% or something in the PGA thing because the red mock turtleneck something like that money just goes through the roof and old buddy. Security guy comes flying. There's nobody even around tiger just super cop. It's a cop around it comes to protecting. Tim does our soccer slide like one knee back in Clips. Tiger Woods is right ankle and tiger like kind of looks like a wounded animal as he's slipping out of this Elvis and everybody is wondering who the fuck is this guy? But the question I had immediately was his knee was already wet. This is not this guy's first time on Earth. If you're a security guard at Augusta, I don't know what type of things you have to pass that guy that guy had to have a great career before that day and then he had to worst day of his fucking life. He was wearing his grass cut booths and you could tell it and there was a there little dude was a lot of little water on the greens and then he's just not used to running with those boots on and slippery conditions. He was slick. I'm assuming at Augusta. It's different but most golf tournaments. Those are just volunteers that gusting there's no way he just had volunteers wearing a yellow shirt. Hello. Just having yellow shirt Masters. I come on talk about betting tiger Nick and I had pretty decent bets on Franco Monera to win. It did matters like I wanted tiger. I will say this Francesco Molinari people are saying he choked I think you got very unlucky very very unlucky here that one Pinecone to drop them in the water. Again. He is a Precision golf. Yes, that guy is very impressive watching him. The thing that I love the most though is when tiger finally took the lead. Yeah, then he'll miss it's a fucking hole in one event. One of feeling that had to be on the pot was Phelps right behind him looking over his shoulder. Zoomin helps my the way, he's one of us. Yes. Yeah greatest Olympian of all time one of us just hanging out probably had a beer overlooking Tiger shoulder. But as soon as tiger takes the lead instead of being scared like you would tell most other golfers would be they'd be scared of the moment. No, no, he almost hit the fucking hole in one and it was at that moment. I was like, here we go. Here we go. This is what happens because everybody else had to watch that happen to all the other golfers had to listen to it. They had to hear it and it's like the tiger effect is a real thing everyone else who took the I need on the back nine then then bogeyed. Literally the next hole Yeah, they should all over themselves. Yeah, it was a real thing that Patrick can't lie. Dude came up out of nowhere that was wild came out of nowhere. Nobody even knew he existed bang. We got a new leader. No, we don't bogey-bogey. He is back out of this there. It was I also enjoyed watching golf. Today's conversation is just heating up we talk about everything in you're going to love it. Here's a quick math stat for you. Two-thirds of guys experience noticeable hair loss by the age of 35 most guys assume losing their hair as inevitable as they age some don't care and shave their head. But what they might not know is that there are FDA-approved Solutions designed to stop hair loss and that may even regrow hair. That's why we're excited to partner with our sponsor or Roman Roman makes it convenient to get FDA approved hair loss treatment all from your phone or computer you chat with a licensed doctor from the comfort of your own home. No appointment. To reading bad magazines and waiting rooms filled with other people. No weird looks from other people. You're not given any looks the weird people. It's a much more convenient and easy way to fix that problem with your hair going bye-bye. 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It can stay forever with your friends at Roman get /nd I knew tiger was back to me and Evan were talking about this earlier. So typically like after he does that on 16 gets that birdie takes the lead on 17. He'll fucking no shoot one into the way right here. Like yeah piped both those fucking drives down the center and before the 3-wood to I think yeah, he did on 18 but on 17, he absolutely just hammered it and like, you know a hundred yards away. He's already walking towards it like knows it's perfect. I was like, all right. It's in the bag. Done the thought of that 18 though. I don't know if it was him and his caddy or not. But there had to be a moment where he either was talking himself. Like all right, tiger. Listen, you don't have to be like old Tiger your new tiger now, you know and what did Tiger decide whenever tiger was in remission and when tiger wasn't a good golfing tiger if we get a chance to win we just take the win. We don't need to bury anybody. We just need to take the win another 5th. Green jacket here tiger. Fuck. Yeah, we can lay out. That's where he would ya and then his caddie was probably are you sure you want? Give me a fucking 3. What were they going to judge me out here looked around probably as he held up to three with looking everybody going. Oh, he's not taking out the drivers. Are you I'm gonna bogey this whole and I'm gonna win The Masters right now. That was a cool cool thing to just watch tiger set aside any Pride that he might have had you know what I mean? Because tiger I would assume that's a very difficult decision for him to do you watch 10 cup. I mean you might as well judge every single human it lays up after watching Tin Cup. Tiger is known to be a killer like that's what the red is. You know what I mean? We're Power day, this is we're going to kill and he decided to lay up and take the dub and I was like, you know, what I'm proud of the old Tiger. Yeah, I'm proud of the old Tiger for making that mature of a decision. For instance. I'm in that Lake. Tahoe thing is official that I am 100% in their eyes. Let's go big news how to sign the paperwork out to give him my shoe size of my handicap don't have one made one other. Would you give yourself 30 now? I'm not by yes. But if I'm in the lead there and it's coming down to the last soul and I just need a bogey or something. It's gonna be hard not to go for a birdie. I'm going to be honest and just fucking buried home. I'm going to have the tiger conversation with myself I go just take out that fucking just take out the little hybrid Buck just pump it just go ahead and pump that thing out there in the middle of the Fairway, but I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna give me the fucking big stick and going out exactly how we came in and I'm probably gonna lose and I'll have to have that tiger moment with myself a lot of times dudes. Like when they do take the gas off on 18. They're like, they'll fuck up right like this. Because they're all different styles. Yeah, it's opposite of what he's been doing all day long and he almost did yeah, it was a little right and he said he had mud on his ball. That's why I laid it up again, but then he easy chip into button talking to but sir. What if books Capital makes a birdie now, we're talking. Yeah have to make that birdie. I would assume tiger than puts it on the green add those Lord. Yeah. I knew there was something special going on on nine. I think was the ninth green he made that putt what didn't make the putt but he put that putt out there. That was like no joke parties 35 40 foot putt downhill that just kept Roll and checked up right by the hole Yeah. I it was it was awesome to watch Mike Greenberg of get up. Now, Mike and Mike he put a two-minute diatribe out about how he felt watching Tiger Woods come back and honestly, I don't think anybody could hit the nail on the head. It was like whenever we were kids we were watching with our old man, right? We're watching that with Tiger Woods brought my dad into golf. I think honestly John Daly and Tiger Woods or the people that brought America into golf then it kind of disappeared. He's younger generation wasn't the most likable generation of golfers and now tiger comes back and leads in wins. And then his kids are there. It's like literally a full circle of just life coming together and I bet your golf couldn't be more thankful for everything that happened down there in Augusta. Greatest moment in golf history. I said, I teared up there anyone else here. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck is going on. Yeah. I very much question myself. I never met the guy. It was hard not. And I was in any think of the kids right you think of the obviously the bomb. Yeah, and you think of the whole situation whenever you see that but instead it's like this is awesome for Tiger. Yes, the greatest athlete at a time of all time. He was the most dominant athlete on planet Earth for a long time as well. Right hell of a fall from grace hell of a fall from grace both publicly physically mentally everything goes all the way down to the bottom and then watch Them come back up right there at Augusta. I mean, that's a because he led what two years ago. He led an Augusta. There's a few years ago when he put it off of say yeah. Sure. No, he had a share of the lead on Saturday. I think like two years ago. And I that was whenever we all kind of got back into her like here we go. He's back and then that's where obviously you saw the video from scratch where Tiger Woods us watching everybody talks shit about him. And then that little smile that he had I was like, oh man, that's how those guys operate by the way you give Just a little glimmer of a chip to put on their shoulder. It's just like here we go. Everybody can eat shit and also he's got a billion dollars still. Yeah, and he's got greens and Fairways in his backyard for sure. He just run those clips of people talking shit to him in his backyard over the speaker's I'm sure he's getting in some extra reps get that flat stick hot again. What if this is the time where tiger just goes and wins 45 more files very big good for golf. Oh, yeah, it'd be good for golf if that out. I was very surprised to see the stack yesterday that that was his first major that he's won when trailing on Sunday. Yeah, yeah, that was that was very surprising to me because he's a what whenever he gets an elite just never gives it on correct? Yeah, but like the fact that he had never come from behind being as dominant as he was ever was very very surprising. I've always said this that professional golfers lack the competitive Gene, right? That's why Tiger Woods came in and dominated because he was the first one who had like the professional athlete competitive Gene because they're always handshaking afterwards I talk great game I missed that six inch pot which one point five million dollars. I swear or show any emotion because Just golf whatever tiger came in and he had that athletic competitive. Gene was like fuck you. If it's not you it's you know what I mean? He had that Killer Instinct and you kind of watch that play out on Sunday where everybody just knew they were a part of the tiger story it almost felt like Francesco Molinari knew that he was just a part of a day. That was about to happen Brooks. Koepka Tony finau. It was almost like everybody was happy for him. We're if I'm the young stud by the way, I don't know if I if I'm a golfer and I am a young Ji In his old guy comes in and does his thing. Like I think I'm taking that personal like no no. No, this isn't your fucking golf course, you know what I mean, but you don't see that out of medium golfers because tigers that much of an animal, you know what I mean? Tiger there. Everybody was happy for him. Everybody shakes his hand tiger is an animal but it was you didn't feel any of that from any of the younger people was like no no like it's not your time anymore. He's also like every one of those guys out. Every single one of them looks up to that guy. So it's probably difficult in their minds at get that type of compatibility and think about it anger. I think about it how many of those kids and I call them kids that are in that thing would not be playing golf with one for Tiger. Well a lot of all they're watching him on Saturday 10 years ago 15 years ago that would address the country club kids. I see these kids grow up in a golf club. I would assume Tigers face is plastered everywhere everywhere. He's the guy he is he's why you play golf. No one else made golf cool. Like John Daly is literally the only other guy guy that made golf cool. That's legit to I can't think of anyone else. I'm just I don't know. I wish I would have saw a little bit more fight though. These here point though. Like they were interviewing koepka right after he was done and that's what like he was saying like, I think this is the first of a couple he's going to get here eventually like they're already talking about him when in Majors down the road as opposed to being like, hey, I want to go after this guy and go for his throat. Well, that's the difference. I guess between the gentleman's game in the games that I play. Ya know what I mean? And that's probably why I would never I did. And this is this is me being just the biggest asshole walking. This planet was watching that Patrick can't wait kid play. It's a mother kids play and I was like, I focus on golfer six seven months. I could beat these six seven months and there's a golf course right next to my house. I almost drove over there and set up fucking like instructions. Like I need a coach. I need six seven months in the morning. Just you and me figure this thing out teach me how to putt. We got these bums like Patrick can't lie leading at the fucking thing that guy looks like he couldn't lift the soap off the right that can look at it. You couldn't lift a pencil that was literally one of my first thoughts and I was like years and years and years of practice for these guys. Yes have a little bit of respect for what they master was conversation means we have to talk to one man and one man alone. Yo, yo John JD we're excited to listen to the Verizon playback song. I was hoping it was hit hard right there. Oh, I wish I got to get that on there ladies and gentlemen joining us now. He's a golf champion a life Champion a country musician a legend. Ladies and gentlemen, Jon Daly. What's up about them Hogs? Hey Pig. Woo Pig sooie. Hey, you're damn right from Arkansas pride of Arkansas. John Day. Ali you just spent a few days down at the Hooters outside of Augusta. How was your week at Hooters Masters week is always an eventful week for John Daly. Well, I would say this the scenery was beautiful last year lady almost killed you and your family this year not as eventful. I hope No, everything was pretty smooth. I think we only had one little incident hit the fence and it was just a nub. It wasn't bad. Hey, you went viral in the middle of the Masters for a one-handed putt with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth. What was that all about? All right, all the guy want to bet me a hundred bucks. So I took his money and went back to the house the family house on a how's everybody doing their in the daily client. Everybody's good little town a week ago Sunday shot 66 came back and made shots won the tournament. I like that a lot. He's a stud. Will you be one day or is Something where you just kind of stay hands off as a dad. Now I'll let him do his own thing of I don't like it when they push the kids because they don't want it as much and low John wants it so bad and I can see it in his eyes and the way he practices and the way he plays it's just it's so much fun to watch. Do you think when Little John's playing in the PGA Tiger Woods will still be playing It's possibility. Yeah, how did you feel as a legend in the golf world? We talked about this earlier today. You and Tiger Woods were the two people instrumental to Bringing In America into loving golf you watching Tiger Woods make that runny just made what did that feel like as a fellow golfer? Well, it just shows you that he's back and you know, I idolized Jack Nicklaus, but you know what I've seen. Hey, this is a generation of breaking records. The Bambino curse for the Red Sox. The Cubs. Finally won. The World Series Tiger Woods is going to break Jack. Nicklaus has records. I love to see him. Love to see him do it. To be honest with you. I think it's just great for the sport. Did you did you watch the way he played the 18th hole into that surprise you as much as it surprised me he kind of laid. It up kind of took his foot off the gas. Did it in a strategic smart manner or do you think that's just good smart golf? Smart dog when I left right after he paid parle 17 to beat the traffic, but I said just make you bogey win. That's what you know, that's all he had to do and hey it don't matter as long as you win by one or a hundred as long as you pick up that trophy. How are you hitting them right now? You playing pretty well. I haven't really been playing I had my Meniscus cut out about a month ago and and last week. Well, we were Mississippi. So it's been about five weeks. I was my third week on it and try to finish date in Mississippi. So it's coming around. What younger golfer do you look at and you say you know what? This guy could be the next guy for the sport of golf to kind of carry on Brooks. Koepka seems to be a guy who's very hot right now. Dustin Johnson hits the ball a long fucking way. Who's the younger guy that you're like, you know, what the golf? And rely on his shoulders for the next 20 years whenever Tigers done. It's hard to say because Dustin and you know, Tiger and Rory and all these guys are kind of still dominating. So they're still young enough to be that guy. But is there going to be another Tiger Woods? I don't think I'm going to see it in my lifetime. It's just amazing how he wins golf tournaments not really hitting his driver that straight and I just showed you what how creative he is getting out of trouble and making plus when he has to it's just amazing to watch. I'm playing in Lake Tahoe in July in that Pro-Am. What are some things I need to work on watching me go. You're not a professional golfer Pat who cares shoot you a hundred and ten and have a good time. John I appreciate you so much. I need to see you again. We all miss you we hope life is beautiful and I'll talk to you soon. You got it, baby. I love you. I love you too, man. Have a good one. Ladies and gentlemen, he hit it hard man, John Daly. Thank you so much. Can I have your tiger moment in Tahoe? Yeah, we're talking about Suri will hurt because I like many others. I don't know about you guys. I didn't lay any money on tiger. I had this guy that guy this guy this guy love the Tigers in it, but he's just not going to finish at the end. I'm sure I wasn't alone with everybody's thinking right same thing with you at all. There's no way there is no way anybody first time in the tournament team handicap. No one. No, I don't think you know a lot of those people by the way that handicaps just completely made up. I don't know. Play a certain amount of rounds and report to the state and all this shit. I had one that one point very very very low estate lower than 13 has no so you put your headphones on us, huh? Yeah, I had the state gives you a handicap Zito. He is a huge golf handicap is different than human handicap that you oh, yeah. Yeah Hospital things like a state that guy. Yeah. Well, it's a golf thing. So you have a 13 handicap. That means you shoot 13 over par on average 85 right now, which I in my head. I was like if I was to go golf, too. Mauro I think I would probably shoot ya see that honestly seems right that was that was probably where I was at but back when I was really golfing how was it like a to like a 1.8 to or something like that, which is incredible. Yeah. It's very fucking. Yeah, me and AQ shipler play like fucking three times a day though. It's Robin 74 is all over he wasn't married first. I wasn't there was this first time and you guys aren't playing Pub golf course. Yeah, they're playing real golf course. Yeah. Well, we're playing gcci gcci just used to just let us do whatever we wanted up there Golf Club of Indiana very, And I said that is but I'm just hoping I can tap into that from years ago. Whenever we get the tile just let me tap it sure. Yeah. Well, what are you worried about most a crime fighter game? Sure. Yeah, I'm angry make pots so Sam. I think he's buying me a little putting thing for the house. Nice sweet. You need to get the flat stick today. I think she's buying that today. So that should be in the house tonight where it says, it's this place Ken relaxed. It's a storybook town and they have this thing. It's like I think it's like 30 40 feet long where you can fix the modulation an undulation Zone. Yeah. Yeah, so I think Sam's gonna go buy that today. So I'm going to start working on the putter my my driver. I feel good with my driver. The only thing is if it gets tight, I can't draw on demand. Does that make sense? Yeah come and I guess I can't draw on command. So if I should be able to figure that one out DUI, which I think is just keep the elbow tighter I think is what people say, but the 30 in is going to be something because if you watch that golf, you literally have to put it too close if you want to score right? So that's where I'm going to have to get vicious at where to be honest. I don't know where I'm going to practice that your backyard. Yeah, but I don't know if like hitting off Turf in and hitting off again very very beautiful to go to a strange and yeah, you got to just talk to that golf course and ask him at like 7 o'clock at night Sun still out not many people out there. You just post up 130 out and you're just firing balls into Gray. And that is probably only like 150 in in. Yeah, that's the move. That's the big move. I think the putter will get hot if I have that thing in my house. I think the driver will always be there and if my drivers there that means the 115 in is all I need right? I do hit the ball far exactly. So that is going to be my big weakness the 150th as you but I grip for your Pottery yet the super stroke. Oh, yeah. No, I have not and I got one what I say 13 million people have that super stroke out of commercial during the Masters and I think it's at 13 million degrees. I'ma go super stroke. Yeah. I'm like what a flex that was right there on join the 13 million other people. I'm like, wow, how much are those how much are is it the big Fallon? Yeah big fat cause it takes your wrist out of it and it just makes you have bigger like a grandfather clocks and I said tell you better touch. It's not what I thought there were some really impressive putting happening this weekend those greens that's stupid to them when they would do those like those flat shots where the camera was right next to the green you're looking at the annual modulation. Undulation of I mean for hacks like us we're throwing up 110. I mean on a good day and that course literally look like Putt-Putt old cuz he was facing this way just kept up the whole was behind him and he just wrote it like four feet and then it just took an immediate left my holy shit. That's on believe. I love that though. That's my kind of golf. Yeah, me too. I think I do too. I love it the accept this weekend. There was dirt on your green and I thought the same. Quite the same God up excited to see how I do out. That one. Is that attorney? July some July sides? Yeah, it's something yeah, we got a lot of time that way that we can to the 14th. We got nothing but time I was watching that thing and I was like man every shot they really seem and then I'll see one shitty one. I'm like, yeah, I get those too and mentally come on we can get there because it all it is is mental. That's all it is. I feel like when we were in Arizona after the first nine you were dialed in come on. Yes. I have those too. Hi holes are tough just a warm-up in a practice round. They were to practice run. Yeah get a practice round get a couple of those in but I'm gonna have to play a plaque practice run before the round starts the same day the yeah. Hey to get the shot warm. It's an altitude by the way to your mom. Mom balls going further. So I definitely have to work 150. Then we are in the mountains driver will get me there. I just have to get it to 150 and below and that 158 have left is really like a 135 shaft and I still get out there bring out the pitch and affable him a second. The undefeatable might make an appearance at that thing almost got thrown out in the fucking Street like a method by week ago. I thought the end of a bow from the Golf Channel about 3:00 a.m. I told me eliminate all my ducks for my chipping game. I've used it in the office here. There's a lot of stuff. So it's a lot of stuffs left in that bag. And for the gulf nerds It's a 65 degree wedge. So makes sense why he stuff in it a couple times. Yeah, but it said it clearly said unbelievable and it's I've dropped a few times. Thank you talk tough that thing to a lot of time crippled Todd's I think if you can put it on duffle on anything, I'll Duffy. I mean I'm a dolphin. I like tradeking Diane. Yeah King David. I loved watching it though, Sam even enjoyed it. I think I passed out for a little bit. I think Sam even enjoyed watching golf there for a minute and it was just like such a cool thing to do and also that we got up and was at 9 a.m. Sacked lie. Outside have to wait till 3:00. So you guys liked it a lot. I love this is perfect because I don't think I ever watched the old way like had my entire schedule set up to what this whole thing this whole weekend. Especially we came out of 14 straight days of work and it was about I was about to lose it. To be honest with you. I was about done with everything literally. I'm going to shut the shop down for like a month and a half left. Fuck it. Let's figure out something else to do. I'm done with it. So this weekend I was very much looking forward to the Masters helping me. Like I was like, okay, I'm gonna have a weekend with the Masters just kind of turn the body off for a minute and then waking up and it just being right into the thing was fucking beautiful. You just like London when they played out the games in London because typically like tiger wouldn't have teed off until like 245 three o'clock if the without the inclement weather coming in well into the weather overcome, I mean a range of towards the end, but I don't think that I don't think the afternoon was what they thought it huh owner like it whenever we had coach training camp our PR I somehow became the weatherman that go up got a huge storm coming better move practice up or like all right, we're practicing inside and it's going to be early. So inside means for me. Nothing. Does it represent bending up right? So me even a Terry over to we're all basically just out of doing anything and then the soon as the practice ends you walk outside and it's just like fucking bright shining 88 degrees outside and let us store must have blown over. To get much better your buddy. Troy is the weather man over there now, he sells it to the head coach Troy's. The greatest. Troy is the grounds keeper for the Indianapolis Colts and he is exactly in your head how you're thinking he is that is exactly what he is the head groundskeeper for an NFL team is just as hilarious as you can imagine just like the equipment managers just like everything like that. He's speaking of the NFL OTAs are kicking back off for a lot of people a lot of teams are back in business back to work Russell Wilson holding this Seattle Seahawks a little bit hostage, they're kind of an interesting move. That's not very much a Russell Wilson move in mine are removed. The rumor is now how do you can see her in the agents wasn't the last time he was in a contract negotiation. He didn't sign it too like one of the last possible days he had think so, but I he never threatened that he wanted to leave or anything else but not that yeah now the words out of the bag that but I don't think he is ever said anything, right? No, you're right about that Russell Wilson has never said anything. It's always the people around him. He was on Jimmy Fallon. On Jimmy Fallon asked him if he wanted to be in New York blah blah blah and he responded with like yeah be cool. But I'm a Seahawk now, he's always deterred any of the drama but it's all getting spun up and kind of Twisted behind the scenes. I think it might get a little bit ugly over there and Pete Carroll by the way, not a great track record with his star players. I mean Earl Thomas literally flipped him off said that he was flipping him off on the way out Richard Sherman the legion of boom. They all hate him. Pete Carroll basically banked on Russell Wilson being the future of the Seahawks and now it all might come crashing down Pete. Carroll. Probably just retire policy is asking Lake Tahoe. Yeah, that doesn't have much more to fucking prove in the football World, especially if you lose your stud quarterback can't Russell Wilson though. Like you said, it's not him personally saying it but you're saying it's the agent but he could shut that down though, if he wanted he could come out and get which I'm assuming by the way his first media session that's going to happen at these OTAs because he's starting quarterback for the time. He's gonna have to step up. They're they're going to ask him how his offseason why and how everything went this house this house this and obviously some reporters going to be like what happened with the deadline and I assume Russell Wilson will have a beautiful finesse. Yeah and just get out of there and end it would go Hawks at the end of it. I assume you won't answer at all. But I think his team is very much looking forward to him getting in a much bigger city under brighter lights so he can continue to do everything at Russell Wilson wants to do dancing videos and shit like you you have talked about how you don't need a high-paid quarter. Back to and survival. Would you preferably as the GM of the Seattle Seahawks trade him? So ever been set up paying a hundred million dollars a year Dan orlovsky had an incredible. I mean X I'm going to ask the inner laski feel cold right now. This is behind the scenes. You got 10 minutes anything you need you call myself. Talk about Russell Wilson. Ladies and gentlemen joining us now is the man. I just mentioned he was a quarterback in the NFL for a long long time. Now, he's one of the best brains on TV when it comes to foosball. He's handsome. He went to the University of Connecticut. Ladies and gentlemen, Dan orlovsky. What up? What up? What up? What up? What up question for you? We're just talking about the Russell Wilson situation. I read a tweet that you put out earlier about Russell Wilson stats and all these things that he's accomplished. And I think the question is is Russell Wilson worth the cosmic contract that he's going to have to get paid to stay in Seattle to make the Seahawks a contender and after reading your stats. It makes me think that he is a guy that that should be paid with the same respects as all the other big-name guys. Am I correct? Absolutely. He's absolutely worth the contract. I mean you have to look at it when like when teams are forced to pay or come to the decision making of like our do I pay this quarterback? Because that's what it comes out webpages quarterback this much money. And if I do does he make up for the three or four other players that I may not be able to sign because of that. Is he good enough to make up for that Russell Wilson is a guy. That not only is but has shown that he is like he's a guy that has shown I don't need the great receivers. I don't need the great tight end. I don't need the great running back. We don't have to have all that. I'm good enough to overcome that. I mean statistically he has had the worst offensive line in the NFL over the last eight years the worst yet still has every season. He's been there has at least ten wins, but one And that season they had nine enough said, okay. So a lot of people would say myself included that a way to win in the modern NFL is have a quarterback on a rookie contract in build up around that quarterback with a lot of money going elsewhere. I would assume the same type of thing happened in Seattle when they had the legion of boom and Russell Wilson on his rookie contract are the Seattle Seahawks in a better place to get a younger cheaper quarterback and build the team around it or watch Russell. Wilson get paid in New York or somewhere else and watch them have to deal with the domino effect of that much of a salary cap hit going towards one player. You better pay Russell Wilson. Here's the thing. That is the right now, like that's the convenient narrative for teams to say or for fans to say is like just get a cheap quarterback and pay everybody else couple things on that. There is a vastly different reality between a cheap quarterback and a quarterback who's really good that happens to be cheap. Eep we've seen a lot of cheap quarterback. It doesn't doesn't mean your team is going to be good. Look at the Denver Broncos. They've had some cheap quarterbacks over the past couple years, but they still have good players Von Miller Chris Harris Demaryius Thomas for a while a couple good offensive pieces. They're not good. They don't have a quarterback. That is that is the like the the Miss nomer second thing is this It's like it's the convenient thing to say that but Russell Wilson's been in the NFL for eight years Seattle was the first team to really do that to do like the cheap quarterback. Let's pay everybody else if it's so successful why have only two teams been good at it because at the end of the day it's to win the championship, right? It's not till I get to like 10 and 6 Seattle's done it Philadelphia is done it every other team that's done. It has not accomplished the ultimate goal. They may have gotten better. But my thing is this If you do that as an organization, it sends two messages one. You're setting yourself up for the Vicious Cycle because let's say Seattle moves off her muscles and trade them in Seattle drafts Drew lock and Drew lock becomes what they hope he becomes a really good starting quarterback in the NFL for years from now your force with the same decision. Do we pay Drew lock or do we go try to find another quarterback? And then also what are you telling people in your organization? Like hey, once you become really good, we're not going to pay you. No one's gonna buy into that. So there it's not as simple as it we kind of make it sound nowadays. I would argue that the Seahawks did tell people that are ready that no matter how good you get you're going to get paid elsewhere the Rams I think had a successful way of but I think the Rams might only be successful because of Sean McVeigh and they're pulling the strings with a quarterback who is also cheap. Is that something that if you're going to be a team that has a younger cheaper quarterback and build up around it. You need the offense of whiz-kid to put pull the string. Who's behind the Young quarterback and he is every young head coach that's getting hired because they're an offensive wizard going to have the same success as Sean McVeigh. Dude, I have a job at ESPN because I was in Camp for six weeks with the ramps. So again is good like no, they're not all going to have success. Like here's the thing. I showed me these brilliant but he's as great of a play caller is he's much better of a leader. Like people are just saying like, oh, he's really good at play calling. He's an incredible leader and don't sleep on the fact that like that year. They went don't they got Robert Woods, they drafted Cooper cup, they drafted Whitworth. They kept saffold. They had Sue come in. They got to keep to lie. Like they also went and got really good players to that helps so I don't expect to see the met lafleur's or Zach. Taylor's going become these we're not going to have a bunch of Bill Walsh has like it's not calling plays is like playing quarterback in the NFL. There's not that many of them around. So I you know right now we're in this, you know, everybody likes the boom Bop song and it's The Fad but it's just not that many people. At are great at it. I'm Bob was a heater clicking now Kliff Kingsbury. You didn't even mention. I'll assume that he's going to suck in Darren. Aronofsky's eyes. Ha ha ha. What is your email me coach that I like think could really challenged my hair. So as I can he's a handsome son of a bitch. What do you think? Ski, everybody knows Louis Riddick is attempting to become a GM somewhere. Jon Gruden became a head coach you break down film on TV better than any other human I've ever seen it. Are you thinking about one day getting into the coaching world or the general managing world or are you just content yelling at people and morning ESPN television? Yeah. No, not dude. I have no intentions of getting into coaching right now for General managing right now. I've got Junk family. I'm able to be at home being a dad. I'm like, aren't you kind of like you're saying dude like aren't you like Work hard, enjoy life cash checks, all that. Like I'm just into that mode where like just work really hard to be really good at what you do make good money make fun of people. Come on really cool shows last more hate less work hard cash checks, dude. I love it. Like I love that. I think you should start like an apparel line and put that on. Okay, we have a march on will write that down. Well have the orlovsky collection the hey when are you and I going to be on get up together. Where do you go on get him on get up literally every day and somehow I get a day off at Pat back if he shows up. So I don't I think there's some internal stuff going on like hey ESPN, I'd love to get a shot at get up. Just make sure our loss. He's not on so many white people. I think that's obviously everybody knows the Cleveland Browns are building up a monster in Cleveland for Eddie kitchens is seems to be the right guy to kind of manage all those personalities. The Raiders have made some big-time plays here in the offseason. You got the Jets picking up left Bell who could potentially help the Young quarterback figure out his way in the city of big lights. The Patriots are still the Patriots Tom Brady just took confetti out of his goddamn helmet Just A Week Ago getting back started who's a team? That's really going to surprise some people this year and Dan orlovsky size. Yeah, I mean the Colts know I do love the Colts. But listen, I'll give you two teams that I don't necessarily know or get talked about enough Tennessee Titans. The Titans are going like first of all, their defense is very good. It's only going to get better and they added can wait that is a nice addition to a defense that is nasty another year under basic variable. They also added Rogers sample that guard and that offensive line is going to physically assault people every week Derrick. Henry is going to be Pounds by September running over people's faces. So I think I think Tennessee's got a chance to be pretty good just because playing like that style of football in the NFC. I'm going to I took him last year. It was a bad decision, but I think the Falcons can regroup it. They get healthy. I really do they're so talented on offense dirt cutter. They're going to score 30 a game that defense being healthy if they hit their draft and land will be really good again to okay. So I've had this thought about Matt Ryan since we play at him in Atlanta. They had a Hail Mary to end the game and he was 20 yards short of the end zone is Matt Ryan a guy that can lead the Atlanta Falcons to a Super Bowl. You mean like two years ago type stuff what? Yeah like to win it though, you know literally let them yeah, I mean it a 28:3 lead in the Super Bowl two years ago know yet. We all know what had happened there. They didn't win it in Julio Julio Jones did not report Julio Jones again did not report by the Super Bowl victory like are the Atlanta Falcons with Matt Ryan able to go and win the Super Bowl yet again after that 28:3 situation, or they going to have to hit the reset button down there in Atlanta. No, no Matt. Ryan's got like six to eight really good years left playing quarterback. Wow, plenty good enough to win a Super Bowl in Atlanta. Absolutely. He's handsome to him big Matt. Ryan guy. You can hit a golf ball. Now. He can hit a smush a golf ball. Is he going to be in that Lake Tahoe tournament? That already happened I believe no he didn't or maybe that was the AT&T aren't you? Yeah, we have to be Dan real quick. Flak out is he kind of get his career back on track in Denver. Are you burying them? No, I don't see that. You know, Joe Flacco is being get on it has been an average Quarterback outside of one Super Bowl run statistically. He's an average Quarterback. So I don't I don't sit here and going all men all of a sudden going to Denver. Also, you know, I know Denver's got some young promising Talent like Courtland Sutton at receiver whatnot, but they're struggling offensive line. Is that going to be better as Munchak going to get them better? I don't see Flacco all instead of me going. Oh my gosh. He's at 30 touchdown interception guy. He's probably gonna throw 24 touchdowns and 14 interceptions. Your brain is so good orlovsky. I prefer not like that type of I'm talking football, I mean Jesus, It on ESPN. You're always a joy to watch man. I appreciate you so much. You're the best brother. All right, have a good one laser conversations flowing today lot of things happening. And also the time is now for you to become a better looking you. Earlier today we taught you on how to regrow your hair. Correct? Yes it on the complete flip side of that. It's time to manscape the hair that you definitely shouldn't get it out there. Everybody talks about shaving and trimming and all these things to make your nestled Goods look better than they've ever looked before but there's also this hesitancy in a little bit of fear that if you were to shave around your sensitive areas what could happen? Jeez, a little bit of a catchy catch a little bit of eggs a little bloody blood bleeding bleed from your second shaft. Then one company came through and said listen, let's get a nun nickel ball operation. is here to save the day the perfect package 2.0 kit features the lawn mower 2.0 with skin safe technology. This trimmer won't Nick or snag your nuts while you make your manscape a perfected Masterpiece. It's also a hundred percent waterproof. And shock-resistant precision tools for your family jewels your balls will thank you later. And so will your significant others because not only are you looking at your disgusting unkept pubic hair looking scrotum and ball sack not good. Mmm significant others are as well and they will thank you for you using you get 20% off right now and free shipping and a free travel bag. Egg with the code Pat at summer is right around the corner. Let's go ahead and take care of the goods. Let's manscape the shit out of those things it without the fear of nicking or bleeding all over yourself code Pat 20% off free shipping and a free travel bag the perfect package 2.0 kit features the lawnmower 2.0 with skin safe technology. This trimmer will not snag or Nick or Frank your ball. code Pat 20% off free shipping free travel bag. I absolutely love this stuff. There is zero fear when it comes to my balls beard with in the way. They take care of your kit and caboodle and direct gorm's that's right, man. Got to take care of the boys. They take care of you. Yes, they do make them look good make them look fresh make them look nice also smell better and keep them manscaped with code Pat you get 20% off free shipping and free travel back. Go ahead and take care of the kitten caboodle today. Okay, so Dan is saying that Russell Wilson is a guy that you should pay to make up for the team's flaws. That's interesting to me. I think I've personally said it and well known on this show that I hate Russell Wilson. Yeah, you hate him as a person as a person but I do think he is a really good quarterback in that they probably should pay don't why his people want him out of Seattle. Is that because the East Coast by aside as soon as that one, I think she wants to live in New York Sierra. Yes, so you think this is a hundred percent because Of cro thousand percent but there are two together in New York. That's a tough teams together in New York be one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL and she also wants to be on the Yankees. He has a massive ego. He wants to play in a bigger Market Jesus go Hawks brother. Yeah, you think that's what it is. Yeah. I think that's a huge part of it. Yeah. He wants a little bit more shine because weejun of Boom back in the day. He was everywhere Whenever there are winning everything now Seattle is very far away from everything. That isn't Seattle, I mean that is a I mean Seattle to New York what a six-hour seven-hour flight. I mean that is not even being talked about other than Starbucks was started. Their socks are good. Their fan base is in the Seine good fishing good fishing fishing. There we go. There's fish out. There was rain and Canada's right there. Yeah, a lot of good views. It's not really talked about as a destination place for players. So that could be something that Seahawks are going to have to battle with for a long time too. If they lose their Star Quarterback because he The live there anymore that could have a ripple effect. We would you blame him though, because when you watch him play like the game is all on him like you hundred percent. It's third down. All right. I'm going to have to run another first down are the stripes but I will say this he's looking to go to the Giants. I mean you got sake one in the back there. That'll help you out a yeah, watch a lot of love you I Manning hasn't looked great over the last couple years and they just shipped out one of the best wide receivers in the game to Cleveland. But having Sake One In The Back Field is quite something to lean on. A on the fact that it's all like it almost feels like everybody on the internet knows that Russell Wilson is going to the Giants it just feels as if everybody's like today is the final day the Russell Wilson told the Seahawks to work out a long-term contract or he's going to the New York Giants Test free agencies like or he's going to the New York Giants. This is like Gronkowski's agents like yeah. He's thinking about retiring for a lucrative acting career. It's like Russell Wilson. You don't get them. Term deal. He's downright the motherfucking New York Giants. We all know it. It's like they have to put that out too because the Giants are probably going to think about drafting a quarterback next week. So now Russell Wilson's people have to play like two steps ahead. Like, hey, let's not get too high on that draft pick over there because what I uncle Russ comes flying in a town or free agency. We don't want to have to make any crazy decisions then either the NFL never stops, man ever what Tiger Woods on the weekend NBA playoffs are happening right now, by the way, that's all happening. Inning NHL playoffs are happening. It's about to be over there one more game. And yeah, I was happy for you in that regard. Then I reverse the curse Yaks is then that's something else. You don't have to carry that weight on your shoulders, you know, you can sleep easy at night for those that are wondering the Pittsburgh Penguins were playing during the Masters. I had two TVs know. Do I Live Well one on the Penguins game 1 on the Masters next to each other then one below the other so that was one above the other wow Masters was much larger than the Penguin game I was going to smaller one because we're down to at the time and I right before the puck drop I almost put out how much that depends on lose three in a row not to playoffs not this team not team that I've been watching so but I decided I thought of Nick I thought of a queue You I get death text form a queue Shipley after I put out those Tweets in the pens lose like this is your fault. You fucking asshole like why did you have to do it? Nick sends me gifts of like literally the most terrible things making me feel bad about myself. So I thought about it. I had it all typed up and I just deleted I was like, you know what? I don't want this today. I don't want this Smoke on the internet today. They go on to loose soon as that games over. I had one sitting in a barrel. I didn't tweet that depends. Where a lock today. And they lost. The curse has officially been reversed been following this team All Season every period every shift through they won't lose again. Go ahead and lock that up. So I would like you to know after my deep deep deep dive into the analytics of this team. I've been watching every period ever shift of the playoffs of every single Skate Session that they've had since the playoffs started and I have seen this And go through everything that they need to go through since playoffs started and I don't think they will lose again. I think they go undefeated from here on out. The Islanders got no shot at all. They might not score again. By the way, Matt Murray's about to stand on his goddamn head Sidney Crosby who gave zero effort zero effort in a video that was sent to me isn't going to let that be on film ever. Again Phil Kessel is looking thinner than he's ever looked. He hasn't had hot dogs in a couple weeks. He's feeling good. Gino. Malkin is getting a little feisty Chris the tangs hair. Air is Flowing unlike any other time I've ever seen before the Penguins will not lose again. Go ahead and lock it up Lord. Stanley's coming home to Pittsburgh Pirates. Go great value very thankful that the curse has been reversed. I'm happy. I can say that the job and have a hundred percent confidence that that's going to happen. Am I right saying this Nick four teams have come back from a 3-0 deficit to win the series. Yeah only for in the history of the league the hundred-yard league. Yasko five, baby. Let's go. One for the thumb like the penguins are going to do that good for them. But for the better than 100 out of all the locks, you've given this one is the most locked this one in the most. This is lock it off. Yes, the tightest the curse has been reversed. So let me go do what you gotta curse is reversed a Long Island team looks good, though. Did you look good? You look very funny. They were skating. They are skating. Just getting circles around Pittsburgh Penguins, but not anymore. Not anymore. Anybody else in the NHL playoffs. Look impressive Tampa doesn't one of the teams that had like this historic run maybe one of the best regular seasons in the past 20 years and they're just getting their asses kicked all over the ice Columbus man. Columbus out there up 300. Somebody tweeted me and said Michael on the podcast said that the Columbus Blue Jackets are going to be good. So they wanted me to thank Michael thank like we're going to use that here. When we put not so nice pretty makes a pretty good picks Michael. Yeah. Yeah Michaels locked it. I'm happy by the way. I took that credit from the guy. I was like, yeah, that's what we Have Brains Brains volunteers talking about when we had Francesa on and he said the jackets had a couple of the blue jacket. But they got a couple guys. I think I might be on Mike's on soon fucking awesome. The world ain't ready. I have no idea what happened between me and French because I honestly just like Alex Jones. I view him just as a character and I don't know if that's how he is. I don't know if that's I'm just now learning about this Francesa character. It's really started to like blow open here recently because back after this the Funhouse account has like now France s is responding to it saying like, you know, everyone knows that guy doc 6th. It's Cliffs. What about you saying? Tiger had an ill chance to win The Masters. I never said that I never said I'm excited. I got a text from Mondo. Yeah, Mondo tweeted me or whatever. I guess he's part of it. I'm I'm just learning about the Francesa world. But boy what have I been missing there? They made a 3430 about the man. Don't forget. No way. Am I going mad the human Mad Dog Mad Dog just has that stoic. Look on MLB Channel UK that guy looks like he he looks like Gorman and like 10 15 years who watch what he's a little more like a wiry more wiry little bit but like 10 15 years from now. Let's say your nutrition goes down saying well. Yeah, but yeah, by the way, he really does but he has this look where he's just like very professional. He always has like a Gorman collection shirt on but when he speaks though, that's a different story. You got anything and not I'm scary. Yeah. My favorite Impressions from last week was Lou Holtz tie his coach Lou Holtz here again. Hey panting I just go and leave a hole save the building kind of hard like the dawn love the power back fist. Okay. All right guy. I've been told by a birdie that there there's another Lou Holtz in the building Lou Holtz. If you could please join us, that would be which one is it the coaching Lou Holtz or is it the post coaching coaching ESPN? guy who holds when he's trying to run their three things that we need to get such actual today an American any human being has to To be subject to rules today one get on your knees each morning. And thank you, dear Lord. Number two. I mean that guy's any got kind of crazy and loose-lipped on it. I forgot here's the truth on that. I laughed my ass off last week ties doing Lou Holtz right there and I'm like, I want to come in right now with hold but I was like, no I'm not gonna do it. So I said to Pat like in passing I'm like, hey, you know I got Lou Holtz hanging around once in a while. He's like, huh? I like a just sees around every once in a while. I forgot the news to drop that in everyone's well in the locker room. He come in with a fucking full-on and boys. How's it going? Hey listen up you guys have a good football team. Can you ask us you guys playing cornhole? Who's who's going to watch the game you guys? Looks like really straight to my locker room that you're like help but you got a bag in your hand. You're throwing the whole box and I hung out with Lou Holtz. Oh, yeah, just last year I think was the wildest Christmas party of all time all the time. Those people are just swimming in money the way this this one company that has Lou Holtz on their Board of advisors and they had this Christmas party was like 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Most insane shit I've ever been a part of Molly's people are just shitting out money. They Amy a shit ton of money to be there it was absurd I know idea was in in in Indiana it was it was wild but Lou Holtz talk to their everybody there was drunk. Yes Cameron everybody. There was hammered drunk at 3:00 in the afternoon Lou Holtz who loves the Lord just was obviously paid to be there and he got up there and try to give them a speech about how the next year is going to be their best year and it was just not what was the same good. I was just looking around not a single person is listening and I gave him like a And you have to do the Bumblebee thing. I did. I had all that bumpy things were Fierce made me believe that I could do a lot of things that I can't do because bumpy isn't supposed to fly. That's right. What a great line. Anything else happened Game of Thrones. Okay, here we go. I thought about it and thought about watching it. I did not I stepped away strictly because I wanted to hear the throne errs thoughts in the room on how it was and whether or not I should invest the next what month and a half into watching these Sundays because this has been a two-year Hiatus the right. Oh, yeah, so nobody could have guessed if it was going to come back worth a shit or not in your eyes as Throne owners will go run around Todd you and I are not thrown or no. We're not Gorman. We're you're Thrown off as well foxy. You are not a throne ER nope, but everybody else in the room is DieHard Game of Thrones and I didn't want to invest the 17-minute YouTube video beforehand then the next month and a half until I heard initial thoughts from the throne has in the room after a two-year Hiatus going into the final season. How did you guys feel it went great amazing. You loved it. Ah 50/50 it was all right. Yeah. Okay. I'm on hold on. Hold on. Hold on. So we got to call followers that are just Down for whatever happens, I think and digs and Zito. It was great. It was amazing which by the way, the internet said amazing. The internet was on your side. Now we have Nick who's a Eternal pessimist realist and Zanuck real tattoo on his body as well A Game of Thrones tattoo on his body, which he's also a book guy too, but he's read the books and Connor. You said 50/50 you you were also noted thrown her. Why did you say 50/50? Well, you know going into it. I wanted death death death, which I understand. It's six episodes, you know, you got to take the plane off and you got to land the point but you know, we didn't get any killing. We got a little bit of dragons. We got John snow riding a dragon. That's probably the peak of the episode. I saw the internet love Jon Snow hopping on the back of his Avatar. Yeah, I think do they have the same name and he's named after that or any bound is Aunt right father. You know, that was last season. We didn't even get any boning and this season yet. Okay, so we kind of did Zito you said it was implied. It was implied. Yep, Nick, why did You not love it. I just thought it was it felt like a five year old high school reunions. It's just like that. It was all the characters meeting up with each other kind of like setting up and and explaining where they've been what's been happening with each other which you had to do obviously, but I felt like there could have been one or two more things thrown in there to kind of liven it up a little bit. Yes. Is there a it does it seem as if it's not I your DieHard Throne urgell is it seemed as if it's setting up for a massive amounts of action to pop off here in the next couple weeks. Yeah big time. I think last night was solely for fan service for all the Who wanted to see some of their favorite characters like Gabe get back together and it was that cheering in there. He was not humbly surprisingly. They did confirm that he's still alive though in the Game of Thrones world. He had Sharon is still surviving what that motherfucker's the last 112. What if banished earring is the last one on the throne sing a little ditty. I know nothing about about campfire as guzzle. Guitar Club is the best place to find it. Now, where's my bitches all my bitches they can get my bone because I'll be great. I wonder if that's going to happen. Other alert feel like kind of like Avengers where not everyone always gets along but they had to come together and it was basically them showing the meeting. It's just it's a show that's based on like killing and death and betrayal and that one felt just like there's such as this feel good. Like let's fly around on our Dragon. There's four episodes and fight now I know movies, like I said, it was all right there Will Follow You John Schnabel and I'd heard a lady that loves don't be like Chaka Khan countries in the next episode. Don't be late. Young Generation that needs fucking action like John Wick every single I love Todd that's that's that's not what it is. And again, I'm 50/50. Like I said, but I'm more teetering towards the edge that I liked it. I think they delivered the second half of the episode watch it again. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna watch the game probably four or five more times, but they opened a little sloppy. Well, yeah, some of these characters haven't seen much of the best episode. It wasn't bad. It was all right. So that's going to grow into something awesome. I should dive into the 17-minute YouTube and then catch up as well as their yeah. Alright cool. Something Monumental is about to happen. I can't wait for that Game of Thrones. Going to be incredible huge. Shout out to Dan orlovsky calling us. Also John Daly who called in earlier today big thankful to him and to everybody listening at home. We can't thank you enough for choosing to listen to this dumb ass show. We can't thank you enough the pub fine decision on whether or not it's been cut in half due to x amount of shirts being sold will be decided today on social media at some point also as an ounce on my Twitter last night six cities. We'll be touring six cities in June. If you can guess all six you will win a free VIP to the city. Nearest you free VIP experience. Okay you which is backstage with us probably ping-pong or cornhole have a couple drinks with us and then go enjoy the show with your friends or whoever you're with that contest got launched last night. So go ahead and tweet us hashtag and gang hashtag end game. We're coming to six cities if Can guess six of the six cities you in VIP treatment at the city nearest you for our show, you're the absolute greatest. We can't thank you enough for myself at time of Comas at digs with the Z at McMurdo at hey Gorman as evil as you know, my boss encounter at him foxing that tie Schmidt. You're the absolute best. We appreciate you so much tie Schmidt hit the music. Well, I've won and lost against the best. There's no roads been a hell of a test. I'm still driving. I ain't slowing down. There's rules. I love to break and been mistakes I've made again again, but I tell you this my friends. I'm still around. I hit it hard, man. Yeah, most people would have given up by now all the Rev. I've seen these ups and downs somehow I just keep on playing through. So all you critics pull up a chair at the Winner's Circle soon. I'll be there with a high five and a smile for you. Hit it hard. No more. Had enough of people trying to tell me how to live my life these lawyers and strange spending money like my Ex-Wives sure. I gamble in a drink and smoke three packs a day. Hell ain't country music supposed to be this way. It's from The Hard Man. I hit it hard, man.
On today's show, Pat and the guys break down one of the most memorable Sunday's in recent memory as they look back on Tiger Woods winning his 5th Green Jacket at the Masters and discuss his greatness, how much more he has in the tank, and why things were different this time around when they've looked promising before. To chat a little bit more about Tiger, Pat welcomes on friend of the show, 2X Major Champion, and one of the most electric human beings to ever walk the planet, John Daly. They chat about his week in Augusta at Hooters and how it differed from last year, how Little John has been performing on the course as of late, what he thought about Tiger winning his 5th Green Jacket and whether or not he's going to make a run at Jack Nicklaus' major record, and if there are any young players right now that can challenge the greatness of Tiger's career (22:47-27:47). Pat and the guys also welcome recurring guest, regular panelist on "Get Up," and 11 year NFL veteran, Dan Orlovsky, to chat about Russell Wilson giving the Seahawks a hard deadline for a new extension, and whether or not he could end up playing QB for the Giants. They also chat about which coaches from the Sean McVay mold will have successful season or if he is an anomaly, if Joe Flacco will resurrect his career in Denver, and Dan gives out a couple of his sleeper picks for the NFC and AFC next year (38:41-50:20). To close out the show, the guys discuss the premiere of Game of Thrones and try to convince Pat that getting on board with the show is worth his time, and Pat announces the upcoming live podcast tour which has 6 dates in 6 different cities this summer. It's a fun one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
It's time for a new era of communication in the swine industry one that you can get the latest updates while commuting for driving to Farms here. You will have the brightest minds of the global swine industry in your pocket. One of the workers come out with a dead cow in the bucket when you gently laid the cow down he got out of the tractor. He moved her head around, you know, kind of just make her look like she's gently sleeping and got back in the tractor and left and that That's the type of culture we need to have on our Farms that were being have so much respect for these animals, but even after death, we're still treating them with that dignity in that respect because if that would have been videotaped there's no one could have argued that person didn't respect that animal and so it goes all the way down to even you know, even our debt stock, you know swine it podcast is only possible with the support of forward-looking and Innovative sponsors, like along Coast previs sent A, New Perspective. Visit previs sent prrs dot U s-- to learn more Newt request experts serving producers and delivering breakthrough Solutions Genesis. The first Power in genetics Xin Pro essential trace minerals, exceptional performance every Pig a simple yet powerful Pig health and production management tool just stall always one step ahead in swine feeding. Welcome to Finding podcast, my name is Marsha room Salvage your host for today's episode this episode sponsor highlight is about just all celebrating its 25th anniversary. Just all manufactures the original Wireless Standalone swine feeding system designed by pork producers for pork producers. They are simple reliable and provide Peace of Mind 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. Just stall is not just manufactured by an equipment company, but by a family pork production business with a slat level understanding just all always one step ahead in swine feeding. Hello everyone today. We have dr. Marisa hake and shoot chat with us about food production and misconceptions and social media experiences. How are you Maria? A I'm doing great. How about you doing great doing great. Once again appreciate your time. And if you can start telling us about yourself you are the first gas that is not focused on pigs. So so that's cool because we like we like to get different type of input and announcer experience with different areas. So yeah, if you can just tell us you know, how How you got involved in livestock and in your career so far? Yeah. Well, I appreciate being the first man Pig person on but so I'm originally from Michigan I grew up on the west side of the state and we I grew up on just a cash crop farm. So it was always involved with agriculture. I knew that's kind of what I wanted to do is always one of those people that wanted to be a veterinarian and then I went to Michigan State. I did my undergrad in animal science. And that's really when I knew I wanted to be in food animal and because I was from Michigan, you know, we're a very Dairy strong state. So I was really interested in Dairy medicine. So then I got into Michigan State vet school and I did a dual degree. I got my masters in public health as well as my dbm. And so I was really interested. You know, I love Dairy. I loved who them production I did it. I did a couple swine externships very and so just I really liked food animal aspect as a whole and when I was graduating I was really looking for Mission with a company or as a staff at nari for veterinarian for a farm could just liked that that aspect of veterinary medicine where you could you know be on Farm all the time train, you know follow out projects and stuff like that really the people side of it as well. I liked a lot of so that was what I was really looking for and when I was graduating I found a job with Midwest deal here in Has the words based out of and you know, I didn't I had like some concerns with veal. You know, I didn't have much exposure to it. But I was always I always liked the young stock side of the dairy business. And so that just fit really well for me and you know what I was interested in. So I've been with them for almost five years now as their Veterinary support, so we have more based out of Indiana we have most of our calves are Deanna what we have calves and Michigan and Ohio as well. So I spend a lot of time on the road going between those farms and I always tell people where kind of like a Hog operation because we own the Cavs. We own the feed I'm and and all the medicine and provide service but we have contract Growers that provide the Barnes and labor. We're just like smiling. Yeah, we get to provide people with that kind of that. They want to be, you know some small. Ali farms and this is a way for them to be in agriculture and take on so much with very interesting. No appreciate that and you interact a lot with consumers and very cool. I found you on Instagram. So that's that's so cool to see that and actually I want you to share the or Instagram to the folks as well if you want and then what is the biggest food production misconception in your opinion? You know I can talk about so I got started on social media because of the misconceptions and and kind of what happened is we had bloggers come into our facilities and then went back and kind of shared with their you know, they're following and people had a lot of questions. And so that's kind of how I got started was just making a platform to answer those questions, but I think the biggest misconception is what Are doing on farm for animal welfare and how much you know, we do that to improve how they're raised and cared board and that's kind of the story that I'm trying to get out. There is, you know, farmers and ranchers and producers that is their number one goal. Every single day is to keep their, you know, their animals healthy and well cared for and I think that's lost on a lot of consumers as well as that, you know, big is always bad. So in the consumers mind big farm is always a bad farm. Right? Right, you know being an agriculture that some of our larger scale Farms have the best animal welfare. They had the best production, you know, and so getting that story out there that these large often Family Farms are some of our best production practices the very very cool. So so so far what what would you say has been your biggest accomplishment? Is there any stories there for the social media interaction or? Oh, you know I think honestly just getting information out about veal because there was you want to talk about misconceptions and issues with consumer perception. We can talk about veal because we knew we definitely have a comeback story but being such a small industry. We've never been able to tell that story to our consumers, you know, everybody pictures 1970-1980. He's veal barn and you know the activist really ran with that Imaging and so getting getting this information out there. Honestly to Dairy Farmers or two other people in agriculture has been our biggest accomplishment because it's we're just too smart ass all the marketing dollars to get there, you know. So social media is free, which is great and that's really helped us get some information out there. Very cool very cool. And I know I have some experience on managing the relationship with activists and also some on-farm experiences any tips. You can share on that regard. Yes. Well being on social media and sharing, you know, your agriculture story your farm can be very very scary and activist online are ruthless. And they have no boundaries whatsoever. But in the end so that can be a little off-putting for Farms. But we have to remember that we are focusing on what we call the movable metal. And so the group of consumers that can actually be influenced by what they learn about our Farms, right? So the activist the 2% that are, you know, never you're never going to change their mind and so that shouldn't be focusing our efforts there and try to fight them. You know what I mean? Mean we should sing on that mom who's at the grocery store and is trying to choose between almond and regular milk or pork or tofu, you know, and so that's where we need to focus our efforts. So on social media. Yes, I get activist activity. Honestly, I just block and delete and there's no use in engaging with those people and they will kind of suck the life out of you if you do I don't I don't recommend it. But as far as you know on the flip side of our farm experiences, we've definitely had issues with activists and what we've learned is a we'll all find your weakest point, you know, they'll find your worst Brian. They will take everything out of context they will you know in everything on you. So definitely we need to have our Farms ready and have protocols in place, but we also have to have this culture and this is kind of what we learned through our Is this what would this look like to the consumer? So I always use this great example of my husband. He was chopping for a dairy farm and he was you know going to The Silo child a dump and one of the workers come out with a dead cow in the bucket and you know that got that cow is dead. There's nothing more we can do for her but that guy could have just dumped her in the you know, the rendering pile and moved on with this day, but he didn't so he gently laid the couch. Down he got out of the tractor. He moved her head around, you know, kind of just make her look like she's gently sleeping and go back to the Tractor and laughed and that's the type of culture. We need to have on our Farms that works. We have so much respect for these animals, but even after death, we're still treating them with that dignity in that respect because if that would have been videotape, there's no one could have argued that person didn't respect that animal right? And so it goes all the way down to even you know, even our Stock me, you know, so I think having that type of culture on our Farms will really help us with activist activity. I love that. That's that's profound very very cool. Very nice. Anything else on misconceptions or social media experiences. Dr. Hecht. I'd like to cover before we jump into our three questions that we ask every guest, you know, so I just appreciate you having me. Me and as someone else in agriculture because I've always taken this we're kind of all in this together, right and agriculture tends to try to get a little bit siloed. We're we're like we're swine and we're beef or dairy and we're you know, we're poultry whereas our consumers don't see it that way. They see it as production animal agriculture, right? And when one of us gets thrown under the bus all of us get thrown beneath the bus so, you know with these videos and stuff that come out it's going to Really easy for the swine industry to say. Oh, that's Dairy. That's not us. Whereas you need to be understanding each other and supporting each other as a whole because we all face the same issues in this I think the same misconceptions. Yes. Yes make that makes total sense. Yeah. It's it's one bolt and some of those videos have all stitches in it as well. So actually very nice since in 71 Zoom Pro Corporation has focused on one thing Trace mineral nutrition as the most research proven organic feed Trace mineral products in the industry Xin Pro performance minerals deliver performance and profitability to swine operations around the globe to know more go to Xin It is time to our fails. Yes, so jumping to the three questions. What is your favorite livestock related book or resource? So I this isn't really like a Veterinary book, but I love Bernays Browns books. I don't know if you've ever heard of them. Yeah TED talks. Yeah, because I think we know we sometimes we forget we're in the livestock business, but we're really in the people business and I manage a lot of people and a lot of the guys that Under mirror, I work with every single day are you know their men and their older men and so having understand how to manage people and different aspects I think is actually more important for my my job than actual, you know, veterinary medicine very interesting friends. Remember, she's big on like vulnerability and that kind of stuff right? Exactly. Yeah, very cool. Very nice. Any other resource that do consume a lot. Well, my my just favorite is I'm on the road a lot. So I listen to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts. And so I really like the Mind Hunter series. Have you heard of this book? I've heard I never read it. Yeah, it's so it's like how they form the FBI like serial killer unit and how they profiling serial killer. Oh, yeah, I think there is there a Netflix series. Yeah, I think so. Okay. Cool. Yeah. So I really like that those books and then my favorite murder podcast talks about a lot of these very very so that kind of keeps me entertained while driving. That's cool. Yeah, just love audio books as well. It's you can multitask exactly cool in your opinion what separates successful livestock professionals from those who are not, you know, I think that being able to balance we We tend to sometimes get really focused on just welfare or just production or just profitability but the good ones can continually, you know kind of Juggle all of those different things and going forward. We're definitely going to have to do that because our consumers are demanding it. So if we can continue to, you know balance all of those big important things, that's how we're going to move forward very interesting and the best people talk a lot about is, you know, being a specialist, but I think To some degree. There's still a lot of added to be somewhat generalist. Yeah, right. Very cool. Awesome. Dr. Marissa. Hey can appreciate your time. And yeah, we are happy to have our first known known pig expert here. Thank you for having me. Thank you. Have a good one. You too. Hey guys and girls. Thank you so much for being part of our community as well as thanks for all the great guy. Gasps that we have had. I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as I do to be part of our email list and get some exclusive materials go to our website That's wine. I And subscribe to our e-mail list. I'll so we love feedback. So if you use the Apple podcasts app, please leave us a review. It is much appreciated. We'll talk soon.
Today’s episode will cover “Food production misconceptions and social media experiences”. “[…] He gently laid her head down… he got out of the tractor, moved her head around like if she was gently sleeping. That is the type of culture we need to have on our farms. We have so much respect for these animals even after death, that we are still treating them with that dignity and that respect. If that had been videotaped, there was no one that could have argued that that person didn’t respect that animal. So, it goes all the way down to even our dead stock.” – Dr. Marissa Hake. Our guest is Dr. Marissa Hake, another bright mind of the Global Livestock Industry. Dr. Hake is a graduate of Michigan State University where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science, a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and a Masters in Public Health. She is currently the staff veterinarian for Midwest Veal and is responsible for the welfare and health of over 30,000 veal calves. Dr. Hake spends most of her day working with small, family-owned veal farms throughout Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. What you will learn: How she got involved in livestock and her career so far; The biggest food production misconceptions; Tips on managing the relationship with activists as well as on-farm experiences; The role on social media on tackling food production misconceptions; What separates successful livestock professionals from those that are not. Marissa’s favorite book or resource in general: Bréne Brown’s books, Mindhunter and audiobooks/podcasts Edited by Lauro Faccin
For the Love of teaching is a podcast brought to you by teach stata we save teachers hours each week by bringing them quality downloadable teaching resources for their classrooms to make your classroom Buzz go to teach Sometimes teaching can be tough but working with students also gives us countless opportunities to smile Joe Dombrowski AKA Mister D is a teacher and comedian who always finds the lighter side in teaching. This is Friday Funnies with Mr. D. Hello Mr. D. Welcome back. How are you going today? I'm doing great. How are you? Yeah good. So nice to see you. Thank you. It's great to see you as well. Happy Friday my gosh. I'm so Keen for Friday this week. I don't know why it's just been a long week. Oh, I feel you. I totally feel you. Well, should we tell jokes and make you feel better? Yes, please. Okay. So after you know, I was on The Ellen Show, right Excuse me. Yes, I do. Dad what it down there. Yeah. That's my only claim to fame. I know Mister D. Who knows Ellen so By removal one point I know Alan that's my whole life. I love that. I love that. Okay. Well spoiler alert to anyone who doesn't know. I was on The Ellen Show can play it twice. It is amazing. Right? Thanks Mom, but I was on the show and once I was on the show everything really started to change in my classroom, but not with that class like not. Class that I had that year. So I actually went to a new school the next year and I had the idea the idea in my head that I wouldn't say anything and I would just kind of like lay low. Well joke's on me everybody already knew like the minute they heard my name they like new so I go into the new school and everything there was pretty normal. But as the years went on I sort of started to like pick up like even more and even more like I had more followers. I started to tour things that like started. Get big and last year. I had one student who was like very into social media and the internet and he followed me and he would always talk about everything I did. I think I'd I'm lying who I was with what I was doing everything and I kind of loved that because like, I don't know like if kids and adults can follow me then like hello. You have a bigger audience whatever. It's all about the follow as Joe it's all about T-shirt that says that plays because I need one write that down in my nose. So one day he comes in a school and he had he gave me a pad of sticky notes and he goes you sign this for me and I did and I handed it right back and then he handed it back again and goes. No, I meant all of them. Like I'm not going to sign all these sticky notes very what are you doing? And he clammed up and didn't say anything and I was like Nathan. What are you doing with these and here? Admitted and told me that he wanted me to sign all of these sticky notes so that he could sell my autograph on Instagram. Then I found him on Instagram. I found him on Instagram and he made a video and he was going on and on he's like the first one the first one to follow me as soon as I get to a thousand subscribers. I will release mccready's autograph and I will give it to like 10 of you as like what your math is not adding up man. Not at all. Yeah that have any tried to sell. My autographed are that is the internet is what if that's not boy. I mean not within that but I remember that happening because you like reposted his video and it just cracked me up. I was like this Nathan. Yes. Got it. All going on. He seems like a really good A little entrepreneur like he could be big business guy one day. I thought of that like it first happened doesn't guys onto something here and then he always started like thinking of ways to make money, which I never really stifled that good. Thought it was really cool that he was like thinking that Advance. Thank you so much for sharing that gorgeous story, and I hope you have an amazing week. Thank you for popping on to the podcast talk to us again with today. Totally. Thank you. Happy Friday everybody. Yes by thanks for joining us for Friday Funnies. Don't forget to subscribe to For the Love of teaching on your favorite podcast app to get updates on all the latest episodes.
We all know that Mr D is kind of a big deal. With over 200k Insta followers, international tour locations and dual appearances on Ellen, he's hit the big time. But it wasn't always that way - find out what happened the day Mr D realised his star was on the rise!Mr D is coming to Australia! Check out ticket info and dates on Mr D's website so you don't miss out!He's a teacher. He's a comedian. He's officially one of Ellen Degeneres's "favourites". Joe (Mr D) Dombrowski is here to brighten up your week with his infectious laugh and hilarious stories. Brace yourself, because when it comes to dishing the dirt on teaching, kids and life in general, Joe doesn't hold back.Join us in our new For the Love of Teaching Facebook group, where we chat about the podcast, feature live vids of guests, and talk teaching!Don't miss an episode! Have you subscribed to For the Love of Teaching? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released.For the Love of Teaching is a podcast by Teach Starter. We make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See you next week for another dose of Friday Funnies!
What's up fam dead and buried here to let you know that if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many more you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Have we made any money? Keep we make money hand over fist through anchor. Hello did oh, no, did I just bought a boat? It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the anchor app are going to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hello everybody and welcome back to the dad and buried podcast. My name is Mike. I'm your co-host a cake. I'm your co-host. I'm here my dad and buried this is my friend. Pete AKA Pete. Yeah. Yeah. Does anyone call you Peter your wife calls you Peter? Yeah different people. Call me Peter. I think our friend Tim calls you Peter. Maybe only only my friends call me. Pete so, you know Frank's guys have for you - Pete won't much is the start. Yeah, because you're my Coast guess I'll start calling you Peter that my man post your the coast and Best Coast the best coast exactly. All right. So this the dead and buried podcast which is an extension of the well-known dead and buried Empire. I think every atom is the but obviously they do I'm fucking verified on Instagram. Okay, Twitter has closed the verifications. Otherwise, I think obviously were you part of the the 200,000 accounts that they shut down Supply which I'm actually I'm Russian, uh, um, actually and they just think I'm a bot right and I'm on Facebook dead and buried sorry slash dead and buried where I recycle a lot of the material you've already seen on my other platforms It's a Wonderful site is it's an ecosystem as we discussed fairly recently on something that's actually a lot longer ago than people listening to this realize we're doing to tonight in this is the First one we're doing. It's airing second. It's blowing air heating Nate's mind. It's a little like the show dark. It is a lot like a show ducky very confusing and my mom is also my niece. That's if you watch a dark you'll get it. Also if you know anything about you you also get yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm from Arkansas no offense, especially to one of our loyal commenters, California, Arkansas who is either from Arkansas and now lives in California whereas from California and now lives in, Arkansas, Don't know. We don't know we'll find out anyway, look if you haven't guessed by now. I'm hilarious and Pete is here. And I do a lot of funny shit on social media where I make fun of my children and parenting because parenting sucks. We love our children. That's what we could hate parenting. Right? We do this. The one thing we have in common that and are striking good looks very different and are like a yin and yang thing with our looks I'm dark your light you're taller how tall. Are you I'm six-three. Oh, wow, you are significantly taller than you. Congratulations. I'm proud of you. If I am 511 bitch watch it top five to as my wife. Well my wife's if I find that my mom five to nothing my wife loves more than when I accidentally confuse her for my mom. She loves it, you know, especially when you it's her cake, it's one of her favorite kids. She's like, I've I have accidentally called her mom and that's begun. No, it's more like where I've said where I'm referring to her as my I'm trying to save my wife, but I'm saying my mom because let's be honest. They Serve the same purpose. Okay, this point you switch from one to the other long as you don't call her my mommy my mom and no you wouldn't I wouldn't do that. I don't that's not I think you take that back. You're not. All right, you're fucked both ways. But when you call her mommy you really that's really screwed. No, that's the end of the line the end time to get out. Yeah, you're right and I will piss off Nigeria because I did a tweet once where I said grown adults who call their parents mommy and daddy freak me out and it got picked up by a very popular like Nigerian Twitter Instagram. Graham account and it's a cultural thing. Like they're thinking like the Mami Papi or something like that. Whatever the matter I wasn't I wasn't I will miss Italy insulting white people. I wasn't insulting the Nigerians and I understand there are cultural differences, but white people who are like 50 because I saw a woman and like a Nordstrom's say to her sett like a 50 year old woman say to her like 75 year old Mom. Hey, Mommy. How do you like this dress and I just like threw up on my mouth like this is weird. So instead you took to Twitter and insulted Nigeria. That's what I do. Right and that's why I have verified on Instagram God. Okay. All right. So let's move this along. Let's move this along so you can you can hear me talk my shit on this podcast on a weekly basis. You can subscribe on Apple Spotify Stitcher Google podcast overcast. I'm guessing none of those last three or you made them all up Google. I thought Google podcast existed, but you can Google there's a Google thing. There's a Google there is a Google good point. Oh, hey, so what's this is a technology blog It is Well know our 250th episode is All Tech. Yeah all the time. Exactly. So yeah, you look you can subscribe anywhere you listen to your podcast. We really need to reviews and your ratings because we want to continue to be popular so that we think have to do real jobs and you'd like to support us you can give us ratings. That's a free way to do it. Of course, we do you staring at me cuz you what you're doing is you're coaching me to say these things if you like doing and you'd like to sign for whatever bring us back from that. You're in like we're already back. Now, you're bringing us back to something made you uncomfortable. You're screwing it up. Not me. We were past it. Oh my God, we were past it. All right. No one had a problem with that. I love my Nigerian followers still have a pie. Do I don't they have a problem with you? I worked with a dude from Nigeria. One of the best coders I've ever worked with. Okay. Shout outs to that guy. Whose name. I can't remember. Actually. I can't remember. I'm just not positive. He's from Nigeria and I don't want to be wrong. All right, so Apple Spotify. Overcast I'm guessing overcast is a thing. Sure. Yep. It is. It's all thing. It's we're a podcast. So you're probably anywhere you want to lose anywhere you put stuff in your ear hole so you can find us give us a review subscribe. If you want to leave comment on specific episodes you go to YouTube if you want to see what hip t-shirt. I'm wearing check out our fucking YouTube today, it's Miami Dolphins. So again, very excited for our rebuilding year this year. We were building on purpose. Usually we just lose because we suck this year. It's intentional. All right, so if Want to give us some money to help us go we get a patriotic Sports on patreon. You can become a patron you can subscribe and pay through anchor we even have a merch shop shop that Dad - and - Terry just know it's not somebody was like no that's not correct there listening to this not reading it. They need to know, it's Dad - and - buried. Okay. What is that? I think that might be mine. Oh my God, I think it over. Alright, so yeah, so, okay. So thank you. So Mike takes care of his phone. What type of ring is that? A my God? It's like the what is that kind of was that was that just a regular with your your I was my music just turn on that was a song in my heart and office hours. Yeah, you know why because Beck was like, this is a hot fucking mad. No, he was he was like I got to Get over that's what he was saying. This is a Hot Pocket was like I want to be like all fucking hot mess. It's called might even get known as just being like, hey, welcome to this podcast and now we've already listened to BEC wear o people like that. You know who doesn't like back Mom and buried she hates back really? That's weird. You know why I don't like back to the scientologists makes me accompany know but he's fucking music is more likely he's touring with one of my favorite bands right now spoon that okay. Listen, fun fact, let's get people to help us. So let's sit and you know what? Calm down let's go. Thank the people who are already helping. Yes, let's really think these people so if you don't know anything about patreon there are different tiers and in different tiers, you contribute different levels of contributions and you get different levels of incentives in our case you get zero incentives because we're very lazy about it. We're still building our Empire, right? So our single dad tear Chris Coleman Miriam a brand new Patron. Thank you Miriam MSB buying who is actually contributes on anchor but has been very loyal for very long time. The dad bod tear we got Barbara Geiger AKA funky fee and Instagram give her a follow and morning glow another new Patron. Welcome. Thank you morning glow Father Figure to your Julie McCarthy my old friend Joseph diet. Jason better known as Sarge who is just an ultimate Legend Sarge the original OG the original. Oh gee, that's redundant. Paula Paul ski, who is new and quickly making a name for himself and a RICO also new look at all these new people people are appreciating what we do and I appreciate them and we appreciate everyone worlds. Greatest dad to your Mary Williams and Mom party of two and my new dad Sarah who was just an amazing contribution. Thank you Sarah. We appreciate you. So look, we want to keep doing this. I don't have much else in my life. That's worthwhile at all. My kids notwithstanding, right? They're not standing anymore. No, they're bare. One of them is barely starting to in. The other one is regressing backwards, you know longest day just like on the couch parent. Yeah post summary hit some milestones and then Bobo and I my parenting is so bad. They just go backwards. You can become a Look, we want your support any way you want to give it to us. We'd love reviews and subscriptions. If you want to throw us some cash. We appreciate that. We're putting stuff together getting some stickers out there. We're hoping at some pint glasses and bottle openers has asked Sarge reach out to Sarge. He's a fucking brand ambassador as what he is. He's got a mug. He got two mugs one of them's in pieces because the shipping was a very good but his other one I assume he's still drinking out of we appreciate anything and everything you can do. We're going to be having Hopefully some contributions from other people for some guests and stuff. We're trying to improve our studio situation, which if you watch the live a couple of weeks ago, we gave you a little tour of it and it is it's a bleak. Yeah. It's very hot in here and can't wait for October. Yep, you know because it's past my birthday, which I don't like to think about and it will be cooler and we are going to get into parenting then versus we're gonna yeah, we're gonna get to the difference between how your parents parented you versus how you parent your kids and how we parent our kids and how My parents are two kids Greg with three G's and Gustavo and Steven. You don't even know the names of our children. Well, you know what? I'll get around to it. It's fucking fucked up. Alright, alright, so we'll be back to hit you up with that and in just a few. Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and listen offline. Wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Dad and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. All right, welcome back everybody. We're going to be using a little bit of the time warp this week with let's do the time warp again. You know what that's from. Yeah. It's do the time warp. Again. It's from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Congratulations. I hate it. Do you I trapped you a trapped you into knowing what it was just so I could say I think that thing sucks now just my wife loves. I don't think it sucks. I just don't care what I think it's great. I think it's good. Do you love it? My wife loves it Richard O'Brien. You're right about that. That's like the he's in it. And then he also became the crystal master in Crystal Maze. So I don't know what that is makes Crystal Miss. Don't worry about it people in England do oh my God. Yeah, I can't see would have got to do. Oh my God. Nobody needs that they do no one wants it. They do an Australian in England. And anyway, yeah, we got where's Australia come into this? I got we got listeners. Don't worry. Okay. Well we do because we were been big in Perth. I was on West I was in that Perth radio. Interview. All right. I really need a lot of people that pick up Perth big day for me Big Ups to worth. What do you mean you alienated people would you stop being myself is people know this you've seen me in action point I came in today and I said, hey Nate and I said something shitty to Nate and he said is this how we're starting to like it? So we always start Amanda. I'm a shit at that's funny. All right. So this week we're going to be talking about inheriting then versus now, which is essentially the way our parents parented us and the way parenting happened. 40 50 60 years ago versus the way we pair in our kids now are you I'm pretty old. I just very I take the Oil of Olay versus how we parent now and standards have changed Trends have changed the world. You know what the world has changed the world is a vampire Billy Corgan said that yeah, so this has been a pet topic my man ain't here for a while. I was really into it. So I'm in fact he put some somewhat disturbing know that our notes for this one. So once you get in, all right, first of all, Paul who remembers milk cartons with a child's photo on it every single person who's seen an episode of stranger things. Yes eggs, or where's Barb who grew up from stranger thing? Oh, yeah who grew up in the 80s? And that's yeah. Well the point is is children went missing. That was literally that was before milk went down all the time. Yeah. The point is it was way more. So everyone was like, oh there's so much better back then guess what? You people would go missing. In on a daily basis not true. First of all, it is true. You know why I drank a lot of milk. Yeah lot of different kids on those cartons God every week. So I have this. Oh motherfucker two things. I went into here first. I was terrified of being kidnapped as a child. It was like my number one fear. Okay, right. I was just for whatever reason. I don't know. I like your personal fear. Your mom's know my personal fear. Like I had nightmares about being kidnapped. I don't know why maybe because I saw the tape elegant Judd Hirsch classic. Without a Trace with a fantastic they like drop you off and like no keep going. Yeah, they wanted me to get can never never worked out for them. I wrote a meme about that. I wrote a meme about that there I said I keep reading about these kids getting kidnapped in the news and I'm like why can't anything good ever happened to me people got mad. That's mean you want your kids to be kidnapped. No, I just want them to go wait for a while. Like a lot of want them to be harmed grateful when they come and come back a different person but like an adult and successful. So there's my other issue is I don't think it was more dangerous. That's the only way they'll become a successful person his if it is. I was drinking my MPS. Yeah delivers him back yet. So I don't think the world is more dangerous. Now. I think what happened is we have more access to information. The world is so flat we hear and we hear instantaneously about every bad thing that happens. We're more scared. It's not that the world is more dangerous. That's I think that's true. That's what I was trying to get to which is we know so much more now, right? We know first of all, it's true Pluto is not no longer a planet right the dinosaurs. We figured out that they died from a meteor cigarette smoking. Yeah, I'm that Far Side comic but also we have so much more information out. And the reason that I believe we are more of let's let's like a tentative or what have you is because or like, you know helicopter parents right here, you mean about that interests me is because we're like, oh, yeah all the time people will get will get add. Our anxiety is high exactly because of what we're not healthy what we grew up with. Whereas our parents our parents what they grew up with is like sure. Come home. Everything's fine. Who cares by Wednesday? Yeah exactly what we're gonna get into that with. Okay Freedom that we did and now it's like where's Tommy? Yeah, if I don't hear from you in 10 minutes, I'm calling the police me while I was at a restaurant the other day if I could. Yeah. Listen this I was at a restaurant the other day. This kid had his of the Thai restaurant. This kid had a skewer with chicken on it. We were outside. This other couple was have it with had their dog their you told this fucking story already. Yes. He did. He told this one of our episode and your sister went up in our your daughter when I was like being nice to the kid and that's why I was like the fucking parent was completely oblivious. It was so irritating because maybe that parent had traveled to the Future from the 80s when she when they were less anxious. Maybe she's your aunt. She is my aunt dark check it out a Netflix uses to available now, it's in German. It's dub, but you don't notice that dubbed its subtitles what you did you watch it dubbed. Yeah. Holy shit you washed it dubbed I No, there was another option. What do you mean you did read the subtitle? It just came out W. So stupid. I know it just I can't watch it. W it took me five seconds. I'm like, this is embarrassing. I'm switching to subtitles immediately. I can't bear this you didn't you were like, I'm good with this. I was like you make me sick proud. Well, sometimes you know what maybe if you don't repeat a story next time anyway, I'm talking about parents watching their goddamn kids and that never used to happen and now so here's something even bigger. You've been weave. We now as parents have a psychosis about where yes, everything is like, where are you going? What are we have anxiety, right anxiety because all these stories of all the murdered children that we might live through with the milk cartons as we're trying to they were all murdered. My God most. I have a question for you though with the chicken satay ties the skewers. Yeah. Here's the here's the thing that happens a lot these days right is thank you. It's not so much that like the parents are paying attention. It's that you right where there are other parents. Who were Like somebody but if they can get that kids of the disease to this young couple was sitting there with the Gunners. I love it. The the owners of the cat the dog on the leash and then the dog is a pet friendly place and the dog was like way in the back was all fine. And this little piece of shit, which is the only way to describe him comes over about the food or the child with the child again goes over with a skewer so the dogs confused because it's got food on it, but also its sharp The Sword and then It's the kid sits down it the kids that's down and was a penny wise and no well, I'm gender-fluid, you know, so we sits down and the kid the the couple doesn't know what to do. They're like a couple owns. Yeah, they're like, you know, can you don't want to yell at the first of all, they're like grabbing the job making sure the dogs cool the guys that lying down kind of dog. It was just like a Labradoodle. That was a good, you know, Reggie Watts and kind of mix of some kind. I don't know. It was a mutt. That's what they call mixes great. So eventually like we're watching the scene at my daughter's I'm like, oh my God and my times I got this and she goes takes the kid I'm like proudest moment.. Walks this asshole kid with the skewer chicken satay who lets it kid with a three-year-old with a chicken satay skewers just like are you going to go over there? Okay, cool, but you're talking about the but this is the thing if it was your parents in the 80s, they would have fucking let you feed a hundred dogs. I know but I kind of wish give a shit. I look I what I'm saying is most kids did. Did not deserve to be on that milk carton couple that kid did the kid with the chicken satay skier? Maybe you know what? No, I'm telling you. That's why I wasn't kidnapped. She was the kidnappers didn't want my ass. There you go skids fucking annoying and he's very pessimistic and I don't need his negative attitude your well also, you know, we also know more to your point about like we have all these apps, right? So when we moved into our neighborhood on you have this thing here, you said we have sex offender registration apps. I don't have one of those you have that on. Phone I am I a bad parent because I don't have a sex offender registration at my phone. It's not an app. You can look at that and you can just look it up. Yeah, but I've never done that. I don't need to know this. Yeah. Yeah, you got to do it. I don't need to know this. Well as a parent you probably should too much information is it much but at TMI, but you're also saying that all the information is giving us anxiety. You were surrounded by sex offenders when you were a kid you had no idea honestly, I had pretty good. Yeah, mr. Wilkins exactly. Thanks. Mr. Had no offense to mr. Han I'm just trying I was saying like the shorts I were intentionally tight you were just talking about my child ass. So who's the sex offender? Listen? I'm not offended by anything. You said earlier the first so but you know what? I mean, like now that we have all this information we can look it up and we're like, oh my God and then so yeah might now that adds to our anxiety TMI, it says stands for, you know, not on social media that but at the same time too much information, it's bad for us. I get it, but I will I will say there is a park that our kids go to I know it that. Well, I know that there's actually a large population of people that are registered there and I'm it we at the park no, no there in the air if near that area. So when you go to the park, you're like on alert. I'm you have like mugshot to they include photos of the people. What I do is when I'm on my phone for 40 minutes at a time. I'll make sure that whatever I'm reading or watching this really entertaining. Yeah, so you're not worried. Yeah, take yourself out of it. By watching some nonsense escape and just let and let my kids and if I hear a car like beeping like screeching to a halt you make sure my yeah, so no, I am more conscious. I think it's funny that you talked about you had this whole list of a more information on the sex offender thing and you like highlighted that in your like really into talking about that like chill, but but you mentioned mobile phone to change the game so you would think aside from all the information we get from mobile phones. You would think that like you can set the like GPS trackers, right? They give your kid has a phony good. All them everywhere, but you can we're still don't give their kids anywhere near as much Freedom, even though we basically have these digital yolks on them at all times. Right? So the first topic I want to talk about the way things have changed is the safety topic. Would you just kind of got into a little bit right where parents were a little bit less concerned? I think back in the 80s and you're saying it was because they were ignorant. Yeah because it was like I'll go and play and then but it was like that's when all the kidnapping have you seen sure detective all the kidnapping. I have all three seasons. And you saw second one? Yes. It wasn't very good. I heard this third be I'm a big Rachel McAdams Stan. The third one is hand standing out. That means nope. You don't you know the Eminem song Stan. We're like the psycho kids writing him letters. It just means like a die-hard fan and it took me a really long time to figure out that that's what stand means. So if somebody says that your Rihanna Stan, I literally like responded to a tweet and I'm like this. I'm like withstand taken from the Eminem song and it was it's used all the time. Like if you're a die-hard fan of something they'll call you a stand. I didn't know that right. Nate that's weird. All right, so Audrey Audrey Lovejoy wrote in that right now her dad who was her kids grandfather is so overprotective of her kids. He's mr. Safety and he criticizes her for not being that way but when she was a kid, he was a total opposite he's changed and he watch it all his own life hurts recklessness. You would think he'd Ram parents. They become they less confined like they're more laid-back. They don't give a shit about having to do real. But this guy got more anxious winter probably because of all the mobile phone is exactly how watches Fox News and he knows there's a caravan coming that's registration apps all over his k.will 37 was so this was funny. I got a lot of these we're just some of the changing standards of safety where his back in the day. Oh, yes. This is we used to just be hard and you'd be rolling around our road trip k.will. 37 says her parents would put all the seats down to make a bed in the car. Yeah, they traveled. Yeah. That's the lathe. Beck's I mean now that is no good. That's not even a seat belt situation as well. When we got our first real car seat. I it was my I got into an art when you were a kid or when you because they didn't have car seats with me a ride with kids depends on when you were a kid. I guess. I don't remember having one. Yes. Oh, so I we got this thing and it was a great Co it was the biggest thing for us I've ever seen in my entire life and I was like what and your kids 12 so - yeah no more. No, I'm not saying I'm saying those kind of a know Mike. He was a big man - is it - bad? Obviously, we had the tiny baby one, right? Yes, obviously bucket and then when we moved in like moved on to the next car seat, it was the biggest fucking thing. Yeah bikini Loops As I Got That Base that you fired and sometimes yeah, there's some degree get them in and out is such a pain. Yeah. That was it. What the hell is this thing? And I was like, well, you know, it's the safest one. That was safety. Fuck. Yeah. I was like if this is what our freedom coffee dies, he dies, you know what exactly you know, somebody said that you sound when you're doing your Accents in a recent episode that you sounded like the guy from Despicable Me and right there when you said that you did sound like him. Okay. Did you hear the Greg Kinnear? Marc Maron? I did I did too. That's quite good. So a mandolin 82 says bringing kids over the hospital in your lap in the front seat because there were no car seats you just driving home when I brought my kids so both of my Were born in Manhattan and we drove back like over the Brooklyn Bridge Maja over the time over the Brooklyn Bridge and it is it especially when you have your first kid, it's nerve-racking to put the kid in the curve Italian with your kid. You're like I'm leaving the hospital is everyone. Okay? What exactly right here? Come on come with yeah, you like you can go no security guard. You're like dude. I should not be allowed to do what I'm about to do. I can't believe but too many kids survived the walk out the drive home. Any of that right? And that's even with car seats back in the day. They didn't have them in like Amanda said she sat on her parent's lap in the front seat God my first six lucky didn't make it to be alive, Texas Margaret says car seats back. Then we're all about ease of cleaning. They look more like kids bike seats. Yeah. I'm sure they were just like little like ex-hooker Monkey Bar. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so I don't know how old Texas oh and by the way remember that seatbelt when you were three going right across here. Oh, yeah her cutting in your face, and now they have like, well, they didn't even use to have always the Diagonal one you just would sit with the lap one which like they prove that you get paralyzed. If you were in an accident, you need the chest heart. It's better to bounce around that it is to have one of those Paula Paul skis his seat belt in the back where optional when he was a kid. So they're still optional that tell you my wife's dad doesn't believe in seatbelts. Yeah, there are government conspiracy obviously, like climate change ali-frazier 921 says the used to be no car seats. Now. It's five point harness has died. We were talking about they're very complex. Oh sophisticated about the how about come wintertime? You know, it's super fun as putting on a five-point my guys over 100 Cook in the winter coat. So they close your glove glove is caught just fucking but then you loosen it so they fit because they're not screaming and then a couple of weeks later warms up and you're like, I'm not tightening this shit. Guess what you're riding saggy skin sag, and then you post a picture on Instagram and you get 500 million comments and you goddamn fucking car seat. Is it buckled correctly? You know how much that happens? Somebody was messing with me and said good work on the car seat buckle placement and I was like, you're fucking-a, right? I did it. Yeah validation from the trolls. Yeah. All right. So are are real in pipe a ryl NDP. I don't know how to pronounce that every Lynde says that they use lawn chairs and bungee cords in the back of the van as seats for her and her friends or he and his friends the I remember distinctly traveling around in the back of a like a pickup just like sitting Rolling around rolling again, like in Red Dawn where you're running out of the Russians. Somebody jumps in the back Yes. Actually that was an 8 knows what I'm talking about. Not the Chris Hemsworth versions be honest. So do you remember I'd have thought this was so cool. When I was a kid a couple of the parents in my neighborhood had Volvo's and on the backward see Bubbles at the backwards seats in the back. I'm not saying that wasn't there was like the Buick I think hey, they whatever. I just want to evolve. Oh, yeah right back. I don't even remember if there were car seats involved. I think the kids were probably too old at that point, but it seemed really cool. It's like here in the back. The bus all of a sudden it seemed really cool. I mean we were facing backwards. Yeah, and you could like make facing your fingers to the once I got in trouble. So we're in a school bus. We're in the back of the bus back and me and one of my oldest friends Patrick who I've known since second grade gave the finger to a like a couple of we were in the bus right give the finger or somewhere fucking around with some people drive - they followed us to school. We really nervous that he likes which jackets but we switch jackets with each other I think and we were the two offenders. Don't remember if we got caught it just sounds really dumb. Yeah, it does anyway, so we should have been disciplined for that. And this is funny that's called a Segway because now we're going to get into how discipline has changed. Yeah like that Nate. Yeah eight appreciated. That fucking segue discipline is all about we're all about timeouts. Now. Do you lack all about you lack of discipline or all about do you like it? Do you I'm trying to do Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I'm doing some weird southern thing. Who is your daddy? And what does he I'm very bad at accent so So k.will 37 who already spoke earlier. Look at that second appearance says her parents. I assume her mom would spank with a handmade wooden board handmade handmade that's like that someone took time. I made kind of like like us like, you know, you can fuse the exactly but just imagine like a Vimeo will look slow motion. Just kind of slowly making yeah disciplined weapon dreaming of Smashing your kids like just like blowing the sawdust. Strawberry blond, although it's spelled without its felt strawberry. It's hard to explain strawberry blond said her parents would threaten her with a wooden? Sandal? Sandal? That's like a clog. I think she's for she didn't say but I'm assuming she's Garrett from the Netherlands. So hold on somebody else thought the same thing no talking to oh she does she then goes on to say talking to kids. Yeah. I don't know what she meant by that talking to our kids at their level, which I think was she was saying That parents these days. Yeah act like children are equals. We're back in the day. It was like my way or the GD Highway mother effer, right? Yeah. I'm sorry. I you like Daniels Highway the Greg day the Greg Daniels out of the crate of the office. Right? So my mom used to have a wooden spoon even a plastic spoon and she would chase us around and hit us with it. Yeah me and the boys, she'd Hit The Boys Are Back In Town me and the rest of the Thin Lizzy. Yeah. We did we talk about it hit us with top of the head or smack this in the but top of the head Jesus Christ. I used to get I got you got a problem with my mom's tactics. Have you seen how I turned out? Yeah. Yeah. I know that that's what how cannot. That's what I know, you know where so I have a weird. This is a total aside. I have a weird hairline like in the middle of my head because when I was a kid, I don't even fucking know why you would have something like this. We had like an electric shoe polisher that you could like hold. I think that's what it was and my brother my older brother Marcus 10 Joven me had it and somehow fucking got it caught in my hair and like fuck I was probably like four or five. Yeah ripped your hair. Sometimes a barber will be like, what's up with you like you're weird hairline or your your parts ain't right or some shit. I don't remember it at all fucking wrong. I even know who has a fucking he made you promise yet. He makes you blocked it out and baldness a permit knocked it out. Oh my God, another funny thing we're talking about safety. That's not really discipline related. But your mom you I told you it was a total of Aside. Okay. Well, I thought did I not I mean but then you must but then your mom would hit you in that same hour write this so hold on when I go back to Safety in the car seat. So we had a Buick when I was a little kid and in the backseat of the goddamn Buick there are not only ashtrays they were fucking live lighters. Yeah, were you could push the lighter down to ignite it and you pull up another back fucking seat and you can put on the kids are like, yeah, so one time I was a very bright kid one time. I'm like, hey, nobody in my family smokes. This thing ain't working except I pushed it in and then I called it out and I pushed it on my own thumb. Oh my God, and I remember looking at it being like, hey, it's red. I don't know where we were going. Yeah, but we pulled over to the busbar siletti's house, which is like a family friend. Like my brother was friends with Matt possibility and I was friends with Joanne. Yeah, and there was another one. Okay. Remember her name? Anyway, I got a lot of ice on my thumb. That day, but they had fucking actual live lighters. This is like 1980 82 in the back of a car. Yeah, fucking Buick live lighters and wonder Buick ain't around anymore, right? That's right. Right like Pan Am. Well, I feel like we kind of went back a little bit because you were talking about your mom hitting you in the head. I was I was I definitely got had a spanking real punishment was more of a whether it was more casual like where you would get like hit by a San Juan whatever or whether it was like, all right, it's time for spanking and I did I also went to a school with a did. To know you didn't Catholic Oh in England. Yeah. Well, no cut that there's no Catholicism. No, I know but you were in England though. Yeah. Yeah, but I guess Catholic then I remembered. Oh England, correct and it was it was there was a church eventually like got hit by a while their Knuckles. Yeah got that kind of stuff. I got kicked one time. He got kicked by what a mule. No felt like it was a teacher get kicked by a teacher. Oh, yeah, that's fucked up that is super fucked up. That's worse than a than a than a ruler kicked. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, it was probably that's what not fear. That's what knocked your accent out. I think it was you don't fucking have one No One Believes. You're actually from England. All right, so but the point is thanking that came up a lot now today if you did any of that shit going to jail going to fuck in hardcore pow me in the ass. Whoa. Wow, let's move it's even worse punishment. I don't know. What is this space Sorry not like country country Dake de Country Jail. God commanded it. All right. So Bunch people talked about the difference in discipline, whether it was that kind of thing or Melanie Vineyard says her parents do not understand how not using spanking house banking isn't tactic number one for discipline. Yeah. Hey Katella says her parents can't believe she doesn't spank her kids right country girl 1958 says they spanked and they think timeouts are crazy. You know who else thinks timeouts are crazy. This guy right here timeouts are useless. - I think they're stupid. They don't work. I don't spank but what do you do? Nothing? My kids run fucking free like monstrous. They got no discipline durable. I tried timeouts. I just don't think they're effective. But do you put them in a place that they don't put him in the cage with barbed wire will tell me. Well, that's how you supposed to do it. I'm sick of cleaning up the blood from them grabbing the barbed wire. Have you ever got stuck on barbed wire? No, it's fearsome-looking stuff, isn't it? No, not really. You're not scary. Why razor wire divisor why the fuck is razor wire? It's the much more towards the same thing. It's the same thing. It's just it's way different. It's way more brutal. It's Barbed wires is like old-timey big knotted like they're like nails the reason wires the stuff that like as you walk down Fifth Avenue kit will lie close to your head as you're walking down from the fence That's Falling in your like. Oh that's razor wire. You know what I didn't ask you what razor wire I asked about fucking barbed wire. Well, that was a good story. It wasn't a story was a God damn it Pete. All right. So Gordon tribe addresses this very thing says my parents would spank me with a belt when I talk back. But now if you spank your kids at all, you're abusive exactly. I think that's even more in many cases. I don't spank my kids. I do sometimes I fucking want like when you're at the end of your rope, and I'm like we just bank or to talk to me did months ago of I have spent my oldest the fear of being spanked that is the deterrent right? Hopefully. Yeah, I mean, I think it's a hard time. Sometimes it just it is it's a there is a snap of a group like there's a I don't know what it is. But it's like a pavlovian reaction to hearing like the noise there has been times where it's been so out of control. It was the like the one just like hysterics speak. A lot of has taste like an airplane where they have to go down the aisle. They smack them in the face. Anyway number now that was that was my particular situation colorful hooker says that she thinks kids these days. Yeah. She's a friend. And could use probably use this Banking and I kind of agree. I don't think that's the only way yeah, I definitely don't think it's the only way I don't endorse it. But it just so happened that that was the I understand the impulse and I think a lot of it though, like even if you don't think spanking is bad you realize like the weight of the societal guilt, right? And you feel like I can't do it like it's too much of a thing. It's not it's not a good it's not it's not all spanking is the same. I'm sure there's like some, you know, I'm into a little bit of it. You know, what's good? Cutting it off guard with that one had fucking forehead flicking just get the I had a teacher who would just put his index finger really hard in the crown of your head or mixtures Andre would definitely mr. Townsend would take our ears and walk us out the dough the ear pull. Yeah. All right. So this is a fun when I enjoyed seeing this because this happened to me Sarah underscore J. 281 says something that used to happen that doesn't happen anymore is watching kids mouths out with soap. Totally God she wishes she could get away. With that bejan te Bae ont a says Baris open the mouth feels like that shit probably doesn't fly anymore. And then then he wanders. I'm not sure who still uses bar soap in their kitchen. Here's an even better punishment. Don't use the kitchen bar soap use the bar soap from the from the shower stall there. Guess what kid, it's all for the best. You don't have shower stalls. We have a real shot at all rawr rawr sprayed out from the bathroom. Imagine getting a bathroom bar of soap when that's like in this show. Our caddy in your mouth. I'm just saying it's more gross. Yeah, it's Marcus. Oh, come on. I don't like this the second time. We've used the word pube on this podcast and I object I object to yeah. All right, so little charmer 80 who comments a lot. It's very very good comments says my parents were strict as hell. She said your eat what you're given or you go hungry and you sit at the table and you sit still and if you want to leave you gotta ask like may I be may I be excused that kind of Of shit, I had that kind of stuff whereas today for her parenting. She makes different food for everybody and when they refused to eat it, she pretends she's going to be tough and be like I say in a restaurant but instead she immediately caves and gives like we're so concerned that our kids are going to go hungry, which is not going to happen that you buckle and also their up and down and they want their iPads and they act like prisoners in a riot. I don't know if that's so much the time as it is she's a bad parent. Yeah. I know offense little charm ready. Let's be honest. No. No, I mean, I mean that's That's a lot of I'm even worse than that something but but not hard to get them. Definitely. No, we don't every once in a while. We'll let it like weekends will do TV dinner or whatever let them watch TV while they like TV dinner. Yeah, like they can watch TV while they eat. Okay. Yeah, like we're watching a movie will be a table with it with the with a placemat but normally will have them sit down. The difference is is it's rare that actually my wife and I will sit with the kids which is something that's definitely different from what my parents when I was growing up. Yeah, it's made all of us or we all sat and ate dinner and I think that's actually kind of a that's a big one. That's when I think probably having a family dinner. I think the most about yeah and then I used to have visited it's different when there's kids sitting and eating and they're just talking amongst each other like a kid's table. Yeah, and it's like a kid's table. It's like it's more like a kid's table. Whereas if the grown-ups were there. It's more if there's a lot better days. Me your Peaks Peaks valid pits and we do Peaks and pit. So you get the best part of your day your worst part of your day. Yeah, I just to try to coax a little conversation out of the kids and then yeah, but so I think that that sitting together probably would be that's something I think what you do most of the time you try to I wish I did more so my big thing is when I was but then immediately when it comes to the time like fuck it, yeah. You just want to be over with yeah. Just here's your stupid chicken just get that's the problem with parenting these days You're Gonna Cut. I'm here this shit. So my thing is if I didn't keep my zook Sergeant Murtaugh for my spinach. I had to sit at the table until I did right or at least until it was long enough to be a punishment and I had to try eating it and I put some of my napkin everyone's going to bed now that if you did to my dog, yeah, I would like Miss whatever show I wanted to watch or whatever become a standoff. I've tried to sort of do that, but you just you give up because I'm more than a parent. You know, I have my own life and I want my kids to be in bed. I can experience some me time. Do you I will definitely the only thing I'll do is make sure that they're not able to watch the definitely don't watch they'll go bad. They can find no dessert. No dessert kids get dessert every night like as a rule unless they make a mistake. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. I feel like I didn't feel like well, that's how I made that was a that's every night Carrie. I can't remember from when I was I can't remember but we used to have avocados every once in a while and I didn't know what they were and I thought they were gross and I wouldn't eat them and now I'd be like, I wish I could go back in time to help. So the other big thing we're talking about is the freedom. Yes that we used to have as kids because standards were different right nowadays. Everything is very regimented. There was an article in the New York Times that just came out this weekend about are we ruining how we ruined childhood which is very much about how everything is regimented and structured kids don't have free play and therefore kids are more like depressed and suicidal suicide rates are going up. This is in New York Times magazine, I believe or maybe on the op-ed page. There's all this Bleak shit, and they're like is not just about screen time and lack of socialization. Shin it is about them not having the freedom that we used to have right and there's like these Boutique companies that are coming on being like let's give these guys some shark morning all this shit right when I was a kid and I'm sure when you were a kid. Yeah, you get home from school and then you're like outside for like the next four or five hours summer. You would get up in the morning you'd go I used to ride my bike towns away. Right? Right. My parents wouldn't have any idea where I was I didn't have a smartphone for them to track me. I've just come back, right? Yeah. We had one family who they would ring a big bow. But you also came from a much larger family like you had like four brothers and no I had to shoot Brothers. Well, yeah a real car. Yeah, but you know, it's trial and error you have more kids. Yeah. Okay Timmy. So Sarah who's she's commented a few times. I still don't know how to pronounce your name Sarah. Please message me and let me know Sarah Gannett Starin at said we were left outside all day without supervision. We could play at the park on supervised. We drink out of the hose. We could be left alone in the car without anybody calling Child Protective Services. Is she sat her kids will never experience the 80s and all the freedom they had. Yeah, but it's not like we can go back in time and have Badass video. So this is a problem, right? So child in the car. Now. All we know is oh, there's been hundreds of children who have died in cars and probably thousands of sugar but it's also been a lot of parents who get like reported to the police because they're kids walked home from the park unsupervised, right which is crazy. Well, so this is interesting because I well I've I found the when was it was like a year ago, there was probably a nine year old. Old and a 5 year old and they were walking in there was a boy and girl in there obviously brother and sister. They're holding hands in their walking back and there were no parents. Yeah around be seen and you're like what is happening here Oakland and I'm like I'm watching I'm like and I just I like it took a moment and you know what? I did. I just did the New York thing. I said well fuck those. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Not my problem. He is a little bit different though, right? I grew up in the never ran past them. Yeah. It's a little bit then you veered into them and I started crying a little bit different in the Yeah, I think because it just seems a little bit inherently more dangerous. But at the same time I bet that they probably just went to the store something to but in nine and a five-year-old sick. I don't know. So JJ love nine nine nine says they sent me my ass to the park solo after dinner every night starting at like 5 years old my parents wanted to but some alone time like get the fuck out. You know, what suburbs I for sure. We did that when I was when we would come visit my grandparents. We we go outside. That's what you did like when you live that like that was a summer like a neighborhood. Good and there's a bunch of kids around and it was kind of an unspoken rule you'd all be outside playing stickball around your bike's a problem is is that J dot? J love 99 went on to say that it was in the middle of winter. That's true. Yeah, and she's she lost some of her limbs in the frostbite, California Arkansas said in the summer at like 10 years old. She be outside playing in the street until 1 a.m. That's outrageous. Not just because it more dangerous at 1 a.m. But like what do you need more sleep than that attend? You don't need to be up at 1. Yeah, what's going on at one anyway? In your neighborhood in The Burbs in Arkansas and our California again, I'm not entirely clear that you checked area for life. We need some more information, California, Arkansas. I also want to know why you didn't just do the one a in the middle. So Californian Arkansas were kind of like they merged there's both a so, it's California fully spelled Arkansas fully spelled it bothered me when I was transcribing. This is the kind of thing I think about so Ali Frazier 921 says she was when she was nervous when she was a kid, and she was nervous about walking a couple of blocks home. By herself and second grade her mom just told her to follow some other kid who lived in the neighborhood. She's like is it isn't is it even legal these days for an eight-year-old to walk home alone friends of where you live. So there's this whole movement free-range parenting which comes down really hard as a woman who started a whole thing about it comes on very hard on like these communities that will arrest a parent for letting their kids walk home. Right Mark. Well, there was any nines of change that's different is when you have someone who's nervous imposing like yeah. It's like well, she's reversing that if I will for example that cut the the two kids. I seen if I had kind of followed them back and then like made a scene, you know, that would have been probably pretty sweet but I didn't do that but no one likes their other kids to be parented by somebody else either right? So there's a lot of issues there. Were you just going to be like and also hindsight's 20/20 rare. This is what I'm saying phones and or the equivalent little you put a bloody tile in there in your kit, you know, like little like that. Okay lose you you weren't saying actual like a bloody bathroom tile you're saying one of those bloody because you were from England. She saying Bloody a little like a fucking like a fuck. I'll that helps you track things. Like I have one tooth tracker. You can put it on and I was given one of those buy my dad a couple Christmases ago. And ironically I lost it immediately. I've no idea where it is. All right, so and then some of the stuff that we got past safety and discipline and then we want to talk about some of the trends that are all right. Let's go our parents. Thank you sir. This is a big one from how this this is a can't believe you think this is a big one. I think it's okay. Alright hit. I just want to pose a question out there for everyone imagine calling your your parent parent your own parents either themselves by their first name and or their friends by the first, but I can understand calling your parents friend would buy their first throw up in your mouth. Are you kidding? No, no calls their parents by their first name. So that's some fucking paper tiger. First a straw man argument kit. Well my kids do it all the time your kids call you. Yeah, just kept just to fuck around. Well, that's because you probably are ranting. About this at all. This is why is school years? I'm the same in every usually ranting about complicated shoes that they're wearing. So the the problem is is these kids now call everyone that I know all kids a Pete Peter. Can we do this this bothered it's Gauls you here's why because now what happens is when you take away that structure. So if you there's a whole languages have a whole structure as to what you address people. You don't know him as You don't know them and languages have structure-function whatnot. So French and what not. The point being is is if you call someone by an adult by the same name as a like a kid. Yes, the the put some on the same. That's the fucking dogs and cats living together. It'll be Anarchy. It's what are you talking about? I'm saying you're saying this least till I yes, I it'll collapse not if children Thomas back to their Elders not a classy what this comes down to know it comes down to these kids not fucking sitting down when I'm Saying so he said to tell you that because they're like, okay, whatever Pete so I struggle with this thing where like your kids call you by your first name is not something that happens except maybe until High School when your kids are to be like smart asses and do that kind of thing and get a little bit older kids calling your friends like other adults that aren't their parents by their first name the way we typically get around this and this is Clumsy is you start to call all your friends like on Tom fucking worried like our friend Rory not your actual Aunt we're close friends. So that's Cool, but then all of a sudden it becomes like every firm when you do you like mommy's like a teacher or like miss you treat like a teacher like like Miss Meredith or whatever, but you don't do that for the kid goes up you and he's like, oh Alice's mom, you know, nobody will you learn their last name? And you're supposed to say, you know, no I'm saying I don't our kids on this is a Miniver. Can I go out to the playground with your daughter what they don't see that they go. Oh, you know Sarah. Can I go to play with Greg? That's her name though. Write her name is Sarah it. It is but it's the point is is it's like they're not saying oh mrs. Sarah or whatever. They're not they're not doing the the children and I don't think this is a big deal. I think it's gonna get up a pole. I don't know it is a little weird nine. Oh two one. Oh, I can't tell how it's going to Brandon started to call his parents Jim and Cindy like during high school or college and it was fucking weird and I'm like this guy's a douche bag because seems a pretentious goof. Let me put it a different way. Let's get talk about an out of my immortal. I would never have called any of my parents Friends by their first name. But he'll call my parents raised by their first. They like mr. Mrs. Amado or whatever exactly. I would have never called any of my parents his friends by their first name. However, all of my kids know all of my friends by their first name, yeah, but I don't think that's the problem. I find it weird that now I'm in my 40s and I can't call my fucking dad's best friend George. I gotta call him fucking mr. Amato because it's really hard to fucking ditch that like once you have done that exact hard to feel like you're on their level. I don't know man. Well, I don't know that's the thing is like well, but I've that is some weird axes to grind is what I'm saying. Well, I don't know about that. I think that there's a weird Hills to die on. I I believe that there that really separates the difference between that we I can there's a lawless as a friend and your parents is your friend or parents as an adult or what like it mixes it up a little bit. You know what I'm going to pull it I'm gonna be like, you know, what is the reason that of the economy is failing because I am kids now. Let's get into college they share their first name. Going to Cloud. Yeah complications. Trust me a just right. So here's some here's a random Trends. Oh you wanted to get some water thing. Okay water, isn't it? Water become a thing. What do you mean one has to die. But what about education where we ever come about water really with them about it. It's essential to go find a tap. I turn it on and I'd have to drink I know now because everyone has their water bowl. Where's the water bottle? I don't know. Did you wash the water bottle? I don't know did. You lose your water butter. Where's your water bottle? She let the water but do you have fucking mental problems? You will fucking water bottles. I agree with you that buck this the water bottle Trend back in his time machine loaded, but I don't think that's a negative. There you go. That's my whole fucking piece. You're crazy. That's because you don't know anything about parenting. Well, I never said I did. All right, you know what? I'm not an expert just doing my best here to complain, right? Anyway, sorry. I can't believe you talked about some stuff people actually care about soap in 1880 said that she was never allowed to sleep in her parents bed and her mom thinks it's nuts that she lets her kids sleep with us, but she says it's all about survival. So I was out with my brother and his Wife couple weekends ago. They have a one and a half year old and have a second kid on the way and I was talking about how co-sleeping is fucking literally legitimately destroying my life and my older kid does it and now my younger kid has gotten hooked and we've totally fucked up. It's fucking terrible. We ruined it. We blew it. Okay you but you have time to change it. You may go especially with the toddler. Yeah. We have some shit. It's all about consistency over short period time, whatever just saying the only time I was ever in my parents bed as a kids if I had like A nightmare, right? Yeah, or if I like fell out of bed which would happen is that one of those dead guards because sometimes I would fall out of bed up until I was like 16 just kidding but the Sleep Trend thing or the sleep training somebody else mentioned Veronica quick said sleep training her mom laughed so hard at the idea of sleep training until she babysat and then she was like, okay. I don't have any more context about that. I don't know what to her. Mom realized. Oh, I like the baby was probably getting up every two seconds, you know, or the toddler trouble getting out of bed every time. Actually realized we needed to do some shit. I don't know what's happened to kids they physiologically that it's changed it. I don't know what parents did back in the day. I think it was just we're just firmer. We're just we're looser now, we're softer so that we're more likely to let a kid sleep in the bed mattress. It's just I think we're just less likely to be strict with our kids then parents used to be and I think when it comes to sleep training you fuck up your situation the one or two times you give in it becomes a trend. I'm actually interested. I'd love to know if there's anyone who's Who is older who's gone through this who was back in the day doing this being like? Yeah, it was a horrible pain in the ass. And I wish I had sleep training because sleep training is he came from somewhere? Well, it made sense it some time and then all of a sudden everyone realized we were this horrible piece of shit. So you're saying the sleep training used to make sense. And now it doesn't I'm saying there was you're obviously nicely tracing there was probably a reason a good reason for why Sue training became anything. Yeah, because everyone Was everyone was miserable as probably a solution and then yes, and then it became a prophet was yeah perfectly. So you tried to solve one solution and you created a monster. So Q 1372 says he hates sleep training type hand. What a load of crap. Wait a sec illogically damage your kids. I object to that premise. I don't think cry it out which I did with my kids is psychologically damaging. It worked for both my kids, especially when they were younger to sleep through the night when they were babies that typically what he means by Sleep Train versus cause I'm assuming yeah, you know sleep training. Yeah, I'm assuming which is where you let your kid cry it out until they pass out. They need to learn how to self-soothe and regulate. It's a fucking thing your doctors would tell you there's a sorts of studies that will say it's problematic the studies that say, it's won't I'm sure somebody's going to fucking message me with the MPR thing and it's bad for your kids. My kids are fine. They're psychologically abused in other ways. Okay. I handle it in other ways take care of that abuse. Exactly specific way. It wasn't the sleep training it did it to him. It's the other stuff that I do, okay. So Ken mom Kern somebody I know on Twitter because I mentioned something about new school year is starting and I'm going to be meeting like my new kids classmates parents. Right? Right, and I'm like, I hope I get along with them and he was like, we never met kids parents. What a nightmare I think like being involved in your school and like going to the school and like meeting everybody is a thing that looks like back-to-school nights meet teacher used to be just like the fucking bus comes you're their parent teacher conference once up every three months. He was like what a nightmare that would have. Ben Stanford, mommy who's a friend of mine online on Instagram says that her mother-in-law thinks she's nuts for having kids schedules would he says if the baby doesn't nap, we're all screwed. Right which is like that going home if the baby's tired or making sure they baby has to be an apple every city. We've talked about this before where like you can skip the baby's nap. It's a bad time for everybody a lot of the time and every once in a while you do it but like being Tethered to your house because the baby has to sleep there for me. His mother-in-law I think was just like who gives a fuck about the baby. Well, we're doing our Thang but there's two there's two ways to look at it, right? There's there are those that will not there are no exceptions. Meaning. We're yeah. No, I think that's land. We have to stop it immediately and have to go home and nap. This kid vs. Like, okay. Well like every once in a while like they're normally like every normal Saturday or Monday or whatever every normal day. This is when the kid goes to sleep is when they wake up. So this is she got to make some exceptions. Yeah, of course, it's fine case-by-case basis also, it's like It's a case-by-case basis Sonia Colorado art mom and this is shocking to me says her partner is very involved. But her father thinks that her partner should work more in parentless, you know, we don't often hear that take these days make them get this guy out of the house get that money though. It's a Mom's work to be the parent money. It's a very kind of 1950s attitude. We're like, hey, look I'm working. You stay at home. I'm like, I'm cheating you you have your nice life at home. In the house that I provide for you and all this shit and I'm the Man bringing home the bacon. This is my three sons now, he doesn't even have a wife your dad's. So Father Knows Best, he doesn't either I don't even know why you know, I Love Lucy was she a housewife. She's okay. Yeah. It's a Misadventures trying to be a working woman, but iron Factory the assembly line episode who doesn't know no one does so we made us no idea what I'm talking when we first had our oldest daughter of the first one of the first anecdotes my friends our friend Tim's dad. Dad said yes, I've changed a few diapers in my time you as story two weeks ago. Okay, you are you know, I could either keeping us your father's timers. You're younger than me. Good. That's fine. The point being it's very apt for this point. Sure. Yes, I agree. It is older folks took proper not to pry but almost was like, well, I thought it was normal for them. Yeah, and it's like dude, he was impressed by the fact that you've changed a handful of diapers diapers my God, you know what? That's why Tim so fucking Stuff these days my friend Tim. Yeah, it's not Ginger. He is still wearing diapers. They both are all right. So son yukawa-r mom brings up one of the biggest changes which is screen time. Although look the prevalence of technology and Screen kind of stuff. I watch a lot of TV. That's what I'm saying. When I was a kid, I'd get up on Saturday mornings and I'm watching TV I get home from school. I'm watching fucking Saved by the Bell Scooby-Doo depending on my age, you know, three to six three to seven, you know, got a lot of it now, it's 17 different and to be honest. I feel like playing video games is better than passively watching TV hand-eye coordination problem solving critical thinking all that shit, but it's just so prevalent that we get nervous and we project a little bit because we're on our phone. So well, I think any of these social games like Roblox is a nightmare, but well, there's lots of pitfalls with the social games where you need to block the messaging because there's some some serious. Yes. I'm serious mother mothers out there. Alright, so the last couple things we want to talk about. The question is whether all the coddling that we do now. So Daydreamer Leah says the codling is making our kids grow up to be wimps. Right? Whereas we used to be kind of have a lot more freedom. We're not being monitored as much we're not nothing's being scheduled as much we're not being like picked up when we fall every two seconds parents are very concerned about being good parents and raising like Safe Kids. Is it making our children wimpy? I don't know this making kids wimpy. I think maybe it's stifling a little bit of Independence and self-sufficiency. I think that's probably definitely a thing like my eight-year-old. Old I could probably do more on my own. Well, first of all, it's on I was the kid that he can it's our job to fuck these kids up. It is also they going to write the best songs. How else are they coming to become these artists? Exactly and well what if in that artists? Well, you're doing an amazing job. Thank you. Wow. You know what? I'm expecting. That means a lot to me. That means a lot to me on the other hand. My lazy kids God damn everything handed to them. So check your kids at the door says that his dad was completely hands-off and all about himself and he as I get a lot of this is I think Is a good point he's like I never intended to be that way. So it's like he's cursed. It's a corrective to the way his dad was and I think that that's some of it you do. So like Tim's dad was so hands off that now Tim is a helicopter not saying he is but I'm saying that generationally sometimes this happens where you're like, I'm stepping it up now because I don't want to have a childhood. Like I had her a dad. Like I had I want to be better than that. Do you have that like you have something that you're like I'm going to do something. No. I had a really like well-adjusted childhood and my parents were good, huh? My mom was a homemaker, but my dad wasn't like it wasn't like Don Draper. It wasn't like making them drinks and he was ignoring me like he was involved not as involved as I am. But of course, I'm unemployed at home all the time. Right? I'm not even bringing home any bacon or cooking it because I'm not a good cook but without doing much at all is be honest. Yeah, like I will say that, you know, I think the for me it's just about being a little bit more relatable to the to my kids like just having more fun with them. To be their friend. I don't want to get it back fire up your ass. So benteen 80s is one last thing says my parents always sided with the teacher no matter what, you know, what salts side with adults nowadays. It's like blood is thicker than water clothes and ranks. I thought that was interesting point and teeny 80 you like if there's a conflict that school the kids are much more apt to be like, I'll fucking lawyer up on the school's ass, right? I've seen big little lies. Do you know that that's actually a big one that my parents would always do I'd be like, oh this teacher sucks and she be like, oh, what do you Do they give the adult and benefit of the doubt? What do you do? I'm like, I'm not fucking doing anything. This guy's like a psychopath and he's like talking about shit. No one understands and then he's like well, yeah, but they're like, you're a child. You don't understand exactly. Yeah, and you know, what is true? I always really fucking hated that so well, look you were a kid. Look. It's not always a direct the teachers not always right, but in a lot of cases that dealt most cases adults do no more than kid, you gotta trust your kids hashtag believe women, you know, but that's okay. I'm just saying you got to listen to the victims. The kids are have to be dramatic and complain and a lot of times it's bullshit. This is a good my oldest daughter is now in middle school so she came home and she's had a couple of experiences with teachers her computer teacher. For example, she's like, I don't understand like this. She's not getting a very good grade in computers, which is the heart of the problem exactly, but she was actually saying the teacher talks way too fast trying to ask Questions the teacher says don't worry that get it out. Like you know you figure out later and I list I was like, yeah. Yeah, that really sounds like it sounds Outlet in to meet with this is your oldest. Yeah, because I was like, I'm going to go in and find out it turns out that they have like was the teacher that micro machine man teacher was was was not a great was totally as my daughters get him. You get a fire her you got her fired. No, I got it promoted. There you go. Just get her out of her hair. Yeah, you know what? Everybody wins Peter Principle Okay. All right. Well, I think we covered everything as we say he have not you have not pointed at the camera frequently enough point. I'm gonna point at you. I'm sweating my ass off again. This is this is how we do it though. This is how we do it. All right, and with that we want to say thank you. Thank you for all the commenters. Check us out subscribe. Leave us a review. If you want to throw us some cash on patreon. We would love it very much, but we really want you guys to engaging in Iraq to this thing would not Without you all of these comments were from actual real people. We didn't make up any of them. You made up some beer. You have some I made up of fear. You have some weird. You're weird shit that sex offender app. I want up guess I should get that app. You know what I mean? Hey, I want to get sponsored by the net of interrupt another be better the dead and buried podcast sponsored by a sex offender app, and I'm going to put up a poll at some point about water is para is kids who call adults by their first names of societal to give up problem. It is not a good one. No one cares. Okay, everyone see what you think, but thanks for joining us this week.
Car seats, kids water bottles, calling parents by their first names -  all things that never existed when we were growing up. When we took car trips as kids the highlight was riding facing backwards in the station wagon with one working lap belt. But now, oh boy, the rules of parenting have changed; from discipline to technology to constant water consumption it's all water bottles all the time. Was it better then or is it better now? Mike and Pete get into it all.
Welcome to the sag-aftra foundations conversations podcast the sag-aftra foundation believes the contributions made to our culture by Performing Arts are not only valuable but also essential and so we provide free programming and services like this podcast to support them. If you'd like to learn more about this egg after Foundation or access the full library of our conversations or make a donation to support this podcast, please visit sag-aftra dot Foundation. That's GAF tra. Asian also subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook at sag-aftra found. Thanks and enjoy the conversation. Alan Rick is if they do that when you're done, that's not our I'm trying to think if there's a medium a creative medium you haven't worked in from theater to film from Primetime television to PBS from published author to podcasting. I guess the only thing left off from your resume is video. Ames and I'm kind of hoping maybe you can figure out a way that you can make West Wing come alive and take us into an alternate universe. I've been around so long. I've seen the death of burlesque Vaudeville movies television, and now I'm working on getting rid of podcast. Let's go back. Let's go back to the beginning post burlesque and I'm wondering did you have the energy the Zeal the Curiosity at the start of your acting career that you've had over the last few decades? Oh sure. You got to have energy and you and Zeal and you got to be willing to stick to it in spite of all the evidence against you're That the evidence being the nobody will give you a job. You know, I mean that almost everybody I know goes to that you look what I just did. The end the end the only person I know it didn't go through that as Meryl Streep. She got out of acting school and went right to work and I don't know anybody else who did that. Well, you got out of Fordham in 1956 and even at Fordham, you said you got some work on Broadway as an understudy. It was partly through the help of my father. I think I was an understudy to Don Murray in a play called The Hot Corner that Samm Levine was in same with him was a great actor who had been in Guys and Dolls. He was extraordinary watch guys and Doug's my father Boos play playing the sky Masterson and I watched from the wings and Sam every night would say the same lines standing in the same place. But he do them so differently that the laughs would come in different places from a Broadway house. These lamps are usually in boom. Boom. Right? Well, you know where they're going to come. Mmm. I was astonished to watch him from the I learned more about acting watching from the wings. Then I did any other way and just didn't really answer your question. Of course, you did just a few years out of Fordham you get a job on the Phil Silvers show in 58 what was it like in these early days of Television for an actor? What was it like? Yeah, what was it? Like what like what it is now that that Phil Silvers? I had he knew my family because he had carried me on stage in Burlesque when I was six months old. My father was a singer and and straight man in Burlesque. He would as the singer he would sing while the chorus girls paraded in the opening number. And so his official position was known as the tit singer. I don't mean to offend anybody the actual name given to the job. My father had see this is an educational experience how much to learn from this and so I would watch burlesque when the wings and they were watching the comics and And the chorus girls in the strippers. It was in education education watching the scriptures. They were a little standoffish, but the chorus girls were very motherly to me and I really enjoyed being with them. Mmm, but years later when Phil hired me to be a to play the really big kind of important part in that episode. I had never been on television in that way before it with that big a part and I hadn't been hadn't had enacted in front of a camera much. I had mostly acted on the stage and I didn't know you were supposed to know your lines before going in. I actually didn't know that I was on the stage. My the way I learned my lines was rehearsing them. I was quick I I have the script in my hand play the same two or three times in rehearsal. I could put the script down and do it. That wasn't going to work on the Phil Silvers show cause the first thing they said was okay. We're ready for your scene and was a telephone scene where I'm I got all the lines for a page. And I hadn't learned it. I forget what happened. No, I didn't get fired because the show is just you can still see it on YouTube, but it was really embarrassing when I realize I was supposed to understand but you know what, I've always had the problem that I can't learn lines off a piece of paper. It's very hard for me. Mhm. I have to do it. I have to hear you. Say it. So over the years I finally developed the iPhone method which is which is I record the scene reading all the parts. So and so I know which is my part. I read my part in the normal voice, but I read the other parts in the cartoon voice. Why are you holding that gun? I'm holding the gun because it was all so don't do that. That's it. but that way I do it and I play it I stop the machine when it's stopped the phone when it's time to say my line and I say it and then I play it again and then I find out whether or not I'm right or wrong and it corrects me. So that's a good method me because I need to hear I need to play it. I don't learn the words. I learned what's under the words. Mmm-hmm. And then makes me say the words and the other person makes me say the words including if I'm on the telephone what I mean, I hear what the other person is saying to me or if I'm in a monologue I hear what the train of thought is and why the Next sentence comes out of my mouth because something has happened in my head or if I'm talking to the audience. I'm really trying to see if they're getting what I'm saying. So to me, it's all told dialogue. Mmm-hmm. You were fortunate you went from Phil Silvers to a couple of other East Coast TV series and then Broadway your first Broadway production was called only in America, which was a year after Phil Silvers, but your first really big one was pearly Aureus in 1962. We have a lot of people who remember the past in this audience is a wonderful show. I see Davis wrote it and starred in it with Ruby Dee and it was really very sad for me because it was a breakthrough kind of thing. It was a farcical deconstruction of stereotypes racial stereotypes. That's how he meant it that's how audience is accepted it and 10 or 20 years later. The movement decided that it was retrograde and put it down. They took the stereotypes without any irony. I was really sorry to see that because he had made a real contribution and he's he was such a dedicated person with his heart and soul to equality and justice. So that's my feeling about that shifting gears who was next on Broadway with The Owl and the Pussycat it will their bunch of places where I was in would small parts of big Parts. But the Almond boys again was a big change was Diana Sands and me she and I had worked in and improvising company together. Paul cells was no well Paul. I worked with Paul after I did a season. summer season in Hyannis Port Where we did a version of compass which was all improvised we had for the first hour sketches. We had created in rehearsal that started from improvisation and it got refined. The second hour was after I ended the First Act asking the audience for headlines or words things. That would be the subject of sketches in the second hour. The second hour was all spot improvisation, but it was guts improve. Using you just went out on stage and tried to be funny no matter what you came up with. You don't know where it came from but was there was no discipline to it. And then the nevertheless with Diana was in that and some Reni Santoni. honey Shepherd wonderful people And about a year later Paul asked me if I wanted to be part of a workshop on the stage at Second City, but not doing Second City stuff. We were doing theater games which had been invented by his mother decades earlier Viola spolin and that's really the most It's the most effective kind of improvisation that I've ever encountered because it's a very strict it's very disciplined. You learn something very basic at the very beginning of theater games where by the way being funny is not the objective and you're discouraged from joke making but the basic thing you learned is to connect with the other player and that's why I think it's the best training for acting. because if you don't have that connection with the other person It's a fraudulent encounter. You're pretending to encounter the other person. And there's something even at an unconscious level. I think that shows like pretense. I don't think it's true that it's like children saying let's let's pretend we're kings and queens. Let's let's it's not pretending it's it's an active imagination. That's Mutual that you enter it into it to get you into into her together. And you agree on the circumstances? So as a result to skip ahead I've always been interested in science. And when I did this science program on public television for 11 years, I realized that it was working that the conversations I had with the scientists were working because we had the same contact that you get when you when you work in an improvisation that's of the kind that Viola would work on so I realized when we were doing the show that I was helping them by connecting with them helping them to tell their story to a human not to go into a mini lecture that was full of. words that were difficult to understand Concepts that were difficult So I thought what if we could train them to make that kind of contact so they could not just make it with another person but make it with a whole audience whether the audience was there or reading a book they wrote. What are they thinking while you talk to them? What's going on in the other person in other words empathy. So that's when I helped start the all the center for communicating science, which is at Stony Brook University and we trained starting with improvisation exercises and then moving on to other exercises. We've trained over 15,000 scientists and doctors in 10 years and it all it all came out of your training with Paul sale. And so forth. Yeah that it turns out in my opinion. It's not just the best basis for acting that kind of improvising. Yeah. It's the best basis for human interaction lawyers benefit from it. I on my podcast. I talked to a hostage negotiator. Who would work for two years sometimes to get a hostage released and he would do it by thinking about what that hostage-taker was going through what the hostage-taker believed in and he would let him know he understood he didn't agree or disagree. He just let him know he understood what was going on in the person's mind and he get the hostage released and he said these same techniques can be used in a marriage. He said that and I think it's true do the SAG audience have to worry now that these fifteen thousand scientists are going to be joining to you know, what's so funny. I was asked to go to the Lynn Fontanne house where they do program every year to work with standard 20 actors from theaters around the country very experienced actors, and I was asked to come spend a week or 10 days and I Do anything I wanted I could work and you know various people have done Shakespeare musical theater, and I said hmm, because I value spontaneity so much. I wanted to spend the week on spontaneity and the way we'd be doing that would be improvising for the whole week. The actors were not necessarily unafraid. In fact be when we started. They said they said we better we better than the scientists. And one woman who had my heart briefly went out there. She had 30 years experience. Hmm. Sorry, she had 30 years experience on the stage. She was so afraid of improvising. She was planning to Stage a fake heart attack and she made the most progress because she wanted to work on a scene. She had brought a copy of during March the visit. So they she and another actor read the scene where she meets up with this guy who's has seduced her and abandoned her in the past. And now she's come back as a rich woman to the town and wants Justice and she's got anger as steaming anger toward him and even toward the baby that came out of their relationship so they read the scene and they were very good was the first reading but it was in there experienced actors. It was a really good reading. Then I asked them to go back and play a scene to improvise a scene. That's not in the play. That was the moment in the woods. When he actually let her know he wasn't going to marry her and he was dumping her. So at first they did what most of us do they were standing there making up dialogue and it was a little boring. But the way you get out of that in these exercises is to use the place. To act on the environment and let that become part of it and then you forget about what you're saying and real stuff comes out of you. and at one point when I said start using the environment use the place. And she said to him don't you want to marry me and he said oh, look, it's raining in the rain. Just hit you right there in the nose. She was devastated. And then as soon as they finished that we went back and they read the scene again, it was fantastic the anger. She had toward him came from her guts because she had she had not just imagined being rejected by him. She had just lived through it. and even her anger at the baby that they had which is hard to draw up without a lot of thinking about a lot of effort for most people boy that just burst out over was great. I'm wondering I'm going to shift gears. I haven't let you ask many questions. I'm stuck. You seem like a very nice person. Thank you. Given the extraordinary results that improv has brought you. I'm wondering did this influence you once you became a screenwriter once you started writing for Mash in 1973. Did you utilize any of this kind of chemistry that comes out of improv? Well, I think all my life since I since I started thinking about improbable all my professional life, I've tried to use The relating that I learned from the ability to relate. and that to me is I think it's the major part of the acting experience. So I'd I have always used it. In writing. I think I think one of the things about how improv can help writing and it's not the only way but either way that seems important to me is when you get in touch with the ability. To contact another person you get more empathic you understand characters at a deeper level. So that affects the writing it also puts you in touch with your own unconscious a little more and as things are poking their way to the top you can pull them out with associations. I think it's associative thinking is probably how the original stuff comes to the surface. There was I once read a story and I haven't been able to track it down. It was supposed to be an account of something Freud had written. That was a myth about a goat goat herder who kept his goats in a cave with a big rock blocking the entrance to the cave and when he let them out in the morning he let the weak ones out first. The the sick ones the ones that were not useful to him as much as the others in case there was somebody out there throwing rocks at them and the brutally valuable ones came out last and the image is the the the meaning of the myth is. Don't knock your early ideas. They had the weak ones are coming out but they're leading through an associative process to the ones behind them. Don't give up because you get a lousy idea. The first ones are supposed to be lousy. Your first draft is supposed to stink, but it leads to the second one and some of the elements that brought forth. The first one are pulling up the ones behind them and eventually you'll get the golden the Golden ones and Have patience and don't don't editorialize while you're still creating. You got to break it into two things. Once once it all comes out and gets on paper and you should attack it objectively, but first, it should be very subjective. I never been able to track that down. I don't know if Freud ever wrote about that or not. Maybe I made it up. It's part of the creative process. You join Mash in 1972 And A year later began writing scripts. I think the first script I wrote was at the end of the first year. I may be long. Okay, I think so was this a natural transition? Well, I would want I'd wanted to be a writer from the time. I was eight years old, and it was only later in life when I was nine. I wanted to be an actor and I wrote I rhyme. Made of I would shoot little movies on a wind-up Bell & Howell camera, and I'm I wrote a newspaper or magazine kind of thing that I published on a mimeograph machine and delivered on a horse in the canyon where we lived seriously. Yeah, seriously when time I was stuffing leaning over from the top of my horse stuffing of the magazine into a mailbox and the guy said, oh, I like that paper I said, Oh, thanks you what do you mean? Thanks. Did you say well I write it as you write it I was about 11. She's I like that so you can't judge things according to people's age. You began writing and then by the way, the reason you liked it so much was I stole a lot of the material that I put in? I think I was too young to know about copyright from writing you then went to directing episodes of mash often the ones that you had written yet. Can you talk about this through line? How did directing add to your ability to understand that? I was over from the time I was a kid. I was interested in telling a story visually and I was I was very lucky that they trusted me with directing the first show, but the first show was real test it involved a picnic with about 80 people and I covered it with seven cameras. And that's for your first day of directing job. That's kind of a lot to yes take on and it went okay and that night. I was catching a plane back to spend the weekend with my family in New Jersey and I remember skipping down the sidewalk saying I can do it I can do it. Did that spur greater interest in may be concentrating on directing or it was always going to be a triple threat when it came to you writing. It's it really you know, it you're right it to the triple threat. There is when you write the wrong word know it know, it's true. When you write direct and act in the same piece. There are 3 ways they can kill you. And it's not that easy to do. I don't think I did my best and neither do any of those categories while I was trying to do them all at the same time. Well, I think we could dispute that especially once you get to your feature film career beginning in 1979 with the seduction of Joe Tynan you wrote you I didn't directed know what's his name. I forget his name right now. But Gary schatzberg. Thank you. Jerry schatzberg. Thank you. The Four Seasons the Four Seasons, I would that I was very proud of thank you. Thank you talk a little about being a triple threat. Well one thing that's hard to do is to be objective about your own performance. So I would when I was on when I was in the scene, especially a closer by shoot more takes of that and try to give myself more options in the editing room and that led to the crew saying look a little narcissistic is it was only to give myself options? I swear to God you believe you believe me, don't you? Did this multiple take continue in your subsequent films or did the first film teach you how to nobody grow? And I finally learned to do a when I remember one time in an early movie. I was in that we're the director didn't want me to look at the rushes and I thought it was so important to see the rushes to find out what I was doing wrong and fix it, which is probably the worst thing you can do because then the Movie is all about you trying not to do things rather than giving an open honest fresh performance. So one time I even snuck into the projection booth through the attic so I could watch the Russian and I wasn't very good in that picture either, but then I realized that it's really like improv you do it and it disappears Into The Ether. And you don't have to worry about it. It's either good or it's not good if it's happening while you do it. That's what matters. But to get into a situation where you're telling yourself what to do because you saw something you didn't like before all backwards for me. Anyway, I don't look at it. How about writing for yourself in the sense that you're writing with your characteristics in mind? I don't do that. I don't think I've ever done that I write for the character and I try to try to make it a character that's in my range. Put as interesting I could make but I don't always understand what I'm writing one time. I was writing the character that I was going to play in Four Seasons and I was struggling to find out who he was and I had written a couple of scenes that seem to make an impression on me and I was taking a shower and thinking about it, you know in the shower you get deep thoughts, you know. And I stepped out of the shower and I said to my wife Arlene, I finally figured out who this guy is. It's my father and she said you're kidding right? I said know what she said. It's you which kind of took me down a peg because he wasn't that admirable the person, you know, he's the buttinsky thought he knew everything. the bitch After the Four Seasons, this was followed a few years later with sweet Liberty. Right? Did you sense something different doing a second film as a triple threat from your first an interesting Leon that movie I was very interested in preparing every shot. I'm storyboarded the whole thing. Went out with the photographer and figured out what lens would use in every scene. Where the track would go when I would get on the set in the morning at eight o'clock. The track would already be down because everybody knew what to do. Then when I got to the last picture I directed. I improvised the directing part a little more. I didn't plan the shots like that. It didn't have a storyboard. I get in the set and I think let's see. Where should we put the camera and as soon as I did that the crew didn't think I know anything and it didn't go well, so they prefer a well everybody prefers that you know what you're doing. I think I prefer to one of your greatest comic roles was in Woody Allen's crimes and misdemeanors. Hollywood vase director Lester, could you talk about what Woody Allen was like as a director and what you learned working with him would he doesn't like to talk to people I think or at least when I worked with me didn't and that extended all the way to actors you and I have talked more now than I did with him in three movies. And so there was not much conversation. I came into the first scene. And it was in a real apartment and it was already lit and other actors were sitting in the their places. I don't know why they called me so late, but I walk in and what he said, hi I said hi. He said why don't you sit over there and about halfway through the scene whenever you feel like it go from sitting next to her to sitting next to her. Okay. Are we ready? She was my sister and she was my mistress and I hadn't even been introduced to them. So I think part of his then I figured out what how to work it and I got very improvisational. Well, what else something I really loved about working with him was that he really valued improvisation and they didn't mind I would improvise my way through a whole seem once in a while. He'd say try to include that line I have in there because I use it later in the script. And I that was really fun for me. But with no directing per se other than know his way at that time was if he didn't like the way he only did two or three takes if he didn't like the way it went he would call you back a month later and you do it again. And if he didn't like that, you might get called back a third time and then you'd be fired after the first day. I wouldn't have minded being fired. But then and the by the second day I caught on and I really loved working. I love the experience and I loved that movie. I think it's one of our best moves. Absolutely and this same experience happened on the second and then her third film with with him was a musical. Yeah. That was when I wish I had done more of those they were real. Was really entertaining. What was it like doing a musical Woody Allen film? He wanted you to sing his badly as you could he had the idea that the people should sound like normal people. In fact, one of the actresses in the movie said I can't sing at all. I can't do it. So he got somebody to live to sing for her that she would lip-sync he got a high school girl who had never sung before so he was kind of determined not to have great thing. He told the leading actress who was a great singers. don't try try not to sing. So well. Fortunately, I didn't need to be advised to do that in the 90s. You took another New Direction and you became host of PBS's Scientific American Frontiers. Was this something that came out of the blue or were you curious? Like I thought it came out of the blue. I think that they sent me a letter that sort of that. They must have sent to other people and they might have sent it to me because I had played a doctor on television so had something vaguely to do with science. I don't know if they realized I had such a great interest in science. I should have known because the letter was addressed in dear occupant just kidding, but I like that joke. But I'm I said that I that I hoped that they would let me interview the scientists and not just come on camera to introduce the show and then read it narration because if I could interview them then I could spend the day with them and really learn about their work which we did and it was a great education for me. And I mean in many ways you returned to Broadway in the 90s for Did Neil Simon's Jake's women had Broadway changed since your early days in the 60s there or my my guess it had but I would don't know. How do you know I did you keep track of that? No, I just don't have an answer to that. Yeah, okay, you've done work with Neil Simon a couple to tell ya the movie that he wrote and California Suite has it and what was it like working with him the on Broadway? It was so tuned into the audience reaction. It was startling. He had he had tried to show out in La Jolla or someplace like that in Southern California and didn't like the way it went and fired everybody and closed the show then started a new production that I was in and we tried it out one night in front of an invited audience to the night before we're going to go to New York. And start working on it there and it didn't get many labs and he said to me well, I guess I'm going to have to close this and I said kneel look you're funny. I'm funny. We're going to give laughs when we have a real audience. This is an invited audience is the first time we faced them. Let's let's have faith in ourselves. And a way didn't get great reviews, but it ran a season and we got away with it. You've created iconic roles on television first in mash and then in 2004 you went to the West Wing. Can you talk about what it was like working on this pivotal dream fantasy series. I felt I learned a lot about politics from reading the script because they were written by people with a lot of experience in politics real. Running campaigns and being in the staff of the senate or the house. And it was very interesting to me to see the discussions that were go on. Before a statement was released and every word would be vetted because it would reflect how it connected to the constituency in that kind of thing to each word that could appeal to a different constituents. It was very interesting to me sounds like an alternate universe now. You're well, yeah, we don't get that impression now. Yeah, but working on the series did it reflect differently than Mash in terms of how TV was made about 20 years later or no, they were both shot with one camera and The same kind of schedule and I didn't I didn't see any job. I'm not aware of any changes. I'm disappointing it with then now, it's nice to hear. There's some continuity somewhere. Well, maybe I'm just not noticing it you making me scared. You did series parts and lots of shows 30 Rock the big see The Blacklist and a program. I don't know how many people have seen but I thought you delivered one of your most remarkable performance is in Horace and Pete. I love that show. That is so good. He's a remarkable writer Louis CK and we did it like a play. It was it was a little like the old us steel hour in the 50s several cameras, and we were her stood like a play and shot it like a play We he wanted to try and I think he did. Put up on the Internet the whole uncut version of what we did all the way through. I don't think he caught it or he might have made a few small edits, but it had the energy of a live performance because of that. Your most recent work is the remarkable marriage story Noah baumbach, and I wonder if you could talk about your work on this film where you play one of the few decent lawyers in the film. Well, he's decent and he showed decent you see he has a Shabby office. I love this movie and I'm very very proud to be in it because it's it's so remarkable. It not only is a movie about people but it's a movie about it's a movie that takes a risk. That you wouldn't expect it somebody to take in the in a commercial environment. It's about divorce which turns people off. I wrote a movie about a divorce and one of the one of the audience surveys had someone saying I didn't go see it because I figured if Alan Alda did a movie about divorce it would be painful and I didn't want the pain, you know, because I wouldn't just treat it like a like a joke, I would Didn't try it again. Anyway get into this reality of it and know it does that. But what's amazing to me about what he's able to do know about Buck the director, right or what? He's amazing what I find amazing that he that he can do is tell a love story. That continues right straight through the divorce, even though they have heartbreaking fights. You can see that these are fights between two people who deeply loved each other and it's very much like I don't mean to drag this in by the heels, but it's very much like what we talked about on my podcast which is relating and communicating. The idea that in a marriage you have to you have to communicate really well to keep going through a marriage especially with the introduction of children and professional concerns. And when you start to think about a divorce it it's often because communication is broken down. Then you find out that during the divorce. You have to communicate better than you ever did earlier in the marriage. And if you don't it's going to be a lot of pain for everybody involved. And Noah shows that and it's it's it's an emotional work out. I think and like a work out at a gym. It can be it can do you good? It might not feel great while you're going through it. But to stir up those emotions to have the empathy for the people who are going through it as a valuable experience. Plus he's able to find out what's funny about these things. Sometimes it's funny and painful at the same time. So I'm I love this movie and and it also gives me a chance to talk about My podcast let's talk about your podcast. I love this podcast I have. Which is called clear and Vivid it's called clear and Vivid and the idea is that I've now had 70 conversations with people like Yo, Yo Ma and Madeleine Albright and Michael J fox and Sarah Silverman Sarah Silverman had one of the most extraordinary stories to tell and all these stories are about relating to other people. And communicating what goes in to communicate and over and over again, you hear very much like what we were talking about before being aware of what's happening in the other person. Not what you want them to get from you but what they're able to get from you. Where are they? Who are they? What are they going through? What can I say that speaks to that? Otherwise, I'm just spraying stuff all over you it's not getting in. Syria silver and story was amazing and it's just one example of many she was looking at her Twitter feed and somebody had tweeted a one-word insult or even like the worst insult. You can give to a woman. So instead of blocking him or doing a tirade, she looked up his profile and found out he was suffering from back pain. And she wrote him on Twitter. I messaged him and said I'm in pain in my back to I know what that's like. And sometimes I think anger comes out of pain and I think that's why you were angry toward me. Why don't you try to speak from a place of love and he wrote back and said I have no place of love that was ripped out of me by a man who abused me when I was a child. She then found a place where he could get therapy for free. He went to the therapy changed his life there now best friends on the Internet. Is that amazing? Wow, but there's stories of how diplomats were able how George Mitchell was able to stop the violence in Ireland. by bringing people together He said we're going to have dinner every night for the next week during the day. We can talk business and yell at each other at night. You can't say anything having to do with business. None of these negotiations at night will going to talk to each other about our childhoods are families our pets the things we care about in life. That's all we're going to talk about. They talk civilly to each other each day. It was harder to yell at this other person who New was just like you. Stories like that over and over again. I'm I learned a lot talking to these people and we use the same techniques I was talking with you about before I don't go in with a list of questions. Nothing personal by the way, most interviews involve a list of questions. But yeah. That sometimes not in our case, but it sometimes leads to not really hearing the answer to the question because you know, you have this next question to get to we were as if you ask about what you're actually curious about and hear the answer and want the person to tell you more about that or remind you of something in your own life. And you say it's like that. Is that like that for you where you start to share a conversation and you have Communication partner that such a different experience and that's what I try to do on the show. And I see people opening up. And it's very it's very enlightening when they do because these are people with enormous experience. And Yo-Yo Ma then can talk about how he relates to the other players when he's playing with other musicians how he relates to the audience how he deals with his nervousness about an audience and it has to do with relating. He said he used to be very nervous when he was younger coming out to do a concert and then he realized that if he looked at it this way, he wouldn't be nervous. He now comes out and thinks I've invited these people to my party. And I'm going to serve them food and drink and music. And we're all going to have a good time together all of a sudden they become real people. They're not this. this monster in the dark nothing personal looking back you would work with some of the greatest directors in the world Scorsese. You worked with him on The Aviator. You got an Oscar nomination for your role there. You've worked with Mike you work with Mike Nichols. You have worked with Noah baumbach. I'm wondering if you've worked with Woody Allen. I'm wondering if you can I was the best. You left that Spielberg and we're going him to there. It was I've been so lucky there's and I would watch them carefully every minute to try to learn from them and and they like to talk they like to explain somebody once told me you met Charlie Chaplin 20 or 30 years after he had made movies and he said he loved to explain the fight scene that he did that took six weeks to stage and he'd explained it Moment by moment shot by shot and that's what I I find often great directors love to do they you ask them a question about a particular scene or shot. How did you get that? They like to pass it on it's very nice. I got that with Scorsese and with Spielberg enjoyed that we're with an audience of actors who hopefully will also work with great directors. I wonder if you could share your Insight about some kind of common thread of what great directors do with actors that might be different than not so great directors. No, I can't I'd say the reason I can't is that every director I've worked with has been different. I think directing style may stem from a personal style of living the way they organize their lives on the shed good to get through a harrowing series of tasks and 200 people lining up to ask you questions all day long. You got to have a style of working that suits you. I'm guessing and some Woody doesn't load least when I worked with him didn't like to talk. Other Marty Scorsese loves to talk Spielberg. He'd same thing. He enjoyed very much enjoyed talking about things but how they offer you suggestions about how you're acting is different for everybody. And I think it's the only advice I could possibly give I think is too. Reverse the process we've been talking about in terms of communication. To receive a communication. You have to go through a similar process of listening well. Trying to read the other person not only what they're saying, but what's under what they're saying an employer tries to communicate with an employee? The employee has to go to the same effort to get good leadership out of the employer. You can't just take it at face value say well, you didn't tell me that. You know, you got to be a team and both people can benefit from trying to be a team and I think the actor the same thing. If you have only one way of working and the director doesn't fit into that it's going to be unfortunate. I think we have to be flexible. It's easier for me to say because I seem to be icing. I feel like I invented different method every time I do a different part really and that method is coming though from a base of listening and empathy. I guess. I don't know I make it up as I go along. Okay, let me turn to our audience who had written some questions. Let's see, you've played a lot of political roles in your career. How do you approach them? And do you have any thoughts this is to incendiary about our current political climate. No, I was a political activist when I when I was much younger 45 or 50 years ago and I worked very hard to try to get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified by publicly identified as a feminist and worked hard for for the cause of gender equality and I felt after the Equal Rights Amendment failed failed to be ratified. That it was time for me to concentrate. On what I know how to do best which is acting right? And now teach communication and help help run an organization that is spreading these ideas around the world. I don't know and and particularly the communication of science. I don't want to politicize science. Or politicize my work by talking in public about current politics. I have my own ideas. But I don't want to I don't want to use any platform I have for that. I want to I have a longer range plan to help communication improve which I hope will help. Or political interactions improve here's a speculative question. What role or roles would you love to play that you haven't had a chance to yet? And Frank, okay. The the thing is I really do regard my whole life and so-called career as an improv. All I've ever done is take what comes my way and try to make the most of it. I haven't hankered after playing anything. There's no King Lear in the future. I don't really like King Lear. I love Shakespeare and I love I'm a he's a star. Ingenious, but I never understood King Lear. I'd be happy to talk to somebody who has played it can explain it to me, but he seems like a dope to me. Okay. Is that going to be the headline of this thing? All this says you hear a dope dear William you blew it. Yeah, okay as actors. We have dream jobs where cast and crew get along like a loving family and Nightmare jobs where it is a constant Clash of egos without naming names. How did you handle the difficult jobs? Well, I miss something in the beginning. Well, when the Middle with the basic thing is how do you handle a set where it is not working? Well. Oh, well, there's tension. Yeah a lack of communication. Yeah, the ideal thing would be to communicate better and that get pissed. I'm going to try that next. Okay, your dad was a Burly Q. That's what it says a Burly Q performer and you used to travel with him what Memories do you have of those comics and strippers? We've heard about the strippers and did your dad ever let you do any burlesque bits with him. Well, they carried me on stage when I was 6 months old and tell me they tell me that there was a bell on the high chair. They put me in and they kept ringing the bell right on top of all their punch. I had early training and stealing the scene but Yeah, the chorus girls were very sweet to me. They took me up to the dressing room and we sort of their mascot and they would comb my hair and Pat my cheek and then they'd say Okay, Allie, we're going to change our clothes now turn your back and I turn around with my face against the wall with my nose in their costumes and I could smell the perfume and the sweat on the costume and behind me. I could hear them putting on their silk costumes. And they thought it didn't mean anything to me. I get excited just thinking about it now. This kind of done yet. I was going to ask but you kind of answered it looking back on your long career. Is there a favorite role and I guess being yeah. No, I don't think there is that favorite moments things that come back to me from time to time that I relish one you'd never think of there was there were two guys from Britain who did a play called the play what I wrote? And every night in the second act they had an actor or some some somebody well-known come in to do the second act with them and you had to learn a song and a dance. And you had to learn a lot of dialogue. You were real part of the second act and I love doing it. And at one point I was playing. Count toddler own who had been imprisoned in a French prison and to escape he had to put on a hoop skirt. So I put on the hoop skirt and I'm singing and dancing in my hoop skirt and I trip on the skirt and fall down. One of the memorable moments in my life. It's so important. They don't teach you in acting school. Don't trip on the hoop skirt, but I never went to acting school. So I wouldn't have known anyway, but they're a little moments like that I think of and I think that you know, sometimes people say who's your favorite actor and I don't think of a favorite actor. I think of moments that I've seen that I admired and can you share some of them with us? I once saw I was at a dinner honoring Anthony Hopkins. And it was entry there was a real love his work and almost every single clip going back to when he was a young actor was authentic and invested. And I that's the closest I came because every one of those almost every one of those clips was a memorable moment where he really connected. Then there's that moment in the back of the car when Brando shakes his head and says no, we don't forget what he said could have been a contender. No, not at all. It seemed that scene, but he did a guy takes a gun out Rod Steiger ta takes a gun out and he says no no, no and I always admired that then I heard later. I don't know if it's true. He was thinking don't act like that. You got to make the make use of whatever you got. I'm trying to recall the film but there was a moment. It was aftermash where you kind of shifted gears and started playing darker roles even villainous roles. Was this a conscious decision to try you're the only countries part of what you're describing is that when I did them a new life, I deliberately wrote the character much more rough-hewn than that part side recently played because Of what you're talking about, but the fact is I've played flawed people most of the time including Hawkeye Hawkeye was a flawed character. It could be that I In in my real life. I created a stereotype when I would be interviewed on television that slopped over into my artistic life. I'm not sure. I mean it may be something in favor of the point of view of some actors who don't like to show up as themselves and only like to show up as one character or another. But did you know more and more will you talk about changes in the business? It wasn't considered part of your job. When I started making movies that you would go on the road for a month promoting it you might be asked to do an interview, but it wasn't now it's in your contract. and I understand that but it's all but it's a little bit connected to the idea that I always regretted it when Two or three decades ago. They started referring to movies as product. It's not a product at its best. It's a work of art and I also have another reaction to I say I'd say this gently because I'm not trying to criticize anybody but it's common for now the public to talk about actors practicing their craft. You can do acting as a craft. You can also do it as an art you can try to be an artist. To me a craft is painting flowers on a dish and there's nothing wrong with that. But there's a difference between that and trying to be like Rembrandt and put character into a face. That's different. And if you aspired to that it's different from being a craft. What we were we talking about before I got onto the I feel that the time we've spent together has been a true education in terms of how to approach the art of acting and I would say the art of communicating and I think I speak for everyone in thanking you for sharing such important life lessons with us. Oh my god look, Hello. Thank you. Thank you for listening to the SEC after foundations conversations podcast. If you appreciated what you heard, please support us with a review or donation and reach out to us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook ad seg after found we'd love to hear from you.
A Q&A with Alan Alda on November 19, 2019. Moderated by Brian Rose. Alan Alda is indelibly linked to his eleven seasons as Dr. Hawkeye Pierce on M*A*S*H, which debuted in 1972. His work on the comedic drama set in the Korean War made him the only person to win acting, directing and writing Emmys® for the same series. M*A*S*H became a ratings juggernaut, and remains popular with old and new audiences on streaming services and DVD. In addition to his starring role, Alda directed and co-wrote its feature-length final episode in 1983, “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.” That episode still ranks in the top ten list of most-watched programs in the U.S., bested only by Super Bowls; when it originally aired, over 70 percent of all televisions in the country tuned in. In 2004, Alda joined the sixth season of the Peabody Award winning The West Wing as Senator Arnold Vinick. He received an Emmy® for his performance in that role, which he portrayed throughout the critically acclaimed show’s finale twenty-eight episodes later. In all, he has received 7 EMMY awards. Alda made his first major foray into nonfiction between those two series. He was invited to take over as the host of Scientific American Frontiers in 1993 and continued with what became Alan Alda in Scientific American Frontiers until the PBS show ended in 2005. Alda broke the mold by actively helping scientists communicate their work to viewers on a personal level, chipping away at the jargon and specialized knowledge until he – and therefore the viewer – could understand. Throughout his television career Alda has also been in demand for guest roles, starting with a role on The Phil Silvers Show in 1958 and continuing to the present day in shows including ER, 30 Rock, The Blacklist (for which Alda received an Emmy® nomination), The Big C, Horace and Pete, The Good Fight and, most recently, Ray Donovan. Alda has won a total of seven Emmy awards—including an International Emmy in 2012—and has been nominated 34 times. In January 2019, he was honored with the Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award. Alda landed his first movie role in 1963’s Gone Are the Days!, which starred the legendary Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. He went on to show his range in dozens of additional movies, including his Oscar® nominated role as Senator Ralph Owen Brewster in 2004’s The Aviator. Among Alda’s many other films are Bridge of Spies (2015), The Longest Ride (2015), Wanderlust (2012), Tower Heist (2011), Everyone Says I Love You (1996), Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), Neil Simon’s California Suite (1978), Same Time, Next Year (1978), The Mephisto Waltz (1971) and Paper Lion (1968). He also starred in and wrote The Seduction of Joe Tynan (1979), and starred in, wrote and directed A New Life (1988), Sweet Liberty (1986) and The Four Seasons (1981). Alda plays attorney Bert Spitz in Noah Baumbach’s 2019 film Marriage Story, which is currently in theaters, and will stream on Netflix in December. Alda began his acting career on stage in improvisational theater and the Cleveland Play House acting company, but was soon working on Broadway. In 1962 he was in Purlie Victorious as Charley Cotchipee (a role he reprised in the movie version, Gone Are the Days!). By 1964 he was starring as F. Sherman (Felix, the “Owl”) in The Owl and The Pussycat. Two years later, his tripartite role performance earned a Tony® nomination as Best Actor in a Musical for the Mike Nichols-directed The Apple Tree. Two additional Tony® nominations followed, one for the title role in Jake’s Women and the other for playing Shelly Levene in Glengarry Glen Ross. Alda most recently was seen on stage starring in the 2014 revival of Love Letters opposite Candice Bergen.
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We went to Brooklyn that's all and then we went to Atlanta. That was great. Now most recent stop with Houston the craziest of am also proud to use taxes for sure. So next up. We are headed to the windy city Side Town Chicago going on now we come in we come in. So yeah, it's not 26. We are coming very shortly 926 so go to our website go to events Tab and registers a free network meet and greet. Once again the purpose of the network and meet and greet is not a seminar. It's not a Workshop it is an opportunity for you to build with us but more importantly but what each other we gon bring the whole city out and yeah, you're gonna be able to network and Pitch it business ideas and Meet Your Real Estate partner all forms of business come. Yeah. It's really for you to network with people who live in the same place as you right there really is no platform for that so Network and when we leave you still have those connections, right? It's a Vibe. It's a whole is all entire body. But uh, okay. So yeah. Come out. We have a very exciting episode something. I'm actually exciting about I'm always excited about episode but this is something that I'm actually looking forward to because it is very rare we get somebody that's first of something or the the biggest says something this is this is exciting is good stuff. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. So we got kike wise and she is a legend in her own right because she is the let the Is female franchisor and America? All right. Well, don't let that go over your head like so if you don't know what a franchisor is a franchisor is a franchise owner by not a franchisee. This is what most people think about franchise business to think about a franchisee franchisee is to say okay Subway's is a chain I buy a subway now, I'm a franchisee Subway. I'm an owner but off of subway subway is the larger company, right? So the flip side of that coin is to be a franchisor. Is that pronounce the corrector out and that's when you actually own the subway. Yeah, and then people are coming under your umbrella and they're buying their franchises from you. You created the blueprint and now they're running blueprint. We people have been asking for franchise and he's like, okay we can get like a Subway or something like that, but we figured why not just get the apple sauce from the App Store. It shouldn't it is and go straight to the source. Yeah. How about all the middle bit? And you should too so so yes, so first and foremost, thank you. Thank you. Welcome. Thank you for having me. Yes, so I'll give a quick rundown. So yes Pika has a her own Studio. It's called the stretch Studio, which is different will talk about it's not yoga is not Pilates is something completely different and she started in New Jersey and it became massively successful. So when she was thinking about expanding she thought about you know different ways to expand and she settled on the idea of just opening different franchises and where she's at now is to have 12 franchises All Over America and the goal is to have 65 in a very short period of time. So, okay now we got that out the way. Yeah, so, can you give us the back story on how the studio how the stretch Studio got started? Yes. So thank you again. Basically, I I was going to go back to school to get a Masters or open up my own business because I had a young son at the time. So I took a pool with friends and family. Should I go back to school or should I open a business? And everyone said you'll fail don't open a business most businesses fail, you know day 3 5 whatever listen to this. So I was like great then that's the direction. I'm going in because nobody else they're all afraid to so I decided to go with that. So I took my last literally $500 and I rented a small room and I printed out some brochures and I just ran with the idea of stretching people. Can we talk about the $500? Sure? Yeah, because like it wasn't just 500 but this especially in our community like we get a tax return and the first thing we think is like what can we buy? What Tripoli going on off this you got? Your tax return was the $500? Yes, and you decide. The business right? This is the only chance I have Chris. Oh, yeah. I took it and I started the business from there one client at a time. I built my clientele and it slowly became a business before my eyes. I studied guerrilla marketing for the first year in business. I read several books on how to Market with no dollars creative ways to get clients and then it started working and I just grew my clientele. If so, where did you start up ever? So you have the $500 you have the idea for instruction? First of all, before we even how did so all right. What's your background as far as to stretch like people? How does that so so I just so I studied at Montclair State University as a dance major. So I was a professional dancer I dance in the city television film for years being an undergrad. We had to take several Anatomy courses that were extremely boring. But I took them anyway had to and so I took the knowledge that I gained as an undergrad to put towards this concept so it would be a real thing. So, okay, what makes okay. So what is your process is for stretching that's typical stretching. Yeah, passive stretching, right? So as a dancer, we all know that dancers are the most flexible people dancers use gravity to gain flexibility. So essentially I replaced gravity. With a stretch coach, which is the coach that you have that gives you the session. So it's based on the dancers approach to stretching the movements and the coach gently follows the breath pattern of the client to add the stretch the clients completely limp. They're not holding any muscle groups. So they the endorphins flow through the body differently. So it's a whole experience where the only Studio that follows this process and that's the biggest difference between yoga and pilates, right? That's when most Of being your and your muscles are engaged and yoga and pilates their disengage. When you come to our studio, most people never truly relax and let go not even in bed. Some of my clients tell me they sleep like this balled up and I'm like really okay. I just applaud you like I studied physical education and health science major. It's great to go through an enemy in to go to Advanced anatomy and to go through physics and still pursue. All right. Right Applause. Congratulations. It's a real thing as far as a lot of time people, especially men, especially if you lift weights and stuff like yet very inflexible that can lead to a lot of problems. Yeah, like I used to I used to play basketball and I went to prep school and that's the first time I got introduced a yoga. Okay, and it was one of the best things I ever did because so I was in a yoga class and I was like the only males like to males it was everybody else was like tennis players. I was in there Maria Sharapova. That's a different story but in any event for another time, yeah, but anything so, you know, it's kind of like a little weird. I'm like 18 years old and a yoga class, but I realized that once I started to really become more flexible. Everything became better people don't think people fully understand how the body works, but when you actually are more flexible, you can move better. You can write bad at your quicker you on your feet. You lose weight. Also, it's a whole it's all bad. Yes it is. So, all right, so you You still have the 500 and you have the background and and dancing and stretching and all that. So, what do you what's the first step that you take for the 500 you rent a room out or so I went on Craigslist is real great. When it great on Craigslist was you know a different Craigslist and I found someone renting a room. It was actually a real estate agent who wanted to share his space. So my rent was $300. Has he paid the other half or 200 and I took the rest of the money and I printed out brochures those brochures. I passed out in the street. I used to stand outside this piece and just pass out brochures like stretching Montclair and him right you you asked it is this I read this right so, you know, it's coming. Yes, because we're 80s babies, right and we grew up with this character. This green character called Gumby. Yes, and if I read that you had gone be character. Then an outside yeah with you I went on Amazon. I ordered a Gumby costume. All you with a gonna be no. Oh, I was never like yeah, I had to maintain some. All right, so I hired someone to wear the gum be costume and pass out brochures while stretching that's down the street. So I rats guerrilla marketing so sorry, so how quickly grow so as far as so when I sold my first package, I mean my money Back practice 500. No, it was I think it was like 650 at the time. Yeah, four of ten ten sessions. Okay. So in the beginning it took about a year to develop a baseline of clientele at the time. I had a part-time job. I was selling furniture and once I started making more than my paychecks, that's when I completely quit so it took about a year for that to happen. Alright y'all so we're on the road a lot without UIL toward staying in hotels and all types of Ambien be so we don't always have the best Sleep Quality and what it really comes down to is the mattress to have on and nothing compares to our Helix sleep matches that we have at our home. If you're not up on Helix reward yourself. Don't play yourself anymore get rid of that old mattress get you a helix. Here's what you do. It's real easy. He looks has a quiz that takes just two minutes to complete and matches your body type and see premises to the perfect mattress for you whether you are a side sleeper a hot sleeper like a plush or firm bed. With Helix, there's no more confusion and no more compromising on an average mattress. Helix sleep was even awarded the number one best overall mattress pick in 2019 by GQ and Wired Magazine. Just go to Helix Leisure take their two minutes sleep quiz, and they'll match you to your customized mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life. They have a 10 year warranty and you get to try out the mattress for a hundred nights risk-free. They even pick it up for you if you don't love it, but I'm sure you will right now. He looks is offering up to Five dollars of all mattress orders for our listeners at Helix / Leisure. That's Helix H, Elie X Leisure for up to a hundred and twenty five dollars off. So alright. So at what point do you move out of the room? And at one point you had the studio, right? Yeah. So the real estate agent would not renew my lease because he said I was using the space too much. I guess he thought here's this crazy girl with an idea. I just want somebody to help me pay my rent, but I actually built a business out of it was a house. It was in a house. No, it wasn't an office. Okay, like an office suite and so I was forced to find another space. Okay. The next space was in the basement of a Turkish restaurant, which I thought was dope because it's bigger like I have my own space but in the summer, you would smell Curry and onions coming through the vents good workout, right but it was Paradise for me. So that's that's actually where I built the business into a six-figure business and the basement of a restaurant. So that's when I knew I was onto something. I mean this the health and wellness space is a trillion dollar business. I think your A 4.7 billion trillion not billion. It's trillion now trillion dollar business. Did you know that going into it? You just said I'm just doing something, but it was doing Follow Your Passion your passion about it. And so my passion was always people and making people feel good through conversation, you know just Vibes right? But my passion was never my passion was stretching, but my passion was never business. I never wanted to be an entrepreneur because I didn't want to fail I equate It feeling with entrepreneurship so I avoided it. But my son was the reason I got into it so that I could spend time with him and be there for his work life balance, right? So then I started to fall in love with it. So, all right, so didn't at what point you get to own studio. So after I bought the business in the basement of the restaurant rest, all right, and I saw people were still coming even though it smells like Curry. I knew that I could potentially gain more. Our clientele and cover the cost of a storefront. So I took another leap of faith and I rented the store for how much was just a farmer at the time. It was 2,400. My little off-topic Kurt is that courage is something that every everybody uses like the Jamaicans Indians or China. I'm getting hungry choice you make Okay. Yo me eat my Curry go you got he's not even though you told me code at all. You don't know. Yeah, the shot is it is a member of the family so he gets to play that the house. I'm a pescetarian and now I'm on my way to becoming vegan. Nice. Shall we put all animals down what? I don't judge. I don't judge. All right. Okay, so you have the studio and then business starts to just really take off for your that point, right? Yes, and then okay, so when you hit your stride, well at what point did you really start to hit your stride? I always like okay, this is this is something right. So after a few years I was able to get a New York Times article features Korea through Google don't one of the reporters found me online and decided to do a story. Do you say you had two seo seo you mastered that right? Yeah. Can you explain seo seo stands for search? Engine optimization. So you find keywords that you highlight you pay for so that your results show up fast on Google. So being that no one was looking for stretching at the time. I had to pay for words like Jim yoga massage, and so when people would look for that boot, we would pop up and they're like, oh, what's this? So that's kind of how we started to develop a following. How did you underline like, how much does that cost? It was $300 a month like a company a company Town Square interactive so that so that's really I really works SEO really but I've seen that before and people still do it. You still doing yeah it really I'll never say but yeah same price. So what what what? Yeah. I'm just thinking like what's the key to find words that it's not because obviously it's like very popular words. It's like, you know, probably a million people using that same word. Right, is it to find words that aren't really so that much or believe it or not. Most small business owners. Don't use SEO as a tool. So even though you may be looking using the word gem most gyms are not using it. So it will highlight in your area and being that we essentially started the assisted stretching Movement. We were able to build our SEO campaign for years before anyone else tried to start using it. So we're like on the top like oh you already had a race right head of the race, but anyone can still benefit from it. You just have to incorporate those words throughout your entire website. You'll still show up. This is where the marketing. Yeah, so, all right, so you have the studio testing business is booming. But then you have a fire right? Yes. All right the studio burns down and you have to go into the basement of a church. Yes, but that was a moment for you where you realize you know what this isn't about me, right? The gentleman that will send it next you don't know value. There is a gentleman standing next to me and as the footwell the Flames were gone as the smoke is subsiding. He's like, I just bought a 10 pack of stretching sessions and all he cared about was his investment. But at that because in my head, I was like it burnt down. I'm done. I'm just gonna you know, chill strawberry get me an entrepreneur. I'm done, you know moved to Hawaii do something else and at that moment I was like, Now I have clients and I have employees. I can't just shut down. So at that moment. I knew this was bigger than just me. So it motivated me on a different level and that's actually when the New York Times reached out to us when we were in the basement of the church. It's funny. How life happens. So don't stop you God's work. So don't all right so--okay so you told us off camera about a book that changed my life and then you fired yourself the best thing ever. There was fire. Yes. Yes. All right. What does that mean if I self and how did that help you see the bigger picture? So it's called the e-myth Revisited like the letter e and it teaches you how to fire yourself from the things that you do not enjoy doing in your business so that you can be the creative force behind it and not lose, you know your light essentially a lot of entrepreneurs get burnout because they try to do everything themselves and they're afraid to delegate because they don't trust people. So I basically read the book and I force myself to do everything that is said chapter by chapter and my business started making more money as I fired myself because I would be stretching people answering the phones opening the door all at the same time stretching people and I see an email comes in. I would love to open it, but I can't cuz I'm stretching some so I just did it and it worked but it had dual benefits right because as you I just self right and had to hire someone new you have to write down the task procedures. Exactly. You're the measure. This is what you should be. This is what you should do, right? This is what I did wrong term that helps you out because now when it's time to create your own franchise exactly about the business, it's already there. But everything you said with me just really resonates like you it's hard to it'll be hard for anybody to understand that they're not an entrepreneur but you don't trust people and not know you don't trust people in a bad way, but it feels like you this is your baby right? It's like you you know what you're doing and you man I stood it, right you think you mastered it and it's like you don't really fully feel that somebody else can fulfill that role because they're not you and then even if you it's going to take you a long time to kind of teach them so you don't really trust them in that process, right? But like you said, I mean the problem with that is that now you're trying to do every single thing yourself and it gets a point in time when you just can't it's too much for you and somebody said in my business early on I heard they said never do anything never do. Anything that you can pay somebody else to do it exactly because there's only a disaster some things that you can only do right but absent everything else can be delegated. Absolutely. Right? So it's like even with us growing as a podcast. That's something that we even have to put in place as far as like we are we do this as far as like interviews and stuff like that but a lot of the other stuff we don't we shouldn't be doing right and we shouldn't be editing videos like that stuff that we can do some minor and smiles can do right. But as I said, that's true for any One or so, but I think the biggest step that stop people from doing that is to financial obligation also because it's like okay and so leap of faith because now it's to say it's bad enough to be entrepreneurial and have money coming might not come in. Yeah. So for now you gotta pay somebody else now, you definitely got to have money because you can't tell them I had a bad week. You can compare what point financially did you like? Okay, I have enough money I can do this or was that a leap of faith for you also. The leap of faith for the first month. I took it a lot less and I was hurt maybe even two months hear it in your voice. So here the pain but you have to go through that until you figure it out. And then once I figured out, okay, this is how much I need to make to cover myself so I can have my knee and one of the other things I did was I always had my cellphone payroll a lot of people start off with not paying themselves and Just paying everybody else, but I need I still needed a job. So putting yourself on payroll and seeing exactly how much you have to make. So I always set goals for the employees like this is the goal. We have to hit which included, you know, my individual goal yourself. We're not playing that game. That's right, and it just works. Its you gotta start slow. So if you hire someone for one day a week, like that's good. You just start slow until you trust the process. All right, so, all right, so we got the backstory. So now we're going to go into what I really me personally. I want to hear is the why and how you built the the franchise business and all the details in and out stuff like that Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income in today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on The Talk, Of money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or whatever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. All right. Now we're going to talk about how you built the business as far as to scale it to the next level because okay you haven't it's one thing to have a successful business. Right? But it's another thing to actually open a franchise operation. And and I guess that's hard to do. That's why you're the youngest one in the country youngest people on the beach. All right. Okay. It's not hard to do. It's hard to figure out if you don't have any guidance with the other day. Obviously, we've never I've never met anybody that own their own franchise. So like yeah like and was like, what was the guy that like well, what was the mentor the moment that you said? This is what I have to do now. So there I was really frustrated one day. I don't remember what was frustrating me but I went to Barnes and Nobles and I googled the top five franchise Consulting for firms and I called all five to see who it called me back first because at that point I was like, I don't want to open multiple locations. Well, can you talk about that, you know? So I actually actually a question like what made you say Okay, instead of opening. I want to shop in Newark. I want to shop in Brooklyn, but it's going to be what made you want to just say I want to do franchises and have other pain. I left this I did on another location at that point. Okay, so I own two locations and I was working on three but I was like, I don't I can't handle it on my own why so why did you why did you go you couldn't I wanted to maintain some free time for my family for my leisure. ER and for work, so I didn't there's a lot of business owners who just run around all day long to multiple locations and then burn out at night, but I always wanted to leave time for myself because I feel like that's important and I didn't want the business to overrun me. So I wanted to allow other people to open and I realize that in the United States you have to franchise if you allow somebody else to use your logo and your business name. I just found that out. So yeah, you can't let somebody else use it unless it's a franchise and there's a lot of people who like license their method there's their stores but you actually cannot you're not supposed to if you get caught. It's a big fine. You have to become a franchise if they are following your trademarks logos and name your trademark is to keep a method Kiko stretch. Studios the kike method was a bunch. Yeah. So I also French I mean franchise trademarked most of the trademarks myself. I just sat in front of a computer for hours until I figured it out and so so all right. So so you look the consulting firms, right? And what happened at that point. So the first one that called me back the guy Chris Connor out of Atlanta franchise Marketing Systems. And he pitched the whole concept of working with me. Like I think this could work. I'll be on a flight tomorrow and I'm like really okay mind you he was the only one that called me back. The other people called me back like three days later. I'm like that and so he came he looked at my studio. He hurt he listened to the whole model and he's like you could definitely do this. He helped franchise Massage Envy and a lot of other big franchises. So and his prices also like lower than all of the other franchise company 15,000. Okay. Yeah, most of them are 20 and out. And what do you get for that? Like he sets it up when he sets up the whole franchise model the FDD. Okay. All right so--okay so he came and then he's the one that set it up for you. He's the one that pulled the resources out of me the procedures. I had the strategies and he helped draft the I agree that you said the the academic Didi, what does that stand for again? Federal disclosure document and that's what you have to do in order to yes. So to have to open up a franchise you have to do the first thing up to as FDD, right? Yeah Federal Disclosure document. Yes. And you do that you do that with it. Nice States government. Yes. Each state has its own to thank wants that snatch the same FDD but each state has its own laws as far as Submission. So like New York, you have to submit your FDD. It has to be approved by the state each year before you can sell a franchise New Jersey. I can just give you my FDD and have you signed up on the spot New York. They have to approve it each year, New York. So is the worst and everything, California same same same so all right. So within the FDD So within the FDD, it's basically like the rule book for the franchise like this is what we're going to do for you. This is your role as a franchisee. This is my role it basically puts on the table every cost that you could incur with a business like this. It discloses to the franchisee everything. They would have to deal with if they decided to join your organization. Every possible element of everything. How long like how long is it? So mine is about 300 Pages 300 Pages hundred. Yes, and that's what he helped you right? Yeah. So he has a team of people that helped put it all together. So, how do you all right so is it like a set template to say like or like how do you come up with 300 pages of items or was using that that when you fired yourself you had so much writing already built up like I did so within the FTD so we do three weeks of training for each of the franchisees. So it lists how much time is spent on this topic in training like it spells out the whole training by minutes 30 minutes on this 30 minutes on that. It shows you the least possible amount of money you could use to open and the highest so there's a range it spells out liability of the franchisor. Like what are we liable for? What are we not liable for? So once the franchisee reads it they understand what they're getting themselves into and once they sign it you can't say I didn't tell you, you know, this is going to happen so that the FDD actually is the Instruction manual yes. It's yeah, you don't have like another one on top of that we do. So with the other one definite then there's an operations manual. So that's where all my strategies. Use Concepts all of my material as far as like how to find staff. It's in the operations manual. So the operations manual is what teaches them what to do. So that's a whole another document which came hand-in-hand with the FDA. And once they sign that document right the FDD. Yeah that can't deviate from that operational agreement. No, so how many pages is the operation? It's about 200 200 pesos 500 pages. Yes, it's like Lord of the Rings. So, okay. So how long how long does it take you to put together all of that? So I mean they were prepared to put it together within a month almost. That's what I needed more time. So it took me about four months. So you were did you actually write it yourself or you just dictated it to them dictated it to them. So what you ever suggest somebody can do it themselves. So there's some things you don't want to do yourself. One of those things is So the law so you really had a professional get in professional and do your research because a lot of people rip people off just to create that document. So you have to do your research so, you know what you're getting into. All right, so now okay. So you have the FDD done. Yes, and then you got approved how long it's going to take to get approved. So like once it was done I could sell and many states like once it's done. Here you go. Keep going. Okay, you want to open a New Jersey great. Well, I think we have to approve it. No. Unless you go to a state like New York, California. So so you were in Montclair, right? Yes one so if in New Jersey, New Jersey fortunately, right so like to put one in Brooklyn now, yes different right requires the state to approve it. All right. Okay. So you have the you have the FDD then you have the operational agreement and I up and running as far as you can now, you can have people buy a franchise right but that's only half the battle because people have to actually buy a franchise. Yeah. So what's the process for that? How did how did you get the word out? How did you get people interested in buying? Like how did that how was the first the first person that brought a franchise? How did that so I had so I owned a studio in Westfield Montclair and Westfield. So in Westfield, I had a manager that was so amazing. She was she was doing better than I could have and when I when you see Talent like that on your staff you have to do something about it or else they'll leave they'll find another job. Job, so I knew this position like she outgrew the position. So I talked to the company. I spoke to you guys about and I was like, how do I open up the first one? How do I find people and they talked about a pizzeria that sold their first one to their manager. They let their manager and it was already up and running it would be great to start with someone who knows the system. Yeah, so I proposed that offer to her and her husband and she took it so actually she became the first Franchisee, we have a slight franchisee story like 12 years ago. We try to get into a franchise Cold Stone. So there's an early episode but it was like, yeah, we need it 500,000 and we're like 20, right how we gonna do this, but you've created a different method. Yeah people who want to get into a franchisee. Yeah you want to talk about All right. So these franchises like a million dollars and some other franchise you have to buy three locations, but you can't just buy one location. You got to have like a million dollars and investable assets all kinds of stuff. It's not easy to open a franchise know so but your model is different, right? Yes. So before we even If you have a you have a sliding scale of the price range, right? Yeah anywhere from 30 to 90 correct, depending on geographic location exactly. So obviously major markets is more right and a smaller Market is less exactly are the major markets going to do more business. Yeah, and the real estate is more Innovative. Yeah, so alright. So what you also have income is it income-based income based financing can we like to call so yeah, can you explain that? So pointing that I'm coining Angel someone write it down. We actually bought that so basically like I started with $500 I had no net worth right. So if if someone offered me something they wouldn't and it would prevent me from having the opportunity of what I've done so far. So I kind of had that in my head like just because you have a million dollars in assets doesn't mean you're a good business owner. It really takes personality. This is a service business. So you have to have a personality. You have to be able to be likeable. So there's a lot of different things that would make you a good franchisee besides assets. So but I said it's over. Yeah, so will I so you can't have too many liabilities to get in but so basically it goes by person by person what but we look for number one people who are good with people people who show a healthy relationship with money. So even if You're making I don't know what $2,000 a month. I'm exaggerating but you're still saving for retirement five dollars a month that shows that you're you handle money. Well, and that's the biggest thing that we look for people who handle money well because if it's five dollars versus a million dollars, it doesn't matter because you're going to handle the business. Well, so we look at people's income what they currently do. Are they saving? What does their savings look? Like how much can they put up front towards the franchise what has been their work history what their passion is? We have a whole kind of checklist that we go over and we process it and then we approve them based on that. So who's we so it's myself and I have a team of three other people that helped with the franchise company and then you send but you guys can assist with financing to right? Yes. So can you talk about that? So the franchise fee is $30,000. However, Say you have 20,000. Usually you would never be able to own a franchise because you don't have enough money. So we might finance that other tin for you depending on the situation over time. So the biggest thing is there's a pool of people who are being left out of this whole franchise concept due to financial reasons. So we're making it easier for people who still have potential to get in and so so right now you have 12 franchises, right? Yes, 11 of them are minority-owned. Yes. Plus what I and you said that there's a certain demographic of franchisees that you're looking for why Millennials? What makes them the target audience here is another loaded question why Millennials? Well, so Millennials have been told by their baby boomer parents get a good job work there your whole life save for retirement. And that's it. You're a good person. However, we know that's not the case nowadays. You're learning very most people. Most people that's why you see speaking speaking of Mickey D's right? You see 50 year old six-year-olds working there because they don't have enough money to live off of their retirement plan did not carry them through so we have these Millennials who are getting frustrated with in their jobs. They've reached a glass ceiling and they're looking for opportunities, but nothing is there it because they are solely relying on their boss supervisor to give them a raise so, We've started doing is pitching for them to give themselves a raise through franchising and it's just a pool of people that are looking for a way out and we've realized these are the people that we want and we're going to help guide them and show them how to do it. It's probably one of the good things about franchise is that it allows you to so somebody said we had a guest and he said sounds of course Senegal, he said that in school they teach you not to cheat but in business you get rewarded for cheating. Not cheating people but like cheating as far as you see what somebody else has done and you copy that right? Right, right. I should use that word copy. Now you give a warning for copy, right? You you copy somebody paper and glass and you keep that school, right? You copy a business and you become a millionaire, right? So that's what it does is it saves the learning curve and like I said, I mean 97% of 95 percent of businesses fail. So if you already have a successful business your odds of being successful is a Higher, right then just starting out from scratch, right? And as you said, I mean you have 500 pages of a system that's already in place as opposed to just trying to wing it and start yourself. Right and it could be very lucrative to because you were saying like some of the locations like well over six figures. Yeah. So yeah. So those are all the pros I did a commercial for you look you don't listen so so, all right. So what's the revenue model like as far as how do how do you You make money off of the franchise, right? So we collect the franchise fees upfront or through our income based financing program. And then we collect royalties each month six percent royalties off of their gross income. So the benefit of doing a percentage is that if they it encourages us to make sure they're making money because if they don't make money are six percent is very small if they're being very lucrative and Our six percent is much larger. So we're constantly coaching them and helping them make more what I like to tell my friend chai's he's is that they'll always make more money than me. So it puts them in the mindset of oh, you're right. This is my thing. And one thing I wanted to say is we look for people who have currently been working for other companies as employees and putting their all into their job not but not getting anywhere. So it's a mindset switch. This is the hardest. Thing to get them to understand if you work just as hard for yourself, you'll make money. It's like what you said you said like their success is your success exactly. So how long is the agreement? How long does that last it lasts for 10 years. It was a ten-year period yes, okay, and then okay, so all right so--okay I want open a franchise I meet with you I get approved of course 30,000. Let's say I give you 30,000 and then I you get some help too. All right, like what's the what after that you said you provide training and we don't know if you provide so that includes three weeks of initial training 10 years of support and from Monday through Friday constant support. So what is the support like website support website support publicity, we provide graphics for the franchisees to use we provide the to like basically every tool you can think of with the SEO. For their location, but they're not going Staples like you do. They're not going to the oppose. They're much more sophisticated than I ever was great internship as you bring crows, obviously to Brand recognition that's there and recognize another plus of being a franchisee on it's okay. So now Peter 30,000 I get the shop. I'm making 10,000 a month. I give you 600. I keep ninety four hundred and that's fine. Yes. Okay. All right. I did it for the people that are financed. So the people that don't have Money up front that you finance or your company finances. How do they pay you back over great. So we work out an agreement 24 months 32 months. It depends of whatever the balance is broken up over time. So they would pay that balance and then they would pay the six percent interest added to it. Of course God, I think that it depends on the situation. Yeah. All right. So question so now to find out about having like a franchise like even like a McDonald's who has millions of franchises all over the world. How do you know if somebody's like deviating from like you sending spies in there like check when people like how do you know like yes. Really the door. We send out secret shoppers. We actually just did that to two Studios and they were there was a prize and also with social media nowadays, you can like we spot stuff sometimes like row. I highly wearing a pink shirt when they're supposed to wear a black shirt, you know, things like that, but we focus it's like its own little Department we focus on that just making sure that yeah, so, all right. So what's the process is like, okay. You have like you mess up too many times and you're done. Yes. That's also in the FDD. Okay, three strikes. You're out. It's yeah, it's basically three structure. Yeah. Okay. I didn't so you strip them off using the name and all that you can yes, this is a poor people to know because it's like like I said on me, I don't know this stuff so great. It's like if you want to start a franchise, it's good information. Like, you know, yeah, you got to know everything that you need to know before you go into business you cuz you gotta expect every possible case scenario. What? What could possibly happen you have to be the type of person that is okay with running with something that already exists right? You can make it your own because there's a lot of wiggle room. You can choose who you hire you can choose business perks that you would give your clients, but you have to be willing to follow an existing model. So if you're the type of person to take something and just completely rip it apart because you just want to do your own thing then franchising is not for you. So what you consider a franchise owner as an entrepreneur or a manager good question both because that's essentially what we're doing what I do manage the locations on a higher level to ensure that they're following our systems. So as far as me is the franchisor I have monthly calls with each Studio. I'll fly out a few times per year to like visibly see it just might so the This thing about my job is making sure it's just like my little studio in Montclair. We're all the same. We're all because we have clients that travel from state to state and they expect the same experience and because it's a service business, you know, people are very verbal about if they're dissatisfied. But so far we've been doing a really good job through reviews and things like that on Google check it out. Alright, so in the next segment, we're going to go into scaling. And how you gon blow this thing out the water? What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you're probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to all flying wherever you are and it's really easy to share what Been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. Alright, so now we're going to go into the next level of business as far as we explain the whole process of how you got started then we explain how you set up the franchises now, we're going to talk about how you get Growing the franchise, but before we go there so we kind of briefly talked about it, but we didn't really fully go into it. So you have a system in place to hire or to work with minority business owners, right? Yes for your French. Is that something that you just do as an eye test or is that like a system that you have in place to kind of like like what's it the Rooney Rule if NFL yeah where they have to interview with that. Yeah, if anybody has thought the NFL they have to at the whenever they're hiring a general General. Right, and yeah, they have to they have to pick up an African-American as one of the candidates don't have to hire them anybody any minority. It could be Hispanic as well. Okay, a minority as one of the people that they interview. Yeah, so I said to say do you have something like that in place or it's just something that you just actively looking for ya. So it's organically grown like that just starting from Instagram people like what she's a franchisor doing more research. Search into what I'm doing and they see someone that looks like them. So I think that's what's helped grow grow it so far. It's just been organic because it can't because this I forgot the exact percentage but it's a very low percentage of I don't want to use the term minority is I never really liked that word. It's just so broad ranging and it's not really completely accurate different conversation for a different day. But yeah, it's for An American right? It's a very low percentage of African-American franchise owners franchisees owners and especially franchisors. Yeah, it's like me and two other people right and holkar. Yeah like three people in country. Yeah, so it's needed I needed to something that because we need more in every area but especially in this area as well. Yes. I think it's a great thing that you're doing and yeah kudos to you on that. Thank you very much. So alright. So you have 12 you have 12 locations right now, right? Yeah, where are they located? So Montclair, Westfield, New Jersey, Morristown, New Jersey Summit, New Jersey. Do you want me to just say you won't stick? Okay. I'm like nice going to take to New Jersey, Florida, Texas Atlanta, Pennsylvania, and we're working working on Nevada and Marilyn. Okay, so you have 12 right now. So you your goal is to have 65. Went five years five years. So how do you grow from 12 to 65? So far, it's just been word of mouth and just showing happy people like success stories. It's important. Like I never like to sell something that I didn't believe in so I'm really hard on myself my model and I'm like do I believe this because if I don't nobody else will so when I have a franchisee who's successful and they're making money then they post about it and other people get encouraged by it. So our strategy has just been Word of Mouth So far what so what type of locations are you looking for? A and then b as far as inventory what is needed to be put in into one of your Studios? I know you started with a ball on a mat. Yeah. I know we've grown since oh, yeah, what type of thing was the fireworks? What are the things that you need? So yeah basic operational equipment like phones computers. We have a retail area that consists of like we sell CBD products we have Brandon material we have these amazing jealous Ox that no other Studio has that you put your foot in and it's like squishy gel that has essential oils and things like that. We also have mats that have measuring systems on it. So we track clients results. So I there's another trademark Kiko stretch age. So when you come in will actually tell you how old you are flexibility wise. I added that before we track it. They said I was 65. I was 22. That's when I discovered I have asthma right and we track it. So we're giving clients measurable results. So that's why they keep coming back as far as locations storefront. It could be second floor. The thing is if you don't have street level visibility, you just have to have visibility in other ways marketing online presence. So we teach them how to to Market and be successful based on their location. What's the pricing model? So it ranges from $50 to $90 lights per session for also, you don't do monthly memberships. We do not do monthly membership. So is that the pack gems? Y-yeah the packs? Yeah. Why don't you come on so we do we work on a package system. So people buy packages of 5 or 10. So that's what we Market pitch. Why do you Yeah, why why packages as opposed? That's interesting because every time that I've been to it as always been monthly monthly memberships, right and everybody usually the idea with the monthly subscription is that people don't really cancel monthly things and it keeps its a way for some ongoing Revenue where it's right pay your package is like one time then I might not come back to July. So that's interesting. Why do you why do you think that the package is better than the monthly so we've actually done the numbers like with our competition who does memberships and so once you sell a membership once a person N cancels it's done. You lost a customer but if you sell a package, so we sell a package on their first visit. They come nine more times feeling like they're just walking in the door or not paying anything. We show them measurables results in between and then when it's time to re-up. We're like look how far you've gone. Would you like to purchase another package? Yes, they become addicted to it. We've done the numbers and we make more than half. We make double what the Studio's make when Only solicit memberships so because I'm sorry. Yeah guy. No, no. No, so I'm thinking in my head. I'm trying to Envision this one I call when I have an individual trainer each session that I go. Yeah. So like if there's how many customers are you seen at a time and it's so we have the Studios have three to four rooms. So three sessions at a time. Maybe it's too on good days. It's four sessions at a time. Okay that meets our so, okay. So psychologically they paid a $50 $50 for how many glasses sessions one occasion so per session. Okay, $250 right 10 sessions, right? And you said that they don't feel like the pain after they paid up front psychologically. Yeah, it's less low for 10 weeks, right and as opposed to just paying every single month, right? And so we felt like I built this system on that years ago and then when the whole Membership fees came I questioned it but we did surveys with all of our clients and they're like nah, I wouldn't I would just cancel it at some point. So we have the same clients that we've had for the past eight years. So all right, but how regular do people come in once a week? Okay, so it's not a scheduled thing where I can just come once if I do D intentions, I can come once a month or you can schedule it how you how you want clothes, but we recommend that you come once a week in the beginning. It's only classes. It's one-on-one. No classes one on one on one one on one one instructor one person. Yes. So what's the time frame that you have for that? So we do 25 minutes sessions 45-minute sessions in 60 minutes sessions. What like what all day all day. So who is your obviously you guys are gonna grow like you're set to do this who is your direct competition who was coming into the space since you've been doing it. This is a good who is who wasn't in that space before y'all there was no one was in the space before me people thought I was crazy of course, right? There's a company that actually flew out and approached me when we had the fire to attempt to buy me out. What happened was a big company they on a cycling Studio Pilates and they were looking for stretching. So it was me or another company and so met with the guy he's like a hole Blown Away, of course, we signed an NDA non-disclosure agreement. Aunt but I was I was able to chat with him and get his mind about what they were looking for as far as like acquiring a company. So basically the buyout was really low and they would give you they called it an owner salary or founding members salary and that's all you would get you would not own the franchise company they would so of course I declined and they went with my competitor. So we both started scaling at the same time. And actually that's the I just remember that's one of the reasons I did decide to franchise because I saw they were about to franchise. So I was like I have to do you think that the offer was low be due to the fact that you're African woman. I was gonna say I hope so because it was so slow like that. I can't imagine but I have no idea but the fact that I would not own the franchise is why I was like, hmm. Nah, I can't just receive a check. So okay, how much was it 250 a year? The buyout yeah, okay, so, all right. So this is very interesting for its active because all right, so you don't 101 right? I've never I've never heard of a gym that does that before but does that limit you as far as the growth could have how many people can you actually how many like how many rooms are less? So each location has three to four rooms? Okay. So yeah, do you think of that? Have you ever thought about opening it up? Because like yoga right and when I go to yoga is like 20 people right 40 people sometimes like huge and obviously the more money more people more people but obviously is better to get one-on-one, right? That's great. So have you ever thought about expanding and having more people in classes like actual classes? So we yeah, we tried we did the classes and then we would pitch like, oh try one on one session. And so people from the class will try them one on one and never go back to the class. It was a different experience. So if we have four rooms that are fully booked it's more if not the same amount of money of a huge class would taken because it's their parents highest playing its higher price. Alright? Yeah. Alright. Well that's important for people to understand because you gotta know your price point you got to know is you know different ways to make money right? It's like it's like close right you can make Money if your Target and you're selling jeans for $5.00 right or you can make money if your sex fifth and you something Jack 500 exactly going to Seoul s pair of jeans at Saks Fifth but it's higher price point exactly going to sell more pair of jeans to Target was to lower price point. We also we let our clients share their packages with friends and family. So the package has run out faster. That's what so who's the Target customers who like wealthy people higher income higher higher income. And so we have young athletes whose parents are like a type personalities who want their kids to be the best of the best the best of the best so we have eight year olds that come we have busy professionals Millennials who have great jobs, but their bodies are shutting down so they come to us and we have a baby boomers. So right now all all the companies are focusing on Millennials. How can we engage Millennials will any I don't know why people are so obsessed with Millennials. I'm a moment. You know, we're not we're cool. But I'm just saying like but people have forgotten Baby Boomers. So we've captured that audience with our business and now they're all what we sell is youth. We sell Youth and you have something that's measurable. So yeah, that's important that we like that right? Hmm. Don't that's those. All right. So what's next how can the people contact you if they want to open up a franchise? They want to partner with you headed? What's the deal? Well you information. So what's next so we're working. On expanding into other states. We're just trying to have a local kike stretch and major communities as a center for people to just feel good. I wish I brought my Mac but just basically helping to improve people's quality of life. So being that everything is about machinery and Technology. We forgotten the importance of human touch and humans. So we're going to concentrate instantly provide a human experience no matter what throughout the time of Technology. They you can contact me on Instagram. Let me say it real slow. So it's kike. I am so Ki K AI am you can email franchise at kike stretch for more information and we're just looking to change lives really closing the Gap and just helping people gain generational. Of starting with us today, that's dope. Thank you. Thank you for coming again guys, Troy. I got some housekeeping. Yeah. I wanted to give a big shout-out to everybody on patreon. Y'all know that that's how proud to pay program. We have some new members. Shout out to Patrick Chad shouted the Marcus he joined in at tier 5. So we're going to be talking to him a few times as mulch out to David and Kimberly and Sheffield out in DC Chef. We let you in on a few secrets that of things that we got coming up. So shout out to you so backstage during your leisure. You can join at any tips you'd like is five different tiers. And like I said, it's just a way to support the podcast financially so that we can do things like travel to cities and do more of our hometown hero series that we that we recently released Will shout out to everybody that's person that emerged shy guys assets or liabilities as a number 1 shirt. I think I got the the podcaster. So thank you everybody that's been supporting merch and we got some new merch coming out as well. And also YouTube make sure you subscribe to our ITunes Channel and Linkedin also we are just got on LinkedIn so connect with us on LinkedIn. So we don't want all social media platforms now Facebook Twitter Instagram and Linkedin and the Book of books tip of this week will be the book that changed your life the e-myth Revisited and that's the book that you told us where you started firing yourself. So yeah, check it out. Thank you guys for watching. We'll see you next week, please, please.
Kika Wise is the true definition of a trailblazer. She is the youngest female franchisor in America. Not only is she the youngest female franchisor in America across all racial lines but she is also one of only a handful of black franchisors in the county. She is the owner of Kika Stretch Studios which is a fitness stretching studio that has 12 locations nationwide. Kika has a unique income-based buy-in model for her franchises to help anyone become an owner. She also has a focus on inclusion, 11 of her 12 locations are owned by minorities. She started her first studio in 2011 with her last $500 that she had to her name from a tax return. She took a leap of faith and rented a room for $300 and spent on marketing $200 on marketing. In episode 37 she explained how she turned $500 into 12 national locations. She also detailed the process and went over the ins and outs for anyone looking to become a franchisor or franchisee and she gave the cheat code on how to make your business appear at the top of Google searches. Guest IG: @kikaiam Book Tip: The E Myth Revisited --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
Fellow fiends, welcome to another terrifying and delectable episode of nightmare on film Street the horror podcast with zero credibility, but all of the blood ghouls. And Gore your puny heart can handle let's give a grave Welcome to our hosts John and Kim. Hello again fiends and welcome to nightmare on film street. I'm Kim. I'm John and this week we are how do I even introduced this? Say, my name? Say my name? It's the craziest devil feature. We've ever done the most loosed the with the most loose pairing of the podcast no one asked for it. But this is I you know, I think everybody asked for this and I think this is why I like our podcast and I hope this is why you like our pocket my God. This is the most risky, you know, we're kicking off 2019. Oh, this is a great first episode to the year the most sensible way possible. Yep with a pairing of Candyman and Beetlejuice. That's right. Two entities that you call upon by saying their name saying their name, thank you John. I don't know if that really yeah to be perfectly honest. I had nothing to say after that first first wave and I just wrote it on in. I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas break holiday break New Year's all the stuff that happens in that period of December where you just go into a food coma and you don't know what day of the week it is until somebody asks why you're not at work. It's such a mess. This guy's today was my first day not eating like a horrible person and it was awful. My entire body was like bro. Where's where the snacks? Where's it's been it's been half an hour We're supposed to eat again. Right? No, not at all. I hope you're doing better. I'm just going to start this episode the way I normally do by asking Kim what's keeping you creepy this week. Well if you guys haven't heard it yet we released. Bonus episode last week during the break. It was John and my top 10 horror genre films of 2018. We both counted down our picks. There was some crossover there were some surprises John has a number one that I don't necessarily agree with because you haven't seen it because it's not hereditary. Well that guy and there's also a ton of best of Articles now on the website, they're all sticky to the top of NFS There's top female performances Top Male performances. Villains of 2018 and our 10 favorite moments of the year. Yeah horror, so there are some great kills some big shocker surprises and I'm going to try and drive it so Great Kills some I can leave the room. I didn't rhyme and I'm talking like a human being but I will say John that was your article you did a good job of not spoiling some of the thrilling moments that you picked out. So if even if there's something you haven't seen don't worry, they are not super spoiied. Yeah. If you haven't seen hereditary, there's no spoilers and small spoiler here that's on the list. But you know, if you've been avoiding any of our top 10 stuff because you've had enough of them already. We do also have some titles in there that are movies to look forward to that are coming in 2019 that we were lucky enough to see on the film festival circuit in 2018. Yeah, and then if you're totally sick of best of lists and talking about 2018 this January, we are celebrating body horror. ER month because you know January is one of those months where there's there's not a whole lot going on. So we just figured we're going to throw as much Gore gross - pustules Body morphia New Year New You right nothing more horrifying than when your body just revolts against you become something else entirely You couldn't possibly understand. We've got body horrors of puberty body horrors of like doctors and weird awful surgery. Every possible Avenue, we're going to make Arguments for movies that are technically body hard. Despite the fact that no one calls them body horror werewolves. Yeah variables. That's my number one that it's a body horror as a sub-genre buddy werewolf is always body horror. No argument. Yeah agreed sometimes vampires too, right? Oh totally because you got like a specially movies like Afflicted where you like you are in that transition like the sickest part. Yeah. We're that last so we got to die first. Yeah, okay. You can follow that all month long and NTFS We have a ton of editorials that are going to be going throughout the month and some amazing stuff plans. That's going to be really awesome. What better way to celebrate all them new muscles and changes your body the giggling. Yes, an extra limbs and antennae are two we just call it David Cronenberg. Well, yeah and, you know early days of January, we already have new horror rust Creek just came up from IFC midnight, but This week is the cube / saw mashup escape room. Yeah, we're going to be checking that out. Hopefully Ted and Jake's ever said yeah, and we're going to be recording our bonus drive home from the drive-in review for patreon that patreon exclusive episode which you can expect this weekend on patreon at slash Nightmare On Film Street speaking of patreon. I just want to give a quick shout out before we get started on our say my name say my name, too. Double feature cons never gets not funny. This is too weird. Why don't we dump before we get started? I just want to give a big shout-out to our most recent patreon supporters Andre trop Parker Chris Andrew at you know, what? I got a better idea Andre Andre Andre Cha-cha-cha Parker Parker Parker Chris, Chris, Chris and Andrew Andrew Andrew. If you want to have your name summoned on this podcast. I don't know Patriot or really, honestly. Just head over to slash Nightmare and film Street, check out all the cool bonus content available to you as a monthly supporter. But again, thank you guys so much for supporting the show will also be doing our second livestream on patreon January 26th at 2:00 in the afternoon. Yeah, right that we're doing that one at earlier in the day at Eastern Standard Time. So those of you across the pond will get a chance to play along in the live stream and it not be like 5:00 in the morning. So those of you in the Americas you better show up for lunch brunch with Nightmare on film the street where we will have I think we're going to be talking about glass. Yeah glasses up by them. So hopefully we'll have some things to say on that and we'll play some horror trivia. But yeah, that is January 26th at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at patreon. Let's talk about Candyman. If you ever heard Candyman, if you look in the mirror you say his name five times. In cities everywhere and demand they whisper his name Candyman. It's just a story can't a man and just a ghost story Candyman repair community starts attributing the daily horrors of their lives to a mythical figure Helen a woman died in there leave. it That's modern oral. Folklore. Everyone, except Helen Lyle production. They safer out here. That'll scare too easy on Nobel Ruthie Jane that he never gonna catch him handyman. Who is that? So Candyman from 1992 directed by Bernard rose candy man is currently sitting at a six point six out of 10 on IMDb 75 percent on Rotten Tomatoes three out of four from Roger Ebert who I think's out of the Toronto International Film Festival where premiered is part of the Midnight Madness screening, but also has a three point four out of five on letterboxed. So I had first seen Candyman as a kid we rented it from Jumbo Video at the cottage and it was a VHS tape and I didn't remember really anything about it other than you know, what you you know about candy man. He's got the hook for a hand you say his name three times. He five times. Oh, what are you you bloody Mary? I'm into. Yeah exactly and then he comes and he hooked you to death unless of course, you're Virginia Madsen and he wants to make you his woman, right? So we're going to get back to that. But before we get into the to all of it, I just want to say that I also don't necessarily have a lot of strong memories before we sat down re-watch it now. I watched it as a kid as well and I have a few scenes that are like really stuck with me because it was always on TV and I think I just watched segments of it at a time. But I love that as kids Candyman and scary movies in general were kind of exactly like the story of Candyman like all of those movies were in led to see never an Elm Street Candyman. All of them were urban legends to us to a degree. Yeah, we all yeah. We you knew about Candyman Candyman not even knowing about not even seeing the movie because yeah kids would just one kid will be able to watch it and then they would reiterate what they saw which was this like stupid kid down version. Yep, and then by the end of it you only just have like the basic lure like say is new in the bathroom mirror, then he comes through with it. Clothes hook and kills you and a close. Look that isn't gentrification. Like what? Yeah, the ones smart kid in the playground. But yeah, I was really pleasantly surprised watching this as an adult. It's actually a really great urban legend movie or a movie based off an urban legend that created this really interesting movie that has so many cool layers to it. I don't want to get into too much of it so early on in the show, but I was not expecting the kind of mental health aspect. Of it and the journey that Helen goes through as a character. It's pretty interesting. What's funny is like all of those that that stuff with Helen is kind of what I remember mostly that and just like Tony Todd just having like the coolest Goddamn voice. Yeah, and he just speaks in like he's not speaking in poetry but it's basically poetry right you get that from the opening moments to like what's blood if not for shedding like this. Okay. We are in a different world. Here this this guy who's don't make any sound shoes don't make any sense. And that's how you know, he's a ghoul another cool. He seems pretty ghoulish. Sometimes just with the bees coming at it was exposed rib cage. I feel like that was a conscious choice of his because he was stung by bees to death and he comes back and his face is perfect. Like he is a handsome devil, but that he opened his jacket. He's like Hots be surprised. Okay, I see. You mean even a conscious decision I like the makeup Department of like yeah look great. No, like he I'm talking about Candyman as as a being. Yeah, he chose his for I was gonna say Jesus said like hey, man, you got to come back, but it's definitely not Jesus says, you know, you got to come back you were really wronged you get to be a new folklore thing. So how would you like to come back? We get a new Dapper and handsome terrifying and scary be man. Can I have 90% Dapper handsome? And 20% these yeah, like if you want to just like fix up my mug here because this is a moneymaker right? And then just trenchcoat me. I love that in that decision. He doesn't say, you know be nice secondhand I could just hold a hook. I mean, right right things like Nas. That's a deal-breaker. Sorry there bud. Okay. So like how bad of a death do you need for Satan to go? Like as a rough one man? We're gonna we're gonna give you one back. You can kill a person every decade. As that sounds is that all he kills I honestly so with Candyman and with a lot of boogeymen, I think but Candyman especially in a fucking love it, it's all about Legacy, right? His name has to be remembered kind of like Freddy Krueger. But Freddy Krueger is I mean, I guess they're both about revenge but but but Candyman, it's not like he comes and he kills people just because they say his name in a mirror. It's because people are starting to forget like Like to reinforce his legacy and his name and his story. He comes back to Kill Ya like killing is just the means by which he retains his legendary status. Exactly. And so I think now that we have somebody like Virginia Madsen and her friend Bernadette who are putting a thesis together and really poking holes at the Candyman Mythos and mystery and trying to establish it as fake and just some oral history that people have strung together over decades. Chosen her because it will help reinforce his legacy. Well, it's interesting too because it seems like at least in the present state of this movie. He's kind of on easy street because as we learn throughout the film The Local gangs have kind of adapted Candyman into creating almost their own little internal Fortress. Like they are taking advantage of the Candy Man legend to create fear and they're kind of using it as a blanket to both hide under and terrorized with so Candyman kind of doesn't have to do his own terrorizing on his behalf. There's a gang doing it for him, which is really interesting. It's almost like he gets to just sit back and let people fear and Revere him. Yeah, and that's that's probably also what helps tip Virginia Madsen into the like, oh no people are just using Candyman to cover up their own murder. So I thought that too and I know Tony Todd is Candyman halfway through the movie. I was just like, oh my God, this is really cool because this film touches on so many different aspects of what candy man could be. Normally a first film doesn't explore all of those Avenues. And normally when it does it's too much you're like, whoa, there's gang Candyman. There's mental illness Candyman, and then there's actual candy man is a real legend think any improper. Yes. There's really cool. So Helen, she's a grad student grad student. Yeah, right. Yeah. Is that teaching anywhere? No. Yeah. She's finishing her thesis. So maybe she's going for a PhD or whatever. She's with a bunch of like Rich with knowledge snob types who are by the way that rich was knowledge subtype is Bernard Rose the director of the movie. Yeah. I hated him. I think you're supposed to write and it's interesting that you've got. You've got a bunch of classism in this movie, but there's even classes and at that table like yeah is the intellectual Elite and she is so far below him because she doesn't have her pH. Clearly. You didn't read my article in 1992 on clearly. You did not such a prick. Instead of just doing like standard surface level report her and Bernie her I guess student colleague. You tell her partner's. Yeah, they they want to go deeper into this Candy Man legend. And so that takes them to kind of like the projects where Candyman was born and brainy green as it's now and they're basically following this particular murder, right? Yeah, the I think they need to have one story to focus on the Caterers have like The general Candyman Mythos, so they're going to use this one story that everybody attributes as a to Candy the origin or the yeah the main kill or something. Yeah, but they're not in that kind of like a podcast like they're not necessarily going out to find the real killer but they they're going to poke holes into the assumed story that can't even killed this woman. She's trying to posit that a real person did it by climbing through the mirror from one apartment to the next which was so cool when they did that reveal about how There's no like fire code wall in between the bathroom mirror and her own house where she's living which grad student has no debt, not likely but whatever. Yeah. She's with her dickhead Professor husband. They are they married though, I think so. Yeah, totally because he introduces her as his wife. Mmm. Yeah. Mmm into his girlfriend. Yeah that whole movie you're just like, you know, he's cheating on her that whole thing and every time you see him he's doing Shady things the boyfriend not candyman candyman something up and up but literally getting consent from her this entire movie. He does right. He literally waits for consent. I'm gonna kill zone like her friends and stuff to do it, but the ruins are like, okay. Well, I'm not your honey. I'm not trying to paint a picture of him as a nice guy. I think he's nice. I just mean it seems like he's treating Virginia meds and nicer than her husband. I mean, that's also not true. What am I talking about? Yeah. That's okay. So bathroom mirror she shows Bernie that because her apartment I guess is like a refurbished version of the same building concept as Cabrini-Green. Yeah, it was originally intended as a housing project, but then because of the skyline I guess they decided to turn into Condominiums. Yeah, but it was the same building structure. So she finds out that she can literally punch through her medicine cabinet into the next apartment and she thinks that that's the means by which the killer who killed this woman in Cabrini-Green literally was able to just climb on through the apartment and that's cool for that alone. I think is enough for me to love this movie the idea of a killer coming through the window and not being a legend at all. Like I would have been perfectly fine with that if there was no real Candyman and it was just a guy using the like low-income housing project as his means of sneaking around and being this mythological figure. Yeah. It's kind of crazy. It's terrifying and there's enough for Is he the doors not busted down? Like how did he get in? If nobody knows I thought it was really cool. Yeah, Tony Todd really doesn't show up for a little while. I think it's a smart choice because I think we do need to sort of go down these Paths of oh candy man is just a story like we need to we need to establish that as a possibility before we establish that Candyman does exist before we then also establish. Maybe it's all in Helens head a large portion of this movie is tailored to Gus think that in this is no surprise that way that's seen it obviously but like we are supposed to at some point think that Candyman could potentially just be inside Helens head and she's gone crazy and she is killing people for reasons, but just lost it she's just School stressed. I mean like there is there is obviously like The Shining like one key moment in the movie where Candyman interacts with the real world that is impossible if he isn't real and I think that's where Undoes the straps on the psychiatrist. He undoes the straps on on Helen when she's in the psychiatrist's office. Yeah, but she could have gotten out there's I don't know. Let's let's assume you can't get out of those. So I think of the of the threads of things I think that's that's pretty nitpicky John that's nitpick. I think it is. Okay. Well, I mean if I needed we could maybe say given that she's an unreliable narrator that the psychiatrist came over and under straps for some reason then she killed the psychiatrist and got out but in her Her mind, it's I think we should walk up to that part. Okay, why she's in the psychiatrist office because that for me was the biggest turnaround of the movie when she finally meets Candyman after she's been searching. So we have this false Candyman where she's she's poking around too much. She ends up meeting a gang who adopted Candyman and one of the gang members is portraying Candyman and they beat her up and the girls bathroom Rosa. I can't believe I tried to gloss over that. No, but the When she kicks open that final stall and then there's the arrow pointing down. Where is that? Is it does it lead to his lair? That's in the apartment building. I bet it does maybe pretty cool. So it's Philip. Why does she go back again though? Why does she go back to the apartment building again? Yeah after getting beaten up. She goes back don't actually think she may be no because she candy man is in the parking garage any man appears to her in the parking garage when his shoes are making noise out. So there's is actually something I really like about that scene and it's partly a small impossibilities thing that you love his love pointing out. We see Helen walking toward her car. Then we see just a pair of shoes and a long coat definitely Candyman following her to her car. But when he starts talking to her and we have like that super awesome echoey voice over from Tony Todd. He's not behind her where you would expect further down the parking garage. He's actually on an adjacent wall on the other. Their side to think it's just like really cool camera techniques how he's sort of surrounding her to a degree. I never got that. I just know I kept trying to show it to you and you're like, I don't see what's so special about this because maybe he just appeared in that spot and he's always been walking towards her car where she's been walking and he's really come up against a wall is the thing. Mmm. If that were the case based on how we're watching Helen we would see him across the way walking side by side with her just a few feet away either way. Candyman finally appears whether or not it's a miraculous and her dialogue in that scene is great too because you know you you doubted me so I had to appear I cannot remember the exact words. Unfortunately any moments of Helens character all the way up to this point before she's even meet meeting met him. There's there's this really interesting at first I didn't really like it. But now I'm kind of appreciating it. She almost gets washed over with this cereal trance or it's like a sexual thing. I'm not sure. Like some blocking on her eyes, so she has like that light going She Glows like a Hollywood Starlet because yeah, she's being lit in this like hazy glow and maybe it's because everybody's smoking and every single scene that it's always so fucking hazy. There's so much chain-smoking in this movie. It's Gotta mean something that we're just not picking up. It's there's so much smoking like and every time you shoot on her hand is just flicked up with a cigarette and you're just like, why are you always smoking? It's not just must be like a different age now because nobody I don't know it seems it seems so so over the top that you mention the Elegance of this film would be completely lost. That was everybody had vape pens. Yeah, she's always completely like in trance like even when she was at that mean dinner with those mean and relax once. Yeah, once they start explaining the can you ensure lost in it? Yeah, and that's really interesting because at the end you find out she's kind of a mythical figure herself or she's kind of like his right hand and that she herself could have been this legendary figure all along. It's almost like Dracula story and she's mean so in being Mina. She's always been this person kind of thing is why it's this story is always so entrancing to her and maybe why she's gone so far into discovering the story is like it was always supposed to go down this way. Yeah, and I definitely think you're right. There is a strong romantic relationship between the two of them, but not not like lovers though, you know, like there's a romance in the roles that they're trying. Owing to play I think like victim and murderer like they've definitely romanticized him claiming her because yeah won't even says like his whole iconic line is be my Victim, right? Exactly and just like he wants her to or he at least he's waiting for her to give herself over to him, but it's different than what he does with everybody else because he kills a bunch of people in this movie. I kills a person in this movie. That's that's true too big. Well you did cold open, but I think it's It's all to get her to a point where she's willing to give up. Yeah, but he's not asking them to be his victim. They just be not of those murders are attributed to Candyman and that's the idea and I think he needs to get her back to Cabrini-Green because when it's revealed that she after that parking garage scene, which is fucking great and we have a ton more shots of her just being hypnotized by Candyman just like I gotta go. I'm in danger, but she's not running away whatsoever. She wakes up absum sheeter. Her she loves him. She's definitely hypnotized by him. But she wakes up and Ann Marie's apartment. That is the best scene in the whole movie because I was completely blindsided. I had no idea what was going on and I didn't know any of his motivations at this point. I didn't know what Candyman was after I didn't know why he didn't just take her and for her to wake up in a pool of blood with a woman screaming a dead dog a baby that I thought was dead to me. I thought the baby was dead in the crib and I always like my hands were over my mouth for that scene. I was like, oh my God, I can't even what did you do? We trusted you know, it was all Helen all along. Oh, man. That scene is crazy. Yeah. No, it seems nuts. And I really do think he's just trying to break her down and get to her get her to Rock Bottom and to really discredit that person who is trying to prove the Candyman doesn't exist. Well, and I also think too it's and it's going to be really interesting to see how they explore this in the modern remake that they're doing they're showing her a world that she's not familiar with like as this upstanding high-class white woman. She gets really to grade it from here on in the film. She's not treated well by the police she's asked to strip. That's probably one of my other favorite scenes when rate after she's picked up by the police and she's hysterical. She has no idea what's happened. She's just over to take a shower. She's covered in blood and the the woman police officer is giving her nothing and that scene is actually pretty long and I think it's To show her being degraded sure and she's asked to take off her shirt and she does and she peels it off and it's covered in blood and her bra is covered in blood and the blood is starting to dry and it stuck to her a little bit. She has to take off her bra. She's to hold her breasts to keep you know to keep them dignity and the cop is asking her to lift each breast to make sure she's not hiding anything under there even though like she owns a condo and the up side of town with her professor husband and like this isn't something that this woman would do. Yeah, and she's asking to To speak to the cop that she's on first name basis with and the cop that's booking. Her does not give a shit and has asked her to take her underwear because she's going to have to bend down and golf Lenny shouldn't anyway because as far as he knows she just killed a dog and possibly a baby right? Like I see what you're saying. He I don't think he has to give her any fucking credit for anything but it's not a role. She's used to having she's used to being able to walk in and say like, oh, I got hurt in the project. Please save me. And and they're all super happy for they're just like oh thank God, you're the one that got hit with a hook if it had been anybody else we wouldn't be able to take him to trial. Yeah, and the moon the first time that happened she's all kind of upset about it because she's like, there's stuff been happening here all along and as soon as one white lady gets punched in the eye they're arresting people, but now she's being may be charged with murder and I think she wants some privileges if she wants to talk to the cop, right? Yeah. It's kind of an interesting experience because Candyman he's trying to ruin her life to the point that she will. Succumb to whatever he wants but it's interesting in a storytelling way to show this character going through that Journey. Can I ask you a quick question? Yes, do you think any man exists now? Okay. Let me let me rephrase that because it sounds like what I'm asking you is whether or not Helen is Candyman. Yeah, and that's not what I'm asking. What I'm asking is that backstory the professor douchebag McGee gives is that even true is Candyman real life person who was murdered in this horrible way? Ashes were spread across Cabrini-Green and now is coming back and trying to keep his legacy of blood or like New Nightmare. Is it literally just a story that people assumed word was true and kept telling it to each other until it became true. Like is Candyman a construct of that oral mythology. That's built by the people who are also scared of it. That's the whole point of the film is you're supposed to come away with the is the Answer is he to answer it? I think takes away from the film the fact that it could all be in a Helens head Candyman could be this creation of him being murdered over loving the woman that he loved or he could be created from the rate. Like he's the Amber of the ashes and was created after the fact all of those things are possible and I think they're all great and the fact that they are all possible is what makes this movie great. So I'm gonna not answer it. Why why you were Saying that I just remembered one little thing that I think really tips it into like a definitive answer right like and you gotta it just kind of ignore all the sequels that came from it because I'm pretty sure in the next one. We opened with seeing candy man's death. Like we see all of it him getting this like they're not generally. Yeah, but I think it's super intentional that we don't have flashback moments where this film. Yeah in this film where we see Tony Todd as its Candyman being being killed my most positive though at the end of the movie The little boy whose name. I can't remember as a jake See's Candy Man in the fire that Helen and Candyman are fighting in at the end of the movie where she crawls out and delivers the baby. We see like the skeletal remains sort of like in their death throes. Just that little boy though. Mmm, which I think is really like yeah. Sure. Everybody has the Candy Man story but like the fact that this little boy Witnesses candy man is also what's going to help his legacy continue. Yeah, and one thing about the funeral pyre. Or the big pyre. Yeah, I kind of love that that it was there the whole film. Yes. And yes that because it kind of puts. It's another piece of evidence that candy man has been planning this thing to go the way it did the entire time because they walk past it in an earlier scene and Helen asked the little boys, like what does that and she's like, oh it's for the big party. It's for the big party, but it's this no exponents this like sacrificial wicker Man Fire, right and it as soon as they see what's going on those kids immediately grab the gasoline and torches and they go out there. Yeah, it's not like they're they're really planning for it, but they know they have to and that's what they're supposed to do. Yeah, goulbourne Candyman. Yeah. Yeah that is that is actually like my favorite part of this entire movie is is that that is there at the beginning we establish it the kid? No, it's for the party. We don't say what the parties for a comes back at the end. It's like super important to the story. Nobody's mad and we like, oh that's for the block party next weekend because that that fire was always intended for when it was lit, I think oh, yeah, it's faded to have been the fire for which Candyman and his bride were to die. Yeah and like without that moment without how that all played out. We wouldn't have this procession line of disciples coming to Helens grave at the end of the movie because they are candy mans followers. Like her death is important and their belief in Candyman and will also be her enduring Legacy to like she will actually be remembered and it's a very important off fuck. What's that line that he has like, it's it's an astounding thing to know. Not have to be fucking. Oh, it is a good line. Every goddamn thing. He says in this movie is incredible. Oh, yeah, and he said he says something to like to exist on The Whispers of others and exactly attina the writing on the wall. I'm just like fuck you're making death sound wonderful, right? And that's it. That's the thing. He is the warm embrace. Like that's why it's so alluring to become his victim like just I cannot imagine Eddie Murphy in this role. Did you know that did you know that they were Going to get Eddie Murphy, but they couldn't afford him. Wow, and would have been so different it. Can you would have been nuts? Wow, it'd be a really weird. I can understand why any Murphy would have wanted to make that decision and like early 1992 that would have been such a strange thing for his for him to do in his career, but we would have lost the Legacy that is Candyman with Tony Todd. I think the fucking perfect. I think Tony Tone is perfect because he's kind of dreamy. Yeah, you know what? I mean? He's really tall he's Handsome, he's got a good jawline. But he's also really good at being creepy like his voice resonates and he's got a really low register. But like he's still kind of dreamy except for when he is beads in his mouth. Right every other year fucking bees all of them bees in this movie a hundred percent real some scary bees. That's actually one of the reasons. He took the movie too because it's like none of this stuff has ever been done on screen and I want to be one of the people who's there to help bring it to life because also like people are going to see it. It's a great. It's a great script. It's a great movie he Trying to find his own Phantom of the Opera has is how he was describing it, but none of those be sequences, they'd never shot anything like that and to be the person on screen responsible quote unquote for it was a big selling feature for him. All of the B's used in the movie were roughly 12 hours old so you could say that they were baby baby baby bees artisanal e created for this film like they were specifically birthed. I guess you'd look what you probably had like, no Stinger well, So that they don't have stingers it they do definitely have stingers but they are less likely to use them because they're too young. They're two they're too young to necessarily get aggressive. They're just still exploring the world. I'm just a little baby. Where's mom why am I in a mouth? Yeah. Yeah, and apparently Virginia Madsen said it was it was really weird to film because one she's allergic to bees not definitely they did. She's more deadly allergic to wasps a prop Virginia for a few scenes. I could tell good. Yeah. Okay. Well, there's they Load them up with pheromones to she's like so it's really weird because they're furry and you notice that right away, but they're also all in love with you and it took longer to get them off that it did to shoot the scenes. Like they would do really quick shots. And then they would have these this tiny little like be vacuum that sort of sucks him off lightly, you know a nice nicely. It doesn't kill them or hurt them. Yeah, Tony Todd for the entire franchise had a clause written into his contract that he got $100 bonus every time he was stung. Sorry. Like a $1000 like $100 and that's shitty. That's enough. That's enough a nice bottle of wine with that. Yeah. Well you could but yeah $1,000 for every bee sting and over the course of several films. He's been stung 23 times. Wow. Yeah a few of which were in his mouth for this. Yeah, of course. Yeah. It sucks. That does suck. Wow. Yeah, I guess there's no other way to film bees in your mouth and the 80s then by putting beads in your mouth. Not that I didn't think he ate the bees but so another scene that's really good and really plays on the is he real isn't he is in every scene in the movie. I'm feeling about everything, you know, when she's first being admitted into the psych ward after they think she's killed Bernie because Bernie also gets the sharp end of the hook. Yeah, but he descends down on her like floating from the ceiling. It's a really fun shot because then you just like floats under the gate was gonna say it's also kind of a funny shot because he just Who play underneath because the orderlies are coming in but the psychiatrist in that scene where the psychiatrist dies shows her the footage on for Unnecessary Television TV is which is like, why do you have those What You've Won would have sufficed I assume he's got cameras set up for multiple rooms, but it does kind of them all just to reiterate the fact that she's nuts. Yeah, and she they show the footage again of her in that scene. When what she says and whatever and there's no candy man in the footage which are like Dracula can be picked up by cameras. But I mean, it's really cool because it does play on that at that moment. I think she thinks she's done it. Oh, yeah, or she's question which is so great because seconds later Candy Man appears. Yeah and kills the doctor unleashes her but I think she's still a little hesitant. She's still not sure if she's conjured Candyman because when she goes back to her apartment and her husband is not her husband anymore with his student and their painting and they're packing up all of her shit. Also not to not to mention the fact that it's been like two or three months. She's just been drugged out and doesn't even know like because to us, it feels like the following day. She goes to see her psychiatrist and to her it feels like the following day. Oh, that's nuts. Can you imagine? Well, I mean, there's a lot going on but like let's let's say you haven't had a murder or anything and all of a sudden you wake up and it's been a month because you just been drugged out in some mental institution. Yeah. I think it was really cool though in that scene when she's confronted her husband and they're basically trying to inch towards the phone to call the psychiatrist and And Helen is so unhinged and it's one because she's witnessed so many murders and two because she might be going crazy. But you see it in her eyes and a couple seconds where she's full of conviction and then she's a little worried that she is actually doing it, but then she's full of conviction again because she's all like crashing and burning like her husband is the only thread she has left candy man has killed everything else. Yeah, and he's already cut off that tie like he's he wants nothing to do with her anymore because she is kind of cuckoo bananas at this point. Like he's he thinks she's a convicted murderer. And she's also crazy. Yeah, but one thing I don't get is that Helen character is really headstrong. She's very brave. She's very confident. She's a very bold character and when things start to go wrong, she's calling for her husband the whole time anytime anything goes bad. She's really dependent on him and it's a good point. It's probably to create that last final thread like when we find out he's been cheating on her and he's creating this other life with this other student. I just don't really love how dependent she was on him. Him, but maybe that's because she is this faded character and she knows she's supposed to be like so mated to something and she may have attached that onto him like she's supposed to be a soul mate. Okay, I seriously, you know what? I mean? So yeah because like you wouldn't necessarily go through your life assuming the person that's going to catch you when you fall is a murderer with a hook for a hand. Yeah. You don't expect a real this guy who is my wife. I think I'm married to yeah. I'm supposed to be like she's had this feeling of like I need to belong to Sing or I need to be a part of a Duo. Yeah, because at the end you find out that she is also on the wall. She is also this legendary figure if she fucking loved the end of this movie basically becomes Bloody Mary. Yeah. It's so great to write like when you think who the fuck is gonna look in a mirror and say Candyman five times. What is the point but we get to the end and this shit husband like Trevor is just in the bathroom lamenting over. Her all that he's done and well couldn't he have helped her at some point and now that he's got his like young toy wife girlfriend hates cooking dinner. Oh my God, she's with me and he's like no she's throwing the beef. Yeah. She's like coming up chunks of meat and tossing it raw into a sever see how you like it, but when he's just in the bathroom and and he's overcome with This point is O Helen Helen Helen, like just dead at this point. She's totally she burned in the players. She's you've seen the movie. It's like that scene kind of makes sense where he's just sort of in this like Spiral of regret saying her name over and over like that to me is believable where you would conjure that character by saying their name more than once other than just like a teenager daring another teenager to do it that takes it to like this really raw emotional place for that. I think is brilliant and when she appears behind him in the mirror, it's such a good final moment to end on also another point though when she appears. She's mythical figure status. She chose to Camp candy man came back Dapper top half be using the Torso sure she comes back full third-degree burns like her head is burnt. She's coming back with the full gory bald wig cap thing, which is interesting. She decided to be scary. I think she's coming back for whatever was scare him the most That's true. I think maybe in that instant. She's like look what you did. Fuck her. Yeah, and honestly, I know that this is how he looked pretty well always appears. But when you think about Helen assuming candy man is just a real person who uses the moniker Candyman why not appear as a real person and then shatter her Reality by showing her that he has this actual hook and no fucking insides and he's just breathing bees. Yeah. It's pretty great. It was it was a really good movie. Yeah. I'm really happy that I didn't revisit this movie on. Until I was like an adult horror fan. I think if I had a watch this when I was 12, there would have been so much lost. Yeah, I think that's probably why I didn't really attached to it as a kid. It was always on TV for some reason like it was heavily edited, but but it was on a lot and I would occasionally catch it late at night and it just never stuck with me and I I'm sure I watched it from beginning to end at some point. But all my memories of this movie are like watching it and fragmented pieces and I do have a lot more memories of Farewell to the flesh so it's called the second one. I remember I remember seeing the scene where he gets killed and Peg Pilgrim times a lot. I think as a kid, I just wanted that like, oh show me where candy man is created, but ignoring the rest of the franchise and how it really solidifies that I love like you were saying the game that this movie plays on on Candyman possibly being one of several different things. Yeah, and it's it's a really fun take on a story. That's so familiar because it is an In Legend and it's based off so many things and but it's a new it's a grown-up take on it. Yeah, it's the it is the Dracula of The Nightmare on Elm Street. Yeah. It's like a quintessential Boogeyman story for the modern world. Yeah, and it is like the grown-up modern-day Phantom of the Opera. Yeah, you get this kind of Gothic Horror Story set this modern day scenario with a story or all a little bit familiar with it's really well done. Yeah, it's great if I could assume what To do with the new one. I would think it's going to be more like Helens current apartment building. I think what's going to happen is we're going to have an apartment building that used to be a housing project that's been updated and to Rich condos and that's where people start think that's where Candyman still lives and hunts is in that updated gentrified building. That's my guess. Yeah. I don't know how we're going to update it for today because like this kind of has that era of like the sounds of the Lambs. Formula where you have this little bit it's almost like a cop drama kind of thing like a mystery being unfolded and we don't really do that so much nowadays. So I don't know if they're going to do that whole revealing the crimes and stuff with the with the neighbor lady and her baby and I don't know if that's all going to play out the same because I don't know what that formula looks like in 2018. You know what I mean? Yeah. So how would you rate I'm going to give candy and a three and a half out of four legged. My only down point was for Bernie's after death makeup. Hey, it's the 90s, you know like and maybe it's just because she looked a little too pale. Yeah, there they were just using some opaque makeup. Yeah, I'm also giving Candyman 3.5 out of four. I like this movie a lot more than I thought. I did not know that's a bit Philip glass's score. Sorry guys, everybody whenever I ask about like favorite scores on Twitter that that one always comes up and I totally understand why I think it's cool. I think it evokes that older era Gothic romance mythology that the movies going in for but I have a problem with choirs. I just don't like choirs. I don't know what it is. I didn't notice the score but it is very good. It's minimalist. It's cool. It's repetitive but it just like yeah the vocal stuff gets me. All right moving on. We're going to talk about Beetlejuice Beetlejuice beetlejuice and the weirdest left-hand turn ever. No it's not. I'm the director of Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Adam and Barbara are ghosts. Is being haunted by the living maybe the house could use a little Remodeling and they can't scare them into leaving said it's a little late to be neurotic. So they're calling on Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Who's No Ordinary Ghost. You don't want his help. Can you be scary? What do you think of this now the party's over it was somebody out of the house. I want to get somebody out here. But the fun has just begun. It's no tan party. Not bad. This is amazing want a cigarette. He's guaranteed to put some. In your afterlife Michael Keaton is Beetlejuice and the Ghost with the most babe Beetlejuice from 1988 directed by Tim Burton. Betelgeuse is currently sitting at a seven point five out of 10 100 out of 10. Yeah, 110 also known as 7 point 5 out of 10 on IMDb 100 out of 4 on Ebert 84 percent on Rotten. And tomatoes 3 .8 out of five on letterboxed. Whoa and two out of four from Roger Ebert, which I think is a perfect jumping off point for us because I think we both love this movie. Yeah full disclosure. This is my favorite film. Yeah, you know of all time. I was I've been thinking about it a lot this week. I don't know that there's many movies. I like more than Beetlejuice or movies that have seen more than Beetlejuice which is why I think we're going to have a really hard time fucking talking about this movie. No, I think Roger Ebert's review. Is the perfect place to jump off? I'm just going to read you the last paragraph. I don't want to hear so he does talk a lot about how great the set design is and like the world and he super loves the Maitland's like he absolutely loves the beginning of this movie and have Charming they are and like this this tiny little village and all these little characters that have their own lives and then he just like shits on it from there on yeah, like he's just like I really was hoping that we'd be in this little Pee-Wee Herman's Adventure World that would have been the smartest thing to do. But instead we go to this fucked-up place where all these people people are whatever one of the problems is Keaton as The Exorcist nearly unrecognizable behind pounds of makeup. He prances around playing Betelgeuse is a mischievous and vindictive prankster but his scenes don't seem to fit with the other action and his appearances are mostly a nuisance. It's also a shame that Baldwin and Davis as the ghosts have to spend most of their time playing tricks on Catherine O'Hara and Jeffrey Jones and winning the sympathy of their daughter. I would have been more interested if the screenplay and preserve their sweet. Romanticism and cut back on the slapstick mic drop I guess I'm with I don't agree with anything. He said there the whole point of the movie is the juxtaposition between this world that the Maitland's are thrust into. Yeah. We've got this this quiet sincere romantic small-town life that they have and then you this is modern home away from home that the Deets is bring and Betelgeuse is this chaotic force that has the Leti to push it one way or the other while simultaneously destroying them both. Like I think we have two worlds that are trying to co-exist and this third variable. Yeah, nobody understands and that's the best part about it. Is that in Beetlejuice? And this is why I love that. There was never a prequel or SQL as much as I would love a Beetlejuice goes Hawaiian. I'm so happy that they didn't ever get to expand and Eyes this franchise because how little we see of the afterlife is what makes it so perfect. It's such a strange movie The explain Saturn to me like why is this? Why is Saturn a like a thing in this movie at all? It's so great is great. But and it doesn't need explanation whatsoever and the glimpses you get of the afterlife it's wild and Untamed but then bureaucratic. Yeah, and there's a great call. All to it when others just like oh, you know what happens to people that commit suicide don't you and the afterlife they become civil servants may become civil servants. Yeah. That's great. We know that because the beauty pageant Queen committed suicide and she's just like plan out her days. Yeah option. That's Juno's throat slit. Yeah and you know committed suicide she had to oh, she's I guess so she's a civil servant. Yeah, it's pretty but she's so passive aggressive. That's why they're all passive aggressive, which is exactly what civil servants are like well and even You the The Copier Guy? He's flattened like with tire tracks because he definitely jumped in front of a vehicle. Oh, yeah, right. Yeah. That's the craziest thing when you start to look and try and figure out how everybody killed themselves. It's nuts, but you're right and like the Maitland's are our way into that world. So, why would we ever get explanations? Yeah, and then will not stop point to is that they they only get a glimpse of it because they only get so many limited chances to To meet with their caseworker and I think their residential haunting period is like a hundred twenty years or something. Yeah, something crazy like that. I never really hard time trying to figure out where to start. There's there's nothing about this movie that I don't love everything about it is a great decision. All of the characters are perfectly cast fucking Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin in this movie are so lovely and they're perfect. They're perfect for each other. So cute and just the moments to like they're doing the wallpaper. They're taking their way. Their weeks vacation just to like fix up their new house and love with and then there's the Jane the stupid nosy of realtor and then the scene where they discovered that they died on the the winter River Bridge is sorry. You know it like it's my favorite movie I get to do things like that. Yeah, you can just say exactly the name of the bridge. Yes. It's such a great. Still rocking horse And and he can't read the word deceased. It's it's perfect. There's a wonderful. Yeah, there's nothing wrong about this entire movie and the score like especially in that scene where they realize that they are dead. And he reads the handbook. Oh the handbook for the Recently diseas'd and deceased. Yeah and the music swells back up with it. The music is a character in this movie. I know we've talked about it before but on the Blu-ray edition of the movie you have an option of watching it with just the and Danny Elfman score and no other Your track and surprisingly still fun to watch. I mean if you know every line of the movie, it's great. And you know, if you're also a person who doesn't really pay attention to score too much. That's a great time to watch it. But I think its impossible to ignore the score in the movie. There's some really interesting choices with the music to to juxtapose like this fun kind of dark and Whimsical score. You have Harry Belafonte music. Yeah the entire movie so great and it is that I think that's probably why they wanted to do Betelgeuse goes Hawaiian because of Harry Belafonte because there's such a tropical warm element to the music and it's so fun and kind of silly. Yeah, it's strange how perfect it works. Yeah. I don't know what it is about Adam that makes him such a Harry Belafonte fan because when you look at them, you wouldn't think so right like small-town guy owns a hardware store. Where's plaid shirts tucked into his khakis favorite band Harry Belafonte because he's listening to it all the time. I'm well, he's working on his models. And and when they decide that they're going to scared entire party full of people. That's what they go for but it's perfect also this I don't know if you guys have noticed it. Maybe you have and if you have good on you this last time watching it is the first time that Kim and I ever noticed that I'm like, what do we notice all of the party? All the attendees of the party are actually singing along to Dayo by Harry Belafonte like not loudly, but they're kind of Quietly sort of grumbling along to it and Catherine O'Hara is great in that scene. She's not singing though, which is funny because we know she can sing cause she's Sally and Nightmare Before Christmas very good point and Jeffrey Jones if you're paying attention to him in that scene, he's he's made this choice where every Jones Jeffrey Jones is Dad. He is Charles Dietz. Okay, you can pay it. He's acting as though somebody's moving his jaw for him. Like he's not singing along but there's like the ghost of Barbara Maitland just like moving his mouth. I've been down to try and get him to sing the words. It's pretty great. Yeah, and the body movements in that scene are great like where they're all doing the hand movements and stuff and then the shrimp and I mean come on that's like fucking through hands brilliant. That should be it's just a costume that we do one year just the shrimp hands like everybody's done the malins with the big distended mouth distended stretched out mouths. Yeah, like sunken eyes and stuff, but I want I want somebody who does just the just the shrimp and can do that next year. You have to wear a table on you though. For it to make sense like come out of a bowl. That's perfect. So, I mean obviously we've paired this with Candyman because you have to say Beetlejuice his name three times to get them to appear. I really think it's weird that when they say his name the first time they go down into the model. Yeah, but they're going for a meeting that says they have to book him. That's a good point. Yeah, they get so it's a consultation right there. They're coming in. They're just want to make sure that there are fit for each other, but I love that. He just keeps edit his way into their lives. He's because he's he's found them. Yeah, he was touring the back pages of like the afterlife week Liz is the best fucking parties has better look at the business section opens it up to the obituaries Jesus. I love this movie and that's one of my favorite scenes because it's the only moment were you hear him from like his lair? Yeah, which is really explored in the cartoon. Beetlejuice hangs out in that like ethereal layer thing that he's in which doesn't really exist in time or space in the Other parts of the movies because he's basically like banished. He's not he's been kicked out of everywhere. Yeah, like he's not working with the bureaucracy. No, he's recently taken up residence in your tiny model. When did he not he used to work for Juno or with Juno. She at was her partner, which means Beetlejuice building kill himself. Hmm. How do you think people just killed himself knowing the color like he's rotten though? Like I don't know. I don't laughing gasps buried alive you bury yourself alive, I guess is possible poison. I don't know. He kinda guys like a Dybbuk or something. What have you up wasn't ever a person maybe not. You know what? I'm gonna go ahead and say he would have been classified on Earthly ground this plane as a misadventure. He technically a suicide but I mean like it's not his fault that he couldn't breathe underwater while he was drunk. He just forgot and never a moment. He just lost it all I guess so technically a suicide technically not it seems like he's a partier. Yeah that I think that's how it happened think it was an accident. So he identifies the Maitland's and he Stakes out in Adams miniature. He makes commercials for them and heats the occasional fly. And it's his goal to get them to hire him to do some work because he just wants to create Mischief. He just wants to cause Mischief in his 16 minutes of screen time. Yeah, because it's not like he really gets anything. Oh, I guess he's trying to get back into the real world because if he's banished from the afterlife will call it and he's obviously dead so he can't join the real world. He's he's a man with no country. He's got nowhere to go. So I think his goal no matter what In having the Maitland's hire him is to somehow get tricked or is to somehow trick somebody into marrying him so he could be alive again, which is perfect. Because Edgar Allan Poe's daughter, right? It's funny too. Because when he first pops up out of the first pops up out of the coffin if you think about his goal being I gotta marry somebody get out of here. He immediately asked sad. I'm like one of my chances of Barbara like I'd remember. Oh, yeah, but I mean, it's not like he can get anywhere by marrying Barbara, but it's just like that. He's So singularly focused like this is the mission we gotta do this, but he's also just like the the epitome of every kind of creepy. You don't want to be sitting in a room with like the moment. He is on screen. They look like they are backed into a corner and they can't get the fuck out. Yeah because he's a total creep but he's fun. He's a huge group. Yeah, but you're right. Yes. He is only on screen for like 16 minutes 14 minutes something crazy like that. Just nuts. He's the title character of the movie. He's what everybody remembers. He's who we all Quote is barely in it and Ebert. Hey, Them. I think it's because you just like oh this is nice small town ghost movie and then it just became this like zany neon green. I'm all about that neon green though. Like so about that neon green there is I don't know what it is so much of this movie is just like part of my fucking DNA like the green light coming through the brick wall door that they make so cool. Did the spider crawling on the top of the roof at the very beginning, but that alone is just like such a great fucking image to me and just like a Fect summation of the movie. Let's talk about some things maybe that we've noticed like the billionth time seeing this movie stuff that I never really paid attention to their is this genius shot where Delia is Delia Lydia is climbing up into the attic for the very first time. She's gotten the skeleton key from Jane. She wants to go see what's up in that in behind that locked door and as she's going up there are guys removing all that wallpaper that Barbara spent so much time putting on so good. Yeah, and they're steaming it off and that steam is billowing out into the Is where she's going up in the attic and she's just walking up essentially the through smoke. It just looks so perfectly Gothic but it's just a modern regular everyday thing that is is just being tilted slightly to get our sort of surreal McCobb moment. I mean then of course you have the green coming out under the door, but right and see what that's because Barbara and Adam are going through the door at that point and that's how she meets Beetlejuice and she ultimately calls him out and then he becomes the banister snake and Yeah, it's just think so good. We're here for your daughter Chuck so good. Yeah everything about it another really fun thing that I noticed probably like the 400th time watching it is when dele is doing her dinner, whatever. I think they're just having Chinese think it's in there having Chinese food. Yeah. She's so off. She fought see her hair is tied up with like shoulder-length glove and like the little the fingers of the glove or part of her hair accessories. It's just like this fun. Whimsical just like revealing thing about her character. Yeah, it's really weird. They are very very New York. I guess she is. Yeah. I don't know how he convinced her to move to this place in the middle of nowhere. Maybe he thought maybe a reputations were tarnished or something. Like maybe he did a bad business. But yeah, I like it or something. Yeah, he just did something to ruin his reputation like he got fired spectacular. Yeah, but it seems like he has sort of not run his career into the ground but All of his business connections think that he's a putz just what Robert Goulet calls him when he hangs up with them and it's funny because everybody in her professional career thinks the exact same with better to washed up because yeah, well, she's I think a stay-at-home mom. That one didn't have her own kids because Lydia's her stepdaughter. Yeah a-and she does art and she's not great at it. She's it's very interpretive. It's all about image, right and although is the exact same way. It's just two people that say the things they Our and as long as people believe the things they say they are they are those things like otho has done every job possible. But he's just someone who's like, yeah, I could be an interior designer hire me. He's just an Entourage. That's all he is. That's his job. Yeah, he shows up. He he costs a lot of money and at the end of the day he gives them a bill and they're supposed to say thank you a thousand times. Who's your favorite character in my favorite character in the whole film you get to pick a minor in a major. Minor and major character that's very hard. Damn. That's hard. I'm trying to think of like really minor characters my favorite minor character. I know I know who it is. Okay, it's the old Barber the beginning of the movie so different there's like good minor care. It's like 6:00 a.m. And he's just he's like, he knows everything about the town. He's the nicest guy and he just starts talking immediately. Like, oh you're working on that has you know that built that Foundation Back in 1856 dug up by hand and when he comes back out, he still going off like damn kid had a hairdo is his shoulders not just traditional could do this whole thing and my favorite major characters Beetlejuice. Like, how could you not it's hard. I think there are a lot of other people I'd rather pick not rather forget that there are I want to pick everybody for sure like otho is definitely one of them. But yeah Beetlejuice Beetlejuice has Betelgeuse is everything about this movie. Yeah. It's such a zany film. Lydia is great. I think my my major character. I'm going to pick Barbara. Yeah, there's no wrong answer like be happy about whoever you pick all of them. But I just want to say I'm gonna single up Barbara because she's so sweet. And and so pleasant well her and Adam as a pair of great but there's a few good gags with Barbara like the when Betelgeuse is doing his stupid sexy dance towards The Inferno really towards The Inferno room that he at He made we're gonna go never change and viruses. Actually Anna. Why did you build that? Well, then there's the moment to it's like the second date that they've been dead. She's sleeping. And then when he went Adam rolls over reveals that she's like it she's hovering. She's not even on the bed and that's when we find out that the the Deets of moved in like its honestly hurry up there in that suit. Yeah. There isn't a detail about this movie like I couldn't imagine cutting any seen Or not liking anything. I love everything about this movie. It is my art and it is dangerous. Yeah, I don't want to die like this one of my second second. I guess major characters would be Charles. I love watching every scene with Charles because what he's essentially done is bought this dead couple's house and he just wants to become that guy like, I'm pretty sure he's wearing his clothing and he's like reading all of his like what It was an average homeowner magazine like Bert I'm gonna take up bird-watching. Yeah, and it immediately discussed City finds a bird eating a worm. Well, he's definitely moved here to Stave off like a man like a breakdown I think so because he's constantly trying to just like get rid of the chaos and he just wants one room that is like his own that is unlike anything that he's ever had. So it's such an absurd story. Like I wonder what the kernel of they love the idea was because there's so many different ways this movie could have gone and the fact that it turns out that Betelgeuse is trying to Wed a child bride that is Lydia because she's also happens to be weird and then there's like Wedding but then the details are in over their head because they're trying to impress their business folk with goes. So then they perform this like spell / ritual that starts killing the Maitland's and this is all happening while Betelgeuse is trying to marry their daughter. Yeah. It's kind of book. It's kind of fucking nuts like it. Can you imagine pitching that to a studio like imagine Tim Burton logging and be like so sit down for a second guys? Remember that time you fired me from the lot this very lot. Okay. Well here I got one. It's an An exorcism movie but the people that are possessed are the ghosts like it's a house is being haunted by the living Yeah, man, so brilliant like there's there was a period in the 90s or just like every idea that guy had was incredible. I know he's got another one in there. I we just need to give him a low-budget. Maybe that's a big key guys with the key. No, it's the same as like the promise of technology. Today is great. So we all want to use it because it's great. But I just I want I wanted more 90s films. I want more 80s films. I just want to like take CGI and motion capture. I just want to get rid of them for a little while. I think the problem maybe Johnny Depp soon. We need to get moving to maybe we need to stop using Johnny Depp Tim Burton. Yeah, he's a crutch now, he's not is he in dumbo? Does he play dumb? I don't know. Does he like I have no interest in dumbo at all, but I'm not and I'm not on board with the Disney like streaming live action CGI train. I'm just not doing them. Yeah, I used to love Dumbo's a kid. I don't think it's going to make any any difference to me whether or not I like this new one. I mean it kind of just looks like that circus seen that circus segment in Big Fish. Yeah banded. That's probably why they why they chose Tim Burton to do it. Yeah and Danny DeVito's cast and basically the same role. Yeah, I think with Tim Burton and every other director that that's done it I think placing the darkness in the perfect nuclear family stuff is all gone. Like I don't know that we're ever gonna get another movie like his his early stuff. So thanks so smart though. Like we Edward Scissorhands. Oh, yeah, Edward Scissorhands is probably the best example Betelgeuse is also like a perfect example and he Wee Herman is a lot darker than it looks but it's like dark around the edges. Yeah. The my favorite thing about Tim Burton though, and I think a lot of people at least our age who are like us have this kind of connection to those early Tim Burton films because for me at least like Beetlejuice and Nightmare Before Christmas, like they were the first dark things that I was able to experience and I'm the only one in my family that's like me that's into what I'm into and to discover those things. So organically in these movies, it's like I woke up in me. Like I I instantly connected to them in a way that I didn't even understand like I didn't even know I was weird yet. Yeah, and it was just like I have this is for me or there are other people out there that are like me and that are doing things that are who they are like the fact that a person like Tim Burton can exist to creatively it just like opened up this world and me that I was just like it six years old. I think I saw Night Before Christmas when I was 4 years old, I probably saw this movie when I was 6 years old 6 years old and they both just stuck with me and have been my favorite movies for that long. Yeah. Yeah Beetlejuice particularly like I love Nightmare Before Christmas, but Betelgeuse is just so zany. And so perfect and it's got this Perfect Blend of being Whimsical and and still possessing this darkness and still addressing the darkness. Yeah, and Disney was really great about that addressing things that were dark or people dying, you know, like Disney didn't at least early Disney didn't necessarily skirt away from those things. Any movie though number for Christmas? Okay summer kids up for kids because Beetlejuice always played on YTV when we were kids like we it was accessible to us as children and it it connected to me in a way that I don't think anything ever ever ever did when I was a kid. Yeah, and it's weird to to describe yourself as a child is being weird because you think of of the weird and you coming on at puberty you think of like, you know, when teenagers are gauze and stuff sure. I was weird when I before Or those chemicals were even introduced into my body. Yeah, I was born weird and I connected to Tim Burton content. I think Tamra and time a lot of kids is where it really gets like set in stone because before that you have there are these scenes and movies that kids don't like because like, oh, that's the scary or strange part of the movie and I'm not nuts about it. But I want more of that. Yeah go on PC and we're back to be the whole movie. And then yeah when you see Beetlejuice ER Edward Scissorhands, you're like, holy shit. This is Oliver. Yeah, and it's fun to think about and I think about it now like that. There are kids out there that connected the way I did with Beetlejuice and they were for Christmas with Coraline and ParaNorman. Yeah, fuck all of paranormal like growing up weird is like a really hot because you are a loner your kind of a loan and being morbid, even if it's in a Fantastical way and I remember when ParaNorman came out and I was working like retail at the time with a bunch of moms and none of them were taken. Are kids to see it? Yeah, because it's because they didn't want to see people in it and it addressed death in a in a dark kind of way. Like it's just gonna be frank with you. It talks about death a lot. There's a girl that dies and they address it and they the fact that they didn't even show they didn't even let their kids see it because of the subject matter kind of made me sad because it's like what if your kids are weird? Yeah, like what if they're really into that what if they need something like that? Because I know that like if I grew up and I didn't have the weird kind of content that I did I don't If I would have explored creativity adds an outlet as much as I did as a kid, like I I sought out drawing and painting and sculpting and doing all that stuff and not because Tim Burton was all of those things. But because I knew that there was there was a spot for me in the world. Yeah. Is it easier to be weird now though because of streaming services though Oh, you mean like today like as a kid like I'm into this and I'm gonna look it up. Maybe yeah, I don't know because I'm not a cute in this periods reappoint. Well, I mean if everybody's got a device Ice and will at least say that a PlayStation or a smart TV with several Netflix profiles is a device then I think a kid can tailor their own weird stuff because if you tell Netflix, so I didn't like this. I like that. I like that. It'll be like hey, whoa ParaNorman. Yeah. It'll I think you up to I think accessing things like that like that are are definitely easier nowadays, but to know that they exist I think is a different thing like that that you're saying the fact that disc LG's came along and it was just like I didn't know what this was. I didn't know it existed and it just got put in front of me exactly. Got it. Like the fact that I just I'm sure after that I was like, well, I need to watch everything like this. Yeah, or I need to see everything like this and you just get hungry for that kind of content. This Surprise needs to be part of that Discovery. I think so. Yeah and that new here that same story from a lot of horror fans in that most of us watch these watch scary movies way before we were supposed to yeah. We were staying we all wanted to is nothing but I think the Covery and like the vulnerable age at which you find these things. They become a part of you in a different way than if you were 18 years old and you're going on a date with your first boyfriend and you're going to see a scary movie. Like I don't think those people not that I'm not trying to be a horror elitist or anything. But yeah, you know get it. I just think it holds a different place in your heart. Yeah, then because it's so much more than just movies for the for the community and it's like a place of belonging. I guess it sure. I don't know finding out who you are through. Another just being a creative person knowing you're not the only person that's that kind of way is for me. Yeah, it's a very very deep connection I have with this silly Whimsical Phil. I think it's important to Lydia in the movie though, right because she is strange and unusual and she's so alone. Yeah. He's nothing like her family even though her family is fucking weird. Yeah, her family is pretty fuckin weird, and you could say part of it. So like a bit of a rebellion, I guess but it's not Like she is just strange and unusual and she finds that other people are also strange and unusual in their own strange and unpredictable ways. And it makes her a better person in the end. Well, yeah because I think she did she learns to that there's a different there's different kinds of strange and unusual like the like the Maitland's are this completely normal and perfect couple and the strange and unusual thing about them is just that they're dead. Yeah, and she gets along so well with them because she wants to be Had to but but no just because they're nice and they're kind to her and they give her the time of day which I think her parents are going through some things right now. I don't know how much love is in that marriage Delia's very self-involved her father's very self-involved. So she's not getting hurt a lot which which is I mean kind of every teenagers complaint and the fact that she can see them like is just evidence that she's not just a teenager who's going through a phase because she is able to read Understand the handbook. She helps them to understand the world that they're living in now. It's yeah, it's just so good. Yeah, they all help each other be better people. I guess. I'm really not how I thought I was gonna end this conversation but it is it it's really hard to talk about movies. You've loved it is so hard. Yeah. There's a reason why we don't we haven't done some of our favorite films on the podcast because it's hard not to take that to this weird like profound place. And I know it's just fucking Beetlejuice and it's just this wonderful Kick-Ass And it's allowed to be all those things. Yeah, it is. Just a fun film. That's why we put it on so many times. Well, what else are we going to do? Just like remind you guys like awhile those. I mean, like I think the front half of this is probably reminding you of like all those great scenes you love but yeah, we could we could walk through the plot or we could just talk about with the movie means to us, I guess and I assume it means the same to you listening. I've don't know that I've ever really met anybody. That doesn't like Beetlejuice. I'm sure once this podcast goes out. I'm going to find out that there are a bunch of people out there that don't Are for it everybody I know who is remotely interested in horror or strange things finds Beetlejuice to be like one of the best movies I've ever seen and how do you even describe Beetle because it's not a horror film. No, but it's definitely suitable for this podcast and it's definitely dark family. It's dark and Whimsical or comedy-drama D fantasy. Holy Tim hurt. Yeah. Yeah. There's just there's no way to just it's so zany. Zinnias genre. Well, I think any Marx Brothers movie were referred to as zany. So yes, absolutely. I think it's probably safe to assume as you've read have already that we're both giving this movie of four out of four, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yep. You give me eyes like I had a different rating. I'm sorry. Did you have any other any of anything else? You want to talk about the movie at all? Yeah. I just talked about on like as a concept car every want to talk about some comparisons. Between us some between Candyman Beetlejuice both movies deal with real estate. Obviously Candyman heavily focused in Cabrini-Green a lower-income housing. Not necessarily what we get in Beetlejuice, but Dad very focused on good parking and structure and like we could totally turn this place into an amusement park. He's gonna he's gonna come in and take something that's already got a purpose and read use it for something. I'm drawing a very loose connection here, but I think that I think the names thing is enough John I think Sure, just the sheer fact that we repeat names. Yeah, that's enough and you need to to evoke the mythical figure which both have connotations with the Bloody Mary legend. Exactly. Even though Betelgeuse is like that's kind of the end of it. I mean, I don't know he doesn't I guess it would be to just kill anybody. You think if he had the opportunity would he go that far? Does he kill the does he kill Maxie and Sarah Dean? There's the one question are those the two victims of the movie because he definitely launches them out of the goddamn. House, yeah, but it's that's I think even just being thrown through one floor. Like even if they on the second floor landing on a violence, I don't think that yeah, I think they would they would land out in they would be fine. I don't know we'll find out later. I guess. What do you mean if there's a sequel? What are you even talking about? Oh, I assumed he would open a maxi and Sarah's funeral. Oh 30 years later. Yeah. Are there any last minute things you want to talk about anything in regards to Beetlejuice that we did not. Just like the plot of I think we touched it. I think we did think we touched enough. Yeah, I super love the football team. I love Juno who played by Sylvia Sydney that we just found out was in God told me to which is a fun weird. Nothing like Beetlejuice move with you guys should definitely check out directed by Larry cone. I don't know I could sit here for an hour and rattle off everything. I liked about the movie. I know everything about I feel like it would just degrade to us like shouting quotes at each other and then then yeah like the newest episode and I'm wrong film Street was really weird. They picked a movie they really love and it was like nonsensical. Yeah. I think it's still going right now. I think there's still talking about I just like my podcast player keep playing I took my headphones out now, I'm buying a baguette. Yeah. So Beetlejuice four out of four, we do want to hear what you guys think about it as long as it's nice things. Don't tweet me that you hate movie because I'm just gonna not reply. I don't know if you didn't like it. Let me know that you can talk to John. Yeah. I'm just interested. I'm a wall of Betelgeuse love. Big surprise from mrs. Green hair over here. We are controlling transmission. This week's episode of nightmare and film street is brought to you by Baphomet & Co small batch soap inspired by horror and the McCobb this week's pick is the sunken Place bar a deceptively delicate soap that is light and warm with a bottomless calming inspired by Jordan peels get out memories of a hypnotizing gaze a warm smile with a hint of foreboding and endlessly twirling spoon get 10% off. Order with the code nightmare at Baphomet and That's 10% off with the coupon code nightmare at Baphomet & Co made by hands. Sometimes severed. We're going to stick around for a few more minutes and play a game that I put together called. What's my name? What's my name creative play on our creative play on the title of this episode. Exactly. It's really simple. I'm gonna I'm gonna read Kim the name. Of a ghost or a spectre and she's got to tell me what character that movies from. I'll give her some multiple choice to make it easy, but for example came if I was to tell you the name of this ghost his real-life name before he became a ghost was Daniel robitaille. Robitaille, you'd have to tell me what movie was he from Kim is it multiple choice not right now, but I require it. Okay sure. It's going to give the answer away. Is it is it lights out? The Candyman Candyman to her Candy Man 3. Is that what candy mans name is? Yeah, it's not something that you find out in the first movie. So came into well. Okay, I guess so. Yeah, I guess I would have been wrong but that is candy mans name. I hope I'm pronouncing it right. But yeah, I went back and watched that scene where they're talking about the Mythos set the at the dinner table and they don't mention his name. He just says oh Candy Man Legends exactly his he doesn't have a name anymore. Or that is that is his Persona. He has transcended his his physical form. He's no longer that person whatsoever. He's just Candyman say Beetlejuice. We don't know what Betelgeuse is name was doesn't matter but you can get that game. The ghost names say my name know what is it? What's my name? What's my name can get that over at slash Nightmare On Film Street in return for supporting the show. You can also get other bonus episodes and some other cool swag and merch If you could review the podcast give us a five star rating on iTunes Spotify think you can redemption Spotify. Yeah Stitcher. Anyway, you're getting this podcast to help us grow The Horde and get the show in front of morphine's it really helps. And if you you know, you can't afford to support the show on patreon. No big deal just recommend the show to a few friends. That's all we ask. I'm John Kim stay creepy. It appears. You made it out alive. Just long enough. Enough to tell the tale of The Nightmare on film Street how help us grow The Horde leave a review on iTunes or wherever you subscribe continue. This week's conversation on Twitter by following @n o FS podcast and is always more terror can Found lurking on our website street until next week. Stay creepy fiends.
Hello 2019! Join Nightmare on Film Street as we kick off another horror-filled year with one of our loosest pairings ever. Yep! We're talking the iconic, iron-clad pairing of CANDYMAN (1992) and BEETLEJUICE (1988) - two grim, ghoulish spectres that can only be unleashed when you say their names outloud 3-5 times. We talk about dapper-factory Tony Todd, growing up weird with Tim Burton, and all about 'dem bees. --- Website: www.NOFSPODCAST.COM ( Twitter: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Subreddit:   Support the Show: Unlock access to exclusive bonus content and earn some other frightfully good rewards, including shoutouts, merch, and swag by supporting Nightmare on Film Street on Patreon ( . This week, Patreon supporters (  can enjoy an exclusive companion episode where we continue the conversation on CANDYMAN(1992) and BEETLEJUICE (1988), and play a little game called “What's my Name, What's my Name?” at
Hello, my darling. I need to tell you about our sponsor anchor dot f m. Anchor is a podcast creation and distribution tool. And it gives you everything you need to record edit. Plus they'll distribute your podcast to all of the major channels including Spotify Apple podcasts and Google podcasts free of charge you can make money with no minimum listenership and it couldn't be easier. Download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started sweet dreams. Hello my darling and Welcome to our story time. Today. We're reading gods of the north, which was written by Robert E Howard in 1934 and was originally published in the magazine. Zine the fantasy fan Howard was the author of The Conan the Barbarian series and you'll see a lot of the same fantasy elements in the short tail biking mythology. If you like what you hear, please make sure to like comment and subscribe. You can also select to give a little extra through listener support on anchor. And if you'd like a little bit more horror during your week. Make sure to check out my second Channel Asylum ASMR where you'll find a blend of erotica and horror written exclusively by me. You'll find the link in the description and now onto our story time. She Drew away from him dwindling in the witchfire of the skies and they'll she was a figure no bigger than a child. The clamor of swords and died away the shouting of the slaughter was hushed silence lay on the red stained snow. The pale Bleak Sun that littered so blindingly from the ice fields and the snow-covered planes struck Sheen's of silver from rent corselet and Broken Blade where the dead lay in heaps. The nerveless hand yet gripped the broken Health helmeted heads back drawn in the death throes tilted red beards and golden beards grimly upward as if in last invocation to your mirror the frost Giant. The cross the red drips and mail glad forms two figures approached one another. And that utter desolation only they moved. The frosty sky was over them. The white playing around them the dead men at their feet. Slowly through the corpses they came. As ghosts might come to a tryst through the shambles of a world. Their Shields are gone. They're corselets tinted blood smeared their mail. Their swords were read their horned helmets showed the marks of fierce battle one Viking spoke. He is locks and beard or as red as the blood on the sunlit snow. Man of the Raven locks said he tell me your name so that my brother is in vanaheim May know who was the last of wolf ears band to fall before the sword of Heimdall. This is my answer replying the black-haired Warrior not in vanaheim. But in Valhalla, will you tell your brother's the name of Amon-Ra of Achmed Tana? Heimdall roared and sprang and his sword swung in a mighty Arc owner has staggered and his vision was filled with red Sparks as the blade shivered into bits of blue fire on his helmet. But as he reeled he thrust with all the power of His great shoulders. The sharp Point drove through brass scales bones and heart and the red-haired Warrior died at home runs Pete. Amra, stood swaying trailing his sword a sudden sick weariness assailing him. The glare of the sun on the snow cut his eyes like a knife and the sky seemed shrunken and strangely far. It turned away from the trampled expense wear yellow bearded Warriors lay locked with red haired Slayers the Embrace of death. A few steps he took and the glare of the snow fields was suddenly dimmed. a rushing wave of blindness indulged him and he sank down in the snow supporting himself on one mailed arm seeking to shake the blindness out of his eyes as a lion might shake his main a silvery laugh cut through his dizziness and his sight clear and slowly. It was a strangeness about all the landscape that he could not place or Divine an unfamiliar tinged Earth and Sky. But he did not think long of this. Before him swaying like a sapling in the wood stood a woman her body was like Ivory and save for a veil of gossamer. She was as naked as the day. Her slender bare feet were whiter than the snow they spurned she laughed and her laughter was sweeter than the Rippling of silvery fountains and poisonous with cruel mockery. Who are you demanded The Warrior? What matter her voice was more Musical that a gold string to harm, but it was etched with cruelty. Call up your men and he growled grasping his sword. Though my strength fail me if they shall not Take Me Alive. I see that you are a veneer have I said so she asked. He looked again at her unruly locks, but she had thought to be red. Now he saw that they were neither yellow nor red. A glorious compound both colors. He gazed Spellbound, her hair was like, nope and gold striking which the sun dazzled him. Her eyes were neither wholly blue nor wholly gray, but I'm shifting colors and dancing lights and clouds of colors. He could not recognize. Her full red lips smiled and from her slim feet to the blinding ground of her billowy hair. Her Ivory body was as perfect as the dream of a god. I'm Rose Bowls hammered in his temples. I cannot tell said he Whether you are a Venna, I'm in mine enemy or of Asgard and my friend. Far have I wandered from Zingara to the Sea of vilayet in Stick? Yeah in Kush. And the country of the here Keen Ian's but a woman like you I have never seen. Your Luck's blind me with their brightness. Not even among the fairest Daughters of the aesir. Have I seen such Hair by Amir? Who are you to swear by Amir? She mocked what know you of the Gods of ice and snow and who have come up from the south to Adventure among strangers. By the dark gods of my own race. He cried in Inger. Have I been backward in the swordplay stranger or no? Stay I am seeing for score Warriors fall and I alone survived the field remove here's reverse met the brekkie. Tell me woman. Have you caught the flash of mail across the snow planes are seen armed Men Moving upon the ice. I have seen the hoarfrost glittering in the sun. She answered. I have heard the wind Whispering across the Everlasting snows. He shook his head. New word should have come up with us before the battle joined. I fear he and his Warriors have been ambushed over here lies dead with all his weapon men. I had thought there was no village within many leagues of the spot for the war carried us far. But you can have come no great distance over these snows make it as you are lead me to your tribe woman. If you are a badass guard for I am faint with the weariness of strife. She laughed my Dwelling Places further than you can walk Hamra of up with Donna. Chill out again spreading wider arms. She swayed before him her golden hair lulling wantonly. Her sin tilian dies shadowed beneath long silken lashes. Am I not beautiful to you man? Like Don running naked on the stones. He might hurt his eyes burning like those of a wolf. And why do you not rise and follow me? Who is the strong Warrior falls down before me she chanted and Madding mockery. Lie down and die in the snow but the other fools bhamra of the black hair. You cannot follow where I would lead. With an oath the man he beat himself upon his feet his blue eyes blazing his dark scarred face and convulsed rage shook his soul. But desire for the taunting figure before him hammered at his temples and drove his Wild Blood riotously through his veins. Passion Fierce as physical Agony flooded his whole being so that the Earth and Sky swam read it was dizzy gays and weariness and faintness or swept from him in Madness. He spoke no word as he drove in her fingers hooked like talons. With a shriek of laughter she leaped back and ran laughing at him over her white shoulder. But that low growl camera followed. He had forgotten the fight forgotten the mailed Warriors who lay in their blood forgotten yours belated reverse. He had thought only for the Slender white shape which seemed to float rather than run before him. how to cross the white blinding plane she led him the trampled Redfield fell out of sight behind him, but still Hamra kept on with the silent tenacity of his race. his mailed feet broke through the Frozen crust he sank deep in the drifts and forged through them by Shear strength. But the girl danced across the snow as light as a feather floating across a pool. Her naked feet scarcely left their imprint in the hoarfrost. in spite of the fire in his veins the cold bit through the Warriors mail and fur but the girl and her gossamer Veil Ryan has lightly and his gaily as if she danced through the palms and rose gardens of Petain. black curses drooled through the Warriors parched lips I bring pain swelled and throbbed in his temples and his teeth gnashed spasmodically. You cannot Escape me here or it lead me into a trap and I'll pile the heads of your Kinsman at your feet hide from me and I'll tell her about the mountains to find you. I'll follow you to hell and I'll follow you beyond hell. Her maddening laughter floated back to him and foam blew from the Warriors lips further and further into the waist. She led him until he saw the wide Plains get way too low Hills marching upward and broken ranges. Far to the North he caught a glimpse of towering mountains blue with the distance or white with eternal snows above these mountains shown the blaring rays of the borealis. They spread fan wise into the sky Frosty Blades of cold flaming light changing in color glowing and brightening. Above him the sky is glowed and crackled was strange lights and gleams the snow shown weirdly now Frosty blue now. I see Crimson now cold silver. Through a shimmering. I see realm of Enchantment. I'm not plunged doggedly onward in a crystalline maze where the only reality was the white body dancing across the glittering snow Beyond his reach never Beyond his reach. Yet he did not Wonder at the necromantic strangeness of it all. Not even when two gigantic figures rose up to Bar his way. the scales of their mail were white with hoarfrost their helmets and their axes were sheathed and ice. Snow sprinkled their locks in their beards were spikes of icicles their eyes were cold as the light streamed above them. Brothers scribe the girl dancing between them. Look who follows. I am brought you a viking for the feasting. Take his heart that we may lay it smoking on our fathers board. The Giants answered with Roars like the grinding of icebergs on a frozen Shore and heaved up there shining axes as the ACT mcdonnen hurled himself upon them. the frosty blade flashed before his eyes blinding him with its brightness and he gave back a terrible stroke that sheared through his bows thigh. But the ground the victim fell and at that instant camera was dashed into the snow his left shoulder numb from the blow of the Survivor from which the Warriors male had barely saved his life. I'm Ross all the remaining giant looming above him like a Colossus car of device etched against the glowing sky. the axe fell to sink through the snow and deep into the Frozen Earth a Zamora hurled himself aside and leaped to his feet. The giant roared and wrenched his axe head free. But even as he did so Hamra sword saying down the Giants knees bent and he sank slowly into the snow, which turned Crimson with the blood that gushed from his half severed neck. Omron wheeled to see the girls standing a short distance away staring and wide eyed her. Oh mockery gone from her face. He cried out fiercely and the blood drops flew from his sword as his hand shook in the intensity of his passion hold the rest of your brother's he roared call the dogs. I'll give their hearts to the wolves. The Cry of fright, she turned and fled she did not laugh now normal Kim over her shoulder She ran as for her life. And though he strained every nerve until his temples were like to burst and the snow swam read to his gaze. She Drew away from him dwindling in the which buyer of the Skies until she was a figure no bigger than a child. But a dancing white blame on the snow. And then add imbler in the distance. At finding his teeth until the blood started from his gums. He reeled on. And he saw the blur grow to a dancing White Flame. And then she was running less than a hundred Paces ahead of him and slowly the space narrowed foot by foot. She was running with ever now her golden locks blowing free. Erin the quick panting of her breath and saw a flash of beer in the look she cast over her Alabaster shoulder. The Grim endurance of the warrior that served him well. The speed and more flashing white legs. She reeled in her gait. It is Untamed Soul flamed up the fires of hell she invents so well. With an inhuman Roar enclosed in on her just as she wheeled from Haunting cry and flung out her arms depend him off. His sword fell into the snow as he crushed her to him. Her supple body bent backward as she fought with desperate frenzy in his iron, ohms. Her golden hair blue about his face winding him with a chain. The feel of her slender figure twisting in his mailed arms drove him to Blind her Madness. And strong fingers sink deep into our smooth flesh and that flesh was as cold as ice. It was as if he embraced not a woman of human flesh and blood. but a woman of flaming ice she writhed her golden head aside striving to avoid the Savage kisses and bruised her red lips. You are as cold as the stones. He mumbled dazedly. I don't bore me with the fire in my own blood. The test print wrench she Twisted from his arms leaving her single gossamer garment in his grasp. She sprang back and faced him. Her golden locks and wild disarray. her white bosom heaving her beautiful eyes blazing with anger. For an instant. He stood Frozen odd by her Terrible Beauty as she posed naked against the Snows. And in that instant, she flung her arms toward the lights that glowed in the skies above her and cried out in a voice that rang Omron here is Forever After in the earth. Oh, my father save me. I'm Raja was leaping forward arms spread disease her when with the crack like the breaking of a nice Mountain the skies leaped into I See Fire. A girl's eye. Everybody was suddenly enveloped in a cold blue flame so blinding, but the warrior threw up his hands to Shield his eyes the fleeting instant skies, and snowy Hills were bathed in crackling white flames. Blue Darts of I see lights and Frozen Crimson fires the Nam raw staggered and cried out the girls gone. the glowing Stone a empty and bare eye above him the which lights flashed and played in a frosty Sky gone mad and among the distant Blue Mountains there sounded a rolling thunder as of a gigantic War Chariot rushing behind steeds his ranting of struck lightning from the Snows and a girls from the skies then suddenly Only the Borealis the snowy Hills and the Blazing Heavens reeled drunkenly. The owner has site. Thousands of fireballs first with showers of Sparks and the sky itself became a tight antic wheel which drained stars as it spun under his feet the snowy Hills heaved up like a wave. And I'm rock crumbled into the snow's to lie Motionless. In a cold Dark Universe whose son was extinguished eons ago. I'm rebuild the movement of life alien and unguessed an earthquake and him in its grip and was shaking him to and fro and the same time champing his hands and feet and Ellie yelled and pain and fury and groped for his sword. He's coming to horsa granted a voice haste. We must rub the frost out of his limbs. If he's ever to wield his sword again. He won't open his left hand growled mother his voice indicating muscular strain. He's clutching something. Ohm, Raja opened his eyes and stared into the bearded faces that bent over him. He was surrounded by tall golden-haired Vikings in mail and Furs Mumm-Ra. You live like Romney ORD gasp T. Am I alive or are we all dead and in Valhalla? We live on Ted the aesir busy over home runs have Frozen peat. We had to fight our way through an ambush else. We had come up with you before the battle was joined. The corpses were scarce cold We Came Upon the field. We did not find you among the dead. So we followed your spoor in amir's name bhamra. Why did you wander off into the wastes of the North? We have followed your tracks in the snow for hours. And a blizzard come up and hidden them we had never found you by Amir. Swear not so often by Amir muttered a viking he glanced at the distant mountains. This has his land and the God by the mon Yonder mountains the legend say I followed a woman Mumm-Ra answered hazily. We met raggies men in the plains. I know not how long we fought I alone survived. I was dizzy and paint the land lay like a dream before me. Only know do all things seem natural and familiar. The woman came and she taunted me. She was beautiful as a frozen flame from hell. When I looked at her I was as one mad and forgot all else in the world. They followed her. Did you not find her tracks or the Giants and Ice email that I killed. We ordered shook his head. We only found your tracks in the snow. Umrah And it may be that I was mad. I'm Russ Ed dazedly. Yet you yourself are no more real to me than was the golden-haired which who fled naked across the Snows before me yet from my very hands. She vanished and I see Flame. He is Delirious whispered of my king. Not so pride and older man whose eyes were wild and weird. It was a dolly the daughter of you near the frost Giant. To the fields of the Dead she comes and shows herself to the dying myself. What a boy. I saw her when I lay have slain on the bloody field of will Raven. There's our walk among the dead in the Snows her naked body gleaming like Ivory and her golden hair become blinding blame in the Moonlight. I lay a noun like a dying dog because I could not crawl after her she lures men from stricken Fields into the wastelands to be slain by her brother's the ice giants who lay men's red hearts smoking on ymir's board camera has seen a dolly the frost Giants daughter not so grunted horsa corms mind was and in his youth but I got sword on the head. I was delirious with the fury of battle. Look how his helmet to stented any of those blows might have handled his brain. It was a hallucination. He followed into the wastes. He's from the south. What does he know of its Ali? You speak truth, perhaps mutter domra. It was all strange and weird by Chrome. He broke off leering at the object that still Tangled. There was clenched left fist. The others escaped silently at the valley held up. a list of gossamer that was never spun by human means and this my darling is the end of today's very short biking story. As always I hope that you have very sweet and creepy dreams. Good night.
ASMR reading of the short story Gods of the North, re-titled to The Frost Giant's Daughter, by Robert E Howard, from 1934. Renamed The Frost-Giant's Daughter, the Gods of the North is the earliest chronological story by Robert E. Howard in terms of Conan's life. The brief tale is set somewhere in frozen Nordheim, geographically situated north of Conan's homeland, Cimmeria. Conan is depicted by Howard as an young mercenary, traveling among with the golden-haired Aesir, in a war party. Shortly before the story begins, a hand-to-hand battle has occurred on an icy plain. Eighty men  have perished in bloody combat, and Conan alone survives the battlefield where Wulfhere  faced the Vanir wolves of Bragi, a Vanir chieftain. Listen with headphones.
You're listening to the Ricky Long podcast. This podcast is cold. Actually wrote out a phone script for this one. So I wrote it. I packed it on my laptop and it's really really clear way for you to do some form of tangible measurable goal setting for 2020. So the podcast is tongue and cheek. Going to be titled your New Year's resolutions or stupid. This podcast is the make those resolutions into goals, which will make your 2020 goals very very achievable and will allow you to have great success. I'd love to hear your feedback in this episode. Please enjoy the podcast. We're International Fitness entrepreneur Ricky Long answers your questions and interviews Fitness leaders on training nutrition and mindset. Ricky is a fitness industry expert having been helping people achieve. Their fitness goals since 2002 we talked everything Fitness business and group exercise to help you on your fitness journey. It's a new year. It's a new you and your resolutions are welcome to the first podcast of the new year of the new month of the new decade. The regular podcast has entered 20/20. I am delighted to be speaking to you once more. This podcast as ever sponsored by putting for sport Northern Ireland sports retailer all the year specialize in sports specific equipment like cycling running and equipment for scotus check the mic put in for, right this podcast is going to be all about your goals and resolutions Wireless resolutions are doomed and how to do goal setting for Success just before I start to did. Is the 7th of January and I need to tell you about jump live jump live is a one day seminar Workshop event in Glasgow on February the its 2020. We're going to spend eight hours in the day and we're going to discuss the key principles the what has made my online program for group fitness athletes jump 4.2 so successful. So we're going to take the key principles from training from nutrition. and from mindset on top of that I have guest speakers come to at the time of recording this the two guest speakers who have been announced or Tim Meadows who's going to discuss all about nutrition specific to group fitness instructors and group fitness athletes and good friend and also fellow sponsor or the event is huge Davis who runs strength lab CrossFit over in crocotta what who's going to Got in a byte is mainly the transition of training between when you're doing General kind of commercial exercise group fitness classes specific. Sorry, I'm training on the gym floor and when that becomes more specific to a sport that you want to follow on what shifts you have to make both in your training nutrition and your mindset. So I'm really really excited to have Tim and Hugh and I know what you're thinking. Okay. There's a lot of guys. There's a lot of good-looking guys. Sighs what am I getting some women? Well, there are going to be at least two female speakers on the event as well who will be announced later. So depend on when you're listening to this podcast, they may already have been announced along with a couple of other sponsors Which chapter so enough plugin of that event. If you want tickets to it at the very very moment of recording this we have just sold ticket number 27 the room can only fit 50 people. So we are obviously just over 50% capacity if you want to take it. Gotta get in and get it. Big Night tickets record right now. There's a link in the show notes there only 33 points. I guarantee you. I regret there and you'll have lots of tools systems and and habits the tip away from the state which will serve you in whatever fitness journey you are on right this Kim off the back of doing a podcast a couple of days ago. Just discussing about New Year's resolutions. Resolutions and New Year's goals and and how to get the most of them and once the post itself didn't actually get a lot of quote on called attention on social media at actually led the some really really good high quality conversations with some private clients are and friends just your own private messages and stuff. So I thought let's do a podcast on it because I really really do feel that a lot of people will get a lot of this. So, it's New Year, Janu you and here's why your New Year's resolutions are doomed. All right. Okay, right they'll feel for many reasons. So this is one that I just Target my clients oil. Two sentences resolutions are tasks without a purpose. Goals or tasks for a purpose. So to help you understand some difference here resolution. I will do 50 pushups every day. No purpose goal. I will create self discipline by completing it 10,000 push-ups in 2020 meaning. I need to average 50 per day to hit this 15,000. Resolution I will do vegan for January. No purpose other than Instagram goal. I want the experience my normal life make free to see if it's better for me to make permanent purpose. Resolution I will run three times per week. No purpose goals. I will complete a half marathon in May to do this. I will need to set up a running program at a strength routine to help me run that Marathon. You can even connect that Marathon to a charity or a reason why or might not be a sporting event is it could be something like I want to get into shape for my sister's wedding. Therefore. I need a Fitness program in order to get their resolution. I will lose weight in January go. I will lose weight because insert reason here on focus on this reason as hard as you can to do this weight loss. I will achieve a calorie deficit principle by following this method. This can be any less movie more a combination of both a fad diet or a fad exercise program unified exercise program like the massage there are guns and Hit Bridges, and oh my local gem absolutely love my little gem right now because we have just got a massive multi multi-million pound Reverb and they've got you know, two star Masters him. All right, sir Masters been in the fitness industry for a long long time to kind of go in and out of popularity. They're definitely in popularity right now. We can call them a fad but there's a lot of a lot of science coupon code into the science of people saying that step nails and stairmasters are the best thing for calorie burn. And all their assets a Five Forks for you to the point. I'm trying to make is you want you want your resolution to lead you towards a goal and the purpose. So if you want to lose that we at in January, whatever that way. It might be. It's how much weight you want to lose and why so let's say you want to lose a stone and the reason why you want the loser stone is for good health and you want to be able to move more with the kids when you're on holiday. That's an actual purpose for you then too. Get up every day in January and have a healthy breakfast lunch dinner stay within your calories and go to the gym a couple times a week that night gives you a purpose. It gives you something to focus really hard. Oh so resolutions feel because the reason why you're doing them isn't strong enough or be more cases is the reason isn't actually established. Yeah, so I would I say to this to people say there's a big mirror Rory about getting into the see more and doing cold water training. He actually enjoys getting into the cold water. I don't enjoy getting the cold water of the sea. I dunno what would benefit me but I don't have a big enough purpose to actually do that every day transfer that to doing the changes of training that I've done recently. I've become more of an endurance athlete because we're leaving towards the Iron Man and May No, I have a purpose. So that training is actually becoming really really easy to do endurance training. You know, it's easier to pack my bag. It's easy to get the gym or writing the road whatever it might be because the purpose is strong enough to make the action whatsoever moving forward to make the action more doable. And in fact, I want to make the action whereas six months ago couldn't got me on a bike. You could have got me to run more than 10 minutes outside. It's not that it couldn't do it. It's just I have no interest and no purpose in doing. So the message here for you is if you want to make a New Year's resolution instead of making the New Year's resolution make a 2020 goal that goal will lead you to actions which will help you get to that goal. And every time you do those actions, you know, I have a purpose for doing those actions. You have a purpose for going to the gym or maybe the prepping during the right type of shopping. You actually have a purpose for doing it because it's leading towards you that goal what you really roll and it must be a gold that you really really want. So if it is weight loss, that's fine. If it is to look a certain way for a certain reason, you know, a weapon or Fitness bikini show. That's fine. You just have to be really really honest with yourself. So what we'll do now is we'll discuss very very quickly a goal setting method from this is from one. Tony Robbins has booked stroke seminars and get a lot of this information online as well. So you might need to hit pause on the podcast a few times just make sure you get all this. So I've got some bullet points on the screen in front of me. First question. Do you know how to set goals high often? Do you achieve the large goals that really important to you? If you're having trouble following through gold planner. You may be tempted just to stop trans people say things like maybe this is just it or I should sell for auto have but frequently what's get in the way of you getting to that goal is you don't have a purpose for that goal or the goal is not strong enough. Ghost lose weight. How will you know when that goal is complete when you've lost a pipelined kilogram 10 kilograms 20 kilograms without a clear Target. You'll never hit your marks instead of sand. I want to lose weight. It's I want to lose to Stone so it get to Stone or how many kilograms is Dad 20 kilograms. I know but you got rid of me. So why do we need girls effective goal setting is fundamental key to success of already said that. Whether it's increasing your intelligence or taking up new sports try and achieve a sporting challenge set in Gold helps us grow physically and mentally pushing or sales and transforms Bells mental toughness physical toughness. The progress you get along the journey the process. Is what gets you there enjoying the process and if you enjoy the protests that will equal happiness, you're much more likely to put time and energy into something that excites you so your goal should reflect the same level of momentum. We're if we're talking about goal setting that makes you live by the bed in the morning ready to go think of a goal as a dream with a deadline. No, you want to create some sort of action plan to achieve that. So two key questions for compelling goal planning. Identify your goals. What do you really want? What is the exact objective you desire? Is a you know some sort of work promotion is it to take up daily meditation or sport doesn't matter what it is as long as you can identify what that goal is in order to set achievable goals. You need to set a clear I come online something almost magical unicorn happens when you take a generalized desires and start defining them more more precisely through detailed goal setting. To identify your purpose. Why do you want the achieve this goal? What will it bring you you can talk about intrinsic and extrinsic goals. They're so intrinsic it'll bring you feelings of internal satisfaction extrinsic. It might bring you more. What is the word I'm looking for. I'm looking for a great word. It might bring you more gold and riches cars more. Or money in the banks or you can have more holidays you get what I mean the extrinsic benefits. So in order to keep your goals, you need to ask the right questions and seek real changes in your life. If you know what you're moving towards you'll always find a way to make it happen and learn how to set goals. Remember reasons come first, then the answers process comes first and then the goal so the two things identify your goal and identify your processor. We got some most of you listen to this of probably heard of your sentence smart goals So we'll go into that a little bit just as we kind of move forward here. I do encourage it at any point hit pause if you need to write a couple things during if I'm talking too fast for you. Well, that's just how I talk. Let's think about how we can further identify how to best create a goal planning process. You need to know what type of girls you have. So there's going to be a number of different types of schools. It conveyed into categories such as religion schools health and fitness goals and career girls, however, you also Then fan base on the timeline and how realistic they are to each other. So I like the the Madrigal member who said this in first place is not the any goal is too big. It's just time frame might be too short or even too long. So if you give yourself a year to tidy your room, well, it's probably going to be you know, you don't really need a year to do that. Do you what if you give yourself a year to buy a 5 million point house when you might actually need Longer than a year depending what you do. So for just a really really basic short-term goals long-term goals short term goals can technically be achieved and less than a year include things like, you know, losing copy kilograms worth of weird getting promotions at work spend more time with family. We're going to short-term goals and the Gold Crown versus trying to think them as accessible goals, like enabling goes as soon as you complete them. You can move forward to Something a little bit bigger sword example, if you get a promotion, it would lead to more money an impressive resume and then that could lead you on to buying the bigger goal or getting the bigger job, whatever it might be in contrast. The long-term goals are more extensive and they'll take longer to achieve think you know more than a year five years, maybe lifetime goals, you know people often talk about their all we live here for not it's not are forever. Home or forever home will want to get by the time we're 40 or 50 or whatever might be could be starting your own business. You know, I'm working in this company right now on my forever goal is to own this company something like that. And then if we move further into those lifetime goals, they're exactly what the song that you know, your most important goals are what you want the accomplished during your lifetime. It could be retiring early at 60 50 40 years old, whatever it might be. So if you think the long-term goal might be I'm in this job right now. I want to become the CEO of the company. And then the lifetime goal is I want to be a majority shareholder in a company and an inactive see You something to that effect? Hopefully some of that sounds familiar. Like you've done that before great having this so very very simple. We can create momentum with smart goals a lot of smart goals because they're just work. I think I first learned about smart goals when I was about 16 not paying attention in school the few guideline principles for Effective goal setting and listen, you can find these anywhere on social media a quick Google search on there's quite a few different ways and how you can approach these this is just my way. You can feel free to use this or you know, change it in whatever. You want So if you think a smart SMA or t specific measurable achievable realistic and time freedom of sorts. Specific the more details you can be the better, huh specific. Can you be with your goal to lose weight? Is it to Stone or is it I want to lose to Stone or I want to weigh 12 stone because there's a difference in those two this and again, If it's something like I want to lose two stones so that I can wear my favorite clothes again on holiday. It makes it easier to conceptualize and visualize and Achieve what you want and it gives you a reason right from the start here about why that's your dream what it will enable so which will enable you to Persevere with a plan that you develop during the goal setting when things get challenged to so that specific measurable when it comes the effect of goal setting tracking. Your progress is critical setting clear parameters and at the guy and waypoints and things that will distract you will allow you to track your progress and know when you achieve your goal. For example, I want to get better at handling money is not as measurable as it's unclear. What better means here. Because you need to have a solid metric of mind when learning how to set goals have the gold you understand your current patterns. So instead of saying I want to get better at handling money. It's I want to see if 25% of my paycheck every month. Whatever that might be. No, you have benchmarks that you can use to check your progress. So if you say right I'm going to want to see of 25% or my monthly which well by four months. So by the end of April, you should have a little pot of savings of essentially a foam on salary setting in there. If you don't have that full month's salary sitting there. I haven't managed to save 25% every single month. Well, then you can see the measurements you have set you can see exactly where you on and just because you're a little bit behind or in front of where you need to be doesn't matter for reasons, which you'll see later on. You've set your measurable goals. So we set your specific and your measurable and I think about achievable so you want to be able to achieve your Also, if you can actually attain your goal that you originally said during the gold planner, it will only frustrate disheartening demoralize you you're not going to create a you know, billion Point business or become a world-class footballer overnight many times were creating big goals and we get to lofty and we make them seem impossible and that leads us on to the next element which is realistic. So, let me just pause on a tubal right now back to the Have to start is whilst no gold can be too big. It's the time frame that matters most there might be goals, which are simply just not achievable. So I'm 33 years old. It is my goal to play for Manchester United just one game like okay me like maybe a full season probably won't happen at the age of 24 years old might happen, but five foot nine and the bit heavy for a footballer. My and I've got really really dodgy knees so for me to set that as my goal setting for this year. It's probably not achievable and it's certainly not realistic realistic perhaps an Ideal World you'd like to have you know it or is a day to work on your body pump technique or your bench press ability or do miniprep whatever it might be but you also live in the real world. So make sure your goal setting matches up to reality. Can you real? Stickley become a world-class bodypump instructor a world-class or the strongest man or female in the world. Could you realistically do a marathon in sub 3 hours? If you've never run before and doors this goal fit in with your current lifestyle, so if you don't have ten hours a week to do some running training probably shouldn't set a goal to run a marathon and less than three hours doesn't mean you can't dream big and it doesn't mean you have can't go after something inside your comfort zone, but it does mean you should be focused on your goal planning so that you can realistically work towards if your gold hits a certain time or like a financial commitments. Make sure you have the means to do it. Sometimes that requires breaking down your goals in even further. It might require investment from other people and once an investment, I mean in times of money, so, you know, if if you're living with your partner and you say right I want to lose weight as already said I want to lose weight before or holiday in the summer. Well that might take a joint commitment from both of you to have systems in place systems over well part in place. This show is there's less junk food in the house or you go for daily walks. So are you maybe join the gym together and do the same workout program, even if it's not the other person's goal themselves, but you need to be realistic that you're going to need their investment in this case support could be Financial. Could be that you need investment in equipment for your goal. You could think of even simple things like if people took on the middle prep all the time. So you can you start doing minute prep what catches a lot of people out is possibly a mic the money you have to spend on equipment at the start. So you might need to buy specific cooking equipment. You might need to buy bigger stroke more what sort of look for assessable Tupperware boxes. If you're going to be out on the road a lot, you might need one of those refrigerated bikes all that costs money. So you might need actually a little bit of investment. So if you're sitting there thinking, you know, one dice like bikini land awful lot, you know and like all these shows and I would love the look, you know have you know, what's a warning about Fitness physique and a picture literally just for the Instagram, but the reality of it is I'm never going to put myself through that training program for Or what would probably be an excess of 12 months because it's not realistic for me to go through the treatment protocols and nutrition protocols to do that. It's not realistic for me and truth be told I don't want that Instagram picture that much and then finally I've already touched on this a couple times is the came through so you need to set a clear time freedom of when your goal needs to be achieve this creates urgency. This creates accountability sure this time for and with other people if you could credit cards to pay off tail somebody in your circle your wife going to pay this, you know, mm Point credit card bill light off before March before April the plan to do this comes back. The measurable again is the pay 200 pounds a month off and so on and so forth. Don't know if that would get a paid off payable. But yet one me. You can pick holidays to do this you could book events to do this. You know, it's really really simple one. If you want to create urgency on a some sort of Fitness regime book a holiday with friends that will create extreme urgency where all of a sudden it's a lot easier for you to get to the gym and eat healthier The Flipper little bit if you want to create urgency on if you're already training and you've just gone a little bit flat and you're not really enjoying training anymore book an event could be a strength. A physique event an endurance event, you know can be really really fun events like 5 or 10K fun run. It gives you something to trim for or can be a bit more extreme. Like, you know, the our model answer all day Lindsay doing the Belfast Martin so she's getting really really into you're Runnin right now because she has that reason why she has that goal and that's what motivates people it's that internal stroke extrinsic desire to get up because you know, I have the purpose. So think about that smart specific measurable achievable realistic and time freedom. I do this one with my clients as well. It just kind of put it all together, you know, add on an extra tail know that smart. So it's smart and what is tangible about this go Hollywood, you know, just kind of somewhere between measurable. Specific and timeframe of supposed to what is tangible but the school how will you know when you are on the right track? So if it is losing with certain things that you'll know how you'll know you're on the right track is when people say to you or Ricky, you're looking fantastic. You've lost a lot of weight or if you have told that person, you know, you're trying to pay off the credit card bill. It's when that other person congratulate you for well done you You see of that Summit the money now, you can pay that off. So they're little tiny things. Could be when you're training say to run a marathon if you're trying to do a sub 3 our marathon right now, you're only on a forearm at them. Well, you'll know you'll do once you do three hours 45 you've had progress. Once you do three hours 40 you've had progress so on and so forth. So I like that that little pan gerbil thing in there. If you're trying to lose weight again, it could be old school one. It works if you're currently a female clothing sizes if you're currently a size 14. You could buy a pair of jeans or a dress. That's a size 10. I don't know how big a different side is and if you you'll know that you've had progress when you can fit into the smaller dress size than where you were when you started specific measurable achievable realistic timeframe copper gold satin tips for you. So step one give yourself a couple of minutes brainstorm a list of anything you'd like the achieve create do have Give or experience in the next 20 years write as many things Dawn as fast as you can so you got three minutes to do that. Hit pause now you've on hit pause your back. You've got three minutes step to go back through that list and write 1 3 5 10 20 years next to each go to indicate how long it will take to achieve them be realistic when you're signing these time estimate you will have another couple of minutes to do this. We're back for step 3 review your list choose your top four. One year goes. So everything you've just written one beside. These are the goals that will make you really excited within the next 12 months write a letter to yourself explaining why you will be excited to achieve this goal within the next 12 months. That should take you about 20, maybe 30 minutes depends how much you want to write. You don't have to share any of that with me. I hope you've enjoyed this podcast. But if you want to share that with me and you want to discuss a little bit about goal-setting another thing I do with goal setting as well with a lot of clients has so if this is your goal, why is it important to you? Who has already done it write a list of people who have already done parts of your goal. And then what people can help you and how can you get their help? So it might be a friend of yours. You are my boss. You could phone them you could have a conversation with them or if you're looking at something, you know, I look at a lot of stuff that you know, some of the big entrepreneurs doing the UK who would never pick up the phone to Ricky long, but I can buy the book and I can read the book and I can consume their content on social media. So when you're doing your goal set and think about who's already done and what can you learn from them either directly in a conversation or indirectly just by When them on social perks, etc, etc. Wow. What is a podcast? Goal setting for 2020 it's a new year and a new you and here is why your New Year's goals and I poured success because you have a goal setting system knife. Listen to this podcast called X server. And if it's beneficial for you, let me know if you think it's beneficial for anyone else. Please do share it with other people when it comes to the weight loss, you know, the best diet for weight loss is the one you can stick to. I've had a lot of messages in the last two or three days. You must January people asking to buy weight loss Etc and fat loss. I did a podcast episode number 63. I'll put it in the show notes to this. It's a free 30-minute nutrition consultation from me to you. It's harder work out your calories. It's harder work out your proteins and it's hard who prioritize the nutrition pyramid in order of importance for you? So please do a go and check that out and also to people if you like food like bread ice cream biscuits chocolate. You should definitely include these in your diet because it will increase your chances of Happiness. Just make sure it sits within your calorie Alliance. The principal for fat loss will always be a calorie deficit the methyl the method double the method a beehive highly variable. So just quickly They're just before we finish this episode going into 2020 second year in Partnership. Well, it's over a year and I we've been in Partnership and sponsorship with put in for sports. So check them out on social media give them a like from me and jump live favor of the eighth twenty three templates are left at the time of recording this two speakers and a sponsor confirmed at this point another two speakers to go possibly another couple of sponsors. My name is Rick along. This is Ricky Long podcast big things happen this year from me. I want big things to happen from you. It is a pleasure to be inside your ears, which are inside your head, which is behind your Fierce talking to you like this. Love you. Goodbye. Thanks. You are listening to the Ricky Long podcast where International Fitness entrepreneur Ricky Long answers your questions and interviews Fitness leaders on training nutrition and mindset. Be sure to leave a review on iTunes.
#66 Your New Years Resolutions Are Stupid! A nice easy topic for a podcast to start the new year!!! In this episode I share with you a simple technique to help your resolutions, which are stupid, into SMARTT Goals which will help you have success in 2020. I spoke about this in previous IG posts about the key being to create a goal that gives you purpose to take action. It is much easier to get up at 5am every single morning and go to the gym if you have a reason and a purées for doing it. Like a sports event, a family wedding, a health reason. Let me know what your goals are and what actions you are taking to achieve them. ————— Jump LIVE February 2020 is 50% sold out! This means we have about 20 seats left. You can read all the details HERE and Collect your ticket.
Welcome to the Chinese. With your host Marie Hopkinson Chinese medicine practitioner. Hi, welcome back to the Chinese medicine podcast. This is the place where you can come to get Chinese medicine easily explained and understand it and take away some stuff that you can really easily do for yourself today. I'm joined by dr. Ben Lotto O'Brien and he is an acupuncturist and a Chinese herbalist in Perth. Wa welcome Ben. Thank you. So today we're going to be talking about Ben's journey into Chinese medicine. How did you get into Chinese medicine? So and Some really cool stuff that he's got to share with us. You want to tell us a little bit about your journey in Chinese medicine. Yeah. Sure. So like most people that get into this field. It's sort of a roundabout way actually use the background was a panel beater and spray paint, but when I was 26, I had open-heart surgery and everyone in my family suffers from a very unusual genetic condition called Marfan syndrome in this is a condition that it's a genetic disease that affects connective tissue and collagen in particular. So assume dream means a whole different range of symptoms. It's not just one thing but one of the main things that we have to do with with my fans is weakness of the the the cardiac tissue and particularly the ascending aorta. So I had great aspirations to be professional musician. So it was quite devastating for me at 26 to learn that basically Only had a few months to live and I had to have this emergency open heart surgery. I had no symptoms before that that anything was wrong with my heart and I just ended up going for some medical investigations and then being told you've got a very very short time to survive. So that was kind of sprung on me out of the blue and what my biggest fear about that was that I was told that sometimes people lose limbs or which wasn't really that likely before but unfortunately for me, That's kind of what happens. So when I woke up from the surgery, they told me that everything was fine. Everything was a success and that went very very well. But when I tried to move my arms and legs, I could move my arms and my legs that wasn't really a problem that my left hand was basically a claw couldn't open my fingers and I had a hand that was a bit like a cerebral palsy kind of a hand so they didn't pick up on that and I obviously got very distressed about that and said, Everything's not fine. Something's Happened to my hand. So they you know in the Intensive Care they completely freaked out and thought it's brain damage has had a stroke something like that. They didn't really nice for the rush me out for a whole lot of Investigations and everything came back as inconclusive. There was no evidence of any brain damage or stroke or whatever so they actually didn't know and they basically thought it will get better over time. You just have to wait. Yeah. And that wasn't really good enough for me. I sort of wanted to If you don't get a diagnosis is very hard to know then how to fix a problem. So that must have been scary being a musician and having a loss of your hand like that was so that was quite obviously that was going to be in Korea and that was basically it so I went back to the Western people and ask them, you know, what has happened to hear what you tell me that everything went well, but that obviously isn't the case and they poked and prodded and did a few tests and basically No, this was the cardiothoracic surgeon and I went back to see so he said I've got a friend who's a hand surgeon. You should probably go and see him he'll be able to help you. So ik if I went to see this hand surgeon and he said to me look, I don't know what's happened to you. Obviously, you've got a problem with your hands and it was obviously caused by the surgery. He said surgery cause this is unlikely that surgery is going to fix it. But if you like I can operate on you and we'll see how we go. And I said, there's no way on Earth that you're going to operate on me. I'll just had open heart surgery which is a two-year. Yeah, and he said yeah, I sort of agree with our romantic surgeries probably a good option, but you've got a lot of numbness as well in your hand and you can't move your fingers properly. So this is a this is a neurological condition. You should go and see a friend of mine. He's in your letters and subiaco so off I went to see this guy. And he did the same sort of thing parts and pottery you did a whole range of testing against the vehicle and cranial MRIs. You did a shock test trying to find if there's a break in the nerve and everything came back as inconclusive and he said to me with investigated we found nothing so stop complaining basically got on with your lungs no more investigations to do but you're still left with the problem. He didn't say to me. Way been go and see bababababa. You just said that's the end of the story. Yeah, nothing else you can do. Yeah, right and that didn't sit very well. So I was pretty angry with that. I spent a lot of money on these investigations and I still had no answer what to do. So I was sitting around very very depressed for you know, a year or so. How old were you when this all this happened. I was 26 when I had surgery. So I was getting towards 2020 Yeah by this time so after that The surgery is a very very big Open Hearts that they basically give you a zipper and they have to break your sternum and your ribs and everything. I have to get in there and physically replace the aortic semilunar valve and the entire ascending aorta. So it's major it's not just well. Yeah, it's a pretty big procedure. It was nine hours of theater. Yeah. So I mean, it's miraculous that they can do that. Yeah. I got to live through it. So that was incredible, but the price was my hand. Mmm. So anyway, I sort of Out of options and I had a I had a friend who is who is occasion. He came around one day and said to me look Ben you've tried lots of different things because by now I had gone to physios icons on all kinds of different people to try and get a diagnosis. He said to me, why don't you try Chinese medicine. Hmm, and I said to him exclusive exclusive exploitive get out of my house that I want to hear that this is rubbish. Yeah, it's going to help me because this might be a reasonable form of medicine. I thought if this was worth trying Trying surely someone with all these letters after their name in all these medical degree. Yes suggestion been think about going from yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so and your family's very Western Medical and I've got three free monk whose were medical doctors and both my grandparents were medical doctors as well. So yes, I've got a big medical background but still no one was yeah. This is this problem. So anyway, I thought Well, I'll go and try acupuncture. It won't work. I know it won't work, but I don't know what else to do. Yeah, so I went and found this guy called Lawrence kulish was his name and he was a lecturer at Endeavor. Yeah, and he was the only one that I thought that I knew just from Googling is actually how I found him not so I went and saw him and I said, this is the problem. Can you help me? He said look, I don't know. Obviously there's some The wrong with your hand, but we can try and say and he said what I suggest you do is that you come in for a course of treatment you come in once a week for eight weeks and we'll know at the end of that time whether it's going to help you or not. Yeah, and I said to him no, I'm not doing that. This is a waste of time. Yep, and it's not going to work anyway, so I'll give you one. I have one session and if it helps me I'm coming back. And if it doesn't help me then I'm not coming back. Yeah, okay I said, okay. Bye. It's fine. Let's do that. So no pressure or anything. Well, that's right. Yeah. Well, you know, we'll give it a try. Yeah, I was out of options. Yeah. Yeah took me into the room explained to me a bit about Qi and blood and yeah all these things. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about feel the pulse and look at the tongue. I thought this is kind of weird. Anyway, I've got an invention you put up in June and he finished the treatment took me out to the receptionist, and he said I'll see you next week. It was long. I'll decide that he said yeah, okay, that's fine. So I've got in my car and I was driving back home. I was living in south from a natural at the time. I could move my left hand. My left arm. That wasn't a problem. It was a hand I couldn't grip on I couldn't really manipulate the fingers very well and for guitar player, that's kind of very devastating cause you're like, yeah fingering. How do you can't actually play anymore. So it's like driving back to my house. I remember feeling the steering wheel. And I don't know whether it was my imagination or not. But I felt like I had a little bit more movement in my fingers and just allow this was like within 10 minutes after the treatment and I got back into my driveway and I remember sitting in my car for probably an hour, huh actually getting some feeling back and I thought I don't know what the hell this guy's done but something is different in my hands and yeah, right and it didn't feel like that and a half ago so I couldn't believe that this I had actually done something that nobody else had managed to do more to the point. I was a I was the you know, I've completely a non-believer and yeah, it was a waste of time and money. Yep, and it was going to be joking wasn't gonna help me. Yeah, so there's no Placebo vote. I was like, this is I'm all right. I don't understand what he's done, but something has changed. So I went in and called him up and said put me in for some more coming in next week. Yeah. Wow, I went back once a week and every week I went in my hand got a little bit better a little bit. It a little bit better until I can Flex my fingers again at the end of the eight weeks. Now, there's still a bit of nerve damage and probably never going to completely recover but it's 90% so went from literally being like this to now being able to move and I can see why you're a guitar player because look at how long and beautiful along your fingers up from one guitarist or another having this condition, sir. I couldn't continue the treatment. So I thought you know, maybe I can go and learn stuff. Yeah, learn how to trick myself and known to pay someone to do it. Yeah, I didn't know what else to do with my life yet. I thought okay. I didn't want to be a part of it and scrape and in my whole life and you that wasn't going to be a good career. So that's what I decided to do. So I went on a long journey then awesome to study Chinese medicine and that's why I became a practitioner. Yeah. Wow, what a great journey. What an amazing story. Yeah, it's very common. I guess now that you're a practitioner. You probably see patients like that as well. That's a staff give you one treatment and like prove it to me. Wow. That's an amazing journey into what you're doing now. And so how long have been doing Chinese medicine for now? I am just about to start my seventh year of practice, but I studied for a very long time. I did I did the background was getting through acupuncture and nutrition. I sort of did a double degree together. Okay, I did some training in the body work as well. So I'm not tweeting out which is a Chinese physiotherapy. So that was a couple of years Western remedial diploma because become public because of my mother who's in ostia. I was very interested in learning some body work and I also sort of so clinically that the the students that were interested in Bodywork tended to be better at the tactile side of putting your hands on people people that didn't want to do that and just wanted to become a To contrast that were more nervous to touch people actually acupuncture is obviously a very handsome sort of a therapy. So that was kind of beneficial when I got to be into the my training and for some reason I still wasn't done with the painting of study. You know, why but I thought I needed to learn as well. So number two rmit and did a three years must well Chinese medicine, right? So you've done like probably what seven years of study then maybe yeah, but more than that. It's up to 30 minutes. Total but I did it in about nine. Wow. Yeah, I did I did that class is not classes and I'd managed to do a couple of degrees together. Yeah. Well, yeah. Okay. So you practice Chinese medicine acupuncture and herbs and nutrition like Western nutrition combining those things. Yeah, great. Well, and I guess that interest in Bodywork came from you wanting to heal yourself and being more interested in Moscow school idol stuff. Yeah, I think so. I think body work. I do try and utilize it a bit in the clinic as well. Less so now that I'm getting busier and I don't always have time to work on paper. But if it's a musculoskeletal case of soft tissue work, it's quite often important. Yeah, and I quite enjoy doing it. So yeah awesome. Yeah and what kind of special interest you have in your clinic now like any practice? Well, I work in Netherlands with my mother and I work in Scarborough so slightly different interesting different clinics, but I guess I'm very gone towards musculoskeletal conditions in pain in particular because that's mainly what I see with my mum or as mulatto in the Netherlands clinic so pain and musculoskeletal conditions, but I'm also quite interested. I noticed over the over the years of starting to get into clinical practice that certain conditions are not treated terribly. Well one of them is inflammation. So I do a lot of work on that with diet and it's obviously a Chinese medicine. Hmm. Viral conditions are also really really difficult to treat and Badly treated in really all medicine to be honest. That's a difficult thing to trade. So I that that is the best bit of a special interest often things where people would go to a GP or something and that's a well you got a virus just have to wait it out and yet my probably will run its course but there might be residual effects that happen in the body or they have this terrible uncomfortable symptoms to just deal with for a few weeks. And yeah, that's very common in practice to see those kinds of patients. Yeah, definitely. So I find that the the, you know, if you have a lot of heat Generated from a viable thing whether it's shingles or an outbreak or whatever that acupuncture can be quite good to help the pain but the herbal medicine side the internal medicine that patients need that really excels them forward. If you've got an internal condition, you can sort of need internal medicine. So that's where I find that the herbicide definitely sort of comes into its own in terms of yeah being able to help them treat that yeah, and the way we're that we Trader is by that individualized basis, right so looking at what's individually Out of balance in a Chinese medicine way and addressing that and then I guess you would use nutrition in that to I do I do I think I think nutrition is, you know, it's a very underrated form of medicine and it's incredibly powerful and you know with all due respect to Chinese medicine. I think that if somebody's nutrition isn't where it needs to be it doesn't really matter how good you are with acupuncture or Herb's it's very hard to get results if someone's not only properly yeah, and they need to learn a little bit specially for inflammation. Operation conditions that you need you can throw the anti-inflammatory herbs you like it a patient. But if they continue to put information into their body, then you don't really get the results. So they need a bit of Education in terms of because a lot of people just don't know what actually they can do is contribute to keeping themselves inflamed when tissue isn't healing that's what you need to um, so the combination I find works works incredibly. Well, yeah, okay. So for people watching at home that might just have a general they could have any kind of inflammation. What are the general diet things you'd say to them? Try to reduce the information. Well, there's a couple of main things handouts that I give to patients in clinic. So to be aware things that cause acidity in the body of things that promote inflammation. So these are things like coffee and sugar alcohol processed foods are really the big ones the the fifth one that nobody really talks about that. Very relevant is stress. Yeah, and when someone's got a very clean diet and they, you know doing all the right things in there might not drink coffee or whatever. Oh and they still got these chronic inflammation. Then you have to look at what is going on with this individual. Where is this coming from? Yeah, right because there is always some reason why you know inflammations. Our normal process is when it gets out of hand. That's when you have pathology and that's when you get into trouble. So and people quite often tell me being an online a very good diet. I when I go through an analyzer, it might be a good diet, but it's not the correct diet for them for their constitution. And this is why they're not healing from whatever it is that they're they're dealing. Yeah. The constitution in a Chinese medicine way so you mean yep I do I do so, you know someone can be on what they consider a very good clean organic diet, but you know might be too much cold food. It might it might be too much raw food just teaching patients to pay attention to their body and how they feel is a very big part of my clinical practice. I think patients need to ultimately become a bit responsible for their own health. And I mean sure one that because they're going to pick up on this faster than I will or you will orgy. EP will because they experience that first so when you educate them, then that's certainly important and then they can they can see they think that you know that they're eating the correct things but yet they've always got stomach noises or regurgitation or acidity or their bowels don't work properly or whatever it is when technically you know, they've Googled and I've said this is good. This is a good dive. Yeah, but it's not the right diet. Yeah, that's I mean that's a big difference and lot like most of the viewers in the listeners and to this podcast are here because they want to help. Those and what I get a lot of comments and people saying, you know, they're on they just want that extra bit of information. So they are a bit more engaged in helping themselves. That's why they're watching there is but there at that is the main difference I guess for people to understand between you watching a video and take saying well, I'm just going to cut those things out. I'm going to add this one thing or Googling it and getting that information. Whereas knowing a practitioners going to be able to give you the exact specific right thing for you. I mean even seasonally right so at the right Time of the year, what's right and what's not right definitely and I think you know, I'll just reiterate that again that that you know health comes from within and people like, you know, you and me Marie where the professionals to give people advice but ultimately, you know, it comes down to the individual doing the right things and seeking out People Like Us for the added assistance of a knowledge that we have to help them get their health to where it needs to be. Yeah. Yeah cool. So I want to ask you a question that my you probably I don't know what you decided. Like you hear a lot about tumeric. There's a lot of turmeric turmeric turmeric everywhere, right mix of flavors. And yeah, so you can what's the and turmeric is a Chinese medicine as well. It's a Chinese herb, please tell us about James so too much as a lot of quite incredible things Eugene is what it's called or Hong jinyoung in the Mandarin depending on which part of the plant but really it's one of the same so it's it is the hot her but the moment because it is such a good General anti-inflammatory. And I mean, there's tumor can this to mixer when I when I prescribe it for people to go and buy I'll always say it needs to be organic whether you're using it fresh or powder probably doesn't really matter. But you know, the master foodstuff is not medicinal grade to mix it. Don't buy from Coles and woolies or somewhere tell you a little bit more money. It's not very expensive to get a good quality. Organic tumeric and you know doing things like putting something in that's going to actually activate the turmeric and draw it into cells. What is that? What is that? So black pepper? For example, so turmeric has a compound in called curcumin which is the active ingredient that gives it the in the anti-inflammatory properties is a lot of different medicinal compounds in turmeric, but that's the main one that people beeping almond. Thank you. And yeah, so what does it mean to activate it then? So what that means is that if If you have it in the in the raw form without something to activate it, you only draw about one to two percent of that coke human into cells. Okay, so you're not absorbing very much into the body. So you might be having a lot of it in the diet, but it's not actually going to cells and reducing inflammation. So if you put something like black pepper with it's about absorption that metabolism of that that particular compound goes up to about 14 or 15 percent. Okay. So it makes it considerably stronger just by normal black pepper just by so people can save money on the train wrecks up. Like I said, I can yeah, so that's one of the main things but you know to make has a lot more effect on the body. It's not just an anti-inflammatory. For example, it also gets deliver working much much better and and energetically in Chinese medicine to mix a cold herb. It's cooling. That's why it's anti-inflammatory. So there's no such thing as inflammation in Chinese medicine. We talk about cold or heat or Darkness or what window whatever it is. These are these are pathogenic factors. So Clearing the heat is the main action of turmeric but from Western medicine. What it also does is gets your liver working better in terms of the phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification. So IE if you have too many wines or to me beers the next day you can have a bit of trimming because actually this is liver working better and helps reduce the effects of the alcohol which is obviously a very Yang substance in very heating. Yeah, very Pro inflammatory. Mmm. So that's that's another really important aspect. Act of tumeric and I've also read that tumeric is a very very good herb in terms of stimulating apoptosis, which basically means program cell death. So if you think about cells that are start going wrong in the body like cancer cells for example, right? She makes a very very good herb to be able to promote apoptosis the natural spontaneous death of a cell when it starts going wrong Jim. It will enhance that okay Billy. Yep. So what like let's say for an average person that like they don't have a massive chronic inflammation condition. They I just want to be healthier and they might have the few wines on the weekend of the few beers on the weekend. And let's say they're going to the gym and they get a bit of soreness. They've you know, maybe that kind of thing how much you make sure they have I would normally prescribed half a teaspoon three times a week of an organic powder with a grinder black pepper and whatever you're cooking and going rice dishes or soups or casseroles or whatever it is. That's probably enough. You don't need to have huge amounts of put the turmeric in the food in the casserole my food. And cook with it. There's something about heating it up the tends to be better for inflammation then, you know having a cold or just sprinkling on food at the end. Yeah. We'll put a smoothie or something. Okay, so hate it up put it mix it in with the food. Right? What if someone's got like a chronic problem and they have pain every day and they're managing that to they need to see a practitioner don't know how much time I would that would be helpful. I mean that there is there is certain nutrients or herbal formulas that we can use that uses tumeric along with other. An anti-inflammatory herbs and that would be beneficial but I would certainly start with doing something as simple as just getting some organic tumeric. Yeah, starting to utilize that and you know, see see how you respond to anyone with with, you know arthritis or just general muscle aches and pains, you know chronic Mouse neck computer work these office type working people Mouse and quite hunchbacks. Yep. Well, just if you just hold your phone or find your naturally hunching if you hold your phone, you can't help it. Yeah, so that would be helpful. And if you need more, you know specialized advice you come and see someone like practitioner anyone to assist you with that but you know nutrition I think a bit like some of the better herbal formulas and point prescriptions. Sometimes the simple stuff is much more effective than trying to be clever and really the simple stuff with nutrition the best dishes on the planet can be two or three ingredients. It's much more than that if it's fresh and it's organic and it's done. Well, then that's all you actually need. Yeah, right. So it's not about Reinventing the wheel. It's just about working out. You know, what's right for the individual getting the basics, right? And you move forward in Leaps and Bounds awesome. Yeah, great. Oh, that's so that's really great. That's amazing information to help people to understand how much they should use because that's sometimes people think the more the more the more they use the better the better the better, but in Chinese medicine, we kind of know that like it's at Taxing your body more and more to digest and if you don't put the pepper with the with the shumate, then you might be having to ingest more and more and more and just wasting your body's resources trying to digest it that you can't even absorbance. Oh, no, that's definitely relevant. And I just point something else out to the viewers. Tumeric lattes don't count. That's not that's that's very popular at the moment. But when you think about what that is that generally is quite a lot of heating her because they generally put the might put cinnamon with their then I put nutmeg in. There that might put whatever else is in there and that you know, you can't you can't clear heat and reduce inflammation if you keep putting heat in the body so drink that if you like the taste, but don't use that as medicine because it's probably not going to be terribly effective. So people often say to me in clinic but I have two or three to make life as a daisy. Yeah and probably the quantity and the actual quality of that tumeric. Like you said, it's if it's not organic and yeah, so so they shouldn't be having just the supermarket shelf to make it might not be the same quality what they're putting In the Cafe's it's not a medicinal quality of no, it's not an additional grade. So I would strongly advise people to Source out slightly better quality turmeric. Yeah, definitely that's important. And like I just mentioned to make Lighthouse. They don't count. Yeah, you can't you can't have that in think that that's going to help you reduce inflammation because they have a lot of heating herbes in them. Generally as well like nutmeg or cloves or cinnamon or whatever and the balance it's always about the balance and so Not going to be truly cooling for the body because you've got to put a whole lot of heating herbs in there, which will negate the effects of each turmeric and therefore you won't see the the benefits so just used to make by self with black pepper in cooked meals. That's really the best advice. Yeah, great. Okay. And so if you got any other diet things for inflammation that people might be able to know about I yeah, so there's some things available on the site so people can go to the website and download that for free. What's your website? So the website is Netherlands Osteo a will put it down there and we'll put a link down the bottom and there's a whole different range of articles that are written on that and if they have further questions, I can always find me through the email or give me a buzz if they want to when I have it just have a phone conversation. I'm more than happy to do that. But the the simple stuff that I'll so like is the things that people can do a home in their Garden. So there's a lot of benefits that you can get from literally just growing some culinary herbs if you know That's pretty simple people often say well, I don't have the room. But really I mean, you know, if you have a square meter or you just have a windowsill in the sun. If you have one bedroom flat you can actually grow quite a lot of medicinal herbs like lemon balm or time and and utilizing that simple stuff that you have daily is really really beneficial. So what sort of people are thinking about I'm going to go get a little herb garden. What would be the top five once ago and popular five? Well, those two time is very very good. Because antiviral and lots of good oils in time. I like lemon balm for the same reason. That's also a really really good herb majorem. And oregano. I both very very good simple herb people. Just think about the Italian side and having them on Peter and that kind of thing very simple to grow grow weary. Well in pots that's all quite basic and even something as simple as parsley utilizing that, you know, having a little bit of parsley once a week on top of a pizza is not going To do it, but if you can have it daily and you can actually pick fresh herbs put them into your stomach, you know, 20 minutes after you've actually picked them that gives you a lot of Vitality a lot of energy that you don't get from buying food from the supermarket that were picked days ago herbs with very very quickly and they lose their medicinal qualities very very quickly. So it's not difficult to just have a little herb garden at home be growing some of those things medicinally in there's a lot of health benefits you will get from yeah. I started doing that a few years ago, and I'm like Like why did I do this before but I had so much coriander growing. Now, there's coriander growing out of the cracks of the pavement Quarry and is around it grows out. Like if you liked it a lot of people don't like it. I love it. I just make the curry recipes with coriander. That's a really good one to particularly for viral conditions. That's that's very very useful and a lot of these things. I think that we didn't touch on with the inflammation side is understanding acidity and alkalinity. So, okay so poor that inflammation is always promoted in an asset in Environment so the whole premise behind getting your body more alkaline is super super important that you do this with green leafy things. This is the most important thing and you know, some supplements like magnesium will be very good to alkalize the body. So, you know, you quite often hear people say things that aren't terribly accurate like everyone over 60 is going to develop arthritis. That isn't true arthritis comes from acidity. It's inflammation is creative in an acid environment. So if you can get your blood and your body more alkaline, I've got patients in their seventies. I've got patients in their 90's that have no problems with arthritis. Yeah, and these are people that have eaten very very well and done that their whole life and maintain that they don't each lots of sugar. They don't eat processed foods. They might have a bit of coffee or alcohol or whatever but they're you know, I do that as well, but I love green leafy stuff. That's really really important. And that's how you keep your tissue alkaline, and that's super important and if you look, At the chemistry of bloat and the chemistry of the body blood has a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 7 is neutral and Below 7 is acid. So naturally the body wants to be alkaline. That's really what the science is telling us and it's kind of what we know. So the body always repairs better in an alkaline environment. If you're having problems with recurrent muscle strains, or you know tissue not healing properly the chances are your blood chemistry is too acidic and you know, Change that and just by having this little bit of an understanding of how you actually get rid of inflammation and treated that's super important and that goes back to the things that we talked about the simple garden stuff culinary things green leafy things. These are things that alkalize the body and the blood and allowed issued. Oh, yeah, right. So if people are recovering from a surgery or they've had like a lot of chronic illness and just finding that it's like in Chinese fans. We haven't caught lingering pathogens like things are lingering around there. Like I just can't get better or you know, every time this happens. Burns, I'm just like in this cycle of constantly being sick. The diet things is the best idea is to try to move towards an Alkali and alkaline diet remove the acidic. Yep, definitely and having a bit of Education about what that actually means. So there's four main signs of inflammation. If you're wondering what that means is pain, it's redness its heat and it's swelling. Mmm and when it gets really really severe the fifth one is a loss of function, but you have to get quite severe but generally if you've got pain or redness or heat or swelling In your body, you've probably got some sort of inflammation condition. So, you know that can be quite useful for patients to be aware of and you know, trying to put some emphasis into getting their body and their blood more alkaline. That's just a super super important thing to do and learning a little bit about the nutrients in the herbes and a lot of it is simple. It's not it's not overly complex. I'm a vegetarian I don't promote that in the clinic. I don't push that for me that works because that's the way I was brought up and I was very very disappointed. Disappointed when I read that all grains are acid forming Foods. I didn't know that. Yeah, so, you know people that oats or barley or wheat or rice or whatever these things are all mildly acidic on the body. So do you think that has a following sorry to interrupt? Mr. But a lot of people on this channel like to talk about dampness felt operating videos. Do you think that that is related to dampening because all those all grains have a damper Effect and dampeners in Chinese medicine is like this accumulation of stagnation and you in substance and not like a lack of Yang a lack of movement through that. Do you think that's got to do in that like it's got a correlation there? Yeah. Sure. I mean it certainly it certainly plays A Part dampness and heat tend to go together quite often. So when you find stagnation, he generally gets generated for liver cheese trying to move and it can't then, you know, it vibrates and heat is given off. Yeah. That's angry. It's so and this is this is the other issue with people that suppress emotions and wonder why you know, they have inflammation problems. Yeah, if you sit on something it's a bit like, you know boiling a kettle and not letting the steam out. Yeah, it's going to boot up and build up and build up until eventually boom. It's going to explode. Yeah, and so, you know, that's that's a very odd sort of Chinese medicine theory about not sitting on emotions and not letting them fester and build up heat of the stop your liver Qi because that's going to generate heat and that that isn't going to be a good thing. So you gotta flick that out-of-body you got Find ways of whether using dietary stuff or whether you're you're going for a walk on the beach taking your shoes off and walking on the earth. It's something that I try and do at the end of every week when I finish Clinic is take my shoes off getting to the Garden. Yeah play with my clients because I love doing that and that's really important to help Earth and ground and just help make you more, you know stable inner peace and get rid of a lot of that negative energy that you might pick up from if you know if you're in a working environment, And there's a negative energy around your workplace. I think most people know what I'm talking about that negative people surrounding you is another way of actually generating heat you want to raise every positive people not people that are all doom and gloom and everything's terrible on the worlds of our place. Yeah energy transfers and so that's important to have some way of actually getting rid of that that energy and people do that in different ways for me, you know, it's spending time in nature or taking my shoes off and walking on the earth that's important. And I highly write that as a therapy. It's simple it's free. Yeah, it's easy to do and you feel good after yeah get into it. Yeah, sometimes like we think I've got to go to the beach. I've got to go to the forest. I've got to go to the bush or something and it's like it's such a long thing that's going to take I mean, it might not be that long might be maybe a half hour drive or something but or maybe an hour drive or whatever, but then you just don't do anything because you put it off to think so hard. There's like I think in our society, we got to find lots of easier ways to connect quicker with those things that release the stress. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. And I think I think it's important to not have this just like an ant gods and actually thing I have to try and fit into the week. It should become part of your weekly routine to not become a chore. Yeah, it should be something that you automatically do because you feel good and you know, the first couple of times might be a bit difficult to get going but once you do that and it's part of your routine and you seen the benefits from it you much more inclined to stick with it and keep it up. Yeah fantastic. So that's great. So people can jump onto band's website and Check out the other additional foods that he's got for inflammation. And there's a lot there's like loads of other self-help stuff. He's got on his website articles and things like that. So, yeah. So wow, so exciting interesting to like hear about your journey in Chinese medicine and the way you got into it and that how you really have that special interest in helping people that may be nuts. There's no other options for them. Are there any other conditions that you'll really love trading so something that And I have gotten to only in the last few months is visual health and you know people with eye problems. These are quite a lot that you can do about that which you don't hear about from ophthalmologists or optometrists that people they basically just say, you know, your eyes are the eyes that you get and you just have to manage them whether they're good or bad or indifferent. That's just what you get and that actually isn't the truth. I've had visual problems my whole life and I'm just starting to work on that now and realize that there's actually quite a What you can do in terms of natural medicine there is certain hubs that we use for the eyes of certain acupuncture points that we use for the eyes, but there's also just quite simple techniques that you can utilize to improve your visual health. So if eyes are a problem this sort of came about because I had several events of visual issues myself in the last three months it started with waking up with a lot of pain. I'm almost blind in my left. Left I'd say it's a ma fence thing. It's another one of these are symptoms that I have to deal with from this condition. I was always taught that there's nothing you can do. You know your eyes are what you're born with and that's really all you can do with so I started to have quite a lot of pain in my left eye. So when I wake up it's got a blinding pain in the morning and I was quite concerned about that. So I went and saw a western doctor. My uncle actually is a GP and he sent me to an ophthalmologist and at the same time. I had I had a little cut over my right eye which I really wasn't very concerned about because I wasn't causing me any visual problems my right eye is my good eye but it was the pain in my left eye but send me to this this guy so he diagnosed me with a thing called recurrent corneal erosion syndrome or what that basically means is that when you sleep at night your eyelid sticks to the retina the front clear part of your eye actually tears the fun of it off when you open your eyes. Or I now ice here very very quickly. So it's quite blinding pain, but you do get over it quite quickly sounds really painful. It wasn't ideal. You explained that it wasn't great. But anyway, that's that's why I went to Serious ophthalmologist and I happened to say to him. Look. I've got this kind of strange cut over my my right eye. What do you think? That is? He said? Well, I'm not too concerned about that. It doesn't doesn't appear to be anything, but he told me what this thing was in my left eye, but Other condition that I had with it was a very swollen painful gland right next to my jaw. And so when I was telling him about this thing this weird cut I have over my my my right eye. I said, I think this is a viral or bacterial. Hmm. What do you think about that? He said well, it could be maybe maybe not. I don't really know he gave me a script for an antiviral. He said don't take it because we actually don't know what it is. We did some blood pathology and we Sent this thing off. My instinct told me that I said well, why is my immune system reacting with I got this painful swollen glands if this isn't a viral or bacterial thing, so when soon as I got home, I decided to go and get on antivirals immediately some herbes and I just did that anti-inflammatory as well turmeric based anti-inflammatories and the next day. He called me and said been the pathology reports come in. You've got a shingles outbreak and it's going into your eye and I didn't I've never had one before so I didn't actually dealing with at all but I had chickenpox is a kid. So it's very common with shingles. People don't know it's shingles. They just don't know and what I didn't know about about the I usually you see the lesions over the back, you know got the neck or whatever. But what I didn't know is that if it goes into your eye it can be fatal you can end up with and capillaries which is brain inflammation. Yeah, and this can be an You could be dangerous condition. So on Instinct, I just decided to take this is Herb's the next day. I woke up 80% of this was gone the swelling islamization. This is without taking his antivirals just the yeah, it's medicine one because you didn't know it was shingles. Yeah, just wait just I didn't know but I thought I'm not going to take the chance. I thought I can read the symptoms. I have the knowledge I understand is so now I did actually take the the medication that he prescribed because I won't go and see. Our Western practitioner and then ignore his advice you told me to do it. So I said, okay, but what I really think helped me was the the the change manager list. Now, the reason why this all sort of ties in is because he wasn't saying to me is anything that you can do about your eyes, I can't have surgery because I've got the weak connective tissue and the the lens in my eyes not quite in place. And so if they replace it, then I risk going from Paul. Into night vision and I'm not willing to do that. So he basically said was only in do you just have to manage it? So I started to investigate Eye Health and saw that there's actually an awful lot that can be done in terms of learning some very simple techniques to improve visual health and I've started that probably for about 6 or 8 weeks and you know, you probably need to get the advice off of someone but a lot of these theories go back to quite a famous eye doctor called. Dr. Bates who was around in the very early part of last century practice from 1900 to 1930 when he retired and he managed to cure hundreds of thousands of people with visual products basically got them to get rid of their glasses. Yeah and not use the the glasses anymore. So if you need some help with your eyes and you like to learn a bit more about that than I encourage you to get in contact with me and we'll have a chat about that. Hmm. Great awesome. That sounds amazing. Cool. So been so informative. And I've learned types of stuff today, and I'm sure the viewers and listeners have learned, you know stack load of things about inflammation and self-help eyes and just hearing your journey about how you got to Chinese medicine, you know, it's a loss for the music industry, but it's again for Chinese medicine. So I look I really appreciate you having me on sir. Thank you very much for Talking Stick. All right. Well, you can get in contact with Ben will put his link to the to his website below and thanks very much for watching if you Listening to on this on Apple podcasts or Google's Google or Spotify. Thanks very much for listening. Don't forget to write a review. If you love the podcast you've been you've been enjoying the content. We would love you to do that. And if you're on YouTube, don't forget to like And subscribe. Thanks very much for watching and have a great day.
Talking inflammation and pain, eye health and Dr Ben's amazing journey into becoming a Chinese Medicine practitioner after a life changing surgery gone wrong. In today's episode we discuss inflammation, Pain, Turmeric & Eye Health are key topics we talk about  with Dr Ben who also studied a degree in Nutrition. Tumeric - how much, how often and how to make it's active ingredients  more available in the body. We also talk about Dr Ben's special interest in eye health and keeping  your eyes healthier  Chinese Medicine   About Dr Ben Latto O'Brien (Acupuncturist & Herbalist)  Benjamin O’Brien comes from a long line of practitioner’s of both  western and natural medicine. Ben completed a double degree in both  acupuncture and nutritional medicine and is also qualified in both An Mo  Tui Na (Chinese massage) and western Remedial massage. Part of Ben’s  acupuncture training involved completing an internship in China at  Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University in Nanning, Guangxi. Ben  has personal experience in the healing capacity of acupuncture and  continues to be inspired by what Chinese medicine offers to millions of  people around the world. Ben’s other great passion involves using food  as medicine for the incredible health benefits seen in both the short  and long term for his patients and himself when the correct foods are  regularly consumed. Ben has completed a master’s degree in Chinese Herbal Medicine. He  strongly believes in the vast healing power of plant medicine and the  lack of side effects often seen with the use of many modern western  pharmaceutical medications. CLINIC / Contact Dr Ben via:  IMPORTANT: This video, as with all our content, the The Chinese Medicine Podcast episodes are NOT a replacement for a health professional diagnosis. While  Marie may answer your questions, all answers are not of a professional  consultation level - it is impossible to check your pulse through the  internet, hence Chinese medicine cannot be practiced properly through  the internet. If you have any undiagnosed symptoms, or changes in your  health condition The Chinese Medicine Podcast urges you to see your own  doctor, GP, Chinese medicine practitioner, acupuncturist or other health  professional as appropriate. If it is an emergency call 000 in  Australia. If you are unsure if this advice is appropriate for your  individual situation ask your own practitioner before applying any diet  or lifestyle techniques /concepts discussed in this video. We wish you the best of health in your own journey.
Welcome to inevitable change the podcast about all things growth change and cyclical systems in the natural and emotional. Well, I'm Johanna and I'm George today. We're talking permaculture. Hey, yeah, we're going to explore permaculture concepts for permaculture is why we so fascinated by it and how you can learn a bit more about it. Oh also very exciting this episode contains our first interview. We did it with a friend because when nervous we're nervous little children. Yeah, and we were all for that it to be very honest. Very awkward. It's great. He was very nice patient with us there. Yeah, if you enjoy that but before we get to the You let's chat a little bit about what permaculture is and the history and such. So yeah. So permaculture is permaculture is what most people seem to find it difficult to Define. Hmm. Well we had to do that now at me. Yeah, I guess we should start like, you know, where did it actually come from this entire concept? Where is it from? Yeah, so it's from the 70s by Bill Mollison of David Holmgren originated in Australia and at the time it Originally described a design system and this design system was as a response to industrialization agricultural intensification dependence on non-renewable resources nor the damaging effects caused by this lifestyle and this and the choices that we make so permaculture offered a nature-based cyclical an alternative way of living the environmentally damaging culture that we call Modern Life. Okay, I guess I guess at the beginning the term. Itself was like permaculture stood for permanent agriculture. But then by the 80s it also Incorporated permanent culture. So it broadened to like also sustainable human living as well as the sustainable agricultural system thinking because the first it was like a like a just design principle framework, I guess for agricultural systems. Yeah, and I guess like that sort of change in a shift from being purely a land of a system like designed. System to something that encompasses everything it sort of marks that change originally. They realized they wanted it to just be a Land Based system. But as they try to start to implement designs they realized actually oh, well, everything is enslaved. It's like holistic way of looking at things and that's one of the pieces of ham cultures. It's recognizing, you know, like it's like a holistic way of thinking and a heuristic we're designing and I've heard permaculture referred to as many different things like designing methods. Some people call it a field of study. Yeah, all sorts of things like that. So it's very Broad and multifaceted. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah, let's talk about the core ethics of permaculture because there's three of those and there are earthcare people care and fair share. So carefully Earth. I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory, you know look after the Earth and so you can flourish I guess because we're so utterly dependent on Earth. Yeah. It's like all sorts of Of things like yeah. So so your system or like whatever you're designing should look after the Earth and also look after the people and it's like the basic basically care for people is is recognizing his core permaculture really is a human based human based design system recognizing that we need to get something out of something in order to actually have value for and yeah, it is talking about putting humans sort of Moving them slightly from the center but keeping them as a focus as well. Yes absolutely keeping like the Earth and you know being regenerative and that's what fair share comes in doesn't it? Because because fair share is kind of the it refers to the people but also to the Earth, you know, so it would include principles like make it like making compost for example put waste back into the system like recycle it in some way and it reflects that basically don't take more than you need to so these are these are the cool like ethics. I guess. This is the 3/4. There's also 12 principles the 12 principles of permaculture. We're going to briefly talk a little bit about each of them. Just so you know what they are. I'm holding the Greeks overview. They're all interrelated. Anyway, so you may find that some of the principles are the totally overlap. There's the lapping complete wait. This sounds like a rehash of this one, but that's the point because they are all interrelated. Nothing is taken as a single thing. So yeah, the first principle is Observe and interact and in any kind of designing or planning you need to carefully observe beforehand, you know, it's important you not not you don't just observe from a distance. You should also practically interact within a system, you know sense things feel things smell things smell the You know have first-hand experience of places of culture and and people as well if you're designing social system, it's important to talk to people that you actually going to be working with or designing it for ya. So being purposeful and mindful and interactions whilst also carefully observing pattern details and other natural things, you know, they should allow you to understand problems potentials and how everything fits together in a design. So the In principle is capture and store energy which in itself is quite self-explanatory. It's basically about capturing any form of energy such as like sunlight and then holding onto it for whenever it's needed and this can be as like renewable energies, but it could also be keeping a winter squash stored until you want to eat it in January. For example, yeah, of course the yeah. I'm excited. Clue, well, basically you got to be careful what types of energy you're going to be using and in that sense also use them wisely because non renewable energies can be used in a specific way so that they are actually useful, you know in a very long term. Anyway another way of looking at it could be like insulating your house and using solar panels, but all of these things kind of linked to another principle, which is a principle 6, but we'll get to that in a bit. it Yeah, so principle number three is obtained a yield and I guess this basically just means you should get something out of it for what you put in, you know, you would a subjective it could be anything from obtaining food from a community garden or socializing and building relations with members of the community garden. I mean, it could even just be that you're going to go and sit under the tree and read a book and enjoy the enjoy the calm spot in the garden. It can be anything but in the fridge The food Garden, you know, it's important to rely on a diverse range of plants in La have a polyculture of plants to ensure reliable yield, you know, one thing fails then you at least have something else. Yeah and an another senses. I guess it's also about like evaluating successes and failures that we can obtain a balance yield sustained us and those around us also staying within ecological resource limits. The basically demand a reassessment of what efficiency is And how what how what and how much we consume? Yeah, the fourth one is applies apply self-regulation and accept feedback. So while you're designing got to ensure that you recognize any like a positive or negative feedback that occurs in the system. So take notice of them make changes accordingly. Basically the principles about trying to reflect and catch like negative outcomes before they expand. Spiral out of control then leading to something far worse in the future, which is what is happening right now in the world ha ha anyway, um, it could also be about ensuring that a system or even like yourself maintains a positive feedback leading to then like easier positive outcomes, but like in the individual, it could mean looking at feedback and realizing like effects of your actions. So applying like self-regulation could be responding to to I don't know like consumption of resources like food just generally the you know or energy as well, but at its core it's really just about constant reflection and like evaluation or not necessarily constant, but at least like often enough here we are and not yeah periodical and like setting maybe half yearly or even a weekly like depends on what type of system is just like reflect on what's been going on. Like, how can we change this to make it better? Like what's been working? What hasn't been working? And just applying appropriate solution. So it's never just like this is like I don't know the most like financially effective thing to do. We don't care about anything else that's happening sort of thing. It's really about trying to take everything into consideration and looking at the bigger picture and then making changes all the time like nothing is ever set. Like there is no this is what the system is and that's not going to change because everything is constantly changing. Yeah, I guess it also is about like not having a one-size-fits-all approach. Exactly. Yeah, it gets to what tailoring it to what the feedback is, you know, definitely. But yeah, I guess the fifth principle is use and valuable resources and services and as we've spoken about renewable energies before that's a perfect example in this Principle as well, you know using the Sun and wind and other renewable energy sources over fossil fuels that, you know are going to run out pretty soon. Which people very soon and yeah. However, it's also about realizing that you know, normally when energy sources as we said before are valuable, you know, this could be a see these this could be useful in establishing a system like moving it with giant. Yeah diggers is much easier than doing it by hand with a spade and you're only gonna do it once anyway, so you're investing energy initially into the system, which will then yield far more energy than you put in any way. So it makes sense. So that was thinking these things Through exactly absolutely necessary and it's also about not you know, if you're going to if you're going to use non renewable energy sources, like fossil fuels don't use them for anything like maintenance or anything like that. That's just that's just a bit of a waste you really value like natural resources natural materials, you know, if you're going to build anything as well so value would over plastic because plastic is never going to degrade and we have massive environmental problems because of it. So, but then again if you can recycle and you Can find ways to use it in your system because it's already there any way then that's that's fair to you know, yeah. No totally so there's so many ways of looking at this. Yeah, but I guess on the that's all talking about renewable resources, I guess for renewable serfs. So I guess for renewable services. This is like a different type of thing. This is stuff that's like passive filtration of water through a reed bed or preventing soil erosion because you have ground cover plants. Hi, it's cool. I guess this entire principle is about valuing everything that is reusable passive and long-term and it also requires that there are thoughtful interventions into natural systems because you know, if you make an intervention and something goes wrong then you know, you're putting something out of balance. It may make a problem in the future. So just be thoughtful nature knows what's best let nature take its course and value natural things over man-made Solutions as well. Okay, and six principal is produced now waste. Well, I guess in the natural world waist is not really a thing. Mmm nature nature is pretty good at cycling. It was sexy. It's like nature is sexy and cycling like think compost think like photosynthesis every every output is an input for another organism and every product reviewers away. Should actually be seen as something valuable that we can use elsewhere such as like plastic, you know, just like single-use plastic. I think at this point, you know, there could be so many ways that we can use it. I mean there is those like companies doing stuff with it, but obviously not to the extent that is necessary. But yeah, maybe maybe you just haven't found where a resource can be used yet. But at the core like producing Airways is basically Young repair rather than buying you and recapturing embodied energy in a product. If you have like a product like a computer or car. Yeah, and it's got a problem with it. You shouldn't just go and buy something new. You should try and repair it first. It's about valuing people's repair services because I mean they're not as common as they used to be because everybody seems to be able to afford new things now or products even made to the like extend that they yeah break after class also visit. Yeah exactly. That's pretty pretty so it's difficult. It's definitely difficult. But especially in like a garden system though. You can totally like compost all your plant materials, you know, well you can you can build stuff with it, you know, if your tree needs to come down because it's ill or if it's like dying whatever you can still use a lot of that. Yeah with plans. I guess it's a lot easier and in like a bigger broader scale. It might be a bit more complicated. But yeah, but it's just all about how you look at it. Really? Mmm Yeah as it is with all of these principles anyway, so principle number 7 is designing from patterns the details this is basically pretty obviously directly related to observe and interact but on a larger scale, it's about taking a step back, you know, seeing the links in the patterns that present or possible within a system for Designing them into it looking at natural patterns is important to recognize landscape patterns scales changes inside conditions functions uses Aesthetics and So on, you know in capturing these recognizing them and then looking from a larger scale in words, you'll be able to see The Wider picture it can help to see The Wider picture and then focus on areas where actions actually needed so you can spot from a distance where something is a problem area. But when you get up close to it, you might not be able to see it. The eighth principle is integrated rather than segregate so I can pronounce it. Yeah, Nicaragua. Okay. Um, so Holmgren considers the To segregate things whether in relationships all systems is a product of the reductionist scientific method where everything has to be studied individually in order to make sense of the whole thing. But like the principal is about thinking holistically. So taking like all always little things that make up the bigger thing into consideration and not separate from each other but connect them. Yeah. So integration can mean that each elements would perform many functions many functions and that the important functions are served by lots of Elements, it means that every important output you want should have many different diverse inputs. So valuing diversity and furthermore. It should be the case that the input you have chosen for the system should have as many possible users other can and this is important in capturing all the energy flows from a particular source and Valium waste product. For example, like to see chickens like chicken poop and like chicken poo poo. Yeah as the manure and then then you can use them in the garden as well as pecking like we'd see things away. I guess you Also, like eat the eggs and also the meat of the chickens like there is many ways to use animals and permaculture systems. Yeah or not use them there is where you can use mixed views on them. But yeah, that's just a typical example. I guess they have uses I mean like like you said before with the chicken poo, like if you send our chicken into a field of you know weeds or whatever they'll just look Peck way the weeds. Yeah, and then they'll also people who make it make it like an antigen which so So that's about integrating the vegetable garden and the animal Garden. You don't have them separate number nine number nine is using small and slow Solutions. So yeah, excessive and overcompensation when making Solutions is going to make you have further problems in the future. Yeah, like most usually the most energy efficient and suitably scaled solution will be the one that is going to be most appropriate. You don't want to over compensate make it too big and then you know, If used a bit too aggressive or something like that, yeah, you know what an example could be with the soil should value like slow growth of soil organic matter Garden rather than using, you know, rapid applications of mineral fertilizers that just lead to horrible negative feedback system where you're going to have to use more and more and more over time anyway, and then on top of that you'll be spraying pesticide. Yeah, exactly. It's just it's just yeah. It's just good stuff takes time. The good stuff does take time. You know, it's about valuing the most appropriate solution. The one that's actually going to work. You know, the one that's in the longer term going to work. Well in fixes it rather than plaster. Yeah, basically a plaster short-term Quick Fix solution that makes new problems as well. Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's the tenth principal use and value diversity. Well again, pretty self-explanatory system. Complex diverse components will always be healthier than a simple segregated homogeneous one. So the range of spaces species structures forums and functions, like interactions within the environment. They're all useful because they provide balance and prevent excess. So the perfect example would be I guess like a poly cultural Garden where pests are unlikely to cause like super widespread destructions because there is a balance number of hopefully pest predators that are present. But then also a Number of varieties or species even of vegetables that we're some might be even like more susceptible to pests damage and others might not be but depending on what the pest is and you'll never lose your whole crop if you have lots of different plants here. So it's yeah, it's more resilient than that sense. And then I guess it's also recognizing the value of communities and all know like people scale like cultures and multiculturalism. within an area and just generally like diversity is is so crucial, you know, it's so important and I don't know what could I say is an example like an individual example, like as an individual I guess maybe having different sources of financial income which make your financial life the hood it gets more resilient in a sense that you're not like super dependent on one job that given to me by one person you can believe He fired. Yeah, exactly. That's just like one example, but I guess that's something you can personally maybe relate to. Yeah, so principle number 11, we're getting near the end using edges and value the marginal the edges are where most of the interesting things happen interesting thing interesting thing, you know, like you see cool bugs and beasties at the edge of a forest. It's that got the highest amount of diversity at the edge, you know, and as I said before the most uncommon ecological Edge, it's often used as Delegate for this. It's the forest edge where a grassland or Meadow the grassland or meno goes across and leeches leeches leeches Forest where the to meet you have a big crossover an interactive species. So the edge is about recognizing the value in Species diversity because diversity but also about making recognizing the value in non mainstream ideas and Lifestyles good ideas often come from open inquisitive Minds willing to experiment you know, I guess in some ways. Yeah, definitely. No, but I mean working with him which had structures makes you quite rigid in your thinking and then just doesn't it you might miss something meeting an edge where you're going to be able to interact and make good ideas, you know. Yeah because social interaction good crew. Or crucial links relationship-wise. Mmm. Well and the last the last last last principle number 12, the very last principle creatively use and respond to change so designed systems have their limitations as anything does and there's no point to like like we were saying follow specific rules or principles like a rigid rules that may be like specific gun design rules this something and even though these are twelve principles, you know, they're not very rigid. They're not super precise. They're very open and you can interpret them in many ways probably anyway. Yeah and to some extent hopefully but there is no point in following them because just because there is supposed to be that way like it's important to have flexibility and changed in responses so that A system can last into the long term so question everything even these principles Um, but yeah that I think that's the last one though all done. Yeah, so let's talk a little bit about how we got interested in permaculture. Yeah, just briefly Minds easy through George. Yeah, so I guess I got interested in permaculture through organic gardening. So I used to have an allotment of having allotments and so was I think fifteen and so early on already hopped into the gun as well. That's because they were like really easy to get surprisingly that they have to like force them on people in my Village for because nobody believes real vegetable. He's can't take this bike plot of land. So yeah, like I was being at the time at college and I was really fed up with the ways that I was reading in books, you know, and I was being told by my Grandad as well. Like you have to like constantly cultivate the soil to constantly like read it you have to constantly do this and that that I just kind of got fed up with having to put so much time and effort into it. Like I was like surely there must be a way that I can make this easier on myself. Like I don't just want to constantly have to spend all my like living and spare time reading my little plot blast. Yeah, and hopefully also easier for the piece of land and I also Yeah, the soil was soil was very clay like in heavy and I just started to read into organic gardening and then I just thought oh this just seems like doing the same stuff. But without you know without actually using chemical fertilizers like sprays and stuff like that. And then I stumbled across permaculture as like a direct link to organic gardening and was like, oh wow, this is actually makes a lot of sense and I looked at how to design it and I just redesigned my sight. Try to make it a bit better in a bit bit easier for me, but didn't necessarily like it's my first time of doing anything like that didn't necessarily work that well, but I guess I've also moved away so it's completely different now, but yes and so came to Edinburgh. I also got involved with the permaculture Community classroom. Like I've been reading a lot of books. I just read a result of that permaculture. I try and talk to have loads of book recommendations as well and like links in the description so you can totally get into this. Yeah, what about you? How did you get involved? Like I said three you really really mean. Oh, yeah, I guess a little bit more detailed version would be George doesn't stop talking about permaculture. I get curious. I read a book on it. I think wow. This is brilliant. And then I think let's go to the permaculture Community classroom. Let's do it from a come to design certificate fun stuff. Well, that's me. That's pretty cool. Yeah. I just I find it very fascinating. And usually hope that's why I yeah, yeah, it makes me makes sense positive. It's based on Solutions, you know, it's not based on like the this kind of concept of like sustainability as I guess. It's beyond that exactly. It's a regenerative. You know, it's not just like, how can we minimize our carbon footprint? How can we be as like little strain on the earth as possible? It's more like, how can we actually make it better? Like, how can we how can we work with the earth I guess and how can we work with? Like what we what our needs are and then also what the Earth's needs are and how can we make things like regenerative like these regenerative like agricultural principles are like Ira forestry in the census is also really into links with permaculture. So it's I just like, yeah, it's like solution-based. It's positive. It feels it feels less draining. It feels less focus on all the bad things. I was like think it's also about like creativity. I mean like death. I don't like having Well, I just don't like being told what to do basically also absolutely despise that and yeah, hi, Ricky of like you do what I tell you. I am the garden designer. It's like with permaculture everybody has their input and it feel at least the experience that I've had with. It feels quite inclusive to the extent at least like how you want to be involved how much you want to be involved you can again both. Yeah, maybe forces you to do anything. You don't wanna do. Yeah, you can you can find a place in it. It's not like you need to have these specific. Strength, it's let's look at all the strengths that we all have and then integrate them in a specific way like valuing diversity. You know, it's it's pretty good. It's pretty good stuff funky stuff funky stuff. Gosh. Okay. Anyway, how can you get involved? I guess that's maybe what you're wondering if you if you are intrigued now, we're going to be talking about like uk-based resources because we're based in the UK, but I guess with a little bit of research. You can also find your own like International resources Wherever You Are Permaculture will be a thing somewhere places worldwide. It is definitely yeah. So the first thing I guess you could do if you want to get like totally into it as do a permaculture design certificate can be very expensive maybe should read up a little bit more. Yeah. So the like depending on maybe like what what stage of your life or in urine could be this could be this could be a good option. It also could be super not like handing at all, but that's one of the things you can do if you want to get An actual certificate another thing definitely become a member of the permaculture Association because you'll be supporting them like financially if you can and also you get a magazine which has lots of good articles in it and you get newsletters. You can even sign up to the newsletter either way like you don't need to be a member for it, but you get newsletters and there and check the website as well. They have like great job descriptions or like General Lee. The projects that are going on with the need help. So if you have time in your hands or maybe want to do a gap year or something then yeah look into some things like that. They are often among the lines of your work away or Roofing position. What else do we have? I mean you just you think I like weed. Yeah reads. Definitely. I think that's the first step. You know, you should always just like there's a few books that we have that we going to list in the second but there's like introductions that you can read within an in like a day or two. I'll just give you enough of an overview to understand what it's about. But other than that, I think I think that's the most of the way that I could think about getting into it. I mean you could also look and see if there's anybody nearby and your city that has an informal group that you know, like us that has like the permaculture Community clashing like meet up and talked about it. I mean, maybe some of your community gardens might do something with it, you know, you never know you could be could be anywhere in your city and also it's probably a good thing as well to maybe like have a look at the pound. Magazine that's always good. Yeah, so you're about to listen to a very awkward interview, please bear with us. Now. This is the first interview we ever did. I felt really unprepared. George was super shy so I did most of the asking but luckily gray is a great person. And yeah, he took lots. Thanks. Thank you for being here yet. I'm great. And yeah, I guess we met to the permaculture Community classroom. I guess we'll talk about later. Mmm. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What do you do? I'm a student student at Edinburgh University originally from the u.s. From California and but And number three years over three years now and yeah, it really interested in permaculture and have done various things around permaculture in Scotland and particularly number. So yeah, maybe you could give like a brief explanation of what the culture is and maybe like what it means to you. Yeah. Definitely. I think permaculture was is a design method basically that was invented in Australia in the 1970s. And since then it's become kind of a global. Ali used way of approaching systems designing systems and it's gone beyond its original scope I guess although I guess maybe its original scope included kind of social aspects, but now it really isn't just about permanent agriculture which is kind of the original the original meaning but it's also to includes now permanent culture and the idea behind that. Is that really we need if we're going to address the agricultural system. We're going to have to also address the social system. Hmm and try to build something that is more sustainable and also regenerative and I guess that's a really important aspect of it. But at its most basic form, I guess it's a way of Designing systems that are sustainable in line with the environment and are healthy and good for humans. Yeah, I'd be curious to know because I didn't actually know that is how do you learn about permaculture who I actually think I originally learned about it through the permaculture Community class. I think I do. I guess I learned about it through Gabby my friend Gabby but we both went along to I think it's a movie screening and I can't remember which one it was, but it was it was one of the original events from the permaculture committee costume. And yeah, I guess I might have heard about it before but I didn't really know anything. We watched a movie it was talking a lot about about permaculture and kind of laid it out and it showed some some really interesting examples of it like from The world and yeah, I just got really fascinated by it because I think I had already been thinking about the environment and about environmentalism and you know in the crisis in moments of Crisis and stuff and but I wanted to hear you know Solutions. I think I was ready to hear solution. So it just it just happened to come at the right time. And it's yeah, I mean, that's what it is. Right. So it's like really exciting solution. Yeah. So the permaculture classroom people probably don't know what it is. Do you want to introduce that? That weird. Yeah, like talk a little bit. But because that's how we met sort of yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So the permaculture Community classroom was set up here in Edinburgh by a guy named Finn and he yeah everyone knows Ben. Yeah, it's great and he yeah, he I think his original Vision was to have this community space where people could come together and share ideas share advice talk about different projects that are going on and Actually try to you know, get your hands in the dirt and but I think I think that was the long-term Vision but it started out with these movie screenings and but it slowly evolved into into what it is now, which is more along the lines of the full vision. And yeah, so yeah, we've done various things like done projects or planting trees with, you know, we meet every every two weeks and just discuss whatever people bring but I think it was modeled on the idea of the World Cafe. That's what it was. Oh that's kind of this open Forum one just like, you know actually comes and brings they want and it can kind of adapt. So yeah, I mean in that way, I think he designed it along the lines of permaculture in a way. Yeah vision of yeah, it's adaptable and open to different feedback and stuff just go again. So through the permaculture classroom you were introduced to permaculture. Did you go on to like explore it more in depth? Did you seek any experiences that were particularly linked to permaculture or I think I Up going to movies like they kept showing movies to do that. And I think I try to do it. Like I started hosting some of the movie screenings. I mean, that's how I kind of originally got involved as like really started getting involved with hosting movie screenings and stuff. Yeah, and I guess I did start reading about it as well. I'm trying to think of the first like actual permaculture book that I read. I think the first one I actually gotten depth with was people in Permaculture by about yeah, Looby Maxima, and that's really cool. And I really got excited by that because it's like it is just the social side of it and I really love the the gardening side of the farming side of it. But I also just found it like whoa, this is so applicable to social stuff in general and that book is like all about that. And then last year I took a course where we actually use that as like the Text and we were like trying to use that to apply it's like projects and then I actually had like sit down and think okay. How does this actually get applied? And so I think yeah, it's it's actually been just a slow assimilation and a slow kind of exploration of permaculture. I think I really like this idea of groups as Gardens and that's one of the concepts in the McNamara book. Yeah. It's kind of this idea that you know, everyone has their own has Their own place how everyone has their own kind of abilities and you know, it speaks to it. Basically just healthy relationships with people and especially if you're working with in like a group for like a project or if you're in your living situation or something like that. It's a you know, it's a wet. It's a tool or it's like a lens to look at like how can we actually not just work together but like Thrive, you know and like grow and regenerate and all of these kind of abundance Concepts, you know, that is the overarching idea, but then there's all these other ways you can apply primer. To social situations these specific principles and staff to actually try to you know, work around any difficulties or you know, overcome difficulties or you know build amazing relationships with people and yes, I live in the student housing cooperatives. It's like a Cooperative way. Yeah, we all share the work and everything and so like my role within that is actually to try to work out the work chain plan the ideas basically, how do we you know is gonna die. Actually, how does everyone do their part so that no one's doing too much or too little and it's all as Fair as possible about but everything stays, you know up and running which is difficult. So, I mean, you know, it's a constant process. And again that's part of the permaculture thing. Right? It's like it's not like reaching Perfection. It's like appreciating the process for what it is selecting back on you and reflecting. Yeah, I'm taking it slowly a little exercise. Yeah, exactly. And I yeah, I think we've The done like we've really applied that well because at the moment we're on like a third iteration of the plans each year. We kind of tweak it a little bit and see how it goes. But you know, it's like it slow, you know, you take little parts and you say okay. Let's see. Let's try this thing and it's not just like let's just like constantly overhaul and try different because yeah, but you just get lost and like what did work what didn't work? Yeah. So I think yeah and then we have Reflections. So like we're just coming up on the first Reflection from Um this basically check in with everyone see how it's going reflect on our own process how it went and stuff like that. So yeah, it definitely were applying some of the principles that I think we could do more actually it's even more explicit about it. But I think yeah, I've definitely absorb some of that and put it like applied it in my personal life and in that kind of organization, like work like it should read this book now, we could talk a little bit about if there's anything in permaculture that you question or That you perhaps not like agree with us much because if there's anything that you would criticize or that's a good question. I think it's funny because I think my only my only like weariness around permaculture is the fact that it's really hard to criticize, you know, which like maybe sounds ridiculous, but it's actually like it. So it's almost like is it so like is it so all-encompassing is it so, you know, Ken? Yes catch all that. It doesn't it loses some substance or something and it's like if I can't go to size it then does that mean that actually there's you know, it's a little bit like, uh, not if it's not falsifiable, you know, it's like it's science. Like it was not falsifiable then it's it's kind of pointless to look at, you know, we can't really use it. And I mean it's at the same time. It's so kind of obviously useful, you know, and I people have applied it and like I mean one more thing I'd add So the other than that the social side that was really instrumental in like how I approached from culture was going to permaculture sites because we did that through the permaculture Community classroom pretty early on those were like just blew my mind is just like actually seeing in practice like this is so cool. And so close to where you are. I don't Graham Bell. His place is amazing. It's just so like jam packed with stuff and but it's so small, but it's just somehow like tweaked it. So well that you can just you get such an amazing. Like output of stuff. Okay, this grows amazing about some yields and stuff. So that was really cool to see and that that kind of influenced my like amazing run it and so it's obviously actually applicable and it has some like actual it work. Yeah, it works in some way, you know, it's kind of provable but at the same time it's it is kind of a catch-all thing and I think yeah, I think only time will tell once it actually becomes more popular more widely. Use what's going to come out of that because at the moment because it's kind of it's still in its early days. It's still fairly small. It's not widely applied at least not like on an industrial scale. So I applied on a huge scale. I think only time will tell if it'll be you know, if it'll be usable or if there are some serious fundamental antiques, but I think ya might like I don't have anything where I look at it. I'm like, oh, I think it is quite I mean, I don't want to say specific but it's kind of It leads to certain outcome. So it is in a sense falsifiable if it's like if those outcomes don't work, then that's obviously not do you know if they don't lead to the actual ends that you're trying to go for that are sustainable then obviously, it is most viable and I think it's also just so like it's actually so it looks simple but and you know meaning it looks like kind of catch-all but that actually when you get down to it, you're like how would this actually how to apply this? It is quite complicated, you know and usually and the rebound Sing all the principal even though each individual principle might be simple balancing all of those together. That's that's a challenge and I think that to me makes me feel like okay. No, actually this is this is a this does lead to certain systems and does mean something. I think it links. Sometimes it's a very specific like knowledge that you might not have so sometimes when I don't know when I read the more abstract sort of broad principles and visions of permaculture and then I would look at like, so how would I design this side? Right, then. It's a lot more. Oh, I need a lot of different skills here in a lot of different people and I think that's where the people side also comes in like variety of skills and diversity. I think what do you think? I don't know what you say. It's off-putting because it is automatically in many cases. I don't know if you can agree with this but I think in many cases kind of links to like gardening like permaculture. Oh, what is it gardening sort of thing, and I've heard a lot of people. Say that when I when I talked to them and they look so what is permaculture is it like organic Army? I was like, yeah, I go to Forest Reserve. I mean it kind of is obviously it's but is part of it and it's not just that yes. It's a thing where people say like is what is permaculture. I've heard. It's just Forest gardening or this or that and it's like yeah, it's kind of not one thing. It's many things all the things in there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's an interesting one because you know, I think it's just important to remember that it's not it is a set of like principles and ethics and it's not a set of practices and it's not defined by any particular set of practices because you know, one of the I mean, I'm not really actually drives from the principle of like be it like adaptability and like, you know play specific. Yeah Solutions and the idea that like, you know, what's going to you know, what techniques are, you know, anything like that that's going to work in. Somewhere saying Scotland is not going to work in South Africa. It's not an Australian soccer to work. So, you know that I think that alone kind of precludes any sort of any any sort of particular application like whereas organic. I mean, it's actually it's actually a complicated thing because organic is also more complicated than most people Define it as yeah because if you look at the origin of organic farming, I mean that was actually a movement like that was a Grassroots. The movement mostly from like the global South with like agroecology. And this is something an included fair trade like fair trade organic or like really closely tied at their very beginning and you can find it on the on the organic like website and they explained it the original organic movement. But you know that's been kind of in a I mean a lot of people would say that's been like kind of co-opted by like big agribusiness that does do the exact same things, but they just do it with, you know, organic chemicals, you know, which Organic chemicals in a sense is kind of a you know, an oxymoron like it's yeah for many for many original organic farmers. I think they would see that as a problem because it's not just about the chemicals just about the health issues. It's also about the control that that big corporations like Monsanto and stuff have over the the chemical industry. So they're just going to switch to having the same amount of control over organic chemicals. Yeah. It's actually not solving the The original issue, you know as such so I think so. That's kind of its own thing. That's that's interesting when people say that I was at it with mere Farm outside of Edinborough and I was talking to the the guy who owns that and I was asking because I was looking around and if you actually look at it and he's fairly permaculture. I mean, he called they call it an organic farm, but he's applying permaculture stuff. He's using edges. He's you know using grazing and kind of rotating grazing around and stuff like that. And so I just asked him like Hey, you know, what do you think about permaculture? What is this? You know dod's permaculture here. Are you applying for people to you know, and and his first reaction was like I don't really know about like permaculture. Yeah, so but then he kind of came up to me as we were walking away and stroke team or personally and was like, you know, yeah, I mean, I know what purple cultures but like I actually kind of I think it gets to caught. He he felt it was too political. He felt it was He's too kind of like associated with specific thing that he didn't want to associate with. And yeah, I did financing. I think yeah, maybe so I and I kind of gotten that sense from other people where permaculture you know, I think they understand rightfully so that it's bigger than organic I guess is in terms of its like scope. I got ya although you know, as I just mentioned like organic is The political and I got it was originally a protocol as well. It's just that it's lost that connotation to most people and so I think farmers are a little bit more wary of permaculture. It feels a little bit more out there than organic work because organic feels like it is it is just defined by the specific set of principles so that I yeah, I don't know how that's going to play out because I think that's really about how does permaculture as a as a movement Define itself to other people. How do we make ourselves, you know, look to One. Yeah, and that's an open question. I mean a lot of criticism I hear from a guy like is that like you said people in organic farmers just used organic chemicals and it's like what else are different to chemical agriculture is still chemical Agriculture and then that's almost like a detraction from the original am it's a criticism and it's just it sticks in people's heads. Now, we will hear organic. They think on which the money wasted time. So I was wondering like potentially might be a point in the future that permaculture has a similar thing. That might actually negatively stick to it if you know like like if something like that if it gets corporatized in like can't even be that that that's the thing. I think it can it can it be can it be stammers? It's like kind of almost against It's all philosophy. Like yeah under is permaculture even like yeah, can it be a place on a large scale? Is it supposed to be applied to a large killer? Does that almost defeat the sort of like purpose of it? That's something that I was wondering when I watch that and yes, I mean, I think Like personally, I mean, I think it definitely can be applied on a large scale but it depends on what we mean by large-scale. Yeah. Now do we mean do we mean one farmer, you know a million hectares large-scale, you know and AKA very very high concentration of wealth and land in one individual may be just a few individuals and then of course all of them if we're going to apply permaculture, which is you know, it's efficient and it's The efficient in terms of inputs, you know, it's in fact in theory has no inputs. No outputs. It's just a closed system. Where as you know, of course agriculture now is how the current system runs is just a massive inputs. It's very very inefficient, you know, massive inputs and like small output. Yes, like in comparison relative output. So it's efficient that way but it's labor-intensive which is a different form of efficiency and there's lots of arguments in economics level of those are but anyway, like basically Ali from culture requires a lot of people to put all their hands on deck and do everything that doesn't mean it's like heart it's honestly hard work. I mean it is yeah. It's like it's hard work in some ways but it doesn't necessarily look like your traditional farmer, you know pushing trying to get his tractor stuck out of the mud all the time which is created through this, you know destruction of the soil and you know, hitching things on and constantly so it's a different type of drudgery than we think of but you know it Involves picking and involves. He's gotten things but you know that stuff already happens like that stuff already happened. It's just it's just happens with you know, in essentially invisible laborers who mostly migratory laborers who you know who travel around they paid very little in the in the u.s. They're mostly they are a lot of them are illegal immigrants and particularly for example in California and depends on where you go see what the saying California with massive agriculture, you know, a lot of them a lot of them are illegal. Immigrants and there's huge issues around that in terms of you know, that I'm not getting paid enough that knocking benefits than not having a good safety good safety standards. So it's like, you know, that that's going to have to that's going to look different, you know, but it is still labor. What I mean is the current system is still labor-intensive. It's just maybe it visibly labor-intensive and I think what we need to do is, you know, can we scale it? Yes it but if it's going to Large scale, you know things are going to have to come up above board more people are going to participate in this there's got to be more labor involved in terms of like people power. But like that's a great thing. Right? Like what what is the thing we hear all the time like not enough jobs, you know high unemployment people not satisfied with their jobs, you know, massive health issues. I mean this in theory could solve many of those issues, you know, you get people who work physical jobs Outdoors, but they're not necessarily like judging physical jobs, you put a lot of stuff, you know, you're making jobs and making healthy jobs making healthy people and the action is a lot of people who want to do this man seemed you know us three are ya three young people who want to actually get our hands dirty and like and do it. It's an exciting visit exciting job when it's framed like you can actually be in touch in in tune with nature. You can actually do some really amazing things and actually contribute to Earth and not just, you know take from it. Yeah, and I think it'd be a good opportunity as well kind of to connect. Go more to the gland and like natural cycles. And yeah and the food really because I mean food security is another huge thing isn't it thing? Oh, yeah, the system right now is not no it's not working. And I think when I yeah when I hear the like is it scalable is not scalable, you know, it's so the the frame in which that question is asked is so narrowly defined. I think the real answer should be like, well, we're not going to be able to go on living as a Pioneer in the System. So if we're going to you know, is it scalable? Absolutely. It's available. But yeah, it's also going to involve, you know, big changes and assistant, but that's a good thing that's exciting thing and like we're all going to be better off for it right like yeah good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think I think like I really important point there is that you know, especially it's so important to get people at a young age involved in these things and it's so important I think to To actually get people and I mean just not not just seeing it but like touching it feeling Adria groans instrumental, you know, and the yeah, there's something about imagining growing that's totally different than actually growing, you know, and I mean, I don't have actually that much experience of growing like I but the experience that I have had it's like it always turns out different than I expected. Yeah, it's so I think and but at the same time, I think there's a huge desire for for young people, especially Now like we're talking about to go into that and to try it out and it's like, you know, just give them the space like you give him a pot of land like if I had a plot of land here like I would be growing some all the time, you know, it's like that that would you know, it's a physical activity it you know helps my mental health helps my physical health, you know how I can grow stuff. So, you know, I'm not relying as much on the food system and increases food security. It's like it could check all the boxes but it's just the political will isn't quite there, but I You know, maybe it's getting there. A lot of people's hands are tired. I guess. Yeah, but you know, which on the one hand is difficult but in the other hand it means okay. Well the people actually want this and we can actually do it. So just if we do that like that push now and we try to yeah get something enshrined about about land particularly. I think I think it's doable, you know, and I think it will have huge ramifications down the line and also the children of permaculture, you know, that's getting bigger as well in the school systems school programs trying. Kids more involved in green spaces like that is seeping in now and to like mainstream curricula. And so that's yeah, it's getting there. Hopefully, it's getting that yeah, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you guys this great. I hope you enjoy that I don't know is slightly awkward at all. And before we go Grace back to quickly talk about the block that you just set up all week. I guess with the permaculture Community classroom. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah with the permaculture Community costume. We just set up a Blog as a subset called growing perspectives and The idea behind the glass tank will be in the description. Yeah growing perspectives that I wound up blog and it yeah the idea of the blog is is essentially to offer as many different examples viewpoints whatever it is about the ecological crisis in in a way that is reflective of permaculture. So it even might be critical but just something that engages with those questions around using permaculture the ideas of active. Hope you know agroecology. These kind of solution based lots of good stuff put a piece on there to write a piece or to make a video or anything and they can just contact us through the block. Also, you don't need to write them down what we're saying them. You'll find them all in this description, but we'll just briefly talk about all of them and what they kind of Encompass. Yeah to start I can list them off. So the first one would recommend meeting is permaculture in a nutshell. This is quite a good sort of brief introduction. And then so is that a permaculture a beginner's guide by a green Banner? I'd recommend reading those two first those two are like quite a good overview. This small little books full of books really Teensy and then depending on what you want to do then next you want to go full in you could maybe just go for the Earth care manual, but I think Like a big blue book that's basically permaculture Bible. Yeah, but temperate zones. Anyway, these are these are going to be mostly but temperate uk-based sort of system listed many though in Australia, which a lot of the books are so I will I will say that if you are looking at permaculture book now just check that. It's for your region and it's not loaded plants in there for like America or Australia. I can be something that I've noticed that I've actually done for. So yeah, so then another one might be Be if you're looking to design a site I would recommend their commanders had before but also permaculture design a step-by-step guide by ammonia. That's quite a good in-depth guide to just the design aspect of it and some Thinking Tools how to actually do it. You know, it's really it's a really good breakdown of that. If you're looking for the social side of permaculture. Maybe you want to have a look at people and permaculture. I haven't actually read this book, but I agree recommend this way. Committed to this and I've heard good things about it from plenty of people. This is by the movie mcnamar and yeah, yeah, I definitely recommend that then if you want to go full in for the philosophy and have a good theoretical knowledge of permaculture probably would say permaculture principles and Pathways Beyond sustainability by David Holmgren, the co originator of permaculture is a great place to start, you know, and even if you already know that about permaculture is a good way to to get get some more thinking done on the theory the classic one that a lot of people always say about is a designer's manual permaculture designers manual but Bill Mollison, but this is mostly I think for Australia that really big one with the snake really big one with the really thankful illustration of the front, but as Bill Morrison was mostly based in Australia, it's mostly arid things. And Australia those things not to say that the answer isn't stuff in in that one or permaculture one or permaculture to the original books that they developed that also the same but there were they have useful things in there. But I would recommend Earth care manual over those if you're in a temperate zone, there's also another General books are the permaculture Garden by Graham Bell book by Martin Crawford called creating a forest garden and this has loads of species within there. Basically sets out how you how you should do it again. You can be uk-based other books by Martin Crawford that if you're looking for specific species, I would also recommend as well and there's another one called gyres Garden a home guide to home scale permaculture by Toby Hemingway. Yeah. I'm not too sure. What's in that one. I haven't read that one either, but I've heard good things too. And then the final one is Earth. You just go to panic. by Rosemary more Yeah, and I guess that's it and just wanted to say thank you so much for listening. Thank you. Yeah, if you've made it through and if you thought this is a long one. This was a long one. Definitely. So thank you for listening for 2 whole thing. I really hope you enjoyed it. We are actually taking commissions at the moment for a sort of experimental podcast episode that we want to be doing. We want to start a series within this inevitable change podcast about Like human emotions or just like human experiences and we're currently taking commissions for the topic summer Nostalgia, which will be hopefully publishing in january-february sometime around then and it's going to like you can cut like you can send us music you going to show you how you can send a stories anything you associate with like like summer memories or someone Nostalgia or just the feeling of nostalgia? Logic - I guess so this is very open. There are not really like huge like no rules or whatever. Yeah, exactly. No limits. You can even send us sound recordings email will be in the description. So, please please do like take part in this I really would love for this to be quite a diverse kind of collection of bits and Bobs and yeah, please join because if we don't get any commissions, this ain't happening. Yes. Just be us chatting about boy. Someone was like this. Also. If you have the time, please be so kind to leave a little review share your thoughts share your criticisms, and we'll take those under mowing under our wing to the next episode but a boom, bye-bye.
Inevitable Change is a podcast about all things growth, change and cyclical systems in the natural and emotional world. We're Johanna & George, two horticulture students chatting about all sorts of nature related topics. ✨ In this episode we talk about permaculture, giving a brief introduction to what it involves, the principles and ethics and how we became interested in it. We also have a chat with our friend Gray Davis, a fellow member of the Permaculture Community classroom (PCC). The PCC is an Edinburgh based, informal group open to anybody with an interest in permaculture. The PCC has recently started a blog called growing perspectives, which is linked below, and a study group for more in depth, single topic discussions. If youre in Edinburgh why not find the facebook page and join one of of our sessions for more information on permaculture: Blog: Facebook: 🌿 🌼 Book Recommendations Permaculture in a Nutshell - Patrick Whitefield Earth Care Manual - Patrick Whitefield Permaculture: A Beginners Guide - Graham Burnett Permaculture Design: a Step by Step Guide - Aranya People & Permaculture - Looby Macnamara Permaculture Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability - David Holmgren A Designers' Manual - Bill Mollison The Permaculture Garden - Graham Bell Creating a Forest Garden - Martin Crawford Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-scale Permaculture - Toby Hemenway Earth User's Guide to Permaculture - Rosemary Morrow 🐝 Movie Recommendations: - Permaculture: The Documentary - Bill Mollison In Grave Danger of Falling Food 1989 - Inhabit - A permaculture Perspective 🌤 Podcast Recommendations: The Permaculture Podcast Sustainable world radio Making Permaculture Stronger Permaculture Voices Embodiment matters Organic Life (Scottish Podcast) The Plant Path Regenerative Agriculture 🍂 FIND US HERE email for submissions to [email protected] Instagram: George: Johanna: Website:
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We answer all that and more here on The Bachelorette after show you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now let the ladies and gentlemen Welcome to The Bachelorette after show here on AfterBuzz TV. We are here. Discuss season 15 episode 5 of our favorite show on ABC that is of course The Bachelorette starring Hanabi and I'm not alone. I'm joined by two of my wonderful and Brilliant co-panelists. Let's start with Renee tonight sitting on the end. Oh my gosh. Hey you guys what and episode 1 episode and Christine good to see you. Good to see you too. Jeff. I am in my feelings over here. So let's Dive Right into this we gotta get right into it. And that's right guys. My name is Jeff Graham. I'm before Devon - I want to really quickly say first of all, thank you guys for all the comments last week. It was so great. Great to have you guys so engaged in our chat second of all a lot of you guys were coming at me with some really really great feedback that I really appreciate. So I just wanna let you guys know we read all of your comments. We really appreciate them and I'm doing as much as I can to learn what I need to as we continue to cover the show and just be really really appreciate the feedback and I take it very seriously and we all take it very seriously right means a lot. So thank you. Please continue the comment and know that we read it and we value it. Okay, let's get to our overall thoughts Christine. How did you feel about this episode as a whole as a It was such good TV. Like there's so much to impac but that last half hour of the show was absolutely brutal like yeah and are we didn't achieve our lime live watch along today, but I know the panel could agree that we were just cringing hard hard hard. I felt really let down by my girl and Hanabi this week. I'll be honest. I was not a fan of some of her choices. What did you think Renee? Yeah. I feel like we saw the epitome of Luke's toxic - I would say Day, and it was very hard to watch Hannah even though and I know we'll get to this later. But like let's be honest. This was once again a Luke the episode just watching how she handled it was very very difficult for me love the episode. But wow, it was a long time of that. Yeah. It was a pretty good episode. It was a lot of Luke p and for those of you guys who are frustrated by what you thought might have been me going a little easy on Luke P this week. You'll probably be more happy with my take this week because I'm getting over it. I'm having trouble with it and I just think this is a classic example of someone who doesn't listen like I just feel like he's really refusing to listen to any of the guys. He's refusing to listen to Hannah and he's even refusing to listen to himself. I feel like or the signs that are around him and we're gonna get into it more later in the episode, but it's frustrating to watch someone who's got such a distinct wall up and just not receive anything that's happening around him. What's even doubly frustrating to that is just how much time we're spending on it like Do we not have more interesting plot lines coming? Yeah. So the season that we were five episodes into the season halfway through and we're still on this same guy. That's a good point. It's just a lot of the same time. Yeah, I'm ready for more but we did get some other stuff in this episode that we're going to talk about. But of course we let's go ahead and start we're going to cover chronologically. So the first thing we get is Lucas versus Luke P. We finally get this settled. I don't feel like there's anything particularly insightful here. Well, I don't know what What are you thinking? I thought it was very interesting that Hannah wanted Luke asked to talk to Luke he directly when he came over. Oh, yeah. Yeah, pretty much what we saw was what we already had seen except Hannah was present. So it was Luke P still lying and Lucas still telling him. Hey, but you said this I was so bored by it to be honest with you. And then when Hannah just walked away and didn't deal with it was like frustrated instead of being like Oh wait, maybe neither of these people should maybe I I should not. Yeah, she you know, yeah that kind of annoyed me that she's at them down just to walk away from the situation. We actually saw Colton do the same thing with Anika and Nicole. He sat them down during his season hash it out and just peace out on the conversation don't think it was a smart way to deal with it. But to your point Jeff, it was more of the same and at the end of it, you know, Luke kind of Luke s made his decision to leave anyway. So the one thing I really like to is actually the way Hannah handle this I know all three of us got frustrated by the way Han has handling some of this stuff. But I love that she sat both of them down and when they tried to talk to her she said no, no. No, I want you to talk to each other. What a great litmus test to see what someone's really like and that's that's the thing. She's really looking for from these guys is who actually are these people, you know, it would be kind of nuts to think I'm on this highly produced show where there are camera ever the cameras everywhere and in some ways people are competing to try to win my heart that's going to mess with the way people really act and behave right? So she's doing her best to create situations to really see these people for who they are and I love that. She'd pitted Luke pee and poo gas against each other and tried to step away from it. I wish you would have stayed in the room like you mentioned but she just couldn't take it and I honestly can't blame her because that would drive you crazy that would start to make you nuts knowing that you may or may not be seeing the real size of these people. How do we feel about the fact that Lucas left himself funny? It's like it's like when Heather left like well, you know, you're not going to win and I guess he kind of figured he'd go home that night even though I don't think as a viewer. Don't think he was going to go home that night, especially when that scene validated when Chris Harrison took away the Rose when he sent himself home implying that that Rose was for him. But like we all know because we've seen The Bachelor when this kind of thing happens, they both either stay or one's clearly wrong and then that person goes they or they both go but like in this situation where she would have looked bad like, let's be honest. She would look bad if she only sent home Lucas I think he absolutely would have stayed. I just don't think he knew that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean if I'm thinking like Lou guess it was just going to be an uphill battle from that point and I think he knew that he didn't quite have that relationship with Hannah that it would Outlast this like just just call it what it is and hundred percent. I mean tomorrow Fuller in our chat Gris. She says loukas was a Class Act and left without the ceremony also that to like to get defamed. His character sneered that way and then we sent home for it and not feel like you're being heard which is what he came across to me. Like he just didn't feel like Hannah believed like what he was saying that he was here for the right reasons. So he just left. I mean, yeah, and I think being in that kind of situation with someone who is so toxic and manipulative and kind of a little bit of a psycho. You're like, are you kidding me? Like I would be offended like you don't believe me. Me literally every other person in the house is agreeing with me except for you because you like him and he's in he's manipulating you the rest of us. He doesn't want anything from us. So this is his true like you learn about someone when there's conflict and when you can no longer offer them anything if you can't do something for someone that's when you should pay attention to how they treat you. Hmm. What's that? Well, let's go ahead and continue to conversate. Oh the one thing I wanted. I do we think she would have picked blue guess because this week but I mean I stick by what I said last at last week. He's done. He's been done. He's not going to win not going to make it far right but he would have made it past your sister. Very interesting. Well Jeff we move on absolutely topic. We just want to say thank you guys for making us the ESPN a TV talk but for us to continue to grow we need your help. So make sure you subscribe to us on YouTube right here. If you're listening live AfterBuzz TV reality. Reality, also make sure to give us a five star rating on iTunes, please. We will read them. We read all of them. Not just the comments those two and leave a speaking of comments. Leave us a comment here because again, we spend way too much time reading all the comments not sleeping over there not sleeping over them. We see them. We respond to them a lot of the time. So, please please please do that and just want to thank you again for supporting us and watching every week or listening every week because we really love clearly too. It's a little bit The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and it's so fun to engage with you guys. So thank you. Thank you guys. Well, very well said Renee and make sure you look out for lucchese's tequila business right around the corner. Okay. This is something he needs something. Let's get let's get let's get some tequila. Okay. So this is when the group finds out they're going to Scotland kind of excited. What would you prefer Scotland or Fort Lauderdale Scotland? Why are you sure? No, it's just I think we all were taken aback at how not excited. They were though considering when Hannah told them they were going to Rhode Island or Chris Harrison rather. They were like they freaked out but of the moon what was the season where they all went to Fort Lauderdale because that was my favorite contestants have never been so excited and We've joked about in this panel I season it might have been already seasoned but you guys let's all do a quick reenactment of how the guy sounded when they found out. They were going to Scotland. One two, three. Are they all from Scotland? Is that why I liked it? Are they just there before the show started? Is that where auditions were? I wonder if they were like told something else earlier than production found out there. Like you guys were going to Mallorca everyone's like yeah and like actually is Scotland. My work is a place right? That was bad. Where is that cited that you can knows Mykonos? Yes. That's what I meant. All right, so we get another kind of cryptic toast from Hannah. I will say as much as I love Hannah and I think she does a good job of expressing your feelings. Sometimes her like General big group statements can get a little Confusing for me they go to a pub they all have beer and she says cheers to focusing on the real. Let's reset from here on out. I can open my heart. So I guess from here on out hand is going to open her heart. I like the sentiment but I found it to be very confusing. I don't know what you guys thought of Hannah speech here. I have a new Theory. I think this season is getting sponsored by the panel show the real because the amount of times that girl has said it per episode this season. I mean we get it. Yeah, I No idea. She just makes me teaches and I think she doesn't know what she's going to say, but she just starts to talk and then hope it goes somewhere which we've all done up for sure. But I think she doesn't so much because she's so scared of making a dose of like messing up. So now she just keeps talking. Yeah, but that was like the first of many confusing things. She said over the course of the night where I was like girl. What are you saying? Why I just yeah, it's I think she self-aware to because she even started it like I know yet. What are y'all thinking? What's about to come out of my mouth? And I'm like same girl. Yeah, the chat pod has a very Good point to we did say goodbye to our beloved. Jpj. Tom called owns. Yeah, we can't Overlook bad Mateo who I think maybe said five words this season but is piqued our curiosity right? Talk about a like forgotten story line right there. This guy fathered a hundred and Seventeen kids according to his bio as a sperm donor and we never got that conversation Wieck. We could have met them all we could just say it just it would have been something else besides the same drama each week. So mattei is about to get its own reality show like on VH1 my 100 Kids. And John Paul Jones could potentially be in Mexico this summer guys. Definitely be in Paradise. I feel like we will see Jack DJ again. He's a hero and we miss you. Jpj. Also sausage party Grant is still here WTF on that one that blew my mind. Also Devon like where a guy just this is why the show's frustrating me at this point because now you keep him guys and have no idea why they're there well because he's a talent manager and when Hannah season these start selling those sugar bear hair vitamins someone to help write those checks. That's why Devon's We'll see it could be you know, some of the we had curb we had some blue late bloomers last season. So maybe we'll see some interesting twists with some of the people who are left. Okay, let's talk about let's go ahead and talk about Mike and Hannah's one-on-one because that's what we got into next. Overall. This was a solid one-on-one. I'm starting to see a real relationship developed between Mike and Hannah and I know I started Mike was my number one. I said, I was ready to propose to him. He's lost a couple points based on ways. He's handled certain. Ins but he really brought it back up from and loved him this episode. Yeah, I think they had a great day. They also had like one of those normal Bachelor dates kind of the same one that Jed had when they went to Boston just walking around and join things together, which to me tells me that Mike is going to go pretty far. I feel like he got that really serious front-runner. Like I really like you I want to just have alone time with you kind of date and I think he did a really good job at wooing Hannah like it's clear to me that they're smitten with each other. Discuss this off are that I don't know that they're further than that yet, but it's definitely smitten with each other. She flat-out called him fun funny handsome and adventurous like sounds like he's checking all the boxes for her. I gotta be honest though with everyone and I mean everyone on the season currently with loopy still there. I don't think she even has them as like, maybe she's like dude don't make it far. I don't think she's thinking of anyone else being the winner despite the issue. She's having with Luke p i Think she is a little bit of Television. I think she's a lot of fun with everyone but I don't see like different levels. Like I see Peter bike more Garrett because of his kissing while socio and Jed I think okay. So Garrett's will be a little higher. Oh no Jazz hired. Okay, Laura Jed Peter Mike and who else my whatever those guys I think are all in the same lawyer and Tyler like the same level resident Loop. He was on top a bit. I don't see anyone. Just like in close second place. I think was a basic cute date love his smile really craved candy after it, but I don't see him being a front-runner after this date because of her also distracted by Luke P. I agree to me this seems like a really great first Tinder date or maybe like a really great second Tinder day, but it was a fumble maybe bombo fair or maybe hinged. Unfortunately. I got booed up before the dating app Revolution. So I have very little knowledge on that. But yeah. I can't really must be nice. But I do kind of feel like there was like a sense of like boyish giddiness with Mike. He was like, I love that we can be silly. He often referred to how important silliness was in a relationship, but I don't think we got necessarily like as real as we'd want to on another relationship. It was cute. It was cute. That's what about yeah. Listen, we don't even make a deeper than was it was cute. If there were deep moments. They definitely didn't show them but I enjoyed watching it. It's interesting the chat definitely has some mixed feelings about Mike State some people are saying That a bee says Mike is scared of women that he's so nervous and he was definitely nervous. Yeah, and a lot of people are just saying that he was a little too smiley and giddy throughout the gate throughout the day, but I don't necessarily have a problem with that. I have no problem with that. I don't know. He said I think think I'm thinking so much about Mike's background and he came in with such a heavy back story about what happened with this x which also leads me to believe. I don't know how much relationship experience he has or maybe that one was just such a deep one that that's the When he keeps referring to so I feel like this new experience with Hannah like I believe him. I believe he sincerely like smitten and enjoying this moment. Yeah. It's like a like what freaky dog love? Yeah. I like nothing's real yet with them. I totally buy it. I mean gosh you guys, you know, when you like someone or when you think someone's cute and you just can't wipe that stupid smile off your face. Like that was Mike exactly. I think I'm guessing that Mike isn't necessarily Hannah's type. I feel like she's not in that sort of like the goofy Smiley guy. It seems like Likes more of the brooding aggressive romance novel cover because it didn't bother her that Luke P literally attack Luke Luke s on the Rugby field. Why would you think that so I feel like like Mike might be a lot of people's type. Like, I think a lot of women are attracted to sort of the light-hearted smiley goof and I don't think at her core. That's Hannah's type because most of her guys are right she needs to Showcase bouncer out. So I spare I think they've got I think both of them know that they're both great people but probably not long game. Oh, I think he thinks he's like like oh this could work out. I think she is having fun with it and truly isn't thinking about anyone but look P. It's also a good point loved by you brings up that she does like Peter who's for sure. Smiley goofy. That's what I'm saying. Like, I think she she finds that stuff adorable and to your point Renee. She probably sees a little bit of that in all these guys that she's keeping on the same level exactly. I get I get what you mean, but I do think Mike has the juice to kind of surpass that I do. We'll see I like him. He I think he makes her still with all that boyish charm like makes her feel secure because Turns it on and is immediately like I think what you said at the end of the day was so telling that he's like I can see myself getting down on one knee to you like who else has said that besides Luke saying he's in love with her but just reassuring her that he can get there it also feels and I'll say like not as bad because I think we already hit the Luke P. I'm falling for you week two, but I mean be to already feel ready to get down on one knee like it's been fun. I mean sure but this is their first one. Noun 1 I just little skeptical about it. But I think I don't think it comes from a disingenuous place. I think he's like like puppy dog. Look at could do it. I want this. I don't think it's a real like I'm ready for it. I think he's just you know that she waited. Okay. I actually I think I'm somewhere in Middle you too. It's where I'm landing on that. Okay, let's talk about the full frontal group date. We got tonight. So the three sports that were assessing tonight our axe throwing running with Got buckets of milk and wrestling. I need some explanation here. What were the metrics on how we assess these Sports? Especially with the milk one. How do you win it? Does there need to be a certain amount of milk left? None of this is explained and I found it to be very frustrating. I just think you haven't dated in a while. This is typically like the first second third day. Got it fair enough about the Game Dev. This is what we do. I just I love a good competition, but I also love rules and when they were racing, thank you and And you know people are hanging back to protect the milk, but then people who spilled all the milk lost or won and I just found dead. I was like this is not reasonable because look how much more milk Jed has I got frustrated. Let me know what you guys think in the comments. Let's go to actually talk about the date though. That one more quick about the date. Did we feel weird about all of the full frontal male nudity blacked out by ABC tonight or did it bother us? Why like who what producer was like, you know what the were killed? No underwear underneath that would be great. Whereas On The Bachelor and we talked about that that would never ever happen and the fact that they were like flashing children in the audience. Yeah, and they made clear they made it us. What am I saying? They made us sure to see that there were kids because they did Zoom ins of like mothers covering their child's eyes. Like why why right I just think it was just a silly date to be honest even me who is a sports fan and I get that We're going to get a lot more of those theme dates with the guys being the contestants here, but I just think it's stupid. It is kind of sexist because it wouldn't fly if it was women and I'm just tired of seeing that like these group dates. Don't do anything. Like there wasn't even any drama from this one. It was just silly. Yeah. I don't really care. I have a theory that maybe Hannah just wanted to sneak peek before Fantasy Suites to start to weed out some of the guys but oh just kidding. I'm joking. She even admitted that it's not the what did she say? It's not the size of The the axe it's how you use it was what she said. So equal opportunity. Did she say that it was something like that? Jeez Hanna Hanna we must acknowledge that Hannah is one of the more openly sexual bachelorettes we've ever had which I say, I'll power to ya right Hannah. She's being honest. I'm not mad at that. I just don't like the way they exploited the guys in. This one's a little uncomfortable weird. Well, the only I think big notable moment from the sports component of this group date was when Jed boldly pinned handed down. Down for a kiss and poured milk on himself Jed. Definitely. I was peacocking a bit during this one little bit. How do we feel like it played she was into it, right? I think she was into it. I don't even think the guys responded that poorly to it. Like I think they just made himself a little more known this week that he's being more aggressive with the chase with Hannah like not exactly like falling back but taking that moment because in a couple of group dates prior people were upset when Luke was kissing Hannah in front of everybody at the group date, but I mean, he's also the villain I think Jed was Like all right. I'm in the lead. Let me do this little extra move and solidify myself with Hannah. Yeah, it's all about execution. If you do it in a way that doesn't seem like you're trying to piss off other guys. Is that going to solve all their guys also like just be respectful of one another and they'll understand that you're on a dating reality show. Yeah, the guys didn't seem that bothered by so I wasn't angry. Yeah played fine speaking of Jed and Hannah's relationship later that night at the cocktail party. They had a nice little makeout session lot of dairy are rubbing. Being on that bench in the middle of a Scottish Castle while the way I'm trying my best to keep this at least at least as PG-13 as possible. Kevin was not having it though. Kevin walked in and he could not look away 15 to 20 seconds is actually a very long time to keep staring a little unsettled. If I do have to I wouldn't have admitted that if I said--and stared at making out that intensely for 15 to 20 seconds and they go. Oh, yeah there for like five seconds. There's a crazy and then I left. 20 seconds stare at me for 20 seconds. I don't know if I can do this guy's don't know if I can't eat that. You're beautiful. I just looks could kill some other some other way. This was edited. There's the timer somehow the way this was edited actually started playing out as a I think it made Kevin look a little Charming even though if we're looking at it from an objective standpoint, it's a little weird. Oh, I think it made him look really awkward. Yeah. It's very awkward fair enough. So and other big connections and I shared a lot of hot make-out sessions. Has Peter did his best to mount her on a pool table? I loved that. I think he's so cute. I like these let's try it again. Yeah cute that would work for you. He's just the most like awkwardly cute person. It just always seems to work for him. Even when he just does something that's like a little cringe-worthy. I'm like man Peter you just got something about him, you know how you know how you know, she likes him, you know dang. Well if a guy had tried to put you down and hit your head and you didn't like him You would have reacted but if you liking you been like suck it up suck it up. It hurts when you bump your head even a little yeah, she was like am I pretend it didn't happen and he was the one that I acknowledge it that was cute. And that's how you can tell she was she's into Peter. She's in handy, right? She just wanted to say she made out on a pool table before guys. Yeah, because with here we all put on our bucket list is wanted a pool table makeup not saying it hasn't happened. Maybe an air hockey table. Also exciting. That would be exciting scary would break Lucky's like more Lick it right there. Well, I'm only just depends on who you're with OK. We have a comment that he's very adorkable. I agree in the comments. It's a good way to put it. So who else some other good connections out. We have to talk about Tyler see who guys I you know, my stance on Tyler see Bachelor Nation loves him. I think he's full of it. He wore his killed in case Hannah wanted to sneak another peek. I can't do with Tyler sees lines. I'm not here for it. What did you guys think of the Tyler sees decision to wear it killed? Nothing, I could totally see Tyler doing that. I don't think he meant it in a serious way. I think he wanted to tell that joke to her. Yeah. I think he's fully like, oh, I'm just a joke about it lately. Like, it's Tyler. Yeah. Yeah. Just another Tyler moment. I'm kind of with you there Jeff where the lines are just I'm getting over it. I don't believe it. He had such a great moment last week. I think with consoling Hannah, but even that as you pointed out in our last podcast was full of lines as well for me for you. I just you know, Oh Tyler knows what he has working for him and he thinks these lines are working. So he's just gonna keep at it. Well, most people loved him. So I'm in the minority, but that's my thoughts on Tyler see, okay Garrett in her at a nice little connection. He said I'm ready to take the next step with you. Is that a new Bachelorette? We've seen that one before but what does it mean we for his we've heard starting to fall. We've heard falling taking the next step with you like well, this is also the guy who just finally admitted last week that he's Rushing on Hannah like he seems like he's taking this extra extra slow. He's finally decided to like accept the rose. He's like, I know a few weeks ago. I'm ready to stay on the phone Garrett. I think is very confident in where he's at if he's taking it that slow to me. I think he I personally think he's gonna fall behind. I know someone in the chat McKenna Flora she kind of referred to him as a dark horse McKenna Frost. I'm sorry called him a dark horse, but I don't see Gary going that far. I just think he falls flat. That it's the only reason I think he's gonna fall flat and he's not a dark horse is because of the way he kisses I saw him going far and then when they zoomed in on how I was like oh, oh no, what did that's a huge mistake in the promo. It's like there's no coming back from this. I've done a terrible thing and it's the way he kisses and that's like a personal attack. I actually do feel bad like but it's bad. Well, you can learn you know, what though? The truth is there's a woman out there who wants to be kissed exactly like that power to her. Before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and family. Following on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV because whatever without they always say is there's someone out there for everyone. There's someone who wants the repeated peacock kitchens, but that's not true. No that you teach them that maybe there's that to have all listened. He does seem like a guy that gets away with just on his looks so do you think every girl from was like, whoa He's really hot. It's like a pro golfer. Guess I'll just keep doing it that way like why is no girlfriend been like what are you doing? Yeah, and I mean judging from the preview that we saw at the end of the episode. I think it's Karen who really digs himself in a whole next week. So I'm gonna get into it. I'm going to stand by that might not be looking good for Garrett, but the producers can also be manipulating us which they do often. That's the thing. They really do they have point if he doesn't stick around QC Garrett has a paradise guy or no Paradise. Yes Bachelor new Yeah, not quite enough Charisma. Anything else is the night the evening part of the group date more Luke p hate now. Let's get to the Le juice. So 40 minutes of this episode was spent on the one-on-one with Hannah and Luke p and more than anything. I just found this exhausting. What did you guys think of this date? I found it. Very real. I will say Han has been drilling that into our brains in this truly was a very real date where it felt as though we were truly sitting there. Watching them talk the entire time. Whereas a lot of the dates feel like they're cut so, you know get to the okay talk about this to say like how you felt. Okay, go whereas this was truly her sitting down and trying to get answers from him. It was hard to watch because I think he's such a manipulative person and I stand by that he said so much without saying anything at all. He took every possible turn to try to manipulate her where she she was. So blatant. I don't think it's that he's a wall up. I think he thinks he's saying the right thing to her and that then you'll be able to stay and I just and I honestly and I hate to say it. I think it's gonna work. I think he's going to stay. I hate him. I understand where he was coming from because we've all been in that position where you know, we like someone we know we should anymore like I wish I didn't like them be so much easier, but we do and it's hard and then watching that on a reality show like this where you've like 25-30 other guys that you could pick but this is the one you feel the biggest. Connection with and watching someone without the best willpower it's hard because I agree to an extent with you. Like I want to have empathy for Hannah, but she also says things off screen where it's like she knows he's being fake and that he's coming off a certain type of way. So it's like I feel like you see right through him and you're just ignoring it and I'm not going to make excuses for her anymore because as the lead, I feel like you given other people such a short leash and loopy has had such a long leash with her and I just feel like five episodes and you just keep In to find different scenarios where he can prove to you that he is not this guy, but that's just who he is and I just feel like you need to face. The music says like no one's in the producers not going to keep popping out the side and telling like they literally told her like you need to ask him that like she just can't it's just frustrating me. No, I totally agree with you, but I don't except for the part where she knows he's all fake. I think as again many of us have done I think where you like think that these are just walls built. It up in that there's good inside of them because you think you saw it. Once you've known him for like four or five weeks calm down, but that's who he is and she's not willing to accept that she's like no. No, I see something in you that I know is there but she doesn't know thier we've all done this but like truly so a person is as only as good as their word and if their word is literally just telling you what they're going to do without doing it by yeah. I also think she you know, she said something at the end of their conversation that kind of bothered me too because she she keeps Back to the fact that she's had the strongest connection with him from the very start and I get that but you cannot keep relying on your first initial impression of this dude to carry him through when he's only shown you that he's not a good guy ever since I think like it has a lot to do with probably their cultural connection. Like I think she recognizes she's a pretty religious person. So is he he found Jesus in the shower? She's on paper. There's a lot of things about Luke that she likes and I think that she envisions as important like benchmarks or check marks for a husband. So that's what I think. She's seeing in him. But like what though? I because I think he's showing she even said like I want a husband that people are drawn to and people are not drawn to you. So like what actually is he checking off besides the fact that he's hotter. It's only their connection. I'm telling you. Okay, I hear you on the she's like going off of her first impression of him. But a big thing about toxic relationships is a lot of the times when things get bad the initial connection was so strong. That's what you keep going back to have a lot of friends who have described this. Me where like you just like. Oh, it's going to get back to it was and I'm going to dig deeper and it's going to be fine. And I stand by the case of toxic person. So this makes sense to me that she's still trying to like find that that place the original that connection but like at some point you need to be like there is its be when someone's having that many red flags five weeks into knowing them like girlfriend come on you cuz what is it going to be later down the line? Are you ready? This is just what you're setting the stage for the relationship. I'm sorry. It's kind of rare that it takes that. A big of a turn against better. Its you people are showing their colors and I think he's shown his many times over. Yeah. Yeah. She just needs to she just needs to recognize it and I think she will soon it's to me what happened with Luke tonight as we saw Howard like narcissistic. He was like, I feel like he was just really unable to empathize with anything Hannah was saying and you know, empathy such an important foundation for a relationship being able to listen being able to respond and React to what the person across from you is saying and he was feeding her a lot of things. She wanted to hear but never really Any of the questions that she wanted and it's I think it's just one of those things where she wanted a real apology. She wanted to be seen and she wanted to be heard and he wasn't giving her any that he just wasn't giving her anything besides canned lines and I think she's starting to see it. She was much more candid about her hesitations with him tonight. Then she has been yet. Yeah, so I don't I don't know. Yeah, but I still think that the reason why what she's seeing through is just being like, oh he's being fake but I've seen the real him. She's playing with that narrative still. He'll like if she does send him home, which I don't think she's going to it'll still be her thinking it's because I never got to know the real him. She will still not think that that was the real him. Yeah, I think that he just has his walls up which is not what it is, but she doesn't see that sometimes those moments when you laugh a little bit about when Bachelor Nation gets real and I love when Hannah goes I just want to see like the real you like, do you prefer mac and cheese or do you prefer spaghetti? There's part of me. That's like if that's like the foundations of real questions you're asking before It let's even go a little deeper than that. Maybe yeah, I think we all agree on Luke P. Finally. It's he just he's not even remotely prepared to be in a relationship. No because if you get into conflict with somebody and they refuse to ever own up to their fallen, like imagine when they have fights later down the line. He's either going to talk in circles are just I just want to say what's going to make you happy and like I just feel like he's he just needs to take more ownership like I would for all of his faults that we've seen thus far. I would give him some sliver of respect for at least acknowledging it on screen like he did on his Instagram post after the fact like I wish you would have shown more of that in the moment. Yeah, but it's I just think it's all fake and calculated. Like I think it took him watching it back to learn that that's not what America or Hannah wanted to hear. And that's actually why he posted the Instagram thing instead of like realizing that he's in the wrong. I still don't think he has I still don't think he's woken up. I don't trust the guy I tried. Something's wrong with them. Yeah, it's off it is. Well, I have a feeling he's probably gonna be sticking around but we'll get more into that later anything else significant from the episode that we feel like we need to discuss. I feel like that's about everything. Yeah. Okay. Let's go ahead. I want to save some time to predictions because we saw a pretty juicy T's tonight, but let's go ahead and quickly do our top three moments from the night. Do we want to do let's do our top three. You know what actually guys we're going to Tweet it out. So if you're Ah me on Twitter. I will tweet on my top three moments and I will even do a short white room segment for that tomorrow. So check out REI TV channel segment tune into that will make sure we get it done. Let's go over our 20 for the right reasons that we do have some tweets pulled up. I'm particularly excited about these tonight. We are pulling up the first one now while it's coming up. I do want to say a moment that stuck out to me that yes, I know recognition and it's just a small funny one. But at one point in his in the moment, Mike Johnson straight up had a do-rag on on national TV, and I gotta say as a black. Woman like that just gave me life to see like you stand in your tooth back. My you better keep those waves on swim. Okay, I love it. He's great TV. I'm excited to see more of my tribe. That was just so authentic. I was like, yes, I'm here and she and this is a genuine reaction. She had that same reaction in the trailer, but I'd like to know good night for my pee. Okay, so we have some tweets pulled up. This is you Christian, right? All right. Yeah, it's a tweet from Annabelle who's tweeted Hannah. I just need you to open up and tell me about who you are. You are as a person Luke P trying to do some intense Pythagorean theorem some sort of math equation on the side and legitimately his face is like that to every single question. It is just it's stuck that way. So he does have a very predictable like Ernest confusion face. It pops up often in the show. Okay. We have a couple more Tweets. We're getting them pull up. Now. They may have it sent another one. The best was his face when she said I don't think I can. Give you this Rose and he looked the most shocked. He has he's like what I will we might have pulled off but I will go ahead and share them. Anyway, because I think I'll make sure to retweet them from Liz at Peyton girl four for four. We have Hannah like passed out in frustration. And the caption is when you just want to know if they like mac mac and cheese are spaghetti more and the second tweet I have so it's a gift of a little boy looking around. And so confused and just kind of happy. I think it's from an old timey commercial and it's from just Lon car at the real JLo Luke P having no idea that the date is going poorly and getting excited about seeing the castle. That was what he was so excited about. She's like a little kid looking around all confused. We've also had this other tweet up for our viewers on YouTube another one that I sent in from Devon low and it's Mike when he has to be alone with loopy because the producers want to create an awkward moment. It's such a derp face honestly from my Johnson. It so relatable considering he totally walked out of the room when they brought Luke State guard like he wants to eat it. He just dipped. He's like, I'm ready if he was pissed. Okay, so if you were listening to our podcasts, these are very visual tweets tonight. So we encourage you to check us out on YouTube to see to see some of those meantime any news this week. It was kind of a slow week for bachelor Nation this week. It was a bit of a slow week for bachelor Nation, but there is a lot of paradise TQ. Scouts and you know, we are a spoiler free podcast but there are some things that are kind of already out there that I think we would be remiss not to talk about a lot of past contestants have been making the rounds on different talk shows kind of hinting with they're not teasing they'd be there. I know Kalin went on Extra TV and spoke with them and very lightly tease that she would be there. So I just want to go through the people who are rumored and that will give us something to talk about new tweet us and tell us if you want to see them there. So Kailyn is one of the rumors Women to be on Paradise as well as Hannah G and taoiseach atoms from last year from Colton season. Wow, Hannah genealogy. Her Instagram is private. Yes. That's also very telling guys. I know we're in a Net Solution Bachelor Nation we can pick up on things Anya is also rumored to be there along with our girl Demi and then guys, we got some people coming back from season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise, Christina Shulman, Yes from Paradise. She's planning to come back. It's rumored that she'll be there and as well as Bibiana from re-season, so interesting. I think it's going to be an interesting mix of kind of the contestants were freshener mine as well as some oh jeez coming back. I've even read on Twitter that Dean is considering coming back. So lots of tea in The Bachelor Nation right now tweet us and let us know what you think about that. Great. Please do guys. Let's go and get into our predictions y'all you're after but This TV predictions. I'm just gonna say I don't think Luke p is going home next week, and I'm so mad about it. And if he does it'll be the end of the episode like she'll keep him a bit longer you'll hang around and then at the very end may be oh, I'm gonna pray the way he didn't that promo. Maybe he'll finally go home instead. Okay, I kind of think about who's left, I think okay. Well just for the look of it all I do think loopy will survive. I think he's going to make it. It at least another episode or two or two because if he survived this which the preview leads us to believe like he's so indeed with Hannah but I do think that next week though. She will continue to trim the fat in terms of like contestants like Grant Devon, maybe Dylan Dustin. I don't know like and it's no shade towards them. I just don't see it. And I think they're going to be gone soon. Yeah, there's not much more time. I do picture like a grant moment like one final like her and I think something's get sent home. I think I know. I don't know. There's not going to be a want. Yeah, I have a soft spot for this guy like Grant you guys I am worried about Garrett and it could be the producers manipulating us. But we had Garrett staring out a window saying he's made a huge mistake and we had vo from what sounded like Garrett. Let us know what you think in the comments elaborating on that mistake. Could he be the one to sex shame our very own Hannah Brown? I I don't think so. This week. I think it's going to be about her keeping loopy around if she does I think he's going to like sit around me. Like are you kidding me? This guy is minute I think is going to come off too strong with his opinions about look p and then it's going to feel really bad about it. I don't think the sex-shaming is yet, but I could be wrong. That's a guy agree. I think Garrett's gonna shame her for keeping Luke P. There's a good prediction before we kind of wrap up. I just want to ask you guys. Like, how are you feeling about this season as a whole considering we're going into episode 6 and Just the things that we're still stuck on in terms of like Luke and I just I just don't know. I'm nervous for the rest of the season the show sometimes does this though where it starts off with in the tone is fun and joining. It's pretty serious. Yeah. I'm still liking Hannah a lot and I think she's a really compelling lead. Like it's very interesting to see someone actively struggle with infatuation. They know is wrong for them in real time, you know, and she's doing an interesting job of vocalizing experience that a lot of us have had which is being with the wrong person, even though you know, I wrong for you. I don't know if I much more patience for it though that so that's kind of where I'm at. I'm hoping the season takes a shift and I don't know if much a bachelor nation is gonna want to keep loopy around. I feel like I had a soft spot for him, which a lot of people are upset with understandably, but even I'm off that train now, so I'm ready for him to go. Yep. Bye looks like speaking of we're getting out of here guys. Thank you so much for tuning in The Bachelor after show here and AfterBuzz TV. This was season 15 episode 5 and we thank you so much for tuning in. We're here every week at five PM guys we go live at 7:00. Sorry, we're here every week on Mondays and we go live at 7 p.m. Pacific. We have a lot of people joining us in the chat which you can do on YouTube on the AfterBuzz TV reality Channel. We would love it. If you did that the mean time that you can keep up with us on Twitter. If you guys wanna connect with me, you can do that at Jeffrey see Graham one word. All right guys, and you can keep up with me on Twitter at Christine being with three. He's and on Instagram at Christine. I Lexus love chatting with you guys DMV all your thoughts and you guys can follow me on Instagram and on Twitter at Renee Ariel and go to my Instagram because something Is happening this week you guys who should check it out at one area on this room. Thank you for tuning in guys to see you next week. Bye. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. Hmm use express herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owner. our principal
What a WEEK. Cam stuck to his ABC policy of “Always Being Creepy,” Luke P Got Extra, and we got a lot of promo for...drumroll..The Secret LIfe of Pets 2? Jeff Graham, Christine Alexis, Mike Theiling, and Renee Ariel have all the hot takes for Sn 15, Ep 3 of The Bachelorette. Tune in! The Bachelorette After Show: Which of the men will get the final rose? On THE BACHELORETTE AFTER SHOW we’ll fill you in on everything that happens on and off camera on the hit ABC series. Plus be bringing your favorite cast members our panel. Tune in for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes’ group dates, one on one dates, the squabbles and fights AND bonus off-season content like news updates happening in Bachelor nation. ABOUT THE BACHELORETTE: Becca Kufrin believed she had found love with Arie Luyendyk Jr. on "The Bachelor," but when the race car driver changed his mind and broke her heart so he could reunite with runner-up Lauren Burnham, the humble girl next door from Minnesota resolved not to let the heart-wrenching breakup hold her back. When the 27-year-old publicist isn't making a splash at the boutique public relations agency where she works or planning her next overseas trip, she can be found at home hosting dinner parties for her friends. She hopes to find a man who shares her firm set of Midwest values and who is actually ready to commit to her on her terms.
Welcome to my life cuz it has applied episode 273. We are now in the week of cough of 75th anniversary of the yard site of the Rebus father oblivious auctioneers and was a binocular been from the some exotic Countach invalid and the 20th of of passed away. One of the unique things about this day is obviously being that of his father. So it's relevant to us personally through the rebel but the rebels great pain and aggravation over not being able to honor his father for so many years. The rebbe As We Know left Russia ref the former Soviet Union. I should say and tougher a Spate s tougher HS. I'm sorry. Tell Felipe Hess right at the simplest a deal with the physical debit that we would get married the next year and his parents couldn't even come to the wedding. They made a second wedding as simultaneous. I should say not a second assemble taneous celebration where they were But essentially if you think we don't know exactly when the last time was that episodes father, but even if it was literally the last time just days before or weeks or months before Tom finish pass when he left that country probably wasn't even then was earlier. So we're talking about by the time the fifth members father passed away. You're talking about twelve sixteen years. I was probably more than that and all those years that evident have the opportunity as the rebel you See Express themselves this way then anybody who did anything for his father any type of Shem was any type of help any type of support? They basically bought themselves the LM Harbor and the little one said to someone expressed himself east of Kansas Hospital initiative builds the cops on that I could repay and I want to repay the debt to anyone that helped that was an individual that helped the rep is father. which itself has a tremendous lesson in life about honoring parents, and we know of course when the rebbetzin Hannah oblivious cocks, I've came out from that country so that I've been tough since I in the 1947 went to France and spent several months to greet his mother and prepare and come back with her to the United States and every day and ever since then every day would visit his mother literally visit and go to her home, which I'm not sure where it was in the beginning but later on President Street thinking Avenue she see this enormous amount of respect even among Arab so much busy time. They could understand parents could understand that was unbelievable role model and Mentor kite and of course fulfillment of this great Mitzvah little baby. It's talk of course is known as amicable and we have only a small percentage of the manuscripts that remained is say there are a lot lot more and when they began to come out from that country in the early 60s I believe it was a little earlier when people started smoking them out, but the early 60s when they came here to the United States that had been immediately began preparing them for publication many of them were written because he was in Exile and the way from anything from sodium and from being able to have ink when he with them written in different colored inks that has the rebels are kind of prepared from Reeds and from other materials and was written on the edges on the gloss of has a heart that he had. And a lot of it from Emory based on commentaries that he referred to but is also C is enormous beak is especially in the city Kabbalah and the rabbit wants began to be published first. It was published the the Navy it's cox-2 shimmers on Tanya then later on on getting such over the river began to explain the Oblivion socks and commentary on a Garrison sugar and then later on Zoya and over the years old. Years, every shop is that ever would designate certain period of time that he would actually take a piece from liability so can either explain it or explain its connection to cities or its application of a discussion, which the rebel always would say that his father relied that that we would figure out on her own. So if you can sum up his scope of his work and his contribution. Maybe comes down to a letter that that if I believe it's wrote to the lab where he writes because we have part of that is also correspondence between the webinar baby. It's like his father. He writes the rebel always connect any condition Teta anything you write about Taylor connected with its foundations and Kabbalah because when it's grounded in the foundations of the Kabbalah, I'm paraphrasing it has that captive ephedra have developed an expression from the mishkan of the monitor, but it means a perfectionist certain rounded. Certain hols completion that you finishing the circle you have the beautiful eloquent picture of an idea when it's grounded in kabbalistic. I kabbalistic sources and you can say that's exactly what I believe you sort of did he himself? Obviously as I heard he once said that everything and then is in everything he writes everything. He says he was a also an eloquent speaker and teacher and all those brushes are all based on the quantitative, but it's the language that he uses his through the lens of Kabbalah. Grounding things and kabbalistic references and kabbalistic numbers and breaking it down then a style that that ever very often emulated which was the Duke emphasis and connection to the right of the author of whatever particular piece in the talmud among the modern Israel is the numbers that how the how the different structure ideas were not say something was described in three different ways oblivious of could explain what's the difference between illuminated and sparkling and bright. For instance or the or other the Shane Isaiah languages are and other places in Teta and this fascinating way created this very eloquent almost poetic way of understanding things again through the lens of Kabbalah with the relying as the never said that we would have we would extract from it. It's connection to them and one of them will see this and it's the direction and hero and directive and lessons in our personal life and our personal Veda and work. So what do we do in a play a day like this? I have officer that I've himself wrote in and in the more than once but he wrote in a very famous now, maybe being famous footnote of a letter that it's his great great schools and great acaryas has great Merit and great responsibility to encourage everybody on this day of cough to study something from his father's Tatum and teachings as the lab himself. As I said did every week throughout the Macias of the Rebel. And those later Years starting approximately in the late 60s and then continue on the 70s and 80s. So of course, that's the first directed the second one is understanding the connection between shmuel said that I said nickel that I said the soul and body of Tara and of the view talk in the spirit, of course of cities coming straight from then a carbon as I said from the some exotic and combining it with way that ebb explains it all so just adds a dimension of appreciating that you need to have the soul of tenants together with the body of Tatum. And finally, I would say the Miss citizen definition of living. It's like he was missing after he was at off and your continuous love and then he was arrested of course for this counter-coup counter revolutionary activity, which means basically spreading Yiddish kite tortured punished and depressed and then center of the Exile and we are in literally hungered and suffered greatly miss. It has nefesh as the devil would talk often if I bring his of clave and sometimes of tishri to the other side of the rabbits and Hannah Interruption Cafe. The masseuse nephews that he had for you describe for every detail in Judaism. So being the Rebus father these are lessons that we can derive in US it has supplied how we to today in terms of much more plenty and without having that God thank God Saudis and challenges and afflictions that he dealt with being able to hamas's service, which is mrs. Hudson complete commitment to users guide with the fullest passion in the fullest commitment. But add one more thing is fascinating to Shimmer the notes you rights, which is printed in the introduction to his notes on Tonya is he has a shimmer to the extensive see how he learned his rocker practice. They describes even his oppression even his days and months in prison and the different prisons. He was in all connected to his life and to his name. They be it's awkward. Both indicate gouda. Levi is good and his cock is were meaning dealing with the goddess of life, which is the in the severities of the difficulties and challenges of life and it's a fascinating to Shimmer because he literally takes everything negative about his life and instead of just complaining looks at it as some type of divine force that he had to endure obviously with pain but sees the Divine even in those darkest elements of his experiences, which of course is a lesson to each of us whatever we're dealing with sometimes. Unfortunately, we deal with setbacks or moments of darkness and sadness and pain and so on. that we can derive from that how even that becomes part of the divine plan and in some ways a divine revelation, even if the Revelation sometimes appears at the moment has been Bleak and that finally there will be the end result will be the growth and look at the rep that Embers a child the son of are oblivious of his oldest son the oldest of three sons of three boys and the rubber becoming the rubber 1954 and then and then leading the new series that ebb is a direct product of Livi so can is mrs. Nefesh that I've been a very powerful sick. And you test in the you love me Santosh in Lima test should add is a very deliver speaks. Very personal. He's acid ever says there in the second that I was asked whether I mind that people criticize me that I think was talking about his strong position on the stock him. I'm not giving up land for its at all and it's just so for Peace So that and of course that I was criticized the time says I was asked whether I mind being criticized and a type of response to Say I don't mind I cannot say but to say I minded that point that I will not speak about this. I also cannot say whatever container weird. I learned this so-called having this discourage. This strength says comes back from my child that's being the oldest son of the chief Rabbi that ever says lavrov should be maroof designed how it's called today of you. Katrina's love so many people would come see my father and being the oldest son. He would send me certain individuals that didn't want to deal with or were people coming from Places that were more critical and so on and being that I also knew languages I was able to speak to some people from a different languages never goes on and says that's also one of the things people criticize me for knowing languages. He says it's leaking least in them. I don't don't dwell in it yet. I also won't denied like other people who deny things and it wouldn't help anyway, because it's public knowledge being that people would come to me often with their own negative attitudes. I heard many much critique already back then and that's where I developed. So to speak the immunity of not being affected by critic critic critique that ever goes on and says interesting these so there's a few choices says not to not to speak. Because this critics is altogether not even a consideration. If I feel it's important to speak I speak in the lab as these words initiative demidov. God not for this was I educated and brought up. To be quiet when I hear that something is going to hurt or harm didn't she see in a short expression needs to have them up middle of you heard it meaning he grew up in a home with a baby. It's how can a mother like a rabbit's ikana their home that told him that you stand up and you don't cower in fear and you don't retreat and you stand with pride and strength, even when it's a challenging situation. It's interesting to listen to Just to See the Way That expresses. How is education Impacted him, of course, there's other references as well. But that's a very powerful so that we have tremendous lessons of the 75th anniversary of half of including of course this take two from is citizen efficient and courage necessary and our times as well to speak up when necessary in a diplomatic way in a beautiful way in baduk in am and so on but not to retreat and not to be fear fearful of what others will think when we have to stand up for something that is right and positive. Godly okay with that. Let's also speak about a moment about passes a cave, which is this coming Shabbos this week. And as well as Shabbos move or Kamel, so a curve a curve has many different meanings. Are you awake? If a curve also comes from the word asks this brings acre from the were a cave the heel referring to ichthus in the Michigan end of days, which is called the heel of mushiya meaning right before Michelle's coming and that a cave. Like the ache of of the human body this the the heel on one hand is called and others that I've noticed in medicine. It's called Malcolm oversee boredom is the angel of death in the human being why because the human being encompasses everything we have hills and mountains alien curtains are them the human beings a small microcosm is a microcosm of all of existence. So the heel which is so almost heel it is so able to take the blunt blows of walking. So the heel has the least amount of sensitive nerves. So it's called the model Hamas about them being that it's so this one of the extremities and not as sensitive as other parts of the body the life force. There is more concealed and yet within that Malcolm overshadowed them within that negative within the heel which sounds so the lowest level we find the great. Mr. Selfridge has the city says that when you want to put your when you want to test the waters and want to before you go into our bath you put your heel in first to test see How hot it is you don't put your head in first the head is far more sensitive or other parts of the body. So the heel has the ability of mastitis nefesh to go into hot water and be the first to carry us. And what is the he'll do it does carry a carries the entire body including the head simcha stated with the we danced with our heels and our souls our legs and our feet and they carry the tail. So the heel has that paradoxical element that one ended the end of the situation the one with the least amount of Gilliam and Revelation and yet yet after they're specifically there. You have the greatest power of masseuse nefesh of taking the First Leap of that type of attitude to this explains because the heel does not have intelligence in it. So the Gilliam the revelations don't block the ability for doing what has to be done. Sometimes thinking too much and calculating I mean to intellectual and car and cerebral about things blocks us from actually doing things. So the heel also indicates action that I need for action and not always sitting and Ponte. Skating or ruminating but going right for it to the heel and Leading The Way by marching forward and the devil would often speak of the fabric is about tell Lucas otaku going to other shoes. So we talked about the power of the heel which lifts the whole body and carries it and walks to other communities to bring you this guy right there with the same emphasis on this power of the heel to lift. Everything up Shou Bou. Welcome LL LL is the heel of the month of the year. It's the end the last month of the year the trader shock husband. Mount of the month of accountability we've taken accounting of everything that went past and are happening the past year but it's also the kind of shock on it in the heel also lies the whole preparation for the future for the year to come It prepares us for the Youth to come the month of compassion the month when we should have been you was up on the mountain for the third time and listening for my sham from God in this last month of the year listening from God the 13 attributes of divine compassion. You giving me this a document. Which then would go on to ultimately lead to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur when they returned from the mountain with full forgiveness elastic in very harsh. I'm Sarah forgiving as you've asked but the holiest day of the year all born from the month of L, which is Hades shall Begins the 40-day journey and then concluding special team kippered, which is the 10th day of tishri 30 plus 10 42 40th Day. So there you have lessons Galore about How to apply these ideas to our lives where we are now, that's even when we're at the end of a process, even when the bottom of something there lies your enormous amount of strength to grow and to lead and to hold up and lift the entire building the entire structure will be talking of course more about El as the month progresses, but the suffice for now I'll do a little cross referencing because these topics have been discussed. This is already the sixth year of my life because it has supplied episode 273 so Referencing to episode 78 128 128 174 and 223. All these archives can be found that sin has applied that common new site which we have created dedicated exclusively and specifically to that name applying see this to life everything there is archived. It's also you can searchable via keywords or via the topics by going to the time stamps of each video the YouTube version on the desktop or laptop. Can actually go straight to the point you're looking for you can download download these archives on podcast and all different social media platforms. And please do so, they are free of charge. But we ask you to try to make a donation to help us support this program and the growth of it and the development of it into many different areas. You'll also find there The Forum where you can submit any Anonymous completely anonymous question, but will be addressed on this program. This program is essentially responding to Ins from people like yourselves we have many many questions. Some of them are backed up but I will cover them all and we continue to move along and finally the essays those powerful essays written over the past five years by literally thousands of individuals from all over the world essays that applies it has to a contemporary issue or challenge. They're posted there and the new essays of this past year. We post every week the three essays that I review at the end of each of these programs and with Let us go now to some questions applying Tatum. Is there a lesson from every single word in Teta if taters lessons for us? How come if Theta is a lesson for us it all became a lesson in life. Why is it that there is none application for our service - em from every single word and Taylor, for example, why don't we find any lessons from all from all the times in the Tater that it says by Adama - ml meisha limit Etc so I know there are many my more remembered Rush him and new on numerous verses but what about the many other verses that don't have commentary? Okay. So first of all interestingly this commentary precisely on that versus well and I am bathed I am trying to remember the end of volume 1 Run 2 thirds through volume 1. I wish I could look it up and next time I'll try to give you the page, but you should be able to find it with the index is actually a complete beautiful explanation of Value Double Dash M Mesa Layman top it'll be nice at all. Now there are obviously places we don't have it interpretation every word of verse but we can extrapolate from the interpretations given elsewhere. So first rule every single word not just word every single letter every cell every single Nuance every single movement to know her even Tom the throw up the Negan of the deposit. Every letter is filled and saturated with interpretations upon interpretations, or else it wouldn't have been putting the tail. The Theta only has things that are necessary for us to know for our being a blueprint for our lives. And that's why you'll find entire chapters of let's say I've removed in US history. We only hear how he's born until age 75 the Tater ship except the written terrorist doesn't say much. So it was a history book to give us information. It doesn't seem adequate. And then think of this to consider this the first book of Genesis are Bodacious covers around 2,000 years from the beginning of creation to when the Jews that children are vac of pass away. Mm. It's right the second book Exodus begins with the Exile in Egypt. And then when is it conclude 40 years later when they come to the west to east Bank of the River Jordan after they're leaving his leaving with slime and and the Christians have been better and Martin Taylor and then building the Michigan so one book is coming. Two thousand years another for book's cover 40 years. Does it sound proportion but when you know Teta is a lot head up behind then, you know, it's not about filling in the dates not about an equal coverage of different periods. It's only what's necessary for our living this world a blueprint for our lives and as such every letter and every Iota every Nuance is filled with messages. Some of them are many of them are specifically explained citizen other places. Oh and some we have to derive on you derive from one place. You can take it and apply it to another another place and the same thing of course would take ownership. I'll pet so that's the answer. Sometimes we have to put some more work how far above our football football football the cooler but everything is there if you turn the page Turn the Page and you'll find the answers and directives to our lives next question. How can you say that? You're not getting political when the mere fact that you are addressing a political issue makes it political. There are be Jacobson. I have a comment that applies in general to your podcast. But especially when you apply for this the current events at such times, you typically say you're not going into politics of the situation. However, even by saying one sentence that relates to the politics you're already getting into politics. For example, when you did the podcast after the Pittsburgh Massacre, you said something to the effect that you were not going to get into the politics of what up. Thinks of what happened, but then added that of course such things as security are necessary, but such Solutions will not be the focus of your talk and paraphrasing and did not review the episode 2 exactly capture your words. Sorry about that. I'm on my lunch break. Anyway, even by mentioning security you were getting into politics because Trump's big thing as well as the people who work for Trump always say that the way to fight terrorism is more guns and security and walls and stop education person thinks that the answer to shootings in schools is to have Armitage armed teachers and the other hand many people think that the rise in hate crimes rape crimes is a result and encouragement that haters have received from the present Administration along with gun laws that do not require sufficient background checks Etc. My point is not to draw you into politics, but only to say that if you're going to avoid the politics of the issue are discussing you have to not say anything political at all. Thank you for your podcasts. I listen every week. Okay. Thank you for your comment. However, however, yes, you're pulling it into politics and I absolutely was not I was talking about an event that affects us all and Pittsburgh Massacre is not a political event. Unfortunately, it's a tragedy that we all would have wished didn't happen. The politics of trump or the anti-trump Ian's to me. Is it relevant your gun control getting it arming teachers or not arming teachers or another things or blaming? Umph for encouraging the haters frankly is all politics and it can be argued and much can be said that has nothing to do the Trump shootings happen before him and unfortunately, hopefully they will not happen again, but way you write I can tell it to clearly tell who were you stand if anyone listens to what I said, I do not think you'll be able to tell where I stand on this matter because I did not go into the issue things that could be door short term by all means but this is exactly the problem a massacre happens. And what happens next is that choose ation of the president that he's the one that caused it or his words caused it. And then taking whatever issue he brings up taking other issues. Why shouldn't we all be be on the same page? That security is a good idea. And yes, having armed guards as a good idea and yes not having hateful rhetoric is a good idea and all lands from left and right if I heard that then everybody's talking a politically but as soon as you take them to what you're doing now, that's exactly what I'd never do. So talking about a topic and mentioning gun control as a short term solution by saying that's not the main solution. The main solution is educating our children that there's a God and that there's an eye that here is our That season the ear that hears is is not political. It's actually addressing an issue in a transcending political way and that I intend to do and continue to do however, they says they say color pencil the moment pay. So if one looks with political eyes, then they see everywhere politics. It's maybe step back and say you know what? Let's not talk about Trump. Let's say this was four years ago or 10 years ago 20 years ago 20 years from now. How do we address an issue? Stop take let's take the names out of it political figures out of it and not try to use every situation for either a pro or anti Trump agenda. And that's exactly what the tato teaches us to do to transcend these details and to talk about the actual issues, which is what I've done and I continue to do and no talking about an issue does not make even It's a even others. I'm making it political that does not make everyone that speaking about a political. That's the main thing. I want to emphasize. Okay, next question, which is a topic that comes up again and again, which is so Central to see this damaging prayer. Please shed some light on how we are to approach David in our current modern world. There are be Jacobson. I was wondering if you could shed some light on how we are to approach David in our current modern world. It seems the original mr. Was the praise Hashem God and ask requests of us gem at any time in place during the day. Men and women of all ages were able to fulfill this Mitzvah then later on in history. The ants are a classic daily the great assembly the men of the great assembly. This is proximately before the destruction of the temple that period in time little earlier than that beginning of perky office after we speak about this game gave it over to the VM gave it to the skin and then comes an sicknesses like the Ala they began to formulate the siddur the formal prayer book which we have the promo prayer is that we Right. This was the response. This was a response to people who are starting to lose the bush because the touch so to speak and could not find the correct words with which to express themselves Hashem as well as having the appropriate qivana since that time traveling prayer has been strongly associated with using acid and praying with a Sybil that's a quorum a community a group a minion or minion Sybil is a larger group and being in the stem people. It seems that praying without a meaning is viewed as inferior. Or as that Phyllis of the Tiburon more desirable and accepted by a shame when praying among multitudes. Yes that vent the Advent of see this reintroduce the concept of devoting at length and in solitude a my own experience in your Shiva was that this is the preferred mode of prayer poverty. Even at the expense of Philip. It's about filler with the with a group with a with a community admittedly with the congregation admittedly. This is a loft is a lofty level to attain and only a handful of bokram and Robin in my stream and a select few by the bottom able to truly pray in this manner for the rest of us. It seems Diving is become a best everyday routine chore of reciting Hebrew words hurriedly and at worst apolog on. There is a constant chatter during diving even during schmancer Minister and there appears to be a strong disconnect between what we now call davening and actually connecting with Hashem. I believe the reason for this is that we feel restricted restricted by the Sid and we once again do not know how to express ourselves. Maybe the students structure of trilobites Ebert helped in earlier Generations. But today it seems to be a hindrance. How can we truly express ourselves when the prayers aren't Hebrew which we don't understand and there are times when we cannot talk Etc. I think the time has come to revert back to the original. No system of filler where we take some time each day to thank our Shem praise us him and asked for our personal requests. What do you think best regards? Well, I agree with half of what you said and I disagree with other half. I think you can guess which half I agree that prayer was always meant to have Covenant Phil oblique. Ivana is key goof Polina. Shamah is like a body without a soul like a corpse It's always important Kevon even before cases the Angeles a daily God forbid to say but they created was a downgrade. They actually would did was create something for formal that make it easier for people to dive in properly and we always need to Have the structure but the Covenant but the intention was not to take away the importance of the soul and the coven was only meant to help in that regard. Sid is definitely re-emphasizes and brought back to the surface the importance of Aveda. She believes who had filler which is expression of the gemara should at the service of the heart is prayer and how to do it properly and prayers essential component in cities not just learning but applying it to your heart having an emotional relationship with God developing those emotions and feelings. And that's what diving is as this explains that length all that is great. But to suggest go back no That's correct. And absolutely wrong. What do you need more than the Devil Himself always with the Sid? Why would using musical notes using a have this example be a contradiction to play music in the most powerful passion away. In a city of the formal prayers, of course, there's the Trap of lip service and just mechanical and doing it rushed and so on and so forth. That's why we need to teach but that would be like someone saying let's eliminate the mechanical technical Mitzvahs and just focus on the heart and soul and do things spiritually. We live in a physical world and needs to be grounded in physical words and physical actions chemistries of have a miser which is the movement of the lips is mice action. That's what prayers about and it's meant to be just like it's important to say, I love you. Not just say I feel that I have the feelings. I don't have to express it. So both are correct and both are necessary now how to properly take it step by step. I've talked about this many times prayer doesn't mean darvany. If you want to dive on properly choose add a section of the prayer and focus on it and then grow from there those that have a many hours can maybe focus on lot more than that the pilot advantage of a minion and at Sybil was not meant to undermine the power. Personal connection it was a Synergy that comes with the community that gives strength to each individual. But even when you pray with that mean you still supposed to be praying like you're speaking to God and you Whispering you don't speak out loud certain things are set out loud. But most of the having is between you and a chef so personalizing absolutely but I do not recommend and descend reject your suggestion of trying to change things from the way. It's become accepted not just accepted by all the failures along the way Jews do things but at the same time Absolutely personalize it and add the Covenant. I want to refer to episodes 228. We're actually spoke of spoke about this idea of prayer context of LL when it's a time when we increase in prayer and episode 258 and there I reference many many other episodes. I don't want to review them or just go there Vachon with some nice man. The others are referenced to other times. I've spoken about prayer. next question What can we do to increase Security in Crown Heights High Rabbi Jacobsen? I would like to talk to you today about the recent Spike and anti-semitic attacks in Crown Heights. I would like to share with you on your listeners some ideas we can do in response in response to these attacks. I'm speaking on a spiritual level first. I don't think it would be out of line. If a king is Gathering of tailored finland's docket was organized. Secondly. I was thinking that perhaps not all our national and Ashes the combat community. About the rebels directives. That one should check their mezuzahs and Finland once a year every 12 months as is known that the mezuzah has a special power for schmear safety protection as I shems name and the mezuzah shinda lat you would is an abbreviation for the world Shimmer Dulce slow. The one who protects the doors of Israel that God watches over the doors homes of the Jewish people. Of course, this is an addition to the community council doing their job are rallying the police department to do their job with increased. In the community Etc soon as Tavis maschiach now. So I'm with you security absolutely is not just physical security which also is included but because they can security and not just in Crown Heights. How much did I misspeak about securing that's assault and all Jewish communities and for that matter and opened all the communities all around the world. I second everything you're saying and that's good to bring it up. And that's why I'm reading it and they should help you should not have neither anti-semitic attacks or other attacks to remind us but yes doing everything possible to bring God's It's into our homes into our personal lives into our communities is a critical component in addition to all the other measures we take which is obviously locking your doors and having a stronger police presence, but we know it goes hand in hand. So thank you for that. Does Judaism have a place for Skeptics I have a habit or nature to double think things? I was told by people that skepticism is a trait of our moloch. Or things like Suffolk big amati a moloch meaning the fact that I doubt things and I don't take everything at face value is a negative trait that will stunt my growth in Yiddish kite personally. I feel this approach sounds very similar to other religions where you are not allowed to ask questions. My question is is using our secular intelligence and double thinking a neutral or is and double thinking is that a neutral or negative habit if it's neutral, how can it be channeled? I was wondering what your I was wondering what your Opinion is if you can address this would be greatly appreciated. CS firstly I addressed this topic to some extent and episodes 113 and 229. The answer is there's two types of skepticism. There's healthy and unhealthy skepticism on healthy. Skepticism is someone who ask questions just to justify their position. They have a locked in position Pre-K their preconceived notions, they're invested for whatever reason a certain the desired outcome and then they find reasons to explain it. And if you challenge them, they always have an excuse and a few and their skepticism of any other approach is just a smokescreen. It's not true skeptic. ISM in the sense where they really open to hear another argument and that's why you see people like that as much as you say you get nowhere healthy skepticism on the other hand is a person who's open to hear an answer. They may not be comfortable and they're open to change their position and intelligent open inquiry free inquiry means that you don't have a preconceived notion or a bias or Prejudice or stereotype that shaping you're thinking you're thinking very open-mindedly you listening to every angle you just you the whole town would is based on challenge every ton of every I made a challenges each other. That's the way of learning but it's healthy skepticism. Meaning they're looking for the truth and not looking to be right and we're looking for the truth part of the processes. God gave us a mind a mind is meant to ask questions. A mental Explorer meant to challenge with objective of finding what is the clearest and the most Crystal Clear idea, that's the goal. So absolutely you described as a room for skepticism. That's why NASA the nourishment NASA States. I accept even without understanding but then there's a requirement also finish my which means not just to listen but to understand and to use your great mind and to probe and to learn and to study and to challenge and to argue and Arguments until you get to the most Crystal Clear idea. And that's the answer. So we need to find obviously the proper balance and me to also look at check ourselves to make sure we're doing it for the right reasons. Okay? next question What should be the public role of Jewish Women and where do we draw the line? With the mic drop event and rub on I'm coming out against women joining in. I'm trying to understand the rebels position on the role of women unlike other Orthodox groups. We publish and print pictures of women in the Sheikh Hamad newsletter and other outlets and Publications a my understanding. Is that the rebel want its Lucas. To take leadership public and hidden roles in the Chabad house. On hidden roles in the bottles, I guess. My question is where where do we draw the line between embracing women in a public role? We don't ban pictures /a speaking in public Etc and something not sneeze. So this is a topic I've spoken about extensively and I want to give you all the references as many as I was able to uncover episodes 11 47 and 48 65-67 106 107. 46 147 to 239 through 241 250 251 and 253. So if you want a more comprehensive response with different angles, I refer you to all those episodes as I said, they're all in our archives at attacks. It has briefly because we have spoken about this. Yes. It is a balance in between two different approach to different elements. Now when we talk about women being a public position like this look is Ever was the Compromise sneeze obviously has to be done with the right discreet ways that ever always emphasizes women's leadership is necessary. But there's a way women lead and their unique way that they lead. So there's no question about compromising it. That's not even an it's not even a discussion. I mean, it's a discussion what I mean to say is of course, it's a discussion because it comes up where you cross. Where do you draw the line? So there you need to have much beam and our bottom that help determine these things we have directors from the rebbe about this and how things should be Two events public speaking and what kind of circumstances what type of audiences and that needs to be discussed in detail? There is no black and white answer to that. It's Case by case. If we example have a 770 an event from the shape and a squad. So you have women speaking of men speaking for them. That's the way that episode that I've been self spoke for them. But then if you have all men events should a woman be speaking there and 770 most likely not but then there are events that happen a kebab houses where you have men and women and women are being. Honored together with their husbands, so I'm not going to go into the detail because each case is a case by case. But yes, there is there are areas gray areas where we need to find the proper balance. But the most important thing is we're not talking about compromising was talking about doing what is right what was asked of us? I'll be Theta and obviously this and based on the web. So there is absolutely a role of a woman in a leadership position button it right sneeze. They can how long should it away and and regarding the same thing regarding speaking regarding publicizing and so on. So forth, so I think if we don't use extremism and we don't use any zealotry we use try to find what it says now Locker what it says on citizen Taylor will find the proper medium the proper balance. And as I said more I discussed in previous episodes the ones I refer to let's do some follow-up. I left some time for follow-up so we don't have to be brushed. So first thing is let me deal with something. I spoke about the see this question last week, which was about the four types of capital punishment. Skill is safer having a Sonic and the city's explanation of all these four as I discussed. I mentioned that there are Hime is a place. I found all four discussed. It doesn't mean and that there aren't other places where it's discussed. I'm going to give some more sources. That's what I'm focusing on now where the data came is probably rooted in but again all for I only found in that a crime the first two are discussed the following places and Taylor are and I'll tell Debbie 30 on a the quantitative chuva is real. It's out. Joshua minor 64dd will the cart. Mmhmm and be a mosque minaret says to my modern from the debit rishabh tough for a summer. Hey discusses more length. And as I said, they're the focus is mostly the first or the first second of the four going even further back be honest, but Forks at this you have the see that I drizzle and Chris MacCallum it as I mentioned the for mrs. Mrs. Bessler mentioned in Christmas kilometer when we say when we speak we mentioned for the sins. I did that would have been responsible. The punishment would have been skill, which is a Pagani in the letter you would and then slave for the began with the letter. Hey and then headache Harrigan Senate devolve into hey And we discussed what those old mean as he says there's a began in Krishna and a pergamon film and pajamas and pajamas filler davening that these four are should be repaired accidents explains how they repaired but the idea is already a group exists already in Kabul and see that I design Christmastime it especially in the kaolian conversion. See that is are there several versions and one of them is called curl Yankees remember that is I'm self than that, right? So it's time medium took Green from his teaching. I was taught to a teachings and turns it into commentary on the city. So there's several versions can yank of talks pretty extensively about it more kabbalistic lie, but it's consistent with the beer W explanations of sins just to round out the topic. We supposed to spoke about education educating about healthy intimacy. This was last week's episode as well received a few comments. I'm going to read a few follow-ups. The question there and we discussed it there and I'm like obviously not going to review what was said there. You can look it up and last week's episode. The question was are we properly educating newlyweds in the difference between healthy and unhealthy intimacy. So received actually quite a number of responses. I'll just mention a few number one high Rabbi Jacobsen. Thank you so much for your weekly my life because it has supplied broadcast. These are invaluable for people like me a boxer who was born after gimel Thomas who never got to meet the rebbe. Personally, I have a follow-up question regarding compatibility in regards to intimacy. I'm dating now and I've heard politically conservative but not from podcasters talk about intimate compatibility. Although generally espousing the view of not having premarital relations. They say it's important to ensure that spouses are compatible and don't discover after marriage that they don't fit in this way as a bar. I've never seen in any sort of romantic relationship. With the opposite gender let alone one with physical contact. So all this is somewhat Theory I've never been in any sort of romantic relationship. Let alone with almost physical context. So all this is somewhat theoretical for me at this point. However, as I'm now dating I've been wondering what this means for me in future relationship in a future relationship specifically when I heard you read the very poignant submission from someone presumably a woman regarding compatibility in the private setting with the husband and wife having From views on what should be considered normal. I agree with you that our generation needs Specific Instructions in the matter. How would I know what my future wife thinks and feels about a physical relationship prior to our getting married. Is this something we should discuss when dating is this sniffs? Is that sniffs since we both will both be people who haven't had any such previous relationships and the only knowledge I we will have is from films the internet Etc. How do we really even know? What is healthy? Is it something I should be able to sense from the girl I a date whether she's an open or closed person. I guess I would say about myself that I have waited. All these years have not had any relationship and would like to marry someone who's not shy about having a healthy relationship with her spouse. It would kill me to marry someone who's less physical and not really interested in or excited by a healthy fulfilling intimate relationship. Sorry for dragging on so long, but I guess is a book a precaution classes on a bit clueless, but do know that I'd be devastated to marry. So an incompatible in this way. Haven't spoken to friends. I know I'm not the only One's confused and concerned about this and from your letter from the letter you read. It seems to be a problem any help would be greatly appreciated. Okay, thank you for your candidness. I'll try to be equally candid in addition to what I said in the last week's program. I just want to re-emphasize re-emphasize something. I did point out the most important thing to remember in a healthy relationship. Of course, according to Judaism and Theta X. It has is that it's a holistic one. It's includes an entire gamut and higher spectrum of life Intimacy is a vital component of obviously, but it's not just physical intimacy. It's the communication. It's even how you eat lunch breakfast lunch and dinner together how you interact how you walk in the street how you don't interact about work and about other matters. It's a full-blown relationship whenever it becomes compartmentalised or fragmented. We are focusing on one thing only whatever may be whether it's money only or it's just how the house is going to look only Often that creates problems because the balance is lost. You have to look at the entire picture where the focus is only an intimacy and not anything else. It can become an obsession. That's the nature of intimacy and it grunting ultimately undermine our relationship so though it's vital and important but unfortunately the secular world has become obsessed with the technique around intimacy and it's all about that and not about commitment necessarily and that has spilled over we've been exposed to these ideas to the point where we think Think and were terrified of that issue in glucose additional homes as it's been now and has been Generations before they didn't obsessed with that two people really liked each other they communicated with them. They related to each other. They have shared values that is shared bit more certain type of humility respecting each other. Then it always came together when it came to intimacy at work because intimacy requires all of that intimacy if it's focused on pure technique and do you do it this way. Do you do that way? Are you making me happy? Making you happy that is beautiful. If it's in context if it becomes the obsession then most cases it's never going to be satisfied. It's going to be tension and conflict. So my advice is find a good partner and make sure you have conversations talk about everything this topic if it's touched upon this Adel aways and sneezes takeaways a modest ways to talk about intimacy or talk about relationships. Remember if you're talking people who are naive who are not yet entered I say Now you vimentin a good way innocent have yet entered into it? The talk is going to be more theoretical but knowing the person getting to know the person who will help tremendously and then when it comes to the bedroom when it comes to intimacy, it works because you have a whole thing going for you two people who like each other their friends their best friends, they communicate so that and and they're not obsessed with own particular thing. Then it works out and if there is an issue, you know how to talk about and something comes up, you know how to address it. That's My overall response And yes, as you take the custom classes and as you get engaged definitely talk too much be a talk to someone who can speak about this with you ask questions if you have and hopefully a good citizen must be able to direct and guide in more details and specifics another follow up in this. Hi Rob, Simmon. Thank you so much for addressing the issue of healthy and unhealthy intimacy. This is something that my ex-wife and I really struggled with I think we really should have found a way to discuss this while dating but at the time it didn't feel sneezes dick modest the little we did discuss was evidently insufficient our expectations of what our intimate life would be were vastly different. We did try to discuss it with our respect. That must be is Ice Beam, but we both found that a difficult conversation to discuss openly and candidly. Lie with others outside the marriage while we did finally figure out something that seemed to work for both of us. I think was part of what ultimately contributed to our parting ways or at least symbolic of some of our differences. I've since remarried and during round 2. I was able to discuss it more openly and candidly with my current wife. Whom I'm Baruch Hashem happily married to for many years. Well, I no longer have a horse in this race. I think it's vital for the younger generation that the leaders take this issue head on and help the guys and girls before they get into the The situation I was in thanks so much for all you do for our community. Okay. I don't have anything more to add than what I responded to the previous writer in this regard. I'm sad to hear that things didn't work out. I would like to believe wasn't just about intimacy and that but maybe other matters as well. It's after the fact God bless you and your new marriage. God bless your ex-spouse and her new marriage and everybody should be happy. But yes, there is a time to speak about things. If for example you do hit a hitch. But once there's marriage in this area do not judge and you can't resolve it yourself. Obviously go speak to a third party that can help but I was just speaking the general approach that I think is the most healthiest approach to make sure things work. Well number three regarding this topic as I said quite a few responses on this issue up Simmon. I'm writing to you this to you because honestly, I'm embarrassed to bring it up with others. I'm a 770 bar are just getting into the shidduch seen. I've never been in a relationship before I do have to admit that I have seen Schmutz online. While I've stopped Baruch Hashem for the last two-plus years. I know that the scenes it portrays in that regular healthy. And is that regular healthy intimacy with a spouse is passe and is the forbidden which is especially tantalizing honestly having a class from a level-headed must be a before dating about what is normal to expect in an intimate relationship with their spouse would be great as it's certainly not what I saw years ago in the Schmutz, but I don't know what it is, by the way my parents seem to have an amazing relationship, but obviously I have never seen any But of the intimate life nor would I want to ever ask either of them about it. Also what to ask doing should do come to know what we were on this. Also what to ask during should do come to know that we're on the same page. Thanks so much for addressing this. Well, I'm glad you're out of that and recognize that that is completely not what intimacy is about that is a abuse and Distortion in every possible way and unfortunately creates them distorted versions visions and distorted attitudes and expectations. So let's make that very clear that anything that comes from anything. That's not the appropriate is not at all something to be looked at or to be aspire to you can have a complete healthy passionate and Powerful romantic intimacy with your spouse. The Taylor Advocates, it's not just it's not just suggest and it's important to do. So as I said, it's a holistic part of the relationship. Meaning that comes with up tire package. That's why there's the relay the intimacy. Is there all the time even when you're just talking to each other you do it, right and it's better than anything that will be out there portrayed in that commercial disgusting fashion exploiting the issue and divorcing it for anything. That's intimate anything that's meaningful anything. That's sustainable anything that spills over to healthy. The relationships and commitments healthy commitments. So I say the same thing I say to you, but I said earlier. Yes, if you if you're in Hudson stage, maybe speak to someone about it, but it comes down to ultimately that entire picture that I described. Okay enough about this now vaccination is still on some people's minds and I understand why so I'll read one or two or let's see. What do we have here? I read one or two questions and try to respond. I think I covered it pretty extensively. Hi Rabbit, Jacob. And I heard your last few episodes in which you speak about vaccinations. It is pretty clear. From what you say that well from what you are clear. From what you are saying that you are of the opinion that not to vaccinate is not the approach of Taylor students access absolutely not to vaccinate, correct. However, I feel on that unlike your usual style that you have purposely skipped one important Point since just because it is the right thing to vaccinate certainly does not mean that kids should be deprived of kinnock because of it is Acceptable for your she was not accept unvaccinated children. It says that nothing overrides child runs learning even the building of the base. I'm English you please talk about the specific this specific aspect which too many are a bunny. Mom regime are not willing to address. Okay, I firstly I did address it. I am not running any school and I can't tell you what policy they should have. I totally agree that every child should be accepted in every school, but then there are legalities and there's other parents and there's a state and there is a city and there's all kinds of laws. I don't know all the details. I'm assuming that's not just some guy in the school decided this it could very well be they're protecting themselves because they could also be the it can be a litigated. And there is I've heard of schools being closed because of this issue. So I'm not even saying that they should be closed and the government is correct about this but it's much more complicated by the issue itself if we had total control over the issue and people would listen so yes, then we can talk normally and we talk about vaccinations and why you would want to be exempt from vaccinating and why we should allow your child in and be a normal conversation, but I think there are other factors involved. So I'm not here advocating that children should not be allowed into school, but you know something Sometimes one has to look at why the parents are so insistent and not vaccinating and maybe they want their child in school maybe vaccination should be explored. Why is it only the extreme one way and not the other way maybe that maybe they should realize the vaccination should be an option obviously in a proper way where it doesn't harm the child Etc as we discussed another person writes on the topics of doctors medicine vaccinations at Center. There were you aware that were in recent recent episodes. I would like to point out that in the quickest serious. There's a section with over 60 pages of letters from the rubbish on the topic. It's a helical am involve starting on page to 69. It's basically chat volume 36. I hope you'll share that as a place to look for those who want to look up the rebels approach as you suggested. Okay, and there's more and maybe I'll just scatter them over the weeks some most as I said I repeating ideas that I think I've covered so I don't know if I have to cover it all but since it's coming in I feel I should. Give some Fair representation of ideas. Thus it has question for this week. How does it has explained the month of elul? Okay. So there are many many my more room in the month of elul some themes that are more familiar. People are more familiar with some less. There is of course number one theme, maybe the number one that the devil always referred to in the quantitative the muscle of Al Terrebonne the melek Posada. So that's the first thing what does that mean? You'd given me this hierarchy I mean radiate the 13 attributes of compassion as I mentioned at the outset of this program radiating the sixth in the days of L asked out that ever what is it? You want of a youngster of is not just a dais a random day chosen it's a day when there's a radiator Radiance and illumination and a manifestation of divine energy. So since there's a chunk of has its particular energy. So why in LL is not L what they a month full of yaumatei time. It should be every day. She'll be a young that because you'd given me the saregama radiate the classic. From the outside Eva and he answers with the most of melon Posada there times when the milk is by ID, which means he's in this formal place in his Palace in his inner sanctum and there's all kinds of preparations. You need to go greet him. That would be like tissue day Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur and so on and then there's the Malabar saw that his way into the city. He stops in the field and there he's a be accessible to every person even as they are in the field in their clothing in their workday mode. And he shows them a beautiful face and answers their questions and grants their requests. That's l so the Inhumans a document shine, but they shine in our terms in our mundane weekday level and I mentioned so that's the number one that L is that type of connection before we go to tishri. Another theme Exodus of L is true batata preparing to juvie law. What should we taught our Lord Shiva an example? Before you bring new furniture and new appliances into your home. You want to clean the dust? That's how you build a home but there's a lot of dust but from the construction, you're not going to bring in new things into the home for you clean, true batas cleaning up your act before you're able to experience the Divine directly. You want to come over to God in a pure way. You want to say you coming with clean clothing more importantly clean thought speech and action. So L is a process of that cleansing so to speak on the lower level so you can Each the Truvia law of tishri the higher level. Another thing that's brought in the my my room, especially from the physical Abba. Hey - ah husband and Rajesh Khanna is the last month in the year. So it's a month of recounting. Of everything we did in the past year and it's a reddish Arcana among the prepares us to the point that actually says the last 12 days of Ella from high L to Rosh Hashanah the last 12 days correspond to each one corresponds to a month in the past year you correcting and and probing evaluating how the month of tishrei in high L has been you tesl but the lab has its also 12 days. I prepared for the 12 months of the next year. And then there are many other themes including the five Russia tables that have always brings regarding their acronyms of L, which correspond to tailor a Vedic knowledge hassad them chuva and hula that these acronyms since L is such a central month in concluding the year and accountability of the year and preparing for the new year. It covers the entire Spectrum, which is Taylor. Downing tilde the Middle School sudden chuva in general and Gula Redemption Some of you may be familiar with my book 60 days a spiritual guide to counting to the high holidays. I'm sorry spiritual Guide to the holidays. So there I elaborate a lot on these topics in relevant personal terms and it's a good book to check out. It's an English that makes the ideas of L and tissue the 60 days accessible and relevant as a personal journey through this whole period in growing spiritually growing personally growing in your Aveda Chemin connection with God and what your mission in this world is including of course repair. Anything that was needs repair in our lives. Now, we'll do the three essays. So every week we do three new essays were now top 40 top 50 essays the first essay they will be Called Baruch Hashem and Hebrew by mend abootman age 18 hadera Israel a student is she was template women magdala a Mech? So Baruch Hashem, basically right begins and says that we look in general. Look at the entire world. You see there's positives and negatives. Everything is broken down a positive things and negative things. See this teachings boxes illuminate for a person. I'm translating. How we find our direction of what's right and wrong in this Dark World? What's right what's the positive and what's the negative and it goes on to use the time yet to explain exactly that basically a map how to look at a map of Our Lives a map of the world in this context. And then of course once you have that Clarity, you can then know how to how to travel how to navigate your life. Accentuate the positive and minimize the negative well done team that's known but nevertheless originally a creatively presented as a number two is gibbous. The Hooten is nishita or accident. basically women in the context of Exodus Exodus looks and approach to the personality the role of women. in this 21st century The role of women has become a quite a prominent issue in there so many different opinions. And therefore creating so much confusion about the matter. And the essay is goes on to First discuss and how do we address the confusion all the different approaches? Second is how we recognize the true qualities and potential of a woman. Understanding her purpose and then a conclusion a very solid broken down bullet point conclusion of the of the ideas addressed with some practical advice as well. Very good essay as well. And then finally the third essay is an English social anxiety men seek, go Louvre. Oh, I forgot to mention the name of the second essayist you who did climbin age 18 migdal amick Israel a student. And I kind of the militia that called tell Seminar High mushka. And works in the shadow to carry numerosity cartel this third essay social anxiety is mentioned galuf age 22, Long Beach, California. Ta preschool tester Academy preschool. So this addresses as the title suggests. This essay will be comparing houses deals with something like social anxiety disorder and how modern therapist deal with it. The primary source is Tanya chapter 26 and goes on to do exactly that to making that comparison beautifully done and coming away with the tiniest Kiddush and the time is approach of how to deal with anxiety in general including Social anxiety another Well Done, essay. All these essays are posted a consider or you can get them and or you can receive them in your inbox by subscribing to our Weekly Newsletter and our weekly emailing offerings again, all the material all the archives are all available access Everyone should have a very blessed end of the month of Menachem of now we're in the second half which is ready after commission was also above with moons is growing and growing and the light of it the moon grows and we increase in Taylor accordingly leading into the month that will be benching. Next job is Travis move out from El that should be a blessed month and I blessed Tommy to everyone thank you so much. This has been sitting supplied episode to my life because it has supplied episode 273. We're here every Sunday 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. This program was due to technicalities broadcast afterwards, but now it's part of the series going forward. Hopefully it's a shame will always be 8 to 9 p.m. On a Sunday. Thank you so much. This program was due to technicalities broadcast afterwards, but now it's part of the series going forward. Hopefully it's a shame will always be 8 to 9 p.m. On a Sunday. Thank you so much.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Chof Av and Eikev 0:15 • Lessons from Blessing the Month of Elul 16:00 • Is there a lesson from every single word in Torah? 19:11 • How can you say that you are not getting political when the mere fact that you are addressing a political issue makes it political? 22:28 • Please shed some light on how we are to approach davening in our current modern world. 26:43 • What can we do to increase security in Crown Heights? 32:57 • Does Judaism have a place for skeptics? 34:51 • What should be the public role of Jewish women, and where do we draw the line? 37:50 • Follow up:      o Four wounds (episode 272) 41:28     o Teaching about healthy intimacy (episode 272) 44:12     o What does the Rebbe say about vaccinations? (episodes 269-271) 53:50 • Chassidus question: How does Chassidus explain the month of Elul? 56:58 • My Life 2019 essays:     o ברוך השם, Mendy Butman, 18, Chadera, Israel 01:01:27     o גיבוש זהות נשית לאור החסידות, Yehudit Kleinman, 18, Migdal Ha'Emek, Israel 01:02:37     o Social Anxiety, Menchik Goluv, 22, Long Beach, CA 01:03:59 Submit your question now at or email: [email protected]. WEBSITE: EMAIL US: [email protected] SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The objective of the program is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.
This is optimal living daily episode 11 31 carry the weight by Tynan of And I'm just a molecule personal narrator reading to you every day including holidays. And this episode is brought to you by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creators and they have over 25,000 classes in design business and more perfect for the new year. And I have a special offer just for you get two months of skillshare for free. That's right skill shares. Offering optimal living daily listeners two months of unlimited access to over 25,000 classes for free to sign up go to / old that's Oh LD to start your two months now for now, let's get right to it as we optimize your life. Carry the weight by Tynan of For most of my life at least until my late 20s. I was a slacker. I did almost nothing to help around the house choosing to procrastinate on things assigned to me until someone else just did it themselves because I was easier than goading me into doing it even in friendships. I would rely on my good friends to come up with plans or invite me somewhere and then I join the only reason I got into college was because my best friend at the time Phil pushed me into filling out an application. I wouldn't have done it. Otherwise there were Exceptions of course, but in general I was probably a burden I was a good friend and family member in other ways. But in terms of carrying the weight of those relationships, I wasn't putting in my fair share. It's embarrassing to say that but it's true a couple years back Todd wasn't as invested in said as I was we had started it as a side project, but it seemed like there was enough potential that it was worth going full time I wanted to do so, but Todd's priorities were elsewhere. So he worked. It's a lot less than me if set was going to continue. I would have to take full responsibility for it. I remember crystallizing the decision down very clearly. I could either decide that I would carry all of the weight for set or I could do what was fair which would result in set stalling put in that context and it wasn't that difficult of a choice. I decided that I would carry all of the weight no matter what so for a while. I carried all the weight for set. I felt resentment from time to time, but overall is it Really good experience. I like the responsibility. I felt myself become stronger and more disciplined. I gave myself a chance to rise to a challenge and I met it. I even felt good that I was working for Todd carrying some wait for him when he couldn't or wouldn't he certainly done that for me any number of times during our friendship sometimes all it takes to change yourself is to try out a new mindset. Once you see that it's better and you can't imagine going back. That's what happened with me and caring way. Wait, I decided that in all cases. I would carry whatever weight needed to be carried as I've written about before my friends and I bought an island one friend Elliot and I came up with the idea and then I did almost all of the legwork to make it actually happen people asked me if I would get to make all the rules or own more of the island because of that but I never thought of it that way ten of us put in our money. So it's all of ours if I can put in some work to make it happen. Then I'm happy to be able to do that for my friends. Of us went up and started clearing a path up to the top of the hill which is back-breaking work. Literally one guy had to rest is back for a whole day people caution me that with such a large group would be hard to get everyone to put in equal effort to make it fair. I didn't see it like that at all though getting to do hard work that benefits people I'm close to is a privilege if I didn't have so many friends who are also eager to carry weight. I'd be happy to carry it all and do all of the work myself even on the small scale now I try to do A little chores whenever I can if I'm staying at someone's place and their dishes are dirty. I'll wash them if friends and I are going on a trip. I'll do whatever planning needs to be done. I don't say any of this to make myself seem like a saint by the way, if anything I realized that I'm late to the party and I know that I'm still trailing behind most of my friends who have been carrying some of my shares since I can remember the small Silver Lining of only making this change recently is that I may have a lucid enough perspective on it to share. When you carry all of the weight you make other people's lives better. You also make your own life better in both predictable and unpredictable ways, you develop strength and confidence knowing that although you can work with others and accept their help. You can also manage a lot by yourself. If you have to you build discipline, you become the kind of person that gets invited to everything because no one has to worry about carrying weight for you. You feel a sense of Pride knowing that you're providing for others be willing to carry all of the weight. When you see a situation where someone needs to step up and put in extra effort be that person maybe you already are but if you're like I used to be and you wait for someone else to take care of it. Try carrying more than you're used to I bet you'll like it more than you think. You just listen to The Post titled carry the weight by tying in of And thank you again to skillshare. They have a great Learning Community. This podcast is all about personal growth and online courses has been one of the best ways I've continued to learn and I love that skillshare is an online learning community for creators with more than 25,000 classes in design business and more. You'll discover countless ways to fuel your curiosity creativity and career that includes social media. Marketing mobile photography creative writing illustration and a lot more perfect for your New Year's goals join the millions of students already learning on skillshare today with a special offer just for my listeners get two months of skillshare for free that's two months of unlimited access to over 25,000 classes for free just for being a no LD listener to sign up go to Old that / o LD to start your two months now. Now / old that should do it for today. Hope you're having a great day and I'll be back tomorrow as usual where your optimal life awaits.
Tynan shares his thoughts on carrying weight in life. Episode 1131: Carry the Weight by Tynan on Personal Responsibility & Hard Work Tynan was named as one of the top 25 best bloggers in 2013 by Time Magazine. He believes in making deliberate decisions and breaking away from the herd mentality. He likes learning new things, building habits, exposing the world, connecting with awesome people, and creating good work. The New York Times Bestseller “The Game” featured him as one of the main characters, as he was one of the most famous pickup artists in the world. In 2008, he sold everything he owned and went on an extended world trip, becoming a fervent minimalist. Fun facts: he’s a college dropout, was a professional poker player, Courtney Love was his roommate for 9 months, and he once built a swimming pool in his living room. Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! Join the millions of students already learning on Skillshare today with a special offer just for my listeners: Get two months of unlimited access to over 25,000 for FREE. To sign up, go to --- Support this podcast:
Welcome Legends to the hub cast your central hub for everything Apex a podcast by fans for fans tips and tricks deep Dives and everything. You need to know from your first drop to that last head pop. What's up, Legends and welcome back to the Apex Legends Hub cast I'm your host Nick and here with me as always is it's night. It's naked naked naked Nate. It's always great with Nick and date. I feel like all right, everybody before the jump Master drops us in let's get a little housekeeping out of the way, make sure to go to at Apex Legend. Cast on Twitter or at tx3 Productions or thread X3 Productions on YouTube. You can also do Apex Legends Hub cast at which by the way a lot of you seem to use, so thank you for that. We definitely have some reader mail that's going to be at the end of the show. So, please please keep up the positivity. Keep up contacting us. We're loving it. We love hearing from you guys. So thank Thank you so much to everybody who has so far. And we also want to say thank you guys this show so far has completely passed our expectations of what we expected. Absolutely. That's all thanks to you. I mean you guys seem to be really enjoying the content that we're putting out and it's honestly just making us want to commit and making us want to just keep on going. It's it's it's unprecedented. I mean and all we can really say is just thank you guys so much for listening to us. Try and do our best. Has to be professional we do our best to my best tip my best anyways, so thank you guys so much. Keep up the love and don't forget about the giveaway at the end of the month. We're going to be giving away a $25 to a first prize winner and a second runner-up will be getting $10. So make sure to like and retweet every time you see one of our episodes getting tweeted out make sure to like and retweet and so far a lot of you guys have been doing that as well. Well, so we really appreciate the free advertising that's supposed to be a joke. Laughs otherwise, I love are you happy now? Anyways, so thank you guys so much and heading on into the show. We have a care package incoming All right light, Newsweek, but that's okay because we have a lot to get to First up. We have Ninja takes home. The first Apex Legends challenge Champion. Wow. Twitch. Could you have been more convoluted ninja takes home the first Apex Legends challenge Championship. There's like there's a whole nother slew of oh of things there. I don't know. They're like twitch Prime and like I don't know they had a bunch of words, but basically the challenge is what it's called. So that's the confusing part. The Apex Legends challenge ninja takes it home by a single point a single point. So if you didn't know how they were doing it basically one kill got you one point and I win got you five points and so after everything he wins by a single point. So that was like neck and neck. I want to say, dr. Track was pretty close behind, right? Yes, I do believe so. Yeah, and the funny thing is that during the last game Ninja actually experienced a gamebreaking glitch. Yeah. So like we're probably going to see on the show Dexter. Oh, which I'm pretty sure I'm pronouncing it wrong. So at some point it actually it's decks Taro like a terabyte hard. Yeah, I guess so but dextro has a great break down in their article about the tournament. And so apparently he had some issues with a game breaking bugs. He had this glitch where he found himself. Basically, the only way to escape was by death. Oh, wow. Oh it says here on the article as he attempted to dive under an overhanging mountain and it just suddenly found himself caught in midair who's able to move backwards and forwards as well as performing other. Actions like changing weapon and using abilities, but he couldn't fully escaped left hanging above the ground. It seems that's what these tests are for. It seems like this was a reproducible glitch the article says as in just teammate Kobe dizzy Meadows explained that he had to been caught in a similar situation more than once. Mmm with this bug though. He was stranded for several minutes. I mean, it wasn't like he was in and out. He was only able to escape the glitch after the ring had closed in. And killed him basically now dizzy was on hand to collect a ninja's banner and after Anna me immensely clutch 1v3 to stay alive himself delivered ninja to a respawn point which ice this leads them to that Victory by one single point winning the tournament God dang like out of all the ways to win the tournament that has to be like the most like clutch way to do it because oh, yeah, you got you got 200 g like ninja out there like and you're like, oh ninjas. Nobody has a chance but nope turns out there are other people out there who could play games. Sorry. There's a little resentment there. Right? Right. And as far as news there's obviously some updates. I think that went on but we kind of covered updates in our last episode. So we're going to go right into our topic of the week. Which are topic of the week could also technically have been a news item, but I felt like it was big enough item that we could just go ahead and make it the topic of the week. And that is we have some people, you know, those computer people's they go out there with their computer skills and they go into the code, you know, like they go into the Matrix and they're just looking at like things, you know dropping down there like I could see somebody's eating a sandwich but instead this time they found that there might be hoverbikes and The point at this point in time only the devs can activate them. So it's like a Dev code or something but we the we might be seeing the testing grounds of hoverbikes. So first off we'll have Nate. What do you think about this? I'm curious to see how this is going to play out as far as actual gameplay mechanics because when you say hoverbikes the first thing that pops into my mind is something akin to the Pikes in Destiny at least in Destiny one. I didn't use them to see A whole lot but having these specific traversal Vehicles just on parts of the map that you can use to maybe as an advantage if they're have weapons on them or it could be a good way to kind of get across the map Mala the shopping carts and Fortnight. Right? Right, and I feel like so far all the things that they put into Fortnight for instance and it's I hate to always compare it to Port night, but you know, obviously we're going to compare it to the king previous King. But yeah, the shopping carts was a good first step because it was really just like hey, here's this dorky thing that we can do and then they put in the what the golf cart, you know, and then they put in the airplanes the airplane. I feel like was super Opie and obviously you could start doing actual damage. And so I feel like as a first go around they're probably doing the right thing by having like a hover bike that doesn't have weapons because you don't want somebody whining and planing online. That oh, well, I would have won if that damn bike didn't have guns on it. So I feel like their first go-around. It probably is a good idea to go ahead and have something without weapons because this really should just be a different way to get around the map a little bit faster. The real question is and I'll give my opinion first but the real question is do we need hoverbikes with the traversal that we already have with the downhill sliding with the redeploys do we really need hoverbikes and Kind of leaning towards a no, I mean it sounds like a really cool novel idea, but I don't feel like the map is big enough for a vehicle. That's just my personal opinion. I don't know if hover but it really depends on well how much faster than running are they, you know, if they're double the speed. I feel like I can get around the map pretty easily without or with just sprinting now, I do agree with you in a sense of that the the map isn't big enough but more in particular. I don't think it's that I think it's that the map is the landscape of the map is a lot different than Fortnight. For example, so with Fortnight you have a lot of just open terrain driven kind of field. There's some heels and things like that, you know, but it makes it kind of easier for traversal with Apex Legends and Kings Canyon. You've got a lot of like Hill regions. I'm sorry mountain regions and you have the terrain is more for Walking it's not necessarily kind of designed for vehicles. So now you are hitting on a point with the redeploy of their kind of makes having vehicles pointless because you can get to a specific different point. So I think that this could be something like we talked about last episode with titans. This probably is going to be more likely of a thing but this could be a limited mode event type thing, but it would be interesting to see what the actual use for it's going to be right and another thing to And of keep in mind is the fact that there is already been rumors of three other Maps one. That's more of an urban area one. That's more of a I think a jungle area and I think then I can't remember the other one, but there's already been rumored another 3 maps. So maybe this hover bike has more to do with like the urban area because I could see that you know, if the entire map is made up of like a tilted Towers type of map. It's just a big city. I think I could see something along the lines because that feels like it fits more even though there's Humvees and tanks littered all over the place like okay. Okay. Okay respawn. Do me a favor. Do me a very very quick favor. I mean weekend a weekend favor. Okay. Can you just damaged all the freaking Vehicles seeing this freaking tank that is pristine and it looks like it just came off the factory line. Just pisses me off that I can't get into it. So so for me actually that kind of leads into something if this isn't thing like if they have that urban area and they're going to use things like hoverbikes will be personally. I don't think I'm going to use them simply because anytime like I'm black out for example any time. I have the option of getting into a vehicle whether it's the, you know truck or the ATV or anything like that. The first thing that pops into my head is sniper City like I have that genuine. Sphere of I'm gonna be on this vehicle and someone somewhere is going to snipe me off of it. And so I'm trying you know what I'm just going to walk just gonna walk and stick around. Yeah, and I feel like as far as vehicles are concerned not only does it put a big like Target on your back but a hoverbike for instance kind of makes me feel like okay how many seats are available on the hover bike because a hover bike is kind of like, okay, there is an interview that's that was with one of the respawn people and they talked about how they Had double jump or even triple jump and while running in the game, but what they found is that that meant a lot more people breaking off and doing their own thing. And so with the hover bike unless all three people can get on the hover bike for me that just feels like another way for some guy to go Rambo off by himself because hey, I got the bike see you fuckers later. Yeah. See, I think that it's going to be something along the lines of maybe like a Hovercraft in the sense of of her a vehicle for all three because that I mean if they do that that would make any kind of sense for the game that they're making exact. So if there are hover vehicles in there, it's got to be something like a Hovercraft in the sense of all three people can get on there. It has to be because yeah, it just doesn't even if you make a bike where somebody can be driving and somebody can ride bitch. It still doesn't make sense to have to have that in the game because it's like, okay. Bye guys. I'll catch up later. Don't worry about me. Because I don't know about you, but I never want to ride bitch. Yeah, nobody wants to ride bitch. I mean the only good thing about writing bitch in blackout is the fact that you can also shoot that's really the only Pro to it pro. Yeah, thank you. So, I mean, I don't know. I'm not a hundred percent on the idea. However, we did do a poll and we got a halt whopping 13 votes. I think we warping hopping yes, I think we need a little slightly bigger. I would have liked. Gone into like the double digits are army not double triple digits. But oh well, so 13 votes hoverbikes was the main question. I said bring it or no. Thanks. We have 77 percent said bring it and 23% said no, thanks. So are you still on the bring it side or you more on the no, thanks. I'd be personally I am in the middle just in the sense of I have to see how they work if they are a sea ghost. Thing you middle of the road till what a ruffle any feathers have a citrus. Damn it. No. No, it wouldn't have to see how it works. If it's something along the lines of a pike like in Destiny where Pike's I'm almost pot. It's been years as I play Destiny one that it's a singular thing like you were the only one that's writing it or is it going to be something like an ATV in blackout where two people are writing it or is it going to be a large large enough craft that all three people? Kid ride it. Yeah, I mean even if they have the ability to like grab onto it, it's like all right. I'm holding on to it. You can go now, you know because I mean like the transport truck where the guys can just get in the back and they can freely move around and get off if they want to something like that would make sense. But I'm going to have to go on the no. Thanks. I'd because yeah, I just I don't see this as a good thing. We're going to talk a little bit more in coaching Champions. We're going to talk a little bit more about my It's on staying together and you know, I am very much a component of staying together and this just seems like a good excuse to leave people behind if you're that dick or to go off on your own it'll be more of a Temptation. Even if you're not normally the type of person who goes off on their own it might just be an extra temptation to go off on your own and that's just not the game that is you know, Apex Legends All right. So, I mean, that's our thoughts and 13 other people's thoughts. On the hover bike. What where did you land? You can let us know at Apex Legends cast on Twitter next. We're going to have our Deep dive. All right on this week's Deep dive. We are going to be taking a look at Gibraltar. He's going to be the second legend that you're going to pick on the list and he's got a lot of very interesting abilities. So this character is definitely going to be for the more tank oriented player. You know, he's going to be a character very akin to a Titan like in Destiny Destiny to so the his abilities range from several different things. His passive ability is going to be his gun shield and this ability is a little bit more kind of obvious as far as his passive. It was something that kind of caught me off-guard when I played a couple rounds as him. So basically when you're aiming down sights with Gibraltar, you're going to launch his gun Shield, which is The Shield that he carries on his arm that he will beat the hell out of people with as well. Those are some fun animations. Now this is passive, but you're going to use it pretty often. Anytime you aim down sights you're going to have this Shield. Basically that's going to be guarding you from some kind of incoming gunfire. It makes a good option for sniping which are alter you can take a shot and be protected from your enemies initial attempt to retaliate. Now while the exact health of The Shield is unknown. There is a visual indicator on your screen when it is enabled. So you take damage to the shield, you'll notice the bar start to dwindle down. And once you've taken too much damage The Shield's going to break and you will need to wait for it to recharge. Charge before it becomes usable again. So that's going to be the passive ability which are altered very very useful ability that he has in the sense of the passive now for Gibraltars tactical ability. It's going to be his Dome of protection now with the Dome of protection. It's going to be a shield that he's going to drop down and you can block attacks for about 15 seconds think of this like the drop shield in Halo 3 and Halo reach, you know, any of the previous Halo in trees, that's pretty much how it's going to work. You can also think of it if you're more of an OverWatch. Player in more modern sense. You can think of it like Winston Shield you can pop it down and it blocks all incoming damage for 15 seconds. Now with this it's a great defensive ability. But remember that you can't shoot outside of it. So this is something that I personally was coming into a lot. I think either me or Nick were playing Astrid Walter and we dropped it right in front of an enemy and I was trying to just completely blast the enemy and realize that the shield was blocking it. So make sure that you're aware that now that doesn't mean you can't use it in A way to damage your enemies you can run in and out of firing while retreating back in you know to block incoming fire. So you can dive out take some shots jump back in and you know be able to recharge your Shields if you need to now one thing to note about this is that your enemies can use it for protection as well. So even if you drop it down if you and your squad have to evacuate for whatever reason they can come in and they can be protected by it as well. Now for his ultimate ability that's going to be the defensive bombardment now. This your calling in a concentrated mortar strike on a marked position. So think of it very similar to in Call of Duty either a predator in the sense of you know, it's dropping it a singular location. You're not controlling it but you're basically just indicating with the way point where it's going to drop now the bombardment does last quite a bit of time. So if you can keep your enemies cornered to that specific area, they're going to be taking a lot of damage. This can be a very useful tactic in terms of if you need to block off your opposing. Odd in this one area just drop that down and it's going to deal massive amounts of damage. Now that we've gone over all of his abilities. We're going to talk about some ways that you can use to Balter to the best of his abilities. One thing to keep in mind is his gun Shield his gun Shield isn't exactly a riot shield instead. It's kind of like a Captain America shield. If you're standing up your feet are still going to be very exposed. If you're crouching there going to be a lot less exposed. So if you're aiming down sights a really Thing to keep in mind is go ahead and Crouch because it'll cover a lot more of your body. Now. Also something to keep in mind as you're going to have some trade-offs there. You can either stand and kind of have your full mobility in the sense of you know, while you're aiming down sights, but you're a target for snipers or anybody with a DMR that's going to take out your legs. You can Crouch like Nick was saying but you're going to have much more limited Mobility. So you got to make sure that if you're going to drop down into a position where you can start giving opposing fire that you're not going to leave yourself vulnerable to be able to dodge. and we've if you need to another thing to keep in mind is The Shield is blue and it stands out if you're in a Close Quarters fight, this is probably okay because they already know that you're there but if you just happen to be looking through your scope because you want to see if there's somebody in the distance you have to keep in mind that you're basically putting a blue circle out for everybody to see so if you're looking across to the next group of buildings, and you don't want to be seen from over there, you might want to go ahead and turn it off now on the A station and the Xbox you press down in order to deactivate the shield. You can deactivate it and reactivate it at anytime now something else you can do to give you a further advantage using that gun Shield is play much more aggressively. So if you're playing as Gibraltar run something like an SMG or like a shotgun and just basically have that much more Close Quarters fight run again using the shield and just taking out people with the Peacekeeper. I mean that's going to give you a Powerhouse Advantage kind of it over any other Squad that Going to be facing then when it comes to the Dome of protection. The main thing that Nate stated is you have to keep in mind it protects you from bullets in both directions. So remember you cannot shoot out of it. You have to get out of it, but this can also be really good for if there's a big open field and you want to get to another piece of cover because you really want to stick to cover in this game. Obviously, that's just a general idea. But let's say you're on one side of the field and The other side of the field is another rock that you can get behind somebody's bearing down on you. Well have you or whoever Drew Balta is have them run out look up at an angle and deploy their Shield. This will give you a little bit more distance on where you're throwing the shield and then hopefully you can get at least halfway to whatever cover you're trying to get to and you can have a basically a nice little respite from all the fire. Now another thing that you can use this shield for Is for any kind of Escape? So if you need to make a quick escape and you're maybe not near a redeploy throw the shield down towards an enemy or throw the shield down where any incoming fire is coming from and it's going to give you a good area of protection while you run away to kind of you know recollect yourself also in that same line of thought you can use it for protection with you and your squad if you're in a kind of a danger close situation, so if you had to just kind of spur the moment drop your ultimate down the Mubarak mint and it's closed. You drop the Dome of protection. If you have it refreshed and it's going to save you from any kind of damage that that bombardments going to cause to you or your squad. Another may be obvious thing to do is to throw it down when you have somebody to revive this is good because it gives you 15 seconds to revive some of the and that's obviously not how long it takes. But keep in mind that that doesn't mean that people can't walk into the shield and interrupt your revive. So you really have to use it strategically. You really have to keep in mind. And how long is it going to take you to revive that person? Is it better to throw that shield down and revive the person or to hopefully take out the person who is closed by now we can talk about the ultimate it's little on the slow side. So it will do damage to your enemies. It will not do damage to your teammates. So on that end you're going to be good there as far as the Doma protection, but the best use of the ultimate is going to be for zoning out enemies and kind of keeping them condensed to one area kind of like we Our area of denial good. That's a good word made it up myself. Nobody else on the Internet is everywhere is that ultimately if you're the type of player that looks for kind of General team protection as well as the ability to be that Powerhouse in the squad Gibraltar is going to be the legend for you. What are some items to keep your eye out for if your gibralta well stocks are going to be your best friend if you can get a stock for every weapon that you have that means you're going to be able to Move around while aiming down sights faster. And so keep your eye out for some stocks. Gibraltar is not a sniper Gibraltar is in your face and so is his personality. So that's been a good look at the legend Gibraltar and some really good ways that you can use them to your advantage on the battlefield. So that's it for our Deep dive. Let's go right into coaching champions. Hey guys, let me tell you about a bite-sized podcast. If you're an avid gamer, then the lore party of video game podcast is the show for you with more than 100 episodes covering over 25 different games and franchises. The rotating hosts Focus entirely on the story's characters and universe of their favorite games listeners can expect to hear topics ranging from lgbtq. Representation in Mass Effect series secret Pokemon Wars and the source of handsome Jack's Insanity in the Borderlands games. You can join the conversation by following the lure party of video game podcast on Spotify. All right, so in coaching Champions, this is our tips and tricks. This is something that you can write into and give us some tips and tricks to talk about you can go to at Apex Legends cast on Twitter or Apex Legends Hub cast at to email us. Where a few of you did. So thank you for that. Just like Julian did hey. Let's just listen to the preview and really looking forward to the hub cast one thing that I'd like to one thing that I'd really like to explore is how to take full advantage of the slide movement during a gunfight. It's obvious that the slides helps getting from point A to point B, but I'm talking about those run slide jump 180 degree spin moves you see from some other players. I'm curious. It's one more thing to think about in battle versus strafing aiming reloading Etc. So it's worth trying to master a slide move. Thanks guys. Looking forward to the hub cast. Thank you, Julian, and that's actually a really good point. I like I like turning on the badass. You know, it's a switch that I have to turn on. You know, I have it under some glass and it has a key to unlock it but I like turning on the bad ass every once in a while. And like breaching somewhere. So you breach it you do that slide. You look around the corner pop pop pop pop and then you probably die. But every once in a while, you might actually get a kill the sliding is something they show you how to do in the training but it's not something I really didn't take advantage of until a few matches in It's actually kind of something that I forgot was inability to do and so I was used to just Reno running around and then I think we were in a firefight me and you and we're trying to get into this Culvert and so I was running I was like wait, let me just slide and I slid right down in and was able to just Traverse a lot easier and I was like, oh, this is something that is going to give you an advantage if you can Master how to use it now something that I've tried because I know like in Black Ops four and three in particular the bunny hopping pissed a lot of people off but it was a tactic that a lot of people used. You really can't do that in this game. I've tried not as well. Yes, you can't really do it as well. So really mastering the actual slide. It's Off it's kind of similar to like race tactical race tactical you turn it on. And if you're in middle of a firefight, you can you can get the Edge by just running around and flanking them. Now with this. If you're in the middle of a firefight, for example, just slide out of the way kind of recompose and then jump back into the firefight. Now, I can't speak to the, you know, 180-degree spins and things like that because I'm not that I'm not that great of a player in terms of doing that like noscoping. Was never my thing and OG Cod days. So that is something that I'll have to practice and train on to kind of give me that more break glass badass Advantage but it's definitely something to take note of and something I think a lot of people are starting to but maybe your most casual players aren't really taking advantage of yeah, and I mean, obviously you're just moving faster that makes you harder to hit one thing I'd like is that if you slide into somebody if it like staggers them, you know, that would Really cool thing because like back in the day, there's this game called Brink and there's this really cool feature where if you slid into somebody it kind of knock them over. I don't think if we I don't think we need the same thing, but just another little tool in our toolbox would be if we slid into somebody it kind of stagger them. So maybe if they're aiming down sights it makes them go out of sites and it kind of like shakes their screen or something like that. It would be a really cool feature because I mean if you think about it somebody slide Ides into your not just to be like, you know OG and just did you know, it's gonna throw you off your kilter. And so if they could add something like that, I feel like it would be just a little bit more immersion into it everybody. Let's take notice on how deep of a cut that was that Nick just brought up. I haven't thought about bringing in years talk about one of the biggest disappointments and gaming hey ever. It was no listen. I was super excited about break when it came out I was so Looking forward to it and my mom got it for me as a gift when she came back from a trip. I played three hours of it and I was like, I hate this I don't like this at all. Yeah, and if I think about a lot of the traversal kind of stuff is present in Titanfall and and games like it that tried it. I think it is right. I think it did a lot to show people what you can do. But as far as a general game itself, there was a lot of issues with it, but ya know that is something that will have awesome. Well, whatever that is. Something will have to test out and see if that's actually is the case. Now. I know that if they don't have it they need to add it that's that's my point. Now kind of going into that. One thing that I will say. It's a tip that I've kind of discovered within the first few bit of the game that is could it's cool to use but also can be kind of detrimental to your team in a sense of if you are running and you use the melee when you get close to a door, you'll straight kick the door in so Me I love doing it just because it's so cool. But whenever we were playing it was me you and razor. Was that right? Yep. What if it's me you and raise her I kept doing it and he goes can someone please stop kicking the doors in it's scaring the hell out of me, but that's something you can do. I didn't know until playing a couple matches and just like running in kicking the door and it kind of makes you feel a lot like a badass especially if there's a squad that's in that building. So you're basically just doing an aggressive breach. Perhaps one thing I definitely wanted to talk about this could have been in like, you know topic of the week but you know hoverbike. So, why does the number of kills matter over being strategic now me and they have not been able to play with each other for a while. So I've been having to go in with a couple of randos and my God so many people are trying to be ninja so many people are trying to be dizzy or they're trying to be dr. Whatever they're trying to be these OG motherfuckers and the trying to go in there and just record and it's like you're not them. I mean, it's good if you can be them good for you, but that same team as same time. This is not solos. This is not this is not black out. This is for tonight, whatever like you're not going at this alone the whole point of this game the whole reason the Ping system even exists is so that you can be strategic so you can Communicate and I really feel like when I go in and I'm with a group that is so keen on getting all the kills in the world. Those are usually the people I actually end up losing with so it's like good for you. You got four kills, but you also kind of killed us because or I got killed there's this one group and it was just it's okay to play aggressive, but you have to know when to play aggressive there's this one group that I was with and it was really annoying because Cab mics we were talking to each other but nine times out of ten. They were in a completely different part like they were like 200 yards away. So if a firefight did happen I was screwed because I was the only person so I really feel like communication and sticking together is key in this game and I really want everybody to kind of I don't know if you have to retrain yourself because like Fortnight with your solos and black out with your solos have really trained people to be, you know, KD. People it's like my kill death ratio is like way up there or my kills our way up there. It's like but that doesn't matter if you end up losing right, right and it's a mindset that I've had a lot of the times I can Call of Duty with kill confirmed. Like I've been especially in Call of Duty. I've been a big KD, you know statistic person. Like I always want to make sure I'm at least positive just because when I started playing I wasn't super fantastic so after years of playing I've gotten a lot better but kill confirmed in particular is a game mode where I don't care about my k/d. My objective is to make sure our team wins. So that means me running into the middle of a firefight to grab the tags that are in the middle of me and my team and the enemies and it means me getting killed I'm going to do it because that means we get those points. So game modes like that. I don't care about my k/d and this game in particular is something like that like you were saying it's okay to be aggressive, but you got to make sure your entire team is aggressive because if you are the aggressor and are going for the kills and you're just leaving your team behind your team. Is going to lose I feel like most of the time the only the only matches and I've been having a lot of Rambo randos. So it really kind of pisses me off because like we'll be diving and they'll be like breaking off to go to a completely new area and I'm like, you know, this this isn't a game for that. I really don't feel like this is the game for that because the ones that I either get to the top, you know, three or win are the ones that they're using their ping system. They're using some type of communication. They're sticking together if they want to Go to a new area. They let me know. I want to go to a new area but there's so many times where I'll be looting and because I'm looking down at a weapon and seeing you know, do I want this do I want that? I'll look up in there 200 yards away. How is that helpful, you know if you get into a firefight how much more likely are you going to be to win? If I'm there? I'm not saying I'm the best player in the entire world. I am not and I'm totally willing to admit that although three guns are better than one. So why go off on your own? It doesn't make any sense. That's why I feel like communication is one of the main key factors of winning. I like I just played a match somebody got on the mic just to say I'm trash it's like, okay, that's the wrong way to communicate like you could have been on your mic the entire time, but the only time you got on your mic was to tell me I'm trash first off. Thank you. I went down twice one was because I got an engagement which by the way you were completely on the other side of the map because you left me. Loan, I tried to regroup with you and he had a peacekeeper and purple armor. I had a submachine gun and blue armor. So he ended up besting me you came you revive me great job and then I got down to again, but this was because I was looting crates this could happen to anybody. I'm looting crates a whole Squad comes in and wipes us out. So how does that make me trash? So I mean that's just a little rant on my part because it's like you you could have been using your mic. The entire time but instead you're like, hey your trash kid your trash kid which being 31 and having somebody tell me that I'm trash kid and I'm like, you know what? You're a kid. You're the squeaker, not me. Yeah. I'm not a squeaker you are and then another key is stay to together. I cannot count the matter. It's not like I almost don't want to play the game unless I'm playing with Nate, but the problem is we have conflicting schedules. He's down in Texas. I In Boise, Idaho, so it's like we have we have certain times where we just playing can't play together, but I almost don't want to play without at least knowing whether one other person because the fact that so many people just go off on their own from the very GetGo. We were talking about it on the last episode and actually the first episode as well. It's like this game was made for team play. It's it's ingrained into even the way you dive into the map. You're diving as a unit You're going to gather and to see people go off and do their own things. It's like good luck good freaking luck because I just don't know why I would put my life on the line for somebody who's not willing to do the same for me. Why would I be willing to do that? Even if I'm Lifeline? I can throw my shield and revive you two times faster. I'm still putting myself in danger to help you out when you are so inwardly focused and that's not cool. That's not cool at all. So, I mean the last match I played you know, the That I was trashed someone pink. Let's go over here. I said, okay. So I made sure to Ping it again and I started heading that way only to find out that we're not heading in the same direction now that's not necessarily a bad thing. But if you notice that somebody happens to be trailing maybe peeing the direction that you're going give everybody a benefit of the doubt don't immediately assume that they're just trying to be a dick and be a lone wolf because in my instance it was just a misunderstanding and I happen to be on the wrong side of the mountain. Mountain so I was going towards the original ping area, but they decided to take a detour. So it's like they told me one thing but then they started swooping off to the left if that makes sense. So it's like I was making a beeline they were taking the scenic route and if I would have known that I would have wanted of dying. I wouldn't have been quote trash because I was just trying to do what I was told. You know, somebody told me go over here. I told him hell. Yeah, let's do it and then I get killed like staying together. Our communication it's so they these people who made this game played for months with no mics and no type of communication other than the pink system. It's there for a reason. I don't know just like I said give everybody the benefit of Doubt just because somebody's off doing something doesn't mean that that's what they want to do or you know, you have to you have to try to I'd Rather somebody overly communicate then somebody who doesn't which is me I overly communicate heavy ammo over here. Here's the The alternator nobody really likes the alternator but hey, here's an alternator. Here's light ammo. Here's a helmet. I don't know if anybody has helmets. Here's armor. Here's this. Oh my God, but like I ping it I Ping On average two times a minute. At least now with all of this going on, you know, all this discussion about, you know, not being good teammates and people going for kills. I think that that's going to die down. Hopefully, I think the reason for that is because Apex is such in the media I right now and Everybody's talking about a ninja doctor disrespect all these great players are playing it and going for all these kills. I think that's in the Zeitgeist right now. Everyone's like you said, I got to be like ninja I gotta be like, dr. Disrespect. I got to get all these kills. So I think give it a little bit of time and you'll start to see people actually playing the game the way it was supposed to be when you know that whole hype of we gotta get all these kills dies down. I think that's when we'll start to see more and more people just going team play. Yeah. Sure. That's my Theory at least I hope so because I want I want to play the game I really do I enjoy playing the game but it's really discouraging that I get into a match and people just start doing whatever the hell they want. Like it's so discouraging because I just I just want to play the game, you know, I just want to have fun with it and it's not fun dying. It's not fun having your ass handed to you. I'm once again, I'll say I'm not the greatest player out there, but when I win when I do really Good and I have a really good amount of kills. It's because I'm with a squad that's communicating or pinging which is a form of communication but not only that just staying together like the characters that go off on their own. I almost immediately know that I'm going to die because even if I catch back up to him, it's the mentality, you know what I mean? It's the mentality of just going off without any concern of who else is in your squad. I feel like nine times out of ten when they're Going off without me. They're just naturally assuming that I'm trash and that I'm worth putting off to the side, but I can hold my own I can do good and leaving me behind like I don't know if they think they're leading but you're not leading unless you're communicating. No person in the world can lead without communicating. So if you're just going off in your own and I also feel like probably another reason is that they're probably in Party Chat and that's great if you're with friends, And you're in you're in Party Chat and you're having a good time. But then you're leaving somebody out of the conversation like is is talking with your friends more important than being a good team, you know, because I feel like then we end up losing and it's like well, what was all that good for? It's like, oh well, at least you're having fun farting together, I guess. So this coaching Champions was just another version of Nick ranting because I feel like I feel like that's all I did this entire time was I just completely Ranted and raved about about our tips because our tips are stay the whole together and don't be a dick. I mean, you're not wrong, you know, it's one of those that you know, I feel like I wonder if people are going to get tired of us saying play as a team, but I mean really that's what the game is about. It is playing as a team, you know, it's and and unfortunately like you said because of our schedules were not able to play together as much so it kind of makes it more likely that we're going to play with randos which could lead to less wins, you know. Being the Champions and things like that. So it's just something to think about and to you know to bring to light be like, hey, let's actually play as a team, you know, right? Definitely now another thing that we've been seeing a lot especially in our games that we played if neither of us are the jumpmaster is people not dropping in the correct way people basically go in straight from the ship all the way down to the specific spot that they're trying to get to. Yeah. I think the diagonal is the best way to go. It's not right right. So there is actually a correct drop. Being order in the sense and it's very similar to things like blackout and you know even Fortnight maybe more blackout a certain extent but yeah, definitely blackout because they have the wingsuit. So the first thing obviously is to figure out where you're going to go paying where you're going to go or discuss it and drop out of the ship. Where was the jumpmaster now don't just go directly diagonally, you know, we basically you get to that certain point about 140 and you're dropping down come back up kind of figure out still where you're going and basically you're just going to do kind of a Guess you could call it a zigzag kind of a vertical zigzag. So with that that's given to her case staircase that's giving you more elevation and getting you farther distance than going just straight diagonally, right? I mean basically figure out where you're going and when you drop you better be dropping straight down right at the beginning. So a good way to do that is like like Nate said ping where you're going after you paint where you're going get your camera pointed in that direction and look straight down because when you Press square you want to be looking straight down so that you're diving straight down and that gives you to your top speed faster. Now. This isn't just good for distance. This is also good for Speed because let's say somebody else is going there and they're only using diagonal they're going to get their well after you and you're going to be equipped and ready to wreak some ass he's going the distance. He's going for speed. You're right you don't It's to be at a disadvantage from the moment you drop into the map. You want to get in get your equipment get out redeploy. If you have to and go to where you're needing to go another good tip. This is something I figured out. I don't know if anybody else is done this because I've seen everybody do this the same way. So you tell me when you go up to a respawn ER and you're doing the beacon. What do you do? You hold down square? Right? Right. Do you do anything else? You wait? Yeah. That's what more most people do right. So the point I'm trying to get to is I feel like I feel like I'm the first person who's realize this. Okay, my years of blops zombies has finally paid off now in Black Ops zombies. What you can do is you go up to a window and you start rebuilding it now, you could just look at the window, which is fine. I mean good for you. You can look at a window, but what if a zombie comes up behind you, how do you do that? This is how I do it. Okay, so hold your control in your hand. Is everybody doing it good? And now this is the Dora the Explorer segment of the show. So you want to hold down Square now when you're holding down Square, you can't look around because that's your right analog. Right? So what you want to do is you want to take your left finger because you're not moving right and you want to take it over and you want to put that on your right square or you right stick and now you can look around not only can you look around but you can also paying so if enemies start barreling down, You and you're trying to get somebody revived in you have somebody who isn't, you know, if you if there's two of you and you're trying to review revive one of your teammates, obviously one of you is not doing anything but you need to let that person know that people are coming. So you're looking around your pinging and you're you're you're going woohoo, so you don't have to be useless when you're trying to revive somebody is the point. I am trying to get to or when you respawning somebody you don't have to just stare at the respawn Beacon like an idiot. No, you can actually look around. So that's something I feel like is a really good tip. If you're just looking at it. You're completely exposed versus let's say you're looking at it you look around and behind you. You see somebody coming. If you're the only person out of three person Squad good chances are you you don't have much time. So instead let go of that square button get on the opposite side where they can't see you and you'll have that extra amount of seconds to hopefully because maybe they didn't see you so you have an extra. Bless seconds to do it. And so looking around while you're trying to respawn. Somebody is really good tactic. I agree. See I haven't gone to the respawn myself a whole lot to respond Fallen teammates. I'm for the most part being the one that's being respond. So in your experience, have you seen that a lot of people just staring at the Beacon? Yep, like I said my years of blops zombies has really trained me to do that. And so I don't feel like that's a normal thing because like even even if I wanted to in Black Ops zombies, you still have your wedding Weapon up now. This isn't true in Apex. So it's not 100% transferable. But in Zombies I could be rebuilding and still looking around with my left thumb and firing at zombies. So you're not completely helpless. But in this you're still completely helpless as far as you don't have your gun up, but you can still be helpful as far as pointing out in enemies or repositioning yourself, so you're not exposed. Okay, that's that's definitely the Ops zombies, I mean that's something that I have used before. I'll be honest with you. I really didn't know where you were going there for a second. So that's why I was a little bit lost on the over the long and arduous travel, but you know, I got you there. Yeah, we finally got to the destination. All right, so that's our tips and tricks of the week. Honestly. I want to know how many people did I just blow their mind like, oh my God, you can look and respond at this. I want to know because kind of proud of myself. It was a reflex. You know what when it first happened. It was really just a reflex because like I said years of blops, I was just like I was looking straight at it. I was the only person on my squad and I was thinking to myself dear God. I hope nobody comes up behind me. And so that's when it was like ding light bulb. I Which my left stick over because I'm so used to doing that in blots on me. I started looking around. I was like, oh no and I'm like, huh? I wonder if you can still ping turns out. Yeah, you can well that's good. Oh, no, that's definitely a tip. Definitely a tip just to tip. I'm way too proud of myself there. I'm sorry good boy you go boy. Yes. I am. Yes, I am. Alright, so that is our tips and tricks for the week if you want to include your tips and Tricks any kind of unknown things that you think nobody knows let us know you can go to Apex Legends cast on Twitter or Apex Legends Hub cast at for our email our let's head into the last segment of the day reader mail. Alright, so first off we already read Julian's during our tips and tricks and he also gave us his gamertag. He's on Xbox One gamertag Tio are r3z, that's all capitalized. So I think it's Torres Torres, but he's silly and he has the three instead of e silly boy could be worse with double X's. All right, so First up we have Brandon. Hey guys. My question for the podcast is do you think acquiring crafting Metals is too rare? I'm level 35 and have less than 200 crafting Metals if I want to unlock a legendary skin. I need 1000 more to be able to do so I get I get you can buy loot boxes and get Crafting Metals, but I feel as if I would need to buy 50 plus loot boxes. Has before I can have a thousand metals. And again, that's for one legendary skin. Do you guys think week should be able to buy a bundle of crafting materials or should they increase the crafting metals to get maybe 25 instead of 15? So this is definitely a tactic of the loop box, which is I feel like a general amount of people. They're really enjoying the game, but they don't like the monetization and I can definitely understand that. Because in this particular person's situation, he's level 35 currently. I'm at level 20 just dinged level 20 and I have 800 over 800 crafting materials. So I think the number one question did you spend some and maybe you didn't mean to because 200 at level 35 like you must be getting either a some really good roles or really bad rolls because I think part of the crafting materials is Is based on dupes if you have a duplicate of something, then you get Metals instead of that thing. So I think that's part of the reason so you might be lucky in the sense that you're not getting duplicates, but then it's also unlucky in a way because you're not getting any crafting Metals. So I don't know that's but I do agree with the fact that maybe they could increase it some way or make it more. I feel like every box you open should have metals and in most of the cases I if I if I open Three boxes. I feel like at least two of them have metals and once again, that could just be the luck of the role for me. So it really is all about luck. I think yeah like you were saying at the top this is definitely a tactic for Loop boxes and microtransactions things like that. So it gave makes you want to you know, spend more to get that legendary skin. So it's not something that's totally unheard of and you know, it is unfortunate since but that could be an easy fix changing it to 25 to 15 now. now the only thing that I could think of that would make this them not do this would be just the general microtransaction Marketplace of most games, you know things like Street Fighter 5 is a good example where you get they had their most recent thing about if you watch the advertisements and the game, you'll get coins the fighter coins, but you get a very insignificant amount of finer fighter coins on the opposite end being you have to spend like 20 thousand coins to get this character that So so it's not exactly Apples to Apples, but they could do that part of me thinks that they won't simply because that is it since it is a free-to-play game, right? It makes it more. Well, you could just spend money to get that skin that you want. But I do agree with you that you could have done something where you spent them when you didn't mean to because I think I have maybe around 200 and I'm only like maybe level 10 probably level like 13 or something like that. I mean, I'm not level 35 and I feel like I have a decent amount of crafting Metals. Although me. I'm not looking for skins just yet. Like I'm still kind of in the loop of getting skins and just kind of like casually going through it. I haven't hit that point of wanting to buy skins. But I mean, we'll just we'll just see but that could be an easy fix to increase the amount of materials you get and like you said Nick maybe every Apex pack you get some kind of metals. Yeah. I mean, maybe you still get like three items and then just in general like it would be really cool. If you have the ability to sell certain items. So like if you never use it like wraith I think race is a really good example. I don't use wraith because I feel like there are other people out there they can Main wraiths and they do a really good job. So I stay as far away from wraith as possible because I just don't use her. So maybe being able to sell certain items for scrap would be really cool. Cool, because like especially if you if you spent a dollar for instance on a loop box, which obviously you have to get at least five. So, you know what I'm trying to say, but if you spend a dollar on a loop box and you get like three items for real, it's just like oh good three items that I'm never going to use but the ability to turn those into scrap metal would be really cool. I feel like that could be a really easy fix to the oh, they're greedy and they want to make us buy everything, you know. It's all about perception, you know, if they could add that in. I feel like that would be a really good customer focused way customer-focused. What's a better word gamer consumer-focused way of just making it easier to get exactly what you want rather than you know, the whole random paucity of everything that is loot boxes. I our last question comes from David and we had to condense it a little bit because it was a lot which we totally appreciate but you know for the sake of the show we did. And it's down a little bit. So he writes first of all congratulations with the podcast. It's been a pleasure so far listening to you guys talking so passionate about this new and awesome game as I only have about 15 hours of playtime. I use this podcast for tips and tricks so I can get better. I must say I already picked up quite a few things. So many thanks. Now, this is awesome to hear and this is why we do this podcast heylia to get to show you guys how passionate we really are about this game and it's awesome to see a direct. Reaction to that being hey, I listen to the show and I already learned more than I did before I started playing. So that's that's great to hear David. He also says I hope they keep the main focus on trios for the team play aspect of the game, but would what do you think about squads with four players? Would that be too much to chaos or would it work with some minor adjustments? Like less players bigger Maps rebound salute Etc. He also says is the training mode enough to really train and then the last point that he has is would it also be a good idea to have the ability to bind all the shields. And meds two keys that a break that all down as far as squads with four players. I think that's something we could see and we actually talked about this a little bit last episode squats with four players. We could probably see as a limited mode event, you know limited time event and that probably would have more focus on less players to kind of regroup. Although it may have the same amount of players just you know, there would be some sort of adjustment that they would have to do in order to have four players also because Basically adding another Powerhouse to the team instead of three so you would have to do a lot of rebalancing there now. I don't know about a bigger map. Yeah one thing that they could do if they do this in a limited time mode, they could time it with the release of a new segment of the map and maybe that is bigger and so you could have that kind of, you know play with with the four players. Now as far as rebalanced looped, I think he's talking about actual. Drops not the actual loot you get for like, you know, Apex packs and things like that. So I guess there would be a lot of adjustment they would have to do although out of everything we've talked about with the game. I think that four-player squads is something we could see ya Leah out of everything else. Yeah. I feel like I see four players quads before I see singles and Duo's because that it to me, it doesn't we've said it over and over again. So it's just a broken record that this point but singles and do is just doesn't really make that much. Sense, as far as what they were trying to create the tried to create a unique look at Battle Royale not a clone of a debate or a house. That's just my personal thing. But as far as four players, yeah, like I said, I feel like that's the first thing we might see I mean good good for it. I mean it might be cool to have like two players go left two players go right, you know being able to strategize that way wouldn't be too hard. It is definitely the abilities that become a problem because if you have a Healer and a Altar, but you also have like a Pathfinder and a wraith. So not only do you have a really good support team, but you have a really good traversal team. And so I feel like that Powerhouse right? There could be a really it gives a huge detriment on any other team up on the map because not only are able to zip around on the zipline and teleport through a teleporter. But you also have healing and a giant a shield. It's like our I don't know about that. Yeah, I agree there. Would be a lot like like if they did solos with four players, I think there would be a lot of work they would have to do as far as as the bouncing and things like that. Now the third point that he has is the training mode enough to really train blanket statement answered. No. Yeah. It's a tutorial. It's a tutorial. I think I think I wish that they would fix this. It's not something that necessarily needs to be fixed. But I would like to see something more like a battlefield and sense of you know, especially especially on PC just because when you open it up, it's kind of a a browser setting where you can go through different statistics and things like that. But even on Console you can do it. They have it tab where you can go to this training area and it's basically this kind of good sized Island. That's got Vehicles. You can try. Yeah, and it's got a full firing range that's got as many weapons as you can think of to test out kind of train your accuracy and things like that now, although that is very kind of they kind of have that in that segment anytime you go to that training tab, you're playing the tutorial over. Over there, it's not just I'm jumping into this training area of the map to kind of focus on weapons or play around with abilities and things like that. So that's something for sure. I think we'll see added later on as an actual place where you can train abilities train weapons, but it is a little frustrating and I ran into this my first time playing when you know, when you start the tutorial your as lifeline and you go through that and it shows you the mechanics of how to do things while I was like, okay, that's cool. Now, let me go training training with Bloodhound or try training with razor anything like that and anything. Anytime I jumped into it. I was Lifeline again. And again, right is that all it is is that tutorial? So I personally would like to see that. I think that be something that could be useful and I think it's something that we definitely could see in other games that are like it whether you have Paladin's is a good example and OverWatch obviously is a good example both of those have an arena they have drones or some characters standing around so you can practice not only guns This is not just about the guns in this game. Obviously, it's also your abilities, you know and getting used to how far can you throw Gibraltars Shield? You know, how how what's the distance on Bloodhounds ping ability or the all-father? I have all father. What's the range on that little things like that could really help you out and so being able to practice that you know, or even just have a place to goof around with your friends. That's never a bad thing and considering that that Fortnight added it blackout already added something similar to that. I don't see that too far behind but I do hope it comes sooner rather than later. Now as last point is when it also be a good idea to have the ability to bind all the Shields and meds to Keys. Hey, what's this one's a little so this is what I was missing. This one's a little this one's a little confusing to me because I'm fairly certain on PC. You can already do this now because I've spent most of my time in PS4 and only a few rounds in on PC. I haven't had as much experience on that side of it. But I'm fairly certain that you can do this, you know, typically would you have your PC layout is you have your wasd which are your movement keys? Well sobbing have wasel Ali then you also have things like, you know shift to run control. This is the general layout of most shooters control to crouch things like that. You also have like your top number number bar. You know, you're one two, three, four five six, that's typically where you'll have like you press one for the pistol to for the assault rifle and and things like that. So I'm Almost fairly certain that you can can already bind those. But if not, then that's something that you're for sure get to see now when it comes to controller. I think that that's something that's going to be very easily translatable as well, you know, using the d-pad in particular. You know what I'd like to see so to switch from your Shield to a med pack. For instance. We play on the PlayStation 4 one thing you have to do is you have to hold down up and then you have to use your analog. Take a I would like to see a quick switch. So maybe you double tap up to switch to the next item. So that like if all you have for instance is a medkit and shield instead of having to press up and then, you know, once you get used to it, this this isn't a problem, but if you're for newcomers, if you're trying to get used to it, you have to push up then you have to remember where Shield is and well what if you wanted the big Shield, but you actually pick the little Shield so just as As a way to kind of quickly swap between things it would be really cool just double tap up and now it's switch to whatever the next item is, then you could double tap it again if that's not the item you want and then the same thing for grenades double tap right rather than hold it down figure out. What do I have? Oh, that's right. I have a ninja star have a thermite, you know instead of having to worry about that just double tapping to the next item would be something really cool. That's something you are for sure going to see because it's that's not hard to do. Yeah. It probably yes with your experience of coding and making a video game. It's totally not hard. I mean, I mean that's that's that's a good response. I mean that's completely valid but I mean, but I mean, I mean if you think about it just generally I mean how hard is it to go from having to hold it to select it to just double tapping it to have an automatic rotation to yeah, that's gonna be something that's gonna be that's gonna be something that's a real quality of life figure that different because I have noticed that it takes me a little bit of time. No it I've noticed that if I don't have that if I don't have to have go through that time of having to go and like hold it select that's time. I could be using on the battlefield getting an advantage right and having to spend time trying to find my shield or my meds. Yeah, and then there's some times that like, I just forget what I've picked up because like when when it's the first same really minutes of the match, you're not really you're not really looking at what you're grabbing. Sometimes I pick up a bunch of syringes maybe a med pack small Shield tall. Shield wide Shield short Shield anyways, so it's like if it's defaulted on my syringes princes and I want to get to my med pack because I'm like, oh this is a lot of do I even have it? Oh, I don't have it. Ok, I'll just stay on my you know, I guess I don't know where I'm going. But either way just some way to do it would be really nice. Those were all great questions. Thank you all for writing in to the show David. It was fantastic to hear that response of listening to the podcast gave you more tips than you had before that's always something that we're going to I love to hear so if you guys continue to enjoy the show continue to enjoy what we're doing here. Let us know either through an email at Apex Legends Hub cast at or just responding to us on Twitter. We love to know your reactions and you know, give us more questions give us some more things to talk about a lot of these questions that we had. It's stuff that neither me or you had thought about yeah, definitely. It's always great to have additional input on the show and to everybody given us all the Love on Twitter whether it's Just you liking us and following us. We really appreciate it. And that's actually where we've gotten most of our like fan mail because we've had a couple of people like retweet the episode and then they always say something nice like hey, if you want a place to listen to her Apex Legends stuff. This is the place to go. I really like these guys. We've had a bunch of people right in that way as well and we really really do appreciate that because you know as much as we don't want to look at any Tivity, you know, seeing negativity can sometimes be hard and it just makes it so much easier when you guys give us love and you show us how much you like us and I mean we've had countless people on Twitter talk about like just hey really enjoying episode and sometimes just that little bit is so appreciative and it gets us through the day. So I mean that's going to be the end of the show. So make sure contact us on Twitter contact us by email if you wanted to or if you like what we do here and you want to hear more of our Real you can always go to threat X3 Productions on YouTube tx3 Productions on Twitter. We have another podcast called nerd to the third and that one's a much more General where we're talking about movies and video games. So if you like what we do here, you might like nerd to the third as well. So you can go check us out there. That's going to be the show for today. I was your host Nick and I was your host Nate co-host kiss my ass. Kiss my ass. I ass Seabass. So thank you for joining us. We'll see you in Kings Canyon where it's going to be legend wait for it.
  Contacts @apexlegendscast twitter  @Tx3productions ApexlegendsHubcast @TX3Productions if you like our style and want to see more Care Package incoming (News)  Ninja takes home first Apex Legends challenge Championship by a single point Game Breaking glitch We’re going to have bonus episode each time there is a tournament      Topic of the Week-  Hover bikes do we want them Deep Dive- Gibraltar---   Passive Ability: Gun Shield  Tactical Ability: Dome of Protection Ultimate Ability: Defensive Bombardment Coaching Champions (tips and tricks) Communication is key Stay together  Correct Dropping Strategy  Tips on Respawn  Reader mail Julian  Hey guys, Just listened to the preview and really looking forward to the HUBcast. One thing that I’d really like to explore is how to take full advantage of the slide movement during a gun fight. It’s obvious that the slide helps in getting from point A to point B... but I’m talking about those run-slide-jump-180 deg spin moves you see from some other players. I’m curious, it’s one more thing to think of in a battle (versus strafing, aiming, reload, etc) so is it worth trying to master a slide move? Thanks guys, looking forward to the HUBcast. Julian XB1 GT: TORR3Z Sent from my iPhone Brandon Hey guys, My question for the podcast is do you think acquiring crafting metals is too rare? I'm level 35 and have less than 200 crafting metals. If I want to unlock a legendary skin I need over 1000 more to be able to do so. I get you can buy loot boxes to get crafting metals, but I feel as if I would need to buy 50+ loot boxes before I'll have 1000 of the metals. And again, that’s for one legendary skin. Do you guys think we should be able to buy a bundle of crafting materials or should they increase the crafting metals we get to maybe 25 instead of 15? David first and for all, congratulations with the podcast. It's been a pleasure so far listening to you guys talking so passionate about this new and awesome game. As I only have about 15 hours of playtime, I use this podcast for tips and tricks so I can get better. I must say I already picked up quite a few things so many thanks! I hope they keep the main focus on trio's for the teamplay aspect of the game. But what would you think about squads with 4 players? Would that be too much chaos or would it work with some minor adjustments like less players, bigger map, rebalanced loot, ...? Is the training mode enough to really train? Would it also be a good idea to have the ability to bind all the shields and meds to keys? David first and for all, congratulations with the podcast. It's been a pleasure so far listening to you guys talking so passionate about this new and awesome game. As I only have about 15 hours of playtime, I use this podcast for tips and tricks so --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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We are talking Netflix is Lucifer season 4 episode 7 devil is his devil does the AfterBuzz after show starts right. Now you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top Now let them go. We like to hit the table Roxy you didn't table hitting is one of our favorite things to do. We play nice when I listen back to the shows. It's like and I'm sure Stephen the booth loves it. Yeah, those drums man. You are rock star. Let me tell you up Tehran. Thank you buddy. And it's you know, and it's you Stephen when you tee up. Okay. How did you want? Did you where did you I was I supposed to hit it. That's what that's for. Okay, fine. You're not we're not as good as the sound effect Roxy. I actually thought you were better. Thank you. And if you don't know who you is it Steven Lemieux, and then only in the panel, I don't know who I'm sitting next to we should all know. It's Roxy stryer. What's your queen of what is better? I'm the queen of everything. Yeah, you are the queen of being disagreed with the I guess there is a wallet that I really want few hundred bucks. So I haven't gotten yet, but it says queen of effing everything and I want it so bad, but then when I showed my brother because he asked me what I wanted for my birthday and he was like, I feel like that means you're the queen of having sex with everything everything everything literally everything everything. He's like, I'm not getting that full coming off of last episodes orgy scene. That might not be too far-fetched. Romeo would not like you rocks after well, I don't like Remy either. Okay. Well, Remy old up wouldn't like me either because I'm kind of mixed to and who am I I'm Toronto will be hosting. This panel as we are talking Netflix is Lucifer season 4 episode 7 devil is as devil does I keep trying to say that in a Forest Gump voice but it's not level is is devil does thank you Stephen. Today's breakdown includes the case and of course the heart of the case which we get into each and every week Chloe and Eve at the same. Damn time is Chloe Reeve the bad influence Ellis new revelation on team A's Dan plays Detective in a little bit more a minute deal and Remy have a brother and sister fight and this It's an actual fight Trixie interrogates Eve. Danella. Yeah, I'm shipping that the prophecy Roxy shipped at first. Yes the prophecy angel or devil. Uh-oh Lucifer has his wings, but are the wings that we expect news and gossip special segments circles of hell quick predictions and more. Let's begin with overall thoughts on this Netflix's lose 4 episode 7 season for devil. Is this devil does Stephen Lucifer got the wings. He needed not the ones he deserved is that Is that finally the but I always try to say the Batman quote and I'm often Batman quote is he's the hero we need not the hero we deserve okay because I do that in everything and I'm always off Lucifer got the wings. He needed not the ones he deserved and I'll expand on that throughout the episode would love to hear that because I think he got the wings that he deserved and not the one he's need. I agree with that Roxy. I agree with you take Ron. I love being right and I made a prediction a few episodes ago out of left field and the But it came true this episode. I don't care about any predictions that danella. Danella. I hate it out of nowhere. I you of Allah saying days. You guys looked at me and said what what are you talking about? And I like em, so it has the three basic. Sorry. I'm just going to let you guys know people are out there. They're going to accuse me of cheating because everything dropped at once but didn't I promise I have been watching this show along with our after shows. I had no idea. I William Queen of effing I will attest to that and I'll tell you why because I got an Instagram in the middle of my life. Where have you watched the new the new it was for I was like I'm about to okay, just remember. I'm right. I'm more right than you and I'm more right and that was and that was it. All it takes is a complete lack of belief in God and fingers touching like that. That's actually exactly that's how relationships start when you are an atheist sex feels better. Think about that the more, you know more, you know, my overall thought on this episode was that it was I love where we're going. It note feels better when somebody is watching, you know went watching you. I'm a bit of a voyager II. I want to like to watch I just like to watch I would love to be omnipotent. Just feeling way more uncomfortable in this side of the table after this whole conversation. But like I said, I really liked this episode. It was fun. It was good, but more importantly It's getting to this heart this meet the story arc that I was talking about and it even brought back father Kenzie a little. Yeah, we got a little attack, but it was it was a great a great way. I got his squeaky. Oh my gosh, that's seen how it was cutting back and forth and and the and the ending scene the ending scene was just so powerfully done. This is why we love Lucifer's you're just sitting there and the whole series I'm trying to get ahead of what's actually going to happen. Like what is he gonna say? What is it? A big surprise. What's the big reveal? What is the and every time I think I know I don't know except for the fact that I know everything. I destroyed everything everything everything everything. We forgot to mention one thing last episode and that's rookie Joan and rookie Joan is the Catalyst for Lucifer's delving into actually being back to his old self as remember. Rookie Joan the the guy the the female cop that died because of course if they're just Called himself back the cop that keeps coming up set this all in motion. As soon as I give her name. I was like, oh she's not living through this episode. Yes. Got it. Yeah, that was it was it's interesting because I think they use that plot device very well to catapult him into place he needed to be but at the same time I was like who? Yeah, and as you just said her name, I was like Jones who you like how it was silent when I said the characters. Yeah because there is Steven thing where you were making up a nickname for somebody and I was like, are we calling Dan rugged Jones now? Rookie, rookie Jones work each owns. Well, let's talk about the case this week. This week's case actually piggybacks off last week's case the it's Sam's our friendly who is a basically the person who is being accused of causing the inflicting pain that Lucifer caused and that was that was the whole thing Lucifer is upset because someone innocent is being punished for his deed. There are so many so She is on this show. So many. Oh my God this episode it's not and I'm not talking about the kind of nickname. That would give Dan. Where's the in general? Yeah, because we have Julian McCaffrey last time and now we have his father Jacob Tiernan who's even worse. Who's who's a lot worse? Actually the only person who wasn't that much of a douche was kind of pony boy that assassin. Yeah. Stay golden, you know. Yeah Pony Boy Who thus doesn't who doesn't turn on Dan where did I know this guy from so clear Ponyboy? Jared Burns. Yeah, but where he's so good in what I know him from dying up here. No the I'm thinking them in one specific role when I see my screen. I know I'm from Justified. Nope burn no notice. He was interesting bad. He was the group leader. He's been an earthing. You don't know who were talking about tear on the effing everything know the dad the dad. Yeah, the dad isn't everything. He's the main he's the main villain in the Seasons of Burn Notice as well. He's so good. This shoe is in the OG Sabrina the Teenage Witch. So now you can be involved in the great. No, he's just in a lot of things. I've seen him in throughout. Yeah. I mean when you when you're somebody who has as many credits as he does a hundred and three acting credits, we all recognize him from one place or another that's what he's from Cambridge, Massachusetts. I like Massachusetts. I'm at like Cambridge. This is IMDb the podcast yeah, so so here I am DB you are R DB thank you, but hey sweetie the case was Sam's of Pirelli cause of death shot them thrown over a bridge and pistol-whipped and had his finger broken and everyone in his body was broken everybody a bone and he was he was hurt the same way. Julian was hurt. So we thought Julian was dead. It seemed like Julian was dead. Julian is still alive could have fooled me Jesus. No actor Lucifer. Yeah Lucifer. I didn't think he was dead. Really Yeah, they're Mela. I didn't say that. I thought he was dead. I didn't say everybody's dead. Yeah when you get stuff done on the throat, I mean, I just it's Lucifer Lucifer strength. I don't know mmm, I know but I just think that we would have made a bigger deal of It kind of ended with it. Yeah, like a big deal. I was pretty sure he's dead. Well, I was right came often your right again rocks hindsight is 20/20. So but I liked that he wasn't dead at least because I liked watching this fear and Dan be able to put together the pieces because Chloe does have a blind spot when it comes under pressure and the fact that Dan is able to be like yo open your eyes. This is him and he knows from the signs. I forget sometimes a Dan's actually halfway decent at his job. So I like to I like to be reminded of that and II thought that this was a more interesting choice and having him just be dead. It sucks because in the same episode that I'm like damn Dan is actually good at his job. I most like damn Dan is such a douche. He is such a douche. I don't like how mean he's become there used to be a charm to him. There used to be a charm where Dan came off as a sweet person who was a dickhead now. He's just a dickhead hundred percent season two and three Dan I would have banged season for Dan. I'm not Gee, what a terrible? No, I am not a Lala who by the way from last episode. Definitely. I was like, okay Ella. Hey, I mean, we got to see all the butts and put it right. Yeah and this time Dan gets to see that but and we got I always think it's really sexy when a woman's got the long hair in front of her boobs and Ella was rocking that too. There was no other point to make other than that. Yeah. It was like, that's all we need to see. I'm so worried for her character now though before you continued one of the ways we keep These shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify. My app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us. You never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV because it has to come out that he was the one who served up Lucifer on a golden platter to turn it tearing in and she how's that going to come out because tiered and every pony boy new and Ponyboy didn't say anything and Dan was worried then Ponyboy kind of saved them and cause people to use that for blackmail. dance under a thumb and unfortunately, I think Ella is going to get and also listen without knowing it and I like that that can sense of karma Dan put Trixie In Harm's Way because first of all he went in and said in the Catalyst like hey, my personal Vendetta against Lucifer means more than Justice and more than my job and more than anything else because I just want to get this guy but you don't know the implication that that has and I wrote in my notes I said, Trixie almost died because Dan is hot garbage. Like this is what he has become it is. Yeah, it was so wrong what he did, but he thought okay, this is wrong and it ends here and you don't know when you take revenge on somebody how far that will actually go and if Trixie I think it would been too dark even for Netflix, but had Trixie actually died in this situation. I thought that was going to happen by the way. I thought it was going to be because honestly, once again, this is Netflix and since they have been under Utilizing Trixie Trixie, his death could have been a huge story plot. For example maze would have went crazy. Dan would have went insane with with guilt. Chloe would have found out and would have most importantly Lucifer probably would have gone vanished. You guys went that bad. I did I went for a second. I went the other way because I was worried that Trixie was going to kill somebody. Oh, wow. I was worried that they created that bread crumb which one with tricks to getting the knife from Maize and having that knife with her. I was afraid that something would have put tricks in a position to have to kill somebody to in her mind save Lucifer or save Eve and that would have created a really interesting. I say something please you are the darkest person on this panel the fact that watch having cross and then even cross our minds and take see what what kill someone but steals like I went the other way. She has a sexy hot. Wow, it would conflict with a lot of the character, huh? Phrase would have had a really bad time with Chloe moving forward and Dan would have had a hard time kind of accepting the his daughter was now the person put through this because of him because of him. Yeah. Oh Dan is my now arch nemesis. The worst thing is is this would have been forgivable had Dan known that he was Satan and that's why it's forgivable with Chloe is because her actions were based on the predication that she knows. He's Satan. He doesn't even know she he's Satan. He just thinks he's a guy who he's kind of Annoyed by jealous of a little everyone's car the hater no dancing a hater. That's not totally true. It's not just somebody he's annoyed by its somebody he knows is going around breaking legs. Breaking Josh. No. No. Yeah, but let's not act like Dan is innocent of that. I remember a whole group of those X's who have broken everything's because of Dan decided to break the law. I am not saying he is innocent. I'm just saying it's not that he's annoyed. He's annoyed that he's stepping out of the system and he's doing it better than he is. Okay thats a hater because yeah because Dan with Maize is doing the exact same thing Lucifer's doing so, how did most hypocritical bullcrap that he could be pulling right now Ivan Soto says Stephen Roxy. Do you not remember season one Dan? He was a d-bag and season wanting probably call this out because you reminded us of that. But yes I do which is exactly why I told you season 2 3 Dan I would bone I didn't say anything about season one Dan just clarifying again and they want to be made out to look like somebody who wants season one down and anyone who didn't watch season one who jumps in on Netflix the two minute preview introduces him as detective douche. So I guess people should have this expectation with this carrot. Do you think there are a lot of those people I think so, I think yes, I think enough people have been to say walked it off in Florence Who start who started season 4 on Netflix Oh, I thought you meant in life. I think I think enough people would watch the first episode of Season 4 and be interested enough to backtrack because Netflix you look at Netflix. You see this devil face thing and it says Lucifer you like I click on it. Like you're browsing - it's not that far in its for for up before seasons in I'm not a lot of people down and lose first been on Netflix. A lot of people actually did watch it. Do you guys think that if Dan new Lucifer was the devil that he would like him less or more? I think he might understand him more I think does not understand him. I think he would leave immediately. I leave what I think he would take Trixie and go as far away from that Precinct as possible and I think I think he would cut ties with Chloe if she didn't go with him great reminder from the chat hail Crimson King says he's also still blaming Lucifer for the death of Charlotte. Yes, he's blaming he's blaming Lucifer for the death of Charlotte not understanding fully. I think that if Dan knew that all of this was Celestial in nature that would change his perspective the same way that I need Ella to find out as well because we see her constantly being lost. What did you think of that scene with since we're talking about Ella talking about Ella and Chloe that scene where? She says that she doesn't believe in anything and she's trying to prove that God and the devil are just bullcrap. Anyway, Chloe, of course gets I not do whatever makes you happy. That is what she says. I felt like it's not Chloe's place to tell Ella so I know why she doesn't but Khloe is being pretty selfish in that moment by just trying to get information out of Allah and not looking at the fact that her friend is really struggling and if Chloe was in her right state of mind and wasn't trying to focus so much on herself and what's going on with Lucifer anybody who sees Ella right now damn noticed anyone who sees Ella knows that she's not okay right now Joan affected her because Dan. Is also lost involved with lost souls me and it's easier just to have sex than to speak in terms of both say they don't talk about it don't want to talk about it. They just want to rub bodies on it and it's well in town. Can you stop or you know people actually that's one of the rules when you go to any type of free ever things like that because you're both invulnerable States and feel this quote-unquote lost people find themselves. In Intimate situations and it's actually one of the rules one of the rules is against that because it's not real and so I don't think that this is real. Well, it's not even just that's not one of the rules just because it's not real it's because it is another way to kill pain and you're supposed to be feeling that pain and taking that in and making sure that you acknowledge what's happening and then finding proper coping mechanisms that are not sex drugs rock and roll to get through that so I think that to really good comparison Tehran because right now this is Ella's moment. This is her make-or-break and if she decides to fill that this void with drugs, which we've been seeing with booze with sex with Dan or with anything like that, she's not going to actually get to the root of the problem, which is her accepting that God doesn't exist or finding Faith again because either one is fine if she truly Except she does not exist and she decides that that's okay and she has her own free will and she wants to move forward as an agnostic or an atheist. She will be able to figure that out. And if she wants to believe in God again, and she wants to find God again. She should go down that path, but it's this middle path of anger that he doesn't exist that she really needs out of spite and you see that with the chain being in the drawer and she has kept the chain so she hasn't thrown it away. But before we jump off of that because that's also a good point. Is a direct comparison to Lucifer as well in this moment because she doesn't know which path to take. She's remaining down the middle and it's tearing her apart in that way because all of her beliefs have been adjusted and Dan is the same way. She's diving into sex as a way to communicate to try to work through problems. Just as Lucifer has been for the past three months. So it's kind of an interesting humanistic Dynamic they've kind of drawing a comparison between the two right it is tearing up my heart when I'm with you on our part honorable mention in town. Bone town which is actually a place in how Lucifer mentioned. I'm just going to mention the mug the coffee mug that you coffee mug is such an amazing to owned by the way, you need to have I'm honorable mention because there was the pictures everywhere. It was just great. I mean, it doesn't get its own topic because what what is a picture of her on each side of the even on the bottom line is she's making it that nobody can ever put the words Ella and ugly mug in the same sentence so good, you know, she's already going pretty well, but now Chloe and Eve are in the same damn place at the same damn time it is that extra good idea. If so extra on Talk About Eve. Do not speak about Eve. She's amazed Muscle Beach. I think that for the purposes of this show. We are allowed to put ourselves in situations that are unrealistic. But like what's unrealistic about this you bring your your your ex if I'm your Chloe if I'm Chloe, I do that all the time. I'm just like legit putting my foot down hard and saying no and she's not doing that with him and I don't know whether that's because it makes for better TV. Because they're trying to show us about her character that she really is trying to do everything. She can to make him happy and she believes this will be what makes him happy. I think it's the latter. There's the letter combination combination about but I'm going with ladder. I often forget that this is TV. This is so good. They did everything in their power to write Eve to make her look out of place at every crime. So my gosh, it was stepping. There's like a dead body on the ground. She's like the heels lie. I'm excited what the hell's going on their way to punish them. I mean Jesus jumps up there like straddling each other. Maybe not what I said. Yeah so good. Yeah, but I have to disagree with you. Of course. Thank you. That would be out of character if you Not be very out of character. It would be out of I need to find my truth. My true nature is disagreeing with Roxy. Okay. I'm okay with that. I'm glad you are because all of you at home have seen them disagree often. You can see them disagree even more if you keep and continue to watch us on AfterBuzz here at AfterBuzz. We talk about all of your favorite TV programs from drama to Comedy to sci-fi more. We have programs for each and every one of you and all of you at home are as much if not more. So a bigger part of this panel than all of us. You are part of the Has community and as such we asked you to do one little tank. We ask you to please share comment subscribe. Tell your friends spread the word. Let's grow this AfterBuzz community of ours and talk about these shows with more and more people and get more and more perspectives on each and every one and if you're listening to us on iTunes, it's so easy. Just give us that five star rating that we so greatly deserve and comment those comments boost us to the top of that iTunes page and we love to be there with all of you once again, as always we thank For making us the ESPN of TV talk and hit that thumbs up. We got a big live viewership right now and only only three likes right now only three likes what that's like only my thumbs. I'm not taking any YouTube own town. Okay. I'm about to like that with any poll liking that right now. So we get a combination of conversation like sex. No, we're done with that. We're done with that late Revelation. We're done with that. This whole show is about a late Revelation. That's actually where it gets to the revelation of is Chloe the bad influence or Eve the bad influence each one brings up the other I love this freaking super meta status of the Devil Himself having the devil and angel on his shoulder. And yes the way that they shoot this where one is on one side one is on the other we're seeing their heads. It was so brilliant. I think 1000% Eve is the dead ones wearing red ones wearing white. There was a hole We is clearly the angel and I say the same thing about each other like I don't think she's a good influence on yes. They both say the same thing. Yeah, and and I bet they both really believe that but we know from watching the outside. Chloe is a good influence and Eva's not I mean are we all on the same page? There are no it depends depends on it depends on your restrictive because active thank you to look at if you're going to look at Lucifer and if you're going to say that his true nature is the devil. There's nothing. Evil about somebody saying you need to be who you are. You should be able to be who you are and not act like something different. So in that aspect it is an angel but from a human perspective. Hey, if being who you are is a murderer and you know, the killer of all things in the torture of All Souls, maybe that's a bad thing. But Stephen that's hot like that is what I picture Eve. Just thinking this whole time like what makes him so sexy. How do I just like, what do I do says that kind of thing. And many different ways. And another thing is a product is the fact that could use NASA for brings up to Chloe. Well, you didn't accept me for my true self. She brings it up again. So we've seen he's not wrong and he's not wrong. Let's Chloe did look away now granted. He is the devil. I would love to remind everyone of that often but he is the devil. So who's the better influence or are both bad influences on Lucifer? I think they're both bad influences. I loved the theory that Trixie's the good influence now. I didn't love what happened with Dan storyline, but I think that Trixie is the right influence right now. I don't think he needs to be influence per se as much as listen to talked to like what's going on. I know that's that doctor one day. No, she doesn't she doesn't she she tries to influence. He just needs somebody who's not judging who doesn't have an opinion one way or the other. Sara Lee because he's got to figure this out himself and as we're watching this episode, he's not spending the time. I mean not to get too mushy, but when you're lost the only person who can find you is you so he's not giving himself the time to do that because he's armed deep in an orgy 50% of the time and when he's not he's armed deep and work stop saying armed actually need to say our deep more. I learned the pep. Do you have a pet holds up the leak? I'm loving though. It's funny in the chat because Roslin is on one team. Roslin is team Khloe and the queen of Regal is team Eve and I've been seeing this online as well where it seems like people are kind of split and I think for this show to introduce somebody in season 4 who is so awesome of a character that people actually might not want to lose her to end up with Chloe. Mind-blowing because this is the Ross and Rachel of the show. I just had a thought though. You don't we we don't know that Eve's back story on why she left Heaven is true. We could still get Adam in this season. It could have just been a fight that they were having that made her leave and she's lying to Lucifer about her intentions of going there. This might just be him being a rebound. Well that we are on episode 7. I don't know about this season but in the future and I agree. She definitely could be lying about things and I talked about this episode 3 year whenever she was introduced. She could be communicating with God. This could be a plan that they've had that Lucifer is unaware of To try to get Lucifer back to being because I got to hell in season one. It was he wanted to be as subtle as possible and because he didn't want to draw attention to the fact that he's there subtle in the terms of not go around killing people not settling the terms of hey, I'm a rich millionaire with the club, but maybe there is going to be some kind of unhide double power of him being Satan if he continues to kill people. I like the concept. I don't think he she's in contact with God, but maybe were me Or that or the other Angels, you know, like she's worthy are the voice of God. I think maybe she lost a little bit of favor with God a little got it all for introducing sin original sin to man. I think that's a that's a kind of if God's not going to talk to you God hasn't got had the bouncers take her out of the club at that point at that point at that point. We did have this concept of Trixie and Eve and Dan forcing an issue. How did you like the karma play? I thought was brilliant. I thought this was one of the best written parts of the episode if not the season because he deserved this and no I'm not saying Trixie deserve this but Dan deserve to see the backlash of him stepping out of line, and I thought this was a great way to do it. It's disappointing to me because I thought we were kind of passed him being Dirty Dan to this level but obviously not and he set someone else to do his Dirty Work. Yeah, he didn't even just like try because he doesn't know a loser is a demon. He could have literally just put them like taken Lucifer out himself. I guess he just would thought it was easier this way. I thought at first it was going to be a wire arrest him. Yeah got a way to arrest him, but your job bro, like he did do what you think he It and he has the evidence you have the evidence that he did it the cigarette. I mean I was thinking there might be a story line here where Dan runs a DNA test and Ella finds out that it's something completely different and then she has her beliefs change based on that, but then she doesn't tell Dan but I don't know we could still go that way. There is still like the chance of him running a DNA on the cigarette butt to move forward in that way, but I don't think they're going to backtrack. hmm We also had we also had on team A's show up Klinger. Yeah, she's got issues that she got issues girls got to work some things out when she refers to the baby as ours. I mean, I'm not a mom and trust me. I don't know what that's like, but I can only imagine having something grow inside me and having something somebody who wasn't going to be the co-parent so somebody who either wasn't their sperm or Weren't going to be the dad or the other mom. Look at me and say our baby piss off yet. Like Oh Linda is handling this so well, I would flip out if about she's just handling it because she knows they're not humans and they don't understand the social norms, but she has so much patience and not only do they not understand the social norms. But if what happens if Linda flips out at Mays and says, no you cannot be in this baby's life. She's acting from a place of fear as opposed to No, I'm saying if she says that to her what is maze willing to do if Linda says you're not part of this family Maize is going to kill her. I don't think so. I don't think so amazed has shown that she has actually she has a soft spot when it comes to the them and when Linda asked are you in love with me a part of me thought that maze was going to say yes, me too. And also when she when may says our baby are both of you found it abhorrent. I thought it was one of the sweetest things ever that maze feels so responsible for this baby because It is her possible Redemption her way to prove to herself that she can actually be something different of a mother as opposed to Lilith who is her mother she is mrs. Keane is a child of Lilith a little mmm. And so that was actually a very sweet thing to me. Do you see Lilith appearing this season? I don't know about getting these set up but I like an ally I would love it. I think with mazes character. It's interesting when you think about it because every other main character has some Form of romantic interest that they've developed from being a negative development or a positive development and may is it's just kind of been that lady who swings around and hooks up with people, you know, like she kind of had that moment with Dan but then Dan last episode was like I'm not doing this anymore because he decided to be good cop, but then this episode is not again, but are you seeing love triangle not love triangles per se. But even with the Dan situation that you just mentioned with Maize dad. And now she tries to if she tries to go after Dan as her connection, maybe well, that was the one of the big conversations is that maze need someone she needs somebody or she needs to love herself. It'd be interesting to get Adam. And Maze Adam and me is because Adam has it has the hots for Lilith amazed might not even know who Adam is. Hmm and like mother like daughter out of might be like, look at this girl. That's it. As far as Auntie maze goes. I'm really liking this storyline good. It's strong. It's fun. It's giving purpose and it's also setting something up with maze. We just don't know what and and possibly with Maize sacrificing herself. Of for the baby. I mean, I thought the fight was going to happen. I thought ramiel was going to go and then maze broke the rules of not following Linda big tax going to be the side that so to last episode. I thought that that was going to be the head but then we get the amenadiel and Remy actually have a fight dope. That was an actual physical fight and it was very cool. I mean I thought I thought just him having the baby was making him more powerful in general, but now it's like legitimately like, okay. No, he's more powerful. Yes, like he's actually more powerful like has Angel Powers kind of it's also the senior angel in this situation. No such thing as a senior Angel though because they were all splashed in at the same time a very our senior senior Angels Angels do come into higher. Are you talking about in in the show in the show? They've brought this up as Soul? Okay. There's I liked Remy better in this episode than the previous one because I kind of like what happens when she's defeated and she's like, all right you and this one because You beat me fair and square fight me you did which was to use her angel power. I was waiting to find out what it was unclear. Anyways, I don't know just as cool because maybe that's not fair and square if he doesn't have time to stop. Maybe she can't use her is because she doesn't deem that to be fair. She gave him half the spear. So maybe she does want it to be like something fair and square. But again, she's the Vanguard. I think there's way more coming if word spreads and I want to ask you guys this because I was thinking about this after the Episode do you think it would have been better for the baby to be taking back taken back to Heaven I think as isn't it better for anybody to be in heaven? So go kill everybody who's good know? I don't know. I don't know maybe not. I think that the point is amenadiel saying this Earth doesn't make you weaker. It makes you stronger. So I my baby should be grow up here because it will make them better. I just think it's really interesting that God made Humanity in His image, but all the angels are so against humanity. And God is the only one who had free will before humans and the angels are jealous of that. So what if amenadiel is developing free will What if he's self-actualizing the only thing that angels have aside from their powers out of common with humans if in that case wouldn't he become a threat to God? I threw it in a prediction before I feel like I'm in a deal with the prophecy just to throw out why the I'm not going to say that joke. I was going to say Tom town. Okay, we're done. We're done with bonetown. We're done with bone Town. That's not till I say it what we're not done with is the prophecy when the devil was. The Earth and finds his first love evil shall be released. I think Kelly's back. I think Chloe's got to get Kinley back. He's being shipped to Rome. So you think that doesn't have I think before he shipped something happens and Khloe realizes that there is an actual use for father Kinley. I just wonder when when she does realize that this is the case. Are we going to go back to where we started at the beginning of the season with Chloe or Chloe Chloe evolved from that point and now she's gone to see Kinley. She'll go tell Lucifer because that's what he is asked of her. Also, they don't you know what? I mean? I like this I like where we're going here. Say that again because I've already had this conversation where Lucifer Chloe lied to Lucifer about meeting with Kenley and Lucifer says don't lie to me and she says I never will I'm sorry you were the devil I was confused. Now, she's gone back to him again and heard the prophecy and heard the prophecy presumably he doesn't know she's gone. So does she do the same thing? She did at the beginning of the Season where she doesn't tell him and now goes about it that route or does she go right to Lucifer and say I went to him. This is the prophecy you need to stay. From Eve. I think it's the latter. I think he she tells him the prophecy but I don't think she knows it's Eve. I think she says exactly what it is because again, they've had a romantic interest. She doesn't know if she's the first was kind of no because Father Kelly says, you know who it is. Don't you? He says that and the look on her face gives it away. Like I feel that it's Eve because father Kelly's like it's a mistake. I thought it was you it's not you which I don't know how father Ken Lee would know that part. I think it's because nothing he would have gotten Word or something horrific. It happened yet, and he knows that her and Lucifer have already gotten together. So I think that is why also it doesn't say the prophecy. Isn't that like hey when Lucifer finds his first love he's going to be evil and start killing everybody. It just says that evil will be released even will be released. So what if the evil is Lilith? Hmm see on my on my in my theory amenadiel stands up for Linda someone who he thinks is wonderful and he's in love with and evil will be released would be the birth of this child. That's just what I think let's get into is Lucifer the angel or the devil. Which one is the truth angel angel angel? I think they are the same thing. Lucifer's always been a fallen angel and you think the devil I think I also say the same thing except with the place of Duty that God has bestowed upon him. So while I believe there is good and evil in him in the way we think of it. He does have a duty that is in hell and one of that one of the things that plays is the fact that Lucifer has not lost his wings, but they're not what they what he thought they would be. Yeah, but they look bad ass. They definitely look badass. I mean we kind of saw this coming. Little bit true true like so anyway on iTunes anybody iTunes are the the promo branding that they've put out there as Lucifer with devil wings, which I am assuming some time in the season. We would get him with devil wings as opposed to feather Wings. Yeah, I think pretty I think it is what he makes it. I think just like how we've already established an angel self-actualize and he wasn't looking to see his wings for he was looking to see his wings for an answer. But what Feared was what came out because that was that was what his that's what and that's how he views himself. Yes, but my question is what is the difference between his view of himself when he has no wings versus view of himself with devil wings. Let's find out in the comments below. Let's get to some news and gossip the question on every single Lucifer fans mind. Is there going to be a fifth season of this show? I don't have the answer for you. But I do have some thoughts from Henderson one of the writers who says that they've already written the first seen this coming from Entertainment Weekly. He says we did spend some time digging into what we think can be season 5 we even have the first scene of season 5, which is one of my favorite things we've ever come up with who cannot wait. I don't know because we haven't finished this season yet. I don't know what that means. But imagine already not knowing you're getting picked up. Writing a first scene of the next season that sets the tone of the entire season. I have no idea what that means. But it mean I know it means I want to next season. I think it's Chloe on a healthy at Lucifer back. Why where's Lucifer? I don't know. I just feel like we have to go to hell at some point and I feel like do you think Sabrina? I don't want Sabrina Soto do you think by the end of this season lose first and then he'll done. Yeah, I think so. I think he gets sent back. I found one getting that sense too because he's got the devil wings it. All the eve stuff going on and I do think that she's been sent there for more of a reason and he has to explore and we need to figure out what to do with maze. He probably takes her with him or something. I'm getting that sense to and I think pretty I think Chloe is the only person who can resist the power of hell, that's kind of what we've seen from her with Lucifer this news and gossip is turned into predictions. So let's get into that AfterBuzz TV prediction. Yeah. I think Khloe goes to I think Chloe goes to hell. I think that's the only place I That would be just a really cool way to start the next season. Let's go to hell Chloe after they've proven themselves with this season. The special effects budget is definitely gonna be big enough to afford it. Hmm. Does Eve go with them? I think he's out of the picture by the end of the season. What do you think? Am I think we have just begun to understand the threat. That is Eve. Yeah, and we get a lot more Eve and I think on the opposite end, I think we actually go to heaven in the first scene of next episode next season. I like that. That I think that Dan and Ella at first we're going to think that this is a fake little thing and they just were leaning on each other. But I do think by the end of the series Dan and Allah will end up together. Oh, so endgame prediction and game prediction. Damn. Yeah. I think I'd also think Ella's Angel comes back. I think I've been waiting for her been waiting as well. We will find out all together until then where can people find you if you want to be found Steven Lemieux has to find me on Twitter and steer them you I'm wanted to know about hell. Okay, why don't we cut it? Okay. Are you find me out Roxy's try there's only Nine Circles are ten episodes will cut it for this one Nine Circles. Yeah, we're gonna get one. Also this one thought we agreed. He literally says like your greed did this to you the seven circles violence will talk about enough to talk about it next time talk about next time and I am Tron literally at II intron all across the board find me. Also hosting a slew of other AfterBuzz after chose as we get into all of your favorite TV programs because guess what they are - mine as well, but for now right now Netflix is Lucifer season 4 is my favorite TV show you can find us talking about more Netflix is Lucifer next. Same time. Same channel. See you guys. From executive producers Maria Menounos, Keven undergaro fils VTech and the entire AfterBuzz TV staff. We would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV Network to watch or listen to other after shows and post comments or questions. Be sure to visit AfterBuzz I'm Sir Richard Wentworth and this has been a presentation of AfterBuzz TV. But you've expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or zoners our principles.
Looks like Julian’s father wasn’t happy, because an innocent man is blamed for Lucifer crippling his Son. Can Lucifer keep is emotions in check as he’s faced with somebody so deserved of punishment?! He does, but unfortunately his wings tell a different tale. Chloe visits the prison Father, and Ella and Dan seem to not want to do much ‘talking’. Lastly, we get Remiel vs Amenadiel! The fight of the episode! Will Maze find somebody to connect to? Let’s keep watching! Hosting tonight is Tehran Von Ghasri, Roxy Striar, and Stephen Lemieux! Lucifer is BACK! Cancelled but not for long! Thank god for netflix, and thank god for AfterBuzz TV, because WE'RE BACK TOO! Covering the latest episodes of Lucifer! Join us every episode for in depth discussion and breakdowns! There may even be some special guests so be sure to subscribe rate and comment! ABOUT LUCIFER: Lucifer is an American television series created by Tom Kapinos that is scheduled to premiere on Fox on January 25, 2016. It is a very loose adaptation of the comic book character created by Neil Gaiman for the comic book series The Sandman and its spin-off comic book series Lucifer written by Mike Carey, both published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint.
Hi and welcome to data futurology a podcast for that enthusiasts data scientist and upcoming data science leaders to learn the skills required to take their careers your careers to the next level. My name is Felipe flurries. I am your host. Thank you so much for being here for tuning in for listening for your feedback and your support. I really really appreciate it. Thanks for coming back for another episode and today's episode is a different type of episode which means it's a rant from me instead of an interview. So one of the feedbacks that I've been getting overtime is people would like to hear more about my opinions and perspectives and things. So this is an effort along those lines. Let me know what you think if it's working for you. I'm happy to continue. If not, I'm happy to take to essentially drop this type of episode and introduce something else very very open. I'll definitely keep going with the interviews one a week with the executives with the leaders now space making a significant contribution. And changes in different types of organizations always say we've spoken with people that are in high tech. So we've had a couple people from Uber for example, one of them from the traditional over side and other one from the Advanced Technologies Group, which is a self-driving car division. We've had people very technical creating deep learning platforms for software engineers, and we've had people from government from Consulting from Health from retail, etc. Etc. Etc. Those are really great. I'm definitely enjoying Doing the interviews and from what I'm hearing is that they've been helpful in people's careers. There's a few themes that obviously come out through the interviews about what makes great leaders in this space. One of the ones that I hope you realize is the empathy the human communication or human understanding more than communication. Sometimes I start a scientist we feel correctly or incorrectly that our communication isn't the best but I think as an industry we are definitely trying to improve that on a continual basis, but Empathy there is key a caring for people and wanting to help them. So I wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about the empathy and I'll cover some of the other big things that have come out of the interviews. I cover all cover those in other episodes, but to talk about the empathy is obviously the core of Human Relationships. And in my opinion to be a leader in this space at least half of what you need to do or probably it touches all areas, but at least half is deeply rooted on the people side arguably more. Or you but having the empathy is the first key step to developing great relationships and having excellent communication as a data scientist. So today I wanted to talk about how to build relationships from that empathetic point of view and we'll focus on the stakeholder relationships on the stakeholder management. We've done a previous episode on the one-on-one mentoring side and will do future ones on the management and Leadership side outside of the mentoring relationship, but this one will be around the I called her an engagement stakeholder management and communication as a data scientist. The first thing that we need to understand is the people are scared our stakeholders think of somebody in your mind somebody else how to your department that you work with and I hope that you have lots of examples in your mind at the moment pick one pick one of the main stakeholders that you have and think about how you engage with them in the communication how you present things one of the first things that I would like to highlight and would like to acknowledge or I realize if you haven't done so yet is that people are really scared about this space. It's essentially a high school equivalent would be maths. If you remember back to high school, some people were all formats and others were totally against totally scared of maths and at least back in my day. He might have scope the majority of people were afraid of math somewhere sort of against mats, and they don't want to think about it. They don't want anything to do with it. They don't want to touch it with a ten-foot pole and now fast forward 20 years. What's happening today is that we have this very math heavy set of skills that have taken over business an area where before the sales is really important. The marketing was really important the operations management processes the things that you needed less maps for now, there's bit discipline sweeping through organizations. Obviously, not only business but government non-for-profit. There's this very Matt's heavy discipline sweeping through trying to tell people what to do really if you think about it. We want to enable people to make better decisions. We want to be automating a little man you work and decisions and we want to be uncovering new opportunities for our organizations. And what happens is that there's a big gap between where we're coming from where we're thinking about how we see the world and how we approach problems and the way that our stakeholders do those things. So you have to acknowledge. This is a scary area for a lot of people it's a complex area and you have to be Mentors are completely non-judgmental and you know, sometimes you're dealing with stakeholders are very senior in organizations and regardless of who you're dealing with people don't want to feel incompetent. They want to feel like they're doing a good job. Like they're able to add value assist the useful and part of your job is to find how they can help because people in a business will be able to help you as a data scientist definitely will be able to help you. People are they're doing a job which means solving a problem. Vroom day in day out we're looking at an abstraction of how the organization Works through the data, but they're your stakeholders are there every day in the coal face or getting their hands dirty or leading teams that get those hands dirty and having a completely different perspective on the customers organization almost like the blind people seeing touching the elephant and describing it is completely different. Some people are like sort of a typical stories that there's a group of blind people touching an elephant and trying to describe it and one of them says touching its leg. Saying it's like a tree it's a wide and strong to tree the other one goes. No, it's big and floppy like a fan touching its ear the elephant's here is his not big and floppy it like a fan the other one goes. No, it's like a big worm. I think it's trunk was like has all dexterity. I like touching the tail. It's like no it's skinny and Harry at the end. Obviously, everyone has a different perspective in as much as possible extend the Olive Branch breach the Gap the the Kinder person remove the complexity drop any judgments or any expectations that oh, I only deal with people that are like this that can talk to me like this that can explain things like nice. Sometimes I've seen people unconsciously approach. They called us in a way that says you certain stakeholders. You have very good logical reasoning skills. So you are my preferred staple stakeholders and the rest of my stakeholders. You guys are a bit all over the shop and don't have very clear thinking so you're my least preferred stakeholders and what we say people realize they feel That comes across and as data scientist most in most organizations today are quite immature in this space. So is that a scientist? We need to be empathetic and non-judgmental and be able to work with people that are have complementary skills. So if we're coming in and trying to help them make data-driven decisions evidence-based decisions, then we definitely will have an upper hand on the logical reasoning and the sometimes the critical thinking so, let's see what we don't have and how we We can work with those skills that our stakeholders have but definitely keep in mind that people are scared. This is a complex area. People don't want to seem incompetent. They don't want to be judged and the sooner you can get rid of that judgment, which is difficult when you're busy and you're trying to deliver the sooner you can get rid of that drop that then the sooner you'll be able to make a difference in more people's lives which means in more parts of an organization, which means you have a bigger impact to do this. You will have to meet people where they are. Not only On their level of knowledge. Obviously. It's important to meet people at the level of knowledge that they're at and be able to speak in a way that they understand and they will be doing the same for you. I don't think that it's I go one way that although we have to go down and speak to people in simple terms. They have to do it to us as well. Like if you sit down with their operations expert or somebody who does credit assessment or something from marketing or they all know a lot of things that we as that a scientist won't so they'll be speaking in a way that they can share. Are the knowledge give you the knowledge in a way that then you can use it and act on it. So if you're coming out of discussions and meetings Having learned something then that means that they've done a good job. And that's the type of job. Do you want to be doing you want to meet people where they are explain things to them? Some people like to be educated. We should go into teaching mode in those situations or with those people for others. They want things explained because they're more interested in the outcomes in the results in the difference that you and your work can make And that's also a great relationship to have with stakeholder. So meet them where they are explain things to them or teach them if that's your preference and they'll surprise you make sure that your learning throughout the interaction as well be open and encouraging simplify the complex or the complexity demystify this space for them when people start to understand that a model is kind of like a rule of thumb or it's kind of like a map of the world. That is an imperfect abstraction of what's Happening. Young and but it helps us make better decisions because of the evidence make it described in ways that they can resonate with so you can make a difference in their lives in the organization the key there is that to have an impact on anything you have to be able to have an impact on an individual to help them see and understand and get motivated to change or to adapt or to try something new if you can do that with one person and then another one and another one and another one then you'll be able to create change in an organization. Whatever. Organization that you rain and that's how you have an impact how you can leave a place better than how you found it by leaving people better than how you found them. So definitely be open encouraging simplify the complexity of our space and the other one is so besides feeling good that having empathetic communication and relationships with your stakeholders. The other side is to focus on outcomes on business value that comes out of the decisions instead of focusing on the Teams on the approaches on the coding on the techniques don't focus on that. That's just the means to the end. And the end is the outcomes. The decisions that are made differently as a result of the work the additional value that is able to be captured because of the Insight the predictions or the experiments that you're helping to create the definitely a focus on the human side and the human connection and be patient and have time for people and then focus on A shared goal on the shared outcome that you are together able to create if you both keep an eye or you all keep an eye on the difference that you can jointly make on the outcome on the value. If you all focus on that you'll be able to get there faster and make it much better the other tip that I wanted to say around this is that when you're thinking about your communication when you're communicating with non-technical people either if you think about Executives communicating with Executives the way that we normally provide Present our work or the way that we normally like to talk about our work because they decide to test is in a very workflow based manner. So we essentially say a first I got this data then I got this other data and then I have to clean it like this and prepare like this and then use this type of model and I got this output very workflow based. So here's my recount of the steps that I took chronologically Step 1 Step 2, Step 3 step 4 now for people that are not in this field. When you take them through that process and I should say when you drag them through that communication style. They are dying inside because they're not practitioners didn't do this type of work, which means they don't care about this work. They don't care about the work at all. They couldn't care less they care about the outcome they care about what it does for them. But in terms of the steps required to do something they couldn't care less. So what you need to do is to flip a coin ocation around and to start with the objective bijective. I mean we We aim to improve conversions on the website for this product a title objective. We aim to improve retention for this product to make it an objective which is in business terms when our language of the organization and that people can get excited by right short. This is like an elevator pitch for your work short sharp objective. And then you go to the punch line with our efforts. We improved uptake of this product by 50% or over the month. March we got 50 percent more sales of this product through our efforts. So that's the outcome. That's the punchline. So you go objective. What are we aiming to do? Obviously as a one sentence one sentence objective one sentence outcome well with the results what happened and then you give a little bit of detail such as we worked with marketing to roll out this experiment that led to the fifty percent increase in sales and then you wait and then you pose and you wait and you see whether your stakeholder your audience has more questions. As whether they want more detail or if they're happy with the outcome and then the additional detail that they'll want is usually around the what data you use. How did you roll it out? How did you measure so then you answer questions around the mental process that they have on how the work is done. Sometimes the last few around that sometimes I'll ask you about how the engagement was who started the project who was involved who verified who acted on it more on the people side. And usually that's Two big pots. Sometimes you get a bit of a curveball and different questioning line, but overall that sort of the ones that most people follow but for you you original communication is objective one line in what the objective of the project or the effort or the analysis the experiment but the objective in one line type something that is understandable in non-technical terms and attractive one line then the outcome also in one line and then I'll say details and inverted quotes like details, but it's also a line or or two lines Max. So obviously like for you for the data scientist doing the work, it's quite difficult to summarize so much effort into something so short the reason why it's difficult is because we had to go through a little pain to get there where you want to share that pain room to say look. This is a journey that I took but more successful Communication in organizations is the other way around. What are we aiming to do? How do we do what were some of the steps overview and then let the stakeholder or your audience ask you the questions that they I would like to know and these questions knowing that they will go down the line of what did you cover these steps in your workflow and obviously dumb questions won't be exhaustive compared to your workflow. They'll have the questions from their perspective. Sometimes they'll point you in new things new directions that you didn't think or expect or one of them is around will be around workflow. And then the other one will be around people how and who so definitely remember after your communication objective outcome details all three short of them and then have a broader discussion with coming from this place of of empathy and focus on business value and outcomes, which is shown by you three step communication outlined great. I hope this was useful in terms of building relationships and communication as a data scientist. Think about empathy think about connecting with people be kind and patient with the side of empathy and also think outcomes. What is the difference that you're making as a person and as a group the difference that you make in your organization, which often means not using the fanciest techniques and Excedrin will do an episode on that, but definitely Outcome and then the third piece of this episode was the communication three-step outline. So empathy focus on Art come and have a 3-step Punchy communication style that every project is described as a as an elevator pitch. And with that you will do really great. Thank you for listening. Let me know how you go with this. I hope it was useful to you soon. 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In this episode, Felipe spends time discussing empathy as the core of human relationships. Felipe believes to be a leader in the data science space; half is deeply rooted in the people side. Having empathy is the crucial first step to building relationships with stakeholders. Our stakeholders are scared; today data science is math heavy and dominating the business side of operations. The discipline of data science is taking over organizations and trying to tell people what to do. Enabling people to make better decisions, automating work, and uncovering opportunities are goals of data science. However, stakeholders may not understand the complicated methods of data science and will feel incompetent about this new method of solving problems. Building relationships with stakeholders will require the data scientist to meet people where they are. These conversations will allow each party to gain knowledge from the other and use it to give back to the business. Instead of starting with the steps you took to get the results, start with the objective and give something people can get excited for. Then, go to the punchline and say how you improved and present them with the outcome. Lastly, provide a few details about the process and wait to see if the audience has more questions, or if they are happy with the result. Enjoy the show! We speak about: [03:05] Empathy: people are scared [08:00] Outcome: meet the stakeholders where they are [12:00] Communication: taking stakeholders through the process Quotes: “As data scientists, we need to be empathic, non-judgmental, and be able to work with people that have complementary skills.” “The sooner you can get rid of the judgment, the sooner you can make a difference in more people’s lives.” Thank you to our sponsors: Fyrebox - Make Your Own Quiz! RMIT Online Master of Data Science Strategy and Leadership Gain the advanced strategic, leadership and data science capabilities required to influence executive leadership teams and deliver organisation-wide solutions. Visit for more information And as always, we appreciate your Reviews, Follows, Likes, Shares and Ratings. Enjoy the show!